EMORY UNIVERSITY THE SONS OF ALLEN. BISHOP HICHARD ALLEN. — THE SONS OF ALLEN — BY - REV. HORACE TALBERT, M. A. TOGETHER WITH A SKETCH OF THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY, WILBERFORCE, OHIO. XENIA, OHIO. THE ALDINE PRESS, 1906. Copyright. 1906. by Horace Talbert. DEDICATION. O the great Afriean Methodist Episcopal Church throughout the world ; to the memory of its founder, Richard Allen, whose Christ-spirit and dauntless courage made him a builder for time and eternity; to its constantly increasing membership and friends who gladly attest the vitality of its teaching in the formation of perfect Christian character, this book is affectionately and respectfully dedicated. Thi-; Attiiok. PREFACE. HE Wise Man truly said "of making many books there is no end," and never were books good, bad and indifferent, more multitudinary than at the present day. But I offer no apology for adding to the number. For the story of a good man's life, however imperfectly it may he told, is the sowing of a good seed, destined to influence, directly or indirectly, the inter¬ ested reader. And the possible good that may come to the young men and women of our Church from the perusal of the heroism, patience, determination and ultimate success as found in this little collection of sketches is the primal cause of its existence ; and if one heart is encouraged to perseverance in duty's pathway, how¬ ever rough and thorny it may be, the author will feel more than repaid for the time, labor and personal sacrifice represented by the book. Not yet fifty years from slavery, these sketches portraying the proud success of lawyers, doctors, authors, editors, ministers, business men, scientists, college students, etc., are worthy of re¬ demption from obscurity as an earnest of still greater things promised by the future. And I well know that there are hun¬ dreds of others whose life-stories are well worth careful preserva¬ tion, but time and circumstances forbade their garnering by me. A number of the sketches are meagre in incident, owing to the fact that many persons conversant with the lives of these noble men were lax and indifferent about furnishing the data and v events, and it was virtually out of mv power to gather fuller and more intimate knowledge concerning■ them ; this fact, together with the many important calls upon mv time has embarrassed and retarded the work. And to manv, who perchance will criti¬ cise the sketches as lacking in incidents, I kindlv sav, von knew that I desired them and failed to respond to mv plea. To those who have given material and svmpathv to the work, I return my earnest and sincere gratitude for their aid. I again sav that the book has been prosecuted amid a steady pressure ol other duties imperative in their nature, and part of the time when the shadow of bereavement rested on my home; but it goes to the public .with the sincere wish that it may win admiration and remembrance for the worthy lives inscribed upon its pages, and carry with it the blessing of the great Father served bv all. ™ . Ihk Author. VI INTRODUCTION. By William S. Scarborough, A.M., Ph.D. THE SONS OF ALLEN. HE Rev. Horace Talbert, B.A. M.A., the author of the fol¬ lowing pages, is a graduate of Wilberforce University ( Classical Course ) and is pre-eminently qualified for the task he has taken in hand. He is a man of strong and vigorous mind, of scholarly attainments, and is a logical and forceful preacher — indeed a theologian of no mean type. By education and association a part and parcel of the great Church of Allen and Payne. Prof. Talbert is among the strong men of our Zion from whom we may expect great things. After leaving his Alma Mater, by appointment he went East where he spent several years in Boston, Cambridge and other centers in that section of country, and where he had special oppor¬ tunity of adding to an already well stored mind. He did not fail to make the best use of the advantage offered. The experience gained there constituted a grand outfit with which to begin life and was of especial service to him in his future work. From the East he was called to a Professor's Chair in his Alma Mater, ( Classical Department) thence to the responsible position of Financial Secretary and Business Manager of the In¬ stitution, a position which he now holds, and one in which he has rendered invaluable service to the University. It was he who secured, through the munificence of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the beautiful and substantial library building which now adorns the campus of the University. The bequests of Mr. George W. vii Hardester, of Lrbana, Ohio, and Mr. James Callanan, of Des Moines, Iowa, were also secured through him. It is with great pleasure, therefore, in compliance with the request of the author, that I offer a brief note of introduction to his book. "The Sons of Allen" is its title, and a more appropriate name could not have been chosen. Allen and his sons mean much to the Race, much to the world. If Bishop Allen had not lived, we would not have had, possibly, the African Methodist Episcopal Church. If Martin Luther had not lived we might not have had a Reformation. Yet it is possible to conceive of both without either of the great leaders mentioned. For if God had willed it other¬ wise, he would have provided other means, other agencies to accomplish the same end. But he did not. Richard Allen lived, and he lived for a purpose. He played his part well. God had reared him and set him apart for that end. He will, therefore, alwavs live in the hearts and memories of those who are the re¬ cipients of his benefactions. Generations unborn, as they come into being, and as thev come on the stage of action, will call him blessed. Well mav they do so. Richard Allen was more than a mere reformer, more than the mere founder and organizer of a great Church. He was a man, everv inch a man, a man of ideas, of principles, a man of convictions, and the courage of the same. Though without the training of the schools, he had native abilitv — and best of all hard, common sense. Richard Allen had no superior among his fellows. He was pre-eminentlv a leader. He despised shams, and hated Race prejudice in all of its forms. When therefore oppressed because of his Race and color, he seized the opportunity quickly, and as a result the African Methodist Episcopal Church sprang into being, and now, with nearlv a million members and communicants its influence is felt the world „over. Who would not be proud of the Sons and Daughters of Allen's Church, its Bishops, its Clergy, its Laity — all that it represents0 Here we find some of the ripest and best brain pro¬ duced by the Negro people. Who would not be proud of a Church that makes it possible for this brain to receive the verv VIII highest development in all lives that make for the good of the Race, for the good of mankind; of a Church that knows neither color nor color prejudice? Of a Church that recognizes the Fath¬ erhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man? God grant that such a Church may have no end of days, and that it may continue to grow and flourish. Its destiny, its future, howrever is in the hands of its sons and daughters. It was onlv when Israel became an apostate — when she refused to heed the advice given her that God forsook her. He plead with her long and patiently through his prophets without avail. She had become wedded to her idols, so God let her alone. Histor}r does sometimes repeat itself. Allen's children have a precious legacv. Let them appreciate the responsibility and yet fear God and keep his commandments. March, 1906. IX INDEX. Page The Allen Pilgrimage 22 The Church of Allen as a Factor in the Development of the Race 24 Extracts 28 Wilberforce University, Her Rise and Progress 263 The Growth of African Methodism 284 Alexander, Rev. W. G., D.D 38 Allen, EiisHOP Richard 17 Allen, Rev. G. W., D.D 142 Anderson, Rev. W. T 240 Arnett, Bishop Benjamin William 182 Atwater, Anak Thomas 137 Avery, John Moses 164 Bentley, Rev. Daniel S., D.D 186 Biggers, Rev. W. T., A.M., 88 Boone, Rev. Charles Henry 114 Bryant, Rev. Martin Stalky 193 Brown, S. Joe, A.M., LL.D., 80 Brown, Rev. George Frederick 92 Brockett, Rev. Joshua A 63 Brooks, Rev. Reuben B., D.D, 40 Brookins, Rev. Robert Burns 194 Burgan, Rev. Isaac M., D.D 54 Butler, Rev. D. M 113 Caliman, Rev. David F 66 Carolina, Rev. Francis B 68 Carson, Rev. B. M 100 Christy, Rev. Levi Edward 146 Coleman, Rev. John Clay 86 XI Pack Coston, Rkv. W. Hilary, D.D 232 Cox, Rev. J. R 198 Cook. Rev. William Uhcatuk, D.L) 140 Cooper, Rev. John Wesley 202 Cray, Rev. Isaac Charles 151 Curry, Rev. P. F 110 Davis, Rev. Henderson 206 Derrick, Bishop William B 226 Dickerson, Rev. John 216 Dickerson, Rev. John Henry 77 Douglas, Prof. H. B 105 Edwards. Rev. W. Henry, D.D., 236 Fenwick, Dr. Louis Madison 124 Fountain, Rev. William A 132 Gaines, Bishop Wesley J., D.D., 165 Gazaway, Rev. John Wesley 172 Gibson, William H., Sr 102 Goins, Rev. Joshua Van Buren, D.D., 218 Gould, Rev. Theodore 35 Grant, Rev. Henry Albert 237 Grant, Bishop Abraham 56 Grimes, Rev. W. W 158 Gwynn, Rev. Joseph 174 Hamilton, Rev. John F 50 Highgate, William Baldwin 74 Hill, Rev. Andrew Henry 65 Hubbard, Rev. James H 144 Hunt, Rev. P. C., D D., 98 Hunter, Rev. William Hammett, D.D 36 Hurley, Rev. Robert French, D.D., 148 Jackson, Rev. Adam 90 Jackson, Rev. Thomas Henky, D.D., 200 Jenifer, Rev. John T., D.D 220 Johnson, Rev. William Decker 244- Jones. Rev. Joshua H., A.M., D.D., 253 Jones, Rev. Otho Eli, D.D., 76 Kkaling, Prof. H. T 60 Lampton, Rev. Edward W., D.D., 120 xii Page Laws, Rev. W. D.D. 48 Lewis, Rev. John Wesley 210 Lee, Bishop Benjamin F., D.D., 180 Lee, Nathaniel Hammond 112 Lindsay, Rev. James A., D.D. 170 Luckie, Peter Alphkus 215 Masterson, Prof, George Ellsworth 82 Maxwell, Hon. C. L 70 Maxwell, Rev. J. P 96 Mixon, Rev. Winfield Henri, D.D. 44 Morley, Rev. Jonesimus, B.A., 117 Morris, Rev. J. E 150 Moten, Rev. D. S 248 Moorr, Rev. D. P 106 Msikinya, Rev. Henry Colburne 136 McDonald, Rev. J. Frank 250 Nicholson, Rev. George W., D.D., 58 Newsome, Rev. Henry Nasby, D.D., 134 Ngcayiya, Rev. Henry Reed 84 Norris, Rev. J. W 78 Parks, Rev. Henry Blanton, D.D., 212 Payne, Rev. James Henry Davis 241 Pearson, Rev. W. B 62 Phillips, Rev. W. A J., D.D., 196 Porter, Rev. George Wellington, D.D., 94 Pryor, Rev. Paul Still 122 Rankin, Rev. James W 108 Ratliffe, Rev. Louis William 110 Roberts, Rev. B. W., D.D., 126 Robinson, Rev. O. D., D.D., 176 Salter, Bishop Moses B 199 Sampson, Kev. George C 53 Scarborough, Wili.iam S 159 Scott, Rev. John.sR , D.D., 154 Scott, Rev. Timothy Dwight US Scott, Rev. O. J. W., D.D., 168 Seals, William H. S 222 Seaton, Rev. Daniel P 42 xiii PAGE Shields, Rev. S. W., P.E., liSS Singleton, Rev. R. H., D.D., 156 Sishuba, Rev. Isaiah Goda 190 Smith, Bishop Charles Spencer 72 Smith, Rev. Seth Desmond Waldema 204- Smith, Rev. Thomas J. Broad-Ax 238 Stewart, Rev, Nicholas Bernard, D.D 208 Sutton, Rev. J. M 152 Sydes, Rev. Marion Francis 24-6 Talbert, Rev. Horace 256 Thomas, Rev. William H., M.A., 93 Tolliver, Rev. Phillip, D.D 224 Townsend, Rev. J. M., D.D., 128 Traverse, Rev. Matthew W., D.D., 138 Turner, Bishop Henry M 32 Tyree, Bishop Evans 234 Walker, Rev. James W., D.D., 162 Welch, Rev. Isaiah Henderson 130 Winslow, Mr. Clyde 203 Woodson, Rev. Thomas Wesley 131 Wright, Rev. Carter 46 Xaba, Rev. Jacobus Gilead 229 Yeocum, Rev. William Henry 178 XIV THE SONS OF ALLEN. BISHOP RICHARD ALLEN. FOUNDER OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. N HOLY ZEAL, in singleness of purpose, in purity of heart, in the joyous faith with which privation, toil and persecu¬ tion were met, the life of Bishop Richard Allen embodies the words of him who wrote, "none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." On the fourteenth day of February, 1760, a slave woman belonging to the household of Benjamin Chew in Philadelphia, held in her arms a new born son, whom she little dreamed was to be the founder of the great African Methodist Episcopal Church throughout the world. Richard was still a little boy when his parents and four of their children were sold to a man residing near Dover, Delaware; but he describes his new master as tender and humane to his slaves though not a Christian. The religious experience of Bishop Allen began in his child¬ hood ; lie early knew the rapture of loving faith, the darkness of doubt and the burden of unconverted souls around him ; he delighted in his membership with the Methodist Society and was spiritually blest in the class-meetings held in the forest near the eitv of Dover. The fact that he and his brother were permitted to go to meeting on every other Thursday was criticised by their master's neighbors, who said that such privileges would be ruinous to B - 17- them ; whereupon to show their owner that religion meant fidelity to duty they would stay at home when the crops seemed to demand their care. This loyalty was noticed by the master and he declared "that religion made slayes better and not worse," and consented to Richard's request that some of the Methodist preachers might come and preach at his house ; and it was through the influence of one of these men of God that he pro¬ posed that Richard and his brother should buy their time, pay¬ ing him 60£ gold and silyer. This chance of freedom was heralded with joy, and Richard went to work cutting cord wood, but the unusual toil so blistered his hands that tliev were almost helpless ; he prayed to the Lord for help, and in a few days his hands were well and he was often able to cut two cords a day. He then worked in a brickyard, did day's work, anything to swell the little pile that meant manhood and freedom, but wherever he was his heart was continually lifted in prayer, " sitting, standing or lying." Driving a salt wagon in the time of the Continental war, he had his regular stops and preaching places on the road. After the proclamation of peace, he traveled through a part of Delaware and New Jersey preaching the Gospel of Christ, often compelled to stop and cut wood or perform other labor, lor he had but little money, and like St. Paul he desired to sav, "these hands have ministered unto mv necessities." He more than once suffered from rheumatism, and his feet were blistered by continual walking. But he always found an open door of kind¬ ness, and hearts and hands ready to comfort and relieve. His congregations were more often composed of white than colored people, and there was no thought of race distinction as they crowded around the altar, moved by his words of power, anxious to confess their sins and find peace at the Cross. A present of a horse proved a great source of help. He traveled into Pennsylvania, meeting his first congregation at Lancaster, where he " found the people in general dead to religion and scarcely a form of godliness;" after preaching at Little York he went to Maryland. In December, 1784-, he attended the first General Conference of Methodists in America. It was held at Baltimore, and - 18-- eminent divines from England were present. Here the Society merged into the Episcopal Methodist Church ; ministers were set apart in holy orders and some claimed the dignity of the gown; this formalism was greatly deprecated by Rev. Allen and in after years he traced to it the decline in religious zeal of the church. It is pleasant to note the cordial relations that existed between Rev. Allen and his white brethren in the pulpit. Bishop Asbury asked him to travel with him through the South, but told him he could not mix with the slaves and that he would often have to sleep in the carriage ; the proposition was declined on the ground that in case of possible illness he might fail to receive the kind treatment desired. In February, 1786, Rev. Allen was preaching in Philadelphia where he saw the need of evangelistic services among his own people, as but few of them attended public worship; he estab¬ lished prayer-meetings and organized a small religious body of forty-two souls; to them he suggested the erection of a church for colored people, but only three colored men, who like himself were members of St. George's Church, approved the plan; in a short time the separate prayer-meetings of the Negroes were for¬ bidden by the Elder. Rev. Allen says in his little autobiography that the colored people " were considered as a nuisance." The congregation of St. George's Church began to look with disfavor upon the increased attendance of the black race upon its Sunday services, and they were moved from the seats usually occupied by them and placed around the wall ; one Sun¬ day morning the sexton ordered them to the gallery, and several of the trustees finding them too far in front, tried during prayer to force them from their knees and push them farther back. At the close of the prayer the colored people present left the church in a bodv. This outrage led ultimately to the building of the first African church in America. Its erection brought a storm of persecution about its pro¬ jectors. Threats of public dismissal from the great body of the church were made against them, and the white Elder was vehement in his efforts to stop the work. But many warm and sincere friends were found among the white people. Dr. Benjamin Rush and Mr. Robert Ralston proved especially true in their -19- friendship, the latter acting as treasurer of the new eliureh fund. Rev. Allen, as the first proposer of the African Church, had the honor of putting the first spade into the ground when the cellar of the edifice was dug. After the completion of the building came the decision as to the denomination with which it should be connected. The majority of the congregation voted in favor of the Church of England ; Rev. Allen and Rev. Absalom Jones made a small minority that desired an alliance with the Methodists ; for notwithstanding the harsh treatment received from that organization he recognized it as the church most powerful in reaching and influencing the common people. But the majority carried the day, and the church went into the fold of the Church of England. In 1793, being then the only colored minister in the city, he was solicited to take charge of the new church; but allegiance to his Methodist convictions forbade it. The desire for a Methodist Church for his people daily grew stronger ; purchasing the frame of an old blacksmith shop, he moved it to a lot on Sixth near Lombard street, and had it fitted up for church purposes. In July, 1784-, the little building was consecrated by Bishop Asbury, and the first African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Church was established. The Church was induced to enter the white Conference. For ten years all went well, when unexpectedly a white presiding Elder demanded the keys and church books, and forbade the holding of sacred services only when specially permitted. The congregation claimed the premises, but found, to their surprise, that incorporation with the Conference had deprived them of the right of ownership. Legal advice was taken, and it was ascertained that if two-thirds of the Church so desired, with¬ drawal from the Conference was properly in order ; it was effected without the knowledge of the Elder and a rumpus followed. For several years there were constant annoyances from some of the white Methodist charges who insisted upon furnishing the church with ministerial supplies and wanted exor¬ bitant amounts from the congregation in payment. One resident Elder asserted his right in preaching and caring for the church, and upon being requested to confer with the trustees, replied - 20 - that, " He did not come to consult with Richard Allen or other trustees, but to inform the congregation that on next Sunday afternoon he would come and take the spiritual charge," but he found the pulpit occupied at the appointed hour. Another Elder appealed to the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus, to know why the pulpit was closed against him. This brought about a law-suit which was decided in favor of the Church. This state of affairs did not exist alone in Philadelphia, but was the experience of the colored people in Baltimore and other places, who had now organized places of worship for their own people. But in 1816 many difficulties were removed bv the calling and organizing of a Conference, which placed the African Methodist Episcopal Church among the legallv recognized religious bodies of the world. Rev. Richard Allen endeared himself to many of the citizens of Philadelphia during its terrible visitation with vellow fever in 1793 ; he nursed the sick and buried the dead with a Christian courage and tenderness that enrolls him among the heroes of the earth. He lived to see the seed planted by his love and faith grow into a mightv tree that shall never wither, for its roots are fed by the love and care of the immortal Son of God; and in the glorious hope of a blessed immortality, at the age of seventy-two vears, this fearless and valiant Christian man closed his eves upon earthlv scenes. March 2(>, 1831, was the day of his translation. 2t ~ THE ALLEN PILGRIMAGE. PROGRAMME OF THE FIRST GRAND PILGRIMAGE TO THE TOM Ii OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS I>K AD, BISHOP RICHARD ALLKN, FOUNDER AND FIRST BISHOP OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, BY MEMBERS OF THE THIRD EPISCOPAL DISTRICT, IN COMPANY WITH OTHERS WHO DESIRED TO GO. THE EXERCISES WERE HELD AT MOTHER BETHEL CHURCH, SIXTH STREET, BELOW PINE, PHILADELPHIA, PA., ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY I 4, 1905, ON THE I45TII ANNIVER¬ SARY OF BISHOP ALLEN'S BIRTH. AFTERNOON M E ETIN C,. Devotional Exercises, conducted by Theodore Gould and Horace Talbert. "Richard Allen as an Educator," Rev. I. W. L. Roundtrec, I).I)., Newark, N. J. "Richard Allen as an Emancipator and Benefactor of His Race," Rev. G. C. Sampson, Clarksburg, W. Va. "African Methodism in New Jersey," Rev. J. L. Hammond, Camden, N. J. Bishop B. W. Derrick, D.D., and Dr. Barnabus, of the Church of the Catacombs at London, England, addressed this meeting. - 22 - PROGRAMME — Continued. evening meeting. Invocation. "The Allen Pilgrimage; its Purpose and Influence," Rev. C. M. Tanner, D.D., Allegheney, Pa. "The Itineranev as a Factor in the Development of Methodism," Rev. W. H. H. Butler, D.I)., Harrisburg, Pa. " The A. M. E. Church as a Factor in the Development of our Racial Life," Rev. D. S. Bentley, D.D., Pittsburg, Pa. "The Motives by which Allen was Actuated in Founding the A. M. E. Church," Rev. R. W. Fickland, D.I)., Philadelphia, Pa. Prof. C. W. Clark conducted the music. On the morning of February 14th a sight-seeing tour was made to old St. George's Church, Independence Hall, Book Con¬ cern and other points of interest. Committee of Arrangements, W. B. Anderson, R. H. Bumrv, W. H. Brown, P. A. Scott, Secretary, C. M. Tanner, Chairman. -23- THE CHURCH OF ALLEN AS A FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RACE. PART OF AN ADDRESS DELIVERED I«Y REV. I). S. BENTLEY, D.I)., AT TIIE FIRST ALLEN PILGRIMAGE CELEBRATION, IN PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 14, 1905. ICHARD ALLEN, the founder of the African Methodist P^piseopal Church, was the embodiment of noble eharac- teristies that enabled him to infuse an ideal manhood and womanhood into a people whose past was dim with antiquitv and overshadowed with ignorance, and stained with the immoral habits and customs of their condition and environment; a people without hope of ever being lifted from shame and servitude except in some mysterious way by the power of Him who balances the spheres and holds the elements in control. Through Allen's achievement we rise to a greater knowledge of the God that raised him up for the wonderful work ; a work that reveals him not only as a champion for his black brother, but also as one who stood for the cause of human rights and religious libertv for every soul 011 the face of the earth. More than a centurv has passed since the exodus from St. George's M. E. Church, (which, to sa}r the least, was, to all intents and purposes, a strike for religious freedom) and within that space of time has developed a wonderful church organiza¬ tion whose power is felt throughout the world. The African Methodist Episcopal Church in its structure, its politv vigorously carried out, stands to-day as an imperish¬ able monument to the memory of its heroic founder. Its demoe- - 24- racy of doctrine is, perchance, proving the strongest Church agency in solving the so-called Race Problem. For while in its inception it has sometimes been called a " Race Church," and its mission from the day of its birth until the present time has been essentially to a people ostracized and discriminated against in nearly every walk in life, no person was ever excluded from its communion on account of race or national distinction. Its birth was of absolute necessity and by the laws of necessitv it must live to accomplish its work of destruction of race barriers and race injustice. For the Christian civilization of a great republic like ours cannot dignify and promote its highest possible greatness without the concentration of all mental, moral and religious forces upon those sublime principles which have for their basis, "God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, and Man our Brother." In this particular mission the Church of Allen shares the hopes and fears of all who believe in the principles of a Government, " Of the people, by the people, and for the people." Racial advancement, in many things, is like that of an oak, slow in development but grand in potentiality ; and while our material growth does not satisfy our highest ambition, nor measure up to our greatest expectation, yet when viewed in the light of the trying ordeals to which we, as a people, have been subjected, the heights reached are phenomenal when compared with other races of the world who possessed advantages far superior and means more ample. When wc emerged from the smoke of the struggle that liberated four and a half millions of people from abject servitude, the Church of Allen became the most practical agency in the hand of God in meeting those emergencies which came with the new conditions of American life ; and the system of moral, mental and religious training inculcated by it has continued to adjust itself to everv new condition and demand of the Race. To those who would question the validity of this asser¬ tion we point with pride to the schools, colleges, universities and statelv church edifices, whose existence relate not only the historv of aggressive and successful effort, but measure up to the required standards of the age. A great Educational system which meets the demands of the Race with a financial depart- - 25 - ment out of which is paid more than half a million of dollars annually to carry forward the work so well begun, is, in itself, an object lesson to the world. And the sincerity of the desire of our Race to attain the highest ideal of citizenship is attested by the practical, as well as the ethical lines along which this education of our young people is directed; the theological and literary departments in our institutions are close neighbors to the rooms in which the student is taught the science and art of the indus¬ trial world about him in which he is to play an important part. To the influence of the Church of Allen may be ascribed much of the advanced religious thought of the times so vital to the permanency of national life and the development of a national conscience ; its lessons of Christian faith, self-govern¬ ment and virtuous life are mighty factors in the establishment of character, both individual and national. The historv of the colored American is virtually embraced in the years stretching from 1787 to 1905. The founding of the little African Methodist Church in the city of Philadelphia was truly the Plymouth Rock of his religious independence, which in time was to become the corner stone of his intellectual and personal freedom ; the one enfolded the other. There is no diminution in the influence of this Church and its founder upon the lives and hearts of men to-day. His soul purified bv the holy fire of Divine love and luminous with the white flame of consecration to the visible advancement of the Church of God, his heart tender with the wrongs inflicted upon his race and strong in an abnegation that meant persecution and suffering, constituted him a worthy leader in a cause that meant alliance with God in the salvation, both spiritual and physical, of a people that to-day delight to revere and bless his name But great as is the honor due him, and gladly given, it must be shared with those upon whom his mantle fell when he was called to the Church Triumphant; heroic souls who, through the storm and stress of the early days of church establishment, uncomplainingly and patientlv met defeat and persecution with undaunted hearts, confident that thev were building for eternity and that the cause dearer to them than life, would be blessed with golden results by the Lord they served. Wonder- - 26 - iully has their faith been rewarded, for the African Methodist Episcopal Church to-day stands at the head of all activities of good in the elevation of our people and the development of a citizenship that is an honor and power in the land in which we live. The golden age of our race lies not in the past but in the future, and the Church of Allen is one of the gates of blessing through which we enter into possession of its limitless promise. - 27 - EXTRACTS TAKEN FROM AN ADDRESS ON "THE ITINERACY AS A FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF METHODISM," DELIVERED 1SY REV. WILLIAM II. H. BUTLER, D.D., AT HETIIEL A. M. E. CIIURCH, PHILADELPHIA, PA., FEBRUARY 14, 1905, ON THE OCCASION OF THE ALLEN PILGRIMAGE CELEBRATION. ETHODISM, both in its inception and development, is remarkable for the complexity of interests to be con¬ served, as well as for the specific and peculiar agencies necessary for its elaboration. The summarizing of a set of rules for the regulation of the conduct and life of church members (as our "General Rules"), with the attachment of punitive laws for their infringement, would have been impossible of successful accomplishment, with¬ out a strong centralized form of ecclesiastical administration ; itself subject to still higher inspection and change as regards the units constituting its membership. The danger of misuse or abuse of delegated administra¬ tive and disciplinary authority is thereby reduced to a minimum, and a problem, the gravity of which can scarcelv be estimated, has been happily solved bv the svstem of the Itinei'acy, Metho¬ dism's just pride. The history of the unprecedented growth and development of Methodism in all lands and among all peoples, is a trust- worthv witness to the necessity and efficacy of the Itineraev as a Church agency. To properly consider it as a developmental factor it must be regarded from three standpoints : The Episco¬ pacy, Presiding Eldership, and Pastorate. Reversing the order of - 28 - presentation the Pastorate is the saered office nearest to the people, the masses, for whose benefit Methodism was primarily intended; realizing also that both the Presiding Eldership and Episcopacy exist by the reserved authority and powers vested in the Itineracv. Methodism denies that either the individual preacher, or society, has the right to limit the sphere in which the talents and services of one called of God, and accredited by the Connection, shall be employed while ministering to the flock of Christ and upbuilding the kingdom of God on earth. It maintains the Ministry is God's gift to His church, and it is for this reason "that all who continue to labor with us in the vinevard of the Lord" are solemnly forewarned that they "should do that part of the work which we advise, at those places and times which we judge most to His (God's) glorv." In this admoni¬ tion lies the basic principle of the Methodist itineracy ; to its observance is largely due the marvelous spread and development of Methodism, which means the bringing of the greatest good to the greatest number, which is verily a literal following of the great Teacher, who Himself" went about (itinerarium ) doing good." Methodists believe in calling into service the various gifts of those divinely called to preach, viz, the evangelizing, the seed sowing, the watering, the indoctrinating and the preservation of the standards of Christian living; and because it is difficult, if not impossible, to find all these spiritual qualifications embodied in one man, and inasmuch as each and every church needs care along all of these specified lines, the Itinerant s\rstem, in turn, brings to each the help desired; the evangelist to awaken, the pastor to feed and teach, the doctrinarian to confirm in the faith, and the disciplinarian to set spiritual and temporal affairs in orderly array. We re-affirm the strength and power of the Methodist Itineracv, and all honor is due those unselfish men of God who come up to Conference, year after year, "not knowing what shall befall them," glorying in their high privilege to spread abroad a Saviour's love and satisfied if they may spotlessly and safely keep the sacred charge committed to them. The Presiding Eldership was a natural outgrowth of the -29- rapid development of Methodism, and like the Episcopacy, was necessary for the proteetion of ministerial and lay interests whieh, though really mutual, might easily, under certain contingencies, become bitterly antagonistic and destructive of the peace, if not of the very existence, of Methodism. To travel throughout his district, to superintend every part ot his work, is an Episcopal function and prerogative ; but in its widest sense this would mean the investigation of the spiritual and temporal affairs in each separate church society, a duty manifestly impossible for one man to accomplish, owing to the rapid increase of Methodist organizations; hence the ap¬ pointment of Presiding Elders, who, as Episcopal subordinates, are assigned certain limited territory in which every pastor is visited once a quarter; his relation to his charge investigated, reports heard from the various church boards, and the maintain¬ ing or severing of the relation of pastor and people is mainly dependent upon the reports made to the Bishop at the meeting of the yearly Conference. The Presiding Eldership is a strong factor in the success of the Methodist church. As to the efficiency of the Episcopacy as an itinerating agency in the spread of Methodism there can be but one opinion. From the time of the sainted Richard Allen, the first of an illus¬ trious line, to the scholarly and consecrated bishops of the A.M. E. Church to-dav, is an unbroken service of devoted lives illumi¬ nated with holy and unfailing zeal for the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom through the power and might of the teach¬ ings of John Wesley. The African Methodist Episcopal Church is rich in the legacv of the heroic lives of its Bishops, and if our church lines are daily taking in new territory, if Methodism is advancing its banners among the religious organizations of the world, much, very much, of the credit and praise must be given to the sagacity, the foresight, the wisdom, the holy enthusiam of the noble men that have constituted the highest ecclesiastical authority of the church at large. Who can estimate the perils from which our dear church has, perchance, many times been saved through the prayerful deliberations of our Bishops, or the direful consequences of ill- advised and hasty legislation bv our General Conferences, but for -3°- the wisdom and conservatism of the Episcopal Quadrennial Address, and their impartial rulings over the lesser councils of the church. Under the immediate care of the Episcopacy are the Missionary, Educational and other vital interests of the church. Their exalted position removes them from the bustle and excite¬ ment attending the contact with petty details, yet their hands direct and govern all that affects the ministry and laitv in their relation to the church and so serene has been this high authority, so wise its deliberations, that for eighty-nine years there has occurred no schism in the African Methodist Episcopal Church at large, albeit that body is world-wide in influence and has attained historical import. No just estimate can be placed upon the impetus that the Episcopacv has given to the development of Methodism bv praver, the laying on of consecrating hands in the ordination of the ministry, by travels, sermons, and addresses. In what balance can be weighed the world-embracing labors of Daniel A. Payne, Alexander W. Wayman, Jabez P. Campbell, Thomas M. D. Ward, William Paul Quinn, Henry McNeal Turner, Benjamin W. Arnett, William B. Derrick, Levi J. Coppin and others of worthy fame ? Each and all have served the cause of Methodism as founder, evangelist, preacher, pioneer, historian, orator and missionary. It is impossible to estimate the value and magnitude of their work. The church never can know what it owes to the labor, zeal, devotion, and saintly character of its bishops. Many of them rest from their labors, but their work for the church so dear to their hearts wreathes their names with flowers immortal. They have heard the glad "Well done" in the glorious splendor of the Church Triumphant, but eternity holds for them the jovous gratitude of myriads of saved souls who w ill rise up to call them blessed. BISHOP HENRY M. TURNER. POSSESSING the love and honor of the great re¬ ligious body over which he wields ecclesiastical au¬ thority, Bishop Henry McNeal Turner is a man eminent by reason of broad intellectual gifts and achievements, fervid piety and rare executive ability. His parents, Hardy Turner and Sarah Greer Turner, were residing in the vicinity of Newberry Court House, South Carolina, at the time of the birth of their son, February 1, 1834. On his mother's side he was connected with one of the best families among those commonly spoken of as "Free Negroes." Educational advantages were very limited and he was early placed among the toilers in the cotton field, but unflagging determination made him master of the reader and the copy-book; at fifteen years of age he was employed as a servant in a law office at Abbeville Court House, and his willingness to act as Mercury between the young advocates and their sweethearts won the favor and interest of the office force and he was helped to a knowledge of History, the Bible, Astronomy, Arithmetic and Geography; but since his tinion with the Methodist Church South, in 1848, the purpose of his life was to be one "set apart" for its service, and upon receiving license to preach in -32" 1853, he itinerated for several vears through South Carolina, Georgia and other Southern States. In 1858 he transferred his membership to the A. M. E. Church and joined the Missouri Annual Conference; later he was transferred to the Baltimore Conference, and for four years was stationed in the eitv of Baltimore, and while there studied Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Theology and German at Trinity College, and took a special course in Elocution from Bishop Cummings of the Protestant Episcopal Church. In 1863 he left the pastorate of Israel Church, Washington, I). C., to take the chaplaincy of the First Regiment, U. S. colored troops, being the first colored Chaplain commissioned in the war. He was mustered out in September, 1865, to receive from Presi¬ dent Johnson a commission as Chaplain in the regular army, but served in an official capacity in the Freedman's Bureau in Georgia, resigning in a short time to return to the ministry. But his able brain was needed outside of pulpit limits in that disturbed, almost chaotic, period of American history, and for a time he engaged busily in the work ot organizing schools for colored children. After the enaction of the Reconstruction Laws by Congress, he called the first Republican Convention in Georgia, and made many eloquent speeches in the interests of the partv. An election to the Constitutional Convention was followed by two terms in the Georgia Legislature. During the administration of President Grant he received the appointment of postmaster at Macon, and was afterwards appointed Inspector of Customs and connected with the United States Secret Service Bureau. In 1876 the General Conference of the A. M. E. Church made him General Manager of its Publishing House in Philadel¬ phia, and four years later the same body in convention at St. Louis, Missouri, raised him to the Bishopric; the obligations of this office have caused him to travel extensive!}', and confer¬ ences have been organized by him in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Transvaal and Queenstown. In the line of literary work Bishop Turner has placed his church under manv and great obligations to his pen ; he is the author of a little volume, " Methodist Polity," and has com- piled a hymn hook and written a catechism, besides various lectures and orations; two newspapers, now authoritative organs in the church, were born in his fertile brain. During his ministerial connection with the church, Bishop Turner claims to have received over one hundred and six thou¬ sand persons into church fellowship in this country, Canada, Africa, and West India Islands. Bishop Turner has two sons, born of his first marriage to Miss Eliza Ann Peaeher in 1856 ; in 1893 he was wedded to Mrs. Martha Elizabeth DeWitt, and upon her death, the widow of the late Bishop A. W. Wayman became his wife in 1900. Bishop Turner is entitled to write a long list of letters after his name, as the University of Pennsylvania conferred upon him the degree of LL. D.; Wilberforce University that of I).I).; and from Liberia College came that of I). C. L. -34- REV. THEODORE GOULD. 