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Books, Manuscripts, Autographs, Portraits and Drawings
(See No. 1019)
2. Acosta (Joseph de). Historie Naturael en Morael. Amsterdam, 1624.
Dutch translation.
6. Ainsworth (William H.). Historical Romances. Library Edition on
Japanese paper.
9-14. Almanacs. American and Foreign. 1752-1839.
16. America. Huttich (J.). Die New Welt, &c. Strassburg, 1534. Of
Excessive Rarity; the First Copy to be offered at auction sale, either
here or abroad.
17-31. American Colonies and works relating to American Finance, His-
tory, Commerce, &. 1646-1785, including a Book of American
Music engraved by Amos Doolittle, New Haven, 1788, only one other
copy located by Evans, and the Genuine First Edition of a Poem,—
“Science” by Francis Hopkinson, printed by Wiliam Dunlap, Phila-
delphia, 1762.
32-51. American Revolution. Include,—Chanler’s pamphlet “What think
ye of Congress Now?” New York, James Rivington, 1775,—Pow-
nall’s Map of North America, engraved in two sections, London,
1776, one of the most important Revolutionary Maps published,—
a Rare Mar of the Delaware River, unknown to Phillips, London,
1778,—an unusually choice copy of Colonel George Hanger’s “Life
and Adventures”, London, 1801, with the scarce plate——and_ other
57. American Wood Engraving. Anderson (Alexander). Collection of
3678 woodcuts by the first American wood-engraver, one of the most
important collections of its kind ever offered at a public sale.
59. Amherst (Lord). Portrait after Sir Joshua Reynolds, engraved by
James Watson.
63. Anglo-Saxon Review. Edited by Lady Randolph Churchill. 10 vols.,
each bound in a facsimile of a rare binding of the olden days.
London, 1899, &c.
v2. Astor Place Riot. Account dated New York, 1849. Extra-Illustrated
by the insertion of about 75 portraits, autograph letters, playbills,
”4, Autograph Album containing Original Manuscript Prose and Poetry by
Ainsworth, Cuthbert Bede, Martin Tupper, Michael Rossetti, Wilkie
Collins, and others,—in all, 59 separate items, some unpublished.
84-86. Beauregard (P. T. G.). Three A. L. S. of this famous Confederate
General. All important War letters.
83-87-88. Bewick Illustrations. A Large Paper Copy and an Edition de
89-98. Binding. Numerous interesting works, including Original Issue of
Holloway’s translation of “Reynard, the Fox.” London, 1851.
100. Birds of America. Wilson (Alexander). American Ornithology.
Choice copy of the Original Issue, with richly-colored plates. Lon-
don, 1882.
108-112. Boston Items, including Orations on the Boston Massacre, Printed
by Peter Edes, 1785.
119. British Poets. Gilfillan Notes, &c. 48 vols. Edinburgh, 1852, &c.
122-126. Brownings (The). First Editions of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert.
132. Bunker Hill and Boston. Map, partly colored showing the position of
the American forces in Cambridge and Dorchester, &. N.p. 1776.
137-194. Burns (Robert). About 60 Burns items, one of the finest collec-
tions of its kind ever offered for public sale, including some hitherto
unknown, among which are noted,—Poems. Kilmarnock Edition,—
Poems. Large Paper Copy of the First Issue of the First Edinburgh
Edition, with Robert Browning’s signature on title—Alloway Kirk;
or, ‘lam O’Shanter, two copies of the First Edition, one First Issue,
one of these has never before been offered for sale at auction,—
Verses to the Memory of James Thomson, Rare First Edition, no
auction sale of this recorded,—Poems. Second Edinburgh Edition,
exceptionally tall copy, with autograph inscription by Burns,—Ad-
dress to the Deil, Rare First Edition, only one other copy sold at
auction,—Poems. Paisley, 1802, fine copy of the suppressed edi-
tion,—Auld Farmer’s Salutation to his Mare, First Separate Edi-
tion, no other copy offered at auction,—Merry Diversions of Hal-
loween, First Separate Edition.—Humorous Tales, First Edition,—
Works. Vol. I. Only. Copy with the suppressed annotations of
James Hogg and his inscription,—and many others.
202-207. California. Works and Views, several rare.
225-229. Chap-Books of the XVIIth, XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries. Un-
usual Collection.
240. Clemens (S. L.). Complete Writings, Autograph Edition. Hartford,
1899. |
251-266. Colored Plate Books. Include,—“Evelina, or Female Life in Lon-
don”, First Edition, and one of the rarest colored plate books of
the period,—Colored Costume Plates,—First Editions of “Adven-
tures of a Post Captain,” “Doctor Comicus,” “Life of a Collegian”,
“Punch and Judy,” &e.
273-276. Connecticut. With two scarce Broadsides.
282-283. Court Memoirs of France and. Europe. 20 vols. Paris, Grolier
Society,—Courts and Cabinets of England. 10 vols. London, y.d.
288-339. Cruikshanks (The). Include,—Mudford’s “Campaign in the
Netherlands” with 28 colored plates by George Cruikshank,—The
Humourist, with 40 Colored plates by the same,—Barker’s “Green-
wich Hospital,” First Edition,—Collier’s “Bobbins’ Lancashire Dia-
lect, First Editionn—Payne Collier’s “Punch and Judy,” col-
ored and plain plates, unique copy of the First Edition
with two original Cruikshank drawings,—Ireland’s “Life of
Napoleon,’ 4 vols., John Cumberland’s edition with the
3 plates sometimes lacking,—Taylor’s “Monsieur Tonson”,
unique copy of the First Edition with inscription and 6 original
drawings by George Cruikshank,—Roscoe’s “Novelist’s Library”
with 74 plates, 19 vols. handsomely bound,—Cruikshank’s Table
[ Nos. 288-339—Continued |
Book, First Edition, with signature of the artist,—Jerrold’s Life of
G. Cruikshank, First Edition, and Extra-Illustrated by the insertion
of over 150 plates by Cruikshank, two leaves of Original Drawings
by him, his signature, and an A. L. S. to his wife,—A Collection of
87 Original Drawings and Pen-and-Ink sketches on 40 sheets of
paper, with his signatures, full and initialled, about 18 times,—
Robert Cruikshank’s illustrations to the “English Spy,” First Edi-
tion,—and others.
395-368. Dickens (Charles). Highly Important Collection of First Editions,
47 vols. comprising,—Village Coquettes; Pickwick Papers; Joseph
Grimaldi; Oliver Twist; Christmas Books; Tale of Two Cities:
and others,—Master Humphrey’s Clock, with the Sibson Plates, a
rare occurrence,—Works. With illustrations on India paper, 33 vols.
London, Chapman and Hall, 1881-82,—Works. The Chapman and
Hall Edition de Luxe. 33 vols..—Remarkable Collection of Extra-
Illustrations to the Works of Dickens, comprising 649 original char-
acter studies in water-color by “Kyd”, the most important series of
drawings by this artist ever offered at auction,—and others.
377. Du Bartas (G. 8.). His Devine Weekes and Workes. London, 1613.
383-398. Harly Printed Books. Include,—Caesar, 1477; Josephus, 1481;
~Bibha Latina, 1486; Cicero, 1490; Claudianus, 1493; The Nurem-
berg Chronicle, 1497; Ptolomaeus, 1541, in a rare edition; and
412. Highteenth Century Color Prints. Frankau (Julia). With engraved
plates by Bartolozzi, Gaugain, Schiavonetti, Turner, &c. 2 vols.
London, 1900. A magnificent and costly publication.
413. Highteenth Century Engravers. Frankau (Julia). Another beautiful
work by the author of the preceding.
414-419. Eliot (George). First Editions of several sets of her Works,—
Cabinet Edition, 20 vols.; Blackwood Edition, 10 vols.;—and, A
Series of 7 A. L. 8. being the correspondence addressed to Mr.
Deutsch, 1867-1870, by George Eliot, with a selection from each of
the 7 letters.
445-450. Franklin (Benjamin). “Interest of Great Britain Considered,”—
Portrait of Franklin, line-engraving,—Political, &c. Pieces. First
Edition,—Way to Wealth,—Franklin’s Edition of the Pennsylvania
Laws, &c.
452-457. French and American War. Maryland Journal Extra,—Dispute
between the United States and France,—&e.
458-469. French and Indian War. Interesting volumes thereon, with impor-
tant maps.
473-477. French Revolution. Includes,—M’Gregor’s History. 12 vols. Lon-
: don, 1828.
485-487. Gaine (Hugh) Imprint. Works printed in 1771, 1787, 1792.
494. Gay (John). Beggar’s Opera. First Edition. London, 1728.
496-506. George I., II., and III. Documents Signed.
510-517. Goldsmith (Oliver). Works, including First Editions, with Fors-
ter’s Life. 2 vols. with Extra-Illustrations, about 192.
549-550. Hennepin (Louis). New Discovery, First Issue of the First Eng-
lish Edition; and, Aenmerckelycke Historische, &e. First Dutch
Edition of the preceding.
560. Hood (Thomas). Complete Set of the Writings of Hood, all First Edi-
tions. : |
561-567. Horses and Horsemanship. Include a First Edition, or so.
570. Hunt (Leigh). Original Manuscript of his lines,—‘On the Birth of
the Princess Alice.” |
571-573. Illuminated Manuscripts. Include French and a Persian.
580-583. Irving (Washington). Include,—A remarkably fine set of his Writ-
ings in the Original English Editions. 39 vols. uniformly bound by
Riviére in full crimson levant morocco. London, 1811-1864,—Put-
nams’ edition of Irving’s Writings. 40 vols, with a page of the
author’s manuscript inserted,—and the Original Manuscript Notes,
&c. of an unfinished and unpublished sketch from the collection of
Pierre M. Irving, &c.
601-607. Jones (Paul). Include the romance by Allan Cunningham, 3 vols.
First Edition in original boards.
615. Kipling (Rudyard). Original Manuscript of the “Elephant and the
: Lark’s Nest.”
620-624. Lafayette (Marquis de). Several fine portraits.
629-633. Lamb (Charles). Essays of Elia, First Editions——Extra-Illus-
trated Edition, by the insertion of 220 portraits and views. .
635. Landor (Walter Savage). Collection of Original Manuscripts of Poems
and Letters.
644-650. Lever (Charles). First Editions of,—Charles O’Malley, St. Pat-
rick’s Eve, The O’Donoughe, and others,—and Works Edited by his
daughter and illustrated by “Phiz’, George Cruikshank, &c. Auto-
graph Edition limited to 10 sets, with a 4-page A. L. 8. ,
653-656. Lincoln (Abraham). Life by Tarbell, New York, 1900. Extra-
illustrated by the insertion of 440 prints and autographs.
663. Siege of Louisburg in a Letter to a Great M . . r. on the Prospect
of Peace. First Edition with the half-title. London, 1761.
672. M’Kenney and Hall. Indian Tribes of North America. 3 vols. Phila-
delphia, 1836-1844. With 120 colored plates.
684-686. Meredith (George). Original Manuscript of “Diana of the Cross-
ways”’,—Poetical Works. London, 1912.
695. Milton (John). Paradise Lost. First Edition with the Fourth Title.
707-781. Napoleon. About 75 items relating to the Emperor, including,—
Histoire Chronologique, &c. N.p. 1790, Josephine’s own copy and
presentation volume from Laurence Peel to Charles L. Peel,—and
many other items of interest and value.
789. New Jersey Colonial Timber Laws. Broadside relative to the preserva-
tion of forest-lands, &c. Printed by James Parker, Woodbridge,
about 1759.
791. Newspaper. The Independent Reflector. About 52 numbers, all pub-
lished. NewYork, printed by James Parker. 1752. Probably not —
more than four perfect copies known. )
794-829. New York City, State, &c. Important items relating to the City,
the State, the Province, &c. including,—Broadsides, Maps, Views,
&c., New York Laws printed by Wilham Bradford, New York, 1726,
—New York Laws, printed by James Parke, 1752,—N ew York
Magazmne, Vol. V. with valuable plates,—&c.
849-852. Philadelphia. Includes,—The Fifth Philadelphia Street Directory,
1794, Philadelphia Land Sale, Broadside, 1790, &c.
860. Poe (Edgar Allan). Autograph Manuscript, Unsigned, of 62 lines, in-
cluding reprint of poem which he criticises.
869. Presidents of the United States from Washington to Wilson; Auto-
graphs and Portraits, &c. in handsome binding.
870-879. Primers. London, Boston, New Haven, &c. 1792-1829.
885. Pyne’s Royal Residences. Colored plates. 3 vols. London, 1819. A
superb copy of the Original Edition.
893. Rhode Island. Dorr Rebellion. Poem. Providence, 1843. A long
humorous skit on the troubles in Rhode Island because of the elec-
tion of Thomas W. Dorr to the Governorship of the State.
901-937. Rowlandson (Thomas). About three dozen items including books
illustrated by him, and many Original Watercolor Drawings.
957-968. Scott (Sir Walter). Complete Set of the Waverley Novels, 74 vols.
| First Editions,—Religious Discourses, Paris, 1828, an uncommon
item,—and several other editions of the Waverley Novels, one set
bound by Ramage.
971-980. Shakespeare. Include,—Second Folio,—Dramatic Writings, Bell’s
Edition, 20 vols. London, 1788,—The Boydell Shakespeare, 9 vols.
London, 1802,—The Henry Irving Edition of Shakespeare’s Works,
8 vols. London, 1888, and others,
985. Sherman (William Tecumseh). Original Autograph Manuscript, Signed
and dated.
999. Stevenson (Robert Louis). Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington. 14
vols. Stevenson’s own copy with many marginal notes, etc.
1007-1014. Surtees (R. S.). First Editions of his Sporting Novels.
1016. Swinburne (A. C.). Original Manuscript of Dedicatory Poem.
1019. Tarleton (General). Portrait in mezzotint. Rare.
1024-1029. Thackeray (Wm.). Right Divine of Kings, with his autograph
on title,—Writings. Edition de Luxe. 25 vols. London, 1878-
1031. Thoreau (H. D.). Original Autograph Manuscript, Unpublished.
1047-1050. Virginia. Include several maps.
1054. W. (J.). Rare early English play, London, 1637. “The Valiant Scot.”
1056-1062. Walton and Cotton. Lives of Dr. Donne, &c.,—Universal Angler,
London, 1676,—Complete Angler. LExtra-illustrated by the inser-
tion of 175 portraits, views, &c.
1069-1081. Washington. Include,—Broadsides, portraits, &c. SOME SCARCE.
1092. Whistler (J. McNeill). Fifty-seven Defaced Etchings, &c. London,
1095. Whittier (J. G.). Original Autograph Manuscript.
1108. Zenger (John Peter). VanDriessen’s “De Heerlykheit der Genade,”
&e., Neuw-Jork, 1730. First Edition of the Heidelberg Catechism
printed in this country, and the first copy to appear at auction.
1030, 1038, 1045, 1046, 1050, 1054, 1063, 1065, 1066, 1068, 1069, 1070,
1071, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1090, 1091, 1093, 1094, 1099, 1102, 1103,
1104, 1108.
By order of the Book Section, POWERS MERCANTILE COM-
PANY, Minneapolis, Minn., is herein catalogued under Lot Numbers,—3,
92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100, 119, 128, 196, 219, 220, 222, 236, 239, 283, 291,
294, 301, 313, 317, 330, 336, 363, 364, 365, 366, 376, 404, 441, 444, 476, 508,
515, 516, 527, 571, 579, 591, 593, 599, 625, 657, 658, 670, 678, 699, 701, 702,
846, 847, 859, 885, 965, 980, 1001, 1003, 1014, 1027, 1053, 1097.
logued under Lot Numbers,—15, 68, 69, 367, 371, 407, 531, 584, 638, 705,
843, 856, 1000.
OTHERS is herein catalogued under Lot Numbers,—1, 6, 30, 54, 58, 60, 61,
63, 67, 72, 99, 101, 115, 118, 208, 231, 240, 251, 252, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264,
266, 278, 287, 289, 290, 292, 293, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 308, 309,
310, 312, 314, 315, 316, 318, 319, 323, 324, 325, 327, 335, 338, 339, 353, 356,
307, 361, 369, 411, 432, 443, 472, 473, 474, 475, 477, 478, 483, 484, 492, 493,
535, 5387, 538, 555, 582, 594, 600, 601, 602, 603, 605, 617, 626, 629, 630, 633,
650, 653, 667, 668, 707, 708, 709, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 720,
722, 728, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737,
738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 7438, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 754,
705, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770,
771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 778, 779, 783, 799, 800, 801, 802, 815, 839, 865,
866, 867, 868, 880, 888, 901, 902, 904, 906, 907, 909, 910, 911, 937, 941, 958,
968, 974, 985, 9938, 995, 1008, 1009, 1011, 1012, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1052, 1055,
1062, 1089.
OWNER is herein catalogued under Lot Numbers,—333, 913, 914, 915,
916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932,
933, 934, 935, 936.
en al ae ee
niet “2
Conditions of Sale
1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by
the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in-
z. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between
two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for
re-sale the lot so in dispute.
3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as
may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given
immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased
shall be immediately put up again and re-sold.
Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale,
shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may
either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action
as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private
sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur-
chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge
against such purchaser.
4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total
amount due for all purchases at the sale.
Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M.,
and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M.
Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or
other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase.
Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase
during the session of the sale at which it was sold.
5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the
Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association
for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility
for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how-
ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges
of the parties engaged for such service.
6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title
passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso-
ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it
will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or
Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days
from the date of the sale thereof.
7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor-
rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will
be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper-
fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its
sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse.
The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will
give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any
lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the
lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby
would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with-
out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE.
Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans-
mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without
charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi-
tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however,
in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a
purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition
or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale,
and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs
from its catalogue description. :
Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with
such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot
number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much
for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects
of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting
the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference
submitted. Shipping directions should also be given.
Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be
furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge.
American Art Galleries,
Madison Square South,
New York City.
First Session, Numbers | to 222, inclusive
1. A’BecKetrtT (GILBERT ABBorT). The Comic History of England. Wath
10 colored etchings and 120 woodcuts by John Leech. 2 vols.
1847-48 ;—The Comic History of Rome. With numerous colored
etchings and woodcuts by John Leech. Lond., n.d. [1851]. To-
gether, 3 vols., 8vo, dark-red polished levant morocco, gilt tooling
on sides and backs, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, other edges
scraped, by Root. London, 1847-1848-[1851 |
2. AcosTA (JOSEPH DE). Historie Naturael en Morael van de Westersche
Indien. Waer inne ghehandelt wort van de merkelijkste dinghen
des Hemels, Elementen, Metalen [etc.] als oock de Manieren,
Ceremonien, Wetten, Regeeringen, ende Oorlogen der Indianen.
Door Ian Huyghen van Linschoten. Curious cuts throughout tect.
Small 4to, rebound in calf, leather label, somewhat stained.
Amsterdam, 1624
The author was. one of the most accurate observers of the customs
and peculiarities of the aborigines of the Western Hemisphere, before
they became modified by contact with the whites. The above is the
rare Dutch translation of his work on the West Indies.
3. Appison (JosEPH). The Spectator: A New Edition, carefully revised.
With Prefaces, Historical and Biographical by Alexander Chalmers.
Vignettes on titles after Hayman. 6 vols. 8vo, three quarter
straight-grained red morocco, gilt backs, yellow edges.
London, 1822
Probably the best of the numerous editions of The Spectator, printed
with large type on good paper.
4, Alsop. Fables of Adsop and other Eminent Mythologists: with Morals
and Reflections. By Sir Roger L’Estrange. Portrait engraved by
White after Kneller, and plate (torn). Small folio, paneled calf,
rebacked, few pp. time-soiled. London, 1692
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
5. Arrer-DINNER SPEECHES. Modern Eloquence. Editor, Thomas Reed;
Justin McCarthy, Rossiter Johnson, and Albert E. Bergh, Asso-
ciate Editors. Portraits on Japanese paper. 10 vols. royal 8vo,
half leather, gilt backs and tops, uncut.
Philadelphia: Morris Co. [1900]
A library of the best After-Dinner Speeches, Lectures, Addresses, etc.
6. AInswortH (WinLIAM Harrison). Historical Romances. Beautifully
illustrated with a large number of etchings by noted French artists,
and rare portraits. 20 vols., 8vo, full tan levant morocco, backs
gilt-tooled and inlaid with shields of red and green leathers, doub-
lures of brown levant with inside borders of tan levant, dentelle and
floral tooling, ends of yellow brocaded silk, gilt edges.
Philadelphia: Printed only for Subscribers by George Barrie &
Son, n.d.
Y. ALLEN (CotonEL Eran). Allen’s Captivity, being a Narrative of
Colonel Ethan Allen, containing his Voyages, Travels, &c., inter-
spersed with Political Observations. Written by himself. Wood-
cut frontispiece. 16mo, cloth. Boston, 1845
8. AtMANAcH AmfricaIN ou Etat Physique, Politique, Ecclésiastique et
Militaire de l’Amérique, 1783, 1784, 1785. Together, 3 vols. 16mo,
paper, uncut, and vellum. | Paris, 1783-1785
These volumes contain much historical information relating to the
United States not found elsewhere.
9. Atmanacs. An Astronomical Diary: or, an Almanack, 1753 and 1706.
By Nathaniel Ames. 2 pieces, 16mo, sewed, last leaf of one with
worm holes. Boston [1752 and 1755]
10. Anmanacs. Low (Nathanael). An Astronomical Diary or, Almanack
for 1775. With curious woodcut,—“The Virtuous Patriot at the
Hour of Death,’—on front page. 12mo, new boards, uncut.
Boston [1774]
Contains Low’s address to the people of Boston, on the arbitrary Port
11. Anmanacs.’ Low (Nathanael). An Astronomical Diary, or Almanack,
1780 and 1783. 2 pieces, 12mo, sewed, uncut, both with contem-
porary writing on some pages. Boston [1779-1782 |
Contains a chronological list of battles of the Revolution, 1770-1782.
12. Atmanacs. Wheeter’s North-American Calendar, or Almanack, 1794.
12mo, sewed, uncut. Providence [1793]
13. Aumanacs. Thornton (Elisha). The New England Almanack, 1796.
12mo, sewed, uncut. Providence [1795]
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
14. Atmanacs. Friends’ Almanac, 1831; [also] Foulke’s Almanac, 1832
ju 1836, 1839 and 1840. Together, 8 pieces, 12mo, sewed.
Philadelphia [ 1830-1839 |
The first of Foulke’s Almanacs (18382) contains a notice referring
to the Friends’ Almanac, and calls attention to his own almanac in-
corporating accounts of the meetings of the Society of Friends.
15. AMBLER (Louis). The Old Halls and Manor Houses of Yorkshire, with
some Examples of other Houses Built Before 1700. With 91
plates from photographs, 20 plates of measured drawings, and
numerous illustrations in the text. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut.
London [1913]
16. America. [Huttich (J.).] Die New welt, der landschaften und In-
sulen, so bis hie her allen Altweltbeschrybern unbekant, Jungst aber
yon den Portugalesern unnd Hispaniern im Nidergerglichen Meer
herfunden. Sambt den sitten unnd gebreuchen der Inwonenden
voleker. Auch was giitter order Waren man bey jnen funden, und
jnn unsere Landt bract hab. . . . Title and “Vorrede,” 6 leaves;
Text, 242 [for 252] folio leaves. Small folio, rebound in half calf,
gilt back, name on title, small tears in title neatly repaired, very
small worm hole through portion of text.
Gedruckt zii Strassburg durch Georgen Vlricher, 1534
The text of the present copy, with the exception of the minor defect
noted above, is in exceptionally sound condition.
Regarding this work, Sabin’s Dictionary thus states :—
“A German translation by Michael Herr; it is less known and much
rarer than the original. Although it has no map, it has, on the other
hand, the merit of being augmented in the text. It contains a full
translation of Peter Martyr’s Decades, leaf 174-229, and also his books
“De Legatione Babylonica,’ 235-248, both wanting in all the different
Latin editions; besides it contains all the pieces of the first Latin edition
of 1532, except Munster’s “Introductio in tabulam geograph,” to which
the map belongs, and would therefore, have been superfluous in this
edition. The preface by Grynaeus is omitted, but a new one by the
translator, Michael Herr, is added. It is curious that none of these
differences have been noted by Harrisse.” See Bibliotheca Americana
Vetustissima,’”’ No. 188; Rich. No. 9; Ternaux, No. 45; “Bibliotheca Gren-
villiana,” p. 498.
1%. America. [Speed (John).] A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of
the World, viz. Asia, Africa, Europe and America. With many
copperplate maps. Oblong 12mo, vellum, title soiled.
London: Printed by M. F. for William Humble, 1646
Contains an early engraved map of the Western Hemisphere, and a
description of America, pp. 45-55.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
18. America. Historie der Martelaren, die om het getuygenisse der Evan-
gelischer waerheydt haer bloedt gestort hebben. . . . Ende dat
niet alleen in dese Nederlandem, maer oock in Vranckrijck, Engo-
landt, Schotlandt, Spanjen. . . . AMERICA, en andere Landen.
In desen laetsten druck op een nieuw neerstelick oversien. . . . door
Ioannem Gysium [Preface signed, Adrianus Haemstedius]. Hn-
graved title, and many fine copperplate engravings throughout teat,
by Luyken. Thick small folio, original stamped panel-calf, binding
somewhat worn, interiorly a fine copy. .
Dordrecht; Jacob Braat, 1657
Gives an account of Christian martyrs, in Europe, America, Brazil,
American Atnas. An early American Atlas, containing 7 maps, en-
eraved and colored, each with an appropriate vignette engraving,
and covering a period from the early discovery of the country till
the signing of the Declaration. Bound in one vol. royal 8vo, old
wrappers. N.p.n.d. [circa 1800]
An interesting series of American-engraved maps, with quaint engrav-
ings which depict incidents in American history.
American Cuar Booxs. Comprise,—The Two Goats and the Sick
Monkey; The Medley; The Soldier Turned Farmer; The Shepherd
Boy; The Book of Riddles; Little Frank’s Almanack; The History
of Birds; and others. .Woodcuts. Together, 12 pieces, 24mo, illus-
trated wrappers. Portland, n.d.
Nos. 1 to 12 of a series published by Bailey & Noyes.
AmerIcAN Cotontgs. Bickham (George). The British Monarchy;
or, a New Chronological Description of all the Dominions Subject
to the King of Great Britain [including at end of volume] A
Short Description (21pp.) of the American Colonies. Engraved
by George Bickham. With copperplate maps, and charming v1g-
nette engravings at top of some of the pages. In all 190 engraved
pages of text. Small folio, half russia, rebacked.
London, 1748-1747 .
The American section shows some interesting figures of Indians.
American Cotontges. [Robinson (Matthew).] Considerations on the
Measures now Carrying on with Respect to the British Colonies in
North America. 8vo, new boards. London [1774]
Second and best edition, in which the errors of the first edition have
been corrected, and much new matter added.
American Commerce. [Jefferson (Thomas).] Report of the Secre-
tary of State, on the Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce
of the United States in Foreign Countries. 8vo, new boards, uncut.
Philadelphia, 1793
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
24. AmERIcAN Computation Boox. Fenning (Daniel). The Ready Reck-
oner; or, The Trader’s Useful Assistant, in Buying, and Selling
All Sorts of Commodities, either Wholesale or Retail. Eleventh
Edition, compared with the last edition, by Nicolas Pike (Author
of Pike’s Arithmetic). Narrow 8vo, original calf.
Newburyport: Printed by Edmund M. Blunt, 1794
SCARCE IMPRINT. Edmund Blunt, author and publisher, was born at
Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He published the Newburyport “Herald,”
and two years after the date of the above volume, issued his first “Amer-
ican Coast Pilot.”
25. AMERICAN-ENGRAVED Music. Amos Doo.itrLE, ENcraver. The
Chorister’s Companion, containing, Besides the Necessary Rules of
Psalmody, A choice and valuable Collection of Psalm-Tunes,
Hymns and Anthems, From the most celebrated Ancient & Modern
Authors; Together with several Tunes never before Published.
Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. Doolittle, Scupt., New
Haven, 1788. Oblong 12mo, original sheep, lacks pp. 17-24 (4
leaves) of the engraved music.
New-Haven: Published and Sold by Simeon Jocelin [1788]
AN ITEM OF EXCEEDING RARITY, Of which Evans locates but one copy,
Collation,—Title, 1 leaf: Prefatory matter, 26pp.; Index, 2pp. Engraved
music, pp. 1-120, with the imperfection noted above.
Amos Doolittle, one of the earliest engravers of historical scenes in
America, was originally a silver-smith. An engraved bookplate rep-
resenting music, which may possibly be by Doolittle, is inserted in the
present copy.
26. AmEricAN EpiscopaTe Controversy. [White (William).| The Case
of the Episcopal Churches in the United States Considered. 12mo,
new boards, name on title. Philadelphia, 1782
Relates to the establishment of a free and independent Episcopal
Chureh government in the United States.
27. American Finance. Address and Recommendations to the States, by
The United States in Congress Assembled. 8vo, new boards, uncut
and unopened. Philadelphia: David C. Claypoole, 1783
Fine copy of the original edition. With the recommendations regard-
ing the levying of duties on imports; the contract entered into be-
tween Franklin and the Count de Vergennes, and the contract between
John Adams and others, relative to loans to the United States.
28. AMERICAN Finance. [Webster (Pelatiah).] A Seventh Essay on
Free Trade and Finance; in which the Expediency of funding the
Public Securities, striking further Sums of Paper Money, and
other important Matters, are considered. 8vo, new boards, uncut
and unopened. Philadelphia: Eleazer Oswald, 1785
About 1755 Webster settled in Philadelphia, where he engaged in
business and accumulated a fortune. He devoted much of his time to
finance and the resources of the Colonies.
First Session. Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
29. AMERICAN History. Smith (John Jay). American Historical and
Literary Curiosities; consisting of Fac-similes of some Plates, &.,
Relating to Columbus and Original Documents of the Revolution.
Second series, complete in itself. Colored plates, facsimiles of auto-
graphs and documents, etc., some backed with linen. 4to, half
Morocco. New York, 1860
30. American History. Lee (Guy Carleton;—Editor). The History of
North America. (Each phase being treated by an acknowledged
authority.) Hatensively wlustrated with a large number of por-
traits, maps, and facsimiles, reproduced in photogravure, half-tone,
and cotors. 20 vols. large 8vo, three quarter black morocco, gilt
backs and tops, uncut.
Philadelphia: Printed for Subscribers only by George Barrie,
University Edition, strictly limited and registered, this set being No.
195. Very fine copy of this standard work.
31. American Portry. Hopkinson (Francis). Science. A Poem. 4to,
new boards, the outer margins cut down to within 14 inch of text.
Philadelphia: Printed by William Dunlap, 1762
Poem was addressed to the trustees and professors of the College
and Academy of Philadelphia, among whom at the time were Benjamin
Franklin and James Hamilton. An important item of pre-Revolutionary
American literature.
32. American Revotution. [Chandler (Thomas B.).] What think ye of
Congress Now? or, An Enquiry, How far The Americans are Bound
To Abide by, and Execute the Decisions of the late Congress?
[also, with separate title-page] A Plan of a Proposed Union between
Great Britain and The Colonies . . . which was produced by one of
the Delegates from Pennsylvania, in Congress, as mentioned in
the preceding Work. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, few pp. stained,
top margins of first four leaves repaired, one word of title dam-
aged. New York: Printed by James Rivington, 1775
An answer to the action of the First Continental Congress, in pass-
ing the Bill of Rights, which claimed for America, “a free and ex-
clusive power of legislation.” .The writer, who was not in sympathy
with his countrymen, opposes the action of Congress in the forma-—
tion of an association for insuring the commercial non-intercourse with
Great Britain, and mentions the Boston Port Bill in connection with
the same.
33. AMERICAN Revoturion. Pownati’s Map or Nortu America. “The
Provinces of New York and New Jersey, with part of Pensilvania,
and the Province of Quebec. “Drawn by Major Holland, Sur-
veyor General of the Northern District in America. Corrected
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
[No. 38—Continued |
and Improved from the Original Materials. By Governor Pownall.
With three inset maps,—“A Chart of the Mouth of the Hudson
River,” “Plan of the City of New York,’ and a “Plan of Amboy
with its Environs,” with marginal view of the Hudson River, near
West Point. Engraved on two sections, mounted end for end.
Entire length, 55 inches; width, 21 inches. Matted.
London: Printed by Robert Sayer, August 17, 1776
One of the most important and complete Revolutionary Maps pub-
lished. The entire Hudson River is laid down, with the manors of
Cortland, Livingston, Rensselaer, ete. The Connecticut river is shown
with all the towns on both sides of it.
34. AMERICAN ReEvoLUTION. Broapsipe. Privateer’s Man Commission.
Articles of Agreement, made between the Owners, Captain, Officers,
and Mariners, and the United States. Folio, tear in margin re-
paired. Matted. [ Philadelphia, 1776 |
RARE REVOLUTIONARY BROADSIDE. The Original Letter of Marque issued
by authority of Congress, as a reprisal measure against the British at-
tacks on the undefended coast towns of New England.
35. AMERICAN REvotuTiIon. Addresses Presented from the Court of Com-
mon Council to the King, on his Majesty’s Accession to the Throne,
and on various other Occasions, and his Answers; [also] A Petition
of the Freeholders of the County of Middlesex, presented May 24,
1769; [and] Addressses, Remonstrances, and Petitions, commenc-
ing” the 24th of J une, 1769, presented to the King, from the Court
of Common Council, with his Majesty’s Answers. 3 parts in one
vol. 8vo, old calf.
London: Printed by Henry Fenwick [1777]
Contains letters addressed to the Lord Mayor of London, by the Gen-
eral Committee of Association for the City of New York, dated, New
York, May 5, 1775, and relating to the wrongs of the Colonies with the
Lord Mayor’s Address in answer thereto, and several other addresses,
including letter of John Hancock to the above official.
36. AMERICAN RevotutTion. Mav. “The Course of Delaware River from
Philadelphia to Chester, Exhibiting the several Works erected by
the Rebels to defend its Passage, with Attacks made upon them by
his Majesty’s Land & Sea Forces.” Engraved by William Faden,
April 30, 1778. Size, 18 x 27 inches. Matted. | London, 17 78]
An extremely interesting map which differs from any described by
Phillips. Shows the position of the various forts on the islands, with
the English and American Fleets in the river. An inset map shows
Fort Island, with a plan of Fort Mifflin.
3%. AMERICAN ReEvoLuTION. A Political Mirror: or, A Summary Review
of the Present Reign, with Notes, Explanatory and Historical.
8vo, new boards. London, 1779
Relates to the war in America, with a list of British ships captured by
the French and Americans, during the years 1775-1779.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
38. AmERIcAN RevotutTion. [Galloway (Joseph).] Plain Truth: or, A
Letter to the Author of Dispassionate Thoughts on the American
War. 8vo, boards. London, 1780
Attempts to show that Great Britain cannot, consistent with her own
safety, give up her American Colonies, while other European powers
retain their colonies, and strongly recommends a spirited prosecution of
the war.
39. AmpricaN Revotution. [Hall (Captain John).] The History of the
Civil War in America. Vol. I (all published), comprehending the
Campaigns of 1775, 1776 and 1777. Folding map, also 4 engraved
portraits, inserted. 8vo, three quarter blue morocco, gilt top.
London, 1780
Inscription in a contemporary hand attributes the authorship of the
work to Major Hall of Howe’s Army. Although Volume I. is said to
have reached a second edition (thus labelled on title of this copy), the
work was never completed. Present copy contains the rare map show-
ing the campaigns around New York, the Hudson River, and Philadel-
40. AMERICAN RevotuTion. Broapsipe. Act Establishing a Supreme
Court of Appeals. “The Committee to whom the several Ordinances
relating to Capture on Water were committed, report the following
Ordinance :—In pursuance of the power vested in Congress by the
articles of confederation, and to prevent the danger arising from
uncertainty or error in decisions on captures which ought to be the
result of accurate comparison and application of the resolutions
of Congress, public treaties and the law of nations; it becomes
necessary that a supreme court of appeals, in all cases of captures,
should be constituted, and established, with full power to controul
and correct the proceedings of all inferior courts of admiralty in
the United States in such cases. “The report then goes on to state
that the Court is to consist of three members, to be chosen from time
to time by Congress, and commissioned by the President. The
duties and the authority vested in the Court are cited in full.
