CIB.CULAR. mmwmwmm DSPA&ms«vi Milledgeville, Ga., June 10th, 1862. J To The Ordinary : Sir : By the 7th Section of the Educational Act of 11 Dec., 1858. as amended by act of Dec. 21, 1859, the Governor is authorized to draw his Warrant on the Treasurer for such sums as may be in the Treasury subject to distribution under said Acts, in favor of the Ordinary of each County, on the third Monday in November of each year ; provided the Ordinary shall have first furnished the Governor the following facts, viz : 1st. "The number of Children in his County between the ages of 6 and 18 years." This includes all free, white children between those ages, whether poor or rich. The Ordinary is expected to obtain this information from the digest of the Receiver of Tax Returns of his County, after such digest has been examined by the Grand Jury, and the names of such children as may have been left out by the Receiver, shall have been added to the rest. 2nd. The number taught the Elementary Branches of an English Education." Under this head you will give the number taught Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, in your county the present year, including all that have been, within the year, or are at school at the time you make the return. 3d. "The number taught the Higher Branches oe Education." In this class, include all such children as have been taught in any of the branches higher than Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. 4th. "The rates of tuition in the Elementary and Higher Branches." In doing this, set down the average rate, for the scholastic year, or other period of months, paid in your county, for teach¬ ing the Elementary branches ; also give the average rate for teaching the Higher Branches, in the same manner. The information embraced in the above four particulars is expressly required by the Statute, to be furnished to the Governor by each Ordinary ; and in addition to this, he is required to furnish "all other facts and statistics which His Excellency may require said Ordinaries to obtain and return, and which he may deem useful in aid of future legislation." Under this latter clause information is required of each Ordinary on the following points, viz: 6th. W hat per cent., (if any.) upon the State tax has been assessed bv the Grand Jury and Inferior Court of your county, this year, for school purposes; and what amount of money will such assessment probably raise. 6th. State the number of children in your county who are under 6 years of age who have attended school within the present year in the county ; and make a similar statement as to persons who are over 18 years of age, and who have attended school in the county. 7th. How many school-houses are there in your county, and how many schools have been, or are being taught in your county this year ? 8th. State the number of Teachers—how many males, and how many females—who have been engaged in teaching in your county the present year, and have received certificates of competency, ac¬ cording to law. 9th. Is there a county academy in your county? If there is, state whether or not a school has been taught in it this year, and for what period of time. You will take up the foregoing nine items, in the order in which they are above placed, and write out a plain and full statement or answer to each, and send by mail to this Department, in time to reach here by the 1st day of November next; first copying such return in a book to be kept in your office for that special purpose. To enable you to obtain the information necessary to make your return correctly, it will proba¬ bly be necessary for you to visit, in person, the different schools in your county ; and as a failure on your part to perform the duty imposed on you by the statues in furnishing the information required, will deprive your county of its part of the fund—with a knowledge that this is the penalty imposed by the Statute for such failure, it is not doubted but that you will be prompt, and that you will not permit your County to suffer by any neglect or oversight of yours. BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR : H. H. WATERS, Sec'y. Ex. Dep't.