EMORY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF i-ir. luci ---i Hc,r_13 WILLIAMS' ATLANTA DIRECTORY, CITY GUIDE, and Business Mirror. Contains also a List of Post Offices, in thh United States, Corrected up to Date. VOLUME 1. —1859-'60 ATLANTA: M. LYNCH, SUCCESSOR TO WM. KAY, 1859. PREFACE. We present our first issue of the Atlanta Directory with the belief that it will be found as nearly accurate as any book of the kind can possibly be. The growing importance of the City demands that its popula¬ tion and business should be represented in this shape, and the com¬ piler expresses the hope that this volume will be the first of a long series. It depends upon the public spirit of the business men and the pa¬ tronage they extend to the enterprize, to determine whether the publication shall be continued. The publisher begs to extend to the subscribers to the present vol¬ ume, his sincere, thanks for their liberality; also, to G. B. Hay- good, Esq. for the sketch of Atlanta, furnished for this volume CONTENTS. Atlanta, (Sketch of) 10 Alphabetical Arrangement of Names, 35 Banks 25 Benevolent Institutions, 24 Boundaries of Wards, 20 Business Mirror 150 Church Directory, 22 City Government, 21 City Guide 16 County Officers, 32 Fire Department, 23 Index to Advertisements, 7 Insurance Companies and Agencies, - - 27 Masons, - 24 Military 29 Odd Fellows, 24 Post Office 125 Preface 3 Public Buildings, Halls, etc 26 Miscellaneous, .. 31 Newspapers and Periodicals, 28 Street Directory, 15 Temperance, 24 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION & COMMISSION, Barnes W. H. & Co,,... 160 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Bell & Pittman 98 Haygood Greene B 54 BARBER, Beerman Charles 92 BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c. Kay's Book Store, 62 BOOTS, SHOES &C. Dimick, Wilson & Co 56 Dunning R. S 78 Eddleman & Banks 72 BURIAL CASES, Robinson L 98 CANDIES, &C. Immel P. J 96 CARRIAGES, Gardner H. B 80 May Robert H. & Co 96 CHINA, GLASS & QUEENSWARE, Ripley T. R 100 CIGARS, TOBACCO &C. Muhlenbrink H 92 Ficken John..... 74 CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, &C. Cleveland's 58 Herring W. & Son 50 Lawshe & Purtell 8 Mayer David 66 COLLECTOR, Clarke Lewis H 66 DENTISTS, Brown J. P. H 80 Craven E. J. & W. R <56 Thurman F. D 98 DRY GOODS. &C. Beach & Root 64 Cutting J. L. ad companies, and two belong to private companies, where ;ationary engines, mill gearing, with almost every variety of istings, and machinery are manufactured at short notice, wo planing mills, and sash and blind factories are also in suc- jssful operation, besides there are various smaller manufactur- ig establishments in the city; three or four tanneries, one or ivo shoe manufactories, besides several smaller establishments, he most important establishment in the place is the rolling till, for the manufacture of railroad iron, which is capable of irning out thirty tons of railroad iron of superior quality. The clothing trade has become an item of no inconsiderable1 nportance within the last few years, and presents some new matures when contrasted with any other southern cities of equal ize and age. The manufacture of clothing in this city Is a ecided success, and has increased with an unparalleled rapidity or a southern city. In 1854 five hands were employed in the aanufacture of clothing, the number now thus employed ex- eeds seventy-five, the larger portion of whom are females. ?he clothing made here has been received with favor by the lublic, and is believed to have attracted much attention to the wholesale trade of the city in that article In this connection t may be stated that this is the great southern depot for the lale of the most approved models of ^sewing machines, the use SKETCH OF ATLANTA. 13 of -which, extensively, has doubtless added^greatly to the trade in the clothing department. The city was first brilliantly lighted with gas, manufactured from Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee coal, on the 25th of De¬ cember, 1855. The incorporated shape of the city is a circle two miles in diameter, with a handle of half a mile in length, and six hun¬ dred yards wide along the line of the Macon and Western Rail¬ road. It covers a portion of sixteen original land lots, each of which was laid off upon a plan to suit the views of the respec¬ tive owners, and hence our streets are not all so regular in width and uniform in direction as is desirable, many of them being much too narrow for public convenience. The City Hall and County Court House is a convenient, com¬ modious and handsome structure, erected in 1854 and 1855, at a cost of a little over $30,000. It is 70 by 100 feet in size, two stories high, of fine architectural proportion and design, well adapted to the uses intended, is elegantly finished throughout, surmounted by an imposing dome, and is alike creditable to the city and the artist. The medical college is now in its fifth course of lectures, all delivered in the summer, with a larger class than any former one, numbering one hundred and fifty-six students, has had its day of probation, trial and difficulties, but it is now a decided success, and its enemies and rivals have almost ceased to per¬ secute it. It has an able and efficient faculty, and a very com¬ plete chemical aparatus, and is collecting a very respectable museum. The geographical position of Atlanta being nearly in the centre of the southern section of the American Union, at the point of the great railroad crossings in a right line from New York to New Orleans, and nearly equi-distant from each; four prominent lines of railroad all centering here, and pouring into the depots and warehouses of the city an amount of trade, and transporting through it a vast tide of travel; situated, too, just upon the dividing line between the cotton and grain sections of the State, altogether, give to Atlanta facilities for receiving and distributing the productions and the commerce of the coun¬ try from one section to another, greater than can be claimed for any other inland city in the South. Atlanta is now con¬ nected by rail with Chattanooga, Nashville, Memphis, and thence with the Upper Mississippi, also, with London and Knox- ville, Tennessee; Lynchburg, Virginia; and thence with the great lines North and east; on the south-west with Montgomery by rail, thence by water with Mobile, New Orleans, and all the SKETCH OF ATLANTA. wer Mississippi; also with Columbus and all south-western iorgia, and Savannah, and the Atlantic, through Macon. By 3 Georgia Railroad with Augusta, Charleston, Columbia, eenville, most of the prominent places in North and South rolina, Virginia, and the great Northern cities. Another lilroad is now in projection, and considerable progress made ?rards its accomplishment, in the direction of Andersen Court )use, South Carolina, through the beautiful and productive ■ritory, known as North-east Georgia, and another still has en chartered from this point to the great and inexhaustable il fields of north-eastern Alabama, destined to supply fuel d motive power to the teaming millions that shall inhabit jse lands for untold ages. Forty-four freight and passenger tins arrive and depart daily from the city. The city now contains thirteen Christian churches, and on.e ire has been recently projected. It is not believed that any other city in the country is blessed th greater or better facilities for procuring building materials, 3 supply of granite near at hand, of a quality peculiarly lapted to building purposes is literally inexhaustible; bricks good quality are made in and around the city on reasonable •ms. Lumber of good quality is also obtained at reasonable ices; lime is produced in any desirable quantity near at nd. The population of the city is remarkable for its activity and terprise. Most of the inhabitants came here for the purpose bettering their fortunes by engaging actively in some kind of siness, and this presents the anomaly of having very few aged rsons residing in it; and our people show their democratic pulses by each allowing his neighbor to attend to his own siness, and our ladies even are allowed to attend to their own mestic and household affairs without being ruled out of re- ectable society. The mechanical element prevails in our city, and the major ,rt of them are enterprising, thrifty and prosperous men, who e rapidly rising in the public esteem. The health of the city is almost unprecedented, being entirely empt from the usual summer and fall fevers, cholera, &c. No idemic has ever prevailed here, and the bills of mortality ow a state of health almost without a parallel. The city is chiefly supplied with the very best free stone iter, from wells usually from thirty to forty feet deep, though very great number of excellent springs are. found within the iy limits. Among these we may not omit to mention the alybiate spring in the western part of the city, which has SKETCH OP ATLANTA. 15 within a few years attracted the public attention, and now forms one of the inducements for the sojourn in our city of those in search of health. The public spirit of some of our citizens has recently pro¬ jected considerable improvements at this- point, whereby its at¬ tractions are greatly increased, and it is rapidly becoming a place of public resort. All things considered we may safely assert the prophesy of that far-seeing statesman, John 0. Cal¬ houn, is in process of rapid fulfillment, who predicted while passing through the place in 1847, that it was destined ultimate¬ ly to become the largest inland city of the South. This hasty sketch has been prepared under very unfavorable circumstances, in the midst of severe family afflictions, and other pressing engagements, and will doubtless be found defec¬ tive in many particulars, but it was called for in haste, and is given to the public without further apology for what it is worth. ATLANTA CITY GrXJIDE STREET DIRECTORY. Ilalama, from M. & W. Railroad to Washington, next south of Passenger Depot. Uexander, from Marietta to Peachtree, next north of Simpson. laker, east from Grubb to beyond Butler, next north of Harris. 3ell, north from Georgia Railroad to junction with Pratt, next east of Moore. 3loyd, north from Georgia Railroad, next east of Butler. bridge, from Alabama to Luckie, next east of Wadley. Sutler, north from Georgia Railroad to North Corporation Line, next east of Calhoun. lain, east from Grubb to beyond Butler, next north of Ellis. }alhoun, north from Georgia Railroad to Corporation Line, next east of Collins. Iherohee, from Peachtree to Ivy, next north of Decatur. Ihurch, from Spring to Peachtree, next north of Luckie. Hark alley, from Connelley alley to Cooper, next south of Faith alley. lollege, east from Calhoun Square, north of Medical College. lollins, north from Georgia Railroad to North Corporation Line, next east of Ivy. lone, from Marietta to Church, next west of Wadley. Jonnelley alley, south from Fair, west side of Fair Ground. looper, south-east from Whitehall to South Corporation Line next west of Formwalt. 3rap's alley, north-west from Nelson to Markham. Cfrew, from Fair to South Corporation Line, next west of Mc- "Haw aii /yll street directory. 17 Currier, east from Peachtree to Butler, between Oslin and Cor¬ poration Line: Decatur, from Peachtree to East Corporation Line. Delay, west from Fowler, next south of Rock. Duncan, from W. & A. Railroad to Grubb, next west of Spring. Ellis, east from Church, next north of Houston. Elmore, from Georgia Railroad, west side of City Cemetery. Fair, from Whitehall to East Corporation Line, next north of Jones. Faith's alley, from Martin alley to Cooper, next south of Jones Fillmore, from Pratt to Tannery, next north of Decatur. Formwalt, south from Fair to South Corporation Line, next west of Pryor. Forsyth alley, north from Cherokee, next east of Pryor. Forsyth, south from M. & W. Railroad to junction with White¬ hall. Foundry, west from Old Monroe Railroad, next south of Thur- man. Foundry alley, from W. & A. Railroad to Grubb, next west of Duncan. Fowler, from Nelson to a point opposite Simpson, next west of Old Monroe Railroad. Frazier alley, from Fair to South Corporation Line, next east of McDonough. Garnett, from Peters to Lloyd, next south of Peters. Gartrell, north from Decatur to College, next east of Bell. Gilmer, from Ivy to Pratt, next south of Wheat and Jenkins. Glenn, south-east from Whitehall, next west of Cooper. Green, from Fowler tp Corporation Line, next north of Stock¬ ton. Grulb, from Duncan to Simpson, next north of Walton and Marietta. Mall, north from Baker, next west of Hayden. Harris, east from Grubb to beyond Butler, next north of Cain. Hayden, north from Grubb to Corporation Line, next west of Orme. Haynes, from Nelson to Latimore, next west of Mangum. Henry alley, from McDonough to Frazier alley, next south of John's alley. Mill, south from Fair, east side of Fair Ground. Houston, east from Peachtree to Corporation Line, next north of Wheat. HunnicuU, from Marietta to Peachtree, next north of Mills. 18 STREET DIRECTORY. Hunter, from M. & W. Railroad nursery, next south of Alaba¬ ma and Georgia Railroad (properly named Cobb east of Butler). Irwin, south-east from Houston, east of Butler. Ivy, north from Decatur to junction with Peachtree, next west of Collins. Jenkins, from Calhoun to Pratt, next north of Gilmer. John's alley, from Frazier alley to Cooper, next south of Clark's. Jones, from Fair Ground to Whitehall, next south of Fair. ILing, south from Georgia Railroad to beyond Jones, next east to Terry. Latimore, west from Old Monroe Railroad, next north of Rock. Lloyd, from Decatur to Fair, next east of Pryor. Luckie, from Peachtree to Spring, next north of "Walton. McDaniel, east from Peters, (Old Whitehall,) near Corporation Line. McDonough, south from Hunter to South Corporation Line, next east of Crew and City Hall. Macklin, from M. & W. Railroad to Forsyth, opposite the end of Cooper, second street south ot Garnett. Magazine, west from Old Monroe Railroad, next south of Foun- dry. Mangum, from Nelson to North Corporation Line, next west of Fowler. Marietta, from Peachtree to North-west Corporation Line, (named Payne from junction with Walton, but called Mari¬ etta). Markham, from M. & W. R. R. to Corporation Line, next south of Stockton. Martin's alley, south from Fair, next east of Terry. Mechanic, west from Old Monroe Railroad, next south of Rhodes. Mills, from Marietta to Peachiree, next north of Alexander. Mitchell, east end of Stockton to McDonough, next south of Hunter. Moll's alley, east from McDonough to Corporation Line, next youth of Henry alley. Monroe Railroad street, from Peters to W. & A. Railroad, rear of W. & A. machine shop. Moore, north from Georgia Railroad to junction with Pratt next east of Pratt. Nelson, from M. & W. Railroad next to Markham. Norcross, north from Simpson to Corporation Line, next east of Marietta. Nursery, from Fair to Georgia Railroad, next west of King. Orme, north from Cain to Corporation Line, next west of Williamg. Oslin, east from Peachtree to Butler, next north of Baker. STREET DIRECTORY. 19 yayne, (called Marietta,) from junction of Walton and Marietta to Nortli-west Corporation Line. 5eaehtree, north from Decatur, next west of Pryor. 5eters, from Fair to Forsyth, next south of Mitchell, thence south-west from Forsyth to Corporation Line, called Old Whitehall. 3ierce, (called Decatur,) east from Pratt, next north of Georgia Railroad. 7ine, north from Simpson to Corporation Line, next west of Hall. yraU, north from Decatur to Junction with Bell, next east of Butler. ^ryor, south from Houston to Passenger Depot, thence south from Depot to Corporation Line, next east of Whitehall. \Uam, south from Fair to South Corporation Line, next west of Washington. landolph, north from Georgia Railroad second east of Butler. lead, south from Georgia Railroad to Cemetery, next east of Elmore. Ihodes, west from Old Monroe Railroad, rear of W. & A. Rail¬ road machine shop to Corporation Line. loch, west from W. & A. Railroad, next north of Delay. 'hort, from Walton to Grubb, next west of Foundry alley. Umpson, east from Marietta to Peachtree, next north of Baker. tyring, north from W. & A. Railroad to Corporation Line, next west of Cone and Peachtree. 'toclcton, west from Fowler to Corporation Line, next south of Green. 1aylor, east from Pratt, next north of Fillmore. Jerry, south from Georgia Railroad to Faith's alley, next east of Butler and Frazier alley. Tiompson, south from M. & W. Railroad to alley south of Gar- nett, next west of Forsyth. hurman, west from old Monroe Railroad, next north of Foundry. Vadley, from W. & A. Railroad to Church, next west of Bridge. Vallcer, south-west from Nelson, next north-west of Peters, (called Old Whitehall.) Valton, from Peachtree to junction with Marietta, next north of Marietta. Tashington, from Alabama to South Corporation Line, next east of Lloyd and Pullam. Vheat, east from Pryor, next south of Houston. Whitehall, (Old,)—right name Peters—south-west from Forsyth. Vhitehall, (New,) south from Decatur, next east of Forsyth. onge, north from Decatur, next east of Gartrell. BOUNDARIES OF WARDS. FIRST WARD.—Whitehall south from W. & A. Railroad to Corporation Line; thence from Whitehall to W. & A. Railroad, thence on Railroad to Whitehall. SECOND WARD.—Commence Whitehall, south from W. & A. Railroad to South Corporation, thence from Whitehall to McDonough. THIRD WARD.—All territory east of McDonough and south of Georgia Railroad to Corporation Line. FOURTH WARD.—Comprises all territory north of Georgia Railroad and east of Ivy to Corporation Line. FIFTH WARD.—Comprises all territory between Ivy and Western & Atlantic Railroad to Corporation Line. CITY GOVERNMENT. MAYOR: Luther J. Glenn. Office City Hall. Term expires 3d Man ly in January, 1860. CLERK OF COUNCIL AND RECEIVER AND COLLECTOR OF CITY TAXES; C. C. Howell. Term expires 3d Monday in January, I860. CITY TREASURER. P. E. McDaniel. CITY COUNCIL; 1st Ward—Thomas Haney and Thomas G\ Healey. 2nd " James L. Demning and Wm. Watkins. 3rd " J. M.Blackwell and Coleman F.Wood. 4th " Alex M. Wallace and Thos. It. Ripley. 5th <5 Bartley M. Smith and Cyrus H. Wallace. CITY MARSHAL. Willis Carlisle. E. T. Hunnicutt, Deputy. POLICE. First Lieutenant—George W. Anderson. >Second " J. M. Lester. 22 CHURCH DIRECTORY. Night Police—Hiram A. White, Wm. M. Burt, J. A. Lang, G. W. Blackstock, W. C. Buffington, James Carlisle, Wm. G. Berry, Dennis Sullivan, C. W. Branan. CLERK OF MARKET. E. B. Reynolds. SUPERINTENDENT OE STREETS. John Haslett. CITY eURYEYOR. H. L. Currier. ASSESSORS. Dr. John J. Ford, J. S. Hacket, L. H. Davis. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist.—First Baptist Church, north-west corner of Walton and Wadley. Rev. A. T. Holmes, Pastor. Second Baptist Church, north-west corner of Mitchell and Washington. Rev. John T. Clark, Pastor. Christian Church—South side Decatur between Collins and Lloyd. Dr. A. G. Thomas, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal.—Wesley Chapel, corner Huston and Peachtree. Rev. J. B. Payne, Pastor. Trinity Chapel, south side Mitchell between Washington and McDonough. Rev. R. B. Lester, Pastor. Evans Chapel, north side Nelson west of Mangum. Rev. B. Lester, Pastor. Congregational Methodist—North side Jones between Martin, and Connelley's Alley. Rev. James Caldwell, Pastqr. Protestant Methodist—North-west corner of Mitchell aip$ Forsyth. Rev. Isaac Mitchell, Pastor. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 23 Episcopal.—Episcopal Church, north-east corner of Hunter and Washington. Rev. Richard Johnson, Rector. Presbyterian.—First Presbyterian, south side Marietta be¬ tween Wadley and Spring. Rev. Wilson, Pastor. Central Presbyterian Church, west side Washington, opposite City Hall. Rev. J. L. Rogers, Pastor. Roman Catholic.—South-east corner of Hunter and Lloyd. Rev. James Hasson, Priest. African Methodist.—Alley north of Gilmer between Collins and Calhoun. Rev. Isaac N. Craven, Pastor. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Atlanta Fire Company, No. 1.—East side of Bridge between Alabama and RR.; Thomas Haney, President; J. H. McCaslin, Secretary, H. Muhlenbrunk, Treasurer; First Director, John Norman; Second Director, C. H. Wallace; Third Directory Chas. Schnatz; Axemen, T. Murphy, S. B.Sherwood; Surgeon, Dr. B. M. Smith. Mechanic Fire Company, No. 2.—North end of Washington street; Wm. Barnes, President; Levi Richardson, Vice Presi¬ dent) C. H. Rhodes, Secretary, John Hoyt, Treasurer; First Director, Thomas Gullatt; Second Director, James Toy; Third Director, Wilson Ballard; Fourth Director, George Winship ; Axemen, John Spann and Daniel Kelly; Surgeon, Dr. J. A. Taylor. Tallulah Fire Co., No. 3.—John % Ezzard, President; Lu¬ ther J. Glenn, Vice President-, W. T. Mead, Secretary, Wm. Mims, Treasurer', First Director, Edward Murphy; Second Director, Wm. Richards; Third Director, C. H. Lewis ; Fourth Director, E. A. Warner; Axemen, W. A. Haines and W. H. Clarke; Surgeon, M. H. Oliver. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. MASONIC: HALL NORTH SIDE DECATUR BETWEEN PRYOR AND IVY. Atlanta Lodge, No. 59.—Organized October, 1847. Meeta second and fourth Thursdays of each month. W. T. C. Camp¬ bell, W. M.; J. F. Albert, S. W.; John Adams, J. W.; Jamea McPherson, Secretary. Fulton Lodge, No. 216.—Organized October, 1857. Meets first and third Thursdays in each month. David Mayer, W. M.j S. B. Love, S. W.; Z. Rice, J. W. Mt. Zion Royal Arch Chapter, No. 16.—Organized May 3d, 1849. Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month. Lu¬ ther J. Glenn, H. P.; S. B. Hoyt, Secretary. Cceur de Lion Encampment.—Organized May, 1859. Meeta every Wednesday. T. M. Beaumont, E. C. Jasen Burr Council, No. 13.—Organized April, 1855. W. T. C. Campbell, Thrice Illustrious G. M.\ James Love, 22e- corder. ODD FELLOWS; HALL CHEROKEE BLOCK, EAST SIDE OF PEACHTREE BETWEEN CHER¬ OKEE AND HOUSTON. Central Lodge, No. 28.—Instituted June 6th, 1849. Meets every Friday night. John Adams, N. G.j C. H'. Wallace, V. G.; S. W. Grubb, Secretary. Daughters of Rebecca.—Meet every Friday night. TEMPERANCE. HALL SOUTH-WEST CORNER WHITEHALL AND MARIETTA, (NORCROSS BUILDING.) Grand Lodge of the Order of the Knights of Jericho of the State of Georgia, Atlanta.—Organized April, 1853. Shall meet annually on Wednesday after the second Monday in Sep¬ tember. W. D. Williams, G. W. Chief; W. G. Forsyth, G. W. Recorder. J ' Knights of Jericho, Atlanta Lodge, No. 1.—Organized No¬ vember 6th, 1852. Meet every Saturday night. Degree meet¬ ings every Wednesday night. F. H. Perdue, W. C.; W.Wood, V. 0.; Geo. H. Hammond, Recorder; W. G. Forsyth, Treas urer. BANKS. Bank of Fulton.—Capital Stock, $300,000. East side Ala¬ bama between Whitehall and Pryor. E. W. Holland, President; A. Austell, Cashier; E. W. Holland, A. Austell and Jared J. Whitaker, Directors. Atlanta Insurance and Banking Co.—South-west corner of Alabama. J. R. Wallace, President; Jo. D. Lockhart, Secre¬ tary. Georgia Railroad and Banking Company Agency.—-(Prin¬ cipal Office Augusta.) North-east corner of Railroad and Whitehall. John P. King, President; George Bronson, Secre¬ tary; Perino Brown, Agent; John Bones, Saml. Barnett, Wm. M. D'Antignac, Asbury Hull, Geo. T. Jackson, Richard Peters, Ferdinand Phinizy, John Cunningham, Geo. W. Evans, Wm. D. Conyers, James W. Davies, Elijah E. Jones, Antoine Poullain, Benjamin H. Warren, Massillon P. Stovall, (one vacancy,) Directors. . Bank of the State of Georgia Agency.—Brady & Solomon, Agents. West side of Whitehall between Hunter and Mitch¬ ell. ■ Augusta Insurance and Banking Company Agency.—N". L. Angier, Agent East side Whitehall between Alabama and Hunter. Alex. M. Wallace, Bank Agent. 3 PUBLIC BUILDINGS, HALLS, ETC. Cherokee Block.—North-east corner Peachtree and Chero¬ kee. Concert Hall Building.—North-west corner Railroad and Whitehall. Holland House Building.—North-east corner Alabama and Whitehall. Muhlenbrink's Block.—West side of Whitehall between Rail¬ road and Alabama. Lynch's Building.—North-west corner Alabama and White¬ hall. Marksham's Block.—West side Whitehall between Alabama and Hunter. Beach AKER BOLLING. D Attorney at Law, ^Office e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, h east end of Hunter Baker R. S. watches, clocks, &c. e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, h c Haynes and Nelson Baldwin Jefferson J. grocery, s w c Decatur and Whitehall, h e s Peachtree b Ellis and Cain Baldwin Lawson, mer. hes Peachtree n of Corp. Line Ball Harris, lab. c Rock and Mangum T) ALLARD & TRUITT. .D (Wilson J.( B. & Francis M. T.) Confectionery and Eating Saloon, in the General Passenger Depot BALLARD WILSON J. J3 (B. & Truitt,) h n s Georgia RR. Bank of fulton. s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor, E. W. Holland, Pres.; A. Austell, Casfoier Bannister Jno. baker, bds P. J. ImmeFs 4 42 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. TROUT HOUSE, J. I). GILBERT if CO, WORTjff SO^BSe Opposite Passenger Depot, ATLANTA, CEORCIA. BARTH & NICOLA I, DEALERS IN PIANO-FOETES At present at the Furniture Store of Mr. F. A. Williams, ON PEACHTREE STREET. After Oct. 1st, '59, on West Side of Whitehall Street, Between Alabama and Hunter Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. We keep eonstantly on hand and fill orders for any of the best and moat celebrated Piano-Fortes of the United States. BAT 43 Banks Mrs. Debby, hsec Calhoun and Cain Banks Isaac S. (Eddellman & B.) h n s Peters b Washington and Fair Barker Geo. brick layer, bds n w c Calhoun and Houston Barker Jeremiah, carp, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor Barker Louis, carp, s s Alabama b Alabama and Pryor Barker Miss Sallie, s s Alabama b Alabama and Pryor Barnes , s s Peters b Whitehall and Pryor Barnes B. fireman, W. & A. RR. Barnes Jas. G. elk. W. & A. RR. bds Lafayette House Barnes Jas. bds E. B. Reynolds' Barnes Jos. engineer, h e s Calhoun b Gilmer and Jenkins Barnes Mrs. Mahala, s s Macklin b Forsyth and M. & W. RR. Barnes Mrs. Mary, h c M. & W. RR. and Nelson Barnes Richard, engineer, hns Marietta 3d h w of Foundry al "DARNES WM. H. & CO. 1) Auction and Commission Merchants, Real Estate Agents, Dry Goods, Produce Dealers, &c. n s RR. b Whitehall and Pryor Barnes Wm. H. (Wm. H. B. & Co.) h s s Marietta, Lafayette House Barnes Wm. (Tomlinson & B.) s w c Gilmer and Calhoun Burnett D. lab. bds L. W. Yardbrough's Barr Lorenzo D. straightner, Atlanta rolling mill, h n w c Ter¬ ry and Fair Barrett Jas. C. elk. bds Mrs. Nancy Woddail's Barrett John H. b. k. h e s Calhoun b Decatur and Gilmer Barron Mrs. Clara C. sec Gilmer and Collins Barth Chas. F. (B. & Nicolai,) bds n w c Pryor and Cherokee T>ARTH & NICOLAI. -D (Charles F. B. & Rudolph N.) Piano Forte Dealers, w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Bartlett Isaac E. mail agt. h s s Mitchell b Whitehall and For¬ syth Barton B. P. lab. wks W. & A. RR. machTne shop Baskin Jno. wagon mkr. h c Baker and Peachtree Bass Jas. M. (McDuffee and B.) c Fowler and Rock Bass Mrs. Mary R. bds s w c Wadley and Marietta Bassford Solomon L. marble carver, bds John Boutel's Bates G. H. atty. w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, bds Washington Hall Bates L. W. engineer, bds Wm. H. Thrash's 44 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. H. BEAUMULLEE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. > OFFICE, COR. DECATUR, AND PEACHTREE STS., Over Hannicutt & Taylor's Store, ATL.A1VTA, GEORGIA. BLA 47 T)ELL & PITTMAN, , ^ -D (Marcus A. B. & Daniel P.) Attorneys at Law and Real Estate Agents, Office n w c RR. and Whitehall, (Concert Hall Bldg.) Bell Wm. gardener, h s e c Ellis and Peachtree Bell Wm. shoemkr. e s McDonough b Clark al and John's al Beman Mrs. at Benj. C. Yancy's Bennett Alex, bar k. bds Mrs. Nancy Wo Mail's Bennett Jas. A. bar k. bds Mrs. Nancy Woddail's Bennett John K. elk- J. R. & 0. H. Wallace's, bds Wm. Cen¬ ter's Bennett L. L. elk. bds n e c Whitehall and Mitchell Bennett Wm. P. fireman, sec Terry and Hunter ( Berry Miss Emily, h s w c Terry and Fair Berry Mrs. Nathaniel, hswc Terry and Fair Berry Cary W. engineer, hswc Pratt and Gilmer Berry Francis M. engineer, h w s Calhoun b Decatur and Gil¬ mer Berry Miss Jane, milliner, bds Mrs. M. Jack's Berry Mrs. M. J. milliner, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Berry Maxwell R. h e s Nelson b Walker and M. & W. RR. Berry W. B. conductor, A. & W. Pt. RR. bds Atlanta Hotel Berry Wm. G. carp, h s s John al b Crew and Washington Berry Woodson H. w s Calhoun b Decatur and Gilmer * Berry W. J. student, bds Mrs. Nancy Woddail's Bessenger Anthony, carp, wks W. & A. RR. car shop Bessent Abraham W. upholsterer, h s s Peters b Forsyth and Thompson Bessent Wm. upholsterer, wks D. M. Young's Better ton Absalom J. phys. office c Bridge and RR. Biggers Jno. botanic phys. office n s Decatur b Ivy and Collins BIG-GKERS STEPHEN T. Botanic Physician, Office and Residence, n s Decatur b Ivy and Collins Bigham Wm. lab. wks Atlanta rolling mill Billing Sebastian, blksmith, h n e c RR. and Moore Black Geo. W. policeman, e s Walker s of Nelson Blake Chas. elk. M. Myers', bds P. J. Immel's Blake Jas. (B., Scofield & Markham,) res Indianapolis, Ind. Blake Levin S. elk. bds Louis Valentino's T)LAKE, SCO FIELD & MARKHAM. -L) (James B., Lewis S. & Wm. M.) Proprietors Atlanta Roll¬ ing Mill, c Georgia RR. and Eastern Corp. Line Blackley L. E. bds Atlanta Hotel Blackmon Jas. farmer, on Chase Road e of Corp. Line Blackmon Joshua A. J. bds s s Peters nr Corp. Line c McDaniel 48 ATLANTA ADVERTISE MEN T S ♦ SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY, A Weekly and Semi-Weekly Paper, OP TFTF, I Southern Rights School of Politics, AND PUBLISHED BY JAMES P. HAMBLETOF, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, TERMS. BOW 49 Blackstock Jos. J. mason, bds Win. H. Stevens' Blackstock Mrs. Mary, s s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Blackwell J. M. h s s Hunter b Terry and King Bleckley Logan E. (Overby & B.) bds Atlanta Hotel Bloomfield Michael, stone cutter, h n s Decatur b Calhoun and Collins Blunt Jno. h n s Garnett b Forsyth and Thompson Blunt Matthew, car inspector, A. & W. Pt. RR. machine shop Blunt Matthew, lab. hes Collins b Gilmer and Wheat Bobo C. lab. n s Jones b Washington and Crew Bodong Wm. tailor, h n s Jones b McDonough and Frazier's al Boggus Miss Mary G. e s Calhoun b Decatur and Gilmer Boggus Thos. B. h e s Calhoun b Decatur and Gilmer Bohnerferd Chas. cab. mkr. h n s Rhodes w of W. & A. RR. machine shop Bolin James W. n w c Calhoun and Gilmer Bolin Mrs. Selina L. s e c Elmore and Geogia RR. Bolin Wm. lab. wks Atlanta Rolling Mills Bomar Benj. L. elk. Superior Court, office City Hall, h Mariet¬ ta Road 1 mile from Corp. Line Bonds Richard, engineer, W. & A. RR. Bone Allen, lab. h w s Marietta nr Corp. Line Bone James C. baggage master, w s W. & A. RR. b Rock and Latimore Bone Russell, watchman, wks Winship's Iron Works Boner John, peddler, bds Planter's Hotel Booker Matthew H. baggage master, bds A. P. Rollin's Bookout John M. watchmkr. bds Mrs. Barshuba Ogletree's Borders , medical student, bds Mrs. Nancy Woddail's BORING MRS. J. M. Millinery and Fancy Goods, w s Whitehall b Alabama ana Hunter "DORING J. M. D Physician, Office w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, res w s Forsyth b Hunter and Alabama Boring Mrs. M. E. bds Mrs. Nancy Woddail's Bosworth Josiah R. b. h. e s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitch- e11 Boswell Mrs. J. h al. b Collins and Calhoun and Gilmer and Wheat Bosworth Wm. printer, Crusader Office Boutell John, architect and builder, n w c Ellis and Collins Bowen Columbus, carp. Thomas Hearn's Bowers Giles, b. k. bds C. P. Casin's Bowil Robert T. law student, bds A. R. White's 50 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. W. HERRING & SON, Hlll-illl ttffflllR, 22 WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Invite the attention of buyers at WHOLESALE to their Stock. Keep a large stock suited to the RETAIL TRADE, and are prepared to make CLOTHING to Order in the best manner and upon short notice. Also a large stock of •LOT as, tiiSKiif k veotmm, TAILOR'S T&IlSIf §§9 &S, At Wholesale or Retail) Agents for the sale of (and a stock on hand of) HERRING'S PATENT FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. W- HERRING & SON. BRE 51 Bowman John T. architect and builder office, n s RR. b White¬ hall and Pryor Boyd B. Franklin, elk. Trout House Boyd Charles H. engineer, al. b Mitchell and Peters and White¬ hall and Forsyth "DOYD MRS. J. E>. D Proprietress of Trout House, n c of Public Square opposite Passenger Depot Boyd Mrs. Martha A. h s w c Decatur and Collins Boyd Miss Mary, s w c Decatur and Collins Boyd Mrs. Sally, bds Trout House Boyd Thomas, mail agt. h s w c Decatur and Collins Boyd Thos. B. medical student, bds Trout House Bracken Peter, eng. n s Green b Mangum and Haynes Bradley , carp, bds John L. Antry's Bradley J. H. night foreman Atlanta Rolling Mill Bradshaw Mrs. Elizabeth, bds Felix Sower's Bradshaw Peter, carp, bds n e c Decatur and Pratt Brady Adolph J. (B. & Solomon,) res New York City DRADY & SOLOMON. 1) (Adolph J. B. & Solomon S.) Hardware, Iron, Paints, Oils, Carriage Trimmings, and Agency for the Bank State of Georgia, w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Bramlett John F. h s e c Jones and Martin's Alley Bramlett L. W. s e c Jones and Martin's Alley Branan Duke H. bailiff, h s e c King and Georgia RR. Branan Jeremiah M. expressman, h s s Whitehall b Glenn and McDaniel Brannan Columbus, policeman, bds J. R. Bosworth's Brannan John, cab. mkr. s s Peters b Whitehall and Pryor Brannum Wm. carp, bds W. Keltner's BRANTLEY JOSEPH B. -L) General Agent Georgia Railroad Frieght Office, bds J. R. Crew's Brashears Miss Pricilla M. s e c King and Georgia RR. Brassell Wm. bk. layer, bds Wm. Glozier's "DRAUMULLER H. D Music and Musical Instruments, Variety Store, &c. w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, h w s Forsyth b Alaba¬ ma and Hunter "DRATJMULLER MRS. H.. 1) Braiding and Wig Manufactory, w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Brenn Geo. tailor, h w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Breen Patrick, bds Planter's Hotel Breen P. elk. bds John Ryan's 52 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. Atlanta Medical and Snrgical Journal, EDITED BY JOS. P. LOGAN, M. D., AND—— ¥. F. WESTMORELAND, M. D. Price, $3 00 a Year, IMONTHLYi) WHITEHALL STREET, BET. ALABAMA AND HUNTER, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. BRO 53 Brewer Peter W. eng. h w s Spring b Marietta and RR. Bridwell Cicero, printer, bds Johnson W. Bridwell's "D HID WELL JOHNSON W. D Superintendent Atlanta Intelligencer Office, h s s Mitchell b M. & W. RR. and Stockton Bridwell Zion, printer, National American, h s s Nelson w of Walker Briggs Richard S. family grocery, w s Peachtree b Walton and Luckie, bds Peter A./Hughes' Brisendine James R. carp, h e s McDonoughb Clark and John's al. Brock Saml. J. fireman, n s Fair opp. Martin al. Brockhohan Carston, elk. bds H. Muhlenbrink's Brooks D. h s e c Elmore and Georgia RR. Brooks Edward, carp, h w s Whitehall b Macklin and Mc- Daniel Brooks J. W. lab. h s w c Whitehall and Cooper Brooks Mrs. Maria P. at Theophilus Harris' Brooks W. E. elk. Adams Express Co. bds Trout House Broom James M. grocery, h e s Peachtree b Decatur and Hous¬ ton Brown Aaron H. (B., Priest & Peck,) res Campbell County. Brown Benj. clothing mer. h n e c Gilmer and Ivy Brown Bernhard, agt. A. Hertchberg, res c Ivy and Taylor Brown Edgefield, wagon mkr. and blksmith, w s Terry b Hun¬ ter and Fair, h s s Jones b Terry and Martin's al. Brown George W. S. h w s Calhoun b RR. and Decatur Brown H. W. phy?. office n e c Decatur and Peachtree, h w s Calhoun b Decatur and Gilmer Brown John, carp, h c Elmore and Fair Brown John, fireman, wks A. & W. Pt. RR. Machine Shop Brown J. H. carp, bds Mrs. Sarah Oslin's Brown John N. laborer, s s Jones b Terry and Martin's al. "DROWN J. P. H. -D Dentist, Office e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Brown Lewis, carp, n w c Calhoun and Gilmer Brown L. fireman W. & A. RR. Brown Mrs. Nancy C. bds n e c RR. and Butler "DROWN PERINO. -D Agent Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, Office n e c Whitehall and RR. "DROWN, PRIEST & PECK. J3 (Aaron H. B., Edwin P. & John C. P.) Lumber Yard and Planing and Flooring Mill, Sash, Door and Blind Manu¬ factory, c Pratt and Decatur Brown Mrs. Sarah, bds John T. Cunningham's 54 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS- HJaamit ^igrot attirf onnral, Organ of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, &£•/?! UEIj Ij*1 WREJYCE, J>. G. Jtf., Editor, LAWRENCE CAMPBELL & McPHERSON, PROPRIETORS; A MONTHLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO ,1 iTlIL'111 il II Terms, $2.00 per Annum, in advance, OFFICE,—CHEROKEE BLOCK, ATLANTA, GA. GREENE B. HAYCOOD, attorney at Law, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ATTENDS TO BUSINESS IN Fulton Superior Court First Monday in April and October, Fulton Inferior Court Third Monday in June and December, DeKalb Superior Court, Fourth Monday in April and October, Coweta Superior Court,. ....First Monday in March and September, Cobb Superior Court, Third Monday in March and September, Cass Superior Court Second Monday in March and September, Fayette Superior Court, Third Monday in March and September, Troup Superior Court Second Monday in May and November, Spaulding Superior Court, Third Monday in May and November, Clayton Superior Court, First Monday in May and November Supreme Court of Georgia, Atlanta,..Fourth Mon. in Mar. and Second in Aug. District Court of the U. S. Marietta,..Second Monday in March and Septem. And on the several lines of Rail-road from Atlanta. BUR 55 Brown Simeon, blksmith, bds Edgefield Brown's Broxton Hezekiah W. carp, h s e c Crew and Faith's al. Bruce Daniel, carp, lis s Marietta w of Foundry al. Brewster Robert, medical student bds Dr. S. T. Bigger's Bryan Harrison, h opp. Water Station on Georgia RR, j BRYAN MRS. MARY E. , *~J -L» Editress Georgia Temperance Crusader, bds John H. Seal's Bryant James M. grocery, h s s Peters b Thompson and For¬ syth Bryant Lewis E. carp, h s s Garnett b Forsyth and Thompson Bryant Richard J. elk. bdg J. M. Bryant's Bryant Starling H. carp, h e s McDonough b Clark al. and John's al. Bryant Wm. M. carp, h w s McDonough b Clark al. and John's al. Brvson Thos. M. elk. bds s e c Whitehall and Mitchell Buchanan Andrew J. h s e c Fair and Frazer's al. Buchanan James, fifer, h s s Marietta b Duncan and Foundry al. Buchanan R. C. eng. h n s Mechanic w of W. & A. RR. Buckalew Wm. G. carp, h w s W. & A. RR. b Rock and Lati- more Buffington Wm. C. h s e c Jones and Washington Buice David, foreman, bds Elisha Buice's Buice Madison, painter, h n e c McDonough and Faith's al. Buice Elisha, millright, h n w c Mitchell and Pryor Buice Elisha, fireman h w s Crew b Fair and Jones Buice John M. painter, hsec McDonough and Faith's al. Buise Elisha, (Langston & B.) Bullard Robt. W. cotton dealer, n s Whitehall opp. Cooper Burchhardt G. A. grocery, n w c Hunter and W ashington Burge Nathaniel T., brick manuf. w s Martin al. b Jones and Faith's aL Burke John, lightening rod agt. bds Planter's Hotel Burke T. bookseller, h w s Whitehall b Mitchell and Peters Burnett D. fireman, W. & A. RR. Burnett Wm. L. h n s Marietta 3d h w of Foundry al. Burr G. W. elk. McArthor, Burr & Wadsworth, bds R. Falk- ner's Burr John H. (McArthor, B. & Wadsworth,) bds R. Falk- ner's Burr Mrs. Louisa L. bds s w c Fair and Martin's al. Burt Henry, elk. John Ryan's, bds Planter's Hotel Burton H. W. eng. bds Dr. S. T. Bigger's 56 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. Jj. M. DIMICK, WM. WILSON, DIMICK, WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, OAK & HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, Fkench Calf Skins, . Krp anb Itasset Wpjper lamng anb Bmclin^ Slkins, SHOE FINDINGS, ETC., ETC. SIGN OF BIG BOOT, CHEROKEE BLOCK, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. CAM 57 Burt Wm. McC. policeman, hns RR. b Spring and Short Busby Mrs. Malinda, e s Marietta n of Corp. Line Bush Geo. eng. bds Tennessee House Butler James E. (High, B. & Co.) agt. for Manhattan Life Insu¬ rance Co. bds Trout House Butler John, h w s Collins b Houston and Gilmer Butts Miss Fannie, n w c Cooper and Faith's al. Butts Jesse M. bds n w c Cooper and Faith's al. Butts Wm. M. n w c Cooper and Faith's al. Buze G. A. h c Delay and Fowler Cain Geo. C. messenger, Adam's Express Company, bds Trout House Cain J. hatter, bds Robert B. Winn's Cain J. E. Jefferson, eng. n s Green b Mangum and Haynes Caldwell Chas. tinner, h n s Marietta 4th h w of Foundry al. Caldwell Geo. machinist, bds City Hotel Caldwell James, elk. h n e c Mitchell and Thompson Caldwell J. fireman, W. & A. RR. Caldwell Thomas L. elk. bds James Caldwell's fiALHOUN E. N. Physician, Office c Marietta and Peachtree, h w s Cone b Walton and Luckie pALHOUN ISAAC P. V Agent, R. H. May & Co's, bds Washington Hall Calhoun J. M. & W. L. attys. s w c Alabama and Washington Calhoun Jas. M. (J. M. & W. L. C.) s w c Alabama and Wash¬ ington Calhoun Picken ET. elk. Beach & Root's, bds Dr. E. N. Calhoun's Calhoun P. coach mkr. bds Washington Hall Calhoun Wm. L. (J. M. & W. L. C.) s w c Alabama and Wash¬ ington Calhoun Wm. P. agt. R. H. May's, bds Washington Hall Callahan Dennis, laborer, h n w c Lloyd and Mitchell Callahan Owen, eng. bds Mrs. A. D. Rhode's Cally John, machinist, wks Winship's Iron Works Calvert James R. carp, s s M. & W. RR. b Macklin and Mc- Daniel Camp Geo. W. carp, h c Mangum and Foundry al. fiAMPBELL CHARLES T. V Operator, Augusta, Atlanta and Chattanooga Telegraph Company, Office adjoining the Atlanta Intelligencer Office, bds P. J. Immel's 58 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. <8 ll> 8 WIS BUSSED*® 3Nrmi"v\7" CLOTHING AND FURNISHING, 1 door from Cor. Whitehall and Jftarietta Sis., m 3STOSCKOSS' NEW BLOCK, Where will be found one of the largest and best assorted stocks in this City, of Clothing, &c., manufactured expressly for this establishment, in all the various Goods for Men's Youth's and Children's Wear. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, All the Newest Styles of Shirts, Collars, Neck-Ties, Cravats, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, etc. A large assortment of the latest Broadway Styles, Silk, Cassimere, French Soft, Leghorn, Panama, Straw and Chip Hata, Caps, etc., etc. A full assortment of S;.A,p,RfciXR,Try BRIDLES, WHIPS, ETC., ETC. TRUNKS. VALISES. CARPET AID LEATHER BAGS. serhsrsst gasdbs, 3bt6., 3st6. Also, Agent for the sale of the Manufactured, by Stoddart S BOOTS & SHOES, CARPETS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, Etc, WHITEHALL STREET, NEAR ALABAMA STREET ATLANTA,, GA. CRE 69 Cox Thos. G. blksmith, n s RR. w end of A & W. Pt. RR. freight depot Cox Wm. B. (C., Hill & Co.) bds Trout House Cox Wm. N. blksmith, n s RR. w end of A. & W. Pt. RR. Freight Depot Coyna James, carp, h c Fowler and Foundry POZART 1L W. \J Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, &c., w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell, h s s Peters b For¬ syth and Thompson Crabb Benjamin F. h e s Collins b Wheat and Houston Craft Jas. W. painter, h s w c Decatur and Butler Craft Mrs. R. h n s RR. b Calhoun and Butler Craft Robert E. n s RR. b Calhoun and Butler Craft Wm. H. painter, h s w c Decatur and Butler Craig Jas. pattern mkr. h n e c Peters and Pryor Crane Jas. lab. h n e c Baker and Collins Crankshaw Hamilton, machinist, h e s Washington b Fair and Jones Crankshaw Joseph, machinist, h e s Walker nr Junction with Nelson pRAYEN E. J. & R. W. v (Elijah J. & Richard W.) Surgeon Dentists, office w s White¬ hall b Alabama and Hunter Craven Elijah J. (E. J. & R. W. C.) h n s Houston b Peachtree and Ivy Craven Rev. Isaac N. h s w c Gilmer and Collins Craven Richard W. (E. J. & R. W. C.) bds E. J. Craven's Crawford , h w s Calhoun b Gilmer and Wheat Crawford F. Alexander, brakesman, s s Georgia RR. b Butler and Terry Crawford David, engineer, h s s Marietta b Duncan and Foun¬ dry alley Crawford Elisha, carp, bds J. R. Bosworth's Crawford Mrs. Harriet R. w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitch¬ ell Crawford Mrs. Martha, h n s Decatur b Calhoun and Butler Crawford Robert, b. k. h n s Fair b Terry and Martin's alley Crawford Robert, elk, h n e c Terry and Fair Crawford Russel, s s Georgia RR. b Butler and Terry Crawford W. fireman, W. & A. RR. Crawford J. fireman, W. & A. RR. Crayton Isaac A. shoe shop, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor Crew James R. general RR. ticket agt., h s s Mitchell b Wash¬ ington and McDonough 70 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, Window Glass, Fancy Goods, Gold Foil, Dental Instruments, &c. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE. Cor, of Decatur and Peach-Tree Sts., Atlanta, Georgia. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of " Taylor's Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir DEALERS IN— Him, AND MANUFACTURERS OP SASH, DOORS, and BLINDS, &G Lumber Dressed, Flooring and Ceiling Tongued and Grooved at the usua prices. They are also successors to Joseph Winship & Co., in the manu facture of COTTON GINS & THRESHING MACHINES, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Shop near Winship's Iron Works, on the Western and Atlantic Railroad. DAN 71 Crew John, conductor, Georgia RR. bds Atlanta Hotel Crocker Josephus M. watchman, h e s Marietta n of Corp. Line Crockett David A. machinist, h s s Georgia RR. b Butler and Terry Crockett David M. carp, h s s Georgia RR. b Butler and Terry Crockett Jas. P. elk. Halpin & Myers5 Croft David, conductor, W. & A. RR. bds A. P. Rollin's pROFT Gr. W. & CO. V Manufacturers of Eureka Oil, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, h w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Croft Thos. baggage master, bds A. P. Rollin's Crogan Thos. W. carp. W. & A. car shop Crosby Isaac, pattern mkr. s s Georgia RR. b Butler and Terry Crow John, carp, h n s Peters w of W. & A. RR. Crowley Jas. medical student, h n s Walton, opposite Junction with Marietta Crozier J. fireman, W. & A. RR. Crussell Thos. G. W. bk. mason, n e c Peachtree and Ellis Curd John, elk. he s Marietta Road n of Corp. Line Cullaway H. W. peddler, h c Thompson and Peters Cullen Mrs. C. bds n s Gilmer b Collins and Calhoun Cummings Rockwood, watch mkr. wks E. Lanshe's Cunningham John T. h s s Mitchell b Whitehall and Forsyth pURRIER HILIJARD L, U City Surveyor and Physician, h w s Peachtree n of Oslin Curry V. laborer, w a McDaniel s of Whitehall Curtis John, tailor, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor Cutting Chas. W. elk. bds J. L. Cutting & Co's. pUTTING- J. L. & CO, V Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, Markham's Block Cutting J. L. (J. L. C. & Co.) h s s Mitchell b Forsyth and White¬ hall D Dailey P. fireman, W. k A. RR. Dalvena , phvs. rooms e s Collins b Gilmer and Wheat Daly Martin, bar k. Planters' Hotel Daly Patrick, fireman, bds Planters' Hotel Daly T. fireman, W. &. A. RR. Daniel Eziekel W. carp, h n s Baker b Ivy and Collins Daniel Elijah W. (Stone & D.) h n e e Calhoun and Houstoo 72 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. F. M. EDDLEMAN. I- T- BANKS- EDDLEMAN & BANKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN I00V8, 8K03B8, ALSO, MANUFACTURERS (iN ATLANTA,) OF DOUBLE SOLE PLANTATION AND WAX BROGANS, HOUSE SERVANT SHOES, &C. A HEAVY A SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND Also, Agents for the sale of the only THAT SEWS WITH A WAXED THREAD. WE INVITE COUNTRY MERCHANTS TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICE& Whitehall Street, Jltlanta, Georgia. DEA 73 DANIEL GEO...H. 7 A11 -L' Grocer and Provision Merchant, w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, bds Dr. Willis Westmoreland's Daniel Martin Yan B. bds John F. Toney's Daniel Robt. farmer, h e s Ivy b Baker and Oslin Daniel Thos. B. grocer, h n e c Wheat and Pry or Darby John A. fireman, h s s Georgia RR. b Butler and Terry Darby Mrs. Mary A. n w c RR. and Calhoun Darby Mrs. Nancy, h e s Calhoun b Decatur and Gilmer Darby Wm, n w c RR. and Calhoun Davenport J. bds L. W. Yarbrough's David James J. dentist, e s Peachtree b Decatur and Houston, Cherokee Block Davie James J. dentist, h s s Mitchell b M. & W. RR. and Stockton Davies D. heater, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Davis , h e s Thompson b Alabama and Hunter Davis Christopher C. h e s Hays b Markum and Nelson Davis Geo. W. carp, e s Walker s of Nelson Davis John, hnwc Peters and Whitehall TiAVIS. J. G. U Wholesale and Retail Grocery, Confectionery, Bakery, &c. n w c Depot and Marietta, h s e c Peachtree and Cain Davis John L. elk. Beach & Roots' Davis & Lester, (Larkin H. D. & Wade H. L.) general com¬ mission merchants, produce, groceries, &c., w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Davis Larkin H. (D. & Lester,) grocery, hnwc Peter and Forsyth Davis Thos. W. teacher* bds John H. Seal's Davis Vincent, bk. mkr. e s Thompson b Mitchell and Peters Davis W. H. engineer, hnwc Pratt and Gilmer Davis Z. bds J. R. Bosworth's Davison Julius C. proprietor, City Hotel, sec Lloyd and De¬ catur Dawson Mrs. Mary E. n s Ellis b Calhoun and Butler Deal , mason, bds w s Spring b Marietta and RR, Dean C. J. w s Marietta (formerly Payne,) opposite Alexan¬ der Dean; Henry G. h w s W. & A. RR. nr Corp. Line Dean John, elk. Marietta b Foundry alley and Alexander Dean John P. elk. J. R. & C. H. Wallace's, h n s Marietta nr Norcross Dean Lemuel, builder, h w s Marietta opposite Alexander Dean Lemuel, bk. mkr. w s Mangum c Thurman Dean Thomas, h n s Marietta w of Foundry alley 6 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer & ©ealerin Havana Segars, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, ETC., "Wholesale and. Retail, At the Sign of the Atlanta Segar Manufactory, Whitehall Street, S*Y * wholesale and retail sealers IN DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS Paints, Oils, Surgeons' Instruments, Garden Seeds, etc., etc. Whitehall Street,Atlanta, Ga. We make our purchases of the Best Importing and Manufacturing Honst in New York and Philadelphia and offer our goods as low as can be obtains from any jobbing house in Augusta, Savannah or Charleston. "Warranted < be FRESH, PURE and GENUINE. Orders from the Country promptly fill© and satisfaction guaranteed in PRICE and QUALITY". DIM 75 Dees Miss Mary, bds Mrs. Elizabeth Webb's Delay F. M. carp, h c W. & A. BR. and Magazine Delay H. Russell, h n s Marietta w of Foundry alley Delay Mrs. Mary C. h n s Marietta w of Foundry alley Delpey Amos, boot mkr. h n w c Spring and Walton Demare Henry, boiler mkr. has Mitchell b M. & W. RR. and Stockton TiEMAREST DAVID. , * 1 , J-' Carpenter and Builder, w s Mangum b Green and Rhodes Dempsey F. M. fireman, bds W. H. Steven's Denham Hubbard, laborer, h n s Peters w of Walker Dennis Henry, s s M. & W. RR. b Macklin and McDaniel Dennis Jonathan, bk. mason, h n s Whitehall b Macklin and McDaniel Denny Thomas S. phys. e s Peachtfee, b Cherokee and Hous¬ ton, h n w c McDonongh and Faith's alley Denson Bennett, fireman, hw s Ivy b Cain and Harris "HE SHONG- W. H. Ambrotypes, Photography &c«, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Deton Wm. h e s Peachtree b Baker and Ivy Devereux Patrick, (Fitzgibbon & D.) h n s Hunter b Butler and Terry Dewberry David, carp, hes Butler b Georgia RR. and Hunter Dewberry Felix, coppersmith, s s Hunter b McDonough and and Butler Dewberry Giles, gas fitter, h s s Hunter b McDonough and Butler Dewberry Mrs. Martha, h s s Hunter b McDonough and Butler Dewell Mrs. Nancy, dress mkr. h s s Hunter b Whitehall and Forsyth Dial Isaac, carp, n w c Hunter and Washington Dickey Miss E. A. s s Hunter b Whitehall and Forsyth Dickey William, J. dentist, h s s Hunter b Whitehall and For¬ syth Diehl Mrs. Mary, bds P. J. ImmeFs Diel Isaac, h w s Baker, b Collins and Calhoun Dill C. W. ambrotypist, bds Nathaniel E. Gardner's Dimick Loderick M. (D., Wilson & Co.) h w s Peachtree n of Baker T\IMICK, WILSON & CO. (Loderick M. D., Wm. W. & Albert Mix,) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Leather, Findings, &c.,, e a • Peachtree b Decatur and Houston, Cherokee Block 76 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA; Draws Twice a Day at Savannah, Geo. McKINNEY <& CO.; ^Managers, Prizes vary from $1.00 to $60,000, TICKETS FROM $1 TO $10, SWORN COMMISSIONERS ARE APPOINTED TO SUPERINTEND EACH DRAWING. TICKETS FOR SALE AT THE Cor. Whitehall and Alabama Streets, J. W. MILLER, Agent, ATLANTA, GA. All orders by Mail or Express promptly attended to. Drawing forwardec to all the Ticket Holders, immediately after the drawing takes place. XS&-1Prize, Cash, at this Office.^ DUD 77 Dixon Christopher, carp, n w c Calhoun and Houston Dixon Christopher W. carp, bds Wm. T. Williams' Doane John A. mer. bds Dr. J. M. Boring's Doby Geo. J. fireman, wks A. & W. Pt. RR. Machine shop Dodd & Bro. (Philip & Green T.) grocery, n e c Mitchell Dodd Green T. (D. & Bro.) n e c Whitehall and Mitchell Dodd Philip, (D. & Bro.) h n e c Whitehall and Mitchell Donlin Jas. boiler mkr. wks W. & A. RR. machine shop Doonan John elk. P. Hayden & Co's. Doonan Terrence, elk. h n w c Garnett and Whitehall Dorman Miss Ann A. bds Elisha Bruce's Dorman Madame R. J. fashionable dress making, rooms e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, bds Mrs. Jane Mimes' JDorsey Mrs. Helena, bds L. M. Dimick's Dorsey John M. phys. h s s Hunter b Whitehall and Pry or Dorsey L. fireman, W. & A. RR. Dorsey Wm. C. blksmith, h s s Marietta b Duncan and Foundry alley Dougherty David H. (Silvey & D.) bds John Silvey's Dougherty Mrs. Mary, n e c Bridge and RR. Doughty Quincy A. painter, e s Collins b Gilmer and Wheat Douglas Robt. civil engineer, bds Washington Hall Downey John P. baggage-master, Georgia RR. bds Atlanta Hotel fk owning hill nursery. -L' sec Fair and Hill, Peters, Harden & Co., Pros. Downs Elias, carp, s w c Terry and Georgia RR. Downs samuel t. Cabinet Saloon, w s Alabama b Whitehall and Forsyth, h n s Peters Downs Wm. A. conductor, h n,s Gilmer b Butler and Pratt FkOWSINGr DR. JOHN W. -L/ Associate Editor of the Southern Confederacy, h e s Wal¬ ton b Wadley and Spring Dozier Thos, painter, bds Mrs. Sarah McDougal's Dozle Wm. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill, bds Rolling Mill House Drake Josiah, carp, bds n s Marietta, 2d house w of Foundry alley Drake V. h n s Marietta 2d house w of Foundry alley Drennon Ezieke!, carp, bds Jas. Rice's Drennor Z. fireman, W. & A. RR. Driscoll Jeremiah, lab. n s Decatur b Pratt and Moore Drumwright Joseph, carp, h n e c Peachtree and Baker Dudley Mrs. J. D. h s w c Collins and Harris Dudley John R. painter, h s w c Collins and Harris 78 atlanta advertisements. t. m. clarke, J. T. LEWIS. CLARKE & LEWIS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CONSISTING IN PART OP MECHANICS' TOOLS, BUILDERS' MATERIALS, Blacksmith Tools, FARMERS' TOOLS, Carriage Trimmings, springs, Axles, Hubs, Spokes and Felloes, Circular, Mill, and Cross Cut Sai.-s, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Wheat Pans, Threshers, Boiler Iron, Nuts, White Lead, Zinc, Copper, etc. A large stock of Double and Single Barrel Guns and Pistols ; Also, Nails Iron, Steel, etc. Also, Agents for Fairbanks Scales. WEJICMTREE ST., No. 1 Cherokee Block, Atlanta, Georgia. R. S. DUNNING, -DKALER IN- Markham's Block, WMITBHJIIjIj St., 2d door s. of Alabama St., ATLANTA, GA- EDW 79 TvUNCAN JOHN W. U Attorney at Law, office w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hun¬ ter, Markham's Building, h n s Marietta b Spring and Duncan Duncan Miss Malissa, bds Grant F. Edward's Dunfy Richard, mason, h n w c Collins and Baker Dunlap Mrs. Mary A. s w c Terry and Fair Dunn Ambrose, engineer, n w c Crew and Jones Dunn C. A. engineer, A. & W. Pt. RR. Machine shop Dunn R. J. baggage-master, bds Win. H. Stevens Dunn W. Edwin, heater, w s Gartrell n of Decatur Dunning James, elk. J. L. Cutting & Go's, bds s s Mitchell [JUNNING JAMES L. iJ Superintentent of Atlanta Machine Co., h s w c Mitchell and Lloyd RUNNING R. S. U Boot and Shoe Store, w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hun¬ ter, bds s s Mitchell c Lloyd Dunning Yolney, elk. bds s s Mitchell c Lloyd Durand Mrs M. F. fashionable millinery store, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunt<^r, h s s Nelson Durand Samuel, lies Nelson b M, & W. RR. and Walker Durham Mrs, Martha C. h n s Mitchell b Whitehall and For¬ syth Durham Wm. machinist, h n s Mitchell b Whitehall and For¬ syth Dye Thomas, carp, h s s Marietta w of Foundry al E Earning Mrs. E. A. dress mkr. bds City Hotel East Mrs. Carrie, n s Houston b Calhoun and Butler Eaton Mrs. Catherine, bds Wm. Barnes' Echols Thomas, conductor, h n w c Cone and Luckie Eckerman , shoemkr. bds G. A. Burcbhardt's Eckridge Thomas, bk. mkr. hss Marietta w of Foundry al T7DOLEMAN & BANKS. Hi (Francis M. E. & Isaac T. B.) Boots, Shoes, Leather, Shoe Findings, &c., e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Eddleman Francis M. (E. & Banks,) h n s Peters b Washing¬ ton and Fair Eddleman John, student, bds John H. Eddleman's Eddleman John H. shoe mer. w s Pryor opposite Clark's al Eddy Geo. P. (Wood, E. & Co.) res. Wilmington, Delaware Edmonson L. L. bds Washington Hall Edward Geo. pattern mkr. h n w c Collins and Houston 80 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. S. 13. OATMAN", MARBLE DEALER. South of the Georgia Railroad Depot. Atlanta. Georgia. H. E. C^ARDNER'S CIMIIIGE IMIU 1DD MPOSITM, COENEB OP Hunter &. Forsyth Sts. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. The only establishment of the kind in the city. All kinds of Carriage Material on hand, for sale low. Has always on hand a choice assortment of Carriages, Buggies, and Har¬ ness, of his own and Northern manufacture, and will build to order any article in his line, as low as any establishment in the state. Attention of Buyers solicited. J. P. H. BROWN, D. D. 8., DENTIST, Office on Whitehall Street, between Alabama and Hunter, EZZ 81 Edward Grant F. engineer, s s Foundry b Fowler and Man- gum Edward J. M. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Edwards G. F. wks W. & A. RR. Edwards James, conductor, bds Thomas Echols' Edwards Jesse, laborer, s s Jones b Martin al and Fair ground. Edwards John, heater, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Edwards Mrs. Polly, n s Fair b Terry and King Ehlers A. L. machinist, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill, bds Rolling Mill Boarding House T7ISENHUT JOHN, -l-J Boots and Shoes, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Elder , laborer, wks Pitt and Cook's Ellen Miss Ellen, bds n e c Collins and Decatur Elliott Edmund R. (Fielder & E.)h three miles on Montgomery Road Elliott John, elk. M. Myers' bds Planters' Hotel Elsworth Chas. engineer, bds e s Peachtree b Ellis and Cain Ennis John, hes Butler b Gilmer and Wheat Ennis John, Atlanta Hotel Billiard Saloon, s w c Pryor and Decatur Ennis Thos. bar k. Atlanta Hotel Enright Patrick S. elk. h s e c Forsyth and Garnett Erwin Mrs. Caroline, h n s Houston b Ivy and Collins Escherg Edward, shoemkr. bds Chas. Beerman's Espy Calvin J. carp, h n e c Garnett and Thompson Espy Miss Elizabeth, bds Calvin J. Espy's Ethridge Zachariah, carp, h n of Baker and e of Butler Evans Boswell Y. family grocery, e s Peachtree b Decatur and Houston, h Junction Peachtree, Church and Houston Evans Chas. mastic roofer, bds Tennessee House Evans Mrs. Elizabeth, n s Stockton w of Haynes Evans Miss Frances H. at R. J. Wilson's Evans J. J. brick mason, n s Stockton w of Haynes Evans Thos. e s Calhoun b Decatur and Gilmer Everett Miss Cordelia F. at Jos. C. Robinson's Everett Wm. S. elk. J. L. Cutting & Co's, bds Mrs. A. Haynes' Ewing Fred, fireman, hss Marietta w of Foundry al Ewing Wm. R. engineer, n e c RR. and Butler rZZARD & COLLIER. JlJ (Wm. E. & John C.) Attorneys at Law, Office n e c White¬ hall and RR. Georgia RR. Bank Bldg. *Ezzard G. barber shop, Trout House Ezzard John F. mer. h n w c Luckie and Peachtree Ezzard Wm. (E. & Collier,) w s Peachtree opp Wesley Chapel Ezzard Wm. L. (Smith & E.) w s Peachtree opp Wesley Chapel 82 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. ST. H. LOVBTOYj WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER IN FAMILY AND PLANTATION GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, •KTJLAJYT^, Ga. "l,rv UiHt & WADSWAT>rnTT Dealers in ™ ,\^j AA/D 11 V ntv u (f « K House-Furnishing Goods, Plated, Britannia, Japanned and Plain Tin Ware, and Cooking, Parlor and Office Stoves, Grates, &c. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. J6@" Roofing, Guttering and Job Work promptly attended to. FIT 83 Faith John F. saloon, s s Frazier al nr S. Corp. Line Farmer Josephus, laborer, bds Simeon Perry's Farnsworth Wm. P. foreman, Pitts & Cook's, h c Grubb and 1st al w of Foundry al Farrar Francis W. elk. Georgia RR. h s e c Collins and Harris Farrar John, hsec Terry and Georgia RR. Farrar Richard, tinner, wks Tomlinson & Barnes' Faught Luther H. foreman, Winship's Iron Works, h s w c Ma¬ rietta and Spring Faulkner Jas. laborer, h s s Marietta w of Foundry al Fedrick Stephen D. teamster, h c Butler and College FERGUSON DANIEL P. r Family Grocery and Dry Goods, sec Mitchell and White¬ hall, bds W. H. Chapman's Ferguson Leonidas, elk. bds H. W. Cozart's Ferguson Stephen, elk. sec Mitchell and Whitehall Ferrell Jno. laborer, h c Mangum and Thurman T7ICKEN JOHN. r Atlanta Cigar Manufactory, Tobacco, &c. w s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama, h n s Ellis b Collins and Ivy Fielder & Elliott, (Spaulding L. F. & Edmund R. E.) brick manuf. c Magazine & Fowler Fielder Spaulding L. (F. & Elliott,) h 8 miles on Montgomery Road Fields Mrs. Alice B. e s Thompson b Alabama and Hunter Fields Miss Sallie, e s Thompson b Alabama and Hunter Fife Benj. S. elk. bds T. V. Rhodes' Fife Robt. A. elk. bds J. R. Pitts' Findley J. A. H. (Leonard and F.) Findley Jno. painter, bds Rev. Isaac G. Mitchell's Finn Jno. carp, n s Wheat b Collins and Calhoun Finney —, bds Mrs. Mary A. Young's Fischer Geo. carp, bds Harrison Lester's Fisher Chas. restaurant, e s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama Fitch Fayette S. (Stone & F.) h w s Pry or b Mitchell and Peters Fitt Wm. H. agt. Southern Confederacy, hsec Oslin and Col¬ lins Fitzgerald —, bds Tennessee House Fitzgerald Wm. laborer, wks Atlanta rolling mill T7ITZGKEBBON & DEVEREUX. r (Richard F. & Patrick D.) Cooper Shop, n e c Butler and Hunter 84 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. OLDEST & mm [STiGLISHMENT SOUTH. MARBLE! MARBLE! MARBLE! SUMUBT & HURLICK, Our Quarries are well opened. We pay no Jobber's profits, Ship or Rail¬ road freights, and our Marble is as good, Brilliant and durable as any in the United States; therefore we can and do sell far CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, SOUTH. Monuments, from $20, to $5000 or $10,000, 3, 3^, 4, 4£, 5, 5£, and 6 foot plain Box Tombs, each at $25, $35, $45, $50, $70, $80, and $85, and 3, 4, 5, and 6 foot Head and Foot Stones, per set at $7, $12, $18 and $25—4 cents each for cutting letters. All work delivered at the Marietta Railroad Depot. Any person wishing Tombs, Monuments, or any description of work, of Italian or Northern Marble, by giving us their order, specifying the kind of work desired, we will order it, put it up for just the amount it costs North, with Ship and Railroad freights, and expenses incurred by our Agent in putting it up, thereby saving to them, from 25 to 100 per cent in cost. Address all Letters to SUMMEY & HURLICK, JUarble Works P. O., Pickens Co., Georgia. dealers in every description of J. T. BISANER, General Traveling Agent. GAI 85 Fitzgibbon Richard, (F. & Devereux,) h e s Collins b Georgia RR. and Decatur Fitzgibbon Thos. h s s Fair b McDonough and Frazier al Fleck Danl. machinist, bds Mrs. A. D. Rhodes' Fleming Thos. P. (McMillen, F. & Co.) n w c Forsyth and Hunter Flinn , carp, wks Brown, Priest & Peck's Floyd Wm. fireman, h s s Marietta b Duncan and Foundry al Flynn Jno. foreman, W. & A. RR. machine shop, h n e c Bridge and RR. Flynn J. fireman, W. & A. RR. Ford John J. phys. h s s Peters w of M. &W. RR. Ford Sylvester, plasterer, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor Forrester John E. bds City Hotel FORSYTH AMBROSE B. r Cotton Dealer, s s Cherokee b Pryor and Ivy Forsyth Hy. elk. Hunnicutt & Taylor's, bds s s Cherokee rear • of Trout House "OORSYTH WM. G. r Cotton Dealer, e s Pryor b Cherokee and Wheat Forsyth Wm. blksmith, n s Cain nr Grubb Foster Miss Amanda, bds W. C. Humphrey's Foster T. J. medical student, bds City Hotel Foster Wiley J.hws Forsyth b Alabama and Hunter Fowler Noah R. freight agt. Georgia RR. h s e c Baker and Peachtree Frank S. elk. D. Mayer's Franklin E. brakesman, h n s Walton opp junction with Mari¬ etta Frederick Theo. elk. bds J. Ficken's Freeman Benj. carp, h e s Frazier al b Faith and Clark al Freeman Fred. R. fireman, bds Harrison Lester's Freeman M. M. elk. bds Dr. C. Powell's Frizzell Wm. H. carp, h n w c Mangum and Nelson Fullerton Jno. laborer, h n s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Furcron Mrs. Clarinda, h n s Marietta b Duncan and Walton T7ULTON BRASS AND STRING BAND. r E. H. Werner, Secretary, at the M. & W. RR. depot Fultz Jas. H. carp, bds Wm. Glozier's Fultz Jas. H. painter, wks W. & A. RR. car shop G Gabbett Wm. e s Peachtree n of Corp. Line Gaines , tailor, bds Mrs. Sarah McDougal's Gaines Reuben A. tailor, bds John J. Calloway's 86 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. BARTHOLF'S SEWING MACHINES Are the only Machines which sew in a superior manner, Cloth, Kerseys, Silks, Linens, Muslins, etc. Hems, Gathers, Tucks, and Stitches in cord of all sizes without Basting. Uses flax, cotton, or silk thread. Makes a back 'stitch on both sides which is very elastic; will not rip, nor can not be raveled. The Machine is -very simple, runs at high speed, and in fact is the only Machine made that can be relied on for doing the coarsest and finest work on the same Machine, with equal fa¬ cility. PRICE, from $55 00 to $140 00. Persons buying Machines can have ser¬ vants instructed h aperate them, free of charge, by sending them to pay office. A. LEYDEN, General Agent, Atlanta, Ga. H^fSend for Ci and Samples. BERTRAND ZACHRY, DEALER IX Haw Furs, Slkxn«, ®u)es, Beeswax, Tallow, fic., MAJLONE & JOHNSON'S MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. GAY 87 Gaines R. C. grocery, w s Peachtree b Marietta and Walton, h w s Cone b Walton and Luckie Galceran M. P. groceries, e s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Galloway John J. carp, h junction of Peters and Fair Gammage Thos. M. fireman, n e c Crew and Faith's al Gannon Jno. elk. P. Hayden & Co's, Gannon Pat. bar k. s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor Gannon Thos. agt. Atlanta billiard hall saloon, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor Gantt Warren, carp, h n s Harris b Ivy and Collins Garcia B. cigar mkr. bds H. Muhlenbrink's Gardner Mrs. Caroline E. s s Hunter b Whitehall and Forsyth GARDNER II. B. vJ Carriage Manufactory, sec Hunter and Forsyth Gardner Nathaniel E. coach mkr. li s s Alabama b Forsyth and M. & W. RR. Garmany Jas. botanic phys. w s Peachtree b Baker and Ivy Garmany Jno. laborer, wks W. & A. RR. PARTRELL & HILL. U (Lucius J. G. & Thos. W. J. H.) Attorneys at Law, e s Whitehall and Decatur Gartrell Lucius J. (G. & Hill,) h n s Decatur or Pierce b Wash¬ ington and Yonge Garvage Lewis, druggist, bds Washington Hall Garvy Jas. marble cutter, n s Gilmer b Collins and Calhoun Gasaway Mrs. Mary, bds T. S. Hutchinson's Gaskill V. A. (Whitaker & .G.) res e end of Irwin PATE CITY GUARDS. \J Armory Cherokee Block, c Peachtree and Cherokee, Geo. H. Thompson, Capt. Gatins John, elk. M. & W. RR. h n s Taylor b Collins and Cal¬ houn Gatins Joseph, elk. M. & W. RR. h n s Taylor b Collins and Calhoun PAULDING A. A. & CO. U (A. A. G., Jared I. Whitaker & V. A. Gaskil, Editors and Proprietors Atlanta Intelligencer, (daily and weekly,) s w c Alabama and Whitehall Gaulding A. A. (A. A. G. & Co.) h n s Hunter opp City Hall Gault Jefferson, laborer, h w s W. & A. RR. b Rock and Lati- more Gault Wm. T. h w s Gartrell n of Decatur AAYAN & BRO. U (John & Charles,) Our House Saloon, s w c Alabama and Lloyd Gavan Chas. (G. & Bro.) bds Mrs. Mary A. Young s 88 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. JS/Em *VVXTITBC3rES3NrSTE3I]Xr5 WHOLESALE DEALER IN LIQUORS AND SEGARS, E. S. Whitehall, bet. R. R. and Alabama St., ATLANTA, 6A. ~J. R. & O. H. WALLACE, DEALERS IN CARRIAGE BUILDER'S Hardware, AND MECHANICS' TOOLS, POCKET AND TABLE Of Every Description ALSO, GROCERIES, OILS AND LEAD, Corner of Whitehall and. Alabama Streets, J. R. WALLACE. C. H. WALLACE. GIO 89 Gavan John, (G. & Bro.) bds Mary A. Young's Gavan Peter J. bds Mrs. Mary A. Young's Gavett Samuel, machinist, h s s Hunter b McDonough and But¬ ler George , carp, bds n w c Calhoun and Houston GEORGIA AIR LINE RAILROAD, vl Office Cherokee Block, e sPaachtreeb Cherokee and Hous¬ ton George John, plasterer, bds Mrs. Sarah Oslin's Georgia Railroad and Banking Company Freight Depot, e end Passenger Depot GEORGIA RAILROAD FREIGHT OF- II fice, c Lloyd and RR., J. B. Brantley, Agent. GEORGIA RAILROAD AND BANKING vl Company Agency, n e c Whitehall and RR., Permo Brown, Agent GEORGIA TEMPERANCE CRUSADER, vl e s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama, John H. Seals, Editor and Proprietor Gibson James A. shoemkr. wks Eddleman & Bank's Gilbert & Humphreys, (Joshua G. & Geo. W. H.) phys. e s Lloyd b Decatur and RR. Gilbert Joshua, (G. & Humphreys,) bds Washington Hall Gilbert J. D. exchange office, Washington Hall Hotel Gilbert Lewis Y. machinist, w s Marietta b Foundry al. and Alexander pILBERT THEODORE. VI Watches, Jewelry, &c. w s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama, h s w c Fair and Washington Gildson L. furniture store, bds City Hotel Gilden Robert, laborer, bds James Carmichel's Gill Mrs. Jane, h s e c Collins and Decatur Gill John A. blksmith, h s e c Decatur and Collins Gillen Patrick M. c Mechanic and Fowler Gillstrap John J. h n s Thurman b W. & A. RR. and Fowler Gilmer Dennis, elk. P. Hayden & Co.'s, bds Planter's House Gilmer Mrs. Mary, h s e c Butler and Georg^'RR. Gilson Leonard, (Zacbry & G.) bds Dr. Guild's Giovannini Peter, (G. & Venaglia,) e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter AIOVANNINI & VENAGLIA. II (Peter G. & Philip Y.) Drugs, Medicines, Wines and Ci¬ gars, &c. e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter 7 90 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. SMITH & EZZARD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, ABB DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Window Glass, SURGICAL & DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Etc., Etc., Being the OLDEST AND LARGEST DRUG HOUSE in the city of Atlanta. We hope to furniiSIJPrugs of as Good Quality, and at as r, o w PRICES as they can be purchased in any Southern Market. Give us a trial, and we will give satisfaction. Corner Whitehall and Railroad Streets, (Concert Hall Bldg.,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. GRA 91 Gipson Miss Maria, milliner, wks Mrs. M. F. Durand's Glassart Andrew, shoemkr. h w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell PLAZNER GEO. F. U (Silvey & G.) St. Nicholas Billiard Saloon, n s Decatur b Peachtree and Pryor Gleek Fletcher, elk. h s s Houston b Ivy and Collins Glenn John, h w s Ivy b Wheat and Houston Glenn Wm. M. machinist, h n s Wheat b Ivy and Pryor Glenn Andrew J. eng. h s e c Decatur and Collins PLENN & COOPER. 4 U (Luther J. G. & Thomas L. C.) Attorneys at Law, n s RR. b Whitehall and Pryor Glenn Mrs. Elizabeth, s w c Faith's and Frazier's alleys Glenn Henry H. farmer, b w s Whitehall b Macklin and Mc- Daniel pLENN LUTHER J, U (G. & Cooper,) and Mayor, h s e c Cooper and Faith's al. Glover Wiley, h c Fowler and Rock Glover Wm. moulder, h c Rock and Fowler Glozier Wm. carp, h w s Spring b Marietta and RR. Glynch John, laborer, h w s Mangum b Foundry and Thur- man Gober Stephen, h e s Bell b RR. and Decatur Godwin Samuel J. bds E. Brown's Goggin Michael, elk. M. Meyer's bds Thomas Kilby's Gonedy James, n w c Stockton and Mangum Goodman Joseph D. (G., Shield & Co.) n s Decatur p OODMAN, SHIELD & CO. U (Joseph D. G., Solomon L. S. & Leopold Silverman,) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, &c. e s Whitehall b Hun¬ ter and Mitchell, (Johnson's Block.) Goodwin Rucker, eng. wks Georgia RR. Machine Shop Gordon Charles, fireman, h s s Marietta b Duncan and Foundry- alley Gordon Daniel L. (Savage & G.) n s Alabama next to Market House Gordon Mrs. Elizabeth A. bds n e c Oslin and Peachtree Gordon Mrs. Martha E. h e s Pryor b Mitchell and Peters Gordon Wm. R. bds James F. Seavey's Gorman Thomas, auctioneer, bds Planters Hotel Gotz Henry, (M. Greenbaum & Co.) bds Washington Hall Grady Patrick, bds Tennessee House Graham Geo. W. carp, h n s Nelson b Mangum and Haynea 92 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. CHAS. BEERMAN, FaaluonaMe Sait Brmm$ and SHAVING SALOON, Alabama Street, 2d door from Fulton Bank, ATLANTA, a A. Am always ready to accommodate gentlemen in the line of SHAVING, SHAMPOONING, HAIR CURLING AND CUTTING, DYEING HAIR AND WHISKERS, Etc. Keeps on hand the best Hair Dyes, Cologne, Hair Oils, etc. Also Manufacturer BEERM AN'S AMBROSIAL f" and Proprietor of CELEBRATED BALM. It prevents the falling out and turning grey, and gives a beautiful and glossy appearance to the Hair. For Sale at my Barber Shop. Price, Fifty Cents per Bottle. PETER GIOVANNINI. PHILIP VENAGLIA. GIOVANNINI & VENAGLIA, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, C H EMICALS, Perfumery & Toilet Articles, DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Glass, FINE CIGARS, Whitehall Street, near Jllahama, Atlanta, Ga, H. MUHLENBRINK Manufacturer and Importer of Whitehall Street, Granite Front, opposite Holland House, ATLANTA, GA. GUI 93 G Graham \fym. M. elk. W. & A. RR. bds W. G. Gramling's Gramling Geo. H. carp, wks W. & A. RR. Car Shop Gramling James A., carp, bds W. G. Gramling's Gramling John F. carp, bds W. G. Gramling's Gramling J. W. carp, bds W. G. Gramling's p RAMLING- W. G-. vJ Master Carpenter, W. & A, RR. and Boarding House, n s M. & W. RR. opposite M. & W. Engine House Gray David, sec Frazier and Faith's alley • Gray Luke, h e s Collins b Gilmer and Wheat Gray Mrs. Martha, h n s Fair opposite Martin's al. Green Geo. h e s Butler b Wheat and Houston Green Jesse C. house mover, h e s Walker s of Nelson Greenbaum Isaac & Co. clothing store, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, David Oppenheimer, agt Greenbaum Isaac, (I. G. & Co,) res Baltimore Greenbaum M. & Co. (Marks G. & Henry Goltz,) clothing store, e s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama Greenbaum Marks, (M. G. & Co.) res Baltimore REY JOHN IX Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Chairs, Furniture, &c. e s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell, (Johnson's Block,) D. M. Young, Agent Griffin Smith H.hws Thompson b Mitchell and Peters Griffiths John, roller, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill, bds Rolling Mill House Grogan A. A. carp, wks W. & A. RR. Car Shop Grogan Hiram, carp, bds Harrison Lester's Grogan Wm. foreman, carp, bds W. G. Gramling's Grogan Zachariah W. carp, h n s Walton nr junction with Mari¬ etta Grubb Miss Elizabeth W. n e c Hunter and Lloyd Grubb Miss Ellen G. bds n e c Hunter and Lloyd Grubb Geo. W. carp, wks Pitts & Cook's Grubb Samuel, elk. National American office, h n e c Hunter and Lloyd Grubb Samuel W. printer, foreman National American office, h n e c Hunter and Lloyd Grubb Thomas F. (Clark & G.) knee Peachtree and Cur¬ rier Grubbs Mrs. Elizabeth, h s s Marietta nr Spring Grubbs Wilson L. carp, s s Marietta b Spring and Short Grubbs Wm. W.'carp. h s s Marietta b Spring and Short Guild Mrs*. J. M. (G. & Stubbs,) bds Dr. L. A. Guild's 94 atlanta advertisement 8. J. I. MILLER & CO., F A.N" O Y, Book & S m isMMTEM, BOOKBINDERS, RULERS, ETC., corner of WHITEU&LIj and JRE&BJRM& STMEETS, Orders Respectfully Solicited and Ppomptly Executed At Short Notice for Cash. HAL 95 fUILD & LEE. U (L. A. G. & Geo. W. L.) Senate Saloon, n s Decatur b Peachtree and Pryor G (G. & Lee,") Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, s s Decatur b Lloyd and Collins Guild & Stubbs, (Mrs. J. M. Guild & Miss A. E. Stubbs,) fash¬ ionable dress making w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hun¬ ter Gullett James E. bds Wm. Barnes Gullett Henry moulder, bds Wm. Barnes Gunn P. L. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Gunn Pleasant, peddlar, h n s Decatur b Moore and Bell Gunn Wm. laborer, h e end of College Gurley Mrs. Nancy, s s College e of Butler Gurley Miss Rebecca, bds G. T. McLaughlin's Hackett Miss Francis, w s Collins b Decatur and Gilmer Hackett James S. jailor, n e c Frazier's al. and Fair h e s But¬ ler, junction McDonough and Butler H Hackett Wilson, car inspector, h w s Collins b Decatur and Gil¬ mer Hadsell Rice, mer. n s Stockton b Mitchell and Mangum Hadsell Webster, staple and fancy dry goods, e s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Hagan Mrs. Martha bds John Cason's Halcomb Henry C. slave dealer h s e c McDonough and Hun - ter Haliburton Thomas P. (J. Y. Wells & Co.) res Houston County Halpin & Myers, (Thomas H. & Dennis S. M.) staple and fancy dry goods, n e c Whitehall and Hunter Halpin Thomas, (H. & Myers,) n e c Whitehall and Hunter Hall A. W. watches, jewelry, etc. e s Whitehall b Hunter and Alabama, h e s Whitehall Hall Amasa W. watchmkr. w s Glenn opp. Faith's al. Hall D. D. tobacco dealer, (Ragsdale, H. & Co.) e s Peachtree n of Currier IT ALL HIRAM L. II Agent Adams Express Company, Office s s Alabama b Pry¬ or and Lloyd, bds Dr. D. M. Young's Hall Keiler, jeweler, bds A. W. Hall's \ Hall Kennedy, shoemkr. wks Eddleman & Bank's Hall Mrs. Mary, h c Thompson and Peters 96 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. * P. J- I M M EL, MANUFACTURER OF CINDY, CRACKERS, &C„ WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGARS, FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, PICKLES, SAUCES, Etc., Etc,, Alabama St., opp. the Market, ATLANTA, GA. ROBERT H. MAY & CO., ATLANTA, GA. 8@*A11 work furnished at Augusta prices, and warranted for twelve months HAR 97 TTAMBLETQN JAMES P II Editor and Proprietor the Southern Confederacy, Office s s Alabama b Pry or and Lloyd, h s s Alabama b Forsyth and RR. Hamilton David, w s Mangum b Rock and Latimore Hammett W. Jas. carp, bdri Mrs. L. Kelly's Hammond Amos & Son, (Amos & Nathaniel J.) attys. office e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Hammond Amos W. atty. h Peachtree b Luckie and Bridge Hammond Amos, (Amos H. & Son,) h c Luckie and Peachtree, opp M. E. Church Hammond Jno. n s Rock b Mangum and Haynes Hammond Miss Mary, at S. G. Howell's Hammond Nathaniel J. (A. H. & Son,) hws Peachtree b Cain and Harris Hammond Theodore A. express messenger, c Peachtree and Luckie Hancock Jas. A. engineer, n s Peters b Forsyth and Thompson Hancock Jno. machinist, wks Atlanta Machine Co. Hancock Wm. S. bailiff, h n s Peters b Forsyth and Thompson Handy Mrs. Elizabeth, n s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Haney Thos. blksmith, h c Haynes and Green TTANLEITER C. R. H Editor and Proprietor National American, Office s w e Pry or and Alabama TTANLEITER WM. Tl. _ H Book Binder, J. I. Miller & Co's, bds Dr. E. N. Calhoun's Hanna Wm. H. laborer, s s Fair b Martin's al and Fair Ground Harralson Camillus A. Post Office elk. rooms w s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama Harbin Mrs. Mary, bds Jeptha C. Robinson's Hardeman F. carp, wks Brown, Priest & Peck's Harden Wm. P. (Peters, H. & Co.) sec Fair and Hill Hardin Mrs. Clementina, h s e c Whitehall and Alabama Hardman Wm. B. carp, hws McDonough b Clark's al and John's al Hardy John G. b. k. Robt. F. Maddox's, bds Washington Hall Harford Jno. elk. M. Myers' Harford Jos. elk. h e s Thompson b Alabama and Hunter Harford Jos. elk. h s s Decatur b Pratt and Moore Harmoon Chas. elk. S. Solomon's Harmsen Chas. b. k. h s s Decatur b Collins and Calhoun Harper J. Richard, fireman, h n s Walton opp junction with Marietta Harris Mrs. Caroline J. G. school, e s Thompson b Mitchell and Peters 98 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. The subscribers beg leave to call the attention of the public to their large stock of SOUTHERN RAISED FrnGFIT1 TXIEIEIS, Embracing all the best varieties that have been tested in the Southern Climate, ALSO, A FINE COLLECTION OF ©matwcntal and Jflmtfos, Embracing a splendid collection of ROSES. Catalogues furnished by Mail free of Charge to all applicants. Address PETERS, HARDEN & CO., ATLANTA, GA. L. ROBINSON, AGENT FOR Metallic Burial Cases, AND CASKETS, At Tomlinson &. Barnes' Tin Ware Manufactory, Whitehall Street, Residence on Bridge Alley, between Thompson St. and M. & W. RR., ATLANTA, GA. F. D. THURMAN, M.D., D.D S., SURGEOF DENTIST. Office-Ho. 38 Whitehall St. BETWEEN ALABAMA AND HUNTER, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. MARCUS A. BELL, DANIEL PITTMAN, BELL & PITTMAN, attorneys at Law, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, OFFICE, in "Concert Ha'l" B'Id'g, opp. Ga. R. R. Bank Agency, (UP STAIRS.) HAY 99 Harris Henry A. carp, h e s Ivy b Baker and Oslin Harris Rev. Nathaniel A. h n s Peters b Forsyth and Thomp¬ son HARRIS THEOPHILUS. ■LI Livery and Sale Stable, w s Pryor b Alabama and Hunter, h c King and Hunter Harris W. W. conductor, A. & W. RR. bds Atlanta Hotel Harrison Mrs. Martha A. h s s^Mitchell b Lloyd and Washing¬ ton Harrison R. B., W. & A. RR. Harrison Wm. D. bds John Osborn's Harvill Wm. H. blksmith and wagon manuf.^n w c Butler and RR. h n w c Decatur and Pratt Harwell Jesse C. bar k. Washington Hall Harwell John J. M. w s Whitehall b Macklin and McDaniel Harwell Levi H. elk. h w s Whitehall b Macklin and McDaniel Haslett Jno. street overseer, h s s Fair b McDonough and Fra- zier al Haslett Wm. N. engineer, h s s Fair b McDonough and Frazier alley Hasson Rev. Jas. priest of Roman Catholic Church, h s e c Hunter and Lloyd Hathaway Mrs. H. Cordelia, h n w c Peters and Washington Hathaway Miss Mary, bds J. B. Richards' Haverty Michael, elk. bds Thos. Haverty's Hawkins Jas. jr. coppersmith, wks W. & A. RR. machine shop Hawkins Jas. machinist, e s Marietta Road n of Corp. Line Hawkins Jas. laborer, wks W. & A. RR. machine shop Hawkins W. T. elk. Massey & Lansdell's, bds W. E. Kilby's TJAYDEN & HEALY, -EL (Julius A. H. & Thos. G. H.) Brick Manufacturers, c Me¬ chanic and Fowler TJAYDEN JULIUS A. U (II. & Healy,) s s Marietta b Wadley and Spring Hayden & Kelly, house and sign painters, s s Alabama b White¬ hall and Pryor Hayden Michael, (H. & Kelly,) s s Garnett b Whitehall and Pryor TJAYDEN P. & CO. x o Al (Patrick H. & Thos. Levin,) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Hayden Patrick, (P. H & Co.) h s s Garnett b Whitehall and Pryor Haygood Francis M. h w s McDonough b Faith's al and Clark's alley 100 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. T. R. H.IFLEY, importer and dealer in MUM (DM '3 Queensware, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, WAITERS, 033} BURNING FLUID, CAMPHENE, OILS, &C., Whitehall Street, bet. 11. li. and Alabama St., JOHN" D. GRAY, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IK IVERY DESCRIPTION; If FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, Looking Glasses, &o. Whitehall Street, between Hnnter and Mitchell, D. M. YOUNG, AG'T. (Johnson's Block,) ATLANTA, GA. 101 TTAYGOOD GREENE B. , XI Attorney at law, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, h e s McDonough opp Mitchell Hayne Mrs. Elizabeth J. c Decatur and RR. Haynes Redding, h e s Martin's al s of Clark's al Haynes Riley J. laborer, h s s Fair c Fair and Connelley al Haynes Wm. A. h w s Calhoun b RR. and Decatur Hays Stephen, fireman, hnwc RR. and Spring Healy Thos. (Hayden & H.) builder, h s w c Mangum and Markham Hearn Thos. carp, h e s Whitehall b Mitchell and Peters Heerlein Wm. draughtsman, h n s Hunter b Whitehall and For¬ syth tTEERING DANIEL, O. CJ. H Physician, Office n s Decatur b Peachtree and Pryor, bds Thos. Heery's Heery Thos. h e s Peachtree b Harris and Baker Heggie Mather E. gardener, h e s Martin's al opp Faith's al TTEINZ CHAS. 11 Gun and Locksmith, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor, h n w c Alabama and Forsyth Hembree Harvey D. carp, h n s Hunter b Forsyth and Thomp¬ son Henderson A. T. fireman, W. & A. RR. Hendry M. fireman, wks Georgia RR. machine shop Henson Fielding, gas fitter, bds s w c McDonough and Faith's alley Herndon Jos. carp, on 1st street e of Macklin b Forsyth and M. & W. RR. Herndon Wm. G. (Cox, Hill & Co.) bds Atlanta Hotel IIERRING W. & SON. H (W. & W. F.) Manufacturers and Dealers in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Cloths, Tailors' Trimmings, Trunks, &c. e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Herring W. (W. H. & Son,) h n s Marietta e of Wadley Herring W. Francis, (W. H. & Son,) h c Wadley and Marietta Hesterly John Y. carp, h e s Calhoun b Ellis and Cain Hestley Jas. carp, s s M. & W. RR. b Macklin and McDaniel Hewitt Mrs. Sarah, w s Forsyth s of Garnett Hibberts Cornelius, mail agt. h e s Calhoun b RR. and Decatur Hicks Adam C. brakesman, h s s Grubb b Foundry'al and Hull Hicks W. B. messenger, Adams Express Co. bds Mrs. M. Jack's HIGH, BUTLER & CO. 11 (Wm. L. H., Jas. E. B. & Wm. G. Peters,) Wholesale Gro¬ cers, Produce and Comission Merchants, e s Peachtree b Decatur and Houston, Cherokee Block 102 ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. INTELLIGENCER, DAILY AND WEEKLY. published by ' A. A. CAULDING & CO., Terms of gubscripticn Daily Paper, per annum, in advance, - $6 00 Weekly " " " - 2 00 " " if paid within 6 months - - - - - - 2 50 " " if paid within 12 months - - - - - - 300 oiiioi, Connected -with the Newspaper establishmeet, is one of the largest and best JOB OFFICES, in the Southern Country, conducted under the firm name of J. M. MUjIJUR $ CO. HOL 103 High J. P. elk. bds Wm. L. High's High Wm. L. (H., Butler & Co.) h n e c Cain and Ivy Higganbothan Mrs. Mary, h w s Marietta Road £ mile n of Corp. Line Higgins Mrs. Elizabeth, sec Calhoun and Cain Hilburn Lemuel J. hotel keeper, h s s Houston b Collins and Calhoun Hilburn Mrs. Rebecca, h c Hayden and Grubb Hilburn Miss Sarah, c Hayden and Grubb Hill Albert J. elk. n w c Decatur and Collins Hill Mrs. Ann P. h n s Peters w of Walker Hill Jno. A. elk. Winship & Howell'3 Hill Jno. W. elk. s s Wheat b Ivy and Pryor Hill Mrs. Lucy, s s Wheat b Pryor and Ivy Hill Thos. W. J. (Gartrell & H.) bds n s Decatur c Collins HILL W. M. & CO. T H (Wm. M. H., Seymour B. Love & James M. Love,) Auction and Commission Merchants, 5 Decatur b Peachtree and Pryor Hill Wm. M. (Wm. M. H. & Co.) n w c Collins and Decatur Hill Wm. R. (Cox H. & Co.) bds Trout House Hilton John H. carp, h s s Whitehall b Glenn and McDaniel Hirschberg A. clothing, &'c. w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hun¬ ter, res New York. B. Brown, agt. Hodge Marion, bk. mason, bds Mrs. E. Grubb's Hodson , medical student, bds J. R. Bosworth's Hoffman Joseph R. (Kelly & H.) s s Georgia RR. nr E. Corp. Line Hogan John, fireman, h n s Foundry b Fowler and Mangum Hogan Miss Nancy, w s Marietta Road n of Corp. Line DOGE JAMES. -tl Agent W. & A. RR., bds W. G. Gramling's Holbrook Andrew J. laborer h w s Marietta opposite Hunni- cutt UOLBROOK J. M. Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods, w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, bds Trout House Holland Edmund, teller Bank of Fulton, bds S. J. Shackel¬ ford's Holland Edward W. President of Fulton. Bank, bds Washing¬ ton Hall Holland Elisha L. wheelwright, e s Lloyd b Alabama and Hun¬ ter Holland James, bk. mason, h c Thurman and W. & A. RR. Holland Moses, bk. mason, h c Thurman and W. & A. RR. 104 HOW H Proprietress Tennessee House, e s Lloyd b Alabama and Hunter Holland P. fireman, W. & A. RR. Holland Wm. bk. mason, h c Thurman and W. & A. RR. Hollingsworth Mrs. Malinda B. lie s Ivy b Decatur and Gil¬ mer Holmes David, moulder, wks Atlanta Machine Co. TJ OLMES REV.. ADAM T. II Pastor First Baptist Church, h e s Calhoun b Wheat and Houston Holmes James, printer, h e s Crew b Jones and Faith's al Holmes Ryland F. elk. McMillen, Fleming & Co. bds Adam . Young Ladies' High School, n w c Whitehall and Peters Noble Jas. hsi c Peters and Pryor ■VTORCROSS JONATHAN. . 1) Merchant, h n s Marietta nr Short, in curve of Marietta St. Norman Jefferson, express messenger, bds n e c Pryor and Wheat Norman John B. coppersmith, w s Spring b Marietta and RR. Nort Chas. grocer, h s s Marietta b Duncan and Walton Nort Peter, cooper, n w e Decatur and Calhoun North Henry, laborer, h s s Marietta w of Foundry al Nott Benj. fireman, h e s Butler b Hunter and McDonough Nott Mrs. Martha, e s Butler b Hunter and McDonough Nott Miss Susan, e s Butler b Hunter and McDonough o AATMAN S. B. " Marble Yard, s s Alabama b Lloyd and Washington, bds D. N. Judson's O'Brien Jno. elk. Halpin & Myers', bds Planters' Hotel O'Brien M. "watchman, wks W. & A. RR. machine shop O'Connor Moses, boots and shoes, sec Pryor and Cherokee, bds Mrs. Margaret Lynch's O'Connor Tim. baggage master, bds Trout House Odam Jno. fireman, h n s Decatur, b Calhoun and Butler Odena Fred. M. elk. bds John Odena's Odine Miss Josephine, e s Whitehall b Peters and Garnett O'Donnell Dennis, peddler, bds Planters' Hotel Odum John W. wks A. & W. Pt. RR. machine shop O'Ferrell , elk. bds Planters' Hotel Ogeltree Mrs. Bersheba, h e s Nelson b M. & W. RR. and Walker Ogeltree Miss Ella, milliner, wks Mrs. M. F. Durand's Ogeltree Geo. carp, h s s Faith's al nr Cooper Ogilby Miss Josephine, n e c Pryor and Hunter Ogilby Miss Martha, sec Pryor and Hunter Ogilby Miss Mary, sec Pryor and Hunter 124 OWE Ogilby Mrs. Thyrza S.hnec Pryor and Hunter Oglesby Minor, carp, e s McDonough b Fair and Jones O'Keefe Edward, watchman, h s s Marietta b Duncan and Foundry al O'Keefe Mrs. M. A. millinery store, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter O'Leary Jas. elk. M. Myers', bds P. J. Immel's Oliver Francis, h n s Mechanic w of W. & A. RR. ALIVER M. II- . _ , m , U Physician, Office n e c Decatur and Peachtree, oyer Taylor & Hunnicutt's, bds Atlanta Hotel O'Neil S. F. messenger, Adams Express Co. bds S. T. Bigger's O'Neill Jeremiah, laborer, h s w c Pullam and Jones O'Neill Patrick H. engineer, bds Mrs. Mary A. Young's Oppenheimer David, agt. Isaac Greenbaum & Co's. bds Wash¬ ington Hall Oppenheimer M. clothing &c., w s Whitehall b Alabama, and Hunter Oppenheimer Nathan, elk. bds Kilby V Orme Aquilla J. conductor, bds c Williams and Simpson Orme J. 0. & Co. (James C. 0., Geo. Hull, Adam Jones, & Geo. F. King,) proprietors Atlanta Steam Tannery, c of Orme and Simpson Orme J. Chambers, (J. C. 0. & Co.) h c Williams and Simpson Orme Wm. P. secretary and treasurer, Atlanta & West Point RR., office n e c Whitehall and RR. h c Williams and Simp¬ son Ormond James, (McNaught, 0. & Co.) south end Washington s of Corp. Line Orr Anderson M. teacher, bds M. Corry's Orr Samuel A. machinist, bds Tennessee House Osburn Miss Elizabeth, c Hunter and Thompson Osburn John, carpenter, h n e c Hunter and Thompson Oslin Rev. Reuben E. teacher, h n e c Collins and Oslin Oslin Mrs. Sarah, boarding house, s w c Cherokee and Ivy 0'Sullivan Dennis, watchman, h s s Decatur b Moore and Bell 0'Sullivan John B. laborer, h n s Ellis b Ivy and Collins Otto Christian, grocery, c Walker and Peters vAYERBY & BLECKLEY. *^\J (Basil H. 0. & Logan E. B.) Attorneys at Law, n e c Bridge and Marietta AVERBY BASIL H. . v (0. & Bleckley,) sec Marrietta and Spring Owens Calvin, brick mason, hsec Garnett and Thompson Owens D. W. baggage master, Georgia RR. bds Atlanta Hotel PEC 125 Ozburn Charles M. elk. J. H. Lovejoy's Ozburn James R. D. elk. h s e c M. & W. RR. and Bridge Alley Packard Edward H. roll turner, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Packard Orville L. book-keeper, Atlanta Rolling Mill, bds Mrs. M. A. Linn's Pair Henry, hns Hunter c Washington Pankey P. P. tobacconist, bds Washington Hotel Paradise Mrs. Elizabeth, at John D. Well's PARIS JOHN A. „ 1 (P. & Price,) h nr Howard s Distillery PARIS & PRICE. 1 (John A. P. & James L. P.) House & Sign Painters, s 8 Hunter b Whitehall and Pryor Parker Andrew, brakesman, e s Walker s of Nelson Parker Miss Eliza M. n s Houston b Calhoun and Butler Parker James, butcher, h s s Stockton w of Haynes Parker Miss Margaret H. n s Houston b Calhoun and Butler Parker Wm. C. h s w c Forsyth and Peters Parks D. B. well digger, w s Marietta opposite Mills Parks Oliver P. engineer, bds nee Decatur and Pratt Parks Miss Sopronia, bds n e c Decatur and Pratt Parr Benjamin W. painter, h s e c Wheat and Forsyth Alley Parr Lewis J. hardware mer. h s s Wheat b Ivy and Pryor Parson Charles, bds Tennessee House Parson Richard, butcher, s s Stockton nr Corp. Line Patton , teacher, bds Tennessee House « Paul G\ A. elk. bds Atlanta Hotel Payne Columbus, atty. bds J. Gr. W. Mill's Payne Edwin, grocery, w s Marrietta b Alexander and Mills, h nee Marietta and Mills Payne Mrs. Elizabeth, h s e c Collins and Houston Payne Mrs. Eveline, s s M. & W. RR. b Macklin and McDaniel Payne Rev. James B. pastor, 1st Methodist Church, h e s Peach- tree c of Houston Payne James T. blksmith, bds Jesse Wiggin's Payne Miss Mary, h s s M. & W. RR. b Macklin and McDanie Payne Peyton T. carpenter, h s s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Payne Robt. medical student, bds Rev. James B. Payne's Payne Warren D. elk. bds sec Collin3 and Houston Payne Wm. elk. Beech & Root's Peacock James T. h n w c Formwalt and Faiths Alley Pearce Mrs. h w s Calhoun b Gilmer and Wheat Peck John B. c Houston and Irwin 126 PIT Peck John C. (Brown, Priest & P.) hws Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Peck Wm. F. elk. Beech & Root's, bds Willis Peck s Peck Willis, plasterer, h n s Decatur b Collins and Ivy Peel John, baker, n w c Pryor and Decatur Penticost F. S. bds Washington Hall Perdue Francis P. blksmith, h c Foundry Alley and Grubb Perkins iSamuel S. fireman, h e s Calhoun b Decatur and Gilmer Perkins W. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Perry Geo. M. painter, h s s Decatur b Calhoun and Butler Perry Mrs. Mary, h s s Decatur b Calhoun and Butler Perry Simeon, lab. h s s Peters nr Corp. Line c McDaniel Perrymen Augustus, plasterer, n yt c Calhoun and Houston Perrymen Thomas, brick layer, n w c Calhoun and Houston DETERS, HARDEN & CO. 1 (Richard P., Wm. P. H. & Wm. P. Robinson,) Proprietors Downing Hill nursery sec Hill and Fair Peters Richard, farmer, s w c Mitchell and Forsyth Peters Wm. G. (High, Butler & Co.) w s Pryor b Mitchell and Pctfirs PETERSON JOSIAH S.. 1; Associate Editor, National American, h e s Forsyth b Peters and Garnett Pevy Geo. laborer, h n s Peters w of W. & A. RR. pFOUTS J. S. X Homeopathic Physician, Office e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter PHILLIPS GEO. D. 1 Auditor and Paymaster, W. & A. RR. Office at Freight Depot Pike Z. painter, h s s Marietta b Duncan and Foundry Alley Pilgram Thos. laborer, h rear of Cemetery Pilgrim G. A. city sexton, h n s Hunter b Pryor and Lloyd Pilgrim Isaac B. printer, bds n s Hunter b Pryor and Lloyd Pittman Daniel, (Bell & P.) and clerk of inferior court, office n w c RR. and Whitehall, (Concert Hall Buildings,) his Collins b Wheat and Houston Pittman Daniel I. atty. h w s Collins b Wheat and Houston Pittman Daniel N.hws Collins b Wheat and Houston Pittman Mrs. Elmina, h e s Peachtree opp Luckie Pittman Richard, elk. bds Daniel Pittman's Pittman Wm. H. printer, h e s Peachtree opp Luckie pITTS & COOK. A (Columbus A. P. & Geo. W. D. C.) Proprietors, Atlanta Steam Planing Mill, Cotton Gin, and Thrashing Machine Manufactory, s s W. & A. RR. opposite Foundry Alley PRO 127 Pitts Columbus A. (P. & Cook,) hes Marietta Road ^ mile n of Corp. Line P"*" Family^Grocery and Commission]Merchant, n s Marietta b Peachtree and Bridge PLANTERS' HOTEL. T i ^ . 1 sec Alabama and Pry or, Geo. Johnson, Proprietor Plummer Elijah, silversmith, s s Petersb Whitehall andForsyth Plummer Miss Isabella A. s s Peters b Whitehall and Forsyth Plummer Mrs. Isabella, h s s Peters b Whitehall and Forsyth Plummer Mrs Levina, h n e c Pratt and Decatur Plummer Miss Sarah S. s s Peters b Whitehall and Forsyth Pomeroy R. S. homeopathic phys. w s Pryor b Alabama and Hunter Pool Benjamin J. carpenter h s s Whitehall b Glenn and McDaniel Poor D. N. watchman, wks Georgia RR. machine shop Porter Mrs A. bds L. A. Guild's Post Office, s s RR. b Whitehall and Pryor, W. T. Wilson, post master Potter Benj. h Junction of Ivy and Peachtree Pound John G. grocer, hes Pryor b Hunter and Mitchell Powell Chapman, german phys. e s Peachtree b Decatur and Houston, h w s Peachtree Powell E. F. fireman, wks Georgia RR. machine shop Powell Frank, fireman, n w c Crew and Jones Powell Jas. carp, h n s Marietta w of Foundry al Powell Job, roller, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Powell L. C. elk. John Ryan's Powell Lewis, well digger, h n s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Powell Oliver C. carp, h c Foundry and Fowler Powell Mrs. Seleta, bds Saml. L. Atkinson's Powell Thomas S. phys. office and res s w c Wadley and Mari¬ etta Powell Wm. A. bds w s Peachtree opp Ellis Powers Geo. heater, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill, bds Rolling Mill Boarding House Powers Thos. M. G. conductor, h s s Fair b Terry and Fra- zier's al Priest Edwin, (Brown, P. & Peck,) h s s Georgia RR. b King and Nursery Price , painter, bds n e c Pryor and Wheat PRICE JAMES L. 1 (Paris & P.) bds Thos. P. Daniel's Prince G. W. bds Mrs. Sarah McDougal's Providence H. carp, wks Brown, Priest & Peck's 128 REA Puckett , portrait painter, bds Tennessee House PUCKETT J A. Attorney at Law, Office c Bridge and RR. h s e c Forsyth and Alabama Puckett J6hn C. fireman, w s Haynes b Stockton and Markham Puckett T. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Puckett T. W. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Puckett Wm. A. carp, h w s Haynes b Stockton and Markham Purtell Jas. H. (Lawshe & P.) bds Atlanta Hotel Purcell Jas. conductor, Georgia RR. bds Atlanta Hotel Pyles Geo. W. conductor, Georgia RR. bds Atlanta Hotel Pyles Reuben W. elk. Seago & Abbott's, bds A. K. Seago's Quail Pat. laborer, hss Georgia RR. b Butler and Terry Quinn Richard, trader, bds Planters' Hotel Rabe Geo. carp, bds n w c Washington and Hunter Ragsdale, Hall & Co. tobacconists, G. S. Alexander, agt. at Georgia RR. depot Ragsdale M. J. fireman, wks Georgia RR. machine shop Ragsdale W. H. fireman, wks Georgia RR. machine shop Ragsdale W. W. brakesman, bds A. P. Rollin's Ragsdale E. fireman, bds n e c RR. and Butler D AGSDALL WM. L. It Brick Manufactory, h c Hull and Alexander Rainey Wm. J. elk. W. Herrings & Son's, bds Mrs. Jack's Ralph Thos. machinist, hss Hunter b McDonough and Butler Randolph Mrs. E. Caroline M. h n s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Ransford Henry, elk. bds Tennessee House Earner Wm. D. plasterer, h c Pullam and Fair Rasbury John C. grocery, e s Whitehall b Mitchell and Peters Rasbury J. M. elk. W. F. Jack's Rasbury M. B. mattress mkr. hss Hunter b Lloyd and Wash¬ ington Ratterre Thos. lab. hss Peters w of M. & W. RR. Rawson Edward E. h s w c Pryor and Faith's al Ray Nimrod, h e s Thompson b Mitchell and Peters Ray R. P. carp, h s w c Calhoun and Decatur Ray Wm. painter, e s Thompson b Mitchell and Peters Raymond S. carp, bds Mrs. Sarah Oslin's Raymond S. W. carp, bds Tennessee House Reaid Andrew, elk. h c Magazine and Fowler RIG 129 Reed Harvey, tannery, c 1st street s of Garnett and Whitehall Reed R. W. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Reed Silas, carp, bds Mrs. E. Webb's Reed Thos. blksmith, h n e c Calhoun and RR. Reed Wm. engineer, wks Brown, Priest & Peck's planing mill Reeves ——bds Edgefield Brown's PEEVES JOSEPH A. Al Shoe Merchant, h n w c Ivy and Wheat Reeves Jas. W. carp, e s Forsyth 2d door s of Garnett Register Mrs. Osburn J. milliner and dress mkr. e s Walker 8 of Nelson Register Osburn J. phys. e s Walker s of Nelson Register John C. fireman, bds 0. J. Register's Reid P. P. carp, wks Georgia RR. machine shop Reid Thos. blksmith, wks Winship's Iron Works Reid Wm. engineer, h c Butler and College Reinhardt Christian, stage driver, h e s Marietta n of Corp. Line Reinhardt James D. elk. Jackson & Bro's Reisshauer Louis, bar k. e s Whitehall b RR.„and Alabama Reneau Mrs. Jesse, h n s Luckie b Wadley and Cone Reneau Jesse, atty. n s Luckie b Wadley and Cone Rensford Henry, elk. P. Hayden & Co's, bds Tennessee House Renwick Mrs. M. T. millinery and dress making, e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, res Lagrange Reynolds Elzey B. elk. of Market, h s s Marietta b Wadley and Spring REYNOLDS JOHN A, . Aw (T. S. R. & Co.) Editor and Printer, res on McDonough Reynolds Joshua, printer, Crusader office, bds Mrs. Jack's REYNOLDS T. S. & CO. Al (Thomas S. R. & John A. R.) Book and Job Printers, w s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama Reynolds Thos. S. printer, h s e c McDonough and Clark's al Rhodes Jabez R. elk. Alex. M. Wallace's Rhodes Jabez R. elk. Robt. F. Maddox's Rhodes Mrs. A. D. s s Rhodes w of W. & A. RR. machine shop Rhodes T. Y. grocery, h n w c Duncan and Marietta Rice Miss Annie, millinery, bds Robt. Carroll's Rice A. laborer, e s Marietta Road n of Corp. Line Rice Mrs. Elizabeth, bds Jas. S. Hestley's Rice Franklin P. grocery, s s Marietta c Foundry al Rice Jas. blksmith, h s s Marietta w of Foundry al Rice John F. carp, h w s Forsyth al b Cherokee and Wheat Rice Mrs. Nancy L. bds James S. Hestley's Rice Miss Sarah, bds Jos. Jenkins' Rice Wm. carp, bds Jas. S. Hestley's 130 ROB Rice Wm. H. brick mason, hnec Ellis and Peachtree Rice Z, A. (Wakins & R.) Samuel P. R.) Booksellers, Stationers, Music, &c. w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, h s s Washing¬ ton b Fair and J ones Richards J. J. (J. J. R. & Co.) h e s Washington b Fair and Jones Richards S. P. (J. J. R. & Co.) res Macon, Ga. Richards Wm. machinist, bds D. N. Judson's Richardson Francis M. elk. h n w c Marietta and Cone Richardson John, conductor, s s Marietta b Duncan and Walton Richardson J ohn S. laborer, h s s Marrietta w of Foundry al Richardson Leaver, machinist, n e c Washington and Jones Richardson S. laborer, wks Winship's Iron Works Ried Philip P. carp, h s e c Decatur and Collins Ring John W. elk. T. D. Lyne's DIPLEY THOMAS R. ll> China, Glass, Queensware, &c. w s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama, hes Peachtree " Roach Alex. J. engineer, h s s Rhodes w of W. & A. RR. ma¬ chine shop Roach Elisha J. phys. n e c Whitehall and Peters Roach Jonas B. elk. bds S. G. Howell's Roach W. H. M. carp, w s Collins b Harris and Baker Roach Wm. H. blacksmith, junction of Peachtree and Bridge, h w s Wadley b Luckie and Church Robert Chas. elk. bds W. E. Lander's Roberts Joseph, stone cutter, bds Tennessee House Roberts Mark L. elk. bds Wm. C. Humphrey's Roberts S. H. conductor W. & A. RR. bds A. P. Rollin's Roberts Stephen, law student, bds S. T. Bigger's Robertson Geo. jr. atty. at law, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor, over Wood, Eddy & Co's, bds Trout House Robertson Jeptha, wagon mkr. w s Peachtree opp Houston, h e s Pryor b Cherokee and Houston Robertson Wm. S. printer, h w s McDonough b Clark's al and Faith's al Robinson A. J. medical student, bds J. R. Bosworth's Robinson Miss Eliza, e s McDonough c of Mobb's al Robinson Mrs. Elizabeth, hes McDonough c of Mobb's al Robinson Geo. b. k. Jones & McLendon's, h s s Marietta b Cone and Wadley Robinson Miss Jane, e s McDonough c Mobb's al Robinson Jas. elk. h w s Thompson b Mitchell and Peters Robinson Jas. L. laborer, n s Cain b Ivy and Collins ROU 131 Robinson J. C. machinist, wks Georgia RR. machine shop Robinson Jefferson, engineer, A. & W. Pt. RR. machine shop Robinson Jeptha C. carriage mkr. h w s Pryor b Cherokee and Houston Robinson Joseph C. machinist, h s e c Fair and Washington DOBINSON LEVI. ,r . . IV Agent for Fisk & Crane's Metallic Burial Cases, at Tomlin- son & Barnes', h s s Bridge al b Thompson and M. & W. RR. Robinson Mrs. Maria E. nvc Peters and Washington Robinson Mrs. Rachael S. at Jos. C. Robinson's Robinson Saml. C. W. blksmith, w s Pryor b Cherokee and Houston Robinson Wm. P. (Peters, Harden & Co.) s e c Fair and Hill Rodes Charles C. (Mecaslin & R.) h e s Lloyd b Alabama and Hunter Roark W. W. wh. and ret. grocery, stc Mitchell and White¬ hall, h 1J miles on Whitehall Road Rogan Danl. laborer, bds Michael Rogan's Rogan Mrs. Ellen, at Michael Rogan's Rogan Lawrence, watchman, A. & W. Pt. RR. machine shop Rogan Michael, laborer, h n s Mitchell b Pryor and Lloyd Rogers Benj. P. carp, h n s Jones b Frazier and Martin's al "P OGrERS Gr. C. lw Fulton Sale and Livery Stable, n s RR. b Lloyd and Col¬ lins, nr depot, bds Washington Hall Rogers Jas. teacher, sec Gilmer and Collins Rogers John J. carp, n s Jones b Frazier and Martin's al Rogers John C. tailor, bds Geo. W. Jack's Rogers Rev. John L. pastor Central Presbyterian Church, study s s Alabama b Pryor and Lloyd Rogers Miss M. Louise, sec Gilmer and Collins Rogers Miss Mary C. n s Jones b Frazier and Martin's al Rogers R. teacher, h s e c Gilmer and Collins Rollins A. P. h n s Walton b Duncan and Marietta Root Sidney, (Beach & R.) h s w c Jones and Washington Rosan Francis, baggage master, h n s Decatur b Collins and Calhoun Rose Singleton C. yard master, W. & A. RR. h s s Marietta b Duncan and Walton Rosser Isaac, h n s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Rote Mayer, (Lyon & Co.) bds Benj. Parr's Rothwell Miss Ellen, bds Geo. Green's Rothwell Mrs. Patience, bds Geo. Green's Rotes , cab. mkr. bds B. W. Parr's Rouney Jno. peddler, bds Planters' Hotel 132 SAY Route Mrs. Mary M.ns Peters opp Garnett Rucker Jesse G. grocery, s w c McDonough and Faith's al Rucker Jett W. (R. & Woddail,) bds Mrs. Nancy Woddail's Rucker J. W. elk. bds Mrs. N. Woddail's Rucker Mrs. Louisa Y.swc McDonough and Faith's al Rucker & Woddail, (Jett W. R. & Jos. F. W.) wh. and ret, grocers and produce dealers, n s Decatur b Peachtree and Pryor Rumsey Fields, carp, hss Jones b Washington and Crew Rumsey Marion B. carp, s s Jones b Washington and Crew Rushton Wm. master mechanic of Georgia RR. and A. & W. Pt. RR. h w s McDonough b Fair and Jones Russell D. fireman, W. & A. RR. Russell Jas. fireman, bds L. W. Yarbrough's Rutledge DeWitt C. h n w c Bell and RR. Rutledge Jos. I. laborer, h n w c Bell and RR. Rutledge T. C. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Ryan Mrs. Elizabeth, h Decatur b Pratt and Moore PYAN JOHN. Al Wholesale and Retail Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Carpets, &c. w.s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, h e s Whitehall s of Garnett s Salisbury Wm. M. Atheneum Saloon, n s Decatur b Peachtree and Pryor, h n s Walton nr junction of Marietta Salmons Lewis S. (S., Mathews & Co.) h s w c McDonough and Clark's al CALMONS, MATHEWS & CO. KJ (Lewis S. S., A. £. M. & Jas. N. Simmons,) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, &c. e s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell, Johnson's Block Sampson Wm. engineer, hss Hunter b King and Hill CASSEEN E. R. M Proprietor Washington Hall, east end of depot Sautell Isaac Y. drummer, bds Washington Hall Savage Chas. P. bar k. h n s Mitchell b Lloyd and Washington Savage & Gordon, (Thos. S. & Daniel L. G.) Market Saloon, n s Alabama b Whitehall and Bridge Savage Thos. (S. & Gordon,) bds Washington Hall Savoge Thos. pattern mkr. bds Washington Hall Saye Richard A. carp, wks W. & A. RR. machine shop Saye Richard, machinist, hss Georgia RR. b Terry and King SEW 133 Scofield Lewis, (Blake, S. & Markham,) c of Eastern Corp* Line and Georgia RR. Schatzman Anthony, barber, bds Chas. Beerman's Schenck Herman, machinist, wks Winship's Iron Works Schenck John G. machinist, wks Winship's Iron Works Schiken Mrs. J. bds John Schiken's Schiken John, carp, h c Mitchell and Stockton Schlichter P. (Straus & Co.) bds Chas. Beerman's Schoen Fred, lager beer saloon, n s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor Schoen Jacob W. elk. bds n e c Alabama and Whitehall Schramm Philip, tailor, e s McDonough b Fair and Jones Schreyer J no. heater, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill, bds Kelly & Hoffman's *QCOTT ALBERT. 