Printed in double column. Folio. Matted.
N.p.n.d. [Philadelphia, 1782]
41. AMERICAN REvoLuTIon. Collection d’Estampes, représentant les Hvé-
nements de la Guerre, pour la Liberté de Amérique Septentrionale.
With 2 maps, and 14 plates by Godefroy, Le Barbier, Marillier,
and others, engraved by Godefroy and Ponce, and descriptive let-
terpress attached to the views. Ato, boards. Paris, circa, 1784
Original impressions of these beautiful engravings, including historical
views of the American Revolution, among which are the following,—
Malcolm being tarred by the Bostonians; Battle of Lexington; Sur-
render of Burgoyne at Saratoga; Capture of Senegal; Surrender of Corn-
wallis at Yorktown, etc.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
42. AMERICAN Revotution. George III. D.8.,119 pp., folio. Court of St.
James, 1789. Signed seven times by King George III., also several
times by Graham, Eliot, and Mornington,—“Whereas Our Parlia-
ment of Great Britain hath thought fit to make Provisions of Half
Pay to the Reduced Officers of Our Land Forces and Marines for the
current year, 1789 .
Original Documents relative to the half pay of British officers in
the French and Indian War and the War of the Revolution.
Among the more important items noted are the following,—Com-
plete List of the Reduced Officers entitled to half pay on over 100
pages. Among the members of the Regiment disbanded in 1748 and 1749
are the Staff Officer of the Garrison of Louisberg, John Cherington
and Thomas Maliee as Surgeon to the Commander in Chief of the
Expedition to the Spanish West Indies. Among the Members of the
Regiments disbanded in 1763 will be found names famous during the
French and Indian War; also, a Corps of Rangers raised in North
America, Four Independent Companies late in New York (Gardener,
Sutherland, McKeane, Lumsden, Hicks); three Independent Companies
late in South Carolina, ete.
But perhaps the most valuable part relates to the Regiments dis-
banded and reduced in 17838 and 1784. The 1st American Regiment
shows 55 names. The Kings American Regiment 30 names. There are
also Officers of the Hospital for the forces in North America, Staff
Officers; Judge Advocate of the forces in North America, &c.
43. AMERICAN ReEvoLuTion. Gordon (William). The History of the Rise,
Progress, and Etablishment, of the Independence of the United
States of America, including an Account of the late War. With 2
folding copperplate maps, engraved by Tiebout. 3 vols. 8vo, original
sheep, leather labels. New York, 1789
First American Edition.
44, AmmpRICAN RevotuTIon. George III. D.8., 135 pp. folio. Court of
St. James, September 4, 1798. Signed seven times by King George
IIT., and several times by T. T. Townshend, 8. Douglas, and another,
—“Whereas our Parliament of Great Britain hath thought fit to
make a Provision of Half Pay to the Reduced Officers of Our Land
Forces and Marines for the Current Year, 1798 .
At this date there were still living officers of the Nearrisit of Louis-
berg, Havannah and the Corps of Rangers raised in North America,
who were entitled to half-pay. The importance of these documents lays
in the “List of Officers Names,” of the Regiments disbanded and re-
duced in 1788, 1784, and 1785, among which will be found in the First
American Regiment (44 names) Officers of the Hospital for the Forces
in North America, ete. Among the officers and regiments mentioned
are the following,—Lieutenant-General Cornwallis; Staff Officers at
Louisburg, including Sir John Pepperell’s company; Lieutenant General
Sir William Shirley’s Fifty Foot; Colonel John Burgoyne; General
Thomas Gates’ Regiment of Dragoons; Officers of the Earl of Cornwallis ;
and others.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
45. AMERICAN REvoLuTION. Hanger (Colonel George). The Life, Adven-
tures, and Opinions of Col. Hanger. Written by Himself. With
engraved portrait of Colonel Hanger, with cocked hat and sword,
suspended on a gibbet. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut.
London, 1801
boon companion of George IV., served throughout the American Reyo-
lution. His work contains particulars relative to his adventures in
America during the War, and a singularly accurate prophecy regard-
ing the Northern and Southern States, “who will one of these days
fight as vigorously against each other as they both have united to do
against Great Britain.” Among the other interesting passages are,—Ad-
vice to the Lovely Cyprians and the Fair Sex in general.
46. AmeERIcAN RevotuTIonN. Onderdonk (Henry, Jr.). Documents and
Letters Intended to Illustrate the Revolutionary Incidents of Queens
County [Long Island, New York]; with Connecting Narratives,
Explanatory Notes, and Additions. First and Second Series. New
York, 1846 and Hempstead, 1884; [also] Revolutionary Incidents of
Suffolk and Kings Counties [Long Island, New York]; with an Ac-
count of the Battle of Long Island, and the British Prisons and
Prison-Ships at New York, Map. New York, 1849. 2 vols. 12mo,
and one vol. 8vo. Together, 3 vols. three quarter blue levant morocco,
gilt tops, lettered on backs.
New York and Hempstead, 1846-1884
FINE sET, comprising one of the most important works on the Reyo-
lutionary history of Long Island. The three volumes complete, like the
above, are very rarely met with in one lot; the Second Series of the
“Documents and Letters,” being especially hard to obtain.
47%, AMERICAN Revotution. Hale (Nathan). The American Spy [Nathan
Hale], or, Freedom’s Early Sacrifice: a Tale of the Revolution,
founded on fact. By J. R. Simms. Frontispiece. Royal 8vo, boards,
rebacked, uncut. Albany, 1857
LARGE Paper, limited to 28 copies. With 12 Extra portraits, maps,
and clippings laid in.
48. AMERICAN Revoturion. Drowne (Solomon). Journal of a Cruise in
the Fall of 1780 in the Private Sloop of War, Hope. With Notes, by
Henry T. Drowne. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, original wrappers bound
in. New York, 1872
LARGE Paper, only a limited number privately printed on one side of
the sheet only.
49. AmeERICAN ReEvoLuTIon. Huntington (Ebenezer). Letters Written
during the American Revolution. Portrait and facsimile. 8vo, three
quarter blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York [1914]
Edition limited to 320 copies. The above on Japanese paper. With
five A. L. S. of Ebenezer Huntington, inserted (Heartman’s Historical
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
50. AMERICAN ReEvoLuTion. [Pfister (A.).] “The Voyage of the First
Hessian Army, from Portsmouth to New York, 1776. S8vo, three
quarter blue morocco, gilt top. New York [1915]
Edition limited to 110 copies on Japanese paper (Heartman’s His-
torical Series).
51. AMERICAN REvoLuTION. Buettner (Johann Carl). Narrative of Buett-
ner, in the American Revolution ['Translated and somewhat abridged
from the original German]. Portrait in two states. 8vo, three quar-
ter blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, n.d.
One of 10 copies on Japanese paper (Heartman’s Historical Series).
52. AMERICAN SCENERY; or, Land, Lake, and River. Illustrations of Trans-
atlantic Nature. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett by Wallis,
Cousen, Willmore, Richardson, &c. The Literary Department by
N. P. Willis. 2 vols. 4to, half red morocco, gilt backs and edges,
margins of a number of plates spotted. London, 1840
53. AMERICAN ScEnNERY. Etats-Unis et Canada. L’Amérique du Nord
Pittoresque. Ouvrage rédigé par une réunion d’écrivains Américains
sous la direction de W. Cullen Bryant. Traduit, revu et augmenté par
Bénedict-Henry Revoil. Profusely illustrated with woodcut views of
New York City, Brooklyn, New Haven, Cincinnati, and other cities
in the United States. Folio, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges, strength-
ened at hinges. Paris, 1880
54. AMERICAN STATESMEN: Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. Numerous por-
traits. 34 vols. 12mo, three quarter brown levant morocco, gilt
backs, gilt tops. — Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. ae etc. )
VERY FINE SET of the Standard Library Edition.
55. AMERICAN TRAVEL. Volney (C. F.). View of the Climate and Soil of
the United States of America: to which are annexed some Accounts
of Florida, the French Colony of the Scioto, Certain Canadian Col-
onies, and the Savages or Natives. With 2 folding maps, and 2 en-
graved plates, one a View of Niagara Falls. 8vo, newly bound in
calf, stenciled name on title. London, 1804
56. AMERICAN Voyaces. Chabert (Joseph Bernard de). Voyage fait par
Ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751, dans ’Amerique. With 6 folding
copperplate charts and 2 plates. 4to, half morocco. Paris, 1753
The first part of this work contains an account of the author’s voy-
age from Brest to Louisburgh, and his four expeditions to the neigh-
boring coasts.
57. AMERICAN Woop Eneravine. Anderson (Alexander). Collection of
3678 woodcuts by Alexander Anderson, the foremost American Wood
engraver of the Highteenth Century. ach illustration neatly
mounted, some pages ruled, the whole in 4 vols., 4to, half roan.
[New York and New Jersey, circa 1796-1850 |
One of the most complete and important collections known, and of
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
45. AMERICAN RevotutTion. Hanger (Colonel George). The Life, Adven-
tures, and Opinions of Col. Hanger. Written by Himself. With
engraved portrait of Colonel Hanger, with cocked hat and sword,
suspended on a gibbet. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut.
London, 1801
boon companion of George IV., served throughout the American Reyo-
lution. His work contains particulars relative to his adventures in
America during the War, and a singularly accurate prophecy regard-
ing the Northern and Southern States, “who will one of these days
fight as vigorously against each other as they both have united to do
against Great Britain.” Among the other interesting passages are,—Ad-
vice to the Lovely Cyprians and the Fair Sex in general.
46. AmeErtIcAN Revotution. Onderdonk (Henry, Jr.). Documents and
Letters Intended to Illustrate the Revolutionary Incidents of Queens
County [Long Island, New York]; with Connecting Narratives,
Explanatory Notes, and Additions. First and Second Series. New
York, 1846 and Hempstead, 1884; [also] Revolutionary Incidents of
Suffolk’ and Kings Counties [Long Island, New York]; with an Ac-
count of the Battle of Long Island, and the British Prisons and
Prison-Ships at New York, Map. New York, 1849. 2 vols. 12mo,
and one vol. 8vo. Together, 3 vols. three quarter blue levant morocco,
gilt tops, lettered on backs.
New York and Hempstead, 1846-1884
FINE SET, comprising one of the most important works on the Reyo-
lutionary history of Long Island. The three volumes complete, like the
above, are very rarely met with in one lot; the Second Series of the
“Documents and Letters,” being especially hard to obtain.
4%, AMERICAN REvotuTION. Hale (Nathan). The American Spy [Nathan
Hale], or, Freedom’s Early Sacrifice: a Tale of the Revolution,
founded on fact. By J. R. Simms. Frontispiece. Royal 8vo, boards,
rebacked, uncut. Albany, 1857
Larce Paper, limited to 28 copies. With 12 Extra portraits, maps,
and clippings laid in.
48. AMERICAN Revotution. Drowne (Solomon). Journal of a Cruise in
the Fall of 1780 in the Private Sloop of War, Hope. With Notes, by
Henry T. Drowne. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, original wrappers bound
in. . New York, 1872
LARGE Paper, only a limited number privately printed on one side of
the sheet only.
49. AMERICAN Revotution. Huntington (Ebenezer). Letters Written
during the American Revolution. Portrait and facsimile. 8vo, three
quarter blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York [1914]
Edition limited to 320 copies. The above on Japanese paper. With
five A. L. S. of Ebenezer Huntington, inserted (Heartman’s Historical
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
50. AMERICAN RevoturTion. [Pfister (A.).] “The Voyage of the First
Hessian Army, from Portsmouth to New York, 1776. S8vo, three
quarter blue morocco, gilt top. | New York [1915]
Edition limited to 110 copies on Japanese paper (Heartman’s His-
torical Series).
51. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Buettner (Johann Carl). Narrative of Buett-
ner, in the American Revolution ['Translated and somewhat abridged
from the original German]. Portrait in two states. 8vo, three quar-
ter blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, n.d.
One of 10 copies on Japanese paper (Heartman’s Historical Series).
52. AMERICAN SCENERY; or, Land, Lake, and River. Illustrations of Trans-
atlantic Nature. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett by Wallis,
Cousen, Willmore, Richardson, &c. The Literary Department by
N. P. Willis. 2 vols. 4to, half red morocco, gilt backs and edges,
margins of a number of plates spotted. London, 1840
53. AMERICAN Scenery. Etats-Unis et Canada. L’Amérique du Nord
Pittoresque. Ouvrage rédigé par une réunion d’écrivains Américains
sous la direction de W. Cullen Bryant. Traduit, revu et augmenté par
Bénedict-Henry Revoil. Profusely illustrated with woodcut views of
New York City, Brooklyn, New Haven, Cincinnats, and other cities
in the Umted States. Folio, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges, strength-
ened at hinges. Paris, 1880
54. AMERICAN STATESMEN: Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. Numerous por-
traits. 34 vols. 12mo, three quarter brown levant morocco, gilt
backs, gilt tops. ~ Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. 88, etc. )
VERY FINE SET of the Standard Library Edition.
55. AMERICAN TRAVEL. Volney (C. F.). View of the Climate and Soil of
the United States of America: to which are annexed some Accounts
of Florida, the French Colony of the Scioto, Certain Canadian Col-
onies, and the Savages or Natives. With 2 folding maps, and 2 en-
graved plates, one a View of Niagara Falls. 8vo, newly bound in
ealf, stenciled name on title. London, 1804
56. AMERICAN VoyaGcEs. Chabert (Joseph Bernard de). Voyage fait par
Ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751, dans lAmerique. With 6 folding
copperplate charts and 2 plates. 4to, half morocco. Paris; 1753
The first part of this work contains an account of the author’s voy-
age from Brest to Louisburgh, and his four expeditions to the neigh-
boring coasts.
57. AmeErRTcCAN Woop Eneravine. Anderson (Alexander). Collection of
3678 woodcuts by Alexander Anderson, the foremost American Wood
engraver of the Highteenth Century. ach illustration neatly
mounted, some pages ruled, the whole in 4 vols., 4to, half roan.
[ New York and New Jersey, circa 1796-1850 |
One of the most complete and important collections known, and of
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April Sth
[No. 57—Continued |
great value to all interested in the progress of the art of engraving in
The collection covers 2 wide variety of subjects, including,—portraits,
views, emblematic designs, chap-book illustrations, decorative scroll
work, mechanical appliances, school-book illustrations, Lafayette’s visit
to the United States, facsimiles of noted signatures, labels of New York
business houses, and other designs.
Among the views are many of historical interest, including,— American
ships at war and peace, the frigates Constitution, Independence, and
others, and Perry’s victory on Lake Erie. There are numerous views,
among which are,—New York Paper Mill, at Springfield, New Jersey, and
Dwelling Houses upon Murray Hill, New York. The portraits include,—
George Washington, Thomas Dilworth (schoolmaster), General Marion,
William Penn, George Whitefield and others.
58. AMERICAN Woop Eneravine. Linton (W. J.). The History of Wood
Engraving in America. Profusely illustrated with examples of the
art of the most eminent engravers of America. 4to, half leather
(Roxburghe manner), uncut. Boston, 1882
Limited issue, autographed by the author. UNIQUE copy containing
the original folio wood-cut by Alexander Anderson “Returning from the
Boar-Hunt,” a facsimile of which, as is well known, is the frontispiece
addition, there is a portrait of Anderson in his eighty-first year.
59. Amuerst (Sir Jerrery, Lorp). “Sir Jeffery Amherst, K.B., Com-
mander-in-Chief of the British Forces in America, 1758-1764 . . .
Colonel in Chief of the 60th Royal American Regiment. . .”
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by James Watson.
Three-quarter length portrait, in armor, full front, head to left, chin
resting on right hand, which is supported by the left hand; to left,
helmet, lying on map showing a Plan of the Island of Montreal and
its Environs; Canadian scenery in background, showing mountains,
falls and river with canoes. Mezzotint. Published by J. & J. Boydell
... London. Height, 18; width, 13 inches. Matted. 3
Cape Breton, and took Ticonderoga from the French in 1759, and per-
formed an important part in the conquest of Canada. In 1763 he was
made Governor of Virginia.
60. ANDREws (Wi~tram Lortne). Roger Payne and His Art. A short
Account of his Life and Work as a Binder. With frontispiece (Roger
Payne in his workshop), 9 facsimiles of his bindings tn colors, and
2 facsimiles of autograph bill. 8vo, original cloth, uncut.
New York, 1892
Only 120 copies were printed on Holland paper, each autographed by
the author. ABOVE IS A PRESENTATION copy to Mr. Collin Armstrong,
with his name, and date of presentation, written in the author’s auto-
graph. In addition, the volume contains the bookplate of the latter.
Laid in is an old copper-plate view of a bindery.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
61. ANnpREws (WILLIAM Lorine). The Bradford Map. The City of New
York at the Time of the granting of the Montgomerie Charter. A
description thereof compiled by W. L. Andrews, to accompany a
facsimile of an actual survey made by James Lyne, and printed by
William Bradford in 1731. With 11 full-page illustrations and 40
vignettes in the text. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1893
One of 140 copies on Holland paper.
62. ANDREWS (WILLIAM Lorine). A Trio of Eighteenth Century French
Engravers of Portraits in Miniature-—Ficquet, Savart, Grateloup.
Portraits, colored plate and vignette engravings. 8vo, vellum wrap-
pers, uncut. New York, 1898
Edition limited to 161 copies on Japanese paper.
63. ANGLO-SAXON Review. Edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill.
Containing original contributions by eminent authors. Numerous
fine portraits. 10 vols., small folio, in leather of various colors,
elaborately gilt tooled, with stamped and inlaid heraldic and em-
blematic figures in gold and colors on the sides, gilt tops. Each vol-
ume is bound in facsimile of some rare binding of former times.
London, 1899-1901
Details of the Bindings.
Vol. I. is a facsimile of the binding of Thevet’s Vies des Hommes
Illustrés (Paris, 1584).
Vol. II. is a facsimile of the binding of the Morgante Maggiore di
Luigi Pulci, Venetia, 1546, bound about 1777-80 by Dérome le Jeune.
Vol. III. is a facsimile of the binding of Raderus’ Bavaria Pia, printed
at Munich in 1628. .
Vol. IV. is a facsimile of the binding of Polydorus Vergilus Anglicae
Historiae, libri xxvi., Basiliae, 1534, formerly the property of Demetrio
Canevari, and now in the British Museum.
Vol. V. is a facsimile of a Book of Common Prayer, printed in London in
1669, bound for King Charles II., by Samuel Mearne, and given to the
British Museum with the rest of the Oly Royal Library by George IL.,
in 1759.
Vol. VI. is a facsimile of Chacon’s Historia Belli Dacici a Traiano
Caesare gesti, etc., Romae, 1616, formerly the property of George IIL.,
and now in the British Museum.
Vol. VII. is a facsimile of the binding of F. Soriani Missarum Liber,
etc., Romae, 1609.
Vol. VIII. is a facsimile of the copy of Allessandro Piccolomini’s work,
Della Institutione Morale, libri xu., printed at Venice in 1560.
Vol. IX. is a facsimile of the binding of Theophylacti in omnes divi
Pauli Epistolas enarrationes . . . per D. Joannem Lonicerum fidelissme.
Latinum conversae. Basilae, 1540.
Vol. X. is a facsimile of an edition of the Architecture of Vitruvius,
printed at Paris in 1547, and now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
64. APPLETON (NATHANAEL). The Comfortable Reflections, and Glorious
Prospects of a Distinguished Saint, at the Approach of Death. Ex-
hibited in a Sermon, Preach’d March 27, 1737 [On the Death of
Benjamin Wadsworth, President of Harvard College.] 8vo, new
boards. Boston: Printed by D. Henchman, 1737
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
65. Arapran Niauts. The Arabian Nights. Translated by Reverend Ed-
ward Forster. With engravings from pictures by Robert Smirke. 5
vols. royal 8vo, full calf, newly rebacked in morocco, gilt backs, gilt
and blind tooled sides. London, Printed for Wiliam Miller, 1802
Larce Paper. Both text and plates free from the usual fox-marks.
66. Araptan Niguts. The Arabian Nights Entertainments. Carefully re-
vised, and occasionally corrected from the Arabic, to which is added
a Selection of New Tales, also an Introduction and Notes. By
Jonathan Scott. With engraved frontispiece after Smirke. 6 vols.,
small 8vo, contemporary calf, newly rebacked, regilt, leather labels.
London, 1811
First Eprrion of this valuable translation, particularly desirable on
account of its extensive introduction, and copious notes.
67. Arapian Nieguts. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.
With Notes, Anthropological and Explanatory, by Richard F. Bur-
ton. Titles and the fine series of etchings by Ad. Lalauze printed on
Japanese paper. 17 vols. royal 8vo, full morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut.
(Denver, Col.) ; Printed for the Burton Club for~Private Sub-
scribers only, n.d.
Bagdad Edition, limited and numbered issue. BHxact reproduction of
the rare original published at Benares, India.
68. ARCHITECTURE. Bond (Francis). The Cathedrals of England and
Wales; Goprrey (W. H.). A History of Architecture of London ;
Fietcuer (B. F. anp H. P.). The English Home. Hach volume
illustrated. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1910, &e.
69. ArcHITECTURE. Richardson (A. E.). Monumental Classic Architec-
ture in Great Britain and Ireland During the Eighteenth and Nine-
teenth Centuries. Illustrated with a series of photographs specially
taken by E. Dockree and measured drawings of the more wmportant
Neo-Classic Buildings. With Descriptive text. Folio, cloth, gilt.
London and New York: Scribner and Sons [1914]
70. ARISTOPHANES. Comoediae undecim, nune primum cum latina interpre-
tatione N. Frischlini, A Septimii Florentis Christiani, & A. Divi in
lucem editae. Cum scholii antiquis. Folio, half calf, rubbed.
Aureliae Allobrogum, (Geneva), 1608
ay of Cl. Christian, son of the editor with his autograph on the
71. Armsrrone (Str WALTER). Lawrence [a Memoir of his Life and Art,
including the Tragedy of the Siddons, and a Catalogue of pictures
(88 pp.), containing descriptions of nearly 200 subjects]. With 41
full-page plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut.
New York: Scribner and Sons, 1913
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
72. Astor Puace Riot. Account of the Terrible and Fatal Riot at New
York Astor Place Opera House, on the night of May 16th, 1849;
with the Quarrels of Forrest and Macready, including all the causes
which led to that Awful Tragedy . . .with the sudden Death or
Mutilation of more than fifty Citizens, with full and authentic par-
ticulars. Frontispiece. 8vo. Inlaid to royal 4to. Three-quarter
brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt top. New York, 1849
EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 75 portraits, autograph
letters, playbills, views, etc.
Among the autographs are,—an A. N. 8S. by Macready; a series of four
fine autograph letters, signed, by Edwin Forrest, to Daniel Dough-
erty; &c.
Among the portraits are,—many of Forrest, including a mezzotint by
Sartain, and some on Steel, etc., by Hall, Ormsby and others, a number
in character; Macready, one, as Macbeth, in colors, also numerous others
depicting Rob Roy, Werner and Wallace..
There are also many rare old New York Playbills, some with Forrest,
Macready and other noted actors in the casts; also, colored and plain
views of New York.
73. AUCKLAND (WittIAM). “The Right Honble. William Lord Auckland.”
Painted by T. Lawrence. Engraved by W. Dickinson. Portrait,
three-quarter length, seated, partly to left, right arm hanging over
arm of chair, left arm across breast, holding paper in hand. Mezzo-
tnt. From an original picture, painted in 1792, for Christ Church,
Oxford. Height, 20; width, 14 inches. Matted.
FINE IMPRESSION. Auckland was one of the three Commissioners ap-
a ei the British Crown, in 1778, to negotiate with the American
o :
74. AutograrH AtBumM. Original Manuscript Prose and Poetry by English
Authors, comprising the following:—AINSwortH (W. Harrison).
Original Signed Poem, entitled—“Old Grindrod’s Ghost,” 17 stanzas,
- 4 lines each, with the ‘following foreword—‘“Founded on an incident
related to me, with admirable humour by my old and much-valued
friend, Gilbert Winter”; AinswortH (WILLIAM FRANOIS). Nine-
line sentiment on “Pleasures,” signed in full; Hatt (S. C.). Two
stanza Poem on “Anniversary —55,” signed and dated, 1880, also
signed sentiment by his wife, Anna Maria Hall; Bepge (CurHBERT—
the Reverend Edward Bradley). Poem, 2 stanzas, six lines each,
entitled, “The Kingfisher”; TuppEr (Martin F.). Poem—All’s for
the Best”—3 stanzas, 8 lines each; Rosserri (W. MicHAkEL). 14-line
Sonnet on Garibaldi; Cottins (WILKIE). Quotation from “Miss
Gwilt at the Tea Table;’ Stmms (GrorGE R.). Poem on—“The
light of London;” Symineton (A. J.). Poem—“Onward”—3
stanzas, 4 lines each; Lemon (Mary Mark). Poem—“Past and
-Future’—2 stanzas, 8 lines each; Harris (JoHN). Poem—“The
Faces at the Pane”’—6 stanzas, 8 lines each; and many others. In
all, 59 different poems, sentiments and other contributions, on 74
pages. In one small 4to, roan album.
An extremely interesting item. All but two of the pieces are signed ;
several have date affixed ; some are unpublished.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
75. AutograpH Atsum. A Collection of 50 Autograph Letters, all signed,
mostly by recent American and English Authors. Neatly mounted
in one vol. 4to, cloth.
Comprises,—A. L. S., L. S., or A. N. S., by the following,—H. A. Ben-
son, A. M. Palmer, Elbert Hubbard, Mary BE. Wilkins, Upton Sinclair,
Robert W. Chambers, Joseph H. Choate, Captain Charles King, Albert
Shaw, I. T. L. Ford, Horace H. Furness, Jules Lamartine (French Actor),
Justin McCarthy, Louise Chandler Moulton (Signed Verse,—‘Roses.’’),
Margaret Deland, John Wilson (Ian MacLaren), Richard Le Gallienne,
J. C. Nicoll, and others.
AvutocrapH ALBuM. Contains over 100 Different Signatures of Cele-
brated Americans, including Presidents, Statesmen, Officers, Au-
thors, and others. Oblong 16mo, leather, lettered on front cover. In
slip case.
Among the signatures are the following,—_James Madison, Andrew Jack-
son, Phil. H. Sheridan, J(ames) K. Polk, M(illard) Fillmore, James
- Buchanan, John Tyler, Andrew Johnson, John A. Dix, A. BE. Burnside,
Jefferson Davis, Sam Houston, G. H. Thomas, Benj. F. Butler, J(ubal) A.
Early, “Bill Nye,” W. T. Sherman, Jno. Pope, Lew Wallace, Alexander
H. Stephens, P(aul) H(amilton) Hayne, and many others, mostly writ-
ten in, a few inserted on cards.
Bacon (Sir Francis). The Works of Bacon. New Edition, by Basil
Montagu. Portraits and facsimiles on India paper. 16 vols. in 17,
imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut, bindings worn as usual.
London: W. Pickering, 1825-1834
SUBSCRIBER’S LARGE PAPER EpiTion, limited to 50 copies. Carefully col-
lated with the original editions and translations.
[Barctay (ALEXANDER).] The Ship of Fools [With Prefatory Note,
by T. H. Jamieson.| Illustrated with facsimiles of early woodcuts.
2 vols. royal 4to, cloth, uncut, bindings slightly soiled.
Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1874
LARGE Paper, limited to 150 copies.
[BarttaM (RicHarp Harris).| The Ingoldsby Legends, or, Mirth and
Marvels. Illustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech, and John
Tenniel. 4to, newly bound in full olive-green levant morocco, gilt
back and side borders, gilt edges. In cloth slip case.
London: Richard Bentley, 1866
[BarHam (GrorGE H.).] The Ingoldsby Legends. With etchings by
John Leech and George Cruikshank, portrait of the author, and text
cuts. 2 vols. 8vo, newly bound in half crimson levant morocco, gilt
backs and tops. London: Bentley, n.d.
. BettAmMy (JosEpH). Theron, Paulinus, and Aspasio; or, Letters and
Dialogues, upon the Nature of Love of God, Faith in Christ, Assur-
ance of a Title to Eternal Life. 12mo, old sheep.
Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, 1759
ORIGINAL EpITION, with the rare Errata slip. The author, a graduate
of Yale University, was licensed to preach at the early age of eighteen,
and was ordained at Bethlehem, in 1740, remaining there until his death
in 1790.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
82. BELLAMY (JOSEPH). Another Copy. 12mo, old sheep, slight tear in
back repaired. Boston, 1759
Presentation Copy with Inscription, from Mrs. Hait to Mrs. Mary
83. Brwick ILLusTRatIons. The Fables of Aesop, and others. With nu-
merous designs on wood, by Thomas Bewick. Royal 8vo, contem-
porary half calf, joints repaired, autograph of former owner on title.
Newcastle, 1818
On Larce Paper, with excellent impressions of the woodcuts. Special
copy containing the famous “thumb mark” receipt reading,—Newcastle,
1st, October, 1818. To Thomas Bewick & Son, to a Royal Copy of
Aesop’s Fables £ I. I. O. Received the above with thanks. .Thomas
Bewick. Robert Elliot Bewick.” (here is a large wood-cut by T. Bewick),
then Thomas Bewick, his (here impression of his thumb) mark.”
Receipt of a bookseller, dated 1818, for the copy is laid in.
84, REAUREGARD (PETER G. T.—Confederate General). A. L. S8., 1 p. 4to,
Head Quarters, Department of Alexandria, Virginia, Manassas Junc-
tion, June 11, 1861. To Brig.-Gen. Samuel Cooper, Richmond, Vir-
Relates to the Capture of President Lincoln’s Physician :—‘The Bearer
Col. Chisolm—Volunteer aid—is in charge of four prisoners taken in Fair-
fax County from the enemy, & a certain Dr. John Richards of Wash-
ington, who arrived here this morning on the plea of meeting here with
his son, at school in Charlotteville—but more probably for the purpose
of obtaining all the information he could, relative to our position &
forces, to communicate to his friend, Mr. Lincoln, whose family physician
I am informed he is—I would respectfully advise that he should be kept
a prisoner until after the war—for by the enclosed papers, it will be seen
that his sympathies appear to be entirely with our enemies.”
85. BEAUREGARD (PETER G. T.). A. L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, Head Quarters, Army
of the Potomac, Fairfax Court House, September 19, 1861. To
Brig.-Gen. I. R. Trimble, Evansport, Virginia.
Important Historical War Letter relating to the operations of the
Confederate Army :—“It is more than probable that either another naval
expedition is contemplated by the Federalists or a landing on the East-
ern shore of Virginia, but not of the importance you contemplate, for Mc-
Clellan is aware that we could neutralize his expedition by a bold move
across the Potomac & then on to Washington which would then be at
our mercy. We can afford to lose even Richmond—but they cannot
Washington & Maryland . . . But we must look out for less important
expeditions such as the destruction of the Batteries at Aquia Creek .
I have ordered Col. Hampton to effect that diversion on the Potomac
above you—but I think he ought not to awaken their suspicion by show-
ing himself too soon...”
86. BEAUREGARD (PETER G. T.). A. L.8., 3 pp. 8vo, Bowling Green, Ken-
tucky, February 9, 1862. To Armand N. T. Beauregard, New
Orleans, Louisiana, giving his views on the outcome of the war.
“I send you herewith my pay account for January last, for
$437.00 . . . I hope everything is right with you all, & that you are
awaiting bravely coming events. We may have a rough road to travel
for awhile—but I think it will all come out right at last—two or three
months more will settle up the whole affair—either we must triumph or
be crushed. I still have hopes that England or France or both will yet
side with us...”
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April Sth
87. Brwrck ILuustrations. A History of British Birds. With good im-
pressions of the numerous figures, engraved by Thomas Bewick. 2
vols. 8vo, full scored calf, joints repaired. Newcastle, 1821
Contains a Supplement, with additional figures. Bookplate of Clifford
Pease, in each volume.
88. Berwick Inuustrations. Select Fables of Ausop and Others . .. To
which are Prefixed the Life of A/sop, and an Essay upon Fable by
Oliver Goldsmith. Reprinted from the Newcastle Edition of 1784.
Illustrated Preface by Edwin Pearson. With the original wood en-
gravings by Thomas Bewick, to which are added supplementary tlus-
trations. 4to, three-quarter dark-green levant morocco, gilt tops,
uncut. Edinburgh, 1879
Edition-de-Luxe. One of 100 copies privately printed for subscribers
on Whatman paper from the original woodcut engravings.
89. Brpie. History of the Old Testament [and] the New Testament.
Translated from the works of the learned Sieur de Royaumont, by
John Coughen, Anthony Horneck, and others. With numerous full-
page copperplates engraved by Vander Gucht, Van Hove, Kip, and
others; and teat ruled in red throughout. 2 vols. tall folio, old tree
calf, rebacked and repaired, leather labels. ;
London: Printed by Samuel Roycroft for Richard Blome, &c.,
Plates are fine impressions.
90. Braue. The Self-Interpreting Bible, with Commentaries, References,
Harmony of the Gospels, and the Helps needed to understand the
Text. Notes, etc., by James W. Lee, Josiah L. Porter and others.
With over 400 illustrations, including many colored maps, etc. 4 vols.
4to, limp morocco, gilt edges. St. Louis, (1896)
Almost new.
91. Brnpinc—Arms or Louris XIII. Porraz Latint VETERES. Corpus om-
nium veterum poetarum latinorum, secundum seriem temporem.
Thick 4to, contemporary French binding of red morocco, sides tooled
and gilt to a semis of fleur-de-lis and crowned Ls; in the centre of
both covers the arms of Louis XIII or Franog, gilt edges, by Macé
Ruette, somewhat rubbed. Genevae, 1627
92. Brnptnc. Reynard the Fox, a Poem in Twelve Cantos. Translated from
the German, by FE. W. Holloway. With thirty-seven engravings on
steel, after designs by H. Leutemann. 4to, full light brown levant
morocco, the front cover containing a broad border of roses and
leaves, the latter inlaid with green levant, in the inner circles are four
fox’s heads, surrounded with small dots, back tooled to a somewhat
similar pattern, green silk linings, gilt edges, original cloth covers
bound in. In cloth case. London, circa 1851
ORIGINAL IssuE of this scarce edition, in a singularly attractive
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
93. Binpinc. Goldsmith (Oliver). The Vicar of Wakefield. With 32
illustrations by William Mulready. 8vo., full blue levant morocco,
figure of the “Vicar,” attired in his robes, standing in pulpit, left
hand resting on Bible, with inlays of seven colors, as centre panel of
front cover, back and under cover richly gilt tooled, blue silk linings,
original cloth covers and advertisements bound in. In cloth case.
London, 1855
VERY HANDSOME copy, the details of binding having been well
94. Binpine. Goldsmith (Oliver). The Poems of Oliver Goldsmith.
Edited by Robert Aris Willmott. With illustrations by Birket Foster
and H. N. Humphreys. Printed in colors, from wood blocks (by
Edmund Evans). Frrst Eprrion, with these illustrations. 8vo, full
crimson levant morocco, with a border of floral ornaments inlaid in
two shades of blue and light green, back to match, green silk linings,
gilt edges. In cloth case. London, 1859
BEAUTIFUL copy of one of the-most pleasing of the many works illus-
trated by Birket Foster. PRINTED IN COLORS.
95. Binpine. Gilbert (W. S.). Fifty “Bab” Ballads. Much Sound and
little Sense. With illustrations by the author. Square 12mo, full
blue crushed levant morocco, the front side tooled in compartments,
four of which contain representations of characters in the work,
INLAID WITH LEVANTS of various colors, the back also containing 4
inlaid panels, and the back cover a full-length figure inlaid with
levants of different colors, gilt edges, silk linings, original covers
bound in. London, 1877
First Epition. IN A HANDSOME BINDING. The figure on the back cover
is that of Macphairson Clonglocketty Angus McClan, the piper.
