tgc&t^C^C^C^t^d&C&t&)ld&C&)[&IC&]C&]c83[Sftc83.g3 eg §3 eg 11th Quadrennial Report §3 <§ §3 t§ §3 C§ OF §3 tg |<3 | Wilberforce | I University I eg J go eg E« tg §3 Cg §> eg i3 eg v ^ §3 & II Si ■a eg W# §3 <§ §3 tg §3 eg i3 eg §3 eg §3 C§ TO THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OP THE A. M. E. CHURCH, ^3 rS7 ASSEMBLED IN THE TWENTY-THIRD QUADRENNIAL ^ o SESSION, AT NORFOLK, VA., MAY 4, 1908. 0 eg §3 cgcg31^31^3Cg3Cg3Cg3Cg3[^3|C^3Cg3C^3C^3Cg3Cg3Cg3Cg3Cg3§3 IRepott of tbe IPresibent. «r To the Bishops and Members of the Twenty-third Quadrennial Session, General Conference of the A. M. E. Church, now con¬ vened in Norfolk, Va., Greetings: Esteemed Fathers and Brethren: Swiftly pass¬ ing time has carried us through the busy scenes of four years and, under the providence of God, we are spared to meet in the high¬ est council of the church, for the purpose of reviewing our labors and achievements of the past four years and also for the purpose of planning our work for the coming time. Wilberforce University joins with you and the other schools of the Connection in returning thanks to Almighty God for His marvelous providence and many deliverances through which He has safely brought us. Under that God, Wilberforce University has been able to go forward in her great task, increasing her student roll and her number of graduates, the value of her prop¬ erty, the enlargement of her foundation for greater work in the future. During the quadrennium a few of the great men, who, through this .generation, stood staunchly by the University have passed to their reward and left their places in the council of the University vacant. The University greatly missed these men and their activities. Time forbids that we should call the roll of the noted dead missed at Wilberforce and yet it is very befitting that we should mention the name of Bishop B. W. Arnett. Bishop Arnett, as is well known, had been very active in the life of the University for more than thirty j^ears and was intimately associated with all the developments of the University during PRES. J. H. JONES, D. D. that period. Today we greatly miss him and as time passes and he recedes from us, around his name and memory will gather a sacred halo that will enshrine him forever in the history of Wil- berforce University. God, give us more such men as Bishop Arnett. Wilberforce University continues to be a visible center of christian evangelization. Every year during the quadrennium we have had great seasons of religious revivals. In these revivals scores of young men and young women have come to a saving knowledge of God and found it meet that they should first "seek the kingdom of Heaven." These people go out from our center to add to the christian lives of the communities whence they come and thus the University continues to be a religious force in the world that works constant^ for spiritual life. Property. Our inclusive Wilberforce has now three hundred and thirty (330) acres of school land rich in productive power, pure springs impregnated with sulphur and iron, and never-failing streams. This land possesses romantic scenes and great natural beauty and healthfulness. Located in southern Ohio as it is, accessible by trunk railroads to all sections of our country and particularly to the great South where millions of our people live, Wilberforce University is nothing less than the Mecca of the Negro Race. Hither they come in great numbers yearly. Great has been the increase of the University during this quadrennium along all lines except the increase of Endowment Funds. To