as —— eee = etter oa, Sa eee, ! st tit Aa ‘ i yt XS 23 ae mages eee Nene ea * ates BTS She Cnc t ait anh H a 4 +] ‘ ) Rue ath HH Disa } Ah uy i ttt nt sit rihn Saree an — Ste : BS ttt aes Teste pn seen Saaea cae FES 2 ie “. ene oY eel es © . 5 oe “ ¥ a — = CATALOGUE May 31 OF THE HIGHLY VALUABLE COLLECTION ENGRAVINGS, EDWARD HARMAN, Eso., F.S.A., Of Clay Hill, Enfield ; Comprising the Series of Rare ENGLISH PORTRAITS, in the First State, described by Bromiry and Grainesr, nsleding the Works of ELSTRACKE VAUGHAN VERTUE McARDEL DELARAM FAITHORNE HOUBRAKEN EARLOM THE PASSES LOGGAN SMITH NANTEUIL MARSHALL WHITE FABER MASSON ALSO A Fine Collection of the Works of Houuar, and a very extensive assem blage of ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY, collected with a view to illustrating the Counties of England : WHICH Mill be Sold OY Auction, by = CHRISTIE and MANS NSON i‘ AT THEIR GREAT ROOM, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, MAY the 3ist, 1847, And Three following Days, i odie} AT ONE OCLOCK PRECISELY. Ne et A May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and» Catalogues had, at Messrs. Cuxistie and Manson’s Offices, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. CONDITIONS OF SALE. ciel 6 eee I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute. arise between two or more Bidders, the Lots so in dispute ~ shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, Til. 5s. ; and so on in proportion. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if re- quired ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put-up again and re-sold. ° IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the Sale; Messrs. Curistrz and Manson not considering themselves answerable for the correct description or authenticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. ee ee CATALOGUE. —_—0— First Day’s Sale. —-O = On MONDAY, MAY the 3lst, 1847, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. Eis FOREIGN ,TOPOGRAPHY. 1 French topography 59 » "4 —— Qa talian ditto ale — 3 Wilson’s views in Italy, &. 29 -———- 4 Elliott’s views in India, &c. 43 ——— 4 5 Views in India, by Pouncy, Medland, Bryne—proofs, &c. 2 6 Paris 54 = 7 Switzerland, by Woollett, &c. 33 . 8 Germany 31 9 Holland | | 35. ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY. FA. Bxf 10 Monumental antiquities, by Carter; and from, the Vetusta Monu- -menta Y a 12 —-77 ? - fo Ditto, by Hollar and Gaywood es de Z Pe. 12 Smith’s English Atlas, 15 Nos. ; and the Ind amy, Var? \13 Roque’s map, ten miles round London—in sheets her 14 Greenwood’s map of Middlesex—on 4 sheets 15 Roque’s map of Middlesex 16 Arrowsmith’s map of Scotland W7 Ordnance maps of Dorsetshire, Sommersetshire, Sussex, Surrey, Essex, Kent, &c.—in sheets I B2 one Ditto—proofs and etchings re 73 Aes Ei "Z we tz 4 > ‘dines er he —_ i wn +o or huey Poa ©. Ay th ’, “Be 4 “6 Poty Sve 38 aan, by King, &e. Berm rae A ene 9 48 Windsor—some proofs | moet ees f rs ote 85 King’s cathedrals—some proofs 42 Sir Thomas Crew, by Athow—from the picture at ais 48 Philip and Mary, and other drawings—jfrom pi 44 Robinson’s Woburn Abbey, &e. 18 Various maps 19 Green’s etchings, &c. oe ag 20 Ditto lakes—tinted ; ; 21 Ditto ditto—plain 4 22 Ditto studies from nature 23 Owen and Shepherd’s views—JIndia prone 24 Hearne and Byrne’s antiquities 25 Ditto | 21 Ditto—some progfs — wevisinoensirnninne 28 Stothard’s monuments—coloured 72 29 Angus’s views—proofs 30 Account of St. Alban’s Abbey and St. Stephens Chapel 31 Shaw’s ancient ornaments—ZJndia < 32 Neale’s views—ZJndia proofs va bi 33 Neale’s seats—proofs 34 From the Vetusta Monumenta 36 Various topography - 3 A ar ae 37 Ditto . : BEDFORDSHIRE. 40 Bedford and Ampthil—drawings in water colours ond pencit oe } 41 Ancient buildings at Dunstable—sketches in pencil ees and sketches of monuments in Flitton church Abbey, by Athow 45 Fisher's views, &c. BERKSHIRE. 46 Windsor, by Fittler, Vivares, and Byme sme proofs 5 be ‘ | 47 Kip’s views of Windsor, &c. at Way 3 § md 49 Farrington’s views, &c. 50 By Middiman, Cooke, &c.—some proofs 51 Various 52 Various—maps, &c. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. — 53 Chastelain’s views of Stow, &c. 54 Ditto 55 By Byrne, Angus, &c.—some proofs 56 Various, and maps > 57 Stow 58 By Woollett, &c. CAM BRIDGESHIRE. 59 Drawings, by De Cort, &c. 60 Cambridge Almanacks, from 1801—some proofs 61 Almanacks, &c.—some proofs 62 Colleges, &c. 63 Antiquities, &c. 64 Maps, &c. 65 Ely Cathedral, by Burgess, &c. 66 By Buck, Kip, &c. 67 Various CHESHIRE. 68 Various maps, &c. CORNWALL. 69 Various 70 By Byrne—India proofs, &c. 71 Buck’s views, &c. CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND. 72 Various 73 Ditto 74 Maps and plans 75 Lakes, by Middiman, &c. 76 Lakes—coloured, &c. 77 Various views 109 - 12] 49 46 50 142 86 39 34 71 78 Lakes, by Chastelain, &c. 79 The Lakes, by Merigot—proofs and impressions 80 Farrington’s Lakes—proofs 81 Ditto—proofs and impressions 82 The Lakes, by Byrne and Middiman—some proofs and etchings 35 Tom 83 Antiquities water colours 85 Two views of Plymouth by B. Lens—in Indian ink’; views, by Buck, &c. ie _¥86 Exeter, &c. 187 Various 88 Mount Edgecumbe, by Mason, &c.—some proofs — 89 Various—proofs, &c. 90 Various ‘91 After Turner 92 By Middiman, &c. DEVONSHIRE. 84 Statue of Bishop Branscombe in DERBYSHIRE. 93 By Vivares, &c.; and maps 94 Various 95 By Cooke &c.—some proofs 96 Antiquities, &c. 97 By Vivares &c.—some proofs 98 By Vivares and Mason—some proofs and etchings 99 By Byrne, &c. 100 Bolsover Castle, by Clouet, Buck, and Kip 101 By Cooke &c.—some proofs 102 Various DORSETSHIRE. 103 By Buck, Kip, &c. 104 Various, including some drawings 105 Various 106 By Buck, King, &c. 107 Various ; and maps DURHAM. 44 30 21 22 5f Exeter Cathedral, by Carter—zn 4% iP ete. ee > ~ 7m we i a ee ee 1M 6- 2 /Z 100— ~ 93 60 — 90° 12 10 / G2, 22 Ra ee 18 Af 65 WoL 1299 3% 2 W G Pd ie , f f ° £ 108 By Byrne, Le Keux &c.—proofs 50 109 Some proofs . 710 é ee ESSEX. , aoe 110 Chelmsford and Cvopers Vale churches, by Buckler—in water ~~ eolours 2 111 Waltham Abbey, by ditto—ditto 4 et 12. Fairlop oaks, &c.—in water colours 14 “113 Antiquities, &c. 85 ~ 114 Various | 140 115 Gentlemen’s Seats, by Fittler, Lowry, &c. 66 116 By Blore, Cooke, &c.