THE SOUTHERN ALMANAC WITH THE COURTS OF North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee & Florida. 1 FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 54 Being the second after Bissextile or Leap-year, and the latter part of the 7 8th and beginning of the 79th year of TIIE INDEPENDENCE of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Calculated for the Horizon and Meridian of Augusta, Georgia, By SAMUEL H. WRIGHT. AUGUSTA, GfiO.: THOMAS RICHARDS & SON. Wo. L. S. Harrison's Steam Presses. 81 Duane st., N.Y. Principal Cities. Begin¬ ning. Greatest Eclipse. End. Dura¬ tion. Magni¬ tude. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. digits. Nashville, Tenn.. .• 3 16 4 36 5 49 2 S3 6.94 Raleigh, N. C.... J, 3 58 5 13 6 23 2 25 8.77 little Rock, Ark... 2 48 4 10 5 26 2 37 7.22 Charleston, S. C... 3 68 5 12 6 19 2 21 7.73 Augusta, Georgia.. 3 49 5 3 6 10 2 21 7.73 Mobile, Ala 3 17 4 S3 5 43 2 26 6.24 Austin, Texas 2 22 3 42 4 57 2 35 6.39 5.88 New Orleans, La.. 3 10 4 26 5 35 2 25 HI. There will be a partial eclipse of the moon on the 4th of November, invisible on this continent, except in the eastern part of New England, where the moon will rise with a small eclipse of about 64 hundredths of a digit on the northern limb. IV. There will be a total eclipse of the sun on the 20th of November. Invisible in North America. This eclipse displays itself mostly in South America, Africa, and he southern parts of the Atlantic Ocean. 2 STJN*S RISING AND SETTING. To ihb Reader.—There are two kinds of time used in common almanacs, for the Sun's Rising and Setting. One is Clock time, and the other fa apparent of Sun time. Clock time is always right, while Sun time ' .vanes every day, and alter¬ nately too "Fast" or too "Slow." Hence it is that two almanacs, made by the same calculator, for the same year and place, will give the Sun s rising and setting very differently if a different kind of time is used in e&cn. Persons observing this must not think that is wrong. According to apparent time, the sun -will always rise and set at 6 o'clock, at the time of its crossing the equinoctial J but this is never the case according to Clock time, or true .time. If the Sun was in the me¬ ridian, or at the noon mark, at 12 o'clock every day, then "apparent" time would be true, and the Sun would always rise and set at 6 o'clock, when it was at the equinoxes. People generally suppose it is 12 o'clock when the sun is in mid-heaven, or at the noon mark. In this there is a great mistake, for the sun is so irregular, that it does not come to these points, at 12 o'clock, oftener than four times in a whole year, or about once in every three months. In this almanac we give the time i exact to the nearest second, when the sun is at the meridian, and. shadow at the noon mark, for every day in the year. When the sun is at the noon mark it is noon, but not 12 o'clock very often. ThiS variation of the .sub, makes a difference between it and aH true time-pieces, and produces two kinds'of time. The sun cannot, therefore, be depended upon for correct time, without applying to it what is termed the "Equation of Time," or the difference between clock and sun. Add to apparent time when the snn is "Slow," and subtract when it is "Fast." Many almanacs are calculated in sun or apparent time, for the convenience of those who are accustomed to it. Such almanacs show the rising and setting of the sun!s "centre," without allowing for the effect of re¬ fraction. Almanacs in clock time are the best ones, for they give the rising and setting of the son's " upper limb," and duly allow for the effect of refraction, which causes the sun to appear on the horizon a short time before he has risen, and after he has really set. This almanae is all in clock time, except the sun's rising and set¬ ting. • The Calculator. ECLIPSES FOR THE NEAR 1854. This year there will be two Eclipses of the Son, and two of the Moon. I. There will be an eclipse of the Moon May 12th, at the time of its full. Invisible on this continent. II. There will be an annular eclipse of the Sun, Friday, May 26th, in the afternoon. Visible principally as a large partial eclipse in the United States, on the sun's north¬ ern limb. This eclipse will be annular, and appear largest in Canada West, in the north eastern part of New York, in Vermont, and the lower part of New Hampshire, and Maine. This eclipse of the sun, will be larger than any that has been seen in the United States for a number of years past. The first time this eclipse ever occur¬ red, was on the 2d of July, 1313, and since then it has returned thirty-one times. It occurred in April 1800,in May 1818, and in May 1836. It will'return again June 5th, 1872. Its last return will be August 17th. 2593. The next solar eclipse, that will deserve much attention in the United States, will occur March 15th, 1858. For the eclipse this year in May, see the following table. TABLE OF THE GREAT SOLAR ECLIPSE OF MAY 26. 1854. Nora.—Persons who send Solutions, « post-paid," of any of the Problems or Ques¬ tions in this almanac, will have the same duly noticed in the almanac for 1855. Moveable Festivals, &o. 1854. AlSeptuagesima Sunday, Feb. 12 12 Quinquagesima Sunday, Feb. 20 9 Ash Wednesday, Mereury, from February 8 to March 26; to May 28 ; from July 30 to Sept. 12; from May 28 to July 30 ; and from Sept and from November 19 to January 20, 12 to Nov. 1-9. 1855.- Venus, until Feb. 28 ; and from Dec. Venus, from February 28 to December to Oct. 1, 1855. ■ 13. liars, from Feb. 26 to April 9,1855. Mars, until Feb. 26. Jupiter, from July 16 to Jan. 29, 1855. Jupiter, until July 15. Saturn, until May 26; and from Dec. 4 to Saturn, from May 26 to Dec. 4, ' June 10, 1855. RISING AND SETTING OP PLANETS, i The reader will understand that these are very sensibly affected by the latitude of & place, while longitude is without much effect. The time when greatbk than 6 hours 0 minutes is in the " evening," and when U2SS than that time it is in the '' morning. date.—1854. January 1 6 11! 16 21 26 February 1 11 21 24 28. & March April Venus sets. Mars rises. Venus sets. Saturn sets. Jupiter rises. Saturn sets. _ _ .Mercury sets. 27 (Jupiter rises, " fllorcury rises. Saturn sets. Jupiter rises. Augusta, date.—1854. H. M. 8 41 8 44 ■ 8 43 8 42 8 52 8 30 8 16 7 40 6 45 0 7 3 53 11 28 ' 7 13 2 24- 4 45 9 1 0 29 May- June £ The Fishes. To Know where the sign is: First find the day of the month, anjl against it, in the 8ih column, stands the sign the moon is in : then finding the sign here, it shows the part of the body it is supposed to govern. | EXPLANATION OF THE SIGNS CSEB1M THIS ALMANAC. © New Moon, and Moon generally. ^ © First Quarter. © Full Moon (if} Last Quarter. £1 Moon's ascending Node, or Dragon's head ^ MoonW descending NoVie, or Dragon's jail, Saturn. Q Venus, Near togethp# 1L Jupiter. Q Mercury, fj 90° apart, Opposition, or 180° anart <> Mara, 7* Stars, @ Sun, Iffllerschel. ^ [' Piiob. 1st.—Given the sun's distance, 95,000,000 miles, and its diameter, 883,000 miles, and the diameter of the earth, 7912 miles, to find how much more than half the earth's surface the sun can shine on at once ? 1st Month. JANUARY. 31 Days. MOON S PHASES AUGUSTA. First Quarter, 5 10 19 ev. Full Moon, 14 3 43 mo. Third Quarter, 2i 7 55 ev. New Moon, 28 11 44 m®. D. D. of' of M W !1 A i2 M ,3 T 14 W \5 T ■ C F 7 S 8 A 9 M T Si W i2 h T F 1)4 15 S A 16 M 17 T 18 W 19 T 30 F 21 S 22 A 23 M 24 T 25 W 26 T 27 F 28 s" 29 A 30 M 31 T ASPECTS AND Other Miscellanies. Sun rises h. m. Sun sets, h. m. Moon sets, h. m. Sun at Noon Mark. pl'e 1st Sun. aft. Christ. Mars South 4 27 mo. Yenus South 3 14 ev, Venus in ZZ Clear Moon on equator. Epiphany. and cold. Yenus bright. Jupiter invisible* Saturn near moon. Yenus so 3 7 ev. Moon ap. Snow. Moon farthest north. Lexington bt. 1840. Full moon 14th. Mercury near Jupiter. Uranus stationary. Franklin b. 1706. Mars near ®. 27 a 9 a 22 ^ 5 m 18 £b 2 £b 16 m. J .HI 16 / i X 16 Y3 1 ^ 16 ,^30 SK 14 12 0 31 fe2 0 12 0 44H 11 57 K 23 12 1 10T 6 T 18: « 0 12 I 12 '2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 3 12 3 49 M 12 « 24J 15 Q 6 28 n 18 40 a 30 53S12 51252# 17iSl 6 •Proelem 7. There are two wheels of which the circumference of ihe larger is 16 feet 11 inches, and that of the smaller 1 foot 3 1-2 inches ; the centres are 4 feet 4 1-2 inches apart. Eeqnired the length of a band that will reach round them. 7th Month. JULY. 31 Pays, MOON S PHASES AUGUSTA. hirst Quarter, 3 Full Moon, 10 D. H. M. 7 23 mo. 0 56 mo. Third Quarter, 16 New Moon, 24 6 57 ev. 9 48 ev. ASPECTS AND £)ther Miscellanies. Sun Sun Moon Sun at •'s rises sets. sets. Noon pl'e h. m. h m. h. m. Mark. s. - 4 56 7 4 11 24 Even. SI 18 4 56 7 4 11 52 h. m. s. n i 4 57 7 3 morn. 12 3 51 W 13 4 57 7 3 0 20 •12 4 2 W 27 4 57 7 3 0 51 12 4 1-3 £h 10 4 57 7 3 1 20 12 4 23 v£P24 4 58 7 2 2 7 12 4 33 iU? 9 4 58 7 2 2 57 12 4 42 W 24 4 58 7 2. rises. 