2 i ay ee ae / ™= Aone mn Bg = x i ai re Y. how eh li ti ale. I e pictures. ey ‘were old, odd,” Most of theif. One felt a the superb, | 2 i ioonng pids a back- which thetr varied emotions rabesques. He said nothing st from tie pictures, The and Up, EUS Parell ys» ie pets t an agreeable deughtion ae 8 affected everybody.. It had not i po ‘ible that the paintings that iid bring so much. The names joa bang works, names 1 . 5 ne silos lta ‘Cottage Interior,” $57.50; “Ain Ede unknown, “A ‘Stadlo ee $47.50. “Winter in Village,” $47.50; ‘An. Odalisk, ” $25; Scheffer's “An .’ $32.50; Poelemburg’s “Classical ».”” $55; Macpherson’s “Woodland $25; Nicol’s ‘Day After Fair,’ $95; wn ‘The Lame. Horse,” $20; Cot’s M $32.50; early. English “A Moun- eam,” $37.50; Ibbetson’s “A Village - $17.50; Weeks’s ‘‘Phirsty,’’ $25; ‘In the Studio,’’ $42.50. ‘Titalian “At Tomb of Christ,’’. e Heinemann, $22.50; Bristow’s il Monkeys,” $25; Boyle's ‘‘A *? $29.50; Webb’s “A Faithful Dog,” Monticeili’s ‘Lord of the Isles,” ere “Battle on the Sands,’ $45; 's “Battle Scene,” L. A, Lanthier, gei’s ‘Pasture Gate,’ Theodore n, $160; Barl¥ Italian “Birth bs $15. a = es “ee Eee . Ibbetson’s “Landscape; $25; Rothwell’s “Toll Gate,’? lino’s “At Foot of Cross,” $ “Ttalian Landscape,” $65 5. “Spoils of War,’ L. A. Lanthie Michel’s “Landscape,” L. A. Lanthier, Lee’s “River Scene,” L. A. Lanthier, Shayer’s “In New Forest,” $32.50; an “Classical Landscape,” $45; Becker’ _ger’s Daughter,” $95; Smith's — Night,” $27.50; Hamilton’s “The $65; H. D.’s ‘Wry otn ting Valley,” be ; “F Tes | rier’s “The Parting Look,” a Bunn's “Boats at Schereea eorly English, “Hanvest Scene,” Ww. He G.'G, Benjanda! $20; Fauikiene “gale % Coast,” $50; Boughton’s “Portrait of Young Lady,” A. Obrig, $105; unknown, “Fal- Staff,” $37.50; Brydall’s Sea Nymphs, i La Cave’s ‘“‘Roadside Inn,” $27.50; beck’s ‘‘Sheep Pasture,’ wa $155; Thom’s ‘Summer Time,” $85; wi known, ‘‘Soldier’s Return,” $20; cunkn: “Othello and Desdemona,” $70. AB French School, “Her First Grief,” $37.8 ; Fitzgerald’s “Met by Moonlight,” $35; Bunn’s ‘Arrival of Fishing Fleet,” $80; Herbert’s ‘‘Reconciliation,’’ $36; Unkno “Lion in His Lair,’. $32.50; early ee “Christ Performing Miracles,” $20 5 “Landscape,” H. Van Holland, $155; e rl ‘Italian, - ‘‘Biblical Subject,” sa Par French, ‘Classical ‘Landscape,’ “un: sknown, ‘Roman Ruin,’ W. H, ‘penis $200; Moucheron’s “Italian Landseap $52.50; Miller’s ‘‘The Elopement,” $55; un- known, “Dutch Festival,’’? $30; Ludoviet’ “An Afternoon Call,’’ $65; Percy’s “Fore- noon,” H.- Van Holland, $145, and ‘Pid- ding’s Ae ee Scene,”” H, Van_ £300, ; The total was $4, 251.50. < e he painting, by Pidding, that. we ug the highest price was’ reproduced - tne on gravings years ago. It is, in tones red and gold, a naive illustration of the folly of gambling. ‘The scene was taken from Baden-Baden, perhaps. The subject int th great. interest of the picture. =. 9 The ‘Roman Ruin,’ that. peouwhe } $20 is luminous. Mr. McCormick thought that it was the work of Turner. A tablet witt the great man’s name was placed at on time on the frame. Aptly, it was taken oft ‘The work is not Turner's. — bs The sale is to be continued this event Be ‘It will include five landscapes by Georges ‘Michel, which were all bought of Arnold & Tripp, experts of the Romanticists, and John Lewis Brown's pieture of Geo ‘Washington on a horse of John ‘Brown's vivid manner of painting. Holl ipih, i EY te 8 i adn elie CATALOGUE OF ANCIENT AND MODERN” ~ PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JAMES McCORMICK TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF RALPH H. DUNN AND HENRY B. WHELPLEY, EXECUTORS AT ABSOLUTE PUBLIC SALE On MonbDay, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS MARCH 28TH, 29TH AND 30TH At THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH WHERE THE COLLECTION WILL BE Eyer REE VIEW FROM MARCH 24TH UNTIL DATE OF SALE _ THe SALE WILL BE conDUcTED By THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE fi | AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK 1904 Sener Pptensed- pay WER: ‘Kirby | ‘puyers. “You have taug ‘ous,’”? they replied. ' | They were numerous and brilliant, said witty and profound things. ¢ that the age of passable works: passed. It is lamentable, of course. ‘things pass. Rivers are emblems ‘perpetual flow. Now the pait ‘Europe that we want have to be genius. Signatures are not. invaluable. ‘works that they identify, alone, count. is the fashion. ‘eee We may revert to the idea of esteeming “highly ail the works of art that are old “because they are old, or because the far of those who painted them is old, may be well to anticipate that 1 ‘in a business way. But, in an ‘there is no art which is not new, ‘ale pictures of to-day, which are old. of last evening’s sale are in the follo list. It gives numbers of the ¢e names of artists, prices paid and pena some of the buyers: meee os oe No. 78—Ranney, “Explorers,” $20, j No. 79—La Riviere, “Landscape,” $20. _ No. 80—Stothard, “The Legacy,” $37.50. No. 81—Macpherson, “Woodland Past $22.50. aii No. 82—Jackson, “Admiral Nelsor $30, vt Le A No. 83—Frere, “Italian } No. 84—Landseer, “The E No, 85—Hammond, “Rural Bi No. 86—Cropsey, “Sybil’s I $20, ane No. 87—English School, “ $32.50. at yeti No, 88—Weeks, “A Tine a aCe 5 No. 89—Pelham, “A ntain Gorge,” F._ ‘R. Kaldenberg, $20. ae No. 90—Muller, “Study of Nga ia $50. (Nd. 91—Unknown, “A Wreck,” () Nov 9@-Lewis, “Ruins on the Nile,” 5 OX. 98—Fielding, ‘‘On the Downs,” \No. 94—Van Beers, “Sunset,” Hen Holland, $145. SS Ne. 95—Peraire, “Spring on the | eos ' No. 96—Van Cuylenberg, “Diana Nymphs,” $50, No. 97—Loutherbourg, farm yard, $ No. 98—Both, landscape, Joseph Ds $150. No. 99—Willlams, landscape, F. Ki = gis, $305. ‘ Poe ai ¥ | i i tsi‘ (sO NR Sen dacane ee eee 1. The highest Bidder to be the buver, and tf any dispute artse between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put u up again and re-sold, 2. The a reserves the right to reject any bid which zs merely @ nomi id x fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injurtously. _.3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, zz default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense ana Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, axd the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely patd, or otherwise settled ae to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselv responsible if the lots be tost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they well be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in wri ring that any Painting or other Works of Art is not what it is represe ited to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary, failing in which, the object or objects in be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he be g liable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale, — 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; ail lots un- cleared within one day from conclusion of Sate shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at thts Sale, without such re-sale, tf he thinks fit. 8. The undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employ- ing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGEPS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AucTIoNEER. “own a ae /) No. Pe gcc. At Prabent No, 104—Faulkner, SB iidcch oi land, $62.50. ONG: 105--Drummond, “A Yarn,” $30. No. 106—Faulkner, “Innesken Isle, 1 land, $42.50. No. 107—Macpherson, ‘‘Warwick caste: $65... ~ No, 108—Faulkner, “View at Connema- ' a,?? $30. | No. 109—Coleridge, ‘‘At the Door,’ $40. “No. 110—Faulkner, “Blacksod Bay,” sa. No. 111—Thomas Rowbotham, “View of or. $37.50. oe No. 112—-Faulkner, “Irish ‘randsca pe 0, HY: Pe. 118—Robinson, “Flower Girl,” $20. No. 114—Faulkner, ‘Moonlight,’ $27.50. — No. 118—Senet, “The Offering," $80. | No. 116—Rossi, “Coming from as Bath,” $55. No. 117—Faulkner, “Glen cre "Argyll shire,’’ $60. No. 118—Faulkner, ‘View of Coblents," : $70. No. 119—Craeyvanger, ‘‘A Sean stu: dio’; F. R. Kaldenberg, $60... Rep tah No. 121—Unknown, “Lady Grey,” $97.5 ( No. 122—Michel, ee Storin,’”’ $105. a vee No. 128—Unknown, “Landscape,” $60. No. 124—Hart, “On the Mountainside,” No. es Macpherson, “On the River Bank,” $40 No;126-—Molenair, “The Village Fair,” $32°50. i ‘No. 127—Morland, ‘“Cotter’s stn Knox, $210. No. 128—Boyle, ‘“‘A Pasture,” $22.50, No. 129—Michel, “Landscape,” $240, u No. 130—Aznar, “In Picture Gallery,” $70. No. 181—Unknown, “Dutch Landacape,'* $55. No. 182—Chevalier, “Street in Cairo,” ' M. Scott, $175. No. 183—Roybet, “Education of Prince,” Hy. Von Holland, $720. No. 134—Brocky, ‘Fisher Boy,” Hy. v Holland, $40. - No. 135—Ranney, “Match Seller,” Von Holland, $70. No. 136—Van Bree, ‘Dutch raterton," $140. No. 187—-Michel, “Landscape,” $100. No. 138—Palizzi, “Hunting Party,” nee No. 139—-Dubufe, “Portrait,” W. me on $100. 140—Daiwaille and Verboeckhoven, “ scape,” John Fenning, $200. 141—Shayer, the younger (at “The Fisherman’s Home,” $55, Fie Ss INDEX ALEXANDRI 1—Miniature Portrait of James Smith ALLEGRI, ANTONIO DA CORREGGIO 3—Mary at the Tomb AZNAR, 130—In the Picture Gallery BECKER, CARL 45—The Burgher’s Daughter BIERSTADI, ALBERT 150—View in the Rocky Mountains BOTH, JAN 98—Landscape BOUGHTON, GEORGE H., R.A. 54—Portrait of a Young Lady BOUDIN, EUGENE 158—On the Beach, Dieppe BOXLE, 'G.- A. 29—A Pasture 128—A Pasture BRISTOW, E. 28—Carousing Monkeys BROGK Eye 134—A Fisher Boy BROWN, JOHN LEWIS 151—General Washington BRYDALL, R. 56—Sea Nymphs BUNN, GEORGE 50—Fishing Boats at Scheveningen 64—The Arrival of the Fishing Fleet BURMEISTER, P. 6—The Pet Kitten CANALETTO 212—The Grand Canal CAVALLINO, BERNARDO 38—At the Foot of the Cross CAWSE, JOHN 19g1—Studio Interior CHEVALIER, “Kogie 132—Street in Cairo COLERIDGE AMS 1o9g—At the Cottage Door CONSTABLE, JOHN, Ag 161—Landscape COROT Aaa 176—A Sketch Sim) Pe A’ 22—Study COURBET, GUSTAVE 209—Landscape ‘CRAEYVANGER, R. 119—A Sculptor’s Studio CROProuy, JASPER F., N.A. 86—The Sybil’s Temple, Tivoli DAUBIGNY, CGC: F. 161—Riverside Pasture 173—Oxen at Rest DAIWAILLE, A. J. 140—Landscape DEGROOT, J. 8—Cottage Interior DE HEUSCH WILLEM 68—Landscape DET JONGHE, J.-B. | i 227—-Landscape DE LOUTHEROURG, P. J., R.A. 97—Farmyard DE MOUCHERON, FREDERICK 72—Italian Landscape BE SANZEA, J. DAVID 32—A Battle on the Sands bie Vv. f 170—Landscape : ) DRUMMOND, P. 105—A Fisherman’s Yarn DRUMMOND, S., A.R.A. 193—Portrait of Miss Tree DUBUFE, SE: 139—Portrait DUPRE 159—Landscape Study DUPRE, VICTOR 174—Landscape Batis 222—Niagara Falls by Moonlight ENGLISH SCHOOL 23—A Mountain Stream 51—Harvest Scene 87—Landscape 197—Portrait FARRIER, ROBERT 49—The Parting Look FAULKNER, JOHN, R.H.A. 53—A Gale Off the Coast 104—Rostrevor Bay, Ireland 106—Innesken Isle, Ireland 108—View at Connemara, Ireland 108—Blacksod Bay 112—An Irish Landscape 114—Moonlight 117—Glenure, Argyllshire 118—View of Coblentz 145—On the Irish Coast 219—Gathering Water-Cress ee CLE ECC, EE EEE Pre LioinG, COPLEY 93—On the Downs eR A FORTUNY, MARIANO : ) 179—The Poultry Yard BITZGERALD, F. A. 63—Met by Moonlight FPONTENA; J.B. 220—Still Life FOSTER, BIRKETT 222 watz Castle on the Rhine FRENCH SCHOOL 7—Farm House 62—Her First Grief 7o—C.assical Landscape FRERE, EDOUARD 15—Winter in the Village 83—Italian Landscape 171—The Village Square GAINSBOROUGH, THOMAS, R.A. 150—A Sketch 202—Portrait of Dr. Young 208—A Gypsy Encampment GEROME, JEAN LEON 168—The Slave Market StALIZZ1 138—A Hunting Party SS Eee i GOODALL, FREDERICK T., R.A. 157—The Cotter’s Daughters GUY SEYMOUR i: 216—The Japanese Picture Book Pie SL): 48—Wyoming Valley HAMILTON, JAMES 47—The Wreck ? | HAMMOND 85—Rural England HART, JAMES M., N.A. 124—On the Mountain Side HERBERS, Jo Rok 65—Reconciliation HILDEBRANDT, THEODOR 2290—King Lear Awakening from Insanity HILLINGFORD AR 4o—Spoils of War HOGARTH, WILLIAM 206— Portrait IBBETSON? ae 24—A Village Hero -36—Landscape 178—The Ford ISABEY, EUGENE 177—Coast Scene ITALIAN SCHOOL 27—At the Tomb of Christ 35—Birth of the Saviour 67—Christ Performing Muiracles 69—Biblical Subject Pees. 12—Massachusetts Coast Teaciuk, CHARLES 160—The Pasture JACQUE, CHARLES EMILE 175—The Butcher 221—The Pig Herder JACKSON, JOHN, R.A. 82—Admiral Nelson ~JOHNSON, DAVID 148—View of Sherburn, Vermont KAUFFMANN, A. 189—A Tribute of Love RORK-KOEK, B.C. _ 147—Landscape LA CAVE 57—The Riverside Inn LANDSEER, SIR EDWIN, R.A. 84—The Heron LANG, LOUIS, N.A. 16—Odalisk LA RIVIERE 79—Landscape LAWRENCE, SIR THOMAS, R.A. Attributed 169—Portrait 194—Portrait 201—Portrait of an Authoress pe At nti Sam LEE} By Rian ae 42—River Scene 186—View of Edinburgh LEWIS; Jt tea 92—Ruins on the Nile L’HERMITTE, LEON A. 162—The Bather LU DGVICit 75—An Afternoon Call MACLISE, DANIEL, R.A. 192—On the Ramparts MALEMPRE, LEO 183—-The Lady Bug MACNAB, -D. 143—The Ford MANET, EDOUARD. 