5 \ mmi ordbr HEAD QUARTERS, DEPARTMENT QF WESTERN VIRGINIA, Charleston, Va., Sept. IT, 186$. Creneral Order, No. The Commanding General feels deeply sensible of his oblip- tion to treat all persons in arms against the Confederacy, ami who may fall into his hands, with the utmost humanity required by Christian eharity and the usages of war. In like manner, ali cit¬ izens who obey the laws, and repudiate their treason, will be treated with the clemency declared in thc^Commanding General's Proclamation. He has heard with deep mortification, that in a single instance, this rule has been departed from by the unauthor¬ ized order of one of his officers, but the wrong done will be promptly punished and redressed. All persons who have received arms of the public enemy are invited to bring their arms into eamp, and if they choose take service in the defence of the country. No punish¬ ment will be imposed on such persons. By order of MA J. GEN. ERRING. FITZHUGH. Chief of Staff. i |