i " ak 5 ; ‘ ; 1 ‘ ) j : aad ax 896 ingen t ' bikin ‘ Sa eae , : ‘ y ; . +4 ‘ ; / 427 4463804 A ‘ Y J 2 ¥, 4 ‘ 7 basta pe be { ‘ * x ‘ eer es i ‘ s ? ; Rt ai Ren i ; . haar dy scant : oper i” eb ; J “4 : ; ; 4 ‘ : r 1 : caw F ‘ ; bi 4 ‘ i x4 Ah i ; ‘ : ‘ OF) teed ime ae la AY: ; ee ¢ (OF THE DUTCH, ITALIAN _ Pee iSH-SCHOOLS 3 ou: NEW YORK . Wie ; Bye S. 50. : 6. 80. 9. 65. 1Ocand 2 130. Oi S0\. 14. bar suey SO 16. 45. 19. $5). Aas 55 22. 40. 24. 30. Oils 55. aus Ole 29. KISIE 30 30. 32. 185. 33. 150. 54. 55. 36. 60. ars 55. 2506 60. 39. 55. 40 85. 41 65. 42. Ber ret wt Pr ="25° 130. 49. 510. 50. 330. Sis. 85. 52. 80. 53 & 54 90. 56'6°57)- 120. 58. 40. 59. 40. 60. 35. 61. 45. 62. 45. Buyer Mrs.George J.L.Burgher G.W.Escles E.F.Bonaventure W.Spielman 8 W.W.Seaman,agt. J.F.Low R.Glendenning W.Spielman " t " J-H.Murray W.Spielman " M.K.L.Burgher W.Spieiman Ai W.Van Dyke W.Spielman W.Griscoms,Jr. W.Van Dyke Mr .Meyers Leo Elwyn & Co. Kebo E.Adleheimer W.Spielman i W.L.Burgher Ai A.S.Phillips W.Griscom, Jr. L.Richie L.Richie W.Spielman C.E.Hunt W.Spieliman J-F.Low W.Spielman No. Price 63. ¥ os: 64. 65. 65. 170. 66. 40. 67. 45. 68. 575. 70. 40. ele 50. 72. 60. 73. 70. 74. TOs ide 55. 76. 50. (aim SO. 79. 45. 80. 50. 81. 15. 82. 40. 83. 45. 84. 60. 85 ¢ 86 PASSED Bis 150; 89. 65. 91. 500. Buyer W. Spielman J.F.LOow W.Spielman n " H.Russell,agt. W.Spielman JF. Low W.Spielman " Mrs.B.I.Meyers W.Spielman W A.Goetz W.Spielman Chas.f.Hunt W.Spielman J.F.Low W.Spielman J.F.Low J.H.Sonn W.Griscom,Jr. W.Van Dyke baer ee s gerry * * i, * ‘. ee zs nabet ye a # & i900: ~ {namie Lar 4 x y onary wolgok On Gree ‘Public View from Saturday, Gebruary 28, Until Gime of Sale * ‘Weekdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. THE JOSEPH CRISTADORO COLLECTION REPRESENTATIVE XVI-XVIII CENTURY PAINTINGS OF THE DUTCH, ITALIAN AND SPANISH SCHOOLS “Oo “Be “Dispersed at Unrestricted “Public Sale March 5 at 8:15 p.m. aS UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE mew lOAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. O. BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE MCMXXV Designs its Catalogues i and Directs All “Details of Illustra - Cext and Gypography — e d, nw ae ; a CONDITIONS OF SALE | as A : Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the ered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by tioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for le the lot so in dispute. (II. 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In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the ly following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any her stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots sluded in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to ell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the er and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses ained in so doing. -° Will. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which . Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- asers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; ing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and ges of the parties engaged for such service. . IX. 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Mee Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, et also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the _ lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume _ or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- amet hio a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also 2 we given. a. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be _ furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- _ ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. m. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer _ of the Association. ’ AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS. HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES ann STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS A ppRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its serv- ice of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such cata- logues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private in- dividuals for whom the Association has made ap- praisements which have not only been entirely satis- factory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. he AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Ine. MADISON AVENUE, 56rH TO 571tH STREET NEW YORK CITY _ EVENING SALE HURSDAY, MARCH 5, AT 8:15 O'CLOCK os Height, Bi imches; length, WW, inches — / moon looks down on a walled town, a bridge crossing the river rn vuined cloister in the right foreground; and on the fiery burning ngs behind it, which send gusts of black smoke up into the night (Companion to the following) ITALIAN SCHOOL XVII Century ONFLAGRATION BY DAY Height, 514 inches; length, 714 inches Ly the foreground at the right, a ruined arcade of slender columns ~ overgrown with creeper. Beneath them, figures agitated by the spec- ~ tacle of a blaze consuming the buildings of a town in the background and casting a bright light on the waters of the calm lake. (Companion to the preceding) MICHELANGELO DA CARAVAGGIO LAdA/ ' Irarian: 1569—1609 8—STUDY OF A HEAD | Height, 8 inches; width, 61 inches Facine half right, a saintly head with long brown hair falling on ton a the shoulders and a crimson cloak draped above a white garment which leaves the neck bare; powerfully lighted from the upper left. — 4 “SPANISH SCHOOL “XVII Century 4THE BEGGARS Ja b Height, 814 inches; length, 1134 inches A croup of citizens headed by a man with a cloak and staff and wear- ing a broad-brimmed hat have gathered closely round the figures of a woman in an old dull scarlet dress holding a baby, and a half-naked, tow-haired boy on whose shoulder her left arm rests protectingly. yt ee i : . BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO (ATrTRisUTED TO) Vw Oi hy Let SpanisH: 1618—1682 5—OUR LADY OF THE FAITH, ORIHUELA mn y, / ‘A eight, 1014 inches; width, '734 wmches FuLL-LENecTH figure of Our Lady in white dress draped with a black cloak and crowned; in her left arm she holds the Child, and stands upon a carving of three cherub heads within a niche in the Baroque architecture of the Convent of the Capuchin Fathers of Orihuela. a [oxen SCHOOL a | Lv CENTURY — a FROM THE CROSS Yo Height, 11 inches; length, 1414 inches Ar the foot of a column a group of figures—men and weeping women —two of the men bearing the nude body of the crucified Christ on an improvised stretcher at the left. rd JACOB VAN RUYSDAEL (Arrrimutep 0) Gk’ Dutcu: 1625—1682 7—THE VILLAGE CHURCH — (Panel) Height, 11 inches; length, 141/, inches Uneven ground rising from the edge of the bay at the right to a slope in which nestles a small village of rude huts about an old church looming in the left foreground; figures of peasants and dogs, and on the shore of the bay a beached schooner. aon ee moe < =, y yy pie Vie Nord, er gel ia Brie) Ls aan SAN ira, Ry i ace eee ea i oy ss } -” ee aa ee ew ee Or ay ee a ee i J ee, a J : caus “Pp at re =e : 4 aa s a ~ — —— a Signed on rock at lower centre with initials, J. R. F. : i 4 . FRENCH SCHOOL BA 4 brr/ XVIT Century «8 LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE et Height, 111% inches; length, 151 inches tga A A mass of dark foliage on the edge of a wood thrusts itself from the é left into the centre of the foreground, looming sombrely against the : sky of brilliant turquoise studded with white clouds; underneath the trees are cattle pasturing on the bare brown earth, and their attendant herdsmen. | CARLO DOLCI | "LORENTINE: 1616—1686 9—HEAD OF CHRIST rs Yo Height, 12 inches; width, 91% itches Tur Man of Sorrows crowned with thorns, the tired face droopin, on to the right shoulder, which is covered in a black cloak above | garment of crimson; the soft features, lighted from the upper left are filled with the poignancy of compassion. ANTONIO CANALE 4 7 | t a F B wpodard bal meme : 1697—1768 10—THE HURDY-GURDY MAN Height, 12 inches; width, 1014 inches Raccep figure of a youth in an old fawn tail-coat, scarlet breeches and striped buskins turning the handle of an organ suspended from his _ shoulders; in the background a sunlit landscape. | (Companion to the following) “ ANTONIO CANALE VENETIAN: 1697—1768 11—THE EXHIBITOR OF WHITE MICE Height, 12 ches; width, 1044 mches A youtH of twenty in drab coat and fawn breeches, his face framed in dirty unkempt hair, standing in a prospect of flat landscape; his right hand grasping a battered hat, his left a staff and a box is dette from his