182—The Vintners MACPHERSON, J. 19—Woodland Path 81—A Woodland Pasture 102—Kenilworth 107—Warwick Castle 125—On the River Bank MICHEL, GEORGES 41—Landscape 1oo—Landscape toI—Environs de St. Cyr, Seine et Oise 122—A Storm 129—Landscape 137—-Landscape if aT f ( , : f = . i) MILES,-J. R. 149—Blowing Hard from the Southward MILLER, ALFRED J. 73—The Elopement MOLENAER, JAN M. 126—The Village Fair MONTICELLI, ADOLPHE 31—The Lord of the Isles MORAN, PERCY 4—Head of Girl MORLAND, GEORGE 127—The Cotter’s House 167—Welsh Landscape MULLER, W. 9o—Study of a Cart Horse NICOL, ERSKINE, A.R.A. 20—Day After the Rain NIEMANN, E. J. 13—Coast Scene NOBLE, J. S, 207—How Happy Could I be with Either FEOUZZI, D. A. 33—Battle Scene EeLIEAM. T, K. 89—A Mountain Gorge PERAIRE, P. E. 95—Spring on the Meuse i 3 pwr so TR Sa ee nee a - AR i open BO FE rt Nie Teta settee aM Hr dian, oe aE -* a PERCY ESE NE Yi 76—Forenoon PIDDING, Havin aba 77—Gambling Scene POELEMBURG, C. 18—Classical Landscape and Figures POUSSIN, GASPAR DUGHE® 39—Italian Landscape RANNEY, WILLIAM Ay. 78—Explorers 135—The Match Seller RATHBONE 2 167—Welsh Landscape REYNOLDS, SIR JOsHvusa 199—Portrait of Master Kendall ROBERTI, J. 103—At Prayer ROBINSON, J. 113—The Flower Girl ROSS} WAL 116—Coming from the Bath ROSSITER Ps ae 52—Portrait of a Lady ROTHWELUL, Ra) Kae 37—The Toll Gate ROWBOTHAM, THOMAS t11—View of Ipswich, England ROYHET, F. 133—A Difficult Duet SCHEFFER, ARY 17—An Ascetic SENET, R. 115—The Offering SHAYER, WILLIAM, SENIOR 43—Scene in New Forest 217—Low Tide SHAYER, WILLIAM (THE YOUNGER) Attributed 141—The Fisherman’s House Spite be OL, NA. 46—Winter Night SPRING, A. 26—In the Studio eta THOMAS, R.A. 2—The Invalid Connoisseur 80—The Legacy SUYDAM, -D. L. 226—Saint John TEN KATE, HERMAN -F.. K. 14—Studio Interior THOM, J. CRAWFORD 59—Summer Time 152—The Deer Hunt 153—Spring Time 181—The Fishing Pool i i THORNTON, HENRY a 213—On the Way to Market it TRAUTSCHOLD, M. P| f 11—The Connoisseur i TROYON, CONSTANT Hy q 172—Browsing Cow i 215—On the Sands ef i UNKNOWN 3 g—Ruin 10—A Ruin 21—The Lame Horse 44—Classical Landscape 55—Falstaff 60—The Soldier's Return 61—Othello and Desdemona 66—A Lion in his Lair 71—Roman Ruin 74—Dutch Festival gi —A Wreck 121—Lady Grey 123—Landscape 131—Dutch Landscape 142—Christ at the Well 144—A Dutch Market 146—Marine 190—Classical Landscape 195—Portrait of a Man 196—Portrait of a Man in Armor 198—Portrait of a Lady 200—Portrait 203—Portrait of William III 204—Portrait 205—Portrait of Maria Fisserin 210—Maternity 211—Dutch Landscape - 214—Landscape 218—Still Life 223—St. John in the Wilderness 224—Magdalen 225—An Allegory VAN BEERS, JAN # 94—Sunset VAN BREE, P. J. 136—Dutch Interior VAN CUYLENBERG, ABRAHAM g6—Diana and her Nymphs @ VAN MARCKE, EMILE 164—Landscape ‘ me VERBOECKHOVEN, E. J. ia -140—Landscape a - 163—Sheep in Stable ° 180—The Newborn Lamb 227—Landscape WrDAL. L. 188—Still Life PeALLER, S._E. 165—The Vow WEBB, A. 30—A Faithful Dog WEEKS, H. 25—Thirsty 88—A Tiger WESTERBECK, C. aa oy 58—A Sheep Pasture ae WILLIAMS, EDWARD g9—Landscape WIESON ? ty 5—The Storm ZUCCARELET i 184—Italian Landscape 185—The Watering Pool ZUGEL, H. 34—The Pasture Gate CATALOGUE A \ : s =~ = ’ iy e ae | q oO 3 mt BY - | f Ny EE RT ad oe ny te — es SS iy 1 ee seeee FIRST NIGHT’S SALE Monday, March 28, 1904 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES t EA ee Lt BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 OCLOCK 2 43° Alexandri . — MINIATURE _ A portrait of James Smith in his ninety-sixth year _ painted on ivory in Florence. Height, 434 inches ; width, 334 inches. Thomas Stothard, R.A. English BP Pht A Soa UR —THE INVALID CONNOISSE Two artists are showing portfolios of water colors or engravings to a man who reclines in bed, supported by pillows, while a sombre-looking individual, pre- sumably the doctor, leans on the footboard. Signed at the left, T. StorHarp. Height, 7 inches ; length, 8% inches. Antonio Da Correggio Allegri Italian Sor] / ad a 3—MARY AT. THE To "eQ 6 Seated near the stone which it covered the entrance to the tomb is the agonized woman, her hands clasped over her knees, and her head drooping on her shoulder. There is a gold halo around her head, and she wears a red robe under an orange, mantle. Height, 9 inches ; width, 6% inches. Percy Moran American cay tc aye OF A GIRL prin Haske In profile, turned over the left shoulder, the/eyes raised, and the light falling strongly from the upper right. In the hair is a small red rose, and around her shoulders a pale-blue wrap. Signed at the right, Percy Moran. Height, 9% inches; width, 7% inches. Lae J. Wils 5—THE STORM rr On the left is a rocky cliff with a group of steep- roofed buildings, perched high above the sea, which breaks heavily against the barrier. In the surf at the very foot of the rock is a partly dismantled vessel, and a second one struggles with the storm in the distance. Signed at the right, J. Wirson. Dated 1881. Height, 7% inches: length, 11 inches. ey re ae }—THE PET KITTEN ¥ P. Burmeister a ae A young lady in a rich cream-colored Watteau dress, is standing near a gilded table with a piece of embroidery in her hand. A playful kitten observing German _ that a ball of silk is trailing on the skirt of the dress, pounces upon it in play. There are various rich accessories, a picture let into the wall, a bust, a tabouret, and a vase of flowers. Signed at the left, P. BurMEISTER. Height, 9 inches ; width, 6% inches. : / 7; ur French School vA A brick farm house with steep-thatched roof stands on a knoll, with a hedge and an orchard growing near, and beyond it are tall trees and farm buildings against the sky. A broad passage of sunlight runs diagonally across the grassy slope in the fore- ground. Height, 7% inches ; length, 1014 inches. J. de Groot > a? ta Ducn P COTTAGE INTERIOR In a small Dutch kitchen, a boy and girl are apparently tending a sick child in a cradle, which, carefully covered, stands in front of a fireplace. On a table on the right is a medicine bottle with a cup and spoon. Signed at the right, J. pz Groot. Height, 9% inches; length, 1114 inches. "4 ced 10—A RUIN o7 OSA RUIN In the foreground on As left are the remains of a stately mansion, and to the right of it a valley slopes down to a broad river. with numerous villages on ~ the banks. Beyond is a chain of hills forming the horizon. Several figures are grouped near the ruin, and a single laborer is walking in the dis- mantled hall. Height, 9 inches; length, 10 inches. Unknown Companion to the preceding Another view of the same shattered edifice, with various figures and a wide vista over the valley below. Height, 9 inches; length, ro inches. So 6 aes M. =>] Gel 11—THE CONNOISSEY i> Uh) Sacete This represents a gro gentlemen in late eighteenth-century costume assembled in a salon. The central figure is a young man in pink silk coat and breeches, who half reclining in a chair examines a small engraving, while his companions look on with interest. Signed at the right, M. TRAUTSCHOLD, 1875. Height, to inches ; width, 8 inches, : nknow ‘ Or iy) “ \ -/ b w% j ) . , atl é ae 24 | ee eed J.A en 2—MASSACHUSETTS sos A range of high sand dunes projects on the left- into a broad level field, which is crossed by a sandy road which leads to the beach. On the right in the foreground is a stone inclosure with posts and rails at the entrance. A few sail are seen in the narrow strip of sea which forms the horizon on the right, shimmering under a simple luminous sky. Inscribed on back of canvas, ‘“‘ Last sketch of J. A. S.”’ Height, 6 inches ; length, 164 inches. E. J. Niemann English | aZS. 1813—1876 13-coast scent Leo Wy A lighthouse on a high rocky bluff is/the prom- inent feature of the composition. To the right of it is a low wooded shore with frequent indentations, and beyond is an expanse of quiet sea, meeting a simple evening sky at the horizon. The foreground is a rough hill-top, with two figures in sunlight. Signed at the left, Nr1zEMANN SEN. Height, 8 inches ; length, 16 inches. enahaetnetietiote” Herman F. K. Ten Kate ce oe Dutch AO 14—-STUDIO INTERIOR : LAr An artist in seventeenth century costume, pre- sumably representing one of the Dutch genre paint- ers of that time, is seated at an easel at work on a picture. A young lady and a cavalier are posing together in front of the painter, and a servant is re- moving the remains of a luncheon from a table near by. Signed at the right, HErRmMan Ten Kare, 1858. Height, 9-inches ; length, 12 inches. Edouard Frére French 4k). ding 1819—1886 15—WINTER IN T ILLAGE) VY, U, fur. A study of an open square, probably in the village of Ecouen, with houses on three sides, and a large tree, bare of foliage, in the middle. The snow has partly melted, and under the tree is a woman carry- ing an umbrella. On the right, VENTE Ep. Frere. Height, 10% inches ; length, 14 inches. oak & ee ——— Ll Oe Louis Lang, N.A. American ve, +9 1814—1893 ; =asopause LY.» He- Gare A small half-length figure of a young woman in Turkish costume of rich wine-colored silk trimmed _ with gold, with lace sleeves and petticoat. Signed at the left, Lana. Height, 10!4 inches ; width, 8% inches. Ary Scheffer French ‘a > eds $7 1795—1858 | J—AN ASCETIC g A | 4 Leaenr | The head and shoulders of a young person, dressed in the robe of some religious order or society, with a red cross embroidered on the breast. The head is raised and the eyes turned upward, with an expression of grief and supplication. Height, 10% inches ; width, 8% inches. C. Poelemburg EW gegs German d FS * ose “ tale 18—CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES A nude woman half reclining on yellow and white drapery, which is spread over a rock, is attended by others who bring her flowers. On the left are three undraped women, one of whom has been pushed by a companion from the rocks on which they are walking. Beyond is a broad landscape with a lake, low, wooded hills, and a range of mountains against a summer sky. Height, ro% inches ; length, 14 inches. J. Macpherson o 3: - Scotch 19—WOODLAN H iz and white cap is walking along a sandy pathY which winds among the trees in a large wood. The dense foliage hides the sky from sight, but from the left, between the tree-tops, a strong flash of sunlight strikes the ground and the trees, and illuminates the figure. Signed at the left, J. MAcPHERSON. Height, ro inches ; length, 14 inches, A peasant woman in a light blue c Erskine Nicol, A.R.A. English O ce AFTER THE FAIR A roughly-dressed laborer is seated asleep in a low, wooden chair, near his cottage fire. His head is thrown back, and his left eye is bandaged with a blue cloth. An earthen tea-pot stands near on the hearth. Signed at the upper right, E. Nicov. Height, 13% inches ; width, ro inches. {) os ye if i t x f of: As Unknown '21—THE LAME norspZ% ewe 0”: Raia lee ._ A cavalier who has been riding in company with a dame, has halted and dismounted from his piebald horse near a wayside cottage, and two attendants are examining the near foot of the animal, to dis- ‘)_—cover the cause of its lameness. Height, 14 inches ; length, 17 inches. 4 P, A. Cot French : i> 2. g? oa 22—STUDY ‘Ss ; a SAPORS é Ve The head and bust of an undraped young girl, with a wreath of poppies in her hair. The light falls from above and behind, touching the cheeks, the nose, and the shoulders, and throwing the rest of the figure in shadow. Signed at the middle left, P. A. Cor. Height, 15%4 inches ; width, 10% inches. A BN La eR hee Ae ONE ge Ra Naty a“ ee ene Sah ene Cn Pl Oe we, cma gr REPS Ss ane a, SS eee ~* oe foes - - t 3 Hs 33 Early English School 23—A MOUNTAIN Biber * hi, ci w) A rushing torrent tumblés ° the bowlders in the foreground into a deep pool, having worn its — way between great ledges of rock which rise high on either side, lighted by an aiternoon sun. In the distance is a sharp mountain peak, and the sky is covered with cumulous clouds. Height, 15 inches ; width, 1134 inches. J. C. Ibbetson English vA / o 1759—I81 24- A VILLAGE HERO{), A ¥, Pe es A soldier in brilliant red coat, white trousers, and black shako, is relating his experiences to three country women and a boy, who are gathered near a mill-pond. A donkey lies on the grass close by, and beyond the group is the rustic mill with a huge over-shot wheel and a ruined castle among the trees. Height, 14 inches ; length, 18 inches. oP H. Weeks Be cos Ay. ey MV oivctor A lion well advanced in age has stolen over the desert to a spot where he has found a small pool of water, which he is feebly lapping as if his strength was almost gone. The sky is covered with clouds, and a sunset light breaks through at the horizon. Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches. front of the easel, while a companion, breviary in hand, criticises the work. All about are objects _ dear to the artist’s heart, and an oriental rug is ae spread on the floor, under the easel and chair. Signed at the right, A. Sprinc, MUNCHEN. Height, ro inches ; width, 12% inches. 2 Ao re Early Italian School | 27—AT THE TOMB OF a aA 4Y Y y of th In the foreground is the dead bo e Saviour in a half-reclining position, on a white drapery. Behind him seated on the ground near the sepulchre , are the two Marys, the faces of both expressing a anguish and sorrow. Height, 19% inches ; width, 14% inches. E. Bristow -28—CAROUSING Le / bir 4 as “A number of lat&e°mon ceys have been imitating human beings by drinking, quarrelling, and playing cards. The leader of the carouse has apparently been floored by an antagonist, who dances about in a pugilistic attitude in front of him. Some of the party anxiously gather about the fallen animal, and a general row is imminent. Signed at the left, E. Bristow. Height, r5 inches ; length, 19 inches. 29—A PASTURE A number of catile are pastured ow a gentle grassy slope, some of them almost knee-deep in the grass, others lying down. On the right is a single tree growing in a rough hedge, and beyond a red-roofed farm-house under a group of tall poplars. Signed at the right, G. A. BoyLe. Height, 16% inches ; Jength, 22 inches. / as J. Webb : 30—A FAITHFUL DOG a Mer An alert white terrier, spotted with brown, stands guard over the master’s hat and gloves, which are ° lying on the carpet near a red curtain. Signed at the right, J. W. 67. Height, 16 inches ; length, 19% inches. Adolphe Monticelli French VA r. - ad 1824—1886 31—THE LORD OF THA eT eS yA thet Reeling on a couch and supporting a slightly- draped female figure, an oriental personage enjoys the warmth of full sunshine. The group is sur- rounded by masses of flowers, rich vases, and metal vessels, and a rug is spread in front of the couch, reaching to the steps of the terra®’\?