12 4 51 J 9 4 59 7 1 8 3 12 5 0 T 24 4 59 7 1 8 54i 12 5 8 V 10 5 0 7 0 9 36 12 5 16 5/3 24 5 0 7 0 10 13 12 5 23 9 5 1 6 59 10 44 12 5 30 £P23 5 1 6 59 11 14 12 5 36 X 7 5 2 6 58 11 42 12 5 42 X 20 5 2 6 58 morn. 12, 5 48 T 3 5 3 6 57 0 11 12 5 53 T 15 5 3 6 57 0 43 12 5 57 V 27 5 4. 6 56 1 17 12 6 1 » 9 5 4 6 56 1 57 12 6 4 » 21 51 >5 Q 55 2 40 12 6 7 O 3 5 ' 6 6" 54 L3 30 12 6 9 a is 5 6 6 54 sets. 12 6l!J O 27 5 7' 6 53 7 53 12 6 112 ZB 9 5 7 6 53 8 27 12 6 13 ILo 21 5 8 6 52 8 59 12 6 12 a 3 5 9 6 51 9 29 12 6 12 Sb 15 5 '10 6 50 9 54 12 6 10 a 27 5 10 6 50 10 22 12 6 8 ill 10 5 11 6 49 10 52 12 6 6 ill 23 Venus 29° in Aries. 3d Sun. after Trinity. © 3d. Moon on equ. Independence, 1776. Venus so. 9 17 mo. Mars in Leo. Hot and Sheridan d. 1816. dry Venus so. 9 19 mo. Moon lowest. Perigee. 10th. % near Saturn near Venus. Perhaps rain. Mercury visible now. French revolution. Moon on equator. 16th. Sfwtpers. Pallas opposite sun. Jupiter bright. More Venus so. 9 25 mo, Saturn, near Moon. VShfttfhcar'Mqon.' Moon highest.- very hoi Sun enters -o. weather. 24th. Rain. Mercury near moon. Jupiter so. 11 14 mo. Venus south 9 39 mo. Henry Clay bt. 1852. Dog days begin. Fair. Cloudy. Venus so. 9 44. mo. 8th Month. AUGUST# 31 Days. Problem 8.—There is a globe of wood 30 inches in dia¬ meter; its specific gravity is 7-1 Oths of water. What par of its diameter will be under when floating in water ? moon's PHASES AU-GrUSTA. ». H. It D. H. M. First Quarter, 1 5 0 ev. I Third Quarter, 15 8 21 mo. Full Moon, 8 T 49 mo. j New Moon, 23 0 32 ev. | First Quarter, 31 0 39 mo. D. of of M W 1 T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 S 6 A 7 M 8 T 9 W 10 T 11 F 12 S 13 A 14 M 15 T 16 W 17 T 18 F 19 S 20 A 21 M 22 T 23 W 24 T 25 F 26 S 27 A 28 &1 29 T 30 W 31 T ASPECTS and Other Miscellanies. 1st. Look for a Jupiter so. 10 47 ev. Yesta near Juno. shower Venus so. 9 49 mo. Moon lowest. Pleasant Jupiter near' Moon. Moon perigee. ® 8th. Mercury vis. Hersehel stationary. Mars 19® in Virgo. Yenus so. 9 51 mo. Moon on equator. Sultry weather. Moon near Uranus. 9 15 th Yenus south 10 3 mo. h near moon. Mercury gr. elong. W. Moon aph. Look for Yenus near Moon. Mercury near Moon. Sun rises h. m 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Q 23d. warm and 5 St. Bartholomew. 5 Yenus so. 10 13 mo. 1th S. af. Trin. cloudy 5 Moon on equator. Mar3 near G>. days. 126 48 12 6 48 11 23 12 Oh. 136 47 morn 28 31st. Sun sets, h. m. 146 46 15 6 45 166 44 166 44 176 43 18 6 42 19 6 41 206 40 20 6 40 216 39 22 6 38 23 6 3 24 6 36 25 6 35 26 6 34 266 34 276 3 28 6 32 29 6 31 306 30 316 29 32 6 2S 33 6 27 34 6 26 35 6 25 36 6 24 37 6 23 IS(6 22 Moon sets, h. m 0 44 1 38 2 46)l2 3 54 rises. 8 7 8 41 9 12 41 11 42 17 9 10 is 11 11 54 morn 0 37 25 sets. 7 3 7 58 12 8 2612 8 5412 9 9 59 10 39 11 28 Sun at Noon Markr f— -tl Even. m. s.|£h20 ! 5 12 12 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 12 13 12 53 49 43 37 30 23 15 6i 57 1 12 12 0 12 2 56 So 25 12 12 pl'e HI 4 7118 I 3 i-18 V3 3 ^ 18 W r jwv O ZZ 18 47 15 H 29 T 11 °f 24 a t 8 18 » 3C Q 15 Q24 12 12 38 21 4 0 46 0 28 0 10 41 ,io i; 26m> 3( 11*1 1! 54 SI 2f 73?2 tl £h3 71 1 9th Month. SEPTEMBER. 30 Daysl Problem 9. An upright cylindrical vessel, which contains 40 gal¬ lons of water, is emptied by means of a hole in the bottom, in 12 min¬ utes In what time will it be emptied when it contains 9 gallons ? MOON'S PHASES AUGUSTA. Full Moon, 6 Third Quarter, 14 3 50 ev. 1 2 mo. New Moou) 22 First Quarter, 29 2 35 mo. 7 10 mo. ASPECTS AND Other Miscellanies. Yenus 40° in Zo. 9 lowest. Cloudy 12th Sun. aft. Trinity. Jupiter so. 8 35 ev. 9 perigee, arid rain. Yenus so. 10 24 mo. •® 6th. Pallas1 stat. Jupiter so. 8 11 ev. Dog days end. 13th Sun. aft. Trinity. Moon on equator. Herschel near Moon. Foggy and chilly. ® 14th. Moon highest. Moon ap. 14th S. af. Trin. Cloudy Jupiter so. 7 27 ev. Yenus south 10 36 mo Yenus conj. moon. Moon on equator. ©. Mercury nr. moon. Sun enters T2. Northeast wind Mars near ®. with Yenus so. 10 41 mo. Ceres stat. rain. Foggy and chilly 6 29th. Moon low. St. Jerome, mornings. Sun rises h. m. 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 6 4 5 6 7 6 6 7 Sun sets. Ih. m. Moon sets, h. m morn. 0 26 1 32 2 44 3 57 rises. 7 i 7 38 8 8 8 40 9 13 9 50 10 32 11 18| morn, 0 9 1 2 3 3 sets, 6 28 6 56 7 26 8 0 8 39 9 24 0 181 1 21 morn. 1 0 58 Sun at Nooft ■ Mark. pl'e Morn, h. m. s. 11 59 13 11 58 54 11 58 3 11 58 14 11 57 54 11 57 33 11 57 13 11 56 5 11 56 31 11 56 10 11 55 49 11 55 28 11 55 11 54 46 11 54 25 11 54 4 11 53 43 11 53 22 11 53 11 52 40 11 52 19 11 51 59 11 51 38 11 51 18 11 50 58 11 50 38 11 50 18 11 49 59 4 YJ 2 Y TIL 28 X 12 X' 27 V3 12 27 ZZ 26 K 10 H 24 7 Y 20 8 2 8 14 8 26 n 8 ;E3 20 Zo 2 ZF 14 Zo 26 SI 8 SI 21 1® 4 1® 17 m 30 £hl8fl £b27 TfL 11 TIL 25 X 9 X 23 10th Month. OCTOBER. 31 Days. Problem 10. If a 9 lb. ball be dropped froin a height of 16000 feet, with what momentum will it strike the ground, al¬ lowing nothing for the resistance of the air ? moon's phases augusta. D. H. M Pull Moon, 6 2 8 mo. Third Quarter, 13 8 15ev. New Moon, 21 3 56 ev. First Quarter, 28 1 36 ev. D. D. P* of M W A 2 M- 3 T 4 W 5 T 6 P 7 Q S A 9 -ra. M 10 T 11 w 12 T 13 F 14 S 15' A 16 M 17 t 18 W 19 t 20 F 21 S 22 A 23 M 24 t 25 W 2G t 27 F 28 S 29 A 30 M 31 t] ASPECTS and Other Miscellanies. Sun rises h. m. Sun sets. Moon sets, h. m.lh. m. Sun at Noon Mark. ®'s pl'e 16th Sun. aft. Trinity. 6 Moon perigee. ChiMy. 6 Juno near Yenus. Venus south 10 46 mo}6 Saturn so. 4 9 mo. Moon on equator. @ 6th. Pleasant far E. A. Poe d. 1849. Herschel near Moon, Mercury in aph. some Saturn nr. Moon. days. Pallas 90° from sun. Moon highest. Change ® 13th. with drizzly 6 18th S. af. Trin. Moon ap. rain, N.Webster b. 1758. and variable. Saturn so. 3 12 mo. Mars 7° in Scorpio. Yenus conj. moon. 19th Stm. aft. Trinity. Juno conj. sun. j Fair. Sun enters Libra. 1 Moon near Mars. Venus so. 11 mo. Moon lowest. Pleasant Jupiter near Moon. iOtli Sun. aft. Trinity. D 28th. Mercury elon. Saturn so. 2 19 cv. Mii»' iVi i' ii. i .■■■■; Y.nI TiSi 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 51 50 49 48 47 4ey 45 44 43 42 41 41 40 ,39 381 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 29 1 30 h. 2 51. 3 59 rises. 6 6 6 36 7 9 7 44 8 24 9 9 59 10 52 11 49 morn 43 1 45 2 44 3 42 4 42 sets. 5 59 6 36 7 20 8 13 9 14 [0 20 11 30 morn 39 Morn, m. 11 49 11 48 43 ll 48 25 11 48 11 47 51 11 47 34 11 47 17 11 47 11 46 46 11 46 31 11 46 17 11 46 3 11 45 50 11 45 37 11 45 25 11 45 13 11 45 2 11 44 52 11 44 43 11 44 34 U 44 25 11 44 18 11 44 11 11 44 5 11 43 59 4 11 43 51 11 43 47 "V3 7 N3 22 AW am/ ZZ 20 H X 18 r r is T 27 a io a 22 n 4 n i6 □ 28 SI 7 SI 14 SI 29 W 12 26 £= 9 -tl qq iT7 21 1 5 T 10 V) Y518 1 47 11 43 45 1,1th Month. 30 Days ^ Problem 11. The product of the ages of two persons is > and tae difference of the cubes of their ages is to the cv oe of their difference as 61 to I, Required their ages. moon's phases augusta.. Full Moon, .4 *3 33 ev. Third Quarter, 12 4 41 ev. New Moon, 20 First Quarter, 26 4 34 mo. 9 12 ev. ASPECTS and Other Miscellanies. l; W Venus 29° in TO.. 2 T All Saints. Look for All Souls, cold Sffrosty @ 4th. mornings, o jsl 21st Sun. aft. Trinity. 6 M Saturn so. 2 4" rho. T Uranus brightest. W Moon conj. Saturn. 9 T Cloudy and rain. 10 F Moon highest. Cold 11 S Mars 24° in TO. and 12 A Moon ap. windy. 13 M © 12th Mercury vis. 14 T Saturn south 1 24 mo. 15 W Jupiter 22° in I. 16 T Saturn 14° in Taurus. 17 F Moon on equator. 18 S Variable, with some 19 A Vesta conj, Q and ©. 20 M Venus conj. moon, rain 21 T © 20th. © eclipsed. 22 W,Venus conj. Mercury. 23 T Sun enters Scoi'pio. 24 F # lowest. Cold. 25 S Jupiter near Moon. 26 A Saturn so. 0 33 mo. 27 Mi ® 26th. Windy, a,ruff 28 T Mercury vis. morning. 29 VV Moon on equator, cold. 30 T St. Andrew. G Sun rises li. m. Sun sets, h. m. 38; 39 40 41 42 .43 44 45 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 51 51, 52 53 54(5 5- 555 565 56 57 57 58 58 59j 59 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 15 14 13 12 11 11 10 9 9: 8 7 6 6 - 5; 4 4 3 3 2 o Moon sets, h. m 2 52 3 54 4 51 rises. 7 49 8 42 9 38 10 35 11 33 morn. 30 1 27 2 26 26 28 34 3 4 5 sets. 6 3 7 2 8 9 9 20 10 31 11 40 morn. 45 1 47 2 Sun at Noon Mark. Morn, m. 43 42 43 43 43 45 43 47 43 50 43 54: 43'59, 44 5 44 1 44 19 44 27 44 3% 44 47 44 58 45 L0 45 22 45 36 W's pl'e s, c 1 2 r 10 r 2 « 6 a ib Its so: a v, O 24 Id 0 18 To 30 SI 12 SI 24 TO 7 TO 20 £b 4 18 45 50 46 5 46 21. 46 38 46 55 47 I 47 32| 47 52 48 12 48 33P* 10 48 55 UL 2 TO 16 7 1 I 16 X 30 15 Vj 29 K 23 12th. Month. DECEMBER. 31 Days. Problem 12. A conical wme-glass 16 inches deep and 3 wide is l-5th full of water. What is the diameter of a hall which, when dropped in, is just covered ? moon's phases augusta. First Quarter, 4 Full Moon, 12 8 6 mo. 0 43 ev. Third Quarter, 19 New Moon, 26 4 19 ev. 7 10 mo. pJd. ASPECTS ' Sun Sun Moon Sun at ®'s I of of and rises sets. sets.' Noon pl'e M W Other Miscellanies. h. m. h. m. h. m. Mark. s. ° 1 F Venus 7° in HI. Now 7 0 5 0 3 50 Morn. Y 6 2 S Saturn so. 0 7 mo. the 7 0 5 0 5 6 h. m. s. Y 23 3 A Uranus near © winter 7 1 4 59 5 52 11 50 4 8 2 4 M Advent Sunday, coon- 7 1 4 59 rises. 