Robert W. Woodruff Library Special Collections EMORY UNIVERSITY THE OR, 732CT8 A9BISVAfn& CONTAINING THE MOST CONCISE AND ACCURATE RULES FOR PER¬ FORMING OPERATIONS IN AI1ITIIMETICK ADAPTED TO THE EASY AND REGULAR INSTRUCTION OF TOUTH, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS, Third Eilitlon-"EnfargeiI and corrected hy the Anthors> mis <& TEACHERS OF ARITHMETICS. PUBLISHED BY J. F. & A. FOWLER. THUNTED AT THE "KNOXVILBE REGISTER" OFFICE, BY RAMSEY & CRAIGHEAD. 1 8 37. ENTERED according to act of Congress, in the year 18D4. Br Al.bijah & Josiak FpWLEn, In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of East Tennessee. RECOMMENDATIONS. MESSRS. FOWLERS' ARITHMETICS This work, which was handed me some time since, for examination, exhibits a degree of industry and ability highly creditable to the aur thors. _ The Order of arrangement appears to be judicious, and the il¬ lustrations clear and plain. The circumstance that it is primarily adapted to our national currency, is, to me, one of its chief recom¬ mendations; and were rto works of an opposite character introduced into our common schools, we should soon have a currency or mode of reckoning, simple, uniform, and intelligible to every one. I trust the gentlemen will meet with such encouragement from the public, as will more than compensate for the trouble and expense of publica¬ tion. JOSEPH ESTABROOK, President of Past Tennessee College, Knoxville, April 29th, 1834. MESSRS. FOWLERS' ARITHMETIC. From a hasty examination of this work, 1 would say, its judicious arrangement, the perspicuity and conciseness of its rules, the clear¬ ness and simplicity of its illustrations, and its adaptation to our nation¬ al currency, render it a desirable companion for the beginner in this important branch of education. I trust the industry And ability exhib¬ ited by its youthful authors, will meet with liberal encouragement. ALLEN H. MATHSS, Late Principal of the Jtlule Academy. Madisonville, June 14th, 1?34. THE FEDERAL INSTRUCTOR; oh, YOUTH'S ASSISTANT. The abovh work, in my opinion, has considerable merit. The rules appear to me, to be made plain to the understanding of beginners, and unadvanced learners, in the1 very Useful branch of knowledge on which it treats. Hope is entertained that Messrs. Fowlers', the au¬ thors of it,' will be liberally rewarded for their undertaking, by the patronage of a generous public. HENRY C. SAFFELL, Principal of the Holston Seminary. New-Market, June 26th, 1835. Having carefully examined "Fowlers' Arithmetic," I make no hesitation in saying that I fully concur with the foregoing gentlemen iv in opinion, with respect to the merits of the work, arid cordially unite? with them in recommending its introduction into our schools and acad¬ emies, as well as particularly into the Tyro's Library. JQSIAH P. SMITH, Pkilom: Kingston, Oct., 1836. messrs. foweeks: » ^ I have carefully examined your Arithmetic, and must say, after twenty-five years experience as a teacher, that I hav6 not seen a work of the kind that I would prefer before it, especially fpr young beginners. The shortness, simplicity and plainness of the rules, asyouhave very justly remarked in your preface, must I think greatly accelerate the progress of learners. I trust you will meet with the patronage ofotir fellow-citizens generally. LANDON DUJSLCAN. ' Giles County, Virginia, Mareh 15th, 1836. MsssjiN. Fuwpsas.- ' ftentlemen—I have carefully examined your treatise on Arithmetic, and I think, it superior to any other nqw in U3e to facil¬ itate the progress of the young learner, and is fully adequate for all line common business of our .country. It Well merits a place in our schools and Academies, as "well as in our houses. MICHAEL MORRIS, Pcdche)'"of the Esiillville Academy* Estillvilfe, Ya., 13th July, 18S6. PREFACE. The design of the authors in bringing this work before the public is, to teach the science of Arithmetic in a different and easier manner than lia^been customary. To attain this object, we have simplified the necessary rules, thus leading the student out of the darkness of ignorance by a plain path, into the light of knowledge. The shortness, simplicity and plainness of the rules, will enable the student to advance with greater ease and speed than those hitherto promulged. As calculating in English money is measurably obsolete, the authors have, with but few exceptions, employed, in this work, the legal currency of our country, Dollars and Cents. Two things among us have been but too well fitted to retard the progress of Arithmetical knowledge; calculations in pounds, shillings, pence and farthings, a currency unknown among us, and unstated to the transactions of our common country con¬ cerns; and long, complex rules, difficult to be remembered, and still more difficult to comprehend. But, make your rules short, familiar, and easy to be understood, and the student is encouraged to pursue the shining path of science, thus plainly pointed out to him, with alacrity and delight. Tho' this work may appear short, yet there are in it ISOd questions, or upwards—a sufficiency, we should think, in point of number; selected so as to be useful, and adapted to the cir¬ cumstances of our country. Many persons who have ciphered for months, and some who have gone through tl\e Arithmetick, are at a loSs because they •do not understand, or have not paid attention to, the rules.-— This evil will be the more' easily remedied on oursystenq, as our rules are plain and short, and may, with but little labor, be committed to memory. When our Savior came into the world, he was condemned by the Jews by asking a simple question—can any thing good come out of Nazareth? If any are disposed, in a similar way, to denounce our work, we would beg of them to examine care¬ fully and candidly before they decide, and to remember, that, as the Messiah did come out of Nazareth, so, it is possible for a good Arithmetick to be made in Tennessee. We are, in¬ deed, devotedly attached to this study, and as we think we have made improvements in the mode of teaching it, we have risked ■our all to give publicity to the book, to enable others to judge •of it and to profit by it. EXPLANATION OF CHARACTERS, SIGNS, SIGNIFICATIONS. —Equal, as 100 ets.t=jSl. -f-More, as 4-f-2=6. '—Less, as 6—2=4. X into, with, or multiplied by, as 4X2=8. 4-By, i, e. divided by, as 64-2=3, or 2,16(3 : : ; Proportion, as 2 : 4 : ; 6 : 12. % 2 ^/"Square Root, as 2.^/84=4 3y/CubeRoot, as 3v/04=4. 4v/Poui,th Root, as *V/L6 ST n 2" cL 5° ST O 3 5. JV G P. S° » C tti ™ w CD I • 2 »; *: s ft! . p. 0» „ . 01 •>. • s » : : PJ • * CD • * 2 P.. • P. w • • 01 • . 4 4 2 2 5 3 4 1 6 9 2 5 2 3 4 12 1 4 6 8 2 2 4 13 4 6 7 2 12 10 3 2 8 1 0 3 2 4 6 8 17 5 5 10 2 0 12 8 0 Ans. 12 18 8 10 4 7 1 7 6 9 3 6 5 2 3 ADDITION. 11 (6.) C 7.) (8.) (9.) 12 3 2 4 6 8 8 7 5 6 1 4 2 14 6 4 2 2 6 2 7 3 1 0 4 2 0 2 3 3 2 3 5 3 1 2 10 3 3 2 6 1 9 1 3 3 5 7 2 4 6 4 3 12 3 14 2 7 2 4 5 5 7 3 2 3 3 10 2 6 14 2 2 1 2 7 8 7 6 4 5 1 8 2 5 8 223449 116 17 0 (10. ) (11.) (12.) 2 2 2 5 6 3 12 4 6 2 1 4 10 • 3 0 19 1 2 3 0 0 112 2 4 4 3 0 7 9 6 13 1 2 4 7 9 5 7 7 9 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 6 1 3 5 2 4 0 2 1 2 8 7 2 8 2 1 2 4 8 0 0 9 0 0 00 cn 6 8 4 1 8 7 9 1 2 2 3 9 7 6 13. Add the following numbers, viz: 14,16, 23, 29, 80, 31, and 100, and tell their amount? Ans. 283. 14. What is the amount of 38, 97, 125, 384, 1176. Ans. 1818. 15. Add 640,79, 80,100, 210, 450, 787, 21, and 2. Ans. 2369. 16 John gave Joseph 33 apples; Jpmes gave him 91; Peter gave him 56; Joel gave him 107: and David gave him 95; how many had he? Ans. 382. 17. A'person went to collect money, and received of one man $542; of another 654; of another 550; of ano¬ ther 787,. and of another 3405. I demand the sum col¬ lected. Ans. $5938. 18. John owes to one man $302; to another 540; to another 70; to another 2356, and to another 999. How much does he owe in all? Ans. $4267. 19- John and Charles went to collect nuts; when they had collected a quantity, set down to count them; when one had collected 275 and the other 196, what number did both of them collect? Ans. 471. 20. Desired to purchase a suit of clothes which cost as follows, viz: a coat $25, a pair of pantaloons 10, a 12 MULTIPLICATION. waistcoat 6, a shirt 2, ,and a pair of socks 1. What is the cost of the whole? Ans. $44. 21. A butcher bought of one man 25 head of cattle; of another 15; of another 40, and of another 9. How many did he,buy in all? Ans. 89 head. 22. A man in buying cider received of one man 80 gallons; of another 200; of another 300; of another 400, and of another 500. How many gallons did he buy in all? A«s. 1490. 23. A gentleman went to purchase brandy, and bought of one man 125 gallons; of another 160; of an¬ other 190, and of another 210, How much did he buy in all? • Ans. 685 gallons. 24. A man in buying corn, received of one person 400 bushels; of another 500; pf another 600, and of an¬ other 700. How many bushels did he buy in all? Alls. 22UQ bushels. MIJLTIPI^CATIOM. When the multiplier does noj; exceed 12, work by HULR I. Set the multiplier under the right hand figure or fi¬ gures of the multiplicand: then beginning with the units, multiply all the figures of the multiplicand in suc¬ cession, and set down the several products; but if ei¬ ther of the products be more than 9, set down its right hand figure only, and add its left hand figure or figures to the next product. The whole bf the last product must beset down. Proof. Diyide the answer by the multiplier, and the quotient will equal the given sunt. MULTIPLICATION TABLE, The learner should commit the following table to memory before he proceeds further: MULTIPLICATION. 13 Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times 6 times 7 times 1 make2 1 make 3 1 make4 1 make5 1 make6 1 make7 2 4 2 6 2 8 2 10 2 12 2 14 3 6 3 9 3 12 3 15 3 18 3 21 4 8 4 12 4 16 4 20 4 24 4 28 5 10 5 15 5 20 5 25 5 30 5 35 6 12 6 18 6 24 6 30 6 36 6 42 7 14 7 21 7 28 7 35 7 42 7 49 8 10 8 24 8 32 8 40 8 48 8 56 9 18 9 27 9 36 9 45 9 54 9 63 10 2Q 10 30 10 40 10 50 10 60 10 70 11 22 11 33 11 44 11 55 11 66 11 77 12 24 12 36 12 48 12 60 12 72 12 84 8 times 9 times 10 times 11 times 12 times 1 make 8 1 make 9 ImakelO lmake 11 1 make 12 2 16 2 18 2 20 2 22 2 24 3 24 3 27 3 30 3 33 3 36 4 32 4 36 4 40 4 44 4 48 5 40 5 45 5 50 . 5 55 5 60 6 48 6 54 6 60 6 66 6 72 7 56 7 63 7 70 7 77 7 84 8 64 8 72 8 80 8 88 8 96 9 72 9 81 9 90 9 99 9 108 10 80 10 90 10 100 10 110 10 120 11 88 11 99 U 110 11 121 U 132 12 96 12 108 12 120 12 132 12 144 (1.) 412 multiplicarid. 2 multiplier. (2.) 5498 3 (3.) 12347 824 product. (4.) 12349172 5 61745860 (7.) 64115928 8 512927424 Ans. 16494 (5.) 98754 6 592524 (8.) 21938 9 197442 Ans. 49388 (6.) 12345678910 7 86419752370 [9.] 98765432144 10 987654321440 14 MTJLTIPLICATIOX. (10.) 5324786 11 ,Ans. 58572646 (12.) 1481000763 3 Ans. 4443002289 (14.) 110008191- 4 Ans. . 440032764 (16.) 17853440 5 Ans. 89267200 (18.) 1230721 3 Ans. 3692163 (20.) (11.) 84532911 12 Ans. 1014394932 (13.) 150000000000 2 Ans, 300000000000 (15.) 987554321 2 Ans, 1975108642 (17.) 1888830000 5 Ans. 9444400000 (19,) 9922446688 4 Ans. 39689786752 L500843211 t, r ' 7 Ans. 420080505902477 21. Multiply 21141 by 2 Answer 42282 22 73211 3 219633 23 87692.... ..4 350768 24 ....95698 5 478490 25 91144 6.... * 546864 26 83456 7 584192 27 21110 8 168880 28 34000 9 306000 29 10056 10 100560 30 ....20000 11 220000 31 800510 12 9606120 MULTIPLICATION. 15 When the multiplier exceeds 12, work by rule 2. Multiply by each figure separately. First by the one at the right hand, then by the next, and so on, placing their respective products one under another with the right hand figure of each product, directly under that figure of the multiplier, by which it is pro¬ duced. Add these products together, and their amount will be the answer. examples. (32.) 120 multiplicand! (33.) 1451 14 multiplier. 16 480 8706 120 1451 Ans. 1680 Ans. 23216 (34.) 124680 (35.) 468 142 72 249360 936 498720 3276 124680 33696 17704560 36. Multiply 4875 by 29. Answer 141375 37 11271 35 394485 38 19004 305 ,.5796220 39 76976 489 37641264 40 84769 . 976 .82734544 41 1978987.. .j 4809 9516948483 Note. When there are ciphers at the right of either the multiplicand or multiplier, multiply as in the preceding case, only omitting the ciphers. Then add together the several products, and place to the right'of the amount as many ci¬ phers as are to the right of both factors- 16 MULTIPLICATION. examples. (42.) Multiply 400 by 200 , Answer 80000 200 80000 45 ......... . .8000 400 3200000 44... 3700 200 7400()0 45 4870 2500 12175000 46 876956 990000.......868186440000 Note. "When the multiplier exceeds 12, and is the exact product of any 2 factors in the multiplication table, the ope¬ ration may be performed thus:—Multiply the given sum by one of said factors, and that product by the other factor. examples. (47.) Multiply 2851 by 15 3 times 5 are 15 3 8553 Ans. 42765 48 Mulfmly 476 by 25 Answer 11900 49 7696 81 623376 50 8976 48 430848 51 87698 72 6314256 52 20784 108 2244672 53 81207 ,...132 10719324 54 47696 144 6868224 55 75687 56 4238472 56 34075 36 1226700 practical examples. 57. A man has 25 stables, and in each stable there are live horses, how many has he in all? Ans. 125. 58. A man has four chests and in each chest there are four dollars, how many dollars are there in all? Ans. 16. 59. Josiah has 30 apples and James has six times that number, how many has James? Ans, 180. SUBTRACTION. IT 60. A man has three tracts of land each containing1 52 acres, how many acres has he in all? Ans. 156. 61. A laborer hired himself for six years at $75 per year, how much did he receive for the six years' labor? Ans. $450. i 62. A certain potato field is 90 hills in length, and preadth 100, how many hills are there in the field? Ans. 9000., 63. A certain cornfield is 98 hills in length and 10 in breadth, how many hills are there in the field? Ans. 980. 64. A man having built a house, found he had used 18,175 bricks, how many bricks will be necessary to> build 14 houses Of the same size? Ans. 254450. SUBTRACTION. Subtraction is used to know the difference between a larger and smaller number. rule. Set down the larger number first, and under it with units under units, tens under tens, the smaller. Then begin at the right hand or unit's place, and take the lower figure from the one above it if the upper figure be more than the lower, and set down the remainder. But if the upper figure be less than the lower, add 10 to the upper figure, take the lower figure from the amount, set down the remainder and carry one to the next lower figure. Proof. Add the lower number and the answer to¬ gether, and their amount will equal the upper. examples. (1.) From 964 (2.) 841 Take 333 579 Ans. 631 Ans. 262 3. From 487 Take 96 Ans. 391 4. 875 302 573 5. 967 351 616 6. 1001 487 514 7. 9765 1307 8458 IS SUBTRACTION. 8. From 87696 Take 10091 Ans. 77605 9. 455692 300120 155572 10. 1000000 1 999999 11. 10000 9 9991 12. James has 44 apples, and John 24. How many more has James than John? Ans. 20. 13. Henry has 25 marbles and Charles 8. How ma¬ ny more has Henry than Charles? Ans. 17. 14. William holds Jesse's note for $99. He has now paid $37. How much does he still owe? Ans. $62. 15. A merchant had $1000, but has lent 105. How much has he left? Ans. $895. 16. I owe $560. After I pay $69, how much will I still owe? Ans. $491. 17. A merchant had 180 yards of cloth, but sold 75. How many had he left? Ans. 105 yds. 18. A farmer had 999 acres of land, but has given his son 500. How much has he left? Ans. 499 acres. 19. There are two piles of bricks. In the greater pile there are 7896, ftnd in the less 4389. How many more are there in the greater pile than in the less? Ans. 3507. 20. A merchant bought 4875 bushels of wheat, out of which he sold 2976 bushels. How ipany bushels had he left? Ans. 1899 bushels. 21. I deposited in bank $1240. I have since taken out $1082. How much remains? Ans. $158. 22. A farmer had 5487 acres of land. He sold to A 325, to B750, and to C 1000 acres. How many had he left? Ans. 3412 acres. 23. I had 1200 pounds of pork, and sold to one man 400, to another 350, and to another 125. How much was left? Ans. 325. 24. In a certain milk house there were 44 crocks of milk, but it so happened an unruly cat broke in and de¬ stroyed 19. How many were left? Ans. 25. 25. In a certain barrel are 94 gallons of wine. If 20 be drawn out, how many will be left? Ans. 74. 26. A ship's crew consisted of 75 men, 21 of whom died at sea. How many arrived safe in port? Ans. 54. 27. A tree had 647 apples on it, but 158 of them fell SHORT DIVISION. 19 off. How many were there then remaining on the tree? Ans. 489. 28. I saw 15 ladies; 8 returned back. How many passed on? Ans. 7. 29. A general had an army of 43250 men; 15342 of them deserted. How many remained? Ans. 27908. 30. A man starting a journey of 950 miles. When he may have gone 348 miles, how far has he still to go? Ans. 602 miles. 31. A trader had 655 hogs; 99 of them were stolen; 24 died of sickness; he then sold 400. How many had he left? Ans. 132. SMORT ©IVISIOjV. By Division we ascertain how often one number is contained in another. The number to be divided is called the dividend. The number to divide by is call¬ ed the divisqr. The number of times the dividend con¬ tains the divisor is called the quotient. If on dividing there be a remainder it is called the overplus. RDLE. Place the divisor to the left of the number you wish to divide. Consider how many times the number by which you wish to divide is contained in the first figure or figures of the number to be divided, and set down the result, noting whether there be any remainder. If there be no remainder consider how often the divisor is contained in the next figure or figures; but if there be a remainder conceive it to be placed to the left of the next figure; into which divide as before, and set down the reshlt. Proof. Multiply the quotient by the divisor; add in the remainder, if any. The product will equal the di¬ vidend. EXAMPLES. (1.) Divide 336 by 3 (2.) Divide 448 by 2 3)336 2)448 Ans. 112 Ans. 224 20 LONG DIVISION. (3.) 2)4681278 2340639 (5.) 4)1896431 4741074-3 (4.) 3)65912963 21304321 (6.) 5)863200 172640 (7.) 6)9654630 (8.) 7)1269503450 1609105 1813576354-5 9. Divide 8767 by 5 Answer 17534-2 10. — 9698 6 — 16164-2 11: — 97899 — 7 — 139854-4 12. — 80409 — 8 — 100514-1 13. — 981021 9 — 109002-f3 14. — 897697 _ 10 — 89769-f7 15. — 9876978 — 11 — 8979074-1 16 — 4967844 — 12 — 413987 17. Divide 336 pounds of sugar equally among 3 boys. Ans. 112. 18. Divide 1284 pounds of cotton equally among 4 girls? Ans. 321. 19. Divide 8654 acres of land equally between 2 heirs? Ans. 4327. 20. Bought 6 horses for 318 dollars. How much did each cost? Ans. 53 dollars. . 21. John would divide 120 ears of corn among ten horses. What was the share of each? Ans. 12. 22. Divide 1260 pounds of Coffee among 12 women? Ans. 105. 23. I would divide 8880 apples among 8 boys. What was the share of each? Ans. 1110. LONG DIVISION. Dong Division is used when the divisor exceeds 12. RULE. Place the divisor to the left of the dividend, as in LONG DIVISION. 21 short division. Consider how often the divisor is con¬ tained in the least number of figures into which it can be divided, and set down the result to the right of the dividend. Multiply the figure set at the right of the dividend by the divisor, and set the product under the figure in which you considered how often the divisor was contained. Subtract the product from the line above it, and set down what remains, which must al¬ ways be less than the divisor. Bring down the next figure to the right of the remainder, and proceed as before, till all the figures of the dividend are brought down. When there are ciphers at the right of both factors the operation may be shortened by cutting ofT an equal number of ciphers from each. EXAMPLES. (1.) divisor 24)480 dividend. Ans. 20 48 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. (2.) Divide 456 361 958 12350 1475 4277 25757 256976 997816 4697680424 9924000 74000000 80906000 555555555 3875642 by 25)450 Ans. 18 25 200 200 r 21 Ans. 21 Remainder 15 19 19 18 53 4 15 823 5 28 52 19 31 137 30 37 696 5 41 6267 29 59 16912 8 125 37581443 49 64000 183 42 3700 20000 180 449477 14 55555 10000 5555 7898 . 