1923 Feb.26 NeAmO RARE AND VALUABLE JAPANESE COLOR PRINTS COLLECTED BY ee THE WELL-KNOWN CONNOISSEUR ~~ KANO OSHIMA >" FROM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND “TO MONDAY, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 27 WHEN IT WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY AUCTION [esr] UAATYT VOINOS AHL ONINOOTUAHAO ANOOTVEA V NO SAIGVI : HOALAIML SALE NUMBER I715 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND _ RARE AND VALUABLE JAPANESE COLOR PRINTS VOEEEG@EED, BY THE WELL-KNOWN CONNOISSEUR KANO OSHIMA OF NEW YORK CITY BEAUTIFUL PRINTS IN THE ATTRACTIVE SUBJECTS OF “SNOW” “MOON AND “RAIN BY HIROSHIGE GRACEFUL AND CHARMING FIGURE PRINTS BY KORIUSAI, KIYONAGA, UTAMARO AND YEISHI A RICH AND VARIED COLLECTION OF SURIMONO WITH EXQUISITE DETAIL AND OTHER RARE AND BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLES TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS FEBRUARY TWENTY-SIXTH, TWENTY-SEVENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O CLOCK ie 4e | L.% THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr ] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN . * s = . < .- 2 “ S * = , ax 2 wa a ia co a - aa a F a. iy a > th 1 =, pe ; ‘ = id 2 ol a % * ¥. =~ ‘ rs ‘ s Pa i fife - i +3 x va - + FOREWORD Tue Japanese prints in this collection, although lacking in primi- tive examples, are rich and varied in the attractive subjects of ‘‘Snow,” **Moon,” and “Rain.” Many of the prints listed herewith, appear in several states and impressions, and the general condition is excellent. The figure prints by Koriusai, Kiyonaga, Utamaro and Yeishi have all the grace and charm for which these masters are renowned, combined with delightful fabric designs and tone values. So large and varied a collection of Surimono calls for a closer study of this particular print. The rare quality is equal to that of fine Persian miniatures, and collectors in this country will prize them ac- cordingly when the exquisite detail, unusual gaufrage, color, and gold and silver printing are taken into careful consideration. I absolutely guarantee these prints to be as catalogued. K. OsHIMA SALE MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY TWENTY-SIXTH, AT 8:15 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-289 KUNIYASU 1805-1836 ACTOR GROUP Nakamura Takichi as Arashi Sangoro. Printed in green violet and terra cotta. KUNISADA 1785-1864 SEKI SANJURO AS MORITSUGU Part of a triptych. Duelling under snow-laden tree. IWAI HANSHIRO WITH LANTERN Slightly worm-eaten at edge, otherwise good impression. SANSHO ANNOUNCING HIS SUCCESSION To the stage as seventh of his line. Background with flowing calligraphy. ACTOR MATSUMOTO KOSHIRO With umbrella in a rainstorm. Strong dramatic effect. ICHIKAWA KOMAZO Instructing a young Daimio in fencing. Green, pink and black predominate in the garments. A WIDOW OF A RONIN As played by Segawa Kokunojo. Robes of yellow and mauve. 10 11 13 14 NAKAMURA TOMIZO As court lady Onoi under a cherry tree. Printed in blue, tan and pink. Fine condition. SAWAMURA TANOSUKE As Buddhist nun in flowing robes. White under-garment embossed. Worm-hole at side. DIP EY Cr Play of Chiushingura with Seki Sanjuro as Kakogawa Honzo. Snow landscape showing beyond the veranda, on which he is at- tacked by a court lady with a long spear. Vivid tones offset by intense black. DIRTY CH Famous actors in outdoor attire. Ichikawa Danjuro against a black doorway. Sawamura ‘l‘anosuke in a female role. Good condition. TRIPTYCH Group of actors. Iwai Hanshiro, Bando Mitsugoro, and Onoi Kikugoro in temple grounds. Elaborate costumes. TRIPTYCH Play with Yoshiwara characters. Geisha, Ronins, Coolies, ete. Brillant color and splendid action. TRIPTYCH Three seated figures, writing, playing Biwa and dreaming. Mauve kimonos relieved with red, green and black. Small landscape overhead representing temples. PENTAPTYCH Single figures of actors in male and female réles. Overhanging cherry tree. | Printed in varied colors of blue, pink, red, yellow and black. Good condition. 16 iets 18 i 20 21 22 PEN TAPTYCH Five independent sheets. ‘*Otokodate” represented by leading actors of the time. ‘The famous Kataoka Ichizo, Iwai Hanshiro, Bando Mitsugoro, Seki Sanjuro and Bando Minosuke. Soft grey-blue in color, relieved by pink and black. Excellent state. KUNIYOSHI 1788-1861 ICHIKAWA IBIZO As Shunbei, hiding his lantern under the sleeve of a beautiful green Haori. Fine impression. NAGATANO TARO NAGAMUNE With drawn sword. Mailed robe over blue kimono. AN ACTOR AS HAYONO KAMPEI Carrying gun and raincoat. Blue and red striped robe. DIPTYCH Group of actors. Generals Kunitake and Kurando Yukinaga contesting for the Genji banner. Gorgeous garments. DIPTYCH Actors in dramatic attitude. Small portraits in circles above. The tall figure wears a kimono decorated with spiders and skele- tons. Fair condition. DEPEY CH Court lady and fencing figure under cherry boughs. Flowing blue kimono, orange and black. 5) 23 27 28 29 30 TRIPTYCH Separate actor portraits. Nakamura Shikan, Bando Mitsugoro and Kosagawa Kotose. Upper part of print composed of calligraphy. TRIPTYCH Street and temple dancers. Upper part of print having medallion portraits of actors. Fine, fresh impressions. TOYOKUNI II 1776-1835 OBAN Standing figure of an actor as fan seller. Decorative kimono of mauve and white. Fine mmpression. OBAN Squatting figure with pipe. Flowered gown on yellow background. OBAN One of the Shosho-nin set. Actor carrying lacquer box, probably food vender. Attractive design of kimono, grey and dulled pink. OBAN “Mitate-Nana-Komachi.” Actor standing beside a Kago on the yellow roof of which he rests his hand. He wears a black hood and finely patterned robe with deeply em- bossed outlines. OBAN Cricket vender with a rack of cages. Kimono with wave design in white on mauve ground with gaufrage. OBAN Kneeling figure of actor as court lady, before her portrait on a kakemono. Profuse inscription. 4 31 32 33 34: 35 36 37 38 39 OBAN Part of set, depicting the famous Danjuro leading a small boy to the edge of a balcony. OBAN Actor carrying a small screen. Interesting background and green kimono with black Obi. OBAN Segawa Kikunojio as Osome. Wearing a mauve and pink gown with elaborate sash and carry- ing an umbrella. DIPTYCH Seated figures of actors, illustrating flower arrangement. Decorative kimono relieved by black Haori. DIPTYCH Flower and water venders. Violet and pink tones predominate. DIPTYCH Oiran “Koito” in kneeling attitude. Actor Danjuro in tragic mood. Landscape seen through a veranda. Mauve garment over pink, and black gauze kimono. ERIPDY CH Seven gods of fortune, played by actors under cherry blossoms. Splendid mingling of colors and designs in the various costumes. TRIPTYCH Individual portraits of the actors, Nakamura Shikan, Seki San- juro and Bando Mitsugoro as *‘Otokudate.” Violet, green, pink and black are well placed in their attire. EIGHT SMALL PRINTS (CHUBAN) Representing court scenes of the Genji clan. Landscapes, interiors