THE NEW CONSTITUTION OP THE STATE OP TENNESSEE, AS REVISED BY THE CONVENTION OF DELEGATES, Assembled in Kashville, January 10. 1870. Submitted to the People for their Ratification or Rejection.* Election, March 2tf, 1870, Whereas, The people of the territory of the United States south of the River Ohio, having the right of admission into the General Government as a member State thereof, consistent with the Constitution of the United States and the act of cession of the State of North Carolina, recognizing the ordinance for the govern- ment of the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River, by their Delegates and Representatives in Convention as- sembled, did, on the sixth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thou,sand seven hundred and ninety-six, ordain and establish a Constitution or form of government, and mutually agreed with each other to form themselves into a free and independent State, by the name of the State of Tennessee; and Whereas, The General Assembly of the said State of Tennessee (pursuant to the third section ol the tenth article of the Constitu- tion.) by an act passed on the 27th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, entitled " An Act to provide for the calling of a Convention, passed in obedience to the declared will of the voters of the State, as ex- pressed at the general election of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, did authorize and provide for the election by the people of delegates and representa- tives, to meet at Nashville, in Davidson county, on the third Mon- iv the county in which the crime shall have been committed, and shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself. Sec. 10. That no person shall, for the same offense, be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb. Sec. 11. That laws made for the punishment of acts committed previous to the existence of such laws, and by them only declared criminal, arc contrary to the principles of a free government; wherefore no ex -pout facto law shall be made. Sec. 12. That no conviction shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate. The e-tate of such persons as shall destroy their own lives, shall descend or vest, as in case of natural death. If any person be killed by casualty, there shall be no forfeiture in consequence thereof. Sec. 13. That no person arrested and confined in jail shall be treated with unnecessary rigor. Sec. 14. That no person shall be put to answer any criminal charge but by presentment, indictment or impeachment. Sec. 15. That all prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, unless for capital "offenses, when the proof is evident or the pre- sumption great. And the privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in case of rebellion or invasion, the General Assembly shall declare the public safety requires it. SiEC, 16. That excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fees imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Sec. 17. That all courts shall be open ; and every man, for an in- jury done him in his lands, goods, person or reputation, shall have aramcdy 4tv "fee course of law, and right and justice administered fethoivt sale, denial or delay. Suits may be brought against the ^State in such manner and in such eon its as the Legislature may, by law, direct. Sec. 18. The Legislature shall pass no law authorizing imprison- tnent for debt in civil cases. •Sec, 10. That the printing presses shall be free to every person to examine the proceedings of the Legislature, or of any branch or officer of the Government; and no law shall ever be made to res- train the right thereof, The free communication of thoughts and 'Opinions is one of the invaluable rights of men, and every citizen tnay freely speak, write and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. But in prosecutions for the publiea- y tion of papers investigating the official conduct of officers or men in public capacity, the truth thereof may be given in evidence; and in all indictments for libel, the jury shall have a right to determine the law and the facts, under the direction of the court, as in other criminal cases. Sec. 20. That no retrospective law, or law impairing the obliga- tion of contracts, shall be made. Sec. 21. That no man's particular services shall be demanded, or property taken or applied to public use, without the consent of his representatives, or without just compensation being made therefor. Sec. 22. That perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a :ree State, and shall not be allowed. Sec. 23. That the citizens have a right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together for their common good, to instruct their repre- seiitatives, and to apply to those invested with the powers of gov- ernment for redress of grievances, or other proper purposes, by ad- dress or remonstrance. Sec. 24. That the sure and certain defence of a free people is a well regulated militia; and, as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to freedom, they ought to be avoided as far as the cir- cumstances and safety of the community will admit; and that in all cases, the military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil authority. Sec. 25.. That no citizen of this State, except such as are em- ployed in the army of the United States, or militia in active ser- vice, shall be subjected to punishment under the ^martial or military law. That martial law, in the sense of the unrestricted power of military officers or others, to dispose of the persons, liberties or property of the citizen, is inconsistent with the principles of free government, and is not confided to any department of the govern- ment of this State. Sec. 26. That the citizens of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defense. But the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime. Sec. 27. That no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner y nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law. vi Sec. 28. That no citizen of this State shall be compelled to bear arms, provided he will pay an equivalent, to be ascertained by law. Sec. 29. That an equal participation in the free navigation of the Mississippi is one of the inherent rights of the citizens of this State; it cannot, therefore, be conceded to any prince, potentate, power, person, or persons whatever. Sec. 30. That no hereditary emoluments, privileges or honors shall ever be granted or conferred in this State. Sec. 31. That the limits and boundaries of this State being as- certained, it is declared they are as hereafter mentioned, that is to say: Beginning on the extreme height of the Stone Mountain., at the place where the line of Virginia intersects it, in latitude thirty- six degrees and thirty minutes north; running thence along the ex- treme height of the said mountain to the place where Watauga River breaks through it; thence a direct course to the top of the Yellow Mountain, where Bright's road crosses the same, thence along the ridge of said mountain, between the waters of Doe River and the waters of Rock Creek, to the place where the road crosses the Iron Mountain; from thence along the extreme height of said mountain, to the place where Nolichucky River runs through the same ; thence to the top of the Bald Mountain ; thence along the extreme height of said mountain to the Painted Rock, on French Broad- River; thence along the highest ridge of said mountain to the place here it is called the Great Iron or Smoky Mountain; thence along the extreme height of said mountain to the place where it is called Unicoi or Unaka Mountain, between the Indian towns of Cowee and Old Chota; thence along the main ridge of the said mountain to the southern boundary of this State, as described in the act of cession of North Carolina to the United States of America ; and that all the territory, lands and waters lying -west of the said line, as before mentioned, and contained within the chartered limits of the State of North Carolina, are within the boundaries and lim- its of this State, over which the people have the right of exercising sovereignty, and the right of soil, so far as is consistent with the Constitution of the United States, recognizing the Articles of Confederation, the Bill of Rights, and Constitution of North Caro- lino, the cession act of the said State, and the ordinance of Congress for the government of the territory northwest of the Ohio. Pro- vii videdj nothing herein contained shall extend to affect the claim or claims of individuals to any part of the soil which is recognized to them by the aforesaid cession act: And provided, also, that the limits and jurisdiction of this State shall extend to any other land and territory now acquired, or'that may hereafter be acquired, by compact or agreement with other States or otherwise, although such land and territory are not included within the boundaries hereinbe- fore designated. Sec. 32. That the erection of safe and comfortable prisons, the inspection of prisons, and the humane treatment of prisoners, shall be provided for. Sec. 33. That slavery and involuntary servitude, except as a pun- ishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly con- victed, are forever prohibited in this State. Sec. 34. The General Assembly shall make no law recognizing the right of property in man. ARTICLE II. distribution of powers. Section 1. The powers of the Government shall be divided into three distinct departments: the Legislative, Executive and Judi- cial. Sec. 2. No person or persons belonging to one of these depart- ments shall exercise any of the powers properly belonging to either of the others, except in the cases herein directed or permitted. legislative department. Sec. 3. The Legislative authority of this State shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives, both dependent on the people, who shall hold their offices for two years from the day of the general election. Sec. 4. An enumeration of the qualified voters, and an apportion- ment of the Representatives in the General Assembly, shall be made in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and within every subsequent term of ten years. Sec. 5. The number of Representatives shall, at the several pe- riods of making the enumeration, be apportioned among the several counties o# districts, according to the number of qualified voters in viii each ; and shall not exceed seventy-five, until the palliation; of the State shall be one million and a half, and shall never exceed! ninety- nine; Provided, that any county having two-third^ of the raths» shall be entitled to one member. Sec. 6. The number of Senators shall, at the several periods of making the enumeration,, be apportioned among the several counties or districts, according to the number of qualified electors in each, and shall not exceed one-third the number ©f representatives. In apportioning the number of Senators among the different sounties, the fraction that may be lost by any county or counties, in the ap- portionment of members to the House of Representatives, shall be made up to such county or counties in the Senate as near as may be practicable. When a district is composed of two or more counties, they shall be adjoining; and no county shaB be divided in forming a district. Sec. 7. The first election for Senators and Representatives shall be held on the second Tuesday in November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy; and forever thereafter, elections for members of the General Assembly shall be held on®e in two year% on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November,. Slid dectiaas shall terminate the same day. Sec. 8. The first session of the General Assembly shall commence on the first Monday in October, 1871, at which time the* terms of ser- vice of the members shall commence, and expire on the first Tuesday of November, 1872, at which session the Governor elected on the second Tuesday in November, 1870, shall Ixc inaugurated ; ami for- ever thereafter, the General Assembly shall meet mi the first Mon- day in January next ensuing the election, at which session thereof the Governor shall be inaugurated. Sec. 9. No person shall be a Representative unless he shall be a citizen of the United States of the age ©f twenty-one years, and shall have been a eitizcn of this State for three years, and a resi- dent in the county he represents one year immediately precising the election. Sec. 10. No person shall be a Senator unless he shafT be a citizen of the United States of the age of thirty years, and shall have re- sided three years in the State, and one year in the county ®r district immediately preceding the election. No Senator or Representative shall, during the.tun© for which he was elected, be sfigible to aaay m office or place of* frnst,.tEe appointment" ttn which is vested" im the Executivmor the €£enerab Assembly,, except: to tile- office of trustee- of a» literary institution.- Sec. 1HL The Senate and Bouse of Representatives,. when*. assem*- bledj shaiP each choose a Speakerandl its other officers^Be j udges of the-qualififeations-aiMi; elections of'its^memBerSy.andi sit upon its own adjournments from*day to-day- J^ofeless thamtwo-thirds offall the members to*which;each house shall be-entitlkdshall constitute a quo- Bum< to do*Business-; but a smaller nmnberKuiay adjournfrom day to day,.,and may Beauthoriaed: bylliw to® compel the attendance of absent members. Sec. 12^ Each* house- may determine thee-rules of" its proceedings, punish its-members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concur- ranee of two-thibds, expel a meml>er-. but not a second time-> for the same offense; and shall! have-all otller powers necessary foira; Branch ©f the Legislature of a free State. Sec. 13k Senators anb!Rept?ese ntatawes- shall, im aH cases- except treason, felbny, orr breach of the peace, be- privileged from: arrest during the* session* of the General Assembly, and kngoing te>or re- turning from the same-p andfor any speech or debaters either house tshey shall not be cpestSmeeB im any other plbee. Sec. 14k Each house may punish; By imprisonment, during: its- session, any person not a member, who* shall! be^ gnilty of disrespect ho the house, by any disorderly or any contemptuous- behavior in fits-presence^ Sec. 15,. When vacancies happen in either house, the- Governor for the time being shall' issue write of el'sctiomt© fill saaif vacancies.. Six;. 16.. Neitheirhouse-shall, during Its session, adjourn without the consent of the-other, f®r more-than three dbys, nor tetany other* place thamthat ira which tine two Bouses shall Be sitting-- Sec. 17. Bills-may originate in either house,- but may Be amend— @d, altered or rsjbeted by the other. No* bill! shall become a law, which embraces-more tham one subject; that s-ulject to he expressed in the tithe. AM acts whieh repeaif. revive or- amend ffirmeK-ihws, shall recite in the® caption or otherwise,, the title or substance of the law repealed^ revived or amended. Sec. ^8. Every-bill shall be read once on three different days, and be passed each time in the'House where it originated, before trans*- mission, fc§ the othea. No* biR shalllbeceme a?, law. uniiLit shads ham- X been read and passed, on three different days in each house, and shall have received on its final passage, in each house, the assent of a majority of all the members to which that house shall be entitled under this Constitution, and shall have been signed by the respect- ive Speakers in open session—the fact of such signing to be noted on the journal; and shall have received the approval of the Gov- ernor, or shall have been otherwise passed under the provisions of this Constitution. Sec. 19. After a bill has been rejected, no bill containing the same substance shall be passed into a law during the same session. Sec. 20. The style of the laws of this State shall be, u Be it en- acted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee" No law of a general nature shall take effect until forty days after its pass- age, unless the same or the caption shall state that the public wel- fare requires that it should take effect sooner. Sec. 21. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and publish it, except such parts as the welfare of the State may require to be kept secret; the ayes and noes shall be taken in each house upon the final passage of every bill of a general character, and bills making appropriations of public moneys; and the ayes and noes of the members on any question, shall, at the request of any five of them, be entered on the journal. Sec. 22. The doors of each house and of committeess of the whole shall be kept open, unless when the business shall be such as ought to be kept secret. Sec. 23. The sum of four dollars per day, and four dollars for every twenty-five miles traveling to and from the seat of govern- ment shall be allowed to the members of each General Assembly elected after the ratification of this Constitution, as a compensation for their services. But no member shall be paid for more than seventy-five days of a regular session, or for more than twenty days of any extra or called session ; or for any day when absent from his seat in the Legislature, unless physically unable to ^attend. The Senators, when sitting as a court of impeachment, shall each receive four dollars per day of actual attendance. Sec. 24. No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in con- sequence of appropriations made by law ; and an accurate state- ment of the receipts and expenditures of the public money shall be xi attached to and published with the laws at the rise of each stated ■session of the General Assembly. Sec. 25. No person who heretofore hath been, or may hereafter be, a-collector or holder of public moneys, shall have a seat in either house of the General Assembly, or hold any other office under the State Government, until such person shall have accounted for and paidlinto the treasury all sums for which he may be accountable or liable. Sec. 26. No judge of any court of law or equity, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Register, Clerk of any court of record, or person holding any office under the authority of the United States, shall have a seat in the General Assembly, nor shall any person in this State hold more than one lucrative office at the same time ; Pro- vided, That no appointment in the militia, or to the office of Justice of the Peace, shall be considered a lucrative office, or operative as a disqualification to a seat in either house of the General Assembly. Sec. 27. Any member of either house of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against any act or re- solve, which he may think injurious to the public or to any individ- ual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals. Sec. 28. All property, real, personal or mixed, shall be taxed, but the Legislature may except such as may be held by the State by counties, cities or towns, and used exclusively for public or cor- poration purposes, and such as may be held and used for purposes :purely religious, charitable, scientific, literary or educational, and shall except one thousand dollars worth of personal property in the hands of each tax-payer, and the direct product of the soil in the hands of the producer and<> is immediate vendee. All property 'shall be taxed according to its value, that value to be ascertained in such manner as the Legislature shall direct, so that taxes shall be equal and uniform throughout the State. No one species of prop- erty from which a tax may be collected shall be taxed higher than any other species of property of the same value. But the Legisla- ture shall have power to tax merchants, peddlers, and privileges in such manneras they may from time to time direct. The portion of a merchant's capital used in the purchase of mer- chandise sold by him to non-residents and sent beyond the State, shalh not be taxed at a rate higher than the ad valorem, tax on prop- erty. XII? The Legislature siialT Rave tile power to levy a tax upon* incomes- derived from stocks and bonds that are not taxed ad vaiarem.. All mate citizens of this- State over the age s of t wenty-orae years, except sa®R persons as mayr be exempted br law on account of age or other ikffrmiiy, shall be liable to a poIT tax of* not less than fifty cents nor- more than* one dollar per antrum. Nor shall an/ county or corporation levy a poll tax: exceeding: the amount levied by the State- Sec. 29i The-General? Assembly shail- have power to* a 11 thorize the several counties- and incorporated towns in this State, to* impose taxes for county and corporation purposes respectively, in such man- ner as slialll Be prescribed by Jhw; and! all property shall he taxed according to* its value, upon the principles established! in regard to State-taxation. But the eredQr of no county,, city or town gi vera or loaned to* or in aid of" any person^ company, association or corporation, except upon* an efeefion to be first FieM by- the qualified voters of such county, city or town, and the assent of" three-fourths @f the votes east at said election. Nor shall am7 county-,.city or towns become- a stockholder with others in any company, association or corporation, except apom a like- efeetiom and the assent of a like majority. Bfrt the- counties of Grainger, Hawkins, Hancock, Union,. Campbell, Scott, Morgan, Grundy-, Stonoer, Smith, Fentress, Uam Buren, White). Putnamy . Overtony. Jack- son, Cumberland, Andferson, Henderson^. Wayney. Marshall, C&eke>. Coffee, Macon, and the new county herein authorized! to* be* established! out of fractions of* Sumnery Maeon, Mid Smiths coun— ties, and Bfoane, shall be excepted out of the provisions-of this section, so far that the assent of a majority of the qualified voters of either of" said counties voting on the question shall? be sufficient, when the credit of such county is given or loaned! to any person, association or corporation... Provided, That the exception of the counties above named shall not be in force be- yondifche year one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and after that period they shall be subject to the three-fourths majority apr- piicable to the other counties of the State.. Sec. 30. No article manufactured of tile produce of this State* shall be taxed otherwise than to pay inspection fees. Sec. The ©redit of this State shall not be hereafter loaned or- given to-, cur in. aid of any person,, association,, company,, corpora^ icm tlon, -or mtmlcipahty, shall $*e State become the <»wacr., in whole or in part,-of any bank-, or a -stockholder with otliers ha any association, -company, ©arpoaation, -or municipality. Sec, $2. No Gonventiou m General Assembly of this State -shai. act upon any amendment -of the Constitution of the United States proposed byGongress to the several States,* unless such Oonven- tion or General Assembly shall have been-elected after such-amend- ment is submitted. Sec. 33. No bonds *©£ the State shall be issued to -any -railroad company which, at -the time of its application for the same, shall be in default in paying the interest upon the State bonds previ- ously loaned to it, or that shall hereafter and before such appli- cation, sell or absolutely dispose *©f any State bonds -loaned to it for less than patv AlTICbiE III, execotive pepaet-mknt, Section I. The supreme -.Executive power-of siiis State sihallbe vested in a Governor-, Sec, 2, 1 he Gov-eirior shall -be ohoscn by theolectors of the mem- be is of the General Assembly, at the time and places where they shall respectively vote for tlwj members thereok The returns of every election for Governor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of government, by the returning officers, directed to the Speaker of the Senate, who shall open and publish them in the presence of a majority of the members of each House of the Gen- oral Assembly, The person having the highest number of votes shall be Governor, but if two or more shall be equal and highest in votes, one of them shall be chosen Governor by joint vote of both Houses of the General Assembly. Contested elections for Gov- ernor shall be determined by both Houses of the General Assembly, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. Sec, 3, He shall be at least thirty years of age, shall be a citizen of the United States, and shall have been a citizen of this State seven years next be lore his election. Sec, 4. The Governor shall hold his office for two years, and tin- til his successor shall be elected and qualified. He shall not be eligible more than six years in any term of eight. xiv Sec. 5. He shall be Commander-in-chief of the army and navy of this State, and of the militia, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States; but the militia shall not be called into service except in case of rebellion or invasion, and then only when the General Assembly shall declare by law that the pub- lie safety requires it. Sec. 6. He shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons, after conviction, except in cases of impeachment. Sec. 7. He shall, at stated times, receive a compensation for his services, which shall not be increased or diminished during the pe- riod tor which he shall have been elected. Sec. 8. He may require information, in writing, from the officers in the executive department, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices. Sec. 9. He may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the General Assembly by proclamation, in which he shall state specifically the purposes tor which they are to convene; but they shall enter on no legislative business except that for which they were specifically called together. Sec. 10. He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. Sec. 11. He shall, from time to time, give to the General Assem- bly information of the State of the government, and recommend for their consideration such measures as he shall judge expedient. Sec. 12. In case of the removal of the Governor from office, or of his death or resignation, the powers and duties of the office shall devolve on the Speaker of the Senate ; and in case of the death, re- moval from office, or resignation of the Speaker of the Senate, the powers and duties of the office shall devolve on the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Sec. 13. No member of Congress, or person holding any office under the United States, or this State, shall execute the office of Governor. Sec. 14. When any officer, the right of whose appointment is by this Constitution vested in the General Assembly, shall, during the recess, die, or the office, by the expiration of the term, or by other means, become vacant, the Governor shall have power to fill such vacancy by granting a temporary commission, which shall expire at the end of the next session of the Legislature. Sec. 15. There shall be a seal of this State, which shall be kept XV by the Governor and used by him officially, and shall be called the Great Seal of the State of Tennessee. Sec. 16. All grants and commissions shall be in the name and by the authority of the State of Tennessee, be sealed with the State seal and signed by the Governor.. Sec. 17. A Secretary of State shall be appointed by joint vote of the General Assembly, and commissioned during the term of four years; be shall keep a fair register of all the official acts and pro- ceedings of the Governor ; and shall, when required, lay the same and all papers, minutes and vouchers relative thereto, before the General Assembly; and shall perform such other duties as shall be enjoined by law. Sec. 18. Every bill which may pass both Houses of the General Assembly, shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the Gov- ernor for his signature. If he approve, he shall sign it, and the same shall become a law; but if he refuse to sign it, he shall re- turn it, with his objections thereto in writing, to the House in which it originated; and said House shall cause said objections to be entered at large upon its journal, and proceed to reconsider the bill. If, after such reconsideration, a majority of all the members elected to that House shall agree to pass the bill, notwithstanding the objections of the Executive, it shall be sent, with said objec- tions, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsid- ered. If approved by a majority of the whole number elected to that House, it shall become a law. The votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of all the members voting for or against the bill shall be entered upon the journals of their respective Houses. If the Governor shall fail to return any bill, with his objections, within five days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall become a law without his signature, unless the General Assembly, by its adjourn- raent prevents its return, in which case it shall not become a law. Every joint resolution or order (except on questions of adjourn- ment) shall likewise be presented to the Governor or his signa- ture, and before it shall take effect shall receive his signature; and on being disapproved by him, shall, in like manner, be returned with his objections; and the same, before *it shall take effect, shall be repassed by a majority of all the members elected to both Houses, in the manner and according to the rules prescribed in case of a "bill. TO Ainr&cLi: TW. EIiiSCTJ®S?S. BasOTWHS' 3L. Bwy male person *of the age «of twenty-one years, heing a citizen of the United States, and a resident of this ^State for twelve ^months, and of the county whesein heunay offer his vote for six-months next preceding iihe day of election, shall he entitled to vote for members of the General-A ssembly, and other civil officers for the county or district in which he resides^ and il*ere shall be no qualification attached to the right*of suffrage, except that each voter shall give to the J udges of -election, where he«efiferseto vote^-satisfac- tory evidence that he has,paid his poll taxes assessed-against him for such preceding period as the Legislature ^shall prescribe, and at such time as may be prescribed by law; without which hdswote cannot be received. And all male citizens of the State «ha 11 he subject to the payment of poll taxes and the "performance of -military duty within such agesas may -bepreseribedhy law. TheGen era 1 Assembly shall have power to enact laws requiring voters to vote in the election pre- einets in -which they may reside, and daws to secure the freedom of elections and the Jpurity"of theLalfotebox. Sec, -2. Laws may be passed excluding from the right of suffrage persons who may be convictedef infamous crimes. Sec, 3. Electors shall, in all cases, except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrestmr summons, during their attenda&ce at elections, and in going to -and returning from them. Sec. 4. In $11 elections to be made % the General Assemby, the members thereof shall vote .viva voce, and their votes shall be entered on the Journal. All otlter-.elections-shall he by ballot, A El? I CLE V, impeachments, Section L The Mouse of .Eeprcsentatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sbc. -2. All impeachments "shall "he tried by the Senate. When sitting for that purpose, the Senators shall be upon oath or affirmation, xvii and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, nr if he be on trial, the Senior Associate Judge shall preside over them. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senators sworn to try the officer impeached. Sec. 3. The House of Representatives shall elect, from their own body, three members, whose duty it shall be to prosecute impeach- ments. No impeachment shall be tried until the Legislature shal\ have adjourned sine die, when the Senate shall proceed to try such impeachment. Sec. 4. The Governor, Judges of the Supreme Court, Judges of the Inferior Courts, Chancollors, Attorneys for the State, Treasurer, Comptroller and Secretary of State, shall be liable to impeachment whenever they may, in the opinion of the House of Representatives, commit any crime in their official capacity which may require dis- qualification; but judgment shall only extend to removal from office, and disqualification to fill any office thereafter. The party shall, nev- ertheless, be liable to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment according to law. The Legislature now has, and shall continue to have, power to relieve from the penalties imposed, any person disqualified from holding office by the judgment of a Court of Impeachment. Sec. 5. Justices of the Peace and other civil officers, not herein- before mentioned, for crimes or misdemeanors in office, shall be liable to indictment in such courts as the Legislature may direct; and, upon conviction, shall be removed from office by said court, as if found guilty on impeachment; and shall be subject to such other punishment as may be prescribed by law. ARTICLE VI. judicial department. Section 1. The judicial power of this State shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such Circuit, Chancery and other infe- rior courts as the Legislature shall, from time to time, ordain and establish, in the Judges thereof, and in Justices of the Peace. The Legislature may also vest such jurisdiction in Corporation Courts as may be deemed necessary; courts to be holden by Justices of the Peace may also foe established. 2A xviii Sec. 1. The Supreme Court shall consist of five judgesy-of whom not more than two shall reside in any one of the grand divisions of the State. The judges shall designate one of their own number who shall preside as Chief Justice. The concurrence of three of the judges shall, in every case, be necessary to a decision.- The jurisdic- tion of this court shall be appellate only, under such restrictions and regulations as may, from time to time, be prescribed by law; but it may possess such other jurisdiction as is now conferred by law on the present Supreme Court; said court shall be held at* Knoxville, Nashville and Jackson. Sec. 3. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the qualified voters of the State. The Legislature shall have power to prescribe such rules as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of Section 2, of this article. Every Judge of the Supreme Court shall be thirty-five years of age, and shall, before his election, have been a resident of the State for five years. His term of service shall be eight years. Sec. 4. The Judges of the Circuit and Chancery Courts, and of other inferior courts, shall be elected by the qualified voters of the district or circuit to which they are to be assigned. Every judge of such courts shall be thirty years of age, and shall, before his election, have been a resident of the State for five years, and of the circuit or district one year. His term of service shall be eight years. Sec. 5. An Attorney General and Reporter for the State, shall be appointed by the Judges of the Supreme Court, and shall hold his office for a term of eight years. An Attorney for the State for any circuit or district for which a judge having criminal jurisdiction shall be provided by law, shall be elected by the qualified voters of such circuit or district, and shall hold his office for a term of eight years, and shall have been a resident of the State for five years, and of the circuit or district, one year. In all cases where the Attorney for any district fails or refuses to attend and prosecute according to law,, the Court shall have power to appoint an Attorney pro tempore. Sec. &. Judges and Attorneys for the State may be removed from office by a concurrent vote of both Houses of the General As- sembly, each House voting separately; but two-thirds of the members to which each House may be entitled, must concur in such vote; the vote shall be determined by ayes and noes, and the names of the mem- bers voting for or against the Judge or Attorney for the State, together xix with the cause or causes of removal, shall be entered on the journal of each House, respectively. The Judge or Attorney for the State, against whom the Legislature may be about to proceed, shall receive notice thereof, accompanied with a copy of the causes alleged for his removal, at least ten days before the day on which either House of the General Assembly shall act thereupon. Sec. 7. The Judges of the Supreme or Inferior Courts shall, at stated times, receive a compensation for their services, to be as- certained by law, which shall not be increased or diminished dur- ing the time for which they are elected. They shall not be allowed any fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any office of trust or profit under this State or the United States. Sec. -8. The jurisdiction of the Circuit, Chancery, and other in- ferior courts, shall be as now established by law, until changed by the Legislature. Sec. 9. Judges shall not charge juries with respect to matters of fact, but may state the testimony and declare the law. Sec. 10. The Judges or Justices of inferior courts of law and equity, shall have power in civil cases, to issue writs of certiorari, to remove any cause or the transcript of the record thereof, from any inferior jurisdiction in such court of law, on sufficient cause, supported by oath or affirmation. Sec. 11. No Judge of the Supreme or Inferior Courts shall pre- side on the trial of any cause in the event of which he may be interested, or where either of the parties shall be connected with him by affinity or consanguinity, within such degrees as may be prescribed by law, or in which he may have been of counsel, or in which he may have presided in any inferior court, except by consent of all the parties. In case all or any of the Judges of the Supreme Court, shall be thus disqualified from presiding on the trial of any cause or causes, the court or the Judges thereof, shall certify the same to the Governor of the State, and he shall forthwith specially commission the requi- site number of men, of law knowledge,, for the trial and determina- tion thereof. The Legislature may, by general laws, make provis- ion that special Judges may be appointed to hold any court, the Judge of which shall be unable or fail to attend or sit, or to hear any cause in which the Judge may be incompetent. Sec. 12. All writs and other process, shall run in the name of the State of Tennessee; and bear test and be signed by the respective XX clerks. Indictments shall conclude, " against the peace and dignity of the State." Sec. 13. Judges of the Supreme Court shall'appoint their clerks, who shall^ hold their offices for six years. Chancellors shall appoint their clercjs and masters, who shall hold their offices for six years. Clerks ot the inferior courts, holden in the respective counties or dis- tribts, shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof, for the term of four years. Any clerk may be removed from office for malfeasance* inc >mpetency or neglect of duty, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 14. No fine shall be laid on any citizen of this State, that shall exceed fifty dollars, unless it shall be assessed by a jury of his peers, who shall assess the fine at the time they find the fact, if they think the fine should be more than fifty dollars. Sec. 15. The different counties of this State shall be laid off as the General Assembly may direct, into districts of convenient size, so that the whole number in each county shall not be more than twenty-five, or four for every one hundred square miles. There shall be two Justices of the Peace and one Constable elected in each dis- trict, by the qualified voters therein, except districts including county towns, which shall elect three Justices and two Constables. Thejuris- diction of said officers shall be co-extensive with the county. Justices of the Peace shall be elected for the term of six, and Constables for the term of two years. Upon removal of either of said officers from the district in which he was elected, his office shall become vacant from the time of such removal. Justices of the Peace shall be com- missioned by the Governor. The Legislature shall have power to provide for the appointment of an additional number of Justices of the Peace in incorporated towns. ARTICLE VII. state and county officers. Section 1. There shall be elected in each county, by the qualified voters therein,one Sheriff, one Trustee and one Register; the Sheriff and Trustee for two years; but no person shall be eligible to the office of Sheriff more than six years in any term of eight years. There shall be elected for each county, by the Justices of the Peace, XXI one Coroner, and one Ranger, who shall hold their offices for two years. Said officers shall be removed for malfeasance, or neglect of ♦ duty, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 2. Should a yacancy occur, subsequent to an election, in the office of Sheriff, Trustee or Register, it shall be filled by the Jus- tices; if in that of the Clerk to be elected by the people, it shall be filled by the courts; and the person so appointed shall continue in office until his successor shall be elected and qualified; and such office shall be filled by the qualified voters at the first election for any of the county officers. Sec. 3. There shall be a Treasurer, or Treasurers and a Comp- troller of the Treasury, appointed for the State, by the vote of both Houses of the General Assembly, who shall hold their offices for two years. Sec 4. The election of all officers and the filling of all vacancies not otherwise directed or provided by this Constitution, shall be made in such manner as the Legislature shall direct. Sec. 5. Elections for judicial and other civil officers, shall be held on the first Thursday in August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and forever thereafter on the first Thursday in August next preceding the expiration of their respective terms of service. The term of each officer so elected shall be computed from the first day of September next succeeding his election. The term of office of the Governor and other executive officers, shall be computed from the 15th of January next after the election of the Governor. No appointment or election to fill a vacancy shall be made for a period extending beyond the unexpired term. Every officer shall hold his office until his successor is elected or appointed and qualified. No special election shall be held to fill a vacancy in the office of Judge or District Attorney, but at the time herein fixed for the biennial election of civil officers. And such vacancy shall be filled at the next biennial election occurring more than thirty days after the va- cancy occurs. ARTICLE VIII. militia. Section 1. All militia officers shall be elected by persons subject to military duty, within the bounds of their several companies, bat- xxii talions, regiments, brigades and divisions, under such rules and regu- lations as the Legislature may, from time to time, direct and establish. Sec. 2. The Governor shall appoint the Adjutant-general, and his other staff officers; the Major-generals, Brigadier-generals, and commanding officers of regiments, shall respectively appoint their staff officers. Sec. 3. The Legislature shall pass laws exempting citizens be- longing to any sect or denomination of religion, the tennets of which are known to be opposed to bearing arms, from attending private and general musters. ARTICLE IX. disqualifications. Section 1. Whereas, Ministers of the Gospel are, by their pro- fession, dedicated to God and the care of souls, and ought not to be diverted from the great duties of their functions; therefore, no Min- ister of the Gospel or Priest of any denomination whatever, shall be eligible to a seat in either House of the Legislature. Sec. 2. No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil de- partment of this State. Sec. 3. Any person who shall, after the adoption of this Consti- tution, fight a duel, or knowingly be the bearer of a challenge to fight a duel, or send, or accept a challenge for that purpose, or be an aider or abettor in fighting a duel, shall be deprived of the right to hold any office of honor or profit in this State, and shall be pun- ished otherwise, in such manner as the Legislature may prescribe. ARTICLE X. oaths, bribery of electors, new counties. Section 1. Every person who shall be chosen or appointed to any office of trust or profit under this Constitution, or any law made in pursuance thereof, shall before entering upon the duties thereof, take an oath to support the Constitution of this State, and of the United States, and an oath of office. Sec. 2. Each member of the Senate and House of Represents- xxiii tives, shall, before they proceed to business, take an oath or affirma- tion to support the 'Constitution of this State, and of the United States, and also the following oath : " I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that, as a member of this General Assembly, I will, in all appointments, vote without favor, affection, partiality, or pre- judice; and that I will not propose or assent to any bill, vote or reso- lution, which shall appear to me injurious to the people, or consent to any act or thing whatever, that shall have a tendency to lessen or abridge their rights and privileges, as declared by the Constitution of this State." Sec. 3. Any elector who shall receive any gift or reward for his vote, in meat, drink, money, or otherwise, shall suffer such punish- ment as the laws shall direct. And any person who shall directly or indirectly, give, promise or bestow any such reward to be elected, shall thereby be rendered incapable, for six years, to serve in the office for which he was elected, and be subject to such further pun- ishment as the Legislature shall direct. Sec. 4. New counties may be established by the Legislature, to consist of not less than two hundred and seventy-five square miles, and which shall contain a population of seven hundred qualified voters. No line of such county shall approach the Court-house of any old county, from which it may be taken, nearer than eleven miles, nor shall said old county be reduced to less than five hundred square miles. But the following exceptions nre made to the foregoing pro- visions, viz.: New counties may be established by the present or any succeeding Legislature, out of the following territory, to-wit: Out of that portion of Obion county which lies west of low water mark of Reel Foot Lake: Out of fractions of Sumner, Macon and Smith counties, but no line of such new county shall approach the Court- house of Sumner or Smith counties nearer than ten miles, nor include any part of Macon county lying within nine and a half miles of the Court-house of said county: nor shall more than twenty square miles of Macon county, nor any part of Sumner county lying due west of the western boundary of Macon county, be taken in the formation cf said new county : Out of fractions of Grainger and Jefferson coun- ties, but no line of such new county shall include any part of Grain- ger county north of Holston River; nor shall any line thereof ap- proach the Court-house of Jefferson county nearer than eleven miles;, such new county may include any other territory which is not ex- xxiv eluded by any general provisions of this Constitution : Out of frac- tions of Jackson and Overton counties, but no line of such new county shall approach the court-house of Jackson or Overton coun- ties nearer than ten miles; nor shall such county contain less than four hundred qualified voters, nor shall the area of either of the old coun- ties be reduced below four hundred and fifty square miles : Out of fractions of Roane, Monroe and Blount counties, around the town of Loudon, but no line of such new county shall ever approach the towns of Mary ville, Kingston or Madisonville nearer than eleven miles, ex- cept that on the south side of Tennessee River said lines may approach as near as ten miles to the court-house of Roane county. The Counties of Lewis, Cheatham and Sequatchie, as now estab- lished by legislative enactments, are hereby declared to be constitu- tional counties. No part of Bledsoe county shall be taken to form a new county, or a part thereof, or be attached to any adjoining county. That portion of Marion county, included within the following boundaries: Beginning on the Grundy and Marion County line, at the Nick-a-jack Trace, and running about six hundred yards west of Ben Posey's, to where the Tennessee Coal Railroad crosses the line, running thence south-east, through the Pocket, near Wil- liam Summer's, crossing the Battle Creek Gulf at the corner of Thomas Wooten's field; thence running across the Little Gizzard Gulf at Raven Point; thence in a direct line to the bridge crossing the Big Fiery Gizzard ; thence in a direct line to the mouth of Holy Water Creek; thence up said creek to the Grundy County line, and thence with said line to the beginning, is hereby detached from Marion County, and attached to the County of Grundy. No part of a county shall be taken off to form a new county, or a part thereof, without the consent of two-thirds of the qualified voters in such part taken off. And, where an old county is reduced for the purpose of forming a new one, the seat of justice in said old county shall not be removed, without the concurrence of two-thirds of both branches of the Legislature, nor shall the seat of justice of any county be removed without the concurrence of two-thirds of the qualified voters of the county. But the foregoing provision requir- ing a two-thirds majority of the voters of a county to remove its county seat, shall not apply to the counties of Obion and Cocke. The fractions taken from old counties to>form new counties, orta- XXV ken from one ccranty and added to another, shall continue liable for their pro rata of all debts contracted by their respective counties prior to the separation, and be entitled to their proportion of any stocks or credits belonging to such old counties. Sec. 5. The citizens who may be included in any new county shall vote with the county or counties, from which they may have been stricken off, for the members of Congress, for Governor, and for members of the General Assembly, until the next apportionment of members of the General Assembly after the establishment of snch new county. ARTICLE XI. miscellaneous provisions. Section 1. All laws and ordinances now in force and in use in this State, not inconsistent with this Constitution, shall continue in force and use, until they shall expire, or be altered or repealed by the Legislature. But ordinances contained in any former Constitution or schedule thereto, are hereby abrogated. Sec. 2. Nothing contained in this Constitution shall impair the validity of any debts or contracts, or effect any rights of property, or any suits, actions, rights of action, or other proceedings in courts of justice. Sec. 3. Any amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be proposed in the Senate or House of Representatives; and, if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each of the two Houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the yeas and nays thereon, and referred to the General Assembly then next to be chosen; and shall be published six months previous to the time of making such choice; and if in the General Assembly then next chosen as aforesaid, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by two thirds- of all the members elected to each House, then it shall be the duty of the Generaly Assembly to submit such proposed amendment or amendments to the people, in such manner, and at such times as the General Assembly shall prescribe. And if the people shall ap- prove and ratify such amendment or amendments, by a majority of all the citizens of the State, voting for Representatives, voting in their favor, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of xxvi this Constitution. "When any amendment or amendments to the Constitution, shall be proposed in pursuance of the foregoing pro- visions, the same shall, at each of said sessions, be read three times on three several days in each House. The Legislature shall not propose amendments to the Constitution offcener than once in six years. The Legislature shall have the right, at any time, by law, to submit to the people the question of calling a Convention to alter, reform or abolish this Constitution, and when, upon such submission, a majority of all the votes cast shall be in favor of said proposition, then delegates shall be chosen, and the Convention shall assemble in such mode and manner as shall be prescribed. Sec. 4. The Legislature shall have no power to grant divorees, but may authorize the courts of justice to grant them for such causes as may be specified by law; but such laws shall be general and uni- form in their operation throughout the State. Sec. 5. The Legislature shall have no power to authorize lotte- ries for any purpose, and shall pass laws to prohibit the sale of lot- tery tickets in this State. Sec. 6. The Legislature shall have no power to change the names of persons, or to pass acts adopting or legitimating persons, but shall, by general laws, confer this power on the courts. Sec. 7. The Legislature shall fix the rate of interest, and the rate so established shall be equal and uniform throughout the State; but the Legislature may provide for a conventional rate of interest, not to exceed ten per cent, per annum. Sec 8. The Legislature shall have no power to suspend any gen- eral law for the benefit of any particular individual, nor to pass any law for the benefit of individuals, inconsistent with the general laws of the land ; nor to pass any law granting to any individual or indi- viduals, rights, privileges, immunities or exemptions, other than such as may be, by the same law, extended to any member of the commu- nity who may be