eee >) es . —- vw eee Se ee a ee ~ . eR PA we ct ee Ae es = hn A i = z 7s = Rae? Sa Jo = ee ss -- i") + is , a ee veo B. Van Tholen % CHAPEL fe @ A SS ids ina grave-yard. There are three scraggy trees on the left, and to the right a cottage roof against the sunset sky. Signed at the left. Height, 12 inches ; length, 19 inches. wz Nnorolla A N°: 17 Willem Roelofs = # yn My SUMMER EVENING | ——s Water extends across the front of the picture, with lily leaves on its surface, and the reflection of the dark trees _ that grow along the opposite bank. Among the trees ap- pear brown roofs, a greenish mill, and, in the distance, an- other one catching the yellow light. Four ducks are flying e on the water near the right of the picture. Signed at the right. : Height, 11% inches; length, 1934 inches. Lucius Rossi HE SEE-SAW ounded by a balustrade and marked out with a geometrical design of flower beds edged with box, is a decorated see-saw. At the lower end sits a young abbé, who looks up laughing at a girl perched coquet- tishly on the upper end. Her costume includes a straw hat with yellow streamers, and a frou-frou of white skirt. Figures at the back lean against the balustrade, and two ladies are coming up the steps to the terrace. Signed at the right. : ; Height, 1334 inches ; length, 1934 inches. oe N°: 18 j j N?: 19 Willem Roelofs f COWS INA MEADOW 4, A herd of cows stand on the right of a level meadow through which straggles a stream, crossed by a little wooden bridge with rails, just before it makes a bend round to the front of the picture. Signed at the right. Height, 13 inches ; length, 19% inches. N° 20 ue » Louis Apol ye : O° e f oo ee PLAIN : ar “Ove e waste of snow fae a sunset sky a horse ana cart, driven by in blue, are approaching. Beyonc them, on the right, stands a farmhouse among the trees with an orchard wall stretching to the front of the picture. Signed at the right. ; Height, 114% inches; length, 17% inches. N° 21 Albert Lynch : um, 9, FIVE O’CLOCK TEA At the end of a long table, spread with the incidents of a five o’clock tea, stands a gentleman in black frock coat, to whom a lady on the left is offering some delicacy. At the other end a gentleman leans over a lady as she eats. Signed at the left. Height, 16 inches; width, r2 inches. tet ae ‘that runs along a canal, over which bridges extend to a row of houses on the opposite side. Near the bridge in the front of the picture stands a lamp post, and a row of trees skirt the water. Coming along the path is a woman _ in brownish dress and white cap, and, in the distance, two figures stand talking. Signed at the right. Height, 19% inches; width, 13 inches. N° 23 é Lucius Rosst ey “ ne Sy TYROLIENNE A girl in male Tyrolese costume leans against a balus- trade with one foot on the step and her right hand on her hip. Signed at the left. % Height, 14% inches; width, 93 inches. aa aa N°: 24 | | > - é James Little | } 0 2. \ i : : l WINDMILL, GHENT The rolling green country is intersected by a sandy road, along which a cart is approaching the nearer of two wind- mills. Signed at the right. ha JX: Height, 9% inches; length, 13 inches, a4 ‘ : 25 nee, Albert Lynch ~~) Rs : ON THE TERRACE | | On a terrace, overlooking the sea, reclines a lady ina wicker lounge, with a book on her lap. A naval officer standing to her left-rests his hand, which holds a cigar, on the back of a chair, and leans forward. Three palm trees show against the sky to the right. - f ogy at the left. P Height, 12% inches; length, 15 inches. 26 es. J. H. Van Mastenbroek a ; + OD PORT OF NEWHAVEN Ray, @ The harbor is seen in the evening with pin-points of light reflected in the gray water. Signed at the right, and dated ’96. Height, 13% inches; length, 20%4 inches, ifs ae Lilo 27% iS | eee Blommers A8F In front of a cupboard a woman sits peeling apples, while a little child stands by the cradle in which a baby is sitting up. Signed at the left. Height, 14% inches ; length, 20 inches. ee ee | Fe N° 28 | bak Charles P. Gruppe } / 0 RUSTIC COTTAGES On the bank of a quiet canal a woman kneels, washing linen, and behind her is a red-roofed cottage, a thatched ~ one showing farther back in the picture. Cattle are dotted over the meadow on the right. Signed at ee ight. 7G Height, 1834 inches; length, 24% inches, N°. 29 Nicolas Bastert 2] " “Wdies A WINTER EVENING Half-way down the snowy road isa cart. On the left. light glows from the windows of acottage, and ontheright __ are two other cottages. ie 62; at the left. Height, 16% inches; length, 24% inches. 30 | A. Ivan Driesten FISHERMEN’S COTTAGE On the edge of the sea stands a rambling, red-tiled cottage, near which a woman is hanging linen to dry. There are a tub and some chickens in the rear. Signed at the right. Height, 1834 oe ; length, 27 inches. OIL PAINTINGS cee” err ; SPOMALE: LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES Zs Schoevaerdts Coming up the road which winds gently down to a vil- lage, a goat-herd is piping as he leads his flock. On the right appears aruin, mantled with green ; and further down the road sits a man to whom some people have stopped to talk. At the foot is an inn with signboard, before which are horses and figures, while opposite to it is a pond with cows. A walled garden shows beyond the water, and the hilly landscape at the back terminates in blue mountains. Height, 814 inches ; length, 114 inches. Schoevaerdts, belonging to the Flemish School, was born in Brussels about 1665, and died there, though at what date is unknown. He was a pupil of A. F. Bou- dewyns, and was successively master and dean of the Guild of Painters in his city. pt aa N° 32. 2 | James Little : 2Vv° : Dt, ANTWERP _ The Cathedral tower appears above the end of a narrow street in which are a van and adray. Set into the corner of a house on the right is a statue of the Madonna, with a blue background and red canopy. Signed at the left. Height, 914 inches; length, 13 inches. N°. 33 harles Chaplin > By, vs di Ce Fe age sh G_MAID i} : A peter cap with a flounced edge, a blue bodice and rosy white apron over a pink skirt, holds a tray on which are glasses and a decanter of red wine. Signed at the right, : Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. N® 34 , oe & Calvin Rae Smith 3 fe THE SEAMSTRESS By an attic window sits a young girl, leaning her head on her hand, her elbow resting on the sewing-machine. A chair is by her side with a work basket on it, and at the back of the room area bed and clothes hanging on the wall. Signed at the left. Height, 8% inches; length, 10% inches. 35 2 Qf COAST ACENE ot The smooth, gray séa ith specks of sail, extends across the picture. The sandy beach towards the right is sprinkled with patches of sea weed and rises into small green hummocks. Signed at the right. Height, 9 inches; length, 14% inches. Pointelin gained his first medal in 1878, one of the sec- ond class in 1881, and a gold medal at the Universal Ex- position of 1889. He was elected to the Legion of Honor in 1886, ? ogee N° 36 . ard Charlemont tS Rian arr ee THE PHILOSOPHER In front of a large old tome that is propped upon two volumes, lying on the red table cloth, sits the philosopher. Dressed in a brown suit with white ruffles at the neck and wrists, he supports his chin on his left hand, and in the other holds a quill pen. Behind him a map, brown with age, hangs upon the wall, and to this side is a window with stained glass. Signed at the left, at the top. Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches. Born at Znaim, Moravia, 1846, Charlemont entered the school of the Vienna Academy, and later studied under Makart, who enabled him to visit Italy. After extensive travel he settled in Paris, devoting himself to portraits and genre subjects. N° 37 peng Harburger DISCUSSION j/ 0 In a drab-walled room three men are sitting round a small table on which is a red, round-bodied pitcher. The one on the right, dressed in black, sits back to us and turns half round, raising a glass of beer to the level of his peaked cap. Opposite to him stands an old man in a white jacket with a jug hanging from his right hand, and in the _ shadow across the table sits a large-faced man, watching _ the speaker. Signed at the left, at the top: Height, 8% inches ; length, 12 inches. Harburger, a pupil of the Munich Academy under Lin- denschmitt, has acquired a reputation for his genre sub- i- f ‘ ri fp ) N°: 38 : y e~ Pd 17 > Jw Aa r if Jf Emilio oe, 6 -Perticr nnd SS ~ Jl # : er a THE MI ee The placid water, overhung with trees on the left bank, narrows into a race as it approaches the white-walled mill and disappears through an arch in the projecting masonry. On the grassy bank in the foreground is a barrow, near which a woman and child are seated. Signed at the left, and marked ‘‘ Osny.”’ Height, ro inches ; length, 13% inches. Sanchez-Perrier has been called the ‘‘ Meissonier of Spanish landscape.” He was a pupil of the School of Fine Arts in his native city, Seville, and afterwards studied for some time in France. vied Parte. ae faint line eof gray sea stfetches below the level of the olive-green foreground, which has a line of brush along its edge and a clump of dark trees to the right. Twosmaller trees, almost bare of leaves, also grow near the left; all bending landward from the action of the sea winds. Signed at the left. Height, 834 inches ; length, 1434 inches. ‘* Pointelin, among the younger painters exhibiting in — the Salon—without any trace of imitation—perhaps comes nearest to the tender poetry of Cordét, and has with most ‘ sublety interpreted the delicate charm of cold moods of morning, the deep feeling of solitude in a still expanse.” —Muther. 4 0. 4) / Ky, Oe 15 28 a G pags Francois Raffaelli it Aaomum™ a) =O E aries : An artisan, “SN and carrying his shoes in one hand, and a crooked stick i in the other, has halted to study the direction on a signpost. Signed at the left. Height, 9% inches; length, 13% inches. Raffaélli’s sympathy with the gray life of the poor and his devotion to the monotonous aspect of the Paris suburbs have prompted some of his most characteristic pictures. (Replacing painting by Pasini) Albert Lynch THE YOUNG MOTHER The young mother, dressed in a pearl-gray morning dress, sits by the side of the little child in its cradle. A lady in blue dress stands on the other side of the cradle looking at the child. Height, 15%2"inches; width, 1034 inches. N° 42 Jean Gustave Jacquet rh 4 ayy HEAD OF A YOUNG GIRL The head and bust of a young girl is shown, facing three-quarters to her right. She wears a green brocaded dress, with a wine-colored bow at the bosom, and the hood of a blue-gray velvet opera-cloak rests lightly against the back of her hand. Signed at the left side. Height, 12% inches; width, g inches. After his admission into the Legion of Honor in 1879, Jacquet abandoned historical subjects for those represent- ing the charms of womanhood. His portraits and genre pictures are rendered with much beauty of color and tex- ture and with a facile lightness of brush work. Jules Dupré 1812-1889 THE COTTAGE Past a pool on the right, a path leads across the mead- ows to a brown thatched cottage, with white wall and straggling out-buildings. On each side of it a bushy hedge of trees extends across the picture, while high above ‘‘ Dupré is always a great, true, and convincing poet.”— Muther. the cottage are scraggy masses of foliage, showing against the white clouds. The sky is a greenish blue, with dark | vapor gathering at the sides. . | Signed at the right. : f Height, 9% inches ; length, 133% inches. ’ I 0 » ° 44° Be ‘ Narcisse Virgile fi fa Pefia Diaz ot 1808-1876 nt sone ORIENTAL Te SCARE f Ae ER Ete a ie NIE FNS In the foreground a figure in Oriental costume kneels beside a sheet of water that extends back and passes be- hind a projection of land, on which is a square building, with overhanging eaves. Figures appear on the terrace, rut _and below it; while, to the right, overshadowed by a tree, are two columns of a pergola. On the opposite side of the water the sloping bank is covered with trees, and on the distant horizon appear the blue peaks of mountains, seen against a rosy, creamy turbulence of cloud. From the collection of M. Hars, pére. Signed at the left. Height, 9% inches; length, 1234 inches. ‘* Diaz is a fascinating artist, a great charmer, and a feast to the eyes, and-he belongs in the same category as Isabey and Fromentin. A fragment of soft silk, gleam- ing with gold, anda red turban, were means _ sufficient for him to conjure up his charming and fanciful land of ~Turks.’”—Muther. t ; a 7 Jean Baptiste Camille Corot THE ie The pale pray bilereataee that fills ie trout of the pic- ture is bordered by two grassy banks, sprinkled with flow- | _ers meeting in an angle, at which stand two feathery trees, a single fir appearing a little to the right. In the distance on the left appear a clump of bushy willows, a glimpse of a house, and a coppice of gray-blue foliage. In the pale blue sky are a few flots of cloud. From the collection of Mr. J. S. siete London. Signed at the right. Height, 8% inches : Ba 12% inches, Corét wrote to a friend—‘‘ One gets up early, at three in the morning, before the sun; one goes and sits at the foot of a tree; one watches and waits.