rt LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York Fist eeet XV Se Reps patie ST png he teenie es pl gps Spat ETS Gy lene hee ee ee si aaa eee Nees bug, Sure —— B= 29-89. Erwid Davis Paid $125,000 for His Own Pictures, A VERY CLUMSY HUNMBUC. The Mysterious “‘Ghicage Art Dealer” Was Mr, Davis’s Representative. Noone need feelany twinges of conscience at having paid too little for paintings at Chick- ering Hall last night. Those pictures of Mr. Erwin Davis’s collection which were sold—really sold—brought every cent that they were worth, and a. good many dollars perhaps that they were not worth at all. Asforthose paintings which were only ap- parently sold, they brought such absurdly high prices that the connoisseurs could hardly be- lieve their ears when the figures were an- pounced by the auctioneer. ; If these same connoisseurs had only thought | to doubt the genuineness of the bids they would have struck the nail squarely on the head. For the sale was not a genuine one in its entirety. All the ‘‘ gems” were secured by a gentleman who will never have to pay for them at all, or if he does it will be like taking the money from one pocket and putting it into another. The mysterious individual with a bald head, @ gray mustache, a pair of eyeglasses and a Roman nose, who bought (7) over $125,000 worth of the paintings, and who bid the ab- purdly high price of $23,400 for Bastien lLe- page’s “ Joan of Arc,” under the name of Le- land, was merely, there is excellent reason to ‘suppose, arepresentative of Mr. Erwin Davis, m and ho merely bid the pictures in for that gen- tleman. : : The same thing is done in a smaller way every day in any of the cheap John auction stores on the Bowery. An Evenine Sun reporter ealled on Mr. John Ortgies, the auctioneer, this morning. r. Ortgies was in his auction art galleries, 866 and 368 Fifth avenue. He was surrounded by paintings which lay on their backs in long rows on the floor. : Mr. Ortgies adjusted his spectacles and looked with mild surprise when the reporter opened the conversation by saying: “There is a well defined suspicion in the inds of many people that the sale of Mr, win Davis’s collection of paintings last night was ‘cooked,’ and that at least $125,000 of the $208,315 realized was bid by a representative of Mr. Davis.” A COOKED" ART SALE own. Mr. Ortgies smiled. SO mare Mis there good ground for that suspicion ?” the reporter asked. ; e “** Well,” said the auctioneer, “I hardly feel at liberty to answer that question.” “But you will not deny that such was the case?” 3 “T won’t deny it—no.” ‘And will you kindly tellme the real name ofthis Mr. Leland, with an office in Wall ‘siredt, Whe bought so many pierures?” - “T cannot do that.” : ; “He really has an office in Wall street? ” “Oh, yes,’ “No, 2 Wall street?” “That is the number.” 3 Se “Didn’t it strike you as a curious coincidence that Mr, ‘Leland’ and Mr. Erwin Davis have offices in the same building ?” “ That is alittle curious.” “ Yen’t it quite possible that Mr. ‘ Leland’ is in Mr. Davis’s employ ?” : “Teannot say. Mr. ‘Leland’ came here a day. or so ago, and said that_he might want to buy some paintings at Mr. Davis's sale. “He gaye me some good references and I was satisfied,” : “Wasn't the principle reference Mr. Davis himself? ” “Ty wouldn’t care to answer that question.” “ Has Mr. ‘Leland’ paid ior any of the pic- tures which were knocked down to him last night’, | “You wouldn’t be greatly surprised if he neyer did pay for them, would you?” * ay : can't say ied I would.” li you be paid your commission on thei sale if he doesn’t pay for them 2” m + Wasn't $38,400 Iv h asn’t $28, an enormous igh pri for the ‘Joan of Arc ?” yee ‘“ Tgonfess that it startled me.” * What do you think the picture was worth ?” Ishould say about $10,000 to $15,000, I know that there was some talk a little while azo ei sole a to @ Boston party Ba $12,000.” as anybody beside Mr. Lela, the pictures in for Mr. Davis?” Ba Parag ‘TY can’t tell, It will be impossible for me to say positively anything about it for a day or two. I really don’t know—positively,” Bee eA sake cage 8 gone at the imaostee P sed upon @ public in wha i Paality probably a mock auction ?” ” A Mae oe e af pele did not.” “ Mr.