the College proper, of the old Wilberforce Founda¬ tion, have been added one hundred fifty-seven and a half (157V2) acres of land valued at eighty dollars ($80. ) per acre or $12,600.00; live stock,— such as swine, cattle and horses,— and vehicles and agricultural implements and utensils valued at $10,000.00 ; a modern Library Building — the gift of Mr. Andrew Carnegie — worth $20,000. These additional properties together with the growth, in value, of the old campus of fifty-two ( 52 ) acres and the buildings, equipments, endowments and bills receiv¬ able, as will be shown by the Secretary's report here attached, -4 — gives the old foundation a property valuation of $233,029.13. To the C. N. and I. Department of the University, fostered by the State of Ohio, there has been added during the quadren- nium a new Industrial Building which, with its equipments, is valued at $70,000.00 — this building is known as Galloway Hall; three teachers' cottages, $10,000.00; Carpentry shop and equip¬ ments, $10,000.00; Heat, Light and Power Plant, $25,000.00. These additions and the thirty (30) acres of campus owned by this Department and the one-hundred (100) acres of farm land added to the buildings hitherto possessed by the Department gives a total valuation to the property of this Department $219,700. The Theological Department consists of ten (10) acres of land worth $4,000'00; buildings and equipments, $10,000.00; making a total valuation of $14,000.00. Thus it will be seen that the grand total valuation of our inclusive Wilberforce is $466,729.13. Departments. The Departments of the University embrace the College, The¬ ological, Normal and Industrial Departments. The courses taught are the Collegiate, Scientific, Law, Music, Theological, Academic, Normal, Art, Business, Shorthand and Typewriting, as literary courses,—eleven in all; to these are added Shop-work in Iron, Plumbing, Tailoring, Dressmaking, Millinery, Cooking, Shoe- making, Printing and Blacksmithing, as industrial courses or trades courses. In the eleven literary courses, we seek to prepare students in the educative arts; in the nine industrial courses, we strive to prepare students in the occupative arts. Wilberforce University, therefore, aims at the double purpose: first, Spiritual enlargement; second, industrial efficiency. These twenty courses, including the various departments, comprise the breadth of the University's operations. From the founding of the University until now 11,351 students have attended the University and 1,021 have graduated from the various departments up to this time. These graduates and under-graduates have gone into all parts of the world helping in the work of human amelioration, taking rank in the world of service and letters by the side of the best Negro graduates of any school in the United States. The teachers and preachers of our race sent out by Wilberforce Uni¬ versity stand in the front ranks of the intellectual, moral and industrial leaders of our country. Paul Quinn College, Edward Waters College, Morris Brown College, Allen University, Payne University, Payne Institute, Lincoln College, Alcorn University, Western University, Howard University, Shorter College, A. and M. University — Oklahoma, Livingstone College, Kittrell College, Tuskegee Institute, Hampton Institute, A. and M. College — Nor¬ mal, Alabama, the High Schools, Normal Schools, Grammar Schools and Industrial Institutes throughout the nation have felt the force and influence of Wilberforce University through her graduates who teach in them. Some of the best teachers in Wil¬ berforce University are her own graduates and some of the ablest preachers in the connection are the Theological graduates of the University who have gone out to do honor to themselves and and their Alma Mater. It is noteworthy that Msikinya, Maxeke, Charlotte Manye-Maxeke, Charles Dube, Adelaide Tantsi-Dube, James Tantsi, Thomas Warde, and K. S. E. Insaidoo are hard at work in far-away Africa bringing honor to them¬ selves, our race and our beloved Wilberforce. Special mention should be made of Rev. P. Alpheus Luckie who, after graduation, returned to British Guiana and founded at his native home, The Denmrara Missionary and Industrial Institute. Many are the worthy of this great institution who deserve mention, but time forbids. Attendance The attendance of the University has increased annually until to (lav we have not room to house students. Our enrollment this year was 466. If we had dormitory accommodations we could have 1,000 students; they come from every state in the Union, from the District of Columbia, the islands of the sea, East, West, and South Africa. Surely our Fathers builded better than they knew. The University Register shows the following attendance for the quadrennium: JAMES A. SHORTER HALL. Year. College. Theological. C. N. & I. Total. 1905, 211 25 176 412 1906, 208 21 213 442 1907, 222 21 200 443 1908, 236 23 207 466 877 90 796 1763 College. Theological. C. N. & I. Total. Teachers, 12 2 16 30 It is the aim and purpose of Wilberforce University to keep abreast of the times to the lull extent of the means at her command. It is not her purpose to ignore the useful trades and occupative arts, but while fostering them her purpose is never to lose sight of the real mission of education. She seeks primarily the enlargement of the soul of man through the development of the intellectual, moral and social nature. It is the belief of Wilberforce University that the best education is none too good for the Negro. Attached to the President's Report, I herewith submit a financial statement prepared by the Secretary of the University. Respectfully submitted, Joshua H. Jones, President, Wilberforce University IReport of tbe Secretary. *r To the General Conference of the A. M. E. Church Assembled at Norfolk, Va., May 4th, 1908: Reverend Dear Fathers and Brethren :—Another four years has gone into eternity. This flight of time brings the duty and honor of submitting to you a report of the doings of the Secretary's office for the four years, closing April 20th, 1908. The following are the financial statements ot receipts and expend- tures submitted and approved by the Trustee Board for the years 1905, 1906 and 1907 : receipts from all sources from april 20th, 1905, to april 20th, 1907. 1905. 1906. 1907. Tuition 3;9r3-74 $ 3,142.82 * 3'375-11 Contributions 1,650.00 12,936 00 12,417.22 Educational Day 615.00 1,158.10 5ii-i6 Interest received T, t54- 75 1,267.50 208.00 Borrowed 74Q-57 Dining Hall 166.50 Founders' Day 292.28 316.80 462.50 Annual Conference Col... 273.60 O M 00 206. 72 8% Dollar Fund .. 1,193.00 I, 240.00 1,200.00 Trustees Dues 215.00 429.00 525-5° C. N. & I. Dept 300.00 300.00 300.00 Miscellaneous 3 7 5 ■ 31 430.78 523-53 Brought forward 976 568 88 6-39 Totals ..$12,242.44 $25,414 65 $21,602.13 Grand total — 9 — DISBURSEMENTS FROM APRIL 20TH, I905, TO APRIL 20TH, 1907. 1905. 