: ce a“ t 1G, Telephone Number pAor, & 3150 Madison Square 1902" TTL 1 —? 5 } Ee ea on : EN > ae we eS ii Catalogue of a ef) 2 ra cS 4 fh x — (GN B \Choice Collection of Prints containing many desirable items in Portraiture, Landscape, etc., suitable either for the Collector’s Portfolio, or for use by the Extra- illustrator (e wa Mies #anstiai; co i non: ] Aj il ~ tie & , For Sale at Auction RG¢s 7 | WEEE Friday Evening, March 21, 1902 Conditions of Sale. 1—The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2—Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made ac- cordingly. 3—Deposits, in part payment of the purchase-money, must be made, ‘if required. 4—Goods for City purchasers must be removed at their own expense, within 48 hours; those for out-of-town pur- chasers, within one week; in default of which, the Auc- tioneer will reserve the right of re-selling them, for the benefit of the owner. 5—Bids will be faithfully executed by the Auctioneer, with- out charge, and will be used only in competition. All un- limited bids should come through Agents. 6—Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise stated. To purchasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 7-—Claims for errors must be made within three days of receipt — of goods. 8—No charge is made for the Catalogues sent, nor for the send- ing. No charge for packing, but there will bea nominal — one for boxes and cartage. . 9—To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, customers are re- quested to refrain from calling for delivery of goods dur- ing the sale. 10—Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods; when ordered from out-of-town, upon receipt of goods. * JOHN ANDERSON, Jr. | 20 West 30th Street, New York City. . CATALOGUE a. . A SCRAP BOOK for a Rainy Day, and an Original o Sketch, by Halpin. 8vo. (2) 05 62.) ACROPOLIS AT ATHENS (THE). Different views, photo- ~ _ graphic. Folio. 4) >. @ ANSCULAPIUS AND CLAUDIA. A pair of fine busts. 4to. (2) a ALEXANDRI ET Roxanaz Nupti&, after Raphael, by Vol- — pato. A fine print, with very slight margins. (1 Q “3 (5,) ALFRED THE GREAT, Kingof Mercia. Engraved by J. B. — Michel, after Benjamin West’s Historical Painting. Elephant folio, dd 0 gee (THE). The complete set of nine plates, en- graved by Giornignani. 4to. (9) @) ALL THE TALENTS, a well-known satirical print by Row- -landson; and an unknown etched portrait by E. Hedouin. 4to. (2) N OPEN FrieLp. A fine pencil sketch, signed by J. G. Wille, 1766. An extremely rare original subject. 4to. (1) (9,) ANGELIQUE ET Mepor. J. Raoux px. N. De Launay. 40 : Brilliant impression. Folio. (1) Oe G0ARcH or AuGustus. Piranesi sc. With two other Land- scapes. 4to. (3) Ss 11. ArcH or Titus. North side. Photograph. Elephant = folio. . (1) 20 12. —— South side. Photograph. Elephant folio. (1) ag 13. ARIADNE. An india impression of the celebrated en- e— graving by Durand, after Vanderlyn. (Slightly torn on the: : _margin, otherwise in fine order.) Folio. (1) 0% 14, Armirace (THos.) and Jeremiah W. Cummings. Two -—~ celebrated old Divines. Folio lithographs. (2) ,03 15. Army anp Navy Crus House. Three views. Litho- -—~ graph in colors. Folio. (3) : as 46.) ARUTIN (GEO.) Kneller px.; I. Faber, 1738, sc. A fine —~ oldmezzotint. Folio. — (1) 109 a7) ASSAULT (THE), and two Religious Subjects. Fine — proof. Artist and engraver unknown. Folio. (3) ‘ 10>. 