*Davis was engineering that part ?” If he bought the pictures in he did tt Wwith- cee ion Brigiee,” Hnally said ‘Mr, Ortgies,” finally said the re oa conclusion which I have fenced’ oor al’? have seen and hhard is thatthe greater num- bee of the pichares mbecked down last night vere not. really sold. Are you of orn ther think a a “Well, Irather think that * gai head of the auction firm, fay cetauie © reporter went to Mr. Erwi is’ apartments in the big flat house, 121, Medes prone and inquired for the picture ‘“‘eol- ‘Mr. Davis was confined to hi i and could not pe seen Bie Des via Gone .. Most of his pictures, by the way, for him py Artists J. A. WWolrena tobeec: inor, Mr. Davis relied upon their judgment im his purchases of paintings and not upon his ‘Davis collection of pictures. BUYING HIS OWN TO GIVE AWAY Lepage’s Joan of Are and the Two Mansts of the Erwin Davis Sale Pre- sented to the Museum. MR. LELAND WAS A “DUMMY.” He Bought $120,000 Worth of Pictures, but Will Never Have to Pay for Them. The Heraup yesterday called attention to the wild bidding at the second night's sale of the Erwin It was of a character to make ‘“‘the judicious grieve.”’ Seventy-four works sold ostensibly for $208,315. But this money will neyer find its way into Mr. | Davis’ pockets, for the reason that much of the bid- ding. was done by Mr, Davis himself through a friend, H.R. Leland. _ noticed a bald headed gentleman occupying a seat near the front row at the sale, who bought most of the more prominent pictures at prices which seemed to indicate that he possessed much more wealth than artistic taste. After exhausting every possible means of ascertaining his name I asked him for it himself, He declined to tell me, So did Mr. Ortgies, because, as he said, he had been requested to keep it secret. thers were good reasons for making that request. Tt transpired yesterday that Mr. Leland was nothing yore nor less than a dummy for Mr. Davis. news aroused a howl of indignation. Mr, Ortgies was mad; Mr. Avery was mad; the buyers who went to Chickering Hall last night, with the expectation | that they were attending a bona fide sale, were mad. THE MUSEUM PROFIIS BY IT. But it is an ill wind that blows nobody good, It is understood that Mr. Davis has announced his in- tention of presenting to the Metropolitan Museum three of the most notable pictures of the collec- tion—the ‘Joan of Are,’ by Bastien Lepage, and Manet’s two pictures, “Boy with a Sword’ and ‘feeding the Parrot.” How far this generosity is inspired by a desire to ‘goneciliate public opinion after the exposure it would be difficult to decide, But certain it is, that if the bidding for the pictures had gone beyond the reserve price which Mr. them Mr. Davis would not have thought of present- ing them to the Museum. a t YT called on 8. P. Avery at his home, No. 4 Hast Thirty-eighth street, last night: “J want you,’ I said, ‘to tell me the true inward- ness of this Erwin Davis sale ve “Mr, Davis,” he replied, “wished to make presents of some of his most. prominent pictures. Antong these were Bastien Lepage’s ‘Joan of Are,’ Manet’s ‘Boy with a Sword’ and his ‘Feeding the Parrot.’ These he has already presented to the Metropolitan Museum.” The | Davis had placed upon | “But Mr. Leland purchased some twenty-two other pictures, aud bid very steep prices for some of | them. What becomes of them?’ \ “ ‘at any art sales beforé and. he gave Mr. expluiuied, | Ortgies positive orders not to divulge his name. ue t) arent representatives: He only at a fow the pictures the first evening, | Pages. night a card bearing the name | ef Me Smith, which was Mr. Leland’s ** nom | buy,” went up almost.every time the auc- | r. knocked. down a big one. It was not | uae J Mr. Leland aya Troyon’s ** Pasturage | in Normandy » for $17,500, Delacroix’s ‘*Lion Hunt” for $11,800, and then ran up Lapage’s Fi: Rae | oan of Arc” to $23, Tags that the connoisseurs ‘peaiye tosask who is the man with the big | and small judgment in art. Upon being asked to give some information | t hi sterions customer, Mr. Ortgies | } it he did not know him and ver enjoyed the pleasure of Mr. Leland’s acaa ntance before the sale. Last night it was announced that Mr. Davis had p resented to, the Metropolitan Musenin of rt the ‘‘ Joan of Are,” ** Poy with the Sword ” and | re Feeding the Parrot,” having requested Mr. Leland to buy them in for that purpose, | though why such a course was Cees is a DURAND-RUEL NEw-YorK OFFICE 16 RUE LAFFITTE : 315 Fifth Avenue & 11 RUE LE PELETIER PARIS Paris, February 15th, 1889 Erwin Davis, Esq. New-York, U.S. A. My Dear Sir: It is with much regret that I learn of your intention to sell your pictures, as it is difficult to get together again so many fine examples of the famous school of 1830. Your collection, according to my own taste, is one of the finest | know. It is composed of very choice pictures, many of which I have been acquainted with for thirty years. To mention all the celebrated artists rep- resented would take up too much space, but Ican say that the great painters of the century, 3 acsanty fee ore te especially those which are known as belong- ing to the ‘Barbizon School,” have pictures in your gallery which cannot be equaled and are celebrated in the annals of art. Yours truly, DuRAND-RUEL. Index of the Artists Represented in this catalogue, and numbers ‘of the paintings. BARYE CAntoiie Laie ears 55 Born at Paris, 1795. 111 Pupil of Gros. Medal, 1831. Legion of Honor, 1833. Officer of the same, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1868. Died, 1875. BILLIE, Geierre hoa eto = gers 19 Born at Cantan. Pupil of Breton. Medals, 1873-74. BLAKELOCK (Ralph A.) .''. New-York 13 Born at New -York, 1847. BLOOMER (H. Reynolds) . . New-York 16 Born at New -York. Pupil of Pelouse. BOSBOOM (Jan) .- 0s =~ The Hague 15 Born at The Hague, 1817. Pupil of Van Bree. Medal, Paris, 1855. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Knight of the Order of the Lion, of the Crown of Oak, and Leopold of Belgium. BOUDIN Chugene..) 3. Pans 21 Born at Honfleur. V2 Medals, 1882-83. BUNCE (Wm. Gedney). . . New-York 56 Born at Hartford, 1842. 90 Pupil of Clays. GAZING: Gy Oe Pars 122 Born at Sainer. Pupil of Boisbaudran. Medal, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1882. CHARDIN (Jean B.S.) decd . . Paris 6 Born at Paris, 1699. Pupil of Coypel. Died, 1779. CHURCH (Frederick E.) . . New-York 87% Born at Hartford, 1826. Pupil of Cole. Medal, Paris, 1867. Member of the National Academy of Design. CLAYS (Prertey.) ee A BLISS 5% Born at Bruges, 1819. 108 Pupil of Gudin. Medal, Brussels, 1851. Medals, Paris, 1867-78. Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer of same, 1881. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. COKO1- (Jean B.C.) dab eas Pats 23 Born at Paris, 1796. 38 Pupil of Bertin. 60 Medals, 1838-48-55-67. 113 Legion of Honor, 1846. 125 Officer of same, 1867. 136 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Died, 1875. COURBET (Gustave) decd... 3P aks 26 Born at Ornans, 1829. 61 Pupil of David d’Angers. 