“Beyond is a sheet of deep blue water with rocky hillsides beyond, dotted with white buildings. Signed at the left, MonTICcELLI. Height, 17 inches ; length, 21% inches. | Zs: re J. David de Sanzea Ni2—A BATTLE ON THE SANDE = f. This is apparently a scene from one of the N poleonic campaigns. An artillery train is moving along the beach in the foreground toward a hill on the right, from the shelter of which a battery has been despatched far out-on the sand, which has been left bare by the tide. In the horizon are seen the buildings of a large city with great forts on either side, and in the harbor a fleet is bombarding the troops scattered along the shore. Signed at the right, J. DAvip DE SANzEa, 1887. Height, 15 inches ; length, 24 inches. D. A. Peduzzi ; aad Itali | eee SCENE an Le . wa Mia, An incident of the war of 1682, when the Nether- landers and the Austrians met the French at Hene- gau. The mélée of horsemen in the foreground illustrates the escape from death of Prince William III. His antagonist is shot dead by an officer, while the Prince gall ardently forward. Beyond the group a confused combat rages in the smoke which almost darkens the sky. Signed at the left, D. A. Pepuzz1. Height, 18 inches ; length, 231% inches. - | H. Zugel Wa rd g: as German 34—-THE PASTURE ») f ‘ k f f A flock of sheep and lambs are being driven into pasture by a shepherd and his dog, and they crowd through a narrow opening eager for fresh grass. The strong summer sunlight brings the animals into high relief, flecks the leaves of the trees near Dy, and illuminates the foreground. In the distance is a glimpse between the trees of the level country, with low hills in the horizon. am Signed at the right, H. ZiGEL, MUNCHEN or. Height, 18 inches ; length, 25 inches. / Ce Early Italian School 35—BIRTH OF THe i The Infant is lying in the manger undef a low : shed, with the Virgin and Saint Joseph bending | over him, and adoring shepherds kneeling close by. i One of them has brought an offering of a small lamb, which lies with fettered legs. An angel bear- ing a scroll appears in the sky at the right. Height, 16% inches ; length, 21 inches. J. C. Ibbetson English i : ot 1759—]817 36—LANDSCAPE. SAK fe Lee q The motive was apparently selected from one of \ ca the many picturesque scenes in the lake country. . i On the right is a rocky hill with a stone house among trees on the top; in the middle distance, a ruined castle, and on the left, still further away, a _ sheet of water at the foot of a great hill. A group of peasants with domestic animals stands on the road in the foreground, in the full sunlight which floods the landscape. | Height, 17 inches ; length, 21 inches. OS ee Tek] geet ES ain ee eR TRY OE . Heel ‘ soe x , Tien Bets: er: f = | 1% R. Rothwell, R.H.A. f 0 re | English | W—THE TOLL GATE y i a - Vow Ae _ A smiling lad in cap and smock frock has dis- He 4 mounted at a toll-gate, and holds his pony’s head te as he stands near the rail. He is seen to the waist { | only, and the pony’s neck is partly hidden by the i! a L leaves of a creeper, which clambers up from the « gate-post on the right. Signed at the right, R. RorHwe tt R. H. A. Height, 24% inches; width, 18% inches. Bernardo Cavallino | Italian at ™ 1622—1656 38—AT THE FOOT OF og & ‘ The dead body of Christ is sip ponen in the knees of Mary, her agonized face turned toward St. John, who bends over her to support and console her. Her weeping companions gather around in sym- pathy. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches, Gaspar Dughet Poussin French 6g. 1613—1675 39—ITALIAN ee Cr f ; A scene, probabl iff fhe Apennines, with a dis- tant sharp mountain peak, rising with steep flanks high above a lake, a group of buildings on a rocky bluff in the middle distance, and great clumps of trees in shadow on either side of the foreground. Height, 20% inches; length, 27% inches, R. A. Hillingford 40—sPoILs OF WAR Ld. pig eS. ~ A scene in the Peninsular campaign, a war notable for the unrestrained plundering of the mili- tary. A Spanish officer has evidently been trying to carry away an ox-cart load of rich gold and silver utensils, but the axle has broken and the contents of the cart is spilled in the road. Just at this moment an English general and his staff appear on the scene, and the booty bids fair to become the property of the stronger party. Signed at the lower right, R. HiLLincrorp. Height, 18 inches ; length, 24 inches. en AE . paren Georges Michel | z French a 4°. Ge... — a WA Ita A wide view over a great plain, which is broken by woodlands here and there, and accented by strong passages of sunshine. An ominous looking cloud, threatening a tempest, nearly covers the | sky, and the light is concentrated on the left near | the zenith. Rain is already falling in the distance on | the right. Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches. F. R. Lee, R.A. English / 34 eu 179 6 ee 7A 42—RIVER SCENE ° ? A river winds through a pleasant farming coun- try, and near it winds a road along which a farmer on horseback accompanied by a boy is driving a flock of sheep. Two sailboats are gliding up the narrow stream. A tempest has just swept over the landscape, and part of the arc of a rainbow is seen on the left, while in the distance showers are still trailing down from the heavy clouds. Signed at the right, F. R. Lez. ~ Height, 18 inches ; length, 24 inches. William Shayer Pied Ta. 43—SCENE IN NEW EEA. rharic On a bit of sunlit road which winds through an old forest, is a rustic couple with a donkey, a white horse with panniers and a market wagon, and little further away a gypsy camp. On the right among the trees just beyond a streamlet, crossed by a rustic bridge, are two more figures, and on the left is a wide vista to hills in the horizon. Signed on the back, WILLIAM SHAYER, SOUTHAMPTON. Height, 22 inches; width, 20 inches. tS Unknow -CLASSICAL “kote i In the foreground are scattered, on either side of a ‘ prPoal, “numerous fragments of a marble structure. _ A half-draped woman sits with her feet in the water, and on the left and i in the middle distance, are other figures in classical drapery. “Between clunips of dan trees on either side of the composition is - view beyond a group of buildings, to a high = ei etcy crag with mountains in the far horizon. Sun- Bolt cumulous clouds partly cover the sky. re: ‘ s Height, 20 inches ; length, 26% inches. 4 * F , gD ° Carl Becker as. Rad German 5 q -THE BURGHER’S D cylin pared The head and shou ite uf a maiden in seven- eenth-century costume, with red velvet gown and broad lace ruff, upon which fall wavy masses of i light brown hair. The face is half in shadow, and | the eyes turned toward the right. | Signed at the upper right, C. Becker, 1872. . Height, 25 inches; width, 18% inches, T. L. Smith, A.N.A. * American Re & 18351884 46—WINTER NIGHT / The full moon rides with sharp accents of light the ¥edges of the near clouds, and shines full upon a low hill-top, where a lonely house stands among leafless trees. The ground is covered with snow, and a man struggles along the road which winds around below the house. Signed at the right, T. L. Smrru. . Height, 14 inches ; length, 24 inches. James Hamilton American J Cd ISIQ—1878 47—THE WREC upon the beach in the foreground, and in the turbu- lent water on the right, reels a stranded side-wheel steamer, apparently an old wreck. The sun is just setting behind long lines of clouds on the left, and a ruddy reflection touches the uneasy waters, and is echoed on the near wave crests. A few small clouds hover in the sky, accented here and there by the warm light from the setting sun. Signed at the right, J. Hamirton. Height, 19 inches ; length, 32 inches. A narrow and pleasant vale, with a stream meandering between cultivated fields, seen from a hillside, which cuts diagonally across the fore- ground. A great barrier of mountains bounds the valley, and in the far distance the range is softened by the glow of late afternoon. Signed at the right, H. D. r. Height, 22 inches ; length, 30 inches. 5: ad Robert Fa THE PARTING Loge a Van Vp lowd. A small farmer’s lad in cae frock and patched garments has apparently started to run away from home. Reaching a high point in the path over the hills, he pauses with his bundle over his shoulder, to look back at his cottage home, among the trees in the distance. Signed at the left, RoperT Farrier. Height, 29 inches; width, 231% inches. | F Z 3° oe George Bunn (50—FISHING BOATS scheyentn On the flat beach, just at the edge of tumbling breakers, several fishing boats are grounded, and a crowd of fishwomen gather near to buy the catch. Other boats are wallowing in the surf near the shore, and sea gulls flutter about. The sky is nearly covered by great wind-tossed clouds, threatening a storm. Signed at the left, Gzo. BuNN 96. | Height, 23 inches ; length, 31% inches. i. P ile Early Be Sch "CO? | 51—HARVEST SCENE ys “as taced A farmer’s wife, two children, and a dog are grouped in the sunlight, under a spreading, oak tree in the foreground, which is mostly in shadow. Beyond is seen a broad wheat field with laborers at work, cutting and carrying the grain, and further away a wooded country with hills in the horizon. Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches. T. P. Rossiter, N.A. American ae > i vy: 1818-1877 : 52— PORTRAIT OF AZLAD an A DB. 63 * 294g, A life-size study ‘of a young lady se#ted in a window, her right arm resting on a book, and her left hand supported on a small fan. She wears a low-cut white dress with full sleeves, a small red bodice, and a green petticoat. Signed at the bottom, T. P. Rossirrr. Oval. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. ahha (t< John Faulkner, R.H.A. . O- a English dh GALE OFF THE cost Ate ty lain. In the foreground a brig with shortened sail is _ wallowing in the sea, plunging her bow deeply, and throwing up a cloud of spray. On the left in the distance is seen the entrance to a harbor with a lighthouse on a low coast, and a tug and a sailing vessel not far off the land. The sky is covered with driving clouds. es Soa on the right, J. FautKner, R. H. A. Height, 22 inches ; length, 36 inches. Ah TIL Baty MN he tS. then lhe AL A gem CT er CP Afni Bnei alata George H. Boughton, R.A. /4 é- td ¥ WN /AA : | PORTRAIT ‘OF A YOU LADY Life-size, half-length, in three-quarters view fac- ing left. She is dressed in a dull purple dress with lace fichu around the shoulders, and roses in her bosom; a black silk hat with broad ribbon knotted under the left ear. The background is a wheat- field and a distant sea with deep-toned sky above. Signed at the left, G. H. Boucuron. Height, 31 inches ; width, 25 inches. —, é 0 hes 55—FALSTAFF « «@ The obese but doughty knighf® is seated at a table, surrounded by a convivial company, one of whom is entertaining him with a tale which he emphasizes with violent gesticulation. Near the table is a gold wine cooler, with two well-filled bottles of a size to correspond with the drinking powers of the roysterer. Height, 24 inches ; length, 30% inches. dag. S-# R. of 56—SEA nympHsZ On the breaking crest of a wave wlii¢éh dashes upon a sandy beach, sea maidens with diaphanous drapery and long fair hair sweep along with the dashing spray. The sun is rising above the water, and the light of early dawn flickers on the tossing waters, and accents the figtites and the hues of floating drapery. Signed at the right, A. BryDALL, 1884. Height, 17% inches; length, 30 inches. # 1 ¥ : 5 en i i 7 La Cave ) —THE ROADSIDE INN ae H, os A farmer on a white h at the door of a rustic- _ thatched inn, has just had his glass filled by the landlady who gossips with him. Across the road under a tall tree is seated a woman in a red shawl and a man, and near them, under a tree, a soldier or a rural guardsman is making a warning gesture at the farmer and the landlady. A coach is passing down the village street beyond, and a few thatched houses and trees are seen in the glow of a warm evening sky. . Signed at the right, La Cave. Height, 24 inches ; length, 30 inches. C. Westerbeck A large flock of sheep is scattered over a level pasture, covered with a rough growth of grass, with here and there a sandy spot. Among them stands the shepherd leaning on his staff. In the horizon a line of low hills is faintly seen, and the stin which is high in the heavens strikes full upon the landscape, shatply accetiting the sheep, and touching the edges of the soft clouds which slowly drift across the sky. Signed at the right, C. WEesTERBECK, ’99. Height, 23% inches; length, 39% inches. J/46-” Dutch : §3—A SHEEP pica 7) WV. Gig Ap FEO rg ere ene arte ee . + F sceytaesaters ote ty a ie atten Koren rng Se eS ee . Ts: oe American 4 18(?)—18 59—SUMMER-TIME Lee Ley 2.0: ssi Unknown 60—THE SOLDIER'S REDORM §: J. Crawford Thom Under a large apple tree in early summer foliage, part in shadow and part in flickering sunlight, is a group of three cows and two sheep. One of the cows is about to drink in the stream near by, and the other animals are lying down. In the distance in the haze of the early morning is a group of trees, and a low wood beyond an open pasture. Signed at the right, THom. Height, 22 inches ; length, 36 inches. The living room of a Dutch house, with the occupant and his wife entertaining with food and drink three infantrymen, who have apparently re- turned ftom a field day in the militia service. The room is littered up with utensils, vegetables and knapsacks, and near a housemaid, who is engaged at a tub of water on the left, two hens and a cock scratch about on the floor. Height, 25 inches ; length, 30 inches. G- ve yokes. a7, ae 1OTHELLO AND BEADifigna A Hella | The Moor, in a rich costume of red and gold, stands in an attitude expressing incontrollable rage, - and with his outstretched right arm charges the frightened, cringing lady at his side with the loss of the handkerchief. Behind them is seen the arched loggia of the palace, and a rich gold vase full of flowers stands on a divan. Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches. 2 / xe ig Wve j / f : f 2—HER FIRST GRI / A life-size study of a young lady in classical cos- tume, with bare arms and neck, holding in her left hand, which is crossed over the right, a dead pigeon. She raises her half-tearful eyes with an expression of grief for the loss of her pet. Height, 3114 inches ; width, 25 inches. as-¢ F. A. Fitzgerald 3—MET BY MOONLIG A young mulatto girl has met ther dark-hued lover among the trees in the winter moonlight, and both are moonstruck in an ecstasy of sentiment, with up- turned eyes and smiling faces. On the right a group of schoolboys are preparing to bombard the pair with snowballs. Signed at the right, F. A. Firzceravp. Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches. be 6: °F George Bunn 64—THE ARRIVAL OR ebay It is a windy day at Scheveningen, and the fishing vessels are landing with difficulty. One or two, how- ever, have reached the shore, and around them is as- sembled a large crowd of fishwives waiting for the catch to be landed. The strong light in the cloud- covered sky is concentrated near the horizon, and sparkles on the tumbling waves. Signed at the left, Gzo. BuNN 96. 