LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. New York * X = * “ * - ' fs ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW ON THE PREMISES, No. 845 FIFTH AVENUE S. E. cORNER OF 66TH STREET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8th AND 9th, 1918 FROM 9 A.M. UMTIL 4 P.M. THE VALUABLE FURNISHINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS CONTAINED IN THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE _ GRANT B. SCHLEY UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE PREMISES, No. 845 FIFTH AVENUE -TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12TH, 13TH, 14TH AND 15TH BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 10.30 O’CLOCK ALSO ON FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15TH | AT 8 O’CLOCK WHEN THE PAINTINGS WILL BE SOLD An, CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE FURNISHINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS CONTAINED IN THE SPACIOUS RESIDENCE OF THE LATE GRANT B. SCHLEY No. 845 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE PREMISES BY ORDER OF GRANT B. SCHLEY, Jr., AND EVANDER B. SCHLEY THE EXECUTORS ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers 6 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made on the conclusion of each session of the sale, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 and 11 A. M., and on Saturday, February 16th, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part — for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all egal not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. | 7. Guarantee. is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “aS is” and without recourse. The. Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly ‘cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. CATALOGUE SPECIAL NOTICE In order that the Managers may comply with the con- ditions set forth in their agreement of sale, which requires an early and final settlement with the executors, a cash de- posit will be required from all purchasers at this sale. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. FIRST DAY’S SALE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1918 AT THE SCHLEY RESIDENCE No. 845 FIFTH AVENUE BEGINNING AT 10.80 O'CLOCK A. M. IN THE DINING ROOM Which includes Catalogue Nos. 1 to 390 CHINA WARE 1—ENAMELED PorcELAIN TERRAPIN DISHES Turtle shapes. Eleven pieces. 9—-ENAMELED PorRCELAIN SHELLFISH RAMEKINS Lobster shapes. ‘Twelve pieces. 8—ELreven Canton Custarp Cups Blue and white. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 4—Srx DrespEN Cups anp SAUCERS Shell shape. 5—DecoratEp CHina Cups anp SAUCERS Twelve pieces. Odd shapes. 6—Limocres CHocoLateE Cups ann SAUCERS Gilt stipple and Cupid decorations. Seven pieces. 7—Ten Austrian Cuina Cups ann PLATtEs Decoration of detached roses. The plates with pierced rims. S—Twetvre Opp Curs ann SAvuceERS Various styles, shapes and makes. 9—Five AFTER-DINNER Correr Cups AND FIFTEEN T'RACUPS Rosebud design. 10—Fivr Cauntpon Tracurs anp SAUCERS Blue and gold floral decoration. 11—Srx Tracups Diamond shape. Blue glaze with gilt bands. 12—ELeven Vienna Bovuttiton Cups ann SAvCcERS Gold floral decorations. Five Vienna CHoconate Curs ann SAUCERS 13 Gilt decorations on pink ground. 14—F ive Drespen Tracurs anp Saucers Applied gold decoration. —_——— NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 15—Eurven Royat Worcester Curs ann SAucERs Ivory ground, gold etched bands. 16—Decoratrep Porcerawiw Ecc Curs Gilt jeweled stands. Eleven pieces. 17—Parr Caro Di Monte Curs anp Saucers Figure and flower decorations. 18—DrespEN Porcetain Trea Ser Painted medallion and relief borders. Six pieces. 19—Sevres Porcenain Trea Set Empire design, portrait panels, green and gold deco- ration. Three pieces. ; 20—EncuisH Porcevain Fisu Ser Eighteen plates, large platter and sauce boat. Painted and relief decoration of sea shells, fish and water plants in colors. 21—Ripeway’s anp Dovuttron Jucs ANv Trays Scenes from coaching days. Five pieces. 22—Turee Royvat Worcester Bonspon DisukFs Tree and figure supports. 23—Twenty Frencu Porcetain Pruates Rose and flower decorations. Three kinds. 24—TwrentTy-onE AustriAN Cuina Dessert PLateEs With pierced borders glazed blue. Center with deco- ration of figures in colors by Kaufmann. Diameter, 9 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day pingtinenth Seen 2k FountHer Dessert PLATES Similar to the preceding but with green borders. 26—Tuirty-rwo MrettriacH DEssERT PLATES With painted decoration of flowers and fruit in natural colorings. Diameter, 8 inches. 2v—THirty-stx Porrery Fruit PLATES Scalloped. With decoration of flowers in colors on a cream-white ground. Diameter, 81/, inches. 98—TweLve Frencu POTTERY GAME PLATES Decoration of various fowls in color. Diameter, 8°4 inches. 299—TWENTY-THREE WORCESTER DInNER PLATES With decoration of birds and floral sprays on a white ground. Two kinds. Diameter, 10 inches. 30—FirrrEN Drrr PuateEs Eight, Lille, with decoration of landscapes, figures and floral festoons. Signed, Herr and dated 1767. Seven with decoration of peacocks and baskets of fruit. Marked P. Diameters, 10 and 9 inches. 31—E1cHtreN DrespEN STYLE SALAD PLATES Scalloped rims and with decoration of trees in green and brown. ‘Two kinds. Diameter, 914% inches. 39 FirrrEEN Dessert PLATES Ten with decoration of comic drawings of rats on a pale yellow ground and five with birds in branches. Diameter, 834 inches. a NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 33—SIXTEEN Breakrast PLates With decoration of genre subjects in pastel colors. Diameter, 834 inches. 34—SIxTEEN Dessert Puatres With decoration of pink roses on a white ground. Green rims. Diameter, 9% inches. 35—Tern Dessert Piates With wide wreath of pink roses and green leaves on a white ground. Diameter, 91/, inches. 386—TweENTY-THREE Fruir Pruates anp Six Cups anp SAUCERS Decoration of violets. Scalloped edges. 37—EncuisH PorcELAIN PLATES AND TEACUPS AND SAUCERS Gilt and floral decorations. Nine plates and five cups and saucers. 388—Eicut Sauap Puates ann Tren Cups In shape of lettuce leaf. Diameter, 10 inches. 39—TnHirty-tTwo DrespEN Curna PLATES King’s blue borders with decoration in gilt. Mono- gramed. Comprises twelve dinner plates, eleven soup plates and nine dessert plates. 40—NINETEEN GAME PLATES With decoration of various game birds and _ flowers. Eight with scalloped borders and eleven with shell borders. Diameter, 914 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 41—Sretr or Depuam Porrrery PLATES Gray glaze with border decoration of flowers and ani- mals in blue. Comprises eleven dinner plates, eighteen breakfast plates and eight bread and butter plates. 42—Sevenreen Dixner Puartes Ten with all-over yellow chrysanthemum decoration and seven with bouquets of chrysanthemums and gilt rims. Diameter, 914% inches. 43—SEVENTEEN Fruir PuiateEs Openwork borders. Decoration of fruits on a white ground. Eight Dresden and nine Berlin. Diameter, 8 inches. 44—TwrLve DrespEN Styte Dinner Puiates Floral decoration and with scalloped rims. Diameter, 91/, inches. 45—ELeven Dessert Piates English. With decoration of yellow roses. Diameter, 9 inches. 46—ELEVEN FrRENcH PorcELAIN DINNER PLATES Decoration of pink roses and leaves in natural colorings. Diameter, 934 inches. 47—ELEVEN Dessert PLATES Green and gold borders. Diameter, 91/, inches. 48—TweEnty-onE EncuisH Cuina Puates Eight dessert plates with decoration of band of roses and thirteen bread and butter plates with detached roses. Guilt rims. Diameters, 9 and 7 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 49—THirty-onE EncuiuisH CHina PLATES With decoration of detached roses and cornflowers on a cream-white ground. Gilt edges. Twenty-three des- sert plates and eight dinner plates. Diameters, 8, 814 and 101% inches. 50—Twenty-two Fruir Piates Shaped rims with bouquets of flowers in natural colors. Shells and scrolls in relief, gilded. Diameter, 9 inches. 51—NINETEEN Fruir PLatres Floral decoration. Three styles. Diameter, 9 inches. 52—SIxTEEEN CHinA PLATEs Ten with kings’ blue borders and reserve medallion of conventional flowers. Six with painted decoration of roses on a shaded ground, signed Marcadet. Diameter, 9 inches. 53—Ten Breaxrast Piates Yellow glaze. Diameter, 74/, inches. 54—TwHirTEEN Oyster Puates With portraits of young women. Ten with red borders and three with green. Diameter, 914 inches. 55—TweLve Dessert PLATES With portraits of young women. ‘Ten with red borders and two with green. Diameter, 914 inches. 56—Twetve Frencu Porcextarin DINNER PiaTEs Green glaze with orchid decoration. Diameter, 1014 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 57—EIcHTEEN SaxE Porcexain Fruit PLateEs With painted decoration of watermelon. Diameter, 91% inches. 58— Dessert PLATES With coats-of-arms and scrolls. Diameter, 9% inches. 59—Twetve Burrato Potrery Dinner PLATES Pale brown glaze with figure and sporting subjects in color. Diameter, 10 inches. 60—SixtEEN Royat Dovutron Dinner Puates Blue and white with decoration of transfer prints in the center after Charles Dana Gibson. Diameter, 1014, inches. 61—Twetve Ripeways BreaxFast PiLaAtTeEs Brown glaze with transfer prints, subjects from “Pick- wick.” Diameter, 9 inches. 62—SEvVEN CHINESE PorcELAIN PLATES With coat-of-arms. Pierced borders. Diameter, 8 inches. 68—Twenive Canton Porcevain Fruit Puates With decoration of butterflies. Diameter, 81% inches. 64—Eveven Austrian Cutna Dessert PLATEs Shaped rim with coral red band and decoration of leaves in gilt on a pink ground in the center. Diameter, 81/, inches. 65—ELEVEN CorpELAND Sour PuateEs Border of scepter heads and floral sprays in colors. Center with vase of flowers. Diameter, 10 inches. a ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 66—SIxTEEN FrencH Porceuain Fisu Puates Decoration of various fishes and flowers in blue. Diameter, 91% inches. 67—Twetve Frencu Porcenain Game PuateEs Blue borders. Decoration of game birds and leaves. Diameter, 71% inches. 68—Twetve Limocrs GAME PLaTEs | Different bird decorations, gold borders. Diameter, 9 inches. 69—Twetve Frencu Porcertain Fruit Puates Shaded blue glaze with decoration of various fruits. Gilt rims. Diameter, 914 inches. 70—TweLve Vienna Porcevain Dessert PLatTEs Green glaze with band of flowers in pink, white and gilt. Diameter, 914, inches. 71—Twetve Frencu Cuina Dessert PLATEs Decoration of yellow roses, leaves and scrolls. Diameter, 91/4, inches. 72—Tern Service PLateEs Maple leaf borders pierced and gilded. The centers with paintings of various flowers in natural colors. Diameter, 12 inches. 73—TweEntTy-onE CorpeELANpD CHINA Soup PLATES With decoration of Spode’s Tower in blue. Floral border. Diameter, 10 inches. 74—SrEvEN Sour PLATES Worcester, with decoration in blue and white in the Chinese style and with scalloped rims. Diameter, 10 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day en 75—Twetve CopeLranp Dinner Puates Decoration of Spode’s Tower in blue and white. Gilt rope edge. Diameter, 101%, inches. 76—Twetve Copetann Prares With transfer decoration of landscapes and flowers in colors. Gilded rope edge. Diameter, 1014 inches. 77—TweLtve CopeLanpn DINNER PLATES Borders with decoration of flowers and leaves. The center with transfers after old prints. Diameter, 101%, inches. (8—TweLve Frencu Cuina Dessert Prates Wide pea green border with reserve medallions of bou- quets of flowers and gilding. Diameter, 914, inches. TI—TWENTY-THREE AUSTRIAN Cuina Prares Twelve dessert and eleven dinner. With gilt rims and borders of flowers in blue. Diameters, 84, and 1114 inches. ~ S0—Eicur Vienna PorceLamn Dessert PLATES Pale green border with gilded leaf band and red center with decoration of swans and heron in low relief and gilding. Diameter, 91/, inches. 81—Ten Drespen Curna Frurr Pruares With pierced borders and blue edges. Decoration of various flowers in natural colorings. Diameter, 10 inches. Y * ° e NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 82—Eeven Drespen Puiares Pierced openwork borders. Floral decorations. Diameter, 10 inches. 83—Tern Porcentain Breap anv Burrer PLatEs Basket work borders and festoons of roses in the center. Diameter, 61/, inches. 84—Tweive Drespen Porceiain Fruir Piates Basket design with gilt floral decoration. Diameter, 91/, inches. 85—SIxTEEN Enewish Cuina Dessert Piares Detached rose decoration and gilt rope edges. Diameter, 91/, inches. 86—Twenve Limoces Prace Piares Ivory ground, gold matted borders. Diameter, 91/4, inches. 87—Twetve Cautpon Dessert Piares Pink glaze, with decoration of yellow pansies. Diameter, 8 inches. 88—NineE Royvat Worcester Frouir Puates Decoration of various flowers. Diameter, 9 inches. 89—T weve Vienna Curina Puates Medallion borders in variously colored glazes with gilt ornamentation. Centers with painted ornamentation of subjects from Greek mythology. Diameter, 91/ inches. 90—Sevres Portrair PLatres Court beauties, turquoise blue ground, gold and floral borders. ‘Twelve pieces. Diameter, 914, inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day On GLASS WARE 91—SrxTEEN SHERRY GLASSES Engraved floral decoration. 92—FE1cHTEEN CockTAIL GLASSES Etched bowls, clear stems. ° 93—FEicut Encravep CHAMPAGNE GLASSES Fluted bowls. 94—Twrenty GrarE Fruit GLAssEs With engraved ornamentation of grape vines and leaves. 95—E1cHTEEN Bitown Guass Hocks Hollow stems. Two kinds. 96—TweENTY-oONE OL_p EncuiisH WINES Hobnail pattern, cut glass stems. 97—Nine Otp EncusH Cur Guass WINES Clear stems. 98—Five Otp Encusn Cut Guass WINES 99—THIRTEEN Cut Guass CHAMPAGNES Fan and hobnail pattern. 100—Five CotonraL Cur ALE GLASsEs On tall foot. 101—Tuirtren Cut Grass CorDIALs Pyramid and round stems. pln en NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers | First Day es 102—Twenty-onre Tat CHAMPAGNE GLASsEs Cut glass hollow stems. 108—Five Ercuep anv Cur Gass Bowtus Daisy and fern decoration. 104—Ser or Crystat Taste GLASs With decoration of flowering plants; some with narrow gilt rims, comprising: (a) 12 clarets (3) 9 sherry (c) 19 ports (two sizes) (>) 16 cordials (£) 38 finger bowls and trays 105—Twenty-two Tatu Irwescent Hock Guasses Fluted bowls, cut stems. 106—Ser or Taste Grass Iridescent tulip shape, with clear glass stems. (a) 24 liqueurs (B) 26 wines (c) 19 Rhine wines (>) 24 small goblets (x) 18 large goblets 107—Firtren Cur Grass Disurs Star pattern, with loop handles. 108—Two Cur Grass Berry DisHeEs Chrysanthemum and fluted patterns. 109—Six Cur Grass Frourr Prares Old hobnail pattern. NOTICE—4 Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 110—Five Amper AND Crear Grass TUMBLERS Engraved forest scenes. 111—Cur Guass Water TUMBLERS Gold etched with deep band. Twelve pieces. 112—Tartyt Grape Fruit GuasseEs Iridescent with clear stems. (a) 12 pieces (ps) 12 pieces (c) 13 pieces 113—Tirrany Favrite Grass ‘TUMBLERS Twelve pieces. 114—TuirteeN AMBER SHERBET GLASSES Bell shape bowls. 115—Eicur Irtpescent CHAMPAGNE GLASSES Twisted stems, gilt band. 116—Gitt Banp Criarer Cups Gilt metal holders. Eight pieces. 117—Srven Cur anp Encravep WaTteER GLASSES Representing forest scenes, gilt metal holders. 118—DurcHu Sitver anp Guass CorpiALs AND GILT FILiGREE Cur Howpers Six pieces each. 119—Nine Tati Liqueur GLassEs Emerald stems and bases. SUN NTE ous UST EE CMTP OTS SECTS ESO NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 120—ELeven Wine Guasseks Ruby tinted bowls. 121—Sixteen Orv Rusy Grass Trays . Etched coat-of-arms. 122—Oxtp Rusy Cur Guass Dish anp Cover Scalloped edge. Clover leaf design. 123—O.p Crimson Guass Cups anp Trays Gilt band tops. Fifteen pieces. 124—Otp Rusy anv Gitt Grass WINEs Ten pieces. 125—ENAMELED AND Green Grass Hocxks Twelve pieces. 126—Srven Tintep Bonemian Grass Hocxs Green and gold decoration. 127—Eeven Tati Wine Guasses Enameled and gilt decorations. Two sizes. 128—EwnamMELED anp Gitt Guass Hocxs Grape vine and flower decoration. Four pieces. , 129—ENamMeELED Guass GoOBLETS Flower and fruit decoration on ruby and amber glass. Thirteen pieces. 1380—EnaMELED anv Gitt Guass Fruit RAmMEKINS Butterfly and flower decorations. Twenty-three pieces. eee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 131—EnaMELED AND Gitt Guass CLARET SET Butterfly and floral decoration. Thirteen pieces. 132—Enametep Grass Liqueur SET To match preceding lot. Six pieces. 183—EnamMeELep Opat Guass RAMEKINS Gilt and jewel decorations. Twelve pieces. 134—FourTEEN ENAMELED AND Gitt Guass TUMBLERS Flower decoration. ‘Two sizes. 135—E.even Girt AND ENAMELED Guass NAPPIES With handles. 186—ENAMELED AND Gitt Guass TUMBLERS Acorn and grape decoration. Eleven pieces. 187—ENaAMELED AND Gitt Cut Guass TUMBLERS Five pieces. 188—ENAMELED Aanp Gitt Grass Hocxs Heavy cut glass stems and bases. Four pieces. 