3 'IFTY years of unceasing activity in the service of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, have won for the Rev. Theodore Gould the reverent praise and will¬ ing admiration of the thou¬ sands that have been directed and led on the " highway of holiness" by his earnest life and words. The tranquil look 011 venerable face tells the passeth has been comfort during the half-century of storm and trial. Rev. Theodore Gould was born August 12, 1830, and waslicensed to preach in 1853 ; six years later receiving Deacon's Orders, consecration to the Presid¬ ing Eldership following in 1861. With the exception of six years connection with the New Jersey circuits and a three years pastorate at Fleet Street A. M. E. Church, Brooklyn, the first twentv-seven years of his ministry were passed in the eastern part of Pennsylvania, a large portion of the time being given to different pastorates in Philadelphia. In 1887 he was transferred to the New England Conference, then going from a three years pastorate in Boston to Bethel Church in New York City ; returning to the Philadelphia Con¬ ference in 1892, to be eventually given the Presiding Eldership over the Philadelphia District in the bounds of the Philadelphia Conference. It is the purpose of this veteran of the church to shortly publish a detailed account of his ministerial labors, which will be warmly welcomed by the church at large. -35- REV. WILLIAM HAMMETT HUNTER, D.D. himself with Catherine Street A. M. E. Church in Newark, and determined to become a minister; his first preaching was in the pulpits of the churches at Elizabethtown and Rahway. In 1854 Bishop Quinn assigned him to the Penningtonville Circuit, but he was afterwards transferred to the Baltimore Conference and given a charge at Georgetown, D. C. Feeling that a more profitable experience would come from greater intellectual qualifications, he entered Wilberforce Univer¬ sity, remaining there three years, but during that period was zealous in the interests of his beloved Zion, establishing preach¬ ing places, the present charge at Lebanon, Ohio, proving the soundness of his work. His education completed, Dr. Hunter returned to the Balti¬ more Conference, and was sent to Water's Chapel, Baltimore; while filling this appointment he received from President Lincoln a commission as the first colored Chaplain in the United States HE DARK shadow of slavery but lightly touched the life of Dr. Hunter, as his father bought himself, wife and family, when William, the eldest child, was but a mere lad, and brought them North to find a home on free soil. Raleigh, N. C., June 21, 1831. After coming North his father settled in Brooklyn, N. Y., and William obtained employ¬ ment as smelter and refiner in a jewrelry manufacturing es¬ tablishment in Newark, N. J. William was born in The young man identified -36- army, an honor of which he is justly very proud. Faithfully and earnestly did he sow the Gospel truth in the camps of the " bovs in blue." At the close of the war, Dr. Hunter was assigned by his Conference to important charges in Washington, D. C., Wilming¬ ton, N. C. and Pittsburg, Pa. For several years he superintended the business affairs of the Book Concern of the A. M. E. Church, being transferred at the expiration of his term to the New England Conference, and stationed at Boston, which pastorate was followed by one at New Bedford; but the Virginia Confer¬ ence wanted him, and he was sent to the city of Richmond, going afterwards to other leading charges in the State, to event¬ ually return to the Baltimore Conference, to be made, at the close of a successful pastorate at St. Pauls, D. C., a Presiding Elder. His life of active service in the church was finished with the termination of his Eldership, and he was placed on the list of superannuated ministers. He lives in comfort in his beautiful home at Anacostia, D. C., rejoicing in the consciousness of a life well spent, and that his work will in the morning of eternity, bring him an exceeding "great reward." REV. W. G. ALEXANDER, D.D. AS A CHRISTMAS gift, Rev. W. G. Alexander D. D., came to his parents, Lewis and Celia Alexander, in 1856. His early schooling was obtained in the public schools of the District of Columbia, after which, on the recom¬ mendation of Dr. Chas. B. Purvis, he entered Howard University where his ability and studious habits won much commendation from his able instructors. He became a member of the Baltimore Conference during its session at Union Bethel (now Metropolitan) under Bishop J. M. Brown and was ordained Deacon and Elder by Bishop D. A. Payne, at Hagers- town, Maryland, in 1883. Dr. Alexander began his ministry with a zeal peculiarly his own, and with a determination to succeed, that has ripened into large upbuilding of the interests of the church, and the mental and social progression of his race. He has with great success filled important appointments at West River and Frederick, Md., Portsmouth, Va., Montgomery and Birmingham, Ala., and Columbus, Atlanta and Macon, Ga. In connection with his spiritual work has been constant care and interest in the building and remodeling of churches and parsonages in his pastorates. While stationed in Virginia, Governor Fitzhugh Lee honored him with the Curatorship of Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, and his capable services won for him liberal comraen- -38- (lation from those in high places. In 1889 he was selected bv the Bishop's Council at Charleston, S. C., as Fraternal Messenger to the C. M. E. General Conference at Little Rock, Ark., and his address to that assembly brought him wide-spread praise and fame. The presidency of Payne University sought him, but he declined the flattering position, preferring to work in the rank and file of the itineraev ; and he was one of the distinguished representatives of his race at the Congress of Religions at the Columbian Exposition at Chicago, in 1893. Four years later he was elected Dean of the Theological Department of Morris Brown College where he acceptably filled the Chair of Biblical Literature. As a leetui'er upon religious themes Dr. Alexander has but few equals in the field; and his eloquence has thrilled the students of Ttiskeegee, Clark University, Spellman Seminary and other prominent educational centres in the land. To his forethought and interest in his race, the influential Southern Afro-American League, organized at Macon, Ga., owes its existence. Among the numerous honors conferred upon him, none are more highly esteemed than the degree of Doctor of Divinity bestowed by Wilberforce University, and he is, at the present time, greatly interested in his duties as Dean of Turner Theo¬ logical Seminary, Atlanta, Ga. Besides being liberally endowed with unusual literary ability that has brought several thoughtful publications from his pen, as "Living Words," "(The Negro in Commerce and Finance," "The Model Sundav School," Dr. Alexander possesses the art of musical composition, and was selected by Bishop D. A. Payne to write musical settings to three of the Bishop's original hymns. Dr. Alexander not long ago celebrated the "silver" anni¬ versary in his ministerial work. -39" REV. REUBEN B. BROOKS, I). D. IX YEARS before the birth of the subject of our sketch, December 18, 1860, in Leon County, Florida, his father, Daniel Brooks, bought his freedom, but his mother remained a slave until freed by the Eman¬ cipation Proclamation. Reuben learned to read at his Sunday school, as in those days much of the instruction imparted \v a s similar to that of the week¬ day school, and he became very familiar with the con¬ tents of Webster's blue-back¬ ed Speller and Saunder's First Reader, and soon committed to memory the two hymns that were a fixed part of the regular exercises, " I want to be an angel," and "Come thou fount of every blessing." At fourteen years of age he was forced to leave the public school and go to work on a farm, as his father was dead and lie was the chief support of his mother ; but Providence placed in his hands a catalogue of Cookman Institute, and he procured the books that made the course of study in that institution, and at night after the hard day's toil was over, would gloat over their intellectual treasure ; thus, when he had reached his nine¬ teenth year he was able to successfully pass an examination for school teacher, and until 1883, was employed in the public schools of his native State. The next four years were given to mercantile interests, after which he published a paper and opened a real estate office in Ocala, Florida, later, for one year, filling the office of Inspector of Customs at Key West. -40- Since 1882, the year of his conversion, he had been licensed as an Exhorter and Local Preacher, and in 1893 entered the itineracy of the A. M. E. Church, and has done excellent work in a number of pastorates of the Florida Conferences. His sermons have convinced hundreds of the beauty and truth of the Chris¬ tian life, and his energy and persuasiveness have proved very effective in freeing churches from debt and strengthening new organizations. He is now serving his second year as pastor in Macedonia, Florida. Rev. Brooks has for four years most satisfactorily filled the office of Secretary of the Florida Conference, and was elected Recording Secretary at the last General Conference. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was the gift of Morris Brown College. Rev. Brooks, has been twice married. His first wife, Miss Nannie Smith, to whom he was united in 1880, dying in two vears ; in 1884, Miss Jennie Denkins became his wife, and with their little flock of five children, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks live happy and useful lives in their pretty home at Jacksonville, Florida. -41 - REV. DANIEL P. SEATON. N' '0 MAN IS more widely and favorably known in the African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Church than Rev. Daniel P. Seaton, who is as well versed in medical lore as he is in theology. He was born of free par¬ entage in Reistertown, Balti¬ more County, Maryland. By a private teacher he was taught to read and write. Leaving his native place when about fifteen years of age, he went to New York, where he obtained a common school training. He was still quite young when he was licensed to exhort by the Quarterly Conference of the Vine Street A. M. E. Church in Buffalo, N. Y. But feeling a need of more education he took a high school course before join¬ ing the New York Conference. His first appointment was at Morristown station, but Bishop A. W. Wayman soon transferred him to the Philadelphia Conference, stationing him at Wilmington, Delaware. In two years he was sent to Frankford Church, Philadelphia; while in this city, his over-mastering love for study led him to take a medical course at the American University of Medicine, winning a diploma in 1871. A number of the most influential pastorates in the A. M. E. Church have been strengthened and prospered through the minis¬ try of Rev. Seaton ; among them are St. Stephens, Wilmington, N. C. ; Union Bethel, Washington, D. C. ; and Bethel Church, Vermont street, Indianapolis. - 42 - Dr. Seaton has traveled extensively both at home and abroad ; visiting the great eities of continental Europe, and was the first colored tourist to the land of the Saviour's wonderful earthly life. While in Europe he was several times invited to deliver addresses that electrified immense audiences with their thought and eloquence, and widely extended his fame as an orator. In 1888 he had the honor of being sent as a delegate by the Baltimore Conference to the World's Sunday School Conven¬ tion in London, England. At its close he indulged in a second glimpse at the manifold attractions of Italy, Switzerland, Ger¬ many, France, Holland, Belgium and Scotland. In '92 and '93 he was privileged to gratify a long-cherished desire, and circum¬ navigated the globe. He occupied the pastorate of the A. M. E. Church at Norfolk, Va., upon his return, going from there to Portsmouth. He is now Presiding Elder of Potomac District, Baltimore Conference. In the many and varied duties of his life, he has found time to add to American literature a delightful book, entitled, The Land of Promise." 43 REV. WINFIELD HENRI MIXON, D.D. 3 'OR " PUSHING AND PULLING" along the work of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, no man has a greater reputa¬ tion than the subject of this sketch. He is noted far and wide for his readiness at all times to help in all good work, and so strong is the faith of others in his ability to plan and execute, that he has but little time that he can call his own. Dr. Mixon was born near Selma, Dallas county, Alaba¬ ma, April 25, 1859; was con¬ verted in 1876, was licensed to preach the same year, and entered the traveling- connection of the Conference that met at Iluntsville, in December 1879. As pastor he has served efficiently at Decatur, Pratt City, Brown Chapel, Montgomery, Columbiana and other important places ; was twice Presiding Elder of Birmingham District, and is now busy with the cares of the same office in Camden District. Dr. Mixon has won the regard of the church for the capa¬ bility evinced by him in his work as Minister and Elder, and also for his success as an organizer. Extensive travel in the United States and abroad has added wide culture to his art as an orator, and he ranks among the distinguished speakers of the A. M. E. Church. For man\r j^ears he has been one of the active trustees of Wilberforce University, and that institution is peculiarly dear to him, for in 1896 he wooed and won its lady principal, Miss E. L. Jackson, lor his wife ; but she, and two bright little sons, have -44- preceded him to the home in heaven. From the same college came his degree of Doctor of Divinity. The establishment of Payne Universit}' at Selma, Alabama, was largely due to his foresight and zealous interest. Devoted to the work of the Sunday School, he was honored with the presidencv of the State Sunday School Convention of Alabama ; and no man in that part of the countrv is more often called upon to help on all lines of Christian work than is Dr. Mixon. Yet his manifold duties, someway, leave him time for excellent literar\' achievements, as he is the historian of his State, and has published several valuable books, the last being a "Historv of the A. M. E. Church in Alabama," The Third Alabama Conference of his Church is indebted to him for its establishment, and he is planning the organization of a Fourth Conference. Like many of his ministerial brethren, Dr. Mixon stands high in Masonic circles. -45- REV. CARTER WRIGHT. I EV. CARTER WRIGHT had reached his fortv- third year before engag- ing in the active ministry ot the African Methodist Episco¬ pal Church. He was born in slavery, in the city of New Orleans, July 30, 1833, but fortunately the chains of servitude were held by kind and considerate W hands, and he escaped the ' . 1 terrible suffering that fell to the lot of many of his people in bondage. In 1841, a change of own¬ ership moved the residence ol his parents and family to Lexington, Kentucky, and a little later they all spent several vears with their master's household in Florence, Ital}', where young Carter attended an English school. Their return to the United States was in 1845, landing in Philadelphia ; owing to the kind interest of some English people, his mother had provided herself with free papers, which proved a happy precaution, for in 1847 the odious Fugitive Slave bill was passed. When he was about twenty-two years of age he decided to locate in New Haven, Connecticut, where he caught the New England love of the ocean, and made several voyages to the West Indies. In 1860 he experienced the divine forgiveness of his sins, and joined Bethel Church in the beautiful "City of Elms," and in three years was licensed to preach. But feeling it a sacred duty to aid his country in her dark hour of peril, the following January he -46- enlisted in the 29th Connecticut Colored Volunteers, and passed through the fiery ordeal of eight hotlv contested battles. At the close of the war he returned to New Haven and found employment at Yale College, where he remained until he identified himself with the itineracy of the A. M. E. Church by joining the New England Conference in 1874, at which time he was ordained as Deacon by Bishop Shorter and appointed to the pastorate of the A. M. E, Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He afterwards preached in Portland, Me., again in Bridgeport, Conn., Cambridgeport, Mass., Providence, R.I., receiving the office of Elder from Bishop J. M. Brown in 1882. Transference by Bishop Cain to the Philadelphia Conference came in 1885, and for four years as Pastor and Presiding Elder he was busy in the Harris- burg District; he was then placed by Bishop H. M. Turner in the Pittsburg Conference, since which time he has filled some of the most important appointments in the jurisdiction of that assembly ; the new church at Cannonsburg was begun during his pastorate in that place. He is now the honored Presiding Elder of Washington District of the Pittsburg Conference, working with a zeal and enthusiam that may well be emulated bv younger men. -47- REV. W. J. LAWS, D. D. K S A PULPIT and plat¬ form orator, Rev. W. J. Laws has won much public commendation, and his services as a speaker have been in requisition on many im¬ portant occasions. He was born in Fredcrica, Delaware, February 18, 1847, but at an early age was taken to Philadelphia, where his childhood was fostered by the kindly influences of Bethel A. M. E. Church; at seventeen years of age the searching sermons of Bishop A. W. Way man led to the accepta¬ tion of the Divine Redeemer as his personal Saviour and a connection with the membership of the A. M. E. Church in New York City, entering at once upon the duties of Choir Singer and Sunday School Teacher. Three years afterwards he was licensed to preach, but more thoroughly prepared himself for pulpit work by a four years course at Lincoln University, where the distinction of being the first President of the Philosophian Literary Society gained for him a gold medal. After his graduation in 1871, Bishop J. P. Campbell, at the meeting of the New York Annual Conference, ordained him as Deacon, but he was immediately transferred to the New England Conference and stationed at Lynn, Massachusetts, where he was ordained to the Eldership by Bishop James A. Shorter. Appointments followed at New Haven, Connecticut ; Providence, Rhode Island; and New Bedford, Massachusetts; when he was again transferred by Bishop John M. Brown to the Illinois Annual Conference, receiving an assignment to Bethel Church, Chicago, where he remained four years. His itineracy then embraced the churches at Galesburg, Illinois ; Keokuk and Des Moines, Iowa; and Minneapolis. He stayed but a few months in the last named city, as Bishop Way man sent him to St. James Church, Dallas, Texas ; going after the close of a successful five years pastorate to Corsicana, and thence to the Metropolitan Church at Austin, Texas. Dr. Laws has four times represented his Church at the Gen¬ eral Conference, and twice has the degree of Doctor of Divinity been conferred upon him, the last time by Guadaloupe College, Sequin, Texas. He had the honor of delivering the address of welcome at the Republican National Convention at Chicago, in 1884. More than once the name of Dr. Laws has been mentioned in connection with the Bishop's office, but his extreme conserva¬ tism is said to bar his way to ecclesiastical preferment. He is now President of Paul Quinn College, Waco, Texas. REV. JOHN F. HAMILTON. (IE) kVERSHADOWED by the tragic sadness of slav¬ ery the childhood of Rev. John F. Hamilton was passed. His grandparents, originally free people in Africa, had been trapped to this coun¬ try to undergo the horrors of slave-servitude in Maryland, where in 1846 the subject of this sketch was born. He was but a few months old when an older brother and sister lost their lives in a fire that destroyed " the Quarters," and his mother was scarred and maimed for life in the heroic rescue of her infant son. His parents belonged to different masters, and the father was only permitted to spend three weeks out of the year with his family; none of her children were ever sold away from the mother, for she grimly told her master, Richard Bowie, "The day you sell one of my children, that day I cease working for you." She was a woman of strong character, deeply religious, and is numbered among the founders of the Bethel A. M. E. Church, in Baltimore. She lived to see her son a prominent and honored minister in the church so dear to her, and on her death-bed sent him the characteristic message, " Tell John I could not wait ; and tell him to meet me in heaven." When John was about fifteen years of age, he was hired out to W. R. S. Giddings, of Baltimore, who one morning start¬ ed to his farm accompanied by the boy ; suddenly changing his mind, he returned to the city, saying that they would go to- " 5° ~ morrow. But the free life of his ancestors seemed, all at once, to rush through the veins of the lad, and he resolved to be "free" or die ; when night fell he slipped into a box car with a few ginger cakes in his pocket, and in three days was a "wandering Hamite" in Pittsburg, from which place he went to Guernsey County, Ohio, where he made his home. He does not remember how he learned his letters; but Rav's Intellectual Arithmetic and Wright's Analytical Orthographv fell into his hands, which were placed along with his Bible, making a library that was studied at odd moments until literally their contents became his mental possession. In July, 1864, he entered the Union army (in which his father lost his life as a soldier) and was discharged August, 1865, with badly impaired health. In the Fall of '72 his name was enrolled as a student of Wilberforce University, with the small capital of $35, in his possession, but the kindness of one of his teachers enabled him to remain until the close of the school year. In September he began teaching, and his ability placed him at the head of the colored school in Bellaire, Ohio. But in little over a year he entered upon his life work as a Minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, and was ordained as Deacon, at Bellaire, in December, 1878, by Bishop Wavman. He joined the North Ohio African Conference, but upon the advice of Bishop Campbell, again took up the profession of teaching, retaining it until assigned to the charge at Warren Mission, which meant the giving up of an income of $78 a month for the meagre salary of $86 a year; but he quaintly says it was a change "from com¬ motion to quiet." Rev. Hamilton afterwards occupied as pastor, pulpits in Youngstown Circuit, and in 1890 was made Presiding Elder of Cleveland District. In April, 1893, while in charge of the church at Delaware, he broke down from nervous exhaustion, and the following year was superannuated. He has twice been elected a Trustee ot Wilberforce Univer- sitv, but the honor that he prizes next to his call to the ministry was being asked to write and read the Memoirs of Bishops Arm¬ strong and Pavne, and Reverends March and Stewart at the Annual Conference in Steubenville, Ohio, in 1894, -5i - Rev. Hamilton was married January 2.~>, 1S(U>, to Miss Nancy M. Ransom, of Washington, Ohio. Their marriage was childless, but two adopted daughters, Miss Mary B. Worton, and Mrs. Nettie A. Kirk, wife of the Secretary of Paul Ouinn College, have blessed their lives with tenderest love and care. Rev. Hamilton is, on account of ill health, a superannuate of the North Ohio Conference and is very comfortably located at Delaware, Ohio. REV. GEORGE C. SAMPSON. ar 'HE SUBJECT of this sketch is an honored permanent trustee of Wilberforce University, and for thirtj'-six years has been one of the most earnest of the many devoted ministers of the A. M. E. Church. He was born at Hamilton, 0., February 16, 1846, and in his twentieth year consecrated himself in loving service to God as a preacher of His word. Three years were devoted to study at Adrian College, Michigan, and while there, in December, 1869, he w a s licensed to preach. Upon his return to his home the following year, he increased his mental strength and financial support by two years of teaching in the schools of Falmouth and Paris, Kentucky ; but the death of his father, in 1872, compelled a return to his home, and he determined to abandon the school-room for the itinerant service of the Church, and in April joined the Ohio Conference at Zanesville. His first appointment was Bridgewater Circuit, and during this pastorate he added to his store of theological tenets by attending the Presbyterian Western Theological Seminary. The ministerial work of Rev. Sampson has been chiefly in northern Ohio and western Pennsylvania. He is now pastor of Allen Chapel, Indianapolis, Indiana. His unfailing interest in educational matters is appropriately recognized in his retention, for a number of consecutive years, on the Board of Education of the First Educational District. Rev. Sampson was a delegate to General Conference in 1884. -53- REV. ISAAC M. BURGAN, D.D. (§ OCTOBER 6th, 1848, is the date of the birth of the subject of this sketch, which took place near Marion, North Carolina. There the first years of his childhood were passed, and he was still a lad when he went to Ten¬ nessee, where he entered the free schools of the State. When he was twenty-one gi years of age, he studied for some months at a select school J in Bowling Green, Kentuck)^ frm/ after which several years were E^jH / spent in the public schools of ^Evansville, Indiana, and the State Normal at Terre Haute. He tanght his first school in 1875 at Lost Creek, near Terre Haute. Holding a membership in the A. M. E. Church at Evansville, Indiana, in 1876 he was licensed to exhort, and the following year received a preacher's license and was ordained to Deacon's Orders by Bishop J. A. Shorter, and admitted into the connection of the Indiana Conference at New Albany. Conscious of a need for wider reading in theology, in 1878 he matriculated at Wilberforce University, and for five years was a close student, but }'et found time to fill many pulpit appoint¬ ments. Finishing the course in 1883, fifteen days after his gradua¬ tion he was called to the Presidency of Paul Quinn College, Waco, Texas, which place was most acceptably filled bv him for eight years, when he resigned to return to the itineracv of the Church so dear to his heart. His first charge was at Oakland, California, going from -54- th ence to Richmond, Indiana, afterwards to Vincennes in the same State. But in 1896 he was again asked to fill the President's Chair of Paul Quinn College and acceptation seemed an impera¬ tive duty, where he served until 1904 as its hard-working head, his strong mentality inciting the pupils to strenuous intellectual labor, his sympathetic nature winning their confidence and his firm will encouraging their faith in themselves and the future. He was sent by the college as Ministerial Delegate to the General Conference of 1900. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was received by him in 1884, from Philander Smith College, at Little Rock, Arkansas. -55- BISHOP ABRAHAM GRANT. J 'OR SEVENTEEN years Bishop Abraham Grant establishment, and was enrolled as a pupil in the night school at Cookman Institute. In October 1868, while present at a camp meeting at Lake City, he was led to accept Christ as a personal Saviour, and joined the A. M. E. Church at Jacksonville, Florida, taking up gladly the duties of steward and class-leader that came to him. A license to preach was granted him in April 1873, and the following December he was ordained to Deacon's Orders, and in March, 1876, set apart as Elder. During his residence in Jackson¬ ville he received the appointment of Inspector of Customs, and also served as Count}- Commissioner of Duval County. In 1878 he was transferred to Texas, and assigned pastor¬ ates at San Antonio and Austin ; he was then made Presiding Elder and elected Vice President of the Board of Trustees of Paul Ouinn College. His elevation to the Bishopric came in May 1888, and the Ninth, Sixth, Seventh, First and Seventh Districts have been un- -56- der his ecclesiastical jurisdiction; the first time the Seventh Dis¬ trict included the State of Florida, the second time South Carolina was taken within its boundaries. Bishop Grant's official duties have carried him across the seas ; twice he has been in Europe and he has presided over Con¬ ferences at Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Monrovia, Liberia, West Coast Africa. His shoulders have been thought broad enough to carry other weighty burdens, so he was for years the Presiding Officer of the Board of Trustees of Wilberforce University; for twelve years he was at the head of the Church Extension Board of the A. M. E. Church, and for a time one-third as long was President of the Publication Board of the A. M. E. Church (Philadelphia) and President of the Board of Trustees of Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Georgia; for three years he had the casting vote of the Board of Trustees of Allen University, Columbia, South Caro¬ lina, and Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, Florida. In April, 1900, he was a member of the Ecumenical Missionary Conference held at New York City, and in October of the following year was one of the Ecumenical Council Methodist Conference, at Washington, D. C. He is now in charge of the Fifth Episcopal District, which includes Missouri, Kansas and Colorado Conferences. -57- REV. GEORGE W. NICHOLSON, D.D. was prepared at the Howard Normal School in Baltimore,) for thirteen vears, combining it with his first ministerial duties, for since 1878 he was connected with the Baltimore Conference as local preacher. In 1879 his Conference elected him to a scholarship at Wilberforce University, where he studied until his graduation in 1883, with the degree of B.D. While pursuing his studies at this institution, he received from Bishop Shorter the temporary appointment to succeed Elder ( now Bishop ) Arnett at St. Paid A. M. E. Church, Columbus, Ohio, the latter having been elected Financial Secretarv of the A. M.E. Church. Upon the return of Rev. Nicholson to the school, Bishop Shorter offered him the pastorate of Holv Trinity A. M. E. Church at Wilberforce. His collegiate course completed, he was transferred by Bish¬ op Payne to the Virginia Conference, but at the close of eight years itineracy in its territory, was again transferred to the Bal- HE father of the subject of this sketch was for many vears a minister in the Baltimore Conference of the A. M. E. Church; and his sou is nobly wearing the mantle of consecrated service that fell from the older servant of the Church at his translation to a better world. Rev. George W. Nicholson was born in Baltimore, Mary¬ land, April 24, 1851. Con¬ verted in his sixteenth year, he was early impressed with his duty to preach the gospel of Christ, but he continued teaching, (for which work he -58- timore Conference, and for five years performed the duties of Presiding Elder in his home District. In 1900, Pavne Theological Institute conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. The same vear he was elected a Delegate to the General Conference, and served as a Member of its Educational Board. A.t this time he is serving a most success¬ ful pastorate in the Baltimore Conference. -59- PROF. H. T. KEALING. ST 'HE VERY able manage¬ ment of the A. M. E. Church Review for the past nine years marks the editor, the subject of this sketch, as one of the ablest and most influential journal¬ ists of the country. He is a Texas man, born in the capital of the State, April 1, 1859. His educational / attainments are wide, starting m ' M t^1 e \:MA ^W a course at Straight University, New Orleans, La., with a diploma won at Tabor College, Tabor, Iowa, in 1881. His work as teacher was begun immediately after the completion of his college career, starting in the public schools of Waco, Texas; which place he resigned to accept the position of First Principal in Paul Quinn College, where he taught for three years and was then made Assistant Principal of the Colored State Normal School at Prairie View, Texas, going at the end of three years diligent toil to Austin, in which city he was eventually promoted from Prin¬ cipal of the Grammar School to that of the High School, reach¬ ing at last the position of Supervisor of all the Colored Schools. He held this responsible place until called to take the Presidency of Paul Quinn College. The General Conference in 1896 called him to the Editorial Management of the A. M. E. Church Review, and the president's chair was exchanged for the "quill and scissors," a work for which he is most eminently qualified, both by education and natural gifts. Professor Kealing is also widely recognized as a speaker of -Go- unusual force and charm, and is always enthusiastically greeted at large educational assemblies and religious convocations. His speech at the meeting of the National Educational Association in Topeka, Kansas, when in behalf of Texas he responded to the address of welcome, will never be forgotten by the hearers in that great convention. He has twice been elected President of the Texas State Teachers' Association, and had the honor of being the only colored member of the World's Pair Educational Committee in 1893. In 1901 he was sent as delegate to the Ecumenical Con¬ ference at London, England, and with Bishop Tanner, spoke in behalf of the A. M. E. Church at that wonderful gathering. He was solicited to lecture in England, but home obligations for¬ bade an acceptance of the tempting offer. The following year he carried fraternal greetings from the Bishops' Council ol theA.M.E. Church to the General Conference of the M. E. Church South, sitting in Dallas, Texas. - 61 REV. W. B. PEARSON. 'IKE SAMUEL of old, the subject of this sketch was consecrated by his pious parents, in infancy, to the service of the Lord. He is a son of the tropics, having been born on the Island of Jamaica, West Indies, in 1865. At the age of seven years he was sent to the dis¬ trict pay school, and while a little child gave his heart into the keeping of his Heavenly Father, and began to serve Him before his tender feet had been wounded in the paths of sin. In school he proved an apt scholar, and was especially distinguished by his attainments in mathematics and Biblical knowledge, and when he had reached his twelfth year he stood at the head of his Latin class. Entering Calabar College he very successfully passed the Cambridge ( England ) examinations, and studied for two years in that Institution ; afterward he completed his schooling at Paddington, London, England, and won merited honor for him¬ self in that great school. Two years of travel on the continent and in Africa fol¬ lowed, after which he returned to Jamaica, where he married Miss Frances Gale, daughter of the sainted Adam Gale. Coming to the United States, he connected himself with the New England Conference, but at the last meeting of that church- body he was given the arduous and responsible position of Superintendent of Missions of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the Leaward Islands. Rev. Pearson takes high rank among his clerical brethren as a fearless and logical speaker, and is also recognized as pos¬ sessing strong ability as a financier. - 62 - REV. JOSHUA A. BROCKETT. EVEREND Joshua A. Brockett, the General Secretary of the Afri¬ can Methodist Episcopal Church Statistical Bureau of Negro Trades, Industries and Professions, organized at the last General Conference in Chicago, was born in 1861, in Currituck County, North Carolina. His school oppor- Wtunities being extremely limit¬ ed, the kindness of friends opened to him the doors of the best schools in New Eng¬ land where he obtained a liberal education, finishing at the Boston School of Oratory. He began his christian work as Assistant Secretai'y of the Young Men's Christian Association, of Newburyport, Mass¬ achusetts, from which position he went to the itineracy of the African Methodist Episcopal Church ; first, however, filling for some time the responsible positions of Assistant Principal of the North Carolina State Normal School, and the Presidency of the Building and Trades College, Southern Pines, before engaging in the direct work of the ministry. As Pastor and Presiding Elder, Rev. Brockett has held numerous important charges in Virginia and Alabama, and was taken from a Presiding Elder's appointment in the last named State to occupy the Chair of Theology and Elocution in Turner Theological Seminary, Morris Brown College. For five years he lectured and taught with dignity and efficiency, and upon his resignation of the professorship was made Presiding Elder in the Georgia Annual Conference, an appointment held by him at the present time. -63- The tame of Rev. Broekett as a pulpit and plaUorm orator is far wider than the limitations of his work, and he is elassed amonjf the successful and popular men of his race. He is an enthusiast in the temperance cause, and in his earlier days, while a resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts, was associated with Rev. Francis Peabody of Harvard University, and other eminent men, on the executive committee for the prohibition work. His family consists of his wife, five daughters and one son, and the mutual love existing makes it an ideal home. ™ 64 -= REV. ANDREW HENRY HILL. ar 'HOUGH lie has served but sixteen years in the ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Andrew Henrv Hill, of Fort Smith, Arkansas, lias established a reputation for earnest, enthusiastic, success¬ ful work for his Saviour. He was born June 7, 1870 at Brintwood, Tennessee, and Wwas only two \'ears of age when his father moved to Arkansas, where he had the good fortune to be brought up on a farm and receive an elementary education in the public schools. Converted at the tender age of twelve, the Ministry at once became the purpose of his lite, and in 1889 license to preach was given him ; but desiring to increase his intellectual attain¬ ments before engaging actively in ministerial work, he entered Branch Normal College, at Pine Bluff, and was afterwards sent by the South and East Arkansas Conferences for three years of study at Wilberforee University. Returning to his native State he began his itineracy at Fort Smith, being appointed to the second largest Colored Methodist Congregation in Arkansas. Rev. Hill is gi'eatly beloved by his Church,' and a future of wide usefulness in the ministry and of honor to his race lies be¬ fore him. He is now President of Shorter College, Little Rock, Arkansas. -65- REV. DAVID F. CALIMAN. EYEREND David F. Cali- nian possesses the gift considered so desirable by the psalmist of old, that of "the pen of a ready writer," as eight prizes for excellence of thought and expression have fallen to him in literar\' contests in Conference socie¬ ties. He is an Ohioian by birth, his native place being the Lett Settlement, in Muskin¬ gum County, where he was born July 11, 1853. His early life was passed in working on a farm through the summers, and attending district school during the winter months ; at the age of nineteen he had the privilege of four months study in the public schools of Zanesville, Ohio, after which lie taught for nine years in the schools at Middleport, Barnesville and Troy. His conversion took place at Middleport, Ohio, in 1873; in 1881 he was licensed to preach b}r Dr. W. J. Johnson, and two years afterwards joined the North Ohio Conference, at Lebanon, and did effective pastoral work at Marvsville, Mt. Vernon and Delawarej and further qualified himself for his profession by tak¬ ing a three years course at the Ohio Wesleyan University, during which time he was ordained Deacon and Elder. Bishop Payne, in 1891, transferred him to the Pittsburgh Conference, and for four years he preached at Chartiers Street Church, Allegheny, Pa., with great success; the conversion of one hundred souls blessed his pastorate at Williamsport, at the close of which, as Presiding Elder of Allegheny District, he -66- labored hard and with happy results for the advancement of rel igious interests in his appointed field. Rev. Caliman is noted as a singer of unusual sweetness, a magnetic speaker and a fearless expounder of Bible truths. He was sent to the General Conference at Columbus, Ohio, and for five years held the Chief Secretaryship of the Pittsburgh Con¬ ference. He is now located at Washington, Pa., where he has largely increased the membership of his charge and aroused a special interest in Church Missions. - 67 - REV. FRANCIS B. CAROLINA. LIFE work of the ill subject of this sketch, who is at present Pre¬ siding Elder over Forest City District of the South Arkan¬ sas Conference, has been one of persistent agressiveness against the enemies of right¬ eousness. His was born at Colum¬ bia, South Carolina, December 13, 1837. In 1885 he was received into the Methodist Church South. In 1866 his name was placed among the charter members ot the A.M.E. Church organized at Colum¬ bia by Bishop R. H. Cain ; and four years afterward, Rev. Thomas W. Long, of Florida, licensed him to preach and assigned him to Gainesville Mission, and in December, 1870, he was welcomed into the Florida Con¬ ference. A church was built at Gainesville and Archer during this pastorate. He was then stationed for several years at Lake City Cir¬ cuit, and while there was elected City Alderman, receiving every vote cast by both parties. During the winter of 1873-4, he served as Chaplain of the State Legislature, and for twelve months was Government Tax Assessor. He preached next at Palatka, Florida, where he erected a church and was again made City Alderman. In 1878 he received the appointment of Presiding Elder by Bishop J. P. Campbell to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Elder John W. Wyatt; but the following year, bv request of Bishop T. M. D. -68- Ward, he was transferred to the South Arkansas Conference, in whose jurisdiction he served as Pastor and Elder. In 1882 he was connected with the North Mississippi Con¬ ference, but in two years was again a member of the Arkansas bod}-; later came transference to the North Louisiana Confer¬ ence where he remained one year, but in 1892 was back again in Arkansas, a member of the South Arkansas Conference, with which he is still connected as Presiding Elder, having served in that relation the Districts of Clarendon, Monticello, Pine Bluff, Helena, Clarendon, and is now over Forest City District. Rev. Carolina, in 1884, was a Delegate to the Ecumenical Conference at Baltimore, Marvland, and has four times been sent to the General Conferences,— Atlanta, Indianapolis, Wilmington and Chicago. - 69 - HON. C. L. MAXWELL. DT FEW MEN of his ^J|j race have attained the ■ ^ honor and high posi¬ tion that life has brought to the subject of this sketch. Mr. Maxwell is an Ohio- ian by birth, his childhood's home being in Fayette County, where he received the splendid out-door training under the benediction of nature that comes to boj^s who live on a farm. By studious application to his books he prepared him¬ self for teaching, and in his nineteenth year began work in the school-room where he was eminently successful. The legal profession was more alluring, and after taking a law course at Wilberforce Universit\r, and before he had reached his twenty- second year he was a full-fledged attorney in Xenia, Ohio. But clients did not fill his pockets with the gold that was a fair equivalent for thoughtful advice as rapidly as desired, so he again went to teaching, accepting the Prineipalship of the Pleasant Street School in Springfield, Ohio, where he won much praise as an instructor and disciplinarian during four years of faithful work. But his heart was with his law books, and after prospecting through the South, he concluded that, after all, Xenia was the place for his ambition and labor. It proved a happy decision. This time fortune smiled upon the young barrister, and a prosperous business was built up by his careful attention and thorough understanding of