GEEISPL HOSPITAL, TTO. 3, Lyncbfeorg, Jnly 1, 1863. The following Regulations are published for the government and guid¬ ance of the Patients of this Hospital. I. Patients entering the Hospital will be careful to give their full names, company and regiment to the Wardmaster correctly; in order that they may receive their letters promptly—that their friends may be enabled to find them without difficulty, and that the Hospital records may not be embarrassed. II. Passes will be given by the Wardmaster, and countersigned by the Clerk of the Hospital. They will be limited to such number daily as the Surgeon in charge may deem proper. No pass will be given until after the morning visit of the Medical Officer, and for no later .hour-than four o'clock, P. M. ; after that hour, they will, in special cases, be given by the Surgeon in charge. No passes will be given to patients 011 the day prece¬ ding the one they return to duty. III. Patients must invariably be in their Wards at such hours as the Medical Officer in attendance upon them, makes his visits. Absence from the Hospital at night is positively prohibited. IY. Patients will be cleanly in their persons and apparel; respectful and soldierly in their deportment. Profanity must be studiously avoided, and abusive language or insulting epithets, from one to another, is especi¬ ally forbidden. Y. Smoking in the Wards or passages, and spitting upon the floors, or from the windows and porches, is prohibited, and loud conversation in the Wards, shouting in the passages, and boisterous behavior within the Hos¬ pital enclosure, will not be permitted. YI. Patients are not allowed to visit and lounge in Wards of which they are not inmates, without obtaining the sanction of the Wardmaster. YII. They are also prohibited from defacing and injuring Hospital pro¬ perty. The value of any article wilfully destroyed, will be charged to the account of the patient destroying it. YIII. They are not permitted to bring into the Hospital, unripe fruit, or other eatables of an injurious character. The introduction of intoxicating liquors is especially and strictly forbidden. IX. Convalescents, not sufficiently recovered to return to the field, are subject to the orders of the Surgeon in charge for any light duty he may consider them able to perform. X. Every patient must retire by nine o'clock, P. M., in winter, and by ten o'clock, P. M., in summer; after which, all conversation must cease, in order that those who desire to sleep may not be disturbed/ XI. Should Wardmasters or Nurses fail in their respective duties to¬ wards those under their care, either by neglect, abuse, improper language, or capricious conduct, the latter will reiiort the delinguent to the Medical Officer in charge of the Ward, who will correct the evil. XII. Patients forcing a Hospital Guard, or wilfully infringing the Hos¬ pital Regulations, will subject themselves to unpleasant consequences. THOB. H. FISHER, Surgeon in Charge General Hospital, No. 3. ms