100 Medals, 1849-57-61. 135 Died, 1878. COUTURE (Thomas) dec'd . . . Paris 94 Born at Senlis, 1815. 127 Pupil of Gros. Medals, 1844-47-55. Legion of Honor, 1848. Died, 1879. COUTOURIER (Philibert L.) . . Paris 22 Born at Chalon. 58 Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1855-6. 25 43 67 98 116 | 139 | f 62 DAUBIGNY (Charles F.) decd. . Parts Born at Paris, 1817." Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals, 1848-53-55-57-59-67- Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Died, 1878. DECAMPS (Alexandre G.) decd . Paris | 24 Born at Paris, 1803. 42 Pupil of Ingres. | 66 * Medals, 1831-34. | 91 Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1839. ] 115 Officer of the same, 1851. 138 Died, 1860. 7 DEFAUX ( Alexandre) « . 43>. Paris a | 14 Born at Bercy, 1826. Pupil of Corot. Medals, 1874-75. Legion of Honor, 188. DEGAS (Hilaire-Germain-Edgard) Paris Born at Paris, 1834. 126 Pupil of Lamothe. DELACROIX (Eugene) decd . . Paris 41 Born at Charenton, 1799. | 65 Pupil of Guerin. 4 10% Medals, 1824-48. 129 Legion of Honor, 183. 143 Officer of the same, 1846. Commander, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1857. Died, 1863. De THOREN (Otte) 0° en Paris 19 Born at Vienna, 1828. Medals, Paris, 1865; Munich, 1869; Vienna, 1882. Chevalier of the Order Francis Joseph. Russian Order of Vladimir. Member of the Vienna and St. Petersburg Acad- emies, DIAZ (Nearcisse V.) decd . . . Paris 39 Born at Bordeaux, 1807. 63 Medals, 1844-46-48. 95 Legion of Honor, 1851. 114 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. 134 Died, 1876. DUE (Ernest Al) Sr Sr Paris 18 Born at Paris, 1843. Pupil of Carolus Duran. Medals, 1874-79. Legion of Honor, 1880. DUPRE (Jules os ge ise et er rs 27 Born at Nantes, 1812. 30 Medals, 1833-67. 40 Legion of Honor, 1849. 64 Officer of Legion of Honor, 1870. 96 128 134 EATON (Wyatt) . . . . New-York 86 Born in Canada, 1849. Pupil of Géréme. EDELFELT. (Albert) 260.05 0, *< Parts 1? Born in Finland. Pupil of Géréme. Medals, 1880-82. FROMENTIN (Eugene) dec’d . . Paris 44 Born in La Rochelle, 1820. 130 Pupil of Cabat. Medals, 1849-57-59. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1869. Died, 1876. GERICAULT (Jean L.) de’d . . Paris q3 Born at Rouen, 1791. Pupil of Guerin. Gold Medal in Paris. Died, 1824. GONZALES (Juan A.) | .- . -.-... Paris 2 Born in Spain. Pupil of Pils. Medal, 1876. HENNER( Jean [9 os ee Pas 80 Born at Bernviller, 1829. Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1858. Medals, 1863-65-66-78. Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer, Legion of Honor, 1878. INNESS (George) . ... . New-York W1 Born at Newburgh, N. Y., 1825. 112 Pupil of Gignoux. Elected National Academician, 1868. Member of the Society of American Artists. Io JACQUE (Charles) <2 2 2. Ss Paris 110 Born at Paris, 1813. Medals, 1861-63-64. Legion of Honor, 1867. LATOUCHE (Louis). 2 Paris 59 Born in Fort-sous-Jouarre. G4 ; LAVIBILLE ( Eugene)... = %. <5. Parts q Born at Paris, 1820. Pupil of Corot. Medals, 1849-64-70. Legion of Honor, 1878. LEPAGE, BASTIEN- (Jules) decd . Parts 145 Born at Damvillers, 1848. Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, 1874-75-78. Legion of Honor, 1879. Died, 1884. LEYS (Hendrik, Baron) decd . Antwerp 12 Born at Antwerp, 1815. Pupil of Wappers. Great Gold Medal, Brussels, 1835. Medals, Paris, 1855-67. Legion of Honor, 1862. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1840. Officer of same, 1856. Commander, 1867. Died, 1869. MANET (Edouard) decd. . . . Parts 49 Born at Paris, 1833. 99 Pupil of Couture. 141 Medal, 188r. Legion of Honor, 1882. Died, 1883. II als gee T (Prosper) decd Born at Vertaizon, 18rx. a Pupil of Roqueplan. Died, 1847. Lae. C)OROD a en So BUSSELS Born at The Hague, 1837. Pupil of De Keyser. Honorable mention, Paris. EIN: (Willem) . . . . The Hague Born at The Hague. * Pupil of The Hague Academy. MAUVE (Anton) decd. . . . Munich 45 Born at Zandaam. 