the needs of his clients. His popularity with the citizenship of the place elected him to the position of City Clerk which he held for several terms. -70- He was also honored with the Grand Worthy Secretaryship of Ohio Masons and appointed Recorder of Xenia Commander}', Knights Templars. Much interested in national polities, Air. Maxwell has been a prominent figure among Ohio politicians, and was a member of the National Republican Convention that met at Chicago. For his ardent party devotion and fealty to principle, President Harrison made him Consul General to San Domingo, which high official trust he held until the Fall of 1904, his conduct of the affairs of his important station meeting the unqualified approba¬ tion of the State Department and his host of friends. Mr. Maxwell is distinguished in bearing, social in manner, and open-hearted to his friends. His domestic relations are most happv and fortunate, his wife, who was Miss Cousins, of Xenia, gracing his beautiful home with culture of mind and manner, and kindliness of heart. Their son and daughter have been finely educated, and the former now holds the position of Sec¬ retary to the Consul General who succeeded his father at San Domingo. Mr. Maxwell is a staunch Methodist, and serves on the Official Board of St. John's A. M. E. Church, Xenia. He was a delegate to the General Conference in 1892. Mr. Maxwell is and has been for years Dean of the Law Department at Wilberforce University. -71- BISHOP CHARLES SPENCER SMITH. A NATIVE of Canada, where he was born at Colborne, March 16, 1852, Bishop Charles Spencer Smith stands as one of the strongest and most influential men in the ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. His father was Com¬ missary Sergeant of a colored regiment in the English army and saw active service during the Mackenzie rebellion of 1837. Bishop Smith is pre-emi¬ nently a self-made man. His scholastic privileges were limited to the primary educa¬ tion obtained in his bovhood in the school at Bowmanville, Canada ; but natural ability, keen observation and extensive reading united with rare spiritual qualities, have richly fitted him for the exalted station that is his in the Church to-day. He began his life-work as a school teacher. Birt his pur¬ pose was to enter the ministry, and he left the Anglican Church in which he had been baptized, and in August 1872, was licensed as a Local Preacher of the A. M. E. Church. Two \rears after¬ ward he was elected to the House of Representatives of the Alabama Legislature. In August, 1882, he founded the great Sunday School Union of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and for eighteen 3'ears the onerous duties of Secretary and Treasurer of the organ¬ ization were his special care ; to these labors were added the Publishing of all the Sunday School Literature used by the A. M. E. Church. -72- Bishop Smith was a Delegate to the Second and Third Ecumenical Councils of the Church, and in 1894 he visited the west and south-west coasts of Africa, the terminal point being St. Paul de Loanda; some months afterward he enjoyed a cruise to the West Indies, stopping at Cuba, San Domingo and Havti. The General Conference in session at Columbus, Ohio, in 1900, elected him to a Bishop's Chair, and placed him in charge of the Twelfth Episcopal District comprising the Conferences of Ontario, Nova Scotia, Bermuda, Havti, San Domingo, Wind¬ ward Islands, British Guiana and Cuba ; the following vear while attending the Third Methodist Ecumenical Conference at London, England, he visited Sheffield and Hull as one of the speakers at the platform meetings held in those cities. In December, 1903, Bishop Smith was speciallv honored in being chosen as Messenger from the Church at Large, to bear the greetings and felicitations of that great body to the Republic of Hayti on the celebration of the Hundredth Anniver- sarv of its Independence, January 1st, 1904. Bishop Smith has given the impressions and reflections of his Oriental journeyings in a charming volume, entitled "Glimpses of Africa's West and South-West Coast." He is known through¬ out his people for his devotion to all that tends to their welfare and elevation. Few have studied the many-sided race question with more fairness and intelligence. Mrs. Lucy Thurman, an older sister of the Bishop, is prominent in the work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and in 1895 visited England as the guest of Lady Somerset. -73- WILLIAM BALDWIN HIGHGATE. m § teachers of Ins race, was born He had started finely in . the public schools of his native city, but when he was twelve years of age his parents moved to Philadelphia; his schooling there was brief, as in 1867 he went to Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, where he work¬ ed for two years before beginning his collegiate course. He was graduated in 1873, standing fifth in a class of eighteen. It is one of the pleasant remembrances of those da}rs that Bishop Dickerson and Dr. W. Decker Johnson were among his college mates. His very successful career as teacher began in Oxford, Missis¬ sippi; but a position in the State Recorder's office at Yazoo Citv, followed b}T editorial responsibility on the Yazoo City Herald, drew him away from the teacher's desk for several years until he was persuaded to accept the Presidency of the State Normal School at Holly Springs, where for thirteen years his life and precepts were the inspiration of the ambitious students. In 1886 he went as instructor for one year to the school at Kansas City, Missouri, going then for three years of faithful toil in the schools at Warrensburg, in which city he secured the erection of a large school building for his pupils; then came four years service in the schools at Carrollton. During his residence in Carrollton he united with the A. M. E. Church and -74" began at once to take an active interest in all departments of Christian work. For the past ten years Professor Highgate has been the successful and greatly esteemed Principal of the Colored School at Saint Charles, Missouri, and is unwearying in his endeavors to instill high purposes of life and thought in the hearts and minds of his pupils. -75 - REV. OTHO ELI JONES, D.D. AMONG the promising younger ministers o i the African Methodist Episcopal Church is found the name of Rev. Otho Eli Jones, who, though not yet forty years of age, already adds the degree of Doctor of Divinity to his title of Reverend. He is a native of Ohio, and was born at Winton Place, Hamilton Co., April 20, 1870. After teaching several years in the public schools of Kentucky, he entered Wilberforce, Univer¬ sity, and while there exper¬ ienced conversion and united with the A. M. E. Church. In 1895, Rev. C. Bund}-, Presiding Elder, granted him a license to preach, and he was also received on trial by the Ohio Annual Conference, and given an appointment at South Charles¬ ton, O., where he remained three years ; two years later he was ordained as Deacon at Columbus, 0., by Bishop B. F. Lee, after which he studied theology at Payne Seminary, graduating as valedictorian of his class. The same year he was elected Instructor at Wilberforce University, but was soon transferred by Bishop Lee to the North Ohio Conference, and stationed at Warren Chapel, Toledo, his ordination as Elder coming from Bishop Lee, at Mt. Vernon in 1899. But his ability as a teacher was so highly prized by his Alma Mater that he received an almost imperative call to the Chair of Pastoral Theology and Hebrew at Payne Theological Seminary, which he most ably filled for two years, also preach¬ ing a greater part of the time every Sunday in the neighboring village of Cedarville. But in 1901 he resigned the position, and was transferred by Bishop Arnett to the California Conference, stationed at Oakland, wdiere he is serving a successful pastorate. -76- REV. JOHN HENRY DICKERSON. 'HE subject ot this sketch was born in Madison, Madison County, Flor¬ ida, Sept. 14,1862, and enjoyed school privileges throughout his childhood and youth. The preaching of a strang¬ er in his home pulpit daring a revival season brought him to a realization of the axvfulness of sin, and Thursday, July 4, \ J 1880, proved indeed a " day \ jM! of freedom " to his soul, as it ' tj&jjSSy was the date of his " new birth," baptism, and connect- agw ion with the African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Church. In August, 1885, he was licensed to preach by Rev. T. W. Walker of the East Florida Conference, and the next summer assigned to San Mateo Circuit; the following February the East Florida Conference received him on probation and sent him to East Palatka Circuit, and in March, 1888, he was taken into full con¬ nection by the Conference, ordained as Deacon by Bishop D. A. Payne, and placed over Mt. Moriah Station at Jacksonville. Two years later, at the meeting of the Conference at Gainesville, Bishop B. W. Arnett laid upon his shoulders the sacred duties of Eldership. The itineracv of Rev. Dickerson has been altogether in the State of Florida, and he is regarded as one of the most useful pastors in the ministry of the A. M. E. Church In that part of the field. In a number of appointments he has united school- teaching with his pastoral work, for which he is ably qualified, as he has studied at both Cookman and Edward Waters Col¬ leges. He has held several offices of trust in the Florida Con¬ ferences, and was a delegate to the General Conference in 1904. Rev. Dickerson is an ardent lodge man, and has held high official positions in the Masonic order. A Mason's Benefit Assoc¬ iation was organized by his thoughtfulness, and he has paid out many thousands of dollars. - 77- REV. J. W. NORRIS. N RELIEVING churches of ^11 the weight of debt and building up congrega¬ tions, Rev. J. W. Norris, now occupying the pulpit of Allen A. M. E. Church in the city of Baltimore, stands among the very successful men in the ministry of our denomination. He was born August 8th, 1842, in Jefferson County, Vir¬ ginia. The year after the close of the rebellion he went to Carlisle, Pa., where he de¬ cided to locate. In 1870 he experienced a change of heart and united with the Carlisle A. M. E. Church, with the resolution of making the Ministry his life work ; and having been successively licensed as Exhorter and Eocal Preacher, Bishop D. A. Payne, in 1877, admitted him to the Philadelphia Confer¬ ence; but upon the advice of the Bishop he took a two years' course in theology at Eincoln University before engaging in minis¬ terial work. Transference to the Baltimore Conference came in 1889, and occupation of four of its leading pulpits has loaded the 3'ears with care and responsibility. His pastorate of Trinity A. M. E. Church, Baltimore, bore fruit in the collection of $26,000 and two hundred and ninety souls added to the roll of the Church ; during three years of service at St. Paul, Washington, D. C., the amount of $10,000 was raised by his untiring effort. He remained five years at Ebenezer Church, Baltimore, and increased its already large membership and collected $38,000 for church work. -78- The twenty-seven vears of itineracv of Rev. Norris in the Philadelphia and Baltimore Conferenees, place to his credit the large amount of over $100,000 collected by him for payment on church debts, outside of what his congregations have given for church benevolences. As a priest of hymen his record cannot be excelled, as the chains of matrimony have been thrown bv him over fifteen hundred persons, uniting one hundred and fifty hearts within the short time ot five weeks and two days during his pastorate in Wash¬ ington, D. C. Rev. Norris is thoughtful in remembrance of the social side of life, and delights in carrving the Gospel to the homes of his parishioners, and is noted for his kindness to those of his flock who are ill. -79" S. JOE BROWN, A.M., LL.D. m -R. S. JOE BROWN, although counting Phis life, has already won en¬ viable distinction as a mem¬ ber of the Legal Fraternity of He is a son of Iowa, hav¬ ing been born July 6, 1875, at J the pretty villiage of^KeosaU' on his own resources, but he was full of Western grit that evinced itself in the determination to acquire a thorough educa¬ tion ; and at the age of nineteen years, the Ottumwa High School graduated him with the honor of Class Orator. He was the only negro member of the class. Matriculation at the State University followed, remaining until he was sent forth with a well-earned diploma and the degree of A.B., the first time in the history of the Institution that its dignitaries had conferred an academic honor upon a colored student. He was also elected an honorary member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society of the college. Doors of responsibilitv opened to him, and he accepted the Principleship of the Public Schools at Muchakinock, Iowa, from which place he was called to the Chair of Ancient Languages in Bishop College, Marshall, Texas ; which position, in 1899, was resigned for the purpose of studying law at his Alma Mater, finishing the prescribed coxirse in two years time, receiving the degree of LL.B. In June, 1902, he was recalled to the University - 8o - for the bestowal of the degree A.M., being the first Xegro thus honored by the College. Mr. Brown is assoeiated with Mr. George H. Woodson in the practice of his profession in Albia, Iowa, and these gentle¬ men enjoy a large share of the lucrative and high class business of the place. Mr. Brown does not neglect his religious obliga¬ tions, but gives glad service to the Church and Sunday School of the A. M. E. denomination. He was an Alternate-Delegate, in 1904, to the General Conference in Chicago. He is most con- geniallv married, his wife being formerlv Miss Sue Wilson, of Buxton, Iowa, a woman noted for unusual intellectual ability and great devotion to the Church ; she was several times elected District Superintendent of Sundav Schools of the Iowa District of the A. M. E. Church. - 81 - PROF. GEORGE ELLSWORTH MASTERSON. A S teachers in our public schools, as professors in our colleges, the young colored men and wo¬ men are keeping equal step in attainment and proficiency with those of the heretofore more favored white race, and the subject of our sketch, though still young in years, has already- by natural ability \|HHL r' and assiduous application \ L y gained the front rank as V Hfl instructor of college students. iHRSm. Br Prof. Masterson is a na- ImWr tive of the Buckeye State, and was born March 20, 1871, on Hillsman's Ridge, not far from Georgetown. He was brought up on a farm, work¬ ing during the summer and attending an ungraded public school through the winter months. The passage of the mixed school law opened to him the superior advantages of the High School at Georgetown, which he entered in 1887, and for three years was one of its most pains¬ taking pupils, winning the prize of Salutatorian on Commence¬ ment Day, 1890, proving that brain, not complexion, is the just measure of ability. He at once applied for a teacher's certificate, passed a successful examination, and was given the school that he had first attended as a pupil. In 1892 he was admitted to the Sophomore Class of Wilber- force University, and during his three years of collegiate instruc¬ tion, often performed the duties of assistant teacher. The year of his graduation, 1895, he was offered the Chair of Science in Morris Brown College, which he left in 1901 to accept the Pro- - 82 - fessorship of Mathematics in the Normal Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, where he is still teaching. Prof. Masterson is a member of the A. M. E. Church, devoted to its prosperity in all of its departments of Christian work, and possesses the cordial esteem and appreciation of all who know him. -83- REV. HENRY REED NGCAYIYA. ^j^HE son of a local min- ■ 11 ister and class leader in the AVesleyan Methodist Church, Rev. Henry Reed Ngcayiya was born Oct. 16, 1863, at Qawrava's Location near Fort Beaufort. Religious influences sur¬ rounded his childhood and he enjoyed the advantages of a day school until he reached his sixteenth year, when for two years he was employed in a cloth shop, sandwiching it with a few month's service as a soldier in one of the frequent tribal wars of the country. The next three years he was engaged in studying the higher branches at Heald Town, after which, for eight consecutive years, he taught with pleasing suc¬ cess in the Government schools of the country, laying down the work, in 1890, to accept the position of Translator of Native Languages and Assistant Clerk in the Court of Civil Commissioners and Resident Magistrates; during his clerkship he had the Minis¬ try ever in view, and embraced every opportunity of adding to his store of knowledge, sometimes paying $5 a month for pri¬ vate tuition in the classics, mathematics and sciences. The ministerial labors of Rev. Ngcayiga began in 1896, and his experience in far-off Africa lias not run as smoothly as that of most of his American brethren. Opposition to the church, in places, has been bitter and intense. He was one of its valient defenders in the great Secession Movement of 1899 to 1901, and was a victorious defendant in a law suit in which the plaintiff, also a minister, sought to compel him to give up a church. Like -84- St. Paul, he has known imprisonment for the cause of Christ, having been kept in confinement for eight (lavs at Oueenstown, in 1900, for trying to organize a Church of the A. M. E. faith but came out a winner, as two hundred persons joined him in establishing at Oakraal, Kamastown, the best station of the A. M. E. Church in Cape Colonv. Twice he has had the responsibility of interviewing the Orange River Colonv Government for the purpose of obtaining religious privileges for the Church and stopping the persecution of its ministers. Rev. Ngcaviva was a member of the committees that, in 1899 and 1900, submitted addresses to Sir Alfred Milner and Sir Henry Lock, the respective Governors of Cape Colony. Organization of churches has been a major part of the ministerial work of this good man, he having established more than a dozen religious Stations, Circuits and Missions in Graham- town District. Coming as a Delegate to the General Conference at Chicago, in 1904, he was warmly welcomed as a brother whose " doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long suffering, charitv, patience, persecutions, afflictions" will in God's own time bring him an "eternal weight of glory." 85 REV. JOHN CLAY COLEMAN. His early education was obtaired in the c o m m o 11 schools of the rural districts. He was only sixteen years of age when he was placed in charge of a rural mail route, and throughout a year's faithful service he never failed to be on time but once, and that was owing to the overflow of a river. In 1888, with the aid of a stereoptican, he gave Bible talks and lectures through the country districts of seven Southern States, and so popular were they with the people that his list of subjects was enlarged to take in Missionary and other departments of Christian work, and four years were spent in this profitable service ; about this time he essayed his first experiments in literarv or more especiallv journalistic work, and so fascinating did it prove that he has never entirely abandoned it. His ordination as a Minister of the A. M. E. Church took place in 1895, but he further qualified himself for the pulpit bv several vears study at Victoria College, Ontario. His itineracv has been confined to the Canadian field, and HE blessing of Christian parentage is seen in the consecrated life of the subject of this sketch, who was born February 1, 1871, near Durant, Holmes County, Mis¬ sissippi. His father and mo¬ ther were eminent for piety, and the restraining influence of the church surrounded his vouth, though he did not yield to the saving influences of the Holy Spirit until he had reached his twentieth -86- he has proven very successful in the organizing of new congrega¬ tions. His relations with the ministers of all denominations throughout the Dominion is exceedingly cordial, and he was elected Chairman at the meeting of white Methodist preachers in Halifax in 1903-4. He finds spare time for literary work and has made valuable contributions to the Canadian Encyclopedia of "African Methodism in Canada," which is told in thirty-two volumes. A signal honor conferred upon Rev. Coleman was the invitation from the Governor of Nova Scotia, to serve upon the Reception Committee that welcomed the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York in 1901. 87 REV. W. T. BIGGERS, A.M. a O Rev. W. T. Biggers the fairies that are said to watch over the infancy of fortunate children, were singularly lavish with beauti¬ ful gifts, bestowing upon him the art of turning truth into melodious poetry, and the magic power of the artist's brush ; he is also an able journalist, but these priceless W gifts are held secondary in importance to his work as Minister and Pastor. He was born in Marshall Count\% Tennessee, May 3d, 1871, but while he was still a small lad his parents located in Oswego, Kansas, in which place he was privileged to attend the public schools. At the age of eighteen years he embraced the Christian life with the resolution of entering the Ministry of the A. M. E. Church, and in the Spring of 1892 he received a license as Local Preacher in Winfield, Kansas. It was while in this place that lie paid special attention to his art studies, teaching it later in Guthrie, Oklahoma City and Elreno, Oklahoma. His first regular appointment was at Coffeyville, Kansas. In 1896, in Kansas City, he was ordained Deacon bv Bishop James A. Handy. Thus far the Ministerial labors of Rev. Biggers have been confined to the West, and varied somewhat in experience, as for a while he was Alternate Chaplain of the State Reform School, in Hutchison, Kansas. During his Pastorate at St. Paul Church, in Argentine, Kan- -88- sas, he continued his theological studies at Western University, and in 1899 was raised to the Presiding Eldership in Omaha, Nebraska, by Bishop B. T. Tanner. More recently he has been in charge of a Church in Port¬ land, Oregon and also doing successful Evangelistic work on the Pacific Coast, especially at Seattle, Washington. At the present time he is Pastor of Allen Chapel, Omaha, Nebraska, and with the assistance of his wife, is editing a monthly journal, " The Christian Wavfarer." An object very dear to the heart ot Rev. Riggers, is the establishment of a Home for the Aged and Worn-out Clergvmen of the A. M. E. Church. 89 REV. ADAM JACKSON. 'IKE the prophet Samuel, the Rev. Adam Jackson heard the call of the Lord in his childhood, exper¬ iencing conversion when lie was but eight years of age. Rev. Jackson is a native of Madison, Morgan County, Georgia, and his early years were passed in that State. ^^59 his home was changed to Alexandria, La., place he was verbally licensed to a * ■ fjHW' Bankston, Mississippi, led him ■m fW ■. to make his home in that village, where for six years he eagerly embraced every oppor¬ tunity of turning sinners to the way of righteousness, rejoicing when his usefulness was increased by a verbal license to preach. In 1866, he took up his residence in Wesson, Miss., and the same year Bishop H. M. Turner (then Presiding Elder of Georgia) made him an authorized Minister of the Gospel, the following year witnessing his ordination as Presiding Elder, the ceremony taking place in St. James Chapel, New Orleans, by the hands of Bishop J. P. Campbell. His first work as Presiding Elder extended over a district of nearly three hundred miles in eastern Mississippi, and his three years of service were filled to overflowing with the organization of churches, licensing of preachers, and the promiscuous and important duties that came to a Presiding Elder forty years ago. At the termination of his Eldership he became an incumbent of the pulpit of Zion Chapel in the Citv of Natchez, which he found -go- weighted with a debt of $8,000, but his wise and able exertions reduced it to $2,275. This charge was followed bv pastorates in Vieksburg, Greenville, Natchez, Tallahassee, Baton Rouge, Plaquemine, New Orleans, Jackson, Woodville, Summit, Meridian, Cold Water, interspersed with the duties of the Eldership in the Districts of New Orleans and Jackson, being now located at Greenville. Nearly fortv years of active work in the itineracv lie behind him, each and all testifving to consecrated, unfaltering allegiance to the sacred purpose of the Church ; and by reason of this fidel- itv he sees awaiting him at the end of the years, the " new name," and the "crown of life." -91 - REV. GEORGE FREDERICK BROWN. 11 EV. GEORGE FREDER¬ ICK BROWN was born April 14, 1856, in Boon- ville, Missouri, where, in youth, he was a diligent pupil in the common schools of the town, afterwards entering the High School at Baxter Springs, Kan. When only ten years of age he knew the happiness of a "change of heart," and united \ " ' / with the A. M. E. Church, in V ** / which, as he grew older, t 3 / various offices of trust were \ $ v„ ^/ laid upon him, serving as Sunday School Superintendent for twelve years. After receiving preliminary licenses as Exhorter and Eocal Preacher, he was, in 1884, admit¬ ted to the Missouri Annual Conference at Independence; ordained as Deacon at Omaha, Nebraska, in October, 1886, and the same month in 1893 witnessed his ordination as Elder by Bishop James A. Handy in Kansas Citv. Among the Ministerial appointments held by Rev. Brown are pastorates in Pacific City, Missouri; Nebraska City, Nebraska; Bonner Springs, Topeka, Hutchison, Kansas, and other strong charges, all of which have been blessed by the revival spirit dur¬ ing his incumbency. Success has attended his efforts in paving off church obligations and in building houses of worship. He was Alternate Delegate to the General Conference at Chicago, in 1904. -92- REV. WILLIAM H. THOMAS, M.A. version took place in his seventeenth year, and he resolved to follow in the footsteps of his revered father, and become a Preacher of the Revealed Word. The foundation of his education was laid in the public schools of the State of New York, matriculating later at Lincoln University, also studying at Boston University. In 1875 he entered the New England Conference where his ten vears of itineracy have been in connection with that Church authority. The A. M. E. Church, at Jamestown, Rhode Island, owes its existence to his faithful labor. Rev. Thomas is Treasurer of his Conference, a responsibility that for many years rested in the hands of his father, who was called from earth in 1903. Rev. Thomas is wide awake to the advancement of his race, and always identifies himself with the party whose aim is municipal reform in whatever city he may be located. The degree of M.A. was conferred upon him in 1897, by Lincoln University. ^*TTIE SON of a Minister ill whose full name he bears, and who is of sainted memory in the New England Conference of the A. M. E. Church, Rev. William H. Thomas is one of the most earnest of the younger pas¬ tors in the service of the Church. He was born at Utica, New York, October 22, 1871. His childhood and youth were influenced by the happy envi¬ ronment of a Christian home, and he was early taught to love the A. M. E. Church and its sacred services. His con- -93- REV. GEORGE WELLINGTON PORTER, D.D. EY. George Wellington Porter D.D., stands foremost among the able Ministers ol his Church who have taken an active part in State and National Politics, believing that it is the dittv of men with fixed relig¬ ious principles to use their influence and votes wherever good can be accomplished. WHe is a son of Tennessee* having been born in Paris, Henry County, October 2>~>, 1859. In his nineteenth year he changed the place of pupil for that of Country School Teacher, gradually making his way into the graded schools of his home state, Tennessee, and Kentucky and Missouri. On August 8, 1883 he was converted at Union City, Ten¬ nessee, wdiere he was in charge of the city school ; he united at once with the A. M. E. Church and resolved to enter the Ministry. A license to preach was handed him on November 2, 1890, by Rev. D. E. Asbury, at Paris, Tennessee, and two weeks after¬ ward, at the same place, Bishop A. W. Wayman received him into the Conference of West Tennessee. Among the Conference appointments of Dr. Porter were charges at Huntingdon Mission, Crossland Circuit, St. Peter Station, Clarksville, where he remained five years, being the first A. M. E. Minister to serve that length of time consecutively in Tennessee. He was then made Presiding Elder of Clarksville District by Bishop Tanner, which position he resigned to accept the Pastorate of Bethel A.M. E. Church at Vicksburg, Mississippi, where he is now stationed. -94- At different times Dr.Porter has been a prominent figure in the polities of his state, twice going to the Republican National Con¬ vention as a Delegate from Tennessee. In 1898-99 he published a weekly paper at Paris, Tennessee, which was the first and only Negro journal ever issued in that community, and exerted a great influence in strengthening Republican interests and principles. Dr. Porter was a strong factor in the election of Dr. Evans Tyree as Senior Bishop of the five Bishops elected at the General Conference at Columbus, Ohio, in 1900 ; he has been a delegate to every meeting of that ecclesiastical body since his connection with the Ministry. He was Chairman of a Committee that waited on the late Governor Longino on matters relative to the St. Louis Exposi¬ tion, and in 1902 was a Commissioner to the great Atlanta Congress, taking an active part in its proceedings. -95 - REV. J. P. MAXWELL. ^■THE name of Maxwell is ill well known among the citizens of Central Ohio, as several of the family have attained positions of honor in political, ministerial and pro¬ fessional life. The birthplace of Rev. J. P. Maxwell was about ten miles south of Washington Court House, in Fayette County, Ohio. He was one of eleven children, all of whom, but one, lived to establish Christian homes. His father was a Minister in the Ohio Conference, and the atmosphere of the home was permeated with a strong and sweet religious faith ; he speaks of his mother as "one of the most faithful and devoted Christians I ever knew." Though his childhood and youth were fostered under these rare influences, he did not yield to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit until he reached his twenty-second year; his conversion took place at the home of a neighbor, and he thus tells of the happiness that flooded his being. " As I was on my way home, I remember that although it was raining, I have never since looked upon a night that seemed so beautiful ; whether due to my spiritual condition, or to the moon's soft and mellowed light gently shining through the overhanging clouds, I do not know and cannot say, but to me, the rain, as it gently fell, seemed like golden beads or gems. All earth appeared to have robed itself in a beatity, a radiance, such as I had never gazed upon before." The privileges of an Exhorter were conferred upon him about -9 6- 1809, but for two winters lie taught in the public schools of Warsaw, Kentucky, directly across the river from his home in Indiana, where he resided five years. In 1875 he was granted a Local Preacher's license by Elder ( now Bishop j C. T. Shaffer. His first regular pastoral work was at Marvsville, Ohio, in the summer of 1883, when he was appointed to fill out the unexpired term of Rev. John Jackson, who had been called to his eternal reward. But in August of the same vear he was elected Secretary of the Executive Board of Wilberforee Universitv, and fit once entered upon its weighty and responsible duties; to these were soon added the work of a Postmaster, and for a number of years he was indefatigable in his efforts to advance the inter¬ ests and influence of that trulv great school. He often filled the pulpit of Holy Trinity, the A. M. P2. Church of the college settlement, founded and named bv Bishop I'avne, and recalls with devout gratitude a revival that came to the Church during his Ministry, when he and Bishop Payne one Sabbath morning welcomed one hundred and five new-born souls into the communion of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was while Rev. Maxwell was connected with Wilberforee that he was ordained both Deacon and Elder. In 1895 he was called upon to serve as juror in the United States Court in Cincinnati. He was a Lay Delegate at the General Conference at Wil¬ mington, North Carolina, in May, 1896, and Secretary of the Lay "Caucus "that nominated H. T. Kealing and John R. Hawkins, both laymen, for the respective positions of Editor of the A. M. E. Review and Secretarv of Education, which offices they still fill. Rev. Maxwell is now in the itinerant service of the Ohio Conference and is closing his third year as Pastor of Quinn Chapel, at Chillieothe, Ohio. He is most congenially married, and savs, " My wife, who has walked life's pathway with me for thirty-six years, sharing its joys and sorrows, richly deserves to share with me the satisfaction and reward of whatever of good I mav, under God, have accomplished." They are blessed with three devoted children, all of whom have been graduated from Wilberforee Universitv, and are successful teachers in the world. - 97 - REV. P. C. HUNT, D.D. A SELF-MADE man, a church builder, a keen financier. He knows no failure." So reads the summary of a friendly pen concerning the character of the popular Pre¬ siding Elder of the Houston District, Texas Conference. The eldest child in a family of seven children, Rev. P. C. Hunt was born in Hardeman County, Tennessee, December 22, 1860. At the age of twelve he was led to conse¬ crate his young life to God and the Church. His parents being unable to give him the education so ardently desired, he started out when he had reached his sixteenth year, with their blessing, and the small fortune of seven dollars and fifty cents in his pocket, to discover what the future had awaiting him. He made his way to Holly Springs, Mississippi, attended the State Normal School for one year, and then entered Tangaloo University, where he remained four years, but the failure of his eyesight prevented his completion of the full college course. In 1882 he was licensed as Local Preacher by Rev. A. A. W. Hill, Presiding Elder of the West Tennessee Conference, but went to Texas and taught school near La Grange, transferring his Conference Membership, in December, 1883, to the West Texas Conference that met at that time in San Antonio, with Bishop R. H. Cain as presiding officer. Within the next three vears Bishop Way man ordained him as Deacon and Elder. The itineracy of Dr. Hunt started at Luling, Texas, and -98- tlie succeeding years were filled with successful work on Columbia and Georgetown Circuits, with pastorates in Dallas and Hous¬ ton, varied with the experience of Presiding Elder over the Cor- sicana District, and in which capacity he is now serving Hous¬ ton District. In 1898 he received from Paul Quinn College the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. Dr. Hunt has been particularly successful in securing the erection of new churches in his special field of labor, and in the con¬ ducting of revival services. In the midst of many and pressing- duties he finds time to attend to his obligations as Trustee of Paul Quinn College and Wilberforee University, and has three times been present as Delegate at the meetings ol the General Conference of the Church. 99 REV. B. M. CARSON. spirit of determina- /II tion that led the slave bov to flee from bond¬ age, in Kentucky, to a land of freedom, is the same that has guided him through many deprivations and discourage¬ ments to stable success as a Minister of the A. M. E. Church. Rev. B. M. Carson was born in Kentucky, July 15, 1844', and well knew what it was to have the eternal " No" said to every hope and aspi¬ ration of his young life. The only real happiness that came to him in his slave days was the knowledge of the everlasting love of his Heavenly Father that flooded his heart at the time of his conversion. He was resolved to learn to read despite the stern prohibi¬ tion against it ; making and selling a scrub brush for fifteen cents he clandestinely purchased a spelling-book, which he carried concealed about him, and learned the letters, one by one, from the white bo}rs of the neighborhood. After learning to spell moderately well, for the sum of fifty cents each, he imparted his store of orthography to a number of slave boys, the place of instruction being an abandoned hut in a field, and the school- term comprising "four months of Sundays." In 1863 he was sold for $675. At the same sale his heart was rent at the sight of his mother on the auction block, and having saved $75.00 he was allowed to help his father in buying her freedom. He also determined to be a free man himself, and go to Canada, " having seen in a vision the way of escape and - ioo- the long road leading from bondage." After emancipation lie entered the public schools at Hamilton, Ohio, and was later a student at Wilberforce University. As a Minister Rev. Carson has been blessed in his work. The Holv Spirit has attended his preaching and many have been brought into the Church. His most signal success has been during his pastorate at Youngstown, Ohio. Going to that little city in October, 1901, he met a membership of only fifty-three persons, and a low condition of things, spirit¬ ually and generally. His first year's labor added eighty-two names to the roll of the Church, and the membership has con¬ tinued to grow until it is more than four times as large as when he took the charge. A parsonage of eight rooms, with modern conveniences, likewise attest his zeal in making the appointment a desirable one along all lines. Rev. Carson is ever on the alert to the progress of his race, and realizes that the growth of his beloved Church means also the spiritual, intellectual and social elevation of his people, con¬ sequently a double purpose inspires his consecrated life. - 1 01 - WILLIAM H. GIBSON, SR. 0' 'HE autobiography of this most excellent man should be found in the library of every colored man interested in the history and advancement of his people, for its pages present a vivid picture of their deprivations while in bondage, together with glimpses of pathetic patience, rare heroism, un- W swerving loyalty to principle, and high ideals of true man¬ hood. Mr. Gibson is a native of Baltimore, in which city he was privileged to attend a select school, also receiving instruction from two eminent ministers. In June, 1847, he was asked to go as teacher to Louisville, Kentucky, starting almost immediately. For six months he was associated with Robert M. Lane in the management of a school, but the following January he opened an independent school in the basement of the Fourth Street M. E. Church, situated in a more central part of the city. This radical departure at first met the angry opposition of those desiring to keep the Negro in a condition of ignorance; but strong influence was brought to bear in favor of its estab¬ lishment, and eventually hundreds of slaves, holding written per¬ missions from their masters, were, with the free children, instructed in the rudiments of learning. Mr. Gibson did not escape the prejudice and hostilitv alwavs manifested towards free Negroes in a Slave-State. Louis¬ ville was fully as intense in bitterness as her sister cities farther south. He was a Charter Member of the first Masonic Lodge of - 102 - free colored men in the eitv, who were forced for three years to hold their meetings at New Albany, Indiana, crossing the river at midnight, often periling their lives, walking the five miles that lay between them and New Albany. In 1862 Mr. Gibson became identified with a school at Indianapolis, Indiana, which was made up mainly of contraband children, and was supported by the Quakers and private subscrip¬ tions. This school was closed in a short time and he returned to Kentucky as Recruiting Sergeant for the 55th Massachusetts Colored Regiment. This work proved ineffectual. Though scores of Negroes desired to enlist in the Union army, thev were deter¬ red by the threats and menaces made against them, and Mr. Gibson was compelled to return to Indiana for the enrollment of colored soldiers. After the war he taught for nearly a year and a half in the schools of Leavenworth, Kansas, and was then prevailed upon by old friends to again make his home in Kentucky. In a shoi't time,— during the administration of President Grant, — he received the appointment of United States Postal Clerk, which he held for eight months, resigning then on account of the constant threats made against his life, which kept his family in a state of anxiety and alarm. Of his start in this work he quaintly savs:—"As the first negro mail agent in the State, I was equal to Barnum's Animal Show, for the people at every station gathered bv hundreds, and climbed upon the cars to get a view of the black animal who dared to invade their territor\\" At one time he barely escaped lynching by the Ku Klux Klan. He was openly attacked on the car, and for the last three months of his service was daily guarded by Government soldiers. He then accepted a position with the Freedman's Bank, of Louisville, and remained in its employ tmtil its doors were closed. As ganger he served faithfully under President Garfield, going into the grocery business when the Government passed into Democratic control. Later he was engaged as night-watchman by the Bank of Ken¬ tucky, the oldest institution of the kind in the State, aud still holds that responsible place. Mr. Gibson has won more than local renown as President - 103 - of several successful Alusieal Festivals, and lias also been con¬ gratulated as the author of words written for musical setting on special occasions. His connection with the Masonic and other Orders has lifted him to high offices of trust find accountability. He has gone as Delegate to the General Conference of his Church, and sat in the great National Councils of the Republican party ; as a Christian philanthropist, and a true man, he is zealous in all that brings honor and progress to his race. Mr. Gibson, in July, 1882, was married to Miss Jennie Lewis, of Louisville, Kentucky, and their home is a center of sincere, refined hospitality. - 104 - PROF. H. B. DOUGLAS. ^■THROUGH the unremit- 1 | I ting sacrifice, encourge- ment and devotion of his mother and elder brother, Prof. H. B. Douglas was pre¬ pared for his life-work as a teacher. He was horn April 20, 1861, near Shelbvville, Bed¬ ford Count}", Tenn, and when nineteen years of age received his first certificate to teach. For twenty-five years he has been an energetic, success¬ ful instructor in the schools of his native State, having taught in nearlv every Dis¬ trict of the Counties of Sequat¬ chie and Marion, and at present holds the position of Principal of the School in South Pittsburg. Prof. Douglas was