° ; ; jor ee : ¢ t be ike bash \ es ; a vr’ ; , HPDILE bP 2 ly dd i earns ; ‘ ; , My Ae re ; : t t A 4 dvetiy 9 ihe gt : ' \ tet ‘ si Z : Guy ua 1 } . ‘ ‘ yay re ’ : x iva he by Ot th ' pie Ae beg i eth ; , ‘ j ak r ’ hein ; Nahar eg) ' ; eh i 7 Me isa tains ; , rare ni thele et ieiby. ‘ i i 4 avis ihe } aid j 4 bi wht? bat ¥ ; 6) ih Pirin Re ae? >, 7 fe oe eh, ES ne ANY sh se fev td Wp eet af: Ai: ae Tae eo eh INS i+ 4 iy te . ; . i Eee eae + ie) At Si? 3 a And pvt—4 oY. a . > ies ay ) ‘ AD Saeeh ih Aes / 1 + Ate Ree, v , he ae hgh peat. +)" iar gn fe P | THE COLLECTION OF — CLARKE’S ART ROOMS 5 WEST 44TH STREET (FIFTH AVENUE) fe a eral CATALOGUE _ THE COLLECTION OF Modern Paintings AND BRONZES. FORMED BY G. A. BRONDER BROOKLYN, N. Y. To be sold at Unrestricted Sale by his order AT CLARKE’S ART ROOMS § WEST 44th STREET, NEW YORK (Adjoining the Fifth Ave. Bank) On THURSDAY AND FRIDAY January 18th and 19th, 1912 ‘Each’ evening at 8.15 o’clock THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE Cup Q CONDITIONS OF SALE. ee 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any | dispute arise between two or more bidders, the painting _ so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses ~ and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money if required, in default of which the © painting or paintings so purchased to be immediately — put up again and re-sold. 3. The paintings to be taken away at the buyer’s ex- pense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the paintings be lost, damaged or destroyed,, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4, The paintings to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; CLARKE’s ART Rooms not being responsible for the correct descrip- tion, genuineness or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in any painting, and making no warranty what-— ever. : 5.To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- jence in settlement of the purchases, no painting can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be for- feited; all paintings uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without fur- ther notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. CLARKE’S ART ROOMS are in no way respon- sible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, Auctioneer. The Alexander Press, 114-116 West 27th St., New York. INDEX FOR PAINTINGS. Adam, J., 25 Artz, DIA C77 Asti, A., 82 Aureli, 17 Bail, J., 30 Beraud, J., 89 Berne-Bellecour, E. P., 90, 102 Bierstadt, A., 7 Bonheur, A., 88 Brackeleer, F. de, 86 Caballero, M. J., 41 Casanova y Estor- ach, A., 15 Couland, M., 29° Chavet, V., 1 Chelminski, J., 39 Chevillard, V., 9, 74 Church, F. E., 42 Ciceri, E., 80 Clays, J. P., 93 Cotard-Dupre, T., 75 Cooper, T. S., 10 Cropsey, J. F., 2 De Beul, F., 14 De Haven, F., 28 De Penne, C.O., 6, 85 Deutsch, L., 107 Didier-Pouget, 91 Dupre, J., 101 W., Seneury, Re k., 95 Gerome, J. L., 114 Gonzales, J. -A., 33 Grolleron, P., 21 Hagborg, A., 16 Hart, W. M., 34 Henner, J. J., 108 Hermann, L., 112 Jacquet, G., 100 Japy, L., 105 Jeannin, G., 5 Kaemmerer, 72 Kreyder, -A., 83 Laissement, H. A.,, 92 Le Febvre, J. J., 10€ Maes, R. E., 6 Monchablon, J., 37 Moran, E., 22 Norton, W. E., 12 Pasini, A., 97 Patten, C.,. 