1 A 0> MINUTES x*S ^ OF THE ' ! THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY • N OF THE STATE CONVENTION BAPTIST DENOMINATION IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, HELD AT GREENVILLE, JULY 24—27, 1858. TOGETHER WITH AN ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF IT I! MAN UNIVERSITY, v ' •• ' •) HELD AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE. ) 0 CHARLESTON, S. C. JAMES AND WILLIAMS, PRINTE E S, ^ 1G STATE-STREET. — 18 5 8. 1 / MINUT E S OF THE THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE STATE CONTENTION OF THE BAPTIST DENOMINATION IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, HELD AT GREENVILLE, JULY 34-37, 1858. TOGETHER WITH AN ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FURMAN UNIVERSITY, HELD AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE. CHARLESTON, S. C. JAMES AND WILLIAMS, PRINTERS, 16 STATE-STREET. 18 5 8. ' MINUTES. SaWkday, July 24th, 1858. The introductory sermon was preached at 10| A. M., by Rev. J. C. Phelps, from John 3:8, after which the Convene tion met and proceeded to organize. Neither the President nor Vice-President being present, Hon. J. B. O'Neall, was called to the chair. The credentials of delegates were then called for, and the following list was made out: Charleston Association.—T. Mason, J. K. Mendenhall, W. D. Rice, J. Boykin, B. C. Pressley, A. A. Nettles, J. G. Pressley, James Tindal, B. J. Pugh, T. G. Pegues, E. Pringle, T. V. Walsh, S. Watson, W. J. Snider, W. B. Elkin. Edgefield Association.—J. M. Chiles, W. P. Hill, Z. Watkins, W. N. Moore, W. Smith, T. Lake, T. P. Shaw, S. B. Brooks. Welsh Neck Association.—J. 0. B. Dargan, T. P. Lide, E. J. Lide, R. G. Edwards, I. D. Wilson, J. C. Phelps, T. E. Hart, R. E. Whilden, T. E. Howie. Savannah River Association.—J. M. C. Breaker, IT, D. Dun¬ can, A. J. Lawton, J. S. Lawton, I. L. Brookes, B. H. Brown, W. B. Carson, H. A. Duncan, M. W. Sams. Tiger River Association.—-R. Furman, J. P. Boyce, C. J. Elford, J. G. Landrum, A. B. Woodruff, T. J. Earle, T. P. Brockman, C. H. Judson, P. C. Edwards, W. Royall, J. C, Furman, T. B. Roberts, C. R. Twitty, R. P. Goodlett, J. C. Green. Reedy River Association.*—T. J. Pearce, T. D. Gwin, S, Barksdale, B. F. Griffin, James Harrison. Saluda Association.—W. B. Johnson, A. Rice, J. Kay, E. Rasor, W. A. Gaines, D. J. Barnett. Salem Association.—IL. A. Glenn, J. T. Gwin. 4 minutes. Bethel Association.—Not represented. Edisto Association.■—W. Brooker, E. W. Horn. Charleston Female Missionary and Education Society.—Not represented. Broad River Bible Society.—Not represented. Young lien's Missionary Society of Furman University:—E. W. Horn, J. M. Lawton. Newberry Church.-—J. B. O'Neall, J. B. Carwile, J. J. Brantly. Newberry District Bible Society.—G-. T. Scott, J. H. Nance. Enoree Association.—J. M. Runyon, W. McKinney. Twelve Mile Association.—Not represented. The Convention then proceeded to ballot for officers, with the following result: Hon. J. B. O'Neall, President; Rev. J. G. Landrurn, Yice-President; Rev. J. J. Brantly, Secretary ; T. B. Roberts, Treasurer. The Convention being thus or¬ ganized proceeded to business, after prayer by Rev. Dr. Johnson. Applications for admission into this Convention were then presented by the Barnwell Association, Santee Bible Society, and Antioch Bible Society. On motion the applications were received and the delegates from these bodies took their seats. From Barnwell Association, D. H. Rice, Robert Kirkland ; from Santee and Antioch Bible Societies, W. J. Snider. In advance of the regular appointments, the committee on preaching was appointed as follows : The Pastor and Deacons of the Greenville Church, and T. P. Lide, J. G. Pressley, W. J. Snider.- It was resolved that during the continuance of this meet¬ ing, the Convention shall meet at 10 A. M., and 4 P. M., and adjourn at 1 P. M., and 6| P. M. The Convention then went into recess. Saturday—Afternoon Session. The Convention met pursuant to resolution, .the President in the chair. MINUTES'. 5 Rev. B. T. Winkler, appointed to preach the Charity Ser mon, being absent, Rev. J. M. C. Breaker, .was chosen by the voice of the Convention to fill his place. The chair then announced the standing committees as fol¬ lows : On time and place of next meeting, and persons to perform stated religious services.—J. 0. B. Dargan, J. G-. Pressley, J. G. Landrum, W. Brooker, J. D. Nance. On Accounts.—J. B. Carwile, G. T. Scott, W. P. Hill, T. J. Earle, J. Boykin. On nomination of the Board of Agents.—J. P. Boyce, Z. Wat- kins, C. H. Judson, H. D. Duncan, A. Rice. On preparing list of Ministers and their post offices.—J. K. Mendenhall, T. P. Lide, W. B. Elkin, A. J. Lawton, E. Rasor. On notice of deceased ministers.—J. L. Brookes, R. Furman, J. C. Phelps, J. D. Wilson, W. Royall. On minutes and letters of corresponding bodies.—J. C. Furman, P. C. Edwards, W. B. Carson, J. M. C. Breaker. On motion an invitation was extended to ministering brethren of our own denomination not delegates to this body, to ministers of other evangelical denominations, and to the representatives of bodies whose objects are kindred to those of this Convention to take seats in the Convention. Where¬ upon brother L. M. Berry, Rev. M. T. Sumner, Financial Secretary of the Domestic and Indian Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Rev. John Mitchell, of North Carolina, and Rev. Mr. Cator, of the Presbyterian Church, accepted the invitation. Brother James H. Low, of New Orleans, was also invited to a seat. Rev. J. P. Boyce announced himself as the representative of the Foreign Mission Board, in the absence of its agent. On motion a committee of five was raised to nominate a new Board of Trustees of Furman University. Committee consisted of J. 0. B. Dargan, C. J. Elford, B. H. Brown, J. S, Lawton, B. F. Griffin. By permission of the Convention, Rev. Mr. Cator, agent of the " Christian Union/7 addressed the body on the objects of his agency. 6 minutes. The report of the Bible Board was read and ordered to be printed, and will be found under head of Reports No. 2. On motion the Board of Trustees of Furman University were requested to report on the condition of the University, before the election of the new Board. A committee of five was appointed to nominate delegates to the next Biennial Convention, to be held in Richmond, Ya., in May, 1859. Committee consisted of J, S. Lawton, Z, Watkins, D. H. Rice, S. Barksdale, J. Ray. The hour for adjournment having arrived, the Convention adjourned after prayer by Rev. T. Mason, to meet on Monday, < at 10 A. M. Sunday, July 25. The Charity Sermon was preached in the Baptist Church at 10| A. M., by Rev. J. M. C. Breaker. In the afternoon and at night there was preaching in this church; and the pulpits of the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches were also occupied during the day by members of the Convention. After the Charity Sermon in the morning, a collection, amounting to $90.19, was made. Monday, July 26th—Morning Session. The Convention met at 10 o'clock, the President in the chair. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. M. Chiles, after which the Convention proceeded to business. The Treasurer's report was submitted and referred to the Committee on Accounts. The report of the committee to nominate the Board of Agents was submitted and adopted, and will be found under head of Reports, No. 3. On motion it was ordered that the collection made on Sun¬ day morning ($90.19,) be divided equally between the Domes- MINUTES. 7 tic and Indian Mission Board, and the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, and the Education Board of this Convention, A committee of seven was raised to consider whether it be advisable to make any change in the present organization of the Boards of this Convention, and the reports of the several Boards were ordered to be referred to this committee. Com¬ mittee consisted of J. P. Boyce, W. B. Elkin, J. K. Menden- hall, T. P. Lide, P. C. Edwards, J. M. Chiles, T, J. Pearce. The report of the General Agent was read and referred to a special committee, consisting of the Committee on Ac¬ counts and the corresponding Secretaries of the several Boards. By the consent of the Convention, Bev. M. T. Sumner, then presented the claims of the Domestic and Indian Mis¬ sion Board. The report of the committee to nominate a new Board of Trustees, was read and ordered to lie on the table until the report of the Board of Trustees be presented. The report of the Committee on Minutes and Letters of corresponding bodies, was read and adopted, and will be found under head of Beports, No. 4. The report of the committee to nominate delegates to the Biennial Convention, was submitted and adopted, and will be found under head of Beports, No. 5. The Convention then went into recess. Monday—Afternoon Session. The Convention met and was called to order by the.Pre¬ sident. Leave of absence was granted to several members for suffi¬ cient reasons. The report of the committee on Accounts, on the Treasu¬ rer's report, was submitted and concurred in, and will be found under head of Reports, No. 6. 8 MINUTES. The report of the agent of the Convention, Rev. J. P. Boyce, appointed to raise funds in this State for the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, was submitted and referred to a special committee of seven^ consisting of H. A. Duncan, J. G. Landrum, J. M. Chiles, T. P. Lide, W. Brooker, J. Harri¬ son, I. L. Brookes. The report of the special committee to which was referred the report of the general agent, was submitted and concurred in, and will be found under head of Reports, No. 7. The report of the committee on the difficulties between the Edgefield Association and the Edgefield Church, was re¬ ceived as information. The committee reported the difficul¬ ties settled. The report of the Education Board was submitted and re¬ ferred to the committee appointed to consider the expedi¬ ency of reorganizing the Boards of the Convention, and will be found under head of Reports, No. 8. The report of the Board of Missions, Publication and Col- portage, was submitted and referred to the same committee, and will be found under head of Reports, No. 9. Brother James H. Low and Bro. M. T. Sumner, by consent of .the Convention, made an appeal in behalf of the " Coliseum Place Baptist Church," in New Orleans. Pledges were given by several members to act as voluntary agents in behalf of the church to raise the amount needed to clear it of debt. The following letter from Dr. Reynolds, late President of this Convention, was read and ordered to be printed in the minutes. Columbia, July 22nd, 1858. To the members of the Baptist Convention,) of the State of South Carolina. J Dear and honored Brethren :—It was my desire and my intention, to attend your meeting, that I might in your presence lay down the honorable office to which -you appointed me last year, and thank you most sincerely and earnestly for the kindness which prompted your choice. Under the peculiar circum¬ stances nothing could have been more grateful to my feelings—nothing better suited to strengthen the ties which bind me to my beloved and honored brethren. I cannot be with you, but I offer my poor prayers that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, may bless you abundantly,' " that the name of our Lord Jesus njay be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of |3ur God and of tjae Lord Jesus Christ." Yours in tlie faith and patience of the Gospel, J. L. REYNOLDS. minutes. 9 The report of the Sunday School Board was submitted and referred to the Committee on Boards, and will be found un¬ der head of Reports, No. 10. The report of the committee on time and place of next meeting, &c., was submitted and agreed to and will be found under head of Reports, No. 1. The Convention then adjourned after prayer to meet to¬ morrow, at 10, A. M. Tuesday, July 27th—Morning Session. The Convention met and was called to order by the Pre¬ sident. After prayer by Rev. H. A. Duncan, the Convention proceeded to business. The report of the Board of Trustees on the condition of Furman University, was submitted and referred to a special committee of five, to report this afternoon at 4| o'clock. Committee consisted of J. P. Boyce, J. M. C. Breaker, B. H. Brown, S. Barksdale, T. J. Pearce. The committee to which was referred the report of the agent of the Convention, appointed to raise funds in this State for the Southern Theological Seminary, submitted their re¬ port which was concurred in, and will be found under head of Reports, No. 11. The Agent, Rev. Prof. Boyce, then addressed the Conven¬ tion, and urged the necessity of raising at once the $'5,000 still needed to complete the $100,000 pledged by this State. Some money pledges were given, and several members volunteered to act as agents in collecting the amount required, The report of the committee on Deceased Ministers, was read and concurred in, and will be found under head of Re¬ ports, No. 13. The following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this body are due, and are hereby tendered to the Rev. James P. Boyce, for the prudence with which he has managed, and the untiring energy with which he has prosecuted, the work to which he was appointed as their agent by this Convention at its last meeting. 10 minutes. The report of the committee on preparing a list of minis¬ ters and their post offices, was submitted and concurred in, and will be found at the end of these minutes. The Convention then went into recess. Tuesday—Afternoon Session. The Convention met and was called to order by the Presi¬ dent. r The report of the committee on the reorganization of Boards, was submitted and agreed to, and will be found under head of Reports, No. 14. A committee of five was appointed to nominate the Boards of the Convention. Committee consisted of J. K. Menden- hall, R. P. Whilden, W. B. Carson, E. J. Lide, W. Smith. The report of the special committee to which was referred the report of the Board of Trustees on the condition of the University, was submitted and agreed: to, and will be found under head of Reports No. 15. The Convention then proceeded to elect a new Board of Trustees, voting by associations, the votes being based on the amount contributed by each associationn to the Univer¬ sity fund as follows: "Welsh Neck Association * .18 votes. Charleston, " ♦ ••• 13 " Savannah River, " 15 " Reedy River, " 9 " Salem. " ....... 