eee ls - Fitth Avenue Art Galleries 366 Fifth Avenue tear 24th Street Che Collection of Modern and Ancient Paintings of the late Denry &. Van Gigch, Esq. mmm. | Cuesday and Wednesday March 5th and 16th LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK 8 7 Fifth Avenue Art Galleries 366 Fifth Avenue, near 34th Street CATALOGUE OF IMPORTANT Modern and Ancient Paintings BY THE GREAT MASTERS OF THE FRENCH, DUTCH, AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF ARTHUR FURBER, Esq. Attorney-at-Law, 387 Broadway TO SETTLE THE ESTATE OF THE LATE HENRY S. VAN GIGCH, Esq. Cuesday and Wednesday Evenings, March 15 and 16 At $ o’clock Robert Somerville Ortgies & Co. Auctioneer Managers 1898 Conditions of Sale 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money 2f/ rveguired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be paid for and taken away at the Buy- er’s risk and expense at the end of the sale, with all faults and errors of description, Messrs. Ortgies & Co. making no warranty whatever. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 5. The Auctioneers will not be liable for non-delivery of any article above the amount paid by the purchaser for such article. 6. Upon failure to comply with above conditions, all Lots shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without preju- dice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the Contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. INDEX OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED Ahniot, 4 Baan, Jan de, 87 Bathieu, 89 Bellangé, J. L., 20, 43 Bilders, J. W., 18 Bouguereau, W., 119 Bource, H., 100 Caille, L., 38 Cazin, 107 Chintreuil, A., 30 Clays, P. J., 120 Corot, J. B., 124 Crespy, 45 Daubigny, Carl, 51 De Gésne, A., 44, 47, 72 De Grossez, 21 Delpy, 92 D’Entraygues, 13 Desgoffe, B. A., 103 Diaz, N., 127 Dieterle, Mme. Marie, 121 Dubois, E., 50 Dupray, H., 22, 46 Eickelberg, W. H., 55 Fedreghini, 7 Fichel, E., 66 Franzen, 37 Frére, Th., 106 Galofre, B., 93 Garrido, E. L., 105 Gerard, 26 Grison, A., 70, I14 Grolleron, P., 108 Guardi, 4 Heem, J. de, 16 Heemskerk, J., 88 Herrmann, Léo, 67, 74 Heyl, M., 60, 69 Hyon, 25 Israels, 122 Jacque, Charles, 126 Jacque, E., of Jacquet, 117, 123 Janssens, A., 64 Jefferson, 49 Jimenez, L., 24 Jongkind, J. B., 130 Kindelberger, 6 Kratke, 68, II1 Lagrenée, L., 29 Largilliere, 12 Laugée, 39 Lely, Sir Peter, 61, 84 Madrazo, F., 128 Mans, F., 83 Mathon, 97 Mauve, A., 77 Mége, S., 35, 36 Memling, H., 81 Mettling, 42 Michetti, 101 Millet, fils, 52, 53 Monticelli, A., 76 Monziés, 23 Mufioz, 71 Moreau, Jean, 17 Mouillon, A., 57 Pasini, A., 110 Pecrus, 33 Pils, I., 34, 54 Raffaélli, 131 Renouf, E., 65 Regnaud, 31 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 85 Richet, 73 Robie, J. B.,°99 Roqueplan, C., 102 Rosa, Salvator, 63 Rousseau, Philippe, 19 Roybet, Ferdinand, 129 Steinheil, 78 Schreiber, 56, 116 Schulz, A., 14, 58 Tavernier, 48 Teniers, D., Jr., 27, 28, 71 Thaulow, Fr., 62, 79, 94, 125 van Bassen, B., 82 van Biemer, 15 van Lemputten, 96 van Loo, C., 80 van Ostade, 40 Vestier, Antoine, 86 Vibert, J. Gouras Vitali, E., 5 Vogler, 32 Vollon, 113 Washington, 59, 90, 109 Weeks, L. E., 98 Worms, J., 104 Wouverman, 41 Ziem, F., 75, 95, 112, 118 CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1898 AT SO CLOCK I DULCE. SCHOOL The Peasants’ Brawl Pe DUTCH SCHOOL Interior 3 DUTCH SGHeor Caught 4 AHNIOT A Lesson to the Parrot 5 EK... VITALI Lady at the Entrance of a Palace (Water-color) 6 KINDELBERGER Seacoast (Water-color) fi FEDREGHINI Happiness (Water-color) FOUR COPIES OF CELEBRATED PAINTINGS IN THE LOUVRE 8 The Broken Pitcher (La cruche cassée). After Greuze. 9 The Doctor’s Visit (La femme hydropique). After Gerard Dow. IO Portrait of Mme. Nollee-Raymond After Mme. Vigée-Lebrun. 1 ER | The Three Graces After Pellegrini. I2 LARGILLIERE, Nicolas (Paris, 1656-1746) Member of the Academy, 1686; Professor, 1705 ; Rector, 1722. Was a favorite artist to the Court. Portrait of the Count of Thoranc (He was Governor of Frankfort under Louis XV, and while there lived in the house of Goethe's father, and gave the young poet instruction in French.) 