3 SILO BUILDING PP SILO. - AUCTIONEER 4 _ CATALOGUE OF ID WATER COLORS SOLD BY ORDER OF x FREDRIKS BROS. OF AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND | { ACCOUNT OF FIRE AT 537 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK CITY $0 TO CLOSE SEVERAL ESTATES AND SIGNMENTS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES TO BE SOLD AT ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION ‘On Wednesday and Thursday Evenings yo April 12th and 13th, Prt AT HALF-PAST EIGHT O'CLOCK o. ve Sa Se, a eee j LIBRARY NO. 905 M. KNOEDLER & C0. | 556-8 FIFTH AVE. . ACC. NEW YORK ‘“SONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money tf required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself respon- sible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu- ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; THe FirrH AVENUE ART GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliy- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficieéricy, it any, attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are im no way responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer Che Alexander Press, 114-116 West 27th Street, New York PA r 1 APRIL 12th, 01h | London Dutch Fishing Boats 23: x31 SCHOOL Allegorical 22 % 32 PCLANS (P. J.) nha Attributed aaa A Calm meh tes 20 x 16 PARKER (A) Winter (2am 9x8 te eye “Water Color ie i 4 UNKNOWN Ae Head of Saint ) 22 x 19 gs PRIESTMAN (WALTER) Landscape — - 16 x 20 MINOR (J. E.) Moonlight, Marine 18 x 22 A Girl of the Tyrol 23%, 20 a cae | : RGAN hg) New York ch An Autumn Landscape 18 me 24 i 13, St. Peter 33 x 28 . : i 14 DRUMMOND (A.) London Old Woman Feeding Chickens 16 x 13 | Water Color FAULKNER (J.), RELA. | Marine VemeiD Water Color ee Re 6. GEATIAN “SCHOOL =) Ra kk Man in Armor ee) dg WINK (M.) Testing the Eggs 829 1S; 18 ie wi AMSON cine fs A.N.A Now York "Near Shokan, Ulster oe te x 12% 19 SCHWARZ (THERESE) _— The Hague euler Head of Girl (16 :x 13" Crayon Drawing The Hague t ae 27 he Tague Cow at Gate. Pi 1 PR ae ARTES Aa EP RF tek me ce MILLS (J. HARRISON) —_—sNew York ; The Gleaner of Ardath : ; yal Tio ae tes AUGUSTINE (FF) °° 13" New York | End of Day | vt ihe oi ee - o 0x8 “ Water Color MORETTE (H. BE.) cin Head of Young Girl be xy es JOHNSON (EASTMAN). A Dutch Barnyard 34 x 44 28 PRE NC. Sheep in Central Park 16 oe 20) 29 WEBBER (WESLEY) 4 Dest to the Fold 18 x 24 At the Fount meee 6 | 32 ae | pee aide tage Buckwheat Stacks . | | era's. 70) ae | 33 - SMORENBERG (D.) The Hague Leta Mmiede Rance so segs 14 x 19% 34 VAN INGEN The Hague | | _Cow’s Head | Ron Sti 51% x 6 : TYLER (JAMES G.) a | | | Ca Leaving Por | A nC ek a oes ee a ETTY (WILLIAM) 0) ae Poverty Pastel a 38°5 CARRAGCCINCE | e, Santa Flora 38 x 31 37 BICKNELL. (E. M.) Homeward Bound 20 x 30 COHN OR. E:A, London irish, Pare: 57 wv | ants ee _ Water Color J | ; Peoree ULES) = Attributed | | i Poetmpi ss, Landscape | / i ie ane! 44 CULVERHAUSE (F. M.) Amsterdam Skating in the Moonlight = | 15 x 19 "DURAND (A, BD cea Ne ‘ ose Calf in the Barnyard , 14 x 1S KNAPP (CW) ee Autumn in the Orange Mountains 18 x 32 eee a “ ROBERT (L.) | | Perpetual Adoration . AS Sean | 16 x 10% INMAN (GEORGE) New York: ‘The Clearing Storm ve 17-28 GAUL (GILBERT), N.A. New York Dakota Indians : 20; x7 32 at J Work and Charity 7 20 x 14 53 In New York Harbor 14 x 20 54 REMINGTON (F.)_ On Guard 16 x 22 ’ 7. sale ' cere ee et a eae gee Ss Poe - London 11H . . os Florence New Yrok New York wo = SMORENBERG (D.) > | gt Casi = Along the Pond ie : 196 x 20 ae modal Lve ane : ‘VAN INGEN ae oR Red ond White Cow Sobirs 9% aM 58 TAWNING (A.) ~ ae | } A Cavalier 1214 x 9Y 59 ROW BOTHAM (CHAS.) oh , af Coast Scene 10x 8 Water Color mee he: Hague | | | “Munich : | 20 x 16 POs ef Ne New York Southern Italy 20:30 | * 64 _.VAN GROOTOELDT (J. H.) Market Scene in Amsterdam 19 x 26 Oe RES .. Near Nahant : her <4 ‘ * MONDRIAAN (P.) Amaryllis Stee 67 SMORENBERG (D.) _ | . Shar atte Vineyard : : | Looky FILARSKI Summer in the Woods 18 x 12 . 