Fifth Avenue Huction Rooms, tnc. 238 Fitth Avenue 2530 a [Paintings ANd Bron3zes Formerly belonging to the late Charles 3H. Ses A i 7 o> or é y La | 2 fs f { . i Snare Sais ~ ~ of Ferseyp city \ toe eaamemanner emer. 9 oe ae at tk, < Di ms Chursday and Friday Evenings, March 16 and 17, 1899, at Bight o’clock <7 rie f See LIBRARY NO: M. KNOEDLER & CO, | F7 3 556-8 FIFTH AVE. AGC. NEW YORK VALUABLE AND CAREFULLY CATALOGUE OF A LY SELECTED: COLLECTION Peal INT LN By DIsTINGUISHED MASTERS OF THE AMERICAN AND FRENCH SCHOOLS, ALSO ~ A NUMBER OF CHOICE BRONZES Formerly belonging to the late CHARLES H. WINFIELD, OF JERSEY CITY, To be sold by Auction in the Galleries of the Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms, No, 238 Fifth Avenue, THURSDAY AND FRI AT EIGHT O’CLOCK,. WM. B. NORMAN, Auctioneer and Manager. H. N. ATKINSON. PRINTER, NEw YoRE I iain st ARTISTS REPRESENTED, Achenbach, O., 33 Alten) Ansdell, R., 2 Bakalowicz, L., 95 Baker-Korff, A. H., 8 Baron, H. G.-A., 21 Bellows, A. F., 77, Bierstadt, A,, 58 Blakelock, R. Vatee Voi Bogert, G. H., 142 Boucher, F., 96 Both, J., 132 Bougniet, C., 116 Bradford, W , 121 Braeckeleer, F. de, 18 Braith, A., 22 Breton, J., 13, 107 Brissot, F., 74. 78 Brouwer, A., 59 Brozik, N. von, 150 (Cevaiiny [falCs, 10) Clouet, J., 153 Cole, T., 9, 109 Coleman, S., 97 Compte, Calix F. C., 117 Corot, |5 Bb: C475 Coutourier, P. L., 20 Courbet, G., 7 Crome, J., 137 Cropsey, J. F.. 28 Cuyp, A., 3 Dabour, J., 133 Daubigney, C. F., 10, 98, 131 De Haas, J. H. L., 16 Defaux, A.. 138 Delacroix, E., 112 Diaz, N., 6, 54 Doughty, T., 60, 113 Dow, G., 123 Domingo, J., 89 press) ae Durand, A. B., 23 Escosura, L. Y., 29 Flink, G., 122 Fortuny, M., 53 Foscari, A., 27, 32, 110, 111 Frere, 0 -,-104 Girard, F., 43 Girardet, E. H., 84 Glaize, P. P. L., 34 Greuze, J. B., 19 Grison, A., 56 Gues, A., 49 Hart, W., 30, 99 Herring, J. F., 31 Hiller, G., 47 Holberton, W., 108 Hoppner, J., 105 Hubner, K., 37, 118 Huysmans, L. B. De, 35 Isabey, E., 85 Jacque, C. E., 73 Jettel, E., 48, 57, 130 Jobert, P.. 104, 105 Johnson, D., 36, 100 Jolly, J. H., 25 Jongkind, J. B., 55, 125 Koek-Koek, B, C., 90 Lasalle, L., 4 Lely, Sir B.,. 71 MacDonough, J., 91 Ruysdael, J.. 87. Madou, J. B.. 38, 115 Max, G., 106 Santvoort, D. van, 151. Marilhat, P., 86 Savini, A., 129. Meissonier, J. L. E., 137 Schenck, A, F. A., 63. Memling, H., 40 DChreyen As 70s Meyerheim, F., 52 Schulz, A., 64. Mierevelt, M. J. van, 140 Shattuck, A. D., 102. Mignard, P., 144 Smith, G., 134. Mignot, L. R., 11 Sonntag, W. L., 94. Millets sj. E14, 15, Stella, G., 67. Mirou, A., 155 Stevens, A., 148. Monticelli, A , 61, 146 Moreau, A., 50 Tait, A. F., 45. Mount, W. S., 5 Meniers Ds 36: Munier, E., 119 Thornley, 65. Tocque, L., 139. Nasmyth, P., 136 Toulmouche, A.. 103. Netscher. G.. 143 Troyon, C., 68. Turner, J. M. W., 154. Parton. A, 24 Pater, J. B., 135 Van Dyck, Sir A., 141. Point, A., 124 Van Severdonck, J., 93. Poussin, G., 128 Verboekhoven. L., 46. Pourbus, F., 152. Verhoven-Ball, A. J., 88. Priou, L., 42. Vigneron, P., 70. Voltz, F., 51. Rembrandt, van Ryn, 4!. Richet, L., 66. Wauters, C, A., 92. Ricci, P., 147. Weber, O., 120 Richter, E., 44. Whitman, F. E., 26. Riedel, A., 12. Worms, J., 149. Robbe. L., ror. Rousseau, T., 62. Ziem, F., 69 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC SALES OF IMPORTANT ART COLLECTIONS. aS THE Firth AVENUE AucTION Rooms begs re- spectfully to announce that it is prepared to undertake the management of the Exhibition and Sale of Collections of Paintings and other Art property of special importance. Mr. Norman’s experience in such matters, and the central location of the Fifth Avenue Auction a i Roonis, is a sufficient guarantee that all business entrusted to it will be carried through with en- tire satisfaction. CONDITIONS OF SALE. First.—All goods offered for sale shall be sold to the highest bidder. SECOND.—If a dispute arise» between two or more bidders it shall be optional for the Auctioneer to strike down the goods to the person whose bid he last heard, or in his discretion to immediately put up again and re sell the lot so in dispute, TutrD.