1906. T9°7- To Teachers $ 5,690.72 $ 8,644.07 $ 8,329.68 Improvements 2,065.31 9,438.05 5>°57-5° Dining Hall 166.50 Paid on Debt 4,278.47 7,045.76 8,386.07 Totals $12,064.50 $25,127.88 $22,002.48 Grand total $59,194.86 Following these will be a statement of the receipts and expendi¬ tures from June 1st, 1907, to April 20th, 1908. RECEIPTS FROM ALL SOURCES FROM JUNE 1ST, I907, TO APRIL 20TH, 1908. Founders' Day Rally $ 367 80 Tuition, Rent and Incidentals 2,166 13 Educational Day Rally 428 50 Interest received 602 91 Donations 8950 Askews Agency 17 50 C. N. & I. Department Appropriation 2,400 00 Special Collection, Library 31 35 Trustees Special Fund 1,128 00 Angeline Baker's Bequest 760 00 COLLECTIONS. North Ohio Conference 56 85 Ohio Conference 64 00 Eight per cent. Dollar Money Fund, North Ohio Conf 151 54 Eight per cent. Dollar Money Fund, Ohio Conference 115 55 Per Prof. Hawkins 905 00 ENDOWMENT. Collections, North Ohio Conference 196 84 Collections, Ohio Conference 158 87 Borrowed 525 00 Brought forward from last year 6 39 Total $15,187 99 — 10 — DISBURSEMENTS. FROM JUNE 1ST I907 TO APRIL 20TH, 1908. 1907. Order No. To whom and for what paid. Amount. June i i Ezra Woods, labor $ 3 oo 2 Chas. Watson, hauling 10 oo 3 Jefferson Embry, labor 2 00 3 4 H. P. Talbert, painting 36 00 4 5 H. C. Clay, postage 5 00 6 C. T. Street, white washing 295 5 7 Ezra Woods, labor. to 00 7 8 Talbert Bros, painting, 1906 15 00 8 9 David Walke, labor 3 00 10 J. M. Flewellen, labor 7 00 11 J. M. Flewellen, labor 7 88 12 12 Jas. Buford, plastering 600 15 13 Dayton A. & C. Co, tent 45 00 17 14 Otto L. Smith, tuning piano 3 00 19 15 Jno. Manye, whitewashing 880 16 Clarence Lee, whitewashing 6 30 17 Horace Hopkins, labor ..... 1 20 18 Hazel Wallace, labor 640 19 Ezra Woods, firing boiler 1400 20 Curtis Jenkins, firing boiler 780 21 Jefferson Emory, firing boiler 9 20 22 Citizens National Bank, interest 20 00 23 B. D. Binga, labor 3 35 24 Chas. F. Ayers, labor 90 25 Hugh Mallory, labor 90 26 Slocum Piano Co., note 41 70 27 Sue Crabb, note 230 13 20 28 W. B. Derrick, travelling expenses 20 00 29 J. M. Flewellen, labor 4 80 21 30 W. B. Chew, note 25540 31 Xenia National Bank, note 90 00 32 W. S. Scarborough, note 225 00 33 Xenia National Bank, note 72 00 34 Eliza Green, boarding trustees 30 75 -11 — June 21 35 J. P. Maxwell, boarding trustees $ 16 50 36 Spencer White, boarding trustees 1 25 37 W. A. Anderson, boarding trustees 8 00 38 Dovie Clark, boarding trustees — 14 50 39 Emma Anderson, boarding trustees 2 00 40 Edna Woodson, boarding trustees 36 00 41 S. F. Talbert, boarding trustees 81 00 42 F. J. Brown, boarding trustees 7 00 43 M. L. Arnett, boarding trustees 51 00 44 A. E. Bolden, boarding trustees 16 75 45 Julia A. Coleman, boarding trustees 30 00 46 M. E. Reid, boarding trustees .4 00 47 W. S. Scarborough, boarding trustees 18 00 48 B. F. Lee, boarding trustees 27 00 49 Susie I. Shorter, boarding trustees 24 00 50 Gussie E. Jones, boarding trustees 28 00 51 Wright, Cordell & Lawson, labor 1 50 52 Herbert Childres, labor 10 65 53 Curtis Jenkins, labor 1 20 22 54 J. R. Morman, labor... 5 55 55 C. S. Smith, clerical services 5 00 56 C. T. Street, refunded 5 00 57 B. D. Binga, labor 90 58 W. S. Scarborough, interest 27 12 24 59 Samuel Galloway, interest 1 80 60 Xenia National Bank, interest 8 40 61 Citizens National Bank, interest 490 26 62 J. H. Jones, salary 50 00 63 W. S. Scarborough, salary 5° 00 64 Horace Talbert, salary 20 00 65 Earl Einch, salary 25 00 66 B. H. Green, salary 4° °° 67 J. H. Jones, travelling expenses, Gillian .. 32 00 68 J. H. Jones, travelling expenses, Daggitt.. 35 00 69 Clyde Winslow, salary 1700 70 E. A.Clark, salary 25 00 71 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 3000 72 F. A. Lee, salary 15 00 O'NEIL HALL. — 13 — June 26 73 Paul Warrick, salary .$ . 