0 Barber, w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell CCOTT A. L. 0 Physician, Office w s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama, Muhl- enbrink's Block, bds J. L. Cutting's Scrutchin Thos. (McNaught, Ormond & Co.) s w c Stockton and Mangum CEAGO & ABBOTT. , s ^ O (Alvin K. S. & Albert N. A.) Commission Merchants, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Dealers, n e c Forsyth and Mitchell Seago Alvin K. (S. & Abbott,) n s Mitchell b Whitehall and Forsyth CEAGrO E. M. . O Produce and Commission Merchant, Office s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor, h w s McDonough b Jones and Faith's al CEALS JOHN II. 0 Editor and Proprietor of the Georgia Temperance Crusader, n wc Pryor and Peters Seavey Christopher C. student, at James F. Seavey's Seavey James F. h s s Mitchell b Whitehall and Pryor Seavey Jas. II. machinst, s s Mitchell b Whitehall and Pryor Seger Miss Annie, at Luther J. Glenn's Seger Miss Josephine, at Luther J. Glenn's Seights Miss Susan, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor Sessions J. M. phys. bds Washington' Hall Sewell Christopher C. pressman, Atlanta Intelligencer, Tbda Nicholas Sewell's Sewell Christopher C. shoemkr. hnec Ivy and Wheat Sewell Miss Frances L. n e c Wheat and Ivy Sewell John W. laborer, n e c Wheat and Ivy Sewell Miss Nancy L. n e c Wheat and Ivy 134 - SIL Sewell Wm. P. machinist, h n e c Wheat and Ivy Sexton Miss Julia, bds Jas. Beasley s Sexton Miss L. bds Jas. Beasley's S "^Auction and Commission Merchant, e s Whitehall b Alaba¬ ma and Hunter Shadricks Miss Matilda, h w s Ivy b Cain and Harris Shamble J. M. medical student, bds Mrs. N. Woddail's Shank Herman F. machinist, n e c Ivy and Ellis Shank John E. machinist, h n e c Ivy and Ellis Shap Wm. h n w c Alexander and Peachtree Sharks Jno. fireman, A. & W. Pt. RR. machine shop Shaw Geo. b. k. h s e c Houston and Ivy Shearer Wm. C. machinist, h s s Decatur b Calhoun and Butler Sheehan Cornelius, saloon, n w c Ivy and Decatur, bds Mrs Young's Sheehan Danl. baggage master, Georgia RR. bds Atlanta Ho¬ tel Sheer Miss Mary E. bds Jos. Winship's Shelby Wm. A. (Alexander & S.) bds Amos Hammond's Sherburt , laborer, wks Pitts & Cook's Sherer Chas. machinist, "wks Winship's Iron Works Sheridan Robt. S. engineer, bds J. G. W. Mill's Sheridan Thos. engineer, A. & W. Pt. RR. machine shop Sherman Miss M. K. teacher, s s Decatur b Lloyd and Collins Sherman Saml. tanner, h s s Decatur b Lloyd and Collins Shield Samuel L. (Goodman, S. & Co.) hnwc Butler and De* catur Shinn A. fireman, W. & A. RR. Shipley Geo. grocer, h n s Irwin s e of Houston Shipley John, h s s Decatur b Pratt and RR. Shipley R. fireman, bds n e c RR. and Butler Shipley W. T. fireman, wks A. & W. Pt. RR. machine shop Shiradon Thos. engineer, A. & W. Pt. RR. bds Atlanta Hotel Shortell Michael, shoemkr. bds Tennessee House Shumate B. D. brick mason, h w s Ivy b Cherokee and Wheat Shumate C. brick mkr. h s w c Frazier and Clark's al Shumate Mrs. Nancy, w s Hayden b Simpson and Baker Shurbutt Thomas A. tanner, h s s Marietta w of Foundry al Silverman Leopold, (Goodman, Shield & Co.) Silvey & Dougherty, (John S. & David H. D.) staple and faney dry goods, clothing, &c. c Marietta and Whitehall Silvey Drury H. h e s Forsyth b Hunter and Mitchell QILVEY & GLAZNER. 0 (John S. & Geo. F. G.) St. Nicholas Billiard Saloon, & 9 Decatur b Peachtree and Pryor SMI 135 Silvey Jno. (S. & Dougherty,) h s s Walton b Peachtree and Wadley Simmons James M. (Salmon, Mathews & Co.) bds Washington Hal1 Simms J. D. family grocer and produce and commission mer. n s Decatur b Peachtree and Pryor, bds Trout House Simms Thos. G. at J. D. Simms', bds Washington Hall Sims David H. elk. McKinney & Co's, bds Mrs. Nancy Wod- dail's Simpson Miss Eleanor, bds John Osborn's Simpson Miss Emily, bds John Osborn's Simpson John, millwright, h w s Whitehall b Mitchell and Pe- ters QIMPSON L. C. O Attorney at Law, Office w s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama, Muhlinbrink's Block, h s e c Peachtree and Harris Simpson Mrs. Nancy, s s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Simpson Wm. brick mkr. c Orme and Simpson Sisson Y. P. printer, J. I. Miller & Co's, bds Washington Hall Sitton P. M. elk. bds D. N. Judson's Sizemore Wm. laborer, c Hall and Simpson QLATEN HENRY W. O Book Keeper, W. & A. RR. machine shop, bds W. G. Gramling's Slaten S. W. b. k. bds W. G. Gramling's Slater Robt. B. machinist, h s e c Frazier al and Jones Slaughter James S. atty. bds Planters' Hotel Sloan Robt. carp, s s Decatur b Lloyd and Collins QMALL WM. J. ^ Freight Agent A. & W. Pt. RR. Office c RR. and Pratt, h s s Decatur b Butler and Pratt Smith , carp, bds E. J. Craven's Smith , messenger Adams Ex. Co. Smith Allen, laborer, c Pine and Simpson Smith Miss Amelia W. bds Richard Johnson's CMITII A. S. O Ambrotype Gallery, e s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama, h w s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Smith Augustus C. s s Hunter b Terry and King Smith Bartley M. (S. & Ezzard,) h w s Peachtree opp Wesley Chapel Smith Bluford D. elk. h n w c Spring and Marietta Smith Chas. roller, h n s RR. b Moore and Bell Smithson Mrs. Elizabeth, bds Mrs. L. Kelly's 186 SOL S (Bartley M. S. & Wm. L. E.) Wholesale and Retail Drug¬ gists, &c. n w c Whitehall and RR. Concert Hall Bldg. Smith Gideon, laborer, h w s Marietta n of Hunnicutt Smith Jacob H. elk. W. & A. RR. h n s Walton c Duncan Smith Jas. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Smith Jas. T. brakesman, bds John T. Jones' Smith Jas. e s Marietta Road n of Corp. Line Smith Jesse, h n e c Clark's and Frazier's al Smith Jno. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Smith John B. fireman, h w s Calhoun b RR. and Decatur Smith John R. coach mkr. h w s Connelly opp Fair Ground Smith Jonas S. h s e c Peters and Whitehall Smith L. Windsor, atty. hss Whitehall s of 1st street s of Cooper Smith Mrs. Martha, hss Peters w of M. & W. RR. Smith Mrs. Martha B, see Collins and Decatur Smith Mrs. Mary A. bds Jas. Carmichel's Smith Pat. H. foreman Atlanta Rolling Mill Smith R. h s s Peters b Garnett and M. & W. RR. Smith Miss Ritha, s s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Smith Robt. hss Whitehall s of 1st s of Cooper Smith Samuel E. (S. & West,) w s Whitehall b RR. and Ala- HQ yy"| n CMITH SAMUEL. D Insurance Agent, w s Whitehall b Glenn and McDaniel Smith Sanford, ambrotypist, hns Peters w of M. & W. RR. Smith S. bds Jesse Smith's Smith Thos. roller, n s RR. b Moore and Bell Smith Thos. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Smith Thos. J. messenger Adams Ex. Co. hss Hunter b Terry and King Smith Thos. L. elk. hss Hunter b Terry and King Smith & West, (Samuel E. S. & Thos. W. W.) mineral water depot and ale bottlers, w s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama Smith Wm. J. laborer, h c Thurman and Mangum Smithson Richard T. carp, bds Mrs. L. Kelly's Snatch Chas. plasterer, h w s Collins b Houston and Gilmer Snow Jno. engineer, bds P. J. Immel's Sofgee Mrs. Mary, at Jas. I. Miller's Solomon Solomon, (Brady & S.) w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Solomon Wm. A. law student, hss Mitchell b Washington and McDonough STE 137 South , conductor, W. & A. RR. bds J. G. W. Mill's COUTHERN CONFEDERACY. m Weekly and Semi-Weekly, Office s s Alabama b Pryor and Lloyd, Jas. P. Humbleton, Editor and Proprietor Sowers Felix, plasterer, hes Marietta Road n of Corp. Line CPALDING WM. W. u Trout House Exchange and Billiard Saloon, bds Dr. Hum¬ phrey's Span John, blksmith, Georgia RR. h s e c Hunter and Butler Sparks Beaton, fireman, wks A. and W. Pt. RR. machine shop Sparks John, fireman, e s Butler b Georgia RR. and Hunter Sparks Master H. fireman, e 9 Butler b Georgia RR; and Hunter Sparks Miss M. J. e s Butler b Georgia RR. and Hunter Sparks Mrs. Sarah, hes Butler b Georgia RR. and Hunter Sparks Mrs. Sarah E. e s Butler b Georgia RR. and Hunter Sparks Welcome U. e s Butler b Georgia RR. and Hunter Spear Charles H. confec. h s s Mitchell b Whitehall and For¬ syth Spence Miss A. A. at John M. Buice's Spencer Thomas, machinist, h n s Markham b Mangum and Haynes Spillman Joshua, carp, bds Mrs. Nancy Gurley's Spinks Lewis, h c Elmore and Fair Stadelman J. C. machinist, rooms w s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama Stallings Simeon W. carp, h n s Faith's al b McDonough and Crew Standard Mrs. Ann, n e c Jones and Frazier alley Standard John, baggage master, h n e c Jones and Frazier alley Standard Miss Mary E. nec Jones and Frazier alley Standard Miss Sarah, nec Jones and Frazier alley Stanford Miss L. bds W. C. Humphrey's Stansel Levi, brkmason, h n s Baker b Ivy and Collins Staples R. F. conductor, hes Calhoun b Decatur and Gilmer Starns Joel M. engineer, h s s Marietta b Duncan and Foundry alley Steele Marks, elk. Goodman Shield & Co.'s Stegall Wm. moulder, h n s RR. b Decatur and Moore Stephens D. V. brakesman, h n s Mechanic w of W. and A. RR. Stephens Wm. painter, bds John A. Paris Stern Abraham, elk. Straus & Co.'s bds C. Beerman's Stevens Miss Elvira J. teacher, n w c Peters and Whitehall Stephens Wm. H. carp, h s s Marietta b Duncan and junction r>f MflTlAftn. anrl Waltnn 188 SUL Stewart J. Geo. h al w of A. and W. RR. b Peters and Nelson Stewart Miss Mary L. bds John Thrasher's CTEWART & MOORE. u (James A. S. & Wm. C. M.) Flour Manufacturers (Green¬ wood Mills) s s Marietta near Corp. Line gtill bds Mrs. Sarah McDougal's Stockton Miss Nancy, n s Fair b Terry and King _ Stockton Mrs. Sarah A. h n s Fair b Terry and King Stokes Col. A. H. s w c Fair and Martin's alley Stokes James, telegraph operator, bds Johnson W. Bridwell's Stokes Miss Jane, bds Wm. E. Lander's Stone Amherst W. (S. & Fitch) n 3 Houston b Butler and Corp. Line Stone C. A. elk. bds Washington Hall Stone & Daniel (Elisha S. & Elijah D.) brick manuf. n e c Cal¬ houn and Houston Stone Elisha (S. & Daniel) h n e c Calhoun and Houston CTONE & FITCH. O (Amherst W. S. & Fayette S. F.) Attorneys at Law, w 8 Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter, Markham Block Stotts Israel, heater, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill, bds Rolling Mill Boarding House Stovall F. M. elk. bds Washington Hall Straus & Co. (Martin L. S. and P. Schlichter), clothing, &c., w s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Straus Martin L. (S. & Co.) res Baltimore, Md Strong Cicero H. mer. bds Atlanta Hotel Strong C. S. bds Atlanta Hotel Strickland Henry, 1st street e of Macklin b Forsyth and M. and W. RR Strickland T. student, bds J. B. Peck's Stubb John, engineer Geo. RR, bds Atlanta Hotel Stubbs Miss A. E. (G. & Stubbs) Stoddard Anderson, laborer, h s s Marietta w of Foundry Alley Stuebner Edward, elk. h w s Forsyth b Alabama and Hunter Stuebner Miss L. bds II. Braumuller's Sturdivant Asa, bds s w c Decatur and Butler Sturm Paul, painter, bds Rev. Isaac G. Mitchell's Sudduth Wm. L., laborer, s s Delay b Mangum and Haynes Sullivan Christopher, laborer, h s s Foundry b Fowler and Man¬ gum Sullivan Daniel, laborer, bds n s Ellis b Collins and Ivy Sullivan Jeremiah, h w s Whitehall b Garnett and Cooper Sullivan John, baggage master, bds a w c Gilmer and Collins Sullivan John, grocery, n w c Decatur and Ivy THO 189 Summers Henry J., carp, hns Decatur b Calhoun and Butler CUMMEY & HURLICK. O Marble Quarry, Office, Marble Works Post Office, Pickens co., Ga. Swift Mrs. Mary A., s s Decatur b Lloyd and Collins T Proprietors of the Medical and Literary Weekly, office n e c Decatur and Peachtree Taliaferro Valentine H. (T. & Thomas) h e s Ivy b Wheat and Houston Talley A. S. elk, bds Dr. Willis F. Westmoreland's Talmut , b. k. bds F. M. Coleman's Tank Napoleon C. laborer, bds s s Jones b Terry & Martin's alley Tanks Charles, n "w c Calhoun and Gilmer Tanner James, carp, h e s Peachtree n of Corporation Line Tanner Wm. J. elk. Seago & Abbott's, bds n e c Mitchell and Whitehall TARRAR JESSE C. 1 Land Dealer, h s e c Harris and Collins Tatum Joseph, carp, bds W. Glazier's Taylor James A. (Hunnicutt & T.), hns Cherokee b Pryor and Ivy, rear of Trout House Taylor Joseph, peddler, n s RR. b Calhoun and Butler Taylor Joseph, laborer, e s Thompson b Mitchell and Peters Taylor Mrs, Lucinda, cor Mechanic and Fowler TENNESSEE HOUSE. 1 e s Lloyd b Alabama and Hunter, Mrs. M. A. Holland,. Proprietress Terry Geo. .W> machinist, hns Fair b Terry and King Thomas A. G. (Taliaferro & T.) bds E. B. Reynolds' THOMAS GEO. S. 1 Attorney at Law and Agent for Martin's Georgia Reporter^ Office e s Whitehall b Alabama and Hunter Thomas John, brakeman, bds A. P. Rollin's Thomas Miss M., dress mkr at Madame R. J. Dorman's. Thomas Rob't, tailor, wks Lawshe & Purtell's Thomas Thomas A. b. k h e s Bell b RR. and Decatur Thomas Thomas L. justice of the peace, office e s Whitehall b> Alabama and Hunter Thomason Geo. W. tailor, hns Walton h "Rrirl i„i—.— „rirr, A i\/rni 144 WES Weaver Reuben, student, n s Ellis b Calhoun and Butler Weaver Thos. H. tinner, wks W. & A. RR. car shop Webb Mrs. Catharine L. n s Jones b McDonough and Frazier's alley Webb Edward S. n s Jones b McDonough and Frazier's al Webb Mrs. Elizabeth, n s Peters b Whitehall and Forsyth Webb John B. carp, h ws Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Webb Mrs. M. h n s Mechanic w of W. & A. RR. Webb Mrs. Mary, s s Garnett b Forsyth and Thompson Webb Wm. B. carp, h n s Jones b McDonough and Frazier's al Webster Edward, conductor, Georgia RR. bds Atlanta Hotel Webster Mrs. M. A. h w s Ivy b Cain and Harris Webster W. W. mail agt. bds Atlanta Hotel Weeks Peter, laborer, bds c Harris and Butler Welch Geo. blksmith, h c Grubb and Cain Welch Miss Louise, bds D. N. Judson's Welch Mrs. Rebecca, bds D. N. Judson's Wells Miss Abigail, bds Mrs. S. Oslin's Wells Columbus M. hswc Houston and Butler Wells David H. (L. C! & D. H. W.) bds A. G. Ware's Wells Jeremiah, brick mason, hsec Frazier's and Jones' al W JELLS JOHN D. Family Grocery, e s Peachtree b Decatur and Houston, h w s Washington s of Fair WELLS J. Y, & CO. »» (John Y. W. & Thomas P. Haliburton,) Family Grocery and Produce, w s Peachtree opp Houston Wells John Y. (J. Y. W. & Co.) bds D. B. Ladd's WELLS L. C. & D. H. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Liquor Dealers and Com¬ mission Merchants, w s Whitehall b Hunter and Mitchell Wells Levi C. (L. C. & D. H. W.) bds W. L. High's Wells Miss Mary, bds Mrs. Sarah Oslin's Wells Saml. P. printer, w s Washington b Fair and Jones Wells Wm. brick mason, h s s Hunter b McDonough and Butler Wei ton Henry B. architect, n s Simpson b Peachtree and Spring Werner E. A. elk. M. & W. RR. h n s Decatur b Ivy and Col¬ lins Werner Ferdinand J. cab. mkr. h c Nursery and Georgia RR. West Miss Maggie I. s s Houston b Ivy and Collins West Thos. W. (Smith & W.) bds John Glenn's Westbrook , machinist, s s Hunter b Whitehall and For¬ syth WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. *» freight Depot c RR. and Forsyth_w of Passenger Depot, Jas. Hoge, agt. WIL 145 WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. YY Office w of Passenger Depot, Dr. J. W. Lewis, Supt. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Machine Shop w of Freight Depot Westmoreland Harrison, phys. n s Mitchell b Whitehall and Forsyth ^ESTMOK^.AND 8JOHN an(J ■ WEy 'kIvL)N?hy sician^s ^"Alabfma b Whitehall and Forsyth Whaley Caleb A. brick manuf. and contractor, h sec Terry and Georgia RR. Wheeler John M. s s Peters b Garnett and M. & W. RR. Whidby Wm. G. elk. Crusader Office, bds John H. Seal's WHITAKER & GASKILL. VY (Jared I. W. & Y. A. G.) Attorneys at Law, Office s w c * Alabama and Whitehall Whitaker Miss Isabella I. at Jared I. Whitaker's Whitaker Jas. carp, bds John L. Awtry's Whitaker Jared I. (W. & Gaskill,) res junction of Irwin and Houston Whitaker Miss Mary E. at Jared I. Whitaker's Whitaker Wm. bds Anderson Stoddard's White Alex. R. butcher, h e s Crew b Faith's al and Clark's al White Hartwell S. student, e s Crew b Faith's and Clark's al White Hiram A. watchman, h n s Stockton w of Haynes White Jno. carp, w s McDonough b Clark's and John's al White Julius C. press feeder, Intelligencer office, bds J. D. White's White Lawson, laborer, h s s Jones b Terry and Martin's al White Mrs. M. dress mkr. bds Jas. Logan's White Miss Marietta C. e s Crew b Faith's al and Clark's al White Robt. H. printer, bds Rev. Isaac G. Mitchell's White Stephen, laborer, h s w c Crew and John's al White Yirgil P. butcher, e s Crew b Faith's and Clark's al White Willis L. shoemkr. h w s McDonough b Clark's and John's al White Wm. tailor, w s McDonough b Clark's al and John's al Whitmire Isaiah, h e s Collins b Decatur and Gilmer Whitmore Wells B. teacher, h n e c Marietta and Spring Wiggins Miss Elizabeth, bds Richard Saye's Wiggins Geo. W. watch mkr. bds D. N. Judson's Wiggins Jesse, cab. mkr. h e s Haynes b Nelson and Markum Wigley J. carp, wks Brown, Priest & Peck's w:i— a it n xt 146 WIL Wiley J. carp, h e s Ivy b Wheat and Houston Wiley Wm. B. elk. Trout House Willaford Benj. N. butcher, h w s Pryor b Peters and Garnett Williams» , laborer, wks Pitts & Cook's Williams C. F. elk. bds Washington Hall W^^^nu^cUi?er arid Dealer in Furniture, Matresses, Look¬ ing Glasses, &c. e s Peaehtree b Decatur and Houston, Cherokee Block, bds Washington Hotel Williams Jas. E. com. mer. h w s Washington opp City Hall Williams John H. carp, h n s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Williams J. N. elk. John Ryan's Williams Mrs. Nancy, bds Mrs. Sarah Oslin's Williams Newton W. carp, h n s Peters w of M. & W. RR. Williams Thos. H. elk. bds J. A. Williams' Williams Wm. messenger Adams Ex. Co. Williams Wm. grocer and com. mer. w s Washington opp City Hall "WILLIAMS WM. M,. . _ - Vt Wholesale Grocer, Commission Merchant and Produee Dealer, n s Decatur b Pryor and Peaehtree, Atheneum Bldg. bds J. A. Williams' Williams Wm. T. plasterer, hnwc Calhoun and Houston Willingham Andrew J. carp, h e s Pryor b Wheat and Houston Willingham Miss Jessie C. bds L. W. Yarbrough's Willingham Riley M. carp, e s Pryor b Wheat and Houston Willingham Miss Sarah S. bds L. W. Yarbrough's WILLIS JAS. M. W Clerk, Dr. D. Young's, bds Judson's Wilmouth Wm. butcher, h s w c Mobb's and Frazier's al Wildsmith A. shearsman, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Wildsmith Thos. heater, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Wilson Alex. N. Atlanta classical school, c Houston and Peach- tree, h s w c Peters and Washington Wilson Miss B. s e c Collins and Baker Wilson Mrs. Eveline R. s w c Baker and Calhoun Wilson James J. W. painter, n s Mechanic w of W. & A. RR. Wilson John R. S. Post Office elk. e s College Wilson Miss J. S. M. s e c Collins and Baker Wilson Rev. J. S., D. D. past 1st Presbyterian Church, h s e c Collins and Baker Wilson Monroe, carp, n s RR. b Calhoun and Butler WILSON ROBERT J. W Conductor A. & W. Pt. RR. and Family Grocery, s s De¬ catur opp Pratt, res c Decatur and Moore Wilson Scott, atty. hnec Collins and Baker WIT 147 Wilson Saml. student, hsec Collins and Baker Wilson Thos. C. EL phys. office and res e s Lloyd b RR. and Decatur Wilson Wm. (Dimick, W. & Co.) bds Atlanta Hotel , Wilson Wm. H. carp, h s w c Garnett and Thompson Wilson Wm. H. bar k. n s Alabama next to Market House WILSON WM. T. __ t , VY Post Master, Office s s RR. b Alabama and RR. depot, h n w c Wheat and Ivy Wing Dewitt, machinist, bds D. N. Judson's Wing Edward, farmer, hswc Faith and Frazier als Wing S. S. millwright, bds Nathaniel E. Gardner's Wingate Peter A. n s Rock b Mangum and Haynes Winn David, bds Mather E, Ileggie Winn Mrs. Elizabeth, bds Wiley Meritt's Winn Robert B. carp, h n s Walton, corner of Foundry al Winship Geo. (I. R. W. & Co.) e s Peachtree b Houston and Ellis WINSHIP HOWELL. (Joseph W. & Singleton G. H.) Wholesale and Retail Gro¬ cers and Commission Merchants, n w c RR. and Wadley WINSHIP I. & R. & CO. . T *» (Isaac, Robert & George), Proprietors of Winship s Iron Works, cor Western and Atlantic RR. and Foundry st Winship Isaac (I. & R. W. & Co.) n s Harris b Orme and Hay- den WINSHIP JOSEPH. *V (W. & Howell) h e s Peachtree b Houston and Ellis Winship Robert (I. & R. W. & Co.) e s Peachtree b Houston and Ellis Winters Wm. plasterer, h n s Houston b Ivy ind Collins Wise John S. (H. H. Witt & Co.) bds Thomas B. Daniels Witcher Mrs. Flora M. h s e c Forsyth and Mitchell Withers E. moulder, h w s Marietta nr Corp. Line Withers Edward H., machinist, h s s Decatur b Moore and Bell Withington Geo. B., elk for Wood, Eddy & Co., bds sec Hun¬ ter & Pryor Withers John, moulder, e s Marietta Road n of Corp. Line Withers Walter, moulder, bds John Withers WITT H. H, & CO. *» (Horace H. W. & John S. Wise), Commission Merchants, Ice, Family Groceries, &c., n s Decatur b Peachtree and Pryor Witt Horace H. (H. H. W. & Co.) bds Dr. L. A. Guild's 148 WYM WITTGENSTEIN M. VV Wholesale Dealer and Importer of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c., e s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama, bds Trout House Woddail Joseph F. (Rucker & W.) bds s s Alabama b Whitehall and Forsyth Woddail Mrs. Nancy, boarding house, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Forsyth Woddail Thomas, bds w s Alabama b Whitehall and Forsyth Wood Alhana, tinner, hns Fair b Terry and King Wood B. (W., Eddy & Co.) res Wilmington, Del Wood Mrs. C. Ann, hns Fair b Terry and King Wood Miss Carrie, n s Fair b Terry and King Wood Miss Catharine, bds P. J. Immel's Wood Coleman F. h e s Terry b Geo. RR. and Hunter Wood David, coach mkr, n s Mechanic w of W. and A. RR. WOOD. EDDY & CO. VV (Benj. W., Geo. P. E. & Others), Bankers, Exchange Bro¬ kers and Lottery Managers, s s Alabama b Whitehall and Pryor WOOD JOSEPH B. _ VV Recording Clerk W. and A. RR. bds Jacob H. Smith's Wood Mrs. Mary, s s Alabama b Alabama and Hunter Wood Thos. coppersmith, s s Hunter b McDonough and Butler Wood Winston, carp, hns Walton nr junction with Marietta Woods J. R. laborer, wks Atlanta Rolling Mill Woods Samuel, carp, h n e c RR. and Butler Woods Wm. F. engineer, bds n e c RR. and Butler Woodberry Dr. Joseph F. h n e c Harris and Ivy Woodruff John E. marble cutter, wks S. B. Oatman's Woodruff Roddy, laborer, w of Peachtree n of Corp. Line Workman H. elk, bds John Ryan's Wray Samuel, engineer, Geo. RR., bds Atlanta Hotel Wright Mrs. n e c Forsyth and Alabama Wright Mrs. I. A., school, sec Fair and Crew Wright James M., fireman, bds n e c Decatur and Pratt Wright John, s s Cherokee b Pryor and Ivy Wright John S., elk, Washington Hall Wright & Kile (Wm. D. W. & Thos. K.) saloon, n w c Marietta and Peachtree Wright Mrs. Mary, bds W. L. High's Wright Thomas D. b. k. bds E. B. Reynolds' Wright Thomas, moulder, wks Winship's Iron Works Wright Wm. D. (W. & Kile) hns Wheat b Ivy and Pryor Wylie Hugh M. elk. Beach & Roots, bds Mrs. Boyd's Wyman B. F. grocery on Geo. RR. nr Rolling Mill ZAC 149 Yancy Benjamin C., atty. at law, h n e c Washington & Peters *Yancey Robert, barber shop, e s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama Yarbrough Joel S. elk. bds R. C. Gaines' Yarbrough Larkin W. h w end of Cain YOUNG- MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA- 1 TION, rooms e s Whitehall b RR. and Alabama YOUNG DR. DAVID. 1 Wholesale & Retail Druggist, Fancy Goods, &c. e s White¬ hall b Hunter and Mitchell (Johnson's Block) h n s Hunter b Terry and King YOUNG D. M. 1 Agent for John D. Grey, Furniture, Chairs, Upholstery, &c. e s Whitehall b Hunter & Mitchell (Johnson's Block), h n s Hunter b Whitehall and Forsyth Young David, machinist, bds Atlanta Hotel Young W. Euclid, elk. bds Dr. D. Young's Young John, carp, h n s Stockton opp n end of Mitchell Young J. medical student, bds Wm. E. Lander's Young Mrs. Mary A., n s Decatur b Collins and Calhoun Young Robert, machinist, n s Stockton opp n end of Mitchell Youngblood G. D. gardener, h n of Peters on Corp. Line Youngblood Matthew A.carp. s s Latimore b W. and A. RR. and Mangum 7ACHRY BERTRAND. Li Dealer in Raw Furs, Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, &c. s s Mari¬ etta b Whitehall and Bridge, h w s Ivy b Cain and Ellis BUSINESS MIRROR. AGENTS, BUSINESS AND COLLECTING. CLARKE LEWIS H., Mead Wm. T. ALE BOTTLERS. Smith & West. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. Boutell John, Bowman John T., VAN LOAN A. H. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BAKER BOLLING, Bates G. H., BELL MARGENIOUS A., BELL & PITTMAN, Calhoun J. M. & W. L.^ DUNCAN JOHN W., EZZARD & COLLIER, GARTRELL & HILL, GLENN & COOPER, Hammond Amos & Son, Hammond N. J., HAYGOOD GREENE B., Howell C. C., Ivy Michael J., John Geo. W., • JONES & HOYT, Manning Jethro W., McDaniel W. J., Neal James H., Overby & Bleckley, PUCKETT J. A., Puckett John, Robertson Geo., jr.y Simpson L. 0., Slaughter James S., STONE & FITCH, THOMAS GEO. S., WHITAKER & GASKILL, Yancy Benjamin C., AUCTION AND COMMISSION. BARNES WM. H. & CO., Hill W. M. & Co., SHACKELFORD S. J. I BAKERS. DAVIS J. C., IMMEL P. J., Montague Geo. W., VALENTINE LOUIS. BARBERS. BEERMAN CHARLES, *COBB ERASMUS, *Ezzard G., *HUTCHINS DOUGHERTY *LUCKEY SOLOMON, *SCOTT ALBERT, *Yancey Rob't, BANKS AND BANKERS. ANGIER NEEDOM L., ATLANTA INSURANCE CO BANK OF FULTON, Brady & Solomon, Agents, GEO. RR. & BANKING CO., McKINNEY & CO., WALLACE ALEX. M., WOOD, EDDY & CO. business mirror, 151 BATH HOUSE. *LUCKEY SOLOMON. BILLIARD ROOMS. Ennis John, Gannon Thos., agt., SILYEY & GLAZNER, SPALDING WM. W. BLACKSMITHS. Brown Edgefield, Harvill Wm. EL, Lewis C. H., McMichael S., Roach Wm. H. BOARDING HOUSES. BEERMAN CHARLES, Bosworth J. R., Gramling Wm. G., HOLLAND Mrs. M. A., Jack Mrs. M., Judson D. N., Kelly Mrs. Louisa, KELLY & HOFFMAN, KELTNER W., Landers Wm. E., Lynch Mrs. Margaret, McDougal Mrs. Sarah, Oslin Mrs. Sarah, Young Mrs. Mary A. BOILER MANUFACTORY. Atlanta Machine Co. BOOTS AND SHOES. BEACH & ROOT, Carroll Robt., Crayton Isaac A., DIMICK, WILSON & CO., DUNNING R. S., EDDLEMAN & BANKS, EISENHUT JOHN, Jenkins Joab J., KELTNER W. & CO., Kill O. G., Kontz C., MYERS M., O'Connor Moses, Reeves J. A., RYAN JOHN. BOOK BINDERS. Hanleiter C. S., MASON JAS. P. & CO., MILLER J. I. & CO. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Jones Wm. H., Lynch M., agt., RICHARDS J. J. & CO. BRICK MANUES. Akridge John, Burge N. T., Fielder & Elliott, Hayden & Healey, McDuffee & Bass, Morris Samuel B., RAGSDALL Wm. L. Stone & Daniel, THURMAN JOHN & WM., Whaley C. A. BUTTERSCOTCH MANUF- HUMPHREY R. S. CABINET WARE. Lyon & Co., WILLIAMS F. A., YOUNG D. M., Agent, CANDY MANUES, IMMEL P. J., VALENTINE LOUIS. CARPENTER AND BUILDEK. DEMAREST DAYID. CARPETS, &C. BEACH & ROOT, 152 BUSINESS MIRROR. myers m., RYAN JOHN. CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. GARDNER H. B., MAY ROBT. H. & CO. MUNDAY E. W. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. WALLACE J. R. & C. H. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. RIPLEY T. R. CIGARS, TOBACCO, &C. FICKEN JOHN, Muhlenbrink H. CLERGYMEN. CLARKE JOHN T., Craven Isaac N., Harris N. A., holmes a. l., Lupo Jas., Mcdonald james, Mitchell Isaac G., Oslin Reuben E., Payne J. B., Wilson J. s. CLOTHING. CLEVELAND A. A., Greenbaura Isaac & Co., Greenbaum M. & Co. HERRING W. & SON, Hirschberg A., Kile O. G., Lawshe & Purtell, lazaron m., MAYER DAVID, Oppenheimer M., Straus & Co. COACH TRIMMINGS. brady & solmon. COFFEE HOUSES. Chapman W. B., DOWNS SAMUEL, Ennis John, GUILD & LEE, Gannon Thos., agt., KUHRT H. G., Little Thompson G., Mitchell John, Salisbury Wm. M., Savage & Gordon, Schoen Fred., Sheehan Cornelius, SILVEY & GLAZNER, Trout House Exchange, Wright & Kill. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Davis & Lester, HIGH, BUTLER & CO., McMILLEN, FLEMING & CO., McNAUGHT, ORMOND & CO., MADDOX ROBT. F., ^ MALONE & JOHNSON, PITTS J. R., SEAGO & ABBOTT, Seago E. M., Simms J. D., Wells L. C. & D. H., WILLIAMS WM. M., WINSHIP & HOWELL, WITT H. H. & CO. CONFECTIONERS. Bagwell Wm. H., BALLARD & TRUITT, DAVIS J. C., IMMEL P. J., Kretchner Fred., Montague Geo. W., Nash Francis H., VALENTINO LOUIS. BUSINESS MIRROR. 153 COOPER FITZGIBBON & DEVEREUX COPPERSMITHS. TOMLINSON & BARNES. COTTON DEALERS. Bullard Robt. W., Forsyth A. B., FORSYTH WM. G., McDaniel Ira 0., McDaniel Philip E., Mitchell Alex. W., Trammell John G. COTTON GIN MANUFS. PITTS & COOK. DENTISTS- ^Badger Roderick D., /CORPENiNG T. J., CRAVEN E. J. & R. W., David James J., Dickey W. J., HUNNICUTT & TAYLOR, THURMAN F. D., M. D., D. J ' D. S. DISTILLERY. Howard Thos. C. DRAUGHTSMAN. Heerlein Wm. DRESS MAKING. Carroll Mrs. A. T., Dewell Mrs. Nancy, Dorman Madame R. J., ' Guild & Stubbs, Hotchkiss & Langdon, Kehoe Mis. Eliza, Reg:ster Mrs. 0. J., Renwick Mrs. M. T. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GIOVANNINI &NEVAGLIA HUNNICUTT & TAYLOR, 11 MASSEY & LANSDELL, SMITH & EZZARD, YOUNG DR. D. DRY GOODS (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ashim M. A., BEACH & ROOT, COZART II. W., CUTTING J. L. & CO., FERGUSON DANIEL P., GOODMAN, SHIELD k CO., Hadsell W., Halpin & Myers, Hay den P. & Co., JACK W. F., Kile 0. G., MYERS M., SALMONS, MATHEWS & CO., Silvey & Dougherty, RYAN JOHN. ENGINE BUILDERS. ATLANTA MACHINE CO., WINSHIP I. & R. & CO. EXCHANGE OFFICE WOOD, EDDY & CO. EXPRESS CO. ADAMS EXPRESS CO. FANCY GOODS- HANNICUTT & TAYLOR. FLOORING & PLANING MILL. BROWN, PRIEST & PECK. FLOUR MANUF. STEWART & MOORE, (Green¬ wood Mills.) FOUNDRIES- ATLANTA MACHINE C04, WINSHIP I. & R. & CO. 154 BUSINESS MIRROR. FURNISHING GOODS fGENTS). CLEVELAND A. A., HERRING W. & SON, Hirschberg A., LAWSHE & PURTELL, LAZARON M., McARTHOR, BURR & WADS WORTH, MAYER DAVID. FURNISHING GOODS (HOUSE). TOMLINSON & BARNES. GAS CO- Atlanta Gas Light Co. GiS FIXTURES. TOMLINSON & BARNES. GRAIN DEALERS. Cassin H. P., Huff Robt. N., SEAGO & ABBOTT. GROCERIES, (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) Baldwin Jefferson J., BEAZLEY & TURNER, Briggs R. S., Bryant J. M., Cassin C. P., Chapman & Bro., Clarke & Grubb, Clinch Thomas, OOLEMAN F. H., COX, HILL & CO., COZART H. W., 'Dodd & Bro., DANIEL G. H., Daniel Thomas B., DAVIS J. C., Davis & Lester, Evans Boswell Y., FERGUSON DANIEL P., Gaines R. C., Galceran M. P., HIGH, BUTLER & CO., Howard T. C., HUBBARD & CHISOLM, HUGE PETER, Tank G W JACK FRANCIS M. AGT., JACK W. F., JACKSON & BRO., Jenkins John E., JONES & McLENDON, HILL THOMAS, Kontz C., Lanier T. B., Laseter James, Lawlor Michael, LOVEJOY JOHN H., Lynch J. & J., LYNCH P., LYNES T. D., MADDOX ROBT. F., Mahoney Michael, MALONE & JOHNSON, Mast A., MECASLIN & RODES, McMILLEN, FLEMING & CO. MURRAY FELIX, McN AUGHT, ORMOND&CO. Payne Edwin, PITTS J. R., Pound A., Rasbury John C., Roark VV. W., Rucker Jesse G., Rucker & Woddail, SEAGO & ABBOTT, Siinms J. D., Sullivan John, WALLACE J. R. & C. H., WELLS JOHN D., WELLS J. Y. & CO., WELLS L. C. &D. H., WILLIAMS WM. M., WILSON ROBT. J., WINSHIP & HOWELL., WITT H. H. & CO., Wyman B. F. BUSINESS MIRROR. 155 GUNSMITH. HEINZ CHAS. HAIR BRAIDING. BRAUMULLER MRS. H, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. BRADY & SOLOMON, CLARKE & LEWIS, OOZART H. W., JACK W. F., McARTHOR, BURR & W ADS- WORTH, WALLACE J. R. & C. H. HATS AND CAPS. Aldrege E. K., CLEVELAND A. A., HOLBROOK J. M. HIDES &C. ZACHRY BERTRAND. HOTELS. ATLANTA HOTEL, City Hotel, ^PLANTERS' HOTEL, ; /"TENNESSEE HOUSE, \ WASHINGTON HALL, ICE DEALERS. J KIDD WILLIAM, WITT H. H. & CO. INSURANCE AGENTS. ANGIER NEEDOM L., Butler James E., WALLACE ALEX M., Home Ins. Co., N. Y., Artizan Fire Ins. Co. BRADY & SOLOMON, CLARKE & LEWIS. IRON RAILING. WINSHIP I. & R. & CO. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. McDaniel Henry W., Thomas Thos. S. LAMPS (COALOIL) Massey & Lansdell, LAND DEALERS. FARRAR JESSE C. LEATHER AND FINDINGS- Carroll Robt., DIMICK, WILSON & CO., EDDLEMAN & BANKS, KELTNER W. & CO., Reeves J. A. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. HARRIS THEOPHILUS, JONES OLIVER H., ROGERS G. C. LOCKSMITH. HEINZ CHAS. LOTTERY OFFICES. McKINNEY & CO., WOOD, EDDY & CO. LUMBER DEALERS. BROWN, PRIEST & PECK. MACHINISTS, ATLANTA MACHINE CO., WINSHIP I. & R. & CO. MARBLE DEALERS. Garvey James, OATMAN S. B. IRON, NAILS &C. BLAKE, SCOFIELD & MARKHAM, 156 BUSINESS MIRROR. MATTRESSES. Williams f. a. MEDICAL COLLEGE- atlanta medical col¬ lege. MILLINERY. BORING MRS. J. M., Carroll Mrs. A. T., Durand Mrs. M. F., O'Keeffe Mrs. M. A., Renwick Mrs. M. T. MINERAL WATER DEPOT. Smith & West. MUSIC (BAND-) fulton brass & string band. MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. braumuller h. NEWSPAPERS, &C. atlanta intelligen¬ cer, atlanta medical and surgical journal. georgia temperance crusader, masonic signet & jour¬ nal, medical and literary weekly, national american, southern confedera¬ cy. NOTARIES PUBLIC. EAJD WM. T. NOTIONS. valentino louis, NURSERY- dowing hill nursery. OIL MANUFACTURERS. CROFT G. W. & CO. PAINTERS. Buice John M., Doughty Q. A., LEONARD J. S., MACKIE WM., PARIS & PRICE. PAINTS, OILS, &C. BRADY & SOLOMON. PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, &P. DE SHONG W. H., Dill C. W., Langston & Buise, SMITH A. S. PHYSICIANS- Alexander & Shelby, BEACH SOLOMON S., Betterton Absalom J. Biggers John, / BIGGERS STEPHEN T., BORING J. M., Brown H. W., CLEVELAND A. L., CCE HAYDEN, CURRIER H. L., Denny Thomas S., Garmany James, Gilbert & Humphreys, GUILD L. A., HEERY D. 0. C., Jones John W., KING B. S., LOGAN JOSEPH P., MORRIS JAMES M., OLIVER M. H., PFOUTS J. S., Pomeroy R. S., Powell Chapman, Powell Thomas S., Register O. J., Roach Elisha J., BUSINESS MIRROR 157 SCOTT A. L., TALIAFERRO & THOMAS, WESTMORELAND J. G. & W. F., Westmoreland Harrison, Wilson Thomas C. H. PIANO DEALERS BARTH & NICOLAI, Cloud Wm. J., BRAUMULLER H. PISTOL GALLERY, Valentine Wm. PLANING- MILL. PITTS & COOK. PLASTERER. Ford Silvester BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. HANLEITER C. R., MILLER J. I. & CO., REYNOLDS T. S. & CO. PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS. BARNES WM. H. & CO., DANIEL GEO. H., Davis & Lester, HIGH, BUTLER & CO., JACKSON & BRO., MADDOX ROBT. F., McMILLEN, FLEMING & CO., Rucker & Woddail, SEAGO & ABBOTT, Seago E. M., Simms J. D., WILLIAMS WM. M. RAILROADS. A. & W. Pt. RR., Geo. Air Line RR., Geo. RR. and Banking Co., Macon and Western RR. Western and Atlantic RR. REAL ESTATE AGENTS- BARNES WM. H. & CO., BELL & PITTMAN. RESTAURANT. Fisher Charles. ROLLING MILL. BLAKE, SCOFIELD MARKHAM. & ROOPING (MASTIC.) Leonard J. S.(Russell's Patent) SADDLES, HARNESS, &C . CLEVELAND A. A., KILTNER WM. & CO., MILLER & ANDREWS. , SAPES (IRON.) HERRING W. & SONS (Her¬ ring's Patent.) SALOONS. GAVAN & BROTHER, Savage Charles, Valentine W. SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. BROWN, PRIEST & PECK, PITTS & COOK. SCHOOLS- Harris Mrs. Caroline J. G., NILES S. D., Orr A. M., Warwick Miss Mary A., Wilson Alex. N. SEWING MACHINES. HERRING & WM. & SONS, (Singer's Patent.) Hotchkiss & Langdon, LEYDEN A. (Bartholf's Pat- ant.) 158 BUSINESS MIRROR. SHOE FINDINGS EDDLEMAN & BANKS. SLAVE DEALERS. Bagby Wm. K., Holcomb Henry C., Rice Z. A., Watkins & Rice. STONE YARD. Garvey James. STOVES, TIN WARE, &C. M'ARTHOR, BURR & WADS- WORTH, TOMLINSON & BARNES, Watkins Wm. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS' MASSEY & LANSDELL. TAILORS Bain D., Curtis Jo hu, HERRING W. & SON, LAWSHE & PURTELL. TANNERIES/ McMillan wm. h. Reed Harvey. TELEGRAPH OFFICE: AUGUSTA, ATLANTA & CHATTANOOGA TELE¬ GRAPH CO. THRESHING MACHINE MANUF . PITTS & COOK. TINNERS. M'ARTHOR,BURR & WADS- WORTH, TOMLINSON & BARNES. TOBACCONIST. Ragsdale, Hall & Co. TRIMMING STORE (LADIES') Carroll Mrs. A. T. TRUNKS. HERRING W. & SON, LAZARON M. UPHOLSTERY. YOUNG D. M. VARIETY STORE. BRAUMULLER H. WAGON MANUFACTURERS. Brown Edgefield, Harvell Wm. H., Kerlin James D., Robertson Jeptha. WATCHES, CLOCKS, &C. Baker R. S., GILBERT TEHO., Hall A. W., Lawshe Er., WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. TOMLINSON & BARNES. WIG MANUF. Braumuller H. WINES AND LIQUORS. JACKSON & BRO., JONES & McLENDON, LOVEJOY JOHN H., WITTGENSTEIN M. THE DRUGGIST! A MONTHLY NEWSPAPER FOR THE TRADE. EDITED BY HENRY E. FOOTE, M. D., Prof, of Chemistry in the Medical College of Ohio, IS PUBLISHED ON THE 15TH OF EACH MONTH, AT $1,00 per annum in advance, To Clubs.—Four copies will bei sent by Mail, to one address, for $8,00 ; Seven copies for 85,00 ; Fifteeen copies for $10,00. No orders will be noticed unless accompanied by tbe money. The Postage on The Druggist to regular subscribers is six cents per year; on single copies, one cent each. Specimen Numbers will be sent to any address. Advertisements will be inserted at tbe rate of Ten Cents per line of solid type for each insertion, or at that rate for the space occupied. AH communications for The Drnggist should be addressed to the Pnblisher. C. S. WILLIAMS, 194 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio W. H. BARNES «c CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION V MERCHANTS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OP REAL ESTATE, PRODUCE, MERCHANDISE, CONSIGNMENTS OP ALL KINDS, &C., &C. DEALERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, IN BftT HIN, FUKT SNM, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ©LOTHIHSj IISWILET, MODEL AUCTION HOUSE, Next door to Georgia E. R. Bank, Atlanta, Georgia. The attention of Consigners of every description of Goods is solicited. Merchants can have all orders filled promptly, and at lower prices than they can buy themselves. IF YOU WANT Goqras ({OUGHT ! IF YOU WANT GOOnfe SOLI)! IF YOU WANT TO 'E^ JOY YOURSELVES J CALL AT TUE fllOUEL AUCTION HOUSE. Auctions mabe at Heaibcnces, Plantations,&c.,on favoraMe terms. GIVE US A TRIAL. WM. H. BARNES & CO., Model Auction House, Atlanta, Georgia LIST OF POST OFFICES IH TUE UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES. MAINE. Androscoggin co. Auburn Danville Durham East Livermore East Poland East Turner Greene Greene Corner Leeds Leeds Station Lewistown Lisbon Little River Vill¬ age, Livermore Livermore Centre Livermore Falls Mechanics Falls Minot North Auburn North Leeds North Livermore North Turner North Turner Bridge Poland Sabatus South Durham South Leeds Turner Wales Webster West Auburn West Danville West Durham West Minot West Poland Aroostook co. Amity Aroostook Bancroft Bridgewater Con-way Fort Fairfield Fort Kent Fremont Haynesville Hodgdon Houlton (c h) Linneus Lyndon Madawaska Maple Grove Mar's Hill Masardis Monticello Moro Number Three Orient Presque Isle Rockabema Smyrna South Moluncus Van Buren Weston West Van Buren Cumberland co. Bolster's Mills Bonny Eagla Bridgeton. Brunswick Cape Elizabeth Depot Casco Cumberland Cumberland Cen¬ tre East Auburn East Baldwin East North Yar¬ mouth East Otisfield East Raymond East Standish Edes' Falls Falmouth Freeport Gorham Gray Harrison Naples New Gloucester North Bridgeton North Gray North Linneus North Pownal North Raymond North Windham North Yarmouth Oak Hill Otisfield Portland (e h) Pownal Raymond Saccarappa Sandy Beach Scarboro' South Bridgeton South Casco South Freeport South Windham Standish Steep Falls Stevens' Plains Upper Gloucester Webb's Mills West Baldwin West Bridgeton W est Cumberland West Falmouth West Gloucester West Gorham West Pownal Windham Yarmouth Franklin co. Avon ' Carthage Chesterville East New Sharon East New Vineyard East Strong East Wilton Farmington Farmington Falls Freeman Industry Jacksonville Jay Kingfield Madrid New Sharon New Vineyard North Chesterville North Jay North Wilton Phillips (c h) Rangeley Salem South Chesterville Strong Temple Mills Weld West Freeman West Mills Wilton Hancock co. Amherst Aurora Blue Hill Blue Hill Falls Brooklin Brooksville Bucksport Bucksport Centre Castine (c h) Cranberry Isles Dedham Deer Isle East Eden East Sullivan East Trenton Eden Ellsworth Ellsworth Falls Franklin Gouldsboro' Great Pond Greenfield Green's Landing Hancock Mount Desert North Blue Hill North Bucksport North Castine North Ellsworth North Hancock North Haven North Mariaville North Penobscott North Sedgwick Oceanville Orland Otis Penobscot Prospect Harbor Salisbury Cove Sargentville Seal Cove Seaport Sedgwick South Brooksville South Deer Isle South West Har¬ bor Sullivan Surry Swan's Island Tilden Tremont Trenton Point Waltham West Brookville West Eden West Ellsworth West Gouldsboro' West Sedgwick West Trenton West Harbor ' Kennebeck co. Albion Augusta (c h) Belgrade Belgrade Mills Benton Brown's Corners Centre Sidney China Clinton Curtis' Corner East Monmouth East Pittston East Readfield East Vassalboro' East Winthrop Farmingdale Fayette Gardiner Hallowell Kent's Hill Litchfield Litchfield Corners Monmouth Manchester Mount Vernon North Belgrade North Fayette North Monmouth North Pittston North Sidney North Vassalboro' North Vienna North Wayne Pishon's Ferry Pittston Readfield Readfield Depot Rome Seward's Mills Sidney South Albion South China South Vassalboro' South Windsor Strickland's Ferry Togus Spring Vassalboro' Vienna Waterville Wayne Week's Mills West Gardiner West Sidney West Waterville Windsor Winslow W inthrop Lincoln co. Alma Booth Bay Bremen Bristol Cooper's Mills Cashing Damariscotta Mills Dresden Dresden Mills East Union Edgecomb Friendship Hodgdon's Milla Jefferson Matinicus New Castle Noblesboro' North Boothbay North Edgecomb North Union North Waldoboro' North Washington North Whitefield Owl's Head Patrick town Pemaquid Rockland Round Pond Saint Georgfe Sheepscott Bridge South Dresden South Jefferson Southport South St, George South Thomaston Tenant's Harbor Thomaston Union W aldoboro' Warren Washington West Jefferson Westport West Washington Whitfield Wiscasset (c h) Oxford co. Albany Andover Bethel Brownfield Bryant's Pond Buckfield Byron Canton, Canton Mills Centre Lovell Denmark Dixfield East Bethel East Dixfield East Fryeburgh East Hebron East Rumford East Stonehanx East Sumner Fryeburgh Gilead Grafton Greenwood Hanover Hartford Hebron Hiram Letter B Locke's Mills Lovell Mexico Newry North Albany North Buckfield North Fryeburgh 2 POST OFFICES NEW HAMPSHIRE. North Lovell North Newry North Norway North Paris North Waterford North "Woodstock Norway Oxford Paris (c h) Peru Porter Roxbury Rumford Rumford Centre Rumford Point Snow Falls South Andover South Hartford South Newry South Paris South Waterford Stow Sumner Sweden Waterford Welchville West Bethel West Paris West Peru West Sumner Wilson's Mills Woodstock Penobscot co, Alton Alton Village Argyle Bangor (c h) Bradford Brewer Brewer Tillage Burlington, C arm el Carroll Charleston Chester Corinna Corinna Centre Corinth Deerfield Dexter Dixmont Dixmont Centre East Bradford East Corinth East Dixmont. East Eddington East Exeter East Hampden East Lowell East Holden East Newport East Orrington East Stetson, Eddington Edinburgh Enfield Etna Etna Centre Exeter Exeter Mills Five Islands Garland Glenburn Great Works Greenbush Hampden Hampden Corner Hermon Hermon Pond Holden Howland Hudson Kenduskeag La Grange Lee Levant Lincoln Lincoln Centre Lowell Mattaw Maxfield Milford Newburg Newburg Centre Newport Nickaton North Bradford North Carmel North Dixmont North East Dix¬ mont North Hermon North Howland North Newport North Lincoln Olamon Oldtown Orono Orrington Passadumkeag Patten Plymouth Puttugunpus Six Mile Falls South Corinth South Exeter South Levant Soiith Lincoln South Newburgh South Orrington Springfield Stetson Sunkhaze Upper Stillwater Veasie West Bangor West Charleston West Corinna West Enfield West Garland West Glenburn West Great Works West Hampden West Levant Piscataquis co Abbot Atkinson Blanchard Bowerbank Brownsville Centre Guilford Dover (c h) Dover South Mills East Dover East Sangerville Elliottsville Foxcroft Greenville Guilford Katahdin Iron Works Kilmarnock Kingsbery Milo Monson North Brownsville Orneville Parkman Parkman Centre Sangerville Sebeo Shirley Shirley Mills South Atkinson South Dover South Parkman South Sangerville South Sebac Wellington West Dover Williamsburgh Sagadahoc co. Bath Bowdoin Bowdoin Centre Bowdoinham East Bowdoinham Georgetown Parker's Head Phipsburg Richmond Richmond Corner Small Point Topsham (c h) Winnegance Woolwich Somerset co, Anson Athens Bingham Bloomfield Brighton Cambridge Canaan Carritunk Concord Cornville Dead River Detroit East Madison East New Port¬ land East Pittsfield Embden Embden Centre Fairfield Fairfield Corners Flag Staff Harmony Hartland Highland Kendall's Mills Larone Lexington Madison Main Stream Mercer Moose River New Portland Norridgewock(c h) North Anson North Fairfield North New Port¬ land Palmyra Parlin Pond Pittsfield Ripley Saint Albans Skowhegan Smithfield Solon Somerset Mills South Bloomfield South Norridge- wock South Solon" Stark The Forks West Anson West Embden West Moscow West Ripley Waldo co, Belfast (c k) Bellnont Brooks Burnham Village Camden Carver's Harbor Centre Lincoln- ville Centre Montville East Knox East Montville East Northport East Palermo East Thorndike Ellingwood's Cor, Frankfort Frankfort Mills Freedom Hope Isleboro' Jackson Knox Liberty Lincolnville McLain's Mills Monroe Monroe Centre Montville Morrill North Appleton North Frankfort North Isleboro' North Monroe North Palermo Northport North Prospect North Searsmont North Seaxsport Palermo Palermo Centre Prospect Prospect Ferry Rook port Rockville Searsmont SearspOTt South Brooks South Freedom South Hope South Montville South Liberty South Prospect Swanville Thorndike Troy Unity Waldo West Camden Washington co, Addison Point A1 exander Baring Beddington Calais Charlotte Columbia Cooper Crawford Cutler Deblois Dennysville East itfachias Eastport Harrington Indian River Jackson Brook. Jonesboro' Lane's Brook Lubec Lubec Mills Machias (c h) Machias Port Marion Medybemps" Millbridge* Milltown Narraguagus North Cutler Northfield Pembroke Perry Plantation No 14 Princeton Red Beach Robbinston South Beddington South Princeton Sprague's Falls Steuben Topsfield Waite Wesley West Lubec Whiting Whitneyville. York co* Acton Alfred Bar Mills Biddeford Bonny Eagle Buxton Buxton Centre Cape Neddick Centre Lebanon Cornish East Limington East Parsonfield Elliot Elliot Depot Emery's Mills Goodwin's Mill#. Hollis Hollis Centre Kennebunk Kennebunk Depot Kennebunk Port Kezar Falls Kittery Kittery Point Lebanon Limerick Limington Lyman Lyman CentSB Newfield North Acton, North Berwick. North Hollis North KennetftAfe Port North Limington, North Parsoimeiik Ogunquit Parsonfield Ross' Corners, Saco Sanford Scotland Shapleigh South Berwick South Parsonflaldk South Sanferd Springvale Water boro' Waterboro' OeB&W Wells Wells' Depot, West Buxton West Lebanon West NewfieldL West Parsonfield York (p,h) NEW HAMPSHIRE. Belknap co. Alton. Alton Bay B&rnsteaa Centjfe Barnstead Centre Harbor East Alton East Santornton Gilford Village Gilmanton Gilmanton Iron, Works Laconia Lake Tillage Lower Gilmanton Meredith Centre Meredith YiUogfo New Hfuaptoni, North BaptatMiii North Sanborutou POST OFFICES VERMONT. 3 gSZS&Briai. XT ppet GUmanton Whir's Bridge West Alton Carroll co. Albany Brookheld Centre Conway Centre Ossipee Centre Sandwich ir&disou iTuoult/n^ro' East W akefield Effingham Bf&ngham Kalis Freedom &ST*- SSEVuw. kmev North^andwict North Wakefield North Wolfboro' Ossipee (c 11 > l^UTamworth iotithWoimio' Tam worth lam-worth Iron Works TxiftonhoTto Union Wakefield Water Village West" Ossipee Wolfboro' Cheshire co. Alstead Aihuelot gsasai>»- tory DreW3vnle Dublin East Jaffrey East Sullivan , gaat Westmoreland I-' itxv> illi^m dilanm Harrisville Hinsdale Jaffrey Keenfe (« h) Marlboro' . Marlboro' Depot Mario W Munsonvilie Nelson 5*",K , ?S£2f™wl Pottersvill® Richmond Bindge Boxbtiry , South Stoddard Stoddard _ Sullivan. Surry Troy W&lpole Wlnotst^ Coos co. gartlett Berlin Berlin Falls Carrol] S'f^sriHe Col ebrook Coos DaItonrd'S House EtioI Gorhaih GroTetou Jefferson /efferson Mills an caster (c m tercoi^»ia g«£SS^ strkUTa %e*tmZ*rtsoa Wentworth's L0_ cation JjWtefield Grafton co. &Qdria Benton Bethlehem Campton Canaan*11 J}&nbuj»v ^orchester Canaan Enfield Flume Franconia Grrafton g-ftonCent^ Uano ver Hanover Centre Haverhill (e M flSi!1Cetttre Hill Holderness Landaff Lebanon Lincoln Lisbon Littleton Lyman Lyme Monroe North Dorchester North Enfield North Groton North Haverhill North Littleton North Monroe Orford Orfordville Piermont Plymouth (c h) Bumney South Danbury Sugar Hill Thornton Warren Went worth West Campton West Canaan West Enfield West Lebanon West Plymouth West Bumney West Thornton Woodstock Hillsboro' co. Amherst (c h) Antrim Bedford Bennington Brookline Deering East Weare Francistown Goffstown Goffstown Centre Greenfield Hancock Hillsboro' Hillsboro' Bridge Hillsboro' Centre Hollis Hudson Lyndeboro' Mason Mason Village Milford Mount Vernon N ashua New Boston New Ipswich North Weare North Branch Oil Mill Tillage Pelham Peterboro' Beed's Ferry South Lyndeboro' South Merrimack South Weare Temple Thornton's Ferry Weare West Wilton Wilton Merrimack co. Aliens town Andover Boscawen Bow Bradford Canterbury Chichester Concord (o h) Contoocook Village Dunbarton East Andover East Concord Epsom Fishers villa Franklin Henniker Hookset Hopkinton Loudon Loudon Centre Loudon Bidge Mast Yard Newbury New London North Chichester North Dunbarton Northfield Depot North Sutton: Pembroke Pittsfield Salisbury Shaker village South Bradford Bowe's Corner South Newbury Sun cook Sutton W arner West Andover West Boscawen West Concord West Henniker Wilmot Wilmot Flat JBockingham co. Atkinson Atkinson Depot Auburn Brentwood Candia Candia Village Chester Danville Deerfield Deerfield Centre Derry East ChesteT East Kingston East Northwood Epping Exeter (c h) Fessenden Mills Tremont Greenland Greenland Depot Hampstead Hampton Hampton Falls Kensington Kingston Londonderry Newington New Market Newton North Hampton North London¬ derry North Salem Nottingham Nottingham Iviru piko Portsmouth (o Raymond Rye Salem South Hampton wlstI?™thwood West Windham Windham Strafford co. Barrington Centre Strafford Dover (c Downing's Mills Durham Farmington Gonie Great Falls Lee Middleton Milton Milton Mill? North Barrington North Strafford Rochester Salmon Falls Strafford Strafford Corn61 Wadley'3 Falls West Milton Sullivan co. Acworth Charlestown Claremont Cornish Flat Croydon Flat Bast Dempster Bast Plamfcela ImI W^ingtoffl George's Muis Goshen Grantham Langdon Lempster Meriden North ssrovsssiw Springfield Sunapee "Onity. Washington West Claremont West Sp*w«field VERMONT. East Middlebury Ferrisburgh Goshen Granville Hancock Larrabee's Point Leicester Lincoln Middlebury (c h) Monkton New Haven ifew Haven Mills North Ferrisburgh] Orwell Panton Kipton Shoreham Starkshoro' Vergennes West Addison West Cornwall Weybridge Lowes Falls West Salisbury Whiting Arlington Bennington Bennington Centre Boad villa 4 POST OFFICES MASSACHUSETTS. Dorset Bast Dorset East Rupert Factory Point Heartwellville Landgrove Manchester (c h) North Bennington North Dorset North Pownall Peru Pownal Pownal Centre Readsborough Rupert Sandgate Searsburgh Shaftsbury South Dorset South Shaftsbury Stamford Sunderland West Arlington West Rupert Winhall Woodford Caledonia co. Barnet Burke Cabot Danville (c h) East Burke East Hardwick Groton Hardwick Lower Waterford Lyndon Lyndon Centre Mclndoe's Falls Newark North Danville Passumsic Peacham Ryegate Saint Johnsbury St. Johnsbury Centre St. Johnsbury East Sheffield South Hardwick South Ryegate South Walden Sutton Walden Waterford West Barnet West Burke West Waterford Wheelock Chittenden co. Bolton Burlington (c h) Charlotte Colchester Essex Hinesburgh Huntington Jericho Jericho Centre Jonesville Milton Painesville Pleasant Valley Richmond Saint George Shelburn Underhill Underbill Centre West Bolton Westford West Milton Williston Winooski Falls Essex co. Bloomfield Brunswick Canaan Concord East Haven Granby Guildhall (c h) Island Pond Lemington Lunenburgh Maidstone South Canaan West Concord Franklin co. Bakersfield Berkshire Buck Hollow East Berkshire East Fairfield East Franklin East Georgia East Highgate East Richford East Sheldon Enosburgh Enosburgh Falls Fairfax Fairfield Fletcher Franklin Georgia Highgate Highgate Spring Montgomery Montgomery Cen¬ tre North Fairfax North Sheldon Richford Saint Albans (c h) Saint Alban's Bay Saxe's Mills Sheldon Swanton S wanton Centre West Berkshire West Enosburgh West Georgia Grand Isle co. Alburgh A1 burgh Springs Grand Isle Isle La Motte North Hero (c h) South Hero West Alburgh Windmill Point Lamoille co. Belvidere Cambridge Eden Elmore Hyde Park (c h) Jeffersonville Johnson Morristown Morrisville North Cambridge North Hyde Park Stow Waterville Wolcott Orange eo. Bradford Bradford Centre Braintree Brookfield Chelsea (c h) Copperas Hill Corinth East Brookfield East Corinth East Orange East Randolph East Thetford Fairlee Newbury North Thetford North Tunbridge Orange Post Mill "Village Randolph South Bradford South Newbury South Strafford Strafford Thetford Topsham Tunbridge Union Village Vershire Washington Wait's River Wells River West Braintree West Fairlee West Randolph West Topsham Williams town Orleans co. Albany Barton Barton Landing Brownington Coventry Craftsbury Derby Derby Line East Charleston East Craftsbury Glover Greensboro Holland Irasburgh (c h) Jay Lowell Morgan Newport Nbrth Craftsbury North Troy Troy West Charleston West Derby Westfield West Newport Willoughby Lake Rutland co. Benson Benson Landing Brandon Castleton Centre Rutland Clarendon Clarendon Springs Cuttingsville Danby Danby Four Cor¬ ners East Clarendon East Hubbardton East Poultney East Wallingford Fadrhaven Forest Dale Healdville Hubbardton Hydeville Ira Mechanicsville Mendon Middletown Mount Holly North Clarendon North Sherburn Pawlet Pittsfield Pittsford Rutland (c h) Sherburne Shrewsbury South Wallingford Sudbury Sutherland Falls Tinmouth Wallingford Wells West Castleton West Haven West Pawlet West Poultney West Rutland Washington co. Barre Berlin Calais East Calais East Montpelier East Roxbury Marshfield Middlesex Montpelier (c h) Moretown Northfield North Montpelier Plainfield Roxbury South Barre Waitsfield Warren Waterbury Woodbury Worcester Windham co, Athens Bartonsville Bellows Falls Brattleboro* Brookline Cambridgeport Dover Dummorston Fayetteville (c h) Grafton Green River Guildford Guildford Centre Halifax Houghtonville Jacksonville Jamaica Londonderry Marlboro' Putney Rockingham Saxton's River South Halifax South Londonderry South Wardsboro* South Windham Stratton Townshend Vernon Wardsboro* West Brattleboro* West Dover West Dummerstoa West Halifax West Marlboro' Westminster Westminster WeBt West Townshend W est W ardsboro' Whitingham Williamsville Wilmington Windham Windsor co. Andover Ascutneyville Barnard Bethel Bridgewater Brownsville Cavendish Chester East Barnard East Bethel Felchville Gassett's Station Gaysville Hartford Hartland Hartland Four Corners Ludlow North Chester North Hartland North Springfield NorwicH Perkinsville Plymouth Pomfret Pompanoosuc Proctorsville Queechy Reading Rochester Royal ton Sharon Simonsville Snow's Store South Pomfret South Reading South Royalton South Woodstock Springfield Stockbridge Taftsville Tyson Furnace Tapper Falls Weathersfield W eathersfield Cen¬ tre West Hartford W eston West Rochester White River Juno-' tion Windsor Woodstock MASSACHUSETTS Chatham Cotuit Port Dennis East Brewster East Dennis East Falmouth Eastham East Harwich East Orleans East Sandwich Falmonth Harwich Harwichport Hyannis Mara ton's Mill* Monument POST OFFICES MASSACHUSETTS. 