Slee eanees we + Sie slate ote sige, y It + raat ear ar ary ate Sete eee eat? tte te ee ey eee site HSFS75 1838 sey . sisistuae ats 80y Lares - vine Pi7etas, Hate pe vivete stete PLES sielargle Sistyts 3 % THERS BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND 0 [= = VALUABLE __ ANCIENT AND MODERN de OIL PAINTINGS — AMERICAN ART GALLERIES (. Mapison Square SouTH NEW YORK ON FREE VIEW WEEK DAYS FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. FROM SATURDAY, MARCH 51x, 1910 UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE VALUABLE ANCIENT AND MODERN PAINTINGS UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND OTHERS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENING OF MARCH 9rtnH AND AT MENDELSSOHN HALL ON FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 11tTx Catalogue OF VALUABLE PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FOR ACCOUNT OF THE HEIRS OF THE LATE FREDERICK C. HEWITT, Owerco AND WM. FRANCKLYN PARIS (To LIQUIDATE CERTAIN JOINT BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS ENTERED INTO WITH THE LATE F., C. HEWITT ) AND HON. P. HENRY DUGRO, EXECUTOR OF THE LATE JusTicE CHARLES H. TRUAX ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY Or tuE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK 1910 Press of The Lent & Graff BS Ea oe CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractionad advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put wp again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk - within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no War- ranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; fail- ing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold sub- ject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof. for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shail be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged ‘for such services. THe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers THOMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY EVENING’S SALE > MARCH 9, 1910 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH BEGINNING IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE SALE OF THE PICTURES BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JAMES 8. INGLIS. NOTE—The following described paintings and water colors are to be sold by order of the heirs of the late Frederick C. Hewitt and by order of Mr. William Francklyn Paris, the latter for the purpose of liquidating a joint business transaction between the late Frederick C. Hewitt and Mr. Paris. No. 125 S. R. GIFFORD, N.A. AMERICAN (1823-1880) MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE —- oF ev A. ine és; ten ine és. oe 3° Height, 43/, inch us in 8 , black A WOMAN, aicuaeuished by a Pe milion ski cloak and white cap, is traversing a golden-brown road on the left of the foreground. It skirts a wood, over the top of which appears a horizontal stretch of drab hills. ‘They are succeeded by a higher elevation, warmed to dove-gray and pink by the sunset glow. The hill terminates on the right in a bold bluff, be- yond which lies a distant bluish range. Over it the sky is rosy-cream, but cools above to a faint, greenish blue, streaked with a few layers of crimson. Signed at the lower right: “S. R. Girrorp.” Owner, JAMES F. PUMPELLY. No. 126 G. SCHACHINGER GERMAN A YOUNG GIRL 3 DS xt Height, 614 inches; width, tM inches. Sf ? THE girl’s bust fares front, while the ia is turned three-quarters to the left. Her greenish yellow silk cap is covered with a gilt net and bordered with a series of gilt pendants that fall over the soft, ashy blonde hair. A tippet of moss green velvet, edged with gray fur, fits tightly over a sapphire blue dress, | the sleeves of which are puffed at the elbows. Signed and dated at the upper right: “G. ScuacnincEer, Munich, 1880.” Owner, James F. PumMpELty. No. 127 W. HELMSLEY ENGLISH (1819- _) THE CUT FINGER oC a sO Height, 8 ye yy. 6 CCDS Ar the back of the kitchen interior is a large high fireplace. On the right of it a woman sits with her hands in her lap, watching a little fair-haired child with a white pinafore on her crimson skirt. She stands holding out her finger to attract the attention of a gray-haired man, who sits on the left of the composition. Dressed in a buff jacket, brown cor- duroy breeches and tan leather gaiters, he is wiping his spectacles with a blue handkerchief. Signed at the lower left: “W. Hreumstey.” Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 128 FRANZ MULLER GERMAN (1843- ) ANGEL'S HEAD / 7 sd Height, 91 inches; width, Y%y inches WITHIN a circle, against a background of blue sky, are shown the head, wings and bust of an angel. The* head is surrounded with an aureole of chestnut hair that is decorated with a jewel of pearl and garnets. The robe is of two shades of claret-colored velvet damask, embroidered round the square-cut neck with gold. Over the right shoulder hangs a slate-colored - drapery, decorated with gold filigree. Signed and dated at the lower left: “F. Mutirr, ’74.” Owner, James F. PuMPELLY. No. 129 ELIHU VEDDER, N. A. AMERICAN (1836- _) VENETIAN SCENE rs s Height, 7 inches; length, 1114 a Conspicuous on the left of the foreground is a gon- dola, propelled by a man in a claret-colored suit. Near him, leaning against the black hood is another man, playing a guitar. A figure is seated in the prow. At the back of this rises a cluster of orange tawny sails. ‘To the right is a faint suggestion of the campanile. On the right of the foreground is a gondola with a dull red hood, near two red swallow sails that occupy the extreme right. Signed on the lower left: “V.” Won. Francxtyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. ed Vv No. 130 WILLIAM HART, N. A. AMERICAN (1823-1894) A RIVERSIDE PASTURE Be 1) re Height, 121% inches; ~ eP9 (0 From the left of the foreground the wiver bank stretches diagonally to a gray boulder, beyond which rises a rocky knoll, surmounted by a clump of small oaks with green and golden brown foliage. In front of the boulder a red cow is feeding beside a brown one, while another, accompanied by her calf, has a white stern that catches the light brightly. The opposite bank is also rocky and is surmounted by some yellow birches. The vista of water terminates in olive bluish haze, over which appears the misty blue of wooded hills. White clouds roll above them and the upper sky presents an expanse of broken blue beneath a canopy of gray and drab clouds. Signed and dated at the lower right: “Wm. Hart, 1877.” Owner, James F. PuMPELLY. No. 131 LYELL CARR AMERICAN (1857- _) HEAD OF A MOONSHINER’S DAUGHTER Height, 1314, inches; width, 10 inches. 2 aa (Water Color) QPULL / THE bust faces three-quarters to the left, while the head is inclined in the opposite direction. From un- derneath a drab felt hat, with wide upturned brim the black hair falls in wispy curls over the forehead, and in heavy braids behind the left ear. A red, dove- gray and white handkerchief is looped round the neck, revealing a part of the right breast. Signed and dated below the shoulder on the right: “Lyetu Carr.” Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewrirr Joint Account. No. 182 ALFRED KAPPES, A. N. A. >: AMERICAN ( -1894) A PICKANINNY Height, 131% inches; width, 11 inches. Lf Y ae (Water Colgr) Hy. Oda Law in simply and directly with washes of pure color, the figure of the pickaninny is shown against a background of what appears to be sand with a few logs on the left and a hint of blue in the distance. The head, capped with crisp curls, faces to the front; the little body is dressed in a white, blue shaded slip, over a purple jersey, and the toes are characteristi- cally turned in. In her right hand the child holds the string of her wooden horse, whose stiff blue and white frame is mounted on a green stand. Signed near the lower right: “Kappes” Wan. Francxtyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 183 GASTON ROULLET FRENCH LA PORT DE LA DOUANE, VENISE +7 oe Height, 1014 inches; length, 14 inches. tnt] THE deep blue water in the foreground is dyed with / the reflected hues of a string of coasting schooners, ‘ whose hulls are painted with black and red, while their rudders are green and yellow, and orange sails are lowered to the decks. ‘They are drawn up in front of a perspective of buildings that terminates on the right with the tower of the Dogana de Mare, surmounted by a figure vane of Fortuna. From a mast flies the Italian ensign, its green, white and red showing against the deep blue of a sky that grows grayer toward the right. Signed at the lower right: “Gaston Rovuttet, Venise.” Owner, JaMEs: F. PuMPELLy. No. 134 : GEORGE ARMFIELD) TERRIERS AT PLAY aS AP ee oo Height, 11% inches; Ab mG @ _A moss green drapery lies along the flodf and partly q covers a brown bench at the left. On the latter a’ rough-haired black and tan terrier has set his fore- paws, meanwhile turning his head to defy a white terrier who crouches at his right, lifting up his head as he barks. Drab colored plaster walls, showing beams of wood, close in the background. Signed at the lower right: “G. ARMFIELD.” , Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewrrr Joint Account. No. 1385 CLARA McCHESNEY AMERICAN POMEGRANATES Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches. / OU: oo (Water Color) os ae We. AGAINST a mottled plum-red background, on a tafe of slightly different tone, three pomegranates are _ arranged in a row, while in front of them is a half one, showing the blood red fruit. To the left stands a copper pitcher with a lid. Exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1900. Signed at the lower right: “C. McCuersney.” Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 136 LYELL CARR AMERICAN (1857- ) U. S. FIELD COMMISSARY IN ACTION, SANTIAGO, 1898 Height, 151% inches; Las ngth, OD q ough a foreground o 4 stubbly grass, interrupted on the left by a few whi 4 A pusTy road recedes iy flowers. Some distance back appears the tail of a blue commissariat wagon drawn by four mules in charge of two drivers. It is moving in the rear of a larger wagon, with a white arched hood in three sec- tions. Over the top of the nearer wagon is seen the canvas of a tent that extends to the right, where two soldiers are standing. They are being approached from the right by two others. In the background ~ lies horizontally a greenish blue and amber brown hillside, beyond which shows the summits of distant blue mountains. Mr. Carr was the only artist officially attached to the army of invasion in the Cuban campaign. Signed and dated at the lower right: “Fret>p Commissary, 2npD Div., 5TH Corps, SANTIAGO DE CuBA, AvG., 1898. Lyer1 Carr.” Wan. Francxtyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 137 XAVIER DE COCK BELGIAN LATE AFTERNOON Height, 141% inches; length, 19¥5 inche ama ae & r" THE pasture in the foreground is barred yeh shadows, flung by the overhanging foliage of\/two trees, prominently placed on the left and right of the center. At the foot of the latter, which is distin- guished by the slant of its trunk, a girl sits knitting, while another engaged in similar work, stands be- hind her. Foremost among the cows is a handsome black and white one which stands near the left hand tree. Beside her lies a dun cow, while two red ones are standing a little further back and a single bluish slaty-colored one appears on the extreme right. The meadow in the rear, which is in full sunlight, is bounded by a screen of trees, over which shows a primrose sky, suffused with rose. Higher up it grows cooler and is streaked with layers of dove- gray cloud. Signed and dated at the lower left: “Xavier vE Cock, 1865.” Wma. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewrrr Joint Account. No. 138 CHARLES C. CURRAN, N. A. AMERICAN (1861- ) APPLE ORCHARD TAOS a i Height, 12 inches; pry mM. A sunny orchard stretches back from the foreground, with a row of apple trees on each side, seen in per- spective. Those on the left are in complete sunlight, while the others are slightly shaded and cast shadows on the yellow grass. On the right of the foreground, a woman in pink waist and primrose skirt is helping a small boy to carry a tin bucket. The child is dressed in a dark blue sweater and breeches. Dande- lion blossoms and seed puffs star the ground. Signed and dated at the lower right: “Cuas. C. Curran, 1887.” Wan. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 139 J. CARROLL BECKWITH, N. A. AMERICAN (1852- ) HEAD AND BUST OF A LADY / p yy Height, 214, inches; ke inches. We khe aide TueE figure faces the spectator, the head thrown slightly back and tilted a trifle toward the right. The hair is brown and curly, a warm violet shadow envelopes the throat. ‘The neck shows through the V-shaped opening of the wrapper which is of dove- gray material with indication of a pattern in violet, pink and mauve. It has a collar of creamy yellow lace, with ends of the same hanging straight down over the bosom. Signed at the wpper left: “Carrot, Beckwitn.” Wan. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 140 LYELL CARR AMERICAN (1857- ) A MOONSHINER’S DAUGHTER Ko 70 Height, 21% inches; oe | } nll . THE picture shows a girl, the face incli three- quarters to the right, while the bust frorits in the opposite direction. ‘The tanned and ruddy face is encircled by a soft drab felt hat with wide upturned brim, from which some wisps of black hair stray over the forehead. A heavy roll of hair hangs over each shoulder, following the lines of a red and white hand- kerchief that is knotted low on the breast so as to leave the neck bare. The girl’s dress of coarse drab_ material, with a rudely stitched seam across the left breast, fits the figure tightly. The whole is silhou- etted against a mottled background of olive green, drab and brown. Signed near the shoulder on the left: “Lyrett Carr, Georgia.” Won. Franckxtyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 141 AMEDEE ROSIER FRENCH (1831- ) VENETIAN SCENE Va ee vn) Height, 171% inches; 23 259 inches. ff : eA THE view looks across the water to a rspective vista, commencing on the left with thé/ esplanade and gardens and the back of the Royal Palace, above which appears the campanile. Then follow the Library, over the top of which the dome of St. Mark’s is visible, the entrance to the Piazetta, the Doge’s Palace and the prison; after which the pros- pect concludes with some of the buildings abutting on the Riva degli Schiavoni. Over this line of arch- itecture the sky is slightly suffused with rosy cream, above which it shows a stretch of atomspheric blue, under a canopy of creamy white. A _ rose-colored parasol, carried by the occupant of a gondola makes a brilliant spot on the right of the foreground. Signed and dated at the lower left: “A. Roster, 1892.” Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 142 J. H. DOLPH, N. A. AMERICAN (1835-1903) CAT AND KITTENS 7 sy ro Height, 18 Oh ba | yp , 3 A BLACK and gray tabby cat lies across the picture, beside a basket, her yellow eyes fixed full to the front. One of her kittens, rolled onto its back, is raising its paws to ward off another which has planted a foot on its breast. Meanwhile a third is nosing up to the mother, intent, apparently on refreshment. A white saucer lies on the right of the deal floor and a red curtain closes in the background. | Signed at the lower left with monogram “Do.PH.” Owner, JAMES F. PuMPELLY. No. 1438 LYELL CARR _ AMERICAN (1857- ) _ A CLAY-EATER /07- wd Height, 211%, inches; e 1714, inches. se bn vate Tur face and bust of an old negro are shown full to the front, the head being tilted a little @ver to the left while the eyes gaze toward the right. The flapping brim of a gray felt hat surrounds the high forehead at each side of which appears a tuft of grizzled hair. The upper lip has a grizzly moustache, and to the stubble of the chin some cotton clings. From the shoulders two ends of rose and blue and white plaid handkerchief fall over the dull slaty-colored vest. Signed at the middle left, “Lyreti Carr, 1894,” Wm. Francktyn Parits—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 144 LYELL CARR AMERICAN (1857- ) THE BELATED TRAVELER /6 . Height, 1714 inches; length, 23%, — : / } In the grassy foreground a lady is seated beneath two trees, one of which is draped with southern moss. They grow beside a stone wall that skirts diagonally a sheet of water. On it, toward the right, appears a sailboat with a single occupant. It is crossing from a spit of land on which a house is visible among the trees. Further back a shore line, or probably a chain of islands extends across the distance. The sky is pale blue banked over the horizon with loose creamy clouds. Signed and dated at the lower left: “Lyr11 Carr, 1899.” Wan. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 145 JAMES CARROLL BECK WITH,N.A. AMERICAN (1852- ) A GIRL’S PROFILE Lo ad Height, 23%, inches; width, 191, inch@. THE lower left of the canvas is occupied by the back of the shoulders, the neck and profiled head of a girl, the rest of the composition showing a background of pale greenery, sprinkled with gladiolus and asters. Her soft blonde hair, curling round the temples, is drawn tightly over the head and clipped at the back with a plait. The warm clothing of the face is partly veiled with dove-gray shadows. ‘The flowers involve the hues of mauve, pink, white, yellow and crimson. Signed at the upper right: “Carrott Beckwith.” Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 146 JOHN F. KENSETT, N. A. AMERICAN (1818-1872) LAKE CHAMPLAIN | / 6 £ 1 Height, 17% ie (7 Ke : From a hill in the foreground whe . boulders ar huddled on the right, one looks down on the lake. Its expanse is interrupted by two wooded spits of land, projecting from the hill-slopes at the side, that almost meet, the interval being spanned by a bridge. Beyond this, toward the left, the water shows a streak of white light. From the farther end of the lake two mountains rise, the one on the right being distin- guishable by a pyramidal peak. Gray vapor fills the — lower sky, which higher up is barred with carmine, | and at the zenith becomes a faint blue with soft wisps of rosy cream. On the left of the foreground ap- pears a deep hollow out of which the tops of the first project. | Signed at the lower right: “FK, ’56.” Wn. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 147 HENRI RONDEL FRENCH IDEAL HEAD 4 ; re? Height, 25 inches; a. 21 i ACCIDS Factne to the left against a dark olive background is Shown the head of a girl almost in profile, while the bust is inclined nearly to the front. Her chestnut hair, parted in the centre, is fringed around the fore- head, from which it is drawn back closely over the head and fastened at the nape of the neck, thence hanging loose. The lace frou-frou of her chemise has dropped below the shoulders, veiling the left breast but leaving the other exposed. Draped around her figure appears the collar of a brownish claret-colored mantle, lined with cinnamon. Signed at the lower right: “H. Ronvet.” : Won. FRANCKLYN Partis—F. C. Hewrrr Joint Account. No. 148 LYELL CARR AMERICAN (1857- ) DAY OF THE BATTLE, AT THE CHURCH OF EL CANEY, SANTIAGO J 1b ce Height, 2034 eet 30 inches. k Veale THE center of the middle distance is Hccupied by a church, a red roofed building with \a facade sur- mounted by a pediment and an adjoining tower, whose bell-turret shows the ravage made by the American shell. The building, now in possession of the U. S. troops, is being used as a temporary hospital for Spanish soldiers, and a detail of orderlies, bring- ing in a wounded man on a stretcher, is seen toward the right, near a catalpa tree. At the corner of the church appears a round Martello tower, in front of — which is suspended a cauldron, in which soup is being cooked. Among the figures that enliven the scene are a padre in a black cassock, and the artist himself, mounted on a white horse. The picture was exhibited at the St. Louis Exposition. Inscribed at the lower left: “Copyricut, 1898, py Lyrert Carr.” Wan. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewrrr Joint Account. No. 149 GEORGE COPE AMERICAN THE FUMES OF PITTSBURGH fey y ad Height, 24 inches; length, 31 inches. THE darkness of the scene is fantastically illuminated fe with a lurid glow. In the foreground is a deep hol- | low, filled with water and surrounded by embank- ments of slag. At one point appears a red glow, where a man is emptying a barrow of refuse from the forges. On the top of the embankment, stark against the glare of the sky, are reared various build- ings, and on the extreme left is a smokestack, belch- ing crimson vapor. Meanwhile, faintly illuminated in the background, appear houses and trees, and the vague mass of a wooded mountain, looming quiet and remote from the turbid energy of man. On the ex- treme right of the scene a locomotive, with headlight, and red vapor pouring from its smokestack, is com- ing around a bend of the rocky mountain. Signed at the lower left: “Gro, Copr.” Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 150 FREDERICK J. WILEY RELIGIOUS PROCESSION ve 7 4 re Height, 301% inches; Cs 231% inches. A PROCESSION composed of women and/children, es- corting a heifer for sacrifice, is coming forward on the right, passing across the front, and ascending a hill on the left, which is crowned with a circular tem- ple. The children are nude, the women draped in fabrics of various hues; pale lavender, rose, pink and cream. ‘Tall slender trees rise from the base of the hill on the left, while on the right of the foreground two other tree stems lean across each other. Beyond these is a steep hillside, bordering a level stretch of country, where a glimpse of blue water appears. Signed and dated at the lower right: “Frepertck J. Witry, 1905.” Owner, Mrs. Frepertca H. Exwoop. No. 151 WILLIAM KING-AMSDEN AMERICAN HUDSON RIVER IN A MIST 5 Fo id Height, 25 inches; length, 301 inches. : t Ong ae. LA). Ir Is evening and a luminous blue mist pervades the foreground of water and wraps the cone-like mass of a mountain on the farther shore. It looms against a deep-blue sky streaked with rose, pale blue and dove-gray, which hues are reflected on the oily water. Here on the right gleams the phantom shape of a schooner, while in the centre is a rowboat from which two men are fishing. Their trawl line floats diag- onally beside a row of four poles that stick out of the water. Signed on the lower left: “Wm. Kinc-AmspdEN.” Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 152 LOUIS COIGNARD FRENCH (1812-1883) LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE / ve $ at Height, 25 inches; ea. sue) THE blue of the sky shows sparsely amid choking layers of white cloud that are surmounted by streaks of drab and gray. So the light is cold, and shadows are spread over the pallid greens and bluer greens of the flat meadow below. The latter is dotted with cat- tle. Conspicuous among them is a red cow with white crest and hindquarters, lying on the right of the foreground. Other cows are sprinkled in the — middle distance. ‘The meadow is bounded by a belt of green trees, showing against a further stretch of golden brown, the vista terminating in distant hills. Signed at the lower right: “L. Cotanarp.” Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 153 GAETANO CHIERICI ITALIAN (1838- ) WARMING DOLLY'S HANDS width, GO" eside a raised hearth, Height, 2814, ine ad 0. Two children are seate mounted by a high mantel-shelf, which occupi right of the foreground. One of them on the left of the chimney-nook is holding out her hand toward the burning embers, while the other is seated in a chair with her feet on the hearthstone. The latter has a doll on her lap, whose hands she is directing toward the fire. Behind her stands a three-panel screen, the pale blue and cream coloring of which is rather the worse for wear. Among some objects on the floor lies a copy of “II Secolo.” Signed and dated at the lower left: “Cutertcz, GarTano, 1878.” Owner, Mrs. Frepertca H. Entwoop. No. 154 LYELL CARR AMERICAN (1857- ) A COTTON GIN OL ek aed Height, 29%, “(a 40 Mt ree A RUDE building, with tufts of cot¥eon showing be- tween the drab-gray boarding, stan/s raised on piles on the right of the composition. It has a doorway, -approached by a flight of wooden steps, in front of which a wagon has been drawn up, the team, a brown mule and bay horse, facing us. The wagon is puled with cotton, and an old negro stands in it, with his right hand on a basket that is filled with the white tufts, while with his other hand he takes an empty basket from another negro on the top of the steps. Meanwhile a white man, in a gray jacket and brown trousers, stands with his arm on the side of the wagon, superintending the work. Awarded Silver Medal at the Atlanta Exposition. Signed at the lower right: “LyEe.t Carr, Tallapoosa Co.” Wm. FrancKtyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 155 MAURICE LEVIS FRENCH LANDSCAPE WITH WATERFALL VE te In THE centre of the composition is a horizon the deep green slide of its waters reflecting of a waning moon that hangs in the left of the sky. The latter is a luminous drab in tone, arched with layers of fleecy cloud. On the right of the water is a tangled mass of shadowed foliage, out of which rises the winding trunk of a tree, with a sprinkle of leaves. On the opposite side a smaller mass of vines and leafage surrounds the base of a broken trunk that has a few crooked branches. Framed in by these two masses of greenery is a vista of misty meadows, rising to a knoll, which is covered by the ruined towers of a castle. Signed and dated at the lower left: “Maurice Lrvis, 86.” Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. Height, 471, inches; (P inckgs. hina ae . No. 156 MAURICE LEVIS FRENCH EVENING LANDSCAPE ro FO Height, 33 i 50 tt Lee A quteET glow spreads over the surfage¢ of the river that fills the greater part of the foreground, for the sun has gone down, leaving a rose-burst over the horizon. Silhouetted near it is a tall poplar, that stands like a tall sentinel on a spit of land which projects from the right. It slopes up to a house that lies embosomed in trees. A stone wall with a gateway separates the grounds from the pasture, which descends on the right of the foreground to the water’s edge, forming a little reedy cove. On the opposite bank the mist is beginning to gather over » the flat meadows. Signed and dated on the lower right: “M. Levis, ’84.” Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 156-A ALFRED KAPPES, A. N. A. AMERICAN (1850-1894) iPad THINKING OF OLD VIRGINIA Height, 30 inches; width, 1934 inches. - : a VU Cae / iv ° Tue background is occupied by a high chimney-piece of whitish-gray plaster, framed at the sides with boards, which are united at the top by a shelf, on which lies a pile of books, a pewter pitcher and a pale yellow jar, relieved with gray spots and two touches of red. ‘The fireplace, constructed of stone, blackened with smoke, shows a tall iron dog and a few glowing embers. A colored girl is standing on the left of the hearth, her dark head silhouetted al- most in profile against the chimney, her figure clad in a whitish-drab dress and apron. Signed and dated at the lower right: “Kaprrs, 84.” Won. Francktyn Parits—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. SALE FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 11, 1910 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FortTIETH STREET, EKAst OF BROADWAY BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK No. 157 RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK AMERICAN (1847- ) EVENING LANDSCAPE > Car ad Height, 334, inches; length, 6 inches. fp Protec 7. Lie From a little pool in the foreground extends a vista of meadow, bounded by hedges, the grass and foliage golden-yellow and brown and green in the evening glow. Rosy above the horizon, the sky grows to primrose, terminating at the zenith in a canopy of olive-creamy clouds. | Signed at the lower right: “BLaKELocK.” Owner, JaAMres F. PuMPELLY. No. 158 ALPHONSE DE NEUVILLE FRENCH (1836-1885) HEAD OF A CRUSADER hes. Pod, Soo Height, 11 inches; width, 74 THE head is shown in profile, facing left. It ig}sur- mounted by a steel, semi-circular helmet with a black pompon and white plume on the crest, and a chain- mail curtain hanging behind. A curved bar de- scends in front, protecting the hooked nose. The — shoulder is covered with a scarlet cloak. Signed at the lower right: “A pe NEUVILLE.” Wn. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirt Joint Account. No. 159 EMILIO SANCHEZ-PERRIER | FRENCH ( -1907 ) A QUIET SPOT Height, 1314 inches; dth, 1014, inches. Cy ad ae ee THE river forms a little inlet, bounded on the right by a steep bank of tangled vines, out of which rises a white-stemmed tree with a sprinkle of tender green and some white blossoms. ‘The placid water shim- mers with the dappled reflections of the foliage and the gray and blue of a pale-sapphire sky. It also gives back the yellow of a tall bunch of dried vegeta- tion that grows half-way up the sloping meadow in the background. Here are seated, in the long grass, a man in pale blue blouse and a woman with white cap and apron and a plum-colored waist. Signed at the lower right: “Ki. Sancurz-Perrier.” Owner, JAMES F. PuMPELLY. No. 160 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY FRENCH (1817-1878) : LANDSCAPE Height, 7 inches; th fl31, inché¥ S/ gt Wage ” A strip of reedy grass @ the foreground curves the right and continues back to the left, enclosi a bend of the river. The water is pale blue, broken with the gray and white reflections of a sky that is stirred with wind. Cold, milky clouds hang over the horizon, while higher up is a tumult of surging cream and dove-gray. On the opposite bank stand a dun and a red cow, while another dun appears at the right. Some distance behind this one is a row of willows, backed by some dark green trees, which are © balanced on the left of the middle distance by a smaller clump. Extending beyond this plane is a vista of meadow, leading back to two dark trees which show against a hill. Signed and dated at the lower right: “Davusieny, 1873.” Won. FrancKktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 161 HENRI HARPIGNIES FRENCH (1819- ) EVENING LANDSCAPE ~&¢ Height, 13 inches; length, 1714finfhes. Tuk meadow in the foreground is covered with rich dark olive-green grass, so long that it reaches to the knees of a man who is standing on the left. He is - distinguished by a grayish-blue coat and black hat. Along the right of the foreground lies a fallen trunk. The meadow stretches back to a horizontal strip of water, on the edge of which stand two bushy stems and two slimmer poplars. ‘Their dark foliage is massed against the dove-gray and pale blue of a sky that is barred with layers of cream and lavender _ clouds. Signed and dated at the lower right: “H. Harpicniss, *79.” Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 162 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH (1796-1875) LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES rh ao"? Height, 15 inches; es hes. ; At THE foot of a ruined buttress, which projects on the right of the foreground, a woman is seated in conversation with another, who stands facing her. The standing figure is distinguished by an amber- brown dress, grayish-blue apron and touches of ver- million on the tippet, while her companion’s cap makes a conspicuous spot of crimson plum-color. A little way back of them a slim tree spreads its layers of yellowish foliage softly against the sky, which at this point is filled with brownish, smoky vapor. Else- where it is milky-blue, with globular clouds of glisten- ing white. Above the horizon show a distant spire and the faint amber and silvery-green foliage of trees. The meadowland, stretching to the front, is of fresh green hue, threaded here and there in the middle dis- tance with pale blue and brown, and in the fore- ground interrupted with a creamy-brown patch. Signed at the lower left: “Corot.” ‘Collection Porto Rich, Paris, 1907. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 163 THOMAS WIJCK DUTCH (1616-1677) THE ALCHEMIST I-9.09 Height, 14 inches; width, 11 ing THE scene is framed at the top by an arch, beyd which appears an interior, lighted from a high, arc wed window on the left. From the vaulted ceiling hang a reddish-brown drapery and a stuffed alligator. A globe appears above the pile of books that occupy a table on the right of the foreground. It is covered with a dull blue cloth, and amid the various articles that litter it is a writing-desk. A man in a black cap and robe has turned from it, to weigh something in a pair of scales. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 164 JULES DUPRE FRENCH (1812-1889) THE WHITE COTTAGE lA Oe Height, 1 inches; widiea WA From the left of the a Wines leads diagonally back, bordered on the right by a pond. In the waters of the latter are reflected the white walls and brown hollows of the window and door of a cottage. It has a thatched roof, whose overhang- ing eaves cast a deep shadow. A cart stands near the door. Farther back, on the opposite side of the doorway, is a cottage with red roof, beyond which the vista terminates in a peep of greenery. Above it lies a mass of lighted, creamy cloud, the upper sky showing two gray and white puffs of vapor, floating in the greenish blue. On the left the sky is blocked out by the foliage of a row of poplars with twisting stems, that follow the line of a picket fence along the left side of the road. Here appears the figure of a woman, walking toward the village. The color scheme presents a warm tonality of amber and olive- browns, contrasted with cool blue and white. Signed at the lower left: “Jutes Dupre.” Purchased from Grorcts Petrr Paris, 1900. ‘Wm. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 165 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY } FRENCH (1817-1878) THE RIVER LOIRE Height, 101% inches; length, 20%, inches. . oe Up. Vr THE scene is one of late afternoon. The river occu- pies the foreground, its surface a soft gray, mottled with green and blue reflections. On the opposite side a bank, barred with shadows, slopes up, and over its top appear a house roof backed by trees, the white gable end of another house, and a third with red tiles. On each side of the last stands a single poplar, the left one being the taller, spiring up beyond the rosy gray of the horizon to the pale blue of the upper sky, which is sifted over with rosy and dove-gray cloud- lets. On the bank already described, a dun cow stands near a bush, and a goose-girl is driving her flock down to the water. At the edge of the latter, farther back, two figures are seen in a punt. The distant bank on the right shore shows a mass of soft gray-green willows, silhouetted against some dark trees. Beyond them are faint blue hills. Signed and dated at the lower right: “Davusicny, 1869.” Won. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 166 THEODORE ROUSSEAU FRENCH (1812-1867) LANDSCAPE A GD ae Height, 14 inches; length, 2\ff, inches. On THE left of the foreground is the #dication of a : reedy pool, in the rear of which stands a group of oak trees. They are crowned with green, golden- brown and orange leafage, and two of them are con- spicuous for the silver light upon their bark. The cool, bluish-green meadow that fills the rest of the foreground stretches back to a horizontal line of small round-topped trees, beyond which extends a meadow of yellowish-green grass, dotted with a white cow and five reddish ones. This expanse terminates in a hedge interrupted with trees, from which rises the irregular slopes of a hill-side that crosses the horizon. It is surmounted on the right by white, red-roofed cottages and a church with a spire. The sky is a pale blue, streaked horizontally with lavender and grayish-creamy films of vapor, while higher up hang clusters of madder-tinted milky clouds, and at the zenith are drifting shreds, of light and dark olive hue. Signed at the lower right: “Tu. Rousseau.” Purchased at the Sale of RovussEau’s Studio Effects. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitr Joint Account. No. 167 LEON VICTOR DUPRE FRENCH (1816-1879) | Height, 13%, inches; length, 1934 inches. ye AF -17 cA PNUNVKS EE LANDSCAPE WITH COWS DRINKING i THE foreground shows a pool of water, indenting with a curve the rich olive-green meadow on the left. The water reflects the pale blue of a sky that is thronged with scudding clouds of cream and amber, above which hangs a curtain of slaty vapor, suffused with a little dull red. Against it, almost in the centre, is spread the golden-brown canopy of foliage of a tree, that, flanked by two broken trunks, grows out of a mass of golden leafage. To the left of it, a woman in pale blue skirt, plum-colored waist and white cap, sits at the foot of a knoll, watching her two cows, a white and a red one, that are standing in the water. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 168 PIERRE EDOUARD FRERE FRENCH (1819-1886) THE DANCING ZANY 5 2h} ae an 4] Height, “War inches; width Mbeya Wr. oh f : 4 KNEELING in the centre Me a coff¥age interior, a little boy is jigging with a string the limbs of a wooden zany. His effort to amuse the baby is successful, for the latter, seated in a low chair, at the right, is lean- ing forward with outstretched hands. Behind her stands an older girl, who holds up one finger of her right hand, while the left rests on a raised wicker cradle. On the right of the foreground lies a wire- haired black and tan dog, while against the drab wall on the left appears a dresser. Signed and dated at the lower left: “Evovarp Frere, °58.” Wn. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. r No. 169 - ALBERTO PASINI ITALIAN (1826-1899) MARKET SCENE AT CONSTANTINOPLE Height, 151%, inches; length, 2534, inches. spre af. a a sky of pale robbin’s-egg blue gfe ra white and drab turrets and curved roofs of a mosque, culminating in a dome and attended by two soaring minarets. The buildings rise from behind a high wall, in front of which, under two trees, are disposed some market stalls. On the right a man is selling articles from a raised tray, while another squats on the ground beside heaps of bright green melons and red peppers. In the rear of this side of the scene a horse stands by the wheel of a travelling coach, which has a trunk fastened to the back of it. Over on the left of the foreground is a group of three horsemen, one of them mounted on a handsome gray, caparisoned in blue trappings. Meanwhile the centre of the scene presents a parterre of color, as a throng of women, dressed in rose, yellow, gray-blue and green, all having their faces veiled with yash- maks, and some of them carrying gay parasols, move around to make their purchases. Signed and dated at the lower right: “A. Pastni, 1869.” Owner, James F. PUMPELLY. No. 170 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH (1813-1894) LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP ut Height, 1714, inches; length, 214, ine 660 IN THE foreground of yellowish-brown soil, sprin with scanty herbage and some stones, the two shéep form a diagonal mass. ‘The foremost is standing three-quarters full to the front, nosing at some plants with white and red flowers. Immediately behind it lies the other sheep, facing us, with her head laid along the ground. Back of her is a bunch of golden- brown foliage, interspersed with touches of dark green, to the right of which appear the trunks of a clump of five oaks, bearing a few tufts of golden-. brown leaves. Seen beyond, there is a sky of gray- ish-blue, turbid with olive tones and scattered over with flusters of warm, creamy cloud. ‘The sheep are strongly modelled, and alive with natural character. Signed at the lower left: “Cu. Jacque.” Purchased at the Sale of Jacqur’s Studio Effects, 1894. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 171 NARCISSE BERCHERE FRENCH (1822- ) ORIENTAL STREET SCENE ifs y.t? Height, 231/, inches; op CW Conspicuous on the left of the toed tf trance of a mosque, a pale, fawn-colored facade (with panelled walls, interrupted in the centre by a high, narrow recess crowned with a trefoil arch. Two lamps are swinging from a bar across the opening. The building is approached by steps, over the balus- trade of which many figures lean, watching a pro- cession that is defiling through the street. It is headed by a drummer, a tom-tom player and a piper. Behind them comes a rose-vermillion canopy, sup- ported by four bearers, under which walks a figure robed in draperies of the same hue. A throng of people follow in the procession, above the heads of whom towers a rider on a camel. Signed at the lower left: “BERCHERE.” Wn. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 172 : JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH (1796-1875) GIRL WITH MANDOLIN ($00 ned Height, 241%, inches; with, Of inches. JS, Tue figure of a girl is sho as far as the knees, standing full face, the head inclined a little over the right shoulder. She holds across her bosom a man-+ dolin, with an ebony neck and decorations of inlaid mother-of-pearl. A veil of amber-rose edged with white covers the crown of her head and hangs behind her neck, while her brown hair falls in waves to her shoulders. Her gown, of soft, grayish-yellow fabric, brown in the shadows, fitting loosely to the form and having pendulous sleeves, is cut V-shaped over the bosom. The opening reveals a rosy-white stomacher, gathered about the neck with a crimson band. ‘Two | strings of pearls hang from her neck, and a scarf of old-rose encircles her waist, the ends hanging down in front and at her right side. The background is a vague maze of olive-gray, flecked with gray, yellow and green, with indications of a birch-stem and foli- age on the right, and at the top, on the left, a glimpse ‘ of pale blue sky and creamy cloud. 4 Signed at the lower left: “Corot.” Purchased from Grorces Petit, Paris, 1900. Won. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 173° CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY FRENCH (1817-1878) SHAPORT, HONFLEUR ys oO Height, 221%, inches; length, Vy 4 Q orth THE scene, painted broadly in flat tones, and with long-reaching brushstrokes, shows a foreground of water, streaked with drab, gray and pale blue reflec- tions. Near the centre floats a row-boat, fastened to a small craft with a deckhouse, while further to the right is a line of black and drab two-masted fishing- smacks. ‘They are moored beneath a smooth olive- yellow earthwork, from the left of which runs a dull buff embankment. Its extremity forms one arm to the entrance of an inner harbor, where a steamer with black and red hull is moored. The end of another shows near to the front. The harbor is backed by an irregular row of buildings, with drab, buff and white walls and some red roofs, amid which rises a church tower. The sky is filled with slaty-gray vapor, shredded with white clouds. Signed at the lower left: “Davpicny.” Purchased from Brernueim Fits, Paris. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 174 EMILE VAN MARCKE FRENCH (1829-1890) A WATER-MILL ; Height, 2634, inches; width, 221%, inches. Y Dena nae Vr IVA A GRAY water-mill occupies the left of the middle dis- tance, only the upper half of its wheel being visible, bisected by the straight stem of a tall oak. A slender tree leans toward it from the left, and between the two trunks, though nearer to us in the foreground of meadow, appears a woman scattering feed to her chickens. On the extreme left a hen is racing up to share the meal. From the top of the wheel a wooden chute extends to a little bank on the right of the composition. Its base is tangled with vines, and around the undergrowth on the summit stands a clump of trees. ‘The sky is filled with whitish clouds, except for a peep of blue toward the zenith. Signed on the lower right: “Em. Van Marcke.” From the Boussod-Valladon Sale. Wm. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 175 JACOB VAN DER LARNEN DUTCH GAY SOCIETY Ih Y} Vad Height, 201% inches; Pea inches. OS In a room that is distinguished by a doorway that is supported by a male and female caryatid, a party of men and women are gathered round a table. The latter is covered with a blue cloth, at the right end of ‘which is spread a white one. On it lies a game pasty, a round loaf, two apples and a pewter plate. The last is in front of a cavalier, dressed in russet boots, drab breeches, and a snuff-colored doublet, set off by a lace collar. While he holds a glass of wine in one hand and with the other pinches the chin of a girl at his right, a small boy crouches on the floor, picking his pocket. Beside the girl sits a man in a rose cap with a white feather, playing a fife. An- other girl, handsomely dressed, sits on his left, watch- ing the cavalier. Won. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 176 FLORENT WILLEMS BELGIAN (1823-1905) A WELCOME VISITOR WSO) Finer 4) Height, 261, inches; width, 21% inches. IN THE rear of the apar ment is a oorway, sur- mounted by a black pediment, decorated with a cherub’s head and wreathes. A young lady has just entered, carrying a circular basket of roses. On her head is a wide-brimmed straw hat, trimmed with slaty-blue ribbon. A broad lace collar surmounts the square opening of her gown, which is similar in color to the ribbon, with full sleeves and a skirt open in front, showing a pale lemon under-robe, embel- lished with fine vertical stripes of gray velvet. The lady of the house has risen from her chair beside the table, and is bending toward the flowers. She is dressed in a pearly-white satin dress, and her dark - hair shows against the gray of the wall that is seen through the open doorway. Signed on the lower right: “F. Wi tems.” Wm. Franckityn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 177 BARON HENRI LEYS BELGIAN SCHOOL (1815-1869) THE MODELLER ae soo? Height, 28 inches; whdth, paringes. : X / On 4 modelling table in the centre of/fhe compositio stands a large vase, decorated with a satyr’s he To the left of it sits a young man with long, light brown hair, who is dressed in snuff-colored breeches and a dark blue waistcoat, with a golden-brown hand- kerchief round his neck. He leans his arms upon the table, as he looks up at a figure who stands on the right of the vase. This man holds one hand behind his back, which is toward the spectator, and is clothed in a long black robe edged with fur. He has the air of a connoisseur, and turns his head, which is covered by a black skull-cap, toward the youth. Meanwhile, a little farther back stands a man with a brown beard, who, as he listens to the conversation, rests his left hand on his hip. Signed and dated on the tub at the lower left: “H. Leys, 1885.” Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 178 FRANCES EMILE MICHEL FRENCH BREE EEN THE FISHING-BOATS Lo) ie re Height, 24%, 7 oe 29%, Ve py A mass of dark, slaty cloud, ie on the left _by an interval of yellowish drab, looms in the sky over a cold, gray-white horizon. Here a sail appears like a dot, while nearer these another distant boat shows in the bluish-slaty water. The latter is bor- dered by a stretch of pallid sand, on which are drawn up two pairs of fishing-smacks, surrounded by figures. Between them and the foreground a sand-dune rises on the right, with a rude fence at the top and a signal- light on a sloping post. At the foot of this slope is a dark, slaty-brown fish-house, the lower part of which is painted white. In front of it is a group of men beside a heap of fish, near which is a man in a red cloak and a beaver hat, mounted on a white horse. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 179 FELIX ZIEM FRENCH (1821- ) ENTRANCE TO THE GRAND CANAL | Height, 251, inches; len 32 dnohes. 23 00-7 b a THE view looks toward the entrance of the Grand Canal, the dome of Santa Maria della Salute appear ing in the distance as a white vision against the prim- rose of the lower sky. Meanwhile, on the right of the water, near the front, the facade of the Doge’s Palace shows pink in the evening glow, and that of Sansorino’s Library a creamy yellow. ‘The sapphire and lapis-lazuli expanse of water is stained in front with the yellow and rich creamy-browns reflected from the costumes of the occupants of a gondola that is crossing from the right. Further back the swal- low-sails and jibs of a fishing-boat are creamy-amber with dove-gray shadows, and still further in the dis- tance appears a gondola with rosy hood. The upper sky shimmers a greenish-blue, streaked with wisps of pale yellow and faint, claret-colored vapor. Signed at the lower left: “Z1em.” Owner, James F. PuMPpeEtty. No. 180 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH (1813-1894) SHEPHERDESS AND FLOCK / Phat 2g Yas} Height, 251% inches; len 311, finches THE flock is moving slowly across toward the left o the foreground, some of the sheep halting for a mo ment to crop the bright green grass. Against the centre of the fleecy mass appear the olive-brown skirt and grayish-blue apron of the shepherdess. Her white cap makes a clear spot against the background of undulating meadow, whose green is broken up with amber and sandy tones. As it recedes, the hues of the pasture grow bluer and cooler, until at the hori- zon it is streaked with a bar of yellowish-white. The sky is a deep, steely sapphire, over which floats shreds — of pale gray-blue and purplish-drab vapor, surround- - ing a central mass of lighted creamy cloud. A little back from the left of the foreground is a silvery drab boulder, behind which stand three stubby oaks, their dark green foliage interspersed with lighter green and yellow. Signed at the lower left, “Cu. Jacaur.” Purchased from Emir JacauE, Son of the Artist. Wm. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 181 N. V. DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH (1807-1876) LADY AND GREY HOUND — 60 Height, 36 inches; fidth, 261% inches. ly Y ‘fe 7 v / ‘2 Lana MA THE two figures are disposed against a background of greenery, interrupted on the right by a tree trunk and on the left by a vase, mounted on a pedestal, and a sprinkling of pink roses. Pink and claret-colored flowers adorn the blonde hair of the lady, who is robed in a pompadour costume. The bodice and train are of sapphire-colored satin. ‘The former, cut square at the neck, over which lies a pearl necklace, descends to a point below the waist, and has short sleeves terminating in lawn ruffles with bows of black ribbon. It is encrusted with pearls and other stones. The skirt is of silvery-white satin, forming, together with the rest of the costume, an arrangement of choice and subtle coloring. The lady is standing full face, her head inclined toward her right shoulder, the left hand resting on her hip, and the other extended to- ward the rose-bush at her side. Signed and dated at the lower left: “N. Daz, °57.” Purchased at the Sale of the Artist’s Studio Effects. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 182 JULES WORMS FRENCH (18382- ) THE FORTUNE-TELLER { lim) ow Height, 24 ooh ae : THE scene is the patio of a Spanish inn, overspread with the foliage of a fig-tree that grows with four stems on the left. Near it a small boy, in toreador costume, stands with his hands on his hips, smoking a cigarette. In the centre of the yard stands a gipsy, dressed in a black skirt with three rose-embroidered flounces, over which falls a black fringed shawl with a border of crimson roses, while a gold and gray striped handkerchief is fastened on her shoulders. — She leans over the hand of a girl on her right, whose costume displays a geranium-colored shawl above a silvery-gray skirt that has three flounces, decorated with roses between blue lines. Signed on the lower left: “J. Worms.” Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 183 WYNAND JAN JOSEPH NUYEN DUTCH (1813-1839) A DUTCH CANAL QUAY Height, 291/, ches; length, 3814, inche Bea AMMMA_ / ON THE extreme right appears the bow of a sailing vessel, from which a party of men are rolling a barrel onto the adjacent quay. ‘The latter, occupying all the rest of the foreground, presents a crowded and animated scene, backed by a row of handsome trees and on the left by a red brick house, with a character- istically Dutch facade. At the left of the foreground stands a low truck, with a barrel on it, which a man in a red shirt, assisted by two others, one of whom wears a Scotch bonnet, is shifting. The driver lolls against his horse, one of the group of men and women who are watching a negro sailor, who is resting his arms on a bale. Signed and dated at the lower left: “W. J. NuyeEn, 1836.” Won. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 184 DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN (1850- ) VIEW AT POISSY /UT: b-O = Height, 32 inches; width, re: A GIRL is seated on a bet hi Rs a bit of terrae that overlooks a bend in the Seine. Her figure is seen in profile, facing right, clad in a blue skirt and brownish drab bodice, with brown and drab striped sleeves. She is arranging a nosegay of yellow, white and mauve chrysanthemums from a bunch of these flowers lying on a bench, while some more are in a basket on the ground and a mass of the flowering plants is growing on the left. The slopes grow softly with tones of yellowish-green, orange and dove-gray in the warmth of the evening light, that also kindles into brilliance the wooded islands in the river. Signed at the lower right: “Ripaway Kynicut, Paris.” Owner, James F. PuMPELLY. / No. 185 JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT FRENCH (1840-1902) LANTICHAMBRE DE MONSIGNEUR o Height, 32 inches; length, 3914, inches. THE antichamber is L-shaped, the return part on the right being in slight shadow. The French gray panels are decorated in two instances with gilded trophies of arms, while on the third are posted various affiches, bearing such notices as “Libraire Religieuse,” “Grand Pardon.” Beneath these is a sofa on which sit a brown-frocked friar and a girl in gala peasant cos- tume, high white cap, white winged collar, blue gown bordered with red and white tucked ribbon, and an apron with stripes of the same colors. She holds on her lap a basket containing a white capon, at which the friar is pointing his finger. The girl is also at- tracting the attention of a Carthusian brother in white habit and black cloak, who leans round the angle of the recess. Further back sits an abbé in black cas- sock, to whom a flunkey in scarlet livery stoops and whispers. ‘The picture was exhibited at the Salon of 1876. Signed and dated at the lower right: “J. G. Vipert, 1876.” Owner, Mrs. FrepertcA H. Etwoop. No. 186 FELIX ZIEM FRENCH (1821- ) VENICE EN FETE / y~-q- -@ = Height, 31% Ww length, 49%, tl Athen THE scene presents a pageant of }rilliant coloring. Conspicuous in the centre of the composition is a ves- sel, from whose yards and rigging stream and flutter innumerable blue, crimson and yellow flags. An- other in the rear is similarly dressed, and in the dis- tance on the left the dome of Santa Maria della Salute gleams against the pale blue of the lower sky. On the right in the middle distance the facade of the Doge’s Palace glows with pink and golden cream, and over it appears the summit of the campanile. ‘Two crimson flags float from its lower balcony, while the roof gleams like blue porcelain. On the right of the foreground appears a triangular bit of the Schiavoni, crowded with brilliantly attired figures. The water reflects the deep blue of the upper sky and the reflections of the flags and shipping. Signed at the lower left: “Ziem.” Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. ¥ _— ’ R a ' eee sales ae ae ee ee ee ke eS ee ee ee : No. 187 ATTRIBUTED TO GAINSBOROUGH ENGLISH (1727-1788) LANDSCAPE WITH THREE COWS pe i a 46 Height, 15, inches; Wie Wy. Yital all | THE scene presents a golden-brown grassy holldw, in the foreground of which are three cows; one, with a white head, stands facing the front; on her left is a dun with a highly lighted patch of white on her back, and on the right, lying down, a red one. A little back from the last appears the cowboy. Resting his head on his hand, he sits at the foot of an ash-tree whose trunk inclines to the right, showing against a mass of amber-brown foliage pricked with green. A lower clump of leafage crowns the bank on the left of the hollow, and the latter terminates at the back in a brown bank, above which extends a streak of white. The lower sky is filled with pale purplish- blue vapor, surmounted by a cloud, dove-gray under- neath and grayish-white upon its crest. Wn. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. Cnblce No. 188 | ATTRIBUTED TO HOPPNER ENGLISH (1759-1810) ZEAD AND BUST OF A LADY “e Height, 17%, inches; width, A3Y% inches. THE bust, which faces front, is covered with a crossed fichu of soft creamy material. It shows a little of the neck, which is circled with a string of pearls. The head is inclined three-quarters to the left, the light brown hair, powdered and frizzed, being softly sil- houetted against the dark olive-brown background. Steady brown eyes look out quietly from under finely pencilled brows, and the nose is slight and firm, while the lips complete the pleasant expression of the face. A curious brushmark appears above and upon the lady’s right shoulder. Wan. FrancKtyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 189 ATTRIBUTED TO ROMNEY ENGLISH (1734-1802) PORTRAIT OF A LADY | Height, 24 inches; zoedth, 19%, inches. v4 De ) 4 Aad (7 ; Gia oe AGAINST a dark golden-brown ate inter- rupted on the right by a dull red curtain, are placed the head and bust of a lady. The body is disposed three-quarters to the right, the head being slightly more to the front, with large blue eyes looking full at the spectator. The lady’s ashy blonde hair lies in soft ringlets over the forehead and falls in a bunch of curls on the nape of the neck. It is surmounted by a creamy veil, fastened in front by a blue pin. The delicate flesh tones of the face and neck are merged in a warm glow. | Wan. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 190 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P. R. A. ENGLISH (1769-1830) PORTRAIT OF MRS. CAVENDISH. SUT bt! Height, 27 inches; length, a Nae THE figure, all but full face, is represented to a little below the waist, seated against a brownish olive-green background. The head is slightly tilted, turned to the left, the dark hair being parted in the centre and dressed in ringlets over the ears, while a single curl is drawn down above the left eyebrow. The lady is dressed in a simple frock of transparent white lawn, through which the pink of the flesh glows. It is fast- ened round her neck in a plain band, and belted at the waist with a sapphire-blue ribbon, clasped by a gilt | buckle. The sleeves are full. The left hand is held near the buckle, the elbow resting on a creamy rose velvet drapery, which reappears behind, near the right arm. The latter hangs down over the skirt, the hand not shown. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 191 ATTRIBUTED TO SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS ENGLISH (1723-1796) PORTRAIT OF THE HONORABLE MRS. DAMER : af. la f@ = Height, 2934 inches; wiffth) 24 i Tue figure is shown to a trifle below the waist, an olive-green background. ‘The body sti front, but the head is inclined three-quarters to the right, the dark brown eyes, however, being fixed upon the spectator. ‘The face has the rosy warmth of a brunette, with red, curved lips, a very straight nose, from which the eyebrows slope up slightly. The black- brown hair is drawn off the forehead in a roll 4 la pompadour, and fastened with a circlet of amethysts, while behind the ears are curls reaching nearly to the shoulders. A chain of little stones, daintily set in gold, after encircling the long, slender neck, drops below the opening of the dress, supporting an oval miniature. The gown, fitting loosely over the bosom in soft green and creamy folds, is fastened at the waist with a brown sash, and partly hidden by a man- tle of cinnamon-green decorated with gold diaper. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 192 SIR HENRY RAEBURN, P.R.S. A. - SCOTTISH (1756-1823) PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN 3 7 5 Height, 291, inches; (e 2419 inches. THE picture shows the head inclined three the right, while the body, seen nearly to the waist, is in profile. The gentleman is dressed in an olive-brown coat, white stock and lace frill and a black bow at the back of the neck. His scanty white hair, drawn back over the top of his head, hangs loosely behind. He gazes at the spectator with quiet gray eyes, from un- der heavy lids. The bridge of the nose is slightly concave, the tip prominently rounded. ‘The lips are primly set above a double chin. The flesh tints are beautifully modeled with transparent gray shadows. From the Humphrey Ward Collection. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 193 JOHN HOPPNER, R. A. ENGLISH (1759-1810) PORTRAIT OF THE HONORABLE MR. SHERSON y yo? Height, 30 inches; width, Vis ce THE subject of this portrait was one of the directors of the East India Company. ‘The face is that of a man of about thirty years, with frank blue eyes, fronting the spectator, well defined brown eyebrows and a high forehéad. The powdered hair is brushed loosely up from it, and drawn over the ears in rolls. It shows against a dark-blue olive-drab sky that over- hangs a tropical landscape, in which a pagoda ap- pears on the left. The figure, seen nearly to the waist, is dressed in a deep-blue coat with two rows of brass buttons, large lapels and a high standing velvet collar. The V-shaped opening discloses the edge of a creamy vest, above another of salmon pink, and a soft white stock, fastened in a bow. The left arm is held across the figure, and in the hand is a letter ad- dressed “The Hon. The Court of Directors, East India House, London.” Wma. FrancKLtyn Paris—F. C. Hewitrr Joint Account. No. 194 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P. R. A. ENGLISH (1723-1792) PORTRAIT OF LADY BALLINGTON Height, 35 inches; natn ae inches. PAT, w/a NAMA AGAINST an olive background the lithe and graceful figure, seen as far as the chair on which it is seated, 3 is shown in profile toward the left, the head being turned three-quarters to the front. The black hair is © drawn off the forehead 4 la pompadour, following the lines of the back of the head and falling over each shoulder in a braid, plaited with greeny-blue ribbon. The brows are finely arched, the eyes almond-shape, the lips pursed and the cheeks glowing with warm red. The neck is long and slim, flowing into trim — shoulders, which are clipped by the simple square cut opening of the gown. Edged at the top with white lace, it is of soft material, salmon rose in color, with a pale olive-gray sash. ‘The hands are disposed upon the lap, the right one over the left, which holds a pink rose. From the Collection of General Bulwer. Wn. Franckityn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 195 FRANCIS COTES, R.A. ENGLISH (1726-1770) PORTRAIT OF THE DUCHESS OF LANCASTER ov thd Height, 353% inches; ee THE figure of the lady is shown a little below the waist, attired in oriental costume. Her. chestnut hair peeps from beneath a white muslin turban, dec- orated with a zig-zag of emeralds and garnets and a black plume. ‘Two strings of pearls are looped be- hind her left ear, and from the latter hangs a pear] earring, while another string of pearls encircles her neck and falls over the bosom, suspending a pear- shaped pearl. Her dress is of delicate grayish rose silk, damasked with gold filigree, and girt at the waist with a light blue sash, to which is fastened a gold buckle set with sapphires. The costume is com- pleted by a loose overwrap of silver and amber silk damask, edged with ermine. ‘The background rep- resents the open air, a column showing on the left, a bush and tree stem on the right. The sky, a greenish- blue, is overhung with smoky brown vapor. Wan. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 196 GOVERT FLINCK DUTCH (1615-1660) BUST PORTRAIT OF A MAN width, ROMS Tue bust is nearly in profile acing right, while the ge ee Height, 2034, inch€s} head is turned three-quarters Yo the front. An olive turban merges into the olive of the background. A little black-brown hair shows over the right ear. The face is that of an oldish man, fat and bloated. The forehead is ploughed with wrinkles; the eyebrows, slightly gray and scanty, are corrugated over small brown eyes. ‘The nose is swollen and a trifle pendu- lous, the lips are full and pursed, with a black mous- — tache and a fringe of beard on the cheeks and chin. The flesh tints are a warm creamy brown, shaded with red. Around the neck is a broad leather collar, fitting stiffly over a lighter brown jerkin, under which one feels the bulk of the shoulders. Won. Francxtyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 197 FERDINAND BOL DUTCH (1611-1680) HEAD OF A RABBI / Bos 77 Height, 23%, inches; width Voy SEEN against a light olive-dr4b background the body is represented almost as far as the waist, nearly full front, while the head is turned three-quarters to the right. It is surmounted by a dark brownish crimson scarf, wrapped round like a turban, with two tassels hanging at the side, where a tuft of gray hair pro- trudes over the ear. ‘The face, of warm and ruddy flesh tints, catching the light on the left side, has high cheek bones, and a pronouncedly aquiline nose, while the lips show very red between the gray moustache and spreading beard. ‘The body is covered with an olive-brown coat, trimmed with buff-gray fur around the waist and across the chest. On the latter also ap- pears a jeweled strap. The left hand, clasping a sil- ver mounted horn, is carried just above the waist. Wan. FrancKktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No: 198 CORNELIS JANSON VAN CEULEN DUTCH (1593-1664) PORTRAIT OF A LADY iy OF - rU Height, 243, 4 PPS width, (a : THE figure, set in an oval, is seen (Bran a dull red curtain, as far as the waist, facing three-quarters to the left. But the eyes, dark brown beneath deli- cately curved eyebrows, are turned to the right. The nose is straight and finely modeled with arched nos- trils, and the red lips are slightly drawn up at the corners. The hair, very dark brown with some orange tints in it, is drawn off the temples and con- fined with a hoop of pearls. A string of pearls en- circles the neck. The shoulders slope to the lace edg- ing that borders the bodice. ‘The latter is of amber silk, with full sleeves and stiff stomacher, decorated with vertical bands of lace. It has a berthe of lace round the top clasped in the centre with a brooch. Wan. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. ie en oe No. 199 ALONSO SANCHEZ-COELLO SPANISH (1515-1590) DUCHESSE MARGUERITE DE PARMA Height, 2714 inches; width, 21 inches. eog * [?- AGAINST a faci grotnd of black suituse with go the figure of a young lady is shown nearly to the waist, slightly inclined to the right with eyes facing to the front. A white ostrich plume lies over the chestnut hair, which is frizzed and enbellished with four little brooches and a circlet of garnets and pearls, from which depends a handsome jewel. Close under the lady’s chin a lace ruff lies flat over a smooth white guimpe. A lace edging borders the top of the stomacher, where three handsome jewels are fast- ened, composed of pearls, garnets and sapphires. The material of the stomacher is a beautiful olive- brown, embroidered with gold filigree arabesques. The sleeves are slit, showing undersleeves of silvery- gray damask, woven with an arabesque of gold, rose and olive-green. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 200 ATTRIBUTED TO MURILLO SPANISH (1618-1682) ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA mes Syed } ae ens QI, inches; width, 23%, Ue, / : ye ~Tsr head of the saint is shown against an olive- brown background almost in profile, bowing to he left before a lily which he holds by its long stem in his right hand. The fingers of the latter are char- acterized at once by strength and delicacy. The thickly clustering hair is dark brown, as also are the moustache and beard. The latter grows in a fringe below the dull red underlip, but leaves the upper part of the chin exposed. The eyes are lowered be- neath heavy lids and the nose is long and slenderly refined. The body, seen to the waist, is garbed in a black habit, open loosely about the neck and showing the rim of a white undergarment. A part of the left hand appears at the foot of the canvas. Purchased from CuHariEs SEDELMEYER, Paris. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 201 ATTRIBUTED TO VAN DYCK FLEMISH (1599-1641) BEATRICE DE CUSANGE, PRINCESS DE CANTE CROIX Height, 281% inches; wj 22 ffaches po” THE lady’s figure is shown as far as the waist, in- clined three-quarters to the left, agai ground of ruddy brown. The dark, almost black hair, is worn with a fringe over the forehead, whence it is drawn back over the top of the head, falling in puffed and frizzled masses behind the ears. From the latter hang pearl drops, while a string of pearls encircles the neck. The brows are finely pencilled; from under delicate lids the brown eyes glance full at the spectator; the little mouth is tightly curved and rosy cheeks relieve the cream ivory flesh tints. An exquisite lace ruff stands stiffly up behind the shoulders, but in front overlaps the gown. ‘The latter is of black satin; the bodice being barred in front across a V-shaped opening that reveals the white stomacher, while the sleeves are slashed and caught together with a rosette over full white undersleeves. Over the left bosom is a dull gray rosette, crossed by a little gold dagger. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 202 JOSEF DE RIBERA SPANISH (1583-1656) / THE CONNOISSEUR | b- TO Height, og width, 24 inches. Wir8 the right arm axtenical a man is shown hold- ing a flask of yellow wine to the light, as he eyes it critically. Huis body, seen almost to the waist, fronts three-quarters to the left, while the head is slightly inclined over the left shoulder so that the cheek and neck are in shadow. His dark bushy hair is bound with a slip of blue cloth. The brown ruddy flesh of the man’s face is loose and pitted with time and weather; and, in the closeness of his scrutiny the fore- head is deeply furrowed, the eyebrows knit and drawn down over the eyes, the nostrils curled and the lips pursed. The body is clad in a slaty drab coat buttoned tightly up the front, but open at the neck. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 203 ATTRIBUTED TO TOURNIERES FRENCH (1668-1752) PORTRAIT OF MADAME DE BOTICOURT /3a Wa A Height, 2934. inches; wid 3 4 A DELICATE toned olive-gray green background, with a suggestion of two tree stems on the rig and of a rose bush on the left, sets off the elegance of the fig- ure and the choiceness of the color scheme. The lady is represented seated on a chair, her left elbow on a dull crimson cushion, her hand upon her lap, the figure being inclined three-quarters to the left and shown to a little below the waist. A white flower with a spray of leaves adorns her hair, which is pow- dered and drawn softly back from the forehead and dressed in tiers of curls over the ears. The brown eyes face the spectator with the hint of a smile, and the dainty flesh tints are subtly shaded with gray. The corsage is low down on the bosom, showing a chemisette laced over with reddish-plum ribbon, which is fastened in a bow of the same color, relieved with silvery lights. The figure is softly wrapped in a loose robe of pearly satin, with lemon-colored lapels, and short sleeves gathered in with plum- colored ribbon, over two falls of lace. Won. Francktyn Parts—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 204 FRANCISCO DE ROSSI ITALIAN (1510-1568) THE PENITENT MAGDALEN b 6 va _ Height, 30%, Bed fic “Ye TuHE figure of the Magdalen is shown nearly to t knees, inclined three-quarters to the right. She fs standing before a crucifix that is fastened by a red cord to the stump of a tree. Her golden red hair hangs down her back and over each shoulder and onto her bosom. The uplifted eyes glisten with tears and a tear lies upon her cheek. Her lips are parted — in anguish and her hands crossed on her bosom. She is clad in a golden-yellow habit of coarse texture. The pot of spikenard with which she had anointed Christ lies on a rock below the cross. Wan. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewrirr Joint Account. ie oh d ek No. 205 JEAN BAPTISTE SANTERRE FRENCH (1658-1717) PORTRAIT OF A LADY Vio ana Fae Height, 3634 inches; width, eae THE background represents an open air cg i cmanaaaee _ a column at the left, on which a cupid ce! ove a series of fluted spirals, and at the right a fortress with zigzag breastworks leading down to water. The figure of the lady, seen to a little below the waist, is seated almost full face, the left hand resting on a table. Her dark-brown hair is arranged with two little love curls over the forehead. It is surmounted by a cap of greenish dove-gray velvet, entwined crimson ribbon that is decorated with gold filigree. The cap has a fall of velvet behind the neck, and a coil of hair slides over the sloping shoulders. The lace border of a chemisette appears above the edge of the gold and black damask bodice, which is crossed by bands of crimson embroidered with silver. The lady’s right arm is placed across her waist, the hand holding a crimson carnation. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 206— MOE VAN DASHORST DUTCH (1512-1581) PORTRAIT OF LADY JANE GREY ae pt Height, 42 "Oe 01% inches. THE figure is shown thrée-quarters ing against a dark, almost black ba slightly inclined to the left, while the eyes gaze full to the front. ‘The blonde hair is softly frizzed and decorated with three jewels and a hoop of pearls and garnets. The eyes are hazel-brown, the lips daintily curved and the flesh tones delicately warm. The lace ruff, erect at the back, is drawn down in front, re- vealing a little of the neck, on which lies a necklace, composed of two loops of gold hung with pearls and. a pearl drop. A geranium-colored rosette of four petals, studded with an amethyst and pearls, is fast- ened at the stomacher. The latter is carried down to a point and bordered with tabs. Its material is the same as that of the skirt—pearly silk damask with roses and green leaves and tendrils. Over this dress is a robe of geranium red with slashed sleeves. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 207 ANTONIO CANALE, IL CANALETTO ITALIAN (1697-1768) >I VENICE Height, 29 inches ; Wir” a s if One looks across the water of the Piazzetta and a | joining buildings, but so close to them that the dom : of St. Mark are not visible. However, above the Library on the left a portion of the campanile is seen. Moored in front of the Doge’s Palace is the resplendant barge of State. Musicians are seated in the prow beneath drooping flags, and the rest of the deck is covered with crimson awnings, while a long crimson drapery floats from the stern to the water. To the left of this superb vessel lies a smaller State barge at right angles to the quay, its stern decorated with the Lion, and a flight of steps leading down on each side to the water. In the distance red banners are floating from the flagstaffs in front of St. Mark. Gaily dressed people throng the Piazzetta, and the gondolas which are sprinkled in the foreground. Wm. Francktyn Parits—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 208 FRANCISCO GOYA Y LUCIENTES SPANISH SCHOOL (1746-1828) PORTRAIT OF JUAN MANUEL ALVAREZ DE FARIA of: iE Height, 431, inche L THE portrait represents the half lefgth figure of an old man with soft, thin, white haik/brushed smoothly back over the top of the head and hanging loosely be- hind. He is facing three-quarters to. the right, stand- ing against an olive-drab background. The nose is hooked and the lips are-thin and firmly closed. ‘The erect figure is clad in a handsome black court coat with high turn-over collar of scarlet, heavily embroid- ered with gold, a similar embellishment adorning the front edges of the coat and also the cuffs. The waistcoat is entirely of scarlet, gold embroidered, and girt with a vermilion silk sash. From his neck, which is wrapped in a silk stock, hangs the jeweled insignia of a Knight of the Golden Fleece. | width, 33 inches. Wn. FrRANCKLYN Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 209 | WILLIAM HOGARTH > ENGLISH (1697-1764) VISCOUNTESS TOWNSHEND fs Height, 401, inches; width,-83.,inches. | : / 73 ae ini: HE background shows a brownish trunk on the left, and elsewhere a warm drab and gray sky. The lady is seated against this, her figure seen nearly to the knees, while the head faces in the opposite direction, the eyes, however, gazing at the spectator. A golden- mauve bow, like a flower, adorns her black curly hair. The dark eyes are level, the nose is delicately straight, and the red lips have a slight expression of a smile. Her neck rises gracefully from sloping shoulders, upon which the bodice sets low. The wide opening, bordered with a soft frill, extends to a point at the waist, revealing a triangle of corset, decorated with a bunch of gold braid. From the Collection of Edward Harrison, Esq., of Balls. Won. Franckityn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 210 : ANTONIO CANALE, IL CANALETTO ITALIAN SCHOOL (1697-1768) VENETIAN SCENE ol Sy cole Height, 321, mai n gi e THE deep blue water in front is busy with darting gondolas and enlivened by the figures of boatmen and passengers. It is bounded at the rear by the hori- zontal line of the quay and front of the Piazzetta. The Library, with the campanile showing above it, stands on the left of the square; the Doge’s palace, the prison and three other buildings, on the right. Near the landing steps, moored at right angles to the quay, lies a State barge whose deck is sheltered by a gray and scarlet awning. Over on the right two boats show alongside a larger one that has its sails lowered to the deck. Corresponding to it on the left is the stern of a vessel, whose sails hang loosely from the yards, while two white jumpers are spread over the taffrail. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 211 FEDERIGO ZUCCHERO ITALIAN (1543-1609) PORTRAIT OF QUEEN ELIZABETH q ge Ct Height, 441, inches; widt infiles. HE figure is shown full-face, three-quartey/length, in front of a dossal. The latter is of o iye-green silk, profusely embellished with gold arabesques of flowers and foliage, sown with pearls and bordered with garnets and amethyst and gold fringe. ‘The hair is yellow as corn, frizzed and crimped over the sides and top of the head, with a large brooch in the centre and surmounted by a cone-like cap, richly adorned with pearls and jeweled garnets. The face is of very fair complexion, long and a trifle hollow in the cheeks, with hazel eyes under faint chestnut eye- brows. A circular ruff, standing erect, frames the face and neck. ‘The dress is geranium red, the sleeves padded and embroidered with a diagonal pattern of pearls, enclosing jewels. Similarly decorated is the stiff stomacher which is carried down far below the waist to a point, from which is suspended a large pear-shaped pearl. Over the hips the skirt is bunched in an extravagantly voluminous farthingale. A pearl of enormous size adorns the skirt below. Wn, Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 212 JOSEF DE VERGARA SPANISH SCHOOL (1726-1799) DONNA MARIA BRYGIDA AQUADO Y ANGULO /$7° oo Height, 461, inches; I pane AN INSCRIPTION in Spanish on the lower left of the Canvas. records thé; name of. the child, her high lineage, and her age as eight years old in the year 1765, the date of the portrait. Moreover, on the golden-brown drapery that floats about a column, at the upper left, are emblazoned two coats of arms, surmounted by coronets. ‘The whole figure is shown, — seated, inclined three-quarters to the right, though the face is almost full and the large brown eyes meet the gaze of the spectator. Her sweet, childlike face is warm in color and slightly smiling. A spray of mauve and white flowers decorates her hair. Her left hand rests on a basket of flowers which lies on her lap, while the other hand holds a rose in the air. She is dressed in a turquoise silk gown, damasked with silver daisies, and embellished with zigzags of alter- nate braid and feathers of a lighter key of blue. Won. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 2138 DAVID TENIERS (the Younger) FLEMISH (1610-1690) A VILLAGE KERMESS Height, 3514 pid length, 48 inches. hie FRom a mansion that occupies the left of the fore- ground, a gentleman and lady seem to have come out to view the merry-making of the Kermess. She is attended by a maid carrying a cockatoo and followed _by a duenna in black. Meanwhile, the gentleman is being addressed by a man who has doffed his hat. In the centre of the scene a fiddler is mounted on a barrel, beside a table at which peasants are drinking. A couple are dancing a jig; the woman dressed in a white cap and rose body and a white apron over a dull-blue skirt, her partner in drab breeches and a snuff-colored jacket. To the extreme right stand two tables, crowded with roysterers. Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewirtr Joint Account. No. 214. PANTOJA DE LA CRUZ SPANISH (1551-1609) 2 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Tse. ae Height, “Vr, widt THE figure is shown to below the knees} three-quarters to the left, against a drab background, draped at the top with two green curtains. ‘The chestnut hair is dressed in a fringe upon the fore- head and puffed and frizzed over the ears. It is clasped with a hoop of pearls from which projects a spray of pearls, hanging from a gold stem. A point lace collar lies over the neck of the gown, which is of gray watered silk. It is embellished with two loops of pearls over the bosom and a string of the same down the front, interrupted at the waist by a jeweled design and lower by a large pear-shaped pearl. Over the gown is a blue and gold damask silk robe, edged with gold and showing lapels of amber lining. Wm. Franckityn Paris—F. C. Hewirr Joint Account. No. 215 SIR PETER LELY GERMAN-ENGLISH (1617-1680) COUNTESS OF HUNTINGDON oes | 0 Height, 50 ma THE lady’s figure is seen against a very dark olive- brown mass that occupies the gre part of the foreground, the remainder showing a dull dove-gray sky above a bush of gray-green leaves and pinkish roses. She sits facing three-quarters to the right, the eyes glancing slightly to the left. The dark brown hair is arranged in little ringlets over the forehead, curled at the top and back of the head and bowed with a band of little gems, and descending in long curls over the shoulders. Pearls drop from the ears and encircle the neck. Won. Francxtyn Paris—F. C. Hewrrr Joint Account. No. 216 “SIR PETER LELY GERMAN-ENGLISH (1617-1680) PORTRAIT OF NELL GWYNN Height, 50 ine : i wee. THE left of the olive-brown background appears a foundation formed of a dolphin’s shell. On the right of this the figure is disposed, seated three-quarters to the left. The ashy-blonde hair is dressed flat upon the crown and at the sides, covering the ears in a row of ringlets, surmounted by a string of gems. Pearls enrich the neck. The eyes are olive-green under strongly marked brows; the neck very red, the lips crimson, and the nose long and vigorously modeled. The bodice is cut round over the bosom and brodered with a muslin tuck, a jewel of three pearls hanging in the centre. The gown is of rose chrome satin; the sleeves slashed and caught together with pearls over a white under- sleeve that reaches to a little below the elbow. © Wm. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. No. 217 JUSTUS SUSTERMANS FLEMISH (1597-1681) VITTORIA DELLA ROVERE /400 Tad Height, 51 inches; Vy rmanck INCLINED three-quarters to the right, the figure is shown to a little below the knees, standing against a dark golden background, with a canopy of dull-red drapery above a, table, covered with a cloth of the same color. Her chestnut hair is brought to a point on the forehead and dressed upon the top in con- centric curls, decorated with a loop of pearls. Her blue-gray eyes are almond shaped and the nose has a high bridge. Round her neck is a ruff, composed of three layers, which lie over her gown. ‘The latter is of black silk, brocaded with gold flowers. The bodice, striped with gold galloon and sprinkled with pearls, is carried down below the waist to a_ point and bordered with tabs. The sleeves hang long be- hind, but in front are cut short in a scallop, revealing the undersleeve of a pearl-gray silk, barred with gold and striped with a row of pearls. Lace cuffs and pearls encircle the wrists. The gown, bordered with galloon, is open in the front over a pearl-gray skirt, sown with pearls and decorated with a gold cross, that is set with pearls. Wma. Francktyn Paris—F. C. Hewitt Joint Account. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PAINTINGS ARE TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE HON. P. HENRY DUGRO EXECUTOR OF THE LATE ‘JUSTICE CHARLES H. TRUAX No. 218 ANTON MAUVE DUTCH SCHOOL (1838-1888) | A HOLLAND LANDSCAPE f 470°" Height, 33 inches; len TuE foreground shows a stretch of réedy water, bordered at the back by pastures. A gtoup of three’ cows are standing in the water upon the right of the centre. The one nearest to the latter is a dark brown with white markings, who faces three-quarters to the front. Over her back appears the head of another cow, to the right of which, facing toward the rear, is a dun, flecked with white on the legs and belly. She, as well as the brown cow, stoops to drink. On the brink toward the right a shepherdess stands beside an ewe and a lamb. Dressed in a blue apron, a white cap and waist, with a scarf of pink round her neck, she seems to be spinning yarn. The rest of her flock are seen behind her beside a fence, while further to the right near a bush is a solitary lamb. The pasture extends back in rich and juicy tones of green and brown and buff herbage, over which in the middle distance on the left other herds of cows are sprinkled, while beyond them a windmill shows against the hori- zon. ‘The sky is laden with curdled masses of drab- gray vapor, broken up with a little cream and blue. Signed at the lower right: +“A Mavve F.” Collection of JoHn G. Jounson, Esa., Philadelphia. Purchased from M. KnorpitrerR & Co., New York. Owner, ESTATE OF THE LATE JustTicE Cuartes H. Trvuax. No. 219 ATTRIBUTED TO MILLET FRENCH SCHOOL (1814-1875) WOMAN CHURNING - Height, 1034 inches; width, 734 inches. Y Ta Ce (Drawin THE woman stands almost in profile, facing to the left, her two hands grasping the upright spindle of a circular churn, which rests upon the ground in front of her. It is clamped with bands of metal and has a square wooden handle attached to the left side. The woman wears a cap, made with a roll of material - upon the crown of the head, a laced bodice and a long apron over her skirt. The latter reveals her ankle, above a sabot. Signed at the lower right: “J. F. M.” Owner, EstTaTE OF THE LATE JusTIcE CHartEs H, Truax. No. 220 CONSTANT TROYON FRENCH SCHOOL (1810-1865) WOMAN AND CATTLE Height, 101%, inches; length, 1314 inches. ae ad ey ae THE central figure is the ma&sive stern iS back pf a reddish dun cow that lies with its head toward the rear. On the right of her stands a young black bull, looking three-quarters to the front. On the left a woman, in a man’s jacket over a red skirt, is coming forward, carrying two buckets. Her white cap and touches of white on the horns of the cow and the crest of the bull’s forehead make vivid spots against the dove-gray bluish sky. This grows bluer in the _ upper left, but in the opposite corner thickens to a dark slate. A blue ridge appears below the horizon; while the tones of the meadow are yellowish-green. Signed at the lower left: “C. Traoyvon.” Owner, ESTATE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CHartES H. Trvuax. No. 221 AFTER REMBRANDT COPY OF THE HEAD AND BUST OF A MAN fe g Height, 94% inches, width, 734 inches. » 7 NEARLY full-face, but wi a slight inclination to the left, are shown the head and bust of a cavalier. The head is covered with a high-crowned black hat, from under the broad curving brim of which the hair falls in curls on each side of the face. The forehead and right cheek are veiled in a transparent golden shadow. A brown moustache, growing in two sepa- rate parts, and an imperial are trimmed closely to the lips. A deep linen collar, cut square and edged with lace, lies over the dark greenish-black coat. Owner, ESTATE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CuHartes H. Truax. No. 222 N. V. DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH SCHOOL (1802-1876) A NYMPH AND TWO CHILDREN Jo” | nrg UNDER a canopy of dark-green leayAge that overtops , / an interval of blue sky a nymph is seated on a aa ee her torso facing three-quarters to the left, the right leg under the left and both inclined toward the right. The head is seen in profile, slightly bowed, as she Height, 91, inches; widt¥#, 534 inch gazes at a rose, held in her right hand. Leaning against her right arm and laying a hand upon it, as he looks down at the rose, is a little child whose nude form is of brownish-pink hue. Another crouches be- hind the nymph’s left arm, which is held straight down by her side, the fingers spread upon the bank. The diaphanous sleeve of a chemise encircles her right arm at the elbow, and the rim of the garment is seen above the drapery which wraps the figure from the waist to the ankle. It is of delicate texture and of a rosy-apricot hue, deeper rose in the folds. Signed at the lower right: “N. Dtaz.” Owner, ESTATE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CuartEs H. Truax. No. 223 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY . FRENCH SCHOOL (1817-1878) ON THE OISE ey oe, od Height, 181% ie We. | yi Tus is a remarkably interesting sv tial of E Daubigny’s method of laying in the structure of = his landscapes; broadly simple, decisive and full of | character. The water in the foreground has on the right an emphatic bunch of bluish and yellowish- green reeds and their reflections, and is barred on the’ left with wrinkled horizontal brush-lines, indicating the growth of water plants. ‘Toward the centre ap- pear the reflections of a tall, bushy, post-like tree, and also of a single slender poplar. ‘To these, from each side, slopes down the bank which forms the boundary ' of the water, the one on the right being crowned with a characteristic row of willow trees. Meanwhile at the foot of a sandy road on the left two women are seen washing linen, and in the water near them stand a white horse with his back to us, and a brown horse drinking. Both have riders, that of the latter being distinguished by a blue coat. Tones of gray and 4 white, pale-rose and yellow are kneaded together in the sky, which overhead shows a little blue. Signed at the lower left: “DavuBicny.” Collection of A. DispecKrer, New York, 1898. Owner, EsTaTE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CHartEs H. Truax. No. 224 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE DUTCH SCHOOL (1636-1672) LANDSCAPE WITH ANIMALS 2for eaghi, 1134, inches; Ibygth, YAY, Sh Pe AT THE right of the foregr@und, beneath a reddish-/ yellow bank, on which two tree trunks lean acrogs each other, sits a herdsman. His back is toward us, showing a brown jerkin and scarlet sleeves, while his head is bowed forward, as if he were asleep. Mean- while, his charges are grouped in the centre of the composition. ‘The conspicuous feature is a cow, seen in profile facing to the right, whose reddish-dun hide, sprinkled with white, reflects the brightest light. In front of the cow lie two sheep, one with a brown face, while a goat appears in the shadow on the right. Be- yond it is a small lake, bounded on the farther side by a white and blue hill that is succeeded by a blue one. It shows against a golden creamy lower sky, sur- mounted on the right by olive-gray and creamy clouds, and on the left by an interval of pale blue. Across the latter spreads the foliage of a tall, slender tree, which grows on the left of the foreground. Owner, EsTaATE OF THE LATE Justice CHartEs H. Trvax. No. 225 H. PEETERS ENGLISH SCHOOL | ~ ENGLISH VILLAGE SCENE 1 Ss gv? Height, 12% “ 2D", Drak Vee inches. THE right of the foreground is occupied by a high wooden fence, interrupted by a gateway, one of whose posts is a pollard-willow. ‘The