8s 1923 jJan.16 NeAmH c.2 Wey aie Hi ere bP eae Bing melons Ph ie ibe nob a ‘oy via A hae Mode ayaeys nM i) rs PHAM Od beeper Atma ea saa seth ate Fab Ye ert ii =i ried t Lewaly " ea thc sie e 10 bey Fe mes, ag og Cecemyed ap tee wee oe@ eg « Siete srk eters ox NSPE Onis renee og hing i See ers eee as bee tard balan aL Oe ge dat dt Delite der ete 24 dss ON ASB an Rind Me ROR ap NE Ate ge WAN ee age eames Tare aL ce ae seems. tye | PRO tlbetge UAE the WE Ot kop a dy Oe 8 Sgt soes SEATS UY a PAE ED Meche genie sin yee ay ae tine moet BNE Mi PH OB etsy ee ek ag taped Apogee pay ape le pte ey gt (eae sy ‘te syn PR Seng eel dry HS ie sam Ae eg emer py Heese rom ern sn ekg sing hay c WATE aap ele NE eae nals “ eet pen ey ag Fai Ags pty TAT Ry t oF Sa pote ete Wa HE Y= gee PRA AL ed ate Sete bo he ace er eRe Ree a Bot: He he Miele. a O59 Sis G-8 een fog ti ty syne LUO Da beiet Ma es Dee Be Da 1 Gehan gegen : Orns ody ay ian > Kira Rae as p is pity a mails ! news net Severe: a ea te Sg es a ae rae y-, _ vs Pe? -_ s 1 ‘fh > { . j ~ ire 3 q i) - 1 M ’ ve fe . a Jean Joseph’ Benia- les “H. Parke, agent. . apes “by, Alfrec Taser race : Be de 22e00 EVE Py i “eine 8 of valu- “bi” masters of | contemporaneous “French, Dutch and English schools, also the beautiful marble sculpture, “Eve in’ Despair,” by Rodin, realized $93, 460 for ila one items.* Art lovers, private puyers aad practically all well-known deal->. ers were in attendance. Bids | were comparatively ‘high, though. | below previous sale prices for. some of the more noted works. “Bve in Despair” went to Fredo | Sides for $2,900. The life-sized nude figure, of beautiful model- ing, is one of the finest works of the great master. Daubigny’s “On the Oise,” which sold in the James H. Steb- Lip $2, 400 gre ; Maric’ Dieterle, eae: wane Eat - by Henri m Mr. Berit: agent 750 ues Henner; Rals- eee BALE 50 Rico; Robert c bins sale in 1889 for eat ae ere Sr erbe gi eaallp in co's Fiss 625 iSO, ; Sean ents Beer: a in the H. F. Hen ¥ in iterate secon ec eec ees 523 for $14,600, went t% } axa Van | ~—- Ga, for $5,900. L’ Hern ihe: ee | Reaper’s Lunch” haar : , WA: MAC. Allan...:,.. 500 | competition. It sold in the High er sheen, by G| Schrauf. sale for $11,500. John tithe etesacerens te Levy Galleries obtained it for eee ee 0004 8©— | 9 8800..-- racy by Si thomad | ee awe! ee ne zs ap. ep CO dries et VOD | pa y Albee for e eh ty nase “525 | Ziem’s “Fishing Boats Near Mar- ' geilles.”” The bidding went from $4,000 up to $8,000, a competition between two bidders. | Following are the catalogue numbers, subjects, purchasers and prices obtained for others of the more important pictures: 6-—-Corot's 8 Pe cra Se and Fig- by HG. 3 os | BNC SS Ea a a 575 wen, by Jean Charles. Nouoe Man, by Arent ie rt G. TEABALE Fs. hie Wis wt ane ert ey i jarvalilo.. 25 nd Fruit, by Jean Baptiste EER ertrage yo. owe wun og kes 500 ures: 4 Melby cares ae $4,600 nt the at wa vy Henri Lerolie ; eb [LI aupigny's Miri lvcsdi ay aie 00 PARES LOOT a.siy oe GUT eo sie ¥ 9 19—Corot's Of makes) e With. ‘Pig: 1 the @Grep, by Jean Charles oe Baie eatial Seth OO oy fed fuid River View": 8. FA | oo nd of the Day, by Benjamin Will- [4a Siok mee “Sh , 9 Leader, R. A.; MeClure Halley... 695 42 ‘ zie Aoliana’”: “eae \ ‘a in the Pasture, by Emilé Van WESC wale, di a8 Pisa ee woes 3.900. \ ent. I. “AIDCC si. 5 se te Ce erase 4,400 epee” f Returning Flock, by Charles ae ad ? { que;.C. H. Meintard...... 1,700 William Adolphe” 'Bou- nomas-B, Pinger...--,.... 0 775 aT Ribee Leads Bitainge with «$8, 000 for a Ziem—Rodin’s i “Eve, in Ra ALES $2,900 _ Ninety4pne paintings q. | ish, Italian, American, Dutch aed Eng- lish artists and Rodin’s marble, “Eve ‘in Despair,” were sold fora total of $93,- 460 by Thomas E. Kirby at the American Art Galleries on Jan. 16. They were | from various owners, including estates. Ziem’s “Fishing Boats Near Marseilles,” /No. 83 in the catalogue, brought the highest price, E. F. Albee paying $8,000 for it. The next highest price was $6,300, paid by John Levy for Lhermitte’s “The -Reaper’s Lunch,” which had _ brought $11,500 at the Schaus sale. Rodin’s fig- ure, executed on commission for the late Samuel P. Colt, was taken by -Fredo Sides for $2,900. The complete list : 1—“Mine Ease in Mine Inn,” ‘Chas. Meis- sonier, Arlington Galleries.............$70 - 2—“TLandscape and Sheep,” Ticeac: Mrs. Oe MACKIE Jt. 2 seep ein. --- v's -$07D 8—“landscape with Church,” Harpignies; © Ye _Bernet, delents cts Aaitigys 1 a eee $750 4—“Nymph, a eae” Ralston Galleries. $500 sesame Guard,” oa Otto Bee net, agent ......ese5. . - $300 6—“Venice,” Rico; Robert G Elbert. . «$625 -7—Female Head, Henner; H. Schultheis. $525 - 8—“‘Dordrecht, Holland, »” water color, Sir _ Alfred East; K. Ralph ate hee $270 9—Portrait of J. B. C. Corot, W. Manton; r-Charies | B. eae Dig i ee ae eee $130 10—‘‘French > Landscape,” Lepine; Ralston MAT eCGSimetiere rs avin sislaleiele «3 ee se e+ 0 11—“‘The Music Lesson,” unknown early _ Dutch master; J. a 1 12—‘“‘Cattle in Pasture,” van Marcke; Robert (Sg TRG = ad ds COSA ee COCR Cro ieee 13—“The Weekly Paper,” ‘E. if, “Henry; M. ~C. Allan $500 14—“‘Highland Landscape and Sheep,” Rosa Bonheur; McClure Halley............- 9 —“A Brittany Landscape,” Emile Lam- mets A> “Austin. ...0.00.5-. mei aearee $26 —16—‘*‘T vandscape and Figures,” Corot; E. Pi6r Bell 17—"The ‘Creek, Sa Daubigny; 6. F, Stephens, > 18—“Love Triumphant,” Diaz; S. ze Ste- Ae ea Cid a araie4 ela“ . «$2,000 —‘Landscape with Figur CS.i5 e: iver view” Corot; . Stegfffens....... 4,600 20—‘‘Gathering Wood, ” Ma ; & Co. (oo oS RS. SSae A 20A— ca “Deer in the | Wodtts 6sa Bon- . heur; McClure Halley........+-+.++.:- $300_ 21—“‘Milking Time,” water color, Maris; ohn 3S SS ae: Sere (22—“Landscape in Holland,” water color, Bede. Bock: 9G, Hlbert.......ecesss-s00-- 23—“The Unexpected Visit, ad RE i MRUMPESEATICNG Ca. ccc ces guccceessscse | 24—‘‘Princess Metternich, ee Lawrence; 1m oe | RE isis sigue 6 p 0.6 6 0 Blaie Adve ee 0 es 6 0 oe ae 25—“‘Lady of the “Court ‘of * Charles oF | Lely; David A. Reid.............-+--+. 26—‘‘Portrait of King James erst Vat Cung Ss. WP oANNOs. dies Fads cn evescess Bee Sp erait of a Lady,” Federico faite | caro; SS Carvalhocenencs stances sce $200 98—Portrait of a Man,” ‘Dirk Hals; S. ay . EVEINO eno c ec tele esos ence ncce $220 | 29—‘‘Holland Landscape,” Jan van ae MUA RE es cess oo hiseleis 1s sais © © 9 0/0'0" ee 30— Windmill in Holland,” water color, V. Banffe; Robert G. Elbert Oo Bias % oe $170 31—“‘Homeward Bound,” water color, Mauve; Winthrop Taylor... Soret a, $525 — Dupre; Kraushaar CAT a ete AG De ae ee $600 — “The Pet Cat,” F. A, Bridgman; G. E. | Tigein SOTO RES CR SEINE Ie OE $140 © 50—“‘Landscape,” Georges Michel; I. M. ERGIMEV EL eres buries os! 0 0 Gels ia-coi'e,w are aati Tate. 8 6 4.6 $350 51—"'The “Boy and the Muse,” = H. WNPCet eA a TAY... obec siclaue ce sists ele bia $200 52— Morning at the Farm,” Henri Lerolle; aod eat Ke. yh acces wise one eee $90 58—“‘Gathering the Crop,’ Cazin; H. K, — PP EOUGLES Pacts bo ses seh 6-305 Saree . +. $1,800 54—“*The Approaching Storm,” Decamps; Re AUSTIN Ss ctelkic selec s.ec0 6 6 00s same 300° Pane Vintage Harvest,” Aime Perret S. P. “Delano.s.. ss. s'. 3 -¢ oo $220 56—‘‘Little Girl in White,’? Alexis Harla- MO t,o ¥. Albee. . 2s. ..3 5 siemens . $270 57— Tivoli,” Vernet; F. K. Towne..... $250 58—Autumn Landscape,’ Joseph Wood- Becwells Robert. G. Elbert... sawoemem cs: obs $160 59—“The End of the Day,” B. W. Leader; oer Halley Sg sie-s 6) 0 o's 6 ReemMnMIEE 5. oserte 695 —“*“A Farm in France,’ Henri Lerolle; ry. PW OO sires sia ars cic <.s 3.0 0 6 v6 0S eReEEMEEERS - $3 Oats a Moorish Garden,” J. F. "Raffaelli; re, PISS DY 6 oe hes oe a whet e eee $4 25 se The Shepherd,” Jacque; Ralston Gal- ; AOTNEST sce cone tiesal eis ois + 46s Ree ane nea $2,900 63—“‘Cows in Pasture,” van Marcke; E. F. PS ce ee erececs oie’ a avo oy sie een I 4,400 64—"*The ae Procession,” Will H. Pies Soba 1b 6 oboe bie loheuste sapere oe $4 O. eeeeeee oeeeeeveeeeveveeaeeerer eee ee 5 | 35—*‘Shepherdess and. Sheep,” Maes Du- ‘ pre; Thomas E. Finge feiss 6 $20. 36_—“‘Leaving the Harbor," P. Mi? we “Clays; Robert PUES esa’ ois oa k's. 8 alysis «700 37—“New ERaiand Landscape,” “John Wes- Peleyabeattye EVV. GJ AIMIES. 61.5 eis ane oreo «2 $275 “4 388—‘“Morning Tasks,” Ridgway Knight; R. ORV ON ates 6.4 ee py 3 ccriciese Oe Stree aes $575 '39—“‘Farm Near Ecouen,’” Cazin; P. A. White eee ere eereerenereeseererr eee ore ane $1,000 ws 40—‘‘Landscape Near Fontainebleau,” Th. pag Rousseau; M. Knoedler & Co........ ,600 == Bree the Oise,” isin lee Knoedler = 42—‘“‘Sheep in Pasture: " Holland,” Mauve; Remon dl eiea Gere Cc Oautsi eve waetee-sterets alee ister s 8,900 43—“The Portrait,’”’ Will H. Low; A. Aus- Sb de ina 5s Ae ot egh EE AOS? Re APO ERCP OL OF Er $120 45—“*The Cardinal Passes,” C. Detti; E. A. IDYSS45 & “Oso Cee WAR er) eee Se ee ee 375 a 46—‘‘Portrait of a Young Man,” de Geis a= Benner eA DCrL.. .. 