a taitjag tenle i Hb Souay Ha 2p sg wots inte Seth We bes Mp sgt Pee RUECAetIn Pelee seg hs A eee a bans aU REY ree seek nei rie ne -# F.9Vemosns He tgey peabese TPP sat ady sigty tepnce ea 994? be toh nh Zip nema tece tii teers an rat | rut) i rn PRO Dae Dara Teint lea. Cee es eae pete Thy (aed , : Boye fetes ri ‘iy 24 srigt gt ad ar) woe OMT aay nbn BD w ea AATD haan’, ee edie St HOE Saye WD NeW 8H0E thea) Ca Ee yi Mh suate ny Wad aa Tate as VPC Mayet digs NRT Deh 4 rier) WSS 9. ay ERO ne Bie ' ; cee hier te | Mon aah " SATO IDI ew 1M FOES We anys age Gs ’ ” Pe tba? i hich Ay Seale apiye wad sift ue) ma tete ry ; ; pas Wasa) i o' : fs TH alae: ahevy pantie Salta wh biiet Py ve 9 "he _ ay ie < ee 1 ae eee og 4 ane eS * ~ bn ig a = ak oe ot : FREE. PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A. M. TO 6 P.M. es oe ay AVENUE, S6rH TO 57TH STREET _ ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57rn STREET _ BEGINNING SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1924 | CONTINUING UNTIL DATE OF SALE PAINTINGS IN WATER COLOR Be PASTEL AND OIL ye TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Meee AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENING OF WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1924 AT 8:15 O’CLOCK CoL-invs BELDEN [124 pet ee caiod } ‘ a ‘ice as le a : d me : ely OK a: Paar MS “ica SSCS ee RRNA oie Ae : Se? ‘ / ‘ , *xXenIy, saTzeyo “96 ‘PET e USTeM’ Th ‘OST - CPt ek’ Jefowmerteafi’ J Ayes ‘OET ts UST HOLS 5 USTEM’ OL "OCT 2 Teh ee Geen ‘ Sit Titud Aruey 08h “6ET ORO Oe >, Seteqore VI °A'N ‘OOT “OCT ra unerg * cs Vv , : tee Buyer E.B Wilbur E.Born E.H.Fricke W.A.Butler, Jr. " CT, Butler T .Wertemeyer W.W.Seamen, act. T Wertemeyer W.A.Butler, Jr, A.du Varnes T .Wertemeyer " H.Hedly. W.A.Butler, Jr. T Wertemeyer J.B.Willeyer R.Hymen W.A.Butler, Jr. T.Wertemeyer C.T.Butler E.H.Martin. H.C.Freemen J.B.Willever Calo Art Galls. Robert Hyman H.Helly Ali, Todd. W.R.Woods Mr.McCullough Mrs.C.A.Searls A.E.Brann Mr .McCullough Elizabeth Titzel J.B.Willever Elizabeth Titzel C.T.Butler T.Wértemeyer A.E. Braun T,Wertemeyer Mr.McCullough H. Hendrick Arlington Galls. Mrs.C.A.Searles Elizabeth Titzel H.C. Freeman Mr.Newel1l A.du Varnes Eugene H.Block Geo .Duponte Mr .Newell Bower Galls. Rmil C.Rogg T.Wertemeyer G.B.Clarkson Geo.Duponte May 7, 1924, No. pons 0 CLARENCE LYMAN COLLINS, sold at American Art Galleries, with Zothers en we Buyer Elizabeth Titzel i] Calo Art Galls, T.Wertemeyer " A.du Varnes T Wertemeyer E.H.Martin T.Wertemeyer H.Hendrick Mr.Wyler Calo Art Galls, W.A.Butler, Jr. C.T.Butler W.A.Butler, Jr. Mrs.C.A.Searles Calo Art Galles. A.E. Braun H. Phillips T.P.Smith G.B.Clarkson T.Wertemeyer Le Roy Ireland Dr.A.Kehenowica Dr. A.Kehanowicz T.T.Walsh W.E.Winegrove Charles T.Butler R.T.Phifer T.Wertemeyer Mrs .Powell Mr.Wyler A.du Varnes E.H.Martin w T.Wertemeyer EH. Martin ot Arlington Galls. W.A.Butler, Jr. Mr Wyler " H. Aaron H.Helly Mr.Wyler Arlington Galls, Mr.Newell A.du Varnes G.B.0larkson William Greene Bower Galls. E,Borng A, J.Sequiera A.E.Breun Arlington Galls, Mr.Wyler W.M.Wechsler oy jt at, 2 re ~~ ee ry ew? is ry Pocus aa “— FS : aly, ew -, ‘ — HOR me Se ar oe ee a . : (i hs aS 0 Sows De. te i.) ew 6 Ps ha a ab. OS af ee ee * ee ie] te * ’ “ pm oir oe eh ow Ay *2 1862— 40—HILLS AND THE GREEN SEA (Panel) 5 Height, 1014 imches; length, 14 inches Gray rocky bluffs and yellowish hills, and at their rough serpentine bases lines of white foam from a turquoise-green sea. Signed at the lower left, LionEL Wat.prEn. Property of the Estate of CuareNce Lyman Coins. WILLIAM ROBINSON LEIGH BP 7, 5 AMERICAN: 1866— 41— REFLECTIONS @ e, 3 Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches Unver a sun which makes the desert a pale golden blaze under a deep blue sky an Indian girl, nude, kneels at the edge of a pool and looks over at her reflected features. Signed at the lower right, W. R. Leicu, 1917. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Co tins. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN a Gy 5 Become) 1700-eIse 42—-CHICKENS Wied, In a barnyard with various paraphernalia scattered about a number of hens are seen on a straw pile in the sunshine, a rooster lording it over them, while back in the shadows of the barn two others are roosting. (Panel) Height, 111% inches; length, 13°4 mches Signed at the lower left, Euc. VERBOECKHOVEN, 1847. T'o be sold to close an Estate. Oe hi ye A. MOHLTE, 43—THE SQUIRE So. A BURLY man in boots and buckskin breeches, blue waistcoat and long- tailed scarlet coat, stands with back to the fire, looking down at a favorite dog who looks up at him. (Panel) Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches Signed at the lower left, J. A. Mouurs. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Co.Luins. JENNIE BROWNSCOMBE MERICAN: 1850— - Onf- ae 44-TETE DE FEMME a/ _— Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches P* Yeap and shoulders of a cheerful young woman with light hair and a dark hat, in rose and white, facing slightly to the left. Signed at the lower left, JENNtE BRrowNnscoMBe. Property of a Private Collector. MARIA BROOKS i a 1837—1913 45—AN HASTER OFFERING | J v : Height, 12W4 inches; width, 7 mches Furt-Ltencru standing figure of a little girl in a short-sleeved olive gown and a great hat, facing the observer and holding in her hands some Easter lilies. Signed at the top, Maria Brooks. To be sold to close an Estate. JAMES G. TYLER oR ‘a ii, oe 1855— 46—M ARINE : We Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches In a choppy sea a sailing vessel is standing out, viewed across her starboard quarter, and has just cleared a can buoy. Signed at the lower left, James G. Tyr. To be sold to close an Estate. DOMINGO-MUNOZ . p /PPANIsH A, 47—CLERICAL CONSOLA JOD. Height, 121 will At a white covered table bearing refreshments, with ancient armour on the surrounding walls, a gentleman in blue and a monk in brown §; length, 15 inches are partaking of wine and water. Signed at the lower left, Dominco-MuNoz, Paris. To be sold to close an Estate. Oy ee BENEDICTER (."