490 5622 LONG DIVISION. 18. divide 98765432 by 1234 Ans. 80036 Remainder 1008 19. 12486240 87654 142 39372 20. 57289761 7569 7569 21. 99607765 27000 3689 4765 22. 15463420 1600 9664 1020 PRACTICAL EXAMPLES. 23. If 1860 pounds of beef be divided equally among 60 men, what will be the share of each? Ans. 31 pounds. 24. 4556 pounds of salt are to be equally divided among ato army of 44 men. What will be the share ot" each man? Ans. 103-}-24. 25. 4006 pounds of malt are to be divided equally among an army of 84 men. What will be the share of each man? Ans 47-}- 26. 1600 bushels of corn are to be divided equally among 40 men, how much is that a piece? Ans. 40 27. A regiment consisting of 500 men are allowed 1000 pounds of pork per day. How much is each man's part? Ans. 2 lb. 28. If a field of 32 acres produce 1920 bushels of corn, how much is that per acre? Ans. 60 bushels. 29. A prize of $25526 is to be equally divided among 100 men. What will be each man's part? Ans. $255-f- 30. How many horses, at $30 per head, may be bought for $38040? Atis. 1268 31. If a field containing 25 acres produces 375 bushels of wheat, how much does one acre produce? Ans-15 bushels. 32: 96 persons are to have 480 pounds of beef di¬ vided equally among them. What is the share of each? Ans. 5 pounds. 33. 144 men are to pay equal shares of a debt which amounts to $14400. How much must each man ad¬ vance to make up the sum? Ans. $100. 34. If $2400 be equally divided among 16 persons, what will be the share of each? Ans. $150. LONG DIVISION. 23 85. A man gave 35 reapers $385, each to have an equal part. How much did each man receive? Ans. $11. 36. A man travelled 560 miles in 40 days. How far was that in one day? Ans. 14 miles. 37. A boy hired 60 days, for which he was to receive $120. How much was one day's labor worth? Ans. $2. 38. When I have labored 60 days for the sum of $180, how much is one day's labor worth at that rate? Ans. $3. to try the student in order that he mat understand the fokegoing rules, viz: additiom, mul¬ tiplication. subtraction and division. 39. John had 40 apples. He gave his brother 10; kept 10; and divided the rest equally between his two sisters. How many had each sister? Ans. 10. 40. John owes James $50. Peter owes him $80. David owes him $105. Samuel $91. Eli $7. And Jo¬ seph $40. After James collects the above debts and pays $99, which he owes, how much will he have? Ans. $274. 41. A Farmer has three tracts of land, each con¬ taining 20 acres; buys an adjoining one of 90 acres. If he sell 40 acres, and divide the rest equally between his two sons, what will be the share of each? Ans. 55. 42. A person has 50 sheep; buys from his neighbor 50 more; he then sells 25 to the butcher. How many has he left? Ans. 75. 43. A gentleman dying left $2500, to be divided as foil jws: To his son 1500 dollars, and the rest equally between his two daughters. How much did each daughter receive? Ans. 500 dollars. 44. A person went to collect money, and received of one man 800 dollars; of another 50; of another 18; of another 440; and of another 25. After which, by gambling, he lost 103 dollars. How much had he left? Ans. 1230 dollars. 24 TABLES OP WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 45. Suppose a certain field be 140 hills in length, and 124 in breadth. Admit there be two stalks in every ■hill, and on each stalk an ear of corn, how many bush¬ els are there in the field, suppose 100 years to make a bushel? Ans. 347 bushels-t- 46. Bought 25 yards of fine cloth for 250 dollars. How much was it per yard? Ans. 10 dollars. 47. Bought 16 loads of hay at 4 dollars per load. What did it amount to? . Ans. 64 dollars. 48. How many yards of cloth, at 6 dollars per yard, can I have for 90 dollars? Ans. 15 yards. 49. How many pair of gloves, at 1 dollar per pair, -can I have for 4 dollars? Ans. 4. TABLES OF MONEY, WEIGHTS & MEASURES. FEDERAL MONEY. The denominations are, 10 Mills (marked m.) make 1 Cent, ct. 10 Cents - 1 Dime, d. 10 Dimes (or 100 cts.) - - 1 Dollar, D. or $ 10 Dollars 1 Eagle, E. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. The denominations are, 16 Drams (marked dr.) make 1 Ounce, oz. 16 Ounces 1 Pound, lb. 128 Pounds 1 Quarter, qr. 4 Quarters (or 112 lbs.) 1 Hundred weight, cwt. ■20 Hundred weight - 1 Ton. T. TROY WEIGHT. The denominations are, 24 Grains make 1 Pennyweight, dwt. 20 Pennyweights 1 Ounce, oz. 12 Ounces 1 Pound, lb. TABLES OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 25 APOTHECARIES WEIGHT. The denominations are, 20 Grains (g.*) make 1 Scruple, 3 Scruples 1 Dram, S Drams r - * 1 Ounce, 12 Ounces 1 Pound, i>. o. e. Note.— By Avoirdupois Weight are weighed all things of a •coarse, drossy nature; and all metals, but gold or silver, by Troy Weight. Jewels, gold, silver and liquors, are weighed by Apothecaries Weight. Apothecaries mix their medicine; but buy and sell by Avoirdupois Weight. LONG MEASURE. The denominations are, 12 Inches (in.) make 1 Foot, ti. 3 Feet - 1 Yard, yd. Yards (or 16£ feet) 1 Rod, pole or perch, If. 40 Poles (or 220 yds.) 1 Furlong, fur. 8 Furlongs (or 1760 yds.) 1 Mile, M. 3 3Iiles 1 League, L. 60 Geographic, or ? ., , n d 69J Statute $ s 1 "eSree> ae"- 360 Degrees the circumference of the Earth. LAND OR SQUARE MEASURE. The denominations are, 144 Square inches (in.) make 1 Square loot, fi. 9 Square feet 1 Square yard, yd. 30£ Square Yards - 1 Rod, pole or perch, P. 40 Square Perches - 1 Rood, R. 4 Roods 1 Acre, A. 640 Acres 1 Square Mile, M. •For want of the proper marks in Apothecaries weight, a small capital g. is used for grains—s. for scruple—». for dram—o. for ounce—p. for pound. C 26 TABLES OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. CLOTH MEASURE. The denominations are, 2i Inches (in.) make 1 Nail, na. 4 Naiis - - - 1 Quarter of a yard, qr. 4 Quarters - 1 Yard, yd. 3 Quarters - 1 EU Flemish, E. Fl. 5 Quarters - 1 Ell English, E. E, 6 Quarters - - 1 EU Freneh, E. F. LIQUID MEASURE. The denominations are, 4 Gills (gi.) make 1 Pint, pt. 3 Pints - 1 Quart, qt. 4 Quarts - - - > 1 Gallon, g^il. 3Q Gallons - 1 Barrel, bar. 63 Gallons • 1 Hogshead. hhd. 2 Hogsheads - 1 Pipe or butt, P. or B. 2 Pipes(252gal.or4hhds)l Ton, T. DRY MEASURE. The denomination^ are, 2 Pints (pt.) make 1 Quart, qt. 8 Quarts - - - 1 Peck, pe. 4 Pecks - - - 1 Bushel, bu. .Vote.—Long Measure is used for measuring lengths, dis'- tances, &c. Land or Square Measure is used for measuring lands, &c. Cloth Measure is used for measuring eloth, tape, &c. Liquid Measure is used for measuring vinegar, rum, bran¬ dy, wine, cider, perry, oil, 8tc. And Dry Measure is used for measuring grain, fruit, salt, &c. TIME. The denominations are, til) Seconds (sec.) make 1 Minute, min. 60 Minutes - - 1 Hour, hr 24 Hours - 1 Hay, da 7 Days - 1 Week, w. 52 Weeks, 1 day & 6 hours, or } 365 Days and 6 hours, ' \ 1 1 ear' ^ 12 Calender months - 1 Year, y. 13 Lunar months - 1 Year, y COMPOUND ADDITION. 27 The following is a statement of the number of days in each of the twelve calender months: Thirty days hath September, April, June and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Except the second month alone, Which has but twenty-eight in fine, Till leap year gives it twenty-nine. COMPOUND ADDITION Compound Addition consists of several denomina¬ tions. rule. Set the nuttibers of like denomination under each other, leaving a space between. Then begin at the right hand column, and add, as in Simple Addition. Divide the amount by as many as will make one of the next greater. If there be any remainder set it down under the column added. If no remainder, set down a cipher. Carry the quotient produced by dividing, to the next higher denomination, and so proceed. Proof.—As in Simple Addition. Note.—In adding Fractions, count \ one, £ two, | three, because four fourths make a whole one. Or if thirds count 3 one, § two; because three thirds make a whole one. examples. (1.) D. cts. (2.) D. cts, (3.) D. cts. 10 30 110 50 5 14 12 25 2 62 9 20 1 75 112 18 Ans. 17 15 Ans. 19 81 Ans.244 13 28 COMPOUND ADDITION. (4.J D. cts. (5.) D. cts. (6.) D. cts. 125 50 120 18| 910 31$ 812 30 56 25 16 18 560 12 130 12$ 122 12$ 12 10 25 25 90 09 6 00 72 56$ 999 99 330 01 1 09 125 06$ Ans. 1846 03 Ans. 405 46$ Ans, 2263 76 (7.) D. cts. (8.) D. cts. (9.) D. cts. 500 00 24 m 40 00 200 00 19 &7$ 6 00 150 00 22 50 2 00 140 00 17 55 2 00 130 00 10 37$ 2 00 120 62$ 1 06$ 3 75 2 12$ 1 124- Ans. 1240 62$ -T- 1 37$ Ans. 97 671 Ans. 58 25 10. Laid out in market for cloth 12 dollars 50 cents; for tobacco 20 dollars 75 cents; for salt 13 dollars 50 cents, for calico 40 dollars, for cinnamon 18 dollars 29$ cents; and for sugar 90 dollars 22 cents, Ijow much did the whole amount to? Ans. 195 dollars 26$ cents. 11. I have bought 4 yards of lace for 5 dollars; a veil for 13 dollars 50 cents; 9 yards of silk for 8 dollars S7$ cents, 12 yds. of i;ibbon for 1 dollar 18$ cents; 19 yds. of linen for 14 dollars 50 cents; 2 pair of gloves for 87$ cents; 3 pieces of domestic for 5 dollars 37$ cents; 9 yds. of lace for 7 dollars 87$ cents, and 6 yds. of cam- brick for 20 dollars. What did the whole amount to? Ans. 82 dollars 18$ cents. 12. Bought of Buckner Willingham, cloth for a coat, for 25 dollars; a pair of pantaloons for 12 dollars 51) cents: a vest for 6 dollars 12$ cents; a hat for 8 dol¬ lars 50 cents; a shirt for 2 dollars; a cravat for 1 dollar; COMPOUNi) ADDITION 29 a pair of socks for 1 dollar 50 cents; a pair of boots for 7 dollars 56$ cents; a pair of slips for 1 dollar 25 cents; a pair of suspenders for 75 cents; a pair of gloves for 1 dollar; a handkerchief for 1 dollar; and a great coat for 35 dollars. What did the whole suit cost? Ans. 103 dollars 18£ cents. 13. A gentleman in building a fine house, finds his plank costs 950 dollars; his workmen will have 1000 dollars; the stone will cost 260 dollars; the window glass 40 dollars, boarding his hands 600 dollars. What is t^cost of the whole? /, l~. Ans. 2950 dollars. 14. My agent has bought in market a turkey for 1 dollar 87$ cents; a, pair of shoes fori dollar 68$ cents; a ham of pork for 43$ cents; a quarter of venison for 1 dollar 37$ cents; a piece of beef for 93$ cents; a hog for 56$ cents; a quart of strawberries for 37$ cents; some lard for 31$ cents; and a peck of potatoes for 12$ cents. What did the whole amount to? Ans. 7 dollars 6SJ cents. 15. A man desirous to set up a store, laid out monies as follows, viz: for cloth 650 dollars 91 cents; for iron 220 dollars; for calicoes &c. 1200 dollars 5 cents; sugar 90 dollars 40$ cents; coffee 559 dollars 99$ cents; nails 80 dollars; books 1000 dollars; ink-stands 40 dollars; slates 60 dollars; leather 100 dollars; tobacco 96 dol¬ lars; blankets 205 dollars 1 cqnt; cinnamon 13 dollars 51 cents; oil 29 dollars 19 cents; steel 30 dollars 33$ cents; molasses 16 dollars; hats 10p dollars 4$ cents; castings 400 dollars 55 cents; thread 75 dollars 71$ cents: and for rum 227 dollars 37$ cents. What is the cost of the whole? Ans. 5204 dollars 8$ cents. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. (16.; T. cwt. qr. lb. 117.) T. cwt. qr. lb. oz. 2 14 1 5 3 2 1 5 6 4 U 3 7 4 12 3 7 8 5 6 2 19 5 6 2 0 2 1 3 1 6 4 19 0 27 15 Ans. 13 16 0 9 Ahs. 18 0 3 12 15 30 COMPOUND ADDITION* 18. Add 12t. 16cwt. lqr. 191b. 15oz. 114t. lOcwt 2qr. 271b. 4oz. I3dr. 72t. 4cwt. 2qr. 241h. 14oz. 3di\ 176t. 15cwt. 3qr. 41b. 15oz. lldr. Ans. 376t. 7cwt. 2qr.211b. loz lldr. 19. Add 139t. 19cwt. 3qr. 181b. 13oz. iOdr. 17541. lOcwt. 2qr. 111b. 2oz. 14dr. 27t. 3owt. 141b. lloz. 13cwt. 13oz. Ans. 1922t. 6cwt. 2qr. 171b. 8oz. 8dr. 20. Add 20t. 2cwt. 2qr. 12t. 15t. 2qr. and 2t. Ans. 49t. 3cwt. TROY WEIGHT. lb. oz. dwt. lb. oz. dwt. gp. (21.) 4 5 6 (22.) 185 2 19 20 8 9 13 56 9 15 6 1 4 7 1472 11 2 17 5 8 11 3S5 0 8 5 1 3 2 10 8 7 12 21 6 19 2110 8 13 12 23. Add 71b. 9oz. lldwt. 22gT. 161b. 4oz. lSdwt. 6gr- 1631b. 7oz. 12dwt. 18gr. 171b. 13dwt- Ans. 2041b. lOoz. 15dwt. 22gr. 24. Add 101b. 5oz. 2dwt. lOgr. 51b. lOoz. lOdwt. 2gr. 221b- 9oz. 15dwt. lgr. Soz lOgr. 31b. 4oz. 2dvvt. lgr Ans. 431b. loz. lOdwt. 25. Add 121b. lOoz. 2dwt. 3gr. 41b. Soz. 8dwt. 19gr. 131b. 7oz. lldwt. Ans. 301b. lloz. ldwt. 22gr. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. (26.) p. o. d. s. (27.) p. o. d. s. (28.) p. o. d. s. g. 6321 3213 10 9426 12 817 6432 19 164 4 112 635 10 024 75232 40 4 1 0 108 6 1 0 126 8 1 1 3 2621 19 432 1122 2 3 8 1 174 4 5 2 147 5 5 2 1286 3 6 0 16 29. Add 16p. lo. In. 2s. 12e. 175p. IOo. 5d. 10g. 320p. 3o. Id. 2s. 15g. llo. 2n. 3s. Ans. 513p. 2o. 3d. 2s. 17g COMPOUND ADDITION. HI 30. Add l9t. llo. 7d. Is. 19g. 126p. 7o. 5d. 2s. 15g. 1)6p. Id. 3g. Ans. 241p. 7o. 6d. Is. 17c. LONG MEASURE. (31.) L. M. fur. P. (32.) yd. ft. in 2 4 7 10 o 1 4 4 6 5 1 5 2 7 1 O 2 20 6 0 11 75 9 8 25 9 3 5 156 0 1 16 1 1 1 Ans. 246 1 0 32 26 0 4 33. Add 500E. 1M. 2fur. 20P. ly^I. 2ft. 4in. J4P. lyd. 3in. 1J>1. 2fur. 29P. lOin. 4fur. 2fur. lOin. lyd. 2ft. 3in. Ans. 501L. OM. 3fur. 23P. 5yd. Oft. tfin. 34 Add 462L. 1M. 7fur. 29P. lyd. 1ft. lOin. IIP. 1ft. lOii 4E. lAI. 2fut\ 2SP. lyd. 2ft. 9in. 13P. Ans. 467L.3fur. IP, 4yd. 5in. CLOTH MEASURE. (35.) yd. qr. na. (36.) yd. qr. na. (37.) E.E. qr. na. 2 3 4 111 19 3 2 513 222 42 3 76 21 333 27 31 21 1 2 5 4 2 14 1 4 106 1 2 14 0 0 66 1 2 38. Add 19yd. 2qr. 3na, 14yd. 2qr. 32yd. 2na. 3qr. lna. 142yd. 3qr. 2na. Ans. 210vds. 39. Add 20E.F. 2qr. 3na. 401E.F. 3qr. 2na. 120E F. 5qr. lna. 782E.F. Ans. 1330E.F. 5qr. 2na, 40. Add 2E.F1. lqr. 3na. 1E.F1. lqr. lna.3qr. Ans. 5E.F1. LAND OR SQUARE MEASURE. (41.) A. R. P. (42.) A. R. P. (43.) A. R. 21 0 27 39 2 37 ' 51 0 19 2 12 62 1 17 17 3 80 3 13 68 0 38 13 3 110 1 29 129 3 12 21 1 224 2 10 532 1 18 1 1 Ans. 456 2 11 S32 2 2 32 COMPOUND ADDITION,. 44. Add 620A. 2R. 20P. 908A. 1R. 39P. 173A. 3R. 27P. 1000A. 1R. 17P. Ans. 2703A. 1R. 23F. 45. Add 999A. 3R. 33P, l$2lA. 14P. 25A. 3R. 19P. 150A. 2R. IIP. and 2000A. Ans. 4997A. 1R. 37P. LIQUID MEASURE. (46.) T. hhd. gal. (47.) hhd. gal. qt. pt. gi- 4 1 3 2 19 0 0 1 45 3 49 0 0 1 1 • 0 75 1 2 3 17 2 0 2 91 2 58 0 & 0 1 0 87 3 5 Q, 0 0 0 1 304 3 54 5 58 0 1 0 43. Add 24bar. lgal. lqt. lpt. lgi-13gal. 2qt. Opt 3gi. Ibar. 2gal. 3qt. 2pt. Ogi. lgal. 2qt. lpt. Ogi. 6bar. Ans. 31bar. 19gal. 2qt. lpt. Ogi, 49. Add 3S5hhd. 42gal. 3qt. lpt. 27hhd. 36gal. 2qt. J32hhd. 17gal. 163hhd> 47gal. 2qtlpt.2gi. Ans. 709hhd. 18gal, Oqt. Opt. 2gi! DRV MEASURE, (50.) bu. pe. qt. (51.) bu. pe. tyt. pt. (52.) bu. pe. qt. pt. 37 2 1 50 2 7 1 85 1 5 1 1,52 3 2 65 3 £ 2 96 3 4 0 423 1 0 185 1 2 0 191 2 3 1 162 r> 1 173, 2 11 ,201 1 7 0 357 0 2 90 3 4 0 909 3 5 1 1163 1 6 566 1 ' 5 0 1485 111 53. Add 144bu. 3pe. 2qt.lpt Ipe. 2qt. 3qt. lpt.462bu. 3pe. lpt. 72bu. 5qt. lpt. Ans. 680bu. Ope. 6qt. Opt. 54. Add 6(>bu. Ipe. lqt. lpt. 41bu. 3pe. 4qt. Opt. 500 bu. 2pe. 7qt. lpt. 183bu. Ope, 5qt. Opt. Ans. 7S6hu. Ope. 2qt. Opt, COMPOUND ADDITION. 33 TIME. (55.) Y. M. (56.) w. da. br. min. (57.) da. hp. min. sec. 80 5 S 2 9 20 4 23 45 30 12 3 1 5 10 30 1 12 14 16 15 7 2 1 9 25 3 19 17 22 20 8 3 3 15 57 2 00 00 10 Ans. 128 11 10 5 21 12 12 7 17 18 58. Add 25y. 7m. 12y. 3m. 96y. 10m. 26y. 9m. lly. 7m. and9y. Ans. 182y. Om. APPLICATION. 59. Bought potatoes to the amount of $37 50 cts; corn to the amount of $19 21$ cts; wheat to the amount of $81 37$ els. What is the cost of the whole? Ans. 138 08$ cents. 60. Bought pepper to the amount of $358 75 cents; oil to the amount of $105 06$ cents; molasses to the amount of $4 48$ cts. What did the whole amount to? Ans. $468 25 cts. 61. Bought 6 pieces of linen; the first contains 57yds. 2qr.; the second 29yds. 3qr, 2na.; the third 45yds. lqr; the fourth 32yds. 3qr. lna. and the other two each 38yds. 2qr. What number of yards are therein the whole? Ans. 242yds. lqr. 3na. 62. There are 4 bags of corn; the first contains 2bu. 2pe., the second 3bu. 3pe. 5qt. the third 3bu. lpe. lqt., the fourth 2bu. and 4qt. How much is in the four bags? Ans. llbu.Spe. 2qt. 63. A man has three farms; the first contains 142a. 2r., the second 32a. 3r, 12p.; the third 108a. 3r. 18p. How many acres are there in all? Ans. 284a. Or. 30p. 64. There are 3 pieces of tape; 'the first measures 15yds. 3qr., the second 18yds. lqr. 2na., the third 25yds. 3qr. 2na. How many yards are there in the three pieces? Ans, 60yds. 65. If a man on a journey, travel the first day 43m. Sfur., the second 29m. 34p., the third 57m. 2fur. 32p., and the fourth 12m. 3fur. I8p., how many miles did he travel in the four ddys? Ans. 142m. 2fur. 4p. 34 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. 66. Suppose a man to have, in one barrel 40bu.3pe. lqt. of wheat; in another 50bu. 6qt. lpt.; in another 4Lbu. 2pe., in another 64bu. 5qt. in another 6bn. Ipe.; in another 19bu. Ipe. 2qt. lpt.; and in another 65bu. 6qt. 2pt. how many bushels are there in the whole? Ans.287bu. Ipe. 6qt. Opt. 67. Suppose a man has in one trunk 4871b. IOoZ. 18dwt. 22gr; in another 5001b. 8oz. lldwt. 10gr., in another 2341b. lloz. lOdwt. 16gr.; how much has he in all? Ans. 12231b. 7oz. ldwt. Ogr. 68. A physician received from Baltimore three boxes of medicine, which cost him as follows, viz: the first box $21 32J cts., the second $19 37i cts., the third $40 17| cts. What did the whole cost. Ans. $80 87$ cts. COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. When the , multiplier does not exceed 12, work by Pule 1. Set down the number to be multiplied, and place the multiplier under its right hand denomination; and in multiplying observe the same rules for carrying from one denomination to another, as in Compound Ad¬ dition. Note.—If there be £ in the sum, divide the multiplier by 4; a J by 2; | by 2 and4j a £ by 3; or if there be a fraction in the multiplier, divide the sum in like manner, and add tbeir amount to the sum produced by the whole number. examples. FEDERAL MONEY. (1.) $ cts. (2.) $ cts. (3.) $ cts. 2 SO 12 56i 22 12J 2 4 6 Ans. 5 00 Ans. 50 25 Ans. 132 75 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. 35 (4.) $ cts. (5.) $ cts, (6.) $ cts. 26 18$ 58 78$ 125 06£ 3 5 7 Ans. 78 56$ Ans. 293 93f Ans. 875 43f $ cts. 7. multiply 58 06} 8. 25 37} 9. 565 62} 10. 112 lof 11. 222 22| $ cts. by 4 Answer 232 26 8 203 00 12 6787 50 10 1121 05 11 2444 47£ avoirdupois weight. (12.) T. cwt. qr. Ib. (13.) T. cwt. qr. lb. oz. dr. (14.) qr. lb. oz. dr. 861 16 6 14 2752 3 14 64 3 4 8 Ans. 24 19 0 20 26 18 1 1 4 8 28 3 4 0 15. Bought eight bags of sugar,' each weighing 2cwt. lqr. 41b. What is the weight of the whole? Ans. 18cwt; lqr. 4lb.„ 16. Multiply 4cwt. 3qr. 17lb. by 11. Ans. 53cWt. 3qr. 191b. troy Weight. (17.) lb. oz. dwt. (18.) lb. (19.) lb. oz. 56 4 14 47 2 0 8 112 8 2 20 2 3 5 112 9 8 141 6 1 0 563 4 14 4 20. Multiply 961b. 9oz. lldwt. lOgr. by 8. Ans. 7741b. 4oz. lldwt. 8gr. APOTHECARIES WEIGHT. (21.) p. o. b. s. (22.) o. Bj s. G. (23.) p. 0. n. s. g. 4821 47 212 12 12 3420 5 7 12 Ans. 23 5 3 2 33Q 3 5 0 4 147 7 0 0 0 36 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. 24. Multiply 67p. 60. 3d. 2s. by 7. Ans. 472p. 9o. 1b. 2s. 25. There are 9 parcels, each weighing 109p. 7o. 6d. 2s. 2g. what is their weight? Ans. 986p. 10o.4u.0s. 18g. LONG MEASURE. (26.) . M. Fur. P. (27.) L. M. Fur. P. 1 3 36- 3 2 1 28 12 7 17 6 32 26 0 3 36 28. Multiply 14M. 5Fur. 39P. by 11. Ans. 162M. lFur. 29P. 29. Multiply 1L. 2M. 3Fur. IP. 1yd. 1ft. 2in. by 2. Ans. 3L. 1M. 6Fur. 2P. 2yd. 2ft. 4in. CLOTH MEASURE. (30.) yd. qr. na. (31.) E.E. qr. na. (32.)E.F. qr. na. 12 3 2 22 2 3 16 2 1 4 6 8 Ans. 51 2 0 *135 1 2 131 0 0 33. IF 20yd. 2qr. Sna. be multiplied by 7, what number of yards will there be? Ans. 144yd. 3qr. Ina. LAND OR SQUARE MEASURE. (34.) A. R. P. (35.) A. R. P. (36.) A. R. P. 38 3 13 47 2 10 20 3 30 2 5 9- 77 2 26 237 3 10 188 1 30 37. Multiply 40A. 1R. 19p, by 12. Ans. 484A. 1R. 28P. 38. How many acres will 7 teams plough in one day, allow¬ ing them 1A. 3R. 39P.'each? Ans. 13A. 3R. 33P. LIQUID MEASURE. (39.) hhd. gal. qt. (40.) T. hbd. gal. qt. pt. (41.) hhd. gal. qt. pt. 2 13 3 2 1 12 2 1 6 43 2 1 4 8 7 8 55 0 18 1 38 0 Ot 46 53 1 I COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. 