11 50 28 8 14 5 T ® 4th. mences with 7 2 4 58 5 42 11 50 53 8 26 6 W Venus invisible now. 7 2 4 58 6 33 11 51 18 D 8 7 T Mercury gr. elong. 7 2 4 58 7 27 11 51 44 □ 20 8 F Saturn so. 11 37 ev. 7 3 4 57 8 25 11 52 10 c 1 9 S Apogee ®. cold long 7 3 4 57 9 22 11 52 37 2^24 10 a rains, sleet, Sf perhaps 7 3 4 57 10 19 11 53 4 26 11 M Jupiter near Pallas. 7 4 4 56 11 16 11 53 32 SI 8 12 T ® 12th. snow. 7 4 4 56 morn. 11 54 0 SI 20 13 W Venus conj. © Cold 7 4 4 56 12 11 54 28 to 2 14 T Moon on equator. 7 4 4 56 1 10 11 54 57 TO 15 15 F Saturn so. 113 ev. 7 4 4 56 2 9 11 55 26 HI 28 16 S Mars 19° in Sagitt. 7 5 4 55 3 12 11 55 55 j 2 17 A 3d Sun. in Advent. 7 5 4 55 4 19 11 56 25 £^26 18 M Mercury near Moon. 7 5 4 55 5 30 11 56 55 HI 10 19 T ® 19th. Unsettled. 7 5 4 55 sets. 11 57 25 HI 25 20 W Moon perg. & lowest. 7 5 4 55 5 49 11 57 55 7 10 21 T Sun enters Sagitt. 7 5 4 55 7 2 11 58 25 X 25 22 F Vesta near Mercury. 7 5 4 55 8 16 11 58 55 "V3 30 ■23 S Saturn so. 10 29 ev. 7 5 4 55 9 28 11 59'25 "V3 25 •24 a 4th Sun in Advent. 7 5 4 55 10 36 11 59 55 Zm 9 •25 M Christmas. Foggy. 7 5 4 55 11 41 After¬ ■v*/ 23 •26 T €> 26th. © on Eqr. 7 5 4 55 morn. noon. K 7 •27 W St. John. Frosty, 7 5 4 55 44 12 1 24 X20 28 T Innocents. Look for 7 4 4 56 1 44 12 1 54 r 3 29 F Uranus near Moon.' 7 4 4 56 2 45 12 2 33 Y 16 30 S Saturn so, 10 ev. snow 7 4 4 56 3 45 12 2 52 Y 28 31 A Moon near Saturn. 7 4 4 56 4 46 12 3 21 8 11 GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. SSM2^I5M£r5S2S!XP..- secretary of State—Wm. L. Marcy, New York. tem. 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,00C 6,000 6,000 4,000 4,000 tt m — aLarcy, mew XOCK. Treasury—James Guthrie, Kentucky. Interior—Robert McCelland, Michigan. War—Jefferson Davis, Mississippi. Navy—J. C. Dobbin, North Carolina. Postmaster General—James Campbell, Pennsylvania. Attorney General—Caleb Cushing, Massachusetts. .JUDICIARY. Chief Justice—Roger B. Taney, of Maryland. Associate Justices of the Supreme Court—B. R. Curtis, Massachusetts ; John M'Lean, of Ohio; J. M. Wayne of Georgia; Campbell, of Mobile, Alabama ; John Catron, of Tennessee : Peter V ?l™' °f Virgil 5 Samuel Nelson, Cooperstown, N. Y. : R. C. Grier, Pittsburg, pJ J. T. Reed, of Washington City, Clerk. Benjamin C. Howard, Reporter. DISTRICT OFFICERS. For North Carolina.—Henry Potter, Judge. Hiram W. Husted, Attorney. G. W. Little, Marshal. W. H. Haywood, Sen., Clerk. Clerk of District Courts—At Wilming¬ ton, W. E. Anderson; at Edenton, J. M. Jones ; at Newbern, B. Brown. For South Carolina.—Robert B. Gilchrist, Judge. T. 0>*Evans, Attorney. T. D. Oondy, Marshal. Henry Y. Gray, Clerk. For Georgia.—J. C. Nicoll, Judge. —— ——, Attorney. J. R. Johnson, Mar shal. • , Clerk. R. H. Griffin. CIRCUIT COURTS. The United States are divided into the nine following Judicial Circuits, in each' of which a Circuit Court is held twice every year for each state within the Circuit, by a Justice of the Supreme Court assigned to the circuit, and by the District Judge of the State or District in which the court sit. Presiding Judge. 1st Circuit, Maine, New Hamp., Mass., and Rhode Island, Mr. Justice Curtis. Vermont, Connecticut, and New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, /Alabama, Mississippi, Eastern District of) X Louisiana, and Arkansas, / TIME OF HOLDING- UNITED STATES COURTS Supreme Court.—Held at the -city of Washington on the 1st Monday in December annually. Federal Circuit Court.—For North Carolina, at Raleigh, the 1st Monday in June, and last Monday in November. For South Carolina—at Charleston the Wednesday preceding the 4th Monday in March. At Columbia, 4th Monday in Nov. For Geor¬ gian—at Savannah, the 2d Monday in April. At Milledgeville, on Thursday after the hrst Monday in Nov. Federal District Court—For North Carolina—at Edenton, 3d Monday of April and October—at Newburn, 4th Monday of April and October—at Wilmington, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of April and October, annually. For South Carolina—At Charleston, on the 3d Monday in March and September ; 1st Monday in July, and 2d Monday in December—at Laurens Courthouse, the next Tuesday after the adjournment of the Circuit Court at Columbia. For Georgia—At Savannah, on the 2d Tuesday in February, May, August, and November. . „ . „ , . T , For Florida.—North District—at Tallahassee, on the 1st Monday m January—at Apalachicola on the 1st Monday in February—at Pensacola, on the 1st Monday m March at St. Augustine, on the 1st Monday in April. ^Southern District—at Key West, on the 1st Monday in August. . , . ,. ,. The. District Judges have power to hold special Courts in their respective dis¬ tricts at discretion. . U. S. DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS., Umled Spates Commu.sioners for the District of South Carolina, Co take acknowl¬ edgments of Bail and Affidavits in Civil Cases, &c— Geo. W. Euleston, H. Y. Gray, and Tt. O. Gilchrist 2d do 3d do 4th do- 5th do 6th do 7th. do 8th do 9th do Mr. " Nelson. Mr. " Grier. Mr. Chief Justice Taney. Mr. Justice Daniel. Mr. " Wayne. Mr. " M'Lean. Mr. " Catron. Mr. " Campbell. GOVERNMENT OF TENNESSEE. LUFRRME COURT JBOGES. Eastern Division—Robert J. McXinney. Residence Greenville. Middle do Nathan Green, " Lebanon. Wctern do A. 0. W. Totten, " Jackson. At Kno\.v i 11c, 2d Monday in September—James W. Campbell, Clerk: At Nashville, 1st Monday in December—James P. Clark, Clerk. At Jackson, 1st Monday in April—William H. Stevens, Clerk. W. G. SWANN, Attorney General. CHASCEBY AND CIRCUIT COURTS. TOMER AND PLACES OF HOLDING CHANCERY COURTS. Eastern Division.— Thomas L. Williams, Chancellor. monday. rVt Jonesborough, 3d in May and Nov Greenv Hie, Rogersviile, Tazewell, Dandndge, Knoxvilie, Blountville, Ratledge, Washington, 1st in May and Nov 4th in May and Nov 1st in June and Dec 2d in June and Dec 1st in April and Oct 1st in May and Nov 3d in Jan. and Dec 2d in Feb. and Aug At Kingston, Madison villa, Cleaveland, Sevierville, Hocjison, Athens, Maryville, Jacksborough, Benton, monday. 4th in March and Sept 3d in March and Sept 4th in Feb. and Aug 2d in April and October 1st in March and Sept 3d! in Feb. and August 2d in Feb. and August 4th in June and Dec 1st in Feb. and August. Middle Division.—Samuel D. Frier son, Chancellor. monday. At Savannah, 4th in March & 1st Sept Pulaski, 3d in Feb and August Lawreneeburg, 2d in Feb and August Waynesboro', 1st in Feb and August Lewisburgh, 4th in Feb and August Centreville, 1st in Mar and Sept Waverly, 1st Thursday after 1st Mon. in March & Sept 2d in Maroh and Sept At Springfield, Columbia, Franklin, Dover, darksville, Smithvill'e, . Nashville, monday. 1st Thursday after 2d in March and Sept 3d in March and Sept 1st in April and Oct 3d in April and October 1st Thursday after 3d Mon in April & Oct Th af r 3d in M'h & Sept 1st in May and Nov Charlotte, Western Division.—Ccdvin Jones, Chancellor. monday. it Huntingdon, 1st in Feb and August Dresden, 4th in May and Nov Sonimerville, 3d in May and Nov Brownsville, 2d in May and Noy Paris. 1st in June and Nov At Jackson, Bolivar, Memphis, Trenton, Lexington, monday. 2d in March and Sept 4th in April and October 4th in May and Nov 4th in January and July 2d in June and Becembei Fourth Division.—Bromfteld L. Ridlein Chancellor. monday. monday. At Livipgston, 3d in March and Sept At Gainsboro', M'MinnviUe, 4th in March and Sept Carthage, 2d in Feb and August Sparta, Lebanon, 1st in January & July Lafayette, Murfreesboro' 4th in April & 3d in Oct Gallatin, Manchester, 3d in Feb and August Woodbury, Thursdays after 4th in Feb and August FayetteviDe, Wd aPr 3d in Feb & Aug Jasper, 2d in March and Sept Shellbyville, Winchester, 1'ikeville. Wed'y after 1st in Feb 4 Wed after 2d in July Wed aPr 3d in M'h & Sept 1st in Feb & 2d in July 1st in April and October On Thursday after 4th Mon in March and Sep. 4th in Feb and August Tuesdays preceding 2d in March and Sept TIME OP HOLDING CIRCUIT COURTS. 1st Circuit—S.J. Lucky, Judge —Monday. 2d Circuit—Eb'r Alexander—Judgb. Greene, Washington Carter, Johnson, Sullivan, Hawkins, Hancock, 13 2d in Feb, June and October | 4th in Feb, June & October Blount, 1st in March, July and Novl 2d in March, July and Nov Knox, 3d in March, July and Novl Anderson, 4th in January, May & Sept Morgan, 1st mon after the 4th mon'Roano, * in Jan, May & Sept Monroe. monday. 1st after 4th in Jan, May 4 September 2d in Feb, June and Oct 2d in March, July and Nov 3d in March, July and Nov 4th in Feb, June and Oct 4th in April, August & Dec 3d Circuit—diaries F. Keith—Judge . monday. 