19 Piot, A., 87 Plumot, A., 32 Oustton; EF.) 8,73 Richards, W. T., 18 23, 35, 99, 109 Robie, J. B., 111 Sanchez, Perier, 103 Santoro, R., 113 ie tl, INDEX FOR PAINTINGS—CONTINUED Schenck, A. F. A, 94 Schreiber, C. B., 78 Schryver, L. de, 27 Seignac, P., 76, 81 Simondi, M., 31 Staackman, K. M., 84 Steinheil, A. C. E., 110 Tojetti, V., 13 Tracy; J..033 INDEX FOR Bayre, A. L., 124 Bonheur, I., 137, 138 Cain, A., 115 Calmels, 51, 52 Carrier, A., 133 Carrier-Belleuse, L, me Dubois, P., 122 Dumaige, H., 119 Duret, F. J., 117 Escoula, J., 128 Falconet, 131 Fontaine, E., 135 Halou, 53 Hugues, J., 60 Van Der Ouderra, Ps 38 Verestchagin, B., il Vibert, J. G., 104 Voltz, F., 20, 79 Von Bremen, M., 98 Weiss, G., 26, 36 Witkowski, 24 Worms, J., 96 Wuest, A., 4 Ziem, F., 40 BRONZES. Lancer, 48, 49 Lecorney, 54, 55 Massoule, P, A., 127 Méne, P. J., 47, 130 Mercier, A., 68 Moigniez, 44, 126 Moreau, M., 58 Odion, 71 Picault, E., 132 Pradier, 43 Rigual, 45 Rougelet, B., 62 St. Marceaux, 120° Villanis, E., 56 FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1912 At 8.15 o’clock We 1 CHAVET (Victor) Born at Bouches-du-Rhone, 1822. Medal, Third Class, 1853. Second Class, 1855. ' E. U. Medal Rappel, 1857. Cross of Le- gion of Honor, 1859. Hors Concours. Le Chevalier Vert Vert ax6 In his cabinet stands a young nobleman engrossed in a poem. 2 CROPSEY (Jasper F.) Born on Staten Island, 1823. Elected N. A. 1851. Hastings on the Hudson 13) x28 A village nestles near the river with the mountains in the distance; o’ershadowing clouds drive over the hills. TRACY: (J; M3) A great American delineator of dogs. Sight and Scent 25 x 44 A fine specimen of this inimitable master. ees Se ae Betinder) in America. Medals: Brussels ond TheHague, 1866; ‘Vienna, 1873. oe A ee Pool ~ 13 %xi7% Ona ie Nn afternoon a peasant family on th banks of the water are shaded by 3 some rees. GET - ; ; : x) ; JEANIN (Georges) Borin Paris. Medals: Third Class, 1878. SeconcClass, 1888. Bronze Medal, 1889, E. U.3ronze Medal, E. U. 1900. Chev- alier othe Legion of Honor, 1903. Hors - Concov. Member of Society of French Artists. ~$till Life 25% x 32% On édrass platter apples, grapes and pears ¢ profusely displayed. Rich and - beautifun color. 5 MAES (E. René) “Medals: ‘Antwerp, 1879, anstarana 881 Brussels, 1884. Member of the che ad- my. of Belgium. Rocce ‘The Barnyard fs © x 14s ‘Poultry carefully delineated A ffasant scene. 2 BIERSTADT (Albert), N.A. : Born’ ini? Dusséldorf. Legion offionor. he iis represented in. every impomt mu- ‘seum oe gallery in. América, 4 af "The Cheseent Moon } we 64 x MY On the lake are many craft, ding tie shore on an early summer evenin Ps ZI ‘ON UOWION “A WITT he 1 : ae 1 Meeks Ce {12 & " CHEVILLARD Eiicent) Born. in Italy of French parents. ~Men- tion Honorable, sabe Medal, Third Class, é 1391. "io ae Pe The Cure Reading 10 x 9 In an arbor sits the village cure reading. at a table; his coffee waits, while he is amused. 10 a r\ {/ & COOPER (T. Sidney), R.A. Britain’s most renowned animal painter. Represented in every important collection in England. : Goats 18 x 14 On a knoll are three goats—in the dis- tance is a windmill. A luminous sky sur- mounts the scene. Ld VERESTCHAGIN (Basil) Born at Tcherepovito, Russia, 1842. One of Russia’s most prolific and renowned painters. On the Alert 14 x 10 In his chair sits this forceful old Jew in the pleasant occupation of cutting off coupons and is surprised. ‘These are in almost the artist’s own words to the pres- ent owner.” 12 | NORTON (Wm.) - pe A very clever seascapist. Watching the Gathering Storm 37X30 - ‘The rough water is gradually being beaten into a fury, while on the shore a knot of -fisherfoik watch the lowering clouds. 13 TOJETTI (Virgilio) Born in Rome, 1849. Came to New York in his early days, and soon was Ere enizes as a painter of fanciful subjects. x mes ° # The Dancing Lesson 24 x 36 Cupid needs no lessons in any art. He steps among the roses with sure foot. Cool and clear in a charming grove are the pupil and teacher. Piety een OE 14 DE BEUL (Franz) Member of the Royal Academy of Bel- gium. ‘Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. One of E. Jacques’ greatest pupils. Sheep at the Stream 20% 00 A sunny midday, woodland o’ershadows a stream, a flock of sheep is drinking and making a marvellous reflection in the water on a clear day. 15 CASANOVA Y ESTORACH (A.) Born at Tortosa, Spain. Pupil of Claudio Lorenzali at Barcelona and Madrazo, Paris.. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1885. Chess 44 x 6 Two jovial monks are deeply interested playing chess. A choice example of this clever master. reat a the eae ‘of 1 ‘Hors Concours. Member of. Fis sherfollk met fii | i 24 x 3 ne ee Nelling after their labor. Charade in /AURELT | cx feinarkable Italian water colorist known in Paris for his finely finished work. Oriental Dancer | “Water Color ‘mat 32 x 22% OT) A graceful figure, with her musical instru- ea): ment strung in front of her, is smiling and - -+|_- stretching after her dancing. He 4 , ¥ I i i U | paren (Caesar ) 183) ae RICHARDS (William Trost) _ Born at Phisnciaihe ae 1876. Teale 1885, Paris, Sito ap 1889, E. U. On the Cliffs 10 x 16 Bought at the executor’s sale. 19 x Bees at Steenworde Nord. Medal, Third Class, 1896. The Little Thief | | is reuse O% At midday on a Breton roadside is a group of young girls eagerly talking, while |{ a little maid takes an apple from the basket | of one of the disputants. tice 20 VOLTZ (Frederick) Born at Nordlinger, 1817. Professor at the Munich Academy. Member of the Acad- emies of Munich, 1863 Berlin, 1869; Vienna, -1870. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1856 and 1861. Wurtemberg Medal of Art. Order of the Red Eagle and of St. Michael, 1867. Cattle Returning Home in the Tyrel 17% x 35 Some are decorated with flowers for a festive occasion, and all are returning from their upland pastures. \) es Zi GROLLERON (Paul) Born at deigaules Yonne. Medals: Hon- orable Mention, 1882, .Third Class, 1886. Bronze, 1889 E. U: Second Class, 1894. Bronze, 1900, E.. U- Member. of. French Society of Artists. After the Skirmish 10x 13> . Three weary and wounded soldiers are ; sleeping before a small fire, with. the out- post in. the distance—morning is breaking. 2MO A ot 22 MORAN (Edward) Born at Bolton, Lancashire, England, 1829. Elected A. N. A. 1872. Member of the Pennsylvanian Academy, Evening Shadows 12 x 24 On the peaceful slope the sheep are grazing. A few trees throw their shadows across the landscape. 23 RICHARDS (William Trost) Born Philadelphia, 1833. Honary Mem- ber of the National Academy. Medals, Phila., 1876. Temple, 1885. Paris, Bronze, 1889, E. U. The Rising Moon 10 x 20 In the cool of the evening on an ebb tide the moon is reflected on the wet sand and receding waves. An inmitable example of this.great American master. ~ Bought at the executor’s sale. 4 we Woe hi clever street byes eo | Two Pals. is es ee NS, 29% x 20 et ie: ~ Against a wall two boys are dividing an apple. A sunny light pervades the scene. pees ! ADAM (Julius) : a: ‘ca ve -A famous Munich animal painter. | Sympathy 12% x Vi Some kittens in a basket are looking ata wounded one. Remarkable in expression and wonderfully direct in detail, 9 | 26 WEISS (G.) Pupil of Grison. Honorable Mention, 1898, Let Us Help Ourselves An old-fashioned interior shows the ser- vants of the house at the best, vintage which they are taking from an old buffet. 27 vd SCHRYVER (Louis de) Born in Paris. Honorable Mention, 1886 and 1889, FE. U. Third Class Medal, 1891. Second Class, 1896. Silver, 1900. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Art. Contemplation 2414 x 19% An ideal head of beauty and expression. RSE + eas / 28 DE HAVEN (Frank) Held the Inness prize, 1900. Shaw, 1901. Mention Honorable, Pan American Exhibi- tion. Silver Medal, St. Louis. The Falling Shadows 30 x 40 In the foreground is a mother and her son returning home from the fields. The sun is setting, casting a curious glow over the rough landscape. At) 29 wt f | COULAUD (M.) A clever Parisian painter of animals. ADs Returning Sheep 18 x 25% An evening sun is setting and the sheep are returning to their fold. Glowing in color. {plans / BAIL (Joseph) f a es ae aad Born at Limonest, Rhone. Mention Hon- i teete 1885. Medals: Third Class, 1886. - Second Class, 1887. Silver, 1889. E. U. _ Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1900. Gold oe Medal, 1900. E. U. Medal of Honor, 1902. - Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. The Surprise 10x 114 f In an old-fashioned kitchen; the appren- “tice to the cook finds the kittens in his old brass pot. ; | 31 \7 SIMONIDI (Michel) | Born at Bucharest. Mention Honorable, a ) Paris, 1899... Silver Medal, 1900. E. ROR Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1901. Ss bel SOR, corer, a Foie Fancy Thoughts see Ste 25% x 21% bet pans hoes Sais An ideal head of rare beauty. © ~ 3 | 32 fe) | PLUMOT (A.) A Belgian Artist, Well- kien for his rendering of peasant subjects. An Old Story 9% x 15 beeen | At a gate between two pastures a lover and his country maid are telling the oft told tale, while their cattle are quietly brousing. 33 GONZALES (Juan Antonio) Born at Chiclana, Spain. Medal, Paris, Third Class, 1896. ; La Convalescence d'un Brince 32-x 38 The anxious royal parents watch their recovering son, while the degnataries of the church and court lock on from afar. _ 34 | | HART (Wm.) Born at Paisley, Scotland, 1823. Came to New York early and was elected A. N. A., 1857 and N. A., 1858. Renowned for his cattle. Cattle 13 x 18 In the foregrotnd is a herd of cattle at a brook. A storm is gathering in the distance, overcasting a summer day. F ceiiae, x a Me % Wie greeters I “py RICHARDS (William Trost) a Born . in Philadelphia, 1833. Honary Member of the National Academy. Medals: Phila., 1876. . Temple, 1885. . Paris, Bronze Medal, 1899, E. U. ; On South Coast of England ~ Water Color 33% x25 One of the many coves, with rocks and a little sandy nook to be found on this de- lightful shore; delightfully handled. Bought from the executor’s sale. ie 36 WEISS (Geo.) A pupil of Grison, Paris. Mention Hon- orable, 1898. ‘Contentment 13 x 10% At a.window with his cat in his lap, his feet on an old maniscript, sits an old Priest asleep. - “Wwtez xIaq /l' 37 n\ ay ad MONTCHABLON (Jan) Born at Chatellon-Sur-Saone. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885. Silver Medal, 1889. E. U., and 1900. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1895 Hors Concours. Clear Skies ia 24" Reflecting in its waters a slow running stream meanders through some pastures and woodland. _ VAN DER OUDERRA o i dais Quo Vadis a: a 38% x 43Y, reclines on a bench near As 39 |, CHELMINSKI (Jan) Stonn ay an Born at Brzoston, Poland, 1851. hea | : + tary painter of note. Aas i if Doubtful roeaeham econ s 20x 15% The outpost on the brow of a hill : meets | and interrogates a peasant, who is 3 evidently misleading him. ASE uci = ; . 40 4 ZIEM (Felix) — . kd Paris Third Class Medal, 1851. First Petes eee. (i higd’ Class, 1855. ° EB. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1857. Of- -ficer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. On the Lagoon “12x29 Far out on the deep the gondola swims with a gay party within. 41 CABALLERO (Maximo J.) A Parisian painter of bygone days. Playing Cards 21% x 27 Two Cavaliers seated at a table in an inn, are trying their fortunes while an.in- terested spectator watches. Full of color and detail. 42 CHURCH (Frederick Edwin) Born at Hartford, Conn., 1826. Paris Sec- on Class Medal, 1867. E. U. Hors Con- cours. The Adirondacks 32 x 48 | ) A story and masterfull characterization of a rough bit of American country. BRONZES 43 ’ PRADIER Napoleon Height 14 inches; width 4% inches. A remarkable work of this master 44 MOIGNIEZ A Group of Quail Feeding Height 7 inches; width 9 inches. 45 RIGUAL Bust of Girl Height 5 inches; width 6% inches. 46 Two Square Japanese Vases 7 Dragons and birds in relief. 