13) ATALA. Five of the folio plates. Engraved by Simon, _after Lordon. (Somewhat torn.) Folio. . (5) " 05 AUCKLAND (WM. Lorp), Aberdeen, and D’Andilli. Por- _—~ traits. 4to. (3) / 20. AupUBON (JoHN J.) Engraved by C. Turner, after F. Cruickshank. The scarce London mezzotint. 4to. (1) $0 21. BAccuaNaL (A), after P. P Rubens, uit Van ae Orley fec. Very brilliant impression. Folio. (1). 10 y 22. Banta, Brazil, and a View of Mexico. Very old copper- -——~plates. Engravers unknown. Folio. (2) yrs 2 23. Barre (Hon. Isaac), Sir George Beaumont, and Sir “Joseph Banks, to, (8) ay ae /05_ 24. Barrineron(S., D.D.), William Coxe, and B. B. pce a ge AE: 5 is Sea 4 I /o 25. BARTOLOZZI sc. ‘‘Genius Staying the Hand of Time.” __ ~ __A brilliant proof, after Cipriani. 4to. (1) Jo. 26. BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. West del.; J. Yeager sc. _Highly colored. A very rare plate. Folio. ee js 333 16S 27, Bua (HuGH), Thomas Dampier, D.D., and Earl of —_ —~ Essex. Ato. ; (3) sf O A 28. BowrRine (JOHN), Sir Thos. Bernard, and James boa eects : , OF 29 Bruner del. et sc. Prudentia; and another old Copper- — i ~~ plate, engraved by Collaert. 4to. 2) 7 12 30. ((ALHOUN (Jon C.) The well-known lithograph by K / Kramer. Folio. ON yaa LY 81.)CaLLor sc. A Scene during the French Revolution. — — Large and fine plate. 4to. 3 is ce 32. CAMP -BALTIMORE. Governor Porter’s Review of the es Troops in May, 1842. A. C. Smith lith. Very rare folio. (1) 3 / Ag 3./CANDIDIOR FoLuio Nivel GALATHEA LiausTRiI. After Albani. Engraved by Longhi. Very fine folio. (1) GF y) 34. CARBERY (JOHN VAUGHAN, EARL OF). After Kneller. ~~ By IL. Faber, 1783. Fine old mezzotint. Folio. ee ine ; 90 35. CARROLL (JOHN), Archbishop of Baltimore. I. P. de GC. — ¥ — px., A. sc. A very scarce portrait of his Eminence. 4to. (eo | : ,/0 36. CAWNPORE, the Scene of the Indian Massacre. Lith. in ——colors, from a sketch by Lt. Sankey. Folio. u (2) °. 3 ,£0_ 37. Carin (Rev. E. H.), and Rev. W. W. Phillips, both —— well-known Divines. Folio. . | +Q> @ 05. CHRIST BEARING THE Cross, and Christ Healinginthe __ Temple. After B. West. 4to. ; > tay . 30 39. CLay (HENRY). An India Impression of the Whig Prize __ ~~ Banner Badge, made by John Gade. Painted by Wm. Curlett, and lithographed by Edward Weber & Co. A very scarce print. Folio. (i) 28g / oe 40. —— H.S. Sadd sc., after the painting by J. W. Dodge. An original impression of this plate. Folio. eb (Pre ey A very fine lith. by Duval, after Neagle’s painting; - ——~and Danl. Webster, by Ritchie, after a daguerreotype by Meade Bros. Folio. (2) , 30 42. Cops (HowELL), Governor of Georgia. Lith. by D’Avig- ——non. Indiaimpression. Folio. (1) 830 G3 Q0oLF ax (SCHUYLER). Engraved by John Sartain;anda — ——lith’ of Barere, by Delpech. 4to. +1 (a) wae 06 44. Comre Appey, and Berkeley Castle. Original sketches _ Re by, J. G. Jackson. Very interesting historical subjects. 4to. (5) HP, (45) CONDE (PRINCE DE), Duc de Bourbon, and Barnave. Three —~ finé lith. portraits by Delpech. 