1st in March, July and No-IHenry', vember. Weakley, 2d in March, July and Nov Obion, 3d in March, July and Nov Gibson 4th in March, July and Nov 2d in Feb, June and October 2d in April, Aug and Dec v 4th in April, Aug and Dec 1st in Jan, May and Sept -1th Circuit—John L, Goodall—Judge. monday. 1st in Feb, June and Oerober 2d. in February. June and October Rhpa, Bledsoe, .Marion, Hamilton Polk, M'Mxnn, Bradley, White, Fentress, Jackson, Smith, Overton, i9th Circuit—William Fitzgerald—Judge. monday. 3d in Jan, May and Sept 2d in Feb, June and October 4th in Feb, June and Oct 3d in March, July and Nov 4th in April, Aug and Dec 2d in January, May & Sept Henderson, 4th in March, July and Nov 10th Circuit—John Read—Judgje. monday. 3d in January, May and Sept 1st in Feb, June, ii 1st in Oct 1st after 4th in Feb. June, and October 1st in Feb, June and Oct Tipton. , 1st in March, July and Nov Lauderdale, 3d in Feb,'June & October 4th in March, July and Nov 3d in February, June and Oc¬ tober De KaJb, 3d in April, August and Dec Macon, 3d in March, July and Nov 5th Circuit—Hugh L.Davidson—Judge. monday. (Bedford, 1st in April, August, and De¬ cember ( Wilson, 3d in January, May and Sept Rutherford, 2d in March, July and Nov Cannon, 2d in Feb, June and October Oth Circuit—Thomas Maney—Judge. monday. Williamson, 2d in March, July and Nov Davidson, 2d in January, Slay and Sept Sumner, 3d in February, June and Oct 7th Circuit—W. W. Pepper—Judge. monday. Robertson, 2d in Feb, Juno & October .Montgomery, 2d in January, May & Sept Dickson, 4th in Feb, June and Oct Humphreys, 1st in March, July and Nov Stewart, 2d in March, July and Nov 8th Circuit—Wm. P. Martin—Judge: monday. ' Maury, 1st in Jan, May & 4th in Aug .Marshall, 2d in Feb, June and October Giles, 1st in April, August & Dec Hickman, 3d in Feb, June and October Lewis, 3d in March, July and Nov Carroll, Benton, Madison, Dyer, Haywood, 11th Circuit—J. C. Humphreys—Judge. monday. Shelby, 3d in Jan, May and Sept Fayette, 2d in Feb, June and October Hardeman, 4th in Feb, June and Oct 12th Circuit—R. M. Anderson—Judge. monday. 2d in April, Aug and Dec 4th in April, August & Dec 2d in January, May and Sept 1st after 4th m March, July and Nov 3d in March, July and Nov 1st in January, May and Sept 13th Circuit—A. J. Marchbanks—Judge. monday. Grundy, 3d in May, Sept and January Van Burcn, 4th in April, Aug and Dec Coffee, 1st in May, Sept and January Warren, 2d in April, August and Dec 1st in March, July and Nov 1st in April, Aug and Dec 4th in March, July and Nov 14th Cmcurr—Elijah Walker—Judge. monday. Lawrence, 2d in Feb, June and October Wayne, 1st in Feb, June and October Hardin, 3d in March, July and Nov Perry, 4th in Feb, June and October Decatur, 1st in March, July and Nov M'Nairy, 2d in March, July and Nov Jefferson, Granger, Claiborne, Cocke, Sevier, Campbell, Lincoln, Taylor, Franklin, Criminal Court of Davidson County.—Judge, W. K. Turner. Held on the first Monday in January, April, July, and 4th Monday in October. Montgomery.—Time of holding this Court fixed by the Judge. Common Law and Chancery Court of the City of Memphis—Judge, W. R. Harris. Chancery side held 4th Mondays of May and November. Law side held 1st Mondays jj of March, July and Noyember. GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. MEMBERS TO CONGRESS. Ifttiatoss A. P. Butler and J. J.Evans. ' _ „ _ „ Representatives—Wm. Aiken, J. McQueen, L. Keith, P. Brooks, J. L. E. Orr, and W, W. Boycc. crV3]L AW35 MHilTARY OFFICERS. Governor and Commander-in-Chief—J. L. Manning. Lieutenant Governor—J. H. Irby. Secretary of State—Benjamin Perry. Surveyor General—William F. Ervirr. Comptroller General—J. B. McCully. f in Charleston, William Laval. Treasurers^--i ^ Columbia, R. C. Griffin. » COURTS OF LAW AND EQUITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Chancellors in Equity—Job John-ton, Benjamin F. Dunkin, F. H. Wardlow, G. W. Dargan. State Reporter—J. S. G Richardson. Clerks—Alexander Iierbemnnt, and Thomas J. Gantt. COM HIHSll/'ITJ '! A RIMT.-TCIW. UOMHISSIONisKb & REGISTERS Ji. C. Pearson H. A. Meetze La,m beet J. Jone Arthur Simpkins A H. Jones A. 0. Morris J W. Ross S. A. Townes B. R. Campbell T O. Vernon D. Gondelock J. L. Miller J. H. Witherspoon James Hemphill W. R. Robertson Charleston Di Orangeburg Barnwell Colleton Beaufort Chesterfield Marlboro Darlington Marion Horry Georgetown Williamsburg Sumter (Mas Tupper, M. si e. .strict< J. W. C'r. y , 1 (T. I. Gantt, Reg V. D. V Ximiri n Johnson IlagoiJ 0. P Williams R. J. Davant J. C. Craig E. P Erwin T. C. Evans C D, Evans J. R. Bcitty S. T. Atkinson E. J. Porler W. Hayneswortli W. H. Workman Richland District, Lexington '' Newberry " Edgefield " Abbeville " Anderson " Pickens " Greenville " Laurens " Spartanburg " Union " York " Lancaster " Chester " Fairfield " TIMES OF HOLDING COURTS OF EQUITY. 1st Circuit—At Charleston on the 6th of February, to sit six weeks ; and on the 12th of June, to sit four weeks. 2d Circuit—At Orangeburg 6th. of Feb, to sit one week. Barnwell 13th. do do do Walterboro' 23d do do do Gillisonville 27th do do do 3d Circuit—At Chesterfield 7th do do two days. Marlboro 10th do do do Darlington 13th do do three days. Marion 17 th do do four days Conwaybro, for Horry, 23d Feb, to sit three days. Georgetown, for Georgetown, 27th Feb. to' sit 3 days. Williamsburg 3d of March, may sit three days. 5th of June, may sit six days. 12th. do 19th do 26th do 3d of July. 5th of June. 12th do 19th do 22d do 23th do 29th do 5th do 12th do 19th do 26th do 4th Circuit—At Sumter Camden Columbia Lexington Newberry 5th Circuit—At Edgefield Abbeville Anderson Pickens Greenville Laurens 6th Circuit—At Spartanburg Union York Lancaster Chester Winnsboro' 3d of July. 10th do ^ The Chancellors, by consent of parties, may hear causes at chambers, and hold Special Courts in any of the districts, when deemed necessary. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF S. ©. The Course of Lectures begins on the first Monday in November. Faculty—J. E. Holbrook, M. D. Prof, of Anatomy. S. H. Dickson, M. D., Prof, of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine. E. Geddings, M. D.. Prof, of Surgery. Jas. Moultrie, M. D., Prof, of Physiology. Henry R. Frost, M. D., Prof, of Materia Medica. r. 6. Prioleau, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics. C. U. Shepard, M. D., Prof, of Chemistry. St. Julien Ravenel, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, Dr. D. J. Cain, Physician to the Marine Hospital and Clinical Instructor, lectures twice a week on the Diseases of that Institution. Dr. J. F. Prioleau, Physician to the Alms House, lectures twice a week on Diseases, Demonstrative Instruction in Medicine and Surgery at the College Hospital. 20 HENRY R. FROST, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. Times of Holding Courts of Session & Common Pleas of each Circuit. CITY ORCUn\—Spring Term commences March 13, at Charleston, to sit six weeks. SOTTtWRN °SmmeDC®s 0ct" 23> at Charleston, to sit four weeks. oUUIHERN CIRCUIT.—Spring Term com-, at Edgefield March 6—at Barnwell March 20—at Gillisonville, for Beaufort, April 3—at Walterboro\ for Col leton, April 10—at Orangeburg April 17. Fall Term com. at Edgefield Oct. 2—at Barnwell Oct. 16—at Gillison¬ ville, for Beaufort, Oct. 30—at Walterboro', for Colleton, Nov. 6— —Orangeburg Nov. 13. WESTERN CIRCUIT.—Spring Term com. at Spartanburg March 6—at Laurens March 13—at Abbeville March 20—at Anderson March 27—at Pickens Apr 3—at Greenville April 10. Fall Term com. at Spartanburg Oct. 2—at Laurens Oct. 9—at Abbeville Oct. 16—at Anderson Oct. 23—at Pickens Oct. 30—at Greenville November 6. NORTHERN CIRCUIT.—Spring Term com. at Union March 13—at Fairfield March 27 —at Chester April 3—at York April 10—at Lancaster April 17. Fall Term com. at Union Oct 9—at Fairfield Oct 23—at Chester Oct 30— at York Nov. 6—at Lancaster Nov. 13. MIDDLE CIRCUIT.—Spring Term com. at Richland Mar. 6—at Newberry March 20— at Lexington March 27—at Kershaw April 3—at Sumter April 10. Fall Term com. at Richland Oct. 2—at Newberry Oct. 16—at Lexington Oct. 23—at Kershaw Oct. 30—at Sumter Nov. 6. EASTERN CIRCUIT —Spring Term com. at Chesterfield Ma-rch 6—at Marlboro' Mar. 13—at Darlington ,Mar. 20—at Marion Mar. 27—at Conwayboro', for Horry, April 3—at Georgetown April 10—atWilliamsburgh Apr. 17. Fall Term com. at Chesterfield Oct. 2—at Marlboro' Oct. 9—at Darling¬ ton Oct. 16—at Marion Oct. 23—at Conwayboro', for Horry, Oct. 30 —at Georgetown Nov. 6—at Williamsburg Nov. 13. Associate Judges In the Courts of Law—Thomas W. Glover, J. B. O'Neall, D. L. Wardlaw, Edward Frost, T. J. Withers, J. N. Whitner. Solicitors.—Eastern Circuit, Henry M'Iver. Western do. J. P. Reid. Middle do. Simeon Fair. Northern do. T. N. Dawkins. Southern do. M. D. Bonham. Attorney General—Isaac W. Hayne, to attend the City Circuit. J6®- The May Term of the State Court has been discontinued, and those in the Southern Circuit altered as printed above. The Court of Appeals in Law and Equity, to be held in Charleston on the 2d Monday in January, to try cases for the Districts of Georgetown, Horry, Beaufort, Colleton, and Charleston. 