37 42. Multiply 2T. lp. 40gal. 3qt. lpt. by 6. Ans. I5T. lp. lhhd. 56gal. Iqt. 43. Multiply 4T. lhhd. lOgal. lpt. by 10. Ans. 42T. Shhd. 38gal. Iqt. DRY MEASURE. (44.) bu. pe. qt. pt. (45.) bu. pe. qt. pt. 180 5 2 1 12 2 7 1 8 3 1450 2 4 0 38 0 6 1 46. Multiply 120bu. 3pe. Oqt. 2pti by 4. Ans.483bu. Ope. 4qt. Opt. 47. Multiply 189bu. 3pe. 7qt. by 7. Ans. 1329bu. 3pe. Iqt. 48. Multiply 98bu. Ope. 5qt. lpt. by 9. Ans. 883bu. 2pe. Iqt. lpt. TIME. (49.) Y. M. (50.) Y. M. (51.) Y. W. D. 3 11 8 4 12 19 5 11 9 50 0 24 39 3 52. Multiply 49Y. 9M. by 7. Ans. 348Y. 3M. 53. Multiply 19Y. 29Da. by 9. Ans. 171Y. 261Da. When the multiplier is more than twelve, and is the exact product of two factors in the multiplication ta¬ ble, work by rule 2. Multiply the given sum by one of the factors; then multiply that product by the other factor. EXAMFI.ES. $ cts. m. $ cts. (54.) Multiply 66 37 5 by 36 (55.) 5 09 by 16 6 2 398 25 0 10 18 6 8 Ans. 2389 50 0 81 44 38 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. $ cts. m. $ cts. m. 57. 66 37* by 36 Ana. 2389 50 0 58. 44 25 3 56 2478 16 8 59. 12 1S| 96 1170 00 0 60. 22 12 5 42 929 25 0 61. 26 18 7 48 1256 97 6 62. 75 24 9 81 6095 16 9 63. 20 08* 108 2169 00 0 64. 10 12* 144 1458 00 0 A. R. P. A. R. P. 65. 47 3 20 by 54 2585 1 66. 25 2 8 30 766 2 00 M. F. P. M. F. p. 67. 48 7 25 by 88 4307 7 0 p. 0. n. p. 0. s. 68. 56 9 6 by 00 4772 3 0 When the multiplier is not the exact product of any two factors in the multiplication table, work by rule 3. Use the two factors whose product comes nearest the multiplier; then multiply the given sum by the number which supplies the deficiency, and add its product to the sum produced by the two factors. EXAMPLES. $ cts. m. 69. Multiply 2 25 4><2*. by 52 10 22 54 0 5 112 70 0 4 50 & 117 20 8 *Ten times 5 make 50, and 2 supplies the deficiency COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. 39 $ cts. m. $ cts. 4 75 8 by 29 Ans. 137 98 7 8 7i 47 370 12} 28 68} 68 1950 75 49 75 87 4328 25 94 18# 31 2919 81} 42 31} 58 2454 12} 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 7cwt. 3qr. 221b. by 51 Ans. 405cwt. lqr. 21b. 77. 121b. 5oz. 8dwt. 39 4851b. 6oz. 12dwt. 78. 4m. 6far. 21p. 87 418m. 7fur. 27p, 79. 50a. 2r. 5p. 34 1718a. Or. lOp. 80. 60bu. 2pe. 5qt. 43 2608biw Ope. 7qt. 81. 2hhd. 41gal. 2qt. lpt. 17 45bhd.14gal.2qt.lpt'. When the multiplier is greater than the product of any two factors in the multiplication table work by rule 4. Multiply continually by as many tens, less one, as there are figures in the multiplier. Then multiply the product of the last ten by the Jefl hand figure of the multiplier. If greaterthan I, again multiply the given sum by the units figure of the multiplier;, the product of the first ten by "the tens figure? the product of the second ten if any, by the hundreds figure, &c. Then add the products of these several figures together for the answer. $ cts. $ cts. m. (82.) Multiply 2 02A)<2 by 222 (83.) I 11 2X1 by 511 10 10 20 25X2 11 12 0X1 10 10 202 50 111 20 0 2 left hand figure. 5 405 00 556 00 0 4 05 1 11 2 40 50 11 12 0 449 55 568 23 2 40 COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. $ cts. $ cts. 84. Multiply 5 18# by 325 Answer—1685 93# 85. 1 56# 456 713 64 86. 2 8 7i 576 1656 00 87. 4 31# 679 2928 18# 88. 18 93# 457 8654 43# 89. 25 43# 879 22359 56# yd. ft. in. . yd. ft. in. 90. 5 1 2 504 2716 0 0 M. Fur. P. M. Fur. P. 91. 25 3 18 1265 32170 4 10 ^d< qr. na. yd; qr. r na. 92. 22 2 1 3204 72290 1 0 APPLICATION. 93. Sold 125 bushels of wheat at 22cts. per bushel. What did it amount to? Ans. §27 50 cents. 94. Sold 60 bushels of apples at 15 cents per bushel. What did they amount to? Ans. $9. 95. If I buy 13 yards of cloth at 10 cents per yard, what must I pay? Ans. §130 cents. 96. When one cord of wood cost $2 10 cents, what will be the price of nine cords at the same rate? Ans. $18 90 cents. 97. Sold 5owt. of tobacco at $12 50 cts. per cwt. what did the whole amount to? Ans. $62 50 cts. EXAMPLES. $ CtS. $ CtS. (98.) Multiply 10 62#by 4 (99.) Multiply 5 12* by 8 4 8 42 48 40 96 2 2 Ans. 42 50 40 98 COMPOUND SUBTRACTION 4i 100. Bought 24 bushels of wheat at SI 12$ cents per bushel. What did the whole amount to? Ans. 827. 101. Bought 44bu. of corn at 37$ cents per bushel. What did the whole cost? Ans. $16 50 cents. 102. A merchant bought two pieces of linen, the one contained 38 yards and the other 26 yards* What did the two pieces cost at $3 87$ cents per yard? Ans. £248. 103. What cost a box of sugar weighing 100 lbs., at 15$ cents per pound? Ans. $16 16$ cts. 104. What will 13$ gallons of molasses come to at 40 cents per gallon? Ans. 85 40. 105. How much will 25 bushels of oats come to at 15 cents per bushel? Ans. 83 75 cents. COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. RULE. Place the numbers under each other which ure of the same denomination: the less always being under the greater. Begin at the right hand figure, and if it be larger than the one above it, consider the upper one as having as many added to it as make one of the next greater denomination. Subtract the lower from the upper figure thus increased, and set down the remain der, observing to Ifarry one to be added to the next higher denomination, and so proceed. Proof as in Simple Subtraction. EXAMPLES. FEDERAL MONEY. 8 cts. tn. $ cts. m. $ cts. m. (1.) 5 54 7 (2.) 1 50 2 (3.) 19 84 4 2 10 5 28 4 10 18 9 ■mm* Ans. 3 44 2 1 21 8 9 65 5 D 42 COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. $ cts. $ cts. $ pts. (4.) 64 87$ (5.) 10 37$ (6.) 100 00 25 12$ 5 06$ 55 62$ 39 75 5 31$ 44 37$ •SB Cts. SB cts. SB cts. (7.) 45 64$ (8.) 30 30 (9.) 150 93$ 5 99$ 1 12$ 90 10 39 65$ 2y 17$ 60 83$ 10. I owed $559 22$ cents, but have paid $148 50 cts. How much remains unpaid? Ans. $410 72$ cents. 11. Lent a man $400; he now returns $211 12$ cents. How much does he still owe? Ans. $188 87$ cents. 12. A merchant had in his desk $500 87$ cents, but drew out $120 93 cts. to pay a debt. How much had he left in the desk? Ans. 379 dollars 94$ cents. 13. I had 303 dollars 6$ cents, but lent 9 dollars 91$ cts. How much had I left? Ans. 293 dollars 15 cts. 14. From $1000 take 1 mill, Ans. $999 99cts. 9m. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT, cwt. qr. lb. T. , cwt. qr. lb. (15.) 6 3 25 (16.) 28 3 1 27 4 2 12 13 1 0 19 Ans. 2 1 13 15 2 1 08 17. From 14t. lOcwt, 2qr. 161b. take 111b. Ans. 14t. 10cwt. 2qr. 51b. 18. Bought 400cwt. of sugar, but have since sold 2cwt. 3qr. 141b. What quantity remains? Ans. 397cwt. Oqr, 141b. TROY WEIGHT, lb. oz. dwt. gr. lb. oz. dwt. gr. (19.) 24 6 19 13 (20.) 13 9 5 22 19 5 18 23 8 11 16 10 Ans. 0 1 0 14 4 9 9 12 COMPOUND SUBTKACTION. 43 21. Prom 271b. 9oz. 16dwt. take 19dwt. Ans. 271b. 8oz. 17dwt. 22. Subtract lib. Ooz, 17dwt. 15gr. from 151b. 9oz. 18dwt. 8gr. Ans. 141b. 9oz. Odwt. 17gr. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. p. 0. ». p. 0. i). s. p. • 0. n. s. (23.) 186 7 5 (24.) 96 4 0 2 (25.) 100 9 8 2 67 8 4 75 4 2 1 99 8 3 2 Ans. 118 11 1 20 11 6 1 1 1 6 0 CLOTH MEASURE, yds. qr. na. yds. qr. na. yds. qr. na. (26.) 160 3 3 (27.) 969 2* 1 (28.) 14 0 3 37 1 2 786 1 2 9 3 2 Ans. 123 ^ 1 183 0 3 4 1 1 29. Bought 27 yards of domestic, but have since sold 9 yds, 3qr. How much remains? Ans. 17yds. lqr. EE. qr. na. E.Fr. qr. na. E.Fr. qr. na. (30.) 44 3 2 (31.) 62 2 3 (32.) 27 5 2 23 3 1 43 3 2 19 3 3 AOs. 21 0 1 18 5 1 8 13 4 LONG MEASURE. L. M. fur. p. yd. ft, in. L. M. fur. p. yd. ft. In. (33.) 6 2 5 9 4 2.6 (34.) 9 1 7 18 5 1 11 4328137 725 19 12 9 Ans. 12 3 12 1 11 • 121 39 32 2 35. Two men travelling the same road; one travels at the rate of 27m. 2fur. 39p.; the other at the rate of 19m, lfur. 17p, At night how far are they distant? Ans. 8m. lfur. 22p. 44 COMPOUND SUBTRACTION, LAND OR SQUARE MEASURE- A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. (36.) 96 2 16 (37.) 640 3 12 (38 ) 96 0 18 (39.) 50 3 19 87 3 18 114 4 3 74 2 4 13 1 6 Ans. 8 2 38 525 3 9 21 ^ 14 37 2 14 40. A Fattier dying left his son Joseph 200a. 2r. 20p.,a'nd to James 180a. 3r. 39p. What is the difference in their shares? Ans. 19a. 2r. 21 p. LIQUID MEASURE. T. hhd. gal. qt. pt. T. hhd. gal. qt. (41.) 8 2 42 2 1 (42.) 188 3 9 1 3 2 14 . 3 0 98 2 8 2 Ans. 5 0 27 8 1 90 1 0 3 43. A person boilght 4hhd. 25gal. of cider;—he has since sold 2hhd. 15gal. 3qt. Ipl. How much has he 'remaining? Ans. 2hhd. 9gal. Oqt. lpt. 44. If 5hhd. lgal. lqt. lpt. of oil be drawn from 6hhd. 2gal. 2qt. lpt. how much will remain? Ans. lhhd. lgal. lqt. Opt DRY MEASURE, bu. pe. qt, pt. bu. pe. qt. pt. buj pe. qt. pt. (45A 44 2 1 1 (46.) 80 3 7 -1 (47.) 789 0 5 0 32 3 2 1 15 1 1 1 578 3 6 1 Ans. 11 2 7 0 65 2 6 0 210 0 6 1 48. From 719bu. 3pe. 6qt. take 533bu. 2pe. 6qt. Ans. 186bu. Ope. 7qt. 49. Raised 189bu. Ipe. 7qt. lpt. of corn; have since sold 167bu. 2pe. lqt.; what quantity have I remaining? Ans. 21bu. 3pe. 6qt, lpt. TIME. Y. M. Y. M. hr. min. sec. (50.) 12 11 (51.) 7 1 (52.) 18 45 59 7 5 3 10 2 51 28 Ans. 5 6 3 3 15 54 31 COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. 43 63. Subtract 125y. 9m. from 450y. 11m. Ana. 325y. 3m. 34. Take 36da. I4hr. 30min. and 25sec. from 44da. lbr. iSmin. and53sec. Ans. 7da. llhr. 18min. 33sec. Note.—The interval or 9pace of time between two given dates is thus found; Set down the greater date, and under it the less: Begin with the days. If the upper number of days be greater than the lower, subtract the lower from it, and set down the remainder. But if the lower number be greater, add as many days to the upper as make a month of the lower, and subtract the lower therefrom; then carry one to the months •f the less date, and subtract as before, and so proceed. EXAMPLR9. 35. Abijah was born on the 15th of November, 1807, and Josiahonthe 10th of July, 1811. What is the difference in their ages* Y. M. da. 1811 7* 16 1807 11 15 Ans. 3 8 1 •Note.—July is the seventh month, and November the elev¬ enth. 58. Charles was born on the 18th day of June, 1821. How old will he be on the 13th duy of August, 1840? Ans. 19y. lm. 25da. 57. William was born on the lltli day of August, 1813, and John on the 5th day of July, 1827. How- much older is William than John? Ans. 13y. 10m. 25da. 58. A man gave his note on the 10th day of May, 1824, and lifted it on the 8th day of December, 1829. For what time did he pay interest? Ans. 5y. 6m. 29da. APPLICATION. 59. Bought 2 pair of stockings, at75cts. per pair; 16yd. of linen, at 87£ cts. per yard; 28yd. of domestic, 46 COMPOUND DIVISION. at22cts. per yard; and 5 pair of gloves, at 31J cts. per pair; and to him from whom I bought those arti¬ cles, I deliver $50 00, out of which he is to take the sum due him. How much change will there be com¬ ing to me? AnS. $26 77fcts. 60. If I buy 660yd- of muslin for $90 60 cts., and sell the same again for $100 04 cts., how much do I gain by the sale? Ans. $9 44 cts. 61. Bought 50yd. of superfine cloth, at $8 75 cts. per yard; 30 podnds of coffee, at 2*2| cts. per pound; and 44 bushels of salt, at $2 per bushel. What sum must I pay for the whole? Ans. $532 25 cts. 62. I haVe several tracts of land; one of them con¬ tains 690a. 2r. 16p.; another 400a.; and two others, each 63a. 3r. 24p. If I sell 200 acres what number re¬ mains? Ans. 1018a. lr. 24p. 63. Bought 400bu. 3pe. of wheat; 160bu. of rye; l50bu. 2pe. of oats. I have since sold 22-5bu. lpe. of wheat; 37bu. 2pe. of rye; ?8bu. 3pe. of oats. How many bushels of each have I remaining? f I75bu. 2pe. wheat. Ans. < 122bu. 2pe. rye. ( 71bu. 3pe. oats. COMPOUND DIVISION. Compound Division teaches to divide any sum or quantity which consists of several denominations. BULK. Begin at the highest denomination, and divide the several denominations of the given sum or quantity one after another, and set their respective quotients Under¬ neath. When a remainder occurs reduce it to the next lower denomination by multiplying it by as many of the next denomination as make one of that denomin¬ ation from which the remainder is derived, and add COMPOUND DIVISION. 4% the next denomination to the product; then divide as before, and so proceed. Note..—If the dividend be not large erfough to contain the divisor, reduce it till it will be, and proceed aS before. EXAMPI.ES. (1.) D., cts. (2.) D. cts. m. (3.) D. cts. 2)12 61 3)187 91 4 4)168 99 Ans. 6 '304 Ans. 62 63 8 Ans. 42 24$ $ cts. 4. Divide 366 18$ 5. 496 75 6. 384 871 7. 587 68$ 8. 976 43$ 9. 1979 331 yd. qr. na, 10. Divide 44 '1 2 11. 56 3 3 M. fur. p. 12. Divide 105 5 22 13. 45 7 18 bu. pe. qt. 14. Divide 48 2 0 15. 86 3 7 $ cts. by 3 Ans. 122 06$ 8 62 091+ 6 64 14:4- 9 65 29|4- 11 88 76.',4- 12 164 94^4- yd. qr. na. by 7 Ans. 6 1 14- 11 5 0 34- M. fur. p. by 12 Ans. 8 6 1H4- 6 7 5 9-j- bu. pC. qt. pt. v 4 Ans. 12 0 4 0 3 28 3 7 14- Note.—-When the divisor is more than 12, work by Long Division. Divide the highest denomination of the giren sum by the divisor, and reduce the remainder, if any, to the next lower denomination, adding to it when reduced the number there is of that denomination in the given sum or quantity.— Then divide as before, and so proceed. 48 COMPOUND DIVISION. EXAMPLES. $ cts. m. ( $ cts. (16.) Divide 88 45 6 by 19 (17.) Divide 250 50 by 25 $ eta. m. $ cts. 19)88 45 6. {Ans. 4 65 5- 25)250 50 (Ans. 10 OS 76 25 124 0 50 114 50 105 00 95 106 95 11 Remainder. D. eta. m. D. cts. m. 18. Divide 88 77 8 by 44 Ans. 2 24 4+ 19. 45 66 5 36 1 26 6+ 20. 77 87 5 96 0 81 1-f 21. 288 68| 0 108 2 67* -f 22. 496 37* 0 132 3 76 0+ 23. 47 68 7 45 1 05 9-f- 24. 196 75 0 78 2 52 2+ 25. 496 87* 0 97 5 12 2-f 26. 376 61* 0 123 3 06 3-f 27. A laborer received for thirty days $900. How much did he receive per day? Ans. $30. 28. If a boy receive $60 for twelve months work, how much is that for one month? Ans. $5. 29. How many bushels of corn maybe bought for $100 at $2 per bushel? Ans. 200 bushels. 30. When 72 bushels of corn cost $56 25 cents, what is the price of one bushel? Ans. 78cts. 1 m.-f- 31. Suppose $1875 81* cents to be equally divided among 125 men, what will be the share of each man? Ans. $15 00* cent-f- 32. 89 men agree to equally divide 150 gals. 2qts, lpt. of brandy among them, how much will be the shareof each? Ans. lgal. 2qt. lpt.4-48 REDUCTION DESCENDING. 49 REDUCTION DESCENDING. Reduction Descending- teaches to change any sum or quantity to a lower denomination, but retaining the same value. RULES. Multiply the highest denomination of the given sum or quantity by as many of the next lower denomina¬ tion as make one of the higher, adding to the product the number there is of that denomination in the given sum or quantity. Note.—To reduce dollars to cents, annex two ciphers to the dollars. EXAMPLES. FEDERAL MONEY. (1.) Reduce $18 50 cts. to cts. (2.) Bring $75 to cents. 100 100 Ans. 1850 S. Bring $100 to ce its. 4. Reduce 20 dollars to cents. 5. Bring 25 dollars to cents. 6. Reduce 45 dollars to cents. 7500 Ans. 10000 cents. Ans. 2000 cents. Ans. 2500 cents. Ans. 4500 cents. Note.—-To reduce dollars to halves, quarters or thirds of a cent, bring them first into cents, and then bring the cents intq halves, quarters or thirds, as required. (7.) Bring $50 into half cts. (8.) Bring $40 into thirds of act. 100 100 5000 4000 2 3 Ana. 10000 halves. 12000 thirds. 50 REDUCTION DESCENDING. (9.) Reduce 25 cts. to fourths. (10.) Beduce 12 cts. to thirds, 4 3 — T— Ans. 100 fourths. Ans. 36 thirds. 11. Reduce ten dollars to dimes. Ans. 100 dimes. 12. Reduce 220 dollars to mills. Ans. 220,000 mills. 13. Reduce $426 88$ cts. to halves of a cent. Ans. 85377 halves. 14. Bring $487 44f cents to fourths of a cent. Ans. 194979 fourths. 15. Bring $17 18| cents to fourths of acent. Ans. 6875 fourths. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 16. Bring 2 tops to cwt. (17.) Reduce 260 to quarters. 20 4 Ans. 40 cwt., Ans. 1040 qr. 18. Reduce 36qr. to pounds. Ans. lt)081b. 19. Bring 17 pounds to ounces. Ans. 272oz. SO. Bring 2qr. 251b. lOoz. to drams. Ans. 2G896dr. TROY WEIGHT. 21. Reduce 20 pennyweights to grains. 24 80 40 Ans; 480 grains. 22. Reduce 5 ounces to grains. Ans. 2400gi\ 23. Bring 40 pounds to pennyweights. Ans. 9600dwt. 24. How many grains are there in 191b. lloz. 14dwt. 21gr. Ans. 115077gr. APOTHECARIES WEIGHT. 25. Reduce 40 pounds to ounces. Ans. 480oz. 12 480 REDUCTION DESCENDING. 51 26. Bring1 72o. to drams. 27. Beduce 15p. 9o.4d. 2s. 17g. to grains. Ans. 576b. Ans. 91017a. LONG MEASURE. 28. Reduce 10 Ft. to inches. 12 Ans. 120in. 120 29. Bring 40 yd. to feet. Ans. 120ft. 30. Reduce 120 yd. 1ft. 4in. to inches. Ans. 4336in. 31. Reduce 20 miles to yards. Ans. 35200yd. 32. Reduce 450m. 6fur. 32p. to poles. Ans. 144272p. 33. In 21. lm.3fur. 16p. 3yd. 2ft. lOin. how many inches? Ans. 470590in. Ans. SSna. Ans. 144qr. Ans. lOOqr. ^4ns. 120qr, Aps. 33qr. Ans. 313na. CLOTH MEASURE. 34. Reduce 22 quarters to nails. 4 88 35. Bring 36yd. to qr. 36. Bring 20 English Ells to quarters. 37. Bring 20 French Ells to quarters. 38. Bring 8vd. lqr. to-qr. 39. In 19$t^2qr. ln^. how many nails? LAND OR SQUARE MEASURE. 40. Bring 2 roods to perches. Ans. 80 perches. 40 80 41. Reduce 140 acres to perches. Ans. 22400 perches. 42. Bring 54 acres, 3 roods. 23 poles, to poles. * Ans. 87S3p. 43. Bring 6 square feet to square inches. Ans. 864in. 44. Bring 120 square yards to squareinches. Ans. 155520in. 45. Bring 29 square yards, 2 square feet, 102 square inches to square inches. Ans. 37974 square inches. 52 REDUCTION DESCENDING. LIQUID MEASURE. 45. Reduce 31 quarts to pints. Ans. 62pt. 2 62 AT. Bring 28 gal. to quarts. Ans. 112qt. 48. Reduce 5hhd. to gallons. Ans. 315gal. 49. In 6 tons, how many pints? Ans. 12096pt. 50. Reduce 4hhd. 3qt. to pints. Ans. 2022pt. 51. Bring 5 tons lhhd. 15gal. lqt.lpt. to pints. Ans. 10707pt. DRY MEASURE. 52. Reduce 16 qt. to pints. 2 32 63. Bring32pe. to quarts. 64. Reduce pecks. 55. Reduce 12bu. to pints. 66. Bring 24bu. lpe. 2qt. lpt. to pints. TIME. Ans. 32pts. Ans. 256qt. Ans. 28pe. Ans. 768pts. Ans. 1557pt. 67. Bring 40 minutes to seconds. 60- 2400 Ans. 2400 sec. 68. Bring 20 hours to seconds. Ans. 72000seo. 59. Reduce 12 years to months. Ans. 144m. 60. Bring 45 years to days. Ans. 16425da. 61. Reduce 3 days, 5hr.29min. to minutes. Ans. 4649mln. 62. Reduce 7y. 8w»4da. 20hr.20min. and 20see. to se¬ conds. Ans. 222380420seo. SEDUCTION ASCENDING. 53 REDUCTION ASCENDING. Reduction Ascending teaches to change any sum or quantity to a higher denomination. rule. Divide the given sum or quantity in the lowest de¬ nomination by as many of that denomination as make one of the next higher, and soon,uiftii you have brought it into that denomination which your question requires. Notb.—Mills may be brought to dollars, cents and mills, by cutting off one figure on the right for mills, two more for cents; the rest will be dollars. Or to bring cents to dollars and cents, cut off two figures on the right for cents. examples. FEDERAL MONEY. 1. Bring 2900 cents to dollars. Ans. $28. 28100 2. Bring 11222 mills to dollars, cents and mills. 11122(2 Ans. $11 22cts. 2m. 3. Bring 4444 cents to dollars and cents. Ans. $44 44cts. 4. Bring 854 halves of a cent to whole cents. Ans. 432ets. 5. In 963 thirds how many cents? Ans.821cts. 6. In 591 fourths how many cente? Ans. 147jcts. 7. Bring 630 thirds to cents. Ans. SlOcts. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 8. Bring 118 lb. to quarters. 28)118( Ans. 4qr. 61b. 112 6 54 REDUCTION ASCENDING. 9. Bring1 90qr. to cwt. Ans, 22cwt. 3qr, 10. Bring 1781 lb. to cwt, Ans. 15cwt.3qr. 171b. 11. In 1872dr. how many ppunds? Ans. 71b. 5oz. 12. Bring 75cwt. to tons. Ans. 3t. 15cwt. 13. Bring 98561b. to cwt. Ans. 88cwt. troy weight. 