and figures. Fine condition. (8) 5 4.0 41 43 44 45 46 RITSUSHO KISAI WwoRKED 1840-1870 TWO PRINTS Azaleas (Rhododendron Obtusum) and fire lilies printed in vivid red against a landscape. (2) HIROSHIGE 1796-1858 HOSOYE Narrow panel. Kingfisher flymg over chrysanthemum flowers. Poem to same in centre. HOSOY E Narrow panel. Mandarin ducks going downstream. Snow-coy- ered camellias drooping to the water. THREE HOSOYE Narrow panels. Carp, ducks and balloon-fish, with poems to same. (From the Hayashi Collection, Paris.) (3) THREE HOSOYE Narrow panels. Flowers, bird and butterfly, with odes above. (3) KIYO-OKI WORKED 1865 OBAN White crane in shower. The feathers are finely embossed. Rare. Excellent condition. KYOSAI 1832-1892 OBAN Crow resting on plum branch in rain. Printed in black only. Signed Shojo Kyosai. Fine strong impression. AT 48 49 50 51 52 ITO JAKUCHU DATE OF PRINTING UNKNOWN PHEASANT ON A HILL Under bamboo trees. The bright plumage contrasts strongly with the intense black background. Seal signature. TORI-YAMA-SEKITY EN ABouT 1760-1790 SIX SMALL PRINTS Bird and flower subjects printed in black. From an illustrated book. (6) HIROSHIGE 1796-1858 FUJI SAN JU ROKKEI AND TOTO SAN JU ROKKEI SERIES MIHO-NO MATSU BARA Mt. Fuji against a pale yellow sky. Small boats and pine trees in the foreground. SAGA-MIGAWA One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Rafts and flying herons amid marshes. Fuji looming in the dis- tance. KANDA MIOJIN One of 36 views of Yedo. Snow in the temple grounds. A light snowfall which outlines the landscape and brings the red buildings into prominence. KAI-OSAKA-GOY E One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Fuji-yama seen from the shore. Travellers along a roadway which leads through young green rolling land to the sea. 53 54 539) 56 58 59 60 TOKAIDO-TARI-FUJI One of 36 views of Fuji. Ricefields in view of Mt. Fuji. Pine trees occupy the foreground and the far horizon is red with late sunset. SAN-O-GONGEN IN SNOW One of 36 views of Yedo. A long flight of stairs leading to the temple grounds, m which a few pedestrians appear. SHI-CHI-RI-GAHAMA Above series. The sea rolls in to a grey shore where a little tea- house gives life and color to the scene. Mt. Fuji to the right. TOTO-KASUGA-YAMA One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Springtime on the hillside. Small houses with red lanterns fill the middle distance and Fuji-yama’s crest rises beyond. TOTO-TSUKUDA-OKI Several fishing boats at anchor in a marshy inlet. Mt. Fuji against a red skyline. (Foregoing series. ) SHUN-YEN-OIGAWA One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Crossing the Oi river on Kagos. KAZU-MIGA-SEKI One of 36 views of Yedo. Hillside road along Daimio quarter. Snow falling from a grey sky. KOGANEGA-HARA One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Flowering meadow with horses, and Mt. Fuji far distant. 8 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ENOSHIMA Same as preceding. Mt. Fuji seen through a Tori, with figures in the foreground. NAKASU-MITSU-MATA One of 86 Yedo views. Small boats near a bridge. In the foreground a man has built a fire, the smoke of which rises to the sky. Rare subject and good condition. TOTO-ICHI-BASHI One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. The mountain as seen from Yedo Castle. Several bridges and a lumber pile compose the foreground. SOSHU-MIURA Above series. Small boats near a rocky coast. Rising dawn envelops Fuji. MIMA-WARI-ZUTSUMI One of 36 views of Yedo. Full moon shining through the cherry tree, under which three fig- ures halt to converse. Fine impression. KAZUSA-SHIKAO-YAMA One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Tall cedar-tree beside a torii. Mt. Fuji across the bay. TOTO-SURUGA-MACHI Same series as the foregoing. New Year celebration outside a famous Mitsui shop. Mt. Fuji appears to the left. TOTO-OCHA-NO MIZU One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Covered bridge across the Ocha-no-mizu canal. Imperial park rises to the left, with Fuji-yama beyond. 9 69 70 wa. 72 73 74 res) 76 EMADO-BASHI One of 36 views of Yedo. Snow falling on temple and houses beside the Sumida river. The blue river with small boats gives color to the cold winter scene. Fine impression. KONO-DAI One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Cliff with maple trees overlooking the Tone river. Mt. Fuji ap- pears through a cloud bank. KAI-OTSUKI-NO-HARA Foregoing series. Autumn flowers blooming in view of Mt. Fuji. ZOJOJI TEMPLE One of 36 Yedo views. The temple shows faintly through the morning mist. Various figures in the foreground. Rare impression. MUSASHI-HON-MOKU-NO-HANA One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Abrupt precipice on the Hon-moku bay. Boat with yellow sail. Fuji clearly defined beyond. ISE-FUTA-MIGA-URA Preceding series. Sacred Futami rocks in Ise bay. Mt. Fuji rises over the water at a great distance. USHIMA-TENJIN Heavy snowfall. Temple grounds with pedestrians. Torii to the right. Good condition. MUSASHI-NO-YOKOHAMA One of 86 views of Mt. Fuji. Small sailing boats in the foreground. Mauve clouds on the horizon. An early view of a famous port. 10 77 78 19 80 81 82 83 84 85 INUME PASS Foregoing series. A narrow swift-flowing stream between high banks; mountainous landscape in the distance, with a flight of birds against Mt. Fuji. SHITAY A-HIROKOJI Sudden shower. Gayly dressed girls with half-open umbrellas near a canal. Delightful in action and color. Toto-san-ju-rokkei series. SHOJIRI PASS One of 86 views of Mt. Fuji. Sloping hills of soft green tone, with a yellow path leading to the sea. Fuji-yama in a red skyline. LAKE HAKONE Preceding series. Hilly country in the mid-distance. Mt. Fuji’s well-defined crest beyond. Fine impression. TAMAGAWA One of 86 views of Mt. Fuji. Willow trees along the river edge; fishermen in the distance. KAZUSA-KURO-TONO-URA One of 36 views of Mt. Fuji. Wide expanse of water, with boats sailing near the far shore. YOROI-NO-WATASHI One of 36 views of Yedo. Two boats in snow, carrying passengers over the river. Rare and fine impression. SAME AS PRECEDING Slightly different impression. TSUKU-DASHIMA One of 36 views of Yedo. Large fishing boat at anchor. Starry sky, and reflection of burn- ing torches. 