9 " Tiger River " 5 " Edgefield " 10 " Edisto " 4 " 82 " The balloting resulted in the election of the persons nomi¬ nated by the committee appointed to nominate a new Board, minutes. 11 and will be found in their report under head of Reports, No. 16. The report of the committee to nominate the Boards of the Convention was submitted and agreed to, and will be found under head of Reports, No. 17i It was resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Furman University be requested to furnish at each quadrennial meet¬ ing, at which it shall be the duty of the Convention to elect a new Board of Trustees, a statement of the number of votes to which the respective constituent bodies may be entitled. The following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this body be returned to the various railroad companies in- the State which have allowed our delegates to pass over their roads for one fare. Resolved, That the thanks of this body be presented to the citizens of Green¬ ville, for their hospitable entertainment of the Convention. By special resolution an opportunity was then offered to the members of this Convention to raise a fund of $50,000 or more for the permanent endowment of Furman University. Addresses setting forth the necessity of such an endowment were made, and pledges to a considerable amount were given. It was unanimously resolved that the acknowledgements of this body are due, and are hereby tendered to the Hon. J. B. O'Neall, for the courtesy and Christian kindness which characterized him as its presiding officer. After prayer by Rev. H. D. Duncan, the Convention ad¬ journed to meet at Sumterville, on the Friday before the last Saturday in July, 1859. JOHN BELTON ONFALL, President. John J. Brantly, Secretary. REPORTS. 1. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON" TIME AND PLACE OF NEXT MEETING, AND PERSONS TO PERFORM THE STATED RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Your Committee recommend Sumterrille as the place, and Friday before the last Saturday in July, 1859, as the time. Rev. Dr. Furman to preach the Introductory Sermon ; Rev. J. J. Brantly, his alternate. Rev. J. P. Boyce to preach the Charity Sermon ; Rev. R. Furman, his alternate. J. 0. B. DARGAN, Chairman. 2. REPORT OF THE BIBLE BOARD. 'While the Bible Board are pleased in this, their annual Report, to be able to state some encouraging facts, they desire to express their gratitude to Him, without whose blessing all who labor,' " labor in vainfor whatever measure of success may have attended their efforts in the special line of service which belongs to them. " This Board is now fairly under way ; the difficulties which beset the com¬ mencement of every new undertaking, have been overcome by them to a considerable extent.; and we believe, that though there lie before us a wide field to be occupied, and a large work to be done, we shall not fail of success, under the blessing of God, if we should be sustained by the prayers and the liberality, and the united efforts of our brethren throughout the State. The Board, as organized.at present, is quite sufficient for the management in this State of the Bible cause—at least that part of this common work of all chris¬ tians, which belongs to us as a denomination. All that we need under God to fulfil our most sanguine expectations, is the co operation of the Associations and Churches, and of the whole denomination in the State. It has been asserted that South-Carolina Baptists have done little or nothing for the Bible cause ; though this charge is wholly unfounded, the repetition of it may be most effectually prevented by an increased interest and zeal on our part in this cause. As Baptists, professing to hold to the Bible as the only standard of faith and conduct, we are under a special obligation to circulate the Bible. The Board believe that their brethren will not withhold from them the support which they need. Our operations, since the organization of the Board, and especially since the beginning of the present year, encourage us to cherish this belief. REPORTS. 13 On the 1st of February last, our agent, Rev, W. B. Elkin, entered on his work, and what has been accomplished by him since then, will show that the Board have not formed too high expectations of what can be done by the denomination with proper efforts. Since the date just referred to, Brother Elkin has travelled through a large portion of the middle Districts of the State, preaching wherever he went, organizing Societies, and distributing Bibles. The Societies now in existence, and auxiliary to the Board, amount in number to 30, most of them formed during the present year. The number of copies of the Holy Scriptures distributed by the Board since 1856, amounts to 400, the largest portion having been, distributed within the last six months. The whole amount of funds received, expended, and still in the hands of the Treasurer of the Board, is as follows : Balance on hand from last year, .... $344 59 Receipts since last meeting, - 953 90 1,298 49 Paid out, . - - , - 764 51 Balance on hand, - - - - - - - $533 98 Besides this balance, there are $500, which have been subscribed by Socie¬ ties, but not yet sent up to the Treasurer. We propose to employ two or more colporteurs, or Bible distributors, to assist our agent in this part of his work, as soon as our funds shall justify us in doing so. The agent cannot do the whole work of seeking out the destitute and supplying their wants. In order to raise funds for the Board, he must necessarily travel most in those portions of the State from which we may hope to receive pecuniary help, and where, as a general thing, there is least desti¬ tution ; the destitute portions must, therefore, be visited and supplied by colporteurs. Should we be able to make arrangements with the Publication Society, to employ colporteurs jointly with us, it will lessen the expense for each organization. From what has already been done, we believe that some $2,000 or $3,000 can be annually raised in the State for the Bible cause. This will enable us to keep our agent constantly in the field, to employ several dis¬ tributors, and leave quite enough for the purchase of Bibles. What may not be needed for our own home purposes, may be turned over to the Foreign Mission Board at Richmond, or the Bible Board at Nashville, for printing the Scriptures ia foreign languages, and circulating them in foreign lands. We propose to continue our agent, Brother Elkin, in the field, and believe that now, the machinery being fully started, our expenses will be. less every year in proportion to our receipts. The Board is prepared to furnish copies of the Scriptures for distribution to any person who may be willing to act as volun¬ tary colporteurs for us ; until colporteurs are regularly appointed by the Board, we shall have to depend mainly on this mode of distribution. We now ask for our agent, and for the cause the earnest cordial co-operation of this Convention, and the Denomination throughout the State, Respectfully submitted, JOHN J. BRANTLY, Cor, Sec. 14 REPORTS. 3. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE TO NOMINATE A BOARD OF AGENTS. Your Committee nominate the following "Board of AgentsRev. T)r« Johnson, Rev. J. R. Kendrick, Rev. J. O. B. Dargan, Rev. R. Furman, B. C. Pressley, and the officers of the Convention. J. P. BOYCE, Chairman. 4. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MINUTES, AND LETTERS OF CORRES¬ PONDING BODIES. Your Committee beg leave to Report, that beside these communications, which have been acted on by the Convention, no others have come to their knowledge. J. C. FURMAN, Chairman. 5. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE TO NOMINATE DELEGATES TO THE BIENNIAL CONVENTION. Your Committee beg leave to make the following nomination: Hon. J. B. O'Neall, Rev. I. L. "Brookes, Rev. J. J. Brantly, Rev. Dr. Johnson, Rev. Dr, Curtis, Rev. Dr. Manly, Rev. H. D. Duncan, Rev, J. P. Boyce, Rev..J. G. Landrum, Rev. H. A. Duncan, Rev. J. 0. B. Dargan, Rev, R. Furman, T. P. Lide, Rev. W. B. Carson, Rev. J. M. C. Breaker, Rev. J. M. Chiles, Rev. E. T, Winkler, B. C. Pressley. J. S. LAWTON, Chairman. The name of the Chairman, J. S. Lawton, was also added by the Convention. 6. REPORT OF THE "COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS,1* ON THE TREASURER'S REPORT. The Committee on accounts beg leave to report, that they have examined the Treasurer's Report, and find it correctly stated, and properly vouched. JOHN B. CARWILE, Chairman. 7. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE TO WHICH WAS REFgRRED THE-REPORT OF THE GENERAL AGENT. The Committee to which was referred the report of the General Agent, appointed by this Convention, in July, 1856, beg leave to report: That they have examined the same, and find that the agent has only stated his receipts, and not his payments, and that he has not stated the amounts paid to him by the several Boards respectively. They would, therefore, recommend that the report be referred back to the General Agent, and that he be requested to make a full statement of his payments as well as receipts, and also of the amount paid him on account of his salary, by the several Boards, and the REPORTS. 15 Treasurer of the Furman University, respectively; and if the same cannot be done before the adjournment of this body, that his report, when so amended, be referred to the Board of agents tor adjustment. JOHN B. CARWILE, Chairman. 8. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. In the absence of the Corresponding Secretary, who has been prevented from attending this meeting, I beg leave to report that the Board has one benefi¬ ciary, but is without funds. Brother Golder has been in part sustained by advances from two members of the Board. There is enough due to refund advances made, and the sum of $58 55 has been received during the present session. Respectfully submitted, T. P. LIDE, for the Cor. Sec. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF MISSIONS, PUBLICATION, AMD COLPORTAGE. Nothing has been accomplished during the year for missions, publication, or colportage: Not one dollar has been received. We do not feel authorized to employ an agent, without haying some prospect of remunerating him. During the first six months of the year, a missionary was employed in Richland District, under the "Entzminger Fund." The labors of this Brother, Rev. W. B. Elkin. were attended with the most gratifying success. Thr pro¬ ceeds of the fund for six months, $212 50, were paid to the missionary for services rendered. Owing to the absence of the Chairman of the Board, the report cannot be full, since the report of the missionary is in his hands. J. K. MENDENHALL, Cor. Sec. 10. REPORT OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD. The Sunday School Board again presents itself to the Convention with nothing to report, except its deep regret that under present circumstances they are unable to effect any thing in the important work which has been com¬ mitted to their trust. They feel convinced that the Sunday School cause is not receiving that attention at the hands of our denomination in this State to which its power for good entitles it, and that strenuous efforts should be made to awaken an interest in its behalf. This can only be accomplished through an agent who shall make the tour of the State, to encourage and instruct old schools, build up new ones, collect funds for destitute locations, and collect statistics which will show the value of the institution and the necessity of laboring in its behalf. We have not yet.seen any way by which we could se¬ cure or remunerate the services of such au agent, and consequently have been compelled to remain idle. But we still hope for better things. The cause is 16 REPORTS. too good a one to be abandoned, and we hope and recommend that the Con¬ vention will continue the existence of the Board, and we trust that ere long the hand of God may open up a way, in which this Board may go forward and do great things for our Master's cause, in this department of his vineyard. C. J. ELFORD, President. 11. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE TO WHICH WAS REFERRED THE REPORT OF THE AGENT TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE " SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEO¬ LOGICAL SEMINARY." The committee to whom was referred the report of the general agent of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary beg leave to submit the following : They recommend that the report of the agent be printed with the minutes of the Convention, and that the following resolutions be adopted : Resolved, That James P. Boyce, Agent of the State Convention of the Bap¬ tist denomination in South Carolina, be authorized to transfer the bonds and other funds collected for the endowment of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, to the " provisional Committee" of said Seminary. Resolved, That should the said funds when collected, not prove equal to one hundred thousand dollars with interest, from the first of May last, the Con¬ vention will take steps by an agent or otherwise, to make up the deficiency. Resolved, That steps be taken immediately to provide for the five thousand dollars yet necessary to complete the amount pledged by this Convention. H. A. DUNCAN, Chairman. 12. REPORT OF THE AGENT TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE SOUTHERN BAP¬ TIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. The agent appointed at the last meeting of the Convention to raise the money pledged by South Carolina towards the endowment of the " Southern Baptist Theological Seminary," begs leave respectfully to report, that he en¬ tered upon the discharge of the duties assigned him immediately after the ad¬ journment of the Convention. He was for the most part cordially received, and the amount of money was nearly made up. In various ways a sum amounts ing to within $5000 of the amount was raised. At the meeting of the Edu¬ cational Convention in May, this was reported to that body, and they passed resolutions accepting this as the fulfilment of the pledge made to them upon the condition that the whole sum of one hundred thousand dollars should be subscribed by the first of January, 1859, and that at the meeting of this Con¬ vention guarantees should' be obtained for the placing in the hands of the Trustees of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the whole sum of one hundred thousand dollars with interest from the first of May last. Your agent has taken the bonds payable to himself as agent of this Con¬ vention. It will be necessary to pass an order authorizing him to transfer them to REPOKTS. 