2 and Geroneit of the horses) 4 did 1 not | eau seh & superb rendering of ac this picture. .And the render- in “i a oh phigh any triviality of motion ro. Ae arrangement; moreover it is. sath giag observant, Each tn these istinct individuality; playing ae ip ee brave part is ped the united labor; their faithful strength, one’ feels, hea ae ed to the eg well as bal ae ee of pags Si aa ove for ea éast, ho ee a aed communicates to us a fulness of greet ; Grain Stack on Fire” is an important: tae by Jules Breton, and, if I am not ‘taken, was included in the group of tures shown by him at the Paris Expo- faicon ¢ of 1900, ft is full of spirit and brings to one’s imagination a vivid realization of such a scene, in which peasants are hur- — rying up with improvised water supply ta. eek the flames and prevent t re ing to the other ricks. There is © example by Daubigny, “The i acai d,” the trees with reddening amid the branches of dark foliage ‘forming a handsome foreground to a twi- light sky, fet al on the horizon and pale x overhead At scarcely has the inti- Mate feeling of later and smaller canvases; of ES eee golden-brown folia 8 g in the glow of sunset, wh: ‘the foreground is in shadow with gray boulders showing Mp amid the luxuriance of the dark ferns, It is a stirring picture, full of a rich resonance cf color, applied, as it were, in ample, massive chords. Of two Corots one may specially note “On ‘the Terrace;” with its graceful entangle- gh of tree stems surmounted by a canopy ‘of dark foliage, beneath which is a figure ona stone bench, witha pumeerHon beyond lof water lit by evening lhght. It has a petty melodiousness of Leiria, 4 a lovely réestfulness of low-toned colors; By Millet is ‘a study of his wife reading and that curious ‘picture, “The Listening Stag,” sometimes | oalled the “Old Wall.” Of three examples i by ena Michel the “End of the Storm” is particularly memorable for its tragio in- ! tensity of eeling, while “Sunshine and | Clouds,” a picture of mellower tones, is a ' fine specimen of his purer coloring and of his splendid realization of ground forms, A picture that will delight all lovers of pen s elegant art is “Crossing the ' Ford,” a picturesque scene viewed through the graceful romanticism of his tempera- _ment; delicately skilful in its atmospheria — SS SS eR TT j | | “qualities and spruuxiee witn @ tender bless “soming of color. ain, in a little nanvas bY Isabey, “The Wreck,® one finds an unusual ess than usual of spirited vraiemo™ Other pictures might be: gingiee a THE SALE CLOSES THE CAREERO AN OLD ART FIRM. | | Sixty-nine Paintings Disposed or Last — Night Fetchedwa,’Total of 305,075 — @chreyer’s, ““Fieavy 1oad’’ Brougnt | @5,650—Salé Held at Waldorf-Astoria. | A large number of people gathered in > the grand ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria to witness the sale of Samuel P.. Avery Jr’s pictures last evening, a sale that | practically ends the career of an art house whose name has been 4 part of the art i history of New York for. the past forty . years, under Samuel P, Avery and his son | and successor, for Mr. Avery, JY., retires | from business on April, . The sale was conducted by James Ps} Silo. Some paintittgs belonging to dite | ferent owners were added to Mr. Avery's) list, three paintitigs were withdrawn from. the catalogue as published, and the sixty- nine pictures sol fetched $63,075. It was. a dealer’s stock and a dealer’s sale, and, sthe bidders were slow with their offerings , it was a hard pull to get a eissonier | up by $5 bids from $400 to $500, and & little. easier to get it along up to the selling price. of $600. Millet’s “Woman Reading” dragged | similarly all the way from $100 to $620.. The first liberal initial bid was $500 for the. same painter's “Listening Stag.” The liveliest bidding of the evening was for Knaus’s “Coquette,” which appeared | to be wanted by several rsons. The Sharpless portrait of Washington ‘was. Waianae oe eae it; Ade N. Adler... Bonr not ee ahi? eee tee beck eens f er ihe Snow, % nal,” seis ie bi | ye sae Bc E10 76-6 wes ae kw E. Brandus..... 