5 North Chatham North Eastham North Falmouth North Sandwich NoTth Truro Orleans Osterville Poeassett Provincetown Sandwich South Dennis South Harwich South Orleans South Sandwich South Wellfleet South Yarmouth Spring Hill Truro Waquoit Wellfleet "West Barnstable West Brewster West Dennis West Chatham West Falmouth West Harwich West Sandwich West Yarmouth Wood's Hole Yarmouth Yarmouth Port Berkshire co. Adams Alford Ashley Falls Becket Berkshire Boston Corner Cheshire Cold Spring Curtisville Dalton East Lee East Sheffield East Windsor Egremont Plain Florida Glen Dale Great Barrington Hancock Hartsville Hinsdale Hinsdale Depot Houstonic Lanesborough Lee Lenox (c h) Lenox Furnace Mill River Monterey Montville New Ashford New Boston New Lenox New Marlboro* North Adams North Becket North Egremont Otis Peru Pittsfield Richmond Sandisfield Savoy Sheffield South Egremont Southfield South Lee South Williams- town, State Line Stockbridge Tyringham Van Deusenville Washington ' West Becket West Otis West Pittsfield West Stockbridge Williamstown Windsor Bristol co, Attleboro' Berkley Dartmouth Dighton East Freetown East Taunton Easton Fairhaven Fall River Freetown Long Plain Mansfield Mirickville New Bedford (c h) North Attleboro' North Dartmouth North Dighton North Easton North Fairhaven North Rehoboth North Swansea Norton Rehoboth Seekonk Somerset South Attleboro' South Dartmouth South Easton South Seekonk South Westport Swansea Taunton (c h) Westport Westport Point West Mansfield Dukes co. Chilmark Edgartown (c h) Holmes' Hole WestTisbury Essex co. Amesbury Andover Annisquam Ballard Vale Beverly Beverly Farms Boxford Bradford Byfield Danvers Danvers Centre Danversport East Haverhill East Salisbury Essex Georgetown Gloucester Groveland Hamilton Haverhill Ipswich (c'h) Lanesville Lawrence Lynn Lynnfield Lynnfield Centre Manchester Marblehead Methuen Middleton Nahant Newburyport (c h) North Andover North Beverly Salisbury Rockport Rowley Salem (c h) Saugus South Danvers South Groveland Sutton Mills Swampscott Topsfield Wenham West Amesbury West Boxford West Newbury Franklin co, Adamsville Ashfield Bernardston Buckland Charlemont Colerain Conway Deerfield East Charlemont East Shelburne East Whately Erving Gill Greenfield (o h) Grout's Corners Hawley Heath Leverett Leyden Lock's Village Monroe Montague Montague Canal New Salem North Bernardston Northfield Northfield Farms North Leverett North New Salem North Orange Orange Rowe Shelburne Shelburne Falls Shutesbury South Deerfield South Hawley Sunderland Warwick Wendell Wendell Depot West Hawley West Northfield Whately Hampden co. Ashley ville Blanford Bond's Village Brimfield Chester Chester Factories Chicopee Chicopee Falls Collins' Depot East Granville East Long Meadow Feeding Hills Holland Holyoke Indian Orchard Ireland Long Meadow Ludlow Mittineague Monson Montgomery North Blanford North Chester Palmer Rock Valley Russell Southwick South Wilbraham Springfield (c h) Thorndike Three Rivers Tolland Wales Westfield West Granville West Springfield Wilbraham Willimansett Hampshire co, Amherst Bancroft Belchertown Chesterfield Cummington , Cummington West Village East Hampton Enfield Florence Goshen Granby Greenwich Greenwich Village Hadley Hatfield Haydenville Huntington Leeds Middlefield North Amherst Northampton (c h) North Hadley North Prescott Norwich Pelham Plainfield Prescott Ringville South Amherst Southampton South Hadley South Hadley Falls West Chesterfield West Hampton West Worthington Williamsburgh Worthington Middlesex co. Acton Ashland Assabet Auburn Dale Bedford Belmont Billerica Boxboro' Braggville Brighton Burlington Cambridge (c h) Cambridgeport Carlisle Charlestown Chelmsford Cochituate Concord (c h) Dracut Dunstable East Cambridge East Holliston East Lexington East Pepperell East Woburn Feltonsville Forge Valley Framingham Groton Graniteville Holliston Hopkinton Lexington Lincoln Littleton Lowell Middlesex Village Maiden Marlboro' Medford Melrose Mount Auburn Natick Newton Newton Centre Newton Lower Falls Newton Upper Falls Newtonville North Billerica North Cambridge Nortih Chelmsford North Reading North Sudbury North Tewksbury North Wilmington North Woburn Pepperell Reading Rock Bottom Saxonville Sherborn Shirley Shirley Village Somerville South Acton South Framing- ham South Groton South Maiden South Natick South Reading Stoneham Stow Sudbury Tewkesbury ' Townsend Townsend Harbor Tyngsboro' w altham Watertown Wayland West Acton West Cambridge West Chelmsford Westford West Groton West Medford West Newton Weston West Townsend Wilmington Winchester Woburn Woodville Nantucket co. Nantucket (c h) Norfolk co. Bald Hill Bellingham Braintree Brookline Canton Charles River Vil¬ lage Cohassett Dedham (c h) Dorchester Dover East Foxboro' East Medway East Randolph East Sharon East Stoughton East Walpole East Weymouth Foxborough Franklin Franklin City Grantville Harrison Square Jamaica Plain Medfield Medway Milton Needham Neponset Village North Bellingham North Cohassett North Weymouth North Wrentham Plainsville Quincy Point Ouincy Randolph RockvilLe Roxbury Sharon Sheldonville South Braintree South Dedham South Franklin 6 POST OFFICES RHODE ISLAND CONNECTICUT. South Randolph South Walpold South Weymouth South Wrentham Stoughton Walpole West Dedham West Foxboro' West Medway West Needham West Roxbury West Wrentham Weymouth Wrentham, Plymouth co. Abington Bridgewater Campello Carver Chiltonville Cochesett Duxbury East Abington East Bridgewater East Marshfield East Middleboro' East Wareham Halifax Hanover Hanson Hingham Hull Kingston Marshfield Mattapoisett Middleboro' North Bridgewater North Abington North Carver North Marshfield North Middleboro' North Plympton North Rochester North Scituate N'thWest Bridge- water ^ Pembroke Plymouth (c h) Plympton Rochester Rock Scituate Scotland Sippican South Abington South Carver South Hanson South Hingham South Middleboro' South Plymouth South Scituate Wareham West Bridgewater West Duxbury West Scituate West Wareham Suffolk co. Boston (c h) Chelsea East Boston North Chelsea Winthrop Worcester co. Ashburnham Ashburnham De¬ pot Athol Athol Depot Auburn Baldwinsville Barre Barre Plains Berlin Blackstone Bolton Boylston Boylston Centre Brookfield Burragerille Charl ton Charlton Depot Clappville Clinton Cold Brook Cordaville Dana Douglass Dudley East Brookfield East Douglass East Princeton Farnumsville Fiskedale Fitchburgh Gardner Grafton Hardwick Harvard Holden Hubbardston Lancaster Leicester Leominster Lunenburgh Mendon Milford Millbury Millville New Braintree New England Til¬ lage North Blackstone Northboro* Northbridge Northbridee C'ntr North Brookfield North Dana North Leominster North Oxford North Spencer North Uxbridge Oakdale Oakham Oxford Paxton Petersham Phillipston Princeton Royalston Rutland Saundersville Shrewsbury Southboro' Southbridge South Gardner South Lancaster South Milford South Royalston Spencer Sterling Still River Sturbridge Sutton Templeton Upton Uxbridge Wachusett Yillag* W arren Webster Wesfcboro*' West Boylston West Brookfield West Fitchburglk West Millbury Westminster West Rutland West Sterling West Sutton Whitinsville Wilkinsanvilla Winchendon Worcester (ch) RHODE ISLAND. Bristol co. Barrington Bristol (eh) Nayatt Point Warren Kent co. Anthony Centreville Coventry Bast Greenwich (c h) Escoheag Natick Nooseneck Hill Pawtuxet Phenix Rice City Summit Warwick Warwick Neck West Greenwich Centre Newport co. Adamsville Jamestown Little Compton Newport (c h) New Shoreham Portsmouth South Portsmouth Tiverton Tiverton Four Corners Providence co. Albion Burrillville Centredale Chepachet Cumberland Hill Diamond Hill Foster Foster Centra Georgiaville Greenville Harmony Hopeville Knightsville Lime Rock Lonsdale Manton Mapleville Mount Yernon Mohegan North Scituate Olneyville Manville Pascoag Pawtncket Providence (c h) Rockland Slaterville South Foster South Scituate Valley Falls West Gloucester Woonsocket Falls Washington co, Allenton Arcadia Ashaway Carolina Mills Charles town Davisville Dorrville Exeter Hopkintoa Kingston (c h) Narragansett Peace Dale Perrysville Pine Hill Potter Hill Quonochontaug Rockville . Shamrock Mills Tower Hill TJsquepaugh W akefield Westerly Wickford Wooilville Wyoming CONNECTICUT. Long Ridge Mianus Mill Plain Monroe New Canaan N ew Fairfield Newton North Greenwich North Stamford North Wilton Nor walk Redding Redding Bridge Ridgebury Ridgefield Round Hill Saugatuck Sherman Smith's Ridge South Nor walk South Port Stamford Stanwich Stepney Stepney Depot Stratf6rd Trumbull Trumbull Lone Hill W eston Westport W est Norwalk West Redding Wilton Winnipauk Hartford co. Avon Berlin Bloomfield Bristol Broad Brook Buckland Burl ington Canton Canton Centre Collinsville East Berlin East Granby East Hartford East Windsor East Windsor Hill Enfield Farmington Forestville Glastenbury Granby Hertford (o h) Hartland Hazardville Hockanum Kensington Manchester Manchester Sta¬ tion Marion Marlboro' New Britain Newington North Canton North Granby Plainville Plantsville Poquonock Rainbow Rooky Hill Scitico ' Simsburv South GlastenltttJ Southing ton l POST OFFICES NEW YORK. 7 South Manchester South W indsor Suffield Tariffville Thompsonville Unionville Warehouse Point West Avon West Granby West Hartford West Hartland West Suffield Wethersfield W indsor Windsor Locks Windsorville Litchfield co. Bakersville Bantam Falls Barkhamsted Bethleheu Bridgewater Burrville Campville Canaan Chapinville Colebrook Colebrook River Cornwall Cornwall Bridge Cornwall Hollow East Canaan East Kent Ellsworth Falls Tillage Goshen Harwinton Hitehcockville Hotchkissville Huntsville Kent Lakeville Lanesville Lime Bock Litchfield (oh) Marble Dale Merwinsville Mill Brook Milton New Hartford New Hartford Centre New Milford New Preston Norfolk North Cornwall North Colebrook Northfield North Gosheli North Norfolk Northville Ore Hill Pine Meadow Pleasant Valley Plymouth Plymouth Hollow Roxbury Salisbury Sharon South Canaan South Farms South Kent South Norfolk Southville Terrysville Torringford Torrington Warren Washington Watertown West Cornwall Wesh Goshen West Norfolk West Winsted Winchester Winchester Centre Wol cottville Woodbury Woodville Middlesex co. Centre Brook Chester Clinton Cobalt Cromwell Deep River Durham Durham Centre East Haddam East Hampton Essex Haddam (c h) Haddam Neck Higganum Killingworth Leesville Middlefield Middle Haddam Middletown (c h) Moodus Portland Saybrook Say brook Ferry West Brook Winthrop New Haven co. Ansonia Beacon Falls Bethany Branford Cheshire Derby East Haven Fair Haven Guilford Hamden ■Madison . Meriden Middlebury Milford Mount Carmel Naugatuck New Haven (e h) North Branford Northford North Guildford North Haven North Madison Oaltville Orange Oxford Prospect Seymour South Britain Southbury Southford Stoney Creek W allingford Waterbury Waterville West Chester West Haven West Meriden Westville Wolcott Zoar Bridge New London co. Bozrah Bozrahville Centre Groton Chesterfield East Lyme Colchester Gales' Ferry Gardner's Lake Greenville Griswold Groton Hadlyme Hamburgh Jewett City Lebanon Ledyard Liberty Hill Lisbon Lord's Bridge Lyme Montville Mystic Mystic Bridge Mystic River New London (c h) Niantic Noank North Franklin North Lyme North Stonington Norwich (o h) Norwich Town Pendleton Hill Poquanoo Bri Poquetanuck Preston Salem South Lyme Stonington Uncasville W aterford West Cheshire Yantic Tolland co. Andover Bolton Columbia Coventry Coventry Depot Eagleville Ellington Gilead Gurleyville Hebron Mansfield Mansfield Centre Mansfield Depot Mashapang Merrow StationJ Moose Meadow North Somers Quarryville Roekville Somers Somersville South Covantry Spring Hill Square Pond Stafford Stafford Springs Staffordville Tolland (c h) Union Vernon Vernon Depot West Stafford West Willington Willington Windham co. Abington Ashford Brooklyn (o h) Campbell's Mills Canterbury Central Village Chaplin Collamer Eastford East Killingly East Woodstock Fishersville Hampton Killingly Moosop New Boston North Ashford North Killingly North Windham" North Woodstock Oneco Phocnixville Plainfield Pomfret Pomfret Landing Putnam Scotland South Killingly South Windham Sterling Sterling Hill Thompson Voluntown West Ashford Westford West Killingly Westminster West Woodstock Willimantio Windham Woodstock NEW YORK. Albany co. Albany (c h) Berne Bethlehem Centre Boght Callanan's Corners Cedar Hill Clarksville Coeymans Coeymans Hollow Cohoes Cooksburgh Dormansville Dunns ville East Berne Green Island Guilderland Guilderland Cen¬ tre Indian Fields Ireland Corners Keefer's Corners Knowersville Knox Lisha's Kill Medusa New Salem New Scotland Newton ville . Norman's Kill Potter's Hollow Preston Hollow Reidsville Rensselaerville South Berne South Westerlo Union Church Watervliet Centre Westerlo West Township West Troy Allegany co. Alfred Alfred Centre Allen Allen Centre Alma Almond Andover Angelica (c h)' Belfast Belvidere Birdsall Black Creek Bolivar Burns Caneadea Centre Almond Centreville Ceres Chautauque Val¬ ley Cuba Elm Valley Fillmore Friendship Granger Grove Hallsport Houghton Creek Hume Independence Little Genesee Mills' Mills New Hudson Nile North Almond Oramel Phillipsville Phillips' Creek Richburgh Roekville Rushford Scio Seymour Short Tract South Bolivar Spring Mills Swainsville Transit Bridge Wells ville West Almond West Clarksville West Genesee Whitesville Whitney's Cross¬ ing Whitney's Valley Willing Wirt Wiscoy Broome co. Barker Binghampton (c h) Castle Creek Castle Creek Cor¬ ners Centre Lisle Centre Village Chenango Chenango Forks J Colesville Conklin Conklin Centre Corbettsville East Maine Glen Aubrey Harpersvilla Hawleyton Hooper Killawog Kirkwood Lisle Maine Nanticoke Spring! New Ohio Ninevah 8 POST OFFICES NEW YORK. Osborne Hollow Port Cra'ne Randolph Centre Sanford Susquehannah Tracy Creek Triangle Union TJnion Centre Unitaria Upper Lisle Vallonia Springs Vestal Vestal Centre West Colesville West Windsor Witney's Point Windsor Cattaraugus co. Allegany Ashford Buck Tooth Cadiz Cottage Dayton East Ashford East Otto East Randolph Eddysville Elgin Ellicottsville (c h) Elton Fairview Farmersville Five Mile Run Franklinville Freedom Gowanda Great Valley Haskell Flatts Hinsdale Humphrey Ischua Kill Buck Leon Limestone Little Valley Machias Napoli New Albion Olean Onoville Otto Perrysburgh Plato Portville Randolph Rawson Sandusky Sociality Sugartown Ten Mile Spring Tuna Versailles West Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Centre Cayuga co. Auburn (c h) Aurelius Auroro Cato Cayuga Conquest Dresserville East Genoa East Venice Fair Haven Five Corners Fleming Fosterville Genoa Glen Haven Ira Kelloggsville King's Ferry Ledyard Levanna Locke Martville Meridian Montezuma Moravia Niles North Sterling Owasco Owasco Lake Pantico Poplar Ridge Port Byron Scipio Scipioville Semproniua Sennet Sherwood's Sterling Summer Hill The Square Throopsville Union Springs Venice Victory Weedsport W estbury Chautauque co. Arkwright Arkwright Sum¬ mit Barcelona Blockville Brigham Busti Centre Sherman Charlorte Centre Cherry Creek Clear Creek Clymer De Wittville Dunkirk Ellery Ellery Centre Ellington Falconer Fentonville Findley's Lake Fluvanna Forestville Fredonia French Creek Frewsburgh Friends Gerry Hamlet Harmony Hartfield Irving 3 amestown Kiantone Laona Levant Magnolia Marvin Mayville (c h) Mina Nashville Oregon Panama Poland Centre Portland Ripley Salem Cross Roads Sheridan Sherman Silver Creek Smith's Mills South Stockton Stedman Stockton Towerville Van Buren Harbor Vermont Villanova Volusia W estfield Chemung co. Baldwin Beaver Dams Big Flats Breesport Catlin Centre Chemung Chemung Centre Elmira Erin Green Hill Horseheads Mill Port North Chemung Pine Valley Post Creek Seely Creek South Erin Southport State Road Sullivanville Van Ettenville Veteran Webb's Mills Wellsburgh Chenango co. Ayrshire Bainbridge Bennettsville Cheshirerille Church Hollow Columbus Coventry Coventry ville East German East Greene East Guildford East McDonough East Pharsalia Gcnegantslet German Greene Guilford Guilford Centre King's Settlement Linklaen McDonough Mount Upton New Berlin New Berlin Centre North Linklaen North Norwich North Pharsalia North Pitcher Norwich (c h) Otselic Oxford Pharsalia Pitcher Pitcher Springs Plymouth Preston Rockdale Sherburne Smithville Flats Smyrna South Bainbridge South New Berlin South Otselic South Oxford South Pitcher South Plymouth West Bainbridge White's Store Clinton co. ^ Beekmantowa Black Brook Cadyville Champlain Chazy Churubuseo Clintonville Dannemora East Beekmantown Ellenburgh Ellenburgh Centre Frontier Garlick Falls Ingraham Mooer's Moore's Forks Morrisonville New Sweden Perry's Mills Perce Plattsburgh (c h) Redford Rouse's Point Saranac Schuyler's Falls Sciota Union Falls Valcour West Chazy West Plattsburgh Columbia co. An cram Ancram Lead Mines Austerlits Canaan Canaan Centre Canaan Four Cor¬ ners Chatham Chatham Centre Chatham Four Cor¬ ners Churchtown Claverack ( Clermont Copake Iron Works East Chatham Elizaville Flat Brook Gallatinville Germantowa Ghent Glenco Mills Green River Harlemville Hillsdale Hudson (c h) Kinderhook Livingston Maiden Bridge Martindale Depot Mellenville Moffett's Store New Britain New Lebanon New Lebanon Cen tre New Lebanon Springs Niver ville North Chatham North Copake Philmont Smoky Hollow Spencertown Stockport Stuyvesant Stuyvesant's Falls Taghkanick Valatie West Taghkanick Cortlandt co. Blodgett Mills Cincinnatus Cortland Village (c h) Cuyler East Homer East Scott East Virgil Freetown Corners Harford Homer Hunt's Corners Keeney's Settle¬ ment Lapeer Little York McGraw ville Marathon Messengerville Preble Scott Solon South Cortlandt Taylor Texas Valley Truxton Union Valley Virgil Willet Delaware co. Andes Barbourville Batavia Kill Bloomville Bovina Brushland Cabin Hill Cadosia Valley Cannonsville Clark's Factory Clovesville Colchester Oroton Davenport Davenport Centre Delhi (c h) Deposit Downsville East Branch Ferguson ville Franklin Griffin's Corners Halcottsville Hale' .s-,Eddy Hamden Hancock Harpersfield Harvard Hobart Kortright Lordsville Lumberville Margarettville Masonville Meredith Moresville New Kingston New Road North Franklin North Hamden North Harpersfield North Kortright Ouleont Partridge Island Pepaction Roxbnry Shavertown Sidney Sidney Centre Sidney Plains South Kortridge Stamford Stockport Station Stratton's Fall Trout Creek W alton West Brook West Davenport West Meredith Dutchess co. Adriance Amenia Amenia Union Arthursburgh Attlebury Bangall Barnegat Barrytown Beekman Bull's Head Campbell ville Carthage Landing Chesnut Ridge City Clinton Corners Clinton Hollow Clove Crouse's Store Crum Elbow Dover East Fishkill Farmer's Hill Federal Store Fishkill POST OFFICES NEW YORK. 9 Fishkill Landing Fishkill Plains Freedom Plains Glenham Green Haven Hart's Village Hibernia Hughsonville Hull's Mill Hyde Park Jackson Corners Jonsonville La Fayetteville La Grangeville Leedsville Lithgow Little Rest Locust Glen Mabbetts ville Manchester Bridge Mansfield Matteawan Milan New Hackensack New Hamburgh North East North East Cen¬ tre North East Station Oblong Oswego Village Pawling Pine Plains Pleasant Plains Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Valley Poughkeepsie (e h) Poughquag Pulver's Corners Quaker Hill Red Hook Rhinebeck Rock City Salt Point S chultzville Sharon Station Slate Dock South Amenia South Dover Sprout Creek Staatsburgh Stanfordville Storm ville Tivoli TJpper Red Hook V erbank Wappinger's Falls Washington Washington Hol¬ low Wassaic Wing's Station 4 Erie co. Akron Alden Big Tree Corners Black Rock Black Rock Dam Boston Bowmansville Brant Buffalo (c h) Buffalo Plains Cheektowaga Clarence Clarence Centre Clarksburgh Golden Collins Collins Centre. Crittenden East Amherst East Aurora East Eden East Evans East Hamburgh Eden Eden Valley Bggertsyille Elma Ellicott Evans Evans Centre Sta¬ tion Farnham Four Mile Creek Glenwood Grand Island Griffin's Mills Hamburgh Hamburgh on the Lake Harris Hill Holland Lancaster Longford Looneyville Marilla Marshfield Mill Grove Morton's Corners New Oregon North Boston North Clarence North Evans Patchin Pontiac Red Jacket Sardinia Shirley South Wales Spring Brook Springville Tonawanda Town Line Wales Wales Centre Water Valley West Falls West Seneca West Seneca Cen¬ tre Westwood White's Corners Williamsville Willink Wins pear Woodward's Hol¬ land Essex co. Au Sable Forks Bloomingdale Crown Point Dead Water Iron Works Elizabethtown(ch) Essex Jay Keene Keeseville Lewis Minerva Moriah New Russia North Elba North Hudson Olmstedville Port Henry Port Kendall Port Kent Schroon Lake Schroon River Ticonderoga Upper Jay Wadham's Mills W estport Whallonsburgh Willsborough Wilmington Franklin co. Andrusville Bangor Bombay Brush's Mills Burke Chateaugay Lake Cook's Corner Dickinson Dickinson Centre Duane East Constable Fort Covington Franklin Falls Hogansburgh Malone (o h) Merrillsville Moira North Bangor North Burke Saranac Lake South Bombay Trout River Vermontville West Bangor West Constable Fulton co. Bleeker Broadalbin Cranberry Creek Crum Creek Ephratah Garoga Gloversville Johnstown (ch) Keek's Centre Kings borough Lassellsville Lotville Mayfield Mill's Corners Newkirk's Mills Northampton North Broadalbin Northville Oppenheim Osborn's Bridge Perth Rockwood Sammonsville Stratford Union Mills Vail's Mills Westbush West Gal way West Perth Whitesburgh Genesee co. Alabama Alexander Batavia (c h) Bethany Brookville Byron Corfu Darien Darien Centre East Bergen East Bethany East Elba East Pembroke Elba Le Roy Linden Morganville North Bergen North Pembroke Oakfield Pavilion Pavilion Centre Pembroke Roanoke South Alabama South Byron Stafford Stone Church West Batavia West Bergen West Bethany Greene co. Acra Ashland Athens Big Hollow Bushnellsville Cairo Catskill (c h) Cornwallville Coxsackie Durham East Durham East Jewett East Windham Gayhead Greenvill Heusonville Hunter Jewett Centre Kiskatom Leeds Lexington Medway New Baltimore Norton Hill Oak Hill Palenville Prattsville Red Falls South Cairo South Durham Tannersville Union Society West Kill West Lexington Windham Centre Hamilton co. Benson Benson Centre Gilman Hope Centre Hope Falls Lake Pleasant Morehouseville (c h) Sageville Wells Herkimer co. Booth Brockett's Bridge Cedar Lake Cedarville Cold Brook Columbia Crain's Corners Danube Denison Devereaux East Creek East Schuyler Eatonville Fairfield Frankfort Frankfort Hill Gravesville Graysville Herkimer (c h) Ilion Jordan ville Litchfield Little Falls Manheim Centre Middleville Mohawk New Graefenberg Newport Newville North Winfield Norway Ohio Page's Corners Paine's Hollow Poland Russia Salisbury Salisbury Centre South Columbia Starkville Van Homes ville Warren West Schuyler West Winfield Wilmurt Winfield Jefferson co. Adams Centre Alexandria Antwerp Belleville Black River Brownville Burr's Mills Cape Vincent Carthage Champion Champion South Roads Chaumont Clayton Clayton Centre Depauville Dexter East Houndsfield East Rodman Ellisburgh Evans' Mills Felt's Mills Great Bend Henderson La Fargevslle Le Rays ville Limerick Lorraine Mannsville Military Road Millen's Bay| Narrows Natural Bridge North Adams North Wilna Omar Orleans Four Cor¬ ners Oxbow Pamelia Four Cor¬ ners Perch River Philadelphia Pierrepont Manor Pillar Point Plesis Point Peninsula Redwood Roberts' Corner Rodman Rural Hill Rutland Sacket's Harbor Saint Lawrence Sanford's CorneTS Smithville South Rutland Sterlingville Stone Mills Stowell's Corners Theresa Three Mile Bay Wardwell Watertown (c h) West Theresa Wilna Woodville Worthville Kings co. Brooklyn (c h Canarsie Cresco East New To Flatbush (c h) Flatlands Fort Hamilton Gravesend Green Point New Utrecht Williamsburgh Lewis co. Barnes' Corners Brantingham Collinsville Constableville Copenhagen Croghan Cronk's Corners Deer River Denmark Diana Glensdale Greig 10 POST OFFICES NEW YORK. Harrisburgh High Market Houseville Indian River Ley den Lowville Lyonsdale Lyons' Falls Martinsburgh (c h) Montague Naumburgh New Boston New Bremen Osceola Pinkney Port Leyden South Harrisburgh Sterling Bush Turin Watson West Leyden West Lowville West Martinsburgh Livingston co. Avon Brooks' Grove Byersville Caledonia Conesus Conesus Centre Cuylerville Dansville East Avon East Groveland East Hill East Spring water Geneseo (eh) Gibsonville Greigsville Groveland Groveland Centre Hemlock Lake Hunt's Hollow Inverness Kysonville Lakeville Lima Livonia Livonia Station Moscow Mount Morris North Sparta Nunda Nunda Station Oakland Piffard Ridge River Road Forks Scotts burgh South Avon South Lima South Livonia Sparta Spring Water Tuscarora Union Corners York Bennet's Corners Bouckville Bridgeport Brookfield Canastota Cazenovia Chitt'enango Chittenango Falls Cloekville Oowasejon De Lancey De Ruyter Earlville East Hamilton Eaton Erieville Fenner Georgetown Hamilton Hubbard's Corners L&keport Lebanon Lenox Leonardsville Madison Morrisville (c h) Munsville Nelson New Woodstock North Brookfield Oneida Oneida Lake Oneida Valley Perryville Peter boro' Pine Woods Pooleville Pratt's Hollow Shed's Corners Siloam Solsville South Brookfield South Hamilton Stockbridge Sullivan Wampsville West Eaton Monroe co. Adams' Basin Brighton Broekport Bushnel's Basin Charlotte Chili Churchville Clarkson Clarkson Centre Clifton East Clarkson East Penfield Egypt Fairport Gates Greece Handford's Land¬ ing Henrietta Honeoye Falls Irondequoit Mendon Mendon Centre Mumford North Chili North Clarkson North Greece North Parma Ogden Parma Parma Centre Penfield Pittsford Riga Rochester (c h) Rush Salmon Creek Scottsville South Greece Spencerport Sweden Webster West Brighton West Greece West Henrietta West Rush West Webster Wheatland Montgomery co. Ames Amsterdam Auriesville Buel Burtonsville Canaioharie Charleston Charleston Four Corners Cranesville Flat Creek Fonda (c h) Fort Huntej Fort Plain Frey's Bush Fulton ville Glen Hagaman's Mills Hallsville Minaville Minden Mindenville Otsquago Palatine Palatine Bridge Port Jackson Root Saint Johnsville Scotch Bush Spraker's Basin Sprout Brook Stone Arabia Tribes Hill New York co. Haerlem King's Bridge Manhattanville New York Washington Heights Yorkville Niagara co. Bergholtz Cambria Coomer County Line Dickersonville East Porter East Wilson Gas port Hartland Hess Road Hickory Corners Johnson's Creek Lake Road La Salle Lewiston Lockport (c h) Locust Tree Mapleton Martinsville Middleport Mount Cambria Newfane Niagara Falls North Ridge North Wilson Olcott Orange Port Pekin Pendleton Pendleton Centre Ransomville Rapids Reynale's Basin Royal ton Shawnee Somerset South Pekin South Royal ton South Wilson Suspension Bridge Walmore . West Somerset Wilson's Wright's Corners Youngstown Oneida co. Alder Creek Augusta Ava Babcock Hill Big Brook Blossvale Booneville Bridgewater Camden Cassville Clark's Mills Clayville Clinton Deansville Deerfield Delta Durham ville East Florence Florence Floyd Forest Port Glenmore Hawkinsville Hecla Works Higginsville Hillsboro' Hill Side Holland Patent Hurlbutville Kirkland Knox Corners Lairdsville Lee Lee Centre Lowell McConnellsville' Marcy New Hartford New London New White Lake New York Mills North Bay North Bridgewater North Gage North Western Oneida Castle Oriskany Oriskany Falls Paris Prospect Remsen Rome (c h) Sangerfield Sauquoit Sconondoa South Trenton Stanwix State Bridge Steuben Stitt ville Stokes Taberg Trenton Trenton Falls Utica Vernon V ernon Centre Verona Verona Depot Verona Mills Vienna Walesville W ashing ton Mills Waterville West Branch West Camden Westernville Westmoreland West Vienna Whitestown (c h) Onondaga co. Amber Apulia Baldwinsville Belle Isle Borodino Brewertou Camillus Canal Cardiff Cicero Clay Collamer Delphi De Witt Elbridge Euclid Fabius Fair Mount FayettevilH Geddes Hart Lot Howlet Hill Jack's Reef J am es villa Jordon Kirkville La Payette Lamson's Linn Liverpool Lvsander Aland ana Manlius Manlius Centre - Manlius Statioa Marcellus Marcellus Falls Marietta Messina Springs Mottville Navarino North Manlius Onondaga Onondaga Castle Onondaga Valley Oran Otisco Plainville Plank Road Polkville Pompey Pompey Centra Salina Skaneateles South Onondaga Spafford Spafford Hollow Syracuse (c h) Thorn Hill Three River Point Tully Van Buren Van Buren Centre Vesper W atervale West Onondaga Ontario co. Academy Allen's Hill Bristol Bristol Centre Canadice Canandaigua (o h) Centrefi eld Chapin ville Cheshire Clifton Springs East Bloomfield East Farmington Farmington Fishers Flint Creek Geneva Gorham Gypsum Hall's Corners ► Honeove Hopewell Hopewell Centre Manchester Manchester CentM Naples , North Bloomfield Norton's Mills Oaks' Corner Orleans Phelps Port Gibson Reed's Corners Richmond Nills Seneca Castle Shortsville South Bristol Stanley Corners TaylorsvUle Victor West Bloomfield West Farmington Orange to. Amity Bell vale Blooming Grov# Bull Ville POST OFFICES NEW YORK. 11 Buttermilk Fall Centre Point Chester Cirdeville Coldenham Cornwall Craigsville Cuddebackville Edenville Florida Fort Montgomery Goshen (t h) Greenwood Works Highland Mills Howell's Depot Huguenot Little Britain Middle Hope Middletown Minisink Monroe Monroe Works Montgomery Moodna Morton ville Mount Hope Newburgh (oh) New Hampton New Milford Otisville Ottervijle Oxford Depot Pine Bush Port Jervis Cartersville Caughdenoy Central Square Cleaveland Colosse Constantia Constantia Centre Dugway Fulton Gilbert's Mills Granby Centre Greensboro' Hannibal Hannibal Centre Hastings Hastines Centre Hinmansville Kinney's Four Corners Mexico Minetto Molino New Centreville New Haven Orwell Oswego (e h) Oswego Falls Palermo Parish Pennellville Phoenix Port Ontario Pulaski Redfield Salmon River Sand Bank Sandy Creek Scriba Seneca Hill South Albion South Granby South Hannibal South Richland South West Oswego Texas Union Settlement Union Square Vermillion Yolney West Amboy West Monroe Williamstown Otsego co. Burlington Burlington Flats Butternuts Centre Brook Chaseville Cherry Valley Colliersville Cooperstown (c h) Decatur East Edmeston East Springfield East Worcester Edmeston Exeter Fly Creek Garrattsville Hartwick Hartwick Semi¬ nary Laurens Maple Grove Maryland May Flower Middlefield Middlefield Centre Millford Movies Mount Vision New Lisbon Oaksville Oneonta Otego Otsego Lake Otsdawa Pittsfield Plgasant Brook Portlandville Richfield Richfield Springs Roseboom Salt Sprineville Schenevus Schuyler's Lake South Edmeston South Hartwick South Valley South Worcester Spooner's Corners Springfield Springfield Centre Toddsville Unadilla Unadilla Centre Unadilla Forks West Burlington West Edmeston West Exeter West ford West Laurens West Oneonta Westville Worcester Putnam co. Brewster's Station Carmel (c h) Cold Spring Dykeman's Farmer's Mills Garrison's Haviland Hollow Kent Ludingtonville Mahopac Mill town Patterson Red Mills South East Towner.s Qneens co. Astoria Brushville Buckram Cedar Swamp East Norwich Farmingdale Flushing Freeport Glen Cove Hempstead Hempstead Branch Hicksville Jamaica Jericho Jerusalem South Manhasset Maspeth Merrick Newtown North Hempstead (eh) Oyster Bay Ravensburgh Rockaway Rockville Centre Roslyn South Oyster Bay Syossett Woodhaven Rensselaer eo. Alps Berlin Brainard Castleton Centre Berlin Cropseyville Defriestville Eagle Bridge Eagle Mills East Grafton East Greenbush East Nassau East Poestenkill East Shodack Grafton Greenbush Haynerville Hoag's Corner Hoosick Hoosick Fall Johnsonville Junotion Lansingburgh Nassau North Hoosick North Nassau North Stephen- town Petersburgh Petersburgh Four Corners Pittstown Poestenkill Potter Hill Quacken Kill Raymertown Sand Lake Schaghticoke Schodack Centre Schodack Depot Schodack Landing South Berlin Sout}i Sand Lake South Schodack South Stephentown Stephentown Tomhannock Troy (c h) Valley Falls West Berlin West Hoosick West Sandlake West Stephentown Wynantskill Richmond co. Bentley Lemon Creek Long Neck Marshland New Crighton New Springvillo North Shore Port Richmond Richmond (c h) Richmond Valley Rossville South Side Stapleton Tompkinsville Rockland co. Blauveltville Clarkstown (c 1>) Haverstraw Monsey Nanuet North Haverstraw Nyack Nyack Turnpike Piermont Ramapo Works Rockland Lake Sloatsburgh Spring Valley Tappantown St. Lawrence. Black Lake Brasher Falls Brasher IronWorks Brier Hill Buck's Blridge Canton (e h) Chase's Mills Colton Crary's Mills De Kalb De Peyster East De Kalb East Picrpont East Pitcairn Eden ton Edwards Edwardsville Fine Flaokrille Fowler Fullersville Works Gouverneur Hammond Helena Hermon Heuvelton Hopkinton Lawrencerille Lisbon Lisbon Centre Louisville Louisville Landing Macomb Madrid Madrid Depot Massena Massena Centre Morley Morristoivn Nichol ville Norfolk North Lawrence North Potsdam North Russell North Stockham Oak Point Ogdensburgh Parishville Pierpont Pitcairn Pope's Mills Potsdam Racket River Raymondville Renssalaer Falls Riehville Rossie Russell Shingle Creek Somerville South Colton South Edward South Potsdam Southville Stockholm Stockholm Depot W addington W egatchie West Fowler West Potsdam West Stockholm Saratoga eo. Ballston (eh) Ballston Centre Barkersville Bemus' Heights Burnt Hills Charlton Clifton Park Corinth Covevilla Crescent Day Dean's Corners Dry Dock East Gal way East Line Edinburgh Edinburgh Centre Fortsville Galway Gansevoort Grangerville Greenfield Centre Groom's Corners Hadley Half Moon Jonesville Ketcham's Corner Malta Maltaville Mechanicsville Middle Grove Moreau Station Mosherville Mount Pleasant North Galway North Greenfield Northumberland 12 POST OFFICES NEW YORK. Pope's Corners Porter's Corners Providence Quaker Springs Rexford Flats Rock City Mills Saratoga Springs Schuylersville South Corinth South Gal way South Glenn's Falls Stillwater Victory Mills Vischer's Ferry Water ford West Charlton West Day West Greenfield West Hadley West Milton West Providence Whiteside's Cor- Schenectady co. Braman's Corners Duanesburgh East Glenville' Glennville Hoffman's Ferry Mariaville North Duanesburgh Princetown Quaker Street Schenactady (c h) Scotia Schoharie co. Argosville Barnerville Barton Hill Breakabeen Broome Centre Carlisle Central Bridge Charlotteville Cobleskill Cobleskill Centre* Conesville East Cobleskill Eminence Engellville Esperanee Franklinton Fultonham Gallupville Gardensville Gilboa Grovenor's Corners Hunter's Land Hyndsville Jefferson Lawyersville Leesville Livingstonville Lutheranville Manor Kill Middl eburgh Mine Kill Falls Morseville North Blenheim Kichmondville Schoharie (c h) Seward Shuron Sharon Centre Sharon Springs Shutter's Corners Sloansville South Gilboa Summit Waldensville W arnerville West Fulton West Gilboa [ville West Richmond- Schuyler co. Alpine Altay Burdett Catharine Cayuta Cayvtaville Croton Corners Havanna (c h) Hector Logan Mecklenburgh Moreland Mount Washington North Hector Odessa Orange Pine Grove Reading Reading Centre Reynoldsville Searsburgh Seneca Sugar Hill Townsend Tyrone W atkins West Cayuta W eston Seneca, co. Covert Cruso East Varick Farmer Fayette Junius Kidder's Ferry Lodi Lodi Centre Ovid It omul 713 Romulus Centre Rose Hill Seneca Falls Sheldrake Townsendville Trumansburgh Landing Tyre varick Waterloo (oh) West Fayette West Junius Steuben co. Addison Addison Hill Arkport Avoca Bath (c h) Bennett's Creek Big Creek Bonny Hill Bradford Buena Vista Cameron Cameron Mills Campbell town Canisteo Caton Centre Canisteo Cohocton Cooper's Plains Corning Crosbyville Derby Doty's Corner East Painted Post East Troupsburg Gibson Goff's Mills Greenwood Haskinville Hedgesville Hornby Hornellsville Howard Jasper Kanona Lindleytown Loon Lake Mitchellville North Cameron North Cohocton North Reading North XJrbana Painted Post Pelt"nville Prattsburgh Pultney Purdy Creek Rathboneville Rexville Risingville Riker's Hollow Rough and Ready SaVona Sonora South Addison South Bradford' South Dansville South Hill South Howard South Pultney South Thurston South Troupsburgh Stephens' Mills Thurston Towlesville Troupsburgh IT rbana Wallace Wayland Depot Wayne Wayne Four Cor¬ ners West Addison West Cameron West Greenwood West Jasper West Troupsburgh West Union Wheeler Wileysville Woodhull Young Hickory Suffolk co. Amagansett Amityville Babylon Baiting Hollow Bell Port Bine Point Bridgehampton Centre Moriches Centreport Cold Spring Har¬ bor Commack Coram Cutchogue Deer Park Dix Hills East Hampton East Marion East Moriches Fireplace Flanders Fresh Pond Good Ground Greenport Hauppauge Huntington Islip Jamesport Lakeland Manorville Mattituck Middle Island Miller's Place Moriches Mount Sinai New Village North port Orient Patchogue Penataquit Port Jefferson Quogue River Head Sag Harbor Saint James Sayville Seatuek Selden Setauket Shelter Island Smithtown Smithtown Branch Southampton South Haven Southold Speonk Springs Stony Brook Success Thompson's Sta¬ tion Upper Aquebogue Wading River West Hills West Southold Yaphank Sullivan co. Barryville Beaver Brook Beaver Kill Beech Wood Bethel Bloomingburgh Bridgeville Burlingham Bushville Claryville Cochecton Cochecton Centre Collicoon Collieoon Depot Delaware Bridge Fallsburgh Forestburgh Fosterdale Fremont Fremont Centre Gales Glen Wild Grahamsville Hasbrouck Homowack Jeffersonville L iberty Liberty Falls Loch Sheldrake Long Eddy Low's Corner Lumberland Mamakating Mongaup Mongaup Valley Monticello (c h) Morsston Narrowsburgh Neversink North Branch ParksVille Phillipsport Pike Pond Pond Eddy Purvis Robertsonville Rockland Sandburgh Shin Creek Stevensville Thompsonville West Brookville White Lake Woodbourne Wnrtsboro' Youngsville Tioga co. Apalachin Barton Berkshire Campville Candor Canfield's Corner Catatonk East Berkshire East Candor Factoryville Flemingsville Halsey Valley Hooper's Valley Jenks ville Ketchum ville Newark Valley Nichols North Barton Owego (c h) Richford Shepherd's Creek Smithsboro' South Owego Spencer Strait's Corners Tioga Centre Waverly Wei ton ville West Candor West Newark West Richford Willsey ville Wilson Creek Tompkins co. Bennettsburgh Caroline Caroline Centre Dan by Dryden East Lansing Enfield Enfield Centre Etna Forest City Groton Groton City Ithaca (eh) Jacksonville Lake Ridge Lansingville Ludlow rille McLean Mott's Corners Newfield North Lansing Peruville Pugsley's Depot Slaterville South Dan by South Lansing Speeds ville Trumansbureh Trumbull Corners Ulysses Varna Waterburgh W est Daoby West Dryden West Groton Ulster co. Accord Amesville Arnoldton Bearsville Bruynswick Clintondale Denning Ellen ville Esopus Fly Mountain Galevilie Mills Glasco Greenfield High Falls Hurley Jamesburgh Kerhonkson Kingston (c h) Krippelbush Kyserike Lackawack Lake Hill Liberty ville Loyd Maiden Marbletown Marlboro' Milton Modena Napanock New Hurley New Palti N ew Palta Landing Olive POST OFFICES NEW JERSEY. 13 Olive Bridge Phoenicia Pine Hill Plattekille Quarryville Bed Bridge River Side Eondout Rosendale Somsonville Saugerties Shandaken Shawangunk Shokan Stone Ridge The Corner Tuthill Ulsterville Wawarsing West Camp West Hurley West Shandaken Woodland Woodstock Warren co. Athol Boltou Caldwell (e h) Chestertown Creek Centre French Mountain Glenn's Falls Hague Horicon Johnsburgh Luzerne Mill Brook North Creek North River Pottersville Ru-ens bury Stony Creek The Glen Thurman Wardboro' Warrensburgh Adamsville Anaquasscook Argyle Bald Mountain Battenville Belcher Buskirk's Bridge Cambridge Centre Cambridge CentreWhite Creek Coila Comstock's Land¬ ing East Greenwich Easton East Salem Fort Ann Fort Edward Fort Edward Cen¬ tre Fort Miller Galesville Granville Greenwich Griswold's Mills Hampton Hartford Hebron Jackson Kingsbury Lake Low Hampton Middle Granville North Argyle North Cambridge North Easton North Granville North Greenwich North Hebron North White Creek Patten's Mills Putnam Salem (c h) Sandy Hill (c h) Shushan Slateville Smith's Basin South Argyle South Easton South Granville South Hartford West Fort Ann West Hebron White Creek Whitehall Wayne co. Alton Arcadia Clyde East Palmyra Fairville Huron Joy Lock Berlin Lyons Mace don Macedon Centre Marengo Marion Newark Ontario Palmyra Port Glasgow Pultneyville Red Creek Rose Savannah Sodus Sodus Centre Sodus Point South Butler South Sodus W al worth West Butler West Macedon West Wal worth Williamson Wolcott Westchester co. Armonk Bedford (c h) Bedford Station Boutonville Bronxville Chappaqua Cross River Croton Falls Croton Landing Crugers Dobbs' Ferry East Chester Fordham Golden's Bridge Harrison Hastings up n Hudson Irvington Jefferson Valley Katonah Kensico Lewisboro' Mamaroneck Moringville Morrisania Mott Haven Mount Kisko Mount Vernon Neperan New Castle New Rochelle North Castle North Salem Peekskill Pelham Pine's Bridge Pleasantville Port Chester Poundridge Purdy's Station Rye Salem Centre Scarsdale Shrub Oak Sing Sing Somers South Salem South Yonkers Spuyten Duyvil Tarrytown Tuckahoe Verplank Vista West Chester West Farms West Somers White Plains (c h) 'Williams' Bridge Yonkers Yorktown Wyoming co. Attica Attica Centre I'ennington Castile China Covington Cowlesville Dale Eagle Eagle Village East China East Gainesville East Java East Koy East Orangeville Fast Pike East Warsaw Folsomdale Gainesville Hermitage Java Java Centre Java Village Johnsonsburgh La Grange North Java North Sheldon North Wethersfield Orangeville Pearl Creek Peoria Perry Perry Centre Pike Portageville Saint Helena Sheldon South Warsaw Strykersville Varysburgh Warsaw (c h) Wethersfield W ethersfield Springs Wyoming Yates co. Barrington Benton Benton Centre Big Stream Point Branch Port Dundee Fddytown Ferguson's Corners Italy Hill Italy Hollow Middlesex Milo Milo Centre Penn Yan (c h) Potter Rock Stream Rushville Sherman's Hollow Starkey Voak West Dresden Yatesville NEW JERSEY. Atlantic co. Ahsecon Atlantic City Bargaintown Leed's Point May's Landing (c h) Port Republic Smith's Landing Somer's Point Weymouth Bergen co. English Neighbor¬ hood Fort Lee Godwinville Hackensack (c h) Lod! New Prospect Paskack Ramsey's Saddle River Schroalenburgh Spring Valley Burlington co. Arneytowa Batsto Beverly Bordentown Bridgeboro' Brown's Mills Burlington Cinnaminson Columbus Cooks town Crosswicks Fellowship Florence Green Bank Georgetown Haines' Port Harrisville Jacksonville Jacobstown Jobs town Juliustown Lower Bank Lumberton Marlton Medford Moorestown Mount Holly (c h) Mount Laurel New Gretna New Lisbon Palmyra Pemberton Progress Rancoca3 Reckless town Tuckerton Vincento wn Wrights town Camden co. Blackwoodtown Camden (c h) Chew's Landing Cross Keys Eilisburgh Glen Dale Gloucester Ci^y Haddonfield Long-a-Coming Mount Ephraim Waterford Works Williamstown Winslow Cape May co. Beesley's Point Cape Island Cape May (c h) Cold Spring Dennisville Dias Creek East Creek Fishing Creek Goshen Green Creek Petersburgh Seaville Townsend Inlet Tuckahoe Cumberland co. Bridgeton (c h) Cedarviile Deerfield Street Dividing Creek Ewing's Neck Fairton Greenwich Leesburg Mauricetown Millville Newport Port Elizabeth Roadstown Shiloh Essex County. Belleville Bloomfield Caldwell Craneville Elizabeth Port Elizabeth Feltville Franklin Irvington Livingston Lyon's Farm Mfillburn Newark (c h) New Providenoe Orange Plainfield Scotch Plains South Orange Springfield - Summit Union West Bloomfield Westfield Gloucester co. Barnsborough Bridgeport Carpenter's Land¬ ing Clarksboro' 14 POST OFFICES NEW JERSEY. Hunterdon co. Bloomsbury Baptistown Bethlehem Centreville Cherryville 0 larks villa Clinton Clover Hill Copper Hill Cokesburgh Croton Everittstown Fair Mount Flemington (o h) Frenchtown High Bridge Holland Kingwood Klinesville Lambertsville Lebanon Little York Milford Mount Pleasant New Germanto.wn New Hampton Perryville Pittstown Pottersville Quakertown Raven Rock Readington Reavilla Mercer cO. Dutch Neck Edinburgh Greensburgh Groveville Hamilton Square Hightstown Hopewell Lawrenceville Mount Rosa Pennington Port Mercer Princeton Robbinsville Titusville Trenton (c h) Van Hiseville "Windsor Woods ville Yardville Middlesex co. Cranberry J amesburgh Kingston Metuchen New Brunswick (ch) New Market Old Bridge Perth Amboy Plainsbo rough South Amboy South Brunswick South River Spotswood Woodbridge Monmouth co. Allentown Chanceville Chapel Hill Clarksburgh- . Black's Mills Colt's Neck Eatontown English town Farmingdale Fillmore Freehold (c h) Highlands of Nevi- sink Holmdel Howell Works Imlaystown Key Port Leedsville Long Branch Lower Squankum Manalapan Marlborough Middletown Middletown Point New Bedford New Sharon Ocean Port Perrineville Phalanx Pine Plaint Red Bank Riceville Shrewsbury Squam Village Tinton Falls Turkey Walnford Morris co. Berkshire Valley Boonton Budd's Lake Chatham Chester Den ville Dover DrakestoWtt Flanders German Valley Hanover Hanover Neck Long Hill Madison Mendham Millington Milton MorristoWn (o h) Neighborville Newfoundland New Vernon Pars i p puny Passale Valley Pine Brook Pleasant Grove Pompton Plains Rockaway Schooley's Mont'n Suckasunny Walnnt Grove W oodport Ocean co. Barnegat Bergen Iron Works Cedar Creek Cassville Forked River Francis Mills Hornerstown Jackson's Mills Manahawkin Metedeconk New Egypt Prospertown Point Pleasant Potter's Creek Shark River Squam Village Shelltown. Tom's River West Creek Wiretown Pnssaic co. Bloomingdale (kittle Falls Mead's Basin Paterson (c h) Pompton West; Milford Salem co, Allowaystown Canton Centreton . Eldridge's Hill Eliaer Hancock's Bridge Pedricktown Penn's Grove Pitt's Grove Salem (c h) Sculltown Sharptown Woodstown. Someret co. Baskenridge Beekman's Mills Blawenburgh Boundbrook Griggstown Harlingen Lesser Cross Roads Liberty Corner Martinsville Middlebush Millstone North Branch Peapack Pluckemin Raritan Rocky Hill Six Mile Run Somerville (e h) W arrenvilla W eston Sussex GO. Andover Augusta Beemerville Bevans Branchville Coles ville Deckertown Flatbrookville Franklin Furnace Freedon Gratitude Hainesville Hamburgh La Fayette Liberty ville Middleville Monroe Montague Mount Saleiil Newton (c h) Pepokating Pleasant Valley Sparta Stanhope Stillwater Stockholm Swartswood Tranquility Tuttle's Corner Vernon Wallpack Centre Waterloo W away anda Wykertown Warren co. Allamuchy Anderson Asbury Beatyestovrn Belvidere (eh) Blairstown Bridgeville Broadway Brotzmanville Calno CarpenterSvillff Columbia Danville HaekettstoWn Hainesburgh Harmony Hope Howard J ohnsonburgh Karrsville Marksborough Millbrook Mount Bethel Musconetcong New Village Oxford Furnace Paulina PhilllpstargK Polkville Ramsaysburgh Roeksburgh Serepta Stewarts ville Still Valley Townsbury Vienna^ Springtown Walnut Valley W ashington PB JflK SYLTiJIIA, Adams co. Abbottstown Arendtsville Bendersville Bermudiaa Bigler Cashtown East Berlin Fairfield Fountain Dale Gettysburgh (o h) Grafensburgh Green Mount Hampton HeidleTsburgh Hunterstown Littlestown McSherrystowa Menallen Mummiiaburgh New Chester New Oxford Round Hill Square Corner Table Rook Two Taverns York Sulphur Springs Alleghany co. Alleghany Antrim Arsenal Bakerstown Braddock Fields Buchanan Buena Vista Ciirriok Clinton Coal Valley Courtneyville Culmerville Dorseyville Duquesne Eakin Elizabeth Etna Fayette Gamble's Gill HaU Grfcen Tree Harmarville Herriottsville Hope Church Houston Hul ton Library Logan's Ferry McKeesport Monroeville Moon Mount Lebanon New Texas Noblestsown Perrysville Pittsburgh (o h) Port Perry Remington Rich Valley Rural Ridge Sewickly Bottom Sewicklyville Sharpsburgh Shirland Shoustown Sprine Dale Street's Run Surgeon's HaU Tally Covey Tarentum Temperaneeviile" Turtle Creek Upper Saint Clair Walker'3 Mills; West Elizabeth West Manchester Wexford White Ash Wilkins Wilkinsbnrgh- Woodville Armstrong-en. Adams- Apollo Belknap Blanket Hilt Brady's Bend- Brattonville Cochran's Mifll POST OFFICES PENNSYLVANIA. 