96. Binpine. Thackeray (William Makepeace). Contributions to “Punch.”
(Not Previously Reprinted). Illustrations by the author. 8vo, full
red levant morocco, back and sides heavily hand-tooled in leaves and
scroll work, with centre panels composed of a semis of small flowers,
wide inside gilt borders, watered-silk doublures and end-papers, gilt
edges. | London, 1886
97. Brnprinc. White (Gilbert). The Natural History of Selborne. Hdited
with Notes by Grant Allen. With numerous illustrations by Edmund
H. New. 12mo. full sage-green levant morocco, in the centre of the
front cover is a view of Selborne Street, WITH INLAYS OF MANY
coors, the whole harmoniously blended, also inlaid panel on back
showing an owl on a branch, distant sky, ete., gilt edges, owls as
corner inside ornaments. London, 1902
First Issue of this edition.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April. 5th
98. Binpine. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). The Works of Lord Tennyson.
Portrait. 12mo, full old-rose levant morocco, the front cover with
representations of numerous butterflies, their outstretched wings
formed of canary, green and purple inlays, festoon borders to com-
partments, composed of small dots, back tooled and inlaid in a similar
manner, gilt edges, by Birdsall. London, 1907
99. Brrps. Eaton (John Matthews). A Treatise on the Art of Breeding
and Managing Tame, Domesticated, Foreign, and Fancy Pigeons,
carefully compiled from the Best Authorities. With 18 beautifully
colored plates, mainly containing two specimens. First Eprrion.
8vo, half red morocco, gilt. London, 1858
A work seldom offered for sale.
100. Brrps or America. Wilson (Alexander). American Ornithology; or,
The Natural History of the Birds of the United States. By Alex-
ander Wilson, with a continuation by Charles Lucien Bonaparte,
Prince of Musignano. The Illustrative Notes, and Life of Wilson, by
Sir William Jardine. Portrait of the author on India paper, and 9%
FINELY COLORED PLATES (numerous specimens on each), by W. H.
Inzars. 3 vols. 8vo, newly bound in half brick-red levant morocco,
gilt, gilt tops, edges scraped, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1832
rich in coloring, and practically free from the stains frequently found on
Physica. Figures of Rare and Curious Quadrupeds, Birds ete. to-
gether with several of the most elegant Plants. Engraved and col-
ored from the subjects themselves, by George Shaw, F.R.S. With a
large number of RicHiy CoLorEp Piatss. Large folio, contem-
porary English red morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges.
London: Printed by T. Bensley, for Benjamin and
John White, 1796
A rare work, and with the exception that the binding is slightly worn,
102. BuackmorE (RicHarp D.—English Author). A. L. §., 1 p. 16mo, Ted-
dington, February 19, 1879. ‘To Henry Phillips. Letter of thanks
upon receiving one of Phillips’ works.
103. BiackMorE (RicHarpD D.). A. L. S., 1 p. 16mo, Teddington, March
#1, 1881. To Henry Phillips, thanking him for sending a copy of
his version of Faust, by Von Chamisso. With addressed envelope,
bearing original stamp. |
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
BLAINE (JAMES G.). L. S., 3 pp. 4to, Department of State, Washing-
ton, November 23, 1881. To Samuel J. Kirkwood, Secretary of the
Interior, regarding a request by the Spanish Minister for copies of
the Education Reports of the different States. Written on black
bordered paper.
BLAINE (JAMES G.). Twenty Years of Congress; from Lincoln to Gar-
field. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Norwich, 1884
BooxrLats. Engraved Pictorial Bookplate of the “Phoenix Society,”
Allen, No. 676, in volume of Report of the Trial of Samuel Chase
one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United
States. Taken in shorthand by Charles Evans. 8vo, half calf, title
torn. Baltimore, 1805
Although the meaning of this plate is problematical, the view upon the
shield, may possibly be one of Charleston, South Carolina.
BoscawEN (Epwarp). The Honble. Edward Boscawen, One of the
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and Rear Admiral of the
White Squadron of his Majesty's Fleet. Portrait, three-quarter
length, body to left, head partly to right, in embroidered vest and
admiral’s cloak; left hand resting on cannon, right arm bent and
resting on hip, with telescope in right hand; in left background,
towers and castle; in right background, two frigates. M&EzzoTINT.
Height, 13 2/16; width, 9 12/16 inches, margins cut close, and
mounted. Matted.
In 1758 Boscawen commanded an expedition to America, and gained
several victories over the French there.
Boston, MASSACHUSETTS, Directory. The Boston Directory. Folding
map, colored, mounted on linen. 16mo, original marbled wrappers.
Boston, 1818
Boston, Massacuusetts, Hymn Boox. A Collection of Hymns more
Particularly Designed for the Use of the West Society in Boston.
12mo, sheep, uncut.
Boston: Printed by T. and J. Fleet, 1783
Printer’s proof copy, the text printed on one side of sheet only, with ©
the corrections by the printer, and comments and other remarks by the
Presented by W. H. Eliot, to Charles Lowell, Pastor of the West
Unitarian Society, with inscription.
Boston, MassacHuUSETTs, Imprint. Beveridge (William.) A Sermon
Concerning the Excellency and Usefulness of the Common-Prayer.
12mo, new boards, uncut. Boston: T. Cox, 1735
With signatures of William Beveridge, probably the author, and
Thomas Cox, Boston, 1741, evidently the printer.
Boston, Massacuusetts, Map. “Carta Rappresentante il Porto di Bos-
ton.” G.M. Tierreni sc. Size, 814 x7 inches. Matted.
[ Leghorne, 1763]
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
112. Boston Massacre. Orations Delivered at the Request of the Inhabitants
of the Town of Boston, to Commemorate the Evening of the Fifth of
March, 1770; when a Number of Citizens were Killed by a Party of
British Troops, Quartered Among Them, in a Time of Peace. 12mo,
half sheep, back strengthened.
Boston: Printed by Peter Edes, 1785
First COLLECTED EDITION, containing thirteen Orations, frum 1771 to
1783, including those by,—Joseph Warren, Benjamin Church, John Han-
cock, Peter Morton’s Oration on the Re-Interment of the Remains of
Joseph Warren, James Allen’s Poem on the Massacre, and others.
113. Braptey’s ATLAS OF THE WoRLD. Large folio, half morocco, worn.
Philadelphia, 1885
114. Branewyn (Frank). Catalogue of the Etched Work of Frank Bran- —
gwyn, Member Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Portrait
and 187 reproductions of the artist’s etchings. Thick 4to, cloth
sides, vellum back, gilt top, uncut.
London: The Fine Art Society, 1912
115. BrinkiEy (Captain F.—Editor). Japan, Described and Illustrated by
the Japanese. Written by Eminent Japanese Authorities and Schol-
ars. With an Essay on Japanese Art by Kakuzo Okakura, Director
of the Imperial Art School at Tokyo. With HUNDREDS OF COLORED
ILLUSTRATIONS, being actual photographs, and PAINTINGS ON SATIN,
executed by Japanese artists. 12 vols., imperial quarto, each volume
richly bound in full brocaded silk and with the Exrra PoRTFOLIO,
containing 24 large WATER COLOR DRAWINGS ON SILK, of scenery,
flowers, birds, etc. Together, 13 vols.
Boston: J. B. Millet Co. (1897)
GREAT MIKADO EDITION, limited to 25 lettered sets, of which this is
Letter “G.”’ One of the most exhaustive and sumptuous productions ever
issued. Contains a history of the rise and progress of Japanese paint-
ing and decoration from the eighth century to recent times with biograph-
ical sketches of the most noted painters, and a list of their Marks,
Signs, etc. From the Edwin N. Crane collection, with bookplate.
116. BrinktEy (Caprain F.). Oriental Series. Japan, its History, Arts
and Literature. 8 vols.; China, its History, Art, and Literature. 4
vols. With colored wews and colored frontispieces on chintz cloth,
illustrations from photographs, ceremonial court scenes, ancient
costumes, and others. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, full green levant
morocco, elaborately covered with gilt in an oriental panel design,
gilt tops, uncut, doublures and end leaves of decorated Japanese
cloth. ; Boston and Tokyo: J. B. Millet Co. [1902]
Viceroy Edition, limited to 50 numbered and registered sets, printed —
on Japanese paper.
117. British CoLonizs IN AMERICA. Map, Partity Cotorep. “A Map of
the British Empire, in North America.” By Samuel Dunn, Mathe-
matician, improved from the surveys of Captain Carver. Size, 1834 x
12 inches. Matted. London: Printed by Sayer and Bennett,
August 17, 1776
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
BritisH Essayists. With Prefaces, Historical and Biographical, by
A. Chalmers. Portraits on copper. 45 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt.
) London, 1817
FINE OLD SET in a contemporary binding. Comprises; “The Specta-
tor’; “The Tatler’; “The Idler,” etc.
BritisH Ports. The Writings of the British Poets. With Lives, Criti-
eal Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes by Rev. George Gilfillan.
48 vols. 8vo, newly bound in half crimson polished calf, richly gilt
backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Birdsall. Edinburgh, 1852, etc.
A VERY CHOICE SET. Comprises the works of,—Burns, Cowper, Dryden,
Bowles, Butler, Milton, Herbert, Spenser, Pope, Young, Dyer, Green,
Shakespeare, Quarles, Surrey, Percy’s Reliques, Chaucer’s Canterbury
Tales, and many others.
BritisH SCENERY. Finden’s Views of the Ports, Harbours & Watering
Places of Great Britain, Continued by W. H. Bartlett. Engraved
title, and 100 full-page plates after Bartlett, Balmer, Cooke, &c. by
the Findens, Appleton, Roberts and others. 4to, full green morocco,
cilt back and sides, gilt edges, front side of binding a trifle stained
and rubbed. [London, n.d. |
BROTHER JONATHAN: a weekly compend of Belles Lettres and the Fine
Arts. Vol. I. from January 1 to April 23, 1842. Supplement for
January 1, and 17 numbers. Tllustrations. ‘Together, 18 numbers
in one vol. 4to, half sheep, few pp. slightly foxed, all wrappers
bound in. New York, 1842
Includes Charles Dickens’ Speech at the City Hotel, New York, Feb-
ruary 8, 1842, and Cooper’s “Letter on the Effingham Matter.”
BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Poems. First Collected Edition.
2 vols. 16mo, original green cloth, uncut. London, 1844
BrowNine (Rosert). Dramatis Personae. First Epitron. 12mo.
half sage-green levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, original
cloth covers and advertisements bound in. London, 1864
BROWNING (Ropert). The Poetical Works of Browning. 6 vols. 12mo,
original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1868
BrRowNING (Ropert). Balaustion’s Adventure, 1871; Prince Hohen-
stiel-Schwangau, 1871; Fifine at the Fair, 1872; Red Cotton Night-
Cap Country, 1873; The Inn Album, 1875; Aristophanes’ Apology,
1875. Att First Epirions. ‘Together, 6 vols. 12mo, original
cloth, uncut. London, 1871-1875
. Brownine (Ropert). Pacchiarotto, 1876; The Agamemnon of Aischy-
lus, 1877; Dramatic Idyls, First and Second series, 1879-1880 ; Par-
leyings with Certain People, 1887; Asolando, 1890. Attu First
Epitions. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut.
London, 1876-1890
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April Sth
127. Brypcrs (Sir E.). Archaica, containing a Reprint of Scarce Old Eng-
lish Prose Tracts. With Preface, Critical and Biographical. 2 vols.
4to, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut.
London: Private Press of Longman, Hurst [ete.], 1815
Buckie (Henry Tuomas). The Writings and Life of Buckle, as fol-
lows: History of Civilization in England. Volume I, fourth edition,
volume II, third edition. 2 vols. London, 1864-1866; Miscellaneous
and Posthumous Works of Henry Thomas Buckle. Edited with a
biographical Notice by Helen Taylor. Au First Epirions. 3 vols.
London, 1872; Huth (Alfred Henry). The Life and Writings of
Henry Thomas Buckle. Portraits. Third Edition. 2 vols. Lon-
don, 1880. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, newly bound in half polished
calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, by Zaehnsdorf. London, v.d.
Buitien (A. H.). A Christmas Garland. Carols and Poems from the
Fifteenth Century to the Present Time. With 7 dlustrations by H.
G. Wells on India paper. 8vo, cloth, paper label, uncut.
London, 1885
One of 150 copies printed.
Buutwer-Lytron (Sir Epwarp). The Writings of Lord Lytton. Por-
trait of the author. 26 vols. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt, gilt tops,
one volume bound at a later date to match. London, 1877-1878
Library Edition. Contents,—Alice; Eugene Aram; A Strange Story ;
What will he do with it?; Paul Clifford; Harold; Pelham; The Last of
the Barons, etc.
[Bunpury (H.).] Annals of Horsemanship: Containing accounts of
Accidental Experiments and Experimental Accidents, communicated
by various Correspondents to Geoffrey Gambado . . . And now first
published by the Editor of the Academy for Grown Horsemen. Lilus-
trated with cuts by the most eminent artists (17 plates after Bun-
bury’s designs, tinted). 4to, half calf, slightly rubbed, a tear in one
plate and several margins slightly repaired. London, 1808
Bunker Hit AND SiEGE oF Boston. Mar, Partiy CoLorep. “Carte
von dem Haffen und der Stadt Boston mit den umliegenden Gegen-
den und den Ligern sowohl der Americaner als auch der Englander.”
“Von dem Cheval de Beaurin, nach dem Pariser Original von 1776.”
G. F. I. Frentzel, sculp. Size, 25 x 20 inches. Matted. N.p. [1776]
An unusual map, showing the position of the American forces in Cam-
bridge and Dorchester, with the British troops of Boston and Charles-
town. In the upper corner is a vignette engraving of two soldiers fight-
ing for “Pine Tree” standard. Not mentioned by Phillips.
(See No.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
133. Bunyan (JoHN). Pilgrim’s Progress. To which is Prefixed the Life
of the Author. With a Key to the Allegory and a critique of its
Beauties. Two Parts in One. With engraved title-pages to both
parts, portrait, and plates, a number being after designs by Stothard.
Large 8vo, full calf, rebacked, gilt cover borders, heavily gilt back,
leather labels, gilt edges. London, 1796
134. Burke (Epmunp). The Works of Burke. With Life. Portrait en-
graved by Fry after Poole. 8 vols. 8vo, newly bound in three-quarter
light-brown polished morocco, gilt backs. London, 1823
135. Burner (JonHn). A Treatise on Painting, in Four Parts, consisting of
An Essay on the Education of the Eye with Reference to Painting,
and Practical Hints on Composition, Chiaroscuro, and Colour. The
whole illustrated with examples from Italian, Venetian, Flemish, and
Dutch Schools. New Edition. The four parts in one vol. 4to, half
morocco, gilt top, uncut. | London: Sotheran, 1880
136. Burney (Frances—Madame D’Arblay). Diary and Letters of Madame
d’Arblay. Edited by her Niece. A New Edition. Portraits and
facsimiles. ‘ vols. 12mo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt
tops. * London: Henry Colburn, 1854
13%. [Burns (Rosert).] Meston (William). The Poetical Works of the
Ingenious and Learned William Meston, Sometime Professor of
Philosophy in the Marshal College of Aberdeen. The Sixth Edition.
12mo, original calf, rebacked, new leather label.
Edinburgh: Printed by Wal Ruddiman junior, for Francis Robert-
son, 1767
First Eprrion. Although labeled Sixth Edition on title, this is really
the First Edition. The signature of Robert Burns, which appears on
the title-page of this copy, is not guaranteed. A former owner, has in-
serted a slip in an early handwriting, stating that “This book belonged
to Robert Burns, ye poet.”
138. [Burns (Ropert).] Fergusson (Robert). Poems. Vignette on title.
Small 8vo, mottled calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound
in, outer. edge of title remargined by Zaehnsdort.
Edinburgh: Printed by Walter & Thomas Ruddiman, 1773
First Eprrion. Burns in a letter to Dr. Moore, states of the time after
his return from Irvine to Lachlea, in 1782—‘‘Rhyme, except some re-
ligious poems which are in print, I had given up; but meeting with Fer-
gusson’s Scotch Poems, I strung anew my wildly sounding rustic lyre
with emulating vigor.” With the engraved armorial bookplate of James
Earl of Glencairn.
139. Burns (Ropert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 8vo, full
crimson levant morocco, inside gilt border, gilt edges, name “Kil-
marnock” on title, small tear in title skilfully repaired, few pp.
slightly soiled, and one leaf (pp. 223-224) in facsimile.
Kilmarnock: Printed by John Wilson, MDCCLXXXVI (1786)
4 15-16 inches.
(See Reproduction)
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
140. Burns (Rosert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Fine stipple-
plate portrait of the author, engraved by Beugo, after N asmyth. 8vo,
original boards and paper label, uncut, rebacked with heavy white
paper. In red morocco slip case, lettered in gilt on back.
Edinburgh: Printed for the author, 1787
BURGH EDITION, with the addenda to the List of Subscribers Names in a
separate alphabet, the Duke of Roxburgh’s name spelled “Boxburgh,”
and the misprints “stinking,” and “haggis,” in last stanza on p. 263.
follows,—Robert Browning—April 27, ’89.” Contains also the rare half-
title, and the original blank end-papers. The portrait of the author is
a choice impression, on thick paper, with uncut edges. A finer or more
perfect copy of this rare edition would be hard to acquire.
141. Burns (Ropert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Stupple plate
portrait of the author. 8vo, old tree calf, leather label, small stain on
some margins, strengthened at hinges.
Edinburgh: Printed for the author, 1787
First ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDINBURGH EDITION, with all the points, in-
cluding the rare half-title.
142. Burns (Rozert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Portrait en-
graved by Halpin. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut,
leather label, by Zaehnsdorf.
Belfast: Printed and Sold by William Magee, 1790
Reprint of the First Edinburgh Edition, with the misprint of the
words in the last stanza of the poem, “To a Haggis.”
143. [Burns (Ropert).] The Bedesman of Nidsyde. Vignette on title. 4to,
half morocco, title page creased, cut down and inlaid, small tear in
margin of last leaf repaired. London: Printed for 8. Hooper, 1790
LARGE TYPE, with engraved title, probably designed by Francis Grose.
With autograph note, signed by Chas. Kirkpatrick Sharpe, on fly-leaf, as
follows,—“‘This poem was presented to my father by Robert Riddell
of Gelnviddell, the antiquary, who told him that the frontispiece was
designed by Captain Francis Grose—My father always thought that Mr.
Riddell was the author of the verses, but I am tempted to believe that
Burns had some hand in them, particularly as Sir Walter Scott deems
them much too good for the other. . .”
144. Burns (Rosert). Aloway Kirk; or, Tam O’Shanter. A Tale. By
Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Poet. 8pp. 16mo, newly bound in half
brown morocco, uncut, top edges of two leaves remargined.
N.p.n.d. [circa 1791]
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
145. Burns (Rosert). Alloway Kirk; or, Tam O Shanter. By Robert
Burns. Vignette of rose on title, below verse. 8pp. 16mo, half
morocco, uncut. N.p.n.d. [ewca 1791]
146. Burns (Ropert). Verses to the Memory of James Thomson, Author of
the Seasons. To which is added, A Poem, Written in Carse Her-
mitage, by Nithside; by the same Author, and an Epitaph on Sir
Isaac Newton. 8 pp. 12mo, newly bound in half brown morocco,
uncut, two leaves have top edges remargined. N.p.n.d [circa 1791]
On back of title is the following note, “On Thursday, the 22d of Sep-
tember, 1791, . . . the ceremony of crowning the Bust of Thomson the
Poet, . . . with a wreath of Bays, was performed on Ednam Hill. In
contemplation of this interesting ceremony, Robert Burns, the Ayrshire
Bard, now settled in the Honourable and useful occupation of his an-
cestors, in the neighborhood of Dumfries, compares: the following address
to the Shade of the Bard of Ednam.”’
147. Burns (Ropert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. The Second
Edition, Considerably Enlarged. Portract of the author, engraved by
Beugo. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards and paper labels, uncut, both
vols. rebacked with brown paper, small tear in half-title neatly re-
paired. The two vols. in one full green morocco slip case, lettered in
gilt on back. Edinburgh: Printed for T. Cadell, London, and
William Creech, Edinburgh, 1793
WRITING, as follows,—‘To Patrick Miller, Esquire of Dalswinton—from
his much indebted humble sert. The Author,;” also the recipient’s sig-
nature on title-page of both volumes, bearing the date, 1799, and his ar-
morial bookplate in each.
Miller was the projector of steam navigation, and maintained very
agreeable relations with Burns, the latter in a letter, refers to Miller,
as follows,—“‘An unknown hand left ten guineas for the Ayrshire bard
with Mr. Sibbald . . . I have since discovered my generous unknown
friend to be Patrick Miller, Esqr. of Dalswinton.”’
(See Reproduction)
148. Burns (Ropert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. A New Edi-
tion, Considerably Enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut,
lacks portrait, both vols. rebacked with white paper, small tear in
one margin. The two vols. in one red morocco slip case.
Edinburgh: Printed for T. Cadell, London, and
William Creech, Edinburgh, 1794
Reprint of the Second Edinburgh Edition, the words “Second Hdition’”’
DS |
a :
<4 >
= ¥
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
| No. 148—Continued]
which appear on the title-page of the issue the year previous, having been
changed to a “New Edition.” In the Index for contents of Vol. 2, the
printer has left out the reference to one poem, which appears in the text
of both issues. This is the last edition printed during the author’s life
time, and under his superintendence.
Burns (Ropert). An Address to the Deil. By Robert Burns. With
Answer, by John Lauderdale, Near Wigton. 12mo, rebound in half
morocco, uncut, and unopened. Printed in the year 1795
Burns (Ropert). Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. A New Edi-
tion, considerably enlarged. Oval portrait after Nasmyth. 2 vols.
12mo, full tree calf, bindings somewhat broken, and name written in
ink on both titles. Edinburgh, 1797
Burns (Ropert). Heron (R.). A Memoir of the Life of the late
Robert Burns. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt, with doublures and end leaves
of same leather as outside covers, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf, small tear in
title skilfully repaired. Edinburgh: Printed for T. Brown, 1797
With autograph signature of David Laing, the Scottish antiquarian.
Burns (Rosert). The Works of Robert Burns; with an Account of his
Life, and a Criticism on his Writings. 'To which are prefixed, some
Observations on the Character and Condition of the Scottish Peas-
antry. [Edited by J. Currie.| Portrait of the author, engraved by
J. Neagle, after Nasmyth. 4 vols. 8vo, original tree calf, leather
labels, strengthened at hinges.
Liverpool: Printed by J. M’Creery, 1800
Dr. Currie’s First Epirion of the Poet’s works, printed on thick paper,
for the benefit of his widow. EpiTor’s PRESENTATION COPY, WITH INSCRIP-
TION IN HIS HANDWRITING, as follows,— “For the Right Honle. Lady E.
Cunningham. From her faithful & obed. s’t. The Editor.” With illumi-
nated diamond shield and initials “HE: C.” in gold and colors, on back of
first title-page.
Burns (Rosert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Portrait of
the author by Dearie, and engraved title. 16mo, polished ‘mottled
calf, leather label, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf.
Paisley: Printed by J. Neilson for R. Smith, 1802
Contains a “Sketch drawn by a Lady, a Native of Jamaica, and an inti-
mate acquaintance of the Poet’s” ‘The publisher, R. Smith, alias “Pea-
Strae,” was fined, and the whole edition suppressed. The present being
one of a few copies, if not the only one which escaped the censor’s notice.
Burns (Rosert). Stewart’s Edition of Burns’s Poems, including a
’ number of Original Pieces Never Before Published. With his Life
and Character. To which is added, an Appendix, consisting of His
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
[No. 154—Continued |
Correspondence with Clarinda (Mrs. Agnes M’Lehose). Hngraved
title, and 4 fine illustrations to the poems, engraved by R. Scott, after
A. Carse. 16mo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and top, dou-
blures and end leaves of full green levant morocco, uncut, by Zaehns-
dorf, small hole in title repaired.
Glasgow: Printed by Niven, Napier and Khull, 1802
This volume contains under a separate title and pagination, the Rare
First Edition of “Letters addressed to Clarinda,’ the publication of
which was quickly suppressed.
155. Burns (Ropert). Letters Addressed to Clarinda, &c. Never before
Published. With 2 portraits, inserted. 16mo, green levant morocco,
oilt back and top, uncut.
Glasgow: Printed by Niven, Napier and Khull, 1802
First Eprrion. John Nichols’ (the English printer and author) copy,
with his autograph on title. From the Angus Sale, 1902.
156. Burns (Rozerrt). The Auld Farmer’s Salutation To his Auld Mare
Maggie, on giving her a Ripp of Corn, To Hansel in the New Year,
to which are added, An Address to a Scotch Haggis on New-Year’s
Day and Tam Samson’s Elegy. By Robert Burns, The Ayrshire
Poet. Vignette on file. 8 pp. 16mo, newly bound in half morocco.
Stirling: Printed by C. Randall, 1802
157. Burns (Roperr). The Merry Diversions of Halloween, giving an Ac-
count of ‘The Pulling of the Kail Stecks—Burning Nits—Catching
Sweet-hearts in the Stack Yard—Pulling the Corn—Winding the
Blue Clue—Winnowing the Corn—Sowing Hemp Seed—And the
Cutting of the Apple. With The Conclusion of these Merry Meet-
ings, by telling Wonderful Stories about Witches and Fairies. By
Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Poet. 8 pp. 12mo, new half green
morocco. Stirling: Printed and Sold by C. Randall, 1802
158. Burns (Ropert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. With an
Account of his Life. 2 vols. in one, small 8vo, full polished red
morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. ;
Dublin: Printed by Gilbert and Hodge’s, 1803
A reissue of the 1793 Belfast edition, with a new title-page.
159. [Burns (Rospert).] Sommers (Thomas). The Life of Robert Fer-
gusson, the Scottish Poet. First Epirion. 12mo, newly bound in
cloth, leather label, uncut, few corners time soiled.
Edinburgh: Printed for the author, by C. Stewart, 1803
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
Burns (Rospert). Humorous Tales: viz. The Strolling Player, The
Cheese Present, The Newspaper Editor. Poetry, Watty and Meg,—
Tam O'Shanter, &c., &c. Woodcut frontispiece and cuts, by Bewick.
12mo, half calf. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Printed by J. Mitchell,
' Dean Street, 1804
First Epition. Of the above humorous tales, “The Cheese Present,”
and “Tam O’Shanter,” are by Robert Burns. Contains, also, “The Auc-
tioneer,”—an auction scene, the lot offered for sale being ‘Nineteen
scruples of private scandal.”
Burns (Rosert). The Works of Burns; with account of his Life and a
Criticism on his Writings. Portrait. 3 vols. 12mo, full calf, some-
what worn. Philadelphia: W. Fairbairn, 1804
First American Edition. With bookplate of Patrick Grant and his
name in ink on all titles.
[Burns (Ropert).| Fergusson (Robert). The Works of Robert Fer-
gusson. With a Short Account of his Life, and a Glossary. Por-
trait, engraved by Wilson. 12mo, calf.
Edinburgh: Printed for W. & J. Deas, 1805.
Burns (Rospert). Reliques of Robert Burns; consisting chiefly of
Original Letters, Poems, and Critical Observations on Scottish Songs.
Collected and published by R. H. Cromek. 8vo, original boards, re-
backed, and new paper label, uncut, in red morocco slip case, lettered
on back. London: Printed by J. M’Creery for T. Cadell and
W. Davies, 1808
First Epition. An exceptionally tall copy, with wide margins, in-
teriorly clean.
Burns (Ropert). Tam O’Shanter: a Poem. Vignette woodcut, evi-
dently by Bewick, on title. 11 pp. 16mo, newly bound in half
morocco, uncut.
Edinburgh: Printed by and for Oliver & Boyd, 1808
This poem written in answer to a request from Francis Grosse for a
witch-story, first appeared in Grosse’s “Antiquities of Scotland,” April,
1791. The above is one of the earliest separate issues of the poem, and
one of a few copies extant; none as early as this edition being recorded
in either the English or American Book-Prices Current.
Burns (Ropert). Letters Addressed to Clarinda, &c. Never before
published in America: with a Choice Selection of Poems and Songs.
To which is prefixed, A Sketch of his Life and Character. Fine stip-
ple portrait of the author, engraved by C. Tiebout. 12mo, full pol-
ished: tree calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf, small piece of top
margin of portrait and title torn out, a new slip skilfully inserted in
both places. Philadelphia: Published by John B. Austin, 1809
First American Edition, with the portrait, usually wanting.
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
Burns (Ropert). The Works of Robert Burns; with an Account of his
Life, and a Criticism on his Writings. Sixth Edition. Portrait;
[also] Reliques of Robert Burns. Collected and Published by R. H.
Cromek, 1808. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, contemporary diamond russia,
newly rebacked, regilt, and repolished.
London: Cadell & Davies, 1809-1808
The “‘Reliques” collected by Cromek, is a First Eprrton. With book-
plate of Sir John Lester Kaye, in each volume.
Burns (Ropert). The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, including All
the Poetry contained in Dr. Currie’s Edition, and many other Pieces
not Printed in the Copy-right Edition. To which is prefixed a
Sketch of his Life. Portrait of the author with vignette view of his
birthplace, and 3 plates, engraved by Scott. 12mo, dark-claret levant
morocco, polished, gilt over marbled edges, by Zaehnsdorf.
Glasgow: Printed by Edward Khull & Co., 1816
Burns (Roperr). The Prose Works of Burns, now First Collected,
containing his Letters and Correspondence, &c. and Amatory Epistles,
including Letters to Clarinda, &c. 8vo, full dark-blue calf, gilt back
and top, leather label. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 1816
Burns (Rosert). The Poems & Songs of Robert Burns, with a Life
of the Author, containing a variety of particulars drawn from
sources inaccessible by former biographers. To which is subjoined,
an Appendix, consisting of a Panegyrical Ode, and a Demonstration
of Burns’ Superiority to Every other Poet as a Writer of Songs, by
the Rev. Hamilton Paul. Portrait and title, both engraved by Wedg-
wood. Small 8vo, red polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut, by
Zaehnsdorf. Ayr: Printed by Wilson, M’Cormick & Carnie, 1819
Autograph signature of “Harriet Beecher Stowe, Aug. 1889” on en-
graved title. This is the copy described by W. Craibe Angus. The
“Life” is by Reverend H. Paul, who afterwards repudiated the text of
the publishers.
Burns (Ropert). The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With Mem-
oirs of the Author’s Life. 2 vols. in one, small 8vo, half green levant
morocco, gilt back and top, uncut.
London: Printed for J. Offor, 1819
AN UNUSUAL ISSUE. Vol. 2, which apparently lacks the title, is bound
between end of the text and the Glossary of Vol. I.
Burns (Ropert). The Poetical Works of Robert Burns: with several
pieces never before published; Notes Illustrative of his Poems, and
Definitions of all the Scottish Words and Phrases. To which is
added an Account of his Life, and also a View of his Character, by
Gilbert Burns. 8vo, calf, leather label, gilt edges, slight stain on
few margins. Philadelphia, 1823
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
Burns (Ropert). Tam O’Shanter and Souter Johnny, a poem. Illus-
trations by Thomas Landseer. 12mo, rough calf, original wrappers
and advertisement bound in, gilt edges.
London: Marsh and Miller, 1830
With signature of Theodore Martin, author of ‘‘The Life of the Prince
Burns (Ropert). An Address to the Deil. With Explanatory Notes.
With numerous engravings on wood, after designs by Thomas Land-
seer. 12mo, rough calf, original wrappers and advertisements bound
in, gilt edges. London: William Kidd, 1830
With signature of Theodore Martin, author of “The Life of the
Prince Consort.”
[Burns (Ropert).| The Real “Souter Johnny,” &. A Poem. With
Explanatory Notes, and an Appendix. By “Jock Jingleverb.” Fron-_
tisprece. 16mo, half blue morocco.
Maybole: Printed for the Author by M. Porteus, 1834
First Epition. With preface and notes regarding the real “Souter
Johnny,” mentioned in Burns’ poem of “Tam O’Shanter.”
Burns (Ropert). The Works of Robert Burns. Edited by “The
Ettrick Shepherd,’ and William Motherwell. Vol. I onty. H#n-
graved portrait and title-page. 12mo, calf, slght stain on margin,
of portrait and title. Glasgow: Archibald Fullarton & Co., 1834
PRESSED ANNOTATIONS ON MARGINS. “J'0 Robt. Wilson, Esqr. As a small
token of Remembrance from the Ettrick Shepherd.”
An extremely interesting item, many passages being marked by James
Hogg herein, having been suppressed in the approved edition. A pencil
inscription reads,—“‘Wm. Scott Douglas. Presented by the widow of
Robert Wilson, 1842.”
Burns (Ropert). The Works of Robert Burns. With his Life by
Allan Cunningham. Engraved titles ‘and frontispieces. 8 vols.
12mo, newly bound in full green levant morocco, gilt backs and sides.
- London, 1834.
Original Cunningham edition.
Burns (Ropert). The Works of Robert Burns. With His Life. By
Allan Cunningham. Engraved titles and frontispiece. 8 vols. 12mo,
newly bound in three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt tops, lettered.
on backs, uncut. London, 1834
Original Cunningham edition. yu ;
Burns (Ropert). The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, including
Several Original Pieces Not Published in Any Other Collection of
his Poems. Portrait, engraved by T. Clerk. 8vo, boards, cloth back.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Printed by G. Marshall [1836]
First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, April 5th
[Burns (Roperr).| 'The Poems, Letters, and Land of Burns. With
a New Memoir of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical,
of his Works, by Allan Cunningham. Numerous full-page engraved
plates. 2 vols. in 1 (several portions misbound), thick 4to, full gilt-
stamped calf, gilt edges, apparently lacks a title or so.
London: G. Virtue, 1838
Burns (Rosperr). Mausoleum and Memorials of Burns. Hngraved
frontispiece, and plate in compartments depicting various scenes of
the author's life and works. Spp. 8vo, original marbled wrappers,
illustrated title on front wrapper, with half calf protecting cover.
Edinburgh: John Menzies. Dumfries: John M’Kinnell, 1842
First Epition. 2 of the
original wrappers, and the rare “Proclamation” announcing a New Work,
“Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.”
i me
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
[No. 855—Continued]
trations by “Phiz.” London, 1839
Specimen wrapper, “The Nickleby Advertiser,” August 1, 1839, and an-
nouncement of a new work by “Boz” bound in.
Master Humpurey’s Crock. With illustrations by George Cat-
termole and Hablot Browne. 4 vols. London, 1840-1841
The “Clock” contains; “The Old Curiosity Shop” and “Barnaby Rudge.”
Bound from the original monthly parts, with all the wrappers and
advertisements bound in a separate volume, making a total of four
Tue Pic-Nic Papers. By Various Hands. Edited by Charles
Dickens, Esq. With illustrations by George Cruikshank, “Phiz,”
etc. 3 vols. ; London, 1841
Dickens wrote the Preface and “The- Lamplighter’s Story,’ and edited
the rest of the work. The work was projected by Dickens and pub-
lished by Colburn for the benefit of Mrs. Macrone, the widow of Dick-
ens’ first publisher.
American Norss For GENERAL CIRCULATION. 2 vols. London,
Earliest issue of the first edition, and with the separate leaf “New
Work by Mr. Charles Dickens” at end.
A Curistmas Caron. In Prose; being a Ghost Story of Christ-
mas. With clustrations in color and in the teat, by John Leech.
London, 1843
The generally accepted second issue of the first edition, with title
in red and blue and “Stave One,” in place of “Stave I.” The original
front cover and advertisements are preserved.