14. Bring 186oz. to pounds. Ans. 151b. 6oz. 12)186 151b. 6oz. 15. In 544dwt. how rqany pounds'? Ans, 2Ib.3oz. 4dwt. 16. Bring 960dwt. to pounds. Ans. 41b. 17. Bring 9624gr. to pounds. Ans. lib. 8oz. ldwt. apothecaries'Veight. 18. Bring 240 grains to scruples. Ans. 12s. 210)2410 12 19. Bring 2720s. to ounces. Ans. 113o. 2d. |2s. *20. Bring 12660g, to pounds. Ans. 2p. 2o. 3d. 21. In 155520g. how many pounds? AnB. 27p. long measure. 22. Bring 120 miles to leagues. 3)120 40 23. Bring 1280 poles to fur. 24. Bring 2880 poles to leagues. 25. Bring 5760 poles to leagues. cloth measure. 26. In 60 quarters how many yards? 4)60 15 27. Bring 4000 nails to yards. Ans. 401. Ans- 32fur. Ans. 31. Ans. 61. Ans. 15yds. Ans. 250yds. REDUCTION ASCENDING. 55 28. Bring 1260 quarters to E. F. Ans. 210 E. F. 29. Bring 1818 nails to yards. Ans. 113yds. 2qr.2na. LAND OR SQUARE MEASURE. 30. In 2400 perches how many R'sT Ans. 60R. 4|0;240j0 60 31. Bring 2040 perches to A. Ans. 12A. 8R. 32. Bring 190b020 perches to A. Ans. 11925A. OR. 20F. 33. In 1728square inches how many square feet? Ans. 12 feet. LIQUID MEASURE. 34. In 480 gills how many pints? Ans. 120 pts. 4)480 120 35. Bring 1840 pts. to gals. Ans. 2.30 gals. 36. Bring 1890 gal. to hhds. Ans. 30 hhds. 37. In 504 gallons how many bar. Ans. 16 bar. DRY MEASURE. 3S. In 800 pints how many qts.? Ans. 400qts. 2)800 400 39. Bring 240 pints to pe. Ans. 15 pe. 40. Bring 8888 pecks to bu. Ans. 2222 bu. 41. In 12840 pts. how many bu.? Ans. 200bu. 2pe.4qt. TIME. 42. Bring 2400 seconds to minutes. Ans. 40 min. 610)240(0 40 56 REDUCTION ASCENDING. 43. In 7200 seconds how many hours? Ans. 2 hours. 44. Bring1144 months to years. Ans. 12 years. 45. In 4849 minutes how many days? Ans. 3da. 5hr. 29m. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 1. In 20 dollars how many cents? Ans. 2000 cents. 2. In 63 roods how many perches? Ans. 2520 per. 3. How many miles are there in 98 fur. Ans. 12m. 2ftar. 4. In 175 pecks how many bushels? Ans. 43bu. 3pe. 5. How many min. are there in 720 sec.? Ans.l2min. 6. In 103 pints how many quarts? Ans. 5lqts. lpt. 7« In 1821 cents how many dollars? Ans. $18 24 cents. 8. In 8t. 15cwt. how many hundred weight? Ans. 175 cwt, 9. How many English Ells are there in one hundred quarters of a yard? Ans. 20 E.EIle. 10. How many scruples are there in 9n. Ans. 27 scru. 11. In 203 days how many weeks? Ans. 29w. 12. In 108 dwt. how many ounces? Ans. 5oz. 8dwt. 13. How many cwt. are there in 20 tons? Ans. 400cwt. 14. In 202 cents how many qrs. of a cent? Ans. 808qrs. 15. How many dollars are there in 8762 cents? Ans. $87 62cts. 16. How many fur. are there in 3m. lfur.? Ans. 25fur. 17. In 13 lb. avoirdupois how many drams? Ans. 3328dr. IS. In 21 gallons 3 qts. lpt., how many pints? Ans. 175 pints. 19. How many Ells F. are there in 60 qrs.? Ans. 10E.F. 20. How many lbs. are there in 2461 dwt. Ans. 101b. 3oz. ldwt. 21. How many dr. are there in 725 lb. 6oz. av. Ans. 185696dr. 22. In 12yds. 2qrs. lna. how many nails? Ans. 201na. M- How many cwt. are therein 27552 lb.? Ans. 246c wt. BULE OP GAUGING. 57 24. In 584621 gallons how many tons? Ans. 231&t. 3hhd. 44gal. 25. How many min. are there in 3da.? Ans. 4329min. 26. In 7hhd. 3gal. how many gallons'? Ans. 444gal. 27. In 763 dayshow many weeks.' Ans. 109 weeks. 28. How many bu. are there in 1357pts. Ans. 21bu. Ope. 6qt. Ipt. MULE OF GAUftlNG. The length, depth and breadth being given in feet m the clear, to find how many bushels of corn in a crib. rule. Multiply the length by the depth, and that product by1 the breadth; divide the last product by 2, the quo¬ tient will be the answer in bushels. Note.—2 cubic feet of corn in the ears make a bushel ol shelled. If the crib tapers allowance must be made. Note.—Complete accuracy is not to be expected in every respect, from a rule to gauge a crib which contains corn in the ears, there being so much difference in the quality of corn. Though from experience we think the above as correct us can be given. examples. 1. Suppose a crib be 20 feet long, 10 feet deep, and C feet wide, how many bushels of corn will it hold? 20 length. 10 depth. 200 6 breadth. Cubic feet 2)1200 Ans 600 bushels. £ 58 RULE or GAUGING. 2. Suppose another crib be 18 feet long:, 7} feet high, and 8 feet wide, how many bushels of corn will it bold? 18 length. 7i depth. 136 9 135 8 breadth. 2)l0s0 Ans. 540 bushels. 3. A crib 18 feet long, 12 feet deep, and 5 feet wide* how many bushels therein? Ans. 540 bu. 4. How many bushels in a crib 24} feet long, 8 feet wide, and 10} deep? Ans. 1004J bu. 5. How many bushels are there in a crib 13} feet long, 4} feet wide, and 7} feet deep? Ans. 220 bu.-f- The length, depth andbreadth being given in feet, in the clear, to find how many busk'Is of coal, wheat, rye, oats, shelled earn, fruit, salt, tj'-c.; in a house, box, men in 10 days mow 60 acres of grass, hotfr long will it take 5 men to mow 80 acres. 2. If 7men can reap 84 acres of wheat in 12 days, how many men can reap 100 acres in 5 days? * men 300 men. da. 7 : 12 5 84 5 .A : 84 100 12 1200 7 3|00)48|00 Ans. 16 days. 42|0) 840)0( Ans. 20men, 84 DOUBLE RULE OP THREE. 73 3. If 4 men in 8 days eat 51b. of bread, bow much will 12 men eat in 20 days? Ans, 37^1b. 4. Suppose 4 men mow 48 acres in 12 days, how many acres can 8 men mow in 16 days? Ans. 128a. 5. If $100 gain $6 in twelve months, what will $400 gain in 9 months? Ans. 18 dollars. 6. If 8 men in 16 days can earn 96dollars, how much can 12 men earn in 26 days? Ans. 234 dollars. 7. If ten men in 18 days can earn 56 dollars, how many dollars can 20 men earn in 35 dgys? Ans. $217 77cts, 7m.+ 8. Suppose 8 men can make 120 pair of shoes in 30 days, how many can 12 men make in 90 days? Ans. 540 pair. 9. If 56 dollars 31i cts. be the wages of 20 men for 5 days, what will 48 men earn in 32 days? Ans. $828 92 cts. 10. If 100 dollars in a year give 6 dollars interest, what will 335 dollars give in 3 years? Ans. 60 dollars 30 cts. 11. When 10 oxen in 18 days eat 2 acres of grass, how many acres will serve 20 oxen 27 days? Ans. 6 acres. 12. Suppose the wages of 6 persons for 2t weeks be 288 dollars, what must 14 persons receive for 46 weeks? Ans. 1472 dollars. 13. If 371b. of beef be sufficient for 12 persons 4 days, how many pounds will suffice 38 men 16 days? Ans. 468 lb. IO^oe. 14. If 30 horses in 4 days eat 40 bushels of corn, how many bushels will suffice 100 horses 20 days? Ans. 666$bu. 15. If the carriage of 9cwt. 45 miles, cost 54 dollars 51 cents, how far may 36cwt. be carried for 98 dollars 72 cts? Ans. 20m. 2fur 36p.-f- 16. If 100 dollars in 12 months gain 6 dollars inter¬ est, what will be the interest of 400 dollars for 14 months? Ans. 28 dollars. r 74 DOUBLE RULE OF THREE". 17. If 100 dollars in 12 months gain 8 dollars inter¬ est, what sum will gain 50 dollars in 24 months? Ans. 312 dollars 50 cts. 18. If 100 dollars in 365 days gain 6 dollars interest, what will be the interest of 1000 dollars for 27 days? Ans. 4 dollars 44 els. nearly. 19. If 100 dollars in 52 weeks gain 10 dollars inter¬ est, what will be the interest of 75 dollars for 7 weeks? Ans. 1 dollar COJct. 20. If 12 bushels of oats be sufficient for 20 horses 22 days, how many bushels will serve 62 horses 36 days? Ans. 60bu. 3pe. 3qt. lpt.-f- 21. When 4 boys in 20 days, collect 1500 bushels of apples, how many days will it require 25 persons to eollect4000 bushqls? Ans. 8days.+ 22. What is the interest of 563 dollars for 4| years, at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. 152 dollars Olct. 23. What will be the interest of 80 dollars for 10 months at 10 per cent? Ans 6 dollars 66f cts. 24. If 100 dollars in 12 months gain 33 dollars 33j cts what will be the interest ol*64" dollars for 84 months? Ans. 13 dollars 11 cts.-f 25. If 100 dollars in one year gain 7 dollars 50 cents interest, what sum will gain 9 dollars in 4 months? Ans. 360 dollars. 20. What is the interest of 19 dollars for 5} months, at6 percent? Ans. 49J cts.-j- 27. What sum at 6 per cent will produce 500 dollars interest in one year? Ans. 8333j dollars. 28. A gentleman said the money he had on interest at6 percent, produced one dollar per day. What sum had he on interest? Ans. 6083£ dollars. 29. With how many dollars could I gain 6 dollars in one year, if with 560 dollars I gain 56 dollars In one year and 8 months? Ans. 100 dollars. 30. A wall which is to be built to the height of 40 feet has been raised 20 feet in 10 days by 16 men, how many men must be employed to finish the work in 5 days? Ans. 33 men. PRACTICE. practice; Practice is a short method of ascertaining the value of any number of articles at? any given price per arti¬ cle. TABLE OF ALIQUOT PARTS. qr. ' lb. cwt. 2 or 56 = 28 i ~5 16 1 T o 14 X "8 SO * a 8 1 1 4 3 1 1 l s * Case 1. When the price is i, j, j, -§, or £ of a cent per arti¬ cle, pound, yard, acre, bushel, &c, Rule. Divide (h^ gi ven sum or quantity by the aliquot parte of a cent for the answer in cents. EXAMPLES. 1; What is the value of 124 apples at i of a cent each? 76 PRACTICE. 2. What is the value of 1260 peaches at i cent each? i | * J 124 } | i | 1260 Ans. 31 cts. Ans. $6 30 cts. 3. What i& the value of 192 plums at | of a cent each? Ans. #1 44 cts. 4. What is the value of 24 quills at g of a cent each? Ans. Scents. 5. What is the value of 12 cherries at § of a cent? Ans. 8 cents. 6. How much will 29 come to at £ of a cent each? Ans. 7£ cents. 7. How much will 11 come to at | of a cent each? Ans. Si cents. 8. What is the value of 19 at $ cent each? Ans. 9£ cents. 9. What is the value of 20 at 2 mills each? Ans. 4 cents. 10. What is the value of 40 at 5 mills each? Ans. 20 cents. 11. What is the value of 30 at 1 mill each? Ans. 3 cents. Case 2. When the given price is cents: rule. Divide the given sum by the aliquot parts of a dollar for the answer in dollars. examples. 1. What is the value of 3216 at 6i cents? 2. What is the value of SG20 at 10 cents? 6* 3216(Ans. $201. 10 I | 8620 Ans. 16 16 PRACTICE. 77 * cts. m. 3. What is the value of 4260 at 20 cts. Ans. 852 00 0 4. 8264 20 1652 80 0 5. 4264 12^ 533 00 0 6. 5876 50 2938 00 0 7. 386 25 96 50 0 8. 18626 55. 10244 30 0 9. 3542 45 1593 90 0 10. 1724 374 646 50 0 n. 31925 80 25540 00 0 12. 3654 18f 685 12 5 IS. 13854 564 7792 87 5 C^SE 3. When the given price is dollars and cents. Rule. Multiply the given sum by the dollars, and take parts for the cents, and add the products together for the an¬ swer in dollars. examples. 1. What is the value of 420 bushels of wheat at 1 dollar 20 cents per bushel? 20 A I 420 1 420 84 | 504 dollars. $ cts. $ cts. m. 2. What is the value of 2412 a .t 2 064 Ans. 4974 75 0 3. 1224 3 m 3825 00 0 4. 870 1 18£ 1033 12 5 5. 197 4 20 827 40 0 6. 162 2 25 364 50 0 7, 217 5 3 7i 1166 37 5 8. 1228 7, 62* 9.363 50 0 7 8 PRACTICE. Case 4. When the given sum consists of several denomina¬ tions, such as yd. qr. na. &c. Rule. Set down the given price of one of the highest de¬ nomination, and multiply it by the whole of the highest denomination given; then take aliquot parts of the next lowest denomination, continually, and add the products together for the answer. examples. 1. What is the value of lOcwt. 2qr. 71b. at $10 25 •ents per cwt. qr. 2 lb. 7 $ cts. 10 25 10 cwt. 102 50 5 12i 64 Ans. $108 26£cts.-f- 2. Whatisthe value of5cwt.lqr. 141b. at2 dollars 50 cts. per cwt? Ans. $13 43£ cents. 3. What is the value of 7cwt. 3qr. 191b. at 4 dollars 15 cts. per cwt? Ans. $32 86£ cents. 4. What is the value of 7S0bu. 3pe. 2qt. at 1 dollar 17cts. per bushel? Ans. $913 55 cents .+ 5. What is the value of 129cwt. lqr. 10 lb. at 1 dollar 5 cents per cwt? Ans. $135 80 6m.-|- 6. What is the value of25cwt. lqr. 9 lb. at 1 dollar 75 cents per cwt? Ans. $44 32cts.-f- 7. What is the value of 2qr. 14 lb. at $27 lOcts. per cwt? Ans. $16 93|cts. 8. What is the value of 12cwt. 3qr. at $40 20 cents per cwt? Ans. $512 55 cents. interest-. 79 9. What is the value of J9bu. lpe. of corn at Oocts- per bushel? Ans. 6 dollars 73^! cents. 10. What is the value of 816 ounces 13d wt. 12gr. at 12J cents per ounce? Ans. 162 dollars 84 cents. 11. What is the value of 27yds. 3qr. at $9 65cts. per yard? Ans. 267 dollars 7Scts. 7m. 12. What is the value of 860yds lqr. at 84 cents per yard? Ans. 723 dollars 61 cents. 13. What is the value of 126yds. 2qr. 2na. at 4 dol¬ lars 75 cents per yard? Ans. 601 dollars 46cts. 8m.-f- 14. What is the value of 17hhd. logal. 3qt, at 64 dollars 75 cents per hhd? Ans. 1116 dollars 93 cents 7m. IUTTJEEEST. Interest is a consideration allowed for the use of mo¬ ney, relative to which are 4 particulars, via: Princi¬ pal, Time, Kate per Cent and Amount. The princi¬ pal is the money for which interest is to be received; the rate per cent per annum is the interest of 100 dol¬ lars for one year; the time is the number ofyears or months, &,c. for which interest is to be calculated; the amount is the principal and interest added together. Case 1. To find the interest for any, number of years, or years and months. rui-e. Multiply the principal, consisting of dollars, by the rate per cent, and that product by the number of years; or if there be months, take aliquot parts of a year, cut off two figures on the right ofthe product for cents; or if there be cents in the principal, cut off one figure on the right as a remainder; one more for mills; two more for cents; those on the left will be dollars. 80 INTEREST. Case 2. To find the interestfor any number of months. rule. Find the interest at 6 per cent by multiplying the principal by half the number of months; or at any other per cent, find the interest at 6; then state if 6 give that interest, what will the per cent you wish to calculate give, and cut off" figures in the product for cents, as in Case 1st. Case 3. To find the interest for any number of days. rule. Multiply the principal by the number of days; divide the product by 6, the quotient will be the interest in mills at 6 per cent. If the principal consist of dollars and cents, destroy 2 figures on the right of the product; the balance will be the interest as before. If any other per cent is required, take aliquot parts and add or sub¬ tract, according as the per centis more or less than 6. Note.—Case 3rd is estimating 360 days in a year, which will make the interest rather large? it may be more accurately found by multiplying the principal by the number of days, and dividing the product by a proper divisor in the following table, which divisors are found by the following stating: per cent. $ da. per cent $ da. Thus: 4 ; 100 ; : 365 Again, thus: 5 : 100 : : 365 per cent. Divisors. Rate per cent. Divisors. 14 9125 I7 5214 h* 8111 1 n 4866 ? 7300 8 4562 5i 6636 8i 4294 6 6083 9 4055 5615 n 3842 0 0000 10 3650 INTEREST. 81 A divisor may also be found for weeks or months, by using 52 weeks or 12 months in room of365 days. Case 1. examples. 1. What is the interest of $500 fori year, at 6 per eent per annum? 2. What is the interest of 40 dollars 50 cents for on© year and six months, at six per cent per annum? 500 6 Ans. $30|00cts. months. 6 $ cts, 40 50 6 243 00 1 243 00 121 50 Ans. 83 64cls. 5m. 3. What is the interest of 400 dollars for one year at six per eent? Ans. 24 dollars. 4. What is the interest of 600 dollars for one year at six per cent per annbm? Ans. 36 dollars. 5. What is the interest of250 dollars for one year at five per cent? Ans. 12 dollars 50 cents. 6. What is the interest of 51 dollars for one year at six per cent? Ans. 3 dollars 6 cents. 7. What is the interest of44 dollars for two years at •even per cent per annum? Ans. 6 dollars I6cts. 8. What is the interest of 90 dollars for three years at five per cent? Ans. 13 dollars 50 cents. 9. What is the interest of 68 dollars for four years at four per cent? Ans. 10 dollars 88 cents. 10. What is the interest of 1000 dollars for four years at eight per cent? Ans. 320 dollars. 11. What is the interest of 50 dollars for five years at five per cent? Ans. 12 dollars 50 cents. INTEREST. 12. What is the interest of 19 dollars for two years at four per cent? Ans. 1 dollar 52 cents. 13. What will be the interest of 1772 dollars for two years at six per cent? Ans. 212 dollars 64 cents. 14. How much interest will 75 dollars draw in five years at4} percent? Ans. 16 dollars 87^ cents. 15. What is the interest of 100 dollars for two years and six months at 6'per cent per annum? Ans. 15 dollars. 16. What will be the interest of 350 dollars for three years and four months at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. 70 dollars. 17. What will be the interest of 48 dollars for four years and one month at 5 per cent per annum? Ans. 9 dollars 80 cents. 18. What is the interest of 64 dollars for one year and seven months at 7 per cent per annum? Ans. 7 dollars 9§ cents. 19. What is the interest of 14 dollars for four years and 11 months at 7 per cent? Ans. 4 dollars 81£ cts. Cash 2. examples. 1. What is the interest of 40 dollars for four months at 6 per cent per ahnum? Ans. 80 cents. 2. What is the interest of 60 dollars for 6 months at eight per cent per annum? Ans, 2 dollars 40 cts. dt> tjp qp 40 60 2 3 SO cents. 6:8: : 180 8 6;l440 $2 40 IUTEREStf. 89 -3. What is the interest of 18 dollars for six month® at six per cent per annum? Ans. $0 54 cents. 4. What is the interest of 50 dollars for eight month® at seven per cent per annum? Ans. $2 33$ cts. 5. What is the interest of $900 for five months at five per cent per annum? Ans. 18 dollars 75 cents. 6. What is the interest of 91 dollars 50 cents for four months at 4 per cent? Ans. 1 dollar 22 cents. 7. What is the interest of,|80 dollars for five months at seven per cent? Ans. 2 dollars 33$ cents. Note.—When the amount is required add the interest to the principal. 8. What is the jamount of $62 50 cents for thirteen months at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. $66 56bts. 2m. 9. What is the interest of $75 for fourteen months at six percent? Ans. 5 dollars 25 cents. 10. What is the interest of 5 dollars 50 cents for 5$- months at"six percent? , Ans. 15 cents.-j- Note.—In this case after finding-the interest a* six per cent if any other rate per cent be required, take aliquot parts and add or subtract, according as the rate per cent is more or less than six. 11. What is the interest of 80 dollars for eight months at five per cent? 19. What is the interest of 60 dollars for four months at eight per cent? 6 per. $ per. Ans. 80 4 320 int. at 6 perct, 534 2 U 60 .2 20 int. at 6 per ct. 40 $1 60 cents. 84 INTEREST, 13. What is the interest of 120 dollars 60 cents for fifteen months at 6 per cent? Ans. 9 dollars 4 cts. 5 m. 14. What"is the interest of 5420 dollars for 17 months at 4 per cent per annum? Ans.'307 dollars 13? cts. 15. What is the interest of7200 dollars for 14 months at6 per cent per annum? Ans. 504 dollars. 16. What is the interest of 8050 dollars 87^ cents for 47 months at 6 percent per annum? Ans. 1891 dollars 95 cts. 5m. 17. What is the interest of 948 dollars 62^ cents for eight months at 8 per cent per annum? Ans. 50 dollars 59 cents.-f- 18. What is the interest of 36 dollars for one month at 8 per cent per annum? Ans. 24 cents. 19. What is the interest of 1000 dollars for 40 months at 6 per> cent per annum? Ans. 200 dollars. 20. What is the interest of 328 dollars for 12 months at 6 per cent? - Ans. 19 dollars 68 cents. When there is si fraction in the rate per cent, as 5|, 6£, or 6|, multiply and add i or $, (as the ease maybe,') of the prin¬ cipal to the product, and proceed as before. 21. What will be the interest of 540 dollars for 24; months at 5 per cent per annum? Ans. 54 dollars 22. What would be the interest of 482 dollars for 84 months at 6 dollars per cent per annum? Ans. 202 dollars 44 cts. 23. What is the interest of 325 dollars for 50 months- at 4 per cent per annum? Ans. $54 16 cents 6m. 24. What is the interest of 840 dollars for 63 months at 4 per cent per annum? Ans. $176 40 cents. 