TO TH I t LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS i I $12,000 TWELVE THOU R A L OF I Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Druid Hill Ave. and Lanvale St. Baltimore, Maryland JUNE 3RD, 1918 - — W. SAMPSON BROOKS, D.D., Paitor " HOWARD E. YOUNG, Secretary £ JOHN H. MURPHY, Treasurer I RT REV. J. ALBERT JOHNSON, D.D., Presiding Bishop RT. REV. JOHN HURST. D.D., Resident Bishop REV. J. G. MARTIN, D. D., Presiding Elder f • > s 9 m I ■ I ■ I ■ I Twelve Thousand June 3rd, 1918. Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore W. Sampson Brooks, D. D., Pastor Howard E. Young, Secretary) John H. Murphy, Treasurer REV. W. SAMPSON BROOKS, D. D., PASTOR. PREFATORY NOTE When the great "drive" of last year was concluded and the enormous sum of $7,000 had been raised on the second mortgage debt of dear old Bethel, it was thought the limit of Negro church financing had been reached. But the echoes of the great Mortgage Burning Celebra¬ tion had not died av/ay before the cry went up from our- notable membership that $10,000 sftould be the goal of our next effort. Whenever and wherever groups of mem¬ bers came together the subject of raising this stupendous sum would bob up like the proverbial bad penny. In¬ deed in some homes it was the principal topic morning, noon and night, and it is more than likely that it became the burden of many a pleasant dream. So great was the enthusiasm for the present undertaking which has so gloriously culminated in a most glorious victory, that it . was with greatest difficulty that our congregation could be induced to wait until the winter had passed and evi¬ dences of spring had come to indicate that the time for beginning the effort had come. Early in February in¬ formal conferences were held preliminary to starting the campaign on March 1st. So great was the spirit of co¬ operation that the Secretary and his loyal assistants had little difficulty in working out the details and setting the machinery of the "Great Rally" in operation. With characteristic energy, the entire church set out with un¬ conquerable determination to "bring home the bacon," using the language of a once noted Baltimorean. The finest feature of the whole affair, not even excluding the raising of the money, was the magnificent Christian spirit universally displayed by those who participated in the great effort. There was rivalry—yes, plenty of it—but it began, went on and ended with the best of feeling. Every division did well, and if there were any slackers, they were so few and inconspicuous that they were over¬ looked during the great rejoicing over what had been accomplished. With such a spirit of Christian cooper¬ ation; with such a consecrated leader as Dr. Brooks is; with such boundless good will and liberality on the part of the general public, the man or the woman who doubts that under God we shall be able to raise the $33,000 that bind us like fetters and prevent out doing more extensive Christian work, is scarcely worthq of membership in a great institution like Bethel. "He can who thinks he can." We think we can, and by God's help we WILL. THE EDITOR. GENERAL OFFICERS $107.40 Financial Secretary Stephen Sheppard $13.00 Joseph Fennell 3.00 Joseph Evans, G. M. M. 1.00 Luther Tucker 2.00 Henry Anderson 1.00 Henrietta Stewart 1-00 Grandville Johnson 1.00 Percy Williams 1.00 George Gosnell 1.00 Wyatt Madden 1-00 $25.00 Missionary Secretary George W. Cooper, Sr r"™ Annie M. Cooper 5.0» Entertainments ' 1.20 $41.20 Church Extension Secretary Harry Johnson $25.00 * $25.00 Coipiectional Secretary Howard E. Young ^.$15.00 Entertainments 1.20 $16.20 CALVERT COUNTY $300.00 Eliza Cole, Cliief Engineer Rev. Aquilla Brooks $1.00 Thomas H. Payne 1.00 Mason A. Hawkins 2.00 Mollie J. Cooper V5.00 Rev. D. N. Tate 1.00 Mrs. A. L. Gaines 1.00 Rev. 'C. H. Stepteau 1.00 Rev. W. T. Brown 1:0 0 Mrs. Wilson '5.00 J. W. Hughes 10.00 Ella Berry 8.00 Entertainment No. 1 76.00 Entertainment No. 2 12.00 Entertainment No. 3 ■ 7.49 W. Sampson Brooks _27.73 Geo. W. F. McMechen 5.00 Olivia Payne 1-00 Dr. John F. Goucher 10.00 William H. Wheeler 1.00 Addie Fowler 10.00 Rev. ,J. C. McEaddy 1.00 R.ev. C. H. Murray 1.00 Cash 1-00 W. H. Wharton 1.00 Ephrian Jackson 5.00 Collection 13.00 Pythian Service 90.00 Collection 8.79 Cash 2.00 Total $317.01 WILL-BE-FORCEEUL Wra. H. Proctor, President: Sam'l H. Hay ward, Vice President Department of Honesty Edyth E. Murray, Dean $ 5.85 Mary King 1.00 Alexander Martin 2.00 Hazel Hicks 1.80 James Murray 1.00 Edyth Murray 1.00 Flora Scott 1.00 Herbert Jones 2.00 Helen Young- 1.00 Emma T^.vlor 3.07 John Martin 1.00 UNIVERSITY, $732.17 Robert Jordon 1.00 Lucy Foote 1.00 Vernon Martin 1.00 Genevieve Gwynn 7.19 Bennie Johnson 2.50 Columbus Hill ^ 1.35 Beatrice Harmon 1.00 Martha Harmon 3.80 Morton Chase ' 1.00 Ruth Baker 1.91 George Walker 1.60 Marie Young 1.2 5 Ada Dougherty 3.60 Entertainments 21.08 DR. J. H. TOMPKINS, Trustee 6 Department of tioyalty Mary V. Young, Dean $ 5.00 Joseph Press 2.50 James Hawkins 1.80 Mamie Williams 5.30 Edgar Lewis 2.00 Hannah Johnson 2.00 James Johnson 1.12 Susie Williams 1-00 George" Hawkins 1-00 Cora D. Young 5.00 Dr. O. D. Jones. 100 Deaver Young 2.00 Carl Jiggitts 1-00 Florence Wilson 1.00 John Bell 1.00 Earl Martin 1.00 Raymond Young 1.00 Lewis Harmon a 1.00 Bertha Carter 5.25 Henry Harmon 1.00 Cash ' 5.03 Entertainments 6.00 $63.76 Department of Patriotism. Mrs. Bertha Proctor, Dean $5.00 Pres. Wm. H. Proctor 10.00 Treas. Dr. O. D Po^es 5.00 Estelle Curtis 2.25 John H. Murphy 1.00 Ella Thompson 1.00 Samuel D. Hayward 1.00 William Watts 1.00 Annie Nichols 1.00 Viola Brown 1.00 A. Hill 1.00 Beatrice Johnson 2.25 Cash .50 Entertainment 13.87 $45.87 Department of Self-Denial Harriet Bennett, Dean $ 5.00 Laura Campbell 1.00 Grace Scovans 3.00 Geraldine Bell 3.00 Arthur Preston 1.00 Grace Williams 1.00 Arnetta Lecat© 1.00 Gertrude Finney 1.5 8 Lillian Carter 1.00 Joseph Sarter 1.00 Annie DeCoursey 5.88 Mary Preston 1.00 Julia Taylor 1.00 Rosie Bush 2.00 Jennie Goines 1.25 Alice Taylor 2.00 Mary Kennard 10.00 Eliza Tunnell 10.00' Alice Gross 7.00 Elizabeth Dodd 2.50 Isabella Howard 2.25 Arnetta Wilkins 1.25 Elvera Tunnell 2.00 Ruth Streets 1.00 Maggie Bennett 3.05 Louise Smith' 5.25 Colethia Taylor 1.00 Alice Johnson 1.00 John T. Williams 1.00 Flossie Reynolds 2.00 Susie Campbell 3.00 Entertainment 10.96 Cash .50 95.00 Department of Good-Will Maggie Copeland, Dean $ 5.00 Bertha James 3.00 Sarah Jon^s 3.25 Mrs. Banks 1.00 Rosa Hicks 1.00 Harry T. Pratt 1.00 Jessie Gipson 1.00 Thaddeus Copeland 1.50 Louisa Burleigh 1.00 Calvin Stewart -.1.0.0 