4to. (B)e ie ,20 46. Coquette (THE). After Joshua Reynolds. Engravedby = Wm. Humphrys. This isa portrait of Madame Schindlerin. Folio, . 3 re} a 9; 3 / 0: a 47> CorELL, Metabus, and Comtesse de Chambord. Por- traits. 4to. (3) / 2° 48)Cornwatuis (CHARLES Lorp). After Kneller, by I. Faber, 1732. Fine old mezzotint. Folio. (1) hel 2 COURAGE DE PEPIN, and Le Siége de Beauvais. A pair —~ of brilliant old French engravings. Folio. (2) ; /é Ih COWPER (LADY EMELINE), Charles Armstrong, and Hon. _—— Samuel Barrington. 4to. . (3) , JO CowPER (WILLIAM), Sir Henry Charles Englefield, and _— John Fisher, D.D. 4to. : (3) _/@Q _ 52. CUMBERLAND (RICHARD), Cornelius de Bruyn, and John '’— Douglas, D.D. 4to. (3) 1/0 (8) [ANCE _OF BULGARIAN PEASANTS, with three —“ other Eastern Views in color. Very quaint lot. 4 Ato. t O03" DARLEY del. et sc. A Proof Dlustration, with others, —— by Perelle, etc. (8) ,§0_ 55. Davis JEFFERSON) and J. E. Johnston. Both engraved — by A. G. Campbell. Folio. (2) g (Q __56. Davy (Str Humpurey), Sir Thos. Lawrence px., Robt. | —— Newton sc.; and a brilliant mezzotint Portrait, without mar- gins, subject unknown. Folio. (2) ,~24 57. Deer Pass (THE). A. H. Ritchie sc., after Sir Edwin —— Landseer’s painting. Two states of the plate. Elephant folio, (2) ,/0__58. DESCENT FROM THE CROSS (THE), and The Mother’s ——Grave. Folio. (2) 60 59. Dickens (CHARLES) in his Library. A brilliant artist’s / ——~ signed proof, by S. Hollyer.. Elephant folio. (1) 1/0. (60. DIGHTON (RicHARD) del. et sc. Full-length London atébrities. 4to. * (3) ] me 61. Drptoma of the Marine Society of Baltimore, endorsed and sealed. Kemelmeyer del., Houlton sc. (67 )DupLey (RoBeRt EArt oF LEICESTER), Wm. Kerr Mhird Earl of Lothian), and Wm. Miles. (3) _F3° 68 Dunc (EpMuND). Kneller px., I, Faber, 1788, sc. Fine <= olfmezzotint. Folio. | (1) 4 ; /O . 69. Hees GIRL (THE). G. F. Doo sc., Geo. 8S. New- ton px. The etched proofand the plain i impression of this Sonutital plate. Ato. (2) EssEX (EARL OF), after Kneller, by I. Faber. Eucente, Empress OF FRANCE. Winterhalter Dx. JOU po ate sc. Fine old impression. Folio. t scat » 50 Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Emblematic pict- — ea ‘drawn and engraved by Cornelius Visscher. Complete “Set; 40 (4) , 52 8. Eve EFFEUILLANT DES RosEs. Lemercier px., Lalaisse. | ——=se. An india impression of this subject. 4to. (1s : / se Os 1, q Sameer (F. W., del.) Three original bara ba 3 3O 75. —— Scottish Highlanders and other original Sketches. ~ Ato. (3) 30 76. Civita Vecchia, Florence, and other original pen-and- — S "ink Sketches in Italy. 4to. (3). oe BAC 9 BRN EL Caernarvon Castle, and other original Sketches. ——~ 8vo. (4) =a ! 04 78. —— Flowers drawn in Coloxs Original sketches. 8vo. (4) “" a 79. —— Lancaster Castle, and other original Sketches. 8vo. “ (4) og Tag Darron Sacred Subjects. Engraved by Faithorne. __ ne lot, including The Betrayal of Christ, The Last Supper, oe Ato. (5 a 81. —— Portraits of Cowley, Ogilvie, and Charles II. by — this Master. 