—Jndia proofs bes Be GLOUCESTERSHIRE. “** 117 Dodeswell church, by Powell, &c. 6)- be 118 Various 93 bots. 119 Gloucester, by Poole, &c. 44 PE / 120 Ditto ; maps, &c. 88 vem Tewkesbury, &c. AO e ‘ HAMPSHIRE. aa 122 Freshwater, by Prout, &c.—in water colours 6 ‘ od 123 Winchester Cathedral and the Abbott's house, Beaulieu, by pate Buckler—ditto | sae a —* Netley Abbey—iz water colours ~~... q 125 Brannon and Barker’s Isle of Wight 3. “~ ————- 126 Ditto 7 83. ¥ 124 Ditto 100. : 128 Various 152 - 129 From the Vetusta Monumenta, and letter-press 23 130 Various . 80 131 By Powell, &c. 72 . HEREFORD. 132 Drawings, by Wood, Fisher, &c. 13 133 Various ; 87 . HERTFORDSHIRE. P94 Coshiodor. drawings in pencil 22 srr ae nem a >, >» eo ¢ , oe” Vf 8 135 Various 104— 9 ~ 137 Cashiobury 40 -—4f~ 138 St. Alban’s Pes DRAWINGS. : 389, In Middlesex, &c. . ; Hed 347%. hi “ -T40 Holyrood Castle, by Hearne, &c. a 141..Hollar; Bicester-Castle; one~by Bock—enpravingeby Heinesen 142 A large collection of pencil sketches of monuments and churches, - by Athow Aad ay | ‘143 A collection of monuments, chiefly in ‘Middlesex BP itterrs 312 44 Bedfont church, &c. 7 . 7: A - ” 145 Aldermen, &°. of London : “ 9—_/Z ~ _146 Sketches in pencil, by Green : et 50 Sg “147 A large collection of sketches of portraits, monuments, rubbings: . from brasses, &c., chiefly in Middlesex and Surrey anne - “4.48 Durham, by Chatelain, &c. / » %+2< hop mpm ' Tt ~149. Cedars on Mount Lebanon, &c. ; 9. /.3 "7350 After Claude, &c. 6 ‘'b51 A volume of drawings—views of old buildings, by Ireland fs cake a i 152 Coney’s Foreign Cathedrals, 4 parts ay VARIOUS. 153 Antiquities, &c. ss 56- ‘ Ts4 Ditto | ~~ si Ze i 155 Various ; 32 156 Ancient coins and seas 85. bs | 157 The monstrous tartar, &c. La | 12 G. - ‘58 Remarkable characters, C&ricatures, &e. . 67H A Dy nye 83— He x 159 Caricatures ~o © : saat} Sth ee 160 Ditto 10-/ +o 161 Dit o, by Deighton oe x 3 Tm 162 The Bayeux tapestry | tiled It" 163 English costumes—coloured 38° i 164 To Bowyer’s Eugland, &e, 25 165 Cuitt’setchings: + Site oblast 166 Animals, by Le Bas, &c. : 58 167 Landscapes, after Poussin 36 168 Sea pieces, by Zeeman, &c, a 9 169 Landscapes, by Glauber, Perelle, &c. ~ 41 170 Ditto, by Koelbe, Voogel, &c. 26 171 From the Le Brun Gallery - 17 172 Landscapes, by Middiman, &c. shades &c, 10 173 Landscapes, by Pouncy, &c. 15 174 Ditto, by Peak, Mason, &ce.—proofs 3) 175 After Dutch = ipeters, py Vivares, Canot, Lerpiniere—proofs, &e. 10 176 D-ath of Nelson, by Bromley—proofs, &c. . 3 177 The Duke of Wellington with the sword, by Bromley—proof 178 The Kemble Family, after Harlow, by Clint—proof 179 Roman edifices ; the Spanish pointer ; and landscapes, after Car- racci, by Woollett 3 180 Head of Charles, by Sharpe oe 181 John Hunter, by Sharpe—proof before letters 182 Charles’s children, by Strange—/in : 183 Charles I. in his robes, by Strange—fine proof Baits letters 184 St. John, after Raffaelle, by Chereau—proof, &c. ; 7 185 Noli me tangere, after Mengs, by Sherwin—Jndia proof, &. 3 186 Napoleon, by R. Morghen—proof A187 Heads of savages—from Cook’s Voyages—proofs 24 188 Views of Otaheite $ 10 189 Death of Captain Cook, &c. 4 190 The giiag at Mallicolo—proofs 6 : DUTCH ETCHINGS, &e. 191 A. Durer—Adam and Eve—very fine 1 192 Goltzius . 10 193 Law. Coster, &c., by J. Van de Velde fe 194 Backgammon players, by J. Van de Velde, &e. 195 Rembrandt—the crucifixion—oval ; Rembrandt and his wife 196 P. Potter—cows 197 Ditto—horses 198 Ditto—ditto 495.3 or Oo CO W a © 199 200 201 2U2 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 10 Berghem—the man’s book, &c. Ditto—landscapes and animals Ditto—the woman’s book Ditto—cattle, &c. After Berghem, by Visscher Stoop—the procession, horses, &c. A. Van de Velde—cows and sheep K. du Jardin—dogs and horses Ruysdael—cottage and wood scene Swaneveldt—landscapes Waterloo—landscapes Ditto Ditto Ditto—Hagar, Elisha, &c. Ditto—upright landscapes ENGLISH PORTRAITS. Various . Northcote, by Lewis—India proof, &c. - Sir W. Curtis, by Say—proof, &c. After Lawrence, by Lewis, &c. Pennant, by Sherwin; Pope Clement, by Hall—proofs, &c. Washington, by Heath; Barre, by Hall—proofs, &c. Pitt, by Bromley and Bartolozzi—proofs After Van Dyck, by Baron Heath—proof, &c. Lord Granville, by Fittler—proof, &c. By Hollar, White, Houbraken, &c. Lord Seafield, by Smith; and Lord Marchmont, by White W. Bluck, &c., by White Nat. Crewe, by Loggan, &c. Oxford portraits, by White, &c. Ditto Sir F. Drake, &c. Captain John Smith, in the map, by S. Passe, &c. The Powder Plot conspirators Thomas Percy—oval, with two subjects beneath Charles I.—oval, with four subjects II 234 Charles I. in Parliament, &e. , q 235 Oliver Cromwell cutting down the tree, &. 8 236 Houbraken’s heads 59 237 Ditto _ 16 HOUBRAKEN’S HEADS—PROOFS. 238 Oliver Cromwell; and Ireton 2 239 Karl of Strafford ; and Hampden 2 240 Pym; and Ireton 241. Lord Fairfax ; and Sir H. Vane 242 Lord Somers; and Lord Anson “243 Earl of Rochester , Handel—an impression ; and the border, with- out the head 244 Cromwell Earl of Essex ; and Sir Thomas More 245 Francis Earl of Bedford, with the etching ; and Sir W. Baleich 246 The Duke of Norfolk ; and Lord Burleigh 247 The Earl of Peterborough ; and Earl of Nottingham 248 Duke of Buckingham ; and Earl ot Surrey 249 Earl of Orford; and Earl of Carleton 250 Lord W. Russell; Sir W. Temple ; and Coke 251 Earl of Arlington; and Duke of Lauderdale 252 Earl of Lindsay ; and Duke of Richmond 253 Lord Torrington ; and General Talmash 254 Marquis of Wharton ; and Sir K. Digby 255 Richard Earl of Warwick; and Sir Thomas Smyth 256 Earl of Salisbury; and Earl of Surrey 257 Lord Cottington ; and Coke 258 Lord Keepers Coventry and Williams 259 Tillotson; and Archbishop Abbott 260 Wickham ; and Waynfleet _ 261 Sir Thomas More ; and Bishop Fisher 262 Archbishop Abbott; and Dr. Clarke 263 Sir Isaac Newton; and Dryden 264 Milton ; and Otway 265 Garth ; and Steel © 266 Garth; and Sir K. Digby 267 Ben Jonson ; and Buchanan NS we Ww ND WNNHNNHNNNHNNNNHN NNN NWNHNN DY WD WD WD 12 268 Anne of Cleves; and Catharine Howard 2 269 Catharine Howard; and Mary Queen of Scots—with the original drawing of the border of the latter, by Gravelot 3 270 Anne of Denmark ; and Catharine of Aragon 2 271 Queen Anne; and Prince George 2 272 Philip Sidney; and | other 2 273 Duke of Gloucester; and 1 other 2 AFTER SIR J. REYNOLDS. 