Hester Frye 2.27 Helen Brown * 1,00 Bessie Taylor 2.28 Lena Daniels 1.10 Martha Porter 1.00 Annie Butler 1.10 Edna Thomas 1.00 Cash 10.72 $40.28 Department of Friendship Cora H. Young, Dean $ 3.50 Emma Griffin 7.15 Katharine Nicholas 3.5 0 Mary Bailey 3.60 Ella Magruder 3.50 Odessa Robinson 1.00 Mr. Luther Murray 1.00 Leonard Sample 1.50 Amelia Dorsey 1.00 Eleonora Robinson 1.00 Donald Ashton 1.00 Ethel Brooks 1.10 Cecelia Haynes 1.00 Mildred Grayson 1.00 Evelyn Williams 1.00 Genevieve Young 1.00 Blanche Langley i.oo E. Celestine Thomas 1.00 Grace Harris y 1.0 0 Entertainments _l 11.05 $46.90 7 Department of Good Intentions Bessie L. Sampson Dean $ 11.14 George Hammond 5.00 Agnes Thomas 5.00 Edward Sorrell 1.00 A Friend 1.00 Oscar D. Jones 2.00 Dorothy Dodd 1.00 Clarenda Sales 1.00 James Sales 1.00 William Bailey 1.00 Dorothy Simms 1.00 A Friend 1.00 John Toadvin 1.00 Francis Smith 1.00 Cash 4.86 Levin Moses 1.00 Entertainment 21.01 $60.00 Department of Determination. Alice L. Sampson, Dean $30.30 ! Mabel Herbert 6.22 Edna Gough 4.25 Nellie Redmond 5.00 Beatrice Russell 5.85 Joseph Stewart 5.00 Edith Myers 7.50 Mary Adams (deceased) 10.00 Rev. Mrs. Herbert 5.00 Belle Wilson 4.22 Daisy Jolly 4.35 Mabel Johnson 4.22 Effie Amos 3.25 Elsie Monroe 2.30 Florence Smith 7 2.50 Ray Pinder 1.30 Cash 1.35 Mrs. Harrison 1.25 Eliza Jones Copper 2.25 Annie Haynes 1.00 Thelma Sullivan 1.00 Celestine VanNockay 1.00 Josephine Haynes 1.00 Josephine Proctor 1.00 Walter Marshall 1.00 William Madisop 1.00 William Jones 1.00 Louise Burley 2.15 Elsie Jackson 1.00 Ella Brown 2.2 5 Delia Loveday 1.00 Bertha Webb 3.00 $122.15 Department of Endurance Algernon M. A. Jackson Dean $10.99 Winfield Jones 5.00 Oliver Cooper 5.00 Stephen H. Cooper 2.00 James G. Sayles 2.00 Viola S. Sayles 2.00 Lillian M. Taylor 1.78 Florence Millard 1.35 Susan A. Cooper 1.00 Estella Cooper 1.00 Hattie Dennie 1.00 Elizabeth Ray - 1.00 Mrs. Sanders 1.50 Oliver Strawn 1.00 Walter T. Strawn 1.00 Robert Brooks 1.05 David Johnson 1.02 Cash 1.05 Mrs. S. Upshur 1.75 Entertainment 10.76 $53.25 Department of Preparation Mabel Bourne 17.17 Ruth R. Gibson 1.00 Ruth Prather 2.00 Dorothy Jones 2.00 L. Francis Jones 3.00 Violet Russell 1.00 Bernice Russell 1.00 Edna Washington 1.00 ]\^rs. Ida F. Burton 1.00 Baby Rally 50.00 Entertainments 10.83 $90.00 Department of Perseverance Pauline A. Barnes, Dean $ 5.85 Ethel Press, Instructor 3.00 Martha Gwynn, Instructor.. 6.25 Ella Boykin Cassell, Inst 1.00 Herman Tompkins 2.00 Singleton Jones 1.00 Theodore Brown 1.05 Ophelia Butler 1.07 Etta Waters 1.25 Ethel Langley 1.04 Mary Harris 1.17 Harriet Jackson 1.00 Lillian Tompkins 1.00 William Scott 1.00 - Other pupils in Primary De¬ partment S. S. 4.80 From entertainments 10.76 $43.25 8 MATTER-OF-FACT CONFERENCE $1,208.77 Bishop Robert Sorrell $50.00 J. A. Sheridan 2.00 Lillie King 2.00 John Bond „ 5.00 Thomas Mahoney 5.00 Mrs. Robert Elliott 1.00 Felix Pye ■ 1.00 Robert Gross 1.00 Sarah Brown 1.00 Friend 1.00 Edward Boulding 1.00 Daniel Murphy 3.00 George B. Murphy 1.00 George D. Gilbert 1.00 Mrs. Tubman 1.00 Ozela Gantt 1.00 Mrs. Gould 10.00 Edward Hammond 2.00 Brother Frazier 1.00 William Demby 8.00 Sale of Tags 161.80 $259.80 Zulu District Rev. Grace Diggs, P. E $24.25 $24.25 Sweet Gum Station Louise Tolson, (deceased) - _$10.00 $10.00 Conference Missionary Rev. Handy $ 1.00 $1.00 Conference Missionary. Rev. L. J. Pennington $ 1.00 $1.00 Up and Down District Rev. Henry Elias, P. E $10.00 $10.00 Drowsy Holly Station xtev. Rachel Elias $ 10.50 Johannah Cheers 2.25 Cash l. .30 $13.05 Happy Haven Chapel Rev. Elizabeth Chandler __$ 13.50 Scraptown Mission—Not Supplied Grand Inarch District Rev. Laura A. Robey, P.E.-$40.00 Mr. Martin l OO III- 7.00 Elizabeth Holmes Entertainment _ _ $49.00 Icy Mountain Station Rev. Rosa Thompson $ 5.00 Esther Evans l.M Mr. Stevenson S.00 Mary J. Short 10.00 Cash 1.00 Sermon 7-65 $27.65 Poverty Row Mission Rev. Estelle Dixon $10.00 $10.00 "Everybody Happy Chapel Rev. William M. Fitzgerald-$10.00 $10.00 Possum Trot Valley Rev. Jos. Thompson $10.00 Wm. A. Summerville $.00 Samuel Parker 3.00 Walter Thompson 1.00 $20.00 Good Enough Mission Rev. Ella Harmon $13.50 Mary Haskins 10.00 L. B. Haskins 10.00 Mrs. C. Hatten 2.00 Henry B. Harmon 10.00 Frances Madden 5.00 Edward Harmon 2.00 L. Hill 1.00 Eliza Young' 1.50 $55.00 Plenty of Work Mission Rev. Emma Edwards $11.05 $ 13.50 Hollow Tree Gap Circuit Rev. Samuel Criss $10.00 $10.00 $11.05 Quiet Town Circuit Rev. Susie Brooks $54.00 Charles Williams ___ 5.00 Mr. Gassaway 6.0.0 Dora Gassaway 26.00 Eva Johnson 20.00 Jessie, Peaker 16.75 Sarah Wilson 10.00 Sarah E. Francis 50.00 Mrs. H. Hall 7.50 9 W. H. Hall 7.50 Mrs. M. Wicks 11.00 Elizabeth Evans 10.50 Ada Nearn 5.00 Joseph Jenison 5.00 Sarah J. Lee 3.00 Mrs. W. S. Brooks 2 0.00 Herbert Wilson 2.50 W. A. Herring 10.00 Cash 14.30 Cash .75 Ellen Cook 8.60 James iTohnson 1.00 Lovey Husketh 2.00 Mary Whyte 3.00 Viola Taylor 3.10 Bessie Maynard • 2.00 James Coates 10.00 Entertainment 75.00 $405.57 Conference Missionary Rev. Harriet Hawkins $ 10.00 Henrietta Tildon 1.75 Cash .55 / $12.30 Conference Missionary Dr. Lillie Brown $ 2.25 $2.25 Safety First Mission Dr. Alice E. Chambers $ 10.00 John Carter 10.00 Sarah Love 5.00 James Kelly 1.00 Robert Cheers 1.00 F. E. .Chambers 1.00 'Thomas Franklin ' 1.00 Ulysses Chambers 1.00 Madams > Gross Chase and Chew 4.05 Carrie Smith 1.00 William Gantt 2.00 Cash 5.00 $42.05 Arab District Rev. John H. Murphy $15.00 Afro-American Co. 100.00 Frances L. Murphy 2.00 John H. Murphy, Jr. 1.00 Franklin F. Johnson 1.00 Attrue Perry 1-00 $120.00 Humbug Station Rev. John M. Johnson $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Grape Juice Road. Rev. Jerome Wilson ... $10.00 Rose Briscoe 22.00 Mrs. Jerome Wilson 10.00 William Stewart 10.00 $52.50 Conference Missionary Mrs. Lavinia Henry $ 2.50 Mr. Wilbert Henry 2.50* Mary Douglass 2.25 Cash .50 Lewis N. Frisby 1.00 8.75 Out of the Way Mission Rev. Arthur Langford. THOUSAND DOLLAR CONFERENCE $1075.47 Bishop John T. Williams ..$50.00 Best We Can Do District Rev. Samuel D. Hayward $18.00 George Hammond 2.00 $20.00 Get There Circuit Not Supplied. % Watch Us Grow Mission Rev. George W. Cooper, Jr.