4to. (3) ; Portraits of the Four Evangelists by this Master. “Ato. (4) a ED 63> Two Plates illustrating Ancient History by this — Master. Ato. (2) Y so FamiILy DEVOTION. The Pair engraved by Joseph Scott, bag ‘after E. Prentis. Oblong folio. (2) , SU. (85) Fasuion Piate, 1692, after Jan Lys. A brilliant proof ——~ before all letters and a Portrait of a Comedian. Folio. - (2) _/@__ 86. Ferrmer (Jonn, M.D.), Adam Ferguson, LL.D., and Joseph Farington, R.A. 4to. (3) 0S @D Frrimore (Miuarp). A fine Lithograph, after L.Gro- —— zehier, by J. H. Buffords, together with one of Theo. Freling- nuysen, by Endicott. Both indias. Folio. Sa. oo (05) 88. FIVE SENSES (THE). Drawn and engraved by Schiavo- 4 nee Complete set. Folio. (6) ae 69.)FONTAINE PRES DE MEULAN, J. G. Wille del., F. Wie- — rot er se.; with two other old Landscapes. ALO d= a (3) /0 Go) FONTAINBLEUE, etched by Chauvel, after Th. Rousseau; ) -- with two other Etchings. 4to. (3) , 25 91. FounTAIN OF TREVI. Photograph. Elephant folio. (1) ‘es FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN), the scarce Plate by Michael yk Bisi del. et sc., _4to; with a Washington Print, (2) * a 3 ) "AMOUR RANIME AMINTE DANS LES BRAS DE SILVIE. ph se Boucher px., Lempereur sc., together with the _ accompanying subject in proof state. A fine pair. Folio. (2) 126. L’ AURORE ET OMPHALE. Engraved by F. Foster after ar Guerin. A very brilliant impression with the stamp. Folio. (1) / @) LA SURPRISE AGREABLE. Engraved by Vidal. A very britfiant impression. Folio. (1) »/O 128. La Dance pes Dervis. B. Picart del., Folkema sc. a oO curious religious picture, with one other. Folio. (2) 2 ¢ Pa = ea K, Leen es DO eeelas -~'s / Se 30 > Y_ 129. Lake ErIn, The Battle of. After the drawing by Sully; engraved by Murray and etched by Tiebout. July, 1815. Very _searce. Slightly torn. Elephant folio. (1) + 3 , 05 130. Lamorenon, Edelinck sc.; Louis XI. and Admiral Ld. | ————Viscount Keppel. 4to. (3) , {0 181. LANDING OF THE PILGRIM FatuErs, the well-known en- ; ——~graving by J. Rogers. Elephant folio. (1) , O35 182. Lanpscapes, after Loutherbourg, engraved by A. P. ——Coules. (One spotted. ) Folio. (2) 4 QY 133. LANDSCAPE, an original painting in oil by Hildebrand, (2 with one other similar subject. 4to. , oy. 134. LANDSCAPE STUDIES, after Gainsborough, with two _——other prints. 4to. (4) bo Last SUPPER (THE) and another religious subject. Old_ _— copper- plates. Engraver unknown. 4to. (2) ,8 5 136. Lez (RopeRT E) A very fine impression of the Sartain ~~ mezzotint, side face. 4to. (1) 33 s 1387. Engraved by Girardet. An india impression of © ane Ske scarce Goupil plate. Folio. (1) ae ‘ a ee ee eee Se ee, eee ee eee) cy / 0. Give (RopEert E.) Two portraits. Engraver unknown. g meer FOTO; (2) , (0 39.)—— Fitz Hugh Lee, Geo. E. Pickett and Wade Hamp- —— tor All Japan proofs. 4to. (4) ,/5 _ 140..LEs AccorpA FLAmMManDA. A fine plate after Teniers ee by Martigny, with another after Coypel. (2) , {" 141. Le Gros sc., 1796. Nine original etchings, 214 x 314, .Jandscape scenes, Rare. (9) 20 LES CHEVALIER DANOIS seduis par le Nymphes _' 3. d’A¥mide. A fine engraving by Beauvarlet, without margins. Folio i (1) ,Q? (43-/LEs VOyAGUERS, Berghem px., engraved by Major, 1748; and a fine subject after D. Teniers by Basan. Folio. (2) 9 9’ 144. LincoLn (ABRAHAM). Painted and engraved by W. E. Marshall. Folio. (1) 145. —— Engraved by Geo. E. Perine and folio woodcut portrait. Artist unknown. © (2) 146. —— Two lithographs. Artists unknown. Both rare. Folio. (2) Liszt (FRANZ). A fine proof by Thzehl and a print of | 129 Les ing by same engraver. Folio. (2) ad i) \” 148. Lrviz EN Muss. _ Designed and engraved by Chatillon, (¢ with two other similar full-length statues. Folio. (3) pitifére, after George Robertson. Fine old impressions, but , somewhat creased. Elephant folio. (2) 90 150.)