13 D’ENTRAYGUES, Charles (Paris) Pupil of Pils. Salon, 1896. The Two Sisters 14 BELA LiZ A: Pupil of Hanoteau. Mention Honorable, Salon, 1893. Near Montigny nS VAN BIEMER (Holland) Pupil of Israels, Dutch Interior 16 HEEM, Jan Davidsz de (Holland, 1600-1684) The works of this famous artist are distinguished for ad- mirable taste and arrangement, and a richness of coloring ap- proaching Rembrandt. Flowers I / MOREAU, Jean Born at Blois, 1742; celebrated as a miniaturist ; his past are highly appreciated. Monsieur Doutrier (Mayor of Nancy, 1774) Pastel 18 BILDERS, J. W. (Utrecht) Painter to the King of Holland. Landscape 19 ROUSSEAU, Philippe (Paris) , Medals, Paris Salon, 1845, 1848, 1855, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1852. Officer, 1870. Pigeons 20 BELLANGE, J. L. (Paris, 1800-1866) Pupil of Gros, Medals, Salon, 1824, 1855. ° Legion of Honor, 1834. Officer, 1861. Flowers and Fruit 21 DE GROSSEZ (Paris) Flowers an DUPRAY, Henry Louis Born at Sedan. Medals: Second class, 1872; third class, 1874. Hors Concours. At the Stewart Sale his ‘¢ Waterloo,’ No. 66 of the catalogue, sold for $1,050. The Review 5 MONZIES (Paris) The Gardener 24 JIMENEZ, I. PRIETO (Paris) Hors Concours. Salon, 1896. The Bookworm “5 HYON (Paris) Meeting of Napoleon I and Alex- ander I at Tilsit 26 GERARD, Baron (Paris, 1770-1837) Member of the Legion of Honor. Painted Louis XVIII the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia. Empress Josephine 27 TENIERS, David, the Younger (Brussels, 1610-1690) Pupil of his father. Court painter to. Archduke Leopold William, Governor of the Netherlands. Held first position as a Flemish genre painter. Dutch Peasants 28 Village Scene = LAGRENEE, Louis Jean Francois Born in Paris in 1725 ; died in 1805. Pupil of C. Van Loo. Academician in 1755, rector in 1785. Appointed director of the Academy of Rome by Louis XVI. in 1781. Received the Legion of Honor from Napoleon I. The Marquise de Noailles Wife of the Marquis de Noailles, the French statesman and philanthropist who, as a deputy of the nobility at the States General in 1789, advocated the emancipation of the people from the feudal tyranny which precipitated the French Rey- olution. Height, 42 inches. Length, 36 inches. 30 CHINTREUIL, Antoine (Paris, 1814-1873) Pupil of Corot. Medal, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1870. Landscape 31 REGNAUD (Paris) Shepherdess 32 VOGLER, P. (Paris) Modern Paris a6 PECRUS, F. Ch. (Paris) Salon, 1896, At the Seaside o4 PILS, Isidore 1813-1875 Pupil of Picot, member of the Institute, Professor Ecole des Beaux Arts. The Battery at the i 35 MEGE, Salvador (Paris) Pupil of Léon Bonnat. Twilight near Fontainebleau Salon, 1896. a F 36 “deal Head a4 FRANZEN (New York) Landscape (Water-color) 28 CAILLE, Léon (Paris) Interior 39 LAUGEE (Paris) Medals, Paris Salon, 1851, 1855, 1859, 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1865. Peasants 4O VAN OSTADE, P. G. (Haarlem, 1621-1657) Neste ~ beeen His early death rendered his pictures extremely rare. The Wandering Musicians AI WOUVERMAN, Ph. (Haarlem, 1619-1668) Pupil of Jan Wynants. Ist, Merry Life in Camp 2d, Breaking up Camp el Ly 7 ithe” 42 a METTLING, Louis (Paris) Studied first at Lyons. Pupil of Diaz. Gypsy and Child 43 BELLANGE, J. L. (Paris) Pupil of Gros. Medals, Salon, 1824, 1855. Hfonor, 1854. Officer, 1861. Shores of Brittany 44 DE GESNE, Albert (Paris) Salon, 1895, 1896, Pointers Legion of 45 CRESPY (Rome) The Guitar Player 46 DUPRAY, Henry Louis Born at Sedan. Medals, second class, 1872; third class, 1874. Hors Concours. Napoleon at Wagram (Exhibited at the Salon du Champs de Mars, Paris) Height, 18 inches ; length, 15 inches 47 DE GESNE, Albert (Paris) eT Honorable mention, Salon, 1895. The Hunt oe sie 48 TAVERNIER, Paul (Paris) Pupil of Cabanel. Medal, Salon, 1883. Winter Hunting 49 