274 Fox, by Jones, &c. 6 275 Duchess of Ancaster, by Dixon, &c.—proofs 5 276 Nelly O’Brien, by Wilson, &c. 8 277 Mrs. Chambers, by McArdell; Mrs. Nurse, by Faber, &c.— proofs 6 278 Dr. Robertson, by Smith, &c.—proofs 4 279 Duchess of Gordon, by Dickinson, &c.—proofs 5 280 Ladies, by Green, Watson, &c.—proofs 5 281 Marquis of Tavistock, &c.—proofs 5 282 Sir J. Amherst, by Watson, &c.—proofs 6 283 Mr. Payne and his son, &¢.—proofs 4 MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS, BY SMITH. 284 His own portrait, Lely, &e. 8 285 After Dutch masters, &c. are | 286 Charles I.; J es II.; William III.; &c. 13 287 William and Mary, &c. 12 288 Mary—prodfs, &c. 289 George Prince of Denmark, &c. 1] 290 The Duke of Cumberland—proofs, &c. 4 291 Nobility - 7 292 Ditto, &c. 10 293 Ditto 8 294 Soldiers, &c. 15 295 Admirals, &c. ¥ 6 296 Coulston, &c.— proofs 4 13 297 Sir R. Cotton; Sir W. Petty, &c.—proofs 298 Corelli—poets, &c. 299 Sir G. Hamilton, after Medine; and a lady, after Hill 300 Sir G. Copley, after Kneller—proo/, &c. 301 Divines 302 Authors, &c. 303 Newton, &c. 304 Tompion, &c. 305 The Earl of Ranelagh’s dauchters, &c.—proo/s 306 Noble ladies, after Kneller 307 Lady Copley—prod/, &c. 308 Ladies 309 Ditto 310 Ditto 311 Ditto End of First Day’s Sale. Second Day’s Sale. 0- On TUESDAY, JUNE the Ist, 1847, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. 0 TOPOGRAPHY — (continued). : : HUNTINGDONSHIRE. ; 312 Various , 38 KENT. 318 Penshurst House and Church—drawings in water colours, by Athow, &c, aa 2 a 314 Penshurst—copies of pictures, by Athow—ditto 21/7, 315 Margate, by Pouncy, &c. 60 ie 316 By Buck, King, &c. 1S" 317 Angus and Watts’s Views, &c., 18 14 318 Rochester, &c. . Wits eae 319 Dover, antiquarian prints, &c. 69- \320 Various, and maps 140. - “y~. ~82%. On the Thames—Jndia proofs, &c. ! 118— 2 322 By Byrne, &c. oh md 323 By Woollett, &c. 48» 324 Various 170 2/ .. 325 Canterbury, &c. oc OE f. “826 Proofs, &c. yaaa P LANCASHIRE, 327 Furness Abbey—sketches in pencil _ 2 pai 328 Some proofs 60 329 Various —~ 88 to LINCOLNSHIRE. 330 Crowland Abbey, &c.—in water colours a 331 Lincoln Cathedral, by Buckler—in water colours vee 332 Stamford Church ; and Holbech Cross, by ditto 2 333 Burghley and Stamford—in water colours 1 ae 334 By Burgess, &c. .. neq 4] 335. Ditto 40 — 336 Various 110 - 337 By Buck, Kip, &c. | 55 — 338 Antiquities, maps, &c. 94,7 Hr 839 Various 124. 340 Ditto | 96-4... 341 Ditto oe 72 MIDDLESEX: 4 - fs eF pn, pememii: ; Tottenham, &c drawings. in pipes ecicies &e. 14 - Hampstead ; Highgate, &c.—ditto (4% “1c. y $e | ths 344 Views on the Thames—ditto peril PD ;14 - ee B45 Noblemen’s houses in London, &c., by Nash—ditlo © + co... r3 The Savoy, by ditto, &.—ditto cave Beeil 6 / 349 Whitehall, by ditto, &«.—dillo 4 Lb Oy BF AGKAI2 & fe/ » 346 Halls in London, by Shepherd—ditto S aS “Su St. Martin’s Church, by ditto, &c.—ditto Aga 5 9 F7%O At Bayswater, by Sandby—ditto ae e851 Old Views of London—in pen, &c. 4a 10 “ _ , 352 Christ’s Hospital, by Wichelo, &e (5. 5 pe B53 Tottenham; Edmonton, &e! nla 134. ey 354 Pondon churches, &e. + -*=+~ : 47 2<~B5%~Ditto public buildings Finset Pxcd : Jy SOR © ~856_London— proofs, Bec. Cates 66 357 Ditto various 104 oe hitton, by Woollett, &c. ; 63 859 Woollett’s views of Chiswick, &c. 29 ~ 360 On the Thames, by Angus, &c. 64 861 On the Thames 140 . 862 Cooke’s Thames—India proofs 33 | 363 Twickenham, &c. 78 Cy 16 364Smith’s London plik 73 > ~ 365 Large views of Whitehall Rass et a 366 Boydell’s Views va Thames, &¢e. S455 425! . Xp ‘367 Hampstead,,&c, Le KG 4 ng bid | 114 / 368 Greenwich; and Woolwich | a eas | oe “369 Hackney ; Hornsey, &ec¥* = 115 rs / «370 Kensington; and Tanthieminith ~ 100- cae A Strawberry Hill, including some drawings 56 _ 872 Hampton Court pott.cob (Oe ieee 373 Uxbridge, &c., including s some ean : f2 us 13-—- 374 Stanmore; Kilburn, &c. ,- fi 7a bf T38t f : of 375 Relating to William III., by De ee &e. r 17 4 -876 Coronation procession—in sheets | it Ort. Funeral of Queen Elizabeth; and 1 other—in sheets ne ) Z ©.878 Remarkable characters and events f- tet 60“. 879 London—various ‘Cp iithaa sid een BC [Pig | Gt<<. 380 Riots in Broad Street, by Heath—proof, &c. ore 381 St. James’s Park and Palace / a «, BOS —=882-Kip’s large view of London, &c. i 6 UGE Pam » 383 Westminster Abbey and Whitehall 50: =* 884 London maps, &e. 92, < 385 Westminster Abbey, by Gaywood, Hollar, &c. — edt aa Ae NORFOLK. = 386 Maps, and various 100 387 Norwich, by Cotman, &e, | 52 2% 388 Norwi h—some proofs ee et fs NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. | i 389 Various 82 390 Ditto 108 391 By Buck, Kip, &c. . pik 383 NORTHUMBERLAND. Wai Be 392 By Vivares, Middiman, &c.—some proofs Jalon! WES. 393 By Buck and Kip; and some drawings: 6 = ss 30 = 394 Antiquities and maps weed 42 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. : 395 And Northan iptonshire-——-drawings es ; gael Sut i? Ss Pe —— 17 30 -—— 22 3y Cook, Sparrow, &¢.—proofs é of. te 4 entlemen’s seats, by Watts, Walker — 7 one” A 99, _Welbeck Etipee by Vosterman ; Views by: ihe Mason, Sc, emcee § » OG ey OXFORDSHIRE. fas a Pe 2 —in water colours | ada bs ge Br 2 eg vein Oxford : ae oe Bh G [an quities, &e. . | | Be cm | fae ae aot | Hen ii ae er ih 6 Ae louse oF Be lon by Houbraken—some Se pass Prince of Orange, by Wierx, &c. — ae "Nassau, by Delf, hae Teenie uate. Pagh ttt: ips OR bi COMPS YU .2aleei 7 e P: he wes ” Be, $i 2 ST vd ou ! 7 * “ bo 4 4 » 1 s * - 7 r fi pte Ad i » a - ee _ * # J 4 . * 4 r Bes he As ‘tid ‘a ae cz 5 18 429 Maurice of Nassau, on horseback, by C. de Passe ; and Christian IV., by Muller 430 Gustavus Adolphus, by Larne, &e. 431 Ferdinand II., by Kilian; and Bayart, by Isac . 432 Christian IV., by Elstracke ; and Count Mansfeldt, by Delavan 433 Henry III.; Isabella Clara Evgenia, &c., by Wierx, &c. 424 Equestrian statue of Henry IV., &c. 435 ‘Henry 1V., &c. ‘ 436 Ditto, by Goltzius; and Marie de Medicis, by Hondius _ . 