THE NASHYILLE, STATE OF TENNESSEE, AND GENERAL COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY- FIRST PART COMPLETE FOR NASHVILLE- SECOND PART Containing' the Post Offices, Address and Business Reference of the Principal Dealers and Professional JTIen in the State of Tennessee, THIRD PART Contaiaing the Cards and Business Reference of the Principal Commission* Wholesale and Importing Merchants of the City of Charleston* S. C.» the Cities of Savanah* Au« gusta* Macon* Atlanta and Rome* Ga. And Reference to the Principal Dealers in the Towns and Cities of a part of South Kentucky* and a part of North Alabama. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. v6lume i. nashville: PRINTED AT THE DAILY AMERICAN BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE- 1853. PREFACE. Solomon said that to the " making of books there is no end.3" So we may readily conclude that till the end of the world we will not come to the end of making books. We live in an age of progress. And in nothing is it m©r© distinctly marked than its facilities for imparting knowledge through the Printing Press. This mighty enginry exerts a. most controlling influence upon the political, literary, moral and commercial interests of the world. In this light, much responsibility attaches to the making of books. The following work is intended for the Professional and Business Public—a class of men large, respectable and im¬ portant to .the welfare and prosperity of the country. The question has been often asked, " Can a Merchant, Lawyer or Doctor be a good man—an honest man—a christian ?" Such a question has its foundation either in ignorance or depravity. There can be nothing in these highly important and responsible relations of society incompatible with the strictest probity and purity. Intrigue and quackery may for a. time delude the ignorant and credulous, but they never fail in the end to bring shame and odium upon themselves. Honesty and industry never fail to bring their appropriate rewards—prosperity and happiness. The object of the Commercial Directory is to afford to» Wholesale Jobbers and Retailers protection against imposition®,, inspire confidence and furnish facilities in the transaction ©f business. If anything can be done to secure the Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer against losses, in the same proportion h Iv PREFACE. the Retailer and his customers secured from loss. Integrity in trade will secure uniformity in percentage. Thus the links of trade being equal and uniform, each will be alike strong and productive to the good of the whole. The Commercial Directory will recommend no one who has neither experience nor capital. The author has devoted much care and labor in preparing this volume. He respectfully tenders a tribute of gratitude to his friends, and especially to the Clerks of the County Courts of the State of Tennessee, for valuable aid given him by forwarding lists of professional gentlemen and prudent Merchants and Dealers, in their res¬ pective Counties. Notwithstanding his earnest labors and the aid of valued .friends, he sees wherein a longer time to prepare the work would have made it more complete and satisfactory. This he will have an opportunity to do in the 2d Yolume. The very large subscription list procured in so short a time for its publication, affords conclusive evidence of the demand for such a work ; and at the same time, imposes an obligation of gratitude upon the author, (although language cannot express,) he will endeavor to liquidate by unremitting zeal and labor to subserve their interests. To his kind patrons and the Business Public the work is respecifully dedicated. JOHN P. CAMPBELL, Editor & Proprietor. NASHVILLE. The Capitol of Tennessee is a beautiful City, on the South bank of the Cumberland -River—population about Twenty Thousand. Its growth in wealth and population has never been very rapid at any time, yet it has held an even, onward progress in such physical and moral wealth as forms the permanent basis of true greatness. No City in the South is more justly celebrated for its intelli¬ gence, morality, and courtsey to strangers. Its Sabbaths are quiet and orderly, and its Pulpits and Churches well filled. True, there is a good deal of attention to dress, personal neatness and polite deportment, but no such invidious distinc¬ tions as are sometimes created by wealth or place. The subject of general education has never received that favor and patronage which the State or City Council could and ought to have afforded, yet the zeal and public spirit of private individuals have succeeded in establishing a number of High Schools of a character inferior to none in the West and South. The Medical Department of the Nashville University is in a flourishing condition—over 150 young gentlemen of high promise are now prosecuting their studies successfully. The Professors are gentlemen of the highest order of talents and have the ability and laudable ambition to place the Institution on an equal footing with the very best in the United States. The Nashville Female Academy, under the Presidency of Rev. C. I)- Elliot, aided by an able Board of Trustees, has over Three Hundred and Fifty young Ladies. This Institution has vi NASHVILLE. fceea in successful operation about thirty years, (the present incumbent fifteen years,) during which time it has been blessed with increasing prosperity and success. It has sent out a greater number of graduates who have taken high positions in society than any Institution West of the mountains. Its Aparaius, Boarding Department, Board of Teachers, beauty sand healthfulness of location, will compare favorably with any Institution for young Ladies in the United States. Nashville, the State, the whole South may well be proud of such an Insti¬ tution. The Nashville Ladies College, under the Presidency of Kev. Robert A. Lapsley, D. D., stands deservedly high in the confidence of the public. It occupies the spacious and beautiful apartments of the Masonic Hall, on Spring Street. Although it has been but a few years in operation, it com¬ bines all the advantages of a thorough course of classic Eng¬ lish and ornamental education. It has about 170 young Ladies —an able Board of Teachers and an experienced President. A good Boarding Department will place it in favorable compar¬ ison with the best Schools in the country. Nashville Female Institute, under the Presidency of Rev. C. Carrol] Bitting, and an able Board of Teachers, is well sus¬ tained. Prof. N, Cross & Son have charge of the Classical School for Young Men and Boys. This High School supplies the place of the Nashville Uni¬ versity, which is suspended until new and magnificent buildings are erected—for which ample means are at*command. The Normal School, for young Ladies, in the basement of the Protestant Episcopal Church, is ably conducted on a cheap and excellent plan, that must succeed well. Mrs. Norton, Principal. Mess Coleman's School for Young Ladies is one of long and high standing. The House of Industry, for poor girls, under the supervis¬ ion of an excellent and benevolent Lady, is doing much good and is an object of interest to the City. The Orphan Asylum, (Protestant,) under the supervision of Mis. Maiy A. Powel Miss M. E. Sykes, Teacher, is indeed NASHVILLE. vii what its name indicates, and commends itself to the charity and confidence of the public. Bishop Miles' School is ably conducted. The Sisters of Charity, laborious ahd self-sacrificing, are doing much to edu¬ cate the poor. Many other private Schools are in successful operation—scattering light and blessing in the City. Perhaps no City of its size has as many papers to read as Nashville. There are six Dailies, six Tri-Weeklies, nine Weeklies and six Monthlies—all well read and well sustained. Within a few years a number of Manufactories and Machine Shops have been established upon a basis of capital and expe¬ rience, which have already rewarded the enterprising projectors. Manufacturers and capitalists from abroad are looking to Nashville as admirably suited for a Manufacturing City. Why not? It is surrounded by extensive tracts of rich and never- failing lands,-capable of supplying any market in the world. It is now connected by Railroads with Charleston, S. C., and Savannah, Ga.—both wealthy Commercial and Importing Cities. It will soon be connected with inexhaustible fields of Iron and Coal. It is a point where Cotton, Tobacco, Hemp, Grain and Stock growers all meet to negociate their sales. The country around is unsurpassed in beauty, wealth and loveliness. Nashville is not surpassed in beauty and healthful- ness by any city. Every intelligent visitor, as well as every intelligent citizen, augers for it a glorious destiny. PLAN OF NUMBERING HOUSES. By order of the City Council, Spring Street is made the Centre, from North to South. Every street crossing Spring begins with No. 1 N. and No. 1 S. The Streets running East and West begin with No, 1 at the River, and so"count out to the end. The even Nos. are on the right, and odd Nos, on the left. Vacant lots have their Nos. so that any new building may be numbered without deranging the former Nos. The Streets that cross Spring beginning at the River, are Front, Market, College, Cherry,Summer, High, Vine, Spruce and McLemore. Those running parallel with Spring, are on the North, Union, Deaderick, Cedar, Gay and Line. Those parallel with Spring, on the South, are Broad, De- mumbrane and Franklin. DIRECTORY FOR NASHVILLE. A Abercrombie Robert, 100 Cedar st. Aeklin J. A. SM 5 S Cherry st, Adams John, 55 Cedar st. Adams , 84 N College st. Adams £. W., carpenter, 67 S Summer st. Adams Mrs. Louisa, 91 Cedar st. Adams A., engineer, 79 S Summer st, Adcocke R., 148 S Market st. Aginsberger Joseph, 74 S Cherry st. Aimison Mrs. Louisa 73 Cedar st. Akin F,, col'd, 74 N College st. Akin M., 100 S College st. Akin John, drayman, 90 S College st. Allison Alexander, 9 N Summer st. Allen F. M„ harness maker, 95 N Cher¬ ry st. Allen E. H., 15 Crawford st. Alley John, 164 S Market st. Alley V., 98 S College st. Alley R. C., watchman, 126 S Cherry st. Altmier F., 53 N College st. Ament,Samuel M., moulder, Nashville Foundry. Amison H., family groceries, 112 S Mar¬ ket st. Ambrose Joseph, coffee house, 168 N Front st. Amour Andrew, 1 N Cherry st. Anderson Charles, clerk R. R. Depot, 6 N Vine st. AndersonS. R., Edgefield, N of River. Anglin Mrs. L., 141 N College st. Anderson Joseph, wood workman, 95 N Cherry st. Anderson Oliver, clerk, 40 S Market st. Anderson William, tailor, 69 N High st. Anthony P., 87 S Summer st. Armstrong George, barber, 30 N Front st. Armstrong Mrs, N.,150 N Cherry st. Armes W. J., coach trimmer, 56 Line s Arthur John, 37 Union st. Ashley Mrs, M. L., 79 Linest. Atkinsou H. L., 15 public square, Ayres F. S., carpenter, 20 S High st. B Baker Rev. Samuel, D. D., 30 N Summer st. Baker M.. stone cutter, Sloan's marble manufactory. Baker L. D., 36 S Summer st. Baker L. D., 13 Cedar st. up stairs. Bain William, 97 S Summer st. Bailey , 85 N Market st. Bang W. P., 91 N College st. Bankhead James, 32 N High st. Bannister J. A., printer, Ben Franklin Office. Barry D. H., printer, Advocate Office. Barry R. H., printer, Advocate Office. Barry John G-, 69 Union st. Barry John, 47 N College st. Bailey A. C., salesman, 54 public square. Bass E., free col'd, 9 Crawford st. Bassett E. Norton, 112 N Cherry st. Bassford W. S., 9 & 11 S College st. Bass John M., president Union Bank, 82 Spring st. Batchelor Miss Sophronia, 136 N Cherry st. Barrett C., free col'd, 40 Line st. Barker Miss Martha, 123 N College st. Batte A., col'd, carpenter, 7 S Front st. Baugh Van A , wagon shop, 79 S College st. Baugh John, carpenter, 20 S High st. Bayless W. B., Broad st. Pike 1 m. from city. Bayne James, 169 S Market st. Barnard Joseph, 91 Spring st. Becker C., 61 S Front st. 12 NASHVILLE DIRECTORY. Beasley Thomas, 1 Union st, Beaties Lewis, shoemaker, 4 N Front st. Beatman John, 138 S Cherry st. Beathshears Mrs. S., 142 N College st. Beaumont E„ clerk, 17 Broad st. Beech L. F., clerk, 22 public square. Beech James, 107 N College st. Bedford W. II.,50 N Cherry st., up stairs. Bell Mrs. Jane, 71 S Summer st. Bellsnydfer Thomas, Captain of steamer Nashville, 80 Broad st. Bell R. C., clerk, 6 public square. Bell Robert, livery stable, 5 & 7 N Mar¬ ket st. Bell James T., Gazette Printing Office. Bell Robert, 8 N Market st. Bell Mrs. Caroline, 49 N Summer st. Bennet A., 44 N McLemore st. Benton N. A., 155 N Cherry st. Bethsheares James, 57 N College st. Berry W. T., 2 miles from city on Frank¬ lin Pike. Berry James, 13 S College st. Berry Charles, 5 Locust st. Betts 0., carpenter, 36 Gay st. Bingham F. G., 41 Union st. Birthright L. A., 49 N Market st. Birthright , 162 N Front st. BirchettD. A., stone mason, 36 S Front st. Bishop A. ,C., carriage maker, at Ira Stout's. Bishop C. C., wheelwright, at Ira Slout's. Bitting C. C., school teacher, 107 N Col¬ lege st. Blakely P., 123 N Market st Bland James, clerk, 11 Union st. Bleier F., eating house, 5}^ Broad st. Bledsoe Mrs. H., 154 NFront st. Blount W., carpenter, 53 N Spruce st. Bollard W. EL, 99 N College st. Bostick James A., salesman, 50 Broad st. Bowman J. H., 126 S Summer st. Bothermel E. M., stone cutter, Sloan's marble manufactory. Booker A., carpenter, 128 N Front st. Boyd Mrs., 161 N Front st. Boyle B., 37 Union st, Boyer S. G., 157 S Market st. Boyd W. S., 93 N Summer st. Boyers Thomas, Mansion House, N Mar- kct st* Bramble C. J., 100 N Market st. Brantley T. M., carpenter, 13 N Spruce st. Brandon George, harness maker, 1% S Bradby K.fl39 N College st. Bradshaw L., free col'd, 70 S Summer st. Bransford L. M., 89 N Summer st. Branch K., carpenter, 158 S Summer st. Branch Dilcy,col'd, 111 N Market st. Branch Mrs, Louisa, 151 S Summer st. Breimon Thomas, 6 N Vinest. Breen Charles, 4 N Market st. Brinkly W. H., watchman, 66 Spring st. Brien L., col'd, 34 Line st. Brennan T. W., sup't locomotive depot Nash. man. co. * Brient Mrs. M., 36 Crawford st. Brooks Mrs, N., Ill S College st. Brown Samuel, Nashville Inn. Brown G. B., True tV hig Printing Office. Brown J. P., 61 S Summer st. Brown Robert, 83 S Summer st. Brown G. A., 62 N Vine st. Brown Mrs. J. R., 33 N Cherry st. Brown Mrs. L., 58 Cedar st. Brown J. T., carpenter, 17 Gay st. Brown William, plasterer, 75 Cedar st. Brown, free col'd, 983^ College st. Bruce J. R-, 49 Spring st. Brunne John, 91 N Market st. Bryan H., clerk, 38 Broad st. Bryant J., 49 N Front st. Bryan S., 109 S College st. Byrn C., book keeper, 12 Broad st. BuggS. H., 88 N Cherry st. Bullard George, 39 N Market st. Bunton W., 43 S Front st. Bnrns M., 101 N College st. Bums Mrs. R„ 146 N College st. Burns William,49 N Market st. Burnley H. R., blacksmith, 13N Spruce st. Butler John, 172 S Market st. Butler W. A., clerk, 50 public square. Butler M., sup't at Gas Works, 123 N Front st. Burlington James, gun smith, 25 S Col¬ lege st: Burk P. H., painter, 30 S College st. Burt W. T., carpenter, 81 S Summer st. C Cabler Richard ,*1 Union st. Cabler R., 109 N College st. Cabler Captain C., 118 S Cherry st. Cabler F., carpenter, 13 N Spruce st. Campbell II., barber 69 City Hotel. Camp Anthony S., printer, Union Office. Campbell P. S., clerk, 156 S Cherry st. Campbell Rev. John P., 156 S Cherry— office 25 Deaderick st. Campbell James, 50 Crawford st. Campbell R. A., book keeper for Ellis & Moore. Cameron William, 8 N High st. Campbell John, 19 N Vine st. Campbell Mrs. E. R., 89 Linest. Cannon Mrs. R. S., 89 Spring st. Carter D.F., mail contractor, 18 N High st. Carter J F., col'd, 162 N Cherry st,, Carr W. N.,26 S College st, Carr Rev. E.,3 N High st. Carson John, clerk, 27 & 29 S Market st. Cartwright, Captain steamer Umpire, 107 S College st. NASHVILLE DIRECTORY. 13 Cartwright M., 42 S Summer st. Carmack S. W., clerk, 20 Unionst. Carlile H ,27 N Market st. Carvill Charles, 13 Cedar st., up stairs. Carpenter William, painter, 54 Spring st. Caraway L., free coi'd. 79 N Summer st. Carter Mrs. M. H,, 63 Linest. Carter John, 146 S Cherry st. Castleman L., 10 Franklin st. Castleman Mrs. E,. 87 S Cherry st. Cates H.,brickmason, 49 Linest. Cawley J., 2 Mulloy st. Cayton Richard, tinner, 10 Broad st. Chapman W. B., 70 Union st. Chandler James, 117 N Cherry st. Chandler J. H., 36 N High st. Chatham Mrs. E„ 80 S Front st. Cheek Mrs, Mary A., 37 Crawford st. Cheek B. H., 1 N Cherry st. , Childress Dilcy, free col'd, 136 S Market st. Childress E., 138 S Market st. Clark Mrs. E , 45 S Cherry st. Clark William, 162 N Front st. Claxon Mrs. Susan, 76 N Front st. Claiborne Thomas, 18 S Cherry st. Clifford J., 1 N Cherry st. Cloren J., 80 Cedar st. Cockerill M.?45 N College st. Coffman A.,clerk, 16 N College st. Cole Mrs. M., 6 N Frout st. Cole E., 17OS Cherry st. Cole A. J , elerk, 31 & 33 S Market st. Cole Mrs. R,,87 Cedar st. Cole C. M., clerk, 19 public square. ColeD. A , 73 Union st. Cole E., 39 S Front st. Coleman G. W., 157 N Frpnt st. Coleman J. W., 129 N Front st. Coleman L. C., 138 N Front st. Coleman Mrs. M., 83 N Market st. Coleman P. B , 27 N Market st. Coleman J. P., 15 S McLemore st. • Collins J., 122 S Cherry st. Combs Mrs. M., 99 N Front st. Conley P. N-, carpenter, 117 N Cherry st. Conwell Ira, M. D,, 11 S High st. Conley R. D., collector, 17 N Summer st. ConnH., painter, 93 S Market st. Cook B. H., clerk, 48 public square. Cook A. B., brass moulder, 20 S College st. Cook Mrs. E., 155 N College st. Cook J., finisher for Ellis & Moore. Coit G. D., wood workman, 95 N Cherry st. Cooper H. A., tinner, 106 Broad st. Cooper G. E., 29 S High st. Cooper F., 17 N College st. Copelin Mrs. S., 89 Cedar st. Copelin Thomas, 44 N McLemore st. Corder Thomas, shoe maker, 2 Union st. Cornelius W. R., 50 Spring st. Couch G. W., engineer on steamer Lu- ella, 92 N Market st. Couch J. A., captain steamer Luella, 60 S Front st. Cowan Samuel, clerk, 48 public square. Craighead J. B., 17 N High st. Craighead Thomas D., clerk, 29 public square, Craighead Mrs. M., 12 S Cherry st. Craighton G. WM 102 N Cherry st. Crain J., coachmaker, 34 S High st. Creighton A. D., carpenter,43 McLemore et. Crockett George, 13 N Cherry st. Crofwell William, 158 N Market st. Crooker A., 36 Union st. Crockett G. D., cleik, 44 N College st, CrollMrs, Emma, 133 S Summer st*. Cross Prof. N., 19 S Spruce st. Cross N.Davidson, 13 S Spruce st. Cunningham George, 22 S Cherry st. Cunningham Alexander, 11 S Vine st. Cunningham, William A.,43 pub. square Cumpston James, tailor, 11 Deaderick st. Cummings J. S., clerk, 25 public square. Curley J. T , saddler, 67 Gayst. Curry Thomas, free col'd, 82 Line st. D Dalton William, 89 Line st. Darden J. R., clerk, 53 public square. Dashiell John S., 31 S Vine st. Davis Owen, steamboat Captain, 119 S Cherry st. Davis H., 160 S Cherry st. Davis A. L., 124 S College st. Davis H. T., clerk, 73 public square. Davis H., 140 S Summer st. Davis John H., captain of Police,56 Gay st. Davidson Mrs. M., 12 Line st. Deaderick L.,99 N Market st, Deaderick Mrs. T., 68 N Summer st. Deiss Daniel, 173 N Market st. Demoss A. L., 27 N Summer st. Dennis Richard, 1 Union st. Deshazor John, carpenter, 32 S College st. Dew John J., printer, Advocate Office; Dews W., 71 S Front st. Dibrell W. C., salesman, 51 pub square. Diggons C. E,, salesman, 42 Union st. Diggons James A., salesman, 30 Union st. Dobson J., stone cutter, 49 N McLemore st. Dodd J. H., clerk, 15Union st. Dodd George, foreman in machine shop, 25 S Front st. Doke James, wagon maker, 128 S Cherry st. Donegan G. W.,4 NHighst. Donnell George, col'd, 60 N McLemore Dobson Miss R., 121 N Col'ege st. Douglas E., frae col'd, 95 Cedar st. 14 NASHVILLE DIRECTORY. Dougherty M. L., 1 N Cherry st. Downs W. H., 169 N Front st. Downey J. N., I N Cherry st. Dresh L. G., book keeper, 51 pu. square. Driver Benjamin, baker, 145 N College st. Dunn Mr., 57 S Front st. Dunger Thomas, fisherman, 8G Line st. Durham G., 160 N Market st. Duvall C., printer, 60 N High st. E Eahart John, 15 S College st. Eakin Thomas, 38 Cedhr st. Eakin William, 22 N High st. Earthman Samuel, watchman, 128 N College st. Eastland T. B. jr., clerk Woods, Payne & Co. • Esstland Thomas B., 11 S Spruce st. Eddington F., free col'd, 55 Crawford st. Edgar John T., D. D., 9 S Summer st. Edmonds John, foreman at Sloan's mar¬ ble factory. Edmond J., clerk, 8 public square. Edmonds Mrs. N., 143 N College st. Edmondson John K., 23 S High st. Edwards Alexander, 77 S Front st. Edwards D. C-j clerk, 43 Broad st. Edwards E. P., clerk for Edwards & Harris. Eichbaum W. A., 31 N Vine st. Elam William, boiler maker for Ellis & Moore. Elliott Mrs. Mary, 6 N Market st. Elliston C. M., 51 N Market st. Ellis L., clerk, 48 public square. Ellis William, pattern maker at Nashville foundry. Engles P., 20 Broad st. Engles L., 1 N Cherry st. English Joseph, 1 Union st. Erwin James, 88 N College st. Erwin Mrs. Rachal, 25 S Spruce st. Erwin James, jr., clerk, 22 public square. Estell Sarah, free col'd, 39 N Summer st. Eubank Henry, tailor, 7 Cedar st. Eubank Thomas, 17 N College st. Ewing Orville, 15 N Vine Bt. Ewing Nancy, col'd, 9 S Vinest. Everett Mrs. E., 93 Cedar st. Everett J. B,, 19 S High st. F Fagundus Theodore, clerk, 16 S Front st Fairchild D. L.,clerk, 45 Union st Falkner Mrs C., 80 N High st Falwell Mrs C., 12 S High st Faling Mr, 139 N Market st Farris A. C., carpenter, 67 N McLemore st Farmer R. C., clerk, 51 public square Farquharson, 62 N College st Faulkner R., clerk, 13 public square Featherstone E. J., 51 N Market st Felts J. W., stone cutter, 70 Line st Ferguson C. W., tobacconist, 36 S Sum¬ mer st Ferris Josiah, 12 N Cherry st Ferguson R., col'd, 52 Line st Ferguson James, 118 S Cherry st Ferguson Rev J. B., editor Chris Mag 20 S McLemore st Fields F., pattern maker for Ellis & Moore Fisher J. W., 13 Cedar, up stairs Fisher John A , book keeper, 11 Broad st Fisher William, butcher, 156 N Market st Fite L. B., 28 S Summer st Fleming Mrs E., 32 N McLemore st Fleming S. M.,90N McLemore st Fletcher R., clerk, 21 public square Fletcher H. N. F., 158 S Cherry st Flv J. W., house carpenter; 174 S Mark¬ et st Flinn Mr, tailor, 139 N Market st Fogg Godfrey M., 9 N High st Foster William, Bank of Tennessee Foster William, 5 N Front st Foster James, carpenter, 1 S Vine st Foster R. C., 3d, 61 Spring st Forston A. F., free col'd, 69 N Cherry st Fowkles Samuel, marketer, 65 S College st Fox Patsy, free col'd, 144 N College st Fowkles J. J., marketer, 65 S College st Franklin B., 167 N Front st Franklin E., salesman,26Broad st Frazer L. A., 59 N College st Freeman A. A., clerk, 16 N College st Freeman P., tailor, 82 Cedar st Frizzell H. W., book keeper, 17 public square Fuller A., shoemaker, 1 S Market st Fuller C. A , 46 public square Fuller G. F., 1 S Market st Fuller E., 1 S Market st G Gadshall Samuel C., of the firm of H. & B. Douglass & Co, 22 S Vinest Gage John, 47 S Front st Galbreath William, 57 N College st Gant John, free col'd, 23 Line st Gannerd A., 49 Union st Garlard James, col'd, 78 Line st Garrett William, stone cutter, 77 S Cher¬ ry st Gardner Edward, 21 N Vine st Gardner Robert. 24 N High st Garner B. M., carpenter, 88 S Summer st Gaylord J. D., clerk, 64 N Cherry st Gaylord J., book keeper, Nushville Inn Gibson J. F., book keeper, 74 pub square Gibson J., clerk, 32 public square Gibson Thomas, clerk, 48 public square Gibson Robert, 22 S Spruce st NASHVILLE DIRECTORY. 15 Gibson S. F., book keeper, Nashville Foundry Gibson J, F., 2 N Cherry st Gill J. J., 66 N Summer st Gilliam William, 102 N College st Gillman T. W., 59 N Summer st Gilbert Thomas, captain steamer Globe, 66 S Cherry st Glasgow J. M., clerk, 19 public square Glass Mrs S., 80 N High st Glass H. K., turner, 71 Union st Glenn John L,, salesman, 36 Broad st Gleaves H. A., 20 S Vine st Glenn J. L., clerk, 18 S Summer st Glover James, 29 N Cherry st Golden O., 49 N Market st Golden T., 10 Franklin st Goldston J. H., 16 public square Goodlet James, 159 N College st Good B. L., river pilot, 67 S College st Good George, 162 N Market st Goodwin G. R., 35 S Vine st Gordon William, 50 N Summer st Gordon Captain James, 50 N Summer st Gorin T. H.,clerk, 21 public square Gossitt Henry, school teacher, 13 S Mc- Lemore st Gould J. W., book keeper, 47 Broad st Gould James, 40 S Summer st Gower A. L., wagon maker, 105 Broad st Gower A. G., 1 N Cherry st Granger V., free col'd, 51 Crawford st Graham T. W'., 1 N Cherry st Green Mrs Ann, 12 Line st Green A. L: P., presiding Elder Nashville district Tenn Conference, M. E. P., 4 N Vine st Greener J. G., 153 N Market st Griffin D., mate, 81 S Cherry st Griffin William, shoemaker, 8 S Pront st Grimes H., col'd, 66 N Collage st. Groomes B. F., 65 S Front st. Grubbs W. B., book keeper, 54 public square Grubbs William, 37 Union st - Guinn Thomas A., 48 Cedar st Guy Miss M. 6 Locust st H Hagan H., 35 N Vine st Hagey John, butcher, 74 N McLemore st Hamilton J. M., clerk, 32 public square Hamilton Miss Nancy, 133 N College st Hamilton Andrew, 10 N Vine st Hamm E., free col'd, 141 S Snmmer st Hamilton Thomas, clerk, 31 & 33 S Mar- Icot st Haile Thomas J., 113 N Market st Hailey Thomas, 64 N McLemore st Hall Miss E., 125 N College st Hall E. S., 65 N Summer st. Hall Miss A. E., 120 N Front st Hall E., carpenter for Ellis & Moore Hall M., workman for Ellis & Moore Hale J., 55 S Front st Haney Mark, 25 N Spruce st Hanks Mrs E., 128 S Summer st Harris Mrs M., 92 N Front st Harris T. B., salesman for Baown & Hop¬ kins - Harris William 0„ 74 Cedar st Harris J. B., painter, 80 Line st Harris F. B., book keeper for Edwards & Harris Harris William, boiler maker, 72S Cher¬ ry st Hard Joseph, freight agent, 8 Franklin st Harman-Captain W., 175 S Market st Harrison William, 109 N College st Harrison MrsR., 168 S Cherry st Harrison A., bar keeper Nash Inn, 94 N Market st Harrison Mrs M., 150 N College st Harding John, 85 Spring st Hargrave James, 43 N Market st Hawkins J. M., 27 S High st Hawkins George F.,col'd. 73 S Cherry st Hawkins R. M., saddler, 42 N Spruce st Hayden Mrs A. M., 74 Line st Henderson John, 85 S Summer st Henderson H., stone cutter, 63 N Spruce st Henson Joseph, 17 N Front st Henning J., clerk, 34 public square Henning Joseph, 30 S Vine st Hensley H. C-, clerk, 49 public square Hensley H. C., 39 S Cherry st Heriges John, 117 S Summer st Ilemess Mrs E., 95 S College st Hester R. D., 41 N Front st Hester B. D.,22 S College st Hickerson E„ carpenter, 79 N High st Hicks A. H., 112 N College st Hyde John F., salesman, 31 N College st Hillman Charles, 29 N Summer st Hill John M., president Tennessee Ma¬ rine and Fire Insurance Co, 74 Spring st Hill J. T., clerk, 73 public square Hughes John ;L., captain steamer Cape May, 1 Mulloy st Hill B, H., salesman, 34 N College st Hill Robert, clerk, 64 public square Hill Joseph, finisher, 13 N Spruce st Hill R. T-, clerk, 78 Cedar st Hilhard B. G., clerk, Nashville Inn HightowerR., free eol'd, 135 N Cherry st HigginsMrs Rebecca, 101 N Front st Higgins Mrs E., 103 N Front st Higgins H-, free col'd, 57 Crawford st Hitchcock Mrs, 164 N Front st Hobbs E. W., wagon maker, 105 Broad st Hobbs Thomas, wagon maker, 105 Broad st Hobbs Wiliiam, wagon maker, 105 Broad st Hobson Mrs E., SON High st Hodge W. C., salesman, 11 Broad st Hoffman S, T.,body maker at Ira Stout's 16 NASHVILLE DIRECTORY. Hogan William, carpenter, 101 S College st Hogan William, carpenter, 13 N Spruce st Hoge Daniel, 68 N McLemore st Hollins R. S;, 104 Broad st Holly Robert, carpenter, 68 Gay st Holly John, carpenter, 68 Gay st Holly C., 172 N College st Holland H. H., book keeper, 27 public square Holt J. M., clerk, 30 S Market st Holsey J •, near the Old Bridge Hooper M. C., 80 N Spruce st Hooper Milly, col'd, 18 Line st Hopkins T. J., 130 Market st Horn Lewis, painter, 31 N Spruce st Horn A., painter, 75 N College 8t Horn A., painter, 54 Spring st Horn E. A., 30 S Summer st Horn L., painter, 77 N High st Horndon J.P., clerk, 19 Cedar st Horsten J. V., 14 Deaderick st Houser Mrs Mary, 162 N College st Housen Mrs S., 92 S Summer st Hosse Charles, 49 N Market st Howerton J. F., clerk, 10 public square Howorton J., clerk, 74 public square Hubbbard John, 127 N Market st Huff John. 109 N College st Huffman E., shoemaker, 30 Line st HuffmanWilliam, 79 N Spruce st Huff Mrs Ellen, 15 N High st Hughes A. J., 1 N Cherry st Hughes David, 178 S Cherry st Hughes Mrs E., 49 S Front st Houston R. F., 13 S Market st Hume Mrs R., 191 S Market st Hume A., 32 S Vine st Hunt Mrs Fanny, 15 S Spruce st Hunter William, 1 Union st Hunter Miss Ann, 19 S Summer st Hunter William, stone cutter at Sloan's marble factory Hunter W. A., clerk, 52 public square Hundley Thomas, carpenter, 25 N Mc¬ Lemore st Hurt F. O., 125 S Sufnmer st Hurt MrsL. A., 164 S Summer st HurtW. C., tobacconist, 154 S Sumpaer st Hutchinson J., 1 N Cherry st Hyronemous F„ 9 public square I & J Ingram Samuel, boiler builder, S Cherry st Imman Mrs B., 82 N Front st Imman Mrs M., 136 S Summer st Irwin F-, clerk. 16 S Front st Irwin G. W., coiler builder, 152 S Cherry st Irwin Joseph, painter, 48 Line st Jackson Thomas, 33 N Front st Jackson Mrs Hugh, 17 S Summer st Jackson William, watchman, 51 N Spruce st Jackson M., free col'd, 10 Line st Jenkins O., 119 N Market st Jennings Mrs M., 40 S College st Jewett S. A., school teacher, 92 Spring st Joiner D,,free col'd, 25 Line st Joiner Mrs S., 63 N McLemore st Jones M., druggist, 48 S Market st Jones J., 42 S College st Jones T., free col'd, 44 Line Bt Jones J., deputy sheriff, 16 S High st Jones MrsS., 63 N Vine st Jones Mrs Lucinda, 135 N Market st Jones Kitty, free col'd, 98 N College st Jones John, cabinet maker, 43 Jones M. P., clerk, 4 public square Johnson H- A., trimmer, at Ira A. Stout's Johnson Mrs, 61 N McLemore st Johnson Mrs S., 76 Line st Johnson F. A., carpenter, 84 Line st Johnson James, tailor, 45 Line st Johnson James, 72 Broad st Johnson W. H., 34 S Summer st Johnson G. Y„ printer, — N Summer st Johnson Miles, drayman, 150 S Cherry st Johnson F. M., clerk, 21 public square Johnson Thomas, 13 Cedar st, up stairs Johnson L. H., carpenter, 13 N Spruce st Johnson Mrs M., 41 Gay st Johnson W. W., foreman Nash Foundry Johnson John B., 10N Summer st Johnson George, plumber at Water Works. 20 S Summer st Judkins J. W., clerk, 74 public square Kallear D., 132 S Summer st Kceton T. J., carpenter, 56 N McLemore st Keeton T. J., carpecter, 20 S High st Kelley Mr, 80 Cedar st Kelly Mrs M., 122 N Front st Keller Mrs M. A., 65 Crawford st Kellow Thomas, 159 N Market st Keenan W. G., clerk for Edwards & Harris Kent Thomas, 25 S Summer st King Mrs Sarah, 129 N College st King L. B., 76 S Cherry st King James, free col'd, 7 S McLemore st King William, 113 N Market st Kinard W. S., 17 N College st Kinley John, 139 N Market st Kinney P., 140 N Market st Kinney F,, 140 N Market st Kirby E. R., 49 N Market st Kirby W. W., clerk, 17 public square Kirk John, 1 S Vine st Kirkman H. K-, 41 cor Summer & Cedar sts Kirkman John, 1 S Cherry st Kirkman Hugh, 47 Cedar st Kirkpatrick R. T.» 55 N College st Knight W. B., salesman, 16 Union st Knight Otis, wagon maker, 69 Gay st NASHVILLE DIRECTORY. 17 Korppen F., boot maker, 10 N Frontjst Knopp K., 100 Cedar st Knowlton Charles, 1 S Market st Knowlton W.,1 S Market st Knowles J. B., 27 N High st Knox William W., 166 S Summer st L Lacroix Isaac, 167 N Market st Laman R., stone cutter, 83 Cedar st Lanier Lewis, 35 S Summer st Lanier B., 4 S Market st Lanier Miss Lucy, teacher Nash Female Academy, 31 S Summer st Lane Mrs Maiy, 68 Cedar st Langley A. S., book keeper, 4 pub square Lapsley Robert A., 47 N College st Largeng George, 15 S College st Latimer Mrs Jane, 133 N Market st Lawrence S., col'd, 59 N Vine st Lawrence E.. carpenter, 70 Gay st Lee William, 77 Cedar st Leak James, 162 S Cherry st Leetcher George, 161 N College st , Lellyett William, printer, 41 S Cherry st Lester George, 166 S Cherry st Lewis Mrs P. C., 32 S Spruce st Lewis Mary, free col'd, 78 N Summer st Lindsley J. B., M D, office Medical Col Lining Mrs M., 143 N College st Lippincott W. H., clerk, 15 Cedar st Livingston John, 33 public sqnare Livingston James, 17 N Vinest Lockhart W. H-, salesman, 42 Union st Lockert C. D., blacksmith, 13 N Spruce 'st Logan Thomas, 66 N McLemore st Long William, watchman, 92 Line &t Long James, carpenter, 40 S College st Loornas George, 33 N Spruce st LovingT. N., 95 Spring st Love William, 49 N Market st Lovell W. H„ pilot steamer Odd-Fellow, 67 S College st Lovell James, pilot, 94 S College st Lucas J. W,, clerk, 38 Broad st LucaB M. J., clerk, 15 Union st Lusk Robert, 12 N Vine st Lyman C. C., in Post Office Lynch John, 57 N McLemore st Lyons James, butcher 146 N Front st Lyon A., 122 N Cherry st M Mabry E. R., 109 N College st Maddock F., shoemaker, 46% Line st Mallory Thomas, blacksmith for Ellis & Moore Mangrom Samuel, 13 N Spruce'st Manier J. W., 51 N Market st Marling John L., editor Union, 72 Cedar st Marling K. J., carpenter, 117 N Cherry st 2 Marling H., carpenter, 78 N McLemore st Marling Mrs R., 47 Line st Marling P., 160 S Cherry st Marshall Thomas, free col'd, 28 Line st Marshall Miss J., 158 N Cherry st Marshall F., watchman, 26 Line st Marling S. G., carpenter, 45 N Spruce st Martin William, shoemaker, 27 Broad st Martin Mrs Ann, 99 Cedar st Martin J. W., 67 NSummer st Martin Mrs S., 19 Crawford st Martin Thomas, clerk, 33 public square Martin Mrs F,, 69 S Summer st Martin Thomas M., 59 N College st Masonic Hall, 52 Spring st Mason Mrs M., 91 N Front st Mason jr E , book keeper, 28 S Front st Matthews J. P., book keeper, 6 pub square Matthews W., 109 N College st Matthews W. B., 28 S Summer st Matthews J. P., 110 College st Matteozzi F., 70 Union st Mayo W., 147 S Market st Meadows J. A., clerk, 13 public square Medical College, 184 & 186 S Market st Mercer Miss, 157 N Cherry st Merry Nelson, free col'd, 74 N Spruce st Merry M., free col'd, 9 S McLemore st Merritt John, 36 S High st , Mentz J.B., clothing store, 10 S Market st Miles Rev R. P., 110 & 114 N Market st Miller William, 1 Union st Miller Mrs Martha, 6 N Vine st Mills Lucy, free col'd, 22 N Vine st Mills R., watchman, 83 N McLemore st Miliron Jacob, tailor, 54 N College st Millett A. K., salesman, 16 Broad st Minor P. W., book keeper 32 N College' st Mitchell P. H., clerk, 25 S High st Murpo William, SON Spruce st Mitchell L. E., book keeper, 44 N College st MizellG. W., 55 N College st Moore Nathaniel, 76 S Cherry st Moore James, 109 N Market st Moore Talton, 59 S Front st Moore J. P., clerk, 65 S Market st Moore J. A., Broad st west of R R Moore Mrs Robert I., 23 N Vine st Moore W. R., clerk, 48 public square Morgan S. D„ 7 N Summer st Morgan S. M., clerk, 47 public square Morgan J. F., printer, 89 N College st Morrison A., tailor, 67 N College, up strs Morrison A., 79 N College st Morris J. R., 69 S Front st Morris P. B., justice of the peace, office 144 S Market st Morris Mrs M., 3 S Front st Morris Mrs G., Ill S Cherry st MorrisK, J., 2 S Cherry st Mormon M, B., clerk, 19 S Market st 18 NASHVILLE DIRECTOR V. Mosely G., carpenter, 77 N Spruce st Morton James, 102 N Market st Morton Mrs E., 108 N Front st Moxley George, 130 S Summer st Mulloy Sophia, free col'd, 1 Clark st Murphy M., 85 Cedar st Murray J. W., salesman, 10 Union st Musselman Miss Mary, 52 Crawford st Myers II., tailor, 11 Cedar st McCall T. A., clerk, 73 public square McCall A , M D, 20 S Chewy st McCann Mrs Ann, 53 Summer st McCarroll William, clerk, 35Union st McClelland H., 37 Union st McClevoy M., boiler buidler, 107 S Cher¬ ry st McClure Newton 21 S Summer st McClure S.,2l S Summer st McCombs J. W., 1 N Cherry st McCombs James, 25 N Vine st McCrea H., 24 S Cherry st McCrary Mrs L., 35 N Vine st McCullough R., Mrs Todd's McDaniel H., 37 Union st McDonald James, boot and shoemaker, 69 N College st McDowell James, carpenter, 47 N Spruce st McFarland Mrs W., 73 N College st McGerney J., 1 N Cherry st McGinty E. P., editor True Whig, 94 N N Cherry st McGinnis Robrt, 189 S Market at McGr&th D„ 49 N Market st Mclntyre Mrs Sarah, 8 Clark st McKenzie A., 9 N Vinest McKinley D., pilotsteamer Embassy, 115 S Cherry st McKinnie B, R,, pub True Whig, 16 S Vine st McKnight William, painter, 30 N McLe- more st McKnight J. W., clerk, 47 public square McKinley W., 79 S Front st NcLaughlin James, 23 S Vine st McMahan Mrs Ann. 19 N Front st McMurry J. W., clerk at Zimmerman's Drug Store McNairy Buck, col'd, 23 Linest McNairy R. C., 7 N High st McN airy Mrs C. R., 1 S Cherry st McNish W. D., in Post Office McQuade M., 4 S Summer st McRoy R., 172 N College st McReynolds R. H., 62 Crawford st McRoberts O, P., 27 N Vine st McWright Jamea, carpenter, 94 N Mc- Lemore st N Napier C., col'd, 29 Crawford st Neal Benjamin, 58 Gay st Nelms James, 158 N Market st Nelms Mrs F„ 110 N Front st Newell Captain Thomas, 97 N Market st Newsom G. S.,book keeper, South Nash Summer st Nevins R. F., clerk, 13 S Market st Nichol F. K., tailor, 42 S Cherry st Nichol Mrs Josiah, 33 N Cherry st Nichol J. H , clerk 13 public square Nichol J. S., 29 N Vine st Nichol James, 23 N Summer st Nichol Mrs. John, 16 N Summer si Noel O. F., 26 Spring st Noles Mr? H., 94 Cedar st Nolen McD. A., clerk, 41 Broad st Norman Joshua, 32 Gay st Norten W. G., stone cutter, 15 Cedar st O Odd-Fellows' Hall, 19 N Summer and 72 Union sts O'Hara John, 80 Cedar st O'Kane R., clerk, 19 S Market st Orr James, clerk, Union Office Owen Catherine, 155 S Market st Owen William, tinner, 31 S High st Ozone Suabank, 103 S Summer st P Page R., blacksmith for Eliis & Moore Page Mc. H., finisher for Ellis & Moore Pain R. F., book keeper, 87 S Market st Parrish Mike A., drayman, 54 S Front st Parrish J., drayman, 56 S Front st Parrish James, 175 S Market st Parrish Mrs Maria, 6 Franklin st Parrish James, 51 S Front st Parrish Mrs C., 4 Franklin st Parish James A., 13 Cedar st Pash William, coach smith, 66 Line st Patterson William, 13 N Spruce st Patterson J. B., blacksmith, 13 N Spruce st Paul J. K., 1 N Cherry st Payne G. N., 34 Front st, Sewanee stables Payne R. S., clerk, Woods, Payne & Co Peabody Maria, col'd, 129 N Market st Peach Ira, stone cutter, 72 NMcLemore st Peck P.P., 20 S Cherry st Pelly J. A., 8 Line st Pendergrass Edward, 35 N Front st Pennell Mrs Julia, 35 S Cherry st Pentecost James, 134 N Market st Perkins P. G. S., 90 Spring st Perry H., col'd, 37 N Front st Perry Mrs Sarah, 62 N McLemore Persons F., col'd, 157 S Market st Persons Mrs E., 82 S Front st Peters Mary, free col'd, 100 N College st Pettit J. B , watchman, 70S Cherry st Pettefer W„ 69 S Front st Petty J. D., engineer, 75 N McLemore st Phillips B. A., house carpenter, 40 N Vine st Phillips P. A., salesman, 20 Broad st Picaud J., cooper, 16 Line st Pilcher Captain M. S., 33 N Summer st NASHVILLE DIRECTORY. 