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Spain j + pe ttt ; etetataistes Hers iets ty pts! tape tity Hehe ahs pate . 1912? a3) +333 +) ttgttes eh Ptr Hi i tit tpieTesrstett ty) stitis Rgeeau ae aa eetiartt sty veaeargengs : fh paesesteetatitat i Se pissiaititts pegbaag tte its : its oe maak teed +i4 jeieit : pease baht be ass Fareterey trae TErbtetcy ‘ee i So rn = ~ + = bn CO aur { pe 2 i i) a as HO 6 On Free View AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM SATURDAY, APRIL 47ru, UNTIL DATE OF SALE INCLUSIVE NOTABLE PAINTINGS FROM THE BLAKESLEE GALLERIES UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS APRIL NINTH AND TENTH BEGINNING EACH EVENING PROMPTLY AT HALF PAST EIGHT O’CLOCK YO HUN EDITION LIMITED TO DE LUXE CATALOGUE OF NOTABLE PAINTINGS BY MASTERS OF THE EARLY ENGLISH, DUTCH, FLEMISH AND FRENCH SCHOOLS CONSIGNED BY MR. T. J. BLAKESLEE TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT MENDELSSOHN HALL ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK : 1908 Press of J. J. Little & Ives Co. * New York CopyriGuT, 1908, By THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ALBANO, Francesco Venus and Cupids AMBERGER, CuristorH Portrait of a Gentleman BARKER, Tuomas (cattrp BARKER OF BATH) A Sheltered Pool BARRETT, Georcs, R.A. Landscape BEECHEY, Sir Wir, R.A. Miss Elizabeth Musgrave Portrait of Mrs. Marshall Portrait of Miss Lennox, afterwards Lady Ashley BOGERT, Grorcr H., A.N.A. Venice Eventide BOLOGNESE SCHOOL Saint Margaret BOTTICELLI (Ascrisep To) Virgin and Child CATALOGUE NUMBERS 72 29 42 128 36 73 148 37 123 142 125 CALLCOTT, Sir Aveustus, R.A. Old Farmhouse in Kent CANAL, Antonio (catteD CANALETTO) Grand Canal, Venice View of the Grand Canal, Venice CATALOGUE NUMBERS 60 100 Canaletto’s Conception of a Grand Opera House in Venice 129 CLAESZ, Pirter Still Life Still Life COLLINS, WitiM The Return of the Fleet CONSTABLE, Joun, R.A. Harvest Winchmore Hill, Middlesex COTES, Francis, R.A. Portrait of a Boy Portrait of Lady Hertford Portrait of Miss Hastings COTMAN, Joun Seyi A Stormy Day CROME, Joun (OLD CROME) An Ancient Windmill DE HOOGH, Pierer, asp PALAMEDES A Game of Tric-trac 147 89 113 34 76 139 12 63 87 DE MORGAN, Evetyn * Gloria in Excelsis ” Goddess of Flowers DE RIBERA, Josrr Head of Saint Thomas Christ Blessing Bread DE VOS, Cornetis Head of a Dutch Woman Portraits of Two Dutch Gentlemen Three Dutch Children A Dutch Family Group DE WITTE, Emanven Service in a Dutch Church D’HONDECOETER, Metcuior Peacock and Poultry DOBSON, Witi1AM William, Earl of Bedford Portrait of Earl of Digby Portrait of Van Dyck Marquis of Huntly Henrietta Maria of England Sir Charles and Lady Lucas Earl of Pembroke Elizabeth, Daughter of Charles I CATALOGUE NUMBERS 17 143 25 90 45 146 19 AT 48 55 58 70 112 126 DUPONT, GarnsporovcH Portrait of Lord Mountstuart The Children of Sir Charles Ashley FABRITIUS, Karer The Alchemist FLINK, GovarErt Portrait of a Rabbi Group of Figures FRENCH SCHOOL (Eartyr) Lady with Dog GAINSBOROUGH, Tuomas, R.A. A Stormy Landscape Lady Knighton, Wife of Admiral Sir John Knighton GERMAN SCHOOL Portrait of a Young Lady GUARDI, Francesco Church of San Giorgio Maggiore A Venetian Island HARLAMOFYF, Atexis The Gardener’s Daughter CATALOGUE NUMBERS 101 140 56 QT 124 54 52 lil 79 32 81 10 HARLOW, Gerorce Henry Portrait of Mrs. Blackburn Portrait of Miss Montague Two Children Portrait of Two Children Portrait of a Lady HOLBEIN (Scuoot or) Portrait of Henry VIII HONE, Naruantet, R.A. Portrait of Shelley HOPPNER, Joun, R.A. Portrait of Dr. Woods of Gloucester Portrait of a Lady HUDSON, Tuomas Portrait of Lady Spencer INSKIPP, James Portrait of a Young Lady ITALIAN SCHOOL Madonna and Child and Attendant JACQUET, Jean GusTAvE Waiting JOUVENET, Jran CATALOGUB NUMBERS 22 46 50 53 98 103 13 94 104 136 99 105 102 Vertumnus visiting Pomona in the Guise of an Old Woman 74 CATALOGUB NUMBERS KNELLER, Sm Goprrey Portrait of Lady Stewart 21 Mr. Dalzel, Son of General Dalzel . 184 Portrait of a Young Lady 144 LADBROOKE, Rosert A Landscape with Trees 29 The Thatched Farmhouse 107 LARGILLIERE, Nicoxas pe (Ascribed to) Portrait of Himself 28 LARGILLIERE, Nicouas pr The Duc de Penthiévre 39 LAWRENCE, Sm Tuomas, P.R.A. Portrait of Lord Seaforth 18 Portrait of Lady Ogilvie 44 Portrait of Lady Templetown — ~80 The Hon. Maria Liddell 141 LELY, Sir Prerer Earl of Arlington 23 Portrait of the Earl of Clarendon 130 The Countess of Exeter 137 LICINIO, Giovanni Antonio (caALLED PORDENONE) Portrait of a Man 84 MAES, Nicoxaas Portrait of a Lady 78 CATALOGUE NUMBERS MARIESCHI, Jacoro A Scene in Venice 6 Venice 82 MIGNARD, Pierre Portrait of Mme. de Graffigny 51 MOLA, Pietro Francesco Venus Rising from the Waves at the Island of Cythera 132 MORETTI, Cristororo A Milanese Nobleman ph bre MYTENS, Dante Portrait of Charles I 150 NATTIER (ScnHoot or) Comtesse de Chateauroux as Hebe 65 Portrait of a French Lady 92 The Duchesse de Chaulnes as Hebe 135 NORWICH SCHOOL A Sandy Lane 11 OPIE, Joun, R.A. The Sleeping Maiden 16 Young Girl Feeding Rabbits 86 The Toilette 106 OVENS, JuLiaEn Portrait of an Old Lady 3 PALAMEDES, anp DE HOOGH, Preter A Game of Tric-trac 87 CATALOGUE NUMBERS PALMA VECCHIO Madonna and Child, St. Joseph and St. Catherine 40 PERUGINI, C. E. A Syren ~ 49 POURBUS, Franz Anne of Austria, Queen of Louis XIII 127 POURBUS (AscriBep To) Portrait of Henry VIII when Prince of Wales 122 PYNE, James BaKker A Classical Landscape 131 RAEBURN, Sm Henry, P.R.S.A. Portrait of Mr. Paton 41 Portrait of George Joseph Bell 62 Portrait of Lord Glenlee 145 Portrait of Master Catheart 149 RAMSAY, Arian Portrait of George IIT 151 REYNOLDS, Sir Josuvua, P.R.A. Portrait of Mrs. Hutchinson, Wife of Dr. Hutchinson of Bath 15 Mrs. Thomas Orby Hunter 20 Richard Chauncey, Esq. 69 Little Girl with Kitten 91 Study of a Cupid 96 CATALOGUE NUMBERS RICHET, Lton After the Storm—in Normandy 35 RIGAUD-Y-ROS, Hyacintue F. Portrait of Montmorency, Duc de Luxembourg, Maréchal de France 31 ROBUSTI, Jacoro (cattep IL TINTORETTO) Portrait of a Venetian Dignitary 120 ROMNEY, Grorcer Mr. Hugh Scott of Harden Q4 Mrs. Beaumont and Child 33 Portrait of Major Parsons 38 David Garrick and Mrs. Siddons as Romeo and Juliet 75 Lady Clanricarde 95 Portrait of Mrs. Wright 115 Portrait of Captain Beauchamp 118 SHEE, Sir Martin Arcuer, P.R.A. Portrait of Admiral Seymour 66 STANNARD, JosrerH A Humble Cottage 17 STARK, James Village in East Anglia 83 STRUDWICK, J. M. A Lute Player 1 TOURNIERES, Rosert Portrait of the Marquise de Liancourt 116 TROY, Niconas DE Portrait of Mlle. de la Marteliére VAN DER BANCK, Jonan A Lord Mayor of London VAN DYCK, Sm AntrHuony William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury VAN DYCK (Ascrisep To) The Three Children of Charles I VAN MIERIS, Frans Portrait of a Nobleman VAN RAVESTYNE, Jan AnNTHONISZ Portrait of a Young Girl CATALOGUE’ NUMBERS 30 64 88 71 110 Portrait of Mrs. Whitehill (Wife of Richard Whitehill and Daughter of Alderman Stephen) VAN RUYSDAEL, Jaxon Mountains in Norway VAN RUYSDAEL, Satomon River and Waterfall VENEZIANO, Bontrazio Madonna and Child VERBOOM, E. Aprian A Dutch Landscape 119 * 59. 67 57 VESTIER, Anrorne Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait of Comtesse d’Estrades WATTS, F. W. The Old Farmhouse WESTALL, Ricuarp, R.A. Eli with the Infant Samuel WHEATLEY, Francis, R.A. Two Children WILKIE, Sm Davin Portrait of Himself WILSON, Ricuarp, R.A. Rock and Waterfall at Tivoli Italian Landscape and Lake WYATT, Henry Portrait of Miss Greatorex CATALOGUE NUMBERS 108 114 133 97 68 26 61 93 109 FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 9run, 1908 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT HALF PAST EIGHT 0’CLOCK CATALOGUE No. 1 J. M. STRUDWICK (Purit or Siz Atma Tapema) A LUTE PLAYER A cLassic maiden stands upon a tesselated pavement in front of a long bench of white marble which runs along the side of a room and is divided by low arms into a number of seats, the spaces over them being concealed by curtains of deep yellow silk. Her dress is of dark green, and a brown scarf is worn round the shoulders, brought in front and loosely knotted be- low the right hip. She carries a lute of antique pattern, which she plays softly as she advances towards the spectator. A wreath of laurel is upon her head, which is inclined slightly downwards with an expression of gentle melancholy, and her feet are bare. Signed upon the bench, J. M. 8. Height, 20 inches; width, 12 inches. Collection of the late Wit11am Imrie, Ese., Holmstead, Moseley Hill, Liverpool. ty ,Q Watlir Ae J iotll: Zonk . No. 2 CHRISTOPH AMBERGER (Purit or Hoxsern) 1490( ?)—1563 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN A DELICATELY painted portrait, executed with that minute care for details which is characteristic of the artist and the school. It shows a man of middle age, quietly but richly dressed in a coat of black silk, fastened down the sides with golden but- tons. A deep tippet of dark brown fur is round his shoulders, falling to the waist-line in front. On his head he wears a flat black cap, set around with golden ornaments and worn some- what over his right ear. His hands are held in front of him, and on the left forefinger he wears two jewelled rings. Inscribed in the upper right-hand corner, Spes MEA CuRIsTUs. Height, 191% inches; width, 1814 inches. No. 3 JULIAEN OVENS (Purit or RemBranprT) 1623—1678 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD LADY Tue head and shoulders of an old lady, wearing a brown cloak trimmed with ermine and fastened in front by a large gold clasp. Her white hair is simply dressed, and on the back of her head is a cap of some dark material. She is shown full face, the -eyes looking directly at the spectator. Height, 201% inches; length, 161% inches. Bought of Messrs. Dowpesweti & DowpEswELt. No. 4 ASCRIBED TO FRANS VAN MIERIS 1635—1681 PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN Tue sitter is depicted in the shadow of a great rock. He wears a brown coat, the sleeves turned back to show the fine linen shirt beneath. A long cloak of blue velvet is cast about his figure, cov- ering his knees and right arm, which he rests in an easy attitude upon a flat projection of the rock. The knuckles of his left hand rest upon his thigh, the right hanging easily before him. A heavy wig is on his head, the curls of which descend far below his shoulders. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. ALP! CifanA ae TK ree LaF haa Tacs Be eK MWe De re foe 2 —_— =) Ig Vil Yh eeler No. 5 PIETER CLAESZ 15'70—1623 STILL LIFE On a table partly covered with a green cloth a large glass goblet half full of wine stands beside a plate, on which are some wal- nuts. A silver compote is overturned close by, its foot resting on a pewter dish, on which is a half-peeled lemon, the knife lying next to it on the table. Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches. Collection of M. Cuas. Sepetmeyer, Paris, 1907. No. 6 JACOPO MARIESCHI 1711—1794 ‘A SCENE IN VENICE THE picture shows a broad canal in Venice, from which, on the left, another and narrower waterway leads, spanned by a steep bridge. In the centre of the picture is a large, rambling build- ing, around which is a long colonnade, and in front of which is a broad open plaza, to which several boats and gondolas are moored. On the left is a line of houses, dominated by a square tower with a cupola. Height, 18 inches; length, 28 inches. Marieschi excelled in painting architectural views and perspectives. He lived a long time in Germany, where his work was much admired. He etched many of his paintings. No. 7 F. W. WATTS (BroTHer-In-Law or JoHN Constaste, R.A.) THE OLD FARMHOUSE A GIO fd) Jbabeeek Tue foreground of the composition is occupied by a large horse pond, beyond which in the shelter of some old trees the farmhouse and outbuildings stand, the house with red-tiled roof and leaded windows, the cart-shed covered with heavy thatch. Beyond is a glimpse of sunny meadows, and a hay cart. The sky is covered with heavy clouds and in the distance a storm appears to be brewing. Height, 19 inches; length, 281% inches. No. 8 CORNELIS DE VOS . 