437 Henry IV., and Marie de Medicis 438 Ditto, by Goltzius and Hondius, &c. 439 Flizabeth of Bourbon, by Wierx; Sully, &c. 440 Royal Spanish and German, by Pens, &c. 441 Isabella Eugenia, by Muller, before the “cum. priv. ;” Spinola, Muller, &c. om 442 Don Juan of Austria, &c. BEEF 443 Philip III., by Elstracke, &e. 444 Philip IV., by Marinus, &c. 445 Ditto, &c., after Rubens and Van Dyck, ve Pontius, 3 : 446 Charles V., &c., by Suyderhoef—oval 2 9 2 ca oF 5 6 eng 16 Wink 2 2) rs} ” 5 12. by 6 12> 447 Christian Duke of Brunswick, by C. de Passe ; and Anna Maria 2 ol fs Poe. i Hh J paiee 448 Comte de Tassis, by Galle, &c. 16 449 Alexander VII., &c., by Visscher and Matham “a 450 De la Reynie, by Van Schuppen, &c. 7 9 4&1 Barnevelt, wih his autograph, Wasfenaer, by Suyderhoef, &e >. 96, 452 Schreve'lus, by Suyderhoef, &c. ! 16 453 Heinsius, Descartes, &c., by Suyderhoef 6 454 Spanheim, Swalmius, &., by Suyderhoef 7 455 Maria Schurman, by Suyderhoef, &.—one a proof 3 Pett Cash Van Tromp, &c., by Su\derhoef, Visscher, &c. Pe sonar: as 457 Ditto, by = = —proof, with nis au ORR and ditto and Kass tenaer, by Blooteling a 458 Valdesius, &c., by Visscher 4. 459 Bouma, by Visscher, &c. a) 460 Dutch authors, by Matham, &c. 14 461 Scaliger, by Goltzius, &e. 6. 462 Ditto, by Goltzins, &c. 4. 463 Theophrastus, by Payne; and other by Goltzius, &e. fae 4 464 De Zulen, by Passe, &c. 13 . 19 465 Fleury, by Drevet, &c. 466 French Cardinals, by Audran Drevet, &c. - , 467 French Marshals, by Wille, Drevet, &c. () 468 Comte d’Auvergne, by Schmidt, &c.—proofs 4b le 469 Turenne, &c., by Masson—large ovals 470 The grey-headed man, by Masson—>proey Ditto—impression, &c. 2 Tirgot, &e., by Masson, &c. By Edelink and Van Schuppen By Nanteuil and Edelink—proofs By Nanteuil _Molé, by Nanteuil, &c. Turenne, &¢., by Nanteuil and Masson Mazarin, by Nanteui!—proof, &c. Duc D’Espernon, &c., by ditto—proofs Maupertius, by Daullé—profs, &c. Leving— proof, &c. — mezzotinto Wetenha'l, by Vaart, &c.— mezzotinto 485 To Poin ck wits 486 George I.,-&c. 487 George II., &c. Lord Somers, &c. : “489 Tke Arundel family, &e. —proofs q 490 After Van Dyck, &c. Ze wv Ds 491 Duke of Suffolk—proof, &c. ¥- A92 Duke of Dorset, &c. f eee ASB After Van Dyck, &c.—one a wha ads a 3 494 Nobility ce we CLAM Ditto Lp ate AG Ditto—some proofs Aas i dE Ditto i 1y 498 Divines, &e. : wis 500 Dr. Chandler, &¢.—some ‘Proofs 9 Marie Louise 'e Tassis, after Rubens—proof, &c. King of Poland, by, Van Somer—mezzotinto 7 PORTRAITS, BY VERTUE. c2 Ih ee be ed 20 501 Whiston, &¢.—proofs, &c. | 10 4 . 502 Tillotson, &c. 16-—— / 503-Sacheverell; &c. | + TE »504 Sir R. Cotton, &e.—proofs 104 < 505 Sir Hugh Middleton—proof before eters—uniqua . Nigh OF 506 Sir M. Hale, &c. eu ie” 507 Lawyers 2te-— A 508 Colston, &c. . : LSE “£509 Poets Sl ihes juan of 510 Ditto Prat 2 | ae -? 2511 Butler, &c.—proofs “—s ue $7 j 512 Authors; &c. . Om OR se 513 Ditto Bre. 36 4 514 Lambarde, &c. 5, ~20-—_/) 515 ‘The Poets, with the title | . . 1S-—~. A 516 Foreigners ‘ Sera ENGLISH PORTRATTS—MEZZOTINTO, is oe ava Bemarkable persons, by Faber, &c. be + 518 Miss Kemble, by Jones—Mrs. Pritchard, &c. 1 nga ; 4 Od (ih >, nano SEM Actors, by Faber—proofs, &e. : a a. Aé “520-Remarkable characters, by Faber lceSfea, x8 _ 521 Portraits of the Perciv als, by Faber - _ 522 Jack Sheppard, by White, &e. 523 Mvyse, by Place, &c.—proofs 524 Symonds, by White,—proof, &c. oNB2 Oxford forfiders, by Faber, &c..¢% - 526 Charles I. and II., by Faber, &c. 527 Catherine of Braganza—proof, &c. fo 528 James Duke of York—proof, &e. | WB 529 Prince Rupert—proof, &c. 4 580 The Duke of Buckingham; and Lord Stuart, after — Dyck,. by McArdel—proofs before letters i ¥GR 531 Bishops, by Faber, Houston, &c. OUTCE SEB 532 Bishops Henchman, Laud, Dolben, and Crew vie BOR 533 Oliver Cromwell, after Cooper, &c., by Faber, &e. or TUL Chas 584 De Ruyter, by Van Somer ; and Blake, by Preston (> | (2 2] 535 Sir Thomas Jones, after Claret, &c. 5386 Comber, Dean of Durham—proof before letters ; Oliver Pluokett, by Vaart, &c. ~ 4 5387 Mrs. Plowden, by Faithorue—proof, Weak oar ee 212 _ 988 Lady Rooke, by Faithurne; the Duchess of Portsmouth —pr oof’ ol &e. i 639 Robert Fielding, by Vaart, Be 3. 2p teO 640 Earl of Sandwich, by Blooteling— proof, &e. 5 541 Duke of Norfolk, by Beckett, &e. a | 542 Earl of Derby, by Blooteling, &c. 6 po 543 Lord Harrington, by Faber, &c.—proo/s 5 3 544 The Earl of Northumberland; and Lord Ashley, after Lely 2 care ames Thynne, by Faithorne, &c. 3— 546 Charles’s Beauties—whole lengths, by F aber, with the title 14 547 Ditto, by Watsun—proofs 6 _ $48 Lady Finch, by Vaart, &c. 3. 549 Duchess of Portsmouth, by Blvoteling, &c. -4 _ 550 Duchess of Cleveland, with the Lady Barbara, &c. 2 * 551 Countess of Bridgwater, by Simon, &c. 8 _ 552 Duchess of Grafton, by Verkolje, &c. 5 558 Ditto, &e- 4 554 Lady Hervey, by Simon, &c. 8 _ 555 Mad, Baker, &c., by Beckett 4 556 Mrs. Killegrew, by Beckett, &c. 7 557 Eliza Cooper, by Faithorne, &c. -—proofs 6 Bet: 558 Ladies, by Faber, Watson, &c.—proofs 9 P 559 Lady Seymour, &c., after Lely 3 4 560 ia Ann Montague, &c., after Lely 4 e) . BARE ENGLISH PORTRAITS, BY ELSTRACKE, , DELARAM, THE PASSES, &c. on iil ROYAL PERSONAGES. es 561 William II., by Elstracke ; and Stephen A 562 Henry II.; and Richard I. . 5 563 Edward III.; and Richard UL. : Be . 1o0e Henry V.; and Richard III. — i a m6 865 Henry VIL.—jirst state ; a i] Bs a * b 22 566 Henry VII. and VIII., by Payne and Delaram | +. 3° 567 Henry VIII.—aged portrait—Iselburg ex. 568 Henry VIII., by Delaram. 569 Edward VI., by S. Pass; and Anne of Denmark eu: 570 Mary, after Sir A. More, Gunst, &c. 6 571 Philip II., in a cap Se alae 572 Queen Elizabeth, with orb and sceptre, between two pillars— whole length, with Latin verses; and hertomb 2 573 Elizabeth, with Burleigh and Walsingham, by Faithorne 574 Elizabeth whole length, in the rich dress in which she went tou - > St. Paul’s, after Oliver, by C. de Pass 575 Elizabeth, from the “ Pacata Hibernia ” 576 Elizabeth, with orb and sceptre—half length, with Latin verses, by C. de Pass. | 577 Elizabeth, with the feather fan, &c. 5 es 6 578 Elizabeth, in Parliament, &c. mig: | ‘579 James V., with a German verse ; and James I. pees 4 580 Mary Queen of Scots Ride a 581 Mary Queen of Scots—oval, with her execution and allegorical figures, and Latin verses 582 James I. and Prince Henry, by W. Pass 583 James I., by Pass and Vaughan 584 James I.—four, different : | 4 585 James, with a hat and feather at a tabs e—a verse under 586 James I. and his Queen 3 587 James I. and his Queen—whole iehipthe by W erx 588 James I.