BY-LAWS OF NASHYILLE COMIANDERY No. 1, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR & APPENDANT ORDEBS, NASHYtLLE, TENNESSEE. NASHVILLE: PRINTED BY BANG, WALKER & CO. 1859. BY-LAWS OF NASHVILLE COIMANDERY No. 1, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR & APPENDANT ORDERS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. NASHVILLE: FEINTED BY BANG, WALKEE & 00. 1859. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. The regular meetings of the Commandery shall be held on the third Thursday of every month. The hour of meeting shall be 6 o'clock P. M. from September to March inclusive; and at P. M. during the remainder of the year. ARTICLE II. At a called meeting any other business may be transacted, if the time permits, than that for which it was called. ARTICLE III. The Officers of the Commandery shall consist of an Eminent Commander, Generalissimo, Cap¬ tain General, Prelate, Senior Warden, Junior War¬ den, Treasurer, Recorder, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warder, three Captains of the Guards, and Sentinel, who shall be severally elected, at the stated meeting in October annually. 4 BY-LAWS. ARTICLE IV. No Sir Knight shall be deemed legally elected to any office, unless he shall have received a majority of all the votes given; and no Sir Knight shall be eligible to any office, or be permitted to vote, who shall be in arrears for six months to the Commandery at the time of such election. ARTICLE V. The Officers of the Commandery shall rank as officers of the Council of Red Cross Knights, as follows: Eminent Commander, as Sovereign Master; Generalissimo, " Chancellor; Captain General, " Master of the Palace; Prelate, cl Prelate; Senior Warden, " Master of Cavalry ; Junior Warden, " Master of Infantry; Treasurer, " Master of Finance; Recorder, " Master of Despatches; Standard Bearer, " Standard Bearer; Sword Bearer, " Sword Bearer; Warder, " Warder; Sentinel, " Sentinel; BY-LAWS. 5 And officers of the Council in their respective spheres shall be invested with all the powers and discharge the various duties required of them as officers of the Commandery. ARTICLE VI. The Eminent Commander shall have it in spec¬ ial charge to see that the By-Laws are duly ob¬ served, together with the provisions of the Gene¬ ral Constitution; also, that fair and accurate re¬ cords of the proceedings of. the Commandery are kept and that just accounts are rendered. He shall cause regular returns to be made annually, to the Grand Recorder, and see that the general annual dues are promptly paid; he shall have authority to call special meetings at pleasure, and shall at all times require the observance of the strictest deco¬ rum and propriety, and the affairs of the Com¬ mandery to be conducted in every particular ac¬ cording to ancient and solemn usage. ARTICLE VII. The Treasurer shall receive and take charge ot all the funds of the Commandery; he shall keep a just and accurate account of the same, pay all 6 BY-LAWS. orders drawn on him under authority, faithfully account for all monies in his hands and exhibit a fair and correct statement to the Eminent Com¬ mander or to.the Commandery when required. ARTICLE Ylir. The Eecorder shall keep an accurate journal of the proceedings of the Commandery, make out and transmit all communications and returns that are necessary to be sent to the Grand Encampment, U. S. A., and do all writings necessary to facili¬ tate any business of the Commandery—which several duties he shall discharge under the advice of the Eminent Commander. He shall pay over all monies he receives to the Treasurer, who shall receipt to him therefor; keep an account with the Treasurer, and with each member of the Com¬ mandery, and when required by the Eminent Commander or Commandery, present an accurate exhibit of all his proceedings. He shall carefully preserve all petitions, reports and all other papers of the Commandery, and have charge of the books and seal, and as a compensation for his services he shall receive one dollar for each meeting. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE IX. It shall be the duty of the Sentinel to attend the meetings of the Commandery, to serve sum¬ mons and other notices, and to perform such other duties appertaining to his office as maybe required. He shall have the immediate charge of the i ooms and furniture of the Commandery, and shall cause them to be kept in proper order, for the transac¬ tion of business, and comfort of the members. He shall also perform the duties of a Steward, and as compensation for his services, he shall receive the sum of two dollars for each meeting. ARTICLE X. The fee for conferring the orders of Knighthood in this Commandery shall be thirty dollars; ten dollars of which sum shall accompany the petition, and the remainder shall be paid to the Recorder previously to the orders being conferred upon the petitioner, and each petitioner shall also pay the further sum of five dollars to the Steward, to be disbursed under the direction of the Commandery. Should the petitioner be rejected, the money ac¬ companying his petition shall be returned. The 7 8 BY-LAWS. fee for membership shall be five dollars, which sum must accompany the petition of the Sir Knight desirous of becoming a member. ARTICLE XI. Any Sir Knight who may have demitted or withdrawn from the Commandery, may be re-ad¬ mitted without charge, and any Sir Knight may be admitted a member for li