a papiae ena: f ae f 3 ite Y tt yt 4 TA) i sae Taw, b ri? oar » ear hs Ree PSs Ce aight est : + irs b i 4 ; ¢ $ WAG ow a ee ; > ne whe —- Ringer” Sc bohC canes civ mmm y 10 cammn “714 GER? /A\ GOR PGCE, ZA game’ V1 Gem Fc cee Th phreys, James Danby, Harrison Weir, and others. First } 1) Epition. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt edges, by Riviére. ive . * Not in bibliographies. Lond. [1858] e eA a REENWOOD (FREDERICK). The Path of Roses. tions by Foster, Leech, Noel Humphreys, Danby, Weir, 4 etc. Hirst Epition. 8vo, original red cloth, gilt, with floral . medallions, full gilt edges. Lond.: Clarke [1858] — 96. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Vv? Works (1817-1864) held at the Grolier Club from January 22 ~/ until March 8, 1914. With an Introduction by Stanley Kidder Wilson. Colored frontispiece portrait of Leech. 8vo, original boards (back repaired), uncut. * One of 240 copies. N. Y.: The Grolier Club, 1914 eo 657. [HALIBURTON (T. C.).| The Clock Maker; or The 6 / Savings and Doings of Sam Slick of Slickville. Three series. \ 8 plates, drawn and etched by A. Hervieu; and 5 plates etched by John Leech. 3 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uneut (third vol- ume shaken and loose in cover). Lond.: Bentley, 1838-40 _ 68. [HALIBURTON (T. C.).] Nature and Human Nature. ny QEngraved frontispiece by John Leech. Kirst Epirion. 12mo, . | ealf, gilt back, gilt top. Lond. 1859 HALIBURTON (T. C.). Sam Slick’s Wise Saws and etn Instances. Hngraved frontispiece by Leech. 12mo, . Hime copy. | Lond.: Hurst and Blackett, 1859 18 Chr ss t i eek nh ss Rie \\N Wy é Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 60. HAND-BOOK;; or, What to Say, Do, and Avoid. By Two of the Joneses. Frontispiece by J ohn Leech. First Ept- TION. 24mo, original cloth, in extra limp leather covers with reproduction of the frontispiece on the front. Lond. 1847 61. HODDER (GEORGE). Sketches of Life and Char- acter; taken at the Police Court. Illustrations by Kenny Meadows, Leech, Hine, Hamerton, Henning and Newman. — First Eprrion. 12mo, half green ealf, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: Sherwood and Bowyer, 1845 62. HODDER (GEORGE). Sketches of Life and Char- acter: Taken at the Police Court. With illustrations by Kenny Meadows, Leech, Hine, Hamerton, and others. First EDIrion. 12mo, original red cloth, uncut (name on title and a few pp. slightly spotted). Lond.: Sherwood and Bowyer, 1845 63. [HOLE (8. REYNOLDS).| A Little Tour in Ireland. By an Oxonian. Folding colored frontispiece and numerous full-page and text illustrations by Leech. First EpIrvion. Square 12mo, original cloth (a little shaken), full gilt edges. _ Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1859 * Inserted is a 3 pp. A. L. 8. of the Author, dated Caunton Manor, Newark, Michaelmas Eve, 1886, relating almost entirely riage with John Leech’s family, but I had the happiness of () ees p | to John Leech, In it he says: “1am my connected by mar- U > i ‘when Thackeray died, you and Millais. were John’s dearest J friends. ee Pads Tn the illustration at p. 141 1s a representation of Leech him- self, seen from the back. 64. HOLE (S. REYNOLDS). A Little Tour m Ireland. By An Oxonian. Many illustrations by John Leech, includ- ii } h hearing from his widow, the first time I saw her after his death, 7 Soa \\ ing colored and folding etched frontispiece. 4to, cloth, parch- ment back, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1892 * LARGE PAPER Epition. Only 100 copies issued, each signed by the author. 65. HOLE (S. REYNOLDS). The Letters. Edited, with a Memoir, by George A. B. Dewar. Frontispiece portratt. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Yor * Contains letters and portions of letters, from and to John Leech. 66. HOOD (THOMAS). The Comic Annual for 1842. With 12 full-page illustrations and 8 vignettes by Leech. First Epirion. 16mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Hine copy. London.: Colburn, 1842 67. HOOD (THOMAS). The Comie Album. Illustrated with 12 full-page engravings, and text woodcuts by Leech. First Epirion. 12mo, original red cloth, uncut. Lond.: Bohn, 1844 14 Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 68. HOOD (THOMAS). Whimsiecalities, A Periodical SS Gathering. 47 woodcuts, 40 by Leech. 2 vols. crown 8vo, original brown cloth, gilt back, uncut edges. ) 0 * First Epirion. Scarce. Lond.: Henry Colburn, 1844 69. HOOD (THOMAS). The Comic Annual for 1846. A A Republication of Hood’s ‘‘Whimsiealities.’’ 45 vignettes, 39 V/ beimg by John Leech and 6 by the author. 12mo, original red y a hy. cloth, gilt back (hinges and corners worn). iy ‘fe Lond.: Henry Colburn, 1846 N 70. [HOOK (THEODORE).|] Jack Brag. With 6 etch- ings by John Leech. First Epition. 3 vols. 8vo, original boards (a little worn, binding strengthened), paper labels, \ uncut. . Lond.: Bentley, 1837 * Extremely scarce, particularly in original boards. At the end of chapter IV. of Volume 1, is a PENCIL DRAWING of ‘‘ Mr. m\ yr John Brag,’’ perhaps by Leech. WITH ORIGINAL DRAWING BY LEECH. 71. HOOTON (CHARLES). Colin Clink. With 15 etched plates by Leech, and one by George Crurckshank. First Ept- TION. 3 vols. 8vo, full olive green levant morocco gilt, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Lond.: Bentley, 1841 * Fine copy. Inserted in volume 2, opposite the etched plate at p. 48, is the ORIGINAL PENCIL SKETCH of ‘‘Skinwell’s death, ’?. signed by Leech, showing some slight variations from the fin- ished plate. 72. ILLUMINATED MAGAZINE (Tue). Edited by \ AY Douglas Jerrold. With numerous illustrations by Leech, Wil- 1 drake, Kenny Meadows, and others. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. in two. "Imp. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1843-45 SO 73. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. Profusely wlus- ay trated, including many by John Leech. From Jan., 1854, to aa Dec., 1858. 10 vols. folio, cloth (one or two vols. worn or shaken). Lond. 1854-58 * Scarce. Q 74. ILLLUSTRATED PARLOUR MISCELLANY (THE). “Y Illustrated with full-page woodcuts by John Leech and others ) oa by Kenny Meadows, etc. First Eprrion. 8vo, half polished y “ morocco, gilt top, by Root. Lond.: Field, 1847 75. JERROLD (DOUGLAS). The Uluminated Magazine. With numerous illustrations by Leech, Wildrake, Kenny Meadows, and others. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. in the original 24 fe parts as issued. Imp. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, in two \9 half morocco slip-cases (two back wrappers wanting). * Very scarce in original numbers. Lond. 1843-1845 15 V/ f ‘ ) ir \ / rinjated with (DOUGLAS). The Story of a Feather. Bs | I Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECcH.—Continued. llusteated with a frontispiece by Leech. First EDITION. \12nf0, original cloth, uncut. Lond.: Punch Office, 1844 * A choice copy, preserved in morocco slip-covers. / 77. JERROLD (DOUGLAS). Shilling Magazine. No. 1, f Jan., 1845, to No. 42, June, 1848. With 20 illustrations by John Leech. 42 original parts, 12mo, wrappers, uncut (some we “backs worn and a few covers stained), the whole in 7 brown v ' buckram eases, leather backs. Lond. 1845-48 JT ih) ¥ * A complete set. 78. JERROLD (DOUGLAS). Mrs. Caudle’s Curtain Lece- tures, as suffered by the late J ob. Caudle. .Edited from the Original MSS. With etched frontispiece plate by Leech. First Eprrion. 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt back and borders, H4+-edges, by Root. Lond.: Punch Office, 1846 v / 19. YERROLD (DOUGLAS). A Man Made of Money. | Ilustyated with 12 etched plates by John Leech. Svo, in the Be origival six parts as issued, pictorial paper covers, uncut, in | morocco slip-case. Lond.: Pub. at the Punch Office [1849] Pew J x * THE GENUINE First Issuz. The numbers appeared from ae tame 2 ee October, 1848, to March, 1849, with two etched plates in each — Xr number. . 80. JERROLD (DOUGLAS). A Man Made of Money. || With 12 illustrations on steel by Leech. First Eprtion. 8vo, Near a. i half crimson levant morocco, eilt top, uncut, original pictured — 2 MR -Kwrapper of the 6th part bound in, by Tout. i \) Lond.: Punch Office, 1849 81 JERROLD (DOUGLAS). The Works. With an In- | troductory Memoir by his son, W. Blanchard Jerrold. Etched Sy yay Vfrontispreces by John Leech. 4 vols. 12mo, half green mo- \S JD (rocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, by Root. Lond. 1863-64 | * The First Collected Edition. 89 KITTON (FRED G.). John Leech, Artist and Humor- ist. A Biographical Sketch. Portrait and illustrations, m- cluding many reproductions. FIRST Epition. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Lond.: Redway, 1883 | \ / \ 93 KITTON (FRED G.). John Leech, Artist and Humor- | \ | st. Biographical Sketch. New edition revised. 16mo, | Oy * oxigidal wrappers (ink-spotted), uncut. Lond.: Redway, 1884 ra * Rare. 4 84. KITTON (FREDERICK G.). Dickens and His Illus- es trators: Cruikshank, Seymour, Buss, “Pha Cattermole, iy Leech, Doyle, Maclise, Tenniel and others. 22 portraits and V\ " 2 7 facsimiles of 70 original drawings now reproduced for the Vv first time. 4to, cloth, gilt top,, uncut. Lond. 1899 Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 85. KITTON (FREDERICK G.). Charles Dickens by Pen and Pencil, including Anecdotes and Reminiscences collected from his Friends and Contemporaries. Illustrated with over 100 illustrations on copper, steel, and wood. Also, the Supple- ment. 18 parts in 14 as originally issued, wrappers, uncut. os 3 Lond.: Sabin, 1889-1890 : : a * LARGE PAPER COPY, with the plates Remarque proofs on \W Japan paper. Contains a previously unpublished sketch by \y WW Leech of Dickens as Captain Bobadil. ww’ 86. LADIES’ COMPANION (THE) at Home and Abroad. Edited by Mrs. Loudon. With numerous iulustrations. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1850-[1851] * The Leech interest to this work consists of four etched j at. plates in the third volume, which are in color, The titles of ag’ & J Leech’s plates are ‘‘The new Dress’’; ‘‘Mrs. Berligan at the ie Ww Opera’’; ‘‘More frightened than Hurt’’; and ‘‘King Rad- |W bob’s Daughter.’’ 87. The same. Volume 3 only, with the Leech colored. ae plates. Royal 8vo, half roan (worn). Lond. [1851] ly 88. LAYARD (GEORGE SOMES). Suppressed Plates. Wood Engravings, etc., together with other curiosities ger- mane thereto. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Y Lond.: A. and C. Black, 1907 * Contains account of the suppressed plates of Leech, in- cluding his ‘‘ grave mistake’’ in ‘‘The Battle of Life.’’ 89. LEECH (JOHN).. The Human Face. Divine and De 6 Vino. 4to, mounted, half morocco. ee : Lond.: Published by William Spooner [1835] | \'S Jy) day * Colored lithograph of half-length figures of a pretty woman ~ and an intoxicated man. Margin slightly torn. 90. LEECH (JOHN). The Fiddle Faddle Fashion Book. is Illustrated with four highly-colored etchings by Leech. First ; y\ DITION. 4to, original wrappers (a little soiled). iN * Scarce. Lond. [1840] ie 91. LEECH (JOHN). Written Caricatures. A Sketch of Peripatetic Philosophy, from hints in the Paris Charivari. With numerous illustrations by Leech. First Epirion. 18mo, rs full polished calf, gilt, gilt inside and outside borders, full L gilt edges, original front cover bound in, by Riviere. Lond.: Chapman and Hall, 1841 Ra * The signatures to these 35 illustrations comprise the many Oy : varieties used by Leech to his work. i 92. LEECH (JOHN). Nursery Ditties from the Lips of A Mrs. Lullaby. With woodcut frontispiece and five woodcuts H im the text by Leech. First Epirion. 12mo, full olive calf, / gilt back and borders, full gilt edges, original stiff white wrap- ‘pers bound in, by Tout. Lond.: Grant and Griffith, 1844 * Scarce. Not in biblographies. 17 Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 93. LEECH (JOHN). Punch’s Snapdragons for Christ- mas. Illustrated with four full-page plates by Leech. First EpitTion. 16mo, original paper wrappers, printed in blue, in board slip-case. Lond.: Punch Office, 1844 94. LEECH (JOHN). Punch’s Snapdragons for Christ- mas. Illustrated with 4 etched plates by Leech. First Epr- TION. 16mo, half blue calf, gilt back and top Lond.: Punch, 1845 95. LEECH (JOHN). The Hand-Book of Joking; or, What to Say, Do, and Avoid. By Two of the Joneses. Frontispieces by John Leech. 18mo, original cloth (loose in covers). Lond.: Grant and Griffith, 1847 96. LEECH (JOHN). The Rising Generation. A series of twelve drawings on stone, by John Leech. From his original designs in the Gallery of Mr. Punch. Folio, original mo- rocco and boards (a little worn), with design on cover label by Leech, in morocco slip-ease. Lond.: Pub. at the Punch Office [1848] * Very searce. This collection consists of 12 colored litho- graphs of precocious youths. The original woodcuts appeared in Punch for 1847. : 97. LEECH (JOHN). ‘‘Young Troublesome’’; or Master Jackey’s Holidays. Jllustrated with colored title vignette \_, and eleven plates, comprising 25 colored etchings by Leech. . ea ~ ) a™ i b as Oblong 12mo, original boards. * Very fine copy. Lond.: Bradbury and Evans [1850] 98. LEECH (JOHN). A Holiday Book for Christmas and the New Year. Embracing Legends, Tales, Poetry, Music, Games, Sports, ete. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts, m- itials, etc., by Leech, Meadows, Browne, Foster, and many others, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel, Linton, etc. Folio, original white cloth binding, glazed paper sides, with Christ- mas emblems. Lond.: Ingram, Cooke, and Co. [1850] * Fine copy; very scarce. Some of Leech’s most important illustrations occur in this work. 99. LEECH (JOHN). ‘‘Coming Home.’’ A Comic Pan- orama drawn by John Leech, delineating the Fun, Mishaps, and queer Occurrences to which the votaries of Sport are subjected ‘‘Coming Home’’ from the Races. Large folding sheet, in colors. Folded to oblong 12mo, in original cloth covers, with design by Leech on outside. Lond. [1851] * A little known Leech item, and extremely rare. 100. LEECH (JOHN). Records of the Great Exhibition extracted from Punch. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts by John Leech and others. 8 pp. atlas folio, in half morocco covers, . Lond. [1851] *TIn splendid condition: Scarce. The upper half of the aes first page contains his large woodcut of ‘‘The Great Derby 18 \\ 6 oe Race for Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-One.’’ a. a a a ne. are om | N Books ILLUSTRATED By LEECH.—Continued. 101. LEECH (JOHN). Pictures of Life and Character. Illustrated urith hundreds of humorous ‘woodcuts, with ex- planatory text. The 5 series in 3 vols. oblong 4to, half morocco. columns of ‘‘Punch’’ where these illustrations first appeared. / ’ Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1854, 1857, 1862, 1863, 1869 si! * Fine copies of these humorous volumes, collected from the 102. LEECH (JOHN). Early and Later Pencillings from Punch. Hundreds of woodcut illustrations. Both series in one volume, 4to, half green morocco (a little rubbed), full gilt edges. Lond.: Bradbury, Evans & Co., n. d. 103. LEECH (JOHN). John Leech’s Etchings from Jack Bragg: Christopher Tadpole, and Hector O’Halloran. 51 etchings. 4to, original boards. Lond.: William Tegg, n. d. 104. The same. Another issue, with title-page and 53 plates. 4to, original red cloth. Lond.: William Tegg, n. d. 105, LEECH (JOHN). Mr. Briggs & His Doings. Fish- ing. 12 colored lithographs, and explanatory text. Folio, original brown pictorial limp boards, with cover design by Leech. In morocco slip-case, with flap. *Very Scarce. Lond.: Bradbury and Evans [1860] 106. LEECH (JOHN). The Originals (from ‘‘Punch’’) of Mr. John Leech’s Sketches in Oil, exhibited at the Auction Mart Gallery. Woodcut dlustrations (foxed). 4to, original paper covers (back worn). | (Lond. 1862] 107. LEECH (JOHN). Early Pencillings from Punch ° (chiefly political) ; Later Pencillings from ‘‘Punch.’’ With explanatory notes by Mark Lemon. Hundreds of woodcut illustrations. First Epirion. 2 vols. 4to, cloth (stucco bind- ing, one or two leaves loose). Lond.: Bradbury and Evans; and Bradbury, Evans and Co., n.d. . * Comprises Leech’s contributions to ‘‘Puneh’’ from 1843- LoGt. 108. LEECH (JOHN). Sketch of John Leech from Vol. 10 of The Cornhill Magazine. Illustrations by Leech. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1864 * Leech died October 29, 1864. He was buried at Kensal Green ‘‘divided by but one tomb from his old school-fellow and friend, Thackeray.’’ 109. LEECH (JOHN). Memorial sketch of John Leech. In the ‘‘Cornhill Magazine’’ for Dec., 1864, with elustrations. 8vo, original front wrapper (worn). Lond. 1864 110. LEECH (JOHN). Article on John Leech, occupying 32 pp. in the March number of the North British Review. Illustrated. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Edinb. 1865 19 Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 111. LEECH (JOHN). Hunting; and Sports and Pastimes. Series of 21 reproductions in color of Sketches in Owl. 2 vols. elephant folio, original orange and magenta boards (some of the margins are brittle and backs of covers worn). ; Lond.: Thomas Agnew & Sons, 1865 * All the plates are in brilliant coloring, and bear the explanation of the prints in facsimile of Leech’s autograph. Hunting. 10 plates complete, and one of the three additional plates subsequently executed by Leech. Titles as follows: A Frolic home after a Blank Day. Come hup! you ugly brute. / Hold hard, Master George. Where there’s a Will there’s a way. A Friendly Mount. Gone Away. The Noble Science. Our Friend Mr. Noddy. A Capital Finish. Don’t move there, we shall clear you. Sports and Pastimes. complete as follows: The Mermaid’s Haunt. A Cavalier. None but the Brave deserve the Fair. ‘‘Ves, my dears, the sea breeze after bathing is beneficial to the back hair.’’ A shocking Young Lady indeed. Seene at Sandbath. The Fair Toxophilotes. A nice Game for two or more. The Old Fox Hunter. Not a bad idea for the warm weather. 10 plates No Consequence. 112. LEECH (JOHN). Mr. John Leech’s Gallery of Sketches in Oil, from subjects in ‘‘Punch.’’ [Lond.], 1862; - Exhibition of Outlines by the late John Leech. [Lond.], 1872. 2 pamphlets. 8vo, sewn. Vv “Scarce, : y ~ 413. LEECH (JOHN). Collection of 104 Cartoons of Ben- jamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. By John Leech; Also bound in The Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, from Judy’s Point of View. 69 Cartoons. In one vol. 4to, half calf. . Lond.: Punch Office, 1878 © 114. LEECH (JOHN). Pictures of John Leech. Numer- ous reproductions from ‘‘Punch.’’ Humorous Masterpieces, a First and Second series. 2 vols. 16mo, original wrappers. | V/\. = N. Y.:> Stokes, iu2a. P 115. LEECH (JOHN). Portrait of John Leech in bas- relief on leather with facsimile signature burned in, and stamp 1%. of the Busse Shop. Size 914 x 13 inches. Mounted on composi- ‘\ JR tion board. 4 116. LEIGH (HENRY 8.). Carols of Cockayne. Many vignettes and initials by John Leech and Alfred Concanen. y 12mo, half crushed green levant, gilt tooled and inlaid back, . ss silt edges, by Root. Lond.: J. C. Hotten [1868] ("5 117. LEIGH (HENRY §.). Carols of Cockayne. Many vignettes by Alfred Concanen and John Leech. 12mo, full S \ vellum, front cover with Jester design in colors and inlaid with B= mother-of-pearl, gilt top, uncut, by Chivers. Lond. 1869 } wan 20 Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 118. [LEIGH (PERCIVAL).] The Comic English Gram- mar. Illustrated with drawings by John Leech. First Epirion. f Ato, original boards. Lond.: Longmans, 1875 \ | ~ 150. REACH (A. B.) anp BROOKS (SHIRLEY). “A Story with a Vengeance; or, How Many Joints May Go to a 7 x Tale. Steel frontispiece by John Leech and 10 woodcuts by ss, : © * Smyth (some signed by Charles Keene). 