11 86 87 88 89 90 91 93 94 SAME AS PRECEDING SUBJECT Impression varies and is perhaps earlier. MAKURA-HASHI One of 8 views of Sumida River. Quiet evening rain. Landscape and foreground in grey, with two figures crossing a bridge. SAGANO-FUKEI Spring in Saga, with cherry trees in blossom, on the shores of a blue river. (Part of a triptych.) SERIES OF SHOGOKU-ROKU-TAMAGAWA YAMASHIRO-IDE Young Samurai and attendant wading a stream. Fresh spring landscape. MUTSU NODA TAMAGAWA Lady and attendant admiring flight of Chidori across the river. MUSASHI-CHOFU-TAMAGAWA Girls standing in shallow water under weeping willow trees while they wash and bleach long strips of cloth. Excellent condition. DEWA-TAMAGAWA Autumn; fight of birds against a full moon. Wind-blown grasses, before which a girl kneels beating cloth upon a stone. Fine impression. YEDO-MEISHO-ZUKAI Takino river in the autumn. Small bridge across a blue river. OCHA-NO-MIZU Foregoing series. Snow landscape. Small boat on a snow-dotted blue canal. High snow-covered cliffs against a grey sky. Rare impression. In good condition. Wee aod 95 96 Oe 98 ae! 100 101 YEDO-MEISHO-DOKE-ZUKUSHI Procession of foxes carrying a man in a basket. Night land- scape against a steel-blue sky. OMI-HAKKEI AWAZU-SEIRAN One of 8 views of Lake Biwa. The blue lake is partly surrounded by slender pine trees, and two castles appear in the distance. Bold lines of atmosphere occupy the upper landscape. KATADA-NO-RAKUGAN Flight of wild geese across a pink sky. Small shrine extending out over the lake. ISHIYAMA-SHIU-GETSU Autumn moon at Ishi-yama. Cliffs and red temple along the shore. TWO SMALL PRINTS Fishing boats at anchor and thatched cottages, beside plum-tree in black and white. (2) FIVE SMALL PRINTS From the 12 famous views of Yedo. Marine and landscape. Shino-bazu lake, Yoshiwara tambo, Susaki at low tide, Mitsui bansho and Takanawa bay. (5) SIX SMALL PRINTS Small Tokaido series. Landscape, figures and sea. Hakone, Arai, Yoshida, Kame- yama, Mitsuke and Seki. (6) KOBAYASHI KIYOCHIKA ‘ ABgoutr 1870 WINTER LANDSCAPE Fish vender with large umbrella. Snow-covered timber and rafts along the shore. 13 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 KEISAI YEISEN 1790-1848 KINRI-USAN ASAKUSA DERA Famous temple and grounds in summer. Small black figures dot the scene, over which blue tiled roofs are prominent. RYOGOKU-BASHI The bridge is seen on the left, and the river is filled with small craft and pleasure boats. KEGON WATERFALL A high abrupt waterfall, with swallows flying in the foreground. Brown rocky cliffs. SADATORA ABouT 1840 ROKUGO-NO WATASHI A peaceful landscape, with thatch-roofed huts. Fuji-yama across the river. SHIBA KOKAN 1747-1818 SHORE VIEW With small Chinese boat and figures delicately touched with green and red. This artist was strongly influenced by Dutch art. TEMPLE BY THE SEA With bridge and road leading to the mainland. Hand-colored. TEA-HOUSE On a hill overlooking the town. Hand-colored. 14 110 jal 112 113 114 115 116 117 OBAN TOYOKUNI I 1769-1825 Broad sheet. Group of three figures with umbrellas. Snow land- scape. (Part of a triptych.) OBAN Glimpse of interior under a snow-laden bamboo tree. Grey-blue garments against a yellow background. (Part of a triptych.) OBAN Large figure of girl playing samisen. Green and tan predominate in the sash and kimono. Fine impression. HOSOYE Actor in long flowing robes of mauve and pink. Very fine impression. PENTAPTYCH Court ladies’ procession. Attendants carrying banners and chests. Mt. Fuji in the background. Dull mauve and green kimonos relieved by black. (Rouart Collection, Paris.) TOYOHIRO 1773-1828 WOMEN AND CHILDREN BESIDE THE SEA Delicate in line and color. Fine impression. SET OF FOUR SMALL PRINTS Hight views of Yedo. Landscapes in medallions, with poems. (4) OMI HAKKEI. FIVE SMALL PRINTS Delicate landscapes in pink and yellow against black margins. (5) 15 KATSU KAWA SHUNSHO 1785-1827 118 FIVE SMALL PRINTS Figures and landscape. Illustrations from a book. (5) KATSU KAWA SHUNKO 1780-1800 (EEE TIDE R edka Gets Actors preparing for duel. Green, blue and violet garments. Excellent condition. SURIMONO UNUSUAL COLLECTION OF SURIMONO IN FINE CONDITION NUMBERS 120-143 SHIGENOHU 1830-1855 120 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Emperor seated. (b) Daimio’s carriage, court ladies and gold clouds. (2) HOKKEI 1820-1856 121 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Hotei with fan. Gold background. (b) Cock and hen, embossed in white. (Frederick May Collection.) (2) 122) TWO EXAMPLES (a) Tengu-Shigenobu. (b) Kintoki and cock. (2) 1238) TWO EXAMPLES (a) Emperor surrounded by court ladies. Exquisite embossed designs in gold and silver. (b) Fans, Mt. Fuji, etc. (2) 16 124 125 126 129 130 131 KUNIYOSHI 1788-1861 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Actor. (b) Woman filling pipe. (2) HOKUSAI 1760-1849 JARDINIERE AND FAN On pink ground. GROUP OF LADY MUSICIANS Signed Shinsai. CHIHARU USAI agoutr 1850 LARGE SURIMONO Springtime. - COMPANION TO THE FOREGOING MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCAPE Waterfall, and trees in blossom HOKKEL 1820-1856 EMPEROR ON VERANDA Giving audience to flutist. Rare. HIROSHIGE AND KUNIYOSHI 1796-1858 1788-1861 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Fan medallion and tomb of famous ke (b) Actor and koto. Elaborate costume and cherry blossoms in gaufrage. ve KEISAI AND TOYOKUNI 1790-1848 1776-1885 182 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Mother and children. (b) Woman holding Hagorama. Rich in color and embossing. (2) 183. TWO EXAMPLES (a) Tengu and Ushiwaka. (b) Momotaro and monkey. (2) ZUSAN AND SHUNMAN 1780-1800 1384 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Magnolia blossoms. (b) Samurai and attendants. (2) HOKKEI 1820-1856 1385 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Samurai and attendant. (b) Illustration for fairy story. (2) 186 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Girl seated. Listening to canary. (b) Benten playing lute. (2) 1387 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Manchu group, rich in color and gaufrage. (b) Strong man, Hankel, raising flat rocks. (2) GAKUTEI: SHUNTEI: SHINSAI 1820 1830 1825 1388 THREE EXAMPLES (a) Fan-shaped; lady arranging flowers. (b) T'wo ladies admiring painting. (c) Landscape. (3) 18 139 140 141 142 148 144 145 GAKUTEI 1820-1840 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Turtle and sake cup. (b) Monkey dressed as warrior Senin. (2) TWO EXAMPLES (a) Oiran and attendants. (b) Illustration to story. (2) TWO EXAMPLES (a) Sage feeding monkeys. (b) Apostles of Confucius. HOKUSAI 1760-1849 TWO EXAMPLES (a) Shell gatherers. (b) Court ladies admiring cockatoo. Rich imprint. (2) HIROSADA ABouT 1845 TWO EXAMPLES Of large actor portraits. Bronze background. (2) HIROSHIGE 1796-1858 ROKUJU-YOSHIU-MEISHO ZUKAI BASKET BRIDGE AT HIDA Passengers crossing chasm in small baskets. Dull green landscape, very blue water. Fine impression. SPRINGTIME IN THE HILLS Long foot-bridge over river; waterfalls, etc., in mid-distance. 