fe and be exempt from the payment of all dues thereafter, by the pay¬ ment of the sum of twenty-five dollars. "ARTICLE XII. Every petitioner for the orddrs of Kighthood, or for membership, shall make application in writing, and shall be vouched for by two members. If the peti¬ tion be received, it shall lie over one Lunar month for consideration, and a committee of three Knights Templar shall be appointed by the Eminent Com¬ mander, who shall scrupulously examine into the character and fitness of the applicant, and report upon the same. . After the report of the Commit¬ tee he shall be balloted for, and a unanimous vote in favor of the applicant shall be necessary for his admission. If on the ballot being taken, there BY-LAWS. 9 shall appear but one negative vote, the ballot shall be repeated; but if upon the second ballot there shall remain a negative vote, the petitioner shall be rejected. ARTICLE XIII. Every Companion who shall be elected to re¬ ceive the orders of Knighthood in this Comman- dery, and does not apply to receive the same with¬ in three months after being notified of his election, shall forfeit his privilege, unless he shall give a satisfactory excuse for his neglect, and the money which accompanied his petition shall be forfeited to the charity fund. ARTICLE XIV. The petitions of applicants ft>r orders of Knight¬ hood from without the limits of Davidson coun¬ ty, where there is no Commandery of Knights Templar, may be acted upon instanter. ARTICLE XY. Every member of the Commandery shall pay the Recorder, the sum of one dollar semi-annually, to wit : at the stated meetings in April and October. 10 BY-LAWS. ARTICLE XVI. If any member shall be in arrears for dues for the term of twelve months, and refuses or neglects to pay the same after application is made to him for that purpose, he may be suspended from all the rights, benefits and privileges of the Orders of Knighthood by a vote cf two-thirds of the mem¬ bers present, or his name may be stricken from the roll of membership by a vote of a majority of the members present; but the Commandery re¬ serves the power to excuse the payment of dues of any member in the peculiar circumstances arising from age, inability or unavoidable absence. ARTICLE XYII. In case any member is stricken from the roll of membership, for non-payment of dues, as provided in the preceding Article, such person shall not have the privilege of again being admittted to membership unless he shall have previously paid all dues standing against him at the time his name was stricken from the roll, together with the fee required in Article X. for membership. BY-LAWS. 11 ARTICLE XVIII. The Eminent Commander, Generalissimo and Captain General, shall be a Standing Committee of Charity, to whom all applications for relief shall be referred, and a majority of whom shall have power to draw on the Treasurer for any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars without special au¬ thority from the Commandery. This committee shall report to the next stated meeting the sums granted by them, ARTICLE XIX. Every Sir Knight shall have a right to with¬ draw from membership at any time, by asking leave in open Commandery, and producing the Recorder's receipt for all dues, or the Recordei stating such to be paid; provided there are 110 charges against him. ARTICLE XX. Every Sir Knight of this Commandery shall subscribe his name to these By-Laws, in a Book to be kept for this purpose. RULES OF ORDER. 1. Whenever the Council or Commandery is about to be opened the members shall observe profound silence. No Sir Knight shall be permit¬ ted to move from his place in the Hall or Cham¬ ber during the progress of any work except for the furtherance of the same, or be permitted to leave before adjournment without permission of the presiding officer. 2. Every Sir Knight shall stand when he speaks, and shall address himself to the presiding officer with respect and decorum, and shall confine him¬ self to the subject under discussion ; he shall not be interrupted while speaking unless for a breach of order. 3. If any Sir Knight is called to order for trans¬ gressing these rules, and is guilty of a second of- BY-LAWS. 13 fence of the same nature, the presiding officer may peremptorily order him to leave the Com- mandery for that evening. 4. The report of all committees shall be made in writing, and signed by at least a majority of the committee, otherwise they shall not be re¬ ceived. 5. No question shall be put unless it be seconded, and it shall not be open for discussion until stated by the Chair, when the same shall be determined by & majority of the members present. 6. Every member when a question is put shall vote thereon, unless for special reason he shall be excused, and the vote on any question shall be taken by ballot at the request of three members. 7. Every resolution shall be reduced to writing if the Chair or any member desire it. 8. All committees shall be appointed by the Chair, unless otherwise ordered by the Comman- dery or Council. 9. No Sir Knight shall be permitted to enter n BY-LAWS. the Council Chamber or Commandery without his appropriate clothing. J3P~Should any alteration be proposed to these Ry-Laws, and Rules of Order, they must be sub¬ mitted in writing and read at a stated meeting. At the next monthly meeting they may be called up, and if agreed to by two-thirds of the members present they shall become a part of the same.