25. What is the interest of 840 dollars for 64 months at 7 per cent per annum? Ans. $313 60 cents. 26. What is the interest of 560 dollars for 4 months at six per cent per annum? Ans. $11.20 cents. 27. What is the interest and amount of 100 dollars for ten months at ten per cent per annnm? Answer 5 ® 8 ^ interest. Answer, j ^1Q3 33, INTEREST. 85 28. What is the amount of 76 dollars 25 cents for 25 months at 6 per cent jier annum? Ans. $85 78cts. CASE 8. Xotb.—Multiply any principal by the rate per cent, and that product by the number of days it bas been on interest, and diride the last product by 365. The quotient will be the intereat EXAMPLES. 1. What is the interest of 1000 dollars for five days at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. 83 cents 3m.-f- 2. What is the interest of 500 dollars for 60 days at 8 per cent per annum? Ans. $6 66cts. 6m.+ 6)5000 6)30000 83|3i 2 I i 5000 I 1666| 6|66|6f 8. What is the interest of 400 dollars for 40 days at 8 per cent per annum? Ans. $2 66cts. 6m.-(- 4. What is the interest of 900 dollars for fourteen days at 6 per cent? Ans. $2 10 cents. 5. What is the interest of 1000 dollars for 4 days at 8 per cent? Ans. 66f cents. 6. What is the interest of 500 dollars for one day at 6 per cent? Ans. 8 cents 3m.+ 7. What is the interest of 16 dollars 33| cents for 24 days at 6 per cent? Ans. 6 cents 5m.+ 8. What is the interest of 64 dollars 64 cents for 18 days at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. 19 cents 3m. S6 INTEREST. 9. What is the interest of 45 dollars for 22 days at per cent per annum? Ans. 15 cents.-+- 10. What is the interest of 90 dollars for 51 days at 8 per cent per annum? Ans. 1 dollar 2 cents. Note.—When the time is years, months and days, proceed •with die years and months as in Case 1st, and for the days take aliquot parts of 30. 11. What is the interest of 50 dollars for 1 year, 2 months, and 5 days, at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. S3 54 cents. 12. What is the interest of 100 dollars for one year, 7 months and 11 dpys, at 6 per cent? Ans. $9 68 cents.-jr 13. What is the interest of 21 dollars for 4 years, 4 months, and 4 days, at 5 per cent? Ans. $1 56 cents.-f- 14. What is the interest of 5 dollars for 10 years, 3 months and 19 days, at 6 per cfent? Ans. $3 09 cents.-f- 15. WThat is the interest of 5 dollars 87$ cents for 9 months and 24 days, at 6 per pent per annum?' Ans. 28 cents. 7m.4- Case 4. The amount, time and rate per cent given to find, the principal. atrhKv Find the amount of 100 dollars at the rate per cent and time given, which amount is the first term; the given sum the 2d; 100 dollars the 3d; proceed by the rule of three; the quotient will be the principal required. examples. 1. What principal at interest for 8 years at 5 pec cent will amount to 840 dollars?. INTEREST. 87 100 5 $ 14Q : 840 : : 100 100 500 14|0)8400|0(Ans.f600. 84 8 00 Interest. 40|00 100 Amount. 140 2. What principal at interestfor5yearS atdpereent per annum will amount to 650dollars? Ans. $500 8. What principal at interest for 5 years at 6 percent pea- annum will amouqtto 3470 dollars? Ans. $1900 Case 5. ■To fine1! the rate per cent when the amount, time and principal are given. Subtract the principal from the amount; then state if the principal give the interest or remainder, what will 100 dollars give. Divide the answer by the num¬ ber of years; the quotient will be the rate per cent. 1. At what rate per cent per annum will $500 amount to $850 in five years! rule. $ $ $ Amount. 650 Principal. 500 500. 100 :': 150. 150 150 interest.. 5000 100 5|00)150|00> Years. 5)30 Ana* 6 per cent.. 88 IXTERKST. S. At what rate per cent will 600 dollars amount to $744 in four years? Ans. 6 per cent. 3. If 834 dollars at interest 2 years and 6 months amount to §927 82£cts. what was the rate per cent per annum.7 Ans. 4$ per cent. Case 6. To find the time when the principal amount and rate per cent are given. rule. Divide the whole interest by the interest of the prin¬ cipal for one year. The quotient will be the time re¬ quired. 1. In what time will 400 dollars amount to 520 dol¬ lars at 5 per cent per annum? 400 520 5 400 20|00 2|0)12|0 Ans. 6 years. 8. In what time'will 600 dollars amount to 798 at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. 5£ years. 3. Suppose 1000 dollars at 4$ per cent per annum amount to 1281 dollars 25 cts., how long was it at inter¬ est? Ans. 6 years 3 months. promiscuous examples. 1. What is the interest of500 dollars for one year and 2 months at 6 per cent? Ans 35 dollar*. 2. What is the interest of450 dollars for 2 years and 6 months at 5 per cent per annum? Ans. 56 dollars 25 ct*. 8. What is the interest of 65 dollars 87Jr cts. for 9 months at 6 per eent? Ans. 2 dollars 96£ cts. 4. What is the interest of 800 dollars for four years, Insurance, commission and brokerage. 89 5 months and 19 days, at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. 214 dollars 53 cts. 3m.+ 5. What is the interest of 18 dollars 75 cts. for 1 year, U months and 7 days, at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. 1 dollar 33£ cents. 6. What is the interest of 90 dollars for 8 months at 9 per cent? Ans. 5 dollars 40 cts. 7. What is the interest of 6 dollars for 6 days at 6 percent? Ans. 6 mills. 8. What is the amount of* 1000 dollars 25 cts. for 4 years, 4 months and 5 days at 7£ per cent per annum? ' Ans. 1326 dollars 37 cts. 3m.+ 9. In what time will 1000 dollars amount to 1500 dol¬ lars, at 8 per cent per annum? Ans. 6 years 3 months. 10. What is the interest of 25 cts. for 25 years at 6 per cent per annum? Ans..37£cts. 11. What is the interest of 87£ cents for 1 year and 6 months at 6 per cent per annum? Aris. 7 cts. 8 m.-f- 12. At what rate percent per annum will 1200 dol¬ lars 1800 dollars in 5 years? Ans. 10 per ct. INSURANCE, COMMISSION AM® BROKERAGE. Brokerage is an allowance to insure factors and brokers at a stipulated rate per cent, agreed on by the parties concerned. RULE. Multiply the sum by the rate per cent. If the rate be less than one per cent take aliquot parts. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the commission on 500 dollars at 5 per cent? 2. What is the commission on 400 dollars at £ dollars per cent? g 90 DISCOUNT. 500 J i 400 5 } i 200 Ans. $25 00 100 Ans. $3 00 3. What is the insurance of 60 dollars at 3 percent? Ans, 1 dollar 80 cents. 4* What is the commission on 1351 dollars 50 cents at 5£ per cent? Ans. 74 dollars 33 cents.-f- 5. The sales of certain goods amount to 1680 dol¬ lars, what sum is to be received for them, allowing 2£ per cent for commission? Ans. 1633 dollars 80 cents. 6. What is the commission on 3450 dollars at 4£ per cent? Ans. 155 dollars 25 cents. 7. When a broker sells goods to the amount of 081 dollars 50 cents, what is his commission, at 1£ per cent? Ans. 12 dollars30 cents 6m.+ 8. What is the insurance of 1250 dollars at 7^ per cent? Ans. 93 dollars 75 cents. 9. If a broker buys goods for me, amounting to 1650 dollars 75 cents, what sum must I pay him, allowing 1| per cent? Ans. 24 dollars 76 cents lm.-b 10. What is the commission on a sale of goods a- mounting to 1184 dollars, at 5 per cent? Ans. 59 dollars 20 cents. 11. What is the commission on a sale of goods a- mounting to 4320 dollars, at 4£ per cent? Ans. 216 dollars 90 cents. DISCOUNT. Discount is an allowance made for the payment of a sum of money before it becomes due, and is the differ- encejbetween that sum due sometime hence and its pre¬ sent worth. DISCOUNT. SI RULE. Find the interest of 100 dollars at the per cent and time given; to this interest add 100 dollars, which h- nount is the first term; the given sum the second; 100 dollars the third. Proceed by the Rule ot Three. The answer will be the present worth. Subtract the answer from the given sum, and the remainder will be the discount. examples. 1. What is the discount of 500 dollars for 4 years, discount at 5 per cent per annum? $ 100 5 500 4 20|00 100 120 : 500 : : 100 100 12|0)5000|0 present worth. 416 6Gf $ cts. .500 00 416 66f Discount. $83 33% 2. What is the present worth of 600 dollars due in 2 years, discount at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. §535 71 cents 4m.+ 3. What is the discount of 590 dollars for 2 years, discount at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. $63 21£ cts. 92 DISCOUNT. 4. What is the present worth of 480 dollars due ill 4 years, at 4 per cent discount? Ans, 413 dollars 79$ cents.+ 5. What is the discount of 645 dollars for 9 months, at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. $27 77 cents 6m. 6. What is the present worth of 580 dollars due in 8 months, discount at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. $557 69 ccnts.-f- 7. What is the present worth of 775 dollars 50 cents, due in 4 years, at 5 per cent per annum? Ans. $646 25 cents. 8. Bought goods amounting to 615 dollar^ 75 cents, at 6 months credit, how much ready money must be paid if a discount of 4$ per cent be allowed? Ans. $602 20 cents. 9. Bought goods amounting to 900 dollars, at 4 years credit, how much ready money must be paid if a dis¬ count of 6 per cent be allowed? Ans. $725 80$ cents.-|- 10. What is the discount of 90 dollars for 1 year and 6 months, at 6 per cent per annum? Ans. $7 43$ cents. 11. What is the discount of 205 dollars due in 15 months, at 7 per cent per annum? Ans. $16 49$ cts.-f- 12. A. owes B. 100 dollars due in one year, but B. a- grees to allow A. a discount of 25 percent per annum, for present payment. What sum will discharge the debt? Ans. 80 dollars. 13. What is the discount of 100 dollars due in 12 months, at 25 per cent per annum? Ans. 20 dollars. Note.—When discount is made without regard to time, it is found precisely like the interest for one year. 14. What is the discount of 800 dollars at 6 per cent ? 15. What is the discount of 99 dollars at 5 per cent? $ $ 800 99 6 5 Ans. $48 00 discount. Ans. $4 95 TARJJ AND TRET. 93 16. What is the discount of 476 dollars, at'3 per cent? Ans. 14 dollars 28 cents. TARE AND TRET. Tare and Tret are certain allowances made by mer¬ chants in selling their goods by weight. Tare is an al¬ lowance made for the Weight of the barrel, box, &c., that contains the commodity bought. Tret is an al¬ lowance of 4 lb. in every 104 lb. for waste, dust, &c. Gross weight is the goods, together with the barrel, box, or whatever contains them. When the tare is deducted from the gross, what remains is called suttle. Neat weight is the weight of articles after all allowan¬ ces are deducted. RULE. 1st. Subtract the whole tare from the whole gross; the remainder will be neat. 2nd. When the tare i^ so much per barrel, box, &c., multiply the tare per bar¬ rel, box, &c., by the number of barrels, boxes, &c.— The product will be the whole tare.' Subtract the whole tare from the whole gross, and the remainder will be neat. 3d. When the tare is so much per cwt. run aliquot part, or parts of a cwt. through the whole gross. Subtract the quotient therefrom, and the re¬ mainder will be neat. 4th. When tret is allowed with tare, subtract the tare from the gross as before. The remainder will be suttle. Divide the suttle by 26. The quotient will be tret. Subtract the tret from the suttle, and the remainder will be neat. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the neat weight of a hogshead of tobac¬ co weighing 2cwt. 3qr. 251b. gross, tare in all lewt. 2qr. 12 lb.? cwt. qr. lb. 2 3 25 gross. 1 2 12 tare. Ans. 1 1 13 neat- 94 TARE AND TRET. 2. What is the neat weight of a hogshead of tobacco weighing 5cwt. 2qr. 15 lb. gross, when the tare is 3qr. 71b.? Ans-4cwt. 3qr. 81b. 3. What is the neat weight of 369cwt. 2qrs. 21 lb. gross, tare in the whole 10cwtf lqr, 12 lb.? Ans. 359 cwt. lqr.91b. 4. What is the neat weight of 6 hogsheads of sugar, each weighing 4dwt. lqr. 41b. gross, tare in the whole 13cwt. 3qr. 191b.? cwt. qr. lb. 4 14 6 25 2 24 whole gross weight. •13 3 19 whole tare. 11 3 5 neat. 5. How much is the neat weight of 7 casks of indi¬ go, each weighing 3c wt.2qr. 121b. gross, tare 25 lb. per cask? cwt. qr. lb. cwt. qr. 1b- 3 2 12 0 0 25 7 7 25 1 0 gross. 1 2 7 tare in all. 12 7 Ans. 23 2 21 neat. 6. What is the neat weight of 6 casks of raisins, each weighing 3cwt. 2qr. 10 lb. gross, tare 201b. per cask? Ans. 20cwt. lqr. 24 lb. 7. What is the neat weight of 35 kegs of figs, gross Weight37cwt. lqr. 201b., tare per cwt. 141b.? cwt. qr. lb. lb. | i | 37 1 20 14 j j 4 2 20 quotient. Ans. 32 3 00 neat. TARE AND TRET. 95 8. What is the neat weight of 6 hogsheads of sugar, each weighing 7cwt. 3qr. 141b. gross, tare 201b. per cwt.? Ans.38cwt. 3qr. 71b. 9. What is the neat weight and value of 12 bags of coffee, each 2cwt. lqr. 10 lbs. gross, tare 18 Ibi per cwt., tret 4 lb. per 104 lb. at 19 dollars 60 cents per cwt? . „ $ 22evvt. 2qr. 18 lb. neat, nswe , ^ dollars 15cts. value. 10. What is the cost of 24 casks of prunes, each cask weighing lcwt. lqr. 23 lb. gross, tare 18 lb. per cask, at 5 dollars 17$ cents per cwt? A ns. $160 79cts. 4m. 11. What is the neat weight of 5 hogsheads of su¬ gar, each lOcwt. lqr. 20 lb. gross, tare 3qr. 25 lb. per hogshead, tret 4 lb. per 104 lb. cwt. qr. lb cwt. qr. lb. 10 1 20 0 3 25 5 5 52 0 16 gross. 4 3 13 tare. 4 3 13 tare. Divide by 26)47 1 3 suttle. 13 7 tret quotient. Ans. 45 1 24 neat. To find the neat weight of Pork, established by cus¬ tom, when the gross is given. rxtle. Place each hundred seperately. Then subtract £ or 25from the first hundred: £ or 12$ from the second hundred. The remainders will be neat. All over the second hundred is neat. Add the remainders and all over the second hundred together for the neat. Note—£ must be taken from any number of pounds grois, under 100 including:—£ from all over 100 pounds and under 200 including. 96 EQUATION. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the neat of a hog weighing 181 pounds gross? 2. What is the neat of a hog weighing 212 pounds gross? 25 I £ I 100 12$ |$| 84 25 I $ I 100 12$ I | 1 100 12 | I 25 | | 10$ J J 25 J I 12^ 75 73$ 75 87$» 73$ 87$ 12 Ans. 148$ Neat. Ans. 174$ Neat; 3. What is the neat of a hog weighing 305 pounds gross? Ans. 267$ lb. neat. 4. What is the neat of 3 hogs weighing gross as fol¬ lows, viz: no. 1,191 lb.; no. 2, 76 lb.; no. 3, 201 lb.? Ans. 375$ lb. neat. 5. What is the neat of 2 hogs weighing gross as fol¬ lows, viz: no. 1,219 lb.; no. 2,1X3 lb.? Ans. 268 lbs. neat. EQUATION. Equation is used to find the mean time of several payments due at different times. RULE. Multiply each payment by its time- Add up the sev¬ eral products, and divide the sum by the whole debt. EXAMPLES. 1. A. owes B. 60 dollars, of which 40 dollars is to be paid at 6 months, and 20 dollars at 3 months, but they agree that the whole shall be paid at one time. When must it be paid. EQUATION* 97 $ 40x6=240 20x3= 60 6|0)30|0 Ans. 5 months.. 2. C. owesD. 380 dollars, of whichlOO dollars is to- be paid at 6 months, 120 dollars at 7 months, and 160 dollars at 10 months, but they agree that the whole shall be paid at one time. When must it be paid? Ans. 8 months. 3. A merchant has owing to him 300 dollars, to be paid as follows, viz: 100 dollars at 2 monlhs; 100 dol¬ lars at 4 months; 100 dollars at 6 months; but they a- gree that the whole shall be paid at one time. When must it be paid? Ans. 4 months. 4. A merchant has purchased goods to the amount of 2000 dollars, of which sum 400 dollars are to be- paid at present, 800 dollars at 6 months, and the rest at 9 months; but it is agreed to make one payment of the whole. When must it be paid. Ans. 6 months.. 5. A. owes J. 500 dollars, which will be due four months hence. It is agreed that 100 dollars shall be paid now, and that the rest remain unpaid a longer time than four months. When must it be paid? Ans. 5 months. 6. A. owes B. 100 dollars, of which 75 dollars is to be paid at 4 months, and 25 dollars at 2 months; but they agree that the whole shall be paid at one time.— When must it be paid? Ans. 3J months. 7. C. is indebted to a merchant to the amount of 2500 dollars, of which 1000 dollars is payable at the end of 4 months, 800 dollars in 8 months, and 700 dollars in 12 months; when ought payment to be made if all are paid together? Ans, 7=2 months.-}- 6s SARTEH. BARTER. Barter is the exchanging- of one commodity for an¬ other according to a certain price or value agreed on by the parties concerned. Questions in Barter may be solved by the Rule of Three. When any articles at a given price per article, is to be bartered for any other articles at a given price per article. RULE. Find the value of the articles whose quantity is giv¬ en. Then find how many of the other articles may be bought with that money. EXAMPLES. 1. A. has 400 yards of cloth at 20 cents per yard, for which B. is to give him books at 50 cents each. How many books must A receive? 2. C, has 100 bushels of wheat at 75 cents per bushel, for which D. is to give him rye at 37$ cents per bushel. How many bushels of rye ought C. to receive? cts. cts. yd. cts. cfs. bu. 50 : 20 : : 400 37$ : 75 : : 100 400 2 2 5|0)800|0 75 150 100 Ans. 160 Books. 75)15000(Ans. 200 bu. 150 00 3. j>I. has 500 barrels of flour at 6 dollars per bar¬ rel, for which R. is to give him salt at 1 dollar 25 cents per bushel. How many bushels of salt ought M. to receive? Ans. 2400 bu. 4. A.'has 20 pounds of sugar at 12$ cents per pound, for which J. is to give him fowls at 10 cents a piece. How many fowls ought A. to receive? Ans. 25 fowls. BARTER. 99 5. HoW many bushels of rye at 40 cents .per bushel, are equal to 90 bushels of wheat at 50 cts. per bushel? Ans. 112$bu. 6. G. has 160 yards of stuff at 14 cents per yard, for which N. agrees to give him oats at 20 cents per bush¬ el. XIow many bushels of oats ought G. to receive? AnS. 112 bu. 7. P. sold 108 yards of calico at 10 cents per yard, for which E. gave him 6 dollars in money and the rest in flax-seed at 8 cents per bushel. How many bushels of flax-seed did P, receive? Ans. 60 bu. 8. How many pounds of tea at 30 cents per pound must be given in barter for 25 pounds of coffee at 22$ cents per pound? Ans 18f pounds. 9. A merchant has'1000 yard^ of canvass at 20 cents per yat-d, which he is to barter for serge at 22$ cents per yard. How many yards of serge should he receive? Ans. 888 ±g. yards. 10. A. has sugar at 12$ cents per pound, for a quan¬ tity of which C. is to give him 450 pounds oftea, at 1 dollar per pound. How much sugar must C. receive? Ans. 3600 pounds. 11. H. has 1000 bushels of salt atl dollar 10 cents- per bushel; for which W. is to give him 80 gallons of brandy at 87$ cents per gallon, and the rest in cotton at 15 cents per pound. How many pounds of cotton must H. recei ve? Ans. 6866$ pounds. 12. What quantity of candles at $9 50 cents per* owt. must be given for 15cwt. Oqr. 27 lb. of tobacco at 20 cents per pound? Ans. 35cwt. 3qr. 20 Ib.-f- 13. Two persons barter—A. has 17cwt of iron, at 13$ cts. per lb.—B. has 1200 lb. of cheese at 14 dollars per cwt.—which of them must receive money, and how much? Ans.—A. 107 dollars 4 cents. 14. E. has 2108 lb. of bacon at 10 cents per pound, and 31 bushels of apples at 11$ cents per bushel, which he barters with F. thus: E. to have 135 dollars 25 cents in money, and the rest in pork at 1 dollar 58 cents per barrel. How many barrels is he to receive? Ans. 50 barrels.-f- 100 LOSS AND GAIN. 15. K. bought of Y. 102 lb. of lard at 8| cents per pound, and is to pay him as follows, viz: in cash 1 dol¬ lar I dent, 20 lb. of leather at 20 cents per pound, and 40 pounds of beef at 2£ cents per pound, and the rest in butter at6£ cents per pound. How many pounds of butter must Y. receive? Ans. 39pounds. LOSS AIVD CrAUV- Loss and gain is used to show how much is gained or lost in dealing. RULE. 1st. Subtract the cost from the sale; the remainder will be the gain. Or, if the cost be more than the sale, subtract the sale from the cost, and the remainder will be the loss. 2d. When you wish to sell any commod¬ ity at a certain gain per cent, and wish to know what sum it must be sold for, say if 100 give 10Q with the per cent added, what will the first cost give. 3rd. When the amount is given at a certain rate gain per cent, to find the first cost—say if 100, with the rate per cent added, give 100, what will the amount give. 4th. When any commodity is sold at a certain rate per cent loss, to find the sum received, say if 100 give 100 less the per cent lost, what will the first cost give. EXAMPLES. 