$ 2 5.00 Martiel Pryor 4.00 Samuel H. Blake 1-00 Sydney Smith 2.00 Lucinda Cooke 2.00 Cash .50 Entertainments 6.36 $40.86 Winners' Station Rev. Helen Deaver $10.00 Ellen Hurst 10.00 Addie Johnson 11.25 Mrs. P. E. Demby 10.00 Robert Bennett 10.00 Henrietta Yannockay 10.00 Lettie Jackson 5.00 Lottie Peal 5.00 Sophia Coates 3.05 Thurman Blake 3.00 Eugene Merriott 1.00 John Maddox 5.00 Viola Sales 1.00 Garfield Sales 1.00 Annie Maddox 5.00 Charlotte Nicholson 11.00 Laura Dupont • 1.00 WM. H. FARRELL, T rustee 11 Sarah E. Myers 1.00 Mary Dozier 1.00 Cash _ .50 Edward Lacey 1.25 Mrs. Wesley 1.00 Women's Relief Corps No. 13 2.00 Cash from Presiding Elder 6.95 $116.00 Big Bethel Chapel Rev. Ida B. Hayward $10.00 Sermon 6.36 George Anderson Elkton.Md. 1.00 Charles Grant 1.00 Arnett Murphy 1.00 Edward Harris 2.00 A Friend 1.00 Cash 5.00 $27.36 Corn Pone District Rev. Maggie E. Gregory $55.50 Charles Griffi-n 7.00 Thornton Brogden 4.75 John Gregory 10.00 Alexander Seaton 1.00 John Sidney 1.00 Robt. H. Peterson 1.00 John W. Freeland 8.00 Elizabeth Freelana 1.00 Eliza Gregory 4.00 Mamie Garrett 1.00 Helen Garrett 1.00 Josephine Shepherd 1.00 Cora Langford 1.00 Hattie Dandridge 1.00 Entertainments : 19.07 Annie R. Jones 1.00 Carrie V. Hooper 1.00 Matilda Seaton 1.00 Mamie L. Dickerson 2.50 Robert Turner 1.00 Mary Plummer _ 1.25 \ $102.00 Docrsvillc Mission Rev. Mary C. Preston 50.00 Mary Selby 20.00 Gertrude Patterson 36.00 Mr. Cook through Mrs. Patterson.. 5.00 Benny Welsh 10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Smith. 10.00 Annie E. Thomas 10.15 John A. Preston 14.00 Abraham Neal 10.05 George Siddons 10.00 Isabella Jones 10.00 Daniel Brown 10.00 Nettie Galloway .1 5.40 Eliza Stanley 4.00 John Smith 2.00 William Henry 1.00 21ara Johnson 1.25 Maggie Booth 1.50 Henrietta Cooke 1.00 Bertie Cooke 2.00 Belmont Cooke 2.00 Palestine Hughes 1.00" Mrs. Herndon 3.00 Eliza Neal 3.00 Ida Harrod 1.00 Helen Sampson 1.50 Florence Brown 2.00 Annie Groomes 1.00 Maria Manning 5.05 Maggie Taylor 5.00 Eliza Gregory 1.00 Annie Pinkett 5.00 Lizzie Jones ^ 2.00 Entertainments 7.80 $263.80 Back Numbers Circuit Rev. Annie E. Nichols $20.00 Inias Thomas 1.50 Annie Williams 1.00 C. Bryant 1.00 Hattie Washington 2.00 Minnie Finche 1.50 Oliver Nichols 1.50 Manning Baker 2.50 H. Risby 1.25 Etertainments 6.80 $41.25 Heavyweight Station Rev. Henrietta Bourne $17.40 Etta Barnes 1.60 John Martin 1.00 P. H. Wheatley 1.00 Ida F. Burton 1.00 Sarah B. Brooks 1.00 Entertainments 7.80 $30.20 Spelling Bee Mission Rev. Sarah E. Travers $10.00 John Travers 1.00 William Traverse 1.00 Cash 1.00 Entertainments 7.40 $20.40 Corn Pone Mission Rev. William Magruder $27.00 Thomas Wilson 1.00 Lillie Williams 5.10 Alma Shepherd 1.00 Mary Shepherd 10.00 Edyth Shepherd 1.00 James Williams 1.00 John Freeland 1.00 Alexander Brooks 1.00 Hughey Thomas j.__ 1.40 Sarah E. Traverse ... 1.00 Rev. J. E. Davis 1.00 12 Alice Sturgis 4.10 Rev. Wm. H. Manokoo 1.00 William Taylor 1.00 Mamie Boyer 2.00 James House 2.50 Mrs. Milburn 1.35 Annie Hall 1.00 Mr. Bagdail 1.00 Entertainments 6.80 $80.50 Handy District Rev. Amelia Finder $44.07 Complainers' Chapel Rev. Florence Douglass $24.06 Isabella Minnis 11.00 Loney Brooks 5.26 Thomas H. Douglass 5.00 Nannie Queen 5.00 Caleb M. Anderson 1.20 $58.80 Never-on-Time Station Rev. Annie Hamer No Report Good Time Mission Rev. Mary E. Young $10.30 James A. Young 10.00 Elizabeth Beard 10.00 Yiola Jones : 5.00 $35.30 Happy Go Lucky Circuit Rev. Mary Staten $10.00 Mary Weathers 2.00 Charles Staten 3-00 $15.00 High Cost of Living District Rev. Hattie Jordan, P. E $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson of Sharp St. 4.00 J. W. Smith Ida Mae Jones J. J. Butler 2 00 Mr. White i-00 Mr. Tilghman - - 1-50 Mr. Notter 1.00 James Cooke 1-00 Entertainments 9.00 $72.82: Cabbage Row Mission Rev. George W. Tilghman Reported elsewhere Suppertime Station Rev. Charles Onley Reported elsewhere Bacon and Eggs Station Rev. Joseph C. Butler No Blank $40.86 \ Bread and Tea Chapel Rev. Andrew Gassaway_. $10.00 Mary E. Gassoway 10.00 Ardella Harvey 2.00 $22.00 SHIPWRECK CONFERENCE $1001.00 Bishop Jacob Heath $25.00 ,Maggie Thomas 1.00 Mary Marshall 1.00 A Friend 1.00 A Friend 1.00 A Friend 1.00 Ida Evans 5.00 Entertainment 10.00 $45.00 Happy Holligan District Rev. Cornelia Weaver, P. E. No report Scamptown Circuit Rev. Alozia Jackson $12.50 Cornelia Doram, 5.50 $18.00 Plunge rsville Chapel Rev. Maggie Sewell Lena Brooks 1.00 Sophia Brown 2.05 Susie Carroll 1.00 Estelle Duke ! 2.00 Cash .95 $ 7.00 Jealous Chapel Rev. Charles Glasgow Reported elsewhere Sandman's Lane Rev. Daisy M. Walker $10.00 Mary Barclay 5.00 Entertainment 4.35 $19.35 Whippoorwill District Rev. Edna Washington, P.E. $15.14 Pearl White 1.00 Shriner's Sermon 20.11 $36.25 13 Laughing Stock Valley Rev. William Young, Sr. Report elsewhere James M. Seward $ 1.00 William S. Young, Jr 1.00 Eliza S. Young 41.00 $43.00 Poulter's Chapel Rev. Lillian Young elsewhere Lime Kilm Chapel Rev. Hannah Johnson.-No report Mammy's Chapel Rev. i Elzina M. Perkins $13.50 Dora Ashton 10.00 Carrie Tongue 10.00 Anna Gough 2.00 Ruth Bennett 1.25 Mary E. Johnson 1.00 Arie P. Gray 1.00 Elizabeth Demby 1.00 Sarah Green 1.00 Estella Traverse 2.00 Robert Loclcley 1.00 Robert Davis 1.00 Mamie Pinder 2.00 Ella Foster 2.00 Richard Davis 1.00 Mary Sales 1.00 Lydia Murray 1.25 Alverta Holliday 10.00 Gertrude Hayes 9.00 $70.00 Fluffy Ruffles District Rev. Cora Johnson, P. E $45.00 Lucy Jenifer 5.00 Lillian Folks 1.00 Henson Johnson 1.00 Grace Simms 1-50 Hannah Frey 1.00 Ella Dungee 4.00 Ida Hilton 3.00 Cash 3.00 $65.50 Kidnapper CI^pol Rev. William E. Shepherd:.$12.00 Eliza Martin -• 5.00 Josephine Haynes 5.00 Mary E. Brown 8.00 Marie Duvall 1.00 William McComas 12.00 William T. Brown 10.00 Susan Burney 7-00 Cash -75 $60.75 Smoker's Gap Mnrv E. Pvnes Transferred Mulehead Valley Rev. Katie Palmer $11.50 Nora Nelson 10.55 Julia Dorsey 1-50 Mr. Campbell 1-00 Mr. Harrison 1.00 $25.55 Doubtful Circuit Rev. Ella Bond $23.05 Katie Hill 10.00 Sarah Tilghman 7.00 Mrs. Williams 1-25 Emory Bond 1.00 Mason Carter 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Esaw Jones.. 2.00 Richabald Gaddes 1.00 Thomas Smith 1.00 Walter Bond 1.00 Dr. Wm. H. Wright 1.00 Alice Bond 10.00 Mary Spriggs 10.00 Dora Brown l.OO Cora Alkins 1.00 Campbell Hicks 2-.00 Bertha Turner 1.00 A friend • 1.00 Annie Hale 1.25 Bessie Chambers 5.10 Margaret Waters 10.00 Annie Askins 1.00 Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Reid 3.00 Stephen Truxon 1.00 Maria Barnes 1.00 John Johnson 1.00 Francis Curtis 5.00 Mary Jones 3.00 Mr. & Mrs. John Chambers. 