1585—1651 FLO 0 HEAD OF A DUTCH WOMAN Adtarner Tue head and shoulders of a middle-aged woman, evidently the wife of a well-to-do burgher, in three-quarter view to the left. Her black dress is embroidered in front with gold lace. Round her neck is an immense linen ruff and an elaborate lace cap is on her hair, which is drawn back tightly from off her forehead. Height, 26 inches; width, 15 inches. G0 AKG U3. clha— VAGO ttt, Lar the ey No. 9 BONIFAZIO VENEZIANO 1491—1553 MADONNA AND CHILD (Illustrated on opposite page) Ture Madonna sits beneath an ivy-covered tree, with the In-- fant Christ standing upon her lap, his arm extended to clasp. his mother round the neck. With her left hand she supports. him, while the right clasps him round the body. She is clad in a loose robe of crimson, over which is worn a long blue cloak, which falls from her shoulders across her lap. On her head is a scarf of white linen, which falls upon her shoulders. The head is inclined forward and to the left, the eyes being cast down: with an expression of mournful tenderness. Height, 25 inches; width, 171 inches. No. 10 ALEXIS HARLAMOFEF 1849— THE GARDENER’S DAUGHTER A FAIR-HAIRED little girl of some eight summers stands in a flood of sunlight, holding a large branch of wild flowers. She- is clad in a pink petticoat and a chemise, over which is a pair: of stays, leaving her neck and arms bare. Her fair hair is done in a knot behind her head, and her eyes look straight at the spectator out of the picture. Height, 35 inches; width, 25 inches. Bought from the artist. HEL ORSRERRE WUTPTITITITITTITT TTT ee) ed ae Sell d eee Te = Fesemretnsncer nero eye as / No. 17 EVELYN DE MORGAN (PRE-RAPHAELITE SCHOOL) “GLORIA IN EXCELSIS” (Illustrated on opposite page) A WONDERFUL piece of painting, with all the technical excel- lence of the pre-Raphaelite School, which does not, however, detract from the general effect of the picture as a whole. It represents two celestial beings, in long flowing robes painted to give the effect of feathers, walking beside a small stream, on whose rocky banks flowers grow before their footsteps. As they advance, one playing a lyre, the other singing from a long parchment roll held in her hands, a number of eight- winged cherubim descend in a blaze of glory from the skies, hovering just above the angels’ heads. The latter walk with wings half spread, one in all the purple and golden glory of the peacock’s plumage, the other with brown pinions, with the softer feathers of red and gold. Signed on the lower right, E. p— M., 1893. Height, 46 inches; width, 31 inches. From the collection of the late Wit11am Imrig, Ese., Holmstead, Moseley Hill, Liverpool. ALA PP MAS, “1G Were. naa SRY me rt nner PULIKIRIILININ UINIRIALIONIAIAIA AI PIKILINININIKIRIAYS UXIKION Ai IY, NAR MON, 2 Soon — TUIININIUIN No. 18 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 1769—1830 PORTRAIT OF LORD SEAFORTH Tue head and shoulders of a distinguished-looking man in the prime of life. Over a double-breasted black coat he wears a black cloak turned back and lined with fur. A heavy black stock is round his throat, giving a glimpse of the white linen beneath. The face is in three-quarter view to the right, show- ing a lofty forehead, high aristocratic nose and a well-cut mouth. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. From the collection of the Hon. Joun AsHLEy. No. 19. WILLIAM DOBSON (Purit anp Frienp or Van Dyck) 1610—1646 WILLIAM, EARL OF BEDFORD Tue head and shoulders of the young earl, shown in three- quarter view to the right. He wears a cloak of rich black silk, set off by fine linen round his throat and wrists. His fair hair falls in natural curls to his shoulders, framing a handsome and somewhat indolent face. Height, 31 inches; width, 25 imches. From the Carlton Galleries. DAI OC LA Lane Z- YA Aileen igen. 4 PLO Me [ed Jblay os TEE * pies Cuatfor No. 20 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 1728—1792 MRS. THOMAS ORBY HUNTER (Illustrated on opposite page) Sir JosHua has seldom given to the world a finer composition than this beautifully rendered portrait, painted with much feel- ing. We see the lady shown to the waist. Her bodice of white satin is cut low upon the bosom, and over it is worn a blue silk mantle, embroidered with yellow silk and trimmed with ermine. Her head is in profile to the left, and is inclined, the eyes look- ing downward, with an expression of gentle melancholy upon the face. Her right arm is raised, the hand with its taper fingers being pressed to her bosom, while the left lies idly across her lap. E Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. From the collection of the Fart or EGremMont. No. 21 SIR GODFREY KNELLER 1646—1723 PORTRAIT OF LADY STEWART THE head and shoulders of a beautiful young woman clad only in a cloak of dark cloth, open in front, disclosing a well-formed throat and neck. Her hair is brushed off the forehead, and falls in wavy masses about her ears. The face is turned slightly to the left, the eyes somewhat downcast. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. No.. 22 GEORGE HENRY HARLOW 1787—1819 PORTRAIT OF MRS. BLACKBURN Tue half-length portrait of a young lady, shown full face to the spectator. She is dressed in a low-cut gown of black velvet, with long sleeves of transparent black gauze through which the soft flesh tints of her arms are seen, and girt around her slender waist by a broad belt of black ribbon with a golden buckle. Her left hand, upon which is a wedding ring, is raised to the shoulder, and holds a long striped scarf of some soft material which falls in graceful folds over her arms. Upon her head is an elaborate Oriental turban. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. No. 23 SIR PETER LELY 1617—1680 EARL OF ARLINGTON SECRETARY OF STATE, REIGN oF CHARLES II Tue head and shoulders of a middle-aged man of fleshy build shown in three-quarter view to the left. His chestnut hair falls in long curls to his shoulders, and upon the black cloak which envelopes his form is emblazoned the star of the Order of the Garter. The background shows a graded tone of brown. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Collection of the Duxe or Firz, Duff House, Banffshire. Vind JERD bakerc” oh W774, 55 LbtvLo Jadoo j UG Litfirv aay yee Zi Jf : ray 4 No. 24 GEORGE ROMNEY 1734—1802 MR. HUGH SCOTT OF HARDEN RELATIVE AND INTIMATE OF SiR WALTER Scorr (Iilustrated on opposite page) In this very fine portrait the artist has shown us the head and shoulders of a young gentleman dressed in the style of the late eighteenth century. A blue velvet coat with high turnover col- lar is caught together by one of the large metal buttons with which it is garnished, showing a fine lace stock around the throat. The strong aristocratic face is well set off by a pow- dered periwig, a curl of which conceals the ear. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inehes. Purchased from the family by Messrs. Suttey & Co., London. No. 25 JOSEF DE RIBERA 1588—1656 HEAD OF SAINT THOMAS THE picture of an old man, his face furrowed and wrinkled by a life full of hardships and privations. His broad bushy beard is gray, but his hair still retains its youthful color. Over a garment of green cloth is thrown a heavy brown cloak which falls in thick folds over his right arm. He holds one hand, gnarled and knotted with toil, upon his breast, gazing in an attitude of rapt adoration at some object on the right. Height, 32 ches; width, 26 mches. No. 26 SIR DAVID WILKIE 1785—1841 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF THE artist has represented himself as seated with a sketch- book in one hand and a pencil in the other. His costume is of the period, a dark-colored coat with roll collar and lace stock round his throat. A mass of dark brown curly hair surmounts a youthful, almost boyish, face, which is strongly illumined, leaving the remainder of the portrait in shadow. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. No. 27 GOVAERT FLINK (Puri, or RemBranpr) 1615—1660 PORTRAIT OF A RABBI THE portrait of a venerable old man in a heavy fur cloak and cap, from beneath which escape some locks of his silvery hair. His long white beard adds to his patriarchal appearance, and his fleshy nose and pendulous under lip betray his nationality. His face is strongly lighted from the left, leaving the rest of the picture in semi-obscurity. Height, 30 ches; width, 25 inches. Smith’s Catalogue Raisonné, in speaking of Govaert Flink, says: “ He ranked among the best pupils of Rembrandt as relates to por- traiture in his most finished manner.” Piro J OFF Mh Yohei er ed Pee, Seige Laem A RIO y galaauaa | No. 28 ASCRIBED TO NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE 1656—1746 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF Tu& artist has shown himself as a man of middle age, with a kindly, humorous face framed by a heavy full-bottomed wig. A cloak of brown velvet is cast about his shoulders, giving a glimpse of a lace collar, and showing his clasped hands be- neath one of the folds. Height, 33 inches; width, 26 imches. No. 29 ROBERT LADBROOKE (Norwicu ScHoot) 1769—1842 A LANDSCAPE WITH TREES BEsIwE the bed of a shallow stream which skirts a dilapidated fence grow several old trees, their heavy foliage massed against the summer sky. Beneath their lower branches can be seen the gleam of a large body of water, and in the distance the curving lines of a range of low hills covered with trees. Height, 34 inches; width, 28 inches. No. 30 NICOLAS DE TROY Seventeenth Century PORTRAIT OF MLLE. DE LA MARTELIERE Tue half-length seated portrait of a young lady dressed in the style of the late seventeenth century. Her dress is of pale blue silk trimmed with lace, the front of her corsage being decked with knots of yellow ribbon, fastened by a clasp of brilliants. In her hands she holds a fan in a graceful position. She sits in three-quarter view to the right, the eyes looking past the spectator out of the picture. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. No. 31 HYACINTHE F. RIGAUD-Y-ROS 1659—1743 PORTRAIT OF MONTMORENCY, DUC DE LUXEMBOURG, MARECHAL DE FRANCE Tue half-length portrait of the duke is in three-quarter view to the right. He wears a suit of armor of polished steel, orna- mented with bands of gold. A fine lace kerchief is round his throat and lace ruffles are at his wrists. On his head is a heavy full-bottomed wig. Across his breast is the cordon bleu of the order of St. Louis, and in his outstretched right hand he clasps the baton of a marshal, studded with golden fleurs-de-lis. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. ses” VA te OC fee Sift BITE | Wy ldkionec No. 32 FRANCESCO GUARDI 1712—1793 CHURCH OF SAN GIORGIO MAGGIORE (Illustrated on opposite page) THE great church, with its numerous outbuildings and offices, occupies an island on the bosom of a broad lagoon, on the sur- face of which many gondolas are passing to and fro. On the broad plaza before the portico groups of gayly clad people are walking in the sunlight, while behind, a towering cam- panile stands out against the blue Italian sky. Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches. From the collection of the Hon. Joun ASHLEY. Purchased from 'Tuos. AGNEw & Sons, London. No. 33 GEORGE ROMNEY 1734—1 802 MRS. BEAUMONT AND CHILD Aw early example of the painter’s work. The mother sits clasping her fair-haired child of about two years of age to her bosom. A gauze scarf serves as a background to her soft brown hair and falls over her shoulders. Her face is in three- quarter view to the right, the eyelids drooping over her eyes as she gazes in meditative fashion at the floor. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. From the collection of GenrraL Butwer, Haydon Hall, Norfolk. No. 34 FRANCIS COTES, R.A. 1726—1770 PORTRAIT OF A BOY Tue three-quarter length portrait of a young lad of some ten or twelve years of age, standing by a grassy bank surmounted by a tree, upon which he is leaning his right arm, his whole body being slightly inclined in that direction. He wears a loose jacket of dark blue cloth, unbuttoned and worn open to show his soft white shirt, with a narrow collar of lace round the neck. The trousers are of the same material as the coat. His left arm hangs in front of the body, the hand holding a cap round which is a band of gold braid. Height, 35 inches; width, 28 inches. Francis Cotes was a contemporary and rival of Sir Joshua Reynolds. He was an eminent artist in crayons, was one of the first members of the Royal Academy, and also a member of the incorporated Society of Artists. No. 35 LEON RICHET 1847— AFTER THE STORM—IN NORMANDY RicHET, who was a pupil of Diaz, has presented a scene of great force and grandeur. The storm has spent its fury and the sky is beginning to clear, showing a patch of blue in the rift of clouds. The influence of his master Diaz is strongly shown in the strength and vigor manifested in this picture. Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches. JE ates ae KR vite | hig 4 ine oc a DAL ey eee No. 36 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. 1753—1839 ‘MISS ELIZABETH MUSGRAVE (Illustrated on opposite page) A MERRY little maiden of some two or three summers is seated on the ground. She wears a simple white dress cut low in the neck and bound at the waist by a broad yellow sash. Her arms are bare to the elbows, and in one pudgy fist is clasped a rattle and coral. Her flaxen hair is confined by a lace cap. The back- ground suggests the private park of a country gentleman. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. From Duddon Hall, Broughton-in-Furness. No. 37 GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. Contemporary VENICE THE view shows the smiling waters of a wide lagoon, on the bosom of which every kind of craft passes and repasses, from the little gondola to the felucca with its broad red sail, the gay colors of which are reflected in the still water as in a mirror. In the distance, stretching across the picture, is a panorama of Venice, showing all the notable buildings, the Campanile, the Doge’s palace, the church of Santa Maria and others too nu- merous to mention. The scene is bathed in sunlight from a blue Italian sky, in which float a few clouds. Height, 30 inches; length, 40 mches. No. 38 GEORGE ROMNEY 1734—1802 PORTRAIT OF MAJOR PARSONS AGENT OF THE Hon. East InpiA CoMPANY THE portrait, painted with all the skill of which Romney was capable, shows the agent of “ John Company ” in half length standing in three-quarter view to the left. He is a florid-faced man of middle age, the hair thinning off the temples, and he wears a scarlet uniform coat fitting close to the figure. In his hand he bears a staff sloping over his right shoulder. 