12mo, original paper wrappers, uncut. | Lond.: 277 Strand [1852] 151. [RUFFINI.] The Paragreens on a Visit to the Paris Universal Exhibition. Wirth 5 woodcuts by John Leech. | w First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth (label removed from ik | cover), uncut. Edinb. 1856. 152. RUSKIN (JOHN). The Art of England. Lecture V. The Fireside. First Epirion. 4to, original paper covers, un- cut. Orpington: Allen, 1883 * The sub-title of this Lecture by Ruskin, is: ‘‘John Leech and John Tenniel.’’ D 153. [SEALY (T. H.).] The Porcelain Tower; or, Nine Ns ¢ Stories of China. With 3 etchings and a woodcut by Leech. e First Eprtion. S8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt inside and | » iy ~ outside borders, oilt top, uncut, by Larkins. = Lond.: Bentley, 1841 Aisa. \ \SEALY (T. H.).] Broad Grins from China. Wood- cut title and 17 vignettes in text, by John Leech. 16mo, origi- en pictorial boards, uncut. Lond.: Bentley, 1852 * ScarcE. Unusually fine copy in original boards. 25 Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 155. SLATER (J. HERBERT). Illustrated Sporting hee \ Books. A descriptive Survey .... with an Appendix of Prints ihe OA /relating to Sports of the Field. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1899 156. SLATER (J. HERBERT). How to Collect Books. Bs) Illustrations and reproductions. 8vo, cloth,.gilt top, uncut. N | Lond. 1905 157. SMITH (ALBERT). The Wassail Bowl. Hitched frontispieces and many woodcut vignettes by John Leech. 2 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt tooled backs and borders, sf gilt tops, uncut, with one cover and back of each volume 18 Sd bound in, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond.: Richard Bentley, 18438 ; © i * First Epirion. ‘‘ The Physiology of Evening Parties’? first : hn appeared here with illustrations by Leech. Nice copy, with LY fine impressions of the etchings and woodcuts. f 158. SMITH (ALBERT). The Adventures of Mr. Led- VY bury and His Friend Jack Johnson. 18 plates by John Leech. rs) First Epirion. 3 vols. crown 8vo, half calf (some plates a A ‘little spotted). 7 Lond.: Bentley, 1844 2 | * Inserted is one plate from a later London edition. 159. SMITH (ALBERT).-. The Fortunes of the Scatter- i ) good Family. Full-page etchings by Leech. First Epition. , ~ 4.3 vols. 12mo, half red morocco (some pp. soiled and one page Bees XX repaired). Lond.: Bentley, 1845 160. SMITH (ALBERT). The Physiology of Evening Parties. Woodcut frontispiece and one by Leech. 16mo, itd -\ original decorated boards. Lond. 1846 * First separate edition with Leech’s illustrations. Con- D tained in brown morocco slip-case, gilt. if 161. SMITH (ALBERT). The Marchioness of Brinvilliers, a’ the Poisoner of the Seventeenth Century. A Romance of Old ' 4 \ Paris. Etched frontispiece by Leech (creased). First Ept- ihe RA TION. 12mo, original cloth. Lond.: Bentley, 1846 * Originally appeared in Bentley’s Magazine, with 15 plates by Leech. SMITH (ALBERT). The Struggles and Adventures istopher Tadpole at Home and Abroad. Portrait of \ ASbert Smith engraved by Cook and 32 etched plates by John \. Leech. 16 parts, 8vo, original buff pictorial wrappers (few \ backs very slightly frayed), in triple cover of cloth and mo- Fe Fs voce Lond.: Richard Bentley, 1848 is {> * / * First EpIvIoN, IN ORIGINAL Parts. Very scarce in this 0? Bx ESS form, with all the wrappers, the two illustration announce- / ments, many other advertisements, and all the preliminary pages bound in last part. 26 Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 163. SMITH (ALBERT). Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole at Home and Abroad. Portrait of the author engraved by Cook, and 32 etched plates by John Leech. 8yo, full polished calf, gilt tooled back and borders, gilt edges, Ys Riviére (scratch on cover). Lond. 1848 the completion of the work in parts. ) 164. SMITH (ALBERT). The Natural.History of Even- | Ai ing Parties. Numerous woodcut illustrations by John Leech. 4 j; “Fine copy of the First Edition, issued immediately after 18 wed (lacks back cover). Lond. 1849 MITH (ALBERT, Editor). The Month. Numbers 1 to 6 fall published). Many fine plates and woodcuts, in- cluding ‘‘Michael Angelo Titmarsh as Mr. Thackeray’? with ntispreces, by John Leech. 6 parts, square 16mo, original brown pictorial wrappers, by Leech, in cloth case with gilt ; morocco back. Lond. [1851] + ‘ : : ocial's : ARES ‘ * Fine set of this scarce little publication, only six numbers és . of which were issued. 166. SMITH (ALBERT). Pictures of Life at Home and ) 7 Abroad. Woodcut illustrations by John Leech. First Ept- My, ; TION. 12mo, half blue calf, gilt back and top. Lond.: Bentley, 1852 167. SMITH (ALBERT). Comic Tales and Sketches. HY With 21 woodcuts and initials by Leech. First edition in B). separate form. 12mo, half green calf, gilt back and top. Lond. 1852 MITH (ALBERT). The Enelish Hotel Nuisance. Q yage woodcuts and 2 cuts in the text by John Leech. ectond Edition. 12mo, original pictorial wrapper. \we Lond. 1858 169. SMITH (ALBERT). Comic Tales and Pictures of G A Life. With woodcuts by John Leech. 12mo, half cloth and boards. Lond. [1861] 170. SMITH (ALBERT). The Marchioness of Brinvilliers: — The Poisoner of the Seventeenth Century. A Romance of Old a Paris. 15 etchings by John Leech. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, un- | b cut. Lond.: Richard Bentley, 1886 171. SPIELMANN (M. H.). The Hitherto Unidentified Contributions of W. M. Thackeray to ‘‘Punch,’’ with a com- F a plete Bibliography from 1843 to 1848. With numerous alus- a trations and explanatory notes. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. yy 3 N. Y. and Lond. 1900 / * Contains many references to Leech and his work. Cabin. Engraved frontispiece and 8 full-page woodcuts (the woodeut facing p. 4 is signed by Leech). 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt top. Lond.: Bohn, 1852 See ‘172. STOWE (HARRIET BEECHER). Uncle Tom’s ju Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 173. STYLES (PETER). The Bachelor’s Walk in a Fog. _ Illustrated with 15 lithographs (including title-page) by Keely Leech, 8vo, original boards. Lond. 1840 ) Ts * The cover contains a border of 14 small medallions, reduced Of ee from the illustrations in the book, and his initials ‘‘J. L.’’ of, Yo are formed by the figures of two children, with heads as A icon periods. Very scarce. Not in bibliographies. 174. SURTEES (R.S.). Hawbuck Grange. With 8 illus- trations by Phiz.. Lond. 1847; Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour. Lond. 1853; Handley Cross. Lond. 1854; ‘‘Ask Mamma.’’ Lond. 1858; ‘‘Plain or Ringlets,’’ Lond. 1860; Mr. Facey Romford’s Hounds. Lond. 1865; Hillingdon Hall. Lond. 1888. 