139—EnNAMELED GtuaAss BEAKERS Four pieces. 140—Five Smatu IripEscentT ComMPportes Tinted dragon shape stems. 141—EnamMELeED Frostep Guass WINES Gilt band. Ejght pieces. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 142—ENAMELED anp Frostep Guass Hocxs Various inscriptions and crests. Eleven pieces. 1438—Tuirteen Enametep Guass TumMBLERS Various leaf decorations. 144—TweEntTy-two BoHemian Grass TUMBLERS Enameled inscriptions and figures. 145—EnaMELeD Guass Liavor Borries Floral decorations. Seven pieces. 146—EnamMELED Guiass DecanTers Curious shapes. Four pieces. 147—ENAMELED AND Gitt Grass PircHErs Three pieces. 148—Turert Otp Dutcu Grass BotrrieEs Globular shape. Height, 10 inches. 149—Patrr Otp AmpBer Grass Ligvor Borries Silver top stoppers. 150—Turee Liquor Borris Frosted glass and silver deposit. . 151—Ormotv Two Hanpte Vase Empire period. Height, 12 inches. 152—Gitt anp Guass Fitower Vase Crest of Napoleon. TRE CEES Sees A ane ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 153—Bouemian Guass VASE Ruby and gold decoration and painted panel. SILVER PLATE AND SHEFFIELD WARE 154—Twewive Dinner Forks Gorham electro plate. 155—Twenwve Dinner Forks Gorham electro plate. 156—Ei1cHTrEen Sartap Forks Gorham electro plate. 157—TutrtTEEn Dessert Forks Gorham electro plate. 158—ELeven Satap Forxs Gorham electro plate. 159—E1cur TrAspoons Gorham electro plate. 160—EicHTEEN ELEctTRO-PLATE Sour Spoons Marked Schley. 161—SEVENTEEN Soup Spoons Gorham electro plate. 162—SEvVENTEEN Dessert Spoons Gorham electro plate. —_— ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day eee EY 163—Tewn Sitver-pitaten Traspoons Plain, marked Schley. 164—-Twetve Taste Spoons To match preceding number. 165—Twetve Dessert Spoons To match preceding number. 166—SEVENTEEN Dinner Forks To match preceding number. 167—Etenr Sitrver Hanne Knives Steel blades. 168—Twetve Sitver-ptatep Burrer SPREADERS Marked S. 169—Eicur Fruir Knives Silver handles with ornamentation of basket of flowers. Two styles. 170—Exeven Sitver Fruit Knives Handles in Japanese style. 171—Fovrteren Fruir Knives ° Bone and porcelain handles. Three kinds. 172—DreEspEN anp Merat Forks anp SPOONS Twenty-three pieces. 173—Two Carvine Knives ann Two Forks AND STEEL Silver handles. ete grate, apg a ee ee ae a NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day a 174—SILVER-PLATED LADLES AND CHEESE GOUGE Three pieces. 175—SILVER-PLATED FisH SERVERS Two pieces. ” 176—Srerunc Sitver Fish Knire ann Forx« Handles with fish and Cupid decoration, engraved open- work blades. 177—Pair SHEFFIELD BONBON Baskets Copper lined. 178—SILVER-PLATED PLATE STAND Shell shape feet. 179—SILVER-PLATED JUG 180—SILVER-PLATED THREEFOLD SCREEN AND CANDLESTICK Former with repoussé decoration of grapes and vines; the latter with square saucer. 181—Sitver-PLATED Dish Houprer anp Butter DisH 182—SILVER-PLATED Sucar Bown Aanp TEAPOT 183—Sitver-PLATED Hor Minx anv Corrert Pots Ebony handles. 184—SILVER-PLATED Bown. In form of a large nut. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 185—SILVER-PLATED Porripce Bown wiru Cover Aanp Dis Howper The former repoussé, the latter pierced. 186—SILvEr-PLATED Butrrer Diso anv Sauce Disy 187—SILVER-PLATED Puppinc Disu anp BowL The latter, marked Schley. 188—SILVER-PLATED Muce Inscribed and with coat-of-arms. 189—SILVER-PLATED BaAsKET With beaded edge and bail handle. 190—SILVER-PLATED Fruir STanp In form of a grapevine. Lacks bowl. Height, 10 inches. 191—SILvVER-PLATED Disu StTanp On four feet. 192—-Si1ver-PLAtTEeD Disu With lobed sides and scroll edge. 198—Five Sinver-PLatTep DisHEs e Two with wood bases. 194—-Two Sitver-PLAtep Ice Paits One with frosted glass lining. 195—SHEFFIELD AND Cur Grass DisuEs Amber and green glass bowls. Two pieces. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 196—Pair Op SILVER-PLATED SucArR Bow.s Blue glass inserted dishes. 197—Two SiILvER-PLATED BowtLs Pierced. Red glass linings. 198—Six Sinver-PLATED Ecce Curs anp AN Ece Howper The latter with basket weave edge. 199—SILVER-PLATED COMPOTE AND COVER Openwork empire pattern. 2900-—SILVER-PLATED Fruir STAND With swan supports and basket shape top. 901—SHEFFIELD AND Guass EPERGNE Frosted glass bowl and engraved base. 202—SmMaALL SILVER-PLATED URN Cut glass bowl. (208—Tary Sitver-PLaTeD CrareT PiTcHER AND VASE Two pieces. 204—SILVER-PLATED TRAY With mirror base. Grapevine border. Length, 19 inches; width, 13 inches. 205—Two SILvER-PLATED PLATTERS With relief borders. 206—Fovur SILVER-PLATED TRAYS Leaf shaped. i NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 207—Four SInver-PLAtED Fruir PLares Raised leaf and fruit decorations. 208—SHEFFIELD-PLATED COASTER 209—TweELvE SHEFFIELD-PLATED COASTERS For glasses. 210—Two SILVER-PLATED COASTERS Openwork. 211—Two Sinver-PpLAtep Botrrite Houpers anp Tray 2?12—SuHEFFIELD Puate Botrie Coasters Pierced bowls, scroll borders. Four pieces. 213—Fovur SHEFFIELD BotrLeE COASTERS Three with scroll and leaf borders, one openwork. ?2?14—SILVER-PLATED CANISTER Coffer shape. Repoussé shell and leaf decoration. 215—Two SIiLver-PLATED Ice BUCKETS 216—SILVER-PLATED T'EA CANISTER Engraved ornamentation of scrolls. 217—SILVER-PLATED Compotr, Sauce Boat anp PircHer Three pieces. 218—SILVER-PLATED PLATTER On feet. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day eT 219—THREE SILVER-PLATED DisHES AND A CovER Plain pattern. 220—Two SHEFFIELD-PLATED DISHES 221—Pair OLp SHEFFIELD CAKE TRAYS One with handle. 222—Two SitveR-PLATED Bow1s One openwork, other plain with rope border. 223—SHEFFIELD-PLATED PIrcHER AND SAUCE Boat 224—SILVER-PLATED Box In form of a melon. Ribbed body. 225—SILVER-PLATED Box In form of a melon. \ Length, 9 inches. 2996—SILVER-PLATED KETTLE STAND AND Water BotTrTLe 997—Sinver-PLATED Hor Water KetrrLE AND STAND Repoussé. 228—SinveR-PLATED Hor Water KetrLe AND STAND Decoration of flowers and repoussé. Height 13 inches. 229—SILVER-PLATED DrEp PLATTER Grapevine edge. Length, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. 230—SILVER-PLATED FisoH Tray Grapevine border. Length, 24 inches. nN NTTINTE MASUR IEICT CONUS bieEN OSS NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 231—SuHeEFFIELD DisH anp Cover Grapevine edge. 2382—SiLver-PLatep Ovat Puattrer aNp Warmine Pan 2338—SILVER-PLATED Fruit Basket Pierced and with repoussé figure decoration. 234—SiLver-PLATEeD Spick Disu | Embossed border and handles, two compartments. 235—SHEFFIELD-PLATE Ova PLATTER Shell and leaf embossed border. Length, 17 tnches. 236—Larce SILVER-PLATED PLaTEeau Oval shape, with open handles. 237—Turee SILVER-PLATED Fruir Baskets AND Fern Disp Openwork. 238—SILVER-PLATED TUREEN With cover. Leaf shape feet. 239—Larcer Ovat Soup Tureen anv Cover Gorham electro-plate. 240—LarcrE SHEFFIELD TUREEN Engraved leaf and scroll decorations. Separate inside bowl. 241—SuHerrietp Puncu Bown anv Diprer Engraved scroll border and base. Twin head and ring handles. ~ NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day ena nn Oconee eC 242-—Two OvaL SHEFFIELD VEGETABLE DIsHEsS Without covers. 243—SuerrieLp Fern Disu Scroll and floral design. 244—SILVER-PLATED 'TEAPOT European, Height, 51, inches. 245—SHEFFIELD 'TEAPOT Queen Anne style. 246—SHEFFIELD Piate InpivipuaL TUREEN Shell and leaf decoration. 247—SHEFFIELD Fruit COMPOTE Fruit and flower decoration. 248—SueErrieLp Hor Water Urn AnD Fruit BAskET Two pieces. 249-—SILVER-PLATED Hot Water Urn Engraved handles and base. 250—Two SHEFFIELD-PLATED PITrcHERS Helmet shape. Two sizes. 251—Pamr Larce SILVER-PLATED PITCHERS Engraved biblical subjects. 952—SILVER-PLATED FLowER BaAskET Glass lining. Height, 19 inches. ————— NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 253—Four SHEFFIELD CANDLESTICKS Twisted and fluted stems and bases. 254—Patr SHEFFIELD CANDLESTICKS Engraved bases and stems. 255—SILVER-PLATED CANDLESTICK Twisted column. : Height, 8 inches. 256—Parir Sinver SourpERED CANDELABRA Three lights each, Empire pattern. 257—Pair SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Five lights each. 258—Four SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Colonial designs for two candles each. 259—Turee Lievor Borriues Silver mounts. 260—Pair or Liquor Borrtizs With silver-plated mounts and stands. 261—SILVER-PLATED FLAGON With scroll handle. Height, 13 inches. 262—SHEFFIELD LiqurEuR SET Large oval tray with engraved border, cut glass bottle and six glasses. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day tlle ttined_ AE res teense 268—SHEFFIELD Liquor Castor With three zuby cut glass bottles. 264—O.p SHEFFIELD Liquor CASTOR Three bottle holders with old blue cut glass bottles, engraved base and handle. 265—LarcE SILVER-PLATED SAMOVAR Engraved base and bowl and large scroll handles. Height, 22 inches. 266—Pair Very Larcr SHEFFIELD FLOWER HoupErs Flower and leaf decorations. Two patterns. 267—SILVER-PLATED WINE COOLER Grapevine decoration. Height, 91%, inches. 268—SILVER-PLATED Lovine Cup With three handles. Height, 14 inches. 269—SILVER-PLATED JEWEL CABINET Scroll and leaf decoration, reclining Cupid on hinged top. 270—SuHEFFIELD Mirror PLATEAU Grapevine border and paw feet. | Length, 19 inches. 271—SILVER-PLATED TRAY With shell and grape border. 7 Length, 21 inches; width, 16 inches. 272—SILVER-PLATED TRAY Scroll handles and rope edge. Length, 28 inches; width, 16 inches. ee eee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 273—Sitver Soutper Tray With decoration of flowers. Marked Schley. Length, 25 inches; width, 16 inches. 274—SILVER-PLATED Rounp Tray With shell and flower edge. Engraved coat-of-arms. Initialed L. B. S. 2'775—SILVER-PLATED Rounp ‘Tray With repoussé and pierced rim. Decoration of masks, figures and animals. Diameter, 22 inches. 2'776—SILVER-PLATED Rounp Tray Similar to the preceding but larger. Diameter, 23 inches. — 277—Larcr Rounp SHEFFIELD Footep Tray Pierced and embossed border. Diameter, 19 inches. 278—SHEFFIELD-PLATED TRAY Engraved and with raised edge. Leaf scroll handles. : Length, 80 inches; width, 19 inches. 279—SHEFFIELD-PLATED TRAY Engraved and with pierced gallery. Length, 34 inches; width, 18 inches. 280—Six SILvER-PLATED PLATTERS Ranging in size from 12 to 20 inches. 281—SHEFFIELD Pratt Dinner SERVICE ‘Raised wide border of grape leaves and fruit. (a) Large oval platter Length, 34 inches. (s) Eighteen dinner plates. Diameter, 10 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day On 282—EIGHTEEN SILVER-PLATED Breap AND Burtrer PLATEs Grapevine borders. 2838—FIrTrEEN SILVER-PLATED DIsHES Pierced and ‘raised rims. Marked Schley. 284—TWELVE SILVER-PLATED PLaTEs Repoussé borders of flowers, birds and children. Diameter, 10 inches. 285—TweLveE NIcKEL SILVER Fincer Dies Colonial design, gold lined. 286—Six NicKEL SILVER FINGER Dips Similar to preceding number. | 287—TweELvE JAPANESE SILVER-PLATED Fincer Bowms AND TRAYS Decoration of iris. 288—TwELVE SILVER-PLATED SHERBET Cups anp TWELVE TRAYS Grapevine decoration. 289—Six O_p SHEFFIELD GOBLETS Round heavy bases and plain gold lined tops. 990-—SILVER-PLATED TEA SET Lobed bodies. Comprising teapot, hot water kettle, sugar bowl and waste bowl. 291—Pair SHEFFIELD CHALICES With raised crest on bowl. ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 292—Two Sitver Firowrr Baskets Glass linings and bail handles. Pierced and repoussé. 2938—Pair Tart SHEFFIELD FLowrer Ho.upers Raised crest and border. 294—SILVER-PLATED AND GLAss CANDLESTICKS Five pieces. 295—Larer Paintep Tray Silver-plated rim and handles. 296—Metat Tray The wave by J. Garnier. 297—Gitt Bronze PLatTEAu Mirror center (as is). Length, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. 298—ALE SET Copper. Consisting of six mugs, pitcher and tray. Initialed G. B. S. 299—CorreE PERCOLATOR Copper. 300—Corrrr Hor Water KetrLe anp STAND STERLING SILVER 301—SILVER SovuvENIR Spoons Five pieces. 302—SiLvErR Satt Spoons AND SILVER STRAWS Eight pieces. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day ee ee ee 308—Parr HAMMERED SILVER BonsBon SPOONS Medallions on handles and backs. 304—OLp DutcH SILvER Spoons Five pieces. 205—E Leven DutcH SILVER SPOONS Shell handles. 306—TeEn SitvER TEASPOONS With decoration of owl on branch. Marked Schley. 307—TuirTEEN Sitver Ick CREAM SPOONS Marked Schley, with figures and crown on handle. 308—TweLvE Sinver Ick Cream Spoons With coat-of-arms, half figures and crown. Marked Schley. 309—Ten Sitver Oyster Forks Embossed relief handles. 310—TweELvE Sitver Oyster Forks With twisted handles. 311—Tern Sitver Dessert SPOONS | Various patterns. Marked Schley. 312—Srertne SILtvER BERRY AND ToMATO SERVERS AND CHEESE GOUGE Three pieces. 218—Sriver Satap Fork anv Pie KNIFE SUT cnn NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 314—AnTIQUE SILVER Spoon anv Forx One with windmill and one with ship. 3815—Sinver Pir Knire anv Fork With ornamentation of lilies. 316—Two AntiauE SILvER Spoons Serpent and dolphin handles, 3817—THrReEE Sitver Bonspon Spoons Two with gilt bowls, one imperfect. 318—LarcE SitverR Spoon Embossed and pierced handle and bowl. 319—Cicar LIGHTER Silver and stag horn (as is). 3820—SILVER-PLATED AND JAPANESE MertraLt Humipors Two pieces. 321—SiLvER CicareETTE Caszk, Beit anp SMatu PitTcHer ® Three pieces. 822—Dutcnu Sinver CABINET ORNAMENTS Embossed and filigree work. Seven pieces. 323—DutcH Sinver CANDLESTICK Twisted stem, flower decoration. 324—Oxtp Dutcn Sitver Corrert Por Raised scroll decorations. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 325—Ox.p Dutcu Sitver Trea Cappy Embossed panels, hinged top. 396—Oxtp Dutrcu SILveR JEWEL Box Oval shape, Sevres panel on top. 3827—Two Torwet BortTLeEs With applied decoration in silver. 398-—Sinver Powper Box, Matcu Sars, Bortte HorpEr AND Bow. In form of shoe, cornucopia and ball. 329—Srerune Srrver Frowrer HoipEr Embossed rose decoration. Height, 91 inches. 330—Sitver Deposir FLowrer VASE Ruby glass. Height, 10 inches. 331—Tarti. Strertnc Sinver Botrrie Coaster Embossed with figures and scroll work. 332—Cicar Lamp anv Two BoTTLE Houpers 3338—Sinver Cicar LIGHTER Lamp shape. Marked G. B. 5S. 334—Mustrarp Por anp Trea Cappy Former with blue glass lining. 835—Sitver Sucar BAskET Blue glass lining. With spoon. sel NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 336—Svucar Bow. Pierced. Lacks glass lining. 337—SILVER Sucar Bow. With handle. Blue glass lining. 338—Sucar Bow. With silver top and base. 339—Sitver Trapor Low form, surmounted by a bird. 340—Sitver Corrert Por Plain design. 341—Sitver Corrre Por Egg-shaped, on three feet. 342—EncuisH SILVER SyruPr Jue Tiffany & Co. 348—Two Sitver MuFFINEERS 344—Si1ntverR BAsKkeET AND TRAY Openwork. 345—THREE Sinver Cream PITCHERS Repoussé and plain. 346—STERLING SinverR OvaL Tray 347—Pair STERLING SILVER JARDINIERES Openwork floral design. First Day Height, 11 inches. Length, 9 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day on ——— 348—Sirver CoAsTER AND TRAY Pierced. The latter marked Schley. 349—Fovur Sitver Satt DisHES AND Four Spoons Shell shape. ~ Dolphin supports. 350—TweELvE Siiver DisHEs Fish shape. Marked Schley. 351—Two Sitver DisHEs Boat shape. One with garlands of flowers. 352—SiLtver Sucar Bow. AND CREAMER Repoussé. 353—Five Sitver Satt DisHEs Various shapes. With decoration of heron, Cupids and deer. 354—EncrRAVED Dutcu SitverR FLacon With spiral glass bottle. 355-—Dutcn Sitver Lievor BoTTLe Engraved base and top with spiral glass bowl. _856—Siiver Pocxer FLask Basket design. 357—StTertine Sitver Fruit Disx Wired and braided basket design. 358—Sitver Fruit Dis on Foor Basket edge. Initialed. I -NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 359—Sinver Basket Pierced. With bail handle. 860—O.xp Sitver Foorep Rounp Tray Engraved and openwork border. 861—STEerRLING SILvER COMPOTIER Shell border. Tiffany & Co. 862—ELrEvEN Sitver Ick Cream Bowts Leaf bands. 863—Sitver Lovine Cup Stag horn handles. Monogramed. _ 864-—_SrTERLING ‘Stnver Lovine Cup Wire handle. 3865—STERLING SILVER AND ENAMEL VASE Tiffany & Co. 866—Otp EnGRAVED SILVER CLARET JUG A. Duncan, maker. 3867—Pair Sinver Fiower Vases Fluted flare tops. 868—Parr Tatu Sirver Fiower VAaseEs Fluted flare tops. 3869—STERLING SILVER COMPOTIER Floral decoration. Diameter, 161% inches. Height, 6 inches. Height, 61%, inches. Height, 12 inches. ° Height, 12 inches. Height, 91% inches. Height, 17 inches. Diameter, 9 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 370—Srertne Sitver Ovat Deer DisH Pierced openwork border. Iris decoration. Length, 18 inches. 371—Srertne Sinver Fruir Basket Embossed iris decoration. Diameter, 15 inches. 372—SrrerLine Sitver Nut Bown Representing a boat in ice floes with polar bear on the bow and an Esquimau in the stern. 373—SILVER ORNAMENT On stand, in form of a horn with hunting scenes in repoussé. German. Height, 15 inches; length, 17 inches. 