right shoulder containing his menagerie. (Companion to the preceding) Ac BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO (Scuoor oF) yy P SpanisH: 1618—1682 _ 12+CIRCUMCISION ‘OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE q Lg. Height, 121/, inches; width, 1184 inches d Tur group of figures is gathered closely about the pallet on which the _ Child is to be laid. At the left, the High Priest stooping over to _ receive the Christ from the arms of the Virgin, who is wrapped in a _long white cloak and hood; behind her at the right the bearded figure _ of Joseph. VELASQUEZ (Scuoot oF) frr/ Spanisu: 1599—1660 18-—-CHRIST BEFORE PILATE ) ae Height, 121, inches; width, 1114 inches _ Ar the left the turbaned figure of the bearded judge clad in scarlet _ towers above the heads of the people; facing him, seen in full profile _ to the left, is the Christ among his guards, an arch in the back- ground allowing a glimpse of blue sky. DUTCH SCHOOL XVII CrentTuRyY A if et SFY i os 14—PORTRAIT OF A NOBLE LADY : : (Panel) Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches ihn RE AIRES Sagat GN Bia Har length, facing the observer, of a lady in a dress of baffling brown tones edged with white muslin; in her hair and ears and about her neck pearls, her short ringlets falling on to bare white shoulders. Back- ground of dark foliage and turquoise sky. LOUIS LEOPOLD BOILLY Frencu: 1761—1845_ Heil, 14 inches; width, 1014 mches BeroreE a wall hung with a drapery of deep green is seated at a par- queterie table a lady in middle age, in a tawny maroon dress with a ‘ bow of blue ribbon at the corsage; at her left side is a boy of perhaps _ five years in a blue costume, fondling a white Persian cat on the lap _ of his mother. JACOB VAN RUYSDAEL (ArrrisvuTep To) K Durcu: 1625—1682 is y (fomgy Ar | ‘16—LANDSCAPE UNDER A GRAY SKY : / an (Panel) ‘aad? Height, 1414 mches; length, 1914 inches Buockep sharply against the light sky are the roofs of a village at the left and the rising masses of foliage of the trees at the right; between woods and village winds a stream. In the foreground among clumps of sedge are the figures of peasants. DUTCH SCHOOL XVII CentTuRY 17—KITCHEN INTERIOR Lome Height, 14 inches; length, 19 inches Stix life, including a table, rush-seated chair, kitchen utensils, vege- tables and the like—with two live hens sitting placidly in the fore-_ { ground. The details of the composition are massed at the left against a darkly luminous background. Signed at upper right, L. L. Bortxy, 1796. — “ a ait se a en ee —_ Nn oo I ae Ee Ee Ce ae I hE i I PT RS en nee ae ee ee fos ITALIAN SCHOOL — 4 Dae’ XVIII Century 18 LANDSCAPE _ Height, 1414, inches; length, 1834 inches a: sTREAM flows diagonally from the right foreground out into the road waters of a lake in the middle distance with a rocky margin a nd far mountains. In the foreground at the left beneath a tree, the - Ggures of two peasants. GIOVANNI PAOLO PANNINI (Scuoot or) ~ Roman: 1695—1768 Height, 14 inches; length, 1934 inches Ar the right the line of a river, broken by a stone causeway crossing the foreground from the ruins of a Corinthian temple, the left shore is 4 4 in the distance crowned with further classic remains. Among crum- bling walls and statuary, cattle are straying. DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER 7 R FiLemisu: 1610—1690 _ 20—TEMPTATION OF SAINT ANTHONY Aq _ ao | (Panel) Height, 1534 inches; length, 221 inches A massive rocky arch framing at the right a countryside with a village church; in the left foreground a peasant’s hut. Seated at a stone, with books and a skull before him, is the venerable monk surrounded by ‘foul monsters, bats and scorpions, while Satan stands behind him tempting him with wine. Signed at lower right with monogram, D. T. Fr. DUTCH SCHOOL XVII CentTuRY 2Q1—CATTLE AT MILKING-TIME ace (Panel) Height, 15% inches; length, 2144 mches Ar the right trees and a wall with figures looking down on som of cows and their calves, one animal at the right being milked | a peasant. At the left, in the distance, the roofs of a town. =e FLEMISH SCHOOL VII Century ices 22° INTERIOR OF AN INN WITH FIGURES | 4 g 3 Height, Med inches; width, 121 inches THE principal figure 1 is that of a man in a white coat over a blue striped smock, wearing a feathered hat and carrying a stick, who stands near a group of five peasants seated on the crude benches at « the right. a (’ SALVATOR ROSA (Manner or) ; q : Neapouran: 1615—1673 q AAS q 23—ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES a —_ Height, 1614 mches; length, 29 enches i At the left trees and a broken withered stump, at the right high = ground rising to a tree-capped summit and dotted with ruined build- — ings, the centre of the middle distance being occupied by a river. In — the foreground groups of peasant figures talking or driving cattle. ; ABRAHAM CORNELISZ BEGEYN Dutcu: 1621—1697 H RSEMEN AT A CAMP Height, 1714 inches; length, A inches ‘Brrore a line of military tents at the left are tethered a number of _ horses, two of which have been mounted by soldiers, while an officer in ~ a scarlet coat stands with his back to the observer holding a third— a gray and black mare. ITALIAN SCHOOL DiS XVIII Century 25—VERNAL LANDSCAPE _ Height, 1714 inches; length, 21 inches A BROAD panorama of wooded plain, the sky-line undulating with the shape of distant hills; the rocky foreground framed at left and right by trees sombrely russet against the light. On the rough hill road, figures of peasants with guns and dogs. a, MAZZUOLI (IL PARMIGIANO) (Arrrisurep To) ; 1 e/ LompBarp: 1503—1540 26—HEAD OF MARS — Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches Heap of the warrior god in full profile to the right wearing a helmet capped with waving plumes, a strong light falling from above on to the steel and the right cheek. FLEMISH SCHOOL XVII CrentTURY 27—PORTRAIT OF CHARLES I At 6 | Height, 1914, inches; width, 16 inches HEaD-AND-SHOULDERS portrait facing the observer, with a lace collar and a chain of an order about the neck; an oval head with gray i) long hair, upturned moustache and iron-gray beard. hs 28—THE RAISING ROM THE DEAD TALIAN SCHOOL (So Height, 1914 inches; width, 1414 inches At the left two angels have brought back a child to the arms of its royal father, who stands before a group of his subjects, while at his — left side kneels a saint in prayer. Wooded landscape with a vista of sea-coast. é | GUIDO RENI i Botocnese: 1575—1642 A a7 i Op id hs gg” 29-MAGDALEN AND THE CROSS ¥ me Height, 19 inches; width, 1514 inches Tue Magdalen, her bare shoulders and breast draped with sack-cloth and with a crimson stuff over the left arm, holds in her fingers an ebony cross with a carving of the Christ, her fair face turned heaven- wards in supplication. DUTCH SCHOOL XVII CENTURY HE ALCHEMIST Height, 191% inches; length, 251 inches PPD ER I te EO IEAM ES De ay te ——-— el * : - Pall - - _ ee tae G ec ek sn ~ ; - - : “buh Se: —< ESS SSSI LR SET RRS RT Bee I ea ee ~ ‘Tue dark interior of the laboratory of a mystic heaped with copper _ pans, cauldrons and retorts; the old man is pouring the contents of a glass flask into one of two blue earthenware jars, while at the ex- treme left stands an expectant assistant. DUTCH SCHOOL ] f XVII Century 31—INTERIOR OF A NOBLEMAN’S KITCHEN d | Height, 191% inches; length, 2514 imches A HEAPED mass of copper cooking vessels, filled with vegetables and piled on table and floor, separate the cook by the stove at the right from the brawny scullion in the centre foreground, who is stooping down to seize a fowl from among a group of birds on the floor. pon op 7 i.e CORNELIS DU BOIS Dutcu: FL. 1650 Me Kel Rurshek 32—LANDSCAPE WITH CHURCHES Fi . (Panel) s/ ie | oom Height, 1144 inches; length, 1414 inches A PALuip sky darkened with wind-driven clouds looks down on the out- skirts of a large town, the spires of a number of churches being visible ; at the right the verge of a river and in the left foreground hovels among trees and a group of three peasants gathered by a grassy - mound. Signed on mound at left, Co. Bois, 1645. ADRIAAN VAN OSTADE e hE. itl ae QIUTCH: 1610—1685 USTI C INTERIOR ) j 33 (Panel) A 7 730 Height, 1314 inches; length, 1814 mches Ar the left the square aperture of a window admits the sunlight on to a wooden cellar-door before which are heaped a wine barrel, a saddle, a platter of fish, kitchen utensils, a cabbage and pots; at the right a stable in the rear of the store-room, with a horse, and a peasant holding a fork. 3 Signed at lower left, A. OsTADE. — COLSONN . ae Frencu: XIX Century 