-. Gur 48 , In a German interior with much plate hanging on the walls a small girl is observed in the darkness of shadows, patiently sewing. Signed at the lower left, J. Benepvtcrer, MincHEn. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ts ee Pal, Oey [aehesech ahaa x en cain ie -= 2 le oe a" oP ~ IRVING R. WILES, N.A. Fi Wee: Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches nS i On a divan over which a white bearskin rug is thrown a young woman ; lies face downward, lost in slumber. In costume and room furnishings a vision of delicate color and soft and brilliant lights. Signed at the upper right, Irvine R. Wes. Exhibited at the Union League Club, Brooklyn. To be sold to close an Estate. AART VAN DER NEER | J y) Height, 12 inchés; length, 15 mches Ar the head of a Dutch canal a man, in the right foreground, is about to push his boat off from the bank. On the further bank, to the left, two men are walking past a tree beyond which are timbered houses with high-stepped gables. A man leans against the railings and con- verses with a woman. In the background are houses clustered round a church. Opposite these, and to our right, the canal widens and a fishing boat sails past a copse. Cloudy sky. Signed with the artist’s interlaced monogram, on the bank near the roots of the tree in the left foreground. Purchased from Messrs. Ricard. Sold in the F. Hermann Sale held at the American Art Galleries, 1918. Property of a Private Collector. (10 We J. A. MOHLTE 7 51—PLEASANT H tli (Panel) Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches In a comfortable interior a middle-aged man in boots and breeches and scarlet coat tilts back in his chair beside a table holding wine, pipe and fruit and reads the “Hunting Gazette.” Property of the Estate of Ciarence Lyman Co.uins. ~—", PAUL CORNOYER, AuNoas AMERICAN: 1864—1923 Y s Height,/12 mches; length, 16 inches A crry street in sunshine, with leafless trees, a red tramcar standing and numerous persons near it and on the sidewalks. Signed at the lower left, PAut Cornoyer. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Co.mttns. ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFYF, N.A. ee Pee 18411915 Lf NNY ec ‘ ie . Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches A sUNNY morning in an open wood, with trees large and small stand- ing on uneven ground, and in the distance lightening in the direct rays of the sun. Signed at the lower left, R. M. SHurtTierr. From a Salmagundi Club ewhibition. To be sold to close an Estate. ATTRIBUTED TO CAMILLE MAGNUS FRENCH 54—A WOODLAND EDGE Jag In rough land at the edge of a wood, full of color around a fore- ground pond, an old peasant woman is fagot-gathering. eight, 12 inches; length, 18 inches To be sold to close an Estate. WILLIAM A. HOWE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1846— MS 55—LANDSCAPHE AND CATTLE ib 1s Height, 1 Cows are lying down in sunshine and shadow in green fields, with a grove on a distant knoll, below which a white cow and a black one inches; length, 1614 inches are grazing. Signed at the lower left, Wir1r1am H. Howe. T'o be sold to close an Estate. BEN FOSTER, N.A. ag MERICAN: 1852— 56—WOODS AND SUNSHINE Nae ed Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Tue spectator looks between detached foreground trees, observed only to just above the foliage line, up a sunlit hillside to another wood, with a pathway ascending to it. Signed at the lower left, BEN Foster. Property of a Private Collector. ¢ COWELL 51—M ARINE — Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches Signed at the lower right, W. W. Cowrtt1, 1875. To be sold to close an Estate. CHARLES MEISSONIER : : Wea Frencw:; 1852—1917 58—ON AR ta Height, 191 inches; width, 13% inches In an arched passageway a soldier in striped tunic and baggy breeches stands facing the spectator, two other figures being visible in the back- ground. | Signed at the lower right, Cuartes Metssonier, fils. To be sold to close an Estate. JASPER FRANCIS CROPSEY, N.A. Ais oe pn See 1823—1900 59—MOUNTAIN SUNSET Am ° Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches Deer stand in the water and on a low point of land in the foreground, the water beyond them reddened by sunset reflections and darkened by the shadows of mountains. Signed at the lower right, J. F. Cropsry. Property of Mrs. A. G. BELDEN. ALFRED VON WIERUSZ-KOWALSKI Posy 1849 ve EVES Aho Height, 12 inch AN Bit of roadway traversing the picture and paralleling a river passes before an inn at which a peasant, driving, has paused for refreshment. His wagon is drawn by one horse and tethered behind are five others. ; length, 23 inches Signed at the lower left, ALFRED Kowatskt, 777. Property of a Private Collector. | Fos AMERICAN: 1866— ' AND CANYON Ei SES | ae Height, 13% inches; length, 161 inches wre S= = fe “ WILLIAM ROBINSON LEIGH A Bxazx of bafiling color rivaling the sunset, beyond a high foreground of dark sage green. a | Signed at the lower right, W. R. Letcn, 1912. Property of the Estate of Crarence Lyman Cottins. PAUL LOUIS GROLLERON Frencu: 1848—1901 62—ZOUAV E ON WATCH Cr, . (Panel) Height, 14 inches; width, 814, mches Porrrair of a soldier in Zouave uniform, standing and resting on his musket, on a low hillside, and facing slightly to left. Signed at the lower left, P. GROLLERON. To be sold to close an Estate. (a Pgs bas R. E. DIACQUE 68—IN AN OLD FRENCH GARDEN Ae (Panel) Height, 14 inches; width, 1034 inches SEATED near a fountain surrounded by flowers and trees a dark-haired beauty appears not unreceptive to the addresses of a gallant who leans respectfully on the back of her chair. Signed at the lower left, R. K. Diracaue. T'o be sold to close an Estate. . G. BROWN, N.A. - HV. eee... 64—“BUT THEY’RE GOOD?” f Height, 1444, inches; width, 1014 inches A NiIneTEENTH Century New York bootblack sits on his kit-box, with a capful of apples on his lap, and proceeds to eat one as he regards the spectator. Signed at the lower right, J. G. Brown, N.A., 1822. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Co.tiins. AUGUST FREDERICK ALBRECHT SCHENCK 2/7 . German: 1828—1900 a Ye Bag tt D AND SHEEP IN A STORM | 4 ys Height, 144 inches; length, 181% inches Own the side of a mountain buried in snow a flock of sheep and their shepherd are breasting the still raging storm. Signed at the lower left, Scuencx. T'o be sold Fo. clase an Estate. GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— e 66—LUNISOLAR LIGHT i 4 0 ° Height, 14 mches; length, 20 imches Tue departed sun has left a pale golden sky, streaked with bands of mauve, beyond a body of water, and in the foreground one sees a marshy road and at either side of 1t a mound and some short trees silhouetted against the sky. Signed at the lower left, Gro. H. Bocert, 1886. To be sold to close an Estate. BERN A. VAN BEEK abbr es yi, ‘ DutcH 67—COWS IN THE MEADOW na A ae . Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches Ricu green meadows and some higher growths, and at left two cows at the edge of a shallow stream. Signed at the lower right, BrERN A. VAN BEEK. From Fishel, Adler & Schwartz. Property of a Private Collector. C. DETTI E ae Iranian: 1847—1917 g 68—_CAV A LIERS AN ANCIENT TAVERN (Panel) yA ae Height, 14 inches; length, 21 inches On a terrace overlooking an attractive valley, before the porch of an inn, some cavaliers have halted for a refreshment of Chianti, which is furnished by maids in brilliant costume. Signed at the lower right, C. Drerti, Paris, ’85. To be sold to close an Estate. BEN FOSTER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— t, 15 inches; width, 12 inches In the interior of a green wood a more or less open area is observed, about the head of a pond surrounded by brown boulders and reflecting the green lights. ~ Signed at the lower right, BEN Foster. ; aot Property of a Priwvate Collector. C. E. COOKMAN AMERICAN: CoNTEMPORARY om ae . - a ’ = ‘ 2 ae — —— a en g Pha: 7 re yer | x . i ‘ Ba Yoon fog Pew, ey ee eee : 5 y ee i a " : os > y aT = : ‘ : b ac. \ ’ hh, Jt » op Noe oe les in an iz 70—PORTRAIT DE JEUNE FEMME } = a a . Height, 151% inches; width, 151% inches i ¥ Sur has blond hair flowing loosely under a white lace mob cap and ia her hazel eyes look dreamily toward the spectator. Observed head . and shoulders, in a fanciful gown, before a conventional background. Signed at the lower right, C. E. Cookman, LOIZ. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman CoL.ins. OHN HARRISON WITT, N.A. 1840—1901 T1—AT TH EACH ype cove Height, 151 inches; width, 12% inches A PLEASING young woman with large blue eyes and auburn hair, in Nineteenth Century dress, steps down a wooden stair to a beach, and turns her face in the spectator’s direction. Signed at the lower right, J. H. Wirt. Property of a Private Owner. LEON RICHET 7] bet Frengu: 1847—1907 72—_LANDSCAPE —_— #~ 3 Height, 15 inches; length, 214% inches GREEN trees under a fair sky with numerous soft clouds, and a peasant girl standing beside a rambling pond. Signed at the lower left, Lton Ricuer. Property of a Private Collector. = ae NT PA II SR EIS = fGegman : f1825—1901 : f ERNST ZIMMERMANN 738A-COMFORT IN/AGE (Panel) i a: 3 Height, 154% mches; width, 1214 inches Seated on a bench in the shadows of a humble interior an old man with a mug beside him is filling his pipe from a tobacco pouch between his knees. Signed at the lower right, E. Zimmermann, 1879. To be sold to close an Estate. HENRI GIRARDET Frencu: 1819—1880 SISTER Height, 151% inches; length, 1814, inches Two small children and a cat are at a table covered in white, the boy feeding his sister from a jar of jam. Signed at the right, on a door, Henri GirarveET, 1866. To be sold to close an Estate. E. KOTSCHENREITER oe Goff 1854—1908 75—PLAYING CARDS b : Height, 15 inches; length, 2014 %hches : Four men around a table at a Tyrolean inn, two of them playing cards, one perturbed, the other happy, and the coin in sight. Signed at the lower left, E. KorscHENREITER. To be sold to close an Estate. ie WINSLOW HOMER, N.A. a AMERICAN: 1836—1910 WING 76—IN THE F Vee 0 é Height, 1514 mches; length, 221% inches Turee children are walking through daisies which grow up to their knees and look away from the spectator toward a man mowing in the shadow of trees, toward the end of day. Signed at the lower right, Homer, 1874. To be sold to close an Estate. NE SAIS et ei NE a a ee sellin FRANK A. BICKNELL, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— H erght 16 inches; width, 12 inches ____ Ay idle girl with her hair in a pigtail and a water jug beside her sits ina dooryard playing with a straw. aa Signed at the lower left, F. A. BickNnEtLu. Property of ‘the Estate of CuarENcE Lyman Co.tuins. J. CARROLL BECKWITH, N.A. a AMERICAN: 1852—1917 78—‘LILLIAN” a7 sian Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches Busr portrait of a young woman in summer outdoor attire, leaning from the right and facing forward, before a park background. & Signed at the wpper left, Carroti, Becxwirn; dated on i stretcher, 1904. a haieesbase Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Co..ins, Se eae nd H. B. WECHSLER fy. AMERICAN 79—IN NEW AMSTERDAM See (Panel) | Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches A prosFERous Dutchman in red coat, broad white collar and sugar- loaf hat sits facing the spectator across an inn table with a large flagon on it, and a neat maid stands in a niche at one side. | Signed at the lower left, H. B. Wecuster, 1906. From a Salmagundi Club exhibition. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED oe 80—JHUNE FEM d- 0: HeightY16 inches; width, 1234 inches Heap and shoulders portrait, done con amore, of a young woman with back to the spectator and face seen in profile to the left; in a low-cut black gown trimmed with white lace. (Initials at lower left.) Property of a Private Owner. Shee oF ~— ae | la ELIOT CLARK, N.A. Wate : 1883— | : es 81—_AUTUMN WOODS em Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches A woop interior, green, spotted with the yellow leaves of carly fading bushes, and carpeted with fallen leaves of deeper tones. ts SE ETS Signed at the lower right, Exior Crark. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Co.tins. EDWARD DUFNER, N.A. of AMERICAN: 1872— 82-—THE BATHE ae : Amip swaying slender birches and field flowers of delicate color a ? maiden with auburn hair stands with back to the observer, nude, her | face seen almost in profile, disentangling a bit of white drapery from her raised foot. , 16 inches; width, 12 inches Signed at the lower left, Durner. Property of the Estate of CLarence Lyman Co.tuins. a i LIONEL WALDEN F: AMERICAN: 1862— 838—_BLANCHIS SE USES zy ge (Panel) ; Height, 1614 inches; width, 13 inches A river at right, disappearing in the distance, and at left cottages within a screen of spring blossoms; in the foreground laundresses at work by the streamside. Signed at the lower left, LionztxL WaALpEN. T'o be sold to close an Estate. JAMES FAIRMAN British: 1826— ee a BEFORE A STORM Height, 16 mches; width, 14 imches In summer sunshine and passing shadows some cows at the edge of a stream look up with alertness as a storm is gathering. Signed at the lower right, J. Farman. T'o be sold to close an Estate. “A 7 = ee . . - tae RI AD regs hei Py ee eee , both ani i q yj JAMES CRAWFORD THOM ee Cp y, CFE IT, 85—_CHILDREN BLOWING THE EMBERS an Ji: Height, 1614 inches; width, 14 inches A BARE-FOOTED boy on his knees is blowing with a bellows a hearth __ fire which he kindles to new life, and his sister stands ready with fagots. Signed at the lower right, Jas. C. TuHom. Property of Mrs. A. G. Bepen. ? { “x Hees eee eR Gites kame 46 ats re wes - peg , . ce < : by Fy ~ Pp. ia ve: m . K 4 ' im ° 5 OLIVE P. BLACK 7 Oe Vittles) AN: 1868— 86— LA dhe a wis. Height, 1 Art the turn of autumn a brook reflects the changing colors of the bordering foliage as it winds between a green hillside and a low rolling field. inches; length, 24 inches Signed at the lower right, Ouive P. Buack. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Co.mtuins. OLIVE P. BLACK AMERICAN: 1868— 87— HILLSIDE LANDSCAPE 4S, . Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches A tow hill slopes from the right to rolling land covered with grass and cut by a meandering brook, and in the middle distance a house and farm buildings are in the shelter of trees. Signed at the lower left, Otive P. Brack. Property of the Estate of CLuarENcE Lyman Co.tuins. JULIAN RIX 4 oR (339005 AMERIVAN: 51—1903 88—THE S Sidey IN a Height, 16144 in Inpirecr sunshine slanting in on the background, beyond a few button- woods on a knoll at the right, gives to the mass of greenery an emerald translucence, and before it curves into the foreground a dark stream which disappears at the left. Signed at the lower right, Jur1an Rix. E GREEN WOOD es; length, 2414 mches Property of the Estate of CuarEnce Lyman Comins. Stoel aot preepia aed ~iehal nnal ee ee a eee ee uf een J. CARROLL BECKWITH, N.A. CG. 89—SPIRIT OF THE WOODS AMERIicAN: 1852—1917 : : Height, 17 inches; width, 12 inches Hatr-LenctuH figure of a . young woman with violets in her red hair, a pale green gown oe from her shoulder, before a woodland back- - ground. ea Signed at the upper right, Carrott BecKkwiru. From a Salmagundi Club exhibition. T'o be sold to close an Estate. Pe =) ms amet } 2. ; se ere uf werer aN f Oliree eY ~~ lye co Says ee Sle : , = sik a ey an ane: oo verte he JAMES CRAWFORD THOM amy : ’ Gage 90—IN THE GARDEN #) oO: Height, 17 mches; width, 14 inches In the corner of a garden, near a high fence, a young girl and her small sister are gathering lilacs. Signed at the lower right, J. C. THom, ’78. Property of Mrs. A. G. BELDEN. E. WOUTERMARTENS Ge is ‘tee BELGIAN 91—CA TTLE AND Aa! ay (Panel) /* Height, 17 inches; width, 15 imches Own a sunny day cattle and sheep and a woman watchers them are A ae seen in green pastures cut by an informal road. Signed at the lower left, HK. WovTERMARTENS. ‘a To be sold to close an Estate. ee — A. STORK Dutcu: EIGHTEENTH CENTURY | = WHYS | ee 92—DANISH HARBOR AND FISHERMAN a a a a A ea Height, 17% imches; length, 231% inches Brow a castle crowning a hill on the left is a harbor, with numerous Ss figures on the foreground shore, active about boats and nets, 4 — Signed at the lower left, A. SrorK, 1742. Property of Mrs. A. G. BreLpen. . | J. H. L. DE HAAS y Beucian: 1830—1880 983—LANDS(‘APE AND CATTLE ‘a } (Panel) Height, 17 inches; length, 2414 inches Ow a rolling hillside of grass and colorful field flowers some cows are _ grazing in sunshine, attended by a woman. Signed at the lower right, J. H. L. pz Haas. To be sold to close an Estate. ,, mee / E. COOKMAN oF F ERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 94— HIS EMINENCE PUZZLED , : | /6 ae Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches In a gorgeous interior a cardinal wearing the zuchetta and holding a book bends to regard in bewilderment a cardinal’s street hat and walking staff, which repose in a chair standing beside a pedestal sup- porting a cupid whose arrow has been shot. Signed at the lower right, C. EK. Cooxman, Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Co..ins., ALTER BLACKMAN ye /4 AMERICAN: 1847— 95—_IDEAL HEAD i Height, 1814 inches; width, 15 inches Heap and shoulders portrait: of a plump young woman, figure slightly to left and face observed in profile; auburn hair, and purple-blue waist open at the neck and disclosing a white underwaist. Signed at the upper right, W. BLAcKMAN. To be sold to close an Estate. ESE WINSLOW HOMER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1910 963—A COUNTRY a 4-0 ; Height, STANDING figure of a shy maiden in simple costume, with a “saucer” hat, facing the observer across some field flowers before a field of tall and ripe wheat. Carefully studied, with the sunlight coming from the distant left. 2 ches; width, 14 inches Signed at the lower right, Homer. Property of a Private Collector. hye NICHOLS, N.A. fe 1869— Ber, J Jel ra PARK Height, ae inches; length, 22 inches In the shade of the Pe ind numerous idlers in a park in autumn, in the sunshine of the middle distance a fountain spurting, and in the background foliage brilliant in color, and dense. Signed at the lower left, Hoparr Nicuots. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Cows. F. R. UNTERBERGER AUSTRIAN: 1838— | 9—VENICE ]& Height, 1814 inches; length, 2534 inches On a broad sidewalk paralleling the Canal of Saint Martin are numer- ous pedestrians, before buildings rich in their varied color, Signed at the lower left, F. R. UNTERBERGER. 3 To be sold to close an Estate. CONSTANTIN MAKOWSKY Russian: 1839—1915 99 CHILDREN AT PLA Ey Height, 18 inches, Ix summer two little girls are seated on the grass at the edge of a pond, behind a man who sits there fishing. Beyond the pond a cottage nestling among trees. length, 25 inches Signed at the lower right, C. Maxowsxy. Property of a Private Collector. ae CARL HUBNER wh vy) AR. 1814—1879 100—PIOUS BENEVOLENCE . LD ’ Height, 18°4, inches; width, 154% inches P Aw old man sits within an arched portico and receives the alms of children leaving service. A composition of five figures. 4 Signed at the lower right, Cart Hisner, 1875, DisseLporr. Property of a Private Owner. wi) G° E. D. LEWIS 101—BLUE M NTAIN AND LAKE IN AUTUMN a. . Height, 191/, inches; width, 111/, inches Movnratys in the distatce and on their flanks and before them woods in autumn, and a cataract descending to a foreground lake, where at left an old man sits fishing. 3 Signed at the lower right, E. D. Lewis, 1876. T'o be sold to close an Estate. oo, - EK. D. LEWIS 102-THE BROOK NEAR THE VILLAGE ’ l, Dp - Height, 191% inches; width, 11% inches Tue brook winds to the foreground where it spreads to a pool, be- neath arching trees, and below the foliage one sees in the distance a village church. Signed at the lower left, EK. D. Lewis, 1876. To be sold to close an Estate. Yen RYDER | 103—AWAY, REYNARD! —— ? J? : Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Atone a snow-covered ravine with violet shadows a yellow fox with a fine brush is running toward a wood of bare trees. Signed at the lower right, HENNING RypeEr. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Co.tins. ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFF, N.A. : i “AANERICAN#. 18411 104A— EVENING NEAR ROCKAWAY FARR Be Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches Mrapows and marshes, long, swaying grasses, observed in a fading light, with dark clouds near the horizon and a few tinges aloft from a departed sun, and gulls flying low. Signed at the lower right, R. M. Suurrierr. Property of a Private Owner. JOHN Z. WOOD CoN TEMPORARY SB 105—SUNSET W ATC v4 , Height, 12 ypches; length, 24 inches In a pond surrounded by marshes and lowlands, and reflecting length- ening shadows, a pelican stands on one foot, watchful and silent. Signed at the lower left, Jouxn Z. Woon, 1880. T'o be sold to close an Estate. AMERICAN: 1839—1911 7 WILLIAM KEITH 106—COWS IN THE VALLEY oy V, yr Height, 13 inches; length, 24 mches Fresu and green the grass in a sunny valley, with a murky atmosphere over wooded hills; on the rich carpet of the grass and in a cool stream several cows, standing. : ? Pe Signed at the lower right, W. Kerru, °77. \ To be sold to close an Estate. W. S. HASELTINE ey, yy American: 1835—1900 107—_THE APPROACHING STORM SS : Height, 14 inches; length, 25 inches Wrnp-sLown willows turn up their feathery foliage to the last light of the sun, which iliumines also a herd of cattle grazing in the salt meadows, before a gathering storm which is rapidly blackening the sky. Signed at the lower right, W. S. Hasreutine, 1861. To be sold to close an Estate. J. C. FRISCH Op yy Norwecian: 1835—1867 108—HARBOR MARKET = 7M Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches A BroaD quay devoted to market purposes and faced by buildings of Dutch architecture, and on the right the harbor and boats. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Friscu. Property of a Private Collector. ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFF, N.A. FE | American: 1841—1915 B hey Vp y, 109—THE TROUT STREAM 4ES. ; (Water Color) Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches In a green wood a brook comes tumbling down a gorge to a broad pool, and on a rock shelf in the middle distance a fisherman stands with extended rod and ready net. Signed at the lower right, R. M. SHURTLEFF. Property of the Estate of CiuarENceE Lyman Conuins. ALLEN D. COCHRAN ‘J WY , AMERICAN: 1888 110—NYMPH OF THE WOODS “be te Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches Sunuicut dapples the fresh green of warm spring foliage in the inte- rior of an open wood, where a little maid is leaving her parasol and apparel. Signed at the lower right, A. D. Cocuran, 1911. Property of the Estate of Cuarrencre Lyman Cou.ins. . WILL J. QUINLAN Vote AMERICAN : 1877— 111—WOODS 3 Ae Height, 20 inches; length, 24 imches On a foreground rise, scattered and detached trees with sparse foliage, | and amongst them a few boulders; on lower land in the background a dense wood, under a gray-blue sky. Signed at the lower right, Witt J. Quintan, 1913. Property of the Estate of CLarENcE Lyman CoLtiins. Y ced FRANK A. BICKNELL, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— 112—WOODS IN AUNE Ye Are Hei THe eye looks from the interior of the edge of a wood, in sunshine and shadow, to an indefinite “beyond,” and besides the green trees sees in the foreground purplish wildflowers in blossom. | t, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Signed at the lower right, Frank A. BIcKNELL. Property of the Estate of Cuarence Lyman Couns. M. BRAUN a Hy v) ae oe 1183—THE BLUE RIVER eae Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Bryonp an “open foregr aa bathed in sunshine, with a few trees and houses at its edge in middle distance, a-blue stream crosses the picture before a hazy background. Signed at the lower left, M. eS Property of the Estate of Crarence Lyman Co .tuins. ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFYF, N.A. : RICAN: , 1841-1915 114—MOUNTAIN WOODS 1) : _ Height, 20 inches; width, 25 inches Aw attractive spot in the mountains, with green woods and open spaces, the land declining to a valley across which is seen the slope of an- other mountain, under a colorful sky. Signed at the lower left, R. M. SHurrLerr. Property of a Private Owner. ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFF, N.A. a Re 4 Amprican: 1841—-1915 115—TH ROUGH AHE WOODS Ue Height, 20 inches; length, 25 inches A woop green but showing the golden, brown and reddish nates of autumn opens before the eye, not with a formal road but with a wide way through it, and sunshine illumines a clearing. Signed at the lower right, R. M. SuHurrierr, N.A. Property of a Private Owner. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. MERICAN: 1827—1908 Mes HUDSON VALLEY Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches aa the background the mountains, with green flanks and bleak tops, at their foot the smooth silvery stream, to which a varied foreground descends. Signed at the lower right, DJ (monogram) 65. Property of a Prwvate Collector. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. LY, 7. 1827—1908 117—A SUN ee . Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches Mounrars embrace a lake, and a sunny valley before it is pleasantly varied by trees and rocks, and occasional figures appear. Signed at the lower right, DJ (monogram) ’65. Property of a Private Collector. LOUIS MOELLER, N.A. y. SY, American: 1855— 118—LAWYER , CLIENTS ss 7 DISCUSSING A CASE b Height, 21 inches; length, 26 inches TureE aged men in a lawyer’s office, the lawyer slightly amused at the earnestness of his clients. Signed at the lower right, Lovis Moruurr, N.A. To be sold to close an Estate. ADOLF EBERTZ P GERMAN 119—EN HAMILLE Panel A , Cay Height, 2114 wches; width, 181% inches In the corner of a kitchen-living-room a young mother sits with her two small children at a table on which is a bowl with their meal, and two family dogs stand ready for an early share. Signed at the lower left, ApoLF Exsrrtz, MUNCHEN. Property of a Private Collector. 12 Rain has melted the snow and in the main street of a suburban town a farmer drives his bobsleigh homeward over the ground, as the lamps are lighted and pedestrians are homeward bound. Signed at the lower left, R. Lorenz. Property of a Private Collector. J. G. BROWN, N.A. f , / | SP S3 1831—1913 121—PLAYVING Aes Pied os ye }s Height, 24 imches; width, 16 inches FuLti-LenctuH figure of a small bootblack, sitting on his kitbox and facing slightly to right, blowing hard upon his tin fife. ~ Signed at the lower left, J. G. Brown, N.A., 1885. To be sold to close an Estate. GEORGES WASHINGTON 2, /, ag 1827—1903 122—ARAB ENCAMPMENT if 0 Height, 24 inches; width, 20 imches Iw a clearing encompassed by trees Arab horsemen in brilliant apparel have made camp, and a leader on a spirited gray appears in the foreground. Signed at the lower right, G. WasHINGTON. To be sold to close an Estate. A. L. CROOK lo. be/Vannere 123—INTERIOR WITH FIGURE — J Height, 24 inches; length, 32 inches AA A sMALL girl sits in an armchair beside a table, pencil in hand and quite busy, her doll propped against a cushion on the floor in front of her. Signed at the lower left, A. L. Croox, Copyricnr. Property of a Private Owner. H. LEROLLE RENCH: 1851— (124—THE SOWER oS Height, 251% inches; length, 3134 mches A sroap hillside rolls to the left and forward, and is in a dim light as from an unseen moon, and on it is a man in posture of sowing. A road curls around it on the left, where a white house stands in the midst of some French poplars. Beyond the road are green rolling fields before a line of broken hills. Signed at the lower right, H. Lrrouie. From the sale of the William S. Kimball Collection. To be sold to oe an Estate. ye /Athe ee Karl LL b. i a ae eee ee = T. SIDNEY COOPER, R.A. Lb, EncutsuH: 1803—1902 4 by ff LL ” 125—CATTLK IN A RIVER LANDSCAPE Ed Ty oD = Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches On the left broad irregular fields reaching to distant hills, in the fore- ground half a dozen cows in sunshine and shadow, and on the right a river, with vessels and buildings in the distance. Signed at the lower left, 'T. StpNEy Cooper, R.A., 1898, and again on the stretcher with seal. Property of a Private Collector. FELIX ZIEM A fo Frencnu: 1821—1911 126—VENICE . (Panel) LL / 0d: Height, 251% inches; length, 3134 inches Beneatu a clear blue sky with occasional clouds one sees on the right the Doge’s palace and over its roof the domes of Saint Mark’s and the Campanile, and across the blue water the eye looks to the Salute, and in the foreground sees vessels and gondolas, and numerous people on the nearer shore. | | Signed at the lower left, Zien. Property of a Private Collector. ALOYSIUS O’KELLY ke ‘ British: CONTEMPORARY | bk » j . Joe Gh ke yaa Height, 26 inches; width, 2114 inches In a sombre interior a woman seated beside a fireplace, where a kettle boils, reaches her hands toward it and turns forward to look at her small girl who stands with a peach in hand at her side. Signed at the lower right, ALoystus O’KrLiy; on a paster on stretcher, title and artist’s name and “Royal Academy of Arts.” Property of the Estate of CuarENcE Lyman Co .ttns. at 6 128—WOODLAND INTERIOR Veh Dok Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches Taut trees in the foreground rise above the picture limits and between their trunks one looks to a green wood in the background, on lower land, with a glimpse of the sky above their tops. GEORGE HETZEL Signed at the lower right, Gro. Herzer, 1889. Property of a Private Owner. - ‘ ~ ie ao 2. no ent eile prec pe lp aaanemalabgiae = O82 WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS AM An: 18383—1905 Ake, ‘ / SO Height, 30 inches; width, 29 inches Acatnst a coast of huge cliffs on the left, and a low foreground coast of great boulders, the seas break heavily