5.00 Hannah Brown 5.00 Richard Bond 2.00 Jane Brooks 1.00 Cora Earle 1.25 Alice Campbell 1.00 Thomas Campbell 1.00 Leona Miller 1.00 Ida Laws 15.00 Austin Muse 10.00 Helen Holland 5.00 George Branson 1.00 Rev. Alfred Young 1.00 Elizabeth Carter 1.10 Lelia Bright 10.00 Lucy Hutson 5.00 Elsie Monroe 4.00 Lillian Adams 20.00 Friends 2.25 $240.25 Conference Missionary Rev. I-Iattie Jackson $10.00 $10.00 14 MISS ALICE SAMPSON Winning Dean. 15 Sunshine Grove ■ / $15.00 Up Side Down Station Rev. John Hall $24.75 Mary Gaines 2.00 Mr. Pertenas 1.00 Ada Jones : 1.00 Cash .25 $30.00 Courthouse Mission Rev. Hester Gantt $10.00 A friend 1.00 James Coates 1.00 George Handy 1.00 A friend 1.00 Mary Coates 2,00 Cash .50 $16.50 Early Riser's District Rev. Frances Butler $13.46 Enon Baptist Church 42.20 Sophia Parker 5.00 Mr. Fitzhugh 1.00 Payne Memorial 4.00 Mary L. Jones 1.00 'William White 3G.00 Mrs. Hargrove 1.00 $104.75 Matchmaker's Grove Rev. Rebecca Robinson $15.00 Hannah Anderson 5.00 Lillie Robinson 6.00 William T. Robinson 6.00 Margaret Grant 2.00 Mollie Handy 3.00 Bishop Edward Barnett $30.00 $30.00 Booker T. Washington District Rev. Bertha O. Myers, P.E. $15.00 Fannie Groves 4.00 Private Earl R. Yates 5.00 Carrie Smith 2.25 1.00 1.10 1.05 2.00 4.50 2.00 2.10 $54.00 Quack Doctor's Mission Rev. Julius Warren $10.00 Christina Warren 6.10 "Edward Lipson 1.00 Cash -50 $17.60 Slowftil Circuit Rev. Ellen Cooks Transferred Scapegoat Circuit Rev. Annie Heath $15.00 Margaret Lee 5.00 Charles Turner 5.00 Celestine Parkam 4.72 Charles Gi'.les 5.00 Annie Wickes 3.00 Emma ITr.rris 2.00 Lillian Stewart 2.00 Adah White 3.25 Dorathea Parham 2.00 Bettie Belle 1.00 Jane Royal 1.25 Harriet Blake 1.00 Alice Johnson 1.00 Julius Brown 1.00 William Gantt 1.00 Ella Johnson 1.50 Beulnh Hardy 1.00 Estella Bonds 1.00 Mrs. Hall 1.00 Arnett Heath 1.00 Maggie Palmer 1.00 Entertainment 14.08 Cash 1.20 $75.00 Harrison Davis' 1.00 Laura Saunders 1.15 Julia Myers Watson 2.00 Dr. John P. Turner 1.00 Leah Rodgers 1.00 Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Wharton. 1.50 Mary L. Stewart 1.00 Mamie Queen 1.00 Rev. Mary Diggs $ 7.95 Wm. Cooke Mary Gross 1.00 Rebecca Cooke -- Lucy Gross 1.00 Cash , Violet Jackson 1.05 Suzanna H. Jones Cash __ __ i go Corrine Baker Entertainment 3.00 Lottie Atkins Tags . PAUPERS CONFERENCE $857.12 16 Delaphine Smith 1.03 Georgia Rozier 1.00 Annie Yates 1.65 Maggie Ireland 1.00 Charles Jones 1.00 Maud Wliliams 1.00 Rosa Corporal 3.18 Martha Myers 1.00 Amanda Polston 10.00 Cash L -74 Entertainments 11.65 $67.00 Secret Worker's Chapel Rev. Georgianna Allen $11.75 Elizabeth Matthews 12.00 Jennie Davage 10.00 William H. Harris 10.00 Sarah Adley 5.00 Louise Corporal 5.00 Annie V. Harris 3.00 Mary E. Mason ^ 2.00 Georgiana Taylor & daughter 3.30 Martha Watson 1.00 Evelyn Emory . 1.00 Leander Jones 1.00 A friend - 1.00 Blanche Traverse 1.00 Samuel E. Robinson 1.00 Carrie Taylor 1.50 Carrie Richardson 2.00 $71.55 Witches Chapel Rev. Harriet Swann $10.00 Bessie Hicks 2.25 Gaines R. Cooke 4.25 Cash 1.02 $17.52 Rattlesnake Valley Rev. Edith Brooks $10.00 Hattie Campbell ■. 10.00 Cora Burke 1.00 Sophia Moore 1.00 Rosa Powell 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. ^ 1.00 Evelyn Harris 2.05 Louisa Turner 4.05 Charles Robinson -3.20 Charity King 10.00 Cash .85 $45.15 Hnghmindcd Grove v Rey. Estelle Tilghman. - . .. $10.00 Victoria Tyler Pendleton 10.00 Alice Thomas 2.45 Alma M. Kelly 2.00 James Dickson 1.00 Archie Kelly 1.00 Stafford Hotel Waiters 4-2j> Ida Madden $37.65 Big Obligation District Rev. Rosa Tydings Walter Peck Rev. Thomas H. Lee 1-00 James Huff Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas. 5.00 Sermon at Metropolitan M. E. Church 8.00 Entertainments 11.65 $46.65 Frolicsville Station Rev. Annie Haynes -.$10.00 Florence Hazelton 10.00 William Haynes. i 1-50 Alberta Bantum 1-00 $22.50 , Growlersville Chapel Rev. Elenora Blackwell $10.00 Blake Downs 10.00 Julia Lyles 2.00 $22.00 Conjuror's Village Rev. Sarah Powell $12.00 Treachery Hill Circuit Rev. Helen Hawkins $10.00 Amanda Lewis 10.00 Mabel Wilson 2.75 S $22.75 Tornado District Rev. Lillie P. Barnett, P.E..$30.00 Nannie B. Groomes 2.00 William H. Dozier 2.00 Patsie Neal 3.00 Sarah Young Meredith 1.00 Anita Turner 3.00 Friends, Cash .65 Master Leroy Wilson 5.00 Robert Pinder 2.50 Hattie Pinder 2.50 Sarah Wright 1.00 Rebecca Bennett 1.50 Matilda Williams 5.00 A friend 1.00 A friend 2.00 Mary Wilson 1.00 James Nichols 5.20 Bessie Nichols 4.80 Cash 2.85 Sermon and Entertainments. 41.75 $119.90 Smasher Chapel Rev. Sarah R. Jackson $20.00 Jennie Hughes 20.00 17 Randall Jackson 5.00 Minnie Springs .. 3.00 Violet A. Jackson 2.00 Charles A. Jackson 5.00 Alice Estelle Mason 1.45 Katie Ayers 2.00 Cash ... 2.03 Sale of bags 1 1.25 $61.73 Blue Vein Chapel Rev. Annie M. Williams $ 8.00 Fannie A. Jones . 5.00 William P. Jones 5.25 Sophia L. Snjith . 1.00 Mary R. Johnson 1.0O $20.25 Beware Mission Rev. Catherine Hughes $10.00 Eliza Cottman 10.00 Eliza Gaines 4.00 Mrs. Jennings 2.00 Mary Turner 1.60 Estelle King Collins 10.00 Avon Scott - 1.55 \Eliza McKim 10.00 Helen P. Blake — 6.00 Cash .85 $56.00 Cheerful Station Rev. Lola Haynes $10.00 Rev. Lawrence Malloy 2.00 William Haynes - 5.00 James A. Young. 2.00 Entertainment 7.07 $26.07 Good-Will-Mission Rev. Emma James. - ".$10.00 William H. James 10.00 $20.00 Volunteer Mission Rev. Maggie Green Miss Brown $ 1-00 Cash 1.00 $ 2.00 "New Moon District Rev. Ella Thompson, P. E—$20.00 Lloyd Thomas 3.00 Susie Henson 1.00 Catholic friend 1.00 Sarah James 5.75 Sermon 36.00 Entertainment 11.65 $78.40 Foolish Valley Circuit Rev. Laura E. Campbell $10.00 Katie Washington 5.00 Cash .25 Entertainment 1.75 $17.00 Frogtown Station Rev. P. Morton Chase $10.00 J. Edward Smith 1.00 Moses Boone 1.00 Julius Veney 1.00 Elijah Johnson 2.50 Lydia G. Chase 7.00 Lydia Murray 2.00 Henrietta S. Nixon 1.00 Donated 5.00 $30.50 Gossiping Glade Rev. Hilda Cooke No report Pleasure Seekers' Church Rev. Belle Fisher $15.00 $15.00 Gladden's Glide Mission Rev. Elmira Spriggs $11.00 Daniel Simms 5.00 $16.00 LITTLE KID CONFERENCE, $860.00 Bishop George Palmer.... ...$25.00 Wm. Young ... 7.00 Maggie Banks ... 4.00 John Derry - ... 2.50 Mary Pinnes — ... 2.00 Isaiah Smith ... 1.00 Martha Riggs ... 2.00 Julius Cooper - ... 1.00 D. V. Henry ... 1.00 Thomas Burnett 1.00 Wm. Young 1.00 Samuel Robinson 1.00 A friend 1.00 Rev. Givens 1.00 Cash 2.25 Entertainments 2.25 *55.0» 18 Rip Van Winkle District Rev. Lydia Burke, P. E $16.00 fWiiiiam I. Butler - 1.00 fimma Bright 1-00 Edyth Cooper 1.00 Nellie Thomas I-00 Mrs. Jones 1-00 Ida Hilton 2.00 Georgia Brown 1-00 Rev. Samuel Johnson 1-00 Mary Clarke i-00 Ella Eckles 5.00 Mrs. Dr. Hall - 1-00 Entertainments 15.25 $48.25 Temptation Circuit Rev. Marion Smith No report Foxy Grandpa Station Rev. Lula M. Cummings $12.00 $12.00 Cranks Hollow Rev. Matilda Bedford $ 5.00 Blanche Derry 1.00 Lost Card 1-00 $ 7.00 Sorrowful Way Station Rev. Louis Burke $10.75 Burlyl Guye 1.00 Mrs. M. E. Quickley 1.05 Mr. Dickerson 2.25 Louis Powell 10.00 Mr. Wallace 10.00 Mrs. Wallace 10.00 $45.05 Conference Missionary Rev. Sarah Green -No report Iceberg District Rev. Ruth M. Collett,P. E...