15 Cowansvillfr Dayton Elaerton Freeporfc Kiskiminitas Kittaning (c h) Lawrenoebuxgh Leechburgh Oakland. Olivet Orrsville Phoenix Pine Township ■ Putneyville Bed Bank Furnace Rural Valley Scrub Grass Slate Lick South Bend Spring Church Worthington Beaver co. Baden Baker Bank Bearer (o h) Black Hawk Brighton Brush Creek Darlington Economy Fallston Frankfbrt Springs Freedom Georgetown: Hook3town Industry Kendall New Brighton New Galilee New Scottville New Sheffield North S-ewi&kly Ohio Parkison Poe Bo Chester Service Seventy Six Smith's Ferry Bedford co, Alaquippa Alum Bask Bedford (c h) Bloody Run Charlesville Chaneysville Clearville Cumberland Val'y Dry Ridge Dublin Mills. Blbinsyille Hopewell Mann's Choice Pattonville Rainsburgh, Ray's Hill Robinsonville Saint Clairsville Schellsburgh Six Mile Run Ttonerstown West End Woodbury Bering eOi Albany Baumstown, Bechtelsville Beckersville BernviUe Bethel Birdsboro' ' Bpy-erstown Etower BrumfieldrilJe Clayton Colebrookdale Coxtown Cross KiU MiHa JOftle Douglassville Dry villa Earlville Fetherolffsville Fredericksville Furnace Geiger's Mills Gouglersville Greshville Grimvilla Hamburgh Hereford Host Joanna Furnace Klinesville Knauer's Kutztown Kutzville Landis' Store Leesport Lenartsville Leinbach's Lobachsville Long Swamp Lower Bern Maiden Creek Manatawny Maxatawny Mohrsville Moll town Monterey Morgantown Moselem Mount Aetna New Jerusalem Oley Pike Township Pricetown Reading (c h) Rehrersburgh Robeson Seisholtzville Shartleysville Sinking Spring S pangs ville Stoners ville Stouchbrurgh Straustown Tuckertown Tulpehocoan TTmstead's Virginsville W ernersville W omelsdorf Blair co. Altoona Ante&town Arch Spring Clover Duncansville East Freedom Fostoria Frankstown Hollidaysbnrgh (ch) Martinsburgh Newry Sabbath Rest Sarah Sinking Valley Spang's Mills » Sringfield Furnace Tipton Tyrone Williamsburgh Yellow Spring Bradford co. Alba Asylum Athens (ch) Bently Cireek Browntown Burlington Camptown Canton Columbia Cross Roads Durell East Herrlck East Smithfteld East Springhill East Troy Edsallville Franklindale French's Mills Granville Granville Summit Havensville Herrick Herrickville Highland Hornbrook Laddsburgh Le Raysville Le Roy Lime Hill Linwood Litchfield Merryall Milan Monroeton Myersburgh New Albany North Orwell North Rome North Smithfield Old Hickory Orcutt Creek Orwell Overton Pike Potterville Ridgebnry Rome Summerfield Cr'k Sheshequin South Asylum South Creek South Hill South Warren Springfield Spring Hill Standing Stone Stevens ville Sugar Run Sylvania Tioga Valley Towanda (c h) Troy Ulster ' Warren Centre Warrenham West Burlington " West Franklin West Warren West W indham W indham Wyalusing Wysox Bucks co. Andalusia Applebachsville Attleboro' Redminster Bridge Valley Bridgewater Bristol Brownsburgh Buckingham Bucks ville Bunker Hill Bursonville Carversville Centre Bridge Banboro' Davisville Dolington Doylestown (c h) Dublin Durham Erwinna Fallsington Feasterville Hagersville Hart sville- Hilltown Hulmesville Kintnersville Lahaska Lumberville Mechanicsville Milford Square Morrisville New Hope Newportville Fewtown Oakford Ottsville Oxford Valley Pineville Pipersville Pleasant Valley Pleasantville Plumsteadville Point Pleasant Quakertown Richboro' Richlandtown Riegelsville Seller's Tavern Spinnerstown Springtown Steinsburgh Taylors ville Trumbaursville Tullytown Upper Black Eddy Warminster Warrington Whitehallville Wrightstown Yardley ville Butler co. Anandade Anderson's Mills Baldwin Barnhart's Mill Bovard's Store Breakneck Brownington Bruin Butler (c h) Coulterville Coyleville Glade Mills HaVm ony Harrisville Jacks ville McCandless Maple Furnace Middle Lancaster Murrinsville North Hope Ogle Petersburgh Portersville Prospect Riddle's Cross Roads Sarversvills Saxenburgh Slippery Rock Whitestown. • Zelienople Cambria co. Bemis Creek Bethel Station Carrolltown Chess Springs Creason Ebensburgh (c h) Fallen Timber Gallitzin Hemlock Johnstown Loretto Mineral Point Munster Saint Augustines Scalp Level Sonman Summer Hill Summit Wilmore Carbon co. Albrightsville Beaver Meadows East Penn Hickory-Run Lausanne Lehigh Gap Lehighton Little Gap Mauch Chunk (oh) Nesquehoning New Mahoning Parrysville Rockport Stembersville Summit Hill Weatherly Weissport Centre co. i Aaronsburgh Bellefonte (c h) Boalsburgh Buffalo Run Centre Hill Centre Line Fillmore Fleming Half Moon Hannah Howard Hublersburgh Juliann Furnace Meshannon Milesburgh Millheim Nittany Old Fort Phillipsburgh Pine Grove Mills Pine Swamp Pleasant Gap Port Matilda Potter's Mills Rebersburgh ■Spriog Mills Stover's Place Walker Wolf's Store W oodwa»rd Zion Chester co. Avondale Black Horse Blue Rock Brandywine Manof Cain Chandlerville Chatham Chester Springs Chesterville Coatsville Cochransville Collamer Dilworthtown Doe Run Downingtown East Nantmeal Elk Dale Embxeeville Ercildoun Fairville Forestville Fountain Grew Frazer Goshenrille Gum Tree Guthries ville Hamorton Hayesville Hickory Hill Honey Brook Hopewell Cotton Works Janners ville Kemblesville Kennett's Squaw Kimberton Lewisville Lionville Loag Londonderry London Grove M cWilliamstoww Marlborough Marsh .Marshall ton 16 POST OFFICES—^PENNSYLVANIA. Milltown Mortonville Mount Vernon New Garden New London Nottingham Oxford Paoli Parkersville Parkesburgh Penningtonville Phoenixville Pickering Pughtown Rockville Russellville Sadsburyville Saint Mary's Saint Peters Schuylkill Setzler's Store Spread Eagle Steeleville Strickersville Sugartown Thornbury Thorndale Iron Works Unionville Uwchland Valleyforge Vincent Wagontown "Wallace Warren Tavern Waterloo Mills Westchester (c h) West Grove West Vincent West Whiteland Willistown Inn Clarion co. Brinkerton Caliensburgh Calfish Furnace Clarion (c h) Curllsville Frampton Fryburgh Hellen Furnace Jefferson Furnace Kerr's Store Kingville Knox Kossuth Lamartine Leatherwood Limestone Lucinda Furnace Matildaville New Bethlehem North Pine Grove Piny Reidsburgh Rimersburgh River Scotch Hill Shannondale Shippensville Stant's Store Strattonville Tylersburgh West Freedom Clearfield co. Ansonville Bald Hill*. Bower Burnside Chest Clearfield (c h) Clearfield Bridge Curwinsville Cash Frenchville Glen Hope Grahainpton Grampian Hills Jefferson Line Jeffries Karthoua Kylertown Leconte's Mills Lumber City Luthersburghi Maxron Morrisdale. New Washington Penfield Rockton Salt Lick \ Shawsville Smith's Mills Woodland Clinton co. Beech Creek Birch Island Cameron Carroll Cedar Springs Chatham Run Cook's Run Cross Fork Defranceville Dunnsburgh Farrandsville First Fork Flemington Hiner's Run Keating Lamar Leidig Lockhaven (c h) Logan Mills McElhattan Mill Hall Salona S innamahoning Sugar V alley Tylersville Wcstport Young Womanst'n Columbia co. Beaver Valley Benton Berwick Bloomsburgh (ch) Buckhorn Catawissa Central Cole's Creek Espy Evansville Fishing Creek Foundryville Fowlersville Greenwood Jersey town Light Street Lime Ridge Maineville Mifflinville Millville Mordansvillo Orangevillo Pealer's Polkville Roaring Creek Rohrsburgh R\ipert Sereno Stillwater Wright Crawford co, Adamsville Bloomfield Blooming Valley Centreville Chapinville Cochranton Conneautville Crossingville Custards Espyville Evansburgh Guy's Mills Harmonsburgh Hartstown Kingsley's Line Mills Little Cooley McDowell's Marshall's Corners Mead Corners Meadville (c h) New Richmond North Shenango Oil Creek Penn Line Randolph Riceville Rockdale Rundells Saegerstown South Shenango Spartansburgh Spring Steamburgh Steuben Sugar Lake Tamarac Teepleville Titusville Troy Centre Turnersville Unity Venango West Greenwood Woodcock Cumberland co. Allen Big Spring Bloserville Boiling Springs Carlisle (c h) Carlisle Springs Dickinson Eberly's Mill Good Hope < Hogestown Kerrsville Lee's ^ Roads Lisburn Mechanicsburgh Mount Rock Newbur^h New Cumberland New Kingstown Newville Oakville Papertown Plainfield Shepherdstown Shippensburgh Shiremantown Sterrett's Gap Stoughstown Walnut Bottom West Fairview West Hill White House Dauphin co, Benvenue Berrysburgh Dauphin Elizabethville Enders Enterline Fisherville Grat'z Halifax Harrisburgh (c h) High Spire Hockersville Hummelstown Linglestown Manada Hill Middletown Millersburgh Pillow Portsmouth Powl's Valley Short Mountain Susquehannah Union Deposit West Hanover Wiconisto Delaware co. Booth Corners Chad's Ford Chester (ch) Concordville Darby Edgemont Glen Riddle Haverford Howellville Ivy Mills Kellysville Leipersville Lima Marcus Hook Marple Media Newtown Square Oakdale Radnor Rose Tree Spread Eagle Thornton Thurlow upper Darby Village Green West Haverford Elk co. Benezett Bdnzinger Caledonia Hellen Hick's Run Kerseys New Highland Pine Street Second J'ork Williamsville Erie co. Albion Belle Valley Carter Hill Cherry Hill Cook East Greene Edenville Edinboro' Elk Creek. Erie (o h) Fairview Franklin Corners Girard Greenfield Harbour Creek Deboeuf Lundy's Lane McKean Moorheadville North East Northville Springfield M Rd'i Sterrettania Stewart Swan Station Union Mills Waterford JVattsburgh Wayne Wells' Corners Wesleyville West Springfield Fayette co. Belle Vernon Brownsville Connellsville Cookstown Dawson Bast Liberty Elm Farmington Fayette Springs Flatwoods Heistersburgh McClellandtown Masontown Merritstown Morris Roads New Geneva New Salem Pennsville Perryopolis Red Stone Searight's Smithfield Spring Hill Fur¬ nace Tippecanoe Tyrone Mills Oniontown (c h) Upper Middleton Woodvale Forest co. Clarington Foxburgh Marion ville Franklin co. Amberson's Valley Chambersburgh ^(c hK Concord Doylesburgh Dry Run Fannettsburgh Fayetteville Green Castle Green Village Jackson Hall Keeffer's Store Loudon Marion Mercersburgh_ Mont Alto New Guilford Orrstown Pleasant Hall Quincy Roxbury Saint Thomas Scotland Spring Run State Line Sylvan Upper Strasbnrgh Upton Waynesboro' Welsh Run Fulton co. Burnt Cabins Fort Littleton Harrisonville McConnellsburgh New Granada Spearsville W arfordsburgh Webster's Mills West Dublin Greene co. Carmiehael's Clarksville Davistown Day's Store Dunkard Greensboro' (oh) Hunter's Cave Jefferson Jolly town Kirby Maple town Mount Morris New Freeport Pursley Rice's Landing , Rogersville Ruff Creek Ryerson's Station fl^aynesburgh (oh) White Cottage Whitely Willow Trea Windridge POST OFFICES PENNSYLVANIA. 17 Huntingdon ca. Airy Dale Alexandria Aughwick Mill3 Barre Forge Birmingham Broad Top Calvin CassviI16 Coalmont Coffee Bun Colerain Forge Cottage Cumminsville Eagle Foundry East Barre Ennisville Graysville Greenwood Fur¬ nace Huntingdon (c h) James' Creek McAlevy's Fort McConnellstown Jfaddensville Manor "Hilt Masseysburgh Mill Creek ■ Monroe Furnace Mount Union Orbisonia Paradise Furnace Shade Gap Shaver's Creek Shirelysburgh Spruce Creek Three Springs Todd Vineyard Mills Warrior's Mark Water Street West Barre Indiana co. Armagh Black Lick Blairsville Brush Valley Carter's Mill Chambersville Clarksburgh Coal Port Decker's Point East Centreville Ebenezer Home Hillsdale Indiana (c h) Cent Mahoning Marchand Mitchell's Mills Newman's Mills Penn Run Plumville Salts burgh Shelocta * Smicksburgh Strongstown Tunnel West Lebanon Willet Jefferson co. Alvan Big Bun Brockwayville Brookville (c h) Cool Spring Corsica Hamilton Porter Punxutawney Reynoldsville Richardsville flinggold uromersville Warsaw Juniata co. Academia Bast Salem (2) East Waterford Honey Grove McAllisterville McCoysville McCulloch's Mills Mexico Mifflintown (c h) Mohontongo Oakland Mills Patterson Peru Mills Pleasant View Port Royal Richfield Spruce Hill Thompsontown Walnut W aterloo Lancaster co. Adamstown Bainbridge Bareville Bart Bartville Beartown Bellemonte Binkley's Bridge Blue Ball Bowmansville Brickerville Brinkley's Bridge Buck Cain's Camargo Cambridge Chesnut Level Christiana Churchtown Clonmell Cocalico Colemanville Colerain Columbia Cones toga Durlach East Hempfield Elizabethtown Enterprise Ephratah Falmouth Farmeasville Fulton House Gap Goodville Gordonsville Greene Graff's Store Hempfield Highville Hinkleton Intercourse Kinzers Kirk's Mills Lampeter Lancaster (c h) Landisville Ijeacock Liberty Square Litiz Manheim Manor Marietta Martickville Martinsville Mastersonville May Maytown Mechanic's Grove Millersville Mount Hope Mount Joy Mount Nebo Mountville Neffsville New Danville New Holland New Mill town New Providence Nine Points Oak Hill Oak Shade Octoraro Oregon Paradise Penn Peter's Creek Piquea Pleasant Grove Puseyville Quarryville Kawlinsville Reamstown Reinholdsville Rothsville Safe Harbor Salisbury Sclioeneck Silver Spring Slack Water Smithville Smyrna South Hermitage Sporting Hill Strasbnrgh Swarr's Mills Terre Hill Vogansville Wakefield West Earl Willow Street Weaver's Mill White Oak Lawrence co, Chenango Cross Cut East Brook Edinburgh Enon Valley Harjensburgh Hillsville Irish Ripple Marr Marvin Mount Jackson Neshannock Falls New Bedford Newcastle (o h) New Wilmington Plain Grove Princeton Pulaski Rose Point Wurtemberg Lebanon co, Aunville Bangor Bellview Campbelltown Colebrook Cornwall East Hanover Fredericksburgh Jonestown Lebanon (c h) Meyers town Millbach Mount Zion Ono Palmyra Shaefferstown Lehigh co, Allentown (c h) Breinigsville Catasauqua Centre Valley Claussville Coopersburgh Dillingersville Emaus Fogelsville Friedensville Germansville Hosensaek Jacksonville Lowhill Lvnnville Macungie New Tripoli North Whitehall Orefield Rittersville Ruoksville Saucon Valley Schnecksville Seiberlingville Shimerville Shoenersville Slatedale Slating ton South Whitehall Trexlertown Weisenburgh W escosville Luzerne co. Albert's Archbald Bailey Hollow Bald Mount Boach Grove Beach Haven Bear Creek Blakeley Black Creek Cambra Campbell Carbondale Carverton Church Hill Clark's Green Clifton Cony ng ham Daleville Dallas Dorrance Drum's Dunmore Runnings Exeter Fair Mount Spr'gs Fleetville Forty Fort Green Grove Harveyville Hazleton Hendricksburgh Hobbie Humphreysville Huntsville Hyde Park Jeans ville Jessup Kingston Kunckle Lake Lehman Lutsey Milwaukee Morrison Moscow Muhlenburgh Nanticoke Nescopeck New Columbus Newport Centre Old Forge Orange Pencader Pittston Ferry Plainsville Plymouth Port Blanchard Providence Ransom Red Rock Scranton Shickshinny Sloyersville Sweet Valley Sybertsville Throopsville Town Hill Town Line Trucksville Walls ville Wapwallopen W averlv West Nanticoke White Haven Wilkesbarre (c ) Wyoming Lycoming co. Alvira Barbour's Milli Bodine Cedar Run Chesnut Grove Clinton Mills Cogan House Corson's ElimSport English Centra Haneyvillo Hughesville Huntersville Jersey Mills Jorsey Shore Lairdsville Linden Loyalsock Lycoming Creek Monturesville Moreland Muncy Newberry Nippenose Oval Perkinsville Pore Blanchard Ralston Road Hall Salladyburgh Texas Tomb's Run Trout Run Unityville Walkerville Warrens villa Waterville White Deer Williamsport (eh) Wolf Run McKean co. Alleghany Bridge Annin Creek Bradford Clermontyille Eden Farmer's Valley Glenn Kendall Creek La Fayette Liberty Hill Norwich Port Alleghany Prentiss Vale Sartwoll Shippen Smithport (c h) Mercer co, Centretown Clark Delaware Grove French Creek Harthegig Henderson Hermitage Irish town Jamestown Leesburgh London Maysvilla Mercer (c h) Milledgeville New Hamburgh New Lebanon New Vernon North Liberty Perrine Salem Sandy Lake Satterfield Sharon Sheakleyville West Greenville West Middlesex West Salenvi Worth - Willow Brook Wolf Cre*k 18 POST OFFICES PENNSYLVANIA. Mifflin co, Allensville Atkinson's Mills Belleville Decatur Kishacoquillas Lewiston (c h) Locke's Mills McVeytown Milroy Newton Hamilton Reedsville Strode's Mills Monroe co. Analomink Bartonville Bossardsville Brodheadville Ooolbaugh's Covesville Delaware W ater- Gap Effort Experiment Fennersville Henrysville Kellersville Kresgeville Kunkletown Long Valley Marshall's Creek Merwinsburgh Naglesville New Mount Pleas¬ ant Paradise Valley Priceburgh Kossland ISaylorsburgh Shawnee Shoemaker's Snydersville Soxville Spruce Grove Stoddartsville Stormville Stroudsburgh (c h) .Tannersville Treibleville Montgomery co. Abington Barren Hill Blue Bell Bridgeport Broad Axe Cabinet Centre Square Cheltenham Consliohocken Crooked Hill Douglass Eagleville Ifairview Village Fitz watertown Franconia Frederick General Wayne Gilbertsville Gulf Mills Gwynedd Harleysville Hatboro' Hillegass' Hoppenville Horsham Huntingdon Valley Jeffersonville Jenkintown King of Prussia Kulpsville ' Limerick Limerick Bridge Line Lexington Jkower Merion Montgomery villa New Hanover Norristown (o h) Norritouv Permsburgh Perkiomen Bridge Perkiomenville Plymouth Meeting Port Kennedy Port Providence Potts town Prospectville Quinzyville Royer's Ford Salfordville Schwenck's Store Shannonville Skippack Sorrell Horse Spring House Sumneytown Three Tons Trappe Tyler's Port Union Square Upper Dublin White Marsh Willow Grove Worcester Montour co. Danville (c h) Rimcstoneville Mooreshurgh Roaring Creek W ashingtonville White Hall Northampton co. Bath Belfast Berlinsville Bethlehem Blue Mountain Boston Butztown Cherryville Danielsville Easton (c h) Flicksville Freemansburgh Hecktown Hellertown Iron Hill Kleeknersville Kreidersville Laubach Leithsville Lower Saucon Martin's Creek Middagh's Moorestown Mount Bethel Nazareth Newhart's Petersville Richmond Seidersville Slateford Stockertown Stone Church Stout's Uhlerstown Weaversville Wind Gap Northumberland co Augusta Betr Gar Chillisquaque Chulasky Dalmatia! Elysburgh Fisher's Ferry Greenbrier Kline's Grovo Line Mountain , McEwensville M ahanoy Milton Mount Carmel Northumberland Paxinos Pott's Grore Rush town Shamokin Snydertown Sunbury (c h) Trevorton Turbotville Union Corner Watson town Perry co. AnderaonbuTgh Andesville Blain Bosserman's Mills Centre Donally Mills Dancannon Elliottsburgh Ickesburgh Juniata Landisburgh Liverpool Millerstown Montgomery's Ferry Mori ey town New Bloomfield New Buffalo New Germantown N ewport Roseburgh Sandy Hill Sherman's Dale Philadelphia co. Andora Blockley Brides burgh Bustleton Byberry Chesnut Hill Falls of Sehnylkill Feltonville Fox Chase Frankford Germantown Holmesburgh Kensington Kingsessing Leverington Manayunk Miles town Mount Airy Philadelphia (c h) Port Richmond Rising Sun Somerton Spring Garden Pike co. Bushkill Delaware Dingman's Ferry Egypt Mills Lackawaxen Lord's Valley Masthope Matamoras Milford (c h) Narrows Nyces Paupao Savkill Shehola Tafton W estfall Potter co. Bingham Burtville Carter Camp Clara Colesburgh Cowdersport (e h) Cushingville Donally East Sharon Ellisbureh Harrison Valley Hebron Hector Homer Kettle Creek Lvmansville Mill Port Nelsonport North Wharton Oswayo Pike Mills Pike Valley Raymond's Roulette Sharon Centre Shinglehouse3 Sweden Turner Creek Ulysses Ulysse3 Centre West Pike Wharton White's Corners Williston Schuylkill co. Auburn Barry Bearmont Branch Dale Broad Mountain Donaldson Focht's Forge Fountain Spring Freidensburgh Hecksherville Hepler Hughes Klingerstown Lindnersville Llewellan Lower Mahantango M c Keans burgh Middleport Minersville North Penn Orwigsburgh (c h) Pine Grove Pitman Port Carbon Port Clinton Pottsville Ringtown Rough and Ready Sacramento Saint Clair Schuylkill Haven Silver Creek Summit Station Swatara Tamaqua Tremont Tuscarora Upper Mahantango West Penn Snyder co. Beaver Springs Beavertown Chpman Cosgrave Hall Freeburgh Kratzerville McKee's Half F'ls Middleburgh Mount Pleasant Mills Penn's Creek Selin's Grove Shamokin Dam Troxelville Somerset co. Addison Bakersville Benford's Store Berkley's Berlin Buckstown Davidsville Elk Lick Forwardstown Gebhart's Harnedsville Jenner's ^ Roadl Jennertown Lavansville Meyer's Mills Neip Lexington Pocahontas Sand Patch Tnnni Shade Fnrnjfta Shanksville Sipesville Someriield Somerset (e h) Southampton Stony Creek Stoyestown Summit Mills . Turkey Foot Wellersburgh W ittenberg Sullivan co. Campbell villa Cullev Davidson Dushore Eagle's Mere Eldredville Forksville Hill's Grove Laporte Millview Muncy Bottom Robinson's Lake Shunk Sonestown Susquehannah to. Ararat Auburn Centre Auburn Four Cor¬ ners. Birchardville Brackney Brookdale Brooklyn Chase Choconut Clifford Dimock Dundaff EUerslie Fairdale Forest Lake Friendsvilla Gibson , Glenwood Great Bend Harford Herrich Centra Hop Bottom Jrckson Jackson Valley Lathrop's Lake Lanesboro' Lawsville Centre Lenox Lenox ville Little Meadom Lynn Montrose (eh) Montrose Depot New Milford Niven North Jacksom Oakley Porter Ridge Rush Rushville Saint Joseph Silver Lake Smiley South AufcttWi South Gibson Sp^ngville Summers Susquehannah De¬ pot Thompson Union Dale Upson ville West Auburn POST OFFICES DELAWARE. 19 Tiogo co. Bailey Creek Blossburgh Brookfield Charleston Chatham Valley Covington Crooked Creek Daggett's Mills East Charleston Elkland Elk Run Farmington Centre Gsines Gray's Valley Hankmoncl's Creek Knoxville Lawreneeville Liberty Little Marsh Mainesburgh Mansfield Maple Ridge Middlebury Centre Mix town Morris Nattvoo Nelson Oceola Ogdensburgh Pine Creek Rutland Sabinsville] Sullivan Tioga W ellsboro' Westfield Union co. Buffalo X Roads Forest Hill Forest Iron Works Hartleton Laurel ton Lewisburgh Middle Creek Mifflinburgh New Berlin (c h) New Columbia Port Treverton White Deer Mills White Springs Winfield Venango co. Agnew's Mills Big Bend Canal Cass Cherry Tree Cintonville Cooperstown Cornplanter Cranberry Dempseytown Bast Sandy Emlenton Fertisa Five Points Franklin (c h) Holland Howe Nebraska Perry Plum Plumer Polk President Furnace Rockland Stewart's Run Sunvillo Ten Mile Bottom Tionesta Tyrrel Utica Wallaceville Wilson's Mills Warren co. Beech Woods Columbus Corydon Etbgle Freehold Garland Germany Irvine Kinzna Lottsville Mead Pine Valley Pifctsfield Russelsburgh Sheffield South West Spring Creek Steam Mill Sugar Grove Tidionte Warren (c h) West Sheffield West Spring Creek Tonngsville Washington co. Amity Barington Beallsville Bentleyville Bower Hill Brush Run Buffalo Burgettstown Candor Cannonsburgh Chartiers Cherry Valley Claysville Clokey Commettsbnrgh Coon Island Cross Creek Vil'ge Dunningsville East Bethlehem East Finley Elders villa Finleyville Florence Fredericktown Ginger Hill Good Intent Hickory Hillsboro* Independence Kerr's Station Limetown Lindly's Mills Locust Hill Maple Creek Millsboro' Monongahela City Munntown Murdocksville North Star Paris Patterson's Mills Pike Run Prosperity Simpson's Store Sparta Strabane Taylors town Ten Mile Thom psonville Van Buren Venice Washington (c h) West Alexander West Brownsville West Finley Wesl Middletown Woodrow Zollersville Wayne co. Aldenville Ariel Ashland Berlin Centre Bethany Canaan Cherry Ridge Damascus Dyberry East Sterling Eldred Equinunk Galilee Hamlinton Hawley Hill Top Hollisterville Honesdale (c h) Hopedale Indian Orchard Pleasant Mount Preston Priceville Prompton Rileyville Rock Lake South Sterling Starucca Sterling Stevenson's Mills Waymart White Mills Westmoreland co. Adamsburgh Bolivar Bradenville Branch Junction Cavettsville Conemaugh Fur¬ nace Crawford's Mills Donegal Fitz Henry Fulton Greensburgh (c h) Harrison City Harvey's Five Points Hillside Hill's View Irwin's Station Jones' Mills Larimer's Station Latrobe Laughlintown Laurelville Ligonier Livermore Lockport Station McKean's Old Stand Madison Manor Dale Mendon Willwood Mount Pleasant Murrysville New Alexandria New Derry New Florence New Stanton North Washington Pleasant Unity Poke Run Rostraver Salem ^ Roads Shearer's Roads Stahlstown Stewartsville Tinker Run Walts' Mills Weaver's Old St'd Webster West Fairfield West Newton Youngstown Yohogheny Wyoming co. Bowman's Creek Braintrem Centre Moreland Clinton Corners Eaton Evan's Falls Factory ville Falls Farmer's Home Forks ton Golden Hiram Keelersburgh Laceyville LaGrange Lemon Lovelton Mehoopany Messhoppin Nicholson North Flat Pierceville Kussell Hill Scottsville Skinner's Eddy South Eaton Tunkhannock (a h) Vernon West Eaton York co. Apple Grove Bald Eafjle Bryansvilla Castle Fin Chanceford Clear Spring Codorus Cross Roads Dallastowa Dillsburgh Dover Emigsville Etter's Farmer's Fawn Grove Franklintown Glen Rock Graham ville Hall Hanover Hanover Jnnction Hellam Hetricks Hopewell Centre Jefferson Station Lewisberry Loganville Lower Chanceford McCall's Ferry Manchester Margaretta Fur¬ nace Mount Campbell Muddy Creek Frka Newberry town New Bridgeville New Freedom Peach Bottom Pine Hill Porter's Seidling Rossville Seven Valleys Shrewsbury Sidonsburgh Slate Hill Slate Ridge Smith's Station Spring Forge Stewartown Strawbridge Strinestown Union Wellsville Windsor Wrights ville Yocumtown York (c h) York Furnace DELAWARE. Kent co. BeTrytown Camden Canterbury Dover (c h) Frederiea Hazlettville Hollyville Leipsic Little Creek Land¬ ing Magnolia Masten's Corner Milford Smyrna Vernon Whiteleysburgh Williams ville New Castle co. Black Bird Brandyvine Springs Centreville Chippewa Christiana Claymont Cooch's Bridge Delaware City Fieldsboro' Glasgow Henry Clay Fac¬ tory Loveville McClellandsville Mc Donough Mermaid Middletown Newark Newcastle (c h) New Port Odessa Pleasant Hill Port Penn Bed Lion Saint George's Stanton Summit Bridge Talleyville Thoroughfare Neck Wtjjmington (c h) Sussex co. Angola Black Water Bridgeville Cannon's Ferry Cedar Creek Concord Dagsboro' Draw Bridge Georgetown (o h) Gumborough Hall's Store Horsey's X Roadl Laurel Lewes Middleford Millsboro' Milton Seaford Selbyville Tunnell's Store 20 POST OFFICES MARYLAND. MARYLAND. Alleghany co. Accident Barrallville Barton Bloomington Brody's Mill Clarysville Cumberland (c h) Flint Stone Frankville Frostburgh Grantsville Lonaconing Mount Savage Oakland Oldtown Orleans Rawling's Station Shulbysport Shade Mill Summitville Western Port W inston Aitn Arundel co. Annapolis (c h) Annapolis Junc¬ tion Bristol Crown3ville Davidsonville Forest Home Friendship Governor's Bridge Johnson's Store Millersville Patuxent Rhode River Saint, Margaret's Soutn River Tracy's Landing West River Baltimore co. Aval on Baltimore (c h) Black Rock Buchanan Brooklandville Burkstown Butler Calverton Mills Chase's Catonsville Cockeysville Cub Hill Ellengowan Fork Meeting H'se Freeland Gorsuch's Mills Grave Ran Mills Govanstown Harewood Harrisonvillo Hooks town Lauraville Little Gunpowder Long Green Acad¬ emy Maryland Line Monkton Mills Mount Washington North Branch Owing's Mills Parkton Philopolis Pikes ville Reisterstown Rossville •Saint Dennis Stablcrsyille Sweet Air Towsontown Union Meeting House Upperco Upper Falls Warren Weisesburgh Westerman's Mills Wetheredville White Hall Woodberry Zoucksville Calvert co. Dunkirk Huntingtown Lower Marlboro' Port Republic Prince Frederick- town (c h) Saint Leonards Carolina co, Bridgetown Burrsville Denton (c h) Fowling Creek Greensboro' Hillsboro' Melville New Hope Potter's Landing Preston Carroll co, Bachman's Mills Bark Hill Bruce ville Carrollton Double Pipe Cr'k Finksburgh Franklinville Frizellburgh Freedom Hampstead Hood's Mills Houck's Store McKinstry's Mills Kroh's Mills Manchester Middleburgh Mount Airy New W indsor Piney Creek Porters Sam's Creek Silver Run Sykesville Taneytown Union Bridge Union Mills Uniontown Wakefield Warfieldburgh Westminster Winfield Woodbine Cecil co. Battle Swamp Blue Ball Bohemia Mills Brick Mecting- House Cecilton Charlestown Cherry Hill Chesapeake City Eikton (oh) Fair Hill Farmington Northeast Perry ville Port'Deposit Port Herman Principio Principio Furnace Rising Sun Rook Springs Rowlandsville Saint Augustine Shelemiah South Milford Warwick Zion Charles co. Allen's Fresh Bean town Benedict Bryantown Doncaster Duffield Harriss' Lot Nanjemoy Newport Patuxent City Pomonkey Port Tabacco(ch) Sandy Bottom Dorchester co. Big Mills Bucktown Cornersville Cambridge (c h) Church Creek East New Market Federalsburgh Golden Hill Hicksburgh Lakesville Taylor's Island Tobacco Stick Vienna Frederick co, Adamstown Barry Bolivar Bridgeport Buckey's Town Burkittsville Creagerstown Emmitsburgh Frederick (c h) Graceham Greenfield Mills rjamsville Jefferson Johnsville Kemptown Ladiesburgh Liberty Town Linganore M echani cstown Middletown Monrovia Mount Pleasant Myersville New London New Market Oak Orchard Petersville Point of Rocks Sabillis ville Unionville Urban a Utica Mills Walkersville Weverton Wolfsville Wolfsboro' Harford co. Abingdon Bel-Air (c h) Churchville Cottage Home Clermont Mills Darlington Dublin Emmorton Fallstone Federal Hill Forest Hill Glenville Greyrock Hall's X Roads'* Havre De Grace Hickory Tavern Hartford Furnace Hopewell >4 Roads Jarrettsville Jerusalem Mills Maenolia Michaelsville Mill Green Perrpmans ville Pleasantville Pylesville Sandy Hook Shawsville Taylor Thomas' Run Upper X Roads Howard co, Alberton Clarksvillo Cooksville Dorsey's Store Elk Ridge Land¬ ing Ellicott's Mills Glenelg Ilchester Mills Lisbon Marriottsville Matthews' Store Pierceland Poplar Springs Sixteen Mile Honse Woodstock Kent co. Chestertown (c h) Chesterville Georgetown Cross Roads Harmony Head of Sassafras Millington Rees' Corner Rogers' Store Still Pond x Urieville Montgomery co. Barnesville Brookville Burnt Mills Cl&rksburgh Colesville Concord Cottage Damascus Darnestown Dawsonville Drayton Forest Oak Goshen Hyattstown Laytonsville Middlebrook Mills Monocacy Olncy Poolesville Rockvillo (c h) Roslyn Sandy Spring Triaaelphia Unity Prince George's co. Aquasco Beltsville Bladensburgh Braudywine Buena Vista Croom Horse Head Laurel Factory Long Old Fields Nottingham Piscataway Queen Ann Surratt's Upper Marlboro' Queen Ann oo« Briod Creek Centreville (eh* Church Hill Long Marsh Queenstowa Sudlersville Templeville Wye Mills St. Mary*9 co, Chaptico Charlotte Hall Great Mills Leonardtown (oh' Milestown * ' Mount Olive Oakville Piney Point Ridge St. Clement's B&j St. Inigoes Somerset co. Barren Creek Springs Bell Mount Fairmount Fork Town • Deal's Island Kingston Princess Anil (0 h) Qu antic© Salisbury Sharp Town Tyaskin Upper Trappe Whitehaven Talbot co. Bay Hundred Easton (c h) Oxford Royal Oak Saint Michaels Trappe Washington co, Bakersville Beaver Creek Benevola Boonsboro' Brownsville Cavetown Chewsaille Clear Spring Conococheague College of St. James Downsville Fairview Funkstown Green Spring Fur¬ nace Hagerstown (0 h) Hancock Indian Springs Keep Trieste Keeaysville Lappon's ^ Roads Leitersburgh Millstone Point Ringgold Rohrersville Sharpsburgh Sraithsburgh Williamsport Worcester co• Berlin Bishopsville Derickson's Cross Roads Newark Newtown Saint Martins Sandy Hill Snow Hill (ft h) WhaleysviUe POST OFFICES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 21 DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. Washington, co. Anacostia Alexandria Perry Georgetown Oak Grove Tannallytown Washington VIRGINIA. Accomack co. Accomack (c h) Belle Havea Chincote&gue Guildford Horntown Locust Mount Locustvilla Messongo Metompkin Modes ttown New Chureh Onancock Pungoteague Temperance ville W agram Wiseville Albemarle eo. Batesville Bentivoglio Boyd's Tavern Brown's Store Carter's Bridge Charlottesville (c h) Cobham Covesville Earlysville Free Union Garland's „ Greenwood We pot Howardsville Hydraulic Mills Kesnick Depot Mechom's River Millington Moreman's River North Garden Nortons ville Scottsville Shad well Stony Point University of Vir¬ ginia Wai .r arren Woodville's Depot Yancey's Mills Alexandria co. Alexandria (c h) Glebe Cottage Alleghany co. Callaghan's Clifton Forge Covington (c h) Cowpasture Bridge Crow's Morris Hill Mountain House Red Sweet Springs Rich Patch Selma, Amelia co. Amelia (c h) Deatonsville Dennisville Elk Hill Finney Mills Jetersville Lodore Maunboro' Matoax Morven Painesville Rich Woods Winterham Amherst co. Allen's Creek Amherst (c h) Buffalo Springs Cool Well Elon Gait's Mills New Glasgow Oronoco Pedlar's Mills Pryor's Vale Rose Mills Sandidge's Stony Fork Temperance Tobacco Row Appomattox co. Bent Creek Clover Hill (c h) Evergreen Nebraska Oakville Spanish Oaks Spout Spring Spring Mills Stone Wall Mills Walker's Church Woodlawn Augusta co. Barter Brook Burke'Mills Chur'chville Cline's Mills Craigsville Deerfield Fishersrille Greenville Hermitage Jenning's Gap Lebanon White Sulpher Springs Long Glade Middlebrook Mint Spring Moffatt's Creek Mossy Creek Mountain Top Mount Eutopia Mount Meridian Mount Sidney Mount Solon New Hope Parnassus Pond Gap Rockland Mills Sherando Staunton (c h) Steele's Tavern Stuart's Draft Swoopc's Depot Waynesboro' West View Barbour co. Belington Burnersville Calhoun Glady Creek Hackersville Melon Nestorville Overfield Peel Tree Phillippa (o h) Bath co. Bath (c h) Bath Alum Cleek's Mills Green Valley Hot Springs Healing Spring Millboro' Springs Miller's Mill Morris Hill Mountain Grove Sun Rise Williamsville Bedford co. Big Island Body Camp Buford's Bunker Hill Chamblissburg Charlemont Chesnut Fork Cross Roads Davis' Mills Emaas Fancy Grove Forest Depot Goodriew Hendrick's Store Holcomb's Rock Ivy Creek Mills Kasey's Liberty (c h) Lisbon Lone Pine Lowry Oak Otter Bridge Peaksville Pierceville White Lock Wade's Berkeley co. Arden Darkesville Falling Waters Gerrardstown Glengary Hainasville Hedges ville Jones' Spring Little Georgetown Lightsville Martinsburgh (c h) Mill Creek North Mountain Shanghai Tomahawk Spring Van Clevesville Boone co. Bald Knob Ballardsville Big Cole Hewittville Peytona Botetourt co. Amsterdam Blue Ridge Cloverdale Dagger's Springs Fincastle (c h) .Flukes Grace Furnac J unction Store Middle Mountain Mountain Union Old Hickory Pattonsburg Roaring Run Rocky Point Mills Tinker Knob Waskey's Mills Braxton co. Birchtown Braxton (e h) Buffalo Fork Bulltown Brown's Mountain Flat Woods Hacker's Valley Holly River Middleport Perkin's Mills Rock Camp Salt Lick Bridge Sideling Hill Two Lick Run Brooke co. Bethany Cherry Hill Fowler's Short Creek Wellsburgh (c h) Brunswick co. Burntville Crichton's Store Diamond Grove Edmunds' Gholsonville Harper's Home Jonesboro' Kennedy's Lawrenceville(ch) Lewisville Pleasant Oaks . Powellton Smoky Ordinary Stony Mount Sturgeonville White Plains Buckingham co. Austin Buckingham (c h) Buckingham Mine Chambers' Mills Curdsville Diana Mills Gary's Store Glenmore Gold Hill Gravel Hill Mount Vinco New Canton New Store Staunton's Pre¬ cinct Virginia Mills Cabell co. Bloomingdale Cabell (c h) Falls Mill Green Bottom Guyandotte Hamlin Mud Mud Bridge Paw Paw Bottom Ten Milo Thorndike Campbell co. Arnoldton Brook Neal Campbell (c h) Castle Craig Concord Depot Dinwiddie's Tan Yard Freiionia Mills Green Hill Hat Creole Leesville Lynchburgh Marys ville Morris Church Mount Athos Mount Zion New London Nowlin's Store Pigeon Run Yellow Branch Caroline co. Athens Bo\vlingGreen(c h.) Central Point Crafton Flsppo's (xolansville Gainey's Mil ford Port Royal Raymoth Ruther Glen Sparta Turner's Store White Chimneys Carroll co. Cranberry Plains Dug Spur Glades borough Hillsville Laurel Fork Lovel's Creek Piper's Gap Charles City co. Apperson's Charles City (c h) Pocahontas Mills Swineyards Waddill's Store Charlotte co. - Aspen Wall Charlotte (o h) County Line ft Roads Cub Creek Drake's Branch Dupree's Old Store Harvey's Store Keysville Mossing Ford Red House Red Oak Grove Roanoke Bridge Rough Creek Talcott Wylliesburgh 22 POST OFFICES VIRGINIA. Chesterfield co. Blackheth Bermuda Hundred Hallsboro' Manchester Midlothian Proctor's Greek Skinquarter Winterpock Clarke co. Benyville Berry's Ferry Castleman's Ferry Millwood Wadesville White Post Craig co. Crais's Creek Level Green Midway New Castle (c h) Simmonsville Sinking Creek Culpeper co. Boston Brandy Station Castleton Culpeper (c h) Eldorado Griffinsburgh Homeland Jeffersonton Kellysville Mitchell's Station Oak Shade Raccoon Ford Rapid Ann Station Rich&rdsville Rixevville Shepherd's Grove Stevensburgh Waylandsburgh Cumberland co. Ca Ira Cartersville Cumberland (c h) Oak Forest Koyal Oaks Stony Point Mills Starry Creek Dinwiddie co. Botfcwick Darvill's Dinwiddie (c h) Ford's Depot GoSdwynsville Mulberry Inn Petersburgh Ritchieville Sutherland Wilson's Depot Wyoming Doddridge co. Buckeye Run Oold Water Greenbrier Run Greenwood McElroy New Milton Pear Grove West Union (e h) Elizabeth Cityco. Hampton (oh) Old Point Comfort Essex co. Centre Cross Dunnsville Lloyds Loretto Miller's Tavern Montague Mount Landing 0 ecnpacia ppahanock (e h) Fairfax co. Accatink Anandale Burke's Station Centrevill« Chantilly Dranesville Dye's Mill Fairfax (c h) Fairfax Station Falls Church L&ngley Mount Pierce Peach Grove Pleasant Valley Prospect Hill Republican Mills Sangster's Station Spring Yale Theological Semi¬ nary Fauquier co. Auburn Bealeton Bristersburg Broad Run Station Catlett Clift Mills Elk Run Foxville Fremont Leeds Manor Markham Station Millview Moreland Morrisville New Baltimore New Brighton Orlean Paris Piedmont Station Pine View Rectortown Station Saint Stephen Salem Fauquier Somerville The Plains Upperville Warrenton (c h) Warrenton Springs W aterloo Weavers ville Wheatley Fayette co. Clifty Cotton Hill Fayetteville (e h) Gauley Bridge Kanhawa Falls Locust Lane Mountain Cove Perdu Pleasant Hill Rocky Hill Floyd co. Cannadav Gap Copper Hill Floyd (c h) Greasy Creek Indian Valley Little River Simpson's West Fork Furnace Willis Ridge Fluvanna co. Central Plains Chapel Hill Columbia Fork Union Glenarvon La Fayette Hill Palmyra (o b) Seven Island! Union Mills Wilmington Franklin co, Bonbrook Boone's Mill Cooper's Dickinson's Gill's Creek Glade Hill Gogginsville Hale's Ford Long Branch Lynnville Mills Ms' Penhook Pig River Prillaman's Retreat Rocky Mount (e h) Rose vale Shady Grove Snow Creek Sontag Starry Creek Sydnorsville Taylor's Store Union Hill Villa Frederick co. Ashton's Mills Back Creek Valley Brucetown Cedar Creek Gainsboro' Gravel Spring High View Middletown Mountain Falls Mount VernonTan- nery Nawton Stephens- burg Stephenson's Depot White Hall Winchester (c b) Giles co. Bell Point Kimberlin Macksburg Me chanicsburgh Newport North View Pearisburg Pembroke Poplar Hill White Gate Gilmer co. Arnoldsburgh Big Bend Cox's Mills De Ealb Glenville Henrie's Fork Normantown Pine Creek Steer Creek Stout's Mills Townsend Mills Gloucester co. Glenn's Gloucester (e h) Haye's Store Hickory Fork New Upton Wood's H Roads Goochland co. Beaver Dam Caledonia Coal Hill Dover Mills Fife's Gooohland (o h) Hadensville Johnson's Springs Loch Lomond Perkinsville Powell's Tavern Shannon Hill Grayson co. Big Meadow ' Bridle Creek ' Elk Creek Grayson (c h) Independence (ch) Meadow Creek Mouth of Wilson Point Hope Spring Valley White Top Greenbrier co. Anthony's Creek Big Clear Creek Blue Sulpher Springs Bunger's Mill Clintonville Falling Spring Frankford Lewisburgh (e h) Little Sewell Marshallsyille Meadow Bluff Maysville Palestine Rucker's Repose Second Creek White Sulpher Springs Greene co. Dawsonville McMullen's Mill Ruckersville Standardsville(eh) Swift Run Greenville co. Hicksford (c h) Poplar Mount Ryland's Depot Halifax co. Barksdale Black Walnut Bloomsburgh Brooklyn Church Hill Clover Depot Halifax (c h) Harmony Hyco Hyco Falls Mayo Meadville Mount Carmel Mount Laurel News Ferry Omega Providenee Republican Grove Rogersville Scottsburgh South Boston Depot Whitesville Whitlock Hampshire co. Bloomery Burlington Capon Bridge Capon Springs Dillon's Run Forks of Potomac Frankfort Green Spring Bun Hanging Koek Higginsville Hook's Mills New Creek North River Meet¬ inghouse North River Mills Okonoko Patterson's Depot Piedmont Pleasant Dale Purgitsville Ridgeville Romney (oh) Sheetz Mill Smith's Gap Springfield Wind Lea POST OFFICES VIRGINIA. 23 Elba Frozen Camp Grass Lick Fork Jackson (eh) Moore's Mills Murraysville New California Pleasant View Kavenswood Reedy Reedyville Sandy James City co. Burnt Ordinary Williamsburgh(ch) Jefferson co. Charlestown (c h) Duffields Halltown Harper's Ferry Kabletown Karneysville Leetown Middleway Rippon Shepherdstown Summit Point Kanawha co. Clendenin Coalsmouth Jarrett's Ford Kanawha (c h) Kanawha. Saline Len's Creek Newton Osborne's Mill Paint Creek Pocotalijo Roxalana Shrewsbury Sissonville Tyler Mountain upper Falls of Coal Walton King Queen co. Brnington Carlton's Store Fleetwood Aca¬ demy King and Queen (eh) Little Plymouth Newtown Plain View Shakleford's Stevensville Walkerton King George co. Clifton Comorn Edge Hill Hampstead King George (c h) Millville Port Conway Shiloh King William, co. Acquinton Aylett's Enfield King William (o h) Lanesville Mangohick Rumford Academy Lancaster co. Kilmarnock Lancaster (c h) Litwalton Lively Oak White Stons Lee co. Beech Spring Cany Hollow Jonesville (c h) Rocky Station Rose Hill Stickleysville Turkey Cove Walnut Hill Whitesburg White Oak Springs Yocum Station Lewis co. Alkire's Mills Bennett's Mills Big Skin Creek Bash's Mills Collins' Settlement Fink's Creek Hacker's Creek Ireland Janelew Leading Creek Little Skin Creek Rude's Mills Sago Weston (c h) Wild Cat Run Logan co. Chapmanville Green Shoal Johnsville Logan (c h) Mouth of Pigeon NorthWest River Bridge Rich Creek London co. Aldie Areola Belmont Bloomfield Bolington Broad Run Circleville Goresville Hamilton Hillsboro' Hoysville Hughesville Leesburgh (c h) Lovettsville Middleburgh Morrisonville Mount Gilead Mountville Neers ville Oatland's Philomont Potomac Furnace Puree! ville Snickersville Unison W aterford Wheatland Louisa co. Alto Ambler's Mills Bells X Roads Cuckooville Ellis ville Frederickshall Gil boa Gum Spring Harris' Jackson Locust Creek Long Creek Louisa (c h) Mansfield Mechanicsville Poindexter's Store Second Turn Out South Anna Thompson's M Roads Tolersville Trevillian's Depot Lunenburg co. Barry's Bridge Brickl&nd Columbian Grove Double Bridge Haleysburgh Laurel Hill Lochleven Lunenburgh (o h) McFarlana's Non Intervention Pleasant Grove Rehoboth Tussekiah Watts bo ro' Yatesville Madison co. Criglersville Decapolis Dulinsville Graves' Mill Leon Locust Dale Madison (c h) Madison Mills Oak Park Peola Mills Rapid Ann Rochelle Seville Marion co. Barracksville Basnettsville Beaty's Mills Benton's Ferry Boothsville Fairmont (c h) Farmington Forksburgh Glover's Gap Gray's Flat Hoodsville Manningtoa Meredith's Tavern Michael's Mills Mill Falls Morgan's Ridge Nuzums Palatine Rive3ville Valley Falls Whiteday Glades Worthington Marshall co. Adaline Beeler's Station Bell ton Benwood Bowman Cameron Dallas Fair Hill Fork Ridge Glen Easton Kossuth Moundsville (e h) Rock Lick Rock Valley Slippery Ford Wheeling Valley Woodlands Mason co. Cologne Deer Lick Hereford's Letart Mason Pleasant Flat Point Pleasant(ch) Upland Upper Flats West Columbia Matthews co. Cobb's Creek Matthews (c h) North End Meckleriburgh co. Boydton (c h) Gedaria Christiansville Clarksville Drape rsville Forksville Joyceville Lombardy Grove Oakley Palmer's Springs Randol ph Macon College Saint Tammany's South Hill Stony Cross Tanner's Store Union Level White House Whittle's Mills Mercer co. Bethel Camp Creek Deep Lick East River Flat Top Frenchville Jumping Branch Mercer Salt Works Pipe Stem Princeton (c h) Spanishburg The Rock ■Wild Meadow Middlesex co. Church View Freeshade Jamaica Locust Hill Saluda (c h) Sandy Bottom Urbanna Arnettsville Blacksville Cassville Center Fort Martin Granville Ice's Ferry Jake's Run Laurel Point Lowsville Miracle Run Morgantown (c h) Pentress Pridevale Stewartstown Uffington Wadestown White Day Monroe co. Egypt Gap Mills Indian Creek Johnson's ^ Roads Monroe Mouth of Indian Mount Vernon Nickell's Mills Pack's Ferry Peterstown Red Sulpher Springs Salt Sulpher Springs Sink's Grove Sweet Springs Union (c h) Wolf Creek Alleghany Spring Blaeksburgh Childless' Store Christiansburg (c h) Laurel Creek La Fayette Lovely Mount McDonald's Mill Montgomery Springs Shawsville Yellow Sulpher Springs Morgan co, Alpine Depot Berkeley Spring* (c h) Cacapon Depot Cherry Run Depot Oaxland Paw Paw Sir John's Run Sleepy Creek Bridge Smith's X Roads Unger's Store Valley Mills Nansemond co. Chuckatuck Darden's Store Factory Hill Hargrove's Tavern Holy Neck Somerton South Quay Suffolk (c h) Nelson co. Avon Faber's Mills Green Field Gulf Ford Hardwicksville Lovingston (c h) Martin's Mill Massie's Mills Mount Horeb Murrill's Shop* Oak Lawn Rock Fish Roseland Tye River Ware¬ house Variety Millg Warminster New Kent co. Barhamsville New Kent (o h) Talleysville Nicholas co. Birch River Fork Lick Fowler's Knob Kesler's >4 Lane Hookersville Nicholas (o h> Sandrun Snow Hill Stroud Glades , Rich Woods Winston Norfolk co. Churchland Deep Creek Great Bridge Hickory Ground Lake Drummond Norfolk (c h) NorthWest River Bridge Portsmouth Northampton CO. Bay View Capeville Cherry Stone Eastville Franktown Johnsontown Sea View Northumberland CO. Burgess' Store Heathsville (o h) 24 POST OFFICES VIRGINIA. Lottsburgh Wicomico Church Nottoway co. Black Face Blacks and Whites Burksville Jeffress' Store Jennings' Ordinary Nottoway (c h) WeUville Ohio co. Clinton Triadelphia Valley Grove West Liberty Wheeling (ch) Orangeco. Barboursville Germanna Gordonsville Locust Grove Mallory's Ford Orange (c h) Orange Springs Somerset Thornhill Verdierville Page co. Alma Oedar Point Grove Hill Honeyville Hope Mills Luray (eh) Marksville Ua3sanutton Valleyburgh Shenandoah Iron Works PatricJe co. Ararat Ava Elamsville Mayoning Meadows of Dan Nettle Ridge Patrick (ch) Pann's Store Prunty's Rock Castle Roch Spring Round Meadows Sandy Plains Union Furnace Pendleton co. Franklin (c h) Harper's Mills Mount Freedom Mouth of Seneca Oak Flat Sugar Grove Sweedlin Hill Upper Tract Pittsylvania co. Aspen Grove Aston Bachelor's Hall Berger's Store Calland's Cascade Ohalk Level Danville Galveston Hill Grove Laurel Grove Mount Airy Oak's Shop Peytonsburgh Pittsylvania (o h) Pleasant Gap Riceville Ringgold Robertson's Store Sandy River Spring Garden Swansonville Whitmell Pleasants co. Grape Island (c h) Hebron Saint Marys Willow Island Pocahontas co. Academy Dunmore Ed ray Frost Green Bank HuntersviMe (c h) Marlin Bottom Mill Point Mount Murphy Oldfield Fork of Elk Sunset Thorny Creek Traveller's Repose Powhatan co. Ballsville Fine Creek Mills Genito Hallsboro' Jefferson Macon Powhatan (c h), Smithsville Sublett's Tavern Preston co. Allbright Amblersburgh Brandonville Bruceton Mills Cranesville Evansville Fellowsville German Settlement Glade Farms Gladesville Greensburgh Guseman's Store Kingwood (c h) Mill Run Muddy Creek Racoon Rowlesburgh Saltlick Falls Springdale Tannery Tunnelton Vslley Point Prince Edward co. Darlington Heights Farmville Green Bay Hampden Sidney College Moore's Ordinary Pamplin's Depot Prince Edward (c h) Prospect Rice Depot Prince George co. Brandon Church City Point Garysrille Prince George (ch) Mempleton Union Grove Princess Ann co. Blossom Hill Kempsville Land of Promise London Bridge Princess Anne (ch) Prince William, co. Brentsvslle (c h) Bristoe Station BuckUnd Dumfries Gainesville Groveton Haymarket Independent Hill Landsdown Neabsco Mills Occoquan Thoroughfare Tudor Hall Pulaski co. Draper's Valley Dublin Pepper's Ferry Reed Island Snowville Putnam co. Buffalo Frazier Bottom Hurricane Bridge Mount Salem Mouth of Poea Red House Shoals Teaze's Valley Walnut Grove Winfield Raleigh co. Coal River Marshes Raleigh (c h) Richmond Falls Shady Spring Table Rock Randolph co. Beverly (c h) Fillmore Huttonsville Leadsville Middle Fork Mingo Flat New Interest Queen's Mills Roaring Creek Salina Valley Head Western Ford Bappahanock co. Amissville Black Rock Flint Hill Gaines' £*) Roads Hawsbury Laurel Mills Rock Mills Slate Mills Sperryville Washington (c h) Woodville Richmond co. Durrettsville Farnham Stony Hill Warsaw (c h) Hit (.hie co. Bone Creek Cairo Goose Creek Highland McKinney'a Oxford Pennsboro' Ritchie (c h) Rusk Schumla Webb's Mills White Oak Roanoke co. Bent Mountain Big Lick Bonsack's Botetourt Springs Catawba Cave Spring Gishe's Mills Rockbridge co. Alone Alum Springs Balcony Falls Bell's Valley Brownsburgh Buena Vista Fur¬ nace Canicello Cedar Grove Mills Collierstown Fairfield Fancy Hill Goshen Bridge Kerr's Creek Lexington (c h) Natural Bridge Oakdale Sanders' Store Summers Rapp's Mills Thompson's Land¬ ing Timber Ridge Rockingham co. Bowman's Mills Bridgewater Broadway Depot Brook's Gap Conrad's Store Cross Keys Dayton Dovesville Edom Green Mount Harrisonburgh(ch) Keezletown Lacey Spring McGaheys ville Melrose Mount Clinton Mount Crawford Moyerhoeffer's Store Ottobine Paradise Port Republic Tenth Legion Timberville Waverlie Russell co. Belfast Mills Bickley's Mills Big Glades Dickenson ville Gibsonville Grassy Creek Guest's Station Hanson ville Lebanon (o h) New Garden Pound Rosedale Willow Spring Scott co. Block House Duncan's Mills Estillville (c h) Holston Springs Nickelsville Osborn's Ford Pattonsville Quillinsville Kooky Point Rye Cove Stock Creek Stony Creek Shenandoah co. Berner's White Sulphur Springs Columbia Furnace Edenburc Hamburgh Jacob's Church Lantz Mills Lorenzoville Foun¬ dry Moore's Store Mount Clifton Mount Jackson New Market Orkney Springs Paddy Mills Stras burgh Tom's Brook V anBuren F urn ace Woodstack (c h) Smyth co. Blue Spring Broadford Chatham Hill Groseclose Mills Marior (c h) Olympia Rye Valley Seven Mile Ford Sinclair's Bottom Two Mile Branch Southampton co, Assamoosiek Berlin Bowers Boykin's Depot Branchville Drewrysville Faisonsville Farmer's Grove Franklin Depot Green Level Green Plain Jerusalem Murfee's Depot Newsom's Depot Pond's Shop Vicksville Spottsylvania co. Andrews' Clover Green Danielsville Dowdall Frazer's Store Fredericksburgh Lewis' Store Matipony Mount Pleasant Partlows' Spottsylvania (o h) Thornburgh Todd's Twyman's Store Wilderness Stafford co. Aquia Bcllfair Mills Fall mouth Game Point Garrison ville Hartwood Monteithville Stafford (c h) Tackett's Mill Surry co. Bacon's Castle Baileysburgh Cabin Point Spring Grove Surry (eh) Sussex co. Blackwater Ooman's Well Henry Jarratts Littleton Newville Parham's Star* Sussex (c h) Stony Creek Ware¬ house Taylor a. Fetterman Grafton Harmony Grove , Pleasant C):eek POST OFFICES NORTH CAROLINA. 25 Pruntytown (o h) Sharpsburgh Simpson's Creek Three Forks Tazewell co. Abb's Valley Baptist Valley Big Rock Blue Stone Burke's Garden Cedar Bluff Clear Creek Cove Creek Hicksville Ironville JCnob Maiden Spring Peerv's Store Richland Rocky Gap Springville Tazewell (o h) Thompson's Valley Tug River Tumbling Creek Valley Tyler co. Lone Tree Middleboume (c h) Moore's North Bend Mills Ripley's Russell's Mills Shirley Sistersville Wick Upshur co. Buckhannon French Creek Frenchton Lorentz' Store Marple's Store Overhill Warren co. Bentonville Buckton Confluence Front Royal (o h) Hambaugh's Happy Creek Sta- Linden Ttion Milldale Nineveh Overall's Water Lick Warwick co. Warwick (c h) Washington co. Abingdon (c h) Buffalo Pond Cedarville Clear Branch Craig's Mills Emory Forks Glade Spring Holston Jones' Mills Kinderhook Laurel Liberty Hall Love's Mills Magnolia North Fork Raven's Nest Saltville Smith's Creek Thrue Springs Timber Grove Wayne co. Adkinsville Amacvtta Falls of 12 Pole Falls of Tug Fort Gay IIul; bards to \vn Round Bottom Savage Grant Wayne (c h) Westmoreland co. Foneswood Kinsale Montross (c h) Nominy Grove Oak Grove Oldham's ^ Roads Rice's Store Shaw's Mount Wetzel co. Burton Knob Fork Milo New Martinsville Pine Grove Porter's Fall Proctor Wirt co. Burning Spring Lees's Mills Newark Reedy Ripple Wirt (c h) Zaokville Wise co. Big Stone Gap Wood co. Belleville Bull Creek Briscoe Run Davisville Duncan Fountain Spring Freeport Lee Creek Parkersburgh (c h) St. Mary's Stillwell Watertown Wyoming co. Jo's Branch Oceana Wythe co. Austinville Browne Hill Cedar Springs Crab Orchard Graham's Forge Jackson's Ferry Mack's Meadows Rural Retreat Sharon Speedwell Wytheville (c h) Yorfc co. Bigler's Mills Cockle Town Yorktown (c h) NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance co. Curtis' Mills Graham Haw River Holt's Mills Holt's Store Lindley's Store McCray's Store MeDaniel Hason Hall Melville Morton's Store Patterson's Store Pleasant Grove Rock Creek Shallow Ford Snow Camp South Side Watsonville White Rock Alexander co. Little River Mount Pisgah Stony Point Taylorville (e h) WittenbeTgs York Collegiate In¬ stitute Anson co. Carolina Female College Cedar Hill Deep Creek Diamond Hill Hammond's Store Jones' Creek Lanesboro' Lilesville Morveu Peedee Wadesboro' (c b) White's Store Ashe co. Chestnut Hill Elk X Roads Elk Creek Gap Civil ©ap Creek Glade Creek Helton Jefferson (c h) Laurel Springs Nathan's Creek North Fork Peakland Potato Creek Scottville South Fork Beaufort co. Bath Blount's Creek Campbell's Creek Durham's Creek Fork Swamp Goose Creek Island Hunter's Bridge Leechville North Creek Pantego Pungo Creek South Creek Washington (c h) Bertie co. Ashland Colerain Hotel Merry Hill Roxobel Windsor (c h) Bladen co. Baker's Creek Bryant's Swamp Beatty's Bridge Cypress Creek Deserett Elizabethtown (c h) Ellisville French Creek Church Gravelly Hill Prospect Hall West Brook Western Prong White Oak White's Creek Brunswick co. Black Rock Robeson Shallotte Smithville (oh) Supply Buncombe co. Ashville (c h) Avery's Creek Democrat Fairview Flat Creek French Broad Hommeny Creek Reem's Creek Sandy Mush Shufordville Spring Creek Stocksville Sulphur Springs Swannano Turkey Creek Walnut Creek Warm Springs Burke co. Bridge water Brindletown Drowning Creek Linville River Morgan town (c h) Perkinsville Cabarras co. Bost's Mills Coddle Creek Concord (c h) Garmon's Mills Harris Depot Kirkland Klutt's Tan Yard Mill Hill Mount Pleasant Oak Lawn Parks' Store Pioneer Mills Caldwell co. Catawba View Collettsvilla Copenagen Deal's Mill Fort Defiance Globe King's Creek Lenoir (c h) Lovelady Patterson Camden co. Camden (ch) Shiloah South Mills Carteret co. Beaufort (c h) Hadnots Portsmouth Smyrna Straits Caswell co. Anderson's Store Blackwell Graves Hightowers Hudson Independence Leasburgh Locust Hill Milton Prospect Hill Purley Yancey ville Catawba co. Bunker's Hill Fishers Flint Rock Jacob's Fork Long Island Mountain Creek Mull Grove Newton (c h) Chatham co. Adolph Beaumont Branch Cane Creek Carbo iton Golds ton Grove Hackney'sX Roads Hadley's Mills Haywood Little Lick Martha's VineyaWI Moringville Mud Liek Oakland Pedlar's Hill Pittsboro (c h) Saint Lawrence Sandy Grove The Gulph Trade's Hill Cherokee co. Copperville Fort Hembree Fort Montgomery Laurel Valley Murphev (e h) Nottla Peach Tree Persimmon Creek Shooting Creek Stikoih Turtle Town Tusquitee Valley Town Chowan, co. Ballard's Bridge Edenton (c h) Cleveland co. Birchettsville Buffalo faper Camp Call Camp's Creek Clingman Double Shoal Duncan's Creek Erwinsville Garners Ford Mooresboro' Muddy Fork Nicholsonville Pierceville Polkvilla 26 POST OFFICES NORTH CAROLINA. Shelby (c h) Stice's Shoal Swangstown White Plains Colunfius co. Big Swamp Cerro Gordo Fair Bluff Green Swamp Peacock's Store WhitesviUe (c h) Craven co. Bay River Newbern (c h) Swift Creek Bridge Cumberland co. Argyle Barclaysville Blockers Chalk Level Fayetteville Grays Creek Harrison Creek Inverness Johnsonville Kinnie's Creek Kyle's Landing Little Rock Fish Manchester Mary's Garden Neill'8 Creek Northington Terebinthe Currituck co, Coinjock Currituck (ch) Greentown Indian town Knott's Island Poplar Brunch Powell's Point Davidson co. Abbott's Creek Brummell's Clemmonsville Cotton. Grove Fair Grove Healing Springs Jackson Hill Lexington (c h) Midway Pennfield Rich Fork Silver Hill Spencer Thomasville Walser's Mill Davie co, Clarksville County Live Farming<$a Fulton Jerusalem Mocksville Smith Grove Duplin co, Albertson's Bear Swamp Branch Store Buena Vista Chinkapin Faison's Depot Hallsville Kenansville (c h) Outlaw's Bridge Resaca Strickland's Depot Teachey's Warsaw Edgecombe co• Battleboro* Joyner's Depot Rocky Mount Saratoga Sparta Stantonsburg Tarboro' (c h) Wilson Forsyth co. Bethania Flint Hill Kernersville Lebanon Muddy Creek Old Richmond Rural Hall Salem Sedges Garden Walkertown Waughtown White Road Winston (c h) Franklin co. Franklinton Hall's ft Roads Harriss' H Roads Louisburg (c h) Pacific Wrightsville Gaston co. Castania Grove Catawba Creek Crowder's Creek Crowder's Moun¬ tain Dallas (c h) Erasmus King's Mountain Mountain Island Nail Factory Old Furnaee South Point Stanley's Creek Stowesville White Pine Woodlawn Gates co. Bucklad Gatesville Mintonsville Reynoldson Sunbury Granville co. Asylum Berea Blue Wing Brookville Brownsville Dutchville Fairport Gregory's Mill Henderson Kittrell Knap of Reeds Millbank Oak Hill Oxford (c h) Sassafras Fork Tabb's Creek Tally Ho Tar Kiver Townesville Tranquility Waterloo Williamsboro* Wilton Wood worths Younk'sX Roads Greene co. Bull Head Hookerstown Maysville Suow Hill (c h) Speight's Bridge Guilford co• Allemance Brick Churoh Centre Deep River Fentriss Friendship Gibsonville Gilmer's Store Greensboro' High Point Hillsdale Hunt's Store Jamestown McLeansville Monticello New Garden Oak Ridpe Shaw's Mills Summerfield Summer's Mills Westminster Halifax co. Brinkleyville Dawson's X Roads Enfield Halifax (c h) Heathsville Littleton Palmyra Ringwood Scotland Neck Sycamore Alley \Veldon Westland Harnett co. Averysboro' Buey's Creek Burns' Level Harrington Mill Grove Summerville Haywood co. Balsam Mouatain Big Spring Crab Tree Fine's Creek Forks of Pigeon Jonathan's Creek Ivy Hill Ocona Lufty Peru Pigeon River Quallatown Scott's Creek Waynesville Henderson co. Boilston Boman's Bluff Calhoun Cathey's Creek Cedar Mountain Cherryfield Claytonville Davidson River Dunn's Rock Edneyville Flat Rock Green River Hendcrsonville (c h) Mill River Mud Creek Tryon Hertford co. Bartonsville Harrellsville Murfreesboro' Pitch Landing Saint John Win ton Hyde co, Fairfield Lake Comfort Lake Landing Middletown Ocracoke Sladesville Swan Quarter (c h) Iredell co. Amity Hill Bethany Church Chestnut Grove Cool Spring Crater's Mill Deep Well Eagle Mills Falls town Fancy Hill Houstonville Liberty Hill Mount Mourne New Hope Olin Oak Forest Poplar Grove Post Oak Snow Creek Statesville (c h) Tulin Williamsburg Zion Jackson co. Georgetown Hogback Valley Horse Cove Johnson co. Bentonsville Beulah Boonhill Clayton Creachville Earpsbo rough Elevation Eureka Leechburg Lowell Pine Level Saint Charles Sandy Level Smithfield (c h) Jones co. Comfort Pollocksville Trenton (c h) Lenoir co. Kinston (c h) Moseley Hall Pink Hill Sandy Foundation Strabane Lincoln co. Beattie'sFord Catawba Spring* Chronicle Cottage Home Dry Ponds Early Grove Killian's Grove Lincolnton (c h) Lowrance's Mills Sherrill's Ford Siegel's Store Spring Hill Forge McDoweU co* Black Mountain Dysortville Marion (c h) MinersviUe North Cove Old Fort Stone Mountain Sugar Hill MacOn co. Cashers Valley Cowee Franklin Governor's Island Nantihala Skeeneh Tennessee River Madison co. Big Laurel Clay Cross Rock Gabriel's Creek Holly Grove Ivy Bend Jewel HillJ Lapland Raysville Walnut Mountahl White Rock Martin co, Hamilton Jamesville Williamston Mecklenburg co. Alexandriana Charlotte (c h) Clear Creek Cowan's Ford Creaghead Davidson College Fullwoed's Store Hemphill's Store Hopewell Hornet's Nest Martindale Morrison's Tan Yard Orrville Pineville Providence » Ranaleburgh Rose vale Sharon Steele Creek Tucasaga White Hall Montgomery co. An man's Hill Clark's Creek Edinboro' Harrisville Macedonia Matamoras Milledgeville Montgomery Mount Gilead Pekin Rush's Mills Swift Island Troy1 Wind Hill Moore, co. Buffalo Caledonia Carthage Centreville Clark's Mills Grain's Creek Curriersville Gold Regioo Lawbon's Hill Long Street New Gilead Pharr's Mills Pocket Prosperity Reedy Brauok Rollin's Store Solemn Grove Watson's Bridge Nash co< Botanic Hill C&stalia Hilliardston Nashville (oh) Ransom's Bridge Springhope Stanhope New Hanover co. Angola Bannerman Black River Chftf* POST OFFICES NORTH CAROLINA. 