Ture Cuimes: A Goblin Story. With ilustrations by David Mac-
lise. London, 1845
First issue of the first edition, with the publisher’s name engraved
on title, in the later issues it was printed.. The original front cloth cover
and leaf of advertisement preserved.
Tue Cricket oN THE Heartu: A Fairy Tale of Home. With a-
lustrations by Leech, Doyle, and others. London, 1846
The only issue of the first edition. The original front cloth cover and
advertisements are preserved.
Tue Batrie or Lire; A Love Story. With ilustrations by Stan-
field, Leech, Doyle and others. London, 1846
The generally accepted fourth issue of the first edition. The original
front cloth cover and advertisements preserved.
Tue Hauntep Man and the Ghost’s Bargain. With «lustrations
by Leech and others. _ London, 1848
The only issue of the first edition. The original front cover and ad-
vertisements preserved.
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
[No. 855—Continued ]
ilies eS
Martin CuuzztEewir. With illustrations by “Phiz.”
London, 1844
With specimen wrapper preserved.
PicTuRES FROM ITaty. The vignette illustrations by Samuel Pal-
mer. | London, 1846
Advertisements preserved.
DoMBEY AND Son. With tlustrations by H. K. Browne. In 2
vols. London, 1848
With the extra series of plates (12), by H. K. Browne, bound in, also
several specimen wrappers and some advertisements.
Davip COPPERFIELD. With alustrations by H. K. Browne. In 2
vols. te London, 1850
With several specimen wrappers and some advertisements bound in.
A Cuiup’s History or ENGLAND. With illustrations by F. W.
Topham. 3 vols. London, 1852-1853-1859
Advertisement pages preserved.
BLEAK House. With tllustrations by H. K. Browne.
London, 1853
With specimen wrappers, and some advertisements. Also an extra
volume containing all the wrappers and advertisements.
LirtLte Dorrit. With illustrations by HI. K. Browne. In 2 vols.
London, 1857
With specimen wrappers, and some advertisements bound in, also the
scarce slip announcing an error, inserted at page 467.
A TALE or Two Citizs. With illustrations by H. K. Browne.
London, 1859
With specimen wrappers, and some advertisements bound in.
Our Murvuat Frienp. With illustrations by Marcus Stone. 2 vols.
London, 1865
With specimen wrappers and some advertisements bound in. Also
an extra volume containing all the original wrappers and advertise-
THE Mystery or Epwin Droop. With 12 illustrations by S. L.
Fields and a portrait (of Dickens). London, 1870
With all the original wrappers and advertisements preserved.
Together, 47 vols. Royal 8vo, 8vo, and 12mo, uniformly bound in
full polished calf, gilt backs, gilt edges. By Bedford.
London, 1836-1870
With the exception that some of the plates are lightly spotted, a vERY
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
356. Dickens (CHARLES). Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy’s Progress.
By “Boz.” Illustrated with 24 plates by George Cruikshank. 3
vols. 12mo, old half green morocco, gilt, with name on title of Vol. I.
London, 1838
First ISSUE OF THE First Epirion, with the name of “Boz” on title-
page which in later issues of the first edition was changed to Charles
Dickens. Contains the scarce “Fireside” plate. Inserted is an early
portrait of the author.
357. Dickens (CHaArtEs). Master Humphrey’s Clock. With illustrations
by George Cattermole and Hablot K. Browne. First Epirion. 3
vols. London, 1840-1842: Also A COMPLETE SET AND TWO EXTRA
PLATES of the illustrations of “Master Humphrey’s Clock” in seven-
ty plates, designed and etched on steel sy THomas Srsson. The ex-
tra plates with the title and text, with each plate placed between dif-.
ferent blank sheets. London, 1842. Together, 4 vols. uniformly
bound in half green levant morocco, gilt tops or gilt edges, original
cloth covers (3) bound in. London, 1840-1842
It is of very rare occurrence that a complete set of the Sibson plates
accompanies such a fine copy of “The Clock.” This artist made but
two sets of extra illustrations for Dickens’ writings, “Pickwick” and
“Master Humphrey’s Clock.” The set of Sibson Htchings is unquestion-
ably the best independent series of illustrations to Dickens ever pub-
lished, and brilliant original impressions, such as those in the pres-
ent copy, are rightfully regarded as equal to the best efforts of Seymour,
‘Phiz,’ and Cruikshank in the same direction.
358. Dickens (CuartEs). Little Dorrit. Illustrations by H.K. Browne.
First Eprirron in the ortcInaL 20 MONTHLY Parts (in 19). 8vo,
pictorial wrappers, with the advertisements as issued. In a half
morocco case. London, 1855-1857
EARLIEST issue of this First Eprrion, with the slip concerning the
name “Rigaud” (p. 481), and fine impressions of the “dark plates.”
359. Dickens (CHARLES). The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Engraved por-
trait and title, and illustrations by S. L. Fildes. First Eprrion in
the ORIGINAL 6 MONTHLY PARTS. 8vo, pictorial wrappers, uncut,
with advertisements as issued. Within a buckram case, lettered.
f London, 1870
360. Dickens (CuartEs). Sunday Under Three Heads. By ‘Timothy
Sparks. With the illustrated title, which ts repeated on the cover,
and A DOUBLE SET OF PLATES, by “Phiz,’ one set on India paper,
mounted, the other full-size. 4to, three quarter morocco, gilt top.
London: Chapman and Hall [1879]
Pearson’s facsimile reprint. Larce Paper Copy, only 12 printed.
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
361. Dickens (CHARLES). Complete Works. With the hundreds of original
illustrations reproduced on India paper; with Facsvmiles of the
TERS IN THE NovEts, By “Kyp,” with an Index of these drawings
in each volume signed by the artist; AND 2 ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH
LETTERS FROM DiIcKENS TO Marx Lemon, also inserted. 30 vols.
extended to 60, royal 8vo, handsomely bound in full light brown
polished calf extra, with Dickens’s signature and crest in gold on
front covers, backs richly gilt, leather labels, gilt tops, by San-
gorski & Sutcliffe. London: Chapman & Hall, 1881-82
A MAGNIFICENT SET of the limited Edition de Luxe.
862. DickENS (CHARLES). The Writings of Dickens. With the extenswe
series of illustrations by George Cruikshank, “Phiz,’ and others,
oN INDIA PAPER. 33 vols., thick royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut,
with labels, several of which are, as usual, slightly rubbed.
London, 1881-1884-1885
THE CHAPMAN AND HALL EDITION DE LUxE, limited and numbered
issue, with text in large, clear type. In addition to the writings of
Dickens, usually found as a set of 30 volumes, the above contains the
additional volumes, seldom found with the writings, which are Plays
and Poems and Speeches and Bibliography. These were issued uni-
form with the edition de luxe, with the consent of Chapman and Hall,
by other publishers. Of the former, 150 copies were printed, and of the
latter, only 50 copies.
the Writings of Dickens, DRAWN IN WATER-COLORS, BY “KyD,”
(CLAYTON CLARK). Each drawing executed on a large quarto sheet
of cartridge paper, with a colored and illustrated general title-page,
and colored title-pages and lists of the characters to each set of
drawings, all executed by “Kyd.’ The whole preserved in six
specially made book-shaped cloth cases, each with an inner pro-
tecting cover, and lettered. (London, 1885-1889)
of Dickens, “Kyd” has so steeped himself in his writings, and so thor-
oughly grasped the true Dickensian spirit that he seems to represent
absolutely the characters as Dickens had them in his mind, giving
form and feature to practically every one in the whole series of Dick-
ens’ writings, and proving “Kyd” to be almost as prolific and versatile
as Dickens himself.
This unique collection would be admirably adapted to extra-illustrat-
ing any of the good library editions of Dickens as the water-colors
themselves are of a suitable size for an octave volume, and the book
in which each character appears is inscribed on the drawing. ;
Laid in is a one page 4to. autograph letter of the artist, regarding
the drawings, in which he states that the foregoing collection “....%s
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
[No. 863—Continued |
perhaps the most complete and most comprehensive series of my Dickens
Studies at present existing” etc.
Comprises the following series;
Sketches by Boz.
Pickwick Papers
Oliver Twist
Nicholas Nickleby
Old Curiosity Shop
Barnaby Rudge
American Notes
Christmas Books
Martin Chuzzlewit
Dombey and Son
David Copperfield
Bleak House
Hard Times
Little Dorrit
A Tale of Two Cities
Great Expectations
Our Mutual Friend
The Uncommercial Traveller
36 drawings.
72 drawings.
27 drawings.
42 drawings.
36 drawings.
18 drawings.
24 drawings.
30 drawings.
30 drawings.
30 drawings.
36 drawings.
48 drawings.
18 drawings.
30 drawings.
12 drawings.
12 drawings.
36 drawings.
60 drawings.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood 6 drawings.
No Thoroughfare 9 drawings.
Miscellaneous Tales 386 drawings.
364. Dickens (CHARLES). The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.
With illustrations by R. Seymour, R. W. Buss, Hablot K. Browne,
(“Phiz’), and J. Leech. 4 vols. thick 8vo, full green levant mo-
rocco, portraits of Dickens and “Mr. Pickwick” in gold on front and
under sides of both volumes, gilt backs, dentelle inside borders,
gilt tops, uncut, by Riviére. Each volume in cloth case.
London: Chapman and Hall, 1887
PLATES PUBLISHED SEPARATELY. Practically all the extra illustrations are
skilfully inlaid.
This edition contains reproductions of all the “Addresses,” announce-
ments, etc., issued with the parts.
365. [Dickens (Cuartzs).] Huoenzs (Wittiam B.). A Week’s Tramp in
Dickens-Land. Together with personal Reminiscences of the “In-
imitable Boz” therein collected. With more than a hundred wlus-
trations by F. G. Kitton and other artists. First Epirion. 8vo,
full sage-green levant morocco, broad floral inlaid border of leaves
and roses on both sides; in centre of front cover is a view of
Gad’s Hill, 1nLAID IN BROWN AND BLUE LEVANT, and on the re-
verse INLAID IN BROWN LEVANT (two colors), view of the famous
arm chair used by Dickens at Gad’s Hill, silk linings, gilt edges.
In a cloth case. London, 1891
A BEAUTIFUL copy of one of the most interesting of the many volumes
written about the great novelist and the scenes connected with his
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
[No. 365—Continued ]
works, compiled “ . . . that it may be useful and acceptable companion
to pilgrims not only of our own country, but also from that still
‘Greater Britain’ where ‘All the Year round’ the name of Charles Dickens
is almost a dearer ‘Household Word’ than it is with us.”
Dickens (CHARLES). The Writings of Charles Dickens. With Intro-
ductions, General Essays and Notes by Andrew Lang. With allus-
trations by “Phiz” (H. K. Browne), George Cruikshank and others.
36 vols. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops,
uncut, by Birdsall.
| London: Chapman and Hall, undated, (circa 1895).
The original intention was to make the issue in 34 volumes, later how-
ever it was decided to add the Miscellaneous Papers, from “J'he Morning
Chronicle,” “The Daily News,” “The Examiner,” and other sources, form-
ing two additional volumes, which are included in the above set.
DICKENS (CHARLES). Scenes and Characters from the Works of Charles
Dickens; being 866 drawings by Fred Barnard, H. K. Browne, J.
Mahoney, Charles Green, A. B. Frost, Gordon Thomson, J. M.
Ralston, H. French, E. G. Dalziel, F. A. Fraser, and Sir Luke
Fields. Printed from the original woodblocks engraved for “The
Household Edition.” Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt top.
London, 1908
Dickens (CuHartEes). The Works of Dickens. The Fireside Dickens.
Complete Edition. Illustrations by Cruikshank, Phiz, etc. 22 vols.
in 17, 12mo, newly bound in half crimson levant morocco, gilt backs
and tops. London: Chapman & Hall, n.d.
DIsRAELI (BENJAMIN). The Writings of Disraeli, comprising Novels,
Romances, Plays, Poems, Biography, Short Stories, and Great
Speeches. With a Critical Introduction by Edmund Gosse, and a
Biographical Preface by Robert Arnot. With colored frontispeces
and other tlustrations. 20 vols. 8vo, full ornamental leather, gilt
backs and covers, gilt tops, uncut.
New York and London; M. Walter Dunne, (recent)
Limited Issue.
DisraEtI (Isaac). Curiosities of Literature. New Edition, Edited,
with Memoir and Notes by the Hon. B. Disraeli. Portraits and
facsumile. 3 vols. 12mo, three quarter green polished morocco,
gilt backs and tops. London, 1858
DoveLas (CHARLES AND ANNE). The Shetland Pony. With an Ap-
pendix on The Making of the Shetland Pony, by J. C. Ewart.
Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1913
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
372. Douctas (Sir Roperr). The Baronage of Scotland; containing an
Historical and Genealogical Account of the Gentry of that King-
dom; collected from the Public Records and Chartularies of this
Country; the Records and Private Writings of Families; and the
Works of Our Best Historians. Illustrated with engravings of the
Coats of Arms. Edinburgh, 1798; aLL EVER PUBLISHED: ALSO,
The Peerage of Scotland; containing an Historical and Genealogical
Account of the Nobility of that Kingdom, from their Origin to the
present Generation. . . . By Sir Robert Douglas. . . . Second
Hdition, revised and corrected, with a Continuation to the present
time (1813), by John Philip Wood. With (numerous) engravings
of the Arms of the Peers. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1813. Together,
3 vols. Folio, full polished calf, richly gilt, gilt tops, the first
mentioned ENTIRELY UNCUT. Edinburgh, 1798-1813
373. Drayton (MicHaAEL). Poly-Olbion. Both Parts. The Engraved Title,
: by Hole, reading as follows,—Poly-Olbion. By Michael Drayton.
London, printed for M. Lownes, I. Browne, I. Helme, I. Busbie.
Ingrave by W. Hole.—The Printed title to the Second Part reads,—
The Second Part, or A Continuance of Poly-Olbion from the Eigh-
teenth Song. London: Printed by Augustine Mathewes for John
Marriott, John Grismand, and Thomas Dewe, 1622. With en-
graved title, portrait of Prince Henry, engraved by Hole, and 30
double page maps, one preceding each Song, in which the towns,
mountains, rivers, etc., are personified, or represented by figures of
men and women. 2 vols. in 1, small folio, back strengthened, few
margins slightly thumbed. London [1613-1622]
Second Edition of both parts; the printed title to the first part wanting.
In place of the four leaves (usually wanting) which follow the portrait
of Prince Henry—“To the Generale Reader,” and “From the Author to the
Illustrator,” are four leaves—‘‘A Table,” the latter usually bound at the
end of the part in the second edition. The portrait of Prince Henry, has
inscription—“Henricus Princeps,” indicating that the issue is a second
edition. The Table, as well as the leaf “Upon the frontispiece,” both of
which the above copy contains, are usually wanting. From the library
of Charles Viscount Bruce, of Ampthill, with engraved armorial book-
plate, dated, 1712.
_ $4. DrypEn (JoHN). Troilus and Cressida, or, Truth Found too Late.
A Tragedy as it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. To which is Pre-
fix’d, A Preface Containing the Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy.
First Eprrion. 4to, half calf.
London: Printed for Abel Swall and Jacob Tonson, 1679
375. DryDEN (JoHN). The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis. Trans-
lated into English Verse, by Mr. Dryden, and several other Eminent
Hands. Together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus, made
English by Mr. Dryden. With Explanatory Notes at the end of
each Satire. Folio, old calf, leather label, strengthened at hinges.
London, 1693
First Edition, with the half-title.
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April Sth
DrypEN (JoHN). The Fables of John Dryden. Ornamented with en-
gravings (9 full-page and 16 vignettes), from the pencil of the
Right Hon. Lady Diana Beauclerc.. Folio, full contemporary calf,
gilt and blind tooled, gilt edges. London: T. Bensley, 1797
First Issur. The illustrations in the above copy HAVE ALL BEEN DELI-
Du Barras (G. S.). His Devine Weekes and Workes. Translated by
Josuah Sylvester. Now fourthly corrected and augmented. Fine
title-page, with astronomical and terrestrial globe (showmg Amer-
ica) engraved by W. Hole, woodcut portrait and two woodcuts.
4to, half leather, repaired. London: Humfrey Lowney [1613]
Rare. Fourth Collected Edition. The third part of the second day of
the second week, entitled the Colonies contains long references to
America,—How the new found World (discovered in our time) became
peopled,—Conjectures touching the people of the same,—Wonders of the
New “World, ete.
Dumas (ALEXANDRE). The Count of Monte-Cristo. A New Edition.
With 20 illustrations on wood by Valentin. 8vo, three quarter
green polished morocco, gilt back and top. London, 1871
[Dunwoopy (JoHN).] The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New
Testaments, together with the Apocrypha. Thick folio, old calf,
lacks all the plates but one, and title to the New Testament miss-
ing. Not returnable. Philadelphia, 1798
The Dunwoody Bible, with leather label on inside of front cover read-
ing; “John Dunwoody’s Bible.”
Barty AMERICAN ScrentiFIc Tract. [Ledyard (Isaac).] An Hssay
on Matter, in Five Chapters. 8vo, original marbled wrappers,
printed slip on front cover.
Philadelphia: Printed for the Author, 1783
Scarce. Probably privately issued for the author. UNKNOWN TO SABIN ;
Evans mentions but two copies. The above is apparently the FIRST COPY
Earty AmERIcAN STEAMBOAT DisasTER. BroapsipE. Full Particulars
of the late Melancholy Wreck of the Steam Packet Home, on her
passage from New York to Charleston, by which melancholy occur-
rence Ninety-Five Persons Perished. Supplement to the New York
Sun. Printed in four columns, with a woodcut view of the steam-
packet “Home,” at top of page. Folio. Matted.
[New York, 1837]
EarLy CoprerpLaTe Encravine. The History of the Old [and New]
Testaments, Extracted out of Sacred Scripture and Writings .of
the Fathers. Illustrated with Sculptures, aptly and accurately de-
lineated and engraved by Skilful Artists, &c. Translated from the
works of the learned Le Sieur De Royaumont, by John Coughen,
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, A pril 5th
[No. 382—Continued |
and supervised by Anthony Horneck, and other Orthodox Divines.
2 vols. folio, rebound in calf, gilt edges, one map torn in folds and
London: Printed by Samuel Roycroft for Richard Bloom, 1690-1688
383. Harty Printep Books. Caesar. De bello gallico libri VIII, et de bello
civili hbri VI. Roman character, 41 lines to the page; 168 un-
numbered leaves (236 pages) (including the blank 146), with signa-
tures. Furst page of the text surrounded by an ORNAMENTAL BORDER
PAINTED IN GOLD AND coLors, with an Italvan coat of arms wm the
lower part, and illuminated ornamental initials at the beginning of
each book. Folio, old calf, binding repaired.
Mediolani: Antonius Zarotus, 1477
The index of places by Marlianus was printed for the first time in this
edition. From the library of Dr. Kloss, whose catalogue, as usual,
ascribes the notes on the margin to the hand of Melanchthon. Hain-Cop-
inger, 4215; Pellechet, 3142; Proctor, 5799.
384. Barty Printren Books. Josephus (Flavius). De bello judaico libri
VII, et Antiquitates judaicae, libri XX Ruffino interprete. Gothac
character, 48 lines to the page; 119 (the first blank) and 231 un-
numbered leaves, with signatures. Two parts bound in one volume
folio, old vellum, two leaves (signatures a 5-6) missing in the first
: Venetiis: Reynaldus de Novimagio, 31 March and 10 May, 1481
of the beauty of the Gothic types and paper, but also because of the typo-
graphical precision. A very large copy, with numerous marginal notes
by contemporary hands. Hain Copinger, 9453 and 9456; Reichling, II,
p. 198; Proctor, 4439.
385. Barty Prrytep Books. Biblia Latina, cum indice epistolarum et evan-
geliorum per anni circulum. Gothic character, double columns, 49
lines to the page; 436 unnumbered leaves (872 pages), with signa-
tures. Large ornamental initial at the beginning painted in various
colors, other initials in blue or red by a contemporary hand. Folio,
old German binding of stamped pigskin, with clasps, somewhat
waterstained and a leaf slightly damaged in the middle.
[Basel: Johann Amerbach]| 1486
| Rare. Hain-Copinger, 3094; Proctor, 7571.
386. Earty Prinrep Booxs. Cicero. De officiis libri III cum commento
Petri Marsi; de Amicitia et paradoxa cum notis Omniboni Leoni-.
ceni; de senectute cum notis Philetici. Roman character, 60 lines
to a full page for the commentary; 180 unnumbered leaves (360
pages) with signatures. Woodcut ornamental snitials. Folio, old
calf rebacked. Venetiis: Bernardinus Benatius [circa 1490]
Hain ; 5270; Reichlin, II, p. 154.
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
387. Harty Printep Booxs. Claudianus. Opera. Roman character, 36
lines to the page; 142 unnumbered leaves with signatures. Initials
painted red by a contemporary hand, and ruled throughout im same
color. 4to, old vellum, three leaves repaired, and slight damage to
the text. Parmae: Angelus Ugoletus, 1493
Second Edition, and more valuable than the first, as it contains the
entire works of Claudian, including the Epigrams and Minor Poems, to
the number of 48, which are not to be found in the editio princeps. Hain-
Copinger, 5371; Proctor, 6168.
388. Earty PrinteD Booxs. Plautus. Comodiae, ex recensione Georgii
Merulae Alexandrini. Roman character, 40 lines to the page. 249
unnumbered leaves (498 pages), with signatures, 4to, old calf,
somewhat rubbed and cracked with first few leaves mended in the
plain lower margin and some light water stains, otherwise a sound
and large copy, with many uncut leaves. Numerous marginal notes
by contemporary hands.
Venetiis: [Matheus Capcasa,] 23 Nov. 1495
Hain-Copinger, 13078 ; Reichling, III, p. 150; Proctor, 5003.
389. Harty Printep Booxs. Lavacrum conscientiae omnium sacerdotum
(auctore Jacobo de Gruytfode). Gothic character, 37 lines to the
page; LXxxvi numbered leaves with signatures. Leipzig [Wolfgang
Stockel] 1496. Hain, 9959. No copy in the British Museum. (2
leaves supplied in manuscript by a contemporary hand) ;—HRasMrI
Roterodami Sylva Carminum. Garda; 1513. Facsimile reprint lim-
ited to 100 copies. Bruxelles, 1864;—THomas bE Aquino. Quad-
ragintaduo articuli ab codem inquisiti, artificiose discussi. Gothic
character, double columns, 8 leaves. Woodcut on title. Franco
phordiae cis Oderam, Joannes Hanaw, 1509. 3 pieces in one vol.
4to, polished calf, gilt edges. 1496, &. From the Dunn Library.
390. Harty PrintED Books. Diogenes. Epistolae Diogenis; Epistolae Bruti;
et Epistolae Hypocratis. Furst page surrounded by an ornamental
woodcut border. Florentiae, sumptibus Sir Petri Pacini Pisciensis,
1505 ;—Liuius (ZacHartas). De origine et laudibus scientiarum ;
contra antipodes; de miseria hominis et contemptu mundi, ete.
Roman characters, 28 lines to the page; 72 unnumbered leaves, with
signatures. Two woodcut diagrams and publisher's woodcut mark
on last page. First Eprrion. Florentiae, Franciscus Bonaccursius,
1496. 2 vols. bound in 1 4to, old calf, somewhat rubbed and a few
light spots. Florence, 1496-1505
Hain-Copinger, 10103; Proctor, 6316.
391. Harty PrintEep Booxs. Schedel (Hartman). NureEmBEera CHRONICLE.
Liber cronicarum cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi usque
nunc temporis. Gothic character, double columns, 51 lines to the
page; 339 leaves (678 pages) (numbered by mistake CCCXXXviir),
1-blank and 2% unnumbered leaves (in all 367 leaves,—%34 pages).
With over 2000 woodcuts, reduced copies from those of the original
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
[No. 391—Continued |
Koberger’s edition of 1493. Small folio, contemporary binding in
oak boards covered with stamped calf (rebacked), plain lower mar-
gins of several leaves mended.
Augsburg: Johann Scénsperger. 149%.
Hain-Copinger, 14509; Reichling, III, p. 179; Proctor, 1786.
392. Harty Prinrep Books. Josephus (Flavius). De antiquitatibus ac de
bello judaico. Roman character, 60 lines to the page; 14 unnum-
bered leaves (28 pages), ff. numbered I-CLXXXI, a blank, ff. num-
bered OCLXXXII-CCLX, and 1 unnumbered leaf (in all 275 leaves,
—55 pages). Woodcut ornamental initials. Folio, old vellum
Hain, 9455; Proctor, 5148.
Venetiis: Albertinus Rubeus Vercellensis expensis Octaviani Scoti,
393. Earty Printep Booxs. Gregorius (S.). Expositio super Cantica Can- .
ticorum. Gothic character, double columns. Title and printer's
mark within woodcut border. Small 4to, new vellum, with title in
red and black on front cover.
: Parisiis: Bertholdus Rembolt, 1509
394. Harty Prinrep Booxs. Torrentinus (Hermannus). Commentaria in
primam partem Doctrinalis Alexandri, cum vocabulorum interpreta”
tione [et Kemponis Thessaliensis Hollandiae Commentaria in se-
cundam partem Doctrinalis.] 4to, contemporary binding in oak
boards and half leather, with clasp, some wormholes, and title
mended, otherwise large and sound copy. :
Phoreae: Thomas Anshelmus Badensis, 1510
395. Barty Prinrep Books. Lascaris (Constantinus). Grammatica Graeca,
graece et latine. 4to, half vellum, a few small wormholes and title
page missing. Rare. Venetiis: apud Aldum, 1512
396. Earty Prinrep Books. Sachsenspiegel, auffs newe gedruckt, und ander-
weit mit vleysse corrigiret. Title within a very fine woodcut border
representing scenes from the Passion of Christ, and fine woodcut tn-
itials. Folio, old boards, somewhat waterstained and a few very
small wormholes, title mounted and margin of a leaf torn. Rare.
Leipzig: Melchoir Lother, 1528
39” Barty Printep Booxs. Ptolemy. Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Geo-
eraphicae Enarrationis. Libri Octo. Ex Bilib aldi Pircke. Ymheri
tralatione, sed ad Grecae & prisca a Michaele Villanouano (Ser-
vetus). With 50 large maps, of which 49 are double page maps.
Folio, vellum, few leaves at beginning and at end waterstained,
two lines of title destroyed.
Colophon: Excudebat Gasper Trechsel, Viennae, MDXLI (1541)
A very rare edition of Ptolomaeus. Description and collation as fol-
lows: Title one leaf, with Servitus address to the reader on the verso;
followed by 149 numbered pages, one blank, fifty maps, each filling 2
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
[No. 39%—Continued]
leaves, with descriptions on the reverse, 46 (and not as Harrisse states,
56) unnumbered leaves for index, one for table, one for colophon. The
“Tabula terrae nouae” and “orbis. Typvs. Vniversalis” are literal reprints
of the two maps of that. name in the Ptolemy of 1522, the word America
appearing in the latter only. The Description of the New World is on
signature 28, on reverse of the map, and ends with these significant
words: “Tota itaqz, quod aiunt aberrant coelo qui hance continentum
America nuncupari contendunt, cum Americas multo post Columbo eande
terram adieret, nes cum Hispanis ille, sed cum Portugallensibus, ut suas
merces com mutaret, eo se contulito.”
There are some omissions and some additions from the 1535 edition.
Harrisse 283. Leclerc 476. Nordenskiold p. 24, 23. Hoffman III. 501.
Brunet IV. 955.
Karty Printep Booxs. Varthema (Ludovico de). Die Ritterliche
unnd Lobwirdige Reyss, des gestrengen and uber all ander weit
erfarne Ritter, unnd Landtfahrer, Herrn Ludovico Vartom von
Bolonia. With 44 curious woodcuts. 4to, half cloth and boards,
somewhat stained and a few leaves repaired.
Frankfurdtam Mayn: Hermann Gulfferich, 1548
A rare German edition of this interesting book on travels in Syria,
Arabia, India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Borneo, ete.
Harty PRINTING IN THE Unitep States. Heartman (OC. F.). Check-
list of Printers in the United States, from Stephen Daye to the
Close of the War of Independence, with a List of Places in which
Printing was done. Frontispiece. 8vo, three quarter, blue morocco,
gilt top. : New York [1915]
Japanese Paper Edition, limited to 10 copies.
Harty WESTERN ADVENTURES. Mason (R. L.). Narrative of Richard
Lee Mason in the Pioneer West, 1819. Portrait. 8vo, three quar-
ter blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York [1915]
Edition limited to 150 copies. The above one of 10 copies on Japan-
ese paper. (Heartman Historical series).
Harty WESTERN SETTLEMENTS. Van Schevichaven (8. R. J .). De
Noord-Amerikaansche Staat Minnesota. Large folding map. 8vo,
cloth, original wrappers bound in. Amsterdam, 1872
Harty WxsTERN Travets. Carver (Jonathan). Travels through the -
Interior Parts of North America in the Years 1766, 1767 and 1768.
Portrait, 2 maps, (folding in cotor, slight repairs to both), a view
of the Falls of St. Anthony, and colored plates of man and woman
of the Ottagumies, Indian weapons, etc. 8vo. half calf.
London: For C. Dilly, ete. 1781
THIRD AND BEST EDITION, and a copy fully equal to the average in con-
dition. Added are a biography of the author, and a copious Index, by
J. C. Lettsom. The new plates consist of a FINE MEZZOTINT PORTRAIT OF
THE AUTHOR, and a rare colored plate of the tobacco plant. At page 9
of the Introduction, and on page 542 of the text, will be found the earliest
mention of the name Oregon.
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
403. Harty WeEsTERN Travets. Lewis (Meriwether). The Travels of
Capts. Lewis & Clarke, from St. Louis, by Way of the Missouri and
Columbia Rivers, to the Pacific Ocean; performed in the years 1804-
1806, by order of the Government of the United States, containing
Delineations of the Manners, Customs, Religion, &c. of the Indians.
With a folding map, showing the country inhabited by the Western
tribes of Indians. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt top.
. London, 1809
HARLY WESTERN TRAVELS. James (Edwin). Account of an Expedition
from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years
1819, 1820. . . . compiled from the Notes of Major Long, Mr.
T. Say and other gentlemen of the party, by Edwin James. With
2 colored frontispieces, a colored Indian battle-record, maps and
plates. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf (contemporary), joints repaired.
London, 1823
A valuable contribution to geographical and ethnological literature, .
the work in unusually good condition, with slight repairs, however, to
the folding map.
Nearly every Indian tribe was visited along the route,—the Pawnees,
Otoes, Missouris, Ioways, Sioux, Omawhasos, and others, which are all
fully described, including their manners, customs, religions, superstitions,
methods of torture, etc. Contains, also, a most interesting Indian Lan-
guage of Signs.
HARLY WESTERN TRAVELS. Fremont (J. C.). Narrative of the Ex-
ploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, and
to Oregon and North California, in 1843-1844; [also, in same vol. ]
Notes of Travel in California. With 3 maps. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo,
half blue levant morocco, gilt top, lettered on back.
New York, 1849
Harty WESTERN TRAVELS. Oliphant (Laurence). Minnesota and the
Far West. Illustrations and folding map. First EpITIon. 8vo,
half calf, gilt top, uncut. HKdinburgh, 1855
. Barty Woopwork Carvines. Tipping (H. Avray). Grinling Gib-
bons and the Wood Work of his Age, 1648-1720. Portrait and
numerous illustrations of the wood-carver’s work. Folio, buckram
back, board sides. London, 1914
EpinsurcH. Lees (J. Cameron). St. Giles’, Edinburgh. Church,
College, and Cathedral, from the earliest times to the present day.
With numerous illustrations, full-page and in the text. 4to, half
black calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1889
EpinpureH. Wilson (Sir Daniel). Memorials of Edinburgh in the
Olden Time. Numerous illustrations, full-page and wm the teat. 2
vols. 4to, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. | Edinburgh, 1891
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
410. Epwarps (JoNATHAN). All Divine Truth profitable: Illustrated in a
Sermon, preached at Hamden, January 11, 1792, at the Ordina-
tion of the Rev. Dan Bradley, to the Pastoral Charge of the First
Church in Whites-town, New York. 8vo, wrappers, in new boards.
New Haven: A. Morse, 1792
With presentation inscription by the author.
411. [Egan (Pierce) ]. Real Life in London; or, The Rambles and Ad-
ventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, the Hon. Tom
Dashall, through the Metropolis, exhibiting a Living Picture of
Fashionable Characters, Manners and Amusements in High and
Low Life. By An Amateur. Hmbellished and ilustrated with a
series of colored plates, designed and engraved by Heath, Alken,
Dighton, Rowlandson and others. 2 vols. 8vo, ORIGINAL GREEN
colored titles are both dated 1821 and are correct thus. Also contains the
3 pages of advertisements. The two plates not always incorporated with
the work and which do not appear on the list of plates, ARE BOTH PRESENT.
They are: “St. George’s Day’ and “Catching a Charley Napping.”
412. E1GHTEENTH CENTURY CoLor Prints. Frankau (Julia). Highteenth
Century Colour Prints: an Essay on certain Stipple Engravers and
their Work in Colour. Compiled, arranged and written, by Julia
Frankau. Illustrated with 52 characteristic pictures, printed in
Monochrome, and one in colors, with 50 PROOF IMPRESSIONS IN
COLORS, EACH ON INDIA PAPER, engraved by Bartolozm, Gaugam,
Knight, Schiavonetti, Turner, Watson, etc., after paintings by Sir
Joshua Reynolds, Angelica Kauffmann, Hamilton, Romney, Stoth-
ard, Westall, Morland, and other artists. Folio, watered-silk, uncut,
and atlas portfolio, boards. ‘Together, 2 vols.
; 7 London: Macmillan, 1900
Edition limited to 60 copies, with the.Portfolio of 50 Proof Impres-
sions of the Plates, each on India Paper.
A magnificent and costly publication, in which the authoress has been
at some pains to point out the artistic relationship between the stipple-
engraver and the color-printer of the eighteenth century, both in Eng-
land and France, supplementing her work with a series of beautiful and
charming plates—each in duplicate, colored,—reproducing the splendid
color-printing and engraving by the above-mentioned artists.
The Colored Proof Impressions which accompany the present work, are
worthy of special note, each plate being a reproduction of the original
engraving, showing the beautiful shades and colors used in this forgotten
art. Among the plates may be mentioned,—Portraits of the Duchess of
Devonshire (Georgiana Spencer) ; Lady Elizabeth Foster; Lady Smith
and her Children; Diana and Nymphs Bathing; Venus Sleeping; all en-
graved by Bartolozzi; Lady Rushout and Daughter, by Angelica Kauff-
mann; The Mask, by Reynolds; Lady Hamilton, by Romney; Constance,
by Morland; Mrs. Crew, engraved by Watson; Morning and Evening,
by W. Hamilton, and others of equal worth and beauty.
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April Sth
413. E1iGHTEENTH CENTURY ENcrAvERS. Frankau (Julia). Highteenth
Century Artists and Engravers: William Ward, James Ward, their
Lives and Works. [With a detail Descriptive Catalogue of 419
prints.| Illustrated with 30 photogravure plates on Japanese paper ;
from their choicest works. The text in royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, the
plates, in large cloth portfolio. Together, 2 vols.
London: Macmillan, 1904
A Beautiful Work of Art. With the portfolio of PROOF IMPRESSION IN
MEZZOTINT, OR STIPPLE ENGRAVING IN COLORS, all the plates being restruck
from actual coppers, which were re-engraved from Proof Impressions of
the Original plates, no process, or mechanical method having been used
whatever, each plate (18 x 24 inches), protected by a paper wrapper,
lettered on front. The biographical and critical account of the lives of
these artists is one of the most elaborate ever attempted.