$13.20 Friend *-0° Mr. Hawkins ■ J-JW Maggie Fields 7 Nathaniel Pynes 2.00 Sermons — 38.54 $107.04 Giddy Mission Rev. Henrietta Goldsboro..-$10.00 Samuel Ford 4.10 Eliza Gaither 1-00 Julia Rosedom 5.00 Susan Johnson 11.00 Cash ' -25 $31.25 Holy Rapture Circuit Rev. John Moseley $15.00 Lillian Moseley 15.00 Charles Hall » 1-00 James Parker 1.50 Cash' 1-50 Olivia Payne 1-00 $35.00 i Furnace Fire Station Rev. Elizabeth Roye No report Conference Missionary M. Collett Kinner $10.00 $13.20 Stranger's Rest Chapel Rev. William H. Dodd. $10.00 Violetta Lowman 2.00 Samuel E. Hatten. 5.50 Arthur Satersfield 4.00 Elizabeth Custis 5.00 Michael Green 2.00 Octavia Dudley • 2.50 J. E. Rich 1.50 F. A. Booker 1.00 Geneva Quickley 1.00 Christiana Gibson 5.00 Amelia Roberson 6.00 Mary E. Evans 1.00 Mattie B. Smith 1.00 Mr. King 6<.00 $10.08 Conference Missionary Rev. Mary F. Handy $10.00 Miss Turner : 1.00 Mrs. Bishop Shaffer 2.00 Mrs. Minor 1.00 Mrs. Dfeivis 1.00 Miss Anderson 1.00 Mrs. Bishop Johnson 5.00 A friend 1.00 Mrs. Boyd r- 1.00 Cash .50 $25.50 Thunder and Lightning District Rev. Fannie Dorsey $15.00 Mary Brooks 3.50 Esther Brooks 3.50 John Morsell 12.00 Caroline Murray 5.00 Elizabeth Pretty man 11.00 Samuel E. Dorsey 10.00 Cash 17.47 $77.47 Time Killing Chapel Rev. Mariah Lewis $ 8.00 Hattie Pennington 5.00 $13.00 GEORGE PALMER Trustee 20 Big I and little You Chapel Rev. Elizabeth Stainback —$10.00 David Stainback 10.00 William Hamilton 2.25 Irene Fuller 2.00 William Laws l-00 Samuel Mitchell I-00 Cash 1.00 $27.25 Mote Hunter's Station Rev. Rachel Harrod No report No Harm Circuit Rev. Benjamin Harrod. .No report City Missionary Rev. Sarah Blake $ 5.00 Malinda Holder 1.00 Thomas Mitchell _ 2.00 Emma Dublin 1-00 Anna Harris 1-00 Elizaibeth Brown 1-00 $11.00 City Charities Rev. Bertha Garret $ 5.00 $5.00 Sky Lark District Rev. Georgia Carr $15.50 Entertainments 8.20 From Other Sources 49.75 $73.45 Malice Station Rev. Annie M. Press $10.00 S. S. Booker 1.00 friend Mr. Kent 2.00 $14.00 Top Heavy Station Rev. Emma Halliday Reported to P. E. Tear Drop Mission Rev. Rebecca Palmer $10.00 Clarence Thompson 10.00 Henry Evans 5.00 Hester Smith 6.00 Mamie Criss 10.00 Jennie Palmer 6.50 Annie DeShields 5.00 $52.50 Rainy Weather Station Rev. Sadie Barrett $ 3.50 $3.50 Do My Bit Francis Tunstall $ 5.00 $5.00 Conference Missionary Rev. Mary Frances Bond $10.00 Andrew Bond 10.00 Emma Collins ! 1.26 Sermon of Rev. Julius Carroll 4.42 Grace Presbyterian Church Table at Union Service 11.32 Friends 3.00 $40.00 EARTHQUAKE CONFERENCE $663.00 Bishop Theodore White $57.60 $57.60 All Show District Rev. Ida Diggs, P. E $40.00 Dr. James Hilburn 3 0.00 $50.00 Holy Horrow Chapel Rev. John A. Babb $ 1.75 $1.75 Hayseed Chapel Rev. Mary Ellen Hurst Reported elsewhere Coon Hollow Rev. Sophia Stanley $17.55 Janie Frisby 1.00 Bertha* Brown 1.00 Mr. Barksdale 1.00 $20.55 Tattlersville Rev. Alice Brock $10.00 Elsie Griffin 6.00 Lottie Brown 1.00 Cornelia Brown _ i.qo Carrie Cephas i.qq Perry Brock 3^0 Maggie Brock 1.00 $22.00 21 Seven Sleepers' District Rev. K. Bertha Hurst,P. E.-.$61.25 Short Grass Station Rev. Lloyd H. Sample $ 5.00 $5.00 False Face Mission Rev. Ella E. Grigg $15.00 Kate Jackson 5.00 G. Sherman Grigg 5.00 Effie Bishop 6.00 David Morris 7.00 L. Oscar Grigg 10.00 Mrs. Reeder 1.00 Mrs. Davis 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jackson— 1.00 James Menskey 1.00 Mr. Parker 1.00 Miss Lee 1.00 James Greene 1.55 Laura Walker 3.50 Mr. Washington 1.00 Mary Briscoe l'.OO $62.05 Jackleg Circuit Rev. Lillie M. Williams $ 8.00 John Blue 1.00 Samuel Blake 1.00 Samuel Blake 1.00 Rev, Chas. A. Williams 2.00 $12.00 Horseheadville Rev. J. H. Dougherty $10.00 $10.00 Conference Missionary Rev. Mary Brown $12.00 Maud Jackson 1.00 Louisia Brown 3.50 $16.50 Conference Missionary Rev. Laura Thompson $ 5.00 $5.00 Sunday Religion District Rev. Eliza Jefferson $15.00 Frank Stewart 4.00 James Fleming - 7.00 $26.00 v Lost and Found Chapel Rev. Joseph Fleming Reported elsewhere Whirlwind Circuit Rev. Charles H. Bennett—$10.00 Indian Town Chapel Rev. Frank Stewart Reported elsewhere. Story Teller's Mission Rev. Carrie M. Gray $ 5.00 Mamie M. Gray 2.10 $ 7.10 Hallelujah District Rev. Isabella White $25.00 Joseph White 3.00 Thos. H. Johnson 1.00 Greenville Cephas 5.00 William Smith 2.00 Laura Jefferson 3.00 $39.00 Wanderer's Chapel Dr. J. H. Tompkins $25.00 Mrs. E. J. Tompkins 10.00 Ella Bowie 12.00 Buelah Marshall 1.00 Barbara Scott 2.00 Alice Grinnell 1.00 Cash 2.50 $53.50 Pay-up Mission Rev. Maria Blackwell Laura Robey 1.00 Friends 3.00 Cash -80 Emma S. Clarke 10.00 A. Antoinette Clarke 1.00 $15.80 Peanut Circuit Rev. Corlistia Gray $10.00 $10.00 Tee Bee Church Rev. Jennie Chase $ 6.00 $ 6.00 Cheerfiilvilie Mission Rev. Simon Belle $10.00 Jennie Belle 10.00 Irene Belle 3.00 Milburn Belle 1.00 Lillian Belle 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Young 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Henry White. 10.00 Frances Belle 1.00 $37.00 Conference Missionary Rev. Rebecca Young $ 4.00 $10.00 $ 4.00 22 Conference Missionary Rev. Susan Matthews $18.00 $18.00 Conference Missionary Rev. Julia Dungee $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Conference Missionary Rev. Charles Dungee $11.00 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Dodd_ 5.00 $16.00 Smith's Point *&ev. Mary E. Goldring $10.75 Isaac White 3.19 Basil Goldring 2.25 Lucy Fisher 3.00 Nettie Pheonix 2.00 Marie Grey 1.78 Annie Lee 1.40 Henry Parker 1.35 $25.72 Maria Bodley Washington Wright 1.1« Mrs. Washington Wright l.l® Grace Dyson 2.50 Bernard Pheonix 2.00 George Dyson 1.00 Clinton Davis 1.00 Sarah Wallace 1.00 Eliza Howard 1.00 Henry Parker 1.00 Mrs. Cooper l.OO John Craig 1.35 George Wajtkins 1.00 $54.00 Point Look Chit Mission Rev. Amanda Dockins $26.25 The Choir 50.00 Carrie Towns 3.00 Sarah Turner 5.00 Sarah Traverse 1.00 Wm. McKenney 1.00 Eulalia Dockins l.OO Mfs. Traverse 2.75 Solomon Blye •. 10.00 $100.00 ROUGHRIDERS' CONFERENCE, $525.83 Bishop Wm. B. Hamer $25.00 Entertainments - 32.80 Cash .25 $58.05 Hard Tack District Rev. E. L. Bruce, P. E $26.00 Dannie Smith 10.00 Lucy D. Loving 6.00 Sarah Addison 1.00 A friend 4.00 Arthur McBeth ]_ 1.00 Wm. Johnson 1.00 Wm. Butler 1.00 Randolph Gross 1.00 Augustus Gross 1.00 Johncy Stewart. 1.00 Entertainments 4.63 $57.63 Hobo District Rev. Charlotte Owens $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. 4.00 Kato Jones 2.00 Julius Brown 2.00 Leah Richardson (deceased) 1.00 Amelia Griffin 10.00 John Bishop 1.00 Wm. A. Owens, Jr 2.00 $32.00 Kicker's Chapel Rev. George Wingate $10.00 Mattie Tilghman 5.00 Minnie Quickley 10.00 Cash .85 $25.85 Faultfinder's Mission Rev. Lovey Husketh reported elsewhere Know All Hollow Rev. Willie Hairston $11.00 Florence Clarke 1.00 Mary E. Moore 1.00 Otelie Castlow 1.00 Ida Boone 1.00 $15.00 Cross Tie Mission Rev. William Hairston $15.00 $15.00 Camp Meeting District Rev. Rebecca Dyer, P. E $10.90 Elvie M. Wilson 5.00 Cash 10.00 $25.90 Misfit Chapel Rev. Carrie B. Cottman, no report Amen Chapel Rev. Rosa J. Richardson, no report 23 ROBERT SORRELL The Winning Bishop 24 liawlessville Mission Rev. Elvie M. Wilson reported elsewhere Jollyville Mission Bev. Alice Brown no report Obstacle District Rev. Mary F. Lee, P. E $25.00 $25.00 Howler's Mission Rev. Henrietta Davage $20.00 $20.00 Hottentot Mission Rev. Martha Talbot no report Wills and Wont's Mission Rev. Susan Young $10.00 Rachel Davis 2.00 Cash - 1.00 Mary Ridge $30.31 Hard Shell Chapel Rev. Annie Glasgow $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Grimbley's Mission Rev. Annie Monroe $10.00 $10.00" Upper Ten Chapel Rev. Addie Fowler reported elsewhere / Rolling Stone Mission Rev. Mary C. Bradford $10.00 Sarah E. Lewis 5.00 Cash 1.10 Saul DeCoursey 1.00 Miss Avory 1.00 Entertainment 3.70 $21.80 Reindeer Valley District Rev. Benjamin Burke, P. E._$15.00 Entertainments 8.20 From other sources 9.33 $32.53 Keep Moving Chapel Rev. Mollie Farrell $10.00 $10.00 Turktown Chapel Rev. Cordelias Bias $10.00 Delia Chambers 1.00 Blanche Thomas 1.00 Edna Russell 1.00 $13.00 Harp-up Chapel Rev. Patrick M. Turner $ 9.00 Mamie E. Turner 7.65 Jennie Mason 1.00 Alice Dansbury 1.00 Myrtle Griffin 3.50 $22.15 Solid Comfort Station Rev. Josiah Diggs $15.00 $15.00 26 ETHIOPIAN CONFERENCE $426.70 Bishop Thaddeus Copeland_$27.00 Trinity Church 33.10 Allen Church 12.00 Louise Waters 5.00 Entertainments 30.00 Walter Russell 2.00 Rev. S. M. Johnson 5.00 federal Employees 8.00 Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Parker.. 2.00 Charles Carroll 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. William Hill.. 4.00 Mr. and Mrs. Creditt Jones. 3.00 Samuel L. Burton 2.00 Harriet Hilliard 11.00 Sermon 7-00 Irene Shepherd 8.00 Miss Cole 1-00 Rev. J. O. Custis 2.00 Chicken Roost $159.10 District Rev. L. L. Van Nockay, P. E. Belvedere Employees $10.00 Mrs. Helen Ash Johnson 1.00 $11.00 Do Nothing Circuit Rev. Wallace T. Dodd, no report Know-it-all Station Rev. George Johnson $11.00 $11.00 Knickerstown Rev. Lena Syears no report Sleeper's Creek Rev. Louise Turner no report Never Alone District Rev. William Swann, P. E $18.00 Clarence Smothers 1.00 Mr. Dixon a 1.00 Mrs. William Swann 5.00 $25.00 Boa Constrictors' Rest Rev. Nathan Watson no report Singers' Haven Rev. C. Major DeShields, no report Everybody's Mission Rev. Carrie Simms no report Shakersville Rev. Edgar Clayton no report Conference Missionary Rev. Harriet Hillard $11.00 Conference Missionary Rev. Annie Hite 2.00 $2.00 Brother Xaha District Rev. Joseph L. Press, P. E—$15.00 Mrs. Virginia Dodd 5.00 Cash 2.25 $22.25 QUIET TOWN CIRCUIT Rev. Edward Sorrell $10.QO $10.00 Jiners' Chapel Rev. John J. Gray $10.00 $10.00 Crocodile Tears Ville Rev. Wesley Bond $10.00 Miss Russell 1.00 W. B. Schoen 1.00 Mr. Welsh 1.00 Florence Chambers 2.00 Elizabeth Harris 1.00 Friends 3.40 George Ross 3.75 $24.15 Conference Missionary Rev. James Fugua $ 8.00 $ 8.00 Summerville Station Rev. Umphrey Stanley no repert Conference Missionary Rev. Levin Moses $15.00 $15.00 Blue Vein Chapel Rev. Annie Louise Williams.$25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dickey.. 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Eli Frank'. 2.00 Addie Haughton 1 1.00 Lottie Ringgold 5.25 Friends" .50 $37.75 Back in the Woods District Rev. L. C. Johnson, P. E...$15.00 $15.00 J umperstown Chapel Rev. Walter Russell $ 6.75 Margaret Hall 1.50 Mr. and Mrs. Will Mason 1.00 $11.00 $ 9.25 27 Long Prayer Station Rev. Leon DeShields $10.00 $10.00 Talkersville Mission Rev. John L. Hasty $12.00 Mrs. Dr. A. Fowler 15.00 William Hasty 10.00 Dora Hasty 5.00 Carrie Cabell 5.00 $47.00 Bishop William Watts $25.00 Samuel Garrison 2.00 John Grooms 1.00 Samuel Grooms 1.00 Luke Eddlen 1.00 Oliva Blair 1.00 Wesley Davage.x 1.00 Entertainment 33.25 $68.80 Money-Saving District Rev. Patrick Creiglar, P. E._ $13.50 $13.50 Snigglersville Station Rev. Dock Lee no report Help Along Chapel Rev. Annie Johnson $10.0<^ $10.00 Fall Down Circuit Rev. Samuel Dorsey, transferred Soap Box Mission Rev. Grace Toomer, no report (night of rally) Bishop thought she had paid to Six Percent District Rev. Elizabeth Cole Queen, P. E. no report Singer's Creek Station Rev. Rosa Walker,- no report Flowertown Chapel Rev. Richard Queen $11.25 $11.25 Probationers' Circuit Rev. David B. Craig no report Neoomer's Mission Rev. Annie Coleman no report First Morgage District Rev. Hester Watts, P. E $15.00 Mrs. George Pullman 1-50 Mrs. John Pullman 1-50 Martha M. Oliver 3.25 Frank Pullman 1.50 Suppertown Station Rev. Leah McComas $13.50 Church Aid 12.00 Florence Brown 2.00 Madeline Wyatt 1.00 $28.50 Sarah McClain 2.00 Henry Dent.. 1.00 Rosa Dent 1.70 Cash 2.15 $28.10 Big Indian Station Rev. Jacob O. Smith $ 1.50 $ 1.50 Jelly Cake Chapel Rev. Mary Briscoe $11.00 Milton Gantt 7.00 Annie Brown 1.00 $19.00 High Time Circuit Rev. Ada Williams transferred Do Well Mission Rev. Amelia Dorsey transferred Conference Missionary Rev. Mary Talbott $15.20 $15.20 Conference Missionary Rev. Henrietta Hicks $ 7.51 $ 7.51 W. Sampson Brooks District Rev. Sarah R. Johnson $217.05 no report Sheet Good - f or-Rvil- Sation Rev. Estella Travers no report Twenty Dollar Chapel Rev. Rosella Washington no report Heavy Wind Mission Rev. George Gail $10.00 Charles Roberts 1.23 Mamie Beals 3.50 Cora Hawkins 2.30 Lillian Gail 3.00 Lyla Hicks 1.75 $22.00 Sextonville Circuit Rev. Marshall Whyte no report DEBT PAYERS CONFERENCE $441.14 28 SAMUEL D. HAYWARD Asst. Treasurer 29 TURNCOAT CONFERENCE $304.89 Bishop Frederick Johns $ 7.00 Annie S. Estep 1.50 Charles E. Estep 1.50 Eliza Dean 1.00 Umphrey Stanley 10.00 M. L. Harris 2.00 Mandeline Phillips 1.50 Georgie James 3.30 Entertainment 38.68 Ever Ready District Rev. Wm. H. Langley, P. E._ $15.00 Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. $56.48 Barefoot District Wm. Morsell, P. E., no report Crazy Town Circuit Susan F. Williams, no report Hoodoo Dale Marcelline Goddard ,no report Lovers' Lane Samuel Rouse, reported elsewhere Sugar Hollow J. Henry Hale reported elsewhere Joe Hunter's Station Wm. Wilson no report Conference Missionary Roscoe Wright $ 5.00 $ 5.00 TJp-To-Date District Rev. Lenora J. Peck, P. E._.$15.00 Alice Sampson, Sr 4.00 Albert H. Peck 15.00 Joseph Jenifer 1.00 C. H. Jenkins 1.00 $36.00 Isle of Love Station Rev. Mrs. J. Logan Jenkins.. $10.00 Entertainment 9.03 $19.03 Cow Creek Mission Rev. Alice Sampson, Sr. reported elsewhere Shirkersville Station Rev. W. C. Laws no report Monkeytown Mission Rev. M. S. Roberts $ 1.50 Entertainment 7.18 $ 8.68 Try Hard Mission Rev. Helen Hewlin Mrs. Elmira Johns Entertainment Mr. and Mrs. King Cash 2.81 3.00 3.37 2.00' 1.00 • $15.00 Society Ladies' Church Rev. Catherine Boykin $ 7.50 Hattie Ackers 5.00 Jennie Kelly 8.50 Samuel Brown 1.00 A friend* .75 $22.75 Penny town Row Rev. Margaret Gray $18.30 Agnes Queen 2.00 Nola Gates 1.00 Emma Gates 1.00 Robert Tates 1.00 C. Hamon D. Neal-.J 1.00 Alice Redding 1.00 Margaret B. Grey 7.00 $32.30 Jerkersville Station Rev. Susie Burney no report Cheatsville Circuit Rev. Andrew Jones $55.75 Hardshell District Rev. Carrie M. Langley $15.00 $15.00 Broken Resolutions Chapel Rev. Jennie Kelly elsewhere ShoutersviUe Mission Rev. Maria Hall no report All Show Town Rev. Clarenda Handy no report Good Livers' Station Rev. Hubbard Weeks no report Druid Hill Mission Rev. Georgia Carter no report Cotton Town Rev. Laura Fagan $ 5.30 $ 5.30 Pillmakers Mission Rev. W. L. Jackson no report Pennsylvania Station Rev. Andrew Jackson $ 8.00 $ 8.00 Pillmakers Mission Rev. Paul Diggs Robert Goodlow $ 2.00 Mr. & Mrs. Howard Venable 5.00 James Cornish 1.00 George Watty 5.00 $12.18 $13.00 30 WIDOW'S MITE CONFERENCE $133.10 Bishop Charles Monroe $25.00 Edward Blunt 3.00 Cash 4 .50 Two sermons 42.10 Entertainments 4.00 $74. Poverty Row District Rev. Julius B. V. Stokes, P. E. no report Brooksvlle Station Bev. Bertha Chatman, no report Farmers' Chapel Bev. Margaret Waters no report Face Powder Circuit Bev. Mary L. Young no report Hooverizer' s Mission Rev. Wm. Laws no report Starvation District Rev. Jas. Williams, P. E $12.00 $12.00 Hard Coal Station Rev. William Chesley $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Druid Hill Chapel Rev. Hester Ellis no report North Baltimore Circuit Rev. Ella Stevens $10.00 Hester Gantt 1.00 Ida Johnson 1.00 James Coates 1.00 Miss Madeline Henson 1.00 Eli:4a,beth McDaniels 1.00 Mrs. Madeline Henson 10.00 Sage Tea Mission Rev. Mary E. Robinson, no report You Know District Rev. Stewart Frazier, P. E. no report Grand liodge Station Rev. Wm. Moseley no report Storekeepers' Chapel Rev. Wm. A. Herring no report Long Face Circuit Rev. Mary Lewis no report Circumspect Mission Rev. Alfred P. Rogers no report Se Me First District Rev. J. McKenzie Harrison, P. E $ 5.00 $ 5.00 First Stop Station Rev. Ida Tisdale $ 2.00 $ 2.00- Try Hard Chapel Rev. Pauline Welsh no report Big Surprise Rev. Jennie White no report Level Best Mission Rev. Agnes McLane no report Conference Missionary Joel Phillips $ 6.50 $30.00 $ 6.50 ..Additional Reports.. Sunday, June 9th Wil - Be - Force-Ful University Department of Self-Denial Mr. McKim $ 1.00 Department of Determination Joseph Stewart $ 1.00 Ethel Dungee 1.00 Department of Good Intentions Dean Bessie Sampson $ 1.00 $ 4.00 Calvert County Rev. W. Sampson Brooks $10.00 John W. Hughes 10.00 Old Town Bank 25,00 $45.00 Thousand Dollar Conference Bishop John T. Williams. _ 5.00 Annie Hearn 5.00 Delia Dobson 1.00 Andrew Thompson 1.00 Mrs. A. L. Waters 1.25 Mary C. Preston 5.00 Samuel D. Hayward 1.00 William MaGruder 5.00 George Siddons 1.00 Mrs. Bailey 1-00 Eliza Young Evans 1.00 John E. Young 1.00 Elizabeth Dudee 1.00 Helen Deaven 1-00 Isabelle Minnis 1.00 Thos. Pendleton 1.00 Charlotte Nicholson 1.00 Sflsan Johnson 1.00 Brother Jones 1.00 Henrietta Cooke .50 Hattie E. Jordon._T 1.00 Mrs. Annie J. Hamer 5.00 William T. Clark 2.00 $43.25 Paupers Conference Joseph , Smith $ 1.00 Lydia Chase 5.00 John Pullett ----- 2.00 Emma D. Jackson 1.00 Sarah Adley 1-00 Ella Thompson 5.00 Georgeanna Allen 1.00 Violette Weeks 1.00 Nellie Stanford 1.00 Lillie P. Barnett 5.00 Tolkqueenia King 3.00 Geo. Ross 1.00 iannie Hughes 2.00 Mary C. Simms 5.00 Cash 1.50 Patsy Neal 1.00 Adam Owens 1.50 Annie Haynes 2.50 Ella Marshall 2.75 Bertha O. Myers 1.50 $44.75 Matter-of -Fact Conference Eugenia Tubman $ 1.00 Maggie Stouts 3.00 Maggie Henson., 1.50 Elizabeth Henson 1.50 William H. Anderson.* 1.00 Jno. Radcliff 2.00 Carry Eaton 2.00 E. S. Stevenson 1.00 Rachel Elias 1.00 J. H. Talibot. 6.50 Mrs. Purdy 6.00 W. Henry Mahone 1.00 L. B. Haskins 1.00 Susie Brooks 17.50 $46.00 Shipwreck Conference Lizzie Jackson \$ 5.00 Ella Bond, Jr 2.00 James Cooper 1.00 Sarah Cook 1.00 Bessie Corbin 10.00 Lozia Jackson 1.00 I Mack 1.00 Wm.. White 25.00 Lelia Bright 1.00 Katie Palmer 1.00 Josephine Foster.- 3.00 F. C. Custis 1.00 Cora Johnson 1.00 Annie Heath 1.00 John Hall 2.00 Austin Muse 5.00 John Booth 5.00 $44.00 Ethiopian Conference Edw. W. Clayton $ 2.00 Louis Vannocky 1.00 Bishop Copeland 2.50 Julia Johnson , .50 John L. Hasty 1.00 James E. Pope 1.00 Walter Russell 1.00 Leah McComas .50 $9.50 32 Nightingale Conference Mamie E. Turner $ .50 Cora Loper 1-00 Wm. B. Westcott 1.00 Eliza Toney 3.15 $ 5.00 General Officer. George W. Cooper, Sr $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Turncoat Conference Ella P. Chesley $ 1.00 Estelle Bailey 10.00 Hattie Wilson 2.00 $13.00 Widows' Mite Conference. Rev. James M. Williams $ 1.00 Bishop Monroe t 1.00 Marjorie Butler 1.75 Avon B. Cftatman 1.80- Mrs. B. Chatman 5.00 $10.55 Rough Riders' Conference. John H. Lee $ 1.00 itebecca James 2.00 Philip Scott 2.00 Henry R. Carroll 1.00 Mary E. Dorsey 1.00 Victoria Tyler 1.00 Mary Wicks 1-00 Wm. Westcott, Jr. 1.25 Laura,' Gaither 1.00 Delaware James 1.25 $12.50 Little Kid Conference Bishop Palmer 1.00 Georgia Carr 3.00 Annie Stiles 1.35~" Jerry McGee - .50 Lydia Burke 5.63 John Morsell 3.00 Rachel Harrod 10.00 John Ryan 1.00 Charles Glascoe 13.00s John Moseley 1-00 Elizabeth Stanback 1.00 Alverta Wallace 5.00 James Wallace 2.00 William H. Dodd 1.00 Samuel Ford 1.00 $44.98 Earthquake onference. Simon Belle $ 1.00 Ervin Hicks 1.00 Amanda Dockins ..2.00 Adie Vance 1.00 Mrs. K. Bertha Hurst 61.25 Cash 1.00 Ella E. Grigg 1.00 Dr. J. H. Tompkins 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parr 10.00 $83.25 Debt Payers Conference. Samuel Garrison 1.00 Martha Johnson .j. 1.00 $ 2.00 MISCELLANEOUS Mary Ridgeway 1.00 Alverta Bantum 1.00 Maggie Bond ' 1.00 J. C. Crawford 1.00 John W. Pinder 1.00 M. J. Cooper 1.00 Jennie Henson 1.00 Nettie Gillan 1.00 Levi Kellem 1.00 Joseph