able to bring himself within the provisions of such law. No corporation shall be created, or its powers increased or di- minished by special laws; but the General Assembly shall j^rovide by general laws, for the organization of all corporations hereafter created, which laws may, at any time, be altered or repealed; and no such alteration or repeal -shall interfere with, or divest, rights which have become vested. xxvii Sec. "9. The Legislature shall have the right to vest such powers in the courts of justice, with regard to private and local affairs, as may be deemed expedient. Sec. 10. A well regulated system of internal improvement is calculated to develop the resources of t the State, and promote the hap- piness and prosperity of her citizens ; therefore, it ought to be en- couraged by the General Assembly. Sec. 11. A homestead, in the possession of each head of a fam- ily, and the improvements thereon, to the value in all, of one thousand dollars, shall be exempt from sale under legal process during the life of such head of a family, to inure to the benefit of the widow, and shall be exempt during the minority of their chil- dren occupying the same. Nor shall said property be alienated without the joint consent of husband and wife, when that relation exists. This exemption shall not operate against public taxes, nor debts contracted for the purchase money of such homestead, or im- provements thereon. Sec. 12. Knowledge, learning and virtue, being essential to the preservation of Republican institutions, and the diffusion of the op- portunities and advantages of education throughout the different por- tions of the State being highly conducive to the promotion of this end, it shall be the duty of the General Assembly, in all future periods of this Government, to cherish literature and science. And the fund called the common school fund, and all the lands and pro- ceeds thereof, dividends, stocks and other property of every descrip- tion whatever, heretofore by law appropriated by the General As- sembly of this State for ihe use of common schools, and all such as shall hereafter be appropriated, shall remain a perpetual fund, the principal of which shall never be diminished by Legislative appro- priation ; and the interest thereof shall be inviolably appropriated to the support and encouragement of common schools throughout the State, and for the equal benefit of all the people thereof; and no law shall be made authorizing said fund or any part thereof to be diverted to any other use than the support and encouragement of common schools. The State taxes derived hereafter from polls shall be appropriated to educational purposes, in such manner as the Gen- eral Assembly shall, from time to time, direct by law. No school es- tablished or aided under this section shall allow white and negro children to be received as scholars together in the same school. The xxviii above provision shall not prevent the Legislature from carrying into effect any laws that have been passed in favor of the Colleges, Uni- versities, or Academies, or from authorizing heirs or distributees to receive and enjoy escheated property under such laws as may be passed from time to time. Sec. 13. The General Assembly shall have power to enact laws for the protection and preservation of game and fish within the State, and such laws may be enacted for and applied and enforced in par- ticular counties or geographical districts designated by the General Assembly. Sec. 14. The intermarriage of white persons with negroes, mu- lattoes, or persons of mixed blood, descended from a negro to the third generation, inclusive, or their living together as man and wife, in this State, is prohibited. The Legislature shall enforce this sec- tion by appropriate legislation. Sec. 15. No person shall, in time of peace, be required to per- form any service to the public on any day set apart by his religion as a day of rest. Sec. 16. The declaration of rights, hereto prefixed, is declared to be a part of the Constitution of this State, and shall never be violated on any pretense whatever. And to guard against trans- gression of the high powers we have delegated, we declare that every thing in this Bill of Rights contained is excepted out of the general powers of the government, and shall forever remain inviolate. Sec. 17. No county office created by the Legislature shall be- filled otherwise than by the people or the County Court. THE SCHEDULE. Section 1. That no inconvenience may arise from a change of the Constitution, it is declared that the Governor of the State, the members of the General Assemply, and all officers elected at or after the general election of March, 1870, shall hold their offices for the terms prescribed in this Constitution. Officers appointed by the courts; shall be filled by appointment, to xxix be made and to take effect during the first term of the court held by Judges elected under this Constitution. All other officers shall vacate their places thirty days after the day fixed for the election of their successors under this Constitution, The Secretary of State, Comptroller and Treasurer, shall hold their offices until the first session of the present General Assembly occurring after the ratification of this Constitution, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The officers then elected shall hold their offices until the 15th day of January, 1873. Sec. 2. At the first election of Judges under this Constitution, there shall be elected six Judges of the Supreme Court, two from each grand division of the State, who shall hold their offices for the term herein prescribed. In the event any vacancy shall occur in the office of either of said Judges at any time after the first day of January, 1873, it shall remain unfilled, and the court shall from that time be constituted of five Judges. While the court shall consist of six Judges they may sit in two sections, and may hear and determine causes in each at the same time, but not in different grand divisions at the same time. When so sitting the concurrence of two Judges shall be necessary to a decision. The Attorney-general and Reporter for the State shall be ap- pointed after the election and qualification of the Judges of the Supreme Court herein provided for. Sec. 3. Every Judge and every officer of the Executive Depart- ment of this State, and every Sheriff holding over under this Con- stitution shall, within twenty days after the ratification of this Con- stitution is proclaimed, take an oath to support the same ; and the failure of any officer to take such oath shall vacate his office. Sec. 4. The time which has elapsed since the 6th day of May, 1861, until the 1st day of January, 1867, shall not be computed in any cases affected by the statutes of limitation, nor shall any writ of error be affected by such lapse of time. Done in Convention, at Nashville, the 23d day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and of qqq- the independence of the United States, the ninety-fourth. Tntesti- mony whereof we have hereunto set our names. JOHN C. BROWN,, President. Attest: John Allen, Jesse Arledge, Humprey Bate, Jno. Baxter, A. Blizzard, Mathan, Brandon, James Britton, R. P. Brooks, Neill S. Brown, James S. Brown, T. M. Burkett, Jno. W. Burton, "Wm. Byrne, Alex. W. Campbell, "Wm. Blount Cartel, Z. R. Chowning, James A. Coffin, Warren Cummings, Robert P. Cypert, T. D. Deavenport, M. V. Deaderick, G. G. Dibrell, "W. F. Doherty, J. E. Dromgoole, James Fentress, A. T. Fielder, P. G. Fulkekson, John A. Gardner, John E. Garner, S. P. Gaut, Charles N. Gibbs, B. Gordon, J. B. Heiskell, R. Henderson, H. L. W. Hill, Spl. Hill, Sam. S. House, Jno. F. House, T. B. Ivie, Thomas M. Jones, David N. Kennedy, D. M. Key, Sam. J. Kikkfatrpck, A. A. Kyle, Jos. A. MabrY, A. G. McDougal^ Malcomb McNabb, Matt Martin, John H. Meeks, Thos. C. Morris, J. Netherland, A. O. P. Nicholson, Geo. C. Porter, Jas. D. Porter, Jr., Geo. E. Seay, Samuel G. Shepard, E. H. Shelton, Wm. H. Stephens, John M. Taylor, J. C. Thompson, W. Vance Thompson, James J. Turner, Geo. W. Walters, Richard Warner,Jr. W. H. Williamson, W. M. Wright, Thos. W. Jones, Assistant Secretary* W. S. Kyle, 2d Assistant Secretary, T. E. S. RUSSWURM, Secretary. O R D I N A N e E. 1. Be it Ordained by the Convention, That it shall be the duty-"of the several officers of the State, authorized by law to hold elections for members of the General Assembly and other officers, to open and hold an election at the place of holding said elections in their re- spectivfe counties, on the fourth Saturday in March, 1870, for the purpose of receiving the votes of such qualified voters as may de- sire to vote for the ratification or rejection of the Constitution recom- mended by this Convention. And the qualification of voters in said election be the same as that required in the election of delegates to this Convention. 2. It shall be the duty of said returning officers, in each county in this State, to enroll the name of each voter on the poll-books pre- pared for said election, and shall deposit each ballot in the ballot- boxes respectively. Each voter who wishes to ratify the new Con- stitution shall have written or printed on his ticket, the words j "New Constitution," or words of like import; and each- voter who wishes to vote against the ratification of the new Constitution, shall have written or printed on his ticket, the words : " Old Constitu- tion," or words of like import. 3. The el^fection shall be held, and the judges and clerks shall be appointed, as in the case of theelection of the members of the Gen- eral Assembly; and the returning officers,-in presence of the judges or inspectors, shall count the votes given for the "New Constitu- tion," and of those given for the " Old Constitution," of which they shall keep a cerrect estimate in said poll books. They shall xxxii deposit the original poll books of said election with the Clerks of the County Courts in the respective counties, and shall, within five days after the election, make out accurate statements of the number of votes in their respective counties, for or against the " New Con- stitution," and immediately forward by mail, one copy of said cer- tificates to the Governor, and one to the Speaker of the Senate. So soon as the poll books are deposited with the County Court Clerks, they shall certify to the President of the Convention, an accurate statement of the number of votes cast for or against the " New Con- stitution," as appears on said poll books. And, if any of said re- turning officers shall fail to make the returns herein provided for, within the time required, the Governor shall be authorized to send special messengers for the result of the vote in those counties whose officers have so failed to make returns. 4. Upon the receipt of said returns, it shall be the duty of the Governor, Speaker of the Senate, and the President of this Conven- tion, or any two of them, to compare the votes cast in said election; and if it shall appear that a majority of all the votes cast for and against the New Constitution were for "New Constitution," it shall be the duty of the Governor, Speaker of the Senate, and President of this Convention, or any two of them, to append to this Constitu- tion a certificate of the result of the votes, from which time the Con- stitution shall be established as the Constitution of Tennessee, and the Governor shall make proclamation of the result. 5. The Governor of the State is requested to issue his proclama- tion as the election on the fourth Saturday in March, 1870, hereto provided for. JOHN C. BROWN, President. Attest: T. E. S. Russwurm, Secretary. ACTS OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, PASSED BY THE SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. FOR THE YEARS 1869-70. PUBLISHED 33 Y AUTHORITY. NASHVILLE: JONES, rURVIS & CO., PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1870 PUBLIC ACTS of THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the STATE OF TENNESSEE. passed by the second session of the thirty- sixth general assembly, which was begun and held at nashville, on monday, the ninth day of may, in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy. CHAPTER I. An Act to change the line between the Counties of Washington and Sullivan. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the line between the Coun- ties of Washington and Sullivan be so changed as to in- elude in Washington County the property and residences of A. R. Moulton, T. H. Reeves, W. A. Keene, P. C. Morrison, Sarah Vincent, George Vincent, John Hunt, Vanzant Morgan, Eli Keene, Ballard, and J. TI. Crouch, at and near Fall Branch, Tennessee, now within the limits of Sullivan County ; and nothing in this act shall release any of the parties so stricken off from the payment of their pro rata of any debts contracted by said County of Sullivan prior to the passage of this act: Provided, The parties included in the change will, within provjso two months after the passage of this act, have the survey plats and made, and plats filed as required by existing laws, which Yey. san ur shall only embrace the lands now owned by said persons, 4 upon which their homesteads are situated, lying within the limits of said County of Sullivan. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect forty days after its passage. Passed May 26, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the- Senate. Approved June 4, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor,. CHAPTER II. An Act to establish the County of Christiana, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a new county be, and the same is hereby established out of fractions of the terri- tory composing the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount, around the town of Loudon. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said County of Boundaries. Christiana shall be bounded as follows, to-wit: Begin- ning at the upper end of the bluff of rocks on the west- ern bank of Little Tennessee River, at the common cor- ner of the lands of J. K. Johnson and J. B. Tipton, citi- zens of Monroe County, and running thence with the section line, the present bearing of the compass being north 3 degrees east, 144 rods, to the Morganton and Washington road ; thence with said road to the bridge across Fork Creek, at or near J. R. Iiobison's mill; thence south 87 degrees west, 48 rods, along the line be- tween Robison and Kittrell; thence north 60 degrees west, 18 rods, to the line between the lands of Kelsoe's heirs and Kittrell's; thence north 75 degrees west, 22 rods; thence south 70 degrees west, 44 rods, to old store- house; thence 414 rods to insersection of old road; thence 312 rods to the Loudon road, 8 rods from the Vaught House; thence 82 rods to Curtis' line and lane; thence 92 rods to the southwest corner of Curtis' lands; thence 354 rods to the section line, 13 rods east of the northeast corner of section 10; thence south 87 degrees, 5 west, 332 rods, to the northeast corner of section 9 ; thence south 87 degrees west, about 578 rods, to the bridge over Sweet Water Creek, near and west of Philadelphia; thence with the road leading from Philadelphia to Washington, known as the Washington road, about 2,586 rods to the line of McMinn County at the junction of said road with the road leading from Sweetwater to .Blue Spring; thence with the line of McMinn county to the northern or nothwestern line of J. D. Turner; thence with the boundary line of the lands of said Turner and John Talley, to a point in a right line between Blue Springs and Marble Bluff on the Tennessee River; thence north 39 degrees east, about 10 miles, to a rock on Marble Bluff, near the mouth of Stockton's Creek, on the west bank of Tennessee river; thence up the said river with its meanders to the common corner of the lands of Mat- lock and Rhea, on the north bank of the river ; thence north 30 degrees east, 1280 rods, to a hickory tree in Jack Littleton's Ridge Field; thence north 25 degrees, east 320 rods, to a large post oak, ten rods south of the old stage road on the ridge west of Thomas Carter's resi- dence; thence north 1,040 rods to a large Spanish oak, near the dwelling of Levi Mays, including said Mays in the new county; thence north 20 degrees east, 456 rods, to an elm tree on the south bank ot Clinch River, at a point opposite to Lackey's farm; thence up the center of Clinch River with its meanders about 2,136 rods, to the line of Knox County, at or near the mouth of Hickory Creek , thence with the line of Knox County to the Holston River, at or near the Saltpeter Cave; thence down said river with its meanders about 992 rods to a point on the south bank of said river where the dividing line between the lands of Sanders Leper and J. K. Griffitts strikes the same; thence north 89 degrees east, 124 rods; thence south 71 degrees east, 194 rods; thence south 49 degrees east, 250 rods; thence south 37 degrees west, 430 rods ; thence south 17 degrees west, 248 rods; thence south lOJ degrees east, 148 rods; thence south 5 degrees west, 114 rods; thence soutli 20J degrees west, 22 rods; thence south 144 rods; thence south 32 degrees east, 450 rods; thence south 6% degrees west, 182 rods to a red oak; thence south 15 decrees east, 88 rods; thence south 35 degrees east, 88 rod^; thence south 35 degrees east, 240 rods; thence southjo-4 degrees east, 128 rods, to a pine north of H. Thompson's ; thence south 87| de- grees east, 118 rods; thence south 52 degrees east, 168 rods to a pine north of Baker's Creek; thence south 16 6 degrees east, 173 rods; thence south 5 degrees west, 200 rods; thence south 59J degrees west, 160 rods ; thence south 42J degrees west, 44 rods; thence south 38|- de- grees west, 44J rods; thence south 5 degrees west, 134 rods; thence south 32 degrees west, 220 rods; thence south 54 degrees west, 520 rods; thence south 58 de- grees, west 158 rods ; thence south 75 degrees west, 55 rods, to Nine Mill Creek; thence north 26^ degrees west, 184.rods, to Militia Springs; thence south, 78J de- grees west, 506 rods, to Wildcat Rock, on the east bank of Little Tennessee River; thence down said river with its meanders to the place of beginning, a distance of about 1,137 rods. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of Organization, perfecting the organization of said county of Christiana, James Mathews, F. R. Hackney, J. D. Jones, J. R. Tip- ton, W. Y. Huff, J. D. Turner, Major M. Rose, John W. Robinson, and Major William Hope, are hereby ap- pointed Commissioners, who shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, take an oath to faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties imposed upon them by this act; and all vacancies that may occur previous to the organization of the County Court of said county, shall be filled by the remaining Commitsioners. A majority of said Commissioners shall constitute a Board to transact all things herein enjoined on them, and it shall be the duty of said Board to keep a true record of their proceedings as Commissioners, which shall be re- turned to the County Court of said County of Christiana . . at the first term, to be entered upon the records of said cra'io^make Court, and said Commissioners shall make such other reports. reports thereafter as said Court shall require. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty Yotino- rdaces Commissioners to designate three voting places iid'voting^ *n eac;h °f fractions taken from Blount and Monroe, and six voting places in the fractions taken from Roane, and shall give ten days' notice, by written or printed cir- culars, posted in five or more public places in each frac- tion taken -from the respective Counties of Roane, Mon- roe and Blount, that an election will be held, in which all persons entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly, who have resided in the fraction proposed to be stricken off for six months immediately preceding said election, shall be entitled to vote, and each voter who desires to vote for the establishment of the new county, shall have on his ticket the words "new county," and those desiring to vote against the new county, shall 7 have on their tickets the words " old county/' and if, upon the counting of all the votes cast at said election, it shall appear that two-thirds of all the qualified voters voting, have voted for the "new county," then the County of Christiana shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be a county, with all the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to all the liabilities and duties with other counties in this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- ers shall appoint judges and clerks to hold said election, Judges and and also some suitable person as an officer in each place clerks of clcc- designated in such fraction, who shall have all the powers tl0ns" and perform all the duties imposed by law upon other officers and inspectors holding elections under the laws of this State, and who shall, after the polls are closed, and the votes counted, make out and certify the result, and return the same with a copy of the poll books to the Chairman of said Board of Commissioners, who shall, when the returns are all received, in the presence of said Board, proceed to compare the vote and certify the result; and the election herein provided for shall be held on the same clay in each of said fractions, and if for any cause the election as herein provided, shall not be held in either of said fractions, on the day appointed, said Board shall provide for another election as herein provided in such fraction. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- Duties of ers shall have power and it shall be their duty to divide Commission- said county into such number of Civil Districts as the eis' convenience of the inhabitants may require, (but in no . . event shall there be less than ten Civil Districts in said U1 18 nc 3 county,) designating the boundaiies of and giving the places of holding election in said Districts, and they shall perform such other duties as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said Commissioners shall appoint such suitable persons as they think proper to open and hold the election for said county of Chris- Elections, tiana, and those so appointed shall have power to appoint deputies, clerks and judges, and by himself and deputies to administer all the necessary oaths, and do and perform all other duties now imposed upon officers holding simi- lar elections, and such officers so appointed, and his depu- ties shall open and hold an election within thirty days after the result of the first election is known, for the pur pose of electing a full quota of county officers, which election shall be held in each Civil District in said County 8 of Christiana, and. the officers so elected shall hold their Time of hold-offices until the next regular election of county officers mg office. takes place throughout the State. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said Board of Com- Meetings^of miSsioners at its first meeting shall designate a place omsionis ppe limits of said County of Christiana where said Board shall meet; they shall meet upon their own adjournment, and may be convened at any time by their chairman. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the different Courts for the said County of Christiana, shall be held in the town of Loudon, and all process issuing from any of said Courts returnable to that place shall be legal, and such The Courts. Courts shall be subject to the same rules and regulations, and exercise the same powers as Courts of similar juris- diction in other counties ; said county shall be attached to the third Judicial Circuit, and the Circuit Courts there- of shall be held by the Judge of said Circuit on the 2d Mondays of April, August and December, in each' and every year, and shall be attached to the eighth Chancery District, and the Chancery Court shall be holden on the fourth Mondays of June and December in each and every year. The County Court of said county of Christiana shall have the powers conferred by law upon County Courts, and meet at the time prescribed by law. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That when both parties to a suit at law, or equity, reside in the same fractional part of an old county, they shall have the right, upon application to the Court wherein the suit is pending, to Removal of have the same removed, with a transcript of the records, suits> to the new county hereby created. Officers to re- ®EC* e it further enacted, That all officers of tain office. said county shall continue to hold their offices and per- form the duties thereof until others are elected and quali- fied according to this Act. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the du- TaxCol'torto ty of the Tax Collectors of Roane, Monroe and Blount pay to [Trus- Counties to pay over to the Trustee of Christiana County, tee- when elected and qualified, that portion of the county tax of said counties as has been collected by such Tax Collector within the boundaries of Christiana County for 1870, and said Trustees' receipt shall be a voucher to said Tax Collector on settlement with the Trustees of said Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, Thac the Commission- Compensat'n ers herein provided for shall receive such compensation as 9 may be allowed them by the County Court after the or- ganization of the county. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That the fractions taken from the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount to form the County of Christiana shall continue liable for their pro rata of all debts contracted by their respective Pro rata of counties prior to the separation, and be entitled to their c^bts. proportion of any stock or credits belonging to such old counties, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed May 27, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 2, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER III. An Act for the formation of Etheridge County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a new county be, and the same is hereby, created and established out of adjacent Name, fractions of Gibson, Carroll, Madison, Weakley and Henderson Counties, to be known and designated by the name of "Etheridge County." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said county boundaries of Etheridge shall be bounded as follows, viz: Beginning on a persimmon tree, eleven miles east of the town of Trenton, in Gibson County, running thence southwest around a circle of eleven miles from Trenton, twelve and three-eights miles on said circle, to a walnut in Cresup's yard; thence due south two and one-half miles to the Gibson County line, and continuing into Madison County one and one-half miles more, to the north fork of Forky Deer River above Afley's mill; thence southeast with the meanders of said river till just below Crosse's bridge; thence due east till it strikes the river just above Haley's mill; thence with the meanders of said river again till near Ledbetter's old bridge place, where it crosses the 10 river only one and one-quarter miles deep in Madison County and ten miles from the river near Atley's mill; thence continuing still east one and one-quarter miles deep in said Madison County, for five and one-half miles, where it crosses into Henderson County; thence east three and one-quarter miles in the same to the corner; thence due north, passing out of Henderson at three and one-half miles into Carroll County, continuing in said county three and three-fourth miles, in all seven and one- quarter miles to circle, eleven miles from Huntingdon and corners back of Mr. Blow's farm; thence northwest with said circle eight and three-fourth miles, where it passes due west from Huntingdon, and eleven miles from the same; thence northeast with said circle five and three- eighths miles, to the corner near Guinn's Switch; thence north, crossing the railroad and the south fork of Obion River at one and one-quarter miles; thence continuing two and three-fourth miles to the Carroll and Weakley County line, making four miles north on this line; thence due west with said Weakley line four and a half miles to the corner of Carroll where Weakley runs south on Carroll to the river, it running parallel with said west line, continues still west to old Gibson County corner, of two miles, passing said corner and runs with said old county line three miles further into Weakley, making in all across the river nine and a half miles; thence due south one and a half miles and thirty poles to the river, at Shade's bridge; thence northwest with the meanders of the river three and a half miles, where it corners; thence due south three miles, and corners on a poplar, south of John Blanchet's and on the circle of eleven miles from Trenton, where it runs southeast around said circle eight and a half miles to the beginning ; contain- ing three hundred and ten square miles. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of organizing said County of Etheridge, the following named persons are appointed Commissioners, to-wit: William Stone, W. C. Holt, Samuel Pearce and William CommissVrs MeFarlanrl, Esqs., of Gibson County; John Birdsong, of Madison County ; James Lanier, of Henderson Coun- ty; J. H. Hillman, J. C. McCollum, John Warlick and Samuel Browning, of Carroll County, and Drew- ry, of Weakley County, on the part of the several frac- tions in which they reside, who shall, before entering upon the duties herein specified, take an oath before some Justice of the Peace, faithfully and impartially to dis- charge their duties as such Commissioners; and in case of 11 vacancy from any cause, or refusal to act on the part of any Commissioner, his place shall be filled by the other Vacancies. Commissioners, who shall elect his successor from the fraction of the county in which the vacancy occurred. A majority of said Commissioners shall constitute a Board competent to do all things enjoined upon them as such Commissioners, and they shall keep a record of all their proceedings as Commissioners, which shall be returned Record to by them to the County Court of said County of Ether- 1,6 kept' idge, at its first session, and the same shall be recorded by the Clerk thereof on the records of said Court. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of ascertaining the will of the people of the said fractions of the said old counties, in which they reside, as to the creation of said new county of Etheridge, said Commis- sioners shall cause, at as early a day as practicable, an election to be opened and held in said fractions, at which election those voting for the new county shall have writ- Election, ten or printed on their tickets, " New County," and those voting against it, "No New County;" and said Com- missioners shall have power to appoint suitable persons to open and hold said election, and such persons so ap- pointed shall have power to appoint Deputies, Clerks and Judges, and, by themselves or Deputies, to administer all the necessary oaths, and do and perform all other duties necessary to the proper holding of said election. Said eleclion shall be held at such times and places as may be designated by said Commissioners, and upon such notice of time and place as said Commissioners shall direct: Provided, however, That said Commissioners shall cause provjso_ the polls to be opened at not less than three places in the Gibson fraction; not less than three in the Carroll frac- tion; and one each, at least, in the Henderson, Madison and Weakley fractions. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the qualified, voters Tq ^ fractions aforesaid composing said new county of Ether- old countiesj idge in the election provided for in section four of this act, shall vote at the election held in and for the fraction of the old county in which he resides: Provided, That Proviso, if there is more than one place of voting in said fraction, then it shall be lawful for said voter to cast his vote at any one of said places. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the persons ap- Electioll re_ pointed and holding said election, shall make return ofturus_ said election to said Commissioners at such time and place as they shall designate, in the order directing said election to be held, and who shall receive and count the 12 vote of each fraction separately, and if the requisite Con- stitutional majority is found in favor of the new county, then said Commissioners shall proceed to complete the organization of said county as hereinafter directed. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That if the requisite Constitutional majority of the people in any of the frac- tions aforesaid, should not be obtained in favor of said new county, the Commissioners aforesaid are hereby au- Permission thorized to organize said new County of Etheridge, leav- to organize, ing out the fraction of any one of said old counties in which said Constitutional majority is not obtained in favor of said new county: Provided, In so doing said new county is not reduced below the Constitutional lim- its for new counties, and said Commissioners are also au- thorized and empowered to make any change in the lines of said new county, made necessary by redson of the Proviso leaving out of said fraction as aforesaid : Provided, The lines are not so changed as to extend beyond the boun- daries defined in Section two of this act. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That whenever it shall be ascertained by the election aforesaid that the vote of the people in said fractions of the old counties are in favor of the said new County of Etheridge, or the vote of so many of said fractions as will constitute the re- quisite amount of territory for said new county, that the Commissioners aforesaid shall appoint not less than three Civil Dis- nor more than five suitable persons, whose duty it shall tricts. be to divide said county into Civil Districts of convenient size, and fix the place of voting in each District: Pro- Proviso. vided, The number of said Districts shall not exceed four for every one hundred square miles of said new county. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That as soon as said new county is laid off into Civil Districts, the said Commis- sioners shall appoint suitable persons to open and hold Election of an election in said new county for the purpose of elect- officers. ing officers to the various County and District offices provided for law for each county in this State; and such persons so appointed shall have full power and authority to appoint Deputies, Clerks and Judges, and by them- selves and Deputies to administer all necessary oaths, and to do and perform all the duties incumbent on them as officers of an election. Said election to be held at the Time of lime to be fixed by said Commissioners upon the usual holding elec- notice, and at the places designated in each Civil Dis- tions. trict, as provided for in Section 8,, and make due return thereof, as the law directs. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- 13 ers, so soon as it is ascertained that the people in said fractions of the said old counties have voted in favor of the new county, shall designate a temporary county site County site, for said new county, and procure a suitable building in which to hold the Courts in said county until an election by the people can be had for the purpose of locating per- Name of manently the county site of said county, which, when so County seat, located, shall be called the town of Emerson. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That whenever said County of Etheridge is fully organized, said Commis- sioners shall appoint a time for holding an election in the various Civil Districts of said county for the purpose of selecting by a vote of the people, a permanent county site of said county, at which election each voter shall have written or printed on his ballot the name of the COu^t1?1s£ft(fnt place at which he desires the county site ; and the place receiving the largest number of votes cast shall be the county site of said new county, and said Commissioners shall report the result to the County Court of said coun- ty, who shall proceed to locate said site, and to procure the erection of the necessary county buildings, etc. Said Buildings, election to be held in the manner provided for in Section 9 of this act, and the returns of the election to be made to said Commissioners, who shall compare the vote and report, as above provided, to the County Court, the re- suit of said election. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the Commission- ers aforesaid are hereby authorized to exercise such other and further powers as may be necessary to the complete other pow- organization of said County of Etheridge, and may make Commis'rs^0 any change in the lines of said new county if found nec- essary, so as to conform them to the requirements of the new Constitution of the State of Tennessee. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed May 31, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 6, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 14 CHAPTER IV. AN ACT to preserve life and protect propei ty. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Selling pois- the State of Tennessee, That any person who sells or de- <&ns" livers any poisonous liquid or substance, in addition to having the word " poison " printed or written on the la- bel thereof as now required by law, shall note in a book kept by such person for that purpose, the name of the Names to be person to whom such poison was delivered, the date of kept in book, delivery and the kind and amount of such poison so de- livered, and shall keep such book open for public inspec- tion. Sec. 2 Be it further enacted, That any person viola- ting the provisions of this act shall on conviction be fined Penalty. not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars; Provided, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to the prescriptions of regular practicing physicians. Passed June 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 9, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Govern CHAPTER V. AN ACT to authorize Magistrates to change the venue in certain cases. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Change of the State of Tennesseee, That in all civil or criminal cases me. hereafter brought before Justices of the Peace in this State, the venue may be changed at any time before trial upon good cause shown as hereinafter prescribed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the venue may be changed by the plaintiff or defendant, or both, but not 15 more than once by each except for causes not in exist- By whom ence when the first change was taken. changed. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the party applying for a change of venue, shall make a statement of facts in ^jocle 0f ap_ writing, under oath or affirmation, that he verily believes plication, that owing to prejudice, or other causes existing, he can not have a fair and impartial trial before the Justice of the Peace where the cause is pending; the truth of this statement shall be verified by the oath of one or more respectable witnesses. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the change of venue Nearest Jus shall be made to the nearest Justice of the Peace of the tice- same county free from like exceptions. Passed June 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 9,1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER YI. AN ACT to establish the County of Hamblen, in honor of the late Hezekiali Hamblen, Esq., of Hawkins County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That in confoimity to the fourth sec- tion of the tenth Article of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, a new county be, and the same is hereby estab- New county, lished, to be composed of fractions to be taken from the counties of Jefferson and Grainger, to be known and desig- nated as Hamblen County. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the boundaries of . the county of Hamblin shall be as follows, viz.: Begin- ouncaues- ning at four cedars on the northern bank of Nolachucky River, at the point where the boundary line between Jefferson and Greene counties to Rader's Spring, at or near Bulks Gap; thence with the line between Hawkins and Jefferson counties to Mount Sterling, at or near the house of Wm. Pangle; thence with the line between Hawkins and Jefferson counties to Cheek's cross roads; thence with the line between Hawkins and Grainger counties to 16 the center of Holston River ; thence down the Holston River with the meanders thereof to the mouth of Hull's branch; thence trom the mouth of Hull's branch south 25 degrees east one mile and 120 poles to a stake ; thence east 5 miles and 16 poles to a stake; thence south 77 de- grees east 1 mile to a stake; thence south 71 degrees east 1 mile to a btake; thence south 65 degrees east 1 mile to a stake; thence 59 degrees east 1 mile to a stake; thence south 53 degrees east 1 mile to a stake; thence scuth 47 degrees east 1 mile to a stake; thence south 41 degrees east 1 mile to a stake ; thence south 35 degrees east 1 mile to a stake; thence south 29 degrees east 1 mile to a stake; thence south 23 degrees east one half of 1 mile to a stake on the northern ■ bank of French Broad River; thence south 60 degrees east, up the French Broad River to the mouth of Nolachucky River; thence up the Nolachucky River with the meanders thereof, and with the line between Jefferson and Cocke Counties to the beginning. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of organizing the county of Hamblin nnder this act, that Commission- William Courtney, W. S. Reese, Wilson C. Witt and ers appointed James C. Davis, of Jefferson County, and John C. Tate, C. J. Burnett and Rufus E. Rice, of Grainger County, shall be, and they aie hereby appointed Commissioners, who shall immediately after this act goes into effect, take an Obligation, oath before some Justice of the Peace, faithfully and im- partially to discharge the duties imposed upon them by this Act, and all vacancies ocurring in said Board of Com- missioners from any cause, shall be filled by the other Commissioners. A majority of said Commissioners shall constitute a Board competent to do all things herein en- joined on them. They shall, immediately after this act Place of £apes effec^ meet at Morristown and organize said Board mee by the election of a Chairman and Clerk for said Board of Commissioners, whose duty it shall be to keep a true minute of the proceedings of said Board in a book to be kept for that purpose, and the minutes of each meeting shall be read and approved by the Board and signed by the Chairman from time to time; and the minutes of the proceedings of said Board shall be returned to the County Court of Hamblen County at its first session, and shall be recorded by the Clerk of said Court on the minutes of said Court, and the record of the proceedings of said Board so kept and entered on the minutes of the County Court of Hamblen County, shall be evidence in all the courts of this State when duly certified, in the same man- 17 ner as the records of the proceedings of other courts in this State. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said Board of Com- pia-e of missioners, at its first meeting, shall designate a place meeting, within the limits of said Hamblen County, where said Board shall meet from time to time. They shall meet upon their own adjournment, and may be convened at any time by their Chairman. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said Commissioners to designate five public places in the fraction taken from Jefferson County, and three pub- lie places in the fraction taken from Grainger County, and shall give public notice by printed or written adver- tisements, for at least thirty days, posted up at five or Election no- more public places in each of said fractions; that on a tice- day to be designated by them, and at the places clesig- nated, an election will be opened and held at which all persons entitled to vote for members of the General As- sembly, who have resided in the fraction proposed to be stricken off for six months immediately preceding said election, shall be entitled to vote, and each voter who de- sires to vote for the establishment of the new county shall have on his ticket the words "New County," and those desiring to vote against the new county shall have on their tickets the words " Old County," and if upon Manner of counting all the ballots cast in said election, it shall ap-votm°* pear that two-thirds of all the qualified voters in each of said fractions have voted for the new county, then the county of Hamblen shall be, and the same is hereby de- clared to be, a county, with all the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to all the liabilities and duties with other counties in this State. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- judges and ers shall appoint Judges and Clerks to hold said election, Clerks to hold and also some suitable person as an officer at each place elections, designated in each of said fractions, who shall have all the powers and perform all the duties imposed by law upon other officers and inspectors holding elections under other of- the laws of this State; and who shall, after the polls are fleers and in- closed and the vote counted, make out and certify the spectors. result and return the same, with a copy of the poll- books, to the Chairman of said Board, who shall, when the returns are all received, proceed, in the presence of Tlieir (jutje3> said Board, to compare the votes and certify the result; and the election herein provided shall be held on the same day in each of said fractions; and if, from any cause the election as herein provided, shall not be held in either of said fractions on the day appointed, said 2 18 Board shall provide for another election, as herein pro- vided in such fraction; and if said Commissioners shall believe upon investigation, which they are hereby fully authorized to institute into the manner of holding said Fraudulent election, that any improper or fraudulent practices have practices. beeij permitted, they shall have the power to declare the election so held in either fraction to be void, and shall proceed to hold another election in said fraction, first giving thirty days' notice, as herein provided. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That immediately after the election for or against the new county, if two-thirds of the qualified voters in each of said fractions vote for the new county, then said Commissioners shall proceed to lay off said County of Hamblen into districts of con- Number of venient size, not to exceed twelve in all, and cause a plat Districts. to be made describing the boundaries of said districts, and shall have the same spread upon the minutes of said Board; and shall also designate a voting place in each of said districts; upon doing whidh said Commissioners shall proceed to give public notice for at least thirty days, at five public places in each of said fractions, that on a day to be designated by them, in each civil district, an election will be opened and held at which all persons who are entitled to vote for members of the General As- sembly, and who have resided six months in said county, shall be entitled to vote, and who shall vote for a county site for said county, and who shall also vote for and elect one Sheriff for said county, a Clerk for the County Election for Court, and also a Clerk for the Circuit Court, and all Co. officers, other officers lor said county required by existing laws, except such Justices of the Peace and Constables as may be in office in either of said fractions, who shall hold their offices, and exercise all the powers, with all the privileges and emoluments vested in them by existing Term of of ws unt^ t^ie expiration of their term of office, and un- £Ce til their successors are elected and qualified ; and all such officers so elected shall continue to hold their offices, and exercise the functions thereof, until the next regular elec- tion of such officers as is now provided by law; and the re- turns of said election shall be made to the Chairman of said Board of Commissioners, who shall proceed to com- pare the votes in the presence of said Board as provided in Section six of this act, and shall certify the result thereof; and said election shall be held in the same man- ner, and Judges and Clerks, and officers, shall be ap- pointed with the same powers, and whose duties shall be the same as provided in Section six of this act. 19 Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the place receiving County site, a majority of the votes cast in said election, shall be the county site of said county, and on the first Monday in the month succeeding said election, all the Justices of the Peace in said county now in office, or who may be in of- fice at that time, shall meet at the place selected by said vote as the county site for said county,, and proceed to organize the County Court of said county, by the elec- organization tion of a Chairman and other officers that the County of Co. Court. Courts of other counties have a right to elect, and shall proceed to qualify and induct into office all such officers installation for said county as may have been elected, as herein pro- of officers, vided, and who shall produce and file a certificate of their election from the Chairman of said Board of Com- missioners, and such officers shall execute the same bonds and have the same powers and privileges, and be subject to the same duties and liabilities as the officers of other counties in this State. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the County Court of said county of Hamblen, when organized as herein build- provided, and the county site shall be located as herein mgs' provided, shall proceed to acquire by purchase or other- wise such grounds as may be necessary for the use of said county, and to make all such orders and regulations for the erection of all necessary public buildings for said county; to levy and collect taxes to defray the expense of erecting public buildings and other county expenses in said county in the same manner and to the same ex- tent that the County Courts of other counties have by existing laws; Provided, That no additional taxes shall Pr0vl£0- be levied or collected from the people in said county for the year 1870, other than has already been assessed. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That said Board of Commission- Commissioners, upon the organization of the County c 1S~ Court of said county as herein provided, shall be dis- solved and their powers and duties cease, and that upon filing a copy of the original minutes of their proceed- ings, the same shall be entered on the minutes of said County Court, and shall constitute a part of the records thereof, and said Board shall render an account of the ex- penses incurred by them in the organization of said county, which shall be allowed by the County Court, and paid out of the County Treasury, together with such al- lowance for their services as the County Court may deem reasonable. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall 20 issue commissions to all persons elected Justices of the Gov. to issue Peace in said county at the election provided for to serve Commissions until the next regular election of Justices of the Peace under the Constitution of this State, and the certificate of the Chairman of the County Court of said county of the election of such persons, shall be evidence to the Gover- nor of that fact. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the county of Judicial Cir- Hamblen shall be attached to the Second Judicial Circuit, cuit- and the Circuit Court for said county shall be held by the Judge of said Circuit on the firlt Mondays in June, Oc- tober and February, in each and every year; and said To constitute county shall constitute one Chancery District, and the Chancellor for the Eastern Division shall hold the Chance- ry Court for said county on the second Mondays of January and July of each year; Provided nothing in" this Act shall be construed so as to prevent the Courts of Grainger and Jefferson Counties from having and exer- cising jurisdiction over the territory composing the County of Hamblen and the citizens thereof, in as full and ample a manner as they now have, until the organization of said county, and the election of county Officers as pro- Tax Collector vided in this Act. And the Tax Collectors of Jefferson and Grainger counties shall have two years from the pas- sage of this Act to collect all. taxes assessed in either of said fractions prior to the year 1870, with all the powers and with the same remedies to enforce the collection of the same that they have by existing laws. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the Commission- ers appointed by this Act be, and they are hereby, author- Coiumissoin- ized to exercise all the powers conferred in this Act, and eis such other powers as may be necessary and proper to the complete organization of the county of Hamblen. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That all causes now pending, or which may be pending at the time of the organization of said county, in any of the Courts of either Jefferson or Grainger Counties, between citizens pend- ing within the limits of the new county, shall be trans- Pendir" suits ^'erre<^ county having jurisdiction thereof in said their3Iran- county of Hamblen; and all suits pending, or which may fer. be pending against any defendant residing within the limits of the new county, shall, if- the plaintiff consent thereto, also be transferred to said county; and all pro- secutions pending, or which may be pending in the Courts of either of the counties of Grainger or Jefferson, for violations of the criminal law, where the crime is Courts. Proviso. 