—— A general view of London, next the River Thames, ) © with two other foreign views. 4to. stent B) @6 151. LORRAINE (CLAUDE DE). Old landscapes on copper, by Za Caraccioli. 4to. (3) : )$o 152. - Old landscapes on copper, by Caraccioli. 4to. (3) ee ae es LE») ADONNA AND CHILD AND ST. JOHN. Bassan px., ! eee Theo. Matham sc. A fine proof. Folio. (1) “9 * bed 154. MADONNA AND CHILD. A pair of very fine proofs. {Artist andengraver unknown. Folio. (2) ¥ ~ 155. ManHoop, from The Voyage of Life. A brilliant proof _ | --before all letters on india. Fine folio. (1) -,07 156. Maps, chiefly old and scarce American, including the «rare Chart of the Sea Coast of New England. (15) ,05 157. Mars or IstE or Wicut, Anglesey and Guernsey. . L— Vory old and rare. | (3) -10e MApPs AND SCENES. Old copperplates. (5) Q 159. MARRIAGE OF PocaHoNTas. A very fine lithograph of a ) 22 this interesting subject. Folio. (1) 160. MARSHALL, frontispiece to Fuller’s The Holy State, (lem engraved by W Marshall, brilliant old impression; with two old portraits. 4to. (3) GO 161. Mavnew (Avcusrus). Original sepia drawing of Harry ———Bayliss, one of the founders of ‘‘ Punch,” with another rare sketch by same artist. 8vo. (2) ee 8 Cw at 162. Mazarin (CARDINAL), engraved by Nantueil, 1656; “together with St. John Nepomuceno, engraved by Colle. Full length. Folio. . (2) oO v 163. MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. On stone by A. J. Davis, Im- / ~~ bert’s lith. An india impression of this rare plate. Folio. (1) ,6O _ 164. Merry MAKING IN THE OLDEN TIME. W. P. Frith i ~~ W. Holl sc. A very brilliant impression. Folio. (1) “66° MITFORD (WILLIAM). Joseph Planta and Henry Ker _Seymour. 4to. (3) 109 pee MorE (HANNAH). Wm Molesworth and P. W. 5S. el — 4 ‘ 10 $~ 167. Moses. A photograph of the statue, by Michael An- -~ gelo, Elephant folio. (1) » 62 (68>) Mosque of Four Hundred Pillars at Cairo, with four ——~ other Eastern Views in color. 4to. (5) , 20 __ 169. MoTHER (THE) OF OUR LorD. Fred. Goodall px., Geo. -—E. Perine sc. A fine india proof. Folio. (1) / Q 170. Mount St. Mary’s COLLEGE, MARYLAND. Lithograph _—— by E. Weber & Co., after J. D. Hickey. India proof. Folio. Rare. net ——sketches. 4to. 05 172. NAWARTH CASTLE. Scenes of the Library and RE Bed Room. Original drawings by T. M. Richard- FF 8vo. | (2) 2 / “173. NEw York City. Bowery Theatre, N. Y. View of the (First) Bowery Theatre. I. Town architect, on stone by A. J. Davis, Imbert’s lith., 1826. India impression. Full margins. Folio. 