1g) 146 147 148 149 150 AWA BAY Small fishing boats at anchor. Green mountains in distance. SADO GOLD-MINE Cave-like entrance to mine. Green mountain rising beyond. Rare and interesting impression. AWAJI GOSHIKI BAY Fishermen hauling net. Mountainous coast. MIKAWA, HORAIJI TEMPLE Red temple amid pine trees. Waterfall in foreground. Beautiful impression. BUZEN-RAKAN-JI Swift-flowing stream by entrance to grottos. [ 150, | 150a NARUTO 151 153 154 155 156 157 Famous whirlpool of Awa. Great waves breaking against cliff. Very fine impression in perfect condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TOGE-NO-CHAYA Tea-houses with distant mountains and sea. Fine impression. OY A-SHIRA-ZU Caves by sea. Small figures along shore. Pine trees on mountain. SAME AS THE PRECEDING Slightly different impression. YORO WATERFALL Deep canyon with high waterfall in background. Very impressionistic. Fine condition. YAMA-BUSHI-DANI Sudden storm. “Tiger rain” overtaking traveller near river, Rare. SAME AS THE PRECEDING Strong and brilliant impression. Superb condition. SARA-SHINA-TOGO-TONO-TSUKI Mountainous landscape. fields. Rare print. Reflections of full moon in young rice- [158] 158 SAME AS THE PRECEDING Finer impression, in flawless condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 159 SHORE OF THE INLAND SEA Harima Province. Gnarled old pine trees, sentinels of the coast. Rare and fine impression. bo bo 160 MIKO-NO HAMA Similar subject. Superb impression and flawless state. | SEE ILLUSTRATION | HIROSHIGE 1796-1858 SHOKOKU MEISHO HAKKEI SERIES 161 HAKONE LAKE Red temple gate near shore, beyond which steps lead through trees to the temple. 23 1638 164 165 166 167 168 169 NAGAYA TEMPLE Temple grounds, with cherry trees in full bloom. SARUWAKACHO Flying banners and street advertising. OKURA BAY Tomb of Miyamoto, famous hero. Temple and small sail-boats in mid-distance. ICHIKAWA WATASHI Castle in the hills. Canal at the edge of green meadows. Bright green predominates. VIEW OF HIROSE Feudal castle on the hilltop, overlooking the river. NAGASAKI HARBOR Large sailing vessels at anchor, gay with banners. Emerald- green coast. Fine condition. TOSHIKOSHI ODORI Celebration of the passing year. Fuji to the left, against a red horizon. TENJIN FESTIVAL Pleasure boats, gay with lanterns, near Naniwa bridge. MIYASHIMA Pagoda on the hillside. Tori and small figures in the foreground. SHITAYA MOUNTAIN Sheer rock, in centre of green hills. Mt. Fuji, snow-capped, in background. TSUSHIMA FESTIVAL Decorative float, surmounted by shrine with Shinto priests. 24 176 79 180 181 1838 DRYING FLOUNDERS Inland sea in the distance. TAKANAWA BAY Foreign woman on horseback, near Yedo. TSUKUBA MOUNTAIN Rich green landscape. High grey mountains encircled by clouds. DAIJIN TEMPLE Tori at head of temple stairs, the grounds of which overlook town and bay. Fine condition. OKOSHI, KAMA-SAKA-AMI Two men in a meadow, netting wild geese. Beautiful impression. OMINATO BAY Large vessels at anchor in bay. Group of figures on the shore. TAKAKUSHI TEMPLE Extensive temple grounds, with path through woods, and shrines. Brilliant cloud effect. CHO-NIN-MACHI Country roadway, gay with lanterns in the moonlight. Groups of pedestrians in festive attire. Very care. SAME AS THE PRECEDING Somewhat lighter impression. FUTA-MI-GA-URA Sunset on rocky coast. Crested waves on deep-blue sea. Beautiful impression. NARUTO-SHINKEI Blue swirls and green landscape. Small boats in the distance. 25 184 186 187 188 189 190 ina 193 KINTAI BRIDGE Snow-covered bridge over blue river. One of the rare snow sub- jects. Fine impression and full margin. SAME AS THE PRECEDING Somewhat lighter impression, but equally fine condition. YOJIO SUZUMI Night scene. Picnicking on the river bank. Full margin. OCHIAI BRIDGE Spring rain. Bridge over rapids. Brilliant green landscape. Flawless condition. FUTAMI BAY Sacred rock in the sea. Red sunrise. MAPLES. TO-FUKU-JI Covered bridge leading to temple in the hills. Autumn maples in vivid colors. CHOI-KAI MOUNTAIN Inland sea with small boats at anchor. Snow-capped mountains in the background. Beautiful impression. TATE-YAMA Pilgrims on mountain pass. Beautiful atmospheric effect in rose and mauve, against background of high mountain peaks. Fine condition. FERRY, MIYAKAWA Soft grey tone of ferry boats in contrast with brilliant robes of passengers. Bathers in foreground. BASKET FERRY, HIDA Primitive mode of transportation across deep gorge. Green and grey predominate. 26 194 195 196 198 199 203 KIKIO-NO-HARA Pine trees in green meadow dotted with kikio flowers. LAKE CHIUZENJI View of famous lake from temple grounds, 4,000 feet elevation. Twin pines in foreground. CHO-KAI-ZAN Grey mountain overlooking bay. Fishing boats at anchor. KAI-TOSAN Blossoming plum-trees against precipitous cliff. Distant view of blue sea. Unusual and beautiful impression. ASAMA-YAMA Volcanic eruption. Autumn. ZENKOJI-KUSURI Shrine on mountain cliff. Drooping wistaria and flowering shrubs by the brook-side. Fine impression. A CATE Measuring giant Cryptomeria Japonica. Green hill with water- fall at left. Excellent state. BANSHU-MUROTSU Deep blue sea against snow-covered hills. Brilliant impression. SAME AS THE PRECEDING In more subdued tone. Rare. KUMANO Mushroom hunters hanging in baskets against cliff. Mellow green background, and blue rapids in foreground. 27 204 TOIJIO TEMPLE IN MIST Red temple. Early morning. Mist-shrouded landscape. 205 VIEW OF HARA Daimio procession crossing the plain. Purple clouds at base of mountain. KUNISADA 1785-1864 206 YEDO ZISHO Mother and child resting under mosquito netting. Rare impression. YEIZAN 1800-1850 PART OF TRIPTYCH Two young ladies and young man with carp in net. bo (=) =o Beautiful colorings of kimonos. Good condition. SHIGENOBU 1830-1855 208 YOUNG LADY WITH SAMISEN Studying book of songs. Rare impression. 200m LL Pateyic i Actors as Kanzan and Zittoku, in female réles. Long gowns in soft grey tones, bordered in old-rose and blue. Delicate gaufrage on undergarments. Yellow background. TOYOKUNI 1769-1825 210 ACTOR IN FEMALE ROLE Long robes of delicate pink with obi in contrasting colors of green and black. 28 211 STANDING FIGURE OF ACTOR With pouch and pipe. Gown of mauve and pink with beautifully embossed undergarment. TORIN TEACHER OF HOKUSAI ABouT 1740-1810 212 INTERIOR AT LEFT WITH TWO FIGURES Playing game of Go. Mother dressing child. Visitor with umbrella spread as protec- tion from summer rain. Ricefields in distance. Beautiful impression. KATSUKAWA SHUNYEI 1761-1819 218. CHIUSHINGURA. ACT VI Figures on balcony taking tea. Coolies resting. Soft green and yellow predominate. HOKUSAI 1760-1849 214 PRIEST NICHIREN Founder of Buddhist sect called Nichiren-shu. His red robe forms contrast with mountainous background. 215 NICHIREN IN BOAT Sailors lowering sail in heavy sea. Splendid action and color. 916 NICHIREN EXILED TO SADO ISLAND Priest is seen seated in snow-covered hut. View of blue sea to right. 217 SHINTO PRIEST Painting base of column. Typical of Hokusai’s bold drawing. 29 219 bo bo ie bo bo bo 223 226 GHOST SERIES WARAI HANYA: LAUGHING HANYA Ghost of female demon holding head of baby in her hand. GHOST OF KOHADA KOHEIJI Pulling down a mosquito net bed canopy, and looking through the opening. SARA YASHIKI Ghost of young woman rising from well. Maid murdered by nobleman because she broke precious plates. Her ghost rose nightly in the form of plates to haunt him. MALEVOLENCE Snake crawling around ancestral tablet, and over box of sweet- meats. A bowl of water with floating leaf is before tablet, as is the usual custom. SET OF TEN. SMALL TOKAIDO SERIES Interiors and landscapes. Charming in color and composition. (10) HIROSHIGE II KARASAKTI PINE One of the eight views of Lake Biwa. HIROSHIGE 1796-1858 TOKAIDO SERIES ARAI Daimio party crossing river. Early impression. KAME-YAMA IN SNOW Winter landscape. Procession climbing up hillside to castle. KUANA CASTLE Fishing boats riding the waves. 