Only a limited number of sets beautifully printed on the finest hand-
made paper, the Portfolio of Proofs presenting the engravings of the
eighteenth century, with the grace and elaboration they deserve. Many
of the portrait studies are taken from life, and include,—Phebe Hoppner,
as “Salad Girl,’ painted by J. Hoppner; Countess of Mexborough, as
Elizabeth Stephenson, by Hoppner; The Douglas Children, in Juvenile
Retirement; Lady St. Aubyn, as Juliana, by Opie. There are also many
other charming subjects, including,—The Snake in the Grass, by Sir
J. Reynolds; The First Pledge of Love, by Morland ; Contemplation, by
Morland, &c.
414, Evior (Grorce). Felix Holt, the Radical. First Epirion. 3 vols.
12mo, original blue cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1866,
Very unusual in blue cloth, the general color being brown.
Ex1or (Gzorce). How Lisa Loved the King. 16mo, original cloth,
ink-stain on front cover and a water-stain on portions of the lower
edges of most of the leaves. Biston, 1869
Exiort (GzorcE). Life, as related in her Letters and J ournals. Ar-
ranged and edited by her husband, J. W. Cross. Portraits and
frontispiece. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut, and mainly unopened.
Edinburgh, 1885
Exior (Gzorce). The Writings of George Ehot. 20 vols. 12mo, half
crimson morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops.
Edinburgh: Blackwood, n.d.
CABINET EDITION. Printed on good paper, with clear type. Comprises,—
Daniel Deronda; The Spanish Gypsy; The Mill on the Floss; Romola ;
Middlemarch; Scenes of Clerical Life; Adam Bede; The Legend of
Jubal; Felix Holt; Silas Marner, etc.
Exiot (Grorcz). The Novels of George Eliot. Photogravure illus-
trations. 10 vols. 8vo, newly bound in three quarter crimson mo-
rocco, gilt backs and tops. Edinburgh: Blackwood, n.d.
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
“M. EH. Lewes” being correspondence addressed to Mr. Deutsch,
either from Germany, where she was in August, 1867, or from the
Priory, North Bank, Regents Park, from August 13, 1867, to, and
including, September 14, 1870. Three of the letters are not dated,
but were probably written between these periods. The letters lightly
hinged on paper, within pen-and-ink borders, each leaf guarded,
and the whole bound in a small 4to. volume of red morocco, con-
tents lettered on the side and back. In a cloth case.
of “Adam Bede” was written to Mr. Deutsch, about whom she wrote in
her journal on November 22, 1867. “. . . The author of the glorious
article on the Talmud is “that bright little man,” Mr. Deutsch—a very
dear, delightful creature.” They comprise 24 pages, and are of inti-
mate personal interest. Some extracts from them follow:
“Here we are among our beloved pine forests, renewing past joys—
& we like this so well that we do not think of journeying onward till
the 20th. Probably on the 22d we shall be at Dresden, so will you please
address your (promised) precious packet to me at the Poste Restante
* * 5 o *
“May it be long before you go thither in the mysterious boat & make
it heavy with the invisible weight of your soul! Also pray send me any
word you can about our friend Mrs. F. Lehmann. ;
Mr. Lewes unites in begging you to accept our kind regards,”
* * * * * *
J “See how I take it on me to tell you our duty! But as a German you
are bound to be reverent to rather silly old women & take them for
I am delighted to tell you that Mr. Lewes is already a new creature
as to his digestion.”
* * * ys ew x
“We have been thinking of you much since you parted from us yes-
terday, & have made ourselves all the more indignant at the buzzing &
stinging which is tormenting you. I beseech you not to battle with it.
Escape from it—mentally, I mean, by working steadily without refer-
ence to any temporary chit-chat, whether silly, ignorant, or curious.
Of course the noise of admiration is always half of it contemptible in its
quality, & as besotting as bad wine if a man lets himself take too much
of it. And the spite, the head-shaking, the depreciation that comes as a
consequence, are the muddiest reflux of muddy waters.
Get rid of it all by a huge effort of will, & don’t run the risk of being
maddened by insect stings. Let your articles be what they please—are
you accountable to the world for the fuss they have made about it?’
* * * % * ‘*
“It has been a painful thought to me that we should have told you
we wavered & almost wished you had gone away from this Bable. It
was a sort of figure in Mr. Lewes’ speech last night; he only meant to
impress on you his sense of the need that you should keep yourself in
calm air. You do not believe that we can help, beneath all, rejoicing
that you have not gone on that frightfully uncertain journey.”
* * * cs * *
“I write in case I do not see you tomorrow to tell you that I have
no courage to write when I am away because I never believe that any
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
[No. 419—Continued |
one cares for me for a fortnight together unless I have some renewed
assurance of eye or voice or hand. But if you should happen to have a
wish directed towards me, write to me on thin paper & address the letter
to this house ‘To be forwarded ;” then I will write.”
ce *# * * iy
“Mr. Lewes was in sad condition when he set out again in search of
health, but he is very well now & can make his mornings interesting by
revising his Hist. of Philosophy without feeling himself helpless for the
rest of the day. Several hours are filled for us by reading & talk about
the war, & for a still longer time we think & dream of it. I suppose
you have been to Breslau & have seen & heard much of German feeling,
action, & alas, suffering. One can only hope that this is not the mere
beginning of sorrows.
Mr. Lewes is heartily sharing in the impulse that makes me write, &
in anxious wishes that we may soon know of your full recovery.”
ok * * * *
“Thrice welcome! Keep next Sunday for us, if you can, & come to
lunch at 4% past 1. We shall not be satisfied with a small allowance of
talk. Somebody may have told you that we have a house-trouble—a
dear lad lying ill. But that makes our evenings all the more open for
conversation, & if you can’t come next Sunday & will come some evening
before then, you will find affection and bring gladness.”
420. Emerson (RatpH Watpo). A. L. S., 2pp. 8vo, Concord, May 7, 1860.
To L. Seymour Ashley, New York, acknowledging the “very cour-
teous arrangements the Athenaeum has made in my behalf,’ for
one of his lectures. With addressed envelope, bearing original
421. Emerson (RatpH Watpo). A. L. S., 4pp. 8vo, Concord, May 28,
1860. To L. Seymour Ashley, New York. With addressed en-
velope, bearing original stamp.
Regards readings at the club, and acknowledges the “Honorary” reso-
lutions of the Board of Management, and the Treasurer’s cheque for one
hundred dollars;—“I am happy that any readings of mine, in that
agreeable evening, found such good-natured acceptance from yourself
and from the club. I acknowledge too, with much gratification, the
offered liberty of the Club House.” ‘
422. Enetish LanpscapE Parntrnc. Holme (Charles). Masters of Eng-
lish Landscape Painting,—J. S. Cotman, David Cox, Peter De
Wint. With many full-page plates, several in colors. Imperial 8vo,
cloth, wrappers bound in. London: The Studio, 1903
423. ENGRAVED Portraits. Carson Collection. Engraved Portraits of Wash-
ington, Jefferson, Franklin, Lafayette, etc., and Autograph Letters
and Historical Documents. With reproductions of some of the
originals. Together, 5 parts, royal 8vo, cloth.
Philadelphia, 1904
Comprises, Parts 1 to 4, with Supplement to Part 4, of the Hampton
L. Carson Collection, each part with printed price-list inserted.
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
424. Encravep Portraits. Mitchell Collection, Engraved Portraits of ©
Washington, Eminent Americans, Beautiful Women, English Roy-
alty, Officers in the Army and Navy, Napoleon Bonaparte, ete.
With many reproductions of the originals. ‘Together, 13 vols. royal
8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1906-1913
Comprises, Parts 1 to 13 of the James T. Mitchell Collection of Por-
traits, Parts, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 have printed price-list inserted.
425. ENGRAVED Portraits. Evans (Edward). Catalogue of a Collection of
Engraved Portraits; [also] Catalogue of Engraved British Por-
traits. ‘Together, 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. | London: Evans, n.d.
426. ENGRAvINGS (Harty DutcH). Lwuikens (Jan). Kunsttafereelen der
Herste Christenen. In Dichtmaat verklaard door Pieter Langen-
dyk. Verrykt met Byschriften onder de Prentverbeeldingen door
Claas Bruin. With 92 copperplate engravings, showing the mar-
tyrdom of the early Christians. 4to, original stamped parchment.
Amsterdam, 1736
427. Eneravines. Wright (G. N.—Editor). The Gallery of Engravings.
Nearly 200 full-page plates engraved by J. Knight, R. Hicks, J.
Thomson, Le Petit, &c. after Allom. W. Gill, Corbould, W. Derby,
and many others. 3 vols. 4to, gilt backs, sides, and edges.
London, n.d.
428. ENGRAVINGS AND WoopcuTs BY THE OLD Masters. (Saec. XV-XIX).
Reproduced in facsimile under the direction of Dr. Fr. Lippmann.
10 sections, (5 volumes, 2 sections to a volume), large folio, mo-
rocco backs and cloth, uncut.
London: Bernard Quaritch, 1889-1900
SETS WERE PREPARED. Volume I. contains 51 engravings on 45 plates and
40 woodcuts on 29 plates; Volume II., 170 engravings on 74 plates; Vol-
ume III., 151 engravings on 108 plates; Volume IV., 229 woodcuts on
145 plates; Volume V., 100 engravings on 97 plates and 13 woodcuts on
3 plates, with permanent titles and indexes.
429. Erasmus (DesipErius). Jortin (John). The Life of Erasmus. Por-
trait. 3 vols. 8vo, full morocco, rebacked and refurbished, gilt backs
and sides, leather labels. London, 1808
430. Estaine (CHartes Hector, Comrze D’). “La Valeur Récompensée, A
la prise de la Grenade le 4 Juillet, 1779.” Full-length portrait of
Kstaing, in military uniform, full front, with drawn sword in right
hand, surrounded by officers, receiving the surrender of the garri-
son; in right background, ramparts, fort and soldiers; in left back-
ground, ships in the harbor. Peint par Demarne. [Engraved by]
D. . LINE ENGRAVING. Height, 12 8/16; width, 16 inches.
Margins cut close, small hole in left centre. Matted.
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
431. Evans (NaTHANIEL). Poems on Several Occasions, with some other
Compositions. 8vo, original sheep, leather label.
Philadelphia: John Dunlap, 1772
First Epition. The author was a missionary for Gloucester County,
New Jersey. After his death, his friend, the Reverend Dr. William
Smith published the above selections of his poems, with a memoir. NSev-
eral are by “Laura,” the famous Mrs. Ferguson, granddaughter of Sir
William Keith, Colonial Governor of Pennsylvania.
432. Faps anp Fancies of Representative Americans at the Beginning of
the Twentieth Century. Being a Portrayal of their Tastes, Diver-
sions and Achievements. Splendidly illustrated with hundreds of
large and small portraits, views, facsvmiles, etc., Imperial 4to, bound
in full dark-green levant morocco extra, back, sides, and inside bor-
ders richly tooled in gold, doublures and ends of dark green wa-
tered-silk, full gilt edges.
New York: Town Topics Pub. Co., 1905
One of a very limited number of copies on Japanese paper. A luxurious
and notable American book giving a vivid pen.picture of society. Vol-
ume is enclosed in an oak case, lined with green velvet, with brass
433. FarrFIELD, ConnEcticur. Dwight (Timothy). Greenfield Hill: a
Poem, in Seven Parts. 8vo, half sheep, somewhat rubbed.
3 New York, 1794
First Epirion. Contains an “Account of the Burning of Fairfield by
the British,” and the “Destruction of the Pequots” by Captain Mason.
434, FarrHorNe (WiLLIAM). Fagan (Louis). A Descriptive Catalogue of
: the Engraved Works of William Faithorne [a detail description of
each plate listed]. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut.
London: Quaritch, 1888
435. Fane (VioteT). Poems. With portrait on Japanese paper, engraved
by E. Stodart. 2 vols. 8vo, calf backs and cloth, gilt tops, uncut.
London, 1892
One of 365 copies printed on Arnold’s handmade paper, each copy
436. Ferree (Barr). American Estates and Gardens. Profusely wlustrated.
Ato, decorative cloth, gilt top. New York, 1904
43”, FINDEN (E. aND W.). Finden’s Illustrations of the Life and Works of
Lord Byron. With Original and Selected Information on the Sub-
jects of the Engravings, by W. Brockedon. With many fine line
portraits and views, engraved by W. and E. Finden, after celebrated
paintings by Stanfield, Harding, Cooper, and other artists. 3 vols.
4to, morocco, gilt edges. London: John Murray, 1833-1834
LARGE Paper. Fine impressions of the plates.
438. Finiguerra (Maso). A Florentine Picture-Chronicle, being a series of
ninety-nine drawings representing scenes and personages of an-
cient history, sacred and profane. Reproduced from the originals
Second Session, Wednesday Evening, April 5th
[| No. 488—Continued |
in the British Museum, with many minor illustrations drawn from
contemporary sources. Critical and descriptive text, by Sidney Col-
vin. Large folio, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Quaritch, 1898
One of the most beautiful works of its kind ever produced.
FITZGERALD (EKpwarD). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Translated into
English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. With an Introduction by A.
C. Benson. Reproduced from the manuscript written and ilumi-
nated by Sangorskt & Sutcliffe, with 2 full-page illuminated plates,
finely colored vignettes, and beautifully decorated initials in gold
and colors. Imperial 8vo, white cloth, decorated front cover in gilt
peacock design, gilt top, uncut. London: Siegle, Hill & Co., n.d.
Laid in is a 10-line A. N. by Fitzgerald, referring to Tennyson and
his metre; also a fine Proof etching of Fitzgerald, by S. Hollyer, signed
by both the artist and Edward Fitzgerald.
FirzGERALD (Prercy). The Romance of the English Stage. 2 vols.
8vo, newly and handsomely bound in full dark-green levant mo-
rocco, gilt backs and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. In cloth
slip case. London: Richard Bentley, 1874
First EpITIon, and ExtTra-ILLusTRATED by the insertion of 72 portraits,
many of which are IN coLors, including some of well-known actors in
Forr-Epcr Painting. Jameson (Mrs.). Legends of the Madonna, as
represented in the Fine Arts, forming the third series of Sacred and
Legendary Art. Illustrated with woodcuts and drawings. First
Epition. 8vo, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges.
London, 1852
Forstar (Joun—Author, Biographer of Charles Dickens). A. L. §.,
3pp. 16mo, October 5, 1846. To Mr. Harness, referring to a col-
lected set of papers.
FortiFIcATIoNs. Korte Beschryvinghe, of a Collection of over 160 En-
graved plans of Fortificiations, Forts, Citadels, Fortified Harbours
and Cities; Armed Vessels, Naval Attacks, and many other various
ways of Attack and Defence in Warfare. By Jacobus Peeters.
Oblong 8vo, half blue polished morocco. Antwerp, (1600)
Collection illustrates the fortifications at Suez, Tripoli, Jerusalem,
Alexandria, Tunis, and many other places.
Fox (CaroLine). Memories of Old Friends; being Extracts from the
Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox, of Penjerrick, Cornwall,
from 1835 to 1871. Edited by Horace N. Pym. To which are
added 14 original Letters from J. S. Mill, never before published.
® vols. 12mo, three quarter green levant morocco, gilt backs and
tops, by Root. | London, 1882
EXxTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 91 portraits of characters men-
tioned in the work, including,—Edmund Kean, Schiller, Burns, Shelley,
Flaxman, the sculptor, and many others; also several views.
Third Session, Numbers 445 to 666, inclusive
445, [FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN).| The Interest of Great Britain Considered,
With Regard to her Colonies, And the Aquisitions of Canada and
Guadaloupe. To which are added Observations concerning the In-
crease of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc. 8vo, half roan,
manuscript notes on margins cut into. London, 1760
First Epirion. This powerful argument for retaining Canada rather
than the Indies, was published by Franklin. According to Sabin, the
writer was Richard Jackson. At the time of its publication, Franklin
was residing in London, as Agent for Pennsylvania. oa
446. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). “L’Amérique Indépendante.” A. Borel in-
venit et delineavit 1778. J. C. le Vasseur Sculptor. Portrait of
Franklin, full-length, in a Roman dress, crowned with oak leaves,
standing amid a group of figures at the foot of a statue of Liberty,
with wand in his left hand, pointing to an Indian maiden kneeling
at the base of the monument; over the whole, the figure of “War”
with shield and spear; in the background trees and shrubbery; in
margin at bottom, a harp in a circle composed of thirteen links,
upon which are the names of the thirteen states. LINE ENGRAVING.
A Paris, ches l’auteur rue Boucherat au coin de la rue Saintonge.
Height, 17 2/16; width, 13 11/16. Matted. 1778
447, FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical
Pieces. Now first collected, with Explanatory Plates, Notes, and
an Index. Engraved portrait of Franklin and 3 plates. First
Eprtion. 4to, old calf, leather label, stenciled name on title, small
tear on outer margin of title. London, 1779
First Eprrion. This work was published at the time of Franklin’s
negotiations with France for a credit for the United States and contains
his comparison of Great Britain and American credit in 1777, also his
views of affairs in England and America, both before and during the
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
448, FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). “The Politician.” Portrait, half-length, near-
ly profile, to right, with eyeglasses, seated at a table reading a news-
paper; the left hand resting on a pamphlet, entitled—“Observa-
tions on the nature of Civil Liberty,” ete. Painted by E. Elmer.
Engraved by T. Ryder. Line ENGRAvING. Published as the Act
directs May Ist, 1782 by T. Ryder and sold by A. Torre & I. Thane,
No. 28 Hay Market. Height, 13 6/16; width, 11 11//16 inches.
Matted. : 1782
449, FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). The Way to Wealth, or Poor Richard Im-
proved [La Science du Bonhomme Richard; Lettres de Franklin;
Dialogue entre la Goutte et Franklin; Quelques Mots sur lA-
merique.| With the rare portrait of Franklin, engraved by Tar-
dieu, after Duplessis. Small 8vo, half sheep, leather label, slight
stain on one leaf. Paris: Printed for Ant. Aug. Renouard, 1795
The prettiest of the early editions of this celebrated work, with the
first part printed in both French and English. The Letters above-men-
tioned are private, and addressed to Madame * * * *, dated Passy, 1778-
1779. The above copy is evidently on LarcE Paperr, as it contains in
addition to the works noted,—“Observations sur les Sauvages du Nord de
l’Amerique,” which was omitted in the regular edition.
450. FranKuIn’s Epirion or THE PENNSYLVANIA Laws. The Charters of
the Province of Pennsylvania and the City of Philadelphia, pp. 30;
A Collection of All the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania:
Now in Force, pp. 562; An Appendix, containing a Summary of
such Acts of Assembly As have been formerly in Force within this
Province, for Regulating and Descents, and Transferring the Prop-
erty of Lands, [with Table], pp. IV, 24, XI. 3 vols. in one, small
folio, original calf, rebacked, in half green morocco ‘solander case,
title to Charter torn, otherwise a perfect copy.
Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, 1742
Three complete Franklin publications, with separate titles to each, with
the above imprint.
451. FrEEMAsonry. Armstrong (Lebbeus). The Man of Sin Revealed; or,
The Total Overthrow of the Institution of Freemasonry. Curious
woodcut on title. 8vo, new boards. N.p. [New York?, 1829]
Scarce anti-masonic pamphlet. Contains, also, the correspondence,
showing the manner of the author’s exclusion from his pulpit, and ex-
pulsion from the royal arch chapter, together with his renunciation of
masonry, all of which was made known in Edinburgh, Saratoga County,
New York, August 13, 1829, the author having been a former pastor of
the Presbyterian Church in that place.
452. FRENCH AND AMERICAN War. Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan (Daughter of
Major Moncrieffe). Written by Herself: being Anecdotes of the
Late American and the Present French War. 12mo, sheep, strength-
ened at hinges. New York, 1795
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
FRENCH AND AMERICAN War. Maryland Journal, Extra. Note of P.
A. Adet, Minister of the French Republic, to the Secretary of
State of the United States. 8vo, new boards, uncut and un-
opened. Baltimore, 1796
Relates to the severance of diplomatic relations between France and
the United States, which later on led for a short time to open hostilities.
The note, accompanied by documentary papers, is based on the protection
given by the United States to English vessels which captured French
FRENCH AND AMERICAN War. Observations on the Dispute between
the United States and France. Addressed by Robert G. Harper, to
his Constituents, in May, 1797. 8vo, new boards, uncut.
Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Bradford, 1797
Fine large copy of the First EDITION.
FRENCH AND AMERICAN War. Review of the Administration of the
Government of the United States of America, since 1793; or, The
Correspondence between the Secretary of State [T. Pickering] and
the French Minister [P. A. Adet] on that subject. 8vo, new
boards. - Boston, 1797
FRENCH AND AMERICAN War. Wells (John). An Oration. .the Fourth
of July, 1798, at St. Paul’s Church, before the Young Men of the
City of New York. 8vo, new boards, uncut. New York, 1798
FRENCH AND AmericAN War. Harper (Robert G.). Observations
on the Dispute between the United States and France, 1798; Ad-
dress to his Constituents, containing his Reasons for Approving
the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation with Great Britain,
1796; Letter From Robert Harper to his Constituents, 1801; Mes-
sage of the President of the United States, with accompanying
Communications from the Envoys Extraordinary to the French
Republic, 1798. Together, 4 pamphlets.
Boston and Philadelphia, v.d.
FRENCH AND InpIAN War. Maps and Plans. “Recueil des Plans de
VAmerique Septentrionale.” 11 copper-plate maps, plans and views,
finely engraved. In one vol. 4to, old marbled wrappers, uncut.
Paris: Chez Le Sr. Le Rouge.. et de S. A. S. M. le Comte de
Clermont, 1755
An important series of maps and views relating to the French and In-
dian War in America, among them being the following,—‘‘Philadelphia
par Easburn” [a plan of the city] ;” “Plan de la ville de Quebec;” “Vue
de Quebec;” “Plan d’Amboy,” View of Charlestown, View of Fort Sulli-
van [the last three on one sheet]; “Port Royal ;” “Sault du Niagara,”
[a fine view of. the Falls]; and other plans.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
459. FRENCH AND INDIAN War. Davies (Samuel). Religion and Patriotism
the Constituents of a Good Soldier. A Sermon Preached to Cap-
tain Overton’s Independent Company of Volunteers, raised in Han-
over County, Virginia, August 17, 1755. 8vo, new boards.
Philadelphia, Printed: London, Re-printed, 1756
A stirring discourse delivered on the eve of the company’s departure
to join the expedition against Fort Du Quesne and Quebec. Mentions
the death of General Braddock and the surrender of the British army.
In a foot note the author prophesies the future greatness of Washing-
460. FRENCH AND InpIAN War. Davies (Samuel). The Curse of Cow-
ardice: a Sermon Preached to the Militia of Hanover County, in
Virginia, at a General Muster, May 8, 1758. With a View to
raise a Company for Captain Samuel Meredith. 36pp. 12mo, new
boards. London, 1758
On the defense of the Colonies from the attacks of the Indians and
French; mentions Braddock’s Defeat, and calls on the Colonies for a
decisive Blow (the invasion of Canada).
461. FrENcH aND INDIAN War. Some Account of the Expedition Against
the Cheroques Commanded by Governor Lyttleton of South Caro-
lina, 1759. Newspaper clippings, about 15 columns, taken from the
“South Carolina Gazette,” 1759-1760. Pasted on separate sheets,
and bound in one vol. folio, new boards. Charleston, 1759-1760
462. FRENCH AND InpIAN War. A Letter Addressed to Two Great Men, on
the Prospect of Peace; And on the Terms necessary to be in-
sisted upon in the Negotiation. 8vo, new half roan, small tear in
margin of one leaf. London, 1760
First EpITIoN. Relates to the Treaty of Utrecht and attributed to
various writers, including Junius, William Pulteney, and John Doug-
las. The “Two Great Men,’ were William Pitt and the Duke of New-
castle. The writer reviews the relationship of the French Canadians and
the Five Indian Nations of New York, the enlargement of the French
Boundary in violation of concessions, the fortification of Niagara, and the
French Usurpations on the Ohio, and urges his government in making
peace with France, to require from her the relinquishment of Canada and
463. FRENCH AND INDIAN War. Remarks on the Letter Address’d to Two
Great Men. In a Letter to the Author of that Piece. 8vo, new half
roan. London, circa 1760
This tract, together with that preceding, brought forth, Franklin’s ‘The
Interest of Great Britain Considered.”
464. FRENCH AND INDIAN War. CoLorED Map. “A General Map of North
America; In which is express’d the Several New Roads, Forts, En-
gagements, etc. taken from actual surveys and observations made in
the Army employed there, from the year 1754 to 1761.” Drawn
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
| No. 464—Continued |
by John Rocque, Topographer to his Majesty. Engraved on two
sheets, each 17 x 3514 inches, Mounted as one, full size 34 x 351%
inches, with good margins. Matted.
[London]: Published by M. A. Rocque [1761]
An important historical map. Canada is laid down as British Canada,
separated from the Government of Quebec by land known as Indian ter-
ritory, the Atlantic states extend as far as the Mississippi, Louisiana
being a comparatively small strip of land, with all the west as New
465. FrRENcH AND InpiAN War. Preliminary Articles of Peace, between His
Britannick Majesty, the Most Christian King, and the Catholick
King. Signed at Fountainebleau, the 3rd Day of November, 1762.
Text in French and English. 4to, half green morocco.
London: E. Owen’and T. Harrison, 1762
First Epirron. By the provision of this treaty, the possessions of Ing-
land, France and Spain in America, were definitely defined, France ceding
to Great Britain, Canada with all its dependencies, including Cape
Britain and all the other islands on the coast, reserving only the right of
her subjects to the fisheries and the privilege of drying on a part of the
coast of New Foundland, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
466. FRENCH AND INDIAN War. Sewall (Joseph). A Sermon preached at
the Thursday Lecture in Boston, September 16, 1762, before the
Great and General Court of the Province of Massachusetts Bay. .on
the Joyful News of the Reduction of the Havannah (Havana,
Cuba). 8vo, new boards. Boston: J. Draper, 1762
With signature of Samuel Dana, of Cambridge and Groton, Massachu-
setts, a clergyman, afterwards admitted to the Bar, and made Judge of
Hillsborough County, New Hampshire.
46%. FreNcH AND InpIAN War. Entick (John, and others). The General
History of the Late War: containing its Rise, Progress, and Event
in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. With copperplate maps and
portraits. 5 vols. 8vo, calf, rebacked, gilt, leather labels.
London, 1775 [1765 |-1770
A contemporary account containing much valuable information relat-
ing to the French and Indian War, the encroachments of the French,
attack on Fort Williams, Braddock’s Expedition, the expedition against
Louisburg, Siege of Quebec, operations in Canada and Newfoundland
and of the British and French fleets in American waters, Indian wa rfare,
etc., with maps of Siege of Quebec, the West Indies, etc., and portraits
of celebrated officers of the British army in America.
468. FRENCH AND INDIAN War. Map, partiy cotorep. “British Dominions
in America, agreeable to the Treaty of 1763.” Divided into the
several Provinces and Jurisdictions, by Thos. Kitchin. Size, 1714
x 211% inches. Matted.
London: Published by Andrew Dury, June 17, 1777
Not in Phillips.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
FRENCH AND InpIAN War. George III. D. S., 42pp. folio, Court of St.
James, April 29, 1777. Signed thrice by King George III., C.
Townshend, Beauchamp and C. W. Cornwall. ‘Whereas Our Par-
liament of Great Britain, hath thought fit to grant the following al-
lowances to several Officers and Private Gentlemen of the two troops
of Horse Guards, and the Superannuated Gentlemen of the Four
Troops of Horse Guards for the year 1777. . .”, few pp. water-
stained. 1777
Contains names of Officers, etc., of regiments disbanded in 1763, among
which will be found a Corps of Rangers raised in North America; In-
dependent Company of New York; South Carolina, ete.; Officers of a
company of Free Negroes raised for the service in Havanna; also names
of officers of Regiments disbanded at Louisburg, ete.
FreNcH Encravers. Duplessis (Georges). Histoire de la Gravure en
France. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt back and top, uncut.
Paris, 1861
FreNcH Pasrevuists. Macfall (Haldane). The French Pastellists of
the Eighteenth Century: Their Lives, their Times, their Art, and
their Significance. Edited by T. Leman Hare. With 52 colored
reproductions, each plate hinged on separate sheet. 4to, cloth, gilt
top. - London: Macmillan Co., 1909
Frencw Repusiic. A Sketch of the History of France, from the Sus-
pension of the Monarchy in 1792, to its Re-Establishment in 1815.
With Illustrative Official Papers. Portraits of Lowis XVI., 8vo,
new half red polished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut.
London, 1817
Frenco Revoturion. Goudemetz (H.). Historical Epochs of the
French Revolution. Translated from the French, by Dr. Ran-
dolph. To which is subjoined the Judgment and Execution of
Louis XVI. 8vo, half new light green polished morocco, gilt back.
gilt top, uncut. Bath, (England), 1796
. FRENCH REVOLUTION. (TuRBAT.) Proces des Bourbons, contenant des
details historiques sur la journee du 10 aout 1792, les evenements
qui ont precede, accompaigne et suivi le jugement de Louis XVI;
les proces de Marie Antoinette, de Louis Philippe d’Orleans, d’Elisa-
beth, et de plusieurs particularites sur la maladie et la mort de
Louis Charles, fils de Louis XVI, ete. Hngraved portraits of Louis
XVI, Marie Antoinette, Lows Charles and Marie-Therese-Char-
lotte, Lows Philippe d’Orleans and Princesse Elizabeth, and 3 plates
representing the parting of Lows XVI from his court, &c. 2 vols.,
8vo, contemporary half calf. Hambourg (Paris), 1798
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
FRENCH ReEvotution. A Journal of Occurrences at the Temple during
the confinement of Louis XVI, King of France. By M. Clery,
the king’s valet-de-chambre. Translated from the original manu-
script by R. C. Dallas. With view of the Temple, artd plan. 8vo,
half crimson levant morocco, gilt back and top, by Zaehnsdorf.
London, 1798
FRENCH ReEvoLution. M’Gregor (John James). History of the French
Revolution, and of the Wars resulting from that memorable Event,
comprising the Political and Military Annals of Europe and its
dependencies, from the year 1789 to 1815. With numerous fine por-
traits of the participants, those of the military in uniform, also
folding maps. 12 vols. 8vo, half light brown polished calf, gilt
backs, gilt tops. OTHER EDGES UNCUT, by Morrell. London, 1828
A VERY FINE SET of the Library Edition, and seldom found uncut, as
FRENCH REvoLuTION. Dumont (Etienne). Recollections of Mirabeau,
and of the two first Legislative Assemblies of France. 8vo, new
half red polished morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1832
FrEeNcH Romance. A Century of French Romance. Edited by Ed-
mund Gosse. With portraits and numerous tlustrations, the front-
wspieces IN coLoRS. 20 vols. 8vo, half dark-red levant morocco,
backs decorated with garlands of flowers, gilt tops, uncut, Morris
paper sides. New York: Appleton €o., (1902)
“HANDSOME SET of the Versailles Edition, limited to 250 sets. Com-
prises the writings of the best French novelists of the XIXth century ;—
Daudet, Flaubert, Gautier and others.
FRENCH-SPANISH Royat Fersrivau. Description des Festes données par
la Ville de Paris, a Voccasion du Mariage de Madame Louise-Hliza-
beth de France, & de Dom Philippe, Infant & Grand Amiral d’Es-
pagne, les vingt-neuviéme & trentiéme Aoftit mil sept cent trente-
neuf. With 12 full-page, and double page engravings showing plans
and elevations of the Royal Pavilion, and a large engraved view of
the Ilumination (the latter 20 x 23 inches), sectional views of the
interior, etc., by J. F. Blondel. Large folio, in the original red mo-
rocco binding, gilt, with arms of the City of Paris, gilt edges.
Paris, 1740
480. Froger (F.). Relation d’un Voyage fait en 1695, 1696, & 1697, aux
Cotes d’Afrique, Détroit de Magellan, Bresil, Cayenne, et Isles An-
_ tilles, par une Escadre des Vaisseaux du Roi, comandée par M. de
Gennes, faite par le Sieur Foger. Hngraved title and 28 engraved
maps and plates. 16mo, calf, rebound, margins cut close, stenciled
name on title. Amsterdam, 1699
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
481. Funke (Witi1am). A Most Pleasant Prospect into the Garden of
Naturall Contemplation, to behold the naturall causes of all kind
of Meteors. Woodcut title with illustrated border. ‘Text in BLACK
LETTER. 16mo, calf, rebound, some pp. stained.
London: Printed for Wilham Leake, 1602
482. Futter (Tuomas). The Church History of Britain, from the Birth
of Jesus Christ, untill the year MDCXLVIII. Copperplate en-
gravings. Small folio, full straight grained red morocco, gilt back,
triple border line on sides, gilt edges, by Stikeman.
London: Printed by John Williams, 1655
First Eprrion, with the two engraved plates (one by Hollar) of the
Litchfield Cathedral, two plates of heraldic designs, and the engraved
map of “Cantabrigia, 1634.”
483. Furniture. A series of 30 COLORED AQUATINTS of Furniture, including
tables, chairs, sofas, bookcases, ete. Bound in one volume, new half
polished morocco, gilt back and top, with specially printed title.
; London: Ackermann, 1828
Extracted from ’Ackermann’s Repository,’ and all neatly inlaid, they
form an unusual collection of plates of the rich furniture of the period.
484. Furniture. Pollen (John Hungerford). Ancient and Modern Furni-
ture and Woodwork. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts. 12mo,
newly bound in three quarter blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt
top, uncut. New York, 1877
First Epirion, Extra-ILLustrAtTeD by the insertion of about seventy
FINELY COLORED PLATES, Showing the assorted styles in furniture, many
being extracted from “Ackermann’s Repository.”
485. GAINE (HuGH) Imprint. Moore (Thomas). The New York Pocket
Almanack for the Year 1772. 24mo, new boards, lacks plate.
New York: Printed by Hugh Gaine [1771]
The Almanac portion is interleaved; the balance contains a List of -
Field Officers to his Majesty’s Forces in North America, the Staff of the
British Army in America; A Table of New-Jersey Bills reduced to
New York Currency; Rates of the Wharfage of Vessels within the City
of New York; Value of New York and Pennsylvania Currency; Officers
of King’s College, New York, and Lists of Court and Civil Officials.
486. GAINE (HueH) Imprint. Hutchins Improved; being an Almanack
and Ephemeris, for 1788. 12mo, new boards, uncut.
New York: Printed by Hugh Gaines, [1787]
Contains a Copy of the Result of the Deliberations of the Federal Con-
vention, September 17, 1787, with one of the earliest printed forms of
the Constitution of the United States.
487. GAINE (HucH) Imprint. Moore (Thomas L.). A Sermon delivered
in Trinity-Church and St. Paul’s in the City of New York, on
Sunday the 14th of October, 1792. 8vo, new boards, uncut.
New York: Hugh Gaine, 1792
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
488. GainsporoucH (Tuomas). Horne (Henry Percy). An Illustrated
Catalogue of Engraved Portraits and Fancy Subjects Painted by
Thomas Gainsborough, published between 1760 and 1820, and by
George Romney, published between 1770 and 1830. With the Va-
riations of the State of the Plates. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut.
London, 1891
Contains descriptions of 229 subjects.
489. GALLATIN (ALBERT—Secretary of the Treasury under Thomas Jeffer-
son). A. L. S., 1p. 4to, Treasury Department, September 6, 1805.
To Thomas Willing, President of the Bank of the United States,
regarding a loan obtained from that institution by the United
States, which amounted to seven hundred thousand dollars. With
address and Gallatin’s signature in duplicate.
490, GARCILASSO DE LA Vuca. Extracts from his “Commentarios Reales”:
Como se descubrio el Nuevo Mundo, libro I, Cap. 3, etc. MaAnv-
SCRIPT ON PAPER WRITTEN IN Mexico towards the end of the 18th
century. 4to, contemporary vellum. Saec. XVIII
491. GARFIELD (James A.—President United States). L. 8., lp.8vo, Men-
tor, Ohio, June 29, 1880. To Geo. M. Jones, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Written while attending: the Republican Convention, he being at the
head of the Ohio delegation.