27 Burgaw Depot Caintuck Cypress Grove Dogwood Grove Harrell's Store long Creek Moore's Creek Scott.s Hill pill's Creek Spring Garden Topaail Sound WiMington (c h) Northampton co. Garysburgh Gaston Green Plains Jackson (c h) Margaretsville PleasKnt Hill Potecasi Rich Square Seaboard Summit Woodland Onslow co. Aman^s Store ' Catharine Lake Golden Place Haw Branch Onslow (e h) Palo Alto ^nv'Green Ricplands Snead's Ferry Stone's Baj Swansboro' Wolf Pit Ortmge co. Big Falls Caldwell ^ Cedar Grove Chapel Hill Glover Garden Clover Orchard Dial's Creek Durham's Enoe Mills Hartshorn Hawfields HUlsboro' (c h) Meadow Greek Mount Willing Oaks Orange Factory Bed Mountain Rock Spring Round Hill South Lowell Stagville Trice's Store Walnut.Grove West Orange West Point Pasquotank co. Elizabeth City f c h) Hintonsville Newbagon Creek Nixonton Perquimans co. Dnrant's Neek Hertford (c h) Newby's Bridge Woodville Person co. Allensville Busby Fork Cunningham's Store Daniel's Mills Five Forks Gordonton Hester's Store ' Mount Tirzah Olive Hill Boxboro' (c h) Van Hook's Store Williamsville Woodsdale Pitt co. Boyd's Ferry Coxville Falkland Greenville (c h) Johnson's Mills Marlboro' Pactolus Pleasant Mount Ridge Spring Polk co, Columbus Randolph co. Ashboro* (c h) B rower's Mills Brush Creek Buffalo Ford Caraway Cedar Falls Cox's Mills Eden Franklinville Hill's Store Hoover Hill Jones' Mine La Grange Lassiter's Mills Long's Mills Marley 's Mills Moffit's Mills New Market Newport New Salem Normal College Reed Creek Salem Church Sandy Creek Sawyersville Science Hill Soap Stone Mount Stone Lick Troy's Store White House Richmond co. Bear Branch Bostick's Mills Capell's Mills Covington Dockery's Store Dumas' Store Gibson's Store Laurel Hill Laurinburgh Little's Mills McDonald's Mills Mangum Mark's Creek Montpelier Powellton Rock Grove Rockingham Springfield Stewarts town Robeson co. Alfordsville Brooklin Clay Valley Cowper Hill Dundarrack Fair Play Floriesville Gilopolis Howellsville Leesville Lumber Bridge Lumberton (c h) Marysville Melrose Philadelphus Queensdale Kandalsville Red Springs Saint Pauls Smith Bridge Rockingham co, Dan River Eagle Falls Elm Grove Grogansville Hogan's Creek Lawsonville Leaksville Madison Mayfield Mayo Monroeton Oregon Pleasantville Reidsville Stacy ville Thompsonville Troublesome Wentworth (c h) Rowan co. Bringle's Ferry Calaubria Eufaula Gold Hill Miranda Mount Ulla Mount Vernon Organ Church Rockville Roseman's Store Rowan Mills Salisbury (c h) Spring (Jrove Wood Leaf Rutherford co. Britain Butler Cedar Creek Chimney Rock Cooper's Gap Cuba First Broad Golden Valley Grassy Knob Green Hill Hicksville High Shoals Island Ford Logan's Store Mill's Gap Oak Spring Otter Creek Patton'sHome Rutherfordton(c h) Sandy Plains Suck Creek Webb's Ford Sampson co. Beman's W Road Bennett's & Roads Clinton (c h) Draughon's Store Hawley's Store Monk's Store Newton Grove Owenville Piney Grove Six Runs Springvale Taylor's Bridge Wardsville Stanly co. Albemarle (ch) Efird's Mills Kendall's Storo Norwood Rowlandsville Stokes co. Ayersville Big Creek Blakely Colesville Crooked Creek Danbury (c h) Grancisco Germantown (c h) Little Yadkin Martin's Lime Kiln's Old Town Peters Creek Pine Hall Red Shoals Walnut Cove Wilson's Store Surry* co. Dobson Elkin Flat Shoal Fisher's Gap Hav Stack Indesville Mount Airy Richmond Hill Rockford (c h) Rusk Roaring Gap Siloam State Road Stony Ridge Tom's Creek Tyrrelco. Columbia (c h) Fort Landing Union co. Beaverdam Coburu's Store Jenkin's Store Lane's Creek Love's Level Monroe (c h) Morgan's Mills Oak Grove Oakville Olive Branch Richardson Creek Stevens' Mills Walkersville White Hill Winchester Wolfsville Wake co. Auburn Brassfield Cary Eagle Rock Fishdam Forestville Green Level Holly Spring Middle Creek New Hill New Light Raleigh (c h) Rogers' Store Rolesville Wakefield Warren co* Almeria Areola Exchange Grove Hill Macon Depot J Merry Mount Nutbush Ridge way Shocco Springs Warrenton (c h) Washington co. Plymouth (c h) Scuppemong Union Wautauga co. Boone Cranberry Forge Legs Moretz Mill Rotherwood Sody Strong Fork Sugar Grove Sweet Water Valley Crusis Watauga Falls Everittsville Falling Creek Goldsborough Jericho Millard Mount Olive Nahunta Pikeville Sleepy Creek Wilkes co. Brier Creek Buggabo Elk Spur Elkville Hay Meadow Hunting Creek Lewis' Fork Lovelace Mulberry New Castle Reddie's River Swan Pond Trap Hill Warrior Creek Wilkesboro' (c h) Willbar Zimmerman Yadkin co. East Bend Forbush Hamptonville Huntsville Jonesville Locust Shade Mount Nebo Oak Level Panther Creek Red Plains Republic Yadkinville W alnut Lane Yancey oo. Bakersville Bald Creek Burnsville (o h) Chidsville Day Book Egypt Grassy Creek 9 Ivy Ledger Paint Gap Ramseytown Red Hill Yellow Mountain 28 POST OFFICPS SOUTH CAROLINA. SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville District. Abbeville (c h) Bordeaux Calhoun's Mill Cambridge Cherokee Heights Cokesbury Diamond Hill Donnaldsville Dae West Corner Gentsville Greenwood Harper's Ferry Harrisburgh Hodges Indian Hill Level Land Long Cane Lowndesville Mapleton Mill Way Monterey Mountain "View Mount Carmel New Market Ninety Six Sandover Smithville Swancy's Ferry Temple of Health Warrenton White Hall Wideman's Willington Wilson's Creek Anderson*8 District Anderson (c h) Andersonville Belton Brushy Creek Butlersville Calhoun Churubusco Craytonville Deep Creek Double Branches Douthet Equality Evergreen Golden Springs Honey Path Locust Hill Millwee's Moffetsville Moutain Creek Newell Pendleton Pierce Town Queensboro' Kock Mills Rocky Ridge Saddler's Creek Seneca Shallow Ford Silver Glade Slab Town Steele's Store ville Townville Varennes Williamston Barnwell District. Aiken Allendale Angloy's Branch Bamberg Baiflhwell (c h) Blackville Buford's Bridge Cowpen Branch Davis' Mills Duck Branch Dumbarton Duncansville Erwinton "Fiddle Pond Four Mile Pond Graham's Turnout Greenland King Creek Lower Three Runs Merritt's Bridge Midway Millersville Red Oak Grove Rice's Ridge Silverton Smyrna Speedwell Tincker's Creek White Pond Williston Woodward Beaufort District. Beach Branch Beaufort (c h) Bluffton Brighton Danielton Gillisonville Grahamville Greenfield Hickory Hill Horse Gall Lawtonville Long Branch Pocotaligo Robertsville Sand Hill Silver Hill Steep Bottom Whippy Swamp Charleston District. Black Oak Charleston (c h) Danner's^ Roads Haddrell's Holly Hill Jedburg Monk's Corner Mount Holly Pineville Roadville Summerville Chester District. Black Stocks Ratton Rouge Reckarasville Carmel Hill Cedar Shoal Chestnut Grove Chester (c h) Cornwell Turnout Crosbyville Halsellville Hazlewood La Grange Landsford Lewisville Rich Hill ^ Roads Rossville Sandersville Tomsville Torbit's Store Wallace Well Ridge Chesterfield District Cheraw Chesterfield (c h) Hornsborough Jefferson Mount Croghan Pine Tree Clarendon District. Manning Colleton District, Adam's Run Ashapoo Ferry Blue House Broxton's Bridge Buckhead Causey Edisto Island Elmville Rantowles Reevesville Ridgeville Saint Georges Saltketcher Bridge Walker's Walterboro* Darlington District Andrews' Mills Cartersville Darlington (c h) Effingham Florence Gully Hartsville Leavensworth Linton Bluff Lydia Merchant's Bluff Philadelphia Rollinsville Society Hill Sparrow Swamp Swift Creek Tan's Bay Timmensville Wood Shop Edgefield District. Bath Beech Island Big Creek Cairo Cold Spring Coleman's X Roads Colliers Duntonsville Dyson's Mills Edgefield (c h) Edisto Mills Elton Fruit Hill Germanville Graniteville Hamburgh Higgin's Ferry Ivy Island Kirksey's^ Roads Longmire's Store Lotts Meeting Street Mine Creek Mount Willing Oakland Parks' Perry'sW Roads Phcenix Pleasant Lane Poverty Hill Rehoboth Richardsonville . Ridge Rocky Pond Shatterfield Sleepy Creek Wooalawn Fairfield District. Alston Bell's Store Brown's Buck Head Feasterville Gladden's Grove Jackson's Creek Lilesford Long Run Longtown Monticello (c h) Ridgeway Rocky Mount Shelton Strother Thompson's Winnsboro' Youguesville Georgetown District Georgetown (c h) Rhyme Yanhanna Greenville District. Buena Vista Caesar's Head Cedar Falls Chick's Spring Clear Spring Cottage Hill Cripple Creek Dunklin Fairview Fountain Inn Gilder Golden Grove Gowensville Grove Station Greenville (c h) Highland Grove Highway Lavinda Lickville Lima Line Creek Merrittsville Milburg Miiford North Saluda Plain Pleasant Grove Pliny Pomeror Sandy Flat South Saluda Sterling Grove Stone House Stonesville Tituroy Traveler's Rest White Horse Horry District. Blanton's^ Road Bucksville Bug Swamp Conwaysborough (ch) Dogwood Neck Little River Kershaw District. Bee Tree Camden (c h) Elm Grove Flat Rock Hanging Rock Liberty Hill Lynchwood Palmetto Red Hill Russell Place Tiller's Ferry Lancaster District. Belair Butler Craigsville Cureton's Store Dry Creek Dudley Flint Kidge Hickory Head Jacksonham Lancaster (c h)* Longstreet Pleasant Hill Pleasant Valley Wild Cat Laurens District. Bluff Rabun Brewerton Centerville Clinton Cross Hill Eden Huntington Laurens (c h) Marengo Martin's Depot Milton Monroe Mount Gallagher Mount Pleasant Mountville Pleasant Mound Reynosa Scuffletown Simpson's Mills Spring Grove Tumbling Shoals Tylersville Waterloo Young's Store Lexington District, Beaver Pond Calk's Ferry Clark's Mills Countsville Edisto Hollow Creek Hope Station Leesville Lexington (c h) Oakville Pleasant Spring Rish's Store Rockville Rocky Well Sandy Run Sawyer's Mills Steedman's Williamson's Mill* Marion District. Allen's Bridge Britton's Neck Campbell's Bridge Catfiish Centenary Flintville Floydsville Forestville Friendfield Gilchrist's Bridge Gum Swamp Jeffrey's Creek Little Rock Lvnche's Creek Marion (c h) Mar's Bluff Mclnnis Bridge Mullin's Depot Poedee Red Bluff Reedy Creok Selkirk Sugar Hill Tabernaele Willow Creek Marlborough Dest. Adamsville Bennettsville Brightsville Brownsville Clio Powell's Store Newberry District. Beth Eden Belmont Boazman's Turnout Boulw&reville Brooks Chappell's Bridge Cotswood Glymphville Indian Creek Jalappa Jolly Street Kinnard's Turnout Liberty Hall Little Mountain POST OFFICES GEORGIA. 29 Long Pond Maybinton Mount Bethel Newberry (c h) Pomaria Prosperity Saluda Mills Shop Spring VaughanaviUe Walton Whitemires Orangeburgh Dist. Branchyille Bull Swamp Fort Motte Jamison Jordan's Mills Kitching's Mills Mc Cants ville Orangeburgh (oh) Poplar Eocky Swamp Rowe's Pump Saint Matthews Vance's Ferry White Cane Pickens District. Anderson's Mills Bachelor's Retreat Bounty Land Branch Island Camp Ground Cheohee Claremont Clayton's Mills Colonel's Fork Crow Creek Dacusville Eastaloe Eighteen Mile , Fair Play Five Mile Fowler's Creek Glassey Mountain Horse Shoe Martin's Creek Oakway Oconee Station Pickens (c h) Pickensville Rock Mountain Salubrity Snow Creek Table Mountain Toxaway Tunnel Hill Twelve Mile Walhalla Warsaw Way Side Whetstone Wolf Creek Richland District. Ce.dar Creek Columbia (o h) Doko Gadsden Hopkins Turnout Wateree Spartanburgh Dis¬ trict. Algooa Arrowoo Barleywood Bivingsville Boiling Springs Buck Creek Burnt Factory Campbellville Cannon's Store Cash ville Cedar Springs Asy¬ lum Clarksville Cow pens Cowpen Furnace Crawfordsville Cross Anchor Crowsville Damascus Earlesville Enoree Fingersville Fort Prince Glen Springs Grassy Pond Hebron Hobbj-sville Hurricane Jackson-Hill Limestone Springs Mill ville Moultrie Mount Lebanon Mountain Shoals New Prospect Poolsville Rich Hill Rogers' Bridge Smith's Store Sparta Spartanburgh (c h) Templeman's Mills Thickety Fork Vernonsville Wallace's Faotory Walnut Grove Woodruff's Sumter District. Bethlehem Bishopville Black River Bradford Springs Bradleyville Brewington Clarendon Dove Flowerton Friendship Fulton Harmony College Lynchburgh Manchester Mayesvillo Mechanicsville Mill Grove Mott New Zion Packsville Plowden's Mills Privateer Salem Sandy Grove Shiloh Stateburgh (o h) Sumter Taylor's Wright's Bluff Union District. Bowlingsville Cold Well Coopersville Cross Keys Draytonsville Fair Forest Fishdam Goshen Hill Gowdeysville Jonesville McBridesville Meansville Mount Tabor Pacolelt Mills Pea Ridge Pinckneyville Simsville Timber Ridge TJnionville (c h) Wartola West's Spring Wilkins ville Williamsburgh Dis¬ trict. Black Mingo Camp Ridge Cedar Grove China Grove Deer Grape Indian town Johnsonville Kingstree (o h) Lenude's Ferry Lynche's Lake Murray's Ferry Natural Grove Plantersville Singletarysville Sutton's Vine York District. Allison Creek Antioch Bethany Bethel Blairsville Boyalton Bullock Creek Catawba Cherokee Iron Works Clark's Fork Clay Hill Coate's Tavern Ebenezerville Fort Mill Guthriesville Harmony Hickory Grove Hopewell M c Councils villa Meek's Hill Nation Ford New Centre New House Rock Hill Smith's Ford Smith's Turnout Taylor's Creek Tirza Yorkville (c h) Zeno GEORGIA Appling co. Cook's Store Hall Holmesville (c h) Middleton's Store Rushville Baker co. Albany Bond's Mills McElveens ville Milford Newton (c h) Pryor Baldwin co. Black Spring Milledgeville (e h) Talmage Berrien co. Mill town Nashville Bibb co. Eleanor Macon (c h) Brooks co. Nankin Bryan co. Way's Station Bullock co. Bengal Mill Ray Statesboro (c h) Burke co. Alexander Fryer's Ponds Girard Green Cut Herndon Holcombe Hopeful Joy's Mills Lester's District Midville flillin ardig Waynesboro (c h) Butts co. Cork Indian Springs Jackson (c hi Seven Islands Stark Worth ville Calhoun co. Beckcom's^ Roads Morgan Pachitta Camden co. Centre Village Jeffersonton (c h) Langsbury Saint Marys Campbell co. Campbellton (o h) Cedar Branch Chapel Hill County Line Dark Corner Empire Mills Fairburn Gartrell New Manchester Palmetto Rivertown Salt Springs Sandtown Carroll eo. Bowdon Bowenville Buffalo Burnt Stand Carrollton (o h) Central Point Chanceville Flint Hill Hickory Level Laurel Hill Mistletoe Bower Rotherwood Sand Hill Tallapoosa Villa Rica Wimberly Cass co. Adairsville Allatoona Cartersville Cassville (c h) Etowah Euharley Kingston Little Prairie Mountain House Pine Log Stilesborough Catoosa co. Catoosa Springs Graysville Ringgold Wood's Station Charlton co. Trader's Hill Chatham co. Savannah (c h) Chattahoochee co. Cottage Mill Cusseta Halloca King Chattooga co. Alpine Ohattoogaville Dirt Town Farmersville Melville Subligna Summerville (eh) Toelga Springs Trion Factory Valley Store Cherokee co. Ball Ground Canton (c h) Fort Buffington Foster's Mills Freemansville ■ Hammett Hickory Flat Little River Macedonia Ophir Orange Sharp Top Sutallee Troy Walesca Woodstock Clark co. Athens(c h) Farmington Salem Watkinsville Clay co. Fall Creek Pomaria Clinch co. Carter's Ridge Cow Creek Homersville Magnolia (c h) Troublesome Cobb co. Acworth Boltonville Brown's Fulton Lost Mountain Marietta (e h) Mill Grove Moon's Nelson Newtown. Noonday Powder Spring® Roswell Coffee co•, Byrd's Slills Douglas Feronia Ocmulgeeville Red Bluff Colquitt co. Greenfield Moultrie Columbia do. Appling Berzelia Columbia Mine Eubanks Kiokee Lombard/ Nebraska Rays ville Saw Dust Thompson White Oak Winfield Wrightsboro (c h) Coweta co. Grantville Haralson. Kidron Location Lodi Newnan (c h) Paris • * Rio 30 POST OFFICES GEORGIA. Eden Egypt Guy ton Sister's Ferry Springfield (c h) Elbert co. Amandaville Anthony Shoals Broad River Cold Water Cook's Law Office Craftsville Eagle Grove Elberton (c h) Fishdam Grove Harmony Ruckersville Summervale Webster Place Emanuel co. Battle Ground Oanoochee Ohoopee Swainsboro' (c h) Fannin co. Hot House Mineral Bluff Morganton (c h) Rollin Skeinah Vanzandt's Store Fayette co. Fayetteville (e l) Glenn Grove Jonesborough Red Oak Rough and Ready White Water Floyd co. Armuehee Barker's Store Cave Spring Coosa Dyke's Stare Everett's Spring Flovd Springs Mc&uire's Store Missionary Station Rome (o h) Thomas Mills Vann's Valley Yarborough Forsyth co. Ami Bethlehem Big Creek Coal Mountain Camming (c h) Davis Creek Hartford High Tower Sawney's Mountain Sheltonville Vickery's Creek Warsaw Franklin co. Aquilla Auburn Hill Bald Spring Belton Bowersville Bushville Camesville (e h) Erastus Fairview Flintsville Ford's Store Franklin Springs Georgian Goodwill Grove Level Middle River Mosely's Store Nail's Creek Parker's Store Phi Delta Walnut Hill Webb's Creek Fulton co. Atlanta (o h) Irbyville Oak Grove Utoy Gilmer co. Alma Blue Ridge Carticay Cherry Log Chesnut Gap Edom Ellej ay Mountain Town Pierceville Prince Edward Rock Hill Santa Lucah Tail's Creek White Path Glasscock co. Gibson Glynn co. Bethel Brunswick Frederica Mount Pleasant Gordon co. Calhoun (c h) Fair Mount Free'Bridge Red Bud Resaca Sonora Sugar Valley Greene co. Cutright Greensboro' (c h) Ida, Penfield Public Square Scull Shoals Union Point White Plains Woodvilla Gwinnett co. Auburn Berkshire Cain's Chinkapin Grove Lawrenceville (ch) Pinckney ville Rock Bridge Suwanee Sweet Water Yellow River Habersham eo. Allandale Batesville Blue Creek Clarksville (c h) Cro3by Duane Street Hollingsworth Leo Loudsville Mount Yonah Nacoochee Tallulah Walton's Ford Sail co. Argo Chesnut Mountain Gainesville (e h) Gillsville Hog Mountain Oakland Polksville Poplar Springs Rancher Shoal Creek Skitt's Mountain Sugar Hill War Hill Wolleysford Han code at. Bulah Culrerton Island Creek Long's Bridge Mount Zion Powellton Shoals of Ogechee Sparta (c h) Haralson co. Buchanan Newsville Repose Hart co. Air Line Bio Hartwell Henley's Store(ch) Montevideo Oak Bower Harris co. Cataula Ellerslie Goodman's Cross Road3 Hamilton (c h) Mountain Hill Mulberry Grove Piedmont Waverly Hall Whites ville Wisdom's Store Heard co. Corinth Enon Grove Franklin (o h) Houston Saint Cloud State Line Union Mills Henry co. Bear Creek Bersheba Flat Rock Ghentsville Locust Grove McDonough (c h) Mount Carmel Sandy Ridge Spring Stockbridge White House Houston co. Busbavville Fort valley Hayneville Henderson Houston Factory Perry (ch) Powersville Wellborn's Mill Irwin co. Edenfield House Creek Irvinsville (c h) Orel Pennsboreugh Vineyard Jackson co. Bascobel Delay Harmony Grove Jefferson (c h) Marcus Maysville Mulberry Pond Fork Jasper co. Glades villa Hillsboro' Leakesville Mechanicsville Monticello (c h) Palo Alto Shady Dale Jefferson co. Fenn's Bridge Louisville (c h) Pope Hill • Reedy Creek Speir's Turnout Woodburn Jones co. Blountsville Cardsville Clinton (ci) Cornucopia Griswoldville Poverty Hill Wallace Laurens eo. Buck Eye Dublin (c h) Laurens Hill Lime Sink Lee co. Chickasawhatchie Flat Pond Renwick Sneed Stark ville (c h) Sumterville Liberty co. Beard's Oreek Hinesville (e h) Mcintosh Riceboro Taylor's Greok, W althoursviiliat • Lincoln oo. Clay Hill Double Branches Goshen Leathersvilie Linc (0 h) Lisbon Lowndes co. Anderson Ava Clyattsville Flat Creek Grand Bay Griffin's Mills Hahira Morven Okapilco Piscola Radford's Mills Tallokas Troupville (c h) Lumpkin co. Amicalola Auraria Barrettsville Catoosa Crossville Dahlonega (eh) Juno New Brifea Pleasant Retreat Round Hill Smithville Yellow Creek Mcintosh CO. Darien (c h) Johnston's Station South Newport Macon co. Creek Stand Etna Grangefsvills Hamburg Lanier (o h) Marshallsville Montezuma Ogle thorp# Winchester Us Madison CO. Brookline Danielsville (c h) Fort Lamar Madison Springs Paoli Planter's Stand Marion co. Buena Vista Chnreh Hill Fragoletta Glenalta Pine Knot Mills Pineville Poindexter Tazewell (c h) Meriwether co. Erin Farmer's Flat Shoa& Greenville fo h) Holly Jones' Mills Magdalena Oak Ridge Rocky Mount Warm Springs Warner ville White Sulphur Springs Woodberry Miller eo. Colquit Milton CO. Alpharetta Mitchell eo. Camilla Gum Pond Viola Monroe co. Colaparohw Culloden Forsyth (o h) J ohnston villa New Muket POST OFFICES FLORIDA. 31 Proctor's Store Russellville Unionville * Montgomery a Boxville Hot House Little York Mount Vernon (ch) Seward Sterling Morgan co. Buck Head Ebenezer Fair Play High Shoals Madison (c h) Eutledge Murray co. Chaseville Cohuttah Springs Coos&w attee Fancy Hill Hasslor's Mills Holly Creek Spring Place (c h) Woodlawn Muscogee co. Columbus (c h) Jamestown Steam Factory U patoie Water Oak Newton CO. Brick Store Conyers Covington (oh) Middle Ridge Newborn Newton Factory Oak Hill Oxford Rocky Plains Sheffield Snapping Shoals Starrsville Oglethorpe co. Bairdstown Crawford Lexington (e h) Maxey Millstone Philomath Point Peter Stephens Paulding ch. Dallas (c h) De Soto Drake Town Etna Huntsville Pumpkin "Vine Pickens co. Jasper (c h) Jerusalem Marble Works Rich Mountain Saunder's Town Talking Rock Pierce co, Blackshear Zero Pike co. Barnesville Griffin Liberty Hill Milner Zebulon (c h) Polk co. Cedartown Esom Hill Pumpkin Pile Van Wert Yellow Stone Pulaski eo. Cross Creek Hawkinsville (o h) Lawson Long Street Putnam co. Avlona Clopton's Mills Dennis Eatonton (c h) Glades >< Roads Hearnville Rockville Stanfordville Rabun co. Clayton (c h) Head of Tennessee Pine Mountain Tiger War Woman Randolph co. Benevolence Brooksville Buford Cotton Hill Cuthbert(c h) Georgetown Hamlet Linwood Nochway Odchodkee Verona Richmond co. Allen's Augusta (c h) Belair McBeen Depot Richmond Factory Scriven co. Black Creek Buck Creek Halcyon Dale Middle Ground Mill Haven Mobley Pond Ogechee Scarborough Sylvania (c h) Spaulding co. York Stewart co. Bladen Creek Compton Florence Friendship Hannahatchee Lumpkin (c h) Millard Richland Scienceville Sumter co. Americus (c h) Andersonville Bottsford Danville Lake Harris Plains of Dura Pondtown Providence Quebec Talbot co. Belleview Bluff Spring Box Spring Centre Geneva Pleasant Hill Prattsburgh Quito Red Bone Talbotton (o h) Taliaferro co. Crawfordsville (ch) Raytown Sharon Tat nail co. Bull Creek Long Branch Matlock Perry's Mills (c h) Reidsville Watermelon Taylor co. Butler Daviston Howard New Agency Reynolds Telfair co. Cobbville Copeland Jacksonville (c h) Lumber City MeRae's Store Sugar Creek Temperance Terrell co. Chenuba Dawson Dover Oceola Thomas co. Arabia Boston Dry Lake Duncanville Eastwood Glasgow Grooverville Station Tatesville Thomasville (c h) Youngsville Towns co. Hiawassee (c h) Mountain Scene Mount Eolia Troup co. Antioch Asbury Hoganville La Grange (0 h) Long Cane Mountville 0'Neal's Mills Troup Factory Vernon West Point Twiggs eo. Jeffersonville Marion (c h) Tarversville Twiggsville Union co. Blairsville (c h) Brass town Choestoe Gaddistown Ivy Log Mill Creek Rose Hill Shady Grove Stock Hill Track Rock Young Cane Upson co. Double Bridges Flint RiverFactory Thomaston (c h) The Rock ThunderingSprings W aynman ville Walker co. Cane Creek Cassandra Cotoosa Springs Cedar Grove Chesnut Flat Duck Creek Frick's Gap Greenbush High Point Lafayette (c h) Naomi Pond Spring Rock Spring Rossville Snow Hill Villanow Walton co. Cut Off Good Hope Loganville Monroe (e h) Social Circle Walnut Grove Windsor Ware co. Burrell Isabel Kettle Creek Strickland's Waresboro' (oh) Warren co. Double Wells J ubilee Maylield Republican Tannville Warrenton (c h) Washington CO. Curry's Mills Davisboro' Hebron Irwin's RoadS Oconee Sandersville (e h) Tennville Warthen's Store Wayne co. Bennettsville Doctor Town Satilla Wayne3ville (eh) Webster co. Preston W eston Whitfield CO. Anderson Dalton Fillmore Gordon Springs Green Woods Red Clay Rural Vale T ilton Tunnell Hill Upper King's Bridge Varnell's Station Wilcox co. Adams Wilkes CO. Centreville Danburgh Delhi Mallorysvillo Rahoboth Washington (c h) Wilkinson co• Cool Spring Gordon Irwinton (c h) Mclntird Milton Stephensville Toombsborough Worth eo, Bloomfield Brooks Deer Land Isabella (c h) Minton Warwick FLORIDA. Addison co. Sandy Ford Alachua co. Gainesville Micanopy Morrison's Mills Newnanville (c h Sikesville Sugar Grove Waldo Benton co. Augusta Homasassa. Brevard co. Indian River Calhoun co. Long Cane Ochesee Columbia co. Barber's Cherry Hill Columbus Durham Ellisville Huntsville Ichetucknee Lake City Little River New Boston Newburgh New River Olustee Palestine Providence St. Helena Saint Louis Spring Grove Stark Suwannee Shoals Trail Ridge Tustenugee Dade co. Miami Duval co. Baldwin Chesuwiskia Hibernia Jacksonville (c h) Magnolia Mills Mandarin Mayport Mills Middleburg Yellow Bluff Escambia co. Pensacola (c h) Warrington Franklin co. Apalachieola Gadsden co. Chattahoochee China Hill Concord Mount Pleasant guincy (c h) iekoe's Bluff Ridleysville Hamilton, CO. Bellville Jaspar Jennings White Springs Semando ait Bay Port Cedar Tree Crystal RiVfi* 32 POST OFFICES ALABAMA. Fort Dade Fort Tyler Monroe's Ferry Pierceville Hillsborough CO. Alalia Ichepuckesassa Tampa Holmes eo. Cerro Gordo Home Spring Ponce De Leon Jackson co. Campellton Crow ell Greenwood Mariana (c h) Millwood Jefferson co. Beaseley Monticello (e h) Walker's Mill3 Waukeenah La Fayette co. Fayetteville McQueen Old Town Leon co. Bailey's Mill Centreville Chaires' [tillery Hodgeson's Dis- Jackson's Bluff Miccosukee Tallahassee*(c h) Levy co. Atsena Otie Black Dirt Clay Landing Long Pond Wekeiva Liberty co. Blue Creek Ridleysville Madison co. Cherry Lake Clifton Finkholloway Fort Hamilton Hamburg Madison (c h) Mosely Hall Sandy Ford Manatee co. Manatee Marion co. Camp Izard Cottage Flemington Iola Long Swamp Ocola Orange Lake Orange Springs Silver Spring Waeahootie Monro co. Key West (c h) Nassau co. Callahan Fernandino King's Ferry Lewisville Orange co. Hawkinsville Jernigan Mellonville (c h) New Smyrna Orlando Putnam, co. Fort Gates George's Lake Lake George Pilatka Welaka Santa Rosaco. Austinville Coon Hill McLellanville Milton St. John's co. Orange Mills Picolata St. Augustine (c h) Sumter co. Adamsville Lake Griffin Lake Harris Mossy Grove Palmyra Pine Level Sumpterville Volusia co. Enterprise Volusia Wakulla eo. Benhaden Newport Oil Works Saint Marks Shell Point Sopchoppy Walton eo. Alaqua Almirante Douglassville East River Knox Hill Uchee Anna Washington eo. Econfina Orange Hill St. Andrews Bay Vernon ALABAMA. Autauga co. Autaugaville Chestnut Creek Crystal Springs Hartwood Huntington Independence Kingston (c h) Milton Mulberry Prattville Ranch Baldwin co. Blakely (c h) Dannelley's Mills Honey Cut Stockton Tensaw Barbour co, Adkison's Buck Branch Buford Bushville Choetawhatchie Clayton (c h) Cowikee Eufaula Fort Browder Fort Williams Glennville Jernigan Kings Louisville Midway Hount Andrew New Topia Renoldsville Texasville White Oak Springs Bibb co, Affonee Caudle's Shop Centreville (c h) Maplesville Mars Randolph Seottsville Six Mile Blount co. Blount Spring Blountsville (o h) Brooksville Campbell's Store Chapultepeo Hanna's Little Warrior Mount Alvis MurphTee's Valley Ogee Soapp's ^ Roads Summit Village Springs Violy Walnut Grove Butler co. Armadillo Butler's Spring Davidville Dawson Dead Fall Didaske East Georgia Friendship Georgiana Greenville (c h) Honoroville Jockson's Mills Kirkville Long Creek Manningham Millville Monterey Oaky Streak Pigeon Creek Rainersville Sal Soda South Butler Starlington Three Runs Toluca Calhoun co. Abernethy Alexandria Cainland Corn Grove Cove Creek Cross Plains Fair Play Jacksonville (c h) Kemp's Creek Ladiga Lead Mines Loydville Middleton Morrisville Mount Polk Narrow Valley New Bethel Oak Level Oxford Palestine Peak's Hill Rabbittown Reavesville Ripley Rosewood Shoal Creek Sulphur Springs Ten Islands Watt's Creek White Plains Chambers co. Bethlehem Beulah Chambers (c h) Cusseta Fredonia Hickory Flat Kendall's X Roads Milltown Mount Hickory Mount Jefferson New Harmony Oak Bowery Osanippa Waverly Cherokee co. Ball Play Blue Pond Cedar Bluff (c h) Cedar Springs Centre Cobb's Mills Coloma Davis ^ Roads Gadsden Gaylesville Gnatsville Goshen Hannegan Hoke's Bluffs Howell's Y. Road King's Hill Kirk's Grove Leesburgh Little River Oceola Pleasant Gap Ringgold Rio Grande Sand Rock Sterling Spring Garden Tranquility Turkeytown Water Cure Choctaw eo. Barryton Black Creek Bladen Springs Bogneloosa Butler (c h) Desotoville Emory Creek Hurricane Creek Isney Mount Sterling Nicholson's Store Oakturpa [h) Old Washington(c Pelham Puscuss Pushmataha Red Creek Tom pkins ville Williams' M Roads Yancey Clark eo. Air Mount Bashi Choctaw Corner Coffee ville Dead Level Gaines town Grove Hill Jackson Morvin Saint Paul Suggsville Coffer. CO. Buzbeeville Cane Brake Coffee Corner Elba Geneva Indigo Head Old Town Perdue Wellborn (c h) Conecuh co. Belleville Brooklyn Commerce Evergreen Fort Crawford Jamestown Lewis' Station Nathansville Orison Rural Hill Sepulga Sparta (c h) Coosa co. Adams' Store Bradford Buycksville Central Institute Coosa Valley Equality Good Water Hanover Marble Valley Mount Olive Nixbureh Rockford (c hj Soocopatoy Traveler's Rest Weogufka Wetumpka Covington co. Andalusia (c h) Conecuh River Leon Loango Read Level Rose Hill Westover Williams' Mill Dale co Barnes' M Roads Beaver Creek Big Creek Clopton Daleville Dothan Echo Goline Haw Ridge High Bluff High Fall Newton (c h) Ozark Pondtown Rocky Head Skipperville Summer Hill Sylvan Grove Westville Dallas co. Belle vue Burnsville Caliaba (c h) Cambridge Carlowsville Elm Bluff Forts Liberty Hill Moselev's Grove Orrville Pleasant Hill Portland Richmond Selma SumTnerfield Woodlawn De KaJb eo. Annawaika At wood, Coxville . Duck Spring Greenwood Head Spring Hendricksville Laurel Or Lebanon i McCa North Ben.4 Pi ercev ill'® Porterville Rawlingsville (e M Reese's Mills Reubensville Sand Mount Valley Head Van Buron , Worth POST OFFICES-'—ALABAMA. 83 Fayette co. Aslrary Beaverdale Big Pond Brown Gave Spring Cordova Day is' Greek Dublin Pay ette (e h) Folia Handy Hester's Hill Military Springs Millport Mud Creek New River Newtonville Olinda Pilgrim's Rest Sheffield Yellow Creek Franklin co, Allsbore' Barton Blue Lick Burleson Cherokee Chickasaw Dickson, Frankfort La Grange Mountain Spring Nauvoo Newburgh Pleasant Site Rock Creek Russellville (c h) South Florence Spruce Pine Tuscumbia (c h) Waco Greene co, Boligee Clinton Eutaw (c h) Forklana Greensboro' Harrison Havana Hollow Square Hopewell Knoxville Mount Hebron Newbern New Prospect Pleasant Kidge Springfield Union Welton Hancock co. Clear ©reek Falls Houston Littlesville * Henry co. Abbeville Columbia Cureton's Bridge Egypt Flag Pond Franklin Hilliardsville Lawrenceville Mercy Bay Open Pond Otho Shorterville Jackson co, > Bellefonte (c h.) Big Coon Bolivar Bridgeport Dodsonville Estill's Fork Langs ton Larkin's Fork Larkinsville Long Island Lyonville C3) Parks' Store Princeton Redman Rocky Spring Rustic Bower Sauta Scott's Mills Stevenson Straight Fork Trenton Woodville (c h) Jefferson co. Cedar Grove Chester Elyton (c h) Jonesboro' Mexico Mount Pinson Nebo Oregon Rockville Taylor's Truss Vinesville Waldrop's Mills Lauderdale co• Bailey's Springs Centre Star Florence (c h) Gravelly Spring Green Hill Lexington Little Cypress Masonville Oakland Rogersville Waterloo Westmorelandville Lawrence co, Avoca Brickville Camp Spring Concord Courtland Dry Creek Kinlock Landersville Lrighton Marietta Moulton (ch) Mountain Home Mount Hope Oakville Town Creek Limestone co. Athens(c h) Centre Hill Gilbertsboro' Good Spring Lucky Hit Mooresville Mount Roszell Pettusville Shoal Ford Lowndes co, Benton Farmersville Fort Deposit Hayneville Helicon Letohatchee Lowndesboro' Manack Mount Willing Panola Sandy Ridge Steep Creek Macon co, Aberfoil Auburn Chunenuggee Cotton Valley Cross Keys^ Cabehatchie Dick's Creek Enon Fort Decatur Guerryton Hardaway Hernando La Place Loachapoka Lockland Magnolia New Potosi Notasulga Person's Ridge Grove Society Hill Suspension Tuskegee (c h) Union Springs Uphaupee Warrior Stand Madison co, Berkley Haden's Hayes' Store Huntsville (c h) Madison X Roads Madison Station Maysville Meridianville New Hope New Market Owen's ft Roads Triana Whitesburgh Marengo co. Clay Hill Dayton Demopolis Dixon's Mills Hampden Jefferson Linden (c h) McKinley Macon Nanafalia Pineville Shiloh Spring Hill Sweet Water Marion co, Abeda Allen's Factory Aston's Store Barnesville Beaverton Bexar Bigalow Chalk Bluff County Line Detroit HfCckleburgh Haley'3 Moscow Palo Pikeville (c h) Toll Gate Marshall co, Aurora Big Spring Claysville CottonviUe Guntersviile Henrysville Hillian's Store Kennamer McCloskey's Meltonsville Mount High Oleander Red Hill Sydney Warrenton (c h) Zachary Mobile co, Citronelle Miller Creek Mobile (ch) Mount Vernon Seal's Precinct Whistler Monroe co, Bell Landing Buena Vista Burnt Corn Claiborne (c h) Clauselville Cokerville Monroeville Mount Pleasant Fewtown Academy Old Texas River Ridge Montgomery co, Arcadia Argus Cotoma Hickory Grove Line Creek Montgomery (c h) Mount Meigs Oak Grovo Oakley Pine Level Pintlala Ramer Sharpesville Suowdoun Strata Morgan co, Apple Grove Basham's Gap Blue Spring Cedar Plains Danville Decatur Flint River Gandy's Cove Ivy Bluff Lacey's Spring Somerville (c h) Valharmoso Spring Perry co. Brush Creek Bucksnort Chestnut Hill Five Mile Ford's Mill Hamburgh Jericho Marion (c h) Morgan Spring Oakmulg;a Perryville Pinetucky Plantersville Radfordsville XJniontown Picltena co, Antioch Bridgeville Carrollton (c h) Cochran's Mills Fairfield Gordo Hinton's Grove Mantua Memphis Olney Palmetto Pickensville Pleasant Grove Providence Raleigh Rsform Vienna Yorkville Pike co. Arborvitae Bibb Bruceville Brundige Buck Horn China Grove Farriorsville Gainer's Store Hallsville Indian Creek Little Oak Milo Monti cello (ch) Mount Hilliard New Providence Oluste Creek Orion Pea River Perote Pine Grove Troy (c h) Wesley Chapel White Water Randolph co. Almond Arbacoochee Buchanan County Line Delta Dowdell Eastville Fish Head Gold Ridge Haywood Hebron Ingram Lamar Louina Mellow Valley Milner Molino Oakfusky Roanoke Rockdale Rock Mills Warren Weedowee Wehadkee Wesobulga Winston Russellco, Colbert Crawford (c h) Dover Girard Hatchechubbee Lamington Mechanicsvillo Opelika Oswichee Salem Sand Fort Seale's Station Uchee Vilula Waccoochee Yonges borough Saint Clair 00, Ashvillc (c h) Beaver Valley Beebe Springs Bennettsville Blairsville Branchville Broken Arrow Coosa Valley Cropwell .Greensport ^Kelly's Creek Mount Niles Round Pond Springville Trout Creek Wolf Creek Shelby co, Bridgeton Columbiana (c h) Harpersville Highland Hillsboro' Montevallo Mullins Nelson Shelby Springs Sterrett Wilsonville Woodsboro' Sumter co. Anvil Belmont Bluffport Brewers ville Gainesville Gaston Intercourse Jones' Bluff Livingston(o h) Payneville Rossville Sumtervillo Sydenham Warsaw 34 POST OFFICES MISSISSIPPI. Talladega co. Alpine Bluff Spring Bowdon Brownsville Chandler's Spring Childersburg Chinnibee Coleta Conclardee Court Hill Curry Dido Easta Boga Fayetteville File Flat Rock Hatcher's Hillabee Iron Works Kelly's Springs Kimulga Lincoln Mardisville Middle Ridge Mountain I'inckney ville Pine Flat Silver Run Talladega (cl) Weewokaville Winterboro' Tallapoosa co, Beckettsvllle Bulger's Mills Camp Hill Chanahachee Chapman's Ford Dade ville (ell) Daviston De Soto Dudleyville Emuckfaw Fish Pond Goldville Horse Shoe Bead Island Home Jackson's Camp Kowaliga New Site Realtown Souchahatchee Stow's Ferry Tallassee Tehopeka Wind Creek Youngsville Tuskaloosa co. Addison Blockers Carthage Cashing Fernvale Foster's Jena Mc Cornell's McMath's Moore's Bridge New Lexington Northport North River Oregonia Plum Romulus Sipsey Turnpike Trion Tuskaloosa (c h) Woodstock Walker co. Arkadelphia Bartonville Blackwater Democrat Eldridge Fairview Gap Hanby's Mill Holly Grove Jasper Kansas Thornhill York Washington co. Escatawpa Mcintosh Bluff New Wakefield Pleasant Valley Saint Stephens Wilcox no. Allenton Bethel Camden Clifton Creagh's Mill Fatama Lilly's Store Lower Peach T*w Pine Apple Pine Hille Prairie Bluff Rehoboth Sebastopof Snow Hill Wilcox Springs MISSISSIPPI. Adams co. Jackson Point Kingston Natchez Palestine Washington (c h) Amite co. Armstead Centreville Jackson Wood Liberty (c h) Smithdale Toler's Wall's Store Zion Hill Attala co. Attalaville V Bluff Springs Burkittsville Centre Edgefield Kosciusko (c b) Multona Springs Newport Newton r.ihamsv ille Greensborough(ch) Green's Roads Hcintsville Kilmichael Lindsey's Creek Little Black Lodi Oakley Monte Vista Pigeon Roost Poplar Creek Snowaville Stateland Steam Mill White Hill White House Wilcox Claiborne co. Grand Gulf Grindstone Fork Oakland Cottage Pattom Port Gibson (ch) Rocky Spring Clark co. Boaverdam De Soto Energy Enterprise Quitman Snoobota WinfielA Coahoma co. Delta Friar's Point Hazle Hurst Island No. 66 Mound Place Robson's Landing Swan Lake Shufordville Sunflower Landing Copiah co. Bahala Burtonton Caseyville Collamer Copiah Creek Crystal Springs Gallatin Georgetown Linden Line's Store Mount Hope Pearl River Pine Bluff Pine Ridge Rockport Sandifer's Mills Covington co. Dry Creek Mount Carmel Mt. Olive Oakohay Santee Wilkesburg Williamsburgh(ch) Zion Seminary De Soto co. Arcabutla C;ntre Hill Cockrum C')mo Crockett Elm Grove Flewel'. in'sX Roads Georgia Greenleaf Harklerood Hernando (c h) Horn Lake Loaxahama Olive Branch Pleasant Hill Senatahoba Tatesville Franklin co. Friendship Hamburg Homochitto Knoxville Little Spring McCall's Creek Marengs Meadville (c h) Pine Grove Veto Greene co. Adamsville Buck Creek Leakes ville McLeod's State Line Station Vernal Bancock to. Beppo Broadwell Gainesville Habolochitto Pearlington Riceville Shieldsboro' (c h) Harrison co. Biloxi Flint Fork Flintville Handsboro* Hester's Ferry Mississippi City Pass Christian Rosalee Rescue Binds co. Auburn Battle Springs Bolton's Depot Brownsville Bryan Cayuga Clinton Cooper's Well Edward's Depot Jackson (o h) Newtown Raymond Spring Ridge Terry Utica Holmes co. Acona Bolingreen Dulei Eurant Ebenexei Emory Eulogy Franklin Goodman Lexington (c h) Lockhart's Store Picken's Station Richland Shiloh Tchula Wheeling West's Landing Itawamba to. Boland's Campbellton City Point Cummings ville Fremont Fulton (c h) Graball Iron wood Bluff Marietta Maryville Mooreville Oak Farm Ozark Planters ville Pleasanton Priceville Richmond Ryans Wells Saltillo Saunders Mills Thompson's Store Van Buren Woodlawn Yocony Issaquena co. Brunswick Place Deer Creek Dunbarton Schola Tallulah (c h) Jackson co. Brickley Cross Roads Elder's Ferry Dwyer's Ferry Jackson (c h) Ocean Springs Pascagoula Three Rivers Jasper CO. Buckley's Claiborne • Colemanna Davisville Etchoma, Garlandvilta1 Montrose Paulding (o h) Prairie Line Roaring Creek Tullahoma Turnersvills Jefferson 00. Church Hill ^ Fayette (oh) tRodneV , Union CtMSflb Jones CA| Ellisville • POST OFFICES—LOUISIANA. 35 Owen ton Pinnellvillft Kemper, eo. Black Water Calvert's Store Cow Creek Dane ville De Kalb (c h) Fort Stephens Herbert Kellis' Store Kemper Springs Peelen Pleasant Springs Rocky Mount Scoober Wahalak W. Kemper La Fayette oO. Abbeville Caswell College Hill C ash inaa Dallas Delay La Fayette Springs La Fomba Liberty Hill Maple Springs Oxford (e h) Paris Spring Dale Taylor's Depot Wyatt Lauderdale eo. Alamutcha Battlefield Chunkeyville Daleville Hurricane Creek Lauderdale Springs Marion (c h) Marion Station Mark well Meridian Oakatibbe Rawsonvilla Sageville Sookalena Spring Depot Why Not Zero Lawrence eo. Brookhaven Fair River Hontieello (c h) Oakvale Rayville LeaJee eo. Carthage (e h) Edinburgh G-ood Hope Hopahka Pensacola Standing Pine Thomasifown Tuscalametah Walnut Grove Yorka Lowndes eo. Caledonia Columbus (e h) Crawfofdsville Mayhew's Station Toland's Depot Vinton Waverly West Point Madison eo. Beatie's Bluff Oamden Canton (ch) Jordan's Station Kirkwood Livingston Madisonville Sharon Sulphur Springs V ernon Marion co. Columbia (o h) Fordsville Rocky Hill Sandy Ridge Spring Cottage Marshall Co. Bethlehem Byhalia By waha Chulahoma Cold Water Cornersville Early (J rove Holly Springs Lamar Marshall Turnpike Moody North Mt. Pleasant Oak Grove Pink Hill Red Bank Scales Snow Creek Talaluche Tallaloosa (o h) Tiro Wall Hill Waterford Watson's Monroe 'CO. Ashland Aberdeen Athens Bigby Fork Buttahatchie Camargo Cotton G-in Port Hamilton (c h) Lawrence Mormon Springs Quincy Smithville S plunge Temperance Hill Neshoba co. Coffadeliah Dixon Laurel Hill Pearl Valley Philadelphia Newton co. Conhatta County Line Decatur (c h) Evergreen New Ireland Union Noxubee co. Armitage Barry Brookville ' Cooksville Gholson Macon Mashulaville Parkeville Shuqualak Oktibbehah eo. Ash Creek Cedar Bluff Choctaw Agency Doable Springs Hickory Grove Line Creek Long Branch Siloam Starkville (o h) Steelville Tampico Whitefield Panola eo. Batesville ' Belmont Bynum's Creek Central Academy Como Hygiene Keel Boat Long Creek Long town Panola (0 h) Peach Creek Pleasant Mount Robinia Sardis Sledgeville Spring Port Perry co. Augusta (c h) Carlile's Mills Enon Monroe Try Again Pike co. Bogue Chitto China Grove Conerly's Holmesville (c h) Magnolia Osyka Summit Pontotoc co. Bartersville Birmingham Buncomb Cherry Creek Chestervilla Coonewar Coopwood Corona Ellistown Fredonia Harrisburgh New Albany Oak Hill Oldtown Creek Palmetto Pontocola Pontotoc PoplaT Spring Randolph Red Land Rocky Ford Talibenela T ardy v ille Toccopela Turkland Wallers ville Rankin co. Brandon (c h) Densontown Goshen Springs Monterey Orion Pilahatchee Steen's Creek Shiloh Scott eo. Greenbnsh Hillsboro' (o h) Homewood Ludlow Orion Pulaski Sabastopol Sherman Hill Simpson co. Harrisville Mount Zion New Dublin Old Hickory Westville (c h) Smith co. Bunker Hill Flower's Place Pineville Polkville Polochitto Taylors ville Trenton Sunflower eo. McNutt Shell Mound Talldkatchee co, Charleston Eolia Mitchell's M Roads Tuscahoma Tippah co. Canaan Claysville Cotton Plant Dumas Hickory Flat Irene Jonesborough Lebanon McLean's Store Molino Orizaba Pleasant Ridge Porter's Creek Ripley Ruckersville Salem Shelby Creek Spring Hill Silver Springs Union Hills Tishemingo CO. Ban's Store Bay Springs Beasley's Store Big Spring Black Land Bone Yard Burnsville Burton's Cairo Cane Creek Carolina Carrollville Cartersville Corinth Cripple Deer "Cross Ridge Danville Dry Run Eastport Farmington Haxle Green Hickory Plains Highland Jacinto (c h) Junka Kossuth MingO City Rienzi Rose Bud Tripoli Tunioa on. Anderson Austin Co h) Walnut Lake Warren oo. Bovina Cardiff Hurricane Ingraham Milldale Vicksburgh (o h) Warrenton Washington oo. Greenville (c h) Point Worthingtoa Princeton (o h) Wayne co. Brotherton Eucutta MiltonvilU Red Hills W ay nesborough Winchester (c h) Wilkinson eo. Buffalo Cold Spring Fort Adams Holly Retreat Hopewell Churdl Kellertown Newtonia Percy's Creek Woodvillo (0 h) Winston co. Ashfordsville Buckhorn Fearn's Springs. Home Louisville (c h) New Prospeet Noxapater Pinishook Plattsburgh Rome Singleton Webster Yalobusha eo. Big Creek Back Hill California . Coffeeville (o h) Cole's Creek Cuddyhunk Gate wood G-raysporfc Grenada Jones' Mills Magee's Bridgg Mount Nebo Oakachickama Oakland Pine ValLejr Post Oak Preston Sabougly Troy Water Valle/ Yazoo c£. Benton Cypress Deasonyillo S&tarbia Yazoo City LOUISIANA. Ascension Parish Bonaldsonville (ch) Live Oak New River Tureaud jfssumj Albemarle Assumption (c h) Church Crain's Forge Paincourtville Star Avoyelles par. Big Bead Evergreen Holmesville Mansura Marksville (c h) Moranville Simms' Post Bienville par. Arcadia Bush Valley Buckhorn Iverson Loggy Bayou Mud Branch Ringgold Saline Salt Spring Sparta Walnut Creek 36 POST OFFICES TEXAS. Bisteneau Bossier Point Collinsburg Deck's Fillmore Knox Point Oak Wood Orchard Grove Pine Flat Pineville Eocky Mount Sentell's Store Caddopar. Albany Bayou La Chute Blossom Hill Cook's Store Greenwood Mooning's Post Shreveport (c h) Spring Ridge Summer Grove Sunny Side Calcasieu par. Hamburgh Hickory Flat Lake Arthur Lake Charles Caldwell par. Alpha Augusta Castor Columbia (c h) Copenhagen Good Hope Long Lake Oakville Mount Pleasant Sinope Carroll par. Ashton Caledonia Deerfield Floyd Joe's Bayon Lake Providenca Monti cello Oak Bluffs Oak Grove Pecan Grove South Bend Valley Hill Vista Ridge Catahoula par. Aimwell Casto Springs Enterprise Finlay's Ford's Creek Funny Louis Green Creek Harrisonburgh(ch) Kirk's Ferry Little Prairie 8icily Island Trinity [Springs White Sulphur Claiborne par. Allen's Settlement Argus Athen's (c h) Cane Ridge Doreheat Flat Lick Forest Grove Gordon Haynesville Homer (c h) Lanier Lisbon Minden (c h) Mount Lebanon Quay Rose Hill Scottsville Sugar Creek Tiger Creek Wiseville Concordia par. Black Hawk Point Fairview Flowery Mound Monterey Landing Tooley's Vidalia De Soto par. Adams Black Jack Grand Cane Keatchie Kingston Logansport Long Street Mansfield (c h) Pleasant Grove Pleasant Hill Red Bluff E. Baton Rouge par. Baton Rouge (c h) Greenwell Springs Manchac Magnolia Springs Plain's Store Stony Point E. Feliciana pat. Bluff Creek Clinton Jackson (c h) Port Hudson Woodland Franklin par. Boeuff Prairie (ch) Hurricane Oakley Pullaway Warsaw Winnsborough (ch) Yellow Bluff Iberville par. Bayou Goula Grosse Fete Iberville (o h) Plaquemine Rosedale St. Gabriel Jackson par. Brookline Ebenezer Plankville Vernon (c h) Vienna Woodville Wyatt's M Roads Jefferson par. Carrollton Jefferson Kenner's La Fayette City La Fayettepar. Cote Gilee Perry's Bridge Vermillionville La Fourehepar. Raceland Thibodeaux Livingston par. Bayou Barbary Benton's Ferry Coelk French Settlement Independence Old Field Ponchatoola Springfield Walker Madison par. Chickama Bend Dallas Desoto Milliken's Bend New Carthage Quebec Richmond (c h) Morehouse par. Bastrop (c h) Ion Line Lind Grove Plantersville Point Jefferson Prairie Mer Rouge Rashville Young's Bluff Natch, itoches par. Adaies Bethel Campti Cloutienville Coushattee Chute Kisatchee Marthaville Natchitoches (c h) Orleans par. Algiers Fort Pike New Orleans (ch) O'Rourke's Plaquemines par. Balize Buras Settlement Grand Prairie Jesuit's Bend Pointala Hache (c h) Point Michael South West Pass Point Coupee par. Centre Port Cypress Point False River Hermitage Livonia Morganza Point Coupee (c h) Red River Landing The Village Waterloo Williamsport Rapides par. Alexandria (c h) Barnwell Bear Creek Big Creek Cheneyville Cotile Hineston Huddles ton Lecompte Liberty Creek Lncky Hit Ryland Spring Creek Walnut Hill Sabinepar. Anacoca Burr's Ferry Fort Jessup Manny (c h) Mill Creek Nashboro' Negreet St. Bernard par. Bienvenn St. Charles par. M' Cutchin's Land- St. Charles (c h) Taylor St. Helena par. Amite City Darlington Dennis Mills Greensburg (c h) Hog Branch Kemp's Mills Prospect Hill Saint Helena Tangapaha St. James par. Cantrelle Convent Vacherie Road St.JohnBaptistpar Bonnet Carre Edgard St. Landry par. Amandville Ballew's Ferry Bayou Boeuf Bayou Chicot (ch) Big Cane Catanblan Couleur Blane Grand Coteau Leonville Mermenton Opelousas Plaquemine Brulee Pouppeville Ville Platte Washington St. Martin'spar. Bayouehien Brean's Bridge Butte la Rose Chioot Pass Fausse Point Grand River La Place New Iberia Saint Martinsville St. Mary's par. Alligator Berwick Brashear Centreville Charenton Franklin (c h) Jeanerett's Pattersonville St. Tammany par. Covington (c h) Lima Madisonville Mandeville O'Rourke's Parkersville Sun Tensas par. Ashwood Mound Bayon St. Josephs (c h) WaterProof Terre Bonne par. Houma (o h) Tigerville Union par. Cherry Ridge D'Arbone Dipesville Downsville Farmersville (e b) Marion (c h) Montgomery Ouachita Catr Shiloh Spear's Store Union ft Roads Vermillion par. Abbeville (c h) Grand ©henier Perry's Bridge Wachita pair. Forksville Indian Village Monroe (c h) Redmouth Spring Place Trenton Washington par. Franklinton Palestine Roberts Shady Grove Stubb's Mill W. Baton Bougt par. Bruly Landing Lobdell's Store W. Feliciana paf. Bayou Tunica Laurel Hill St. Francisville (c h) Winn par. Bertrand Prairie Good Water Louisville Pine Ridge Saint Maurice Saline Mills Tan cock Prairie Wheeling Winfield (e h) TEXAS, Anderson oo. Barton Beaver Bethel Hendersonville Ioni Kickapoo Magnolia Marietta Mitts Palestine (c h) Plenitude Roadville Tennessee Colony Angelina co. Angelina Chusland Fort Turan Herrington Horner Marion (• h) Atascosa co. Pleasanton Tordilla's Monnd Austin co. Bellville Oat Spring Hartsville Industry Millheim New Ulza Rock Island San Felipe (c h) Sempronius Shelby Travis Walker's Store Bandera co. Bandera Bastrop to. Alum Oreek Bastrop (e h) Cedar Creek Cunningham Sand Fly Young's Settlement Bell «o. Belton Howard Jena POST OFFICES TEXAS. 37 Bexar co. Fort Clark Fort Davis Fort Inge Fort McKavett Leal Leon Springs Lodi Post Oak Babinal Sail Antonio (c h) SanLuea's Springs Selma Sutherland Springs Tenaha Cass co. Alley's Mills Centre Courtlandt Cussota Douglassville Forest Home Havana Hickory Hill Jefferson (c h) Linden Point Monterey Smithland Unionville Cherokee co. Alto Box Creek Griffin Jacksonville Knoxville Larissa Linwood Mount Comfort Pine Town Rusk (c h) Shooks Bluff Sulphur Springs Collins co. Highlands McKinney (c h) Mantua Millwood Piano Rock Hill Roseland Rowlett's Creek W eston Colorado co. Columbus (c h) Eagle Lake Egypt Frelsbnrgh Ridge San Bernard Skull Creek Cooke co. Fish Creek Gainesville (c h) Odessa Comal co. Boerne Craine's Mills Hodge's Mills New Braumfels (ch) New Pittsburg Sisterdale Smithson's Valley Spring Branch Twin Sisters Coryell co. Gatesville Henson Creek Station Creek Dallas co. Buck & Breck Cedar Hill Dallas (c h) Duck Creek Eagle Ford Farmer's Branch Locust Shade New Loren Palace Hill Pleasant Run Reunion Scyene Trinity Mills Denton co. Alton (c h) Clear Creek Denton Lswisville Little Elm Pilot Point Spears Hall Vallette Ranche De Witt co. Clinton Concrete Cuero (c h) Hesterville Live Oak Meyersville Pierpont Place Price's Creek Yorktown Ellis co. Brocksville Milford Red Oak Tellico Waxahachie El Paso co. Birchville El Paso Fort Quitman San Elizario Erath co. Erath Palaxy Stephens ville Falls co. Alta Springs Blue Ridge Caroline Elm Creek Marlin (c h) Prosperity Fannin co. Bonham (c h) Honey Grove Licke North Sulphur Oakhill Orangeville Warren Fayette co. Cistern Fayetteville La Grange (c h) Lyons Orizaba Plum Grove Pin Oak Round Top Rutersville Fort Bend co. Big Creek Hodge's Bend Richmond Stafford's Point Freestone co. Butler Cotton Gin Fairfield Flowerdale Keechill Troy Galveston co. Dickenson's Galveston Seven Oaks Gillespie co. Camanche Spring Cherry Spring Fredericksburg (c h) Fort Mason Hondo Goliad co. Charca. Farming's Defeat Goliad (c h) Medio Hill Middletown Oakville Gonzales co. Belmont China Grove Gonzales (c h) Hopkinsville McClure's Hill Palo Alto Pecan Grove Rancho Round Lake Salt Stream Sandy Fork Grayson ca. Basin Springs Clayton Ferguson Kentuckytown Macomb Pilot Grove Sherman (e h) Springville Woodboro' Grimes co. Anderson (c h) Bedi Grimesville Navasota Piedmont Springs Prairie Plains Retreat Guadeloupe co. Bonito Orchard Sattler's Seguin (c h) Valley Harris eo. Cypress Top Harrisburgh Houseville Houston (c h) Lynchburgh Prairie Anna Rose Hill San Jacinto Harrison co. Ash Spring Benton Concord Elysian Fields Freedom Friendship Galatea Glade Spring J ones ville Marshall (o h) Port Caddo Powell ton Union Springs Hays co. Cannonville Manchac Henderson co. Athens Brownsborough Buffalo (c h) Fincastle Four Mile Prairie Hardman's Malakoff Science Hill Hidalgo co. Rudyville HiU co. Covington Crimea Fairview Greenwade's Mills Hillsborough (o h) Peoria Robertson Hopkins co. Black Jack Grow Black Oak Bright Star Gold Hill Pleasant Hill Retina Sulphur Springs Tarrant (c h) White Oak Woodland Houston eo. Augusta Colthorp's Crockett (c h) Glencoe Hancock Naches Pennington Prairie Randolph San Pearo Shady Grove Telegraph Mills Hunt co. Greenville (o h) Hookers Shiloh South Sulphur Tidwell Creek Jackson co. Jacksonburg Morales De Lavaca Texana (e h) Jasper co. Bevilport Cairo Erin Jasper (c h) Magnolia Springs Merit's Walnut Run Wier's Bluff Jefferson co. Beaumont (c h) Concord Madison Pine Island Sabine City Johnson co. Alvarado Buchanan Camanche Peak Grand View Havsville 15. Noland's River Rock Creek Wards ville Karnes 00. Ecleto Helena Pana Maria Kaufman co.. Black Hill Cedar Grove College Mound Kaufman (0 h) Kemp Prairievill# Rockwall Trinidad Turner's Point Warsaw Prairie Kerr co. Camp Verde Comfort Kerrsville Kinney co. Camp Hudson Eagle Pass 38 POST OFFICES—-TEXAS. Lamar co. Ben Franklin Blossom Prairie Lake Creek Paris (c b) Prairie Mount Price's Store Round Prairie Shockey's Prairie Lamposes co. MoAnally's Bend Lavacca co. Antioch Bearden Hallettsville Mustang Oakland Petersburgh (c h) Sweet Home Leon co. Bowling Oane Branch Centreville Clapp's Creek Frankville Kidd's Mills Leona (c h) Look Out Moody's M Roads Navarro Ringgold Liberty co. Cedar Bayon Chamtjersiii Grand Cane Johns Mcintosh Liberty (c h) Swartwout Tarkington's Prairie W&llisville West Liberty Limestone co. Beargrags Eutaw Horn Hill Personville Springfield (c h) Tewoekony Springs Live Oak CO. Gussettville Llano co. Cherokee Llano McLennan co, Amonda Blue Bluff Bold Springs (filbert Jackson Middle Basque Perry Sardis Stark Grove Waco Village Madison co, Madisonville Matagorda, eo, Oaney Denriing's Ridge Matagorda (o n) Tres Palaeios Mason no, Hedingshill Medina co. Castrorille (c h) D'Harris Quihi Milan co. Bryant's Station Cameron Nashville (c h) Port Sullivan San Anders Willow Springs Montgomerg co. Danville Montgomery (e h) Shannon's Nacogdoches co. Cherino Douglass Greenwood Linn Flat Lucknow Melrose Nacogdoches (c h) Navarro co. Chambers' Creek Corsicana (c h) Dresden Muskete Richland Crossings Round Shade Rush Creek Spring Hill White Rock Newton co, Biloxi Burkes ville Cotland Newton Salem Nueces eo. Corpus Christi Co h) Ingleside Orange co. Buna's Bluff Duncan's Woods Palo Pinto co. Golconda Pleasant Valley Russell's Store Panola eo, Anacostia Beck ville Bethany Carthage (c h) Fair Play Grand Bluff Linenville McMillan Pulaski Reed's Settlement Sharon Sugar Hill Sweeton Walnut Hill Wood's Parker co. Copper Hill Delphine Veal's Station Weatherford Phelpt so. Rolls ) Polk co. Cold Spring Colita Dayton Hal ifax Lincoln Livingston Moscow Randolphville Smithfield Rankin eo, Shiloh Bed River co. Clarksville (c h) Flintham's Tan Yard Kiomatia Maple Springs Pine Bluff Robbinsville Savannah Spencer Refugio co, Aransa3 Copano Lamar Refugio (c St, Marya Robertson co, Owensville Willow Creek Wheelock (c h) Rusk co. Alma Anadorca Belleview Caledonia Cotton Plant Fredonia Harmony Henderson (c h) Iron Mountain London Mill ville Minden Mount Enterprise Murval New Danville New Salem New SulIon Pine Hills Reagon San Cosme Waiting's Ferry Sabine co. Bear Creek Fairmount Milam (c h) Sabine towa San Agustine eo. San Augustine (c h) St. Francis eo. BlairsvilLe St. Landry co. Dunbarton San Pcttrieio no. Alguna San Patricio (o h) Shelby co. Buena Vista Clay's Mound Graham's Mills Hamilton Hilliards Shelbyville (e h) Truit's Store White Cottage Smith co. Aberdeen Bascom Belzona Flora Garden Valley Gum Spring J amestown Mount Carmel Ogburn Seven Leagues Summer Grove Tyler (e h) Troup Starr co. Rio Grande City (ch) Roma Tarrant co, Ashland Birdsville Estell's Station Fort Worth Grapevine Hutchinson's Point Johnson's Station Robinson's Mills Texas co, Kerrsville Titus co, Daingerfield Ella Goldsborough Gray Rock Green Hill Haganport Lone Star Mount Pleasant (c h) Mount Vernon Snow Hill Travis co. Austin (c h) Bluff Springs Case's Mills Gilleland Creek Hornsby Merrilltown Perdinalas San Marcos Webberville Trinity co. Beasley's St0X4 Colita Lake Sumpter Tyler co. Billum's Creek Caney Head Pamplin's Oxeek Peaeh Tieee Village Providence Hill Town Bluff Woodvilie (o h) Upshur eo. Calloway Carrollton Coffeevjlie EarpsvilJe POST OFFICES ARKANSAS. 