13®" The Court of Appeals in Law and Equity, to be held at Columbia, on the 1st Monday in May, and 4th Monday in November. The Judges have power to order adjourned or extra sessions in Columbia or fl®- A Court for " Correction of Errors," consisting of all the Chancellors and, Judges of the Courts of Law, shall be held at such time, during the sittings of the Courts of Appeal, as the Judges may appoint. j8®" Return Day—Fifteen days before the sitting of each Court. City Court } Held 1st Monday in February, of f do do May, Charleston, L do do July, } 2d do October, 6th } Hon. Wm. Rice, Recorder. 1st f 3d C HSS~ Return Day, ten d 9th ) before each Court is held. • Registers of Mesne Co.wevance.—M. I. Keith, for Charleston District. W. J- Howard, for Georgetown District. Registers for the other Districts, the Clerks oi Sessions. COMMISSIONERS OF LOCATIONS—By an Act of the Legislature, passed in Dec 1840 the Clerks of Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions are appointed Ex-Officio for theJDistrict in which they reside, now vacant, or to become vacant. > o t 21 CTVIfc OFFICERS OP SOUTH CAKOUS^- Clerks of Sess. Districts. Sheriffs and Com. Pleaa. Charleston, JTtT Yates, P. Horlback, Georgetown, E. "Waterman, W. J. Howard, Williamsburg,...J- S. Bradley, W. R. Neilson, Horry W. J- Graham, James Beaty, Marion ■. . . E. Godbold, E. B. Wheeler, Beaufort".'. W. Yeomans, T. G. Buckner, Colleton,'!!! Xj. W. McCantS, J. K. Binder, Abbeville, S. Hoages, McDonald, Anderson J. W. Guyton, Elijah Webb, Barnwell, ......W. R. Halford, Jas. I,. Davis, Chester, Wm.B. Lilly, J. Roseborough., ChesterSeld,....S. Jackson, J. C. Craig, Darlington, D. S Law, E. B. Bronson, Edgefield, L. Jones. T. G Bacon, Fairfield^ R. E. Ellison, 0. R. Thompson Greenville, W. A HcDaniel, D. Hoke, Kershaw, J.Ingram, M. Naudain, Lancaster Joseph Hale, Stuman, Laurens, .0. Richardson, J. Garlington, Liexington, Yan Zant, John Fox, Marlborough,...B. F. McGilvray,P. MeColl, Newberry, H. H. Kinard, Orangeburg, Geo. De Kitt, L. C. Glover, Pickens, A. Bryce, W.L.Keith, i Richland, C. Neufier, J. S. Guignard, Spartanburg, ... R. J. Poole, J. B. Tolleson, Sumter, Coleman Rhame,W. J. Singleton, Union, John Gibbs, M'Kissak, York, Wm. S. May. J. G. Fnloe. Ordinaries. Corpners. G. Buist, E. Waterman, "j7p7 Deveaux, L. Dozier, J.' B. McElven, E. B. Sessions, D. J. McDonald, J. S. Branson, Peter Pye, Sen., "Wm. Means, J. C. Griffin, W. J. Mixon, W. Alexander, J. C. Chapman, D Milling; Daniel White, R. Hawthorne, R. Iioveland, A. M. Kennedy, J.H.WitherspoonJ. R. Connell, Wm. D. Watts, C. G, Franks, A. H. Fort, J. Harmon, Bristow, J H. Bolton, E. P. Lake, W. W. Houseal, J. Wolfe, - W. J. Parsons, W. J. Gant, J. S. Guignard, D. B. Miller, R. Bowden, G. W. H. Iu Madisbn ' ; do at Madison, C. H. 3th Mon in April Hamilton' do at Jasper, 4th Mon in April Eastern Circuit. ■ Orange & St. Lucia Co, &t!£ellonville,lst Tuesday in April Fall Terms. 1st Monday in December Thurs af 4th Mon. in Not. 2d Monday in Nov Thr af 1st Mon in Nov. 1st Mon in Nov 4th Mon in Oct 3d Mon in Oct 2d Monday in October 1st Mon. in March 3d Mon in March 1st Mon in April 2d Mon in April Putnam County, Marion do at Ocala, Alachua do at Newmansville, Columbia do at Alligator, Nassau do at-Nassau C. H.' Duval do at Jacksonville, St. Johns do at St. Augustine, Southern Circuit. ilevy County, at Sodom, Hernando do at De Soto Hillsborough do at Tampa, Munroe do Key West, 3d Tues in April 4th Mon in April 1st Mon in May 2d Mon in May Wed bef 4th M May 4th Mon in May 2d Mon in June 4th Mon in March 1st Mon in April 2d Mon in April 1st Thursday in Oct 3d Mon in Oct 1st Mon in Nov 2d Mon in Nov 3d Mon in Nov 4th Mon in Nov 3d Tu befo 1st M in Nov last Tu befo 1st M Nov. 1st Mon in Dec 2d Mon in Dec 3d Mon in Dec Thur bef 3<1 Mon Nov 3d Mon in Nov • 1st Mon in Nov 2d Mon in October 3d Monday in Oct 1st Mon in Nov • 1st Monday in May 1st Monday in Dec GOVERNMENT OE NORTH CAROLINA. His Excellency David S. Reid, Governor of the State—Salary, $2000 per annum, mil the use of a valuable furnished house. Term expires January 1, 1855. Secretary to the Governor, Samuel V. Adams,'Jr. Salary, $300 and fees. 1 William Hill, " SOU and fees. Daniel W. Courts. " 1500 Wm. J. Clarke. • " 1000 Stephen Birdsalli " 500 Secretary of State, Treasurer, Comptroller, Chief Clerk to Treasurer, Governors Aids, with the rank of Colonel—J. R. M'Lean, of Guilford ; Thomas Rubin, Jr. j of Rockingham ; Robert Strange, Jr., of Wilmington ; A. M. Heyden, of Rutuerford. The General Assembly commences its session on the'third Monday of Nov. every ■•literr.ate year The next election for members of the, Senate and House df Com¬ mons* and for Governor, will be held on the first Thunsday of August, 1S5-1, TIME OF HOI/DBd THE COURTS. The United States Circuit Court for the District of aTdge^C®. Ww"W Ho-Henry letter, of Seville, *«. trDLS^tTorne^;H0W. Husted ; Clerk, Wm. H. Haywood, Sen. Marshal, We* ley Jones. The United States District Courts are held at _ , T _ , Edenton 3d Monday in April and October. J. M. Jones, Clerk. Newhern, 4th do do do Benj. Brown, do Wilmington, 1st Mon. after 4th Mon. in April & Oct. Asa A. Brown, do The Supreme Court of North Carolina is held at Raleigh semi-annually, on the 2d Monday in Jurne, and the 30th day of December. Judges—Hon. Frederick Nash, Chief Justice ; residence, Hillsborough. E. M. Pearson, Associate Judge ; " Surry County Wm. H. Battle, do do " Chapel. HilL Salary of the Judges, $2500 per annum. Edmund B. Freeman, o< Ealeigh, Slerk, salary $300, and fees. James Iredell, Eeporter; J. T. C. Wiatt, Marshal. SUPREME COURT. The Bill to provide for holding a Session of the Supreme Court, once a year, in the. Western part of the State, having become a Law, we subjoin a synopsis of its pro visions : Sec. 1st provides that a Session of the Supreme Court shall be held yearly at Mor ganton, on the 1st Monday in August. . . Sec. 2d provides that all Appeals taken and causes transmitted, from the Counties of Stokes, Davidson", Montgomery, Anson, and all counties lying West of the same, shall be heard and tried at Morganton. Sec. 3d provides for the appointment of a Clerk, who shall keep his Office at Mor- Sec. 4th makes it the duty Of the Sheriff of Burke, to attend the Sessions of said Court. Sec. 5th provides that the Eeporter for the Court at Ealeigh, shall also act as Eeporter to the Morganton Session of it. Sec. 7th makes it the duty of the Judges to appoint one of the Solicitors within the region of country specified, to attend said Court at Morganton, as Attorney for the State. The Act does not abolish either of the Terms at Ealeigh, but provides for holding an additional one at Morganton. _ James E. Dodge, Clerk. SUPERIOR COURTS. Judges—Hon. Thomas Settle, residence Bockingham county ; M. E. Manly, New- bern ; John M. Dick, Greensborough : David F. Caldwell, Salisbury ; John L. Bailey, Hillsborough ; John W. Ellis,, of Salisbury ; R. M. Saunders, of Raleigh—salarj $1,950. " Attorney General—M. W. Ransom, of Warren County. Solicitors—W. N. H. Smith, of Hertford county; Geo. Stevenson, of Newbern; Cad Jones, jr., of Orange county ; Robert Strange, of Fayetteville ; M. Lander, ol Lincoln ; A. W. Benton, of Cleaveland. FIRST CIRCUIT. Tyrell County, first Monday in March and September. Washington, second " '• " Bertie, third " " " Hertford, fourth " " " Gates, first Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. Chowan, 2d " " " " Perquimons, 3d Mon " " " Pasquotank, 4th " " " <> Camden, 5th " " << " Currituck, 6th " " " " SECOND CIRCUIT. Duplin County, fourth Monday in march and September. Wayne, first Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. Greene, 2d " " " " Lenoir, 3d * " ' " " " Craven, 4th " " " " Jones, Wednesday next after, the 5th Monday after the 4th Mdndat" 'ik u March and September. Onslow, 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in March and Sept.' Carteret. 7th Monday-after the 4th Monday in March and Sept.' ' Beaufort, 8th " « » Hyde, Wednesday next after the 9th Monday after the 4th Mondif in March and Sept. THIRD CIRCUIT. ' Martin County, on the Monday before the 1st Monday in March and Sept Pitt, the 1st Monday in March and September. Edgecomb, 2d " " " Nash, 3d. " " " Johnstone, 4th " " " Wake, the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in March and September, Franklin, 2d " " " a Warren, 3d " '• ' " Halifax, 4th " " " " Northampton, 5th " " " FOURTH CIRCUIT. GranviEe County, 1st Monday in March and September. Orange, 2d Monday in March and Sept, and the 4th Monday after tide 4th- '• Monday in March and Sept. . Chatham, 3d Monday in March and Sept. Randolph, 4th " " "■ ' Davidson, 1st Monday after the 4th Monday of March and Sept. Forsyth, 2d ' Stokes, 3d Guilford, 3d & 4th Rockingham, 4th Caswell, 6th Person, 7th Alamance, 8th FIFTH CIRCUIT, Moore County, Monday before the last iu Feb. and August. Montgomery, last Monday in Feb. and August. Anson, 2d Monday in March and Sept. Richmond, 3d Monday in March and Sept. Robeson, 4th Monday in March and Sept. Stanley, on the.first Monday of March and Sept. Bladen, 1st Mondnv nf< or the 4th Monday in March and September. Columbus, 2d ...L.