492. Gautier (TufopHite). Mademoiselle de Maupin. Beautifully alus-
trated with 19 Drawings by E. Toudouze, etched by Lesueur; the
PLATES IN TWO STATES, one being proof before letters on India pa-
per, the other proof before letters on Japanese vellum, with re-
marque. 2 vols., 8vo, finely bound in full brown levant morocco,
sides, backs, and inside borders richly tooled in gold, doublures and
ends of cream moiré silk, gilt tops, other edges uncut, by Zaehns-
dorf. London: Walpole Press, Printed for Subscribers only, 1899
GRanp Epit1on DE Luxs, strictly limited, printed entirely on Japanese
vellum. The second volume contains the suppressed page, and all volumes
are enclosed in chamois-lined cases. j
493. Gautier (Tufornite). The Writings of Gautier. Translated and
Edited by Professor F. C. de Sumichrast. With illustrations on
Japanese paper. 24 vols. 8vo, half crimson polished morocco, gilt
backs and tops, uncut.
(New York): The Jenson Society; Printed for Members only,
Limited an numbered library edition.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
494. Gay (JoHN). The Beggar’s Opera. As it is Acted at the Theatre-
Royal in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. The Second Edition: To which is
added the Overture in Score; and the Musick prefix’d to each Song.
Music engraved on copperplates. 12mo, dark-brown levant mo-
rocco, gilt back and inside borders, gilt top.
London: Printed for John Watts, 1728
Although labelled Second Edition, this is said to be the First aurHor-
. GELL (Str WiLt1am). Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Or-
naments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 1819. Nuwmer-
ous engraved views, plans, figures, dc a few IN coLors. 2 vols.
4to, half green morocco, gilt backs and edges. London, 1832
GrorcE I. D.S8., pp. 1-25. “A List of the Reduced Officers of our
Land Forces and Marines intitled to Receive Half Pay in Our King-
dom of Great Britain, for the Year 1723.” Folio, 23pp.
GrorcE IT. D. S., 10pp. folio, Court at Kingston, October 3, 1759.
Signed by King George II. eight times, also signed by Lord North,
and others.
Interesting documents relating to the establishment of the British
Military forces at Gibraltar; Warrant for deductions in pay, etc.;
Charges of the garrison, ete.
GrorcE JI. “His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales.” Portrait,
full-length, in uniform, standing beside horse, body to front,
head to right, right hand resting on hip, left arm on saddle of horse,
beneath tree, in background a troop of soldiers. Mxzzorint. En-
graved by J. R. Smith, after [Thomas Gainsborough]. Height,
25 8/16; width, 17 12//16 inches, two slight tears in margin.
Matted. Pie
GrorGE III. D. 8. 28pp. folio. Court at St. James, 1760. Various
Military Documents, relating to the Establishment of the King’s
forces in that part of the kingdom known as Great Britain, Regu-
lation of Subsistence, Number of Companies in various Commands,
Pay of same, etc. Signed five times by King George III., and sey-
eral times by H. B. Legge, Lord North and James Oswald.
. GEorGE IIT. D.S., 81pp. folio. Court at St. James, 1761. Various
Military Documents, Regulation of Subsistence, Warrants for de-
ducting pay, etc. Signed 14 times by King George III., and several
times by Barrington, Lord North and James Oswald.
Relate to military matters of 1761. .
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
GrorGE III. D.S., 38pp. folio. Court at St. James, 1762. Various
documents relating to Military Regulations and Subsistence.
Signed several times (eight) by King George III., also several
copies of the King’s signature, signed also by Barrington, Lord
North and James Oswald, a few pp. of the above are copied from
the originals.
GEORGE Ill. D.8., 10pp. folio, Court of St. James, 1772. Signed
nine times by King George III., also signed by Townshend, Dyson,
and others, pp. torn into.
Concern Military matters, especially the establishment of British mili-
tary forces in the Island of Minorca.
GrorcE III. D. 8., 12pp. folio, Court of St. James, June 22, 1782.
Signed by George III., Greenville, and Montage.
Mentions the establishment of the regiments and the augmentations
to the British forces, under command of Colonel John Burgoyne, Major
General Rowley, and others.
Grorce III. D.S., 6pp. folio. Court at St. James, October 1, 1791.
Military Document relative to the Establishment of the Forces in
the East Indies. Signed four times by George III., also signed by
Ed. J. Eliot, Bayham, and Mornington.
. Gxorce III. “His Most Sacred Majesty George III. King of Great
Britain.” Portrait, full-bust, head to right, with embroidered coat,
and regalia. Frye pinxt. Mezzorinr. Printed for John Bowles
at the Black Horse in Cornhill . . . London. Height, 14; width,
9 14/16 inches. Matted.
Fine impression.
Gzorce III. “George III. King of Great Britain, &. &c.” Portrait,
full-bust, in armor, in profile to left. Oval with border in rectangle.
Mezzotint. Done after the Coronation Medal. Richd. Hous-
ton fecit. Printed for Hen. Parker & Eliz. Bakewell in Cornhill &
Robert Sayer in Fleet Street. Height, 12 14/16; width, 9 inches.
With wide margins. Matted.
Grssner (Satomon). The Death of Abel in Five Books. Attempted
from the German of Gessner. Portrait, engraved title, and plates
by Blackberd after Stothard. Royal 8vo, full calf, leather label,
binding somewhat rubbed. London, 1797
LARGE PAPER copy. Bound in with the above are,—‘New Idyls,” and
“The Two Friends of Bourbon.”
. Grspon (Epwarp). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman
Empire. With Notes by Dean Milman and M. Guizot. Edited,
with additional Notes by William Smith. Portrait and maps. 8
vols. 8vo, newly bound in three quarter dark blue levant morocco;
gilt panelled backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1854
John Murray’s fine original edition.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
509. Guascow. View of the Merchants House of Glasgow; containing His-
torical Notices of the Origin, Constitution, and Property, and of
the Charitable Foundations which it administers. Folding view
and facsimile of autographs. Thick 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut.
Glasgow, 1866
510. [GoLtpsmirH (OLtIver) |. An Enquiry into the Present State of Polite
Learning in Hurope. Vignette on title. First Epirion. 12mo,
full polished calf, gilt edges. London, 1759
With the half-title, following title, frequently missing.
511. GotpsmirH (Ottver). Essays. By Mr. Goldsmith. Collecta re-
virescunt. Hngraved title-page. 12mo, full calf, gilt, gilt edges.
London: Printed for W. Griffin, in Fetter-Lane, 1765
The issue of 187 pages, and the one generally accepted, but with no
positive proof, to be the First Issue of the First Edition. The popularity
of the work was such that an edition of 236 pages was printed the same
year (1765) by the same printer, and with the same imprint, but with a
different vignette on the title. It is claimed by bibliographers that the
badly printed edition (as above) is the first issue, and the one with
additional pages, the second issue.
512.. GotpsmiTH (Oxiver). The Life of Thomas Parbell, D.D., Archdeacon
of ‘Clogher. Compiled from Original Papers and Memoirs; in
which are included several Letters of Mr. Pope, Mr. Gay, Dr. Ar-
buthnot, etc. First Eprrron. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt edges.
London, 1770
513. GoLtpsmirH (OLiIvER). A History of the Earth, and Animated Nature.
With 40 plates IN cotors. 4 vols. 8vo, full tan calf, leather labels.
London: Henry Fisher, n.d. [1822]
514. GoLpsmMiTH (OLIvER). The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith,
including a variety of pieces, now first collected, by James Prior.
Vignette titles by Finden after Creswick. 4 vols. London; John
Murray, 1837; Prior (Jamus). The Life of Oliver Goldsmith,
from a variety of original sourees. Portrait of Goldsmith and fac-
simile of his autograph. 2 vols. London; John Murray, 1837. To-
gether, 6 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt and blind tooling, gilt
tops, uncut, by Macdonald. ‘London, 1837
515. GoLpSMITH (OLIvER). Forster (John). The Life and Adventures of
Oliver Goldsmith. TIllustrated. 8vo. full sage-green levant mo-
rocco, an interlaced and decorative floral design tooled on the front
cover, repeated on the reverse cover, back to match, silk linings,
original cloth covers bound in. In cloth case. London, 1848
ee ee
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
516. GoLDsMITH (OLIVER). Forster (John). The Life and Adventures of
Oliver Goldsmith. A Biography.. In Four Books. Illustrated.
Frresr Eprrion. 2 vols. thick 8vo. full crimson levant morocco,
backs richly gilt tooled, gilt tops. London, 1848
of 192 portraits and views, many from contemporary sources.
Portraits include,—Prior, by Cook; Addison, after Kneller ; Smollett,
by Alimet; Wilkes, by Miller; Franklin, by Burke (very searce) ; Vol-
taire, by Mackenzie; Pope, by Gardner; Charles James Fox, from “The
Lady’s Magazine’; George III., and others of interest and importance.
Each volume contains specially printed title-page, in addition to the
regular title issued with the work. :
517. Gotpsmirn (Oxiver) AND Smotuerr (Topias). (1) The Vicar of
Wakefield. (2) Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves. Both with
illustrations by George Cruikshank. Small 8yo, full calf, gilt back,
leather label. London: Cochrane and Co., 1832
518. Grant (Unysses S.). Full-length portrait, standing, partly to right,
left hand with fingers resting on book on table, right hand in lapel
of coat, two columns in background. STIPPLE AND LINE ENGRAV-
ing. Height, 25 8/16; width, 18 8/16 inches. Open Letter Proot.
519. Grant (Utysses 8.). D.8., 2pp. folio, Executive Mansion (Washing-
ton), May 23, 1873, appointing Commissioners for the appraise-
ment of lands lying north of Raccoon Forks, Des Moines river,
Towa, held by the Des Moines Navigation and Railroad Company.
520. Gray (Tuomas). Odes by Mr. Gray. Vignette-view of Strawberry
Hill on title. 4to, three quarter wrinkled blue morocco, gilt edges,
lacks half-title and final leaf repaired.
Printed at Strawberry-Hill for R. and J. Dodsley, 175%
521. Great REBELLION IN EneuaNnp. The Declaration, Votes, and Order of
Assistance of both Houses of Parliament, Concerning the Maga-
zine at Hull, and Sir John Hotham, Governour thereof, and his
Majesties Answer thereunto. With the Statie.or Lk rH, 7, cap. I.
mentioned in said Answer [The King’s Answer and the Statue,
printed in BLACK LETTER. | Small 4to, half vellum.
London: Printed by Robert Barker, 1642
In January, 1642, King Charles attempted to possess himself of Hull,
the arsenal in which the arms and munitions collected for the Scottish
War had been deposited. Hotham, who was in command by order of
Parliament, asserted that he could not admit the king without breach of
trust, whereupon the king declared Hotham a traitor, and demanded his
punishment. The Declaration of Parliament upholding Hotham, and the
King’s answer to the same are recorded in the present work.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
GREAT REBELLION IN ENGLAND. More Warning yet. being A True Rela-
tion of A Strange and most Dreadful Apparition Which was seen
in the Air By several persons at Hull, the third day of this present
Septemb. 1654. Namely, Two Great Battels Fought in the Air;
One Army coming from the East, and Another out of the North-
West. With the manner of their Engagement and Victory. Small
4to, half morocco. London: Printed by J. Cottrel [1654]
. GREELY (Horace—American Journalist). A. L. S., lp. 4to, Washing-
ton, December 11, 1855. To W. E. Robinson. With 2 engraved
portraits of Greely. The 3, neatly mounted as one piece, with
' mat, in mahogany frame, with glass.
. GREEN (VALENTINE). Whitman (Alfred). British Mezzotinters:
Valentine Green [a Descriptive Catalogue (160pp.) containing de-
tail descriptions of 325 prints]. With 6 photogravure portraits.
4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Bullen, 1902
Edition limited to 520 copies.
. GREENE (Ropert). The Dramatic Works of Greene, to which are
added his Poems. With some account of the Author, and Notes,
by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 2 vols. 12mo, full dark-green levant
morocco, gilt backs and inside borders, gilt edges. London, 1831
The FINE WILLIAM PICKERING EDITION, from the library of Thomas
Gaisford with his engraved bookplate in each volume.
. GRIFFITH (WILLIAM). The Scriveners Guide; containing Concise Prece-
dents of Acquittances, Agreements (etc.) With Practical Notes
and Explanations. 16mo, original sheep, leather label.
Newark, New Jersey: Printed by John Woods, 1797
One of the rarest of Newark Imprints. The author, a celebrated lawyer
of Burlington, New Jersey, was one of President Adam’s “Midnight
Judges.” The present work, published two years previous to the author’s
celebrated “Eumenes,” is much rarer than the latter publication, and
. Grimm (Tue Broruers). Household Stories. From the Collection
of the Bros. Grimm. Translated from the German by Lucy Crane.
With numerous illustrations by Walter Crane. 12mo, full crimson
levant morocco, ornate floral border of gold on covers, in the centre
of the front cover is the stooping figure of one of the girl char-
acters, In various COLORED inlays, on the reverse cover an inlaid
centre, a bird and hatchet, silk linings, gilt edges. In a cloth case.
London, 1882
A VERY ATTRACTIVE Copy, and First Edition with these illustrations.
GroLizer Cus. The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. A Literal
Reprint in the types of Wynkin de Worde. Reproductions. Small
4to, stamped pigskin, with clasps, uncut. ~ New York, 1901
One of 325 copies on Whatman paper.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
GroLigr Cius. Washington (George). Hart (Charles Henry). Cata-
logue of the Engraved Portraits of Washington. With reproduc-
tions of the more noted ones. Ato, half vellum, board sides, uncut.
New York: Grolier Club, 1904
Edition limited to 425 copies, printed on American handmade paper.
GUICCIARDIN (Franc.). The Historie of Guicciardin: containing the
Warres of Italie and other Partes. Reduced into English by Gef-
fray Fenton. Small folio, russia, board sides, hinges strengthened.
London: By Richard Field, 1599
Second Edition of this translation. Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth.
Guizor (M.). The History of France. Translated by Robert Black.
Extensively illustrated with portraits and views. 8 vols. royal 8vo,
cloth, gilt, gilt tops.
London, and New York: Scribners Sons, n.d. [recent]
Haven (Sir Francis Srymour). Drake (Sir William). A Descrip-
tive Catalogue of the Etched Work of Haden; [also] A Supple-
ment to Sir William Drake’s Catalogue of the Etched Work of Sir
Francis Seymour Haden. By H. N. Harrington. ‘Together, 2
vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Macmillan, 1880-1903
Describes 426 prints.
Hapen (Sir Francis Szymour). Harrington (H. Nazeby). The En-
graved Work of Sir Francis Seymour Haden: an Illustrated and
Descriptive Catalogue [detail description of 251 prints]. Wath 109
plates, containing reproductions of 250 etchings. Thick 4to, cloth,
gilt top, uncut. Liverpool: Young & Sons, 1910
Edition limited to 225 copies.
Hatt (Caprain Basti). Forty Etchings from Sketches made with the
Camera Lucida, in North America, in 1827 and 1828. Map and
plates. 4to, original boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1829
First Epirion. Among the views are the following,—Falls of Niagara ;
Connecticut Valley ; Buffalo, Rochester; and several Western and South-
ern views.
Hamerton (Puitip Gripert). Man in Art: Studies in Religious and
and Historical Art, Portrait, and Genre. With 46 plates m line-
engraving, mezzotint, photogravure, hyalography, etching, and
wood-engraving. Small folio, original cloth, uncut. London, 1892
Treats in masterly fashion all the different forms of Art :—Sculpture,
Painting, Drawing, Mezzotint-Engraving, Line-Engraving, Etching from
Pictures, Original Etching, Original Wood-Engraving, Drawing from the
Antique, &c.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
536. Hamritton (ALEXANDER). Delaplaine’s Repository of the Lives and
Portraits of Distinguished American Characters. Hngraved front-
isprece, title and e portraits, including Alexander Hamilton and
George Washington, the latter by Leney, after a drawing by J.
Wood from Houdon’s bust. 4to, original boards, paper label on
front cover, uncut. ; Philadelphia [1816]
The above is Vol. I. of three parts issued and is complete in itself.
537. Hamitton (AnrHony). Memoirs of Count Grammont, to which are
prefixed a Biographical Sketch of Count Hamilton, and a Transla-
tion of the Epistle to Count Grammont. Illustrated with the com-
plete series of 64 portraits, engraved by Edward Scrwen, and others,
ALL DELICATELY HAND COLORED. 2 vols. 8vo, newly bound in full
blue levant moreco, rich floral ornamentation on backs and sides,
gilt edges, inside borders. London, 1811
538. Hamiuron (Lapy). Memoirs of Emma, Lady Hamilton, with Illus-
trative Anecdotes of many of her most particular Friends and dis-
tinguished Contemporaries. Hmbelljshed with portraat, after Rom-
ney. Small 8vo, full new polished calf, gilt back, lines on sides,
inside borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1815
PORTRAITS, VIEWS, ETC., including Lady Hamilton; Nell Gwyn (by Sheneker
after Lely) ; Mrs. Billington ; the Queen of Naples; Countess Nelson; Lord
Nelson; Geor ge Romney; Lord Halifax; Josiah Wedgwood ; Louis XVI;
Sir Thomas Hardy ; Napoleon Bonaparte ; J. J. Rousseau; Sir Wm. Hamil.
ton; Marie Antoinette; and others.
539. Hamitton (Lapy). Baily (J. T. Herbert). Emma, Lady Hamilton:
a Biographical Essay. With a Catalogue of Her Published Por-
traits. With 23 full-page plates, two of which are in colors. Ato,
vellum, gilt top, uncut. London: Menzies, 1905
540. Hammon (Jupiter). Wegelin (Oscar). Jupiter Hammon, American
Negro Poet: Selections from his Writings and a Bibliography.
With 5 facsimiles. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt top.
New York, 1915
One of 8 copies on Japanese paper. (Heartman’s Historical Series. )
541. Hancock (JoHn). A. D.S., lp. small 4to. Boston, June 22, 1784,—
“This may certify that upon Examination of the Receipts for Beef
returned by the Town of Amherst, in the County of Hampshire it
appears that said Town has actually paid Nineteen Thousand three —
hundred & thirteen pounds of Beef over & above what they had
Credit for at the time of issuing the Execution against said Town
. .” Signed while Governor of Massachusetts; also, Engraved
portrait of Hancock, by I. B. Forrest. The 2 pieces, neatly mounted
with mat, as one piece, in mahogany frame, with glass.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
HarrisBurG, PENNSYLVANIA. Manuscript Account Book of John Kean,
Treasurer, 1795, containing Proceedings of the Meeting of the In-
habitants on January 16, 1795 relative to an assessment of prop-
erty to pay for the purchase of Mill and Dam erected by Peter and
Abram Landis upon the Waters of Paxton Creek; also Duplicate
List of Taxes laid for the raising of a sum of money to pay for
same, with names of inhabitants, amounts assessed, dates of the
first three payments and other remarks relative to the same; Pro-
ceedings of the Committee appointed to negotiate with Landis;
Duplicate Account of the Treasurer regarding the fund, and other
records relating to the same. 65pp. small folio, half sheep.
Harrisburg, 1795
Harte (Brer). The Luck of Roaring Camp, and other Sketches [in-
cluding,—The Outcasts of Poker Flat; Miggles; Tennessee's Part-
ner; The Idyl of Red Gulch; Brown of Calaveras]. Illustrations.
First Eprrion. Roval 4to, original cloth, gilt. Boston, 1872
Hawxkwoop (Sir Jonn). The Honour of the Taylors: or, The Famous
and Renowned History of Sir John Hawkwood, Knight, contain-
ing His many rare and singular Adventures, witty Exploits, [ete. |
relating to Love & Arms. Curious woodcuts in text, frontismece
missing. 4to, calf, gilt, two margins cut close, last leaf mounted.
London: Alexander Milbourn, 1687
[Haywoop (Eriza).] The Invisible Spy. 4 vols. 12mo, old calf,
bindings rubbed as usual, tear in one title repaired. London, 1759
First Eprrion. With leather bookplate of Edward Hailstone.
. Hazurrr (Witt1am). Political Essays, with Sketches of Public Char-
acters. First Eprrion. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut
joints weak, by Tout. London; William Hone, 1819
Hazuirr (Wint1am). Memoirs of Hazlitt, with portions of his Cor-
respondence. By W. Carew Hazlitt. Portraits. First Epirion.
2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1867
Hazurrr (W. Carew). Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of Ing-
land. With Introductions and Notes. 4 vols. small 8vo, cloth,
uncut. . London, 1864
Hennepin (Louris). A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America,
Extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New France and
New Mexico; with a Description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts,
Rivers, Plants, and Animals; also the Manners, Customs, and Lan-
guages of the several Native Indians; and the Advantage of Com-
merce with those different Nations. With a Continuation, giving
an Account of the Attempts of Sieur De la Salle upon the Mines
of St. Barbe, &c. The Taking of Quebec by the English, etc.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
[ No. 549—Continued |
Has 2 folding copperplate maps, and 7 engravings, includimg views
of Niagara Falls, and the taking of Quebec by the Hnglish. 2
parts in 1, old calf, leather label.
London: Printed for M. Bentley, J. Tonson, H. Bonwick, T. Good-
win and 8. Manship, 1698
First ISSUE OF THE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION ; the so-called “TonsonY
edition, with the first line of imprint ending ‘‘Tonson.” Fine copy, a
slight tear in margin of one map, neatly repaired.
550. Hennepin (Louis). Aenmerckelycke Historische Reys Beschryvinge
- Door verscheyde Landen veel Grooter als die van geheel Huropa
onlanghs ondeckt. Behelsende een nauwkeurige Beschreijvinge van
de gelegentheyd, natuur, en vrughtbaerheyd, van’t Zuyder, en Noor-
der gedellte van America. Hngraved title, map and 4 fine copper-
plates. Small 4to, half calf.
Utrecht: By Anthony Schouten. 1698.
Fine Copy OF THE Rare First DUTCH TRANSLATION of the “Nouvelle
dé couverte,”’ 1697. The map is entitled “Carte d’un Nouveau monde,
entre le Nouveau monde, entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glacialle.”
One of the plates represents the siege of Quebeck.
551. Herrick (Rosert). Selections from the Poetry of Herrick. With
drawings by Edwin A. Abbey. 4to, decorative cloth, gilt edges.
New York, 1882
552. HESSIANS IN THE ENauIsH Army. Document, 9pp. folio, Court of St.
James, May 4, 1730. A true copy, signed by Rd. Arnold.
Contemporary copy of Warrant for the pay of Hessian troops in his
Majesty’s service, accompanied by the receipt from the Swedish Envoy
EXxtraordinary,—“The . . . Lieutenant General Ernest Hartman de
Diemar, Envoy Extraordinary— .. . Landgrave of Hesse Cassell...
acknowledges to have received . . . 12960 Pounds .. . for the Pay
of Twelve Thousand Men of the Hessian troops.”
553. Hesstans IN THE EncuisH Army. George II. Original Document,
8pp. folio, signed in three places by George II., also signed twice by
Samuel Sandy, Phill Gybbon and J. Rushout. Court of St. James,
January 17, 1742-43. =
“Our Will and Pleasure is, That this Establishment of the Hessian
Forces which We have taken into Our Service, with other Charges
thereunto belonging, do commence and take place from the 26th day of
December, 1742 to the 25th Day of December, 1748 .. .”
Important document, showing the pay of Six Thousand Hessian Forces
in the British service, also a regiment of Foot Guards, together with
the Royal Warrant for deducting Six pence in the pound.
554. HryLyNn (PETER). Cosmography in Four Books, containing the Chorog-
raphy and History of the Whole World. Copperplate maps. Folio,
old calf, binding worn. London, 1677
The second part of Book IV. relates to America, with a long account
of California. The large map of the western hemisphere, is mounted
on linen.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
555. HIsTORIANS OF GREECE: Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon. Trans-
lated into English. Profusely illustrated from old prints, etc. the
' plates on Japanese paper. 12 vols. 8vo, three quarter blue levant
morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt top, uncut.
New York: Tandy-Thomas Co. (1909)
Olympic HKdition, limited and numbered.
556. History or Nations (THE). Henry Cabot Lodge, Editor-in-Chief.
Portraits and views on Japanese paper, maps, and other ilustra-
tions. 24 vols. royal 8vo, three quarter blue morocco, gilt backs and
tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Morris & Co. [1906]
Autograph Edition De Luxe, limited to 50 registered sets, with signa-
ture of Henry Cabot Lodge in Vol. 1. Gives in compact form, the history
of all modern nations and of the states and civilizations from which
they have sprung. Each volume is a work of authority by a writer of
557. HogartH (Wittiam). The Works of William Hogarth, from the orig-
inal plates restored by James Heath, with the addition of many
subjects not before collected; to which are prefixed a Biographical
Hssay on the Genius and Productions of Hogarth, and Explanations
of the subjects of the plates, by John Nichols. With brilliant im-
pressions of the plates. Imperial folio, contemporary full russia,
gilt, silver clasps, gilt edges.
London: Baldwin and Cradock, (circa 1828)
from the same plates (when much worn), published at a later date.
558. Hotitis (THomas). Memoirs of Thomas Hollis. Hngraved portraits
and plates. 2 vols. 4to, russia, gilt edges, bindings rubbed, margins
of few plates shghtly foxed. London, 1780
Privately printed. Contains the additional pages, between pp.532 and
533, also the fine mezzotint portrait of Sir Isaac Newton.
559. Hotmus (OLIvER WENDELL). A. L. S., Ip. 4to, Pittsfield, September
12, 1853. [To the Secretary of the Mercantile Library Associa-
tion,] regarding arrangements for the delivery of six lectures be-
fore the Mercantile Library Association.
560. Hoop (THomas). Complete set of the Writings of Thomas Hood, as
below described. Att First Epirions. Together, 33 vols. 8vo,
12mo and 16mo. Uniformly bound in full polished calf, gilt extra,
gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1825-1893
eee com incresses. io. Great People... A... i cet eee see ee 1825
Thomas Hood’s first work, published anonymously. Contains the
half-title, and the original label bound in at the end.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
| No. 560—Continued |
Whims and Oddities... . 0... 5 cgi = one «= «lp nese eee 1826-7
Forty original designs by Thomas Hood.
Both series. 2 vols. With advertisements and original backs with
labels found in.
National Tales. - 2 vols. coc .'. 25 2 ene « ciece » wente sr cena 1827
Illustrated by T. Dighton. Advertisements and original labels
bound in.
The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies, Hero and Leander, Lycus the
Centaur and ‘other’ Poems........... 7.2.) seen en 1827
With advertisements.
The Epping. Hunt... 0.4. :+ a» -fsy= sisre: * eesidiiery oie ne 1829
Illustrated with six engravings on wood, after designs by George
The Dream of Hugene Aram, the Murderer. jas sic 1831
With designs by W. Harvey.
The Comic. Annual... Complete. set,,11 vols...) jeje. eee 1830-1842
With hundreds of humorous illustrations.
Advertisements and original cloth or board covers bound in.
Tylney Hall. .°3-+vols...c80. Saeki. iE 1834
Hood’s Own, or, Laughter from Year to Year. 2 vols...... 1839-1861
With portrait of the author and hundreds of humorous illustrations.
One volume containing the original wrappers and advertisements,
the other bound from the original cloth with wrappers.
Up the Rhime «ose se son asa s dls, Obey ogee iets = ote gn 1840
Illustrated. With cloth covers and advertisements bound in.
Whimsicalities. 2 vols......... 0.02 ~ oblate Cetera 1844
With numerous illustrations from designs by John Leech.
Poems.*:°2 "vols See APS. 0% OIE ee PE Re 1846
Original labels bound in.
Poems’ of Witiand Piamor. on... 5 saa eee iia = pee ig 1847
Advertisements and cloth covers bound in. ;
Memorials of Thomas Hood: 2 Vols. (2 0255 eee seen 1860
Collected, arranged and edited by his daughter, with preface and
notes by his son.
Illustrated with comes from his own sketches.
Original cloth covers bound in.
Humerous Poems*. . 24 s's ee «+ + os wpe, eine ope ge ae ae 1893
With 130 illustrations by Charles HE. Brock.
Original label bound in.
561. Horses anp HorsemMansnip. Stradanus (Johannes). Equile in quo
omnis generis generosissimorum equorum ex yariis orbis partibus
insignis delectus. 19 plates (only) of horses, engraved by M. Sade-
ler after the designs of J. Stradanus. In one volume, oblong folio,
cloth. [| Autuerpiae, circa | 1580]
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
562. Horses aND Horsemansuip. Amman (Jost). Artliche unnd Kun-
streiche Figurn qu der Reutterey, sampt jrem musterhafiten Gesch-
muck, Dergleichen nie aussgangen. First Epition. 94 woodcuts
representing kings, princes, noblemen, captains, soldiers, etc. on
horseback, and figures of horses. Oblong 4to, old calf, several plates
shaved at top and two leaves of text, at the end, missing. Sold
W.A.F. Frankfort A. M.: S. Feyrabend, 1584
563. Horses AND HorseMANsHiP. La Broue (Salmon de). Le Cavalerice
Francois, contenant les préceptes principaux qu'il faut observer
exactement pour bien dresser les chevaux. Fine title engraved on,
copper by C. de Mallery, and numerous woodcuts of horse’s har-
ness, etc. Three parts in one volume, folio, old vellum.
Paris: Abel L’Angelier, 1602
One of the rare copies with the 4 leaves of poems, but without the
vignettes at the beginning of each book.
564. Horses AND Horsemansutp. Tacquet (Jean). Philippica ou haras de
chevaux. Title, fine portrait of the author, and two folding plates
engraved by Van Panderen. to, old vellum.
Anvers: Robert Bruneau, 1614
FINE COPY OF THE RARE First Epirion of this interesting work relating
to horses. From the library of Marie Auguste de Sultzbach, wife of
Charles Philippe Théodore, Count Palatine and Duke of Bavaria, with
565. Horses aND Horsemansuip. la Noue (Pierre de). La Cavalerie
Francoise et Italienne, ou V’art de bien dresser les chevaux, selon
les precepts, des bonnes écoles dex deux Nations. Fine engraved
frontispiece (dated 1621) and 44 copperplates representing various
exercises with horses. Folio, old vellum. RARE.
Lyon: Claude Morillon, 1620
566. Horses aNp Horsemansurp. Lieb (Christopher). Practica et Arte di
Cavalleria of Oeffeningh en konst des Rydens. ine title dwided
in compartments representing horsemen exercising, engraved by
Van Fenaem, 2 copper engravings in the teat and numerous wood-
cuts.of horse harness, etc. Folio, boards, uncut, two leaves torn.
Utrecht: J. Ribbius, 167]
567. Horses AND Horsemansuip. Hisemberg (Baron D’). ha perfezione e
{ difetti del cavallo (text in Italian and French). With numerous
copperplates of horses. Folio, boards, uncut, engraved frontispiece
missing. Firenze, 1753
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
568. HouprakEN Portraits. A series of 90 portraits of eminent characters,
engraved by J. Houbraken, mainly good impressions, with small
margins. Together, 90 pieces, small folio, in cloth portfolio.
Amsterdam, 1739, 1747 etc.
Includes,—Harl of Devereux; Thomas Howard; Robert Cecil; George
Buchanan; Thomas Otway; Kenelm Digby; Oliver Cromwell; Ben Jon-
son; John Dryden; Sir Philip Sidney, and others of importance.
569. HouszHotp Books, comprising,—The Regulations and Establishment of
the Household of Henry Algernon Percy, the fifth Earl of North-
umberland; Privy Purse Expences of Elizabeth of York, edited by
N. H. Nicolas; Privy Purse Expences of King Henry the Highth,
edited by N. H. Nicolas: Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess
Mary, edited by Frederick Madden. ‘Together, 4 vols. 8vo, half
roan, uncut, bindings rubbed.
London: W. Pickering, 1827-1831
“LINES ON THE BirTH OF THE Princess ALIcE.” 3 sheets. Inlaid.
This Princess, born April 25, 1843, was the third child of Queen Vic-
toria. She married in 1862, H. R. H. Louis IV, Grand-Duke of Hesse;
died in December, 1878. ’
Hunt’s poem, which covers three long sheets of paper, and is inlaid
with portrait and a beautiful transcript into a full levant volume, is
his most delightful piece of verse of welcome to a royal infant. It is
especially so in its reference to Queen Victoria, whom the poet calls,
Thy sweet, strong-hearted mother.
The present manuscript shows Hunt’s genius at its best.
(See Reproduction)
571. ILLUMINATED Manuscripts. Le Livre d’Heures de la Reine Anne de
Bretagne. Traduit du Latin, et accompagne de Notices inedites
par M. L’Abbe Delaunay. 2 vols. royal 4to, dark blue morocco,
broad ornate borders on sides, crowned “A. B.” in corners, the
volume of reproductions with richly chiselled clasps, plated prob-
ably with gold, gilt edges. In a morocco case, lined with purple
silk. Paris, 1861
One volume contains the explanatory text; the other is an exact
reproduction in gold and colors of one of the most famous illuminated
manuscripts in the world, and is a triumph of artistic book production.
672. ILLUMINATED Manuscripts in the British Museum. Miniatures, Bor-
ders, and Initials. Reproduced in gold and colors. With descrip-
tive text by George F. Warner. Series 2, with 15 plates, series 3
with 15 plates, series 4 with 15 plates. In three portfolios, with ties.
London: Printed by Order of the Trustees of the British Museum,
al Manuscript
(See No.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
script of the 1%th century on native glazed paper elegantly written
in red and black, four columns to the page, each page and column
within ruled borders of green, red and black. 191 leaves (382
pages) (1134 x 8 inches). Embellished with three ornamental
headings finely painted wm various colors on a gold ground, and 8
scenes, battles, etc. Folio, contemporary Persian lacquered covers
painted with floral centre ornaments and borders, red lacquered in-
sides with a lily plant painted on each, morocco back. Somewhat
-waterstained and some leaves a little mended. Saec. X.VIT.
. IntustRATED Booxs. Beattie (William). Scotland Illustrated in a
Series of Views taken expressly for this Work. Hngraved plates
after T. Allom, W. H. Bartlett, and H. M’Culloch. 2 vols. 4to, half
red morocco, gilt backs, the engraved titles somewhat spotted, gilt
edges. London, 1842-1847
. IncunaBuLa. Beughem (Cornelius A). Incunabula typographiae, sive
Catalogus lbrorum scriptorunique proximis ab inyentione typo-
graphiae annis usque ad annum M D inclusive. 12mo, old vellum.
Amstelodami, 1688
. Inprans. A Synopsis; or, Complete System of the Indian Nations,
Proving them out of all Doubt in Belief, to be originally Jews sent
into Captivity by the Assyrian King. 52pp. 8vo, three quarter,
green levant morocco, gilt top. N.p.n.d. [London, circa 1800? |
Complete in itself; the above caption at top of page one.
Ineres (J. D. A.). anp DeEnacrorx (M. Euctne). Delteil (Loys).
Le Peintre-Graveur Illustré [XXIXe et XXe Siecles]. Tome
Troisieme: Ingres et Delacroix. Portrait and numerous full-page
and text wlustrations. 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut,
original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1908
No. 8 of a limited edition on Japanese paper.
. IRELAND. O’Flanagan (J. Roderick). The Lives of the Lord Chan-
cellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of Ireland, from the Earliest
Times to the reign of Queen Victoria. First Eprrion. 2 vols.
8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, some edges uncut, bind-
ing slightly rubbed. London, 1870
IRELAND'S Epirion oF Hocarru. Ireland (John). Hogarth Illus-
trated. With portraits of both Ireland and Hogarth and excellent
umpressions of the re-engraved works of the latter. 3 vols. royal
8vo, three quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, by
Riviere. London, 1793-1798
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
SALMAGUNDI; or, The Whim-Whams and Opinions of Lancelot
Langstaff, Esq. and others. Reprinted from the American Edition,
with Essay by John Lambert. 2 vols.
London: J. M. Richardson, 1811
THE Sxetcu Book, of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 2 vols.
London; John Miller, 1820
A History or New York, from the beginning of the World.