39 ARKANSAS. Anderson co. Prewitt's Tan Yard Arkansas co. Arkansas Post Cass Coe Clear Point Crain River Crockett's Bluff Cummins Dewitt (c h) Fair Dale Long Point Moline del Rey Mount Adams Pearson's Mill Saint Charles Sharon South Bend Swan Lake Ashley co. Chester Elon Fountain Hill Hamburgh (e h) Lake Enterprise Latona Marie Saline Orion Portland Shiloh Benton eo. Apple Orchard Bentonville Bloomington Double Springs Equality Hico Hickory Jenning's Ford Maysville Osage Mills Pea Ridge Robinson' s >i Roads Roller's Ridge Spavinaw Sura Springs Tow Mills Trott's Mill Bradley eo. Adamsville Eagle Creek Gravel Ridge Hermitage Lagle Lanark Long View Moro Bay Mount Elba Sumpter Warren (e h) Carroll co. Berryville Carrollton Crooked Creek Elm Wood Green Forest King's River Mountain Spring Mount Pleasant Osage Calhoun co. Hampton Little Bay Locust Bayou Thomas' Store Cherokee Nation co. Baptist Mission Flint Fort Gibson Gr4 Roads Isomn's Store Mount Pleasant Pleasant Grove Rally Hill Santa Fe Silver Creek Spring Grove Spring Hill Union Williamsport Decatur Goodfield Kelly's Ferry Kincajmpn's Ferry Moore's Roads Mouth of Hiwassee Pine Land Ten Mile Stand Monroe co. Ball Play Belltown Chota Citico Coker Creek Coytee Four Mile Branch Hiwassee College Johnton's Mill Madisonville Mount Vernon Philadelphia Riverside Rockville Sweet Water Tallico Plains Towee Falls Montgomery co. Clarksville (c h) Daley's Fairmount Fredonia McAllister's Cross Roads New Providence New York Oakwood Onecho Palmyra Peacher's Mills Pea Ridge Pleasant Mound Poplar Spring Iron Works Port Royal Richardson Ringgold Sailor's Rest Woodford Woodlawn Yellow Creek Fur¬ nace Morgan co. Crooked Fork Glades Morgan (o h) Owl Hill Pine Top Obion co. Clover Lick Fremont Jacksonville Mason's Hall Mount Prospeot Silver Top Troy (c h) Union City Overton co. Fox Springs Hilham Livingston (o h) Locust Shad? Monroe Mount Pisgab Mouth of Wolf N etherland Nettle Carrier . Oakley Oak Hill Olympus Walnut Grove West Fork Perry co. Beardstown Britt's Landing Cedar Grove Fur¬ nace Linden Lobeville Wood's Polk co. Bell's Mill Benton Brush Creek Canasauga Copper Mines Ducktown Higdon's Store Kimsey's Store Lonsville Ocoa Parksville Springtown Wetmore Putnam, co. Bear Creek Byrne Cookville Falling Water Shea co. Big Elm Lake Prestonville Smith's ><| Roads Sulphur Spring Washington (c h) Roane co. Barnardsville Bellville Cross Keys Emory Iron Works Erie Gray's Hill Hackbeny Hope's Creek Kingston (c h) Lenoir's London Paw Paw Ford Post Oak Springs Tabor Welkers's Mill Wood's Hill Wrights ville Robertson co. Barren Plain Black Jack Cherry Mount Oo per town Cross Plains Millersville Mitchellsville Red River Rose Hill Sadlersville Slaydensville Springfield (c h) Thomasville Turnersville Rutherford co. C&rlockville Fosterville Hall's Hill Independent Hill Jefferson Jordan's Valley Las Casas La Vergne Middletown Milton Murfreesb&TO (0 h) ReadyvilLe Smyrna Versailles Scott co. Clarsboro Fort Brandon Good Water Horse Shoe Bend Huntsville (c h) Pouch Creek Winfield Sequatchie CO. Newberry Sevier co. Boyd's Creek Cannon's Store Fair Garden Gatlinburgh Henderson's Spring Henry's Roads Pigeon Forge Sevier(c h) Trundle's M Road Walden's Creek Wear's Cove Shelby co. Arizonia Big Creek Colliersville Cuba Delta Fisherville Germantown Green Bottom Hagan's Landing Hazel Flat High Hill Jessamine Memphis (c h) Morning Sun Nashville Raleigh (ch) Sulphur Wells Smith co. jdad Bairdsville Carthage (c h) Chestnut Mound Convenient Dixon's Spring Gibb's X Roads Goose Creek Gordonsvillle Jenning's Fork Lancaster Montrose New Middletoo Peyton Creek Pleasant Shade Rome Stewart ca. Big Rock Bowling Green Cable's Valley Cumberland Iron Works Dover (c h) Great Western Hope Indian Mound Iron Mountain Lineport Magnolia Mint Spring Standing Book Tobacco Port Sullivan ao. Arcadia Beaver Creek Blountsville (o h) Campbell's Best Clover Bottom Eden's Bridge Edgeworth Fordtown Gott's H Roady Hilton's POST OFFICES KENTUCKY. 43 Holston Valley Kingsport Mill point Moirell's Mill Paperville Piney Flats Poor Hill River Bend Forge Rockhold's Union Depot Sumner co. Beech Castalina Springs Bnon College Fountain Head Gallatin (c h) Gretna Green Hanna's Hartsville Hendersonville Rockhouse Saundersville Trammel Tyree Springs Tipton co. Bloomington Covington Mountain Mount Ziou Porters ville Randolph Sharon Union co. Big Barren Forge Cedar Ford Lost Creek Maynardville (e h) W oodbourne Van Buren co. Mill's Branch South Rock Island Spencer (o h) Warren co. Caney Fork Clearmont Increase Irving College McMinnville Morrison Mountain Creek Pine Bluff Rocky River Rough and Ready Trousdale Viola Washington co. Blue Plum Boon's Creek Broylesville Buffalo Ridge Cherry Grove Clear Branch Cox's Store Fall Branch Flag Pond Freedom Indian Creek Jonesboro' (o h) Knob Creek Leesburgh Locust Mount Longmire Swingleville Washington College West's Store Wayne co. Ashland Carrollaville Clifton Craven's Mills Factor's Fork Houston Middle Cypress Patriot Sorby Victory Waynesborough(o h Whitaker's Bluff Weakley co. Alma Black Oak Boydsville Cedar Hill Dedham Dresden Dukedom Elm Tree Fleming's Irvine's Stor« Looust Grove Mount Pelia Old Hickory Pillowsville Poland Springs Winston's White co. Bon Air Bon Air Springs Calf Killer Cassville Cave Clarkstown Claysville Cumberland Insti¬ tute Dry Valley Frank's Ferry Green Tree Newark River Hill Rock Island Solon Sparta (c h) Williamson eo. Arrington Barren Basin Spring Bethesda Boston Brentwood Christiana Eagleville Franklin Good Spring Jordan's Stor« Lake Creek Leiper's Fork Nolensville Peytonsville Rigg's M Roads Thompson's Station Triune Wilson co. Big Spring Cainsville Cherry Valley Commerce Cross Rook Gladesville Green Hill Harricane Huddlcston's Cr0S» Roads Laguardo Lebanon (o h) Lock port Mount Carmel Oak Retreat Round Tod Rural Hill Shop Spring Silver Spring Statesville Three Forks Tucker's $4 Road# Watertown KENTUCKY. Adair co. Breeding's C?i»e Valley Casey Creek Columbia (c h) East Fork Gleen's Fork Gradyville Millersvillg Milltown Montpelier Jfeatsville Allea eo. Butlersville Cedar Springs Gainesville Motly Mount Aerial New Roe Scottsville (c h) Anderson co. Camdenville Chesher's Store Johnson ville Lawrenceburgh Rough and Ready Van Buren Ballard co. Adams ville Belle Ombre Brandsville (c h) Chestnut Hill Elm Hazlewood Lovelaceville Melvin Millburn Newton Creek Sebastopol Barren co. Antioch Artesian Well Bear Wallow Black Walnut Bine Spring Grove Oavae Hill Centre Cross Plains Dry Fork Edmonton Glasgow (e h) Horsewell Meriy Oak Nobob Pace's PageviUe Park Peter's Creek Prewitt's Knob Randolph Rich Grove Rockland Mills Rocky Hill Roseville Skegg's Creek Sugar Plant Temple Hill Three Forks Woodland Hath co. Bethel Eastville Gill's Mills Laurel Fork Little Flat Marshall's Olympian Springs Owingsville (0 h) Peeled Oak Rock House Sharpsburgh Wyoming Boone co. Beaver Lick Boone Bullittsville Burlington <) Roads Hopedale Ida Jewett Laceyville Means Moorefield New Athens New Rumley Nottingham Soio Short Creek Smyrna Station 15 Tappan Tippecanoe Henry co. Beta Colton Damascus Durand Florida Liberty Centre Napoleon (c h) New Bavaria Odessa Ridgeland Ridgeville Cbrners Shunk Texas Highland co. AUensburgh Bell Berryville Buford Carmel Centrefield Dallas Dodsonville East Monroe Economy Elmville Fairfax Greenfield Highland Hillsborough (c h) Home Leesburgh Lvnchburgh Marshall Mowrystown Neven New Corwin New Market New Petersburgh North Uniontown Paint Pricetown Rainsborough Reesville Russell's Station Samantha Sicily Sinking Spring Sugar Tree Ridge Willettville Hoclcing co. Ash Care Black J ack Ewing Uibsonville Gore Hocking Furnace Islesboro' Logan (c h) Middle Fork Pattonsville Koek House South Perry Starr Holmes co. Benton Berlin Black Creek Buena Vista Holmesville Humphrey's Villa Killbuck Millersburgh (c h) Mount Hope Nashville Plimpton Salt Creek Walnut Creek "Wines burgh Huron co. Belmore Bronson Carson Centreton Clarksfield East Clarksfield East Townsend Fitchville Four Corners Greenwich Station Groton Hartland Havana Lyme Monroeville New Haven New London North Fairfield North Norwich Norwalk (c h) Olena Peru Pontiac R'ipleyville Sherman Steuben Wakemaa Jackson co. Agatha Berlin K Roads Buckeye Furnace Camba Clay Cove Dawkin's Mills Iron Valley Jackson (c h) Jackson Furnace Keystone Levi Mabee's McGliee's Store Meadow Branch Oak Hill Rays Rocky Hill Sampsonville Jefferson co. Adena Amsterdam Annapolis Bloomingdale Cope's Mills Cross Creek Croxton East Springfield Elliotts ville Hammondsville Holmes' Mill Island Creek Jeddo Knoxville Linton Mitchell's Salt Works Moore's Salt Works Mount Pleasant Nebo New Alexandria New Somerset Philipsburgh Port Homer Richmond Rush Run Smithfield Steubenville (C h) Tiltonville Unionport Updegraff3 W arrenton Wintcrsville Knox co. Btadens burgh Brandon Centreburgh Danville Democracy Fredericktown Gambier Greersville Jelloway Knox Levering's Lock Lucerne Maple Grove Martinsburgh Milfordton Millwood Monroe Mills Mount Liberty Mount Vernon (c h) Nonpareil North Liberty Pulaskiville Shaler's Mills Wolf Lake co. Concord Fairport Hillhonse Kirtland Madison Mentor Painesville (e h) Perry South Kirtland TJnionville Wickliffe Willoughby Lawrence co. Aid Arabia Athalia Bartramville Burlington (c h) Campbell' Coal Grove Greasy Ridge Hanging Rock Ironton Israel Kelley's Mills Kennedy's Roads Miller'3 Olive Furnace Quaker Bottom Rock Camp Russell's Place Scott's Town Simmons South Point Symmes' Run Waterloo Willow Grove Licking co. Alexandria Appleton Beach Brownsville Buck Chatham Clay Lick Columbia Centre Croton Etna Falbburgh Fredonia Granville Gratiot Hanover Hebron Homersville Jacksontown Jersey Johnstown Kirkers villa Linnville Long Run Newark (c h) New-way Outville Pataskala Perryton Rocky Forks Saint Louisville Sylvania Toboso Utica Wilkin's Run Logan co. Bell Centre Bellefontaine Bloom Centre De Graff East Liberty Harper Huntsville Lewistown Loganville Muchinippe New Richland Piekereltown Quincy Rushylvania West Liberty West Middleburgh Zanesfield Lorain co. Amherst Avon Avon Lake Black River Brighton Brownhelm Camden Station Carlisle Columbia Station Copopa Crandall Elyria (c h) Grafton Henrietta Huntington La Grange La Porte North Camden North Eaton North Ridge Oberlin Ptenfield Pittsfield Plato Rawsonville Rochester Depot Sheffield Sheffield Lake Spencer Wellington Lucas co. Drakes Hardy Java Manhattan Maumee City (c h) Monclova Providence Riga S wanton Toledo Utah Waterville Whiteford White House Madison co. Big Plains Cross Roads Darby Creek La Fayette London (ch) Mount Sterling Rosedale South Solon Summerford Tradersville Wahoo Walnut Run West Canaan W est J efferson Mahoning co. Berlin Centre Boardman Boswell Canfield (c h) Coitsville Cornersburgh East Lewistown East Westville Ellsworth Frederick Greenford Hanna's Mills Lowell ville Milton New Albany New Middletown New Springfield North Benton North Jackson North Lima Orange Patmos Peters burgh Poland Poland Centra Pottersville Smithfield Station Steam Town Youngs town Marion co. Big Island Caledonia Cochranton Green Camp Larue Letimberville Marion (e h) New Bloomington Prospect Underwoods Wilson Medina co. Abbeyville Brunswick Chatham Centre Coddingville Crawford Mills Granger Guilford Hinckley Homer Leroy Litchfield Liverpool " Lodi Mallett Creek Medina (c h) Remson's CorntW River Stvx Sharon Centre Wadsworth Weymouth Whittlesey Meigs CO* Alfred Apple Grove Bashan Burlingham Chester (c h) Downington Great Bend Harrisonville Hemlock GrOTt- Laugsvilla Ledlie'a POST OFFICES OHIO. 49 Letart Falls Long Bottom Middleport Minersville Mount Blanc Olive Centre Pomeroy (o h) Portland Racine Rutland Salem Centre Silver Run. Syracuse Tupper's Plains Turner Valley Ford Mercer co. Boetia Carthageiia Celina(c h) Chickasaw Cold Water Cranberry Prairie Deep Cut Fort Amanda Fort Recovery Macedon Marcellus Maria Stein Mendon Mercer Montezuma Neptune Reservoir Saint Henry's Shane's Crossings Skeel's jxj Roads Miami co, Allen's Brandt Cass town Covington Fair Mount Fidelity Fletcher Hyattsville Laura Ludlow North Clayton Peterson's Station Piqua Pleasant Hill Three Locusts Troy (c h) West Charleston West Milton Monroe co. Antioch Baresville Beallsville Berne Calais Centre View Cochran's Landing Enoch Graysville Hope Ridge Jonesville Laing's Lecompton ILewisville Malaga Masterton Middle Creek Miltonsburgh Mount Carrick Ozark Rocky Narrows Round Bottom Sardis Stafford Sunfish Wittens Woodsfield (c h) Montgomery co. Alexanderville Broakville Centre W Centreville Chambersburgh Clayton Dayton (o h) Dodson Farmersville Fishburg Germantown Harshmansville Hay's Store Henby Johnsville Liberty Little York Miamisburgh Miami City New Lebanon Pyrmont South Arlington Taylorsville "Union Vandalia West Baltimore Morgan co. Bristol Chester Hill Claytona Deavertown Elliott's 1^ Roads Gardner Hall's Valley Hiramsburgh Hoskinsville Keith's Log Cabin MoConnellsville (c h) Malta Meigs' Creek Meigsville Mill Grove Morgansville Moscow Mills Neelysville Olive Pennsville Pleasant Valley Reinersville Remrock Ringgold Rokeby Rosseau Roxberry Sharon South Olive Stockport Todd's Triadelphia Wharton Wolf Creek Wood Grove Morrow CO. Andrews Bennington Bloomfield Burns' Cornels Cardington Chesterville Corsica Gray's Corners Iberia Indigo Lincoln McBwen'sM. Roads Marengo Marit's Mount Gilead Nimmon'sX Roads Shauck's Smith's Mills Sparta Tail's M Koads Westfield Whetstone Woodview Muskingum co. Adams' Mills Adamsville Blue Rock Bridge ville Chandlersville Coal Dale Cottage Hill Dresden Duncan's Falls East Greenwood Frazeysburgh Freeland Fultonham High Hill Hopewell Irville Licking Talley Meadow Farm Muse Muskingum Nash port New Concord Newton Norwich Otsego Philo hilo Putnam Rich Hill Ridgeway Rix's Mills Roseville Rural Dale Sago Saintfield Shannon Sonora Stovertown Symmes' Creek West Zanesville White Cottage Young Hickory Zanesville (c h) Noble co. Ava Caldwell Crooked Tree Harriettsville Kennonsburg Liberty Hill McCleary Mount Ephraim Nobles ville Olive Green Sarahsville Summerfield Whigville Ottawa co. Elmore Genoa Gray's Corners Graytown Kelly's Island Locust Point Marblehead Martin Ottawa Ottawa City Port Clinton Paulding co. Antwerp Charloe Cranesville Emmet Hamer Junction McGill Murat Paulding Payne Reid's Perry co. Asbury Buchanan Buckeye Cottage Chapel Hill Crossanville Deer Creek East Rush Creek McCluney Maxville Mount Perry New Lexington Oakfield Pike Portersville Rehoboth St. Joseph's Col¬ lege Sego Somerset (c h) Straitsville Thornville Whipstown Worth Pickaway co. Ashville Beckett's Store Camp Charlotte Circleville (c h) Darby ville East'Ringgold Five Points Hedges' Store New Holland Palestine South Bloomfield Tarlton Teegardin Williamsport Yellow Bud Sta¬ tion Pike co. Beaver Byington Cynthiana Flat Gibson Jasper Latham Morgan's Fork Omega Piketon (c h) Waverly Portage co. Atwater Aurora Brimfield Campbell's Port Charlestown Deerfield Earlville Edinburgh Franklin Mills Freedom Garrettsville Hiram Mantua Centre Mantua Station Nelson New Milford Palmyra Parisville Randolph Rapids Ravenna (c h) Roots town Shalersville Streetsboro' Suffield Windham Windham Station Preble co. Camden Campbell town Eaton (c h) El Dorado Enterprize Euphemia Fair Haven Gettysburgh Gratis Greenbush Lewisburgh Morning Sun New Paris New Westville Sugar Valley Upshur West Alexandria West Elkton West Florence West Manchester West Sonora Wheatville Putnam co. Buck Eye Croghan Dog Creek Fort Jennings Franeonia Gilboa Kalida (c h) Leipsic Medary Pendleton Pleasant Sugar Ridge Vaughnsville Richland, co. Adario Barnes Belleville Bellevue Butler Ganges Hastings Lexington Lucas Mansfield (c h) Newville Olivesburgh Ontario Plymouth Riblet's Richland Rives Shanandoah » Shelby S ix Corners West Windsor Ross co. Adelphi Austin Bainbridge Bournville Chillicothe Clarksburgh Frankfort Gillespieville Hallsville Hoop Pole . Kingston Lattas Lyndon Station Richmond Dale Roxabell Schooley's Station South Salem Unionola Vigo Waller Yellow Bud Sandusky co. Black Swamp Clyde Damassville Exeter Fremont Greensburgh Cross Roads Rollersville Townsend West Fremont Woodville Scioto co. Brushy Fork ■ Franklin Furnace Friendship Hale's Creek Haverhill Hays Iron Furnace Junior Lilly Lucasville Lyra Nairs Portsmouth (c h) 50 POST OFFICES MICHIGAN. Seneca co. Adams Adrian Attica Bascom Berwick Bettsville Bloomville Butternut Ridge Flat Rock Fort Seneca Fostoria Green Spring Melmore Palo Alto Reedtown Republic Tiffin (c h) "Watson M Roads Watson's Station West Independence West Lodi Shelby co. Anna Dinsmore Hardin Houston Jackson Centre Lockington Loramie's Montra Pemberton Plattsville Pratt Sidney Speer's Landing Tawawa Wynant South Rome Waynesburgh West Brookfield Summit co. Akron (c h) Bath Boston Clinton Copley Cuyahoga Falls Hudson Inland Johnson's Corners Macedonia Depot Middlebury Mogadore Montrose New Portage Nimisila Northfield North Springfield North Centre Peninsula Richfield Stow Summit Tallmadge Twinsburgh Y aliens Western Star Trumbull co. Bazetta Braceville Bristolville Brookfield Burgh Hill Champion Church Hill Duck Creek East Trumbull Eden Farmington Fowler Girard Greensburgh Gustavus Hartford Howland Hubbard 4 Johnsonville Kinsman's Mecca Mesopotamia Newton Falls Niles North Bloomfield Ohl's Town Orangeville Southington State Line Sugar Creek Vernon Vienna Warren (c h) Willow Dale Tuscarawas co. Albany Bolivar Brady C&dwallader Canal Dover Deardorff's Mills Dundee Gilmore Gnadenhutten Johnson Mineral Point New Comerstown New Cumberland New Philadelphia (c h) Peoli Port Washingtoh Rocksford Rogersville Rush Sandyville Shanesville Stillwater Stone Creek Strasburgh Tabor Tuscarawas Uhricksville Winfield Zoar Union co. Allen Centre ' Boke's Creek Byhalia Coberly's Darby Plains Irwin Jerome Marysville (c h) Milt'ord Centre New California New Dover Pharisburgh Raymond's Richwood Rush Creek Taylor Centre Unionville Centre Watkins Wilkins York Van Wert co. Auglaize Delphos Dixon Leslie Middle Point Tully Van Wert (c h) Willshire (c h) Vinton co, Allensville Dundas Eagle Furnace Eagle Mills Elk McArthur Mingo Moonvillc New Plymouth Prattsville Raccoon Ratcliffsburg Reed's Mills Swan Vinton Furnace Wilkesville Zaleski Warren co. Brown's Store Butlcrville Carlisle Station Dallasburgh Deerfield Village Dunlevy Ed wards ville Fort Ancient Franklin Harveysburgh Hopkinsville Lebanon (c h) Level Mainville Mason Morrow Mount Holly Oregon Red Lion Ridgeville Springboro' Twenty Mile Stand Waynes ville Washington co, Aurelius Barber Barlow Bartlett Belpre Beverly Big Run Bonn Brown's Mills Centre Belpre Coal Run Constitution Decaturville Dunbar Fearing Fillmore Flints Mills Grand View Harmar Jolly Lawrence Layman Little Hockhocking Lowell Lower Lawrence Lower Newport Lower Salem Marietta (eh) Moss Run New Metamoras Newport North Union Olds Ostend Regniet'sjfctills Saltpeter Tunnell, • Veto Vincent Waterford Watertown Wesley Wayne co. Apple Creek Baughman Big Prairie Blacklysville Burbank Canaan Cedar Valley Chippewa Congress Dal ton Easton East Union Frederickshurgh Golden Corners Koch's Madisonbnrgh Marshallsville Mill Brook Moorland Mount Eaton New Pittsburgh New Prospect Number One Old Hickory Orrville Plain Reedsburgh S breve Smithville West Lebanon West Salem Wooster (c h) Williams co. Bridgewater Bryan (c h) Deer Lick Domestic Durbin's Corner* Edgerton Lockport Luke's Corners Montpelier Nettle Lake North West Pioneer^ Primrose Pulaski Saint Joseph Spring Lake Stryker West Buffalo West Union Williams Centw Wood co. Bowling Green Bloom Brown's Corner Gilead Lovett's Grove Millbury Miltonville Montgomery ^ Roads New Rochester New Westfield Perrysburgh (o h Portage Prairie Depot Scotch Ridge Stony Ridge Tontogany West Mill Grove Weston Woodbury Wyandott ecu Belie Vernon Bowshersville Carey Crawford Kirby Little Sandusky McCutchen ville Marseilles Mexico Nevada Seal Sycamore $ Tymochtee Upper Sandusky(j Warpole Whartonsburgh Wyandott MICHIGAN. Ganges Gun Marsh Hopkins Lake Leighton's Manlius Martin Monterey New Casco New Salem Otsego Overisel Pine Plains Plainwell Proctor Saugatuek Silver Creek Wayland Wheeler Alpma co. ^pena POST OFFICES MICHIGAN. 51 Baltimore Barryville Bristolville Carlton Castle con Cedar Creek Glass Creek Gun Lake Hastings (oh) Hichory Corners Irving Johnstown Maple Grove Merritt Middleville Milo North Irving Orangeville Mills Prairieville South Assyria Woodland Yankee Springs Berrien co. Bainbridge Berrien Spring (c h) Bertrand Buchanan Coloma Dayton Galien Millburgh New Buffalo Niles Pipestown Saint Joseph Three Oaks Watervliet Wee saw Branch. co. Algansee Batavia Bethel Branch Bron3on's Prairie Butler California Cold Water (c h) East Gilead Gilead Girard Kinderhook Mattison Noble Centre Quincy Round Lake Sherwood Union City Calhoun co. Abscota Albion Athens Battle Creek Bedford Burlington Cedar Lake Ceresco Clarence Clarendon Clarendon Centre Conois Culver East Leroy Eckford Emmett Homer Lyon's Lake Marengo Marshall (e h) Newton Penfield Pentello Pine Creek Eice Creek Secilia Tekonsha West Leroy Cass co. Adamsville Brownsville Cassopolis (c h) Dowagiac Edwardsburgh La Grange Liberty Church Little Prairie Ronde Marcellus Newberg North Brownville Picket's Corner Pokagon Shave Head Summerville Union Vandalia Williamsville Chippewa co. Detour Sault de St. Marie Bath Dallas De Witt Duplain Eagle East Essex Eelsie Gardner's Corners Goss Greenbush Keystone Maple Rapids North Eagle Olive Ovid Riley Saint Johns Victor Wacousta Westphalia Delta co. Cedar Fork Esconawba Nahma Eaton, co. Bellevue Brookfield Camp Creek Carlisle Centre Charlotte Chester Delta Eaton Rapids Elmira Grand Ledge Kalamo Mud Creek Olivet Oneida OtteT Creek Roxana South Sunfield Sunfield Vermontville West Benton West Windsor Windsor Emmett co. Bear River Charlevoix Genesee co. Argentine Atlas Crockersville Davison Centre East Thetfor.d Elk Elgin Fentonville Flint Flushing Forest Gaines Gaines' Station Genesee Goodrich Grand Blanc Kearsley Linden Montrose Mount Morris Mundy Pine Run Richfield Stony Run Swartz Creek Thetford Valeria Gratiot co. Elm Hall Forest Hill Gratiot Centre Ithaca Lafayette Luna Monticello Newark North Star North Shade Pompei Saint Louis * Stella Spring Brook Grand Traverse co Elk Rapids Grand Traverse Omena Mapleton Traverse City Whitewater Hillsdale co. Amboy Cambria Mills Camden Cass Edinburgh Florida Frontier Hillsdale (c h) J efferson Jones ville Litchfield Morgansville Moscow Mosherville North Adams Ransom Reading Somerset South Wright Sparta Sylvanus Tylersville Wheatland Centre Wood's Corners Houghton co. Algonquin Clifton Eagle Harbor Eagle River Houghton Kewenaw Bay NorthWest Mines Huron co. Barnettsvillo Port Austin Willow Creek Ingham co. Alverson Aurelius Bunker Hill Delhi Centre Eden Felt's Fitchburg Ingham Lansing Le Roy Leslie Mason North Aurelius Onondaga Phelpstown Red Bridge Sanford Stockbridge West Delhi White Oak Williamstown Ionia co. Avon Boston Campbell Danby Ionia (c h) Kiddville Kossuth Lyons Maple Matherton Montrose Station New Berlin North Plains Otisco Palo Patterson's Mills Pewano Plains Portland Rix Richmond Corners Ronald's Centre Sebewa Smyrna South Boston South Cass Wheatland Isabella co. Albany Salt River Wiota Jackson co. Arland Baldwin's Mills Barry Bennett's Corners Brooklyn Cayuga Columbia Concord Franciscoville Gidley's Station Grass Lake Hanover Henrietta Jackson (c h) Leoni Liberty Michigan Centre Napoleon Norvell Portage Lake Pulaski South Henrietta South Jackson Spring Arbor Springport Tompkins Waterloo West Rives Josco co. Tarvas Kalamazoo co. Alamo Brady Climax Prairie Comstock Cooper Galesburgh Kalamazoo (c h) Oshtemo Pavilion Portage Prairie Ronde Richland Schoolcraft Wakeshma West Climax York ville Kent co. Ada Algoma Alto Alton Ashley Austerlitz Bowne Braceville Buck Creek Caledonia Cannonsburgh Cascade Cedar Spring Cortland Cortland Center Cuba Englishville Erin Fallasburgh Flat River Gainesville Grand Rapids (c h) Grahamville Grandville Grattan Indian Creek Kelloggsville Laphamsville Loomisville Lowell Nelson North Cannon Oakfield Paris Pleasant South Sparta Sparta Centre Spencer's Mill Vergennes White Swan Whitney ville Lapeer co. Allison Almont Arcadia Dryden Farmer's Creek Goodland Ha,dley Hunter's Creek Lapeer (c h) Marathon Metamora North Branch North Oxford Pool Rural Vale Thornvilla Whigsville Lebanon at. Herring Creek Lenawee co. Addison Adrian Attica Blissfield Cambridge Canandaigua Clayton Clinton Deerfield Dover East Ogdea Fairfield Geneva Hudson Lake Ridge Macon Medina Morenci Oakford Palmyra Ridgewiit7 52 POST OFFICES MICHIGAN. Riga Rollins Home Seneca Springville Tecumseh (c h) Tipton Wells ville West Ogden Woodstock Wolf Creek Leelenau co. North Amity Northport Livingston co. Brighton Cohoctah Conway Deer Creek Fleming Fowlersville Genoa Green Oak Hamburgh Hamburgh Tillage Hartland Hollister Howell (c h) Josco Madison Marion Middletown North Brighton Oak Grove Oak Plains Oceola Centre Parshallville Pinckney Plainfield "Tuseala Tyrone "Unadilla Warnersville Maconib co. Armada Disco East Union Fillmore Lenox Macomb Mere Milton Mount Clemens (c h) Mount Vernon New Baltimore New Haven Plumb Brook Kay Bay Centre Red Run Richmond Romeo Ro'seville Scottsville Utica Vienna Warren Washington Mason co. Freeman's Mills Little Sauble Pere Marquette Manistee co, Manistee Portage Creek Marquette co. Bloomer Centre Marquette Michilimachinac co Mackinac (c h) Midland co. Midland Mecosta co. Grove Leonard Pierson Monroe co. Athlone Brest Clark City Dundee East Raisinville Erie Exeter Grafton Ida Lambcrtville La Salle London Milan Monroe (c h) Fewport North Raisinville Oakville Ottawa Lake Summerfield Montcalm, co. Bushnell Centre Cato Clear Lake Crystal Eureka Fair Plains Greenville Montcalm West Bloomer Newago co. Ashland Big Prairie Bridgeton Croton Newago Weaverville Oakland co. Auburn Austin Ball Mountain Big Beaver Birmingham Brandon Clarkston • Commerce Danburgh Eagle Lake Farmington Four Towns Franklin Groveland Highland Holly Mills Jersey Kensington Lakeville Mahopac Milfor.d Mount Pleasant New Hudson North Farming- ton Novi Oakland Oakwood Orion Ortonville Oxford Pontiac (c h) Rochester Royal Oak Southfield South Lyon Springfield Springfield Sta¬ tion Spring Mills Strait's Lake Summit Troy Walled Lake Waterford Waterford Centre West Bloomfield West Novi White Lake Oceana co. Clay Bank Marr New Stony Creek Pent Water White River Ontonagon co. Adventure Green Sand Ontonagon Pewabic Rockland Ottawa co. Allendale Berlin Big Spring Casenovia Crockery Creek Day Duck Lake Eastmansville East Muskegon Forest City Georgetown Grand Haven (c h) Holland Jamestown Lam ant Mill Point Muskegon Nortonville Ottawa Centre Pintler's Corners Polkton Ravenna Sebastopol Six Corners Steele's Landing Tallnradge Wright Zealand Sayinaw co. Bay City Birch Run Blumfield Bridgeport Bridgeport Centre Chesaning East Saginaw Frankenlust Frankenmuth Hampton Jay Mickleville Portsmouth Saginaw (c h) Saint Charles Taymouth Zilwauki Saint Clair co. Algonac Belle River Brockway Burchville Campbelltoa Casco China Clyde Mills Columbus Cottrellville Floyd Kenochee ifemphis Merrillsville Pinery Port Huron Ruby Saint Clair (c h) Swan Creek Tana's Hall Thornton Vicksburgh (c h) Wales West Berlin Saint Joseph's co. Burr Oak Centreville (c h) Colon Constantine Fawn River Florence Flowerfield Howardsville Leonidas Lock's Station Mill Creek Mottville Nottawa Oporto Park Parkville Sturgis Three Rivers White Pigeon Sanilac co, Bark Shanty Buel Cherry Creek Davisville Farmers Forresters Forest Bay Forestville Lexington Peck Port Sanilac Sanilac Mills Stevens' Landing Wanicott Sheboygcm co. Duncan . Shiawassee co» Antrim Bennington Burns Byron Corunna (c h) Enterprise Fremont Hartwellville Maple Valley Middleburgh Nebraska North Vernon Owasso Perry Pittsburgh Rush Shiawassee Vernon West Haven Wheelerville WoodhaU Tuscola co, Akron East Dayton Pine Grove Sibbivaing Vassar Wahjeme^a Watrousville Worth Van Buren co, Arlington Bloomingdale Breedsville Brewersville Decatur Hamilton Hartford Hunter Keelersville Lake Mill Lawrence Lawton Matawan Paw Paw (c h) Porter Prospect Lake South Haven Waverly Washtenaw co. Ann Arbor (c h) Base Lake Benton Bridgewater Chelsea Dexter Fredonia Grand Run Iron Creek Lima Lodi Manchester Paint Creek Pittsfield Salem Saline Scio Superior Sylvan Union District Webster Whitmore Lake York Ypsilanti Wayne co. Belleville Borodino Browntown Conner's Creek Conois Centre Dearbornville Detroit (c h) East Nankin Elm Gibraltar Greenfield Huron Livonia Centre Mead's Mills Moulin Ridge Nankin NoTthville Oak Plank Road Plymouth Rawsonville Redford Romulus SmithviUe South Plymouth Trenton Wayne Woodville Wyandotte POST OFFICES INDIANA. 58 INDIANA. Adams co. Canoper Decatur (c h) Kirkland Limber Lost Linn Grove Monmouth Peeble Pleasant Mills Allen co. Aboite Areola Chamberlain Bast Liberty Fort Wayne (c h) Hall's Corners Harlan Heller's Corners Leo Little River Maples Massillon Monroeville New Haven. Nine Mile Perry Poe Randall Ridge Road Root Surinam Taw Taw Bartholomew co. Azalia Burnsville Clifford Columbus (c h) Elizabethtown Goldsborough Hartsville Hope Jones ville Kansas Moore's Vineyard Mount Healthy Newbern Rock Creek Taylorsburgh Taylorsville Wailesboro' Waynesville Benton co. Catalpa Grove Mount Gilboa Oxford (c h) i Parish Grove Blackford co. Dow Dundee Hartford City (ch) Montpelier Priam Boone co. Eagle Village Elizaville Jamestown Lebanon (c h) New Brunswick Northern Depot Northfield Reese's Mill Royal ton Thornleysville Thorn town White Lick Whites town Zionsville Brown co. Bean Blossom Christiansburg Cleona Gold Creek Milo Mount Liberty Mount Moriah Nashville (e h) New Bellville Spears ville Carroll co. Burlington Camden Carroll Cornucopia Deer Creek Delphi (c h) Fetherhuff's Mills Lockport Mount Jefferson Pittsburgh Prince William Wild Cat Cass co. Amsterdam Anoka Crittenden Fitch Galveston Lewisburg Lincoln Logansport (c h) Medea Montez New Waverly Onward Royal Centre Spring Creek Twelve Mile W alton Clark co. Bennetts ville Bethlehem Blue Lick Bowyer's Landing Broom Hill Charlestown (c h) Hamburgh Hubbard Jefferson ville Memphis Muddy Fork New Providence New Washington Oregon Polk Run Sellersburg Slate Cut Sylvan Grove Utica Clay co. Anguilla Ashboro Belle Air Bowling Green (ch) Brazil Centre Point Christy's Prairie Cloverland Coffee Farm Harmony Howesville Martz Poland Staunton Van Buren Clinton co. Barnesville Berlin Colfax Frankfort (ch) Geetingsville Jefferson Kirk's Sx| Roads Michigantown Middle Fork Prairievillc Rossville Russiaville Winship's Mill Crawford co. English Fredonia (o h) Grantsburg Leavenworth Magnolia Marengo Mifflin Milltown Mount Prospect Nebraska Pilot Knob Wickliffe Daviess co. Alfordsville Black Oak Ridge Clark's Prairie Epsom Hudsonville Mavsville Owl Prairie Perkin's Store Plainville Raglesville Washington (c h) Dearborn co. Aurora Bogard Braysville Bright Cochran Coopersville Dillsborough Farmer's Retreat Guilford Guionsville Holman Kelso Lawrenceburgh (ch) Lawrenceville Logan Manchester Moore's Hill New Alsace Saint Leon Sparta Van Wedding's Station Wilmington Wright's Corners Yorkville Decatur co. Adams Cave Spring Clarksburgh Clifty Forest Hill Greensburgh (c h) Jackson Kingston McCoy's Station Millhousen Rossburgh Saint Omer Saint Paul Sardinia Smyrna Spring Hill Waynesburg Westport Williamstown. Winters ville De Kalb co. Artie Auburn (c h) Bucks Hill Butler Coles' Corners Coruna De Kalb Fairfield Centre Iba Mount Hope Newville Norristown Spencerville Taylor's Corners Victor Woolsey Delaware co. Albany Anthony Bell Creek Daleville Eaton Granville Harrison Muncie (c h) New Burlington New Corner Pleasant Woods Rich Woods Selma Sharon Smithfield Wheeling Yorktown Dubois co, Birdseye Celestine Davis' Creek Ditney's Hill Ferdinand Haysville Holland Huntingburgh Ireland Jasonville Jasper (c h) Ludlow White Oak Grove Worth Elkhart co. Benton Bristol Cook's Station Delcamp Elkhart Fish Lake Forest Grove Goshen (c h) Locke Middlebury Mount Olive New Paris Pine Creek Riehville South West Vistula Waterford Mills Fayette co. Alquina Bentonville Columbia Connersville (o h) Everton Falmouth Groves Harrisburgh Longwood Null's Mills W aterloo Floyd co. Edwardsville Floyd Knobs Galena Georgetown Greenville New Albany (o h) Scotts ville Fountain co. Attica Cole Creek Covington (c h) Cross port Fountain City Harveysburg Headley's Milla Hillsboro Newtown Portland Rob Roy Steam Corner Wallace Franklin co. Andersonville Blooming Grove Blue Creek Brookville (ch) Cedar Grove D re wers burgh Fairfield Jennings Laurel Metamora Mixersville Mount Carmel New Trenton. Oak Forest Oldenburgh Peoria Saint Peters South Gate Springfield Stip's Hill Whitcomb Wynn Fulton co. Akron Aubbeenaubbee Bloomingsburgh Blue Grass Bruce's Lake Fulton Green Oak Indian Field Kewanna Mill Ark Rochester (c h) Gibson co0 Bovine Buckskin Dangola Field's Station Fort Branch Francisco Haubstadt Marsh Creek Owensville Patoka Port Gibson Princeton (c h) Robb's Mills Somerville Warrenton West Buena Vista York Chant co. Arcana Grant Greenbush Jadden Jalapa Jonesboro' Marion Mier Oak Woods Rigdon Roseburgh Slash Trask Walnut Creek , Zion 54 POST OFFICES INDIANA. Henry co. Ashland Blountsville Brockton Cadiz Circleville Dan Webster Devon Greensboro' Knightstown Lewisville Luray Mechanicsburgh Middletown Millville New Castle New Lisbon Raysville Rogersville Spiceland Sulphur Springs Wenona Howard co. Alto Cassville Centre Greentown Honcycreek Jerome Kokomo New London Oakford Poplar Grove Shanghai Vermont West Liberty Huntington co. Antioch Australia Bayou Mills Blair Branch Creek Huntington (c h) Mahon Maj enica Markle Mount Etna Price Roanoke Warren Jackson co• Baker's Mills Belle Sarah Brownstown (c h) Cortland Crane's Mills Dudleytown Dunham's Station Ewing Freetown Houston Medora Mooney New Farmington Newry Reddington Retreat Rockford Seymour Sharkesvilld Stillwell Tampico Yalley Farm Yalonia WoodYille Jasper co, Brooke Carpenter's Creek Davison Meadville Morocco Pilot Grove Pleasant Grove Rensselaer Walkers ville White's Grore Jay co. Bear Creek Bluff Point Boundary Dunkirk Gillum Half Way Hector Jay (c h) Monroe New Corydon New Mount Pleas¬ ant Pennville Salamonia Westchester Jefferson co. Barbersville Bryantsburgh Buena Vista Canaan Dupont Graham Home Kent Lancaster Madison (c h) Mud L;ck Necl's Creek North Madison Saluda South Hanover Stony Point S wanville Vol,ra Wirt Jenniaqft co. Benville Brewersville Butlerville Cana Hopewell Montgomery New Centreville Oakdale Otter Creek Planter's HiU Qaeensville San Sacinto Scipio Six Mile Slate Tripton Vernon (o h) Weston Zenas Johnson co. A-mity Bargersville Beardstown Bluff Creek Edinburgh • Far West Franklin (oh) Glenn's Yalley Greenwood Nineveh Trafalgar Waverley Worthsville Knox co. Berrysville Bruceville Busseron Decker's Station Edwardsport Lecompton Lovely Dale Maria Creek Oak Station Paw Paw Bend Pond Creek Mills Spaldingville Vinoennes (o h) Kosciusko co. Beaverdam Boydston's Milla Clay pool Clear Spring Deed's Creek Etna Green Exeter Farmers Leesburgh Meredith's Mills Milford Millwood Monoquet North Galveston Oneida Oran Oswego Palestine Pierceton Princeton Rose Hill Sevastopol Silver Lake Syracuse Warsaw (c h) Wooster Yellow Creek La Grange co. Brighton Brushy Prairie Dorsey's Fly Creek Greenfield Mills Haw Patch La Grange (e h) Lima Marcy Mongoqninong Mount Pisgah Ontario Pashawn Ringgold Scott South Milford Utah Wolcott's Mills Lake co. Cedar Lake Crown Point (c h) Deep River Dyer Eagle Creek Gibson's Station Hanover Hickory Point Hobart Lake Station Merrillville Orchard Grove Outlet Ross Saint John West Creek Winfield Laporte co. Bigelow's Mills Big Springs Byron Callao Crossing Door Village Haskell Holmesville Hudson Kankakee Kingsbury Laporte (c h) Michigan City New Durham Rolling Prairie Roselle Saddle Town Sauk Village Union Mills Westville Lawrence co. Avoca Bedford (c h) Bono Bryantsville Fayetteville Fort Ritner Guthrie Heltonville Hord Juliet Lawrenceport Leatherwood Leesville Mitchell Pinhook Silverville Spring Mill Springville Madison co. Alexandria Alfont Anderson (c h) Chesterfield Curtis Duck Creek Fishersburg Forestville Frankton Huntsville Mendon Ovid Osceola Pendleton Perkinsville Prosperity Summitville Zinsbnrg Marion co. Acton Adair Augusta Augusta Station Bridgeport Broad Ripple Castleton Clermont Cumberland Fall Creek Gallaudet German town Indianapolis (oh) Lawrence Millersville Southport West Newton Marshall oo. Alden Argos Blissville Bourbon Bremen Buck's Comer Celestia Fairmont Lycurgus Plymouth (c h) Sidney Sligo Tippecanoe town Tyner City Wolf Creek Yellow River Martin ca. Belgrade Dover Hill Dye Keek's Church Loogoutee McCormickstown Mountain Spring Mount Pleasant- Natchez Pleasant Valley Trinity Spring# Willow Valley Miami CO. Chili Cary Five Corners POST OFFICES INDIANA. 55 Gilead Leonda Mexico Miami Niconza Palos Paw Paw Perrysburgh Peru (o h) Reserve Santa Fe Wawpeeong Wheatsville Xenia Monroe co. Bloomington (c h) Bryant's Creek Ellittsville Harrodsburgh Indian Cr^ek Mount Tabor Smithville Stanford Onionville Montgomery co. Alamo Beck's Corners Brown's Valley Crawfordsville(c h) Darlington. Ladoga Linden Mace New Richmond New Boss ParkersburghJ Pleasant Hill Prairie Edge Shannondale Sugar River Waveland Waynetown Whitesville Younts ville Morgan co. Brooklyn Centerton Centre Valley Eminence Hall Mahalasville Martinsville (c h) Monrovia Mooresville Morgantown Morrillsville Mount Washington Sheas ville Waverlv White River Noble co. Albion (c h) Avilla Bourie Cold Springs Cromwell Hecla Eendallsville Ligonier Lisbon Marseilles Merriam Noble (c h) Northport Springfield Mills Simon's Corners Swan Wawaka Wilmot Wolf Lake Orange co. Campbell Caster Ghambersburgh French Lick Leipsic Lost River McDonalds Newton Stewart Orangeville Orleans Paoli (c h) Stamper's Creek Valeene Owen co. Arney Alligator Atkinsonville Cataract Cuba Deem Freedom Gosport Hausertown Jordan Village Mill Grove Patricksburg Quincy Spencer (c h) Stockton V andalia White HaU Ohio co. Aberdeen Bear Branch Hartford Rising Sun Parke co. Annapolis Armiesburgh Banner's Mills Bellmore Bethany Bridgeton Bruin's X Roads Clinton Lock Delta Gallatin Hollandsburgh Howard Lick Branch Lodiville Mansfield Medelline Montezuma Numa Parkville Piatts ville Portland Mills Rockville (c h) Roseville Russell's Mills Sylvania Wright's Mills Perry co. Cannelton Derby Don Juan Foster's Ridge Leopold "Lilly Dale Lushers Rome Rono Tell City Troy (c h) Pike co. Delectable Hill Dickson Hawthorn's Mills High Bank Kinderhook Petersburgh Union White Oak Grove Winslow Porter co. Boon Grove Coffee Creek Fillmore Hebron Lansing Porter's M Km>cU Tassinnong Grove Valparaiso Posey co. Blairsville Bugtown Cynthiana Farmersville }I c Far land Mount Vernon (c h) New Harmony Parker 'sSettlement Poseyville Saint Wendels Solitude Stewartsville Wadesville West Franklin Pulaski co. Francesville Medarysville Monterey Mooresburg Oak Pulaski Rich Grove Two Mile Prairie Winnamac (c h) Putnam, no. Alma Bainbridge Brunerstown Carpentersville Cloverdale Fincastle Greencastle (c h) Groveland Grubb's Mills Little Walnut Manhattan Mount Meridian Morton New Maysville Nicholsonville Putnamville Reelsville Russellville 'Randolph co. Ar ba Balaka Bartonia Bloomingsport Cerro Gordo Deerfield Emmettsville Fairview Farmland Harrisville Losantville Lynn Jordan Mar's Hill Neff New Pittsburgh Parker Ridgeville Spartanburgh Trenton Union City Winchester (c h) Windsor Ripley co. Ballstown Batesville Cross Plains Delaware Elrod Hart's Mills Herrmaan Holton Milan Morris Napoleon New Marion North Hogan Olean Otter Village Pierceville Poston Prattsburg de's Depot Stringtown Sunman Versailles (c h) Way Rush co. Beech Grove Bloom Carthage Farming ton Groves Hannegan Homer Manilla Melrose Milroy Moscow New Salem Raleigh Richland Rushvills (c h) Smelser's Mills Star Steele's Swain's Mills St. Joseph co. Cottage Hill Lakeville Mishawaka New Carlisle North Liberty Notre Dame Richardson South Bend (c h) Sumption Prairie Terre Coupee West York Woodland Scott co. Afton Alpha Austin Lexington (c h) Maysfield New Frankfort Pigeon Roost Vienna Shelby co. Blue Bell Blue Ridge Blue River Brandywine Conn's Creek Davisville Fairland Flat Rock Freeport London Man warings Marietta Martin's Corners Moral Morristown Mount Auburn Noah Pleasant View Shelbyville (c h) Smithland Sulphur Hill Winterrowd Spencer co. Anderson River Dale Enterprise French Island Fulda Gentryville Grand View Midway New Boston Oakland Rockport (c h) Santa Olaus Stark co. Bogus Run Clear Lake Grovertown Knox Lake City North Bend San Piere Toto Steuben co. Alvarado Angola (c h) Crooked Creek Fish Creek Flint Fremont Hamilton Metz North East Orland Pleasant Lake Salem Centre Sandy Ridge Turkey Creek York Centre Sullivan co. Ascension Batcham Black Creek Black Heath Buck Mill Carlisle Currysville Greysville Hymera Merom New Lebanon Sullivan (c h) Turman's Creek Switzerland co. Allensville Bennington Craig Florence Grant's Creek Jacksonville Log Lick Moorefield Mount Sterling Patriot Pleasant Quercus Grove Rutherford Sugar Branch Vevay (c h) Tippecanoe co. Americus Baker's Corners Battle Ground Buchanan Clark's Hill Concord Dayton Lafayette (c h) Lauramie Montmorency Pettit Romney Shawnee Mound Sugar Grove Transit Hill Weaview West Point Wyandotte Tipton co. Curtisville Nevada New Lancaster Normanda Sharpsville Tetersburg Tipton (o h) West Kinderhook Windfall Union co. Beechy Mire 56 POST OFFICES ILLINOIS. Riley Saint Mary's Sandford Terre Haute (c h) Wauhoo America Belden Dora La Fontaine La Gro Laketon Liberty Mills Lodi New Holland North Manchester Somerset Stockdale Urbana Wabash Warren co. Baltimore Clark's M Roads Independence Lawrence Marshfield Pine Village Poolsville Rainsville State Line West Lebanon Williamsport (c h) Warrick co. Boonville (c h) Canal Crowville Hartsboro Lee Lvnnville Newburgh Polk Patch Yankeetown Washington co. Beck's Mills Campbellsburg Canton Chestnut Hill Claysville Flower Gap Foresters Station Fredericksburgh Hardinsburgh Harristown Hitchcock Kossuth Little York Livonia Martinsburgh Mill Port New Philadelphia New Retreat Organ Spring Pekin Prowsville Salem (c h) Saltilloville South Boston Tixas Walnut Ridge Wayne co. Abington Bethel Boston Cambridge Centreville (c h) Chester Cox's Mills Dalton Dublin East Germantown Economy Green's Fork Hagerstown Jacksonburgh Milton Neil's Station New Garden Olive Hill Richmond Webster White-Water Williamsburgh WeUs co. Barber's Mills Bluffton (c I1) Flat Creek Lake Creek Liberty Centre Murray Nottingham Ossian Reiffsburg Vera Cruz Zanesville White co. Brookston Buffalo Burnett's Creek Cathcart Flowerville Monon Monticello (c h) Mudge Station Reynolds Whitley co. Churubusco Coesse Collamer Columbia City Fuller's Corners Laud Saturn South Cleaveland South Whitley Summit Washington Centre ILLINOIS. Alexander co. Alexandria Cairo Clear Creek Land¬ ing Dogtooth Santa Fee Thebes "Unity - Bond co. Beaver Creek Cottonwood Grove Elm Point Greenville (o h) Mulberry Grove Old Ripley Pocahontas Boone Burton's Corners Caledonia Station Cherry Valley Garden Prairie Hunter Kossuth Leesville Park's Corners Poplar Grove Brown co. Buck Horn Coopers town Denmark Mount Sterling Ripley Versailles Walker's Neck White Oak Springs Bureau co. Arispe Arlington Barren Grove Buda Bureau Junction Dover East Concord Enon French Grove Hollowayville Lamoille Limerick Macon Maiden Milo Meagher Neponset New Bedford Ohio Perkins' Grove Petit Priiiooton Providence Selby Station . Sheffield Tiskilwa Truxton Walnut Winona Wyanet Yorktown Calhoun co. Belleview Bissell Deer Plain Farrow Town Gilead Hamburgh Hardin (c h) Monterey News Carroll co. Ashford Argo Bluffville Cherry Grove Elk Horn Grove Fair Haven Milledgeville Mount Carroll (c h) Rock Creek Savanna Spring Valley Cass co. Arenzville Beardstown Beavers town Berryton Chandlersville Jersey Prairie Lancaster Panther Creek Virginia East Bend Homer Mahomet Pera Pera Station Pesotum , Point Pleasant Rautoul Station Sadonis Saint Josephs Sidney Sodom Sodorus Tolona Urbana (c h) West Urbana Christian co. Assumption Blueville Bond's-Point Buck Hart Mount Auburn Owaneco Rosemond Stonington Tacusah Taylorsville (c h) Clark co. Anderson Casey Clark Centre Darien Darwin Dolson Fin Castle Johnson's Mills Livingston Lodi Margaretta Marshall (c h) Martinsville Melrose Sacton Wabash Valley Westfield Clay co. Bible Grove Clay City Flora Hord Ingraham Prairie Larkinsburgh Louisville Maysville (o h) Sutton's Point Xenia Clinton co, Aviston Carlisle (oh) Collins Station Germantown Jamestown Keyesport Looking Glass Shoal Creek Station Trenton Coles co. Areola Ashby Ashland Ash more Bourbon Brushy Fork Campbell Carmargo Charleston Fuller's Point Hermitage Mattoon Milton Station Oakland Paradise Rural Retreat St. Omer Springville Tuscola Upper Embarrass Cook co. Ainsworth's Sta¬ tion Bacheder's Grove Barrington Barrington Station Bloom Bremen Breckton Calumet Chicago Comorn Dalton Deer Grove Elk Grove Evanston Glencoe Gooding's Grove Gross Point Hope J effersoa POST OFFICES ILLINOIS. 57 Lake Lemonte Ley den Leyden Centre Lyons Lyonaville Maine Mainville Matteson New Bremer New Trier Niles Northfield Novesville Orland Palatine Palos Plum Proviso Rich Ringgold Shaumburgh South Northfield Strasburgh Thornton Thornton Station West Northfield West Wheeling Wheeling Wickliffe Willow Springs Winnetka Wittemberg Worth Crawford co. Annapolis Bell Air Baton Blkton Flat Rock Hardinsville Hutsonville New Hebron Oblong Palestine (c h) Robinson (c h) Stiflesville Vernon. York Cumberland co. Oedron Corn ton Greenup Hazle Dell Johnstown Long Point Grove Majority Point Neoga Towertown Woodbury De KaXb co. Blood's Point Courtland Station De Kalb Centre Dorset East Paw Paw Freeland Genoa Hick's Mills Kingston Laoev La Clair Malta New Lebanon Ney North Kingston Ohio Grove Pierceville Ross' Grove Sandwich Shabbona's Grove Somonauk South Grove Squaw Grove Sycamore (c h) Van Buren De Witt co. Clinton (e h) De Witt Santa Anna Tunbridge Wapella Waynesville Zabriskie Du Page co. Addison Bab cock's Grove Big Woods Bloomingdale Bonaparte Brush hill Cass Cottage Hill Danby Downer's Grove Lisle Naperville Sagone Turner Warrens ville Wayne Centre Wheaton Winfield York Centre Edgar co. Baldwinsville Bloomfield Bonwell Dudley Elbridge Grand view Kansas Logan Paris (c h) Vermillion Albion (c h) Mills Prairie Maple Grove West Salem Effingham, co. Broomsbury Edgewood Effingham Elliotts town Ewington Freemanton lone Nelson Hill Tentopolis Fayette co. Bowling Green Cumberland Dismal Creek Farma Four Mile Prairie Hickory Creek Howard's Point London City Prairie Mound Ramsey Shabonier Vandalia (c h) Franklin co. Benton (c h) Big Muddy Cave Crittenden Ewing Fitts Hall Frankfort (c h) Hall Little Muddy Marcy Parrish Pleasant Shade • Sarah ville Webb's Prairie Fulton co. Astoria Avon Bernadotte Canton Copperas Creek Cuba Duncan's Mills EUisville Fairview Farmington Fiatt Fulton Centre Ipava Lewistown Liverpool Maple's Mills Marietta Middle Grove Midway Otto Saint Augustine Summum Table Grove Troy Mills Vermont Virgil Walker's Grove Gallatin co. Cottonwood Christmasville Crawford Equality (c h) Gallatin (eh) New Haven New Market Overton Saline Mills Shawneetown South Hampton Greene co. Athensville Bluff Dale Breese Carroll ton (c h) Fayette Greenfield* Jalapa Kane Negrp Lick Pioneer Pisgah Rockbridge White Hall Grundy co. Brace ville Gardner Mazon Minooka Morris (c h) Sandy Ridge Vietta Hamilton co. Belle Prairie Buck Griswold Lane's ^ Roads Logansport McLeansboro' (e h) Night's Prairie Palo Alto Rectoville Hancock co. Augusta Basco Carthage (c h) Chili Chili Centre Dallas City Durham Elm Tree Fountain Green Golden's Point Hamilton La Harpe McGary Nauvoo Pilot Grove Plymouth Pontoosao Pulaski Rough and Saint Albans Saint Marys Sylvan Dale Warsaw Webster West Point Wythe Hardin co. Cavo in Rock Elizabetown (c h) Hudsonville Martha Furnace' Rosiclare Henderson co. Biggsville Station Drummond Dug Out Grove Farm Hopper's Mills Olena Oquawka Pickayune Raritan Rosetta Shokokon Terre Haute Henry co. Andover Anna wan Atkinson Bishop Hill Burns Cambridge Colona Station East Cambridge Galva Genesee Green River Heath Land Kewannee Morristown (c h) Munson Nine Mile Prairie Orion Oxford Penny's Ferry Pink Prairie Saxon Weller Wethersfield Woodhull Iroquois co. Ash Grove Ash Run Belwood Bulkley Chebanse Clifton Courtright's Mills Del Rey Democrat Donovan Farmer's Farm Iroquois Lamburgh L'Erable ' Limestone Middleport (c h) Milford Mixville Mount Langum Oakulla Onargo Plato Rinosa Summons' Point Jackson co. Ava Bradley Carbondale De Soto Grand Tower Murphysborough Urbane (c h) V ergennes Worthington Jasper co. Cartersville Hidalgo Island Creek Newton (oh) Pickwick Rose Hill Saint Marie Shorb Wetweather Willow Hill Yale Blissville Blue Ridge Castlcfin Fair Play Harris Grove Lynchburgh Moore's Prairie Mount Vernon (oh) Rome Spring Garden Jersey co. Delhi Fidelity Fielding Grafton Jersey Landing Jerseyville Newbern Otter Creek iJo Daviess co» Apple River Avery Council Hill Derinda Dunleith Elizabeth Elvina Galena (c h) Gap Grove Greenvale Guilford Hanover Ira Millville Mount Sumner Nora Pleasant Valley Plum River Rush Scales Mound Small Pox Stockton Thompson Mill Ward's Grove Warren Weston Johnson co. Cedar Bluff Cross Roads Cypress Creek Evergreen Gray's Mill Vienna (c h) , Kane co• Aurora Batavia Berkshire Big Rock Blackberry Blackberry Station Burlington Campton Clintonville Dundee Elgin Geneva Grouse Hampshire Jericho Kaneville King's Mills Lodi Station Montgomery New Plato 58 POST OFFICES ILLINOIS. New Yirgil North Plato Pingree Grove Rutland Saint Charles Sugar Grove Udina Winthrop Kankakee co. Aroma Beaverville Bullbonas Grove Grand Prairie Kankakee Depot Mainteno Momence Rockville Saint Anne Simoda Yellow head Grove Kendall co. An Sable Bristol Bristol Station Holderman's Grove Kendall Lisbon Little Eock Mansfield Naausay Ohio Farm Oswego Pavilion Piano Plattville Seward Specie Grove Knox co. Abingdon Centre Point Douglass Eugene Farmer's Hall •French Creek Galesburgh Glenn Wood Green Eidge Henderson. Hermon Hullsford Knoxville Maquon Milroy North Prairie Oneida Ontario Peraifer Saluda Truro Uniontown Urn Victoria Wataga Weed Lake co. Angola Antioch Deerfield Diamond Lake Ela Emmet Flint Creek Forksville Fort Hill Fox Lake Fremont Centra Gage's Lakes Gilmer Hainesville Half Day Hickory Lake Zurich Liberty ville Long Grove 11 illburn Newport Oak Hill Otsego Port Clinton Warrenton Wauconda W aukegan Wellington Went worth La Salle co. Alum Eock Arrow Asbury Buck Creek Clay Cornville Crotley Dayton Deer Park Dimmick Eagle Earlville Farm Eidge Four Mile Grove Freedom Galloway High Prairie Lasalle Leland Lowell Manlius Marseilles Mendota Mission Point Newark New Rutland No Grove Northville Norway Ophir Ottawa Peru Scott Serena Tonica Troy Grova Utiea V ermillionville Waltham Waverly Station Lawrence co. Bridgeport Hadley Station Hershey's Mill Lawrenceville (c h) Old Farm Olive Petty's Ruark Russell ville Saint Francisville Sumner Lee co. Amboy Binghampton. China Dixon Franklin Grove Lee Centre Malugin Grove May Hill Nachusa Nelson Ogle Station Paw Paw Grovo Prospect City SHelburn Sublette Willow Creek Livingston co. Amity Ancona Avoca D wight Fairburgh Indian Grove Long Point New Michigan OdeU Pontiao Reading Rook's Crees Sunbury Logan co. Atlanta Big Prairie Boynton Broadwell Elkhart City Eminence Laenna Lawndale Lincoln (c h) Middletown Mount Pulaski Prairie Creek McDonouyh co. Argyle Bardolph Blandinsville Bruce Burnville Bushnell Colchester Colmar Doddsville Friendship Good Hope Grindstone Hawthorn Hickory Point Hill's Grove Industry Johnson Macomb Mariposa Prairie City Spring Creek Tennessee Young McBenry co. Alden Algonquin Barreville Belden Bliven's Mills Brookdale Cary's Station Chemung Cogswell Coral Crystal Laka Dearborn Deep Cut Dunham Elysium English Prairie Erin Greenwood Harmony Harvard Hebron Highland Prairie Huntley Grove Lawrence McHenry Marengo Merona Ostend Richmond Riley Ringwood Romeo Solon Mills Union West Hebron, Woodstock McLean co. Bloomington Cheney's Grove Ohenoa Delta Doolev's Farm Dry Grove Hey worth Hudson Le Roy Lexington (c h) Lytlesville McLean Mount Hope Padua Randolph's Grove Selma Senex Shirley Stout's Grove Towanda Wilkesborough Macon co. Barnetts Decatur Dowling Harristown Hopewell Lockhart Maroa Oakley South Macon Wilson Macoupin co. Barr's Store Brighton Bunker Hill Carlinville (c h) Chesterfield Cummington Gillespie Girard Hoover's Point Hornsby Miles' Station Nil wood Palmyra Piasa Plain View Rhoades Point Rising Snn Scottville Shaw's Point Shipman Staunton Stirrup Grove Virden Vancil's Point Woodburn Madison co. Alhambra Alton (c h) Bethalto Collinsville Edwardsville (e h) Godfrey Harris Highland Lamb's Point Marine Moultonville Moro Omph Ghent Paddocks' Grove Ridgeley Saint Jacob Toluca Troy Upper Alton Venice Marion co. Alma Central City Centralis Ensenada Foster's Fredericks ton Green Dale Hickory Hill JCinmundy Mount Liberty Oden Omega Patoka Racoon Salem (o h) Sandoval Marshal co. Belle Plain Crow Meadows Henry Lacon (c h) La Prairie Centra Lawn Eidge Eose Bud Sparland Steuben Washburn Wenona Station Whitefield Mason co. Altoma Bath (c h) Crane Creek Egypt Havana Mason City Moscow Pilot Hill Prairie Quiver St. Jose Walker's Grow Massac co. Breckinridge George's Creek Hickory Grove Metropolis City Pellonia Menard co. Athens Petersburgh Eobinson's Mills Eushaway Smoot's Point Sweet Water Talula Mercer co. Aledo Centre Ridge Eliza Farlow's Grove Ferdinand Hamlet High Point Keithsburgh Millersburgh (c i) Monroe New Boston North Henderson Perryton Pope Creek Preemption Richland Grove Sunbeam Viola Monroe co. Burksville Columbia Eagle Cliffs Harrisonville Hecker Monroe City Renault Waterloo (e E) Montgomery co. Audubon Bear Creek Buchanan Butler Fillmore Hillsboro' (oli) Hurricane Irving Litchfield Nakomis Rising Sun Ruthsville Seward's Point Shop Creek Sinclair Walsh villa White Oak POST OFFICES ILLINOIS. 