19 Piland Mrs E:, 88 N McLemore st Pinchum Thomas, free col'd, 73 S Cher¬ ry st Piron T. B , 162 S Summer st Pitzleberger John, 77 N College st Pittman B., coach maker, 58 S Front st Plummer J. R., 27 S Summer st Player T. T., southern planter, 123 Broad st Pdlk M., free col'd, 83 Spring st Polk Mrs James K., 11 N Vine st Portlock William, 169 N Market st Porterfield f\, clerk, 36 public square jPorterfield John, firm of W. B. Shapard & Co., 117 Broad st Porter J. A., 5 N High st Porter William, 51 N Market st Porter William, barber, 72 S College st Postoa J. L., clerk, 6 public square Powell Benjamin, 37 S Cherry st Pray M. S., 15 public square Prince B. A., stable keeper, 22 N Front st Pritchett John, 141 S Market st Pugely Mrs Dr.,37 N Spruce st Purdy John, merchant tailor, 30 S Mark¬ et st Puckett W. P., trimmer at Ira A. Stout's Pyle A. W., 117 S Cherry st R Raiford William, clerk, 11 public square Rains T. B., clerk, 6 public square Rainey Samuel, 45 S Front st Ramage John, 51 Spring st Randall John W., carpenter, 98 Broad st Randall G. W., carpenter, 98 Broad st Randall D., carpenter, 98 Broad st RatclifF J. W., 59 S Summer st Rathborne Sarah, free col'd, 152 N Cher¬ ry st Rathborne Betty, free col'd, 156 N Cher¬ ry st Raworth E. A., 87 N Market st Rear William, 65 McLemore st Reddick John, watchman, 36 Spring st Reese M., 105 S College st Reese William, carpenter, 105 S College st Reiser S., 81 S Market st Reynolds Samuel, boot maker, 26 S Col¬ lege st Rhea W., 83 S Front st Rice Daniel, 54 McLemore st Rice H. A;, in P 0 Richards John, 172 S Market st Richards F. H., 95 N College st Richards W. D., 95 N College st Richards E. L., 109 N College st Richardson M., free col'd, 27 Line st Rickencker L. M„ 49 N Market st Rigsby Mrs M., 112 N Front st Ritter A. J., trimer, at Ira A. Stout's Robb W. D., 3 Line st Robertson Mrs N-, 51 N Summer st Robertson Isam, 64 Gay st Roberts A. J., silversmith, 21 N Spruce st Roberts E. C., clerk, 19 public square Robertson A. B , 25 N Summerst Rockwood Mrs E., 6N Cherry st Rogers Miss Martha, 147 N Cherry st Rogers Miss Jane, 2 Crawford st Ross E. T., 18 S Summer st Rose J. J., clerk, 12 public square Roso O, B., coach maker, 91 N Summer st Rowan J. H-, clerk, 34 public square Roy B. P., salesman, 54 public square Russell J. R.,37 public square Rutland James P., 103 N College st Rutland A. V., clerk, 70 public square Rutherford J., watchman, 80 Cedar Bt Ryan J. L., jail keeper, 16 N Front st Ryan Mrs M., 71 Union st S Saiseau Veuve, 101 S Summer st Salter S. L„ carpenter, 1 S Vine st Samuels Mrs Mary, 64 Spring st Sanders Charles 10N Market st Savage James, 137 N Market st Scallorn Mrs Mary, 159 S Summer st Scanlan D. J., tailor, 69 N Summer st Schlier G. C., clerk, 23 public square Scoles M., free col'd, 88 N Summer st Scott Mrs M., 167 N College st Seott Mrs D., 89 N Front st Scott Mrs R. M., 81 N McLemore st Scott D. G., proprietor of Nashville Inn, 67 Spring st Scrivner Thomas, 103 S College st Scruggs W., 15 N Front st Searight George, 55 N College st Seay L., 41 S Front st Segraff Mrs M., 88 N Summer st Sexton L., 135 N Market st Shafer Richard, 55 S Summer st Shankland A. B., 103 Cedar st Shapard W. B., 26 S Cherry st Shapard W.B., jr., 26 S Cherry st Sharkey J., boot maker, 47 S College st Sheldon George D., 13 Cedar st—up strs Shepard F. A., clerk, 47 public square Shepperd W . B., clerk, 20 public square Shepperd W, B., 30 Cedar st Sheppard C., carpenter, 118 S Summer st Shepard Thomas, 50 Cedar st Shepard D. S., clerk, 47 public square Sherod B., 151 N College st Sherwood Joseph, trimmer, 51 N Spruce st Shwab A., clerk, 100N Cherry st Silber S, A., free col'd, 49 Crawford st Simpson Wm , carpenter, 96 Broad st Simpson W. F., clerk, 19 Broad st Simpson C., 97 S Cherry Bt Simpson Mrs Eugenia, 28 N Spruce st Singleton James M.,8 S College st Sloan Jomes, 4 N Summer st Slaven M. C., tailor, 45 N Market st 20 NASHVILLE DIRECTORY. Smith J. Watt, printer, 67 N High st Smith Mrs E., 12 N High st Smith Mrs R., 43 N Spruce st Smith Wm., 97 Spring st SmilhS. C., 49 N Market st Smith J. S., clerk, 16 S Front st Smith A.J„78 N College st Smith Thomas, 32 S Cherry st Smith Mrs E., 38 Line st Smith Richard, 89 N Market st Smith W. R„ 38 S Front st Smith J. R. P., clerk, 70 public square Smith N. H., salesman, 11 Broad st Smith A., clerk, 37 public square Smith J., 65 S Summer st Smith Mrs S., 13 N Market st Smith W. Hy„ printer, 40 N Spruce st Sneed James, carpenter, I S Vine st Snell R. S., carpenter, 109 N Cherry st Snowden S. B., 32 N Vine st Snowden J. B., 35 N Summer st Snyder H., 49 S Summer st Snyder H. N., book keeper, 35 Broad st Southworth R., clerk, 49 public square Spain J. D., carpenter, 52 N Summer st Spain John, 42 N Vine st Spearman Wm., shoemaker, 27 Broad st Spence Mrs R.,9 S Cherry st Splayer J., free col'd, 53 Crawford st Spurry John, cor Cedar & McLemoie sts Stanley Joseph, 162 N Cherry st , Standback Mrs Mary, 60 N Spruce st Starkey S. F., 161 N Market st Starkey Wm.,Nash Foundry Stathard J., free col'd, 67 N High st Steel J., 85 S Front st Steel M. E., clerk, 40 public square Steel J. W., 67 N High st Stephens A., clerk, 15 public square Stevens Mrs Mary, 24 N Spruce st Stevenson E., free col'd, 10 N McLemore st Stevenson V., 26 N Cherry st Stewart Sarah, free col'd, 140 N Cherry et Stewart Mrs M., 94 S Summer st Stewart Alexander, painter, 54 Spring st Stewart William, 102 Union st Stewart J., free col'd, 20 Line st Stewart G. W., 133 N Front st Stewart Mrs J., 67 N Front st Stewart M., 162 N Front st Stitt David, 75 Union st St. John J. G., printer, Advocate Office Stockell William, plasterer, 140 S Cher¬ ry st Stone T. S., stone cutter, Sloan's marble factory Stone J., clerk at Verandah Hotel Stones Liston, of the firm of W. W. & H. Smith & Co., Philadelphia, 10 S Vine st Stone Wm., tinner, 156 N Market Stonelake H., 45 N Market st Stout P., workman for Ellis & Moore Stout J., tailor, 86 S Cherry st Stratton Thomas E., 29 S Snmmer st Stretch J., 107 N College st Strictland S. A., clerk, 48 public square^ Stroud G. W., house carpenter, 140 Sv JYX&rkct st St. Vincent's Home, 42 & 44 Cedar st Sullivan MrsM., 147 S Summer st Sumner Mis C., 178 N College st Sutfin A. L., cabidet maker, 110 S Mar¬ ket st Suttle C., 153 N College st Sweeney Wm.,l58S Cherry st T Tabon B , 161 N Cherry st * Tate A., steward, 89 S College st Tarpley J., 160 S Market st Taylor J., 43 N McLemore st Taylor J., cleak, 1 public square Taylor M., brick mason, 55 Spruce st Terrass Mrs A., 24 S Vine st Thurston 31N Summer st Thurmond John, 124 S Summer st Thurmond R. C., 124 S Summer st Throne Robert, clerk, 48 public square Thornhill Mrs, 79 S Front st Thornhill Mrs Nancy, 67 S Cherry st Thompson G. T., 10 N High st Thompson C. A. R., 10 N High st Thompson Robert, 37 Union st Thomas J., clerk, 66 public square Thomas J., 141 N Market st Thomas E., 63 S Front st Thomas Thomas, 157 N Market st Tindle John, 113 S College st Tindall Wm., clerk, 57 N College st Tindall Wm., 99 S College st Tinder H., 97 S Summer st Tilford Mary, free col'd, 159 N Cherry s- Tomes Rev Chas., pastor Christ's Chuch: 114 Broad st Torbett Col. G. C., 93 Spring st Towles O., 38 Crawford st Treeber George, cooper, 114 S Cherry st- Treppard F. A., 17 N College st Trimble D., 42 S College st Trimble A , col'd, 93 N Front st Trousdale Mrs M«, 84 N College st Truskett Henry, 1 Union st Tudor E. M., stone cutter, 46 S Cherry st. Turner John G., 18 Verandah Hotel Turner E., carpenter, 13 N Spruce st Turner A., 126 N Front st Turner Mrs Mary, 4 Mulloy st Turner Betsy, iree col'd, 43 N Summer st Turner Thomas, 3 Mulloy st Turnbow E., 153 N College st Twiggs Sally, free col'd, 74 N Summer st Tyree Barbara, free col'd, 111 N College st Tyree Walt, free col'd, 71 S College st NASHVILLE DIRECTORY. 21 v Vanleer N., col'd, 42 Crawfotd st Vanoy Mason, 21 N Vine st Vaughn F., cabinetmaker, 110 S Market st Vines Mrs M. A., 46 N McLemore st Viney, free col'd, 6 S Front st W Waddle George, 75 S Front st Wade Mrs S., 63 N Front st Wade Mrs R,, 96 Cedar st Walden H. V., 114 S Summer st Walen H., free col'd, 164 N Cherry st Walker H, K., 13 S High st Walker Charles, 106 N College st Walker W. R., clerk, 52 public square Walker J. W., book keeper, 18 N College Walker R. I., 7 S High st Walker E. G., clerk, 52 public square Walker J., 21 S Cherry st Walker Maria, free col'd, 113 N Cherry st Walker J. W., 21 N High st Wallace J. W., in Post Office Walsh W. A., clerk, 70 public square Warren P. G., printer, American Office Warden A., flour depot, 9 & 11 College st Washington A. H., clerk, 47 public sqre Washington J. E., 47 N College st Waters Mrs M., 90S Summer st Waterfield John, 106 N College st Watkins D., free col'd, 76 N Highst Watson M.,36 Cedar st Weakley Polly, free col'd, 100 N College Weaver D.,31 S Summer st Webb Mrs M., 8 N Spruce st Weir E., body maker at Ira Stout's Wells John, 106 S College st West W. E., 43 Union st Wharton S. S., clerk, 6 public square Wharton C. F. J.. 16 S McLemore st Wheless J., 57 N College st Wheless Alexander, clerk, 47 publicsqre Wheless Joseph, clerk, 32 College st Wheless W. T., teller. 32 N College st Whirley Miss Lizzy, 125 N College st Whitaker A., clerk, 46 public square White J. A , family grocery, 156 & 158 S Market st White W., 182 N College st White Mrs F., 126 Broad st Whitley M., wagoner, 50 Line st Williams A., 74 Union st Williams A., col'd, 39 N Front st Williams G. L., carpenter, 58 N Spruce st Williams J. S., in Post Office Williams J. M., in Post Office Williams Ann, free col'd, 111 N Cherry st Williams Mrs E., 75 N College st Wflliams Ann, col'd, 131 N Market st Williams B. F., clerk, 17 Broadest Williams N. B., 86 N McLemore st Williams A., 60 N Front st Williamson N. H., 3 Broad st Wilson J. E., 43 N" Market st Wilson Win., 73 Union st Wilson Mrs A. E.,10 S Highst Wilson J., free col'd, hackman 14 S Col¬ lege st Wilson J., free col'd, hackman, 2 N Front st Wilson G. W., painter, 30 S College st Wilson Mrs E. V., 64 Line st Wilkes G, W.,clerk, 39 S Market st Wilkes R, S., 18 S Summer st Willard J., 102 N Cherry st Willis Mrs J. H., 42 N Spruce st Winham L., 47 N Market st Winham E. L., printer, Morgan's Job Office Wites Lizzy, 196 N College st Witson George, 34 Cedar st Witt, Joel 34 S Summer st Wollen G. W., clerk, 17 public square Wolfe J., meal depot, 152 S Market st Wdldridge IL, free col'd, 165 N Cherry st Wood Robert, body maker at Ira Stout's Wood D., col'd, 116 N Front st Woods R. F„ 11 N High st Woods Joseph, 25 N High st Woodcock Mrs M., 60 S College st Woodruff J. C., salesman, 50 Broad st Woodruff Mrs M., 130 S Cherry st Woodson P. S., printer, Morgan's Job Of¬ fice , Wooton Miss Mary, 122 N College st Work Mrs Martha, 66 Gayst Wray J., 164 S Cherry st Wright J, O., carpenter, 44S Summer st Wright Mrs John, 30 N High st Wright Aaron, plasterer, 21 N Summer st Wright John, painter, 54 Spring st Wright, R., blacksmith, 13 N Spruce st Wright Wm., stone mason, 49 N Spruce st Wrightman D., blacksmith, 95 N Cherry st Y Yarborough Wm., hatter, 104 S College Yates S., 167 N Market st Young M., blacksmith, 5 Gay st Young W., 53 S Front st SUBURBS OF NASHVILLE. The following is a notice of South Nashville, Edgfield, and the neighborhoods in the vicinity of Nashville. South Nashville is now a City—incorporated—population about 3000. Its hand¬ some location, Machine Shops, business and enterprising citizens, indicate for it a high standard of improvement and prosperity: Mayor and Aldermen of the town of South Nashville for the year 1853: Mayor—W. L. Nance Aldermen— 1st Ward—Thomas G.Tucker and W. Jones 2d Ward—Dr C. K. Winston and Ja¬ cob Millison 3d—James M. Murrel and Willam Cor- bitt 4th Word—John S.Petway and Thos. Elliott Corporation Recorder—A. P. Skipwith Corporation Constable—J. H. L. Weav¬ er South Nashville Furniture Manufacto- ry-R H. Grooms, President of the com¬ pany, aud Wm. L. Nance, Secretary Bucket and Lumber Manufactory, near the River, above the Water Works—A. W. Putnam, President CHERRY STREET. Green Sweeny, collar maker W. P. Newland, grocer Mrs Woodhead, coffee house John Tanksley, grocer Thomas Graham, " Wm. B. Howlett, " C. Bosworth, " Thomas Newborn, grocer and coffee house Charles Wright, plasterer G. W. Petway, clerk in Planters' Bank W. H. Wilkinson, constable Elisha Hall, carpenter, John Walker, saddler Martin C. Cotton, sexton Wm. R. Paul, brick mason, Wm. H, Long, carpenter John H. Burk, carpenter MARKET STREET. Arthur Rutledge Andy Crawford Thomas Winfrey, grocer Fred Jontee, confectioner Mr Deshazer Williaqa Stewart, blacksmith William Bosworth, rope maker William M. White, tinner P. F. Hardcastle, grower T. J. Tate, carpenter Albert Anderson, carpenter W. B. Davis, carpenter Robert Hawkins, bricklayer Nicholas Corbitt • South Nashville Institute MURFREESBORO ROAD. Wm. Bowers, grocer W. Page, livery stable W. W. Parks, grocer James M. Murrel], brick mason MAPLE STREET. George Corbitt, Esq ," William L. Nance, bricklayer A. Lanier, grocer 184 SUBURBS OF NASHVILLE. COLLEGE STREET. Henry Alley, brick maker Isaac Paul, contractor and brick layer Furniture Manufactory . James Stevenson, stone cutter James Haney, carpenter Wm. F. Meacham, carpenter R. G. Reeves, carpenter South Nashville Market House LEBANON TURNPIKE. John S. Petway, clerk r H. Slade, grocer William Marlin carpenter John Akin, livery stable Blind Asylum Water Works of Nashville SUMMER STREET. Isaac Garretson, merehant Mr Daniels, hydraulic plumer W.C. Witty, tinner S. Cooley, grocer John Pope, wagon maker H. Carroll, clerk Herman Cox, attorney at law P. I. Couch, grocer James Ham, stone cutter Peter Alley, old citizen Joseph Alley, hauler R. A. Ballowe, general agent Wylie Gee, stone cutter C. K. Winston, M D S. A. G. Noel, livery stable owner A. P. Skipworth, S Nashville Recorder .Wm. Brown, agent of Indian medicine C. K. Koeff, painter SOUTH UNION STREET. E. C. Leseures, brick layer James Parrish, carpenter Episcopal Church J, C. Dobson, saddle tree maker FRANKLIN TURNPIKE. South Nashville Bakery Joseph W. McEwen, grocer W. W. Woodfolk J. W. S. McCoy, grocer FRANKLIN STREET. G.W. Lineoln, carpenter and trader Dempsey Corbitt, grocer EDGEFIELD. Edgefield has a population of about 900 and will soon gorw up to be a wealthy and manufacturing City The following Turnpike Roads com¬ mand easy access to every part of the beautiful country which surrounds the City: Charlotte. Clarksville, Buena Vista Springs,White's Creek,Louisville branch, Louisville, Gallatin, Lebanon, Murfrees" boro', Nolensville,Franklin, Broad Street and Hardin Pikes. All these are dotted along each side with beautiful residences of wealthy and excellent citizens It is difficult to say which of these neighborhoods surpasses in beauty and desirableness. The traveler will be ready to say of the last one he passes, this is the most beautiful. Edgefield, joining Nashville on the North side of the Cumberland River, has a population of about 900. The follow¬ ing are the principal citizens : Dr. John Shelby, P. M., was appointed surgeon by Gen. Jackson, and served as such duriug the Indian wars Hon. Washington Barrow, President of Gas Light Company Dr. Hamlin J. B. Ward, of the firm of Ward & Birmingham Mr. Wright, carpenter and builder Shelton, firm of Shelton & Ham Alexander Williams, trader Ex-Gov. Neill S. Brown, minister to Russia H. Hobson, banker W. Wheless, banker G. Payne, farmer John Mcintosh, R. R. contractor H. I. Anderson, R. R. Sup't G. P. Smith,commission merchant H. Douglas, wholesale merchant Eli Morris, firm Morris & Stratton Rev. Ragsdale, president Edgefield Fe« male Academy Jessee Johnson, captain and owner of steamer America, White's Creek pike H. L. Norvell, owner of steamer Tem- post James Miller, captain and owner of steamer Aleonia Col. S. R, Anderson, cashier Bank of Tennessee H. Bryan, farmer R.Estes. deputy sheriff R. Stewart, grocer merchant J. Russell, merchant —— Campbell, merchant Mrs E. McNairy Judge J. S. Brien LOUISVILLE PIKE. Matthews & Kirkpatrick, physicians at Goodlettsville, 12 miles Vanoy & Read, 12 miles, large steam saw mill at Goodlettsville Talley & Nelson, large tannery at Goodlettsville L. E. Lynn, carding machine at Good¬ lettsville SUBURBS OF NASHVILLE. 25 20th DISTRICT. R. Harrison, Justice of the Peace ' J. H. Cartwright Wm. Lewton, constable GOODSLETTSVILLE, TENN., 12 miles from Nashville, on Louisville pike. Dry Goods Merchants, D. R. Gardner Goodlett & Mathews Hotel by Winburn & Rascoe CHESNUT GROVE, TENN. H. McNeal, dry goods merchant 19th DISTRICT. Gee's Tavern, 8 miles, by Mrs. Gee T. Scruggs, 1)4 miles, tavern keeper John Moxey, M. D., office and resi¬ dence, 8 miles Batch Alfred, farmer, federal judge of Florida, 8)4 miles 8. S. Hall, Esq., 8 miles J. H. Wilson, 9 miles John Hadley, M. D., 9 miles W. 0. Snow, dry goods and sundries, 9 miles City Road Chapel, 9 miles M. Stratton, of the firm of Stratton & Smith 8 miles G. E. Woodruff, 7 miles, grocer in the city . T. D. Mosely, Attorney at Law, office Court House W. Williams, Esq., 5 miles E.Goodrich, 6 " A. W.Johnson, 4 " Stephen Matthias,8)4 " Mrs. M. Martin, 3 " P. May nor, 8% J. P. Sledge, 3 4 I. Litton, 3 miles, agent /or Planters' Bank South-west of the city, joining the corporation, live the following distin¬ guished citizens, mostly connected with business houses in the city: James Woods, firm of Woods, Stacker & Co., cor Broad and Vauxhall sts Thomas Gowdey, jeweller, Vauxhall st Wm. Thompson, cor Broad and Vaux¬ hall sts J. M. Lawrence, M.D., Broad sts Mrs. R. Hall, hording house, Spruce st CHARLOTTE PIKE, Continuation of Cedar Street. Samuel Watkins,' large brick manu¬ factory S. R. Cockrill Jessee Thomas, collector for the port of Nashville H. P. Bostick, agent Bank of Tennessee W. B. Cooper, artist Matthew Barrow CLIFTON, At this place, two miles from the city, a handsome village, is laid off in lots, with prospects of notoriety Aris Brown, dry goods merchant, res and tavern, 8 miles from Nashville, on Charlotte pike J. B. Clements, 3 miles FRANKLIN PIKE. Mrs J. W. Wharton, 2 miles W. T. Berry, 2>£ " Mrs Robert Wood, 3 " Joseph Vaulx, 3 " DrW.W. Berry, 3 « Ex-Gov. A.V.Brown, 3)^ " W. B. Armstead, 3^> " F.McNairy, 4 " J. Thompson, farmer, 3 u J. Overton, farmer, 6 " Mrs P. Perkins, 7 " Mrs Robert Scales, 8 " Dr Atkinson, 10 " L. McGavock, 12 " — Arms, 12 " D. Johnson, tavern keeper, 13 " M. Bell, 14 « James Johnson, 14 " L: Johnson, 14 " C. McDaniel, 14 " HARDEN NEIGHBORHOOD, Continuance of Spring St. J. Tl Ellison, 1)4 miles Cockrill's Springs, 2 " C. Bosley, 4 " Col. W. W. Williams, 5 miles F. McGavock, 5)4 " Gen. Wm. Harding, 6 " Maj D. Graham, 7 Mrs Peyton Robinson Mr Shnte Bird Douglass, of the firm of H. & B. Douglas & Co. E. H. Childress Dr Hutchinson B. Spence Mr Webb Wm. Watkins Mark Cockerill, celebrated wool grower Immediately west of the Capitol, is a large and beautiful Stone Quarry, used by a wealthy company, of which J. B. Johnson is agent. 26 SUBURBS OF NASHVILLE. Neighborhood of Buena Vista Springs, extending two miles north of the city, has the following intelligent and wealthy citizens: D. T. McGavock, M. D. B. Bosley Jas. P. Erwin J. C. Owen, propriotor of the Buena Vista Springs W. W. Wetmore, general trader Hugh McGavock Judge W. K. Turner, office in the city J. P. Wiles ffra. Pritchard, proprietor of Horticultu¬ ral Garden. C. M. Helt, large brick manufact'y, near the city The chief objects of interest in this neighborhood are, the Buena Vista Sp'gs and the Horticultural Garden, places of resort and amusement for the fashionable and pleasure-seeking. LOUISVILLE BRANCH PIKE Is also a fine neighborhood, extending north to Goodlettsyille. The following gentlemen live on or near the Pike. John D. Goff, 2 miles M. D. L. Brooks, Capt of S.B. California G, Scruggs, 2 miles, celebrated for grow¬ ing large potatoes Wm. B. Walton, capt. Nashville Greys Donnell Clark, vegetable grower and mar¬ ket dealer, 2^ miles from the city Thos. Scruggs,"chicken m'chnt, 3 miles from the city Wm. Batte, 3 miles J. B. White, elk and master, 3% miles Henry Hart, firm of Phillips &Hart Wm. Phillips, same firm, 4 mile3 T. A. Gains A. Price, 5 miles John Wilson, inspector of steamboat ma¬ chinery W.D. Phillips, Grfliles F.G. M'Kay, 6 « John E. Gleaves J. A. Bowman, M. D., office and residence 8 miles E. Cunningham J. H. Cartwright, Justice of the Peace, 9 miles Mrs. Harriet Matthews, 10 miles E. P. Connell, P. M. at Goodletlsville Levi Baker, money dealer SPRINGFIELD PIKE. Stephen Powers, 15 miles John Powers, 16 " Wm. Cornell, 14 " O.S.Galbreath, MD. office and res., 14 " NAMES AND RESIDENCES OF CITIZENS NEAR NASHVILLE, ON WHITE'S CREEK PIKE. Searcy, M. D., office and residence 6 miles from the city. J. E. Manlove, M. D., office and res. 7 miles from Nashville. W. T. Garrett & Bros., large steam saw mills, 13 miles from the city. D. Young, beautiful farm, 6 miles from the city. Wm. J. Drake, fine farm, 6 miles from the city. John D. James, extensive farmer, 4 miles from the city. Lewis Williams, 7 miles from the city. Wellington Hyde, 6 miles from the city. Benj. Hyde, 5 miles from the city. Richard Hyde, 3 miles from the city. Robert Barnes, 6 miles from the city. Travelers Rest, and stage office, 13 miles from the city. J. R. Garrett, pro'r. Jas. Yarbrough, tavern keeper, 6 miles from the city. G. C. Cantrell, 4 miles from the city. Wilson's Academy, 8 miles from the city. Prof. S. .8. Wilson, pres. THE FOLLOWING CITIZENS LIVE SOUTH OF BROAD ST., WEST OF HIGH;—VIZ: J. W. S. M'Coy, family grocery store. Richard Hobbs, family grocery store. J. H. McEwen, provision house. A, Stimple, No. 1 soap manufactory. T. G. Tucker, carpenter and builder. N. H. Boyd, wagon maker. J. C. Dobson, saddle tree maker. T. O. Wright, carpenter and builder. Mr. Cole. Mr. Geers. W. L.Jones, painter. Jas. Bergin. J. Cook. S. Kincade. Mr. Hill. J. B. Davis, firm of Davis &. Swan. W. N. Woodfolk. J. H. Cousins. H. Tucker. J. P. Clark. Mrs. S. Burton. A. Patterson. F, Fields. Mrs. Tabitha Wallace. THE FOLLOWING ARE LIVING ON THE MURFBEESBORO' PIKE. James Winston, 1% miles James Foster, 2jk " Ed. Trabue, 2j^ " Kami. Carter, 3W " J. J. B. Southall, 3*4 " F. Gaff, 4 « Franklin College, 5 " Rev. T. Fanning, president. SUBURBS OP NASHVILLE. MinerVa Female College, 5 miles, Rev. —— Jones, President. Washington Institute, 5 miles. Cole, president. Mrs. King, 5)^ miles Dr. J. B.Wilson, 6 «« C. N. Nance, 2}£ " Surveyor and Farmer. THE FOLLOWING LIVE ON THE HILLSBORO' PIKE. Rev. 0. B. Hays, 1 mile Benj. Litton* 2'naifos E.Curry,gatekeeper*_ *® Rev. J. R. Bain* * " W. P. Loyd, 4 «* Felix Comptou, 5 ** John B. Murry* 5 " H. W. Compton, 5% «e J. W. Boyed, 8 " * Mai. M. B. Barnes, 8 st Wm. Scruggs, 9 ** Win, Edmiston, 9 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. We are inclined to give a flattering notice of the Business Houses of Nashville, This may be more satisfactorily done by the statement that, although there are bo many (over Five Hundred,) engaged in Trade, Professions and Manufacturing, they are mostly doing well. Since the revulsions of 1837-8, very few failures have occurred in our city. We have taken great pains to give a fair designation of every Establishment in the City and omit none. We have carefully arranged the several classes of Trade, Manufactures, Profes¬ sions, &c., giving each class an alphabetical arrangement and an Index Reference, so that each will be easily found. By special request of some of our subscribers, their Cards are enlarged and displayed—price in proportion. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. R. W. BROWN, Attorney at Law, Office—68 N Cherry st—up stairs. H. COX, Attorney at Law, Office—14 Cedar st. G. L. BROWN, Attorney at Law, Office—45 North Cherry st. 4 S. R. COCKRILL, Attorney at Law, Office—25 Cedar st—up stairs. * W- L. BROWN, Attorney at Law, Office—8 North High street. T. B. CHILDRESS, Attorney at Law, Office—42 North Cherry st. W. F. COOPER, Attorney at Law, Office—46 North Cherry st. D. R. CLAIBORNE, Attorney at Law, Office—44 North Cherry st. 32 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. DIMICK & HICKMAN, Attorneys at Law, Office—45 N Cherry st. HON. E, H. FOSTER, Attorney at Law, Office—48 North Cherry st. A. L. DEMOSS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—57 North Cherry st. FOSTER & FOGG Attorneys at Law, , Office—64 North Cherry st—Res., G. M. Fogg, — North High st. ANDREW EWING, Attorney at Law, Office—48 N Cherry st—Res., 80 Spring H. M. R. FOGG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—39 North Cherry st. S. P. ALLISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—61 North Cherry st. T. S. FOSTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—56 North Cherry st. J. R. EAKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—9 Cedar st—up stairs. S. R. FINLEY, ATTORNEY AT L4W, Office—31 Public Square. F. B. FOGG, ATTOENEY AT LAW, Office—39 N Cherry st—Res., 69 Spring W. A: GLENN, Sttoitft} at fata/ Office—46 NorthCherry st—up stairs. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 33 HALBERT & BRiEH, Attorneys at Law, Office—43 N Cherry st—up stairs. GEORGE E. MANEY, Attorney at Law, Office—43 North Cherry et RUSSELL HOUSTON, Attorney at Law, Office—41 North Cherry st R.J. MEIGS, Attorney at Law, Offick and Res.—51 & 53 Cedar s !* W. H. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at L aw, OFFrcK—31 Public Square. J. A. M'MURRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—39 N Cherry st—up stairs. JOHN M, LEA, Attorney at Law, Office and Res.—16 N Vine st. R. W. M'GATOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—23 Deaderick st—up stairs. T. & J. D. MANEY, Attorneys at Law, Office—40 North Cherry et JOHN I M'CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law, Office—59 N Cherry st. HENRY MANEY, Attorney at Law, Office—iO North Cherry* st. JOHN A. M'EWEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—70 North Cherry st. 34 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 0. F. PARKER. ATTOBNEY AT LAW, Office—41 North Cherry st. JOHN TRIMBLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—44 N Cherry si. \ J. L. RICE. Attorney at Law, Office—47 Spring st. M. YAUGHN, Sliiontq at lam, Office—41 North Cherry st—siaiirs. JOHN REID. Attorney at Law, Office—69 North Cherry st. THOMAS WBHIBHON. Stfnniiij nt ram, Office—32 Cedar si. ROBERT G. SMILEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 0fpice—43 North Cherry st. — D. F. WILDE ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—70 North Cherry si. JOHN HUGH SMITH. Attorney at Law, Office—72 N Cherry sL D. C. WELKSR. inran n us. Office—72 North Cherry st—sj> ataka. • L. M. TEMPLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, R. N. WILLIAMS. mam? a im9 Ofmcb—12 Cedar ei. Optica— 68 North Cherry si. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 35 JAMES WHITWORTH, MIOSSEY AT LEW, Office—46 North Cherry st. J.G. HlfifiSIY IT UV» Office—23 Cedar st. MEDICAL CARDS. W.K. BOWLING, M.D., Office and Residence—29 N H igh st. H. CAROW, M. D., Office—25 Cedar st—up stairs. B.C. CHAMBERLAIN, M. P., Office—87 N College st. M. BOURNE, Medical Depot—17 Deaderick st. T.W. CONNER, M.D., Office—17 N Summer st. A. H. BUCHANAN, M. D., Prof. Med. Department Nashville Univ. Office—48 N Cherry st. W. D. DOllRIS, M. B., Residence and office—71 Cedar st. W. T. BRI6GS. M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, Medical Department Nashville University 42 N Cherry st—Res. 6 N Vine st. R. O. FOSTER, M. D., Office—56 N Cherry st. Residence—14 N High street 36 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. JNO. FORD, M. D., Oficef—23 N Cherry st.—Rks.~ 13 S Summer st. DR. A. G, GOODLETT, Manufacturer aud Proprietor of Houck's Panacea aud Ooodlelt's Liniment. Of¬ fice and Medical Labratory—25 Dead- -aiick sL Res.—9 S Spruco st. L; F. GOWER, M.. D., Office--43 Spring st—Res.—21 S High street. J. W. GRAY, M. D., Office—43 N Cherry st;—up Stairs. B. W. HALL, M. D., Offick~-7 N Cherry st. P. HARSH, M. D., Office—5 & 8, Corner Cherry &. Dead- erick sts.—Res.— 107 N Cherry st. JNO. IRWIN, EL D., Office—£7 N Cherry &t- JACE, Root Doctor, Office—-20 N Front st THOS. R. JENNINGS, M. D, Office and Res.—29 N High st. W. P. JONES, M. D, Office—26 N Cherry st. J. D. KELLY, M. D., Office—45 Spring st—Res.—Nash. Inn. G, KELLOGG, M. D., Office—1 N College st.—Res.-89 N Col¬ lege st. J. W. KING, M. Do, Office—26 N Cherry st.-Resident Physi¬ cian State Hospital. BE. Wi S. LAHGDON, Res. and Office—31 Cedar st. W. II. LYON, M. D., Office—44 N Cherry st. B.C.K.MABTIN.M.D. Res. and Office—35 Cedar st. 11. MARTIN, M. D., Omcs and Res —corner Spring and Summer sts. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 37 GEO. A. J. MAYFIELD, M. D., Office—67 Spring st.—Res.—6 N Vine street. J. M. WATSON, M. D., PROFESSOR OBSTETRICS, Medical Department Nashv'e University, Office—42 N Cherry st. j. mitchell, Office—52 N Market st—Res., 63. JOHN WATERS, M. D., Office and Re3,—15 N College st. W. McCOMBS, M. D, Office—25 North Cherry st. REV. W. H. WHARTON, M.D., Office and Res.—104 Broad st. BOYD M'NAIRY, m. D„ Offick and Rks.—11 & 13 N Summer st. C. K. & J. D. WINSTON, M. DS-, Office—26 N Cherry st—J. D.*sRe8.,ll S Cherry st. Ai Wi 111111$ Hi li$ Office—31 Public Square. j. §. iiwhii, w. to, Office—44 Public Square. CU K. WINSTON, M. PROF. MATERIA MEDICA AND THEREPEUTICS, in the Medical De¬ partment of Nashville University. b* n. pin iffi91. Office—22 N Cherry st. F* mbuts6b9 hi Office—34 S Cherry st. P. S.WOODWARD, M. D.^ Office—9 N Cherry st. w, mil, hi §■., Office—18 Deaderick st—Res., 14 North Cherry st. JOHN S. YOUNG, Office—9 N Cherry st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS STORES It. C. ANDERSON & CO., Clothing Store, 45 N Market st. ©o *. c®n&BVv CLOTHING STORE, 42 Public Square. Jo 9 ViHILESALS AND RITA'L Clothing Store, 38 N Market st. JAHSS 9AVm, . CLOTHING STORE, 10 Public Square. iUiili & insii, s WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Clothing Store, 15 Cedar st. Manufacturing House, Philadelphia, cor Dock and 2d sts. aiisii, & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING STORE, 29 N Market st. B. So @SJMS!8®8®Jir9 Clothing Store, 39 N Market st* LANDE, ELSBACH & CO; UNITED STATES CLOTHING STORE, 48 N Market st. t CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 39 LAHK, ELSBACH & CO:, BAT AND CAP MANUFACTORY, 50 N M&rket at. kxxb WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING STORE, 11 Poblie Square. Jo UTIBG8WB, CLOTHING STORE; 20 N Market st. mmmm. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING STORE, * 34 N Market st. ■CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS.& SIIOE3, 8 Broad Street. Ms. S0LZ3ACHEB: CLOTHING STORE, 53 N Market—Residence, 32 Spring art- MYEBS & M'GILL; LADIES &. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, *58 N College'st- §SW®8» CLOTHING & TAILORING: 7 Broad Street. KETI & NATHAN; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL % CLOTHING STORE, 44 S M&rket et, and 6 Broad at. SELTZ & WHEELER; MERCHANT TAILORS m CLOTHING 8T0RS, 71 Publi« Square. 40 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. A. SANDHOUSE, CHEAP CLOTIHNG STOKE, 42 N Market st. H. CAMPBELL, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, 177 S Cherry st.—Res. 159 S Summer st» I. GAMPBBU, DRY GOODS, 50 S Market et. H- SOLSBURGER, Clothing, Wholesale & Retail, 24 N Market st. JOHN I). GOWBR, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS,. 8 Union st. H, SHORE, Clothing and Tailoring, J Spring st. * • MRS. JANE GILLIAM, DRY GOODS STORE, 4(J Public Square. E. WOLF, CLOTKWG STSKi 13 & 54 corner Market st. and Public Square.—Ree,—98 N Cherry et. GRAHAM & LEE, RETAIL DRY GOODS, 5 Union et. J. K. HUME; RETAIL DRY GOODS, 57 N College st.—R*s.—25 S Cherry si. R. P. BOLLING, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 11 Union et. M'NAIRY & FU11MAN, RETAIL DRY GOODS, 55 N College et. H.R.BUCHANAN & CO., ST APLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 10 Union et. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 41 JAS. NICHOL, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 13 and 55, corner Market st. and Public Square. ROBT. SMITH, DRY GOODS STORE. 79 Broad st. A. R. OPPENHEIMER STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 16 Union st. STEVE NS0N& WHITE, RETAIL DRY GOODS, 59 N College st. It B- PLUMMER & CO., STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 20 Union st. THURSTON & BERNARD, RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE, 9 Union st. - BOSS & MOORE, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G00D3, 18 Union st. E. TRABUE, RETAIL DRY GOODS. 15 Union St. F. RYMAN, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, 73 S Front st. HAKDWAKE AND CUTLERY CARDS. HORTON & MACEY, WOODS, PAYNE & CO; Importers and Dealers in Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Iron and Castings. TENNESSEE IRON, 71 S Market st, . 45 Broad street. 12 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. WOODS, PAYNE & GO; CUMBERLAND IRON WORKS, Depot—18 N College at. HILLMAN, VANLEER & CO., Tennessee Rolling Works, Casting and Iron Stork—44 N College at JAMES B. CRAIGHEAD, DEALER IN American, English and German HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, 29 West side Public Square, Axes and Hatchets, Chisels and Gouges. Saws and Planes, Braces and Bitts, Drawing Knives, Squares and Bevels Chains and Rope, Cast, Shear and Blister Steel, Anvils and Vices, Stone and Sledge Hamers Stocks and Dies, Shovels, spades and hoes. Rifle Barrets, «J?E8E?EJ- Gun Mounting, Shot Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Gamebagsand Shot Belts; Ream and Wove Wire, Riddles and Sifters, Table and Pocket Cutlery Razors and Hones, Locks and Hinges, Nails, Tacks and Screws; Files and Raps, Mill x Cut and Pit Saws Machine Cards. Coach Trimmings, Shoe Findings and Saddlery Wares, JAMES ERWIN, WHOLESALE fc RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware & Cutlery, 32 Public Square. KiRKMAN & ELLIS, WHOLE6AL#fc RETAIL DEALERS 10 Hardware & Cutlery, 34 Public Square. See Large Card, CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 43 - rfT/ill& iHABDWARE & CUTLEEY. nashyille,ten; sj, — 0 ] £k $ KEEP CONSTANTLY ON' HAND A LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE AND CUTLERY y Which they will sell low for Cash, or on a liberal Credit to punctual fnen. The following are among the articles which comprise their Stock: Trace and Log Chains, Breast and Halter do. Pocket Knives, Table do. Shears and Scissors, Razors and Straps, Gun Barrels and Locks,&c.. Knob Locks of all kinds, Augers, Chisels, &c., Axes and Hatchets, Handsaws and Draw Knives, Tea Kettles, &c.,&e., Mousehole Anvils, Brown's Bellows, Solid Box Vices, and Com. do., Stocks and Dyes, Double, and Single Shot Guns, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Cotton and Wool Cards, Steelyards and Scales, Table and Tea Spoons, Shovels and Spades, Planes of all kinds, Together with a complete assortment of a . a doS2* Feathers, Ginseng, Beeswax and Wool<:fg3B taken at the highest market prices in exchange for Hardware, or in payment of Debts. 44 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. I HARDWARE & CUTLERY. '? m 47 NORTH COLLEGE STREET^ KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE AND CUTLERY i&' OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, =©3 To which they beg leave to call the attention of Merchants, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Farmers, and others visiting Nashville, feeling satisfied that they cannot be excelled either in goods or prices. The following are among the articles which comprise their stock: TRACE CHAINS, LOG do. BREAST HALTER, &c., POCKET KNIVES, TABLE do. SHEARS AND SCISSORS, RAZORS AND STRAPS, GUN BARRELS, LOCKS, &e., CURRY COMBS, PADLOCKS, KNOB LOCKS of all kinds, HINGES AND SCREWS, AUGERS AND CHISELS, AXES AND HATCHETS, MOUSEHOLE ANVILS, BROWN'S BELLOWS, SOLID BOX VICES, COM. do. HAND * SLEDGE HAMMERS, STOCKS AND DYES, FILES AND RASPS, Double and Single Shot Guns, RIFLES COMPLETE, CANDLESTICKS, STIRRUPS AND BITTS, TABLE AND TEA SPOONS, STEELYARDS & SCALES, COTTON & WOOL CARDS, HANDSAWS&DRAW KNIVES, SHOVELS AND SPADES, TEA KETTLES, &c., PLANES OF ALL KINDS, Together with a complete assortment of other CARPENTERS |TOOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Feathers, Ginseng and Beeswax taken — at the highest market prices in exchange for Hardware, or in payment of debts. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 45 CARDS FOR MANUFACTURERS, Ac. ASMGBZ.T0ML L E. 1SFFS1E, Manufacturing Company, SODA MANUFACTORY, G. W. ALLEN, PKES'T. 22 S Market st. 72, 76, and 78 N. Market st. SUMS II. 1MJ1, A a /JM. M a S>$3 a j TOY MANUFACTORY Wagon and Carryall Making, OF PLASTER PARI?. / 7 97 and 99 Broad st. 138 S Summer st. B. K. ALUBS, tnoxsir Wagon and Plough Manufac'y, COOP ERIN G, 51 S College at—Ras- 77 S Summer. 86 S Summer st. B. H. B&MRiil, D. A. COLE, CIGAR MANUFACTORY, Mattrass Manufactory, 14 Doadarick at. l%8 Market at. 46 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. CRAM 4 SHEPHERD, CARRIAGE MANUFACT'RY AMD BI.ACIvSMITHING, 34 Deaderick at B. IB PATENTEE OF Independent Straw Cutter, Res. 8 S Spruce st. L B. CARRIAGE MAKING, STEAMBOAT, MILL WORK, AND REPAIRING SHOP, 24 9 Market st. Wffi. fBABClS, CIGAR MANUFACTORY, 162 S Market st. F. R. GOWER, WAGON MAKING * AND BLACKSMITHING, MS Bread st.—Rss. 54 Bread el Ornament Manufactory, 71 S Cherry st. G. B. GUNTER, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, 110 Broad st, R.RGROOMES&Co, Furniture Manufactory, 110 3 Market St. Brush Manufactory, 13 Spring st. H/- WOOD BOATING, 34 S Front st. J, H1IBS1S0I, COOPER MANUFACTORY, 30 Broad at. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 47 M9S8MIS & SHIM, CARRIAGE MAN UFACT'RY 114 and 120 N College at. OPIE POPE, WAGON MAKER, 53 S College st. w. w. minmt CARRIAGE MAN UFACT'RY 43 N Front st. Wm: STEWART, Ornamental Railing MANUFACTORY, 35 S College st. SL 1% B7&&S, CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 95 N Cherry st.—Res. 73 N Summer. J. P. fMTSWSBB, Ch air and Furniture MANUFACTORY, 100 S Market st * A. J. Mussleman St Co, Tobacco Manufactory, 48 S College st.—Res. 12 College. Manufacturing Company, 27 S Front st. (This Establishment employs 150 hands.