3'74—SILveER TANKARD 4 Presentation piece to Francis J. Beamish. 375—Two Sitver anp Cur Guass FLAGONS Repoussé ornamentation of masks and scrolls. 376—Two Sitver PircHErs Repoussé ornamentation of shells and floral scrolls. Height, 9 inches. 377—SILVER JARDINIERE With winged dragons and leaves in repoussé. 378—Two Frencu Sitver DIsHEs With repoussé garlands and portrait busts. 379—Srerine Srtver Trea SERVICE Hammered and engraved with dragon decorations com- prising: Large oblong tray, teapot, coffee pot, hot water urn, sugar bowl and tongs, creamer and tea caddy. Eight pieces. Arthur and Bond, Yokohama, Japan. a ec NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers . First Day TABLE LINEN 380—Two Damask TABLE-CLOTHS Chrysanthemum and butterfly patterns. Lace edges. (Used.) 9 feet square. 381—Two Damask TaBpLE-cLOTHs Lace edges. One with bouquets of flowers and one with butterfly design. (Used.) 382—Rewnatissance Lace TaspLe-cLoty Leaf scroll and lily pattern. (Used.) 383—RENAISSANCE LacE TABLE-CLOTH Large leaf and cobweb pattern. (Used.) 6 feet 6 inches square. 384—RENAISSANCE LacE TAaBLE-CLOTH With all-over floral and leaf pattern. Worn. 6 feet 6 inches square. 385—Crocuet Lace Cover Wheel medallion pattern. 7 feet 9 inches square. * 386—Crocuet Lace SET Circular medallion design. Consisting of (a) Large cover. 8 feet by 5 feet. (s) 2 oblong covers. 5 feet 10 inches by 2 feet 2 inches. (c) 8 oblong covers. 4 feet 11 inches by 2 feet 2 inches. (p)*10 small covers. 1 foot 4 inches square. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers First Day 0 ee 3887—OnE HuNDRED AND Eiegut Dotirs Various kinds. Some with lace. 388—JAPANESE COTTON TABLE-CLOTH Embroidered in blue. 889—TWwELVE EMBROIDERED Does AND Two Tray CLOTHS Rose pattern. 390—Gotp Lacr CENTERPIECE AND Seven DolILikEs ee ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers SECOND DAY’S SALE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1918 AT THE SCHLEY RESIDENCE No. 845 FIFTH AVENUE BEGINNING AT 10.30 O'CLOCK A. M. Which includes Catalogue Nos. 391 to 755 MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, FURNITURE, RUGS, TEXTILES AND BRASSES 391—Pair or Boox Enps Ornaments in form of fruit. 392—Pair or MAanocany Boox ENps Truncated columns. 393—Pair or Boox Enps : With embroidered coats-of-arms. 394—Box or PoKEer CuHIPps 395—Mrirror Wari Pocker Height, 14 inches. 396—PaInTED PLAQUE Dog. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day Oo 397—Tintrep PuastER Bas-RELIEF Music. Height, 23 inches; length, 40 inches. 398—PLASTER JARDINIERE With cupids im relief. Height, 15 inches. 399—Easex Mirror Brass and silver plate. Height, 141% inches. 400—Two UMBRELLA STANDS With painted plaques of poodle dogs. 401—LacevER CABINET Inlaid with mother-of-pearl. 402—LaceauERED Tray Ann Bow. The former black, the latter red; decorations in colors. 403—JAPANESE Lacquer Writine CasE Black and gold with fittings. 404—Two Javanese Learuer Tosacco PovcHES AND Two Piper Cases 405—JAPANESE HANDKERCHIEF CASE AND PAPER OPENER 406—CarRVED AND Parnrep Woop STIRRUP 407—AnTIQUE CONE SHAPE BowL 408—Carvep Woop BELLows 409—Woop Carvine oF A DEER’s Heap With natural horns. RRR ae NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 410—JAPANESE CARVED Woop PovucHu Ivory netsuke. 411—Two Carvep Woop STAtTuETTEs A baby and helmeted figure (as is). 412—OxLp JAPANESE Woop VASE A twisted root, with a decoration of a serpent and lizard. Height, 12 inches. 413—JAPANESE CarveEp Woop Group Two figures and lion. 414—JAPANESE Woop Carvinc Dragon. (As is.) 415—JAPANESE Woop Carvincs Kylins and mask and seated woman (as is). 416—Two JapanrEsE Woop Carvincs Old man with scroll and Hotei. Height, 16 inches; width, 9 inches. * 417—JAapAnkesE Woop Carvinc Kylins and grotesque masks. 418—JaprpanrEseE Woop Carvine | Kylin. 419—Two JAPANESE Woop Carvineés Flowering plants. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day Oe 420—JAPANESE Woop CARVING Dragons amid clouds (as is). 421—Carvep Woop STatuETTE AND Carvep Woop Bracket The former, a monkey; the latter with Hotei support. 422—CarvED Woop STATUETTE Dakaku with bag and rice bail. Height, 8 inches. 423—JAPANESE CARVED RAMMA Dragon amid waves. 424—Carvep Woop Anp GILDED CASKET Height, 8 inches; length, 1544 inches. 425—Two Carvep Oak STATUETTES OF ANGELS Height, 29 inches. 426—Porrery TasBLE Lamp Pink glass shade. 427—Porrery STATUETTE Napoleon. Height, 191 inches. 428—TERRA-COTTA STATUETTE Nude female figure, supported by a sphere. Height, 4 feet 3 inches. 429—CarvEpD STONE STATUETTE Reclining figure of Buddha. | Length, 16 inches. 430—Tintep Paster Bust or a Youne WomMANn With red bodice. Height, 16 inches. a NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 431—TurxisH YATAGHAN | Inlaid blade and bone handle; repoussé sheath. 432—T wo RIFLEs 433—Pair oF BLUNDERBUSSES With bell mouths. 434—ANTIQUE PEPPER-BOXx PisToL Eight-barreled. In case. 435—Tropuy or Arms Sabres, bayonets and pistols. FURNITURE 436—Manocany Humipor Brass corners. 437—Oax Humipor With two doors. Bronze mounts. Height, 10 inches; length, 111% inches. 438—CuHeEerry CENTER TABLE | + With undershelf. 439—Manocany Music STanp 440—Carvep Woop PrEpeEstTau Figure support. 441—ManocGany PEpEsTAL Twisted column. Square top and base. Height, 86 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day eee 442—RosEwoop AND EXBONIZED PEDESTAL TABLE 443—Manocany Har STanp Twisted shaft. 44.4—G LOBE On stand. 445—LEATHER-COVERED CABINET Surmounted by a cherub. 446—Manocany Dressinc TABLE Inlaid with brass. . Height, 33 inches; width, 42 inches. 44°7—Manocany Tray-tor TaBLE With undershelf. 448—ManoGany CENTER TABLE Duncan Phyfe style. 449—ManocGany BooxKcAsE Three shelves. 450—Manocany Curest oF DRAWERS With six drawers and cupboard. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. 451—Manocany Tra Wacon With movable tray. 452—Carvep Dark Oak ARMCHAIR Curved legs. ea ee Te NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 453—Two Carvep Oak Cuarrs With high backs and straight side pieces. 454—STaAInED Woop X CHAIR 455—Parr or Carvep Watnout Sipe CuHairs Backs terminating in birds’ heads. 456—Two Oax Rocxine CuHarrs Covered with leather. 457—Oaxk Rocxine CHair Upholstered in leather. Movable headrest. 458—Oax Rocxine CyHair 459—Carvep Oak ARMCHAIR Back carved with tavern scene. 460—Oax Desk CuHarr Revolving. 461—T'wo Carvep Oak CnHarrs With high backs and straight side pieces. | 462—TuHrREE CorNER CHAIRS Carved oak. 463—Watnout Hartt CxHair The back with low relief carvings. 464—MaAnHoGANY SIDE CHAIR Lyre back. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasere Second Day 465—ManocGany ARMCHAIR With rolled back. Upholstered in brown corduroy. 466—-CarveD TEAKWOOD STAND Chinese. Height, 18% inches. 467—Trakwoop PEDESTAL Marble top. 468—CarveD TEAKWOOD PEDESTAL Marble top. Height, 32 inches. 469—GiLT-FRAMED Mrrror Surmounted by a ribbon bow knot. Height, 37 inches; width, 101% inches. 470—Smatu Mirror Painted and gilded frame. Height, 26 inches; width, 18 inches. 4’'71—Carvep, GILDED AND PAINTED Woop Mrrror SCONCE Eagle surmounted by a crown. Height, 29 inches. 472—Ovau Mirror With gilt frame and sunburst top ornament. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet. 473—Two Mirrors One gilt, the other with brass and ebony frame. 4°74—Mrrror with Pamwrep anp Gitpep FRAME Decoration of dragons and eagle. Height, 34 inches ; width, 29 inches. ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 475—Carvep Woop Caryatip Female figure. Height, 4 feet 8 inches, 476—Parr oF Parnten Woop Ficures Height, 41 inches. 477—CarvEpD AND GiLtT Woop CANDLESTICKS Height, 31 inches. 478—PaInTED BANNER A coat-of-arms. 4°779—Carvep CorINTHIAN CAPITAL Tinted. 480—Two Carvep Woop PLaeQveEs St. Catherine and a Monk. Height, 25 inches. 481—Pair Carvep anp Girt Woop Brackets Scroll design. Height, 19 inches. 482—PainTED AND GILDED BRrackET Height, 28 inches. 483—Carvep Woop ORNAMENT P An eagle with spreading wings. 484—TureE Carvep Woop CoatTs-0F-ARMS One with eagle, one with crowned lion, one with castle and keys. 485—GiLpDED AND PaInTED COAT-OF-ARMS Surmounted by a crown. Height, 23 inches; width, 17 inches. i NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 486—CarvED AND GILDED Woop PLAQUE Young woman sleeping. 487—Pars or ANTIQUE CARVED AND GitpED Woop Orna- MENTS In form of dogs’ heads. 488—Carved AND GILDED Woop CoAT-OF-ARMS Lions rampant surmounted by a crown. | Height, 24 inches. 489—Carvep TEakwoop PEDESTAL With two undershelves. Height, 3 feet. 490—Trakwoop PEDESTAL Marble top. 491—Two Carvep WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS Backs terminating in birds’ heads. 492—Two Carvep Dark Oax ARMCHAIRS X supports; seats and backs of embossed velvet. 493—X ARMCHAIR In carved oak; the arms terminating in lions’ heads. 494—X SEatT Covered with old Spanish illuminated leather. 495—X. SEAT Covered with leather. 496—CarvepD AND GILDED Woop X SEAT With extra leather cushion. eee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 497—Watnvt Sipe Cuair The seat and back covered with carved Spanish leather. 498—Carvep Oak ARMCHAIR X supports; the back and arms terminating in lions’ heads; leather cushion seat. 499—Oax ARMCHAIR The back with carvings of battle scene and dated 1716. 500—HicH-Bpack Watnut ARMCHAIR 501—Watunvutr ARMCHAIR The back covered with gilded leather. 502—SavonaroLA ARMCHAIR Walnut. 508—Carvep Woop Ova TaBLe With pierced brass center. Height, 24 inches; length, 33 inches. 504—San Dominco ManoGany CELLARET Height, 25 inches. 505—Irauian Invariw TABLE With center of brass X supports. Height, 23 inches; diameter, 40 inches. 506—Carvep Oak CupspoarD With recessed door and caryatid supports. Height, 5 feet 2 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 507—Carvep Dark Oak CHEST With applied ornamentation of brass. Height, 28 inches; length, 44 inches. 508—Carvep Oak Smatut Desk With masks and figures in low relief. Height, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 23 inches. 509—Carvep WALNUT PepEstaL CABINET With twisted columns surmounted by a cherub. Height, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 510—AnTIQUE WRrOUGHT-IRON CHEST With carved wood stand. Height on stand, 41 inches; length, 25% inches. 511—Lovis XV Srytr ComMMOoDE Walnut, with five drawers. Height, 381, inches. 512—Vernis Martin SMALL CoMMODE Louis XV style. Height, 30 inches. 5183—Buuu CHIFFONIER White marble top. Height, 50 inches; width, 29 inches. 514—Antieue Carvep WALNUT CENTER TABLE Circular with two drop leaves. Diameter, 42 inches. 515—Manocany TABLE For MINIATURES Style of First Empire. Circular, with tripod support. Gilt bronze mounts. eee enremee oe NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 516—Manocany Anp Gitt CircuLtar CENTER TABLE Style of the First Empire. Tripod support. 517—ManoGany Anp Gitt CrrcuLaR CENTER TABLE In style of First Empire. With elaborate mounts of gilt- bronze. 518—Larce ManoGANy AND GILT SEAT Style of the First Empire. With elaborate mounts of gilt-bronze. 519—Carvep anp GinpED Waunout HicuH-Back CuHarr Scroll arms; upholstered in old red damask. 520—CarvED AND GiLpED Watutnut Harti CHarr Straight arms, legs and underbraces. Upholstered in red damask. 521—MassiveE Carvep Dark Oak ARMCHAIR With decoration of figures in stocks and monk in wine cellar. - 522—Carvep Oak ARMCHAIR Upholstered in leather. ‘ 5283—Watnvut ARMCHAIR Straight arms, legs and underbraces. Upholstered in leather. The back with gilded ornamentation. A 524—Carvep Watnut ARMCHAIR With elaborate decoration of figures and masks; up- holstered in embossed red velvet. Nee erent ircincs genreintionandeeneysiasrieneanteees NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day i i 525—CARVED AND GILDED Watnut ARMCHAIR With straight arms, legs and underbraces, upholstered in old red damask. 526—Winc ARMCHAIR Cabriole legs carved at the knees. Upholstered in old gold plush. 527%—Carvep Watnut Hau SEAT With scroll arms terminating in lion’s feet. Loose cushion and back of red velvet. 528—Paintep Woop PLaauEk Young woman holding a dog. Height, 45 inches. 529—Carvep Anpd GiLpED Woop CoaT-OF-ARMS Height, 22 inches. 580—CarvED AND PainTED CoAT-OF-ARMS Lions rampant with helmet and lyre. Height, 33 inches. 5831—Carvep, PainTED AND GILDED Woop CoAtT-OF-ARMS Within a circular wreath. Diameter, 35 inches. 532—PaInTED COAT-OF-ARMS In elaborately carved oak frame. Height, 40 inches. 5383—Mirror : Carved and gilt frame. Ribbon decoration. Height, 41 inches; width, 80 inches. 534—Mirror Carved and gilt frame, surmounted by a cherub’s head. Height, 37 inches; width, 26 inches. ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 5385—Mirror Carved and gilded wood frame, surmounted by an eagle. Height, 2 feet; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 586—Carvep Gitt Woop Mirror Height, 221, inches; width, 21 inches. 537—TorToisE-SHELL AND Brass Mrrror Height, 43 inches; width, 39 inches. 538—Mirror Carved, painted and gilded frame in the form of dol- phins. Height, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 5389—AntievE Harp Painted and gilded. 540—AntTievE Tworotp SCREEN In form of a draped harp with mirror panels. 541—Tworoutp PaIntTEp SCREEN Music. 542—THREEFOLD SCREEN Carved and gilded frame with painted panels of children by W. Echart. Height, 6 feet; extended width, 8 feet. 543—Conso.e ‘l'aBLE Low form. Of carved and gilded wood, with a white marble top. Height, 14 inches; length, 48 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 5§44—OTTOMAN Covered with antique Aubusson tapestry. 545—Lovis XV Styite CABINET Painted green. The lower panel of door with painted decoration. Marble top. 546—CaRVED AND Gitt Woop CrapLE With elaborate leaf scroll and mask ornamentation. Fitted with tin lining for flowers. ; 547—Circutar CEentTer TABLE Gilded and painted. The top with decoration of classic subject to simulate mosaic. Figure support. 548—Lovis XV SryLe SECRETARY Rosewood with Vernis Martin panel decoration. Gilt- bronze mounts. 549—Very ELABoraTELy CaRvED AND GILT Woop CABINET Italian renaissance. Height, 8 feet; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 550—Carvep AND GiLpED Woop CassonE Front panels with bas-relief of bishop holding an audi- ence. Height, 27 inches; length, 67 inches. 551—Lovis XVI Styte Drawine Room Suite Comprises: Three armchairs and settee, covered with Beauvais tapestry restored, repaired and added to. 552—Turee Lovis XVI Stryie ARMCHAIRS Upholstered in old Beauvais tapestry with design of figures, landscapes and bouquets of flowers. ee NOTICE—A ‘Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 558—Sul1tE or Otp Fremisu Tapestry FurNITURE In exquisitely carved and gilt wood frames, of the Louis XIV style. Comprises two large sofas, and six arm- chairs. 554—ANTIQUE SPANISH VARGUENO The stand with two drawers and cupboard. Drop front with antique velvet panels and pierced iron medallions. Interior fitted with numerous drawers and cupboards. Height, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. 555—ANTIQUE CARVED AND PAINTED COFFER Seventeenth century. The top and sides covered with red velvet. Decoration of escutcheons, eagles with spreading wings, and dolphin supports. Height, 27 inches; length, 69 inches. 556—Carvep, GinpED AND Patntep Woop THRONE CHAIR Ornamentation of scrolls, coat-of-arms and lion masks; upholstered in embossed red velvet. 557—AntTievE ITALIAN THRONE CHAIR Carved, gilded and painted wood. With ornamentation of masks, scrolls and phenixes. : 558—Carvep Watnut ARMCHAIR © The arms terminating in lions’ heads and supported by half figures. Upholstered in gros and petit point. 559—Pair or Larce Haryt Cuarrs Carved and gilded. Upholstered with Renaissance em- broidery. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day Ne 560—Carvep Watnut ARMCHAIR Shaped arms form the wings of mythical birds. X sup- ports. Upholstered in woven tapestry. 561—Oxp Carvep ‘Oak Cuoir STALLS Three seats. Pancled and moulded. 562—Carvep Oak Tati Crock Movement by Michael Shanter. Height, 6 feet 11 inches. 563—Patir or LANTERNS Venetian. On tall standards; gilded iron, the standards covered with red velvet. Height, 7 feet 3 inches. 564—Pair or Mirrors Louis XVI style. The upper portion with pastel por- traits of French beauties. Height, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 1 foot 7 inches. 565—OvaL Mirror Carved and gilded wood frame surmounted by basket of fruit. Height, 4 feet; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 566—Pair or RecrancuLar Mirrors Gilded. The upper panels with baskets of fruit in carved wood. Height, 6 feet 4. inches; width, 19 inches. 