69 SMORENBERG (D.) Gladness 15 x 20 The Hague wn Antwerp Ruined by the Storm ae RG eee 74 ‘FAULKNER (J.), R.H.A. London | 7 Waterfall Bart 30 x 20. Water Colbe Vee Bk es PETUR SD RON A PR ee MACNAB (J.) WILLIAMSON (J.) Autumn, Lake George 15 x 23 so 7g GREENLEES (J.) | Blackwater Near Mallow 1 RAG 78 o SANTORO (RUBENS) Attributed — | Canal in Venice Pcs | 18 x 12 i The Letter | London Arrival of the Fishing Boats. < 81 S ( HYS (OLIVER) London es “1 A Siesta’ 20.30" 5 iy ie BD PPAUGUSTINE (F) ~~ = ~~ New York i ai. The Old Mill site . Us 10 x 14 mice 8 STOVER (R.) New York ‘Oakdale. 1: 14 x 22 DULCE SCHOOL Portraitzora Woman Ba | 30 x ar 85 SINOT (PROSPER S.) A Rocky Beach 10x 14 | Water Color | = 86 PIBTERS (E>) Cattle Returning from Pasture 29 x 36 | 87 KNUPFER (NICHOLAS) | 1603-1660 Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men 25 x 32 88 GIGNOUX (R. F.), N.A. ‘New York : The Tourists. te. . 22 x 24 Pees i Water Color a a ornne New York 7 Ideal Head NY: ip FAULKNER (J.), RDA. Donon fe” ‘ Near Guildford, Surrey. ae op Sa a ana Water Color _ SMORENBERG (D.) The Hague : Along the Rhine 3 14 x 19% Sts » ae 5° Standing Heifer 10 eae SMORENBERG (D.) sik R Territet Alley . ao ce Dy 19 x 14 96 : eet Peak : STHDARSRIO See _. The Ha | Behind the Farmhouse | 14 x 19% ~ SMORENBERG (D.) View from the Noordberg is 20 x 30% DRUMMOND (jJ.) ; _. A Young Peasant 20 x 15 Water Color eo pe and Cattle i? x 8 ~ | 101 ie eae : _ FAUL FAULKNER (J.), RELA. roadan f wart English Landscape : We 29 3; | eh Water Color | ale pe | BRICHER (A. T.) New York eo be aa ea . Nantucket Shoals es 19 x 30 103 WILLEMS (F.) - A Letter from the Frontier ~~ 24 x 19 -BLOIS (B. de). bs he Toe . eae ne : ine ts oe Ruins oy Pompeii i Soaks 19 x 30. Sraeitin, ths 05. ae RICHARDS (W.T.) > : On the Coast of Maine — + 18 x 32 106 CRANE (BRUCE), N.A. Sunset : | 14 x 18 107 JACQUE (CHAS.) ae Shepherdess and Sheep De ees 108 me TYLER (JAMES G.) New! yore : Foundering 23 x 37 if The Hague : The Hague | - The Woods | 2 $31 PA Go ae Vice ; pa ie SMORENBERG (ise ~The Hague Sea ; ; View from Homan 20 x 30% PHELAN (CHAS. T.) New York Shepherd and Flock ; 20 x 30 Seat nas ae Tale ay “FAULKNER (J.), RELA. 4 ui Venue! Shai on vero celia | 30% 20, aa" Water Color — » “GREENLEES ((j.) ae . River Lee, Near Cork oe Oe | pane is 117.503 | ENGLISH SCHOOL” aa i: LOA ead Upper Thames ee . 118 SMITH (HENRY P.) New York ; apa 5 pana rb a Old Oak at Sunser 4 20 x 28h ea ’ ‘ + New York _-— Femme Cousant eS ae baie B. Cc.) 7 Paris La Charette de Bois Petes ee: MORAN (EDWARD) New York ge Homeward Bound ga ee Oe e129 cS ; oh e129 SONNTAG (WM. L.), N.A. New. York i Schooley Mountains SU focr95 Ss 124 - DAUBIGNY (C. F.) ©) Guan kalues Sunset oh Ss se OR TE 125. DIAZ (N.). / Rise | Wood Interior aeons 126 POST (W. MERRITT) Ne) Winter Evening 16 x 26 127 a CRAIG (THOS. B.), A.N.A. New York Showery Day i oa 20 x 30 oe 3 128 | FAULKNER (J.) R.HLA. London Kittany Strand 80; SOc Water Color The Hague The Hague ee About the TagaGd : TS ae a é : ie: ya The Hague Piers at Ymuiden 10 x 19 | 133. FILARSKI | The Hague | | Cherry Tree : a ; ve 36's¢ 20 A ae ad c : Carnarvon Castle Duh okt: MORLAND (GEORGE) Roa kfc ‘ HOOGH (PIETER (De) Old Dutch Home — | 43'S 90 ae | 137 : BLAKELOCK (R. A.) In the Woods 714x 9 | } MURPHY (J. FRANCIS) New York Landscape - . aR aly Srey, ENBERG (D.) | The Hague inter Scene, Central Park, New York rn OD TRE : ; Paris | ae ee Landscape and Cattle Pe 20 37 ~ me at ME (JOHN) 1769-1821 The Water Mill | Ai NS IA, me 142 _ CROPSEY (J. F.), N. A. New York ae ~ Sundown at Greenwood Lake 38 x 60 143 CHURCH (FRED. E.),N.A. New York a The Passing Shower | 40 x 60 144 CALIFANO (J.) | Italian Street Scene 48 x 32 145 GRAAFLAND (R.) , Picnic 53 x 80 146 a | VERESTCHAGIN (V.) Russia nfs The Night—My Fire in the Himalayas : | Fis ie. der: 147 oe VERY RARE ENGRAVING Edwin Forrest as “Spartica”’ The following lots of Pottery Vases, made by the well-known artist, Chris. Lanooy, of Hol- land, and Velvet Pillows by the East Indian ‘Batik Process,” done by Miss Koopman, of Holland, are also to be sold by order of Messrs. Fredrik Bros. : 148 Vase with Fish Design 149 Vase with Waterfall Design 150 Vase with Orchid Design Pillow - ee _ JAMES P. SILO, ocanece LE TIE Ae MOR rm EE VSR TR SRE Sg ES AE AO