ek a a iy RN ee lk a a a aa rj CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS. Monday and Tuesday Evenings, May Sth & 6th. The Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. CATALOGUE OF Collection of Paintings. FOREIGN & AMERICAN ARTISTS. ALSO, MANY PAINTINGS JUST IMPORTED, INCLUDING MORE THAN FIFTY PAINTED ON PORCELAIN; OR, NEW PROCESS. ALSO, THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OIL PAINTINGS BELONGING TO BENJ. F. CORLIES, Esq. —>4 THE WHOLE NOW ON EXHIBITION Leavitt Art Rooms, 817 Broadway, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT THE CLINTON HALLSALE ROOMG, Monday and Tuesday Evenings, May 5th and 6th. CoMMENCING AT HALF-PAST SEVEN O’CLOCK. The Messrs. REAVITT, Auctioneers. 1873. ofl S72 3 INO Ne \ a let CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, andif any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and address, and to pay down twenty-five per cent on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money if reguired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, with all faults and errors of description at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within three days from the Sale; Messrs. Leavitt no: being responsible for the correct description, genuineness or authenticity of any Lot. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale; and the remainder of the Purchase- money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. 5. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency, (if any,) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATR HOG E. es ew ee, BEd, New York. AS j /y , J ~ yl Chickens. (A pair.) Bn 2: DONAGHY, J. New York. We A sy figs The Lost Opportunity. Np. 3 BLACKMAN, W, io’ \y. New Vork. Landscape. iN Un. apt ’ 4A AA + fy W In the Woods | Aine ey : {f/' ' Marine. 7 ” ‘ ie ), ILA i SEES G. PORBES, E., Samra Moa, — New Vork. Kor Going to the Hay-field. ms 7, OROPSEY, J.F, New York. y Roman Campagna. 8 PITT, WILLIAM, London. Linten Abbey—Monmouthshire. e CAFFERTY, New York. Q. Trout. ; 10 INNESS, GEORGE (deceased.) New York. Sketch in Italy. ‘3 im | BREVOORT, it . ~~ New York. 5-PERKINS, A, omal New York. aS yy ee 11 MOUNT,S.A., (deceased.)U eae Landscape. MM ~ ihe ed oY f New York. 60 = Conse® ) ff 12 SLOANE,J.R., | qv! Owl’s Head— Lake Mem- ¢ phramagog. Vy 13. WILLIAMSON, ]J., \‘y New York. Sunset—Colorado. i4; HARDING, J. F. New York. Afternoon on the Lake. : 15 VAN DIEGHEM,4 pI ouly Brussels. AUn } is —Y ( 1h) . Sheep and \Gentpanion. fa mo (RAC ROLX, P., fF | Paris. | y Currants. © ) New York. 7 MOUNT, J. E., 1/ Landscape. 5 I 9 VST a A i / | | } / if VO) athe Cal ) CO foun AUGERO,F; YS New York. Love’s Reverie. L WILLIAMSON, J, e New York. Dawn of Day—Nyack. MORSE, G.-L., Boston. On the Connecticut River, near Middleton. FORBES, J. C., Yh 1 New Gok ; The Pet Dove. \ y, Canada. RydalF alls—England. p DOCKREE, E. M., of London. V Lane Scene—Box Hill, Surrey. MORRIS, C, Jr, London. Landscape and Companion. 