7 Height, 23 inches; length, 3114 inches. SE eprint teil Bie eae eee J. R. Herbert, R.A. English RY ad 1810 G5— RECONCILIATION O Lalor | } A young man se C maiden in sixteenth-century — : costume have apparently had a lover’s quarrel, and a ¢ torn, letter lying on the floor suggests the critical f moment of the interview. The couple stand together ; in affectionate embrace, the lady resting her head on her lover’s breast. In the background another young lady archly glances behind her as she retires through a door in the rich apartment which leads to a cor- ridor outside. Signed at the lower left, J. R. HERBERT. Height, 29 inches ; width, 23% inches. : a $F Unknown pA. LIQN. IN HIS wt ’ oe Early Italian Schoo W—CHRIST PERFORMPf,MIR A huge lion, safé/in the seclusion of a cave, is lying at rest after a meal, the débris of which is . scattered around. The sunlight penetrates the cave and strikes full upon the animal, bringing him into strong relief against the sombre shadow of the rocks behind. Height, 241% inches; length, 30% inches. A motley crowd has assembled around the Saviour in a broad street, and the lame, the halt, and the blin are eager to be cured of their infirmities. The Sav- iour is kneeling, about to gather a little earth from the street to put upon a blind man’s eyes. In front of him is the woman who has been taken in adultery, Height, 25% inches; length, 30% inches, ‘Willem de Hensch Dutch A great clump of trees on the left, and a smaller one on the right, are in strong relief against a sky covered with light, drifting clouds. Between them is a view across a hilly country, mostly in sunlight, which also touches a path in the foreground, where a peasant woman on horseback is driving cattle and sheep. Height, 35 inches; width, 27% inches. PO Oe. pte = — * ates aon ee bd he _ * ry ee Early Italian School Pi 8 69—BIBLICAL SUBJEC f ; et’ Pm, A man and woman, each dressed in a single smal garment of sheepskin, are crouching at the foot of a large tree, the woman evidently trying to quiet her husband, who experiences some pain or violent emo- tion. In front of the group a dog has just dropped . a dead rabbit on the ground, and above the figures . an owl is perched on a small branch of the tree. The. i light from the moon, high in the sky, floods the dis- ; tant simple landscape, and accents the group with strong masses of light and shade. i Height,.35 inches ; width,-27%4 inches. i se, { Poh } wy 6: oe ‘| i Early Oe » ee f a ; Hs ¢g 70—CLASSICAL LAN q On the left of the composition is a mass of talk trees on the summit of an elevation which slopes ; diagonally across to the lower right corner. In the foreground Venus, partly draped, sits on a rock, evidently trying to persuade Adonis, who stands near ‘ her, from engaging in the chase. Numerous dogs accompany the hero, and Cupid is unfastening the — leash of a couple of greyhounds. On the right there is a wide, distant landscape with a river flowing be- tween wooded hills. Height, 26 inches ; length, 36% inches. ie —ROMAN RUIN 3 Ls Credence The remains of an immense brick structure with numerous arches, shattered vaults and broken walls is the chief feature of the composition. At the base of the great ruin is a row of houses anda walled garden, and in the left foreground the corner of a tall building in shadow against the sunlit street and a simple luminous sky. Several figures in eighteenth- century costume give life to the scene. Height, 27 inches ; length, 37 Inches, Frederick De Moucheron French 152. 47 yh Chard 7 ITALIAN LANDSCAI | A view in a rugged but populous country, with a high bridge over a rocky gorge, through which flows a rapid stream, a dwelling house among the trees on the summit of an eminence on the right, ‘arf inthe’ middle distance a pleasant mansion on a plateau. A lofty mountain peak in the horizon loses ' its outlines in the haze of late afternoon. Several | figures are grouped on the rocks in the foreground, and others with various animals are seen on the road which crosses the bridge. Signed at the lower left, F. MoucHErRON. Height, 32 inches; length, 39 inches. Alfred J. Miller * American tae a ae Merl 73—THE ELOPEMENT z A young Indian buck has escaped with a maiden | of the tribe, whom he is carrying off without per- mission of her family. They are mounted on a ; white pony, and are just emerging from a lake, | which they have crossed to avoid the pursuers, who : are seen in the distance. Signed at the right, MILLER, 1852. Oval. Height, 29 inches ; length, 36 inches. a arpa ie ate SS tee “. SR a ek red a 4 4.7 Unknown | (| 74—a DUTCH restiyaly HK. hhaeia i) Seated around a table set with pewter dishes is a merry company of boors, and others are dancing, | drinking, sleeping, love making, and playing games. Beyond the table is the gable end of a large hostelry, and in the distance is a lake with a range of hills on the horizon. Height, 38% inches ; width, 36 inches. Se ela A. Ludovici : é ed : talian 7. Ce A t, 5—AN AFTERNOON A young gentleman in a court wig, a black, full: skirted coat, pumps and silk stockings, holding a silver-headed cane and a bouquet of flowers behind ; _ him, is standing at the foot of a marble stairway on _ the broad balustrade of which two young ladies are __ leaning, pleasantly greeting their visitor. Signed at the right, A. Lupovic1. Height, 46 inches ; width, 28 inches. Sidney R. Percy A typical bit of wild English landscape, with the _ corner of a forest on the left of the composition and | a view over a series of hills on the right to a low horizon. In the foreground a farmer with a pair of horses is dragging a fallen tree trunk through a pool - of water; two children stand near by, and among the trees on the left is a boy riding a donkey and driving a cow and calf. ‘The sky is full of warm, luminous clouds. Signed at the right, S. R. Percy. Height, 38 inches ; length, 58 inches. A Var olland H. J. Pidding, S.B.A. vet 8 vi oO: Englis 77—GAMBLING SCENE yi, a llanol In a large and sumptuously furnished and deco- rated salon a large company of ladies and gentlemen are seated around an oval table, over which is scat- tered all the paraphernalia of a gambling game of cards. The group is lighted by a large chandelier and various side brackets, and the artificial illumina- tion strongly accents the faces of the gamblers and the spectators, which are mostly expressive of violent emotion. In side rooms on either side smaller par- ties are seen gambling, and the various individuals ruined at the game sit apart in solitude. Height, 42% inches ; length. 54 inches. ash ee SECOND NIGHT’S SALE Tuesday, March 29, 1904 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 O’CLOCK William Ranney, A.N.A. American a eo: say gn _ 78—EXPLORERS Py ek Ok KD Nbr oo Two mounted backwoodsmen leading a pack mule are fording a rocky shallow stream in a wild moun- tainous country. In the distance on the left is a range of rocky summits accented by the glow of the evening sky. Height, 8% inches; length, 12 inches. ‘La Riviére rench ‘79—LANDSCAPE _* An open pasture in a flat country, with houses and cattle feeding in the foreground, and in the. distance a large tree-embowered village extending across the composition and forming the horizon. A wind mill rises high above the surrounding build- ings’ and trees against a sky covered with a thin stratum of clouds. Signed at the right, La Rrivitre. Height, 9 inches; length, 12% inches. Thomas Stothard, R.A. English 27.5? ieee ‘rn Woth A lady in seventeenth-century costume, is seated in an easy-chair by a table at which a man is busily writing certain important documents, one of which from its red seal suggests that it has a legal im- port. Books are scattered over the floor and fill a large ‘bookcase in the background beside a fire- place. Height, 9 inches ; length, 10% inches. J. Macpherson ote od. be . Scotch % % 81—A WOODLA foastope H A herd of cows, tended by a peasan feeding among the trees in a great forest, where patches of grass grow near a well-worn path. Between the tree trunks in the distance is seen a sky full of lum- inous summer clouds, and in the foreground a small pool reflects the light from the zenith. Height, to inches ; length, 14 inches. r = : Pa a 5 ie John Jackson, R.A. q English m- se Sid 8—1831 82— ADMIRAL whiny Art biek: ‘4 EIGHTEEN hy A small head and shoulders of a youth, in three- quarters view turned to the left. He is dressed in a blue coat and waistcoat, with high collar and black stock. Height, 10 inches ; width, 8 inches. Edouard Frére French Poa Fa A, pleasant seasid€/ view, with ‘huge olive trees, growing on a high bank near the _ water, sheltering a small house, and rising high against the sky. Along a path on the edge of the bank, a peasant woman is returning from market, with a large basket on her head, and in the distance a point covered with a grove of olive trees projects into the sea, which meets a sunset sky at the horizon. Signed at the left, Ep, FrERE ’68. Height, 9 inches ; length, 13% inches. go: 83—ITALIAN LANDS Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. English sor Y Re 84—THE HERON § ay 4 Na wth j A tumbling rivulet in a wild Scotch moor, with the water dashing in short leaps over the rocks, foaming in a pool, and then rushing down again. A stately gray heron stands on the edge of the pool, and above the rocks is a narrow strip of deep- toned sky, with a snow-capped mountain. Height, 10% inches ; length, 12% inches. x £ * ¥ ¢ Hammond ower Rughek 85. RURAL sNcLANE IE ln Sect} a In the foreground on the right, a small country lad is seated with his dog by his side, under the hollow and shattered trunk of an old willow tree. On the left is a view across a pond, over a farming country to a distant level horizon. The whole land- scape is in a flood of sunshine. Signed at the right, Hammownp, 1811. Height, 13 inches ; length, 16% inches. Jasper F. Cropsey, N.A. ™~ a = i A ica 8: slo 9 ES | 6TH SYBIL’S TEMPLE, TIWOLI ty _ The graceful structure, so well known to travellers in Italy, is seen from below the jutting rock on which it stands, relieved in a strong sunlight effect against a simple sky. Two black goats feed on the is rich grass in the foreground, and leaning over the balustrade in front of the temple is the figure of a monk. Signed at the right, J. F. C., 1855. Circular; diameter, 13 inches. | P| ak 87 English op rer. ® §37— LANDSCAPE ’ Clon. | A view over a pleasant rolling country to a distant range of hills, where stands a town in full sunlight, its towers showing prominently on the _ horizon. From the foreground a road winds down between the hills, and the sunlight streams across it, light- ing up an open gate and a large clump of trees. A few figures give life to the scene. Height, 12 inches ; length, 15 inches. B25. TIGER Ap Wes This is a study of the animal in captivity, lying at full length in the sunlight after his meal of raw meat, his head erect and his paws idly hanging over the edge of the platform in his cage. Signed at the right, H. WEEks. Height, 12 inches; length, 18% inches. pe ah te eee ee s oe “HET 890A MOUNTAIN G HO A torrent dashes down to the foreground fre a narrow cafion, between high rock cliffs, strongly ; illuminated here and there by warm sunshine. A few trees, some of them dead and leafless, stand on a knoll in the right foreground. Signed at the right, T. K. Petuam, °64. Height, 12 inches ; length, 18 inches. 37: ad . Muller Q0—STUDY OF ACA Asgoss yh. The animal is standing in the sunlight, with his harness on and a yellow and black striped rug folded on his back. He is iron-gray with a white face, mane and tail. Height, 12 inches ; length, 18 inches, Unknown Fae WRECK Hb of S Oren A vessel has been driven upon a low, rocky coast, and the surf is rapidly breaking her up. Near a bowlder on the beach a group of men are about to fire a cannon, probably with a life line to save the sailors. In the distance under an inky sky, where the lightning still flashes, is a sandy point with the buildings and the shipping of a town. Height, 10% inches ; length, 15% inches. J. F. Lewis, R.A. he v2 English ae ON Hie we IY: U- ATES. The majestic ruins of an Egyptian temple occupy the larger part of the composition on the right, and on the left a slender obelisk stands isolated on a rough, sandy spot. Beyond, a range of hills across the river forms the distant horizon. A number of na- tives in bright costume give life to the scene, and the familiar camel with its rider and attendant stalks along in the foreground. Signed at the left, J. F. Lewis, 186s. Height, ro inches ; length, 18% inches. Copley Fielding English alter browsing in the pasture on@#he downs. In the distance are broad sunlit slopes and beyond, in a cloud shadow, is an isolated hill with the ruins of a castle. The lower part of the sky is full of threatening storm clouds, and the sun bursts through near the zenith, showing tiny spots of blue in the sky. Signed on the right, CopLzy Perse 1835. Height, 12 inches ; length, 13% inches. Jan Van Beers Flemish Von Rolland roken by one or two ets a glowing sunset sky. In the foreground is a quaint stone bridge over a narrow stream, with an iron cross-and a broken iron railing, and on it are seen two ladies in black, admiring the sunset. | ‘head eee 94—SUNSET The level horizon is clumps of trees, and Signed at the upper right, Jan VAN BEErs, Paris 1881. Height, 10% inches ; length, 14% inches. P. E. Péraire 2 és. V7 5 i] 95—SPRING ON THE MEUSE From the right foreground a placid river sweeps away under a bridge in the middle distance, wind- ing at the base of a low hill crowned with houses, which forms the horizon. On the left is a low, sandy point with patches of grass and a scattered growth of willows. Two peasant women are rest- ing near a slender leafless tree. Signed at the left, P. PHratre. Height, 12 inches ; length, 24 inches. i eat = gin 7 iS cea 3 a Abraham van Cuylenberg a” 163 099. Wyle Bee ANA AND HER MPHS In an extensive half-temple, half-grotto the god- dess has retired with her attendants to bathe. She sits on a low bank with two half-draped females reclining near, her garments spread on_ the grass under her. Through an opening in the grotto is a glimpse of a soft summer sky, and a high cliff overhanging a pool. Signed at the left, AB. van CUYLENBERG, 1649. Height, 12% inches; length, 16 inches. P. J. de Loutherbourg, R.A. English ed 1740—1812 )7— FARMYARD 7 ite Ad. Two cows stand in the ciate itt the yard of an ancient farm house, part of which is cow stable and cart shed. A farmer is raking the ground near by. The tiled and thatched roof is overgrown with creepers, and a dove cote stands on the hip gable end. Storm clouds cover the sky, and the trees are tossed by the gusts of an approaching tempest. Signed at the right. Height, 2014 inches; width, 1614 inches, Jan Both Dutch “7.8 /$ 7 610—1650 O8—LANDSCAPE - kK? y: art On the left is a&rocky eminence, on which is a large group of houses, and at the foot of the crag a stream winds under an arched bridgé across the foreground, and away into the middle distance. Many sheep and cattle are gathered at the stream, a mounted cavalier stands near the bridge, and on Se Resale SN Oo all sides are seen peasants engaged in various occupations. In the distance is a range of hills, dotted with houses, and the sky is partly covered with clouds lighted by a late afternoon sun. Height, 18 inches ; length, 23 inches. Edward Williams (“ Old Williams ”) - English IOS: 1782-31855 99—LANDSCAPE of J é Lo . ne of The motive of this picture was found in the eastern “Counties of England, where broad estuaries of the sea penetrate the low land, and give it much the character of Holland. In the fore- ground on the right two oaks grow alongside a path, overhanging a wooden cottage with its tiny garden. A flock of sheep is driven along the path by a shepherd and his dog. On the left is a vista across calm water to a low horizon, the line of which is interrupted by sails and a windmill. Height, 19% inches ; length, 24 inches. Georges Michel French p. 1763—1843 : | -LANDSCAPE y kale A simple motive, representing a broad, populous plain’ under a turbulent sky, with a passage of vivid sunlight across the distant fields, and a sheet of water in the foreground, with a few figures fishing on a low, reedy point, under a small elevation on the left. Signed on the back, G. M. Height, 20 inches ; length, 26% inches. Georges Michel yas. tog Ud. La anther 1763— [ENVIRONS DE ST. CYR, SEINE ET OISE From the summit of an elevation in the fore- ground, over which a broad road passés, is an ex- tended view over a farming country, with here and there great patches of sunlight illuminating fields and hamlets. Across a high stratum of sunlit clouds in the sky is a broad sweep of vapor in shadow. Height, 18 inches ; length, 22 inches. WATER COLORS John Macpherson od. ad Scotch . i. 102—-KENILWORTH rea Y. }.. Watet Color é A woman is driving a herd of cows over the pas- ture in the foreground, and on the right, beyond a wide-spreading beech tree, is a row of cottages with tiny enclosed gardens. In the distance the ruined towers of the famous castle are seen above the trees against a quiet summer sky. Signed at the left, J MAcPHERSON. Height, 9% inches ; length, 16 inches. 