and spurt in white spume, under a sky of gathering storm clouds. Signed on a rock in the left foreground, W. T. Ricuarps. Property of the Estate of CuarEence Lyman Co.tins. A. DE BYLANDT g oe Dutcu ee 130—PA URAGE AND CATTLE Height, 27 inches; length, 394 inches In fields where the herbage grows thick and green are cows and sheep, one of the cows drinking in a stream in the foreground. Signed at the lower left, A. pe By anor. To be sold to close an Estate. FERDINAND ROYBET Y : UD. ft 8 131—_CAVALIER IN CRIMSON eA ‘9 ee (Panel) Height, 32 inches; width, 2514 wches Haur-LencTH figure of a dark haired and moustached man in crimson velvet and silk, with white lace collar and broad black hat, to left, three-quarters front, before the base of an elaborate portico. Signed at the upper right, F. Royset. Property of a Private Collector. ay, NICHOLAS LARGILLIERE / a Lo 1656—1746 132—LOUIS XV ye ap - Oval: Height, 32144 mches; width, 2514 wmches A yoUNG man wearing a large periwig, his face turned toward the observer across his right shoulder; clad in a rich crimson mantle, gold embroidered, a fine lace jabot showing at his throat. Half-length. To be sold to close an Estate. HYACINTHE RIGAUD ee gel ‘ RENCH: 1659—1743 eae 2 | 133—PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN A bv 2 Height, 3844 inches; width, 32 inches TuHreEE-quaARTERS length standing figure of a young man in blond wig, figure front and facing slightly to left. In blue, white and gold, with a crimson mantle. T'o be sold to close an Estate. A. C. HOWLAND, N.A. AMERICAN: 1838—1909 ey 134—LANDSCAPE i. », ee Height, 3014 inches; length, 52°4 inches Ow a fair day with light summer clouds some cows have come down to a river to drink, in a landscape of valley and hills and numerous trees. Signed at the lower left, A. C. Howxanp. Property of a Private Collector. ages LES ANDRE (CARLE) VANLOO yh Le RENCH: 1705—1765 | 135-MAN IN ARMOR B 0 Oval: Height, 33 inches; width, 25 imches THREE-QUARTERS length portrait of a periwigged youth, to left, three- quarters front, in dress armor with gold adornment, in his hand a baton bearing the fleur-de-lys. To be sold to close an Estate. HENRY PEMBER SMITH Ge e (3 American: 1854—1907 136—THE HOUR OF SUNSET, Y ry GRAND CANAL, VENICE : Height, 35 inches ; width, 25 wches ~ THe canal lies before the eye with a garden and near-by buildings seen at left and more distant buildings at right, and many idle gon- dolas near either bank. | Signed at the lower left, Henry P. Smrru. T'o be sold to close an Estate. JOHN MORRIS Ly. is ; BritTisH 137—-HIGHLAND CATTLE vy iS O: Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches Own a green and rocky hillside beside a loch are red, tawny and gray- ish cattle with the sharp, spreading horns of the Highland breed. Signed at the lower left, Joun Morris. T'o be sold to close an Estate. c * ~ * y » - “ - yr, ro wT —~ - : M « ‘ : , 7 oe ae i Nie i a i ileal eres a ai ery aes oa 7 ” alk —" : P ‘ oe . sie ns ti loi ere r ica a atl bs itt - N % ‘ Li 5 Cs =" es; (a a rer v* — =i [a= esa eee ars. i Sea ; - “J 3 > at Sil - a - ret : : Aarts ATTRIBUTED TO i PIETER POURBUS } 4, Z oJ 6) 1513—1584 F 188—PORTRAIT OF 47/ LADY fi Vm) ' (Panel) Height, 4314 inches; width, 3434 inches STANDING, appearing at three-quarters length, turned slightly to left; a beauty in the rigid ceremonial costume of her day, with intricate white lace ruff and cuffs. At upper left, a coat of arms. Property of a Private Collector. FRANZ VON LENBACH GERMAN: 1836—1904 1389 PORTRAIT OF FRAU YOST LL6 ‘ Height, 42°24 mches; width, 32 inches THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH, seated portrait of an elderly woman with gray hair, in full face to spectator; black silk gown, small white cap, left hand raised near the shoulder and holding reading glass; gray- brown background. Signed at the lower right, F. Lensacu, and dated 1900. Note: This is one of several portraits of Frau Yost, of Cologne, painted by Len- bach, the others being in European galleries. The subject was prominent in political life in the eighties. This portrait was obtained from the widow of the artist in 1914, who up to that time had refused to part with it, and was purchased by a lady who was an intimate friend of Frau Lenbach. To be sold to close an Estate. Lo FLEMISH SCHOOL IXTEENTH CENTURY 140—PORTRAIT OF A LADY f | | | fe S Oo. Height, 421, inches; width, 32%4 ee THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH, seated, facing slightly to left; a young woman in black, with slashed sleeves and a broad lace collar and lace cuffs. Property of a Private Collector. [ELEMISH SCHOOL Why Le CENTURY 141—DAME AU EVENTAIL iy, ld 0 Height, 49 imches; width, 3814 inches THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH, seated, facing slightly to right; a hand- some young woman with hair in ringlets, wearing a décolleté gown of rich brocade and a deep blue mantle. In one hand a fan, in the other a vase. Property of a Prvvate Collector. ALEXANDER HARRISON ge AMERICAN: 1853— J : Height, 30 inches; length, 60 inches Unper a clouded sky of many lights-a vast stretch of a green ocean, the low waves coming slowly up a foreground beach; in the far dis- tance a sail. Signed at the lower left, A. Harrison. Property of a Private Collector. 143—A CITY BY THE SEA “ Z Ms Height, 3314 inches; length, 441% inches : In the foreground a Mediterranean harbor with tossing water, and | on it small boats and sailing craft with numerous figures, under a : stormy sky, and in the background a city of classical architecture : on a high hill. T'o be sold to close an Estate. Vath Rigs R.A. Ah hAL EL Encuisu: 1765—1836 144—A LLEGORICAL ae POSITION 7. iy) a Height, 40 inches; length, 50 imches Srarep on the ground and facing the spectator is a nude infant, his right arm thrown over the back of a goat which licks his flesh, while back of him at right is an eagle. Signed at the lower left, R. Westrati, R.A., 1810. Property of a Private Collector. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., ~ _Manacers. OTTO BERNET, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. - f t : i ' LR AR Pe Poe LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS tye ARTIST UNIDENTIFIED Jeune Femme 80 ; ARTIST UNKNOWN 2 A City by the Sea 143 BECKWITH, J. Carroiuz, N.A. -“Tuillian” 78 : Spirit of the Woods 89 BENEDICTER, Joseryu Interior with Figure | 48 BICKNELL, Fran«x A., N.A. ‘ The Windmill 16 : Paresseuse TT Woods in June 112 BLACK, Ouxtve P. Landscape | 86 Hillside Landscape 87 BLACKMAN, W ALTER iw Ideal Head 95 BLAKELOCK, Rareu Axsert, N.A. : Landscape 8 BOGERT, Gerorce H., A.N.A. Lunisolar Light 66 BRAUN, M. The Blue River 118 BRISSOT, Fe.urx Lunette with Sheep and Shepherd BROOKS, Marta An Easter Offering BROWN, J. G., N.A. “But They’re Good!” Playing the Fife BROWNSCOMBE, JENNIE Figures and Flowers Téte de Femme BRUESTLE, Gerorcrt M. The Woods in Autumn BYLANDT, A. pe. Pasturage and Cattle CAHILL, WitisamM V. Madison Square at Night CIMIOTTI, Gustave, Jr. Blossom 'Time CLARK, Ensot, N.A. Marine: Sunset Autumn Woods COCHRAN, Aten D. Nymph of the Woods COOKMAN, C. FE. Portrait de jeune Femme His Eminence Puzzled COOPER, T. Sipnry, R.A. Cattle in a River Landscape CATALOGUE NUMBER 6 A5 13 130 25 noe 18 81 110 70 94 125 CORNOYER, Pauvt, A.N.A. Paris Street Scene in the City COWELL, W. W. Marine CRAIG, Tuomas B., N.A. In the Woodland Late Afternoon Sunlight CROOK, A. L. Interior with Figure CROPSEY, Jasper Francis, N.A. Mountain Sunset DETTTI, C. Cavaliers at an Ancient Tavern DIACQUE, R. E. In an Old French Garden DOMINGO-MUNOZ Clerical Consolation DUFNER, Enpwarp, N.A. The Bather EBERTZ, Apo.r En Famille FAIRMAN, JAMES Cattle before a Storm FLAGG, H. PEABopy The Road through the Dunes CATALOGUE NUMBER 14 52 123 68 63 AT 119 84. CATALOGUE NUMBER FLEMISH SCHOOL | Portrait of a Lady 140 Dame au Eventail | . 141 FOSTER, Ben, N.A. 7 Woods and Sunshine 3 56 Wood Interior 69 PRESCH-)...C: Harbor Market 108 GIRARDET, Henri Brother and Sister 7A GRANT, Gorpon Her Majesty 26 GROLLERON, Pavut Lovis Zouave on Watch 62 GUE, Davin J. Marine 15 HAAS, J. H. L. pe Landscape and Cattle 93 HARRISON, ALExAanpER Marine | 142 HASELTINE, W. S. The Approaching Storm 107 HETZEL, Grorce Woodland Interior 128 HOGUET, CuHar.zs Preparing Dinner 37 HOMER, Winstow, N.A. In the Mowing A Country Girl HOWE, Wuu1an A., N.A. Landscape and Cattle HOWLAND, A. C., N.A. Landscape HUBNER, Cari Pious Benevolence JACQUE, CHartes Eine Le Retour: Soleil Couchant JOHNSON, Davn, N.A. Lone Peak The Hudson Valley A Sunny Valley KEITH, Witii1AM Cows in the Valley KNIGHT, Aston Home from Fishing KOTSCHENREITER, E. Playing Cards KROLL, Leon, A.N.A. Play of Light LARGILLIERE, Nicwo.as Louis XV CATALOGUE NUMBER 76 96 55 134 100 28 23 116 117 106 39 132 : CATALOGUE NUMBER LEIGH, Wui.1aAm Rogpinson Alone at the Waterhole ‘12 Teasing the Rattler 19 The Papoose | 20 An Indian at Dusk 29 White Night 30 Reflections 41 Grand Canyon 61 LENBACH, Franz von Portrait of Frau Yost 139 LEROLLE, H. The Sower 124 . 7 | LEWIS, E. D. | Blue Mountain and Lake in Autumn 101 A | The Brook near the Village | 102 . | LIE, Jonas, N.A. | | % On the Lake 31 . | LONGPRE, R. M. vr ‘ Pair Still Lifes 7 | LORENZ, R. 4 Dusk 120 2 MAGNUS, Camuxe (Attributed to) : | A. Woodland Edge 54 e : « & MAKOWSKY, Constantin ; Children at Play 99 © : MEISSONIER, Cuartes : On Guard 58 j MILLAR, Avpison T. i An Arab Court Yard 27 MINOR, Rosert C., N.A. Moonlight MOELLER, Louis, N.A. Lawyer and Clients Discussing a Case MOHLTH, J. A. The Squire Pleasant . Hunting MORRIS, Joun Highland Cattle NICHOLS, Hosart, N.A. Early Spring In the Park OPKELLY, Atoysius Winter POST, W. Merrirt, A.N.A. The Brook In Autumn POURBUS, Pieter (Attributed to) Portrait of a Lady QUINLAN, Wit. J. Woods RICHARDS, Wuiuu1am Trost Marine RICHET, Lron Landscape RIGAUD, HyaAcInTHE Portrait of a Nobleman CATALOGUE NUMBER 11 118 43 51 137 10 97 127 24, 138 129 133 RIX, JULIAN The Stream in the Green Wood ROY BET, FERDINAND Cavalier in Crimson RYDER, HENNING © Away, Reynard! SCHENCK, Avuceust FREDERICK ALBRECHT Shepherd and Sheep in a Storm SHEARER, C. H. Winter Sunset SHURTLEFF, Roswreitt Morse, N.A. A Sunny Morning Evening near Rockaway The Trout Stream Mountain Woods Through the Woods SMITH, Henry PEMBER The Hour of Sunset, Grand Canal, Venice STORK, A. Danish Harbor and Fisherman THOM, James CrawForp Children Blowing the Embers In the Garden THORPE, Joun Sheep in Sunshine TURNER, A. M. Magdalene CATALOGUE NUMBER 88 131 108 65 136 92 90 TYLER, James G. Marine UNTERBERGER, F. R. Venice VACIN, R. Landscape VAN BEEK, BERN A. Cows in the Meadow VAN DER NEER, Aart A Landscape VANLOO, CHariEs ANDRE (CARLE) Man in Armor VERBOECKHOVEN, EvucEenet Joseru Chickens VOLLON, ANTOINE Low Tide WAHLBERG, ALFRED Sunset WALDEN, LIionEL Rocky Shore Hills and the Green Sea Blanchisseuses WASHINGTON, GeEorGES Arab Encampment WECHSLER, H. B. In New Amsterdam CATALOGUE NUMBER 46 98 36 67 50 135 17 38 79 WEEKS, Epwin Lorp A Khan in the Delta WESTALL, R., &.A. Allegorical Composition WIERUSZ-KOWALSKI, Atrrep von The Halt at the Inn WILES, Irvine R., N.A. La Siesta WITT, Joun Harrison, N.A. At the Beach WOOD, Joun Z. Sunset Watch WOUTERMARTENS, E. Cattle and Sheep : ZIEM, Ferirx Venice ZIMMERMANN, Ernst Comfort in Age ZIMMERMANN, R. S. A Conference over Bottles of Wine me of. ‘ n't CATALOGU NUMBER | ee ees Pie RT ———————— ———, —S s,s ee > 2 st ee a ee ey et rte RE er te NE 8 He RN Aa Ee heme By a = a ? i iy UL) ee Be Se S EUS HERS ERy bye wet EWES GLY AMY Ea atime, See Camo “ Eat ed Tee! B HG ever vt spt 5 hae Mut? ews parsers w eka} ine on HCH eM uneoninilege MSHS Veda yr Hie ue: WED ATU ESR apa IWS GPR W MA PERE EL LS ge SSS Se ND Sige rate ree, ee Yay. i pach hk te ioe bead Se ake wail BAU Ne rane em ystini bhi deh ca is xf AUaue is He ral Highton rts ty SET ETAT mabye SES user sy SEVER une our teers Pare EDN ign : Wes a EWE TTY) Re he nk er aes Bice tiny By sae uelir tiny eueigg yo Seed aL eit et igs AL Phi Peseru ty Peettin kbs g ; Eat 4; be Pena Beta! ‘ beg rs oad gino « wh Whi ‘