250. MP Bourton ae C: ; RP rato ere BER bie: 6: 8D ia ies) pip (a) eb arb: Wie % Wl A Te a ea ae Ta [es Z . Perey EB. ache i G, a ah Me a ap “100 soc ie OU ba Laat 1,500. W. eabetn viastings, ‘" oly oma is weenie: 92 2 ulnas, ” y i Sin 25 eat a Ror i eas an "Beechey; R.A. Wheeler... 600 “she ang Weer ee hes ; ay tke Wooas, B + BIB nd " Jacq quet ©: Comstock... en “Sorrow,” Greuze; William Macbeth..,...... : [eee Sete A. Tooth & Sons......".” 975, ees apa gaa rt she Le ek Peele Ute a NE ekioeiae oy eiso oMillen. 2.650 2 Lots Se LS eb ee em ae ae oe ee Teg Fer ee Wk ela i ORS ules s te Borsa - ——— : ; Bee eee reer en cnne eae “apple Orch gny; A.A Aen ued” Sciroge A baum. Ce eee ae a ee ee Pong eet eate ee PUIG AE ON cua dnc Sond cmeas hee ee ai . = s « aieaemeamennetoie teentation, 5 8, ieee PAINTINGS BRING 3. 74/7 4 oui) GOOD PRICES The Collection of Mr. S. P. Avery Jr., Sold at Auction at the Wal- dorf-Astoria for $63,075, The collection of paintings formed by Mr. S. P. Avery, Jr., the art dealer, who has re- cently retired from business, was sold, to- gether with several additions, by Mr. James P. Silo, in the ballroom of the Waldorf-As-— toria last night. The sale, including many | pictures of merit, attracted a large audience, and the prices, on the whole, were good, A total of $63,075 was obtained. — ae The Schreyer, ‘‘A Heavy Load,” brought $5,650, the highest price of the evening. It was bought by Mr. A. H. Lewis. -Gains-. borough’s ‘‘Mrs. Owen, of Rye, Sussex,’ brought $5,400. Mr. Frederick Chapman | bought Fromentin’s ‘‘Crossing the Ford” for $4,800, and Mrs. J. W. Cardeza secured Bou- } guereau’s ‘‘The Coming Shower” for $3,500. Some of the other paintings sold as folk lows:—‘“‘The Apple Orchard,” by Daubigny, $2,000; ‘‘Forest. of Fontainebleau,” by Diaz, | $1,200; ‘‘Grain Stack on Fire,’’ by Jules Bre- ton, $850; ‘‘The Listening Stag,” by J. F. Mil- let, $900; ‘““Mrs. Stock,” by Sir Thomas Law- rence, $700; ‘‘In_ the Meadow,” by Van Marcke, $2,650; ‘In Doubt,” by Nicol, $975; “Venice,” by. Giem, - $1,400; ‘*Moonlight, Dieppe,” by Thaulow, $1,750; “The Ambu- lance Corps,’ by Detaille, $1,600; “After the. Storm,’ by Cazin, $1,250; *’The Coquette,” by Knaus, $1,000; ‘‘Santa Maria Della Salute,” by Rico, $1,400; ‘‘Sunset,”’ by Rousseau, $1,500; ‘‘George Washington,” by Sharpiess, $2,100; “The Windmill,’ by Dupré, $1,450, and. “Twilight in Italy,’’ by George Inness, $700. —————_— 4 — —___— < S. P. AVERY, Jr., COLLECTION OF OIL. PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD 4 @AT AUCTION Thar Ni ght, March 20th, IN THE LARGE WALDORF-ASTORIA BALL ROOM, AY 8.15 P. Ms Exhibition Open Free FROM FRIDAY, MARCH 14th,to THURSDAY, MARCH 20th DAY AND EVENING, IN THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, NEAR 34th STREET, NEW YORK. JAS. P. SILO, 1902 Auctioneer. be PASTEL PORTRAIT OF. was : BRINGS $2,100. . 3 _ Me sale in the ballroom of ‘the Wane te ria- last night of the collection of pictures belonging to. 8. P. Avery, Jr., brought a total of $63,125. One of the pictures was a pastel profile of George. Wash- ‘ington, by James Sharpless. It was a small. ‘picture, only seven by nine inches, and gave an_ unusual impression of thé*face,irather hollow at. the jaws and suggestive of-a man who had passed ‘his prime. . te @ .