—The purchaser, immediately upon the goods being struck down, shall give in his name and residence and make a deposit of not less than twenty-five per cent. of the purchase price as a guarantee that the whole amount shall be paid. In default of this payment the Company will, at its option, either hold the purchaser on his contract, or rescind the contract and put up the goods so purchased to be re-suld, holding the first purchaser for any loss or damage occasioned by such re-xale. FourTH.—The remainder of the purchase price must be paid before the goods are removed from the premises, In default of this payment the Company will, at its option. either hold the purchaser on his contract, or rescind the contract and put up the goods so purchased to be re-sold. holding the first purchaser for any loss or damage occasioned by such re-sale. Such loss or damage shall be deducted from the amount deposited at the time of purchase, if such deposit be sufficient in amount to cover the damage. If not sufficient the Company will hold the purchaser for any further damage not covered by such deposit. FirtH —The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk on the morning following each session of the sale, setween Eight and Twelve o'clock, and the remainder of he purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise Settled for to the satisfaction of the Company on or be- ore delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, dam- aged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. SixtH.—To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and incon- venience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. SEVENTH—The Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms makes no warranty as to quality, condition or title of any goods or lot of goods offered for sale, the goods having been exhibited one or more days. E1cHru,—Every purchaser at any sale held by the Com- pany buys the goods subject to the foregoing conditions. FIFTH AVENUE AUCTION ROOMS, WM. B. NORMAN, Auctioneer and Manager CATALOGUE FIRST EVENINGS SALE. THURSDAY, March 16th, 1899, at Eight o’Clock. A deposit of Twenty-five per cent. on the amount pur chased will be required. NOTICE—TERMS OF SALE CASH. BRADFORD, William New York Member of National Academy. Ice-bergs in Labrador 2 ANSDELL, Richard (R. A.) London Born in Liverpool, 1815. Exhibited at the Royal Acad- emy in 1840. Made an Associate of the Royal Academy in 1861, and an Academician ten years later. Awaiting the Hunters Return CUYP (Kuyp), Aelbert Holland Born at’ Dordrecht, 1620. Died, 1691. Dutch school, On the Meuse ee ee eee A i a LASALLE, Louis Several Medals. Young Shepherdess. MOUNT, Wiliam S., New York Native of Long Island. 1806-1868, Elected member Na- tional Academy, 1832. Wedding Breakfast 6 DIAZ, De La Pena (Narcisse Virgile) Paris Paris medals, 1844-46-48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diplo- ma to the members of ‘‘ Deceased Artists,” Universelle Ex- position, 1878. Greek Family. COURBET, Gustave Paris Born at Ornans, Doubs, 1819. Died at Tour de Peil, near Vevay, 1878. Medals in 1849-57-61. In the Glen 8 BAKER-KORFF, Alexandre Hugo Hague Born at the Hague, 1824. Pupil of J. E. J. Van Berg. Domestic Scene. COLE, Thomas, New Vaule ee Born at Bolton le Moor, England, 1801. Died near Catskill, New York, in 1848. Landscape painter. In the Adirondacks 10 DAUBIGNY Charles Francois (deceased) Paris Born at Paris, 1817. Pupil of his father and Paul Dela- roche. Medals, 1848, 1858, 1855, 1857, 1859-1869. Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer, 1874. Died, 1878. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Landscape It MIGNOT, L. R. New York Born in South Carolina, 1831. Died, 1871. Spent several years in study in Holland. Made member of National Academy in 1859. Winter Scene RIEDEL, August Munich Born at Baireuth, 1802. Died in Rome, 1883. Genre and portrait painter. Pupil of Munich Academy under Peter Van Langer. Virginia at the Bath 13 BRETON, Jules Paris Born in Courrieres, 1827. Pupil of Devigne and Drolling. Medals, 1855-57-59-61. Medals, London, Vienna and f Brussels, Peasant Girl, Normandy 14 MILLET, Jean Francois Paris 1814-1875. Medals, Paris Salon, 1853, 1864, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1868. La Baratteuse (Butter Maker) 15 MILLET, Jean Francois Paris La Gardeuse d’Oies (Geese Keeper) Water Color. 