JEFFERSON, Joseph (New York) The celebrated actor and painter. Landscape 50 DUBOIS, Eugéne (Paris) Flock of Sheep 51 DAUBIGNY, Karl Pierre eersiens EAD Born in Paris, 1846. Son and pupil of Charles F. Dau- bigny. Medals, 1868 ; third medal, 1874. The Oise at Auvers 52 MILLET (fils) Son and pupil of Jean Francois Miller, the immortal painter of the Angelus. The Fisherman’s Wife 53 fv Solitude } Wis 54 ee PILS, Isidore / Born, 1813; died, 1875. Pupil of Picot. Member of the French Institute. Professor at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Italian Head aS EICKELBERG, Willem H. (Holland) River Scene in Holland 56 SCHREIBER, Chas. (Munich) The Game of Dominoes 57 MOUILLON, Alfred (Paris) Medal, Salon, 1880, Harvest Time 58 SCHULZ, Adrien if Pe on | (Paris) Pupil of Hanoteau and Dardoize. Paris Salon, 1896. In the Forest 59 WASHINGTON, Georges (Paris) Pupil of Fromentin and Picot. Medal, Paris Salon, 1893. Arabs 60 HEYL, Mars (Amsterdam) Preece Pupil of Mauve. Landscape Woes, 61 fp} LELY, Sir Peter (London) Born, 1617; died, 1680. Flemish school. Knighted by Charles the Second. Nominated Court Painter. His por- traits are of elegant conception, clean and warm coloring. Long lists of his works are found in all encyclopedias and works treating of painters, etc. Duchess of Richmond 62 THAULOW, Fritz (Paris) Born in Christiania, Norway. Studied in Munich before going to Paris. Is a member of the newly organized Société Nationale des Beaux Arts. He is a very strong painter, and is now mentioned amongst the first artists of the day. Has won this season the second prize at the Carnegie Exhibition in Pittsburg. Public Square at Arque 63 ROSA, Salvator One of the most original Italian masters of the seventeenth century, born near Naples in 1615, and a pupil of his uncle, Paolo Greco, and his brother-in-law, Francesco Fracanzano. He exhibited his command of all classes of subjects, but his landscapes are the most esteemed. He died in Rome in 1673. Landscape From the collection of Count Potocki. Height, 27 inches ; length, 35 inches. aA if JANSSENS, Abraham j Called Janssens van Nuyssen. Born in Antwerp in 1575 ; pupil of Jan Snellinck, and studied in Italy. After Rubens, he was one of the most famous Flemish painters of the seventeenth century, both in religious and allegorical subjects. He diéd in Antwerp in 1632. The Prodigal Son A superb painting, a remarkable composition, the still life painted in a masterly way, charming coloring, and in an ex- traordinarily good state of preservation considering the paint- ing is 260 years old. Height, 33 inchcs; length, 39 inches. “a Dp FF , AUTOGRAPHS OF CELEBRATED PAINTERS Joseph Vernet. Letter to Monsieur Girardot de Marigny, signed and dated Geneva, August 7, 1778. Gustave Courbet. Letter to Mr. Champfleury, in which he tells of his charming sojourn at the house of his friend Gaudy, at Vuil- lafans. Antoine Vestier. Certificate of membership to the Society L’Harmonie of France ; signed Vestier, peintre du Roi, dated February 28. 27072 J. C. Cazin. Permit to Mr. Cosack, director of the Museum of Breme, to visit the Salon du Champs de Mars. Léon Bonnat. Letter of thanks to Mr. Burty. A. Desnard. Letter to Mr. Fourcaud, dated May 5, 1885. Eugéne Fromentin. Letter to Mr. Louis Ul- bach. W. Bouguereau. - Letter to Mr. Camille du Locle, director of the Opéra Comique, Paris. C. Daubigny. Letter dated November 22, 1868. N. Diaz. Letter to Mr. Albert de la Tegeliére. FE. Manet. Letter to Mr. Burty. Puvis de Chavannes. Letter, dated Paris, Feb- ruary 22, 1887. Th. Ribot. Letter, dated Argenteuil, May 30, 1868. Raffaelli. Letter to Mr. Fourcaud. \ f Veyrassat. Letter, addressed “ Cher Maitre.” ) Pils. Letter, dated June 23, 1871. G. Rochegrosse. Beautiful letter of thanks, to the author of “ L’Exposition des Beaux Arts,” for speaking so well of his works. Ary Scheffer. Letter to a friend. Ziem. Letter to a friend. Henner. Letter to Mr. Burty. Decamps. Letter to Mr. Ferolle. Benjamin Constant. His own