aan epee ; 4 Z 2 \ LIBER VERITATIS; OR A COLLECTION OF PRINTS, AFTER THE ORIGINAL DESIGNS OF CLAUDE LE LORRAIN ; COLLECTION OF HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, KARL SPENCER, RICHARD PAYNE KNIGHT, BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A. CHARLES LAMBERT, EDWARD TURNOR, GEORGE GOSLING, AND JOSEPH FARRINGTON, ESQRS. EXECUTED BY RICHARD EARLOM, IN THE MANNER AND TASTE OF THE ORIGINALS. VOLUME THE THIRD. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY HURST, ROBINSON, AND CoO. SUCCESSORS TO MESSRS. BOYDELL, No. 90, CHEAPSIDE. PRINTED BY THOMAS DAVISON, WHITEFRIARS. 1819. TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. My Lorp Dukx, Tue great favour conferred by your Grace, in permitting me to engrave towards a Third Volume of Prints from Claude Lorrain, your Grace’s invaluable Drawings, demands my sincerest acknow- ledgements: the ‘'wo First Volumes were entirely taken from those in your Grace’s Collection, for which leave was given by your noble Father and Grandfather. The Work, my Lord Duke, being now completed, allow me the honourin dedicating it to your Grace, to express my gratitude for the favour I have received upon this occasion, and of subscribing myself, With the greatest respect, My Lorp Duxkg, Your Grace’s obliged, and most humble Servant, JOSIAH BOY DELL. x “ Z ‘ Au r ii PREFACE Ir js proper to inform the Public, that they owe to the distin- guished and well-known liberality of three successive Dukes of the House of Devonshire, the whole of the Two First Volumes, anda considerable part of the Third of this Work, of the immortal Claude le Lorrain. It is also proper to inform the Public, that they are very much indebted to Earl Spencer, and the other respectable Personages, whose Names are enumerated on the Title-page of this Volume, for their contributions towards it, Mr. Earlom’s merit in the imitation of the tasteful Drawings of this great Master is very conspicuous; their similitude is such that they surpass all praise. The Publishers can only say, that their ambition will be gratified, if this Volume shall do equal credit to the Country, that the two former did. A CATALOGUE of One Hundred PRINTS, contained in Vorume the Tuirp. No. 1A LANDSCAPE, with Travellers. 2. A View from Nature—Cattle and Bridge. 3. A Study—Groupes of Trees. A. Ditto—a Ferry. 5. A Rocky Scene. 6. A Landscape, with the story of Europa. 7. Vulcan’s Forge. 8. A Landscape—Rebecca at the Well. 9, Apollo and the Muses at Mount Parnassus. 10, A Study. 11. Ditto—Morning. 12. A Landscape, distant mountainous Country. 13. A Study. 14, Ditto—Banditti. 15. Landscape—Christ tempted. 16. A Study. 17. A Landscape, with Buildings. 18, Ditto. 19. Ditto—Angels and St. John; 20. 21. A Landscape—Minerva and the Muses. 22. A Study—Cattle grazing. 23. A Landscape. 24. A Sacrifice. 25. A Study. 26. Ditto. 27. Christ and his Disciples going to Emmaus. 28. St. John. ; 29. Landing of Eneas. 30, A Sea-port, with Vessels. 31. A Study—Woody Scene, 32. Ditto. 33. A Landscape. 34, Ditto—Eneas, 35. 36. Martyrdom of St. Catherine. 37. A Landscape—Mercury and Apollo. 38. Ditto. 39. A Study—Sun-set. 40, A Landscape; Eneas landed. 4l. Ditto, with dancing Peasants. 42. A Study. 43. Ditto—Waterfall. 44, Ditto—A Storm at Sea. 45. A Landscape. 