7 Height, 36 inches; width, 35 iches. No. 89 NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE 1656—1746 | THE DUC DE PENTHIEVRE TuHE half-length portrait of a man, the figure in profile to the right, the face turned directly towards the spectator. A cloak of red velvet lined with figured silk hangs round his shoulders and falls in heavy folds across his right arm, which is held horizontally, the hand pointing forward; a kerchief of fine white Jace is round his throat, and on his head is a full-bot- tomed wig, dressed high and falling in close ringlets below the shoulders. Height, 37 inches; width, 29 inches. From the collection of M. Gavet, Paris. From the Davin H. Kine Sale. Catalogue No. 51. Jee a Lyre aKeakof~ | ee ae, EC Ve es No. 40 PALMA VECCHIO 1480—1528 MADONNA AND CHILD, ST. JOSEPH | AND ST. CATHERINE Tue Virgin is seated in the middle of the composition, sup- porting the Child in a standing position upon her knee, her right hand holding his little foot in an affectionate manner, while with head inclined she gazes far away to the left. On her right sits St. Joseph, clad in a dark green robe, while a scarlet mantle is cast about his form. In his right hand he holds a book, while in his left he clasps the hilt of a heavy two-handed sword. On her left, in an attitude of adoration, is St. Catherine, kneel- ing on one knee, holding in one hand a branch of palm and in the other bearing a long sword which is supported upon her shoulder. The background shows a hilly country under a cloudy sky. Height, 25 ches; length, 33 inches. Purchased from Messrs. A. J. Suttzy & Co., London. No. 41 SIR HENRY RAEBURN, P.RB.S.A. 1756—1823 PORTRAIT OF MR. PATON In this picture the artist has departed somewhat from his cus- tomary manner, but without in any degree detracting from the excellence of the presentment, to which, in fact, he has im- parted an unusual feeling of rugged virility. It is the portrait of an old Scotch gentleman with gray hair and clean-shaven, ruddy face. He wears a dark coat and waistcoat, in front of which dangles a bunch of seals at the end of a heavy watch- guard. His hands are clasped in front of him in a somewhat constrained attitude, and he wears a collar of the type made famous many years later by Punch’s immortal cartoons of Mr. Gladstone. The face is in a strong light against the semi- obscurity of the background and the rest of the picture. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. Bought from a member of the. family. oe Lfo Berger 4 ; ee wy be dalertl No. 42 THOMAS BARKER CALLED BARKER OF BATH 1769—1847 A SHELTERED POOL THE picture shows a woody and secluded dell, at the bottom of which is a small pool of water, issuing from between the fragments of a huge and craggy rock on the right, which has at some time been violently disrupted by the forces of nature. Along a narrow path by the water a man is driving some cows, and in the distance beneath the boughs of a pine tree a carter is urging his horse up a hill. The trees in full foli- age shut out any view of the surrounding country and partly obscure the sky, which is covered with a heavy cloud, with the exception of two broad patches of blue near the zenith. Height, 31 inches; length, 38 inches. No. 48 ANTONIO CANAL CALLED CANALETTO 1697—1768 GRAND CANAL, VENICE THis is a view of Venice showing the wealth of architectural detail and wonderful perspective which is the peculiar forte of this artist. The greater part of the picture is occupied by a view of the Grand Canal, crowded with every type of craft, from the dusky gondola to the busy gig, darting hither and thither on its surface. On the right is a broad wharf, with a flight of steps leading to the water’s edge, upon which groups of men and women are promenading. In the distance the line of houses bends to the left, dominated by several tall towers, and in the centre the Church of Sta. Maria della Salute shuts off the view of the lagoon, save through two narrow canals. The time is late afternoon, and the shadows are begin- ning to lengthen. The sky is a deep blue, with the haze of even- ing gathering near the horizon. Height, 30 inches; length, 50 inches. Canaletto, although best known for his views of Venice, painted many of his best pictures in the neighborhood of London. He was re- nowned for his architectural effects and his treatment of perspective. Most of the figures in his pictures are painted by Tiepolo. fjer I. Benguat pyst 2M eth 200K No. 44 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 1769—1830 PORTRAIT OF LADY OGILVIE (Illustrated on opposite page) A BEAUTIFULLY painted portrait of a beautiful woman of re- fined type and aristocratic bearing. She sits facing us upon a small sofa, her left arm resting lightly upon its upturned end, her gloved hand with its slender fingers hanging gracefully before her. She is dressed in a low-cut short-waisted gown of black satin, trimmed with lace at the neck and with long loose sleeves of transparent gauze, clasped upon the wrist by heavy gold bracelets. Her exquisite head is poised upon a slender neck, the face turned slightly to the right, the eyes looking far off. Her dark brown hair clusters in many tiny curls round her forehead and ears, and a large white hat with drooping feathers is worn at the back of the head. The background is a red curtain looped up to show the wall behind. The flesh is brilliant, and the brush work crisp and distinct. Height, 48 inches; width, 38 inches. Purchased by Mr. Buaxestez from a member of the family. Sir Thomas Lawrence, next to Reynolds, painted more portraits of the Royal family and aristocracy than any of his contemporaries. He especially excelled in the beauty of his treatment of mothers and chil- dren. He is buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral. No. 45 EMANUEL DE WITTE 1607—1692 SERVICE IN A DUTCH CHURCH Tue level rays of the sun are streaming through the windows, casting long shadows upon the floors, and bathing the interior of the great church in a flood of mellow light. In a lofty pul- pit, under a large sounding board, a preacher is holding forth to a small congregation, mostly of women, who are seated on low chairs and rough wooden benches. Near them, with his back to the spectator, stands a man in a long brown cloak and large hat and carrying a walking-stick, his dog sitting on its haunches close by. Other men sit and stand in different parts of the church, all wearing hats and some attended by dogs. Height, 40 inches; width, 35 inches. No. 46 GEORGE HENRY HARLOW (Purit or Sim Tuomas Lawrence) 1787—1819 PORTRAIT OF MISS MONTAGUE Tue portrait of a charming young girl passing under a great tree in a park. Her dress of plain white satin is cut low across the shoulders and gathered in at the waist by a band of the same material. The sleeves are short, and her hands hold the ends of a blue scarf, which floats over her shoulder, falling in graceful lines which add much to the beauty of the composi- tion. Height, 46 inches; width, 34 mches. LL AZO oe, eee i ; ak pee No. 47 WILLIAM DOBSON 1610—1646 PORTRAIT OF EARL OF DIGBY Tue half-length portrait of a man of fleshy build, with a some- what puffy face. He wears a coat of white silk, so richly em- broidered with gold thread that scarcely any of the fabric can be seen. Round his throat is a fine lace collar, falling over his shoulders. He carries his right arm across his body, support- ing a fold of his heavy cloak. His hair falls in scanty locks to his shoulders. | Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. No. 48 WILLIAM DOBSON 1610—1646 PORTRAIT OF VAN DYCK THE painter has here given us a fine presentment of the mas- ter and patron who taught him to handle his brush with such skill. We see before us a youngish man, with fair curly hair falling below his ears, and an esthetic type of countenance, leaning in a graceful attitude upon the plinth of a marble column. He wears a doublet of reddish brown, unbuttoned in front and at the wrists, showing the linen beneath. A heavy black cloak is thrown over the left shoulder, concealing his figure from sight, but allowing a glimpse of his left hand, the fingers of which rest on the edge of the column. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. From the collection of the late Lavy Currin. No. 49 C. E. PERUGINI A SYREN Ow the shore of a gloomy sea, beneath the shadow of a great rock, stands a beautiful maiden, her golden hair unbound and blowing about her temples. Her robe is of blue diaphanous material, falling about her graceful limbs, and borne by the breeze into graceful folds, through which the delicate tints of her flesh appear indistinctly. In her hand is poised a small lyre, which she sweeps with her fingers as she raises the song which by its potent spell was believed to lure unwary sailors to de- struction. Height, 42 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased from the collection of the late Witt1am Imriz, Holm- stead, Moseley Hill, Liverpool. No. 50 GEORGE HENRY HARLOW 1787—1819 TWO CHILDREN In bright sunlight on a grassy terrace, two little children are playing beneath the branches of a large tree. The elder, with one foot advanced and one hand upraised, the other lifting her skirt, is showing the steps of a dance to her little compan- ion, who raises a chubby hand in admiration. Her dress is of white muslin, with lace insertion and trimming, and is girt at the waist by a bright blue sash. In her hair she wears a single rosebud, and her hat lies on the ground at her feet. The younger child wears a red plush frock, with low neck and short sleeves. Height, 48 inches; width, 38 inches. oer PSM alter LAE aoe tley ‘100 No. 51 PIERRE MIGNARD 1610—1695 PORTRAIT OF MME. DE GRAFFIGNY (Illustrated on opposite page) A CHARMING portrait of a young lady seated by a table, on which she rests her elbow. Her dress of blue, embroidered with orange silk, shows the lace and sleeves of an undergarment of white linen. A blue cloak lined with ermine falls in a graceful fold across her knee, and is retained on her shoulders by jew- elled clasps. Her fingers toy with a rope of pearls, and she holds her head on one side with a somewhat coquettish expression, the eyes looking out of the picture past the spectator. Height, 3 inches; width, 30 inches. Purchased of Mxssrs. SuttEY & Co., London. ; Ti PH) RF LMIS TI TAF MAY TOW FIRT (WET ITe Su: ) ; Has. R»2®BF RT DUI FAC fe Gor Lex No. 52 THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 1727—1788 A STORMY LANDSCAPE A TREMENDOUS gust of wind has struck a huge tree which occupies the principal place in the composition. The sturdy boughs bend, and the lighter branches stream out against the sky under the pressure of the gale. The storm cloud has ob- scured the sun and casts a deep shadow over the landscape, which shows a wide and fertile valley extending to a range of low hills on the horizon. Height, 44 inches; width, 38 mches. From Duddon Hall, Broughton-m-Furness. No. 53 GEORGE HENRY HARLOW 1787—1819 PORTRAIT OF TWO CHILDREN Pl FO A LITTLE girl is seated on the ground, leaning against a low LER rae Jarl! divan. She wears for her only garment a thin dress of trans- parent white fabric, through which can be indistinctly seen the delicate tints of her little limbs. Her fair hair is unbound, and falls in natural waves to her shoulders. Nearby is seated her little brother in a brown suit open at the throat, with a black hat and feather set jauntily on one side of his head. He clasps round the neck a pet spaniel which rests one paw on his knee. Height, 44 inches; width, 34 inches. From the collection of Str A. C. Mackenzie. No. 54 EARLY FRENCH SCHOOL OP Bai LADY WITH DOG go / ( S932 @ F2 ap 2, THE portrait of a young lady seated in a large armchair hold- ing in her lap a small black dog. Her dress is of red material with wide sleeves, beneath which descends a deep white flounce. Her dark hair is dressed a la Pompadour, and one curl is brought forward on to her shoulder. Height, 46 inches; width, 35 inches. No. 55 WILLIAM DOBSON 1610—1646 se eee MARQUIS OF HUNTLY A THREE-QUARTER length portrait of the ear] standing in pro- : file to the left. He wears a dark-colored coat with a broad JEG (Bee Le white collar, beneath which a badge is suspended by a broad blue ribbon. Over his shoulders is cast a heavy black cloak, on the shoulder of which is displayed the star of the Order of the Garter. The dark hair is worn long, and falls to his shoulders, framing a swarthy face, which is turned toward the spectator. With his left hand he holds a fold of his cloak, while with his right he draws aside a red curtain. Height, 48 inches; width, 40 mches. No. 56 KAREL FABRITIUS (Purit or REMBRANDT) 1624—1654 THE ALCHEMIST x LOU Aw elderly man of Oriental aspect with a full gray beard CP stands holding in an upright position a large book bound in —ptgene ‘Ge aek red leather. His right hand rests on the edge of the book, and : seated on his wrist is an owl, held in restraint by a light chain. The man wears a large turban on his head, and a loose brown cloak with slashed sleeves is thrown over an undergarment of blue cloth. His face glows under a warm light, which lends a ruddy tinge to the coloring of the picture. Height, 47 inches; width, 35 mches. No. 57 E. ADRIAN VERBOOM Seventeenth Century A DUTCH LANDSCAPE THE scene shows a thickly wooded island at the junction of two canals, which is joined to the mainland on either side by substantial wooden bridges so arranged that they may be drawn up to facilitate the passage of boats. On the right the bridge leads directly to the main entrance of an old castle, with its turrets and steep-pitched roof. A couple of men in a boat are just drawing in a net, and a figure on the bridge is watching them with interest. On the left two men are prepar- ing to cross to the island, and in the distance stretches the canal, on which are several barges in full sail. Height, 37 inches; length, 51 wches. No. 58 WILLIAM DOBSON (Frienp anp Purit or Van Dyck) 1610—1646 HENRIETTA MARIA OF ENGLAND Tue unfortunate queen is depicted in half-length, standing beside a table on which rests a crown. Her dress is of white satin, with an elaborate lace collar and lace cuffs to the short puffed sleeves. She wears a pearl necklace. The hair is dressed low behind and surrounds her face in a number of tiny ringlets. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. De ld Mia TG ere 4 GY A 60 Sb iloccdke No. 59 JAKOB VAN RUYSDAEL 1628—1682 JpESE MOUNTAINS IN NORWAY .Z, S. a Chir bes (Illustrated on opposite page) Tuts picture shows a wild, rocky scene in the Norwegian mountains. In the foreground the deep waters of a mountain lake reflect the craggy rocks which surround it, and which rise abruptly into a succession of frowning peaks, one of which in the middle distance soars straight up towards the sky, its middle slopes being swathed in a thick bank of mist, its sum- mit standing out boldly against a sky which is overcast with dark clouds, showing a few patches of blue here and there. Height, 34 inches; width, 39 inches. Purchased from A. J. Sutuey & Co., London. Jakob van Ruysdael, the uncle of Salomon, was famous for his land- scapes, particularly excelling in his representations of the wilder side of nature. He is never known to have visited Norway, but many of his pictures are said to represent scenes in that country, having been painted mainly from descriptions of the spots depicted. No. 60 SIR AUGUSTUS CALLCOTT, R.A. 1779—1844 OLD FARMHOUSE IN KENT CaLicoTT painted under the tuition of the celebrated Hopp- ner until 1803, when he devoted himself exclusively to land- scape painting. His works are mostly views of English scenery, and this “Old Farmhouse ”’ is a typical illustration of the scenes he loved. Height, 34 inches; length, 54 mches. From the collection of Generat Buuwer, Haydon Hall, Norfolk. No. 61 RICHARD WILSON, R.A. 1713—1782 ROCK AND WATERFALL AT TIVOLI A SYMPATHETIC rendering of a rugged landscape, with fine depth of treatment and excellent perspective. On the right, half in sunlight, half in shadow, a great mass of rugged rock soars up against the sky, with trees and shrubs growing from the niches and recesses of its side. Down its face pours a water- fall, small in volume, but attaining sufficient velocity in its descent to send a cloud of foam and spume into the air at its foot. On the left the gnarled and broken branches of an an- cient tree stand silhouetted boldly against the sky, making, with the rocks, a natural frame, through which appears a vista of tree tops, with the roofs of cottages appearing here and there. In the middle distance can be seen the towers of a large villa, and in the background the peaks of a lofty chain of mountains loom dimly through a faint haze. Height, 40 inches; length, 50 inches. Joe Liffntty pope 2 €t oe © we . No. 62 SIR HENRY RAEBURN, P.R.S.A. 1756—1823 Sfaete 0 PORTRAIT OF GEORGE JOSEPH BELL (Illustrated on opposite page) fou Niobe Chto (Hitewe THE subject of this remarkable portrait was a distinguished Scottish advocate. From 1822 he was professor of Scots law at Edinburgh University, and in 1832 he was made Principal Clerk of Session. He is the author of “ Commentaries on Scots Law.” The portrait shows only his head and shoulders. He is dressed in sober fashion, as befits his professional standing, in a black coat and white stock. Behind a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles a pair of shrewd but kindly eyes look directly at the spectator, the head being turned slightly to the right. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Exhibited at the Glasgow International Exhibition, 1901. Bought from Wauus & Sons, London. ee Lx, x > , - *y ee =~ >. ee _ — — a ee se as ee Rs _— > =e = . ae 2 ‘ . ~ q « - anT ¢ ~ =< as a oe = ~ « “A * ~ - . . “No. 63 JOHN (OLD) CROME 1769—1821 AN ANCIENT WINDMILL Aw old windmill, the canvas of its sails hanging loose in the still air, stands bathed in the level rays of the setting sun. By a bare-looking tree on the left stand two cows, their guardian being seated nearby. Farther to the left appear the roofs of some cottages, and on the right is a building occupying a con- siderable eminence. The view extends over a level plain to the horizon, the whole scene glowing warmly in the sunset. Height, 40 inches; length, 50 inches. No. 64 JOHAN VAN DER BANCK 1694—1739 A LORD MAYOR OF LONDON Tur Chief Magistrate of the City of London is depicted seated in a roomy armchair, the face and figure in three- quarter view to the right. He is clad in his official robe of black velvet, the sleeves of which are ornamented with designs embroidered in heavy bullion. Beneath this robe he wears a suit of cherry-colored velvet, with a snowy lace jabot and fine ruffs at his wrists. A full-bottomed wig is on his head, and in his left hand he holds a roll of parchment, while his right clasps the arm of his chair. The picture shows signs of excessive cleaning, giving to it somewhat of a new look, but all other indications point to the authenticity of the attribution. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. From the Carlton Gallery. Dsiat ee Lt V0 ene a song A ae Az KLEE Lt a B jhe Je Dy ce a Meer ibe No. 65 SCHOOL OF NATTIER 1685—1766 COMTESSE DE CHATEAUROUX AS HEBE (Illustrated on opposite page) Against a background of sky and cloud a young lady is seated. She is dressed in a simple white gown, with low neck and short sleeves, over which is cast a mantle of blue. A gar- land of flowers is in her lap. In her right hand she raises aloft a goblet of wine, while with her left she restrains a chubby cupid with blue wings, who is endeavoring to climb into her lap. In the foreground a large eagle is plucking at the pink scarf which forms the cupid’s only garment. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 imches. From Rushton Hall, Northamptonshire. No. 66 SIR MARTIN ARCHER SHEE, P.R.A. 1769—1850 PORTRAIT OF ADMIRAL SEYMOUR Tue distinguished admiral, painted by the President of the Royal Academy, is represented in full uniform standing boldly before the spectator. He wears a long frock coat with gold braid collar and epaulettes. A heavy cloak depends from his shoulders. On his breast are various medals and orders, and he wears the ribbon of the Bath across his chest. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. From the collection of Hon. Joun Honeson, Nocton Hall, Lincoln- shire. No. 67 SALOMON VAN RUYSDAEL Early 17th Century RIVER AND WATERFALL Tuis picture shows a glimpse of the placid surface of a fair- sized stretch of water, seen between two large masses of rock. Over the rugged ledge joining these two rocks the water pours in half a dozen angry torrents, swirling and eddying among the boulders below, and disappearing in the foreground in a foaming river. On the right, a number of fine trees grow sur- rounding a small house, and on the left a couple of men are surveying the scene. In the distance is the wooded bank of the stream, and farther still a range of hills shows blue on the hori- zon. The sky is a soft blue, overcast with large white clouds. Height, 40 inches; length, 56 inches. Salomon Ruysdael was the uncle of the more famous Jakob. Like him, he painted landscapes and river scenes in Holland and Germany, having great success in the representation of water and the wilder aspects of nature. No. 68 FRANCIS WHEATLEY, R.A. 174°7—1801 TWO CHILDREN UNDER a tree on a grassy sward two little girls are playing. One in a blue dress lined with yellow, a white chemisette and a petticoat trimmed with pink is carrying a basket of flowers. Her playmate, in a pink dress, is seated beside a pet collie, upon which both are apparently enforcing silence. Height, 58 inches; width, 45 inches. oe MISO ALI! ae F Lrg v 7f28 oe es hey get Dp Or re No. 69 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 1723—1792 RICHARD CHAUNCEY, ESQ. (Painted in 1758) Tue three-quarter length portrait of an elderly gentleman sitting bolt upright in an armchair beside a small table, on which are some papers and an inkstand. He wears a long vel- vet coat of a golden-yellow color and knee breeches of the same material. A white linen stock is round his throat, and fine lace ruffles encircle his wrists. His hands rest in an easy attitude upon his knee, and in one of them he holds a round silver snuff-box. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. Purchased from Mr. Ausrey Cartricut, Edgcote Park, Banbury, where the portrait has remained until recently im the family since tt was pamted in 1758. No. 70 WILLIAM DOBSON 1610—1646 SIR CHARLES AND LADY LUCAS Sir CHARLES is seated by a stone balustrade, on which he is leaning his right arm. He wears a steel breastplate over a tunic of buff leather, beneath which appears a sleeved undergarment _ of crimson silk. The lady wears a low-cut gown of white silk, looped with strings of pearls. Her hair falls in ringlets to her shoulders, and she wears a string of pearls round her neck. She carries a toy spaniel in her arms. Height, 46 inches; length, 65 inches. No. 71 ASCRIBED TO VAN DYCK 1599—1641 THE THREE CHILDREN OF CHARLES I A FULL-LENGTH, life-size portrait of the three children. The young prince stands on the left leaning against a table with his feet crossed. The younger sister holds him affectionately by the hand, while the elder stands next to her, her hands folded primly in front. The boy is dressed in orange silk coat and knee breeches, with a broad lace collar, while the girls wear low-necked dresses covered with long white aprons. Height, 52 inches; width, 46 inches. From the Duxse or SuTHERLAND’s Collection, Trentham Hall, Stoke- on-T'rent. No. 72 FRANCESCO ALBANO 1578—1660 VENUS AND CUPIDS Tue Goddess of Love is asleep upon her couch of greensward covered with sunny drapery. She is unclad, with the exception of a fold of linen which passes about her middle, and she lies with one limb and one arm outstretched, her right leg drawn up beneath her, and her left arm, on which gleams a jewelled bracelet, folded across her bosom, her fair hair unbound and falling in luxuriant masses about her shoulders. A crowd of sportive cupids surround her, pulling back the coverings from about her sleeping form. Some lie on the ground, others fly in the air, and one staggers off under the weight of a golden ewer. The background shows a densely wooded country under a sky covered with rolling clouds. Height, 42 inches; length, 62 inches. ( ae Wat Sila bbraR y272 Y; (LG Z PIE: bgt Kean, } (GG LOD No. 73 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. 1753—1839 PORTRAIT OF MRS. MARSHALL (Illustrated on opposite page) Tuis is a well-known example, and is illustrated and described in the recently published “Life of Sir William Beechey, R.A.,” by W. Roberts. | It is a very striking portrait of a beautiful Englishwoman, painted at the most attractive time of life. The composition is excellent, and the skill of the painter shows the grace and re- finement of the sitter to the best advantage, while the color scheme is delicate and chaste. It represents a lady seated in a reclining position upon a sofa, supporting herself upon her right elbow. She wears a loose white robe, open at the neck to disclose the contour of a finely moulded throat, and confined below the bust by a narrow crimson ribbon. A pink scarf is thrown over one shoulder and falls to the floor, the curve which it assumes following and accentuating the graceful lines of the figure and the rounded limbs, the outline of which can be seen beneath the soft clinging material of her dress. A pet dog sits beside her on the sofa, and a jewel box and a muslin dress are on a table near at hand. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. Formerly in possession of Messrs. P. & D. Cotnacui & Co., London. | Beechey was a great favorite with the royal family, and was for many years instructor to the princesses. The most famous painting of this artist is perhaps the great “‘ George III Reviewing His Troops,” which is now at Hampton Court, and for which he was knighted. No. 74 JEAN JOUVENET 1644—1717 VERTUMNUS VISITING POMONA IN THE GUISE OF AN OLD WOMAN AN incident from the mythical story of the nymph Pomona, who devoted so much time to her fruit trees that she had none to spare for her lovers. Vertumnus, her most ardent admirer, visited her one day in the guise of an old woman, and drawing an allegory from the vine growing upon the tree and the use- lessness of one without the other, persuaded her to unite her- self with him. The scene shows a garden surrounded with fine trees in full foliage. On the left Pomona leans upon a pedestal, her pruning knife in her hand. She is clad in a classic robe of yellow, girt at the waist by a broad blue sash. Close by, Ver- tumnus, in the likeness of an old woman, a scarlet cloak thrown over her blue dress, stands leaning on a staff. His outstretched right hand points to the wine entwined upon the oak tree over Pomona’s head, while the latter makes a deprecatory gesture with her left hand. Behind Vertumnus is a small cupid holding a mask before his laughing face. Height, 78 inches; width, 42 inches. Vga fll nA ee es Sr Kes a —9e No. 75 GEORGE ROMNEY 1734—1802 DAVID GARRICK AND MRS. SIDDONS AS ROMEO AND JULIET In the delineation of these, perhaps the greatest actor and actress who have as yet trod the English-speaking stage, the genius of Romney, always inclined toward the emotional and romantic, has found full scope to display itself at its best. Be- side a broken urn, inscribed with the name of Capulet, the ill- fated lovers stand, the young man’s arm around her waist, her two hands clasping his left hand to her bosom, while her eyes seek comfort from his. Juliet is clad in a simple white gown of soft, clinging material, a gauze veil surmounting her soft brown hair, which falls in long curls upon her shoulders. Romeo is habited entirely in black silk, with a lace collar round the throat, his sword depending from a rich silver baldrick set with jewels. He stands with his left leg well advanced, in a posture as if he would defend the girl against all comers. Upon the ground at their feet lies a golden goblet and a napkin, as if they had been dropped there when the lovers were surprised. The expression of timidity and helplessness upon Juliet’s face: and Romeo’s look of despair are rendered with extraordinary - subtlety. The background shows a wooded landscape under a gloomy sky. Height, 82 inches; width, 58 inches. No. 76 FRANCIS COTES, R.A. 1726—1770 PORTRAIT OF LADY HERTFORD A BEAUTIFUL portrait of the lady, the face painted with a sympathetic touch, while the flesh tints are rendered with great fidelity. The pose is graceful, and the whole composition shows the artist at his best. The lady is shown life size, standing with one foot on a blue velvet cushion. She leans her right arm on a marble ped- estal, her whole body slightly inclined in that direction, while her left arm rests on a balustrade beside her. Her dress is of simple white satin, unadorned save for a knot of blue ribbon with a large pearl drop on her bosom, and a narrow belt set with precious stones about her waist. A red cloak lined with rich ermine is thrown over the pedestal and balustrade, on which she leans, and falls to the ground at her feet. Her arms are bare from the elbow, and in her uplifted right hand she holds a small feather fan. The background shows a red cur- tain, looped up to disclose a marble column and a glimpse of trees and a cloudy sky beyond. Height, 89 inches; width, 55 inches. From the collection of Lavy Prenrtorre Gace, Hengrave Hall, Suffolk. a Yeo arelge Seber Cetera. SECOND EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 10rn, 1908 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT HALF PAST EIGHT O'CLOCK No. 77 JOSEPH STANNARD (Norwicu ScHoor) 1797—1830 A HUMBLE COTTAGE BEsIDE a well with its primitive windlass and thatched cover a countrywoman kneels, filling her crocks with water. Behind the well is a long, low cottage, its thatched roof thick with moss, and its red brick walls strengthened by heavy timbers built into them. One end of the building has been used as a barn, and the door hangs loose on one hinge. On the right of the picture stands a farm building, with its walls half brick, half timber. The ground between the buildings is overgrown with furze, and a general air of dilapidation is over the whole scene. Height, 17 inches; length, 21 inches. No. 78 NICOLAAS MAES 1632—1678 PORTRAIT OF A LADY THE artist has depicted his subject seated by a table, on which her left arm rests in a graceful attitude. She wears a low-cut gown of dark blue, over which is a cloak of red satin lined with ermine, which is carelessly thrown back off the shoulders. In her hand she holds some blossoms, and some fruit lies on the table beside her. Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. 4280 Poa soa ee AP AM beove No. 79 GERMAN SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Tue half-length portrait of a young girl, dressed in the style of the late sixteenth century. A long black mantle is worn over a dress of white material, closely pleated in front, and show- ing ruffs of white linen at the neck and wrists. A golden chain is passed four times round her neck, supporting a gold coin and a handsome pendant. On her head is a close-fitting cap covered with golden embroidery, and on her fingers, which are clasped in front of her, are jewelled rings. The face is turned slightly to the left. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches. No. 80 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 1769—1830 PORTRAIT OF LADY TEMPLETOWN Tue head and shoulders of a young lady in a black dress cut low off the shoulders. Her hair is parted in the middle and drawn into a small knot on top of her head. The face is in three-quarter view to the left, the eyes looking past the spec- tator. The background shows trees and a cloudy sky. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 mches. Purchased of Tuos. AcNEw & Sons, London. No. 81 FRANCESCO GUARDI 1712—1793 A VENETIAN ISLAND THE picture shows the surface of a broad lagoon, in which many boats are passing and repassing. In the middle distance is a small island, the shores of which are built up to resist the encroachments of the sea. A large building, apparently a church or convent, is a prominent feature of the composition. Height, 8 inches; length, 12 wches. From the collection of Hon. Joun ASHLEY. Purchased of 'THos. AcNnew & Sons, London. No. 82 JACOPO MARIESCHI 1711—1794 VENICE An extended view of a wide canal, upon the surface of which a few craft are gently moving. Upon the right is the huge pile of some large church, approached by a broad flight of steps, and surmounted by twin domes, behind which is the slender tower of the Campanile. The walls of the gardens and out- buildings extend for some distance along the water’s edge, and the scene extends over the waters to a long range of buildings on the horizon. Height, 18 inches; width, 28 mches. Jd ay dé Vi, (Seode aad ed Vy JL OMlng ( [Zp it nee 2} No. 83 JAMES STARK (Norwicu ScHoo.) 1794—1859 VILLAGE IN EAST ANGLIA A CHARMING view of a typical Norfolk village, situated at a crossroads. Beside the village pond a countryman is driving a few cows and sheep along the road. To the right a cottage with thatched roof and plaster walls stands in a clump of trees, and in the middle distance are other houses, while in the dis- tance the square tower of a church rises above the suround- ing foliage. The sky is almost obscured by rain clouds, with a broad patch of blue appearing at the zenith. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches. No. 84 GIOVANNI ANTONIO LICINIO CALLED \ PORDENONE 1483—1539 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Tue half-length portrait of a man with chestnut hair and a short bushy beard of the same color. He wears a dark cloak with a broad collar of fur, beneath which can be seen a white linen shirt. In his right hand, which is gloved, he holds a book, and his left is thrust into his bosom. On his head he wears a flat black cap. Height, 38 inches; width, 28 inches. From the collection of the Duxe or SuTHERLAND, Stafford House. No. 85 PIETER CLAESZ 1570—1623 STILL LIFE On a table partly covered by a dark cloth stands a confused medley of objects. A half-finished knuckle of ham lies on a pewter dish next to a smaller plate containing a lemon and its rind and a small screw of paper. A goblet of water stands by a silver dish which has been overturned, and a mustard pot, a fork and some walnuts go to make up the group. Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches. Collection of M. Cuartes SepetmMeyer, Paris, 1907. No. 86 JOHN OPIE, R.A. 1761—1807 YOUNG GIRL FEEDING RABBITS Upon the floor of their hutch crouch two large white rabbits munching at some cabbage leaves. Round the corner of the door peeps their young mistress, supporting herself by one hand upon the upright, while with the other she proffers a fresh head of cabbage to tempt her pets. She wears a low-cut dress of light mauve, over which is a red scarf, which falls over her outstretched forearm. Her head is bare and brushed in a fringe over the forehead. Beyond can be seen a wooded landscape and a sky covered for the most part with heavy clouds. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. els VP anhel co sen Of Fhheek— J LO0 a QA ANWACT od No. 87 PIETER DE HOOGH AND PALAMEDES 1632—1681 A GAME OF TRIC-TRAC (Illustrated on opposite page) A SPLENDID composition, in which the interior is by De Hoogh and the figures by Palamedes. In a cool, shady room, through a window of which can be seen a group of buildings in a blaze of sunlight, a number of men are seated drinking and watch- ing the progress of a game of backgammon, or tric-trac. They are dressed in the costume of the well-to-do Dutch burgesses of the early seventeenth century. - Height, 24 inches; length, 34 inches. Collection of M. Cuarites SEDELMEYER, Paris, 1907. No. 88 SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK 1599—1641 WILLIAM LAUD, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY (Repuica or ParntTinc IN THE HeErmitace, St. PETERSBURG) Tue head and shoulders of a man somewhat past the prime of life, his hair of an iron gray, and silver streaks showing in his short, pointed beard and mustache. A cloak of red silk is cast over his shoulders, concealing the arms, the outline of which can be indistinctly seen beneath its folds. The face, which is in three-quarter view to the left, is of an aristocratic type. Height, 23 inches; width, 20 inches. No. 89 JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. 1776—1837 HARVEST In this charming landscape, largely constructed with a palette knife, we have a sweeping view of the rustic English country, with harvesters in a grain field in the foreground. The warm, rich tones of color are resplendent, and the atmospheric sky unites with the golden corn fields to form a scene of great beauty Height, 20 inches; width, 18 inches. John Constable, one of the greatest realistic landscape painters of England, was born in East Bergholt, Suffolk, in 1776. No. 90 JOSEF DE RIBERA 1588—1656 CHRIST BLESSING BREAD A HALF-LENGTH picture of the Saviour standing facing the spectator. A long loose robe of red conceals the lines of the figure, and a green cloak is thrown over his left shoulder. In his left hand is a small loaf of bread, which he is blessing with the outstretched fingers of his right. The head leans upon the left shoulder, and is inclined slightly forward, the face being lighted from the left, leaving the right side in a heavy shadow. Height, 32 inches; width, 22 inches. S400 (Ett prise Le Sa on be fe Cf Ver Arse } } | 4 firth | i || Lit I || | | ih 1 |i | f Lb0 | 2 DUeve hive / No. 91 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 1723—1792 LITTLE GIRL WITH KITTEN. (Repuica) SEATED on the ground in front of a red curtain is a little girl, hugging to her bosom a small white kitten. She wears a plain white dress with long sleeves, and a dark shawl is thrown over her shoulders and crossed on her breast. A large straw hat, in which is a blue ribbon, throws a dark shadow over the upper part of her face. Her face is slightly inclined forward, the eyes looking upward at the spectator, the face wearing an ex- pression of infantile delight. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. Purchased from the Carlton Galleries. No. 92 SCHOOL OF NATTIER 1685—1'66 PORTRAIT OF A FRENCH LADY THE half-length portrait of a young lady in eighteenth-cen- tury costume. Her long-waisted dress of white satin is cut low off the shoulders and elaborately embroidered. A scarf of pink silk is cast around her shoulders and falls in billowy folds be- hind her, concealing her left arm from sight. She holds her right hand upon her breast, the well-rounded forearm being left bare by her short sleeves. Height, 32 inches; width, 25 inches. No. 93 *, RICHARD WILSON, R.A. " 1713—1782 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE AND LAKE THis is a view from the shore of a placid lake in Northern Italy, showing a landscape glowing under the lengthening rays of an afternoon sun. In the foreground are three figures, two men and a woman, reclining by the water’s edge, close by an ancient stone trough. On the right, the shore of the lake curves round a small bay, on the farther edge of which are a ruined archway and a portion of a wall. In the distance the water is crossed by a stone bridge pierced by three arches, and beyond this the landscape extends in a finely handled perspecitve to the horizon. Height, 28 inches; width, 35 inches. No. 94 JOHN HOPPNER, R.A. 1758—1810 PORTRAIT OF DR. WOODS OF GLOUCESTER Tue doctor sits facing us, his arms folded. He wears a blue cutaway coat with high turn-over collar and drab waistcoat, while a white linen stock is tied in a loose knot beneath his chin. His hair is powdered and brushed back in a curl over each ear. The background shows a red curtain, with a glimpse of a stream and meadows beyond. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased from Humpury Warp, Ese., who secured the portrait from the family of Dr. Woops. TERE JIE? GELS Cc f: Vy lex Sade No. 95 GEORGE ROMNEY 1734—1802 LADY CLANRICARDE (Illustrated on opposite page) THE painter has here given us a charming portrait of a young girl scarcely out of her teens. Over a simple dress of pink mus- lin is worn a light cloak, thrown carelessly back off the shoul- ders and held together in front by the right hand. Her hair is powdered and dressed in a lofty pompadour. The face is in three-quarter view to the left, the eyes looking out of the picture. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Illustrated in Lory Rotanp GowEr’s work on Romney. Purchased of Messrs. Suttey & Co., London. No. 96 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 1723—1792 STUDY OF A CUPID THE study shows a life-sized cupid reclining, with wings out- spread, upon his left elbow, his back turned towards the spec- tator and only the right side of his face in view. In his right hand he holds his bow, and his quiver, suspended from his. shoulder by a blue ribbon, can be seen beneath his left arm. The lower part of his body is covered by a green mantle. The background is a tone of golden yellow, deepening into dark brown in the shadows. Height, 28 inches; length, 86 inches. No. 97 RICHARD WESTALL, R.A. 1765—1836 ELI WITH THE INFANT SAMUEL Tue picture of an old man, with a noble head, surmounted by a leonine mass of white hair. He carries in his arms a curly- headed child, young Samuel, seated upon a white cloth which is draped over his arms. Over a white linen undergarment he wears a tunic of golden yellow material, and over his shoulders is cast a heavy crimson cloak trimmed with fur. His somewhat emaciated face is in profile to the left, and the eyes look up- wards with an expression of infinite yearning. Height, 40 inches; width, 30 mches. From the collection of the Dux or SutHertanp, Stafford House. No. 98 GEORGE HENRY HARLOW 1787—1819 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Tue half-length portrait of a beautiful young lady, a pro- nounced brunette in coloring. She is seated in a large armchair facing the spectator. Her white dress is cut low off the shoul- ders, and has large puffed sleeves. A blue ribbon is round her shapely waist, and is carried up in front of her bust to a knot of the same color on either shoulder. She wears a small bunch of flowers at her waist, and a band of ribbon round her dark hair, which descends on either side of her face to conceal her ears. Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. Ager / Sf WW. PE: grt AF We a pr lida te7 A, Vir ena No. 99 JAMES INSKIPP 1790—1868 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Tus is the three-quarter length picture of a young girl stand- ing in profile to the left. She wears a gown of black silk trimmed with lace and meeting low enough in front to dis- close a white linen garment beneath. A large black hat with a long feather is set jauntily on the side of her head, and be- tween it and her dark hair nestles a flaming scarlet poppy, the edge of another being seen on the far side of her head. A scarlet ribbon is round her neck, and a bag of the same color is held in her hands, which are folded in front of her. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. No. 100 ANTONIO CANAL CALLED CANALETTO 1697—1768 VIEW OF THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE TuIs is a view down a broad canal in Venice, showing on the extreme left the junction with another extensive stretch of water. Occupying a commanding position on a promontory be- tween the two canals is the great church of Santa Maria della Salute with its twin domes and broad open plaza. On the right stretches a row of houses, and in the distance can be seen the masts of a number of large ships, the buildings being sharply reflected in the still waters. Height, 22 inches; length, 39 inches. No. 101 GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT 1767—1797 PORTRAIT OF LORD MOUNTSTUART THE half-length portrait of a gentleman who stands support- ing his left arm upon a table. A black coat with large metal buttons and broad red collar is worn over a white satin waist- coat embroidered with yellow silk. His hair is powdered and brushed back into a long curl over each ear. In his hand he holds a letter addressed to John Ibbetson, Esq. Height, 36 inches; width, 2% ches. No. 102 JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET 1819—1878 WAITING A BRIGHT picture of a young woman dressed in her best finery. She sits in profile to the left on a high wooden bench, her feet on a high hassock. She wears a bright scarlet bodice and green silk skirt, beneath which the toe of her slipper appears. A white gauze fichu is worn round the shoulders, and a flowered apron is tied round her waist, while a smart blue ribbon is in her spot- less cap. Her body is slightly inclined from the waist, one hand resting on her hip, the other extended on her knee, holding a single rosebud. Signed at the lower right, G. Jacquet. Height, 35 inches; width, 26 inches. KOE Ue Ee eee vee CMe oe ex. IOS ML GULL No. 1038 SCHOOL OF HOLBEIN PORTRAIT OF HENRY VIII Tue half-length portrait of the king standing fronting the spectator. He wears a brown coat elaborately slashed and fast- ened by jewelled buttons. Over this is a heavy cloak lined with ermine and embroidered with gold thread. Round his shoul- ders is a heavy gold collar studded with precious stones, and a lighter chain round his neck supports a locket. His right hand clasps a glove, and his left rests on the jewelled hilt of his sword. On his head is a flat cap with a long white feather. Height, 32 inches; width, 25 mches. No. 104 JOHN HOPPNER, R.A. 1758—1810 PORTRAIT OF A LADY A cHARMING half-length portrait of a young lady seated upon a sofa. Her dress of white muslin has a foamy mass of lace and ruffles round the shoulders. A band of light blue rib- bon round the waist and narrow blue ribbons in the sleeves give to her costume just the necessary touch of color. The face and figure are in three-quarter view to the right. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. No. 105 ITALIAN SCHOOL MADONNA AND CHILD AND ATTENDANT Tue little group is seated in the open air, before a thick clump of low trees. The Virgin is dressed in a crimson robe, with a blue skirt, and a green cloak is thrown around her shoulders; her right arm is outstretched in a graceful attitude, and holds between the fingers the edge of a gauze scarf. On the ground at her feet kneels a female attendant in a brown dress, who is taking the Child in her arms from off his mother’s lap. Height, 37% inches; width, 26 inches. — No. 106 JOHN OPIE, R.A. 1761—1807 THE TOILETTE A young lady stands before an old-fashioned mirror, which she holds in position with her left hand, while her right is raised in a graceful attitude to adjust a comb in her hair. Her simple white dress is cut low in front, disclosing the curve of her bosom. The eyes are downcast, looking into the mirror, while the face and figure are strongly illuminated. Height, 35 inches; width, 27 inches. Jee hetek Jo lay A GIO SDC ren file ey) pice eae wr, Viindegaet No. 107 ROBERT LADBROOKE (NorwicH ScHoor) 1769—1842 THE THATCHED FARMHOUSE In a natural depression in a sandy heath stands an old farm- house, beneath the shade of a number of fine trees, the thatched roof and tiny windows giving it an appearance of considerable antiquity. A flock of sheep is being driven along a road, which leads apparently to a group of outbuildings on the right of the picture. In the foreground is the trunk of a large tree, and in the distance can be seen dense woods. The sky is covered with heavy clouds which appear to presage rain. Height, 23 inches; length, 30 inches. No. 108 ANTOINE VESTIER 1740—1824 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY A young lady is seated facing us, her head turned slightly to the left, the eyes looking directly at the spectator. Her dress is of pale blue satin with short sleeves, the front of the corsage being decorated with knots of violet ribbon. A band of tulle is round her throat and a silken scarf falls from the back of the seat and practically conceals her left arm. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. No. 109 HENRY WYATT 1794—1840 PORTRAIT OF MISS GREATOREX Tuis is the half-length portrait of a lady seated facing the spectator, her left arm resting upon a table. Her dress of dark blue velvet is cut low in front, showing the dainty lace work of her undergarment. A fur boa is thrown round the shoulders, falling in a graceful curve across her arms. The left wrist is clasped by a heavy gold bracelet, and a long gold chain is round her neck. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. Wyatt, who was a portrait painter of considerable vogue, was for some years a pupil of Sir Thomas Lawrence. His pictures appeared at the Royal Academy, the British Institution and at Suffolk Street be- tween 1817 and 1838. No. 110 JAN ANTHONISZ VAN RAVESTYNE 1572—1657 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL THE three-quarter length portrait of a young Dutch lady clad in elaborate sixteenth-century costume. Her bodice is of black, richly embroidered and girt at the waist by a heavy gold chain. A large ruff of intricate workmanship is round her neck, and on her hair, which is drawn tightly back from her forehead, is a lace cap of curious form. In her right hand she holds a large pair of leather gauntlets, her left hand hanging idly by her side. In the upper left-hand corner is a coat-of-arms. Height, 38 inches; width, 28 inches. see es { i ; if } ; ; No. 111 THOMAS. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 1727—1788 LADY KNIGHTON, WIFE OF . ADMIRAL SIR JOHN KNIGHTON (Illustrated on opposite page) A CHARMING portrait, full of refinement and delicacy of ex- pression. The lady is shown to the waist, her body turned to the right, her face turned slightly towards the spectator. A suspicion of a smile hovers around the corner of her mouth, and her dark brown eyes are full of spirit. She wears a gown of blue chiffon cut low in the front, and in the centre of her corsage is a single pink rose. A row of pearls is round her neck, and large earrings are in her ears. Her dark brown hair is massed high above her forehead, and descends behind to the nape of the neck. She holds a small black spaniel in her arms. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 ches. Purchased of Mzssrs. Suttzy & Co., London. No. 112 WILLIAM DOBSON 1610—1646 EARL OF PEMBROKE Tue head and shoulders of a nobleman of the time of Charles I. His doublet, which is of yellow satin, is fastened in front by a single jewel, and has the sleeves slashed, showing a fine linen shirt beneath. A broad collar with a lace border falls over the shoulders, and draped over his left arm is a dark-colored cloak, on which is emblazoned the star of the Order of the Gar- ter. He wears a mustache and small pointed beard, and his fair hair falls unhindered upon his shoulders. Height, 30 inches; width, 24 inches. No. 118 JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. 1776—1837 WINCHMORE HILL, MIDDLESEX BETWEEN two fine elms can be seen the roofs of a number of cottages buried in a mass of verdure. Beyond these the scene extends over a sunny meadow to a mass of fine trees which gradually disappear in the haze of distance. In the foreground two figures are walking slowly across the scene beside a low paling. Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches. Signed, Nr Wincumore Hit1, Joun ConstaBte. Sold at the sale of the effects of Miss Constable (sister of the artist), at Manor House, Wenham Magna, September 13, 1865. No. 114 ANTOINE VESTIER 1740—1824 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Tue half-length portrait of a young lady seated, leaning in a graceful attitude on a pedestal. Her costume is of the time of Louis XV; her dress of light blue silk is elaborately em- broidered with roses, the sleeves being finished off with deep lace flounces, while a knot of pink ribbon is worn at either elbow and in the centre of her corsage. In her hands she holds a bunch of roses and a single rosebud is in her hair, which is powdered and drawn back off the forehead. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. AECO MCE yntere ae ey Lark, efltvis O Platedewa/, jLbor Sy ee c Gyan frarerce if fev Ue Vences No. 115 GEORGE ROMNEY 1734—1802 PORTRAIT OF MRS. WRIGHT (Illustrated on opposite page) A BEAUTIFUL example from the brush of the man who, above all others, possessed the faculty of expressing the indefinable atmosphere of tender femininity. In this portrait we see a young woman with a spiritwelle face and great charm of bear- ing. The figure is in profile to the left, the face slightly turned | and inclined, the eyes looking dreamily past the spectator. Over a yellow dress with short sleeves she wears a gauze fichu and long brown stole. Her hair is powdered and dressed high off the forehead, descending in several large curls upon her shoulders. On her head is a gauze cap with a pink ribbon, which floats out behind her. The background suggests a land- scape under a dark sky. The color scheme is subtle and un- usual, and the flesh tints are skilfully rendered. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 mches. Purchased of Messrs. A. J. Suttry & Co., London. No. 116 ROBERT TOURNIERES 1668—1752 PORTRAIT OF THE MARQUISE DE LIANCOURT A young lady stands upon a balcony beneath a heavy canopy. She wears an elaborately embroidered dress of pink silk, with short sleeves, the skirt being heavily puffed over the hips. Be-. side her is a basket of flowers from which she has taken a blos- som which she holds coquettishly aloft, as if about to throw it to an admirer below. Height, 42 inches; width, 34 mches. aii a 4 , a iS J | i | . t ij 4 \ No. 117 CRISTOFORO MORETTI 1460— A MILANESE NOBLEMAN Tue full-length picture of an elderly man in the dress of the late fifteenth century. A loose cloak heavily trimmed with ermine, the sleeves slashed and lined with the same fur, is worn over a dark undergarment. His right hand is carried in front, while his left, which is gloved, rests upon the hilt of his sword. A heavy gold chain is round his neck, and a long white beard descends upon his chest. The background shows a fine red curtain hiding the entry to a room. Height, 37 inches; width, 34 inches. Purchased from DowpDEswELi & DowpDESWwELL. No. 118 GEORGE ROMNEY 1734—1802 PORTRAIT OF CAPTAIN BEAUCHAMP A CHARACTERISTIC piece of work by the great portrait painter. The subject sits, his body square to the spectator, while his face, with its high and aristocratic nose and clear-cut mouth, is almost in profile to the right. He wears a scarlet uniform with dark blue lapels and cuffs frogged with silver braid, and on his shoulders are epaulettes of blue and silver. His waist- coat of white satin is unfastened to permit of his right hand being thrust within, and to show the white stock which sur- rounds his throat. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. From the collection of Lorp WaTErpark. No. 119 JAN ANTHONISZ VAN RAVESTYNE 1572—1657 PORTRAIT OF MRS. WHITEHILL Wire or Ricuarp WHITEHILL AND DAUGHTER OF ALDERMAN STEPHEN Tue half-length portrait of a lady dressed in the style of the late sixteenth century. Her dress is of rich black material, the bodice laced in front with ribbon and the skirt much puffed over the hips. An elaborate lace collar is round her neck, com- ing down low in front, and her sleeves end in lace cuffs. She wears a long rope of pearls, and on her left shoulder is a badge from which depends a single pearl. She stands resting her right hand on the back of a chair, on which is the following inscription, “ Modestia in rebus novit habere modum.” An elaborate coat-of-arms is in the upper right-hand corner. Height, 40 inches; width, 26 inches. From the collection of the Duxs or Firr, Duff House, Banffshire. No. 120 JACOPO ROBUSTI CALLED IL TINTORETTO 1518—1594 PORTRAIT OF A VENETIAN DIGNITARY Tuis is one of those strong, colorful representations of char- acter which gave to this artist’s portraits so great a vogue dur- ing his lifetime. It is the life-size picture of an elderly man, shown in three-quarter length. He wears a heavy gown of crimson velvet, the deep sleeves of which are elaborately em- broidered. Round his neck is a golden cord supporting a cru- cifix and badge. His head is bare, and he wears a heavy black beard. His right hand rests upon a desk on which is an epistle addressed to His Holiness Pope Pius V. Through an open window is a view of some fortifications and a round tower. Under the window is the following inscription: Ignavis For- tuna non favet. Ioan Sup. Eq. Ann. XLIX. Height, 45 inches; width, 40 inches. 4 62S” KEP a No. 121 CORNELIS DE, VOS 1585—1651 THREE DUTCH CHILDREN (Illustrated on opposite page) A CHARMING group, consisting of a boy and two girls. The boy, on the right, is a sturdy little fellow, with a cloak thrown over his suit of blue velvet and his neck encircled by a ruff. On the right stands the elder of the two girls, clad in a black dress over a pink petticoat. A lace collar covers her shoulders, and in her hands is an elaborate head-dress set with jewels. Be- tween them is a baby, less elaborately dressed, her hair con- fined by a lace cap. Height, 36 inches; length, 42 inches. No. 122 ASCRIBED TO POURBUS HENRY VIII WHEN PRINCE OF WALES “ Biurr Kine Hau” is here shown to us as a small boy of seven years of age. He wears a long garment of black, elabo- rately embroidered, with a stiff skirt, beneath which can be seen a glimpse of an orange petticoat. Round his neck is a stiff. linen collar with lace edging. His close-cropped head is bare, and in his right hand he carries a felt hat with a very high crown. Height, 42 inches; width, 29 inches. Inscribed in upper left, Princk Henry Erates —AFTERWARDS Henry 8x. From the collection of the Dux or Firr, Duff House, Banffshire. No. 123 GEORGE H. BOGERT Contemporary EVENTIDE A SIMPLE landscape, with a stream wandering through the meadows. In the foreground on either side of the composi- tion are clumps of slender trees showing between them a vista over the landscape which reaches to the horizon, where a line of low hills catches the last rays of the setting sun. The even- ing sky is full of atmosphere, and the whole picture is remark- able for its poetic sentiment. Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches. No. 124 GOVAERT FLINK 1615—1660 GROUP OF FIGURES (FRAGMENT) In this fragment we see a number of men crowded between the columns of some building, and climbing upon the plinth of one of the pillars, all gazing and pointing at some object high up on the right, but out of the picture. In the foreground a tall black-bearded man in a long green cloak and white cap stands in full sunlight, with a small boy by his side. Height, 48 mches; width, 40 inches. Flink was perhaps the most famous pupil of Rembrandt, and in his best manner it is at times difficult to distinguish between the two. He was employed on many important paintings by the magistrates of Am- sterdam, Prince Maurice of Naussau and other notable personages. BEd Thon, SOE CAA Lcd a es zs C1 pe herr egy No. 125 ASCRIBED TO BOTTICELLI VIRGIN AND CHILD (Illustrated on opposite page) Tue Virgin stands erect, holding the Child in her arms. Over a red dress is cast a dark green cloak, with a star embroidered on the shoulder, while a veil:of filmy texture flows over her golden hair, on which is set a turban of gray cloth. The Child is unclad, save for the end of a scarf which is wrapped about him. One arm is placed about his mother’s neck, while he ap- pears to be gesticulating with the other. Height, 40 inches; width, 24 inches. Formerly im the collection of Mxssrs. Duranp-RvEt. No. 126 WILLIAM DOBSON 1610—1646 ELIZABETH, DAUGHTER OF CHARLES I Tue three-quarter length portrait of the young princess standing in an angle formed by two stone walls. She wears a dress of light blue silk, trimmed with lace round the low neck and short sleeves. A knot of ribbon fastened by a clasp with several pearl drops is in the centre of her corsage, and she wears large pearls round her neck and right arm, which falls in an easy attitude by her side; her right hand slightly raises her skirt, while her left is outstretched and holds a mini- ature of the king, her father. Her hair falls in long curls to her shoulders, and is dressed in many small ringlets round her forehead, in the manner made familiar to us by Van Dyck’s portraits of Henrietta Maria. Height, 48 inches; width, 36 inches. wap pp ip ip tp ip ip ems TW ea C/O JO prvUypvd pre J PEER a, 4 4 Poem eekerwrs vf SS; A dS aa) ig) 2 ~ Laepeperee DID DDS OS OOOO OLS DOOD OL es gt ea Oe. AWS A ad Aah tad A, a Bt Sacha nRRRERSEEEEene Ae ne RET Sw phate me Pt Slab No. 127 FRANZ POURBUS 1570—1622 ANNE OF AUSTRIA, QUEEN OF LOUIS XIII A THREE-QUARTER length portrait of the young queen, in the heyday of her youth and beauty. She wears a dress of blue, elaborately ornamented with fleurs-de-lis, the sleeves slashed and decked with pearls. On a fine white stomacher great pearls and deep blue sapphires are sown in rich profusion. Over her shoulders is cast a long mantle of the same material as her dress, lined and trimmed with heavy ermine. Round her neck is an elaborate lace ruff, and on her powdered hair is set a small crown of pearls and sapphires. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. From the collection of M. Gavet, Paris. No. 128 GEORGE BARRETT, R.A. 1728—1784 LANDSCAPE THE view shows a rocky landscape with a stream winding be- tween steep banks, from the right foreground to the middle distance. In the left foreground is a group of fine trees to- ward which a party of peasant women are making their way. On an eminence on the far bank of the river is a group of buildings, to which a rustic bridge affords an approach. The landscape is bathed in the glow of a warm summer sky, over which a hazy cloud is slowly extending. Height, 36 inches; length, 50 ches. ZSCLO iy j 3 C2 Pa Se JID Vc de ies oe oe See No. 129 ANTONIO CANAL CALLED CANALETTO 1697—1768 CANALETTO’S CONCEPTION OF A GRAND OPERA HOUSE IN VENICE (Illustrated on opposite page) Tuis picture was painted in order to illustrate to the Vene- tians what a splendid addition to their city an opera house and approach thereto might be. The building itself is shown on the right, with its colonnades and balconies and domed roof. It stands in a spacious plaza, the approach to which is by a bridge with a fine roof supported on noble columns. The facade of another fine building is seen on the left, and a long row of houses extends in rapidly diminishing perspective. Height, 38 inches; length, 50 inches. From the collection of the Ricut Hon. Lorp Davey. No. 1380 SIR PETER LELY 1617—1680 PORTRAIT OF THE EARL OF CLARENDON Tus is a three-quarter length portrait of the famous earl seated in his peer’s robes. His cloak of crimson velvet falls in a graceful fold, showing fine composition of vertical and diagonal lines, accentuated by the pose of his right arm and hand, with which he is apparently enforcing a point of his speech. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. Purchased of Tuomas AcNEw & Sons, London. No. 181 JAMES BAKER PYNE 1800—1870 A CLASSICAL LANDSCAPE THE sun is just setting in a blaze of glory, tinging the hazy clouds with crimson and casting a warm glow upon a narrow strip of water which leads through the centre of the picture, and is lined on either bank by classic buildings in a semi-ruin- ous condition. In the foreground, beside two broken columns, a man and a woman in Roman costume watch the efforts of a boatman to propel his small craft down the stream. Height, 34 inches; length, 52 inches. No. 182 PIETRO FRANCESCO MOLA 1612—1668 VENUS RISING FROM THE WAVES AT THE ISLAND OF CYTHERA In Grecian mythology Cythera was specially sacred to Venus as being the place where she first rose from the sea foam; a temple was there erected and great festivals held in her honor. Close by the water’s edge the goddess rises from the ocean, seated in a golden chariot, drawn by two sea-horses. A gauze scarf, which forms her only garment, floats in a graceful curve above her head, and her fair hair streams behind her on the breeze. Numbers of attendant cupids bearing flowers and torches sport in the air above her, or, with joined hands, dance in joyous welcome on the shore. Height, 45 inches; width, 41 inches. From the collection of the Dux or SurHERLAND, Stafford House. Mola was a pupil of Francesco Albano, whom, however, he far out- shone, both in the conception and execution of his pictures. Abe Pee | UP: lfz2+ ne, KLEO ee Fixe. FL te PL (iid lat No. 133 ANTOINE VESTIER 1740—1824 PORTRAIT OF COMTESSE D’ESTRADES (Illustrated on opposite page) Tue three-quarter length portrait of a lady seated beside a table on which is an open book. She wears a long blue coat and a skirt of the same material, and a blue and pink striped waist- coat, ribbons of the same colors being fastened at her elbows. Her right hand rests negligently in her lap, while her left turns the pages of the book. Her powdered hair is dressed high, and is decked with ribbons and sprigs of flowers. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. No. 134 SIR GODFREY KNELLER 1646—1723 MR. DALZEL, SON OF GENERAL DALZEL Tue three-quarter length portrait of a young man standing with one hand on his hip, while in the other he holds a three- cornered hat. He wears a frock coat of blue velvet with a long under coat of the same material, caught together by a single button in front, disclosing a fine linen shirt and ruffle beneath. On his head is a large wig, the long locks of which are tied in a knot and fall upon his shoulder. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. From the collection of the Duxr or Firz, Duff House, Banffshire. Pe ee ee No. 135 SCHOOL OF NATTIER 1685—1766 THE DUCHESSE DE CHAULNES AS HEBE Tuis is the character in which Nattier loved to paint the most beautiful of the many beautiful women who sat to him. Here he has enthroned her upon the clouds, attended, as always, by an eagle, the bird of Jove, who stands behind her to one side, with his wings unfolded and his neck outstretched. She reclines in a graceful attitude, on her left elbow, holding in that hand a crystal goblet, which she is about to fill with wine from a slender-necked ewer in her right. She wears a loose white dress, and over this is cast a blue mantle, which floats from her shoul- ders. Across her breast from left to right is a wreath of roses, and flowers are in her chestnut hair, from which one curl escapes in subtle fashion and falls upon her shoulder. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. No. 136 THOMAS HUDSON 1701—1779 PORTRAIT OF LADY SPENCER Tue lady stands, her head leaning in a graceful attitude upon the fingers of her left hand, her arm being supported by the plinth of a column. Her dress of white satin is cut low in front, and has a knot of blue ribbon in the centre of the corsage. A long scarf of blue silk is thrown over her left arm, and falls in graceful folds about her, the end being caught up in her left hand. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. ie i OP es fare AP? 2. JOLY see jae oe 4 - Je No. 137 SIR PETER LELY 1617—1680 THE COUNTESS OF EXETER (Illustrated on opposite page) THE famous beauty is shown to us seated beside a large jar of roses, making a bouquet of some flowers which she holds in her lap. Her low-cut dress is of brown silk, with short sleeves, and from her shoulders hangs a dark blue mantle which falls grace- fully beside her on the seat. Her hair is dressed in a heavy mass at the back of her head, and is intertwined with ropes of pearls. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. Purchased of Tuos. AcNew & Sons, London. No. 138 CORNELIS DE VOS 1585—1651 A DUTCH FAMILY GROUP A cHARMING family group of three figures. The mother, a matronly looking woman, is seated in an armchair. Over a white chemisette she wears a black gown fastened in front by a red bow. Her dark brown hair falls in natural ringlets to her shoulders, which are covered by a large gauze collar. Her young daughter stands beside her, her hand resting on the arm of the chair. She wears a large apron over a dress of green silk, the sleeves slashed and lined with red. The baby is seated at their feet in a red dress and wearing on his head a curious flat cap in which is an orange feather. Height, 56 inches; width, 42 inches. a i» ie Le ae '* aN $y “¢ ve 27% Ay ae ft: « a f. is be ea Gan th as ' aaah a ae No. 139 FRANCIS COTES, R.A. 1726—1770 PORTRAIT OF MISS HASTINGS Tuis is the three-quarter length portrait of a young lady of about twenty years of age, who stands facing the spectator, her fingers interlaced in front below her waist-line. On her left arm she carries a scarf of black chiffon, which conceals it from sight; her right arm, on the contrary, making a fine diagonal line across the composition. She wears a plain white dress, with tight sleeves and a ruffle round the neck, while on her head is a small mushroom-shaped hat of straw with a large blue bow. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. — No. 140 GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT (NEPHEW oF THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH) 1767—1797 THE CHILDREN OF SIR CHARLES ASHLEY Art the foot of a flight of stone steps stand two little girls, about ten and twelve years of age. Both are dressed alike in short- sleeved, low-necked dresses, the only difference being the color of their sashes and shoes, one wearing pink and the other blue. The elder rests her hand affectionately on the shoulder of her sister, who holds a small bunch of wild flowers. Height, 52 inches; width, 40 inches. From Rushton Hall, Northamptonshire. LIFT fe llO en eey et Deiasa No. 141 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 1769—1830 THE HON. MARIA LIDDELL (Illustrated on opposite page) A most beautiful portrait of a lady standing beside the stone balustrade of a garden terrace. She wears a dress of red vel- vet with puffed sleeves and low neck, showing a glimpse of the white corsage beneath. Round her shoulders is cast a long fur boa, the graceful sweep of which adds greatly to the beauty of the composition. The background shows the corner of a house and a blue sky partly covered with heavy clouds. Height, 55 inches; width, 44 inches. The Hon. Maria Liddell, daughter of Lord Ravensworth, married in 1818 Constantine Henry Phipps, Marquis of Normanby. He was Sec- retary of State in 1841 and Ambassador to France 1846-1852. No. 142 BOLOGNESE SCHOOL SAINT MARGARET A FULL-LENGTH representation of the saint standing upon a tesselated pavement before a panelled wall. Over a long under- garment of green is cast a crimson cloak which is caught up at the waist in front. Upon the upturned palm of her left hand she carries a clasped book, and in her right is a small branch of a palm. Height, 66 inches; width, 27 inches. No. 148 EVELYN DE MORGAN (Pre-RapHaewite ScHoo.r) GODDESS OF FLOWERS BEsIDE a summer sea, over which a number of gulls are flying, walks a tall, slender maiden. Flowers spring up before her feet in luxuriant profusion, as she moves over a stretch of vel- vety turf. Upon her shoulders are a pair of large wings, ruddy of plumage, their pinions half spread in the still air. Her white robe is of classic design, clinging softly to her lithe figure, and held upon her shoulders by a pair of small yellow wings clasped with pearls. A small urn, from which a slender stream of water issues, is poised upon her left shoulder, her hands raised in a graceful fashion to hold it in place. Signed at the lower left, E. pp M., 1895. Height, 62 ches; width, 56 inches. From the collection of the late W1t11am Inmrtz, Ese., Liverpool. No. 144 SIR GODFREY KNELLER 1646—1723 | PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Tue full-length portrait of a young lady dressed in the style of the late seventeenth century. She wears a skirt and bodice of white satin trimmed with gold lace. The bodice is cut low in front and laced with gold cord across a stomacher of the same material. The skirt is very full and puffed around the hips. Round the neck is a ruff of fine lace. Height, 70 inches; width, 36 inches. From the collection of Sin Wm. Cunurre Brooxe. SLO fretead, Latha a No. 145 SIR HENRY RAEBURN, P.R.S.A. 1756—1823 PORTRAIT OF LORD GLENLEE (See Frontispiece) THE life-size portrait of the distinguished Scotch lawyer seated in an armchair beside a table covered with books and papers. He is plainly dressed in the style of the early nine- teenth century in a black tail-coat with high roll collar, knee breeches and silk stockings of the same hue, the only relief being his fine lace stock and the glimpse of linen at his wrists. Height, 83 inches; width, 60 inches. Engraved by WaLKER. From the collection of Lorn Moncrierr. No. 146 MELCHIOR D’HONDECOETER 1636—1695 PEACOCK AND POULTRY Tus artist is famous for his treatment of birds of rare plu- mage, live fowl, game and similar subjects, in which branch of art he stands quite unrivalled. He shows us here the corner of a sunny farmyard, with outhouses and trees in the distance. On the base of an old stone column, by a pool of water, struts a brilliant peacock, lording it over a cock of curious plumage, a hen and her brood. Some pigeons and another hen are pick- ing up food between his feet, and a duck is quacking impu- dently at the group. Height, 60 inches; width, 50 inches. No. 147 WILLIAM COLLINS 1788—1847 THE RETURN OF THE FLEET WituraM Co.iins (father of Wilkie Collins, the novelist) be- came first famous for his pictures of rustic life. In 1815 he went to Cromer to study the sea and fishermen, and rapidly became famous for pictures similar to the one here exhibited. The Prince Regent and other royal and noble personages were among his patrons. At the Gillot Sale, in 1872, his picture of Cromer Sands brought 3,600 guineas. This picture shows a wide stretch of sand, on which the re- treating tide has left several large pools. In the foreground a fisherman is seated on an old rudder-post, talking to a woman in a blue skirt and red jacket. In the middle distance a large boat is drawn up and is being emptied of the catch and nets, which lie on the sand. Other boats are being drawn up on the shore by means of horses, and in the distance the remainder of the fleet are hastening homewards over a glassy sea, their heavy lug sails trimmed to catch every breath. The sun is near- ing the horizon, tinging with pink the light clouds which cover the sky. Height, 36 inches; length, 59 mches. No. 148 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, B.A. 1753—1839 PORTRAIT OF MISS LENNOX —AFTERWARDS LADY ASHLEY A CHARMING full-length portrait of a young lady, who stands leaning in a graceful attitude upon a stone balustrade which runs along a shady terrace. Her dress is of some white ma- terial, cut in a simple but dignified style, and showing to per- fection the lines of her well-poised figure. It is cut low across the shoulders and has short sleeves, leaving the well-rounded arms bare. A single jewelled brooch in the centre of the bust and a band round the arm are the only attempts at ornament. A large black hat with several ostrich feathers is set on the side of her head, surmounting a mass of dark brown curls which frame a face of singularly frank and ingenuous ex- pression. A large velvet cloth is thrown over the pillar on which she leans, and passes behind her figure, the end being caught up between the fingers of her right hand. A pet spaniel lies at her feet looking up into his mistress’s face. The back- ground shows the foliage of trees, with a glimpse of landscape beyond. Height, 88 inches; width, 54 inches. From Rushton Hall, Northamptonshire. No. 149 SIR HENRY RAEBURN, P.R.S.A. 1756—1823 PORTRAIT OF MASTER CATHEART A GO A cHaArMING full-length, life-size portrait of a little boy. His coat is of blue cloth, with drab waistcoat and trousers. His linen shirt with wide collar is open, to disclose the fine lines of his throat. His dark brown hair falls to his shoulders, fram- ing a delicate and aristocratic face. In his right hand he holds a stick, and with his left he restrains a pet dog. The back- ground shows a pleasantly wooded park under a sunny sky. Height, 68 inches; width, 48 mches. Signed at lower left, RarBurRn FECIT. Purchased from the family by Tuomas Acnew & Sons. f [iio No. 150 DANIEL MYTENS 1590—1656 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES I Tue full-length, life-size portrait of the martyr king stand- ing beside a table covered with a cloth, on which are the great crown, the orb and the sceptre with the dove. Over a doublet and knee breeches of brown satin, trussed and pointed, the sleeves slashed over a white undergarment, he wears a long cloak of crimson velvet, lined with white, which falls in strong lines from his shoulder to the floor. Round his neck is a broad lace collar, and beneath this the collar of the Garter gleams across his chest. His right hand rests on his hip, while the left hangs idly by his side. On his head is a high-crowned hat, in which are a number of white ostrich plumes. The dark eyes look directly at the spectator from a mournful face with short pointed beard and upturned mustache. Height, 90 inches; width, 58 mches. From Haydon Hall, Norfolk, collection of GzeNERAL BuLWeER. No. 151 ALLAN RAMSAY 17138—1784 PORTRAIT OF GEORGE III Tuis picture is one of a long series of portraits which the monarch commissioned the artist to paint, and which he pre- sented to many of his intimates and friends. It is painted with minute attention to detail, and represents the king in full length seated in the coronation chair under a canopy and clad in his full robes of state. The long cloak trimmed with mine- ver, and the heavy ermine cape which falls from his shoul- ders and rests in heavy folds upon the floor, almost conceal his breeches and coat of cloth-of-gold, heavily embroidered. Round his shoulders is the collar and pendant of the Order of the Garter, and in his right hand he holds the sceptre with the cross. His ruddy face is surmounted by a gray periwig, and is turned slightly to the left, the eyes looking directly at the spectator. Height, 92 inches; width, 58 inches. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ee JOX2ZI Saas BG ge fetes Muar ve Behr dygeey | id ii Teche We BEG 7955 Lady PAIS LI NIO aD _ a, APRS | Be iieg 2g cs Se : Khater eee ZZ : aoe Lv Mi ft te Lt Xl Shiai: ais yer se A, Ka feiges Wa a FLO - See needy 4 va Wat a 4 a ETTYRESEARCHINSTITUTE > oe TIME i HM Fea icra 3 3125 01662 8766 te ent a“ £ & “~F fm &P>. «eg Ve es iy mers rn +e 4 hee © HRS. 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