47 MENE (P. J.) Noted sculptor of animals. A Greyhound ~ Height 5 inches; base 6% inches. Skillfully modelled. | 48 LANCER Cossack Shooting, Standing on Horse- back Height 12 inches; base 8 inches, Strong and wrile in characterization. fr 49 LANCER Cossack Boy Breaking in a Horse Height 10 inches; base 8%: inches. 50 Japanese Vase Silver inlaid with Lotus leaves and flowers, with a supporting base of three frogs. Height 13 inches; base 8 inches. 51 CALMELS Roman Soldier A very dignified ‘work, easy in pose. Height 18 inches; base 6% inches.. | KGa os CALMELS “A Warrior of Gaul Revealing a strong man of a strong race. Height 18 inches: base 6 sauna pes 53 -HALOU : ‘Italian Peasant Returning from the harvest field. Height 17-inches 54 - LECORNEY The Baby Boy . On, onyx pedestal. - -Height 20 inches; base 5 inches. ° 3 jyo8nog-J21piqd “M 55 LECORNEY The Baby Girl On onyx pedestal. Height 20 inches; base 5 inches. 56 VILLANIS (E.) Alone A young girl in contemplation; charming in pose. Height 22% inches; base 6 inches. 57 Revolving Alabaster Marble Pedestal 58 MOREAU (M.) Cleopatra A seductive pose, cleverly portrayed. Height 29 inches; base 14% inches. Oo 3 Gilt Empire Pedestal: For preceding. 60 HUGUES (J.) The Fencing Master Height 2314 inches; base 8 inches. Bold and strong in pose, with masterful expression. 61 Green Onyx Pedestal Finely mounted in gilt bronze. m 62 ROUGELET (B.) Born in Tournies, France. Mention Hon- orable, 1887 and 1889. Member of the Soci- ety of French Artists. A Lesson in Love Height 25 inches; base 11 inches. Seated on a rock, sits a charming maiden watching two doves billing and cooing. 63 : Carved Green Marble Revolving Top baa | Pedestal | 64 ANTIQUE BRONZE Mercury _ Height 32 inches; base 6% inches. On marble and bas-relief bronze base. eek es, Square Column White Marble Revolv- ing Top Pedestal With gilt bronze mounts. 66 ANTIQUE BRONZE Fortuna _ Height 31 inches; base 6% inches. : On marble and bas-relief bronze base. 67 Square Column White Marble Revolv- ing Top Pedestal Gilt bronze mounts. 68 MERCIER (A.) David Height 35 inches. Standing on the head of Goliath, is the boy David, sheathing a sword. 69 Sculptured Green Marble Pedestal 70 CARRIER-BELLEUSE (L. R.) Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889. Cheva- lier of the Legion of Honor. Dante Height 18 inches; base 6 inches. Thoughtful and serene on a red marble plinth. 71 ODION | 1763 A Bacchanalian Group Height 22% inches; base 9% inches. A skilful group, full of movement and charm. SECOND EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1912 At 8.15 0’clock ibe KAEMMERER (Frederick Henri) Born at the Hague. Medal, Paris, 1874. Silver Medal, 1889. E. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Silver Medal, 1900. E. U. Hors Concours. At Deanville on the Shore 18% x 13% A dainty maid in the costume of 1825 is crossing the sands, fearful of the little streams of water. Delicate in color. | 73 QUITTON (Ed.) A clever delineator of still life. Chevalier of the Order of Lepold. Still Life 13,x°10 Birds. Remarkable in detail and char- acter. A masterpiece of technique. 74 -CHEVILLARD (Vincent) | ‘Born ‘in. Italy, of French Parents Men- * tion of Honorable, Fane, 1889. Third Class Medal, 1891. : After the a 15 x ll - In the ‘crypt of the Abbey the devoted _ priests work at replacing the parts that vandals have desecrated. 75 COTARD-DUPRE (T.) Born at Paris. Pupil and companar of her father, Julien Dupre. Feeding the Chickens 20 x 24 The sun is streaming through the trees. In the foreground is a Normandy peasant, feeding the chickens, 06 ON SULIOAA Sone 76 SEIGNAC (Paul) Born at Bordeaux. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889. Hors Concours, 1895. The Little Bride 11 x 14 Two children playing as children will do at getting married; an exquisite example of child life. From the General Chas. M. Reed collection. 