Stanley 1.00 Arelia Agins 1.00 Frank Dorsey 1.00 Isaiah Dodd 1.00 William M. Scott 1.00 Joseph Butler 1.00 Emma Johnson 1.00 Cash 2.00 $18.00 Sunday, June 16th Calvert County. Dr. W. Sampson Brooks $ 2.00 General Officer. George W. Cooper, Sr., 5.00 Will -be- Forcef ul Uoniversijty. Department of Friendship Margaret Palmer $ 1-00 Department of Perseverance Martha Gwynn 1.25 Department of Determination William Richardson 1.00 $ 3.25 Thousand Dollar Conference Bishop John Williams $ 3.00 Gertrude Patterson 2.00 Samuel Hawkins 1.00 Benj. Welch 1.00 Maria Pryor 1.00 33 JOHN H. MURPHY Treasurer 34 Amelia Pinder 2.00 Mary C. Preston 2.00 Nettie Galloway 1.00 George Butler 2.00 Joshua Jones - 1.00 Brother Moore 1.00 John Lokeman 5.00 George W. Cooper, Jr. 1.00 John Walker 2.00 Wm. Magruder 2.00 Mrs. P. E. Demby 100 Samuel Hay ward 1.00 John Freeland 1.00 Rev. W. H. Manokoo 1.00 $32.00 Earthquake Conference Bishop Theo. Whyte $ 1.25 L. O. Grigg 1.00 Lillie M. Williams 1.00 J. H. Tompkins 1-00 Amanda Dockins 3.00 Elsie Griffin v 1.00 Cash - .25 Mary L. Brown 1.00 , $9.50 Turn Coat Conference Edyth M.f Hayson $ 1.10 Edward Myers 10.00 Alfred Peck 1.00 $12.10 Paupers' Conference Annie Haynes $ 1.00 James Huff 2.00 Annie E. William 1.00 Lydia Chas*» 1.00 Wm. S. Barn«y 1.00 Lillie F. Barnett 1.00 Rebecca Bennett .50 Jennie M. Hughes .50 -Jash 5.00 $13.00 Nifjht-iii-Gale Conference Susan Handy—additional $ .50 John H. Johnson 1.00 Grace Wescott 1.00 Josiah Diggs 1.00 $9.50 Rough Riders' Conference Bishop Wm. B. Hamer $ 1.00 George Wingate 1.00 Willie Hairston 1.00 Violet S.Brown,—additional.. .50 $ 3.50 Matter-of - Fact Conference Bishop Robert Sorrell $ 3.82 Laura A. Robey - 5.00 John Murphy, Jr. 1.00 Dora Gassoway 1.00 Annie Johnson 1.00 Rachel Ellas 100 M. B. Gassaway 1.00 L. B. Haskins 1.00 Annie S. Johnson 10.00 Felix Pye 5.00 May Wicks—additional .50 Mrs. Susie Brooks 37.75 $60.07 Little Kid Conference Bishop Geo. Palmer $ 1.00 Rosa Martin 1.00 Fannie Dorsey 1.00 John Morsell 2.00 Mary F. Bond 1.25 Frances Jones 1.00 Richard Turner 1.00 Grace Gibson 1.00 Sister Moseley 1.00 David Robinson — 1.00 Georgeanna Smith 5.00 John Morsell 2.00 Georgia Carr 1.00 Henry Evans : 1.50 Louis Burke 1.00 Benjamin Harrod 5.00 Jane Wilson * 10.00 Frank Garrison ... 5.00 F. S. Holland 1.00 Rebecca Palmer 1.00 Benj. Harrod 1.00 Ben;). Langston 2.00 $46.75 Shipwreck Conference. Eizina Perkins $ 2.00 Sarah Tilghman 1.00 John Hall 1-00 Josephine Foster 5.00 Hester Ganntt 1.50 Selehia Johnson ; 1.00 Sarah L. Johnson 2.00 Ella Bond 1.00 Mary Spriggs 1.00 Rebecca Robinson 1.00 Margaret Waters 1.00 Lelia E. Bright 1:50 Lozier Jackson 1.00 William Monroe 1.00 William Young 10.00 $30.50 Ethiopian Conference. Bishop Thaddeus Copeland..$ 1.00 Mrs. Wm. Hill 1.00 John O. Custis 2.00 Brother Johuson 1.00 Leah McComaa 1.00 James E. Pope 2.00 $8.00 Widows' Mite Conference Bishop Charles MOhroe 1.00 I 1.01 35 THEODORE WHITE Trustee 36 Debt Payers' Conference Grace Turner $ 8.00 S. Patrick Crelgl^r * 1.00 * 4.00 MISOEMiANEOUS Too Late for Classification Willis Birch $ 1-00 Sallie Stevens 1.00 C. Reid 100 Clarence Jenkins 2.00 John Moseley 1.50 William McD. Scott 1.00 S. W. Brooks 1.00 Louise Wortham 1.00 John Monegoor 1.00 Harry & Nettie Bennett 1.00 Estelle Mason 1.00 Lola M. Haynes 3.00 Elizabeth Pinder 1.00 Richard Queen 1-00 Mr. Brown 1.00 John A. Finney 1.00 Lelia Griffin 1.60 John H. Williams 1.00 Charles Ruff 100 Lillian Wells 1.00 James Taylor 5.00 Violet Hertfleld 1-00 William H. Weaver 1.00 Harvey Johnson 1.00 Robert Bennett 1.00 Hugh Stephen 1.00 Mark Surles 1.00 Nellie Wilson 1.00 Mr. Hicks r 1.00 Helen Coates 2.00 Caleb Andrews 1.00 Ellen Haynes 1.00 $40.50 Cash 88.33 ADDITIONAL Benjamin Matthews $ 5.00 Jenny Kelly 1.50 Dr. B. P. Hurst 5.00 J. Moseley 1.50 Cornelia Weaver 15.00 Sarah White 1.00 Nellie Smith 1.00 Sharp St. Sunday School 1.00 Amanda Norton 1.25 James F. White 1.00 Mary James 1.00 Julius V. Stokes 2.50 Mrs. Julius V. Stokes 2.5# Mary Wilkins 5.00 Mrs. Luther C. Johnson 1.00 Thru Mrs. Brooks Additional Reports June 16, 1918. Matter of Fact Conference. Viola Taylor 1.25 Henrietta Belle 10.00 James E. Murphy 2.25 Mr. Williams 1.00 Mr. Radcliff 2.00 CJarrie Eaton 2.00 Maggie Henson 1.50 Elizabeth Henson 1.50 William Anderson 1.00 Rev. Bunday .80 Annie Holland 1.00 Mr. Bishop 5.00 Mrs. Talbot 6.50 Miss Evans 1.00 Mary Wicks 1.00 Cash .50 E. S. Stevens 1.00 Dora Gassaway 26.00 Bishop Sorrell 4.00 M. B. Johnson 2.00 Rev. Aquila Brooks 1.00 Sarah Burton 1.00 Cash 1.00 Dinner Tickets 1.00 C. Williams 2.00 Felix B. Pye 5.00 Annie S. Johnson 10.00 Thomas Penistoa 1.00 Mary Wicks 1.25 Cash .25 Mrs. Gassaway 1.50 Mr. Gassaway 1.25 Mary Wicks .50 Annie Johnson 1- 1.00 $92.25 Matter of Fact Conference Out of the Way Mission Arthur Langford $10.00 Ida Langford 5.00 Theodore Pinder 5.00 Maggie Stouts 3.00 37 JAMES H. DOUGHERTY Trustee 38 STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF RALLY CONFERENCE 5 .lune 3rd 9th 16th Total 1 Matter of Fact _ $1208.77 $46.00 $60.07 $1214.84 2. Thousand DoP * 1075.47 43.25 32.00 1150.72 3 .Shipwreck 1001.00 44.00 30.50 1075.50 4. Paupers 857.12 44.75 13.00 914.87 5. Little Kid 860.00 44.98 46.75 951.73 6. Earthquake 663.00 83.25 9.50 755.75 7. Will-be-Forceful 732.17 4.00 3.25 739.42 8. Rough Riders "I 525.831 12.501 3.50 541.83 9. Night-in-Gale 453.69 5.65 9.50 468.84 10. Ethiopian 426.70 9.50 8.00 444.20 11. Debt Payers' 414.41 2.00 4.00 • 420.41 12. Calvert County 300,00 45.00 2.00 347.00 13. Turncoat 304.89 13.00 12.10 329.99 14. Widows' Mite, 133.10 10.55 1.00 144.65 15. General Officers 107.40 5.00 5.00 117.40 Cash—Friends 2108.45 25.00 78.00' 2211.45 Total 11172.001513.43 319.00 12004.00 Subsequent Reports 47.00 GRAND TOTAL $12,051.00 REPORT OF BISHOPS BISHOPS June 3d | 9th 16th | Total 1. Robert Sorrell $259700 $3.82 $262782 2. Thaddeus Copeland 142.80 2.50 1.00 144.30 3. George Palmer 85.09 1.00 1.00 87.09 4. Charles Monroe | 74.60| 1.00| 1.00| 76.60 5. Daniel W. Lee 72.00 72.00 6. William Watts 68.80 68.80 7. Frederick Johns 66.48 66.48 8. Theodore C. White 57.60 2.25 59.85 9. William B. Hamer 58.00 1.00 59.00 10. John T. Williams 50.00 5.00 3.00 58.00 11. Jacob Heath 45.00 8.00 53.00 12. Edward Barnett 30.00 30.00 WINNERS— Matter-of-Fact Conference $1208.77 Grand March District 695.45 Quiet Town Church 455.25 Bishop Robert Sorrell, Winning- Bishop $259.00 Presiding Elder Sarah R. Johnson, Winning P. E. 217.05 Rev. Susie Brooks, Winning Pastor 482.75 Geo. W. Cooper, Sr., Winning'General Officer 35.00 Dean Alice Sampson, Winning Dean 125.15 39 JOHN T. WILLIAMS Bishop Thousand Conference