converted in April, 1894, and is an earnest and useful member of the A. M. E. Church, many offices in the polity of that organization having been entrusted to him. For seven years he has filled the Superintendency of a large and flourishing Sunday School. He embraces every opportunity to advance the religious and intellectual condition of his race. He has gone many times as Lay Delegate to his District Church Conferences, and was sent in this capacity to the General Conference at Chicago, in 1904. In August, 1903, Professor Douglas was a Member of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows that con¬ vened at Knoxville, Tennessee. He is an eager partisan of all that is right, and possesses the confidence of his fellow-teachers and pupils,"and of all that are associated with him in public and social life. - 105- REV. D. P. MOORE. w 'HE parents of Rev. D. P. Moore were slaves, and his birth-place, Dallas County, Alabama, about ten miles from the pretty little city of Selma. His early education was obtained in the public schools at Summerfield, in his native State, his father sending him, when older, to Lincoln Normal University, at W Marion, Alabama. At the com¬ pletion of his school days he taught for ten years in the rural districts of Dallas and Perry Counties in the same State. Under the preaching of Rev. B. L. Coleman, pastor of the A. M. E. Church at Summer- field, young Moore, in September, 1881, found personal salva¬ tion in Christ, and became an active and interested member and worker in both the Sunday School and Church. In April, 1887, he was licensed to preach by Dr. M. E. Bryant, Pre¬ siding Elder of Selma District; two years afterward he was taken into the North Alabama Conference at Greensboro, and ordained as Deacon, in 1891, by Bishop W. J. Gaines. Clanton Mission was his first charge, but in 1892 Bishop Abraham Grant made him spiritual overseer of Calera Circuit, and in a pastorate of three years he lifted a mortgage of four hundred dollars, built a beautiful new church and numericallv strengthened the congregation. Ordination to the Eldership by the hands of Bishop Grant came in 1895, and he was stationed successively at St. Luke A. M. E. Church, North Birmingham, and Gaines Chapel, Annis- - io6 - ton, Alabama. These pastorates were eminently satisfactory to both charges and minister. In November, 1900, he entered upon a three year's service as Presiding Elder of Florence District, and is now connected in the same relation to Birmingham District, daily magnifying his sacred office with a blameless life, and with a heart and purpose devoted to the upbuilding of the Redeemer's Kingdom. Rev. Moore for seven years held the office of Statistician and for two years that of Chief Secretary of the North Alabama Conference, and was sent as Delegate in May, 1904, to the Gen¬ eral Conference at Chicago. - 107 - REV. JAMES W. RANKIN. or 'HE subject of this sketch was born of slave par¬ ents who were desirous that their son should acquire the education which had been deprived them. He learned his alphabet at a night school; his first book was purchased with money that his mother hoarded from the sale of eggs. The birth-place of Rev. / ""'O Rankin was near Demopolis, ./ Alabama, where he made his II ' / advent November 14, 185*4. : The Emancipation Proclama- tion opened the doors of the school-house to him, and lie advanced very rapidly in his studies. During a residence from 1875 to 1877, in Brookhaven, Mississippi, he was converted and joined the A. M. E. Church, and started on a line of preparation for the Ministry, studying in the citv schools at Memphis, Tennessee, afterwards matriculat¬ ing at Eemoyne Institute. His connection with the North Mississippi Conference began in 1878, at which time he was ordained Deacon (under the Mis¬ sionary rule) by Bishop J. P. Campbell; the next year the same ecclesiastical authority made him an Elder. Rev. Rankin, after serving six years in the Mississippi Con¬ ference, was transferred to the North Louisiana Conference, and in 1886 was appointed Presiding Elder of Shreveport District, where he strengthened and developed the work to such an extent that a division of the field was necessary, the new part, known as the Monroe District being placed under his care for two years. He was then given charge of Lake Providence District, in which lie helped to establish Delhi Normal Institute, serving lor a time as Trustee and President. Failing health caused a transference from the malarial region of Louisiana, to Texas, where he itinerated in the churches at Hearne and Houston, doing effective work in building his charges up spiritually, and helping them, when necessary, to can¬ cel financial obligations. He also served as Presiding Elder of Houston District. He has also held successful pastorates at Cor- sicana, and Waxahachie Station, the latter being in connection with Ft. Worth Conference. In June, 1897, Rev. Rankin was honored with the degree of Doctor of Divinity by Paul Quinn College, of which he is a Trustee. He has gone five times as Delegate to the General Con¬ ferences of his Church, and served for eight years on the Parent Home and I^oreign Missionary Board. He is now a valued Member of the Sunday School Board of his Church. - 109 - REV. LOUIS WILLIAM RATLIFFE. CHRISTMAS day, 18+8, saw the advent of a son in a slave cabin in Roxborongh, North Carolina, who was as fondly loved as are more fortunate children born in freedom. But for only nine short years was Louis William Ratliffe to know the blessing of his parent's affection, for they were separated by the cruelty of the system of ser¬ vitude. He was nineteen years of age when he came to Ports¬ mouth, Ohio, where he enter¬ ed the public schools. In 1869 he professed a saving hope in Christ and united with the African Methodist Episcopal Church ; two years afterward his work taking him to Indianapolis, Indiana, he placed his Church letter in Bethel A. M. E. Church, and in time became a popular Class Leader, and was shortly licensed as Local Preacher. In 1876 he was admitted to the Indiana Annual Conference at Hill's Chapel, Grant County. His first pastorates were New Garden, Coryden, Jackson and St. Joseph in the State of Michigan. He was then trans¬ ferred to Indiana where he preached successively at Jeffersonville, Ivnightstown, Mt. Vernon, Bloomington, Logansport, Terre Haute, Kokomo, New Albany, Indianapolis, Princeton and Ander¬ son, spiritual and financial success attending his work. From 1890 to 1894- he served as Trustee of Wilberforce University. Rev. Ratliffe was married in 1873 to Mrs. G. A. Hall, of Indianapolis, who has proven a true helpmate to her husband in - i io - his pastoral labors. Mrs. Ratliffe was the first President ( and was kept in office for ten years ) of the Indiana Conference Branch Mite Missionary Society, organized in 1886, by Bishop J. P. Campbell, at Vincennes, and was also the first Delegate from that State to the National Parent Home and Foreign Mite Missionary Society at its meeting in Philadelphia. Two sons have been born of this marriage. Rev. Ratliffe was recently given a diploma from the Theo¬ logical Department of Morris Brown College. 111 NATHANIEL HAMMOND LEE. T THE venerable age yfcjL of eighty years, Mr. ^ ^ Nathaniel Hammond Lee is living in glad content, under his own "vine and fig tree," in the beautiful town of Cambridge, Massachusetts, honored and venerated by all who know him. He was born in slavery April 25, 1825, in Harford County, Maryland. In 1847 he became a resident of a free State, making his home in Boston, Massachusetts. On May 6, 1850, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Williams, of Fredericksburg, Virginia. A large family of children blessed their union. Not until he had almost reached his fiftieth year, 1874, did Mr. Lee know the power of saving grace in his heart, at which time he became an earnest christian worker, joining Charles street African Methodist Episcopal Church, Boston, where for many years he was a conscientious and efficient Steward and Trustee. He often speaks with gratitude of the Divine power and care that have preserved his life in times of accident and peril. For nearly forty vears Mr. Lee was an appreciated employe of the firm of Stephen Litton & Company, of Boston. He now lives comfortablv and happily in his own home at Cambridge, and bids fair to attain the advanced age of his mother, who was privileged to celebrate her one hundred and third birthdav. Rev. George Washington, a preacher of the A. M. E. Zion Church, in New England, was a brother of the subject of this sketch. - I I 2 - REV. D. M. BUTLER. EV. D. M. Butler was born March 10, 1849, in Frederick Count}', Maryland, and experienced a realization of the Divine for¬ giveness of sin when he was but fifteen years of age, and was taken into the member¬ ship of the African Methodist Episcopal Church at Burkets- Wville, Maryland, by Elder Daniel Rideout. In a short time he was appointed Assis¬ tant Class Leader and elected a Church Steward. Going to Springfield, Ohio, in March, 1870, he identified himself with the North Street Church, and his services were almost immediately utilized in several church offices. His life and aspirations were directed to the Ministry of his Church, and in 1877, Rev. R. G. Mortimer granted him a license as Local Preacher. Two years afterwards Bishop A. W. Wayman admitted him to the Ohio Conference, at Circleville, his first charge being at Oberlin, Ohio. He was soon ordained as Deacon and Elder, and he has itinerated with great fidelity and marked success at Cadiz, Day¬ ton, Steubenville, Lockland, Chillicothe, Urbana and Findlay, and is now serving our great Church at Toledo, Ohio. H - 113 - REV. CHARLES HENRY BOONE. c 'IKE many of liis breth¬ ren in the Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the early life of Rev. Charles Henry Boone was passed in working on a farm during the spring and summer months, and devoting the winter season to the acquirement of the rudi¬ ments of an education at a district school. He was born in Franklin County, Ohio, about the year 1870. While a little fellow he was inclined to the considera¬ tion of the more serious things of existence, and in his fif¬ teenth year was soundly converted to God and enrolled his name in the Membership of the A. M. E. Church. In 1887 he entered the public schools at Springfield, and in 1891 was privileged to matriculate at Wilberforce University, taking the Scientific and Classical Courses, completing them in 1898. His college days meant much of continued hardship and daily privation ; his finances at times were extremely contracted, and more than once his dinner consisted of but a little bread and meat or a raw cabbage. On March 23, 1899, Dr. John Coleman licensed him as a Minister of the A. M. E. Church. Conscious of the great respon¬ sibility devolving upon him, he entered Payne Seminary, master¬ ing the regular Theological Course in one year's time. His first Pastoral experience was at Martin's Ferrv, Ohio where he remained but three months, being then transferred to - 114- the Kentucky Conference, at which time, September, 1900, Bishop Tanner ordained him as Deacon. In Kentucky the door of opportunity opened into the school¬ room instead of the church, and in 1901 he began a work that quickly caused him to be recognized as a leading educator. The next year led to his selection as Principal of Turner Institute and the John G. Mitchell Bible Training School at Shelbyville, Tennessee, retaining his connection with his Conference. In 1902 he was given Elder's Orders by Bishop B. T. Tanner, at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and was also appointed to the Pastor¬ ate of the Church in Shelbyville, where he carried on with vigor and enthusiasm his very successful work in Turner Institute, in connection with his Ministerial labors. He is now Pastor of St. Paul Church, Nashville, Tennessee. -115- REV. P. F. CURRY. <£' OLUMBIA, South Caro¬ lina, is the native city of Rev. P. F. Curry, where he was born May 12, 1868. He is a graduate of Cookman College, Jackson¬ ville, Florida, and also of Gammon Theological Semi¬ nary, Atlanta, Georgia. He was happily converted in his tenth year. It was a memorable day in his life when a license to preach was given him, and he was admit¬ ted to the Macon, Georgia, Conference, by Bishop W. J. Gaines, on November 16, 1890, completing his equipment for the itineracy. Ordination as Deacon and Elder quickly followed. The Ministerial labors of Rev. Curry have been entirely in the State of Georgia, with appointments at Spring Hill, Smith- ville Station, Wavcross Station, Brunswick Station and Bethel Church, Savannah. He is now the zealous Presiding Elder of Millen District. Rev. Curry is a valued Trustee of Morris Brown College. In 1903 he was elected Ministerial Delegate to his home Con¬ ference, and the next year was sent to the General Conference at Chicago. - 116 - REV. JONESIMUS MORLEY, B.A. EV. J. Onesimus Morle}'- is the spiritual overseer of St. Paul's African Methodist Episcopal Church at Hamilton, Bermuda, West Indies, and, although com¬ paratively young in years and experience, has been made Pre¬ siding Elder of the District. He is a native of those beau¬ tiful tropical islands, and was Wfor several years a successful teacher in the Government School. A license to preach was given him by Dr. M. M. Moore in 1894, at Winter Park, Florida, and on the fourteenth day of June, in the following year, he was honored with an invitation to preach the District Conference sermon ; this discourse, based upon Proverbs 8:3, brought him much renown, and it was pronounced " a masterpiece of profound thought and beauti¬ ful oratory." Desiring to increase his Biblical and Theological lore, he, in 1896, matriculated at the Wesley an Theological College at Mon¬ treal, Canada, being the only colored student in the Institution, where, at the end of three year's close mental application, he was graduated with high tokens of esteem from his instructors and fellow-students, A future of great usefulness and honor lies before him. -117- REV. TIMOTHY DWIGHT SCOTT. /Vf\RDAINED as a Minister lltl of the African Metlio- dist Episcopal Church, and having successfully filled several pastorates, yet it is as an educator that Rev. Timothy Dwight Scott has obtained a prominent place among the leading men of his race; one that is not excelled in merit by any Instructor in the land. He was born in Circleville, Ohio; June 21, 1860, and since his twelfth year has been actively and usefully identi¬ fied with the A. M. E. Church. As a diligent and studious pupil he won high grades in the public schools of his native town, but desirous of greater intellectual culture without it proving to heavy a burden on his devoted parents, he entered Wilberforce University in 1881, and paid for most of his tuition with money earned on Saturdays in a barber shop in Xenia; he was graduated from the Classical Department of the Institution in 1886. He began his splendid record as teacher with one year's service as Principal of the Colored High School at Circleville, holding the same position at Parkersburg, West Virginia, for five years; afterwards he occupied with marked ability, for three years, the Chair of Natural Science at Wilberforce University. He has for the past nine years been employed, at a handsome salary, as Principal of the East Main Street High School, Xenia, Ohio. Professor Scott's Ministerial experience has been intertwined with his profession as teacher. He received his license to preach - 118- from Rev. C. E. Newsome, at Circleville, Ohio, in August, 1887. Deacon's Orders were given him September 30, 1889, by Bishop Daniel A. Payne, at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, and Bishop B. W. Arnett, on October 7, 1894, at Wheeling, West Virginia, ordained him as Elder. He has itinerated very successfully in the A. M. E. Churches at Parkersburg, West Virginia, VVilberforce and Xenia, Ohio ; his great interest in the Sunday School cause has led to his holding for a decade the responsible position of President of the Ohio Conference African Methodist Sunday School Institute. In April, 1895, Governor William McKinley made him Chaplain of the 9th O. N. G., and Governor Asa S. Bushnell, in 1897, again commis¬ sioned him to the office. Rev. Scott, on September 4, 1903 lost by death his wife, who was formerly Miss Mary S. McKinley, of Maeon, Georgia, to whom he was married December 27, 1887. She was a woman whose beauty of face reflected the loveliness of heart and soul within, and her strong mentalit}' and intellectual culture made her a charming personality. Five little children were left motherless. -119- REV. EDWARD W. LAMPTON, D.D. EV. Edward Wilkerson m. first African Methodist Preach- I ^ #whB er in Kentucky, and the life / •* S i*wSk of his grandson has in many ■ Christian courage and fidelity mason, which trade was als<^ learned by the son. His con¬ version in September, 1874, at the town of Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, (which event was almost tragic in its happening, the Divine power causing him to leap from the horse that he was riding with a cry for mercy and pardon), filled him with the desire to make the Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church his life-work. He at once began to qualify himself for the sacred office, and was admitted to the Annual Conference, at Greenville, Mississippi, where he was ordained Deacon. Bishop Ward, at the eighth session of the North Mississippi Annual Con¬ ference raised him to the Eldership. The itineracy of Dr. Lampton has been one of constant loyalty to right, and success has followed his steps. His brethren in the pulpit have bestowed upon him every official position in the Conference. In 1892 he was sent to the General Con¬ ference at Philadelphia. He was the first Treasurer of J. P. Campbell College, and at present is Vice President and Chair¬ man of the Committee on Wavs and Means of that Institution. Dr. Lampton is an ardent upholder of the Masonic Order, and has twice been elected Grand Master of Stringer Grand Lodge of Mississippi. His decisions have marked his great ability. In national politics he has always stood for the good of the party, and expressed contempt for trickery and injustice. He was a Delegate from the State-at-Large to the National Convention at St. Louis that nominated McKinlev and Hobart. As member of the Committee sent to the Governor of Mississippi, it was the logical eloquence of Dr. Lampton that prevented a division of the school fund, thus securing a common school education to the Negro children of the State ; his argu¬ ments and persistence likewise saved Alcorn A. and M. College to the Colored People of the same State, and retained the corps of Colored Teachers in the Institution. For this splendid service the College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Liberal Learning, the degree of Doctor of Divinity having previously been given him by Shorter University at the close of his Theo¬ logical studies, at which time he won the class medal. Dr. Lampton is at present efficiently serving the African Methodist Episcopal Church as its Financial Secretary, one of the most important offices within the gift of the General Con¬ ference. Well known as a forcible and influential speaker, Dr. Lamp- ton is equally strong with his pen, as his brochure entitled "Sacred Dynamite on Baptism" will testify. Dr. Lampton is very happy and fortunate in his immediate home life, whose genial hospitality has been tested by many, both friends and strangers. His race is honored by his earnest, Christian manhood, and he honors his race by continuous devotion to its well-being and well-doing. - 12 r - REV. PAUL STILL PRYOR. EY. Paul Still Pryor was born March 6, 1865, in Pike County, not far from Troy, Alabama, being the elder son ot Rev. R. S. Pryor, who was for many years Pastor of the Baptist Congregations in Brundidge, Troy and other towns in Alabama. Much of his early life was passed upon a planta- \ ? 'ijfebt W v tion; his school privileges V were few and his education */ was mainly obtained from a private white instructor, Mr. Albert Smith. In his eighteenth year young Pryor located at Union Springs, Alabama, where for two years he was employed as a drayman, after which he clerked and kept books in a grocery belonging to his brother. Later he embarked in the mercantile business for himself. His conversion, in 1888, made the Ministry the supreme object in his life, and on March 18, 1891, he was licensed as a Minister of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, by Rev. E. H. Dixon, Presiding Elder of Union Springs District, and the same }rear joined the Alabama Conference, Bishop W. J. Gaines presiding. The following year Bishop A. Grant gave him his first appointment at Suspension Mission, where he built a church. In 1893 he went to Bethel and Powell Missions, near Huntsboro. The same year he received Deacon's Orders from Bishop Grant. Two year's connection, as pastor, with the Troy Circuit, witnessed the ingathering of sixty souls to the Church, and the -122- building of" two new houses of worship. His pastorate at Clop- ton Church added one hundred and fifty persons to its member¬ ship. His itineracy in other places was rewarded with similar success, the people experiencing spiritual and material blessings, the latter materializing in the shape of remodeled churches, new parsonages and the wiping out of church debts. In 1899 Bishop H. M. Turner ordained him as Elder. His energy brought new life to the Church at Dothen ; he lifted it out of a cloud of debt, built a parsonage worth $750, and the same vear entertained the Annual Conference. Rev. Pry or is at present Presiding Elder of Columbia Dis¬ trict, and also Editor of the Henry County Appeal. He resides in Dothen where he is the owner of valuable property. He was a Delegate from his Conference to the last Gen¬ eral Conference in Chicago. - 121 - DR. LOUIS MADISON FENWICK. 3 'EW persons, irrespective of race, possess the broad, thorough pre¬ paration for their life-work as does Dr. Louis Madison Fen wick, the subject of this sketch. He was born in Gentry County, Missouri, August 29, 1858, of deeply religious parentage, and obtained his early education in the High School and College at Oska- loosa, Iowa, afterward enter¬ ing Penn College in the same city. In 1884 he joined the Conference at Keokuk, Iowa, and was assigned to the Princeton and Knoxville Circuit, Illinois, where he did excellent work in freeing both charges from debt. The same record was made at Minneapolis. In Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, Bedford and Creston, Iowa, churches were built ; eight charges in Illinois were either made to rejoice over new houses of worship, or the remodeling of old ones, by his wise management of financial con¬ ditions; in Evanston, Illinois, his last charge, he raised more money than any of the pastors of the Church before him had ever succeeded in doing. But a natural love for medical science, and a desire to min¬ ister to the physical comfort of his fellow creatures by alleviat¬ ing their suffering, and healing their diseases, led him, in 1894, to enter the Barnes Medical College at St. Louis, Missouri, from which he was graduated four years later, standing fifth in a class of one hundred and seventy-six, and being the first Negro to receive a diploma from that Institution. For two years he — 124 - was associated as Assistant Clitiican with the College of Physi¬ cians and Surgeons in St. Louis, and also served most efficiently in the City Hospital. Not satisfied with his attainments in his new prolession, he obtained, also, by hard study, a diploma from the National College ot Electro-Therapeutics and Electro-Physics in Indiana¬ polis, and is now an eminent and competent physician in the city of Chicago. - 125- REV. B. W. ROBERTS, D.D. Zg^ALLED to an eternal I I reward while his sun of life was still high in the heavens, Dr. Roberts has left to the Church so clear to him, the record of one who served "as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." He was born July 26th, 1852, at Monticello, Jefferson County, Florida. In his eigh¬ teenth year he accepted Christ as his personal Saviour, and was licensed to preach Sep¬ tember 15th, 1871, by Rev. Wm. Bradwell of the Florida Conference. Before he reached his twenty-third birthday he had received ordination as Deacon and Elder, and been appointed to Ministerial work in the Bahama Islands, from which he returned to an itineracy in his native State, holding charges at Madison, Tallahassee, Appalachicola and other large centers. In 1883 came transference to Texas and an assignment to St. Paul A. M. E. Church at Waco, with after appointments at Austin and San Antonio and also extensive work as Presiding Elder. Dr. Roberts, in December, 1871, was united in marriage to Miss Diana W. Williams, of Monticello, Florida, with whom he lived most happily till her death in March, 1893. On March 11th, 1902, he was again wedded to Miss Leona B. Ferguson, of Ohio, who survives him. As Ministerial Delegate, Dr. Roberts attended five consecu¬ tive sessions of the General Conference of the Church, and had been elected to the General Conference at Chicago that met in - 12 6 - May following his translation to a higher sphere, which took place February 1st, 1904. Throughout his life Dr. Roberts alwavs found some duty awaiting his coming. Besides his labors as Pastor and Preacher he taught school during the early \rears of his Ministry, served at different times as Justice of the Peace, Countv Commissioner, Member of Board of Education, and was for a while Inspector of Customs for the port of Key West. For nearly thirty years he was a Trustee of Paul Quinn College, and at the time of his death Chairman ot its Executive Board. -127 - REV. J. M. TOWNSEND, D. D. ? 'RINCIPLE not Policy," has been the inner motive power that has lifted the subject ol this sketch to the enviable place of eminence and confidence given him by the membership of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the public at large. \ ' 1 lie only son of William \ ' an55" REV. R. H. SINGLETON, D. D. EY. R. H. Singleton, D. D., who for five years has been Pastor of the large and influential congre¬ gation at St. Philips Monu¬ mental Church, Savannah, Georgia, was born shortly after the close of the Civil War, September 11, 1865, on the Island of Hilton Head, South Carolina. His parents possessed but little of this world's goods, but were determined that their son should receive all the educational advantages in their power to bestow; and he completed the pre¬ scribed curriculum of study at Giles Academy, on Hilton Head, in 1879, later taking a special course in Greek and mathematics under the tuition of Professor George F. Curtis, also studying Hebrew with Rabbi J. Weiner. In 1901 he was a member of the class graduated from the Theological Department of Moms Brown College, from which Institution he received, in 1904, the honorable and merited degree of Doctor of Divinity. His religious life began with his happy conversion to Christ, November 28, 1888, becoming a member of St. Pauls A. M. E. Church in Brunswick, Georgia, during the ministry of Rev. P. H. M. Brookens. In 1890, licenses to Exhort and Preach were granted him, followed in December of the ensuing year by his ordination as Local Deacon. His itineracy began at Thomasville, Georgia, in December, 1892; four years later he was ordained as Elder. Dr. Singleton has held the following appointments. Five -156- busy years were spent at Brunswick, Georgia, where he organ¬ ized and built Payne's Chapel, leaving there a fine, prosperous Church. A pastorate of two years was given to Wavcross Sta¬ tion, then he succeeded the lamented Dr. A. A. Whitman at St. Philips Monumental Church in Savannah, Georgia, the pioneer congregation of the State. Honors from the Church at Large have flowed freel}- into Dr. Singleton's hands. For seven years the responsibilities of the office of Chief Secretary of his Conference have demanded his time; and the important duties attending a Trusteeship, and Membership of the Executive Board of Morris Brown College, call for much consideration from him. He was elected by his Conference to the last session of the General Conference held in Chicago, in 1904, and was also Secre¬ tary of the State Delegation. Dr. Singleton is a fluent and effective speaker and is in con¬ stant demand for addresses to Schools and Colleges. He was married to Mrs. Josephine Hymes, April 18, 1889, and their home life is ideal. -157- REV. W. W. GRIMES. 'HE childhood of Rev. W. W. Grimes was passed in Virginia, his native State. While quite a lad he entered Storer College, West Virginia, where he laid the foundation for an education that later included a Theo¬ logical Course that prepared him for the sacred work of the Ministr}r to which he ■ „ r early devoted his life. a** It^/ Receiving his diploma in t t *' / 1875, he engaged in the work of pedagogy, teaching for fif- •> y/ teen years, with great success, in the Public Schools of West Virginia, Mar\dand and Texas. But always uppermost in his heart and thought was the wish to carry out to fulfillment the life-long desire of joining the ranks of those specially consecrated to the Lord's work as Min¬ isters of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; having the conviction that the step would open a wider field of tisefulness, and also enable him to be of greater service to his race. In October, 1889, he connected himself with the Annual Conference of the A. M. E. Church then in session at San An¬ tonio, Texas, Bishop A. Grant presiding, and was sent, March, 1890, to do his first work as a fully qualified Minister of Christ to San Diego, California. He has labored faithfully and efficiently, winning many soids for the Master in the Conferences of Puget Sound and Califor¬ nia, but in October, 1900, was transferred from Bethel Church, San Francisco, to the Ohio Conference, where he is activelv en¬ gaged in Christian work. -158- WILLIAM S. SCARBOROUGH. S an authority on Greek /■A literature and the Lan- guage, Professor Will¬ iam S. Scarborough, head of the Classical Department of Wilberforce University, has received the endorsement of the savants of the land. This cultivated scholar is a son of Georgia, having been born in the city of Macon on February 16th, 1852. Several years prior to his birth, his father, Jesse Scar¬ borough, was given papers of freedom by his master, and provision made for his journey North, if he desired to leave the South; but as his wife, Frances Scarborough, remained in slavery, affection constrained him to sta}r with her. William was born into servitude and his early years were spent in Macon. He was but six years of age when he evinced a desire to learn, and with his books tucked under his arm would go off to school where he was taught to read, and in course of time ac¬ quired a fair knowledge of arithmetic, grammar and geography; his parents possessing an acquaintance with these elementary branches would surreptitiously aid him with his lessons and con¬ stantly incited him to diligent study. Strange to say, he received instruction in penmanship from an old South Carolinian, who was a rebel of the deepest dye. During the war, his ability to write was often called into requisition by slaves making stolen visits to his parent's home, as he would make out "safe-permits" or passes for them, signing his master's name, which enabled them to go back to their cabins without any trouble. - »59' Professor Scarborough recounts with gratitude a providen¬ tial escape from a terrible death 111 his boyhood. On the rourth of Julv, I860, when returning home irom witnessing a military parade, as he was passing through a long, covered bridge, he was seized bv two drunken men who proceeded to hold him out of an opening over the rushing waters, when he was rescued by a passer-by. He was but ten vears of age when elected Secretary of a prominent organization of colored people in Macon, its meetings during the war being allowed by the whites if the members were provided with permits. In this office he earned a tiny salary. At this time, when not engaged in study, he worked at the shoe¬ maker's trade, and just before the close of the war he served one year as a regular apprentice. Even then his intellectual attainments were recognized by those about him, and daily was he called upon to read the papers to the workmen and explain the movements of the con¬ tending armies. Professor Scarborough remained in the Macon schools until 1869, when, at the age of seventeen years, he entered Atlanta University to prepare for higher education, and in two year's time was readv for Oberlin College, Ohio, from which institution he was graduated in 1875. Returning to his old home in Macon, his services were engaged by the American Missionary Society for a while, later teaching Greek and Mathematics in the Lewis High School; but in September he again sought Oberlin and de¬ voted several months to Theology, Hellenistic Greek and Hebrew, receiving in the winter a call to the Principalship of Payne Insti¬ tute, Cokesburg, South Carolina, which school has since been merged in Allen University at Columbia, in the same State. His vacations during his college course were spent in teach¬ ing in various schools in Ohio and Georgia, the experience gained richly preparing him for greater achievements in the future in the educational world. In the Fall of 1877 Professor Scarborough was added to the Faculty of Wilberforce University and placed at the head of the Classical Department, a position that has brought him "Teat renown, and his learning and excellence as an instructor are of - 16o - incalculable benefit to the school. Possessing a more than pass¬ ing knowledge of Sanscrit, Old Slavonic, Zend and other ancient tongues, the Greek language is his favorite study, and there are but few persons who are as thoroughly at home in it as is Pro- lessor Scarborough. So thoroughly has it been mastered bv him that he is as ready in its use as he is m the English language. He is the author of a text-book entitled, "First Lessons in Greek," which is the first Greek work ever published by a colored man. Some time ago he was asked, at a high salarv, to go to Africa and study the languages of that great continent, but he preferred to remain in America. The genius and time of Professor Scarborough are not con¬ fined to his school duties. He is a frequent contributor to the leading magazines on subjects that command the attention of all progressive minds. The recognition of his intellectual ability and attainments are shown by his connection with various celebrated learned societies such as the American Social Science, American Archeological, American Modern Language, American Philologi¬ cal, and others of like character. But there is no membership esteemed higher by him than that of the African Methodist Epis¬ copal Church, of which he is a devoted son. He went as a dele¬ gate from this body to the Centennial of Alethodism held in Baltimore, Maryland, in December, 1884, and also to the Ecu¬ menical Conference in London, in 1901, where he frequentlv addressed large audiences. Two leading colleges have delighted to honor Professor Scarborough with high degrees, Oberlin, his Alma Mater, confer¬ ring those of A.B., and A.M., and that of LL.D. coming from Liberia College, West Africa. This eminent scholar is most congenially married, his wife also having a reputation as a writer of no small fame. She was graduated from the Oswego Normal School, New York, and is Dean of the Normal Department of the same Institution in which her husband so ably teaches. They reside in a beautiful home at Wilberforce. K - 16 i - REV. JAMES W. WALKER, D.D. Hi -AY 15th, 1867 is the natal day of Rev. Jas. W. Walker, D.D., and Cokesburg, South Carolina, the place of his birth. His parents were Isaac and Maria Elizabeth Walker, who were noted for their fervent piety and sincere devotion to the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Thus his childhood and youth were surrounded by a deeply religious atmosphere which permeated and strongly influenced his life; and it is not strange that while a mere boy he gave himself in con¬ secration to God, and resolved to spend the years allotted to him in telling a sin-sick world of the healing Cross of Christ. He received his license to preach at St. Patd's African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Church, in Cokesburg, November, 1884, when not yet twenty years of age, having been partly qualified for the work by diligent attendance at Payne Institute, Cokesburg; Brewer Normal, Greenwood, and Allen University, Columbia, South Carolina. His experience and finances were increased by four years of faithful teaching in the Public Schools of his native State and Georgia. Mission Churches on South Carolina and Georgia Circuits engaged his first Ministerial labors, after which three profitable years were spent at Gammon Theological Seminary, finishing the prescribed course of stud}' in May, 1890. His first settled Pastorates were two years each at Fort - 162 - Gaines and Atoc Station, Georgia; he was then transferred to Mobile, Alabama, where for four vears he broke the "bread of life" to the congregation at Emanuel Station, returning to Bethel Station in the same city after a Pastorate of five vears over the Church in Selma, Alabama. Churches strengthened and grew under his wise supervision, and his Race received constant encouragement from him for advancement along the lines of mental, social and spiritual growth. An honor that has fallen to but few, was his election as Alternate Delegate to the last Ecumenical Council at London, England; and several years ago Wilberforce University was pleased to confer upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. Dr. Walker also has in his care, as Treasurer, the Building Fund of Payne Universit}^ and managed the finances during the recent erection of a building, costing $10,000, on the campus. The sermons of this eminent Minister are based always on sound theological lore, and he is regarded as one of the very useful men of the Church. - 163- JOHN MOSES AVERY. K T THE head of Waters Industrial Academy in Burke County, North Carolina, where he was born near Morgantown, Oct. 10th, 187G, John Moses Avery is devoting the strength and powers of his young manhood to the instruction and eleva¬ tion of the boys and girls of his Race. His childhood was passed on a farm and he was early imbued with the thought of usefulness to others in after life; this idea was strength¬ ened and consecrated by his conversion in 1892, and con¬ nection with the membership of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Preparation for duty was made at Kittrell College, where he paid his way in work for seven years, being graduated with honor in 1900, going almost immediately to the Principalship of the Graded Schools in Hickory, North Carolina; resigning the next year to accept the important position now held by him in the school that is the result of his personal thought and endeavor. Mr. Aver\r has been a happy benedict for nearly three years, his wife being formerly Miss Lulu L. Aiken of Reidsville, N. C., a graduate and later an Instructress in Kittrell College. - 164 - BISHOP WESLEY J. GAINES, D.D. ^*THIS eminent warrior for I I \ Gocl was born in Wilkes County, Georgia, Octo¬ ber 4th, 3 840, the seventh of fotirteen children that were given to William and Louisa Gaines in the slave cabin of that Southern State. Godly people were these humble slave parents, and though the father belonged to the M. E. Church South, and the mother was a faithful adherent to the Baptist faith, their wed¬ ded life of fifty-eight vears was one of harmony and affection, never disturbed by the bitterness of doctrinal discussion. Their united aim was the conversion of their child¬ ren, and one of the earliest and most precious remembrances of Bishop Gaines' childhood is that of his mother praying for him under a tree in these words: "Oh God, make this, my boy, Wesley, such a man as Thou wouldst have him be. Make him Thjr son for Jesus sake." At the age of nine years the little slave boy gave his heart to God, and his earnest, consecrated life is evidence of a Divine answer to his mother's prayer. The fact that Wesley was of frail physique exempted him from earhr being put at continuous labor, thus giving him larger opportunities for learning to read and write, which he did with, out the knowledge of his master. The few elementary books in his possession were kept carefully concealed. Hearing the approach of the patrollers one night, the little boy hid his treasures in an ash hopper, and to his great grief a heavy rain - 165- fell and the lvc thus formed ruined his hooks. His sorrow over his loss was so deep that his father gave him all the money in his possession, three dollars and fifty eents, with which he pur¬ chased a Geography, English Grammar, "Peter Farley's" History, a copy book, pen and ink. The first letter ever written by Wesley was to his brother Stephen in Washington; having no money he mailed the letter without stamping it, and ran from the office as fast as his little feet could carry him. Stephen was notified by the postmaster and forwarded the postage for the letter. His reply stimulated Wesley to greater zeal in his studies. In 1855 he moved to Stewart County, Georgia, where lie remained one rear, going thence to Muscogee County, where he lived until he entered upon the work of the Ministry, which sacred office had been his dearest ambition since childhood. He began the rhetorical work of the sacred profession when a mere lad, bv preaching the funeral sermon of every dog, chicken and bird that died on the plantation. While 011 the Muscogee plantation he was married to Miss Julia A. Camper, August 20th, 1863, whose love, after forty years of happy union, is still the joy and blessing of the Bishop's life. One child, a daughter, Mary Louisa, has blessed their home. License to preach was granted him in June, 1865, by Rev. ]. L. Davis of the M. E. Church South; and by a happy coinci¬ dence his oldest brother, Rev. William Gaines, was also ordained in the same month by Bishop D. A. Paj-ne, at Hilton Head, South Carolina, and appointed Missionary of the State of Georgia. Through the influence of this brother voung Wesley had been led to unite with the A. M. E. Church. In 1866, he was ordained Deacon bv Bishop Payne at Savannah, Georgia, and admitted to the then South Carolina Conference, and the next year at Wilmington, North Carolina, Bishop Wayman made him Presiding Elder. All of Bishop Gaines work as a Minister of the Gospel has been done in the State of Georgia, having held appointments at Florence Mission, Atlanta, Macon and Columbus, and several times was returned to Macon and Atlanta. During his first Pastorate at Atlanta he built Bethel A. M. E. Church that now - 166 - has a membership of more than two thousand souls. At Maeon he raised an indebtedness