8s ht eset ome ee $1, 550 =$ 47—“A Cardinal,’ van Dyck; S. S. Car- TULA on 5 ecb a a ne ere eee ee TS $725 48—“Flowers and Bruit,’ J...Robie;. W. tec rE tis ke rh De ol Ce Le et a So ed - * = ~ a a 34— Rigs ee Landscape,” Leon Richet; — _44—“Portrait Study,” Couture; A. Austin. $50 Gra —*The ge Nac es Flock,” Jacques Gyo eMGohard 66—‘‘Country Life in , Blan aes Ee ¢ Boughtons Gor, Hiegins<)...s ene at 200 67—‘“In the Garden, - ee Edelfelt; BeoF. PUB as ae oe + ss cha Mate ee 425 68—‘‘Resting,’”’ W. Bouguereau; Thomas E ROUPOL SF, tsstieteascck’s «se allo a RMORRT SELES Sos 6 75 69—“Marine,” water color, W. T. Richards; his DSERVE Ve] Fo ia PR eS Re 3 70—‘‘An Industrious Family,” J. G. Brown; MINAS oan PUNO Er.. 14 cde CMA ace $130 %71—“‘Lady Charlotte Johnson,” Beechey; H. He Parke agent, <2) nice eee ce oes $1,200 — Ann Hyde, Duchess of York,” Sir God- [ae Kneller; Thomas E. Finger. sones $275 | 19 rz) a Ss 8 73—The Honorable Mrs. Bushell,” Rae- REhanaus o% | burn; S. Bt CATyaIhi wale wig wir > ss $1,050 |:> - > 2 » Oe 74—“Empress Elizabeth of Russia,” J. F. & -3% 7 tan * Ibaerenees Sou s@arvalhos. se sinc. asv es $650 & tg csi see ‘75—‘The Captives,’’? Benjamin-Constant; H. s “53 : > eee Par re ara Cent rac... 5 56 os hieteiite eis «oes $500 |. 3g 23 -¢ 1m '76—“Winter Sunset,” W.’L. Palmer; Dr. 4 -.. sm +b: 0 7) De MIME, Ks soo kc eG case ce ds a's $3254 09 5.3 sa 77—““A May Day, Fifth Avenue,” Words- a PA Se ae ' worth Thompson; Clapp & Graham..... $650 |. i Ones g ‘aan | '78—“Come Here,” Schreyer; Thomas FE. [yp -: sO ter 7 sf ROO ee Liha ins 6s «ton sige MRE Sis acm «3 $1,150 |a id is if -Fl 8 ley, Reaper’s Inch,” Lhermitte; John a eae» ye SS) ae i enn aan $6,300 So :o:2: : oem al Btang de Jobe, Normandie,” Marie (§ -& -&°-%:-G: 4 OS ibiceetey PeniIes StraUss.a wise ess $2,100 KT “mM 38 i420 81—“‘Venice,” Rico; Robert G. Elbert...$1,450 |. ¢ oes wine a at a 82—‘‘Dunstanborough Castle,” Turner; Bede as oe 22 I ot ee ae a eee $2,300 5" Secs” og, | 83—‘“Fishing Boats Near Marseille,” Ziem; (S> S85 ¢845H | OE RE Rea ere $8,000 /5 5 os gs ‘s oa # 84——“Harbor on Coast of Cornwall,” W. T. lg lale@lalg Mienaras; °-P; A. White......6.5eece. SS a 85—‘ ‘Landscape with Cattle,” Victor Dupre; SMES CI M5 wie see piaan ein amma ale wiesn $275 86—‘‘Rehecca,” Cabanel; G. E. Higgins. $250 pete contemporary: French, Dutch and English schools, belonging to several private collectors, including the late Joseph Eastman, of ‘New York, ‘realized . $93,460. last night. _ E. F. Albee, vaudeville magnate, i: ‘quired Felix Ziem’s “Fishing Boats Near Marseilles” for $8, 000—the highest. ‘price of the session. This vet the specimen belong to the esta son of. late John B. Trevor, of Nee ork, second importanee was | ‘bigny’s rivet Si eeape, on he from the actrian collection, for $5. aoe A small Corot, “Landscape With Figures,” - from >the IL O. -Rhines estate went to E. A. Bell, for a bid bel $4,600. §. F. Stephens gave $4,600 and $3,000 respectively for Corot’s “Land- scape With Figures,” and Daubigny’s “The Creek,” both arom the Eastman collection. ee The marble statue: by Rodin, “Bye in’ Despair,” which was made by the famous French master on commission for the late Samuel P. Colt, was of- fered at the close of the session and was purchased by Fredo Sides for Pay, 0. Breit j Other painting went as Motlowns “Sheep in Pasture,” by Mauve, to M. Knoedler, $8,900; “The Shepherd,” by * Jacque, to the Ralston galleries, | $2,900; “Landscape,” by Rousseau, to. M. Knoedler, $2, 00; i Dunstengonee es “Castle,” by Turner, to K. Stetson, $2,300; “L’Etang de Jobe,” by Dieterle, to Charles Strauss, $2,100. A group of fine animal bronzes by < Antoine Barye featured the afternoon sale, which was held:for the account of. several private collectors. The forty-. six works disposed of brought a total / of $20,360. ci. Tw The bronze group “Mounted a, ri Killing Lion,” frov the Mrs. Hamilton | thy Carhart collection, was sold for $2,800. th to an agent for a. private purchaser, Another group, entitled “Theseus Slay-. ; ie ing the Centaur,” from the same ee | , lection, brought $2,100. The same buyer also acquired,’ for $2,060, the. ite bronze i enene, Lion,” and, ct Leh a , $1,250, “Theseus ying the Minotaur.” ft McClure Halley gave $775 for Barye’s ie Tartar Warrior,” and H. S. Simons bought Gerome’s gilded bronze statu- | ete, “Allegory of Corinth,” for $600, | both belng from the Carhart’ collection. ES ee See, ek a ah eae dann cae coer ae oes Dutch and English se ools 1 Important Marble Sculpture by Rodin, belonging — to several private Collectors, and sold at the American Art Galleries, Jan.16, 1923, No. Price Buyer No. Price Buyer ice $70. Arlington Gal. 47. $ 725, §.S.Carvalho me Dros Mrs.M.D.Metcalf, Jr. 48. 600, W.G.Bertram. Bs 750. Bernet, agt.H. 49, 140. G.E.Higgin 4, 500. Ralston Gal. 50. 350. Mr. Henry De 300. Parke Agt. M. 51. 200. A.Gray 6, 625. Robt.E .Elbert 52. 900. Parke Agt. J. Tec 5 EPA H.Schultheis 53. 1,800. H.K.Prichett 8. 270. K.Ralph, 54, 300. A. Austin 9. 130. Charles B.Squier SIG 220. S.P.De Lano 10. 325. Ralston Gal. 56. 270. E.F. Albee eile. 100. J.Berliner 5%. 250. Mr. Towne 12. ER Robt .Blbart 58. 160. Robt.G.Elbert oe 500. Mr.Alan,. 59, 675. McClure Halley 14, 900. McClure Halley 60. NIB IC J.Wood 153 260. A. Austin 61. 425. F.K.Gifsby 16% 4,600. . E.A.Bell 62. 2,900. Ralston Gal. ald 3,000. 5.Stephens / 63. 4,400. E.F. Albee 18. 2,000. ug ; 64, 400. Mr. Gray 19s 4,600. ” 65. 1,100. Mir.C.H.Meinhard 20. 1,000. M.K.& Co. 66. 200. G.E.Higgin ila 310. John Levy 67. 425. E.F. Albee Bere 210. ‘Robt.G Elbert 68. This Thos.C.Finger ean 140. Wn. Bianchi 69. 370. Miss.M.F.Wickes 24, 500. E.F.Albee 70: 130. Thos.E. Finger ony 200. David A.Reid TL. 1,200. Parke Agt. S. 26. 160. 5.S.Carvalho 72, 275. Thos.E. Finger 27. 200. WJ 73. 1,050. §.Carvalho 28. 220. a 74. 650. " 29. 210. J.Wood 756 500. Parke Agt. J. 30, TOs Robt .G.Elbert 16% eens Dr.C.Williams Ble 525. Winthrop Taylor. Tlie 650. Clapp & Graham. One 475, Kraushaar Gall. 18s SO Thos... Finger Bale 425, Thos.E.Finger 79. 6,300. John Levy 34. anos Mr. Alan 80. 2,100, Chas. Strauss SD. 200. Thos.#.Finger (SH 1,450. Tobt.G.Elbert Ble 700. Robt .G.-Rlbert 82. 2,300. K.Stetson Ble 275. W.James 83. 8,000. E.F.Albee | 38. DD. R.E.Wigham. 84, 475. P.A.White 39) 1,000. P.A.White 85. 21096 A.H. Altschul 40. 2,600. M.K.& Co. 86. 250. G.E.Higgin 41. 5,900. " 87. 150. B.C.Yernon - . 42. 3,900. Li 88, 100. P.Dressler 43. 120. A. Austin 89. aie, A.F.Leussen 44, 50. 90. 1,200. P.A.White 45. 375. E.A. Dexter 91. 2,900. (Rodin) Friedo Sides. 46. 1,550. Robt.G.Elbert "Eve In Despair" (marble) eur WeC. 23. Estorbach 24. Lawrence 25. Lely 26. Van Ceulin 27. Zuccaroe - 28. Dirk Hals 29. Van Essen 30. BenfY¥e Sl. Mauve S32. Dupre 33. Mauve 34. Richet 55. Dupre Se icy nice > aah ty | 2" © Motiure: Halley . 5. Horpignies - Bernet, Agent Sb ‘Ralston Galleries De “49 euville iM. Parke, Agent Rico \ © Robert G. Elbert — «aren nec She a: a Serius ore Charles B. Squier as _ Ralston Galleries Ll. Unknown Dutch Master tt, J. Berliner aes = woe Marcke ee z Robert G. Elbert : a“ Stoel Be ip is Mr. Alan | es . eur : McClure Halley a ‘OFigiaaa MK7134. Sold a bcmad aca an 1894 * z for $4250. SMO S gh he i 15. Lambinet xy 16. Corot (?) zs postin, ; na In our Spinion an absolute forgery. 17. Daubigny re Stephens oT the ig dley sale 9 1891 Mr. Eistnen paid ~ peouUe Lor it. 18. Diez S. Stephens 19. Corot S. Stephens A charming luminous picture with the label on the etretcher of Goupil and B.V. & C. 20. Mauve M. Knoedler We originally sold this to Mr. Eastman in Dec. 1896 for $3000. We bought it joint/ Account with Levy. 21. W. Maris John Levy 22. de Bock Robert G. Elbert Wm. Bianchi E. F. Albee David A. Reid S. S. Carvalho S. S. Carvalho S. S. Carvalho Je Wood Robert G. Elbert Winthrop Taylor Kraushear Galleries Thomas E. Finger Mr. Alan Thomas E. Finget 1000. 3510. 210. 140. 500. 200. 160. 200. B20. 210. 170. 525. 475.6 ~ 425. BEB. 200. a ; > ie | 5 4 39. Cazin (9) 80. Rousseau ” 41. Daubigny 42. Mauve 43. Low 44. Couture 45. Detti 46. De Gelder 47, Van Dyke 48. Robie 49. Bridgman 50. Michel 51. Walker 52. Lerolle 53. Caizin 54. Decamps 55. Perret 56. Harlamoff 57. Vernet 58. Woodwell 59. Leader 60. Lerolte 61. Raffaelli 62. Jacque ox 1879 for iong ago, we had but Mr. Rhines re BSeyine that nae so we returned him the picture. - 7 Any We bought this picture joint/account with inally sold this painting to in 1863 for $700., and at re Eastman paid Levy. We ori Mr. Aaron Hea his sdle in 189 it. We bought join a bid for it. . Robert cg. m t/account with In the J. H. M. Knoedler M. Knoediler for $15,100. our No.11990, Bought joint/acco 1878 Pond sold this picture, MK1373, April 2 When we had it on sale not an offer of $12,000. on 2 i give us a commi ee We really think tht this picture is not genuine. fused to wowmdia M. Knoedlex unt with J. Levy. A. Austin A. Austin Ke Ae Dexter Robert G. Elbert S. S. Carvalho We G. Bertram G. E. Higgin Mr. Henry Ae Gray J. Parker, Agent H. K. Prichett A. Austin S. P. De Lano E. F. Albee: Mr. Towne Robert G. Elbert McClure Halley J. Wood F. G. Figsby Raiston Galleries bert . | oat” rai 4 > rea 8, ee Te oes w ee a v5 : 3 m3) * “Ga | ist) & qqefd ee ee SS: cee 2 poptsa = Fone & So NS Lee ae ee ‘ei ae Sate SS el eee ae ee Se ea eee Sad a Pid Se $3 8S: ‘ ea af Rae Bet See - ~~ ee - a a % i3 Nt a? = ates bol te <4 ee) kid 5, ee WP OH ae fy CE LES t Opes a ae | ‘ a