—oval, by Wierx 589 James I. on the throne, by Wierx 590 James I. and his family, by W. Pass | 591 Charles Prince of Wales ; and Mary Princess of Spain, by S. Pass 592 The Princess Elizabeth, by Cris. Pass 593 James I. and Prince Henry, by W. Pass 594 James I. and Prince Henry, by Will. Pass 595 Mary, sister of Henry IV., by Sim. Pass _ | 3 596 The Queen Dowager, by Smith, &e. | 3. 597 Prince Henry, when a child, on a cushion ; Be Prince James, iu a racke:-court, by Merian’ oad 23 598 Prince James; and the Princesses Hannah and Elizabeth, by Bre Verda. . By 3 599 Prince Charles, by Van Dalen; Princess Elizabeth, &c. = 5 600 Prince Henry; with iileporteal figures, by Boel | 601 Prince Henry, with a lance—whole length, by Hole 602 Charles I.; and Sir Edward Walker, &c. 6 603 Charles I., on horseback, by Lombart; and Charles and Henrietta . Maria, by Gunst 3 604 Charles I., on horseback, by Lombart ; and Feavetta Maria, by Suyderhoef a, : 2 605 Charles I., and Henrietta Maria, by De Jode 2 606 Charles I. gaming ith Spaniards; and Henrietta pee by Suy- _ derhoef 2 607 Charles I. and Henrietta Maria—ovals—on one sheet, by Glover ; and the Duke of Richmond lying in state 2 608 The Royal gamesters, with verses ; and Charles I.—oval 2 609 Charles I. in armour, between. the Princes Charles and James, the | _ latter with a hawk and dogs 610 ates I., and Henrietta Maria, after aya pair 2 611 Charles I., on horseback, by El.tracke 612 The marriage of the Prince of ie: &c. * 6 613 ‘Lhe same, &c, 6 _ 614 Frederic Count Palatine ; and Elizabeth, by Bolswert—a pair 2 ~ 615 The Queen of Bohemia; and Elizabeth her daughter, &c. 3 616 The Queen of Bohemia, on horseback, with ics) oe by John Sudbury 617 The King of Bohemia—oval, with allegorical figures, dedicated by Iselburg 618 The King and Queen of Bohemia, by Quebornius—a pair 2 619 The King and Queen of Bohemia and family—before the arms on the shield; and See with Dutch, German, and French verses 2 620 Prince and Princess of Orange, by Hondius; and Charles II., with aglobe. 3 621 Princess of Orange, by Visscher, &c. ee 4 622 Henry Duke of Gloucester, by Van Dalen, &c. 4 = *. -.. A Oy, «e fe RE oe ae an 4 ‘ - aoe “ * bs i) a * od Fi - “ vi : BE hee Pra ws MS . * > Ke . . 4 é 2 ‘ia uae oat " ri : a 4 * ¥ ‘ ¥ . « 7 we a Oa. ¢ bsieat ; aa a 624 Charles II., on hosel, with wiews of Eoin : 627 Charles ite te Danaus ; and Princes of Oran 628 Charles 11.—drawing, by Bulfinch — 639 J ames Duke of hes by Van Dako a Ws “ ; Third Dayle Salesicsguit ate 0 Sq. aor ade ag JUNE the 2nd, 1847, ay ‘AT ONE O "CLOCK PRECISELY. » SOMERSETSHIRE? oy ‘Nivd nook BOAQ 160 ta eal tii! 7 s 108 LAE 46 (a = Volver a pin 6 Ghureh, by acti. water colours ww " Sake ae * wv) X = . cr ad pr ee . ae * . * 4 - Xe , \ rT ‘ 4° .4 & — es ay - * = % ¢. 4 ae DP wy ll ey, Lt 26 649 Kew, by Wollett—proof, &e. 692 LT, Cee | pe _--650 Old views ‘and maps A“e+fiagfi} ~~ 46. 651 Various ‘ 70 . 652 By Watts, Hughson, bet —some Lae . | 56 6 653 Oatlands, SE by Sullivan 235 hae 19 SUSSEX. > 654 Drawings—in water colours, &c. 7 5 -655 Cuckfield Church, by Buckler}—in water colours 2 _ 656 . Ardingley Church, by ditto L, : 2S ~657 Ditchley Church, by ditto . ee 658 Lindfield Church, by dilt WEY hoe == 659 By Buck, Kip, &e. ° RI438 7 7» 660 Maps, and various . . me se! 507 i G66 ‘Various Lae ‘ 1307 | _Sbt Ditto : , ae, WARWICKSHIRE. | gs 663 Kenilworth and Warwick Castles—drawing in water colours’ 8” 664 Ancient buildings—ditto “8 665 A collection of the churches—ditio ; ath 937 666 Ancient buildings, &e. Bh Te 667 Shakspeare’s house, by Buckler, in water colours, &¢: 6 668 St. Mary’s, Warwick, by Powell; and Hagley Chapel—ditio . 3 669 Kenilworth—proofs, &c. ce ) 82 670 Warwick Castle, &. 7 | : 50 ‘671 Birmingham maps, &c¢. ~ . ian UP ONE LE WILTSHIRE. ahr 672 Boyton Church, by Buckle—in water colours, &c. isthe (3 673 By Vivares and Kip—maps, &c. oe 73. 674 Various yy ee 675 Salisbury, Fonthill, &. oe Terr apy 676 Stonehenge, &c. : . 46 WORCESTERSHIRE. iy | 677 Worcester Cathedral, &c. ( tie . 62 678 Various t . | rif tee YORKSHIRE. 679 Drawings, by Burgess, &c. - bs hboten Th: 680. By Gaywood, &c. ‘emaity O26 27 681 York 682 Various 683 By Buck, &c. | 684 Various 685 Westall’s views, &c. 686 By Byrne and Angus 687 By Kip—antiquities, &c. 688 Various 689 By Vivares, Mason, Storer, &c.—some proofs ~ 690 Woolley Hall, &c. 691 Fountains, Ripon, &c. - 692 Vivares and Mason 693 Maps and plans 694 By Kip, Harris, &c. WALES. _ 695 Cardiff Castle, by Buckler, &c.—in water colours - ae Chepstow Castle, &c.—ditto 697 Neath Abbey, &c.—ditio— 698 Sketches of antiquities | 699 Pont-y-Pool, &c.—in water colours 700 In Indian ink, by De Cort - 701 Antiquities, maps, &c. 702 Various 403 Cadir Idris, by picatetsPr ed, &c. 704 Some proofs: ° SCOT LAND. 705 Melrose Abbey, &c.—in water colours 106 Various—ditto 107 Seats, &c. 708 Heriots Hospital, by ey rood. &c. 709 Robson’s Grampian Mountains, with the letter-press 710 Castles, by Cooke, &c. > ~ 711 Etchings, and various 712 Antiquities, maps, &c. 713 Mazell’s views — 714 Various 715 Proofs, &c.—various 716 Neale’s views—proofs, &c. 113 157 137. 120 ot 28 By Pouncy, Angus, &c. ; 56 We 718 Various a “68a 719 Antiquities ‘ | 125 IRELAND. 720 Giant’s Causeway, by Vivares, &c. ‘ 73 cis dorray and Guernsey ine Bue rs “EN GLISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS— | 3 (continued). 722 Madame Elinora Gwin, after Lely ae we aes t 723 Madame Parson, by Verkolje, after ditto | 3 } 724 Madame Jane Robarts; and the Lady Price, ae ditto Qe 725 Lady Finch, &c., afier ditto a soos 726 Madame Neville, &c., after ditto 3 427 The Countess of Exeter; the Marchioness of bee by persone &e., after ditto. AL 6 > 728 Lady ROT ; Lady Bellasis, &c., after ditto site hgh ¥ 729 The Countess of Stamford, &c., after ditto sj Mates V geome 730 Madam Loftus, &c., after ditto | bi % 3 731 Queen Mary, by Faithorne, &c. ‘ AS es 732 Ditto, by Faber, &c. , (ek 3 ee 733 Mary Prince-s of Orange, by Faithorne &e. +f 9 tae 734 Royal portraits, by Williams, &c. ee 735 Sir Cloudesley Shovel, by Lens ; ‘Sir R. Haddock—proofs, Moe Ee y 736 Duke of Ormond, by Simon—proof, &c. | 10 —fh, 737 Sir C. Cotterell, by Williams; Sir S. Fox, by Smith, &c. «2 738 The Duke of Devonshire, by Beckett, &c. . . Holt Gt 739 The Countess of Stanhope, by McArdell—proofs, &. = § 6 740 Ladies, after Kneller, by Faber, &c.