of $4,500, and at Columbus built St. James A. M. E. Church at a cost of $10,000. During these busy years of service he found time for mental culture, studying Theology with Rev. Henderson, the able and liberal-minded Rector of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in Athens, Georgia, and at a later period with Rev. Joseph S. Key, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South; rhetoric and other branches were also pursued under various instructors. In 1883, Wilberforce University conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. The African Methodist Episcopal Church at Large was not slow in recognizing the spiritual strength and intellectual attain¬ ments of Rev. Gaines, and this appreciation was shown in the bestowing upon him of Episcopal honors and responsibilites by the General Conference at its session in Indianapolis, in 1888. As Bishop he is found worthy of the trust, and is doing grand work in the Second Episcopal District which includes the Conferences of Baltimore, Virginia, North Carolina and West Carolina. - 167- REV. O. J. W. SCOTT, D.D. T Gallipolis, Ohio, a beau- TJk tiful little city located ^ ^ on the north side of the Ohio river, on the last dav of Julv, 1867, Rev. Oscar J. W. Scott, the subject of this sketch was born. He was privileged to attend school throughout his childhood, and later entered Ohio Wesley an University, from which he was graduated with the highest honors in oratory and the degrees A.B. and A.M. To these degrees Drew Theological Seminary added that of B.D., the Uni- versity of Denver contributed 15.0. and S.T.B , and Payne Theological Seminary gave the crowning one of D.D. The entire Ministry of Dr. Scott has been marked by singu¬ lar ability and unceasing labor, and the fact that he is now in charge of the Metropolitan A. M. E. Church, at Washington, D. C., evidences the confidence felt by high church authority in his power to preach, influence, and build up a congregation. And this iaith has not been misplaced. The Metropolitan has always stood as a stronghold of the African Methodist Episcopal Com¬ munion, but in the short space of sixteen months that Dr. Scott has been the faithful watchman on its walls, he has added over four hundred persons to its membership, lowered a debt of thirty- one thousand dollars to nineteen thousand, and financiered a fund of nearly two thousand dollars into the Church treasury. Equally interested in the social development of the Church, he has introduced a system that has led to greater cordiality among - 168 - the members, brought about ail acquaintance with strangers, and cares generously for the poor and ill of the congregation. Yet so loyal a student is he, that rarely does a day slip by without his gleaning some truth from his beloved books; and so thorough his knowledge of music and law, that either, adopted as a profession, would prove a successful bread winner. His wife, formerly Miss Nettie Poindexter, of Columbus, Ohio, is an accomplished musician, and often plavs the piano or organ in the revival meetings conducted bv her husband. Before her marriage she was instructor on the piano and organ, and also Assistant Chorus Director at the Ohio State Institution for the Blind. Two of the leading colleges in the countrv have offered Dr. Scott high and flattering positions in their faculties, but as devoted as he is to books and study, much stronger is his love for souls and the desire to win them for the Kingdom of his Divine Master. As a speaker Dr. Scott has but few equals, and his eloquent, powerful discourses bear the impress of earnest thought and investigation. He has great faith in the possibilities of the future, and the thought of to-day is eagerly scanned as a prophecy of wondrous development of an unfolding age. Cordial in manner, possessing a thorough knowledge of men, with the sun of life still shining directly overhead, Dr. Scott promises to win even greater distinction for himself, and in so doing prove an illustrious factor in the advancement of his Race. - i 6 9 - REV. JAMES A. LINDSAY, D.D. sr 'HE privations of poverty surrounded the child¬ hood of Rev. James A. Lindsay, but he was more than rich in the possession of devout Christian parents, who earl}' impressed him with the thought that to "be good'' was the greatest and most important thing in life. He was born in Union WCounty, South Carolina, Sep¬ tember, 10th, 1864, his par¬ ents being Ellison J. and Lucy Dogan Lindsay, whom it is his delight to remember with great honor and affection. In the little village of Jonesville, his home place, he acquired the rudiments of an educa¬ tion which he early resolved to widely enlarge. But this determination meant constant self-sacrifice and unceasing toil; and the hot vacation months were spent in the forests cutting wood, the sweat and blistered hands forgotten as the toiler realized that every stroke of the axe brought nearer the longed for books and coveted opportunity. The graded schools creditablv passed, "What next?" While resting one day under a venerable chestnut tree that cast its grateful shade in a cotton field, he decided upon a col¬ lege course. The resolution brought action, and he entered Clark University with only eighteen dollars in his pocket, but rich in hope and grit. The days were filled with recitations, stove-wood cutting and general work on the campus, with the evenings given to hard study. The art of type setting was acquired. College days were followed by ten years of teaching in the schools of - 170 - Georgia and South Carolina. Converted when a lad of fourteen years, he had never lost sight of his vouthful ambition of "some da}r" occupying a pulpit in the A. M. E. Church; and it was a glad hour when he received his diploma from Gammon Theologi¬ cal Seminary. Rev. Lindsay's pastoral work has been chiefly in the State of Georgia, and at this time he is Presiding Elder of Macon Dis¬ trict in that State. But he is a diligent man outside of his mam- pulpit obligations. As time would allow he has taken special courses in French, Greek, Hebrew, Literature and other valuable branches. The press is often enriched bv his contributions; sev¬ eral profitable pamphlets and tracts have come from his pen, and he has now in preparation a book entitled, "The Man of Galilee." He h as gone three times as a Delegate to the General Con¬ ference, and in 1904 was a prominent candidate for the Editor¬ ship of the Southern Christian Recorder. He has served for a number of years as Trustee and Member of the Executive Board of Morris Brown College, and is also Recording Secretary of the Church Missionary Board that meets annually in New York City. REV. JOHN WESLEY GAZAWAY. A CENTURY of earnest, consecrated service in the Christian Ministry, places the Gazaway ancestry high among the many faith¬ ful, illustrious toilers in the pulpits dedicated to the spread of Methodist doctrines and faith. For many years the grandfather of the subject of this sketch gave his time and love to the parent Methodist Church, and his father loyally preached the Sacred Word as a son of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, thus influencing their descendant by word and example to fol¬ low in their footsteps. John Wesley Gazaway was born in Zanesville, Ohio, Septem¬ ber 1st, 18-4-0. His conversion took place in his home city March 9th, 1850, during the pastorate of Rev. A. R. Green. He at once identifiedJiimself with the membership of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and fifty years of devoted service to its com¬ munion crown his name as one who has followed his Divine Leader with no laggard step or uncertain voice. He received a Local Preacher's license from Rev. M. M. Smith in 1869. Two years later through Bishop Payne he joined the traveling connection of the Church, and the intervening years, to the present time, have been gloriously filled with self-denving, persistent efforts to advance the cause of Christianity, and richly has he been blessed in his work. Rev. Gazaway has held important charges in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Pennsylvania, and at one time was Presiding - i 72 - Elder in the Springfield Distriet of the North Ohio Conference. Ouinn Mission Church, Lexington, Kentucky, and Allen Chapel, Springfield, Ohio, owe their organization to his indefatigable energy. The handsome Brown Chapel in Allegheny City, Penn¬ sylvania, ( built after the destruction of the former church b\r a storm in the Spring of 1902, ) that cost over twenty-five thous¬ and dollars, owes its erection to his never-relaxing- enthusiasm and determination of purpose. In fourteen months he raised over five thousand dollars towards the building of the new edi¬ fice, and during his occupancy of its pulpit about seven thousand dollars of indebtedness were paid. His Presiding Elder said at that time that Rev. Gazaway raised more money at one rally "than was ever raised in the history of the Pittsburg Conference." Wherever Rev. Gazaway is sent he at once seems to win the confidence of the whole community. This statement is sup¬ ported by an incident that occurred at the beginning of his present pastorate in Zanesville, Ohio, where he found a debt of five hun¬ dred dollars embarrassing his people. He at once started to set in motion ways and means for its liquidation; but greatly to his surprise and pleasure a wealthy gentleman of the city sent him the full amount as a gift, only asking that his name be withheld from the public. Rev. Gazaway is an ardent friend and supporter of Wilber- force University, was one of the founders of its Theological Department known as Payne Theological Seminary, and is an interested Member of its Board of Trustees. Some years ago the Institution honored him with the degree of Doctor of Divinity. As a Delegate he has attended, with but two exceptions, all the General Conferences of the A. M. E. Church from 1876 to 1904.. Devoted to all that pertains to the advancement of his race, Rev. [. W. Gazaway is an exponent of true Christian manhood, and conscientious ministerial labor. -173 - REV. JOSEPH GWYNN. 0 strong the innate pur- pose and ambition of the lives of many men, that they early begin to ac- complish much of good in building up the moral forces of the world. This is eminent¬ ly true of Rev. Joseph Gwynn, the subject of this sketch, whose life, not yet numbering four decades (having been Wborn May 27th, 1872, in Bal¬ timore County, Maryland, ) is a constant protest and influ¬ ence against all and every form of evil. His determination to be a "soldier for righteousness" took form in the hour of his conversion, which occurred March 4th, 1894, at Bethel Church, in the city of Baltimore, under the earnest, convincing preaching of Bishop A. W. Wayman. To resolve was to act. Entering the communion of Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church at Long Green, Maryland, within two years he was doing faithful work as a Local Preacher, receiving his license from the hands of Elder L. M. Beckett, July 25th, 1896. Prior to this event, he had organized in his father's home, a society known as "The Neighbors' Moral, Intellectual and Beneficial Association," through whose agency was founded two Sabbath Schools and one da}r school in the vicinity of Hartley and Summerfield, Mary¬ land, respectively. Desiring greater qualifications for the future, in September, 1896, he became a student at Wilberforce University where he remained five years, interspersing his studies with Pastoral Work at Jeffersonville and Selma, Ohio. February 24th, 1901, Bishop - 174- B. F. Lee ordained him as Deacon in the University Chapel, and the following June he received his diploma which carried with it the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. His first pastoral work was at Elkton, Marvland, where he built up the congregation and erected a parsonage. Bishop Lee, in 1908, consecrated him to the Eldership. Rev. Gwynn is the author of two valuable little books, "The Holy Sacraments" and "Pastors of Missions. " He is also the leader in the publication of "The Problem," issued in the interests of his Race. In this work he is very ably assisted by his wife. REV. O. D. ROBINSON, D.D. EV. 0. D. Robinson, D.D., is one of eight sons born to Isaac and Leti- tia Robinson, at Hamilton, Bermuda, and his natal day fell on February 4, 1858. In obedience to the law of his country he was enrolled as a pupil of the schools at the ten¬ der age of five years, and was still young when apprenticed to a tailor, learning the trade. But young manhood lay all before him when he sailed for America, where he knew a more liberal education await¬ ed him, and a wider and more promising field in which he could win success in life. Since the hour ot conversion a place in the Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church had been his heart-desire. In 1884 he was licensed to preach b}r Rev. Richard Harper, Pastor of St. John's A. M. E. Church, in Nashville, Tennessee, after which he studied in Fisk University, and, in 1887, was graduated as Valedictorian of his class from the Theological Department of Howard University, Washington, D. C. His first Ministerial appointment was at Mt. Pisgah A. M. E. Church in the National Capitol, going thence to Hillsdale, D. C., where he built a new Church; then followed a Pastorate of two years at Hagerstown, .Maryland, where he secured the erection of a brick parsonage and paid off $2000 Church obligations. While at Hagerstown he was ordained as Deacon and Elder. The beautiful Church on Lexington Street, Baltimore, Mary¬ land, was built during his four years work in that city, Bishop W. - 176- J. Gaines then transferring him to the Philadelphia Conferenee and stationing him at Germantown, Pennsylvania, where he remained but a few months, as Bishop Grant sent him to Bethel Church, Wilmington, Delaware, which Pastorate was marked by an addition of two hundred and seventy persons to the Church membership and the raising of a large amount of money for Church debts. For seventeen months he then served as Presiding Elder, and, in 1900, went as Delegate to the General Conference. By special request, Dr. Robinson was transferred by Bishop Grant to the South Carolina Conference and given charge of Mt. Zion Church in the City of Charleston. His itineracy in this place was exceedingly successful, the large amount of $16,750.20 being raised through his efforts for Church purposes. The first Christian Endeayor Society in the city was organized in his Sunday School. He is now preaching at Bethel Church Georgetown, South Carolina, and is doing good work. He is especially successful in winning souls for the Master, and his charge is noted for its very generous contributions to Missionary and Educational Benevolences. In 1904 he was again sent as Delegate to the General Conference at Chicago. Dr. Robinson is a Trustee of Allen University, Columbia, South Carolina, from which Institution came the honored degree of Doctor of Divinity. The home life of Dr. Robinson is singularly happy; his wife, formerly Miss Iytlia L. Lewis, of Washington, D. C., being the inspiration of much of his successful work. He says, "By the grace of God and the gentle influence of my wife, I'm what I am." J - 177 - REV. WILLIAM HENRY YEOCUM. HE early life of Rev. William Henry Yeocum was full oi the repression of personality, the humiliation and the privation that are ever the accompaniments of enforced servitude; but his aspirations were greater than his deprivations, and his history is a forcible illustration of what the human will can ac¬ complish when set along the line of unbending resolution. His birth took place, Sunday morning, May 2d, 1848, near Springfield, Kentucky. His father was a Minister in the M. E. Church, a freeman, having purchased his liberty of his master, but his mother remained in bondage until freed by the Emanci¬ pation Proclamation. William Henry was a house servant, and one of his chief tasks was to wait on the older white children, one of whom, a bov about his own age, started to teach him to read, which act of kindness was sternly forbidden by the father of the young instructor. But his conversion in his twelfth year, while attend¬ ing a "bush meeting," brought much of comfort and joy to the slave bov, and led to his ultimate entrance into the Ministry of his Church. In 1862 he passed into the possession of a man residing at Danville, Kentucky, with whom his stay was brief, as two years later he responded to President Lincoln's call for the enlistment of colored troops, and was not mustered out of service until March, 1867, his regiment being sent, at the close of the war, to duty on the border line of Mexico. He returned to Kentucky and cared for his mother till her death in 1869. His lack of education did not deter him from entering the Ministry. He was a member of Asburv A. M. E. Church at Louisville, and in 1871, was licensed to Preach, and sent to Owensboro, Kentucky, where he remained one year. His experi¬ ence as a preacher during these twelve months was certainly unique. Unable to read, friends had read the third chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel, over and over, to him, until he knew it by heart, and that portion of Scripture was the basis of every -178- sermon while he was at Owensboro. He said: "I gave m\r peo¬ ple this for breakfast, dinner and supper, and if they wanted any dessert, between meals. I gave it to them every Sunday, and preached all the funerals from that one chapter." At the close of his first vear's work he stated to the Con¬ ference his need of an education, and a resolution was passed by that body to aid him in a course at Wilberforce University. October 2d, 1872, he placed his name on the roll of the Prepara¬ tory Department of that Institution, with seven years of hard mental toil ahead of him, but at his graduation he carried off the French and Hebrew prizes and the glad consciousness that he was now in possession of an ample equipment for his work. He had mainly supported himself bv working for his teachers, preaching sometimes at country churches, and doing farm labor in vacation time. He was transferred to Providence, Rhode Island, and for over thirty years has been a faithful itinerant in the East. Rev. Yeocum, in September, 1881, married Miss Ida M. Bishop, of Lima, Ohio, whose intellectual and musical gifts have been of wondrous help to her husband in his Ministerial profes¬ sion. Besides his pulpit and pastoral work, Rev. Yeocum is a frequent contributor to the religious and secular press of the country. - '79 - BISHOP BENJAMIN F. LEE, D.D. TRONG, natural ability, an unconquerable deter¬ mination to achieve the best in life, consecrated devotion to Christian princi¬ ples, have brought the subject of this sketch from the myriad privations and discourage¬ ments attending youthful pov¬ erty, to an exalted place among the leaders of the great Afri¬ can Methodist Episcopal Church. Bishop Lee is the son of Abel and Sarah Lee. He was born September 18th, 1841, in Doultown, New Jersey, in which place he obtained his primary education; but desirous of widening his knowledge of books and life, in 1865, he entered Wilberforee University with the full realization that these years of study meant not only a period of conscientious, arduous mental toil, but involved a con¬ flict for the necessities of life as well. But belonging to the choice army of "invincibles" he tilled the University farm, cared for the horses, receiving private instruction from the faculty till he joined the regular classes of the school. He was a member of the first class in Theology organized in the University, and in 1872 was graduated as its valedictorian. His college life knew no relaxa¬ tion, for vacations and hours not given to study were spent in teaching or manual labor. In 1862 Bishop Lee had identified himself with the member¬ ship of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and six years later was licensed to preach; ordination to Deacon's Orders came in 1870, followed by consecration to the Eldership in 1872. - 180 - So thorough and satisfactory had been his work as a stu¬ dent while at Wilberforee that the year following his graduation he was called to the Chair of Pastoral Theolog\r, Homiletics and Ecclesiastical History of the University, which he so ably filled that in 1875, upon the resignation of Bishop D. A. Payne as President of the College, he was elected his successor. Honors were showered upon him. In 1876 the General Con¬ ference sent him with Dr. John G. Mitchell and Rey. James A. Johnson to bear fraternal greetings from the African Methodist Episcopal Church to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church; in 1880 he went as Delegate from the General Conference to the Methodist Ecumenical Council, and was chosen by the western section of the General Ecumenical Committee, (embracing the American Continent and Islands, ) a member of the Permanent Committee of Arrangements. The marked literary ability of Bishop Lee kept him for many years Chief Editor of "The Christian Recorder," his keen intellect seeming to intuitively recognize the needs of that influen¬ tial and popular church organ. He is also distinguished as a linguist, having attained marked proficiency in several languages. So widely known became his mental strength, executive capacity, Christian character and enthusiasm in the advancement of his Race, that there was approbation in the Church at large, when the General Conference, in 1892, sitting in Mother Bethel Church, at Philadelphia, elevated him to the Episcopacv of the Church of Allen, an honor well conferred, for the work in each District to which he has been assigned has been richly blessed in increased power and influence of the Church, and a widening of its boundaries in many directions. At present he has charge of the Ninth Episcopal District, comprising the Conferences of Ten¬ nessee, East Tennessee, West Tennessee, Arkansas, West Arkansas, East Arkansas and South Arkansas. In his domestic relations Bishop Lee is very happy, having in 1873 been united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Ash, of Mobile, Alabama, a graduate of Wilberforee University, and a woman of rare culture of mind and winning character. — 181 — BISHOP BENJAMIN WILLIAM ARNETT. "three-score and ten" boundary-line of life, for he appears a much younger man. He was born March 6th, 1838, at Browns¬ ville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Converted in his eighteenth year, he qualified himself for the Ministry of the A. M. E. Church, receiving his license to preach March 30th, 1865, from Rev. J. D. S. Hall, of the Balti¬ more Conference, at Washington, D. C. On April 16th, 1867, he was taken on probation by the Ohio Conference, at Lexington, Kentucky, and assigned to Walnut Hills, Cincinnati; the follow¬ ing April he was ordained as Deacon by Bishop W. P. Quinn, at Columbus, Ohio, and two years afterward, at Xenia, Ohio, Bishop D. A. Payne bestowed upon him the office of Elder. From Walnut Hills he went to Toledo, Ohio, and was afterwards appointed to charges at Allen Temple, Cincinnati; St. Paul, Urbana, Ohio; and St. Paul, Columbus, Ohio; his itineracv ^*P"HE name of Bishop Ben- lll jamin William Arnett will be remembered in the historv of Ohio as a man great and wise enough to introduce a bill into the State Legislature abolishing the "Black Laws" of Ohio, and it was chiefly through his earnest endeavors that Scien¬ tific Temperance Instruction was made a prominent feature in the Ohio Public Schools. To look at the vigorous physical frame of Bishop Ai'nett, and hear his strong clear voice, it is hard to realize that he is nearing the covering about twelve years, school-teaching being connected with his work while at Toledo. The labors of Bishop Arnett have not been limited to the duties of Pastor and Teacher. His time, voice, pen and strength have been devoted to great questions and issues that pertained to the advancement of his Race and the best interests of the Nation. Endowed by nature with the gift of persuasiveness, which a broad culture and logical studv has strengthened, his to to ' recognition as a thinker and speaker is shown by the almost constant demand for his presence at National and State politi¬ cal and philanthropic assemblies. He was a member of the National Equal Rights League, Syracuse, New York, October 4th, 1864; of the Equal Rights Convention, Cleveland, Ohio; Secretary of National Convention, Washington, D. C., December, 1866; Chaplain of National Con¬ vention of Colored Men, Louisville, Kentucky, September, 1882; Delegate to National Y. M. C. A. Convention, Washington, 1871; Chairman of the Committee of Resolutions in the Congressional Convention held at Toledo, Ohio, in 1872. As an organizer he cannot be surpassed. The orders of the Sons of Hannibal, Sisters of Protection, Mutual Aid Society and other associations at Brownsville, Pa., owe their existence to him. Lodges of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows were instituted through his efforts at Cincinnati and Toledo, Ohio, and at Covington and Harrodsburg, Kentucky', and other places. Great honor has been given him bv prominent organizations. In 1874 he was Grand Orator of the Order of the Good Sama¬ ritan and Daughters of Samaria for the States of Indiana and Ohio; in August, 1875, he was raised to the Sublime Degree Master Mason and Arched in 1877; Knighted by the Taylor Commandery at Columbus, Ohio, in 1878; Grand Orator at Biennial Movable Committee of G. U. 0. of 0. F. at Cincinnati, in 1884; Grand Chaplain Royal Arch Chapter of Ohio in 1879; Grand Lecturer of the Knights of Wise Men of the World at Nashville, Tennessee. Held the same office in the Councils of the Independent Order of Immaculates in the same city. Is a Good Templar, and has been District Master of the Sons of Temper¬ ance; is identified also with other organizations. -183- Bishop Arnett's friendship lor the Sunday School Cause is well known. He has gone as Delegate to State and National Sunday School Conventions, and in 18S0 was elected by the Sunday School Union, ol Ohio, as its representative at the Robert Raike's Centennial at London, England. Nine years afterward the Inter-Denominational Sundav School Union, of South Carolina, sent him to the World's Convention in the same citv. Bishop Arnett is devoted, soul and body, to the Republican Partv, and in close political contests has done much to hold the fealtv of his Race to its interests. And the party has gladly awarded him a high place in its councils and liberally shared with him its honors. In 1878 he was a Vice President of the Ohio Republican State Convention, and delivered a ratification speech in Music Hall, Cincinnati; was a member of the Reception Committee appointed to welcome Hon. James G. Blaine to Greene Countv, Ohio, in 1886-87; in 1886, he was, while in San Francisco, the guest of honor at a reception given by the Central Republican Club of that city. His reputation as an orator has brought him wide renown, and he has often been called upon to deliver addresses before very distinguished assemblies. In September, 1886, he delivered an address, by invitation, to the Republican State Convention at Denver. He was one of the principal orators at the Centennial Celebration of the First Settlement of the Northwest Territory, at Marietta, Ohio, in April, 1888, and made the address at the Jubilee of Freedom in September of the same vear at the Cen- nennial Exposition, Columbus, Ohio. Other assemblies, equally notable, have enjoyed his eloquence. The literary work of Bishop Arnett is mainlv historical and statistical. It is said that he has furnished his Race and Church more literature along these lines than any man in the United States. For ten years he compiled and edited "The Bud¬ get," and is now engaged upon a History of his Race and the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The first years of his Episcopacy gave him ecclesiastical authority in the South; in November, 1893, the death of Hishop I). A. Payne placed him in charge of the Conferences of Ohio, - 184 - North Ohio and Pittsburg; the next vear, owing to the death of Bishop Wavman, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan were added to his jurisdiction, and at the General Conference of 1896, he was returned to the Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Iowa Conferences. Four years afterward he was appointed to the Third Episcopal District, consisting of the Conferences of Ohio, North Ohio, Pittsburg and California. Bishop Arnett's pleasant home is near Wilberforce Univer¬ sity, of which school he is a steadfast friend, and has done much to advance its prosperity; one of the handsome buildings on the campus is honored with his name. His wife, who was Miss Mary L. Gordon, to whom he was married in May, 1858, at Brownsville, Pa., presides most graciotisly over his household, and five sons and two daughters honor their parents with affection and respect. REV. DANIEL S. BENTLEY, D.D. ®HE valuable little book¬ let, "Brief Religious Reflections," has made the subject of this sketch known and beloved by scores of Christian hearts, who have never heard his voice nor looked upon his face. Rev. DanielS. Bentley, D.D., was born September 20th, 1850, in Madison County, Kentucky. His schooling was attained at Berea College. While there he was converted, and received the rite of bap¬ tism from Rev. John G. Fee, the founder of the Institution. In September, 1869, he was licensed to preach, and was assigned to Danville, Kentucky, where he continued his Theological studies under the supervision (if Prof. R. \V. Landis, of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary. The first fourteen years of his Ministry were passed in his native State, and he has reason to believe that his labors in various Missions and Circuits, with his Pastorates in Danville, Louisville and Frankfort, were blessed with the conversion of more than one thousand souls. In the Fall of 188-1, Dr. Bentley was transferred to the Indi¬ ana Conference, and after three years of faithful service, Bishop J. P. Campbell again transferred him to Wylie Avenue A. M. Ii. Church, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. His pastorate while here was wonderfully blessed; his influence being the means of draw¬ ing five hundred persons to Christ, two-thirds of whom united with the Church of which he was pastor. At the close of his three year's work, Bishop D. A. Payne made him Presiding Elder - 186 - of tlie Pittsburg District of the Pittsburg Conference, which office he filled for three years. Dr. Bentlev has also been an incumbent of pulpits of the A. M. E. Church in Allegheny City, Washington and Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Divine approval has rested upon his work. He is a frequent contributor to the religious press, and has a second edition of his little booklet about ready to be issued. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by Livingston College, North Carolina, and several other enviable honors have fallen to him, one being a Vice-Presidency at the great Parliament of Religions, at Chicago, in 1893; another his appointment by the Board of Bishops of his Church as Alternate Delegate to the Ecumenical Council that met in London, Eng¬ land, in 1900. - 187 - REV. S. W. SHIELDS, P. E. EV. S. W. Shields is noted in Ministerial cir¬ cles of the A. M. E. Church for his power as a revivalist, and the abilitj^ to coax dollars from the pockets of the people in a good cause. He was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, October 15th, 1855, and, at the close of the Rebellion, found himself a boy \ f I * / W in the world without relatives jMor But MarKlgi!r an was purpose in his childish brain, and at ten jrears of age he began the study of Webster's blue back spelling book, in Sunday School, and during the week was instructed in a school taught by a white man, with whom, later, he studied medicine. But his conversion turned his mind to the Ministry, and, in 1SS2, he joined the Alabama Conference, at Troy, Alabama, Bishop Wavman presiding, and was sent on Bladen Springs Cir¬ cuit, his two year's work there being blessed with the conversion of eighty souls, and a liberal addition to the treasury of the Church. During his connection with this Conference, his earnest exhortations brought over three hundred persons into the fellow¬ ship of the Church, and the blessed revival spirit followed him when he was transferred to the North Alabama Conference. Ninety souls professed a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ during his two 3'ear's pastorate at Greensboro, and one hundred and eighty names were placed on the Church record of Big Bethel Church, Mobile, while he ministered to it for three years. From Mobile lie went to the pulpit of Brown Chapel, at Selma, Ala¬ bama, the leading charge in the State, and his labors were crowned with the conversion of one hundred and forty-five persons. This wonderful success has accompanied his entire Ministry. Several years ago he was transferred back to the Alabama Con¬ ference, and was ordained Presiding Elder, which office he holds at the present time. He has been Treasurer of Payne University for four years, and was a Delegate to the General Conference, at Columbus, Ohio, in 1900. Rev. Shields has followed after manv eminent men in the pidpit, and excelled them all in raising funds for Christian work. - 189 - REV. ISAIAH GODA SISHUBA. ul1 'HE plain story of the life and work of Rev. Isaiah Goda Sishuba is vibrant with the same love and faith that made the mar¬ tyrs of the early Church joy¬ fully give their lives for the cause of Christ. He was born of royal an¬ cestry, at a village of Wukuwa, in the District of Queenstown, Cape Colony, South Africa, October 24th, 1865. His grandfather, Sishuba, whose tribal throne was supported by the Cape Government and who reached the advanced age of one hundred and twenty years, was succeeded by Isaiah's father, Joshua Gada, who was the first man in his villages to accept the Gospel, and to become a Local Preacher. When about eight years of age, his parents placed him in the home of a kinsman residing at Kamastone, a Wesleyan Min¬ ister, and here the boy received his first regular schooling; but when Rev. Pamla was given another charge, Isaiah returned to his home, where a day-school had been established by Mr. Gil¬ bert Chalmers. Upon reaching his fourteenth year, he was sent to a school in Lovedale, afterwards continuing his studies at Zonnebloen, Capetown. His education completed, he returned home and for three years assisted his father in the management of a large farm. Deep in his heart was the desire to preach and teach, and he left the farm to become a School Master and Cateehist in the English Church at Hopetown, later changing to the Primitive - 190 - Methodist Church at Jamestown, to be eventually transferred to Smithfield, Orange Free State, now Orange River Colony. Here Dutch rule compelled the carrying of a pass, an unpleasantness to which he never became accustomed. His work while here was greatty blessed. His congregation and school consisted almost entirely of Besuthos and Dutch, and he was compelled to learn their tongues; a year's diligent application made him so profic¬ ient in both that he used them in the pulpit and school-room with but little difficulty. In 1889, a blessing "far above rubies" came into his life, and in his marriage to Miss Anna X. Qabazi, Rev. Sishuba possessed a consecrated, educated helpmate, whose love and encouraging faith proved unfailing strength to him in the dark days of persecution. Five sons were born of this marriage, three ot whom are living. In 1896, Rev. Sishuba cut loose from the Primitive Metho¬ dist Church, and organized an Independent Church, which, as he says, "was free and open to any Nation, Color and Tongue." This, to his mind, was necessary, owing to the growing inhar- mony on account of the drawing of the color line, both in the Church and out. Most keenly felt by him were the slights that came from his white brethren of the pulpit. He savs: "The ques¬ tion or the action of drawing a color line in the Church of Christ, made me doubt that the Master would approve. Reading my New Testament and tracing the life of Christ, I found that he made no distinction, he treated all people alike, and amongst his disciples I found that Simon was a Canaanite, and received the same privileges, care and affection as the other disciples." This step of Rev. Sishuba was followed by over two hun¬ dred of the members of his congregation; and one hundred and thirty-eight pupils were enrolled in his day school, and sixty at night. Persecution from the white Ministers and their followers, both white and black, raged about him. His name was pro¬ claimed in public places as one "teaching the natives to rebel against the flag;" but an investigation by those "in authority" proved that his only dissentient words were, "there is no color line in Christianity." - 191 - Fortunately the sympathy and good-will of many leading white citizens were with him, and a Chureh site was procured without much difficulty. The ensuing vear he and his congrega¬ tion connected themselves with the Ethiopian Church, which in a few months was amalgamated with the A. M. E. Church. He was soon inducted into the office of Deacon, and, in 1898, Bishop H. M. Turner, recently arrived from America, con¬ secrated him to the Eldership, and he was placed in charge of Johannesburg District in the Transvaal. The eventful Boer War arose in the Fall of 1899, intensify¬ ing the hatred between Dutch and English. Martial law drove the latter from Johannesburg, and as a subject of the British flag, Rev. Sishuba was among the exiles. The English, as victors, were far harsher than the Dutch had been in their treatment of the natives, the color line being more sharply drawn. Upon his arrival at Oueenstown, he found Rev. Dwane and other Ministers organizing a secession movement from the Church. He was asked to join them. He affirmed his allegiance to the A. M. E. Church. About this time he, with Rev. Ngcayiva, went to Capetown to plead with the Government for a removal of the restrictions that had been laid upon the Ministers of their Church, such as forbidding them to perform the marriage service for members of their congregations. At a large Church meeting the seceding element came back into the fold and harmony was restored. He was now Presiding Elder of Oueenstown District. In December, 1908, a joint meeting of the Transvaal and Cape Colony Conferences was held at North Alewal, one of his Stations, at which he and Rev. Nycayiya were elected Delegates to the Gen¬ eral Conference at Chicago, in May, 1904. - 192 - REV. MARTIN STALEY BRYANT. EV. MARTIN STALEY BRYANT is classed among the forceful 1#^ men in the Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the Middle West, of which region he is a native, having been born at Ashley, Missouri, February ly, 1844. His religious life began with his conversion and union with the Church in September, 1866, at which time was formed the resolution to enter the Ministry. This event took place in 1868 at Louisiana, Missouri, Rev. J. C. Embry granting him a Preacher's License. In 1873 his name was recorded on the Con¬ ference Roll at St. Louis, and in October of the same year he was assigned to Wentzville Mission. The next year he met the Conference at Kansas City where he was ordained Deacon and stationed at Lincoln, Nebraska, and Kansas City. But the severe and prolonged illness of his eldest child compelled him to leave the ministrv for a while and seek more remunera¬ tive employment, in order that comforts might be supplied to the invalid. For two years he worked at the blacksmith's trade, returning to the Conference in 1876, and receiving an appoint¬ ment to Mexico, Missouri. In 1880, while filling a pastorate at Gallatin, he was given Elder's Orders, and in two year's time built new churches at Clarksville and Paynesville and largely increased the congregations in both places. He was made Presiding Elder of Hannibal District. In 1892 he was elected Delegate to the General Conference at Philadelphia, and appointed on the Church Extension Board which he faithfully served for four \'ears. He afterwards attended meetings of this ecclesiastical body at Wilmington, North Carolina, and Columbus, Ohio. Rev. Bryant has itinerated at Sedalia, Missouri, where he built a new parsonage, and in Kansas City, Missouri. Trans¬ ference to the North Missouri Conference placed him in charge of pulpits in another part of the State. He is now the popular Presiding Elder of Columbia District, and is a Member of the Missionarv Board of the Church. M ~ 193- REV. ROBERT BURNS BROOKINS. 