46. Ditto—Moses and the burning Bush. Ai. A Study. A8. Ditto. 49. A View from Nature. 50. A Study. 51. Ditto—View on the Bank of a River. 52. A View from Nature. 53. Ditto. 54, Ditto—Woody Scene. 55. A Study. 56. Ruins. 57. A Landscape, with Buildings. 58. Ruins. 59, View on the Bank ofa River—an Artist( Claude) drawing. 60. Ruins. 61. A Study—Cattle drinking. 62, A Landscape, with Peasants dancing. The Possxssors of the DRawines. No. : 1. Richard Payne .Knight, Esq. 2. Ditto. 3. Ditto. 4. Ditto. &. Ditto. 6. Ditto. 7 Ditto. 8. Ditto. oh Ditto. 10. Ditto. 11. Ditto. 12. Ditto. 13. Ditto. 14, Ditto. 15, Ditto. 16. Ditto. 17. Ditto. 18, Ditto. ris Ditto. 20. Ditto. 21. Ditto. 22. Ditto. 23. Ditto. 24, Ditto. 25. Ditto. 26. Ditto. 27. Ditto. 28. Ditto. 29. Ditto. 30. Ditto. 31. Ditto. 32. Ditto. 33. Ditto. 34, Ditto. 35. Ditto. 36. Ditto. 37. Ditto. 38. Ditto. 39. Mr. Alderman Hibbert. 40. Ditto. Al. Earl Spencer. AZ. Ditto. A3, Ditto. 4A. Ditto. Ab. Ditto. A6. Ditto. Al. Ditto. 48. Ditto. Ad. Ditto. 50. Ditto. 51. Ditto. 52. Ditto. 53. Ditto. 54. Ditto. 55. Ditto. 56. Charles Lambert, Esq. 57. Ditto. 58. Ditto. 59. Ditto. 60. Joseph Farrington, Esq. R. A. 61. George Gosling, Esq. 62, Edmund Turnor, Esq. A Catalogue of One Hundred Prints contained in Volume the Third. The Possessors of the Drawings. No. No. 63, A Study. 63. Mr. Thomas Philipe. 64. A Landscape, with the Flight into Egypt. 64. Edmund Turnor, Esq. 65. A Study—Man and Sheep crossing a Bridge. 65. Ditto. 66. A Landscape, with Ruins of a Temple. 66. Ditto. 67. A Landscape—Eneas. 67. Ditto. 68. A Study—Cattle passing a Ford. 68. George Hibbert, Esq. 69. Ditto. 69. Charles Lambert, Esq. 70. Ditto, with ancient Ruins. 70. Ditto. 71. A Study. 71. George Hibbert, Esq. 72. Ditto—The Water-mill. "72. Ditto. 73. A Landscape, with Ruins of a Temple. 73. Ditto. 74. Ditto, with Ruins. 7A, Joseph Farrington, Esq. R. A. 75. A Study. 75. Ditto. 76. A View of Rome. 16. Ditto. 77. A Landscape. 77. Benjamin West, Esq. P. R. A. 78. Ditto, with Mercury and Argus. 78. Mr. Woodburn. 79. A Landscape. 79. Duke of Devonshire. 80. Eneas landed—* Libro Septo Virgilio.” 80. Ditto. 81. Landscape, with Ruins—Peasants dancing. 8. Ditto. 82. A Landscape. 82. Ditto. 83. Christ in the Garden. 83. Ditto. 84. 84. Ditto. 85. Landscape, with Ruins. 85. Ditto. 86. A Study. 86. Ditto. 87. A Landscape, with the Angel and Hagar. 87. Ditto. 88. Ditto—St. John Preaching. 88. Ditto. 89. A Landscape—Cattle drinking. 89. Ditto. 90. A Study. 90. Ditto. 91. Ditto—a Waterfall. ol. Ditto. 92. A View in Italy. 92. Ditto. 93. A Landscape, with Eneas.—“ Libro settimo di Virgilie.} 93. Ditto. 94. Eneas meeting Venus. 94. Ditto. 95. A Study. 95. Ditto. 96. Jacob’s Departure. 96. Ditto. 97. The Angel and Jacob. 97. Ditto. 98. A Landscape. 98. Ditto. 99. Ditto, with Moses and the burning Bush. i905 Ditto. 100. Christ preaching on the Mount. 100. Ditto. of G4 x + \ OARS ET ARS ET ANON ET ANON ET ATO STA RNY ANG ALC | Ro fi WPBGNEDGIYD.SY-B GB OIH-B GB CYB OIY8 CID OYVBVOYDOW-VEWDES LD ED SYD EVD SYD OW BD Aga AG Sle < TACIT ARE HET AVES ANS ALT ANS ET ANSTEY ANSE Ad AP AN Pe ANY A tA Pash QOS OSS yy « \ o = i LOS YS? f ‘7 " iS a me Ny y “ ° A “ > ~ ‘ o iS: ta? At AN AN y, A i D Aa ke f 40. 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