6 ; ‘ Pry Meee) Te Sa RA aM Lill Min) Q 4, ‘e / Bie 2) 26 N = 28 29 ae 8 VAN SCHENDEL, P. (deceased), Brussels. The Penitent. COUDER, A., Paris. Objects of Art. jy { LANG, LOUIS, 75 ~ New York. Blind Organ-Player and Child. PS LANG, LOUIS, ns » New York a My All. yr OE BREVCORT-F ROM long Island agg MAROHN, J., Ubedecet Bor MrUleus Paris, 7 —~ The Sisters. LS ~ fpr RICHARDS, T. ADDISON, New York. Fruit. SMYTHE,C.J., \k New York. Tiger's Head. Wren 7 ee Skt, lies aden L114 Ar (Wa wr¥ f \\ | 36 eae \ a7 ) { \ X FQRBES, J.C, | New York. The Turkish Dancer. COLE, ) London. ‘) ‘3 VV Harvesting in North Wales. w¥ COLE, hain) 9 ee London. Sunset—North Wales. j Ae MMiITH Ty, 74" | New York. Coming Through the Rye. GUELITT, LOUISE Palermo. GURLATT, LOUTSE. Dalmatian Course. LANG, LOUIS, hf 4 New York. Wood Nymph. 8 tk want! oe \ id { Bk Ne HG WF Wa hl Ne (AM (\ a*~ cP ae 1 9 BREVOORT,J.R, *“” > J” New York. oS) View, near Farmington. “| 40 BROCHART, C.,, yd (J —~ Paiis, Mother and Child. (Pastel.) ay 41 DE HAAS, W.F, §7 yy Wa hen Vouk Fishing off Star Island. ®° 9 ye 42 PAYNE, CHARLES, ly London. River Scene-—Morning Effect. ( This Painting obtained a p'ize from the Art Union of Great Britain. ) 47. BEERS, MRS. JULIA New York. o Landscape. a Noe | Jone 44 PARTON, ARTHUR, j:° New York. 4 iM) \hYyeake Champlain. ay 45 WIDGERY, JULIA C, yt London. ro ‘ | Poot Stepping Stones—Devonshire, (7 England. | 45* BLACKMAN, W., New York. Landscape. Aw aN k | wa “i Fi rn X =“ — | | Upremnoim ow | ! l) a NA H-cos —~ of” v Smita TL. ty New York. f Near Garfield—Lake George. \ = 7 WOQDWARD, L,, New York. a ae BT iets . bane i eon 48 SHAYER, W. Jr.,}/\ os RE ok London. Ploughmen—Mid-day. > oy READY, W. f., Ws WD nm London. View on the Coast of Norfolk, \ so READY, W._T., / nia” London. ye” WY Companion. | This Artist exhibits at the Royal Academy, and his paintings are becoming more valuable every day. 51 MOCKFORD, G, London. Landscape. ose DEBOIS, F, London. Winter Scene. aM ( Uy OY Kx 1) OHS RT Ee | \ k \ * «3 WIDGERY,JULIAC, | ~ London. 7 « “ Oakhampton Castle—Devon- shire, England. 54 AUGERO, F,, Ls? New York. } | KJ Cupids. iy ss WAN DIEGHEM, 00 al eee Sheep and Companion. (A pair). t 56 LEVASSEUR, 'W Yp Paris. Gull Shooting. eo EAPIN, C,H. KY | New York. Catskill Lake. 58 GROPSEY,. J. F., New York. Landscape. 7 Me Macrame’, 2. h. New York. On the Rhine. o RiP (cn 4 Ue tf al ae uunth §bite Me dN oh [rather Of tote Tai ) f (U, y )Y \ an wk Neuen y V 60 ~COLE, THOS,, (deceased,) New York. ~ Christ atthe Well. ul 61 PARKER, J. A., Jr, New videk. } Landscape. i 62 HOTCHKISS, (deceased.) Head. 7 New York. iP { : pees ) N \ | \ ( M f Brussels. 0 \* 65 WILLIAMSON, J., New Vorks/ \w r\ On the Grand Canal. yy : 66 LACROIX, P. Vegetables. 12 : a ly \" 1 L \/ | ! A of k uk re ‘ 1PM AD Xo d) J) 7 i Nth Vid, rd Se Brussels. 68 BEUL, H. DE, A thy Patis. ae The Young Navigator. 69 COWELL, W. W., New York. Summer—Boston Harbor. |) ilime) 70 COWELL, W. W., New Yofk. Twilight—New York Bay. A, , _ 71 MORSE, G., a. 4a. Boston. ll} ye vo White Mountains. 