A with The late Rev. Mr. WESLEY. DEAR BRETHREN, TlIE Truftees of the Methodift Chapels of LONDON and BRISTOL, beholding with the deepeft Concern, that fome of thofe Evils which were foretold by the Rev. Mr. Wefleys, are now creeping in amongft us, in Confcqucnce of a Departure from the original Plan ; find themfelves called forth, in Difcharge of their Duty to God and their Brethren, to bear a public Telftmony againft fuch Alterations and Innovations. ^ Although Mr. Wefley, by Dint of Importunity, near the Clofe of his Life, was prevailed upon to ordain a few of his Preachers far America and Scotland, he by no Means intended to extend it, or make it general. He was aware of the Confequences of a f ctarian Spirit amongft the Methodifls, and publicly and privately cautioned the People againft it. He faw clearly afterwards, the bad Effects the Ordination Plan was likely to produce, in promoting a Separation from the Church of England, and frequently fpoke on the Subject to the People at large, as well as to his Societies. And a few Months before his Death, he publilfed his Further Thoughts 011 Separation from the Church of England," in the Arminian Magazine, of April 1790, Page 214, of which the following is an Extract : " I never had any Defign of feparating from the Church. I have no fuch Defign now. I do not believe the " Methodifls in general defign it, when I am no more feen. I do, and will do, all that is in my Power to prevent fuch " an Event. Neverthelefs, in fpite of all that I can do, many of them will feparate from it: (although I am apt to " think not one Half, perhaps not a Third of them.) Thefe will be fo bold and injudicious as to form a " SEPARATE PARTY, which confequently will dwindle away into a dry, dull, Separate Party. In flat " Oppofition to thefe, I declare once more, that I live and die a Member of the Church of England; and " that none who regard my Judgment or Advice, will ever feparate from it." Thefe muft be confidered as his mod mature Reflections, founded on long Experience; and we have no Doubt in our Minds but all the Confequences he forefaw, will follow a Departure from our Connexion with the Church of England. But the Queftion, although principally, is not entirely, whether the Methodifts {hall feparate from the Church of England, but whether they (hall feparate from the Church, and every other Denomination with whom any of their Members have had any lntercourfe, and become a diffinft Body, independent of all. This we conceive, would be an open Violation of the real and avowed Principles on which the Societies were firft united together. When Mr. J. and C. Wesley became itinerant Preachers, and began to form Societies, they utterly difclaimed any Intention of making a feparate Party in the Nation. The Members of their Societies were conftantly exhorted to attend their refpeclive Places of Worlhip, whether the eftablifhed Church, or elfewhere ; and the Times of Preaching on the Lord's-Day, were ftudioufly fixed to give them LiDcrty fo to do. This would alfo make the Societies feparate Churches, which would entirely overturn the Conftitution and Spirit of the original Miflion. —Hitherto the Methodifts, though for the moft Part Members of the Church of England, yet juftly may be confidered to have been a Kind of middle Link between 11 religious Parties, uniting them in the Interefts of experimental Religion and fcriptural Holinefs ; and yet leaving them uninjluenced, and at full Liberty to follow their refpeftive Modes of Worfhip.—This has been their peculiar Situation and Calling; their glorying and boaft. But if the Methodifts become an independent Body, they depart from their Calling and lole their Glory. Therefore, we cannot, from this View of Things, encourage or fupport thofe Preachers who promote the new Plan of Ordination ; becaufe it appears to us, to fubvert the Original Conftitution of Methodifm, to overturn the Principles On which we firft held Communion with them; and is in dirett Oppofition to that Economy which we have hitherto been taught to confider as the Order of Providence. Tb«^MvH«+e»-oT-our GoT.forcTTccr-trWcr-TUjIc3