} JOHN THOMPSON, Agent, Rss. 26 S Summer st: S0OTHIM SIMIMI Manufacturing Company, 36 N Front st Sycamore Mills, Davidson^Co. Cheatham, Watson & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Cotton Yams and Gunpowder, JNO. POPE, WAGON MAKER, 128 S Market at cards foil nashville. • till I UMflLU ' Tiif'ii? & pyle, Manufacturing Co. Depot, CARRIAGE AND CARRYALL 38 N Market st. manufacturers, R. II. Grooms Prescient W. L. Nance, Sec'y. 135 S Market st. F. SLOAN, a. f a3&ha1i, CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, b lacks mithing 69 N Market st.—Ware Rooms 82, and Res. 65. AND WAGON STIOP, j 134 S Market st.—Res-—87 S College st. s. l. mm, CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY AND rrn <» w? u twi 'fj TO dumber yard, To So 59 N Market st. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, 42 N Front st.—Res.—23 N Spruce st. 1s& CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 1SET. Willi®ELLBR, And Repairing Shop, BAND box MANUFACTORY, 5 Clark at.—Rks.—6 S Market st. 17 S College st. * w.I. liWllIH, Willi! & 1@§se, coach manufactory BUILDERS AND PROPRIETORS, All) board! ng house, A LARGE MACHINE SHOP, 80 N Ma fcjt st. 24 3 High st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORES. EAKIN & CO., ! MORGAN & CO.; psuraffijpkas as» wholesale dealers in Wholesale Dealers iu Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, i DRY GOODS, Sic.. Sec, Shoes and Bonnets, j j 47 Public Square. 48 Public Square. j W. MEREDITH Wholesale Dealer iu f&urpefing, Dry Goods, fcc., 4. Public Square. H. & B. DOUGLASS % CO. Wholesale Jobbers iu DRY GOODS, Hats.CapSjBootSjShoes SuBonneis 51&.57 Public Square. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES. SABDiiER & CO., j BEECH & POINTER, wholesale and retail DRY GOODS, 17 Public Square. wholesale and retail DRY GOODS, 29 Public Square. 50 CARDS FOR NASIIYILLE. T.W.&W. H.EVANS. wholesale and retail ©'Si 5? 51 N Market st. FITE & CO., 14 Union st. C. 0. JONES, wholesale and retail &qq>&&9 1 & 27 cor Deaderick and Public Square. I.A.1J. G. MCLELLAN, wholesale and retail 20 Publie Square. NICHOLSON & DBO., Dealers! In Staple and Fumy DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 18 & 78 cor Market and Bread eta. PLUMMER & CO., wholesale and retail DRT 600DS, 18 Public Square. THOMPSON & CO. wholesale and reta34. DRT 6 0 0 D §» 21 Public Square. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE.. ol Wholesale and Retail j WMr» it:isp f 23 PnbSic Square, ¥3 <5? fp ^ ffi, ym J J A .^, 0 Uuioil St. Wholesale and Retail Hate, CapSjfta and Straw, 2ft Public Square. ■*j> 1 f'l ; t'' G3 Public Scuare. CANDLE AND POEK MANUFACTORIES. J. BATIE, CANDLE MANUFACTORY, 27 & 29 N Front st—Res., 31. L. C. 23 S Front et J. C. DOYLE S CO, Tallow Chandlers and Pork Packers, 23 N Front »t. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. LB.e-umn, i. l aiiuii, DENTIST, DENTAL SURGEON, 31 N Cherry st. OSes and Residence—31 N Cherry st. ii&e JL I« Os HUSS-* DENTAL SURGEON, Office--23 N Cherry st. SURGEON DENTIST, 57 N College st.—up stairs. E i, ; | DENTAL ESTABLISHMENT, 24 N Cherry st. DENTAL SURGEON, Office—23N Cherry st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. WHOLESALE GROCERS. J. C. FRENCH i CO, Wholesale Grocers, l'J S Market st. Wholesale Grocer, 39 S Market st. MORRIS & MATTHEWS. Wholesale Grocers, WILKSSLELLYETT Wholesale Grocers, 11S Market st. Js |8 101 % Wholesale Grocer, 54 S Market st. WEAKLEY & EUTHEBFOID, Wholesale Grocers, 13 S Market st. 67 S Market st. 54 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, J, H. BUDDEIKE, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 66 S Market st. C. CELLA, Coffee Saloon & Grocery Store, 28 VeraEdah Hotel. D. T. BRAMBLE, Wholesale an'd Retail Grocer, ID Broad st. JAS. DOYLE, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 68 S Market ef. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 46 S Market st. I11II & lrHilSf t Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 55 and 63.coruer of Cherry and Broad ats. * S.C00LEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 43 Broad st. Ji Si I1IS1I8S & 68a| GROCERY MERCHANTS, UN Market st* • ftt $s lllil & m.f " i Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Liquors, &cc , S3 and 25 Broad 8t. ! R. XING, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 38 S Market st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 55 Ufa UVKJGSTQN, 1a WA svbiit, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 33 Public Square. 51 Broad at. MMM & B%Q., JL C!a vwsim & SS., Wholesale and Retail Grocery Grocery and Vinegar Brewery, Merchants, 56 Broad st. 5, 7 and 9 S Market st. i« F* fiffillll, W. W.TURNER, Grocery and Crockery Dealer, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 28 Broad st. 25 N Market st. FURNTTDRE STORES, &C. I,. M. FUEEMAN, Venitian Blind Maker and Frame Joiner, 31 N College st. W. & T. GREENFIELD &C0., Importers and Dealers in Furni¬ ture, Carpeting and Pianos, 16 N College st. M'COMBS & CORNELIUS, Cabinet Makers and Under¬ takers, 1 and — corner Cherry and Spring #0. J. H. CURRY, FURNITURE STORE. 25 N College st. Sfcurafactory near tho R. R. Depot. W- & 11 FREEMAN, I^ooking G lass, Pictures, Frames, Blinds, and Deal¬ ers in Cabinet Maker's Materials, 31 SJ College st.—W. Freeman's Res. " 70 Cedar st. 56 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. JM HESSEI, CABINET MAKER, 108 S College st. B«SSS & S®1» Auction and Commission Furniture Store, >, . 19 N College st. I. II. MORTON, Importer and Manufacturer of Furniture, Pianos, Window Shades, Looking* Glasses, Mattrasses, &c., &c., 45 Union st. A. PATTERSON, Importer and Dealer in aK kinds of Furniture, 6 N CoUege st. A S. BEECH, Jeweler k Watch Maker, Res. 176 S Market st.—Shop in Alley near Banner Office. CAMPBELL &D0NIGAN, Dealers in Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, &c., 22 and 38,corner College and Union sfs. W. SU 9&MM9WB, Importer and Dealer in Watch¬ es, Jewelry, ike., 15 Public Square.-—Res. 8 N CWrxy sS. A Watchmaker and Jeweller,, 41 Union st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 57 J .'A. IMI, Watchmaker and Jeweller. 3 Union st. ifliii mwm9 Importer and Dealer in Watch¬ es and Jewelry, 25 Public Square. WLLEBRAND & CO., Watch and Jewelry Store, 42 S Market st. D. A. JOHNSTON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 17 Deaderick st—up Stairs.—Res. 78 N Cherry st. THOS KENT, Jeweller and Watchmaking-, 31 Union st. ®3kvtS("®l ""ssl; 5^ Watchmaker and Jeweller, 8 S Market st. SILVER SMITH, Res. 118 N Cherry street. JAS. H. SHEGOGG, SILVER SMITH, 17 Deaiierick st. CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, Ac, HARRISON £ RENTON, CARPENTERS & BUILDERS, Shop on Alley near Lincoln's Ilall,Cher¬ ry st. Dealer in Lumber, Shingles,&c, Yard 111 Broad st. .68 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. i „ J. M. ALEXANDER CARPENTER SHOP, In Alley near the Banner Office.—Res. 105 N Cherry at. 1.6. H0BTA68I,. house carpenter, 34 N McLemore st.—Res. 81 Cedar st H. S. ATKINSON, carpenter & builder, 26 S High st —Res. 63 S Summer st. W- R- M'FARE AND, house carpenter, Shop 73 N College st. M'COLLOUGH A GILLIAN, HOUSE CARPENTERS & BUILDERS 128 N College st. R. C. BRUCE ASON, CARPENTERS & BUILDERS, 88 Broad st. J. T- NATHURSTt roofer, 30 N Spruce st- ^ C AWEMTER' SHiP,^ 139 N Cherry st.—Res. 131. SS£LL & BS8LEY, house carpenters, Shop 117 N Cherry st. HANIE & RULONG, carpenter shop, 66 S Front st. W. JACKSON, Carpenter and Builder, •32 S Iligh st. A. L. SAMUELS, carpenter and builder, Shop 17 S McLemore st.—Res. 16 S Spruce st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 59 ROBT. L SANDERS, Carpenter and Builder, 34 S High st. VMOY & TURBEYILLE, CAR SHOP, THIRTY HANDS EMPLOYED, 13 and 17 N Spruce st. SEO. W. SMITH, HOUSE CARPENTER, 1 eorner Spring and Vine,—Res. 7 S Vine st. T. J- YABBOBO, CARPENTER SHOP, 16 S College st.—Res. 113 Cherry st. ill ji © ® la ill§iis fr M. BUMS' ~ Coach, W are, and Sadlery, '19 N Market st. liiT£msiswr Saddle and Harness Manufac¬ tory, 47 Market st.—Res. 106 N Cherry st. J. EL FMLEY, Res. and Saddle Shop 38 S College si. .SEC. ilfEB, Harness Maker, 68 Public Square. iilEl Ss SOB, Saddle and Harness Makers, 37 N Market st.—Res. 72 Cedar st. Ja Us ®3/!J05S$ Saddle and Harness Maker, 1 and 33 corner Market and Union st., Saddle and Harness Maker, 43 N Market st. 60 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. CIGAR AN]) PIIOT STORES. Fruit Store, 21 S Front Et. Cigar and Fruit Store, 3 Cedar at—Res. 72 N Spring at. , ^ wat ot g iaJ llal illi i Fruit Store, 2 8 Front at. f® W® QTOTOWQ Cigar and Fruit Store, 27 &. 56 cor Cherry and Deaderiek sis. Residence—21 N Spruce at. w u/ Cignrs, /mils, Ilr, &r., 19 Union at. Fruit and Cigar Store, 4 Union at. ® f u* ® w'tf ® ® iiy aa 4 Fruit Store, 10 N Market at. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. TINNERS, &C. COflLEISJOlSON Till, Copper and Shoot Iron Manufactory, 91 S Market st. MAXEY 4 M'CLDR I Iron, Copper and Tin Manufactory, 15 &. 41 N Market st; PHILLIPS 4 M'CASLI! Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron and Stove Manufactory, 17 S Front st. STIIFMT & OWII, Stove &/ Tin Manufacturers US Market at. . I SMITH, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory, 10 Broad Street. Snow, M'Kenzie & Co., Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Manufactory, 17 N College st. 1, 8* W1&LI8U Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass and Ga;«ss Fitting, 35 S Market st. 02 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. VARIETY STORES. Irocer and Variety Store, 8 N College st.—Res. 10. . MORRISON i CO, Wholesale arid Retail Vari¬ ety Store—Combs, Cut¬ lery, Brushes, English mid French and German Fan¬ cy Good^, 2 & 28 cor Deadericfe stand Patilic Sqre. 1 Variety Store, 11 N Front si. Toy and Fancy Store, 39 U uion st. AUCTION HOUSES. Wo Ho KIIR, auction house,. 13 Union st—Res., 106 Broad et. PElfKCOSmOK, Auction & Commission House, 23 N Market Et. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE, ®.W« lliHl AUCTION STORE, J. Y. Gilbert, Auctioneer. 22 Broad street. *«&« BBB9QB* Wholesale Dry Goods, Auction and Commission Merchant, 51 Publie Square. 2* SJ138I3 JlkBi Auction and Commission Mer¬ chant, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., 74 Public Square. W. H. GORDON & Co., Auction and Commission Mer¬ chants, £8 &. 67 Public Square AUCTIONEER, 51 Publie Square. Residence—100 N Market: '8 W fiiii, City Auctioneer, Office—50 N Cherry el* CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. PAINTERS, &C. 6. H. BimiT, Paper Hanging, Glazing, House and Sign Painting, 54 Spring st.—Res. Vine, S of Demum¬ bra r,e St. L 8. 8M1TM8B,. House and Ornamental Sign Painter, I2J<» Beaderiek st.—Res. 85S Summer at w, Ornamental, Sign and Ban- - ner Painting, Shop and Res. 28 S College st. W. L. HORN, same place. !£. II. HORN, same place. House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, 33 Broad st. Hutchinson & Fleming House, Sign and Fancy Painter, 29 Union s t. PHELPS & STEVENSON, House, Sign and Ornamental Painters, Shop 127 S Cherry st. Horn & Bertrand, Ornamental Painters, l"3}o Deaderick st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. Ilonse, Sign and Fancy Painter, 46 N College st—up Stairs.—Res, 148 S Summer st. House and Sign Painter, Paper Hanging and Glazing, 24 Deaderick st. GUNSMITHS, &C, m* bbbuistoi, J9HI umm, Gunsmith and Repairer, -Key Making and Fitting, 25 S College st. 6 Clark st. Rill* IliEllr" 610. IBBLABB, Locksmith and Bell Hanger, Carver and Turner, 20 Deaderick st. 29 Spring st.—Res. 77 Union st. W. BOSTZJffiU!, GUNSMITH, H. MIISB, Silver and Brass Plating, IS Market st. 71 N College st. 5 GB CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. So A. mmmr. BELL HANGING 31 Spring st. UfBSRIlT, Clock Maker and Ilepairer, *24 Deuderick st—up Stairs. A. B. WihMmM, SILVER PLATER, 75 N Marketst. J89. HBMSS8, Philosophical Instrument Mak'r 82 Broad st. BLACKSMITHS, &C. E.S> Efacksmithing and Wagon Making, 5T> 55 S College st.—Res. 73 S Sum¬ mer st. 0WEN.. & SCRUGGS, BLACKSMITHING, 3 N Front st. LEWIS CARAWAY, BLACKSMITHING, 27 Spring st. JAS. PARRISH, BLACKSMITHING, 104 S Market st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 67 BLACKSMITHING, 141 S Market st. TI10S SHEl'IlEIID. BLACKSMITIIING, 24 and 133, corner Cherry and Franklin streets. A. & 0. TOWLES, BLACK SMITHING, 59 Public Square^ W* Mil* BLACKSMITI-IING, 124 S Cherry st. JNO. M- WALLACE, BLACKSMITIIING, 112 Broad st. S- SPAMMAN, BLACM3MITIIING, 101 S Market St. M.YOUNG, BLACKSMITHING, 1 93 N College st. BRASS FOUNDRIES, AC. nashville f&unbby. Sam. F. Anient, Proprietor, AH sorts of Castings made to order at the shortest notice, &>c., .37 3 College sti Brass and Iron Foundry man, 40 S Market st. Foundry 83 S Cherry st.—Rss. 43 S Cherry st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. Brass Foundry and Copper¬ smith, 22 S Front st —Res. 29 S College st. A* J3o @§#£, Bell and Brass Founder and Finisher, 120 S Cherry st. ELLIS & M00BE. Engine Shop and Boiler Builders, Twenty-three hands employ®#. 96 and 98 S.Market st.—Res. 8SS Col¬ lege 8t. JAS- MOFFET, brass foundry, 82 S Market st. BARBEB.S. ARMSTRONG &CO, BARBER SHOP, 36 S Market st. s. &. bbs&st, Barber and Ornamental Hair Dresser, 28 N College st. IM. BB&HiU&Y, BARBER SHOP, 4 Broad at. IB, Barber and Hair Dresser, 58 Public Sqaa7«. BARBER SHOP, 22 Verandah Hotel.—Res. 80 N Sum¬ mer st. barber shop, 10 Deaderick si. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. i»i mmm, BARBER SHOP,. 22 Deaderick at. WILLIAMS & ROLLINS, BARBERS, 21 N Market at. ARTISTS. B03Y1S, YMEOuf & ffiSSULBBSGEl, Daguerreofcypists and Stock Dealers, 59 N College st—up Stairs.' w. miemia, STATE ARCHITECT, Res. City Hotel. H, 0, MMMll, Civil Engineer, Surveyor, and Draughtsman, Office and Res. 49 Spring st. ISO, I, STOBMf, DAGUERREAN ARTIST. 30 Union st—up Stairs. A, EMMAE, ARCHITECT, Res. and Office 36 N" Summer at. w. 3. eoom. PORTRAIT PAINTER, 87 N Simmer st—up Stairs. 70 CARD3 FOR NASHVILLE. SCHOOLS AND ACADEMES. Nashville Female Institute, The first session, for 1853, of the "NASHVILLE FEMALE INSTI¬ TUTE," chartered 1852, commenced Jan. 10th, in the vestry and adjoining rooms of the First Baptist Church. The Latin and French languages, Geometry, Algebra, Moral, Intellec¬ tual and Natural Philosophy, Chem¬ istry, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing and Ornamental Needle¬ work, together with all the ordinary branches of a solid education, are taught. Referring to our patrons for satis¬ factory information, the teachers hope to receive a share of the public pat¬ ronage. TEACHERS: Rev. C. Carboll Bitting, Miss Lotjisa Moulton, " Clara Moulton. Music. Mb. J. K. Opl, Mks. J. Eastman. Corporation School House, 15 S High st. BISHOP MILES' SCHOOL; 122 N Market st. CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL; 29 S Spruce st. JAS. T. F. CARNEY'S Nashville Com'ercial College, 20 PublicJSquare—up stairs. House of Industry, MRS. E. ALBY, PROPRIETOR, 7 N Vine st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. ."^42 ara^.var7iiY:^vs^S^l llv-:a^r?fca1 \±2 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE.! MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Course of Lectures" in this Department will commence oaB^ Tuesday, 1st of November Next, and continue till the first of the ensuing March. Principles and Practice gy^ of Surgery. Obstetrics and Diseases||(g, of VVomen & Childr'n, jy'? Surgical & Pathologically Anatomy & Physiol'gy ||> Institutes and PracticeJi^5 of Medicine. Materia Medica & Med¬ ical Jurisprudence. General and Special Anatomy. J. BERRIEN LIlNDSLEY, M. D., Chemistry and Phar- JDj' macy. »" ||{6> WILLIAM T. BRIGGS, M. D., Demonstrator of Anal-'§K^ omy. frV 1Kb PAUL F. EVE, M. D., JOHN M. WATSON, M. D. A. H. BUCHANAN, M. D., W. K. BOWLING, M. D., C. K. WINSTON, M. D., .tf R. M. PORTER., M. D., Will be opened for Students on the 1st Monday of October. A full Preliminary Course of Lectures will be given by the Professors, commencing also on the 1st Monday of Oct. The Students will have free access to the State Hospital. Fee of each Professor, $15. Matriculation ticket, $5;j Dissecting ticket, $10. Graduation fee, $25. Good board can be obained in the city at from $2 50 to I $3 00 per week. Farther information may be obtained by addressing the Dean. Nashville, March, '53. J. B. LINDSLEY, Dean, j ' i|>u. -^ji tjg—i—ljcviipj 72 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. mmm school MRS. MARY NORTON, Teacher, Basement of the Episcopalian Church, Corner of Spring and High sts. Nashville Ladies College, R. A. Lapsley, D. D., Principal. Jas. Diggons and Chas. Hess, Music, Teachers, Dr. Linbsley, Prof. of Nat. Sciences. FEMALE TEACHERS.1 Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Knox, Mrs. Egdar , Miss J. E. Miller, Miss Julia Norton. 52 Spring st., in Masonic Hall. Protestant Orphan Asylum, TWENTY-NINE PUPILS, Mra. M. A. Powell , Matron, Mrs. M. E. Sykes, Teacher. 8 S MoLemore st. ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL, 39 & 63, cor High and Gay sts. SCHOOL FOR BOYS & GIRLS Mrs. Kirk, Principal, 12 S Vino st. MARBLE YARDS. Si3E2i¥©E! SIMS*,'Nashville StoneDres- ' Marble Manufacturers, j Sing Co., Yard—12 S Summer st. Res—M. S. I ^0IINS0N» Agent, Slielton, Edgefield; J. j. Ham, South! Nashville. j Office—23 Cedar st. CARDS FOk NASHVILLE. 73 H. Importer and Manufacturer of Marble and Stone, Yard—48 Cedar at. Importer and Dealer in Marble and Stone, 84 S Market st, also, N. E. & S. W, cor¬ ners Spring and Summer sts. CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. J. 8. 6A&B8SS; Qneensware House, 53 Public Square. ifec Wholesale and Retail China, Glass and Earthenware, Hioks' China Hall, A. II. Hicks, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail China, Glass and Qucensware, 46 Public Square. 1 & 11 cor Market and Spring sts. 74 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. m 1 Hi Ifcxk T, * r\ i x Importer and Dealer in Havan- Keceiver3 and Dealers in Cot- r „ n- „A i na Cigars and 1 obacco, ton and Tobacco, 83 and 87 S Market st. — S Market st. 1 I&l 'it's!'J+t Importers and Dealers in Ci¬ gars, Tobacco, Wines, Li¬ quors, &c., &c., 19 Cedar st. «u mi TOBACCONIST, 54 & 64 cor Broad and Cherry sts. Importer and Dealer in Cigars and Tobacco, 73 N Cherry st. 3. EIRE) X JClXi A j Druggist and Apothecary, 1 1G and 79, corner Market and Broad sts. HliiliSBOT, g'fMTCH & 81 Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 1 and 37 Public Square. Ma aula Druggist and Apothecary, 39 and 73, .corner Cherry and Cedar sts. <0 Wholesale Druggist and Apoth¬ ecary, 52 Public Square.—Res. 81 N Market st. Drugg ists and Apothecaries, 33 and 53, corner Union and Cherry sts. IBi I. WILIS, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 33 N Market st. ' J, M, ZIMMERMAN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 46 N Market st —Res. Verandah tIcteL CARDS FOR NASHVILLE". si tar and Harp, 104 N College si. 33 Union st. Prof, of Music—Piauw> 4c 8 S Viae si. jas. sassiss, Importer and Dealer in Music and Musical Instruments, 3QUuion st.—Res. 148 High st. Ilt^ JliSlllllti Dealer in Pianos, Wa tclie*. Clocks, Looking Glasses, 31 Union si. 3L?a IBH09 Piano and Harp Makers, 14 S Vine 8t—Residence, same. a*sM?«ir©ib Music Teacher, 27 N Chenry si. mmms aiss9 Professor of Music, 152 S Summer st. ©o Wo WrM^g Dealer in Pianos and ' Msst'lsr, also, Machine Cards, Wmtiimg Piano Tuner, and Weavers' Implements, 1 . i J7 N Summer st. ^ Union si. 6 83 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. e CLICK 8 CO, ■Grocers, Commission, Receiv¬ ing and Forwarding Mer¬ chants 1, N. FLcorii. r of College and Church sts Nicholj Peaoosk k Co., Grocers and Commission 31 ore hunts, 3 and 3, coi ner of Market and Spring sts ls. cheatham ago, Grocers and Commission Merchants, 2, 3 &, 23,corner Spring and College sts. W. W. ALLEN, Grocery and Commission - Merchant, gii. Brood st.—R«s. 18 S High at. BATCIIFPE & BSftVB, Wholesale Grocers & Com¬ mission Merchants, and Dealers in Foreign and - Domestic Liquors, 41 Broad st. E. F. BELL. Grocer & Commission Mer¬ chant, 23 N Coilf-gt* st. DAVIS & SWANN, Wholesale G rocers &j Com¬ mission 3Icrchants, 73 Public Square.—-Wars House 43 ff 4/ont st. JAS. GOULD, Grocer, Commission and Iron Merchant, 47 Brood at.—Res. 40 S Summer at. CARDS FOR NASIIVILLE. P. F« UBHeiBlLEv Boat Store, Grocer & Com¬ mission Merchant, 23 S Front st. M'CREA & TERRASS, Wholesale Grocers and Com¬ mission Merchants. 33 Broad at. Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commission Merchant, 22 and 14 Broad st. M'RQBERTS & M'KEE. Wholesale Grocers and Com¬ mission Merchants, ti3 F Market At. £* nuts COMMISSION MERCHANT, 31 Public Square, STRAIT0N, SMITH & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Com¬ mission Merchants, 15 Broad si. D. TRIGG, Grocer and Commission Mer¬ chant, 53 Broad st. SfCSttt Si 68xf Wholesale Grocers and Com¬ mission Merchants, 14 Spring e>t. MM* 8EI?j Wholesale Grocer and Com¬ mission Merchant, ?0 FttUk Ftjusfe.—R««« 58 K Sum. st T. C. WHITE, Grocer and Commission Mer¬ chant, 65 3 Market at. S- S- WILLIAMS. AGENT FOR ii®, moils, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 49 N College ft—up Stairs. C. S« Wholesale ard Retail Grocer and Commission Merchant, 54 Broad st» 84 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. MERCHANT TAILORS. A. A ASHBROOKS, Merchant Tailor, 5 Cedar Ft.—Residence, 126 N Cherry st. JOHN BROWNE. Mere Ik nt Tailor, 46 N Co'lege st. JOHN H. COUSSENS, Merchant Tailor, 10 "Cedar st. JOSEPH FORI. Tailoring and Dye iig, 92 Eroad st. G. A. FOSTER Me chant Tailor, 11 Deaderick st—Res.. 22 N Sprse* T. J. HOUGH. Merchant Tailor* 11 Cedar st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 85 i HEI1ICH, French Dyeing &, Scouring, SI N Summer st. Merchant Ta 'or, 54 N College st. Mending,Dyeing and Reno¬ vating, 26 Cedar st. w. wm Merchant Tailor, t 20 Public Square. i *17> ITWi <"i Of. rai'orin?, 115/N College st. 3 JMiJUiliy <1& fi Tailoring, 76 N Cherry st. Tailoring, -m 108 S College st. Merchant Tailor, 3 S Market st. I BIRMII Merchant Tailors, 7 Cerfar a t. 86 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. R C. BANDY, Wholesale G roeer,F orward- ingand Commission Mer¬ chant, 58 S Market sf. BOLLIfJG k STRATTON. Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, 57 S Market st. D. D. DICKEY Prod a ;e and Comm'&sion Merchants, S3 N College *t. EDWARDS k HARRIS, Wholesale Grocers, For¬ warding and Commission Merchants, 2 &, —, corner Spring and Ceilege sis- Wholesale Grocer,Forwa rd~ ing and Commission Mcr- chant, and Dealer in Cot¬ ton. all kinds of Produce,, and Kanawha Salt, 10 S Market st. wmmu liiMfc Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, Cotton and Tobacco Factors, 11 & 13 Bread ct. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 67 NSON k WEAVER Wholesale Groccrs and For¬ warding .Merchant-;, 31 & 33 S Market at IDE IBRO., 8 Wholesale Grocers, For¬ warding and Commission Merchants, 12, 14 &- 1G cor Clark and Market sts. J.JLM'ALISTEB &Co Commission and Forward¬ ing Merchants, 33 Broad at. H. T. YEATMAN, Commission 8c Forwarding Merchant, 16 S Frout at, &od 43 &. 45 S Market st- Whole-ale and 11 mail Gro¬ cers, Forwarding &. Com¬ mission Merchants, 1, 3 & 5 N College et. PHILLIPS & HART, Wholesale and Retail Gro¬ cers, Forwarding 8c Com¬ mission Merchants, 49 Public Square. JOHN B. STEVENS, Wholesale Grocer and Com¬ mission Merchant, 21 N College fit. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. A. ALLEN, FAMILY GROCERY «%£ &ea. 55 Broad st. J.BRYANT, |Fr«e colored,] WitmVj Groceries, Hacks to 2lire, &cM €% near the old Bridge. SAM. BROWN. FAMILY GROCERY. 38 Public Square. J AS. CAIIILL, FAMILY GROCERY sti«<£ Stes- 102 Cedar st. R. H. CAMPBELL, FAMILY GROCERY STORE, 50 Broad st. IktllSI!, FAMILV GROCERY STORE, 57 Broad st. l coaasa, FAMILY GROCERY, 174 N College st. 'Us Gi C14KK f FAMILY GROCERY', I, corner Front st and Public Square. 9 ^ ® FAMILY GROCERY, 4 S Front st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 89 ». 6. CM! FAMILY GROCERY, 1 Public Square. D- CAMERON, FAMILY GROCERY, 2 Clark st. IIIA CRANDALL, CITY MEAL DEPOT, 19 Deaderick st. DEGROVE & SON, FAMILY GROCERY STORE, 38 Uuion st. FAMILY GROCERY, 134 S Cherry st.—Res. 132. T. H. S FAMILY GROCERY STORE, 81 Broad st. GROCERY STORE 1S3 N College st. ISiBS! GROCERY STORE, 95 N Front st. itis ii i. fiwi; FAMILY GROCERY, 109 S Cherry st. ii 6i fl Family Grocery and Wagon Shop, 127 and 131 S C herry st.—Res 18 Frank¬ lin st. «s lyairr FAMILY GROCERY, 19 S College st. If ilia wMuMg&MtSsp F A M„I L Y GROCERY, 7 Crawford st. 00 CARDS FOR NASIIVILLE. JlSs ilLLHSITi FAMILYGROCERYSTORE, 15 Spring st. HGUS1R & B1TTEL, FAMILY GROCERY, 37 and 5^, corner of College & Broad sts. W W. HUSHES, •GROCERY AND MARKET STABLE, 131 S Markets'. S A JONES, FAMILY GROCERY, 17 S College St. D JONES. FAMILY GROCERY STORE, 1 and 3 Broad st E. C. LESUEUR FAMILY GROCERY, 53 and G2, corner of Cherry A Broad sts. W. T. FAMILY GROCERY, 77 N Summer st. MISS M. A. HUE, FAMILY GROCERY 9l S Cherry st. M. HEVRIN, FAMILY GROCERY, 33 N Spruce st. F. JOHNSON, FAMILY GROCERY, 46 Line st. A. R. LATIMER, FAMILY GROCERY, 45 A 86, corner ol Broad Sr. Summer sta. B. M'GANN, FAMILY GROCERY, 84 Broad st A. M'DANIEL, FAMILY GROCERY 45 S Cherry st —Res. 43. JAS.M1AUGHUH, FAMILY GROCERY, 2 N Market st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE 01 L M'GOWAI, FAMILY GROCERY STORE, 83 Broad st. in« e. iiiiSTBiiT: FAMILY GROCERY, 22 Line st. B.W. Sffilief, FAMILY GROCERY, 45 &, —, corner Summer «Sc. Broad sts. Jig. BBSSiaSSf, FAMILY CROCERY, and Res. 44 S College street. 1.B. WILLS, FAMILY GROCERY, 135 S College st. ROBT. MILLS, same place. ■ fm CP& f!Tf) ff ?t> f*i lif A W w e lW @ Li Ls) iui.' 4-1 s FAMILY GROCERY STORK. and Res. 2 and 79, corner Spring atari Vine sis, JO. PH&ys®, GROCERY STORE. 142 N Market st. B. B. MTBHCZ, FAMILY GROCERY STORE, 61 Broad st. IMJ1LIY, FAMILY GROCERY, 85 Cedar st. A. BOHTJSBOIHGO, FAMILY GROCERY, 168 N College st. W. W. BOBB & sen, Family Grocery and Shoe Making, N 83 College st. PROVISION ST ORE, 53 Broad st. 92 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. B. P. STITT, H. S* THOMAS; FAMILY GROCERY, ] FAMILY GROCERY, 41 Public Square. 125 S Cherry st. J. STIFLE, FAMILY GROCERIES, FAMILY GROCERY, 60 S Market st. 145 S Market st. SCP.U8GS, BARBER & BASS ISAAC TAYS0B, FAMILY GROCERS, FAMILY GROCERY, • 72 N College st. 88 Cedar st. 1. STARKEY, W, f. WSA.SI1Y, FAMILY GROCERY, FAMILY GROCERY, and Re3. 107 S Summer st. 111 N College st. , ^ STEELE & MARLIH, Z 1, WSAI, FAMILY GROCERS, FAMILY GROCERY, 8*1 S Front st. 57 N Spruce at. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. AGENCIES. Ju. Sii Tobacco Warehouse and Steamboat Agent, 28 8 Market st. J[e ^9 Steamboat Agent, Office at Hardcastle's. Coal Agent, 26 S Front »t. 1? Jiliiyue Agent for E. R. iiacine, Wholesale Liquors, 13 Cedar st. L: LEWIS, Agent for 13. L. Simpson, Wholesale Liquors and Foreign Wines, 21' Cedar st—up stairs. LINDSLEY & CROCKETT, General Collecting Agents, 49 N College st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. t-i Oil U'i <3 USf U sU ii&iJLo'9 Agent far tiici Hazard Pow¬ der Company,and Whole¬ sale Dealer in Letter, Cap, Wrapping and Fancy Pa¬ pers, §5 Public Square. M'BOBERTS & M'KEE, C imhcrland Coal Yard, J. S. KELLY, Agent 45 S College st. Agent for Kanawha Salt. 25 S Market si. General Agents for Prosecu- cnting Land Claims, 22 N Cherry st. tekrland Coal Yard, Wait, Coyrk 8c 1S»atik^ Agents, 115 N Market 3t. GLOVER & BOYD, \ Agents and Collectors for the Sale 8c Pureliase of ileal Estate, Negroes, &c., and Collectors in the'city, GiSee.—50 N Cherry s|. Superintendent of Sulphur Spring, S-raideuce uear by. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 05 BOARDING BOUSES. MIS. 388. BILL, BOARDING HOUSE. 36 S Market st. IS. 1. £©¥!¥» BOARDING HOUSE, 111, and LIVERY STABLE, 106 S Mar¬ ket St. \ mm. f. emfwm, PRIVATE BOARDING, 134 N Market st. W. E. EIMC5IMASI, RESTAURANT Sc BOARDING, 23 N Market st. W. SI3M33, BOARDING HOUSE, 9 S Front. Kf, ®. E. MHffiEiS, LARGE BOARDING HOUSE, 34 N Summer st. T. fl. milMlWB JEFFERSON HOUSE & BOARDING, 20 S Market si. / BOARDING HOUSE, 74 S Cherry et. M3$. M, A, J01IS0I, BOARDING HOUSE, 65 9 Cherry «*. MS. C. WGK8JI&&, PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, JO'S X Cork's* at. 96 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. ML*. S. Ge LYON, BOARDING HOU.-'E, 31 Cedar et, THOS.M'LAUGHLIN, Boarding House, C spring st. L B. NQXES, BOARDING HOUSE, 82 S Cherry st. i Boarding House, ! CT 1 Gl N Slarhet st. MRS. F. V. STORY, % Boarding House, 14G S Summer st. MRS. B. STONE, PRIVATE BOARDING 84 S Cherry st. . M. ROGERS Boarding House, 51 S Cherry st. Mrs. E ROSSER Boarding House for Young La¬ dies, 39 Public Square, MRS. MARY A. TODD, Bo trdmg House, 4b N Front st, near the Bridge. MRS. M. "WILLIAMSON Bo trdiii" House,. 74 N Front st. MRS. MARY SILLS. T.] WINIIAM, Boarding House,' . BOARDING HOUSE, 31 Iff Summer st. 52 N Summer st. CARDS FOR NASIIYILLE. 97 HOTELS. 1N0.L.IAYNE, IIIousc of Entertainment. 183 S Market st. S. M. SCOTT, Propietor, 63 Public Square. CUMBERLAND HOTEL X L. GRACE, Proprietor, 23 corner Broad and Front sis. NASIIVILLE INN, Or. D. T. SCOTT, Prop'r, 53 & 5G cor Market st and Public Square. 7 SEWANEE HOUSE, BRIDGES & SON, Prop'rs The Sewanee House is newly fitted up—has 6(J rooms and fine accommoda¬ tions. 24 N College st. SEQUOYAH HOUSE, J. C. MAGIl/L, Proprietor, 1 &, — cor Summer and Spring sts. Iff D. Y. WINSTON, Prop'r, 26 N Market st. VERANDAH HOTEL. MRS. T. B. EDMONSON, Proprietor, C. H. BAOHUS, Assistant. Corner Cedar and Cherry sis—26 Cedar and 78 Cherry st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. NASHVILLE FEMALE ACADEMY. LOCATION. ■*£3 About seven acres in the western part of the City, requiring only fences and proper protection from the improvements of our rapidly increasing City, to be altogether private, and in every respect adapted to its present use. BUILDINGS. Large and very commodious—but two, three, or at most, four, regular boarders occupy each of its spacious and well furnished rooms. All the 71 musical instruments for practice will be removed from the present buildings feSi to one designed exclusively for that purpose, thus rendering the Boarding Y Hons® more quiet, andaffording greater advantages to our music pupils. g HEALTH. ' Not equalled by any similar Institution, of which we have any know- fa^ ledge, in the United States, We have from time to time furnished to the public, facts, as we think, fully sustaining this declaration. We are not, however, satisfied with our almost total exemption from sickness requiring medical attention. We will attempt next session to execute a long cherish¬ ed plan, designed to give young ladies more vigor and strength, and also to improve them im graceful carriage and manners. We shall have in readi¬ ness a large room and a Teacher, devoted entirely to Physical Exercises. We shall hereafter invite more particular attention to this Department—to which we at least attach much importance, and which we think cannot fail to commend itself to the favor of our intelligent patrons. j NOT SECTARIAN. J Trastees, Teachers,and Patrons, belong indifferently to all the religious denominations of our City, parents choose the Church they may wish their A children to attend—we have Teachers to go with them. Has not this fea- ' ture in the old Academy contributed largely to that harmony of feeling and ! liberality of sentiment, which distinguish the course of the ministers and numbers of the different religious sects of Nashville. EXPENSES. No young Lady permitted to have an account in the City, or to expend I any money without our approbation. Hence parents will find that it costs but little more to educate a daughter in Nashville than in smaller towns, in- I deed no more than it does where they are allowed any liberty as to their I accounts. SOME OF THE REGULATIONS Of the Academy are: That young ladies see no company; never visit but with eur approbation; read no novels; never leave the yard but in company with a Teacher. We think there is no citizen of Nashville who will not commend the Ladies oft' e Eoarding House for their deportment on the .— streets, at Church and in such intercourse in society as is permitted. In this connection, as a reference for parents at a distance, we would say, that the Academy hassheen in successful operation for neerly 40 years, and now numbers as its pupils, the daughters of three-fourths of the oldest and best established families of the City and its vicinity. W, If H I i % CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 1)9 £aj!& jlk- •vSi'P/-?1, "?v£Tj^'V? -I...— ■■'.'> 'n«« II wilfltSi > Ox*\T (S® l PARLOR BOARDERS. | A few young Ladies can be received as Parlor Boarders; they will ocen- | py the rooms apart from the school girls and ba permitted to take lessons in I music from our highly accomplished Teachers. They will not be permitted to recite with any of the regular classes in the Academy. In our opinion any young Lady, or little girl either,as so >n as she begins to see company, has finished her education, except, perhaps, in some of the ornamental I branches. Special provisions mide fgr very small children, such as cannot fail to please parents or guardians. Board—including lights, fire, washing, strict maternal attealion by - I faithful Teachers $75 00 from Monday to Friday, washing done at home 50 00 Tuition in Preparatory Department 10 00 " Academic from 15 to 20 " Collegiate " 25 Uoj Tuition in Music, three lessons a week, use of instruments one hour each day,for practice, and the superintendeucy of practice by a competent Teacher, Piano or Guitar. 30 001 Harp, $40, use of Harp, $10., 50 00 Use of Instrument for extra practice, when directed by the parent,... 5 00 Vocalization, systematic training of the voice 30 00 i Singing in the College Choir v...., 5 IjO Drawing and Painting 15 Of; French, live lessons a week 20 001 Latin or Creek 10 00 Drawing and Singing for the Preparatory and Academic Classes, withou charge. Each pupilcharged from the time she enters to the close of tiie session except in caseB of protracted sickness. All bills considered dueat the middle of each Session of five months. PHYSICAL EXERCISES. The result of the First Session of this Department has exceeded our high¬ est expectations. We recommend to those who have not examined its ope¬ ration, to call at any hour daring the morning and see for themselves. We could name many of our Patrons, who have expressed their opinion, bavinr seeu these Exercises,and observed the effects in the improvei health, more erect and better developed forms of their Daughters. To no single Exercise do we attach so much importance, and none in our opinion so obviously involves the usefulness and happiness of our Pupils We do not know any way in which a Parent, can spend five dollars more to his Daughter's interest, than by securinr for her, health of body, and vigor of constitution; even to the extent to which it is certain this end may be at¬ tained, by these daily Exercises; combined with the recreations in the open air, to which our spacious and private yard invites our Pupils atstated times. (3 TRUSTEES. J. T, Elliston, President, A. L P Green, Wm. A.Eichbawm. Russell Houston J. P. Clark, Secretary, A. Hume, Jno M. Bass, C. D. ELLIOTT. fo' 100 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. AGENCIES. BALLOWE & SCRUGGS, General Collecting Agents, and Agents for the Purchase and Sale of Property, 17 Deaderick st. JAS. OLAIBORI, Steamboat Agent, Office—16}o S Front st DABBS 1 PORTER. General Agency for the Pur¬ chase and Sale of Real Estate and Negroes, — Cedar st. COL. G. BECKW1TH, Agent for Snow & M'Kenzie. R. H. BROCKWAY, Dealer in Land Warrants, 71 Public Square—up staiis. HOYDEN 1 C0.'S COAL YARD, J. M. Cow a*, Agent, 33 S Collegs st. iMISMMIR BROOKS City Property Agent, 110 S Summer st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 101 S. P. ANDERSON. IIDSSI.fl E Wholesale and Retail Deal- Millinery Establishment,La- or in Laccs, _Fancy Dry | (cs( s of Frei|ch Loods, l immings lor b an- j vy Bonnets, Dresses, &c., American Goods, 32 Union st. . D. BRINKLEY, Millinery and Dress-Making G6 Spring st. MRS.H:A:CR00KER Millinery Establishment, 3G Union st. G Union st. IRS. I HERIGES. Manufacturer of Artificial Flowers, Wreaths, &c., The above Establishment is an objec- of interest to the City, and is respeetfuit ly commended to the public. 33 Broad at. 102 CARDS FOR l m¥ETL¥S* Paris Millinery, Bonnets and Dress Making, Newest Styles,and Orders prompt¬ ly filled, 14 N Cherry st. MRS. MARY ROBERTS, Fancy Dress-Making, 24 N Spruce sL NASHVILLE. Dress Maker, 77 Union st. E. WISE, Importer and Dealer in En¬ glish, French and Ameri¬ can Millinery Goods, 46 Union st—Res, 23 S Summer st. LIVERY STABLES. Stage Stable, 101 N Cherry st Livery Stable, 5 Spring st; CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 103 W. H. HOWELL, U. S. Livery Stable, 19 N Market st. G. H. Slaughter^, Co., City Omnibus Stables, 56 & 58 N Front. PETER LOWRY, HACKS 'TO HIRE, 96 N College st. J. H. SLOAN, Leviathan Livery Stable, 86 &, 88 N Market st.—Res., 90. A. TOY, [Free colored,] HACKS TO HIRE, 60 Union st. MOSES SINGLETON Livery Stable, 7 S College st.—Res., 10. S. A. G. NOEL, Mammoth Livery Stable, 3% S Market at. JAMES STATION; Hacks to Hire, 126 N College st. W. D. RICHARDS; Verandah Livery Stable, J. F. WILLIAMS, Hacks- to Hire, 86 N Cherry st. 35 N College st. 104 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. WM.BEAKHAM, Shoe & Boot Maker, j 8 S Market st. GEO. DICKIE, Shoe & Boot Manufactory, 40 Union st. ■> Bi BBESSS1, Shoe &, Boot Manufactory, 27 Broad st. B. FREEMAN, Boot and Shoe Maker, 82 Cedar st. c. FREDERICK, Boot and Shoe Shop, 21 Deaderick st. H06H F1NAERTY, Boot and Shoe Shop, 8 Deaderick st. J. J. FIGG, Shoe and Boot Maker, 84 N High st. B. GJRABDET, SHOE MAKEIJ. 13 S College st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 105 S. GLENN, Boot and Shoe Shop, 8 Deaderick st.