London, 1820
BRACEBRIDGE HAL; or, The Humourists. 2 vols.
London; John Murray, 1822
Lerrers of Jonathan Oldstyle, Gent. . . .With a Biographical No-
tice. London; HE. Wilson, 1824
TALES OF A TRAVELLER. 2 vols. London; John Murray, 1824
Lire AND VoyacEs or Cotumsus. With folding maps. 4 vols.
London; John Murray, 1828
London; John Murray, 1829
Voyaass and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus. J/old-
ing map and frontispiece. London; John Murray, 1831
THE ALHAMBRA. 2 Vols. London; Henry Colburn, 1832
AppotsFrorD and Newstead Abbey. London; John Murray, 1835
A Tour ON THE PRAIRIES. London; John Murray, 1835
Asrorta; or, Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. 3 vols.
London; R. Bentley, 1836
London; John Murray, 1836
Mountains of the far West. 3 vols. London; R. Bentley, 1837
Oxiver GotpsmitH ; A Biography. London; John Murray, 1848
Lives or Manomer and his Successors. 2 vols.
London; John Murray, 1850
Wo.urert’s Roost and other papers. London; T. Constable, 1855
Lire or GzorcE Wasuineton. Portrait. 5 vols.
London; H. G. Bohn, 1855-1859
Lire anp Lerrers of Washington Irving. Edited by his nephew,
Pierre M. Irving. 4 vols. in 2. London; R. Bentley, 1862-1864
Together, 39 vols. 8vo, 12mo, and 16mo, uniformly and handsomely
bound in full crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, some
edges uncut, by Riviére. London, 1811-1864
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
cardboard and enclosed in a neat cloth case, lettered.
Circa 1830-1832
Of the 23 pages here offered, 21 pages comprise the ORIGINAL NOTES of
the sketch, “Polly Holman’s Wedding,” the scene of which has been laid
in the early years of the last century, an evidence of which fact being the
date “1805” at the left top corner of page 1 of the Notes, made, prob-
ably, during the years 1830-1832, about the period Irving made a tour
of the West, including the Pawnee country, and where he quite likely
found the material for the sketch here described.
The paper on which the Notes are penned is gilt-edged, differing, it will
be seen, from the three sheets of paper used by the author at a later
period for the reconstruction of the sketch, the entire rewritten portion
of which is here reproduced :—
“T first became acquainted with old Holman in 1800. He then lived
on the Prairies near Big Clifty, which is a branch of . . . . , which is
a branch of Green River. I was riding along in the evening not knowing
where I should put up for the night when I came by Holman’s farm and
saw a fine buxom black-eyed girl trying to milk a cow, but pestered by
the calf. I got off my horse, jumped into the cow-pen, took hold of a
rope tied to the foot of the calf and drew it away. The young girl
blushed and giggled and went on with her milking. By and bye I heard
a loud rough voice,—
‘Hello, stranger, who are you? Polly, who have you got there?’
I answered,—‘Me.’
‘And who the deuce are you?’
‘I’m just a traveller, who saw the calf was bothering the young woman,
and thought I’d draw it off until she had done milking .
Since the presentation of this manuscript to the present owner, it has
remained in a safe-deposit vault until its withdrawal therefrom for
preparation for present sale. As will be gleaned from a perusal of the
Notes and the unfinished rewritten sketch itself, the incidents incor-
porated are of considerable humor, and had they been turned into the
finished literary product as Washington Irving had commenced to turn
them, the completed sketch would certainly have found a place of perma-
nency among his writings in collected form.
582. Irvine (WasHINGTON). The Writings of Irving. With photogravure
illustrations on Japanese paper. 40 vols. 12mo, three quarter brown
levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut.
New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1895
Inserted in the first volume IS A PAGE OF IRVING’S ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
583. Invinc (WasHINGTON). The Alhambra. Introduction by Elizabeth R. ~
Pennell. Illustrated with drawings of the places mentioned by
Joseph Pennell. Royal 8vo, three quarter brown levant morocco,
gilt back and top, uncut. London: Macmillan Co., 1896
One of 500 copies on Large Paper, with the 12 full-page lithographs.
584. Iranian Art. Crowe (J. A.) and Cavalcaselle (G. B.). A History
of Painting in North Italy. Edited by Tancred Borenius. Wath
many illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops.
New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1912
585. Irarian Scenery. Batty (Miss). From drawings made in 1817 [with
descriptive letterpress]. With 60 steel plates. Royal 8vo, full green
straight-grained morocco, gilt back and edges. London, 1820
586. [JAcKsoN (JONATHAN).| Thoughts upon the Political Situation of the
United States of America, in which that of Massachusetts is more
particularly considered for a Federal Government. 8vo, new
boards. Worcester: Isaiah Thomas, 1788
With signature of Brigadier Fisher Ames, and the author’s printed
presentation slip to him inserted.
58%. JEaFrrEson (Joun Corpy). A Book about the Table. 2 vols. 8vo,
half green morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1875
588. JEFFERSON (Tuomas). D. S., 2pp. folio, New York, January 4, 1790.
“Congress of the United States: At the Second Session; Begun and
held at the City of New-York, on Monday the Fourth of January,
one thousand seven hundred and ninety.—An Act to provide more
effectually for the Settlement of the Accounts between the United
States and the Individual States.” Folio, 4pp., last two blank.
[New York, 1790]
The official printed copy, with Jefferson’s autograph signature, as
Secretary of State. The above Act established a Board, consisting of
three Commissioners to settle the accounts between the United States
and the individual States.
589. JerrersoN (THomas). Notes on the State of Virginia. With Ap-
pendixes. To which is subjoined, A Sublime and Argumentative
Dissertation on Mr. Jefferson’s Religious Principles. 8vo, calf,
stained. Baltimore, 1800
590. Jerrerson (Tuomas). D.S8., 1p. folio, parchment. February 26, 1807.
Signed by Jefferson as President, and by James Madison, as Sec-
retary of State. Countersigned at New York, by Gelston, Collector
of the Port of New York. With seal.
Clearance Papers for Brig Eliza P. Mary of New York. With engraved
fanciful-view of New York, showing Battery and light-house. On the
back is a memorandum stating that the vessel was lost.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
591. Jerrotp (Douenas). The Life and Remains of Douglas Jerrold. By
his son, Blanchard Jerrold. First Eprrron. Thick 12mo, full
dark red levant morocco, panelled back and sides, gilt edges, silk
linings. In cloth case. London, 1859
Extra-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 31 portraits and views, includ-
ing,—Byron, Nelson, Duke of Wellington, Sydney Smith and others, as
well as many appropriate scenic representations.
592. Jesse (JoHN HeNgAGE). Memoirs of the Court of England. 10 vols.;
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. 3 vols.; Literary
and Historical Memorials of London, one vol. Illustrated with por-
traits, etchings and photogravures, all in two states, one on Japanese
paper, the other on Holland paper. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, three
quarter blue levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut.
Boston: Printed for F. A. Niceolls & Co., n.d.
Connoisseur Edition, limited to 150 copies.
593. Jesuits. Steinmetz (Andrew). History of the Jesuits; from the
Foundation of their Society, to its Suppression by Pope Clement
XTIV., their Missions throughout the World; their educational sys-
tem and Literature, with their revival and present State. Portraits,
illustrations and facsimiles. 3 vols. 8vo, newly bound in half erim-
son polished calf, gilt extra, gilt tops, by Zaehnsdorf.
\ London, 1848
FIRST AND BEST EDITION. Many accounts of great interest are given
of the missions in North and South America.
594. (Jounson (CHaruzes).] Chrysal; or, The Adventures of a Guinea;
wherein are exhibited Views of several Striking Scenes; with inter-
esting Anecdotes of the most noted persons in every rank of life. By
An Adept. With 15 BEAUTIFULLY COLORED PLATES, after Corbould,
Burney and others. 3 vols. 12 mo, full maroon levant morocco, gilt
backs, gilt tops, OTHER EDGES UNcuT, by Riviere. London, 1822
FingE copy. One of the characters satirized is General Wolfe, the
hero of Quebec. Contains account of the sham Order of Monks of
St. Francis, established at Medmenham Abbey by Sir Francis Dashwood,
John Wilkes and others, and describes fully the members and their mock
rites and orgies.
595. |Jounson (J.—Lord Bishop of Gloucester).] A Sermon Preached be-
fore the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in
Foreign Parts. . . February 24, 1758. 4to, marbled wrappers,
uncut. London, 1758
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
JOHNSTON (JosEPH E.—General in the Confederate Army). A. L. 8.,
2pp. 8vo, Centreville, December 20, 1861. To General Beaure-
Relates to Winter Quarters for the army,—‘‘. . . Warrenton is too
far for winter quarters of any portion of our troops. I think that Major
Walton should be as near as he can find comfortable ground. The de-
fence of this position depends so much upon artillery that I think it
more important for the reserves of the army to be near . .. I want
to see a British fleet near Fredericksburg to relieve me of apprehension
Tor that locality... .”
[JoHNson (SaMvEL).] Thoughts on the Late Transactions Respecting
the Falkland’s Islands. 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt, uncut.
London: Cadell, 1771
JoHNsoNn (SamueEt). Boswell (James). The Life of Samuel Johnson.
Portrait. Frrst Eprrion. 2 vols. 4to, original calf, leather labels,
gilt backs, strengthened at hinges. London, 1791
First Epirion. An exceptionally tall copy, all the edges uncut.
Jounson (Samuet). Lives of the most eminent English Poets, with
Observations on their Works. With Notes, corrective and explan-
atory by Peter Cunningham. 3 vols. 8vo, full green polished calf,
gilt backs. London: John Murray, 1854
A FINE SET of the original and best edition.
Jounson (SamurL). The Complete Writings of Samuel Johnson.
Illustrated with 48 photogravure portraits after paintings by Reyn-
olds, Lawrence, Raeburn, Dance and others. 16 vols. large 8vo,
three quarter blue levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut.
Troy: Pafraets Book Company, (1903)
Printed from type on special water-marked paper, and in a limited
issue. A VERY CHOICE SET of the best library edition of the writings of
Jonus (Paut). The Life of Paul Jones, from original sources, in the
possession of John Henry Sherburne. 1%mo, new cloth, one page
repaired. London, 1825
First English Edition.
Jones (Pav). Cunningham (Allan). Paul Jones; a Romance. 3
vols. 12mo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. Edinburgh, 1826
First Eprrion. VERY RARE IN ORIGINAL BOARDS. The author was a
personal friend of Robert Burns, and describes in graphic language the
battle between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis.
Jonzs (Pau). Life and Correspondence of J ohn Paul Jones, includ-
ing his Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman. From original
Letters in the possession of Miss Janett Taylor. Engraved por-
trait of Jones in uniform. 8vo, original boards, new cloth back,
original label, uncut. New York, 1830
The first authentic American biography of Paul Jones, written anony-
mously by R. C. Sands, of New York.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
604. Jones (Paut). Life of Rear Admiral John Paul Jones. Compiled
from his Original Journals and Correspondence. Illustrated with
portrait and numerous engravings from original drawings by James
Hamilton. 12mo, cloth. | Philadelphia, 1846
Jones (Paut). The Life of Paul Jones. By Alexander Slidell Mac-
kenzie. Portrait by J. F. E. Prudhomme. 2 vols. 12mo, original
cloth. New York, 1878
Jones (Paun). “Paul Jones the Pirate.” Full-length portrait repre- .
senting him as a Pirate on board ship, amid the smoke of battle.
Published by A. Park, London. Size, 6 x 714 inches. Matted.
Jones (PAvuL) AND oTHERS. Vignette portraits of “General Washing-
ton, General Gates, Dr. Franklin, Prasid. Laurens, Paul Jones.”
D. Berger, Sculp., 1784. Size, 2 3/16 x 3 3/4 inches. Matted.
Jones (Pavut). See under Chap Books of the XVIII. and XIXth
Centuries, containing the “History of Paul Jones, the Pirate”, &.
Joure, (Henri). A Journal Of the Last Voyage Perform’d by Monsr.
de la Sale, to the Gulf of Mexico, To find out the Mouth of the
Mississipi River; containing An Account of the Settlements he en-
deavour’d to make on the Coast of the aforesaid Bay, his Unfortu-
nate Death, and the Travels of his Companions for the Space of
Eight Hundred Leagues across that Inland Country of America,
now call’d Louisiana etc. Folding map engraved on copper. 8vo0,
green polished calf, gilt back and edges, leather labels, small tear in
map repaired. London: Printed for A. Bell, 1714
RARE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, with the scarce map, dated 17138, which
is one of the earliest accurate delineations of the Mississippi River, and
has an inset view of NraGAaRA FALLs.
Joutel accompanied La Salle-on his last voyage, and after the latter’s
death, he and his companions passed through many bitter hardships on
their journey across the interior of North America to Canada, of which
the author gives an interesting account in the present work.
Juan ET ULLoa. Voyage Historique de ’Amerique meridionale fait par
Ordre du Roi d’Espagne, par Don George Juan, et Don Antoine de
Ulloa, et qui contient une Histoire des Yncas du Perou. With
many copperplate maps and engravings. 2 vols. 4to, old calf, gilt
edges, strengthened at hinges. — Amsterdam, 1752
Original Edition, text clean.
610. Junius. Stat Nominis Umbra. [The Letters of Junius]. 2 vols.
small 8vo, full contemporary calf, leather labels, joints cracked, and
name written in ink on both titles. London: H. 8. Woodfall, 1772
FIRST AUTHORIZED EDITION printed under the author’s own inspection.
611. Kant (ImmaANvEL). Critick of Pure Reason. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut,
bindings slightly soiled. London: W. Pickering, 1838
Original Manuscript
(See No. 615)
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
612. Kuene (Cuarues). Pennell (Joseph). The Work of Charles Keene.
With an Introduction and Comments on the Drawings Illustrating
the Artist’s Methods. To which is added a Bibliography of the
Books Keene Illustrated, and a Catalogue of His Etchings, by
W. H. Chesson. With 263 reproductions of Keene’s work. Folio,
buckram, gilt top, uncut. New York | London, printed], 1897
613. Kempte (Joun M.). The Saxons in England. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth,
uncut. London, 1849
614. Kentucky. Investigator, or a Defence of the Order, Government and
Economy of the United Society called Shakers, against Sundry
Charges and Legislative Proceedings. By the Society of Believers
at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky. Lexington, 1828, reprinted, New
York, 1846; [also] A Brief Exposition of the Established Prin-
ciples and Regulations of the Shakers. Canterbury, N. H., 1843.
2 vols. in 1, 12mo, boards. New York and Canterbury, 1843-1846
The first of the above pamphlets relates to the Society’s controversy
with the Kentucky Legislature.
This is one of Kipling’s Fables for the Staff, a series of satirical arti-
cles written while he was with the English army, during the Boer War.
The fable was published at Bloomfontein in the little magazine of which
Kipling was one of the editors. THE PROOF SHEET, CORRECTED BY KIPLING,
KNown. It is very difficult to get a manuscript of his, as Mrs. Kipling,
as far as possible, retains them all. This particular manuscript was
given by Kipling to Julian Ralph, the author, who was Kipling’s co-
editor during the Boer War. :
Inlaid with signed proofs of Hollyer’s etching of the portrait of
Kipling and view of his home at Rottingdean, into a specially tooled
full black levant volume. (See Reproduction)
616. Knewstus (Joun). Lectures upon the twentieth Chapter of Exodus,
and certeine other places of Scripture. Title within an archa-
tectural woodcut border. [London] Thomas Woodcocke, 1579;
Wicanpus (JonanNes). De ubiquitate seu omnipraesentia Dei
Regiomonti Borussiae (Kénigsberg), G. Osterberg, 1588.—Dispu-
tationes x1Ix, complecteus epitomen locorum communium. theologi-
corum Melanchthonis et libri christianae concordiae anno 1588,
institutae et habitae in collegio privato Witebergae, Konigsberg,
1593. 3 works in one volume, 4to, old calf.
617. Kock (Cuartes Patt Ds). The Writings of De Kock. With a Gen-
eral Introduction by Jules Claretie. Translated into English by
Edith Mary Norris. Extensively illustrated with etchings and
photogravures, the frontispiece being COLORED BY HAND. 25 vols.
8yo, full dark-green morocco, gilt tooling on backs and sides, gilt
inside borders, inlays of red leather on backs, gilt tops, uncut.
London and Boston: J. Quinby, (1904)
VERSAILLES Eprrion, limited to 100 numbered and registered sets.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
618. Kock (CHArtes Paut Dr). Original Autograph Manuscript Signed.
1p. 4to. 10 lines. A dialogue on love.
619. La ConDAMINE (CHARLES Mariz De). Relation Abrégée d’un Voyage
fait dans l’Intérieur de ?Amérique Méridionale, depuis la Cote
de la Mer du Sud, jusqu’aux Cotes du Brésil et de la Guyane. Nou-
velle Edition, augmentée de la Relation de ’Emeute populaire de
Cuenga au Pérou.. With folding copperplate map, and fine engraved
plate showing the interior of bull arena at Cuenca. 8vo, half green
morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Maestricht, 1778
Fine copy, with wide uncut margins. Contains additional matter,
not found in the first edition.
620. LarayeTTeE (Marquis Dr). “Liberte; Conclusion de la Campagne de
1781 en Virginie. To his Excellency General Washington this
Likeness of his friend the Marques de la Fayette, is humbly dedi-
cated.” Peint par L. Le Paon. Gravé par N. le Mire. Portrait,
full-length, in uniform, standing, and pointing with his right hand
to battle in distance, behind him, a colored attendant holding his
horse. Line ENGRAVING. Height, 18 14/16; width, 12 14/16
inches, slight tear in margin, the whole rebacked with paper. Matted.
A companion plate to “General Washington,” by the same artist.
621. LarayETTE (Marquis Dr). Lafayette. Sorti de France dans la nuit
du 19 au 20 Aoust 1792, arreté par les Prussiens et de suite livré
4 ’Empereur enfermé dans les prisons d’Olmutz et remis en liberté
le 2% Aoust, ou le 10 Fructidor l’an 5eme de la Répe. Free. LINE
ENGRAVING, by Smith, after Morland. Height, 18 8/16; width,
13 4/16 inches. Matted.
FINE IMPRESSION OF THIS PLATE, Showing the arrest of Lafayette, be-
eause of his break with the National Assembly of Paris, and the perse-
cution of the Jacobins. A full-length portrait of Lafayette, standing in
prison cell, with hands chained, and feet being shackled, to his left
a Prussian officer, in background a guard of soldiers. RARE PRINT.
622. LAFAYETTE (Marquis De). “Lafayette.” A Scheffer Pinxt. 1822.
Leroux Sculpt, 1824. 4 Paris, chez Auteur. Portrait, full length
in civilian dress, with long coat, three-quarter to left, right hand
holding hat and cane, left hand resting on hip, with thumb in side
pocket, standing in open, before mound. LINE ENGRAVING, Open
Letter India Proof. Height, 23 4/16; width, 14 11/16 inches.
623. Laraverte (Marquis De). Portrait. Same as above. LINE EN-
GRAVING. India Proof, Before Letters, with engraver’s and paint-
er’s names in dots. Sub-height, 21 8/16; width, 14 11/16 inches.
Fine impression. Matted.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
624. Larayverte (Marquis Dz). “Le Général Lafayette.” Portrait, full-
length in civilian dress, seated on a deck of a ship, head three-
quarters to right; the spirits of Washington, Franklin, and other
defenders of American liberty, to the right; to the left, the genie
protectors of America driving away the storm; the following in-
scription in French and English—“The spirits of the defenders
of the American liberty are visiting him during his passage; the
genii protectors of America drive away the storms.” Mzzzorint.
Height, 18 14/16; width, 21 14/16 inches, small tear in lower
margin. Matted.
Without engraver’s or painter’s names, but similar to the engraving
by Moreau, after Dubouloz.
625. LAFontTAINE (JEAN De). ‘Tales and Novels in Verse. Illustrated with
626. LaF
the 85 original plates by Eisen. 2 vols. 8vo, full blue levant mo-
rocco, backs and sides richly decorated with festoon and other
tooling, gilt tops, uncut, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe.
Paris, 1883
CHOICE SET. One of 125 copies, numbered and autographed by the pub-
lisher, E. F. Bonaventure.
ONTAINE (JEAN Dz). Tales and Novels in Verse. Wath numerous
engravings by and after Eisen, Lancret, Boucher, Pater and others,
printed from the original copper-plates, for the Society of Hnglish
Bibliophilists. 4 vols. royal 8vo, newly and handsomely bound in
full blue levant morocco, richly ornamented on backs and sides, ©
inside borders, gilt tops, uncut.
London: Printed for Society of English Bibliophilists (recent)
SERTION OF ABOUT 300 ENGRAVINGS, comprising a complete set (85) of
the Eisen plates, all delicately coLoRED BY HAND, also complete set of
PROOFS BY MARET, 1777, complete set of Japan Proofs after Fragonard
and others.
extra plates have been skilfully inlaid.
627%. Lamartine (ALPHONSE Dre—Celebrated French Writer). A.L.S.,
1p. folio, May 18, 1817. With 3 engraved portraits. Together, 4
pieces, all inlaid.
An interesting letter to a friend whom he addresses as “Monsieur le
Marquis,” thanking the latter for a compliment paid to himself, which
he appreciates highly.
628. LamarTINE (ALPHONSE DE). ‘The History of the Restoration. of
Monarchy in France. Portrait. 4 vols, 12mo, newly bound in half
green polished morocco, gilt backs and tops. | London, 1851-1853
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, A pril 6th
629. [Lamp (CuHartEs)]. Burton (Robert). The Anatomy of Melancholy.
The Sixth Edition. Portrait of the author on engraved title-page.
Folio, original calf binding repaired and title-mounted. In cloth
case, with morocco back and protecting cover. London, 1652
With long manuscript poem written in a contemporary hand, signed
“James Dixon’......... “Shew me the man can boast so free a State
That is not to some power subordinate” ete.
Pasted on the back of the inside cover is a transcript of this poem,
written on a folio sheet, containing 36 lines, signed like the original on
opposite page “James Dixson” (original “Dixon’’).
There is also inserted a 4 page 4to. original manuscript IN THE AUTO-
GRAPH OF CHARLES LiLoypb, in which he mentions “Charles,” undoubtedly
Charles Lamb, as they were the closest friends.
Lamb’s appreciation of Burton’s “Anatomy of Melancholy” is well-
630. [Lams (Crartes)]. The Annual Anthology. Edited by Robert
Southey. 2 vols. 16mo, original diamond calf, rebacked.
Bristol, 1799-1800
ALL EVER PUBLISHED. Contains original contributions by,—Charles
Lamb, Robert Southey, Charles Lloyd and others.
631. Lamp (Cuarues). The Works of Charles Lamb. 2 vols. 12mo, full
polished calf, gilt, gilt edges. London: C. and J. Ollier, 1818
632. Lamp (CuartEs). Elia. Essays which have appeared under that sig-
nature in the London Magazine. London: Printed for Taylor
and Hessey, Fleet Street, 1823: The Last Essays of Elia. Being
a Sequel to Essays published under that name. London: Edward
Moxon, 1833. ‘Together, 2 vols. 12mo, full olive-green levant mo-
rocco, Janseniste, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, outer edges scraped,
lower edges uncut, by Riviére. London, 1823-1833
First EDITIONS OF BOTH VOLUMES, the “Hssays” having the added line
in imprint,—‘and 13 Waterloo Place’ together with the half-title and
Advertisements; the “Last Essays” with half-title and Advertisements.
633. Lamp (CHaruEs). Essays of Elia. Illustrated by R. 8. Gifford, J. D.
Smillie, C. A. Platt, and F. S. Church, 2 vols. square 8vo, half
brown morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh, 1885
INSERTION OF 220 PORTRAITS AND VIEWS; Extra Titles; and Autograph
of Lamb; Portraits of Lamb by Arlent Edwards, H. Meyer, Rice, ete. ;
Japan Proofs of,—J. Bannister, Cibber, Elliston, Congreve, Dicky Suett,
and Sir Richard Steele in mezzotint; Mrs. Siddons, by Cook; Seyley, the
Chimney Sweeper; Van Mills, Andrew Whitson, Dick Swift, Thieftaker ;
George IV and Granvelle Sharp by H. Meyer; Don Quixote by Picart
and by Schley; George Morland by Page; Mrs. Bland by Cooper; Sir
Philip Sidney by Scriven; R. Clover by Ensom; Adam Smith by Hall;
Parson by J. Parker; Colored view of Magdalen College; Rowlandson’s
Quaker Meeting in Colors; Machiaveli by Fournier; Charles Cotton by
Humphries on India paper; mezzotint of Alexander Pope, «ce.
Third Session, Thursday Afternoon, April 6th
Lanpor (WaLrer Savace). Pericles & Aspasia. Edited by OC. G.
Crump. With etchings by Herbert Ratlton. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth,
paper labels, uncut. London, 1890
One of 225 copies printed on Large Paper, each numbered.
1. Poem “Lo the Worm.” A remarkable poem that should be
compared with “The Conqueror W orm” by Poe.
9. )
collection of NINETY-NINE CARICATURES IN COLOR by Rowlandson,
Cruikshank, Gillray, Heath and other caricaturists, mainly with
ample or full margins, attached at corners to sheets of cartridge
paper, the whole made into a large folio scrap book, with title in
water-color, reading; “Caricatures, Social and Political. Formed
in 1896.” Half black morocco. London, early XI Xth century.
PRESSIONS. Includes 22 plates by Thomas Rowlandson, including: “Quar-
ter Day’; “Cries of London. No. 2. Buy my Goose’; “Dropsy courting
Consumption”; “A Sleepy Congregation’; “Puss in Boots, or General
Junot taken by surprise’; “A Hitt at Backgammon’; “Spit Fires’; and
others of equal interest. .
Includes at least 6 examples of the work of George and Isaac Cruik-
shank. “The Art of Walking the Streets of London, plate 1st,” (in four .
sections), Jany. 1st, 1818, and which is very rare; “Twelfth Night’
(after Woodward); “A Tale of Terror’ (after Woodward) and others.
after Marriage, or, the great little Emperor playing Bo-Beep”; “Boney
and his new Wife; or, a quarrel about Nothing’; “The Gallic Magi led
by the Imperial Comet” (Napoleon) ; ete.
There are incorporated 9 specimens by Woodward; 8 by Heath; 3 by
Gillray, as well as examples by others.
938. RoyaL AMERICAN REGIMENT. George III. D.S., 26pp. folio, Court at
St. James, February 1 and 29, 1788. Signed seven times by King
George III., and several times by Graham, John Aubrey and Morn-
Warrants for the Establishment of Several Corps of Foot and other
Forces including the Establishment of Forces in the East Indies. The
Royal American Regiment of Foot of Four Battalions is mentioned
in detail, the annual maintenance of it being over £5,000.
939. RuBENS (Peter Paut). Hymans (Henri). Histoire de la Gravure
dans l’Ecole de Rubens. With 5 facsimile heliotype illustrations.
8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. Bruxelles, 1879
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
[Ruskin (JoHNn)]. Oxford Prize Poems; being a Collection of such
English Poems as have at various times obtained prizes in the Uni-
versity of Oxford. 12mo, original cloth, with label uncut.
Oxford, 1839
First Epition. Contains “Salsette and Elephanta” by John Ruskin,
who at the time was a student at Oxford.
Ruskin (JoHn). The Writings of Ruskin. With illustrations by the
author, ete. 26 vols. small 8vo, three quarter crimson morocco, gilt
tops, uncut.
London: Privately Printed for Members of the Society of English
Bibliophilists, (recent)
EpItrion DE LUXE, limited to 100 copies.
. Ruskin (Joun). The Elements of Drawing. First Eprrion. Lon-
don, 1857; Hurtn (HE. M.). Portraits and Portrait Painting. Jllus-
trations. Boston, 190%; DupiEessis (GrorGES). The Wonders
of Engraving. Photographic plates. London, 1871. Together, 3
vols. 12mo, and small 8vo, cloth. TV, aa eS
Russta. De Russorum, Moscovitarum et Tartarorum religione, sacri-
ficiis, nuptiarum et funerum ritu. 4to, boards.
: Spirae: Barnardus D’albinus, 1582
A rare and interesting book dealing with the costumes, manners, etc.
of the Russians.
Ruyssproeck. L’Ornement des Noces Spirituelles, de Ruysbroeck l’Ad-
mirable. Accompagné d’une Introduction par Maurice Maeterlinck.
Square 12mo, three quarter red polished morocco, gilt top, wholly
uncut and unopened. Bruxelles, 1891
One of 25 copies on VanGelder paper.
. Sarnt Prerre (BERNARDIN DE). Paul and Virginia. With an Original
Memoir of the Author. With 330 illustrations, PROOFS ON INDIA
Paper, by Tony Johannot, Meissonier, and others. Royal 8vo,
three quarter light blue levant morocco, gilt top, by Riviere.
London, 1839
Extra-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 8 exquisite vignettes, etched by
Ad. Lalauze, on India paper. ,
Sargent’s Sitva oF NortH America. Sargent (Charles Sprague).
The Silva of North America:—a description of the Trees which
grow Naturally in North America exclusive of Mexico. With over
700 plates, displaying several thousand specimens, the figures and
analyses drawn from nature by Charles Edward Faxon and en-
graved by Philbert and Eugene Picart. 14 vols. folio, boards and
labels, uncut.
Boston and New York: The Riverside Press, 1892-1902
FINE SET OF THIS MAGNIFICENT WoRK, complete with the two supple-
mentary volumes and the Index. 'THE GREATEST CONTRIBUTION TO THE
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
SAUNDERS (CHARLES). “Sr. Charles Saunders—Vice Adml. of the Blue,
and Lieutt. General of His Majesty's Marine Forces.” Portrait,
three-quarter length, in embroidered uniform of admiral, full front,
head to left, right arm resting on anchor, left arm hanging by side,
cocked-hat with rosette, in armpit; ribbon across breast. Mzxzzo-
TINT. London, Printed for Robt. Sayer. Height, 14; width, 10
inches. Matted.
FINE IMPRESSION, WITH GOOD MARGINS (the lower one uncut) of this
historical portrait. Saunders was appointed Vice-Admiral of the Blue
in 1759, and put in charge of the fleet for the St. Lawrence. Notwith-
standing the repeated attempts of the enemy by means of fireships to
prevent his approach, he succeeded in occupying such positions off Quebec
and the lower river, as to completely cut off the possibility of any supplies
reaching the garrison of the city.
SauR (CuristopHer) Imprint. Bromley (Thomas). The Way to the
Sabbath of Rest. 8vo, new boards.
London, printed: Germantown, Reprinted and sold by Christopher
Sower, 1759
SaurR (CHRISTOPHER) Imprint. Hartley (Thomas). A Discourse on
Mistakes concerning Religion, Enthusiasm, Experiences, etc. 8vo,
new boards.
London, printed. Germantown reprinted by Christopher Sower,
Saur (CuristorHer) Imprint. Benezet (Anthony) X. Observations
On the Inslaving, importing and purchasing of Negroes. Second
Edition. 8vo, new boards. ’
: Germantown: Printed by Christopher Sower, 1760
SauR (CHRISTOPHER) Imprint. . Dell (Wiliam). Christ's Spirit, a
Christian’s Strength. 8vo, new boards.
Germantown: Printed by Christopher Sower, 1760
Saur (CHRistopHER) Imprint. Robert Barclay’s Apologie oder Ver-
theidigungs-Schrift der wahren Christlichen Gottesgelahrtheit, Wc.
Svo, three quarter crimson levant, gilt top.
Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1776
Scarce. This is Barclay’s work on the Quakers here for the first time
translated into German.
Saxon Romances. The Romances of Sir Guy of Warwick, and hem-
brun his Son. Now first edited from the Auchinleck MSS. [with
an Introduction, by W. B. D. D. Turnbull]. Illustrated title. to,
cloth, uncut. Edinburgh: Printed for Private Circulation, 1840
The editor remarks that it is perhaps prudent to assert that the author
is altogether unknown, although a number including Bale, attribute the
work to Walter of Exeter.
ScHootcrarT (HuNry R.). Journal of Tour into the Interior of Mis-
souri and Arkansaw, 1818-1819. Folding map. 8vo, new boards,
uncut. : London, 1821
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
955. Scornanp. lLindesay (Robert—of Pitscottie). The History of Scot-
land; from 21 February, 1436, to March, 1565 . . . Done from the
most authentic and most correct manuscripts. To which is added
a Continuation by another hand till August, 1604. Title within
ornamental border. Small folio, full calf, back repaired.
Edinburgh, 1728
956. Scottanp. The Beauties of Scotland; containing a clear and full
Account of the Agriculture, Commerce, Mines, and Manufactures ;
of the Population, Cities, Towns, Villages, etc. of each County.
With an extensive number of full-page plates. 5 vols. 8vo, halt
calf. Edinburgh, 1805
From the famous Castlecraig Library, with book-label in each volume.
957. Scorr (Sir Watrser). Complete set of the Waverley Novels, all First
? Editions, as below described. Together, 74 vols. 12mo, half brown
levant morocco, pe tops, cut edges by Henderson and Bisset.
Edinburgh, 1814-1832
Waverley. 3 vols.a iv. <:teisietia ae. + oar Pm ent 8 1814
Does not contain the separately printed pages bearing the
printer’s name in Vols. 1 and 2.
Guy Mannering. 3 vols..... 0.025. eo 1815
Contains the separately printed “Hrrata” in Volume 3,
usually missing. 7
The Antiquary... 3) vols... 0... 000i). 05, sae 1816
Contains the “Glossary,” in Volume 3, pp.(357)-372
Tales of My Landlord. [First Series.| ;4 volo sian eee 1816
Comprises “The Black Dwarf” and “Old Mortality.”
Tales of My Landlord. Second Series. 4 vols............... 1818
Comprises “The Heart of Mid-Lothian.” . : |
Rob Roy... 3 vols... . foc. ow we con + eels els ee 1818
Tales of My Landlord... Third Series.. 4 voles (0 sue 1819
Comprises “The Bride of Lammermoor” and “Legend of
Tvanhoe;:+ 3 iwolsc). paces or eee *, kif 4 oe 1820
The Monastery...3 vols. 2). ..7 Ws.» on s+: 9 eee 1820
The Abbot; ‘3. vols... 0... 02 Pa, ce 1820
Kenilworth. 3 vols. 0. 020. 2 ia. «= +s « 6 > ote 1821
The Fortunes of Nigel. 3 vols. . 3... 7) aie 1822
The Pirates! .3.
Aniadne; &c. First Collected Edition. 8vo, full contemporary
straight-grained morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt inside borders,
silk doublures and end-papers, gilt edges. London, 1814
1033. TinTtorETto (Giacomo). Phillipps (E. M.). Tintoretto [his Life,
Early Work, Great Undertakings, Later Work, Portraits, Drawings,
Character of his Art, etc., with a Catalogue of his Pictures]. With
61 reproductions of his art. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut.
London: Methuen [1911]
1034. ToKEN (THE). A Christmas and New Year’s Present. The volumes
for 1831, 1834, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1841 and 1842. Illustrated. 7% vols.
16mo, and 12mo, original leather, some worn and pages loose. Not
returnable. Boston, 1831-1842
“The Lost Boy,” by Oliver Wendell Holmes; “The May Pole of Merry
Mount,” “Sunday at Home,’ “The Shaker Bridal,” all by Nathaniel
Hawthorne; and poems and stories by other well known writers, first
made their appearance in the foregoing volumes.
1035. TRUMBULL (JoHN—Artist, and Aide to Washington in the Revolution).
A. L. 8., 1p. 4to, New York, December 30, 1818. To Mr. King,
Washington. With address.
“Our brother of the great brush Mr. Purdy, principal painter at the
Capitol—is here, & promises to deliver to you a small parcel containing
India Yellow :—it is a powerful Color as you know, & I hope it will
Serve you some time . . . The Arts are here as usual languishing, for
lack of nursing—Mammon is the great ruler of this time, and into his.
temples we are not admitted.”