ett ta e374 CNH 4 B “ [Ar & Sonar one an Poe ae, ie ee a Pt 4 allie io © whe [Ava ee PT Cass Cras f4 a we ; | fe sor ra Sores T° So | 4 yee ee, he Se, Be «0 CieecieR EE PUBLIC VTE Ww. FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P. M. Pet HE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET BEGINNING FRIDAY, JANUARY 121TH, 1923 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF THE SALE VALUABLE PAINTINGS 9 BELONGING TO ESTATES i AND SEVERAL PRIVATE COLLECTORS ee | - é : ‘ : TO ‘gud ® ACR. Peer E AS Oe ae Petar AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 16TH BEGINNING AT 8.15 O?CLOCK “ To. a —— Belongin Canvases Private Collections on View-— Fine Rodin Marble Included. A marble sculpture by Rodin in the} main hall at the American Art Galleries is a striking feature of the exhibition now on view there. The remainder of the display comprises eighty-four paint- ings and six water colors, which have been assembled from various estates and private owners to be sold by Mr. Thomas E. Kirby in the Assembly Hall of the galleries on the night of Jan. 16. The Rodin work is entitled “Eve in Despair” and is sixty-eight inches high. It was commissioned by the late Samuel | P. Colt in 1906 but Rodin did not com-! The mood | of the title is beautifully expressed in plete it until nine years later. the bowed head, with the arms enfolding it and the face concealed by the heavy) hair. The paintings, as is natural, so many tastes, cover a wide range of countries and schools from the Van Dyck, De Gelder and Lely, out of the I. Olcott Rhines collection, to the Raffaelli, Walter Launt Palmer or the Ridgway Knight of our own times. Most of these indi- vidual collections were formed some years ago, and the Barbizon and modern Dutch schools are more numerously rep- resented than any other. The compara- tively few works by American artists fit into the taste of the same time. They are mainly story-telling pictures, such as Boughton’s “Country Life in Eng-| from the Joseph Eastman estate, | land,” and E. I,. Henry’s “The Weekly Paper,” from the Rhines © state. of an olden time American and E;.zlish “antiques.” Typical examples of the various artists | and schools represented in the collection. are reproduced on this page together with | “Dunstanbor- | “by Turner is one of firsy| the sculpture by Rodin. ough Castle” | earlier pictures and in his most romantic London Thomas Agnew & Sons and subsequently was in the EK. F. Millikin collection here. | It was shown at the corporation of Loan Exhibition in 1889 bv vein. “Sheep in Pasture: Holland” is rich in the charm of slow movement that Mauve always put into his sheep pictures, and the sky is filled with the tender light of | evening, its luminous gray being accented, by the tree in the foreground and the) dark notes of the flying‘ birds. | The Corot, from the Eastman collec- “Landscape with Figures and River tion, View,” is a lovely type of his literal land- “scape art in contradistinction to his classi- ical treatment of a similar subject, a |superb little example of his art when it 'was most concerned with a scheme of ‘color limited to grays and blues. What Daubigny could do with a river view is shown in the suavely lovely “On the Marne,” which is also from the Eastman g to Eastman, | Heinz and Rhines Estates and to coming | from so many sources and representing | The Henry pic- | ture 1s one of Henry’s happiest souvenirs | interior filled with} | | ns ee londely painted “Gathering the Crop” by Cazin and a romantic view of “Tivoli” _by Claude Joseph Vernet. iF rance” “A Farm in is a delightful example of the work of Henri Lerolle and Sir Godfrey Kneller’s “Ann Hyde, Duchess of York” is characteristic of the painter and his’ favorite type of subject. _ Pictures coming from individual own- ‘ers include “On Guard” by De Neuville, ‘a single military figure in his best vein; the glowing ‘ “Venice” by Martin Rico, a “Female Head” shown in profile by Toa “The Portrait” by Will H. Low, which came from the William T. Evans ner, Ske J = ‘ sale in 1900; “The Boy and the Muse” by | Henry Oliver Walker, another canvas from the same Evans sale; “The Vintage Harvest” by Aime Perret. Will 4H. Low’s classical figure painting, “The Har- vest Procession,” Jacque’s “The Returning Flock,” is in this group as are the “Resting” by Bouguereau and a three- quarter length standing portrait of “Em- press Elizabeth of Russia” by Le dees Lagrenée. J. J. Benjamin- Constant is represented by “The Captives,” a scene in a room | “The | “Winter Sunset” by Walter Launt Palm- er is one of his familiar snow scenes, but more interesting in composition thaa There is a superb Lhermitte, “The Reaper’s Lunch,” whic came from the Herman Schaus sale and: which fairly burns with the glowing sun- of an ornate Moorish palace. most of his works. light, the family group having all the human charm Lhermitte could put into: these things. de Jobe, Normandie” strongest style. is very lovely withal. Other canvases included in the exhibi- tion are “The Fisherman” by the Eng- lishman, Colin Hunter; a brilliant “Fish- ing Boats Near Marseille” by Ziem, “In the Garden” by Albert Edelfelt, “Cows i in Pasture’ by Van Marcke, the “Autumn Landscape” by Joseph Woodwell, the American. painter; “Little -Girl in White” by Alexis Harlamoff, a Russian; the “Approaching Storm” by Decamps, '“The Pet Cat” by F. A. Bridgman, a su- | perb piece of flower and still life paint- | ing; “Flowers and Fruit” by the Belgian, Jean Baptiste Robie, and “The Cardinal _ Passes” by Cesare Detti. | collection and bears the date 1863. Its Marie Dieterle’s “L’Etang | in her very. The De Beul is an ani- mal picture in a less vigorous vein but. | | | the Diaz and the Jacque. Although the Diaz is small, being 1214 by 9% inches, in this “Love Triumphant” one finds the ° > a ay Peay rj, ea ae ee ; Mauve’s “Homeward Bound,’ and the by Mauve. complete Diaz of the figure subject. It is charming in composition, the goddess 1s appropriately young and beautiful, and the attendant amorini and the little dog |have the touch of humor befitting the ‘gre und. “The Jacque, titled rd,’ is one of his finest can- 2. oe ER __ From the Henry J. Heinz estate come Charles Meissonier’s “Mine Ease at Mine inn,” Sir Alfred East’s-water color | ‘Dordrecht, Holland,” the “Portrait of J. B. C. Corot,” a panel by W. Manton, and the “Milking Time” by Willem Maris, one of his finest water colors. This school is also represented by De Bock’s water color “Landscape in Hol- land” from the Rhines estate; a Banffe, Thompson entitled “A May Day, Fifth Avenue.” Among the canvases from the Henry! J. Heinz estate are the “Harbor on the Coast of Cornwall” by W. T. Richards, the half-length portrait of the “Honor- able Mrs. Bushell” by Sir Henry Rae- burn, which was sold once before in the American Art Galleries “in 1915; Beechey’s “Lady Charlotte Johnson,” the “Industrious Family” by J. G. Brown, an admirable landscape, “Farm near ‘Ecouen,” by Cazin, and a “New Eng- land Landscape” by J. W. Beatty, former director of the Carnegie Institute. From the Samuel Owens estate come _ the “Banks of a River” by Ridgway Knight, the “Venice” by Martin Rico, the char- -acteristically British “End of the Day” | by Leader, an admirable marine, “Leav- ing the Harbor,” by Clays, and Dupré’s , “Shepherdess and Sheep.” | Two glowing portraits by Van Dyck and De Gelder stand out among the can- vases from the Rhines estate, other nota- ble paintings from this collection being the “French Landscape” by Lepine, the “Landscape and Figures” by Corot, the bust portrait of the “Princess Metter- “nich” by Sir Thomas Lawrence, a char- acteristic Lely portrait, “Lady of the Court of Charles II”; the “Portrait of a |most distinguished of all these Dutch | water colors, the “Cows Coming Home” | | | No. 91—Eve 1n Despair MARBLE SCULPTURE BY AUGUSTE RODIN (On Exhibition in Main Hall) fi 7 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE PAINTINGS BY MASTERS OF THE BARBIZON, CONTEMPORANEOUS FRENCH, DUTCH AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS tle PXCEUSIVELY THE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATES SET FORTH IN THIS CATALOGUE AND SEVERAL PRIVATE COLLECTORS AND AN IMPORTANT MARBLE SCULPTURE BY THE FAMOUS MASTER, RODIN TO°EE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENING HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIs AssIsTANTS, Mr. Orro BERNET AND Mr. Hiram H. PARKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK 1923 Soe : ALL DETAILS OF us Pee Be act : -_. | TEXT AND TYPOGRIABEASS ' ‘? : ‘ i J eS ’ nor i : ; o yt 7 : . 4 » ‘ q cane if % CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate wi article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance i picriy dae oh ay Ae ine auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. ean Be virer: nae eee pier are be the buyer, and if any dispute arises ler e auction i i re-sale the lot so in dispute. eer shall either decide the same or put up for Ill. Identification and part payment by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, oo buyer shall aaah giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. f the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due forall purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. on sales’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made " only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrange- ment to the contrary. ">> Deliveries at the storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of 9 and 5 Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may bé made ee discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. ; VI. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. OTE: The Limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above requirements necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its patrons, whose goods es would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. VII. 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Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has-been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. - IX. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. , ; Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated, If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or references submitted. . Shipping directions should also be given. : é Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, New American Art Galleries, Block of Madison Avenue, 56th to 57th Street, Entrance, 30 East 57th Street, New York City. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE Ts INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. ‘Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. ATITTS NEW AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH To 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY r PEALOGUE a an { oa | ue % j oye. ~~ — « = : a i ¥] a ~ . > eS. JULES DUPRE Frencu: 1812—1889 32—MARINE 4 Si Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches 4 Ss A stormy day, toward sunset, is represented, with naught before the eye but ocean and sky, and a few sailboats. It is a green, tossing, white-capped sea, with a slant of light crossing the foreground, and a French fishing-boat plowing along within the border of the transparent shadow beyond. Smaller boats are also within view, and gray clouds obscure most of the sky, with a glimpse of blue appearing between them. Signed at the lower left, Jutzes Dupre. From Messrs. Cottier & Company, New York. Purchased from the James Buchanan Brady Sale, New York, 1918. 420+ é tts bbevhek Property of Mrs. Hamitton Caruart, New York. CUHOG O10 toncegnmenk Iwo b. nde soi st ‘cha LESKX 4 | i i | | | ne on A AP ANTON MAUVE ae. Dutcu: 1838—1888 ; as pome -883—COWS COMING HOME yy « a , 2 =) (Water Color) ae Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches A cow, white with black spots on head and neck, followed by a black one and a third, brown with white face, and a herdsman in the rear, coming forward past a tree and bushes, at left. Farther away, a fourth cow follows along. Evening sky of gray with accents of rose pink. Signed at the lower right, A. Mavve. Purchased from Messrs. Goupil & Co., Paris. Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Rutnes, New York. ‘are fields and hills bathed in morning sunlight. Gray sky. LEON RICHET FRENCH: 1847—1907 34— FOREST LANDSCAPE Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches (tf On a path through a wood, with trees on the left and in the right middle distance a peasant woman is coming toward the spectator. Sky of gray clouds. | i | Signed at the lower right, Lton Ricner. Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Rutnes, New York. JULIEN DUPRE Frencu: 1851—1910 35_-SHEPHERDESS AND SHEEP Height, 2134 inches; width, 1814 inches = ii A youNG peasant woman with blue dress, gray underskirt and with h cloak carried on her right arm, is seen in the left foreground leading her flock of sheep, which follow behind her on the right, out to the pas- tures. They are passing in the shadow of trees, at left, and beyond Signed at the lower left, JuLIEN Dupre. Property of the Estate of the late SamMuEL OweEns, SENIor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to be sold by order of The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Executor. q : | PAUL JEAN CHARLES CLAYS a Beieran: 1819—1900 | y 40 36—LEAVING THE HARBOR 4 | (Panel) c Vis Height, 213/, inches; width, 17 inches chy ae Two broad-beamed sailing vessels, with sails up, coming forward under alight wind. At right, on the beach, a rowboat and three men. In the distance, also at right, are the shores with a windmill, buildings and boats. Summer sky of light gray clouds and blue. Signed at the lower right, P. J. Cuays. Property of the Estate of the late SAMUEL Owens, SENior, of Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania, to be sold by order of The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Ewvecutor. ————S SS f ‘an ly - = i< ,» |?" JOHN WESLEY BEATTY GE | the (Director Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh) — AMERICAN: 1851— ‘| 87-—-NEW ENGLAND LANDSCAPE Height, 17 inches; length, 23 inches a aa ie Me OAL, Rvuccep slopes of brown and green in the foreground and middle dis- tance stretch upward to the horizon where amid the trees appear houses and a church. Overhead is a sky of gray clouds swept by the wind. Signed at the lower left, J. W. Bearry, and dated 1914. Property of the Estate of the late Henry J . Herz, Pittsburgh, Pa. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845— 38—MORNING TASKS ~~ i = ee ee ee ee nceeneeeenamrmncceiiltinainbiticn a Height, 2214 inches; width, 1814 inches 3 . | . | 5457 WE | A youne and comely French girl with white waist, red bodice &nd blue | 7 | apron, standing on the brink of a stream to which she has come with pail and pitcher to get water. The landscape setting shows a gentle slope back of her and a summer sky of white and blue. Signed at the lower right, Ripeway Kwnicut, Parts. The property of the late JosrrpH Eastman, New York. Cb9GL = loreal feon Lee Aeligt, War7 89 0 - Zee XKK .. dota fr taabcor Mee 18Go ae. = JEAN CHARLES CAZIN os Frencu: 1841—1901 ] | /bAYG, 3 | P h. Ww: oe its «-89-_-FARM NEAR ECOUEN n: MH if Height, 19 inches; length, 22 inches | A LitTLez stream trickles through a ravine which traverses a foreground with luxuriant growth of tall grass and in the middle distance appears a farm building with tiled roof backed by a group of trees, on the right. Hills are seen in the distance and overhead is a sky of drifting gray clouds with a space of blue in the upper left. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Cazry. From the Warren Sherburne Sale, New York, 1909. 5K 1 P// 95-16 ; 4 = Property of the Teli of the late Henry J. Hernz, Pittsburgh, Pa. ~afykooRE. PIERRE ETIENNE ROUSSEAU ; | Sane, FRENCH: AS21907 | 9? } 10 ANDSCAPE NEAR FONTAINEBLEAU ort q vV\, Height, 16 inches; length, 24% inches . V 4 ay . A ‘Cae eters | | M. o \i\-- A LANpscaAPE executed with careful depiction of detail and at the same ) time with breadth of general effect. The foreground shows a level ~ i stretch of green meadow with four or five trees irregularly spaced. a cow drinking at a pool and a figure seated in the shade. On the left is a piece of woods and beyond, on the right, fields extend to the distance where a church spire denotes the location of a village. The sky com- 4 ( 0, posed of light clouds is varied by spaces of blue in the upper part. ‘Signed at the lower left, Tu. Rovssrauv. The property of the late Josern Eastman, New York. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Furncns1 817-2 tes 41—ON THE OISE, (Salen Rh Panel ) Height, 1314 inches; length, 2514 fa i. Reso A summer landscape of delightful quality with the river Oise in the — foreground turning a point of the shore which stretches from the left @ nearly to the limit of the canvas on the right and is wooded with tall, thickly foliaged trees. On the opposite shore,-at the extreme right are slopes and hills and near the middle of the picture a slender tree : stands by itself in relief against the sky of eae blue and dchcaa tinted clouds of white and gray. Signed at the lower left, Dausieny, and dated 1863. 4 The property of the late JoserH Eastman, New York. ; } we Jb, vous dle 1889 hea $5100. bd = | tle Yo bec . ‘ ie bi: /910 1h 7B HM bee. Mat /1990- Lotd Vas Leb 194/04 Le XK 4 ANTON MAUVE Dutrcu: 1838—1888 AXIO | my K4 bo : 42—SHEEP IN PASTURE: HOLLAND f or\ Height, 15 inches; length, 26 inches i é A rvock of sheep, with a black one among them, moving slowly over a - field through which trickles a little stream, guarded by their shepherd ‘Yin blue smock. Beyond, on the edge of the field, are bushes and a tree with thin foliage, the whole completed by a sky of white and gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, A. Mauve. Purchased from Messrs. M. Knoedler & Co., New York. F Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Runes, New York. MK 1373 4 Coreg hh Goad +e oredr bfth 15730 KNK — bold. S OMbines lyfect 979., PMSK 9 Dy i 1 NO Wheres May 1b 19 AV- 2 | S370 Onecrecgnamenh foo! MiyG fasick | Mubten ds oitney bee! bgt ey ie 2 ee ee ee nea WILL H. LOW, N.A. Ie : 1853— | 43—THE, PORTRAIT Ap Height, 25 inches; width, 141% inches } 7 | ya. = Q. A youne girl in Greek dress of pink, standing at the left of the com- position with her left knee resting on a marble bench, is tracing on the white wall above it the shadow silhouette of a young man formed by the sunlight. In the immediate centre foreground i is a sun dial on a | fluted marble column and at the upper left appears the oo ieee of a vine. Signed at the lower right, WILL H. Low, anus dated 1890. From the William T. Jeuaane BL. American Art Association, New York, 1900.