—Res. 125 N Market st. J. A. HOOFER, Shoe and Boot Maker, 3GS Markets!, JXQ. GLORY, Boot and Shoe Shop, 12}£ Deaderick st. WM. KENNEDY, Boot and Shoe Shop, 15 Deaderick st. F. SORTER, Boot and Shoo Maker, 5 Broad et. JO. MALLANQ, ►Shoe and Boot Maker, 71 N Cherry st. C. HOLSHOH, Shoe and Boot Maker, 8 S Market st. JAS. MESKER, SHOE MAKER, 1063 College st. L HENDERSON, Shoe &, Boot Manufactory, 35 Spring st. J. MESKER. Shoe and Boot Maker, 148 S Market st. JAS. HENDRICKS, Shoe and Boot Shop, 6% Line St.—Res. 147 N College st. H. MiLLE, Shoe and Boot Maker, 2G Deaderick st; 106 GAUDS FOR NASHVILLE. J. A. MiMIN, Slice ami Boot Maker, 53 N College st W. THOMAS, Shoe and Boot Maker, 172 S Cherry st. M. SCHMITT, Shoe A Boot Manufactory, 17 Spring st. M. WEAHFALL, Shoe and Boot Maker, 77 N Summer st.—Res. 87. DICK SEA?, (Colored,) Shoe and Boot Maker, 4 Clark st. W. WILLIAMS, Shoe and Boot Maker, 13 N High st.—Res. 82. GEO. WISE, Shoe and Boot Maker, 77 N College st. THOS. STEPHENSON, Shoe and Boot Making, 9 Broad st. C, J. ZEUTZSCHEL, Fashionable Shoe and Boot Maker, 34 Union st. S. STEINMEIER, Shoe and Boot Maker, 71 N Market st. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 107 book stores i lND binderies. W. T. BERRY, F.HASAN, Wholesale and Retail Books, BOOKS, STATIONERY, &$., Stationery, &c., 31 N Market st. 30 Public Square. MTERRIN & HUNTER, J. C. FEHR, Wholesale and Retail Book* and Stationery, BOOK BINDER, 34 N College st. 10 Deaderick at—up stairs. GOULD & HOLLAND^ Books and Stationery, C. W. SMITH; BOOKS & STATIONERY, 32 Broad si. 51 N College st.—Res., 79 N Market st. 108 CARDS FOI Book Binding, 58 Public Square. TOON I RUTLAND, Wholesale and Retail Books, Stationery, &e., 44 Union st. W. S. WHITEMAIf, „ Paper and Rag Store, PAPER MANUFACTORY, 10 MILES NORTH OF CITY. 64 Public Square. YORK k BARNARD, Book Bindery, £1 Union'et—up stairs. NASHVILLE. WALL PAPER STORE, 41 N Market st. Wall Paper and Paper Hang¬ ing Manufactory, 20 N College st. JHQ. YORK & CO; Booksellers, Stationers, Bind¬ ers and Blank Book Manu¬ facturers, Always on hand a complete assortment of School, Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Books. Also, Day Books, Jour¬ nals, Ledgers, Cash Books, Re¬ cord Books, Steamboat Books, Letter, Cap and Note Paper and Envelopes, Steel and Gold Pens,; together with every ar¬ ticle of Stationery for Public Offices and Counting Houses; Books ruled and bound to any pattern, at the shortest notice. DCJHtis our intention to keep constantly on hand the most de¬ sirable of the newT and stand¬ ard Books,Magazines and cheap Publications. 109 JsW Dealer in Fine Wines, Li¬ quors, and Cigars, &c, 25 and 27 Union st S Cherry st. United States Coffee House, 77 S Market st. COFFEE HOUSE, 22 S Front st. &♦ 11211 & Slo» Wholesale and Retail Deal¬ er in Foreign Wines, JLi- > quors, PRESBYTERIAN 92 N College st. Jtev.-Ii. A. Lapsley, Pastor, 94 N College st. j 1ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Rev- J. T. Edgar, D.D., Pastor, Corner Spring and Summer ste. Camberland Presbyterian CHURCH, lie v. J. C. Proving, Pastor, 22 &. 24 S Summer st. CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Iva Schatt, Pastor, Corner Summer and Cedar ste. COLORED BAPTIST CHURCH, 21 N McLemore st. AFRICAN CHURCH, 153 N Cherry st. CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Rev. J. B. Feugusox, Paster,, 17 S Cherry *t. 116 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. CITY OFFICERS. 7 JOHN HUGH SMITH, Mayor, ALDERMEN. 1st Ward-J. C. PENTECOST, B. R. CUTTER. WM. A.GLENN, JNO. II. SLOAN. AND. ANDERSON, W. II. HORN. W F.BANG.H. N. MYERS. G. M. FOGG, ALF. HUME. WM. STOCKELL, JNO. W. RATCLIFF. 2d- do 3d do 4th do 3th do ■6th do CITY M ARSHALL, Fef. 36 N Vine at R. A. com, WIIARF MASTER. 27 N Spruce at. B. CLBHIBHTS, Superintendent of the City Cemetery and City Sur¬ veyor, City Hall. ixl0 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE Nashville Christian Advocate Printing and Job Office, 29 IS Cc liege st, Nashville Christian A ivocate, Weekly, in advauce, $2 00. REV. J. B. M'FERRIN, D. D. Editor. Res. near the City. TENNESSEE OMAN, Published at the Gazette Office. Weekly, in advance, f2. A. NELSOX, E'dio- LADIES PEARL. Monthly $1. Nashville Daily Evening News, rev. wm. s. langdon &, rev. j. „ C.PROVINE. Editors, M, S. COMB-*, Proprietor, M.S.COMBS &. J.R. BRUCE, Editors. Terms in advance—Daily,$5; Tri-Week- iy. $3; Weekly, $1. Office 16 Bruad si—up stairs. Published at Morgan's Office. BEN FSANKLIN BOOK AND JOB. OFFICE, J. T. S. FALL, Proprietor. Christian Magazine and Nashville Medi¬ cal Journal published here. 38 N College st—up stairs. TUBE WJ13 0FFi3E, B, It. .M'KIKNIE & CO., Proprietors, E. P. M'GINTY, Editor. Daily, in advance, $8; Trt-Weekly, $5; Weekly, $3. IS Deaderick at.' OUR ALBUM, Edited by the Senior Class of Young Ladies in Dr. Lapsiey's school. Monthly at $1. Published at Morgan's Office. CHRISTIAN MAGAZINE. Monthly $1. REV. J. B. FERGUSON, Editor. Published at the Ben Franklin Office LADIES COMPANION, REV. M. M. HENKLE.D. D., Editor, ; 29 N College St. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. 121 J. F. MORGAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Office 50 N Cherry st—up stairs. S. W. Monthly Job Office, J, B. ROBERTS, & CO., Proprietors, WM. WALES, Editor, Over [lagan's Book Store, Market st. THE CASKET, Published semi-monthly by the Nashville Female In¬ stitute. REY.C, CARROLL BITTING, Editor. Published at the office of the Nashville American. Price $1 per year, or 5 cents per Copy. PUBLIC OFFICES. V. E. SfflraSOH, President of tho Nashville and Chattanooga Hail- road Company, Res €5 Spring st. Office of Mail Steamers from Nashville to Memphis Tri- Woekly, CAPT. A. L. DAVIS, Proprietor, 17S Front at. 122 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. I ra ■ W-J'L 1 nrn Ol J AND OMNIBUS OFFICE. G. II, SLAUGHTER, Agent, 24 Verandah Hotel. OFFICE OF THE Naslmllc Gas Light Comp^ W. BARROW, President, J. 11. KENDRICK, See'y. 35 Public Square, DR. JOHN SIIELBY, POSTMASTER, 27 vt. 74 corner Cherry and Cednj a?. National Telegraph Oiee, 13 Cedar st—»» stain*. i! Manager and Proprietor©! the Theatre. 87 N Cherry it. ORDERS. » of Che G.D. S. ofT. Thomas II. Caldwell, G. W. P., Shelbyville, Tenn. Rev. Jno.P. Campbell, G.W. A., Nashville. A. Nelson, G. S., office 54 N. Cherry st., Nashville, S. S. Hall, G. C., Nashville. Rev. A. Y oung, G. Chap., Mt. View. — Hockersmi th ,G, Sen.,Spring - field. Annual meeting in October,, at Nashville. CARDS FOR Officers of the Grand Temple of Tenn. }Iagh Carroll, G. W. T., South Nashville. Charles E. Levy, G. V. T., Trenton. W. W, llobb, G. W. 11., Nash¬ ville. A. P. Skiptvitb, G. W. T.,South Nashville. M. J. Malone, G. W. U., Lynn- ville. R. W. Petty, G. W. S., Mur- freesboro'. Annual session 3d Wednesday in May at Nashville. Washington Division, No. J, Sous of Temperance, mecb every Mouday evening. Cumberland Division, No. 14, meets every Monday. Tennessee Division, No. 30, meets every Saturday evening. Elysian Grove Division, South Nashville, meets every Wednesday evening. The annual meeting of the Grand Division of Tennessee, meets in Nashville in October. Tennessee Temple, No. 5, meets at Temperance Hall, every Tuesday evening. Cumberland Temple, No. 23, meets at Temple Hall, Union street, every Thursday evening. Union Temple, No. 31, meets every Saturday evening, at Tem¬ ple Hall, Union st. Elysian Temple meets ev¬ ery other Friday evening at Temperance Ilall. South Nashville. Grand Temple meets an¬ nually in NaBhville, on the third Wed¬ nesday In May. NASHVILLE. Lavinia Social Degree Temple of Honor, No, G, meets at Tem¬ ple Hall every Friday evening. Dillihunty Social Degree, No. 8, meets every other Mouday even¬ ing, at Temperance Hull. Finn Social Degree, meets at Temperance Hull, South Nashville, every other Friday evening. Sisters of Temperance. Association. No. 1, United Sisters of Temperance, meets at Odd Fel¬ lows' Hall, every Wednesday at 3 o'clock p. M. Tennessee Scciion Cadets of Temperance, No, 1, meets every Mon¬ day night at Temple Ilall, Elysian Section Cadets of Temperance, No, 28, meets every Men- day night at Temperance Hall, South Nashville. The Grand Association, United Sisters of Temperance, meets iu Nashville every third Wednesday iu Sep¬ tember, -V MASONIC LODGES. Cumberland Lodge, No, 8, meets third Saturday in each month, Phenix Lodge, No, 131, meets fourth Saturday in each month, Cumberland Royal Arch Chapter, No, 1, meets first Saturday in each month, Nashville Council of Royal and Select Masters, No, 1, meets quarterly, Nashville Encampment of Knights Templars. No-1, meets third Thursday in each month, 124 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. Grand Lodge meets annually on the first Monday in October. Grand Chapter meets annually on the second Monday in October. Grand Council meets anuually on the second Monday in October. is Us 0$ IPs Tennessee Lodge, No, 1, meets on 'Tuesday of each week. Nashville Lodge, No, 1. meets on Thursday of each week, Trabue Lodge. No. 10, meets on Mon¬ day of each week, Ridgely Encampment No. 2, meets first and second Wednesday of each month. Olive Branch Encampment, No, 4, meets second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Grand Lodge of Tennessee meets third Wednesday in October and April of each year. Grand Encampment of Tennessee meet Monday before the third Wednesday in October and April of each year. Order of the Lone Star. Nashville Division, No. 2, meets every Friday evening, II. C. MacLAUGHLIN, Sec'y. German Relief Society, In the city of Nashville, meets on the first Monday of each month, at their Hall, 13 N Market st. N. PIEFFER, President, II. METZ, Vice President. J.METZ, ) g , G. LINING, $ teo G. SEIFERLE, Cashier. CARDS FOR NASHVILLE, 125 STEAMBOATS. CAPT. A. L DAVIS' Line of Mail Steamers from Nashville to Memphis, Steamer Embassy, James Davis, Master. Steamer City of Hvntsyille, W. B. Royes, Master. MASHVILLE & CIHCIHMATI Packets. NEW ORLEANS PACKETS. Steamer Statesman, H. G. McComae, Master. Steamer Jolm Simpson, J, P. McComas, Master, Johnson & Smith, Agents. Steamer America, Jeseee Johnson, Master. Steamer California, M. D. F. II. Brooks, Master. Johnson & Weaver, Agents. Steamer Nashville, Thomas Bellsnyder, Master. JamesA. MeAlister & Co.,Agts. Steamer H, R. W. Mill, Newell, Master. A. Hamilton, AgenL 126 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. Lujella, Paducah, Couch.' Odd-Fellow, " Leak. Monticello, Burksville and Waitsboro', Dismukes. Mustaxo, do. Raymond. Senator, do. Harmon. Shipper, do. Scuvler. CuMDERLANw.Burksville.Ilughes Aleona, St. Louis, Miller. Cape May, Paducah, Hunt. Tempest, " Chase. Globe, New Orleams, Gilbert. A. HAMILTON, Agent. MARKET HOUSE. Market House Is rented in Stalls to the fol¬ lowing very useful and accom¬ modating gentlemen and far¬ mers: Beef Stalls, George \V. Coleman. 1 John W. Coleman, 2 L.C.Coleman, 4&5 Adam Coe,' 22 J. Clodfelter, " oj C. Collett, South End Market. James Grizzard, at B James Lyon, 3 George Daubledge, 6 D. D. Deice, 7 \Y\ D. Simpkins, 20 C.I.Thomas, 16 John Ilagey, 8 John Mambell, 14 C. Lindenburger, 9 J. G. Greener, IS & 19 John M. Linegner, 10 Asa Shivers, . 15 F. Lindenburger, 11 CARDS FOR NASHVILLE. Magers, George Thomas, Allen Ilagey, Vegetable Men, N. Hobson, James Vaulx, James W. Hamilton, G. Merrilt, II. Driver, George Scruggs, Donnell Clark, D. M. Phail, William Driver, Thomas Chad well, Robert Biunkall, I*. Looney, Fudge, R. Stewart, P. Anthony, James Scruggs, John MeKinnev, A.V. S. Lmdsley, Peter Lowry, W R. Lucas, E. .Trabue, 13 17 12 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 James Saddler, M. Davis„ W. W. Berry, W. J. Osborne, E. H. Foster, J. G. St. John, A. Edwards, R. Edwards, Thomas Walker, Bates, Curren, Robert Stewart, Dr. L. T.Gunn, Dr. John Shelby, Jane Tucker, Dr. Overton, James Miller, D. W. Dorris, Shaw & Russell, G. P. Smith, George Stull, J. II. Woodson, James Saddler, John Dickson, S. P. Hood, C. McKinney, John Schimmlor, STATE Ui , The State of Tennessee embraces every variety of soil, from the rich alluvial of the Mississippi bottoms to the high and grassy tables of the Cumberland Mountains. It abounds with never-failing springs of lime, free stone and mineral waters. Nor is it less rich and varied in its immense forests of Timber. These together with its inexhaustible fields of Iron, Coal, &c., indicate that it is capable of supporting as dense a population as any territory of equal extent in the world. It has as yet scarcely commenced developing its vast re¬ sources. The magnificent schemes of Railroad Companies, North and South, East and West, seeking to penetrate its bor¬ ders and meeting at its Capital, point the far-seeing capitalist in no unmeaning language to Tennessee as ©ne of the most desirable spots on the Continent. The consummation of these stupendous Railroads now under contract and in rapid progress towards completion, will in a few years add one hundred per cent, to the population and wealth of Tennessee. Here the Manufacturer, by mere exchange of commodities with his next door neighbor, can be supplied both with his raw materials and his breadstuffs. Here he occupies a central po¬ sition between the Northern and Southern markets. Here he will feel that he is in the centre of the world, and that the wealth of every market is drawn by the law of commerce to that centre. This picture may be thought by some to be over-wrought— the aberrations of an exuberant fancy, but it is not so. The position of Tennessee—her elements of inexhaustible wealth— her climate—her Railroads—her Rivers—her Institutions—her enterprising citizens—all, more than intimate the truthfulness of our picture. 9 -»n to which she . ,e means, will place egress towards greatness. Ji ner High Schools for Young La- . ji^t, to be surpassed by any State in the Union; a most desirable trait in her character, than which none is a truer ele¬ ment of greatness—than which none will more certainly lead to prosperity and happiness. Her Male Colleges and High Schools are not so numerous, but they are quite sufficient to supply all the learned profes¬ sions and give quite a sprinkling of literature among our wor¬ thy Farmers and Mechanics. Let the Mothers, Wives and Daughters of any Slate be edu¬ cated, and general education will speedily follow as a result. Thus Tennessee has taken the right start and will certainly reap in due time the desired good fruit. : For her Merchants, Mechanics and Professional men, whom we have largely represented in this work, we may be indulged to say a word modestly. True, they are not as rich, nor are they as wise and good as we could desire. But taken as a class, they are worthy of the highest consideration. It sometimes happens that a man without capital or business integrity, obtains by* loan a little money and a little credit. With these, in a foreign market, he makes a purchase with fair promises of punctuality. He returns, dresses well, talks well, sells low and quick, for cash, pockets the money, and is off for California. Such examples occur in every State and in every branch ol trade. .But few, il any, vve trust, shall be found among the names whom we have flatteringly introduced to thousands of the best men and dealers in our towns and cities. Young Gentlemen in Nashville, (mechanics, clerks,) we have given your name, your location and your business; do not dis¬ honor the lormer, nor forsake the latter. Economy, industry and perseverance will in due time bring you honor, wealth and happiness. A most cordial greeting to you all, gentlemen, with hearty good wishes.for your success in business—a pleasant and peace ful life, and the rewards of the good in the life to come. THE CITY OF MEMPHIS Is located on the East bank of the Mississippi River and South-West corner of Tennessee, Population about 15,000. The rapid increase in wealth, population and intelligence, for the last twelve years, together with the new channels of trade opening in every direction, eannol admit of a doubt in ref-rence to her future greatness. The basis of her permanent prosperity consists in the wealth, enterprise and in¬ telligence of her citizens, She will soon be connected by Railroads with Charles¬ ton, Savannah and Mobile, thus giving her an honor ible competition with New Or¬ leans. She will in like manner soon be connectel wit i Kashvil'e, Louisville and the citie's of the North and West, and will most probably be the main starting point of the Great Western and Pacific Railroad. Her Navy Yard, Manufactories, Medical and other High Schools, herChurches and Moral Institutions, are all of a highly lespectable character. Her Merchants, Manufacturers and Professional mei represented in this work, are entitled to the respectful consideration of the business public, and they are cor¬ dially recommended as prudent and reliable. MEMPHIS CARDS. WM; ADAMS, Grocery and Produce Store, E. M. APPERSON & CO.. Commission and Forward¬ ing Merchants, and Deal¬ ers in Bagging, Rope, Groceries, &c., 65, Front Row, and 2, Jtffersoc st. WM. ANTWINE, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, fJaietr st«, corner Front Alley. IfItllf & C8„ Wholesale G rocers 8c Com¬ mission Merchants, East side Main st., between Monroe and Union. P. J. ATWOOD, Grocery and Produce Store. WM. A- ATKEKSON, Grocer and Produce Store. jiii r. tin, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. fJMiTMiJilirfL MRS. D. BUSHCAMP, Grocer arid Produa3 Merchants. Grocery and Produce Store, 234 CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. J. BANKS & CO , Grocers and Commission Merchants, Main st.,3, Fowlkts' Row. JtllS LS'lfSi Wholesale Dealer in Bran¬ dies, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Produce and Gro¬ ceries, Main st., between Adams & Washington. Bill lIITIi Grocery and FroduceStore. s.Liesss&s8K, • Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chants. i« Is III8UT1 Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. ia 1. COBS & eoi, Commission Merchants, and Dealers in Produce and Groceries, 7 Howard's Row- W*BIllSli Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. tlJLSs llllli'll ^ CII1®$ 20, Front Row, Dealer in Foreign and Do¬ mestic Liquors, Produce, Groceries, &.c. 5801 & C8i| (S. A. NORTON, Agent,) Dealers in Produce &. Gro¬ ceries, 71 Front Row. la iliillllijp Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. Grocery and Produce Store. CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. 135 Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. T. & F. ML FILLS, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chants. BILL & £9», Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chants. FMBIBST8B&80., Wholesale and Retail Dea'- ers,in Produce and Gro¬ ceries, 61, F'ont Row. m. mmm & co., Grocer and Produce Store. I, B. FtSBHUS, Grocer and Produce Store. ' C. DOBBILIS, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. J9HI SBHIj, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. fl.F. F1AIK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Produce, Groceries, Wines, Cigars, &c., 35 Front Row. iLBia & GMFKHS, Cotton Factors, Grocers, <&> Commission Merchants. Main St., between AdamB and Jefferson streets. GATBS & Wm§, Grocers and Commission Mer¬ chants. 5 Front Row. J. P. ELLIOTT & GO., Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chants. CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. 136 Fowlke?, Sterling & CO., Commission Merchants & Gen¬ eral Dealers in Groceries, Bagging, Rope, etc., Fowlkes' Row, Mainst Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries and Produce, 104 Front Row. GOOSE & HENDERSON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Main st,, between Adams and Washing¬ ton sts. GRAHAM & FARR1NGT0N, Commission Merchants, and Cash Dealers in Groceries and Produce Generally, 5 Front Row. Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Front Row. Q9YER& WILLIAMS, Grocer & Produce Merchants. Hannah & Pattons, Grocers, Commission Mer¬ chants, and General Dealers in Produce. Also, Agents for the sale of Virginia To¬ bacco, 4 Front Row. HANN! BAN & BRADY'S Wholesale and Retail Gro¬ cery, 5, Exchange Building, Wholesale and Retail Deal¬ ers in Groceries and Pro¬ duce, and Commission Merchants, 77 Front Row. I. N. & L D. Henkle, Wholesale and Retail Deal¬ ers in Produce and Gro¬ ceries, Liquors &, Cigars, 73 and 74 Front Row. CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. 137 CS. 9. HBM0I, Wholesale and Retail Gro¬ cery and Produce Mer¬ chant, Main,2door South of Washington st. 2, A, & M. 0W1K, Commission 8c Forwarding Merchants. D. PARI & CO., Commission "Merchants and Cotton Brokers, Madison st., South side. Murphy, Potter & Freligh, Dealers in Groceries and Produce, 54 Fronl Row. HAttYMTOPlY, Groceries and Sundries, R. A. PARKER, Commission Merchant and general Grocer, 6 Howard's Row. Qum, win & eo.s Wholesale and Retail Gro¬ cers. 40 Front Row, W. PARE & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Com¬ mission Merchants, 92 Front Row. SUBS & C0.*£ Choice Family Groceries, &,C.« Main st.,bttween Jefferson & Adams sts. L B. PATTONA. Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. a, % ©ass & Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and Cash Grocers, 15 Front Row. ANDERSON PRINCE, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. 138 CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. j.-ml patrick &c0., Commission Merchants and Dealers in Bagging, Rope and Groceries, v 3 Howard's Row. Commission Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Groceries, 6 Front Row. ihos. ouarmley, (Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. l a. Importer and Dealer in Ha¬ vana Cigars, Fine Wines, Brandies and Liquors, 21 Jeffrson st., opposite Planters' Bank. bichardson, wbrley & Commission Merchants, and Cotton Factors, Main st, between Adams and Jefferson. P. F. RICHARDS, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. JACOB RULEMAN, Grocer ant! Produce Mer¬ chant. 5. RUPULE, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. T. J. seen, Iron and Commission Mer¬ chant. Corner Main and WashsT}gft®a sis. henry similes®, I roccr and Produce Mer¬ chant. M. H. SHELLY, Grocery and Produce Mer¬ chant. A' b. shaw & ca. Grocer & Commission Mer¬ chants, Wharf Boa t. CARDS POIt MEMPHIS. 33S> SHELBY & M%m, Commission Merchants, and Wholesale dealers in Gro¬ ceries, Tobacco, Nails, Rectified Whisky, &c., 38 Front Row. 1T. SMALL, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. L A. SMITH WISK & C@„ Grocers and Commission Merchants, 33 Front Row. A. J. SI8NAI60, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant. nmnm & m\z, Grocers and Commission Merchants, 93 Front Row. """SBB, KU ffia &XZ%zZi'£l% m Grocery and Provision Mer¬ chant, Madison st., north side, east of F. O. !• i« mm FAMILY GROCERY* Madison st. B. SHMS&II, Grocer and Produce Mer¬ chant, Corner of Desoto and Corsej sd. J. 8, SfMSOl & CO.. Grocery and Provision Mer¬ chants, 2 Doward's Row. Strattou, Goodlett & Co,, Commission, Forwarding & Grocery Merchants, 79 Front Row. ft® CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. SI e AS VA 5 Grocer and Produce T\Ier- chant, Front Row. fflRTOS & FORWARDING, COMMISSION AND GROCER MERCHANTS, 1 Exehtmge Building. Tmmtm & cme, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND CA^K DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, 3 Front ROW. THOMAS H1GGINS, Grocer and Produce Merchant. W. HOWARD k CO.. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, 4 Howard's Row. c. Grocer and Produce Merchant. D. S. HUMPHREYS. Grocer and Produce Merchant. k Manufacturers of Lard Oil, Ste- rine & Tallow Candles, Whole¬ sale and Retail Grocery Mer¬ chants, J. B. HILL k CO.. Grocers, Commission Merch'nts aod Cotton Factors, 58 Front Row. I R. Produce and Grocery Store and Genera! Intelligence Office, Union at. 4 Main st. R.J. Grocer and Produce Merchant. J. F. JETT. Agent for Wright, Williams & Co., N. Orleans, CARDS FOR J. 1 KELLY Grocer and Produce Merchant HENRY KERR Grocer and Produce Merchant- F. LAMBERT, Grocer and Produce Merchant. F. LANE, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, 2 Union at. GIDEON LEECH, Grocer and Produce Merchant. a. a. uhkhbht. Grocer and Produce Merchant. j. j. loving, Grocer and Produce Merchant. MEMPHIS. Ml IImcee Grocer and Produce Merchant. w. lyman. Grocer and Produce Merchant. j. malaspince, Grocer and Produce Merchant. i. mariiah. Grocer and Produce Merchant. john m'sorley, Grocer and Produce Merchant. t. ramus. Wholesale and Retail Grocer. North End of Exchange BaiMssg. I-12 CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. THOMAS MIEON, Grocer and Proluce Merchant. it H. VAUSSETT, Produce and Grocery Store. MOSBY & HUNT, Commission Merchants and To¬ bacco Brokers, 18 Front Row. j. R. WALT & 00; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Produce, 82 Front Row. T0DD,G0YER&C0., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries, Produce and all kinds of Cincinnati Manufac¬ tured Articles, 53 Front Row. Willtl, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, On board Store Boa', foot Jefferson st. Provision Store, Shelby st, East side, near Union st. §. H. TOWNSEND, Grocer, Commission Merchant and Produce Dealer, Old Stand, 55 Front Row. WHITFIELD & ATW00D, Produce and Boat Store, Red Jacket, foot of Jefferson st. !i TRAVES, Grocer and Produce Merchant. WEBBS & B1WL1SS3, Commission, Forwarding and Receiving Merchants, Main st, 2d door N of Union, PETER VITER, Grocery and Produce Store. CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. 143 ^ Wilis, Grocer and Produce Merchant. Grocery and Produce Store. Grocer and Produce Merchant. WILLIAMSON & HANCOCK Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries & Produce, 49 Front Row, J. N. W00DW0RTH, Grocer and Produce Merchant. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. 0E0. PHILLER & 00. Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hats and Caps, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hats and Caps, Boots, and Shoes, Leather and Findings, 78 FrontRow. 75 Front Row, 144 CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. Joseph S. Levitt, Memphi^. Paul Stickney, Baltimore. cDc ILdWQTf, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, &c., 47 Front Row. Brooks & Saunders, Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Brogans, 52 Front Row. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. A. BARNETT. Dry Goods Merchant. E. C. BUTLER, Dealer in Dry Goods, &c. JJ.CAMM. Cash Dealer in Foreign & Do¬ mestic Goods, Madison street. COSSITT, HOWARD & DHL, Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. Corner of Main and Jefferson sts. CARDS FOR MEMPHIS. 143 DILL & CO., Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c. J. D. GUFF, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, ihc., Front Row. H. DIMICK, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Merchant. & MMWisK, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c., Front Row. W. It- DUNCAN, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Merchant, Shelby, corner of Jefferson st. N. HULBERT, Staple and Fancy Dry Gocds Merchant. D- EMANUEL & CO-, DRY GOODS MERCHANT, Sign of the Big No. 80, Front Rioro, cor¬ ner of AJarn st. L.KREMER. Dealer in Staple and Fancy Goods, Store corner of Court aaJ AL lasts. A. C- FLAUDEN, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Merchant. 1 KREMER, Dealer in Staple and Faney Dry Goods, Lc., Madison tt. Ferguson, Neill & SIieltoDj Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Alain si. E. II. LEVY, Staple and Fancy Dry Gocds Merchant, Front Row. 10 CARDS FOR MEMPHIS, LEAHMAN & CO., Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c,, Main, corner of JcfTtron at. J Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Front How. V*81 iltfclR,. Dry Goods, Carpets, DANIEL McMULLEN, F ashionable Tailor. J. C. RESTINE, Manufacturer of Carriages,Harness, &c. JAMES H. RENSHA W & CO. Cabinet Makers, &C.' 180 CARDS FOR GEO. M. WHITE, Esq., Manufacturer of Leather. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Manufacturer of Lea"her, C. R. LOGAN & CO , Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers and Dealers in Leather, &c., &c. DENNIS DOZIER, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER ANDERSON HILL; Boot and Shoe Maker. Liscened Retailers of Spir¬ ituous & Vinous Liquors, THOS. H. SHUZART, In the city. WM. L. KOTT, In the city. JOHN GLENN, East end of the city. HOTELS. MANSION HOUSE, No 1, BY D. S. DANNER. HOTEL, Near the River, SUSAN ACKLIN,' Superintendent. KNOXV1LLE. . HOTEL, East end of the city, S. II. McCLANAHAN, Proprietor. HOTEL, East end of the city, AMY M. ROGER?! Sujerintendant. JUDGES & CLERKS Hon. Thos. L. Williams, Judge of Chancery Court. Hugh L. AlcClung, Clerk of Chancery Court. Azra A. Barnes, Deputy Clerk of Chancery Court. Hon. E. Alexander, Judge of Circuit Court. M. L. Hall, Clerk of Circuit Court. James W. Campbell, Clerk of District Court of the United States. Also, of Supreme Court, Eastern Division of Tennessee. Geo. M. White, Esq., Chairman and Presiding Justice of the County Court of Knox county Geo. M, White, W. H.Swan," Andrew Knott, Esqs., Justices of the Quorum Court of Knox County. Geo. W. C. Cox, Esq , Clerk of the County Court of Knox County, William Craig, Sheriff of Knox Co. ( BARKS. Branch of Union Bank. ■■ —'— Presldcati If. A. M.WHITE, Cosher. CARDS FOR KNOXVILLE. 181 Bank of East Tennessoe. J. W. J. NILES, President. HUGH L, McCLUNG, Cashier. INSURANCE OFFICES, AZRO A. BARNES, Agent for the old Protection and Insur¬ ance Company of Hartlord, Conn. F. A. R. SCOTT, Agent for the Mutual Benefit Life Insur¬ ance Company of Newark, New Jersey. ATTOBNEYS. WM. H. SNEED; JNO. R. NELSON; JNO. H. CROZIER;. JAMUEL B. BOYD; SAMUEL R. RODGERS; HORACE MAYNARD; JAMES VV. WELCKER; WM. C. KAIN; O. P. TEMPLE; WM. G. McADOO, Att'y. Gen'l.; DANIEL H. CUMMINGS; ROBT H. ARMSTRONG; MOSES WHITE; J. f!.' RAMSEY; AZRO A BARNES; WM. A. MONTGOMERY; WM. B. REESE, Jr.; JOSEPH PARSONS; ELIJAH T. HALL;, JOSEPH LEWIS; W. P. BAKER. PHYSICIANS. DR. JAMES M. PAXTON; DR. WM. J. BAKER; DR. C. W. CROZIER; DR. FRANK A. RAMSEY; DR. JAMES M'INTOSH; DR. JAMES RODGERS; DR. JOHN W. PAXTON; DR. JACOB HAVELY; DR. B. R. STRONG; DR. B. FATIO; JOHN FAUCHE, Dental Surgeon Campbell's Station, Knox Co, M. & R. RUSSELL, " Dealers in Dry Gooda, &c; Woodburn, Knox County. FRANCISCO & CO., DEALELS IN DRY GOODS, &c. Mecklenburg, Knox, County* DR, J. G.M. RAMSEY, Literary, MedieaS and Scientific Gentle¬ man, CHATTANOOGA Is a flourishing Town on the South bank of the Tennessee* River, at the junction of the Western and Atlantic and the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroads, 147 miles South-east of Nashville. In the last few years, it has grown up to be quite a commercial point, and will soon command an immense amount of trade and travel. It has now a population of about 3,000— has four Churches, Halls for Masons, Odd-Fellows and Sons of Temperance—which are well organized and growing rapidly. As yet, however, it has done but little towards building up permanent High Schools. The following are its principal pro¬ fessional and business houses: Dry Goods Merchants. E. A. GLASS. Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. H. S. ABRAMS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods—also, Agents for the New England Live Stock Company. J. G. GLASS, Wholesale and Retail Dry Good;. COWAN & BARNETT, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. G. W. HASKALL, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods* CARDS FOR CHATTANOOGA. 183 - JOHN P. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. SPEAGUE & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Market at. A. McCALLIE"& CO., Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, RETAIL GROCER, Market st. M ASSENG ALE, A V ARY&Co. Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. J. WAYNE. R ETAIL GROCER, Market st. J. H. NEWTON, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. A. D. TAYLOR, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. Commission Merchants. CHARLES HURST, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods. All of the above are on Market street. J. J. BRYAN, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. J. F. BROOKE & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants. GROCERS. J. H. OPENHEIN & BRO., Wholesale Groeers, Market st. C. E. GRENVILLE, Comwisfion and forwarding Merchant, Also, Agent for Hartford Protection Insurance Company, Foot of Railroad st. 184 CARDS FOR CHATTANOOGA. *■ IIOOK & FRENCH, Commission a ad Forwarding Merchants. CHATTANOOGA HOTEL, BY KENNEDY AND NEWMAN, Market st. J. J. JAMES, Commission and'Forwarding Merchant. McCAMY & HUMPHREYS, Commission and Forwa.ding Merchants. WAVERLY HOUSE, BY E. C. WORIfEY, Market st. PARHAM HOUSE, BY F. G. HOGAN, Market st. E. ROBINSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, SAMPLE, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. The above are on Front st, except C. E, Granville. Branch Bank of Tennessee? JAMES A. WHITESIDE, President. E. G. PEARL, Cashier. MISCELLANEOUS. JAS. BUOHS & CO., Cabinet, Upholstering and Mattreeg Manufacturers, Market st. East Tennessee Iron and Manufacturing Company, Near Railroad Dtpot. HOTELS. GRIFFIN HOUSE, BY J,, J. GRIFFIN, Railroad Depafc. ALEX. BELL, Large Flouring Mills and Distillery, Near the River, CARDS FOR CHATTANOOGA. 185 SMITH & M'CALLIE, Bteam Saw and Grist Mills; and Planing Machine. Also House Builders, LOWERY, WELLS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, WM. N. BISHOP, Agent of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, Office at Depot, W. G. MOLLISTON, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Corner Walnut and Fourth sis. WM. M. WADDLE, Superintendant of Railroad. • Rutherford, Treasurer. WM. FISHER, Largje Furniture Manufactory, by Ma¬ chinery, * Market st. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. R. B. BRABSON, Office—Walnut st. HARE & NELSON, SOUSE BUILDERS, Market st. SCOTT & IIEMERICK, CARPENTERS & UNDERTAKERS, Railroad st. J. C. BURCH, Office— Market st, B. R. MONTGOMERY, Offiee—near the Depot, DRUG STORES. B. F. TUTT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Market st. J. A. MINNIS, Office—Market st. A. G. WELKER, Office—Walnut st. 186 CARDS FOR CHATTANOOGA. J. W. WHITE. Office—Market st. J. A. HOOK, NOTARY PUBLIC. Georgia Avenae. PHYSICIANS. B. FRAZIER, M. D., Office—Market st. H.M. COLLINS. Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, &e., Market st. B. FLEISHMAN, Wholesale and Retail Clothing Store, for the millions, Market st. * J. S. GILLESPIE, M. D., Office—Market st. ' WM. HUNT, M. D., Office—near the Depot. J. YAUGHAN & BRO., Dealers in Stone Coal, Near the River. J. M'KAY,M. D., Office—Market st. THOS. T. DEVOE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Books, Stationary and Fancy Toy9, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. MISCELLANEOUS. CARTER & DOBBS, Livery Stable and Dealers in Horses, A. H. JOHNSTON, Livery Stable and Dealer in Horses. J. FRAZER, Dealer in Dry Goods, Hardware, Queens- ware, &c„ Market st. L. RYALL, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market st. COLUMBIA, County Seat of Maury County, is a beautiful Town on the South bank of Duck River. Population about 2,000. Cele¬ brated as the residence of the late President, James K. Polk. Celebrated, also, as a place of learning, wealth and fashion. The Columbia Female Institute, under the superintendence of , stands high in the list of schools. Columbia Female. College, under the Presidency of Rev. J. O. Church, compares favorably with any High School in the State. Jackson College, under the Presidency of Mitchell, has an able Professorship and a high standard of classic and English literature. The County of Maury stands first on the list in this State for rich lands, fine farms, and growing wealth and prosperity. The following is a list of Merchantile and Professional Houses in Columbia: JAMES AKIN, HILL & LEE, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. FLEMING & ALEXANDER, WM. R. HODGE, Sraple and Fancy Dry Goods. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 188 CARDS FOR COLUMBIA. TH0S. J. KELLEY, and Fancy Dry Goods. R. B. MAYES, Sfcsjple and Fancy Dry Goods. Sc F. '& J. M. MAYES, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. MILLER & CAMPBELL, SlapS© a®d Fancy Dry Goods. A. J. McCORD & CO., Stable and Fancy Dry Goods. ■JNO. E. MORGAN, iSfoaple and Fancy Dry Goods. I*. IL & E, W. PHILLIPS, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. A- W. WARFIELD, ©Sajsle and Fancy Dry Goods—Also, eyerythiwg in the Grocery iine.— pounds Feathers wanted. JAMES ANDERSON, Hardware und Cutlery. W. J. DALE, Dry Goods and Sundries. C. B. DUNCAN, Dry Goods and Sundries. GROCERIES. J. W. BATES, GROCER I E8, &e. FRANCIS BUTLER, GROCERIES, &c, New Family Grocery Store, by J. O. YORK, West Main at. G. T. CHAFFIN, GROG ERIE S, &c. CARDS? FOR COLUMBIA. J. H. & D. A. DUGGER, GROCERIES, &c. BlcCLAIN & BALE, Druggists. JAMES L. GUEST, Groceries, Cimiies Cigars, Tobacco and YV iues, Liquors, &c. , MANUFACTURERS. SAMUEL S. GAIN, Merchant Tailor* D. D. McFALL, Groceries, &c. CROSS & KIHK. Carriage Manufacturer, J. P, McGAW, Groceries, &.G. EN8LE & OAKES, Fashionable Tarioryegi DRUGGISTS. JOHN B. GREEN, Druggist. , GRAHAM A BE8LET, Merchant Tailor®, HAWKINS &TOWL.ER, Druggists. GRAHAM A JONES* Gin Makers and JAMES KERNAN, Druggist. LAMB A NIELY, Cabinet Makers 190 CARDS FOR COLUMBIA. JOHN A. EDWARDS, BOARDING Boot and Shoe Establishment, By the Day, Week, Month or. Year, East Side Public Square. BY MRS, M. G. LEW IS, LEE HOLMAN; Good fare and moderate terms. Boot and Shoe Manufactory. MERADETH HELM, Boot and Shoe Manufactory and Tannery Attorneys at Law. JAMES HODGE, Silversmith and Jeweller, Hon. A. 0. P NICHOLSON. Mayes & Kennedy, JAS. H. THOMAS & W. H. Rope and Bagging- WHITHORN. WILLIM J. SYKES. WILLIAM S. FLEMING. J. & J. SARVIN, Carriage Manufactory. A. M, Hughes. A. M. Looney. HUGHES & LOONEY. Edward Williams, S. D. Frieraon. L. D. Myers. FRIERSON & MYERS. - Merchant Tailor. R, G. Payne. Geo. Gantt. PAYNE & GANTT. HOTELS. M. S. FRIERSON. W. S. RAINEY. The two principal are kept bv P D FRANKLIN, South of Public Square.' and PLEASANT NELSON, North of Public Square. JOHN J. FLEMING. WM. M. FLEMING. CARDS FOR COLUMBIA. 