40 at ear ) ; Lv fl‘ SAKL bv Mane 4 Noted © | 72 BYLANDT, A. DE, Paris 7} WO nip ae Landscape and Figures. © ya PRATIELL, L., ‘ ar | VFlorence. Turkish Mosque. : ia: ) } 2 y 1 , We 1A py Mork ~ PONDS VY J ney DE, LG. Burlington. Landscape. HEY DE, L: G, Burlington. Landscape. FORBES, F. Cy New York. ‘The Spinstress. ; 77, MARTIN,T.M, Canada. Herrings., i 78 CRESWEEL,C.W., [| \\W" ,)canada. View, near Lake’ Huron: \ 0 79 MARTIN,T. M., Canada. Dead Duck. 80 MARTIN, T. M., Canada. ” Stag’s Head. ot 6| NOBLE, W. P., Cincinnati. Landscapes, Water-Color (5). or 14 Nv \\\ : V\UYY Oca: v KU } 4 . , f \ ww \ ‘| Nt han \ aes h Y f \ Ua dlan Wd A OA $2 ‘(HOURY, CHARLES, . Paris, . v0 (Pupil ef Cogniet.) /} ! The Tithe. (Monks have collected the tithe in country produce, and seem much pleased with the result.) Paris Exhibition of the Louvre, 1861, 53 “HOURY, CHARLES, [25 Paris, (Pupil of Cogniet.) The Descent of the Cross. Lyons Exhibition, 1852. ) ) By - BT Xj ” a 86 Roman “ Courses de Chars. is agar Reaching the Stand. (Pendant to the preceding, ) 15 Mineral Paintings on Porcelain. (New Process). 4 87 HOURY, CHARLES, \": > Paris, African Slaves—After Nature. (Original.) fr 88 HOURY,CHARLEs, '”° Paris, African Female Slaves. (Original.) (Pendant to the preceding.) 69 ~HOURY, CHARLES, ° -\0, Paris. An Interior in Japan — Japanese Lady with Dog. (Original, after Nature.) 90. HOURVY,CHARLES, °° _ Water-fall, near St. Didier, Beau- e e f j jolais, Rhone. (Original.) \ Paris. (The above two plates are studies after Nature of water and trees taken on the Chantilly grounds, near Paris.) 16 94 96 j v ucks, 4°: Saipes) ee Farm, at Neris, near Montlucon, France. 4°. Wy gt), i ' Neapolitan Girl—A ften,N dture. J, W itl VA fy é Landscape—Study from Nature. / ¥ ( View of the Forest of Fontainebleau, with aniinals. ) | Landscape. (Pendant to the preceding. ) iv Deer—Study from Nature, at Fon- tainebleau. SU ! ( Middle painting to the preceding. ) Shepherds Watering their Flocks. ( Boucher’s Style. Oral plate. ) 30 ‘ 17 | y } LEMONNIER, CHARLES GUILLAUME, aie Paris. Medals, 1872. we . Rich Fruit Plate. MEX ge eae 4) 100 LEMONNIER, CHARLES GUILLAUME, Paris h, d . Rich Fruit Plate. ( The above two paintings are from one of the best porcelain painters of Paris.- ) (Pendant to the preceding. ) IOI HOURY, CHARLES, bo. Parise: The Water Falls of St. Cloud, near Paris. (Copy of an original oil painting by the same in 1869. Lonvyre Exhibition. ) ao2 HOURY, CHARLES, : \°. Paris. ~) Landscape. > 103 HOURY,CHARLES, \"", Payls Landscape. (Pendant to the predpaing.) | {The above two Landscapes are taken from the river Meus@*iear Dinau, Belgium, and purchased by ©. C. Durand, of New York, at the last Exhibition of Paris, 1872.) 18 1o4 Deer in the Forest of Fontaine- bleau, Paris. (5, l] V ( ( Lyons Exposition, 1872. ) A / / - ee So arene Soph aie “ The following Porcelain Paintings are from Messrs. Schopin, father and son. ros Oriental Landscape. ‘|’ ’ ° Ct Pi 106 Dogs’ Heads. (A pay \ o> a / e 1/ - 107 Monkeys. Painter and Cook. (& pair) bv, IN 108 Cheese and Herrings. (A pair.) 5° 109 The Bath. rt 5D, ( “Camaieu,” blue and purple, ) A ' tro The Female Bathers/““(A' pair.) °?. (A Splendid Porcelain Painting, ‘‘ Camajeu” purple,by Schopin & Son.) \ 111 Landscape. iG ee | ( “ Camaieu” Blue. ) ‘ A ' 112 Oysters and Pie. \ i as \n 19 I13 114 fr whe DAY AT lad ; ] i¥ u N ATS 1418 119 % ROSSITER, T. P , (deceased,) New York. 3 Ly 2b Meditation. y HAMMER, J. J., New York. !” Near Cauterskill Falls, Catskills. BREVOORT, J. RB, Study of Trees. New York. TAYLOR, C. F,, Paris. \) On the Seine. CHAPPEL, H., London. The Three Graces. DUSART, C., Dusseldorf. Dutch Interior. VAN\SEVERDONCK, F,, Brussels. Chickens. VAN ELTEN, K.,, New York. Landscape. 