567—AntiquE Mirror Carved and gilded wood frame. With bold decoration of acanthus leaves. Height, 38 inches; width, 84 inches. enn See ene NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 568—MantTet Mirror Carved and gilt frame. With figures of children and four candle branches. Height, 3614, inches; width, 301%, inches. 569—Rectancutar Mirror Carved and gilded wood frame with scrolls and cherubs’ heads. | ; Height, 2 feet 8 inches; width, 8 feet 6 inches. . 570—Convex Mrrror With four candle holders; surmounted by an eagle. Height, 34 inches. 571—AntTiavE Mirror With mirror frame and top ornament. Height, 48 inches; width, 27 inches. 572—Empirte Styte Mirror With carved and gilded wood frame. Height, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. 573—Mrrror with Carved AND Gitt Woop FRAME High relief ornamentation. Height, 25 inches; width, 24 inches. e 574—Parir or Carvep ann Gittr Woop Sconces Dragons. 575—CarRVED AND GILDED Woop Sconce With basket of flowers and ribbon bowknots. 576—ANnTIQUE CARVED AND GitpED Woop BracketT With decoration of cherub’s head. Height, 23 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day pat caret” pn nemo 577— ANTIQUE COFFER Covered with velvet and repoussé brass. Height, 24%, inches; length, 501% inches. 578—CarvVED AND PAINTED Woop SHIELD With griffin. Height, 38 inches. 579—Turee Bas-RELIEF PLAQUES Thucydides, Menander and Claudia. 580—Carvep, GILDED AND PAINTED Woop OrNAMENT In the form of a canopy. Height, 27 inches. 581—Carvep, PaIntTED AND GILDED Woop SHRINE 582—Carvep, GILDED AND PAINTED CoAT-OF-ARMS Elaborately ornamented, and surmounted by an arm holding aloft a sword. : Height, 47 inches. 583—CarvED AND GiLtpED Woop PEDESTAL Nude child standing on a dolphin. 584—Two Carvep AND GILDED Woop PEDESTALS Height, 5 feet 6 inches. 585—Carvep aNd Girt Woop PrEprEstTAL Height, 41%, inches. 586—CARVED AND ParntED Woop SEAT (As is.) a ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 587—Two Sroots Inverted Corinthian column supports. 588—Carvep ann Gitr Woop Foorsroor Louis XV style. 589—Carvep anp GILDED Woop Sroo. Louis XIV style. 590—Two Foor Sroots Covered with red velvet and trimmed with gold fringe. 591—Mrrror Sconce With brass frame. For nine candles. Height, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 592—-Mirror Gilt frame with decoration of swans’ heads and lyre. Height, 3 feet 8 inches. 593— Mirror Painted and gilded frame. Decoration of roses. Height, 33 inches; width, 30 inches. 594—CarvED AND Gitr Woop Framep Mrrror s Colonial. Height, 21 inches; width, 33 inches. 595—GiLT Frame Ovat Mirror With cornucopia of fruit. Height, 30 inches; width, 28 inches. 596—Mirror Carved wood frame surmounted by basket of fruit. Height, 2 feet 6 inches. ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 597—Mirror With gilt frame surmounted by two swans. (As 1s.) Height, 31 inches; width, 32 inches. 598—Mirror Gilt frame. With cornucopie. Height, 27 inches; width, 33 inches. 599—NineE GiLT-METAL MEDALLIONS George Washington and others. 600—STAINED Gy ae PANEL Circular. Diameter, 9 inches. 601—Pair oF Grass Panes Sculptor and Autumn. Height, 17 inches; width, 1014 inches. 602—Two AnTIquE PAINTINGS ON GLASS One, man in blue coat, and the other, woman with flute. 603—AnTIevE Guass PANEL German, dated 1576. 604—TriANGULAR GLAss ORNAMENT Wood base. 605—Bracx Marsie Mantet Crock Height, 101% ‘inches; length, 20 inches. 606—Paintep anv GitpED MAntTeEeL CLocxk Movement in circular case flanked by lions. Height, 201, inches; length, 81 inches. To NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day EMBROIDERIES, FABRICS AND RUGS 607—EMBROIDERED Picture Height, 14 inches; width, 8 inches. 608—Tarestry Portrait oF A CHILD Elaborately carved and gilded wood frame. 609—N EEDLEWORK Picture of Washington. Height, 40 inches; width, 30 inches. 610—NeEEDLEWoRK PIcTuRE ~The Arrival of a Cardinal.” Height, 44 inches; width, 40 inches. 611—Panew or Perit Point Figures in a church. Height, 3714, inches; width, 29 inches. 612—Paneu or Brussets TAPEstTRY Seventeenth century. With a large coat-of-arms, Venus and Neptune, and other figures and attendants. Height, 26 inches; width, 27 inches. 613—Tourkisu Rep Vetvet HaAncines * With lamp, vases of flowers and columns in gold and silver threads. | Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 614—AntiauE Rep VELVET BANNERS With embroidered coat-of-arms and flowering plants in silver thread. Edged with silver lace. 615—Pinkx Sixx Damask Corr With hood. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 616—Oxp Irauian Brocape DALMATIC Yellow ground. 617—Oxup BrocapE CHASUBLE Red ground with flowers in gold and silver threads and elaborate applied ornamentation in cloth-of-gold. 618—Tasie Cover Red silk and velvet with borders embroidered in leaf pat- terns with silver threads. 619—AntievE Damask Cover Red ground with flowers and scrolls in yellow and white. Silver lace edging. 620—Bvureav Scarr, Taste Scarr anp Bep Cover Rose-colored satin with floral embroidery. 621—-Woven TAPEstry PANEL Figures and wooded landscape. 622—T wo CoucH CusHIONS Upholstered in blue velvet. 623—Two Coucn CusHIons 624—Two Coucu CusHions One upholstered in needlework. 625—Four Coucu CUSHIONS Covered with woven tapestry, silk damask and plush. 626—T'wo Covcn CusHions AND THREE ROLLs Upholstered in silk damask with Persian patterns. or NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 627—Sr1x Coucu CusHIONS Covered with velvet in various colors. 628—Covcn CusHION Covered with old Gobelin tapestry. 629—Covucn CusHION Covered with old Aubusson tapestry with design of a parrot. 680—Turer Covucn CusnHions Covered with gros and petit point needlework. 681—Fovur Coucn Cusuions aNd Rou Covered with velvet and embroidery. 682—EmBROIDERED Bacpap Hancine Five connected strips. 633—DacuHEstTaAN Prayer Ruc Salmon ping field with pear pattern. Three borders. Length, 3 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 634—Suiraz Rue With medallions in salmon, green and brown. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. 6385—Kazax Rue Diamond shape medallions on a salmon field. One wide and. two narrow borders. Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day an 636—Kuropistan Rue Red field with leaf and conventional lotus designs. One wide and two narrow borders. Length, 8 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 6387—Kazax Rue | Four medallions in center. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 688—DacuEstan Lone Rue Blue center with medallion and S-hook designs. ‘Three borders. Length, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. 639—Hamapan Rue Diamond-shaped medallion in white on a red field. All- over flower and pear pattern. Length, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 11 inches. 640-—Persian Rue Black field with pear design. ‘Two borders. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet. 641—Persian Rue Feraghan style. Blue field with diamond and conven- tional flower patterns. Three borders Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 9 inches. 642—Kazak Rue Yellowish tone. i Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 6 feet. 643—Dacuestan Prayer Rue Ivory white field and prayer niche, with five borders and numerous bands. Length, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. cnn NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 644—Kazak Rue Dark blue field with large pear pattern. Three borders. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches 645—Kuitim Rue With flowers and leaves on a blue ground. Diamond- shaped center medallions and three borders. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 646—Kazax Rue Geometrical designs on brownish yellow field. Length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 647—DacueEstan Lone Rue Tian field with medallion ornaments. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet. 648—FrracuHan Ruc Dark blue field, with herati leaf and floral designs. Five narrow borders. Length, 9 feet; width, 4 feet. 649—Srnna Rue White medallion on a red field. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet. 650—Siix Prayer Rue * Greenish white field with one wide and nine narrow borders. 651—CuiIneEsE Rue To represent a tiger skin. 652—Cinnamon Bearskin AND WuiteE Goatskin Mats Two pieces. cee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 653—PoLar Bearskin Mat 654—Portar Bearskin Rue _ Length, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 655—TicER AND BuAcK BEARSKIN Rue 656—Buack Brarskin Rue With half-mounted head. 657—CoonskIn Rue (As is.) 658—Cinnamon Berar Rue With mounted head. 659—Ticer Sxin Ruc With mounted head. - Length, 6 feet. 660—Rep Fox Sxin Rope 661—Kop1ak Brarskin Rue Mounted head. Fine pelt. BRASSES, LAMPS AND OTHER OBJECTS 662—Bronze Anpirons AND Fire Irons Former with scroll supports, latter five pieces. 663—Brass Coat Hop Helmet shape. 664—Brass Firrt ScREEN Louis XIV style. (As is.) See ven NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 665—Brass Fire Irons anp STAND Four pieces. 666—Set or Brass Fire Irons Three pieces and stand. 667—Set or Brass Fire Irons Three pieces and stand. 668—Parr Gitr Bronze ANnpIRONS Paw and ball feet. 669—Pair or Gitt Bronze ANDIRONS Ball top. 670—Pair oF ANDIRONS Gilded bronze, surmounted by urns. 671—Pair or Brass ANDIRONS 672—Pair or Brass ANDIRONS Twisted standards. 673—Parr or Brass ANDIRONS 674—Pair or GILT-BRONZE ANDIRONS Pierced globes. 675—Pair oF GILT-BRONZE ANDIRONS Louiv XV style. Figures of children. 676—Pair or Wrovcnut Iron ANDIRONS With ball tops. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 677—Patr oF WROUGHT-IRON ANDIRONS 678—Pair GILT-BRONZE ANDIRONS Scroll and figure design. 679—Pair oF GitpED Bronze ANDIRONS Figures of seated lions. Signed Barye. 680—Patr oF GILT-BRONZE ANDIRONS Pierced and with scroll supports. 681—Parr or Bronze ANDIRONS Surmounted by figures of soldiers. Height, 36 inches. 682—Parr or GILT-BRONZE Fire Does Surmounted by recumbent lions. 683—Pair or ELABORATE GiLT-BRONZE ANDIRONS Tripod supports. With ornamentation of bee and with cipher, W. S. D. 684—SetT or Fire Irons Gilt-bronze. Consisting of tongs, poker, shovel, bellows and stand. 685—Two Brass IncensE BuRNERS Pierced top and one handle each. 686—EnGRAVED PERSIAN Brass INKSTAND Height, 5 inches. 687—STATIONERY HoLpER Brass. Pierced ornamentation. nee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 688—Persran Metrat Bow. Boat-shaped. 689—AnTievE Brass Wericut Case 690—Two Brass Boxss One with hasp and the other with heart-shaped orna- ments. 691—Brass Box, CANDLESTICK AND SaucE Boat 692—Brass SCONCE With two candle brackets. Diameter, 1414, inches. 693—Piercep Persian Brass Tasourer Height, 24 inches. 694—Corprrer Can With cover and two handles. 695—Repovussé Copper Krtrie With bail handle. Height, 18 inches. 696—Corrrer TEA KrtTTLE With stand and tray. ’ —697—Corrrr Prar Por With coat-of-arms and bail handle. 698—Larce Repousst Brass TANKARD Figure decoration. ; Height, 20 inches. 699—Persian Brass TasovureT Height, 151% inches. eee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day Lee TSC “00—-Perstan Brass Tapourtt Height, 20 inches. ”"01—Perrsian Brass VASE 4 ® o Repoussé ornamentation. Height, 24 inches. 702—Piercep Prerstan Brass VASE Goblet shape. Height, 15 inches. 7"03—Carvep Woop anp WRoOUGHT-IRON CanDLE BRACKET For two candles. 704—Persian Prercep Brass CaskET AND IncENSE BuRNER »~ “05—Perrsian Brass Trays anp TWELVE SmALL Cups AND EwErR ”“06—GuiLT-BRAss Box With a miniature of Napoleon set in the cover. Signed Denis. “07—Brass JARDINIERE With coat-of-arms. Height, 15 inches. ”08—Brass Mrrror Sconce AND BRACKET Height, 44 inches. ”"09—RepoussE Brass PLaauE Portrait of Henry IV. Diameter, 3 feet 8 inches. 710—Brass Pricker CANDLESTICK Height, 26 inches. “11—Persian Brass Tatu CAnpDLESTICK Height, 4 feet. Saar RCME CERN NOTICE—4A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 712—Brass Box With copper corners. Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. 713—Cuinese Brass VasE Beaker shape with wide spreading lip. Height, 14 inches. 714—Perrsian Brass Box Rectangular with cut corners. Engraved decoration. Height, 8 inches; length, 15 inches. 715—Tatrtut CaAanpLEstTick or Gitt Brass Height, 6 feet 8 inches. 716—Piercrep Brass Hancinc IncENsE BuRNER Persian. Height, 23 inches. \ 717—SconcrE with Lamp Gilt brass. : Height, 40 inches. 718—Brass anp Woop Brasero Brass fire bow! set in octagonal stand. Height, 22 inches; width, 26 inches. 719—Two Persian Brass CANnpDLESTICKS 720—Brass LANTERN With green bulls’ eyes. 721—Brass Reapinec Evectric Lamp Adjustable. Has red silk shade. 722—_WrovucGHT-1rROoN TauL LAMP Scroll supports. Height, 58 mches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 793 JAPANESE BronzE LANTERN With decoration of iris. ”24—Brass Reapinc Lamp Fitted for electricity. ~25—TintEp Bronze Tasie Licut Has figure support. 726—Brass LanTerRN With glass sides and door. Straight handle. 727—Brass Haneinc Lantern Enamel inlay. 7“98—Brass Orn Lamp With saucer-shape bowl and canopy. Height, 32 inches. 7299—Brass Exvectrric TABLE LiGgHT Surmounted by a dragon. ”“80—Guass AND GILT-BRONZE Lamp Ground glass shade. Height, 26 inches. 731—Two JAPANESE Prercep Brass LANTERNS Globular. 732—JapanesE Girt Brass LANTERN Four-sided and with chain supports. Height with chain, 4 feet 9 inches. Ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 133—PeErsi1An Brass Hanoinc Lamp Chain supports. Height, 33 inches. 734—Piercep Brass Hancinc Lamp Persian: fitted for ten oil lamps. Height, 4 feet. 735—Par or Execrric Lamps Tinted bronze. Nude figures. Height, 18 inches. 736—Persian Brass Lamp Pierced globe, bowl and base. P Height, 20 inches. 737—Piercep Persian Brass Taste Lame ror Two Licuts Height, 29 inches. 738—Persian Brass TasLe Lamp With pierced globe and beaded fringe. 739—SILVER-PLATED SancTUARY Lamp 7 Urn shape. With three chain supports. Height, 30 inches. 740—Brass Sanctuary Lamp Applied decoration of cherubs’ heads. , Height, 5 feet. 741—Piercep Brass Haneine Lamp Persian. With ornamentation of birds and crescent. Five chain supports. Height, 44 inches. 742—Pirercep Brass Hancinc Lamp With green glass panels. Height, 20 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day ee ee 743—Prrsian Guass Stanpinc Lamp With engraved ornamentation and opalescent globe. Height, 62 inches. ~4.4—SILVER-PLATED SANCTUARY Lamp Urn shape with three leaf scroll arms, supported by chains and canopy. Height, 30 inches. “45—Art Bronze Taste Lamp Opalescent shade. Fitted for three lights. Height, 28 inches. “46—Prercep Persian Brass Lamp Candlestick support. Height, 6 feet 4 inches. “44—STUDENT LAMP Persian pierced brass globes and bowls. Height, 24 inches. "48——PersiAn Prercep Brass Tau LAMP With brass shade, Height, 6 feet. ”49—BRronzE TABLE LAMP Base and standard of gilt-bronze, with cut-glass orna- ments and opalescent shade. Height, 30 inches. “50—PerstaN Brass STANDING Lampe Pierced and engraved ornamentation. ‘The shade with repoussé panels and opalescent medallions. Height, 54 inches. - ee ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Second Day 751—Piercrep Persian Brass Lamp With domed top and cylindrical shaft. Fitted for elec- tricity. Height, 8 feet 9 inches. 752—Sranpine Lamp Persian pierced brass fitted for electricity. Height, 7 feet. 7538—Piercep Persian Brass Tati Lamp With brass shade. Height, 6 feet. 754—GILT-BronzE Taste Lamp Cupid supporting a vase. Shade of opalescent glass and brass. Height, 40 inches. 755—Parm or GiLt-BronzE Taste Lamps Classic figure supports and cut-glass globes. Opalescent glass and brass shades. Height, 39 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers THIRD DAY’S SALE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1918 AT THE SCHLEY RESIDENCE > No. 845 FIFTH AVENUE BEGINNING AT 10.30 O'CLOCK A. M. Which includes Catalogue Nos. 756 to 1100 ° PORCELAINS, MINIATURES, BRONZES AND PEDESTALS 756—Box anv PocKETBOOK The former green glass, the latter painted porcelain. 757—SatsumMA T'rarpot AND STAND With figure and other decoration in gilding and colors. 758—THREE JAPANESE ENAMEL VASES One blue, one brown, one black. 759—FaienceE DisH Form of a cradle. 760—TuHreEE SmMaAtu Boxes One with agate set in cover, one enamel, and the third Persian. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day “61—Pair oF CHINESE PoRCELAIN Twin SnuFF Bottles Gilt-bronze mounts. 762—Imart PorceLain INCENSE Burner. ANd Rep LacaquER STAND “63—JAPANESE POTTERY Sake Borrie Gourd shaped. Green glaze. Height, 8 inches. “64—JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL Bow. Brown with ho birds and flowers in colored enamels. “65—ENAMELED GLAss CASKET Decoration of gourd vine in colors. Height, 514, inches. “66—Box, JAR AND TEAPOT Cloisonné enamel. ~~ 767—SaRDONYX PENDANT Intaglio cut. "68—Two Pieces or VieNNA ENAMEL Box in form of a piano, and heart-shaped tray. “69—GreEeEN GLass FrowER VASE Tall form. Height, 38 inches. 