1 EV. Robert Burns Brook- ins was born in Camak, Georgia, December 12th, 1855, and was honored with the name of the greatest of Scotch poets. He received his education at Cookman Insti¬ tute, Jacksonville, Florida. At the age of eighteen years he was led to embrace the Christian life, and allied himself with the membership of the A. M. E. Church in Suwannee County, Florida, receiving the rite of baptism from Elder Pearce. The duties of Class-Leader prepared him, in a measure, for more important Church work, and when, in 1876, he was Licens¬ ed to Preach, in Fernandina, Florida, by Rev. W. M. Sampson, he had an intelligent idea of the responsibilities devolving upon him. His itineracy began in 1877 (after his ordination as Deacon by Bishop J. P. Campbell, at the first session of the East Florida Annual Conference at Palatka, Fla)., where in the short space of two years he built two churches and added sixty-four converts to the roll of the Church militant. In 1880, the additional duties of Elder were laid upon his shoulders by Bishop Campbell, but the honor brought to the re¬ cipient a greater realization of the sacred importance of his calling. The loss of his wife and six children by death in Florida, caused him to ask for fields of labor outside of that State, in which he had held pastoral charges in Green Springs, Fernan¬ dina, Pensacola, Jacksonville, Tallahasse and other points, and future years brought him toil, with the blessing of great spirit- - 194- ual reward, in Orangeburg and Marion, South Carolina; Mtis- kogee, Indian Territory; Fort Smith, Arkansas, where as pastor and Presiding Elder his work in every place has been crowned with the exultation only felt by those "that turn many to right¬ eousness." On September 27, 1900, Rev. Brookins again became a ben¬ edict, Rev. J. R. Ransom, P. E. of the Omaha District, perform¬ ing the ceremony that made Mrs. Winifred Harrad, of Omaha, his honored wife. Rev. Brookins is noted for logical, powerful and extremely fervent sermons, that appeal with equal force to the intellectual and emotional natures of his hearers; and his earnest life will be a potent factor in the intellectual, social and spiritual eleva¬ tion of his Race. - '95 - REV. W. A. J. PHILLIPS, D.D. EV. W.A.J. Phillips, I). D., is among the fortunate few who u nderst a 11 <1 the art of steering congrega¬ tions out of the troubled waters of debt and placing them "high and dry" 011 the rock foundation of spiritual and financial prosperity. He was born near Little Washington, Rappahannock County, Virginia, but upon reaching manhood ran away to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where he engaged in steam- boating. He was converted in 1853, and united with the Church, assuming the duties of Class Leader, Sunday School Superin¬ tendent, and other Church offices as he was needed, and in time receiving a License to Preach from Rev. L. Gross. Rev. Phillips was one of the organizers of the Pittsburg Conference and was assigned to Allen Chapel in that city, after¬ ward doing Missionary work in West Virginia; he rebuilt the Church that had been destroyed in a wind storm, at Uniontown, Pennsylvania, entertained the Conference, and left it with but a small debt to pay. Other appointments in Pennsylvania were held by him, in all of which he built or remodeled the Churches and eased the people of debt. He served for a time as Presid¬ ing Elder of Allegheny District, and upon the abolishment of the office was assigned to Monongahela Station, but in 1880 was transferred by Bishop H. M. Turner to the Arkansas Con¬ ference, and stationed at Bethel Church, Little Rock, to be, four years afterward, given charge as Presiding Elder of Fort Smith District, and so satisfactory has proved his work, that he has - 196 - been continued in the office to the present time. His field of labor covers the following Districts: Newport, Little Rock, Arka- delphia, and Camden, building nine new Houses of Worship and remodeling eleven in the last-named District. He is again the Spiritual Overseer of Fort Smith District. The intellectual and executive ability of Dr. Phillips has been willingly recognized by the Conferences with which he has been connected. Seven times have they sent him to the General Conferences. In 1891 he was a Member of the Ecumenical Con¬ ference at Washington, D. C., and was also on the Advisory Council of the Parliament of Religions and a Secretary of the A. M. E. Church at the Congress of Religions, at Chicago, in 1893. Dr. Phillips is President of the Board of Trustees of Shorter College, Manager of its Publishing Department, and had much to do with the planning and erection of its main building; he is also a Trustee of Wilberforce University. " '97 " REV. J. R. COX. (3 'HE subject of this sketch, who is now a success¬ ful Presiding Elder in Mexico, was born in North Carolina, in 1864. In that State he received his early education, and at the age of eighteen years went to Georgia to follow the pro¬ fession of School Teaching, and was employed in the Public Schools of Early County, of that State. Believing that he was Divinely called to Preach the Word of God, he had, by 1897, — passed through the initiatory offices of Exhorter and Local Preacher, and that year was put on trial in the Traveling List of the Georgia Conference. In 1899, at a meeting of the Georgia Annual Conference in the City of Savannah, he was ordained Deacon by the Right Reverend H. M. Turner of the Sixth Episcopal District, the office of Presiding Elder coming to him two years later at the Annual Conference held at Brunswick, Georgia. In 1902 the Bishops were so assured of his thorough consecration to the Master's work, that he was honored with the Presiding Eldership in the Home Mission Field in Mexico. - 198 - BISHOP MOSES B. SALTER. ^■THE life of Bishop Moses III B. Salter has been one of constant vigilance in the service of the Church, and his crown of success sparkles with the blessed light of many, many souls saved unto life eternal. He was born in Charles¬ ton, South Carolina, February 13th, 1840, and while a boy learned the watch-maker's trade. In 1856 he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and the next year experienced the happiness of saving faith that crystal lized into a determination to enter the Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ; he transferred his membership to the A. M. E. Church and in 1866 connected him¬ self with the South Carolina Conference, receiving within the next two j'cars the orders of Deacon and Elder and an appoint¬ ment to Aiken Station, serving the second year as Presiding Elder. Wishing a knowledge of higher studies, he, in 1870, matriculated at Wilberforce University, and shortly after his leav¬ ing school was united in marriage to Miss Priscilla Smith. Preferring to labor in the South, he returned to his native State, and was sent by his Conference to Beaufort, which pastor¬ ate was followed by charges in Columbus and Savannah, Georgia ; Marion and Charleston, South Carolina, with one year's experi¬ ence as Presiding Elder of Georgetown District. In 1892 he was honored by elevation to the Bishopric of the Church, and in that capacity has watched over the spiritual and interests of theA. M. E. Church of South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. He is now Presiding Bishop of Mississippi Louisiana. Bishop Salter during his Ministry of thirty-eight j-ears, has welcomed nine thousand persons into the communion of the A. M. E. Church. - 199- REV.THOMAS HENRY JACKSON, D.D. nessed the consecration of his heart and life to his Heavenly Father, and the advanced Theological Course was added to his academic studies. I)r. Jackson was a member of the first class graduated from Wilberforce University in 1870. It had been stimulated in its work bv the promise from President Payne of a professorship to the one receiving the highest grade in study; Dr. Jenifer was given the first diploma, but the Professor's Chair fell to Dr. Jackson, and for eleven years he was a beloved and highly appreciated Instructor in the School. Dr. Jackson was admitted to the ranks of the Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1865, during his col¬ legiate work, and has served various pastorates in Ohio, Little Rock, Arkansas and Columbia, South Carolina; his merited de¬ gree of Doctor of Divinity was given by Wilberforce Universitv. Every meeting of the General Conference since 1872 has been - 20O - versity, no one reflects greater honor upon his Alma Mater bv nobleness and usefulness in life and scholarly attainments than the subject of this sketch. Dr. Jackson was born in the "City of Brotherly Love" March 13th, 1844, and was but fourteen years of age when he went West to enroll him¬ self as a student at Wilber¬ force University, in which college he was again a student o o in 1864 from Louisville, Ken¬ tucky. The next vear wit- attended by him, and his counsel and suggestions have proven an incalculable help to that large body of Christian workers. As a writer on important subjects Dr. Jackson is well known, especially throughout the Church, and his familiaritv with Church History and intimate knowledge of the Hebrew language, united with his sound common sense and broad views of life, render him particularlv adapted for the high office and duties of Dean of Shorter Universitv, at Little Rock, Arkansas, now held bv him. -201- REV. JOHN WESLEY COOPER. or 'HE large number of good earnest men in the cor- porate body of the great Methodist Church who bear the name of the saintly founder of its faith, is evidence of the influence of his work and life upon the characters of the "namesakes" who, with steady hands, carry the torch of Gospel Truth up and down - rfsj'- ll / the dark places of the earth. ** M earnes"tness and fervor for the sacred cause of the \ / N^yfl|''irapl:-/ Church, its African Methodist ESs V|sZ Episcopal branch has no more devoted son than Rev. John Wesley Cooper, whose Minis¬ try is connected with the Conferences of the States of New York and New Jersey. He was born March 8th, 1840, in Burlington, New Jersey, and entered the New York Conference when he was twentv-seven years of age, receiving an immediate appointment to the Church at Oswego, New York, and since that date has been an enthusi¬ astic laborer in the vineyard, finding much for his hands to do, but serving with loving, patient willingness as "unto the Lord." For thirty-eight years he has been in the itineracy of the Church, being ordained to the Presiding Eldership, over the New¬ ark District, by Bishop John M. Brown, in 1888. - 202 - MR. CLYDE WINSLOW. colleges and schools I | I devoted to the mental and social culture of the African Race are yearly send¬ ing out young men and women whose strength of character and scholarly attainments are rapidly finding places of trust for them in the commercial world; and Mr. Clyde Wins- low, Secretary to the Presi¬ dent of Wilberforce University, is one meriting the confidence reposed in him. He was born in humble environments, July 5th, 1877, at South Charleston, Ohio, but his parents were resolute in their determination that their son should become an educated man; and, at the cost of much personal sacrifice on their part, he was sent through the Public and Normal Schools, afterwards taking a course at Williams Business School in Springfield, Ohio. He then procured an excellent situation, as stenographer, with the lumber firm of D. E. Swan & Company of that city, winning their confidence to such an extent that he soon became one of their most trusted clerks; remaining with them until he entered upon the work nearest his heart, that of the school-room. In 1900 he was persuaded to accept the position now held by him, viz: Private Secretary to the President of Wilberforce University. Mr. Winslow is not yet thirty years of age, and a life of great usefulness and helpfulness to his Race is predicted from his sterling Christian manhood. He is a Trustee of Holy Trinity Church, at Wilberforce. - 203 - REV. SETH DESMOND WALDEMA SMITH. arv; whereupon he wrote to Bishop J. P. Campbell, of Philadel¬ phia, and persuaded him to send an additional man to Nova Scotia, Rev. John R. Morgan receiving the assignment. After his ordination to Deacon's Orders by Bishop Nazrev, in 1870, he took charge of Port La Tours Mission, which em¬ braced a District of one hundred and fifty miles, lying between the Jordan river and Waymouth Falls; his first year's salary amounted to $32, but the Lord graciously rewarded his labor by a large ingathering of souls to the Kingdom. The following year he was ordained Elder by Bishop Nazre}', at St. Johns, New Brunswick, and, under the Missionary ride, in 1872, built two churches at Shelburn, Nova Scotia. In May, 1880, he came as Delegate from the British M. E. Conference to the General Conference, at St. Louis, and was act¬ ively interested in bringing about the union between the two great bodies according to Articles of Agreement previously decided - 204 - He had just reached man¬ hood when he came to Ameri¬ can shores, and was licensed to Preach in Zion A. M. E. Church, in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, followed by his imme¬ diate appointment as Mission- African ancestry', was born at St. Croix, in the tropical Danish West Indies, where he received his early education and was for some time en¬ gaged as Assistant Teacher in an Episcopal School in St. Thomas. EV. Seth Desmond Wal- dema Smith, a descend¬ ant of English and upon, and was appointed a member of one of the first commit¬ tees that met at Chatham, Ontario, to consider organic union. Upon recommendation of this committee Bishop Nazrev visited Bermuda, St. Thomas, D. W. I., Demarara, S. A. and the Islands of the sea; but the Bermudian Government refused to recognize the British M. E. Ministers, whereupon an appeal was made to Queen Victoria, which was graciously granted by her Majesty. Rev. Smith has held important charges in several of the large Canadian cities, and his work was blessed many times by a wonderful outpouring of God's spirit. His congregations were always encouraged to build or remodel Church buildings; through his efforts discouraging debts were wiped out and parsonages added to Church properties. He was for many years an inflential Member of the Canada Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Good Templars, but, in com¬ pany with other prominent men, withdrew at the session of the Grand Lodge in Montreal when the color line was introduced, the withdrawing element, headed by Honorable G. W. C. T., Jos¬ eph Malius, of Scotland, organizing the R. W. L. Grand Lodge of Canada, in which Rev. Smith was elected Grand Worthy Coun¬ cillor, next to the highest office in the Lodge. He was also hon¬ ored with the appointment of Right Worthy District Deputy Grand Chief Templar of the Right W. G. L. of Scotland, Inde¬ pendent Order of Good Templars. Rev. Smith is recognized as one of the strongest advocates of temperance in the A. M. E. Church. - 205 - REV. HENDERSON DAVIS. ar 'HE son of an earnest Minister of the Gospel now gone to his reward, Rev. Henderson Davis was born in Frankford, Pennsyl¬ vania, March 8th, 1848. At the early age of twelve years he consecrated his life to God, and was given a Local Preacher's license before he had reached his eighteenth V I J / birthday; his first work as \ J tk Pastor being on Port Repub- \V j Jm/ he Circuit. A year or two \ 1 tf/ later he was ordained Deacon ^0 M/ t'y Bishop Campbell, at Car- lisle, Pennsylvania. Two years afterwards Bishop James A. Shorter raised him to the Eldership. A Pastorate at Bordentown, New Jersey, was among his first charges and while there he raised the handsome sum of $1500, towards the building of a new Church. From Borden¬ town he was sent to Freehold, New Jersey. As he alighted at the station, he was met by an anxious and zealous sister of his Church, bearing the information that on the previous Sunday there had been a big rally "of the Zion people," who had boasted that the A. M. E. Church in that place was dead and buried. Rev. Davis comforted the mourning sister with the assurance that the next Sunday would be the resurrection day of the A. M. E. Church in that town. The prophecy was true. In less than two weeks wandering sheep were found and led back to the fold, and at the close of a three year's Pastorate it was a vigorous organization numbering one hundred and sixty members. His next appointment was at Elizabeth, New Jerse}r, where - 206 - he remained three years; his work was blessed by great revival seasons, that added one hundred and forty names to the Church A transference to the New York Conference placed him in charge of the Church at Lockport, New York, that boasted a handsome structure but only counted a working force of five souls; these faithful ones constituted his first congregation. Heroic and strenuous effort was demanded. He gave it. A revival added fort}' saved souls to the membership; but before the close of the Church-year he was sent by Bishop Brown to Elmira, New York, to win a beautiful new African Union Church over to the A. M. E. Connection. He proved equal to the task> and the Church is one of the most influential in the New York Conference. Ecclesiastical authority decided that he would be a good man to help bring about a happier state of feeling between the A. M. E. and B. M. E. Churches, and consequently he was trans" ferred to the Ontario Conference, and located at Chatham. Assuming a neutral position as to the disputed points, he so wisely and kindly exerted his influence, that concessions were made, wounds healed, and the A. M. E. Church placed on firm ground. He remained in Chatham four years, and was then transferred by Bishop B. T. Tanner to the Nova Scotia Confer¬ ence and given a charge at Halifax Station. At the end of three years he returned to the United States, filled a three year's appointment at Chelsea, Massachusetts, and was then sent for another six years toil in Canada. He was again transferred to the United States, in 1901, and since that date has been doing effective work for the Church in Indiana. roll. - 207 - REV. NICHOLAS BERNARD STEWART, D.D. Scotland, and from this venerable Institution came his cherished degree of Doctor of Divinity. Preferring to locate on this side of the broad Atlantic, he was ordained at Chatham, Canada, by the late Bishop Richard Randolph Disney, in 1884, and for his eminent qualifications ap¬ pointed Secretary to Bishop Jabez Pitt Campbell. But all things seemed to point to his special fitness for work in foreign fields, so returning to South America, he organ¬ ized the A. M. E. Church in the City of Paremaribo, Dutch Guiana; established it in the Spanish City of Portan, Trinidad, and also planted it in the islands of Tobago, the Barbadoes and the Bahamas, the latter coming under the Bishopric of Dr. Benjamin W. Arnett. Coming again to the United States, he was connected with the New Jersey Conference, but later transferred to the Missis¬ sippi, and assigned charges in several of the large cities in the HE Fourth of July, 1875, was indeed a day of re¬ joicing to Rev. Nicholas Bernard Stewart, for it marked his turning aside from sin to serve the Living God, and the birth of his desire to enter the Christian Ministrv. Rev. Stewart is a native of Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana, South America; his early education was re¬ ceived in the Protestant Epis¬ copal Church School, Bishop College. Deciding to preach the Gospel, it was his privi¬ lege to study theology in the University at Edinburgh, - 208 — State. He has also been appointed to Pastorates in Canada, Washington, D. C. and New York City. Dr. Stewart has several times gone as Delegate to the General Conferences of the Church, and has been both Dean and Financial Agent of Campbell College. His culture in ancient and modern languages is very wide: he reads without difficulty, Greek, Latin and Hebrew, and speaks fluently the Spanish and Hindistani tongues, and can preach with ease in the vernacular of the "Bush Negroes" of Dutch Guiana. A valuable work entitled "Miracles of Creation vs. Evolu¬ tionary Philosophy," is a child of his brain. M - 209 - REV. JOHN WESLEY LEWIS. or 'O worthily bear the ven¬ erated name of the founder of Methodism, the subject of this sketch was born at Delaware, Ohio, Dec¬ ember 12th, 1844. After passing through the common schools, he was ap¬ prenticed, at the age of fifteen years, to the plasterer's trade, Wbut preferring the employment of tailor, took up that trade and worked as a journeyman until he was thirty years of In September, 1864, he joined the Union ranks, enlist¬ ing in Company A., 12th U. S. C. I., and though his term of service did not extend over many months, he fought valiantly in the battles of the Nashville campaign. His conversion took place in the Winter of 1866, in the old Church in his home town of Delaware; and with change of heart was born the desire to belong to the band of those whose lives are devoted to the promulgation of Gospel joy. Licensed as Local Preacher by Rev. Jesse Asburv, in 1876, his first charge was the home Church in Delaware, and during his pastorate of one year the old building was torn down and the walls of a new edifice raised, to be completed under other pastors. The Ohio Conference, Bishop Way man presiding, the next year accepted him as a member on trial ; the same Bishop soon ordained him as Deacon, which was followed, in 1881, by his promotion to the Presiding Eldership. The size of the Ohio Conference necessitated a division, and the name of Rev. Lewis was placed on the list of the new North Ohio Conference, and for sixteen years he filled important pastor¬ ates in its field of labor. In 1896 he was transferred to the Ohio Conference where he remained for three years, returning in 1899 to the North Ohio Conference, and was stationed for eleven months at Sandusky, supplying a vacancy. He has held charges in Mansfield and Mar¬ ion, and is now doing good work at Kenton, Ohio. Rev. Lewis has been twice married, his first wife, who was Miss Anna M. Gross, dying April L6th, 1878; five children were born of this union, three of whom are living. In May, 1879, he was united in wedlock to Miss Martha M. Nelson at Chillicothe, Ohio. -211- REV. HENRY BLANTON PARKS, D.D. S organizer, debt-raiser and church-bu i 1 der, Rev. Henry Blanton Parks is recognized as a leader in the A. M. E. Church of this country. He seems to be spec¬ ial^ gifted with ability to accomplish great things along these very necessary lines of Church work. He was born July 4th, 1859, in Campbell County, Georgia, and passed his earlv life with his father in farm toil, a life that gave him the foundation of splendid, vigor¬ ous health on which he built the achievements that have crowned his efforts. His father was a man remarkable for strong mental power and fervid piety, delighting in books, and by hard and persistent study acquired a thorough understanding of the Latin tongue. After the emancipation he became Pastor of the A. M. E. Church at Cartersville, Georgia, and looked forward to the pleasure of giving his two sons a collegiate education. His death verv materially changed the future for his little familv, and the accidental drowning of his brother made Henry the sole sup¬ port of his sadly bereaved mother. Loyal was he to his obliga¬ tion as a son, and his mother in her pleasant home in Atlanta, is generously and devotedly cared for by her only child, and she has all the pride and joy of a fond mother in his great success ; while Dr. Parks asserts that his attainments were onhr made possible by her constant self denial during his days of struggle. He attended Store's School in Atlanta, an Institution sup¬ ported by the American Missionary Society. After his father's — 2 I 3 — death, he worked for a dental firm before and after school hours, studying at night. From the Mission College he went to Atlanta University where he remained two years, then began teaching at Sugar Hill, though he was not yet eighteen years of age. His conversion brought a resolution to enter the Ministr}^, and he was granted a Local License and placed in charge of the Church at Sugar Hill, joining in a few months the North Georgia Conference in session at Madison, Bishop J. P. Campbell presiding. The strong individuality and intelligence of the young Min¬ ister drew the interest of Bishop T. M. D. Ward, of Louisiana, who was a guest of the Conference, to him; the Bishop had come to urge some of the younger men to return with him to fill the places of those who had been swept off by the scourge of yellow fever. Henry Blanton Parks volunteered and fearlessly carried the consolation of God's word to many desolate homes. Bishop Ward assigned him to St. Peter's Chapel, New Orleans, a Church that ranked third in importance in the Conference District. Rev. Parks held it in charge for four years, increasing it from a mem¬ bership of seventy-five persons to a flourishing congregation, and lowered a debt of $5,000 to $1,500. He received Deacon's Orders at Baton Rouge in 1879; and, in 1881, Bishop R. H. Cain ordained him Elder at New Orleans. One important charge after another was given to him, and suc¬ cess in building up congregations and lowering church debts attended him wherever he was located. In 1886, at the request of Bishop Ward, he was sent to St. Matthew's Chapel, Greenville, Mississippi, where he only remained for a few months, being transferred to Bethel Church, Vicksburg ; a handsome parsonage stands as a monument to his zeal during his long pastorate in the latter city. But Bishop Ward, who never lost sight of this enterprising young Minister felt that St. Johns Church at Topeka, Kansas, that was strug¬ gling with $5000 of bonded and floating debt, needed his vim and enthusiasm and sent him thither. The Bishop was right, for in the short time of four months, Rev. Parks wiped out the bonded debt of $4000, and when in eighteen months he was transferred to St. Johns, Omaha, he left the Topeka congregation happy and prosperous in anew Church costing $18,000. - 213- Similar results followed his work in Omaha and at Allen Chapel, Kansas City. But his time and labor had not been confined specifically to these objective points. He was a member of various Boards and Councils; Secretarv and Treasurer of different Conferences; Mem¬ ber of sundry Church Committees; duties that his methodical, exact and comprehensive mind cared for in due order and time, with the precision and accuracy required. So quickly was he able to grasp the details and means necessary for the quick bring¬ ing of results, that, in 1896, at the Conference in Wilmington, he was elected Secretarv of the Board of Home and Foreign Mis¬ sions. His zeal and executive ability have already produced great results in arousing the interest of the Church to the importance of the work, and increasing the donations to the Cause. Two books on Foreign Missions have come from his pen He was the organizer of The Bishop Henry McNeil Turner Crusaders of the 20th Centurv, the first societv of its kind; an Order of Negro Churchmen pledged to the support of Missions in Africa by more than mere Church subscriptions. Dr. Parks has been a Trustee of Wilberforce University for nearly twenty years. At the Students' Volunteer Movement for Missions, held in Cleveland, in 1896, with over 2200 delegates present, I)r. Parks was Chairman of the African Council, and took in as delegates five native African students of Wilberforce. Dr. Parks resides in Kansas City. His family consists of his wife and three daughters. Mrs. Parks was formerly Miss Frozine Portier, of New Orleans. - 214 - PETER ALPHEUS LUCKIE. (!l> ,NE of the most earnest members of the class graduated from Wil- berforce University, in June, 1904, was Mr. Peter Alpheus Luckie who came from British Guiana, South America, to the land whose flag means golden opportunity for all men. \ jgffp I I His early years"were passed \ » / in hard toil on a sugar plan- \ I .. «*»* ' ^SSm/ tation, and it was while thus V ^'T VfW engaged and observant of the \ / ignorance and degredation of n. | the workers around him, that ^ the impulse came to rise to better and higher things. This led to an attendance at a private night school, started for the benefit of a few young men of the Colony, afterwards enter¬ ing the High School of Mr. A. A. Thome, M. A.; and later to his great joy and satisfaction the way was opened for his coming to the United States and entering Wilberforee University. Mr. Luckie has traveled extensively in the British Isles and France, and the kindness of friends made in these trips has enabled him to complete his collegiate course. He has returned to his native country and begun the work of elevating his people. -215 - REV. JOHN DICKERSON. dl (N 1834, three }'ears before the birth of their son, Garland and Harriet Diekerson, the parents of Rev. John Diekerson, came from Louisa Count}', Virginia, to Chillicothe, Ohio, where on April 10th, 1837, he was born. After his conversion he joined the membership of the A. M. E. Church in Circleville) WOhio, and was licensed as an Exhorter. Recognizing his country's claim to his valor, he enlisted in Company G, 4th U. S. C. T. and served until honorably discharged at the end of the war, when he again returned to the Ministry and was licensed as Local Preacher by Rev. Phillip Tolliver. September, 1877, he entered the Ohio Conference at Urbana, and was appointed to Westerville Circuit, remaining there three years, receiving in the second year of this Pastorate the order of Deacon from Bishop Wayman, at Cleveland, Ohio. His second assignment was Smithfield Mission; the dividing of the Confer¬ ence the same year threw this charge into the North Ohio Con¬ ference, in which body he has alwa}'s itinerated. In 1881, Bishop Campbell ordained him as Elder. Rev. Diekerson has held Pastorates at Urbana, Lima, Hamilton, Mt. Vernon, and other important points in the Con¬ ference; during his occupancy of the Church at Steubenville he built one of the finest parsonages in the State. He served five vears as Presiding Elder over the Springfield District, and is now Presiding Elder of the Columbus District. - 2x6 - He has twice gone to the General Conference as Delegate and Alternate, and his popularity in his own Conference is attested bv the frequency with which his name is found on Con¬ ference Committees. He is a warm friend of Wilberforce Univer¬ sity and Payne Seminary, and embraces everv opportunity of advancing their interests. Rev. Dickerson was happily married, in I860, to Miss Mary E. Ward. Five children have blessed their home, four of whom are living. Two of the sons are practising phvsicians. - 217 - REV. JOSHUA VAN BUREN COINS, D.D. 31 fT IS difficult to believe that a Minister of the Gospel in this country, in the last half of the nine¬ teenth century, could suffer the atrocities that have made up part of the ministerial ex¬ periences of the subject of this sketch while "witnessing for the truth." \ I Born in Xenia, Ohio, Feb- WkJ ruary 2d, 1848, his conversion W at the age of fourteen years, / was regarded 1)}' him as a Church at Peepee, Ohio, "and for forty-two years has been a loval upholder of its tenets of faith. Julv, 1863, saw him enlisted in the United States Army, serving five years, and it was his happy privilege during that time to lead many of his soldier comrades to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Honorably discharged in July, 1870, at Fort McKavitt, Texas, he went to San Antonio, and the same year was Licensed to Preach, admitted to the one Conference then existing in Texas, at that time in session at Bryant, and was ordained as Deacon by Bishop James A. Shorter; four years afterwards Bishop John M. Brown at the meeting of Conference in Austin, conferred upon him the rights of Eldership. The early years of the itineracy of Dr. Goins abounded in discouragements so numerous, and suffering so great, that had his faith in God been less, he surely would have considered as vain, his efforts to extend the borders of the Methodist faith. - 2 18 - In connection with his work as Minister he taught school for several consecutive years, his place of instruction sometimes consisting of a brush arbor or the shade of leafy trees; the pro¬ mulgation of the Divine Word was met with ridicule and violent opposition; and more than once, antagonism grew to such white heat that he suffered from hunger, was refused shelter, compelled to sleep like one of God's servants of old, on the ground, with a stone for a pillow. Once he was arrested for preaching "false doctrine," but was permitted by the authorities to plead his own cause, and won acquittal. He was shot in the thigh; a bed on which he slept was saturated with kerosene; men waited for him in lonely places with ropes to hang him ; his churches and brush arbors in which he preached were burned or destroved at night ; but patiently, with a heart of compassion for those who would so cruelly wrong him, he never faltered in the blessed work of saving the lost. And God wonderfully rewarded His faithful servant. There are to-day in the big "Lone Star" State and neighboring terri¬ tory one hundred and fifteen A. M. E. Churches that owe their organization to his steadfast faith and indefatigable enterprise; in his itineracy through Texas, Louisiana and Indian Territory he has taken nine thousand and seven hundred persons into Chtirch fellowship, married two thousand people and officiated at one thousand and ninety funerals. Delhi Institute at Delhi, Louisiana, of which he was Presi¬ dent four years, was founded by him. For twent\- years he has been a Trustee of Paul Quinn College, and three times he has gone as Delegate to the General Conference of the Church. He has held important offices in the Annual Conferences of his State, and as the oldest active itinerant Minister in Texas possesses the affection and veneration of thousands of Christian hearts. - 219 - REV. JOHN T. JENIFER, D.D. or 'HE oppression of Mary¬ land bondage surround¬ ed the youth of Rev. John T. Jenifer, his birth tak¬ ing place at Upper Marlbor¬ ough in that State, March 10th, 1835; but despite his many privations he managed to acquire the rudiments of a common education. \ JPHHHf/ Experiencing conversion in V 1856, his desire for a self respecting manhood was great- W ly strengthened, and, in 1859, ; ./ he unceremoniously left Balti- more in search of "liberty and learning," traveling towards New England, locating in New Bedford, Massachusetts, where he studied for two years and was given a License to Preach. Attracted by the possibilities of the outermost West he sailed for California in 1862, and received an appointment to the Church at Sacramento City, which was followed by charges in other important California towns ; he combined school teaching with his Ministerial work on Placerville Circuit. In April, 1865, Bishop J. P. Campbell ordained him as Dea¬ con, in the city of San Francisco, and the same year he was hon¬ ored with the Assistant Secretaryship of the First California Conference. The desire for a more thorough education was strong within him; out of his combined salaries as Minister and Teacher he had saved $900, and securing transference to an Ohio Confer¬ ence, he, in January, 1866, matriculated at Wilberforce University, completing the course in 1871. During his collegiate experience he was Secretary of the Institution, hut was not exempt from Ministerial duty, often supplying the pulpits in neighboring Cir¬ cuits; in 1869 the office of Deacon was bestowed upon him b}r Bishop D. A. Payne. His itineracy began at Little Rock, Arkansas, and the duties of his pastorate did not prevent him from being an eager parti¬ san and upholder of the rights of his Race in the fight that won recognition of Colored Teachers in the Colored Schools. A charge at Pine Bluff was succeeded by a re-appointment at Little Rock, at the close of which he was transferred to Charles Street A. M. E. Church, Boston, Massachusetts, and his capable management while there, freed the congregation from $30,000 indebtedness. This appointment was succeeded by a Presiding Eldership in con¬ nection with the New England Conference and a charge at New¬ port, Rhode Island, after which he was stationed at Quinn Chapel, Chicago; here he built a new church costing $75,000, which was all paid for at the close of his pastorate with the exception of $21,000. Since then he has held and added to the congregations of charges in Washington, D. C. and Baltimore. Rev. Jenifer has been sent as Delegate to each General Con¬ ference since 1872, and in 1900 was elected General Secretary of that great Ecclesiastical body. He was on the Advisory Council and Reception Committee at the Auxiliary Congress of African Ethnology at the World's Columbian Exposition. He has been specially interested in the prosperity of Wilberforce University, and received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from that Institu¬ tion, in 1878. He was happily married on June 6th, 1871, to Miss Alice V. Carter, the accomplished Assistant Principal of Gaines High School. -231- WILLIAM H. S. SEALS. 'EW teachers stand higher for intellectual O attainments and suc¬ cessful achievements in their profession than the subject of this sketch. When but a little boy in Georgia, in which State he was born, in Hancock County, April 6, 1854, he resolved to acquire an education and posi- / tion in the world, despite the / long rough road of poverty \ yvlitv that lay between him and t'le object of his ambition. jW/' But possessing the true elements of manhood, deter¬ mination and perseverance, he made his way through privation, discouragement, and ofttimes seeming defeat, to an eminence in his chosen profession, that has won for him merited regard and praise. After graduation from the Normal Department of Wilber- foree University in 1879, Professor Seals was, for five years, con¬ nected with the teaching force of the St. Louis public schools, adding to his labors by a continuance of advanced studies under the instruction of Professor Schyler, of the white High School; in 1884 he accepted the position of Principal in Lincoln School, Ouincy, Illinois, where ten years of splendid effort were rewarded by marked success along all lines of school work; while in this city he completed a course in German, in Professor L. S. Dodge's School of Languages. From Quincy he went to a similar position in the Sabine Normal and Industrial Institute at Gladewater, Texas, where he remained until 1892, at which time he became Head Teacher in Lupkin School, No. 2, where he is engaged at the present time. During the collegiate course of Professor Seals, at Wilberforce University, he united with the A. M. E. Church, receiving the bap¬ tismal seal from President (now Bishop) B. F. Lee, in the beau¬ tiful little stream that flows through the college grounds. He has enjoyed his election as Lay Delegate to the General Conferences of his Church that met at Baltimore and Indianapolis in 1884 and 1888 respectively. Professor Seals is somewhat of an enthusiast in lodge mat¬ ters, being Past Grand Secretary of the Roval Arch Masons of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Illinois and Iowa; Past R. E. G. Commander of the Knights Templar, and Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Illinois; he also belongs to Thirty-third Degree Scottish Rite and Mystic Shrine, and is an active member of the G. U. 0. of 0. F. That he is cordially appreciated by his fellow teachers was shown by his election, in 1900, as President of the East Texas Colored Teachers' Association, holding the office for three years. In 1874 he married Miss Sue Hudson, of Arkadelphia, Arkansas; they have one daughter, who is a teacher and a fine musician. - 223 - REV. PHILLIP TOLLIVER, D.D. 3N the exaltation of spirit with which the great African Methodist Epis¬ copal Church looks out upon its marvelous growth and prosperity in spiritual and temporal affairs, that splendid organization must ever remember that its vantage- ground is due to the fidelity, patience and heroism of the Ministers of her early days. Had they proved less faithful, less self-sacrificing, less ambi¬ tious for the promulgation of God's love and mercy, the Church would not be flying so many banners of glorious con¬ quest along the highway of salvation. The eight}r-one years embraced in the life of Rev. Phillip Tolliver, D.D., connects the early history of the Church with the present day. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 10th, 1824-, and can scarcely recall a day in his four-score years that was not blessed with the realization of son-ship to his Heavenly Father. For he was brought up in the Sabbath School, (in time holding the Superintendency of one for seven years,) early experi¬ enced a change of heart, and entered the fold of the A. M. E. Church with heart and resolution bent upon becoming one of its Ordained Ministers. License to Preach was granted him by Rev. William New¬ man, and his first charge was at Xenia, Ohio, where he filled the unexpired term of Rev. Edward Davis, who died in that city. His Pastorates have been successtul appointments in Ripley, Gallipolis, Ironton, Portsmouth, Hamilton, Toledo, Urbana, - 224 - Zanesville, Lancaster, Rendville, Cambridge, Greenfield; all important Church-points in Ohio. Still connected with the Ohio Conference, it is as one honorably released from active service, who looks back with joy unutterable to over a thousand souls saved by his Ministry unto the iovs of eternal life, which is already gloriously dawning upon his sight with its rewards of immortality and unending joy. o - 225 - BISHOP WILLIAM B. DERRICK. w 'HEREYER he is known the name of Bishop Derrick stands for consecration to his calling as an ambassdor of the Risen Christ, extensive scholarship and fine culture, and devotion to the advancement of his Race in the attainment of the best, the highest ideals of American life. No man of the Race to- \y da}- is more thoroughly im- wHw'i ^Hj W bued with our National spirit Bp/ of enterprise and progress ^than Bishop Derrick, and yet this great country is only his by adoption, as he was born July 27th, 1843, in the Island of Antigua, British West Indies, a decade after the English Government had proclaimed freedom to the slaves within those tropical isles. The Derrick family with which his father, Thomas J. Derrick, was connected, were wealthy and influential planters, cultivating many acres in the islands Antigua and Angulia; the Bishop's mother was a woman of rare sweetness of disposition, and possessed a versatility ol mind that made her a most interesting conversationalist. The education of their son was a matter of great moment to his parents, who early placed him in a private Moravian school at Graceland, where he made rapid progress, his natural gift of oratory receiving special cultivation by his Instructors, this talent winning him much applause at the annual examina¬ tions which were always largely attended by interested visitors. In 1856 he entered a select high school where he remained three years. - 226 - Knowing that intelligent use of the hands was as essential, manv times, as education of the mind, his parents, at the close of his schooling, apprenticed him to a blacksmith, but, after he had mastered the trade, William won their reluctant consent to go to sea, which was given with the proviso that he must thoroughly learn the art of navigation. His first voyage to America was made in 1860, and came near being disastrous, as the ship was driven ashore at Turk's Island, but fortunately escaped wreckage, completing its trip to New York; his nautical experience brought him several times to the New England coast, and once, while at Boston, he met with an accident that resulted in a broken leg. The cause of the North in our Civil War strongW appealed to him and he enlisted for three year's service on the flag-ship Minnesota, of the North Atlantic Squadron, serving as valiantly and loyally as though the Stars and Stripes was his own home banner. The close of the war found him strong in the resolution to remain in this country and become a Minister of the Gospel, as many things caused him to feel that he had been Divinely called to the sacred office. Joining the membership of the African Methodist Episcopal Church at Washington, D. C., he was licensed by its Pastor, Rev. John M. Brown, (later to become Bishop John M. Brown,) to preach, and he also qualified to act as Missionary Agent. In 1867 Bishop Payne admitted him to the regular traveling connection and stationed him at Mt. Pisgah in the District of Columbia, in which place he received ordination to the Deaconate. This Pastorate was followed by transference to the Virginia Conference, with which body he sus¬ tained Ministerial relations for a number of years, serving faith¬ fully and with great sticcess as Pastor, Presiding Elder (to which office he was consecrated at Portsmouth by Bishop Jabez P. Campbell,) and Conference Secretary, holding the last named position from 18 70 to 1879, also attending as Delegate every meeting of the General Conference until he became a decisive voice in its councils. Rev. Derrick's election to the highest Ecclesiastical seat in the Clrirch took place at Wilmington, North Carolina, May, - 227 - 1SD0, and his unselfish promotion of the interests of this mighty religious organization lias materially increased its power and influence, and reflected honor upon his name. He is especially active in all that pertains to the education of the young people of his Race, and Campbell and Shorter Colleges both owe their existence to his zeal and effort. The "Allen Legions" of the First Episcopal District, which gave Payne Seminary two thou¬ sand dollars, was the happy thought of Bishop Derrick. The tender reverence underlving his busv, crowded life was manifested by his placing the body of Richard Allen, the saintly founder of the A. M. E. Church, in a crypt in Mother Bethel Church at Philadelphia, Pennsvlvania, a place that is daily visited bv reverent and affectionate hearts. Bishop Derrick is now in charge of the Third Episcopal District, comprising the Pittsburg, North Ohio, and Ohio Con¬ ferences. Wilberforee Universitv lies within his jurisdiction, and it is almost needless to sav that this fine school occupies a large part of his interest, time and energv. He at once aroused the Churches in his territorv to the realization of the value and importance of the work accomplished by this Institution, and the Christmas col¬ lections following his pleas have poured hundreds of dollars into the Tniversity treasury. He is now enthusiastically engaged in bringing about a widespread interest in the "Golden Jubilee" of the School to be held in June, 1906. In polities Bishop Derrick casts a Republican vote, and his wonderful eloquence has many times brought wandering fealty back to the party whose broad principles rest upon Constitu¬ tional Rights. In his home environment Bishop Derrick is very happy; his wife, to whom he was united at the beginning of his Minis¬ try, was formerly Miss Mary E. White of Norfolk, Virginia, a woman of pleasing culture, and of superior family connections. A more amplified life of Bishop Derrick is soon to be given to the public. -228- REV. JACOBUS GILEAD XABA. MONG the founders of the African Methodist ^ Episcopal Church in Pretoria, South Africa, stands Rev. J. G. Xaba, pre-eminent i as a Scholar and Divine, and i\ whose name is luminous with I the fires of persecution, rank¬ ing him close to those who I "suffered for righteousness I sake " in the days of the first Apostles. This earnest man is a Member of the Zulu tribe in Africa, but is fortunate in being a descendant of con¬ verted grandparents, and his father having been an Evange¬ list in the Wesleyan Methodist Church. He enjoyed the privilege during his youth of attending Public School and College in his native town, Etendate, Natal. Two years after his conversion, in 1876, he was busy in the Lord's work as a Minister of the Gospel; but feeling the need of more liberal mental attainments, be spent over two years in mastering a Classical Course at Healdtown, Cape Colony, continuing his studies after he had resumed Ministerial labors by privately acquiring a thorough knowledge of Greek, Hebrew and Theological tenets. His work as City Missionary under the British Government and British Foreign Bible Society necessitated a familiarity with the Dutch tongue. On April 5, 1885, he was ordained as Deacon at Preter- maritzburg by the hands of white Ministers of various Churches, and in 1887 was sent by the Wesleyan Methodist Church to - 229 - Orange Free State, remaining" in Harrysmith five years, trans¬ ference being then made to Heilbrun. At this time the eolor line was growing more definite and the native Pastors were subjected to most embarassing and humiliating treatment from their white Ministerial brethren; being assigned to separate Conferences, having financial and other important matters kept from their consideration, and their most cultured and experienced Ministers made subservient to white licentiates. Manv of the Christian natives realized that the hour was ripe for the founding of an Independent Ethiopian Church, and in November, 1892, Rev, Xaba, assisted by Rev. Mokone, gathered a congregation in Pretoria. Three months later at the meeting of the Weslevan Conference in Kronstadt, he, with a following of seven hundred, publicly renounced allegiance to the Church of England, Dutch Reformed and Wesley an Metho¬ dist Churches. This secession created no disturbance as it was thought that the movement would die from innate weakness, but as it continued to grow in numbers and spirit, persecution waxed fierce and strong. Efforts were made to drive him from the country, and many times he was locked behind prison bars. A remarkable incident attended his first imprisonment. At the dinner hour when the prisoners recognized him among their number, tliev, assisted bv some of the local patrolmen, beat down the gates and effected his release, Rev. Xaba held a prayer meeting on the spot and sin-hardened souls were led to a pardoning God. The indignation of the white Churches was poured in a hot flood upon all the native Preachers and Teachers who had allied themselves with the new organization. The first Conference of the Ethiopian Church was held at Pretoria in September, 1894; here Rev. Mokone (who had been ordained Elder in the Weslevan Church ) and Rev. Kanvani ordained Rev. Xaba as Elder. In 1896 Rev. Mokone received a letter from his niece, Miss Charlotte Manve ( a student at Wilberforce Universitv, Xenia, Ohio, U. S. A ), which told of the wise politv and prosperity of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and its entire control bv the Colored Race. Investigation followed, and in 1896 Rev. Xaba and Rev. Dwane wefe appointed Delegates to inspect the work¬ ings of the Church in this country; but through some misunder¬ standing Rev. Xaba failed to come. Two years later Bishop Turner went to Pretoria and assisted in receiving many thou¬ sands into the now firmly established African Methodist Epis¬ copal Church of South Africa. Rev. Xaba stands very close to the hearts of the Members of the Church in that distant land; they realize that its pros¬ perity and advancement is largely due to his self-sacrifice and courageous spirit. He, at present is Presiding Elder of Orange Colony, in which District sixty-five Ministers of his Church are actively engaged. - 231 - REV. W. HILARY COSTON, D.D. if 'OR ten years, Rev. W. Hilary Coston, the present popular Pastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church at Hagers- town, Maryland, and the able aspirant for the Editor's Chair of "The Christian Recorder," attended the public schools and aided in his support by boot-blacking; carrying in his W heart all the while the deter¬ mination to acquire the best and widest education avail¬ able in the land. In 1875 he entered Yale Preparatory School where he remained until 1880, when he was sent by the New England Conference for four years of study at Wilberforce University, completing his college career by dili¬ gent application from 1S84 to 1887, at Yale Seminary. He then entered with enthusiasm upon his work as a fully Ordained Min¬ ister of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, being success¬ ively connected with the Iowa, Ontario, Pittsburg, North Ohio and Baltimore Conferences, great success attending his efforts in building up. both spiritually and materially, his respective charges; in the time that he was associated with the Baltimore Confer¬ ence he rebuilt the church at Catonsville, Maryland and paid off a mortgage of forty year's standing on the church propertv in Hagerstown in the same State. During the Spanish-American war he served as Chaplain to the valiant "Ninth Immunes," United States Volunteers, and from 1899 to 1904 held the same high position in the Ohio Division, U. S. R. N. G. - 232 - Fond of literature, Rev. Cost on has found leisure amid his many and varied duties to give several valuable productions of his pen to the press, being author of "A Freeman, Yet a Slave," "The African Abroad," and "Spanish-American War Volunteer." Over three thousand copies of the last named work have been sold. He also edited for five years the first magazine ever pub¬ lished for colored women and children, known as "Ringwood's Home Magazine." No abler or more devoted man to his Race and Church can be found in the Ministrv of our beloved Zion. -233- BISHOP EVANS TYREE. w "ITH Life's sun still midway in the heav¬ ens, a large feeling of gratutalion should fill the heart of Bishop Tvree as he looks back from his well- merited, high position in Church authority, upon a past so full of trial and discourage¬ ment, that it might well have \ / caused a man of feebler reso- f i / lution to turn aside into f I —"/ easier, more promising paths of success. But it was the HBBk. M. y consecration of his will to God ar,c^ steadfastness to duty that has crowned him with honor and usefulness. Bishop Evans Tvree was born August 19, 1854, in De Kalb County, Tennessee, and led to give his heart to God when but twelve years of age. So genuine was his conversion, so intense his desire to lead others "into the kingdom," that Rev. J. W. Early, in 1869, licensed him as a Minister of the African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Church. Three years afterward he was admitted into the Traveling Connection, and before he reached his twenty- third year had been ordained as Deacon and Elder. Of the difficulties and privations that beset the early minis¬ try of this earnest servant of the Church, the story is best told in his own words: "I have known what it was to follow the plow from Monday morning to Saturday afternoon and then preach to my congregation on Saturday night and all day Sunday. "During the hard winter months the collection from mv church would only be from fifty cents to a dollar and a half a week; and I was compelled to load bags of corn, bales of cotton - 234- and hogsheads of tobacco to support my family, and then go three miles through the cold and snow to recite my lessons and then make my appointments on Sundays and Sundav nights, and many times mv mid-week meetings." "To him that overcometh!" Wonderfully has this promise been verified to Bishop Tyree. With love to God and man as his lode-star, the difficulties, privations, hardships of early life have proved stepping stones to eminent ecclesiastical position, wide public confidence, and untold influence for good. In May, 1900, he was elected to the Bishopric and is now in charge of the Tenth Episcopal District of the Church, whose jurisdiction takes in the Conferences of Indian Mission, Oklahoma Territory, Cen¬ tral Texas, Texas and West Texas. REV. W. HENRY EDWARDS, D.D. EY. W. Henr\r Edwards, D.D., was born in February', 1864-, in Egypt Ridge, Bolivar Countv, Mississippi. He was for several years a pupil in the public schools; his education was then broadened with a term at Southland College, Helena, Arkansas; three vears of studious application at Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee; and a vear of special work at Roger Williams Universit\\ For five vears he was engaged in school teaching in his native town, but in 1882 joined the Ministerial ranks of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, receiving his license from the Presiding Elder, Dr. Albert Jackson, having been converted and admitted to the Church four years before. In 1888, the death of his father left to his care the beloved mother, and, like John of old, he provided affectionately and generously for her wants. The itineracv of Dr. Edwards began with his connection with the North Mississippi Annual Conference. In L892 Bishop I?. T. Tanner ordained him as Deacon, and the ensuing year found him an Elder through the authority of Bishop B. W. Arnett. All through the Ministerial labors of Dr. Edwards, he has been specially interested in the building of new Churches, and three handsome edifices in his pastorates testify to his zeal in that direction. The crowning ornament to be found in every charge held by him is the constant, faithful, spiritual work, at¬ tested bv the scores of converts, whom his earnest exhortations have guided into the "paths of righteousness." For eight years Dr. Edwards has been one of the Secre¬ taries of his Conference, and is also Grand Chaplain of M. W. Stringer Grand Lodge, of Mississippi, a Mason, a member of A. F. and A., and a valued brother in the fraternity of Knights Templar. In 1904, McKinley Memorial University of Vincennes, Indi¬ ana, conferred upon him the distinguished degree (if Doctor of Divinity. - 236 - REV. HENRY ALBERT GRANT. W 'HE subject of this sketch is an incumbent of the pulpit of the African Methodist Episcopal Church at Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and is doing excellent work in building up his charge. Rev. Grant was a student at Wilberforce University dur¬ ing the presidency of Bishop Daniel A. Payne, and received his License to Preach from Bishop Lee, at that time pas¬ tor of Holy Trinity, at Wil¬ berforce, Ohio. His theological studies were completed later at the Western Theological Seminary in Allegheny City, Pa. The first Pastorate of Rev. Grant was in connection with the Ohio Conference, being successively located at North Lewis- burg, Marion and Mechanicsburg, Ohio, his efforts receiving the seal of Divine approval in the winning of many souls to Christ. He was then transferred to the Pittsburg Conference and stationed at Brown Chapel, Allegheny City, where his earnest admonitions, and heart-felt prayers were answered in the conversion of four hundred and fifty souls. This gracious revival spirit has followed the Ministry of Rev. Grant during his pastorates in many of the leading Churches in the Pittsburg Conference, and he is often called upon to assist in Evangelistic services in sister churches. As a writer Rev. Grant is well known throughout the A. M. E. Church, his pen being usefully employed upon religious and Race questions. - 237 - REV. THOMAS J. BROAD-AX SMITH. '€ rNROLLED in the old school of Ministers, Rev. Thomasjefferson Broad- Ax Smith is pre-eminent for deep religious conviction mani¬ fested by a godly life and unswerving fidelity to the tenets of the great Church in which he gladly serves as one "set apart" for the proclama- °f the fullness of salva- / 'y ' tion. \ M ^ / i' ^ ff His father, Thomas Adison \/l -//, -1 Smith, was a native-born Afri- % r can; his mother, whose maiden name was Steward, came from North Carolina, and their son, the subject of this sketch, first saw the light of day at Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, in 1S37. When he was but twelve years of age the power of Infinite Love touched his heart, and connecting himself with the member¬ ship of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the purpose of his life was bent towards becoming one of its most earnest Ministers. The active work of Rev. Smith as an Ambassador of God began at Elmira, New York; his ordination to the Eldership took place at Avery Mission Church in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania; in 1869 he went as a Delegate from John Wesley A. M. E. Church to the General Conference at Washington, D. C. The vear pre¬ vious he had added to his store of religious knowledge by a course of study at the Theological Seminary in Allegheny City. Notwithstanding the manifold duties devolving upon him in his Ministerial and Pastoral work, Rev. Smith, for a long time, -238- was Publisher and Manager of "The Pittsburg Colored Citizen" and later "The Pittsburg Wasp." Rev. Smith is at present Local Elder and Missionary in Wylie Street A. M. E. Church, Pittsburg. He finds much inspira¬ tion and encouragement in the loving helpfulness of his wife, for¬ merly Miss Rebecca Jane Smallwood, of Alleghenv City, Pennsyl¬ vania, who as an evangelist, deaconess and pl^sician, a veritable tower of strength in winning souls for the Kingdom. - 239 - REV. W. T. ANDERSON. E 'OVE of study and the apprehension that a knowledge of Medical Lore many times increased a Minister's usefulness in his pastoral work, led the subject of this sketch to the acquiring of attainments in both pro¬ fessions. Rev. W. T. Anderson was born in Texas, August 20, 1859, and started his collegi- \ " J i .Vu|9ate work at Wilberforce Uni- versity, in Ohio, going later to Howard University, at ^Washington, D. C., where he won a diploma, to which he added another from the Home¬ opathic Hospital College, at Cleveland, Ohio. His finely-trained mental powers, magnetic individuality and zeal in his work brought him desirable Pastorates in Ohio and Mississippi, and excellent results have attended his Minister¬ ial labors. In 1897 he received the appointment of Chaplain to the Tenth Cavalry, which position he still holds. Rev. Anderson is a Permanent Trustee of Wilberforce Uni- versit}', and was a Delegate to the last General Conference at Chicagro. - 240 - REV. JAMES HENRY DAVIS PAYNE. ITH the snow of over three-score and ten winters upon his head, and the weakness of age telling upon his once stalwart frame, Rev. James Henrv Davis Pavne is still as devoted to the sacred cause of his Divine Master as in the days of \routhful ardor and ambition. Even more, for a varied experience in life has revealed to him the unfailing strength and ever-present help of the great Heavenly Father, and the blessedness that flows from a living faith in the Source of all Good. Rev. Payne was born July 10th, 1832, in Mason County, Kentucky, not far from the little city of Maysville, his mother being a slave and his father Rev. Philip Payne, a free man and a successful Minister of the Baptist Church, with which denomina¬ tion his mother, also, was connected, until a short time before her death (which took place in Felicitv, Ohio,) when she united with the A. M. E. Church. In 1846, six years after the death of his father, voung Payne was so fortunate as to escape from slavery into Ohio, which State was at once adopted as his home. His conversion, which took place in 184'J, was a wonderful event in his life. For vears he had been resisting the influence of the Holy Spirit, but in the month of November of that year, in a hotel in Sandusky, Ohio, where he was employed as cook, Divine Grace flooded his soul and with the new birth came a call from God to the Ministry. For several years he remained out of the Church because of indecision as to the denomination preferred by him, but in March, 1851, after fervent prayer and thought, it was clearlv revealed to him that the A. M. E. Church was the one to which his life-service should be pledged. He was at once appointed Class Leader and in the following September was Licensed to Exhort. In 1853 he received his first orders as Local Preacher from Rev. E. Epps, and in August, 1855, was admitted to the Ohio Conference and sent by Bishop D. A. Payne to Meadsville Mission, Pennsylvania, which included also the care ol the Church at Erie City. Successful revivals attended the appointments. The hands of Bishop Nazrev, in 1858, ordained him as Deacon and he was assigned to Pittsburg and Beaver where he had glorious manifestations of God's grace in the conversion ot manv sinners, but his health becoming impaired in the "Smoky City," the Bishop transferred him to the Hillsboro Circuit, at that time the largest in the Conference, embracing the Churches at Hillsboro, "Wilmington, Washington Court House, Greenfield, " o ' o ' ' Leesburg, Richland, Grassv Branch and Brush Creek, requiring three weeks to make the round. "Sometimes walking, some¬ times riding horseback, sometimes riding in the cars; sometimes preaching every night in the week, and three times on Sundays." It is almost needless to sav that the revival spirit followed this consecrated labor. In 1860 a Church was organized by him, not far from Georgetown, which he served as Pastor for twro years. Rev. Payne, in 1864, enlisted in the 27th Regiment U. S. Infantry, and served as Quartermaster, Sergeant, and Chaplain, the close of the war preventing his official appointment to the last named office, for which he had received the endorsement of every officer. For one year after the mustering out of the regi¬ ment he worked as plasterer and brick-layer, and then resumed Ministerial labors at Flemingsburg Mission, Kentucky, still retaining his connection with the Ohio Conference, and in ten years was returned by Bishop Payne to the Piqua Circuit, being transferred, in 1870, to the Indiana Conference, preaching suc¬ cessively at Davenport, Iowa and Cambridge City, Indiana. In 1872 Bishop Wayman ordained him as Elder. During his connection with the Indiana Conference Rev. Payne purchased a Church in Connersville, also one in Fort Wayne. He was again transferred, in 1873, to the Illinois Con¬ ference and held for two years important charges in its juris¬ diction, returning then to Ohio to engage in Evangelistic work which was greatly blessed in many places. The regular work of the Ministry was resumed by him in 1884, in the State of Ken¬ tucky, he joining first the West Kentucky Conference, later work¬ ing in the Kentucky Conference, being transferred again, in - 242 - 1.895, to his old camping ground, the Ohio Conference, and was sent by Bishop Arnett to Marietta and Belpre, afterwards hold¬ ing the incumbency of pulpits at Westerville, Jamestown, and South Charleston. Family affliction prevented his accepting the appointment to Jackson Mission in 1901, but in 1903 he was placed on the New Richmond Circuit, where he is laboring faithfully, his advanced age not preventing his watchful, unceasing care over the interests of his beloved Zion. - 243 - REV. WILLIAM DECKER JOHNSON. POKP^N of more than once as a probable possessor of Bishop's Orders, Rev. William Decker Johnson, President of Allen University, Columbia, South Carolina, is eminently qualified by character and attainments for every duty that the great African Methodist Episcopal , M ffl Church may lay upon him. \C% LiaHe was born in Calvert \ -•'.3 County, Maryland, in 1842, \" J and received an education of \^l F. ; ■ I £/ ample scope at Lincoln Uni- versity, from which he was graduated in 1868. Having entered the Ministry of the Church referred to above, he began active work in connection with the Florida Conference the year following the close of his College life, but in 1873 was transferred to the Georgia Conference. Rev. Johnson's Christian spirit and comprehensive outlook upon the needs of the young people of his Race, in 1884, at the meeting of the General Conference at Baltimore, elected him Secretary of Education; he brought new life and systematic management into this important department of Church labor, and had the honor of presenting the first Educational Report to the General Conference at its convention at Indianapolis in 1888. For twelve years he ably filled this important post of duty without neglect of his Ministerial obligations which were made more onerous b}' the duties of Presiding Elder in Valdosta District of the Georgia Conference. As President of Allen University, Rev. Johnson is meeting -244- \vi th unshadowed success. A true Scholar, with particular fond¬ ness for History and Philosophy, keenlv alive to the intellectual requirements of the day, the voung people under his charge are encouraged and stimulated in every effort towards the attain¬ ment of strong, vigorous, useful soul-life. Dr. Johnson has 1)een honored with Classic and Literary Degrees by several of the leading schools in the land. - 245 ' REV. MARION FRANCIS SYDES. ar 'HE youngest of three sons born to Franklin and Caroline Sydes, the subject of this sketch was welcomed at their home in Eddvville, Illinois, August IS, 1866. At the completion of his studies in the Public Schools he began preparation for the medical profession, but event¬ ually decided to devote his Wlife to the Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, his conversion and connection with that denomi¬ nation taking place in his nineteenth year. In December, 1887, he received License to Preach from Rev. Henry Brown at Shawneetown, Illinois, and in August, 1889, was admitted into the Illinois Conference, filling Pastoral appointments in Clinton and Normal Circuit and Paris Station; transferred to the Ohio Conference in 1890, he studied for a while at Wilberforee University, later attending a school in Hills- boro at the time when the Ohio Wesleyan had a branch in that little city; here he paid special attention to Greek and ranked first in his class. In 1892 Bishop Payne conferred Deacon's Orders upon him and two \-ears afterward Bishop Arnett consecrated him to the Presiding Eldership. After fifteen years of faithful service in Ohio pulpits, Bishop Derrick transferred him to the Pittsburg Conference, where he is now engaged in devoted Ministrations to the congregation of Bethel A. M. E. Church in Monongahela Citv. The interest and ability of Rev. Sydes in public affairs was - 246 - proven in his receiving the appointment, in 1900, of the office of Census Enumerator of the 95th District of Ohio, and other important municipal positions have been held by him. Rev. Sjrdes was congenially married on November 30th, 1895, to Miss Isanda M. Thomas of Normal, Illinois. A little daughter, Ruth May, blesses their home. - 247 - REV. D. S. MOTEN. or 'HE pastoral work of this wideawake, cultured son of the African Meth¬ odist Episcopal Church has been mainly in the "Lone Star" State, where he is spec¬ ially distinguished for his success in interesting young people in religious matters, particularly in service growing out of united effort in Chris¬ tian Endeavor lines. Rev. Moten is a young man, just entering the splendid promise of middle life, having been born November 5th, 1865. His education has been unwontedly liberal, embracing instruction in the public schools, Howard Institute, Paul Quinn College, Wilberforce University, completing his Theological Course at Payne Theological Seminary, in which Institution he was later a tutor in Hebrew, being especially proficient in the languages. The first Ministerial efforts of Rev. Moten were connected with the last three }Tears of his college course when he supplied the pulpits of Shorter and Lee Chapels, his work proving of spiritual and financial edification to these charges. The office of Deacon was intrusted to him bv Bishop D. A. Payne; Bishop B. W. Arnett consecrating him, at a later Confer¬ ence, to the Eldership, transferring him at the same meeting to the Texas Conference and assigning him to the pulpit of the A. M. E. Church at San Antonio, where two years of untiring labor bore golden fruit; similar success attended a Pastorate at Terrell. Rev. Moten is now the popular Pastor of the Church at Fort Worth, and is achieving his usual success in arousing young people to a realization of their duties and privileges as Christians. His ability has won marked regard outside of pastoral limi¬ tations, gaining for him high places of honor, among them: Con¬ ference Trustee of Wilberforce Universitv; Member of the General Church Board of the Southern Christian Recorder; Secretary of the North Hast Texas Conference; and for more than six vears the Chaplaincv of the Texas Volunteer Guard. - 249 - REV. J. FRANK McDONALD. 31 [N AN humble slave cabin, roofed with green willow rafters covered with boards, that stood beneath the swaying branches of a cottonwood tree in Lafayette County, Missouri, Rev. J. Frank McDonald came into a childhood of bondage during the uneasy, restless years pre¬ ceding the War of the Rebel- V"4''/ hon. The desire for freedom burdened his childish heart, and at the age of twelve years he resolved to find it. With characteristic humor and pathos he says, "One night I overheard my mother praying to God to free her and the children. The next morning I opened a pra}rer-meeting with my brain in thinking and my legs in active praying, and when I closed that prayer-meeting I found myself safe within the lines of the 'boys in blue.'" He was led by gratitude to present himself for enlistment before an United States recruiting officer, but met rejection owing to his youth. He at once engaged as a body-servant with a cap¬ tain in the Second Colorado Regiment, whom he loyally followed through the smoke of battle, unterrified by the scream of shell or the showers of bullets and shot that fell around him. To his unbounded joy he was eventually accepted as a soldier in a corn- pan}' of Light Artillery, and enthusiastically took the oath of allegiance to the flag that stood for human freedom. Receiving his army discharge at Fort Leavenworth, Kan¬ sas, July 25th, 1865, he entered school at Independence, Missouri; - 250- but he was not yet ready for the restrictions of the school-room, and in the Fall of the same year joined the United States Navv for four years. But the future had a different life in store for him. While in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1874, he attended a revival service conducted by Rev. T. Wellington Henderson, D.D., and was so powerfulh- influenced by the Hohr Spirit that he gave his heart to God and united with Allen Chapel, at the same time dedi¬ cating his life to the service of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. For awhile he attended Prof. J. H. Cole's school at Lexington, Missouri, during the period receiving licenses as Ex- horter and Local Preacher; prior to his connection with the Mis¬ souri Conference at Columbia, Missouri, Bishop James A. Shorter presiding, he gained experience and increased his material good as a School Teacher. In 1878 he was united in marriage to Miss L. Louise Sand- ford, of Macon, Missouri, and the same year was ordained Deacon, at Jefferson City, bv Bishop Shorter; two vears afterwards Bishop Ward consecrated him to the Eldership. For twenty years as Pastor and half as many as Presiding Elder, Rev. McDonald has done effectual work in connection with Missouri Conferences ; a work that will bless for time and eter¬ nity the scores of lives that have been turned by his presentation of truth into the glad and safe paths of righteousness. His ability placed him at the head of the Western Christian Recorder when it was first published, and, in 1900, when the paper was made a Connectional journal at Columbus, Ohio, he was made Managing Editor, without salary, and the duties of the responsible position are still conscientiously and efficiently performed by him. Dr. McDonald, for Wilberforce University in 1903 conferred upon him a right to the honored degree of Doctor of Divinitv, has three times represented the Conferences of Missouri and Nortli Missouri in the General Conference, and the Bishops, in 1901, appointed him Alternate Delegate to the great Ecumenical Coun¬ cil in London, England. As a student I)r. McDonald cannot be surpassed. A lack of extensive collegiate privileges has been supplied by him with vig- - 251 - orous and ceaseless application to his books; watching eagerly over the spare minutes that he might turn them into treasuries of golden thought and valuable information ; and today few men in the A. M. E. Church can boast of wider knowledge of Bibli¬ cal, historical and philosophical literature than that held bv Dr. McDonald. - 252 - REV. JOSHUA H. JONES, A.M., D.D. EY. Joshua H. Jones who, to-day, stands at the head of the first Negro University in Amer¬ ica, and most ably engineers and cares for its important and complex interests, was born June 15th, 1856, at Pine Plains, South Carolina, at a time when the ominous shad¬ ow of approaching war rested heavily upon the country. WWell he remembers the stirring days of the great Rebellion, the marching of soldiers to the front, their haggard faces that told the story of defeat on their return to their homes at the end of the struggle; he recalls the excitement attending Sherman's historic march from "Atlanta to the Sea," and his boyish face was among a great assembly of Negroes that, in 1865, listened for the first time to the reading of the immortal Proclamation that forever broke the shackles of bondage in this wide Republic. The scenes of that day are indelibly impressed upon his heart. Dr. Jones remained with his mother on the old plantation, experiencing the poverty and hardships that followed the close of the war. During this period he united with the African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Church, fully realizing the importance of the step. Young as he was, the thoughts of the omnipresence and omnis¬ cience of the Creator, the finalitv- of conduct, the beauty and importance of Truth, were deeply and often pondered bjr him and constituted the substance of his creed. At the age of fifteen vears he taught in the Sunday School, and in a few months was " 253 - elected to the Superintendenev, and bv the time he attained his eighteenth vear had served in all of the Lav Offices of the Local Church and was Licensed to the Ministry. The acquirement of an education became his greatest ambition. Debarred from the Public Schools, he was continually on the alert for opportunities of learning and soon mastered the elementary branches. A book was nearlv always in his pocket for perusal in unoccupied moments, and the pine knots in the wide fireplace of the cabin illuminated the open page while his companions played and gossiped. At the age of twentv-one vears he entered the Preparatory Department of Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina, finishing the required work in 1880. After a year spent in Teaching and Preaching he returned to the University and took up the College Course, remaining until he was graduated in 1886 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Then came two years of zealous application at Howard University, Washington D. C., followed with the course of the Divinity School at Wilberforce, Ohio, graduating with the degree B.D., which Institution later honored him with the degree of Doctor of Divinity, Claflin University having previously conferred upon him the degree Master of Arts. The Ministerial labors of Dr. Jones have been connected with man}- of the prominent pulpits in the A. M. E. Church. But he has also been a recognized leader in all things that have for their object the elevation of mankind in general and the Negro Race in particular. Especially active has been his energy along educa¬ tional lines, and this interest made him a valuable member for six years of the School Board in the City of Columbus, Ohio, where he did efficient service in securing the employment of Colored Teachers in the mixed schools of the city. As Trustee of Wilberforce University, before his election to its Presidency, he was President Mitchell's right-hand man in securing the estab¬ lishment of the Normal and Industrial Department of that famous school. The six years that Dr. Jones has been the central figure in the government of Wilberforce University, have witnessed con¬ stant growth and prosperity in every department of the Institu- - 254- tion. His scholarship, experience, quick recognition of the value of suggestions made bv those associated with him, appreciation of the requirements of the school, willingness to "spend and be spent" in the interests of the University, and kindred qualifica¬ tions rank him with the best College Presidents in the country. Dr. Jones has four children, whose success and usefulness in life fill his fatherly heart with just pride. His eldest son, who bears his father's name, was graduated at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, and is now on the Reportorial Staff of the Providence Daily News; his second son, Gilbert H., won a diploma at Wilberforce University and is Principal of the High School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania; Alexander was also graduated from Wilberforce University and is also at the head of a High School in Metropolis, Illinois; his only daughter, Elizabeth, is the wife of a Minister of the A. M. E. Church, Rev. W. P. Q. Bird, Pastor of the A. M. E. Church at Lansing, Michigan, where she is actively engaged in Christian work. - 255 - REV. HORACE TALBERT. October, 1864-, a scries of ^1 religions meetings were conducted in old Asburv Chapel in the city of Louis¬ ville, by Rev. George Downing, an evangelist from Lexington, Kentucky. At one service, selecting for his text St. Paul's importunate plea, "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death ? " his earnest words and exhortations sank so deeply into the heart of a lit¬ tle boy before him, that the child was constrained to turn to the Great Source of forgive¬ ness and love, and to-day Prof. Talbert del ights to recall the happiness and peace that came to him, after several da\rs of seeking, in the blessed reali¬ zation of pardon and acceptance from his Heavenly Father. William Talbert and Jane Ellen Dory, his wife, were slaves, and to them on the twenty-first day of September, eighteen hun¬ dred and fift}T-three, was born their son Horace, the sixth of seven children. Shut out by their servitude from all knowledge of books, by natural endowment they possessed the elements that go to the making of noble natures and strong characters, and the united wish of their hearts was the early turning of their children into the paths that lead to eternal life. Of his mother Rev. Talbert lovingly says, "she planted the seeds of piety and truth in my heart," and her prayers in his behalf are most ten¬ derly cherished remembrances of his early days. Even before his conversion this little eleven-year-old bo\' had an ardent longing to become "some day " a Minister of the - 256 - Gospel oi Jesus Christ. Conversion turned the wish into resolu¬ tion, to the great joy of his parents, who sacrificed many things to prepare their son for his sacred vocation. He first attended the school of Rev. Basil L. Brooks, in Asburv Chapel, but on the transfer of the pastor, he entered the well-known school of Prof. William H. Gib¬ son, at Quinn Chapel. A little later necessity compelled him to work during the Spring and Summer in a tobacco shop, but he was enrolled as a student in a night school. He was em¬ ployed during the winter on a steamboat on the Southern rivers, his wages being care¬ fully hoarded and laid by to defray the expenses of a col¬ lege course. He had become a com¬ municant at Asbury Chapel during the pastorate of Rev. Jordan W. Early, who soon noticed the boy's diligence in the study of the Sabbath School lessons, and, writh others, was con¬ vinced that young Talbert possessed no ordinary mind. Influential friends urged him to enter Berea College, but about this time his pastor, Rev. Robert G. Mortimer, who was conducting a High School in the basement of his church which was attended by some of the best young men in the city, was asked to take charge of the Language Department of Wilberforce University, and a number of his pupils decided to go with him, and Horace, then in his eighteenth year, was invited to join the party of students, consisting of William H. Gibson, Jr., W. Pratt Annis, W. H. Pope, James Owens, John Satterwhite and others; he accepted and by the middle of September, 1870, was vigorous- lv prosecuting his studies in the English Department of the School. In October, 1871, he was given License to Exhort by Prof. - 257 - MRS HORACE TALBERT. Mortimer, of Holy Trinity, and four years later received Local Preacher's Orders from Rev. John A. Clark, pastor of IIolv Trinitv Church at Wilberforce, and was taken into the Ohio Con¬ ference at Springfield, Bishop Payne presiding, and later ap¬ pointed, by Bishop Wayman, Assistant Pastor to Rev. J. G. Yeiser on the Springboro Circuit. In two years more he had completed his studies in the English and Classical Depart¬ ments of Wilberforce Univer¬ sity, and on the day of his graduation, June 17th, 1877, Bishop Wayman assigned him to the Pastorate of the A. M. E. Church at Cynthiana, Kentucky, to fill an unex¬ pired term. The following September he was ordained to the Deaeonate at Midway, Kentucky, and returned the same month for a winter of study in the Theological Department of his Alma Mater. It was his great desire to complete his college course at Princeton College, and in April, 1878, he went East with Bishop Payne, but, owing to providential circumstances, the journey was extended to Boston, where he was placed in charge of the A. M. E. Church at Cambridge, and thus given opportunity to take spec¬ ial studies in Greek, Hebrew and Philosophy at the celebrated Boston University. His consecrated spirit and untiring vigor bore great and happy results during this pastorate, and to him the church owes the name it now bears,—St. Paul. Ordination to the Eldership came in June, 1878, and his next charge was to Maley Street Church, L3mn, Massachusetts. Erom this citv he was sent by Bishop J. M. Brown, to Bridge- -258- MOTHER TALBERT. port, Connecticut, where a year's work produced much excellent fruit; transference to the New Jersey Conference and an appoint¬ ment to the Church at Bordentown, New Jersey, coming in the Fall of 1881. Here he completed the beautiful edifice begun by his old Wilberforce room-mate, Rev. E. Winston Taylor, erected a Sabbath School Room, and brought four hun¬ dred souls into Church membership, and secured the Frisby parsonage; the little Church at Crosswick, four miles distant, also under his care, was greatly strengthened. While in this work, the Bishops, in session at Cape May, ordered the organization of the Sabbath School Union, which was effected at Bute Street A. M. E. Church, Norfolk, Vir- the author at 17. and Rev. Talbert was elected its first Recording Secretary. Rev. Talbert was next transferred to the New York Conference and stationed at Hamilton Street Church in the Capital of the State, the Pastor of which Church always took his turn as Chaplain of the Legislature. The A. M. E. Church at Elrnira, New York, was then for¬ tunate in securing him as pastor, and through his efforts and the help of the well-known attorney, David Bennett Hill, (famous for his declaration "lam a Democrat,") the congregation became the happy owners of the beautiful property which stands on the corner of Fourth and Dickerson streets. Successful Pastorates at Owego, New York, and Jamaica, Long Island, followed, remain¬ ing at the last named place for three years, during which time he organized St. Johns Church, in East New York, and purchased lots and erected a handsome edifice at Westbury Station, Long Island, which was under his Pastoral care. He also founded the New York Conference High School, and assumed the Editorship and Management of "The African Watchman" and served as Presiding Elder of the Brooklyn District. Buffalo, New York, was his next scene of labor, in which - 259 - the old cabin home cit\r he organized a society of young men and women which has accomplished great good for the Church and Race. From Buffalo he was called to the Chair of Languages at Wilberforce University, but his broad mental culture and unusual Executive abilitv soon convinced the Trustees of the School that he was a man who could accomplish splendid things for the University if placed in a larger sphere of usefulness, and, in 1897, he was elected Seeretary of the Institu¬ tion, a place which he still holds to the great benefit of the School. For the long-sightedness of Seeretary Tal- bert, his power of discerning what is to the best interests of