1. What will a merchant gain by buying 95 bushels of salt at 1 dollar 20 cents per bushel, and selling, it again at 1 dollar 50 cts. per bushel? 1 50' 95 bushels. 1 20 30 Gain on one bushel 30 Ans. $28 50 cents. XOSS AND GAIN. 101 2. TBought 55 yards of cloth at 13 cents per yard, and sold the same again for 15 cents per yard. How much was gained by the transaction? Ans. $1 lOcts. 3. If I buy 50 yards of cloth at 25 cents per' yard, and sell the same again for 30 cents per yard, how much do I gain? Ans. 2 dollars 50 cts. 4. If I buy 100 yards of tape at 20 cents per yard, and sell it folr|18 cents per yard, how much do I lose in the transaction? Ans. 2 dollars. 5. If I buy 40 saddles at 11 dollars 50 cents each, and sell them again at 10 dollars 99 cents each; how much do I lose by the sale? Ans. 20 dollars 40cts. 6. Bought 12 bushels of corn at 22\ cents per bushel, and soldi it again at 22 cent^ per .bushel. How much did I lose by the transaction? Ans. 6 cents. 7. A man bought flour at $5 per barrel, and sold it at $5 25 cents per barrel. How much did he gain on 363 barrels? " Ans. 90 dollars 75 cts. 8. If I lay out 500 dollars in cloth at 5 cents per yard, and sell the same again at 12£ cents per yard, how much do I gain? Ans, 750 dollars. 9. If I buy a horse for 60 dollars, at RAw much must I sell him to gain 20 per cent? If100 : 60 : : 120. Ans. $72. 10. If I buy 100 yards of cloth for $50, at how much must I sell it per yard to gain 20 per cent by the whole? Ans. 60 cents. 11. If I buy 54 yards of muslin for 29 dollars 84 cents, and sell the same again at 60 cents per yard, how much do I gain? Ans. 2 dollars 56 cents. 12. If I buy 90 horses for 1800 dollars, at how much must I sell each horse to gain 180 dollars in the whole? Ans. 22 dollars. 13. A merchant sold 40 ya^ds . of cloth at 20 cents per yard, and by so doing gained 10 per cent. What "was the first cost of each yard? Ans, 18 cents.4* 102 LOSS AND SAIN. 40 20 110 : *800 : : 100 100 11|0)8000|0 Yards 4I0;72|7* 1S+ 14. Bought a quantity of tea for $250, and sold it for 275 dollars. What is the gain, and gain per bent? Ans. 25 dollars gained, 10 per cent. 15. Bought 490 bushels of corn for 326 dollars, and sold the same for 370 dollars 10 cents. What was the profit on each bushel? f Ahs. 9 cents. 16. Bought a parcel of goods for60 dollars, and sold the same immediately for 90 dollars with 6 months credit. Ho^jtmuch per cent per annum was gained? Ans. 100 per cent. 17. When a broker receives ip exchange 5 cents per dollar profit, how much is the gain per cent? Ans. $5 18. A man purchased .7pieces.of cloth at $13 75 cts. per piece; but finding it somewnat damaged, he paid $3 12^ cts. per piece for dying it. At how much must each piece be sold to gain 12 per cent on the whole? Ans. $18 90 cts. 19. ,A trader bought 250 barrels of flour at $4 50 cts. a barrel. How must he sell each barrel to gain 100 dollars by the bargain? Ans. $4 90 cts. 20. If I purchase 16 pieces of cloth at 14 dollars per piece, and sell 5 pieces at 17 dollars per piece, and 6 at 15 dollars per piece, what must I sell the rest at per piece to gain 12 per cent on the whole? 17cts. 6m PARTNERSHIP. 103 PARTNERSHIP, Partnership is a joint interest or property, the union of tvro or more persons in the same trade, by which rule persons in company trading together, are enabled to make a just division of the gain or loss, in propor¬ tion to each man's stock. When the respective stocks have no time— Add the several shares tjogether, vfchich amount is the first term, either persons share the 2nd., the whole gain or loss the 3rd. Proceed by the Rule of Three. 2nd. When the respective stocks have time, multipjjy each man's stock by its time. Adci the several pro¬ ducts together, which amount is the first term, either particular product the 2nd, the whole gain or loss the 3rd. Proceed as before. * Proof.—Add together all the shares of gain or loss. SKAMplIS? 1. A, B and C matle a stock. A put in $?0, B $30, C {540,and by trading, they gained 36 dollars'# What was each man's share ofthe gain? Proof. $36 2. A and B purchased goods worth 80 dollars; of which A pays 30 dollars and B 50 dollars. They gained 21) dollars!; what is the gain of each] Ans. A $7 50 cts. B $12 50cts. 3. Thre|e merchants trading together gained $500. rule. A 20 B 30 C 40 Ambunt. 90 : 20 : : 36. 90 : 30 : : 36. 90 : 40 ; : 36. Ans. A's share $8 Ans. B's share $12 Ans. C's share $46 104 PARTNERSHIP. A's stock was $800; B's stock $700; C's stock $500. What was each man's share of the grain? Ana. A's share $200; B's $175; C's,$125. 4. A merchant being1 deceased, worth 1800 dollars, is found to owe the following sums:—To A $1200; to B $500; to C. 700. How much is each to have in pro¬ portion to the debt? Ans. A $900; B $375; and C $525. 5. B, C and D, made a stock, by which they gained 800 dollars; whereof B's stock was 400 dollars; C's 50Q dollars; and D's 600 dollars. 1 demand each man's share of the gain. Ans>B's $213§; C's $266$; D's $320. 6. Three drovers pay among them $60 for1 pasture, into which they put 200 cattle; of which A had 50; B 80; C 70. I would know how much each hacl to pay? Ans. A $15; B $24; C $21. 7. Four men formed a capital of3200 dollars^ They gained in a certain time 6560 dollars. A's stock was 560 dollars; B's 1040 dollars; Cf s 1200 dollars, end D's 400 dollars. What did each gain? Ans. A's $1148; B's 2132; C's 2460, and D>$820. 8. B, C and D traded together, B put in 50 dollars for four months; C 100 dollars for 6 months, and D150 dollars for 8 months. They gained 1S6 dollars 80 cts; what is each man's share of the gain? $ m." B 50*4=200 C 100x6 600 D 150x 8 1200 '■ $ cts. $ cts. 2000 ; 200 : : 126 80 C 12 68 B 2000 : 600 : : 126 80 Ans. < 3^ 04 C 2000:1200 i : 126 80 ( 76 08 D 9. O, P and R, traded together; O put in 100 dollars for 2 months, P 200 dollars for four months, and R.400 dollars for 5 months, and by trading together they gained 600 dollars 50 cents. How much is each man's gain in proportion to his stock? C O 40 dollars 3$ cents. ^lUS. < P 160 dollars 13$ cts. (R 400 dollars33$ cts. EXCHANGE. 105 10. A. and W. made a stock: A. put in 500 dollars tor 6 months, and YV. 2000 dollars for 8 months; and by trading they gained 2600 dollars. I demand each man's share of the gain? • 5 A. 410 dollars 52 cents 5m.+ I W. 2189 dollars 47 cents 3m.4* 11. S. G. and W. made a stock for 12 months. S, put in at first 500 dollars, and two months after he put in 40 dollars more; G. put in at first 805 dollars 50 cents, and at the end of ten months he took out 300 dollars; W. pUtin at first 000 dollars 25 cents, and 4 months after, he put in 100 dollars, and 6 months after that, he put in 50 dollars 50 cents mbre. At the exprration of 12 mpnth^ theirfrjgain is 1800 dollars 50 cents; what is each man's share of the gain? ( S. $488 89 cents 2m. Ans. < G» $892 51 cents 7m. ( W. $619 06 cents. 0m. EXCHANGE. TABLES OF MONEY. ENGLISH MONEY. The denominations are, 4 farthings (marked qr.) make 1 penny, d. 12 pence 1 shillings, s. 20 shillings 1 pound. £. H 106 feXCHAKGE. SHEWING- THE VALUE Ofr EV«UISK JlplNE* IN FEIJEHAI. MOJTKT. New York and North Carolina. South "Carolina and Georgia. Kew Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. | N, |lampshue, Massachusetts, Khode Island, Connecticut^ Virginia, Ken¬ tucky & Ten¬ nessee. s. d. $ £ts. s. d. $ cist. s. i. « CIS- s. d. $ cts 2 2 34 2 2 2 2# 3 3 3 5| 3 34 3 4 4 4 4# 1 4 4 54 H 4# 6 9 . 8 t 44 5 44 6# 6 • 9 64 9a f 10# 16 6 9 6# 10 j 84 124 1 0 124 1 0 21# 1 0 134 1 0 16# 1 6 m 1 > 32 1 6 20 1 s 25 2 0 25 2 t) 421 48 2 0 26# 2 0 ^34 2 3 23 2 3 2 3 * 30 2 3 374 2 6 314 2 6 534 2 6 2 6 41# 2 9 34# 2 9 ■ $8J i g 9 3£# 2 9 45#-- 3 0 . 574 » 3 4 644 3 0 40 . 3 1) 50 3 9 46# 3 9 804 3 9 50 3 9 624 66# 4 ,0 o to a common denominator. Ans 7 3 5 560 504. 720 , 1^0' ¥47' TSTo^TXTT 4. Reduce 5, and f, to a common denomina¬ tor Ans 144 192 340 252 tU1, AU3' 2"8¥1 2¥¥' 2"5T» 2 8T' Case 6* To reduce the fraction of one denomination to the fraction of another, but greater, retaining the same value. rule. Make the fraction a compound one, by comparing it with all the denominations between it and that to which it is to be reduced; which fraction reduce to a single one. 116 VULGAR FRACTIONS. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce f of a pennyweight to the fraction of a pound, Troy. „ if IT of A , sh^J=zh A°* 2. Reduce f of a nail to the fraction of a yard. Ans. t|t yd. 3. Reduce | of a cent to the fraction of a dollar. Ans. -^4^ dollar. 4. Reduce I of a pint to the fraction of a hogshead. Ans. hhd- Case 7. To reduce the fraction of one denomination, to the fraction of another, but less, retaining the same val¬ ue. npLE. Multiply the given numerator by the parts of the de¬ nominator between it and that to which it is reduced, for a new numerator, and place it over the given de¬ nominator, which reduce to its lowest terms. examples. 1. Reduce t4q of a dollar to the fraction of a cent, Ans. 4 cent. cts. I_v I J) 0—glnuolo 5 TToX l — I / l liicf 9" 2. Reduce ^y of a pound, troy, to the fraction of an ounce. Ans. | 02. 3. Reduce ¥§ £ of a ewt. to the fraction of a pound, avoirdupois. Ans. | lb. 4. Reduce-^3^4 of a day to the fraction of a min¬ ute. Ans. 44 m*n' Case 8. To reduce a fraction to its proper value. VtJLGAR FRACTIONS. 117 role. Multiply the numerator by the next lowest denom¬ ination, and divide by the denominator, examples. 1. Reduce f of a dollar to its proper value. 4 100 5)400 Ans. 80 cents. 2. Reduce § of a dollar to its proper value. Ans. 75 cents. 3. Reduce i of a day to its proper quantity. Ans. 6 hours, 4. Reduce A of a mile to its proper quantity. Ans. 4fur. 125yd. 2ft. lin. 1. 5. Reduce-A- of an acre to its proper quantity. * Ans. 1R. 10P. 0. Reduce T9g. of a year to its proper quantity. Ans. 32Sda. 12hr. Case 9. To 'reduce any given value or quantity to a fraction of any greater denomination of the same kind. Rule. Reduoe the given sum to the lowest denomination mentioned for a numerator, and the denomination of which you wish to make it a fraction to the same name for a denominator. examples. 1. Reduce 60 cents to the fraction of a dollar. Ans. | dollar. 118 VULGAR FRACTIONS. 2. Reduce 90 cents to the fraction of a dollar. 3. Reduce 9 ounces, troy, to the fraction of a 4. Reduce 9oz. 2dr. avoirdupois, to the fraction a pound. Ans. -£lb. 5. Reduce 3qr. 3na. to the fraction of a yard. Ans. i 5. Reduce 7 months to the fraction of a year. ADDITION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Reduce the fractions to a common denominator; then add all the numerators together, and place their sum over the common denominator. If fractions be of different denominations. And their value seperutely, and add as Compound Addition. Note.—If mixed numbers be given reduce them to improp¬ er fractions, or only use the fractional paft in performing the operation. Then add the whole numbers, as in Simple Addi¬ tion. If compouud fractions be given-reduce them to single ones. Ans. dollar.- Ans. 3 lb. Ans. j\ year. rule. examples. 1. Add 5, i and ^ together. Hi 8 8) Ans. s 2 32 — 16 8 — Divide by 8, 2, 4)64 VULGAR FRACTIONS, 2. Add \ and 77 together. 3. Add 2, u, T9^ and | together. A \-rmn TT' tt> TT — TT together. . 12 0* Ans. i®. Ans. 11. Ans. ll£4r. Ans. 13.JL. iiuu 4, 2 fx.iu 4 f>. Add 3i, 8^ and ± together. 7. Add 74 and 54 together- 8. Add 4 of an acre to T7g- of a rood. Ans. 2R. 14P. 9. Add i of a mile to T7g- of a furlong. Ans. 6fur. 2SP. 10. Add | of jj and \ of t7j together. Ans. |9. 11. Add 2 of g and £ of Altogether. Ans. |£. MULTIPLICATION OF VULLAR FRACTIONS. Multiply the numerators together for n new nmtier- tor, and the denominators lor a now denuminaio No-ri;.— If compound tractions be given, reduce them to sin¬ gle ones; or, if mixed numbers, reduce tliem to impioper frac¬ tions; and proceed as before. 1. Multiply i byf, 4Xf=f 2) J. Ans. 4. 2. Multiply I by|. Ans. T'ff. 3. Multiply T\ by 4. Ans. 7\. 4. Multiply 4i by ■§. Ans. 31. 5. Multiply 4 of | by ^ of ±*. Ans. S. Multiply i of 7 by 4. Ans. 12. 4XAX4=A 4)7 II. RULE. EXAMPLES. 120 VULGAR FRACTIONS. SUBTRACTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. rule. Reduce compound fractions to single ones, and mix¬ ed numbers to improper fractions. Then reduce these fractions to a common denominator, and subtract the less numerator from the greater, and place the differ¬ ence over the common denominator. Note.—When the fractions are of different denominations reduce them to their proper value, each seperately, and take their difference by Compound Subtraction. examples. 1. From I take -JL. Ans. 8 12x5=60 _ 8X5=40 Divide by 8, 12)96 — 4)20 g 2. From I take Ans. 3. From take Ans. 4. From T7T take Ans.-J^. 5. From h of ■§• take f of Ans. -J.. 6. From | of -A. take i of |. Ans. 7. From | of a league take of a mile. Ans. lm. 2fur. 16p. V. From of a yard take -§ of an inch. Ana Note.—When fractions or mixed numbers are to be subtrac¬ ted from whole numbers, subtract the numerator of the frac¬ tion from its denominator, and under the remainder place the denominator; then carry one to be subtracted from the whole number. 9. From 5 take ^ Ans. 476x. VULGAR FRACTIONS. 121 10. From 10 take Ans. 9JL. 11. From 9 take5£. Ans. 3h. 12. From 25 take 24-®,;.. Ans. 1. 10 o DIVISION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. RULE. Reduce compound fractions to single ones, and mix¬ ed numbers to improper fractions. Then invert the dividing term, and multiply all the numerators into each other for a dividend, and denominators for a di¬ visor. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide h by 5. Ans. •§. inverted |X | 2)|—§. 2. Divide 6 by §. Ans. 48. 3. Divide a by 3. Ans. ^7. 4. Divide |~L by An£, 1||. 5. Divide 6| by Ans. 19|. 0. Divide f of £ by h of Ans. -§•?. 7. Diyidef of g by 4 of f. Ans. I5. 8. Divide | of 5 by | of i. Ans. lpi. 9. Divide 4A by «. of 4, Ans- 2^. 10. Whdt part of 33-L is 28||. Ans. a. RULE OF THREE, IN VULGAR FRACTIONS. ROLE. State as in whole numbers. Then invert the first term, and multiply all the numerators together for a dividend, and denominators for a divisor. If mixed I 122 VULGAR FRACTIONS. numbers be given, reduce them to improper fractions; or componnd fractions to single ones. If a whole number, place thus: f, &c, EXAMPLES. If f of a yard of cloth cost f. of a dollar, how much will | of a yard cost at that rate? Ans. 01 60 cts. Inverted |Xf X|=5]0)8J0 01 60 cts. ;2. If f of an ounce of indigo cost $ of a dollar, how much will § of an ounce cost? Ans. 23T7r cents. 3. If 1| bushels of coril cost 01 g, how much will 60 bushels cost at that rate? Ans. 038 57f cts. 4. If 2h bushels of oats cost 50 cents, what cost 13£ bushels at that rate? Ans. $2 65 cents. 5. IIow many yards of linen, | wide, will be suf¬ ficient to line 20 yards of baize that is 3 of a yard wide? Ans. 12 yd. 6. If | of a pound of cinnamon bring f of a dol¬ lar, what will If lb. come to? . Ans. 02 74f cts. 7. What will $ of 2| cwt. of chocolate come to, when 6£ lb. cost £ of a dollar? Ans. 010 76if cts. 8. When 10 men can finish a piece of work in VDiGAR FRACTIONS. 123 20| days, in how many days can 6 men do the same? Ans. 34* da. 9. How many pieces of stuff at $20| per piece are equal in value to 240*. pieces, at $12! per piece? Ans. 149T\yT- 10. If ! of |- of $ of 60 cents will pay for a bush¬ el of potatoes, how many bushels will $1 60 cts. pay for? Ans. lOf bu. DOUBLE RULE OF THREE IN VULGAR FRACTIONS. ROLE. Prepare the terms, if necessary, by Reduction.— "State as in whole numbers. Then iuvertthe two divi¬ ding terms, and multiply all the numerators together for a dividend, and the denominators for a divisor. EXAMPLES. 1. If ! of a dollar, in T\ of a year, gain yT of a dol¬ lar interest, how much will i of a dollar gain ir^ |. of a year? Ans. 5A cts. $ y. $ _ principal ! : T9^ : t interest. •g : « Inverted f X y X 8x JxVT=l08)00)600|00=5£. 540 60 2. If 2$ yards of cloth, 1| yards wide, cost $3 j, what is the value of 38s yards, 2 yards wide? Ans. $76 50 cts. 3. If $50 in 4Ty months gain 2$ dollars interest, 124 DECIMAL P^ACfT'IdJir^ in what time will $15-1. gain $2? Ans. monthaf, 4. If 4 men in 5| days eat 71 lb. of bread, how many pounds will 20 men eat in of a day? Ans* 5ta.a. lb, 5. If 90 dollars in | of a year gain $4| interest, in what time will 900 dollars gain 20 dollars interest? Ans. 4^ months* DECIMAL FRACTIONS. A Decimal Fraction is a part of a whole number or unit, denoted by a point placed to the left of a figure or figures; as .2, . 18,. 110. The first figure afterthe point denotes so many tenths of a unit; the second, so many hundredths; the third, so many thousandths, and so on. Decimal Fractions are read in the same manner as vulgar fractions. .5 is equal to, and reads as ,10 ,l20Tyff0^, and so on. A mixed number consisting of a whole number and a decimal, as 12 Ap thus 12.5. Whole numbers, counting from the right towards the left, increase in a tenfold proportion; but decimals, counting from the left towards the right, decrease in a tenfold proportion, as will be bet¬ ter exemplified in the following table: decimal fractions. 125 TABLE. WHOLE NUMBERS. DECIMALS. 222222231 .1 22222222 S?s§°?s 3 s! zs 5, o- « rv st! uc » • 2cr°§5°g ~ "St"' ^ ^ H £ $ -3 o g ® S"s=i ft: S ts^ —- • i—z 21 ^ Cu M O- ? E 2 s- o tn «-J so ? 3-ES5 S-3 OS* ' ^ § c co tj &i 3 h »-* ^ a » S» 3 2,»1 fit s ft. " -j _, & £ t) ft.» • 3 "3 r' 2. S3 Note—Ciphers annexed to decimals, neither in¬ crease or decrease themj thus, .4, .10, .50, being; tV» tV°o' To°o> are same value; but ciphers prefixed to decimals, decrease them in a tenfold pro¬ portion, thus, .04,.010, .050,beingTJ»T, &c. ADDITION OF DECIMALS. rule. Writedown the given numbers under each other, viz:—Units under units, tens under tens, &c., and add as in addition of whole numbers; observing to set the point in the answer under those of the given number. examples, (1.) 2.12 (2.) 36.12 (3.) .7324 .103 3.112 .0962 15.115 .12 .132 .74 16.182 .09 18.078 55.534 1.0506 4. Add 56.12, .7,1. 314,5337.01 and .15 together. Ans. 5895.294 126 decimal fractions. 5. Add 361.04, .120, 78.0006, 101.54, 8.943 and\3tt>- gether. Ans. 549.9436. MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS. RULB. Multiply as in whole numbers, and point off as many figures in the product for decimals a? there are decim¬ als in both factors. If there are not so many figures in the product as there are decimal figures in both fac¬ tors, place ciphers to the left of the product to supply the deficiency. examples. 1. Multiply 5.11 by .122 5.11 122 122 610 .62342 2. Multiply 51.20 by 38.03 3. Multiply 4560. by .3720 4. Multiply .283 by .003 5. Multiply3.92 by 198. 6. Multiply .28043 by .0005. SUBTRACTION OF DECIMALS. Rule. Place the numbers as in addition, with the less un¬ der the greater; and subtract as in whole numbers, set¬ ting the point in the answer under those in the given numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. From 32.453 take 1.33 1.33 Ans. 2093.7460. Ans. 1698.3200. Ans. .000855. Ans. 768.32. Ans. .000140215. Ans. 31.126 2. From 18.16 take 9.125 3. From 100. take .25 Ans. 9.035. Ans. 99.75.. DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 127 4. Prom 441.2 take 128.9 5. From 456. L lake 111.9 Arts. 312.6. Ans. 344.2, DIVISION OP DECIMALS. Rule. Divide as in whole numbers; then observehow many more decimal figures there are in the dividend than di¬ visor, and point oil" t int number of decimal figures in the answer. Or if there be not figures enough in the an¬ swer, annex ciphers until there be a sufficient number. Note.