—Bing ! Bing! a first ray of sunlight—a second ray of sunlight—the little flowers seem to wake up joyously—The veil of mist mounts, mounts, sucked up by the sun; and, as it rises, reveals the river, plated with silver, the meadows, trees, cottages, the receding distances—one distinguishes at last everything that one had dreamed at first.” ee ‘ re ae a Pace 1796-1875 “4 DYE 4 iv ~~ = = g 5 Zz a = N° 46 4 | f Ne) v arles Francois Daubigny 1817-1878 AY »F SUNSET AT MERIEL _ Across the front of the picture extends a quiet reach of dark gray water, with a patch of warm, creamy reflection from a streak of light amid the fluster of gray cloud in the sky. Tothe left of the reflection, in shadow, swimsa string of ducks. On the bank at the right are a shadowed mass of foliage and one branchy tree with a few tufts of leaves. On the left are houses with lighted windows. _ From the collection of Mr. C. F. Singer, Paris, Signed at the left, and dated 1862. . Height, 6% inches; length, 12% inches. After a struggle of ten years, Daubigny won a second class medal in 1848, and one of the first class in 1853. The Emperor was among the purchasers of his pictures, and in 1859 he was invested with the Legion of Honor, being made an officer three years later. Statens sethantes ee on aie ergo Oh A Am lt On ne ne Oe aes: 2 eink N° 48 The chickens are scattered over the straw in front of a gray wall, near the center of which is a niche and water stoup. In front of the group stands a brown hen, and prominent among the rest are a speckled hen and two white ones, near which is a rooster with yellow neck feath- ers. In the right corner of the picture appears a stone trough. Signed at the right. ; Height, 9% inches; length, 12% inches. Jacque was a breeder of poultry as well as a painter of them, and no one has better realized their character or made happier use of them as a pictorial motive. It was his good fortune to enjoy a high degree of popularity, his pictures being in great demand, and bringing high prices even during his lifetime. r ° Jean Francois Raffaelli THE BILL STICKER A bill sticker, with short ladder on his shoulder and a pail in his left hand, is moving away from a wall covered with advertisements. In the distance on the left are trees, figures, and a cart. Signed at the right. Height, 10% inches; length, 14% inches. Raffaélli, whose subjects have been chiefly taken from the streets and environs of Paris, gained the gold medal and Legion of Honor at the Universal Exposition of 1889. N° 49 Antoine Vollon . + 1833-1900 (- ve LANDSCAPE On the left of the reach of river runs a high bank of foli- _ age, under which a barge is moored, while a figure close by is wading inthe water. At the bend of the river in the back- ground buildings dot the bank, and a town is visible in the _ distance. Height, 6% inches; length, 734 inches. Vollon varied his still-life subjects with occasional land- scapes, in which he shows the same qualities of brush work that have earned him the reputation of being one of the greatest masters of painting of the nineteenth century. N° 50 Willem Roelofs LANDSCAPE The little reach of river has a row of willows on the right bank, above which appears the sail of a boat on another winding of the stream. A rough fence crosses the meadow to the left of the picture, and on the horizon is a distant view of a house and windmill. Overhead are a fluster of gray clouds and a peep of blue sky, Signed at the right. Height, 5 inches; length, 8% inches. Roelofs, a native of Amsterdam, trained at The Hague, settled in Brussels. He was recipient of the Orders of Leopold and of Francis Joseph, and was an officer of the Order of Oaken Crown. fe x : ae yy) nyentel regen in a blue coat who has charge of a cowand goat. A little way behind a man stoops beside a stream, and on the left of the group is a tall tree with irregular bunches of yellowish-brown foliage, near which are two smaller trees. Layers of cream and rosy cloud appear above the horizon. Signed at the right. Height, 5% inches; length, 10% inches. Victor, the brother and pupil of Jules Dupré, ‘‘ but for his subjection to a more commanding genius might have made an individual place for himself.’-—Louis Enault. N° 52. THE WATER CARRIER A man, bearing two water jars, is mounting the steep street of an Italian village. Coming towards him is a — countryman with a donkey that has two barrels slung from its back. On the right of the road are houses with ~ plaster walls and recessed arched doorways, approached by steps. A glimpse of deep blue sky shows in the left corner of the picture. Signed at the right. Height, 6% inches; length, 8% inches. The Russian painter, Pokitonow, is identified with mi- nute subjects of landscapes, coast views, and street scenes, executed with much vivacity and skilful nicety of brush work. A woman on a donkey has stopped to chat with a man ee eee ee eee re) Se ee berto Pasini ee VP ne * 1826-1899 A So j THE MYSTERIOUS PORTAL The arched doorway, guarded by sentinels, looms grimly in the center of the wall, which otherwise is interrupted only by a grated window. Following the line of the arch is a decoration of blue enamel tiles, and above appears a red surface. On the right of the entrance stands a man _ with bare sabre held horizontally in his two hands, while on the other side is a mounted spearman, and by the horse’s side a soldier resting his hand on the hilt of his yataghan. Signed at the right. | Height, 714 inches; length, 9% inches. Conspicuous among the painters of Oriental subjects, Pasini was an honorary member of the Academies of Parma and Turin, an officer of the Legion of Honor, and recipient of many medals | Cg Jean Boldini , fe \s Lt H : THE HAMMOCK The hammock is slung in a leafy spot from two trees, and the lady who lies in it, with one pink stocking hang- ing over the edge, presents a profusion of pink bows and frou-frou. Signed at the left. Height, 14 inches; length, 18% inches. Boldini’s many honors were crowned with the Grand Prix at the Exposition of 1900. 3 eee SS SS epee APPROACHING § On the right of the foreground is a road which travels back to the center of the picture, where it catches a pale yellow light. Along its right side runs a stone wall, be- yond which appears a cottage with projecting oven, backed by a clump-of elms. These spread their dark foliage : | against a fluster of gray cloud, that grows blacker over- : head. gi Sr Height, 1034 inches ; length, 15 inches. Michel used to say: ‘‘ The man who cannot find enough to paint during his whole life in a circuit of four miles is — in reality no artist. Did the Dutch ever run from one place to another? And yet they are good painters, and not merely that, but the most powerful, bold, and ideal artists.” Every day he made a study in the precincts of Paris—most often at Montmartre. + ae . os Starting from the left of the picture, a row of wheat shocks: extends back to the distant center. In the fore- ground a woman in black dress, drab apron, and white cap stoops to glean, and another is similarly occupied in the back of the picture. Signed at tne lett... -°~ Height, 1134 inches; length, 15% inches. A pupil of the Amsterdam Academy, Van Essen has established a reputation not only in landscape, but in sub- jects of tigers and lions. 2 Emile Van Marcke 1827-1890 TWO DONKEYS Two brown donkeys, with white undermarkings, stand facing each other at the stable door. The one that fronts towards us has a white face, and the other carries his har- ness. The foreground is covered with dark green grass, beyond which, to the right, are some shrubs. Signed at the left. Height, 14% inches; length, 17% inches. ““Van Marcke is a master draughtsman, equally a mas- ter of composition, and the grouping and modeling of his animals is always pictorial and true.”—Albert Wolff. Jules Dupré 1812-1889 WATERING THE COWS On the opposite side of the strip of water a brown and a white cow are drinking, while another, driven by a man, appears behind them on the brink of the bank. To the right is a clump of dark-shadowed trees, with a glow of light on one of the trunks. Beyond the stretch of meadow appears the white end of a cottage among trees, and some farm buildings, with brown roofs, show to the right. The primrose and gray-blue sky is streaked with a delicate rose. Signed at the left. Height, x2 inches; length, 19% inches. ‘* Jules Dupré is peculiarly the color-poet of the Barbi- zon group, and sounds the most resonant notes in the ro- mantic concert.” —Muther. ON THE CLIFFS OF VIL Naar A black cow with white face, stands on the edge of a dull green hillock, overlooking a stretch of gray sea. Height, 161% inches; width, r2 inches. Daubigny received a large share of official honors, and is one of the best loved of the Barbizon group. 1 N°: 60 UFeéderic. Henei Kaemmerer | Bat | THE FLIRT - : A young lady is sitting on a garden bench with her hands together on her lap, while a young man leans on the back of the seat looking at her. She is dressed ina 1 __ blue silk gown with short puffed sleeves ; a straw hat tied if under her chin with blue ribbons, and white net gloves drawn up to the elbow. Signed at the right. _ Height, 1534 inches ; width, 10% inches, Kaemmerer, though born at The Hague, lives in Paris. He was a pupil of Gérdme, and gained his first medal at the Salon in 1871, | ~ o N° 61 ia Jules Masse MM HEAD AND BUST OF A WOMAN A gold girdle below the bosom clasps the white soft drapery, which is caught together on the shoulder bya gold brooch with red stone. The dark brown hair is sur- mounted by a crimson headdress. Signed at the left. Height, 15% inches; width, 12 inches. 2) Alexis Harlamoff 2 HEAD OF A CHILD The warm browns of the face are surrounded by luxu- riant brown hair, falling over the shoulders. Round the child’s neck is a band of black velvet from which sus- pends a gold cross, and in her ears are rings of yellow pearls. Signed at the left. Height, 15% inches ; width, 11% inches. Harlamoff, after studying at the St. Petersburg Acad- emy, won the Prix de Rome, and went to Paris, becoming a pupil of Bonnat. He is a member of the St. Petersburg Academy, and has been medalled at the Salon. Johan Hubert Leonardus De COWS IN A MEADOW with white tuft between the horns, near which stands a red one, turning to the center. Further back, on the left, be- side some small, bushy trees, a brown cow is grazing in the long grass. Astraggly path leads back towards dis- tant cows and a village spire. Signed at the left. Height, 1334 inches ; length, 1934 inches. The success of De Haas as a realistic painter of cattle dates from 1855, when he exhibited two large pictures at the Salon. Hehas received many decorations and medals. : ; Pierre Célestin Billet Es GIRL KNITTING Sitting on a bright green bank, a shepherd girl is knit- ting, the peacock blue of her dress and cap showing against a pale purple sky. In the distance the meadow is | dotted with cows. Signed at the left, and dated 1889. Height, 17% inches ; width, 13 inches. _ Billet, a pupil of Jules Breton, gained a medal of the _ third class in 1873; one of the second class in 1874, anda bronze medal at the Universal Exposition of 1889. N°: 65 Franz, CourtertS uf LANDSCAPE In a meadow, bordered on the left bya river, stands a windmill, near which are a stack and cottage. On the river bank is a post with swinging arm and bucket attached to it, and nearer to the foreground a shepherd and his dog are seen upon the edge of the grass, where the sheep are coming down to drink. Signed at the right. Height, 1434 inches length, 231% inches. Franz Courtens, whose studio is in Brussels, won the Grand Prix at the Universal Exposition of 1889. a N° 66 George Hitchcock spree. sae AUTUMN LANDSCAPE : A sandy footpath straggles through the rough gray- | green grass to two bushes in the middle distance. On the ; right is a row of poplars, a strip of bright yellow reflection, i i i i | nf and a distant windmill. Signed at the left, and dated 1890. Height, 17% inches; length, 22% inches. ‘* Hitchcock delights also in painting the dunes with — their tall gray-green grass and their damp and melancholy atmosphere.””—Muther, Gf 0. eG , NY 6 OS OZAL (QAttttm é # » ad # Georges Michel W 2 $4 ge i 7 ia” £ v3 ; S 1763=1843 Ft :: \ ~~ MARINE sg The coast line curves round from the left, having near the foreground a ragged tree and some brush, and further on a long, low building with a tower, and in the distance another fort-like structure. On the narrow strip of sand are some figures, and in the surf rocks a small boat in which a man is dragging at a net. Above the mast of the boat floats a dark, irregular mass of cloud. On the horizon to the right there are rain streaks, and on the left side of the sky a large patch of bright cloud. Height, 17 inches; length, 25 inches. ‘*Georges Michel was the first to light on the idea of placing himself in the midst of nature and not above her ; no longer to arrange and adapt, but to approach her by painting her with directness.”—Muther. THE KNITTING SCHOOL In a dull brown interior six little girls, in two rows of _ three each, are sitting on large chairs, absorbed in knit- ting. Signed at the right. Height, 1834 inches ; length, 23 inches. Wally Moes, a pupil of the Amsterdam Academy, has received many medals at European exhibitions for his character genre studies, so good in drawing and agreeable . in color. yok N° 69 | / 6 Louise Abbéma PAVILLON D’ ARMENOVILLE Near a glass pavilion a young lady stands on the gravel path offering a biscuit to a black poodle. Her costume is pink with a black feather hat. Near her standsa little iron table on which are a wine bottle and glasses, and behind her stretches a garden. Signed at the right. Height, 25 inches; width, 1834 inches. Madame Abbéma was a pupil of Henner and Carolus- Duran. She received an Honorable Mention in 1881, and is an ‘* Officer du Meérite des Arts,” N°: 70 Jean Charles Cazin 1841-1901 arr OLIVE GROVE NEAR rowLoN A small hill rises in the middle distance, yellow in the sunshine, and fringed along its base and up its right side with the gray foliage of the olives. Other trees of the same kind dot the brown, ploughed land in the ae The sky is filled with oe ¢. clou lint of blue. HK Signed at the ee ar pe oa Height, 17 es; lefigth, 2134 inches. Cazin succeeded to the rank of Officer of the Legion in 1889, and at the recent Exposition gained the Grand Prix. rN, - Garth N° 71 ¢ : = Ridgway Knight g ‘yh FS ; fs 4 be ‘Y CLAIR DE LUNE \ ¥ V5 V4 On the bank of a river, beside a little wocdea! meni hie erected in the water, stands a young girl with her left hand on her hip, over her rough sack apron. A brass bowl is on one side of her, a brown earthenware pitcher on the other. Behind her, the bank curves round to the center of the horizon, which is rosy, with a pale full moon floating above it. Signed at the right. Height, 2234 inches; width, 18% inches. A pupil of Meissonier, Knight early abandoned the ar- tificially lighted studio for one of glass, which he con- structed near his villa at Poissy. N°: 72 f Antoine Vollon 1833-1900 m TER ae On an olive-green table, against a background of the same hue, are a number of large peaches, among which — lie some bunches of green grapes. Farther back, on the right, is a tall wine-glass. Signed at the left. Height, 18 inches; length, 2334 inches. _~ Vollon, one of the greatest painters of the century, and preéminent among the still-life painters of all times, re- ceived the highest award at the recent Paris Exposition a few months before his death, N° 73 Fritz poeger A. a iG § Ae AS AMBLETEUSE On the left of the village street are high gray railings and double gates, enclosing a garden, beyond which is a red building, with the sign of ‘‘ Café.” On the right side runs an irregular row of cottages, terminating in trees. There are figures in the distance ; a lady in pale blue and a child in white near to the front, and in the foreground two peasants engaged in conversation. Signed at the right. Height, 22% inches; length, 2634 inches. _ Thaulow, at the recent Paris Exposition, was awarded the Grand Prix. Trcvaces dagger d A$ ray 4 7 {)° Johann Barthold Jongki 1819-1891 BOULEVARD PORT ROYAL The broad, drab-gray street extends straight back, edged with small trees. Near the front, on the right, is a lamp- post opposite a high wall, beneath which stand some figures, while further back are some white houses. On the left of the roadway isa pile of stones, and a wagon containing a huge block is approaching, drawn by one gray horse in the shafts and four leaders of the same color. Signed at the right, and dated 1877. Height, 19% inches; length, 26 inches. ‘* Like the old Netherlandish painters, Jongkind is most at ease in regions connected with humanity. Houses, ships, windmills, streets and villages, market-places, and all spots that have any trace of human labor, are dear to him.”’