-¥704 oy Mek Property of a Private Owner. nf? | THOMAS: COUTURE - ee | me Frencu: 1815—1879 yal | ih 44—PORTRAIT STUDY Oval: Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches Heap and bare shoulders of a man, in profile to left; black tangled hair, black moustache, steel blue eyes and defiant expression. Signed at the left with initials, T. C. Purchased from the late T'. J. Blakeslee, New York. Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Runes, New York. ; CESARE DETTI Irariran: 1847—1915 45—THE CARDINAL PASSES Py, a € a Wires Gel fer lam A stout, somewhat elderly cardinal, all in brilliant red, with a lady on his arm in costume of the Louis XV period, has left his coach which stands on the right with its men in livery and is passing a marble seat on the edge of a park, where two young ladies have risen and are cour- tesying. A young abbé, in black, their companion, remains behind their backs and holds his three-cornered hat before his face. 3 wey _ Height, 231 inches; length, 29 inches Signed at the lower right, C. Drrtt. Property of the Estate of the late Samuret Owens, SENtor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to be sold by order of The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Executor. ARENT DE GELDER DutcH: 1645—1727 Ly 4 y Ap 46—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN ISSO. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches Heap and bust portrait of a young man, with fair complexion and curling auburn hair, in three-quarters to left; wide, white collar with pendent ornament; black coat, dark background. Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Ruines, New York. . SIR ANTHONY VAN DYKE Fremiso: 1599—1641 47—A CARDINAL : Height, 231% inches; width, 20 inches Porrrair, head and shoulders of a fine-looking man about fifty in three- quarters to left; hair tinged with gray, brown mustache and chin beard; red cloak enveloping shoulders. Purchased from the late T'. J. Blakeslee, New York. Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Rures, New York. ( g ? Brrctan: 1821—1910 \ * 48—F LOWERS AND FRUIT LA) Y. b 60. Height, 27 inches; width, 20 inches fy. JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE A creat bunch of roses, pink, yellow and white, with some other flowers, in a vase on a table with a silver ewer at the right. At left a dish of luscious strawberries. Signed at the lower right, J. Ronte. Property of the Estate of the late SamuEL Owens, SeEntor, of Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania, to be sold by order of The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Executor. FREDERIC ARTHUR BRIDGMAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— Say / 49—THE PET CAT | i “¥ Height, 20s inches; width, 2014 inches / Y | a YE ‘. a LITTLE girl aie blonde, curling hair and wearing a white dress, seated in an arm chair and holding a gray and white cat in her arms. ~ Dark background. oe Signed at the lower left, F. A. Brineman, and dated 1881. 5 "The property of the late J osepH EastMay, New York. GEORGES MICHEL Frencu: 1763—1848 50—LANDSCAPE D2 KY f Height, 23 inches; length, 2814 inches yey A 350 MA. . A wipE sweep of country stretching away to the sea in the distance and including a road in the foreground, a church and hamlet at left, and scattered buildings in the middle distance. Black storm clouds in the sky, at right, drifting before the wind. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Rutnes, New York. -* y _ HENRY OLIVER WALKER, N.A. — AMERICAN: 18438— Ee Fore A ie oe uk 51—THE BOY AND THE MUSE Height, 22 inches; length, 27 inches Tu scene is laid in a wood where lilies bloom at the edge ‘of a path — leading down to a quiet pool in a dell. In the right foreground is the — seated figure of the Muse, in draperies of pale gray-blue, and standing _ at her knee is a boy, nude save for a loin cloth, holding a metal urn. a His head is turned and his eyes look questioningly into the face of the Mise. 4-53 oe | ee a Signed at the lower left, H. O. Warxer, and dated 1894. From the W illiam T. Evans Sale, American Art Association, 1900.72 y p ‘ Property of a Private Owner: oS ee Y HENRI LEROLLE Paencen 1851— 52-MORNING AT THE FARM | CP Height; 29 inches; width, 26051: ann A xuraL scene in Northern France. Across a yard enclosed by white - walls and shaded by trees a farm maid is passing carrying a water pail. Nearby, at right, are two white geese. Sunshine filters trotey the green eas overhead and flecks the ae with spots of eae Signed at the lower left, H, Lenorte. From the eas I. VTS Sale, Nae York, 1891 eho: The property of the late Josrru Hasraran, New Pigs ( /Q JEAN CHARLES CAZIN 6 | Farnoit; 18411901. i : 58—GATHERING THE CROP — T see Height, 21), inches; length, One am ohes | oo, ALK Pu Levet fields in the lower part of the picture and women gathering up and carrying away bundles of herbage; haystacks at right, and at left — a small building with white walls; in the distance, wooded hills; sky of clouds and blue. . | | \ ‘4 sz \ a ® Signed at the lower left, J--C. Cazin. Purchased from the late T. J. Blakeslee, New York. ie Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Ruryes, New York. ‘3 Tit Vos tuk Chae he tactoee ee . A pct rt ain per 191% eye q Nii Coy OL 3), 4 ( ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS Frencu: 1803—1860 54—THE APPROACHING STORM a Ao Height, 24 inches; length, 26 inches ab verve: | A LANDSCAPE with forest trees on a slope, at left, bordering a road which leads from the right foreground where a man and a dog are pass- ing. ‘The man with head bent, the trees swept by the wind and the darkened sky portend the swift coming of a rain storm. Sot Sera ae Signed at the lower left, DeEcamrs, and dated 1842. From the collection of the late DorotHEa WoLFF. DA 104_e, } sug | Sutb | FHE a NS =: AIME PERRET FRENCH: 184"7— 55—THE VINTAGE HARVEST e Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches rele sop : so O 7 Oo ‘ . FuLi-LeneTu figure of a young peasant woman, with re bodice and _ blue-gray apron, approaching the spectator as she comes forward on a well-worn path through the vineyards. With her left hand she sup- | ports on her head a basket filled with purple grapes. In the distance, a a church, cottages and trees; sunset sky of pale yellow, gray and blue. Signed at the lower left, Amt Prrrer. To be sold to close an Estate. ame ALEXIS HARLAMOFF Russian: 1849— 56—LITTLE GIRL IN WHITE 2) | i. ; 4 J H eight, 26 inches; width, 1934, inches . 7°. E, >. ther Hatr-Leneru picture of a little girl in a white dress, seated in full face. Over her light brown hair and wrapped about her shoulders is a filmy drapery of lace and her hands are clasped on her breast. Back- ground of tints of yellow, green and brown. Signed at the lower right, Hartamorr. The property of the late JosepH Eastman, New York. CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET ‘0 FrencH: 1714—1789 ) Ky “57—TIVOEL © | ‘ 4 50 Height, 223/, inches; length, 2934, inches THE picturesque town of Tivoli, in Italy, appears in sunlight on a hill in the upper part of the composition while a steep wooded slope, in the left foreground, and a stream and trees, on the right, are in shadow. In right foreground, two female figures and a white dog; sky of cumulus clouds and blue. : Purchased from the late T. J. Blakeslee, New York. Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Rutnes, New York. JOSEPH WOODWELL ) ie = AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY _. 88-AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Plt we) | , / b 0 ; Height, 20 mches; length, 30 imches ; f. q | A marsuy field with autumn wild flowers fills the foreground and at right is an oak with gnarled and broken branches. In the middle dis- tance, illumined by a shaft of sunlight, are a building with white walls and a group of trees with red, brown and yellow foliage. Sky of tumul- tuous gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, J. Woopwett. Property of the Estate of the late Henry J. Heinz, Pittsburgh, Pa. BENJAMIN WILLIAM LEADER, R.A. Bririsu: 1831— 59 THE END OF THE DAY CT Se se 67 a Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches i Ne. Clr Aw English rural scene with a man following three work horses passing in single file through a gate, at right, after the day’s toil in the fields. In the middle distance appears the farm house, haystacks and trees with a flock of blackbirds rising in flight. Evening sky of pale blue and warm white with notes of orange pink at the horizon. Signed at the lower left, B. W. Leaver, and dated 1898. Property of the Estate of the late SamuEL Owens, Senior, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to be sold by order of The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Executor. adi a ee al ar me HENRI LEROLLE Frencu: 1851— 60—A FARM IN FRANCE ; Wood Height, 2514 inches; width, 254 inches as On the right, a building with roof of red tiles and a woman A sanding near the door; in the foreground, piles of loose hay and a walled drink- — ing place for live stock; fields and a Bees in distance ; sky of clouds | and blue. | Signed at the pes right H. isa. MICOS! from the late T. J. Blakeslee, New York. Property of the Estate x the late I. O. Runes New York. JEAN FRANCOIS RAFFAELLI Frencu: 1845— 61—IN A MOORISH GARDEN | DB re K Height, 2314 inches; length, 36 inches . AGA, ; Hatr a dozen of the ladies of the acon are seen seated on rugs s on the grass in the garden of a palace, the doorway of which ap on the right, and attended by black female slaves and three eunu with musical instruments. One of the slaves is standing with arms stretched and tame birds are lighting on her hand. In the distz nce, white buildings and the sea; blue sky with small white ‘clouds. a ; Signed at the lower left, J. FE. Rareainas, and dated a From the Judge Henry Hilton ection, An Mean. Sint Associati OM New York, 1900.