770—JAPANESE PoRCELAIN Bown With decoration of shell fish. “7 1—Potrery PITCHER Mask top. (As is.) Height, 21 inches. ne NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 772—PorcELaIn TEA SET Comprises teapot, creamer, sugar bowl and tray. 773—Two Porrrery Mucs anp Two Trays 174—Pair Crystat Guass CANDLESTICKS Brass mounts. 775—InxsTanp, Brass Parer STAND AND Bronze Ficure "“76—Two JAPANESE Pottery Bow.1s Splash glaze. With handles. 777—Pinx Guass Bown Flaring sides. Diameter, 814 inches. 778—CuHINESE PorcEeLaAIn VASE Blue glaze with leaf decoration in celadon. Height, 91% inches. 779—Two JapaNESE PoTTERY JARS One basket work and one mounted as lamp bowl. Y80—PorTrrTrEeryY JAR With basket covering. Height, 81 inches. 781—RosEwaATER SPRINKLER AND VASE Persian. “82—TwELVE SMALL PorcELAIn Cups Green, brown and red glazes. 783—JAPANESE PottTrEry Bown Loop handles. Diameter, 13 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day unneinnnnnnt Aiea enennneneeeneeETTe 484—THREE MINIATURE CHINESE PorcELAIN VASES One celadon, one coral red, one sang-de-beuf. “85—TureEee MiIniaTuRE CHINESE PorRCcELAIN VASES One yellow, one coral red and one gray. “86—Two MrntaturE CHINESE PORCELAIN VASES One pink, and the other souffié. “87—Two MrinraTuRE CHINESE PORCELAIN VASES One melon, and the other pear shape. Green glaze. Y88—JAPANESE PorcELAIn VASE Ribbed body. Decoration of peonies and other flowers in blue and white. Height, 8 inches. “89— JAPANESE PorcELAIN VASE Blue and white. In form of a section of bamboo. Height, 1714, inches. “90—BLUE AND WuitTE VASE Landscape decoration in Japanese style. Height, 1214 tmches. ”91—Porrery IncENSE BURNER Bowl shape, with yellow glaze. , Height, 7 inches. "92-—_CHINESE PorcELAIN JAR AND SNUFF BotTrTLE The former green and yellow glaze, the latter green glaze. 793—MepaL AND PLAQUE The former by Roty, the latter Japanese. ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 794—Nrest oF Cups, PAPERWEIGHT AND BoTTLE Of soapstone, jade and agate. “95—Two Pircrs oF JAPANESE PORCELAIN Fire bowl in red and green glaze. Bucket-shape vase in coral red. 796—PorceEeLaIn Group Man and rearing horse. Height, 81%, inches. 797—CuINEsE PoRCcELAIN JAR , Egg shape. Decoration in blue and white. Height, 914, inches. 798—CHINESE PorcELAIN BOTTLE Blue and white. With fluted lip. (As is.) Height, 71%, inches. 799—CHINESE PoRCELAIN JAR Blue and white. With cover. Lotus-leaf decoration. (Cover as is.) Height, 914, inches. 800—CnuInEsE PorceLaIn BoTrTLe Blue and white. Decoration of kylin. e Height, 9 inches. 801—Parr Buve anp Wuitrte CHrinesE PorcELAIN JARS Cover missing on one. 802—JapANESE PorcELAIN BEAKER Decoration of deer, trees and rocks in blue and white. Height, 16 inches. 808—CLoisonné ENAMEL VASE Globular shape, flower decoration. ETE a OC a a ele ener nen na on Ccnesen nn er NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 804—THrREE STONEWALL JUGS Blue and gray glaze. Height, 14 805—Two JAPANESE POTTERY JARDINIERES Lotus-leaf shape. Diameter, 26 S06—ANTIQUE JAPANESE POTTERY JAR Pale green glaze with birds and flowers in brown. Height, 13 807—CHINESE PorcELAIN VASE Tea-color glaze. Height, 14%, 808—Satsuma PorcELAIN ORNAMENT In form of a pagoda. Height, 17 809—PortTrERY SEAT Figure of an Arab supporting a cushion. Height, 21 810—JAPANESE PorceLAIn UMBRELLA JAR Brown glaze with flying birds in relief. Height, 23 811—Two VasrEs One pink and the other lavender. Heights, 20 inches and 26 812—TRUMPET-SHAPED VASE Blue glass. Bronze mounts. (As is.) Height, 28 813—Evrorean Potrery VAsE inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. Yellow glaze with decoration of large red flowers and leaves. | _ Height, 25 inches. neo Eee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day EE EE elie eee ae 814—-Two CarvEp STATUETTES Polychrome decoration. Height, 61/, inches. 815—TIwo STaTruETTES One, barmaid, Dresden; the other, farmer, Royal Wor- cester. 816—Four Capo pi Monte STATUETTES Nude figures. 817—WuitE Bisaut Taste DEcoRATIONS Flower girls. Five pieces. 818—BisquE STATUETTE Unglazed. Young woman seated in armchair. Height, 8 inches. 819—PorcELAIN STATUETTE Young woman, seated. 820—FrLaMBE VASE Trumpet-shape neck. | Height, 14 inches. 821—CuinEsE PorceLAIn GourpD-sHAPE VASE White glaze. (As is.) Height, 12 inches. 822—TureEe CHInesE PorceLain VASES Two yellow and one white. 8283—HawTHoRN JAR WITH COVER Blue and white. Modern Chinese. Height, 12 inches. ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day a 824—-PorcELAIN VASE White glaze with flowers in recessed panels. Chinese style. Height, 12 inches. 825—OrpaavuE Brive Guass JAR With cover. Gilded bronze mounts. Height, 13 inches. 826—Frencu Buiur-ciass AMPHORA Loop handles, gilded. Height, 24 inches. 827—Brown Porrery FLowrr VAsE Tall form, applied decoration of dogwood blossoms. Height, 2814 inches. 828—CrLapon PorcEeLaIn VASE Height, 24 inches. 829—CuinEsE PorceLAIN BotTLE-sHAPED VASE Yellow glaze with dragon and cloud forms in brown. Height, 18 inches. 830—CuinEsE PorceLAIn BotTTLEe Dark brown glaze. Height, 15% inches. 831—CuinresE PorceLaIn BoTTLe Pale tea-color glaze. Height, 13 inches. 832—Rep CuHINnEsE PorcELAIN BoTTLE Lobed body and neck. Height, 1314, inches. 833—CHINEsE PorcELAIN BoTTLE-sHAPED VASE Tea-dust glaze. Height, 14 inches. a NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 834—Corat-RED VASE : With spreading neck. Height, 141, inches. 835—CoraL-RED VASE With wide neck. Height, 18 inches. 836—Darxk Corat-rep PorcreLain VASE Chinese. Square form. Height, 15 inches. 837—CHINESE PorcELAIN VASE Oviform with spreading neck, tea-color glaze. Height, 15 inches. 838—CuInESE PorceLAIn BorrLe With three openings. Snuff-colored glaze. Height, 1444 inches. 839—Buive anp Wuire Detrr Firower Hover Triple-gourd shape with numerous trumpet-shaped open- ings. Height, 18 inches. 840—CuINESE PorcELAIN JAR ° Octagonal. Flambé glaze. (As is.) Height, 21 inches. 841—Spanisu Potrery Font Globular, with loop handles. Height, 20 inches. 842—JAPANESE PoTTERY JAR Brown glaze with running glaze on shoulder and four loop handles. Height, 261, inches. EEE EES eae tee ean ne an ene nn NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 843—Masouica VasE— | Brown, blue and yellow glaze with dolphin head and masks in relief. Height, 30 inches. 844—CHINESE Portrery WINE VESSEL Purple glaze. Height, 18 inches. 845—CutersE Porcetatn BoTTLe White with brown crackle. Applied decoration of bird and branch. Height, 28 inches. 846—Frencu PorcELaAIN PLAQUE With painted portrait of Caroline Murat, sister of Na- poleon I. In gilt wood frame. 847—Canton PorcELAIN JAR Blue and white. (Cover as is.) Height, 14 inches. 848—Briur AND WuitrEe PorceLarmn BoTrLe Decoration of dragon among cloud forms. ; Height, 15 inches. 849—CHInESE PorcELAIN GALLIPOT Blue and white. K’ang-hsi. Height, 81, inches. Par Buve anp Waite Porcetain Botries With tapering necks and a decoration of flowers and chicken cocks. (One as is.) 850 Height, 15 inches. 851—CuHinEsE Porcrenarn VASE Blue and white. The neck encircled by dragons in relief. Height, 15 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 852—PorcELaAIn Pitertm BotrrLe Blue and white Figure decoration. Dragon handles. Height, 1714, inches. 853—CuHINESE PoRCELAIN JAR Panel decoration in blue and white. Cover of later period. Height, 18 inches. 854—CHINESE PorRCELAIN JAR Blue and white. Decoration of equestrian and other fig- ures. After the antique. Height, 231/, inches. 855—CurnesE Porceiain BotrTie With slender neck. Green glaze. 856—Buve anp Wuiret PorcreLtain BEAKER Decoration of deer and rocks. Height, 1714, inches. 857—CuiInEsSE PorceLain BorrLe Decoration of dragons and cloud forms in blue and white. sleight, 18 inches. 858—Parr or CHINESE PorcELAIn VASES With decoration of figures, peerint and a walled town in blue and white. Height, 24 inches. 859—Buivr anp Wuitrre OcraconaL VASE | Decoration of figures, rocks and trees. Ch’ien-lung period. , Height, 21 inches. 0 re ee a SSS NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day © ee 860—CutnEsE PorcELAIN CELADON GALLIPOT With lotus decoration engraved in the paste. (As is.) Height, 14% inches. 861—Sanc-pE-BeuF BorrLeE With spreading lip. Height, 15 inches. 862—Very Larce Birur anp WHITE Jar Spanish. With panel decoration. (As is.) Height, 251/, inches. 863—JAPANESE PorcELAIN LarcEe VASE Blue and white with decoration of falcon and pine. Height, 48 inches. 864—Pair oF CHINESE PoRCELAIN JARS Decoration of lotus flowers and scrolls in blue and white. Metal tops. Height, 13 inches. 865—Pair or CHINESE PORCELAIN Jars witH CovERs Hexagonal. Decoration of conventional lotus in blue and white. Height, 38 inches. °66—DeEcorATED PORCELAIN ORNAMENT Formed of two porcelain vases, decorated in the Chinese style. Gilt metal mounts. Height, 27 inches. 867—Pair or Otp Frencu PoRrceELAIN VASES Blue glaze with painted panel decoration and gilding. Mask handles. Height, 131, inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day S68—ENAMEL AND GILT-BRONZE SMALL CABINET With clock set in the top. Height, 15 inches. 869—DrespEN STYLE Porcetain Mantet Crock Infant Bacchus in chariot drawn by two lions. Height, 20 inches; length, 21 inches. 870—Pexin Enamet Toruer Ser Dark blue ground with reserve panels decorated with figures and landscapes. Comprises: Ewer, basin, soap dish and small box. (As is.) 871—EnaMEL ORNAMENT In form of a piper with panel ornamentation of classic subjects at either side. Has case. Height, 1114 inches. 872—Massive Taste Lamp Japanese pottery jar standard, with a woven network of rattan and pierced brass shade. Height, 36 inches. 873—DrerspenN Porcetain Térr-a-Tékre Ser With painted medallions and relief borders: Chocolate pot, cream pitcher, sugar bowl, two cups and saucers and tray. 874—Two PorcELAIN STATUETTES Ladies in pannier skirts. One Potschappel, the other Dresden style. Heights, 8 inches. 875—Pair or DrespeEn Groups Musicians. Height, 61, inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 876—DreEspEN GROUP “The Card Players.” ; Height, 6 inches. 877—Berriuw PorceLain Group Juno and Peacock. Height, 8 inches. 878—DrespEN PorceLtain Group Four figures by a dressing table. White glaze. Height, 91 inches. g79—Par or DrespEN ORNAMENTS Venus and Diana seated in three-wheeled chariots. Mark of Marcolini period. Height, 81, inches. 380—Caro pi Monte 'TANKARD Bas-relief decoration of a lion hunt. Height, 11 inches. Capo vi Monte ‘TANKARD 881 Bacchanalian subject. Height, 13 inches. 882—Capo pt Monte JewEL CaskET With relief ornamentation of hunting and other subjects. Height, 5 inches; length, 91/, inches. 883—GILT-BRONZE CABINET Glass sides, doors, shelves and back. Height, 2 feet 7 inches; width, 15 inches. 884—CANDELABRUM Green glaze vase with guilt metal mounts. For five candles. a NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day CABINET ORNAMENTS, WATCHES, AND CURIOS 885—Sreven Ivory Carvines Figure subjects. 886—Two Enamet Curs anp Saucers One Vienna, the other Chinese. 887—TuHree Snurr Boxes One brass, one ivory with miniature in the cover (as is), the third, ebony with ivory plaque. S888—THrEE Enamet Snurr Boxes Decoration of classic and pastoral subjects. 889—Two Smauut Boxes One Persian, with sardonyx in the cover; the other in form of a swan, set with colored stones. 890—Two TorTolsr-sHELL SNurr Boxes With miniatures set in the covers. 891—Two Sitver-pLatep Boxes One with agate plaques, the other with applied orna- mentation of castle and landscape and the clasp set with colored stones. 892—Carvep Ivory Snurr Box The cover with elaborate ornamentation of coat-of-arms in high relief carving. 893—-PorcELAIN SNu¥FF Box anp Coverep Bown The former, Sevres style, with miniature in the cover; the latter Crown Derby. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 894—T wo Snurr Boxers One, red enamel with a miniature set in the cover; the other silvered with panels of enamel and set with small blue stones. 895—Eruri anv Two PrrFUME BorTrTrLeEs Etui and one bottle with pink ground. The third piece, pedestal shape with figure decoration. 896—Gray JADE Bow. With handles; wood cover. Diameter, & inches. g97—Turee Snurr Boxes One horn, with portrait on cover; one tortoise-shell, with portrait of Charles I of England. Signed C. Berthold. The third, tortoise-shell and ivory with repoussé gilt plaque. 898—E1cutT MEDALLIONS AND PENDANTS Enamel, painted miniatures and mosaic. 899—CHINESE GoLD BRACELET With phenix, tiger and tiger claws and sect with small pearls. 900—Two WaTcHES (a) Gold and green enamel. Tiffany & Company. (8) Double case, silver-gilt. By B. Du Hamel, London. 901—AntieveE Gop WatcH By Maurice, Geneva. The back of the case with enamel decoration. ese ec es NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 902—AnTIauE Gop WatcH Enameled ornamentation. (As is.) 903—AnTIQUE GoLtp WatcH By Ph. Miege. The back of case with two medallions in enamel. Swiss. 904—AntTIeuE Gotp WatcH By Breguet, Paris. Eighteenth century. The back of the case in blue enamel with vase of flowers outlined in brilliants. (As is.) 905—AntTiauE WatcH The case set with rhinestones. Enameled back. By Flournoy, Geneva. 906—FrRAME FoR MINIATURES In mother-of-pearl case. 907—NeEw TESTAMENT Antique pierced silver cover. 908—Repoussk SILVER CASKET With jeweled ornamentation. ° 909—Two SitvERED ORNAMENTS In form of seated figures playing musical instruments. The heads movable. 4 Height, %1/, inches. 910—Sinverep Merart Tosy In form of a man in cocked hat. Jeweled ornamenta- tion. Height, 12 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 931—THREE MINIATURES Man in uniform, young woman with hair combed back from her forehead, and young woman with curling hair bound with a red ribbon. 982—Two MINIATURES One, young woman in plumed hat. The other, young woman with book. 933—TLIwo MINIATURES Lady Gray, and young woman in pink wrap. 934—Two MINIATURES One; circular, of a lady in white gown, by B. Micier ; the other, Empress Josephine. 935—Two MINIATURES Mrs. Carpenter and Duke of Wellington. 936—Two MINIATURES One, Duchess of Rutland, dated 1774, from the collec- lection of Lord Revelstoke; the other, woman in blue gown, signed Forand. 937—Two MINIATURES Madame de Staél and Madame Lebrun. Signed Vigée Lebrun 1785. 938—Two MINIATURES Mrs. Gunning, by Klezgtem, and Marie Therese, by Kreuxinge. ? 939—Two MINIATURES Madame de Campan, by Mirbel, 1792, and Duchesse d’Orléans, by Liotard, 1775. nen rn EINE NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 940—Turee MINIATURES De Conte by Pottet, signed. Mrs. Gordon by Barberol, signed, and full-length portrait of lady in white satin gown. (As is.) 941—THrREE MINIATURES Comtesse de Provence, signed V. D.; Comtesse de Beau- mont, attributed to Angelica Kauffmann; Sir Walter Scott. 942—THrEE MINIATURES Young woman, attributed to Cosway; Mrs. Gunning, Mrs. Moffat and an unknown lady. 948—Two MINIATURES One, Benedict Arnold; the other, man in blue coat. 944—Two MINIATURES Duchess of Devonshire, by C. Delucezette, 1789; and Madame de Maintenon, signed Petitot. 945—MINIATURE Lady with curly gray hair and wearing white gown with pink ribbons. In the style of Cosway. BRONZES AND PEDESTALS 946—JAPANESE BronzE ORNAMENT Fungus and scroll. Length, 31, inches. 947—BronzE ORNAMENT Wolf, Romulus and Remus. Height, 6 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 948—BronzE Desk Firrinecs Tray, two paperweights, matchbox holder, two paper cutters and candlestick. 949—Bronze ORNAMENT | Cupid and dolphin. 950—BronzeE InNKsTAND A girl warming her hands by a fire. 951—Bronze STATUETTE Boy taking thorn from foot. After the antique. Brown patina. 952—CuinEsrt Bronze PrickeT CANDLESTICK Grotesque figure support. 953—Two Vienna Bronze STATUETTES Monkey and rabbit. 954—Two MetratL STATUETTES Grotesques. 955—Parr or SMALL BRONZES Bear-dentist and physician. , Height, 7 inches. 956—BronzE Birp STATUETTE A plover. Height, 8 inches. 957—GiLtpED Bronze ORNAMENT A man drawing sedan chair. 958—GILT-BRONZE GROUP The Dance. Height, 10 inches. fanned nee CC ene NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers a. a ee ee Third Day 959—Bronze ANIMAL STATUETTE Dog gnawing a bone. Height, 914, inches. 960—GILT-BRONZE TRAY Decoration of female head and pansies. Signed Flamano. 961— JAPANESE Iron Mask anp HELMET Antique examples. 962—Tinrep Virnna Bronze STATUETTE A pheasant. Height, 10 inches. 963—Russtan Bronze Grove Peasant with team of oxen and cart. 964—Brass Book Rest 965—Two Bronze Lamps Roman design for two candles each. Height, 12 inches. 