17 00 74 Malvina Mitchell, salary 17 00 75 A. W. Asbury, salary 10 00 76 J. P. Maxwell, salary 3 00 77 Lillian R. Thomas, rent of cottage 5 00 28 78 Citizens National Bank, interest 54 95 July - 79 Xenia National Bank, interest 38 33 3 80 Dayton A. & Tent Co., tent 45 00 81 Earl Finch, salary 40 00 82 J. H. Jones, .salary 75 00 83 Horace Talbert, salary 40 00 84 B. H. Green, salary 40 00 85 E. A. Clarke, salary 50 00 86 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 25 00 87 F. A. Lee, salary 30 00 88 Paul Warrick, salary 22 50 89 Clyde Winslow, salary r7 5° 90 A. W. Asbury, salary 17 50 91 J. P. Maxwell, salary 5 00 5 92 H. C. Clay, postage 8 (so 93 Malvina Mitchell, salary I5 00 94 Jno. M. Lucas, boarding trustees 3 75 - 95 Jobe Bros., ribbons 3 00 96 Horace Talbert, sundries 10 54 6 97 F. A. Lee, interest 3 85 98 Wright & Carruthers, coal 100 00 99 Xenia Nat'l Bank, interest , 10 00 roo W. S. Scarborough, interest 500 10r W. S. Scarborough, interest 5 00 10 102 Citizens National Bank, interest 32 50 103 Ohio Fuel Supply Co., ^as 4 75 18 104 Isaac McCoy, refunded 5 00 105 C. S. Gee, travelling expenses 1 80 106 R. R. Downs, travelling expenses 3 00 107 W. B. Derrick, travelling expenses 25 00 24 xo8 Citizens National Bank, interest 8 90 109 Thrall's Drug Store, B. B. poison 1 50 Aug. 6 no Western Union Telegraph Co., services... 496 -u — Aug. 9 rii H. C. Clay, postage $ 8 oo 15 1x2 Chas. Watson, hauling lumber 1000 22 113 E. A. Clarke, salary S 00 23 114 Clay & Orr, postage 6 00 24 115 Sayre & Hemphill, paints 1 20 Sept. 4 116 H. P. Talbert, labor 1 00 117 Refitting Bed Co., pillows 1560 118 Aaron Black, refunded 50 00 5 119 Thrall's Drug Store, B. B. poison 1 50 6 120 Earl Finch, salary 1000 9 121 J. C. Conwell, hardware 4 45 122 The Ohio Fuel Supply Co., gas 75 17 123 Thos. L. Lowery, Ai Power's interest 14 50 124 Callie Bell, refunded tuition 5 00 125 C. S. Gee, travelling expenses 2 00 126 Horace Talbert, refunded 1 85 127 The Standard Oil Co., oil 7 20 128 T. B. Fleming, on account principal roo 00 129 D. K. Wolf, on account principal 50 00 19 130 W. S. Scarborough, interest on notes 28 00 131 W. S. Scarborough, interest on notes 12 00 132 B. H. Green, interest on notes 17 50 133 Catherine Cousins, interest on note 28 00 134 Delia Hill, on account note 10 36 *35 J- P- Maxwell, interest on note 7 00 136 Wright & Carruthers, coal account 100 00 137 R. D. Adair, old account in full 37 00 138 Baldner & Fletcher, old account 23 00 139 XeniaNat'l Bank, Maddox & Co., old acct.. 5000 140 Citizens Nat'l B'nk, Maddox & Co., old acct 50 00 141 N. A. Fulton, insurance account 10 00 142 C. M. Crouse, old account 10 00 143 W. F. Trader, old account 10 00 144 Talbert Bros., old account 10 00 145 Geo. L. White, old account 10 00 146 Alexander & Son, old account 10 00 147 R. Arnold, old account 10 00 23 148 Jas. Cordell, labor 1 50 — 15 — Sept. 24 149 D. K. Cherry, interest Monroe Fund $ 14 50 150 Lillian R. Mitchell, rent of cottage 17 40 151 Lillian R. Mitchell, rent of cottage 17 60 152 Citizens National Bank, interest 62 97 2 5 I53 Citizens National Bank, interest 25 00 154 Citizens National Bank, interest 25 00 26 155 R. C. Henderson, Rust Prize 6 00 156 F. A. Lee, salary 13 °° Oct. 2 157 W. P. Tafbert, painting '7 9° 158 Thrall's Drug Store, science department.. r 50 159 H. C. Clay, postage 4 oc 160 Earl Finch, salary 80 00 161 W. S. Scarborough, salary 120 00 162 B. H. Green, salary 90 00 163 E. A. Clarke, salary 10000 164 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 50 00 165 F. A. Lee, salary 47 00 166 Paul