191 JUDGES, CLERKS, &c, Hon, W. P. Martin, 8th District Cir¬ cuit Judge, Caleb J. Dickerson, Circuit Clerk. A. M. Hughes, Attorney Geneial of 8th District. James M. White, Chairman of County Court. John B, Padgett, Clerk of County Court. John B. Hamilton, .Clerk and Master in Chancery. John O. Hill, County Register. MEDIC/ L CORPS- I The following are entitled to the high¬ est recommendations for professional skill and ability, dr. john b. hayes j dr. james w. s. frierson,' dr. joseph m. fowler; dr. anthony l. pillow; dr. A. h. brown; dr. w. h. brown; dr. joiin p. spindle; dr. stephen d, iierndon; dr. j. w. s. frierson. BANKS. Branch Bank of Tennessee, Branch of Union Bank, SAM. A. HAMNER, Cashier. MOSES W, HOUSTON, Clerk. Jasuraace Office. Protection Insurance, Hartford, Conn. F.G.ROCHE, Agent. Mt. Pleasaat, Maury couaty. DRY GOODS. E. O. CROSS, DRY GOODS MERCHANT. .... DIXON & JENNINGS, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. STOCKARD & ORR, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, JNO. F. CROSS, GROCERY MERCHANT. PHYSICIANS. A.M. LOONEY,President. DR. S.P. JORDON; FRANCIS G. ROCHE, Cashier. DR. VV. W. 8ICCSABD. 192 CARDS FOR COLUMBIA. hotel; MT. PLEASANT HOTEL, BY DAVID CRAIG. Spring Hiilj Maury county, DRY GOODS- JOHN W. CHEAIRS, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c. PARHAM & ALEXANDER, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c. ROBT. E. THOMPSON, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c. M'KISSACK & SON, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &e. PORTER & LOCKRIDGE, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ac. GROCERY, DRUGGIST- DR. JOHN HADDOX, DRUGGl- T AND BOOKSTORE. PHYSICIANS- DR. GEO, W. WIII^E; DR. AARON W H I I E; DR. J. VV. SilARBEKj DR. M. B. MOLLuY; DR. S. F. Mc MURKY; DR. E. A. WING. SPRINGHTLL HOTEL, Stage Stand and Post OfSr#, J. CRAFTON, Proprietor, miscellaneous: Thomas H. Priest, Cabinet Manufacturer. J. W. STEPHENSON, Family .Groceries, &«. H. McMAHAN, Biacksmilhhrg. John N. NESLyE Wagon Making. W. If. BYER3, Boot and Shoemaking, JOHN IIADBOX, Bli'Asm llliing, CARDS FOR MAURY COUNTY. 103 BUTLER &, POWELL, fashionable Tailors. IISS. fs FEIllSSIs CABINET MAKER. Spring Hill Female Acad¬ emy, REV/T.C. BLAKE, President. Spring Hill College, REV. J. M. HINKLE, President. Williamsport, Maury county, DRY GOODS- lists * H00A1, DRYGOODS MERCHANTS. A. W. WllaXIl, DRY GOODS MERCHANT. Mai ijSSffifTsi, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. 13 GROCERIES- . ¥H03L W. FMIil, FAMILY' GROCERIES, & O „ H. fl. JBBB20B, FAMILY' GROCERIES, 40. PHYSICIANS. DR. SAMUEL S. PORTER. DR. SAMUEL P. HUNT. Bigbyville, Maury county, Witherspoon & Steckard, Dry Goods, Tannery, and Shoe and Boot Manufactory, L H.MIIXLIT, FAMILY GROCERY' STORE. PHYSICIANS. DR, PERRY. DR. A. P. BOYD. l»l CARDS FOR MAURY COUNTY. Hampshire, Maury county. Rally Hill, Maury county. OUSCiH H'C&EAi DRY GOODS & VARIETIES DRY GOODS ASH SUSDRIES B. II. H&fCHIR, D 11 Y GOODS AND SUNDRIES ii DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. mwm, FAMILY GROCERY MERCIJAST. + p V W V 4 Burt's x Eoads, Maury co. Wis IfUB'.'I'ijp DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Pleasant Grove, Maury co Fili I „ DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES . am Miimmwi DRY G OODS AND SUNDRIES. Beecii Grove. Maury county. tSI DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Santalce, Matiry county. is Si III.!! ^ DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Js W i iB'tlM'iif DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. The above ja a full list for Maury county LEBANON, County seat of Wilson, is a handsome and growing Town, 30 miles East of Nashville. Population about 2,000. No Town of its size in the West or South has done more, perhaps not as, much, for the cause of Education. Cumberland University is handsomely endowed—well estab¬ lished, and in regard to health, moral and literary advantages, stands without a rival West of the mountains. Its Law De¬ partment has won golden opinions at home and abroad, as the ■best Law School in the United States. The General Assembly of the C./P. Church has located a "Theological School as a Department of the University, which is soon to go into operation. The whole number of students in ihis Institution ranges from *250 to 300. The Abbey Institute foif Young Ladies, is a fine School and offers superior advantages to'its patrons. Campbell Academy has a handsome fund and offers fine ad¬ vantages for those preparing for College. Greenwood Seminary, for Young Ladies, near Lebanon, Prof. N. Lawrence' Lindsley, A. M., Principal. This select High School affords peculiar advantages for acquiring a thorough education, and at the same time, the highest advantages for health and comfort. The Educational, Professional, Mercantile and Manufactu¬ ring interests of Lebanon indicate the right spirit and promise to its citizens and the country a high standard of wealth and intelligence. The following are the principal Mercantile, Busi¬ ness and Professional Establishments: 196 CARDS FOR WILSON COUNTY. MLm & SHI General Dry Goods, &c. Diy Goods and Sundries. Dry Goods and Sundries. Dry Goods and Sundries. IS & SS$ Dry Goods and Groceries. ^tsais saws i Dry Goods and Sundries. MISCELLANEOUS. Druggists and Apothecaries. Dry Goods and Sundries. Dry Goods and Sundries. Dry Goods and Sundries, Bi llllSOlj Bi 0., Druggist and Book Store. Books and Stationery. Grocery and Produce Store. im sm Dry Goods and Sundries, PI Boot and Shoe Manufactory CARDS FOR WILSON COUNTY. 197 mm, BY BAIRD & BROTHER, Attorneys at Law. JORDON STOKES. HATTON & GREEN. MARTIN & MOTLEY. TARYER & GOLLIDAY. GEO. W. COOK. , HENRY L. FRAZER. WM. S. SYPERT. JOHN P. PITTMAN. ) BY E. B. DRAKE. Nil! Si ilfFElj Merchant Tailor. Merchant Tailor. JUDGES & CLERKS wsvmts* • Robert L Carutliers, Judge of Supremo [Court, Middle Division of Tennessee. Wm. L. Young, Chairman of County Court. Josiah S. McClain, Clerk of County Court. Calvin W. Jackson, Clerk of Circuit Court. John K. Howard, Clerk and Master in Chancery. J. J, Crittenden, High Sheriff. Ben. Tarver, County Trustee. A. W.Vick,County Register. 11 S11IB1II & SQBf Leather, Harness and Saddle Manu¬ facturers. A. ft. TOHTOftft, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Manu¬ facturer, Principal Physicians. M'CORCLE & NORMAN, M.DS. WHITE & MUIRHEAD, M. OS. WM. W: BLYTIIE, M. D. 2, TOMYB, Wagon & Plow Manufactory, Black- smithing, &c. CARDS FOR WILSON COUNTY. ANDERSON & LlLLAR, M. DS. J. J. WILKEKSON, M. D. JAS. H. M'F-ARLAND, M. D. M. VV. COWAN, M. D. DR. T. D. MILLER, SUGEON DEN¬ TIST. Board of Foreign & Domestic Missions of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Rev. ISAAC SHOOK, Corresp'g Secretary and Genera! Agent. SCHOOLS, &C. Greenwood Seminary For Young Ladies, near Lebanon— Each term opens on the first week in March and October, Prof. N. Lawrence LINDSLEY, A.M. Principal. As a Select High School, Professor I/mdeley's offers the highest advantages. His acknowledged reputation asa Teach¬ er and Scholar, together with the moral discipline of his family and the beauty and healthfulness of Greenwood, insure to his pupils three great blessings—intel¬ ligence, health and happiness.—Ed. Abbe Institute, A. J. EDGAR, A. M., President, Miss Margaret CAMPBELL, Principal la respectfully commended to the pub" lie as deserving what it receives—a libera patronage. Cmmberlaad U Diversity. FACULTY- REV. THOS. C. ANDERSON, A. M. President. Hon. ABRAHAM CARUTHERS., Professor of Law. WM. MARINER, A. M., Professor of Ancient and Modern Lan¬ guages. Hon. NATHAN GREEN, Professor of Law. JAS. M. SAFFORD, A.M., . Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology. Hon. BROMFIELD L. RIDLEY, Professor of Law. ALEX. P. STEWART, A. M.s Professor of Mathematics and Natu¬ ral Philosophy. RICHARD P. DECHARD, A. M., Principal in Preparatory Department- Professor in Theology to be filled.- LAW SCHOOL. FACULTY. Rev. T. C. ANDERSON,PresH. Hon. A. CARUTHERS, ) Hon. NATHAN GREEN, } Profs Hon. B. L. RIDLEY. ) CARDS FOR WILSON COUNTY. 109 BOARD OF TRUSTEES, ROBT. L. CARUTHERS, JORDAN STOKES, MILES McCORKLE, M. D., ANDREW ALLISON, REV. WM. D. CHADICK, NATHAN CARTMELL, JOHN S. PEARSON, M. D., ZACHARIAII TOLLIVER, DAVID C. HIBBITS, O. G. FINLEY, JOSIAH S. M'CLAIN, JOHN M. FAKES, NATHAN GREEN, JR. Officers of the Board, ROBT. L. CARUTHERS, Pres't., JOSIAH S.M'CLAIN, Secretary, JOHN M. FADES, Treasurer. Genl Ag'ts. for Endowments, REV. JNO. M. M'MURRY, GEN. ROBT. L. CARUTHERS. EXPENSES. in town 2 5.) In the vicinity. 1 50 Room rent in College building, per session 3 00 A fee of one dollar and a half per ses¬ sion is paid by each student for contin¬ gent expenses. There are some minor expenses, which result from taxes voluntarily imposed by Classes, or Societies, In other inciden¬ tal expenses, if money is furnished, or permission is given to contract debts, a student may be extravagant, To guard against this, it is earnestly recommended to all parents and guardians, not to auth¬ orize the obtaining of credit, unless un¬ der the special supervision of some friend. Boarding can be procured at the above prices in the most respectable families i« the place. Sessions and Vacations, Recent changes have been made in the sessions and vacations. The Collegiate year is divided into two sessions. Tbe> winter session begins the 3d Monday in September and terminates on the 3d Thursday of February. The summer session begins on the following Monday* and terminates on the 2d Thursday m July—which will hereafter be commence¬ ment day. The next Collegiate year.Jhowever, will begin, as formerly, on the 1st day of Oc¬ tober. Big Spring P. 0. SMITII & LESTER, These will vary with the habits of the students. The following will show the principal necessary expenses: Tuition Fee in Preparatory Department, per session of five months, .f 10 for the studies of the 1st, $12 50 for the 2nd, and $15 for the 3d and 4th classes. Tui'-ion Fee in College Proper, per session, 1st and 2nd classes... .$20 00 Junior and Senior classes 25 00 Boardiug, including lodging, wash¬ ing, fuel, and lights, per week, . DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES- PHYSICIANS. JOHN n. SANDERS, »I. D. JAS. D. WHITE, M. D. 200 CARDS FOR WILSON COUNTY. JOHN F. BISMUKEri. II. B. MOONINGHABI, M. D. J AS. M. M. D. S. B. F. C. BARB, M. J). Laguardo P. 0, BRITTON & COLE, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. PHYSICIANS. II. B. VAUGHaN, M. D. ROBT CRITTENDEN, M. D. Green Hill P. 0» E. M. EARNEST & CO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. MURRY & GUILL, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. J. F. DUNTON'S STORE, SAMUEL MOORE, Agent, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, JOHN T. GLEAVES, M, D. W. W.MASTERSON, Postmaster and Celebrated Tavern Stand. CIIAS. WRIGHT. Proprietor of stage stand, 14 miles from Lebanon. Cedar Grove P. 0. WHITE & L HO MAN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, PHYSICIANS. L. M.N. COOK, M.D. A.J. WINTER, M. D. Rural Hill P. O. W. R. DOBSON, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, &«. J. M. BLAND, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. DR. LOGNE, Principal Physician. CARDS FOR WILSON COUNTY. 201 Huddleston's X Roads P. O GEO. A. HUDDLESTON, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. DANIEL RICHMOND, M. D., Principal Physician. Staiesville P. O. W. A. JENNINGS, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. A. W. COX, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. DANIEL JAMES, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. PHYSICIANS. T. II. KNIGHT, M.D. S. KNIGHT. M.D. W. B. NEELLY, M.D. Cherry Valley P. O. W. T. & J. K, CARTWRIGHT, DRtf GOODS AND SUNDRIES. H. RAGLAND, M. D., Principal Physician. Commerce P. O, J. CARVER, DRY GOOD AND SUNDRIES. LHOMAN STEIN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, PHYSICIANS. J. B, M'CONNELL, M.D. R,G,BOBO,M. D. Three Forks P. O. JACOB VANTREASE, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. PULASKI, County seat of Giles, 72 miles South of Nashville, was in¬ corporated in the year 1819. Population about 1,500. Has four fine Churches, one fine College, two Female Institutions of a' high order. It has one Masonic Lodge, one Odd Fellows Lodge, one Division of the Sons of Temperance, one large Cotton Factory, and one Machine Shop. It is surrounded by rich lands and a wealthy and thriving population. Its inhabi¬ tants are mostly intelligent, moral and enterprising, It has furnished two Governors and quite a number of distinguished professional men. It has 13 Dry Goods, 4 Grocery and 2 Drug Stores, 5 Doctors, 10 Lawyers, 2 Hotels, 4 Shoe and Boot Shops, 2 Cabinet, and 2 Carpenter Shops, and 3 Saddle Shops, &c. The following are the names of the principal bns'iness and professional men, to wit.: MERCHANTS. Dry Goods, Hardware, &e. EEartin, Rfcea & Co., Dry Goods, Hard wart and Cutlery. Booker, Sliaffen & Sob, Dry Goods and Sundries, CARDS FOR G ILES COUNTY. 2S& A. M. BALLENTINE &SON, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Sea. EZELL & BROTHER, Dry Goods and Varieties. A. OLIVAR undri^s. The above or- oi> Smith side of Square- doing fine business. 2t0 GAUDS. FOR BEDFORD.COUNTY. It. MATIIEWS, Dry Goods and Groceries. J. ARMSTRONG, Importer and Dealer in Irish Linens. Wert s de Square. S . D 0 A K & CO., Bucket Factory. MANKIN & CALHOUN, Marble Manufactory. COL. PEACH, Marble Manufactory. J. P. DROMEGOOLDE, Druggist and Apothecary. G. & J. W. FLETCHER, Merchant Tailors. GEORGE W. RUTH, Dealer ill Watches and Jewelry. J. H & R. I). "DEERY, Druggists and Apothecaries, East side Square. J. N. SEHORN, Dealer in Watches and Jewelry. EVANS & CUMMINGS, Grocery Merchants. North side of Square. Shelby ville Cotton Factory, Wm, Gosling, PiiDcipal. J. BAILEY, Confectiouaries, Martin st. MITCHELL & STERRY, Grocery Merchants. SHELBYVJLLE INN, D. D. EVANS, PROPRIETOR. J. M. ELLIOT T , Grocery Merchant, Both on South side Square. TENNESSEE HOUSE, 4. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR. M . C . W A T T 0 N , Furniture Store. N. £. corner of Square. SHSLBYViLLi EXPDSITBH L. JL». KNOTT, Cahipft M-.her A Lar£>. Turulure Store, Martin st. R.S SANDERS, Editor. RU >S & SANDER Publishers. Weekly, p-r auruiu, $d in advance. G. B. KENT, Carriage Manufucia ? , B:i 'ye I. W. TRUE & CO., Carriage Manufactory, Martin st, yjjiD £ ejkA.y R. 0. RU3-, E lifer nnj P'oprietor, WeJ;!j at CI in udvati.e. ATTORNEYS. THOS. II. COLDWELL, G. VV. P. S. of T., Office—Depot st. W. T. NEAL, Gunsmith, cards for bedford county. 211 The following hare offices on West side Square: WHITESIDE & DAVIDSON, Jlgsttts for Hartford Protection Insur¬ ance Company. geo^tvrbuchanan\ wisener & scudder. e. & h. cooper. steele & neill. robt. e. gillaland. s. h. whitthorn. b. m. tillman. The following are on South side Square* roane &dasiiiell. DRS. LIPSCOMB & GARLING, Depot st. dr. l. A. blakemore, Brittain's st. DRS. BARKSDALE& M'GREW. DR, CRUTCHER, South of Square, I>r. G. W. FOGLEMAN7 North side Square. dr- r. f. evans, North side Square. dr. a. 0. dayton, Dental Surgeon. dr. r. a. caldwell, 4yX miles North of town. \V. l. WHITTHORN, Clerk and Master. LEWIS TILLMAN, Clerk Circuit Court. JOHN II. O'NIEL, Cletk County Coj-f. james m. johnson, High Sheriff. d. B. siirivner, County Register. ~ william ward, County Trustee. Branch Bank of Tennessee. GEO. DAVIDSON, President. T. L. B. CANNON, Cashier- ED. FRIERSON, Clerk and Teller. " circuit court Meets first Monday of April. August and December. chancery court Meets fourth Monday of August and February. ii. l. davidson, Judge of Judicial District. Wartrace, Bedford County, 56 miles south east of Nashville, on the N. and C, Railroad. r. buchanan, Proprietor of the principal Hotel. jta. ganaway, Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, &c. d. stephens, Dry Goods, Hardware, Queonsware, Groceries, &.<: chilton & harris, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS ~~ r. p. ganaway, Agent for the Nashailie and Chattanooga R ilioad. and Proprietor of the Tern- peiauce Ilotcl—No. I House. FRANKLIN. County seat of Williamson, 18 miles South of Nashville, ia handsomely located on the Nashville and New Orleans Rail¬ road route, the contracts for which have been let in part, and the work now in progress. It has a population of about 1,500. Its handsome Churches, Temperance, Odd-Fellow, Masonic Halls and High Schools, indicate a high standard of religions, moral and literary taste. The following are its principal marcantile and busiaesa houses: General Merchants. M.B.& P.M. CARTER. S. II. BAILEY. W. II. CROUCH. SINCLAIR & MOSS. JOHN SCRUGGS. L. II.& A.W.WOOLDRIDGE. D. W. RUSSELL. CRAIG & WITT. H. C. JOHNSTON. CHESLEY, WILLIAMS & Co. O. & R. REAMS. AVERY & TARKINGTON. BEECH & HUNTER. A. M.WREN. HOUSE & BROTHER. Hotel and Celebrated Stage Stand, by Mr. JONES, Is worth the attention of fche pa Mi®. BEECH'S Celebrated Stand. 3 miles North of FranfcJn—jsNo.l. E. G. CLOUSTON, Druggist and Apothecary. F. S. WOOLDR1DGE, Diuggist ane Apothecary. VAKBERSLICI3 & HAWKIK& Druggists and Apothecaries The above are recommended asaufemaJ reliable Dealer*. w. ilsu:iiTl~~ Clerk end Master ia Chantery. CARDS FOR WILLIAMSON COUNTY. '218 f. L. ANDREWS, Circuit Court Clerk. L. 0. McCONNICO, County Court Clerk. ATTORNEYS. CAMPBELL & McEWEN. FOSTER & COOK. VENABLE & McCONNICO, It. F. HILL. W. S. McLEMORE. E. Y. ANDREWS. The above atand high in their profession PHYSICIANS. A. B, EWING, M. D. J. W. MORTON, M. D. J. S. PARK, M. D. D. B. CLIFFE, M.D. R. H. HIGHTOWER, M. D. J. M. WHITFIELD, M.D. W. C. COX, Botanic Physician, Tiro above gentleirian have high repu¬ tation for skill in their profession. WEEKLY REVIEW, D. CAMERON, Editor and Proprietor, $2 per annum, in advance. HO,VIE PRESS, L. McCONNICO, Editor. — DAVIS, Proprietor $2 per annum, in advance FEMALE COLLEGE, Rev. CUNNINGHAM, Presiden'. This institution is in a flourishing condi tion and cluing much \o elevate the standard of learning. MALE COLLEGE, This institution h is done well—but pros rt»e>'K not |c,"wn a» nrpp»nt. Poyionvillo, Williamson Co cb:ciilow& gray. LU.wrrESJN & GRAY. Merchants—Dry GooJa and buudries Riggs' X Roads, William¬ son County. J. L. & A. B. MORTON, General Merchants. Triune, Williamson County. JOHN A. JORDON. DRY GOODS AND &UNDRIE3. JOSEPH E. CRICHLEYY, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. J. &J.S MORTON, DRY GOODS AND eUNDRlES. II. J. BRAGG, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Flarpeth Licks, Williamson County. J. JORDON & CO., DRY GOOD8AND SUNDRIES. J. P. ALLISON & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries, Nolensville, Williamson Co. II. D MURRY, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. J. II. & W.G. CARMICIIAEL, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, The value of property in WiiliaosKHS County iu 1852, was $S,lS7,lSS. PARIS, County seat of Henry County, is a beautiful town, of about 1,5CO inhabitants. Its Church, School, Masonic, Odd Fellow and Temperance organizations are well sustained. The char¬ acter ol its Mercantile, Manufacturing and Professional estab¬ lishments are highly respectable, and promise wealth and prosperity to the town and country. The following are the business and professional men of Henry County: WM. II. THOMPSON, SET GOODS & SUNDRIES WILLIAMS & BARBEE, JOKY GOODS & SUNDRIES M'FARLAND & KANE, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. T. W. CRAWFORD, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. LOVING, CALDWELL & CO., DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. II. & J. IIICKS, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, JNO. COONEY, JR., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. JESSEE A. BROWN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, F. B. THARPE, & CO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. BLANTON & WHITE, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. NAT. EWING, MERCHANT TAILO: JOHN W. NANCE, MERCHANT TAILOR. W. II. DANIEL, MERCHANT TAILO CALENDER &• RISON, MERCHANT TAILOR. SAM KEN DULL, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER • . T. F. WRIGHT, ADDLE AND HARNESS MA EE EL, CARDS FOR HENRY COUNTY. 215 D. IT. ST ROOK. SILVERSMITH Af'.D JEWELER. BLANTON! AN MILLS, J. W. H. C. ELANTON. Proprietors. BUNCII & FORES MAN, Druggists and Apothecaries. EMERY'S COTTON MILLS, Oakl-y, Whites &. Co , Proprietors, J.C.& F. WO MPN KILL, Boot and Shoe Store. PARIS COTTON MILLS, RROVVN & WORTHEN, Proprietors. MERCHANT & BRADY,, Shoe and Boot Makers. DR. J. J. MATTHEWSON. DR. E. T. TALLIAFERRO. Dlt. II. C. HARCOURT. DR. S. B. ACTON. DR. W. WARREN. DR. J. D. LOONEY. DR. SAM. P. HUGHES. JE33E C. COOPER & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries, TALLIAFERRO & BROTHER, Druggists and Apothecaries. S. B.ADEN, Drugg st aud / p theearr, A. P. GREEN, Attorney at Law, and Clerk of Chanrery Court. A. JAMES & SONS, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. SUTIIERLIN & MARTIN, Dry Goods and Sundries. Mouth oi Sandy P. 0. J. T. EDMONDS. DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, -HON, WAX, FITZGERALD, JUDGE. CALVIN D. VENABLE, Clerk of Circuit Court, B.H. BOD WELL & CO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, ROB r. LEMON OS, Clerk of County Court. ConyersTille P. 0. THOMPSON & BRUCE, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. ATTORNEYS. J. B. WILLIAMS. HON. S.C. BRAS WELL. B. F. LAMB. A. M'CAMPBELL. HON. ISHAM G. HARRIS. DUNLAP & PORTER. A. P. GREEN. B. C. BROWN. FAR IS INN, E. F. Bampas®, Proprietor. ^ \TN10N HOTEL, II. P. CHAN DLER, Proprietor. ~c H ZCKA s Twoo r rVT"viT liM • N. & J, C.Cucritr, Fruprietcrs. ATCHISON & HUGHES, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. DUNCAN & WILSON, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. ADAMS & RAY. DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. DR. E. ARBUCKLE. DR. WM. COOPER. DR. JAS. TROUSDALE. DR. JOHN LANDIS, 215 CARDS FOR IIBNRY COUNTY. Cheap Valley P, 0. JAMES A. NANCE, DRY GOODS AND tUNDRlES. W. B. MOORE, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. B. G. EZELL, Dry Goods and Sundries. DIl, JAS. M'CONNELL. DR. JACOB BRAS WELL. JOSHUA M CAIN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Boydwiiie P. 0, TIIOS. S. NANCE, DRY GOODS AND- tUNDRIES, HENRY W. WALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. DR. D.R.S. NEWLEN, Practicing Physician. Baron IIill F. O. JOHN L. M'CONNELL, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Albany P. O. JOHN'FJ. DILLAHUNTY & CO , Dry Goods and Sundries. Da. J. L. M'CONNELL. Da. J. B. M'CLELLAND. DR. E. P. BATES. JOHN M'AULEY, Dry Goods^ and Sundries. DR. BENJ. PEEPLES, Practicing Physician Now Boston P. O. MILAM &170WARD, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Manstie'd P. O. ELIJAH FAUST & CO., Diy Goods and Sundries. Como P. O. JONES & BERRY, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. DR. ROBT. A. WILLIAMS, Practicing Physician. Caladonia P. O. MANLEY & ALEXANDER, Dry Goods and Sundries. . Manleyville P. O. WM. T. DOUGHTY, Dry Goods and Sundries. R. (J. KYLE, Dry Goods and Groceries. STRAUD & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. MAXWELL & DINWIDDIE, Dry Goods and Groceries. ELIJ. W. PINICK, Dry Gocds and Sundiies, LONG ACRE & HAMMER, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES D.T. W. S. LAURIE. DR. JOS. II. TRAVIS. CARDS FOR FAYETTE COUNTY Eil Grove P. O. 217 JOHNF. KENDALL, JMLV GOOU9 AND BUHDS.IEB. ELL GROVE INN, J. H. COURTS, PROPRIETOR. DR. GEO. C. WILLIAMS, Practicing Physician, SOMMERVILLE, PAYETTE COUNTY, TENNESSEE. MY GOODS MERCHANTS. I. C. URAPER, Suple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes &c. NEILSON & HIGGAINER, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes &c, McNUTW & TROTTER, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, &c C. H. & W. BOY ED, Dry Goods and Sundries.' CRAWFORD FRANKLIN, Dry Goods and Sundries. ICAHN & ROSE, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. W. H. ROBERTSON, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. H. S. DICK ARM, & SON, Dry Goods, Hals, Caps, &c, A. W. APPLE PERRY, Dry Goods Merchant. 218 * cards for fayette county. WASIIIR A TIIOMAS, Dry Goods Merchants. JIBGES and CLERKS. KEE & IIALLOWAY, Groceries and Provisions. Hon. CALVIN JONES, Chancellor. Hon. JNO. c. HUMPHREYS, Judge of Circuit Court. isaac 15. McClelland, Clerk of Chancery, william burton, Circuit Clerk. * JAMES KOONCE, Clerk of County Court. DEAN, Groceries and Provisions. THO'S G. ROACH, AGO. Groceries and Provisions. SoMERVlLI.E HOTEL, by L. C. HARD WICK. Branch of State Bank. JAMES PETTIT, Cashier. H. OWEN, President. someeville ixs, ey W. H. BRYSON. DRUGGISTS. CALDWELL & BUMPASS, Druggists and Apothecaries. ■ LAGRANGE, Fayette County, Tcimcs&ec' T. G. ANDERSON, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Ac. G. C.GRAY, Druggist and Apothecary. PRACTICI5G PHYSICIANS. dr. w. b. washington, dr. josiaii higgaeson, dr. w. ii. maury, dr. a. b. Washington, dr. hull, dr. J. J. williams, dfs. miller & gray, dr. a. b. finney, ROB'TLOCK, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots Ac. S. H.MATTHEWS, Staple end Fancy Dry Goods. GEO. G. COSSITT, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. 1L II. FALLS, AGO. Dry Goods and Groceries. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. rivers & jarman, j. w. & j. harris, J. l. rulliasi, glenn & waddle,, r. 3. parham, 8need & anderson. R. J. BASS,* Dry Goods and Groceries. THO'S LANG LEY, Dry Goods and Groceries. JOHN THOMPSON, Dry Goods and Groceries. CARDS FOR FAYETTE COUNT Y. 211* GEO. P. SHELTON, Dry Goods and Groceries. MT. COMFORT, Fayette Co. W. A. MAY, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, &c. ADAMS & DAY, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. Lagk.ange Hotel, by J. W. BAXTON. HICKORY WYTHE, Fayette Co. J. M. LANE, Dry Goods, Ilats, Caps, Shoes, and Boots. Lagrange Inn, by Mr. DUBES. MAC ON, Fayette Co. A. G. DENNIS, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Hats, Caps, Shoes Boots &c. beluionte, Fayette €0. R R. PITTMAN, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. R, T. BRADNOX & GIBSON, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, &c. TIIO'S G. NEEL &CO., Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Sundries. WINCHESTER, County seat of Franklin County, is a flourishing and beautiful Town. The following are the principal business and profes¬ sional men in Franklin County. llERCHANTS. M. M. HENDERSON, Dry Goods and Sundries. M. D & W.S. EMBRY, Diy Goods and Sundries, N. W. comer Square. ■ HARRIS & WILLIAMS, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. A. M. TENNISON, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. TEMPLETON& STEWART, Dry Goods Merchants. W. T. WITT, Dry Goods and Sundries. IIORTON & KINNINGHAM, Dry Goods and Sundries. The above are West side Square. ^ BENJAMIN DECKARD, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. LAYTON & JOHNSON, Dry Goods Merchants. J. Q. ROYALTY, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods* S. E. corner Square. N. R. MARTIN, Dry GooJs a a.1 Sundries. Tis above are N. side Public Square. WAGNER & WILLTAMS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers North side Square. CARDS FOR FRANKLIN COUNTY. 221 M. N. & JA'S CAMPBELL, Family Grocery Store, West side Square. TITO'S S. LOGAN, Carriage Manufacturer, N. W. fart of town. HOUGHTON, DECKARD &CO., Druggists and Apothecaries. North side Square. G. A. SHOOK, Druggist and Apothecary, Main street, under Mountain House. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. venable 4* garner, n. e. St. a. r. 4* p- turney, s. e. st. coryer 4* carter, Main St. hu francis, North St. jessb arledge, Main st rewis metcalfe, " g. vv. white, n. e. st., Opposite Custor House, f. t. estell, S. e. St. ben. deckard, jr., north side of Square, opposite Court-house. PHYSICIANS. drs. w. 4* h- r- estell, S. e. St. dr. wm. estell, opposite Moun¬ tain House. DRS. fitzpatrick sf gordon, N. W. street dr. j. h. deckard, n. side square S. W. HOUGHTON Dental Surgeon, North side Square. MOTELS. CUSTER HOUSE , M. Custer, Proprietor, N. corner sq. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, W. G. Brooks, Pro'r., N.W. cor,sq. VVWVWVV%WWWWV«'WMVWlV%V«iV%^WWl» S. A. &T. J. LOCKHART, Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Tin and Copper Ware, Stoves, &c. West side of the Square. , \WVW>WWWiWWVWVVWn»VV«/WWVWV»'V*VWVIft Cotton Manufactories. •ALASONIA MILLS, Messrs. Deerys, Proprietors. i^WWV\iWVVWV%VVM>WVI«V^\WW,WWVMI% OWL HOLLOW MILLS, Benj. Deckard, Sr., Proprietor, Near Winchester. VWVWVh J.TVf. BURROUGH, Winchester Female # Academy, Carriage Manufacturer, North st. J. G. B1DDLE, Principal. 223 CARDS FOR FRANKLIN COUNTY. Testis, and Ala. Female Institute, Z. C. GRAVES,Principal. WW vwv w«w wvw ww\ Carrick Male Academy. J. A. AUSTIN & BENJ. NEWELL, Principals. W\\ W\ V%> vW\ VW% vv J. T. Slattur, Tug's Finch, S Magistrates. Wm. Reeves, ) Tiio's Finch, i M. Catchings, v Quorum Court WlLIE DLNSON,) C. F. Church, North street. Methodist Church, Southern part of town. * Mess. Baptist Church, S. W. part of town. Baptist Church, N. W. part of town. WV %. W. C. HANDLEY, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. WHITE & HANDLEY, Dry Goods Merchants. THO'S BELL, Druggist and Apothecary. PHYSICIANS. pes. handley "white, dr. l. grant, t)r. h. g. blanton. SALEM HOTEL, (Best in the State,) By MRS. S. COWN. HUNT & BELL, Cotton Manufacturers. MURFREESBORO', The County* seat of Rutherford County, is a beautiful Town on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, 30 miles South-east of Nashville* Settled in ———, incorporated in 1819, and has now a population of about 2,000. Its inhabitants are mostly enterprising, intelligent and moral. It has five Churches. The Masonic, Odd-Fellows, Sons of Temperance, Temple of Honor, Social Degree Temple, and its fine Schools and Colleges, are doing much to elevate the tone of public morals, The follow¬ ing are its principal business houses and professional men: WM. A. REED, Dry Goods. Hardware and Queensware, Soutli side Public Square, JORDQN & WRIGIIT, Dry Goods, Ready made Clothing, Unfits and Shoes, Hardware and Queensware, South-east coruer Sqd'are. TIIOS. P.JOHNSON, Dry Goods, Hardware and Queensware, JIats, Boots and Shoes, Corner Main si and the Square. Wm.R. McFADDE!\, Retail De&ler in Dry Goods,Hardware and Queens we r.3, Corner Main st and Square—East side. It. McLAIN, Watch maker and Jeweller, East side Squarj. W. B. VAUGIIAN, Fashionable Fnruitare of all sorts. North-east eorner Sqoard. 224 CARDS FOR RUTHERFORD COUNTY. Exchange Bank of Tennessee, Wb. tSeEfrCx, Frr*}'irr>i. Josslph UPEWU, Cashier. East BiUe fcquare. It. boi.tes. Retail Pry Goods House, North Bide Square. CRYSTAL PALACE Confectionery and Bakery, W. A- Shel- Ton, North side Public Square. « LANE & NORTHCUTT, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Dealer in ' Iron Castings and Salt, Ac. R. W. JANUARY, Jr., Dealerin bloves Sheet Iron, Copper and +» Tin ware, W. C. DUFFER & CO., • Dealer in Mens', Boys' and Children!? Clothiug, North-west corner of Square. B. Z, GANAWAY, • DAGUERRErAN ARTIST, East cor. Square, F. GLASE, Shoe and Boot Maker, ^East side Square. JAMES M. A VENT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, THEO. G. JONES, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW* J. J. ABERNATHY, M. D„ Main st., 2d door east ol the Square. CHAS. READY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Main st„ four doors1 from the Square. wm. C. FLETCHER, MARBLE MANUFACTORY, * Corner Church st„ And one at Shelhjvilte. W.A.&R.D. REED, Book Sellers and' Stationers, East side Square. H. P. KEEBLB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Main st„ five doors east of the SqtMie. „ J. W. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southeast of Square. B, W, AVENT, M. D.. Northeast corner of the Square, E. D.WHEELER, M. D., Medical and Dental Surgery, West Bide Square. SUBBETT'S INN, G. A, SUBBETT, PROPRIETOR, West side Square, UNION UNIVERSITY, 141 Students, JCSEPH Jti. EAAON, President. DR. T. WALSH, - DENTIST, Northeast corner Square. W.T. EASKETT, M.D* East side Square, W. F. LYTLF-, M. D., South side ol Square, J. E. & R. S. WENDELS, M.DS., South side of Square, h, ausburn, CARkiauE MAKER, Coiner of Church and Water MS, B. SMITH & SON, CARRIAGE MAEESS, Main st„ N of Squa,r. CARDS FOR "RUTHERFORD COtlNTY. 2 >5 J. F. FLETCHER, Clerk and Master of Circuit Court, Main at,, 6 doors south of the Square. s. b. wiliSir CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT. Office in the Court House. a. srasisar, HIGH SHERIFF. CLERK OF COUNTY COURT. Office in the Court House. Wholesale and Retail Shoe end Boot Store. Also, of the firm of Carney, Suttle &. Finch, Dry Goods and Sun¬ dries- North side of Square. "^XIhjggINSITSO^ Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Cutlery, Hardware, &c., Westsideof the Square. Dry Goods, Cutlery, Hardware, &c„ South side of Square. Dry Good3, Ready Made Clothing, &c.» East side of Square. 15 SOULE FEMALE COLLEGE, J. R. FIN LEY, President, North of Square. LEIPER & MENEFEE, Wholesale Giocers and Commission Mer¬ chants. & B. MM5IB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, North east corner of Square. P.D. M'CULLOUGH, M. D., Office, South east of Square. KNIGHT, SCALES & EGLETON, Dry Goods, Cutlery, Hardware, &c» Wholesale and Retail Druggist, ; East side of Square. BINFORD & iVi'DEil WON f, Wholesale and Retail Drcggst3, East side of Square. JOHN SPENCE & CO , Wholesale and Retail Grocery, &c., North of Square. CL ARKSFILLE, County seat of Montgomery, is a flourishing and beautiful Town, on the North bank of the Cumberland River, 40 miles below Nashville—population 3000. It has a very respectable number of High Schools, Churches, Masonic, Odd Fellows and Temperance Orders. In morality, intelligence, wealth and public enterprise, Clarksville compares favorably with any Town of its size in the State. Rev. Mr. Irvin's High School for Young Ladies, is well estab¬ lished, well deserving and most cordially recommended. So is the Masonic College, established by the Orand Lodge of the State, worthy of all commendation. The edifice is very large and beautiful—the Board of Teachers and Trustees able, effi¬ cient and enterprising. This College, under the paternity of the Order—the distinctive features of which are charity, benev¬ olence and universal fraternity—must succeed well.' The commercial prospects of Clarksville are not less worthy of a flattering notice. It has the largest Tobacco and Pork trade of any Town of its size in the South. It commands the trade of a wealthy district of South Kentucky, which, together with the productions and wealth of the surrounding country, cannot fail to make it a flourishing commercial City. Then, there are new channels of trade opening to her market by turn¬ pikes and Railroads, which will add at least one hundred fold to her wealth: We give below a list of her Merchants, Manufacturing and Professional gentlemen, which will do " to tic to," and as such are taken into our columns and recommended to the trade : CARDS FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 227 Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. McClure, Roberts &, Co. Anderson, Johnson & Co. Pritchett Dortch. John S. Hart. Moore &, Allcorn. W, &/ J. E. Broaddus. Smith & Seat. Thomas Brunson. J. M. Rice. B.F. Smith. F. Larmon. W. F. FALL, Hardware, Cutlery, &c. W. A. WHITE, Dry Goods and Groceries. G. ALL WELL, Dry Goods and Groceries. S. R. W. THOMAS &■ CO., Druggists and Apothecaries. L. S. HOUSE, Druggist and Apothecary. Clothing, Hats, Caps, &e. Thomas McCulloch. A. B. Harrison. W. Landsburg So Co. Grocery and Produce Merc'ts. B. O. Kasee & Co. S. N. Hollingsworth. R. M. Hause. Pritchett & Carr. H. W. Hibbs. McCLURE CROZIER, Commission House. TRICE & BARKER, Commission House. SAMUEL SIMPSON, Makers & Dealers in Watches & Jewelry ;" \VELLS' FOWLER," Maker & Dealer in Watches & Jewelry. ATTORNEYS G. A. HENRY. J. O. SHACKLEFORD. H. S. KEMBLE. N. B. DUDLEY. J. M. QUARLES. W. A. QUARLES. CAVE JOHNSON. R. W. HUMPHREYS. T. W. KING. J. E.BAILEY. M. E. WILCOX. A,. ROBB. J. F. HOUSE. J. G. HORNBEliGER. R. PASTON,JR. F. G. IRWIN. F. ADAMS. T. W. BEAUMONT. T. W. WISDOM. E. W. NORTHINGTON. Thysicians^ I,. W. KING, M. D. G. M'DANIEL, M. D. T. J. DONOHO, M. D. C. R. COOPER, M. D. E. B. HASK1NS, M. D. C. W. BEAUMONT, M. D. \V. M. FINLEY, M. D. C. L. WILSON, M. D. 828 CAR.D3 FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, david brqd1e, m.d. e. h. harrison, m. d. w. o. m'reynolds, m. d. J, d. collins, m. d. W.J.CA8TN0R, Surgeon Dentist. WASHIN8TGN HOTEL. T. 0. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. JAMES TATE, MANUFACTURER OF SADDLES* W. R. BB1N8H0RST, Manufacturer of Carriages, &c. THOMAS & BAILEY, Manufacturers of Wagons, &c. ISAAC PETERSON, STEAM SAW MILL. M^iiiioSITMOOT^ Steam Planing Mills. FBANKLIN HOUSE, A, M. LYLES, PROPRIETOR, J.C. FRANKLIN,P.M. Branch Planters Bank, W. P. HUME, Cashier, Tobacco Steraeries, b. stewart. jno. m'keage. h. f. beaumont. l. bradley. branden & >l'cLURE. hugh bunlap. j as. a. trice. trice & beaumont. Branch Bank of Tennessee, D.N. KENNEDY, Cashier. Jno. B. Johnson, Clerk, H. P. DORMS. Manufacturer of Tin and Coppcrware. DOVER, County seat of Stewart, on South bank of Cumberland River, i3 a place of considerable business—has a population of about 800 or 1000. The following business and professional gentle¬ men are entitled to confidence: ALLEN G. SHEMWELL Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c. KELLEY & TOML1NSON, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c. EPHRAIM P. WEAKS, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c. WOODS, PAYNE & CO., Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. COOK & SETTLE, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. S. T. ANDREWS, Dry Goods and Sandries. II. H. IIOLLtSTER, Stapie and Fancy Dry Goods,BoaU, Dots, &C, C. S. SUMMERS, Dry Goods, Boots, Hats, &e. THOMAS KIRKMAN, / Dry Goods, Boots, Hats, &c. WYNNS & CO., Dry Goods, Boots, Hats, &c. A. M. WALL, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES WILLIAM RICHARDS,. DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. WM. C. JONES, Dry Goods, Boots, Hats, &c. II. I*. SCARBOROUGH, Dry Goods, Boots, Hats, &c. WILLIAM MANN, Grocery Merchant. 