17 the Provisional Committee of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, It will also be necessary to take steps to raise the balance of the amount pledged by South Carolina, and to pass such resolutions as shall assure the Trustees of the Theological Seminary, that should our funds transferred in bonds—and not in cash—prove not sufficient to meet our pledge, that the Convention will cause to be raised whatever deficiency may appear. JAMES P. BOYCE, Agent of the Baptist denomination, in South Carolina. 13. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON DECEASED MINISTERS, Your committee report that they have ascertained from the delegates of the bodies composing this Convention, that the following ministers have finished their course, and entered into their rest since our meeting of last year. In the Charleston Association, William Higgins and William Taylor, (the latter a licentiate,) have finished the work assigned them, each having filled a place of usefulness in the course of Christ. In the Welsh Neck Association, James Philips, a zealous minister of Christ, and a useful servant of the churches, has been called from his active labors of many years, to his reward. In the Savannah River Association, Samuel Gibson, Thomas Hammett, and Jesse H. Center, have been summoned to their final reward. Brother Gibson had passed a long life, much of it spent inactive usefulness, in the Gospel ministry. The other two have died young, and their promise of great useful¬ ness has thus been cut short. In the Barnwell Association, John K.Johnston, and John Brooker, have gone to their eternal reward. Brother Johnston had been long in the ministry, and the assistance of a classical education, we trust, was sanctified to the enhance¬ ment of his usefulness. Brother Brooker died at a very advanced age, and bis long and useful career in the Gospel ministry had fitted him to finish his course with joy, and to receive the crown of righteousness which the Lord, our righteous Judge, will bestow upon all his ministers. We unite our condolence with the Churches who have been bereaved of the faithful services of oiir departed ministering brethren, and ask them to bow with us in humble submis. sion to the sovereign will of our Father in heaven. IVESON L. BROOKES, Chairman. 14. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON RE-ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARDS. Your Committee beg leave to report, that the condition ;of the Boards, as appears from their reports, is for the most part feeble. Only one of them— the "Bible Board"—seems to be doing anything. Looking at the fact, that we have Association Missions throughout our State, and a General Board for the Southern States, one especially for this State seems not to be necessary. The Domestic Mission Board at Marion can 2 18 REPORTS. do all in the way of General State work which we need, and do it more effec¬ tually than we can. We, therefore, propose, that the Board of Missions at Columbia be abolished, and that their work, so far as the collection of statistics is concerned, be transferred to the " Bible Board," at Newberry. Let the " Entzminger Fund " now in charge of the "Board of Missions,'7 be transferred for the present to a Committee, consisting of Brethen Zealy, McCants, and Harrison, to be held by them until the Columbia Association shall become a constituent of this body, and then let it be transferred to the Mission Board of that Association, due reports being annually made by these parties to the Convention. Your Committee also recommend that the " Sunday School Board " and colportage work be united, under the name of the " Board of Sunday Schools and Colportage," and that it be located at Darlington C. H.j and that the Education Board located now at Society Hill be removed to Greenville. By all of these Boards the duty of earnest labor for the Convention should be felt. In order that they may be encouraged to this, and that the minds of Brethren generally should be informed, your Committee recommend that the report of -the " Bible and Mission Board," be made the special order for 10J o'clock, A. M., on the second day of the session of the Convention, to be fol¬ lowed by addresses in its favor ; that the report of the Sunday School and Colportage Board be made the special order for 4 1-2 P. M. of the same day, and that of the Education Board for 10^ A.M. of the third day of the session of the Convention, each of these two last mentioned Boards having equal privileges of addresses with the former ; it being, however, understood that the Convention may, with the consent of the respective Boards, alter these- appointments JAMES P. BOYCE, Chairman. 15. THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE TO WHICH WAS REFERRED THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, ON THE CONDITION OF THE FURMAN UNIVERSITY. The Special Committee, to which was referred the report of the financial (Condition of the Furman University, asked by the Convention of its Board of Trustees, beg leave respectfully to present the following remarks, and course To cash in hand of Treasurer, 21 16 50 00 1858, J'y 24. 20 00' 114 70 33 05, 2 25 -26 96 26 96 26 97 243 12 31 75 $575 76 By cash paid : T. P. Lide, Secretary of Education Board, - By cash paid : M. T. Summer, Secretary of Domes¬ tic Mission Board, By cash paid : J. P. Boyce, for Foreign Mission Board, By cash in hand of Treasurer for Convention uses, - 28 55 65 90 460 15 21 16 $575 76 THOMAS B. ROBERTS, TreasW of State Con. Bap. Den., S. C. 20. JOHN B. CARWILE, Treasurer, in account with the Bible Board of the Baptist State Convention of Dr. So. Ca.,from %4dh July, 1857, to 24£/i July, 1858. " Cr. 1857. July 24 Aug. 1 " 26 Oct. 12 •' 15 1858. Jan. 9 •• 20 Fein 9 Feb. 20 Mar- 9 April 29 June 10 '• 30 July 1 •" 10 •' 10 Balance orihand, as per last report, . Received of Pine Pleasant Bible Society, ... " of Union Bible Society of Beaufort District, " of Reedy River Union Society, - " of Edgefield Association, .... " of Harmony Society, - Received ,of Union Bible Society of Beaufort District, " of General Committee Charleston Association, " of J. J. Toon, contributed by Welsh Neck Association, ........ Less 1-3 expenses Southern Bap. Conv, at Louisville, Received of Welsh Neck Association Society. " of Catawba Society, ..... " of Bible Board Southern Baptist Convention, for Bible purposes in South-Carolina, - Received of Edgefield Association Society, " Reedy River " " . " Warriors' Creek Society, ... " Durban's Cieek Society, .... " Antioch Society, ..... " Santee Society; ...... " Willow Swamp Society, ... " Edgefield Association Society, " Sand Hill Society, ..... " Newberry District Society, ... " Mount Ebal Society, . . . - . 1857. 344 59 Aug. 3 4 on 45 00 10 00 " 28 13 20 Nt>v, 10 10 00 ** 82 20 ** 54 E0 1858. 50 00 Jan. 12 91 90 Mar. 9 6 70 8 85 20 8 130 00 .. 