1036. TURNER (CHARLES). Whitman (Alfred). Nineteenth Century Mezzo-
tinters: Charles Turner [a Memoir, with a Catalogue (260 pp.) giv-
ing full descriptions! of 921 subjects and portraits]. With 32 full-
page portraits and views. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut.
Tiondon: Bell & Sons, 1907
Edition limited to 500 copies.
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
1037. Turner (J. M. W.). Finberg (A. J.). Turner’s Sketches and Draw-
ings fa study of Turner’s Art in the light of his sketch-books and
drawings from nature]. Jllustrated with 100 reproductions, one in
color, of the artist’s own sketches. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut.
London [1910]
1038. Untoa (ANTOINE DE). Voyage de l’Amerique Meridionale, fait par
Ordre du Roi d’Espagne. Par Don George Juan, et Don Antoine de
Ulloa, et qui contient une Histoire de Yneas du Perou. With many
copperplate maps and engravings. 2 vols. 4to, old calf, hacks
strengthened. Amsterdam, 1752
Original Edition, text clean.
1039. Upson (Arruur). The Collected Poems of Arthur Upson. Edited,
with an Introduction by Richard Burton. Portrait of the author,
and facsimile of a portion of his original manuscript. 2 vols. 8yo,
cloth, uncut. Minneapolis, 1909
1040. Unrversat Crassics Lisrary. O. H. G. Leigh, Editorial Director. [/lus-
trated with photogravures on Japanese paper, etchings, handpainted
reproductions, full-page portraits of authors, etc. 30 vols. 8yvo, half
morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut.
| Washington and London: M. W. Dunne [1901]
Comprises,—Memoirs of Louis XIV; Chesterfield’s Letters to his Son;
Memoirs of Napoleon, by Junot; Secret Memoirs of Marie Antoinette ;
Diary of Evelyn; Secret Memoirs of the Court of Berlin; The Federauist, |
1041. Van Buren (Marrin—President United States). A. I. S32 pp:
16mo, n.p.n.d. To Miss Silvester, sending a volume of the “Old
English Poets, in which I am sure you will find a thousand & one
good things.”
1042. Vaw Dorn (Eart—Confederate General, Appointed by the Legislature
of Mississippi Brigadier-General of the State Forces, &c.). A. L. S.,
2 pp. 8vo, Head Quarters, 1st Division Army of the Potomac, Union
Mills, December 4, 1861. To General Beauregard.
War Letter relating to movement of the Confederate Army in the Vir-
ginia Campaign :—‘“I ride this morning to Davis ford . . . I wish to
examine the Country towards Dumfries and Wigfall . . . A Courier will
find me on the road... I have directed Genl. Rodes to cut out the
road to Davis ford, General Early to construct the Bridge near McLeans
ford on the line of battle—and General Bonham to cut out the road in
rear of the line—A Bridge across Bull Run on Early’s right will give
better road from Centreville to the railroad and for communication on
the line of battle...”
1043. Van Dorn (Harz). A. L.8.,1p.4to. [Army of the Potomac] Union
Mills, Virginia, November 12, 1861. ‘To Colonel Thomas Jordan,
forwarding important dispatches received by Colonel Hampton.
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
eee eee ee en ee
1044. Van Dyke (Henry—Poet and Diplomat). Autograph Manuscript,
Signed, entitled,—‘‘‘Melospiza— A Little Brother of the Air.”
Five stanzas, nine lines each, the fifth stanza being cancelled, and
a new one added in pencil. 3 pp. 8vo. New York, 1895
Both lines of the title were originally cancelled, but the second line
reading—“A Little Brother of*the Air,” is marked “stet.” The first verse
“There is a bird I know so well
It seems as if he must have sung
Beside my crib when I was young:
Before I knew the way to spell
The name of even the smallest bird,
His gentle-joyful song I heard.
Now see if you can tell, my dear,
What bird it is that, every year,
Sings ‘“Sweet-sweet-swreet-very merry cheer’?
1045. VERMONT. Williams (Samuel). The Natural and Civil History of
Vermont. With the folding copperplate map, engraved by Callender.
8vo, sheep. Walpole, N. H., 1794
1046. VerMon?T Mizirary Scnoox. A Journal of An Excursion, made by the
Corps of Cadets of the A[merican] L[iterary] S[cientific] & M[ili-
tary] Academy, Norwhich, V[ermon]t under Command of Captain
A. Partridge, June, 1824. 48 pp. small 8vo, new boards, uncut.
Windsor, Vt.: Printed by Simeon Ide, 1824
An uncommon item, and an early Vermont imprint. The above-men-
tioned school, was one of the earliest private military schools established
in the country, having been instituted at Norwich, Vermont, in 1820 under
the guidance of Captain Partridge, its founder and superintendent. The
above, taken from notes of the party, is the Journal of the Second Ex-
cursion, made by a select number of cadets, and signed at the end by
Cadet E. F. Johnson, one of the party. Besides the Journal, the work
contains Captain Dunbar’s Topographical Notes. The title page has
the signature of [William P.] Wigery, whose name appears in the list
of cadets chosen to make this excursion.
1047. Virctnra. CoLorep Map. “Virginia, Marylandia et Carolina in Ame-
1048. Vi
rica Septentrionali.” Joh. Bapt. Homann, 8. C. M. Geog. Size,
19 x 2284 inches. Matted. Norimbergae [circa 1700|
Curious and interesting map, showing all of New Jersey, part of
Pennsylvania; in the north west “Erie Lac,” below which, and extending
across the entire western part is ‘“Floride Pars,” with a large lake in
the south, called ‘‘Apalachze Lacus.” ‘The title is within an elaborate
engraved design of figures and landscape. Delaware is not laid down
as such, Maryland then occupying its entire present site.
RGINIA. Map, Partiy Conorep. “Carte de la Virginie et du Mary-
land. Dressée sur la grande carte Angloise de Mrs. Josué Fry et
Piette Jefferson. Par le Sr. Robert de Vaugondy, Géographe ordi-
naire du Roi.” Size, 2514 x19 inches. Matted. N.p., 1755
Map of the French and Indian War period, not in Phillips. Shows
the limit of the Lord Fairfax claim. Fine impression, with uncut mar-
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
of part of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia,
which were the scenes of the most important Operations of the
Southern Armies.” Engraved by J. Yeager. Size, 6% x 93% inches.
Matted. N.p.n.d._
Vircinta LAND Cuaims. [Paine (Thomas).] Public Good: being an
Examination into the Claim of Virginia to Vacant Western Terri-
tory, and of the Right of the United States to the same. 8vo, new
boards. Albany: C. R. and George Webster, n.d.
Voutarre (J. F. M. Arovet pg). The Works of Voltaire. A Contem-
porary Version, with Notes by Tobias Smollett, Revised and Modern-
ized. New Translation, by William F. Fleming. A critique and a
biography, by John Morley. With numerous reproductions of old
engravings, photogravures and curious facsimiles. 42 vols. 8vo, half
morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, contents lettered.
Paris, London, and New York: E. R. Dumont [1901]
Collector’s Edition, limited issue.
VouTaArrE (J. F. M. Arovet dE). The Writings of Voltaire. With a
Critique and Biography by John Morley. Notes by Tobias Smollett.
Revised and Modernized new Translations by William F. Fleming.
Illustrated with 168 reproductions of rare old engravings, steal plates,
photogravures, and curious facsimiles. 42 vols. 8vo, full morocco,
elaborately gilt, gilt tops, uncut.
(New York): St. Hubert Guild, (recent)
Limited Edition. Some of the illustrations are IN COLORS.
Voyaces. Vancover (Captain George). A Voyage of Discovery to the
North Pacific Ocean and round the World, in which the Coast of
North-West America has been carefully examined and accurately
surveyed . . . performed in the years 1790-1795. Illustrated with
19 full-page views (mainly folding), and charts. 6 vols. 8vo, full
contemporary calf. London, 1801
Good copy, the plates and maps in excellent condition not torn or
otherwise damaged, as is usually the case.
W. (J.). The Valiant Scot. By J. W. Gent. Small 4to, full wrinkled
morocco, a knight in full armor in gilt in centres of both sides, gilt
back, gilt edges, printer’s ornament cut from title-page and the upper
right corner supplied.
London: Printed by Thomas Harper for Iohn Waterson, 1637
First EpItTIoN OF A RARE EARLY ENGLISH PLAY founded upon the history
of the famous Scottish Chieftain, Wallace. Among the characters are,—
Robert Bruce, William Wallace, Hezelrig, Sheriff of Lanark, who, tradi-
tion states was killed by Wallace, though not so schemed in this play,
King Edward, Douglas, and others. The dedication to the Harl of
Cambridge and Arran, is signed by William Bowyer.
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, A pril 7th
Oe en el A el lle
1055. WALKER (ALEXANDER). Beauty; Illustrated Chiefly by an Analysis
and Classification of Beauty in Woman. Preceded by a Critical View
of the general Hypotheses respecting Beauty, by Hume, Hogarth,
Burke, Knight, Alison, Etec., and followed by a Similar View of the
Hypotheses of Beauty in Sculpture and Painting, by Leonardo da
Vinci, Winckelmann, Mengs, Bossi, ete. Illustrated by 23 drawings
from life by Henry Howard, on stone by Gauci and Lane, being
PROOFS ON INDIA Paper. First Eprtion. 8vo, three-quarter maroon
morocco, richly gilt back. London, 1836.
1056. Watton (Izaak). The Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr,
Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert. To which are added some
Letters written by Mr. George Herbert at his being in Cambridge, &c.
Portraits of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, and Herbert, by Lombart, Dolle,
and White. 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt back and edges, by Riviére.
London: Printed by Tho. Newcomb for Richard Marriott, 1670
First Epirion. The pagination to the life of Hooker skips from page
56 to page 77, but the text nevertheless is complete.
1057. Watton (IzAAK) AND Corton (CHARLES). The Complete Angler ; or,
the Contemplative man’s Recreation. 12mo, full morocco, gilt edges.
London, 1653-1810
Samuel Bagster’s fine reprint of the First Edition.
1058. Watton (Izaak) anp Corton (CuHartes). The Universal Angler,
Made so, by Three Books of Fishing. The First Written by Mr.
Izaak Walton; The Second, By Charles Cotton Esq; The Third By
Col. Robert Venables. With 2 engraved titles and several vignette
engravings of fish throughout text. 3 parts in one vol. 16mo, green
levant morocco, richly gilt hack, gilt panel sides, gilt edges, by Bed-
ford, two titles skilfully remargined, corners of four leaves neatly
repaired ; one leaf remargined, a few of the end letters damaged on
latter. London: Printed for Richard Marriott, 1676
Fifth Edition, being the first Complete Edition, the First to bear the
author’s name on title, and the last edited by the author himself, and
published within his lifetime, containing his last corrections. Besides
this the volume is made up of the First Epririon of Cotton, and the
Fourth Edition of Venables. Contains the rare leaf—“Licensed, Roger
L’Estrange, April 5, 1676,” and the half-title to part I., both usually
1059. WaLTon (Izaak) AnD Cotton (CHARLES). The Complete Angler. To
which are added an Introductory Essay . . . and Illustrative Notes.
Hxtenswely embellished with engravings on copper and wood after
Wale and Nash. 16mo, full green levant morocco, symbolical gilt
back and sides, gilt edges. In cloth slip case.
London: John Major, 1824
Major’s Second Edition.
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
1060. Wauron (Izaak) AND Corron (CHartxs). The Complete Angler, or
The Contemplative Man’s Recreation. Edited by John Major. With
8 original etchings and 7 woodcuts. 8vo, newly bound in three-quar-
ter green levant morocco, gilt back, emblematic tooling, gilt top, un-
Git: London: Nimmo, 1889
1061. Watton (Izaak) anpD Corron (CHARLES). The Complete Angler; or,
Contemplative Man’s Recreation. Edited, with Notes, by J. H.
Harting. With 53 illustrations, including etchings, by Percy Thomas
and G. BE. Lodge. 2 vols. 4to, full dark-green crinkled morocco, arms
in gilt on sides, lions in corners, silk doublures and end-papers with
gilt thistles and lions-rampant, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf.
London: Bagster and Sons, 1893
No. 11 of 350 copies printed. The Tercentenary Edition.
1062. Warron (Izaak) anp Corron (CHARLES). The Complete Angler.
Edited, with an Introduction by Richard Le Gallienne. With allus-
trations by Edmund H. New. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full dark green levant
morocco, symbolically tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut.
London, 1897
insertion of about 175 portraits, views, etc., some in colors, and including
many old and scarce pieces. :
Among the portraits are those of William Pickering (the famous
printer, and publisher of the 1886 edition of Walton), prcof on India
paper, in the manner of Gosden ; Richard Lovelace; Brome, the dramatist ;
Sir Aston Cockain, 1796; Henry Wotton, (India paper) ; yarious portraits
of the authors, and others of note.
Among the views ete. are a large number of representations of fish,
some in colors, angling scenes, etc.
bound from the original parts.
1063. Wansey (Henry). The Journal of an Excursion to the United States
of North America, in the Summer of 1794. Hmbellished with the
silhouette portrait of General Washington, and an aquatint view of
the State House at Philadelphia. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges.
: Salisbury, 1796
First Eprrion. Interesting on account of the personal description of
Washington, whom the author visited, and for its chapter on literature,
in which are given lists of English books and of original publications
since the Declaration of Independence.
1064. Warner (CHartes Duprey). Autograph Manuscript Signed in Full.
14 pp. 8vo. Entitled,—“A Talk about Reading.”
The Original Manuscript used by the Printer. Fourteen closely, written
1065. War or 1812. The Naval Monument, containing Official and other Ac--
counts of all the Battles Fought between the Navies of the United
‘States and Great Britain. With 25 engravings. 8vo, sheep.
Boston, 1816
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
ae nine ae ee alee
1066. War or 1812. Finan (P.). Journal of a Voyage to Quebec in the Year
1825, with Recollections of Canada (214 pp.) during the late Amer-
ican War in the years, 1812-1813. 12mo, original boards, uncut.
Newry, 1828
Fine Copy. The author gives an interesting personal account of the
troubles along the border during the first years of the War; the arrival
of General Hull’s Army as prisoners at Montreal, and other incidents.
1067. WarREN (Samvet). Passages from the Diary of a Late Physician. A
New Edition. 2 vols. 12mo, half blue polished morocco, gilt backs
and tops. Edinburgh, 1844
1068. Wars OF THE JEWs. Egesippi des Hochberiihmten Fiirtrafflichen Christ-
lichen Geschichtschreibers fiinff Biicher: Vom Jiidischen Krieg und
endlicher zerstérung der Herrlichen und gewaltigen Statt Jerusalem.
Jetz newlich auss dem Lattin auffs trewlichest verteutschet . . . mit
Concordantzen beydes auff die Heylige Bibel wnd unsern newen
Teutschen Josephum gerichtet. With illustrated title and engrav-
ings throughout teat. Small folio, rebound in half calf,
N.p.n.d. [1575]
An account of the Wars of the Jews and the Fall of Jerusalem, founded
on the works of Josephus, and other writers. The preface is signed,—
Conradus Lautenbach, and dated 1575.
1069. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Letter of President George Washington to
Nicholas Pike, Esq., Author of the First Original American Arith-
metic Published in the United States. S8vo, wrappers.
Mount Vernon, 1788
The original “Dummy Copy” of George P. Philes, used as the basis of
the privately reprinted issue of which only 380 copies were circulated,
being the first revised proof of the same.
1070. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Official Letters to the Honorable American
Congress, Written during the War between the United Colonies and
Great-Britain. 2 vols. 8vo, original tree calf, leather labels, text
somewhat time-soiled, corners of binding worn.
New York: Samuel Campbell [and James Rivington], 1796
1071. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Broapsipe. Porm,—“On the Death of Gen-
eral Washington, Commander in Chief of the Combined Forces of
America and France, during the Revolutionary War, and afterwards
President of the United States of America—Who died December 14,
1799.” Below a poem—“The Christian’s Song,” by a lady, and
another poem entitled,—“Love to Christ.” The whole on one page,
with woodcut border, in margin the following,—“Price Twelve and a
Half Cents.” Folio. Matted: N.p.n.d.
A contemporary Broadside. The poem on Washington commences,—
“What solemn sounds the ear invade,
Which wrapt the land in sorrow’s shade.”
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
1072. Wasuineron (Grorce). “Le Général Washington.” Peint par L. le
Paon. Gravé par N. le Mire. Portrait, full-length, standing in front
of tent, holding a roll of papers, on top of which is the Declaration
of Independence, at his left, a table with maps, behind which stands
a colored attendant holding his horse. Lins EncGravine. Height,
18546; width, 12124¢ inches. Mounted on card, and matted.
Hart, No. 3lc, with the word “By” added to the scroll on the fore-
ground, inscribed “A Proclamation-By.” FINE IMPRESSION. ,
A companion plate to the “Marquis de Lafayette,” by the same artist.
1073. Wasttnetron (GeorGE). “General Washington. Engraved from the
Original Picture in the Possession of M. De Neutville, of Amster-
dam. Published by Appointment of M. De Neufville, Janry. 15th,
1781, by V. Green, No. 29, Newman Street, Oxford Street.” Painted
by J. Trumbull Esqr. of Connecticut, 1780. Engraved by V. Green.
Portrait, full-length, standing, hat and sword in right hand, on
which rests his left holding a scroll, negro attendant behind him
holding his horse. Merzzotint. Height, 2414; width, 151g inches,
margins cut close, within plate mark ; few small tears in lower margin
and a small corner of lower margin wanting, all neatly repaired.
Hart, No. 84a. This is the second state of the plate, with the inscrip-
tion in etched letters.
1074. Wasuineton (Grorce). “G. Washington.” J. Trumbull Pinx.—Ja.
Le Roy Sculp. Portrait, whole length, full front to right, in uniform,
standing. With border and title in tablet at bottom. LIne ENGRAY-
inc. Height, 74.6; width, 4%4.6 inches. Matted.
Hart, No. 85. This is the First State of the plate, before the removal
of the border. A reduced copy of the preceding, but reversed.
1075. Wasuinctron (GrEorGE). “George Washington Esqr. President of the
United States of America. From the Original Portrait Painted at
the request of the Corporation of the University at Cambridge in
Massachusetts.” EE. Savage pinx et sculp. Portrait, three-quarter —
length, to right, seated, with legs crossed, at a table, upon which are
a cocked hat, with large rosette, and a plan of the city of Washington.
The background is a figured curtain. Merzzorrnt. Height, 191%6;
width, 13154, inches, lower margin with slight tears, whole skilfully
backed with linen. Matted.
Hart. No. 228. With line,—“Published June 28, 1795, by E. Savage,
No. 54 Newman Street.”
1076. Wasutneton (GrEorGE). “George Washington, President of the United
States of America. From the Original Portrait, Painted at the re-
quest of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge in Massa-
chusetts.” Three-quarter length portrait, to right, seated at table, on
which is a map of the City of Washington. Mezzotint. Height,
1912346: width, 13154, inches, small tear in top margin repaired.
Hart. No. 229. Similar to the preceding, but without engraver’s name,
and without publisher’s line. The map is engraved.
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
i NE Ae cae
1077. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). “Washington.” Painted by G. Stuart. En-
graved by J. H. Hills. Full-length, standing, left hand on sword,
right on table. The Tea Pot Type. Linz Encravine, Open Letter
Proof. Height, 211%; width, 1424, inches. Matted.
Hart, No. 646.
1078. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). “Washington—Go. Washington.” G. Stuart,
pinxt. Eng. by J. Halpin. Full-length, standing, left hand on
sword, right resting by the fingers on table. The Tea Pot Type.
MezzotTint. From the Original Picture in the State House at Hart-
ford, Connecticut. Height, 2614; width, 1614 inches. Matted.
Similar to Hart, No. 648b. This is the third state of this plate, with
“John S. Taylor, 151 Nassau Str.” substituted for publisher, and “Co-
lumbian Magazine,” for “Anglo American.” Their is no printer’s line,
or date.
1079. WasHINGTON (GEORGE). “Gen. Washington [on the Battle Field at
Trenton]. Engraved by W. Warren from the original picture by
Col. John Trumbull, in the possession of Yale College, N. Haven.”
Full-length portrait, to front, head to left, in military uniform,
standing in front of prancing horse, held by Orderly. Battle in back-
ground. M£zZOTINT, FINELY COLORED BY HAND. Height, 2714;
width, 1714 inches. Matted.
Hart, No. 707c. Address changed to “Published by William Smith,
706 South Third St., Philadelphia & by J. Turgis 78 Duane St. New York.”
Copyright by Dainty, 1845.
1080. WasuIneton (GEORGE). “George Washington, Esqr. General and
Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in America.” Por-
trait. ‘Three-quarter length in uniform and cocked hat, with ribband,
body to left, head to right, left hand on hip, right hand pointing to
battle in the left distance. Merzzorrnr. Height, 13%; width, 946
inches, outer and top margins cut close within plate-mark. Matted.
Hart, No. 730a. Second state, with line,—“‘Done from an Original
Drawn from Life by Alexr. Campbell, of Williamsburgh in Virginia.—
Joh Martin Will excud. Aug. Vind,” and “Published as the Act directs
9. Sept. 1775 by C. Shepherd, London.”
1081. Wasmineton (GrorGE). “His Excellency George Washington Lieut.
Genl. of the Armies of the United States of America. Dedicated to
Commodore John Barry and the Officers of the N avy and Army of
North America.” F. Bartoli Pinx.—J. Galland Sculp. Portrait,
three-quarter length, to right, seated at table, in uniform. STIpPur.
Sub-height, 11346; width, 81346 inches. Matted.
Hart, No. 789b. Publisher’s name erased; probably a later impression.
1082. WatERcotor Drawines. Special Numbers of “The Studio,” compris-
ing,—Modern British Water-Colour Drawings 1900; The Old Water-
Colour Society, 1804-1904, edited by Charles Holme, 1905; The
Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, edited by Charles
Holme, 1906. With many full-page colored plates. Together, 3 vols.
~ royal 8vo, cloth. London: The Studio, 1900-1906
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
Watson anpD JupKINS. Goodwin (Gordon). British Mezzotinters:
Thomas Watson, James Watson, Elizabeth Judkins [a Catalogue of
their Works (230 pp.) containing detail descriptions of 283 subjects,
and lists of prints]. With 6 photogravure plates. 4to, cloth, gilt
top, uncut. London: Bullen, 1904
Edition limited to 520 copies.
Warts (Isaac). A collection of his writings, including; Horae Lyri-
cae; Poems chiefly of the Lyric Kind. Glasgow, 1796; Another edi-
tion of the same work, London, undated, probably a about the same
period as preceding; A Guide to Prayer. London, 1722. VERY
scarce; Short View of Scripture History. London, 1847; Devout
Exercises of the Heart. By Mrs. EH. Rowe, published at her request
by I. Watts. London, 1803. Together, 5 vols, 12mo, sheep and roan.
. Wayne (AntTHoNY, Masor Generar). Beckley (John—Clerk of the
House of Representatives). D.S., 1p. folio. Congress of the United
States, In the House of Representatives, Wednesduy, the 21st of
Mar ch, 1792,—“Resolved that the seat of Anthony Wayne as a Mem-
ber of the House is, and the same is declared to be vacant . . .”
Folio, framed, with glass. |
Original Order from the House of Representatives, sent to the Gov-
-ernor of Georgia. In 1791 the people of Georgia elected Wayne to Con-
gress, where he served from October 24, 1791 to March 21, 1792, when
his seat was contested and Congress declared it vacant. A new election
was ordered, but he declined to be a candidate, having been nominated
by Washington as General-in-Chief of the United States BESO which
nomination was confirmed on April 3, 1792.
1086. Weaver (Joun). Ancient Funeral Monuments within the United
Monarchie of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Island adjacent, with
the dissolued Monasteries therein contained . . . As also the death
and Buriall of Certaine of the Bloud Royall; the Nobilitie and
Gentrie of these Kingdoms entombed in forraine Nations . . .. Inter-
mixed and illustrated with variety of Historical Observations, anno-
tations, and briefe notes, extracted out of approved authors, &e.
Engraved title, by T. Cecill, and woodcuts in teat. Small folio, old calf,
rebacked, lacks portrait. London: Printed by Tho. Harper, 1631
First Epirion, with the seven leaves of Index, which Lowndes says
are often wanting. The engraved title, which is done in Cecill’s best
manner, is an extremely interesting example of the method of indicating
the contents of the book by the figures represented thereon.
The work is dedicated to King Charles the First, the Address of the
Author to the Reader ending with the following quaint couplet,— —
“So many burials, Reader, in one booke
Warne thee that one day, thou for death must looke.”
This is followed by a Discourse of Funeral Monuments, etc., which covers
pp. 1-196, then commences a description of the Ancient Funeral Monu-
ments, which extends to page 871, followed by the Index. The text is
interspersed with Epitaphs copied from the Monuments, or Verse ap-
plicable to the subject.
Folio contains a great deal of genealogical and biographical matter
not found elsewhere, many of the records being taken from tomb stones
which were destroyed during the Great Civil War in England.
ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee eee a ee ee Le ee .< ns al es < ee =e =? ie ee weg
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, A pril 7th
EE SAAS A le OR “lala daa
1087. Wrst Point Lanps. Lands Belonging to the United States at West
Point [with copies of Grants, Deeds, Partitions, ete. relating to the
same, with Report of Lieutenant Miner Knowlton on the Controver-
sies relating to the same]. Lithographic reprint, of the manuscript
copy. 4to, wrappers. [ Privately printed, n.p.n.d.]
Lieutenant Knowlton’s copy, with his signature inserted.
1088. West Point Minirary Acapemy. An Expose of Facts, concerning Re-
cent ‘Transactions, relating to the Corps of Cadets of the United
States Military Academy at West Point; [also] Defence before a
General Court-Martial, held at West Point, in May, 1819. By
Thomas Ragland; [also] Memorial to Congress [by the Committee,
relative to the illegal Court Martial]. 3 pamphlets in one vol. 8vo,
sheep. | Newburgh, N. Y., 1819
With inscription by Isaac H. Williamson, Governor of New Jersey.
These papers contain all the correspondence prior and Subsequent to
the arrest of the Committee elected by the Cadets to present their
grievances against Captain Bliss of the United States Infantry.
1089. WHARTON (GRACE AND Puitip). The Queens of Society and The Wits
and Beaux of Society. With numerous illustrations UP roeK.
Browne, Charles Doyle, the Brothers Dalziel, etc. Bova SErtes
COMPLETE, First Eprrions. Together, 4 yols. 8vo, newly bound in
three-quarter polished morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut.
London, n.d.
1090. WHEATLEY (PHILLIs). -Heartman (C. F.). Phillis Wheatley: a Criti-
cal Attempt and a Bibliography of her Writings. Portrait in two
states, and facsimiles. 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt top, uncut.
. New York, 1915
No. 1 of 8 copies on apanese paper. (Heartman’s Historical Series. )
1091. WHEATLEY (PHILLIS). Poems and Letters. First Collected Edition.
Edited by C. F. Heartman. With an Appreciation by A. A. Schom-
burg. Portrait. 8vo, three-quarter blue morocco, gilt top, uncut.
New York [1915]
One of 9 copies on Japanese paper. (Heartman’s Historical Series).
1092. WHistteER (JAMES McNzrui). “Fifty-Seven Defaced Etchings and
Dry-Points.” 57 canceled etchings. Bound in one vol. small folio,
boards, cloth back, uncut. [London: The Fine Art Society, 1879]
Only a limited number printed on Holland paper. The reference to
_ this work in the Catalogue of Whistler’s Etchings and Dry-Points, by
Howard Mansfield, reads as follows,—‘About 1879 there were issued
without date impressions from fifty-seven canceled plates, bound together,
but not described . . . ” A penciled note on fly-leaf of the present copy
states,—‘that these plates were sold at the sale when Whistler was made
bankrupt, and that they were scratched over by Whistler himself.”
Among the plates are the following,—Portrait of Arthur Seymour ;
Portrait of Whistler; Encamping; The Engraver; Portrait of Swinburne;
Shipbuilder’s Yard; London Bridge; Sketch from Billingsgate; Irving
as Charles I., and others, some of which are identified with penciled in-
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
1093. WHIstLeR (JAMEs McNerLu). Wilde v Whistler, Being an Acrimoni-
ous Correspondence on Art between Oscar Wilde and James McNeill
Whistler. Small 4to, original yellow wrappers, uncut and unopened.
London: Privately Printed, 1906
One of 400 copies printed of this size. Contains the correspondence
resulting from Wilde’s review of Whistler’s “Ten O’Clock’” lecture.
1094. Wuistter (James McNertt). Notes and Footnotes and Other Memo-
randa. By A. E.G. Reproductions. Royal 8vo, three-quarter citron
levant morocco, gilt top, by Blackwell. | New York & London, 1907
No. 6 of ten copies on Japanese paper.
1095. Wuirtrer (JAMES GREENLEAF). Original Autograph Manuscript,
Signed “J. W.” [1839]. With 6-line A. N. S. regarding the same.
To Mr. Colly, the latter marked “Private,” and cancelled.
A highly commendatory review of the work of Celia Thaxter’s,—“The
Wreck of the Pocahontas,” and of the Poems by Lucy Larcom, and other
writers whove literary contributions up to this time consisted of articles
in periodicals only.
“The last Atlantic Monthly has for its second article, a poem of singular
power entitled ‘The Wreck of the Pocahontas.’ It is from the pen of
Celia Thaxter who saw what she so well describes, when a child living
on the little rock of White Island. It is a little remarkable that some
of the best contributions to our periodical literature, are made by writers
who have never had the good or ill fortune to publish a book, and whose
names are not included in the guild of authorship. The Atlantic .
has had nothing better than such poems as ‘Hilary’ & ‘Skipper Ben’ by
Lucy Larcom, and the prose story of ‘The Tenth of January,’ by Eliza-
beth Stuart Phelps... ”
The letter transmitting the above Manuscript reads as follows,—“J
hope thee will give thy readers the Poem referred to above, as, apart from
its great merit it has a strong local interest. If so, perhaps it might be
printed in connexion with my note above.”
1096. WitpE (Oscar). Rose-Leaf and Apple-Leaf. L’Envoi. 12mo, original
printed wrappers, uncut. London, 1904
Only 200 copies printed for private circulation. The first and only
edition in separate form. This essay appeared originally as an intro-
duction to Rennell Rodd’s very scarce volume of poems bearing the
above title and published in Philadelphia, 1882.
1097. Witkrns (W. H.). The Writings of Wilkins, as follows:
The Love of an Uncrowned Queen, Sophie Dorothea, Consort of
George I., and her Correspondence with Philip Christopher, Count
Konigsmarck, (now first published from the original). With 42
portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. London, 1900
Caroline the Illustrious, Queen-Consort of George II., and sometime
Queen-Regent. With illustrations. First Eprrion. 2 vols. ~
London, 1901
A Queen of Tears, Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway
and Princess of Great Britain and Ireland. With «lustrations.
First Epition. 2 vols. London, 1904
—s -*
ee) hee i A ee
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, A pril 7th
To Be i CRS il ahd ee Sele
[No. 109%7—Continued]
Mrs. Fitzherbert and George IV. With illustrations. 2 vols.
. London, 1905.
Together, 8 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half maroon levant mo-
rocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, by Riviére. London, 1900-1905.
A FINE COLLECTION of the Library Issues, the first and last named
Second editions, the others first editions.
1098. WILLIAMSON (GzEoRGE C.) Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer, Miniature
Painters, Their Lives and their Works. Illustrated with many full-
page plates depicting the work of Holbein, Oosway, Morland, and
other artists, some plates containing several specimens, and numer-
ous single portraits IN COLORS rimmed with gilt. Ato, buckram, gilt
top, uncut. London, 1903:
One of 110 copies on handmade paper.
1099. Wittis (NATHANIEL Parker). Letters from Under a Bridge, and
Poems. Hngraved portrait by F. C. Lewis, title-page, and 9 plates
after W. H. Bartlett of views in New York and Pennsylvania. 4to,.
original cloth, gilt back and edges. London: George Virtue, 1840
the Poems previously issued in a Separate volume and these Letters to.
Dr. T. Olcutt Porter, now first published. Laid in is an A. L. 8S. from
the author, 1p. 8vo, Idlewild, December 15, 1857, relative to his autograph.
1100. WitLyams (Cooper). A Voyage up the Mediterranean .. . with De-
scription of the Battle of the Nile, and a detail of events occurring
subsequent to the Battle in various parts of the Mediterranean. With
43 full-page plates in aquatint engraved by I. C. Stadler after de-
signs by the author. Tall folio, three-quarter red levant morocco,.
gilt back and top. London, 1802
InN a condition like new.
1101. Witson (Wooprow—President United States). Signed Photograph.
_Haltf-length, to front, head to left. Pach Bros., New York. Small
folio, framed, with glass.
1102. WINTHROP (JoHN). Two Lectures on the Parallax and Distance of the
Sun, as Deducible from The Transit of Venus. Read in Holden-
Chapel at Harvard-College in Cambridge, New England, in March
1769. 8vo, new boards. Boston: Edes & Gill, 1769
1103. WorpsworTH (WILLIAM). Poems. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 16mo, full
tan calf, gilt backs and edges, leather labels, by Riviére.
London, 1807
FINE Copy.
1104. WorpDsworTtH (WILLIAM). Peter Bell, a Tale in Verse. Engraved
frontispiece. 8vo, full tan polished calf, gilt back and inside border,
gilt edges, leather label, by Riviére. London, 1819
CHOICE COPY OF THE First Epirion, containing the subsequently gsup-
pressed stanza concerning the “party in a parlour” on p. 39.
Fifth Session, Friday Afternoon, April 7th
1105. WorpswortH (WiLLiAM). The Poetical Works of Wordsworth. A
New Edition. Hngraved portrait after Pickersgill. 6 vols.; Poems,
Chiefly of Early and Late Years. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, newly
bound in three-quarter blue morocco, gilt backs and tops.
London: Edward Moxon, 1836-1837-1842
1106. YorKTOWN, VIRGINIA. ReEvoLuTIONARY Map, partly colored. “Plan
of the Siege of York Town in Virginia.” Shews positions of the
American, French and British forces. Size, 1244x1114 inches.
Matted. London, 1787
1107. Youne (Epwarp). Night Thoughts. With a Life of the Author, and
Notes Critical and Explanatory. Hngraved title, portrait, and plates
after Thomas Stothard. Royal 8vo, full. scored calf, gilt back and
sides, name in ink on title. London, 1798
Heptinstall’s large type edition, with the plates by Stothard.
1108. ZENGER (JOHN PerEerR) Imprint. Van Driessen (Petrus). De Heer-
lykheit der Genade Van den Henigen en Drie-eenigen Verbonds-God.
Volgens dan Heidelbergschen Catechismus. 16mo, sheep, title and
margins of first ten leaves damaged by fire, several pp. waterstained,
and pp. 49-64 and 435-436 wanting.
Gedrukt te Neuw-J ork, by J. Peter Zenger, 1730
‘Evans locates but one copy, the above being the FIRST COPY TO APPEAR FOR
Although imperfect, the item is of extreme interest to New York col-
lectors, because of the fact that together with the Bible and a History
of Holland, it formed the basis of the religious instruction of the early
Dutch inhabitants of the city.
1109. ZencrR (JOHN Prrer). A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of
John Peter Zenger, Printer of the New York Weekly-Journal. Small
folio, three-quarter red morocco, gilt back and edges, shght tear in
title and last leaf skilfully repair ‘ed.
New York, Printed: Lancaster, Re- -printed and Sold by W. Dunlap,
Zenger was tried and acquitted for printing and circulating a libel —
against the Government. The above work contains his own narrative of
the case as published in his New York paper, together with the plead-
ings and arguments of both sides.
1110. Zota (Emirze—Celebrated French Writer). A. L. 8., 2 pp. 8vo, Paris’
April 22, 1885. To an unknown recipient, referring to a dinner
party, which he is afraid he will not be able to attend on account of
the illness of his wife.
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