1) ~~ A plain impression, cut down, of this print recently sold here for $29. Boag te ; O2 171. Myrno.ocican SupsEcts. A series of original site : ( Masonic Hall. Front on Broadway, 50 feet. On stone by A. J. Davis, Imbert’s lith. An india impression , of this rare plate. Folio. . (1) oe a eli: Society of Mechanics and. Tradesmen of the City “of New York. Views of the various properties of this Society, founded in 1786, including a Membership blank engraved by (9) a "pi Tanner. ae / 0 2 176. —— Branch Bank of U. 8.; erected 1825; front 75 feet. On stone by A. J. Davis, Imbert’s lith. An india im- _pression of this raré plate. Folio. (1) ; oe 177, NIGHT AND EVENING, with other old plates. Curious lot. ‘ , ,0 2 i8)Norrucors (Jamus), Fred. Straus, and Marquis of Staf- Serre LOT aA, — (3) 7/5 ()ASTLER (Ricuarp), Author of The Fleet ola oa after Garside, by Posselwhite. Folio. Q/ 180. OLD Copper PLATES oF Birps. Artist unknown. ene Ato. < __ 182. OLIVER CROMWELL, P. P. Rubens, and Sir Joshua ~~ t4);.: , 25° 181. OLp TRonstpgs. An etching by Henry Farrar. 4to. ays a 116 Reynolds. Three fine portraits. All private plates. 4to. (8) — eb) ¥ 9 ye 183, OPHELIA. Two Sepia drawings by C. Schussel, orig- ‘ (3) = 1G 184 Osstan. A fine lithographed portrait of the old Bard, re é. pee ah 2 D y Simon Klotz, 1812. Veryrare. Folio. (1) :, 10 (85. OtTo III. genaunt der Atltere, a fine lithograph; cogs with two others. Folio. (3) ae Was ase) § tee OF THE CASARS, at Rome, by H. Ab- EE bott del. et sc.; with a view of Oxford and Cordova. a Folio. (3) ay / O 187. Paris. Views of the Louvre, Pantheon, Place Louis Lo xyv,., and the Tuileries. All colored by hand. Very quaint. (4) : * 188. PARMIGIANO, CIGNANI, LANFRANCO, and other old i a, . Original crayon portraits in color. Artist unknown. ty vo (5) ch 189. PASSING GLANCE (A). eoerith: px., Freer sc., with st wo other prints. P43) ee) Le 190. Passion OF CHRIST. Five old Saipan lated Artist ri Yo (at) Ps (5) PENN (Wm.) After the original in Indepep e Hall, ? of Adelphia. Full-length ame=passiite. Folio. Lith. 0 z 192. PERELLE del. et sc., and other old engravers. (10) ——, 193. Perry's Victory on Lake Erie. Engraved by B. Tan- . pres after the drawing by Barralet. A fine impression. Ele- phant folio. pee) Pa PFEIFFER del. The Fisherman: an Original Drawing. | (1) 195.) PHILADELPHIA. Paul Weber px., J.Serz sc. A fine ME rom Peter’s Farm. Folio. (1) ¥ 196. Prcontc Party (THE). A Curious Colored Engraving. ye 25 ephant folio. (1) a = Gor) PYGMALION ET GALATHEE. A very fine old Engraving, _f<" slightly creased. Folio. (1) 198-—PLANS OF BaTTLE—Barcelona, Malplaquet, Lille, and others, 4to (10); Ramillies, Toulon, Landau, and others, 4to \s er ier po ra (10). | ¢ , OY 199. PLymoutH CITADEL. Engraved by W. B. Cooke, after: . «= Turner. Open letter proof. Folio. (1) e 6 200. Pork (Hon. James K.) A rare lithograph by E. S. Palmer, 1844, and one of Eli K. Moore, drawn by Frederichs, both fine. Folios. (2) t ‘a 201. PORTRAITS OF ENGLISH CELEBRITIES. 4to. (20) g of B03 Do: 4to. (20) —F 0B. ~—— Do. 4to. (18) to 204. POUSSIN (GASPAR) px. A pair of Fine Engraved Land- ce 0 Ss scapes. Folio. | (2) ——— = 205. PRICE (RICHARD). Wopreged by Thos. Holloway, after — a ' AS the Painting by Benjamin West. A very brilliant impression be we _of the well-known Divine. Folio. (1) Ry) 0 206. PRICE (STERLING), Perine sc.; and N. B. Forrest, ee 2 or by Giles. Folio. (2) © _ 2 Bice = od 10 3 pone 207. PuciList. Jas. Ward, ex-Champion of England. Wm. — Daniels px., Edw. McInnes sc. A fine MezzotintePortrait of the great Pugilist. Folio. 