20 SECOND EVENING’S SALE. THE PRIVATE COLLAUCTICe 1 Parntines BELONGING TO BENJAMIN F. CORLIES, Esa. = — The Foreign Pictures in Mr. Corlies’ collection were nearly all purchased by him while abroad, from the Artists direct. 21 120 DE SAN, CHARLES, Paris 4 13 French Landscape. py 121 UNKNOWN, Rome. Ke Caught in the Storm. | (Purchased in Rome by Mr. Corlies.) 122 NEHLIG, VICTOR, New York: w el ba he y) Priscilla. 7 ‘3 3 McCORD, G. H., New York. Py A Berkshire Relic, a 124 NORTHERN, A., Dusseldorf. y ) ' Prussian Scouts, i 125 DOLPH,J.H, New York. y/ Sunset. 126 HART, WILLIAM, New York. , Landscape. R22 127 SMILIE, G. H., New York. Donner Lake. 128 MARNY, PAUL, Paris. Rotterdam. (Water-Color.) 129 MERY, A. E, Paris. Court-yard. 130 BROCHART, E,, Paris, f )> << Blonde and Flowers. 131 TROYON, C., Paris. ; A. Pastoral Sketch 132 SPONE, P. L., New York. 40 oy On the Cauterskill. 133 GHARY, M., New York. y/ Landscape. 23 A y' 134 WATERMAN, HENRY, Manchester, Eng. Going to Church. og 135 SALMON, J: (Mok Cote | London. On the Thames. 136 HOFFMAN, HENDRICK, Dresden. 7 t " Shylock and Jessica. 137. CARPENTIER, H., Brussels. a fo / ¥ : A ‘ In the Vineyard. (7138 VON SEBEN, H,, Brussels. The Frozen Dove. 139 GRIPS, C. J., | Brussels. qv [3 Cy ‘ Interior. 140 AUFRAY, J., Paris. ‘eprimanding Dolly. 24 CG) 4 Vv ¥ } 141 WVERHOEVEN, BALL A. J., Antwerp. {ubens Giving his First Lesson to Young Vandyke. 142 LEBRET, FRANS, (1) |//“Prussels. byt Pastoral Scene. 143 KAEMMERER, FH, Paris. uly, B i a 5 md fa siecigs 1872. Mur Footman. 144 ARMFIELD, GEO., \D' \O* London. The Hunter’s Home. + = {\ "" / 5 145 AUFRAY, J., VAIN Paris. | / sions . i beg 2 ae Going to School. \\\h~ | 146 KOEK-KOEK, H. P., { Amsterdam. yee i Landscape. 147. VERHOEVEN, BALL A. J., Antwerp. Vv D Game Market, in Antwerp. 25 48 RIVOIRE, FRANCOIS, Lyons, ie ‘ faladiol and Roses. ee 149 /DOLPH, J. H., New York. () {9 “4A Feeding Chickens. } ? 150 BRILLOUIN, G., Paris. 2 Medals, 1865, 1869. y' , Ue ; . oe” L- A Morning Stroll. worst GRIPS,C. J; Brussels. yC% |" Interior. 152 RICHARDS, W. 'T., Philadelphia. i" Annis Squam Light— Cape Ann. | ) oe Water Color. 153 RICHARDS, W.T., Philadelphia. ly ? Hudson Highlands, above West (0 Point. (Water-Color.) 154 LASALLE, LOUIS, \/ Paris. , ( Pupil of Muller. ) “i r a /\ Washing Day. 26 15; FUESCHSELL, H., 0" Paris. al SS ta ale Sunset. ie i j ; - | Y 156 ERDMANN, OTTO, [Ap DaAsséldorf peo Lost in Thought. [4 Antwerp. 157 VERHOEVEN, BALL A. J., Milord’s Toilet., ~ 158 MORAN, E, [V" \4 " Philadelphia. y’" New York Bay. i 15g LEBRET, FRANS, () Brussels. Pastoral Scene.’ KA 160 . 9 /) ‘ pi 3. —o>Aeos 2 Moof eae 161 BREVOORT, J. R., New York. Near Farmington, Mass. 27 162 | NOTERMAN-Z2OK. ' The Hague. / ANN oO The Dessert. (i ‘a }] 163 HEADE, M. J., New York. 2” Tropical Seene—Central America. a 164 SONNTAG, W.L.. New York. » 0 Fe a i ‘NW AyWiew, in Delaware County. — 165 EVERSEN, A., Antwerp. " i ° A\Von , mMfhe Street Scene, in Antwerp. ind " 166 DANSAERT, Paris. ) In the Library. 