(7£ ypluys1 -< rJL oU THE BLIGHTED Life of Methuselah. BY H. Roger Williams, M. D.„ NASHVILLE, TENN.: NATIONAL BAPTIST PUBLISHING BOARD. 1908. Copyrighted by H. Roger Williams, M. D.t Mobile, Ala. 1908. THE BLIGHTED LIFE OF METHUSELAH. A TREATISE FROM GENESIS v:27. SHOWING THE MANY OPPORTUNITIES WHICH METHUSELAH HAD FOR MAKING A CHRISTIAN RECORD, AND HOW BY GETTING THEM PASS UNNOTICED FOR NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE YEARS, HE DIED AND WAS LOST. THE TREATISE IS TO SAINTS AND SINNERS AS A WARNING AGAINST NEGLECTING THE OPPORTUNITIES THAT COME TO THEM DAILY FOR DOING SOMETHING TO MAKE THE WORLD BETTER FOR THEIR HAVING LIVED IN IT, AND CLEAR THEIR OWN PATHWAY TO ETERNAL GLORY. BY H. ROGER WILLIAMS, M. D., MOBILE, ALA. (3) H. Roger Williams. PREFACE. With earnest hope that this little book may lead some sinner to repent, or arouse some slothful Christian from the spiritual stupor into which so many have fallen, I send it forth to all who care to peruse its pages. What will become of it on the great ocean of opinions, whose thought waves, swept in billowy masses by the winds of controversy, lash the shores of Publication, and threaten to submerge this generation in a deluge of paper and print¬ er's ink, I know not; but I am satisfied that "God, who has watched while my weary toils lasted, will give me a harvest for what I have done. In His name I send it forth." The Author. (5) CONTENTS. PAGE. preface 5 chapter i. introductory 9 chapter ix. the I