1 Oca: 1B eeteroae: La Ste. Vierge dite a JlOiseau. a Raphael px., Cardon se. Folio. (1) , §O 209. READER (THE). An Original Drawing by §&. bisa a” Ato. ) é Wee ; , OF 10) ReviTIon DE LA VILLE DE CaLais and Dévouement des —— Bourgeois de Calais. Dambrun sc. A very fine pair of old prints. Folio. (2) ' QO (i RousseLer (Rev, Dr. Ciauprus). B. C. Robin px., ~~ _ Noel Le Mire sc., 1786. Fine folio. ey ipo 12 RUBENS px. The Rainbow. Engraved by Poles —<" Folio, p<: ( ,/0 eves Eventide. Engraved by Bolswert. Folio. (1) w71 oO —— A Merrymaking. Engraved by Bolswert. Folio. (1) ‘= 915, RUSSELL (LORD JOHN). The Original Drawing by Joshua (G0 Slater in Pencil, and a finished Proof Engraving of it. by F. C. _, Lewis. Very rarepair. 4to. (2) ae ‘//@. 216. Russia. Twelve Colored Views of St. Petersburg. _&_ =, Engraved by Clark and Dubourgh, 1815. Ato. ~ (12) , O'/*% 217%. —— Four Palaces of that Country. Engraved by Nee. “Oblong folio. - om (4) (oO "B18. Russian TRAVEL: a complete set of 8 Plates in. Color, with Descriptive Text. 4to.. . \ ; (8) 6% @19) Q@ACRED SUBJECTS. Engraved by Seymour, the wrk early American engraver. 4to. (6) 102220. St. BARTHOLOMUS, and two other old Copper-plates. = re POU: (3) * ) 22 221. Sr. Parrick. Lith., published by Haskell & Allen, Bos- ton, Folio : (1) 1 6? Sr. Prrerspurc. Four Oblong Views on the River “Neva. Copper-plates by Fessard. Folio. _ (4) \/0 @23)SaLvaTor Munpi.. Drawn and engraved by coups. ~ Folio. /2 “/ 224. SEVEN ATTRIBUTES (THE). Goltzius del., C. Visscher sc. 2 eS ee ee ee ie ee ee re eee a rilliant original impressions. 4to. \/ Z/t ey SHEE (MARTIN ARCHER), Archbishop Williams, and Earl — "of Northumberland. 4to. . ; (3) 5” 226. SHERMAN (W. T.) Engraved by H. B. Hall. A fine equestrian subject. Folio. ; Sie Pia (1) 125227. and Sheridan (Genl. Philip H.) A pair of engrav- “ings by Geo. E. Perine. Folio. = (2) © : ) } 928. SIGE D’ORLEANS, 1429, and Bataille de Bouvines, 1214. A pair of brilliant old French engravings. Folio. pales 3 | _ 7 829) Siivie Furr Le Loup qu’eLLE A Biesst, Lempereursc., —-~_after Boucher. A very brilliant old impression. Folio. (1) = » Od 630? SOLDIERS, and The Travellers. §S. Rosa px., Earlom sc. ‘ ~~ A pair of interesting subjects. 4to. (2) / 11 1. SPENCER (HERBERT). A brilliant proof portrait. En- aver and Painter unknown. Folio. (1) _ Q32) STATIONS OF THE Cross. A complete set. Lith. by “s “7 Folio. 7 (14) , ob te 2338. —— A complete set. Lith. by Lemercier. Elephant - (14) — A complete set. Lith. by Boucher. Folio. (14) —— A complete set. -Lith. by Turgis. Folio. (14) A complete set. Lith. by Turgis. Elephant folio. This set is somewhat damaged. (14) 237. STEUBEN (MAJ. GENL.), engraved by K. Huber; and In- tependence Hall, Phil. Polio. (2) A 30. 238. TPAM O'SHANTER, from the celebrated group by -" James Thom, lith. J. Penniman; and Evangeline. India i impression. (2) JS 239. TeRRoR oF BOOKSELLERS (THE). A brilliant old cari- es ature in colors. G. Sanbeg del. et sc., 1806. Scarce. (1) _ 240. Trinity Hau, Dublin. Baldrey del., Sparrow sc. A rilliant proof. Folio. oe (1) eet AN DYCK sc. Original etching of Himself, a YY svery rare portrait ; and one other. 