34—MERRY MAKING IN BRITTANY Se on Height, 15 mches; length, 18 mches A GREEN sward at the edge of the sea, which forms a curving bay at the left on which are brown sails of fishing boats. On the grass before the clumps of poplars are the scattered figures of women in holiday attire celebrating a festival. Signed at lower left, Cousonn, 75. PIETER DE MOLYN THE YOUNGER Dutcnu: 1637—1701 35—LANDSCAPE Height, 1644 mches; length, 28 mches Frat arable country with a broken road in the foreground and pros- pect of fields at the right; at the left graceful outlines of clumps of trees forming a fringe of woodland. Along the road is coming a mounted cavalier followed by a peasant, while a man and a woman are in conversation by the remains of a broken fence at the curve of the way. _ YTALIAN SCHOOL . XVI Century ONNA 3 ight, 201% inches; width, 1614 inches Be H&EAD-AND-SHOULDERS figure inclined to the right, the head looking BF etestly down, the left hand resting on the veil floating over a rose- a -_ eximson gown. CHRISTOFANO ALLORI _ Frorentine: 1577—1621 UDITH WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES | Height, 201% inches; length, 28 inches pe EN three-quarter length to the front, the young Judith is clad in a low robe of brilliant wine-red; her left hand holds the awful head, which she is letting fall into a sack held by an old female attendant in a cloak, who stands at her right shoulder. PAULUS BRILL LeMisH: 1554—1626 _ 88—EARTH, SEA ANDALi 9 Z, r H. eight, 21 imches; length, 34 inches A comPtex allegory involving in the woodland at the left a man with a load on his back followed by a woman carrying on her head a basket of vegetables; in the centre two female figures, one holding a vase filled _ __ with flowers, the other pouring water from an earthen jar; at the right 4 the chariot of Poseidon traversing the waters amid a host of armed men. The whole of the earth and the pool in the foreground are littered with flowers, fruit, roots, crustacea, insects, fish, small birds and animals. -BARTOLOMMEO SCHIDONE ny é. Iranian: 1570—1615 39—MADONNA va ge Heab-anpd-sHovULpDERs figure facing left, the youthful head bend aor y in humility, the hands crossed on the crimson garment covering the a bosom and the green scarf draped over the shoulders. t Height, 2114 hae width, 16 inches FLEMISH SCHOOL XVII Century | if 7, Height, 2134 imches; width, 18 inches Pe eaters portrait of a man in black with a voluminous Vandyke lace ruff; a distinguished head, florid, with short hair and a graying moustache and spade beard. * ESTEBAN MURILLO (Scoot or) SpanisH: 1618—1682 ea _SAIN' ANTHONY OF PADUA a yi a ih AND THE INFANT CHRIST 4 a Height, 22 inches; width, 16 mches y Brrore a brown drapery covering the base of a pillar is the figure of the saint garbed in black, holding in his arms the naked Child draped in a white cloth before a table sustaining a crown and a branch of lilies. JOSE DE MADRAZO SpanisH: 1781—1859 | 42—QUEEN CAROLINE OF NAPLES ~ Oo - _ Height, 22 inches; width, 18l% inches _ HEAD-AND-SHOULDERS portrait of the wife of Murat clad in a sky-blue dress with the ribbon of an order over her right shoulder, her pretty young face looking out whimsically with its blue eyes and challenging lips under dark curls dressed high in the manner of the Empire. 3 | | Signed at lower left, Mavrazo, r. Roma 1814. » = JAN BRUEGHEL (Scuoor or) ae Fremisn: 1568—1625 Pbanners yy 48—TEMPTATION OF SAINT ANTHONY 4 / 7 o (Panel) ri ‘- | ] Height, 2314 inches; width, 18 inches i A Rocky cavern over which crawl innumerable monsters among the trailing creepers; at the left the kneeling figure of the saint in hood and gown counting his rosary, there appearing to him at the right the temptation of Lust in the form of a nude woman bearing a gilded vase and a sceptre. (? GERARD VAN HONTHORST (Scuoor oF) : : Durcu: 1590—1656 44—THE DENIAL OF PETER aioe _ Height, 23 inches; length, 332 inches — Tue light of torches streams upwards on to the faces of a group of Roman soldiers, between two of whom at the left stands the venerable Apostle clad in blue and draped in an ochre-yellow cloak; the nearest of them are questioning him, his left hand being upheld in oath by another soldier. ITALIAN SCHOOL XVII Century VIE Td DHE RAPE OF HELEN ; Height, 24 inches; length, 42 inches ‘Tux