—one a Prom i HK Te 741 After ditto, by ditto, &c. _ Catcical G7, 742 Ditto termites TR Oa iene of 743 Ditto, by Simon and 1 Smith “gh sok an 0 aU, hr 744 Ditto, by Smth, &c. | ratte ae TA. : 745 Ditto, by Faber, Smith, &c.—one a proof the © Tog 746 Royal portraits by Earlom, &c. — some proofs f ‘Hh. ¢ 747 The Princess of Hanover, by Faber—proofs, &c. - ae Ng 748 Gomes, Envoy from Portugal, &c.—proofs tL. é--% 749 Sir J. Hovblon, by Williams, &c. | i aS) y SAG dusors, by Faber, &c. 10 751 Admirals, by ditto, &c. a aes 15/ .» * 152 General Fielding, by Beckett ane &e. A, Ly f he tif 11 4153 George Wild, by Sherwin—the head mezzotinto; “the border line ; ~ and Lady Fenwick, by Lumley 2 «NOS John Cutts, by Williams ; and Earl of Bridgwater, by Smith 2 755 Duke of Rexburgh, by McArdell, &e. 11 756 Duke of Richmond, by McArdell, Faber, &c. 5 757 Duke of Richmond, by Faber, &e. 10 758 Earl of Rochester, by Williams, &c. 9 759 Stillingfleet, by Green—proof, &e. 17 a 760 Thomas Penn—proof, &c. 10 461 ~Roubillac—proof, &c. 19 762 Admirals, by Earlom, Watson, &c.—some proofs 10 763 Ditto, by Earlom, Green, &c.—some prof s 10 "64 Lawyers, by Faber, &c.—one-a proof 9 765 Captain Farmer, by Murphy—proofs, &c. 11 466 Divines, by McArdell, &c. oe 12 767 Howley and Parr, by Turner, &c. proofs 10— 768 Dr. Percy—proof, &c. , 20 / 769 Miss Scott,-by Faber, &c. 11 770 Mrs. Fitzpairick, by ditto, &c.—proofs 9 771 Lord Mulgrave, by Dixon—proofs, &c. : 4 772 Richardson, by McArdell ; Hume, by ee ee &e. 11 773 Captain Coram, by McArdell, &c. ale 74 Royal por:raits, by Gole, &c. 10 775 George III., Ly Waré—proofs, &c. 6 776 Duke of Bedford, by pater depres 4) 777 Lysons, by Reynolds, &c. 11} “78 Lord Lyttleton, &c,—proofs 779 Lord Braybrook, by Turner, &c a 480 Duke of Buccleugh, by. Dixon—proofs, &c. 781 Lord Grenville, by Reynolds—proofs, &e. 782 Pitt, by Earlom—proofs, &c. . 783 Busby, by Watson, &e. —one a proof 29 784 Nelson, by Earlom —proofs, &e. PPP PO We 30 HOLLAR’S WORKS. 785 Titles of books, &c. . 786 Van Avont’s boys, &c. 787 Butterflies 788° Ditto, and muffs 789 Muffs 790 Muffs and butterflies 791 The cat’s head . 792 Animals and birds ,»ee@93 Landscapes and coins + “""94 The chalice, after A. Montegna 795 Sword handles 796 Ships 797 Sea pieces 798 Heads—various 799 Ditto . 800 Ditto 801 Ditto 802 Heads of women = al 803 Ditto 804 The seasons 805 Ditto—half length 806 Ditto—whole length 807 Costumes of -the Peers 808 Painters—proofs, &c. Painters 810 Theatrum Mulierum, &c. PORTRAITS, BY HOLLAR. 811 Richard TI. presented to the Virgin; and the ae &e. 812 Richard III.; Henrietta Maria, &c. $13 Henry VIII. and his Queens, &e. 814 Mary Queen of Scots—small square, &c. 815 Charles I. and II., &e. 816 Charles I.; Mary de Medicis, &c. 817 Charles I.; and Henrieita Maria—ovals 17 15 wan waoaw 31 818 Charles I. ; and Henrietta Maria—ovals | 4 819 Charles I., with the encampments of ‘the seats past Newcastle 820 Prince Rupert, &c. - 3 821 Earl of Strafford ; William Prynne, &c —ovals 9 822 Duke of Lenox ; Earl of Newport, &c.—ovals 9 823 Lord Say and Seale; Prynne, &c.—ovals 4 824 Marquis of Hamilton, &c.—ovals ‘ 2 825 Baron Mowbray; Lord Pawlet, &c. 3 - 826 Mildmay Fane; Lord Arundel, &c. 4 Af 827 Earl of Arundel, on horseback : . 828 Earl of Arundel ; and Earl of Strafford 2/ st 829 Earls of Arundel and Portland 2 830 Earl of Portland; and Sir Philip Herbert == 2 831 Earl of Warwick in armour—whole length | 832 Ditto—first state 833 The Earl of Chester, in Parliament, &c. 8 834 Devereux Earl of Essex—whvle length 835 Ditto, on horseback—very fine 836 Ditto ~~ 837 Lord and Lady Guildeford ; Lord Denny, &c. 838 Duchess of Richmond ; Countess of Suffolk, &c. 839 Lady Catherine Howard —oval 810 Lady Alathea Talbot, &c., after Van Dyck 841 Duchess of Lenox; Elizabeth Harvey, &c. 842 Madame Killegrew, &c. 843 Sir W. Waller—Earl of Arundel, &c. 844 Sir Henry Rudyera, &c. ovals 845 Sir L. Cromwell; Bacon, &c. 846 Sir Philip Herbert—/irst impression eu Sir George Crooke, &c.—ovals | bulstrode Whitelock—elching washed by Hollar; Charles 1.— we "pen drawing, ‘&e, 2 849 Oughtred; Fenner, &c. - 850 John Rogers—proof, &c. 851 Lockyér ; Henderson, &c. 852 Andrews ; Bernard, &c. 853 Dr. Chambers, &c., after Holbein 854 Judges Heath and Clenche aOmorwwwe ds © = NDA NAA aw , iy Fhe v wd f Ad Co -f é a , oe f ot = : 3 f J Fa “ La é Z cm ; ot ; * 855 Judges Heath and Clencle 2 856 Jacob Stanier, &c. 6 857 Edward Calver; and Jacob Stanier ei F Cea 858 Henry Colthurst ; Nat. Nye, &c. ca oid i Ge ae 15 859 The water spouter, &c. , ne & 860 L. and C. de Wael, &c. re #1, 861 Hollar, with a plate—proof, &e. , obra tt To wig 67%? 862 Portraits of Hollar, &c. Taal f2olt agieth Cie 4 863 Trial of Thomas Earl of Strafford Py, - Bich ace 864 Execution of Thomas Earl of Strafford =| 4 ee 865 Prince Rupert’s Victory over De Ruyter, &c. {lo bk Saag ROYAL PERSONAGES—(contimed). 3 866 The Pretender, by H orthemela, &e. us ba" Se Sr, 6 867 The Pretender, &c. ‘ore ‘ rs obB / 7 868 Ditto, &e. Wisc, Ab ee 869 The Prince of Wales, by Edelink, &c. ~ Papa ee 870 Ditto, by Largilliere, &c. ps 871 The Duke of Monmouth, in robes of the Garter—half length— proof—by Blooteling : | 872 James Duke of Monmouth, surronnded by seven’ other portraits, by Savage ; and the Lords Justices, by White 25d 873 Prince Rupert, by Blooteling; and Duke of Monmouth, by Van- derbanc 2 874 Prince Rupert, by White; and the Duchess of Qeleaney by. Lar-. messin 2 875 William and Mery aroma by Smith and Williams. | ys ey? . 876 George I. and II., . ‘ 7 14\ ¥ 877 Prince and ase & Wales, by Bath nen te 9 878 George III, by Woollett, &e. - PE 879 George IIT. and the Royal Dukes pres by. ‘Skelion 2 PREYS 880 George III., by Cardon, &e. Me JIVINES. ci. 881 Divines, by Gribelin, &. or 882 Ditto : C2 A ae moe a | ra Ea 883 Divines, by White, &c. | 40 «© .884 Ditto, by Facius, &c. os, ) Ls~ Her Bishop North, by Bond, &. | 10 886 Bishop Wilkins, by Blooteling, &c. . 14 887 Sidenham, Roberts, Sibbs, and Sym, &c., by Gaywood, Payne; a and Marshall 10 —47 888 Henry Robinson, kneeling, &e. | 10_ Z —889 Dr. Chauncey, by Watson, &e. POH 36 . i 890 Samson Lennard, by Vaughan, &c. 4 891 Mr. Hobson, by Payne; Sir H. Chauncey, by: Savage, &e. Z 892 Prideux, Boys, by.Payne, &c. 10: - 893 Lake, Attwood, Babington Ussher, by. Marshall, &c. 3 894 Colet, Crispe, Donne, by Merian, &c. 12 895 Featley, by Marshall Goodwin, &e. . 