in#? **#■ to the M E O R Y of The Rev. JOHN Who departed this Life, March 2, i 79 r? In the Eighty-eighth Year of his Age. H AIL, awful Shade !--•prophetic Ghoft, all hail! Farewell thy Labours—and their Lofs-^-farewell. Gone—yet not dead^~Thy Memory (till fhall live, While Time, and Truth, and Gratitude, furvive. Deep in their Breafts, whom Mercy gives to fee, What Love referves for them fhe loves like Thee* Thy foul at reft,—thy griefs no more fhall feel The ftabs of Envyi or the ftings of Zeal: Thy hoary hairs brought down in peace (hall ileep, Where forrow fmiles, and grief forgets to weep; Where they repofe, who here no reft could find, From bigot-hands, or vizor d hearts unkind. Safe from them all,—thy heart no longer pain'd, Thy feelings tortur'd, or thy honour ftain'd, Thy Self art gone—and more than Self above-, Abforpt in rapture—as ahfolEd in love. Eternal Meed ! that waits the righteous dead : When the vaft weight fhall load the Martyr's head, Then fhall thy labours and their charge be own'd, Thy worth acknowledge, and thy temples crown'd!