Warrick, salary 4500 167 T. G. Stewart, saliry 30 00 168 A. W. Asbury, salary 35 00 169 J. P. Maxwell, salary 10 00 170 S. P. Collins, lettering diplomas 4 25 171 L. B. Dean, livery hire 1 50 3 172 Wm. E. Talbert, firing boiler 9 50 4 173 Pinkston Howard, labor 17 50 174 B. H. Jamison, labor on stage 615 175 Horace Talbert, salary 80 00 8 176 W. S. Scarborough, interest 5 00 177 Jas. Buford, boiler work 16 00 178 H. E. Taylor & Co., stoves 400 10 179 Xenia National Bank, interest 39 90 180 Pennn. R. R. freight agent, freight 4 00 11 181 Sayre & Hemphill, glass 580 182 C. L. Babb, hardware 2 83 12 183 Malvina Mitchell, salary 3000 184 Wm. Harrison, hauling 2 00 185 Jobe Bros., cheese cloth 800 31 186 P. M. Alexander, board of trustees 75 — 16 — Oct. 31 187 J. H. Jones, salary $ 15° 00 188 Clyde Winslow, salary 35 00 Nov. 2 189 J. T. Harbine, Green note 50 00 4 190 J. H. Jones, salary 75 00 191 W. S. Scarborough, salary 60 00 192 E. A. Clarke, salary 5° 00 193 Earl Finch, salary 45 00 194 B. H. Green, salary 45 00 195 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 25 00 196 F. A. Lee, salary 30 00 197 Paul Warrick, salary... 2500 198 T. G. Stewart, salary 20 00 199 Malvina Milchell, salary 2000 200 Clyde Winslow, salary 22 50 201 A. W. Asbury, salary 22 50 202 J. P. Maxwell, salary 7 00 5 203 Citizens National Bank, on note account.. 200 00 204 J- T. Harbine Jr., Green note 51 00 6 205 A. W. Willis, labor 3 00 206 Xenia National Bank, interest 23 00 207 C. L. Babb, locks and knobs 2 10 208 McDowell & Torrence, lumber 4 00 209 Xenia National Bank, interest 29 70 210 Sayre & Hemphill, science department... 370 7 2x1 J. T. Harbine Jr., interest 73 9 2 c 2 Jno. T. Barnett, lumber 90 00 12 213 Citizens Nat'l Bank, interest on King note 90 00 214 W. B. Chew, printing 6 00 215 The Ohio Fuel Supply Co., gas 2 55 23 216 Wm. Harrison, hauling lumber 2 50 27 217 R. O. Moore, merchandise 890 218 Horace Talbert, salary 4000 Dec. 2 2 r 9 J. H. Jones, salary 15000 220 Clyde Winslow, salary 35 00 221 J. H. Jones, attorney fees, travelling exp. 60 06 222 Malvina Mitchell, salary last year 32 223 Paul Warrick, salary 1000 224 Paul Warrick, salary 35 00 — 17 — Dec. 2 225 Malvina Mitchell, salary $ 2000 226 W. S. Scarborough, salary 120 00 227 E. A. Clarke, salary 100 00 228 Earl Finch, salary 90 00 229 B. H. Green, salary 9000 230 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 50 00 231 F. A. Lee, salary 60 00 232 T. G. Stewart, salary 30 00 233 A. W. Asbury, salary 35 00 234 J. P. Maxwell, salary 10 00 235 Horace Talbert, salary 80 00 3 236 Pinkston Howard, labor 14 50 237 Thos. L. Lowery, int. on Ai Powers fund 14 50 238 Wm. E. Talbert, firing boiler 9 50 6 239 Citizens National Bank, Chew note 75 00 240 Citizens National Bank, int. Chew note... 36 66 241 W. O. Maddox&Co., interest 13 82 9 242 W. H. York, labor in coal 3 00 243 Jefferson Embry, labor in coal 6 15 244 Kelly Machine Mills, boiler repairs 6 00 245 C. L. Babb, rainbow packing, etc 4 10 246 Citizens National Bank, interest 1 72 247 W. O. Maddox & Co., interest 1 24 10 248 The Ohio Fuel Supply Co., gas 10 80 11 249 F. R. Durland, labor in coal 2 25 12 250 Chas. Watson, hauling 500 251 R. D. Adair, on account 75 00 252 Herbert Childres, labor in coal ' 8 90 J4 253 J- H. Jones, salary 7 00 254 J. P. Maxwell, salary 2 00 255 Earl Finch, salary 250 256 A. W. Asbury, salary 1 00 257 W. S. Scarborough, salary 5 00 258 W. A. Anderson, merchandise 5 00 17 259 Citizens National Bank, King note 9000 19 260 H. W. Cummings, labor in coal 500 20 261 L. P. Davis, hauling trustees 2 25 262 Secretary's