6.2 8 896 Rainolds, Simpson, &e. , 7 r 897 Shute and Hall, by Marshall, &e. 6 | 898 Latimer, Mountaine, White, and Parry, by Uivksdn: &e. 6 899 Bishop of York, by Elstracke, &c. 5 900 Bishop of Salisbury, by Delaram ; Montague, by Blsteacke bee. ‘, 901 Hilder, Holland, Hall, and Lake, by Paytie,, &c. o | 902 John Howson, Hall, and Franck, by Dolle, &e. © - . ues ae gti 903 Fox, by Glover ; Catpenter, by Marshall; &e. Suro ES “lg “904 Collett, , Beveridge, Wyles, &c. ,) £4 : Bee 905 Laud, i. Visscher, &c. ~ ; CEG / Sear 06 Tillotson, Stillingfleet, Tenison, &c., by Blooteling, ‘et Ae oe - --907 Heylyn, Atterbury, and Barlow, by White, &e. ° 20 Bees DO Aref 09 i 910 Sir Thomas Overbury—copy from a rare print ; and Sir T homas “ R More | 32 a REMARKABLE » CHARACTERS, “AUTHORS, &e. £91 Remarkable characters . gk A 46 GaN? Ditto 20" es ih TU Ban. “AO . “Giants, Gee a : 12 —< 14 rancis Hawkins ; James ee &c. 10: 8 Brian Walton. by Lombart; Lightfoot, by White, Feasley, &c. 9 The Bishops’Council ; Moore, Charnock, Bushby ; by White, &c. 15 @ 916 Sarah Malcolm, &c. ..917- Mrs. Brownrigge, &c. Cater i-iw 43. =978° Henry Jenkins, by Worlidge; Old Parf, he. ine 919 Nell Gwynne, by Valck, &e. 920 Purcell and Blow, by White, &c. | 921 Garrick, Bannister, &c.—proofs, &c. 922 Captain Coram, by Brooke, &c. 923 Titus Oates; the Jesuits; Hugh Peters, &c. ~ 924 Authors, &e. eh) Ditto 926 Pope, &c. 927 Milton—proofs, &e. 928 John Howard,sby Svott—proofs, &c. 929 Martin Folkes, by Hogath 930 Drummond, of Hawthornden, by Gaywood, &e. 931 Taylor, the water poet, by Tockson, Wither, &c. 932 Shakspeare, by Droeshout, Chapman, &c. 933 Petyt, Marsham, &c., by White 934 Ogilvy, by Lombart, &c. 935 Lilly, by Marshall; Ramsey and Gadbury, by abe See | 7 936 Vincent Wing, by Cross, Gadbury, Metcalfe, &c. 937 Thoma Beard, ‘‘ Pedantius,”? Crompton, Mercator, &c. : 938 T. Scott, by Crispin de Pass, and Marshall, i ke. 939 Weever, Richards, Selden, &c. 940 Camden, by Gaywood and White, &e. 941 Burton, by Delaram—title, &c. 942 Sylvanus Morgan—proof; Sir W. Lower, &c. 943 Darcey Wentworth, by Pass, Shirley, Pallius, &c. - 944 Sir J. Reynolds, by Sherwin—proof, &c. in Painters ve 946 Edmund King, by White, Ke. , 947 Physicians, by Crosse, White, Williams, &c. Ena of Third Day’s Sale. . 20 AOAnCearnrorowsa = ANNO ~ by Ss D “ge Ne Fourth Day’s Sale. heres On THURSDAY, JUNE the 3rd, 1847, AT ONE roe CLOCK PRECISELY. ‘s ee! el le eo ee oo a, ung , 7 + + 4 - HISTORICAL. ~» 948 French history AU riats 7 27 949 Ditto 2 Nae ice aeene ae 0 Russian history, Ke. TF tercutisnrae os . A mF ee O51 Spanish ditto Ba 14 c > ~-**~952 Dutch History—various ¥ ye e564.” wf : f i OE M4 953 Ditto, by De Bas &e. =, Pht Lara J . ofa ae ___ 954 English history hen. Pres 63. <= 45 955 Ditto a es hy BG Ge 956 Ditto, George III. , See 1 atbdien | a> £ ee silt Execution of the Pails Plot conépiratdrs 2: Fb : Y are, 58 ns ; 6 ie ae dog * JPL aS 4 é ™ 1001 John Lilborne at the b bar, &c. 1002 W. Noy, by Faithorne, &c. ee beg sae ash} 1003 Pym, by Glover, &e. On SO ae 1004 Sir Thomas Urquhart, by Glover, &c. Sy de Dm rae * 2 6 30 1005 Sir George Rawdon, by White, &c. | 6 . 1006 English nobility—proofs, &c. ft one wlivs 19 1007 Ditto See ae 1008 Ditto, by White, Houbraken, &c. 8—— 1009 Lady Arabella Stuart, by Basire, &e 4G 1010 Lord Koningsmark, by White, &c. , G 1011 Lord Derby, by Loggan; Lord Montague, by. Blootsling, &e. 3- 1012 William Earl of Pembroke, by Voerst, &e. ~~. oS 1013 The Earl of Essex; and Lord Montgomery, by Pass 2 1014 Rathbone and Thomas Howard, by Elstracke 2 ey. 1015 Clifford Farl of Cumberland ; ; and Somerset Earl of Worcester, by Simon Passe a - 1016 The Earl of Essex, on horseback 4 oo Lyd Lt Dove ) | ibe oe The Duchess of Newcastle, whole length ee : Pie'm 1018 Dudley Earl of Leicester, a Marshall; Veer, Earl of Oxford, bbe a 1019 Herbert Earl of Pembroke; and Capt. Edward Rigby, by Smith : | 2 nd ; << «41020 Darnley, by Elstracke . 1021 Lady Arabella Stewart—very rare a7 ‘ 1022 The Earls of Leicester and Arundel, by S. Passe 2B 1023 George Fitzroy, Earl of: Nottie betland, after Gascar—~ : mezzotinto ~ &e-» 1024 Wriothesley Earl of Southampton; and Lucy Countess of Bed- enry, Earl of Oxford; and Sackville Lord Buckhurst, by _S. Passe 7 ‘anh ae x = gntague Lord Mandeville, by Delaram ; Mamita of Hamilton, tht by Vaughan; Richard Earl of Holland, &e. 5 1027 Cromwell, Monk, &c. 16 7028 Cromwell, on horseb:ck—the altered plate, by Lombart, &c. 2’ F) i 1029 Cromwell, on horseback, ‘‘ Duce et auspice Christo Fy and Crom- > well, with scenes from his life x 2 U0 b>~—1030. ae on horseback, by Faithorne, &c. | 6 romwell—whole len th, on a sheet, with satyrical plates and 7 eel Dutch descriptions; and chronology of remarkable passages ~ SS ; relating to Cromwell, with portrait 2°U z wa. sree ys oe tale oer CO HF ns by Vaughan 2 - _ford, by S. Pass ve 2. 38 1032 Fairfax and Cromwell Ry’ 22k 1033 Fairfax with the head of Charles, &c. ics GH. Sh. : NOBILITY. 1084 Richard Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, by S. ‘Pass » Lp rp 1035 Henry Vere, Earl of Oxford, by Vaughan ~eoreieieietarsns ently Py “6 1036 Edmund Lord Sheffield—first state ~— 96-68 s Taki uet oay 1037 J. Digby, Earl of Bristol 3 eee ae. 1038 G. Villiers, Earl of Beckingham, by S. Pass ~ rs ; a A 1039 G. Villiers, Earl of Buckingham, by W. Pass S . 