the University, his ability to discover the weak places that must be strengthened, his wisdom of judgment, his sagacity in planning for the future, his conscientiousness and honesty of dealing, his kindly cultivated manner in presenting the aims and needs of the Institution, which is regarded by him as special work for God. These and other qualifications, make him the right man for the responsibility en¬ trusted to him. It is said that he has col¬ lected more money for the College than any agent ever connected with it. He has travel¬ ed extensively through the East and West in its interests, and has won hundreds of friends for the School. It was through his personal lnflucticc cic™ the talbert home at ilbebforce. cording to the following letter that the new Carnegie Librarv at Wilberforce was secured. - 260 - New York, 15th Feb., 1904. Hon. Horace Talbert, Secretary Wilbureorce University, 130 West 33d Street, New York, Dear Sir : — Mr. Carnegie has considered the facts you set forth about Wilber- force University, and relying on your statements on behalf of the Institution that the Library will be liberally supported, Mr. Carnegie will be glad to pay for the erection of a Library building to cost Fifteen Thousand Dollars. Very Truly Yours, Jas. Bertram, P. Sec'y. Mr. Carnegie has given the $15,000, and the handsome new Library Building on the campus now stands a monument to his generosity. Through Professor Talbert's solicitations also, Mr. James Cal- lanan, of Des Moines, Iowa, left by will $5,000 to the School, and Mr. Geo. W. Hardester, of Urbana, Ohio, bequeathed $6,000. He also persuaded President Roosevelt to detail First Lieutenant B. O. Davis, of the 10th Cavalry, United States Troops, as Instructor of Military Science and Tactics at the University, and now has a bill in Congress of the LTnited States for an appropriation that will be of mater¬ ial benefit to the School in all of its Departments. The home-life of Secretary Talbert is " the boys. an exceedingly happy - 261 - THE FAMLIY. one. On September 4-th, 1879, he was united in marriage to Miss S. Frankie Black, at Washington, I). C., whose accom¬ plishments and grace of womanhood have been blessings in his busv career. Fourteen children have been born of their union, ten of whom survive to gladden their parent's hearts with loving, willing obedience, and promise of great usefulness in future years. The Talbert home was planned bv Mrs. Talbert and built, for the most part, bv the two older bovs, Eugene Hunter and Henry Payne, who were trained in the Carpentrv Department at Wilberforce, under Prof. L. W. Baker. - 262 - WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY, HER RISE AND PROGRESS. HIS splendid School, second in culture and Christian influ¬ ence to none in the land, was born in the hearts and con¬ sciences of the Members of the Cincinnati Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at its meeting in Hillsboro, Ohio, Bishop James A. Shorter. Dr. John 0. Mitchell. Bishop Daniel A. Payne. FOUNDERS OF WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY. September, 1853. It was only fitting that so grand an enter¬ prise should be conceived in the little city, that a quarter of a century later was to inaugurate the most unique and remarkable temperance movement in the annals of the world —The Woman's Crusade. Few schools welcomed colored students at that time. Real¬ izing this, in September, 1844, the Ohio Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, awake to the needs of the young people of its Race, appointed a Committee to select a site for the - 263 - establishment of a Denominational School 011 the Manual Labor Plan. A fine farm of nearly two hundred acres, located about fourteen miles west of the City of Columbus, was purchased, and a school known as Union Seminary opened. It was poorly equipped and the instruction given proving as inferior as the equipment, it was not many years until the project was, of necessit}', abandoned. The Cincinnati Conference, at its Hillsboro Session, appointed a Committee consisting of the Reverends John F. Wright, Augus¬ tus Eddy, Asbury Lowery, Granville Moody, J. T. Mitchell, Wm. I. Fee and Chas. Elliott, men distinguished for Christian thought and practice, to investigate and formulate a plan for the Educational Advancement of the Colored People of Ohio, the report to be given at the next Annual Meeting of the Conference. So intense was the interest of this Committee in the cause, that Rev. Asburv Lowerv visited Union Seminary with the intention of handsomely endowing it from his own purse. He was sadly disappointed to find it lacking in nearly all the required essen¬ tials of a good school. In August, 18r>-t, the Committee met in Cincinnati and made these two resolutions on the basis of their report: "First, to recommend the establishment of a Literary Institution of a high order, for the education of Colored People and the prepara¬ tion of Teachers; and, Second, to recommend that an attempt be made on the part of the Methodist Episcopal Church to secure co-operation with the African Methodist Episcopal Church in promoting education among the Colored People." The report met the commendation of the Cincinnati Confer¬ ence, which appointed Rev. Jno. Wright agent of the contemplated college, and also instructed its Delegates to the General Confer¬ ence (to meet the coming May, 1856) to enlist the sympathy and interest of that great Christian body, and so effectually was the work of the Delegates performed, that the report was accept¬ ed without a dissenting vote. The following August a Board of Trustees, twentv-four in number, was organized in the law-office of Hon. Moses I). Gatch, at Xenia, Ohio, a Member of the Senate in the Ohio Legislature; the honored name of Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, at that time - 264 - Governor of Ohio, and whose eventful life was distinguished bv rare devotion to the sacred cause of abolitionism, is found on this Board of Trustees of the first University for Colored Youth in America. As the Cincinnati Conference had asked and wel¬ comed the co-operation of the Conferences of the African Metho¬ dist Episcopal Church, four members of this Board were colored men, Bishop Daniel A. Payne, Rev. Lewis Woodson and Messrs. Ishmael Keith and Alfred Anderson, chosen for their intellectual- itv, sound common sense and comprehensive grasp of the time and occasion. No difficulty was experienced in finding a location lor the school, which in accordance with the suggestion of Rev. Uriah Heath, of the Cincinnati Conference, was named Wilber- force University, in honor of the great English Apostle of Human Liberty. Some of the friends of the School were rather doubtful as to the propriety of using the term "University," inasmuch as the enterprise, as vet, was but an experiment; thinking that School, Academy or even College would be in better taste; but bolder hearts realized that all work based upon the sure foundation of the eternal principles of right and justice carries within it the seeds of life and progression, and that "University" alone could worthily express the wonderful results to flow, in future years, in a ceaseless stream of blessing from its portals, and Wilberforce Universitv was named ; and every successful student, every honor - 265 - James A. Shorter Hall. O'Neil Hall. won and bestowed, is a pledge of victorious faith, not only alone to the noble founders, but also to him under whose venerated name the school is known to the world at large. About three and one-half miles from the prettv Countv-seat, Xenia, Ohio, situated almost midway between Columbus and Cincinnati, was a pleasure resort, known by the Indian name of Tawawa Springs. The locality and surrounding country are rich in historic and legendary traditions of the red man. Scarcely two miles distant the doughtv hero, Simon Kenton, ran the gauntlet near the tiny village of old Chillicothe, now known as Oldtown. The Shawnees raised their wigwams, built their camp fires, hunted, fished and fought under the shade of majestic trees still standing. Many streams and springs still bear the soft, romantic names given them long ago by these children of the forest. Near the handsome, commodious hotel and cottages that had been erected sparkled the clear waters of a chalybeate spring whose Shawnee name signified "bath of gold," in reference to the shining metallic hue of the stones under the flowing waters, and scarcely a hundred yards distant another pool of ever-fresh, soft, limpid water is still called "tears of silver," so named probably by its first discoverers from the traditionary silver mine which the In¬ dians held to be a hidden treasure in the rocks. The resort was a favorite one with Cincinnati's best and wealthiest citizens. The buildings had been ideally placed on the edge of a line - 266 - of cliffs that make this section of Ohio the most picturesque in the State, along which Massev's Creek winds its crooked ^wav to the Little Miami river, not quite three miles distant, with a multitude of cold health giving springs bubbling forth from fern- decked ravines, and magnificent woodland stretching on either side to fertile, sun-kissed valleys. No more beautiful or suitable place for the environment of young people seeking culture of mind and heart, could have been found on the earth. Fifty-four acres of land were purchased, the hotel remodeled for recitation rooms and various school purposes, and the cot¬ tages utilized as dormitories. In October, 1856, the Institution was dedicated to its great work by Rev. Edward Thompson, D.D., L.L.L)., at that time President of the Ohio Wesley an Uni¬ versity, later to be raised to the Episcopacy of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Under the care of the Cincinnati Conference, great pains were taken in the procuring of able and efficient instructors. Rev. M. P. Gaddis, Jr., was the first Principal, but in June, 1857, he was succeeded by Mr. J. K. Parker, an educator of note, to be followed in June, 1859, by Rev. Richard S. Rust, whose rare foresight, strong mental powers, scholarly attributes and "■reat executive ability fast increased the success and prosperity of the School. In 1800 the number of students enrolled was over two hun¬ dred, all filled with ambition to attain the high scholarship that, - 267 - trom the first, had been established bv the Paeultv. Many were from the South, a large per eent. of them being the natural children of the planters. The breaking out of the Civil War apparently darkened the prospects and future of Wilberforee. No money came from the South, the Cincinnati Conference was unable to assume the finan¬ cial responsibility, and in July, 1862, its doors were closed — to open when ? It was a dark hour for the friends of the University, for they were justly enthusiastic over the marvelous work accom¬ plished in six short years. The religious influence of the school had been phenomenal, for hundreds of the students had entered the Christian life, and gone out into the world with new aspira¬ tions for noble manhood and womanhood. Some were to attain distinction for usefulness: Hogan as an Evangelist; Shorter and Jackson as College Professors; Cain as Missionary, Congressman, Pounder of Paul (Juinn College, and Bishop of the African Meth¬ odist Church; Havslit, as the great Preacher of New England; Hunter, first Chaplain of the United States Army, and many others are honored names with the Colored Race, and thev are sons of the early davs of Wilberforee University. March l()th, 13, was a tragic day in the history of the School. The Hoard of Trustees meeting .at Wesley Chapel, Cincinnati, decided that the Institution must be sold for enough to meet its indebtedness. A large sum had .already been offered for its use as an asylum. President Rust suggested to Bishop Daniel A. Pavne that it would be a wise thing for the African Methodist Episcopal Church to become its owner. Bishop Payne asked time lor deliberation, and was given until noon of the following day, the 11th of March. Never was soul placed in greater straits; time and dis¬ tance forbade a moments conference with any of the leading men of his people. But this man, small in stature, knew the heart of his Church, and the love of his Race for the University that stood to them for the highest ideals in life. To refuse meant a step backward. With grave, resolute face, realizing the great issues at stake, he met the Trustees at the hour appointed and in a voice trembling with emotion said, "In the name of the Lord, I buv the property of Wilberforee University for the African - 268 - Methodist Episcopal Church." As one voice a inightv "Amen" came from those assembled, and involuntarily every knee was bent as the former President of the School asked the blessing of the great Father of all men on the decision of this devoted repre¬ sentative of his Race. The African Methodist Episcopal Church nobly ratified the purchase of Bishop Payne though it meant an obligation of ten thousand dollars. By the eleventh day of the following June the Churches in the Baltimore and Ohio Annual Conferences had raised two thousand dollars toward the first payment; individ- Wheeling Gant, Yellow Springs, O. Endowment $5,000.00 Geo W Hardester, Urbana, Ohio. $7,000 00 Bishop J. P. Campbell, Philadelphia. Endowment $1,000 00 ual subscriptions given Bishop Payne within a few days after the purchase amounted to over $500, Mrs. Mariah Shorter head¬ ing the list with $100. April 25, 1S65, subscriptions were re¬ ceived from Reverends Henry M. Turner and David Smith, each giving $50, and $30 each from Reverends Henry Brown, John M. Brown, James A. Handy, W. H. Waters, S. M. Hammond, M. F. Sluby, D. W. Moore, B. T. Tanner, Gilbert Waters, Isaac Brown and Henry Rhodes; all splendid gifts that in more than one instance represented personal sacrifice on the part of the donor. The title deed was placed in the hands of the Committee representing the African Methodist Episcopal Church; this Com¬ mittee consisting of the well-known and highly regarded James A. - 269 - Shorter, Rev. John G. Mitchell and Bishop Daniel A. Payne. The Institution was then incorporated under the Laws of the State of Ohio, after which a charter was secured which provided that inasmuch as the deed specifically gave the University to the Afri¬ can Methodist Episcopal Church, that two-thirds of the Members of the Board of Trustees shall always be ot that Religious De¬ nomination, and likewise declared that no distinction on account of Race or Color should ever be made with the Trustees, Faculty or Students. Truly a Christian platform. Bishop Daniel A. Payne was the first President of the Uni¬ versity under the new regime, and an abler man never stood at college helm. He has been called "the noblest representative" of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. A profound theologian, of scholarly attainments in philosophy and the sciences, a fine linguist in ancient and modern tongues, thoroughly acquainted with the best literature, not only of the English language but that of Germany and France, his intellectuality won for him most cordial recognition from distinguished scholars of other lands. Intensely devoted to the advancement of his Race, he stood in his day at the head of every Educational Movement in his Church, and has left a lasting impression and influence for good on the University so dear to his heart. Professor John G. Mitchell, a graduate of Oberlin and Principal of a Grammar School in Cin¬ cinnati, was placed at the head of the teaching force in the Uni¬ versity, which began its work again in July, 1863, by teaching elementary English studies to the children of the neighborhood, who in a body marched from their school-room in Smokv Row to the Chapel and were enrolled as students of the University. Of this number but three survive, John A. Clark, ( whose energy had kept the school together, ) Andrew Holland and Mrs Cor¬ nelia Austin Walden. Mrs. Walden had the honor of being the first student assigned a room in the dormitory of the original building. In a few months the attendance increased so rapidly that two additional teachers were employed, the choice falling upon Mrs. Fannie Mitchell and Miss Esther T. Maltby, both women of noble culture, the latter being made Assistant Princi¬ pal, for which she was eminently qualified by strong Christian - 270 - character and intellectual training at Oberlin College. In a short time the responsibilities of the School fell entirely upon her shoul¬ ders, as Professor Mitchell was sent out as Financial Agent for the Institution. It is fitting that the good women whose cheery counsels, encouragement and aid in all ways were of untold yalue to both teachers and students in these days of struggle for the existence of the school, should haye an established place in its record of praise and honor. The saintly characters of Eliza Payne, Mariah Shorter, Endowment, Endowment, $10,000.00 $10,000 00 Nancy J. Rouse, Ann Phillips, Margaret Dayis, Catherine Delane}- and Hannah McDowell live as immortals in the memories of the early students of Wilberforce. Mrs. McDowell, affectionately re¬ called as "Aunt Mack," organized a Sabbath School in connec¬ tion with the University, holding its sessions in her home, Bishop Payne's residence; she was assisted in the good work by Mr. Isaac Lot, whose log cabin fronted "Evergreen Cottage." A little settlement of notable folk had clustered around the college grounds, attracted both by the desire of educating their children and the beauty of the location. Of these are recalled Rev. Charles Satehell, a Baptist Divine of wide reputation; Rev. Edward Davis, who at the time of the founding of Wilberforce - 271 - was Principal of Union Seminary ; Air. John Griffin, whose earlier explorations in California and Australia made him a man of wealth; Rev. David Smith, truly a "patriarch in Israel," for up to the time of his death, at the very advanced age of one hun¬ dred and six years, he counted longer service in the Itinerant Ministry than any other living man. At the opening of the Spring Term, in 1S65, seventy-five pupils were on the College roll. Classes were making marked progress in the ancient lan¬ guages and higher branches of science and mathematics; the fame ot the school was increasing and the sky of promise was appar¬ ently without a cloud. On the fourteenth day of April, 1S65, a majority ot the pupils and all of the faculty, with the exception of Miss Maltbv, were in Xenia, participating in the joyous enthusiasm that swept over the Country at the Fall of Richmond and the near prospect oi peace, when, like a clap of thunder from a clear sky, came the startling cry " Wilberforce is burning." The students hastened to their beloved University to rind it in flames, evidently the work of incendiaries. The early morning hours of the next dav brought tidings ot the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, which added to the already bitter grief of their hearts. But Wilberforce University was not dead. As one has writ¬ ten, " Before the smoking pile had grown cold a resolution was passed to rebuild," and by the close of the year a large, hand¬ some new brick building was well on the wav, although it was not entirely completed and dedicated until 1876. The college was not closed; a cottage was turned into a recitation hall, and both teachers and students made light of in¬ conveniences attending their cramped environment, prosecuting their educational work with even greater ardor than before the catastrophe. Joseph P. Shorter, the most advanced student, was placed at the head ot the school, with Thomas H. Jackson as assistant, Professor John G. Mitchell having been assigned the responsible work of soliciting from the public financial aid in be¬ half of the Institution. In one way the destruction of the school building was a blessing, as general interest and sympathy were aroused concerning it, and generous contributions flowed into its - 272 - treasury. Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase bequeathed it $10,000; in 1870 Congress made an appropriation of $25,000; the Ameri¬ can Unitarian Association contributed a lecture fund of $6,000, and a bequest of $10,000 came from Dr. Charles Avery's estate. During the thirteen years of Bishop Payne's administration the amount received was $92,875. At the close of the school work, in 1869, the students gave a public literary entertainment on the college campus, the following programme pleasing the assembled multitudes, the date being Wednesday, June 30th. Programme. Music, Prayer by Bishop Wayman Music Oration, "No One Lives for Himself," S. R. Bailey. Essay, Memoritor. "Watching the Tides," Miss M. E. Ashk. Music. Oration, "Onward and Upward," J. W. Beckett. Oration "Value of Hope," J. Butler. Music. Oration "America's Soliloquy," J. E. Carter. Selection, " Charge of the Light Brigade," St. Cyprian Delaney. Music. Oration "Work of the Hour," S. T. Mitchell. Essay, Memoritor. " Let There be Light," Miss E. F. Roxborough. Oration, "Watchman, What of the Night," T. H. Jackson. Music. Discussion, . . "Ought Ministers of the Gospel to Engage in Party Polities," J. I'. Shorter and I. H. Welch. Music. Benediction isy Bishop Campbell. - 273 - On Thursday, June 30th, 1870, the first regular Com¬ mencement Exercises of the University were held according to the accompanying programme. Programme. Singing College Choir Prayer. Singing. Oration, "Onward With the Cross," Rev. J. T. Jenifer, New Bedford, Mass. Essay "Womanhood," Miss Hallie Brown, Wilherforce. Singing. Oration " Rationality of Religion," Rev. Thos. H. Jackson, Louisville, Ky. Essay "Womanhood," Miss Josephine E. Barber, Washington D. C. Singing. Essay, "Womanhood," Miss Lizzie E. Linchecome, Hagerstown, Md. Oration,. ."Executive Thought and Valedictory Address," I. H. Welch, Bellefonte, Pa. Singing. Baccalaureate Address by President Daniel A. Payne. Awarding of Diplomas. Benediction. - 274- In 1876 a stress of literary work compelled Bishop Pa\rne to give up the Presidency of the University, his resignation being: accepted with great reluctance by the Trustees, for he had most materially advanced the interests of the School along all lines. During the thirteen years of his incumbency, fifteen hun¬ dred and fifty-three pupils took advantage of the educational benefits of the Institution. His teachers were among the best, being brought from England, Scotland, Oberlin, Amherst, Holyoke, Oswego. He resided on the campus, and that he was often found at work in the recitation room may be gathered from his report to the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1876. He sa3Ts, "I have regularly filled the chair of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy and Systematic Theology; have taught the French Language and Literature all the time; occasionally taught German and Hebrew, Botany and Universal Histor}', to which, if you add Analytical Orthography and Ortho¬ epy, you will see the kind of educational work your President had to perform in addition to the responsibilities of government." Rev. Benjamin F. Lee, now the distinguished Bishop of the Ninth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church was a worthy successor of Bishop Payne to the Pres¬ idency of Wilberforce University; a scholar in every sense of the word; possessed of experience as a teacher, having filled the Chair of Pastoral Theology, Homiletics and Ecclesiastical History in - 275 - his Alma Mater, the University that called him to its head. He was emphatically the right man in the right place, and entered with enthusiasm upon his work. His administration of eight years was characterized by indefatigable industry, official wisdom, unerring judgment and great personal sacrifice for the sake of the one thousand one hundred and seventy-nine voting people that came to the doors of the University for mental and spiritual elevation during his incumbency. He had the heart-pleasure of seeing many men and women go out from under his care to fill honored and useful places in the world, and live noble lives of devotion to God and their Race. During his eight years of service the financial receipts of the school amounted to $79,200,80. Called in 1884- to the Editorship of the "Christian Recorder," Rev. Lee was succeeded in the Presidency of Wilberforce University bv Professor Samuel T. Mitchell, likewise a gifted son of the school, having been graduated in 1878. He came to the position from the Presidency of Lincoln Institute, at Jefferson City, Missouri. For seventeen years he held the reins of government. Wis¬ dom marked his administration, for the University made steady progress in everything that is required of a School of the Twentieth Century to make it ideal in character and influence. A monument to the sagacious judgment of President Mitchell exists in the establishing by the Ohio Legislature on March 19th, 1887, "The Combined Normal and Industrial Department at Wilberforce University," which is supported bv the State, being placed on the same financial basis with other State Educational Institutions, receiving annually about $17,800. Pavne Theological Seminary was also founded during his administration. It is controlled by its own Faculty and Board of Directors. The death of President Mitchell in April, 1901, was keenly felt bv all connected with the School, and came as a deep personal sorrow to the young men and women whose hearts and minds will ever bear the influence of his saintly character, rare personality and cultivated mentality. The choice of the Trustees for the fourth President of Wil¬ berforce University fell upon a Member of their own Iioard, and also one of the Alumni of the Theological Department, Rev. - 276 - Joshua H. Jones, a man of fine intellectual attainments, Claflin and Howard Universities having in earlier life counted him among their students; of rich, valuable experience as a Minister of the African Methodist Episcopal Chtirch; of spotless char¬ acter, enthusiastic for the attainment of the best in life for the young people in his charge, understanding what is needful for them in the development of character. President Jones does not suffer nor lose an inch of territory in comparison with his great predecessors; day and night he is possessed by one all- engrossing idea, the advancement of Wilberforce University in every and all things that mean moral, intellectual and material good. And to-day from its proud heights of true success, Wilber- Carnegie Library, Andrew Carnegie. $15,000.00 force University can justly and honorabty claim to stand for the highest culture of mind, and the fullest development of Christian manhood and womanhood, recognizing the truth that the two are necessary to the formation of character. Students now come to Wilberforce from far off Africa, South America, the West Indies, and from every State in our wide Republic. More, alas, every year, than can be accom¬ modated in the school; and if friends of education could see the sad, sad faces of the young people who are of necessity turned away, thev would help Wilberforce University to extend her walls, until the heart-desire of every ambitious boy or girl could be realized, and no school in the land offers them finer oppor- -277- trinities for thorough preparation for life than does Wilberforee. Its Classieal, Theological, Scientific, College Preparatory, English Preparatory, Business, Theological, Art, and Normal Courses are guided and taught by teachers of broad culture and tested experience. Practical, every-day work is demanded of students in the Industrial Department, which has its special branches of Stenography, Type-Writing, Cooking, Millinery, Printing, Car¬ pentry, Sewing, Blacksmithing, Brick Making and Laving, Wheelwrighting and Scientific Agriculture The fertile acres that have been added to the college grounds being tilled and improved bv the students. As additional incentives for devotion to studv and thorough selt-improvment, Annual Prizes from funds donated for this pur¬ pose are given to pupils furnishing the best essavs on prescribed subjects, and to those attaining the highest proficienev in Greek, Latin, Carpentry, and Dressmaking. It may be added that the Literarv and Industrial Exhibit of the University at the World's Columbian Exposition, at Chicago, won a Columbian Diploma and Medal. Wilberforee University is the only School for Colored Youth possessing a Military Department, and through it two great objects arc accomplished. First, patriotism is more staunchly developed in the breasts of the young cadets beneath the blue uniforms with the splendor of "Old Glory" floating over their heads. And, secondly, the daily drill gives an erectness of carriage and elegance of bearing, that distinguishes the student throughout life. No more attractive College Campus can be found than that of Wilberforee University, the beautv of its natural environment has been briefly told, but its buildings a!so attract bv their solidarity and architectural proportions, with broad spaces of woodland or lawn between them. Shorter Hall ( built during Bishop Payne's administration, on the site of the building destroyed bv fire,) Howell Hall, O'Neil Hall (erected while Pres¬ ident Mitchell was at the head of the School,) Arnett and Gallo- wav Halls built under the direction of the Combined Normal and Industrial Board,) the Dormitory Cottages and other tasteful buildings devoted to special branches of the Industrial Arts, - 278 - attend the success and rapid growth of the School. A handsome Carnegie Librar}^ was erected in 1905. This structure is a splendid testimonial to the interest and enthusiam of Rev. Horace Tal- bert, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, and one of the fore¬ most men of his Race, in advancing the prosperity of the Uni¬ versity, for it was through his representations and influence that Mr. Carnegie was led to make the magnificent gift. Wilberforce has just reason to be proud of her past, and of the bright, intellectual, progressive men and women that have engineered it so safely and successfully from shipwreck on the rocks of discouragement into the clear, calm waters of success and prosperity. Fbederick William Booker T. Douglas. McKinle\. Washington. HONORARY ALUMNI. Its Secretaries have been men of sound integrity, mental ability and farsightedness; thoroughly conversant with the needs of the Institution and the responsibility of their duties. Those preceding Secretary Talbert were Rev. John T. Jenifer, Hon. Andrew J. Holland, Rev. Benjamin F. Lee, Rev. John A. Clark and Rev. James P. Maxwell. The Roll of Honorary Alumni of the College is graced with names of National and State fame. The late President William McKinley and Hon. Frederick Douglas were of the number and by their presence at Annual Commencements evinced their interest and hearty co-operation in the liberal aims of the Institution. Others of this band are the Bishops of the African - 279 - Methodist Church, George T. Watkins, D.D., James II. A. John¬ son, D.D., Theophdus G. Steward, D.D., John G. Mitchell, D.D., J. M. Meek, D.I)., Cornelius Ashnrv, I). I)., Rev. \Y. I). Johnson, Sylvester Weeks, D.D., J. C. Enibrv, D.I), Theodore A. Thompson, D.I)., I. H. Welch, I). D„ C. P. Nelson, D.I)., Henry Hartley, D.I)., T. W. Henderson, D.D., Seipio Roberson, D.D., D. H. Snowden, D.I)., E. X. Yelland, LL.D., Peter H. Clark, A.M., C. L. Maxwell, LL.D., Charles Young, LL.D., J. P. Green, LL.D., Mr. A. S. Frazer and Senator J. R. Foraker. Not alone in business and professional ranks are the Alumni of Wilberforee University found: Chaplains in the U. S. Army are William H. Hunter, D.I)., (appointed by President Lincoln, October 10th, 1S63,) Rev. G. W. Prioleau, Rev. B. W. Arnett, Jr., Rev. W. H. Coston and Rev. W. T. Anderson; some have seen active service with their regiments, and all stand readv for dutv at their Countrv's call. A large number of women graduates of the School are leading active, influential lives as Teachers in Colleges, Seminaries, and Graded Schools, and as Instructors in various branches of the Industrial Arts. Miss Hallie 0. Brown, of the Class of '73, called bv her friends the " Oueen of Elocutionists," has won National fame as a Teacher of Oratorical Expression, and her abilitv has been shown marked appreciation in the Foreign Countries through which she has leisurelv traveled. Mrs. Marv Ashe Lee, the cultured wife of Bishop Benjamin F. Lee, is a con¬ tributor of beautiful poetic fancies to the literature of the dav. She, with Mrs. S. Frankie Talbert, the wife of Secretary Talbert and of charming personality, were the first women of Ohio to be elected Members of a Township Board of FMucation, Mrs. Lee holding the office for two years and Mrs. Talbert for five years longer. Mrs. Elizabeth L. Jackson Mixon, Mrs. Mary E. Davis Yeiser, Mrs. Anna H. Jones Coleman, Mrs. Zelia R. Ball Page, Misses Copeland, Jenkins, Georgiana L. Whyte, Lizzie Baker Guy, Sadie E. Black Hamilton, are others whose names merit honor and regard for great usefulness in life. The list is long and notable. Scholarships from Wilberforee have been held by many men and women whose intellectual gifts and success in life have brought fame and eminence to them. Among the best known so favored are - 280 - Prof. J. R. Gibson and Miss Luella Johnson of Texas, Prof. E. A. Delaney of Georgia, Prof. T. D. Scott of Ohio, and Miss Virginia Copeland, who was one of the two applicants that successfully distanced twenty-six College graduates in a Teachers' examina¬ tion in St. Louis. The present Faculty of Wilberforce University is strong in intellectuality and sterling character. At its head is President Joshua H. Jones, A.M., D.D., who fills the chair of Intellectual Philosophy and Logic. Vice-President William S. Scarborough, A.M., LL.D., Ph.D., Professor of Ancient Languages. Karl E. Finch, A.B., Professor of Mathematics; Bruce H. Green, Ph.B., | | l T Hallie Q Brown. S. T. Mitchell. £ V A GRADUATES. Professor of Natural Sciences and Instructor in German and French. Edward A. Clark, A.M., Professor of English and Instructor in Physical Science. Francis A. Lee, A. B., Instructor in Ancient Languages and French Campbell L. Maxwell, D.C.L, Dean of the Law Department, (Mr. Maxwell served as Consul General to San Domingo by appointment of President McKinley.) William F. Trader, LL.B., Professor of Law. First Lieutenant B. 0. Davis, Professor of Military Science and Tactics; appoint¬ ment made by President of the United States. Mrs. Samuel T. Mitchell, and Mrs Martha Carter, Matrons. Rev. George F. Woodson, D.D., Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testa, meut Greek. Rev. A. W. Thomas, S.T.B., Professor of Hebrew and Introduction. Bishop Benjamin T. Tanner D.D, LL.D., Lee- turer on Ecclesiastical History and Dogmatic Theology. Bishop Benjamin W. Arnett, I).I)., LL.I)., Lecturer on Ethics and Psy¬ chology. Bishop Benjamin F. Lee, D.I)., Ph.D., Lecturer on Church Polity and Ecclesiastical Law. Bishop C. T. Shaffer, D.I)., M.D., Lecturer on Africa. Rev. T. H. Jackson, D.D., Lec¬ turer on Homileties. John K. Hawkins, Lecturer on Practical Ethics. Sarah C. Bierce Scarborough, M.Pd., Principal Professor of Pedagogics and Literature. R. C. Bundy, Instructor in Mechanical Drawing. George T. Simpson, Instructor in Vocal Music Voice Culture. Charles S. Smith, Instructor in Steno¬ graphy and Typewriting. Charles H. Johnson, Instructor in Drawing, William B. Busch, Instructor in Bookkeeping. William H. Marshall, Instructor in Printing and Binding. A. Irene Bond, Instructor in Dressm iking and Plain Sewing. Lizzetta M. Pinn Welch, Secretary of Faculty, and Instructor in Domestic Science. W. P. Welch, Instructor in Carpentry and Cabinet Work. Wil¬ liam M. Ilunnieutt, Instructor in Shoemaking. Minnie Battles, Instructor in Millinery. T. C. Davis, Instructor in Blaeksmith- ing. Hallie 0. Brown, Special Instructor in the Art of Expression. Joseph P. Shorter, A.M., Superintendent of the C. N. and I. Department. Commencement Week at Wilberforce University is the event of tiie Summer in that part of Ohio. Visitors come from all directions to hear the distinguished speakers whose addresses are an attractive part of the exercises preliminary to gradua¬ tion dav. Commencement Day is, of course, the banner day of the week, and it is the occasion that no one ever forgets. The immense canvas auditorium under the noble forest trees; the stately halls and the pretty modern homes of the professors that seem to breathe a cordial welcome to the stranger; the inspiring music; the thoughtful, enthusiastic faces of the students, and their easy, dignified delivery of oration or essay, combine to make an ineffaceable memory exceedingly pleasant to recall. The fame of the students of this University has spread far beyond its own borders. In the State Oratorical Contest, at Columbus, in 1894, W. L. Boards won first honors for Wilberforce; in the National Oratorical contest at Pittsburg, 1895, Warner White of the same University was given second place by the judges, and - 282 - the school affirmed its right to the first honor also, as Charles Morris, of Boston, Massachusetts, the successful winner of the first place had received his training from \'outh upward at Wil- berforce University. Forty-nine young people constituted the Senior Class of 1905, going out from us mentally and morally equipped for the crucial experiences of life. Through different channels Wilberforce University has nearly fifty thousand dollars endowment funds to be used for specific educational purposes, and royally does she provide the best for the intellectual needs of her voung men and women. Thorough preparation for life is the strongest, the most F. S. Delaney, A.B. / John Gibson. GRADUATES. convincing testimony that can be offered in attestation ot the work accomplished by this splendid school. Its graduates are found as presidents, professors and instructors in the colleges, seminaries and public schools of the land; they are physicians, ministers, lawyers, editors, bankers, merchants, farmers, excellent mechanics and artisans; good husbands and fathers, tender wives and mothers ; faithful in all of life's duties be they great or small. The Formation of Character is the aim, the success, of Wilberforce University. -283- THE GROWTH OF AFRICAN METHODISM. The principal asset of value in the life of Richard Allen, in 1787, when he opened the little, remodeled blacksmith-shop in the city of Philadelphia, as an Independent Church, founded oil the polity of the Methodist Church as established bv the Wesley's, was faith in God. A faith that the early Apostles might have envied; a faith that persecution, storm and trial were powerless to shake or weaken, for it was wrapped around the eternal pro¬ mises and drew its life from the source of Infinite Strength. It was a similar faith in the hearts of- Allen's followers that made the present power of the African Methodist Episcopal Church a possibility, for there was little in their outlook of hope or pledge of future might and influence. Ostracism and perse¬ cution from their white Methodist Brethren were not the only foes to be encountered; the illiteracy and poverty of their own Race were appalling forces to be met and overcome; but their simple, child-like trust in God's power and willingness to help never wavered, never faltered, and tliev were salelv and trium¬ phantly led to the shining heights of victory. A volume of many, many pages would be necessary to tell even cursorily of the marvelous growth of the African Methodist Episcopal Church during the hundred and nineteen years of its existence. The seed sown by Richard Allen has multiplied a thousand-fold and the heaven-pointing spires of his beloved Church are gilded by the sunlight on both hemispheres. The Minutes of the First General Conference, held in 1821), in Philadelphia, have been lost, but at the second gathering of that Ecclesiastical Body, four years later, in the same city, reports were read showing that the Church had extended its territory as far west as Cincinnati, Ohio, and comprised a membership of nine thousand and eighty-eight persons. At the last General Conference, held at Chicago in 1904, delegates were present from evcrv State and Territory in the United States, and from Canada, Nova Scotia, Bermuda, Havti, San Domingo, British Guiana, Cuba, the Windward Islands, Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, - 284 - and the Transvaal, representing- a Lay Membership of 1,238,4.01 persons, and a Preaching Foree of 12,960 Elders, Ministers and Deacons, for whose support the Church, during the last quad- rennium, contributed $1,042,191.52; the insignificant blacksmith- shop having multiplied into Churches and parsonages valued at nearly eleven millions of dollars. In May, 1810 , when Richard Allen was crowned with Bishop's Orders, his most prophetic vision could not have fore¬ seen that in the short space of sixtv-four vears the greatness of the territory of his beloved Zion would necessitate the unceasing care and labor of fourteen Bishops; and to-dav, if those who have passed over the mystic river know aught of the work and progress in their former earthly home, the heart of the First Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church must thrill with gladness unutterable as he sees the Institution organized by him for the worship of God and saving souls from sin, seeurelv holding its place in the world as God's agent in all that is good, elevating, humane and beneficial to humanity. Its Missionarv Board rejoices in the effective work accomplished in both Home and Foreign Fields; its Sundav School Department constantly reinforces the Church Membership with loyal and enthusiastic reci'uits; its Educational Board views with just pride the achieve¬ ments of the schools under its special charge, Wilberforee Univer¬ sity ranking highest, followed by Morris Brown College, Allen Universitv, Paul Ouinn College and other Institutions of lesser note, all doing excellent work, and to whose maintenance the Church yearly contributes thousands of dollars. The Church Extension Board jubilates over the increasing number of houses of worship being built in different quarters of the globe; the Publication Board through its monthly and weekly journals keeps the Church Membership in touch with its wide progress and the great Religious and Educational movements of the world. Societies and Leagues ( historical, literary and bene¬ ficiary,) are of potent force in directing the mentality and benev¬ olence of the wonderful organization into broad, deep channels of advanced thought and Christian sympathy. Still greater glory and usefulness rests in the unfolding years for the great African Methodist Episcopal Church. The - 285 - law of its being is its simple creed, "God our Father; Christ our Redeemer; Mail our Brother." Sin, unrighteousness and prejudice are destined to vanish before the white banners of its mighty host whose weapons are Love and Light, both are of God and cannot fail. "The future's gain Is certain as God's truth." - 286 -