office, stationery 420 PAYNE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. — 19 — Dec. 20 263 H. C. Clay, postage $ 12 21 264 Curtis Jenkins, labor 5 265 Curtis Jenkins, labor 2 266 W. B. Taylor, stoves 6 267 Thomas Bee Hive, merchandise 3 268 J. C. Conwell, hardware 1 269 Baldner & Fletcher, boiler grates 9 24 270 Henry Euell, labor 1 271 Earl Finch, salary 40 272 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 40 273 J. H. Jones, salary 100 274 Clyde Winslow, salary 20 275 B. H. Green, salary 40 276 Malvina Mitchell, salary.. ., 20 277 A. W. Asbury, salary 25 278 W. S. Scarborough, salary 70 279 Horace Talbert, salary 30 280 Xenia National Bank, interest 73 281 J. P. Maxwell, salary 10 282 Paul Warrick, salary 30 283 F. A. Lee, salary 40 284 T. G. Stewart, salary 25 285 E- A. Clarke, salary 65 27 286 Citizens National Bank, interest 14 28 287 Xenia Gas Fitting Co., fixtures 2 1908. Jan. 7 288 Alexander & Son, old account 10 289 N. A. Fulton, old account 10 290 R. D. Adair, old account 15 291 Xenia Gas Fitting Co., drain pipes 3 292 Hutchison & Gibney, cheese cloth 1 9 293 R. D. Adair, balance on cots 1 294 The Ohio Fuel Supply Co., gas 12 295 The Xenia National Bank, interest 54 296 Citizens National Bank, interest 4 10 297 Standard Oil Co., oil 10 16 298 James B. West, labor on museum 6 299 D. K. Cherry, interest on Ai Powers Fund 14 00 5° 25 00 78 92 00 *5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 60 40 00 00 00 00 70 75 90 88 89 00 70 5° — <20 — Jan. 18 300 B. H. Green, salary $ 20 00 301 Earl Finch, salary 2000 302 Horace Talbert, salary 2200 3°3 James C. Stewart, labor in coal 1 80 23 304 Robert H. Snead, work and material 3 15 24 305 H. H. Letcher, bell ringing 14 50 306 Horace Talbert, refunded 6 50 27 307 Jobe Bros., canvas, military department.. 2 70 308 W. B. Chew, examination paper 3 90 28 309 H. C. Clay, postage 5 00 29 310 Henry P. Talbert, repairs on sewer 8 00 30 3x1 Xenia National Bank, interest 28 06 312 Citizens National Bank, interest 2250 313 W. S. Scarborough, salary 60 00 314 Horace Talbert, salary 4000 315 E. A. Clarke, salary 50 00 316 Earl Finch, salary 45 00 317 B. H. Green, salary 45 00 318 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 25 00 319 F. A. Lee, salary 30 00 320 Paul Warrick, salary 22 50 321 T. G. Stewart, salary 15 00 322 A. W. Asbury, salary 17 50 323 Talbert Bros., painting, 1906 15 00 324 Malvina Mitchell, salary 15 00 325 J. P- Maxwell, salary 5 00 Feb. 12 326 J. M. Robinson, labor in coal 14 50 327 The Ohio Fuel Supply Co., gas n 40 328 Thrall's Drug Store, merchandise 2 50 329 J. C. Conwell, hooks for rack 1 50 330 Wm. Harrison, hauling 1 00 r8 331 John Massy, labor 2 50 22 332 W. H. York, labor in coal 4 75 27 333 W. B. Derrick, travelling expenses 35 00 334 C. S. Gee, travelling expenses 3 00 335 Chas. Watson, hauling 3 75 March 5 336 W. B. Chew, printing 3 00 7 337 Geo. L. White, paint 6 80 — 21 — 7 338 W. A. Anderson, merchandise 1 35 339 C. L. Babb, locks 1 65 10 340 The Ohio Fuel Supply CO., gas 17 25 12 341 J. H. Jones, salary 50 00 342 C. S. Gee, travelling expenses 2 45 343 Xenia National Bank, notes and interest . . 1012 00 344 Xenia National Bank, notes and interest . . 303 30 345 Citizens National Bank, note 1716 99 346 John T. Harbine, interest and note 171 12 347 Wright & Carruthers, coal 579 00 14 348 Galligher Electric Supply Co., old bill . . . . 