—Muther,. ile N°: 15 George Roux F A % } BEFORE TEE: Hine A young lady in black habit and yellow jacket with blue cuffs and collar, raises her whip in salute as she en- ters the hall door. At the end of the hall the hunters’ breakfast is spread, and among the guests is a man in red coat. Outside, beneath a large tree on the lawn, are assembled the hounds and huntsmen. Signed at the left. Height, 24 inches; width, 18% inches. William J. Muller 1812-1845 ON THE LYNN The little river Lynn, which flows out of Exmoor, is shown falling over the stones of its irregular channel be- tween walls of rocks and fern and foliage, a bridge span- ning its course in the middle distance. In the foreground on the left stands a big tree, under which is a figure near an eel trap. Height, 24% inches ; width, 18% inches. Muller during his short life stood beside David Cox as a leader of English landscape. His pictures are grandiose in form and show an admirable lightness of touch, but, being a foreigner, a native of Dantzig, he missed somewhat the particular qualities of color and atmosphere in the English landscape. N° 77 z §} Fritz Thavlowy lf £ ie | : Coming round a bend rom “the left the brook rushes down the center of the picture, bearing the reflections of the white plaster cottages with dull red roofs that line the right bank. From the door in one of them steps anda railing descend between the foliage to the stream. Signed at the right. Height, 24inches ; width, 19% inches. Thaulow has brought the refinement of Parisian influ- ence to supplement the healthy, sincere naturalism of the Norwegian landscape painters. A young girl ina purple dress sits before a gray writing- table, resting her head lightly on her hand and holding the pen in the other. A letter-case lies before her, and on the table are also a gray ink-pot, decorated with green leaves, and a vase of bright flowers. The light streams through the soft creamy blind which reaches half-way up the window. | Signed at the right. Height, 28% inches; width, 21% inches. . A native of Peru, Albert Lynch has been for many years established in Paris, where he has won many medals. Seen across the dark green lawn between of the tall trees, is a row of three-storied red brick man- sions with white columned porches and steps. On the | right of the grass winds a pathway with branches and a scattering of figures. The trees are bare, except for a few yellow leaves. Signed at the right. Height, 2534 inches; width, 21% inches. Thaulow’s youthful memories of the frequent appear- ance of a red building among the rich greens of the Nor- wegian landscape have influenced many of his pictures, and it is always interesting to note with what art he balances these brilliant colors. 1827-1890 a B “se mt FEEDING CHICKENS aa fl Re ETT ee ata ee ’ Me In the left af the foreground a woman i Siting chick ens. Behind her stands a water-mill, in front of which are two tall trees, while on the right is a bunch of foliage. Signed at the right. Height, 24 inches ; width, 20% inches. __ Van Marcke was medalled at the Salons of 1867, 1869, and 1870; received a first class medal at the Exposition of 1878, and was invested with the Cross of the Legion of _ Honor in 1882. George Hitchcock - THE DUNES 7 , ot Two pale yellow flowers show among ine og gray- green grass in the foreground, which undulates and rises to a sandy patch on the right. In the middle distance are sheep, and one nearer to the front is in the center of the picture. Signed at the right. Height, 37% inches; length, 45% inches. George Hitchcock paints the flower gardens and quiet spots in the neighborhood of Egmond, in Holland, where ‘he lives. His pictures have won repeated gold medals, and the ribbon of the Legion of Honor. N°: 82 Jacques Clément Wagres ALAIN CHARTIER A page has fallen asleep in a corridor upon an oak bench, surmounted by a painting on the blue wall of two angels supporting a cartouche with the armorial bearings of three fleurs-de-lys. A bevy of young ladies is entering from a Gothic doorway, and the first of the group stoops down to kiss the sleeper. Pit - Signed at the left. ay Height, 4034 inches; width, 30% inches. N°: 834 cob Maris 1837-1898 COAST SCENE © : ») “On the gray sand, with its shallow pools of water, in ri} ° which gulls are wading, a sail-boat is beached ; a cart and brown horse standing by it on the right, with a man in it who has red breeches and a buff jacket. A brown sail hangs loosely at half mast ; there are other sails festooned, and from the blue and white top of the mast streams a red pennant. The sky, pale green on the horizon, passes to a dull gray, with balloon-like clouds and patches of blue. Signed at the right. : 3 Height, 40 inches ; width, 29 inches. ‘‘ Jacob Maris, by preference, paints pictures of Dutch canals in the neighborhood of Amsterdam or Rotterdam ; pictures which show great refinement in their brownish | gray, their breadth and clearness of vision, and quiet har- mony, or else he painted parts of the beach in the Schey- eningen district.”—Muther. Peto ys) j AT xc wee ip A BASEBALL GAME Bright yellow-green grass surrounds the diamond on which the game is being played, and the grandstands ‘which curve round from the left are crowded with specta- tors. On the right of the picture is a train passing over the elevated track, and in the distance a view of High Bridge. Signed at the right, and dated 1864. Height, 27% inches; length, 56% inches. f N84 ie William Adolphe gn . THE THISTLE ey In a spot sprinkled with blue and yellow and backed by foliage, a little girl stands daintily holding a thistle in her right hand, and looking out of the picture, with her head inclined over her right shoulder. She wears white stays over a chemise with sleeves, and a greenish blue skirt. Signed at the left, and dated 1899. Height, 54 inches ; width 27% inches. Bouguereau gained the Prix de Rome in 1850, at the age of twenty-five. In the year following his return from Italy he won the first of the long list of honors, which in- clude every distinction that France can bestow upon a painter. 4 N° 84 | we Henry Sandham Td Wey remem Jules Alexis ~ : E THE A PLACE a0 y ing in the pale water flecked with green shadows. On the opposite bank a woman is rubbing linen on a washing board beside some willow-trees, beyond which are a meadow and a view of red and gray roofs. Signed at the left, and dated 1891. Height, s9 inches; length, 59 inches. * sf oy Jean Joseph Benjamin-Constant’ CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS © Columbus is standing at the top of a flight of steps, up which throngs a body of youths in festal garments, carry- ing olive crowns and rose and yellow flags; A little way back from the head of the steps sit the king and queen, with a high red drapery behind them, on which are em- broidered the royal arms of Leon and Castile. In the left foreground is a group of spectators, and Rowers are strewn upon the ground. Signed at the left. : Height, 7734 inches; width, 60% inches. Benjamin-Constant has received almost every honor that France can bestow upon a successful painter, AME | sa ; Ps a med : 7 (o° f+ a 86 + A black pony, ridden by a bare-legged boy, stands drink- 87 aa é be SECOND EVENING’S SALE Thursday, February 27, 1902 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK AT MENDELSSOHN HALL (Fortieth Street, East of Broadway) WATER COLORS * by N° 88 | 9: , L. Simon “ 4 NONCOURT Beyond the water in front is a meadow and then a little hill with brown buildings, one of which has a turret. Signed at the left. Height, 634 inches ; length, 934 inches. Pe N° 89 oe i Ee~ James Little * () DIEPPE Approaching the entrance of a church is a religious pro- cession ; the priest under a red canopy, followed by chil- dren in white and men carrying a red banner. People on the left are watching it. Signed at the left. Height, 7 inches ; length, ro inches, , £ L. Si : 1mon i ve NEAR NONCOURT One is looking up a brook to a grove of trees in the mid- dle distance. The ground slopes on the right and in the hollow beyond are pink roofs. Signed at the right. Height, 634 inches; length, 934 inches. sO Ja ~~ oF ae The 7° etn Frank M. Boggs Oy a ON THE LOWER THAMES "7 Fishing boats, with brown, slate, and drab sails, are i moored toa red buoy and posts on the left. Across the greenish water appears a town, with smoking chimney- stacks. Ki Signed at the left. Height, 734 inches; length, 934 inches. - 7, ie hgh Little | pe» 3 ; HAARLEM A windmill occupies the center of the picture. On the left of the water in the foreground are houses and a high chimney; and, on the right, shipping, In the back- ground is a long, low building with a turret. i f Signed at the right. i Height, 8% inches; length, 13% inches. oe ‘% ike ss oa .. . ‘James Little ALKMAAR At the end of the canal a church tower rises in tiers. On the quay to the right are trees and figures, while the houses on the left come sheer down to the water, and ____ shipping is moored alongside. Signed on the right. Height, 9% inches ; length, 1234 inches. N°: 94 J. H. Van Mastenbroek THE FISH MARKET At the back of the gray water looms indistinctly the roof of the market, beyond which, to the right, is a high church tower, while to the left of it is a white house, over which appears a round tower, with low, cupola roof. Among the shipping, on the right, is a black barge, with a red line below its gunwale. Signed at the right. i Height, 10% inches; length, 14 inches. fod eis uae */ Ce ( .S. Linder #9 “af BESIDE THE HONEYSUCKLE A profusion of honeysuckle grows beside the rail on which the girl’s two hands rest as she leans over. Her bodice is of lavender silk with the sleeves turned up, and a black velvet belt, diamond-shaped in front, clasps a whitish-gray skirt that is looped up over a striped petticoat. Height, 13% inches ; width, 9% inches. 1 J N°: 96 ees Lucius Rossi i AL FRESCO At a table covered with a white cloth that has a dainty red border, and is laid with blue and white tea service, sits a young lady with fan and parasol. She wears a white skirt with primrose-silk bodice and black high-crowned hat with cockade. A youth in cherry-brown coat leans on the table at the back watching her. Near them is a framework of wood, over which climb vines, and in the distance appears a timbered house. Signed at the right. Height, 1334 inches ; width, 934 inches. eee | dovdve N° 97 | 5 |i ga a H. Van Wlastenbroek Fee . HOUSES Us _ At the end of a quay, where the water runs up to a Jand- ing-place, is a group of old houses of many stories, with ___ clothes hanging from the galleries. Signed at the right. Height, 1234 inches ; width, 9% inches. pt James Little © : > S GHENT The little market square, with umbrellas, piles of produce and figures, is bounded on two sides by buildings. One of them on the left has a gable surmounted by a statue of Neptune with a trident. Signed at the right. Height, 13 inches; width, 9% inches. N° 99 .. F. S. Linder ; 3 QO Sitting on a wall, with her light blue stockings in the midst of the gray leaves and purple blossoms of the iris, a young girl is holding up acrimson rose as if to throw it down to some one whom she appears to be watching. Signed at the left. 2 ’ Height, 13% inches ; width, 9% inches. 74 Rae hk en Cy i i : Pe Te - . . 5 N°: 100 a a 7 wo “y James Little V ROTTERDAM On the left is a block of houses and a frontage of quay — with figures on it, round which the canal passes at a right angle. Boats with brown sails and a barge with green on its hull are moored alongside, and further back to the right appears a building with two towers surrounded by low spires. Signed at the right. Height, 13 inches ; width, 9% inches. N° 101 oi on James Little / =e lee! BRUGES A figure with white cap walks on the left of the narrow street, which is lined on both sides ge high houses, from which slanting flagstaffs project. the center is the Cathedral tower with a “rips ee Signed at the left. tice f 13 a pk width, 9% inches. 0S Zhe NP 102 ss ) A. Porcher Po | ¥ ye BANKS OF THE MARNE » ; \ “The banks of the river in front are reedy ; a steam tug } | appears in the middle distance, and beyond are lines of i hills. ) Signed at the right. Height, 11% inches ; length, 153 inches. Mechs 57.9 N° 103 “A” : : ss A road by the canal, from left to right. A peasant girl y James Little Y CANAL: AMSTERDAM carrying buckets comes down the road. A boat with red sail is moored to the left. Height, 13 inches; width, 9% inches, sn on 103 “B” ob. “ VY James Little GHENT A group of houses on the road going through to the right. Height, 13 inches ; width, 9% inches, iy if a u92 SILA L444 | vg 5 a a tm Fa a ca at i ied i ee ay ae James Little BRUGES a |) ena f P as , ay showing two bridges. Tower with clock to the © ie 1g _ $ Height, 13 inches; width, 9% inches. _ : 2 i 2 Eisen LES MOISSONNEURS Eighteen figures, illustrating one of the scenes from _ Favart—‘‘ Les Moissonneurs.” ; Height, 10 inches ; width, 7% inches. James Little BETWEEN GHENT AND BRUGES Ee ee ee A road stretching from left to right, In the center a windmill. Two trees on right and two to left. ¢ Height, 13 inches; width, 9% inches, nee - > See es 3 ae ee eee ee ee ee ee ae NS Saal r ert James Little ae MECHLIN ; There are figures in the open space, bordered by a row : _ of houses with awnings over the shop windows. Behind } rises the Cathedral tower, and along a street to the right : are a cart and figures. - : Signed at the right. Height, 13 inches; width, 9% inches. \ hermes 104 | oat Albert Lynch THE PANTOMIME 4 A glimpse behind the scenes shows a girl standing on a | chair looking through a window in the “‘ flat” at a pierrot who sings to her, with:a guitar. Further back in the ‘drawing-room, ladies and gentlemen watch the performance. Signed at the right. Height, 1534 inches; width, 11 inches. nA 105 art Albert Lynch IN THE PARLOR With her back to us, a lady in dark gray-blue costume ____ rests her arm upon the mantel-piece and lifts her skirt as | she extends her foot to the fire. In front of the hearth sits an old lady with her feet on a cushion, and further back in front of a window is a gentleman upon a sofa. | _— Signed at the right. Height, 16 inches ; width, 1034 inches. N° 106 James Little vik | SOUTH HOLLAND. A man in blue smock carrying a basket and a spade traverses a path between some trees. There is a meadow in the middle distance with a cow on the right and across the horizon stretches a sheet of water. Signed at the right. : Height, 13 inches ; width, 9% inches. NA fo fo il Ub-Ges 107 \ 4 James Little yr , % Ol } AMSTERDAM In the foreground of the narrow street is a girl, in’bluish skirt and white cap and apron, carrying milk buckets. The houses on the right have stories successively project- ing, and to one is attached a bracket street-lamp. _Signed at the right. 