enclosure adjoins a thatched cottage, with plastered brick walls that gleam rosy-white in the sunshine. Beside the door, fronting the street, a woman in white cap and tippet stands talking to a man, while at her back another man is feeding a bay horse from a raised trough. In the distance, on the left, appears a wooden footbridge, | supported on brick piers. It is seen against the mass of another cottage, to the left of whose gabled and thatched roof rises a church spire. Signed and dated at the lower centre: “H. Peeters, 1851.” Owner, ESTATE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CHartes H. Truax. No. 226 ANTOINE CHINTREUIL FRENCH SCHOOL (1814-1873) EVENING LANDSCAPE 1 10 Height, 123, inches; fleng&, 241, inch. HE upper sky presents a ca of Lit, é eaten clouds, lined beneath with cream, where they still catch the light from a lower sky of pale gray-blue, flecked with tufts of orange-cream. A strip of orange appears above the horizon, and the sickle of a wan- ing moon hangs on the right. Against the evening glow appear the dark silhouettes of a few bushes that rise upon the brink of the pasture, which slopes down in shadowed tones of olive-browns and greens to the foreground. Here it ends in a reedy bank that curves around a quiet spot of water. Immediately in front of a reflection of light on its surface lies a punt, the end of which is grasped by a boy, as he either pulls it in or pushes it out from the land. Signed at the lower right: “CHInTREUIL.” Owner, ESTATE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CHARLES H. Truax. NGS 27 EDUARDO ZAMACOIS SPANISH SCHOOL (1842-1871) SCENE IN A CHURCH—A SKETCH Hh. oe ap Ins) Height, 215% inches; Be i inches. SEEN on the left, beyond 7-H Wagga is a confessional box. It is a rococo structure of golden- brown woodwork, whose front is decorated with a gilt sunburst, while a canopy of gilt interlace upon a blue ground, surrounding a medallion on which a mass of rose appears, embellishes the top. A priest, in the black and white habit of the Capuchin order, sits in- side, his hands gripping the front of the box and his head inclined to the left, as he listens to the confes- sion of a lady. She is kneeling with her back to the spectator, her figure dressed in a black mantilla and yellow satin gown. Meanwhile, on the right of the box a woman in peasant costume sits on the floor, with hands folded on her lap. She leans against a column, from the capital of which springs an arch that occupies the upper right of the composition. To the left of it the wall is decorated with a geometric design of inlaid colored marbles. | Signed on the back of the canvas: “Vente Zamacots.” Owner, ESTATE OF THE LATE JUSTICE Cuartes H. Truax. No. 228 DAVID JOHNSON, N. A. AMERICAN SCHOOL (1827-1908) OAK GROVE eg a4 Height, 18 Oey 26 inghed. A visTA of meadowland extends back from the fore- ground, cut on the left by the ruts of a cart-track. Along it, in the middle distance, a wagon is disap- pearing, driven by a man in a white shirt. To the left of it rises a giant oak bole, surmounted by a mag- nificent crown of leafy boughs, under the shelter of which some cows are scattered. Nearer to the front, on the right of the roadway, is another huge oak that stands in advance of a clump, the foliage of all unit- ing in a mass of illuminated leafage. Beside the front tree stands a farmer in a straw hat, red waistcoat and brown trousers, holding his coat on his arm. The distance is closed with woods, beneath which, on the right, appears a row of white houses. In the clear blue of the sky float buoyant white clouds. Signed and dated: “Davip Jounson, 1883.” Owner, Estate OF THE LATE Justice CHartes H. Truax. No. 229 JAN WYNANTS DUTCH SCHOOL (1600-1678) A RIVER LANDSCAPE Height, 121, incheyy width, es: : A ae TF’rom the extreme left $f “the meadow foreg#ound stretches back a row of trees. In the shado nearest a man sits, conversing with another, who leans upon a stick. A ram and an ewe are lying near them, the remainder of the flock being grouped a little fur- ther off on the right in charge of a black dog. A few more sheep appear still farther back on the edge of the river near another shepherd, who leans on his staff as he watches a man fishing. Across the water from this group is a projection of land from the op- posite bank, with a boat moored at its extremity, toward which a man is rolling a bale. The river disappears on the right between wooded banks. In the left middle-distance a man is walking away from us toward a grove of trees, under which can be seen a hooded cart and another pedestrian. Beyond the tree-stems lies a row of brown roofed cottages. ‘The sky, over the horizon on the right, is luminous with pinkish glow, but overhead passes to a clear blue, sprinkled with clouds that are lit with creamy light . and shadowed with faint purple. Owner, ESTATE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CHartEs H. Travx. fs a No. 230 GEORGES MICHEL FRENCH SCHOOL (1763-1842) LANDSCAPE J. s y, re Height, 201 inches; length, 26% inches THE spectator is looking down upon a foreground, elevated above a level country that stretches to the horizon. Near the centre of the foreground a road leads back diagonally, disappearing over a brink, on the left of which stands a church. On the right ap- pears a pink-tiled structure, one of the outlying buildings of a chateau, flanked by two towers with pointed roofs. Beyond the rich olive tints of the foreground the plain is swept with a broad streak of whitish-yellow light. This is succeeded by a hori- | zontal strip of dark olive-green, relieved on the left by the brighter green of some trees, adjoining a tall building like a church. The sky is open and light, but over toward the right is streaked diagonally with the purple fringe of a heavy rain-cloud, swollen and black with storm. Owner, Estate oF THE LATE Justice Cuarres H. Trvuax. No. 231 THEODULE RIBOT FRENCH SCHOOL (1823-1891) THE COOK Bole / ye el Height, 36 Te i, igghes. THE figure of a woman'ts*siown-to ih Oak te waist, turned three-quarters to the left. As she reads from a book held apparently on a table in front of her, the head is bowed, so that the eyes are in brown shadow. The light strikes on the forehead and nose and the upper part of her cheeks, which are of coarse ruddy and creamy texture. The light also spreads over the top of her tightly fitting cap, which shows a rim of brown hair around the forehead, while the ends of the cap, at the back of her neck, are shadowed blue. She wears a dark golden-brown jacket over a deep greenish-blue waist, on which appear a touch of white near the throat and another lower down. The left hand, resting supine, with the thumb and forefinger holding a page of the book, is also brightly lighted, but the tips of the thumb and forefinger of the other hand are in shadow. Near it shows part of a red earthenware pipkin, from which protrudes the white handle of a stirrer. Signed at the lower left: “T. Risor.” Owner, EsTaTE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CHARLES H. Truax. No. 232 CLAUDE (GELLEE) LORRAIN FRENCH sCHOOL (1600-1682) CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE—CUPID AND PSYCHE DS yy, “ut Height, 374 inches; length, 611 inehgs. ‘bs. VWhulyr Unner the guidance of Cupid, Psyche is seen cross- ing the river that leads to the grove, where she is to collect the golden fleeces. Waist deep in the dark greenish-blue water, she extends her hands above her head, while Cupid holds the blue drapery that swirls about her dove-gray robe. She is nearing the oppo- site bank, where a herd of goats is lying or cropping the rich green herbage, while a satyr and a shepherd with pan-pipes sit side by side under the shadow of a steep bank. Bluish-green and yellowish-brown foli- age clusters about its base, and its top is crowned with trees of similarly colored leafage. Seen on the left of this luxuriant mass is a level plain, basking in ereamy sunshine, through which a river winds back to distant mountains, whose gray and milky hues show softly against a warm, creamy sky that grows to faint blue at the zenith. On each side of the river appear the ruins of a temple, while in the middle dis- tance on the left is an imposing architectural group, including an entablature, supported on columns, a phyramidal structure and a round tower. These are visible beneath the handsome foliage of a clump of trees on the left of the foreground and of two others that stand a little further to the right. Described in Smith's Catalogue Raisonné. Part VIII, page 285, No. 167. Painted in 1666 for the Constable Colonna. Seal on the back of the canvas: “VENTE SEDELMEYER.” Owner, ESTATE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CHartEs H. Truax. No. 233 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY FRENCH SCHOOL (1817-1878) LE PARC DES MOUTONS ald Height, 67 inches; hae Ppl ROUND moon, showing orange-red’ in the evening mist, hangs low in the right of the sky. Beneath it appears the entrance to the sheepfold, formed of a passageway of hurdles. ‘Through the bars appear several sheep, while the shepherd, with his staff under his right arm and a black dog sitting at his feet, counts the rest of the flock, as it is driven in from the left by another black dog. The moonlight glistens on the faces of the sheep, and lights their fleeces with intermittent gleams. In the middle distance, on the left, a building nestles under a wooded slope that drowses in shadow beneath the expanse of greenish- blue sky, where a few stars twinkle. This picture and the following one, “Early Morning,” were pur- chased at the sale of the effects of the widow of the artist after her death. Mr. Dwight W. Tryon, the well-known landscape painter, a few weeks before Daubigny’s death, which occurred on February 19, 1878, visited his studio and saw these two large pictures on the easels. Mr. Tryon, in speaking of his visit, says: “Both were noble. examples of his work and made a deep impression upon me. I told him they seemed an advance over all his previous pictures. He seemed much pleased and said he hoped as much, adding, ‘They are for my family. I asked if they were not for sale and he replied, ‘They are both too large and too bold to find a purchaser; all my best work remains with me and are pour la famille.” Stamped at the lower left: “C. D.” Owner, EsTaTE OF THE LATE JUSTICE CHARLES H. Truax. No. 234 | CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY FRENCH SCHOOL (1817-1878) EARLY MORNING f SOE Height, 58 ynches; length, 951, inches. 4 l, a SHapow still lingers o e level expanse of the q open country. But the gray sky already palpitates with a faint light and a pale rosy suffusion permeates the horizon, showing brightest around a church spire on the distant right. In the foreground on the left a cock has mounted a manure heap to welcome the coming day, while his hens are scratching for food, and a white one sits surrounded by her brood of chickens. The heap adjoins the wall and slanting roof of what appears to be a chicken-house that closes in the composition on the left. In the silence and dimness a man and a woman are hastening to the day’s work, their figures being seen back to us on the right of the foreground. ‘The man, clad in a felt hat, yellowish drab waistcoat and brown trousers, over which hangs a knife in a leather sling, carries a scythe | on his shoulder, while the woman similarly bears a rake and pitchfork. _She wears a drab jacket over a brown skirt, and her red bonnet shows against the rosy glow of the sky. Near where they are walking is a patch of cold, vividly green grass. Stamped at the lower left: “C. D.” Owner, Estate OF THE LATE Justice CHARLES H. Truax. No. 2385 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 3 FRENCH (1817-1878) LES FAUCHEURS Height, 51% Pte TT, be bnrk Tue foreground shows @/ hollow of rich green ver- dure, sprinkled profusely with mauve and purple flowers, through which a mower is swinging his On heavy scythe. His figure is back to us, clad in a shirt, dark-blue trousers and a yellow straw hat that catches the light. From his waist depends a hanger, holding a whetstone. Meanwhile his companion is sharpening his scythe. He is seated at the left on a bank which borders the hollow, running back at right angles to the front. ‘The slight eminence is crowned by a fine-timbered oak, through the branches and foliage of which gleams the sun, focused to a blur by mist. Four smaller trees grow farther back along the bank. They spread their leafage against a misty gray sky that shows occasional peeps of blue and is veiled in places with shreds of pale wine-colored vapor. In the middle distance, on the right, appears a glimpse of a river, while across the scene stretches horizontally a strip of flat meadow-lands, tufted fre- quently with the round gray-green clumps of willows. Some small white buildings, brightly illuminated, show against the centre of the horizon. Stamped at the lower right: “C. D.” Owner, EsTATE OF THE LATE Justice Cuartes H. Truax. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. Tuomas EK. Kirpy, Auctioneer. en a ‘SiS: Aur g tats" Ces 5", afelat te teh O98 vate = ie raya e xf pheenet ae ‘ it eat ta Bes i * + * " ‘" 4 Hye T24 sis a aes a ihe , , * Ht i 4 2 Bic } : ie , I f te “i SS Se