4to. (2) VAN ORLEY (R.) del et sc. The Set of Twelve Mytho- al Plates. Fine impressions. 4to. (12) ; 343, VENUS. Front and Back Views of Ant. Canova’s Masterpiece. Mohion (2) eee and Vulcan. A photograph of the painting, by | oucher. Folio. (1) VIEWS. ae GIRONNE, Hambourg, St. Sebastien, and others. 4to. (11) 246. HoTEL DE VILLE, at Ypres; and Hotel du Bourgthe: 4 “Foude, at Rouen. Drawn and engraved by John Coney. Folio. (2) 24% ISLE OF STAFFA, a fine view of this remarkable locality ; with two other lithographs. Folio. — (3) 248. IsLE oF WiaHT. Various views. Early proofs by mtto. (3) 9. =— Do. Do. (3) 0. —— Do. Do. — (3) oe Do. Do. | (4) 252. —— Do. Do. | te Tees) 253. ee Do. Do. (3) 254. OM Do. Do. (3) "250. -—— Do. Do. (3) | ) ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, Perelle del. et sc. ; with two Kos MonrTseRRAT, in Portugal, engraved by Wells; with re Rees, colored plates. Folio. Rare. (3) Of } OLp DutcH Ruins. Very curious. ; (8) 12 + /2 259. PLymourH Sounp. Engraved by W. B. Cooke, after - Turner. Open letter proof. Folio. eh & 1 , Od ~ 260. St. MICHAEL’s CHURCH, Coventry, a fine architectural —_ 7/irawing ; with two other English Views. Folio. (3) , 37/% 261. Saint Hetena, Views of. Drawn by Geo. Hutchins ~~ Bellasie and printed in color, Lond. 1815. A very interesting Napoleonic subject. N ,40 Giz) Tess OF HERCULES AT CoRA, with three other East- ea jem Views, in Color. Engraved by Dubourg. 4to. (4) ain Color. 4to. | [ere THEATRE AT EPHESUS, with four other Eastern pee ) + O3 64) Trianon IN THE PARK OF VERSAILLES, with other French Palaces. Folio. . ate) i 0. / : RIUMPHAL ARCH IN DAUPHINY, and other ee » 0? TOULON, and other Views. 4to. | ; (4) 702 t, X67) DEFILE OF SaorGIO, and other Views. 4to. (4) tle 68) VILLA FRANCA, and other Views. 4to. (3) id 260° IKIRKSTALL ABBEY, R. Carrick, lith.; with other large Views. Folio. 4 , 29 270, Rouen CaTHEDRAL, and Abbeville Cathedral. A fine — pair. Folio. ; (2) a“ ] ot 271. VIEW IN GRANADA, Pompeii, and Rheims. 4to. (8) , OY 272. INTERIOR View oF Sr. Pauw’s, London, with other Prints. 4to. (3) 0! 273. Corpova, Carmona, with one other old View. (8). * p 3 274. STRASBURG, Seville, with one other interesting View. (3) a R75) Vinw OF THE LAKE aT Wycoms. W. Woollett sc., / og afte meuts du Nord, du Pas de Calais. Engraved by Albani (both plates somewhat spotted). Folio. (2) , Oo? 276. VIEW OF A SUSPENSION BRIDGE near Bangor, in Car- Marvonshire. EK. Turrell sc. A rare Plate. Folio. (1) | P) 77. VUE DE LA CHAPELLE DE GUILLAUME TELL. Fuesly px., —— urtir sc. A very rare Engraving, in Colors. Folio. (1) J 3 G78 OYAGE OF LirE (THE). Youth, Manhood, and Old ““ Agé™ Engraved by James Smillie, after Thomas Cole. Ele- phant folio. (3) fo) >” €79) MWe (Str WiLuiAM), Earl of Bedford, and — Duke d’Orleans. 4to. (3) / ov ED) Wasninaton (GEN.) Engraved by Warren, after Trum- bull, Full length, beside his horse. Folio. ‘i! (1) / ov —— Engraved by Tiebout, after Stuart. A fine im: pression. Folio. (1) j 282. Private plate, engraved by H. B. Hall, after Rem- -“brandt Peale. India proof. 4to. eet) 16> (835—— Longhi del. et sc., and Felsing’s copy of the print. om Ato. 2 Lad ~) — ByE. A. Rice, after Gilbert Stuart.