-r the 4th Monday in March and Sept. Brunswick, 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March and Sept. New Hanover, 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in March and Sept. Sampson, 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in March and Sept. Cumberland, 7th Monday after the 4th Monday of March and Sept. SIXTH CIRCUIT. Surry County, first Monday in March and September. Ashe, 2d do do do Wilkes, 3d do do do Davie 4th do do do • Iredell 1st Monday afterUlie 4th Monday in March and September. Catawba, 2d do do do do Lincoln, 3d do do do do Gaston, 4th do do do do Cabarrus, Oth do °° Union, 6th do do do do Mecklenburgh, 7th do do do do Rowan, 8th do do do do Alexander, 9th do do do do Yadkin, 10th do do do do ' SEVENTH CIRCUIT. Cherokee County, 1st Monday in March and September. Macon, 2d do do ■ do Jackson, 3d do do do Benderton, xsc iionoay arier monuay ju marcn auu.Dcr"~~ Buncombe, 2d do do do °o Madison, 3d do do do do Yancy, 4th do do do do , McDowell, 5th do do • do. do Caldwell, 6th do do do do Watauga, 7th do do do do Burke, 8th dp do do do Rutherford. 9th do do do do Cteaveland, 10th do do do do COURTS OF PI.EAS AWB> QUARTER SESSIONS'. Anson County, on the second Monday in January, April, July and October Ashe, fourth Monday in February, May, August and November. Alexander, 1st do March-, June, September and December. Alamance, 1st do after the 4th Monday cf Feb., May, August & November. Beaufort, 3d do March, June, Sept. and Dee. Bertie, 2d do Feb., Slay, August and Nov. Bladen, 1st do Feb., May, Aug. and Nov. Brunswick, 1st do March, June, Sept. and Dec. Buncombe, 2d do after the 4th in March, June, Sept. and Dee, Burke, 8th do after 4th Monday in March, June, September and December. # Cabarrus, 3d Monday in Jan, April, July and Oct. Caldwell, 6th do after the 44h Mon. in March, June, September and Dec. Camden, 1st Monday in Feb. and August, and 7th Monday after the 4th Mon. in March and Sept. Carteret, 3d Monday in Feb., May, Aug. and Nov. Caswell, 1st do after the 4th Monday of March, June, Septem¬ ber and Dec. Catawba, 2d Monday in June, and 2d Mon. in Dec. Chatham, 2d do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Chowan, 1st do do do, do Cleaveland, 10th do after 4th Monday in March, June, September and December. Columbus, 2d Monday'in Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Craven, 2d do March, June, Sept. and Dec. Cumberland, 1st do do do do d] Currituck, last do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Cherokee, 1st do before the 4th Monday in March and Sept., and the/2d Monday before the la"t Mon. in Jan. *, and'the 3d Mon. before the last Mon. in June. Duplin, 3d Monday in Jan., April, July and Oct. ' Davidson, 2d ao Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Davie, 4th do do do do do Edgecomb, 4th do do do do do Franklin, 2d do March, Juno, Sept. and Dec. Forsyth, 3d do do do doj do Gates, 3d do Feb, May, Aug. arid Nov. Granville, 1st do do do -do Greene, 2d do do do do Guilford, 3d do do do do Gaston, 3d do Feb. and August. | Halifax, 3d do do May, Aug. and Nov. j| Haywood, 4th do March, June, Sept. and Dec. ' j ■ Hertford, 4th do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov | Hyde, 9th do after the 4th Hon. in March and Sept, and on * the 4th Mon. in Feb. and Aug. Ij Henderson, 1st Monday after the -1th Monday of March, June, Sept. and December. Iredell, 3d Monday in Feb, May and Nov. Jackson, 3d do March, June, Sept. & Dec. Johnston, 4th do Feb, May, Aug. and Nov. Jones, 5tii do after the 4th Mon. in March and Sept, and on the last Mon, in Jan. and July. Lenoir, 1st Monday in January and July, and 3d Monday in March and 26 September. Lincoln, 1st Mondayrin Jane and Dec., and the first Monday after the 4th m lBday in 'Apri1' and 4ti Mon- Nov. i o 2d Monday in January Gordon, s c 4th Monday in March and Sept. i c 3d Mon. in Jan. and July. Greene, s c 2d Monday in March and Sept. i c 2d Mon. in June and Dec. Gwinnett, s c 2d Mon. in March and Sept. 1 o 2d Mon. in June-and Dec. Habersham, s c 2d Mon. in April and Oct. i c 2d Mon. in Jan. and July, *^*'8 ^ ^ Mon• March and Sept. i c 4th Mon. in January and July. Hancock, S c 2d Mon m April and Oct. i c 1st Hon. in Feb and Aur- TWrt 1' CA~('l\f0n ^ M,arcJ1 and 1 c 2d Mon. in June and Dec Heard, s c 4th Mon. m April and Oct. i c 2d Mon. in Jan. and Julr Henry, s c 3d Monday in April and Oct. i c-4th Monday in Jan and Julv Houston, s c 4th Mon. in April and Oct. i c 4th Mon in Jan and July lstitoa. in.jIh-UrS y et 4tU M°n' ic April and 0ct" 1 c 4th Mon- iQ Jan. and Jackson, s c 4th Mon. in Feb. and Aug. ic 2d Mon ,n Jan. and July Jasper, s c 4th Monday m Apffl and Oct. i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and July J,ndejuly?n' S C MondaJ m June aad 2d Mo»- ia Nov. i c 3d Monday in January Jones, s c 3d Mon. in April and Oct. i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and July. Laurens, so 1st Mon. in March and Sept. i c 1st Mon. in June and Dec. Lee, s c 1st Mon. m May and Nov. i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and July ' Lioerty, s c 3d Monday in April and Mon. after 4th Mon. in November i e 2d uonday in Jan. and June Lincoln, s c 4th Mon. in April and Oct. i c 1st Mon. iu Feb. and July, Lowndes, s c Monday after the 4th Mon. in May and Nov. i c 1st Mon in Feb and August. Lumpkin, s c 3d Mon. in April and Oct. i c 3d Mon in June and Dee. , Macon, s c 4th Mon. in March and Sept. i c 1st Mon. in Feb. and Aug. Madison, s e 1st Mon. in March and Sept. i c 2d Mon. in Jan. and July. Marion, s c 4th Mon. in Feb and June, i c 3d Mon. in May and Nov. Mcintosh, s c Thursday after 2d Mon. in April and Thurs. after 4th Mon. in Nov. ic 3d.Mon. in Jan. and June. Meriwether, s c 3d Mon; in Feb. and August, i o 4th Mon. in April and Oct. Monroe, s c 4th Mon. in Feb. and Aug. i c 2d Mon. in June and Dec. Montgomery, s c 2d Mon. in April and Oct. i c 1st Mon. in Feb and Aug. Morgan; s c 1st Mon. in March and Sept. i c 1st Mon. in June and Dec. Murray, s c 1st Monday in April and Oct. i c 3d Mon- in Jan. and July. Muscogee, s c 2d Mon. in May and Nov. i c 2d Mon. in Feb. and Aug. Newton, s c 3d Mon. in March and Sept. i c 4th Mon. in June and Dec. i Oglethorpe, s c 3d Mon. in April and 'tot, i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and June. Paulding, s c 1st Monday in March and Sept. i c. 3d Mon. in Feb. and Aug. Pike, s c 1st Monday in April, and 1st Tuesday in October, i c 1st Monday ib lUnuary and July. Pulaski, s c 3d Monday in April and October. e 4th Monday in January and 1st Vlonday in July. Putnam, s c 3d Mon. in March and Sept. i c 3d Mon. in June and Dee. Rabun, s c Thursday after 1st Monday in April and Oct. i c 1st Monday in Jan. and July. ■ Randolph, 's c 2d Mon. in March and Sept. i.c 2d Mon. in Jan. and July. Richmond, s c 2d Mon. in Jan. and 2d Monday in June, i c Thursday after 1st .'ton. in March and Sept. Scriven s c 4th Mon. in April and Oct. i c 2d Mon. m Jan. and July. IStewart, s c 4th Monday in April and 3d Monday in October, i e 1st Monday in February and July. . ,r , „ Sumter, s c 2d Mon. in Feb. and Aug. l e 2d Mon. in May and Nov Talbot, s c 3d Monday in March and Sept. i c 3d Mon. m June and Doc. Taliaferro, s c 4th Mon. in Feb. and Aug. i c 1st Mon m June and Dec. Tattnall, s c Thursday after 2d Mon. in April and Oct. i c 2d Monday m Feb. ^nd Telfair, s c 4th Mon. in April and Oct i c 4th Mon. in Jan. and July. Thomas, s c 4th Mon. in May and Nov. i c 2d Mon in Jan and July, farouo s c 2d Monday in May and Nov. i c 1st Mon. m l eb. and Aug JrwigS s c 3d Mon. in March and Sept. i e 4th Mon. in Jan. and July ronton s o ad-Monday in April and Oct. i c 4th Mon. in June and Dec. 'Upson', s c first Monday in May and November, i c first Monday m February 3d Monday in April and ©ct. i c 3d Monday in Jan. and July. Son! s c 3d Monda/in Fe1> and Aug i c f ^ arnd^y. Ware s c Thursday ^r.^nch court, ^i c Washington, scV Monday in March and September, i c 4th Monday in January !"wfyne', S e Friday after first Monday in April, and 1-Viday after 3d Monday in Nov Vm^r^o^lrtrMondaT^ March and September i c last Monday in M«r ^VilSS?o 1st Monday in April and Oct. i c 2d Monday in.Jan. and July. 29 • ! CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF AUGUSTA. Mayor—W. E. Dearing. Members of Council.—1st Ward, J. B. Bishop, Foster Blodget, and John Foster. 