PO ere A TAI ER: Bay SY xt re a iS a : ak 2 - ne CA OGUE seg Cr Ronse ae OF THE on 7 XG pes LATE MARMADUKE TRATTLE, ES BOOKS, PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, AND WY ID IN 1B COMPRISING & © 2 e ° e Several eminent Publications on Gems, Coins, and -Medals, AMONG WHICH WILL BE FOUND DEVONSHIRE GEMS, comprere, wirn 101 PLATES; MARLBOROUGH GEMS, A SUPERB COPY IN MOROCCO; Payne Knight’s Account of the Remains of the Worship of Priapus ; Mionnet, Description des Medailles Antiques, Grecques et Romains ; Museum Vindobonensium ; Pembrochie Numismata Antiqua; Snelling’s View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England ; Museo Pio Clementina, 6 tomes, &c. Woburn Abbey Gallery, Worsley Museum, Blundell Gallery, Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion, Bolingbroke’s, Milton’s, and Ghorchills Works, Thornton’s British Flora, Pennant’s British Zoology, Johnson ie a aaa s Shakspeare, &c. Collection of Paintings, Hobbima, Hogarth, Morland, Meyers, Pocock, Stubbs, and others ; THE CELEBRATED ENGRAVING, BY BARTOLOZZI, Of Clytre Pricking the Side of Cupid with a Thorn ; AND SEVERAL OTHERS. EKIGHTY DOZEN OF FINE OLD WINE, IN MADEIRA, PORT, AND SITGES ; y GAhich will be Sold by Auction, [9 BY Me. HOGGART,...,,,.. ON THE PREMISES, iy Soe 4 tees AT THE RECTORY-HOUSE, LONDON WALL, (CLOSE TO OLD BROAD STREET) On TUESDAY, the 6th of DECEMBER, 1831, and following Day, At Eleven for Twelve o’Clock precisely, 7 BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTORS. 6-7 a May be viewed on Monday preceding the Sale; and Catalogues had at Hatcuett’s Hotel, Piccadilly ; at the Mart; and of ‘Mr, HOGGART, 62, Old Broad Street, Royal Exchange. 4 14, St. Anthony’s Temptation, framed and glazed, engraved by Sullivan, from a paint ing by ‘Teniers 15 A very fine engraving of Charles the Second, by Faber, in 1750 16 A very fine mezzotinto engraving, the Wife of Rubens, from an original picture 17 A fine engraving, by Blake, Scene in Act Third of ‘The Beggar’s Opera, from a painting by Hogarth | 13 A drawing of a Chateau, by Paul Sanby; and a Landscape and Figures, by Wat- leau 19 A piece of Needlework, in a handsome frame, glazed ; and two engravings 20 An engraving of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, from an antique gem; anda ditto of the Crown Piece of Simon. 21 Sundries PAINTINGS. 22 A pair of sea pieces, Shipwreck, and a distant View of Eddistone Light-House, (not framed) Dashwood. 23 A pair of ditto, Eddistone Light-House, and a Group of Fishermen on the Hastings Coast Dashwood. 24 A pair of ditto, Ships passing the Needles, and a View of the Channel, Dashwood. 95 A Steam Packet, with a View of East and West Cowes Dashwood. 96 Three Frigates off the Isle of Wight scale ene Dashwood. 27 A Tiger Couchant ee Mite Walnimn 98 An Arabian Charger, and the Interior of a Stable (very fine) Agafie. 29 King William and the Battle of the Boyne Wick. 30 Oliver Cromwell, a fine painting —— aces Wellear. 31 A fine old portrait of aPope 32 Still Life, Fish ——- — — Fyt. 33 The Deaf Tutor, very fine ven —— Meyers. 34 A small Landscape —— men Smith, Chichester. 35 A sea piece, Storm, very fine —~—— eee Morland. 36 Fruit and Flowers eae se a Unknown 37 A fine portrait of Frederick of Prussia 38 A Masquerade saa oo —— Bambocita.. 39 A View of Port Celti —_— — ~ Unknown. 40 A pair of Humourous Paintings, (no frames) —— Bonn. 41 A Racer taking Exercise, and Groom, in a very ancient carved frame 4) 42 Horse and Terrier, very fine ee ne Stubbs. 43 A celebrated Race Horse, and Jockey, very fine ae Stubbs. 44 Fish Market —— cose Hogarth. 45 Vegetable Market _—— —— Hogarth. 46 Still Life, Fish oe ee Unknown. 47 Pan, a celebrated Race Horse, and Jockey —— Sartorius. 48 A Group of Bacchanalians, after Rubens 49 Flowers and Insects, in an antique frame _—— Otho Masseus. 50 A portrait of Dunscotus Schalken a aa Unknown. 51 Portrait of a Young Warrior —— os - Onknown. 52 Bacchus and Group — = noe Jorduens . 53 Portrait of St. Jerome a -—— Tintoretto. 54 Falconer’s Shipwreck, very fine oe ae Unknown. 55 A Wood Scene coe Hobbima. 56 A Sea Piece oe ——- —— Unknown. 57 A Winter Piece a ae Morland. 58 A Landscape and Figures - won Smith, Chichester. 59 Landscape and 'Tl'ravellers wane oa Michau. 60 Diana and her Nymphs Breughel and Rothenhamer. 61 Still Life, Fish, a very fine old painting —_—— Unknown. 62 A Grey Horse and the Interior of a Stable, with celebrated Characters Morland. 63 A Farm Yard ae —- Morland. 64 A portrait on copper, very fine, (Old Franks) 65 Susannah and the Elders —— — Fabris. 66 A Chinese Mandarin 67 Fruit, very fine 68 Portrait of a Persian, on copper, in a curiously carved frame — one Sartorius. 69 A Sea Piece Storck. 70 A Ditto Ditto one oe — Ditto. 71 A Ditto Ditto ned Ditto. 72 A Shooting Party, Spanish School — — Periera. 73 Still Life, Fish oa Unknown. 74 St. Jerome oe Brueghel and Rothenhamer. 75 Noli me tangere, from an original picture in the Vatican Cigania. 76 Cattle — vee a Town. 77 The Trinity, very curious, a Seed Unknown. ey van — Veen Nag tere 7 — sah} ieee. awe natok i , sh asg AiR ,