-KAK+ 6/04 17 ee. 2S YG Property of the Estate of the late Henry J. Wierer enoa Pa. YA Z a _ over the summit, which is enclosed with oaks. [_S> esos en ip SR eect GRA SR CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 | 62—THE SHEPHERD Se eee 9 / ob. Height, 32 inches; width, 253/, inc Tue light sprinkles the silvery trunks and filters through fe foliage Onna three oaks which occupy a knoll where a shepherd is watching his flock. Clad in a soft drab hat, pale blue blouse and olive-green trousers, the man stands in front of the middle tree, leaning forward onto his stick. His dog sits with his back to the spectator, watching three yearling lambs, one of which eyes him cautiously. Other sheep are scattered Signed at the lower left, Cu. a Sa Collection Dr. Fournier, Paris. From the Herman Schaus Sale, American Art Association, New York, ee 1912. -#289- 3/00~ 4b. em oe To be sod to close an Estate. Sapp aen Se Smee ? EMILE VAN MARCKE Frencu: 1827—1890 63—COWS IN PASTURE oes Fo Weer) . Height, 271 inches; length, 3934 inches 1 OO, An important example, of the Tréfort period covering the best work of — the French master, depicting in the foreground three fine cows, white, — black and dark red, standing in a shallow pool. Beyond are level, green — pasture fields bordered, in the left middle distance, by trees in summer foliage, and other groups of cattle grazing. Sky of gray and white ~~ clouds with spaces of blue. | , .g Signed at the lower left, Ex. Vaw Mancxe. — The property. of the late J osuPHi Eastman, New York. MK 095% (bug hi Me Mehny Cae tag 1182. Loa MM dela MA. ledges Dh hl PIKAXK j MK. K265%, Vlernen 4 tA. Alger ee fbi «a Lore ( dA. Limethy b. Citelsc an ee Sofybt2 SY WILL H. LOW, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— (64 THE HARV EST PROCESSION Height, 19 inches; aoa 31 ete WA a Ne ey SE Gk. Sa SOR Re a In the left foreground three figures, two young girls bearing baskets of | fruits and a young man playing the pipes, are coming forward through a field of ripe wheat. A little way back of them comes another group of three and still farther away, at right, are three other figures, seen over the standing grain. The costumes are of classic Greek design and of various colors, pink, blue, lilac and green. Over all is a sky of gray clouds and blue. Signed at the lower right, Wit. H. Low, and dated 1893. From the William T’. Evans Sale, American Art Association, 1900. 25+ Property of a Private Owner. Y ‘| () CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894_. feetoangeg or 5 --aeeipenemene meeren sien E RETURNING FLOCK Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches Mia "oe Finiine the entire foreground, except for a space on the right where are seen the watchful shepherd in blue smock and his dog, is a great flock of sheep advancing toward the spectator, some with heads raised and others, back of the shepherd, cropping the green grass. On the a right, oak trees and at left a stretch of country; sky of soe with a spaces of blue. q Se eee ESSENSE RET ec Signed at the ote ghE Ca. asc From the Sale of “Works of Famous Painters,” New York, 1899. Property of a Private Owner. C) GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1834—1905 66—COUNTRY LIFE IN ENGLAND Y ig Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A tapy, with fur-trimmed coat and muff, all of tints of dull red, pink and gray, is seen in the foreground walking with a little girl who carries a kitten in her arms and whose garments are of a darker red. Back of them, on a roadway, are an old man and woman of the peasantry and beyond lies a snow covered landscape. Signed at the lower right, G. H. Boucuton, and dated ’85. The property of the late JosErH Eastman, New York. aN = Height, 4514 inches; width, 30 inches ae A | ALBERT EDELFELT Finnisyo: 1854—1905 67—IN THE GARDEN pB A LiTTLe girl with pensive expression wearing a white dress with blue sash and a large hat of dark blue standing in full face on the path of a garden of a French country house. In her hand she holds a nosegay of red, pink and white. Signed at the lower right, A. EpELFELT, and dated, Paris, 1882. The property of the late JosEpH Eastman, New York. MK 182 -~ aay bulla, Vario Lh $82 _,Geo WMXX > Hold Lanhey b Crctivar Bee sefph82,- BAMSK — 4\° \” Signed at the lower right, W. Boveverrav, and dated 1905. a ww ; / 3 er _ NL. ’ Property of a Private Owner. WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU Frencu: 1825-—1905 2a f fore TING 1S. ee 3414 inches; width, 23 es vy) 1a A THREE-QUARTERS length figure, seated to left, of a little a with right | brown hair and blue eyes wearing a white bodice and blue skirt and — holding a wild flower in her right hand while the left hand rests on a j stone block on which she is seated. In the background are mountain tops and gray sky. One of the last oS of Ae Master, Gnished 4 in the last year of his life. . = ah 4 NN rs er 1 i 1 1 a i i WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS (Honorary Member of the National Academy of Design) American: 1833—1905 Z 0 69—_MARINE | 1) (Water Color) = a 7 0, Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Own the right appears a high and rocky onl MALS which the sea, filling the foreground and left of the picture, rolls in and breaks into ~ spray. Over all, a high sky of gray clouds with an opening in the upper portion which reveals the blue. Signed at the lower left, Wm. 'T. Ricuarps, and dated ’96. Th vroperty of the late JoserpH Kastman, New York. JOHN GEORGE BROWN, N.A. American: 1831—1913 70—AN INDUSTRIOUS FAMILY C) | | 2 Height, 25 inches; length, 30, inches g il ‘ 0. tho. 4 Five children, three little girls and two boys, are depicted in a sunny dooryard with a piece of squared timber resting on a sawhorse. On the left of the group one of the boys and a girl, the latter seen in back | view, are pushing a crosscut saw while another boy steadies the log and two little girls are seated on the farther end to maintain its bal- ance. A hen coop on the right, and the house door, at upper left, with the mother looking on, complete the scene. Signed at the lower left, J. G. Brown, N.A., and dated 1905. . From the J. G. Brown Sale, New York, 1914. Ko /bS- Bf Property of the Estate of the late Henry J. Heinz, Pittsburgh, Pa. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY Britisu: 1753—1839 a - M11—LADY CHARLOTTE JOHNSON 4O O Height, 36 inches; width, 28 “A ; _ Porrrair of a lady about thirty, three-quarters length, seated, in kUTTS 2 4 quarters to left. Gray, curling hair, bound with white filet, V-neck fa white gown trimmed with lace, blue girdle, brown cloak over right 3 shoulder. Right hand holding small book, left arm resting on arm of ____ chair; background of dark sky. | is Property of the Estate of the late Henry J. Hetnz, Pittsburgh, F :. ‘= . a | : i SIR GODFREY KNELLER t Britisu: 1646—1725 Be x9 eT aces: | 72—ANN HYDE, DUCHESS OF YORK Pay, | : : | Height, 4034 inches; width, 3214 inches 475" Shor.&F THren-quarrers length seated figure of a lady about twenty-three; ea ____ brown hair, dressed high, blue eyes; low gown of blue with under bodice and sleeves of white; head in three-quarters to left, body to front, right hand caressing spaniel, left hand holding drapery. Purchased from the late T. J. Blakeslee. Property of the Estate of the late I. O. Runes, New York. oe LOS 0+ ee : 3S Oo Hatr-teneru of an elderly lady, seated in full face, her hands. tae on a book bound in red and gold and holding her steel framed Spec- * tacles; white cap with fluted frill; loose, black fur trimmed jacket, — white bodice and black skirt ; dark red background. SIR HENRY Re Brrrisu: 1756—1 823 73—THE : HON ORABLE MRS. BUSHELL Height, 30 inches; width. 