@s © - => a : cit KAEMMERER (F. H.) ; ‘ ; Paris Pupil of Géréme : Medal, 1874 ~ # Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 we Legion of Honor, 1889. THE COQUETTE ‘ 5 xo% tot From the Goupil Collection, Paris. 5 | . JOHNSON (David) 92 ork Member of the National Academy of Design » CHESTNUT TREES, FORDHAM J 93 x 12 From the Artist 8 WZa SB; trad E pO 6 q), 7 f-2 oe RICHARDS (William 7) : Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876 Prize Medal, Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, ike Honorary Member National Academy, N. | ewport A ROUGH SEA—COAST OF GUERNSEY 34 = 12% From the Artist. ISABEY (Eugene) ar ne api Born 1804, Died 1886 wd Medals 1824— 1827— 1855 Legion of Honor 1332 Officer of fhe Legion of Honor, 1852. THE WRECK 134% x 834 | / Y yee 8 i wer — TENIERS (David) The Younger. Rake Born 1610, Died 1690 MAN READING 73%4X9% From the Roux Collection, Paris. GEGERFELT (W. J.) — . : The Hague 6 SCENE IN HOLLAND 1534 x 123% A ff ( CC acedt At 2 boa JOHNSON (David) New York ; Member of the National Academy of Design, New York. NEAR GEORGETOWN, CONN 934 x 12 l‘rom the Artist. 10 Z a ECHTEER (A) <2) oe wegen ou XX Medal, 1883 * A YOUNG PIFFERARI é 1234 x 18% Io Ve PALMER (Walter L.) a Pupilef FP... Chureh, Associate Member National Academy of Design, N. Y. Member Society of American Artists, N. Y. American Water Color Society, N.Y. New York Water Color Club, Pastel Club, etc. Received the second Hallgarten Prize, $o00, at the Academy of Design, N. Y., 1887. Medal, World’s Fair, Chicago, 1893. Gold Medal, only award, Philadelphia Art Club, 1894. Evans Prize, $300, only award, Water Color Society, N. ¥. +) 1895: First Prize, $250, Boston Art Club, 1895. MORNING AFTER THE SNOW Albany 34m 24 s , HAA From the Artist. 13 SANTORO (Rubens) : Medal, 1806. J Medal, Chicago Exhibition, 1893. ST. BARNABA CANAL, {ia 14 x 19 pee dk £ Meee From the Artist. Na 14 HARBURGER (E.) : si - aXX AT THE INN 4x9 (a II 15 MICHEL (Georges) ; : : : Paris Born, 1763. Died, 1843. END OF THE STORM 2534 X 174% From the Erwin Davis pL. 4 Pw Ay 8 a { ar So, 16 BARICOLO (F.) > {=== ae , Paris r Born, » Died, F if Pupil of Duplessis. Coe & P ie dash BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 21% 25% There isa similar portrait, painted by this artist in 17835 in the Na- tional Portrait Gallery, London, but without the flash of light- ning in the background of this picture. — JACQUE (Charles) : . ees Born, 1813. Died, 1894. : Medals: 1861, ’63, 64. Legion of Honor, 1867. . Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. = ha : 8x II From the Foinard Collection, y {2 Uy v/ : Us fi oy 4 AO, A AMAEALA MIL — ee ee er 18 ieee aN. 1878. IOU-x 7 rere es Ff 19 MICHEL, (Georges) - / ‘de, 27% x 213% 13 : A CLOUDY DAY ry \ WE From the Gide Collection, Born, 1807. Died, 1876. Medals: 1844, 46, ’48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory GE Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle fre Paris. | Cfo4a/ § 2 8 é 2 MORLAND (George) : London F Born, 1763. Died, 1804. \/- A ROCKY SHORE 4) Ay 11% x 1334 o ‘6 From the Boughton collection, London. aie / AY 4 20 Born, 1763. Died, 1843. v - CLOUDY DAY From the Richards collection, Boston. “a p, ’ 21 COTES (Sir Francis) : : London . sf Born, 1726. Died, 1770 q OM, LADY ASHBURTON i 29% x 36 | From the Foinard collection, Paris. Cd tian eee ee ES, 2D / f gh BOUGHTON (George H.) : ’ London Member of the National Academy of Design, New York. Member of the Royal Academy, London, J AMONG THE TREASURES 15% x 233% “9 A i, ; a the ee fi 3 Lf [faa é. J , te LY 22 ; : RICHARDS (William