card, with a few lines written to a friend, and signed. Isabey. Letter to Messrs. Belle la Salle et Thuil- ier, signed Isabey, pére. Horace Vernet. Letter, dated 1826. Alphonse de Neuville. Letter to a friend. E. Meissonier. Dated Avril 11, 18go. F. L. Francais. Letter to Mr. Guillemin, dated December 15, 1843. : Ingres. Letter, addressed Monsieur le Comte. am, At ‘°Y G. Clairin. Letter to a friend. Edouard Detaille. Letter to E. Chautalat, dated June 5, 1895. ~ E. Duez. Letter, asking for complimentary tickets for the opening of the Salon. Hi. Flandrin. Letter, dated May 5, 1869. J.:L. Geréme. Letter, written from the Chateau de St. Martin, Calvados. Carolus Duran. Letter, dated Paris, June 11> 1895. “Chas. Jacque. Letter to a friend. : aA “Works of Meissonier. Two portfolios con- taining 100 superb engravings. Salon of 1890. By Armand Dayot. No. 116 of ~ a limited Edition de Luxe. (616 copies only in existence.) Contains roo photo engravings. Les Lettres et les Arts. Revue illustrée. 32 volumes richly illustrated. AUTOGRAPHS OF CELEBRATED MEN : James Madison. Letter to J.S. Skinner, signed and dated Montpelier, January 20, 1822. Framed with steel engraving of James Madison. R. B. Hayes, and Lucy M. Hayes. Signed cards, with photographs of President Hayes and his wife, framed. James Buchanan. Full-page letter, signed and dated Senate Chamber, January 8, 1845, and addressed to Colonel Reah Frazer. Framed with engraving of James Buchanan. Benjamin Franklin. Document on parchment, signed as President of the Supreme Exec- utive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, dated May 2, 1786. Richelieu. Full-page letter, signed by Cardinal Richelieu, lieutenant-general of the Army of Louis XIII. Signed and dated, May 20, 1630. Framed with steel engraving of Cardinal Richelieu. Richelieu, Archbishop of Lyons. Brother of the great minister of Louis XIII. Letter signed July 12, 1645. Catherine II, Empress of Russia. Letter, signed and dated, 1788. Framed with steel engraving of the Czarina. PONT) EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1898 AT 8 O'CLOCK 05 - RENOUF, Emile (Paris) Pupil of C. Durand. Medal, 1880; gold medal, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. The Man at the Wheel (From the Recupon sale, Champs Elysées, Paris) 66 FICHEL, Eugéne Benjamin (Paris) Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, Paris Salon, 1857, 1861, 1869. Legion of Honor, 1870. The Menu 67 HERRMANN, Léo Born at Paris. Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Made his first hit at the Salon in 1876, with a picture called ‘‘ A Good Story,” showing two priests roaring over a tale that could not, probably, be told from the pulpit. He has largely adhered to this style of subject since, although he paints with equal skill in domestic genre subjects. Polly Wants a Cherry ? 68 KRATKE One of the three most eminent French aquafortists, whose etchings of the works of Corot and Meissonier have attained the highest fame. His paintings of Napoleon, during the French campaign, attracted great attention at the Salon of 1894. The Charge 69 HEYL, Mars (Amsterdam) Pupil of Mauve. Landscape 70 GRISON, Adolphe Sap (Paris) Medal, Salon, 1890. An Early Visitor pi MUNOZ, Domingo | = Be (Paris), * Born in Madrid. The Cardinal at Home 7/, 4 pe Pe DE GESNE, Albert ‘ (Paris) Honorable mention, Salon, 1895, 1896. Y Unconditional Surrender 13 RICHET.sé0n (Paris) Pupil of Diaz. Honorable mention, Salon, 1885. Medal 1888. Landscape 74 HERRMANN, Léo Born at Paris. Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Made his first hit at the Salon in 1876, with a picture called ‘‘A Good Story,” showing two priests roaring over a tale that could not, probably, be told from the pulpit. He has largely adhered to this style of subject since, although he paints with equal skill in domestic genre subjects. Feeding his Pets 75 ZIEM, Felix Born at Beaune, France. Studied at the Dijon Art Academy. ‘Travelled and painted pictures in the south of France and Holland. Then visited Venice and Constanti- nople, and began the series of subjects by which his reputa- tion was established. Received his first Salon medal, 1851. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer, 1878. Ziem’s pictures of Venice and of Constantinople were the first to do justice in modern times to the picturesque possibilities of their subjects. While preserving the material characteristics of his scenes, he invests them with a splendor of order in keeping with their historical associations and the spirit of the gorgeous past, of which they are magnificent if decaying monuments. St. George at Venice 76 MONTICELLI, Adolphe (Paris) The Last of the Valois 77 MAUVE, Anton (Holland, £1830-188q) _ Pupil of Van Os, but his style is individual’; appreciation of his works has steadily increased, and he is now recognized by the art world as one of the great painters of this century. Study of a Cow 78 STEINHEIL, Adolphe (Paris) Medals, Salon, 1882, 1889. Hors Concours. The Messenger 79 THAULOW, Fritz 4 (Paris) Born in Christiania, Norway. Studied in Munich before going to Paris. Is a member of the newly organized Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts. He is a very strong painter, and is now mentioned amongst the first artists of the day. Has won this season the second prize at the Carnegie Exhibition in Pittsburg. The Avenue of Platanes 80 VAN LOO, Carle (1705-1765.) Pupil fof Jean van Loo. Won first prize for drawing in Paris in 1723, and the Grand Prix de Rome in 1724 and 1727. Was knighted by the Pope in 1731; Order of St. Michael, 1751; Director of the French Academy, and first painter to the king, 1763. Mme. de Bourbon Conti SI MEMLING, Hans (Bruges) Memling was admitted as a sick soldier into the Hospital of St. John, Bruges, after the Battle of Nancy, and in gratitude for the good care received, he painted the celebrated wooden shrine of St. Ursula, which is still preserved in the hospital. Man Praying 82 VAN BASSEN, Bartolomeus A native of Holland, and a noted painter of architecture ; he lived and painted in Antwerp and in England ; he is believed to have been born at Delft, and he died at The Hague in 1652. Interior of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome Signed at the left and dated 1626. Height, 15 inches ; length, 21 inches. 33 ; ae MANS, Francis Holland. Seventeenth century. eal Scene in a Fisherman’s Village in Holland Height, 19 inches ; length, 27 inches. 84 LELY, Sir-Peter Born in Westphalia in 1617 ; a pupil of Peter Grebber. He came to England in 1641, and was appointed court painter by Charles I. He was knighted, with a pension of 4,000 florins, by Charles II., and died in 1680. Portrait of Miss Musgrove 85 REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua (London, 1723-1792) President of the Royal Academy 1768; knighted by George III.; principal painter to the king 1784. Was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral. Ruskin calls him ‘‘ The prince of portrait painters.” The Duchess of Rutland 86 VESTIER, Antoine Born at Avallon in 1740 ; a member of the Academy in 1786 ; an excellent colorist. He died, 1824, in Paris. Portrait of a Lady (Pastel) Height, 21 inches. Length, 17 inches. 4 AY - TH .\ we 4S or 87 oes BAAN, Jan de Born in Haarlem in 1633, and a pupil of Bakker, he was ap- pointed court painter by the Duke of Brandenburg, painter to the Queen of England, the Duke of York, the King of France, and other great personages of his time. He died in 1702. Portrait of Henrietta of England Daughter of Charles I. of England, granddaughter of Henry IV. of France, and wife of the brother of Louis XIV. This superb picture comes from the collection of Mr. Brocart of Moscow, but belonged previously to the Russian Count de Montoroskoff. Signed. Height, 45 inches. Length, 34 inches. 