2 " E Height, 13 inches ; width, 9% inches. am, Pe pai. — : at * 3 y 2 i Wh) Y poused N° 108 a S- 1 De Ranitz nr é A HARD WINTER The meadow on the left is covered with snow. A stream stretches straight alongside it, bordered by cottages and trees. It is crossed in the middle distance by a bridge, near which are figures. Signed at the left. : Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. N° 109 ( i. S Albert Lynch eRe Gan ; THE CHARITY BAZAAR om toons and bows of pink ribbon, a lady is serving champagne Sa ‘to a gentleman in a black frock coat, near whom stands _ another with a wine glass in his hand. v Signed at the left. 3 ~~"? Height, 17 inches ; width, 12 inches. N° 110 Albert Lynch RETURN TO THE DRAWING-ROOM A large wicker chair with silk cushions is in front of the _ picture, and back of it at a table, on which area lamp and _-yase of flowers, stands a young lady in black who is plac- ing a blossom in her dress. The gentleman draws back 4 | the portiére that they may rejoin the company. Signed at the right. Height, 16 inches ; width, 1034 inches. the N° 111 William Roelofs ve SWALLOWS FLYING LOW r. allows are flying low over a stretch of river, on which OO &. lily pads, while a boat with a man in it lies under the © oS bank on the right. On shore is a grove of trees. a #, y ¥ Signed at the left. Height, 20% inches ; length, 29 inches. ey Lene OIL PAINTINGS N° 112 fh Ivan Pokitonow Nv COTEAUX DES PYRENEES From a foreground of level meadow one looks across blue water to the opposite bank, on which appears the be- ginning of a village street. The land rises on the right to a hill, which catches the sunlight, and in the distance are the peaks of the snow mountains. Signed at the right. Height, 5% inches; length, 9% inches. THE RIVER eam winds up from the left to the center of the | “Large tree on the right, houses i in the distance. _ gS y Height, 14% (genes length, 21% inches. itt“ B Be — Jean Boldini | ~h i. ae a Drawing & Height, 21 inches; width, 13% inches. ‘ 3 ‘owers over an Eitri owhite horizon, against which cee ‘the dark masses of two low, flat hills, lying one behind the ; - other. On the one to the right is faintly visible a mill, with another object farther back of it. In the immediate k foreground i is a bit of another hill top, between which and the distant ones lies a winding depression, covered with ’ dull buff sand. it ro Be Height, ro inches; length, r5 inches. - Michel, ‘a genuine offspring of the old Dutch masters a the grand and broad masters, not of those who worked with a fine brush—was already (in 1814) aiming at Texpression par T ensemble, and since the Universal Expo- sition of 1889 he has been fittingly honored as the fore- runner of Théodore Rousseau.”—Muther. UP ae . Rey ~ Sc eo Ne Jean Francois Raffaelli () : THE BRIDGE The bridge, crossing the river with arches, forms the ~ background of the picture, the front being occupied by a quay, and by the sloping road which leads from it to the street level above. On the edge of the water lies a heap of sand that men are loading into a cart, beside which, loosed from the shafts, stands a black horse. At the top of the inclined roadway is a little red house. Signed at the right. Height, 12% inches ; length, 1534 inches. Raffaélli made his début in the salon of 1870 with a landscape. In 1874 appeared the first of his studies of the environs of Paris, with which his brush continued to be occupied for many years. In 1889 he was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, and received a gold” medal at the Exposition. _ Jean Gustave Jacquet Bee" LOOKING BACK a a Jacquet’s recognition came early. He gained his first _ medal at the age of twenty-two, and eleven years later was admitted to the Legion of Honor. Since 1879 he has _ been identified with the delineation of piquant types of feminine beauty. dD (i 4 ohann Barthold Jongkind + jeer yet yt CANAL IN HOLLAND A pale moon, appearing above a distant swing-bridge, and the fleecy clouds which surround it, are reflected in the dark water that flows to the front of the picture. On the left, timbers are floating, and a two-masted brig lies alongside the wharf. Above the latter stands a high wind- mill. Signed at the top, and dated 1868. Height, 1234 inches; length, 16% inches. A Dutchman by birth, Jongkind spent the greater part of his life in France, enjoying the friendship of Diaz and Daubigny. His visits to Utrecht and Amsterdam were. frequent, and he loved especially to roam along the canals by moonlight. ‘‘ His style is at once broad and delicate, piquant and powerful.” é = ¥ if et == mee N° 117 ds 1833-1900 DIEPPE Stretching in parallel bands across the picture are the _ blue-green water of the harbor, the brown quay, its row of houses—drab, white, and reddish—and a pale-blue _ sky. In the center lies a rowboat, with the oars shipped and a man sitting in it, while against the wall of the "quay are smacks with dull-cream or brown sails. To the left a dark barge is moored below a shed. From the collection of M. Alexandre Dumas. Signed at the left. Height, 114 inches; length, 19% inches. **Vollon,” says Muther, ‘‘has painted everything that ‘is picturesque, and the history of art must do him honor as, in a specifically pictorial! sense, one of the greatest ar- tists of the century.” August Hagborg & bin ate Vim ON THE BAG A fisherman with tarpaulin jacket and hat, carrying a basket under each arm, walks beside a girl in short brown skirt, who holds her basket on her left shoulder. The flat sand is edged with horizontal reefs of rock, and flat sheets of water run in from a gray sea. Signed at the right. Height, 20% inches ; width, 16 inches. Hagborg, a native of Gothenburg, in Sweden, works in Paris. At the recent Exposition he was hors de concours. 5 Antoine Vollon 4 ¢ Sa ye STREET AT TOP KANELS \J¥ The narrow street, crowded with figures, is bounded on the right by houses with projecting upper stories, and windows screened by jalousies. Opposite, green trees show above a red brick wall, along which several riders are edging their way through the crowd. Conspicuous among the animated groups is a woman in blue mantle and white veil, approaching-in the center, while to the right is a vendor of melons, and to the left a man stand- ing before a little tray on legs. Signed at the left. Height, 175% inches; width, 145% inches. Born at Busseto, near Parma, Pasini early came to Paris and attached himself to the group of oriental painters. The individual character of his work was speedily recog- nized, and a long list of honors, including the Grand Medal at the Universal Exposition of 1878, culminated in his election the same year as an Officer of the Legion of Honor. 4 eee 1796-1875 | : prt Jean Baptiste Camille Cordt a , INTERIOR The wall, ceiling, and floor of the kitchen are in tones of olive-drab. On the left of the brick wall is an arched doorway, through which appears a sunny yard, with trees and the figure of awoman. There isa projecting chimney, | with candle-holders on the mantel-shelf, and a cheerful fire below, protected by a fender, to the left of which stands a large brick hob with a pot on it. By a table on the right sits a woman in yellow cap and blue apron. A cat is on | the floor, eating from a plate, and a kitten frisks in the doorway. | JSigned at the left. Height, 17 inches; length, 1834 inches. Corét received medals in 1838, 1848, 1855, and 1867. In 1846 he was admitted to the Legion, and made an offi- cer in 1867 on the occasion of the Exposition. After his death, at the Exposition of 1878, he was awarded the Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists. i } ‘ \ a SS Narcisse Virgile Diaz 1808-1875 THE WOOD GATHERERS Coming down a sloping path between the trees is a woman dressed in dark blue, with a red cap, carrying a bundle of faggots. Her figure is to the right of a rocky, ferny bank, just within the shade which fills the fore- ground. Beyond her the pale light falls upon a little clearing and a patch of yellow foliage ; then, further back, is a shadowed part and again a lighted glade. From the collection of Mr. Summarcelli, Paris. Signed at the left. Height, 18% inches; width, 14 inches, ‘““The pictures of Diaz are not landscapes—for the land is wanting—they are tree-scapes, and their poetry lies in the sunbeams which dance playing around them. ‘Have you seen my last stem?’ he would himself in- quire of the visitors to his studio.””—Muther. : Constant Troyon 1810-1865 THE VALLEY OF TREPORT In the foreground runs a narrow brook, beyond which the rich, green grass is broken up with brown earth. A red cow with white face grazes in the middle distance, which is bordered by a hedge of low trees, that run across the picture to the left, where on the rising ground are cottages and a church with a spire. Beyond them in the distance appears a steep bluff. : Signed at the right. Height, 19% inches; length, 23% inches. -Troyon had a way of giving the character of the land- _ scape that is of the very essence of truth. | \r- D. De La Mar | THE HARVEST GIRL Near some shocks of wheat in which a few poppies are sprinkled, stands a girl, pouring from a red pitcher into a blue and white cup. She wears a gray waistcoat and a brownish-drab dress, looped up over a dull, blue skirt. Height, 23% inches; width, 15% inches. De La Mar at one time shared a studio with Mauve at Amsterdam, and was much influenced by the master. es “IN THE SNOW On the right of a road covered with snow is a dark-gray cottage with high-pitched roof. A flat shed stands near it, and beyond it is another one with its square roof run- ning up.toa point. By the grassy bank upon the other side of the road stands an old woman in a dark-blue apron, opposite a line of birch trees, which extend to where the | road turns out of sight. From the collection of M. Hartog, The Hague. Signed at the left. Height, 22 inches; width, 17% inches. | Apol’s pictures of winter and summer landscapes have found their way into most of the collections of Holland. N°: 125 ‘ ~~! George Hitchcock A r “4 ave TULIPS Pink tulips in rows fill the front of the picture, succeeded by bands of scarlet and of white ones. The garden is bounded by a hedge. Initialed at the right. Height, 22% inches; length, 17% inches. Hitchcock established his reputation at the Salon in 1886, with a picture of ‘‘ Tulip Growing.” Since then his pictures have won gold medals in Paris, Berlin, Dresden, and Vienna, and he has received the ribbon of the Legion : gtr Georges Michel 1763-1842 LANDSCAPE WITH THREE TREES Three smallish trees, whose foliage forms a single mass; stand upon a brown, bushy bank above the slaty colored water that flows across the front of the picture. Behind the trees appear sloping hummocks of ground, and to the right a stretch of meadow lit with a gleam of yellow light. The sky is a bright whitish-gray, streaked on the right with dark stormy looking cloud. Height, 19 inches ; width, 25 inches. ‘*In 1843 the year of Michel’s death, a dealer,” writes Muther, ‘‘had bought at an auction sale the works left be- hind by a half-famished painter, pictures with no signature, and only to be identified because they collectively treated motives from the surroundings of Paris. A large, wide horizon, a hill, a windmill, a cloudy sky, were his subjects, and all pointed to an artist schooled by the Dutch. Curi- osity was on the alert, inquiry was made, and it was found that the painter's name was Georges Michel.” The wider recognition of his genius dates from the Universal Exposi- tion of 1889. fies BILLER Sr A ig I OR ene FA se Ses ee en: A AC SES ep Tis i ho A Phew 127 i y Heat Alphonse Laurent Desrousseaux de | Ina gorge, spanned in the middle distance by a natural bridge of rock, stands a female figure upon a stone ledge. She is armed with spear and shield and wears a corselet LA VALKYRIE (v and winged helmet. On the ground to the left kneels a warrior, attired in skins, supporting a recumbent form. Signed at the left, and dated 1894. Height, 25% inches; width, 17% inches. Va N° 128 d . # >) ~~ Auguste Emmanuel Pointelin ae ‘ y ‘i ! al OAKS AT TOULEROT ‘fy A little runnel of water winds through the foreground of brown-green grass, which dips in the middle distance with oaks on each rising bank, silhouetted against a white, vibrating sky. Between the trees on the right appears the red roof of a cottage. Signed at the left. Height, 2034 inches; length, 2554 inches. Pointelin, one of the strongest and most serious of French landscape painters, received his first medal in 1878. The Legion of Honor was awarded him in 1886, and three years later, at the Universal Exposition, the gold medal. At the recent exposition he gained the Grand Prix. Prof. M. V. Corcos | [00 TOILETTE DE BAL Against a greenish-blue background the head and bust of a young lady are seen in profile. Her brown hair isdone up in a coil upon her head. A pink ribbon and bow decorate her neck, a maze of blue gauze surrounds her bosom, and light-blue satin drapery lies upon her right - arm. From the collection of Mr. Salommon, The Hague. Signed at the right, and dated 84. 