Pi St Os i *3 iJ} %<& ©sis I :. MAY G, 1 SGI. military I-enjjnc beiwern ilie State of Xeninesseea.ua llio Conftderate Slates. By virtue of a. joint resolution of the General Assembly. lion's G. A. Henry, A.O. W. Totten an I Washington Harrow, were appointed by the Gov¬ ernor to confer with the Hon. 11. W. Hit.Li.uu), Com¬ missioner from the Confederate States, relative to the foimationof a Military League between the State of Tennessee and the Confederate Sates. Be¬ low we give the Governor's Message, announcing the formation of the league, together with the league itself. an«l the vote of the House of Representatives ratifying it: message of t1ie oovkrnok. Executive Department. | Nashville, May 7, 1861. ) Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives: By virtue of the authority of your joint resolu¬ tion. adopted on the l«t day of May, inst , I ap¬ pointed Gustavus A. Henry, of the county of Mont gomery, Archibald 0. W. rotten, of the county of Madison, and Washington Barrow, of the county of Davidson. "Commissioners, on the part ot Tennessee, toenter in o a Military League with the authorities of the Confederate States, and with the authorities of such other slaveholdirig Siates as may wish to enter into it; having in view the protection and de¬ fence of the entire South against the war that is now being carried on against it." The said Commissioners met the Hon nenry \V. ndliatd, the accredited representative of the Con¬ federate States, at Nashville on this day, and have agreed upon and executed a Military League be¬ tween the State of Tennessee and the Confederate States of America, subject, however, to the ratifica¬ tion cf the two Governments, one of the duplicate originals of which 1 herewith transmit for your rat¬ ification or rejection. For many cog nt and obvi¬ ous reasons, unnecessary to be rehearsed to you. £ respectfully recommend the ratification of this League at the earliest practicable moment. / Very respectful y, Isham G. Harris. Convention between the State of Tennessee, and the Confederate States of America. The State of Tennessee, looking to a speedy ad¬ mission into the Confederacy established by the Con¬ federate States of America, in accordance with the Constitution for the provisional Government of said States, enters into the following temporary Conven¬ tion, Agreement and Military League, with the Confederate States, for the purpose of meeting pressing exigencies affecting the common rights, interests, and safety of said States, and said Con¬ federacy. First.—Until the said State shall become a mem¬ ber of said Confederacy according to the Constitu¬ tion of both powers, the whole military force, and military operations, offensive and defensive of said State, in ibe impending coriflh.t with the United States. shall he under the chief control and direc¬ tion of the President of the Confederate States upon the same basis, principles and footing, as if said State were now, and during the interval a member of said Confederacy, said force, together with that of the Confederate States, to be employed for the commnn defence. Second—The State of Tennessee will, upon be¬ coming a member of said Confederacy under the permanent Constitution of 8"id Confederate Siates. if the same shall occur, turn over to said Confeder¬ ate States, all the puplic property acquired from the United States, on the same terms, and in the same manner as the other states of said Confederacy, have d one in like cases, Third—Whatever expenditures, of money, if any, the said state of Tennessee shall make before she becomes a member of said Confederacy, shall be met and provided for, by the Confederate States. This Convention entered into and agreed in the City of Nashville, Tennessee, on the Seventh day of M ty, A. D., 1861.by Henry W. Billiard, the daly author¬ ized commissioner to act in the matter or the Con¬ federate States, and Gustavus A. Henry, Archibald O. W. Totten, and Washington Barrow, commission¬ ers duly authorized to actiu like manner for the state of Tennessee—the whole subject to the approv¬ al and ratification of the proper authorities of both Governments respectively. In testimony whereof the parties aforesaid have herewith set heir hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid, in duplicate originals. Henry W. Milliard, [seal."] Commissioner for the Confederate States of America. Gustavus A Henry, [seal ] A 0. W. Totten, [seal J Washington Barrow, [seal.] Commissioners on the part of Tennessee. jotnt resoi.tction ratifying the i.eaoue. Whereas. A military league, offensive and defen¬ sive, was formed on this the 7tli < f May, 18(11, by and between A. 0. W. Totten, Gustavus A. ilenry, and Washington Barrow, Commissioners on the part of the State of Tennessee, and II. W. Milliard, Commissioner on the part ot the Confederate States of America, subject to the confirmation of the two Govf rnfaent"; Be il therefore resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That said league be in all re¬ spects ratifi. d and confirmed; and the said General Assembly hereby pledges the faith and honor of the State ot Tennessee to the faitbfLl observance of the terms and conditions of said league. Declaration of Independence of Tennessee. AN ACT to submit to a vo