84 Pupil of Van Os. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Died, 1888. MERVEAG) se oo 3s eee POTS 1 MESDAG (Hendrik W.) . . The Hague 5) Born at Groningen, 183r. Pupil of Alma-Tadema. Medals, 1870-78. ae — ING (LOWS j= oo oe Paris Born at Dijon. a Pupil of Cabanel. 33 MICHEL (Georges) dec’'d . . . .. Parts 44 Born at Paris, 1763. 68 Pupil of Leduc. 106 Died, 1843. 11% MILLET (Jean Frangots) decd . . Paris vil) Born at Greville, France, 1814. 118 Pupil of Paul Delaroche. 131 Medals, Paris, 1853, 1864, 1867. 140 Legion of Honor, 1868. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Died, 1875. MINOR (Robert C.). . . . New-York 48 Born at New-York, 1840. 97 Pupil of Diaz. Associate of the Academy of Design. Member of the Society of American Artists. MONTICELLI (Adolphe) dec'd . . Paris 28 Born at Marseilles, 1824. 93 Pupil of Aubert. Died, 1886. MUNKACSY (Mihaly de) . . . Parts 103 Born at Munkacs, 1846. Pupil of Franz Adam. Medals, 1870-74. Legion of Honor, 1877. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. Officer Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, Vienna, 1882. Member of Munich Academy. T3 MURPHY (J. Francis) . New - York 8 Born at Oswego, 1853. Associate National Academy. Member of the Society of American Artists. NEUHUYS (Albert) . . . . Antwerp 37 Born at Utrecht, 1844. 39 Pupil of Antwerp Academy. PALMER (Walter L.) . . . . Albany 20 Born at Albany. Pupil of Church. Associate National Academy. Member of the Society of American Artists. PICARD (Los) oe eo 6 PTS, 3 Born at Paris. Pupil of Géréme. PICLE (Charles: Fy a". 0 oe ee. SPOTS 104 Born at Essommes. Pupil of Barrias. Medals, 1869-72. Legion of Honor, 1882. PIETZ COUG) Po ae eee ee mar. 102 POINTELIN (Auguste E.) . . . Parts 10 Born at Arbois, 1839. Pupil of Maire. Medals, 1878-8. RIBOT (Augustin T.). . >... Paris 51 Born at Breteuil, 1823. 85 Pupil of Glaize. 92 Medals, 1864-65-78. Legion of Honor, 1878. ROUSSEAU (Theodore) decd . . Paris 34 Born at Paris, 1812. 52 Pupil of Léthiére. 120 Medals, 1834-49-55. 132 Legion of Honor, 1852. 142 Grand Medal of Honor, 1867, Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Died, 1867. ROYBET (Ferdinand) . . . . Paris 50 Born at Uzes, 1840. 119 Pupil of Lyons Academy. Medal, 1866. RYDER ( Albert P.) -. «New-York is) Born at New Bedford, 1847. Pupil of Marshall. Member of Society of American Artists. SCHREYER (Adolphe). .. -. Paris 31 Born at Frankfort, 1828. Pupil of Stadel Institute. Medals, 1864-65-67. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, 1862. Medal, Brussels, 1863. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1866. Medal, Vienna, 1873. Medal, Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rot- terdam. 15 STEVENS (Alfred) 35 Born at Brussels, 1828. 124 Pupil of Roqueplan. Medals, 1853-55-67. Gold Medal, Brussels, 1851. Legion of Honor, 1863. TEN KATE (Hermann) . . The Hague 5 Born at The Hague, 1822. Pupil of Kruseman. Honorary Member, Rotterdam Academy. TROVON (Constantine) decd . . Paris 33 Born at Sevres, 1810. 53 Pupil of Rivereux. 69 Medals, 1838-40-48—55. 121 Legion of Honor, 1849. 133 Member of the Academy of Amsterdam. 144 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. Died, 1865. TWACHTMAN (John H.) . . New-York 36 Born at Cincinnati, 1853. 101 Pupil of Loefftz. Member of the Society of American Artists. VAN HAANEN (Georg) . . . Cologne 4 Born at Utrecht, 1807. Pupil of his father. Member of Amsterdam Academy. VELY (Anatole) decid 2) = Pats 76 Born at Rousoy, 1838. Pupil of Signol. Medals, 1874-80. Died, 1882. VOLLON. (Antoine) > 2 3 Ss Pars 31 Born at Lyons, 1833. 