T.) ; ; Newport Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876. Prize Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1885. ~ Honorary Member National Academy, New York. 7 SUNRISE AT SEA | 314x194 | From the artist. f Ofy Lhe a ye bie - 4 14 toe 24 PICKNELL (William L.) Boston , Born, 1854. Died, 1897. Silver Medal, Boston, 1881. Gold Medal, Boston, 1884. Member of the Society of British Artists, London. ; Member of the Society of American Artists, New York. aia Member of the National Academy of Design. NEAR ANNISQUAM 35)4 X 234 Pupil of Géréme. =e Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880. ? f | i Pe a ee | ZUGEL (H. J.) Pou. Munich THE SHEPHERDESS fe 27 x 18% — 26 C MEISSONIER (J. L. E.) . . . Paris V Born, 1813. Died, 1890. Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1840-41-43-48. Legion of Honor, 1846, Ee Grand Medal of Honor, 1855. ‘ Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856. ; + reel Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London. tas 2 FT One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. on } Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867. | Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. i Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. i accent | NEAR POISSY 8x5 From the artists’ sale. 15 4 Sa O (badraen Pree a: 3 4} ee : 27 MICHEL, (Georges) : : i : Paris v4 Born, 1763. Died, 1843. SUNSHINE AND CLOUDS 231% x 183% eh From the Thomas Howell collection. : ; Pr ait : 5D DIAZ (N23 Born 1807, Died 1876 . f} ; FA f lel < / 2 ee i J Medals, 1844, "46, 48 bL“ SEG OG Lev’ KF JO busy ; Legion of Honor, r8s5r Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. WOODLAND PATH 10% x 133% From the Goupil Collection Paris and the Mancini Collection Paris p B10 SHARPLESS (James) ‘ : Philadelphia Z Born 1781, Died 1811 / GEORGE WASHINGTON " 7 iio j fa * t : * # f Pas wt é fg Kf Pastel sar tt + atin “This is an original Portrait of General Washington, taken in 1797. It was painted by Mr. Sharpless. It is an exact likeness, except the complexion. General Washington was very fair, with light brown, almost auburn hair. . he had artificial teeth, but so well fixed that they did not disfig ure his mouth, His hair was thin, craped and dressed with powder and pomatum as this profile.” (signed) Eliza P. Custis. The original letter, as above, goes with core portrait. The above mentioned por trait was inherited by me, from my grandmother. Eliza Parke Custis. (signed) Eleanor A. Goldsborough née Rogers. There are one hundred and thirty four pastels, by this artist in Independence Hall, Philadelphia. 16 DOPRE (Jules) 4° SO. iets Paris _ ASAX Born 2811, Died 1889 Medals: 1833, ’67 nn fee Legion of Honor, 1849 Liv CJ Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 yl eh THE WIND MILL ene 13% 9% ”} gs =~ rp f rd ¥. £ é P f Ne” fe fi ef" € t a 31 : ZAMACOIS (E.) ag Paris Born, Tats, ‘Died, 1877. Pupil of Meissonier, a a Medal, 1867. ; Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition, Universal, ; ae 1878. aa k / oe "ie THE SCARECROW q J oO 9 x 12\% . Fane 32 DECAMBPS (A. G.) ; Born, 1803. Died, 1860. ‘ i yr Pupil of Pujol. / f f) Medals, 1831, ’34. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1839. dl Officer of the Legion of Honor, 185r. Fell THE PIRATES 29 o7 fF 17% x 12% i From the Sedelmeyer Collection, Paris. 17 33 | ROUSSEAU (Theo) =; . : Paris Z Born, 1812. Died, 1867. . Z Pupil of Lethéire. Ne Medals, 1834, ’49, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Universal Exhibition, 2 1867. SUNSET 8% x 6% From the Seney Collection, re re ff a f ff Sei t ppt bp A A Fi @ & DIAZ (N.) Born, 1807. Died, 1876. . Ww Medals, 1844, 746, 748. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878. NEAR BARBIZON 17x 12% From the Chase Collection. 33 LHL oA sireretery) : ; : London Born, 1617. Died, 1680. i .f LADY ELIZABETH HASTINGS 39/2 ¥ 49% From the Price collection, London, and the Wallis & Agnew collections, London. 18 nn & & t ‘ LAURENS (J.-P.) , ; Paris 4 Medals, 1869-72-89. Legion of Honor, 1874. Medal of Honor, 1877. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Member of the Institute of France, 18or. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS mi it 19/4 ¥ 24 a ry Sf, oF INNESS (George) : New York Born, 1825. Died, 1894. Z Pupil of Gignoux, Member of the National Academy of Design, Member of the Society of American Artists. Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1889. TWILIGHT IN ITALY 29% x 19% From the Clarke collection. 38 BEECHEY (Sir William) ; London SX X Born, 1753. Died, 1839. ‘f “LADY SOMERSET 244 & 29% From the Agnew Collection, London. Sie +9 5 erties MADRAZO (R.) ; : : Paris Medals, 1878-89. Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889. IN THE GARDEN 210x254 ‘ JACQUE (Charles) : ; : Paris Born, 1813. Died, 1894. ‘ 2 Medals, 1861-63-64. eS Legion of Honor, 1867. Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. SHEEP RESTING 114x7% From the Foinard collection, Paris. C , bu. Cc & 7. ‘{ ¢. .< ho t. tS 4x ¢ gO COROT (J. B. C.) ; x Paris ¥ Born, 1796. Died, 1875. £ » # a A # Pupil of V. Bertin. i ; ag Medals, 1838-48-55-67. Etat & Legion of Honor, 1846. ; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universal, 1878 7, & ON THE TERRACE , <4 16x 214 VE i : $3 = From the Diot collection, Paris, and the Tooth collection, London, i : fe Li pe 20 A2 \ DIAZ (N.).. ; A ; : : Paris Born, 1807. Died, 1876. Ta Medals, 1844-46-48. Legion of Honor, 18sr. al Diploma tothe Memory of i cesaned Artists, Exposition Universal,1878 , oy EDGE OF THE WOODS L- 21% x 164% ae From the Bernheim collection, Paris. 43 -BENJAMIN- CONSTANT (J. 32 Paris Ps Medals 1875—1876—1878 Fi ~ Legion of Honor 1878 J Officer of the Legion of Honor 1884 é Member of the Institute of France 1893 Medalof Honor 1896 PORTICO. OF THE ALHAMBRA 36 x 52 From the Graves Collection 44 ui Le Meer gc) 9.4. . > Paris Pupil of Bouguereau % Medals, 1868, ’75, 778 Legion of Honor, 1879 CINDERELLA 25 x 36 From the Dousman Collection 21 & fhe heli 45 ; HEILBUTH (F.) ; : : P Paris 5 pa. Bas Born 1826, Died 1889 toa oe xX ¥ \f . Medals 1857—18s9—19861 Legion of Honor 1861 Officer of the Legion of Honor 1881 CATCHING BUTTERFLIES 31% x 204% 46 MUNKACSY (M.) : : : : Paris Born 1846, Died 1900 Medals 1870—1874 : Legion of Honor 1877 Grand Medal of Honor 1878 Officer of the Legion of Honor 1878 Grand Prize 1889 Commander of the Legion of Honor 1890 THE HAYMAKERS | oY 4 4 i> f ‘ 374%23% C4 ff/ LAALAA nS a 47 Minit (}. tooge : : ; } Paris Born, 1814. Died, 1875. i Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals, 1853, ’64, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1868. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Universelle Expo ane “AU } "t ode 1878. »> WOMAN READING foP UE 1734 Fs le ‘ ' A Portrait of Mme, Millet, From the Fop Smit Collection, Rotterdam, and the De Kuyper Collection, the Hague. “Her husband often made her sit to him as a model for his peasant women, and has left us more than one excellent likeness of her.” —From “J, F. Millet, His Life and Letters,” page 72. 22 Eas 48 : 5 : ‘ : Paris | Born, 1840. Died, rgoz. Pupil of Boisbaudran. * sone Medal, 1880. ff) 3 f) Legion of Honor, 1882. ¢ o% | Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889. AFTER THE STORM ~ nants 18 x I5 49 RICO (Martin) ; : : . : Paris CR SX Pupil of Madrazo. Medals, 1878, ’89. Legion of Honor, 1878. SANTA MARIA DELLA SALUTE / J fee 27% x 19% ae From the Artist. f ait cent LS ane jf / 50 f KNAUS (L,) : : ; : Berlin Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy. Medals, 1853, ’57, ’59. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1859. Grand Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1867. 3 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. : r Medal, Vienna, 1882, ; Medal, Munich, 1883. ; Professor in the Academy, Berlin. nll Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, — Antwerp and Christiana. Knight of the Order of Merit. Medals at Berlin, Weimar, Munich, etc. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 188s. THE COQUETTE 11% x 14% From the Artist. 23 51 RICHARDS (William T.) ; : Newport Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876. Prize Medal, Penn. Academy of Fine Arts, 188s. Honorary Member National Academy, New York. THE SUNLIT SEA | ed 52 x 30 From the artist. 52 DETAILLE (E.) A £ Pupil of E. Meissonier. f Medals, 1869-70-72. Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Medal of Honor, 1888. , ff Grand Prize, Universal Exhibition, 1889. fA ; Member of the Institute of France, 1892. THE AMBULANCE CORPS 50 x 29 Franco-GermanWar. Dated 1878,with dedication to Mr.Avery Ne 53 THAULOW (Fritz) : : : é Paris Legion of Honor, 1889. é4 l PZ \/ _.” MOONLIGHT—DIEPPE a 36% x 283 24 \ 54 Y SWAN (John M.) . oe es Member of the Royal Academy. Medals, Paris, 1885-89. EVENING IN THE DESERT | 34x 24 ¥ ; f° a4 : Meee (ix) . . Oe HES Pupil of Dijon Art School. ’ ; Medals, 1851-52-55. . Legion of Honor, 1857. Bie Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. VENICE 25x 16% \y GREUZE (J. B.) Born, 1725. Died, 1805. WA SORROW ) 14% X 17% From the Duc de Morny Collection, Paris. 25 Paris Paris Ath THe mF pave Ny’ 57 \. NICOL (Erskine) , London \ Member of the Royal Academy. oe ae Re a IN DOUBT * er 5 154 x 12% i ae! . From the Wallis Collection, London. i wo % | ait | { 5 8 COROT (J. BR coe (ee ete ce \Born, 17096. Disc, yA ) Pupil of V. Retin, M é als, 1838, 748) ee, 67. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of tHe Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the pone Se of Déceased Artists, Vin vencetio Exposition, », 1878. ITALIAN NDSCAPE 21%x 18 From the Higginson Collection, Boston. 99 MUNKACSY (M.) Me Born, 1846. Died, rgoo. Medals, 1870, 1874. Legion of Honor, 1877. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Prize, 1889. Commander of the Legion of Honor, r8go. £0 _~ & GYPSEY ENCAMPMENT aie 3746 x 23% 26 60 GRISON (A.) Mee es Paris AX ¥ onorable Mention, 1 oo as esters SERENADING THE BRIDE 4 ew 51% x 38% g 61 VAN MARCKE (£.) . ( ; Paris PIVESX Born 1827, Died 1891 2 MR Pupil of Troyon Medals, 1867, ’69, ’70, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1872 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878 iO IN THE MEADOW 22x 16% s From the Wallis Collection, London. 62 KNAUS (Ludwig) : : : : Berlin Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy Medals, 1853, ’55, ’57, '59 Legion of Honor, 1859 Grand Medal of Honor, 1867 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Amsterdam, Antwerp and Christiana. Knight of the Prussian Order of Merit Medals‘at Berlin, Vienna and Munich Weimar Gold Medal for Art Professor in the Berlin Academy Grand Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1880 Honorary Member’of the Royal Academy, London SPRINGTIME 13%x17% From the Honrath Collection, Berlin. 