30 227 228 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 MISHIMA Travellers passing near temple in early dawn. Fine impression. HODOGAYA Travellers crossing small bridge to the village. Excellent condition. NUMAZU Punch and Judy performer returning home along river path in moonlight. OISO A sudden shower. Narrow Fine condition. KAMBARA street amid pine trees. Evening ; snow-covered landscape. Rare print. YOKKAICHI Windy day on the marshes. Peasant chasing his hat. TSUCHI-YAMA Daimio procession crossing Rare impression. SHONO Rainstorm on Shono Pass. scene. Beautiful soft impression. bridge in rainstorm. Hiroshige’s most celebrated storm Good condition. KISO KAIDO SERIES SUMMER RAIN Pedestrians and mule pack. SAKA-MOTO Shops along canal. (Slightly repaired. ) 31 237 NAGAI-GAWA Cormorant fishing. Attractive blue water. (Slightly retouched.) 238 MAGO-ME Springtime. Mountain pass. Waterfall at left. 239 KARUI-ZAWA Night scene. Camp fires in ricefields. Ascending flames illuminate part of a tree. Very rare. [ 239, | 2394 SEMBA Willow-trees bending in the wind against full moon. Men poling raft and boat through a marsh. (Sky has been slightly re- touched. ) Rare subject. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 32 240 241 243 244 245 ASHIDA Hilly landscape, with young Cryptomeria trees. CHIUSHINGURA Snow scene. Night attack. 47 RONINS ON BRIDGE After the attack. ACT V Rainy night. Kampei in the mountains robbing a traveller. Rare subject and perfect first state. SIMILAR TO THE PRECEDING Slightly different impression. SAME AS THE PRECEDING Lighter printing. Good state, save small hole in sky. HIROSHIGE 1796-1858 TOKAIDO YOKYO AND NARITA DOCHU FROM THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS MADE BY HIROSHIGE PUBLISHED BY S. SAKAT Tus album of hitherto unpublished prints by the great Ukiyo-ye artist Hiroshige, is absolutely unique in that it is a combination of ancient and modern art and technique. It recently came to the attention of the firm of Sakai that the noted collector, Mr. Takahata Kazuwo of Yokohama, possessed some original drawings for the block made by Hiroshige, which for some unknown reason were never used and were in the original condition as prepared for the engraver connected with the pub- lisher Ho-yei-do, or Take-uchi. 33 As is well known to print collectors, these original drawings are most highly prized, and are most rare, for the very thin paper on which the drawing is made is naturally easily damaged. At the same time, on inspecting the India-ink drawings it was easy to believe that the world lost some most attractive color- prints when the originals were put aside and never engraved. Mr. Takahata, being a liberal and generous-minded collector, agreed to lend the drawings for reproduction, provided that Messrs. Sakai would produce pictures worthy of the master. ‘This stipu- lation threw a heavy responsibility on the publisher; unlike some originals for the block, there were no tracings of color, often found as a shorthand note of instruction to the printer; neither were there any written hints, and as the coloring of the Hiroshige prints is one of their greatest charms, it was in a spirit of humil- ity and earnest, conscientious study, that the task of reconstruct- ing the color scheme was approached. Internal evidence placed the date of the originals as about Tempo 5, a short time after the completion of the Tokaido series, and by careful study and endless comparisons of the color schemes in not only one, but several, Tokaido series, the Kiso- kaido series, and other masterpieces, the final coloration was de- termined; and now, with the help of most expert engravers and the most careful printers, the completed set is available to the world. Of course, the precious originals were photographed for the block. A careful examination of each print leads to the inevitable conclusion that with the exception of some of the old vegetable colors which are now unobtainable, the coloring is worthy of the master-artist, and the publishers are to be congratulated onshavy- ing achieved, not a reproduction, but, as it were, a resurrection of the ancient art which has been the source of so much pleasure and joy to collectors the world over. The title of this series is “Intermediate Stations on the Toka- ido, and the Narita Highway.” A word of explanation may not be amiss. The 53 Stations of the Tokaido are well known, and may be compared to those stations where the express trains of today make their stops; but there are many beautiful little way stations where only the accommodation trains stop, and here it is that the artist found the subjects of the series designed to supple- ment his famous Tokaido. On the other side of Tokio bay there is 34 249 250 251 252 254 255 the high road to Narita, and here too there are beautiful scenes worthy of perpetuation. It is not intended to review each scene in detail; it is hoped that the mere recital of the treasures which these pages will reveal will be sufficient to excite the interest and the acquisitiveness of those who see these few prefatory lines. Toxo. J. S. HAPPER SET OF TWENTY NUMBERS 246-265 TAKANAWA Village under full moon. Houses along the shore gay with red lanterns. TSURUMI Landscape with blue river. Travellers crossing bridge. SUGITA Plum-trees in blossom against early sunset sky. KANAZAWA Small islands and sailing vessels on a blue sea. NOKENDO Observation point at Nokendo. View of harbor and islands. SUZUME-GA-URA Boats near the shore. Brilliant blue water. SAKALGI Country road, gay with people and shops. Subdued tones. KAMAKURA, TSURU-GA-OKA Vista of snow-covered pines. Blue torii in the foreground. YUI-GO-HAMA Fishing nets drying on shore. Red cliffs in mid-distance. ENOSHIMA Gigantic grottos of the famous island. Deep blue sea with white- capped waves breaking on the rocks. 35 260 261 263 264 266 267 KAGETORI Outrunners to Daimio procession passing wayside tea-house. YOTSUYA-OIWAKE Interesting group of thatch-roofed houses. Atmospheric effect of distant mountains. TAMURA FERRY Punting on a small river. The hills lack vegetation, but the color is wonderfully blended. KOYASU Landscape of great simplicity. A mountain summer resort. OYAMA Abrupt, brilliant blue waterfall. Shrine at left. OYAMA Temple gate overlooking bay and islands. GYOTOKU Path through ricefields, with rich blue marine view. TONEGAWA Small boats with white sails approaching inlet. KOGANEHARA Young green fields with Fuji-yama on the far horizon. IMBANUMA Rice planting in view of a blue harbor. Dashes of rain in sky. CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS F. CAPELARI MARUNO-UCHI Pine trees overhanging moat of Imperial palace. FUJI-YAMA Snow-capped sacred mountain. Great simplicity of drawing. 