REPORT t K OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNION BANK OF TENNESSEE, TO THE SENATE, October 1 Ith, 1851. NASHVILLE: W. F. BANG & CO., PRINTERS, Union Bank of Tennessee, 1 Nashville. October 11, 1851. | Sir: I herewith transmit a statement of the condition of this Bank, and Have the honor to be, Yery respectfully, Your obedient servant, JNO. M. BASS, President. To the Hon. Speaker of the Senate, of the General Assembly of Tennessee. 4 STATE OF THE UNION BANK OF TENNESSEE Dr. Bills of Exchange, Discounted Notes, Suspended Debt, Bills Receivable, (for real estate sold,) Stocks, Due from Banks, Real Estate, viz: Taken for debt, $99,858 16 Banking Houses and Lots, 44,938 61 Talla Bena Plantation and Negroes, • 119,197 22 Cash, viz: Notes of other Banks, 78,071 00 Gold and Silver, 358,750 35 712,448 75 [,589,978 06 132,555 95 208,441 25 769,250 00 341,119 86 263,993 99 436,821 35 4,454,609 21 AND BRANCHES, October 6th, 1851. CR. Capital Stock, (Stock owned by the State $625,600,) Due to Banks, Office Balances, Dividends Unclaimed, Profit and Loss, Depositors, Circulation, Union Bank of Tennessee, J Nashville, October 6, 1851. ) 2,617,914 00 20,919 20 22,141 71 6,683 85 37,529 27 488,063 18 1,261,358 00 4,454,609 21 J. CORREY, Cashier.