—If the dividend be not l irge enough to contain the divisor, annex ciphers until it will be; or if there be a remain¬ der, proceed in like manner. 4.21) 118.63( Ans. 35.3040 126 3 2233 $105 128.0 1263 17.00 1684 examples. 1. Divide 148.63 by 4.21 160 2. Divide 19.25 by 38.5 3. Divide .2142 by 3.2 4. Divide 210. by 240. 5. Divide .1606 by 4.4 6. Divide 3. by 4. Ans. .5. Ans. .066.+ Ans. .875. Ans. .365. Ans. .75. 7. Divide 275. by 3842. Ane. .071577.+ 128 decimal fractions. REDUCTION OP DECIMALS. Case 1. To reduce a Vulgar Fraction to a Decimal. Rule. Annex ciphers to the numerator, an<} divide by the denominator. If compound fractions be given, reduce them to single ones, and then to a decimal. examples. 1. Reduce to a decimal. A Ans. .5.. 2)1.0 .5 2. Reduce I to a decimal. Ans. .332, 3. Reduce f to a decimal. Ans. .75. 4. Reduce § to a decimal. Ans. .375. 5. Reduce A of # to a decimal Ans. .333.+ Case 2. To reduce any sum or quantity to the decimal of a higher. Rule. Reduce the given sum to the lowest denomination mentioned for a dividend, and one of that denomina¬ tion of which you wish to tnakea decimal to the same denomination for a divisor. The quotient will be the answer. examples. 1. Reduce 2qr. to the decimal of a yard. Ans. .5. yd. 1 4)2.0 4 .5 4 2. Reduce 2qr. 2na. to the decimal of a yard. Ans. .625. 3. Reduce 2qt. lpt. to the decimql of a hhd. Ans. .00992+. 4. Reduce 10g. to the decimal of an ounce, apotheca¬ ries weight. Ans. ,.02083.+ DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 129 5. Reduce 5 mini to the decimal of an hour. Ans. .05333.4- 6. Reduce 2r. 4p. to the decimal of an acre. Ans. .525t Cask 3. To reduce a decimal fraction to its proper value. Rule. Multiply the given fraction continually by the next lowest denomination than that of the given sum, for the proper value. examples. 1. What is the value pf .75 of a dollar? Ans. 75cts. 100 75.00 2. What is the value of .375 of a dollar? Ans. 37Jcts. 3. What is the value of .Oof an acre? Ans.3r.24p. 4. What is the value of .436 of a yard? Ans. lqr. 2na. .076. 5. What is the value of .71 of 4 ounces, troy? Ans. 2oz.l6dwt. 19.2gr. 6. What is the value of .86 of cwt? Ans. 3qr. 12 lb. 5oz. 1.92dr. 7. What is the value of .07 of a barrel of 32 gallons? Ans. 2gal. l,92pt. 8. What is the value of .235 of a day? Ans. 5hr. 3Smin. 24sec. RULE OF THREE IN DECIMAL^. Rule. Stato as in whole numbers, only observing when you multiply and divide, to place the decimal points according to the rules of multiplication and division of decimals. examples. 1. If 6.4 lb. of coffee cost 1.22 dollars, what cost 25.61b. 6.4 : 25.6 ; : 1.22? Ans. $4 88 cents. 2. If 1.4 lb. ot sugar cost .16 of a dollar, what will 30cwt. lqr. 22.5 lb. come to? Ans. $3S9.77l.+ 130 involution; or raising op powers. 3. If I sell lqr. of cloth for $2,345, what is it per yard? Ann. $9.38. 4. How many pirees of cloth at $20.8 pel' piece are equal in value to 240 pieces at $12.6 per piece? Ans. 145.38.-f- 5. How lone will 3 men he in performing' a piece of work which will occupy 5 men for 40.5 days? Ans. 67.5 days. 6. How much muslin .75 of a yard wide will lino 25,5 yards of clotty thai^ is 5 quarters wide? Ans. 42.5 yhrds. INTOLITTSOiY, ©R RAIS21TO ©F POWERS. A power is the product produced by multiplying any given number into itself a certain number of times. Thus: 3x3=9 the square or second power. 3x3x3=27 the cube or third power of 3. 3x3x3x3x=81 the fourth power of 3, &c. The number which denotes a power is called its in¬ dex. Any number multiplied by the same sum one time, the product is its square. Thus, 2 by x2=4the square of2, &c. Any number multiplied into its square, the product will be the cube. Thus, 2x2x2=9 the cube of 2. When any power of a vulgar fraction is required, first raise the numerator to the required pow¬ er for a new numerator, and then raise the denomina¬ tor to the required power for a new denominator.— Thus the third power of -!fx3X-?= Ans. J*7 the required powers. SQUARE ROOT. 131 TABLE OF THE FIRST NTNE POWERS. 1 o, o> 7? ' QO 8 C ET ~ "Sr p- S" p* 0 ' jS 3- T •d "Z •Jl it O) Ss o % % § U) 2 2 2 n 2 1 1 1 ~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 .> 9 27 81 243 729 2187 6561 19683 4 16 64 256 1024 4095 16384 65536 262144 5 25 125 625 3125 156ao 78125 590625 195s125 6,36 216 1296| 7776 46656 2799-6 1679616 10077696 7|49 34 > 24011168 ,7 117619 823543 5764811 40353607 8 64 512 4096 32768 729 6561 59049 267144 2.J97152 16777216 134217728 9|81 531441 4782969 43046721 387420489 EXAMPLES. 1. What is the square of 8? Ans. (>4. 2. What is the square of 9? Ans. 81. 3. What is the cube of 4? Ans. *54. 4. What is the cube) of 5? Ans. 125. 5. What is the cube or third power of .203? Ans .(MS191447. 6. What is the Gth power of 2 8? Ans. 481.890304. 7. What is the 8lh power of J? Ans. •g-y-J-3^- The root of a number is that which will produce that number by being multiplied by itself a given number of times; thus: '2 is the square root of 4. because twice 2muke4; & 4 is the cube root of 64, because 4x4x4= make 64, and so on. SQUARE ROOT. When the square root of any given number is re¬ quired RULE. Seperate the given number into periods of two fi- 132 Square root. gureseach, begining at the units' place, find the great¬ est square contained in the left hand period, and set its root ou the right of the given number. Subtract said square from the left hand period, and to the re¬ mainder bring down the hext period for a dividend.— 2d. Double the root for a divisor, and try how often this divisor is contained in the dividend, omitting the last figure, and place the result to the right of the as¬ certained root; and to the right of the number pro¬ duced by doubling the ascertained root. Multiply and subtract as in division; and bringdown the next pe¬ riod to the remainder for a dividend. Double the as¬ certained root, for a divisor, qnd proceed as before, till all the periods are brought down. Note.—if the square root of a whoTe number & decimal are required, point the whole number from right to left; then be¬ gin with the decimal, and point from left to right; if there be only one figure at the last, place a cipher to its right to make an even period. examples. 1. What is the square root of 451594? 45.15.84(Ans. 672 root. 36 127)91-5 899 1342)2684 2694 2. What is the square root of 106929? 3. What is the square root of 6.9169? 4. What is the square root of 393756? 5. What is the square root of 10.4976? 6. What is the square root of 18.3621? 7. What is the square root of 160000? 8. What is the square root of .250000? 9. What is the square root of 5? Ans. 827. Ans. 2.63. Ans. 627+ Ans. 3.24. Ans. 4.28+ Ans. 400. Ans. .500. Ans. 2.23+ sqture root. 133 Note.—When the square root of a vulgar fraction is re¬ quired, extract the square root of the numerator for a new numerator, and the square root of the denominator for a new denominator. If there be a remainder, either to the numera¬ tor or denominator, reduce the fraction to a decimal, and ex¬ tract the square root thereof; or if there be a mixed number, reduce it to an improper fraction, and proceed as before. 10. What is the square root of Ifff? Ans. 11. What is the square root of ||«o? Ans. 12. What is the square root of Ans. |. 13. What is the square root of Ans. |. 14. What is the square root of 27T9g? Ans. 54* 15. What is the square root of 3of them travels due east 90 miles; the other due north 40 miles; how far are they asunder? Ans. 98.48 miles.+ 30. Suppose a wall be 20 feet high, and be surround¬ ed by a creek 50 feet wide; how long must a line be to reach from the top of the Wall to the opposite bank of the creek? Ans. 53.85 feet.+ 21. Said James to Joseph, I see a tree known to be CUBE &00T. ^00 feet high, and from the spot where I stand it is 40- feet to its root, but I demand the distance from where I stand to it's top? An5, 107.70feet. 22. A Pertain castle which is 45 feet high, is surround¬ ed by a ditch 60 feet broad-. What lelugth must a ladr der be to reach from thy outside ol^ the ditch to the top of the castle? Ans. 75 feet. 23. What is the height of a steeple when a line 204 fpetlong will reach from the top of the steeple to the opposite hank of a river known to by 41 feet broad? A us. 190.83 feet.-f- 24. A certain geheraljiasan army of 5625 men; how many must lie place -in ratili and file to form them into* a square? Ans. 75 men. 25. Suppose a ladder1 60 feet long lip s > planted as' tp reach a windodfr1 37 feet from thy ground on one side- of the street, and without moving" if at thy fyot wilL Teach p window 23 feet high on the ptlier side. What is thy breadth of the street^ Anst. 102.64 feat* CTRJS ROOT. When the cube root of ppy hummer i* required, RUl.K. 1st. pSeperate the given rt umber into periods of three figures,each byginn'mg at'ihe urtits* place. 2nd. Find the greatest yObe contained in the left hand period, and set its root on the right of the given number. 3rd. Subtract said cube from the left hand period; bring down the next period to the remainder for a dividend, 4th. Square the root and multiply the square by 3 for a defective divisor^ 5th. Try how often the defective divisor is contained in the dividend, omitting the two right hand figures, and place the number of times it is contained to the right of the ascertained root, and its square to the right of the defective divisor, supplying the place of tens with a cipher, if the square be less than 10, 6th. Multiply the last figure of the root by CTlBJi BOOT, 135 all the figures in It previously ascertained; multiply that product by 33; and acid their products to the divi¬ sor to complete it. 7th. Multiply and subtract, as ia Division, bth. And to the remainder bring clown the next period for a new dividend. 9th. Find a divisor as before: and thus proceed until all the periods are brought down. Notb.—-When remainders occur annex ciphers for decimal periods; and point dhcimuU as in the Square Hoot. EXAMPLES, 1. What is the cube root of 10793S61? AnS. 221. 10793.861(221, 8 Defective divisor &, square of 2= 1204)279,1 -f"120=»complete divisor 1324)2048 Defective; divisor & square of 1=145201)145'.861 -f-660=compleie divisor 145861)145,861 2. Whatisthe cube root of 16191277? Ans. 253. 3. Whatisthe cube root of 5735339? Ans. 179. 4. What is the cube root bf 7552611? Ans. 196.+ 5. What is the cube root of 12.113347? Ans. 2.29.4- 6. What is the cube root of .378821? Ans. .72.4- Note.—-When the cube root, of a Vulgar fraction is requir¬ ed reduce it to i»s lowest terms, and extract the cube root of the numerator and of the denominator. If there be a re¬ mainder to the numerator or denominator, reduce the fraction to a decimal, and extract the cube root thereof. When mixed numbers are given reduce them to improper fractions, or to a •decimal, and proceed as before. 7. What is the cube root of | *°? Ans. ^ '8. What is the cube root of •/Tr4ff8ff Ans. 9. What is the cube root of 36f£? Ans. 3.32+ 136 SINGLE POSITION. 10. There has been a cellar dug, out of which has been taken 3456 cubical feet; what is the length, breadth, and depth of it? Ans. 15ft. 4- POSITION. Single position is used when it is required to make- use of only one supposed number to find an unknown numberj RULE. Suppose any number most suitable, and proceed withitas if itwere the true one; setting down there- suit, which is the first term; the given number the se¬ cond; the supposed number the third. Proceed by Rule of Three. The quotient will be the number sought. EXAMPLES. 1. A person having about him a certain number of dollars, said if a h a ip and a | were added togeth¬ er, the sum would he 90; how many had he? 12 (Supposed.) 120 40 30 20 9 :90 : : 12(Ans. @120. $90 proof. 2. A merchant received a number of dollars, said i, f, £ and | of the number is 90; what number of dollars has he? Ans. $75. 3. A. and B. having found a purse of money, SINGLE JPOSITION. 1#7 disputed1 who should have it; A. said that and ^of it amounted to 35 dollars, and if B. could tell him how much was ip it he shpdld have the whole, orherwise he should hafe nothing; how4 much did the purse contain? Ans. $100. 4. A person alter spending ^ apd § of his moneys had 26f dollars left, how ,much had he at first? Ans- $160. 5. A certain sum of mohey is to be divided a- rag 5 men in such a manner that A. shall-have C^s, D. ^-g, and B. th&Temaincler, which is 40 dollars; what Js the sum? JiXiS. $1001. 6. A gentleman hcipg jgiSKed his age, replied, if the years of my life were dopbled and 4 of the pro¬ duct divided by 3, the^bsiilt would be 14; what was his age? Ans- 35 years. 7. In a certain web of clofh there is \ blue, $ black, and 9 yard,s white, how many yards are there in the web? Ans, 54 yards. 8. A country clown, a lovely maid adf terms 13. number of terms 13—1^1,2 2-^-50=52 first & last terms, common difference 4 13 number of terms. 48 156 first term. + 2 52 the last term. 50 2)676 Sum of all the terms. 338 Answer. 2. A man sold 40 yards of linen at 2 cents for the first yard, 4 cents for the second, increasing 2 cents ev¬ ery yard; what did they amount to? Ans. $16 40cts. 3. Uought 15 yards of lirteo. at 2 cents for the first yard, 4 cents for the second, 0 cents for the third, &c. increasing' 2 cents every yprd; what was the cost of the last yard, and what was the cost, of the whole? Ans. The last yd. cost 30ets.— the whole $2 40cts. 4. Twenty persons gave charity to a poor woman; the first gave 6 cents, the second 8 cents, and so on ip arithmetical progression; how muqh did the last per¬ son give, and what sum did the woman receive? Ans. The last person gave 44cts.—she received S5, 5. A man on a journey travels the first day 10 miles. 142 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION the second 14 miles, increasing14 miles every day: how many miles did he travel the tenth day, and bow many miles did he travel jn all? Ans. Tenth day 46 miles—in all 280 miles. 6. Suppose a numbei* of stones were laid ayard dis¬ tant from each other for the spare of a mile; and the first a yard from a basket; what length of ground will that man travel over who gathers them Up singly re¬ turning with them one by one to the basket? Ans. 1761 miles. Cask 2. When the two extremes and the number of terms arc given to find the cbinmou din -rence. rule. Subtract the less extreme frotp the greater, and di¬ vide the remainder by one less than the number of terms; the quotient will bd the common difference- examples. 7. The extremes beirtg 20 and 40: and the number of terms 6; what is the Common difference? Number of terms 6 40) 17, . l oq f i-xtiemw. One less 5 5)20 Ans. 4 Common. 8. A man had 10 sons whose several ages differed alike; the youngest was 3 years old, and the eldest48; what was the common difference of their ages? Ans. 5 years. 9. 'A man is to travel from'Boston to a certain place in 9 days, and to go but 5 miles the first day, increas¬ ing every day by an equal excess, so that the last day's GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 143 journey may be 37 miles. Required thn daily increase. Ans. 4 miles. 10. A man received charity from 10 different persons; the first gave him 4 cents, the last 49 cents, in arith¬ metical progression; what was-the common difference, and what did the man receive? Ans. Received $2 65cts.—common difference Sets. 11. When a debt is paid at8 different payments, in arithmetical progression, the first payment to be $21; "the last $173; what is the Common difference, and what each payment, and what was the whole debt? Ans. Common difference $22—Second payment $43 —Third payment $05, &c.—-The whole gum $784. Geometrical Progression is the increase of a series of numbers by a common multiplier, or decrease by a common divisor, as 4, 8, 18, 32, 64;—61, 32, 16, 8, 4. The multiplier ©r divisor by vt'hioh any series is in¬ creased or decreased is called the ratio. Cask. To find the last term and sum of the series. rule. Raise the ratio to a power \vhose index is one less than the number of terms given in the sum. Multi¬ ply the product by the first term, and that product by the ratio. From this last product subtract the first term, and divide the remainder by a number that is one less than the ratio. The quotient will be the sum of the series. examples, 1,. If 1 buy 18 bushels of wheat, and pay 2 cents for the first bushel, 4 fpr the second, 8 for the third, &«., *k>a bling to the last, how much must I pay? 144 GEOMETRIC!. PROGRESSION. a T3 a, J5 Ratio 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, IBS 1024 ■256 128 16384 14(h power* 8 3rd power. 131072 17tti power. 2 First term. 262144 2 Ratio. 524288 2 First term. Divide by Ratio 2 1=1)524286 Ans. $5242 86 cts. 2. A man taught school 21 days, and received for the first day 1 cent, for the second 2, for the third 4, and so on, until the last. What spm did he receive? Ans. 20971 dollars 51 cents. 3. A gentleman whose daughter was married on a new year's day, gave her »!1, promising to triple it on the first day of each month in the year. What did her portion amount to? ' Ans. $205720. 4. What sum would pwrchestrtt horse' with 4 shoes, and six nails in each shoe, at £ of a cent for the first nail, a half for the second, a cent for the third, &c., doubling to the last? Ans. $41943 03^ cts 5. A merchant sold 20 bushels of clover seed, at 1 COMPOUND INTEREST, BY DECIMALS. 145 eent for the first bushel, '4 for the second, 16 for the third, and so on; in quadruple proportion. What sum did he receive, and how much did he gain by the sale, supposing he gave $5 per bushel for the seed! &na $ $3665038759 25 ctg. sum received. An8, I $3665038659 25 cts. gained. COMPOUND INTEREST, BY DECIMALS. The ratio in Cohnpound Interest is the amount of 1 dollar for 1. year, which is found as follows: 100 : 104 : : t (101 amount for 1 year at 4 per ct. Note.-—"ffte 4th root of the ratio will be the quarterly a- mount—Tl(e square root the half yearly amount—and the pro¬ duct arising from the ha)f yearly and quarter yearly multipli¬ ed together, the three quarter yearly ^mount, as follows: Thus# %/!.04=1.009353 quarterly amOunt; and *\/l 04=1.019804 half yearly amoUht; then 1.0C9853X 1.019804=1.029852, amount for 3 qrs. oC a year at 4 per cent, Note..—The 4th root is found hyextracting the square root of the Square loot. The ^atio jnvpUed tp the power, whose ipdex is the time, is, the amount of one dollar for that time, as a square for two yeari, a cube for three yeuiJs, &©. Thus: 1.01xA04x 1.04=1.124884, amount of 1 dollar for three years, at 4 per cent. When the ratio is io be involved tcryears an .006000. One sixth for 5 days. — .1)00833 ■— .000833. For 7 months, 5 days=l.Q35396. for 4y.l0mp.5da.=l.324706. T1BIE 1. Amount of $1 for a year, $£ for Qifdrlcrd at Compound Iniereft — ;— '-n-j ■ r nIr4-1 <—r-e—y— Rate pr ct. Ratio. For three Quarters. f For two Quarters. Hlr— For one Qyarler., Simple Int of $1 for 1 teonth. 3 1-03 1.023416 1.014889 1.007417 11.002500 ' n 1.030 1-026137 1.01734$ lr'J08637 .002917 4 1.04 1.029852 1.019304 ,1.009853 *003333 4J 1.045 1,033563 1-022252 1 011065 .003750 5 1.05 1.037270 i-024695 1.012273 .004167 Si 1.055 1-P4097S 14)27132 1 013475 *004583 6 1.06 4.0^4671 1.029536 1 014674 .005000 61 1.065 1.048304 4.031988 1.015868 .005417 r 1.07 1,052053 1.034408 1.017058 .005833 COMPOUND INTEREST, V? DECIMALS. 147 TABLE 2. Pfhewinir the amalmt of one dollar from one year to forty. yr.