5 "20 00 50 00 Mar, 29 20 00 ' 15 00 " 18 11 00 July 13 6 00 " 14 108 00 " 13 73 03 57 00 " 22 36 On 46 00 60 00 50 00 1298 49 Paid, C. A. Fuller, Treasurer Bible Beard Southern Baptist Convection, as directed by Union Bible Society, - - Paid, Smith & Whilden, for Bibles and Testaments, " Expenses on Bibles and Testaments, . " " books sent to Harmony Society, ' " " " " Rev. C. J. Davis, Paid, C. A. Fntler, Treasurer Bible Board Southern Bap. Con., as directed by Union Society, Paid C A. Fuller, Treas., as directed by Catawba Soc " Smith & Whilden, for Bibles and Testaments - " Premium on Bibles and Testaments, ... " Expenses on '* " - - , " '" on books sent to Catawba Society " " on " " Edgefield " " . " on " " Rev. W. B. Elkin, at Camden and Orangeburg, Paid Rt-v. W, B. Elkin, agent, on account salary, ■ " Smith & Whilden, for Bibles and Testaments " expenses on Bibles and Testaments, " " on books sent to Edgefield Society, Paid Rev, W, B. Elkin. agent of the Board, in full of amount due him on account salary up to 1st August next Balance in hand, 24th July, 1858 We have examined the above account, and find the Bame correctly stated, and properly vouched. Newberry, S. C., July 24,1858. G.T.SCOTT.. )lnr JNO. J. BRANTLST. J And. Com. 45 00 49 50 1 62 25 50 2 37 50 00 10 00 58 87 25 3 00 25 25 1 90 5 40 200 00 41 37 1 00 75 43 12 300 00 764 51 533 98 1298 49 CONSTITUTION. REVISED AND AMENDED. We, the representatives of the constituent bodies of the State Convention of the Baptist Denomination in South- Carolina, do agree upon the following Articles, as forming the annexed^ constitution of the Convention, and the basis of the union : ARTICLE I. • This body shall be styled the State Convention of the Baptist Denomination in South;Carolina. ARTICLE lie The grand objects of this Convention shall be : The pro¬ motion of religious education, and particularly that of pious young men designed for the Gospel ministry ; the spread of the Gospel by Foreign, Domestic, and State Missionary oper¬ ations ; by the circulation of the sacred'scriptures ; and by such means as may be devised from time to time, for the promotion of the interests of Education, Publication, and the Sunday School system—to bring the Baptist Churches in this State into closer union—-to harmonize their views and feelings in things spiritual, by conferring together on all matters of interests respecting the Kingdom of God—-and in . general to direct and concentrate their efforts in such mea¬ sures as may, in their opinion, tend to promote the glory of God and the spread of evangelical knowledge in the earth. The Convention, though not unwilling to give advice in cases of difficulty, yet will claim to itself no power to lord it over God's heritage, believing that the right of Government, under Christ, is vested in the Churches themselves. ARTICLE III. The Convention shall consist of Delegates from the several Baptist Associations in this State who may approve of the measures here adopted ; and of Representatives from other religious bodies of the Baptist connexion, concerned in the 24 CONSTITUTION. promotion of the same objects -with the Convention ; the number of Delegates and Representatives bearing always a just proportion to the number of their constituents. The attending Delegates shall be a quorum to do business. The appointment of these Delegates shall be made annually or biennially, as the Convention shall determine to hold its meeting ; and a certificate of their appointment shall be exhibited to the Convention. The members of the Board of Agents shall be ex-officio members of the new Convention. ARTICLE IV. The Convention shall have a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. It shall also have a Board of Agents for the transaction of business during its recess, con¬ sisting of eight members—the Treasurer ex-officio being one of them—any three of whom duly convened, shall be a quo¬ rum. The duties severally assigned to the officers of similar institutions shall devolve on those of this body, according to their rank and character in the Convention and in the,Board. The Board^gs Agents, shall be adequate to the performance of all necessary business which may occur during the recess of the Convention. Both Officers and Agents shall hold their station—unless forfeited by unrighteous conduct—till a new election. The Board shall have the power to fill vacancies in their own body. ARTICLE, V. The support of an Institution of learning in this State shall • be considered as a primary object. One of the designs of this Institution is to assist those who, in the judgment of their churches, are called to preach the Gospel, thaf they' may " study to show themselves workmen approved unto God, that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Those of this character who need pecuniary aid, may receive it, at the discretion of the Convention, from funds appropriated to this object. The government of this Institution shall be committed to a Board of Trustees, to be elected by the Convention at the end of every fourth year. ARTICLE VI. Ministers of the Gospel in any of our churches needing aid in the more necessary part of learning, and unable to attend at the Institution, may be furnished with a supply of the most useful books, from the general fund for education pur¬ poses. CONSTITUTION. 25 ARTICLE VII. Although contributions in money shall not be considered requisite to entitle to a representation in the Convention, yet this body will receive such contributions from any of its constituent bodies that may wish to aid in the support of missionary service among the destitute, either at home or abroad ; of the education of pious young men who may be approved by the churches to which they belong, as called of God to preach the Gospel; or any other scheme of benevo¬ lence tending to the increase of evangelical and useful know¬ ledge, or of vital, practical religion. And the right of conducting the business of the fund will be considered as vested exclusively in the representative of bodies which do regularly contribute. In the election of the Board of Trus¬ tees ofFurman University, the vote shall be cast only by the representatives of the larger bodies, viz: Associations—• which enter into the constituency of the Convention. The extent of this right on the part of each Association, shall be measured by the amount it may have contributed to the vested funds of the Convention, whether this contribution shall have been made directly by the donation-of churches or of individuals within its limits ; and the contribution of . each sum of one thousand dollars shall give the contributing .body the right to cast one vote. All moneys specially appro¬ priated shall be sacredly applied to. the object designated ; but where any contributions or bequests are made without any specific designation, discretion m their application shall be exercised by the Convention or its Board of Agents. ARTICLE VIII. The Treasurer shall take charge of all moneys and special¬ ties belonging to the Convention, and keep separate accounts of the amounts contributed for different objects, and render regular accounts of them to the Convention at its stated meetings, and, also, to the Board, when called upon to do so. He shall be elected by the Convention at its stated meeting, and shall hold his office until the last day of the next meeting, and until another shall be elected and give bond and enter upon the duties of his office. For the faithful discharge