25 EAN: | re: tf Exhibited at the Raeburn Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1876, under the anonymous title, “The Old nee with the Large Cape. Praised by Robert Louis Stevenson in “Virginibu Puerisque,” im the — essay, “Some Portraits by Raeburn” “There are some capital old women . . . such as Mrs. Colin Campbell of Park, or the anonymous ‘Old Lady with a Large Cap,’ which are done in the same frank, perspicacious spirit as the very best of his men. He could look into their eyes with- 4 out trouble; and he was not withheld by any bashful sentimentalism from recogniz- — ‘ ing what he saw there and unsparingly putting it down upon canvas.” — From the sale of the Collection of G. F.,W. Hood, wae: ndon, American Art Association, ne ae bao, | i Property of the Estate of the late Henry J. Herz, Pittsburgh, Pa, ISLES RIGS AEN MAR - = PRE LS RES LOUIS JEAN FRAN cors LAGRENEE Puen 1724—1 805 ln a) 74—HEMPRESS ELIZABETH OF RUSSIA Height, 56 inches; width, 39 inches Portrarr in three- -quarters length, standing, to aa e head in nearly full-face view, of the Empress Elizabeth of Russia at about the - e age of between twenty-five and thirty ; powdered hair with pearl orna- ments, jewelled eardrops and necklace; low gown of costly stuffs with ermine borders and trimmings of lace; pearls on wrists and string of pearls around waist, falling to knees, and large pearl ornament pendent at end; left hand resting on imperial crown on blue and gold cushion, at right; right arm at side with hand lightly holding edge of overskirt. Dark pipe aa background with pillar at na | To be sold to close an Estate. = 4 pr aems TR ek eS ee oe, Sg NN EEE Eee eee - —_ = = ~~ = i . - aed Katey 0 | Y ee 1845—1902 H '15—THE CAPTIVES ae | 2, (Panel) Pr . : Height, 48 inches; width, 31 inches — Tue interior of a Moorish palace with tiled walls of elaborate design - and fine decorative effect. In the spacious apartment in the fore-s ground, on the floor of which is a large rug, are three female figures one mostly nude lying at full length and the other two, clad in rich ger a ments, reposing on cushions, In the triple arched doorway leading to — a sunlit court stands a bearded man on guard, bolas a sword before him with both hands, Signed at fe one left, Bess —Constawr. | Property of a Petite Owner. = WALTER LAUNT PA a Anrenican ; 1854— ose i Ag ude 76—WINTER SUNSET aT pa poe 3 “9. — Height, 384% inches; width, 24% inch Looxine westward from the ater of a forest pine framing the vista the picture presents a view ( glowing with tints of red, yellow and blue, which is frozen surface of the snow. pee Upyat: the left, i is | new moon. | om Ses Ke) 3 d Q ag i Po rete ; ae ~~ 5 S To be sold to close an Estate. | ° it REE OTS )O ALY RED WORDSWORTH THOMPSON, N A. AMERICAN: 1840—1 896 Sb MAY DAY, FIFTH AVENUE Height, 281/, inches; ie Adeshcren A scENnE on Fifth Avenue at Maun Square ii in the late seventies with | a the Worth Monument at left, Fifth Avenue extending northward, show- a ing the Brunswick Hotel and residences on East Twenty-sixth Street and the trees in the square on the right. Coming down the avenue and near the centre of the picture a four-in-hand coach is passing, and going northward are parties of equestrians and two of the old-time omnibuses. Numerous figures give further animation to the scene | and the whole, apart from its sterling artistic merit, constitutes a historical record of unique value. | Se | Signed at the lower right, Worpswortn THompson, and dated’80. The property of the late JosnrH Eastman, New York. ADOLF SCHREYER “aa German: 1828—1899 | 78—COME HERE \\er V cD Héight, 46 inches: agen “ inches — rider are Aes rest os a man ont onde ie left an on * gesture to a bay colt which at a little distance ies his ene Signed at the lower right, Ap. s From the George I, Seney Sale, New York, 1891- i, ee Dp. f : . rat a harvest field where the golden wheat is standing i in shoe wit ca - sap) am Ps ie , ce LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE : ae JG 9—THE REAPER’S LUN CH Frencu: > 1844— 0 3 (SO, as 33 inches; length, 1 inches | a summer sky overhead of white and blue, a group Of figures is seen 7 in the foreground depicting a phase of French farm life. The young — /farmer, with loose white shirt, blue jeans, belt and straw hat, stands. } erect as he takes a draught from an earthen jug, and seated on a sheaf beside him is his buxom young wife with her baby on her lap, 1s nearby. % Signed at the lower left, L. Lyerarrre, and dated 1890. From the Herman ee Sale, American Art Association, New York, He ae LOLs KEG MNS00 4 A - ee 7 To be Sold to Close an Estate, -while a little girl is stretched out on the ae and a basket of brea P | y \b . : \Qae rushy water of the pool fills the foreground. In the centre of it : MARIE DIETERLE Frenco: 1860— | ze . VETANG DE JOBE, NORMANDIE | Height, 3034 inches; lengthy 401% inches, — é stands, three-quarters to the left,.a handsome, rather shaggy, brown- red cow, with a white face and a white spot on her back. Under her _ head appears the white face, lowered to the water, of a reddish-yellow cow. Farther back, near the bank, a yellow calf stands in advance of a fawn cow and beside a white one. The background at the left is enclosed he with loosely massed foliage of a faint green, cre to dose ah as ow the trees recede. ) y arse at the lower right, Marie Drérerie. | From the Herman Ree Sule American Art Association, New York, ; January, ae Ii Shoo. Za. A i T'o be sold to nee: an Estate. CS MARTIN RICO SPANISH: Brrorr 1850—1908 aS —VENICE — Me a ne Height, 32 inches; length, 491% inches | om \) eres SUNNY, noonday view in Venice depicting a alee with = \ facade, at left, and a paved square in front of it with steps leading — down to the blue waters in the right foreground. In the distance, at — right, a multitude of boats and vessels of all kinds and the buildings ofa the city with domes and towers. The green foliage of trees in an enclos- _ ure near the middle of the picture rises above the walls and forms ae color contrast to the prevailing whites, pinks, and Sea Blue sky d with some small white clouds. | . Sigten at the jou iat Rico. re Property of the Estate of the late Samurt Owens, Sentor, Pittrburgi Pennsylvania, to be sold by order of The Union: Trust Company os Pittsburgh, BGM IG Executor. eee JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, RA. nents 1775-1851 LY | i 82_DUNSTANBOROUGH CASTLE (circa 1880 q Height, 1814, inches; length, 271% inches 3 Ot oS ne Tue ruins of the Auge and rambling fourteenth century Newhall ag land castle pile and the two-tower keep stand dominant on a broad and treeless plateau at the edge of a restless sea, whose waters in the fore- ground swish tumultuously amid outstanding cliffs, gray and brown : a and iron-red, and surfaced with greenish moss growths. Here in the ~ smother a ship drives upon the rocks. High above are the spacious Si and receding ruins, colorful in the vegetation and atmosphere of decay, _ accented by subtle and transparent shadows, the whole enveloped—_ 4 castle, cliffs and distant clouds—in a delicate chromatic radiance from | = a sun itself not seen. 3 ee ae a nc 7 Pi Exhibited ny Thomas Agnew & Sons at the Corporation of London Loan Ewhibition (“of works of Turner and a selection of examples — by some of his contemporaries’’) at the Guildhall, London, 1899.- Engraved by R. Brandard. og ee : Bak 4 | Reprouncae in Sir Walter pie “Turner,” Stan bbe ey ae aot Ie. t eee fasts the prwate llection of the late E. F. Millikin, New York. Pid by fhe’ late E. F. Mita to his sister, for whose account —— the painting is to be sold. ; Sl ak bferalien Hopdon Mag 4) 902 (leap LL nitllen b Z 4 o-K8- K S61 4 4 FELIX ZIEM : Totnes ise1 am ee 883—PISHING BOATS NEAR MARSEILLE Height, 32 inches; length, 50 inches Tux broad blue sea—the Mediterranean gulf in flat calm—has a green-— ; ish tinge in a fading light, and it fills the greater part of the picture— 4 all of the foreground and middle distance, reaching back to a moun-— tainous shore of sandy-red slopes and gray-violet shadows, under a soft — cloud-haze and a darkening blue sky. In the foreground many Mediter- ranean fishermen are busy with their boats and nets, and the agitation — moves the surface of the waters in gentle ripples, varying its color tones, while the boats and net-buoys yield shadows, and masts and sails } contribute reflections. ‘Toward the right two boats with lateen sails form a group with many men aboard and others in small boats crowd- ing round, the tall sail of one craft catching the lessening sunlight and _ by reflection illumining the busy workers. Toward the left the fishers are in double-ender small boats—one marked “Lina 57”’—and at the ~ lower left some rust-brown rocks come into view. In the far distance at _ left, toward the receding shore line, a single small white sail. ‘4 Sioa at the lower left, ZIEM. Property of the Estate of the late Joun B. Trevor, New Vous To be sold by order of the United States Trust Company, Erecutonm ; +15 ob A \ fi ee i? Height, 351% inches; length, 4614 inches a WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS - (Honorary Member of the National Academy of Design) AMERICAN: 1833—1905 84H ARBOR ON THE COAST OF CORNWALL Height, 28 inches; length, 45 inches Ae “P.O WATER Strep, rocky cliffs with scant herbage on the heights occupy the left foreground and stretch away in the misty distance to a point near the right of the canvas. Sweeping into the foreground and filling the right of the picture is the green sea in quiet movement, the low waves s rolling . in and spreading as they break with light spray. Signed at the lower left, Wm. 