2d Ward, T. B. Phinizy, S. M. Thompson, and H. D. Bell. 3d Ward, B. Conley, C. A. Piatt, and A. H. May. 4th Ward, John K. Jackson, A. H. Gardner, and James Harper. Clerk of Council—L. L. Antony. Collector and Treasurer—John Hill. City Marshal—A.' C. Harbin. Deputy Marshal—J. B. Ram¬ sey. City Constables—H. A. Byrd, Jacob Sistrunk, and T. J. Ingram. Superinten¬ dent of Streets—U. Slack. Do Waterworks—W. B. Keener. Lower Bridge Keeper Foster Blodget. Wharf.ago-—Jackson Turpin. Clerk Lower Market—D. W. Calhoun. Bo."Upper do.—Wm. Keener. Jailor—Thomas 0. Heard. Keeper Maga¬ zine^—W. H. Pickering. Do. City Hall—Mrs. C. Hargroves. Do , City Clock—C. Cathn. City Sexton—B. Abrahams. Meetings of Council, 1st Saturday in each month. Bank of Milledgeville, re-chartered, but not yet organized. GOVERNMENT OE ALABAMA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. I Capital—City of Montgomery. J Benty W. Collier, Governor. —— , Secretary of State. Joel Biggs, ! Comptroller. Wm. Graham, Treasurer. J. J. Mickle, Ad jut. and Ins. General. Amand P. Pfister, Quarter Master GeneraL Brittan & De Wolf, State Printers. Frank S. Lyon, Commissioner to place the State Bank and Branches in train for early liquidation. JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. Supreme Court.—Edward S. Dargan, of Mobile, Chief Justice. Wm,.F. Chilten, Associate. David G. Ligon, do. G. Goldthwaite, do. J. D. Pbelan, do. M. A. Bald¬ win, Attorney General Thos. P. May, Clerk. The Judges report. CHANCERY 'COURT. Joseph W. Lesesne, Chancellor South Division; James B. Clarke, do. Middle Division ; Edward Towns, do. Northern Division. CIRCUIT COURT JUDGES. First Circuit, Andrew Moore; 2d, E. Pickens ; 3d, G. D. Shbrtridge; 4th, John Moore ; 5th, Thos. J. Walker ; 6th, Lyman iGibbons ; 7th, —. Huntington ; 8th, — Shorter ; 9th, Robert Dougherty. SOLICITORS. 1-st Circuit, W. E. Clark ; 2d, J. A. Stallworth ; 3d, W. S. Mudd ; 4th, J. S. Ken- TB' 0. Winston; 6th, D. C. Anderson; 7th, Daniel Coggin; 8th, m4a. J. J. Hooper. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. enators. , Term expires 1855. Hon. Jeremiah Clemens, " " 1853. itives.—1st District—John Bragg, of Mobile. 2d do—James Abererom- ell Co. 3d d6—S. W. Harris, of Coosa. 4th do—Wm. R. Smith, of Fayette j—George H. Houston, of Athens. 6th do—W. R. W. Cobb. 7th do- White, of Talladega. TIMES OF HOLDING COURTS. Supreme Court. Sits at Montgomery, 1st monday in January and June. Federal Circuit Court. Hon. Campbell, Judge, Salary 4,500 dollars. Sits at Mobile, 2d monday in April and 4th monday in December. Federal District Court. Hon. John Gayle, of Mobile, Judge, orthern District, at HuntsvUle, 2d monday in May,-and .the 2d monday in Nov. .die District, at Montgomery, 4th monday in May, and tbo 4th monday in Nov. 4th m°nday ^ an* ^ monday after the 4th CIRCUIT COURTS. First Circuit. i!ray v,aft6j ith, mo/?day in March and Sept. Autuaga, 2d monday after «h do. m March and Sept. Coosa, 3d monday after 4th do in March and Sept El^ct^nd Lpt^ m m and Sept' Marene°' 8th m°nday after 4th /Second Circuit. Covington, 2d monday in March and Sept. Cbnecuh, 3d xnonday hi March and Sept. Butler 4th monday in March and Sept. Wilcox, 2d monday after 4th mon. in March and Sept. Lowndes, 4th monday after 4th do m March and Sept. Ballas 6th monday after 4th do in March and Sept. ' Third Circuit. ■ o«. Clair, 1st monday in March and Sept. Shelby, 2d monday in March and Sept Jefferson- last monday in Fob. and Aug. Tuscaloosa, 4th monday in March and Sept Greene, 2d monday after 4th do in March and Sept. Fourth Circuit. Limestone, 2d monday in March and Sept. Lawrence, 3d monday in March and Sept. FrankBn, 4th monday in March and Sept. Lauderdale, 1st monday after 4th do in Maroh ana Sept. Morgan, 3d monday after 4th do in March and Sept. Han- cook, 4th monday after 4th do. in March and Sept. Fifth Circuit. Marshall, 2d monday in March and Sept. Madison, last monday in Feb. and Aug, Jackson, 3d monday in March and Sept. De Kalb. 1st monday after the 4th do. in March and Sept. Cherokee, 2d monday after the 4th do. In March and Sept. Ben¬ ton, 4th monday after the 4th do. in March and Sept. Sixth Circuit. / > Choctaw, 1st monday in March and October. Washington, 3d monday in March and Oct. Clarke, 4th monday in March and Oot. Monroe, 1st monday after the 4th monday in March and Oct. Baldwin, 2d monday after the 4th do. in March and Oct. Mobile, 3d monday after 4th do. in March and Oct. Seventh Circuit. Bkmnt, 3d monday of March and Sept. Walker, 4th monday in March and Sept. Marion 1st monday after 4th do. in March and Sept. Fayette, 2d monday after 4th do. in March and Sept. Pickens, 4th monday after 4th do in March and Sept. Sum¬ ter, 6th monday after 4th do. in March and Sept. Eighth Circuit. Mrmtenmerv Serine Term, 7th monday after the 4th do. in March—Fall Term, 6th 4tt?do in Sent. Pike, 4th monday in March, and 3d monday ia KfESS is! monday afKh do. in March, and 4th monday in Sept Date, 2d mondavafter 4th do. in March, and 1st monday after 4th do. m Sept Henry 3d moiffi 4th do. in March, 'and 2d monday after 4th do. m Sept. Barbour, 4th monday after 4th do. in March, and 3d monday after 4th do. in Sept. Ninth Circuit. do. in ttorch and Sept.It U, ^ March and Sept. Tallapoosa, 7th monday utSSZy tottSa,wb »ona., an., a. i.t do. a, *toi"aSWt CHAYCKRY COURTS. Southern Division. VoWta Washington and Baldwin, 1st monday in April, and a term atdis«re«y|!{ 1 (kmneton, MoitebS" and Clarke, 2d monday after 4th monday in>htf« 2 CoM><>2^'monday in Dec. 31 1 3 Sumpter, 4 Marengo, 5 Choctaw, 7 Butler, 8 Dale, and Henry, 9 Barbour, 10 Pike and Coffee, 11 Montgomery, 12 Lowndes, 2d 2d 4th 2d 1st , 3d 2d monday after 4th 4th 4th monday in July, and 1st moil day in J une, the 4rh do. in Nor. 13 Wilcox, 4th March. June. April. November. May and November. November. November. May, and 1st monday after August. Mnldle Division. 2d monday in May and November. Thursday after the « << November. " ■' 3d in November. " " Thursday after "the " " November. ■" " 1st after the 4th in June, and 2d monday -'a^ter 'the July and Feb. it ii July. Russell, Chambers, i 3d 2d monday in November. Macon, 1st TullapoOsa, 4th Coosa, Autauga, 1st manAUy after- 4th 3d monday in November Dallas 2d monday after 4th, Perry, 3d '* " 4th November. . Green, , 4 th 4th do. in November. Tuscaloosa, 2d. Pickens, 1st Fayette, Marion, Thursday after 1st Walker, Jefferson, " u 2d Sihb, " 3d " " Ndtth&rn DiiftMdk. Lauderdale, 2d monday is May. Franklin, 1st " " _ 1 Lawrence, 4 th " April. , Limestone, , , 4_ , 4th " May. i j Madison, latjmonday after 4th " November. Morgan, 2d " 4th " " Blount, 1st Friday after 2d monday after 4tn do. in May. Marshall, 3d monday after 4th monday in Majb Jackson, 1st Thursday after 3d monday after 4th monday in May. De Kalb, 4th monday aftetr 4th mohday in may. 1 Cherokee, Thursday next before 3d monday in February, ' Benton, 3d monday imFebfuary, 8th tnbnday after 4th do. in May.. Talladega, 4th monday in February, 9th do. aftbr 4th do.'in May. St. Clair, 3d monday in August. Randolph, 2d monday in August. JUDGES OF PROBATE. 1 Counties. . Judges Autauga—Henly Brown Baldwin—Patrick Bryan Barbour—Wm. K. Cowen. Benton—Alexander Woods Blount—Jobn C. Gellispie. Bibb—JohnW. Suttle. Butler—Samuel J. Baling. Chambers—Samuel Pearsoui Clarke—Henley W. Coate. Choctaw—Carter N. Wilcox. Cherokee—Wm.E. McDaniel. Coffee—James Claxton. Conecuh—A". D. Carey. Coosa)—J. W. Suttle. Covington-—Wm. T. Acres, Dale—Abel Echols Dallas—Thomas G. Raamdu 32 Counties. Judges De Kalb—- Fayette—John C. Moore. Franklin—Jas. H, Trimble. Green—James R. Evans. Henry—Hastings O.Qwffins Jaoksmi—John C. Dixon. Jefferson—Irab Bailey. Lawrence—H. EL M«Ghee. Lowndes—Ed. H. Cook. Lauderdale—W-T. Hawkins Limestone—ThoS. G. Tyus. Macon—Lewis Alexander. Madison—John W. Otey. Marion—John. D. Terrell, Manengct—fas. A. Yo^ng. Marshall—Mont. Gilbreath Mobile—Edwin, tak* Conntie's Monroe—Uh'ah H. FbSfdf. Montgomery—H.N.Watfedn. Morgan—Thomas Price. Perry—Jas. F. Bailey. Pickens—Tristr. S. Thornss Pike—Bird Fitzpfttriqk. Randolph—Joseph Burton. Russell—Thos. S. Tats. Shelby—J. M. MoClanahan. St. Clair—Irby'Woolley. SUmter—Benj. J. H. Gaines. Talladega—Alex. J. Cotton. Tallapoosa—Marcus C Lane TuapalnONr-Wosjes UeGup'e Walker—John Irwin, Washington—$. S- Parker. Wilcox—John A. Jaokwuv STATE MIHTAEY SCHOOL, SOOTH CAROLE#A. . Board of Visitors.—The Governor of the State for the time being, arid the following gentlemen— "«"S» ""1" James Jones, Chairman ; Address, Aiken, S. C. David F JamUnn burgh C. H., S, C. William J. Hanna, Chesterfield, C. H., S. c' Darnel Wallace, Union, C.H„ S. C. John H. Means, Buckhead, Fairfield District S. C. James W. Cantey, Adj. and Inspector-General, Camden, S. C. r Officers and Professors—Citadel. Academy, Charleston.