20.0% J. Roberti 103—AT PRAYER ey gs Vet Water Color A nun is kneeling on a priedieu neat the base of a great column in a church, and the light from a win- dow behind her streams full upon the figure. She holds her clasped hands to her face, and turns her eyes upward as if uttering a prayer. Signed at the right, J. Ropertt. Height, 181% inches ; width, 14 inches. ; lil (ee) 42.9 '4—-ROSTREVOR B “* John Faulkner, R.H.A. ae English Y- f ly wie Water Color ; In the foreground is a rough bit of shore with rude boats drawn up on the beach and another one in the water. A number of cows feed on a*pasture beyond. In the middle distance a town straggles along a plateau above a cliff and, against the sky farther away, a range of bold hills rises high above the quiet waters of the bay. Signed at the left, Joun FauLkneEr, Height, 17% inches ; length, 29 inches. \ . P. Drummond | ij or English f, + / )5—A FISHERMAN’S Bon ° Water Color Two old fishermen and a youth are seated in the stern of their boat, which is merrily sailing harbor- wards with a good catch of fish. One of the men is relating a tale to the amusement of the other two and to his own satisfaction. Signed at the left, P. Drummomp ’86. Height, 19 inches ; length, 26 inches. John Faulkner, R.H.A. 2.627 English 106—-INNESKEN ISLE, IREL “Water ‘ Across a rough sea a long island with nar headlands is seen on the horizon under a sunset sky. In the foreground are projecting ledges of rock washed by the water, and around them seagulls fly in search of food. Signed at the left, Joun FAuLKNER. Height, 18% inches ; length, 33 inches. © SS RE SB cae John Macpherson ¢ g fv _ 20 1 eth 107—WARWICK CASTLE “™©* % © | Water Color This js a view of the famous castle from the Avon, which flows through the grounds. On either side of the stream, which widens out and occupies the fore- ground, are low, sedgy banks with overhanging trees, and in the distance the great facade of the castle and its crenelated towers are half hidden by masses of foliage. Signed at the left, J. MACPHERSON. Height, 13 inches ; length, 21 inches. ie a SS a Deh a a aki pie e > saree ey « John Faulkner, R.H.A. | IO ahd English . §8—vIEW AT CONNEM IN jf ; ® . Water Color é AP In the left foreground a rocky point projects into a quiet, pleasant sheet of water, which is bounded by a great range of high, rugged hills. A_ long, wooded island rises from the middle of the lake, and toward this is moving a rowboat with two oars- men and a fisherman. The flanks of the hills are covered with ripe heather. Signed at the left, Joun FauLKner. Height, 14% inches ; length, 29 inches. | L. Coleridge | ay, a- ad ene? M. Werth Q—AT THE COTTAGE DOOR Water Color A young woman and a small girl are standing in the low doorway of a half-timbered cottage. On the right is a small flowerbed with orange lilies, and above the door is a blackbird in a cage, which hangs against a climbing rosebush. A tiny kitten sits near a saucer of milk in the foreground. Signed at the left, L. CoLERIDGE. Height, 21 inches ; width, 1534 inches. John Faulkner, R.H.A. ed go English oat ae 110—BLACKSOD bat Pvt “Leche Water Color Three fishing boats with tanned sails are close- hauled in a strong wind which roughens the water of the great open bay, and two of them have al- ready sent down topsails. In the distance, on the left, is a brig under full sail, and on the right, in the horizon, a great rocky headland. Signed at the left, Joun FAuLKNER. Height, 17 inches ; length, 28 inches. Thomas Rowbotham English 3 } . od ¢ 1823—1875 111—VIEW OF SWIC Np Ay ae Water Color The harbor is alive with craft of all eis i. | from the clumsy rowboat to the great sailing barges, and moored at the busy landing on the left are square-rigged vessels apparently discharging cargo. Across the harbor is seen a low wooded shore with a glimpse of the town on the right. Summer clouds drift across the sky, and are reflected in the gently rippling water. Signed at the left, THos. RowBoTHaM, 1886. Height, 12 inches ; length, 24 inches. | John Faulkner, R.H.A. IO Ly, 97 AP .2—AN; IRISH LANDSCAP : Water Color A broad highway leads from the right foreground over the brow of a low hill toward a distant, well wooded country. On the left of the road is a vil- lage half hidden by the trees, the great square church tower rising high against the evening sky. Signed at the left, Joun FAULKNER. . Height, 17% inches ; length, 29 inches. laa Aha J. Robinson 7 13—THE FLOWER yr /2 x o. Y : A aoe An Italian peasant girl in a gay costume with an abundance of jewelry is seated behind a rough table, holding in her left hand a bunch of pink roses and lilies of the valley, and offering to the purchaser a buttonhole bouquet of the same flowers. The figure is about half the size of life. Signed at the right, J. Ropinson. Height 21% inches; width, 16% inches. John Faulkner, R.H.A. _. /: hd ae / fe e 114—MOONLIGHT . G. Dkbnr Water Color From the left foreground a pier sweeps around to the right with a lighthouse on the remote end and various fishing boats moored on the one side, while a fleet of the same craft is entering the harbor on the other side. Fishermen and fish-venders are scattered all over the pier engaged in various occupations. The full summer moon is not far above the horizon, and strongly illuminates the whole scene, shimmer- ing on the water and accenting the edges of the clouds. Signed at the left, Joun FAULKNER. Height, 19 inches ; length, 33 inches. al “P) Warth 115—THE OFFERING : . it 4 Water Color * A Roman maiden, who has gathered in the woods a large quantity of wild flowers, arranges them around a bust of the god Pan, which stands on a high pedestal. She is dressed in a white, sleeveless tunic and a red mantle, and her hair is bound by a red fillet. A bunch of hollyhocks grows at the foot of the pedestal, and trunks of great forest trees are massed in the background. Signed at the right, R. Szenir, Rome ’87. Height, 29% inches ; width, 21% inches. F . . | La- yu John Faulkner, R.H.A. |17—GLENURE, ARGYLESHARE yn | os: ad A. M. Rossi F16—COMING FROM THE BATH A, 7 , W cpp . cat A scene at an English seaside resort. In the fore- ground on the left is a double bathing machine, axle- deep in the water, and the occupants of the machine having taken their dip in the quiet water are dressed again, and balance on the landing plank on their way ashore. On the right two children and a dog are at play in the shallow water, and in the distance a num- ber of sailing craft are seen near the horizon. Signed at the right, A. M. Rossi. { Height, 32 inches ; length, 42 inches. Water Color A wild glen in the heart of the Highlands of Scot- land, where a broad, rapid stream rushes over a rocky bed from between steep, high banks overhung with trees. A fisherman and a gillie stand on the rocks at the edge of the stream, which covers the entire foreground. On the right a narrow path crosses a rock-strewn hillside, and beyond, in the distance,a great mountain with double peak hides its head among the drifting clouds. Signed at the left, Joun FAuLKNER, 1887. Height, 30 inches ; length, 52 inches. Self ee ey a a DP ett AMON ae i tae «hap Nive ht AA te Tes leg C Sad John Faulkner, R.H.A. 118—VIEW OF COBLENTZ On the right is the water front of the town, with its gables and spires, and steep roofs, and across the broad river, which is covered with boats, rises the majestic wooded hill, with the castle of Ehrenbreit- stein crowning its rugged crest. The sunlight ac- cents the group of houses, and the winding street in front along the river wall, illuminating the distant hill, and a mass of thin clouds in the sky. , Signed at the left, Joun FauLkKNnErR. § Height, 25% inches ; length, 39% inches. f OIL PAINTINGS Sa! R. Craeyvanger 4 O° ied Dutch | 119—A SCULPTOR’S -O/, of A Dutch gentleman? has brought his wife and two daughters to inspect a bust of himself, which is apparently just being finished. The sculptor stands " in front of the group near his work, and is about to put on the last touches, perhaps following the criticisims of his sitter. The costumes and acces- sories are of the seventeenth century. Signed at the right, R. CRAEYVANGER, 3869. Height, 18 inches ; length, 25 inches. 1 3? Unknown P¥,GREY ” Wn tel Seated on the window seat of a large stone- mullioned, leaded window, the lady, in a rich bro- cade robe over a green velvet petticoat, sits read- ing one of a heap of large volumes on which she .leans her elbow. Through the window behind her is seen the park with great oak trees, and a hunting party of ladies and gentlemen, both on foot and on horseback. Height, 194 inches ; length, 24 inches. A line of dark rain clouds is advancing across the sky in regular formation, sending down a slanting drift of rain as they pass. The broad plain, broken by a large wooded tract with various red-roofed houses and low hills, is partly in strong sunlight and partly in deep shadow. Height, 20% inches ; length, 26 inches. Lech lone n-ne ee ih Ni Se TR signee or a Att ate CRD A she OF ARN BK, Ct IAIN o—-crctti tern anthanagysint ease ain cite ar cmitelaitinn peal sytem Lo: v4 AL , 's a 123—LANDSCAPE Do (3 ® KU gaa In the heart of a mountain range, where great towering cliffs rise one above the other, a castle stands overhanging a sheet of water, and is strongly lighted from the sun, which is hidden from view behind a high mountain on the left. In the fore-_ ground, which is in deep shadow, is seen the figure of a man, seated near a fallen tree. The sky is full of great rolling clouds, the lower ones strongly illuminated. Height, 20 inches ; length, 27 inches. James M. Hart, N.A. American 4.6" ais) Ynoortin 124—ON THE MOUNTA In the foreground, cyclopean masses of rock are , | piled up among the pine trees, and the strong sun- light from the zenith accents the moss-grown sur- faces, the rough boles of the trees, the undergrowth, and the slope of the mountain flank in the distance. A small area of simple blue sky shows at the top of the picture, which is arch-shaped. Signed at the left, J. M. Harr. Height, 24 inches ; width, 18 inches. ! | | | John Macpherson oe g-"" Scotch C) PAY 25—,ON THE RIVER BANK In the foreground is a mass of rough plants and weeds growing in the marshy ground on the banks of a broad river, which winds away to the left around a reedy point and behind a great clump of rounded trees. A woman is carrying a great ‘bundle of reeds along a path in the middle distance, and beyond the river is a line of low hills against a summer sky. Signed at the right, J. MacpHerson-Haye. Height, 16 inches ; length, 24 inches. Jan M. Molenair Receinbled in front of a roadside inn at the out- skirts of a Dutch village a number of peasants are gossiping, watering their horses and trading. Con- spicuous in the foreground is a white horse in full sunlight, and two women engaged in drawing water from a well. Tall trees overshadow the gable end of the hostelry, and further away the roof of a house is seen between the masses of foliage. Height, 17% inches ; length, 22 inches. eee ee ee ee 2 ee ee eee -— 3 2. ve iy A ‘ §26—THE VILLAGE CL George Morland 554 English t ‘w: ae / 0: FB 7631804 ot. hh : : 127-—THE COTTER’S HOUSE £ . on } In a rustic interior a laborer and his family are gathered at the fireside after their evening meal. The mother and two children sit at the table, a sturdy lad and his dog stand near, and the father in a smock frock sits on a low bench by the rude fire- place, from which the cheerful glow of a fire lights up the group. Through the open door is seen part of the wood which surrounds the cottage. Signed at the right, G. Morvanp. Height, 18 inches ; length, 24 inches. - * a . G. A. Boyle , 128—A PASTURE v/E g. LUPIAR On the left is a farm house and various buildings in an enclosure with a tall elm and a straggling group of poplars, and from the foreground a level meadow stretches away to low hills in the distance, with cattle lying down or grazing, all in the full light from the sun high in the heavens. Signed at the right, G. A. Boye. Height, 17 inches ; length, 22 inches. = ‘ f I | t 7 H ee i ® French , a “ff 0- “a oo KO 9—LANDSCAPE /* At a. he A g F. Aznar 30—IN THE PICTURE GA Georges Michel A sandy tract of land with here and there a patch of withering grass and great clumps of sturdy trees occupies the foreground. Among the trees stands a wind-mill half hidden by the foliage, and on the right across a broad, flat meadow is a line of low hills in the horizon beyond a narrow strip of water. The sky is covered with gray clouds, and the light is concentrated behind the trees and near the horizon. Signed at the back, G. M. Height, 22% inches ; length, 27% inches. An enormous painting death-bed scene hangs on the wall at the back, and is flanked by two por- traits on either side. An equestrian portrait, strongly lighted, hangs high on the left. Various visitors are inspecting the pictures, and a female copyist is busy at her task. Signed at the right, F. Aznar. Height, 19% inches ; length, 27% inches. Sn nanieee eee - LN meta Te A ep Elarhuei. Fi a : ITS. va Unknow 131—DUTCH LANDSCAPE @ : In the right foreground a high, sandy bank, under ~ which winds a deeply rutted road, is strongly illu- minated by the sun, and with a large clump of oak trees growing on the top is in strong contrast against the distant landscape, which is mostly in cloud shadow. The road is busy with men and animals and carts, and various peasants are resting by the wayside. On the left a plain with hills on either side extends to the level horizon. Height, 21% inches; length, 28% inches. Sn Gel a ed Pe aa pie = ; Chevalier ey rh Bits IN cmnodTAk Att A characteristic view in the Coptic quarter of the town, with little shops and market stalls on the left, and on the right a scribe writing a letter to the dictation of a native who stands near. The fore- ground is all in shadow, and the clear sunlight of Egypt floods thetall fagades of a cross street beyond, on either side of a cafion-like alley, which shows a tiny line of sky between the house fronts. Signed at the left, R. M. CHEVALIER, 1894. Height, 28 inches ; width, 20 inches. 