PRIOPOSALS FOR PRINTING BY SUBSCRIPTION / The LIFE Of the late Rev. J. "W E S L E Y, A. M. r By Dr. COKE and Mr. MOOR E. CONDITIONS. I. r | 1HAT this Work fhall be printed on a new Type and fine Paper. II. JL That it (hall be comprifed in one large Volume OHavo; the price Five Shillings, in Boards. III. That each Subfcriber fhall pay Two Shillings and Sixpence at the time of fub- fcribing; the remainder on delivery of the Book. Thofe who fubfcribe for fix Copies, fhall have a feventh gratis: TO THE PUBLIC. IN our firfl Propofals we did not mention Dr. Whitehead at all, becaufe we wifhed to fpare him. But he having obtruded our difpute on the Public in his Propofals lately publifhed, we think it our duty to undeceive thofe who may have been led aflray by his mifreprefentation of things. lft. Soon after the Death of Mr. Wefley, Meffrs. Wollf, Horton, and Marriott publifhed the fol¬ lowing Advertifement. " The Executors of the late Rev. J. Wefey think it neceffary to caution his numerous Friends and the Public againfl receiving any Jpurious or hafly account of his Life; as three Gentlemen, to whom he has bequeathed his ManuJ'cripts and other valuable Papers, will publifh an authentic Narrative as foon as it can be prepared for the PreJ's. " N. B. The true Account will be fgned by Mr. JVefey's Executors. City-Road, London, March 10, 1791-" The three Gentlemen were Dr. Coke, Dr. Whitehead, and Mr. Moore. 2dly. Soon afterwards Dr. Whitehead alone undertook to write the Life of Mr. Wefley for the Book-Room, viz. for the benefit of diflreffed Travelling Preachers, and the Wives and Children of Preachers, in thefe three Kingdoms. And he fignified to Mr. Rogers, as he confefles in a Letter which we have now in otfr pofleflion, that one hundred pounds would fatisfy him for his trouble. And. when a hundred guineas were allotted to him, he fignified his fatisfadlion. gdly. More than a month after this, he propofecl to keep, and foon afterwards did infill onkeep- ing the Copy-right, allowing to the Charity twenty-five per cent, for the fale of the Book, an allow¬ ance which the Bookfellers will give to any perfons who will undertake to fell their Books, giving them fecurity for the payment of the remainder. He gave one reafon indeed for this, which he alfo mentioned in a Letter now in our pofleflion, That if he did not proceed thus, it " would be an ad of injuflice to himjelf and family A gthly. For the fake of peace, the Committee appointed by the Conference offered Dr. Whitehead two hundred Guineas, which he refufed. They then offered half the nett profits of the Book for two vears, on condition that the Manufcript fhould be read and approved by them. This offer he alfo refufed. The Committee thought, that as fo large a fum of money, or fo much of the profits was offered to him on the part of the Conference, they as the Agents of the Conference ought to read and approve of the faid Book before it was printed : knowing that the Conference defigned them as its eye, in order that no improper publication fhould come out under the public fandlion of the Connexion. And this trufl now exercifedby a Committee the late Rev. Mr. Wefley thought proper to exercife by himfelf alone for half a Century ; yea, even in refpeHto the works of that man, whom of all men he mofl highly efleemed, the kite Rev. Mr. Fletcher. And though Dr. Whitehead, in a meffage deli¬ vered by one of the Executors, called the Committee illiterate men, we mufl inform the Public, that the majority ofjbem have received an education far fuperior to that of the Dodtor, being Graduates of two of the firft Univerfities in Europe. ~"~5thly.~ We mufl alfo add, that the following Gentlemen, who intreated us to write a Life of Mr. Wefley, viz. Meffrs. Mather, Dickenfon, Valton, Rogers, Taylor and Clarke are, with Dr. Coke, Executors for all the Books, Pamphlets and Copy-rights of the late Rev. Mr. Wefley, amounting to near five thou [and pounds in value, as their Probate, granted them by the Prerogative Court of Can¬ terbury, teftifies : And the other three who have figriecl Dr. Whitehead's Propofals, are not Executors for any of the Books, Pamphlets or Copy-rights of the late Rev. Mr. Wefley, or for any part of them, but only for fome particulars amounting to lefs than one hundred pounds in value, as their Probate teflifies. Dr. Whitehead now fays that he will give the profits of his Book to the Poor. But we mufl ob- ferve, that if the Poor get any thing by it, they may thank us for it. To conclude. We trufl, with the aid and blefling of Almighty God, we fhaU be able to publifh fucjfi a Life as will not be a difhonour to the venerable Charadler which will be the Subjedl of it. London, - THOMAS COKE, Dec. 8, 1791. ■* f HENRY MOORE. *** The profits wilkbe entirely employed at the fole direflion 01 the Conference, as the profits of all the other Books will be, forThe propagation of the Gofpel in thefe three Kingdoms and in France. >G . TO B S C1II FT IONS are taken mby G. Whitfield, at the Chapel, in the City-Road ; K. Rod da", "No. 11, Weft-Street Chape'l; J. Parfons, No. 21, Paternofter-Row; W. Kent, No. 116, Holborn; Warr, Red-Lion-Paffage, Holborn; F. Hunt, No. 23, New Broad-Street, near Broker's-Row, Moor- .• f fields; C. Reidel, No. 13, Crown Street, Soho; R. Graham, at the Chapel, Old Gravel-Lane, Wap- pintr ; and at all the Methodift Preaching-Houfes in Town and Country. N. B. We hope that the Life will be publifhed bv next Ladv-Day. /