4 Height, 28 inches ; width, 18% inches. tees ut William H. Howe ° aa SE, + Si RT Oe CN I CE AS oS TET es COWS BY THE WATER SIDE The water extends across the picture, and in it, near the opposite bank, stands a white cow with black markings on the shoulder and forelegs. With her back tous, she turns half round as a light dun-colored one approaches. Others are scattered over the meadow beyond, on the left of which SEE Sal aaa ae eS in the distance are some trees. Signed at the left, and dated ’gs5. Height, 2334 inches ; length, 32 inches. One of our best and most widely known cattle painters, 4 William H. Howe was for ten years a successful exhibitor j at the Salon, and besides being the recipient of a long list of medals, is a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. t i } f f i 5 —— a ee ge ee Pe ee ee aps ar i Fy mel Pest Rese en rey a — René Billotte nY THE VALLEY yi : The upper part of the picture is crosse by a road, bor- dered by houses and at the right by a long, low barn. The center part of the road surmounts a steep wall of rock that » N°: 131 a descends into a little hollow towards which slope grassy banks in the foreground, scattered over with small trees. There is a figure on the left bank and another appears lower | down the slope. From the collection of Mr. G. N. Stevens, London. Signed at the left. Height, 21 inches; width, 28% inches. Billotte, a pupil of Fromentin, gained a silver medal at the Universal Exposition of 1889 and was madea Chevalier of the Legion of Honor thesame year. Atthe recent Ex- position he was hors de concours. He chooses his sub- jects especially in the suburbs of Paris, delighting in deli- cate low-toned effects of late afternoon or evening. Ferdinand Heilbuth | 1829-1889 oh 82, BANKS OF THE SEINE Three skiffs are moored by the side of a bank, in one of __ which sits a lady ina pink costume, while three others are sitting among the flowers at the water’s edge. The fore- most of the group wears a gray dress and purple hat, and the lady behind her is nursing a little dog. Trees extend A | va ~ along the opposite bank, forming a thick mass of foliage, 2 , veiled in haze at the end of the reach of river. >} @~—__ From the collection of Sig. Daupios, Lisbon. Signed at the right. Height, 22 inches ; length, 3534 inches. Born in Hamburg, Heilbuth became a_ naturalized Frenchman, and followed Alfred Stevens in his rendering of the Parisienne. But he places his elegant figuresin the open air, most frequently on the banks of rivers, and tones ee eS ee ee ee eee the colors of their costumes with a delicate scheme of sunny vapory atmosphere. Muther calls his pictures ener s was o i ‘** Watteaus of the nineteenth century, as discreet in effect as they are piquant.” Fritz Thaulow inv AN EVENING nF ECT alos i %, ‘ad Stars are twinkling in the Ah pe and in ste front of the picture is the corner of a kitchen garden with a bunch of tall sun-flowers and some bell-glasses on the ground. There is a little white tool-shed at the back, from which a hedge extends, and over the latter appears a cluster of rosy roofs, with yellow light shining from some of the windows. Signed at the right and dated ’97. Height, 26% inches ; length, 37 inches. ‘* Thaulow’s pictures are often distinguished,” says Muther, ‘‘ by stillness, health, childlike simplicity, light- ness of vision, quietude.” | 774 Sgttbicle £0 i y ” Sthéophile Louis Deyrolle ie | \ \ a THE MUSSEL GATHERER ll a oe ae ee : ra A fisher-girl with her basket of mussels poised on her ¥ right hip stands on an elevation from which a path de- — scends to the shore. The latter curves to the distance, un- der a wall of cliffs, and over the sand comes a straggling line of fisher-folk returning with their catch. Overhead is a warm evening sky. Signed at the right. ; Height, 32 inches ; width, 2334 inches. Deyrolle, who was a pupil of Cabanel and of Bougue- reiu, gained a medal of the third class in 1887, one of the second class in 1889, and a bronze medal the same year at the Universal Exposition. Tut Yo N° 135 / Ridgeway Knight & ge ['- Standing at the wafer et oy flags and yel- low iris is a peasant girl, who holds a gray earthen-ware _ pitcher in her two hands. She wears a dark-blue petticoat and drab dress spotted with red, looped up over it, and has a pink kerchief round her head. The gray-green grass slopes behind her up to a cottage on the right of “the picture. The sky is pale yellow, with rosy gray on the horizon. Signed at the right. Height, 3214 inches ; width, 2634 inches. _ Among the honors which Ridgway Knight has received is a gold medal at Munich in 1888 ; a silver medal at the Universal Exposition of 1889 ; the Cross of the Legion of Honor 1889, and the medal of honor of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 1893. N° 136 ake (7 & Emile Justin Merlot ¥ LANDSCAPE AND COWS Across the center of the picture stands a red cow, behind the head of which, facing us, is a black one with white head. Leaning upon some railings to the right is a woman with a little child by her side. To the left of the picture stand willow-trees, under which two more cows are feeding. a” Signed at the right. | 2 Height, 21 inches ; length, 28% inches. Merlot, a pupil of Harpignies, known especially for his pictures of cattle and sheep, gained a medal in 1892. N°: 137 per Alfred Von a ne Is no A RIDE 1 ie LI A sledge pursued by salen is dashing through the snow. In the back seat are a woman and child, and the driver, letting go the reins, holds up his gun, leaning back and looking out at a wolf curled up with its legs in the air. Scrub bushes break the monotony of the dreary - landscape. Signed at the right. Height, 1914 inches; length, 33 inches. Kowalski, born in Warsaw, Poland, was a pupil of Brandt, and gained medals at the Salon in 1878 and 1883. pt Julien Dupré fy TWO COWS AT THE WATERING A girl in blue, holding her staff in one hand and resting the other on her hip, stands on the edge of a little brook in which a black cow is drinking, while a red one with white markings is on the opposite side of the water. At the back of the group the meadow catches the yellow sun- iight, and is bounded by a woody hill. Signed at the left. Height, 14% inches; length, 21% inches. Julien Dupré gained a medal of the second class in 1881, received a silver medal and the ribbon of the Legion of Honor at the Exposition of 1889, and at the recent Exposition was hors de concours. N°: 139 Richard Goubie oa peg HE F jPod By as horseback is watching a bay Lat and three mii ¢ ones that have popicached the gate by the side | gece: = | pts i | (ae E i S¢ * ‘a e ‘ ¢ a CA | ek N° 140 E 4 iat (Replacing veg by Boudin) tag Jules Dupré f ; ee | ie _ MARINE _ The sea stretches across the canvas ; to the right a boat under full sail, three others farther back. : Height, 22 inches ; width, 20% inches. se ‘G CATTLE AT THE FORD On the edge of a river a girl holds back a calf from fol- lowing a red and white cow which is about to enter the © water, where a white one already stands drinking. Be- hind the calf is a cow with black and white markings. Signed at the left. Height, 18% inches ; length, 2734 inches. Van Marcke, the most individual and forcefulof Troyon’s successors, won many honors, including the ribbon of the Legion, and when he died the sale of his studio effects was an event of more than usual importance. Zant 3 The light faintly streams from a window on the left — QUESTIONING PRISONERS An officer sitting astride a fallen tree is questioning the foremost of a batch of prisoners, who are escorted by a. corporal with drawn sword and two privates with rifles. ( Three other officers are sitting watching the process. At the back of them is a ruined cottage, and behind the prisoners a barn of logs stands upon a stone foundation. - Yellow wheat appears at the back, with soldiers beyond. Signed at the right. Height, 23 inches ; length, 33%4 inches. Detaille, a pupil of Meissonier, is a Commander of the Legion of Honor and a member of the Institute. He . gained a medal of honor in 1888, the Grand Prix at the Universal Exposition of 1889, and at the recent Exposi- tion was hors de concours. | Leonard Ochtman At ah }. MOONLIG A road from center of the picture leads to a village. The moon is seen over the houses. Trees to the right and left. Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. (57° Pd bee “a (Pastel) age Rare. The graywater flows down the center of the picture, over a Slight fall about half-way up the stream. The irregular banks are covered with snow, the right one slop- ing up to a fence, beyond which are buildings and a red factory-chimney. Signed at the right. Height, 32 inches; width, 25% inches. Thaulow is one of the strongest of the modern school of naturalistic landscape painters, excelling particularly in ~ depicting the effects of snow and the movement of icy water. . N° 150 Gustave Courtois ' \, = A J iv = MOTHER AND CHILD A soft shawl of dull-olive color envelops the forms of the baby and mother, drawn together in front by the lat- ter’s hand which is spread to view, while the fingers of the | hand supporting the child also appear. The two heads are close together, Signed at the left and dated 1888. Height, 35% inches; width, 25 inches, Courtois, a pupil of Géréme, was awarded a gold medal and the Legion of Honor in 1889, and at the recent Ex- position in Paris was hors de concours. 9) » : , N°: 151 Sd Eugéne Boudin THE HARBOR a On the left is a stretch of sand with dark-gray rocks jutting out in reefs beneath a brown wall of cliff, crowned with green herbage. On the slopes across the water are white houses with a red-tiled roof appearing among the gray ones. Towards the right the buildings are only dotted over the green hill, and at the extreme end of the ~ land, near the harbor mouth, where tall shipping is ~ moored, stands a white light-house. A figure in blue with large white cap \isza ine over the rocks on the left. bs att eeue a”. Signed at the left and ted 17 Portrieux.”” Height, 21 inches; length, 35 inches. S. 2>- Bowe fe 159 wv Léon Augustin Lhermitte THE CONFIRMATION Before a side altar in a church with vaulted roof the bishop is administering the rite of confirmation to some children. The pews are filled with people, and standing on the right is a woman with a baby in her arms, holding the hand of a little child in white pinafore. . at Jean Fransois Raffaelli ee The arch is seen from a little way down the Champs. ARC DE TRIOMPHE Elysées, the houses on the radiating streets appearing _ through the trees which have only a thin scattering of autumn leaves. A voiture is approaching in front of the arch, and there are groups of figures sprinkled over the _ roadway and paths, prominent in the foreground being a lady holding up her skirt and carrying a closed umbrella. Signed at the left. : Height, 21% inches; length, 31% inches. ** Raffaélli,” says Muther, ‘‘ is perhaps the most spirited of the naturalists.” In his studies of the streets and in- habitants of Paris he has shown himself master of vivid impressions, entirely personal and full of character. Le oe Agno. 158 + rv Antoine Vollon ace RAY JAR jot" hee A tall, cylindrical porcelain vase, whitish-gray, decorated with blue sprays, stands on the left of the composition against a black panel. The rest of the background con- sists of a corresponding panel of reddish-brown wood work, in front of which shows an old brass tea-urn. Lying on the table between these two objects is a crimson apple and a large yellow pear, both of brilliant hue. Signed at the left. Height, 36%4 inches ; width, 2134 inches, “As a still-life painter, Vollon has never had a supe- rior.”—John C, Van Dyke. O07 td ‘Y Fmt \ Ridgway Knight (Wv AT THE FOOT OF THE STEPS A peasant vit is leaning against the stone balustrade with her foot upon the bottom step, her basket of carrots and leeks being at the top of the low flight. Beside her grows a bunch of pink holly-hocks, with orange-red nas- turtiums coiling round their stems. Beyond the garden wall at her back, appears a strip of water, with woods, meadows and faint hills. - ia. Pe y re ' vi v3 * tr Signed at the left. Z Height, 3234 inches ; width, 263 inches. Ridgway Knight won his first medal at the Salon in 1884. And in 1889 received the Cross of the Legion of Honor. He has received medals at the Universal Exposi-_ tions of 1889 and 1900, and at that of Antwerp in 1894, and a gold medal at Munich in 1892. A Breton girl is standing sideways in front of a gray wall, the ends of her white cap being crossed beneath the chin over the bosom of her black dress. In her right hand — she holds a string of beads, in the left.a lighted taper. From the collection of Mr. J. S. Forbes, London. Signed at the left. ; Height, 4634 inches ; width, 33% inches. Since Jules Breton won a bronze medal at the Exposition in 1855, he has received every honor that France bestows upon a painter. : oe Claude Monet ‘ 4+ N° 158 LANDSCAPE. Beneath a yellow rocky bank, surrounded by grassy slopes dotted with brush, the road winds, disappearing about the center of the picture as it descends below the bank on which grow some small trees. The greenish-blue sky is laced with skeins of vapory cloud. é Signed at the right and dated 8s. _ Height, 2234 inches; length, 3134 inches. *“* Monet has carried the research for expression,” says Octave Mirbeau, ‘‘further than any other European painter did before him. Notwithstanding the frankness, ~ sometimes a little rude, of his method, no one analyzes with more care, intelligence and penetration, the detail and the character of his landscapes.” x3 N° 159 es nr Claude Monet ON AT GIVERNY Six slim poplars stand in a row across the picture, cast- ing short shadows on the grass which is yellow in the sun- shine. Beyond them the meadow dips, and the tops of trees appear covered with yellow-green foliage, and still - further back are rosy bluish hills against a warm gray sky. Signed at the right. Height, 25% inches; length, 35% inches. ‘“For Monet man has no existence, but only the earth and light. Except Turner, there is no one who has car-. ried so far the effects of light, of the gradations and reflec- tions of sunbeams, of momentary phases of illumination ; no one who has embodied more subtle and forcible im- | pressions.” —Muther. Eugéne F romentin 1820-1886 ON THE BANKS OF THE NILE ~ FAC OPS PEE ae ty | ies en eas eis terres 3 in Peer at come at are e sprinkled “singly or in groups over the flat shore that curves round the left of the picture and skirts the front. Not far off upon the smooth water lie side by side two boats with high, pointed sails, creamy and tawny colored, while another boat is moored under the bank, on which are two posts mounted with long swivel arms from which buckets hang. Across the horizon are the warm, rosy cliffs of the opposite shore. From the collection of Mr. Tiltzer, Manchester. Signed at the right. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches. _ “*Fromentin’s art, compact of grace and distinction, was the outcome of his own nature. Heis a descendant of those delicately feminine, seductively brilliant, facile and spontaneous, sparkling and charming painters who were known in the eighteenth century as feintres des fetes galantes. He is the Watteau of the East, and in this capacity one of the most winning and captivating products of French art.”