7 1040 G. Villiers, Earl of Buckingham, by S. Pass — Rises 8 1041 The Earl and Countess of Somerset, by S. Pass | pe seiece reiterate o _ 1042 Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, by S. Pass . as s ©<.1043 William Earl of Pembroke, by S. Pass _ - ape, 1044 Henry Wriotheley, Earl of Southampton, by S. Pass. vs 2 1045 Lodovic, Duke of Lenox, by S. Pass cori als 1046 Thomas Egerton, Lord Ellesmere, by S. Pass_ 4 1047 Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, by S. Pass ff 1048 Jumes Hay, by S. Pass | : rat 1049 Robert Sidney, Viscount Lisle, by S. Pass oe a! 3 Fe 1050 Robert S:dney, Earl of Leicester, by S. Pass gol : o 1051 Kdwaid Somerset, Earl of Worcester, by S. Pass ie 1“ § = 1052 Wm. Knollis, Viscount Wallingford—first address : 43 1053 Francis Manners, Earl of Rutland ‘hates teeta 1054 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex nee S ¢ 1055 Dudley Earl of Leicester, &e. hy ape ties £. Peery ae. 1056 Robert Earl of Essex, on horseback, an army and fleet in the background siebebe Bp HES 3 1057 Jubn Harrington, Lord Exton ; ae Vis 7 A 1058 T!.omas Howard, Earl of Suffolk ; 1059 George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland ; and Ree Veere, Earl ef Oxford ce 5 1060 The Earl of Straffurd—8, different ) 8 1061 Lord Munjoy Blunt, &c. “ fe ZZ ) 2 1062 ‘Thomas Cromwell, by Fillian, becf ‘ ar TH be a+ +72 9 EOE. “1063 Sir Thomas More, by Vorsterman, &d “ Sg 1064 Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, by Vorsterman, &e. 3 4 * 1065 Wolsey, by Elstracke, &c. a all 39 1066 Morett, by Folkemar, &c. Y dosti 1067 Bacon, by Marshall, Cross, &c. 1068 Mrs. Browne, &c. 1069 Austin, by Glover, Preston, &c., titles 1070 ‘J. Trapp, by Gaywood, &c. SAS Ter. Glanvill, by Faithorne, &c. 1072 Abott, by Delaram, &c. 1073 Sir W. Raleigh, by S. Pass 1074 Sir 'P: Bacon, by S. Pass | ~~ 1075 Sir Henry Rich, by W. Pass Se 1076 Sir Thomas Smith, and Sir H. Hobart, by S. Pass Op vee 1OTT Sir W. Segar—proof—Delaram : Eas? We ~. 1078 Sir Julius Cesar Ee -. 1079 Sir Philip Sidney a gene 1080 General Cecyll, by S. Pass - r, “sf “_ 1081 Count Gondomar, by W. Pass Cys »1082 Aaron Rathbone, by S. Este Prey ce “Log? 42 1083 Arthur O. Toole, by Delaram gE _.,, 1084 Bishop Williams . we 1085 The Newcastle family, by*Wan Lisebetter; and the Duchess of Get t2n A086 The Newcastle family, by Clouet _ 54087 Carey Earl of Monmouth, by Marshall, &c. 4. Ci A. os enjamin sete by Payne; and Lord Montague, by Da OFF haccico Blooteling 2 1090 Richard Elton, by Droeshout, &c. : 4 ey % .>1091 Lucy Harrington, Countess of Bedford, by S. Pass 1092 Frances Duchess of Richmond, and Henry Percy, Earl of North- patie? umberland, by Delaram — 2 raeen 1093 Frances Duchess of Richmond, by W. Pass ~.° 1094 Lady Mary Sidney, by S. Pass “d a% we 1095 Katherine Marchioness of Backingbam, oe Delaram Lord Belasyse, by White, &e. 9 / <«. 6 ae” ~ 1097 The Duke of Hamilton, by White, &c. 7 as. 1098 Robert Earl of Yarmouth, &c., by Vanderbane . 3 1099 William Duke of Hamilton, by Vanderbanc me OD oO P oO Newcastle, by Van Schuppen 2 obert Stapylton and Samuel Morland, by Lombart 2 - AC 1100 Henry Duke of Norfolk, by Blooteling b RYROME: dnc js 1101 George Carew, Earl of Totness; and George Earl of Cumber- 4 land, by White MAES aig eos 1102 Lord Ossory, by Van Hove, ‘ec. | Rg i2Z— Fe 1103 The Marquis of Winchester, by White, &c. 24, OS 8. © 1104 Heneage Earl of Nottingham, by White, &e. 20-6@ Tey JB 1105 The Earl of Shaftesbury, by White, &c. to 0 4 mtg 1106 Elizabeth Countess of Warwick, by Pontius, &c. — gee RSS Pees ie 1107 The Earl of Aylesbury, by Harrewyn, &c. ek Se 4 ee 1108 The Duchess of Mazarin, by Valck, &c. , O BTOR gS &. 1109 Elizabeth Countess of Huntingdon, &e. i LF as is 1110 Catherine Howard, by De Jode, &e. 18s TR eee 1111 The M arquis of Winchester; Ear! of Leven, &e. ne ¢ Te 1112 Robert Earl of Essex, by Marshall, &. 9 us ee aT Mh spl 2 1113 Rich. Earl of Warwick, &c. ai ie cok C0 Te er 1114 James Howell, Lord Manchester, Xe. ibn? 4 Pig LE 2 1115 Duchess of Dorset, by Williams, mezzotinto, &c.’ Bi 6.--- ie , 1116 Thomas Howard and Lady Alathea ‘Talbot, Earl and Countess fit» ; Cassie. ks 2 of Surry, by Vorsterman ™ »,}1117 Marquis of Newcastle, by Vosterman, &c. | Bh fF “41118 Dudley Carlton, by Delft, &e. . | —6-+. OG £41119 Fairfax, Selden, &c. E OUR 1120 Sir Henry Hobart, by Pass; Sir F. Drake, by De Leu, &¢. 1° 4 » <¢_ 1121 Sir Philip Sidney, by ae and others of the Sidney family” 5 LA. 1122 Sir Philip Sidney, &e. *#¥jaqge , 33 1123 Mezzotinto, by Faber, &c. . pete OR 15 Ae ff 1124 Lord Mayor Finch—mezzotinto, &c. SVR AIG Siete af teteNA25 Linte, by Payne; and Sir James Cambell, by Glover LG "126 W hittington, by Elstracke; and Sir Thomas rigs by ead > PECUCT —laram | Frente tC “4 1127 Sir Thomas Gresham, by Wierx—proofs, &o. . c+ Sh ee .200>—1128 Slingsby Bethel, by Sherwin, ee Oh Ane 9 ae Re ain : -e-gA129 Mary Blandy; &c. . ke hE SLO 1130 Hamilton, after Van DyckeAaeh ; ‘Waite by Matham, &=6—...._ -@ ee RISA 1132 Sir Robert’ Naunton, “ Fortunam ex aliis 5 2 il ise arms on ag Sir Robert Naunton, with the arms and verses, by Simon Pass —“ . / separate sheet, by Abts Pass ff a ee, SF. egal ae ar t ea : 4 ff i 4] 1133 Mildmay Earl of Westmorland, by Williamson ; ‘and Bertie Earl --of Lindsey, by Voerst 2 1134 James Stewart, Duke of Lenox, after Geldorp, by Voerst 1135 William Earl of Pembroke, by Voerst and Vosterman 27 1136 Philip Earl of Montgomery, and Earl of Pembroke, by Voerst. 2 AA \ya137 Thomas Belasyse, Viscount Fauconberg, by Blooteling _ CaF _ 1138 Villiers Duke of Buckingham, by Delft, and William Earl ee iy Fi 4 , ee eae Pembroke, by Voerst 2 = © #139 Sir John Pennington, by Van Daler, sexpevetm—pincmnenmmmnnint J L tth> 1140 Sir John Hotham, on horseback decal dis bb nacntibchd SZ gat A141 William Lord Craven, on horseback : eer AD 142 Robert Earl of Essex; on horseback | 1143 Robert Bertie, Earl of Lindsay, by Voerst yo1l44 Sir W. Waller, by Rodttermondt Pe aa . bee PA LIAS Ditto, &e. . | 8 .~ 1146 John Bishop of Lincoln, by Delaram bagi BRAM Sir Edward Dering, by Glover, &c. — | 4 - 1148 Croke, by: Gaywood Brawhlan, by Crosse, Serer 6 4 2 a ~ 1149 Francis Moore, by Faithome, &c. 1150 Sir James Ley, with and without the tournament ie 51151 Sir E. Ward; Sir G. Treby, &c., by White 5 mn 1152 Sir John Blencowe, by Sherwin, &o. wr tS 11 py fee7\153 Lord Mansfield, by Bartolozzi—proof,&e. 22 ep DT ee 1154 The Earl of Landerdale, by Valck—proof, &e. 6 1155 The Earl of Arundel and Lady Alathea Talbot, by Vorsterman 2 2 Coat ASE Algernon Percy, Earl of Northumberland == — Ns ‘1157 Rupert Douglas, by Falck; . and James Marquis’ of Hanson, Hag by. Lisbetius bx 2 SS 38 Reformers—woodcuts, &c. 25 - | fle_1159_ Will Sommers, Kinge Henrye’s jester BFE ih 2 Te ON he yore Archee, the King’s s jester, &e. | 6 ¥ we ENGLISH AND FOREIGN TOPOGRAPHY. “HOLLAR—(continyed). g AT Poregn views A aan i ae -_-M62 Foreign topography—sinall 3 of 1H ee oa. ee ) 7 a | 30 — fs | 42 1164 -Foreign topography—small © 2 A165 = aeeett 9 Se SSS E err i = : etn : 5 = = et EOE eS RO nm ees SS See Slane Sera ee — = er oe ee ee < - pe raredh va Fe os e Ale = - = - = apres ears a E : = eee ror See <3 ae Sees Ses SSA Sea ate Sega ee apes