|-i perceiu|4£ prcent[5 per ceiit|5£ pt* cei*t| 6 per cent 1.1.O40JOOO 1.0450000 1.0500000|1.055000u 2 1.0316000 1.0920250 1 1025000 1.1130250 S 1.1243640 1.1411661 1 157625U 1.1/42413 1.1698585 1 1925186 I 2155062 1.2388246 5 1.2166529 I 2461819 1.2762815,1.3069598 6 1.2653190 1 3022601 l.340'J956 1.3788426 7 1.3159317 1 3608318 1 4071004 1.4546789 1.3685690 1,4221006'1.4774554 1.5346862 1.4233118 1.4850951 1.4513232 1.6190939 1.4802442 1.552959 4 1.6238946 1 7081440 1.5394540 1.6228 >39 1.7103393 1.8920919: 1.60103211.69583141 79-58533 1.9012069 1.6650735 1.772196ill. 8856491 2.0057732 1 7316764,1 8519449,1 9790316 2 1160907 l.8009435jl.935282412.0789281'2.2324756 1.6729812 2.0223701)2.1828745 2.3552617 1.947901)5 2.1133768 2.292018 >'2.4848011 2.0258161 2 2084787 2 4 <66:92 2 6214652 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2.10684912 3076693 2.191123112.4117140 2.2787680'2.5202411 2 3699187i® .6336 520 2 5260502 2 7656458 2.6532977,2 9177.563 2 785962",|3 0782329 2 92.52607(3 2475J57 2.4647155 2.7521663 3.0715237)3.4261502 2.563304ll2 8760138,3.2250999 3 604588 31 373T343241X91385744"53R9393F 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2.6658363 3 00543413.3863549 2.7724697,3 1406790 3 5556726 2,8833635 3 2820095 3 7334563 2.9987033 3.4296999 3.S201291 3.1186514 3.5840354 4.1161356 3 2433975 3.7453181 4 3 219423 3.5Q&0537?i^09998i & 3.6481831 4 2740301 3.7943163 4.4663015 3.9460839 4.6573478 4.1030325 4 8773784 4.2680898 5 0968604 4.4388134 4.6163659 4.8010206 5.3262192 5 5658990 5.8163645 5.0031885 3.8133919 4.0231379 4,2443999 4.4778419 4 7241232 4.9839469* 5-12580671 4 T640444.^-Jti7?fiO8 5 8523600 5.2533473 6 1742398 5 5160152 6-5138230 5 7918101 6 8720832 6 0314069 7.2500478 63854772 6 7047511 7-0399887 7 6488004 8 0694844 8.513306C 1.060U0UO 1.1360000 1.1910160 1 2624769 1.3382256 1.4185191 1.5036302 1..5938480 1.68947.89 1 7908476 1 8982985 2.0121964 2.1329282 2 260y039 2 3965581 2 5403517 2 6927727 2.8543391 3.0255995 3.2071355 3.3995636 o. 6035374 3 8097496 4 0489346 4.2918707 4.5493829 4.8223459 5.1116867 5.4183870 5 7434912 6.0881007 6.4533867 678403]39y 7.2510253 7.6860868 8.1472520 8 6360871 91542523 9 7035074 10.2857178 148 COMPOUND INTEREST, BT DECIMAL'S. Compound Interest is that in which the interest of 1 year is added to the principal, and that amount is the principal for the second year, and so On for any num¬ ber of years. Case 1. The principal time and rate given to find the amount. Rule. Multiply the principal by the ratio involved to the time, which may be taken from table 2, and the pro¬ duct will be the amount, from which subtract the prin¬ cipal for the compound interest. examples. . 1. What is the compound interest and amount of $300 for 3 years, at 5 per cent. 1.05x1.05x1.05=1.1576250 300 f $347.28.7.5000 amount. Answer J [ $47.28.7 interest. 2. What is the amount of $500 for five years, at ft percent? Ans. $669.11.2. 3. What is the compound interest of $100 for four years, at 5 percent? Ans. $21.55. 4. What is the amount of five dollars for 20 years, at six per cent? Ans. $16.03.5. 5. What i^ the compound interest of 1(100 dollars for thirteen years at six percent per annum? Ans. $1132.92.8. 6. What is the n mount oftJO dollars for II years, at 6 per centl— ~ A~nfc.i$tM.i)l,.4m.-{- 7TWhat is the amount of 12 dollars for one half year, at 6 per cent? Ans. $12*35.4. case 2. The amount, time and rate per cent given to find the- principal. COMBINATION. 149 rule. divide the amount by the ratio involved to the time in tyble 2. examples. l.YVhat principal pht to interest will amount to $400 in fiv^ years, at 6 per cent? 1.3382256)400:1)000000 Ans. $298.90.3. S. VYhat principal put to interest will amount to $1500 ii) 7 years,at 5$ per cent?,, Ans. $1031.15$.+ PERMUTATION. Permutation is used to show how many ways thing's may be varied in place or succession. * "rule. Multiply all th$ terms of the series continually, from one to the giv^n number inclusive,, and the last product will be the answer required. examples. 1. In how many different positions can ten persons place themselves round a table? lx2x3x4x5x0x7x^X9x!0=Ans. 3628800. 2. The church it) Boston has 8 bplls; how many chan¬ ges may be rung op them? Ans. 40320. 3. In what time will a person make all the changes that tbo first 12 letters of the alphabet admit of, al¬ lowing 15 seconds to each change, and 365£ days to a year. Ans. 227y. 248da. 6h. COMBINATION. Combination is used to show- how many different ways a less number of things can be combined out of a greater, as hut of the figures 1, 2, 3, 4; fourcombi- matoins, 12, 34 and 43 may be performed. ISO DUODECIMALS. RULE. Take a series proceeding from and increasing & nnit up to the number to be Combined. Take another series of as inan^ places decreasing by unity from the number out of which the combinations are to be made. Multiply the first continually for a divisor, and the last for a dividend, the quotient will be the qnswer. EXAMPLES. 1. IIovC many combinations of 4 persons i» 8? 1x2x3x4— 21 24}lfi8»(70Ans. 8x7x6'x 5=1880 108 2. How many combinations of 10 figures may be made out of 201 Ans. 184756. S. How many changes may be rung with 10 bells- out of 20? Ans. 184756. DUWDEClMLAXS. Duodecimo's are parts of a foot; the denomination* of which increase continually by 12. The denomina¬ tions are, 12 fourths ("") make 1 third.'" 12 thirds 1 second." 12 seconds 1 1.2 inches 1 foot. ft. ADDITION OF DUODECIMALS. RULE. Proceed as in Compound Addition, observing to car¬ ry one for every 12. DUODECIMALS. 151 EXAMFtRS. ft. in. nt w. ft. in. M *t (1). 6 4 2 i (2.) 40 7 i 9 6* 8 10 9 li 22 8 7 I 4 13 7 10 3 15 11 9 8 10 19 15 5 2 1 3 0 0 1 Ans. 49 2 3 5 Ans. 80 6 G "7 9 3. Three planks measure as follows: 10ft. Sin.—14ft. Cin.—17ft. 9ip. 2". How many leet Go they contain? Ans. 4Si't. llin. 2"„ SUBTRACTION OF DUODECIMALS. rut®. Proceed as in Compound Subtraction, observing th«* 12s. examples. ft. in. ". ft, In. ". (1.) 50 2 11 9 1 (2.) 400 8 7 11 0 17 5 10 11 4 387 9 6 1 4 Ans. 82 9 0 9 9 Ans. 12 11 1 9 8 3. If 19ft. lOin. be cut off from a board which con¬ tains 41ft. 7in., how much will be left? Ans. 21ft. 9in. MULTIPLICATION OF DUODECIMALS. Rule. Set the multiplier in sucji a manner that the feet thereof may stand under the lowest denomination of the multiplicand; multiply and carry one for every 12 from one denomination to another; and take parts for theinches as in Practice. N»tk Feet multiplied by feet, give feet. Feet multiplied by inches, give inches. Feet multiplied by seconds, give seconds. Inches multiplied by inches, give seconds. Inches multiplied by seconds, give thirds. Seconds multiplied by seconds, give fourths. 15? DUODECIMAL*' EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply 5ft. Gin. by 2ft. 4in. in. fit. in. 4|||5 6 2 11 0 1 1G Ans. 12ft. 10 in. 2. Multiply 54ft. lOin. by 5ft. 7in. Ans. 306ft. lin. 10.f 3. Multiply 9ft. 7in. by 3ft. 6in. Ans. 33ft. Gin. 6". 4. What are the contents of a door measuring1 in length 6ft. 9in.3"., and in width 3ft. 5ih.? Ans. 23flt. lin. 7''. 3"'. 5. A certairi partition isSlft. lOin. 4''. long, and 14ft, 7in. 5". high. How many yardst doqs it contain? Ans. 132yd. 8ft. 7!n. 9". 7'". 8"". 6. If a floor be 79ft. Him by 38ft. llin.. how many square feet are there in it? L An?- 3100ft. 4in. 4". 7t HoVir many square feet in a board 17ft. 7in. long, and 1ft. 5in. ivide? ^ns. 24ft. lOin. 11". 8. What wiii he the expense of plastering the walls of a room 8i't. Gin. high, qnd each of the four sides 16ft. 3in. long, ht 50 cents per square yard? Ans. $8069.-f- 9. In 40 planks 13ft. long and8in. wide, how many feet? Ans. 346$ft 10. In 49 planks 22ft. long and llin. wide, how many feet? Ans. 988ft, 2in. 11. In 17 planks 12ft. long and5in. wide, how many- feet? Ans. 85 feet. promiscuous examples. 153 PROMISCUOUS EXAMM.ES. 1. How many bushels of corn at 22 cents per bushel, can I have for 40 dollars. Ans. 18lTt bu. 2. If a man's yearly income be $7777, how much is it per day? Ans. $21 30cts. 6m.-f- 3. My agent sends me word he has bought goods to the value of 500 dollars 54cts. tipoh my pccount; what will his commission come to at 4 per cent? Ans. 20 dollars Sets. 4- 4. A man had in his desk 2176 dollars 55 cents, he drew out at one time 13 tfpilars 6-4- cents, at another time 49 dollars 1 cent, and at another 61 dollars 211 cRy after which he deposited at onetime 88 dollars S8| cts.; how much had he in desk after making the deposit? Ans, $2142 1"4i-cents. 5. A. is 25 years old, B. 15 years older than A. and C„ is 12 years older than B. The ages of B. and C. are required? Ans. B, 40y."C. 52y. 6. Sold 6 bales of cloth, 5 of which,contained 10 pieces each, and in each* piece were 28 yards; the other hale contained 16 pieces, and in each piece were 20 yards. How many pieces and how many yards were there in all? Ans. 66 pieces, & 1720yd. 7. If goods which cost 44 dollars, be sold for 62: dollars, what is the gain per cent? Ans. 4011 per cent. K 154 PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 8. If 4 of an ounce cost § of a dollar* what will | of a pound cost? Ans. $19 60 cts. 9. If f of a gallon cost 11 dollars, what will Tj of a ton come to? Ans. $610 90 cts. 9m.+ 10. A person who wa? possessed of 4 of a store sold l of his share fo)r 551 dollars 62p cents, what was the whole store worth at that rate? Ans. 4241 dollars 15£ centd. 11. What will 27cvvt. of iron come to at $4 56cts. per cwt? AOs. $123 12 cts. 12. If I buy 100 yards of cloth at 50 cents per yard, at how much mid 1 sell it per yard to gain *100 percent? Ans. $1. 13. Bought a quantity of goods for $400, and 5> months afterwards sold them for $650. How much per cent per annum was gained by the transaction? Ans. 150 per cent. 14. What is the interest of $51 621 cts. for 2 years, 3 months and J13 days, at 7b per cent? Ans. 8 84cts.+ 15. IIow often would a wagon wheei turn round in. rolling1 from Krtoxville to Baltimore; Suppose the dis¬ tance to be 600 miles; admitting the wheel be 5 feet in •diameter? Ans. 201600 times. 16. Suppose a crib which contains corn in thb ears, be 25ft. 4in. Jong, 8ft. 5in. wide, and lift. 2in. deep how many bushels will it contain? Ans. 1190|bu.+ 17. Suppose a coal bed be 15fTt. 2in. long, 3ft;. 5in. wide, and 3ft. Sin. deep. Tell me how many bushels of coal it will conjoin? Ans. 185| bu.+ 18. A crib which contains corn in the ears is 20ft. 6 PkOMiSCUOtJS EXAMPLES. 155 iri. !dn<*; 10ft. lin. deep, and 5ft. lj,in. "wide: how maBy bushels does it contain? Ans. 611^ bu.-{- 19. A man had $20, which he wished to lay out as follows: via. in sugar at 10 cents, coffee at 14 cents, & rice at 11 cents per pound; so as to have an equal quan¬ tity of each. How many pounds must he have? Ans. 57^1^ 20. A corn crib is 5ft. wide at the bottom, and 7ft. wide at the top, tell me how wide it is oaan average? Ans. G leei 21. When $25 are multiplied by $25, how much mo-' ney is there in the product? Ans. $625 22. When $25 are multiplied by 25cts., how much money is there lathe product? Ans. $6 25cts. 23. When 25 cents are multiplied by 25 cente, how much money is there in the product? Ans. 6£ cents. 24. How much will 1SJ bushels of corn come to at 18£cts. per bushel? Ans. $3 51 cts. 5m.-|- 25. What will 2J pounds of beef come to at 2J cents per pound? Ans. 6^ cents. 26. In 48 planks 8 inches wide and 10 feet long, how many feet? Ans. 320 feet. 27. A house is 20 feet long, and 18 feet wide. How many feet of plank will be required to cover the floor? Ans. 360 feet. 28. What is the neat of a hog weighing 294 pounds gross? Ans. 256| lb. neat. 29. If A can drink a pint of whiskey in 20 minutes; B one in 30, and C one in 40; in what time can they drink a pint, when all drinking together? Divide by 20,30 &40. Suppose 120 3 4 6 13)120(Ans. 9_3_ mill. 117 13 156 PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. Note.—In any question like the above, suppose any number into which all the given numbers may be divided without any remainder, then add together their quotients, by which sum divide the same dividend. The quotient \vill be the answer. Si). Three young ladies met at their neighbors'for. the purpose of finishing1 a fine quit, ©aid MI can fin¬ ish it in six hours; said E I can do it in four hours; said L I can do it in three hours; but we will all work together. In what time con we finish the quilt? Ans. I5 hour. 31. There is a cellar dug, that is 20 feet every way, in length, breadth and depth. How many solid feet of earth were taken out of it? Ans.SOOO feet. 32. How many bricks 0 inches long and 4 inches wide, will pave a yard that is 300 feet long and 40 feet wide? Ans. 4SCC0 bricks. 33. What sum will produce as much interest in live years as $390 would in 8 years and 4 months? Am*. $933£. 34. A guardian paid his ward $3090 for $201)fi, whic!^ h<3 had held in possession 8 years. What rate of inter¬ est did ho allow him? Ans. 5. 35. A owes B 1G0 dollars, payable in Sir months; $150 in 4} months, and $204 in 5} months; but is wil¬ ling to make one payment ofthe Avhoie. In what time should the payment be made? Ans. 4mo* 2Cdnys.-f- 04. In what time will any sum of money double it¬ self at 5 per cent simple interest? Ans. 20 years. 37. If B tan do a piece of work alone in 10 days, and C can do it in 19 days, in what time cOn they finish it, both working together? Ans. 6*|- days. 38. A Band C found a purse of money, containing $60; whereof A is to have i, B and C i. What will be'the share of each? C A's share $27 69 cts. 2m.-{- Ans. < B's share $18 46 cts. lm.-f- ( C's share $13 84 cts. 6m.X PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 157 39. A and B traded together; A putin 320 dollars for five months; B put in 480 dollars for 3 months; and they gained 100 dollars. What was each man's share 40. WThat is the difference between the interest of $1000 at 6 per cent for 8 years; and the discount of the same sum for the same time, and at the same rate of interest? Ans. the int. exceeds the discount by $155 G7cts. 5m, 41. Said Dick to Harry, I can place four nines in such a manner that they will make precisely an even hundred. Can you do so too? Ans. 99|. 42. What is the sum of the third and half the third of 6^ cents? Ans. 3g cents. 43. How many dollars are there in £200 Tennessee currency? Ans. $666 66f cents. 44. The clpcks of Italy go on to 24 hours. How many strokes do they strike in one complete revolution of the index? Ans.-300. 45. A line 40 yards, long \yill exactly reach from the top of a fort standing on the brink of a river to the op¬ posite bank, known to be 25 yards from the foot of the wall. What is the height of the wall? Ans. 31.22yds. 46. What is the value of a slab of marble the length of which is 5ft. 7in. and the breadth 1ft. lOin. at $2 per foot? Ans. $20 47cts.+ 47. Shipped to New Orleans 4000 lb. cotton at 74cts. per lb. and 513 yards of muslin at 62£cts. per yard; in return for which I have received 37cwt. 3qr. of sugar at 12^ cents per pound, and 44 pounds of indigo at 20 cents per pound. What remains due to me? 48. If the flash of a gun was observed just 1 minute and 20 seconds before the report. What was the dis¬ tance, supposing the flash to be seen the instant of its going off, and admitting the sound to fly at the rate of 1150 feet in a second? Ans. 17m.3fur.15p. 4yd.0ft.6in. 49. There is a certain pole^ f of which is in the wa- of the gain? Ans. A's share $53 69cts. lm.-f- B's share $46 30cts. 8m.-j- Ans. $83 32J cts. 158 PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. ter. £ in the mud, and 6ft. on dry ground. What is the whole length of tho pole? ( Ans. 36ft. 50. When § of the number of an Assembly, and 15, were inet, there were £ and 10 absent. How many did that branch of the legislature consist of? Ans. 150. 51. Bought goods for $590. and sold the same imme¬ diately for $400. What was the loss per cent? Ans. 20 per cent? 52. What is the interest of $15000000 for one minute at 6 per dent per annum? Ans. $1 71 cts. 2m.-(- 53. If the earth be 360 degrees in circumferen6e, and each degree 60 miles, how long would a man be in travellinground it, who advances 40 miles a day, reck- oning365i days a year? Ans. ly. 174da. 18hr. 54. Sold 12 yards of cloth dor $15 20cts. by which was gained 8 per cent. What was the first cost of a yard? Ans. $1 17cts. 2m.-}- 55. Bought 12 pieces of white cloth for $16 50cts. per piece; paid $2 87cts. per piece for dying. For how much must I Sell them each, to gain 20 per cent? Ans. $23 24cts.4m. 56. When I, by disposing of a yard of cloth at $7f gain 56£ cents, what would I gain by selling 3 pieces, which cost me $400? Ans. $32 14icts.+ 57. The yearly interest) of Charlotte's money at 6 per cent per annum exceeds ope twentieth part of the principal by $100, and she does not intend to marry any man who is not scholar enough to tell her fortune.-^-. Pray what is it? Ans. $10000 58. There is a eistern having eight pipes to discharge it. By the first it may be emptied iu ten minutes; by the second in 20; by the third in 40; by the 4th in 80; bythe 5th in 160; by the 6th in 320; by the 7th in 640, and by the 8th in 1280. In what time will all eight run¬ ning together empty it? - Ans. 5-£T minutes. 59. In 140 planks, each 12 feet long and 9 inches wide, how many feet? Ans. 1260. 60. At a certain quilting, $ of the girls are eating, £ of them cooking, and 5 at work; I would know how many girls there are at the place? Ans. 30. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 150 61. A hare starts 12 rods before a hound, but is not perceived by him till she has been up 45 seconds. She scuds away at the rate of 10 miles an hour, and the dog on view, makes after at the rate of 16 miles an hour. Howlong will the course hold, and what space will be run over from the spot whence the dog started, until the hare be overtaken? Ans. 2288ft. and 97j- sec. 62. Bought a watch at 10 per cent under its value, and sold it at 10 per cent over its value, and by so doing gained $10. How much was the watch worth? Ans. $50. 63. Bought a horse and saddle for $100. The horse •was worth seven times as much as the saddle. How mnch was the horse worth, and how much was the saddle worth? . 5 H. $37 50 Ans- ^ S. $12 50 64. A owes B 100 bushels of corn, the tub out of which they expect to measure the same, contains Ibu. lpe. lqt. lpt> How often must it be tilled to make the 100 bushels? Ans. 77T9T. 65. A and B bought 200 acres of land in partnership, 'for which they paid $600; each paying $300. On divi¬ ding the land A agreed totakeoif of the better end at ■$3 25 per acre, and B off of the other end at $2 75 per acre; how many acres will each have? • Ana 5 A 91f acres. Ans' I B lOSg- acres. 66. If 20 dogs'for 30 groats go 40 weeks to grass, how many hounds for 60 crowns can winter in that jplaoe? Ans. 3,000 hounds. Note A groat ip 4». .or is. Note.—A crown is 5s. iNoti.—Count 12 weeks the winter. CONTENTS. NtTMERATioJr, - *• .... PAGE 9 Addition, - - * - 10 Multiplication, - 12 Subtraction, - - » r . . . 17 Short Division, - - ..... 19 Long Division, - ...... 20 Tables of Money, Weights and Measures, - 24 Compound Addition, - - 27 Compound Multiplication, ..... 34 Compound Subtraction, ...... 41 Compound Division, ...... 46 Reduction Descending, 49 Reduction Ascending, ...... 53 Rule of Gauging, - - 57 Rule of Two, ....... 63 Rule of Three, 67 Double Rule of Three, ...... 72 Practice, 75 Interest, ----.-7.- 79 Brokerage, --------- 89 Discount, 90 Tare and Tret, ........ 93 Equation, ........ 96 Barter, ......... 98i Loss and Gain, ........ 109 Partnership, - - - - - - - - 103 Exchange, 105 Vulgar Fractions, - - - . - - - 112 Decimal Fractions, - 124 Involution, or the Raising of Powers, - , - - - 130 Square Root, * 1311 Cube Root, - ....... 134 Single Position, ....... 136 Double Position, - 138 Alligation, 139 Arithmetical Progression, 149 Geometrical Progression, 1 143 Compound Interest by Decimals, ... - - 145 Permutation, ------ 149 Combination, - - - ib. Duodecimals, 150 Promiscuous Examples ly their better feeling jti3^they, said to each other, our own business^in these mat- not fall out Jby^fuT~way j—there is to be done in "the woi^cf;—let us be up q: master's btTsmesgj—on the grgai-j-ft we may at least travel together." well informed of every *sect ^ut of the question) peats hfS Did you neVv much agaijpst Sectt very charitable as That thought a" such enew" feu''