of his trust he shall give bond and security to the Convention, in such sum of money as they shall from time to time direct. He shall pay no money .out of the funds but by the order of the Convention or Board, signed by the presiding officer. And should the said office become vacant by death, resigna¬ tion or removal, the said vacancy shall be filled by an election by the Board of Agents, and the person so elected by the 26 CONSTITUTION. J Board shall hold his office until the next stated meeting of the Convention, and until another shall be elected, give bond and security, and enter upon the duties of his office. And the Treasurer so elected shall give bond, and do all the duties required, and in the same manner as if elected by the Con¬ vention. ARTICLE IX. The Convention may use its discretion in having either an annual or biennial meeting. But in cases of important con¬ cern, and- especially when the arrangement for a biennial session has been made, the President may, at the instance of the Board, call an earlier meeting. ARTICLE X. Any alteration which experience may prove to be neces¬ sary, may be made in these Rules, by the concurring vote df two-thirds of the members present at an annual or biennial meeting. RULES FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS, 1. The meeting of the Convention shall be opened and closed, each day of its session, with prayer by the President, or by some person whom he shall request to perform the services. 2. After prayer on the first day the names of Delegates shall be enrolled, officers shall be elected, and when the body is organized, applications for membership from new bodies be decided on, and if admitted, their attending Delegates shall be received by the right hand of fellowship. *The Constitution of the Convention and the Rules of Order shall then be read. - 3. The minutes of the preceding day shall be read, to the end that mistakes, if any shall have been made, may be corrected. 4. Persons invited to seats in Convention shall have the privilege of speaking in debate, but not of voting. 5. The members of Convention shall retain their seats, preserve silence," and refrain from conversation during the reading of the Minutes, while the presiding officer is putting a question, or, when any member is speaking in debate. 6. No member shall absent himself from the meeting of Convention without permission. 7. Each member, when he speaks in debate, or has any communication to make to the Convention, shall address the Chair, standing in his place, and when he has finished he shall sit down. _ _ v 8. No member shall speak oftener than twice in any one <- debate on the same day, without permission from the Con¬ vention. _ 9. When two or more members rise nearly at the same time to address the Convention, the President shall name the one to speak, being the one who had first risen and addressed the Chair. After he shall have spoken, those who 28 EULES. had risen with him shall be heard in the order^ of their rising, in priority of all others, should they still desire to be heard. 10. When a member shall be called to order, he shall sit down until the Chair determines whether he is in order or not. An appeal, however, may be made from the decision of the Chair to the Convention. 11. No motion shall be debated, nor the question upon it be. put, unless it shall have been seconded ; and then, if re¬ quired by the President or any member, it shall be reduced to writing, delivered in at the table, and read before the debate begins. 12. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, except to adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to amend.; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand there arranged. Neither of these motions, with the exception of that to adjourn, after being decided, shall be allowed again on the same day upon the same question. 18. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except when a question is actually put, and the Convention is en¬ gaged in voting. 14. If the question for debate contain several points, it may be divided at the request of any member. 15. In filling up blanks, the largest sum and the longest time shall be first put. 16. When the question has been once made, and the vote taken, it shall be in order for any member in the majority to move for its re-consideration. 17. All questions shall be put by the President, and the members shall respectively signify their assent by answering "Yea," and their dissent by answering "No." If the Presi¬ dent, or any member, shall not be satisfied that the decision expressed by the ayes and noes is certainly ascertained, the President shall request those who voted in the affirmative to rise and stand until they shall be counted. After these shall be seated, the President shall request those who voted in the negative to rise and stand till they shall be counted. In the event of an equal decision, the President shall have the casting vote. 18. When the President shall desire to be heard "in debate, or to be temporarily absent, the Chair shall be taken by the Vice President; or, in case of his absence, by some member named by the President, until he shall resume his seat. 19. The following Standing Committees, to consist of five RULES. 29 members each, shall be appointed by the President at the commencement of each session, viz : A Committee to arrange the Preaching during the meeting. A Committee on Accounts. A Committee on the Minutes and Letters of Corresponding Bodies. A Committee on the Time and Place of next Meeting, and the Persons who shall Preach the stated Sermons of the Convention's appointment, A Committee on the notice of Deceased Ministers. A Committee to prepare a List of the names of Baptist Min¬ isters in South-Carolina, and their Post Offices. A Committee on Nomination of a Board of Agents. ABSTRACT OF MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FURMAN.UNIVERSITY. Greenville, July 22, 1858. The Board met, the following members being present, viz r I. L. Brookes, A. J; Lawton, T. P. Lide, J. B. O'Neall, J. 0. B. Dargan, I. D. Wilson, H. A. Duncan, W. P. 'Hill, J. M'. Chiles,, P. E. Duncan, R. G. Edwards, Z. Watkins, B. C. Pressley, A. Rice, T. B. Roberts, J. J. Brantly, J. G. Lan- drum, W. Brooker, J. W. Brooks, R. Furman. Prayer by Brother Chiles. Professor Hart tendered his resignation, which was accep¬ ted, and a vote of thanks passed for the faithful discharge of his duties. The Treasurer submitted his report, and the report was^ referred to the following committee, viz : B. C. Pressley. I. D. Wilson, T. P. Lide. Resolved, That any young man, studying for the ministry, as a beneficiary of this Board, in the Furman University, be required to give bond in the penal sum of $1,000, conditioned to refund all the monies drawn, should he leave the Institution without the consent and approbation of the Faculty, or be discharged for improper conduct. The Chairman of the Faculty reported. The report was referred to the following committee, viz :.J. B. O'Neall, H. D. Duncan, W. P. Hill." Resolved, That hereafter, the Faculties of both Colleges be requested an¬ nually to recommend such students as may be entitled to the first degree -} that the same be placed on the minutes of the Board, with the action of the Board, authorizing the degree to be conferred. ABSTRACT OP MINUTES. 