966—JAPANESE Bronze JAR With four handles terminating in lotus leaves. Height, 12 inches. s 967—Pair or Merat Grovurs Men with rearing horses. Height, 12 inches. 968—Japanese Bronze Jar Green glaze, with a decoration of dragons amid clouds. Height, 121% inches. 969—GILT-BRONZE Group “The Three Graces.” Marble base. Height, 14 inches. NOTICE—4A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 970—CHINESE Bronze VASE With relief ornamentation of hit among be dragon handles. Height, 14 inches. 971—CuHINEsE Brass VASE Beaker shape with wide spreading lip. Height, 14 inches. 972— JAPANESE Bronze VASE Flanked by kylins. Green patina. Height, 15 inches. 973—JAPANESE BronzE JAR WITH COVER Basket weave design. Height, 151, inches. 974—BronzEe T'azza With support of two nude male figures. Green patina. Height, 1514 inches. Supported by three Chinese boys. Diameter, 19 inches. 976—Two STaTUETTES AND A CANDLESTICK Gilt metal. 977—JAPANESE BronzE INCENSE BuRNER Hotei within a bell; red and green patina. Height, 11 eiehse 978—BronzE ANIMAL STATUETTE A horse, lifelike production. Green patina. By Fratin. Height, 14 inches. 979—JAPANESE BronzE STATUETTE Chicken-cock. Silvered. Height, 15 inches. a a amnnnnnmonnn=iceTe mnt lar. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 980—GiLT-BRONZE Bust or a Younc Woman Wearing close-fitting cap. Height, 17 inches. 981—JApaNEsE Bronze ANIMAL STATUETTE A charging ox. ai Height, 11 inches; length, 24 inches. 982—Bronze Group Cupid with children seated at his feet. Green patina. Height, 15 inches. 9838—BronzeE ANIMAL STATUETTE A rearing horse. Green patina. Height, 161% inches. 984—Bronze Bas Reuier Portrair Plaque By E. I. Schoontoker. Height, 161%, inches; width, 13 inches. 985—CHINESE Bronze AND ENAMEL VASE With archaic bird-head handles. Height, 19 inches. 986—BronzeE STATUETTE After the antique; green patina. i Height, 201%, inches. 987—BronzE STATUETTE Nude female figure. Green patina. By F. Charpentier, signed. Height, 19 inches. 988—FrrencH Bronze Frowrer Bow. “The Wave.” With gilt nude female figure rising from waves. Signed Jouant. Height, 1014, inches. er eteneenseeprereenereeseenenineemeny NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day a LL 989—FrencH Bronze STATUETTE “Diana.” Antique green patina. Signed Moreau. Height, 15 inches. 990—Bronze STATUETTE ON PEDESTAL A soldier standing at attention. With rifle, blanket roll, knapsack, canteen and cartridge boxes. | Height, 16%, inches. 991—Empire Taste DECORATION Cast, chiseled and gilded bronze. Pierced basket top with column support surrounded by three female figures. Circular base with applied ornamentation. Four paw feet. 7 Height, 151%, inches. 992—AnvTIQUE JAPANESE Bronze STATUETTE Of an aged man with hour glass. Brown patina. Signed. Height, 17 inches. 993—GILT-BRONZE STATUETTE Of a young woman in train dress. Signed E. Aizelin. Height, 161, inches. 994— Bronze STATUETTE Classic figure with vase. After the antique. Antique green patina. On wood base. Height, 23 inches. 995—Larce Ormoxtu anp Mirror PLareau Empire style, square centre and oval ends in three parts. Length, 45 inches. 996—GiLr and Tintep BronzE OrNAMENT Female figure seated in a rocky niche. Height, 21 inches. a ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 997—Bronze Group Venus, cupid and dolphin on shell base. Brown patina. Height, 20 inches; length, 29 inches. 998—GiLpEp Bronze Bust or SALAMMRBO With jeweled ornamentation. Height, 17 inches. 999—Bronze Bust Sortie de L’eglise. Brown patina. Height, 22 inches. 1000—Bronze JARDINIERE Tinted and gilded. By Villanais. Height, 23 inches. 1001—Green Marsrie Pepestraru Twisted column. Height, 3914, inches. 1002—Japranrest Bronze Group Falcon perched on a rock with monkey in hiding below. Height, 23 inches. 1003—Bronze Bust A Moorish boy. Green and brown patina. Height, 20 inches. 1004—Russian Bronze Srarvurrre ° Nude baby washing a toy. By C. F. Noerffel, St. Petersburg. Height, 21 inchee. 1005—Carvep Manocany Peprstrau With tapering shaft and square top. Height, 40 inches. 1006—Bronze Bust “Négre du Tombuctou.” By A. Strasser, signed. Height, 26 inches. NOTICE A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 1007—Bronze STATUETTE Luna. Vellowish green patina. By Denecbeau. Height, 24 inches. 1008—Parr or JAPANESE BronzE WANDLESTICKS Grotesque figure supporting three candle brackets in the form of flowers. Height, 28 inches. 1009—Pair or GILT-BRONZE CANDELABRA Louis XVI style. Cast and chiseled. For six candles each and with tripod supports. Height, 26 inches. 1010—Pair or Bronze Urns Griffin handles on square bases. Height, 24 inches. 1011—Giut-BronzE MantTenL Ciock Surmounted by female figure. Height, 1714 inches; length, 13% inches. 1012—OrmoLvu AND Onyx CLock Figure decoration of Venus and Cupid. Movement set in globular case of blue enamel. By Millet, Paris. 1013—Bronze Bust or a Younc Woman French. With curling hair. By Guillemin. Green patina. Height, 26 inches. 1014—Bronze Bust Young woman with hands behind her head. By Voyez. ; Height, 25 inches. 1015—Bronze Bowr Green patina. Butterfly supports. Diameter, 21 inches. eS NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 1016—GiLT-Bronzze Manret CrocK Movement in pedestal case, flanked by a figure. 1017—Cotorrep Bronze Mantet Ser The clock with movement in pitcher shape case. ported by a monk. Candelabra in form of two men with steins. ~1018—Bronze Kyun ann Doc Foo Height, 24 1019—Parr or Bronze STarurtreEs The parson and squire. By L. Hottot. Height, 28 1020—Cotorep Bronze CANDELABRUM Two children. Fitted for electricity. Height, 29 1021—Parr Bronze Taste Lamps Les Nymphes. By Hering. Height, 28 1022—Bronzr Bust Johanna. Height, 211% 10238—GuinpEep Bronze Heap With jeweled headdress. Height, 191/, 1024—Onyx Marpsre Pepestan Gilt brass mounts. Height, 44 1025—GiILpED anv Tinrep Bronze Bust Desdemona.” Height, 20 Sup- cellar inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. anne ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day ne 1026—Bronze Bust Young woman. Green patina. Height, 28 1027—Tintep Girt Bronze Bust Young woman. By Madrassi. Signed. Height, 23, 1028—BronzE STATUETTE Young woman and goat. Brown patina. Height, 27 1029—Tintrep Bronze Bust Massaonda. By E. Villanais. Height, 24 1030—GILT-BRONZE STATUETTE An archer. By Caussze. Height, 31 1031—Bronze Bust oF DIANA After Houdon. Height, 26 1032—Bronze Group oF THREE FIGURES Brown patina. After Clodion. Signed. Height, 30 1033—Bronze Bust or BEETHOVEN Brown patina. Height, 25 1034—Green Marais PrpestaL With banded shaft. Height, 43% 1035—Bust oF WAGNER In bronze. Brown patina. Height, 25 NOTICE inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. inches. A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 1036—Green Marsre Pepestrar Cylindrical shaft. 1037—Two Bronze Taste Lamps Bronze figure supports. Height, 44 inches. Heights, 31 inches and 2014 inches. 1088—Bronze Incense Burner Siamese. Mythical elephants supporting pagoda. Height, 24 inches. 10389—Pair or Bronze CAaNpDLESTICKS Female figure subjects; fitted for gas. Height, 1040—Gint-Bronze STATUETTE Of a young woman. Brown patina. Height, 1041—AntievurE Bronze Srarverre or Buppua Green patina. 1042— Japanese CANDLESTICK Height, e 1043—Bronze STATUETTE “Psyche.” By Moreau. Height, 1044—Greren Marsrie Pepestar Fluted column. Height, 1045—GinpEep ann Tinrep Bronze STATUETTE 29 33 31 30 42 inches. inches. ches, inches. inches, Young woman with prayer book. By A. Levasseur. Height, 31 inches. eer ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 1046—GrEEN MARBLE PEDESTAL Cylindrical shaft. Height, 42 inches. 1047—Tintep Bronze Bust oF A Younc Woman By Von Miller, Munich. Height, 32 inches. 1048—GrEEN AND Buiack MarsBiLE PEDESTAL Cylindrical shaft. Height, 42 inches. 1049—BronzeE STATUETTE Mercury. By Marius Montagne. Light brown patina. Height, 32 inches. 1050—Bronze Bust “Cigale.” By E. Villanis. | . Height, 22 inches. 1051—Bronze AND GILT Brass Ewer Relief ornamentation. Height, 23 inches. 1052—BronzE CANDELABRUM With cut-glass central ornament. For two candles. Height, 23 inches. 1053—Bronze Group The Harvesters. By Moreau. Signed. Mahogany pedestal. Height, 35 inches. 1054—BronzE CANDELABRUM Nude figure. Fitted for electricity. Brown patina. Height, 23 inches. 1055—Pair or BronzeE PEDESTALS Tripod supports. Height, 35 inches. eee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 1056—Bronze STATUETTE Venus. Green patina. By Falguiere. Height, 31 inches. 1057—BronzE STATUETTE Diana. After Houdon. Brown patina. Height, 36 inches. 1058—Tintep Merat STATuETTE Young woman seated in armchair. Height, 27 inches. 1059—Bronze STATuETTE oF Puck By Madrassi. On bronze tripod pedestal. Height, 41 inches. 1060—Bronze STATUE Nude female figure. Height, 4 feet 3 inches. 1061—JaPpANEsSE BronzE CANDELABRA Dragon design. Height, 4 feet 6 inches. MARBLES 1062—Two AntievuE Marsie Busts Male and female. 1068—Wuitrt Marnie Bust or NApo.tron With laurel wreath. Height, 12 inches. 1064—ENAMELED AND GILDED STONE STATUETTE Siamese. Height, 25 inches. 1065—Wuitrrt Marsie STATUETTE Venus de Medici. Height, 24 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day on 1066—WuirE MarBLeE STATUETTE Nude femaie figure holding sphere. Height, 36 inches. 1067—Bas Retier Marsite Piaave Head of a man. Signed R. 5. 1068—Sraruary Ware Marsie Bust Of a young woman in the style of Canova. Height, 20% inches. 1069—Wuitre Marsie Bust With laurel crown in bronze, green marble pedestal. Height on pedestal, 64 inches. 1070-—Srainep Woop PEpDEsTAL Height, 41 inches. 1071—Pam GorpEn Oaxk PEDESTALS Square form. Height, 32 inches. 1072—Pair or CARVED AND ERBONIZED PEDESTALS Bronze mounts. Height, 4 feet 2 inches. 1073—Muiusston PEDESTAL Height, 28 inches; length, 26 inches. 1074——-Manocany PEDESTAL Mission style. Height, 37 inches. 1075—Manocany PEDESTAL Twisted shaft and square top. Height, 341 inches. 1076—GrREEN MarsLE PEDESTAL Plain shaft. Height, 331, inches. aE NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 1077—GrREEN Marsue PeEpestart Twisted column and square top. Height, 44 inches. 1078—Siena Marsyie Pepestan Cylindrical shaft and square top. Height, 40 inches. 1079—Onyx Marsie Recrancunar Pepestay, With two undershelves and revolving top. Height, 271%, inches; length, 261, inches. 1080—Rep Marsie ann Enamet PEpestat Square base, column and top. Height, 451, inches. 1081—Bronze STatur Mercury. On red plush pedestal. Height, 6 feet 6 inches. 1082—Bronze Group Boys mounting a farm horse. By A.’Le Duc. Dark oak pedestal. Height, 45 inches; length, 42 inches. 1083—Pair or AntiaveE GitpED Merat Processtonat LAN- TERNS On tall plush-covered standards. , Height, 9 feet 8 inches. 1084—Bronze STATUETTE “La Lecture du Koran.” Second medal, Exhibition des Beaux Arts, Paris. By G. Leroux. On red marble base. Height, 32 inches. 1085—GRrEEN Marsrie Pepestan Twisted column support. Height, 42 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 1086—Parr or Prercep Persian Brass Lance CANDLESTICKS Fitted fer six electric lights each. Height, 8 feet. 108%7—Bronze STATUETTE OF A CRUSADER Brown patina. By E. Picault. Signed. Height, 3 feet 6 inches. 1088—BronzE Group Una in a chariot drawn by two tigers. Height, 27 inches; length, 29 inches. 1089—Sranpine Lamp Persian pierced brass, fitted for electricity. Height, 7 feet. 1090—Larcr BronzE Group Representing lioness holding a wild boar in her mouth and three cub lions crouching around her. Signed A. Cain. Height, 241, inches; length, 35 inches. 1091—T'wo Bronze FicuRrEs “Lion and Lioness.” Signed H. Wagner. Height of each, 19 inches; length of each, 24 inches. 1092—Very Larce JAPANESE BRONZE Font With repoussé decoration of Foo lions, breaking waves and fret. Dolphin supports. Height, 45 inches; diameter, 37 inches. 1093—Carvep And GitpED Woop LANTERN With amber glass panels. Height, 3 feet 9 inches. 1094—-Fovur Piercep Persian Brass ORNAMENTS In form of peacocks with tails spread. Each: Height, 41 inches. TO —————— NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Third Day 1095—AntTievE Marsue Ficure or CEREs The head, arms and feet of black marble, draperies of yellowish marble. Has pedestal. Height, 5 feet. 1096—Pirrcep anp Encravep Persian Brass Lamp With numerous galleries. Height, 3 feet 4 inches. 1097—Bronzr Bust or a Nusian Brown and green patina. By Giesecke. Height, 28 inches. 1098—GrerEen Marsre Pepestar Twisted column. Height, 44 inches. 1099—Pair or Very Larcre Pirrcep Persian Brass Lamps Fitted for eight lights each; spreading base and minaret top. Height, 9 feet 10 inches. 1100—Parr or Piercep Brass Lanterns Japanese. Globular, with decoration of Ho-wo birds. Height, 14 inches: NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers FOURTH DAY’S SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1918 AT THE SCHLEY RESIDENCE No. 845 FIFTH AVENUE BEGINNING AT 10.30 O'CLOCK A. M. Which includes Catalogue Nos. 1101 to 1349 FURNITURE, CARPETS, TAPESTRIES AND HANGINGS 2s To be sold in the rooms where originally exhibited or placed for convenience of showing at time of sale. NORTHWEST BEDROOM—FOURTH FLOOR 1101—Vetour Winpow Curtains Old gold color. Eight strips. ‘ 1102—THREE Carved AND GitpED Woop Rammas Dragons. Height, 17 inches; length, 56 inches. 1103—Frencu Puate Mantret Mirror “Ebonized frame. 1104—Carvep Oak TABLE Painted black. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1105—PatntEp Woop DEsk Pedestal ends. 1106—Parxntep Woop Corner CHAIR With curved back. 1107—Manocany Rocxine CHair 1108—Muisston Oax Tatu Crock With two shelves. Height, 6 feet 4 inches. 1109—AntTievE Carvep Oax Book SHELVES With turned supports. Dated 1629. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; length, 6 feet. 1110—Carvep Dark Oax SIDEBOARD 1111—Carvep Buack Oax Mirror With coat hooks. 1112—UruotsterepD Easy ARMCHAIR Covered with brown corduroy. 11183—Two ArMCHAIRS Covered in brown velour. SOUTHWEST ROOM—FOURTH FLOOR 1115—Uruotsterep CoucH with THREE PILLows 1116—Mtisston Oax Cuiock Height, 2814, inches. 1117—Mission Oak CABINET With glass door and sides. eel NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1118—Mission Oax Desk 1119—ArMcHarrR AND SipE CHAIR Upholstered in brown rep. 1120—Misston Oax SipEBOARD 1121—Mission Oak ARMCHAIR With leather seat. 1122—Darx Oak Rocker 1123—Mission Oax CEentTER TABLE Length, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches. 1124—Two Oak FrAmMED Mrrrors 1125—Mrrror Mahogany and repoussé brass frame. Beveled plate side panels. Height, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. HALL—FOURTH FLOOR 1126—Carvep Manocany SEAT Covered in green denim. Paw feet. 1127—Two Prercep Persian Brass LANTERNS 1128—CrLapon GLazeE: VASE Chinese style, ornamentation of dignitaries seated at a table. Gult-brass base and top. Height, 4514, inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1129—CuiesE Porcenamn Hatt Jar Blue and white floral decoration. Height, 50 inches. 1180—Scorcu AXxMINsTER CARPET On stairs to second floor. About 25 yards. THIRD FLOOR—HALL 1181—Recrancutar Mirror White mahogany frame. Height, 4 feet; length, 6 feet 8 inches. 11382—MarsiLE STATUETTE Boy in plumed hat. (As is.) — Height, 48 inches. 1188—GreEEN MarsBiLeE PEDESTAL Cylindrical shaft. 1134—Two Parrs or Brown VELouR PortTieREs 11385—Turte Brown Vetour Portieres 1136—GiLt-rRAMED Mirror Height, 28 inches; length, 39 inches. 1187—BircH-FRAMED Mirror Height, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 1188—Patir or GonretIn Taprrstry PANELS Figure subjects, Cleopatra and Antony. 1189—Turee Vetvet Hartt Runners About 16 yards. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day SOUTHWEST ROOM—THIRD FLOOR 1140—Carvep Oak ArmMcuHuainr 1141—Carvep Oax ArMCHAIR 1142—Oaxkx Rockxine Cuatir Plush covered. 1143—Easy Armcuair Upholstered in red velour. 1144—UpnotistrEerep Coucn With carved ends and covered with red silk plush. 1145—Manocany Crenrer TAasie Circular, inlaid with brass. 1146—Carvep Rosrtwoop Book Sranp Revolving, on paw feet. 1147—Manocany Hatt Taste With two undershelves, Height, 36 inches; length, 41 inches. 1148—Antiaque Mirror ° Carved and gilt wood frame. 7 Height, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 1149—Mirror With mahogany frame. Empire style. In three panels. Height, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches. 1150—GILtT-Bronze Group Three old women. Name of sculptor indistinct. Height, 23 inches; length, 36 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1151—Sevare Frencn Pruate Mirror Bronzed frame. Height, 30 inches. 1152—CHENILLE VELVET CARPET Two strips. Twenty-five yards. SOUTHEAST BEDROOM—THIRD FLOOR 1158—CuHENILLE VELVET PorTIERES Old gold color. Four strips. 1154—Carvep Brack Oax Mrrror With coat hooks. Height, 33 inches; length, 39 inches. 