7 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt inside and out- side borders, full gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. 1847-1888 * CHOICE COLLECTION OF THESE FAMOUS SporTING NOVELS,. q Pa ALL First EDITIONS, WITH THE FINE SERIES OF COLORED ETCHED l) PLATES BY JOHN LEECH, WILDRAKE, HEATH AND JELLICOE, N ro AND ‘‘Puiz.’’ Handley Cross, and Hillingdon Hall were issued De Ny St earlier, but without the inimitable illustrations. The last few v plates in Facey Romford’s Hounds, which appeared after Leech’s death, were executed by ‘‘Phiz.’’? One plate and one title have been skilfully repaired. Being the earliest issues, the colorings of the plates are most brilliant. 175. SURTEES (ROBERT §8.). Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour. By the Author of ‘‘Handley Cross,’’ &. 13 colored yo, plates and many woodcuts by John Leech. 13 parts in 12, 8vo, y) 4 \| original red pictorial wrappers, designed by Leech, edges un- lt, \ : cut, in green cloth case, with morocco back, gilt lettered (some a i wrappers with name written on). =“ JRY Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1853 j* \\ * First EDITION, IN ORIGINAL PARTS AS ISSUED. Very fine copy, in unusually firm and clean condition. 176. SURTEES (ROBERT S8.). Handley Cross; or, Mr. A Jorrocks’s Hunt. By the Author of ‘‘Mr. Sponge’s Sporting VW 4 % J \\ {| Tour,” &. 17 hand-colored plates, etched by John Leech. 17 parts, 8vo, original red wrappers, designed by Leech, edges uncut (backs slightly rubbed), in green cloth slip-case with \. morocco back, gilt lettered. _Lond.: Bradbury & Evans, 1854 * First Eprrion with Leech’s illustrations, IN ORIGINAL PARTS, containing the two slips advertising the new publica- tions, ‘‘Hard Times’’ and ‘‘The Newcomes.’’ Slater, in his ‘‘Barly Editions,’’ has this work published without date, but this applies only to the wrappers, the title-page being dated 1854. Very scarce. 177. SURTEES (ROBERT S8.). ‘‘Ask Mamma’’; or, The aN Richest Commoner in England. By the Author of ‘‘ Handley bt Cross,’’ &e. 13 colored etchings and many woodcuts, by John + Leech. 13 parts, 8vo, original red pictorial wrappers, designed \ ‘Wi \. by Leech, edges uncut (lower corners slightly rubbed). ) J : Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1858 Or od * First EpITION IN ORIGINAL PARTS. Fine set containing five Kr inserted slips advertising ‘‘The Virginians,’’ &e. In green cloth slip-case with morocco back, gilt lettered. 28 ole y Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 178. SURTEES (ROBERT 8.). ‘‘Plain or Ringlets?’’ By the Author of ‘‘Handley Cross,’’ &¢. 12 colored etchings, colored pictorial title and numerous woodcuts, by John Leech. 13 parts in 12, 8vo, original red pictorial wrappers, designed by Leech, uncut edges (one number shaken). -Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1860 vs 4 ie yO | * First EDITION IN ORIGINAL PARTS. Very scarce. In green ‘ IN \ cloth slip-case with morocco back, gilt lettered. 179. SURTEES (ROBERT §8.). Mr. Facey. Romford’s Hounds. By the Author of ‘‘ Handley Cross,’’ &. 14 colored etchings by John Leech and 10 by ‘‘Phiz’’? (H. K. Browne). 12 parts, 8vo, original red pictorial wrappers, designed by Leech, edges uncut (back edges slightly frayed, last number has two small worm holes and the two plates somewhat foxed). Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1865 Ly * First EDITION IN ORIGINAL PARTS. This scarce work is \yrr practically posthumous, the author having died after the pub- é lication of the first number. Curiously, Leech also died before the completion of ‘‘Facey Romford’’ and the last ten plates were designed and etched by Hablot K. Browne. Fine set, in cloth slip-case with morocco back, gilt lettered. 180. THACKERAY (W.M.). An Essay on John Leech’s Pictures of Life and Character. With a Biographical Sketch by F. G. Kitton. 2 vols. 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt inside and outside borders, by Larkins. * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND ARRANGED BY F.. W. PAILTHORPE, WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH NOTE. He also sketched two vignettes (after Leech) on the titles of each volume, which titles are also drawn by Pailthorpe, in color, IN EACH VOLUME AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER BY JOHN LEECH is inserted, both of them being addressed to his friend Pritchett, written in his delightful chatty fashion, The extra-illustrations number nearly 200, of which about 70 are in color, and include not only the work of Leech, but also of Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshank, Doyle, Seymour, Browne, and others. There is an interesting and beautiful private plate by Cruikshank, etched for the Knight of Morar, representing sprites dancing on a sun-dial, and an original etching by Pailthorpe from an un- published sketch by ‘‘ Phiz.’’ Of the Leech illustrations, there are 6 etchings from Jack Bragg; The Fiddle Faddle Fashion Book, plates in color; 9 etchings from the Comic Latin Grammar; Hector O’Halloran, 16 etchings; The Scattergood Family, 12 etchings; Christopher Tadpole, 22 etchings; The Comic History of England, 10 colored plates, and numerous others. The biographical sketch ‘‘ John Leech, Artist and Humorist’’ by F. G. Kitton is also inserted, both text and plates being skilfully inlaid throughout the work. A MOST INTERESTING AND DESIRABLE COLLECTION, in. which the best of this eminent illustrator’s work is represented. 29 Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 181. THORNBER (HARRY). John Leech. With 16 full- page ilustrations. 8vo, original wrappers (repaired). Re- 42 Ria from the “Manchester Quarterly’’ for Oct., 1890. ~ Lond. [1890] ih: eo \ etehtd plates by John Leech. First Eprrion. 8 vols. 12mo, )~ Vs cloth, uncut (name on titles). _ Lond. 1843 a ‘ROLLOPE (MRS. FRANCES). Jessie Phillips: A ¥ the New Poor-Law. SHngraved portrat of Mrs. \Lrollope by Brown, and 11 etched plates by John Leech, 11 < parts, 8vo, original green wrappers, uncut. Pec \ Lond. : Henry Colburn, 1843 ve * Very scARCE. Fine set in original parts, with all the wrap- wy o—~. pers, which are dated 1843, although the title bears date 1844. ; | yee These parts contain fine clear impressions of the plates. En- ee closed in 8vo, half morocco case, with silk ties. a SB , Me 184. TROLLOPE (MRS. FRANCES). Jessie Phillips. A Tale of the Present Day. Hngraved portrait and 11 etched Au plates by John Leech. 