59 Woodsboro' Zanesvillo Morgan co. Alexander Arcadia Bethel Concord Emerald Point Epler Evans' Mill Franklin Jacksonville (oh) Lynnville Maradosia Orleans Waverly Tatesville Zion Moultrie co Lovingtan Sullivan Whitley's Point Ogle co. Adeline Barclay Brookville Byron Daysville Dement Station Eagle Point Fitz Henry Foreston Grand Detour Haldane Hale Killbuek Kyte River Lane Depot Lindenwood Lee Luda Monroe Centre Mount Morris Ogle Oregon Paine's Depot Paine's Point Pine Creek Polo Taylors Wales White Seek Woosung Peoria co. Brimfield Brunswick Chillicothe Edwards' Station Elmore Elm Wood Helena (c h) Hollis Kickapoo Kingston Mines Mossville Mount Hawley North Hampton Orange Prairie Peoria (c h) Princeville Robins' Nest Rome Farms Rosefield Smithville Southampton Southport Starfield Summerville Timber Trivoli Perry co, Appleton Carnent Prairie Duquoin Galum Grand Cote Prairie Iowa Mount Hawkins Pinckneyville (c h) St. John Tamaroa Piatt co. Bement Cerro Gordo Monticello (o h) Piatt Uba Pike co. Atlas Barry Bedford Chambersburg Detroit Douglassville El Dara Fish Hook Flint Florence Griggsville Keysburg Kinderhook Martinsburgh Milton Montezuma Monument Nebo New Hartford New Maysville New Salem Pearl Perry Pittsfield (c h) Pleasant Hill Pleasant Vale Rock port Summer Hill Time Pope co. Allen's Springs Bay Broad Oaks County Line Golconda (c h) Grand Pier New Liberty Rock Rock Quarry Walnut Shade Wool Pvlaski co. Ash Ridge Caledonia Mound City TJllin Valley Forge Wallbridge W etang Putnam co. Florid Granville Hennepin (c h) Mount Palatine Oxbow Snackwine Randolph co. Chester (c h) Coultersville Dog Wood Ellis Grove Evansville Jones' Creek Jordan's Grove Kaskaskia Laurel Hill Prairie du Rocher Preston Red Bud Ruma Shiloh Hill Sparta ! Steeles Mills Texas Richland co. Bon Pas Boot Calhoun Clermont Dandas Fransonia Izonia Noble Olnsy (c h) Parkersburgh Stringtown Wakefield Williamsburgh Wilsonburgh Rock Island co. Buffalo Prairie Camden Mills Carbon Cliff Coal Valley Copper Creek Cordova Drury Edington Hampton Hazlet Illinois City Mantanzas Mercia Mill Creek Moline Pennsylvania Pleasant Ridge Port Byron Prairie Field Rapids City- Rock Island (c h) Rural Talcott's Ferry Saint Clair co. Bellville (c h) Caseyville Fayette ville Free burg French Village Illinoistown Lebanon Lenzburg Lively Marissa Mascoutah Millstadt Mud Creek 0' Fallon Depot Prairie De Long Risdon Shiloh Smithton Summerfield Saline co. Apple Tree Bankston Harrisburg Hartford Long Branch Mitchelsville Raleigh (c h) Somerset South America Stone Fort Sangamon co. Auburn; Berlin Carter Chatham Dawson Green View Iliopolis Station John's Creek Lick Creek Loami Mechanicsburg Pawnee Pleasant Plains Reed Richland Rochester Salisbury Springfield (c h) Watson Williamsville Woodside Schuyler co. Birmingham Brooklyn Browning Camden Erwine Fredericksville Huntsville Jasper Littleton Mount Meacham Pleasant View Rushville Sheldon's Grove Station Sylva Woodland Scott co. Exeter Glasgow Manchester Naples Winchester (c h) Shelby co. Big Spring Cochran's Grove Cold Spring Flat Brancn Fruit Hill Mode Moweaqua Neapolis Oconee Station Pana Prairie Bird Sand Creek Shelbyville (c h) Westminster Windsor Stark co. Bradford Camp Grove Dorrance Elmira La Fayette Oceola Slack Water Toulon (c h) Valley West Jersey Wyoming Alede Buena Vista Baileyville Cedarville Crane's Grove Damascus Davis Freeport (c h) Hazlewood Howardsville Jackson Kent Lena Loran Louisa McConnell's Grove Mill Grove Nevada New Erin Oneco Orangeville Ridotts Rock Grove Rock Run Silver Creek Waddam's Grove Winneshiek Winslow Yellow Creek Tazewell co. Armington Bell Fame Circleville Deer Creek Delavan Dillon Eden Groveland Hopedale Little Detroit Mackinaw Norton Pekin Spring Lake Tremont (o h) Washington Wesley City Union co. Anna Dongola Jonesboro' (c h) Mount Pleasant Myers South Pas3 Toledo Union Point ITnionville Western Saratoga Vermillion co. Blue Grass Butler's Point Conkey's Store Crab Apple Grove Danville (c h) Essex Fairmount Georgetown Higginsville Indianola J ordan Kentucky Marysville Myer's Mills Myers ville Newell North Fork Pilot Richardson Ridge Farm Ten Mile Grovo Wabash co. Armstrong Friend Grove Friendsville Gard's Point McCleary's Bluff Mier Mount Carmel New Hope Rochester Mills Siloam Warren co» Berwick Cameron Cane Run Denny Ellison GreenbuSh Ionia Lenox Linden Little York Monmouth New Lancaster Picayune Roseville Spring Grove Swan Creek Utah Young America Washington 00 Ashley Dubois Elk Horn Hoyleton Nashville (o h) 60 POST OFFICES MISSOURI. Duncanton Emma Enfield Grayville Mill Shoals Phillipstown Rattlesnake Roland Round Grove Albany- Clyde Coloma Como Empire Erie Fulton Garden Plain Genessee Grove Hemlo Jefferson's Corners Kingsbury Lyndon Mount Prospect New Clyde New Genessee New Jordan Portland Prophetstown Sharon Spring Hill Sterling Union Grove Ustiek WiU co. Amon Barber's Corners Bloomville Channahon Chelsea Crete Dupage East Wheatland Elwood Endor Green Gaxden Hadley Horse Creek Jackson Creek Joliet Lillecash Lockport Long John Mokena Monee Pierce Plainfield Selfridgeville Sherburnville Tracy Walling ford Wheatland Wilmington Yellow Head Grove Williamson co. Attilla Bainbridge Blairsville Bolton Crab Orchard Fredonia Lake Creek Locust Grove Marion (e h) Prairie Hill Saline Sugar Creek Sulphur Springs Winnebago co. Burritt Durand Durand Station Elida Harlem Harrison Howard Kishwaukee Laona Medina New Milford Owen Peeatonica Rockford (c h) Rockton Roscoe Roscoe Station Shirland South Bend Tyler vancehoro' Winnebago Depot Woodford co. Cruger El Paso Eureka Kappa Low Point Metamora Minonk Mount Zion Panola Station Roanoke Secor Spring Bay Walnut Grove West Britain Westwood Woodford MISSOURI. Flat Creek Gadfly Hazle Bottom McDowell Roaring River Washbourn Prairie Barton co. Bakers Grove Bates co. Butler Cove Creek Cow Creek Crescent Hill Dry Wood Elk Fork Fancy Hill Haletown Little Osage Marvel Montevallo Papinsville Pleasant Gap Prairie City Spruce Benton co. Bishop's Store Boyler's Mill Cole Camp Colerain Duroc Fairfield Haw Creek Lesley Mount View Prairie Lee Turkey Creek Warsaw (o h) Boone co. Ashland Bourbonton Centralia Cedar Bridge Claysville Columbia (c h) Eureka Grand View Halls villa Middleburg Providence Rocheport Sextons Sturges Younger's Bollinger co. Bessville Buchanan Greene Paton Perkins Creek White Water Buchanan co. Arnoldsville Berming Boyer's Settlement De Kalb Easton Platte River Rockhouse Pairie Rushville Saint Joseph San Antonio Sparta (c h) Walnut Hill Butler co. Black River Brannonsburg Cane Creek Poplar Bluff (c h) Caldwell co. Grand River Kingston (o h) Mirabile Callaway co. Boydville Concord Cpte Sans Dessein Fulton (c h) Hibernia Jones' Tan Yard Millersburg New Bloomfield Pierce Portland Readsville Reform Saint Aubert Shamrock Springfield's Store Williamsbnrgh Camden co. Cave Pump Cherry Dry Glaze Green Dale Linn Creek Little Neangua Max Creek Right Point Suckersville Toronto Wet Glaze Whitesbury Cape Girardeau co. Appleton Cape Girardeau Circleville Gravel Road Hickory Ridge Jackson (c h) Oak Ridge People's Pocahontas Sheffield Carroll co. Carrollton (o h) Consolation De Witt Kills' Landing Mandeville Manlius Pleasant Park Round Grove Tagart's Mill Cass co. Austin Cause Prairie Dayton Everett Harrisonville (o h) Johnstown Lodi Morristown Pleasant Hill Plum Grove Rural Home W adesburg West Point Cedar co. Bear Creek Brown Cane Hill Clintonville Coplinger's Mills Eaton Fremont (c ll) Mule Creek Rector's Store Sac Mills Silver Creek White Hare Chariton co. Brunswick Byn*mville Elk Springs Keytesville (c h) Westland Westville Yellow Creek Clarke co. Acasto Alexandria Ashton Athens Boneta Cahoka Chambersburg Eldorado Fairmount Kossuth Peakesville Saint Francisville St. Patrick Sugar Creek Waterloo (c h) Winchester Wrightville Clay co, Barry Kendall Liberty (o h) Missouri City Paradise Saint Bernard Smith ville Clinton CO. Beehive Cameron POST OFFICES MISSOURI. 61 Castile Elmonte Hainesville Magnolia Plattsburg (o h) Plum Creek Cole co. Dixonville Hickory Hill High Point Jefferson City Look Out Marion (c h) Osage City Osage Bluff Russelville St. Thomas Stringtown Taos Cooper co. Bell Air Billingsville Boonyille (e h) Clark's Fork Coal Bank Cold Neck Conner's Mills Fair Point G-ilroy Gooch's Mills La Mine Midway Mount Carmel Otterville Pilot Grove Pisgah Pleasant Green Bound Hill Vermont Crawford co. Argo Avery Bourbon Cherry Yalley Elm Grove Harrison's Mills High Grove Knob View Little Prairie Maramec Norman Osage Spanish Prairie Steelsville (ch) Dade co. Dadeville Greenfield (c h) Horse Creek King's Point Melville Rock Prairie Turnback Dallas co. Buffalo Cross Plains Long Lane Louisburg Pasco Bound Prairie Saint Luke Shady Grove Spring Grove TTrbana Daviess co. Clear Creek Cravensville Crittenden Gallatin (c h) Hamilton James' Port Orion Pattonsburg Victoria De KaTb co. Boxford Grindstone Point Locust Maysville (c h) Stcwartaville Third Fork Dent co. Dent (c h) Lake Spring Montauk Sarvis Spring Short Bend Sylvan Winston Dodge co. St. John Dunklin co. Beach Chillitecaux Four Mile West Prairie Franklin co. Bergen Beaufort Blishe's Mills Bocuff Creek Boone Burbois Caloy Campbellton (o h) Cedar Fork Iron Hill Labaddie Miller's Landing Molino Mount Helicon Newport (c h) New Germany Oakfield Pacific Port William Rucker's Prairie Shotwell South Point Stanton Copper Mines Traveller's Repose Union Virginia Washington Young's Mills Gasconade co. Bern Canaan Cleavesville Dalphia Gall's Prairie Gasconade Ferry Hermann Jake's Prairie Leander Mount Sterling Owensville Oak Hill Woollam Gentry co. Alanthus Grove Albany Allen Dale Douglas Gentry (c h) Gentryville Grant's Hill Havana Hugginsville Marietta New Castla Philander Rose Hill Sampson Creek Yolo Greene co. Ash Grove Bondark Crab Tree Dallas Fair Grove Hendersoa'3 Hickory Barren Kenton Ozark Pallas Pleasant Prairie Pond Creek Richlaud Saint Mark Saint Paul Springfield (o h) Walnut Forest Walnut Grove White Oak Grove Willard Wilson Creek Grundy co. Alpha Buttsville Edinburg Hickory Fort Lyndley Nevada Perkins' Grove Trenton Harrison co. Atlanta Bethany (c h) Blue Ridge Eagle Jay Pleasant Ridge Rulon Trail Creek Henry co. Browning's Ferry Calhoun Clinten Deep Water Huntingdale Leesville Lucas Norris Fork Roscoe Shawnee Mound Shroderton Tebo Toledo Windsor Zion Hickory co. Black Oak Point Bledsoe Connersville Cross Timbers Elkton Hermitage (c h) Pittsburgh Quincy Holt co. Forest City Lowell North Point Olive Branch Oregon (c h) Richville Rushbottom Tarkio Howard co. Boon's Dick Fayette (c h) Franklin (e h) Fulton Valley Glasgow Land Mark Myers Iron co. Ironton Marble Creek Middlebrook Pine Grove Jackson co. Big Cedar Blue Springs Cogswell's Landing Grover Independence (o h) Kansas Lone Jack New Santa Fee Oak Grove Pink Hill Sibley's Stony Point Union Point Westport Jasper co. Blytheville Braekenridge Carthage (c h) Coon Creek De Soto Diamond Grove Dry Fork Fidelity French Point Lamar Medoc Miners ville Rural Sarcoxie Sherwood Port Royal Valley Forge Jefferson co. Argyle Avoca Bellew's Creek De Soto Grubville Hemitite Herculaneum High Ridge Hillsborough (c h) House's Springs Isle au Bois Jefferson Mills Kimmswick Pevely Platin Sandy Mines Selma Sulphur Springs Tyro Johnson co. Air Basin Knob Big Creek Bluff Spring Chilhowee Columbus Cornelia Fayette ville Garden Globe Kingsville Knobnoster Milford Post Oak Sissonville Telico Warrensburgh (c h) Wall's Store Knox co. Bee Ridge Colony Greensburgh Mill Port Muddyfork Newark Novelty Laclede co. Brush Creek Competition Forkner's Hill Hazle Green Jericho Lebanon Oakland Osage Fork Sharon La Fayette co. Atfex Blanche Chapel Hill Cooke's Store Dover Elk Grove Freedom Greentown Japan Lexington (c h) Moss Napoleon City Renick's Mills Snibar Tabo Wagon Knob W averly Wellington Lawrence co. Bower's Mills Chesapeake Dunkle's Store Hall Leon Mount Pleasant Mount Vernon Spring River Stall's Creek Lewis a>. Belle Prairie Bunker Hill Canton Deer Ridge Durgan's Creek Gilead La Belle La Grange Monti cello (c h) Oyster Primrose Tully WiUiamstown Lincoln co. Auburn Cap au Gris Chantilly Cuvier i Hawk Point Lost Branch Lost Creek Louisville Millwood New Hope Old Alexander Troy (c h) Truxton Linn co. Laclede Linneus (c h) North Salem North Cutt • Salem Wyandott Livingston co. Austinville Bedford Chillicothe (c h) Colliersville Dawn Dido Fair Land Grassy Creek Livingston Spring Hill Utica McDonald co. Beaver Springs Beth page Elk Mills Elk Ridge Enterprise Gates Honey Creek Pineville Rutledge (o h) 62 POST OFFICES—MISSOURI. Shell's Mills White Rock Prairie Macon co. Bevier Bloomington (c h) College Mound Coulter's Store Bast Fork Economy Goodland La Plata Macon City Mechanics bnrgh Middle Fork New Bo,ton Newburgh Rice's Ferry Ten Mile Tullvania Vienna Woodville Madison co. Arcadia Brunet Fredricktown (c h) Mier Mine La Motte Pilot Knob Twelve Mile Creek Marion co. Bear Creek Station Brookville Emerson Hannibal Hanson He3ter Houston Leola Marion City Nelsonville Palmyra Philadelphia Sharpsburg Warren West Ely Wilsonvllle Maries co. Barrett's Station. Bloom Garden Clit'ty I)lie Flat Woods Lacon Pamswiek Mercer co. Cainesville Goshen Haggens' Mills Mercer Middlebury Princeton (c h) Rosemond Ravenna Saline Sonoma MiUer co. Iberia Pleasant Farm Pleasant Mount Rocky Mount Tuscumbia (c h) Birdsville Charleston Hopewell James' Bayou Norfolk Rush Ridge Wolf Island Moniteau co. California Cold Springs Fairfield Station Jamestown Oak Point Wind Mill Monroe co. Crooked Creek Florida Granville Indian Creek Long Branch Madison Middle Grove Paris (c h) Santa Fe Somerset W oodlawn Montgomery co. Big Spring Coving ton Danville (c h) Elk Horn Flint Point Green Hill High Hill King's Mills Lead Creek Little Loutre Loutre Island Middletown New Floreville Prairie Fork Price's Branch Rhineland Stockland Tiviot White Oak Morgan co. Dogwood Grove Felix Florence Lone Grove Mining Stone House Versailles (c h) Wheatland New Madrid co. Lost Village New Madrid (c h) Ogden Point Pleasant Newton co. Almeda Cedar Greek Copp's Creek Grandby Grand Falls Kent Neosho (c h) Newtonia Oliver's Prairie Shoal Creek Sparlinville Noddaway co. Graham Guilford Hallsa's Ferry Littlesville Maryville Narrows Reindeer Sweet Home Oregon co. Birch Tree Huddles ton Ingleside Jobe Low Mammoth Spring Pottersville Thomasville (c h) Warm Fork Webster West Plains Woodside Osaje co. Bailey's Creek Boaz Bonnots Castle Rock Chamois Fredericksburg Lane's Prairie Linn (c h) Lisle Loose Creek Marias Medora Pay Down Pea Vine Phelps Rich Fountain Wallace Landing Westphalia Ozarh co. Cowskin Falling Spring Forest Station Helen Isabella Louisa Melissa Red Bird Rockbridge (e h) Saint Leger Selden Pemiscot co. Caruthersville Cottonwood Point Gayoso (c h) Solitude Perry co. Altenburg Perryville Port Perry Pettis co. Arator Bee Branch Dunksburg Fairview Georgetown (c h) Heath's Creek Lamont Lake Creek Longwood Price ville Rowletta Spring Fork S pring Garden Washington Prairie Pike co. Ashley Ashburn Bowling Green Charlemont Clarkesville Frankford Louisiana New Harmony Paynesville Prairie Mound Prairieville Spencerburgh V annoy's Mill Platte co. Camden Point Farley Hampton (c h) Iatan New Market Parkville Platte City (o h) Ridgley Ringgold Union Mills Weston Polk co. Bolivar (e h) Brighton Fair Play Half Way; Humans ville Orleans Rolla Sentinel Prairie West Bend Pulaski co. Bellefonte De Bruin Humbolt Little Piney Nebo Relfe Sheild's Spring Vale Waynesville (c h) Putnam co. Ayersville Hartford Locustville Mendota Martinstown Newtown Pleasant Valley Scotland Ridge Shoneytown Unionville West Liberty Quapaw co. Crawford Seminary JRaUt co. Abell's Cincinnati Hydesburgh Lick Creek Madisonville New London (e h) New Portland Pigeon Cresk Saline Sidney Saverton Randolph co. Allen Darksville Fort Henry Hillis' Crown Huntsville Milton Penney's Roanoke Smithland Ray co. Camden Crab Orchard Knoxville Mill ville Prospect Hill Richmond (c h) Tinney's Grove Walcondia Reynolds co. Alamode Centreville Lesterville Logan's Creek Ripley co. Doniphan (c h) Dry Spring Gatewood Little Black Martinsburg Mill Creek Pike Creek Van Buren St. CharUt co. Augusta Bon Homme Colte/Villa Femme Osage Flint Hill Hamburg Hickory Grove Missouri ton Naylor's Store Oak wood Saint Charles (c b) St. Peter Wellsburgh St. Clair co. Chalk Level Hodge's Creek Howard's Mills Jenkin's Bridge New Melter Monagan Oseola Pleasant Sight Weaubleau St. Francis co. Big River Mills Blairsville Black Mills Statiqa Farmington (o h) Iron Mountain Kink cad Locust Ridge Silver Spring Stono St. Genevieve co. Avon New Bremen Plank Road Punjaub St. Genevieve (eh) Saint Marys' St. Louis co. Allenton Barnett's Station Bellemonte Bridgeton Carondelet Central Creve Cceur Des Peres Ellisville Fee Fee Fenton Florisant Fox Creek Glencoe Jefferson Barracks Kirkwood Manchester Mattese Melrose Normandy Rock Hill Saint Louis (c h) Sapping ton Waltonham Saline, co. Arrow Rock Brownsville Bryan Cambridge Elm Wood Hazle Grove Jonesboro' Marshall (c h) Miami Petra Ridge Prairie South Grove Schuyler co. Cherry Grove Green Top Inkerman Lancaster (o h) Pedee Scotland on. Arabella Billupsville Edina Etna HardscrabbU Laura POST OFFICES IOWA. 63 Hager's Grove Hawkins' Store Oakdale (c h) Shelbyville Shelbina Walkers ville West Springfield Stoddard co. Bloomfield Indian Ford Lakeville Piketon Stone co Cape Fare Curran Galena (c h) Robertson's Mill Sullivan co. Bairdstown Green Castle Jackson Corners Milan Owasco Pennville Scotfcsyille West Locust Taney co, Arno Bald Knob Big Beaver Bull Mills Forsyth (c h) Littie Beaver Texas co. Blooming Grove Cast's Valley Ellsworth Houston (c h) Jack's Fork Licking Plats Plum Valley Roubidoux Stanford Vernon co. Deerfield Elk Fork Hardwood Warren co. Brandt's Rock Spring Camp Branch Holstein Marthasville Pinckney Pin Oak Pitts Warrenton (c h) Washington co. Boyer Caledonia Fourehe a Renault Harmony Hopewell Furnace Irondale Mineral Point Old Mines Potosi (c h) Richwoods Rock Spring Wayne co. Castor Cold Water Greenville (c h) Greenwood Vail® Lowndes Otter Creek Patterson Wright City Webster co. Bristol Finley Marshfield Mornington Norma Panther Valley Wright co • Alma Astoria Cave Spring Hartsville (c h) Hazelwood Hickory Spring Mint Spring Pleasant Valley Sacramento Waldo Whetstone Wolf Creek Woodbury IOWA. Adair co. Adair Drake Fontanello Greenfield Hebron Holaday's Adams co. Canaan Carl Corning Icaria Mount Etna Nevinville Queen City Quincy Centre Valley Clear Creek. Cleaveland Elon French Creek Hardin Ion Lansing Lybrand Lycurgus Makee Nezeka Paint Rock Paint Creek Valley Paintville Postville Rossville Union Prairie Village Creek Volney Waterville Wawkou Wexford Willson's Ford Appanoose co. Albany Beetrace Caldwell Centreville Cincinnati Hibbsville Iconium Jerome Livings ton Milledgeville Memphis Moravia Numa Sharon Unionville Welland Wells' Mills Audubon co. Exira Hamlin Grove Oakfield Benton co. Benton City Beulah Burk Gwinville Laport City Linwood Marysville Pickaway Shellsburgh Taylor's Grove Unity Urbana Vinton (c h) Williams Woods Black Hatch co. Barclay Blakesville Cedar Falls (c h) Cedar Valley East Waterloo Eliza Elk Run Enterprise Filkin's Grove Gilbertsville Hudson Knox Lester Mullarky's Grove Waterloo Boone co. Belle Point Boonesboro* Carson's Point Mineral Ridge Prairie Hill Rapids River Side Sweede Point Bremer co. Breckinridge Frederica Grove Hill Horton Jaynesville Nautell's Polk Precinct Spring Lake Sumner W averley Buchanan co. Altona Brandon Buffalo Grove Cana Chatham Erie Erin Fairbank Frink's Grove Greely's Grove Hazleton Independence (c h) Perry Valley Pine Quasqueton Butler co. Algonquin Beaver Grove Boylins Grove Butler Centre Elm Springs Island Grove Leoni New Hartford Shell Rock Swanton Willoughby Cass co • Edna Hedge's Grove Iranistan Lewis Lura Pymosa Turkey Grove Cedar co, Apollo Cedar Downey Gower's Ferry Harwell Honey Grove Inland Lactin Lowden Mechanicsville Mass ill on Onion Grove Pedee Pioneer Grova Pleasant Hill Red Oak Rochester Rosette Spring Dale Tipton (c h) West Branch Woodbridge Centre co. Kossuth Cerro Gordo co. Clear Lake City Mason City Owen's Grove Shell Rock Fall3 Cherokee co. Cherokee Chickasaw co. Beaver City Bradford Chickasaw Deerfield Fredericksburg Jacksonville Maplesville Nashua New Hampton North Washington Stapleton Williams town »Clark co. Bartlettville Glenn's Hickory Point Hopeville Jackson Lacelle La Porte Liberty Milford Oceola Ottawa Prairie Grove Riley Shelby White Breast Clay co• Spencer Clayton co. Cass Clayton Communia Council Hill Cox Creek Elkader Elkport Farmersburgh Garnavillo Girard Grand Meadow Gun Guttenburg High Grove Highland Honey Cree Little Port Locust Mill McGregor McGregor's Land¬ ing Millville Monona National 'New Stand Panther Creek Peck's Ferry Reed Strawberry Point Sylvan Volga City Clinton co. Boon Spring Buena Vista Burgess Calmus Cam.mche Charlotte De Witt Elk River Elvira Grand Mound Low Moore Lyons Orange 64 POST OFFICES IOWA. Delaware co. Bailey's Ford Campton Coffin's Grove Cold Water Colony Delhi (c h) Earlville Forestville Green Hill Grove Creek Hazle Green Hartwick Hopkinton JUanchester Mount Hope Plum Creek Plum Spring Poultnev Ro ckville Sand Spring Spring Branch Tower Hill Uniontown Viola Yankee Settlement York Des Moines co. Albright's Augusta Burlington Danville • Dodgeville Hawk Eye Huron Kingston Kossuth Limestone Linton Middletown Northfield Parrish Pleasant Grove South Flint Vandyke Yellow Spring Dickenson co* Emmet Lake City Spiri't Lake Dubuque co. Alma Aspinwall Bally Clough Buncombe Cascade Centralia Channingville Cottage Hill Dubuque Durango Dyersville Epworth Farley Fillmore Glassnevin Jefferson Julien Milleray Morena New Vienna Oskland Ogborne Olympus Pin Oak Peosta Rockdale Sherrill's Mount Tivoli Weld's Landing Fayette co. Bethel Bremer Bush Creek Clermont * Corn Hill Douglas Eden El Dorado Elgin Illyria Leo Lima Mill Millgrove Oran Oijion Richfield Taylorsville Waucoma Westfield West Union Windsor Floyd co. Beelar's Grove Flood Creek Floyd Freeman Gilmantown Howardville Leoti Ripley Riv.erton Rockford Rock Grove St. Charles City Ulster Watertown Franklin co. Geneva Hampton Maysville Otisville Union Ridge Fremont co* Austin ' Buchanan Cory Dawsonburg Florence Gaston McKissack's Grove Manti Osage Plum Hollow Sidney Tabor Green co. Rippey Grundy co. Grundy Centre Taylor Hill Guthrie co. Bear Grove Dalmanutha Dodge Guthrie Centre Morrisburg Orange Grove Penora Hamilton co* Lakins Grove Rose Dale Hancock co. • Elk Grove Upper Grove Hardin co, Aldcn Delanti Eldora Hardin City Iowa Fails Lithopolis New Providence Point Pleasant Pokeepsie Quebec Rocksylvania Rockwood Steamboat Rock Xenia Harrison co. Calhoun Fontainbleau Howsier Jeddo City Little Sion Little Sioux Magnolia Martin's Ranch Melrose Modaie Olmstead Woodbine Yazoo Henry co. Cotton Grove East Grove Hillsborough Lowell Marshall Mount Pleasant New London Oakland Mills Rome Salem Trenton Vega Wayne Winfield Howard co. Arnoldsville Chester Foreston Howard Howard Centre Jamestown Lime Spring New Oregon Osborne Saratoga Sturgis Vernon Springs Humbolt co. Eber Iowa co. Amish Cono Dayton Dove Downards Genoa Bluff Homestead Jone Koszta Marengo Millersburgh North English Prairie Creek Red Rock Jackson co. Andrew (c h) Bellevue Bridgeport Brookfield Canton Cobb Cottonville Emeline Farmer's Creek Fulton Garry Owen Hickory Grove Higginsport Iron Hills Isabel La Motte Maquoketa Monmouth Mount Algor Otter Creek Oxford Ozark Rolley Sabula Saint Donatus Spring Brook Spruce Mills Sterling Sullivan Summer Hill Van Buren Waterford Wickliffe Zwingle Jasper co. Bush Clyde Elliott Galesburgh Greene astle Lynnville Monroe Newton North Skunk River Parkersburg Prairie City Vandalia Jefferson co. Abingdon Absecom Botavia Brookville Fairfield (c h) Germanville Glasgow Harmony Libertyville Lockridge Parsonville Pleasant Plain Salina Walnut Wooster Johnson co. Bon Acord Carthage Copi Danforth Frank Pierce Iowa City (o h) Leona Malvern Morfordsville Newport Newport Centre Oxford Palestine Seventy Eight Seventy Seven Shueyville Solon Windham Jones co. Anamosa (c h) Bowen's Prairie Castle Grove Duane Edinburgh Fairview * Grove Creek Highland Grove Johnson Longworthy Madison Monticello Pierce Scotch Grove Temple Hill Walnut Fork Wyoming Keokuk co. Butler Chandaller Lancaster (c h) Martinsburg Olean Richland Sigourney (c h) South English Springfield Steady Run Tallyrand Webster White Pigeon Wimer's Mills Kossuth co. Algona Cresco Irvington Johnson's Settle¬ ment Lott's Creek Lee co. Ambrosia Belfast Big Mound Camargo Charleston Clay Grove Croton Denmark Dover Fort Madison Franklin Centre Green Bay Jeffersonville Keokuk Montrose New Boston Pilot Grove Primrose String Prairie Summitville Vincennes Warren West Point Linn co. Banner'Valley Boulder Cedar Rapids Centre Point Dry Creek Ford's Grove Forfax Kingston City La Fayette Lisbon POST OFFICES IOWA. 65 Marion (o h) Mondieu Mount Vernon Nugent's Grove Necot Oak Grove Palo Prairieburg Prospect Hill Saint Julian Saint Marys Sisley's Grove Spring Grove Springville v alley Farm Wapsa Waubeek Western College Louisa co. Burris Cairo Columbus City Concord Grand View Harrison Morning Sun Palo Alto Port Allen Port Louisa Spring Run Toolsborough Virginia Grove Wapello (c h) Lucas co. Argo Belinda Cedar Grove Chariton (c h) Freeland Greenville La Grange Tallahoma Madison co. Bloomingdale Brooklyn Charlottsville Heaton Middle River North Branch Peru Queen's Point Saint Charles Winterset Mahaska co. Auburn Belle Fountain Bluff Creek Cherry Flint Fremont Granville Hopewell Indianapolis Laredo Nine Miles New Sharon Oskaloosa (e h) Peoria Rose Hill Scott Marion, co. Attica Bennington Calamo Columbia Dallas Ely English Settlement Gosport Hamilton Iola Knoxville Mennon Newbem Newark Newtown. Pella Pleasantville Poplar Grove (5) Terry's Wheeling Marshal co. Albion Bangor Le Grand Marietta Marshalltown Minerva Mormon Hill Reedsville Timber Creek Vienna Martin co. McCameron Mills co. Aps Cerro Gordo Fayette Glenwood Indian Creek Ingraham Pacific City W ahaghbonsy White Cloud MitcheB, co Cardiff Cora Dureau Mitchell Nelson Newburgh North Bend Orville Saint Ansgar Staceyville Went worth Monona co. Ashton Bellevidere Mapleton Onawa City Preparation Monroe co. Albia Avery Bluff Creek Cuba Georgetown Gray's Creek Half Way Prairie Henn Lovilia Osprey Weller West Milton Montgomery co. Coe's Grove Frankfort Oro Red Oak Junction Ross Grove Sciola Muscatine co. Atalissa Bower Landing Centre Grove Durant Fairport Melpine Moscow Muscatine Ononwa Pike Pleasant Prairie Prairie Mills Strawberry Hill Summit Sweetland Centre West Liberty Wilton Junction Page eo. Centre Clarinda Harder's Corners Hawleysville Nodaway Forks Tarkio Palo Alto co. Emmetsburg Polk co, Adelphia Apple Grove Avon Bloomington Desmoines East Desmoines Everton Fort Desmoines Freel Hopkin's Grove Kirkwood Midway Palmyra Peoria City Polk City Ridgeville Rising Sun Saylorville Summerset Walnut Creek Pottawattamie co. Big Grove Boyer Council Bluffs Crescent City Ellisdale Macedonia Saint J ohn S ilver Creek Walnut Grove Mills Poweshiek co. Agricola Bear Creek Deep River Forest Home Grinnell Malcom Montezuma (c h) Sugar Grove Victor Ringgold co. Caledonia Cross Eugene Mount Ayr Prairie View Preston Providence Redding Silver Sheet Silver Prairie Sac co. Sac City Scott co. Allen's Grove Amity Big Rock Blue Grass Buffalo Davenport Dixon Gilbert Le Claire Linn Grove Mount Jov Pleasant Valley Princeton Round Grove Walnut Grove West Buffalo Wolcott Shelby co. Mantins Shelbyville (c h) Somida Story co. Cambridge Camden Goshen Nevada New Philadelphia Story City Sheffield Tama co. Bruner Buchingham Butlersville Crystal Eureka Helena Indian Town Kinisaw Ola Redman Tamaville Toledo West Gooins Taylor co. Bedford Brushy Gravity Grove Litchfield Lone Office Memory Plattville Union co. Afton Coelo Livington Myers New Hope Olio Petersville Philo Piatt Union City Van Buren co. Benton's Port Birmingham Bonaparte Business Corner Farmington Gainesborough Home Hickory Keosauqua (c h) Lebanon Milton Mount Sterling NewMarket Oak Point Philadelphia Pittsburg Portland Upton Utica Vernon Winchester WapeHo co. Agency City Amador Ashland Bladensburg Blakesburg Chillicothe Competine Dahlonega Eddyville Greene Kirkville Ottumwa (c h) Pleasant Lane Point Isabelle Port Richmond Warren eo. Carlisle Dorrville Fort Plain Hammonds burgh Handsome View Hartford Indianola (c h) Lacona Lawrenoeburg Lvnn Montpelier New Virginia Planeville Pyra Sandysville Washington co, Amboy Brighton Clay Crawfordsville Davis' Creek Dutch Creek Mercellus New Haven Pottsville Richmond Valley Washington (o h) W assonville Yatton Wayne CO. Bethlehem Cambria Clio Corydon Freedom Genoa Grand River Lewisburg Ne w York Promise City South Fork Warsaw Wayne Roads Xniffin Border Plains Dakotah Fort Dodge Hesperian Homer Illinois Grove McLaughlin's Store Webster City West Dayton Winnebago co. Forest City Winneshiek c«. Aquilla Grove Burr Oak Calmar Canoe Castalia Clinton Decorah Fort Atkinson: Frankville Freeport Hesper Locust Lane Moneek Old Mission' Orleans Ossian Plymouth Rock Trout River Twin Spring Willimantie Winneshiek Woodbury co. Sergeant's Bluff Sioux City Smithland Worth oo. Bristol Lena Northwood Oakvale Wright oo. Belmond Buck Grove Fryeburgh Gold Field Luni 66 POST OFFICES ■WISCONSIN. WISCONSIN. Adams co. Big Spring Davis' Corners Dell Prairie Edna Fountain I'owler's Prairie German town Grand Marsh Killdare Lindenwold Little Lake Maugh's Mills Mill Haven Neoedah New Chester New Rome One Mile Creek Plainville Point Bluff Preston Pilot Knob Quincy Koche-a-Cri Seven Mile Creek Strong's Prairie Twin valley "White Creek Wonewoc Zerah Bad Ax co. Avalanche Bad Ax Bergen Bloomingdale Coon Prairie Debello D» Soto Goole Harmony Hillsborough Hockley Hoffman's Corners Kiekapoo Mount Tabor New Brookville Ontario Retreat Newville Biver S ide Romance Spriugville Star Victory Viroqua Weister Warner's Landing Brown co. Oooperstown De Pere (c h) Fort Howard Fremont Green Bay Greenville Kewanne Lansing Medina New Franklin Oneida Suamico Wec[uoit Wrights town Buffalo co. Alma Buffalo Fountain City Glencoe Glenhaven Gilmantown Maxwell Mondovi Wtmmandee Calumet co. Brant Brillion Charlestown Chilton Dunda3 High Cliff Lynn New Holstein Pequot Rantoul Sherwood Stockbridge Chippewa co. Bloomer Prairie Chippewa City Chippewa Falls Clear Water Eauclieve Lafayette Menominee Ogalla Rorkville Clark co. Clark (c h) Frankville Neilsville Pineville Pleasant Ridge Western Kapids Columbia co. Arlington Beaver Creek Bellefountain Cambria Centreville Columbus Dekorra Bast Randolph Empire Junction Fall River Hampden Killburn City Leeds Leed's Centre Lewiston Lodi Lowville Marcellon Newport Okee OShankeeta Pacific Pardeeville Pigeon Grove Portage City Port Hope Poynett Randolph Centre Rio Rocky Run Rollin's Ground Shoneaw Welch Prairie West Point Wyocena Crawford co. Batavia Bell Center Crow's Mills Eastman Hill's Valley Lower Lynxville Marietta Mount Sterling Ocena Prairie Du Chien Rising Sun Seneca Sladesburg Somerville Stockville Teller's Corners Towerville Wauzeka Y ankeetown Dane co. Albion Ancient Ashton Belleville Berry Beverly Black Earth Blue Mound Burke Cambridge Christiana Cottage Grove Cross Plains Dane Deerfield Door Creek Dunkirk Eolia Fitchburgh Hanchettville Lake View Leicester Madison Mazo Manie Middleton Mount Vernon Oregon Paoli Peirceville Pine Bluff Pleasant Branch Primrose Roxbury Rutland Spring Dale Stoner's Prairie Stoughton Sun Prairie Sweet Home Utica Verona West Middleton Westport Windsor York Dodge co. Alderly Ashippun Atwater s Beaver Dam Burnett Chester Station Clyman Elba Emmett Farmersville Fox Lake Hermann Horicon Hustisford Iron Ridge Juneau Eekoshe Le Roy Lomira Lowell Mayville Neosho Oak Grove Portland Rolling Prairie Rubicon Theresa Woodland Door co. Marcus, Nasewakee Sturgeon Bay Washington Harbor Dou/jl'iss co, Superior Dunn co Chippewa Dunville Durand Eau Galle Fall City North Pepin Pepin Wanbeck Eau Clair co. Augusta Brunswick Half Moon Fond du Lac co. Alcove Ashford Auburn Black Hawk Bothelle Brandon Byron Calumet Village Dotyville Eden El Dorado Empire Fair W ater Fond du Lao Foster Friendship Hinesberg Junius Ladoga Lamartine Marytown Metomen Moria Murone Nanaupa Newfane North Lamartine Oakfield 0 ceola Oceola Mills Rosendale Ripon Rush Lake Taycheeda Waucousta Waupun West Rosandale Grant co. Banfield Beetown Block House Mills Boscobel Bunker Hill Cassville Charlotte Dickeysville Ellenboro' Fair Play Fennimore Hazel Green Homer Hurricane Grove Jamestown Lancaster (o h) Little Grant Martinsville Millville Montfort Mount Hope Mnscoda New California Olwer's Mills Ora Oak Patch Grove Platte ville Plum Grove Potosi Rockville Saint Rose Sinsinawa Mound Smeltzer's Grove Tafton Washburn Wyalusing Green co. Albany Attica Bern Broadhead Brooklyn Cadiz Clarence Dayton Decatur Exeter Farmer's Grove Hoosick Jordan Juda Monroe (c h) Monticello Morefield Nevada New Glarus Oakley Pedee Shuey's Mills Skinner Spring Grove Sylvester Walnut Springs Willet Iowa co. Arena Clyde Constance Dodgeville Dover Gratiot Helena Highland Jennieton Linden Mifflin Mineral Point Moscow Ridgeway Ruggles' Dale West Blue Mound White Oak Springs Wyoming Jackson co. Black River Falls Canton Garden Valley Melrose North Bend Pine Hill Pole Grove Roaring Creek Siscoett Jefferson co. Aztalan Bark River Cold Spring Concord Farmington Fort Atkinson Helensville Hubbleton Ixonia Jefferson (e h) Johnson's Creek POSTOFFICES WISCONSIN. 67 Koskonong Lake Mills Milford Oak Hill Oakland Palmyra Rome Sullivan Transit Waitville "Waterloo Water town Juneau co. Armenia Brighton Bristol Cypress Kenosha Liberty Marion Wheatland Wilmot Ahnepee Casao Coryville Dyckesville Sandy Bay Walhaim La Crosse co. Bangor Barre Center Burns Burr Oak Half Way Creek La Cross Leon Mindoro Neshonoe New Amsterdam Onalaska. La Fayette co. Argyle Belmont Benton Bethel Grove Blanchardsville Calamine Cottage Inn Darlington Elk Grove Fayette Georgetown New Diggings North Elk Grove Shullsburgh Spafford Wiota Yellow Stone La Pointe co. Bayfield Houghton La Pointe Montreal Odanah Whittlesey Manitowoc co. Branch Bullion Clark's Mills Cooperstown Eaton Francis Creek Hika Manitowoo Manitowoc Rapids Maple Grove Meeme Mishicot Neshoto Newtonburgh Niles Oslo Two Rivers Marathon co. Geamcken Knowlton Little Bull Falls Mosinee Wausau (o h) Weston Marquette co. Berlin Briggsville Dartford Grand Prairie Green Lake Greenwood Harrisville Jeddo Kingston La Cote St. Marie Lake Maria Long Lake Mclntyre Creek Mackford Manchester Markesan Marquette Montello Moundville Neshkoro Newton Ordino Oxford Pakwaukee Princeton Rock Hill Roslin Stone Hill Westfield West Green Lake Willow Creek Milwaukee co. Butler Davis Franklin Good Hope Granville Greenfield Hale's Corners Lamberton Milwaukee New Berlin New Keoln Oak Creek Root Creek Ten Mile House Wauwatosa West Granville Monroe co. Angelo Big Valley Clifton Dorset Farmer's Valley Fife Glendale Jacksonville Meridian Moore's Creek Mountain Mount Pisgah Oakdale Puckwana Ridgeville Shelden Sparta Tarr's Creek T-omah Wellington Oconto co. Clarksville Little Suamieo Marrinette Menekane Oconto Pensaukie Outogamie co. Ellington Freedom Hortonville Kaukanna Keshena Little Chute Shaw-wa-no Shiocton Stephensville Sugar Bush Wakefield OzauJcee co. Belgium Cedarsburg Fredonia Freistadt Grafton Horn's Corners Mequam River Ozaukee Saukville Ulao Pepin co. Luna Stockholm Pierce co. Blendenville Bowen Clifton Mills Diamond Bluff El Paso Maiden Rock Marlett Perrytown Prescott (c h) River Falls Rush Kiver Trim Belle PoVc co. Sterling Portage co. Almond Amherst Badger Belmont Buena Vista Centralia Eau Pieine Emily Grand Rapids Linwood Lone Pine Madely Mohawk New Haven Plover (c h) Randall Saratoga Stevens Point Stockton Racine co. Burlington Caldwell Prairie Caledonia Caledonia Centre Ives' Grove Kansasville Mount Pleasant North Cope Norway Pan Yau Paris Prairie Racine Raymond Rochester Salem South Bristol Sylvania Trowbridge Union Church Union Grove Waterford Whitesville Yorkville Richland co. Aken Ashland Boaz Buckeye Cazenovia Cincinnati Excelsior Fancy Creek Forest Henrietta Hoosier Ithaca Lone Rock Lovds Milan Mill Creek Neptune Orion Port Andrew Richland Centre Richland City Ripley Rockbridge SextonviUe Sylvan West Branch Woodstock Tuba Rock co. Afton Alvaretta Avon Bass Creek Beloit Cedar Valley Center Cooksville Edgerton Emerald Grove Evansville Fairfield Footville Fulton Inmansville Janesville Johnstown Johnstown Centre Leyden Lima Centre Magnolia Milton Ogden Osbom Rock Prairie Shopiere Spring Valley Teotsa Union Utter's Corners St. Croix co Brookville Falls of St. Crox Glenn Mont Hammond Hudson Huntington Kinnick Kinnick New Richmond Rushville Somerset Sauk co. Baraboo (c h) Bear Valley Buchanan Cassell Prairie Dellona Delton Garrison Giddings Harrisburgh Humboldt Jonesville Lavalle Lima Ridge Loganville Mars ton Merrimack Otterville Prairie Da Sac Reedsburg Rowell's Mills Russell's Corner Sauk City Spring Green Wilson's Creek Shawana co. Embarras Lamont Sheboygan eo. Adell Beech Wood Cascade Cedar Grove Edwards Elkhart Gibbville Greenbush Hingham Howard's Grove Onion River Our Town Plymouth Rathbun Russell Scott Sheboygan (c h) Sheboygan Falls Wheat Valley Winooski Trempelean oo. Arcadia Galesville South Bend Sumner Trempelean Walworth co. Adams Allen's Grove Big Foot Prairie Bloomfield Darien Delavan Densmore Mills East Troy Elk Horn (c h) Geneva Geneva Bay Grove Heart Prairie Honey Creek La Fayette La Grange Little Prairie Lyons Millard Richmond Sharon South Grove Springfield Spring Prairie State Line Sugar Creek Tirade Troy Troy Centre Troy Lakes Vienna Walworth Westville White Water Washington eo. Addison Aurora Barton Boltonville Cedar Creek Fillmore Freistadt Hartford Kirchham Kewaskum Meeker 68 POST OFFICES CALIFORNIA. Lisbon Mapleton Marey Menominee Falls. M ertoiL Monches Monterey Mukwonago Muskego Centre North Prairie Sta- Oconomowocfe [tion Okauchee Ottawa Pewaukee Pine Lake Prospect Hill South Genesee Stone Bank Summit Susses; Y ernon Waterville Waukesha Welsh Waupaca co. Bear Creek Clintonville Crystal Lake Eranswood Hobart's Mills Iola Lind New London Northport North Royal ton Ogdensburgh Keadfield Kural S candinavia Waupaca Waushara co. Adario Blurton Cedar Lake Coloma Corfu Dakota East Coloma Hancock Howe's Corners Lincoln Mount Morris Oasis Pine River Poy Sippi Plainfield Ravine Sacramento Saxeville Silver Lake Spring Lake Spring Water Wautoma co. Algoma Appleton Black Wolf Butte des Mortg Campbell Delhi Eureka Fisk's Corners Groveland Koro Menasha Neenah Nepenskun. N ekama Omro Oshkosh Powaickum Red River Vinland Waukan W eelaunee Weyauweya Winchester Winneconne Wood co. Dexterville Hemlock Horn River CALIFORNIA, Moon's Ranch Princeton Tehama Contra Costa co. Alamo Antioch Lafayette Martinez (oh) San Pablo San Ramon Del Norte co. Crescent City Ferry Point Happy Camp El Dorado co. Bottle Hill Clarksville Cedarville Cold Spring Coloma (e h) Diamond Springs Eldorado Eldorado Ranch Garden Valley Georgetown Greenwood Grizale.y Flat Indian Diggings Kelsey's Newton Pilot Hill Placerville Salmon Falls Spanish Flat Yeomot Fresno co. Soottsburg Humboldt co. Bucksport Eel River Eureka XTnioutown Klamath co. Cottage Grove Forks of Sainton Sawyer's Bar Trinidad Los Angdoa co. Los Ang$}og Monte San Gabtfel San Pedxo Tejon Marin co. Navato San Rafael Tomales Mariposa co. Agua Frio Bear Valley Bondville Colorado Forlorn Hope Honitas Indian Gulch Leach's Store Mariposa (c h) Maxwell's Creek Millerton Mt. Ophir New Potosi Phillips Flat Pleasant Valley Quartsburgh Snelling's Ranch Split Rock Wyatt's Store Mendocino co. Andersons Clairsville Punta Arenas Russian River Merced co. Forlorn Hope Gwin Merced Falls Snelling's Ranch Monterey co, Monterey (o h) Natividad Salinas San Juan Napa ca. Big Valley Clear Lake Lower Lake Napa (c h) Oakville St. Helena Union Uncle Sam Nevada co. Alpha Clinton Grass Valley Indian Springs Little York Moores Flat Nevada (c h) North Bloomington North San Juan Omega Patterson Red Dog Rough and Beady Round Seat Sweetland Placer co. Auburn Bath Coon Creek Dutch Flat Grizzly Bear House Illinoistown Iowa City Lisbon Michigan Bluff Mountain Springs Neillsburgh Ophirville Oro City Rattlesnake Secret Ravine Todd's Valley Virginia Tankee Jims Plumas co. Jonesville Meadow Valley Nelson's Creek Onion Valley Quincy Sacramento co. Brick Post Office Buckner Cosumne Elk Grove Elliott's Ranch. Folsom Franklin Georgiana Michigan Bar Mormon Island Onisbo Sacramento Salabury Sutter Walnut Grove San Bernardino co. San Bernard$fl* (« h) San Diego co. San Diego (c h) San Francisco co. Belmont San Francisco (c h) Steinberger'a Woodside San Jbaquinco. Fugett Foreman's Rancli: Fourteen Mile House French Camp Half Way House Holden's Perry; Kerrick's Ranche Knight's Ferry; Loving's Ferry McDermott's Bridge Montedevideo Poland Staples' Ranch Stockton Wood's Ferry San Luis Obispo CO. San Luis Obispo (c h) Santa Barbara co. Santa Barbara (c h) Santa Clara co. Gilroy McCartys villa Mayfield Mission San Jose Mountain View Milpitas Santa Clara San Jose (c h) Santa Cruz co, Santa Craz (oh) Soquel W atsonville San Mateo CO. Belmont Redwood City Sap M^teo Searsville Woodside- Shasta co. American Raa«in Cottonwood POST OFFICES MINNESOTA. 69 Callahan'a Ranch Fort Goff Henley Ottitiewa Seiad Valley Scott River Yreka Solano co. Benecia Cordelia I)en vert on Putah Rockville Rio Vista Suisun V acarville Vallejo Sonoma co. Bloomfield Cloverdale Pacifio Home Petaluma Russian River Santa Rosa (c h) Smith's Ranch Sonoma Stony Point Two Rock Windsor Stanislaus co. La Grange O'Ryme's Ferry Sutter co. Johnson's Ranch Nicolaus Yuba City Tehama co. Red Bluffs Rock Creek Trinity co. Big Bar Burnt Ranch Canyon City Lewiston Minersville Trinity Trinity Centre Weaverville (c h) Tulare co. Keysville King's River Petersburg Visalia Tuolumne co. Big Oak Flat Chinese Camp Columbia Curtisville Don Pedro's Bar Garrote Green Springs Horr's Ranch Jacksonville Jamestown Montezuma Shaw's Flat Sonora Springfield Yolo co. Antelope Buck Eve Cache Creek Charleston Fremont Grafton Prairie Washington (c h) Willow Point Yolo Tuba co. Camptonville Dry Creek Emery's Crossing Empire Ranch Foster's Bar Greenville Honcut Long Bar Marysville (o h) Oregon House Owsley's Bap Park's Bar Round Tent Strawberry MINNESOTA Anoka co. Cedar Valley Benton co. Anoka Bell Prairie Benton Big Lake Clear Lake Crow Wing Elk River Itasca Little Fall? Princeton Royal ton Sauk Rapids Swan River Watah Big Sioux co. Big. Sioux-Mills Blue Earth co. Butternut Valley Garden City Kasota Judson Kandiyohi Liberty Mapleton Maukato Minnesota Lake Pajutazee South Bead Tivoli Vernon Wat an wan Waverly Winnebago Agency Brown co. Jackson Lake Pazah Lamville Leavenworth New Ulm Sioux Agency Wacapa Calhoun co. New Eureka Carver co. Camden Carver Chaska Eben Grove Soandia Watertown Young America Cass co. Leaf City Amador Centre City Chicago City Hanley Middle Branch Muskootink Rushsebv Sunrise City Taylor's Falls Wyoming Dahotah co. Athens Centralia Empire City Farmington Fort Snelling Hampton Hastings Lakeville Le Sueur Lewiston Mendota Merrimao Ninninger Rich Valley Rosemount Vermillion Waterford Bodge co. Ashland Avon Berne Claremont Concord HalloweLl Hector Mantonville Rice Lake Union Springs Douglas co. Alexandria - Fayette co. Richfield Faribault co. Bass Lake Blue Earth City Grapeland Lura V erona Winnebago City Fillmore co. Alba Bellville Bergin Big Spring Canfield Carimona Chatfield Cherry Grove Deer Creek Elkhorn Elliotta Eltaville Etna Fairview Farmer's Grove Free Soil Fillmore Forestville Granger Highland Jordan Lenora Looking Grass Newburg 0 dessa Peterson Pilot Mound Preston Rieeford Richland Rushford Spring Valley Tribens Uxbridge Vailville Washington Waukokee Freeborn co. Albert Lea Bancroft Bear Lake Buckeye Freeborn Freeborn City Geneva Guilford Hartland Munda Oakland Riceland St. Nicholas Shell Rook Sumner Trenton Goodhue co. Burr Oak Springs Cannon River Falls Central Point Crystal Springs Fair Point Featherston Florence Goodhue Centre Hader Kenyon Miami Pine Island Poplar Grove Red Wing Roscoe Stanton Sunnakic Wacoota Wanaminga Waste to Westervelt Zumbrota Hardin co. Phillipsburg Heimepin co. Bloomington Cham plain Chanhassen Dayton Eden Prairie Elm Creek Excelsior Fremont Greenwood Harmony Harrisburgh Hassan Rapids Maple Plain Medicine Lake Minneapolis Minnetouka Osseo Palestine Perkinsville Tamarack Tazaska West Arm Wyzata Houston co. Brownville Caledonia Dayville Dedham Freeburgh Hackett's Grova Hamilton Hokah Houston La Crescent La Villa Loretta Looneyville Manton Money Greek- New Boston Portland San Jacinto Shelden Spring Grove Union Winnebago Valley Wis coy Y ucatan Isanti co. Cambridge , Lake co. Burlington Lykens co. St. Marysville Le Sueur co. Anawauk Cleveland German Hillsdale Kasota Kilkenny Le Sueur Lexington Marysburg Maylardsville Oral Waterville McLeod GO. Cedar Glencoe Glendale Hutcherson Plato Winsted Martin CO. Ohainlake Fairmount Meeker CO. Acton Forest City 70 POST OFFICES OREGON TERRITOEY. Harrison Irving Kingston Mananah Morrison CO. Granite City Nokay Mower co. Anstin Frankford Gainesville High Forest lie Eoy Mineral S prings Mower City Nevada Pleasant Valley Nicolet co. Eureka Hilo Hebron Lafayette Nicolet Saint Peter Swan City Travers des'Sioux Olmsted co. Durango Fairfield Greenfield Kalmar Marion Oronoc Pleasant Grove Quinoy Rochester Rock Dell Salem Springfield Stewarts ville Waterloo Zumbro Pembina co. Cass Lake Leach Lake Pembina Pokagomon Falls Bed Lake Saint Joseph's Winthrop Pierce co. Fort Ridgely Pine co. Alhambra Chengwatana Mille Lao Ramsey co. Columbus Howard's Lake Little Canada Manomine Mound's View Red Rock Roseville St. Anthony's Falls St. Francis St. Paul "White Bear Lake Rice co. Cannon City Chester Faribault Fowlersville Hazelwood Medford Millersburg Morristown Northfield Shieldsville Union Lakes Walcott Warsaw Wheatland St. Louis co. Buchanan Falls of St. Louis Fon du Lao Oneota Twin Lakes Scott co. Belle Plaine Cedar Lake Helena Louisville Mount Pleasant New Dublin St. Lawrence Sand Creek Sha-k-pay Sherburne co. East Monticello Brantford Orlando Sibley co. Dryden Eagle City Henderson Johnstown Leon Prairie Mound Stearns co. Clinton Cold Springs City Kennebec Saint Cloud St. Augusta Sauk Centre Neenah Torali Yarmouth Steele co. Adamsville Aurora Centre Berlin Cooleysville Dodge City Elwood Jos co Lemon Lenox Meridian Owatatanna Oak Glen St. Marys Steele Centre Somerset Wilton Superior co. Beaver Bay French River Grand Marias Grand Portage Hiawatha Todd co. Long Prairie Toombs co. Otter Tail City Wabashaw co. Bear Valley Cook's Valley Forest Mound Greenville Independence Jacksonville Lake City Minnesota City Mount Vernon Mt. Pleasnt Plain View Pleasant Prairie Reed's Landing Smithfield South Troy Wabashaw W est Albany West Newton Wahnatah co. Fort Eipley Waseca co. Janesville Maxson Grove Okaman Otisco Silver Lake Vivian Washington co. Afton Cottage Grove Dolphin Gray Cloud Lake Land Marine Mills Milton Mills Newport Oakdale Point Douglass Stillwater Vasa Winona eo. Barnesville Beaver Catlin Dacota Eagle Bluff Elba Frank Hill Homer Minneska Neoca New Hartford Ridgeway Saint Charles Saratoga Stockton Troy Twin Grove Utica Warren Wayland White Water Falls Winona Witoka Worth Wyattsville Wright co. Albion Bedford Bianca Big Bend Buffalo Cass el Clear Water Crow River Franklin Maple Lake Middlesville Monticello Northwood Rockford Silver Creek T psilanti ORB CON TERRITORY. Benton co. Corvallis (c h) J ennyopolis Liberty Soap Creek Starr's Point Tampico Clackamas co. Hood River Milwaukie Needy Oregon City Oswego Sandy Clatsop oo. Astoria Lexington Empire City Port Orford (o h) Columbia co. Rainier St. Helen (o h) Doutjlas co. Alder Brook Deer Creek Galesville Mount Scott Myrtle Creek N orth Canyonville Roseburgh Round Prairie Winchester Jackson co. Applegate Ashland Mills Dardanelles Gold River Jacksonville (o h) Leland Josephine oo. Slate Creek Lane co. Cottage Grove Eugene City (c h) Franklin Freedom Grand Prairie Long Town McKenzie Othello Pleasant Hill Siuslaw Union Point Willamette Forks Linn co. Albany (o h) Burlington Calapooya Central Ditimond Harrisburgh Palos Peoria Pine Santiam City Thurston Union Point Washington Butte Marion co. Ashland Mills Aurora Mills Buteville Fairfield Lebanon Parkersville Salem (o h) Silverton Sublimity 0 Multnomah eo. Portland (c h) PoVe co. Bloomington Bridgeport Dallas (c h) Eola Independenoa Lackemute Lawn Arbor Plum Valley Rickreal Salt Creek V alfontis Umpqua eo. Elkton Gardiner City Locust Grove Oakland Scottsburg Stephensville Umpqua City Yoncolla Tarn SiU co North Yam Hill Washington POST OFFICES UTAH—NEW MEXICO—WASHINGTON—NEBRASKA. 71 UTAH TERRITORY. Kay sv ill© S toker Green River co. Fort Bridges Green River Lake Valley Midway Iron co. Cedar Oity Fort Johnson Parowan MiUard co. Fillmore Oity Salt Lake co. Camp Floyd Draper Homo Mormon Mount Pleasant Salt Lake City Union San Pete co. Canal Creek Manti Steam co. Carey's Milla Tooele co.. Tooele Utah co. Alpine City American Fork Cedar Valley Lehi City Lone City Pavson Palmyra Pleasant G-roY* ProYO City Salt Creek Santaquin Spanish Fork Springvillo Weber co. Box Elder Ogden City IV E W MEXICO TERRITORY. Bernalillo co. Dona Ana co. Tucson San Miguel Socorro co. Albuquerque Arizon Rio Arriba co. San Jose Tecolata Socorro Taos co. Algodones Fort Fillmore La Canada Bernalillo Fort Thorn San Miguel co. Santa Fe co. Fernandez de Taoi Bringhurt'g Las Cruzces Fort Defiance Fort Defiance 0 Maricopa Las Vegas Santa Fe Fort Union WASHINGTON TERRITORY Chehalisco. Brnceport Fort Willopa Clattum co. New Dungerness Clark co. Fisher's Landing Lake River Vancouver W aahougal Cowelitz co. Montieello (o h) Island co. Coveland Sbaggitt's Head Jefferson co. Port Townaend (eh) King co. Seattle (c h) Kitsap co. Port Madison Tekallet Lewis co. Boist Fort Castle Bock Catalamet Cowlitz Davis Prairie Highland Pacific co. Chenook Oysterville Pacific City (c h) Pierce co. Steilacoom City (c h) Sawannish co. Arkada Oakland Skakomish Bakers Fort Stephens Grand Mound Ilkumean Oak Point Olympia (c h) Saunders Prairie Scates Creek Skooumchuck WaUa WaUa co. Coleville Valley Fort Colvilla Wailepter Whatcom co. Simeahmoo NEBRASKA TERRITORY Clay co. Austin Cumings co. De Witt West Point Covington Dahkota Poncah Dixon co. Concord Dodge co. Belle Creek Emerson Fontanelle Franklin Julapa Lewisburg Nebraska Centre Douglass co. Bellevue Elkhorn City Florence La Platte Larimer City Omaha City Forney co. Brownsville Gage co. Beatriee Johnston co. Helena Kingston Stewarts Tecumseh Turkey Creek L'Eau Quirant co. Bonhomme Oity Monroe co. Monroe Nemaha co. Mount Vernon Nehama City St. Frederick Nebraslca co. Breckinridge Otoe co. Bennett's Ferry Delaware City Kearney City Nebraska Oity Syracuse Pawnee co. Pawnee Oity Pleasant Valley Table Rock Richardson co. Archer Chasta Falls City Forney Ft. Kearney Geneva Middleburg Monterey Nehama Falls Rulo Saint Stephens Salem Yankton Sarpy co. Fairview Plattford Washington oo. Coming City Fort Calhoun Counties not Assigned.a Ranch, Fort Laramie. Fort Pierre, Grand Island Oity, Genoa. 72 POST OFFICES KANSAS. KANSAS TERRITORY. AUen co. Cofachique Florence Humboldt Peru Canton Cresco Hyatt Shannon Springfield Arrapahoe co. Ft. Atkinson Atchison co. Atchison Eden Huron Lancaster Mt. Pleasant Monrovia Ocena Port Williams Sumner Bourbon co. Barnesville Cato Dayton Fort Scott Hathaway Mapleton Marmaton Turkey Creek Xenia Agnes City Allen Americu3 Emporia Orleans Plymouth Toledo Waterloo Waushara Brown co. Carson Claytonville Hamlin Hiawatha Mount Koy Padonia Powhattan Robinson Chase co. Cottonwood Fall Coffee co.j Burlington Camp Creek Le Roy Nashville Ottumwa Davis co. Ashland Cedar Grove Kenton Riley City Doniphan co. Charlestown Doniphan Geary Green Top Highland Iowa Point Laport Palermo Petersburg Walnut Grove Wathena White Cloud Whitehead Douglas co. Big Springs Black Jack Blanton Bloomington Davis Eudora Franklin Kahwaka Lawrence Lecompton Louisiana Marion Nevada Prairie City Twin Mound Wheatland Franklin co. Appanoose Bowling Green Centropolis Minneola Ottawa Creek St. Bernard Greenwood co. Eureka Jackson co. Calhoun Holton Indianola New Eureka Jefferson co. Grasshopper Falls Kaw City Middletown Oscaloosa Osawkie Shields Winchester Johnson co. Gardner Haysville Hibbard Monti cello Shawnee Spring Hill Leavenworth co Alexandria Delaware City Easton Ft. Leavenworth Kickapoo City Leavenworth City Quindaro Wyandotte Lykins co. Indianapolis Miami Village Midway Osawatomie Paola Lynn co. Blooming Grove Brooklyn Centreville Hillsborough 3ackson Moneka Oakwood Rovella Sugar Mound Twin Springs McGee co. Spring City Salsbury Madison CO. Hartford Italia Madison Marshall co. Barrett Bennett's Station Marysville New Dayton "Nottingham Sylvan Vermillion City Montana co. Montana Auraria Morris co. Council Grove No Counties Assigned.—Bryan, Catholic Mission, £lendale, Greenbush, Lake Foil; RodgersviUe, Sao and Fox Agency, Santioga, Shermanville, Smithton, Whitfield. Post Offices in the Mines. We learn that the following offices have been established in the new mining region, and th« men named appointed postmasters San Vrain, Nebraska, C. M. Miles, P. M.—Lancaster, If Charles Blake, P.M.—Auraria, Kansas, Henry Allen, P.M.—Mountana, Kansas, David T. P*M. Coraville, Kansas, Mathias Snyder, P.M. It is said that by special contract these o1 to be supplied from Pacific City, Mills County, Iowa. If so, letters and papers should be Tia Pacific Oity.