1 | | 167 AUFRAY, J., Paris. * The Acolyte. 168 DOUGLAS, HENRI, Paris. | 4) \%* The Clock that Goes. 169 175 ’ | ae (Ti ae HEADE, MJ. 4 > (YY New York. Near Eastport, Maine. / ie BRET, FRANS, Brussels. Pastoral Scene. WILL EMS, L.. lhe . Brussels, ¥ The Embr an ry. od HEADE, M. J., New York. ig’ /YScgne in Lake Nicaragua. SONDERLAND, Professor F., Dusseldorf. The Happy Dutch Boy. SONDERLAND, Professor F., Dusseldorf, Companion. J j f BACON, HENRY, me. Paris. ) Counting the’Chickens. 29 : hy li Grand Manon, ‘pel . 477 INNESS, GEORGE, Rome. ~, It hv Vhs Forest Scene. \ ° 178 VERMEULIN, F., Antwerp. ( Market Scene. Medal, 1872. 42479 ARMFIELD, GEORGE, London. s ¥ | Dogs. T 180 CHIFFLART, FRANCOIS NICOLAS, (deceased, ) Rama Grand Prize of Rome, 1851. | March of Silenus. 181 CHIFFLART, FRANCOIS NICOLAS, (deceased,) Rome. Leda and the Siren. 182 PLASCHKE, M, \/ Dusseldorf. Landscape. \ ' \ 30 176 DE HAAS, W.F, New York. — (oe) ios) 184 vit a tage L., GELIBERTZ, JULES, //| » UU Papis~ The Stag’s Last Leap. k vy | New York. / Harvesting. 185 ODDIE, WALTER M., (deceased,) New Yor . f View on Long Island} v 186 OAKLEY, JULIAN, : New Yous 1) The Tapestry Worker. ; * a \ :87 Guido Sketching the Portrajt, of Chinco. UV Way * eyo) 188 WENGLER, JOSEPH, Dusseldorf, nN, apis Devotional. ° \,,;"” | oe ; 189 HAMMER, J. J., fy , New Yotk. [Ge Landscape. } U Vv j ae j ‘3 # ES ae maArA Ce 190 GYSELINCKX, Brussels. i, : is Vanity. 191 GYSELINCKX, | Brussels. () Companion. 192 OAKES, MRS., \- aa FY, London. - | ‘ ay, 7 \\ Mount Pilatus, Switzerland. 193 ORAIG, WM, (Matz Gale New York. WS A ) ‘d View on the Hudson. 194 BREVOORT, J. R., New York. (By 1 sunset. 195 BREVOORT, J. R., New York. Summer Shower? c 196 McCORD, G. H., eS New York. In the Adirondacks. f fr 197 VAN ELTEN, K., nal New York. Landscape. 32 ee ~ ADDENDA}. )( t 198 VAN DER COMPE. Cattle in the Meadows, and Companion. 199 BERNART, (Signed.Y TY) _ \ The Bowl Players. 200 COONS, (Signed) HY Cw | Landscape. 201 VAN STRY, (Signed. ) Landscape and Cattle. 202 ROOS, (Signed. ) Pe YY Pae ah i) © tae Marine—Brisk Kreeze. ,, , ¢/ 203 KOEK-KOEK, B. C., (deceased. ) Landscape and Figures. 33 204 VAN EMRICK, (Signed.) Mey, é Vv, ynemouth Priory, Coast off Northumberland. ? ' 208 ARMEIELD, GEO, London. Pe . Sportsman and Dogs. 206 V WOUVERMANS, P. ( i /Skir mish—Road Scene. v ' f 207 POUSSIN, N. | ¥ fo ° . | “.“ Saint John and the Lamb. | f 208 yw pe (Signed. ) Pom ale. 209 CORNET, A. VY" Way oan Lady and Child. 210 STORCK, A. View in Holland. P, 34 7 Vo Zio Ke file || " STORCK, A. Companion. ( These two paintings are belleved to be origins. ) f. i , 4 DOUGHTY, J., (deceased.) |\ “Yay! }\ yy Landscape. bi) io a Y, ROBERTS, (yer Londen Love Scene and Goitpantale BROWN, London, « ey ge Boy opening Muscles. 9 9. OO fos i Girl with Ice Cream. 'Y i i- The Mill. pre j rs AY 4 Marine—Walnut frame. Vy vy Landscape, do } Marine. Street Scene and Figures. Antwerp. yy Landscape and Cattle. Qsigned J.B.) 35 J/0f2/ tebe hae See ty 1 sa A./Oil p ngs. Tt HLA