3 vols. 8vo, original green cloth, uncut A\~7 _ | (bindings a little rubbed, a few plates slightly spotted ). LA sal Lond.: Colburn [Printed by Shoberl], 1843 eu . yy 185. TROLLOPE (MRS. FRANCES). Jessie Phillips. A /Tale of the Present Day. Portrait of the author by J. Brown . land 11 full-page plates etched by Leech. 8vo, half crushed 4 | brown levant, gilt tooled back, gilt top, uncut, back cover and \ iinet bound in, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond.: Colburn, 1844 \y * First bound edition, issued late in 1843. 186. TUPPER (MARTIN F.). The Crock of Gold and A} ‘other Tales; The Twins; Heart. Frontispieces by Leech to ‘4 (each story. In one volume. 12mo, half green morocco (back / \Mfaded), gilt top. , Lond. 1849 187. TUPPER (MARTIN F.). The Crock of Gold and é _ other Tales. Illustrations by John Leech. 12mo, cloth. See oa { Lond.: Hall, Virtue & Co., 1849 a \| 188. WHITEHEAD (CHARLES). Richard Savage. A lt | Romance of Real Life. With 18 etched plates by Leech, im- I! cluding ‘‘Ludlow’s Madness.’’ 8vo, claret calf (rubbed), oilt ; ) top. Lond. 1841 j tf : ( * The original issue of the work as it appeared in Bentley’s ly nf Magazine, extracted, and bound up separately, with specially ‘| printed title-page. The plates are in brilliant impressions. t , { 30 Books ILLUSTRATED BY LEECH.—Continued. 189. WHITEHEAD (CHARLES). Richard Savage. A Romance of Real Life. Seventeen etched plates by Leech, and the additional plate ‘“‘Ludlow’s Madness’? not issued with the book. Kirst Eprrion. 3 vols. Svo, half wine-colored morocco, gilt, full gilt edges. Lond.: Bentley, 1842 A | * The additional plate above mentioned appeared with the work in Bentley’s Magazine, but was afterwards suppressed, ‘ 190. WHITEHEAD (CHARLES). Richard Savage. A Romance of Real Life. New edition with an Introduction by 1 Harvey Orrinsmith. With 18 etched plates by Leech. 8vo, ‘ Pi cloth, vellum back, uncut. Lond.: Bentley, 1896 4 *The Introduction to this edition relates to Leech. The plates are on India paper, and the date on the plates changed to 1896. Printed on very heavy paper. 191. WILLIS (N. P.). Pencillings by the Way. With ; frontispiece and engraved title by C. Weigall, and two etched of plates by Leech. 12mo, half ealf. Lond.: Macrone, 1839 / * The first edition with the Leech illustrations. 4 192. WILLIS (N. P.). Pencillings by the Way. With portrait, two plates by Leech, and one other plate. 12mo, 6° original red cloth, uncut. Lond.: Bohn, 1846 - as * A new edition, with additions. . Q 193. LEECH (JOHN). A. L. 8. 214 pp. 8vo. 31 Notting ay Hill Terrace, March 9, 1849. To Martin Tupper. On mourn- S ing paper. ; * A pathetic letter communicating the news of his daughter’s death. 194. EDWARDS (S. ARLENT). Mezzotint, portrait of / i at John Leech. Bust, full front. Signed proof on India Paper. Ato. ; *No. 10 of 25 proofs printed. 19D; [MULREADY. ENVELOPE PARODY.] Fores’s Comic Envelopes No. 1. Design by John Leech. With both the signature and the leech in the bottle. * A proof impression of Leech’s ‘‘first popular hit.’’ Ex- tremely rare: No other copy can be traced. 196. MR. & MRS. CAUDLE. Colored lithograph by Leech. — Published at the Punch Office. Folio. [ea. 1845. ] *The same subject as the woodcut appearing in Punch, Vol. 8, 1845, satirizing Lord Brougham. 197. MRS. CAUDLE’S CURTAIN LECTURE. Four col- - ored lithographs, entitled: ‘‘Mr. Caudle’s Shirt Buttons,’’ ‘‘Mr. Caudle... has been bowed to by a Young Lady,”’ ~ Mr. ~—"yY" Caudle has been made a Mason,’’ ‘and ‘‘ Mrs. Caudle comes in i * 4 late from Shopping.’’ 4 pieces, 4to, backed with linen. x ol 198. HARLEY (JOHN PRITT), as the ‘‘Strange Gentle- man.’’ Colored lithograph portrait by John Leech. ‘“‘The Strange Gentleman’’ was the leading character in Dickens’s play of that name. 4to [ca. 1836]. * Very rare. 199. SCRAP BOOKS. Notes, clippings from papers, peri- odicals, magazines, ete., all items of interest and value in re- sard to the life and work of John Leech. 7 vols. small 4to, limp cloth. * Included are about 50 pages of notes and letters of Caro- line E. Leech, the artist’s sister, contributing many points of interest in relation to his private life. Of inestimable importance to a biographical appreciation of Leech. 200. PORTRAITS. Original pencil sketch portraits of Leech, Gilbert A’Beckett, and Henry Mayhew. On one sheet, size 814 x 534 inches, mounted. * Important. . 1° “ai? ~ De @ i ‘ illustrations in ‘‘Punch.’’ cardboard. 203. PUNCH ORIGINALS. Pencil Sketches. Sixteen studies for illustrations in ‘‘Punch.’’ Seven of them with au- tograph inscriptions by Leech. All neatly inlaid and bound in oblong 4to, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt lettered, gilt edges, by Riviere. * The subjects and the volumes of ‘‘Punch’’ in which they SECOND SESSION. Monday Evening, April 24, 1916, at 8:15 o’clock LOTS 201-345 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND WATER-COLORS BY LEECH. 201. PORTRAIT OF JOHN LEECH BY HIMSELF. Half length with pencil and paper in hand sketching. Drawn in pencil and tinted. Signed in full, ‘‘John Leech.’’? On the back is small head of the artist by himself. d144 x7 inches. Neatly inlaid. * Fine, 202. PENCIL SKETCHES. Five preliminary sketches for Various sizes, each mounted on appeared, as follows: ‘‘Aquatics.—A Comfortable Ran-Dan.’’ Full page in Vol. 29, 1855. ‘CA Very Natural Mistake.’’ ‘Vol. 31, 1856. ‘*The Needlewoman at Home and Abroad.’’ Full page, Vol. 18, 1850. ‘The Delight of the Hon. Tom Rasper,’’ ete. Almanack, 1863. ‘* Bois de Boulogne.—For Cavaliers Only.’’ Almanack, 1863. ‘¢A Hot Chestnut is a very good thing after Dinner.’’ manack, 1863. ‘*Very like a Whale——The French Socialist leading the British Lion by the Nose.’’ Vol. 20, 1851. ‘‘Self Examination.’’ Vol. 31, 1856. ‘*Do you object to my smoking a cigar, Sir?’’? Vol. 37, 1859. ‘“Tondon Cream.’’ Almanack, 1864. ‘“A Little Darling, aint he?’’ Almanack, 1863. ‘Fashionable Proprietary Chapels.’’?’ Almanack, 1845. ‘¢Sea-Side, Saturday Evening.—The arrival of the ‘ Hus- bands’ Boat.’’? Almanack, 1849. ‘¢Theatrical Intelligence.’” Vol. 8, 1845. ‘¢Rather Bad Look-Out.’’ Vol. 16, 1849. ‘“The Lost Spaniel.’’ . Vol. 16) 1849; 30 Size of sheet, [1845-64] eal ae ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND WATER-CoLoRS BY LEECH.—Continued. 204. ALBUM OF ORIGINAL SKETCHES. Twelve dis- tinct original pencil sketches for illustrations in ‘‘Punch.”’ Mounted on thick board leaves, with MS. transcriptions of the captions, and notations of the vols. in which they appear. ean Small 4to, full maroon morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Af) * With a signed autograph presentation of Caroline HE. Z OY Leech, the artist’s sister, to Mr. Ernest Chesneau. Bound in cA also is the photographic facsimile of the printed letter of John Vira Ruskin, on Leech and his art. JS Nv fs 205. ‘¢OUR FIDO AND HIS ADVENTURES.”’ 