31 The President of the Female College submitted his report. Appointed H. A. Duncan, J. G-. Landrum, and W. P. Hill, a committee, to request of Rev. J. M. C. Breaker a copy of his address before the Female College, for publication. The Board of Visitors appointed to attend the examination of the Greenville Baptist Female College,^ presented the following report: "A portion of the Committee appointed to attend the late examination of the Greenville Baptist Female College, enjoyed the privilege of attending, for several days, upon the interesting exercises of the various classes, and are happy to say that the exhibition of faithful and thorough instruction, and solid progress, was highly gratifying. The different branches of study were simply viewed preparatory to the examination. There was no drilling for effect, and consequently every pupil stood upon her own merits as. a scholar. The exhibitions given by the young ladies of having attained a knowledge of the principles involved in the several branches of instruction, afforded pleasing evidence that their preceptors had not labored in vain to impart a practical cast to the attainments of their ' pupils. The readiness with which propositions in Arithmejic, Algebra, and Geometry were solved, and the promptness and correctness of the answers given to questions on the other branches, were a striking feature in these exercises. The compositions of the young ladies were submitted to the inspec¬ tion of the visiting Committee, and were generally creditable, in orthography, penmanship, the structure of sentences, and the character of the sentiments expressed. While the whole exhibition was exceedingly gratifying, as evin¬ cive of solid progress on the part of the pupils, and diligent, efficient, and able instruction on the part of the Faculty ; your committee cannot forego the pleasure of expressing their admiration of the skill and proficiency which were displayed by the graduating class in every department of instruction. The respectful and decorous deportment of the young ladies generally, together with the affectionate interest which they manifested for each other, and for their teachers, deserve to be mentioned as creditable alike to all parties. The new College Building is now.occupied. It is a stately and commodious edifice of brick, three stories high, beside the basement, with airy and com¬ modious rooms, for the various purposes of such an establishment. Your Committee must express their high gratification at the successful operation of this Institution. The Board have been fortunate in the selection of a faithful, laborious, and capable corps of Instructors, who have secured the confidence and respect of the community, ar,d the affectionate regards of their pupils. Under such auspices, we look forward with confidence to the growing prosperity of this nursery of knowledge and piety, T. P. LIDE, For the Committee." Resolved, That the Board are satisfied with the statement of the Treasurer in reference to the course heretofore pursued by him in settlements with 32 ABSTRACT OP MINUTES, obligors, on account of payments claimed to be made to Dr. Mendenhall, and he is hereby authorized to pursue the same course in future. Resolved, That the President of the Board be instructed to report the state of the University to the Committee now in session. Adjourned to 8 o'clock Tuesday morning. On Tuesday morning, the Board met. The Executive Committee of the Female College reported.. Their report was referred to a committee of three, viz: J. B. O'Neall, J. M. Chiles, J, G. Landrum. The committee on the Treasurer's report, reported that they found the same correct and properly vouched ; and in accordance with their recommendation, the following resolu¬ tions were passed : 1. Resolved, That the Treasurer be instructed to take vigorous measures, by» suit or otherwise, as may be necessary for each case, to collect all bonds upon which the interest shall not be paid punctually, with the privilege, however, to the obligors to extend their'respective bonds by giving new ones, adding the interest now due, and providing for the payment hereafter of interest annually, and that the sums which the Treasurer shall so collect, be imme¬ diately invested in stock, or public bonds. 2. Resolved, That C. H. Judson, James P. Boyce, Perry E. Duncan, and T. B. Roberts, be appointed a committee on the University lands, with instructions to sell the two lots near the ravine. *\ 3. Resolved, That Professors Furman and Judson be requested to devote their services for such time as they may be able to spare from their College duties* to the raising of a further endowment for the University. 4. Resolved, That this Board solemnly pledge itself, that no part of the princi¬ pal which shall be hereafter given for the endowment of the University, shall ever be used for current expenses, but the same shall be faithfully invested, and only the interest thereof expehded. The committee, to whom was referred, the report of the Executive Committee of the Female College, reported, recommending the following resolution, which was adopted, viz: Resolved, That the following persons, to wit, P. E. Duncan, Y. McBee, C. J. Elford, J. W. Brooks, J. B. Sherman, T. B. Roberts, and J. P. Boyce, be appointed an Executive Committee to manage and superintend the Female College,^and to receive and apply the proceeds of the same, first, to the pay¬ ment of salaries and expenses, and secondly, to the payment of the debt ABSTRACT OP MINUTES. 33 mentioned in this report; and that they do annually report their action to this Board." The committee on the Faculty's report presented their report; and in accordance with its recommendation, it was resolved, that there should be a summer vacation of four weeks immediately preceding Commencement, and that the First Term should begin immediately after Commencement, and continue to the 20th of December, 19 weeks ; that the Second Term should begin the 1st of March, and continue to the 4th of July, 19 weeks. Elected J. F. Lanneau, Assistant Instructor in Mathematics and Chemistry. Adjourned, sine die, R. FURMAN, Secretary. The new Board of Trustees met on Tuesday evening, and organized by the election of the following Officers : I. L. BROOKES, President. T. CURTIS, 1st Vice-President. J. R. KENDRICK, 2d " C. H. JUDSON, Treasurer. R. FURMAN, Secretary. Ordered, that an abstract of the minutes be published, with minutes of Convention., Appropriated $20 for minutes. Appointed T. B. Roberts, P. E. Duncan, J. J. Brantly, and C. H. Judson, the Executive Committee. Adjourned to meet at Sumterville, on Friday before the last Saturday in July, 1859, at 8 o'clock, A. M. R. FURMAN, Secretary. TREASURER'S REPORT. C. H. JUDSON, Treasurer, in account with the Furman University. Dr. 1857. July 21 To balance in hand last report, $431 26, " " " Semi-annual dividend of the McBryde fund, 100 00 " 23 " A. Rice, in full of bond, 31 05 " " " " 0. H. Calding, 25 00 " 24 " Rev. W. Q. Beattie... . 600 00 " " " Dr. B. W. Lawton, 14 00 " 25 " W. P. Martin, ... 1 40 " " T. Y. Martin, 10 00 " " E. Rasar, 31 05 " " J^. C. Rasar, 3105 " " " Mrs. S. R. Richardson, 5 18 " " " Joseph Cox, ! 21 40 " "