16 DE MAAS, |. Ae L Brussels Born at Hedel, 1830. Pupil of Poan Os and of the Am- sterdam Academy. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Landscape and Cattle o ALT, Theodor Munich Born at Dohlau, Bavaria, 1846. Genre painter. Pupil of Kreling in Nuremburg and of the Munich Academy. Proposal 18 BRAEKELEER, Ferdinand De Antwerp Born in Antwerp, February 19, 1792. Died, 1883. History and genre painter. Pupil of the Antwerp Academy and of M.1I. Van Bree. Order of Leopold. Member of the Blanc TA] RICCI, Pio Florence Pupil of the Royal Academy, Sienna. Medals : Sienna, 1883. Melbourne, 1883. Gold medal, Nice, 1877. Presentation 148 STEVENS, Alfred Paris Born at Brussels, 1828. Pupil of Navez and of Roqueplan. Medals, 1853, 1855, Exposition Universelle. First class, 1867, Exhibition Universelle. First Class, 1878, Exhibition Universelie. Legion of Honor, 1863. Officer of same, 1867, and Commander, 1878. Hors Concours. Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Chevalier and Commander Orders of St. Michael of Bavaria and of Ferdi- nand of Austria. The Great Gold Medal of Honor (Univer- selle Exhibition), Antwerp, 1885. Dressing for the Masquerade 149 WORMS, Jules Paris Born at Paris, 1837. Pupilof Lafosse. First exhibited at the Salon in 1839. He spends most of his time in Spain, where the’ subjects of most of his pictures are found, Medals, 1867-68-69-78. Legion of Honor, 1876. One of the Founders of the French Water Color Society. Toreador SS Pikes we i h f a ‘ 150 BROZIK, Vacslav von Paris Born at Tzcmoschna, near Pilsen, Bohemia, 1852. Pupil of the Academy at Munich, under Piloty, and of M. de Munkacsy in Paris. He received a medal at the Salon of 1878, and gold medals at Exposition at Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Brussels. He was made a Cheva- lier of the Legion of Honor in 1893, and an Officer of the Legion in 1896. Member of the Institute, 1897. He is a Knight of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria. Commander of the Order of Lettersand Arts of Austria. Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, and of St. Michael of Bavaria. He was created a Baron by the Austrian Emperor in 1897, and has been appointed Painter to the Imperial Family of Austria. He is also Director of the Academy of Fine Arts at Prague. Prince of Orange 151 SANTVOORT, Dirck van Amsterdam Born, 1610. Died, 1680. Pupil of Rembrandt and a portrait painter of great distinction. Dutch Maid 152 POURBUS, Franz (the younger) Antwerp Born at Antwerp in 1570. From 1600, painter to Vin- cenzo I. at Mantua. In 1610, painter at the court of Henry IV., and favorite painter to Marie de Medicis after her husband’s death. He died in Paris, 1622. Portrait of Margaret de Valois Daughter of Marie de Medicis, CLOUET |. Paris 1510-1572. Francis IL, King of France Husband of Mary Stuart and son of Catherine de Medicis and Henri II. 154 TURNER, Joseph Mallord William London Born in London, 1775. Died, 1851. Pupil of Royal Aeademy, 1789. Elected Associate of Royal Academy, 1799, and Member, 1802. Professor of Royal Academy, 1807. Received all the distiuction and medals of his time. Oneof the most illustrious artists of the century. Blue Grotto MIROU, Anton Flanders Flourished 1614-53 in Flanders. Flemish school Painted landscapes witn biblical scenes in manner of Jan Brueghel, also hunting pieces with horsemen. Jacob and Esau ae BRONZES. Bust of Female, by Houdon Figure of Japanese Girl, by G. Leroux Figure representing Sophocles Deer, by Barye Figure of Diana, by Bulio Pair Japanese Bronze Vases Koro with Cover Bronze and Marble Clock Set three pieces Thermometer, in form of column Placque, Head, framed °