730.4 sce 34a DIFFICULT DUET Y- Von Helland. | e A youth in medizval cos of gray and white, : Ie’ with slashed sleeves and gold embroidered cap, i | seated on a box stool playing on a species of ae while his companion dressed in black leans over him, and with his mandolin points out the notes on the parchment score, which leans against cushions on a carved chest close by. Signed at the left, F. Royser. Height, 27% inches ; width, 22% inches, C. Brocky English lll BOY a7g ey aus lant. A life-size, half-length study of a young, red- cheeked lad dressed in rough blue garments, hold- ing in front of him a panful of fish, which he is offering for sale. Height, 27 inches ; width, 22 inches. Was William Ranney, A.N.A. ‘ American SOR. ne «1857 THE MATCH SELLERY/ ype) A half-length life-size study of a ragged urchin, with a wooden box slung under his left arm by a leather strap, holding in his extended right hand a box of matches. He has a particolored scarf around his neck and a broken straw hat on his head. Signed at the lower middle, RANNEY, 1845. Height, 30% inches ; width, 25 inches. P. J. Van Bree Flemish 146 ot 1786—1871 136—DUTCH IN ‘hy ‘ 2 A ee kitchen in the Netherlands, with a multitude of utensils hanging on the wall over a tiled dado, a corbelled fireplace, a leaded window, and an open doorway showing a room beyond. On the right sits a servant girl plucking a fowl, and a garrulous old man on a bench near by. On the left is a table covered with bottles, glasses, game, and fruit, and crowded against it are earthen jars, a stool, and a basket with a quantity of things just purchased from the market. Signed at the right, VAN BREE, 1845. Height, 24% inches; length, 33% inches. Mat Sie ly ico Georges Michel LANDSCAPE ; Ke A road winds round from the teeratan awd dis- appears in the middle distance at the foot of large 2 p hills, beyond which in the horizon a single moun- tain ‘peak breaks the simple line of the horizon, and } gathers high above its summit a dark storm cloud. : On the left of the road is a single tall tree, and on the opposite side a clump of dead and live ones with a large fallen trunk by the roadside. Signed on the back, G. M. ; Height, 27 inches ; length, 3314 inches. BO Ane take p— me ttUNTING PA A large company of ladies and gentlemen have been out shooting, and have assembled in a pleasant sunlit glade in a forest to enjoy their luncheon. At the foot of a tree near the baskets sits a sportsman with a number of pheasants and a dead deer, and scattered around in various directions are other members of the party, some of whom are still enjoying their sport. aga at the right, Gializzi. Height, 23% inches; length, 28% inches. * amet IS. FP he Ex —— hs 1 oo Se Pim ame Se E. Dubufe French | ~ OY . é 1.7 oO 139—PORTRAIT yn, teoth The figure of a young 1. 7% Why: in thin, white muslin, and leaning on the arm of a sofa with a red cloak thrown over her lap and around her shoulders. Her coiffure is high and curiously arranged, and around her neck is a gold cross and a gold heart on a black ribbon. A. J. Daiwaille and Eugene J. Verboeck- hoven 140 —LANDSCAPE wy, A farmer and hi¢ boy have just cranes the door of a thatched barn, and three cows and a flock of sheep wander out in the sunlight and scatter over the pasture. On the right under a clump of tall trees, a few sheep and their shepherd are descending a grassy slope, and on the left is a view over a broad, wooded country with low hills in the horizon. The lower part of the sky is covered with soft, fair weather clouds, and large spots of blue show near the zenith. Signed at the right, A. J. DAIWAILLE Euc. VERBOECKHOVEN, 1869. Height, 21% inches ; length, 31 inches. William Shayer, the younger © | s. ad : 8 RO irae ee Oe th Loe / . | An old fisherman 4n shad gafments and tall”sea boots is taking his ease in the late afternoon after his day’s work. Seated on a rough bench in front of his rude cottage he smokes his pipe, and at the same time enjoys the company of two children, one of whom embraces him affectionately. In the dis- tance are boats on the beach, and a line of rocky cliffs with the sea horizon beyond, under a sunset sky. Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches. ot og wy Unknown : [2—CHRIST AT rae Geigy w/ Liane. This illustrates the well-known biblical story, and represents Christ seated on a rock near a low well curb, on the further side of which stands the woman with an earthen jar, which she has just drawn up. Behind the group is a mass of trees, and, on the right, a half-ruined castle with a view beyond to a town on a hill. Height, 23% inches ; length, 31% inches. Ser tele coy.) ee ones A shallow stream which. is crossed by a narrow foot bridge, spreads out to cover the whole fore- ground. A sandy road enters and crosses the stream, and a horseman has halted at the edge of the ford to water his horse. Beyond are fields en- closed by hedges and a lane of low wooded hills. The sun is setting behind large masses of dark clouds that nearly cover the lower part of the sky. Signed at the right, D. Macnas. clans 24 inches ; length, 36 inches. soe. 4 yee DUTCH MARK ‘ YW, Seelll - Around a small open square of a Dutch town are several booths with peasants selling vegetables by the light of lanterns. A gentleman and lady in rich costumes are crossing the square, preceded by an attendant who lights the way by means of a small cage of blazing coals, which he carries on a staff. The moonlight breaks through the clouds behind a church tower in the background. Height, 25% inches ; length, 33% inches. ’ ¥ ream D. Macnab 4 a i 143—-THE FoRD ( f, Sek ; . | O°" John age, aa 5—ON THE IRISH COAST K- : /; wth, ( A pleasant estuary of the Atlantic with high hills on the right, and, on the left, a low, rocky shore at the foot of gently sloping hillsides. In the fore- ground is a bit of sandy beach with outcropping ledges on which the heather grows, and on the edge of the quiet water are two fishing boats with the fishermen chatting over the catch. On the bank at the left is a large thatched cottage under a clump of trees, and two women squat on the ground sun- ning themselves in front of the whitewashed gable. Signed at the left, Joun FauLKner, R.H.A. Height, 22 inches ; length, 36 inches. > . JO Unknow Wy 46—MARINE js 3 yy, ‘ e In the brilliant light of a full moon a heavily- laden square-tigged vessel is wallowing through the sea nearly bow on, showing both port and star- board lights. Further away is a schooner, close- hauled and with shortened sail. The moonlight flickers on the rough waves in a glittering path from the horizon to the foreground, and the sky is partly covered with whirling wind clouds. Height, 36 inches ; width, 22 inches. B.C. Koek-koek = ro Dutch Po 18031862 Sy ory 147—-LANDSCAPE . Vier A broad, stony road leads from under the over- hanging trees in the distance to the foreground, — where it crosses a narrow stream. A company of peasants with their donkeys, cattle, and sheep have halted on the road in the sunlight under two enor- mous trees, which raise their branches and foliage | high against an afternoon sky, filled with warm- colored clouds. In the distance a large mountain, seen over the rounded hill-tops, forms the horizon. Height, 36 inches ; width, 32 inches. David Johnson oie 77d ee erican 148—VIEW OF SHER VERM From a high, rocky, and woéded hill on the left foreground, there is a view over a broad and fertile valley with a meandering stream, frequent farm houses and beyond a great range of hills partly cov- ered with trees, under a simple summer sky in which a few small clouds drift toward the zenith. Signed at the left, JD., 1865. Height, 30 inches ; length, 40 inches. { ! i i} J. R. Miles A Eli eat sea is bling’ in upon a Seah ing beach, and the fishing boats are making for the land. In the foreground one of them has just struck the bottom and while the surf is breaking over men drag out to her a heavy line to warp her ashore. Tur- bulent clouds drift across the lower part of the sky in large masses, and behind them the sun is setting. Signed at the left, J. R. Mixes. Height, 30 inches ; length, 50 inches. Albert Bierstadt yar amgsy,, Cert 50—-VIEW IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Immense barren peaks ris@@Pmajestically on either side of a tiny valley, where a small lake reflects the blue of the zenith, and summer clouds drift across the sky not far above the highest summits. In the foreground are great lofty ledges covered with creepers, with here and there small plots of rough grass growing in the shallow soil. Signed at the left, ABrERSTADT. Height, 32 inches; length, 48 inches. , ov Englis Dm. Molge ; 9_BLOWING HARD FROM THE SOUTHWARD i wry ee John Lewis Brown French 4 O94 aad 1829—1890 ? 151—WASHINGTON vu) , CC An equestrian portrait of Washington when he was in command of the troops, standing on the seashore, looking out into the bay, as if to discover the British ships. He is dressed in full uniform, with a large cloak lined with purple, and is mounted on a spirited, light bay horse. In the distance is seen an orderly and the stars and stripes with an- other flag. ' Signed at the left, Joun Lewis Brown, 1872. Height, 76 inches ; width, 51 inches. J. Crawford Thom = American ads: 152—THE DEER HUNT A pack of hounds have chased a buck through a wood, and part of them have followed him across the stream on the further side of which he is seen just bounding up the bank, with the dogs at his heels. The sportsman sits in a boat which is being sculled up the stream near the bank, and is prepar- ing to shoot. The strong light of a sunset sky breaks through the trees on the left and lights up the glowing autumn foliage on the right. Signed at the right, J. C. THom. Height, 39 inches ; length, 72 inches. f . 3 a J. Crawford Thom a. i $7 re American |’ ® . —I18 See 3—sprinc-tIme A iw f In the foreground, which is the shoulder "of a high hill, there is a scrub growth with one or two rough wild apple trees in bloom. A country girl is swinging down one of the boughs, while a lad is breaking off the blossoms. Just beyond, near a winding, rocky path, is a flock of sheep and lambs with the shepherd, and over the brow of the hill there is a wide view over an extensive sunlit plain, under a sky full of soft summer clouds. Signed at the right, J. C. THom. Height, 39 inches ; length, 72 inches. ih i | Wednesday, March 30, 1904 AT P THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 0’ CLOCK | ~~ ‘Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. | English ' ok 7: ad Geen : 6—-A SKETCH Lo. Chick 3 The composition MY a wild teminest in a 3 rocky country near the sea. In the foreground are : a two wind-lashed, ragged trees, and under them two figures hurrying away to some shelter. In the middle distance a high rock crowned by a castle : rises against a dark, ominous-looking sky. ; Height, 10 inches ; width, 8 inches. | Frederick T. Goodall, R.A. ‘i - - English ie ro 77 —te7t |7—THE COTTER’S paugyt RA young girl stands in yi 1 Ua leaning eg against the wall of a cottage near a buttery hatch. im she; is ‘dressed in rough, patched garments, and holds in both hands a stocking which she has been | knitting. Beside her on the ground is a large brown I. glazed jug. — at i right, F. GoopDALtL, 1845. | ay 22 Height, 13 inches ; width, 9 inches, Eugene Boudin French SZ 30 ve | 1824—1898 ; 158—ON THE peachy piepgy, Aa A breezy day at the seashore, ‘and a company of ladies and gentlemen are enjoying an hour on the sand, watching the fishing boats struggling with the — waves. A few wind scuds drift across the sky, and ~ the sunlight, veiled a little by the sea mist, strikes full upon the scene. Signed at the right, E. Boupin, 1854. Height, 12% inches ; width, 10! inches. atl ve Ny Pare fag b Tht NMG oo Fee be jo: oO Dupre 159-——LANDSCAPE STU of, A pool extends across the foreground, and on the rough bank beyond is a straggling growth of trees against a cloudy sky. On the left in the middle dis- tance are two figures in a meadow, which is flecked by the sunlight. Signed at the left, Dupré. Height, 6% inches ; length, 11 inches. Ea ’ ‘om: etal aay \ EN REN gar ‘e ' 00. Charles Jacque (?) CT HO—THE PASTURE vg Cy Klavdk. | In the foreground a peasant woman, accompanied. by a dog is tending a cow and two sheep, which are browsing on the short grass of a pasture. In the middle distance is an open rank of tall trees ex- tending across the composition, and behind them is a sky covered with gray clouds, the light focussed near the tree tops. Signed at.the right, Cu. Jacque. Height, 9% inches ; length, 13 inches. | Charles Francis Daubigny . S. a. French | #3 1817—1878 1—RIVERSIDE PAST The high bank of a wide % cattle and horses gathered ‘on the irregular sum- | mit occupies the foreground. Beyond is a_ sunlit sheet of water with a few sails, and further away, a wooded bank veiled in mist. Gray clouds nearly cover the sky. Signed at the left, Dausicny. river with nun us Height, 6% inches ; length, 1244 inches. De nts. ee Leon A. L’Hermitte ~~ 7d Sted French 162—THE BATHER . wy, =f C Corel Seated on the grassy “bank of a stream which flows through a pleasant meadow, is a young woman who, having laid aside her garments, is about to bathe. In the middle distance beyond the sunlit field is a rank of trees, and in the horizon a line of hills with a luminous sky above. Signed at the right, L. Hermite. Height, rz inches ; length, 15 inches. iS ht BIE eB och Eugene J. Verboeckhoven Belgian 230°" PD 163—SHEEP' IN STABLE - Two sheep are lying down on the straw, 1 | e i H a cOwW stable, one of them shorn and the other with shaggy fleece. Above, perched on the hayrack, is a game cockerel. Signed at the upper right, EuGiNE VERBOECKHOVEN. Ft. 1858. Height, 12% inches ; width, rz inches. Emile Van Marcke French 2 GO ag 27=-18 ’ 2 ha. A scene on the seacoast of France, where a great gray cliff lifts its immense mass high against the sky, and at its base a village nestles, extending along a narrow waterway, in which are moored several : fishing boats. In the rough foreground is a pool of | 4 water, and here and there cows feed on the rough 3 grass. Signed at the right, Em. Van Marcke. Height, 11 inches ; length, 16 inches. ‘ ieee, §. E Waller ‘ La: w list zs. ‘ ° 165—THE Vow. . 