—Muther. CC ——————— —— LA FALAISE On the left of the picture the curving stretch of pale, rosy blue sand is walled in with white cliffs, seamed with © bime and mauve fissures, and cleft into chines, down The wide expanse of water is a greenish white, edged with ripples of white along the sand. —— ee Vibrating with warmth. : Siemed at the left and dated "sh Height, 25 inches ; length, 34% inches. “‘ And Monet's, marines—the sea surprised in its most mysterious rhythmic melody, revealed im its boundless at mospheric wasimess . . . with its sand beaches, is cliffs and rocks; the sea, in short, which has become one of the great and absorbing passions of the painter’s life, y presses for us the penetrating suggestion of the imfimife.” —Octave Mirbean. AN 162 ait ‘Jules Alexis Muenier EVENING IN PROVENCE On a slope of high ground and overlooking a pool, a lady a - reclines with her head resting on her right hand. Over +. _ the body of her white gown she wears a black fichu. Firs x ce grow up on the bank, and across the water rises a woody oe slope with the towers of a building showing among the ____ trees against the sunset sky. Signed at the right, and dated 1891-1892. Height, 49% inches ; width, 3034 inches. fox - ie 2° | gat’ Pierre Célestin Billet A SHEPHERDESS A girl in gray-blue cap and skirt, with her apron looped up, knits as she walks along, followed by her dog. The sheep are scattered over the meadow behind her. Signed at the right, and dated 18q0. Height, 42% inches; width, 3034 inches. Billet, who isa pupil of Jules Breton, wona medal of the third class in 1873, another of the second the following year, and a bronze medal at the Universal Exposition of 1889. n4r ey ae From under a Peer tidbe: at the back of the pic- Adrien Moreau THE FIANCE A lady and gentleman are sitting side by side on a bank in front of a tree covered with white blossoms. She wears a white dress open down the front over a gray skirt and holds a pair of white gloves and a cane, with which she is tracing upon the ground. Her companion’s costume is a white ruff, tunic with gold-embroidered sleeves and ngs drab boots. Signed at the left. Height, 40 inches ; width, 34% inches. Adrien Moreau gained a silver medal at the Exposition of 1889 and was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor in 1892. ture the water is rushing in gray, turbid masses past a bluish- plastered warehouse with brown roof, Beyond the bridge is a cluster of creamy white houses and bright red roofs, and on the left, where the water disappears round a corner, a purplish brick house with slate gambrel roof. Signed at the left. i eight, 32 inches; length, 39 inches. No one has painted water with truer feeling for its vary- ing colors and reflections under the influence of rapid movement. oph* Johrr Swan (Te Ph THE HOUR WHEN irs LIONS DRINK The red glow on the horizon is reflected in a large pool, on the edge of which stands a lion, while the lioness and two cubs crouch down to drink. Two white birds are flying over the water. Signed at the right. } Height, 30 inches ; length, 40 inches. Swan is noted for his skill in drawing lions and tigers and for the romantic feeling which he introduces into his pictures. N° 167 a af Josef Israels INTERIOR OF A COTTAGE ' Bythe side of a wicker cradle in which her baby is asleep, the mother, dressed in black, sits stitching a white garment. There is a little fire at her feet, and on the left of the picture-underneath a window screened with a soft : blind, is a table, on which rests a flower pot with pinkish- white geraniums. From the Paterson Collection, Scotland. Signed at the left. Height, 4314 inches ; length, 65 inches. Israels is the acknowledged chief of living peasant painters. In their sympathetic characterization and in the exquisite nuances with which he renders the diffused ten- derness of shrouded light, his pictures have a charm of their special kind which has never been surpassed, N° 168 vA + \ we Charles Emile Jacque yt 1813-1894 ; SHEEP AT THE DRINKING-PLACE Down a steep-shadowed slope on the right of the picture the sheep are coming down to drink, three already standing in the slaty gray water which glistens with silver. Half way up the bank the shepherdess is lying, with her black dog sitting alert behind her. A dark purple-blue streak crosses the horizon, above which are heavy gray clouds breaking overhead into a mottle of gray and blue. Signed at the left. Height, 28 inches ; length, 4634 inches. Jacque, ‘‘the Troyon of Sheep,” as Muther calls him, .- drew them with a knowledge and assurance that has never been equalled. His mastery of engraving, in which he won his earliest successes, gave him certainty of hand, and he had, too, in a remarkable degree the gift of simplifica- tion. ‘The Legion of Honor was awarded him in 1867, but in later life his pictures were in such demand that he seldom exhibited, and consequently obtained few medals. = egular ae on the left of the Hine water a long boat, i illed with passengers, is starting. . _ Signed at the left. ; = i ae Height, 40% inches; length, 6214 inches. a een received the first of his long series of honors for on ee ‘his views of Constantinople and of St. Mark’s, Venice ; e and these two motives have reappeared combndaliy:) in his eee _ finest pictures, * aor : qu H j t { @ wt i Shes Dace drawing) ia be S or hi \ f f hi , } THIRD AND LAST EVENING’S SALE Bd Friday, February 28, 1902 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK AT MENDELSSOHN HALL (fortieth Street, East of Broadway) ye WATER COLORS AND DRAWINGS ih, =. bat a7 A LION | Ae n the right of the foreground is a lion, to the left a dark” “rock. | Signed at the right. ; ae eee Height, 6% inches; length, 934 inches. ; N°: 173 a an Boldini A 3 | 4 THE ’CELLIST (Pencil drawing) be The head and shoulders and the left hand upon the _ strings are fully rendered, while the body of the instru- ment is only indicated, and the extended right arm is seen © no further than the elbow. Signed at the right. . Height, 11 inches ; width, 9 inches. ra Lo of N° 174 r f J James Little a BRUGES on” -_- -Amill stands in the centre of the flat ground, witha house near it. On the right of the foreground is a small poplar, and another appears near a cottage farther back on | . the left. . Signed at the right. : s . Height, 13 inches ; width, 9% inches. = N°: 175 ” James Little vas . AR ROTTER ' 2 A windmill and small cottage occupy the A of the — green bank, along the front and left of which is a canal. round, and on the left A barge is moored in the foreg shore a sail-boat wit Signed at the right. : ; width, 9% inches. | N°: 176 Albert Lynch a ti ie a VISITING THE NOVICE ¢ ; ne Along a white, vaulted corridor with parquet floor, walks ~ a Sister of Mercy, while behind her at a grating sits a young lady in fashionable costume, who is visiting the | novice behind the bars. Both turn to look at the nun. Signed at the right. Ni Height, 16 inches; width, 1034 inches. | N°: 177 ‘ | ot Sn A Albert Lynch (M | a CONFIDENCES Y BS *< r OT, Near an open door, through which there is the view of another room, a lady in black reclines on the floor with her hands in those of another lady, who sits by her side and into whose face she looks up. i Signed at the left. f Hgjeht, 16 inches ; width, r2 inche (Fo) N° 178 * Jean Francois Millet Y 2 1814-1875 oy 3 0m SHEEP IN A LANE (Pastel) Su, Fa Male 1 The light streams down the lane upon the backs of the sheep, which are straining up to nibble at the hedge, while | on the right a projecting bank makes a slight shadow. On . this side of the picture are three sheep, one about to cross | the path. | Signed at the right. ‘ Height, 14% inches; length, 1634 inches. ** In these days,” says Muther, ‘‘ the very drawings and pastels of Millet, which were bought for six thousand francs immediately after his death, have on the average risen in value to thirty thousand, while the greater number of his pictures rose to a figure beyond the reach of Euro- land of the dollar.” _ttb9 {/ eI A oe 2f4 Cee“ : pean purchasers, and passed across the ocean to the happy fo | N°: 179 ra Maurice Leloir a THE DRUMMER Dressed in a blue flowered coat, crimson breeches, and a three-cornered hat with red streamers, the man has a long-bodied drum slung on his left arm, which he beats with his right hand, while playing on a pipe that he holds in his other hand. Signed at the left. 4 Height, 13% inches ; width, 10 inches, £770 eS ‘. fii icine 4 am Po ™ Soe, DO pore _— & ae ee Antoine Mauve - \ (Deceased) * CRAYON STUDIES (Four in one frame) Signed at the right, ‘‘ Atelier”? A, Mauve, ANTWERP i = : _» Water and quays with brown-sailed shipping moored beside them extend across the picture and behind the row — 4 of houses rises the beautiful tower of the Cathedral. Signed at the 0 ¢ PA ree Height, 13 inches ; width pa: inches. N° 182 W. Von Swatz Q COTTAGE IN THE SNOW 2 a A rude bridge, covered like the ground, with snow, leads across a narrow brook toa cottage. In front of the - latter is a thatched screen attached to three pollard wil-. lows, to the left of which a man is working. Signed at the left. Height, ro inches; length, 133 inches. A ict Sts aint Tee fay James Little e . j é Bl MECHLIN At the back of the market scene is a large building, to the left of which is a colossal statue on a pedestal. ~ | | j Signed at the right. Height, 13 inches; width, 9!4 inches. 2 YL. oe 59332 N°: 184 | | - @ Paul Helles ws r ve ah ‘ THE HARP id (Crayon) A young lady is seen standing sideways beside her harp, her head turned towards us and her arm resting on the top of the instrument. Signed at the right. 34% inches; width, re ee ) eC. Ph OIL PAINTINGS N° 18 ; fe x ° } i, , G2 eo £3 Ivan Pokitonow VIEW OF BESANCOURT Beyond the foreground of. pale green grass, growing brown towards the left, are some small apple trees, in one of which appears a woman in light blue dress, standing at the top of a short ladder. Farther back is a building with a tower, topped by a low spire, and a background of trees shows against the deep blue sky. Signed at the right. Height, s inches; length, 634 inches. ere N° 186 vg : Edward Charlemont & a" ly ae ' a A CAVALIER ; The cavalier sits playing a mandolin by the side of a table, on which are a pewter flagon and glass. His costume is red ; a short tunic, with tags round the wrists, | and amber ribbons at his knees and rosettes of the same color on his shoes. Signed at the right, and dated 1890. Height, 934 inches ; width, 734 inches. Ne: 187 We Albert Lynch 9 AU BOIS. | An A young lady in black coat and hat is stepping on tothe | sidewalk at a point where two trees are growing, near one q of which is an iron chair. Farther back the driveway is dotted with carriages and pedestrians, and through the background of foliage houses are visible. Signed at the left. Height, 9% inches; width, 12% inches, ‘James Little GHENT + + f= Cusaee Jacquet HEAD OF A YOUNG ae ‘he head slightly iaelined to ue. left. Wears a pink i 1padour dress cut low. Height, 113, inches ; width, 9% tienes! cy i me N°: 186 “ec Cc” vi ‘Claudie FANCY HEAD g woman in black décolleté dress and white lace. Height, 16 inches ; width, 11% inches. de N° 186 “D” A a tay Charles D. Eisen DREQ™L, Ge | f A girl shields the sleeping boy from the sun. : LH Li ight, ro inches; width, 7% inches. N° 186 “E” | } Rdodard Frére ot THE ARTIST e A young woman is seen painting from still life. By her is a table with a plate of fruits, and a blue jar and pitcher farther back. Height, 16 inches ; width, 13 inches. ee Zzz... N° 188 Manuel Prieto GENTLEMEN IN WAITING Two gentlemen in the elaborate costume of the late = _ eighteenth century are sitting with their feet upon a brazier’ de in an ante-room opening into a corridor, in which are two busts on pedestals. The one in a gray wig is offering snuff to the other, whose peruke is brown. Signed at the left. Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. eu Georges Michel : 1763-1843 LANDSCAPE AND COTTAGES The sandy ground, sparsely covered with brownish-yel- low grass, slopes up to the right, where a cottage with dark thatched roof stands below two clumps of trees. Farther back on the edge of the slope is another cottage with a tall chimney. Rolling masses of slaty cloud, darkening towards the right, occupy the pale sky. Height, 11% inches; length, 1734 inches. Michel did not sign his pictures and seldom sold them. It was long after his death before the world recognized him as a forerunner of Rousseau ; a path-finder who lived to see his view of nature justified in the works of younger | men, but passed over in his own. 28 Fo Kustler OE cot Ayo ne - Vollon 4 y a | A scene on the Seiné at the point where the island of the city divides the river into two arms. From the Coquelin collection. i Signed at the left. f Height, 18 inches; length, 2134 inches. | 4 va Cte bn, N° 191 » Albert Lynch rn ¢+ THE BULL FIGHT Two ladies are sitting in a grand-stand, looking down upon the arena below. One of them is dressed in a black jacket and drab skirt, while her companion’s costume is pale green. Signed at the left. ; Height, 18 inches; width, 1234 inches. TL Tate EE LO REE SME Pierre Ceélestin Billet nA 1 WATCHING FOR THE BOATS A fisher-girl with her basket at her side, sits on a high, bare cliff overlooking the sea. She wears a pink bodice, blue skirt, and drab-brown apron. Signed at the left. : : Height, 21% inches; width, 16 inches. N° 192 He Onno ae Iphe 2 ae : mm URN A little child with brown hair and eyes sicits at a rough. wooden table with her hands clasped around a white china bowl. She has full white sleeves and a blue slip, and glances sideways with a slight smile. Signed on the table and dated 1880. Height, 19% inches ; width, 1414 inches, Italy, after the expiration of his Prix de Rome, he gained recognition, which has been followed by all the honors _ that France bestows upon a successful painter and by | : : E From the day that Bouguereau returned home from ; | many in foreign countries, : | | ; os N° 194 ee, te Carleton Wiggins i U- 7 LANDSCAR HEEP In a bright , of six sheep, all, | with one exceptiofi;, st: dine rises behind hem, is ounded by a hedge of small he center of which lie two boulders. THe meadow gradually ; feathery trees, along Signed at the left. Height, 17% inches ; length, 231% inches. | Carleton Wiggins is one of the foremost American painters of sheep and cattle and, a landscapist of superior merit. OP ERS Te Ae ee ee ah = +. it hs 195 Sit Joshua Reynolds .) + . . os ew 7 eee f N?: ee PROFILE OF A MAN _s. Set against a dark background, with crimson drapery hanging from the neck, the head faces to the left. The hair is gray and bushy, the brows prominent, the nose long and slightly curved, and the moustache and beard are black and sprinkled with gray. From the collection of the late Sir Frederick Leighton. Height, ro4% inches; width, 8 inches. ** Reynolds is one of the greatest English portrait paint- ers, who, resembling most the classical masters, showed in the highest degree the qualities we admire in them.” | N° 196 yo Jan Josefsz van Goyen ry 1596-1656 — wa RIVER LANDSCAPE 6 Mei Te, Along the river bank, which runs diagonally across the picture from the left, is a little walled town. In the im- mediate foreground are some large trees, under which sits ) a figure near another that is stooping ; and at the edge of rd a a the green bank two boats are drawn up, in which are three 7 men, while a fourth is reclining on the grass. A church % 2 tower appears beyond the walls, and the vista of the town is emphasized in the distance by another town and a spire. Height, 1134 inches; length, 15 inches. Born at Leyden, Van Goyen, after a tour in France, set- tled in his native city, and then removed to The Hague. He is celebrated for the delicate tonality of his pictures. é PN°-197 a Francesco Guardi Ea 1 hall : 1712-1793 ITALIAN RUINS In the foreground is a pool of dark water, with a large stone that catches the light, and near this a man is wading. ond the water mands a tpined EOS pcues which ap- middle distance, hill. , From the collection of Messrs. Agnew & Sons, London. Height, 1134 inches; length, 194 inches. Guardi was a pupil of Canaletto, whose work he imi- tated. While his pictures are less precise in perspective and architectural detail than his master’s, they are distin- guished by charm of style and execution, iw 3 = N° 198 ¥ Wrasse George Morland a 1763-1804 THE DONKEY RACE Pee EES The village street is rowded! swith merry-makers who _ are watching a donkey race; the winning-post apparently being the post on which hangs the sign of the inn, on the cross arm of which a man sits astride. On the right of the picture is a horse trough, near which a boy has fallen down and a man and a woman stand. Me Height, 13% inches; length, 17% inches. Zz Me Viale hac ae a )S 100 J ee 4 Egion van der Neer _ pa” | 1603-1677 THE TOILETTE A lady sits with her hands laid upon a large volume that rests on the toilet table. On the latter is a large mirror with a gold frame, a basket, bell, and a metal cosmetic-box with the lid half off. She wears a white wimple over her yellow hair, which is arranged in little curls, a black silk fichu, and a pearly gray satin dress, with stripes of olive braid upon the full sleeves. The chair is upholstered in | bright-crimson leather, and at the back of the table is draped a green curtain. . Height, 1434 inches; width, 114 inches. f N° 200 / George Morland Ny 1763-1804 < RELUCTANT Standing at a cottage door is a buxom girl, with a buff kerchief over her shoulders, whose wrist is grasped by a young man, while the coachman by his side looks away to the carriage in the background. There is snow on the ground, on a hitching-post, and on the scraggy branches of a tree which shows round the corner of the cottage. Signed over the door and dated 1792. Height, 1434 inches; width, 1134 inches. Morland first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1779, and enjoyed a high reputation for his pictures of country scenes and domestic animals. oat Francesco Gaaedi ST. MARK’S PALACE St. Mark’s appears in the distance with the campanile on the right, and the long range of the Royal Palace cast- _ ing a shadow upon the square, which is sprinkled with _ groups and single figures. Conspicuous in the foreground is a woman begging. From the collection of the Marquis de Villalobar, Madrid. Signed at the right. Height, 13% inches; length, 18 inches. ** Guardi was the most ingenious of the school of the Canaletti, not to say one of the cleverest landscape painters of the century. Every stroke of his brush takes effect ; in each one of his pictures one sees the nervous exaltation of the hand.”—Muther, N° 202 / - George Morland “ - 1763-1804 & Ye ve THE MAD BULL. The tranquillity o 2 aft fla, he en 1 hsb suddenly dis- turbed by the onrush of 4 bull that has escaped from two men. Just in front o the, péast’s head are a man and woman on a donkey flying at top speed; near bya pony with panniers has come headlong to the ground with its rider ; some of the people are escaping into a village inn on the left, while another man runs blindly into the pool. At the back a boy is climbing over some palings which surround a house. Height, 13% inches; length, 18 inches. Sit Joshua Reynolds ye 1723-1792 C PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN A large black hat with turned-up brim throws a trans- parent shadow on the forehead and eyes of a young man, who is arrayed in steel corselet. The head faces three- quarters to the left, the complexion is a brown yellow, and . the hair brown and curly. Height, 1634 inches; width, 1234 inches. When Reynolds, after three years’ study in Italy, returned home and exhibited a portrait of Commodore Keppel, his reputation was made and it continued through his life. Only Gainsborough can dispute with him the position of being the finest portrait painter of the English school. N° 204 4 Se Aggel David Cox . a 1783-1859 WV i bY “ THE TURF CARRIERS 3 Along a stony path by the water’s edge two women are coming forward, bearing large baskets of turf upon their shoulders. Some distance back is a cart, and beyond it the rocky coast juts across the picture in an irregular wedge. On the far side of ita sheet of water, catching the glow of the setting sun, is bounded by misty hills. Signed at the left, and dated 1856. Height, 14 inches; length, 20% inches. ‘* With his rich, brilliant, bold, and finely colored paint- ing, David Cox stands out as perhaps the greatest of Con- stable’s successors.’”’—Muther. De Boys FISHING IN THE RIVER On the right of the composition is a boat in which are three men and a boy, two of the latter being engaged in drawing a net. Across the water on the left are willows, and the land runs out to a little point on which two men are fishing. Behind them the ground rises with a cottage among the trees, and trees continue on the raised bank, which extends along the water to the right. Here figures, and sheep, and horses are returning from work. From the collection of Mr. Goldschmidt, Paris. Height, 16 inches; length, 20% inches, In a pool of water near the forest the stag stands at bay, with hounds swimming towards him. On the right of the foreground a huntsman is coupling some hounds, and others are pushing off in a boat. Upon the left of the pond Napoleon sits upon a white horse, surrounded by a brilliant cavalcade of ladies and gentlemen, while two ladies in handsome toilets stand on foot near his horse. In the front of the group a huntsman is winding the recall upon his horn. Signed at the right. j Height, 38% inches ; length, 54% inches. 8 es Se 5 Jan Van Goyen ww 1596-1656 A PORT OF HOLLAND Fishing boats are moored under a high bank on the right of the picture. On this is a building with gabled roof and a tower, from a pole at the top of which swings a lantern, close by being a little inn with sign-board. The water, dotted with boats in the middle distance, is bounded by a low strip of land on the horizon, on which appears little houses anda church spire. In the foreground on the left a man stands up in a boat—in which there are three other men and their fishing tackle—holding on toa post with his boat hook. Signed, “‘ V. G., 1652,” on the boat at the left. Height, 14% inches; length, 2134 inches. Born and living for many years at Leyden, and then moving to the Hague, Van Goyen was distinguished from — the other marine painters of his time by the delicate tonal- | ity of his pictures. He showed a preference for placid water and low horizons, with dreamy effects of light and atmosphere ; the perspective being particularly good and the figures well placed. ae : John C eee 69-1 A brownish bank rises steeply on the right with one tree and a gray bowlder half way up it and a background of ie trees and foliage. In the middle distance a fence comes down the edge of the slope to a plank bridge across, the stream on which a man is sitting. Behind is a thatched water-mill surrounded with trees. Height, 16% inches ; length, 20% inches. ‘©Old Crome was an original talent, painting English ‘scenery with much simplicity and considerable power. His large trees have truth of mass and accuracy of drawing and his foregrounds are painted with solidity. He was a keen student of nature, and drew about him a number of landscape painters at Norwich, who formed the Norwich School.”—John C. Van Dyke. x PORTRAIT OF A LADY A lady with light curly hair, wearing a dove-gray satin dress with soft lace round the low neck and sleeves, sits holding a basket of flowers on her lap. She rests her left arm upon a table covered with a red Persian cloth and be- hind her hangs an amber curtain looped up, while a statue, - semi-nude, shows against a background of cypress trees and blue sky. Height, 21 inches; width, 17% inches. Netscher was very popular among the upper classes of the Hague, painting portraits and scenes from their social indoor life, much in the manner of his master, Terburg, though with less breadth of treatment, See ee ee ee er | L Sir Joshua Reynolds ~ yn oot 1723-1792 val PORTRAIT OF SACCHINI The handsqme head, with its gray wig arranged in curled rolls over the ears, is seen nearly three-quarters fa- cing to our right. The lace ends of a white cravat fall between the V-shaped opening of an amber waistcoat; the edges of white show below the brown fur that borders arich brownrobe. The name is inscribed upon the dark background, on which is an oval of paler luminous tint. Height, 80 inches; width, 2434 inches. Reynolds’ supremacy as the great portrait-painter of his time was never seriously threatened. He had in a marked degree the power of bringing out the best in the character of his subjects, and when they presented a fine type of face he gives them the additional nobility of dignified pic- torial treatment. N°: 211 Tofano r T 4 La) RETURN FROM SHOPPING a % Followed by her footman, with his arms full of pack- ages, a lady mounts the steps of her porch. She wears a long sealskin coat, and holds up a green velvet dress edged with fur, carrying a brown muff in her left hand. The circular lawn is covered with snow, while through the iron entrance gates are seen the trees beyond. Signed at the right. Height, 323% inches; width, 243 inches. LA- At oo N° 210 “A” “= i Herman Vander Myn I : 1684-1741 STILL LIFE Flowers of brilliant colors in a stone vase and scattered on the table. A bird’s nest to the right. Height, 34 inches; width, 27 inches. P fi { "4 N@ 212 Y Pierre Outin VISITING THE RUINS A party of Sicilian tourists of the early part of the last century have arrived upon their donkeys, and a gentleman in long black and yellow striped coat is describing the beauties of the carved capitals, while behind the columns under the vault of the cloister a gallant is urging his suit to a young lady. The donkey boy is whittling a stick. Signed at the right. : Height, 25 inches; length, 3434 inches. A noxhlery se 213 | 4 Eugéne Louis Gabriel Isabey Af : 804-1886 xR ‘ y ht 1804-1 WA Ke Fe ¢ STILL LIFE “e e ‘ j a q A small rod ligt ie e¢ fromthe left, is crowded with yell books and _ bric- a skull, and vases are | among the object$ on ‘fhe’ tab € ; armor and mandolins hang upon the walls, and the floor is littered with books, jars, and bottles. Signed at the left. Height, 36%4 inches ; length, 4734 inches. | | ‘‘TIsabey’s coloring,” writes Muther, ‘‘is at one time chic, capricious, and coquettish, at another it is that of the | most delicate faded Gobelin tapestry.” N°: 214 te J. Scalbert ) *- A PASSING SQUALL The occupants of a skiff have sought shelter from a rain- storm, and the gentleman, standing up in the boat and fi grasping the bough of a willow tree, holds a red-lined, lace-covered parasol above the lady’s head. Over the shoulders of her mauve silk costume she has drawn a skin mat. Signed at the right. f é y Height, 2534 inches; length, 31% inches. i pF f (4 can : \O- ce PAs : | . Along a broad pathway among the birch woods two Pierre Celestin Billet RETURNING FROM MARKET young women tread heavily through the snow, with bas- kets and umbrellas on their bent shoulders. The one nearer to us, dressed in blue, crosses her arms to keep the cold from her hands. Signed at the right. Height, 21% inches; length, 27% inches. .) . «3. 25 * “a -,% ow bil ee “_ s <1 < 3" x 9 : aa Mihaly de Munkdacsy 5 1846-1900) x h. THE EMBROIDERY FRAWE™ A young lady in lavender silk dress, with a white turn-over & collar around the square opening of her bodice, is sitting atan embroidery frame, with the light streaming upon her from a window on the left, which has some flowers in pots on the sill. To the right of the picture is a red leather chair, and a little table with a blue vase, while at the back of the room stands a high oak cabinet. - . Signed at the left. Height, 25 inches; width, 20% inches. Victor Marec 2 THE READING | Beside a table, on which lie articles of needlework, sits | an old lady reading a book, while a little girl with her feet on the bar of the chair and her hands clasped on her lap listens attentively. Through a window with lace curtains at the back of the room is a view of houses and a town; and the light streams in upon the end wall and a bunch of yellow flowers upon a little table. Signed at the left. Height, 20% inches; length, 25% inches. Marec won the Prix du Salon in 1886 and a gold medal in 1887. 'N® 216 J 650 Dy t 218 se Re THE PATIENT ANGLER A man sits fishin > bank of a river underan even- ing sky. Signed at the right ~ Height, 27% inches; length, 34 inches. Shoe RAPE EAP EV. JN® 219 CONSTANTINOPLE Ww we On the right of the foreground is a bit of brown shore © with a sailboat, rowing boat, and figures. Across the pale blue water, brownish-red houses and shipping line the edge, and behind them rise the mosque of St. Sophia and minarets, beaming with mauve and rosy amber against a primrose horizon simmering with vapor. Higher up be- yond appears the city, which stretches away towards the’ distant right. Signed at the right. : Height, ro inches; length, 14% inches. In 1857 Ziem was admitted to the Legion of Honor for his pictures of the Golden Horn at Constantinople and the Place of St. Mark’s at Venice. He has been an officer of the Legion since 1878. tH Jose Ga, : 4 Tony Onna ar Félix Ziem 2 res eww. 869219 N° 218 “A” Frédéric Henri Kaemmerer ; | * ii i 1 a vs ; i jet ; A girl in short skitts, pi Aueerog white apron takes down from shelf a tin plate to show to girl outside the ING TIN PLATES e shop. Height, 24% inches ; width, 14 inches. 