1155—Carvep Darx Oax CHIFFONIER Six drawers with mask handles. 1156—Oax CuHarr With table back. 1157—Two Oax Rockine CuHairs Covered with leather. 1158—Misston Oak Rockine CHaIrR 1159—Darx Oax Rocxine CHAIR Leather seat and back. 1160—Mission Oak BooxkcasrE Three glass doors. Height, 4 feet 2 inches; length, 5 feet 3 inches. ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1161—Mission Oak Sincie Bep Box spring, hair mattress and pillow. 1162—Cuevat Guass With rosewood frame. Height, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. 1163—Mirror With antique carved and gilded wood frame. Leaf scroll decoration. Height, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches, 1164—Tovrxisu Ruc Blue field with all-over lotus pattern. Numerous bor- ders (much worn). Length, 16 feet 1 inch; width, 10 feet 7 inches. HALL ROOM—THIRD FLOOR 1165—Manocany Tra Tasrie Kidney shaped. 1166—Manocany BooxcasE With three glass doors. Paw feet. ° Height, 4 feet 5 inches; length, 6 feet 1 inch. 1167—Two Armcuatirs AND Two Sips CwHarrs Louis XVI style. Painted and gilded. 1168—Very Larce Fan Ebony blade. Mount with painting of figures on a terrace. Has case. Height, 261% inches; length, 53 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day NORTHWEST ROOM—THIRD FLOOR 1169—Door CurTAIN With mirror inserts. 1170—Four Pairs or Winpow CuRTAINS Pink striped satin damask. 1171—Patre or Pinx Satry EmproiwwereEp PortiERES 1172—OraLEscENT Guass LAMP Globe. 1173—Tinrep Pruaster PLAQUE The Dance. Height, 1 foot 9 inches; length, 6 feet 4 inches. 1174—Green Marsite PEDESTAL Plain shaft. Height, 331% inches. 1175—Inuaiw Teakwoop TABLE With decoration of warriors, dragons and butterflies. Height, 311, inches; diameter, 37 inches. 1176—Parr or Exsony anp GILT SEATS Style of the First Empire. One upholstered in em- broidered red satin and the other in embroidered green plush. : 1177—Manocany Consort TaBLeE With swinging mirror. Height, 5 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet. 1178—Oxp Manocany snp GILT SEAT Empire style, ends terminating in eagles’ heads. Paw feet. aE ELSA IVIMAMENEDMISE OD NORMIDENENCLIMRE ONSET NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1179—Manocany Bureau Empire style. 1180—Manocany Srecrerary Empire period. Drop front with one large drawer in upper part and three drawers in base. Height, 6 feet. 1181—THrreE Manocany ArMCHAIRS Empire style. 1182—Manocany ArmMcHAIR Empire style. 11838—Tourkisu Carper Old rose color. Length, 15 feet 2 inches; width, 12 feet 1 inch. MIDDLE ROOM—FOURTH FLOOR 1184—Pinxk Damask Door Currarys Two strips. 1185—Rusy Guass Beapep Porritres Two long and one short strip. 1186—Upuotstrrrep ARMCHAIR 1187—Two Oak Rocxine Cuairs One in red plush and the other in illuminated leather. 1188—Frencn Manocany Turee-quarter BepstTeap Empire style. With gilt corner posts in the form of swans. Has box spring and mattress. so ll cee Rane Ucn deat eas ah ihc! as NOTICE—4 Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1189—Manocany Dressinc TasLe : Empire-style. With swing mirror and cast, chiseled and gilded bronze mounts. Height, 5 feet 9 inches; length, 4 feet 10 inches. 1190—Manocany CHrevaL Gass Style of First Empire. Gilt-bronze mounts. Height, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 1191—Manocany Prpvrestat TaBLe Empire style. Gilt-bronze mounts. 1192—Manocany ARMCHAIR Empire style, with gilt-bronze mounts. 1198—Manocany Sipe CHarr Empire style. With gilt-bronze mounts. 1194—-Manocany SipE CHair Curved back with gilt bronze mounts. 1195—Tvrkxisu Rue Pink. Length, 15 feet 2 inches; width, 12 feet 1 inch. BATH ROOM—THIRD FLOOR (Adjoining Middle Room) 1196—Mrrror Oval gilt frame, with ribbon decoration. Height, 41 inches; width, 29 inches. 1197—Two Mirrors Gilt frames with rope design. Sizes, 29 inches by 72 inches and 38 inches by 54 inches. NOTICE A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1198—DrespEen Stryte Mirror Decoration of flowers, leaves and cupids. Height, 36, inches; width, 23 inches. 1199—DrespEN Porcetatmw Watt BrRAcketT With three glass shelves. Height, 201, inches; width, 25%, inches. 1200—DrespEN PorcELAIN CANDELABRUM With applied decoration of cupids, flowers and leaves. (As is.) 1201—Corprtanp Wasu Bown ANpD PircHer anv Two Dres- DEN ORNAMENTS 1202—Brass Crotures TREE AND Towet Rack NORTHEAST BEDROOM—THIRD FLOOR 1208—Parr Carvep Oax CueEstTs Rectangular with block feet and loose cushion. 1204—Manocany DovusLE BEDSTEAD With brass inlay. Has canopy, box spring, hair mat- tress and two pillows. 1205—Manocany CHEvaL Guass Twisted supports and paw feet. Height, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet. a eS iene NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1206—Manocany Bepsipr Tasie With two drop leaves. 1207—TI'wo Rosrwoop ann Manocany Sipe Crates 1208—Maunocany Rockine CuHair Loose cushions. 1209—UPrpnuotstErRED FuRNITURE Comprises couch, two pillows and ottoman, silk plush covering. 1210—Oax Rocxine CuHarr 1211—Tvurxiso Rue White field with large flower design in yellow, blue and red. Length, 15 feet 7 inches; width, 9 feet 8 inches. . BATHROOM (Adjoining) 1212—Oax Hat Trer anp Brass Rack 1218—Larcre Frencu Pratre Mirror Gilt frame. Length, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. 1214—Frencn Puate Mrrror Oak frame. Length, 7 feet. HALL—SECOND FLOOR 1215—Scotcu Axminster Carpet On stairs to third floor—15 yards. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1216—Four Scorcu Axminster Rvues Similar to preceding number. 1217—Two Rep Witton Carpet Rvues 1218—Prercep Prrsian Brass Lamp Minaret canopy. Height, 3 feet 10 inches. 1219—Par or Massive Piercep Brass Hanotne LAmpes Persian. Fitted for electricity. Height, 63 inches. 1220—Mrrror The frame painted and with mirror sides. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. 1221—Persian Brass Hanetne LANTERN Pierced and engraved and fitted for six drop lights. Height, 32 inches. 1222—-ProcEssIonNaAL LANTERN Carved and gilded wood. Hexagonal. Height, 8 feet. 1223—Pirercep Brass Hancine LANTERN Square form. Supported by three chains. Height, 25 inches. 1224—Carvep Oax Tatu CiocKk With elaborately carved ornamentation of scrolls, cu- pids, and caryatids. Paw feet. Height, 8 feet; width, 22 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day SOUTHEAST BEDROOM—SECOND FLOOR 1225—Perrsian Sitk Rue With panels and inscriptions on a pink field. Length, 11 feet 6 inches; width, 7 feet 6 inches. 1226—Patr Heavy Sinx Brocapep Porrtieres Cream ground, blue flowers and figured panels and bor- ders. Two strips. Length, 8 feet. 1227—Patr or Empossep Goutp VELVET PorRTIRRES With ball fringe. 1228—Two Pairs or Rep Damask Winpow CurTatIns Rose and leaf design. 1229—Oxip Manocany ann Gitt BrEp- Front posts in form of female figures with folded arms. With spring, bolster roll and cover. 1230—Manocany TaBLe Empire style. With swan supports and cylindrical underbrace. Guilt bronze mounts. Height, 30 inches; length, 31 inches. 1231—Empire Consoue Gilded columns, top and undershelf painted to represent black marble. Height, 39 inches; length, 541, inches. 1232—Manocany Dresstnc STAND Empire style. With oval top mirror and column sup- ports. Guilt bronze mounts. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1233—Manocany ARMCHAIR Empire. Arms terminating in lions’ heads. Guilt bronze mounts and revolving seat. 1234—Manocany PEDESTAL Empire style. Three column supports. Height, 37 inches. 1235—Larcr Ovar Mirror Of carved and gilded wood. Height, 51 inches; width, 67 inches. 1236—Inpia Rue Dark blue center with large lotus medallions, one wide and four narrow borders. Length, 15 feet, width, 10 feet 10 inches. BATHROOM (Adjoining) 1237—Brocapvep VeLour CurTaIn AND Brass Rack 1238—Mirror Repoussé brass frame. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet. 1239—Mrrror With bronzed frame. 4 Height, 30 inches; width, 40 inches. 1240—Iron STATUETTE Painted to represent marble. Female figure after Casa- nova. Height, 5 feet 6 inches. 1241—Rosrwoop Lone BooxcasE Inlaid with six shelves and three drawers. Height, 4 feet 2 inches; length, 12 feet 5 inches. ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day SOUTHWEST ROOM—SECOND FLOOR 1242—Two Pars or Portizres AND THREE Pairs or Winpow DRAPERIES Brown plush. 12483—Frencu Bronze Group A Scotch hunter has dismounted from his horse and holds aloft a fox. Five eager hounds crowd about and nearby stands a Scotch terrier. By P. J. Mene. Signed and dated 1861. Height, 21 inches; length, 28 inches. 1244—GreEen Marsie PEpEsTaL Fluted column and rectangular top. Height, 43 inches. 1245—Bronze STATUETTE Boy with a kid. By Laporte, signed. - - Height, 39 inches. 1246—Green Marsie PEDESTAL Cylindrical shaft, square base and top. Height, 301 inches. 1247— Bronze Group Bearded figure holding cupid and infant Bacchus. By J. L. Gerome, signed. Height, 36 inches. 1248—GRrEEN Marsie PEepestat Cylindrical shaft, with square top and base. Height, 3114 inches. 1249—Bronze STATUETTE Man struggling to split a tree trunk. By E. Dumont. Height, 35 inches. 1250—GreEnN MarsieE PEpEstTat Height, 3114 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1251—Buacx Oak CrentTerR TaBsilE Three figure supports. Diameter, 48 inches. 1252—FrracHan Larcret Ruc Blue field with all-over decoration of flowers and leaves. Five borders. Length, 17 feet; width, 14 feet 2 inches. NORTHWEST ROOM—SECOND FLOOR 12583—TI'wo Pars or Rep Puvusy Portitires AND OnE Lam- BREQUIN Decoration of Renaissance scrolls in old galloon. 1254—Pair or Winpow DRareERies Red satin and gold brocade. 1255—Four Patrs or Winpow Curtains Red figured silk. (As is) 1256—Fiemisu Tapestry Historical figure subject on a background of trees and plants. Length, 16 feet; width, 8 inches. 1257—AntiquE Carvep Oak CaBINET . Gothic, with carved panels in the pointed Gothic style. Two cupboards with doors, tall hood and an under- shelf. Shows some additions. 1258—Otp Itrarian Cassone With scroll and lion foot supports. Caryatid decora- tion at the ends. Two portrait medallions. Much restored. Height, 3 feet 9 inches; length, 4 feet 2 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1259—Anrieve IratiAN Watnut CENTER TABLE Octagonal with tripod supports ornamented with eagles. Paw feet. Diameter, 4 feet 2 inches. 1260—FERAGHAN CARPET Blue field with all-over conventional floral pattern. One wide and six narrow borders. Length, 20 feet 5 inches; width, 13 feet 6 inches. MOORISH ROOM—SECOND FLOOR 1261—Two Patrs or Portizres with Two LAMBREQUINS Blue velvet with Persian designs in gold colored threads. 1262—One Parr or Brive Piusy PortTIERES With embroidered floral designs. 1263—Ser or UpnoxstTERED FURNITURE Comprises three chairs, couch and five pillows. 1264—U eHo.stERED Coucn anp Four CusHIONS In blue plush. 1265—Oxp Carvep anv Gitt Woop Over Door In form of drapery and with amorini. ' Height, 5 feet; width, 4 feet. 1266—Carvep anp PatntEep Console TABLE Nubian figure support. Height, 391% inches; width, 45 inches. 1267—Carvep, PaIntED AND GILDED TABLE Figure support. Height, 35 inches. EERE UNE MEM NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day i 1268—Carvep, Gitpep AND Painrep Woop StaTvuE Height, 6 feet 2 inches. 1269—Carvep anp GrtrpEp Woop SHRINE With niches and glass panels. Height, 4 feet 3 inches. . 1270—Tvurkisu Ruc Dark blue field with an all-over conventional lotus pat- tern. One wide and three narrow borders. Length, 10 feet; width, 9 feet. NORTHEAST BEDROOM—SECOND FLOOR 1271—Fovr Pairs or Satin Damask Winpow CurtTAINns AND Parr oF PorTIERES Floral designs on an ecru ground. 1272—Manocany Dovusite BrepstTEap Empire style. With elaborately chiseled and gilded bronze mounts and with box spring, hair mattress and bolster roll. 12738—Manocany CHIFFONIER Empire style. Seven drawers. Black marble top. 1274—ManoGany PEDESTAL > Six column supports. Gilt-bronze mounts. 1275—Manocany AND GILT Coucn Style of the First Empire: With swan head ends and gilt bronze mounts. 1276—Manocany ConsoLe T'aBLE AND Mrrror Empire style. Carved and gilded brass mounts. Height, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet. ee eeaen naan NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1277—Manocany Desk CuHair In style of the First Empire. With gilt-bronze mounts. 1278—Manocany Ann Gitt Woop ARMCHAIR Style of the First Empire. Oval back and arms ter- minating in swans’ heads. 1279—ManwocGany ann Gitt ARMCHAIR Empire. The arms terminating in eagles’ heads. 1280—Manocany X SEAT Empire style, with swan head arms. 1281—-Srainep Woop CaNDLESTICK ON SQuARE BASE With brass mounts. Height, 26 inches. 1282—Manocany Fire ScreEN FRAME Empire style. . Height, 35 inches; width, 26 inches. 1288—Tvurkxisu Rue Yellow center. Length, 13 feet, 8 inches; width, 10 feet 8 inches. BATHROOM (Adjoining) 1284—GiLpED Mirror Rope moulding. Ribbon bow knot ornament. Height, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 1285—Pair GitpED Mirrors Rope moulding. Ribbon bow knot ornament. Height, 3 feet 6 inches; length, 6 feet. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1286—GitpEp Mrrror Rope moulding. Ribbon bow knot ornament. Height, 4 feet 4 inches; length, 7 feet. 1287—JaPANEsSE CarvepD Woop Ramma Dragon amid cloud forms. Height, 24 inches; length, 52 inches. 1288—Carvep Manocany Har Tree Twisted column. 1289—Manocany SuHavinc StTanp Carved column support. Three claw and ball feet. Height, 5 feet 5 inches. STAIRS—SECOND FLOOR 1290—Carret on Two Fuicuts or STAarrs AND LANDING Red ground. 1291—Parr or CorNER SEATS Upholstered in red velour. MUSIC ROOM—FIRST FLOOR 1292—-Two Pairs Portimres AND Parr oF Winpow CurTAINS Tan plush. 1298—Carret Ruc In Aubusson style. Length, 15 feet; width, 13 feet. 1294—Granp Piano Steinway and Sons. Satinwood case. juss nnn nn LUE EE EEE NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day DRAWING ROOM—FIRST FLOOR 1295—Porrizres AND Winpow DRAPERIES Two pairs of the former and eight pairs of the latter. Gold plush with cords. 1296—Bevevtep Pirate Mirror | With carved and gilded wood frame. Surmounted by coat-of-arms and lions rampant. Height, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 7 feet. 1297—AntiavE FiorentTiIne ,Mrrror Carved and gilt wood frame. With elaborate orna- mentation of scrolls, flowers and draperies. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet. 1298—ANTIQUE FLORENTINE Mirror Carved, gilded and tinted wood frame, with elaborate ornamentation of scrolls, leaves and fruit. Surmounted by a crown. Height, 7 feet; width, & feet 7 inches. 1299—Mrrror with Carvep anp GitpED Woop FRAME Florentine. With decoration of flowers and leaves and cherubs’ heads. Height, 8 feet; width, 6 feet. 13800—Very Exaporatety Carved, GILDED AND PAINTED CABINET Italian. With glass front and sides. 1301—Lovis XV Stryue Center TABLE With inlay of various woods and leather top. Massive mounts of chiseled and gilded bronze. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1802—Very Larcr KrermansHayu Rue Ivory white ground with conventional lotus and leaves in harmonious colors. Nine borders. Length, 27 feet; width, 20 feet 8 inches. ENTRANCE HALL—FIRST FLOOR 1808—Carvep Wainvut Haru Sear With high back, moulded and paneled. Shows restora- tions. Height, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 13804—Larce Bevetep Puatre Mrrror With beveled plate glass sides, the frame of carved and gilded wood. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 13805—Very ‘Larce ANTIQUE CHIME CLOCK With silvered dial showing phases of the moon. Strikes quarter and half hours. The case of carved gilded and natural wood. With painted panels. By Thos. Paine, London. Eighteenth century. : 1306—AntiavE Sanctuary Lamp Italian. Copper with amber colored globe and canopy. Height, 4 feet. 13807—Haneinc Lamp Repoussé copper, deep plaque with three chain sup- ports, fitted for electricity. Height, 5 feet. 13808—Haneine Lamp Pierced Persian brass. Fitted for electricity. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1809—AnTIQUE SAaNcTUARY LAMP Brass. Urn-shaped, with decoration of cherubs’ heads ; three chain supports. Height, 4 feet: 1310—Haneine Lamp Pierced Persian brass with minaret top. Height, 3 feet 4 inches. 1811—Very Larcre Sanctuary Lamp Silver-plated, with three cupids’ heads, domed canopy, and with six chain supports. Height 5 feet 6 inches. 13812—Iran Larcrt Rue Rose red field with all-over pattern of vases of flowers and herati leaf in yellow, two shades of blue, and black. One wide and two narrow borders with meander pat- terns. Length, 23 feet; width, 7 feet 1 inch. 13138—Inp1a Rue Red centerfield. Seven borders. Length, 18 feet 4 inches; width, 10 feet 5 inches. 13814—Parr or Buus Piusy PorTizEReEs With elaborate ornamentation of garlands and scrolls in gold and silver threads. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet. 1315—Two Pairs or MopErRN GoBELIN TAPESTRY PoORTIERES Hunting subjects. | Height, 8 feet; width, 6 feet. 1316—Parr or OLtp VEerRpuRE Taprstry PorTIERES Aubusson. Seventeenth century. With large trees, the borders of flowers and fruit. Height, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1317—Pair or Portieres AND Two Pair or Winpnpow Drapr- ERIES Red plush with bands of tapestry. Sizes, 8 feet by 4 feet 6 inches and 10 feet by 3 feet. 1818—MassivE Ovat Mirror Carved and gilded wood frame. Height, 51 inches; width, 67 inches. DINING ROOM—FIRST FLOOR 13819—SEVENTEEN eye Seventeen embossed rose velvet. (Discolored.) 1320—Massrve Carvep Dark Oak SIDEBOARD With three-quarter life size figures. Three shelves and mirror back. Height, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 10 feet 2 inches. 13821—MassrvE Square Extension Tasle Flemish oak. Elaborately carved top with figures of animals, snakes and flowers. Has deep apron with shell and mask carving, and eight round legs. Extends 18 feet; width, 6 feet. 13822—Ser Fuemisuo Oax Drinine Cuarrs ” High carved backs with panels of figures representing different biblical subjects, plain wood seats with brown leather slip cushions, comprising two arm and twelve side chairs. 1823—Carvep Dark Oak Cuina CLOSET With three shelves and two glass doors. Caryatid and leaf scroll carving. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. Rei nr es NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1824—Very Larcre Carvep Darx Oax CABINET With three drawers and numerous cupboards. Low re- lief carving. : Height, 9 feet; width, 6 feet 2 inches. 1825—Carvep Dark Oak Curtna CLOSET With two cupboards enclosed by glass doors. Caryatid and figure supports. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 5 inches. 1826—Carvep Dark Oak CABINET With three shelves and two glass doors. Half oval recessed top. Height, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. 1827—Carvep Dark Oax CutIna CLOSET With cupboard below. Three shelves and two glass doors. Decoration of leaves, caryatids, masks and coat-of-arms. Height, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet. 1828—Carvep Darx Oak Servine TABLE Cabriole legs and claw feet. Height, 4 feet 2 inches; length, 4 feet 5 inches. 1829—Tartut Carvep Dark Oax Curiock By John Carle, London. With bronze figures which strike the hours. 3 Height, 8 feet. 13830—AnTIQeuE FLORENTINE Mirror With very elaborate carved, gilded and painted frame. Female busts, masks, scrolls and fruit. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 4 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day 1831—Carvep Woop Coat-oF-ARMS Surmounted by plumed helmet. Height, 55 inches. 1832—Very Larcre Turxisu Rue Blue field with conventional floral figures in red, olive green, salmon and white; one wide and two narrow borders. | Length, 34 feet 8 inches; width, 19 feet. 6 inches. 138383—Larce Turxkisuy Rue Blue field with conventional floral figures in red, olive, green, salmon and white; one wide and two narrow bor- ders. Length, 13 feet 7 inches; width, 10 feet 10 inches. BASEMENT HALL AND BILLIARD ROOM 13834—Miurror Carved and painted wood frame. Height, 8 feet 3 inches; length, 9 feet. 1835—JapPANEsSE Carvep Woop SETTEE With carvings of dragons, howo birds and floral scrolls. 1836—Maroon Srux Tapestry CurtTarns > Six strips. 18387—Manocany Rortit Tor Desk 1338—Oaxk CaBINET With upper and lower cupboards and one wide drawer. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 1339—Brunswicx-BaLkE-CoLLENDER Co. Biturarp TABLE With cues and rack. ater remem ee PU NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Fourth Day DEN—BASEMENT 1840—Go.pEN Oak CaBiIner With four cupboards and four drawers. 13841—Oaxk Morris Cratr Red velvet back and cushion. 1842—Manocany ARMCHAIR Leather seat. 1343—Watutnut ARMCHAIR Shell-shape back and seat. 1844—Carvep Manocany Sipe TAsie Two undershelves. 13845—Manocany Rocxine CHarr 1846—Darx Oak CuHair The back with grotesque mask. 1847—Darx Oax ARMCHAIR Bucket-shape. 1848—TyPrrwRrITER 13849—Carret Rue | NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers OIL PORTRAITS AND PAINTINGS ON VIEW AT THE SCHLEY RESIDENCE No. 845 FIFTH AVENUE (AT 66TH STREET) TO BE SOLD ON THE PREMISES LAST SESSION FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15, 1918 BEGINNING AT 8.00 O CLOCK THEOBALD CHARTRAN Frencu: 1849—1907 “as eae, ae 1850—MiIniATURE OF SARAH BERNHARDT Atl Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. ms D. W. HUNTINGTON , * 1351—Two Huntine SuBJEctTs LAL (Water color.) Height, 121% inches; width, 18 inches. Uo L. E. VAN GORDER 1352—Bust Portrait or a Youne NEGRO Height, 12 inches; width, 101% inches. I NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers ¥ ot me IRAS ABA ~ fT Orr Last Session MALLET f' > L° aD an i, 1353—INTERIOR WITH Rien " 49 «£0 Height, 13 inches; width, 17 inches. 7 Med ‘ gr H. T. THADDEUSyY g WZ g 1854—Portrait oF CarpinaL Merry Det Var 702 Height, 22 inches; width, 141% inches. VIRGILIO TOJETTI AMERICAN: 1851—1901 G Ne Le 13855—“Tue Donxry RinE” Meh Ve ~ 2p Height, 33 inches; width,) 51 inches. ed VIRGILIO TOJETTI AMERICAN: 1851—1901 yg 2 1356—“Unprer THE UMBRELLA” OC am 0 : Height, 80 inches; width, 44 inches. Lf 3st VIRGILIO TOJETTI American: 1851—1901 PPS. GC Mow 13857—Fovur Paintines oF THE “Four SEASONS” Each: Height, 27 inches; width, 34 inches. 2 ar a ALBRIER (2 re } é hy Y i 5 ba 1858—Portrair or a Younc Woma rhe : a i {7jq0 With roses in her hair. Height, 17 inches; width, 131% inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session M. CORDIER | , Py Ware KS ATG gtr ~/ fi 13859—TuHE MusicaLe 7 Height, 21 inches; width, 284 inches. oa gv PO gh —a™ ¥. 5. CHURCH AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY, Gh re? = 1360—“A Gray Day” CA (Sketch. ) Height, 21 inches; width, 24 inches. F. S. CHURCH AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY L A A 1361—“Tur Lorvs” (Pastel. ) Height, 211% inches; width, 151, inches. F, S. CHURCH AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 1362—Heap or a Buack Harrep Younc Woman (Sketch. ) , Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches. F. S. CHURCH ,, American: CONTEMPORARY ~~ ~ 1363—Prorite Portrait or A Younc Woman With flowing hair and wearing band of flowers. Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 1864—Two SrASCAPES WE Sei, BAAN Ov | Height, 20 inches; width, 24 inches. — EAS ae eee ae ne nnee se Soe NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session FERDINAND mee ~ aye AW oe 1365—THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH Posen oF A Younc Woman ,.. ¢»« Her gown falls away from her left shoulder and she ' U © “~“turns her smiling face toward the spectator. Frencu: 1840— Height, 44 inches; width, 29 inches. IHCALIGA ) 1366—THREE-QUARTER LENGTH OF (ey: fe: ge Buiack Gown / 24 Portrait.) Height, 53 see width, 35 inches. LOUIS DEBOZAS, a R / SO ed | 1867—Portrait oF AN Oty Man Ne AA Sow Pe hehe long beard; gowned in ved $e / hangin Height, 54 inches; width, 43 inches. UNKNOWN Gas 1368—Hewnry Cray Ne A er y >. lnc Be ee’ Height, 36 ea width, 29 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST Y 1869—DanieL WEBSTER 3 ano vel, Height, 40 inches; width, 80 ra UNKNOWN ARTIST ey Vf 1870—“Doutty Mapison” mee Ay, VU: Vice : my Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches. ‘ * epee OS eee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purehasers Last Session UNKNOWN AMERICAN ARTIST 1871—“GENERAL FREMONT” Fi Height, 35 inches; width, 29 inches. 320 ef. UNKNOWN AMERICAN ARTIST pg Th AAA’ © Y Si_Aaa 13872—“GENERAL WINFIELD Scorr” pp - 1 ? ok ry Height, 2% inches; width, 20 inches. : UNKNOWN ARTIST 1373—““Martua WasHINGTON” Pd SLAY Y : _ Height, 281, inches; width, 281% inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 1374—“Grorce WASHINGTON” LY Vit KIIA-IN-TGH_ KA Height, 284 inches; width, 231% Anches. ~ ay UNKNOWN ARTIST | ‘ 1875—Portrair or A Youne Woman ) In large mob-cap and white kerchief. ° L Height, 11 inches; width, 8 Re. / y) Go YW J ENGLISH SCHOOL (7) 22 Nye. Karts \ol 1876—Two Pastet Portraits “Young Woman in Plumed Hat and White Gown” and “Man with White Stock and Brown Coat.” Height, 12% inches; width, 9% inches. ee NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session 4) J. DELAUNEY. Y | Yue lf) Lathir.. 13877—Porreair or Naro.ron I~ dth, 10 inches. Lp t lon inches. 3} . ° / a Sn } . Height, 12 inches; H. Mieiniaenac ” 1378—Famity Grove 1a Garpen~“* @ oe 1 i Height, 1314 inches; width, UNKNOWN: ad 1879—Bust Portrair or a Young —— s; width, 121%, A In blue jacket. y ss meee Height, inche ky. Z ATTRIBUTED TO GREUZ wg he ¢ = 13880—Busr Porrrait or a Youna Girt, od 16 —— Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST (13 1381—Grovup A Three-quarter-length portraits of a group of three young women. Height, 1714 inches; width, 15 inches. g 2 UNKNOWN ARTIST eS 1382—Porrrair or a Lapy sue ag VW V é J She holds rose in her left hand. - . Height, 20 inches; width, 1214 inches. RE NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session UNKNOWN ARTIST( 4 ” rh ee {/ ‘) 13838—Sr. JoHn (hk anne Height, 131% inches; width, 1714 inches. oe i : = AFTER RUBENS 1884—Two Heaps II: Mae pr AA Height, 151% inches; width, 20 inches. : it fea! FRENCH SCHOOL 1885—Porrrair or Woman Gh Sey ed (Pastel.) In white veil and gray gown. Height, 21 inches; width, 15 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST * A | c) AVE Re A) 13886—Diana anp Nympus / VO Ae sy ait (On copper.) 9G et Height, 15 inches; width, 201% inches. AFTER GAINSBOROUGH 13887—Mrs. Batriiz ‘Py Jos ) Uj - vy Newt ohh _ a) y¢ Full-length portrait. Height, 36 inches; width, 24 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 1888—Porrrair Heap or a Youne Woman ™ > — { LAa/ Fo \Al os - A ~< ESA 4 best U ¢ With white veil. STs i — Height, 19 inches; width, 15 if¢hes. 9 0 NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session FRENCH SCHOOL.“ 13889—Bust Porrrair or a Youne Woman ~~ tar In red gown and with flowers in her hair. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. 3 FRENCH SCHOOL . _// 1890—PortrAIT or A Younc Woman ; With bodice trimmed with garland of flowers. uo 0 Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. DUTCH SCHOOL. PYWr1W 1391—Busr Porrrarr or an Experty Woman _ In white cap and ruff. | /4 Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. / ? ty AFTER REMBRANDT oe be PE O A172 1392—PorTrAIT OF AN OLp Woman - 1% daz Height, 21 inches; width, 1914 inches. jf es DUTCH SCHOOL % 1398—InTerior witH Figures Z4AreFeyg . Height, 22 inches; sia fi inches. UNKNOWN ART T 1894—Porrrait oF aN ELDERLY nabbed /7 _ With gray hair. Fur collar. Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session FRENCH SCHOOL, 1895—Portrait or A Man InN Gray wae J , Shield shaped. os? ee Height, 2814 inches; width, 22 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO NETSCHER 13896—Two Cuitpren or Cuartes I ~_/ 4) One holding a falcon. : Height, 22 inches; width, 201, inches. FRENCH SCHOOL, / ~~ a 4 + ' > Soe” Le ; Ps 13897—Portrait oF A QUEEN With ermine lined blue mantle. 7] Height, 33 inches; width, 271, inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 1898—Portraits or Two CHILDREN “rns kenrg ' One holds a bird’s nest. at a fe K Height, 28 inches; width, 23 inches. SPANISH SCHOOL. _ ye 1899—“FrLosnesa DE Sinva y MeEnpIvIL” In large ruff and cap. Coat-of-arms at right. Lf ?~ C9 Height, 231/, inches; width, 15 inches. SPANISH cliches. ¢ f hae ” 1400—“*Martia Possanna oF ToLEDO VAT RLV Lig 82 Height, 23% inches; width, 15 inelies. NOTICE—A4 Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers shee Po Baas er J Je Last Session SPANISH SCHOOL 1401—“‘Donna CasiLpa”’ VARA rer Height, 23 inches; width; YY, inches, SPANISH SCHOOL 1402—“Youne Woman 1n HicH Rourr” GLb Gowned in red. Sa Height, 161% inches; width 4 inches. SPANISH SCHOOL 1403—Porvrraitr or Don Makers L ‘DRON DE CASTANEDA 4, Height, 231/, inches; width, 17 inches. SPANISH SCHOOL 1404—BErENGUELA Lovisa DE Arse Height, 18 inches; width, 1 14, inches. be | Je SPANISH Ce M\GnsG 1405—Donna Maria Louisa pDE Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. SPANISH ee Qe ae 1406—Donna Axppunia DE Castro oF ee Height, 22 inches; width, 1614, inches. SPANISH ie @ Ce S786 1407—“Donna Marta AtnaGa”’ Height, 231, inches; width, 17 inches. Boole ? NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session UNKNOWN ARTIST | 1408—PortraitT 4 fae f : / With four miniatures of artists. je} [et i Height, 101%, inches; width, 81/, 4 hae STYLE OF GAIN SBOROUGH, iN Se, AAO a cy, rt 1409—Bust Portrair or a Younc word With curling hair and white gown. yu / 2 Sil Height, 28 inches; width, 20 esha FRENCH SCHOOL 1410—Portrair oF AN OFFICER In uniform with orders on his breast. Hn x0 Height, 27 inches; width, 211% inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 1411—Porrrair or a Lapy A, Her hair in ringlets and wearing necklace of large YY) ppearls. , Les Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO SIR PETER LELY 1412—Busr Porrrair or a Lapy <5 Ta ay 7 ee A! us a we wail © With pearl earrings and necklace. 0° AKU : Height, 20 inches; width, 17 inches. ENGLISH SCHOOL 1418—Porrrair oF aN OFFICER “TY -AW!” Amana In uniform trimmed with red and decorated with various ify «v_ orders. Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers % »* fe Last Session ENGLISH DAAM ie ee OF A pee ls Wowtaw ost Height, 28 inches; width, 24 inches. ENGLISH SCHOOL _,, | 1415—Porrrair or Mrs. Cipper AV Veh Her hair is gray and she wears evening dress. J se _ Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches. ENGLISH SCHOOL a 1416—Porrrarr or Mrs. Drew fire ptr Kn bases LA With curled hair. She has a rose in her bodice. | xm JT Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. : FRENCH SCHOOL es y Rope 1417—Porvtrair or A Youne Wore at ¥/ a Half-length portrait with red cap and rose in her bodice. = { f~ Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. GENE BAPTISTE REGNAULT 1418—Porrrait oF A PRINCE bene With long curling hair and wearing order of “The , s )sd Golden Fleece.” Height, 27 inches; width, 23 inches. FRENCH SCHOOI / (Q 1419—-Bust Portrait oF a Man AOU Ce hart AT my, , «In full curled white wig and wearing red coat. . Height, 31 inches; width, 25 pate NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session STYLE OF ROMNEY.) ae Pe a 1420—Bustr Portrait or A YOUNG Woman f [ 7 $0 In a white gown and her hair bound by a blue ribbon. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO WM. BEECHEY , 4 ff ? 1421—Pastet or Younc Woman ad KAU FF _ In large hat. " f er ] gAY __ Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST i ue .s ; ™ fi \. 1422—-ProriLeE PortTRAIT OF A Youne Man ; In red cap. rege Height, 30 inches; width, 211/, inches. FRENCH SCHOOL 1423—Porrrair ofr Man gly Seated by a table. / he Height, 35 inches; width, 28 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST me, 1424—Porrrair or A BEARDED Man AL4~euU ATO rm. ae Height, 371, inches; width, 28 inches. o- jae z UNKNOWN ARTIST 1425—Porrtrair or Woman GA, ~< BS e 4 x ’ ee nee eS , In fur trimmed gown. 7 ; gs y | Height, 34 inches; width, 28 ee tae AFTER GAINSBOROUGH 1426—Portrair oF YOUNG Woman iG e nagar CAs. ve : ~-u® With white gown and blue mantle. F Height, 34 inches; width, 27 inches. cee ee Ty aa ESEe NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session AFTER ROMN EY ; i i MR. ee & 1427—Porrkait oF Younc WMA . a white ker- Her hair is in ringlets and she is weari Height, 3114 inches; width, 29 inches chief. FRENCH SCHOOL : 1428—Porrrair or A Younc MAN Height, 33 inches; width, 251, inches In armor. FRENCH SCHOOL (), f my ‘ i An OO: ae A_tA4 . inches. 1429—PorTraiT or A Kine HH pie 34 inches; width aS. te DUTCH ee : AAPe AH VU 1430—Busr Porrrarr or a Youne Woman With high yea cap and brown dress. Height, 29 inches; width, if inches. FRENCH SCHOOL, ) 7 oan vA lA “a uN oO ae et ee e 1481—Porrrarr oF A Lapy With large jewelled earrings and a rose in her bodice Ermine lined mantle. FRENCH SCHOOL 7 gee ae t- ei a 14382—Portrair or A QUEEN Height, 32 inches; width, 24 inches gre In jewelled headdress and ermine mantle. | Height, 85 inches; width, 25 inches NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Last Session STYLE OF NATTIER 14383—Portrrair oF A Younc WoMAN As em In a red mantle and white gown. i gs Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches. STYLE OF ROMNEY . ye a ae Oa -. 14384—Portrair or a Youne Woman //! *” Three-quarter profile view to the eft. She wears a, / eee ernite cap and gown. ae cre Height, 84 inches; width, 28 inches. STYLE OF ROMNEY 1435—Portrair or a Younc> Woman \ In broad brimmed hat and white gown. E 7)