77 ARTZ (D Adolphe C.) Born at the Hague, 1887. Pupil of Mol- linger and after of Josef Israels. Scheveningen 9%x12% Before a cottage some peasants are talk- ing of the events of the day in the cool of the evening. , rs ' SCHREIBER (Charles B.) Born in Paris. Well known for his Old World interiors. i The Two Monks 18 x 22 In the refectory, intent on preparing their evening meal, two monks stop to regale themselves on some good October ale. Clear and crisp in detail. VOLIZ (EH) Born in Nordlinger, 1817. Professor at the Academy of Munich. Member of the Academies: of Munich, 1863; Berlin, 1869, and Vienna, 1870. Gold Medals at Berlin, 1856 and 1861. Wurtemberg Medal of Art. Orders of the Red Eagle and of St. Michael, 1867. Cattle 9x 15% An Italian landscape with a stormy sky. A peasant is seated on the roadside tending his herd. CICERI (Eugene) | EY An Italian of sterling merit, ox. of Passini. A Pleasant Stream in Italy 12% x 21% A sunny bank with a village in the dis- tance. An interesting composition. 81 SEIGNAC (Paul) Born at Bordeaux. Paris, Mention Hon- orable, 1889. Hors Concours, 1895. Look, Mother! 22% x 18% In an old French kitchen a mother is pre- paring the evening meal while her little daughter shows her an interesting picture. The artist’s own daughter posed for this example. | gp irc oe ee ee oP tn lp y School of idealoree Ideal Head Rt sk Ba: Manienee ot the past. ‘The a wife sat for this painting. ‘cena ~f) ‘ KREYDER Caan bed f4 Pass Silver Medat: oy ) Honor, 1896. Hors Concours. . Still Life apy Me Lace aa Dear gee nay A ty bing the Such ‘grapes—such Keach Chatante in ith: color and composition. — Bae, yi C ; 84 STAACKMANN (E. M.) An amateur of great merit. Morning Ablutions 11 x 8% In the forecourt of a Moorish palace at the pool. The Arab attendants are per- forming their morning rites. A choice ex- ample of detail of this skilled master. 85 DE PENNE (Charles Oliver) Born at Paris. Medals: Third Class, 1875. Second Class, 1883. Silver, 1889, E. U. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French: Artists. | K. The Lost Scent wi O B 22 x 18% At the edge of the wood the huntsmen in their red coats wait for the dogs to regain the scent. A charming hunting composi- tion. : . F £86 BRACKELEER (Ferdinaatt wo Born at Antwerp, 1792. Died at Ant- werp, 1852. Member of the Academy Antwerp and Associate Director of the Ai werp Museum. The Interior of a Dutch Kitchen | 193% x 1534 nN Two children are busy with the cupboard, — stealing its best, while the thrifty housewife — sleeps at her fireside. On the back of the — panel are many printed accounts of its exhi- bition in many climes. 87 PIOT (Adolphe) Sue ea Born at Saone-et-Loire. Paris, Mention | ‘ Honorable, 1890. Honorary Member of the Society of French Artists. Girl with Roses 2514 x 20° Shimmering in the summer sun sweetness herself holds the roses to her bosom. - 88 f BONHEUR (Auguste) Brother of Rosa Bonheur. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. . Cattle 20-x 27 At a rocky stream a cow is drinking. The scene is charming in color and discreet in rendering. 89 BERAUD (Jean) ~ Born at St. Petersburg of French parents. Medal of the Third Class, 1882. Second Class, 1883. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Gold Medal, 1889, E. U. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1894. Member of the Jury. Hors Concours, 1900, E. U. Mem- ber of the Society of French Artists. The Reception 10% x 13% A clever Parisian interior. Gaiety in the distance, financiers in the foreground telling stories. 4 ‘ ie i€ th No. 114 J. L. E. Ger6me 290 BERNE-BELLECOUR (E. P.) Born at Boulogne. Sur Mer, 1838. Medal, 1869. Medal of the First Class, 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, 1878, E. U. Silver Medal, 1889, E. U. Bronze Medal, 1900. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. From the Outpost 22% x 16% The picket returns with news from the front and is reporting to his officer. Minute detail is exquisitely rendered. 14 0» | 91 DIDIER-POUGET (William) Born at Toulouse. Paris, Mention Hon- | orable, 1890. Third Class Medal, 1896. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1900. Bronze Medal, 1900, E. U. Member of the Society of French Artists. Heather in Bloom—Morning in the Pyrenees 21% x 39%. In the foreground the fragrant pink heather glows, and revels in color. Trees‘ glint with sunlight in the middle distance, > and the snow-capped mountains are beyond. ae eee 92 LAISSMENT (Henri Ad.) Born at Paris. Honorable Mention, 1882 and 1889, E. U. Third Class Medal, 1898. Bronze Medal, 1900, E. U. Second Class Medal, 1905. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. The Cardinal Avers 24%4 x 29% In an Empire Salon two Princes of the Church are seated. One interrupts ‘the other, who is reading his morning paper. 93 CLAYS (J. P.) Born at Bruges, 1819. Medal, Paris, Sec- ond Class, 1867, E. U. Cross of the Legion of Honor. 1875. Second Class Medal, 1878, E. U. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Hors Concours. Medals, Brussels, 185—. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Member of the Academy of Berlin. . Rough Water 16% x 24 Fishing smacks casting about in lively ', sea, A heavy storm is in the distance. _ An autograph letter speaking of this painting goes to the purchaser. 1 Y 94 a SCHENCK (August Frederic Albrecht) Born at Glnekstadt: Holstein, 1828. Med- als, Paris, 1865. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1885. Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Chevalier of the Order of Isabella. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876. Sunrise on a Snowstorm 16 x 20 The sheep are slowly returning from the hills in early morning, after a night of struggling with the snow. y 95 & FLEURY (Robert Tony) Medals: Paris, 1866, ee and 1870. vs of ere 1873. “First ‘Class Medal, “1878, E. U. Officer of the Legion of Henne 1884. Gold Medal, 1889, E. U. Member of | iN the Jury. Hors Concours, 1900. ‘Command-_ ; er of the Legion of Honor, 1907. ‘Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French | = Artists. ms | crane aes Ideal Head | 7 x 14 eee. Pleasant thoughts of a pleasant reading. “1868 ad “1869, Pe ievaites of ie han of - Honor, 1876. Medal, 1878, E. U. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. 3 t te at ot A Bridal Tour - 2414 x 20% bs AY lee: A quaint Spanish scene, full of color and te it -- movement. Skilfully manipulated. Jf “ PASIN fiers Alberto) ye iy x ai ot ay at Busseto, Italy. Honorary Pro-’ - fessor at Parma and Turin Academies. Med- als: Paris, Third Class, 1859. Second Class, 1863 and 1864. : Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1868.. Medal of Honor, 1878, E. U. Officer of the Eeroe of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. The Guard of the Gate 14x 11% _.An Oriental scene, handled with care and precision. A rider has just descended from — his Arab steed and is in deep conversation ~ with the guard, See ee ie ee eee ey, ee No. 106 Jules Le Febvre 98 VON BREMEN (Meyer) Born at Bremen, 1813. Professor of the Berlin Academy. Member of the Amster- dam Academy. Order of Leopold. Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Medals: Berlin and Philadelphia. Mother and Child 10 x 8 A typical example of this great master, showing his marvelous handling cf detail. A gem. RICHARDS (William Trost) | eo Born at Philadelphia, 1833, seo phia, 1876, Tepe, 1885, “Pais | Medal, 1889, E. U. : The Breakers ~ ~ 9 = overhead. The waves are bere with force on the shore, sks saree on all sides. SUPPER IEM ES = Bought at the executor’s sale. An Interesting Chapter AY, x ay) Cite Soe tA young girl reading. Delicate in color a es Sale handling. A truly choice er of oy this master’s ideal bie Beas is depicted in a masterful manner, ehowing ‘this great master at his best. ©. TO} yc ae DUPRE Julien) A o Born at Paris. - Medals: Third 1 Clases 1880, ; Second Class, 1881. Silver, 1889, E. U. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Mem- ae ber of the Jury. Hors Concours, 1900, eee et Hors Concours. Member of the Society of | French Artists. 5 The Hayfield 25% x: 32 The strength and vigor of the countryside ae oe eee oe icp nls Re te Riera pr 5 102) 3 Or BERNE-BELLECOUR (E. P.) Born at Boulogne Sur Mer, 1838. Med- als: 1869. First Class, 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal, 1878, E. U. Silver Medal, 1889, E. U. Bronze Medal, 1900. Hors Concours. Member of the So- ciety of French Artists. Off Duty 14 x 10% A cavalry officer looks back at his bar- racks. The pose is easy and the details are exquisite. 103 SANCHEZ-PERRIER (Emilio) Born at Seville, Spain. Paris, Mention ; Honorable, 1886. Silver Medal, 1889, E. U. Hors Concours. On the Bank of a River 13x16 A clear, cool day. The punt is on the | bank ready for a day’s fishing. | a VIBERT (Jehan Georges) | Born in Paris, 1840. Medals: 1864, 186 and 1868. Chevalier of the Legion of Hoa” or, 1870. Medal, 1878, BE. U. ‘Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882. Hors ‘Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. _. A Cigarette ; Water Cate 14x 10 Le, On some steps is a sovkaol sib si galing himself with a cigarette. Color and | vigor mark the rendition. . Na ea: Legion of Honor, {4 | Bening, Cattle at the Pool 26 x 31 Pie Casah pave bar ‘This very charmnig landscape, rich in ‘color and full of sentiment, reminiscent of Corot at his best, shows some cattle drink- ‘i ne | -ing at a pool with a wonderful clump of trees throwing their deep shadows into the mysterious pool. ial A Pe F| & Seat eae gh aa a Hey et ‘ 106 LE FEBVRE (Jules Joseph) os ie Born at Tournan, Seine et Marne. Prix de Rome, 1861. Medals: Paris, 1865, 1868, 1870. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal, First Class, 1878, E. U. Offi- cer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal of Honor, 1886. Grand Prize, 1889, E. U. Member of the Institute, 1891. Member of | the Jury. Hors Concours, 1900, E. U. Hors Concours. Honorary. Member of the Soci-_ ety of French Artists. Morning Glories © 2h x2 Ideal head of a young girl wrapped in blissful thought. tll ‘ON awo1ey “gq “Tf ee ‘ ‘sem, , Ne YO rn n in. Vienna. Paris, Merkiok Honor- , 1888. ous Medal, om), feed 8 ig . CO Sitng from the Mosque 82% x 22 -. young student is kissing the hand of We preceptor. An air of Orientalism per- _ vades the scene, which expresses sincerity in every feature. ¥ ~~ Eel at ttie Liverpool Art Museum, ’ 108 HENNER (Jean Jacques) Born at Bernville, Alsace, 1829. Grand Prix de Rome, 1858. Medals: 1863, 1865, 1866. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medals: First Class, 1878, E. U. Member of the Institute, 1889. Hors Concours, 1889, E. U. Medal of Honor, 1898. Commander of the Legion, 1898. Grand Prix, 1900, E. U. Hors Concours. Grand Officer of the Legion, 1903. Honorary.Member of the So- ciety of French Artists. on A Young Girl 10% x 8 Charming and thoughtful, meditation and fancy free.” [eae a -. Se daa? at Poe ionia, 1833. | Honorary Member of the N. A. Medals: Philadel- _phia, 1876. Temple, 1885. Paris, Bronze pedel. 188%, E. U. hae The Sand Dunes Near Atlantic City - bs oi) Water Color 17% x 27% ee This wonderful and delightful work of this great seascapist is without doubt his greatest achievement. Richards considered it his chef d’oeuvre. Bought at the executor’s sale. spor at Paris. | | Medals: