CONSTITUTION -OF THE Preachers' Meeting OF THE African flethodist Episcopal Church Of Baltimore and Vicinity. Baltimore, Hd. 1905. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. This organization shall be called The A. M. E. Preachers' Meet ng of Baltimore City and vicinity. ARTICLE II. Its object and design is to stimulate its members in the study of subjects appertain¬ ing to the ministry, to consider all public questions relative to the well-being of the people; to counsel and advise with e?ch other touching the government and needs of charges held by its members, respectively, and devise methods for the spread of African Methodism in this particular field. ARTICLE III. Every pastor, traveling or local preacher stationed or living in the city or vicinity of Baltimore, who pay twenty-five cents or more shall be a member as long as his resi¬ dence or charge remains within the bounds herein described. ARTICLE IY. The officers of the meeting shall consist of 4 a President, a Vice President, a 2nd. Vice President, a Secretary, an assistant Secre¬ tary, a Historiographer, a Librarian and a Committee on Subjects of three members. ARTICLE V. All the officers provided for in Article IV shall be elected every six months ; the elec¬ tion shall take place On the first Monday in XIay and the first Monday in November. They shall hold their office for a term of six months or until their successors are chosen. ARTICLE VI. The election shall be viva voce on a list of nominees to be submitted by a nominating committee of five members appointed by the President. ARTICLE VII. These officers shall perform such duties as usually pertain to their respective offices and as may be specially provided for hereafter. ARTICLE VIII. It shall be the dutv of the Committee on Subjects to select topics for discussion and appoint members to write upon the same. These subjects shall comprise questions in Tbeologv. History, Science, Music, Art, Poetry, Church Polity, Public Morals, Got- 5 ernment and Domestic Economy. All ap¬ pointments shall be made lour weeks in advance that the appointees may have full time for preparation. ARTICLE IX. Should the Committee on Subjects, one or more of them, fail to do duty, as required, up¬ on the report of his or their colleagues, the meeting shall immediately declare such places vacant and fill the same" by appointment of other members. ARTICLE X. Should a member fail to present his paper, without a plausible excuse, he shall be sub¬ ject, for the first offense, to a vote of censure by the meeting, said censure to be adminis¬ tered by the Chair. For the second offense he shall be debarred from the privileges of the meeting for a term of three months. ARTICLE XI. No member shall have the right to decline an appointment when it is made in time as to succession. But upon plausible excuse offer¬ ed to the meeting he may be exempted lor the time being. ARTICLE XII. The Historiographer shall follow the gen- c e- 11 outlines of the subjects submitted by all essayists and the trend of the discussion of each subject ; he shall gather the salient facts incorporated in the same, note the con¬ clusions reached on the various subjects of discussion and on Monday following each election he shall submit the summary of his work to the meeting. That document shall be put on file in the archives of the meeting to be used in the general historical resume of the doings of the Preachers' Meeting to be published in coming years. ARTICLE XIII. The,Librarian shall keep all the records, letters, books and documents of any kind or description belonging to the Preachers' Meeting. A tin chest with lock and key shall be furnished to him by the Meeting for the safe keeping and preservation of all such matters ; said chest shall be deposited in the office of Bethel Church. ARTICLE XIV. The session shall be held on Monday of each week at Bethel Church from 11 o'clock A. M. to 12.30 o'clock P. M. ARTICLE XV. The three front seats in the room shall 7 constitute the bar of the Meeting, and no member who has arrived alter twelve o'clock or is seated outside of the bar shall have the privilege of the floor. ARTICLE XVI. A member who has absented himself from three consecutive meetings without produc¬ ing valid reasons for so doing to the Meeting shall be reprimanded by the chair and if he continue the practice his membership shall be forfeited. ARTICLE XVII. The programme of the session shall consist 1st. Of Religious Services. a. Singing. * b. Prayer. c. Scripture Lesson. d. Singing. 2nd. Roll call aud Reading of Journal. 3rd. Order of the Day. 4th. Unfinished Business. 5th. New Business. ARTICLE XVIII. The first Monday of each month shall be Field Day when members shall report the condition of their charges and submit all questions relating to the state thereof. As each name is called, that member shall pay, 8 before making his report, the sum of five cents monthly dues. The chair shall desig¬ nate a member on that occasion who shall act as a collector for the meeting. ARTICLE XIX. The amount aggregating from this fee shall not bfe used as a charitable fund nor to cover deficiencies io amounts to be realized through special taxation of members for specified purposes. It shall be used for legit¬ imate expenses affecting the general needs of the Meeting. * t ARTICLE XX No questions to be introduced by visitors whether relevant or not to the design and object of the Meeting, shall b<* allowed to tome up before the Meeting unless it has been duly considered before hand by the Committee on Subjects, who shall make their report to the Meeting which may, in turn, allow such to be considered by motion. ARTICLE XXI. In the discussion of the papers the first speaker shall be allowed 10 minutes, the second 7 minutes, the third and all others 5 minutes. But no person shall be allowed to speak twice on the same subject except the 9 essayist who shall always have the summa¬ ry of the argument. ARTICLE XXII. The officers of the Meeting shall constitute an Executive Committee whose duty it shall be to attend to such business of the Meeting not proper to be made public matter. The President of the Meeting shall be the chaif- mafi of this Committee, which he may call together as often as the business of the meeting requires. ARTICLE XXIII. Any recommendations for the betterment of the Meeting shall be first discussed in this committee and then reported by the chair¬ man to the Meeting for final action, when the commitiee so determines by majority vote. ARTICLE XXIV. This Constitution shall be amended by two-third vote of the members of the Meet¬ ing, but all amendments must be submitted by writing and subjected to three reading?^ only one reading for each session.