27 63 LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas) . London Born 1769, Died 1830 Pupil of the Royal Academy President of the Royal Academy, 1820 Member of the Academies of St Luke, Rome Chevalier of the Legion of Honor MRS. STOCK, oo DAUGHTER OF DR. SHAPLAND f wr a. 2714 X 35% From the Lord Coventry Collection, London : 5 64 4% . ° FROMENTIN (Eugene)... .. Paris \ , Born 1820, Died 1876 9: i A Pupil of Cabat. * Medals, 1849-1857-1859-1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. Bit Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Be Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposition | © j Universelle, 1878. in * * ni Ce CROSSING THE FORD oy, 0% yee : e ae 20% x13K Ge Presented by the artist to M. W. Camp. a “ From the Tripp Collection, Paris. : » Sy sat f 6 * bis 5 wen GRISON (A.) ° ° e ° e va 3 Honorable Mention, 1885 oi Medal 1890 THE APOTHECARY SHOP 11% x 14% 28 66 MILLET (J. F.) Paris 2G Born, 1864. Died, 1875. i ae a ; Pupil of P. Delaroche. fi. Medals, 1853-64-67. Legion of Honor, 1868. Diplomatothe Memory of Deceased Artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878. ot er THE LISTENING STAG ~ 233% x 19% From the Sensier collection, Paris,and Fop-Smith collection, Rotterdam, A Stag standing by the crumbling stones of the old wall which once formed the boundary of the forest, and looking out with startled eyes and ears erect at the unknown country before him. The dark shadows of the forest were finely contrasted with the brilliant light Nae the open plain and the rich hues of the old stones with their ferns and grasses and creeping lizards. This poetic picture, sometimes described as the Listening Stag, sometimes as the Old Wall, was eventually bought by Sensier and sold by him in 1877. BARBIZON, Dec. 3, 1862. My DEAR SENSIER: I start to-morrow, Thursday morning, for Paris. I shall bring my Old Wall, which I hope will meet with the approval of M. Blanc and his clients. From J. F. Millet. His life and letters, pp. 225—229. 67 GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas) . London g oa Born, 1727. Died, 1778. “MRS. OWEN, OF RYE, SUSSEX [, 25 uf x 30% ‘/ 4 ‘ From the Lawrie collection, London. 29 ‘ 68 DIAZ (N.) 2 Born, 1807. Died, 1876. Medals, 1844-46-48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Universal Exhibition,1878 Ey 77. FOREST OF FONTANE aa F 4 : to 42% x 30% ns . Z From the Junaker collection, Holland, the Wovsteg collect ‘ion, The Hague and the Témpelaere collection, cag i x x % ae BOUGUEREAU (William A.) . Paris | Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome, 1850. Medals, 1855-57-67. Legion of Honor, 1859 F. Member of the Institute of France, 1876, if Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor, Universal Exhibition, 1878. Medal of Honor, 188s. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1885. Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. THE COMING SHOWER / 3434 x 58 A ‘ Bat 70 /\ 0 DAUBIGNY (Cc. F.)!-. > J Born 1817, Died 1878 i Pupil of Delaroche FF Medals: 1848, ’53, 55, °57) ’59) 67 te Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer of Legion of Honor, 1874 Diploma to Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 THE APPLE ORCHARD 63% x 50 From the Petit Collection Paris, Wallis Collection, London, and the Hollender Collection London 30 71 eee Ct— FY m rs > an W. E. °o. FLUISCOX for Rousseaw’s fst oiL PAINTINGS : ee - SOLD FOR $63,075. Highest Price Paid at Auction Was $5,400 for ap, Gaihs- borough. ie | Sixty-niwe\ paintings, sold at auction in the ballredm of the Waldorf-Astoria last jevening, brought $638,075. They “were of the stock of S. P. Avely, Jr. ei » att t ; Rens 14 Var heas nit <“ es fe as x we 1 } Rn eas ee , whee heh hen fie $a Fake M ns i ry dhe ar Sia: iy aC! 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