36 SHUNSUI 268 SETANO-KARASHASHI Lake Biwa, rainstorm, early evening. SHOTEI 269 KAMATA Temple amid pines. Full moon. 270 UMAGOME VILLAGE Spring rain. HASUI 271 AIKAWA Fishing village, late sunset. 272 SHIRAHIGE Snow landscape, near Tokio. SHOTETI bo ~ SS) OMORI Night. Lighted windows, figures, etc. Fine impression. HASUI 274 ENKASHIRA One of 12 views of Tokio. Pine groves, reflected in icy water. Lone duck crossing. bo ~ on MISHIMA-GAWA - Province of Mutsu. Fishermen’s shacks; golden moon rising over a deep-blue ocean. Splendid example. 276 HONDA-KANAZAWA Giant Cryptomeria Japonica. Narrow village street. 277 MUTSU, HOT SPRINGS Night rain. 278 KIBA, TOKIO Dawn. Reflection of bridge over river. 279 NIGAWA Storehouses near canal. Starry night. 280 IWAI BAY Province of Kazusa. Pine-covered hill beyond a blue sea, rolling in to a sandy shore. Storm clouds. Brilliant impression. SHOTEL 281 SETSU-GETSUKA Temple on cliff. Moonrise and stars. HASUI TERA-DOMARI Rainy night. Crossing pools of rain, reflected lights. bo OO bo 283 ASAHI BRIDGE Raft and small boat. Full moon effect. 284 MIASHIMA One of three famous views of Japan. Pine bough, stone lanterns and tame deer. Tori beyond the shore. Night. 285 KONOGI HARBOR Island of Sado. Woman washing in a pool. Sunset. 286 TODANO-HARA Autumn moon. Delicate impression. 287 GOYO-BORI City of Negata. Weeping willows beside canal. Rich, velvety moonlight. 38 HASUI 2874 WINTER LANDSCAPE An intensely vivid impression of snow-laden trees and houses near a green-blue lake. Dense black buildings contrasting strongly with the soft glow of early dawn, called Yuki-no-ake-bono. Magnificent example of modern art. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 39 SHUNSUI ce LARGE PORTRAIT oop oe 289 LARGE PORTRAIT Paes Half-nude seated figure. Excellent flesh tints. — \ 2894 LARGE PORTRAIT Female figure; nude. Delicately embos od Unusual example. , [SEE ILLUSTRATION] _ 40 — 289a~ | a% SALE TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY TWENTY-SEVENTH, AT 8:15 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 290-518 TOYOKUNI 1776-1835 290 LADY IN PINK AND ROSE COSTUME Shghtly embossed. 291 ACTOR Ferocious expression and strong line. 292 TWO EXAMPLES Man with mirror, and another arranging colors. (2) 293 TWO EXAMPLES Man with pipe, seated. Figure with fan. Interesting black gauze garments. (2) 294 TWO EXAMPLES Actors. Hanging vases of flowers in background. (2) 295 TWO EXAMPLES Actors with black gauze. Kimonos and fans. (2) 296 TWO EXAMPLES Two actors in elaborate costumes. Yellow background. (2) 297 TWO LARGE PORTRAITS Actors in winter attire. (2) 298. TRIPTYCH. OTOKODATE Actors in black kimonos against a yellow ground. feet LAPTYCH, OTOKODATE Members of a chivalrous band which helped the poor. In full regalia, under blossoming plum-trees. 43 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 PENTAPTYCH Actors, Bando Shucho, Nakamura Shikan, etc., as Otokodate clan. PENTAPTYCH Consisting of five single-figure prints with background of iris and butterflies. Interesting garments and postures. HIROSHIGE 1796-1858 GO-JU-SAN-TSUGI. MEISHO ZUKAI Sudden shower. Pedestrians hurrying to shelter. ‘Temple in mid- distance; unusual sky and cloud effect. Kixcellent condition. YEDO HAKKEI. ZOJIO-JI TEMPLE Beautiful red temple at right of blue waterway. Brilliant example. KASUGAYAMA Cherry blossom celebration on a green ledge overlooking a great stretch of land. OGI Night scene with starry sky. Fox-lights on New Year’s eve under Kno trees. Commonly known as fox wedding. Unusual blue sky. Excellent impression and state. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THE SAME Grey sky. Fine condition. FOX-FIRES Similar to the preceding. Steel-blue sky; slight green in fore- ground, and tree. Excellent condition. 44 308 309 310 311 [305] THE SAME Pale impression with green haystacks and foxes of salmon pink. Good condition. AKI-BANO-KIONAI Pine and maple trees reflected in a winding river. Small figures in the foreground. KIRI-BATAKE Light spring rain. Landscape and figures showing faintly in the haze. Fine impression. TSUKI-NO MATSUI Water and houses seen through gnarled pine bough. - 45 [311] 3slla FUJI KAWA 312 313 314 3815 Travellers approaching snow-covered village. Winding blue river at left. Snow-dotted sky. Superb condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | KIJO BASHI Curved bridges over canal near quarters of bamboo merchants. Moonlight. SIMILAR TO THE PRECEDING (Worm-holes in upper left-hand corner.) MOAT NEAR DAIMIO’S PALACE Red temple in foreground. Brilliant impression. NEITO SHINJIKU Shops along a village street. Horses in the foreground. 46 316 KANDA-GAWA. RAIN Blue river with yellow sampans. Green hills and light rain. Brilliant print. Oli tHE SAME Slightly paler. [317 | 317A THE SAME Suburb of Yedo. Hillside road near a river. Rain falling from grey sky. Fine condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 318 SANO TEMPLE Procession on way to temple, gay with hats, banners, etc. 47 319 UMAYA-GASHI Pleasure boats on blue river. Pine bough against starry sky. Figure of a girl silhouetted against green Misu. 320 THE SAME Excellent impression. 321 RYOGOKU HANOBI Pleasure boats on Sumida river. Rocket bursting against dark sky. 322 NUMADZU Snow-covered landscape. Foot-bridges over winding stream. Superb impression. In flawless condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 323 THE SAME Shghtly different impression. 48 324 KUMANO Near twelve temples. Green bank by blue water. Figures seated in summer-houses. 325 ASAKUSA-KINRUZAN Temple seen through the falling snow from temple gateway. Or Large lantern suspended in forground. (Slight worm-holes at side.) 326 SAKA-INO-WATASHI Beautiful blue stream with marshy banks and heron in fore- ground. Fine condition. 326, MEGURO TAIKO BASHI YUHI NO OKA Figures crossing Taiko bridge in the falling snow. Rare print, in fine condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 49 328 330 331 B34 336 BIKUNI HASHI, SNOW Small shops near a bridge. Snowflakes against grey-blue sky. SENZO-KU-NO-IKE . Flight of heron against blue waters. Tea-house and travellers in foreground. One of the most charming of this series. Excellent state. YOSHIWARA. TOWN Night scene. Cherry-trees in blossom near the gate. Unusual night sky. NIHON-ZUTSUMI Flight of wild geese against waning moon. Little shops and pedestrians on highway. Dense black shadows. SIMILAR TO THE PRECEDING Lighter impression. In very fine condition. USHIMA-TENJIN-SAKA Looking over snow-covered roofs to blue lake from temple heights. TSUKU-DASHIMA Fishing boats seen from under bridge. Stars and waning moon in grey sky. Fine condition. THE SAME Black sky and lighter water. THE SAME A superb example of the preceding subject. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FUKOGAWA KIBA An early impression. Lumber yard by the river. Snowflakes falling from grey sky. Full margin. In very fine condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 50 337 THE SAME Somewhat lighter. 