21 charged to have been committed within the limits of the new county, as hereby established, shall also be transfer- red to the Court of Hamblen County having jurisdiction thereof. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the citizens of Hamblen County in all elections for Governor, R«pre- sentatives in Congress, members of the General Assembly and Electors of President and Vice President, shall vote Vot'g places, with the counties from which they have been respective- ly stricken off, until the next apportionment agreeably to the provisions of the fourth Section of the second Article of the Constitution. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That the people of each of the fractions taken from Jefferson and Grainger Counties shall remain liable and be bound to pay their respective shares of the debts owing by either of the coe^tie°s counties from which their are stricken off, and shall also vided for. be entitled to their respective shares of all public securi- ties or stocks that may be the property of either of said counties, and all taxes assessed for the year 1870 on the property, polls and privileges in each of said fraclions remaining uncollected upon the organization of said county of Hamblen, and the election and qualifica- tion of a Tax Collector for said county, shall be collect- ed and accounted for by the Tax . Collector of said county of Hamblen in the same manner as the public t Division of taxes of other counties, and the taxes assessed formcome- county purposes in each of said fractions which may be collected at the time of the organization of said county shall be apportioned between, the new and the old counties, the fractions of each being required to pay their proper proportion of all public expenses for . .. the year, up to the time of organization as aforesaid, and ment 0f pu^. the County Courts of the old counties respectively, and lie debt, etc. and also the County Court of the new county shall each appoint three suitable persons on the part of each, to apportion the public debt that each county may owe, and also to apportion the public securities or stocks, that may be owned by either of the old counties, and also to apportion the revenue assessed for county purposes, which may have been collected by the old counties for the year 1870, ard in making such apportionment, the aggregate value of all taxable property and polls in each shall be taken as the basis of said apportionment, and each of the fractions included in the new county, and shall remain liable and pay their proportion of the debts of the old 22 county from which they may be stricken off, and the County Courts of each of said counties are fully author- ized to make such orders and regulations as may be nec- essary to carry out the provisions of this section, so as to effect a fair and equitable apportionment of the debts owing, stock owned and revenue collected by each. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That the fraction of County line?. Hawkins County south of Holston River, adjoining the present line of Grainger County on the west and the line of Jefferson County on the south-east, by a line to com- mence at or near Mount Sterling, on the Jefferson County line, eleven miles distant from Rogersville, running thence a direct line to the Holston River, so as to keep eleven miles from Rogersville ; thence down the Holston River with its meanders, to the point where the present line between Hawkins and Grainger counties strikes said river, may be included and constitute part of the county of Hamblen established by this act; and the Commis- sioners hereby appointed shall designate two public places in said fraction, and cause an election to be held therein on the same day and in the same manner, and under the same regulations, provided in this act for the fractions of Jefferson and Grainger counties, at which all persons as herein provided, shall be entitled to vote for or against the new county as herein proposed; and if two-thirds of Voting. all the qualified voters in said fraction of Hawkins County, shall vote for the new county, then said fraction of Hawkins County, as above described, shall constitute part of said county of Hamblen, with all the rights, pow- ers, privileges and liabilities conferred by this act upon .the fractions of Grainger and Jefferson counties; and said Commissioners shall lay off said fraction into civil districts, not to exceed two in number, and cause an elec- tion to be held therein for a county site, and for county .County site. 0fficers on the same day, as is provided by this act for the fractions of Grainger and Jefferson counties, and if two- thirds of all the qualified voters in said fraction vote for the county, then all the provisions of this act applicable to the fractions of Jefferson and Grainger counties, shall also apply to said fraction of Hawkins County; but if two-thirds of all the qualified voters in said fraction of Hawkins County shall fail to vote for the establishment of the new county, their refusal to do so shall in no man- ner affect the cstablisment of the county of Hamblen, as provided in this act, out of the fractions of the counties of Jefferson and Grainger. 23 Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That the public wel- fare requires that this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed May 31, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Repeesentatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER VII. An Act to amend the Venue Laws of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That it shall be lawful for any de- fendant or defendants, in all cases of misdemeanors where cases of mis- they are or may be charged upon presentment or indict- demeanor, ment found against them in any of the Courts of this State, to apply for and obtain a change of venue under Change of ve- the same rules and regulations that parties now have a nue* right to a change of venue in criminal cases by existing laws of this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare requires that this Act take effect from and and after its passage. Passed May 31, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 24 CHAPTER VIII. An Act authorizing the Sheriffs of each County in this State to a-p- point any number of Deputies, and to repeal Section 359 of the Code of Tennessee. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Sheriff of each and every county in this State shall have as many regular Deputies. deputies as he may desire, or may, in his option, be neces- sary to a faithful and efficient performance of his duties as such Sheriff, and may appoint any number of special Urgent occa- deputies on urgent occasions, to hold elections, or when S10ns' required for particular purposes. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That Section 359 of the Code of Tennessee be and the same is hereby repealed, *0 de° anc^ that the public welfare demands that this Act shall 0 ° take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER IX. An Act to Amend an Act passed March 3, 1860, entitled "An Act to Transfer Cases from one Court to another in certain Cases." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That Section one of said Act be so amended that in cases where the Judge of any Court of common law or chancery is incompetent from any cause, to try the cause, upon application of either of the parties to said suit, the same shall be transferred to the 25 nearest Court having jurisdiction of such cases where like incompetency does not exist. Sec. 2. Be it further enaeted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed June 11,1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker op the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENIOR, Governor. CHAPTER X. AN ACT to regulate the Elective Franchise in accordance with Ar~ tide IY, Section 1, of the Constitution of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That every male person of the age of twenty-one years, being a citizen of the United States Persons en- and a resident of this State for twelve months and of the tltled t0 ^ote- county wherein he may offer his vote for six months next preceding the day of election, shall be entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly and other civil officers for the county or district in which he may reside; Provided, that each voter shall give the Judges of elec- Proviso, tion, when and where he offers his vote, satisfactory evi- polltaxes dence that he has paid the poll taxes assessed against him for the year preceding the election. And, provided fur- Proviso. ther, that the foregoing provisions in regard to the pre- payment of poll taxes shall not apply to minors arriving at the age of twenty-one years during the year preceding the date of the election ; nor to male citizens who have passed the age of fifty years preceding the date of such pxempts election ; nor to other persons exempt by law from pay- ing poll taxes, and no prepayment of poll taxes shall be required of any voter in any election during the year 1871, who is exempt by law from the payment of poll taxes for the year 1870. Sec. 2. Beit enacted, That "An Act to limit the Elec- tive Franchise," Chapter XVI, passed June 5, 1865; also 26 Former acts " An Act to alter and amend ' An Act to limit the Elec- repealed. tive Franchise/" passed June 5, 1865, Chapter 36, passed May 3, 1866; and also, "An Act to alter and amend an Act, passed May 3, 1866," Chapter XXVT, passed February 25, 1867; all of which acts relate-to the Elective Franchise, be-and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That Title 6, Chapter II, Ar- Acts revived, tides 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, of the Code 'of Tennessee, re- lating to elections by the people, be, and the same are hereby re-enacted and revived, except as altered or re- pealed by this act. Sec. 4. Be it enacted, That all voter-s in this State shall wards and ^ re9u^re(^ v0^e *n civil district or ward in which districts. ^ey ma7 reside > Provided, That Sheriffs or other officers holding elections, shall be permitted to vote in any ward or district in which they may hold an election; Judges, jurors, litigants and witnesses attending court, may vote in any ward or district in which the court is held. And, provided further, That if, from any cause, there should be a failure to hold an election in any civil district or ward, then nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent any voter fronji voting in any other civil district or ward in his county or town, in any election, and at the time and place prescribed bylaw. And that any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 5. Be it enacted, That all laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. Be it enacted, That the public welfare requires that this act shall take effect from and after its passage; except the two provisos, contained in the first section of this act, which shall not have and take effect until from and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Passed June 11, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 27 CHAPTER XI. An Act for the Benefit of Confectioners. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of p . . the State of Tennessee, That an Act passed on the i.8th ers °t^xed°as" day of January, 1870, entitled "^n Act to amend the merchants. Revenue laws of the State," shall be construed so as to include Confectioners as Merchants, and they shall be subject to no other or further tax than such as is now im- posed by said Act on Merchants. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act, be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that the public welfare require that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 9, 1870. W. O'X. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XII. An Act to change the County Line between the Counties of Haywood and Lauderdale. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Aesembly of the State of Tennessee, That the county line between the Counties of Haywood and Lauderdale, be changed so and a£^uder- as to run as follows: Beginning at a point on the county dale counties, line where Thos. A. Walker's line crosses the same, run- ning thence east with his line to his south-east corner; thence north-east to Louis S. Maclin's south-east corner ; change of thence with his east boundary line in a direct course to A. bounds. L. Oldham's south-east corner; thence with the bounda- ries of said Oldham's land to a point where the Wand- ville and Chestnut Bluff road crosses said Oldham's east 28 boundary line; thence with said Wandville and Chestnut Bluff road, in a north-eastern direction, to a point where the Haywood and Lauderdale County line crosses said road, and that portion of Haywood lying west of said line as designated, be stricken off from Haywood and at- tached to Lauderdale County, also that portion of Thos. Lea's land lying in Haywood County, being about ten acres, be attached to Lauderdale County. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, The public welfare re- quiring it, that this Act take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XIII. AN ACT to Preserve the Peace and Prevent Homicide. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly tf the State of Tennessee, That it shall not be lawful for any Carrying of person to publicly or privately carry a dirk, sword-cane, arms private- Spanish stilleto, belt or pocket pistol or revolver. Any person guilty of a violation of this section shall be sub- ject to presentment or indictment, and on conviction, shall pay a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, Penalty. ancj impri£0ned at the discretion of the Court for a period of not less than thirty days nor more than six months, and shall give bond in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars to keep the peace for the next six months after such conviction. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of all peace officers in this State to see that the first sec- Duty of offi- ^on this Act is strictly enforced, and if they know of cers. its violation, it is hereby made their duty to report the same to the Grand Jury of their county at its next term after such violation, who shall proceed to make present- 29 merit without a prosecutor. All Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables shall be deemed peace officers under the provisions of this Act. Peace offices. If any of the aforesaid officers fail or refuse to perform the duties required of them by the provisions of this Act, they shall be liable to presentment or indictment, and ori Penalty for conviction shall be fined not less than ten nor more than neglect'g clu- fifty dollars, and shall be dismissed from office, and shall ^ be disqualified from holding said office for the period of their unexpired term. It shall be the duty of the Grand Duty ofgr'nd Juries to send for witnesses in all cases where they have juries. good reason to believe that the provisions of this Act have been violated, and upon satisfactory evidence of its violation, they shall make presentments of the same without a prosecutor. It shall be the duty of the Circuit Judges' duty. and criminal Judges and all other Judges whose Courts have criminal jurisdiction, to give this Act specially in charge to the Grand Jury at each term of the Court. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of o^cerg p0- the first section of this act shall not apply to an officer or licemen' etc. policeman while bona fide engaged in his official duties in the execution of process, or while searching for or en- gaged in the arrest of criminals; nor to any person who is bona fide aiding the officers of the law or others in the legal arrest of criminals, or in turning them over to the prorar authorities after arrest; nor to any person who i^JjBon a journey out of their county or State. dec. 4. Be it further enacted, It shall be the duty of the several courts in this State to give this act a liberal Duty °f construction, so as to carry out its true intent and mean- Courts* ing. This act to take effect forty days from and after its passage. Passed June 11th, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 30 CHAPTER XIY. An Act to permit the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company to raise money for the purposes of said road. Additional power. Borrow ney. Construction of power. Permitted to borrow $3,- 000,000. Rate of inter- est. Payment. Mortgage. Prior Lien. Whereas, The charter of the Nashville and Chat- tanooga Railroad Company, passed on the 11th day of December, 1845, by its 33d section provides that the said company shall possess such additional powers as may be convenient for the due and successful execution of the powers granted in said charter ; and Whereas, The power to borrow money, upon such terms as may be prescribed by the stockholders at a general meeting, to be expended for the more thoroughly equipping said road, repairing the road bed, and for such other purposes as may be deemed expedient by said stockholders, included in the powers granted by said 33d section ; and Whereas, It is intended by the following act merely to construe the powers as granted by said charter, and not to enlarge or modify the same; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Nashville and Chat- tanooga Railroad Company be, and it is hereby per«yed to borrow a sum not exceeding three millions of cl^fflffs and in order to secure the payment of the same, the said company is authorized to make and issue its bonds in sums of one thousand dollars each for the sum aforesaid, payable in not less than five nor more than twenty years from date, in gold or silver coin, with coupons attached for the payment of interest semi-annu- ally, at a rate of interest to be agreed upon, not exceed- ing the legal rate of interest at the place where payable. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in order more per- fectly to secure the payment of the principal and inter- est of the bonds to be issued as aforesaid, the said com- pany is hereby permitted to execute a second mortgage on its charter, road, works, rolling stock and depots, with all the stipulations and conditions necessary to ac- complish the intent and meaning of this act, and the manner in which said bonds and mortgage shall be made and executed shall be prescribed by the Board of Direc- tors of said Company. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as to interfere with prior liens, espe- 31 cially the lien of the State ; and that this act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare re- quiring it. Passed June 19, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, /Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 13, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XV. An Act to provide for tlie Election of a Governor and Members of the General Assembly. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of th^,State of Tennessee, That it shall be the duty of the Pufcy of Slier- several Sheriffs of the different counties in this State, or lffs or Coro" the Coroner where there is no Sheriff, or if he be a can- didate, to open and hold an election at the different vot- ing places in each county, on the second Tuesday in No- vember, eighteen hundred and seventy, and forever thereafter on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, every two years, and at the same places to elect a Governor for the State of Tennessee and members r Electlon °f of the General Assembly thereof. Le^kmre" Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said elections shall be held, the votes compared, due and correct returns Election re- thereof made out and transmitted, and certificates of turns, election given to members elect of the General Assembly, in accordance with the laws now in force, or hereafter passed by the Legislature of this State, regulating the election of Governor and members of the General As- ssembly. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare requires that this act take effect from and after its pas- sage, and that all laws fixing any other time for holding 32 Former laws the election for Governor and members of the General repealed. Assembly of this State are hereby repealed. Passed June 10, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the Bouse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XVI. An Act authorizing-the Transmission of Depositions by Express. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennesseee, That Sections 3,848 and 3,860 of Code amend Code so amended as to authorize the sending of ed. ' depositions by express, and hereafter 'depositions may be sent by mail, express, or private conveyance, and if sent Commission- by express shall be so certified by the Commissioner or ers. person authorized to take depositions, and when received Clerk of court ^ ^ie Clerk Court, he shall certify upon the'ele- position whether he received it by mail, express or pri- vate conveyance ; and if received by private conveyance Oath required he shall administer an oath to such person as prescribed in Section 3,861 of the Code, and this act shall take ef- feet from and after its passage, as the public welfare re- quires it. Passed June 14, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 33 CHAPTER XVII. AN ACT to repeal ail Act passed November 6, 1837, declaring Wolf River navigable. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That an act passed November 6, Wolf River. 1837, entitled " An Act to declare Wolf River navigable, from its mouth to McGee's mill, in Fentress County, be, and the same is hereby repealed. This act to take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed June 14, 1870 W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the Bouse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XVIII. AN ACT to destroy the issues of the Bank of Tennessee paid into the State Treasury for Taxes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly .of the State of Tennessee, That the notes of the Bank of Ten- nessee, issued prior to the 6th day of May, A. D. 1861, Date, known as the old issue, which have been paid into the Treasury on account of revenue due the State, and were in the Treasury, shall be burned by the Treasurer at as Burned, early an hour as possible, in the presence of the Gov- ernor, Comptroller, and Trustee of the Bank of Tennessee, Witnesses, and a Committee to be appointed by the Speakers of both Houses, whose duty it shall be to count the same, and keep a well bound record of the number, denomina- tion and amount of notes so burned. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all notes of the Bank of Tennessee, issued prior to the sixth day of May, Date. A. D. 1861, known as the old issue, which may hereafter ■3 34 be paid into the State Treasury on account of revenue Witnesses ^ue State, stall be burned by the Treasurer, in the presence of the Governor, Comptroller, and Trustee of Time of bum- the Bank of Tennessee, on the first Monday of each ing. month, under the same regulations and conditions as are prescribed in Section 1 of this Act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the State of Ten- State substi- nessee be and is hereby substituted to all the rights of tuted. the note-holders as to the notes hereby destroyed, as is secured to them by the 30th section of an Act passed Feb- ruary 6, 1860, entitled, " An Act to regulate the business of Banking in this Stateand it shall be the duty of Trustee to the Trustee of the Bank, after the destruction of the give receipt. J5ank bills as prescribed in the first and second sections, to give to the Treasurer of the State a written acknowl- edgement of the number and amount of the Bank notes so destroyed, which shall be evidence of the amount due and owing by the Bank of Tennessee to the State of Tennessee, and to be settled out of the assets of the Bank of Tennessee, according to the terms and stipulations of the trust deed enacted by the Bank of Tennessee. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That Section 8 of an Act passed February 2, 1870, Chapter 56, entitled "An Act directory to the Revenue Officers of the State, and Repealed. for other purposes, be and the same is hereby repealed, and the public welfare requires that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 15, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 35 CHAPTER XIX. AN ACT for tlie protection ancl preservation of fish ; to prevent sein- ing, basketing, netting or trapping in certain localities, under Ar- tide XI, Section 13, of the Constitution of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That seining, netting, either with set or dipnet, basketing or trapping, in any stream, pond or reservoir, in the Counties of Rutherford, Davidson, Counties.. Robertson, Montgomery, Cheatham, Williamson, Maury, Stewart, Cannon, Marion, Warren and Dickson, is hereby prohibited ; And it is further provided, That no seine or net shall be stretched across the mouth of Stone's River. Stone's Rivir Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That should any person or persons be found guilty of violating any of the pro- visions of the first section of this act, he, she or they shall be fined in a sum not under five nor more than Penalty, twenty dollars for the first offense; not under twenty nor over fifty dollars for the second offence, one-half of the fine to go to the informer, and the other half to the State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That Justices of the Justices of Peace shall have full jurisdiction to try all cases arising the Peace, under this act; Provided, Nothing herein contained Proviso, shall be so construed as to prohibit appeals under the usual requirements in such cases. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the citizens of the counties accepting the provisions of this act, shall not be CouJltlJs ac~ entitled to fish in other counties with seines, traps, or cep ing' no clrDfs Passed June 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 36 CHAPTER XX. AN ACT to facilitate the dispatch of business in Courts of Record. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Pending trial the State of - Tennessee, That pending the trial of any cause in any court of this State, at intervals in which jurors are being summoned, or the progress of the trial is otherwise delayed, the court may proceed with the Other busi- other business of the court, but so as not to delay the ness* cause on trial. Passed June 10, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives'. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXI. AN ACT to change the county line between the Counties of Caiter and Washington. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the county line [between] Carter and Washington Counties be so changed as to in- H P Phillips c^U(^e the lands and houses of H. P. Phillips, in Carter County. Passed June 9, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 37 CHAPTER XXII. AJST ACT to Regulate tlie Issuance of State Bonds. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That no bonds of the State shall be printed or engraved without an order of the Governor, Order of countersigned by the Comptroller. All bonds so printed Governor or engraved, shall be first delivered to the Governor, who shall then deliver the same to the Comptroller, taking his receipt for the same, which receipt shall show the number of blank coupons on each bonds. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That when bonds are to be filled up for use, the Governor shall make an order on the Comptroller, stating in the order, the amount, and for what purpose, and the number of coupons to be signed on each bond—the coupons not signed to be cancelled by the Comptroller, and returned to the Governor on the bond. When the Comptroller has thus prepared the Marnier of is- bonds, he shall deliver them to the Governor, taking his sumS t>on<3s- receipt for the same, stating amount, letter and number of each bond. The bonds shall then be signed by the Governor and countersigned by the Secretary of the State. The Governor shall then deliver the bonds to the person entitled by law to receive them, taking his or their re- Receipts, ceipt for the same, which receipt shall show when the bonds were issued, for what purpose issued, when they mature, when the first coupon is due, and the letter and number of each boud. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Governor and ^ k to ^ Comptroller shall each keep a book in which all receipts ke^t '' shall be taken, as provided for in Sections 1 and 2 of this Act. They shall also keep, each, a book in which shall be entered all bonds received and delivered by them respectively. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all bonds of the State, previously issued, returned by Railroads or other- Previous wise, to the State, shall be first delivered to the Governor, su and then by him to the Comptroller, taking his receipt, which receipt shall show the amount of bonds, letter, number, and how many coupons on each. The books of the Governor and Comptroller shall show, at all times, the amount of bonds, with full description of same, held by the Comptroller. 38 Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted, That the Comptroller Returned shall be the custodian of all bonds returned by Railroads bonds. or otherwise, subject to the Legislature. Whenever bonds are to be cancelled, it shall be done by a committee bonds"3001 appointed by the Legislature for that purpose, and in the presence of the Governor and Comptroller. The Gov- ernor shall receipt to the Comptroller for such bonds, and the committee shall give the Governor a certificate that the bonds, giving amount, letter, number and amount of coupons attached, and when due, have been examined and cancelled by them. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller Comptroller shall open and keep a separate account of each install- to keep sep- ment or semi-annual interest, on the bonded debt of the arat-e account gta^ ancj the coupons, when paid, shall be charged to their respective accounts; these accounts shall be kept so as to show the aggregate amount of interest due at the time specified, and also the amount that has been paid on the same. The coupons, when paid, shall be so cancelled by the Comptroller, that they cannot be used a second time. They shall be kept separate, and shall be held by Legislative ^ie Comptroller until examined by a committee appoint- Committee, ed by the Legislature for that purpose. The committee so appointed shall compare the coupons with the Comp- troller, as to the amount, date, etc. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Committee appointed at each session, under the provisions of this Examinati'ns Act, shall make a full report of their examination to the Legislature. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Governor be, and is hereby directed to report to this General Assembly Governor to the number and letter of all the blank bonds of the State report. of Tennessee, now in his possession, as custodian of State bonds, giving a full description of each and every bond, and the number of coupons on each. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That any officer of the State of Tennessee, who is required, under the provi- Neglect of s^ons to Perf°rm duties, shall wilfully neglect duty.° -to perform them, or shall issue any bonds of the State of Tennessee, other than as provided by this Act, the officer so offending shall be guilty of a felony, and, upon con- viction before any Court having jurisdiction of the same, Penalty. shall be imprisoned in the Penitentiary of the State, for a period of not less than three nor more than ten years, and shall be removed from his office and rendered in- competent from thereafter holding any office of honor or profit in the State of Tennessee. 39 Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare requires that this act take effect frqm and after its pas- sage, and it is so hereby enacted. Passed June 14, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17,1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXIII. AN ACT to prescribe the mode and time of Electing Judicial and other Civil Officers by the People. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That on the first Thursday in Date. August, eighteen hundred and seventy, there shall be elected in this State, by the qualified voters, six Judges Judges, of the'Supreme Court, Judges of such Circuit and Chan- eery and other Courts as are or may be established by law, and an Attorney for the State for each Circuit or Attorney. District for which a Judge, having criminal jurisdiction, shall be established by law; Provided, That if any one Proviso, or more counties, of either of the circuits of the State, is or are attached to one or more counties of another circuit of the State, thereby forming a district over which a Criminal Judge presides, the Attorney for the State shall be elected by the qualified voters of the district over Officers to be which the Criminal Judge presides, and the Attorney elected- for the State for the circuit from which said county or counties is or are detached, shall be elected by the quali- fied voters of the remaining counties. One Register, one Clerk of the County Court, one Clerk of the Circuit Court for each county, and one clerk of such other courts as are or may be established by law; and the proper num- ber of Justices of the Peace in each Civil District in a County; Provided, however, That every judicial and Proviso, civil officer, elected at the election held on the twenty- sixth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy, or 40 since that time, or before the first Thursday in August next, and who have qualified or may qualify, shall con- Officers to tinue to hold his office for and during the term for which continue. he was elected, and until his successor is elected and nfH qualified. All officers shall vacate their offices thirty cateCerS °Ta days after the day fixed for the election of their succes- sors under this act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in voting for six Supreme Judges in said election, every voter shall prefix to the name of each candidate on his ballot voting1 ° words u eastern," western," or " middle " division, to de- note the grand division of the State for which he desires each candidate elected. Said candidates shall reside in the division of the State for which they were elected; and the two receiving the highest number of votes for any one grand division of the State shall be declared to be two of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That on the first Thurs- day in August, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and Regular elec- forever thereafter every eight years, there shall be elect- tlons. ed in this State, by the qualified voters, five Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee, and Judges of such Circuit and Chancery and other courts as are or may be established by law ; and an Attorney for the State for each county or district for which a Judge, having criminal jurisdiction, shall be provided by law. ^An(i Manner of v°ting f°r sa^ Supreme Judges, every voter shall prefix votino-. f° the name of each of three of the candidates, the words " eastern," western," or " middle" division, to denote the grand division of the State for which he desires each of the three candidates elected. Each candidate shall reside in [the grand division of] the State for which he is elected; and the voter shall also prefix to the name of each of the two other candidates on his ballot the words, " the State at large," to denote that they are to be elected for the entire State—said two candidates shall not reside in the same grand division of the State, and the candi- date receiving the highest number of votes for any one grand division of the State, and the two candidates re- ceiving the highest number of votes for the " State at large," shall be declared to be the five Judges of the Su- preme Court of the State of Tennessee. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Sheriffs or Duty of offi- Coroners, or other officers holding said election, shall, cers of elec- within five days after such elections, make out {ind tion. transmit to the Secretary of State a true return of 41 the number of votes received by each candidate forjudge and Attorney for the State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of Duty of Sec- State shall compare the number of votes received by each retaryof State candidate for Judge and Attorney for the State, and shall enter the same in a well bound book kept for that pur- pose ; and shall give the person receiving the highest number of votes a certificate of his election ; and the Governor shall thereupon issue commissions to each Gov- Judge and Attorney for the State upon an estimate and sbnsC°mm °" certificate of the votes, as above prescribed. Said Judges and Attorneys for the State shall be sworn according to law, and then proceed to the discharge of the duties of the office to which they have been elected. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That elections for all civil and judicial officers shall be held forever hereafter Fegular elec- on the first Thursday in August next preceding the ex- tlons- piration of the respective terms of such judicial and civil officers, to-wit: For Judges of the Supreme, Circuit, Chancery and other courts, and Attorneys for the State in each circuit or district, every eight years; for Justices of the Peace, in each civil district in every county, every six years ; for Clerks of the Circuit, County and other courts, and for Register, every four years; for Sheriffs, Tax Collectors, County Trustees and Constables, every two years, counting from the first Thursday in Augu^m*ighteen hundred and seventy. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the term of each Term of of- judicial and civil officer shall be computed from the first fice. day of September next succeeding his election. No ap- pointment or election, to fill a vacancy, shall be made for a period of time extending beyond the unexpired term. Every officer shall hold his office until his successor is elected, or appointed and qualified. No special election shall be held to fill a vacancy in the office of Judge or Attorney for the Sate, but at the time herein fixed for the biennial election of civil officers; and stich vacancy shall be filled at the next biennial election occurring more than thirty days after the vacancy occurs. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That any vacancy in yacanc;cs the office of Supreme Judge shall be filled by a person residing in the grand division of the State in which the vacancy occurs. ^ Duties of Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the Sheriffs of the sheriffs, different counties in this Sta e shall open and hold the elections provided for in this act, according to the rules, regulations and restrictions required by law ; and if there 42 be no Sheriff, or if he be a candidate, the Coroner shall hold the elections ; or if there be no Coroner, or he be incompetent, then the election shall be held as now re- quired by the Code. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That as the public wel- fare requires it, this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 10, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXIY. AN ACT to organize the Supreme Court of Tennessee in pursuance of Article VI, Sections 2, 3 and 5, and of Section 2 of the Sche- dule of the Constitution of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a Supreme Court of the State of Supreme C'rt Tennessee be and the same is hereby established, to be com- established. p0ge(j 0f gjx JU(Jges^ two of whom shall reside in each of the Grand Divisions of the State, but in the event any vacancy shall occur in the office of either of said Judges at any time after the first day of January, 1873, it shall • -^umber of remain unfilled, and' the Court shall from that time be 3UC Ses- constituted of five Judges. Each of said Judges and their Ageof judg's successors, shall be thirty-five years of age, and shall be- fore his election have been a resident of the State for five Term of ser- years. Said Judges shall hold their offices for the time vice. herein prescribed, and shall be elected by the qualified voters of the State, on the first Thursday in August, eighteen hundred and seventy. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That before entering upon the duties of their office, the said Judges shall take Oath. an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of this State, the Constitution of the United States, and an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge all the duties of 43 their office, and the oath against dueling now required by law to be taken. Sec. 3. Be it f urther enacted, That the said Supreme Court shall hold one session in each year at the following gessions. places to-wit: At Nashville, Knoxville and Jackson, in this State, at the times prescribed by law for holding the present Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said Judges, at the first term of the Supreme Court held by them at Nashville, Knoxville and Jackson, shall appoint one Clerk for each one of the Courts to beheld at those places, and the Clerks so appointed shall take the oaths and give Clerks, the bonds, with security, as required by law for the present Clerks of the Supreme Court, and until the Clerks under this Act shall be appointed and qualified, the present Clerks at Nashville, Knoxville and Jackson shall con- tinue to discharge the duties of their respective offices, and shall deliver all the records, books and papers of their respective offices to the Clerks appointed and quali- fied as aforesaid. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That while the Court shall consist of six Judges, they may sit in two sections, Sittings, and may hear and determine causes in each at the same time, but not in different Grand Divisions at the same time. When so sitting the concurrence of two Judges shall b^mecessary to a decision, but when the said six Judges^WISitting together, the concurrence of four of them necessary to a decision in any cause. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That if at any time after the first day of January, 1873, a vacancy should occur, then the concurrence of three of the five remain- ing Judges shall be necessary to a decision in any cause; and if any vacancy shall occur in the office of any of yacane;es t0 the five remaining Judges it shall be filled from the Grand be filled. Division of the State in which the vacancy occurs, by the qualified voters of the State. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That after the election and qualification of the Judges of the Supreme Court Attorney provided for in this Act, they shall appoint an Attorney General and General and Reporter for the State, who shall hold his Reporter, office for the term of eight years. A certificate of his appointment shall be signed by all the judges and shall be entered on the minutes of the Court when first sitting at Nashville, Knoxville and Jackson after his appoint- ment has been made. Said Attorney General and Re- porter shall qualify and perform all the duties of his office, as by law are required of the present Attorney 44 General and Reporter of the State, and subject to like pains and penalties. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the said Supreme Court shall only have appellate jurisdiction, under such Jurisdiction, regulations and restrictions as may from time to time be prescribed by law, but it may possess such other jurisdie- tion as is now conferred by law on the present Supreme Court. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That each of said six Term of ser- Judges shall hold his office for the term of eight years, ViCe- computed from the first day of September, 1870. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That of the five Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee, elected by the qualified voters of the State on the first Thursday in August, 1878, and forever thereafter every eight years, Residence of. one shall reside in each Grand Division of the State, and Judges. the other, two shall not reside in the same Grand Divi- sion of the State. Said Judges shall have all the qualifi- cations, possess the same jurisdiction and powers, and shall be subject to the same laws as by this Act are re- quired of and conferred upon the Supreme Court when consisting of six Judges, except that a concurrence of three of them shall be necessary to a decision in any cause. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That after their elec- tion and qualification, the Judges of the Supreme Court of this State shall designate one of their who Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That as tne public welfare requires it, this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 16, 1870. Chief Justice shall preside as Chief Justice. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JONATHAN MORRIS, Approved June 18, 1870. Speaker pro tem of the Senate. 18, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 45 CHAPTER XXV. AN ACT to fix the number of Members in the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee. Whereas, It is declared in Article II, Section 5, of the Constitution of this State, that " the number of Representatives shall not exceed seventy-five until the Preamble, population of the State shall be one million and a half;" and, Whereas, By the proviso to Section 8, Article I, of the alterations and amendments to the Constitution, adopted on the 22nd day of February, 1865, the appor- tionment of Representatives in the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee was " so modified as to give the Counties of Johnson, Carter, Campbell, Anderson, Union, Sevier, Macon and Hancock, each one member ; and the District composed of the Counties of Fentress, Morgan, Scott and Cumberland, one additional member in the House of Representatives and, Whereas, By Article XI, Section 1, of the Consti- tution of the State, adopted on the 26th day of March, 1870, it is expressly declared " that all laws and ordin- ances now in force and use in this State, not inconsistent with the Constitution, shall continue in force and use until they shall expire or be altered, or repealed by the Legisla- tare ; but ordinances contained in any former Constitution or Schedule are hereby abrogatednow, therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That until the next enumeration and apportionment of the voters of this State, no elec- tion shall be held in any county or district in this State, for any greater number of members of the General As- Number of sembly than the number prescribed for each county or members ^ of district by Sections 96, 97, 98 and 99, of the Code of|'^e LeSlsla" Tennessee; and no other or different representation in the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee than that fixed in said sections of the Code, shall be allowed to any county or district after the expiration of the term of this General Assembly of the State of Tennessee. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the citizens of new counties made since the 19th day of February, 1852, or hereafter made, shall vote with the respective counties New counties from which they have been or maybe taken, for Senators and Representatives until the next apportionment. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the proviso to Sec- 46 tion 8 of the Schedule to the amendments to the Consti- tution adopted on the 22nd of February, 1865, be and the same is hereby repealed. Passed June 15, 1870. AY. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 21, 1870. D. AY. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXVI. AN ACT to regulate and fix the payment of poll-tax. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That every male inhabitant of the State, between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, except persons who are deaf, dumb, blind, incapable of labor, or persons exempted by particular laws, shall pay ^ i a poll—tax. CCi' e ' Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the rate of tax- Common ation on every taxable poll, for common school purposes, School. shall be fifty cents; and no other tax on polls shall be levied by the State for any purpose whatever. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said poll-tax shall County Trus- be collected annually and paid over to the County Trus- tec. tee of each county in which collected, and shall be ap- propriated for common school purposes in each county in the manner prescribed by law. Kate of tax- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the rates of tax- ation. ation on every taxable poll for county or municipal cor- poration purposes, shall not exceed the poll tax for com- mon schools. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare re- quiring it. Passed June 17, 1870. AY. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 21, 1870. D AY. C. SENTER, Governor. Kepealed. Poll-tax. 47 CHAPTER XXVII. AN ACT to establish the County of Trousdale. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a new county be, and the New county, same is hereby established, out of fractions of the terri- tory composing the counties of Sumner, Macon, Smith and Wilson, around the town of Hartsville, to be called Name " Trousdale," in honor of Governor Wm. Trousdale. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said county of Trousdale shall be bounded as follows, to-wit: Begin- j$ounc]ari(l ning on the north bank of Cumberland River, near the house of Dr. James Alexander, in Smith County; run- ning thence in a north-easterly direction on an arc ten miles from Carthage to a stake on the Hartsville and Carthage turnpike, near the house of Mrs. Bradley; thence north 45 degrees east to Mou's Hill; thence with the meanderings of said hill to a stake in the Macon county line near Raglan's; thence with said line some ten miles to where said line crosses the middle fork of Goose Creek, near Ephraim Parsley's; thence with the mean- derings of said creek to the mouth of the west branch of the middle fork ; thence up said branch with its mean- ders to James Barnley's, at the mouth of "Love Hollow;" thence due west to the Macon county line; thence with said west boundary line southward to a mulberry tree, the south-west corner of Macon County; thence on a continuation of the south boundary line of Macon County, due west to where said line intersects the east fork of Bledsoe's Creek, near George Brown's; thence south to the Cumberland River, crossing the Gallatin and Hartsville turnpike ten miles from Gallatin, between Hallum's shop and the old toll-gate; thence up said river with its meanders, to David Jackson's in Wilson County; thence eastward on an arc eleven miles from Lebanon, to Cumberland River at the mouth of Everett's branch ; thence up the river with its meanders to McDonald's warehouse; thence eastwardly on an arc eleven miles from Lebanon, near Fred. Terry's and Whitson's, to a point in the Smith county line between James Calhoun's house and Henry Ward's; thence on an arc ten miles from Carthage, to the beginning. 48 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of Appointment perfecting the organization of said county of Trousdale, of Commis- E. T. Seay, S. W. Lesueur, J. S. Dyer, Howard Young, sioners. Q0p Jas> H. Vaughn, Robert Burford, Cyrus H. Lauder- dale, John Carr and E. P. Lowe, are hereby appointed Commissioners, who shall, before entering upon the dis- charge of their duties, take an oath to faithfully Obligation, partially discharge all the duties imposed on them by this Act; and all vacancies that m?y occur previous to the or- ganization of the County Court of said county, shall be filled by the remaining Commissioners. A majority of Duties. sa^ Commissioners shall constitute a board to transact all things enjoined on them, and it shall be the duty of said board to keep a true record of their proceedings as Com- missioners, which shall be returned to the County Court of said county of Trousdale, at the first term, to be en- tered upon the record of said court, and said Commission- ers shall make such other reports thereafter as said court shall require. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty Yotino- places sa^ Commissioners to designate three voting places in and voting, the Sumner fraction, one in the Macon fraction, four in the Smith fraction, and two in the Wilson fraction; and shall give ten days' notice by written or printed circulars, Notice to be posted in five or more public places in each fraction given. taken from, the respective counties of Sumner, Macon, Smith and Wilson, that an election will be held in which all persons entitled to vote for members of the General Persons en Assembly who have resided in the fraction proposed to titled to vote, be stricken off for six months immediately preceding said election, shall be entitled to vote, and each voter who desires to vote for the establishment of the new county, shall have on his ticket the words %e New Coun- ty," and those desiring to vote against the new county, Manner of sha.ll have on their tickets "Old County," and if, upon the voting. counting of all the votes cast at said election in that part of each of the counties of Sumner, Macon, Smith and Wilson proposed to be taken off to form said county of Trousdale, it shall appear that two-thirds of the qualified Two thirds voters in each of the parts so taken off vote in favor of vote required being attached to the new county, then that part shall be a part of the county of Trousdale, and the same is here- by declared to be a county, with all the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to all the liabilities and duties Proviso. with other counties in this State; Provided, however, That if there should not be a two-thirds vote in the Wilson county fraction in favor of said new county, the fractions 49 of Sumner, Macon and Smith shall constitute the county of Trousdale. Provided, the consent of two-thirds of Proviso, the qualified voters residing in the part so taken off has been legally given. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- ers shall appoint Judges and Clerks to hold said election, Electlon offi* and also some suitable person as an officer in each place aP" designated in each fraction, who shall have all the powers and perform all the duties imposed by law upon other officers holding elections under the laws of this State, Dutieg and who shall, after the polls are closed and the vote u 1 counted, make out and certify the result and return the same with a copy of the poll books to the Chairman of said Board of Commissioners, who shall, when the re- turns are all received, in the presence of the said Board proceed to compare the vote and certify the result; and the election therein provided for shall be held on the same day in each of said fractions, and if, for any cause, Failure to the election as herein provided shall not be held in any Fold election, of said fractions on the day appointed, said Board shall provide for another election as herein provided in such fraction. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- ers shall have power, and it shall be their duty to mark Boundv ]iue the boundary lines of said county of Trousdale, guided t0 be marked by the marks and bearings set forth in the second section of this act before the election provided in the fourth sec- tion of this act, and it shall be their duty to divide the Ciyil (bistricts said county in such number of civil districts as the con- venience of the inhabitants may require (but in no event shall there be less than ten civil districts in said county) designating the boundaries of and giving the place of holding in said districts, and they shall perform such other duties as may be necessary to carry out the provis- ions of this act. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- ers shall appoint such suitable persons as they thinkElectl011 offi- proper, to open and hold the election for said county of Trousdale, and those so appointed shall have power to appoint Deputies, Clerks and Judges, and, by themselves and Deputies, to administer all the necessary oaths, and do and perform all other duties now imposed upon officers holding similar elections, and such Deputies shall _ open and hold an election within thirty days after the re- elecJ^lce suit of the first election is known, for the purpose of electing a full quota of county officers, which election shall be held in each civil district in said county of 4 50 Trousdale, and the officers so elected shall hold their Term of offices until the next regular election of county officers 0l 'ce' takes place throughout the State; and that the Judges, Clerks and officers hereby appointed, shall hold the elec- tions provided by law for judicial and other officers on the first Thursday in August, 1870. Sec. 8. Be it furthei* enacted, That said Board of Mcet'g place. Commissioners at its first meeting, shall designate a place within the limits of said county of Trousdale where said Board shall meet. They shall meet upon their own adjournment and may be convened at any time by their chairman. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the different courts Courts at of said county of Trousdale shall be held in the town Hartsville. of Hartsville, and all process issuing from any of said courts returnable to this place shall be legal, and such courts shall be subject to such rules and regulations, and exercise the same powers as courts of similar jurisdiction Power of the other counties. The County Court of Trousdale shall Court. have the powers conferred by law upon County Courts, and meet at the time prescribed by law. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That when both parties to a suit at law or equity reside in the County of Trous- dale, upon application of either party to the Court in Suits to be which suit is pending, it shall be removed to the new removed. county, and the Clerk of the Court in the old county shall transmit a transcript of the records in such suit to the appropriate Clerk of the new county; and when the defendant to such suit resides within the new county and the plaintiff does not, then upon application of the de- fendant to the Court in which said suit is pending, it shall be transferred to the appropriate Court of the new county. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That all officers of the Officers to sa^ county s^ia^ continue to hold their offices and per- ,™5„ 0f. form the duties thereof until others are elected and qual- fice. ified according to law. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the Duty of Tax duty of the Tax Collectors of Sumner, Macon, Smith and Collectors. Wilson Counties, to pay over to the Trustee of Trous- dale County, when elected and qualified, that portion of the county tax of said counties which has been collected by said Tax Collectors within the boundaries of Trous- dale County for 1870, and the said Trustee's receipt shall be a voucher to said Tax Collectors on settlement with the Trustees of their respective counties. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the Commission- 51 ers herein provided for shall receive such compensation Compensa- as may be allowed them by the County Court after the tion of Com- organization of the county. —— Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the County Court of the said County of Trous- dale, within three months after their organization, to sub- mit to a vote of the qualified voters of said county the permanent location of the county site, and whatever place receives the highest number of votes shall be the county site. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That no tax shall be imposed upon the people of said County of Trousdale for the purpose of building a Court-house within four County build- years after its organization. lnss' Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That the fractions taken from the Counties of Sumner, Smith, Macon and Wilson, to form the County of Trousdale, shall continue liable Liable for old for their pro rata of all debts contracted by their respec- debts, tive counties prior to their separation, and be entitled to their proportion of any stock or credit belonging to such old counties; and this act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed June 21, 1870. W. Cm. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 21, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. Permanent location of county site. CHAPTER XXIX. AN ACT to establish the County of Cla3r. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a new county be and the New county, same is hereby established, to be composed of portions taken from the northern portion of Jackson and Overton Counties, to be known and designated by the name of Name. County of Clay, and shall be bounded as hereinafter pro- vided. Sec. 2. Be it f urther enacted, That the general boun- 52 Boundaries, daries of said county shall be as follows, to-wit: Begin- ning at the common corner of Jackson and Overton Counties, upon the State line between Kentucky and Tennessee, running thence with said line east to a point in said line on the northern boundary of Overton Coun- ty, to be fixed by the Commissioners to be hereafter de- signated in this act; thence south or southwest to a point in Overton County, to be also fixed and established by the said Commissioners; thence in a westerly direction through Overton and Jackson counties to a point to be fixed by the Commissioners; thence north with said line, to the State line; thence east with said line to the beginning; Proviso Provided, That no line of said new county shall ap- proach the Court-houses of Jackson and Overton Coun- ties nearer than ten miles in a direct line from the same. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That R. P. Broc ks, Jas. A oint Cunningham and Job M. Morgan, of Jackson Coun- ment of Com- ty, and W. H. Turner and Thomas Armstrong, of Over- missioners. ton County, be and they are hereby appointed Commis- sioners, with full power and authority to run out and designate the boundaries of said county by actual survey; Surveyor to and they are authorized to employ a competent person to be appointed, survey the same; and if, upon finding that their terri- tory and population are sufficient to meet the require- ments of the Constitution without infringing the consti- tutional territory or population of the counties from which said County of Clay is to be taken, then said Commissioners shall have the lines of said County of Clay plainly marked, and cause a correct map of the same to be made out and transmitted to the Secretary of State, who shall file the same in his office; and the County of Clay is hereby established upon the following condi- tions: Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty Conditions, of said Commissioners, as soon as they shall ascertain that there is territory and population sufficient to estab- lish a new county under the requirements of the second and third sections of this act, after giving twenty days' notice in three or more public places, of the time and place in each of the fractions proposed to be stricken off from the Counties of Jackson and Overton, to open and hold an election in each of the fractions proposed to be stricken off from the counties aforesaid, for the purpose Two thirds of ascertaining whether two-thirds of the voters residing vote required in those fractions, are in favor of or opposed to the estab- lishment of said County of Clay; and all persons quali- fied to vote for members of the General Assembly who 53 have resided in the fractions aforesaid six months im- mediately preceding the day of election, shall be entitled to vote; and each voter who desires the establishment of the new county, shall have on his ballot " New County," Manner of and those opposed to the new county shall have on their voting, ballots "Old County;" and if upon counting the ballots, the judges of the several elections shall return that two- Election re- thirds of each of the fractions have voted for the new turns, county, then the County of Clay shall be and the same is hereby established, with all the powers, privileges and advantages, and subject to all the liabilities of other counties in this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all officers in said county shall continue to hold their offices and exercise Offices, all the powers and functions thereof, until others are elected and qualified according to law, and the said County of Clay shall elect her officers on the day and Election of under the same rules and regulations as provided by law officers, for the election of officers in other counties in this State. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the Commissioners appointed by the third section of this act shall appoint such persons as they deem suitable to open and hold elec- Election of tions for county officers for the County of Clay; and the officers, persons so appointed shalll be and are hereby invested with full power and authority to appoint Deputies, Clerks and Judges, and by themselves and deputies to administer all Their duties, necessary oaths, and to do and perform all other duties as by law are required of Sheriffs and other officers holding similar elections. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Commissioners aforesaid, as soon after the County of Clay shall have been established as practicable, to To procure a select and secure, by purchase or otherwise, a suitable County site, site for the seat of justice in said county, and the said Commissioners, having first caused a deed to be made to themselves and their assigns, with general warranty, to a sufficient quantity of land, including the site so selected, Town to be shall cause a town to be laid off thereon, with as many laid out. streets and alleys as they may deem sufficient, within a suitable square, for the erection of public buildings. Said Commissioners may reserve such lots as they may deem advisable, for the purpose of erecting a jail, and such other purposes as they may deem proper, and said town, so laid off, shall be known by the name of : Provided, Said Commissioners shall consult the wishes Proviso, and convenience of a majority of the citizens of said county; and said Commissioners shall open and hold an 54 election at three or more places in said county, first giv- ing twenty days notice of the time and place, for the Manner of se- purpose of fixing upon an eligible site for the seat of lecting a per-justice in said County of Clay; and should said election manent site. he held, all qualified voters for members of the General Assembly, shall be entitled to vote in selecting said site. Should there be two or "more places put in nomination and voted for, the place receiving a majority of the votes cast shall thereupon be declared, by said Commissioners, Proviso. the seat of justice of Clay County : Provided, That said Commissioners shall have the right to hold elections, from time to time, until one place shall receive a major- ity of those voting. Lots to be SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Commissioners sold. of said county shall sell the lots in said town on a credit of at least twelve months, first giving due notice thereof To advertise. jn one or more newspapers, of the time and place, and shall take bond, with security, from the purchasers of said lots, payable to themselves or their successors in office, and shall make title, in fee simple as Commission- ers, to the respective purchasers of said lots. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the proceeds of To defray ex- sale of said lots aforesaid, shall be a fund in the hands penses. of said Commissioners for the defraying of the expenses incurred in the purchase of said tract of land on which the said county site shall be located, and, also, for de- fraying the expenses of erecting the public buildings for said County of Clay. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the Commission- Additional ers shall als° appoint five Commissioners, whose duty ComTs. ' it shall be to divide and lay off said county into civil Civil Districts districts, designate the place of holding elections therein, etc. and do and perform all the duties relative thereto, which, by the laws of this State, such Commissioners are autho- rized and required to do. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the County Court of Clay County, when organized, shall be authorized to County Court make such appropriations as they think proper to the to compen- Commissioners appointed under this act, to compensate sate ComTs. £}iem for their necessary expenses and services. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That for the conven- ience of the citizens, and for the administration of jus- tice, the County and Circuit Courts for the County of Place of bold- Q}ay shall be held at such place as may be designated by mg ou s. Qommjssi0ners, until the public buildings for said Notice to county shall be completed, due notice of which shall be Clerks. given to the clerks of the several courts of said county, 55 by the Commissioners herein appointed, after which time they shall be held at the Court-house in the county afore- said. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the Commission- ers appointed by the provisions of this act, together with Surveyor employed to run out and designate the boun- dary of said county, shall, severally, before they enter upon the discharge of the duties assigned them, take an Obligations, oath before some Justice of the Peace to discharge the duty assigned them, without partiality or prejudice, to the best of their judgment according to law. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That the Commission- ers of Clay County be, and they are hereby authorized to exercise all the powers conferred in this act, and such Powers, other powers as may be necessary and proper to the com- plete organization of the County of Clay. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the citizens of Clay County, in all elections for Governor, Representa- tives in Congress, and the election of President and Vice-President, shall vote with the counties from which Voting places they have been respectively stricken off, until the next apportionment. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That the counties of Jackson and Overton shall retain complete jurisdiction jurisdiction, over the fractions stricken off from said counties, until the County of Clay shall be completely organized. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That the fractions of Jackson and Overton Counties, formed by this act into the County of Clay, shall continue liable for their pro Pro rata debts rata of all debts contracted and owing by said Overton an cie( lts' and Jackson Counties, as well as entitled to any portion of any stocks and credits belonging to said Overton and Jackson Counties. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, The public welfare re- quiring ic, that this act take effect from and after its pas- sage. Passed June 16, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. R. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 24, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 56 CHAPTER XXX. AN ACT to establish the County of Lake. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a new county be, and the same Portion of is hereby established out of that portion of Obion County Obion Co. which lies west of low water mark of Reel Foot Lake, which shall be called the County of Lake. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the County of Lake Boundaries, shall be bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake at low water mark on the west bank of Reel Foot Lake, at a point where the dividing line between Ken- tucky and Tennessee crosses said west bank; running thence in a southern direction with the meanderings of said western bank, at low water mark, to the Dyer County line; thence west with the Dyer County line to the State line; thence with said line up the Mississippi River, in a northern direction, to an intersection with the Kentucky line; thence east with the Kentucky and Tennessee line to the beginning. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of Organization, effecting the organization of said County of Lake, Robert C. Nail, Wyatt Moring, E. E. "Westbrook, L. Donald- Commission- S0Ilj and W. J. Wynn, are hereby appointed Commis- eis appointed s[onerSj wh0 shall, before entering on the discharge of Oath of office their duties, take an oath before some Justice of the Peace faithfully and impartially to discharge all the du- ties imposed upon them by this act, and all vacancies that may occur among said Commissioners, previous tothe or- ganization of the County Court of Lake County, shall be filled by the remaining Commissioners. A majority of said Commissioners shall constitute a Board competent to do all things herein enjoined on them, and it shall be the duty of such Board to keep a true and faithful re- cord of all their proceedings as Commissioners, which shall be returned to the County Court of Lake County at its first session, and the same shall be entered upon the records of said court, and said Commissioners shall make as frequent reports thereafter as said Court shall require. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- ers shall have power and it shall be their duty to divide Civil Districts Said county into such number of Civil Districts as the convenience of the inhabitants thereof may require, de- Vacancies. Duties of Com'rs. 57 signaling the boundaries of, and the places of holding Boundaries elections in said Districts, and they shall perform ' all and place of other duties in relation thereto, as by the laws of the elec* State such Commissioners are required to perform, or as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- ers shall appoint such suitable persons as they may deem proper, to open and hold the election for county officers ele^®0c^gS of for Lake County, aud such persons so appointed shall have power to appoint deputies, clerks and judges; and by himself and deputies to administer all necessary oaths, and do and perform all other duties now imposed upon Commissioners of Registration or Sheriffs holding similar elections, and such officers so appointed and his deputies, shall open and hold an election tor county officers on the Election of first Thursday in August, 1870, which election shall be co'ty officers, held in each Civil District in said county, and the officers so elected, shall hold their offices until the next regular ^gim ° ° " election for the different officers so elected, takes place throughout the State. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the citizens of Lake County, in all elections for Governor, members of the General Assembly, Representatives in Congress, and Voting places Electors for President and Vice President, and Judges, shall vote with the citizens of Obion County until the next apportionment, agreeable to the provisions of the 5th Section of the 10th Article of the amended Consti- tution. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That for the clue admin- Courts, istration of justice, the different courts to be holden for said county of Lake shall be held in the town of Tip- Tiptonvillc. tonville, until the seat of justice shall be located as here- inafter provided, and all writs and other process issuing from any of said courts, returnable to that place, shall be Writs return- legal, and the courts for the county of Lake shall be un- able- der the rules, regulations and restrictions, and shall have, hold and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction as similar courts in other counties. Said county shall be attached to the Twelfth Judicial Circuit, and the Circuit Twelfth Ju- Court thereof shall be held by the Judge of said Circuit, dicial Circuit, on the third Mondays of January, May and September in each and every year, and shall be attached to the Ninth Chancery District, and the Chancery Court shall be holden at such times as may be hereafter fixed by law. The County Court of said county of Lake shall have the powers conferred by the general law cf the State up- 58 on County Courts, and meet at the times prescribed by said law. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That immediately after the organization of the County Court of Lake County, or as soon thereafter as practicable, it shall be the duty of said County Court—every District in said county being represented therein—to designate, fix and establish County seat. a Sllitable location for the county seat of said county, and if deemed necessary by them, they may order an election to be held, to ascertain the sense of the people of Lake County upon the question as to where said county seat shall be located. Said county seat, when so fix- ed and established by said Court, shall never be removed except by a two-third vote of the people of the county. Officers. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That all officers, civil and military, now holding office in said county, shall continue to hold their offices and exercise all the powers and functions thereof, until others are elected and quali- fied according to this Act, and nothing in this Act con- tained shall deprive the county of Obion from having, Jurisdiction, exercising and holding jurisdiction over the county of Lake, and the citizens thereof, in as full and ample man- ner as they now have, until the election and qualification of county officers for said Lake County takes place ac- Proviso. cording to this Act; Provided, That it shall be the duty of the present Tax Collector of Obion County, to pay Tax for 1870. over to the Trustee of Lake County, when elected and qualified, that portion of the county tax of Obion County, which shall have been collected by such Tax Collector within the boundaries of said Lake County for the year 1870, and said Trustee's receipt shall be a voucher to said Tax Collector on settlement with the Trustee of Obion County. Offences ®EC* ^e ^ farther enacted, That all offences, mis- demeanors, crimes and felonies which have been commit- ted in said county of Obion before the passage of this Act, and which before the passage of this Act, were presentable and indictable in and by the Circuit Troy. Court of said county of Obion, held and to be hold- en in the town of Troy, shall still be the subject of pre- sentment, indictment, trial, conviction and judgment by and in said Circuit Court at Troy, in the same manner and to the same extent as if this Act had not been passed. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That this Act take 59 effect, the public welfare requiring it, from and after its passage. Passed June 9, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 24, 1870. W. D. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXXI. AN ACT to lay off the State into Judicial Circuits. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That for the administration of Number of justice in the Circuit Courts, the State of Tennessee is Circults- hereby divided in fifteen Circuits. The first Circuit shall First Circuit- comprise the counties of Hancock, Hawkins, Greene, Carter, Johnson, Sullivan, Washington and Boone, if es- tablished. The second Circuit shall comprise the counties Second Cir- of Cocke, Jefferson, Grainger, Union, Sevier, Scott,cult- Campbell, Claiborne and Hamblen, if established. The Third Circuit third Circuit shall comprise the counties of Morgan, An- derson, Knox, Monroe, Roane, Cumberland, Fentress, Blount and Christiana, if established. The fourth Circuit Fourth Cir- shall comprise the counties of McMinn, Polk, Meigs, cult* Bradley, Rhea, Hamilton, Marion, Sequatchie, Bledsoe, and a special Court at Chattanooga. The fifth Circuit Fifth Circuit, shall comprise the counties of DeKalb, Overton, Put- nam, White, Smith, Jackson, Macon and Clay, if estab- lished. The sixth Circuit shall comprise the counties of Sixth Circuit. Grundy, Warren, Coffee, Franklin, Lincoln and Van Buren. The seventh Circuit shall comprise the counties Seventh Cir- of Rutherford,' Cannon, Wilson and Bedford and the cu^; Criminal Court of the county of Wilson. The eighth cujtlghtl1 Cll~ Circuit shall comprise the county of Davidson. The circuit ninth Circuit shall comprise the counties of Williamson, Marshall, Maury, Giles and Lawrence. The tenth Cir- cu^enth Cll~ cuit shall comprise the counties of Robertson, Mont- gomery, Stewart, Cheatham, Dickson, Humphreys and 60 Eleventh Cir- Sumner. The eleventh Circuit shall comprise the coun- cuit- ties of Hardin, Wayne, Lewis, Hickman, Perry, Deca- Twelfth Cir- tur, Henderson and McNairy. The twelfth Circuit shall cuit- comprise the counties of Benton, Henry,Weakley, Carroll, Etheridge, Obion and Lake, and the special Court at- CircuitlGtntl1 Union City, in Obion county. The thirteenth Circuit shall comprise the counties of Dyer, Gibson, Haywood, Madi- Fourteenth sorb and the special Court at Humboldt. The fourteenth Circuit, Circuit shall comprise the counties of Fayette, Tipton, Lauderdale and Hardeman, and the Circuit Court at Bartlett, in Shelby County, as established by the Act passed December 4, 1869, entitled an Act to reorganize Fifteenth Cir- the Courts of Shelby County. The fifteenth Circuit shall cuit. comprise the two Circuit Courts of Shelby County, as established by the Act passed December 4, 1869, entitled " An Act to reorganize the Courts of Shelby County/' Special Cri- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Special Crimi- minal Court nal Court for the counties of Davidson and Rutherford Davidson co. ^ an(j remajn f]le saiIie as now established by law, and Criminal Cr't the Criminal Court of Shelby County, as established by of Shelby co. ^ passej December 4, 1869, entitled "An Act to reorganize the Courts of Shelby County, " remain the same as now established by law ; and the public welfare requires that this Act take effect from and after its pas- 115 Sec. Code sage? and that Section 115 of the Code, establishing the repealed. Judicial Circuits of the State, and all Acts amendatory thereto, be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed June 17, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 24, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXXII. AN ACT to divide the State into Chancery Districts. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That for the administration of 61 equity in Chancery Courts, the State is divided into Chancery Chancery Districts. The first Chancery District shall Court. comprise the counties of Johnson, Carter, Washington, First District Sullivan, Hawkins, Greene, Hancock, Claiborne, Grain- ger, Jefferson, Cocke, Powell and Hamblen. The second Second Dist. District shall comprise the counties of Knox, Sevier, Campbell, Union, Anderson, Roane, Monroe, Blount, Scott, Morgan, Fentress and Christiana. The third Dis- Third Dist. trict shall comprise the counties of Polk, McMinn, Meigs, Rhea, Cumber.and, Bledsoe, Sequatchie, Marion, Hamil- ton, Bradley and the special Court at Chattanooga, as now established by law. The fourth District shall com- Fourth Dist. prise the counties of Franklin, Lincoln, Bedford, Ruther- ford, Cannon, Coffee, Warren and Grundy. The fifth Fifth Dist. District shall comprise the counties of VanBuren, White, Putnam, Overton, Jackson, Macon, Smith, DeKalb and Clay. The sixth District shall comprise the counties of Sixth Dist. Wilson, Sumner, Robertson, Montgomery, Stewart, Cheatham and Trousdale, if established. The seventh Seventh Dist. District shall comprise tfte county of Davidson, as now established by law. The eighth District shall comprise Eighth Dist. the counties of Williamson, Maury, Marshall and Giles. The ninth District shall comprise the counties of Benton, Ninth Dist. Hickman, Henderson, McNairy, Lawrence, Dickson, Humphreys, Decatur, Lewis, Perry, Flardin and Wayne. Tenth Dist. The tenth District shall comprise the counties of Harde- man, Madison, Haywood, Tipton, Fayette and Lauderdale. Eleventh Dist The eleventh District shall comprise the counties of Dyer, Obion, Lake, Weakley, Gibson, Etheridge, Carroll and Henry. The twelfth District shall comprise the county Twelfth Dist. of Shelby, as established by the Act passed December 4, 1869, entitled "An Act to reorganize the Courts of Shelby County," and the public welfare requiring it, this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 22, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 28, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 62 CHAPTER XXXIII. AN ACT to dispose of tlie old Lunatic Asylum grounds, and to pro- vide a site for a mansion for the Governor of the State. Whereas, By Act of the General Assembly of Ten- Amouut of nessee> in October, 1832, a piece of ground, nine acres, land more or less in extent, in the southwestern suburb of the city of Nashville, was purchased and appropriated to the erection thereon of an Asylum for the Insane ; and Whereas, Since the disuse of that structure in 1852, Destruction anc* particularly since its destruction by the fire in 1863, of buildings." the said property has been useless and unproductive to the State; and Whereas, It was originally set aside and devoted to the care and well-being of the insane of the State, and it is necessary that the present accommodation for that un- . fortunate class should be extended, and a building suita- xtension. adapted for their treatment; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Board of Trustees of the tak^™ostest0 Tennessee Hospital for the Insane are instructed to take skm.1)0SSeS possession of the said property, and after laying otf two acres thereof, to be retained and used as a site for the Gov manskm erecti°n a mansion for the Governors of the State, shall cause the remainder to be surveyed and divided into to suitable lots, and sold, together with the dressed stone )c so . thereon, to the highest bidder, on such terms as will best subserve the objects hereinafter provided for. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor is ^ n hereby directed to make deeds to purchasers in the name ?has«i° PU1" ancl !n behalf of tbe State" Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the proceeds of the Disposition of sale of said lots and building material, shall be paid over the proceeds to the Treasurer of the State, subject to the order and of sale. llse 0f the Board of Trustees of the Tennessee Hospital for the Insane, to be applied by them as directed in sec- tion 1,533 of the Code, viz.: " To make such alterations in the hospital, and in the grounds attached to it, as may be necessary to insure such a separation of the differ- ent classes of the insane, as is essential to their proper treatment, medical as well as moral. , Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Governor of take charAt0 State is hereby empowered and directed to appoint of site. = three Commissioners, one from East Tennessee, one from 63 West Tennessee, and one from Davidson County, who shall take charge of the site reserved for the mansion of the Governor, and the building material thereon, and when hereafter instructed by act of the General Assem- bly, said Commissioners shall have power to employ a power 0f competent architect to prepare a suitable plan for said Com rs. building, and to contract for its construction, the cost of which, together with all proper appurtenances thereto, not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars. Passed June 18, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the Mouse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 24, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXXIV. AN ACT to change the County line between the Counties of Giles and Marshall. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the territory of Giles County lying north and east of the line beginning on the top of Boundaries, the ridge in Giles and Marshall County line, at the west end of Enoch Smith's farm, not far from Wesley Griffis ; running thence, in a southern direction with a lane, to the Bear Creek Church road; thence with said road to the mouth of the lane in the Cornersville and Lynnville road that divides the farm of P. T. Cox and Richard Wilkes; thence south with the Cornersville and Lynn- ville road to a large poplar in the road where the Cor- nersville and Lynnville road turns east; thence with the old Huntsville and Columbia road to the Christian Church near D. G. Ussey's, the same being the line of the seventeenth district of Giles County ; thence with the said Huntsville and Columbia road and the civil district line, to what is known as the G. W. Day farm and Eas- lick's mills; then east, so as to strike the line that divides the lands of S. G. Marsh and W. W. Simmons, near the 64 Cornersville and Pulaski turnpike; thence east with said Marsh and Simmons' line to the southeast corner of said Marsh's farm; thence north to the middle of Rich- Attached to land Creek ; thence east up Richland Creek, meandering Marshall Co. the same to the point where the Giles and Marshall County line crosses the creek near, James Moore's, shall be, and the same is hereby attached to and constitute a part of Marshall County. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the territorial frac- tions, taken from Giles and added to Marshall County by this act, shall continue liable for its pro rata of all debts contracted by Giles County before the passage of this act, and the said fraction shall be entitled to its pro- portion of any stocks or credits belonging to Giles County. County taxes ^EC* ^e ^ father enacted, That the State and County taxes of said fraction for the year 1870, shall be collected by the Tax Collector of Giles County, and when collected in said fraction, the county tax shall be paid to the County Trustee of Giles County, and constitute a part of the county revenue of Giles county. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That as the public we - • fare requires it, this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 30, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. r>. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved Julv 1, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. Pro rata of debts. Credits. CHAPTER XXXV. 'AN ACT to authorize the removal of the County site of Hamilton County. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of Election no- State of Tennessee, That at the general State election rice. to be holden in November next, the Sheriff of Hamilton 65 County, or other officer holding the same, is authorized, empowered and required to open and hold an election at all the voting places in said county, in which election all the voters of said county, qualified to vote for members of the Removal of General Assembly, may vote for or against the removal of county site. the county site of said county from Harrison to Chattanooga. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That at said election those who are in favor of the removal of the county site Manner of shall have written or printed upon their ballots, " For voting, the removal of the county site," o* words to that pur- p(trt; and those who are opposed to the removal of the county site, shall have written or printed upon their bal- lots, "Against the removal of the county site," or words to that purport; and said election shall be held by the same officers, Judges and Clerks holding the general State election, and the words herein provided for may be written or printed upon the tickets or ballots cast for can- didates in the general election, and may be held and counted therewith. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Sheriff or To comparc other officer holding said election shall compare the votes and report upon the question of removal of the county site, and re- result, port the result thereof, and the number of votes cast for and against the removal, to the County Court of said county, at the next term after said election. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if at said election two-thirds of the votes cast and counted for and against Two-third removal, shall be in favor of said removal, then and vote, in that event the county site of said county of Hamilton shall be removed from Harrison to Chattanooga, and the County Court of said county is hereby authorized, em- Duty of Co. powered, and required to provide for said removal, and Court, to that end are authorized and empowered to dispose of and sell the public buildings at Harrison, and to provide for the necessary public buildings at the new county site Buildings, etc in such way as in their discretion may be best and proper for the interest of the county. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if said county site shall be removed as herein provided for, all the records Records, of the various courts and county offices at Harrison shall be transferred to Chattanooga, and stand in the same plight and condition as before their removal, and all bonds, Bonds, etc. obligations, recognizances and process previously exe- cuted, shall have the same force and effect at Chattanoo- ga as though the county site had remained at Harrison. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That if said county site circuit and shall be removed as herein provided for, the Law Court Law Courts. 5 66 of Chattanooga shall be merged into the Circuit Court of Hamilton County, and the same become one court, to be Chancery holden at the same times as now provided for the holding Courts. of said Law Court, and the Chancery Court of Chat- tanooga in like manner shall be merged into the Chan- eery Court of Hamilton County. Passed June 24, 1870. W. OX. PERKINS, Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senatef Approved June 29, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXXYI. AN ACT to enforce Section 28, of Article II, and Section 30, of Article II, of the Constitution, and to amend the revenue laws of the State ; particularly Section 5, of an Act passed March 1, 1869, entitled "An Act to amend the revenue laws of the State," and Section 1, of an Act passed February 25, 1870, entitled "An Act to sustain the credit of the State, and to amend the revenue laws of the State, and for other purposes." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That all property, real, personal Pro ert ex- or by the State, or any county, incorporated empt from city or town of the State, which is used exclusively for taxation public or corporation purposes, and such as is held and used for purposes purely religious, charitable, scientific, literary or educational, and personal property to the value of one thousand dollars in the hands of each tax- payer, and all personal property which is the direct pro- Product of duct of the soil, whilst in the hands of the producer, or soil- in the hands of the immediate vendee of the producer, shall be exempt front taxation under the revenue laws of this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That no article manu- Manufacture factured of the produce of this State shall be assessed for ed articles, taxation, or taxes levied and collected thereon, whether the produce shall be the product of the farm, orchard, garden or vineyard. 67 Sec, 3. Be it further enacted, That so much of Section Law repealed 1, of an Act passed January 25, 1870, entitled "An Act to sustain the credit of the State, and to amend the rev- enue laws of the State, and for other purposes," as ex- empts one thousand dollars in value, of stallions, mares, geldings, mules, jacks, jennets, neat cattle, sheep and hogs, and one thousand dollars of the money of orphans, legatees and distributees under twenty-one years of age, and five hundred dollars in value of all household and kitchen furniture, including gold and silver plate, and five hundred dollars of all salaries and emoluments and fees of office, be and the same are hereby repealed, and the exemption shall be as provided in this act. Tax on spirits Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the fifth section of repealed, an act passed March 1, 1869, entitled "An Act to amend the revenue laws of the State, so far as it imposes a priv- ilege tax of one hundred dollars upon all other dealers in spirits, wines, etc., when the same is manufactured from the produce of any farm, orchard, vineyard or garden in this State, and sold by the manufacturer, is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted,, That the public welfare demands that this Act take effect from and after its pas- sage. Passed June 27,1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 29, 1870. D. W. C, SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXXYII. AN ACT to amend the criminal laws of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That if any conductor, engineer or cr0gS\nga s manager on any railroad in this State, crossing any other railroad, shall at any point where said road crosses any 68 other railroad in the State, wilfully or maliciously run or drive any locomotive or train into or against any train, locomotive or car standing or passing over said crossing, the person or persons aforesaid, by whom said act is com- mitted, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on con- viction thereof in any Criminal or Circuit Court having jurisdiction of said offense, shall be punished by impris- onment in the State prison for a term not less than one, nor more than five years. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the various Circuit and Criminal Judges are required to give this act spe- cially in charge of the Grand Juries at each term of the Court, and the public necessity requires that this act take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 27, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 29, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XXXVIII. AN ACT to suppress Hunting or Killing Deer with Dogs, and of Netting or Seining of Fish in the Counties of Benton and Hum- phreys. Hunting for- Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of bidden at cer- the State of Tennessee, That it shall not be lawful to hunt tain seasons. or kill Jeer with guns or dogs, within the limits of the counties of Benton and Humphreys from the first day of January to the first day of September in each and every year. Fishing for- Sec. 2. Be it further ''enacted, That it shall not be bidden at cer- lawful to entrap or take fish with a net or seine in any of tam sea30ns- the waters of the counties of Benton and Humphreys from the first of January to the fifteenth of October in each year. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That any person o per- 69 sons violating this Act shall be fined not less than ten nor Penalty, more than twenty-five dollars for each offence,and that fines so assessed shall one half go to the county, the other to the prosecutor. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That Justices of the Justices of Peace have full power to try all cases for the violation oftlie Peace- this Act as in other cases of misdemeanor. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That no hunting party or parties, shall encamp upon the lands of any person Privilege re- with dogs or guns to hunt deer in said counties, without d, shall be apportioned by him as hereinafter directed, counts- and shall be paid out by the Treasurer as the moneys in his hands, not otherwise appropriated, may justify, upon the warrant of the Comptroller. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all such amounts as may be in the Treasury of the State belonging to the Apportioning School Fund thereof, on the first day of December of fund. every year, shall be apportioned by the Comptroller among the several counties. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the apportionment shall be made among the several counties according to Mode of ap- the ratio of their children; between the ages of six and portionment. eighteen years, as compared with the children, within those ages, of the whole State, according to the last pre- ceding annual reports of the School Commissioners. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if the returns upon which the apportionment should be made, are so defec- Defective re- ^ive as to render it impracticable for the Comptroller to turns. ascertain the exact amount due the County, he shall make an approximate apportionment from the best evi- dence in his power. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller Comptroller §4ve immediate notice of such apportionment of to give notice moneys to the County Trustee and County Court Clerk of each county in the State, stating the amount oi money apportioned to his county, and shall, moreover, give public notice, in some newspaper, printed at the seat of government, of the exact amount apportioned to each county. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller To issue war- will issue his warrant on the Treasury, in favor of the rant. Trustee of each county, for the amount apportioned to such county, and transmit the warrant to the Trustee of the counties respectively. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller shall prepare and submit to the General Assembly, at each regular session, a report containing— „ A , 1. A statement of the amount due to the Common School Fund of the State; 2. The expenditures of the fund for the preceding two years; 3. Such other matters relating to his office, and to the fund, as he deems expedient to communicate, and such as shall be required by either Branch of the General As- sembly. It shall also be his duty : 1. To collect from the Clerk of the County Court the 101 amount forfeited by him for his neglect and refusal to Duty of report the number of the scholastic population in his Comptroller, county; 2. To cause to be printed and distributed to the seve- ral counties, from time to time, as many copies of the laws, relating to Common Schools, as he deems neces- sary. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the County Court County Conrt of each county may annually levy, and cause to be col- to levy taxes, lected in the same way as county taxes are levied and collected upon all property, polls and privileges liable to taxation, a sum of money not to exceed the entire State tax, for the support and maintenance of a system of Common Schools in their respective counties, to be ap- portioned among the School Districts of the County, and to be paid, for that purpose, into the County Treasury. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the Collector in each county shall collect said tax in the same manner as ^ggCtl0r! °f he collects State and county taxes, and pay the same to the County Trustee, on the first day of each month, as collected, and shall account for, and pay over all thereof, at the same time, and in the same manner, that State and county taxes are accounted for. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That before the Collec- tor enters upon said collection, he shall give bond, with To give "bond approved sureties, in such penalty as may be fixed by the County Court, payable to the State of Tennessee, condi- tioned to use due diligence in collecting, and faithfully to pay to the Trustee of the County all school moneys by him collected; according to law. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That this bond shall be deposited and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the „ County Court, who shall immediately forward to the (jQU^t cierk' Trustee a copy thereof, duly certified, and, for a breach of its conditions, the same remedy shall be had, as for a like default in collecting and paying over county taxes. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the Collector shall Collector's be allowed one per cent, for collecting and paying over fees- said money, on settlement. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That the Justices or Civil Districts shall continue to be School Districts ; but the County Courts, two-thirds of the Justices being pres- ent, and a majority of said two-thirds concurring, may appoint three Commissioners to lay off the County into County Court School Districts. Before acting, the Commissioners mayappint shall take an oath, before a Justice of the Peace, honest- Com'rs- ly, faithfully and without favor or partiality, and to the 102 best of their ability or judgment, to lay off the county into School Districts. Sec. 15. Beit further enacted, That the Districts shall be so laid off as to be of convenient size for the keeping of at least one school in each, and so as to admit of a C'icts^ school-house as uear as possible to the centre* of the population. The Commissioners shall number and de- scribe the Districts, and make out a plan of them, show- ing their boundaries, and file it with the Clerk of the County Court, to be kept and preserved in his office, and registered in a book to be kept Jby him for the purpose. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That the lines of any District may be altered and changed, and new Districts Change of may be made and laid off by the District Commission- Districts. ers, when, on application to them, the same may appear right and proper; and, in such case, said Commissioners shall make out a plan of the District or Districts, altered or created, and deliver it to the Clerk of the County Court, to be kept and registered in his book. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That two or more Dis- tricts may unite their funds and employ a superior teach- Superior er> whom each District may pay so much of its fund teacher. as each child sent to the school would be entitled to, if sent to its own District School. - Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That moneys appor- tioned to a District for any year, not drawn and applied s not support of Schools in the District for said year, dra wr^ B shall be added to the moneys next apportioned to said District, and be paid over therewith. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That the places already fixed for holding elections of District Commissioners, shall remain as heretofore. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That there shall be three Commissioners for each School District, who shall District Com- severally hold their offices for three years, and until their lmssioners. successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 21. Be it f urther enacted, That any person shall be eligible to the office of Commissioner, who resides in the District and is qualified to vote, and thej shall be elected by the inhabitants of the District who are quali- fied to vote for members of the General Assembly. Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, That the Commission- C n.ssiiication ers f°r the several School Districts, elected under the of Com mi s provisions of this Act, or the Acts in force before the pas- s'oners. sage hereof^ shall, on or before the first day of July, 1871, divide themselves into three classes, by Tot or otherwise. The first class shall serve until the first elec- 103 tion for School Commissioners thereafter; the second class, for one year after said election, and the third class #>r. two years thereafter. Sec. 23. Be it further enacted, That the election for one Commissioner in each District shall be held every year, commencing with the first Thursday in August, 1871, by a person appointed by the Sheriff; and, when Tiuie of dec appointed he shall give notice, in writing, at two of the 1 u' most public places in the District, ten days previous to the day on which the election is to be held; and, before opening said election, said person shall-take an oath, be- fore a Justice of the Peace, to hold said election faithful- ly and impartially and report the result of the same. Sec. 24. Be it further enacted, That the person receiv- ing the highest number of votes shall be declared elected, Certificate off and the person holding the election shall certify the re- election, suit to the Clerk of the County Court, and the same shall be entered of record by him. Sec. 25. Be it further enacted, That if, from any cause, Failure t<# an election for Commissioner of any District is not held elect- at the prescribed time, the Sheriff shall, within thirty days alter said time, appoint a suitable person to hold an election for Commissioner for such District. Sec. 26. Be it further enacted, That the person so ap- pointed, first giving legal notice of the time and place of election, shall hold the same under the rules prescribed for the regular elections ; and shall report the result to the Clerk of the County Court in the same way. Sec. 27. Be it further enacted, That when a vacancy occurs among the School Commissioners in any District, Vacancy, the remaining Commissioner or Commissioners shall fill the same by appointment, of which they shall notify the Clerk of the County Court within ten days. Sec. 28. Be it further enacted, That before any School Commissioner shall enter upon the discharge of the du- ties of the offiee, he shall take an oath, in writing, before Comas'oath, the Clerk of the County Court, or some acting Justice of the Peace, to faithfully and impartially discharge the du- ties devolving upon him according to law, and to the best of his skill and ability. Sec. 29. Be it further enacted, That the Common School Commissioners for the various School Districts in the several counties of the State, shall constitute a Board ^tion°f ^ of Education for their respective counties, and shall ion' the control and regulation of the Common Schools there- in, and shall determine the plan thereof, and prescribe the rules for their government. In the capacity of a 104 Board of Education, it shall be the duty of said Com- missioners: of 1. To meet on the last Thursdays of March, June, September and December, of every year, and as much oftener as may be determined by them. 2. To admit, if requested, as members of said County Board of Education, the members of the Boards of Edu- cation, Trustees or Managers of such cities and incorpora- ted towns, as may establish systems of Public Schools for such cities or towns. Sec. 30. Be it further enacted, That one or more of the Commissioners from a majority of the School Dis- tricfcs of the County, assembled at the time and place de- signaled, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the meeting of the County Board of Educa- tion. Sec. 31. Be it further enacted, That the following du- ties shall also be performed and shall devolve upon the Commissioners of the School Districts: C( n mis io ma^e a yearty enumeration of the children in ers' duties. *he District, over the age of six and under the age of eighteen years, on the last day of June, every year, and forthwith report the same to the Clerk of the County Court. 2. To draw written orders on the County Trustee, in favor of a teacher or other person, who has performed actual services in carrying on the system of education, or putting it in operation. 3. To have the custody and keeping of the District School-house or houses. 4. To contract with and employ teachers, male and fe- male, in the District, and draw orders on the County Trustee for their compensation. 5. To visit the Schools in their District, at least, once in three months, and oftener, if they deem it necessary. 6. At such visitation to examine into the state and condition of the School, in respect both to the progress of the scholars in learning and the good order of the School. 7. To give advice and direction to the teacher in re- garcl to the government of the School, and the course of studies to be pursued therein. 8. To dismiss any teacher for incompetency, improper conduct, or inattention to his duties. 9. To dismiss from School, upon complaint of a teach- Duty Hoard. Out rum. 105 er, after due examination, any scholar for refractory or disorderly conduct. 10. To choose a District Clerk. 11. To make and transmit, between the 1st of July, statement to and the 1st of October, in each year, to the Clerk of the County Court County Court, and County Board of Education, reports Clerk. in writing, bearing date the 1st of July in the year of its transmission, and stating: I. The length of time a School or Schools have been kept in their District during the year ending on the day previous to the date of the report. II. The number *of children taught in the District during the said year. III. The number of children residing in the District on the last day of June previous to the date of the re- port, over the age of six and under eighteen ; the names of the parents or persons with whom each child resides, and the number residing with each person. IV. The amount of public money received in said District. V. The manner in which money has been expended, and whether any and what part remains unexpended, and for what cause. VI. What money is received for supporting the School in the District from the County Treasurer, and what by voluntary contribution. VII. What part of said money is paid for instruction, what for furniture, and what, for fuel or other incidental expenses. VIII. The whole amount of moneys received by them during the year ending at the date of their report, since the date of their last report, distinguishing the amounts received from the public fund, and from other and what sources. IX. And such other information as may, from time to time, be required by the County Board of Education. ^ ^ 12. To keep a just and true account of all School count, moneys received and expended by them, and annually re- port the same to the Clerk of the County Court. 13. To pay over to their successors in office, or some of them, any balance of School Funds, which may re- main on hand, on their going out of office. 14. To alter and change the lines of any School District, or make or lay off new School Districts, when, on application, the same may appear to them right and proper. 106 15. To make out a plan of the School Districts so altered or created, to be registered by the Clerk of the County Court, in his book, kept for that purpose. Sec. 32. Be it further enacted, That the Commissioners neglecting to make the reports required by this Act, within the time limited, shall severally forfeit, to their District, for the use of the Common Schools therein, the Penalty for sum of ten dollars each; or should said Commissioners neglect. fa^ to make reports by the 20th of October, after being called together by the Clerk, on notice for the pur- pose, they shall forfeit severally for the use of schools in their District, ten dollars each. Sec. 33. Be it further enacted, That every Commission- er of a School District, who shall sign a false report, with intent to cause to be apportioned to his District, a larger Penalty for sum ^an proportion of the school money, shall forfeit false report, the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered by the County Trustee, and paid into the County Treasury to the credit of the Common School Fund. And upon con- viction of said offense upon indictment, may be fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 34. Be it further enacted, That should the share I ~s of sck°0^ money apportioned to a District be lost to the money"003 ° £ame« by the neglect of the Commissioners, they shall forfeit to the District the full amount of money so lost, with interest thereon, for the payment of which, they shall be jointly and severally liable. Sec. 35. Be it further enacted, That the Commission- ers of Common Schools in each District may have the pow- C< nr'WG1S ers an^ Privileges °f a corporation—if conferred upon Ji " them by the proper Court—so far as to enable them to take and hold any property transferred to them, for the use of the Common Schools in such District, and to sue for and receive any funds due the same from former Commission- ers or others; and any suit they may prosecute shall be in the name and style of the Common School Commis- sioners for District, in County, in the State of Tennessee. Sec. 36. Be it further enacted, That in any suit Suits agains District Commissioners or any Commissioner, if there is a judgment for damages and costs against them, the same shall be paid out of the money due the District where the suit was commenced, if the Court or Justice who tried the case certify that the Commissioners de- fended the suit in good faith on behalf of the District. If the Commissioner is defeated in a suit commenced on behalf of the District, by the advice of the District At- 107 torney, the costs shall be paid out of the money belong- ing to the District. Sec. 37. Be it futher enacted, That no District Com- missioner or District Treasurer shall apply the school Penalty for fund received by him or them, to any other purpose or misapplica- use, but to the support of schools in their District. The tl0r1- punishment of this offense shall be fine and imprison- ment, at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 38. Be it further enacted, That no Commission- , er shall be a teacher in the Common School of his Dis- trict, nor take any contract for building a school-house in his District, nor any contract which his Board is compe- tent to make. Sec. 39. Be it further enacted, That the Commis- sioners of each School District may, at their discretion, use the School Fund apportioned to their District, in such tionof fund, manner as will best promote the interests of Common Schools in their respective Districts, and when the fund may be insufficient to support schools for the entire scho- lastic population of their District, the Commissioners may appropriate the same to such portion thereof, be- tween certain ages, as they may determine. Sec. 40. Be it further enacted, That the schools for white children, and for colored children, shall be kept scj10(^gPaiate separate and apart from each other, a^d the School Com- missioners for each District shall strictly observe this re- quirement. Sec. 41. Be it further enacted, That any Commis- sioner neglecting or refusing to perform the duties re- Penalty for quired by this Act, shall forfeit to the District not less neglect, than twenty-five dollars, to be recovered by suit before a Justice of the Peace, to be the School Fund for the District and accounted for by the Commissioners. Sec. 42. Be, it further enacted, That the Clerk District Cl'k. of the District shall be chosen by the District Commis- sioners out of their own body, and they shall make him a reasonable compensatian for books and paper furnished by him. His duties shall be the following: 1. To record the proceedings of his District in a book putieg to be provided for that purpose, and to enter therein copies of all reports made by the Commissioners of his District to the Clerk of the County Court; 2. To keep and preserve all records, books and papers belonging to his office, and deliver the same to his sue- cessor in office; 3. To transmit to the Clerk of the County Court all 108 such reports as may be made by the Commissioners to said Clerk; 4. To call the Commissioners together upon receiving notice from the Clerk of the County Court, that they have not made their annual report, for the purpose of making the same ; 5. To do and execute all such duties as belong to his office, and may be required of him by the Commission- ers. Sec. 43. Be it further enacted, That any Constable of Constable's ^be county shall serve any notice given him by the Clerk duties and of the County Court upon the District Clerk, requiring fees. him to assemble the District Commissioners, to make their annual report to the Clerk. His fee for said ser- vice shall be the same as for serving a warrant, to be paid by the delinquent Commissioners. Sec. 44. Be it further enacted, That the Commission- District ers may elee^ one °f their own body as Treasurer of the Treasurer. District. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, the District Treasurer shall give his bond with surety approved by the Chairman of the Board of Dis- trict Commissioners, in the sum of not less than five hun- dred dollars, payable to the State of Tennessee, condi- tioned for the safe keeping and disbursement of all moneys, which may come into his hands as Treasurer of said Board. Sec. 45. Be it further enacted, That the school-houses Sclioolhouses shall be located at such points as will most conveniently accommodate the scholastic population of the District. Sec. 46. Be it further enacted, That when the popula- tion of any School District is scattered, a portion lying; Separate remote from the place, where the District School is school house, grated, such portion of the population by themselves, or in connection with the citizens of any other District or Districts, may obtain a ratable share of the School Fund of the District, for the support of a separate school- . house, by furnishing to the Commissioners a list of twelve or more scholars, within the ages prescribed by law, to attend such separate school. The ratable propor- tion of the fund thus obtained, shall be appropriated to the separate school, under the direction of the Commis- sioners. Sec. 47. Be it further enacted, That school-houses shall be kept in repair and good order, and be furnished Furniture. with chairs, tables and fuel, by the School Commissioners of the District. Sec. 48. Be it further enacted, That Common School- houses, raid the property attached or appurtenant, thereto, are under the custody or control of the School Commis- sioners of the District in which they are situated. Sec. 49. Be it further enacted, That any person who illegally takes t r retains possession of a Common School- . house, or unlawfully does any injury thereto, or to any gc^on^o^s*0 property or appurtenance thereof, is guilty of a misde- mean or. Sec. 50. Be it further enacted, That the Common School Commissioners shall not employ any person to teach school, unless he or she first produce a certificate Teacliei. that he or she is competent to teach what may be re- quired by the Commissioners. Sec. 51. Be it further enaated, That the County Board of Education shall prescribe the mode and manner, in Examination which applicants to teach shall be examined, and the ex- of Teachers, tent of the qualifications required. Sec. 52. Be it further enacted, That all children, be- tween the ages of six and eighteen years, shall have the gChool privi- privilege of attending the Public Schools of the District leges, in which they may reside for the time being. Sec. 53. Be it further enacted, That children, who do not reside in a District, may attend the Public School in Children out- the same by paying the price of their tuition to the side District. Treasurer of the District. Sec. 54. Be it further enacted, That such child may be listed or enumerated in the adjoining District most convenient, by the parent or guardian giving the Com- missioners of his District notice, and making satisfactory proof, by oath or otherwise, that said child has not been convenient listed or enumerated for that year in any other County Districts, or District, and will not be listed or enumerated, a second time, for that scholastic year, in any other County or District, with the knowledge or consent of the parent or guardian ; in which case such child may attend the school of the District in which he is so listed. Sec. 55. Be it further enacted, That scholars, guilty of refractory, improper or disorderly conduct, may be dis- ImPr°Pe!-' missed by the Commissioners upon complaint from the con uc * teacher. Sec. 56. Be it further enacted, That when the Clerk of the County Court receives notice of an apportion- ment of the moneys to be distributed in the county, he shall file the same in his office, and register it in a book our er ' to be kept for the purpose. Sec. 57. Be it further enacted, That he shall make and transmit to the Comptroller, between the first of October 110 To transmit ami the first of November, every year, a report in writ- report. ing containing the number of the scholastic population of the whole county, according to the reports of the District Commissioners. Sec. 58. Be it further enacted, That every Clerk, who Penalty for shall refuse or neglect to make the report prescribed in neglect. the preceding section, shall forfeit, for every such refusal or neglect, one hundred dollars to the use of the School Fund of the State. Sec. 59. Be it further enacted, That immediately after the first day of October, in case the Distriet Commission- i"se«-leet of ers have neglected to make their annual report to the Commission- Clerk, he shall, by himself or a Constable of the county, ers. give notice of the neglect to the District Clerk, who shall assemble the Commissioners' for the purpose of making their report. Sec, 60. Be it further enacted, That he shall keep and Plan of Dis- Preserve in his office the plan of the School Districts, tricts. furnished to him by the Commissioners, and register the same, and any alteration of the old, or erection of new districts that may be made by the District Commission- ers, in a book to be kept for that purpose. Sec. 61. Be it further enatced, That the County Court shall allow their Clerk, for his services in regard to the Compensatin Qommon Schools, a reasonable compensation, to be paid ° er ' out of the County Treasury. Sec. 62. Be it further, enacted, That the County Judge or Chairman of the County Court, shall make, with the Revenue Collector of his County, on the last day of each collectv?1^ mon^b a settlement as to the collections made by him co ec ions. durjng the previous month, of school moneys levied by the County Court, and this settlement shall be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County Court. Sec. 63. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the ^TeSOfCO duty of the County Judge or Chairman of the County u'ge' Court: 1. To apportion among the School Districts of the County the amount received from the State for school purposes, and the amount levied by the County Court for that purpose, as the same may, from time to time, be realized. This apportionment to be made in the ratio of the scholastic population of each district to the scholastic population of the county. 2. To make an approximate apportionment, from the best evidence in his power, should the report be so de-^ fective as to render it impracticable to ascertain the ex- act amount due the Districts. Ill 3. To give immediate notice of such apportionment to the County Trustee, and cause the same to be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County Court. Sec. 64. Be it further enacted, That before receiv- ing any money due to his county for the use of Common Tnistef, (l) Schools, the County Trustee shall enter into a bond be- give }K,r:ii. fore the County Court, with two or more sureties, to be adjudged good and sufficient by the Court, in double the amount apportioned to the county in the preceding year, payable to the State of Tennessee, conditioned for the faithful paying over, according to law, of all moneys which may come into his hands, on account of Common Schools. Sec. 65. Be it further enacted, That on such bond be- ing executed, the Clei k shall give the Trustee a certifi- cate of the fact, which shall authorize him to receive any money due to his county for the - use of common Schools. He shall hold said money when paid to him, for the payment of teachers and others for actual ser- vices performed in carrying on the system of education. „ r . Compensa- Sec. 66. Be it further enacted, That the Trustee may tion. retain one per cent, on the amount received and paid over by him, as compensation for his services. Sec. 67. Be it further enacted, That on the failure of-Failure to pay the Trustee to pay over said money, according to law, money- the Commissioners may recover judgment for the same against him and his sureties, on motion in the Circuit Court of the County, on a certified copy of his bond from the Clerk of the County Court. Sec. 68. Be it further enacted, That when a School District has lost any of its School moneys, by the neglect Loss of mo- of the Commissioners, the County Trustee shall, without ney- delay, enforce the forfeiture imposed for such neglect. Sec. 69. Be it further enacted, That the County Trustee shall make, with the Clerk of the County Court, on the second Monday in April, every year, a settlement showing his receipts and disbursements on account of the Trustee's set- Common Schools; and said settlement shall be exhibited tlement- to the County Court, at its next session, and be entered of record in the said Clerk's office. Sec. 70. Be it further enacted, That the proportion of the School Fund in the County treasury, belonging to the District included in any city or incorporated town with- City School, in the county, which shall have or may establish a sys- tern of Common Schools, shall be paid, by the County 132 Trustee, to such officer as may be made the custodian thereof, by ordinance of said city or town. Sec. 71. Be it further enacted, That the former State Former Sup- Superintendent, and all other persons having the control eriutendent. 0f any money, appropriated for Common School purposes, unexpended, shall pay the same over to the Trustee of the County, to which the same may be due. Sec. 72. Beit further enacted, That the County Judge or Chairman of the County Court, is empowered and tie nenpf ^ directedre(luire former County Superintendents to make emen s. ^ settlement of all matters of account, pertaining to their official position as such Superintendent, and if, on settle- ment, a balance shall be found due from said Superin- tendent, the County Judge or Chairman shall cause suit to be brought, for the use of the County, against said Superintendent and his sureties, upon his official bond, in the Circuit op Chancery Court in and for the County, in the name of said Judge or Chairman. Sec. 73. Be it further enacted, That if judgment shall be had and obtained against said Superintendent and his sureties, in said suit, and the same be not paid and satis- Penalty. by the next term of the Court in and for said county, his failure to satisfy said judgment shall be and is here- by declared to be an act of embezzlement, and punishable as other cases, as provided in Section 4,706 of the Code of Tennessee. Sec. 74. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws inconsistent or in conflict with this Act, •be, and the same are hereby repealed; and especially are the following Acts and laws repealed, to-wit: Section nine hundred and forty-six to Section one thousand and forty-six, inclusive, of the Code of Tennessee; an Act passed 5th day of March, 1867, entitled " An Act to Repeal of provide for the Re-organization, Supervision and Main- conflic'g Act. tenance of Free Common Schools;" an Act passed March 14, 1868, entitled " an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to provide for the Re-organization, Supervision and Maintenance of Free Common Schools, passed March 5, 1867, and more effectually to secure the revenue for School purposes;" an Act entitled an Act to repeal these two Acts and for other purposes, passed 14th December, 18.69, and an Act entitled an Act " Amendatory of an Act passed December 14, 1869, entitled an Act to regulate Common Schools/' passed 15th February, 1870. Sec. 75. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare 113 requiring the same, this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed Julv 7, 1870. W. G'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXV. AN ACT to provide for the Change of Venue in certain cases. Section 1. Be it eriacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That where the venue has been changed by the plaintiff in any civil case, instituted to recover damages for a trespass upon the person or proper- ty of the plaintiff or his testator or intestate, from the Change of county where the suit was- originally instituted, the de- Venue, fendant upon making affidavit that he verily believes that no such prejudice or other cause exists as to prevent the plaintiff from obtaining a fair and impartial trial of the cause in the county in which it was originally institu- - ted, and havir^g the truth of said statement verified and supported by a like affidavit of three respectable and dis- interested persons, citizens of said county where said suit was begun, shall be entitled to have said suit transferred back to the county from which it was taken. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That when the Court orders the cause to be sent back co the Court in which the suit was instituted, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Court ordering the transfer of said cause within thirty days after the making of the order, to send all of oierk's duty, the papers in said cause, together with a transcript of all the proceedings had in the court of which he is a Clerk, and a bill of the costs which have accrued in his Court, to the Clerk of the Court to which said suit is transferred, which costs shall be adjudged and taxed as other costs in the cause. 8 114 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare re- quiring it. Passed July 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXYI. AN ACT to enforce Section 31, Article II of the Constitution. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the credit of this State shall not hereafter be loaned or given to or in aid of any per- son, association, company, corporation or municipality, Stale credit. 11 or shall the State of Tennessee become the owner, in whole or in part, of any bank, or a stockholder with others in any association, company, corporation or muni- cipality. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare demands that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed July 3, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 115 CHAPTER LXVII. AN ACT to provide for the better government of Towns, Cities, and the Suburbs thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the police authority of all the incorporated towns and cities, shall extend to a dis- Police au- tance one mile from the lawful corporate limits thereof, thority ex- for the suppression of all disorderly acts and practicesten(iecl- forbidden by the general laws of the State; Provided that such jurisdiction of an incorporated town or city shall not be hereby extended beyond the limits of the county in which any part of such town is situated, or so as to come within one mile of any other incorporated town or city. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare demands that this Act take effect from and after its passage. Passed July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the Mouse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXYIII. AN ACT to consolidate the Offices of Surveyor and Entry Taker. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of ■ the State of Tennessee, That from and after the passage of this Act the offices of Entry Taker and Surveyor are Entry Taker hereby consolidated. and Surveyor Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That hereafter the County Surveyors in this State shall do and perform all the du- ties that now appertain or belong to the office of Entry Eutjea am( Taker, and receive all the pay and emoluments arising pay. 116 from the performance of said duties; said Surveyors being responsible in like manner as Entry Takers now are by law, for the performance of said duties of said office. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of (Conflicting laws in conflict with this Act, be and the same are here- Acts. by repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed July 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXIX. AN ACT for the Relief of all solvent Railroads that have paid the Interest fen their Bonds, Section 1. Be it enacted by, the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That all solvent Railroad Compa- nies, chartered by the Legislature of this State, who have up to this time, paid all the interest to the State, iViYment to ^ue 011 bonds loaned them by the State, be, and the same .sinking fund are hereby authorized to suspend the payment of the suspended, sinking fund until the first of January, 1872, in conform- ity with the provisions of an Act passed for the relief of the Nashville and Decatur Railroad Company on the 22d of February, 1870, Chapter 68. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of the second section of said Act, shall be adopted as part of this Act, and that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870 D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 117 CHAPTER LXX. AN ACT to enforce Section 33, Article II, of tlie Constitution in re- lation to the issuance of Bonds of the State to Railroad Compa- nies, under laws passed previous to the adoption of the present Constitution. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That no Bonds of the State of Tennessee shall be issued +o any Railroad Company, in- corporated in this State previous to the adoption of the present Constitution, and which, under the provisions of their charter and the general laws of the State extending State, aid to railroads entitled to receive such bonds, if said Railroad Company, at the time of its application Deihuii-rL' for the same, shall be in default in paying the interest Railroads, upon the State bonds previously loaned to it, or that shall have heretofore or hereafter, and before such appli- cation, sold or absolutely disposed of any State bonds loaned and issued to it, for less than their par value. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be a high crime or misdemeanor for the Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller, or any other officer or agent of the State of Tennessee, to violate the provisions of the first Misdemeanor section of this Act, and upon conviction he or they shall to issue bond?- be fined in a sum of not less than five thousand dollars,t0 samft and shall be removed from office, and shall be forever thereafter rendered incompetent from holding any office of honor or profit in this State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare demands that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 118 CHAPTER LXXI. AN ACT to authorize Notaries Public in this State to take acknowl- edgements and proof to instruments required for registration. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of TennesseeThat the authority and power given to County Court Clerks in this State, and their de- Notaries to Pu^es> i*1 Section 2039 of the Code of Tennessee in tak- take proof, ing acknowledgements to and proof of deeds, mortgages,, etc. and other instruments required to be registered, be and the same is hereby given to the Notaries Public of the several counties in this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Notaries Pub- lie of the several counties of this State, duly and regu- lary appointed, commissioned and qualified, under the provisions of the Code, Chapter IV., Title 14, are here- Mode of pro- ^ authorized and empowered to take acknowledgements ceedure.1 °f all instruments required for registration, in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as gov- era County Court Clerks by existing laws; and that said Notary Public, taking such acknowledgement, shall cer- tify the same under his official seal, and that to further authenticate said instrument for registration,, the County Court Clerk of the County wherein said Notary received his appointment, shall certify on the instrument as to the official character of said officer. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Clerk of the Clerk's fees. County Court shall be entitled to the same fees for said certificate as he is now allowed by law for taking acknowledgements, and that said Clerk shall collect and account for the State tax on such instruments, as though the acknowledgement had been made before him. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the registration Registration laws of this State, as provided in Chapter III, Title 2, Laws amend- paiq 2 0f the Code of Tennessee, be in all respects so 'f' amended as to conform with the requirements of this Act, and that all laws coming in conflict with the same be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare requires that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed July 5, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the Mouse of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. C. W. SENTER, Governor. 119 CHAPTER LXXII. AN ACT to authorize tlie citizens of Dickson County to vote for or against a change in the County site of said County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the citizens of Dickson County, State of Tennessee, be, and they are hereby authorized, on the second Tuesday in November, to vote at the dif- Countiai§u'1 ferent voting places in said county for a change of the u 1 county site from the town of Charlotte to the town of Burns, Sneedville or White Bluff Stations, on the Nash-- ville and Northwestern Railroad. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the persons voting for or against said change shall vote by ballot, said bal- lots for the change shall have written or printed on their face, " Removal." Those against said change shall be, Mode of Vol- "No removal." And if a majority of the votes cast ing. shall be in favor of removal, then the same shall be changed, under such regulations as the County Court of said county shall prescribe, and that the different Judges of Election shall certify, with the returns of the other elections held at the same time, as to whether the major- ity of votes cast are in favor of removal or against, and the Governor, on receipt of such certificate of said Judges, shall officially inform the Chairman or Judge of the County Court of said county of the same. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if neither one of the aforesaid places designated should receive the required constitutional number of votes to select the county seat at the first election under this act, the place receiving the smallest number of votes shall be dropped off, then it shall be the duty of the Sheriff of said county to order Duties or a new election, from time to time, until one of said places Sheriff, shall receive the requisite number of votes to locate the county site of said county, or reject the removal of the same. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect forty days from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed June 27, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 120 CHAPTER LXXIII. AN ACT to repeal the 10th Section of an Act to amend the Revenue Laws of this State, passed March 13, 1868. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That Section 10 of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, entitled Revenue "An Act to amend the Revenue Laws of the State," Laws amend- passe(j March 13, 1868, be, and the same is hereby re- 1 * pealed, so far as it requires all Clerks of the various Courts throughout the State, as well as all, Magistrates of the several Civil Districts in every County, to deposit with the Trustee of their, respective Counties on the first Tuesday of every month, all county revenues collected by them during the preceding month, together with a written statement of the same, showing the source from Proviso. whence-it was derived, etc; Provided, That nothing in this.. Act shall be so construed as to relieve Clerks of Courts and Civil Magistrates from making, quarterly, a sworn statement of all county revenue received by them during the preceding quarter, to the Judge or Chairman of the County Court, on the first Mondays of January, April, July and October of each and every year, as now provi- ded by law. Passed July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, ; Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved [July 8, 1870. . D. W-..C. SENTER, Governor, CHAPTER LXXIV. ' AN- ACT to fix the State tax on property.. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the State tax on every hun- dred dollars' worth of property shall be forty cents. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted That so much of Section 2 of an Act passed February 25, 1870, entitled an Act to 121 sustain the credit of the State and to amend the Revenue Laws of the State and for other purposes, as fixes the State tax at twenty cents, be, and the same is hereby 1 n iep u' repealed. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That Section 4 of the said Act of the 25th day of February, 1870, chapter 81, directing the-Comptroller of the Treasury and the Treas- urer of the State, the manner and order in which they shall pay out the money in the Treasury, be so amended that after paying the current expenses of the Executive, Judicial and Legislative departments of the State, and money borrowed to supply the pressing de- ^ , , J j.u rr j • x* X XI. Order ol pay- mands on the treasury, and appropriations to the Asylum for the Insane, the School for the Blind, and the School for the Deaf and Dumb, and the amounts due to Common Schools; that then the Comptroller of the Treas- ury, and the Treasurer of the State, shall next pay the inter- est on the bonds of the State, at this time owned by religious, literary and charitable societies and institutions in-this State; and after making the latter payment, they shall pay out the balance of the money in the Treasury in the order as set forth and expressed in said Act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the tax on all privilege Tax privileges be, and the same is hereby increased fifty per increased, cent, upon the present basis; and that this Act shall take effect from and after the 1st day of January, 1871. Passed July 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of. the Mouse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXXV. AN ACT to reduce the tax on Marriage Licenses. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Marriage Li- the State of Tennessee, That the tax on marriage licenses cense Tax re- shall hereafter be one dollar for State purposes. duced. 122 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare requires and demands that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXXVI. AN ACT to amend an Act in relation to Hamden Sidney Acade- my in the County of Knox. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That Section 12 of an Act passed September 13,1800, entitled an Act to establish Academ- ies in the several counties of this State and the appoint- Hatmlen Sid- ment of the Trustees thereof, be so amended as to include ney Acade- the names of Wm. A. Henderson]and J. S. Vangilder, as Trustees of Hamden Sidney Academy, situated in the County of Knox. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public good requiring it. Passed July 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 123 CHAPTER LXXVII. AI1? ACT to Amend an Act passed May 27, 1870, entitled an Act to Establish the County of Christiana. Whereas, In accordance with the provisions of an Act Christiana passed May 27, 1870, to establish the county of Christiana, County, a popular election was held on the 18th day of June 1870; and Whereas, At said election the popular vote, in each fraction, has elected to establish the county aforesaid, with great unanimity; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That an election for county officers Oijjlet*ion ot shall be held at all the voting places established by the Com- 0X1 s" missioners appointed to organize and district the county of Christiana, on the first Thursday in August, 1870; and it shall be the duty of the Chairman of said Board of Com- missioners to furnish to the Secretary of State a certified return of the result of said election, as provided for in similar elections in other counties in this Srate. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor shall commission all the officers elected in and for said Governor's county, which are entitled to said commissions, as in oth- Commission, er counties. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collectors for the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount, to furnish to the Tax Collector of Christiana County, a transcript of their tax books of all the property and polls assessed and stricken off to the County of Christiana; and it shall j)uty cf be the duty of the County Court Clerk of said county, County Court to copy and arrange the same in a book for the conven- Clerk, ience of the said Tax Collector, as is now provided for by law in other counties in this State. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Tax Col- lectors of the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount, are Collector hereby estopped from collecting the taxes in the County es op of Christiana for the year 1870; Provided, that they may collect all arrearages for years preceding 1870; and Provided, that the Tax Collector of Christiana shall be held liable for the revenue placed in his hands, as other ollect rs Tax Collectors in this State, and a certified copy of the transcript of the tax book shall be a voucher in the hands of the Tax Collectors of Roane, Monroe and Blount on settlement with their respective counties; said certifi- cate to be made by the Clerk of Christiana County. Sec 4. Be it further enacted, That the election Election of for judicial and civil officers, to be held on the first ggr^lcial 0ffi~ 124 Thursday in August, 1870, shall be held under the di- rection, and returns of the same made by the Commission- ers heretofore appointed for the County of Christiana. The line between the Counties of Christiana and Monroe . are so changed as to include the quarter section of land son inoindod uPon which the residence ot J. R. Robinson now is, in ' the County of Christiana and the Clerks ot the Chancery and Circuit Courts for the Counties of Roane, Monroe , f and Blount, upon the application of the Chancery and nish trans-Ur" Circuit Court Clerks of the County of Christiana, shall oript. furnish a full and complete transcript of the record, in either of the Courts of the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount, in which suit or suits the parties reside in the County of Christiana. Said transcript shall include all bills of cost up to the In re ard to ^me ^rans^er > an(^ the Clerks of the respective Courts transcripts, tor the County of Christiana, shall enter the same upon the record of their respective Courts, and the same shall proceed to final hearing, in the Courts of the County of Christiana, the same as contemplated in the Courts in which said suits originated; and the fee for issuing said transcript shall be added to the bill of cost in each suit, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk, preparing the Acts and Journals of this session of the General Assembly for the printer, to strike out the name Christiana, where it may occur, in any and all acts in relation to said county, and insert the name Loudon in its stead, and said county shall hereafter be known as the County of Loudon, in- stead of the County of Christiana. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act, be, and the same are hereby repealed ; and that this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed June 29,1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. Lb W. C. SENTER, Governor. 125 CHAPTER LXXVIII. AN" ACT to Provide for the Appointment of Special Judges in Cer- tain Cases. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, When, from any cause, the Judge of any Court of Record in this State (except the Supreme Court) fails to attend, or if in attendance, cannot properly pre- Special Judge side in a cause or causes pending in such Court, the At- torneys of the Court who are present, and are residents of the State, shall elect one of its number then in attendance to hold the Court for the occasion, who shall have all the qualifications, of a Judge of such Court,, and who shall accordingly preside and adjudicate. 1. The election shall be held by the Clerk, and in case Election, of a tie he shall give the casting vote. 2. The person, elected shall, during the period that he powers 0f acts, have all the powers, and be liable to all the respon- Special Judge sibilities of a regular Judge. 3. He shall be paid for his services a sum bearing the same proportion to the salary of the regular Judge, as the tion^o Judge time he may serve shall bear to the whole number of Ju- dicial days in said circuit or division. 4. The period of service must be certified to the Comp- _ . , f troller of the Treasury, who shall ascertain the amount, ° sei and draw his warrant on the Treasurer therefor, and the same shall be deducted from the Judge's salary. 5. If the person first elected to act as Judge pro tern- pore, fails or refuses to act, or cannot properly preside, an Failure to other election shall be held in like manner, from time to serve, time, until a suitable person is chosen who canand will preside.. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That every special Judge before entering on the duties of his appointment, shall Oath., take an oath before the Clerk of the Court, to support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Ten- nessee, and also the following oath of office: " I, A. B., solemnly swear, that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal rights to the poor and the rich, and that I will faithfully and impar- tially discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as a Judge, according to the best of my abilities." Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That in the election of a counsel not special Judge to try a particular case, the counsel con- to vote, cerned in the case shall not vote. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That when any Judge of 126 a Court of Record in the State (except the Supreme Failure of Court) shall fail to attend, or, being in attendance, shall regular Judge be unable to hold a term of his Court, a majority of the members of the Bar of such Court may elect a special Judge to hold said term, or any part thereof, in the man- ner herein provided, if they think proper, and thereupon such special Judge shall hold such term, or part thereof, instead of the regular Judge, and shall take the oath, possess the powers, be subject to the responsibilities, and receive the compensation herein provided for special Judges to try particular cases. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall, as the public welfare requires it, take effect from and after its passage. Passed July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXXIX. An Act Authorizing the Sale and Transfer of the Interest of the State in Delinquent Railroad Companies. Whereas, Under an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, passed December 7,1867, entitled •" An Act to amend the Internal Improvement Laws of this State, passed February 11, 1852," the Governor, Secretary of State, and Comptroller, are empowered, in their discretion, upon the failure of any of the railroad companies mentioned in said Act, " for two consecutive years, to pay the interest that may accrue upon the bonds loaned to them severally," to sell the railroad track, rail- ing, rolling stock, etc., upon such terms and conditions as they may deem best to secure the interest of the State, " and shall retain of the proceeds of said sale the amounts loaned to said companies, and the interest due on the same, with expenses of said sale," and, Whereas, " The time has arrived when it is neces- sary to protect the interests of the State, and to secure the 127 State from loss, in consequence of the issuance of bonds to the several railroad companies of the State, that a sale should be made of the interest of the State in each and every railroad company in this State, which has here- tofore failed to pay the interest that has accrued on the bonds of the State loaned to it, or which may hereafter fail to pay the interest as it accrues on the bonds of State loaned to it; and, Whereas, J.t is important to relieve the people of the burden now upon them, and by wise legislation endeavor to restore the public credit, which can be done by a pro- per enforcement of the legal rights of the State of Ten- nessee as against said railroad companies so in default; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Governor of the State, Commiss'rs. Secretary of State, and Comptroller of the Treasury, and Robert J. McKinney, of Knox County, Francis B. Fogg, of Davidson County, and Archibald Wright, of Shelby County, be, and the same are hereby appointed Commissioners to sell the interest of the State of Tennes- see in all the railroad companies of the State, " to whom State interest the bonds of the State have been loaned, by the Act oft0 be sold- Dec. 7, 1867, or former Acts, and which have failed, for two consecutive years, to pay the interest that have ac- crued upon bonds loaned to them severally;" and also in all railroad companies that may hereafter fail to pay the paiiure t0 interest that may, or has, accrued on the bonds loaned to pay interest, them severally, or that are now in default of payment of the interest which has accrued upon the bonds loaned to them severally, with full authority to make and perfect said sales in all cases where the said companies can dispose of the interest of the State of Tennessee in the defaulting railroad, for a sum of money equal to the amouni of the bonds of the State of Tennessee, with unpaid interest due upon them, and which bid may be discharged and satis- fied by an equal a'mount of the bonds of the State of Ten- nessee, with accrued interest, legally issued by the State of Tennessee, in aid of said railroad company, or for any QU;et p0sges, other purpose, and with full power to place the purchaser 8i0n to be or purchasers in the quiet possession of the railroad so given, purchased. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any Receiver, who shall have control of any, or either, of the railroads of the State, and which road may be sold by the Com- missioners, under the first section of this Act, shall refuse to give possession of said railroad track, railing, rolling 128 stock, etc., to the purchaser upon demand, the Governor of the State shall issue his warrant to the Sheriffs of the different counties through which the road may run, com- manding them to put the purchaser or purchasers in pos- session of the railroad, its property and effects, and the Re- ceivers so refusing shall be guilty of a high crime, and, upon conviction, shall be fined in a sum of not less than one thousand dollars, and imprisoned at the discret ion of the Court. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That in the event said Commissioners flannot sell said defaulting railroads, or either of them, for the amounWand upon the terms as prescribed in the first section of this Act, then the said Commissioners are authorized, after giving such public Sealed bids, notice as they may deem advisable or necessary, to re- ceive sealed bids from any person, persons or corpora- tion, for the purchase of either of the delinquent rail- roads of the State, and, after giving thirty days notice of the time and place, shall open the bids so made, and the said Commissioners will report to this, or some subse- quent General Assemby, the best bid offered, with such recommendation as to them may seem best for the inter- est of the State, for the approval or rejection of the Gen- eral Assembly. Four Com Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That no less than four mission'rs au- of the Commissioners named in this Act shall be compe- thorizedtoact tent to perform-any duties required by this Act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Commissioners, in making a sale of the interest of the State in any of the railroads, shall give the preference to the purchaser or Preference to purchasers, who will obligate himself, or themselves, to be given. operate the road so purchased over its entire line, from terminus to terminus; and that as the public welfare re- quires it, this Act shall take effect from and after its pas- ige. Passed July 1870, W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 5, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 129 CHAPTER LXXX. AN ACT to secure a Homestead to each Head of a Family in this State, and to give Etfeet to Section Two, Article Eleven, of the Con- stitution, and to Repeal Chapter Eighty-five of the Acts of 1867-8, and Sections 2,114 to 2,12-3 of the ode, in Regard to Home- steads. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee,, That a Homestead in the possession- of each head of a family, and the improvements thereon to Homesteads the value of, in all, of one thousand dollars, shall be ex- to the value empt from sale, under legal process, during the life ofof $b°°° ex- such head of a family, and which shall inure to the bene- fit of his widow, and shall be exempt from sale in any way at the instance of any creditor or creditors, during the minority of the children occupying the same, and un- til the youngest child reaches the age of twenty-one years:. Provided, That said real estate shall not be alienated without the joint consent of the husband and wife, where that relation exists, to be evidenced -by conveyance duly executed as required by law for married women; and, Proviso. provided further, that such real estate shall not be exempt from sale for the payment of public taxes legally assessed upon it, or from sale for the satisfaction of any debt or lia- bility contracted for its purchase, or legally incurred for improvements made thereon. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of the first section of this Act, shall apply as well to equita- Equitable ble as legal estates, and the homestead in equitable estates aucl legal es- shall be set apart as the Court may prescribe in ordering tates. the sale. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That whenever the real estate of such head of family, is levied on by execution or attachment, his or her homestead shall be set apart in Executions the following manner : The officer executing the writs, mentsttacIl~ shall summon three disinterested freeholders, not con- nected with the parties, and administer to them an oath to set apart said homestead out of the real estate so levied ^value^ro on. Said freeholders shall examine the premises, and, ue prop" upon oath, set apart said homestead, including the man- sionand out-houses, and set out in writing the boundaries thereof, and certify that such is the homestead set apart by them, and deliver the same to the debtor, and the re- mainder only of such lands so levied on or attached, shall be subject to sale, which fact shall be returned on the ex- ecution. 9 130 Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That when the real estate levied on is of greater value than one thousand Undivided dollars, and is so situated that it cannot be divided so as Real Estate to set apart the homestead, the freeholders shall certify to be sold. the fact, and the officer may proceed to sell the whole tract, and out of the proceeds he shall pay to the Clerk of the Court rendering the judgment, or condemning the land for sale, one thousand dollars, to be by him invested under the order of the Court, in the purchase of a home- stead for the family of said debtor, and only the surplus over and above one thousand dollars, shall be applied to the payment of said execution. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the officer shall cer- tify upon the certificate of the freeholders, that the same Certifcate for 1S ^eir act anc^ deed, and the debtor shall have the same registration, registered in the Register's office of the county in which the lands lies, and when so registered, it shall vest in the headof the family, and his widow and minor children, as herein provided—a good and valid title to the land ex- empt from execution. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the homestead ex- empt in the possession of a husband, shall, upon his death, ^tcTwid t0 widow during her natural life, with the pro- ° ducts thereof, for her own use and benefit, and that of her family who reside with her, and, upon her death, it shall go to the minor children of the deceased husband, free Minor Child ^rom debts of the father, mother, or said children; rgn and, upon the death of said minor child or children, or their arrival of age, the same may be sold, and the pro- Heirs at Law. ceeds distributed amongst all of the heirs at law of the deceased head of a family, according to the laws of descent and distribution in this State. ec. 7. Be it further enacted, That upon the death of In case of no said head of a family, without widow or minor children, eirs so c o shall be sold for the payment of the debts as may be legally established against his estate, and the re- mainder distributed amongst his heirs, according to the rules of descent in force at the time in this State. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That if the head of a family is married, and his wife obtain a divorce on ac- count of his fault or misconduct, the title to the home- stead shall be vested by the decree of the Court granting the divorce, in the wife, and', after her death, it shall pass to their children. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That Chapter eighty- Acts repealed five of the Acts of 1867-68, and Sections 2,114 to 2,123, inclusive, of the Code under the title of the homestead, pay debts. In cases of divorce. 131 are hereby repealed, and that the public welfare requires that this Act take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 27, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 29, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXXXI. AN ACT to abolish the Office of County Judge of Lauderdale County, and for the Restoration of the Quorum Court. Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That so much of an Act entitled (' an Act to create and regulate the office of County Judge for the counties of Perry, Decatur, Cheatha m and Lau- derdale, and for other purposes," as creates the office of County Judge for the county of Lauderdale, passed Jan- uary 31, 1868, be, and the same is hereby repealed, and Act RePeal'd the office of County Judge for the county of Lauderdale, is hereby abolished. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That so much said Act as abolishes the Quorum Court in the county of Lauder- dale, be, and the same is hereby repealed, and the Quo- rum Court of said county, with all the rights and juris- diction pertaining thereto, as they existed before the pass- Act Re_es_ age of the Act referred to in the first section of this Act, tablished. is hereby re-established, any provision in the said Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requir- ing the same. Passed June 24, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 29, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 132 CHAPTER LXXXII. AN ACT to Transfer the Circuit Court at Bartlett, in the County of Shelby, from the Fourteenth to the Fifteenth Circuit, and to fix the time for holding certain Courts. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Judge of the Probate Court of Shelby County be, and is hereby made the Probate Judge of the Circuit Court of Shelby, at Bartlett, and Judge made sajc"[ Juclge is hereby vested with all the powers which are Circuit Judge conferreq by iaw Up0n other Circuit Judges in this State in holding said court at Bartlett. Circuit Court Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Circuit of Bartlett Court at Bartlett, is hereby attached to the Fifteenth Ju- attached to . j q. 15th District. CULlcU Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Circuit Court Time of hold- 0f the county of Shelby, at Bartlett, shall be held on the mg Court, second Mondays of April, August and December of each year. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That there shall be an Attorney Attorney General for the said Circuit Court of Shelby ^Hferi110 be bounty, at Bartlett, elected by the qualified voters of said eeC county, on the first Thursday in August, 1870. The qualifications and official term of said Attorney General shall bo the same as now prescribed by law in reference to-Attorney Generals in this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Chancery Court •Timn,of hold~ s Present established by law at Union City, in Obion CourtianCUy County, shall be held by the Chancellor of the Eleventh Division, on the fourth Mondays in May and November, and the Chancery Court for Lake County shall also be held in the county of Lake on the first Mondays of Jan- uary and July, and in the county of Etheridge, when es- tablished, on the third Mondays in April and October, and the provisions of this section shall take effect from and after the first day of September, 1870. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this Act take ef- feet from and after its passage, the public welfare roquir- ing it. . Passed July 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. ' Approved July 6, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor 133 CHAPTER LXXXIII. AN ACT Directory to County Trustees in Regard to School Teachers. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That Section 9 of an Act passed Dec. 14, 1869, in regard to common schools, shall be so Q0Ullty Trus. construed as to require the County Trustees to pay off all trees to pay school teachers heretofore employed, upon the proper Teachers, vouchers of services rendered, and balance due out of the first school funds coming into his or their hands. The public welfare requiring it, this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed July 5, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7,18.70. D. AY. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXXXIV. AN ACT to Change the! Line between the Counties of Campbell and Scott, and between the Counties of Smith and Putnam. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the county line between the Bounderies counties of Campbell and Scott be so changed as to in- Changed, elude the lands and residence ofWm. A. Cross and Levi L. Adkins, in the county of Scott. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the county line be- tween Smith and Putnam Counties, be so changed or Bounderies modified as to run with the " Road and Young's Fork of changed. Indian Creek," instead of running altogether with Young's Fork, including all the road in Putnam County," and that the road and Young's Fork be the boundary be- tween said counties. 1 Sec. 3. Be at further enacted, That this Act take effect 134 from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed Julv 1, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER LXXXY. AN ACT to amend Section 4,853 of the Code, and for the better Pro- tection of Educational and Literary Assemblages. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That Section 4,853, Article IV, Amendment Chapter Code, be so amended that the pains and to'ciode11611 Penalties said section for disturbing public worship, shall apply to any person or persons who shall wilfully disturb or disquiet an assemblage of persons met for edu- cational or literary purposes. Duty of Jus- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty tlces of the of the Justices of the Peace, in any civil district of the Peace. State, upon proper application by any instructor, to detail Sp >cialPolice a sPecial Police force to keep order and quiet at school ex- hibitions. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare requires this act to take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 135 CHAPTER LXXXVI. AN ACT to Establish the Probate Court of Shelby County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That there is hereby established in Shelby County, a Court of Record, to be called the Pro- Pr°t>ate CVrt bate Court of Shelby County,,to consist of one Judge, who shall be elected by the qualified voters of Shelby Qualifications County, on the first Thursday in August, 1870. The and term of qualifications and term of office of the said Judge, shall Office, be the same as now prescribed by law in reference to Cir- cuit Judges in this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Court shall have original jurisdiction of all matters of probate, the administration of estates and orphans' business, em- Jurisdiction, bracing all of the subjects and powers enumerated in and conferred by Sections 4,201, 4,203, 4,204, 4,205, and 4,208, of the Code of Tennessee, and concurrent jurisdic- tion with the Chancery Courts of Shelby County over the persons and estates of idiots, lunatics, and other persons of unsound mind ; and of proceedings for the partition or sale of estates by personal representatives, guardians, heirs, tenants in common, joint owners or coparceners, for the sale of lands at the instance of the creditors of the de- scendents, if the personal property is insufficient to satisfy the debts of the estate, and for the allotment of dower ; and it is hereby vested with all the powers of a Chancery Court touching these matters. The Judge of sard Pro- bate Court is also hereby vested with all the powers con- ferred by law upon Judges of the nferior Courts in this State. From the judgment of said Probate Court, an ap- Appeals, peal shall lie directly to the Supreme Court of this State, and to no other Court. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Clerk^of the County Court of Shelby County, shall be the Clerk of the ei ' said Probate Court, and the terms of said Probate Court Time of hold- shall be held on the first Monday of each and every month, ing Court, and shall continue until the business of the term is fin- ished ; but the Judge, or the Clerk, in his absence, may adjourn the Court over to a subsequent day of the term, or until the first day of the next term, and the said Court may sit upon its own adjournments. The Sheriff of Shelby County shall furnish a deputy to Duty of Sher- attend the sittings of said Court. iff. Sec 4. Be it further enacted, That the records of the late C ounty Court of Shelby County, and of the present 136 Proviso. Bonds trans- Quorum Court of said county, be, and the same are here- ferred. by transferred to the said Probate Court, and all the un- finished business therein shall be proceeded with as if the Busine&"iSlied same orig'inated in said Probate Court, and all pro- cess and publication returnable to either of said Courts shall be as valid as if returnable to, or made in said Pro- bate Court. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the salary of the Salary of said Judge of said Probate Court shall be the same as that Judge. of the Chancellors and Circuit Judges of Shelby county : Provided, That the same shall be paid by the County Court of Shelby, and it is hereby made the duty of said County Court to make the necessary appropriation there- fore, Quorum Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take Court shall effect from and after its passage, the public welfare re- continue. quiring it; but the Quorum Court of said county shall continue to exercise the jurisdiction with which it is vested by law, until the Judge of said Probate Court shall be elected and qualified. Passed June 24, J870. W. i"idy Forked-deer River, at a point eleven miles from Dyersburg, the county seat of Dyer county, above, and in an easterly direction of said Dyersburg; running thence in a southwest direction, so as not to approach said Dy- ersburg nearer than eleven miles, in the south fork of the Forked-deer River ; thence upon said river with its va- rious courses, to a point in said river eleven miles from Brownsville, the county seat of Haywood; thence, leav- ing said river, running in a southeasterly direction on a line, so as not to approach said county seat of Haywood County nearer than eleven miles, till the same again strikes the said south fork of Forked-deer River, at a point eleven miles from Brownsville; thence up said river, with its various courses, to a jxtint 160 poles above mile mark No. 22, and at a point twenty-one and one- half miles below Jackson—by river measurement; thence north, 41 degrees east, crossing the road leading from Jackson to Bell's Station, on the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, at the 12 mile post from Jackson, and crossing the Jackson and Dyersburg road 20 poles west of the 12 mile post, to a stake in the said middle fork of the Forked- deer river; thence down the same, with its various cour- ses thereof, to a point in said river eleven miles from Trenton, the county seat or Gibson county; thence, leav- ing said river, in a southwesterly direction in a line, so as not to approach nearer than eleven miles to the said county seat of Gibson County, till the same again strikes the said middle fork of Forked-deer River; thence down said river, with the various courses thereof, to the begin- ning. 139 Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of organizing the County of Crockett, that A. B. Howlett, James Emerson, David Whitacre, A. T. Fielder, G. W. Bettes, John Lyon, J. C. Thorp, and T. F. Conly, shall be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners on the . . part of the several fractions in which they reside, who er^^iTtlieii shall, before entering on the discharge of their duties, duties, take an oath before some Justice of the Peace, faithfully and impartially to discharge all the duties incumbent on them in this Act, and in all cases of vacancies that may occur among said Commissioners, previous to the organi- zation of the County Court of said County of Crockett, the same shall be filled by the other Commissioners, and all vacancies occuring after the organization of such Court, the vacancies so occuring shall be filled by said Court of the County of Crockett. The said Commissioners shall enter into such bond and security as may be required by the said County Court ,of Crockett, made payable to the Chairman thereof, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of their duties, as required by this Act. A maj ori- Majority to ty of said Commissioners shall constitute a board compe- constitute a tent to do all things herein enjoined on them. TheyR°ar(i- shall keep a regular record of all of their proceedings as Commissioners, which shall be returned to the County Court of Crockett, at its first session, and the same shall Record to be be recorded by the Clerk thereof, on the records of said Court, and they shall make such returns, after the organi- zation of said Court, as shall be directed thereby. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said Commissioners, first giving ten days notice, in one public place or more, of the time and place to open and Election, hold an election, in one place or more in each of the frac- tions proposed to be stricken off from the Counties of Hay wood, Madison, Gibson and Dyer, on the 16th day of July next, in order to ascertain whether two-thirds of the voters residing in each of the said fractions, are in favor of, or opposed to the formation of the said new county of Crockett, and all persons qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, residing in said fractions, shall be of entitled to vote in said election, and each voter who is in fa- vor of the formation of the new county, shall have on his tick- et "new county;" and each voter opposed to the formation of said County of Crockett, shall have on his ticket " old county;" and if, after counting the votes cast in said election, it shall appear that there are two-thirds of the Two-third legal votes cast in each of said fractions in favor of the vote recluirecl new county, then.and in that case., the county of Crockett 140 shall be, and is hereby declared a county, with all the powers, privileges, and advantages, and subject to all the liabilities and duties with other counties in the State. Failure of Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if frorn any cause or frauds in sai(i election should not be held in said fractions as re- elections. quired in the foregoing sections, on the day set apart for said election, or should there be any fraudulent influences used in said election, it shall be lawful, at the option of said Commissioners, to give notice again, and hold said election another time, or oftener, at their option, as in- tended on the first election day, and the said Commis- sioners shall have full power to make all necessary inves- tigations, and prevent any improper influences on any succeeding election. Sec. 6. Be it further enacteed, That for the due ad- heMat Ca&e- ministration of justice, the different Courts to be holden yille. for said County of Crockett, shall be held in the town of Cageville, until the seat of justice shall be located, and all Writs, etc. writs and other process, issuing from any of said Courts, returnable to that place, shall be legal, and the Courts for the County of Crockett shall be under the same rules, regulations and restrictions; shall have, exercise and pos- sess, the same powers and jurisdiction as prescribed by law for holding Courts in other counties. Said county shall be attached to the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, and the Circuit Courts shall be held by the Judge of said circuit, on the second Mondays of April, August and Be- cember, in each and every year, and shall be attached to the Eleventh Chancery District; and the Chancery Court shall be held on the fourth Mondays of May and November, in each and every year. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all officers, civil or Officers to military, now holding office in said county, shall contin- continue. ue to hold their offices and exercise all the powers and . functions thereof until others are elected and qualified ioyiso. according to this Act; Provided, that nothing in this Act contained, shall deprive the counties from which the frac- tionshave been taken, from having, exercising and holding jurisdiction over the County of Crockett, and the citizens thereof, in as full and ample a manner as they now have, until the election of county officers takes place, according Proviso. to this Act; Provided, also, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the above named counties from entering up judgments, or the Sheriffs of said counties from selling, under such judgments, any lands within the bounds of said County of Crockett, for taxes,, cost and charges, un- til the County of Crockett is organized. 141 Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said Commission- ers shall have power, and it shall be their duty to appoint five suitable and qualified individuals, to divide said Division of county into not less than twelve civil districts, designating County into the boundaries and places for holding elections in said Districts, etc. districts, and perform all the duties relative thereto, which, by the laws of the State, such Commissioners are required to do. It shall be the further duty of said Commissioners to appoint some suitable surveyor, to sur- Surveyor, vey and plainly mark the boundary lines of said County of Crockett, as described in this Act, and said surveyor shall make a report to the first County Court of Crockett County, which report shall be recorded by the Clerk of said court, and such lines, so run and marked, shall be the established lines of said county. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the Commissioners Election for appointed by this Act, shall appoint such persons as they County Offi- may think proper, to open and hold the elections forcers- county officers, for the said county of Crockett, and such persons, so appointed, shall have power to appoint Depu- ties, Clerks and Judges, and by himself and deputies to administer all the necessary oaths and do and perform all other duties now made the duty of Commissioners of Regis- tration, or Sheriffs or other officers holding similar elec- tions, and it shall be the duty of such persons so appoint- ed, together with his deputies, to open and hold an elec- tion for county officers on the first Thursday in August, Dime of Elec- 1870, which election shall be held in each civil district in tion. said county, and the officers so elected, shall hold their offices until the next regular election for the different of- ficers so elected, takes place in other counties in the State. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the citizens of Crockett County, in all elections for Governor, members When and of the General Assembly, Representatives in Congress, where to vote and Electors for President and Vice President, shall vote with the counties from which they have been respectively stricken off, until the next apportionment, agreeably to the provisions of the fifth section of the tenth article of the amended constitution. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the above named Commissioners, so soon as con- venient, after the full and complete organization of the said County of Crockett, to select and establish a suitable County Site, location for the seat of justice of the said county of Crockett, having a due regard for health and and conve- 142 nience of a majority of the citizens of said county, and the site so established shall be known and designated by the same of " Alamo," to perpetuate the name of the place where David Crockett fell, fighting for the liberties of Texas; Provided, however, the said Commissioners may, at their option, put in nomination three places, neither of which shall be more than three miles from the supposed or probable center of said County of Crockett, which places shall be voted for by the legal voters of said county, and the site nominated, receiving the largest number of votes, shall be, and is hereby declared to be the seat of justice of the said County of Crockett: Pro- vided further, That if said Commissioners should think there was fraud, or any other unfair means used in said elec- tion, they may, at their option, set aside such elec- tion, and submit the question a second time to the qualified voters of said county, which election shall be final. Sec. 12. Beit further enacted, That it shall be the fur- ther duty of said Commissioners to superintend the erec- Public Build- tjon of such public buildings as the County Court of said mgs* county may direct to be built; and shall let the same out, and take bonds, with ample :ecurity, payable to them- selves and their successors in office, conditioned for the faithful performance of his or their contract; and the proceeds of the sales of all donations of lands, town-lots, or other gifts, that may be made in consideration of the location of the seat of justice, for said County of Crockett or otherwise, shall be a fund in their hands, to pay the necessary expenses in organizing said county, and paying for the erection of the public buildings ordered to be built by the County Court; and should any surplus remain in their hands, it shall be their dqty to pay over the same Trustee. ^o the Trustee of said county, to be accounted for by him as other funds in his hands. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That the said Commis- sioners of Crockett County be, and they are hereby au- thorized to exercise all the powers conferred in this Act, and such other powers as may be necessary and proper Complete or-to a complete organization of said County of Crockett, ganization. The fractions composing said County of Crockett, shall _ be liable for their pro rata of the debts contracted and and credits tS owing by the counties from which they are taken, and shall also receive their proportion of any stocks or credits belonging to said counties. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That this Act take ef- Name. Proviso. Proviso. 143 feet, the public welfare requiring it, from and after its passage. Passed June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July %, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor CHAPTER XC. AN ACT to Amend an Act passed June 16, 1870, entitled " An Act to establish the County of Clay." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That an Act passed June 16, 1870, entitled "An Act to establish the County, of Clay,' be so amended that when both parties to a suit at law or Amendment, equity, or the defendants to a suit at law, reside in the County of Clay, upon application of either of the par- ties to the court in which said suit is pending, it shall be removed to the new County of Clay, and the Clerk of Clerk to the court in the old county shall teansmit a transcript of transmit tran- the record in such suits together with the original papers, ^rds °f rC" to the Clerk of the appropriate court of the new county. Passed July 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor, 144 CHAPTER XCI. AN ACT to give force and effect to section 1,096 of the Code of Ten- nessee. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Slate's At tor- the State of Tennessee, That the Attorney for the State in the neys to pros- several Circuit and Criminal Districts of the State, is Kailroadffam ^ere^y exPressly directed to prosecute by presentment or ai 1 ' indictment, and if by indictment, by making his name as prosecutor, any officer, agent, servant or director, whether company or State, of any railroad company in this State, or Receiver by appointment of the Governor, and under the laws of the State, who have, in violation of law, appropriated or disposed of any bonds issued to him or them in behalf of any railroad company in this State, or who has appropriated to his own use or to any other use than that prescribed by law, the money arising from the sale of the bonds so issued, or any portion of them, or who in violation of law have sworn falsely for the purpose of procuring the issuance of said bonds. Grand Juries ^EC* ~^e ^ further enacted, That the Grand Juries to send for shall send for witnesses whenever they or any of them witnesses. suspect a violation of the laws against the illegal issuance or procurement of bonds of the State in aid of railroad companies, or the illegal appropriation or sale of said bonds so issued, or any part of them, or the illegal ap- propriation of the money arising from the sale of them, or any part of them, subject to the rules and regulations as now prescribed by law. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That the respective Circuit and Circuit and Criminal Judges of this State are hereby re- Criminal quired to give this Act in charge to the Grand Juries of the several counties in their respective districts. Sec. 4. Be, it farther enacted, That as the public good requires it, that this act shall take effect from and afterits passage. Passed July 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 11, 1870. D W. C. SENTER, Governor. 145 CHAPTER XCII. AN ACT to Provide for the Issuance of Duplicate Bonds of the State where the same have been destroyed. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Comptroller of the Treas- to°imar\n-oof ury is hereby authorized to hear proof in relation to the loss or destruction of any bond or bonds of the State of Tennessee heretofore issued, or that may be hereafter is- sued, and at each session of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee report to the General Assembly his action in relation to any and every case submitted to him, with such recommendations as to him may seem right and proper for the action of the General Assembly. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the applicant claim- ing to have lost bonds of the State, shall present his case to the Comptroller, by written petition, duly sworn to> in Applicants to which he shall state particularly the number and denom- furnish de- ination of the bond, the date of the bond, the person or scription. corporation to whom issued, the person from whom it was received, w7hen and how lost or destroyed, and the num- ber of coupons at the time clipped from the bond, and the number attached to it at the time lost, and shall in- troduce to the Comptroller all the testimony bearing on the question of the loss and destruction of the bond and bonds, shall also file with the Comptroller of the Treasury a bond, with good and approved sureties, in such sum as the Comptroller may direct, conditioned that if the lot bond or bonds, so claimed as destroyed, is found, and the State pays the same, or settles it, that the applicant and his sureties in the bond will fully indemnify the State from loss. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That on the report of the Comptroller, the General Assembly may direct Duplicates, duplicate bond or bonds to be issued, if in its wisdom, such bond or bonds should be issued. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of this Act shall apply to past due coupons clipped from bonds of the State of Tennessee that have been destroyed or lost. Passed June 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate, Approved July 11, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, 10 Governor. 146 CHAPTER XCIII. AN ACT Appointing Commissioners under certain Circumstances to Lease Delinquent Itailroads. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Stfde of Tennessee, That the Governor of the State, the Secretary of State, and the Comptroller of the Treasury, Names of and Robert J. McKinney, of Knox County, Francis B. Commission- Fogg, of Davidson County, and Archibald Wright, of the <;ib' County of Shelby, be, and are hereby appointed Comrais- sioners on behalf of the State, to take possession and con- trol of all the delinquent railroads of the State, which have failed to pay the interest which has accrued upon the bonds of the State of Tennessee, issued to them sev- erally, and which railroads the said Commissioners have been unable to sell and dispose of, under the laws of the State, as now or hereafter provided, and they are here- by authorized to lease them for a term of years to any person, persons, company or companies, that will bind him, them or itself, in a good and sufficient bond, with ample security or securities, conditioned that he, they or it, will take possession of the road, with all of its property and fixtures, and will, in good faith, operate said railroad for the length of time agreed upon, and that he, they or it, will keep said railroad and its rolling stock in proper repair, for the purposes of preserving it from destruction; that he, they, or it, will, semi-annually, pay into the Treasury of the State, in money or past due coupons, clipped from the bonds of the State of Tennessee legally issued for any purpose, an amount equal to the sum due < on the bonds of the State of Tennessee issued in aid of said railroad company, with full power to put the lessee or lessees in possession of said road, its property and fix- tures.. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in the event said Commissioners cannot lease either or any of the delin- quent railroads of the State, under and by virtue, and upon the terms and conditions expressed in the first sec- tion of this Act, then, and in that event, they may lease Commission- said railroad to any person, persons, company or compa- eis to lease nies, upon such terms and conditions as they may deem termsb<3St ^est secure hiterest of the State, and place the les- see or lessees in possession, subject, however, to approval or rejection by the General Assembly of the State, to whom the Commissioners may report their action. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any Receiver 147 having control of either of the railroads of th^State, and which road may be leased by the Commissioners under the first or second sections of this Act, shall refuse to give Receivers to possession of said railroad track, railing, rolling stock, be compelled etc., to the lessee or lessees, upon demand, the Governor to give pos- of the State shall issue his warrant to the Sheriffs of the sessiou- different counties through which the road may run, com- manding them to put the lessee or lessees in possession of the railroad, its property and effects, and the Receiver so refusing shall be guilty of a high crime, and, upon con- Penalty for viction, shall be fined in a sum of not less than one thou- refusal sand dollars, and imprisoned at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 4. Be it further .enacted, That a less number than Number four of the aforesaid Commissioners shall not be compe- ComPeteilt- tent to perform any of the duties required by the provi- sions of this Act. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That, as the public welfare requires it, this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed July 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, 'Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 9, 1870. D. W, C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XCIY. AN ACT to require the Comptroller and Treasurer of tlie State to Refund to the various Counties of the State their respective por- tions of Tax assessed on lanH s which have come into the Treasu- ry by redemption of lands sold for Taxes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Comptroller and Treas- urer of the State be directed, and are hereby required to Refund to refund to the respective counties to which the same be- Countl6S* H 148 longs, ami .the same in the County Treasury, all such amounts and sums of money assessed on lands and other property as county taxes, which have been paid into their hands, or either of them, either by the Tax Collectors or Circuit Court Clerk of the various counties, or directly by the owners of lands, redeeming the same on the re- demption of lands sold for State and county taxes. Passed June 25, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 5,1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XCV. AN ACT Explanatory of am. Act passed February 24, 1870, enti- tied an Act to amend an Act to make the Rules of Evidence uni- form in the State and Federal Courts. Section 1. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That none of the provisions of an Act passed February 24,1870, entitled "An Act to amend an Act to make the Rules of Evidence uniform in the Not lobe con- and Federal Courts," shall not be construed as re- Strai^liyas ^ pealing or modifying, or in any way affecting any of the pea 1 " provisions contained in Article 2, Chapter 2, Title 3, Part 3 of the Code, from Sections 3780 to 3785, inclusive. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requir- ing it. Passed July 2, 1870. W. 0*N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of. Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 149 CHAPTER XCVI. AN ACT to amend the Revenue Laws. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That Section 556 of the Code, which provides that " In all cases where license is, by law, required for the exercise of any privilege, the building Act repealed, in which such privilege shall be exercised, shall be liable for the tax, or the penalty incurred by exercising the privilege without license, and the same shall be a lien thereon, superior to all claims whatever," is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in all cases where a penalty is incurred for exercising a privilege without license, the interest which the person thus exercising the Owners not privilege without license has in the building, shall be liable, liable for the penalty, superior to all other claims; but that the interest of the owner of the building shall not be liable, unless he is privy to the violation of law. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the distress war- rant authorized by law to be issued in such cases, if pro- ceeded with to sale, shall operate as a writ of possession war" against the party exercising said privilege without license. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare requires that this Act take effect from and after its pas- sage. Passed July 1, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 150 CHAPTER XCVII. AN ACT to amend Section 9 of an Act passed February 25, 1868, entitled an Act to create the office of County Judge for Lincoln County, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That so much of Section 9 of an Act passed February 25, 1868, entitled " An Act to ere- ate the office of County Judge for Lincoln County, and for other purposes," as relates to the salary of County Judge for Lawrence County, be so amended as to allow a Amendment. sajary Qf j->ut three hundred dollars per annum (instead of five hundred dollars per annum as allowed by said section,) and that the County or Quorum Court shall have no power to vote any additional pay to the County Judge for holding said court, and all laws coming in con- flict with this Act are hereby repealed, and the public welfare requires that this Act take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the" Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER, XCVIII. AN ACT to Provide for the Appointment of Public Administrators and Guardians by the County Court. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj Powths the State of Tennessee, That the various County Courts granted to gliall have power, at their January or April quarterly ses- Courts11 ^ siQI% appoint or elect a public administrator and a 151 public guardian, who shall hold their office for four years, and who, before entering upon their duties, shall take the< oath now by law prescribed for administrators and guar- dians, and shall give bonds, with two or more good and approved securities, in such amount as may be necessary and amply sufficient, in the discretion cf the Court, to protect the estates, funds and property, that may come into their hands, which bond may, from time to time, by the said County Court, at any of its sessions, be en- larged. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said administra- Administra- tors and guardians shall, in all things, be governed by, j^rs ff^ng t0 and be subject to, all the laws, rules, duties and penalties, prescribed by law for the government of other adminis- by ]aw. trators and guardians, and the management and settle- ment of estates. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That on the death, re- j)eath or re- moval or resignation of an administrator or guardian moval. herein provided for, the County Court may, at the first succeeding quarterly session, fill the said vacancy for the unexpired term. . Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That should any per- Failure or son or persons entitled to the administration of an estate, neSlect- or to the guardianship of any minor under existing laws, fail or neglect to apply to the County Court having juris- diction, and take out letters of administration and guard- ianship, within six months after the death of the intestate, or within three months after the settlement of the estates by the administrator, it shall be the duty of the adminis- trator or guardian herein provided for, immediately to enter upon the administration or guardianship of said estates, as the case may be, first applying to the County Court for the necessary letters of administration or guar- dianship. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said administrator or guardian shall have all the powers, and shall receive ^°™peusa~ the same compensation that other administrators and guardians now have and possess and receive for their ser- vices. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the County Court shall have power, at any of its sessions, on the death, re- moval, or insolvency of any one or more of the securities on the bond of said administrator or guardian, to require Renewal of the said administrator or guardian to renew their said Bonds, bond, or give other good and sufficient security for the performance of their respective duties, and to take any and all steps that may be necessary to secure the estates 152 committed to the charge of said administrator or guar- dian. Passed June 20, 1870, W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER XCIX. AN ACT for the Protection and Preservation of Game and Fish in Shelby County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That no person shall hunt or kill Date. any deer or squirrel in said county, from the first of Feb- ruary to the first of September, or hunt, capture or kill any song bird in said county, during that time, as the Kind of game mocking bird, thrush, robin, and oriole, or any game bird, as the wild turkey, partridge, quail, grouse, pheasant, woodcock, snipe and lark, or any bird that feeds on in- sects which destroy fruit trees, 'as the sparrow, cat bird, blue bird and wood-pecker. No person shall, at any time, destroy the nests or eggs of any of these birds in Shelby County. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any one should p . do any one of the things forbidden in the foregoing sec- ios,cution. pe may be prosecuted therefor, before any Magis- trate of said county, and, upon conviction, he shall be Penalty. fined twenty-five dollars for every deer hunted or killed; ten dollars for every wild turkey killed; and five dollars for every squirrel, partridge, or other of the above-named birds killed; and the same for every bird's nest robbed or destroyed, and every animal or bird bought or sold, or offered for sale in said county during the time above spe- cified. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all prosecutions for any of these offenses shall be in the name of the county 153 of Shelby. In all cases of conviction and recovery, the fine shall be equally divided between the informer and pine to be di- the county, and the part due the county shall be paid over vided. to the County Trustee, and held as a part of the school fund of said County of Shelby. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare re- quiring it. Passed June 30, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. CHAPTER C. AN ACT to establish a Criminal Court in the County of Knox, to be holden in the City of Knoxville. Sectiok 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Court to be the State of Tennessee, That from and after the passage estaWl8het!- of this Act, a court shall be established in the city of Knoxville, for the county of Knox, for the trial of all misdemeanors, crimes and offences committed in said ^ame county against the laws of the State of Tennessee. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the style of said court shall be *" the Criminal Court of Knox County/7 and said court shall be composed of one Judge, learned in ga]al. 0f the law, whose term of office shall be as prescribed in the judge.& Constitution of this State, and shall be paid, as compen- sation for his services, an annual salary of eighteen hun- dred dollars, which is to be paid by the Treasurer of said Knox County, on the warrant of the Chairman Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Criminal Court of Knox County shall hold three terms in each of year, at the Court-house in said city of Knoxville, or in some other building in said city, if necessary, beginning on the fourth Mondays in January, May and September, Time and shall continue its sessions as long as business may -Place- require; and the Judge of said court shall have power to 154 Special term, acljourn from time to time, or order and hold special terms of said court whenever it may be necessary for the trial of offenders or for the public good, of which order public notice shall be given at the regular term next preceding the special term so ordered; and at such special terms, or Grand and adjourned terms, he may make all orders, and do any and Pet-tit Jurors, everything which he can do at a regular term. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Judge of said Jurries Criminal Court shall, from time to time, appoint a Grand and Witness- and Pettit Juries to attend said court at its regular and es. special terms, and juries and witnesses thus attending shall receive the same compensation, and shall be subject to the same regulations as now prescribed by law in the Circuit Courts of the State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said Criminal Court shall have all the jurisdiction now held and exercised by . the Circuit and County Courts for said Knox County, for . unscic ion. ppe an(^ punis}iment of all misdemeanors, crimes and offences originating in said county, and shall have and exercise said jurisdiction exclusively, and that the process, Appeals. forms and modes of proceeding shall be the same as used in said courts, except when they may come in conflict with this Act; and appeals and writs of error, or appeals in the nature of writs of error, may be prosecuted from the judgments of said Criminal Court to the Supreme Oath of Judge Court, as is now done in the other Courts of this State. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the Judge of said court shall, before he can discharge his duties as such, take the oath prescribed bylaw for Judges, before some Judge or Justice of the Peace, and shall have power and authority, when so qualified, to interchange the holding of courts with other Judges, as now provided by law, and in the case of sickness or absence of the Judge of the said Criminal Court, it shall be the duty of the Chancel- lor or Circuit Judge of said county to hold said Criminal Court until the regular Judge can sit; Provided, that neither of said Judges shall neglect his own court to per- form this duty. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Judge of said Criminal Court shall not be disqualified by reason of said 10 piaCllCC in . n • i • r> • . • *i • position, from practising his profession in civil causes m the other courts of this State. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That there shall be a Clerk elected for said Criminal Court, to be elected by the qualified voters of the county of Knox, in the manner prescribed by law, whose duties shall be the same as now required, or may hereafter be required by law of like of- civil cases. Clerk. Duties. 155 ficers of other courts of similar grade in this State; and be it further enacted, that the Attorney for the State of Attorney. the third Judicial Circut shall perform all the duties of Attorney for the State in said Criminal Court, and in as much as the passage of this renders unnecessary the expense and services of a County Judge for said county of Knox, it is further enacted that the said office of County Judge Office of be, and the same is hereby abolished, and the incumbent County Judge Judge is directed to turn over all proper papers to such abolished. Chairman of the County Court of Knox County, as may be elected as heretofore provided by law; and it is hereby provided that the laws applicable to other County Courts in this State, having no Judges, shall revive and apply to the County Court of Knox County. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the Clerks of the Circuit and County Court are hereby directed and required Clerks lo re- to return into said Criminal Court, on the opening there- turn Indict- of, all bills of indictment, presentments, bonds, recogni- ments- zances, and all other papers in their respective offices per- taining to, or connected with the administration of crim- inal law in said courts, and all bonds, recognizances, and other matters so returned into said Criminal Court, shall be heard and determined as if issued from, and returna- ble to said court in the first instance, and it shall be the duty of the Sheriff of said Knox County, to execute all criminal writs in his hands and in like manner return them to said Criminal Court. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That all laws, or parts Law repeaie(i of laws conferring jurisdiction of offences against the laws of this State upon the County Court of Knox Coun- ty, be, and the same are hereby repealed, and the Judge and Clerk of said court are hereby directed and required to turn over to the Clerk of said Criminal Court, all the records and official documents and papers pertaining to said Misdemeanor Court of Knox County. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That the Judge and Election of Clerk provided for and constituted by this Act, shall be Judges and elected on the first Thursday in August next, as provided Clerks, by the Constitution, and shall continue in office during the constitutional term, and the election for said officers shall thereafter be held according to the Constitution, and as prescribed by law. • Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws, in conflict with this Act, be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act shall take effect from 156 and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the Mouse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER CI. AN ACT to Secure the Fund Arising from the Sale of the School Land'under the Acts passed January 15, 1844, and January 23, 1846, entitled "An Act to Authorize the Sale of the Common School Lands in the State of Tennessee, at the wish of the People of the different Townships where they may be situated, and to Perfect Titles to the Purchasers of the same." Whereas, By an Aot of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, passed on the 15th day of January, 1844, entitled "An Act to authorize the sale of the Com- mon School Lands in the State of Tennessee, at the wish of the people of the different townships where they may be situated, an Act amendatory thereof, passed on the 23rd day of January, 1846/' it was provided that the school lands located in the different townships in the State, might be sold, if the people residing in the various town- ships, through the ballot-box, should so declare ; and it was further provided that the Bank of Tennessee should be the custodian of the fund arising from the sale, for the use and benefit alone of the citizens residing within the townships where the lands were located; and it was fur- ther provided that where the whole of the purchase money and interest for any land sold under the provisions of said Acts should be paid, a grant from the State should issue to the person or persons owning said land ; and, Whereas, It was made the duty of the Bank of Ten- nessee, to control and manage said fund, and of the cash_ iers of said bank, or any of its branches, where said pur_ chase money and interest was fully paid, to issue a certifi_ 157 cate of such payment to the purchasers, or their assigns, upon which a grant to said land was to issue; and, Whereas, The Bank of Tennessee has gone into a state of liquidation, and the officers of cashiers of the same have ceased to exist, and there are various cases where school lands have been sold and purchased under said Acts, in which the purchase money has not yet been fully paid, and no certificate of the fact furnished by the cash- ier of said bank, or its branches, and legislation is neces- sary for the purpose of preserving the fund and protecting the purchasers; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the fund arising from the sale of the school lands, under and by virtue of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, passed January 15, 1844, and an Act amendatory thereof, passed January 23, 1846, whether in the Bank of Tennessee, or due and owing from any other person, agent or attorney, belongs to the people of the respective districts of the va- rious counties of the State in which said lands were lo- cated. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the fund arising from the sale of school lands, and which has at any time Funds not been paid into the Bank of Tennessee, or any 0faccounted for its branches, and not heretofore accounted for, be paid over, by the trustee of said bank, to the trustees of the respective counties from which said fund originated, upon demand of such County Trustee, after having given the bond as hereinafter required. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Trustee of the Bank of Tennessee turn over to the proper County Trus- Duty of tee, all receipts of attorneys or agents given for the col- Board of lection of bonds, notes, or claims made or held in consid- Trustees, eration of the sale of school lands in their respective coun- ties; and if such receipts embrace bonds, notes or claims, belonging to different counties, such attorney or agent shall execute, or cause to be executed, separate receipts for each county covering the claims belonging to such Receipts to county, in lieu of his original receipt, with all the proper be given, payments indorsed upon each separate receipt. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all money hereafter collected upon bonds, notes or claims, relating to school Moneys to be lands, be paid over to the Trustee of the county in which paid to Coun- the lands lay. ^ Trustee. Sec. 5. Be it further enactedt That the County Trus- tee, before he is authorized to receive the funds, or the at- torney's or agent's receipts as aforesaid, shall give bond 158 with sufficient security, to be approved by the County Court, payable to the Judge or Chairman thereof, in double the sum to which the county is entitled from the sale of school lands, conditioned to account for and pay over to those entitled to the same by law, all such school funds as may or should come to his hands. Sec. 6. Be it futher enacted, That the County Trus- Trustee to tee shall loan out all money which may come to his hands, loan Money, derived from the sale of school lands at the. highest law- ful rate of interest to be obtained, taking ntftes with good and sufficient security, to be renewed annually, or vest the same in the bonds of the United States. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the fund arising Interest to be from the sale of school lands, shall be kept at interest, paid to Com- and no part of the principal shall be applied, and the in- missioners. terest accruing therefrom shall be paid over by the Trus- tee annually, or semi-annually, to the Common School Commissioners of the respective districts in which the lands were located, for the benefit of common schools in said districts. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the County Trus- Inspection of tees, in whose hands any moneys arising from the sale of tee's^boJk'119" sc^00^ ^anc^ shall come, shall keep a book, in which shall be kept an account with each district interested in the fund, showing the amount belonging to each, a copy of the note or notes, and numbers and amount of United States bonds, when loaned, and the disbursements of in- terest made, which book shall be open to the inspection of any person interested. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That when full payments Full payment have been made of the purchase money and interest, for which any school section or lot has been heretofore, or may hereafter be sold, and satisfactory evidence furnished of such payment, then, and in that event, the Trustee of the county in which the land was located, shall issue a certificate to the purchaser or owner, describing the land, and showing that the whole of the purchase money and interest has been paid, with the date and amount of the Receipts to bid, which certificate, after being acknowledged or proven ed g^knowl~ before the Clerk of the County Court, as deeds are ac- knowledged or proven, may be presented to the Register of the appropriate District, who shall issue a grant in the name of the State to the purchaser, his assignee or present Governor and owner, and shall insert in the grant the original consid- Secretary to eration paid; and it shall be the duty of the Governor sign it. and the Secretary of State to sign the same, and put thereon the seal of the State. 159 Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That if the respective County Trus- County Trustees of the different Counties in the State,tee not t0 nse should use any part of said money or bonds, bills or Sch°o1 Fund, promisory notes, by loan, investment, or otherwise, with- out authority of law, or converting part thereof to his own use, in any way whatever, he will be guilty of em- Penalty- bezzlement, and punished as now provided by Sections 4,706 and 4,707 of the Code. Sec. 11. Beit further enacted, That the public welfare demands that this Act take effect from and after its pas- sage. Passed July 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, • Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 11, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER CII. AN ACT to Regulate the Business of Life Insurance in the State of Tennessee. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Secretary of State, the Comptroller of the Treasury, and the Treasurer, be, and Board of In- are hereby constituted the Board of Insurance Commis- ^ssh3ne^sm" sioners of the State of Tennessee, with the powers and du- ties hereinafter granted and directed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall not be law- Forei n ful for any Life Insurance Company chartered by the inswxnce 1 % United States, or any State of the United States, or any Companies to foreign government, or any agent or agents thereof, to obtain license transact any business of Life Insurance in this State, without first procuring a license therefor from the Board of Insurance Commissioners. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That any such Compa- Sworn state- ny, applying for such license, shall present to the Board a ments. sworn statement of the President and Secretary thereof, exhibiting: Exhibits re- First, The name and parent office of the Company, quired. 160 Second, The financial condition of such Company, on the 31st clays of December and July of the year preced- ing the date of the application. Third, The amount of the capital stock of the Com- pany, and what part of the same has been paid in cash, and what part of the same has been paid in notes of stockholders; together with a full exhibit of the assets and liabilities—in what the former consists, and what the latter, and when and how due. Fourth, The income and expenditures for the year pre- ceding. Fifth, A copy of the charter of such Company, certi- fied by authority; and this statement shall be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the Treasury. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Board of Insurance Commissioners, if the state- ment and exhibit of any Company chartered by the Uni- ted States, or* any other State, or foreign goverment, should show it to be in a sound and solvent condition, to issue thereupon a license to transact the business of Life Insurance within the limits of the State, upon the terms and conditions set forth in this section and those hereinafter Terms and provided, viz : Whenever the existing or future laws of conditions of T other State of the United States shall require of the license Life Insurance Companies chartered by this State, and having agencies in such .other States, or of the agents thereof, any deposits of security in such State,, for the protection of policy holders or otherwise, or any pay- ments for taxes, penalties,, license, fees or otherwise, greater than the amount required for such purpose from similar Companies of other States, by the existing laws of this State, then, and in every such case, all Companies of such States establishing, or having heretofore estab- lished, an agency or agencies in this State, shall be, and are hereby required to make the same deposits in bonds of the State of Tennessee, for a like purpose, with the Comptroller of the Treasury of this State, or with the similar officer of the State in which the parent office of the Company may exist, and to pay to the Comptroller of this State, for taxes, penalties, license, and fees of all kinds, an amount equal to the amount of such charges and payments imposed by the laws of such State upon Companies of this State, and the agents thereof; and all Companies chartered by the United States, and by States having no laws requiring depusits of security, and by foreign governments, shall deposit with the Board of In- surance Commissioners, to be kept in the custody of the 161 Comptroller of the Treasury, a certificate duly attested by the proper officer, under the laws of the State or gov- eminent in which such Company or Association is incor- porated or organized, that securities to the actual value of at least one hundred thousand dollars have been deposited with him to secure the policy-holders, consisting of the bonds of this State, the United States, or of the State in which such Company is organized, or of notes or bonds secured by mortgage on real estate, for double the amount and stating the time and amount of each of such bonds, notes or stocks, and that he is satisfied they are worth one hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That no Life Insurance Company or Association, organized or chartered under the laws of this State, shall transact business, unless within three months from the passage of this Act, it shall have deposited with the Board of Insurance Commission- ers, for the security of its policy-holders, the sworn state- ments of the President, Vice President, and the Secre- tary or Actuary of such Company or Association, that they have invested in the bonds of this State, or of the jn^ecudties^ United States, or in notes or bonds secured by mortgage on real estate, for double the amount loaned. One hun- dred thousand dollars, of which at least one-third in Tennessee State Bonds, shall be deposited with the Comp- troller of the Treasury, and the balance subject to the in- spection of the Board of Insurance Commissioners at any time they may deem proper to examine them; and should the investments of any Company or Association doing business of Life Insurance in this State be less than one hundred thousand dollars at any time after such certificate is given, it shall be reported to the Board of Insurance Commissioners in thirty days thereafter, under a penalty of five hundred dollars for each month said re- port is withheld. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That every Life In- surance Company chartered by this State, and all Compa- nies chartered by the United States, or under foreign governments, or other States of the United States, to which the reciprocal provisions of section 10 of this Act do not apply, and to any one of them by the laws of the State in which chartered, there may be no license fees or 3^^ Fee taxes required, shall pay to the Comptroller of the Treasury a license fee of seven hundred and fifty dollars, to be collected annually, and such other t&xes as are now assessed by law. Sec. 1. Be it further enacted, That the Board of In- 11 162 Annual state- surance Commissioners shall require apnual sworn state- ments. ments on the 31st day of December, or within thirty days thereafter, of each year, of every Company, home and foreign, transacting Life Insurance business in this State; said statement to contain the full exhibit of facts de- scribed in section 3 of this Act, and to be made by the President and Secretary thereof. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That any Companies to which the reciprocal features of this Act applies, shall pay, in addition to the seven hundred and fifty dollars, Taxes and license fees, and fifty dollars, as provided for in Section 9, l such taxes as are now assessed by law on all Insurance Companies, and such fees as may be charged by the State in which chartered or organized. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That every company, home and foreign, transacting the business of Life In- To pay for surance in this State, shall be required to pay annually, labor, etc. the sum of fifty dollars, to the Board of Insurance Com- missioners for the labor of examining and furnishing blanks for the sworn statement and exhibit thereof; and this sum shall be divided equally between the members of said Board, as compensation for services under this Act. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Board of Insurance Commissioners, when- ever they shall have good reason to suspect that the affairs of any Life Insurance Company doing business in this State, are in an unsound condition, to require of said company or association, a special statement of its affairs; and if said Commissioners shall not be satisfied that the affairs of said company or association are in a safe condi- tion, or if any three stockholders or policy-holders of such company or association, shall make affidavit that Special state- they believe special statement or any annual statement to ments. be incorrect or untrue, setting forth in what respect, and on what grounds they believe the same to be untrue, then the said Commissioners shall make a personal examina- tion of said company, and cause one to be made by some disinterested person or persons specially appointed by them for that purpose, and they shall have power to ex- amine, under oath, the officers or agents of any company, in relation to the business of said company; and it shall be the duty of the officers and agents of any Life In- surance Company or association doing business in this State, to cause their books to be opened for such inspec- Commission- .. , 1 , ... ., \ n ers to make or examination, as may be necessary ; and, it it shall examinations appear to them that the affairs of such company are in an 163 unsound condition, they shall revoke the certificate of authority granted to such company, and shall cause a no- tice to be published of such revocation, at least three pubiic-.*iotice times, in some newspaper in the city of Nashville; and the agent or agents of such company or association, after such notice, are required to discontinue the issuing of any new policies, or the collection of any premiums. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That any such com- pany or association mentioned in section 4, desiring to transact any such aforesaid business, by any agent or agents in this State, shall file, with the Board of In- surance ^Commissioners, a power of attorney, under the Powsr of A*- seal of the company, signed by the President and Secre- toine>r- tary, authorizing any and every agent that is or may be acting for such company, to acknowledge service of pro- cess for ana in behalf of such company, consenting that service of process upon such agent shall be taken and held to be as valid as if served upon the company, ac- cording to the laws of this or any other State, and waiv- ing all claims of error by reason of such service. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That the Board of Insurance Commissioners shall cause to be prepared and furnished to every company and association to which this Act shall apply, printed forms of the statement herein Pfint'd forms required, and they may make such changes from time to time, and in the statements required, as shall seem to them best adapted to elicit from said companies or associa- tions a true exhibit of their condition. Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed;; Provided, that nothing contained in this Act snail be construed to effect the corporate exist- ence, or right as such, of any company now existing, heretofore organized under the laws of this State; Pro- „ Proviso vided, that nothing contained in this Act shall be so con- strued as to prevent the repeal or amendment of the same, or any section thereof, by the President or any fu- ture General Assembly of this State. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect and be in force from and after its passage, the pub- lie welfare requiring it. Passed July 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved. July 11, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 164 CHAPTER CHI. AN ACT to change the line between Weakley and Obion Counties, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the boundary line between the counties of Weakley and Obion, be, and the same is hereby so changed as to run and be established as fol- lows: The said dividing or boundary line shall run boundaries, northwardly, as at present established, to a stake in the middle of the channel of the north fork of Obion river; thence up said north fork of Obion river along the mid- die of the channel of the same, eight miles and ten poles, to a stake in the middle of the said channel; thence north- wardly four miles and fifty-one poles, to a stake in the Clinton road; thence north sixteen degrees, west two miles one hundred and eighty-eight poles, with said road to a stake in the line which separates the States of Kentucky and Tennessee; and that portion of Weakley County ly- ing north and west of the line hereby established, is here- by detached from the county of Weakley and attached to the county of Obion, and shall hereafter form a part of said county of Obion, and shall be subject to the juris- diction of the County Court of Obion County, and to the jurisdiction of the Common Law and Chancery Courts. Courts, at Union City, from and after the passage of this Act; but the Chancery and Circuit Courts of Weakley County, respectively, shall have jurisdiction to try, hear and determine all suits now pending in either of said courts, as fully in all respects as if this Act had not been passed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Revenue CoU State and ^ec^or Weakley county shall collect the State and coun- County taxes, ty taxes in that part of Weakley County which is hereby attached to Obion County, for the year 1870, and pay the same over to the same authority, and in the same manner as if this Act had not been passed; and this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare re- quiring it. Passed June 18, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 2, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 165 CHAPTER CIV. AN ACT to Protect the State against FraucL Whereas, The investigation by the School Fund Fraud Committee has developed the fact, that the Insurance y^w^f Company of the Valley of Virginia deposited with the Comptroller of the State twenty bonds, under the Act passed 18—, to enable them to do an insurance business in this State, which bonds were made payable to the Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia; and it further appearing that said bonds were of the denomi- nation of one thousand dollars each, and were of the fol- lowing numbers, to-wit: 5595, 10574, 1220, 7186, 5497, 3169, 1742, 10576, 5597, 421, 5596, 8115, 7722, 10573, 0i J3oilcls' 7723, 8218, 4578, 10516, 10526, that said bonds were by the Comptroller deposited with the Bank of Tennessee, for safe keeping; and it further appearing that the Bank of Tennessee surrendered to the Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia, twenty bonds of like denomina- tion, and received from said company authority to indorse said bonds to the Bank of Tennessee, which indorsement was never made; and it further appearing that the said bonds were abstracted or purloined from the Bank of Ten- nessee, and entered into circulation without authority or consent of the offieers of the Bank; and it further appear- ing that said bonds have been presented to the Governor, Secretary of State and Comptroller, under an Act passed December 12, 1866, and that twenty Green bonds have Bond In Hen. been issued in lieu thereot, of the denomination of one thousand dollars each, and of the following numbers: 8001, 6002, 6003, 6004, 6005, 6006, 6007, 6008, 6009, Denoihinai^ 8010, 6011, 6012, 6013, 6014, 6015, 6015, 6017, 6740, 7546, 7547, and it appearing that the parties presenting said old bonds, and receiving new green bonds therefor, yot legally were not legally or rightfully in possession of the same; issued. therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj the State of Tennessee, That the Comptroller of the Treas- ury, and the Treasurer of the State, are hereby express- ly prohibited from voluntarily paying any of the afore- Boucls aml said bonds, or the coupons clipped from or attached to Coupons not the same. Seventeen of these bonds were issued to John to be paid. Osment, per Sam Hunt, agent, on the 28th day of Janu- ary, 1867, and numbered from 6001 to 6017, inclusive. Date ^^ One of said bonds was issued to Waterhouse, Pearl & Co., per T. B„ Sample, Cashier, on the 23d of March, 166 3867,. number 6740. Two of said bonds were issued to Sam Hunt, on the loth day of April, 1857, and numbered 7546 and 7547. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare requires that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor- CHAPTER CY. AN ACT to Repeal Section 14 of an Act passed March 12, 1868, entitled an Act to Incorporate the Cherokee Male and Female Acad- emy, in Washington County Tennessee. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That Section 14 of an Act passed March 12, 1868, entitled an Act to incorporate the Cher- okee Male and Female Academy, in Washington County, A'-- repealed. Tennessee, be, and the same is hereby repealed; and the public welfare requiring it, this Act shall take effect from end after its passage. Passed June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of'the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor.. 167 CHAPTER CVI. AN ACT to fix the time for holding the Courts in the 4th Ju- dicial Circuit. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj the State of Tennessee, That the courts in the 4th Judi- Time of hold- cial Circuit, shall be holden as follows : inS Courts. Bradley, first Mondays in January, May and Septem- ber. Polk, third Mondays in January, May and Septem- ber. Meigs, first Mondays in February, June and October. Rhea, second Mondays in February, June and Octo- ber. Bledsoe, third Mondays in February, June and Octo- ber. Sequatchie, fourth Mondays in February, June and Oc- tober. Marion, first Mondays in March, July and November. Chattanooga, second Mondays in March, July and No- vember. Hamilton, first Mondays in April, August and De- comber. McMinn, second Mondays in April, August and He- cember. And all process issued from the last term of said Process, courts, respectively, shall be returnable to the first term of said court held under this Act. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That so much of an Act passed June 25, J 870, fixing the time for holding Circuit part 0f an Courts in the Fourth Circuit, be, and the same is hereby Act repealed, repealed. This Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed July 2, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 5, 1870. D. W, C. SENTER, Governor. 168 CHAPTER CVII. AN ACT to Improve the Capitol Grounds. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Inspectors of the Peni- tentiary, be, and they are hereby authorized to improve Plan' the Capitol Ground, according to the original plans, un- der the supervision of their Superintendent of Mechani- cal Department, and to that end they are hereby empow- stock>UetciaSe ere(^ Purc^ase necessary stock, implements and ma- i oc o c. terial, and to employ convict labor, and the Comptroller is hereby authorized to issue his warrant for the payment of same on monthly estimates, certified by the inspectors; Provided, that said monthly estimate be carefully exam- Comptroller jne(j by the Comptrollor, and his warrant or warrants to issue war- n , , . rants issue tor a sum or sums at no greater price than is cus- tomary to be paid for work of a similar character; and Provided, that the amount annually expended in sijch im- Amount to bo Provement shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars; and expended. ^ Provided, that a statement of the said improvements and expenditures shall be laid before each stated session of the Legislature by said inspectors. Passed July 5, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER CVIII. AN ACT for the Preservation and Protection of Game in Ruther- ford and Fayette Counties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That it shall be unlawful for any per- 169 son to trespass upon the lands of another, in the counties of Rutherford and Fayette, for the purpose of hunting, Trespassing trapping, or netting any game, without the consent of the forbidden, person or persons owning said land. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be unlaw- ful for any person to shoot, wound, or destroy any quails or partridges in the counties of Rutherford or Fayette, from the first day of April to the first day of September, Time inclusive, in each and every year. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That any person viola- ting this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, before any court having juris- diction, shall be, for each and every offence, fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, one half to be paid to the informant, and the other half to the Com- Penalty, mon School Fund, and upon failure to pay or secure said fine, the person so offending shall be imprisoned in the County Jail not less than ten or more than thirty days, Imprisoning at the discretion of the court. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring the same. Passed June 30, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 5, 1870. D. C. W. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER CIX. AN ACT for tbe Relief of J. C. Cock and R. B. Hart. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Trustees for the Asylum for the Insane, be authorized to release J. C. Cock and R etc' presented by the Grand Jury for said County^ in said Criminal Court, and the powers and jurisdiction of the Circuit Court for said County to empanel a Grand Jury to find indictments and presentments, and to empanel a petit jury to try crimes and offences against the State, as em- braced in the Act of the day of June, 1870, estab- lishing said Court) and as expressed in Section 4226 of the Cede, is hereby repealed, so far as the same conflicts ^eae with this Act,, but not otherwise. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That the Judge of the County Court for said County of Montgomery, shall be 12 178 Jmlgis, the Judge of said Criminal Court, and shall hold the same, and at the election to be held on the first Thursday ?uXe°&°\t *n -Migust, 1870, the qualified voters of the said County 'torney.** Montgomery, shall elect the said County Court and Criminal Court Judge, and an Attorney for the State, who Term of of- shall respectively hold their offices for eight years, and shall have been residents of the State respectively for five years and of the county one year. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, That the said Attorney for the State, elected on the first Thursday in August, 1870, by the qualified voters of said County of Mont- Duties of At- goinery, shall attend the said Criminal Court and prose- cute all crimes and offences against the State in said County, and at all times to do and perform all other du- ties by law, required of Attorneys for the State, and his compensation shall be the same as now fixed by law, for Attorneys for the State. Sec, 18. Be it further enacted, That the salary of the said County and Criminal Judge shall be the same as the Circuit Judges and Chancellors of the State, to be paid out of the Treasury of said County of Montgomery, to be paid upon the warrant of the Judge of said Court. Sec. 19. Be it further enacted, That the Judge of said County and Criminal Courts, shall be a person learned in Judge to be jaw^ an(} possessed of the same qualifications as the law116 mt C Circuit Judges of the State, and shall have the same powers and jurisdiction. Sec. 20. Be it further enacted, That the said County To be ke t auc^ Criminal Courts may each, always be kept open, if 0pt;n. the interest of the State and the said County of Mont- gomery requires it, and no conflict of powers and juris- diction in this respect shall arise; and when said Judge Clerk of Co siting as County Judge, the Clerk of the County Court. Court of said County shall act as Clerk of the County Court, and when the said Judge is sitting as Criminal Clerk of Cir- of Sa'1 emit Court, shall i vir^mnl Court, nor snail any oonHicf^Roetween the Cireuir Court of said County of Montgomery, and the said Criminal Court as to the Clerk Dalit"!ofCfk said courts, but both courts may be open at the same time, and the duties of Clerk in both courts may be at- tended to and performed by the said Clerk and his depu- Jutbm not to ^cs' The said County and Criminal Judges shall not practice law. practice law or perform any of the functions of an At- torney or counsel in any of the courts of this State, ex- cept in cases which they may have been employed as counsel previous to his election. torney. Salaries. 179 Sec. 22. Be it further enacted, That the said Circuit Court for Montgomery County shall take recognizances Oourt m fake and bind persons under indictment and presentment in iec0Sm5r-"if}C0 said court, to appear before the said Criminal Court to answer said charges and offenses. Sec. 23. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring the same. Passed July 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W C. SENTER, G- over nor. CHAPTER CXYI. AN ACT Directory to the Attorney General of the State, Direciing him to Institute Suits in the Chancery Courts against the Tennessee and Pacific Railroad Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Attorney General of this State shall forthwith institute, in the name of the State, a suit in the Chancery Court of Davidson County, against the Tennessee and Pacific Railroad Company, setting forth ' particularly, that the said company has fraudulently ob- tained the issuance of the bonds of the State, to the amount of eight hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars, and has obtained the issuance of the said bonds contrary to the provisions of the Act. to;establish a system of Internal Improvements in this State, passed February 11,1852, and contrary to the provisions'of an Act passed December 7, 1867, entitled " An Act to amend the Internal Improve- ment laws of the State," passed February-11, 1852, and enjoining said Tennessee and Pacific Railroad Company, ■its Officers, Agents, Directors and Stockholders from in Officers and any way disposing of said bonds until the further order stockholders of the court, and asking that the Board of Directors, UaJy President, Officers and Stockholders of the Tennessee and Pacific Railroad Company be held individually liable for the payment of the bonds so fraudulently ahd illegally 180 obtained by such company, and for all other losses that may fall upon the State in the consequence of the com- mission of any fraud by such company, or by the illegal act of said company in the receipt or disposal of said bonds by said company, its agents or officers, or attor- Proviso. neys ; Provided, that nothing in this Act shall be so con- strued as to require suit to be brought against John Kirkman, W. R. Elliston, Thomas Chadwell, E. J. Wil- liams, D. Cooke, Jr., E. H. East and Abram L. Demoss, or any Directors or Stockholders of said Company, who may show that they were ignorant of or opposed to the Proviso procurement of said bonds by the company; Provided further, that said stockholders did not approve of the use of said bonds, or the proceeds thereof, after they were ob- tained, in the building of the road-bed, bridges, or in the buying of iron for the purpose of ironing said road, or the furnishing of cross-ties, or other material of said Other relief, road. jAnd said Attorney General shall also pray the court for such other relief in behalf of the State, as against the said company, its Directors and Stockholders,, as under existing laws, may be lawfully granted; Pro- Proviso. vided, That the Attorney General shall not bring suit against said company, its Directors and Stockholders as herein provided, without the concurrence or assent of Robert J. McKinney, Archibald Wright, Francis B. Fogg and the Governor, Secretary of State and Comp- troller, or a majority of them. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the public welfare requires that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage; Passed July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate, Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor, 181 CHAPTER CNVI1. AN ACT to amend an Act entitled "An Act for the formation of Etlieridge, County." a Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That an Act passed May 31, 1870, entitled "An Act for the formation of Etheridge Conn- ty," be so amended as to authorize and empower the Com- missioners appointed under and by virtue of said Act, to ™ tr. make such changes in that part of the boundary line of boundary, said new county as applies to Henderson and Madison Counties, by either extending or contracting the same as in their discretion they may deem the interest of the peo- pie of said fractions require. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed Julv 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives.. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. IV. C. SENTER, Governor. CHAPTER CXVIII. AN ACT t© > 'hange the Line Between Cannon and DeKalb Counties. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the 10th Section of Chapter 196 of the Acts of 1859-60, which detaches from the County of Cannon a portion thereof, and attaches the same to the County of DeKalb be, and the same is hereby repealed, repealed, and the said territory is hereby re-attached to the County of Cannon, so that the dividing line between .said counties shall be as it was previous to the passage of said law. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect, the public welfare requiring it, from and after its passage. Passed Jujqq29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS., Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. G. SENTER, Governor.. 182 CHAPTER CXIX.. AN ACT *o Defray the Current Expenses of this Session of the General Assembly. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Comptroller the State of Tennessee, That the Comptroller issue his war- to issue war- rant to each member of the Senate and House of Repre- rants. sentatives for the sums stated to be due each in the an- nexed report of the Committee on Finance. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller Sitaie. issue his warrant to the officers of the Senate and House of Representatives for the sum stated to be due to each in the annexed report of the Committee on Finance Ways and Means, of the Senate and House of Represen- tatives. senators-; Lilt, Sen due at or. X. A. D. Bry Favor Cason, J. M. Clementson,... Edmund Cooper,.... Henry Cooper, John Cubbins, J. R. Eason, Emerson Etheridge,. Asa Faulkner, Wm. Greene, W. M. Hall J. S. Hart, 1). W. Hawes, J. C. Luttrell, Ac C. Martin, M. R. Milisaps, Jonathan Mori is,. ... I). M. McFali, P. P. C. Xelson J. G. Palmer, Balie Peyton, A. A. Pearson, L. F. Self, 1 f f 22 <3 ^ i K C ! s & \ ^ I NO. DAYS. PER DIEM. | i H L JL 516.1 85.26164 256 338.56 8Gi 12.80 268.80 412 65.92 | ^ 321.92 126: -20.16 " 276.16 1" " 256.00 600: 96.00 1 a a 352.00 130; 20.80 1 tc ii. i 276.80 268 42.88 a ! 298.88 2101 33.60 ^ u ! 289.60 0901110.40 a a j 366.44 300! -48.00. u u i 304.00 70l 11.20 a a ! 367.20 1601 25.60 a. u i 281.60 522! 83.52 a .. u ! 339.52 256, 40.96 « a i 296.96 2661 42.56 298.56 200: 32.00 a -c \ 288.00 36 5.76 a u \ 261.76 740 118.40 U I 374.40 590! 94.40 a u j 350.40 48: 7.68 a a | 263.68 302! 48.32 a (c J 304.32 6741107.84! 363.84 4781 76.481 a j .< 332.48 183 w w m b* H ft SENATORS. S o < r* <1 c' « < H ft % ft w P4 O H D. B. Thomas, Speaker, 156 24.96 64 384 408.96 0. A. Howard, P. Clerk,.... a a 384.00 P. S. Williams, E. Clerk,... u u 384.00 Clay Newland, Asst. Clk,... a (C 384.00 W. R. McCall, Doorkeeper, u 256 256.00 Elias Polk, Porter, a 256.00 each Senator HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. J. H. Agee, d. P. Baber ♦fames H. Baker,— Thomas Barry, William Barton, X I. R. Boyd, B. Boyett, P. M. Brash ear, James M. Bright, ... Henry Brown, Zach Bryant, "W. P. Caldwell, R. W. Casey, J. W. Clark, R. B. Cheatham,.... F. D. Clark, ♦Samuel L. Colvilie,. A. W. Cox, J. D. Curl, Robert I. Chester,.. J. R. Dillin, W. A. Dunlap, W. H. Eckel, B. A. Enloe, <}. N. Everett, John M. Fleming,.. MILES. O DAYS. S W M « J o d PS R o ft 3 ft R R 606 96.96 64 256 352.96 600 9.60 « ({ 265.60 700 112.00 u (( 368.00 54 8.64 u u 264.64 92 14.72 u n 270.72 762 123.92 ec u 379.92 356 56.96 u u 312.96 260 41.60 u a 297.60 244 39.04 a u 295.04 374 59.84 u C( 315.84 280 44.80 u a 300.80 290: j 47.40 u a 303.40 164 . 26.24 (( u 282.24 360 . 57.60 u « 313.60 n a 256.00 150 : 24.00 <( a 280.00 210: 33.60 ' « u 289.60 100 16.00 1 " (( 270.00 600 96.00 1 tt a 352.00 375: 60.00 8 32 92.00 40 6.40 64 256 262.40 135 21.60 « a 277.60 634 101.44 a a 357.44 266 42.26 u (( 298.26 150 24.00 a a 280.00 526 84.16 <( u 340.16 Amount < ft o PER DIEM. H O H Fred. Slimp, 848 135.68 64 256 391.68 "Win. Smith, 716 114.56 u . a 370.56 R. Snodderly, 586 93.76 (( a 349.76 A. L. Spears, 220 35.20 a a 291.20 Amount dm Abner A. Steele, 130 20.80 a a 276.80 each ReP- M. Stephens, 320 51.20 u u 307.20 Atha Thomas, 36 5.76 i( a 261.76 H. Townsend, 600 96.00 a a 352.00 E. J. Tucker, 600 96.00 a a 352.00 I. D. Walker, c( " 256.00 S. L. Warren, 425 68.00 u l jV!;vi' payment shall be made in accordance with a resolution, passed by this General Assembly, regulating the number of papers each member and officer of the General Assem- bly shall receive at the expense of the State. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller tv-hcw. issue his warrant on the Treasurer for $70.04 in favor of Enos Hopkins, Postmaster at Nashville, for postage on newspapers furnished the General Assembly. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller Ik 'jf.lnvc-.ii- issue his warrant on the Treasurer to J. M. Clementson, -mu* <>uS. r# F q Nelson, John S. Hart and W. M. Hall, for their per diem, as members of the Railroad Investigating Committee, from the 15th day of March to the 8th of May, 1870, inclusive, and that Clay Newland be allowed per diem from the 20th of March to the 8th day of May, inclusive, as Clerk of the Railroad Committee. Sec:. 9. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller School is^ue his warrant to Wm. Greene, N. ,A. Di Bryant, (. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate, RESOLUTIONS. NUMBER I. RESOLUTION Directory to the Treasury of the State. Resolved by the, General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee7 That the Treasurer of the State is hereby directed to demand from the " Mineral Home Railroad" and from " the Exchange and Deposit Bank at Knoxville," the one hundred thousand dollars in bonds of the State, the pos- session of which was heretofore obtained by the President Of said " Mineral Home Railroad," and which, according to the report of the Special Committee on Railroads, have been sold by " the Exchange and Deposit Bank of Knox- ville" in direct violation of the law, and upon the failure of the officers of the " Mineral Home Railroad" and of the " Exchange and Deposit Bank of Knoxville," to fully account with the Treasurer of the State for the said bonds, then and in that event the Attorney General of the State is hereby directed, immediately to institute legal pro- ceedings for the recovery of the same in the name of the State of Tennessee. Adopted May 27, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 16, 1870. D W. C. SENTER, Governor. 13 194 NUMBER II. JOINT RESOLUTION to Burn Tennessee money in the hands of the Treasurer. Whereas, The revenue laws of the State provide for receiving the old issues of the Bank of Tennessee in pay- ment for taxes due the State; and Whereas, Said law also provides that one-fourth of the amount of Tennessee money so paid into the Treas- ury shall be cancelled; and Whereas, There is now in the hands of the present Treasurer $315,000 in the issues of said bank; and Whereas, The present State Treasurer is soon to re- tire from his office; Now, therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a committee of three on the part of the Senate, and three on the part of the House, be appointed a committee, to count and burn the notes of the Bank of Tennessee, issued prior to the 6th day of May, 1861, said sum of three hundred and fifteen thousand dollars, ($315,- 000) of Tennessee money. Resolved further, That before sa'd committee shall de- stroy said money, by burning, they shall count the same and take a certificate from the Trustee of the Bank of Tennessee, showing the amount of the notes of said Bank so burned by said committee; said certificate of said Trustee shall acknowledge the indebtedness of the Bank of Tennessee, to the State of Tennessee, for the amount of such old issues of the Bank of Tennessee, so burned by said committee. Resolved further, That said money shall be burned at and before the same shall pass into the hands of the in- coming Treasurer. Resolved further, That said committee report to the present session of this General Assembly; said commit- tee shall also burn the Tennessee money (old issues) col- lected by S. Watson, Trustee, &c., of the Bank of Ten- nessee. Adopted June 3, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 11, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 195 NUMBER III. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION Appointing a Committee tp Settle with the Treasurer. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That a joint committee, composed of two on the part of the Senate and three on the part of the House of Representatives, be appointed, whose duty it shall be to carefully examine the accounts and vouchers of J. E. Rust, the present Treasurer of the State, and to settle with him, as required by section 223 of the Code. Adopted May 16, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved May 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER IV. SENATE .JOINT RESOLUTION Constituting a Joint Judiciary Committee. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That the Judiciary Committee of the Senate and the Judiciary Committee of the House of Represents- tives, be constituted a joint committee, to whom shall be referred all matters of a legal character, that may be re- ported upon, to the General Assembly, by the Special Committee on the subject of Railroads. Adopted May 16, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved May 26, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor 196 NUMBER V, * HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Direetory to- the Comptroller. ... Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- ne$see, That the Comptroller be authorized and directed to issue his warrant to each member and officer of this body for the sum of five dollars, for postage money. Adopted May 18, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved May 23, 1870. D. W- C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER VI. JOINT RESOLUTION Appointing a Joint Committee to Wait Upon His Excellency, the Governor, etc. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That a joint committee of two on the part of the Senate and three on the part of the House of Representa- tives; be appointed to wait upon His Excellency, the Governor, and notify him that the present session of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee has convened and are ready to receive any communication that he may desire to make to them, in regard to the condition of the State. Adopted May 10, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved May 26, 1870- B. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 197 NUMBER VII. RESOLUTION for the Purpose of Appointing a Committee to Re- district the State. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tm- nessee, That a committee of six on the part of the Senate, composed of two from each of the three grand divisions of the State, and twenty-one on the part of the House, be appointed to lay off the State into Judicial Districts and Chancery Divisions, and report by bill or otherwise. Adopted May 15, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved May 26, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER VIIL JOINT RESOLUTION Raising a Committee of Inquiry. Whereas, A card over the name of John Baxter, ap- peared in the " Knoxville Chronicle," on the morning of the 17th inst., in which it is stated, (referring to the Rail- road Investigating Committee) that it is well understood here that a portion of them have been bought up by the corruptionists; and Whereas, The Special Committee on Railroad In- vestigation deem it due to themselves, as a matter of jus- tice, both collectively and individually, to ask this General Assembly to raise a committee whose duty it shall be to demand of the author of said imputations, to produce the names ol the corruptionists, and the names of that por^ tion of the members of the committee who were bribed; therefore, 198 Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a committee of one on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the House, be raised, whose duty it shall be, to inquire and demand of the author of said imputation, the name of the corruptionists, and the members of the committee who were bribed, and report the same to this General Assembly. Adopted May 25, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved May 26, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER IX. RESOLUTION to Print Reports of tlie Special Committee on Railroads. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That the reports made by the Special Committee on the subject of the management of the Railroads of the State, in relation to the "Mineral Home Railroad," to the " Rogersville and Jefferson Railroad," to the " Knoxville and Charleston Railroad," to the "East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad," to the " Pacific Railroad," together with the evidence in each case, be printed, and that five hundred (500) copies of the same be printed for the use of the members of this Gen- eral Assembly. Adopted May 25, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved Mry 26, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor^. 199 NUMBER X. RESOLUTION Directory to the Comptroller of the Treasury. Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That the Comptroller issue his warrant to any person who is now, or who has been a Clerk in either of the County Courts of this State, for the amount of any costs that may have been heretofore adjudged against them, or which may be hereafter adjudged against them in the sev- eral courts of this State, in suits relative to the collection of the revenue of the State, and especially in cases involv- ing the liability of collectors of revenue in receiving the notes of the Bank of Tennessee, in payment of taxes due to the State. Adopted May 24, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved May 26, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XI. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to tlie Committees oa ihe Judiciary of the House of Representatives and Senate. Whereas, Article, 11, Section 8, of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, prohibits the Legislature from creating any corporation or increasing or diminishing the powers of corporations by special law ; Therefore, Resolved, that the House and Senate Committees on the Judiciary be, and they are hereby constituted a Joint Committee to draft and report to this General Assembly a general law, as provided for by Article 11, Section 8, of the new Constitution. Adopted May 25, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 4, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, 6r Qvernor. 200 NUMBER XII. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the Comptroller to Employ Counsel, and have certain Mortgages Foreclosed. Whereas, The Legislature of this State, did by all Act passed February 5, 1852, incorporate the Dyersburg and Mississippi River Turnpike and Plank Road Com'- pany; and, Whereas, Pursuant to said Act, twenty-five thousand dollars in the bonds of the State were issued to James Fields and his associates, under the name of the Dyers burg and Mississippi River Turnpike and Plank Road Company; and, Whereas, The State of Tennessee did, on the first day of January, 1866, lund $6,000 of the interest due on said bonds; and, Whereas, Mortgages were given to the State on va- rious tracts of land in consideration of the issuance of said bonds by said Fields & Co., and to secure the pay- ment of the same; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Comptroller, be, and he is hereby authorized to employ counsel, learned in the law, at as reasonable rates as possible, to foreclose said mortgage or mortgages, so given to the State of Tennessee, by said James Fields & Co., or any of them. Adopted June 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor 201 NUMBER XIII. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the Comptroller and StateTreasurer to Effect a Loan of Thirty Thousand Dollars. Whereas, The finances of the State are such that the Treasurer is unable to meet the current expenses of the Generally Assembly and Judicial and Executive salaries; therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Comptroller and Treasurer, be, and they are hereby authorizedto effect a temporary loan to the sum of thirty thousand dollars upon the most favorable terms practicable, which loan shall have a priority over all claims in its payment, out of such funds as may be paid into the State Treasury, and not otherwise appropriated. Adopted June 3, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XIV. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, be requested to inquire into the expediency of having the grounds around the Capitol Building, cleaned and put in good condition, and to inquire into the cost of having said grounds put in thorough repair. Adopted May 18, 1870. W. CN. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved Jue 9, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 202 NUMBER XV. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to our Senators and Representatives in Congress in regard :o the United States Mail Route from Padueah, Kentucky, to Eastport, Mississippi. Whereas, The contractors on the United States Mail route from Padueah, Kentucky, to Eastport, Mississippi, have received official notice from the Postoffice Depart- ment, at Washington, that the mails on said routes would be discontinued after the first of July next, for the rea- son, that said rout was considered an unimportant one; and, Whereas, The said mail route embraces a distance of two hundred and sixty-five- miles, on the largest naviga- ble stream of our State, supplying nearly one-fifth of the countries of this State with mails, there being on said route twenty-six established Postoffices, and over one hundred public steamboat landings; and Whereas, The people of this section of the State have paid the taxes levied on them by the United States Government, without complaint or murmur, and as they regard this order extremely unjust in thus depriving them of their mail facilities; therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That our Senators and Representatives in Con- gress be, and the same are hereby requested to use their influence in revoking the order for the discontinuance of mails on the route between Padueah and Eastport, and to urge upon the proper authorities a continuation of the contract for United States mails on said route. Be it further resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to each of our Senators and Representa- tives in Congress. Adopted June 9, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS; Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate, Approved June 17> 1870.' D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 203 NUMBER XVI. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Tendering the Use of the House of Representatives to Rev. E. H, Osburn. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the use of Hall of the House of Repre- sentatives be tendered to the Rev. E. H. Osburn, agent for the Tennessee Home for Inebriates, for the purpose of delivering an address on the subject of his agency, this afternoon at 5 o'clock, and that the members of the Sen- ate be requested to attend. Adopted Ju 10, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XVII. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Granting the use of the Hall of the House of Representatives to the General Assembly of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church of the United States, in which to hold its Sessions. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the use of the Hall of the House of Representatives be granted to the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of the United States, in which to hold its session, beginning on the third Thursday in May, 1871; Provided, the Legislature is not in session. Adopted June 9, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives^ D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. W. a SENTER, Governor* ■ 204 NUMBER XVIII. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Appointing a Committee to have the Roof of the Capitol Repaired. Whereas, The present dilapidated condition of the roof of the Capitol demands early attention; and, Whereas, The present Superintendent may not feel fully authorized to contract for the necessary repairing; therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the Stale of Tennessee, That a committee of two on the part of the House, the Superintendent of the Capitol, and one on the part of the Senate, be appointed, whose duty it shall be to employ some competent person to do and perform such repairs upon the roof of the Capitol as said committee may deem necessary for the protection of the roof and the building, and that the charges therefor shall be reckoned in the General Appropriation Bill for this ses- sion of the General Assembly. Adopted June 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved Junel7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XIX. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Appointing a Committee to report Description of Bonds issued Contrary to Law. Whereas, By the Internal Improvement Law of 1852, and other Acts, making appropriations to Railroads, cer- tain conditions were imposed, to be complied with before issuance of bonds; and Whereas, In the opinion of this General Assembly, bonds issued in violation of any such conditions, are ille- 205 gal and void, and a fraud upon the tax-payers of the State; therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assembly oj the State oj Tennessee, That a Joint Committee of three from the House, and one from the Senate, be appointed to compile and report from the records in the Comptroller's and bee- retary of State's offices, and the report of the Railroad Investigating Committee, the number and particular de- scription of each bond issued contrary to any condition ex- pressed in the law authorizing the issuance of bonds. Adopted June 9, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 17, 1870. D. C. W. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XX. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to Joint Special Com- mittee appointed under Senate Joint Resolution No. 13. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Special Committee, appointed under Senate Joint Resolution No. 13, to burn the issues of the Bank of Tennessee, received by the Treasurer of the State in payment of revenue, who have in their custody the re- ceipt of S. Watson, Trustee, showing the amount so burned, and acknowledging the indebtedness of the Bank of Tennessee for the amount of the circulation so burned, deposit receipt with the Treasurer of the State, taking his receipt for the same, which receipt of the Treasurer they will deposit with the Comptroller of the Treasury, to be charged up against the Treasurer. Adopted June 21, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 24, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 206 CHAPTER XXI. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION in Regard to Printing and Distn- buting the Journals of the late Constitutional Convention of this State. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Comptroller, be, and he is hereby authorized to audit the bills of Jones, Purvis & Co., Public Printers for the State, for printing and binding twenty-five hundred copies of the Journal of the late Constitutional Convention of this State, and that he issue his warrant therefor to the amount authorized by law. Adopted June 24, 1870. W. O N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 25, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXII. • SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to the Committees on Enrolled Bills. Whereas, There was enacted by the General Assem- bly of the State of Tennessee, at its past session, " An Act to incorporate the Brownsville Manufacturing Com- pany," and which Act was properly enrolled, and received the signatures of the Speakers of the respective Houses of the General Assembly before its adjournment, but is not published in the Acts, because lost or mislaid out of the office of the Secretary of State, Therefore Be it resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the committees of the two houses of this General Assembly on Enrolled Bills, shall examine the Journals of the two houses, and ascertain what action was taken by this General Assembly at its present session; in 207 relation to Senate Bill 157, to be entitled an Act to incop- porate the " Brownsville Manufacturing Company," and if the Journals of the respective Houses shows the pass- age of the bill, that they passed the bill in a Constitu- tional manner", that they report the fact to this General Assembly whether the bill was properly enrolled for the signatures of the Speakers and approval of the Governor. Adopted June 27, 1870, W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 29, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor, NUMBER XXIII. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION Appointing Trustees for the East Tennessee University. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That Charles M. McGhee, Thomas H. Calloway, E. J. Sanford and Wm. A. Henderson are hereby appointed Trustees of the East Tennessee University of Knoxville, Tennessee. Adopted June 27,1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 25, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 208 NUMBER XXIV. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION In Regard to Bills and Resolutions. Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That whenever a bill or joint resolution (except resolutions on adjournments) has been enrolled and signed by the Speakers of both Houses, it shall, without delay, be presented to the Governor, by the Chairman of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, or Chairman pro tem of the House in which the bill or resolution originated, noting the day of presentation, and shall then without delay, re- port the fact to the House of which Chairman, or Chair- man pro tem. of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, and said report shall be entered on the Journal. 2. Resolved, That if the Governor fails to return a bill or joint resolution, within the time proscribed in the Constitution, then, without delay, the Speakers of the two houses, shall sign a correct copy of the en- rolled bill or resolution, noting on the bill or resolution and Journal, the fact, then have the same filed in the office of Secretary of State. 3. Resolved, That whenever a bill or resolution is de- posited in the office of ehe Secretary of State, the fact thereof shall be reported by the Clerk and entered on the Journal. Adopted June 23, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 29, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 209 NUMBER XXV. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to the Joint Select Com- mittee on Railroads. Whereas, At the adjournment of the past session of this General Assembly, on the 7th March, 1870, there was a joint select committeeyetained, to investigate and report to this present meeting of the General Assembly, the condition of all the delinquent railroads under their supervision; also report the amount of State aid received by aech road or officers thereof, and whether the bonds were issued in strict accordance to the law authorizing State aid for internal improvements; and Whereas, Said committee has made their report upon a portion of said railroads; and Whereas, There is a manifest disposition on the part of members in this House to defeat the action that the public requires at our hands, by offering resolutions to adjourn to a certain time in the future; Therefore Be it Resolved by the General Assembly o) the State of , Tennessee, That said committee be requested to immedi- ately prepare bills for the management or disposition of the roads which they have already reported upon ; and also, report upon the remainder as soon as possible, to the end that justice may be attained and the expectation of the people met with generally. Adopted June 20, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 29, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXVI. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Requesting the Govornor to Lay Certain Report Before the General Assembly. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That the Governor be requested, if not deemed in- 14 210 compatible with the public interest, to lay before this General Assembly the report of the joint agent for the State and the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad Com- pany, if any has yet been made, as required by this Act. Adopted June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXVII. HOUSE JOE^T RESOLUTION Appointing a Committee to Irives- tigate Charges made against the Railroad Investigating Committee,- by John Baxter. "Whereas, The Hon. John Baxter, of Knoxville, as it would appear from a communication in the Knoxville " Weekly Chronicle," to which his name appears, reiter- ates certain grave charges against some of the members ot the committeaalluded to in said communication; and Whereas>.,Said Baxter proposes to establish, by proof, the allegations therein contained; and Whereas, It is the earnest desire of this General Assembly to arrive at correct conclusions with regard to all matters of fraud alleged to have been committed against the State; and- Whereas, An investigation of this subject can but tend to vindicate the innocent and expose the guilty; Therefore Re it resolved, That the Speaker of the House and the Speaker of the Senate appoint a committee of three on the part of the House, and three on the part of the Sen- ate, to investigate said charges contained in the comma- nication of said Baxter, with full power to send for per- sons and papers, and to compel the. attendance of all witnesses. Be it further resolved, That the committee shall send 211 for and compel the attendance of any and all witnesses named by said Baxter, and that the proposition of said Baxter to become the prosecutor, under the provisions proposed by him be, and the same are hereby accepted. Be it further resolved, That all parties who may be implicated by such investigation, shall be notified by said committee, and shall be heard before said committee in person or by counsel. Adopted June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 5, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXVIII. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to the Committee on Charges Preferred by John Baxter, against the Railroad Investi- gating Committee. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That the Joint Committee for the investigation of charges against the Committee for the investigation of delinquent railroads, after organizing, are hereby directed to summon, by telegraph, before them, John Baxter, and such other parties and witnesses as may be required for the purpose of investigation, to the end that such investi- gation may be had, and report may be made before the adjournment of this General Assembly. Be it further resolved, That if a full investigation can- not be had before the close of this session, then the Com- mittee are hereby authorized to sit after the adjournment of this present session, and report at the next session. Adopted June 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. ** D. W. C. SENTER, Governor, 212 NUMBER XXIX. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Tendering the use of the Hall of the Representatives to the Grand International Division of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Whereas, The Grand International Division of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, at their annual meeting in the city of Baltimore last October, did adjourn to meet in this, the city of Nashville, on the third Wed- nesday of October next; and, Whereas, The objects of said organization is the gen- eral improvement and protection of its members, and the protection of the traveling public against the dangers of railroad accidents, caused by incomptent Engineers; Therefore, Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That we tender to said organization the use of the the Hall of the House of Representatives in which to hold their annual meeting in October next; Provided, it is not at the time in use for legislative purposes. Adopted June 15,1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXX. JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to the Railroad Investigating Committee, etc. Whereas, The Railroad Investigating Committtee has closed its labors, and has in its possession a large number of original papers ; Therefore, 213 Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That the Committee turn over to the Comp- troller of the State, all the records, vouchers and papers in the psssession of Said committee, and that the Chair- man of said Committee take the receipt of said Comp- troller for the same. Adopted July 8, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. • D. W C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXXI. JOINT RESOLUTION Appointing John J. Reese a Trustee in East Tennessee University. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That John J. Reese be, aud he is hereby ap- pointed a Trustee in East Tennessee University at Knox- ville, Tennessee. Adopted July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 214 NUMBER XXXII. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION to Raise a Committee to Investigate fully as to the State's interest in and control of Colleges, Acad- emies and other institutions of learning. Whereas, It appears that the State of Tennessee has, from time to time, endowed certain Colleges, Academies and institutions of learning by appropriating a large amount of land, stocks and securities ; and Whereas, By an Act passed February 9, 1850, it was made the duty of the Trustees of all Colleges or Universities of the State that have received endowments, or received any portion of the State funds, to report an- nually to the Comptroller of the Treasury, all matters connected with the management of their respective schools, and the disposition of all funds that may have come into their hands as Trustees, which report shall be laid bianually before the Legislature by the Comptroll- er; and Whereas, No such reports have been presented to this General Assembly, owing to the fact that said Trus- tees have failed to comply with the law ; and Whereas, There exists some doubts as to the right and interest of the State in said institutions ; Therefore, be it Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed on the part of the House, and two on the part of the Senate, with the full power to send for persons and papers and investigate fully as to the State's interest, and control in said institutions, and report the same to this General As- sembly. Provided, That nothing in this resolution be so con- strued as to allow said committee to sit during the recess. Adopted July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 215 NUMBER XXXIII. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for an Adjournment of the two Houses of this General Assembly. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That the two Houses of this General Assembly adjourn on Monday. July 11 at 12 o'clock, m., to meet again on the first Monday of. December, 1870, at 12 o'clock, m. Resolved further, That all unfinished business pending before the General Assembly at the time of the adjourn- ment, on Monday, the 11th day of July, 1870, or either of the Houses of said General Assembly, shall be con- tinued and carried over to the first Monday in Decern- ber, 1870, and when this General Assembly shall re-as- semble on the first Monday, in December, 1870, as herein provided, said unfinished business shall then be resumed, taken up, considered and disposed of in the same order and manner as if this General Assembly had not ad- journed the present session thereof, to the first Monday in December, 1870. Adopted July 6,1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXXIY. JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to the Comptroller, etc. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That the Comptroller of the Treasury issue his warrant or warrants, to the Trustee of Wayne County for twenty-six hundred and twelve dollars and five cents, it being a balance due said county, under a Joint Resolu- tion adopted March 24p 1860, for school fund -withheld 216 from Wayne County, under second section of an Act of 1844, the said amount having been decided due Wayne County by Ben. P. Clark, R. J. Meigs and W. F. Cooper. Adopted July 8,1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. JD. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXXY. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to the Superintendent of the Capitol. Be it resolved hy the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Superintendent of the Capitol, be, and he is hereby directed to prohibit the use of Roller Skates in the Hall of the Capitol Building. Adopted July 6, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 187^ D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXXVI. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to the Comptroller. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Comptroller of the State, be, and he is hereby directed to correspond immediately with the 217 County Court Clerk of each county in the State, and as- certain what amount, if any, of real estate belonging to the Bank of Tennessee, lies within his respective county, the quantity, location and general description thereof, and that has been assessed as the property of said Bank, and that the Comtroller report to this General Assembly at a day as early as practicable, the result of said correspond- ence. Adopted July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XXXVII. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to the Speakers of the two Houses of this General Assembly, in Regard to Signing Bills passed at the last Session. Whereas, Certain bills were passed at the first session of the Thirty-Sixth General Assembly, which were not signed by the Speakers of the two Houses; and, Whereas, The Journals of the two Houses show cer- tain bills have been so passed; therefore, Be it resolved he the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Speakers of the respective Houses of the General Assembly, be, and they are hereby instructed to sign such bills. Adopted July 7, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 9, ,1870. D. W- C. SENTER, Governor~ 218 NUMBER XXXIII. HOUSE .JOINT RESOLUTION to Prevent Waste on the Old Asy- lum Grounds. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That the Directors of the Lunatic Asylum, be, and they are hereby directed to take in charge the Old Lunatic Asylum grounds, and institute suit against any and all persons who may have removed any of the earth, stone, brick, or any other material from said grounds, or that may hereafter be removed by any person not having authority to do so, from said Directors. Adopted June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. MBER XXXIX. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the Comptroller to Employ some suitable person to Examine the Dockets and Papers in the Courts of Shelby County. Resolved, That the Comptroller, be, and he is hereby authorized to employ some suitable person to examine the dockets and papers of the courts in Shelby County, in re- .gard to bills of costs against the State of Tennessee. Adopted June 25, J 870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. . Approved Jhiy 8, 1870. D. W, C. SENTER, Governorv 219 NUMBER XL. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Directory to our Senators and Rep- resentatives in Congress now assembled. Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives in Congress, now assembled, be, and they are hereby re- spectfully requested to urge the passage of a bill in Con- gress, to pay the citizens of Tennessee for all properly authenticated claims for property taken and used by the Federal army during the late war, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to each of our Senators and Rep- resentatives. Adopted June 15, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representat D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 8, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XLI. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Calling for a Report from the Board of Commissioners of the School Fund. Whereas, A resolution passed the General Assembly on the 21st day of January, 1870, requiring the Govern- or, Secretary of State, Comptroller and Superintendent of Common Schools for the State, as a Board of Com mis- sioners of the School Fund, to report to the General As- sembly, within ten days after the passage of said Resolu- tion, the amount of School Fund collected or received for the years 1867, 1868 and 1869; .what, disposition, if any, has been made of the same; whether or not said Com- missionens have- ever assembled and acted under the pro- visions of the Acts of the General^ Assembly, cited in the Preamble to said Resolution; and if so, that they file a copy of the record of their proceedings with said report; 220 that they slate whether or not they have guarded the School Fund from loss or dimunition; whether or not the School Fund has annually and inviolably been distribu- ted and paid over for the support of the Common Schools and for the benefit of all the people, and for no other pur- pose or use whatever; whether or not there has been kept in the office of the Treasurer and Comptroller a separate account of all school money received and disbursed under the provisions of this Act, and if so, that they file a copy of such account with said report; that they also show whether or not, all money collected for school purposes has been set apart and kept separate from all other money of the State, and sacredly expended for Common Schools and for no other purpose or purposes whatever; that if any of the school money, under any pretext or excuse, or supposed necessity, has been used for any other purpose than that of Common Schools; that they show in their said report, for what use or purpose it has been applied, giv- ing in full all facts and information in relation to the same, and in what way they propose to raise said money to the Common School Fund; and, . Whereas, The said Commissioners have failed to make said report to this General Assembly, as provided in the said Resolution adopted the 21st day of January, 1870, and which is published in the Acts of 1869 and 1870, as House Joint Resolution No. 40; therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the said Board of Commissioners, at the next session of this General Assembly, report to the General Assembly, as provided in the said Resolution, adopted the 21st day of January, 1870; and upon the passage of this Resolution, the Clerk of the House of Representatives will call the attention of the Governor of the State, as the President of the said Board of Commission- ers, to the adoption of this Resolution, and also Resolution No. 40, adopted the 21st day of January, 1870. Adopted June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Gover nor. 221 NUMBER XLII. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION to Bring on the Election of Secre- tary of State, Comptroller and Treasurer. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the two Houses of this General Assem- bly meet in Convention in the Hall of the House of Rep- resentatives, on Thursday, May 19th, 1870, and continue in session from day to day, until they shall have elected a Secretary of State, a Comptroller and Treasurer, in ae- cordance with the provisions of Section 1 of the Schedule to the Constitution of Tennessee. Adopted May 13, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the Souse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved May 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor NUMBER XLIII. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION to Appoint a Committee to Settle with the Comptroller. Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ten- nessee, That a Joint Committee, composed of two on the part of the Senate and three on the part of the House of Representatives, be appointed, whose duty it shall be to carefully examine the accounts of Geo. W. Blackburn, the present Comptroller of the Treasury, and settle with him as provided by Section 200 of the Code. Adopted May 16, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the Souse of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved May 16, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. 222' NUMBER XLIY. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for an Adjournment of the General Assembly on Monday next, to attend the Ceremonies of Decorating the Graves of Federal Soldiers. Whereas, The Secretary of War has designated the 30th day of May, 1870, as a day to be observed through- out the United States, where National Cemeteries exist, for decorating the graves of the fallen heroes who fell in defense of a cause they believed to be right; and Whereas, Duty and patriotism demand of a grateful people their veneration and respect to those who sleep be- neath the sod; and Whereas, Homage and reverence should be paid to the noble fallen defenders of the flag; Therefore Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That, as a token of respect to the memory of those who died that our country might live, this, (the 36th General Assembly,) stand adjourned on Monday, the 30th inst., to Tuesday, 31st inst., 9 a. m., for the purpose of allowing such members as may desire to do so, of this body, the privilege of participating in the ceremonies of the day. Adopted May 27, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved June 2, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. NUMBER XLY. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION to Cancel Coupons. Whereas, There is now in the office of the State Treasurer, coupons of the bonds of Tennessee to the amount of $273,022.72, which said coupons are the ma- 223 tured interest on the State debt to July, 1868, and which have never been canceled ; Therefore Be it resolved, That a committee of three on the part of the House, and two on the part of the Senate, in con- nection with the Comptroller and Treasurer, be appointed to cancel said coupons, and report as soon as practicable, to this Genral Assembly. Adopted June 29, 1870. W. O'N. PERKINS, Speaker of the■ House of Representatives. D. B. THOMAS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved July 7, 1870. D. W. C. SENTER, Governor. ERRATA FOR THIS VOLUME In the sixth and seventh lines from the bottom of page 5, strike out, the words "thence south 35 degrees, east 88 rods." In the fourth line from top of 6th page, it should read 44 rods, instead of 441,. Strike out the word unoV in the last line of Section 3, on page 29. Chapter 14, on page 30, was passed June 13, and approved June 16. In the third line of Section 11, page 44, the word " members " should read " number." Immediately after the word "and," in the first line on page 148, insert the word "pay." In the fourth line from the bottom of preamble, on page 165, after the number "6015," read "6016," instead of "6015." Immediately after the word "conflict," in the eleventh line of Section 20, on page 178, insert the word "arise." T. II. BUTLER, Secretary of State. FOB 1889-70. It will be seen from the dates of the passage of the "Act" to in- corporate the "Brownsville Manufacturing Company," on page 189, and the "Act to amend the lien law," on page 191, were passed at the first session of the Legislature, and should have appeared in the Acts of 1869-70, but by some inadvertancy, they were omitted, and are therefore inserted. On page 494, Chapter 69, Section 4, line 3, of the Acts of 1869-70, insert the word "not" between the words "shall" and "be," so as to make it read "shall not be." On page 434, Chapter 63, Section 10, line 2, instead of "Wm. Hoston," it should read " Wm. Hasheri." In line 4, of same section, the words "and others''' should appear, between the name "A. H. Nail" and the word "who." On page 435, Chapter 63, Section 13, line 8, instead of "used" read "usual." On page 142, in the General Appropriation Act, the mileage of W. S. McGaughey, should be 674 miles, instead of 700, and $107.84, in- stead of $112. x On page 528, immediately after Section 3, the following should have been inserted as part of said Act: "Be it further enacted, That an Act entitled an Act to mcorporrte the Fayetteville and Well's Hill Turnpike Company, in Lincoln County, Tennessee, and for other other purposes, passed March 16, 1868, be so amended that Section 70 of said Act shall read as follows: v" That when said Directors are elected as aforesaid, and organized into a Board, said President and Directors, or a majority of them, shall locate said road, which shall be done upon the same old road, (or as near thereto as practicable) known as the Columbia and Hampshire Turnpike Road, and take all necessary steps for its completion; said road shall be graded not less than twenty feet wide, and shall be rocked or graveled not less than sixteen feet wide, and not less than nine inches deep in the middle or center of said road, for the width of five feet, and the depth of five 225 inches on the wings, and the grade of said road shall not exceed ten degrees of elevation. "The work on said road shall he commenced within three years from the passage of this Act, and shall be completed within five years from the same time, with all necessary culverts and bridges, or this char- ter shall be forfeited." On page 506, after section 60, the following should appear as part of the Act: "Be it further enacted, That the charter granted to the Nashville and Edgefield Street Railroad Company, passed May 23, 1866, be, and the same is hereby revived and continued in force for the further time of two years from the passage of this Act. "Be it further enacted, That the charter heretofore granted to the Dollar Savings' and Trust Company, passed on — day of —, 1866, be, and the same is hereby revived and continued in force, for the further time of two years from the passage of this Act." On page 413, chapter 59, section 98, the following should appear immediately after the words "Southern terminus," in the sixth line: "To Caney Springs, in Marshall County, along the most practicable route," as constituting part of said section. On page 496, section 13, chapter 69, strike out the word "and," be- tween the words "West Station and Camp Creek Turnpike Com- pany." On page 105, section 4 chapter 88, after the words "Perry and Hickman," insert the words "so as to include the lands of Amos Skelton as they originally were." All of the foregoing corrections refer to the Acts of 1869-70. T. H. BUTLER, Secretary of State. STATE OF TENNESSEE, 1 Office of the Secretary of State, i Nashville, Aug. 8 ,1870. j I, T. J. Butler, Secretary of State of the State of Tennessee, do hereby certify that I have carefully col- lated the foregoing Acts and Resolutions, with original copies on file in my office, and find them correctly printed, T. H. BUTLER, Secretary of State. INDEX TO PUBLIC LAWS. .A. Actions, Suits or, Act to limit time to bring certain Academy, Hampden Sidney, Act in reation to " Washington County Female, Act incorporat'g, repeal'd Administrators and Guardians, Public, to be appointed by County Courts Appropriation Bill, to defray current expenses " to Tennessee School for the Blind " not to be made Anderson County, in reference to County line of Arms, carrying of, prohibited Artisans, Act for the benefit of Asylum, Lunatic, Act to dispose of old Attorney General and Reporter, to be appointed by Supreme Court Attorney General and Reporter, powers and duties of " " Act directory to IB Bank of Tennessee, Act to destroy issues of, paid in for taxes. Bartlett Circuit Court at, attached to 15th circuit " " " " time of holding, " Judge of Probate Court at, made Circuit Judge Blind School, Act for the benefit of " " Tennessee, name of changed Bonds, State, Act to regulate the issuance of " " not to be issued, etc " " that have been destroyed, duplicates to be issued " Certain, declared illegal, null and void Board of Insurance Commissioners created Brownsville Manufacturing Company, incorporated o Campbell County, line of, changed Carter " " Campbell " " ' Capitol Grounds, Act to impiove the Chap. Sec. Page. 5G 91 76 122 105 166 98 156 119 182 54: 90 66! .114 88 137 13 28 112 171 33 62 24 43 114 174 91 114 116 179 18 1 33 82; 2 132 82; 3 132 82; 132 54 88 54 10 90 22 37 70 117 92 145 104 165 102; 159 120 189 41 1 71 21 1 36 84 1 133 107 1 168 228 Chap. Court, Law of Chattanooga to be merged into Circuit Court of Hamilton county Chancery of Chattanooga, to be merged into Chancery Court of Hamilton county Criminal of Shelby county, Act relative to Supreme, Act to organize "• jurisdiction of Circuit at Jonesboro, time of holding Probate of Shelby county, Act to establish Quorum, " " jurisdiction of Criminal, of Knox county established " of Montgomery county established County, of Fayette, Act relating to Quorum, of Lauderdale county restored Chancery, at Union City, time of holding Law, of Nashville, act to establish Clerk of Circuit of Davidson county to be Clerk of law County, of Davidson, to provide room for Law Court. Law, of Nashville, Act creating, amended Circuit, at Barttell, transferred to 15th circuit " " time of holding Special, of Davidson and Rutherford counties Common Law and Chancery, Act authorizing transfer of, certain cases in Duty of, in certain cases of Record, Act to facilitate business in Circuit, Act to fix the time of holding Chancery, Act to fix the time of holding County, to levy tax for school purposes '• to appoint School Commissioners Clerks of County, duty of County, to hear certain proof Circuit, time of holding in 4th circuit Chancery Court of Chattanooga, to be merged into the Chancery Court of Hamilton county Chancery < ourts, Act. fixing time of holding Court at Union City, time of holding— Districts, Act to divide the State into uits, Act to divide the State into Judicial uit Court of Jonesboro time of holding Courts, Act to fix the time of holding Court Clerk of Davidson county to be Clerk of Law Court " at Bartlett to be tranferred to the 15th Circuit... " " time of holding nty Court of Fayette county, Act relating to Courts to levy tax for school purposes " to appoint School Commissioners " to hear certain proof " of Etheriuge established site of Etheridge county, name of of Christiana established " Hamblin u " Trousdale " " Clay " " Lake " site of Hamilton county, Act authorizing removal of. Line between Haywood and Lauderdale, changed ' Washington and Sullivan " Sec. Page- 35 35 31 24 24 44 86 86 100 115 48 51 82 59 59 59 60 82 82 31 13 20 46 47 64 64 64 87 106 35 77 82 32 31 44 46 59 82 82 48 64 64 10 229 County Line between Carter and Washington ' County Line between Giles and Marshall " " Campbell and Claiborne « << " Scott " " Putnam and Overton " " Jacksdn " " " Smith and Putnam " " Weakley and Obion " " Cannon and DeKalb " of Lake attached to the 12th Judicial Circuit Trustees, Act directory to Judge of Lauderdale county, office of, abolished... Judges, duty of Site of Dickson county, Act authorizing removal of of Christiana, Act to establish, amended Lines between certain counties, Act changing, re- pealed of Crockett, Act to establish of Clay, Act to establish, amended Judge of Lawrence county, salary reduced Judge of Knox county, office of, abolished of Etheridge, Act creating, amended Counties certain, taxes to be refunded to Code, Section 359 of, repealed ' " 115 " " 1423 " " 2114 to 2123 inclusive of, repealed " 946 to 1046 " " Chapter 3, title 2, part 2, " Section 4853 of, " to give force and effect to section 1096 of the Section 556 of, repealed " 2136 of, amended Commissioners appointed to organize Trousdale county " " " " " com- pensation of Commissioners appo nted to organize Clay county " ** '< " " compensa- tion of. Commissioners appointed to organize Lake county " " " Crockett " " District School Act relating to 4{ " " to take oath " " " duties of " appointed to sell State's interest in de linquent railroads. Commissioners apointed to lease delinquent railroads Comptroller authorized to employ a clerk " Act directory to " misdemeanor in, to issue bonds " Act directory to Criminal laws of the State, amended '* Court of Knox county established " " " Montgomery county established " " Special, of Davidson and Rutherford coun ties Criminal Court &f Shelby county, Act relating to.....,,,.., Chap. See. Page. 21 1 36 34 63 41 1 71 84 1 133 49 1 85 6i 1 9S 84 133 103 1 164 118 1 181 30 7 57 82 1 133 52 1 86 64 63 110 72 1 119 77 1 123 88 1 137 89 1 133 90 1 143 97 1 150 100 155 117 1 161 94 1 147 8 2 24 31 2 6 58 2 93 80 9 130 64 74 112 71 118 85 134 91 144 96 149 111 171 27 3 48 27 13 51 29 3 52 29 11 54 30 3 56 89 3 139 64 20 102 64 28 103 64 31 104 79 1 127 93: 1 146 40 1 70 64 7 100 70 117 94 1 147 104 1 165 37 1 67 100 1 153 115 1 175 31 2 60 3 2 60 230 Christiana, County of, established Confectioners, Act for benefit of Clerk of Supreme to be appointed by the Court Clay, County of, established Claiborne, line of, changed Cemeteries, Act to prevent crime and trespasses in Common Schools, act to reorganize and regulate Clerks of County Courts, duties of Constables, duties and fees of Common Schools, certain acts relative to, repealed Clerks of County Courts, Acts relating to Constitution, Act. to enforce Section 31, Article 2 of the Cites and the suburbs thereof, for the better government of.. Constitution, Act to enforce Section 33, Article 2, of the Clerk of County Courts, fees, etc Clerks of Courts, Act relating to Christiana County, Act creating, amended Crockett " " to establish Clay " " creating, amended Cock, J. C., Act for the benefit of Clerks of County Courts, duties of Columbia Central Turnpike Company, Act relating to Cannon County, line of, changed Covington Woolen Manufacturing Company incorporated ID Davidson County, Special Criminal Court of. " " To pay certain claim of Lunatic Asylum... " " " County Court of to provide room for Law Court Deputies, Act authorizing Sheriffs to appoint Depositions, Act authorizing transmission of, by Express.. Destroyed, when Bonds have been. Duplicates may issue.. Delinquent Railaoads, Commissioners to lease Decisions of Supreme Court, number to be printed DeKalb County, line of changed Districts, Chancery, Act to divide the State into Directors. State, in Railroads, Act to regulate appointment of Dickson County, citizens of, authorized to vote for removal of J County site Distress Warrants, certain, shall operate as a writ of pos- ession Drunkenness in Public Officers, Act to suppress Druggists, Act concerning IE Elective Eranchise, Act to regulate Election of Governor and members of General Assembly, Act to provide for the " of Judicial and Civil Officers, provided for Emerson, county site of Etlieridge count}7 Entry Taker's and Surveyor's Office, consolidate^ Etheridge, county of, established " " " Act creating, amended Evidence, Rules of, Act explanatory of an Act making, etc... Express, Act authorizing depositions to be sent by Exemption Laws amended ap. Sec. Page. 2 1 4 11 1 27 24 3 43 29 1 51 41 1 71 63 1 93 64 1 99 64 56 109 64 43 108 64 74 112 65 2 113 66 1 114 67 1 115 TO 1 117 71 118 73 1 120 77 1 123 89 1 138 90 1 143 109 1 169 112 172 113 1 173 118 1 181 120 6 190 31 2 60 55 2 91 58 10 96 8 1 24 16 1 32 92 3 14-5 93 1 146 114 2 174 118 1 181 32 1 61 54 1 87 72 1 119 96 3 149 42 1 71 51 1 86 10 1 25 15 1 31 23 1 39 3 10 13 68 1 115 3 1 9 117 1 181 95 1 148 1 6 1 32 36 1 66 231 Exemption Laws amended Expenses of General Assembly, Act to defray Errata to Acts of 1869-70 ZET1 Fayette County Court, Act relating to Fair Ground, old, Commissioners to sell Factory, old Gun, " " Fayette County, Act to protect Game in Fees of Clerks of County Courts, Act relating to Female Academy, Washington County, Act incorporating, repealed Fish, Act for the protection and preservation of " and Game, Act for the protection and preservation of in Shelby county Fishing Seining or Netting, Act to suppress, etc Franchise Elective, Act to regulate Fund, School, Appropriation of a- Gauge R. R. Companies may adopt such, as they desire Game, Fish, etc., Act to protect in Shelby county " " " " " " Rutherford and Fayette counties General Assembly, Act to provide for election of members of.. " " " to fix the number of " in.. Giles County, line of changed Governor, Act providing for election of Governor's Mansion, land for Governor, Misdemeanor in, to issue Bonds, etc " Duty of, etc Grand Juries, Act in reference to Grounds, Capitol, Act to improve Gun Factory, old, Commissioners to sell Guardians, Public, County Court to appoint xx Hamblin, Couuty of, established Haywood, County line of, changed Hamilton County, Act authorizing removal of county site Hamden Sidney Academy, Act in relation to Hart, J. B., Act for the relief of Homicide, Act to preserve the peace and prevent Holloway, James, Act for the relief of..... Homestead Laws amended Hunting, etc., A^ to suppress X Immigration, Act to encourage, repealed Incompetent, when Judges are, may transfer suits Intermarriage of white persons with negroes prohibited Insurance, Life, Act to regulate the business of. Chap. 80 11 Sec. I Page. 48 1 ! 84 54 3 i 89 54 6' 90 108 11 169 7l 3 118 105 1 166 19 1 35 99 1 152 38 2 ! 68 10 1 25 64 39 107 58 1 93 99 1 152 108 1 169 15 1 31 25 1 45 34 1 63 15 1 31 33 1 62 70 2 117 101 9 158 91 2 144 107 1 168 54 6 90 98 1 150 6 1 15 12 1 27 35 1 65 76 1 122 109 1 169 13 1 28 55 1 9 L 80' 1 129 38 1 68 61 1 97 9 1 24 39 1 69 102 1 159 232 acksoa County, line of changed Jonesboro, Act to fix the time of holding Circuit Court at. Judge of Probate Court of Shelby county, salary of " of the County of Lawrence, salary or, reduced Judge of the Criminal Court of Knox county, salary reduced.. ' " County Court of " " office of, abolished.. " " Of Law Court of Nashville, election of, provided for " of the Criminal Court of Montgomery county, Act re latin g to suits Judges, County, duty of " Special, to be appointed in certain cases " Act directory to Justices of the Peace, may change venue in certain cases. " " duty of.. Judicial and civil officers, mode and time of electing " " " term of office of " Circuits, Act to lay the State off into IEC Knox County, Criminal Court of, established Xj Law Venue, Act to change " Court of Chattanooga to be merged into Circuit Court. " " of Nashville, Act to establish " " " power of " " " Act creating, amended Land sold under decree of court, Act concerning " or real estate, Act to limit time of bringing suits to re- cover Land, School, Act to secure fund arising from sale of..... Lake county of, established Lauderdale county, line of, changed " '' office of County Judge of, abolished Lawrence county, salary of County Judge of, reduced... Life, Act to preserve and protect property " Insurance, Act to regulate business of. Liquors, spirituous or vinous, Druggists to sell- Lien Law, Act to amend the License, marriage, tax on, reduced Lunatic Asylum, old, Act to dispose of JUL Magis rates, authorized to change venue in certain cases " Act relating to duties of Marshall county, line of, changed Marriage licenses, tax on, reduced " of white persons with negroes prohibited Manufactured articles, certain, exempt from taxation.... Management of the Penitentiary, Act relating Manufacturing Company, Brownsville, incorporated " '' Covington Woolen, incorporated.. Mechanics, Act for the benefit of Chap. | Sec. Page.' 62 1 98 73 44 1 86 5 136 97 1 155 100 1 153 100 8 155 67 1 95 115 16 178 9 1 24 64 63 110 78 1 125 91 3 144 5 1 14 85 2 134 23 1 39 23 7 41 31 1 59 100 1 153 7 1 23 35 6 65 59 1 94 59 3 94 60 1 96 42 1 72 56 1 92 101 2 157 30 1 56 12 1 27 52 1 86 97 1 150 4 1 14 102 1 159 45 1 86 121 1 191 75 1 121 33 1 62 5 1 14 73 1 120 34 1 63 75 1 121 39 1 69 36 S ! 66 45 1 73 120 1 L 189 120 1 fc i 190 112 1 171 233 Misdemeanors, Act to change venue in cases of Morgan county, in reference to county line of. Montgomery county, Criminal Court of, established Municipal Corporations, property of, exempt from execution nsr Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad authorized to borrow money Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad authorized to execute second mortgage Nashville, Law Court of, Act to establish 44 44 44 44 creating, amended Notaries Public, to take acknowledgements, proof, etc o Obion county, line of, changed Officers, judicial and civil, mode and time of electing. Overton county, line of, changed Peace, Act to preserve the, and prevent homicide 44 officers, duty of Penitentiary, Act for the management of Poll tax, Act to regulate and fix the payment of Property, Act to preserve life and protect 44 certain, exempt from taxation 44 State tax on, Act to fix Presumptions of law, Act to prescribe and define certain. Privileges, State tax on, increased 50 per cent Probate Court of Shelby county, Act to establish Putnam county, line of, changed « << " a Public, Notaries, further power granted to 44 Worship, penalty for disturbance of 44 Administrators and guardians, County Court to appoint 44 officers, Act to suppress drunkenness in Quorum Court of Shelby county, to exercise jurisdiction, etc. Railroad, Nashville and Chattanooga, authorized to borrow money Railroad Companies authorized to use such gauge as they may desire Railroad, Tennessee and Pacific, Attorney General authorized to institute suits against Railroads, Act in reference to 44 State Directors in, relating to appointment of.. " Act for the relief of solvent 44 Bonds not to be issued to 44 State's interest in delinquent, to be sold 44 certain, Attorney General to prosecute suits against Ch ap. Sec. Pape. 1 23 1 137 1 175 1 170 1 30 2 30 1 94 1 96 1 118 1 164 1 39 1 85 1 98 1 28 2 28 1 73 1 46 1 14 1 66 1 120 1 72 4 121 1 135 1 85 1 133 1 118 1 134 1 150 1 l u 6 136 1 30 1 93 1 179 1 68 1 87 1 116 1 117 1 127 1 144 234 Railroads, Delinquent, Commissioners to lease Red River, Act declaring navigable repealed Real estate, Act in reference to Real estate, Act in reference to recovery of Redemption money to be paid to Clerk's instead of debtor.... Refund, taxes improperly collected, Act to Registration laws amended Reports of decisions of Supreme Court, No. to be printed... Revenue laws, Act to construe " officers, section 8 of Act directory to, repealed " laws amended " " Section 10 of Act passed March 13, '68, repealed. << " " 2 of Act to amend the, etc 4< " Act to amend River, Wolf, Act declaring navigable, repealed " Red, « " " " Roane County, Act authorizing transfer of suits in Rutherford county, Special Criminal Court of " " Act to protect game in Rules of Evidence, explanatory of Act concerning Chap. Scott County, line of, changed 'School, Blind, Act for the benefit of the " Fund, " relating to " " Appropriation of " Land, Act to secure fund arising from sale of Schools, Common, Act to reorganize and regulate " " Certain Acts relating to, repealed Secretary of State, In reference to " " Duty of, etc Sheriffs, authorized to appoint Deputies " Duties of Sheriff of Shelby County, duty of Shelby County, Criminal Court of Shelby County, Probate Court of, established " " Act to protect Game, etc., in Sinking Fund, Solvent R. Rs. authorized to suspend payment of Smith County, Line of, changed Spirituous Liquors, Druggists to sell Special Judges to be appointed in certain cases State Bonds, Act to regulate the issuance of " Section 1, of an Act to sustain the credit of the, re- pealed " Directors in R. Rs., relating to appointment of " Credit, not to be loaned State's Interest in Delinquent Railroads, authoriziug sale of.. Suits, Authorizing transfer in Roane county Sullivan County, Line of, changed Supreme Court of Tennessee, Act to organize Surveyors and Entry Taker's Office, consolidated T Tax, Poll, to regulate and fix payment of ' Collectors, duties of certain " On dealers in spirits, repealed Sec. Page. ■ 1 85 1 146 1 72 1 92 1 171 1 136 4 114 2 187 1 27 4 34 1 66 1 120 2 121 1 149 1 33 1 85 1 93 2 60 1 169 1 148 1 133 1 88 1 99 39 107 2 157 1 99 74 112 2 117 9 158 1 24 8 41 3 135 2 60 1 135 1 152 1 116 1 133 1 86 1 125 1 37 3 67 1 87 1 114 1 127 1 93 1 3 1 42 1 115 1 46 12 50 4 67 235 Tax, State, on property, Act to fix " " on privileges 50 per cent Tax, State, 011 Marriage Licenses reduced Taxes improperly collected, to be refunded . " Certain, to be refunded Tennessee, Bank of, Act to destroy issues of, paid in for taxes " State of, substituted to all the right of note-bold- ers of the Bank, paid in for taxes " and Pacific Railroad, Attorney General to institute suit against " Blind School, name of, changed " School for the Blind, appropriation to Time of holding Courts in 4th Judicial Circuit " " " Court at Jonesboro " " " Circuit Courts - " " " Chancery " Towns and Cities, for the better government of Trousdale, County of, established Trustees of Common Schools, Act m relation to " County, Act directory to Treasurer, Act directory to the '""" Turnpike, Columbia Central, Act in relation to TT Union City, time of holding Chancery Court at *v Venue in certain cases, Magistrates authorized to change.. " Laws of the State, Act to amend " Act to provide for a change of, in certain cases.... "W" . "Washington County, line of changed " " Female Academy, Act incorporating repealed Weakley County, line of, changed Wolf River, Act declaring navigable, repealed. White Persons, Act to prevent intermarriage of, with Ne- groes, etc Chap. Sec. Page. 74 1 120 ',4 4 121 75 1 121 78 1 136 94 1 147 18 1 33 18 3 34 116 1 179 54 10 90 54 9 90 106 1 167 44 1 73 . 46 1 75 47 1 81 67 1 115 27 1 47 64 65 111 89 1 133 104 1 165 113 1 173 82 1 105 103 17 RESOLUTION'S. PAGE. Asylum Ground, old, to prevent waste on 218 Adjournment, time of 215 for decoration of graves, etc 292 Bills and Resolutions, in regard to 208 Bank of Tennessee, notes of, to be burned 194 Bonds issued contrary to law, committee to report on 204 Buildings and grounds, public, directory to committee on 201 Comptroller, directory to 190 " " « 210 " " " 199 " " " \ 4 215 " Authorizing, to employ counsel 200 " and Treasurer, authorized to effect a loan 201 " to employ suitable person to examine docket 218 " "electa t 221 " " appoint committee to settle with 221 Conunmtttee to wait on Governor, etc 19(5 " redistrict the State 197 " of Inquiry appointed 197 " on Railroads, report of, to be printed 198 " Judiciary, directory to _ 199 " on publie grounds and buildings, directory to 201 " to report on bonds issued contrary to law 204 " Special, directory to 205 " on Enrolled Bills, directory to 206 " Joint Select, on Railroads, directory to 209 " to investigate charges preferred by John Baxter 210 <£ 44 44 46 <6 44 44 .... 211 " Railroad investigating, directory to 212 " To settle with Comptroller 221 " " " " Treasurer 195 Counsel, Comptroller to employ 200 Congress, directory to our Representatives in 202 " " " " 219 Cumberland Presbyterian, General Assembly of, use of Hall of House of Representatives granted to 203 Capitol, roof of to be repaired 204 238 PAGE. Coupons, to be canceled 222 • Convention, in reference to journals of 206 Charges against Railroad Committee, to investigate 210 44 44 44 Directory to committee on 211 Colleges, Committee to investigate State's interest and control of 214 Enrolled Bills, Directory to Committee on 206 East Tennessee University, Trustees of, appointed 207 44 44 44 John J. Reese appointed Trustee in 213 Governor, Committee to wait on - 196 44 Requesting, to lay report before General Assembly 209 Grounds, Public, and buildings, directory to Committee on 201 * Hall of House of Representatives, use of granted Rev. E. H. Osborne 203 4 4 44 4 4 44 44 General Assembly of Cum- berland Presbyterian Church 203 Hall of House of Representatives, use of, granted to Brotherhood of Engi- neers.. 212 Judiciary Committee, appointing 195 44 4 4 directory to 199 Locomotive Engineers, Use of Hall granted to 212 Railroads, Special Committee on, to report 198 44 Joint Select 4 4 44 directpry to 209 44 Committee on charges against, to investigate 210 " " " 44 44 211 Representatives in Congress, directory to our 202 ' " " 219 Resolutions, in regard to Bills and 208 Speakers of both Houses, directory to 210 Superintendent of Capitol, 44 44 217 Secretary of State, to bring on election of 229 School Fund, calling for a report from Committee on 211 Treasurer of State, directory to 194 Trustee of East Tennessee University, appointed 207 " " " " " " 213 ' Treasurer, State, to bring on election of 193 Tennessee Money, to be burned 194 University, East Tennessee, Trustees of appointed 207