88 . -HEEMSKERK, Van Brest, Chevalier J. (The Hague) A marine painter of great power. Harbor View in Holland 89 ee, BATHIEU (Paris) Chickens gO WASHINGTON, Georges (Paris) Pupil of Fromentin and Picot. Medal, Paris Salon, 1893. Arabs 9 I JACQUE, Emile (Paris) Pupil and brother of Charles Jacque. Honorable mention, Salon, 18&9. Towing Q2 DELPY, Camille Hippolyte (Paris) Pupil of Corot and Daubigny. Honorable mention, Salon, 1881. Medal, Salon, 1884. Ex. Un. Paris, 1889. Landscape oS GALOFRE, Baldomero | (Venice) Born in Spain. First Prize of Rome for Spain, 1878. Medals: Naples, 1876; Venice, 1879 ; Melbourne, 1881. Village on the Coast of Spain 94 THAULOW, Fritz (Paris) - Born in Christiania, Norway. Studied in Munich before going to Paris. Is a member of the newly organized Société Nationale des Beaux Arts. He is a very strong painter, and is now mentioned amongst the first artists of the day. Has won this season the second prize of the Carnegie Exhibition in Pittsburgh. View of Abbeville 95 ZIEM, Felix Born at Beaune, France. Studied at the Dijon Art Acad- emy. Travelled and painted pictures in the south of France and Holland. Then visited Venice and Constantinople, and began the series of subjects by which his reputation was estab- lished. Received his first Salon medal, 1851. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer, 1878. Ziem’s pictures of Venice and of Constantinople were the first to do justice in modern times to the picturesque possibilities of their subjects. While preserv- ing the material characteristics of his scenes, he invests them with a splendor of order in keeping with their historical asso- ciations and the spirit of the gorgeous past, of ‘which they are magnificent if decaying monuments. Venice 96 VAN LEMPUTTEN, C. (Brussels) Medals, 1881, 1883. Sheep 97 MATHON, Emile Louis (Paris) Pupil of Daubigny. Medals at Rheims, Ghent, Antwerp, Marseilles. Home Bound a! 98 WEEKS, Edwin Lord (Paris) Medals, 1884. Legion of Honor, 1889. The Halt 99 ROBIE, Jean Baptiste Born in Brussels, 1821. Pupil of the Brussels Academy. Has been medalled at Brussels, Paris, The Hague, throughout Germany, and in Australia, and is a Commander of the Order of Leopold since 1881. He stands at the head of his class of still-life painters of the time. Fruit Height, 16 inches ; length, 14 inches 100 BOURCE, Henri (Antwerp) Medals, 1857, 1863, 1868, 1876. Order of Leopold, 1869. Officer, 1881, Happy Meeting IOI MICHETTI, Paolo (Italy) Born in Italy, 1852 ; studied in Paris. Very strong in his figures, which remind one of Diaz’s works. Spring IO2 ROQUEPLAN, Camille (Paris, 1803-1853) Pupil of Gros. An artist of great merit, highly appreciated by art lovers. Landscape 103 DESGOFFE, Blaise Alexandre Born in Paris, 1830. Nephew and early pupil of his uncle Alexandre Desgoffe, the landscape painter. Studied under Flandrin and Bouguereau, and eventually devoted himself to the painting of still life, in which he combined a marvellous accuracy of detail and color with breadth and brilliancy ot effect. Medals in 1861, 1863, etc. Legion of Honor, 1878. Blaise Desgoffe is the only still-life artist authorized by the French government to paint objects of art which are in the Louvre Museum. This painting was exhibited at the Expo- sition Universelle, 1889, Objects of Art 104 Lt WORMS, Jules (Paris) Medals, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1876. Life in Spain 105 GARRIDO, E. L. (Paris) Return from the Ball (Exhibited in the Salon, 1896) 106 / 20° FRERE, Théodore (Paris, 1815-1888) Medals, Paris Salon, 1848, 1865. Nearing Cairo \ ed f Res i y on CAZIN, Jean Charles ¥ (Paris) Medals, Paris Salon, first class, 1880, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1882. Officer, 1889. a * ys Landscape 108 GROLLERON, Paul (Paris) | Honorable mention, Salon, 1882. Medals, Salon, 1886, 1889, 1894. Hors Concours. Reconnaissance 109 WASHINGTON, Georges Born at Marseilles. Medal, third class, 1893. The Advance Quard in Morocco oe \b' | ‘ Sa r PASINI, Alberto , Se a (Paris) : 110 UY ‘a My Pupil of Isabey and Théodore Rousseau. Medals: Paris Salon, 1859, 1863, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1868. Officer, 1878. The Courier II! aX, KRATKE J One of the three most eminent French aquafortists, whose etchings of the works of Corot and Meissonier have attained the highest fame. His paintings of Napoleon, during the French campaign, attracted great attention at the Salon of 1894. Battle of Wagram ‘© | Napoleon was looking at the Tower of Neusiedel. At last he saw the firing by Davoust reaching beyond ‘it. ‘Go,’ said Napoleon to an officer of his staff, ‘ quick, tell Massena to begin the attack at once, and the battle is won.’ ” EZ ZIEM, Felix Born at Beaune, France. Studied at the Dijon Art Acad- emy. Travelled and painted pictures in the south of France and Holland. Then visited Venice and Constantinople, and began the series of subjects by which his reputation was estab- lished. Received his first Salon medal, 1851. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer, 1878. Ziem’s pictures of Venice and of Constantinople were the first to do justice in modern times to the picturesque possibilities of their subjects. While presery- ing the material characteristics of his scenes, he invests them with a splendor of order in keeping with their historical asso- ciations and the spirit of the gorgeous past, of which they are magnificent if decaying monuments. 113 VOLLON, Antoine Born in Lyons, 1833, and a pupil of Théodule Ribot. Antoine Vollon is a masterly painter of genre subjects, land- scapes, marines, and still life, though it is by the latter class of pictures that he is most widely known throughout the civilized world. For instance, he secured his appointment as an Officer of the Legion of Honor, in 1878, by a picture of two fishes, which is now in the Luxembourg. He continues to paint landscape and the figure, when the mood is on him, with a vast breadth and freedom and truth to nature, in spite of the superior popularity won by his bold and powerful technique and splendor of color in his still-life subjects. Still Life Signed at the left Height, 9 inches; length, 13 inches It4 GRISON, Adolphe \' ) (Paris) Medal, Salon, 1890. The Game of the General 115 VIBERT, Jehan Georges Born in Paris in 1840. Pupil of Picot and Barrias. Aman of very original and novel ideas. A thorough draughtsman and painter, who has made an individual mark. Beginning as a painter of the nude, he has become one of the best known artistic satirists of our time. Everything he touches has an idea behind it. He is an able writer as well as painter. Has written for the stage with success, and is represented in most public and private collections. The Nephew of the Cardinal? "all 116 SCHREIBER (Munich) Speak First! Santee # ~ 2 + ud JACQUET, Gustave p (Paris) Medals, Paris Salon, 1868, 1875, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1879. Hors Concours. Head , at ye y, =. 118 ZIEM, Felix Born at Beaune, France. Studied at the Dijon Art Acad- emy. Travelled and painted pictures in the south of France and Holland. ‘Then visited Venice and Constantinople, and began the series of subjects by which his reputation was established. Received his first Salon medal 1851. Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer, 1878. Ziem’s pictures of Venice and of Constantinople were the first to do justice in modern times to the picturesque possibilities of their subjects. While pre- serving the material characteristics of his scenes, he invests them with a splendor of order in keeping with their historical associations and the spirit of the gorgeous past, of which they are magnificent if decaying monuments. Venice 119 BOUGUEREAU, W. A. (Paris) Prix de Rome in 1850. Medals, Paris Salon, 1855, 1857, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Grand Medal of Honor, 1885. Maternal Love “A es ae ; 120 hat fo Par i’ : So / pie CLAYS, Paul Jean / : (Belgium) Medals, Paris Salon, 1867, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer, 1881. Marine I2I al DIETERLE, Mme. Marie . be (Paris) Daughter and pupil of E. van Marche. } Salon, 1884, 1889. Medals, Paris Hors Concours. Landscape with Cattle 2 } : ~ ry Ne tA w , » V2 2 = pe ‘ Neal ¢ rs ISRAELS, Joseph (The Hague) Medals, Salon, 1867-1878. Honor, 1867. Grand Prix, 1889. Officer, 1878. Legion of Fisherman f ee 8, 7 £) > . {\ 2 > ? 