53 00 349 W. 0. Maddux & Co., old note 436 16 350 Baldner & Fletcher, old bill 188 80 351 D. K. Wolf, old note 280 00 352 John P. Bocklet, boiler and repairs 88 19 353 R. D. Adair, furnishings 185 00 354 J. H. Jones, salary 25 00 355 Clyde Winslow, salary 20 00 356 Finance Committee, old bills 49§6 75T)0 16 357 Tarbox & Son, old bill, lumber 17 358 D. K. Cherry, interest Ai Powers Fund . . . 14 £0 359 Pinkston Howard, labor 14 50 360 C. F. Ayers, labor in coal 4 80 361 H. P. Talbert, firing boiler 15 00 18 362 Chas. E. Stewart, trumpets 20 00 363 W. E. Talbert, firing boiler 9 50 364 Paul Warrick, salary 10 00 21 365 Citizens National Bank, T. B. Clark note . 50 00 366 Citizens National Bank, interest 36 37 24 367 Brodie Powell, labor 22 75 25 368 Xenia National Bank, interest on note . . 32 85 27 369 F. A. Lee, salary 13 00 370 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 50 00 371 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 5 00 27 372 B. H. Green, salary 90 00 373 B. H. Green, salary 5 00 374 Malvina Mitchell, salary 30 00 375 Paul Warrick, salary 35 00 376 T. G. Stewart, salary 30 00 377 T. G. Stewart, salary 5 00 378 A. W. Asbury, salary 35 00 379 A. W. Asbury, salary 5 00 380 Earl Finch, salary 90 00 381 Earl Finch, salary 5 00 — n — March 27 382 J. P. Maxwell, salary 10 00 383 J. P. Maxwell, salary 6 00 384 W. S. Scarborough, salary 120 00 385 W. S. Scarborough, salary 10 00 386 E. A. Clark, salary 100 00 387 E. A. Clark, salary 5 00 388 Horace Talbert, salary 80 00 389 Horace Talbert, salary 5 00 390 F. A. Lee, salary 47 00 391 F. A. Lee, salary 5 00 28 392 W. A. Anderson, old account 10 00 393 Citizens National Bank, interest 17 50 394 I. A. McCoy, labor 10 00 395 W. B. Chew, printing 3 00 April 7 396 John E. Wilson, labor 2 80 8 397 James Buford, plastering 9 50 398 D. F. Caliman, traveling expenses 3 35 9 399 The Ohio Fuel Supply Co., Gas 3 75 10 400 W. S. Scarborough, salary 40 00 401 Malvina Mitchell, salary • 15 00 402 Chas. E. Stewart, salary 25 00 403 B. H. Green, salary 45 00 404 Earl Finch, salary 45 00 405 E. A. Clarke, salary 50 00 406 F. A. Lee, salary 30 00 407 Paul Warrick, salary 22 50 408 A. W. Asbury, salary 17 50 409 J. P. Maxwell, salary 5 00 410 Citizens National Bank, interest 8 75 April 13 411 T. G. Stewart, salary 15 00 ENDOWMENT FUND. Avery Fund $10,000 00 Monroe Fund 7 4,300 00 Goodyear Fund 1,670 00 James A. and Mariah Shorter Fund 2,000 00 First Educational District Fund 450 00 Quarto Centennial Fund 396 00 Wheeling Gaunt Fund (estimated) 5,000 00 Rust Prize Fund 100 00 Henry Gordon Fund 1,569 11 Ai Powers Fund 2,350 00 -n- Snowden Fund 100 00 Daniels Fund 4-20 00 Randolph Fund 6,404 81 Total $34,759 13 INDEBTEDNESS. Liabilities in notes $23,312 32 Teachers salaries last year 606 00 Teachers salaries this year 2,562 00 ^ /Stewart 2,160 00 Partus jHolmeg 3,500 00 Open account 860 65 Total $33,000 97 ASSETS. Campus, 62M> acres (Pi $400 per acre $ 25,000 00 Additional land, 157V& acres at $80 per acre .... 12,600 00 Buildings 132,000 00 Furnishings, equipments for school rooms and dor¬ mitories : . 12,000 00 Library books 6,000 00 Museum 3,000 00 Farm utensils, swine, cattle, horses and vehicles . . 10,000 00 Endowment 34,759 13 Loan to Payne Executors . . 2,000 00 Interest due from A. M. E. Book Concern 1,675 00 Interest due from all other sources 576 00 Due from the Callanan estate 2,500 00 Due from Walter Hall Stewart Memorial Fund . . . 1,219 00 Due tuition, rent and incidentals 1,500 00 • Balance in treasury 11 00 Total $233,029 13 Indebtedness 33,000 97 Assets above debt $200,028 16 — °25 — payne theological seminary. Campus, 10 acres (ai $400 per acre $ 4,000 00 Buildings and equipments 10,000 00 Total $ 14,000 00 c. n. & i. department. Campus, 30 acres (