220 / Eugéne Fromentin | a + | 1820-1886 a THE ENCAMPMENT § @ ra) pet} — o 69 es o @ =) fee a3 o oO wn pee) 3 jor fe) ~ ss oO 4 2a is @ wn et e) =} ie} =) es ee oO ey . & a St ti in the centre being a gray one with his ‘tail Rae and a little to the left of him a bay and a white horse, sing their noses together. In the foreground on the ight i is a group of Arabs. ae a ee — Cibighea on the left and dated 1873. oes ia 10% inches ; - length, 17% inches, a Cae ee eS, ee . Ae-teaae N° 221 ¥ and farther ee to the left are gray farm buildings on we rising ground, while the meadow on the right is dotted with cattle and bounded by a hedge, over which are visible the roofs of cottages. The sky is creamy gray, with a faint suggestion of rose on the horizon. From the collection of Mr. Forbes White, London. Signed at the left. : Height, rol% inches; width, 1834 inches. ‘*Tt is always the feeling of the country which Cordt applies to his canvas, whatever the aspect,”—Albert Wolff. Jean Baptiste Camille Cordt a . 1796-1875 Be? ‘a Jules Dupré vA “ees = ‘THE Vee POOL Beyond them to the right appear brown “ ai figures, and on the rise of ground farther back a In the middle distance on the left of the pic- Height. 9% inches; width, 1334 inches. ogg aoe picture in the Salon of 1831 was purchased by at - the Duke of ee His ink medal was received in - In 1870 he was "abe O. j | 4 | 3 Narcisse Virgile Diaz a q P\ | 1808-1876 G. +* W, & 7 ¥ ( oe 4 q YOUNG GIRL AND CUPIDS b While a nude girl sits holding a jewel and chain at arm’s | length, a little cupid on one side of her reaches up to | snatch it, and another, on the other side, lifts up his hands inentreaty. The girl’s figure, with a rose drapery under | the knees, leans back upon the white cloth that covers the ¢ ¢ bank, resting her weight on the left arm. Atthe backis a mass of brown russet foliage, through which a ae fe of light is visible on the horizon. From the collection of Mr. J. S. Forbes, London. Signed at the right. :, Height, 12% inches; width, 9% inches. ‘*Diaz invented a style of painting by a mixture of | | various traditions, seeking to unite Prudhon, Correggio, — . and Leonardo.” —Muther. : : pe Jean Frangois Millet E ig 1814-1875 are é a 3 | a ones lithe SHEPHERD : . : (Chalk Drawing) 4 E A shepherd with a blanket on his shoulders and a felt a ; S te in his hand, leans on his staff facing to the right. His ‘ f ies ep straggle across the picture a little to the left, feeding _ ‘ > scanty herbage. In the distance is a hedge and © i iy, 4 : 3 Height, 11% inches ; length, 15 inches. Nas hee Millet’s pastels and etchings, his drawings in chalk, | pencil, or charcoal, are astonishing through their eminent aS -sensitiveness of technique. The simpler the medium the N° 225 Jean Baptiste Camille Corot ‘1796-1875 LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES A man in a long gray overcoat and a woman have met upon a path that leads to a meadow, streaked with pale light and skirted by a hedge, above which appears a white . . cottage. On the right of the pathway is a grove of birch trees, between the stems of which appears a red cow. The sky is pale blue with Fie globeslike cloud. : 4 ee... = 7 2¢ VI Gods uth 2 se se: Signed at the right. yah owe. ‘x Height, 1244 inches ; length, 18 inches. - France paid to Corét the signal honor of an expibiions of his works in the Melpomene, the grand hall of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and his brother artists, a little before his death, presented him a gold medal as a token of their admiration of the artist and their affection for the man. gray abide, behind which five cee stems, catching the ak extend in a line to a little opening, flooded with ; another glow. At the end of the vista the light becomes a a aler yellow. Inthe middle distance i is a figure in jo mson petticoat and white cap. _ From the collection of Vicomte Daupios, Lisbon. Signed at the left. ot Height, 14% inches; width, 114 inches. nee ie. ji _“ For Diaz nature is a keyboard on which toplay capri- cious fantasies. His pictures have the effect of sparkling - diamonds.’ ’—Muther. DU i Nariae Virgile Diat -. - 1808-1876 THE FERN GATHERER. fa ? On the left of the open glade stand tees oaks thse twisted irregular branches, and on the opposite side all white stems catching the light. A little in front of the. a smallest of these, which has a bunch of yellow foliage, isa girl in blue skirt, white bodice, and old rose cap, carrying _ fern. In the background the tangled undergrowth rises higher, and between the boughs of the oaks a bright flash of light appears in the sky, which is Sy above with _ heavy dull blue clouds. 5. Fd Fes ta (Oded Signed at the left, and dated x fee » 223 camel 4 Height, 154 inches * ‘“With Diaz everything is of the first impulse; his oe ~ 4 is thrown off with brio, the enchantment of color carries it 4 -along.”—Albert Wolff. engt 2 sONe 22s/ iy | Jules Dupré i © 5.4 © 1812-1889 = ft 2 - eee WINDY WEATHER A little boat with three sails tosses the spray from its bow as it rides on the slope of a long greenish-blue wave. Further back appear a white sail and a gray spot on the distant dark hlue water. Over the horizon is a band of light sky, above which the clouds roll and eee in masses _ of dark and lighter gray. Ait visi Seney Collection. da ; Height, 14% inches; length, x8 inches. ‘* Dupré celebrates the commotion of the sky, nature in _ her angry majesty, and the most brilliant phenomena of atmospheric life.”—Muther. 9 « a . } i ii } I / { ef Mt t } j Eugéne Isabey 4 7 1803-1886 ro A MORNING CALL At the foot of a flight of steps a young lady leans against the balustrade, the train of her white pompadour costume falling from her shoulders. High up a little child stands on the balustrade, and a lady in old rose-colored gown puts her arm around it, as she talks to a gentleman on the path below. He wears a pale crimson coat with white stomacher and vest and scarlet stockings. Beyond the heads of the child and lady is an arch of foliage. Signed at the left, and dated 1852. ; Height, 17% inches 3; width, 12% inches. ‘‘Isabey’s pretty, picturesquely costumed ladies are grouped together in luminous gardens sheltered by delicate half-shadows, or ascend and descend the castle stairs, let- ting their. long trains sweep behind them and toying grace- fully with fan or sunshade, while gallant cavaliers do them homage.” —Muther. , d s ey eo: See ee ss Jean Baptiste Camille Corot tS rR as 1796-1875 o.2 Wee LA a 4 # ft is a willow stump, and ee ih epee =i mein Hrces with soft gray aes A warm ned at the left. — ‘3 - Height, 1734 inches ; length, 2314 inches. N° 231 oO Johann Barthold Jongkind ,~ 1819-1891 es FECAMP o 7 ow ie oe A fishing-boat is beached on the sand, and near it some nets are spread out to dry, other boats appearing a little farther back. Among the figures on the left of the fore- | a ground is a woman with a child. Beyond some rocks in a the middle distance a cliff slopes to the left, with horses Be i on the top. Out to sea is a brown sail. : Signed at the left. ed. Height, 16% inches; length, 23% inches, : Jongkind, though a Dutchman, lived and worked much a in France, and was one of the strong men who first drew Monet’s attention to the direct study of nature. ce: iis i t if, - ‘ag Narcisse Virgile Diaz 1808-1876 fh THE SANDY ROAD In the foreground a faint shadow covers the sandy road _and the strip of grass on each side, extending as far as the point where the path forks into two. Here, standing on the yellow sunlit grass, is a woman in red petticoat and white bodice and cap. On the right of the picture are two prominent gray trunks side by side, other detached trees, and a thick coppice beyond. Over the dark horizon runs No o32 ¥ Ge e a strip of light, and in the sky above are large, ae } white clouds. Net Signed at the left, and dated 1869 * a Height, 16 inches; 1érgtff, wt Lh ) ~ Fs, When Diaz’s period of privation was at length over, the honors flowed in upon him fast. He was medalled in 1844, 1846, 1848, and received the Legion of Honor in .1857. Atthe Universal Exposition of 1878 his pictures were awarded the culminating honor of a Diploma to the memory of Deceased Artists. KF! hh X Sy: ¥ =, N° 233 ¥ Jean Baptiste Camille Corot 1796-1875 z: VILLAGE HOUSES ae The houses, with dull buff plaster walls and dormer windows in the drab-tiled roofs, stretch across the picture. There are two windows in the second story, in one of which are potted plants, while a woman looks out of the other. The doorway is in a lean-to projection on the left, and in the angle that it forms are piled some fagots, near which are two little children. To the right stands a cart laden with brushwood, and under it are five chickens, which a woman is feeding with grain that she holds in her apron. | From the collection of Mr. Jaquette, Lisieux. Signed at the left. Height, 18 inches ; length, 21 inches. At first unsuccessful in obtaining recognition, Cordt’s « works afterwards became so popular that his income for . several years averaged over two hundred thousand francs from his profession alone. 4 ‘a a a To ne ee a eee tee ne ee nl eae a | oe ~~ ae N° 234 ~ in gor be at : Théodore Rousseau 1812-1867 LA RIVIERE In the front of the picture beside-a massive boulder sits a woman in blue skirt and red cap. To her left the pas- ture extends with a sprinkling of birch and small oaks toa distant coppice that runs down to the river which occupies the right of the picture. Along the farther edge of the water runs a wall of cliffs, crowned with amber-green foliage, some of which runs down the fissures of rock to the water. On the latter near the front is a small sail- boat and another one appears farther down the stream. Signed at the left. Height, 16% inches ; length, 25 inches. ‘** Amongst the rejected of the present century Théodore Rousseau is probably the most famous. In the sequestered solitude of Barbizon he matured into an artistic individ- uality of the highest calibre and became a painter to whom _ the history of art must accord a place by the side of Ruys- ' dael, Hobbema, and Constable.”—Muther. “Ne 235 | . > al Constant Troyon nig ee. 1810-1865 i Bes or UNLADING THE BOAT {© A brown boat with two masts is beached upon the sand, and beside it is a cart with two oxen, and figures in it busy unlading the cargo. fe CY Willem Roelofs p¥ CATTLE DRINKING River to the left. On the right bank and in the stream a number of cows, some drinking. Height, 39% inches ; width, 28 inches. WM Palle. Ne 244 “Ce” Ye 3 hk oe hy Fritz Thaulow WV MARINE 7 3 Great waves breaking on the shore, which is seen to the left. In the background the cliffs. Sea-gulls flying along the waves. Height, 39 inches; width, 32 inches. a N° 244 “D” Y Lf? a Charles Landelle COMING FROM THE SPRING A graceful woman, clad in a white drapery, carries a pitcher on her left shoulder. A brook is seen in the background. Height, soinches’; width, 32% inches, | cL St: em ect Sm Sil mai bit gp Rays a “ | EZ eee 245 fei 7 é . Jean Baptiste Camille Corot TWILIGHT ~ oe be 1796-1 ae /_ gt 796-1875 dey Vf AQ rivulet issues from a rocky causeway, in the center of which sits a woman with her baby, and flows through the foreground of grass. In the distance is a glimpse of a lake, of wooded slopes and hills, seen beneath the boughs of a large tree that rises on the right of the picture. Through the loose masses of its olive foliage appear rosy flecks of cloud in a blue sky that is streaked with skeins of vapor and becomes creamy towards the horizon. Signed at the left. - Height, 60 inches ; width, 43% inches. When Corét was awarded the ribbon of the Legion of Honor in 1846, his father doubled the allowance which he had been making him for twenty-five years, remarking that ‘‘Camille seems to have talent after ail.” By the time that he was raised to the rank of an officer of the Legion in 1867 it was a new Corot that, under the influ- ence of Rousseau and of his own nature studies, had been made known to the world. When, after his death, forty of his pictures were collected in the Centenary Exhibition of 1889, the world became fully conscious of what modern art possessed in Corét; that he had been a ‘‘ master of immortal masterpieces.” Henri Regnault 1843-1871 Ou AUTOMEDON AND THE HORSES OF ACHILLES In the center of the composition Automedon, nude, with ul red drapery floating behind him and blown across his body, a checks the plunging of two horses. With his left hand, erect, : clutching the bridle, he looks up at the black horse which rears above him, facing to the right, while with his other hand he restrains the action of a bay that is straining towards the left. The group is on high ground with rocks | behind, overlooking the blue waters of the #gean. bij Signed at the right. | Height, 65 inches ; width, 47 inches. tt Regnault made himself famous by an equestrian por- | trait of General Prim, which he painted during a visit to | Spain about 1868. Killed in the German War, his un- timely death threw a halo about his name, and enhanced the already great reputation which he enjoyed as a painter of uncommon talent, surpassed by few in energy of expres- sion and feeling for color. ee ! CKED BY A FRIGATE. wild coast, where the rocks tower up in irregular and catch the light on their peaks and the sea is | Height, 61 eae length, 715% inches. ag me . 1 . Isabey won his first medal in 1824 and others followed 1827 and 1855. He was elected to the Legion of Honor in — and made an officer in 1852. eS a Wa eel a Antonin Mercié A bronze statue from a painting = Géréme. Height to the top of the head, 15% inches. ES : Wwe ° N°: 249 eae an Antonin Mercité pe “4 4 PHRYNE 25 2 if “A | Pr : A bronze statue of the Athenianhetaira, Phryné, with — her arm before her face, asshe appeared before the judgess : from a painting by Géréme. Height, x 5% inches, 250 iN a Antonin Mercié aS ae Ble A larger size of the he statue, in bronze on marble base. Height of statue, 28 inches; of base, 5 inches. THE COLLEONI 253 4 t Miceandec Falguiére. LA CIGALE The nude figure in bronze of a young girl with a lyre ; ; - from a painting by Géréme. Height, 14% inches. ‘Gig See Ae ke heen MB Raye ee gautifully modeled and of rick Height, 21 inches ; length, 19 inches 3 = ee eg SRP ey a g a *§ a oe zie oe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ’ THOMAS E. Kirsy, Auctioneer. Height, 22 inches. — N° 256 Frémiet N° 257 Frémiet WOUNDED DOG bo Keane» Height, ro inches. N° 258 Antonin Mercié THE SWORD DANCE From a painting by Gérome. ee Height, 12 inches. N° 261 Frémiet ST. MICHAEL Height, 24 inches. | Frémiet ST. MICHAEL Gilded bronze Height, 16% inches. BNP 264 Frémiet f eae WARRIOR M Haare li eae 16% inches. N° 265 Frémiet eaetiaed DE BAVIERE Gilded bronze Height, 18 inches. Heche. ~ N° 266 Frémiet ROMAN CHARIOTEER y/ Height, 16 inches. f eS RACE HORSES : (A Pair) A Height, :8inches. f N° 268. Frémiet JOAN OF ARC | Height, 29 inches. _ AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ! MANAGERS, YMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OL 3 3125 01662 8394 <>