123 ae \ 7 a bs y ; \. Lg : JACQUET, Gustave (Paris) Medals, Paris Salon, 1868, 1875, 1878. Legion of Honor 1879. Hors Concours. > Head 124 CORT: Jean, B: Born, 1796; died, 1875. Medals: 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of same, 1867. Said to have earned 200,000 frs. a year by the sale of his pictures. Panorama of Rouen From the Corot Sale, No. 148 of the catalogue. 125 THAULOW, Fritz (Paris) Born in Christiania, Norway. Studied in Munich before going to Paris. Is a member of the newly organized Société Nationale des Beaux Arts. He is a very strong painter, and is now mentioned among the first artists of the day. Has won this season the second prize at the Carnegie Exhibition in Pittsburg. Cathedral at Dieppe 126 JACQUE, Charles (Paris) Medals, Paris Salon, 1861, 1863, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1867. Fiock of Sheep and Shepherdess (Troupeau paissant sous les grands arbres.) From the Jacque Sale, No. 30 of the catalogue. 127 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narciso (Paris, 1808-1876) Medals, Paris Salon, 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Departure for the Crusade 128 MADRAZO, Raimundo de Medal, first class, 1878; gold medal, Exp. Un., Paris, 1889. Hors Concours. Officer of the Legion of Honor. Coqueite under the Directoire ‘* Sortie de Bal,” at the Stewart Sale, biought $16,500. 129 oe ROYBET, Ferdinand \f +e (Paris) Medals, Paris Salon, 1866; grand medal of Honor, 1893 ; Legion of Honor, 1892; Hors Concours. Saltarelle — . / A / ; fj = “y 130 f JONGKIND, Johan Barthold (Holland) Pupil of Isabey. Medal, Paris Salon, 1852. River Scene in Holland 131 RAFFAELLI ae WV ' (Paris) Medal, Paris Salon, 1889. Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. The Trocadero MINIATURES ON IVORY BY CELEBRATED FRENCH ARTISTS 132 Leonora Galigai (a celebrated singer). Signed A. R. 133 Louis XVI. 134 Lady of the First Empire Period. 135 Madame de Beaufrémont. 136 Duchess of Devonshire. Signed H. B. 137 Mme. de Beaume. Signed Godelier ; dated 1806. 138 Floresea Corsy. Signed Desario Fabrini, I39 Baronne de St. Yon. 140 Madame de Sasville. 14t Le Marquis d’Aiguillon. Signed A. G.; dated 1769. ~ 142 Cupid’s Lesson, Louis XVI ormolu frame. 143 Princesse de Vaudremont. 144 Madame Virginie de Luceney. Signed Mazel. 145 Portrait of Lady Blessington. Signed TH, 146 Seigneur of the Period of Louis XVI. ~ «147 Diane de Poitiers. * 148 Miniature of a Lady of Louis XIV Period. 149 Large Miniature of Madame Vigée-Le Brun. Signed Sorelle. Empire ormolu frame, mounted on rosewood. 150 Mme. de Genlis. Signed André Polin. 151 Queen Louise of Prussia, after Vigée-Le Brun. Signed Le Gay. Superbly chased First Empire ormolu frame. I52 Madame de Boyer Tenfrede. Signed Rocher ; dated 1790. _153 Lady of the Period of Louis XVI. 154 Madame de la Bouxiére. Signed L. % Vaurin ; dated 1802. 155 Mme. Parisot (celebrated actress during the es Directoire). Signed Charboz; dated 1790. , 156 La Dumesnil. Signed at the right. gp 157 Very Fine Miniature Painting of Two Pet Dogs. Signed Gillot, master of Watteau. 158 Large Miniature of Mme. Louise de 3 Brancas. By Lagrenée. From the Marquis d’Houdan’s collection. ~ 159 General Napier. Empire period, by Lag- renée. 160 Princesse de Lamballe. Signed Poe. eee TRIN 151 Mme. de Montesson. 162 Mme. Huet. Signed Fontaillard. \-163 Princesse de Croy. ~ LOS _ 164 Mile. de la Jadeliére. By Aubry. 165 Mile. Maillard (singer). By Ledoux. »_166 Mme. de Vermont. By Rose; dated 1788. .167 Mile. Rosalie Duthé. Signed Aubry; dated 1791. _168 Mile. Hall. Daughter of the artist. Signed Hall. _169 Enamel by Soyer. “Dreams,” after Henner. 170 Large Plaque. Dining-room ornament, hand-painted still life. Signed Leroy ; mahogany frame.