54 Pupil of Ribot. 105 Medals, 1865-68-69-78. 123 Legion of Honor, 1870. Officer of the same, 1878. WEIR (Julian A.) . . . . New-York 32 Born at West Point, 1852. 88 Pupil of Géréme. Honorable Mention, Paris. Member of National Academy. Member of Society of American Artists ZEIMECRCH NS Fee Dee ets 109 Born at Beaune, 1821. Pupil of Dijon Art School. Medals, 1851-52-55. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 9 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money IF REQUIRED, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or de- stroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. s. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased there- after be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private Sale without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. ‘This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ORTGIES & CO. AUCTIONEERS. 18 CATALOGUE The first figures of the size indicate the wzdth of the picture FIRST NIGHT’S SALE, TuESDAY, MARCH IQTH, AT 8 O'CLOCK 9 MERVE(C Oe) ee Baie Sop’s ead 18 X 21 2 GONZALES (J. A.) ne Paris AL Parisienne 18 X 22 AAA CO. E60 poo PICARD (Louis) Whe GQPusic Weesson 34 X 25% 4 VAN HAANEN (C.) : : Paris EKagot Gatherers a” 15% X 21 5 TEN KATE(H.) . . The Hague Khe EHame of Checkers 9X7 6 CHARDIN (J.B.S) Paris Still Waite Alihing lag 15X12 7 LA. VIEILLE (Eug.) (tefiurt, AAiwilight ee. 13 X17% MURPHY (J. F.) Teandscape Lolitre 10x 8 RYDER (A. P.) Iciandscape 8% X5% ite) POINTELIN (Aug.) FE pening 42 X 29% Paris New- York New-York Paris 2r as oe Ane Cree LOO: L460 MARIS (J.) The Hague Byarlingen, Eriestand 26 X 20 12 LEYS (H., Baron) dec’d Brussels Waterior 5X7 13 BLAKELOCK (R. A.) . New-York , a : Ve = lip ip : Teandgcaye, Sunset Hand. olla, 16 X 12 14 DEFAUX (A.) : : 3 Paris fA ~Warnpard 253% X21 BOSBOOM (J.) : The Hague SAT) faa Se-thadAtle uterior OS Water-color 16 BLOOMER (H. B.) F The Hague FA Shepherdess Ueiwkardk V5 tec Le 21% X14% 17 EDELFPELT (A:).-:: Gj Paris berries Fire EXipe 21 X 25 18 DUEZ (EW A.) : : Paris Flt Winner Deal: S GS ZO?O vo JVI0O wel 19 BILLET (Pierre) ; ; : Paris livres @Dut 15.22 20 PALMER (W. L.) : : Albany MW heat Hields near Gyhantillp 37% X30 4 Wee ate 21 BOUDIN (E. L.) ; : : Paris @arine 12% X9% 22 COUTOURIER (P. Lc s .. Pars Ey hickens 14 X 11% 23 COROT (J. B. C.) dec’d ethe GYoliseum 21X14 24 DECAMPS (A. G.) dec’d @Monkeps 5X4 25 DAUBIGNY (C. F.) dec’d Ex bening 20 X 16 26 COURBET (G.) dec’d Paris Paris Paris Paris . Abe Wiacksmith’s Shop 29 X 23 25 J CO Coe DUPRE (Jules) @n the Fiver 6x8 28 J FO MONTICELLI (A.) decd . Paris 18 X II 29 S00 MARILHAT (P.) dec’'d : Paris Ihe Gyamel 12x 8 wt 6 SIF DUPRE (Jules) Pe : GA WEES) . honds OU iAh Ad pyle ean 5 12 X8 31 VOLLON (A.) dec’d Paris Sg oe @Man’s Feyead 23 X 28 32 WEIR (J. A.) -. ‘ : New-York SC As ta Lelllt Kyead of a LHild 12% xX 15% 33 TROYON (C.) . : d ‘ Paris SOG AT&andscape and Figure 9X7 34 ROUSSEAU (Theo.) dec’d , Paris Vso Autumn 11%X7% 27 AAS S4AF 35 STEVENS (Alfred). . . Paris oquetry 13 X17 36 TWACHTMAN (J. H.) . New-York FAgpri GY louds 233% X 20 37 NEUHUYS(A.) . . Antwerp Es fo Alt Supper, Chew 4O 25 X20 Water-color 38 COROT. (3B: ©.) decd. =: : Paris QPEoonlight, Shipping at Ostend 23 X 19 vA 39 DIAZ(N) deed. 35 5 ee rans 77 Eigures and Iesandscape 14 X 18 . 40 DUPRE (Jules) ; : : Paris CHO. Aecandseape 18 x 12 41 DELACROIX (Eug.) dec’'d Paris JOC , Mortrait of the Firtist [or 6X8 Ws lay 42 DECAMPS (A. G.) dec’d _ Paris 4 £0 Scissors Grinder 10 X 13 43 a) Ooo WAUBIGNY (C.F) decd’ .-.