16 origi- | nal sepia drawings. Title on the first and a few lines of text \on each in Leech’s autograph. With an envelope addressed to rarles Hervey, franked by Leech. Small oblong 4to, olive as ereen levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. wand ; * Probably unpublished. From the Charles Hervey collee- = 6 aa tion. A clever and amusing series, picturing the adventures and mishaps of a young lady’s pet spaniel. 206. PENCIL SKETCHES. Several subjects on both sides of a large sheet. ‘‘The Round Hat in a Storm,’’ ‘‘The Sea- Side Hat, ’? “Now Charley, ther’s that Pretty Round Hat Again,’’ ete. Size 1214 x 9 inches, inlaid. mses Puaniéh eV on oT, 1854. 207, AMERICAN BROAD GRINS. Three original pencil sketches. ‘‘An American Audience,’’ ‘‘The Fascinating Edi- tor,’’ and ‘‘A Touch of the Sublime. ’? Tllustrations to ‘‘ Amer- ican Broad Grins.’’ Two with the descriptions in Leech’s au- .tograph. 3 pieces, various sizes. 1a" * Published in 1838. 208. PENCIL SKETCHES. Six separate sketches, studies es for illustrations to ‘‘Punch.’’ Mounted and inlaid. on two d \ sheets, various sizes. * EARLY SKETCHES, AND UNIDENTIFIED SKETCHES. \y’ 209. THE AFFAIR OF HONOR.” Original pencil : sketch, colored. Three-line dialogue in the artist’s autograph. y K {Size 83/, x 1014 inches. * Unidentified. 910. ‘“THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT.” Original pen- cil drawing, colored. Sicned-with=-mitials, title in Leech’s auto- graph: “ feet. Size 434 x 734 inches, mounted. * Cut‘in ‘*Punch,”’ Vol boyeiaae: 238. [‘‘PEEL’S PANACEA FOR IRELAND.’’] Original pencil sketch. 3 others on the reverse, ‘‘To Free Traders,— Beware of the Dog,’’ ‘‘Material Solicitude’’ and one uniden- tified sketch. Size 1014 x 814 inches. * Full-page cartoon in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 16, 1849. 939. “HAVE YOU GOT SUCH A THING AS A TURNED COAT FOR SALE?’’ Original pencil sketch. An- other sketch on reverse. Size 1014 x 81% inches, mounted. * Political cartoon picturing D’Israeli being accosted by an ‘Cole clothes’? man. Full-page in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 16, 1849. 2940. “LORD STANLEY SURRENDERING HIS SWORD TO LORD JOHN RUSSELL.’’ Original pencil sketch. Two- smaller sketches on the reverse, one entitled, ‘‘Now, then, Charity, hover with you,’’ the other unidentified. Size 91% x 73% inches, inlaid. * Pull-page cartoon in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 16, 1849. 941. ““AIN’T I VOLATILE?”’ Original pencil sketch, with autograph inscription by Leech. Size 11 x 834 inches, inlaid. * Full-page political cartoon in ‘ ‘Punch,’’? Vol. 18, 1850, with Lord Brougham in the character made famous by Dickens, ‘¢Miss Mowcher.’’ wae 38 ORIGINALS FoR ‘‘ PuNcH.’’—Continued. 242. “THE AMERICAN ROVER GENERAL WOT TRIED TO STEAL A CUBA.’’ Original pencil drawing, colored. Signed with initials. Size 814 by 614 inches. ull-page cartoon, ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 18, 1850. 243. “THE HAYCOCKS IN 1851.’”’ Original pencil draw- ing. ‘‘The ‘Few Friends’ Arrive at Haydays. ” Size 634 x 444 YH rh inches, mounted. h vf *Cut in ‘‘Punch Almanac,’’ 1851. g 244. [‘‘THE POUND AND THE SHILLING.’’] Original / pencil sketch. Three others on the reverse. Size 1034 x 81% 0 inches, inlaid. * Full-page cartoon in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 20, 1851. es a 245. [‘‘LOUIS NAPOLEON’S COUP D’ETAT.”’] Origi- Wp nal pencil sketch. Another on reverse. Size 9x7 inches, mounted. eorioon in’ Punch,’’ Vol. 21, 1851. ¥ 246. [““SEBASTOPOL: A Prayer for the Brave.’’] Origi- ; nal pencil sketch. On reverse, ‘‘The French Cent Guards and 4 ype the British Life Guards.”’ Size 91/4 x 7 inches. s Peemuneh,*. Vol. 27, 1854, 247. | AGRICULTURAL DISTRESS.’’] Original pencil sketch. Glum-looking British farmer standing in his well- _ stocked corn field: ‘‘ Well! here’s a pretty business! I’ve got so much corn, that I don’t know where to put it.’’ Small sketch on reverse [‘‘Any luggage, Sir’’]. Size 814x814 inches, inlaid. *¢¢Punch,’’? Vol. 27, 1854. MIG, 249. | LENGTH OF HIS FOOT.’’] Original pencil sketch. ‘‘Punch’’ measuring his foot against that of a dead Russian. Three individual sketches on the reverse. Size 914, x 514 inches, inlaid. mewn) Puneh,’?? Vol. 27, 1854. 249. [‘‘GROUSE SHOOTING LATE IN THE SEASON.’’] Original pencil sketch. Three separate sketches on the reverse, ‘““Bless You,’’ ‘‘The Mother-in-Law’s Sway,’’ and ‘‘I Love thee not Uncomfortable Sea.’’ Size 914 x 71% inches. “Cut in ‘*Punch,’’ Vol. 27, 1854, and ‘‘ Life and Charac- ter,?* "eS 250. [‘‘ THE ENTENTE CORDIALE.’’] Original pencil a. sketch. Napoleon III and Prince Albert dining. Another sketch on reverse [‘‘The Life Guards at Boulogne’’]. Size 914, x 614 inches, inlaid. * Full-page, ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 27, 1854. 39 ORIGINALS FoR ‘‘ PuNCH.’’—Continued. “ ) 4 } 251. “SCENE AT THE PALAIS ROYAL.’”’ Original | pencil sketch, with autograph inscription by the artist. On reverse [‘‘The Crystal Jug’’]. Size 914 x 514 inches, inlaid. “2 Pungh.s ey Olen (,\ Sed, ; 252. [“THE CZAR TO HIS CUBS.’’] Original pencil \ (4.0 Sketch. On reverse [‘‘How Dull the Old Town is’’]. Size” J 4 kD 51/, x 634 inches, inlaid. *“¢Punch,’’ Vols. 27 and 28, 1854-55. 253. ‘‘STRIKING EFFECT... AT A LATE REVIEW.” a Original pencil sketch. The guards prostrate and exhausted Ww from tight collars and heavy equipment. Another sketch on reverse. Size 7144 x 1014 inches, mounted. fy Nh * Full-page cut ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 28, 1854. 254. “‘OLD GENTLEMAN (WITH THE MILD EYES) DRESSING FOR A MASQUERADE.’’ Original pencil | a sketch. Size 914 x8 inches, inlaid. Several sketches on re- | AJ Ms * a a 3 4 >be) at | Full-page political cartoon ‘‘Punch,’? Vol. 28, 1855. a, 255. ‘‘PIOUS FRAUD.’’ Original pencil sketch. Three {QO Wy “smaller sketches on reverse. Size 714 x 7 inches, inlaid. ~ = ¢* Puneh,’’, Velie, 2e0G 256. ‘‘OUTRAGE UPON THE SULTAN.”’ Original pencil 1 nw sketch. Another on reverse, ‘‘Thrilling Domestic Incident,’’ ” } rp with inscription by the artist. Size 9 x 614 inches, inlaid. th’ *¢ * ¢¢Punch’’? 318. PENCIL DRAWING, TOUCHED WITH WATER- i COLORS. Three figures and two heads, on one sheet. Size Ws 4 \{| 484 x 734 inches, mounted. ms thee ‘ S * Studies. 46 FRAMED DRAWINGS, See ORHTOH IN OIL. ‘A Very Great Man.’’ ‘‘Now Collins you must go out very deep, for I want to take a ‘Header!’ ’’ With full signature. On canvas stretcher, size 15 x 18 inches, in gilt frame. *A highly finished oil-color sketch. A wood-cut of this appears in ‘‘Punch’’ for 1855. This is one of a series of pic- tures made by Leech for an exhibition of his work at ‘‘The Auction Mart Gallery,’’? in 1862. In his introduction to the book or reproductions issued in connection with the exhibition, Leech writes: ‘‘The invention of a new process for producing enlarged transcripts of drawings and engravings suggested to me that, by combining that process with the use of oil colours, I might produce on canvas repetitions of my engraved and published if, drawings, capable of preservation for as long a time as any 0) pictures. ... As I have used the word ‘repetitions,’ I desire to q add here, that it is not my intention to copy or reproduce any fp . subject that I once sketch in oil. Whosoever may do me the honour to place one of these little works in a collection, will possess what is so far a speciality that it will never exist in duplicate. ’’ 3820. ““THE RACE FOR THE DERBY, 1851.”’ Original pen-and-ink and water-color drawing. Signed and dated. Size 1934 x 1214 inches, in an oak and gilt frame. . *THE FINEST AND LARGEST LEECH WATER-COLOR KNOWN. This cartoon appeared as a folding plate in ‘‘Punch’’ for 1851, oy \ and also the principal feature in ‘‘Records of the Great Ex- : Be. hibition,’’ a newspaper of 8 pp., a copy of which is sold here- | § Ser with. The drawing depicts representatives of different na- J KY J tionalities, mounted on various kinds of animals, in a spirited race, with ‘‘Punch’’ in the lead. 321. “MR. BRIGGS GROUSE SHOOTING.”’ Original water-color and ink drawing. A pair, size 1114 x 934 inches, in sunken mats. Signed. es I—‘11 A. M. Mr. Briggs begins to show Symptoms of Dis- ae tress. He finds his ‘Native Heath’ a very different bb - thing to his Native Flag Stones.’’ Il—**12 A. M. Total Prostration of Mr. Briggs.’’ "gant *'The above captions appear in MS. at the bottom of each. ‘Sa ‘‘Mr. Briggs’’ was one of Leech’s favorite characters. See - ‘¢Punch,’? Vol. 21. 322. ‘‘PRIZE FOOTMAN.”’ Original Pen-and-Ink Draw- ing. ‘‘Prize Footman.’’ Depicting a dignified and well- proportioned “‘Flunky’’ in livery. Signed. Size 414x534 inches. Framed and glazed (glass cracked). * Appeared in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 6, 1844. Differs from the woodcut in that the footman stands beside a placard bearing his description in Leech’s autograph. Specimens of Leech originals in pen-and-ink are quite rare, as he seldom used this medium. 47 oT FRAMED DRAWINGS.—Continued. £) ny : h m) i) 323. ““MISS FLORA MACFUNGUS AND PARTNER.’’ 4} RY Original Pen-and-Ink Drawing. come to-morrow and have another accident.’? Signed with 2 initials. Size 534 x 414 inches, framed and glazed. xo * The woodcut of this is. Cone STAY reduced in “‘Puneh,’? Vol. 12, 1847. 336. “ROTTEN ROW.” Original Pen-andAnk Drawing. A lLondonite displaying his horsemanship on the ‘‘Row.’’ ng Signed with initials. Size 6 x 334 inches. Framed and glazed. * Probably published in ‘‘ Punch.’’ oof MARCH OF LUXURY.’’ ~~ Original Pen-and-Ink . Drawing. Signed, with 4-line caption in Leech’ Ss autograph. Dra Size 414 x 534 inches, framed and glazed. a * Woodcut, reduced, appeared in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 11, 1846. 338. ““ANCIENT MIDNIGHT CEREMONY.” Original A) Water-color and Ink Drawing. ‘‘ Ancient Midnight Ceremony on Lord Mayor’s Eve.’’ Signed with initials. Size 5x 414 inches, gilt mat and frame. 339. “THE SOLDIER TIRED.’’ Original Pen-and-Ink Drawing. Signed. Size 33¢x'5 inches. Framed and glazed. ~ * Woodeut in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 10, 1846. 340. “ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER.”’ Original Pen-and-Ink Drawing, colored. Depicts the reversal in the fortunes of the monkey and the organ grinder. Signed. y Size 614 x 414 inches, gilt mat and frame (glass cracked). * With 3-line caption in Leech’s autograph. Published in eclanch, 7” “Vol 42,, 1866; 49 FRAMED DRAawines.—Continued. 341. ““MAY THE EVENING’S DIVERSION BEAR THE MORNING’S REFLECTION.’’ Original Pencil Sketch. In two sections, showing the ‘‘ Russian Bear’’ on a spree, and the same gentleman the “‘morning after.’’ Size 714 x 714 inches, 9 framed and glazed. y “A woodcut of this subject appeared in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 17, es} ny we 1849. oe SY be 342. ““AWFUL . SCENE ON THE CHAIN PIER, BRIGHTON.’’ Original Pen-and-Ink Drawing. ‘‘ Awful scene on the Chain Pier, Brighton.’’ Signed. Size 714x5 inches. Framed and glazed. ; : “One of the humorous ‘‘Punch’’ drawings, appeared in Vol. 11, 1846. Inscribed by Leech as follows: ‘‘Nursemaid. ‘Lawk! There goes Charlie, and he’s took his Ma’s parasol. What will Missus say?’ ’’ oe es Adverted to in author’s Introduction to Grolier Club Cata- ie ft 4 logue. if} ’ 3S MS a Xi : ; ° ° * pe 348. “LAY OF ST. GENGULPHUS.”’ Original Water- ~ color Drawing. Illustration to the ‘‘Lay of St. Gengulphus’’ in ‘‘The Ingoldsby Legends.’’ Shows the ‘‘maid’’ startled by the appearance of ‘‘Gengulphus’s’’ head in the bucket she is drawing from the well. Signed. Size 434 x 614 inches, gilt mat and frame. ° * One of the finest and most beautiful of the colored draw- ings in the collection. Graham Everitt in his work, ‘* English Caricaturists,’’ says of this drawing: ‘‘I would ask the reader. to observe the details of that perfectly marvellous drawing, executed with all the effect and at a fifth of the labor which George Cruikshank in his best days would have bestowed upon it. I would entreat him to mark that wicked, graceless, bald- ae set pated old head, with its port wine nose resting on the rim of ? the bucket, and its wicked old eye suggestively wink unutter- af able things at the perplexed and astounded maiden. I would \\V ask him to look at that drawing; to take into account the y/ : health of the genial, failing artist who designed it;. and to ; tell me, whether in all the range of English comic art he re- members to have met with anything more intensely comical?’’ 344. “PROPOSAL FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR.”’ Origi- nal Pencil Sketch. ‘‘Punch’’ bidding good-bye to an ecclesias- i tic., Size 734 x 6 inches, framed and glazed. Fs “A woodeut of this subject appeared in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 20, Fe et Meret f)\~ 345. ‘<4 CHANGE FOR INDIA.” Original Pencil Sketch. T ‘“Punch’’ throwing an old shoe after an officer mounted on a camel. Size 814 x 614 inches, framed and glazed. “A woodcut of this subject appeared in ‘‘Punch,’’ Vol. 16, Vad 1849. t i Aaa ee ms pl us John Leech colle “Tg Wn ie AP GHD [30 helt} aul i >. Ras ie = = Sy = rs ree ee eS ea = Ae ag ee