230 CARDS FOR STEWART COUNTY. J. MOBLEY, Family Groceries. DR. HICKMAN. DR. J. W. BRIGHAM. DR. J. II. RtGGS. DR. W. W. ROBERTS. DR. R. A. STONE. DR. N. C. TAYLOR. DR. J. R. AGREE. DR. C. S. SUMMERS. SIMON Sf R. C. DANIEL, Groceries and Sundries. JONES CAMPBELL, Groceries and Sundries. J. P. JOBES & CO., Family Groceries. IRWIN BRANDON, Family Groceries. ATTORNEYS; JAS. E. RICE. S. W. MARTIN. JNO. P. DUNLAP. JNO. T. DUNCAN. JNO. N. DOYLE. J. C. ROBERTS. JAS, M. SCARBROUGH. A. J. DAVIS. HENSON & MARTIN, Groceries and Sundries. WM. H. ELLIS, GROCERIES AND SUNDRIES. W. C. JOINER, FAMILY GROCERIES. THOMAS & ROWLAND, FAMILY GROCERIES. ROLLS & EARBERT, GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Cumberland Iron Works, JAMES W. ROBERTSON, CLOTHING STORE. Bear Spring Furnace. WM. R. PENIX, MERCHANT TAILOR. Bell's Wood Furnace, BAYLISS HOUSE, BY JOEL BAYLISS. Rough and Ready Furnace. DOVER HOUSE, BY C. H. HATCHER, Byron Forge. PHYSICIANS. DR. WM. C. CLEMENTS. DR. WM. B. WILLIAMS. DR. W. J. BAZWELL. DS: WM. A. WEST. Hollisters Furnrce. LaGrange Furnace. Patonia Furnace. PIKEVILLE, Bledsoe County, Tennessee. The following are the business and professional men in Pikeville: BRIGMAN & HICKS, BRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. WILSON & REYNOLDS, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. COCKE, TULLASS & CO., DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. J. C. ROBERSON^I DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Attorneys at Law. THOMAS N. FRAZIER. J. C. ROBERSON. PIKEVILLE HOTEL, By STEPHEN HICKS. Physicians. DR.- J. W. SIMPSON, DR. J. B. TEMPLETON. ✓ PIKEVILLE INN, By BIRD PANKLEY. ATHENS, County seat of MeMinn County. The following are the principal business houses and professional men, viz: JOHN M'GAUGHY, DRY GOODS AND fcUNDRIES, L. DODSON, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. G W, ROSS &CO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES M'SFADDEN & IIORTON, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. M'EWEN & GILLASPIE, Dry Goods and Sundries. S. K. REEDER & CO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. WM. M. SEHORN, , Jeweller and Wateh Maker. W. BARNETT, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, R. T. ENGLEDO & CO., Dry Goodsand Sundries. P. H. KUTH & CQ.f DRY GOODS ANDSUKDRIES. GEO. HORN, DB Y GOODS AND8UNDUIES. A. M'KELDEN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. ATTORNEYS. T. NIXON VAN DYKE. M P. JARNAGIN. J. B COOKE. W, T. KUTH. G. IV. BRIDGES, FRANCIS BOYD, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. JOHN CRAWFORD, ' DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. CARDS FOR M'MINN COUNT Y. 233 ATHENS HOTEL, BY G. W. MAYO, WM. BURNS, Druggist end Apothecary, ATHENS INN, BY J. K. WHITS ELL. KEYES, SON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. PHYSICIANS. DR. J. B. TAYLOR. Du. M, II. MAY. DR. S. II. JORDON. DR. W. G. NEILL. Mantua, McMinn County. .A.J. &W. DODSON, Dry Goods and Sundries. MOSES BORMER, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Branch Bank of Tennessee, A. D. KEYS, President. T. J. Ctmpbbll, Cashier. JOHN GREGORY, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Branch of Planters Bank, D. CLEAGE, Cashier. Cantreli's H Roads, E. P. BLOOM, Dry Goods ar,d Sundries. C. F. KUTII, JUDGE. JNO. L. BRIDGES, Clerk of Circuit Court. PAYNE & CARLOCK, Dry Goods and Sundries. WM. LOWRY. Clerk and Master of Chancery Court. Coghill, McMinn County* L. J. PARRIS & CO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. THOS. VAUGHAN, COUNTY COURT CLERK. JACKSON County seat of Madison. The following are its principal business and professional men, to-wit: L. B. SHAPARD & CO., Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. WV* WW WW WW w%/%. PERSON & LANCASTER, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. WW* vwti« Wfe > WW WVfe ww\ JOHN S. MILLER &C0., Dry Goods and Sundries. \/*AfoVW*«WWW*r*iWV*> VWW^V^VW^WW HALL & CHRISTIAN, Dry Goods and Sundries. BLUE & VERSER, Dry Goods Merchants. VWWVW WW VWV VWfcWV* GEO. N. HARRIS, Dry Goods and Varieties. J. Sf T. MURRELL, Dry Goods Merchants. V*W\WV\\ tW^WVVWVWV^VWV^ WM wvwwv* FRANK BERNHE1MER #Co. Dry Goods and Sundries. V*/WVV*^VW*»WW»WW ww»w*%ww WWWW KYLE $ PERRY, Dry Goods and Sundries. wv* vvw wv*< vx/v* wv*. ww ww* JAMES MUIER, Merchant Tailor. vw%WW.vw>w%\WWW/W VWVWWVWV* I** L. GOODELL, Merchant Tailor. vw^vvwww ww>wwv,vw»wv% vw\ WW W>* JAMES HUGHES, Merchant Tailor. CARDS FOR M'ADISON COUNTY. 235 G. BLINK, Bakery and Confectionary. JACKSON INN, By A. L. Patterson. LUCKEY HOUSE, By Sam'l Luckey. LAFAYETTE INN, By Wm. CpooM. wwvwww% CHURCHES AND PASTORS. Episcopal—J. W. M'Cullough,D.D. Presbyterian—C. M'Kinney. Methodist—B. H^ Hubbard. Baptist—(No Pastor.) CROMM RUSSELL, Carriage Manufacturers. vw* wvvv%vki y v%'v^wwwvw SYPERT $ RIPLEY, Carriage Manufacturers. • MARTIN CARTMELL, Saddle and Harness Maker. CHA'S HOGSETT, Saddle and Harness Maker. POOL, Saddle and Harness Maker. O'CONNELL, Boot and Shoe Maker. JOHNS. YORK 4*CO. Boot and Shoe Makers. R. L. LIGHTFOOT, Watch Maker and Jeweller. THO'S M'COWATT, Watch Maker and Jeweller. R. H. ANDERSON 4« BRO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Tin Ware &c. &c. W. L. FLUREN, Carpenter and Builder, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Carpenter and Builder. ROBERT MAY, Carpenter and Builder. ALLEN WILLIAMS, Carpenter and Builder. DANIEL HAMPTON, House Carpenter. ROBERT HORTON, House Carpenter. JESSE MASK, House Carpenter. JAMES MANN House Carpenter. ABNER TEAGUE, Wagon Maker, L. WEIR, Wagon Builder. RILEY TEAGUE, Blacksmithing, &c. WILLIAM HAMMOND, Blacksmithing, &c. 236 CARDS FOR MADISON COUNTY. JOHN IRWIN, Blacksmithing &c. J. & T- NORVELL, Brickmasons. H. BLEDSOE, Brickmason. WILLIAM KNIGHT, . Brickmason. JACOB JEIGER &CO., SUne and Marble Yard. J. MARKS, gn and Ornamental Painter. J. RUSSELL, gn and Ornamental Painter. W. & J. FUZZELL, Keepers of Livery Stable. W. ELLIOTT, Livery Stable Keeper. G. ADAMSON, Druggist and Apothecary. HUNT & McINTOSII, Druggists and Apothecaries. PHYSICIANS. eob't fenner, m. d. geo. smiler, m. d. tho's w. harris, m. d. alex. jackson, m. d. r. r. dashiell, m. d. john chester, m. d. \vm. f. still, Botanic Physician, ATTORNEYS AT LAW iiugiies & mureell, m. & ie. brow.v, bullock & scurlock, a. w.campbell, stevens & stevens, J. l. h. tom lin, caruther8 £f freeman, sam'l m'clanahan, a. e. davie, TIIO'S VV. GAME WELL, Clerk of County Court. THO'S L. BROWN, Clerk of Circuit Court. THO'S CLARK, Clerk of Chancery Court. WM. H. STEVENS, Clerk of Supreme Court. JAMES L. PALLOT, Clerk of Federal Court. W. W. GATES, County Register. JOHN R. JELKS, High Sheriff. P. C. M'COWATT, Post Master. JACKSON FEMALE INSTITUTE Rev. L. Lea, President, Rev. B. H. Hubbard, Profr. Miss G. Lea, j Miss Hart, > Teachers. Miss M. Hess, j C. H. Winkler, Prof, of Music. WEST TENNESSEE COLLEGE. James Holmes, President. Professors: Jno. W. McCullough, D.D. George Holmes, A. W. Jones, Abnbr Merrell. CARDS FOR TIPTON COUNTY. 237 E. F. McKnight, Cashier of Branch Union Bank Tenn. AGENCIES. Jxo. S. Millek, Agent for Hartford Insurance Company. Ja's Murrell, Agent for Tenn. Marine and Fire Insurance Company. AGENTS FOR N. O. HOUSES. Joreph D. Mason, Agent for Bradley, Wilson &Co. Tho's Clark, Agent for Cherry, Henderson & Co. COVINGTON, County seat of Tipton, furnishes the following list of respecta¬ ble and reliable Merchants and business men; W. C. HAGUE, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, GREEN & BRO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. WISEMAN & HALL, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, &c. J. S. SMITH, GROCERY MERCHANT. F. W. CHANCEY, Dealer in Dry Goods, &.C. SMITH & Y ARB ROUGH, Dealers in Dry Goods, &c» JAS. W. HALL, Dealer in Dry Goods, &e. COVINGTON INN, JSAAC B. BLEDSOE, Proprietor. COVI^ToS^dfELr^ JORDON BROWN. PROPRIETOR. I], 8. BATR, O J SLAPOmSS. BATE & SLAUGHTER. J, MORRISON, n. SAKF0IU9. MORRISON & SANFORD. ^MTZllOLMia"' 238 CARDS FOR TIP' TON COUNTY. Porters ville P. O. PHYSICIANS. pr. jno. a. green. dr. c. g. fisher. dr. b. s, menifee. dr. wm. m. hall. dr. lafayette hill. dr. r. j. cotton. dr. b. h. ligon. DR. j. seiarpe, NAT. TIPTON, Clerk of Circuit Court. R. H. MUNFORD, County Court Clerk. Beaver Dam Forks. J. A. Green, Dealers in Dry Goods, &o. SAM. VENDIG, Dealer in Dry Goods, &c. A. D. CLEMENT, Practicing Physician. Bioomington P, 0, II. B. HARPER & CO., Dry Goods and Groceries. JAS:E;WAlKiRlTca; Dry Goods and Sundries. A. A. ALLEN, Dealer in Dry Goods and Sundries. R B. HARPER, Practicing Physician M'QUISTON & M'CAIN, pry goods & sundries. M." M7 DICKSON, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. PHYSICIANS. dr. c. s. dickson. dr. j. f. algen. dr. j. f. harper. dr. w. a. bowns, Botanic. Randolph P. O. J.J. STEEL & CO., Dealers in Dry Goods, &c., &c. J. B?DANIEL & COT Dealers in Dry Goods," &c. JOHN D. STEEL, Dealer in Dry Goods and Sundries. ^"^TATIJoerow^ I DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. XTirot &~co^ GROCERY MERCHANTS. DR. HUGH F. ROSE. DR. SAM. READ. PR, D. PL WOODS. Wesley, Haywood County. JOHN S. PEETE, J)RY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. PHYSICIANS. SAVANNAH, Hardin County, Tennessee, is situated on the North bank of the Tennessee River—population about 1000. It is improving in business and buildings. The following are the principal busi¬ ness and professional houses, viz. L. II. BROILLS, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. JOHN J. WILLIAMS, Dry Goods and Sundries. W. II. CHERRY & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. BROILS & ERWIN, DRV GOODSAND SUNDRIES. PORTER & SHIELDS, Dry Goods and Sundries. W. S. MARTIN, DEALER IS FAMILY GROCERIES. ATTORNEYS. DAVID A. STREET. E. II. SHELTON. T. A. JONES. L. H. BROILES, Jr. G. M. HAMILTON. A. McDOUGAL. J. C. GREEN, CUMMINGS. SMITH. F. II. GOODY. PHYSICIANS. DR. G, D. MORROW. DR. R. B. BASWELL. DR. J.F. MOLLY. DRS. STEPHENS & BARBER. GAINESBORO', JACKSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. COOD & KINNAIRD, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. T. & II. C. KIRKPATRICK, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, SETTLE & STONE, Dry Goods atid Sundries. S.J.&T.J,H.POTULE& Co. Dry Goods and Variety Store, BUTLER & GOSE, Dry Goedsaud Sundries, A. HARE, GROCERY MERCHANT. J. W, LOCK and J. EATON INN KEEPERS. THOMAS II. BUTLER, Clerk of Circnit Court. W. II. BATTS, Clerk (J Chancery Court. S. W . CASSETTY, Cierk oi County Court. ATTORNEYS. J. T. QUARLES. G. M. McWHIRTER. W. II. BATTS. B. B. WASHBURN. PHYSICIANS. DR. ;WM. R, KENNER. DR. N. MONTGOMERY. DR. ABSALOM JOHNSON V A VERLY, HUMPHREYS COUNTY, TENNESSEE. JOHN W Y LEY, Dry Goods and Sundries. A . F. IJ SSKLL, Dry GoO.L. Sundries. WHITE & HARRIS, Dry Goods andSundries. W ILLI A M HILL. Dry Go ids and Sundries. JOHN W. HALL, , Dry Goods and Sundries. T. B. GQRIN, Grocery Merchant, E. & D. COWAN, Grocery Merchants, OWEN& WHITE, Grocery Merchants, 16 WAVERLY HOTEL, By MRS. C. DRAUGHAN.j W A V E R L Y INN, By J, L. McCRACKEN. ATTORNEYS. V. S. ALLEN. F. P. SAUNDERS. A. J. SAUNDERS. H, NICHOLS. J. M. HARRIS PHYSICIANS. Dh. II. H. MARABLE. DR. P. F. GOULD. DR. G. W. MARABLE. Dr. J, II. BILES. W. W. PEPPER, Judge of Circuit Court. Residence at Springfield. J. N. LITTLE,Clerk of Gircuit Court. LEVI MeCULLOM, Clerk of County Court. SEYIEE COURT HOUSE, TENNESSEE. W. Harris. J. Mitchell. J, Murphy. HARRIS & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. JS. B. Henderson. P. H. Toomey- HENDERSON & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. C. A. Clemrnonson. S. W. Inman. CLEMMONSON & CO., Dry Goods and Varieties. WASHINGTON HOTEL, . By RICHARD LANNING. P. H. TOOMEY, ► Clerk County Court. •RICHARD LANNING, i Clerk Chancery Court. A . W. McCOWN, Olerk of Circuit Court. coT'wi^oYTotggan, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JOHN S. McNUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HON. ROBERT H. IIYNDS, J- M. IIAMNER, M. D., Acting Judge. ^Practicing Physician, GREENEVILLE, GREENE COUNTY, TENNESSEE. GEO. JONES & CO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. JOHN M'CAMPBELL, Dry Goods and Sundries. LOWRY, EASON & CO., DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. Y. S. MALONEY& CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. W. &E, WEST, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. ATTORNEYS. THOS. LANE, JR., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. TIIOS. D. ARNOLD. R. M. BARTON. DAVID T. PATTERSON. SAM. MILLIGAN. ROBT. A. CRAWFORD. TROCTOR P. PORTER. I.& J. BROWN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. M'DOVVELL, M'GAUHEY &CO. Dry Goods and Sundries. PHYSICIANS. DR. GEO. W. FOUTE. DR. B. F. CLARK. DR. F. A. M'CORKLE. DR.E. C.COCKRAN. DR. WM. WEST. BROWN & PARK, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. ROBT. MASON & BRO., Dry Goods and Sundries. J. D. M'CURLEY, Dry Goods and Sundries. 344 cards for green county. The two principal Hotels are kept by IHO. MA LONE Y & DAVID G. VANCE; Gentlemen^of high qualifications. valentine sevier, Circuit Court Clerk. david sevier, Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court. " elijah w- headrick, Clerk of County Court. thomas lane, jR., REGISTER. Traders in Stock. james johnson. adison wethers. Camp Creek, Green County. d. kennedy & co. Dry Goods and Sundries. jas. m. lowry & co., Dry Goods and Sundries. Cedar Creek, Green County. g.& r. gammon, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. sam. h. siirewsberry, Dry Goods and Sundries. Cany Creek, Green County. gammon & ottinger, Dry Goods and Sundries, sam. a. craig & co., Dry Goods and Sundries Limestone Spring, Green County. uriah matthews, Dry Goods and Sundries. Rheatown, Green County. loyd a. cox, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. j. ii. earnest &bro~ Dry Goods and Sundries. j. & j. r.rankin; DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Baymount, Green County. thomas jackson, Dry Goods & Sundries. Romeo, Green County. bailey &weems, Dry Goods and Sundries. Henderson's Mill, Green County. sam. b. m'adams, Dry Goods & Sundries, Laurel Gap, Green County. j. m. crouch a co., Dry Goods and Sundries, THQSTSELF" Dry Goods and Sundries. _ e7wkems, ~~ DEALER IN STOCK. Gray&burg, Green County. nathan merclock, Dry Goods ar.d Sundries. Warrensburg, Green Co. jas, m. rankin, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. CARDS FOR BRADLEY COUNTY. 245 ALLEN BAKER, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Newmansville, Green Co. V, S. M'NEESE, Dry Goods and Sundries. KING & HYDER, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, Blue Springs, Green County. ISAAC ALLEN, DEALER IN STOCK. CLEVELAND, County seat of Bradley, is situated on the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad,—is a pleasant, healthy town, improv¬ ing rapidly in wealth and intelligence—population about 15CO. The following are its principal Merchants and professional men, viz: WM.H. CRAIGMILES, Dry Goods and Sundries. TIBBS & IIARDWICK, Dry Goods and Sundries. DAN. C. KENNER, Dealer iu Dry Goods, Hats, Cap9, Boots and Shoes. C. H. MILLS & CO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, L.B.& V. MILLER, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. R. M. SEVAN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. WM. K. PICKENS, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. 'JESSE RYAN, DEALER IN DRY UuULS, &C. 246 CARDS FOR BRADLEY COUNTY. WM, J. CAMPBELL, Dry Goods and Sundries. f. BURKHART & CO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. W. H. LOW & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. MRS. ANN J, IN MAN, Tavern Keeper. WILLIAM MEE, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. W, B. BA1NE, DRY GOODS ANDSUNDRIES. HON, CKAS. F. KEITH, Judge of the Circuit Court. JOSIAH JOHNSON, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. HON, THOS. L. WILLIAMS, Chancellor. ROBT, M. SWANN, Chief Justice of County Court. CHARLESTON HOTEL, BY S. S. BARNETT. JNO. H. PAYNE, Clerk of Circuit Court. JN^JK^ERTSO^ Clerk of the County Court. ~~n5TEFH^^ . County Register, ** County Trustee. W. B RIT T A I N , Tavern Keeper. R. S. STEW ART, Tavern Keeper. SAM. A. SMITH, Attorney at Law. ' DR. FRANKLIN, Physician, A. P. D E F R I S E , County Ranger, ATTORNEYS. GANT&GANT. TREWHITT & TREWHITT. GEO. W. ROWLES. Candy Creek, Bradley co. S. R.KING, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps and Shoes. PHYSICIANS. DR. GIDEON B THOMPSON. DRS, FORD & BROWN. DR. NATHAN HARRIS. ALLISON HOWARD, DRYGOODS A ND SUNDRIES. Chatata, Bradley County. GEO. MIDDLECAFF, Dry Goods and Sundries. Charleston, Bradley Co. COWAN &CQ., DRY GOODS AND jSUNDRIJBS. Boat Yard, Bradley County. PARRIS & HILL, Dry Goods and Sundries. MANCHESTER, County seat of Coffee—a new County-*-has the fallowing- business and professional houses: L. & J. HICKERSON, Dry Goods, flats, Boots, &c. MORGAN & BRITTON, Dry Goods and Sundries. ^SHAW~&^ARDE^ Grocer Merchants. Manchester Flouring Mills, A. B, ROBERTSON, Owner. Attorneys at Law. WM. P. HICKERSON. iSBELL. H. S. EMERSON. R. II. RICHARDSON. Physicians. DAVID HICKERSON, M. D. J. E. RODES, M. D. TiillahoMa P. 0., 71 miles South-ea?t of Nash¬ ville, on the Railroad, is about 18 months old and has a popu¬ lation of about 3510 and the following respectable business houses: J. M. P. HICKERSON, Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, &c. J. L. ROSEBORO, Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, &c, JAMES GRIZZARD, Grocery Merchant, E . F . HUNT, Grocery Merchant, J. E. IIOGAIN, M. D. The above must be a healthy place- having but one Physician, and he has noir become rich selling pills. A Branch Railroad is surveyed, under contract and in progress of building from this point McMinnville. WAYNESBOBO', Wayne County, is a pleasant, healthy inland town, about 500 inhabitants. The following are the principal business houses, &c. GRIGGS & GRIMES, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. Amos T. Hassell, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. James Anderson, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. Waynesboro' Hotel, By WM. WEST, also Dealer in Dry Goods and Sundries. ATTORNEYS. ROBERT A. HILL. JOHN McDOUGAL. JOHN F. MOORE. W. K. JONES. PHYSICIANS. DR. HENRY MORRIS. D. J. KINCAID. T. COX. The above are the right sort of business and professional men. WILLIAM JONES, County Court Clerk. JOHN McDOUGAL, Circuit Court Clerk. C. B. McLANE, Clerk and Master in Chancery, ALEXANDRIA, DEKALB CODNTY. The following are the principal business houses and profes¬ sional men, viz: ANDERSON & LAWRENCE, DryGoods and Sundries, GOODNER & BAIRD, DRY GOODSAND SUNDRIES. BAIRD & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. PIERCE & CO.. DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. A. BONE, Dry Goods and Sundries. JNO. D. WEELER, DRY GOO DS AND SUNDRIES. DR. II. G. FLIPPEN, Druggist and Apothecary. DR. THOS. J. SNEED, Practicing Physician. Liberty, BeKalb County. The following are t he principal busi¬ ness men at Liberty, vis; E. C. & WM. VICK, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. PRICE & MOORE, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. ISAAC WHALEY, DRY GOODS MERCHANT, LIBERTY INN, BY FREDERICK JONES. DR. JOHN A. FUSON, Regular Practising Physician. DR. JOHN A. BAIRD, Regular Practising Physician. 250 CARDS FOR DEKALB COUNTY. ATTORNEYS. Smithville, DeKalb County. The following are the business men at Smithville: PMYS1S3&HS. DR.CHAS. SCHURER. DR. J. B. COX. ELIJAH WHALEY, DRY GOOD 3 MERCHANT. STARLEY & JOHNSON, Dry Goods Merchants. MAGNESS & DEARMAN, Dry Goods Merchants. S. B. WHALEY, DRY GOODS MERCHANT. W. H. MAGNESS, DRY GOODS MERCHANT. A. M. SAVAGE. W,M. WADE, Hon. JNO. H.SAVAGE. MASON M. BRIEN, Attorney General 4th Judicial Circuit. W. J. ISBELL, CLERK OF COUNTY COURT. SMITHVILLE HOTEL, BY J. Y. STEWART. BECKWITII HOUSE, Three miles from Smithville, JAMES BECKWITH, PROPRIETOR. „ Siigo, DeKalb County, F. F1NLEY, Dry Goods Merchant. A. L. DAVIS HOUSE, F. FINLEY, Proprietor. It seems that the ahove House took its name from our Steamboat Captain; if so> you may lengthen your table, Mr. F. JONESBOBOUGH, Washington County, is a flourishing town in East Tennessee, population about 2000. The following are its principal busi¬ ness and professional houses: DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. R. L. BLAIR & BRO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods, &c. J. C. & J. M. HOSS, Dealers in Dry Goods &c. WM. MASON & CO., Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. JNO. A. WILDS & SONS, Dry Goods Merchants. JOHN RHEA & CO. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. w. H. CROUCH, Dry Goods and Sundries. Z. L. BURSON, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. ' HENRY HOSS, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. wvwwv "WWvwv VVWV«Mi wwvw* McEWIN & DOSSER, Dry Goods Merchants. HOTELS. MANSION HOUSE, By John W. Simpson. BELL TAVERN, By John P. Chester. 252 CARDS FOR EUTAW HOUSE, By Dr. Daniel Kenney. R. R. INN, By Mrs. Phebe Stewart. JUDGES AKD CLERKS. SETH J. W. LUCKY, Judge of Circuit Court. JOHN H. CRAWFORD, Clerk of Circuit Court. JOHN L. DEADRICK, Clerk and Master of Chancery Court. M. H. SMITH, Clerk of County Court. JOHN RYLAND, Sheriff of Washington County. JOSEPH A. CONLEY, Register. G. W. WILLETT, Trustee. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. tho's a. r. nelson, ja's e. murphy, ja's w. deadrick, john a. akin, john b. m'lin, l. c. haynes. (The above are first class Lawyers.) PHYSICIANS. or. s. e. c pstn ingham, " j. e. cassan, " wm. r. sevier, " wm. t. m. outlaw, " s. h. smith, " d. j. gibson. (The above are first class Physi¬ cians, but live in a country too heal- thy to get much practice.) 5HINGT0N COUNTY. BOON'S CREEK, Washington County. \V. H. <5- L. H. CROUCH, Dry Goods Merchants. DULANY WILLIARD, Dry Goods and Sundries. JAMES' m ROADS. JAMES A. WELLS, Dry Goods, and Sundries. LEESBERGH. J. CHASE, Dry Goods and Suadries. PHYSICIANS. dr. sam'l e. lyon, dr. a. w. brabson. FALL BRANCH. J. H. CROUCH & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. BROYLESVILLE. A. A. BROYLES, Dry Goods and Sundries. ED. WEST, Dry Goods and Sundries. RUSH & NELSON, Dry Goods and Groceries. CARDS FOR LAUDERDALE COUNTY. 253 COX'S STORE. WATAUGA BEND. J. BLAIR &&0., PHYSICIAN. Iron, Nails and Casting Manufactory. DR. W. G. SEEHORN. KEYS $ WILSON, WASHINGTON COLLEGE. Manufactory of Axes &c. REV. A. A. DRAKE, WM. P. BLAIR, President of Washington College. Dry Goods and Sundries. PHYSICIAN. DR. W. W. BOVELL. RIPLEY, County seat of Lauderdale County, is a flourishing town, has good Schools, COUNTY OFFICERS. Wm. G. McCleland, Sheriff. Jo. C. Marley, C'ty Court Cfk. Wm. C. Farris, Circuit Clerk. J. Anderson Lackey, Register. Wm. Lang ford, Trustee. James A. Lackey, Ch'm Ct'y Ct. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. isaac m. steele, henry h. richardson, john sutherland, josiah c. marley. VW% WWWW W/W'■WV^'WfW PHYSICIANS. THO'S A. ANTHONY, Blacksmi thing, &c. PHILLIPS, Blacksmithing Sic. W\|\ vw% >VW* VW^ W/V* CAGE & DURHAM, Blacksmithing &c. SWANS GARDNER, Shoe and Boot Maker. PHYSICIANS. dr. david m. iiennixg, dr. tho's a. anthony, dr. J. B. d. iienley. \A\AVW\WWvV\VVWVk/WVVW\VVV\ W/Vnv.tVWMVI IMW«WV PHYSICIANS. DR. C. K. JONES, DR. G. H. HOOPER, DR. JA'S MITCHELL, DR. W. RICHARDSON, DR. J. W. RICHARDSON. LAWBfflGEBDBfi, County seat of Lawrence, is a high, healthy and pleasant Town—about 600 inhabitants. It is' surrounded by an enter¬ prising population. The county of Lawrence has, perhaps, a larger number of Mills, Manufactories, &c., than any other county in the State. The following is a brief list of its best Merchants and Professional houses, viz: WM. SIMONTON, Dealer in Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes &c. JA'S II. POTTS, Dealer in Dry Goods and Sundries. SAM'L COSBY, Dealer in Dry Goods and Sundries. JEREMIAH FIELDS, Dealer in Dry Goods and Sundries. PARKS, PERKINS & CO., Dealers in Dry Goods and Sundries BURKITT £ BRO., Grocery Merchants. 258 CARDS FOR LAWRENCE CO UNIT. CHAFFIN HARWELL, Grocery Merchants. G. P. WELLS, Chairman of County Court. JA'S K. ANDERSON $ CO., Druggists and Apothecaries. WM. SIMONTON, Cotton Manufactory. H. C. ANGEL, Clerk of Circuit Court. GILES M. MEEK, Clerk of County Court ATTORNEYS AT LAW. s. e. rose, r. h- robe, m. bentley,, g. h. nixon, jno- a. tiknon. WM. PARKS, Cotton Manufactory. WILSON, STRATTON & CO. Cotton Manufactory, in the country. PARKS, PERKINS & CO., Cotton Manufacturers. The above Companies make a large amount of fine Goods. PHYSICIANS. Dr. G. BUMPASS, Hotel Keeper. J. A GIBSON, Hotel Keeper. dr. c- l- herbert, " g. l- simonton, " J. J. gibson. LAWRENGEBURG BANK, E. WALKER, Judge of Circuit Court. S. E. Rose, President, Wm. Simonton, Cashier. BBQWNVILLE, County seat of Haywood, has the following reliable business houses: May field, W h i relaw &- A ust i n DRYGOODS MERCHANTS. t FOSTER & SEYIER, Dry Goods Merchants. "YTSROLWIT & SONT Dry Goods Merchants, R. T, LONGBY, Dry Goods Merchant. WOOD, LEONARD & WOOD Dry Goods Merchants. C. RUCK & BROTHERT Dry Goods Merchants. E. G. JOHNSON, JDruggist and Apothecary. NELSON &~CARTWRIGHT, Groceries and Provision Store, There are five Manufactories —the following gentlemen are the Proprietors: R, G. THOVJA-*. A. F. KLTCE. E. L. BADGER. J. C. JoRDON. E. C. DRENNON. BRDWNVILLE HOTEL, By J. B. FORTUNE. J. M. RUTLEDGE, Clerk of Circuit Court. C. A. TALIAFERRO, Clerk of County Court. ATTORNEYS. W. B. GROVE. REED & SHEPARD. II. M. BALCH. CAMPBELL & TURNER. GAUSE & ESTES. T. G. & W. SMITH. PHYSICIAKS. Da. E. HAYWOOD. Dr. G. TALIAFERRO. • Drs. HOWELL & TURNER. 17 258 CARDS FOR BLOUNT COUNTY. • Cherryville, Haywood Co. * PARTES So CLAY, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. Cageville, Haywood County. J. M. JOHNSON, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, Lanefield, Haywood County. PARTEE & CLAY, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots,&c. Dancyville, Haywood Co. E, J. TUCKER, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. Woodville, Haywood Co. H. J. HENDREN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. MAEYVILLE, County seat of Blount, is a beautiful Town—population about 1200. Celebrated for fine Schools and good society. The fol¬ lowing are the principal merchants, &c. TOOLE, POPE &, CO. General Dry Goods Merchants. LM.& J.G.WALLACE, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c. WM. McTEER & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. Bicknell 8c Wallace, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c. CARDS FOR BLOUNT COUNTY. 259 VERANDAH HOTEL, By WM- McTEER, Louisville P. O. H. T. COX, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. G~S. GILBERT & SON, Dry Goods Merchants. W. M. STEELE & BRO., Dry Goods and Sundries. Unitia P. O. J. II. DONALDSON, Dry Goods Merchant. s7 MATTHEW S , General Merchant, Leeper's Ferry P. O. S. M. LEEPER, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Morganton P. O. • • • • J. CAWSQN, Dry Goods, Groieries, &c. M. JOJNES, Dry Goods, droceries, &c. J. C. TIPTON, General Merchant. Rockford P. O. B. F. REEDER &, Co., Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Friendsville P. O. D. MORGAN, General Merchant. County Officers. J. M. HENRY, High Sheriff. WILL A. WALKER, Clerk of Circuit Court. ROBERT A. TEDFORD, Clerk of County Court. R. E. TEDFORD, County Trustee. ANDREW McCLAIN, County Reg- ister. SAMUEL PRIDE, Clerk and Master. Chilkowell, Blount County. , ROBERT JAMES & CO., Manufacturers of Cotton and Wtlien Goods. SPARTA, WHITE COUNTY, TENNESSEE. The following are the principal business houses and profes¬ sional men: LEFT WICII & DIBRELL, ! Dry Goods and Sundries. GOODNER & SNODGRASS,! DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. DIBRELL & OFFICER, j Dry Goods ana Sundries. j CRUTCHER& SPARRY~ | DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. I LAFAYETTE SNODGRASS, j Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. i WM. FLOYD & SO^ | DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES.' JOSHUA P. STONE. j DRY GOODS AND bUNDRIES. ' Practicing Physicians, | DR. MADISON FISKE. DR. WM. GRAHAM. DR. M. T. BROCKETT, DR. WM. REN SHAW. DR. THOS. SNODGRASS. ATTORNEYS. E. L. GARDENniRE. S. H. COLMS. W. E. NELSON. T.B. MURRAY. SAM. TURNEY. IION.^TOIINL. GOOD ALL, Judga of 4th Judicial Circuit, JOSEPH BROWN, Clerk of Circuit Court. W. E. NELSONT Clerk of Chancery Oourt. GEO. G.lniBRELL, Comity Court Clerk. Branch Bank of Tennessee, J.G. MITCHELL, President. John Warren, Cashier. W. L. While, Clerk. 0, H. P Sims, Notary Public. Sparta Manufacturing Co.» DR.THOS. SNODGRASS.Pres't. Joseph Snodgrass, Treasurer, CARDS FOR HAWKINS COUNTY. 261 SPARTA INN, BY A. L.ROGERS. SPARTA HOTEL^ BY JOSEPH LAMBE. Cave P. 0., AVhite county. J. & J. A. HILL, Dry Goods and Groceries. Hats, Caps. Shoes, Boots, &c. Dry Yailey, White county. B. D. HUNTER, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. River Hill, White county. MITCHELL & WARREN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. New Ark, White county. JAMES B. LOWERY, Staple and Fancy Dry Goo's, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots, &.c. Practicing Physicians, DR. CROON U. BAKER. DR. JAMES BARNES. ROGERSVILLE, HAWKINS COUNTY, TENNESSEE- The foliovving are the principal business and professional men in Hawkins county, viz: SIMPSON & BROTHERS, Dry Goods and Sundries. M'KINNEY & ROGERS, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. J. K. & S. NEILL, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. M. S. & R. O. WELLS, Dry Goods and Sundries. FAIN, ANDERSON & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. WM. WHITE, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, 262 cards for hawkins county. mitchell & kyle, DRY GOODS AND tUNDRlES, odd fellows Female Collegiate Institute, Rev. Wm. D. Junes, D, D-, Pres't, Mooresburg, Hawkins Cmnty. jno.a. simpson & bro., Dry Goods and Sundries. wm. p. armstrong, Dry Goods and Sundries. Dry Goods and Sundries.. '"^ARMEiSTioTEU BY COL. JOHN WALKER. TiogerSviu^FhoteT^ By Maj. A. R Edmonds. ^HOrTsrX^.TuCKEYr Judge of Circuit Court. 4 CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT. hotTthosTTlw^ Judge Chancery Court. d."alexander, Clerk aud Master. "^l1T(l\lbreth7 CHAIRMAN COUNTY COURT. felix g. moore, Dry Goods aud Sundries. Warble Hall, Hawkins Co. john d. m'farland, D'y Goods and Sundries St. Clair, Hawkins County, THOS. J. LEE, Dry Goods and Sundries. R. CHESNUTT& CO., Dry Goods and Groceries. J. H. vance, CLERK OF COUNTY COURT. Yellow Store, Hawkins County, c.c. MILLER, Dry Goods and Sundries. Branch Bank of Tennessee, L. D. MITCHELL, President. Jas. Sevier. Ceshier. Jas. P. McCarty, Clerk. ATTORNEYS. NETIIERLAND & HEISKELL. SAM. POWELL. HALL & WALKER. JOHN A. M'KINNEY. Lyon's Store, Hawkins County. WM. LYONS & SON, D;y Goods and Groceries. G, M. &, D. LYONS, Dry Goods and Sundries, New Canton, Hawkins County. L. H, RAGAN, , Dry Goods. Ilats. Caps, Shces, Boots and Groceries, Practicing Physicians. OR. HUGH WALKER. BR. A. CARMICHEAL. CENTREVILLE, County seat of Hickman, on the South Bank of Duck River, has a population of about 600, and, has the following reliable business men: A. M. WILLIAMS, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Vernon P. O. W. BALTIIROP, Dry Goods Merchant and Hotel Keeper. WILLIAMS & RUSSELL, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c. J . T . P R I M M & C 0 ., Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. W. G. & II. CLAGETT, Dry Goods and Sundries. • . J. F. S T AN FIELD, Dry Goods and SundrieB. J. B. SHEEGOG & EASLEY, Dry Goods and Sundries. R. & S. GRAHAM, Pinewood Cotton Factory. A. W. HUNT, M. D. SPRINGFIELD, County seat of Robertson, is a pleasant and healthy Town, 23 miles North of Nashville—population SOD. The following are the principal merchants and professional n.en : E . S. CHEATHAM, Grocer and Produce Merchant. J. & A. C. GREEN, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. H. P. MATHEWS & CO., Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. A. DAVIS, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. JOHN F. GOUTS, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. J. A. ECKLES, Druggist and Apothecary. ATTORNEYS. WASHINGTON LOWE. JOHN E. GARNER. J. R. COX. S. A. PEPPER. J C. STARK. EDWIN MULLOY. PHYSICIANS. HICKS & MENEESE, M. D.s. S. M. JAMISON, M.D. HUGH ROBERTSON, M. D. W. W. PEPPER, Judge of Circuit Court. M.S.DR AUG HAN, Clerk and Master Be wanes House, D. P. B'lADEN, Proprietor. Springfield Hotel, A, G_. PAYNE, Proprietor. TRINTON, County seat of Gibson County, is a flourishing Town on the r oute of the Mobile and Ohio Rail Road—population about 1200. The following are the principal business houses and professional men of Gibson County: JOHN W.ELDER 4* CO., Dry Goods and Grocery Merchants. W%t»WW vw* McGEE 4- SCRAPE, Dry Goods and Grocery Merchants. VVW vw^( VVM. VW^WW CALD WELL $ JONES, Dry Goods and Grocery Merchants. VW%i/WV W^^WW*» J W. T. Sf J. A. WILKINS, Dry Goods and Grocery Merchants. R.D. HOWARD & CO., Dry Goods and Grocery Merchants. HARRIS Sf HARVEY, Dry Goods and Grocery Merchants. IIATCHELL, SHARPE 4-Co., Dry Goods and Groceries. SEAT 4-MORTON, Dry Goods and Grocery Merchants. JA'S V. FUSSELL, Dry Goods and Tannery. CURRY & GRIGSBY, Druggists and Apothecaries. 266 CARDS FOR CIBSON COUNTY. JESSE 1. WELLS, Druggist and Apothecary. °wx/v% v"W w\\w\vvw\vw%bvw W. B. B1LL1NGSBY, Family Grocery Merchant. D. M. BOON, Dealer in Books, Stationery &c. >WVt^V>WV« WW VVVW ^-VX"V WW WV^ vw* BRANCH BANK OF TENNESSEE R. B. McGee, President, Jno. A. Taliaferro, Cashier. J. A.TALIAFERRO, Dry Goods and Cotton Manufactory. ^W% ./W* WV\V%%\«AA\'WV\VW>Wi'% '»'VWW*«'\ Attorneys at law. raines, king & freeman, m. r. hill, r. p. caldwell, sam'l williams, t. j. carthel, itf. j. clay. WVtWVAWlA\W«VVI^WVkv vwxwvk ww J. A. McDEARMAN, Clerk of County Court. YORKYILLE, Gibson County, Tcnn. G. B. MILLER, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes B.E. HOLMES & CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. ROACH <$• McCORKLE, Dry Goods and Groceries. W. D. BALDRIDGE, Dry Goods and Sundries. THO'S D, LEEH, Dry Goods and Sundries. T. L.HAMILTON, Dry Goods and Groceries. BATON, Gibson Co. JA'S A. HARWOOD <5-C0, Dry Goods and Varieties. Hon. CALVIN JONES, SHAW # BRASSHAW, Judge of Chancery Court. Dry Goods and Groceries. GAUDS FOR HARDEMAN COUNTY. 267 Dr. S. D, GWJN, Practising Physician, QUINCY, Gibson Co. SOLOMON SIIAW, Dry Goods and Groceries. SOUTH GIBSON. WILSON WILLIAMS, Dry Goods and Sundries. SHADY GROVE. W. Sf N. C. PATTON, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, &c. CRAIN # CUNNINGHAM, Dry Goods and Groceries. T. M. JACKSON Sf CO,, Dry Goods and Sundries. ^ SHILOII, Gibson Co. TREN <$• HESS, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, &c. * ry Goods and Varieties. ~ rTsThardy^ Druggist and Apothecary. PHYSICIANS. DR. geo. b. petes, dr. t. e. moore3, dr. J. J. neeley. ATTORNEYS. miller &. wood, j. r. fentress, robertson & hardin, j. t. crary. P. MILLER, Manufacturer of Cotton Goods. Judges and Clerks. T. B. McDowell, Clerk of Circuit Court. R. P. Neely, Clerk of Ct'y Ct, AGENTS FOR INSURANCE COMPANIES. John II. Bills,. Agent for Protection Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. P. Miller, Agent for Tennessee Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Nashville, Tenn. E. P. McNeal, Agent for Insurance Company, Memphis, Tenn. WHITEVILLE, TEM. T. B. NORMENT, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. ilDDLEBURG, TEM. Hon. John Humphreys, DAVID CROCKETT, Judge of Circuit Cuurt, Residence Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Sommerville, Tenn. Judge of Chancery Court, Residence I MOORE'S » ROADS. Sommerville, Tenn. ■ £, C. Crisp, BRANCH # McCLELLAND, Clerk of Chancery Court. ' Dry Goods and Sundries. TAZEWELL, County seat of Claiborne. The following are the principal business houses and professional men in Claiborne Con nty, viai HUGH GRAHAM & SON, Dry Goods and Sundries. WM. HOUSTON & CO. DRY GO ODS AN D S UND EIES . A. & M. BUCHANAN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. WILLIAM NEIL, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. KELLY & EVANS, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. J. B. NETL, Dry Goods and Sundries. P. N. RODDY, Dry Goodeand Suadrsea. DR. M. CARRIGER. DR. JAMBS FULKERSOR. DR. J. L. EASLEY. W. R. EVANS. L. A. GARRETT. J. DAN. DICKINSON. F. M.FULKERSON. TAZEWELL HOTEL, By J. M.KELLEY. TAZEWELL INN, BY WM. NEIL. L. A. GARRETT, Clerk of the Chancery Coswio. 270 CARDS FOR CLAIBORNE COUNTY. C. Y. RICE, Clerk of Circuit Court. G. H. CHEEK, Dry Goods and Sundries. THOS. J. JOHNSON, Clerk of the County Court., Cumberland Cap, P. 0. JNO. G. NEWBEE, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. N. A. EVANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. A. J. BROCK, High Sheriff. JOHN MASON, County Trustee. WILLIAM TURNER, Dry Goods and Sundries. DAVID CARDWELL, County Register. Speedwell, P, O. NEWLEE & KILBOURN, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. SAM. DAY, County Coroner. Sycamore P. O. JACOB SHULTZ, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. WILEY HUFFAKER, DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES. CHARLOTTE, COUNTY SEAT OF DICKSON COUNTY, Forty miles West of Nashville, has a population of about 600, It is a healthy town and has good society. The following are its principal establishments. W. & W. A. JAMES, Dry Goods and Sundries. M. A. DODSON, Groceries and Sundries. THOMAS OVERTON, Dry Goods and Sundries. M. M. LARKIN, Principal of Male Academy. HARDIN & DICKSON, Dry Goods Merchants. ATTORNEYS. J. C. COLLIER. R, McNEILLY. THOMAS McNEILLY. WILEY & GRIGSBY, Dry Goods Merchants. W. C. COLLIER, General Merchant. PHYSICIANS. G. W. CUNNINGHAM, M. D. W. MILL1S, M. D. W. A. MOODY, M. D. J. M. LARK1NS, M. D, A. & W. ROBERTS, General Merchants. HENDRICK & PRIESTLY, Groceries and Sundries. 