'T. Ricuarps, and dated 1883. FrouNthg Sayites A Garland Salerd0gg. From the Warren Shelburne Sale, New York, 1909 StS. ¥f $007 1} a Mo Property of the Estate of the late Henry J. Herz, Pittsburgh, Pa. LEON VICTOR DUPRE (Brother of Jules Dupré) Frencu: 1816—1879 85—_LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE (2d. Af attiel Avr a pool in the central foreground three cows have been brought to drink by a peasant woman whose farm house is seen in the right middle distance. At left, beside the pool, is a tree with heavily foliaged branches reaching up to the top of the picture. Sky of clouds with small spaces of blue. Signed at the lower left, Victor Dupre, and dated 1877. The property of the late JosepH Eastman, New York. MWBLIE Sola. demolhay b. Castner bce 882 ~ Je EXK ALEXANDRE CABANEL Frencu: 1823—1889 — 86—_REBECCA 4 oO d yl 50, Height, 40 inches; width, 28 ate / _. A youne woman of Eastern type, with black G. falling from Ci a _ turban over her shoulders and wearing a loose garment of white with an ample sash of brown-pink, is walking forward over a sandy plain fol- lowed by the foremost of her flock of sheep, seen on the right of the picture. Beyond rises a mountain and overhead is a clear evening sky. The graceful figure holding a light branch of a tree over her shoulders is admirably drawn and the color scheme of the whole is both of agree- able tone and true to the locality. Signed at the lower left, ALEX. CABANEL, and dated 1884. From the George I. Seney Sale, New York, 1891. /56 mA f/oco+ The property of the late JosrpH Eastman, New York. WALTER LAUNT PALMER, N.A. | AmeERICAN: 1854— , J, | 87 WINTER LANDSCAPE 45 is : Height, 40 inches; width, 24 inches - i 50. BO. Verney | In the foreground, at the foot of a slope covered deep with snow, are the waters of a little brook which disappear beneath a ledge. Above, is a group of pine trees, their trunks casting blue shadows, and beyond is a clear winter sky of tempered blue. Signed at the lower left, W. L. Patmer. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ere ~ Ys A HENRI DE BEUL ~ () piste) OF Pe cee Beraran: ConteMPorary ba: ie 88—IN THE BARNYARD 2 op * Ut [60 ie PN ES Height, 43 inches; ‘width, 32 inches” Two sheep and a lamb in the shade of a reat tree with fale about them, in a corner of a pasture lot. In be ero bushes pecs and — a sky of clouds and blue. _ Signed at the lower ale H. DE Brvr, and dated 1882. T'o be sold to aoe an Estate. COLIN HUNTER, A.R.A. Britiso: 1842— \) 89_-THE FISHERMAN Height, 29%4 inches; ae inches /) Drawn up on the beach in the right foreground is a yawl and a fisher- man stepping over its side brings from the boat part of the catch while another toiler of the sea is leaning over to get out some more. At left, _ 5, on the beach, is a pile of fish and trappings. The coast sweeps ina ‘ curve around the left of the picture and the sea extends to the nee al the whole forcibly depicted. Signed at the lower right, Cotiy Hunter, and data 1877. The property of the late JoserpH Eastman, New York. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845— Q () “90—BANKS OF A RIVER \ Height, 461% inches; — 37 inches Amip flowering chrysanthemums on a high bank above-a river stands a French peasant girl. Her light hair is uncovered and she wears a light purple cloak. The river curves away to the right with a wide sweep, and poplar trees are scattered along the banks. Signed at the lower right, Rireway Knicut, Paris. Property of the Estate of the late Samuet Owens, Senior, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to be sold by order of The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsyloania, Executor. 91_EVE IN DESPAIR (Sculpture in Statuary Marble) e Height, 68 inches. Base: Width, 30 inches; depth, 34 a, Q Ta A LIFE-sIzE nude figure of Eve, standing with weight on the right leg. The head and shoulders are inclined forward with arms enfolding the head and the face concealed by the heavy hair. A work of prime importance by the celebrated French master. ; 4 Gees ie _ Executed to order for the late owner. Property of the Estate of the late Samurt P. Corr, to be sold by order of The Industrial Trust Company of Providence, Rhode Island, Trustee. Note: The commission for the above sculpture was placed with Rodin by the late owner, Mr. Samver P. Corr in 1906, but the sculpture was not de- livered until 1915, nine years later. (On Exhibition in Maw Hall) (Illustrated—See Frontispiece) AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. + ¥ CS LILES EDICT aE SS T OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED + & LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED | AND THEIR WORKS a eee BANFFE, V. | Windmill in Holland | 30 _ . BEATTY, Joun Wesiry New England Landscape 37 | BEECHEY, Sir Witt i, Lady Charlotte Johnson 71 BENJAMIN-CONSTANT, Jean Joseru The Captives 75 BEUL, Henri bE In the Barnyard 88 BOCK, THEOPHILE DE Landscape in Holland 22 - BONHEUR, Rosa Highland Landscape and Sheep 14 BOUGHTON, Grorct Henry, N.A., R.A. Country Life in England 66 BOUGUEREAU, Wuiu1AmM ADOLPHE Resting 68 BRIDGMAN, Freperic Arruur, N.A. The Pet Cat 49 BROWN, Joun Georce, N.A. An Industrious Family | 70 CABANEL, ALEXANDRE Rebecca CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, Antonio The Unexpected Visit CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES Farm near Ecouen Gathering the Crop CLAYS, PauL JEAN CHARLES Leaving the Harbor COROT, JEAN Baptiste CAMILLE Landscape and Figures Landscape with Figures and River View COUTURE, THomas Portrait Study DAUBIGNY, CuHartes FRANCOIS The Creek On the Oise DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE GABRIEL The Approaching Storm DETTI, CrEsArE The Cardinal Passes DIAZ DE LA PENA, NarcissE VirGILe Love ‘Triumphant DIETERLE, Marte L’Etang de Jobe, Normandie CATALOGUE NUMBER 86 98 39 53 36 16 19 44. 17 4] 5A 18 80 is CATALOGUE NUMBER DUPRE, Jutzs Marine : 32 DUPRE, Juuien Shepherdess and Sheep 35 DUPRE, Leon Victor Landscape with Cattle 85 EAST, Sir Atrrep, R.A. Dordrecht, Holland 8 EDELFELT, Apert In the Garden | 67 GELDER, ARENT DE Portrait of a Young Man 46 HALS, Dink | Portrait of a Man 28 HARLAMOFF, ALeExis Little Girl in White | 56 HARPIGNIES, Henri Joseryu Landscape with Church 3 HENNER, JEAn JACQUES Nymph 4 Female Head HENRY, Epwarp Lampson, N.A. The Weekly Paper 13 HUNTER, Coun, 4.R.A. The Fisherman 89 JACQUE, CHARLES Emir Landscape and Sheep 2 The Shepherd ; 62 The Returning Flock / = 65 KNELLER, Sir Goprrry Ann Hyde, Duchess of York KNIGHT, Danitet Ringway Morning ‘Tasks Banks of a River LAGRENEE, Louts JEAN FRANCOIS Empress Elizabeth of Russia LAMBINET, Emite A Brittany Landscape LAWRENCE, Str Tuomas, P.R.A. Princess Metternich LEADER, Brensamin Wiis, &.A. The End of the Day LELY, Sir PETER Lady of the Court of Charles II. LEPINE, STANISLAS French Landscape LEROLLE, Henri Morning at the Farm A Farm in France LHERMITTE, Lion Aveustin The Reaper’s Lunch LOW, Wit. H., N.A. The Portrait The Harvest Procession CATALOGUE _ NUMBER | 72 38 90 74 15 24 59 25 10 79 Pe So CATALOGUE MANTON, W. ee Portrait of J.-B. C. Corot — 9 MARIS, WitLem Milking Time 21 MAUVE, Anton Gathering Wood 20 Homeward Bound 31 Cows Coming Home 33 Sheep in Pasture: Holland 4.2 MEISSONIER, Cuares Mine Ease in Mine Inn 1 MICHEL, Gxorers Landscape 50 NEUVILLE, Sage DE On Guard 5 PALMER, Watrer Lavunt, N.A. Winter Sunset 76 Winter Landscape 87 PERRET, Aime The Vintage Harvest 55 RAEBURN, Sir HEnNry | The Honorable Mrs. Bushell 73 RAFFAELLI, Juan Francois In a Moorish Garden 61 RICHARDS, Wuu1am Trost Marine 69 Harbor on the Coast of Cornwall 84. CATALOGUE NUMBER RICHET, Lton } Forest Landscape 34 RICO, Martin Venice : 6 Venice | 81 ROBIE, JEAN BAPTISTE Flowers and Fruit 48 RODIN, AUGUSTE Eve in Despair 910s ROUSSEAU, THroporE PIERRE ETIENNE Landscape near Fontainebleau 40 SCHREYER, ApoLr Come Here 78 THOMPSON, AxLrrep WorpswortH, N.A. A May Day, Fifth Avenue ih TURNER, JoserH Matitorp Wituiam, F&.A. Dunstanborough Castle (circa 1800) 82 UNKNOWN EARLY DUTCH MASTER | The Music Lesson 11 VAN CEULIN, Cornenis JANSSENS Portrait of King James I. 26 VAN DYKE, Str ANTHONY A Cardinal A7 VAN ESSEN, Jan Holland Landscape 29 VA \N. MARCKE, Eire e. Cattle in Pasture ee. i _ Cows in Pasture ‘eS _VERNET, Cite J OSEPH pS Tivoli | WALKER, Henry Outver, N.A. on a The Boy and the Muse ne 7 - WOODWELL, JOSEPH Si Autumn Landscape ane : ‘ZIEM, War - Fishing Boats near frarseille _ZUCCARO, Fu ERICO Portrait of a Lady CATALOGUE NUMBER 12 63 57 58 83 27 a ei REF na ON Ae RAN EL ie pS COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY bi : ‘ } 3 t f h F. i ee pe neem inemnsmrm.nant etter ssaames Mit a Tea Ne es we oe ete ae a es 7 ‘ sy A p , i j ? eu ¥ van i “4 7 : " a ; | 5 { : } i ~ - CH INSTITUTE il iN | l | i | il tM a ate at nee Ta Satie ey sie eae onan Senet Sacer Bhentrechenk aie ee re Racist KEW laity Beds PHS Metal Bide Ea Slaoy USAT ORES hay yee, BSE emis etl MOSER ATG Fee Qed ge a Sicha? 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