- Paris Sunset | 16x9Q | 44 | es 70 FROMENTIN (Eug.) dec’d . Paris | | @)n the GPareh 14 X 9% 45 ey MAUVE (A.) decd . =. ~~ Munich NW atching the E tock TIX 15 Water-color Y 46 7 fo MEITLUING (L.) 320s. “Paris Flowers 13 X 16 47 Ce MICHEL (G.) dec’d . Paris MLA’ Tetandgcape 22 X 14 Water-color 48 MINOR (R. C.) New-York @QPMorning 22 X 30 49 MANET (E.) dec’d Paris @darine 39 X 31 50 ROYBET (F.) . Paris Srill Wetife, Pruit 14% X 17% 3r SAE Bi SO 4S0O feo 51 RIBOT (A. T.) . gy ead 11 X 13% 52 ROUSSEAU (Theo.) dec’d T@andstape and A rees 21% X 14 From the Féder Collection, Paris 53 TROYON (C.) dec’d J&anbdscape and €fattle 7x9 54 VOLLON (A.) Still Wxufe, hettles, ett 28% X 23 ve ‘pttcdiloerty 32 Paris Paris Paris Paris 55 | BARYE(A.L.)de’d . . Paris SIO. Teandsrape, Leopard II x9 Water-color 56 | BUNCE (W. G.) New- York IS Weandsraye 22 X15 57 CE SCP Jye : : Brussels FTF 14 X 19 58 COUTOURIER (P.L.)_. : Paris © O hickens 9X7 a. : 59 PATOUCHE (bh) 68% 8 Panis ARxyarbor Scene 6%X5% 60 COROT (J. B.C.) dec’d . é Paris fA. Swumer Wap 22X17% 61 COURBET (G.) dec’d : ; Paris Vn the Fura Oountains 44 X 33% 62 DEGAS (E.) . ; Paris Before the Race 13 X 10 From the Féder Collection, Paris 63 DIAZ (Ny decd. 4 Rams 44 SO Eiowers 6% X9% 64. DUPRE (Jules SO Pars 27 OF Se (Jules) : ve @Parine 10% XII 65 DELACROIX (Eug.) dec'd . Paris THO Enterior of a Gfhureh 12 X 16 66 DECAMPS (A.G.) decd . Paris yon eon NY age near Simprna | UVP os 1 From the late A. E. Borie Collection, Philadelphia 35 67 ZOO DAUBIGNY (C.F) de’d . Paris Aleiwilight 15% X7% 68 Oo MICHEL (G)\ decd Pais Aeiandscape 29 X 23 69 L468 TROYON (C.) dec’d 22 Pare AGandscape and GYattle 2x9 © EeiAal HLo Vv 70 JS £80 MILLET (J.F.) decd . . Paris he JRisherman 18 X 26% 71 ASS 0 INNESS (Geo.) - > New-York Bile Paslmet Eee Sunset Eee CATALOGUE The first figures of the size indicate the wzdth of the picture SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20TH, AT 8 O'CLOCK. 3 72 METILING (Li) 5 ane Bigure 9X 12% 73 GERICAULT (J. L.) dec’d Paris Srl Weate 14 X 19 74 ov PATOUCHE (LD): 2 2 = Pans Althe ESeach 1534 X II 75 7)‘ MESDAG (H. W.) : The Hague KEruit and towers 20 X 14 Water-color 76 VELY (A.) dec’d : : Paris lowers 33% X 39 77 .. [BOUDIN (E. [.) : : d Paris Arouvilfe 21 X 16 78 MARIS (Wm.) : The Hague FAL @HDuiet ook 18% x 25% Water-color 7s) DE THOREN (Otto) : : Paris TGandscape and GYattle 13 X IO 80 HENNER JJ. J.) : ; : Paris SCOREVERA(A). 9 2: 2 3 Pans Scouts 8X 5% 39 82 on ad ) MARILHAT (P.) dec’d . : Paris i / # j é ‘ - i = | a ¢ E light into E{gpypt Il X 13% 83 METTLING (L.) ; ; é Paris 84 MAUVE (A.) dec’d : Munich Sheep and Wog ) 26 X 12 Water-color | : 85 ‘RIBOT (A. T.) : Paris r ‘ ortrait of the Aittist 14 X 17% / 86 ee / EATON (Wyatt). : New-York Aseflection 28 X 27 87 CHURCH (F. E.) . ; New- York Cf AlrWwilight in the Al divondacks hae ALO 17 X 14 88 WEIR (Jj. A.) . New-York EXlotuers 27 X 34 89 NEUEUYS(7e) 4 : The Hague Wressing the Sabp 30 X 22 BUNCE (W.G.) . . | New-York Moonlight, St. George’s, Geniee 35 X 28 gl DECAMPS (A. G.) dec’d : Paris he Saker 8 X 10% Q2 RIBOT (A. T.) ; Paris Portraits of his Gyhildren 14 X 18 O5 > MONTICELLI (A.) dec’d : Paris Aciandscape and eigures 20 X 17 94 COUTURE (T.) dec’d : Paris Portrait of the irtist 14 x 18 95 DIAZ (N.) dec’d : ; : Paris Kontainebleau Korest 16 x 12 96 DUPRE (Jules) ; ; : Paris @oing to asture oe xs oF MINOR (R. C.) : New-York Sunset 49% X 29 43 y fo ( 98 a, A DAUBIGNY (CF) decd * Paris @oast ear Wiepype 32 X 16 ae 99 ) 4.05 MANET (E.)de’d . . . Paris Eeebding the Parrot 48 X 73 | z I0oO | Pye COURBET(G) decd =. Batis vy RN PU] @Marine C+ ”- Aaa } } | | 35 X 22 ) | IOI . \ TWACHTMAN (J.H.) .’ New-York Ree J 2 Agyarbor Scene 23 X 16 TO2 PILTZ (Otto) ae Mamich Eeather ickers 37 X 25 103 MUNKACSY (M.de) . . Paris ~ Wethe Ta apmakers 39 X 23 104 PILLE (H.) ; : Paris Sancho Mama before the Duchess 56% X 45 105 VOLLON (A.) oo ae. bare Sill Aerife, Fish 2834 X 23 45 106 MICHEL (G.) dec’d 5 g Paris AGiandstape and Eigures 28 X 23 107 DELACROIX (Eug.) dec’d Paris “@ilton dictating aradise Test to his daughters ”’ 25 X 32 108 CEAVO(P. Ji): Brussels Marine, Woowlight 43 X 28 109 ZIEM (F.) : : Paris - @rand GYanal, “¥W7 enice 33° 21 \ ec AS IIo VICOUE(Chis)o <2 hans Tetandsrape and Sheep 18% X 12 lil BARYE (A. L.) dec’d Paris Teandsrape, Bear 143% X II Water-color 112 a INNESS (Geo.) : New-York SL tls abrer Rorning 40 X 29% f 113 COROE ()-25..C decd. Paris Weichorilts §X BLoortans Path 19 X 27% From the Faure Sale, 1873 Etched in Durand-Ruel Collection, 1873 47 Oy tay DIAZ (N.) dec’d : : Paris Eorest of EXontainebleau 26 < 22 115 DECAMPS(A.G.)dec’d . . Paris isherman of €falaig 9 X 13 116 DAUBIGNY (C. Fs) deed é Paris . French “87 illage 31 X 19 117 MICHEL (G.) dec’d . : Paris he XN aterspout 2534 X 20 | 118 MILLET (J. F.) dec’d : Paris Acandscape near Warbizon 23 X 19 119 ROYVYBE T(E) =; : : i Paris Sill Werife, Duck, ete. 21 C17 I20 ROUSSEAU (Theo.) dec’d Paris Wenterior of a Keorest 20 X 29 From the late A. E. Borie Collection, Philadelphia. 121 TROYON (C.) dec’d . ; Paris FAt West 18 X 15 CAZIN (J. C.) . ¥n the Garden 31 X 25 Ves i VOLLON (A). Eas Still Weiafe, Dishes » Fruit 45 X 31 | nied 124 q meee. STEVENS (Alfed) © > Paris | Eeeding the igeon | 25 X 36 | et | COROT (J.B: Gydecd Pats mast” ; 5 ars vate ete a En the Woods at CWarcoussis “a 31% X 23 Painted for Durand-Ruel, 1869 Xe 126 DEGAS (E.){¢,.. 34 : : ; Paris “Ballet Girls 28% X 23 127 COUTURE (T.) dec’d ; : Paris Ihe MAY ater GYarrier 12 X 15 128 DUPRE (Jules) 2 : Paris Eiintrance to the orest 23X27% From the Féder Collection, Paris 129 DELACROIX (Eug.) dec’d Paris “ EXntrance of GY hristians into @onstantinople ’’ 21% X18 From the Féder Collection, Paris > 130 FROMENTIN (Eug.) dec’d . Paris Fhe Falconer 25 X 36 ir 131 / MILLET (J. F.) dec’d Paris Fltter the Wath 9X 11% i parh\ 132 a ROUSSEAU (Theo.) dec’d f Paris Sunset Gorges d’Apremont et 36 X 24 am meer PY \ I 3 5 j Jd rat \ yA | | \\O < _UBROYON (C.) dec’d pes 2 Pane a ef Keeding the Grhickens | | g04 3 17% X14 \ ') From the late A. E. Borie Collection, Philadelphia 5 134 ae DIAZ (N.) dec’d Paris ear BWasbreau CS eri) 135 - COURBET (G.) dec’d : ; Paris Sf. a v a4 Q Eth lacs « Music” i as 5 35 X 44 From Paris Salon, 1848 136 COROT (JiBe@ ideed 4. : Paris a) en = : EK Leb h He Wor 29 X 19 ae = “DUPRE (Jules) oe 2 eg Batic Aézandsrape and Cattle .30 X 20 From the late Av E: Borie Collection, Paris j he / 53 | 138 DECAMPS (A. G.) dec’d : Paris Ieandsrape 22 X 16 139 DAUBIGNY(C. F.)dec’d. . Paris @n the GMarne 26 X 15 140 MILLET (J. F.) dec’d : Paris Age Keyapmaker 13 X 15 From the late A. E. Borie Collection, Philadelphia IAI MANET (E.) dec’d . ‘ : Paris Wop with a Sword 36 X 50 142 ROUSSEAU (Theo.) dec’d : Paris Ske lind, Simset in the prenees / 45 X 34% From the Hartmann Collection, Paris 143 ao DELACROIX (Eug.) dec’'d =.» _~— Paris KlelarA ey Aye Wetton Keyunt 46 X 35 From the late A. E. Borie Collection, Philadelphia 144 TROYON (C.) dec’d Paris Mi elanwk Pasturage in ormandyp os AL X31 Etched in Cent Chefs d’Ceuvres - 145 LEPAGE (Bastien) dec’d j Paris GLA Foan of Aire oy eae 108 X 98 From Paris Salon, 1880 ROBERT SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer. 55 pad eER SAP eUP Seg le nel tor chgh ADEE eee GPCR Seether aig OOF dee HRS Si a GRRE SoA CN ETE CeO STEN ee EERE TO TAD eS Gentil emenige I find that the Courbet lai Rocky Glen” 36 x 46, signed and date BUIEs : G225—68 at an auction at the Ander g@ The catalogue states it is a 4 Wm, M, Bullard, Mrs, Franklyn “. Hy (sie sie by 4 Les fo New York, June 2, 1915, dscape you showed me last week, "A id 1873, was sold to John Fenning for Gallery en May 19, aly 1914, Bliection from the estates of Mrs, ms, Jane Flaming Lovejoy and others @ a . a ed? , ie favurand Ruel oa