—Major Richard W. Colcock, Superintendent, and Professor of Civil and Military Engineering; Captain A. H. Brisbane, Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Let- tres; Lieut. J. A. Leland, Prof, of Mathematics and Astronomy ; Wm, Hume, M. P., Prof, of Experimental Philosophy; M. Gauthier, Teacher of French and Drawing ; Dr. H. Boylston, Surgeon; J. L. Gregorie, Bursar. | Arsenal. Academy, Columbia.—Capt. J. Matthews, Superintendent, and Principal Professor; 1st Lieut. H. C. Tew, Second Professor; Dr. A H Sagel, Surgeon; M. C. Chaffer, Bursar. ' " TRUSTEES OF THE SOUTH CAEOUSfA COLLEGE. By an Act of the Legislature, passed December, 1825—the Board of Trui tees of the South Carolina College, consists of the Governor of the State, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Judges of the Court of Appeals, the Circuit Judges of the Court of Law and the Chancellors, ex-officio, and twenty persons to be elected by the joirjt ballot of the Senate and House of Representatives, to continue in office four tars. The following Gentlemen were elected in December, 1849: R.F. W. Allston, J.H. Adams, R. W. Barnwell, R. W. Gibbs. M.D.J, Buchanan, T. Dawkins, W. F.'Desaussur-e, J. Gillespie, Wade Hampton, David Johnson, J. L. Manning, C. G. Memminger, B. F. Perry, James L. tstigru, John S. Preston, Thomas Smith, F. H. Wardlaw, I. B. Witherspoon., Moses, H. 0. Young. Rev. J. H. Thomwell, D. D., Pres. and Prof. Metaphysics, Moral and Po¬ litical Philosophy. M J Williams, M D Prof. Mathematics, Mechanical Philosophy and As¬ tronomy. R T Brumby, Prof, of Chemistry, Mineralogyand Geology. Francis Lieber, LLD, Prof History and Political Economy. •Rev. R Henry, D.D, Prof Greek Literature. Charles P Pedham, Prof Roman Literature. Rev J L Reynolds, Prof of Sacred Literature and Evids. of Christianity. M Laborde, M D, Prof of Logic, Rhetoric, and Belles Lettres. F M McMaster, Secretary of the Faculty, and Librarian John S Green, Treasurer. A H Gladden, Bursar, C Loomis, Marshal. BANKS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Rlar&SS?j"iislCcBiS! Cashier. Bank, of Charleston, fe C A-GKose, r ' t> pe:j Cashier Bank of South Carolina- WmBernie President, G ® 0«h»£ State Bank-E Nebnng. Present ^{rrr£^rsV^d Mechanic's Bank-D Ravenel, President, AC-Smith, Cashie Western Rail RoadBank Wenel, President C H S^en# Cashier^-Sout.hWa.rtf ^ ^ of South —James Rose, President, J GEL rr-J--.' £ Waring. Cashier. Branches Carolina—C M IFarman, Presiden DeSaussure, Cashier, tablished at Camden—Thomas a p ' ident J Wisher. Cashier. Commer- Branch M A Crawford, President, E Scott, Cashier. Bknk of p Bank a'S B Johnston, President, W J .Grant, Cashier. Bank of George Camden—EVrn idenl, j Q Henning, Cashier. Bank of HarnburgT town—D L ™cp e^i(lent. j j Blackwood, Cashier. Merchants' Bank Cheraw EL Hutchinson, W Godfrey. Cashier. Bank of Chester—James Hemphill T Coit, Presidert, B D Boyrf. Pres. Cash. 33_ Pres. S'OE'TJXiATIOBf OF SOOTH OAjfeOIdlRTA, According to the Census of 1850. Districts. Free. Slaves. Total. Districts. Free. 5.974 11.453 7.373 9.888 5.189 .7.455 8.199 13.228 7:265 18.358 10.155 9.459 3.939 11.351 Slaves. Total. Abbeville, Anderson, Barnwell, Beaufort, Charleston, Chester, Chesterfield, Colleton, Darlington, Edgefield, Fairfield, | Georgetown, Greenville, Horry, Kershaw, 12.972 13.961 12.600 6.528 29.069 8.156 6.896 7.178 6.789 16.531 7.164 2.392 10.495 5.824 4.896 19.176 7.514 14.008 32.323 54.804 1.087 3.894 21.332 10.041 22.648 14.256 17.875 6.752 2.082 9.578 32.148 21.475 26.608 38.851 83.873 18.243 10.790 28.510 16.830 39.179 21.410 20.267 20.247 7.906 14.474 Lancaster, Laurens, Lexington, Marion, Marlborough, Newberry, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Spartanburg, Sumter, , Uniou, Williamsburg, York, 5.014 11.953 5.557 7.520 5.600 12.688 15.425 3.679 12.978 8.038 23.065 10.442 8.393 8.008 10.988 '23.406 12.930 17.408 10.789 20.143 23.624 16.356 20.243 26.396 33.220 19.901 12.332 19.359 Total,....283.737 384.720 594.389 BANKS, &c., IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Augusta Insurance & Banking Company. Capital $375,000. Wm. M. DtAntignac, President—S. Walton, Cashier. Bane op Augusta. Capital $600,000. R. F. Poe, President—J. W. Da vies, Cashier. Bank of Brunswick. Capital $200,000. Edward Thomas, President—John Craig, Cashier. Bank of Mtlledgbville. Capital $500,000. S. Grantiand, President—Thomas H. Hall, Cashier. Bank of St. Mary's. Capital $300^000. John G. Winter, President—G. W. Win¬ ter, Cashier. Bank of thb Statu op Georgia.1 Capital $750,000. A. Porter, President—J. K. Tefft, Cashier. Branch at Augusta. Capital $450,000. George M. Newton, President—L Henry, Cashier. Branch at Athknb Capital $100,000. Ashbury Hull, Cashier. Do Eatonton. Capital $100,600. D. R. Adams, Cashier. Do Washington. Capital $100,000. A. L. Alexander, Cashier. Agency ^t Macon, J. H. Washington, Cashier. Central Rail-Road and Banking Co. , of Georgia. Capital $200,000 R. R. Ouyler, President—Solomon Cohen. Cashier. Gkop.gli Rail-Road & Banking Co. Capital $375,000. J. P. King, President—Jo¬ seph Milligan, Cashier. Marine & Fire Insurance Bank. Capital $350,000. E. ftidehord, President—J. j Okastead, Cashier. Mechanics' Bank. Capital $500,000. T. S. Matcaif, President—Mito Hatch, Cashier. . Merchants' Bank. Capital $250,000. James Dean, President—J. Rutherford, Cashier. . I Planters' Bank. Capital $535,400. G. W. Anderson, President—H. W. MeroOr, Cashier. ' ! Bank or Savannah. Capital $200,000. J. Wasbbura, President— W. B. TunJev ] Cashier. ■ 34 J POST OFFICE REGUXdlTIORTS. Cheap Postage Law went into operation on the let of July. 1851 The Postage under that Law is as follows : Letters of 1-2 an ounce, 3000 miles, 3 cents, if prepaid—5 cents, if not tire paid, and double for over 3000 miles. When letters or packages weigh over half an ounce, postage will be charged for every half ounce. A half dollar is a little less than half an ounce, but suf¬ ficiently near to test the weight of letters. 1st. Every letter or parcel, not exceeding half an ounce in weight, shall be deemed a single letter or rate. 2d. All drop-letters, or letters placed in any post office, not for transmission, jbut for delivery only, one cent each. j 3d. Each deputy postmaster, whose compensation for the last preceding fiscal year (ending the 30th June,) did not exceed $200, may send through the mail allletters written by himself, and receive through the mail all written communications addressed to himself, on his private business, which shall not ^exceed in weight one half ounce free of postage. This does not authorise them to frank any letters unless written by themselves, and on their private bust ness only ; nor does it authorise them to receive free of postage any thing but written communications addressed to themselves, and on their private busi-i ness. | Newspaper Postage.—All Weekly papers go free to offices within the!; county where published, - * 1 Newspaper Rates, per quarter, when sent from the office of publication,! to actual bona fide subscribers, after 30th June,- j- Forany distance not exceedingfiO miles,25 cts. 15cts. lOcts. 5cts. 2jcts. ljjcts,|| Over 50, and nqt exceeding 300, " 50 30 20 10 5 2 £ « 300 1.000 " 75 45 30 15 7£ 3f « 1000 " 2,000 " 100 60 40 20 10 5 <• 2600 " 4,000 " 125 75 50 25 12£ " 4,000 miles ... - 150 90 CO 30- 15 1st Weekly papers only, when sent as above stated, are to be delivered free in the county where they are published; and this although conveyed in the mail over 50 miles. . 2d. Newspapers containing not over 300 square inches are to be charged one quarter the above rates. 3d Publishers of newspapers are allowed to exchange tree of postage one copy'of each number only ; and this privilege extends to newspapers published 4tln1!The weight of newspapers must be taken or determined when they are in adry state. 5th. Postmasters are not entitled to receive newspapers free of postage under their franking privilege. . 6th. Payment in advance does not entitle the party paying to any deduction from the above rates. I POSTAGE ON TRANSIENT MATTER. j Such as Newspapers to non-subscribers, Circulars, Pamphlets, Periodicals| and Books. . , | Under 500 miles, one cent for every ounce weight. 500 to 1500 miles, two cents for do do 1500 to 2500 miles, three cents for do do 2500 to 3500 miles, four cents for do do Over-3500 miles, five cents for do m Subscribers to periodicals can pre-pay at one half these rates. Books, &c., that weigh over 32 ounces, are not mailable, All Postage on printed matter, except Newspapers and Periodicals to actual lubscribers must be pre-paid. Thos. Richards A Sou BOOKSELLERS And Stationers* * Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia, 1 Offer for sale to County Merchants and others a large and complete assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND Fancy Articles, On accommodating terms. SCHOOL BOOKS Of every variety, Bibles, Testaments, Blank Books,' Pasteboards, Quills, Steel Pens, Ink, Copy Books, arid in short every article usually kept in Book stores may be had at TIIOS. RICHARDS & SON, Broad st., -Augusta, Geo.