272 CARDS FOR CARROLL COUNTY. bellsburg p. 0. J. B. I1INTON,' Dry Goods and Groceries. barton's creek p. 0. b. r. milker, Dry Goods and Groceries. wm. sladen, Grocery Merchant, The following large Iron es¬ tablishments^ Dickson c'ty: Cumberland Furnace, BY A. W. VAJIlfEER, Piney Furnace, BY W. C. NAPIER. Worley Furnace, BY J. L. BELL. Beaver Dam Furnace, BY M. BELL. Yirginia Furnace, BY U. BAXTER & CO. (They also own the Steam Forge.) Turnbull Forge, BY D. S. FORD. White Bluff Forge, BY W. C. NAPIER. One Iron Foundry, BY H. G. BINKLEY. HUNTINGDON, County seat of Carroll, is a pleasant town, well supplied with Schools, Churches, Lodges, &c. The following are the princi¬ pal professional and business houses: ALLEN & BELL, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps and Sundries. BLEDSOE YANCEY, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Sundries. ALLEN & RELOAT, Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, Shoes,Boots and Sundries. BERNETT & RIGG3, Dry Good# asid Sundries. CARDS FOR Brevard, Evans & Harrison, j Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. ' M. DILL, Dealer in Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes &c. W. W. HERRON, Dealer in Dry Goods and Sundries. J. W. GRIZZARD, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. a. c. McNeil #co.. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. T: K.WILEY, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. RIGGS & BENNETT, Family Groceries &c. M. PRIEST, Grocery Merchant. w. H. WOODS, Grocery Merchant. WOODS & MATTIIIS, Grocery Merchants. J. F. PARKERSON, Blacksmithing. TATE & BROTHER, Blacksmithing. W. H. WOODS, Blacksmithing, &c. J.N.SM001\ Tannery and Leather Dealer. JOHNTTICKSON, Carpenter and Builder. ' 18 COUNTY. 273 J. SMITH, Cabinet Maker. F. PRIEST, Cabinet Maker, J.T. SHELLY, Shoe and Boot Maker. J. LACY,. Shoe and Boot Maker. £. m. WRIGHT, >r. D. S. W. BELL, " J. M. BETHEL, " ATTORNEYS AT L4W. J. R. HAWKINS, A. HAWKINS, L. M. JONES, HON. B. S. ALLEN, A. JONES, W. II. GRAVES, Clerk of County Court. W. D. GILLASPIE, Tavern Keeper. JAMES RAMSEY, Tavern Keeper, JOHN HENDRICK, Tavern Keeper. J.NORMAN, Clerk of Ciicuit Court. N. PRIEST, Clerk and Master of Chancery Court. G. W. HOLLOWDAY, Sheriff of Carroll County M'LEMOORESVILLE, Carroll County, is a beautiful village, has about 500 inhabi¬ tants, a flourishing College, with a Theological department and a High School for young ladies. The follow ing are its princi¬ pal business houses: COOPER & WARREN, Dry Goods, Hats3 Caps, &c. HILLMAN A CO., L Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. WW VWV-V^VXf V/^W WW w-w WOOLER Sf BRAMOC, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. WWVVVW'WX^W'WWX/V*, GAMMONS & O'NEILL, Dry Goods and Sundries. WWVWlWW%WVWWtVW\WV\tW\WWvvv\ Z. ROADS, Boot and Shoe Maker. ■yv^'xivwwwvvwwwiwv ^w\ v* J. M. HURT, Tannery and Leather Dealer. G. BOYD, Blacksmithing. vv*vw* DAVIS 4-CO., Groceries and Provisions. BUEMVISTA. Z. DROMMONS, Boot and Shoe Maker. WEATHERS & McCRACKIN, Dealers in Dry Goods, &c. CARDS FOR SMITH COUNTY. 275 KING 4- RUST, Dry Goods and Sundries. c VV%^V%/V*W V \f%SSS\d\J>/\t+> G. HERNE, Carpenter and Builder. KING, EZELL & WHITEHORN, Grocery and Provision Store. MACEDONIA. bell & province, Dry Goods and Sundries. Also, Blacksmithing. CHRISTMASVILLE. McDonnell, Dry Goods and Sundries. D. FREEMAN, "Grocery. Merchant. CARTHAGE, County seat cf Smith, located on the North bank of Cum¬ berland River, has a population of about 500. The following are the principal business houses and professional men : J. H. ANDERSON, dry goods and sundria?. JOHN McCLARIN & BRO., DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. 276 CARDS FOR SMITH COUNTY. MANN & MARLEY, dry goods and Sundries. ATTORNEYS. S. M. F1TE, Hon. WM. CULLOM. J. R. MOORES. h. b. Mcdonald. D. B. ALLEN. W.A CARUTHERS. J. G. FRAZIER, ANDREW McCLAIN. Wm. WARD. T. H. WILLIAMS. D. A. CAMPBELL. F. F. MONTGOMERY. E. B. PICKETT. I. G. PICKETT. J. H. DILLAIRD. Wm. HART. VW^WWirW^WW^VVVVVVV* WWK WV*. PHYSICIANS. A.H.KING, M.D. G. H. BURNETT, M. D. — BOWMAN, M. D. — GWINN, M. D, vvw ww vx/w x/vw wW vwvww wwvrwv N. D, BURDINE, Clerk of Circuit Court. W. V. R, IIALLEM, County Court Clerk. A. MOOR, Clerk and Master. Dixon's Springs, Smith Co. -WRIGHT & ALEXANDER, Dry Goods and Sundries. B. HARRIS, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES, CRAIN & HOLLAND, Dry Goods and Sundries. TUNSTALL &. BRIDGE WATER, Dry Goods and Sundries, BEASLEY & BR1DGEWATER, Grocery Merchants. PHYSICIANS. A, DEBOW, M. D. J. L. ALEXANDER, M, D. S. C. BRIDGEWATER, M. D. H. B. HAYNIE, M. D. Rome, Smith County, RICHARD RANDOLPH, Dry Goods and Groceries. JAMES H. CRUTCHER, Dry Goods and Sundries, WILLIAM DENNY, Dry Goods and Sundries RICHARD PARKER, Dry Goods and Sundries. OSCAR EWING, Dry Goods and Sundries. w7LLTAM B~ELL, Dry Goods and Sundries. ROBERT ROWE, Dry Goods, &c. PHYSICIANS. J. L. THOMPSON, M, D. JOHN McCALL, M. D. MADISOMILLE, County seat of Monroe, is a pleasant and growing town; pop¬ ulation not given. The following are its principal dealers and professional men, viz:> JOSEPH JOHNSON, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c. ATTORNEYS. HENRY H. STEPHENS. GEORGE BROWNE. J. J. WRIGHT. W. L. EAKIN. A. M. SCURLEY. WM. M. STAIvELY, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c. GUILFORD CANNON, Dry Goods, Groceries. &e. Physicians. ROBT. P. COOKE M. D. JOSEPH UPTON, sr. D: WM. N. BICKNELE, M, D. THOS. J. YOUNG, M. M. WM. P. CALDWELL, M. D. JAS. M. BLAIR, M; ». P. R.YOUNG, M. D. W. W. STEPHENS, M. D. ISAAC TAYLOR, M. D. M. Y. KEISKEILL, M. D.' J. A. & C. W. COFFIN, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. JOHN KING, Dry Goods and Sundries. ROBT. C. HUMPHREYS, Dry Goods and Sundries, PITTITT & VAUGHN, Dry Goods, Groceries, &o. LONG, M. D. PARKER, M. D. JESSE GIVENS, M. X>. ■ 278 CARDS FOR MONROE COUNTY. MADISONVILLE HOTEL, BY J. R. RODD. Philadelphia P. O. STANFIELD & WEST, Dry Goods and Sundries. Madisonville Female Academy, Miss C- M. Melville, Principal. W. F. LENOIR, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. HIWASSEE COLLEGE, DOKE & HAYWOOD, Professors. ROBT. CLEVELAND, DRY GOODi MERCHANT. TELLICO IRON WORKS, E. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. JAS, CHESNUTT, DRY GOODS MERCHANT. A. W. COZART, DRY GOODS MERCHANT. BALL PLAY IRONWORKS, S. S. GLEME, Proprietor. PHILADELPHIA HOTEL, By SOLOMON BOG ART. JAS. 0. COFFIN, Clerk Chancery Court. Sweetwater P. O. JAS. A. WRIGHT, DRY GOODSAND SUNDRIES. E, E. GRIFFITH, Circuit Court Clerk. STAKELY &HAWNE, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. JOHN A. STEPHENS, Clerk of County Court. WM. C. LiILLA*ND, DRY GOODS MERCHANT. ROBERT RUSSELL, High Sheriff. J. K. FITZGERALD, Dry Goods and Sundries. SWEETWATER HOTEL, BYJNO. C. VAUGHN. JOHN STAKELY, County Trustee. Merchants at different points in the County. NEWTON J. SPILLMAN, Dry GoodsandSundries. WM. G. BOGLE, County Register. DANIEL WELCH, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. JOHN CARSON, Chairman County Court. S.M.HENDERSON, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. HON. E. ALEXANDER, Judge of Circuit Court. JAS. SIIELTON, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. HON. THOS. L. WILLIAMS) Chancellor. T, C. MILLER, DRY GOODS MERCHANT. GALLATIN, COUNTY SEAT OF SUMNER COUNTY, Twenty-five miles North-east of Nashville, is a healthy, pleasant and flourishing Town—population about 1500. The following are the principal business, and professional men, and are recommended as worthy of full confidence : BO YE IIS &, JOHNSON, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. F. BERRY, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. THOS. II. CRUTCHER, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. MARTIN & EVANS, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. JOYNER & FRY, Staple and Fancy Dry Goads. II. B. VAUGHAN & SON, Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, &e. HOWARD & SHELDON Dry Goods and Sundries. JOHNSON HOLDER, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, &c. J.R. A.TOM PKINS&SON Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Caps,&c, JOHN HELL, MALONE & LANE, Dry Good^, Ha's, Bdots, &.c. Grocery and Prodnce Merchants. 280 CARDS FOR SUMNER COUNTY. MOORE & WALLACE, Grocery and produce Merchants. J. T. & T. K. BASHAW, Druggists and Apothecaries. WILLIAMSON & ADAMS, Manufacturers and Dealers in fine Car¬ riages, Buggies, Rcckaways, &c. W. M. BLACKMORE, Chancery Clerk. PASCAL HEAD, Circuit Clerk. JOHN L. BUGG, County Clerk. ATTORNEYS. JOHN J. WHITE. GEORGE W. ALLEN. B. F. ALLEN. W. S. MUNDAY. J. W. MOSS. WM. M. BLACKMORE. W. H. SOLOMON. JO. C. GUILD. J. Wr. HEAD. THOMAS BARRY. JOHN HALL. J. W. BALDRIDGE. PHYSICIANS ELMORE DOUGLASS, M, D. J. A. BLACKMORE, M. D. N. B. NEWSOM, M. D. LEWISBURG, County seat of Marshall, has a population of about six hun¬ dred, The following are the principal business and professsion- al men, viz: HATCHETT & CALLAHAN, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. J.L. REED, Saddle and Harness Maker. B. W. GOODRICH, DRY GOODS AND SUNDRIES. J. H. CALLAHAN, SHOE ANt> BOOT MAKER. EWING & FISHER, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. E. HARRIS & CO., Wagon Makers. JACKSON HOTEL, BY W. & U, SQUIRES. BOARDINGTJOUSEP^ BY SMITH PATTON. LAWS & SONS, Dry Goods and Varieties. W. D. M'GREGOR, Dealer In Dry Goods, &c. BOARDING HOUSE, BY S, FRALEY. J. W. COWLEY, FAMILY GROCERIES. Attorneys at Law. A. SMITH & CO., Saddle and Harness Makers. R. K. KERCHERVALL. W. P. DAVIS. W. D. M'GREGOR. J. I. JONES. R. P. WHITESIDES. W. A. KERR, Harness and Saddle Maker. 282 CARDS FOR MARSHALL COUNTY. PHYSICIANS. S, W. PENX, M.D. R. G. Itf'CLURE, M. D. M. C. JOSS, M.D. W, H. CHRISTOPHER, X. D. D. G. BILLS, M. D. D. BILLS, M. D. J. PEACOCKE, M. D. E. E.YERNOR, BOOK SE LLER. Lewisburg, although new, is a pleas¬ ant town, with Churches and Halls for Masons, Odd Fellows and Temperance Orders. Farmington P. O. JOHN RAMSEY, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. W. B. HOLDEN, High Sheriff. THOS. M'NITE, Circuit Court Clerk. C. B. DAVIS, Dry Goods and Sundries. JNO. ELLIOTT, COUNTY COURT CLERK. MILES PARDEE, DRY GOODS MERCHANT. JAS. Y. EWING, Chairman of the County Court. PHYSICIANS. THOS. A. M'NAIL, M. D. B.W.NOWLEN, M. D. A.B. ELLIOTT, M.D. G. LONG, Wool Carding Machine. DECATUimLTJI, County seat of Decatur County. The following is a list of the names of reliable Merchants and Professional men: Decatnrville. MERCHANTS. YOUNG & JOHNSON. FETTIGREWS & COATS. • SHARP & WILEY. PAUL H. FISHER. BENNETT & GANETT. H. C. FRYAR. JAMES G. MOREL AND. A. M. YARBRO & CO. Hermitage. M'CORKLE & MARTIN. Brodee's Landing. CHARLES S. BRODEE. Morgan's Creek. THOMAS A. PEACOCK. Decatnrville, Lawyers. DAVID E, A. M'ELRATH. JAMES VV. DOHERTY. W. N. JONES. Perryville, SHEPHERD & BRADBERRY. HILL & STOUT. JESSE JAYTON. PAY ATT Sc. NIXON. Oak Grove, J AS. M. & C. PETTIGREW. PHYSIOIANS. LAWSON RELLEY. 284 CARDS FOR DECATUR COUNTY. H. C. FRYAR. A. M. YARBRO. Y. H. DERRYBERRY. R. I.. G AN ASS. JOHN PARSONS. Perryville, E. S. STEPHENS. Decaturville. ELIJAH WALKER, Acting Judge. Hermitage. ROBERT KEETEN. J. H. CLARDY. JOHN H. SMITH. HIRAM LACY, Clerk of Circuit Court. Decaturville. ['OTELS. LAWS ON ICELLEY. J. W. DELANEY. SAM. A. TARNOR, County Court Clerk. CARDS FOR ALABAMA. ATHENS, COUNTY SEAT OF LIMESTONE, Has a population of 1200—3 Churches, 3 Sabbath Schools, 2 High Schools, Tennessee Conference Female Institute, Athens Male Academy, 1 Hotel, Thomas Bass, proprietor. VASSER, KEITH & OGILBY, Dry Goods Merchants. J. P. &W. P. TANNER & CO., Dry Goods Merchant. SLOSS & JONES, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots,&c. R. HINE & BROTHER, Dry Goods and Sundries. PETERSON & TANNER, Dry Goods and Sundries. MALONE & SNEED Druggists and Apothecaries. HOKE & C OUCH, Druggists and Apothecaries. E. NEWMAN, Druggist and Apothecary. 288 cards for huntsville, alabama. ATTORNEYS. luke pryor* wm. richardson. wm. walker. BENTON SANDERS, High Sheriff. THOS. G. TYNS, Judge of Probate Coort. PHYSICIANS. J. r. cowan, m. D. t. s, malone, m. d. J. F. so welle, M. D, HUKTSYILLE, ALA. The following are the principal business and professional men in Huntsville, to-wit: MARTIN & BROS., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. THOMAS S. McCALLY^ Dry Goods Merchant. YEATMAN & NANCE, Dry Goods Merchants, JOHN W. COOPER, Dry Goods Merchant. J. H. BEADLE, Dry Goods Merchant. irwin & McClelland, Dry Goods Merchants. j . & w. T. reed, WILBORN,PLEASANTS & CO.1 Dry Goods Merchants. Dry Goods Merchants, CARDS FOR HUNTS VILLE, ALABAMA. 287 W M. H. WOKTHAM, Dry Goods Merchant. J. JOHNSON &, CO., DRYG 00 DS MERCHANTS. Bell Factory, This is a large establishment and manufactures its own goods BRADLEY, WILSON & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Mer¬ chants. FEARN, DONAGAN & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Mer¬ chants. SCRUGGS, DRAKE & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Mer¬ chants. BRADFORD & SANDERS, Cotton Factors and Commission Mer¬ chants. R,~B. NOR VILLE, Auction and Commission Merchant. DAN'L JOHNSON, Auction and Commission Merchant. SCOTT & KINKLE, Auction and Commission Merchants- JNO. S. DICKSON, Hardware House. WLLIAM T. BLOUNT, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. It. K. DIXON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, J. W. J ONUS & BRQ., Boot and Shoe Store. SAMUEL COLTART & SON, Book and Clothing Store. WM. GORMLEY, Saddle and Harness House. JAS. W. O'NEIL, Saddle and Harness House. JAMES CROSS, Saddle and Harness House. G. S. WILSON, Merchant Tailor. H. A. SKEGGS, Merchant Tailor. C. STAYMALL, Merchant Tailor. V. SMALL, Retail Grocery Store, &c. J. HUCKABEE, Retail Grocery Store &c, HENRY & O'NEAL, Retail Grocers, &c. YEATMAN & GEROW, Clothing Store. BROWN & PATTERSON, Clothing Merchants. BELL TAVERN, G. W. LANE, PROPRIETOR. SOUTHERN HOTEL, JAMES HICKMAN, PROPRIETOR, The above establishments are finely kept. G. II. WARWICK, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture. 288 CARDS FOR HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA. HUGH EASLEY, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, A.O. & W. WEAVER, Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture. M. CALAHAN,- Manufacturer and Dealer in Carriages, &c HENRY HALSEY, Manufacturer and Dealer in Carriages, &c Greenwood Academy, For Young Men and Boyr, FEMALE INSTITUTE, BASCOMB INSTITUTE, For Young Ladies. attorneys!- robinson &. jones. bickell & cabaness. c. c. & j. w. clay. c. c. & h. l. clay. moore & moore. e. r. wallace. humphreys & bradley. acklin & hale. d. b. young. ii. c. bradford. PHYSICIANS. drs. erskine & sheffey. drs. newman & robinson. dr. j. c. spotswood. dr. leftwick. dr. ii. m. robertson. dr. w. ii. eldridge. dr. albert erskine. dr. j. n. bledsoe, Botanic. dr. j. angel, Homoeopathy. SAM. COLT ART, Agent for Nashville Mutual Insurance Company. DECATUK, ALA,, Is a flourishing town on the south bank o»f the Tennessee fiver, connected with railroad aud steamboat travel, will command large amount of trade. The following are reliable husdarastr Houses at that point,viz: C. L. KING, Commission Merchant. A. HAUK, Commission Merchant, A. A. BURLESON & CO., Commission Merchants. COLLIER & FISHER, Commission Merchants. BROWN HOUSE, BY H. H. BROWN. M'CARTNEY'S HOTEL, BY A. A. M'CARTNEY. Business houses at Mayes- ville, Madison County, Ala. JORDON&CO., Dry Goods Merchants. 19 LANSDEN & CO., Dry Goods Merchants. WEAVER & BROTHER, Dry Goods Merchants. Business Houses at W©«1- ville, Jackson County, Ala. DROYER~& HIGGINS, Dry Goods Merchants. BILLIARD '&* LEDBETTE^ Dry Goods MejchaaUc. STEPHENS & IVENNEMOEJE. Dry Goods Merchants. Larkinsville Ala. DAVID LARKIN, DRY GOODS MERCBAtXT- 2m cards for alabama. dilliard, "Ory Goods and Ware House, Larkin's Landing, W. H. allen, m. d. JBellefonte, Ala, caldwell & mattox, Dry Goods Merchants. ecxundtree & co., l»srjr Goods Merchants, wv«.vw^wvvwv^wvvvvvvvvv\WW%t/v\% W. A. DRAKE, Carpenter and Builder. W. W.ERBY. Carpenter and Builder. H. P. BARNER, Brickmason, W. DENWIDDIE, Saddle and Harness Maker. STTJBBtNS & GARRISON' Ya&aers and Dealers in Leather. D. H. PHILLIPS, Twsttec and Dealer in Leather. ALEX. HOGAN, Brickmason, F. A, W. WOODS, Boot and Shoe Maker. P. G. H. GOODWIN, Boot and Shoe Maker, ROSE & HUFFMAN, Hanse, Sign and Ornamental Painters H. C. ATCHISON, Boot and Shoe Store. J. C. M'FERRAN, Livery Stable. CARDS FOR BOW J. R. LUCAS, LIVERY STABLE. A. & A. RABOLD, Livery Stable, THOMAS QUIGLEY, Tobacco Steijiery. J. K. M'GOODWIN, Tobacco Stemery, J. H. GRAHAM, Tobacco Stemery. MOREHEAD HOUSE, JOHN M. SHIRLEY, PROPRIETOR. EAGLE HOTEL, BY SUMMERS & PAYNE, JACKSON, MEGUIAR& CO., Druggists and Booksellers. JOSEPH J. YOUNGLOYE, Druggists and Apothecaries. PHYSICIANS. BRIGGS & PORTER, M. B'S. T. B. WRIGHT, M. B. T.A. ATCHISON, M. D. W. D. HELM, M. B. J. B. HENRY, M. B. \TG GREEN, KY. 297 GR1DER & ROBES. LOVING & GRIDER. GEO. B. ABAMS. W. L. UNDERWOOD. TIIOS. C. CALVERT. W. P. HENRY. J. C. WILKINS. UNDERWOOD & ROGERS. GORIN & BRIGGS. A. G. HOBSON. Branch Bank of Kentucky, J AS. HENES, President, Richard Cdrd, Cashier. C. H- Courts, Clerk. W. P. PAYNE, Agent for Hartford Protection Insurance Company. F. E. GOODELL, Agent Evansville Insurance Company. W. E. GRAHAM, Agent for Fireman's Insurance Compa¬ ny of Louisville. The above list of names stands high for integrity and business Capacity. PRINCETON, ICY., Is a pleasant and flourishing inland Town—population about 1200. Remarkable for good health, intelligence and sobriety. The following are reliable business and professional houses: R. 11. RATCLIFF, Dry Goods, flats, Boots, &c. a C. WOODSON, Dry Goods and Sundries. DUNCAN &, DIUKEVT Dry Goods and Varieties. FLOUR.NOV &. SON, Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, &c, DALLttTVlJuOTIlER Dry Goods Merchants, HIGGINS & COLVERT, Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, &.c. U. II. LANDER, Grocery Merchant. DUDLEY & BROOKS, GROCERY MERCHANTS. GRAY &. BROTHER, Groceries and Sundres. — STERNS, Clothing Store. — IXOGFMAN, Grocery Merchant. COON & THOMPSON, Dealers in Furniture. ATTORNEYS. BARBOUR & WARD. COOK & TYLER. W. II. MILLER: LINDSAY & EDMUNDS. W, CALVERT. D. W.&J.D. M'GOODWIN CARDS FOR PRINCETON, KY. 299 PHYSICIANS. Dr. P. B. M'GOODWIN. Drs. M'NAIIIY & CARR. Dr. W. N. GAITHER. Union Hons®, By T.J. JOHNSON. Globe Inn, By JOHN GRAY. GEORGE B. COOK, Judge of County Court. Branch of Farmers' Bank, T. W. UREY, President. C.B.HENRY, Csstakr. S. MERCER, Principal of Male High School. Dr. J. M. J UREY, Principal of Female High Sehool. Cumberland College, The oldest chartered Institution of the Cnmberland Presbjterian Church, now under the supervision of the Green River Synod, and partly endowed. Located about one mile from Priuceton. This College has a very learned and indefatiga¬ ble board of instructors, with the distin¬ guished Rev, Richard Beard, D. D., at their head. CHARLESTON, S, C. Situated on the Atlantic Coast, is one of the oldest and hand- sotoest cities in the Union. Population, embracing the suburbs, is now about 50,000. The Architectural style of its public buildings and private residences, many of which are large and beautiful, is as unique and variable as the tastes of the nations which compose the city. Many of the houses built by the English are still there. The • old English Chiming Bells are still there, to lead off the devotions of each Sabbath morning, with the tune of Old Hundred—not only reminding the inhabitants of their religious obligations, but also kindling in the hearts, (especially of strangers) feelings of devotion. It is not celebrated for its piety, but it is more church going than any Sea Port city, perhaps, in the United States. Its Churches are mostly large and well attended, and pulpits ably filled. Its Moral, Literary and Benevolent Socie¬ ties are respectable in number and well organized. Ample pro¬ visions are made for the education of the poor, whilst its high schools afford the highest advantages, both for ornamental and thorough education. The character of its citizens, we think, has been'misjudged abroad. They have been thought by many, to be repulsive and rather aristocratic in their social habits. This is a mistake. Though many of them are princely in their style of living, they are also courteous in their manners and very cordially in their friejidships. The character of the business class of its citizens "is known and read of all men," For solvency, integrity and punctuality, they cannot be surpassed in any city. It is said that a failure CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. 301 occurred there some fifteen years ago, which excited such sym¬ pathy amongst the business community, that they proposed to the unfortunate, that if he would close up at once, and pay what he was able, they would set him up again, which he did, by paying 50 or 00 cents in the dollar. In three weeks he was going ahead in business, and is at this time worth more than $100,000. Staple & Fancy Dry Goods. SHEPHERD, M'CREERY & Co, Importers and Wholesale Deal¬ ers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, 135 Meeting st. FOGARTIE & DELAND, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, 257 King st., corner of Wentworth. HYATT, M'BURNEY & CO., Direct Importers and Whole¬ sale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, 37 Hayne st. E. DE VINE AN & CO., Importers and Wholesale Deal¬ ers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 304 King st. BONNIOTT & BROWN, Importers and Wholesale Deal¬ ers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Corner King and Beaufin sts, J. S. & L. BOWIE, Dry Goods Merchants, Corner of Meeting and Hasel sts. TOWNSEND, CRANE & CO., Wholesale Dry Goods. Corner of Hayne and Meeting sts, GILLILANDS,HOWELL & CO., Direct Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, 33 Hayne at. N. A. COHEN & COHN, Importers and Dealers of For¬ eign and Domestic Dry Goods, 157 East Bay. 302 CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C- M'KENZIE, CADOW & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, 171 East Bay st. MORRIS MEYER, Wholesale Dealer in Dry Goods, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, &c., 108 East Bay. A. KING, Importer and Dealer in For¬ eign and Domestic Dry Goods, 254 King st—3d door above Hasell. WILLIAM HOWLAND, Importer and Dealer in For¬ eign and Domestic Dry Goods, 244, Bend of King st. F. BACKUS, Wholesale Dealet and Impor¬ ter of Staple and Fan^y Dry Goods, 192 Kii:g st. Chamberlain, Miller & Co., Importers and VCholesale Deal-i ers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Meeting st„ oppos.te Charleston Hotel. Fancy and Lace Goods. GEO. E. CLARK, Importer and Wholesale Deal¬ er in Fancy and Lace Goods, Meeting st. SUSSDORFF & LEIDING, Importers of German, French and English Fancy Goods, Fancy Dry and Millinery Goods, Musical Instruments, &c. Wholesale Dealers in American Fancy Goods, 141 Meeting st„ opposite Hayne st. S. WILLIE, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in German, English, French and Domestic Fancy Goods, 208 King st., opposite the Victoria Hotel* BANCROFT, BETTS & MARSHALL, ■ Importers and Jobbers of Silk Goods, Also, Foreign and Domestic Staple Goods, 209 and 211 King st., corner of Market. E. G. BROWN, Importer and Dealer in French English, German and Amer¬ ican Straw and Fancy Goods, Guns, Pistols, Watches, Jew¬ elry, &c., at Wholesale, 25 Hayse at,, up stairs, next to tko Charleston Hotel. CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. 308 P. SCHUCKMANN, Worsted, Fancy and Trimming Store, 214 King St., second Store south of Mar¬ ket street. JOHN MACK, Importer of and Jobber in French and Ehglish Milli¬ nery and Fancy Goods, at Wholesale only, 16 Meeting, between the Charleston and Paviilion Hotels. DEWING, THAYER & CO , Importers and Dealers in Fancy and Lace Goods, Meeting st. s. s. CLARK, Importer of and Jobber in Fan¬ cy and Lace Goods, Meeting st. albert munsgn, iporter and Wholesale anc Retail Dealer in French and English Fancy Goods, &c., Meeting st, W. II. beach, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Millinery, French and Ger¬ man Fancy Goods, &c., 19 Hayne st. s. fisher, Milliner and Dress Maker, 252 King st MRS. A.G. PARKER'S French Millinery Store, 200 King st. mrs. a. king, Fancy and Ornamental Hair Platter, Wigs, Curls, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, &c., 278 King si, Boots, Slices, Saddlery, &c. HASELTINE & WALKER, Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, &c., Meeting st. 304 CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. SOLON & DYKE, Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, &c., Meeting st. C. T. DUNHAM &, CO., Importers and Wholesale Deal¬ ers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, &c., Meeting Bt. E. P. STODDARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks* &c., Meeting,st. D. F. FLEMING &, CO., Wholesale Shoe Dealers, 43 Ilayno st. . H. STODDARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, &c., 45 Hayne st, corner of Meeting, over Townsand, Crane & Co.'s. F. C. BART LETT, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, &c., 383 King st, B.VV.&J.P. FORCE & CO, Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes, 21 Hsyne st. T. M. BRISTOLL, Fashionable Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store, Sign of the Mammoth Boot, 232 King st H. W. SHIFFER, Manufacturers'Agent and Deal¬ er in Staple and Fancy India Rubber Goods, made of Good- year's Patent Metalic Rubber 276 King st. IIARRAL, HARE & CO. Saddlery Warehouse, 39 Hayne st. tWVV\'WVklV%%WMVVWvW« VWVWWVWWMIIt CONDICT, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Saddles, Bridles, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Trunks,&c. 165 Meeting st, opposite Charleston Hote[ CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. 305 HENRY KAYSER, Wholesale Dealer in Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. &c., 13 Hayne st. Commission Merchants. GANTT, WALKER £ CO., Factors ,and Commission Mer¬ chants, Accommodation Wharf. T. B. GUY, General Commission Merchant, 116 East Bay, JOHN G. MILNOR, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, 19 Vendue Range. MORDECAI & CO., Auction and Commission Mer¬ chants, 110 East Bay. I, S. COHEN, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, 29 Vendue Range, SAMUEL HOYT, Commission Merchant &; Deal¬ er in Butter and Cheese, 149 East Bay. PAINE & LUCAS, Grocers and Commission Mer¬ chants, 68 EastBay. NEUFFER, HENDRIX& CO. Commission Merchants for the sale of Flour,Grain and Pro¬ duce generally, Comer East Bav and Union Wharves. 20 T. M. CATER, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, 30 Vendue Range. CREWS & DRAKE, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, 19 Vendue st. FACKLER,' HOWARD &CO.", Fdctors and Commission Mer-. chants, CIIAKLESTON', S. C. ■ Keep an Office in Huntsviile, A!a. BRADLEY, WILSON & CO., Factors and Commission Merchants, 123 Common st, N. Orleans, keep offices atHuntsville and Tuseumbia, Ala., and Memphis, Tenn. 306 CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. O'HEAIt & STONEY, Factors and Commission Mer¬ chants, Commercial Wharf. JAMES GADSDEN & CO., Factors, Commission Merchants and Forwarding Agents, C2 East Bay. WARDLAW & WALKER, Factors and Commission Mer¬ chants, North Atlantic Wharf. WILLIAM MILLIKEN, Wholesale Grocer, 155 Ea9t Bay. 0. O. MARTINDALE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Deal¬ ers in Groceries, Wines and Liquors, 88 East Bay st. J. &.E.BANCROFT, Direct Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Brandies, Winee, Champagnes, Havana Segars, Refined Sugars and Fancy, Groceries. 94 East Bay. R, & A. B. CALDWELL, Auction and Com. Merchants, . Vendue Range. TAYLOR & LEVY, Auction and Com. Merchants, 17, Vendue Range. ADAMS & FROST, Factors and Com. Merchants, Adger's Wharf. C. H.RODGERS^CO., Factors and Com. Merchants, Adger's Wharf. JOHN FRASER & CO., Factors and Com. Merchants, Central Wharf. RICE § DUL1N, Factors and Com, Merchants Central Wharf. BOYD § KENNEDY, Factors and Com. Merchants, Central Wharf, CALDWELL, BLAKELY & CO, Factors and Com. Merchants. Central Wharf. A. KLESIEK, Wholesale De der in Wines, Liquors and Segars, IB Yendaa Rang 3. HOPKINS, HUDSON fy CO., Factors and Com. Merchants. Central Wharf. W.E.EVANS & CO., Factors and Com. Merchants, Accommodation Wharf. Cards for Charleston, s. c. 307 JA's WALKER & CO,, Wholesale Grocers and Com. M'cts. EDWARD C. THAR1N, Auction and Com.Merchant, 171, East Bay. 24, Vendue Range. MATHESON, SIMONS & CO. Wholesale Grocers and Com. M'cts., 114, East Bay. BURKENIRE & BAILEY, Grocers and Com. Merchants, 98, East Bay. GEO. KINLOCK, Factor and Com. Merchant, 4, Deiveese Wharf. JA'S M. SHACKLEFORD, Grocer and Com. Merchant, 12, Colonade Row, Vendue Range. ROBINSON, CALDWELL & CO., Factors and Cjom. Merchants, N. Atlantic Wharf. CHA'SEDMONDSON, Grocer and Com. Merchant, N. Atlantic Wharf. J. &. J. D. KIRKPATRICK, Factors and Com. Merchants. N. Atlantic Wharf. H. T. STREET, $ BRO , Grocers and Com. Merchants, 64, East Bay. n.'b. hill, Factor and Com. Merchant, Boyce & Co's Wharf. WILLIAMS BUTLER, Commission Merchants, • East Bay. JO'S A. WINTHROP, Factor and Corn. Merchant, Adger's Wharf. BERNARD O'NEILL, Wholesale Grocer and Com. Merch't, 135, East Bay. II. B1SCHOFF, Wholesale Grocer & Rice Merchant, 55, East Bay, J. & F. DAWSON, Wholesale Grocers, Also Agents for FAIRBANKS & CO'S SCALES 96, East Bay. BRADFORD, GATTON &CO., Factors and Com. Merchants, Accommodation Wharf. JOHN BURNES, Coin- and Rice Merchant. 127, East Bay. FACLER, HOWARD &CO., Factors and Com. Merchants, N- Atlantic Wharf. J.W. SPRAGUE. Wholesale Grocery and Produce Merchant, 4, Hayne St. STEWART, HARPER #CO., Factors and Com. Merchants, N. Atlantic Wharf. JA'S C. NICHOLS, Wholesale Grocery and Produce Merchant, 123, East Bay- CAPERS Sf HEYWOOD, -Gcn'l Auction and Com. Merchants, 22, Broad St. 308 CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C„ HAYNE & YATES, Grocers and Com. Merchants, 151, East Bay, REEDER & DeSAUSSURE, Factorage and Commission Business,. Adger's Wharf. LEGARE & COLCOCK, Factors and Com. Merchants, North Commercial Wharf. WM. K. RYAN, Cotton Factor and Com. Merchant,. Boyce & Co's Wharf. C. N. HULBERT, Commission Merchant, 71, East Bay. O'NEALE, BOYD & BRAWLEY, Factors and Com. Merchants, Boyce & Co's Wharf. MARTIN & BRYAN, Factors and Com. Merchants, 3, Boyce & CO's Wharf. JOHN F. O'NEILL, Wholesale Grocer and Com. M'cht 145, East Bay. CHAMBERS, JEFFERS & CO., Factors and Com. Merchants, South Atlantic Wharf. f JO'S H. OPPENHEIM&BRO. Wholesale Grocers and Com. M'chts,. 102, East Bay. W. C. DICKEY & CO., Factors and Com. Merchants. S» Atlantic Wharf. P. # S. MOWERY Factors and Com. Merchants, S. Atlantic Wharf. H. W. SULLIYAN, Factor and Com. Merchant, Atlantic Wharf. THO'S J. KEW, Com. Merchant and Ship Broker, and Agent for southern Line of Baltimore Packets, S. Atlantic Wharves. SCRUGGS, DRAKE § CO., Factors and Com. Merchants,, Adger's Wharf. P. D. WOODRUFF & CO., Com. Merchant, 24, Hayne St. WM.H.B ARTLESS, Com. and Forwarding Merch't. WALTERS $ WALKER, Cotton Factors and Com. Merchants, Boyce & Co's Wharf. OATES' Piano Forte, Book &. Music Stores, 234 and 236, King St. PAUL T. VILLEP1GUE, Factor and Com. Merchant, Accommodation Wharf. WALKER $ EVANS, Manufacturers of AccMBooksr and dealers in Paper & Staple & Fancy Stationery,. 101, East Bay. H. F. BAKER $ CO., Shipping and Com. Merchant, Accommodation Wharf. CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. 309 JOSEPH WALKER, Paper Commission Warehouse. \W\A\W\vw^ GEO. PARKS $ CO. Agents for Southern Baptist Publication Society, and Dealers generally in Miscellaneous, Religious and School Books, 255, King St. JOHN RUSSELL, Bookseller and Stationer, ' 256, King St. W** V^iVVi VX/V»rf \V1MWWVW%VW\| wv\ , W. R. BABCOCK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bookseller and Stationer, King St. SAM. HART, Sr., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer in Books, Stationery <^c. 300, King St. A. CARTER, wholesale Bookseller and Stationer, 171, Meeting Street. McCARTER ^CO., Booksellers and Stationers, 116, Meeting St. BROWN & STONE, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN China, Glass and Earthenware, 155, Meeting St. G. $ H. CAMERON, IMPORTERS OP China, Glass and Earthenware, 145, Meeting St. fWVVWVVWI« r. h, Mcdowell, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Glass, China and Earthenware, King St. JOHN'S. BIRD <5-C0., Military, Looking-Glass, and FANCY STORE, 223 and 225, in the bend of King St. vwt* ww wwwvi> wwv%^/v SMITH & WHILDEN, Dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass, and SHir CHANDLERY, 601, East Bay. «^A/WV^W%AiVVW HUGH E. VINCENT, Ship Chandler, and Nautical Store, 75, East Bay. BEE & TYLEE, Ship Chandlers and Wire Cloth Manufacturers, 123, East Bay. vwx WWWWWV* WW vw*vwv H.W. KINSMAN, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF Window Shades, Paper Hangings &c. 177, King St. M. IT. KAPPLEMAN'3 DEUTSCHE Bucli, und Papier-ITandlung, 119, Meeting Strasse. 310 CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. GRICE & PRINCE, Gas Fitters and Dealers ill Gas Fixtures, Glass, China and crockery ware. 292, King St. vw> vw\ wv> J. C. SIMONS, Dealer in Paints, Oil, Glass and builders' hardware. DRUGGISTS. C. H. PANCKNIN, wholesale importer and Dealer in Genuine Drugs, Chemicals <£c., Meeting St. i vwwwvwv*» SIMONDS, RUFF, &CO., wholesale druggists, 11, Hayne St. NELSON CARTER, wholesale dealer ix Drugs Medicines, Paints, &c, Meeting St. J. P. M. EPPING, wholesale and retail druggists. 277, King St. CLEVELAND, chemist and druggist, 207, King St. P.M. COHEN 4'CO., direct importers of Genuine Drugs, Chemicals, &c. 29, Hayne St. .VVl havillaxj harral, &, Co., dealers in drugs and medicines, paints, oils &.c. 11 llayne,and260 King St. GEORGE ABBOTT 4-CO„ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in paints, oil, varnish &c. 97, East Bay, S. M. HATCH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in paints, dyestuffs, &c. Meeting St. ."VWVN v**."VWW JO'S W. HARRISON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in artists'materials, paint, oil, &c. 72, Meeting St. A. TANNLUNSON, dealers in Window Shades, Paper-Hang¬ ings, Cornicing, and Uphol¬ stering generally, ► 145, King St. CURTIS 4- MULLINGS, Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in burning fluid, camfhene, sperm, solar and whale oils, &c. 137. Eist Bay. 311 €OOK$S DA6VERSEIAN ROOMS. At this Gallery can be seen some of those BEAiUTIFUL DAGUERREOTYPES, which have justly secured to him, the HIGHEST PREMIUMS AWARDED AT THE TWO LAST FAIRS OF THE South-Carolina Institute for 1850-51. Every style, every attractive peculiarity the art is capable of making, is here adopted, and one style peculiar to himself which has not been approached by any artist in the country: it is the flesh tone of coloring, which softens the harsher shadows, and tends to make the sitter look younger and handsomer than the usual style. For notices of his skill, by good and artistic judges, he refers you to the following, from the press: "We would invite especial attention to the Daguerreotype Rooms of Geo. S. Cook, in King, opposite Hasell street, an ar¬ tist who adds the charm of taste and skilful painting to that of the Daguerreotype, and produces at once the perfect similitude and the elegant picture."-'—Charleston Courier. "Cook is indeed an artist; not one made by mere dint of me¬ chanical instruction—but one of line genius, tasteful concep¬ tion, and scientific powers of execution. His pictures are in¬ deed admirable in every quality. The tone and finish of his likenesses, the peculiar appropriateness of the position selected, his just idea of the happy moment of expression in the sitter, make them generally the very finest specimens of the art. Charleston Evening News. Instructions in the art, and stock of every description for sale. Rooms 235 King, opp. Hasell St, Over James E. Spea-e's 'ewelry Store: 312 CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C- a * Clothing & Merchant Tailors. A. N. COHEN, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Clothing Ware House, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods of the Latest Styles, 261 Kiflg st., next door to Babcock's Bookstore. JAMES R.MYRICK, Jobber and Dealer of Youths' and Children's Clothing, 204 King st. G. LITTLE & CO., Clothing Store, Wholesale and Retail, 199 King st. ' W. A, KENT & MITCHELL, Fashionable Clothing Em¬ porium, Masonic Hall. D. H. KEMME, Draper and Tailor, and Gener¬ al Clothing Store, 1 39 Broad st- PIERSON & JENNINGS, Wholesale Clothing, 194 Broadway, New York, and 26 Mayne st., Charleston. CHAS.BARR, Agent, Merchant * Tailor and Dealer in Merchant Tailoring Goods, 129 Meeting st. WELCH'S Fashionable Gentlemen's Fur¬ nishing Store, Wholesale and Retail, Oorner of Meeting and Market sts.* JONES, EASTERBY & HANABERGH, Clothiers and Dealers in Gentle¬ men's Furnishing Articles, .223 King st,, in the Bend. WM. MATTHIESSEN, Wholesale Clothing House, 143 East Bay, corner of Queen st. I. L. FALK & CO., Wholesale and Retail Clothing, and Furnising Store, 255 King st. GEO. Z. WALDRON & CO., Wholesale Clothing, 27 Ilayne st, CARDS FOR CARLESTON, SC. 313 EDGERTON & RICHARDS, Drapers and Tailors, 32 Broad at. D. C. CARR & CO., Merchant Tailors, 30 Broad at. ""' CL ARKE'lECKi'EV * Wholesale Umbrella, Parasol and Walking Cane Manufac¬ turers, 179 King at. Hardware, Cutlery, &c. EWBANK, STONE & CO., Importers and Dealers in For¬ eign and Domestic Hard¬ ware and Cutlery, Meeting st. W. R- MORTON, Importer of Hardware and Cut¬ lery, 133 Meeting st. ROOSEVELT, HYDE & CLARK, Direct Importers and Whole¬ sale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, &c., 139 Meeting st. COURTNEY, TENNENT & CO., Direct Importers of Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, &c., 35 Hayne st. WILLIAMS & PRICE, Importers and Dealers in For¬ eign and Domestic Hard¬ ware, Cutlery and Guns, 24 Hayne st., Sign of the Golden Pad¬ lock, NEWELL & MEAIIER, Gas Fitters, 109 Meeting st. THOS.'A.P. HORTON, Dealer in Stoves, Ranges, Grates, &c., 120 Meeting st. W. S.ADAMS, Manufactures and Keeps con¬ stantly on hand Grates, Cook¬ ing Ranges, Air Furnaces, Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, &c, 34 Broad st. LANDRETII'S Southern Agricultural Ware¬ house, 297 King st. S14 CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. T. W. BLISS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Grates, Lead Pipes, &c., 1S4 Kin? st. Watches, Jewelry, &c. W. CARRINGTON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Silverware and Fancy Goods, 266 King st. JAMES E. SPEAR, Importer and Dealer in Fine Watches, Jewelry, &c., 233 King st. Carriages, &c. S. & E. M. GILBERT, Manufacturers and Dealers in Carriages and Harness, 35 and 40 Wentworth st. WILLIAM ASHTON, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 249 King st. LEONARD CIIAPlN, r Carriage Factory. 124 Meeting st., and 33 Wentworth st. HAYDEN, BROTHER & CO., Importers and Dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Military & Fan¬ cy Goods, North-east comer of King and Haselsts A. ROULAIN, Carriage Factory, 102 Meeting st. New Carriage and Harness Emporium, South-west cornerof Meeting and Went¬ worth sts. Carriages of every dessription always on hand,] M. IT. NATHAN. Brokers, &c. WM, M.MARTIN, Exchange Broker, Broad st. WM. C. OAKLEY, Exchange Broker, Broad st. W. G. GAYER, Carriage Factory, 142, S. E. Corner of Meeting and Went¬ worth sts. LLOYD & FORD, Exchange Brokers, Broad st. CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. 11 & Commercial Insurance Co., WM. B. HERIOTT, Pres't , Broad st. JAMES TUPPER, Master in Equity, 52 Broad st. STEELE'S "HAT HALL," CHARLESTON, S. C. Si\ 31$. 3 SSI US) 231 King street. This Establishment is known throughout the Southern and Western county, as a leading house of Hat fashions, and all endeavors will be used to keep i t up as a place of fashionable resort for gentlemen in want of the latest American and Par¬ isian styles of Hats and Caps. TO FAMILIES. Steele would oiler every style, shape and quality of Gentle¬ men's, Youths' and Children's Hats that are made, and of every material imaginable, without any exception. TO MERCHANTS. Steele's "Hat Hall," being the largest and mclst fashionable "Retail Hat Houses in the South," would offer to Merchants visiting this city, many superior Hats and Caps for certain cus¬ tomers of their own. WALTER STEELE, Proprietor. 316 CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. F. D FANNING, Wholesale Dealer in Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, 31 Hayne st. D. A. AMBLER, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hats and Caps, 151 Meeting st, H. H. WILLIAMS, Wholesale Dealer in Hats, Caps, &c*, Meeting st. T. M. HORSEY & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Hats, Caps, &c., 23 Hayne st. Wholesale Grocers, &e. ALBERT BISCHOFF, ^ Wholesale Grocery and Liquor Store, 1S3 East Bay, II. JASSEN, Commission Merchant, Whole¬ sale Dpaler in Groceries and Liquors, 139 East Bay. YON DOHLN & FARNUM, Grocers, Fish and Provision Dealers, 189 East Bay, HAND, WILLIAMS & WILCOX, Wholesale Grocers, 1 Hayne st. WEYHE & WUHRMANN, Importers and Wholesale Deal¬ ers in Wines and Liquors, Lemon Syrup, Cordials, Bit¬ ters, Cigars and Tobacco, Champaign, &c., 104 East Bay, T. B. TROUT, Commission Merchant, BENJ. C. LOCKE, Grocery and Ship Store, 43 East Bay. LANNEAU & BURCKMYER, Wholesale Grocers, 14 Hayne st, A. NIMITZ & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocery and Liquor Store. North-east corner East Bay & Tradd st. CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C, 317 G. FOLLIER, Importer and Wholesale Deal¬ er in Tobacco and Cigars, Meeting at, L. T. POTTER'S Charleston Neck Ice House, Dealer in Shipping and other Lumbar, Masts, Spears. Ice, &c. J. B, MARTIN, Agent. CHAS. H. WEST & SON, Ship Chandlers, CHAFFEE, ST. AMAND & CROFT, Importers and Wholesale Deal¬ ers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Fine Cigars, Tobac¬ co, &c., &c., 179 East Bay. A. H. CHISOLM'S Rice Mill, W. end Tradd St. JOHN THOMSON, Seedman and Florist, Dealer in Agricultural and Hor¬ ticultural Implements, House Keeping Articles, Plants, &c. 264 King St. HOSCH & FLEMING. MANUFACTURERS OF Steam Refined Candy, Sugar Flums, Lozenges, 269 King St, MICELLANEOUS. - ' OSBORN'S FIRST PREMIUM Daguerreian Gallery, 223, King St. PRINTING OFFICES. Southern Christian Advocate, 29 Pinkney St. W. M. W1GHTMAN, D. D., EDITOR. Published by authority of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at Charleston. Circu¬ lation 8500, weekly. Terms, $2, payable in advance. Printed on Hoe's improved press, and worked by a steam engine. D. L; GLENN, Daguerreian Artist, 221, King St. WM. T. WHITE, Marble and Stone Yard, 119 Meeting St, American and Foreign Marble, Sepulchral Monuments, Cab¬ inet Slabs, Italian Tyle, Marble Steps, Sills and Fronts ■—Brown Stone, Door and Window Sills, Steps, Ashlers, Blocks, etc. Blue Flag and Curb Stones, etc., etc. Sunday School Visitor, THO'S O. SUMMERS, D, D., EDITOR. Published for the.M. Episcopal Church South. Published at the office of the S. C. Advocate. Terms, 50 cents per annum. JOHN EARLY, Agent. CARDS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. 318 The Southern Standard, B. C. PRESSLEY, EDITOR. Terms: Daily $6; Tri-weekly $3; Weekly $2; payable half yearly in advance Charleston Mercirj. BY HEART & TABEE. Terms: Daily, $10 per annum. The Charleston Courier. BY A. S. WELLINGTON & 00, Terms: Daily, $10 per annum. SAVANNAH, GA„ Georgia is a model State. She has 860 miles of Railroad low in successful operation, and hastens to complete others, tier credit is of the highest order. Her six per cent bonds are • selling at a heavy premium, and she now gives notice of her readiness to pay the interest on her bonds for the next six montiis in advance. Under the hand of improvement her lands are growing rich, her cities, towns and villages are renewing their strength and beauty. The contemplated Railroad from Savannah, through Florida, to the Gulf of Mexico, will be the very climax of her greatness— especially will it make Savannah one of the most important commercial cities in the South. There are many pleasing incidents connected with the city of Savannah and its wealthy and hospitable citizens—its beau¬ tiful Churches, Lodges, Halls, Schools and public buildings, which we would be happy to notice flatteringly. We must be indulged in tendering thus publicly trib¬ ute of gratitude to the Temperance men, Merchants and Dealers of Savannah for their liberal subscription for this work, and for other courtesies extended to us during a few days stay among them in December last. Over one hundred of the most reliable and substantial business houses in the city are herein respectfully introduced to the thousands who will read this volume. Others equally reliable would have subscribed, if we could have seen them. Taking this as granted upon recommendation, we have inserted their cards; trusting that they will be equally pleased with our new and splendid scheme of advertising. 320 SAVANNAH, GA SAVANNAH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. President—Robert Habersham. Secretary—O. Cohen. COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTAGE. John W. Anderson, B. E. Stiles, William Duncan, Wylly Woodbridge, John Williamson, Octavus Cohen, Andrew Low, Jr. William H. Bulloch,Sec'y & Treas. BANKS IN SAVANNAH. BANK OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, Capital, $1,500,000. Appropriated to Savannah, $750,00. A. Porter, President. I. K. Teflt, Cashier. Branches at Augusta, Eatonton, Athens, Washington, and Greensboro', and Agencies at Macon and Griffin. PLANTERS' BANK. Capital paid in, $535,400. Geo. W. Anderson, President. IL W. Mercer, Cashier. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK. .Capital, $400,000,—with privilege to increase same to $800,000. E. Padelford,President. J. Olmstead, Cashier. Has an Agency at Macon. CENTRAL RAILROAD AND BANKING COMPANY OF GEORGIA. Capital, $2,549,165, all of which has been paid in. Appropriated for banking purposes, $205,000. R. R. Cuyler, President. Solomon Cohen, Cashier. This Institution was incorporated in December, 1S35. In 1836 it commenced its work of constructing a Railroad from Savan¬ nah to Macon, and completed it in October, 1S43—distance, l9l miles. In the same year, (183G,) it organized a Principal Bank in Savannah, and a Branch at Macon. In 1841, the Branch was wound up. Since the 1st December. 1843, the road has been in daily operation through its full length for passengers and freight. SAVANNAH G A. 321 insurance offices in savannah. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company. Capital $375,000. Wm. Duncan, Agent, Bay-st. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hartford. Capital, 200,000. ' W. Woodbridge, No. 144 Bay-st. .Etna Insurance Company, New York. ' Capital, $200,000. • Cohen, Norris & Co., No. 143 Bay-st. Hope Mutual Life Insurance Company, Conn. Capital, $200,000. Cohen, Norris & Co., No, 143 Bay-st. Howard Insurance dompany, ^ew York. Capital, $300,000. S. C. Dunning, Whitaker-sfc, Union Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Company, N. Y. Capital, $100,000. W. Crabtree, Bay-st. Protection Marine and Fire Insurance Company, Hartford. Capital, $ -. Brigham vw«vw\vww wv%^w* PORTER'S EXTENSIVE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Hats, Caps, Boots Shoes &c. CARDS FOR SAVANNAH, GA. 331 M. PRENDERGAST & CO. Wholesale and Retail . DRY GOODS. B ronghton St. VWWWVWW VWV « QUANTOCU, ROBERTS & CO., Lumber and Timber, Merchants And Proprietors of Union Steam S v\v MILL. WX-X-V/X/X*WX/X/X» VX/W, VX/VX/ M. J. REILY, Wholesale Dealer in Groceries Domestic and Foreign Liquors, 126 Bay Street/' k WV>XA/«bk St, Julian sta,, RABURN & WHITEHEAD, Factors and Commission Mer¬ chants, 207 Bay street. BEHN& FOSTER, . Factors and Commission Mer¬ chants. BROWN & HARRIS, Boarding House, Livery, and Sale Stable, West Broad street. MARIETTA, GA- w. P. &• D. M.YOUNG, | Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Merchants. DABBS & CAMP, Dry Goods and Groceries. D. 0. SPAULDING, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Merchant. JOHN steadhom, Dry Goods and Groceries, TAYLOR, DAVIS &. CO., Dry Goods and Sundries. TTyTnorthcu n\ Dry Good3 and Varieties. BOSTWICH & YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Grocer Merchants WILLIAM ROOT, Druggist, Hardware, Groceries, drc. YORK & SHEAT3, Dry Good9 and Varieties. S. C. HOUSE, Family Groceries, &c. 2 2 33S CARDS FOR MARIETTA, GA. SIMPSON & JONES, Crockery and Groceries. J.TENNENT, M. D.. Wholesale. and Retail Uruggist Apothecary. aud vv\%wv\ C.C. BOSTWICK, Wholesale and Retail Grocery Merchant, NORTHCUTT "V- BABU, Wholesale and Retail Grocery Merchants. EPPERSON & RU -SELL, Tin Manufactory, S-oves auu Castings. EDGE & WRIGHT, Dry Goods and Groceries N, B GREEN, Dry'Good's and ' Groceries. JOHN G. CAMPBELL. " Books and Stationery', • II, COOK. Dry Goods and Groceries -VS/V> WV\\W« L. BURNETT. Dj7 Goods aud Groceries, JOHNSON & STRICKLAND, Dry Goodsau^ Grocery Merchants. A.,.GREEN fc CO- Merchants Flouring Mills. Roswell Manufacturing Company, 13 miles E»st of Marietta. B. KING, Agent. Address Roswell,Cobb county,Ga. T, WALKER & CO., Paper Manufactory, Seven miles south-east of Marietta. J, BRUCE, Agent. Sweetwater Manufacturing Company, Twnty miles south of Marietta, W.J.llUSSELL, Agent. Address Sweetwater Factory. Augusta,. Atlanta and Nashville Tele*1 graph Company, • S. LAWRENCE, President. A. D. 11AMMITT, Agent. JOHN H. Gl OON, S earn Tannery and Hide Manufactory. HA'*** « - "a - J, fl. GLOON, Warehouse arid Commission Merchant. WM. SI M'E-LFRJESH &.CO., Steam Sash, Blind and Cabinet Manu¬ facturers. Atvwv%vvv\ vv* T. J. OGLESBY, Cotfon Gin Wang factory- Savannah Mutual ln«njreuce Company, J.C. IIOU-tE. Agent. v\»-VSnv V»Vi*VA.vyW ^eVVVwi.^ WVt. •%.*»«v\ Slate B-mk of Georgia, W. P, YOUNG, Agent. Southern Mutual Insurance Company' S.LAWRENCE, Agent, A PHYSICIANS, MARTIN G. SLAUGHTER, M. D. A." t'ON>ELL, M. D. N. L. CHESTER, M. I). G. TENNENT, M. I), * G. HARDY, M. D. 4- M. YOUNG, M, D. WM. B. DEWOODY, M. D. -The above are Alapathists. N. M. COOK. Ilori-ai>[iat.tiic Doctor. I 1 c, cox. ' Hydropathic Doctor LANGFORD & BOJ LING, Botanic Doctors E. M. ALLEN. Surgeon Dentist. WM. T. SKELTON, Surgeon Dentist, ' ATTORNEYS. M'EONALD A PHILLIPS. LAWRENCE & GARLRETT. G. D. RICE. IRWIN & BURCH. CAHDSj FOF^DALTOX, GA, at «. John P. King, President, J, Millegan, Cashier, APPENDIX. An explanation and apology is due our patrons for the divisirn of the Directory for Nashville iuto two part. It was suggested by some of our friends, at first,ihat the residence ct each business gentleman should he given in connection with his business card. But it was found after the work was put to press, that this arrange¬ ment would not be so convenient in finding the residence of citizens; hence we changed our plan, and have given (as you s«e in the Appendix) the names and resi¬ dences of our business men in the last part of the work. Any name, therefore, not found in the first pait may be found in the Appendix. It was intended that the work should have been out by the first of March, but the delay of a few weeks has resulted in part from sickness and in part from the want of paper and other advan¬ tages found iu the large establishments of older cities. Our patrons will remember that this is the first work of the sort published in the State. We could have had the work out much sooner by going to the North, but we desired to encourage " home manufactory," even with some delay, more cost and a less perfect work. Our wor¬ thy publishers have our thanks for the energy and neatness with which they have prosecuted the work. And we are happy to assure our friends that they will be much better prepared forsuch publications, in a short time. It will be remember¬ ed, too, that a work of this sort is more liable to tj pographical and other errors than any other, we must, therefore, ask the indulgence, ot our readers. We have cor¬ rected all that have come within our power to correct. A ' Abbott G 15, Nashville Inn Adams John, cor Cedar and Spruce s Alexander J N, 105 N Cherry st Allison S P, fit N Cherry st Allen M S, 73 S Summer st v Allen W W.18S High st Allen D M, 77 S Summer st AllenSM, Whites'Crtek Allen A,55 Broad st Alloway N E, 65 Spring st Anient Samuel P, middle Fiankliu Pike, 2 miles Anderson Andrew, 43 S Cherry st Anderson L S, 94 N Front st Anderson S P, 32Union st Armstrorg L. 41 S Cherry st Ashbrooks A A, 126 N Cherry st Atkinson H S, 63 S Summer st B Bachus C H, Verandah Hotel Ballowe R A, Summer st, S Nashville Barkhorn B H, 14 Deaderick st Bandy R C, 58 S Market st Baptist J H, Verandah Hotel Bartset P., 138 SSummer st* Bavne John L. 183 S Market st Baxter N, 28 N High st Boakhsm Wm, 8 S Market st Beusley G H, South Field ' Reatie John, 31 N Frontst Bertrand J N, 85 S Summer st Beech A D, Nashville Inn Beech John J, corner College and Lice 6ts Bell R F, S'-wanee House Bell John, 36 S Market st Billiod P, 77 N Market st Birmingham J M, 7 Cedar et Bittle George, 37 Broad st Bluukall G W, 24 Broad et Boiling G S.29S Cherry st Bulling R P, 11 Union et Bone N, 22 S Front et Bostliman W, ])£ S Market et Bourne W, South Nashville Bowling W K,20 N Highet Brand J J, 18 S Market et Breast C A, 23 N Marketst Bridges Capt John, 24 N College st Brien W G. Edgefield Briggs WT.6N Vine et Brockway R H, 71 Public Square Brooks C, 110 S Summer et Brown Berry, 131 N Cherry st Brown G L, 45 N Cherry et Brown W L, 8 N H'gh st Brown R W, Nashville Inn Brown W M,108N Cherry et Brown B F, 10 N College et Brown Dixon, 18 Union st Browne John, 91 N Market st APPENDIX. 345 Brace R C. Souih Field Buchanan H R, 10 Union st BuckleyS J, 36 N Market st Buchanan A H, 23 N Vine st Buck Thomas N, Edgefield BuiTuin J H.22S Market et Bumpags J G, Demumbrane et, west of Railroad C Calhonn W ,H, 8 N Cherry et Cahill James. 102 Cedar st Campbell H, 159 S Summer st Campbell R H, Demumbrane st, west of Railroad Campbell mr3 F, 13-1 N Market st Campbell VV M, Edgefield Campbell G W,58 Cedar st Campbell L R, 64 S Market st Cameron D, 2 Clark st Caotrell G M D, 12 N Summer st Carter A O, 6S Cherry st Carow H, 25 Cedar st Carver John, 6 Clark st Casey John, 41 N Front st Catron Hon John, 10 N Cherry st Cella C, Verandah Hotel Celia A, 67 N ColUge st Chamberlain D C, 87 N College st Champion H B, Union Hall Chandler Speiicr, 36 N Vine st Cheatham L P, 90 N Cherry st Cheatham F R, 90 N Cherry st Church R S, 42 N College st Church M C C, Union Office Claiborne D R, 18 S Cherry st Claiborne James, 18 8 Che>ry st Clack Thos J, cor Spring and Church sts Clark James P, Franklin Pike Clark DG, I Public Square ClareyP J, 57 Broad st Classon VV, 13 Spring st demons B, Citv Hall Cockerill S R, 25 Cedar st, up stairs Cockriil mrs E, 109 N College st Cody VV, 86 S Summer st Cole R A. 27 N Spruce st Cole B, 29 S College st Collett T VV, 20 S Market st Combs M S, 16 Broad st Compton Phil, Cumberiand Alley Conley A, 92 S College st Conley G T, 42 Public Square Conner T W, 31 N Summer st Cooper W F, Attorney. 46 N Cherry st Cooley S, Summer st, South Nashville Cock F, near Sulphur Spring Cooper W B, Charlotte Pike Corry James, 15 N Summer st Couch P I, Summer st, South Nashville Cowan J M, 33 S College st Cram J, 34 S High st Crandail Ira, Ash st, South Nashville Crockett Sarab, 20 S Cherry st Curry J H, rear Railroad Depot Currey R O, Demumbrane st Cutter B R, corner College and Broad sts D • Dominico S, 21 S Front st Dorris W D, near Grave Yard Douglass B, Charlotte Pike, 4 miles Douglass H, Gallatin Pike Dovey EC, 114 S Market st Doyle J C, 28 N Front st Doyle James, 68 S Market st Dabbs Joseph, 33 Cedarst Daniels D R, 34 N Summer st Darden J C, 105 N College si Davis J B, Franklin Pike Davis James, 10 Public Square Davis Samuel, 132 S Cherry st Degrove M E, 38 Union st Degrove Q C, 38 Union st Demonbntne VV R,28 N Market st Diggons James, 14 S Highst Dickey D D, 79 N Market st Dickie George, 40 Union st Dimick C, 45 N Cherry st Duncan A J, 74 Public Square Dunton J K, 100 N Market st Dyer Isham, 31 N Summer st Dresser N B, 27 Broad st E Eakin J R, Attorney, 9 Cedar st, up sirs Eastman E G, Editor, 33 S Cherry st Edmonson mrs T B, Verandah Hotel Edwards Jo, Demumbrane st Edwards M, 96 N Cherry st Elam T H, 81 Broad st Ellis Noble B, 86 S College st Ellis James, 12 S Cherry st Elliott Rev CD, 104Spring st Elsbach M &. D, 48 N Market st Erb John, 88 Spruce st Ewen J H & VV H, 7 N College st Evans VV H, 20 Cedar st Evans T VV, 60 N Summer st Eves Robert, South Field Ewen VV D, 7 N College st F Fall George, 2 miles on Franklin Pika Fall J T S, 8 N Vinest Fall Alexander, 1 mile on Franklin Pjk« Fehr J C, 19 Deaderick st Ferguson J G, cor Cedar and Cherry els Ferris Robert, 95 N Front st Figg J J, 84 N High st Finaerty Hu, 8 D aderick st Finley S R, Attorney, 31 Public Squara Flte Jacob C, Sewanee House File Thomas, 7 N College st Fitz Joseph. 163 N College et Finn VV VV, 41 N Market st Fiemman miss M, 6 Union st Flemming Samuel, 24 Public Squara 346 APPE Flowers J, 41 Union st Flynn J Q, 2 Public Square Francisco A J, City Hotel Francis J C,18 Franklin st Francis Wm, 162 S Market st Fraley J M, 38 S College st FrederichS C, 21 Deaderick st Freeman B, 82 Cedar st Fieeraan L M, 68 Gay st Freeman W, 70 Cedar st French EI S,85 N Collegest Frith Henry, 111 S College st Fodwell A, near Old Bridge Fogg H M ft, 69 Spring st Fogg F B, 69 Spring st Folsom L B, Sewanee House Ford John, 13 S Summer st Fort Joseph, 92 Broad st Foster G A, 22 N Spruce st Foster T S, Attorney, 56 N Cherry st Foster Hon E EI, 2 miles on Muvfrees- boro' Pike Foster R C, 14 N High si Fox Chwrles, 1IK) N Market st Furmati F, 55 N College st G OallzJA, 3 Union st Gainmonri M, 6 Ueaderio.k st. Gardner Win, 7 Crawford st. Garretsnn Tsuio, Summer st, S Nashville Garrett E B. Union st Garrett P, 57 S Summer st Gilbert John V, 20 S College st Gillespy James, 15 Spring st Gilliam inrs Jane, 43 Pubiic Square Girardet, 13 S College st Gitter L, 13 S Vine st Glasscock E R, 29 N Spruce st Glenn Samuel,, 125 N Market st Glenn W A,46N Cherry st, up stairs Glory John, 12JJ Deudeiickst Goltz J A, 3 Union st Gorody Thomas, 8 of Broad st, near R R Goodlett DrA G, 9 S ivpruce st Gower John D, 64 Line st Gower L F, 31 S High st Gower F R, 54 Broad st Gower mrs M, 74 S Cherry st, Gould James, 40 S Summer st Gould S F, 40 S Summer st Grace J L, cor Broad and Front sis Graham John, 157 N College st Graham'Wm, 5 Union st Gray J W, 45 N Cherry st Greenfield T, Sequoyah House Greenfield Wesley, Nolensville Pike Green R,' 8 Cedar st Green John, 87 N Cherry et Greig George, 27 Union st Griflin J, 19 S College st Grooms R H, cor College & Franklin sts Gunn L T, Edgefield Gurter F, 5 Broad st NDli. H Hagan F, 2 miles on Lebanon Pike Hall B W, 7 N Cherry st Ham J J, South Nashville Hatnlin T B, Edgefield Hamilton J W, Cherry st, South of R R Harper J H, Printer, American Office Harrison C, 6 Spring st Harris P, 10 S Market st Harris T O, Sewanee House Hurdcastie P F, Market st, S Nashville Hare N C, 12 Draderick st Hargraves W M, 41 S Summer st Harsh P, 107 N Cherry at Hart Henry, Branch Louisville Pike Ileirnau H, 36 N Summer st Heinrich A, 51 N Summer st Heudershot G W, 37 Public fcquare Henderson E, 35 Spring st Hendrix James, 147 N College st Henkle Rev W W,DD, near the eity,S Hevren M,33N Spruce st Herman E A, 31 N Cherry st EIess Charles, 152 S Summer st Hickman E W, 45 N Cherry st Eliggins W, 106 N Front st Hiii Samuel, 93N Market st iiillebrand, Jeweller, 42 S Market st Elyronemous F, 65 N Cheiry st llobbs J N, UN Market st Hobsou N, Edgefield Halbert, 43 N Cherry st, up stairs Holland L, 48 8 Cherry st Holschuh C, 8 S Market st. Hooper J A, 36 S Market st Hopper John. 34 Broad st Hopkins D, 22 N College st Horn E H, 28 S College si Horn W H, 28 S College st Horn W L. near Broad st, west of R R Elorton Jo W, 2 miles on Franklin Pike Houston Russell, 165 S Summer st Ilouser F O, 37 Broad st Hough T J, 11 Cedar st Howell W EI, 19 N Market st Hughes W T, 77 N cmrnmer st Hughes mrs S, 3 Public Square Hughes L A, 34-S Front st Hughes W W, 131 S Marketst Hume J K, 25 S Summer st Hunter J W, 34 N Collegest Humphreys W 11, 31 Public Square I & J Irwin John, M D, 27 N Cherry st Irwin G W, 152 S Cherry st Ireland George, 77 Union st Jackson Wm, 32 S High st jenningR T R, 29 N High st Jessell 11,29 N Market st Jessel A A, 29 N Maiket st Johnson A VV, C miles on Gallatin Pike "ohnson mrs M A. 65 S Cherry st Johnson E L, 92 S College st APPENDIX. 847 Korr A,21 Cedar st Klages C W, 20 N College st Klooze F, 172 N Market U Kobly L H, 16 Cedar st Laird J A, 52 N Cherry et Lande A, 50 N Market at Langdon Dr XV >, 3i Cedar st Lanier L 11, 35 S ^iimmer st Lapsley Rev R A, D D, 94 N College st Latimer A R, u»ar R R Depot Lea John M, 16 N Vine st Ledbetter Allen, 76 3 Market st Ledbetter Alexander, 52 3 Market st Lee Daniel, 5 U iion st LeRyett Johu, 41 S Cherry st Lenord H,7l N Collegest Lenore E, 13 Cedar st Leuseur E C, cor Cherry and Broad sts Leuseur Oliver, r:or Cherry and Broad sts Lewis L, 21 Cedar st Lindoman L, 83 N Collegest Lindrley A V S, Edgefield Livingston Joseph, 2) N Market st Longhiette J imes, 75 "t Market su. Lockhart tins Ellen, 11 N Cherry st LooinisS )',39 Public quare, up stairs Lucas W f 1, 196 Broad st Lumsdan L O, 34 S Market st Lyon mrs 5 C, 31 Ced r st Lyon W H, M D, 44 N Cherry st LyonJ M, 118 8 Summer st M Macey Silas M; S-quoyah House Mtgiil J C, corner Summer & High sts Maguire E,26 S Vine st Malangjo, 71 N Cherry st Maney H» nry, 26 S McLemore st Maney J D, 26 S McLemore st Maney T, 26 s McLemore st Maney G E,26S McLsmore st Manley John, 85 Cedar st Marcel) II C, 49 Spring st March Alex, 72 Cedar st March J D, 72 Cedar st Martin Robt, Sequoyah House Martin 11 C K, 35 Cedi«r st Martin, J G, corner of Vine and Deraum- brane sts -Maxey P W, miles wist of city May held G A J,~Vl D, 6 N Vine st Meigs R J, 53 Cedar st Merchant J M, 63 Public Square Meredith W,4 Public Square •Mesker James, 106 S College st Meeker J, 143 S Ma'ketst Metz Henry, 41 S Market st McAllister Jam-", High stS Broad McBrido A J, 17 S Front st McBurney, 24 Dead^rick st McCombs W, M D, 25 N Cherry st McCampbell Jno A, 59 N Cherry et McCaslin Henry, 44 S Market et McDaniel A, corner Cherry and Broad ele McEwen John A, 70 N Cherry et McEweu R 14, lbS Spring et McFerrin A P, Edgefield McGill J H, Nashville Inn McGuvock R W, 16 N Cherry st McGavock Jacob, 16 N Cherry et McGuire E, 26 8 Vine st Mcintosh D, 9 Public Square McClelland W A, 9 S Summer et McClelland J G. Nashville Inn McKee A R, 1)^ miles on Franklin Pike McLaughlin James, 2 N Market st MacLaughlin H C, Priuter, American Of¬ fice McMurry J A, 39 N Cherry st McNairy B, 11 N Summer st McCowdit A, 83 Broad st Mellee H, 26 Deacnrick st Miller W W, 43 N Front st Miles B W, near Penitentiary Mills J E, 135 3 College si MilL Robt, 135 S College st Mitchell J, 63 N Matkeist Monohau M, 166 N Market st Montodoniso A, 168 N College st Montague A G, t-l Cedar st Morris Henry B Gallaatiu Pike Morton E, 33 Union st Moore Jo, Broad st, west of railroad Morgan VV H, 21 N Cherry et Moses L, Murtreesboro Pike Morton I H,45 Union st Morrow J B, li;6 N Cherry st Moore Win, 31 N Summer st Moore James, 73 N Cherry st Moore C C, 86 S College st MusgroveS, I18N Cherry st Musselmau A G, 12 S College et Murkin J A.. 53 N College st Murpo G A, Edgefield MyCra H N, 73 N Summer st Myers Morris D, City llotel N Nash Thos, 33 N College et Nathan S, 6 Broad st Nathurst J T, 33 N Spruce, st Nelson A,G S, Sequoyah House Nelson C L,31 Public Square Nelson A W,31 Public Sqnare Newnan J C, 44 Public Square Nicholson John, IS Broad st Nicholson Cha* M, 1 N Market st Nixon J, 18 3 Vine et Nixon R, 18 S Vi ne st Noel S A G, S Nashville Noel W M, 75 N Cherry st Nohes E B, 82 3 Cherry et O Obley John, 76 N Cherry »S 348 Op! J K,3.8S Vinest Oppenheimer A R, 16 Union at Overstreet Mrs C, 22 Line at Orr H B,53 Union at ' P Page J W, 58 S Summer at Palmer J, 1(18 S Collige at Patterson A, corner Demumbrane and High sts Patrick D D, 61 Broad at Parker 0 F, 44 N Cherry at Pentecost J C, 58 Line st Pearl Dyar, 40 Public Square Perkins P G S, corner Spruce and Spring sts Pete W L, 2 S Vinest Peacock Jatnes, 1 N Market st Phillips Win, branch Louisville Pike Phillips;Jo. 142N Market st Pilcher M S Plnmmer H B, 41 S Cherry at Pointer T G, 89 Spring at Phillips W J, 70 N Market st Porter R M, M D, 22 N Cherry st Pope John, Cherry st, S Nashville Pope Opie, 53 S College st * Powers M, Nashville Inn Pybm W, 145 N Front st Pendergast James, 44 S College st R Rains John, Edgefield Reed William, 124S Cherry st Reed Marvin, 31 Union st Reid John, 73 S Market st Rice J L, 47 Spring st Reyer Geo, 65 Public Square Rice M, 12 S Market st Robb EC.Verandah Hotel Robb W W.83 N College st Robb J J, (H N College st Robertson F, M D. 34 S Cherry st Robertson W D, 79 N M'Lemore st Robertson C, 21 Broad st Robertson J G,21 Broad st Robertson C W, 25 N Summer st Rogers Mrs M, 51 S Cherry st Ross J C, Nolensvitle Pike Raudle C L,48 N Front st Rosser Mrs A , 39 Public Square Raterrnau J F, 28 Broad st Ruckle Robt, 29 Deaderick st Rumsey D G, 50 N Cherry st Ryman F, 117 S College at S Samuels A L, 16 S Spruce st Sanders R A, 34 $ High st Sandhouse A, 42 N Market st Sayers Chas, corner Union and Market sts Schwab A, 100 N Cherry at Scruggs, 28,N Spruce at Scott S M, £9 Public Square Scoval H G 81 N Market st Schullz J W H..127 N College st Schmitt M, 17 Spring st Seaberry J M, Edgefield Seiferle G, 115 N College st 8eaySam,58 N Summer st Seltz Francois, 71 Public Sqi ere Shane John, 63 N Cherry st Shelton M S, Edgefield Shepherd G A, 41 Deaderick st Sills Mrs Mary, 31 N Summer st Singleton Moses, 10 S College st Singleton J M, 8 S College st Skeggs T L, 28 S Vine st Slaughter J H, Verandah Hotel Sloan J H, 10 N Market st Sloan G L,59 N Market st Sloan Frederick, C9 N College et Smith G W, 7 S Vine st Smith G P, Edgefield Smith Joel M, 78 Spring st Smith John Hugh , 84 N Coilege st Smith Robt, 79 Broad st. Smith C W, 79 N Market st Smiley R G, 43 N Cherry si Snow Anthony J, Demombraue st Sparkm«n S, 101 S Market st Spotewood J F,100 S Market st Starkey B, 107 S Summer st Stewan Robt. Edgefield Steinmeir S. 71 N Market st Slephi nson Thos, 9 Broad st Stevenson L B, 53 N College st Stevenson V K, 65 Spring st Stevens John B, City Hotel Stevens John V, 24 N Spruce st Stifle J, 60S Market st. Stone Mrs B, 64 S Cherrv st Stout Ira A, 6S Maiketst Story Mrs E V, 146 S Broad st Stretch A, Walnut, S of Summer st Stratton W S, 29 S Cherry st Stratton Madison, 7 miles on Ga'latin pike Strickland W, City Hotel Swan J M. City Hotel Sweeney G W.51 Broad st Sulizbacher M, 32 Spring st T Taylor J, 84 N Front st Taylor Isaac, 88 Cedar st Temple L M,12 Cedar st TerrassJ W, 24S Vinest Thonips« n John, 26 S Summer st Tindall Robt, 145 S Market st Thomas H S, 172 S Cherry st Thurston A J D, 31 N Summer st Todd Mrs M A,48 N Front st Toon J J, 9 N Vine st Towneend W H, 80 N Market st Trabue E, 2)£ miles on Murfreesboro* pike APPENDIX 349 Trimble John, 44 N Cherry si 1 rigg E>, 52 Broad si Tucker A C, Broad st weH of railroad Turner W W, 25 N Market st Turberville Wm.City Hotel V Yaughan A, 87 S College st Vaughan M, 41 N Cherry st W Wads worth Rev E, D D, 9 S High st Wales Win, S of the city Wallace Jne M, South Field Warren Jesse, Vine st, S of Broad Warne W, 114 N Cherry st Washington Thos, 71 Broad st Waters John, 15 N College st Watson J M, M D,42 N Cherry st Watson T C, 23 N Spruce st Weakley W T, 111N College st Weitmueller Robt, 17 S College st Weller BS,29 S Cherry st Welker D C, 72 N Cherry st, up stairs Wells Dr T, 39 Cedar st West John B, 43 Union st WhartonRev W H, 104 Broad st Wheeler Daniel, Nashville Inn Wherry W A, 59 S Cherry st White RL, 59 N College st White T C, 65 S Market st Whitman Geo S, 29 S Cherry st Whitworth James, 46 N Cherry st Wilkin D F, 70 N Cherry st Williams W, 82 N Hlghst Williams S B, 49 N College st, up stairs Williams R N, 68 N Cherry st Williams A B, T5N Market st Winham T, 52 N Summer st , Winston J D, 11 S Cherry st Wilsford W C, 65 S Market st Winston C K, South Nashville Winston D Y, 5 n.iles on Gallatin pike Wise Geo, 77 N College st Wise E, 23 S Summer st Woods Jas, Broad st, west of Franklin South Nashville Furniture? Manufactur¬ ing Company, Depot bS N iViamet st. R. H. Grocms, President. W. L. Nance, Sec'y. MPCASUlTi^^ Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron and Stove Man¬ ufactory, 17 South Frontst. W. M. & L. CAMPBELLrrT" Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hals, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., 9 b4 S Market st. Page 263 should be REV. WM. S. LANG DON, M.D. E. C. ROBB, M. D. Office— Veraiid.ih Hotel. J. M. SINGLETON, Livery stable, 5 S College street. pine Woods B, 28 N Cherry st Woodward P S, 9 N Cherry st Wolfe E, 98 N Cherry st Wray T J, 57 N Spruce st Y Yarboro T J, 113 S College st Yearout Jno T, Verandah Hotel Yeatman H T, 19 N High st York John, llUoion st Young J S, M D, 9 N Cherry st Z Zanone Mrs. 91 S Market st Z»u:aschel C J. 34 Uniou b! Zimmerman J M. Verandah Hotel ZollicofferFK, City Hotel F. THOMA, Merchant Tailor, 3 S Market st, see Page 85. A. WARDEN, Port Royal Mills. Flour Depot, 9 and 11 S College st. JAMES M'DONALD, Shoe and Boot Shop, 69 N College st. C. G. MALLETT, Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fine Cigars, Tobacco, &c., 73 S Market st. j. A. DEERY. W.B DEERY. R. K. DEERT. Alisonia Manufacturing Company, DEERY BROTHERS, Office—9)^ Public Square. L. B. FITE & CO., . Wholesale Dry Goods, 7 N College st, near Woods' Iron Store. EWING BROTHERS, Druggists and Apothecaries, 7 N College st, next to L. B. File & Co, CHARLESTON HOTEL, Meeting st , D. M1XON, Proprietor. This splendid establishment has 225 rooms—employs about 120 hands—Can seat 400 persons at table. I N I) EX . PAVILION HOUSE, BY H. L. BUTTKKFIELD, Ci'i-Kt-r of Mees.ii g ana Hnsel st3. 'I I e i.bove house h- s rieentiy under¬ gone. many improvements, adding a La- oies' ordinary private parlors and sleeping rooms. SINGLETON HOUSE, BY T. 8. NICKER.ON, On Meeting at., la a lar e establishment, and will b» open in the summer'. IN D NASHVILLE. Page Attorneys at Law, - - 31 Auction Houses, - - 62 Artists, - - 69 Agencies for Property, &c , 33 & i(»0 Blacksmiths, &c., - 66 Barbers, - 68 Boots, Shoes, &c., - - 75 Boarding Houses, - 95 Boot and bhoe Makers, - 104 Book Stores and B nderies, - 107 Banks and Bankers, - 112 Beef Dealers, - - 126 Candle, Beef and Pork Dealers, 51 Carpenters and Builders, - 57 Cigar and Fruit Stores, - 60 China and Queensware, - 73 Clothing and Dry Goods, - 76 Clothing Stores, - 38 Confectionaries, &c , - 78 Commission & Forwarding Merch'ts, 86 Churches, - - - J14 City Officers, - - 116 Clerks. Judges, Justices ofPeace, &c. 117 Directory for Nashville, - 11 Dental Establishments, - 52 Druggists, . - - 79 Dry Goods, wholesale and re ail, 49 Dry Gooib.Staple and Fancy, 40 Foundries, &c., 67 Furniture Stores, - 55 Fire Companies, 77 Family Grocers, - 88 Fem V'e Academy, - 98 OtMers—whsksttle* - 53 BRISTOR & CO., 42 Trait St., Baltimore, Maryland, Authorized Lottery A scuts for the Slate ol Maryland. This i face lias been e»- labli lied for the last twenty-five jears. Alt orders addressed to us will meet with prompt attention. Tickets, from $1 to $2D. Capitals, from $4,000 to $100,000. Persons wishing circulars lor the Lottery tor each month, call have them sent to their additss, tree ot charge, by address- ibg. BRIS'J OR CO., 42 Pratt st., Baltimore, Md. EX. Page Grocers—wholesale and retail, 54 Groceta and Commission Merchants, 82 Gunsmiths, Ac., 65 Hardware and Cutlery, » 41 Hat Mores, 51 Hotels, ... 97 I usuratice Offices, - - 113 Jeweilers, &.C., - 56 Livery Mabies, - - 102 Liquors, Coffee Houses, &cv, 109 iVJanu factories, 45 Medical Cards, - 35 Medical College, 71 Millinerv and Fancy Goods, 101 Marble Yards, - - 72 Music Stores, &c., - 81 Merchant Tailors, &c., - 84 Market House, - - 126' Nashville, ... 5 Orders, ... 122 Painters, 6:c , 64 Preface, - 3 Plan of ^timbering, - 9 Printing Offices, - - 119 PublicJOffices, - - 121 Suburbs of Nashville, - 23 jaddlers, &c , 59 Schools and CoIIeg 0, - 70 Steamboats and OfUera, - 125 State of Tennessee, - 129 Tinners, &c., 61 Tobacco Houses, - 74 Variety Stores,. - - 62 Vegetable Dealers, - . 197 Watebauker^&e* 54r I N 1)EX 351 CITY OF MEMPHIS, - 131 Auction and Commission, 151) Artists 1(51 Attorneys at Law, 105 Book Stores, 151 Book Binders, 161 Banks. Insurance, &c 164 Clothing Merchants, 14^ WILLIAMSON COUNTY. Franklin JM2 llarpeih Licks, 213 Jiolensvltle, 213 Beytorisvillo 213 Riggs X Roads, 213 Truiue, 213 HENRY CuUNTY. Albany, ?"G Barren Hill, 236 oI,ina Ilea nrs 161 i B"ldsville. 21t» ^ilina Lied ors, JOl c'r,»y«rsvTIL'., 215 Carpenters lb-4 Cheap Valley, Carriage Manufactories, City Officers Dry Goods Merchants 141 Dentists, I -»1 Druggists 157 DaguerreOtypists Hi'1 Factories,. 159 Furniture, Act *. 162 Grocer, Commission, Produce Meht6,133 Hardware and Cutlery...... 156 Hat Merchants, 143 Hotels. 1^8 Jewelers,.. *73 Livery stables, 172 Millinery 152 Merohaut Tailors, 152 Manufacturers, &.c 1j4 Printers, Printing Offices, Physicians, Paiuters, Saddlery, &,c , !"hoe Merchants, Undertaking,&e , Wagon Makers, KNOX COUNTY Cauiobell'sBtatlOM, Knoxvdle, Mecklenburg, Woodburu, Chattanooga. - MAURY COUNTY. B ech Grove, 194 K lo, 193 Columbia, 18? Hampshire, 194 Hart's X Koads, 194 Bit. P.c&sant,- 191 Pleasant- Grove, 194 Rally Hill 194 Spring Hill, 192 Santa Fee 194 WlLsON COUNTY. »ig Spring, 199 to nmerce, Cedar Grovo, Cherry ValLy »» Green Hill «» Hjdd'eston'sX Roads, Lobar'on Lagunrdo.... Rural Hill,.. States*!'-la.. Three Forks .163 ! loni'i, 216 175 I Caledon-a, «i6 ' Ell Grove, 217 Mansfield ....216 Maitley villa 216 New Huston 2'S Mouth of Sandy, 215 Pjris, 214 FAYETTE COUNTY. Belimonte 219 Hickorywythe, 219 T.aGr&ngo , 218 Mt Comfort, 219 Macon, 219 SominerviUe,.'... 217 FRANKLIN COUNTV. Salsnt... 222 Winchester. 220 rutherford county. Murfreesboro .223 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Olurksville 226 STEWART CeUNTV. Dover .229 bledsoe county. Pikeville 231 m'minn county. Atheps 232 Central's X Roads*.233 Coghiii 233 Mantua .233 MADISON COUNTY. Jackson 234 TIPTON COUNTY. Beaver Dam Forks. 238 Biooiriington 238 Covington . 237 Porte rsvihe 238 Randolph .238 HAYWOOD COUNTY. Wesley 233 HARDIN COUNTY*. Savannah ,...235 JACKSON COUNTY. Gainsboro 240 HUMPHREYS COUNTY. Waver! y 241 SEVIER COUNTY. Sevier C. H. ,242 GREEN COUNTY. Blue Springs, 161) 175 1G8 161 153 143 163 163 181 177 181 181 IBS GILES COUNTY. CornTsviilu, Eikton. Pa '* ■' BEDFORD COUNTY."' gholbyviEo, Baymount, Cany Creek, Cedar Creek, - Camp Creek, Greenville, Graysburg, - 209! Henderson's Mill, 245 244 244 244 244 243 244 244 355 INDEX. Limestone Spring, Laurel Gap, - "Romeo, " Warrensburg, NewinanwvniP. - - * BRADLEY COUNTY. B >»t Yaru, - Chatata, ■ Cleveland, * O larles'on, - Candy Creek, • y COFFEE COUNTY. Manchester, - COUNTY. W,?n68DEkAli COUNTY. " Alexandra, - Liberty, Smith v ills', - SI,B° WASHINGTON COUNTY. Boons Creek, - Jonesboro, - James' ^ Roads, * Broylesville, - Cox's Store, - Fall Branch, - Leesburgh, - Watauga Bend, - Washington College, LAUDERDALE COUNT\. Double Bridges, - Durhumsville, - Fulton, - - * , " Ripley, - ' LAWRENCE COUNTY. Lawrenceburg, - HAYWOOD COUNTY. Brownsville, - Cherryvilie, Cageville, - Dancyville, * * Lanefiald, ■ Woodville, - BLOUNT COUNTY. Maryville,* - . WHITE COUNTY. Cave P. 0„ - Dry Valley, - New Ark, - Iiiver IIH1, Sparta, - r HAWKINS COUNTY. Lyon's Store, - Moorsburg, - Marble Hill, - New Canton, - Rogersville, .... St. Clair, - Yellow Stone, - HICKMAN COUNTY. Centreville, - GIBSON COUNTY- Eaton, - 244 245 246 - 246 245 - ,246 246 247 - 247 . 248 249 • 249 250 - 250 252 251 252, 252 252 252 252 253 253 254 254 254 253 253 237 258 258 I 258 258 258 - 261 - 267 267 - 267 267 267 - 265 266 244 Fysorsville, - 2441 Gibson Wells, 244 j Shiioh, .... Snady Grove, South Gibson, - Quincy P. 0., - Trenton, - Yorksville, - ROBERTSON COUNTY. Springfield ....264 HARDIMAN COUNTY. Bolivar 267 Middleburg 268 Moors >4 Roads 268 Whiteville 268 CLAIBORNE COUNTY. Cumberland Gap. 270 Speedwell. 270 Sycamore 270 Tazewell 269 DICK-ON COUNTY. Charlotte 271 CARROLL COUNTY. Huntingdon 272 McLemoresvilie .274 V: needonia 275 Christmasville 275 SMITH COUNTY. Carthage 275 Dixon's Spring 276 Rome P. 0 276 MONROE COUNTY, Madison ville 277 Philadelphia 27 8 Sweetwater. 278 rUMNER COUNTY. Gallatin 279 MAR HALL COUNTY. Lewisburg 981 Farmingtou 282 DECATUR COUNTY. Decaturville .. .273 ALABAMA. LIMESTONE COUNTY. Atln-ns 285 Hnnt.-ville ....286 200 261 261 261 261 260 262 262 262 262 261 262 .262 263 266 1 . l/cca;ur KENTUCKY. i Paducah............ ...... . 291 Bowline Gre«n.............. 295 Princeton ...... ............. 298 CHARLESTON, 8. C. - - 300 SAVANNAH, GA. - - - 319 Banks,&c., 320 Puoket Lines, - 322 Steam Boat Companies, - . 323 Steam Presses, Mills, &c,, - - 325 County Officers, - - 328 Business Cards, . - 330 Marietta, Ga., 337 Business Cards, ■ - 338 Dalton,Ga., ... - 339 Forsyth, Ga., ... • - 340 Augusta, Ga , • - 341