3388 THE SAME Beautiful impression, with light sky. 339 THE SAME Another state of this beautiful print. 340 SIMILAR TO THE PRECEDING Sharp impression with dark sky. [341] 341 SARUWAKA-CHO YORU NO KEI Night street scene. Shadows of pedestrians in moonlight. (Small worm-hole in upper left hand corner, otherwise very fine.) Full margin. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 52 342 343 344 B45 346 COMPANION TO THE PRECEDING Slightly hghter impression. DUPLICATE OF SARUWAKA-CHO [344] FUKAGAWA, SUSAKI, JUMAN TSUBO Snow scene, with eagle poised in mid-air. The fine conception places it among Hiroshige’s masterpieces. Note the lacquer used on feathers. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT IMPRESSION Of the preceding bold conception. O HASHI NO YUDACHI “Storm on the Great Bridge.” Pedestrians crossing bridge in driving rain. Raft in mid-stream. Houses faintly discernible on far bank. Rare. 53 347 348 349 350 351 3514 352 353 THE SAME Brilliant impression. Bridge slightly deeper yellow. Houses more prominent against deep-blue background. Fine condition. THE SAME Lighter impression of this famous print. THE SAME Pelting rain obscuring the far bank of the Sumida river. Rare impression with two boats near the shore. First state. Matchless example of this famous print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON COVER | ATAGOSHITA YABU KOJI Winter landscape. Beautiful blue canal with overhanging branches of bamboo, snow-laden. Pale sky blending to mauve sunset. Flawless condition. SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT IMPRESSION With snowflakes against blue sky. Publisher’s state. YABU KOJI Pedestrians walking in deep snow along blue canal. Snow-laden bamboo tree in foreground. Superb impression. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SURIMONO NUMBERS 852-385 KUNIYOSHI 1788-1861 FUZAKU-ONNA-SUIKODEN Water-carrier wringing out her kimono. Silver inlay and em- bossed waves. Flawless impression. RICHIN, DOLL CELEBRATION Actress in elaborate costume against gold and blue curtain. 54 354 355 356 357 [3514 | HOKKEI 1820-1856 ONNO KOMACHI Wearing gorgeous robes with silver inlay. Cocks in left corner. Emboss in white; yellow ground. ROOF-TILE Dolphin in gold and silver TENGU WITH SPEAR Rich in gold clouds, with Perfect state. gaufrage against a red disc. cock and hen in white relief. GOSHIKI-BAN-OGI-NAGASHI Crow painted on a fan. Winding blue stream, with silver inlay. 55 358 359 360 DRAGON ASCENDING AMID BLACK CLOUDS Fuji-yama rises in the background, richly embossed with silver and surrounded by golden clouds. A magnificent example of the printer’s art. In perfect condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SET OF TWO. KINTOKI AND YAMAMBA Gold and silver inlay. Rare set. (2) SET OF THREE Actors presenting gamecocks. Lady with umpire’s fan. Beautiful in color and design. (3) 56 “’ 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 SET OF FOUR. YANAGI-BAN Female figures illustrating poem. Depicting craft-workers. Beautifully embossed. Rare set. In perfect condition. (4) KUNISADA 1785-1864 SET OF TWO Upright. Sumizome, spirit of the cherry-tree, preventing warrior Otomo from chopping tree with huge hatchet. Gaufrage of blossoms, gold and silver inlay. (2) SET OF TWO Actors in full regalia under blossoming cherry-tree. Fine condition. (2) Sit OF THREE Inscriptions in gold; elaborate costumes. Actors. Magnificent impressions. (3) SHIGENOBU 1830-1855 Sit OF THREE Poems and portraits on blue and gold ground. Fan-shaped medallions, illustrating three famous views of Japan. (3) GAKUTEI WORKED 1820-1840 SET OF FOUR Group of female poets, rich in embossing and inlay. Rare. (4) HOKUSAI 1760-1849 LARGE SURIMONO, INTERIOR Music rehearsal and preparation for dance. Mauve, pink and green. Unusual oblong impression. 57 368 369 370 373 374 KUNIYOSHI 1788-1861 FUZOKU ONNA SUIKODEN She sits upon a water buffalo, in conversation with small boy. KUNISADA 1785-1864 TWO SURIMONO (a) Young girl reading letter; encircled by new moon. (b) Actor seated before silver mirror. Both in finest condition. (2) THREE SURIMONO Actors in various. attitudes. Sumptuous garments. Deeply embossed. (3) SHUNSAI AND HOKKEI 1762-1850 1820-1856 TWO SURIMONO (a) Carp leaping stream. (b) Urashima riding sacred tortoise. (2) SHORAN AND HOKUSAI ABouT 1825 1760-1849 TWO SURIMONO (a) Kakemono, Okame and Jiro. (b) Girl holding kite under Jeta. Blue background. Unique. (2) GAKUTEI 1820-1840 TWO SURIMONO (a) General Ko playing flute. (b) Chinese warrior seated under pine tree. Beautifully embossed with gold and silver. (2) TWO SURIMONO (a) Lady Komachi with court fan. (b) Lady Yoki, famous Chinese beauty. Gorgeous garments; flower embossed background. (2) 58 HOKKEI AND HOKUSAI 1820-1856 1760-1849 875 ‘TWO SURIMONO (a) Shells on a beach. (b) Awabi shells. (2) HOKUSAI 1760-1849 376 THREE SURIMONO Actors in various attitudes. Elaborate robes and gaufrage. Delicate calligraphy. (8) SHUNMAN AND HOKKETI 1780-1800 1820-1856 3877 THREE SURIMONO Pheasants by Shunman. Hawk by Hokkei. Hanging panel with Hayashi seal. (3) HOKUSAI 378 TWO SURIMONO Court Poetess. Sumptuous robes and brilliant coloring. Silver and gold inlay. (2) KUNISADA 1785-1864 3879 TWO SURIMONO Actors in female réles. Unusual black background, with silver moon, plum bough and rain. The costume designs are superb. (2) 59 380 381 383 384 385 GAKUTEI 1820-1840 SET OF THREE SURIMONO (a) New Year’s celebration. The entire detail of interior and ornament is carried out in minute gaufrage. (b) Homage to old age. (c) Philosopher asleep on veranda. (3) SHINSAI ABOUT 1825 SET OF THREE SURIMONO Illustrating the famous sayings “Hear no evil,” “see no evil” and — ‘speak no evil.” Female figures; beautiful garments and detail. (3) GAKUTEI 1820-1840 FOUR SURIMONO Hocho-ren-ju-ban, court lady, Benten, warrior, etc. Embossed ground. (4) THREE SURIMONO Portraits of great generals in armor—Tadanori, Yorimasa and Hankei. (3) SET OF SEVEN SURIMONO Katsu-Shika, Hichi-ban, suzuki. Seven poetesses of Katsu-Shika. This is considered the finest known set in existence. Complete and superb state. (7) COMPLETE SET OF TWENTY-FOUR SURIMONO Known as Katsu-Shika-Niju-Shisho. Depicting twenty-four most famous generals of Katsu-Shika, eastern section of Japan. ‘The costumes, armor, weapons, etc., are elaborate but accurate. Only two complete, perfect sets were known in Japan, and they have never been offered at a public sale here or elsewhere. (24) 60 UTAMARO 1800-1835 386 PORTRAIT Seated figure of girl, holding samisen beside black box. Delicate tan kimono with contrasting obi of moss-green. An excellent example of this artist’s masterly line. Fine im- pression. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 61 387 388 389 390 391 LARGE FEMALE PORTRAIT Unusual blue print. Elaborately dressed hair and_ simple kimono, the lines of which skilfully convey the posture and are at all times the artist’s greatest charm. Fair condition. GROUP OF MAIDENS Under a pine tree. Seated figure is beating a bolt of cloth upon a stone. Another approaches with more cloth. The tones are mellow and subdued without being faded. A winding stream with fluttering maple leaves adds to the back- ground. (One of a triptych.) A BALCONY IN YOSHIWARA Delicately drawn and tinted figures surrounding a dwarf pine tree. The high road seen in mid-distance, disappears into the rising mist which envelops the town. CHUNAGON-YUKIHIRA AND ATTENDANTS A halt on Suma Beach to admire the rising moon. ‘The gold clouds and gaufrage of Yukihira’s white robe, closely resemble a Surimono. HUT NEAR A WINDING STREAM Peasant at work by the brook in which the moon is reflected. Near the house his wife and children enjoy the splendor of the great disc rising over the mountain. (Alexander Rouart Col- lection, Paris. ) 62 [392 392 TWO BEAUTIES Young women in conversation. Kimonos of soft colors relieved by black. Mellow quality. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 635 393 LARGE PORTRAIT HEADS Lady showing bolt of cloth to girl seated at loom. Beautiful in line and color. [SEE ILLUSTRATION 64 [394] 394 UTSUKI-NO-SAKANA-URI Young woman on her way to bath house, with towel over her shoulder. She stops to speak to young fishmonger. Unusual pink tint over the eyes. Beautiful in color and line. Fine state. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 65 KOMEI-BIJIN-ROK-KASEN Large portrait of famous woman-poct, against rare silver back- > bs 5 ground. Valuable specimen. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 66 [396] 396 NANIWA-YA O-KITA Half-length portrait of waitress carrying tea on a lacquer tray. Pale silver background. (Alexander Rouart Collection, Paris.) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 67 397 FUJO NINSO JUPPIN Woman playing with a pompin. Checked kimono and _ green sash. Fine impression, in good condition save for a horizontal crease. Mica ground. (Wakai and Alexander Rouart Collec- tion, Paris.) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 68 [397] 398 399 400 40] 403 HIROSHIGE 1796-1858 TOKAIDO GOJU-SAN-TSUGI TSUCHI-YAMA Muddy road in the highlands. Coolies in yellow raincoats, carrying red boxes. Various tones of green in the landscape. Rare printing of rain. White on a grey ground. Unusual example, in perfect condition. YAKUSHI Mountainous landscape covered by deep snow. ‘Travellers ap- proaching valley road. Rather large snowflakes fall from a grey sky. AKASAKA Full white moon gleaming through pine trees, Pedestrians with lanterns on highroad near ricefield. A perfect Hiroshige night sky. Excellent condition. EKJIRI Snow-covered landscape, relieved by the red, green and blue garments of figures. Red sunset glow on horizon. Very fine condition. EKJIRI Similar to the preceding. Colors slightly paler. Excellent condition. HONCHO MEISHO SUNSHU The ferry across the Fujikawa, province of Sunshu. Grey-toned landscape with Fuji-yama looming in the distance. Very rare, with signature of Ichirusai Hiroshige. Good condi- tion. 70 TOKAIDO 404 NUMAZU Large full moon rising above village near a blue river. Groups of pedestrians, including Punch and Judy performer, wend their way along the narrow path. Good condition. [405 ] 405 KAMEYAMA, SNOW Daimio procession ascending a steep hill to castle gate at dawn. Wind-swept trees along the road which overlooks snow-covered houses nestling in the valley. Full margin. Good condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TA 406 THE SAME Stronger impression, but slight spot in centre. 407 YOKKA-ICHI Windy day on the marshes. A print of much animation and breadth. 408 KAMBARA, SNOW A strong, rich impression of this famous print. Full margin. Fine condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 409 SIMILAR TO THE PRECEDING Somewhat lighter impression, but equally good in detail. Excel- lent condition. 72 410 41] 412 SHONO Celebrated rainstorm. The gradation of the bamboo trees as well as the action place it among Hiroshige’s masterpieces. Fine impression. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | KUNIYOSHI 1788-1861 HIAKUNIN-ITYTSHI Illustration of the Hundred Poem Series. Group of figures in rain. HUNDRED POEM SERIES. CHUNAGON-SADANORI Ingenious method of catching small fishes in Yana. The distant landscape shows faintly in morning mist. (Alexander Rouart Collection, Paris. ) 73 418 ASAKUSA-BENTEN-YAMA Temple in snow. Blue water in foreground. 414 NICHIREN AND FOLLOWERS The famous priest stands on a rocky ledge in heavy rainstorm, and prays for the safety of a boat laden with passengers. Sado Island seen through rain. Good condition. 415 NICHIREN STILLING THE WAVES A huge wave threatens to engulf a small boat, but the priest standing fearless in the boat overcomes all danger. Full margin. Fine condition. [416] 416 EXILE IN SADO-GA SHIMA Nichiren was exiled to the island of Sado, and journeyed to Tsukahara during a snowstorm. One of Kuniyoshi’s most famous subjects. Full margin. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 74 417 VIEW OF TAMURA FERRY Blue sea and sky with white clouds. Good impression, in good condition. (Alexander Rouart Collection, Paris. ) 418 ‘TOTO-MITSU-MATA Wide river view, with monomidai and houses. The famous Ryogoku bridge is seen at the right. In the foreground men are engaged in repairing a boat. ‘The smoke from their fire ascends far into the sky. Chidori fly against mauve and white clouds. Very rare print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | re) TOYOKUNI 1769-1825 419 CHIUSHINGURA, ACT V Sadakuro coming down the hill to meet his enemies. Grey land- scape, with dashes of rain. Full margin. Fine state. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | HIROSHIGE 1796-1858 420 ISHI-YAMA SHUGETSU One of the Eight Views of Lake Biwa. Very rare coloring. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TOTO MEISHO SERIES 421 SNOW-COVERED LANDSCAPE Houses and bridge over the Sumida river. Fine condition. 422 SUMIDA-GAWA Rare blue print. Cherry-blossom time on the bank of the Sumida river. Full margin. Best state. 423 SHIBA-ZOJIO-JI Red temple seen through snow-laden pine tree. Figures in the foreground. Publisher, Marusei. 424 THE SAME Stronger impression. 425 YOSHIWARA-NAKA-NO-CHO Geisha and pedestrians near gate; cherry-blossoms and spring moon. Good condition. 76 \f | 419] [420 | 428 430 431 433 KAMEIDO TEMPLE GROUNDS Snow-laden landscape relieved by the dull red of temple and bridges that surround a blue water. An interesting impression showing footprints in the snow. SIMILAR TO THE PRECEDING More depth of color and detail. Fine impression. Full margin. THE SAME The color of the temple and bridges is brown, and bright red offsets the small sheds in the foreground. Fine impression. Full margin. MASAKI, SNOW Boat and raft on clear blue river. Torii and temple buildings are seen amid snow-covered landscape. ‘The winter sky is pink near the horizon. Good condition. SIMILAR TO THE PRECEDING A darker impression. ‘The houses and trees are more pronounced against a rosy sky. Fine impression. Full margin. AKASKUSA LEMPLE. Temple grounds in rain.