1) Pete a A young knight on horseback roadside shrine, and with his cross-hilted broken sword raised, bows his head as if in the act of prayer. The sunlight strikes the slender shrine, glints on the armor of the knight, and brings the group into strong contrast against a wood in the middle distance, along which the road leads to a pleasant landscape beyond. Signed at the left, S. E. WALLER, 1899. Height, 15 inches ; width, rz inches. John Constable, R.A. English See 166 —LANDSCAPE : y A narrow estuary of the sea, probably ofthe east coast of England, with three sloops left aground by the receding tide. In the middle distance a red- roofed village, and over all a summer sky. Height, 834 inches; length, rz¥% inches. George Morland and J. Rathbone Li x. ee English 1763—1804 1750—1807 167—WELSH LANDS E An English mansion standing on and surrounded by large trees is a ture of the composition. In the sunlit foreground are two horses, one of them galloping away fol- lowed by a farmer and a dog, and on the left is a vista over a wide vale with a high mountain be- yond, rising majestically against a luminous, cloudy sky. Signed at the right, G. Morvanp and J. RaTuBone. Height, 12 inches ; length, 14 inches. Jean Léon Gérome 1928 rb dk : ee SLAVE MARKET A young Egyptian girl has been offered for sale to a probable purchaser, who is examining her teeth to see if they are sound. Her simple garments have been removed by the slave merchant, who stands behind her, and two attendants accompany the pur- chaser, showing by their presence that he is a man of quality. Signed at the upper left, J. L. G&r6me, 1867. Height, 15% inches ; width, 11 inches. Sir Thomas Lawrence f 67. é (Attributed) 69—PORTRAIT KD 4: Aen Life size, in oon view, her head inclined to the right, and her eyes raised. Her hair falls in ringlets on either cheek, and she wears a fur- trimmed jacket. Height, 1534 inches ; width, 1234 inches. Bie ster. Narcisse Virgile Diaz French S/O O81 ue 4 | 170-— LANDSCAPE ve, 4. Kad : nt In the foreground is a rough pasture with great bowlders, a winding path, and in the middle dis- tance an irregular line of small trees with thick undergrowth rising against a cloudy sky. A single figure of a peasant woman is seen beside the path where it enters the wood. On the left, Vente Diaz. Height, 10 inches; length, 12% inches. Edouard Frere French /O7?: aid 1837—1886 S| 171—THE VILLA Cas Onnrtucy A study of the open square of the town of Ecouen,, with a broad-spreading tree in the middle, in the shadow of which are two peasants. Beyond the tree are rows of houses of typical French architecture, and at the street corner a group of children play on the sidewalk. Signed on the right, Vente Ep. Freire. Height, 12 inches; length, 18% inches. i. Constant Troyon : French 72—BROWSING CO ” This is a study of a retool cow standing back to in the sunlight, raising her head to browse on the foliage of a clump of bushes. Near by stands the farmer, in blue blouse and straw hat, engaged in pruning a flowering shrub. Signed at the left, C. Troyon. Height, 1434 inches; length, 18 inches. . (C. F. Daubigny French [- 2 4 lb 1817—1878 73—oxEN AT REST 42 G AD Two red and white oxen, ay to the pole of a large hay wagon, are lying down asleep; behind them is a stake fence enclosing a field with low bushes. The sky is simple in effect of diffused sun- light. Signed at the left, Dausicny. Height, 12% inches; length, 22% inches. Victor Dupre 2/d: tial French 174-Lanpscare Jp, In the middle of the foreground is a small irreg” ular-shaped pool reflecting the strong light from cumulous clouds in the sky, and across this is a broad path with a woman, a white horse, and a small boy relieved against a low sombre distance. On the right is a tall oak in autumn foliage, and a clump of trees on a hillock, and on the left the corner of a wood. Signed at the left, Vicror Dupr&. Height, 18 inches; width, 14% inches. Charles Emile Jacque French /9g09 81318 a aURCH Eee D. a = In the courtyard of a group of farm buildings under a wide opening, stands a rustic butcher in full sunlight about to cut up the carcass of a large” hog, which hangs on the wall. In the shadow behind him is a peasant woman pitching up the straw which litters the ground, and further away in the sunlight is a pig and several fowl. A long ladle is a prominent object in the foreground. Signed at the left, Cu. Jacque. Height, 20 inches; width, 11% inches. yBe ©: ‘Corot French | @fO” i 1796—1875 '6—A SKETCH Ee Hi ig i This is a study A a group 6 houses, partly in sun-- shine, partly in shadow, with trees on either side, a stream flowing along the foundations, and a small area of simple sunny sky above. Signed at the right, Coror. Height, 17% inches; width, 14 inches. Eugéne Isabey French |a70” > he 4 Ute The tide has receded and left bare great patches of rough shore at the foot of a line of bold, rocky cliffs, the*projecting point of which is the principal feature of the composition. A few fishermen are gathering mussels in the shadow of the great rock, and beyond is a narrow strip of sea with a low point of land in the horizon. Signed at the left, E. IsaBry. Height, r3 inches; length, 19 inches. J. C. Ibbetson English GS 1750—1817 | 178—THE FOR o. tLe pA A farmer is leading across a shallow stream a donkey, on which are perched, on top of a mis- cellaneous load, his wife and child. A man and woman, apparently returning from market are walk- ing along a path in the foreground. Across the stream is a mill among the trees, and in the distance a village church and a cottage on a hill. Height, 14 inches; length, 17% inches, Mariano Fortuny " % Spanish Sal 0: ed 1838—1874 179—THE POULTRY | This is a sketch of an iicloaies in which a number of hens and ducks are kept. On the left is the corner of a large tank of water, and in the background a trellis with a grape vine growing over it. Signed at the right, Fortuny, 1869. Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches. } H I | | LOE hy 1799—1881 : 0-4THE NEW-BORN: LAM Eugéne J. Verboeckhoven Belgian Lying in full sunlight stable is a ewe with a lambkin beside her. Behind her a second sheep is coming through a narrow doorway, and on the left proudly strut a_ black game cock and hen. Signed at the right, Euc. VERBorcKHOVEN ft. 1870. Height, 14 inches; length, 21% inches. J. Crawford Thom American Pree manne vo bier Lala, Una te 81—THE FISHING POO An angler has discovered’ a pool hidden away in the forest, where a stream flows through a thick undergrowth. Here he sits patiently watching his float. All around him is the tangle of the wood, the foliage hiding the sky. A flash of sunshine lights up the middle distance, where tame ducks are feeding in the shallow water. Signed at the right, J. C. THom. Height, 15 inches; length, 24 inches, n the straw. litter of a- Edouard Manet French 07 7 1833—1883 182—THE VINTN =) Two young girls have been gathering grapes in a wild country, and one of them, sitting down, holds a bowl, while her companion squeezes into it the juice from a large bunch of the fruit, a heap of which lies on the ground near by. The seated girl is dressed in a white jacket and a pale blue skirt, and the other in a purple jacket and red skirt. The sunlight flecks both figures, and throws a deep shadow on the rough ground. A large tree rises at the left of the group, and on the right is a clump of smaller trees on a rocky hillock. Signed at the right, E. MANET ’so. Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches. Leo Malempre Ry : Jf AO°0U : 183—-THE LADY BUG/f/* Pret A fair-haired young ladyis seated in a garden-chair in the sunlight, shading her face with a red fan, and studying earnestly the familiar little messenger of good fortune, which has alighted on one of her fingers. Signed at the left, LzEo MALEmpRE, 1899. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches, Francisco Zuccarelli Florentine 430° ex 38 ke Pe Chr f ra 84—ITALIAN LANDSCAPE A Pee ranked hints girl and a slightly clad youngster are crossing a bridge in the foreground, driving before them two sheep. On either side are clumps of trees and the river winds through a pop- ulous, wooded country, its course lost near a town in the middle distance. A great mountain range forms the horizon, softened by the haze of a warm atmosphere and in the glow of a summer sky. Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches. Francisco Zuccarelli Florentine - 270." PH Lhe Daarelt 185—THE WATERING In the foreground are two women and a child resting on the bank of a small pool, in which a white horse with a woman rider and a white goat are drinking. On the right is a stream which flows in front of a great stone mill, approached by a stone bridge. Beyond is a pleasant wooded country with a town and a range of high hills in the dis- tance. Height, 20 inches ; length, 24 inches. F. R. Lee, R.A. English ® ae Aided ga 17991879 act = 186—-VIEW OF EDINBU ee From a valley between two hillocks in the fore- ground, is seen a sunlit plateau beyond, crowned by the town with the dominating form of the castle, and on the right the great mass of Arthur’s Seat. In the remote distance is a line of low hills, and over all a simple luminous summer sky. Signed at the left, F. R. Ler. Height, 17 inches; length, 26 inches. tis, yy, so Vid 188—STILL LIFE ‘ Awl On a heavy table and a bench near by have been thrown grapes, peaches, plums, gooseberries, flow- ers, a dead hare, a cage of small live birds, and two baskets of dead ones, and these with various minor accessories make up the composition. Signed at the right, L. VipAL. Height, 28% inches; width, 23 inches. | 4 A. K mann 89—A TRIBUTE OF LOV * bunches of roses which she scatters over a large stone sarcophagus, which in the shadow of over- hanging trees is partly overgrown by climbing plants. Over her white tunic a great purple mantle is thrown, falling to the ground in large folds. Behind the figure is a glimpse of a high range of mountains against a sunset sky. Signed at the right, A. KAUFFMANN. Height, 29 inches ; width, 24 inches. se" pe |[90— CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE. A great Roman ruin on the left is the chief feature of the composition, and this is balanced by a smaller mass on the right in the foreground. Between the two is a grass-grown path, on which are two figures in classical dress, an old man seated and a woman holding a child, and beyond the ruins is a view across a rolling country to a distant range of hills. Signed at the left. Signature undecipherable. Height, 23 inches ; length, 31 inches. eS John Cawse English any Cy 1779 j, 191—-STUDIO INTERIOR Re The room is lighted from a large window on the left, near which stands a picture of a Dutch interior with figures. A large portrait group in a wide frame hangs on the wall at the back, and underneath it is a table with an old missal on a book rack, an ornate violincello, old books, and a chair with a pet dog. Between portieres on the right is a glimpse into an adjoining room, where the artist is seen at work on a picture. Signed at the left, J. CawsE. Height, 25 inches ; length, 30 inches. Daniel Maclise, R.A. English v6 i ot 1811 +1870 192 —ON THE RAMPAR ‘VGYrY This is the study of a man with a sword and buckler, holding with both hands the staff of a great red banner, which sweeps around the figure and partly drapes. it. The figure is strongly lighted from the upper right, and in the background the crenelations of a wall are seen against a deep-toned sky. Signed at the left. Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches. S. Drummond, A.R.A. English ] vv ] 107: 1763—1844 , }.93—PORTRAIT OF MISS reek AD. Son. The head and shoulders of a fair-haired young lady, dressed in a simple black velvet gown, high at the neck with a lace collar. The face is in three- quarters view turned to the left, and the background is a deep-toned landscape. Height, 28 inches ; width, 23 inches. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. | a7F7 pig y. 194— PORTRAIT : Aeheg A life head and shoulders of a lady in a low-cut black velvet dress, with a diamond brooch at the point. The head is in three-quarters view turned to the left, and the face is framed by ringlets on either temple. In the background is an old gold curtain, and the top of a straight-backed red-covered chair. Height, 25 inches ; width, 18% inches. PE ays -” Unknown O5—-PORTRAIT OF A fy ‘ The head and shoulders of a middle-aged gentle- man in a wine-colored silk doublet, with broad lace collar. It is smaller than life and is seen in three- quarters view facing to the left. The background is a tone of brown. Height, 27 inches ; width, 22% inches. m4 O SA 4 Unknown 196—PORTRAIT OF A OS AGO af | ee ® : " The head and shoulders of a young gentleman in seventeenth-century costume with steel corselet and shoulder pieces, with a white cravat tied with a red ribbon. The face is framed in wavy masses of light brown hair, and is in three-quarters view facing the’ left. Height, 29 inches ; width, 24 inches. VAM oe E 197—PORTRAIT "y Avhalf-length ‘geA4ted figure of a young lady j white satin dress, with low neck and short sleeves and a lace veil thrown over her head. She rests her left elbow on a table covered with rich red drapery, and in her right hand, which lies in her lap, she holds a book. Height, 34 inches ; width, 29 inches. Cs ad Unknown 198—PORTRAIT OF A er }, A half-length seated figure of a lady in th@f cos- tume of the middle of the last century, holding in her lap a large book illustrated with engravings. She wears a simple black dress with gold belt, brace- let, and chain, and a large collar of rich lace. Height, 33 inches ; width, 25% inches. Sir Joshua Reynolds ie (Attributed) MASTER PER CHARLES KENDALL 5 L. . A study of a partly-draped infant reclining in a “half-seated attitude, on a rich red velvet cushion, under a circular window, part of which shows in the upper right corner. Inscribed on the back of canvas, ‘‘ Master Charles Kendal, Primo Anno A‘tatis. Joshua Reynolds Pinxit Anno 1744, Atatis Suz er. Height, 30 inches ; width, 24% inches. . 3s: wv Vie : }00O—PORTRAIT = YY, thet ot. The head and shoulders of a middle-aged gentle- man in a black coat, high collar and white stock, holding an opened letter in his right hand. The head is in three-quarters view facing the right, and in the background is a suggestion of a landscape. Height, 30 inches ; width, 24% inches. i Thomas Lawrence a7 4. (Attributed) PORTRAIT OF AN A ySS / The head and shoulders Of a LAE ghd lady, dressed in a black frock with lace cuff and double collar, holding in the left hand a roll of manuscript. The head is slightly turned to the right and is puffed at the sides. It is oval with a sky back- ground. Height, 30 inches ; width, 24% inches. 4 Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. English lath . 1727—1788 262— PORTRAIT OF DR. U fi : The famous author df “ Night Thoughts” is seated on a grass-grown bank in a park under a weeping willow tree. He is dressed in a complete suit of black with lace at sleeves and neck, and wears a white wig. In his right hand he has a half- open book, and with his left holds upright a long spud with paddle blade. On the right is an ornate building among trees, and distant hills in the hori- zon, Height, 30% inches ; width, 25 incnes. rf Ds re Unknown (9 Q x 20 OF wyfQan The head and shoulders of the monarch in middle life, wearing a great ermine cloak and a rich chain with gold pendant, his enormous coiffure of dark hair in masses on either side of his head, flowing over the shoulders in large curls. The face which is partly in shadow is in three-quarters view turned to the left. Oval. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Unknown ” hone. Met lodt A half-length figure of a gentleman seated at a table, his left hand resting. on a book and his right _ hanging by his side. He is dressed in the costume of.- the early part of last century, with black coat, high collar, and stock, and wears a gold pendant with a green and white rosette on his breast. Height, 33 inches; width, 25% inches. 3 Unknown ee 3 by ru Dutch School J5—PORTRAIT OF MA SSE A hailf-length figure of a staid lady at the age of sixty, dressed in a simple dark dress with lace collar and cap, holding in both hands a pair of neatly folded gloves. A rich chain of gold and silver work hangs around her waist, probably hold- ing her keys. Height, 39% inches ; width, 31% inches. SS ST ee “ plete AS iat William Hogarth English Adee 1697—1764 206—PORTRAIT Tu. A half-length figure of a gentleman in cost the time of George III. He wears a blue with cuffs, revers, and collar trimmed with gold galloon, a waistcoat of the same material, white ruffles and jabot, a brown wig, and has a cocked hat under his left arm. In this left hand he holds a large open letter. The face is in three-quarters view to the left, and the background is a mellow, olive tone. & ‘ny ama Height, 40% inches; width, 30% inches. J. S. Noble gs ile: English 207—“ HOW HAPPY U B WITH EITHER” 47d } | ‘ | Two chattering monkeys are huddled together in fright on the top of a large drum, and opposite them a leopard in a cage with paws hanging out between | the bars, snarls at the little animals as he rubs his ) muzzle on the iron rods. | Signed at the left, J. S. NoBLE. Height, 25 inches; length,"35 inches. 4% Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. if 0.¢7 (Attributed) })8—aA GYPSY | aay PP In the near foregr is” a group of several Romany men and women around a fire which they. have built to cook their food, while they rest under an ancient oak on the edge of a forest. On the left a deeply-rutted road winds away in sinuous curves to a distant village in the horizon. In the lower part of the sky are great rolling summer clouds. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Gustave Courbet French “hb a- om 178-338 G E. , ‘OO— LANDSCAPE rg) ; A steep, rocky hillside occupies the near fore ground on the right. It is in shadow and the trees and jagged rocks are in silhouette against a quiet sky. On the left is a sunlit valley with houses | nestled among the trees and beyond, a sloping cul- tivated hillside with level top and here and there a haystack, trees, and farm buildings. Signed at the right, G. CourBET. Height, 23% inches; length, 33% inches. 0 Fo yee 210—MATERNITY % A. seated Te robed in lo garments, em- braces with her left arm a naked child, drawing him to her heart. Two other fair-haired youngsters of larger growth caress their mother, one on either side of her. Height, 32 inches: width, 26 inches. 3 O° ee Unknow 211—DUTCH LANDS} eS On the left two horsemen and a large company of i people crowded into a box-like ferry-boat, are . about to land at a large inn which stands at the very edge of the water. A windmill is perched high i above the gables of the inn, which are overhung by large trees. On the quiet water are rowboats and quaint sailing craft with many passengers, and in the distance are numerous small islands. Height, 22 inches; length, 32 inches. = - aia en I nn mance Canaletto Venetian | 1697—1768 a 212—THE GRAND 4 GY, Soe? This view of the famous waterway is taken from an elevated position, and shows a line of houses in sunlight, curving around from the right fore- ground, and on the left the facade of a stately palace. Along the sides of the canal are moored numerous boats, and here and there are barges and gondole with gayly dressed rowers, moving briskly over the water. Height, 24 inches ; length, 38 inches. é if I? vd Henry oe /213—ON THE WAY TO MAK GY eg Ye Moving along a country road which runs straight out of the foreground, are several sheep following a woman on a donkey with a lamb in one of the pan- niers, and three cows and another sheep driven by a man on horseback. On the left is a clump of small birches growing among the bushes by the road- side, and, on the right, a large thatched building. The sun, breaking through the clouds, strikes the group from behind and above, strongly accenting the animals and the figure. Signed at the right, Henry THORNTON. i Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. ee ee Se ee eee Fa: Won Unknown 214—LANDSCAPE QQ. 0. 4 A pleasant hilly A partly wooded, with ; range of high mountains in the distance, rising above a large lake of irregular shape. A few sail- boats are seen in the distance, and nearer at hand are farm houses on low sunlit hills, with grazing cattle and sheep. In the immediate foreground, a boy and a girl are gathering flowers in a rough pasture, across which winds a well-trodden path. Height, 25% inches; length, 36 inches. Constant Troyon French 3 ag 7? 18 215—ON THE SAND A broad sand beach, still wet after the rapidly falling tide, covers the entire foreground. Bare- legged mussel gatherers are hurrying off to their task, and the monotonous waste of sand is broken by frequent timber beach stays. On the left a broken line of bluffs in perspective leads the eye to the low horizon, where a narrow strip of sea shows on the right. The sky occupies three-quarters of the composition, and the blue is veiled by thin vaporous clouds. Signed at the right, C. T. Height, 26 inches; length, 39% inches. Seymour J. Guy , A hala . eee B ,1G6—THE JAPANESE PICTU A mother holds her little daughter in her and unfolds before her a book of colored Ja prints. The figures are life-size, nearly half-length, and the light falls strongly on them from above on the left. Signed at the right, S. J. Guy in monogram. Height, 39 inches; width, 25 inches. 2, a: FPWilliam Shayer, Senior 217—LOW TIDE A? v7 Ca Various vessels have been left by the tide high and dry on a low rock-strewn shore, and the country people and fisher folks with a cart and baskets are assembled to carry away the catch of fish. In the distance are lofty cliffs in perspective, the line of their bold summits broken by the fore- ground group, and by the marks and sails of a vessel beached near a wharf in the middle distance. The sky is full of soft clouds floating in a summer haze. Signed at the left, Wm. SHAYER SEN. Height, 30 inches; length, 39% inches. nay 4 37: ve Unknown 218—STILL LIFE . The central object of a group arranged on a is a human skull, around which is coiled a serpent, and near by are rich metal objects, jewels, books, and papers. Below and on either side are bunches of grapes and other fruit, and on each corner of the picture is a bouquet of flowers. Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches. John Faulkner, R. vo rf Ted “nls WP oe | 219—GATHERING WATER- a Three or four country children have found a iy harvest of water-cress in a quiet, shallow stream, which runs from between banks overgrown with tall trees to the foreground, where it has in the time of freshet washed away the soft sand of an open field and widened out its bed. Beyond a sunlit pasture on the right is the corner of a large wood with tall feathery trees, and in the distance another large clump of trees against a hazy sky. . Signed at the right, Joun FauLKNER, R.H.A. Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches. Jean Baptiste Fontena French wd. wi L654—1715 A bust of Cesar standing in a niche, is decorated - with a variety of flowers, a large bunch at the base 5 another on the shoulder, and a third fastened to the head by a brilliant red ribbon. The light falls strongly from the upper left. Height, 47% inches ; width, 30 inches. Charles Emile Jacque French P3/o° * wa Y %y ML, 21—THE PIG HERDER Arr A thick growth of great forest trees extends nearly across the composition. The foreground is in sunlight, and a great herd of half wild pigs ac- companied by a peasant in a blue blouse, is eagerly scrambling up the rough slope to feed on the acorns in the wood. On the right is a simple sunlit plain stretching away to a low horizon. Signed at the left, Cu. JACQuE. Height, 35% inches; length, 52!4 inches. sgl; Cit: Mranatory 222-—NIAGARA FALLS OONLIG The great sweep of the Horeshoe Falls is “2 by the full moon, which is shining through an open- ing in the dense storm clouds which cover the sky. In the foreground is the well-known point with a round tower reached by a narrow foot bridge, which leads thither from a ledge of rocks, covered with trees and undergrowth. Signed at the left, E. H. Height, 29% inches; length, so inches. $C — Da J | 223—ST. JOHN IN T WILD ES : i Seated on a rock in the foreground is the figure of a young saint adoring a small figure of the Saviour, and near him is a rude cross planted in the \, ground. Two cherubim hover above his _ head, and an immense tree half-covering the sky leans over the little glen, which is the chosen sanctuary of the saint. In the distance, beyond a rough and wooded country, are seen snow-covered mountain peaks against the sky. Height, 48 inches ; width, 37% inches. Me 2 Lan thci j4— MAGDALEN A woman in a silk gown which is falling off her bust, sits in the open air with one hand held to her ss right breast, and the other resting on a skull. Near- . her, leaning against a rock, is a large open volume which she reads with an expression of earnest atten- tion on her face. The figure is life-size and seen to the waist only. 2 Gaerne Height, 40 inches ; width, 35 inches. 2 pe es b por wy pee Kerllomd | '5—THE AMOURS OF S AND VENUS An immense carved and gilded couch with foun- tains and statuary and curtains, stands in the loggia of a palace, and upon it recline the figures of a Greek warrior and his bride. Crowds of cupids sur- round the bed, some playing with the hero’s armor, | others drawing the curtains and throwing up the { coverlid, and in the clouds Vulcan is seen kneeling to Venus. Height, 40 inches ; length, 54 inches. ae | Pes L. Suyd 36.7 yy. 26—SAINT JOHN A full-length life-size Mae of the saint, partly clad in a rough tunic, half-kneeling near a trickling spring from which he catches water in a basin. In his left hand he holds a small rude cross, and behind him is a vista to a distant landscape. _ Height, 551% inches ; width, 44 inches. ae ta Verboeckhoven and Jan Baptiste De Jonghe ) 346° Belgian ®) 88 1789—I881 1785—18 227—LANDSCAPE 7). PA. tot A narrow stream sweeps around a clump of trees, _ oe which half conceals a church and a cottage, and flows under a bridge in the foreground in front of a group of thatched farm buildings, overhung by | tall trees. On the right, beyond a sturdy oak, is a vista across a level country to the horizon, where ~ > a: a line of low hills is faintly seen against the sky. A farmer with two horses is crossing the bridge, and sheep are lying in the road and feeding on the grass on either side. Signed at the left, J. B. pz JonGHE. Inscribed on the back: ‘‘ Je soussigné déclare que les animaux ct contre sont original. Eugene Verboeckhoven, 1864.”’ Height, 42 inches; length, 5514 inches. Birket Foster, A.R.W.S. a 228 Ate CASTLE ON TH | From the further shoré ff the broad river rise oe steep and lofty heights, the pinnacle of one of them crowned by the ruins of a castle with a tall donjon and shattered walls. At the base of the cliffs stands a walled town with two towers, one square and one round. A raft and various boats float on the swell- ing surface of the stream, and in the foreground is a group of boats with numerous occupants. Signed at the left, B. F. Height, 65 inches ; width, 48 inches. nn. X Th 1eodor - Hildebrand OM INSANITY d king, eine | Batty on a low tee ; the floor, recognizes his daughter f-stricken face, leans anxiously over as is / the doctor | ie startled at the ee and ee eee tens of the painful scene aa a and distress. A fie - ; ‘Signed at the left, Tx. Hig peeunis, Height, 72 ‘inches ; width, 69 inches. on - AMERICAN Ne ASSOCIATION, 2 MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ag ce me | eA Pena ey 8 Se Vea mae ihe Bile Nelo —! Ca ak oc it : j Nae? 5 fap < if Fis Re Vy iS : A a fg Ww a | it ay gel Sai Tee SS AS, ) f 4 = ts i N \ , i t . Ak \ Vk / | hy iy} ' i 3 7 Ni erat Nera a» \ Fe eo eh es | ; PL MESS a ig = ee i “ss ¥ any Bi Re \ SF ok | Nhe ty SS FY OS Be a WAP a i ( t iY, on G < \~ as / ae. oka ( ciate ; = iv = = [ a = As nas PDQ) a oo rg eat re » a et ne as NY a —_~ = \ = 7 ‘ 4 a “5 eee — . Aes Re f ~ e/a PAY oS Se rt e ee pee Ss = ~ p___| MS — z Os +9 rs Sig eee : ? f 6 om © — Fa A i = me ae + : | = ee re ‘ene! - } Ex (Abe : ! / “s — — So ct wa F a ~ LU ————————— at m — " w ————————d be AK = "4 nike ia ae a ALY a x ‘g s — == « Se aa =a PN ( —— = - aaa 5 ee i {x Vas “5, Ser it x = ~ ~ ce | WS To ge SN! : gine oy peeoah eee es : eed : ¥ : cS — AE re § ad —Seg =a =i tke = { © \ ‘A f Soa SP am me a ee ee \ SSS = 2 — SN f 5, ig eS “a SSS re ASAE