interior of a Baroque palace occupied by frenzied masses of struggling soldiery; in the centre of the steel ring and the waving banners, the figure of a soldier bearmg away a distracted woman towards the vessel in the roadstead without, glimpsed through an em- brasure at the left. | Ta oe Op JAN JOZEF HOREMANS THE ELDER ] ; sh J FiemisH: 1682—1759 46—THE MISER ili Height, 2514 inches; length, 32 ches A Durcu seventeenth century interior, the old man in a green robe — seated in a rocking-chair in the middle of the room surrounded by his family and his material wealth; while from a closet at the left steps — mockingly in a skeleton, holding an hourglass and beckoning to the affrighted man. ITALIAN SCHOOL j Bi ene Latte XVI Century 47—CUPIDS FLYING A DOVE Tilia Height, 2534 inches; width, 2314 inches Amone the reeds at the edge of a brook in the near foreground two nude winged cupids are flying a dove, one standing, the other seated and holding the ribbons, and both seen in profile. GASPAR METSCHER GERMAN: 1636—1684 ELF-PORTRAIT | (Panel) Height, 18 inches; width, 1414 inches Unpver an olive-green drapery is seated the artist, clad in a chocolate- ___ brown coat with white jabot, at a table before an open window with ____ the prospect of a harbor; his right hand holds a pen and rests on -_ loose sheets of manuscript lying on the woven table-cover. wf Eide AS Bes (49—DUTCH L. Al J DSCAPE 7 b Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches GrayisH cloud-filled sky bulking uncertainly over the brown earth at the entrance to a canal, the open waters of a river being visible behind _a bridge crossing in the middle distance. At the right a windmill, farmhouses, the steeple of a church amid trees and a number of sails of vessels moored in the quiet waters, with figures of peasants and fishermen busy at their work. , JAN VAN GOYEN _ Dorcu: 1596—1656 | 50—NORMAND. 4 30 H eight, 2514 inches; length, 3034 inches if ww A sLuisH-GRray sky of early morning causes the masses of trees at left y and right to be silhouetted sharply in their sombre greenness of foliage against the white clouds behind them; centrally, a gap where the road runs down to a prospect of open country. In the foreground a rustic ‘ bridge crossing a rocky rivulet at the left and figures of peasants mounted on mules. : JOHANNES LINGELBACH " ) Durew: 1622—1674 51—SEAPORT WITH FIGURES A H tee 6 mches; length, sith inches abruptly up iB grassy heights at a mene In the foreground a steps of the quay a race statue overlooks the activities of men nd nies embarking in a small boat. Ze DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER (Scxoor ”») Yj, : if Fursisn : 1610—1690 ie FIGHT OUTSIDE AN INN o Height, 2634 inches; length, 3934 mches Pas A Dutcu village, with an open space before a house at the right and 3 a prospect of tree-covered landscape with scattered cottages. At the 4 | left, before the high wall of an inn, is a group of boors of whom three are armed with sticks and engaged in a quarrel. toe ITALIAN SCHOOL : ei soedfo ; re CENTURY 53—MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE (Oval) Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches Ar the right a river curving down between rugged banks sloping sharply and rising to mountains on the far horizon; the shore in the | foreground is uneven and covered with scattered shrubs, while cen- trally rises a single tree beside a peasant’s hut. ITALIAN SCHOOL .— XVII CENTURY (Oval) Height, 27 mches; width, 21 inches : inland lake with a . background of blue mountains and at the left a castle; an irregular aire nurtures a cluster of buildings at the a the centre of the scene being framed by two trees springing from a the rocks i in the foreground. ae BARTOLOMMEO SCHIDONE ~ Lomparp: 1570—1615 Bi - 65—CUPID HOLDING A FLOWER Zt Height, 2714 inches; width, 1834 eee 4 rs SeaTep nude brown figure with wings, facing left, the head turned ____ towards the observer, the hands holding a trailing branch of convol- a - vulus; background of dark sky and green foliage. i ITALIAN SCHOOL 4 ip ae 7 ae _ XVII Cenrony 7 At 56—VASE AND FLOWE S (1) Height, imches; width, 21 imches Acarnst a neutral dull green background stands an urn of blue marble | mounted in gilded bronze and holding a fragrant mass of flowers— ; tulips, wild roses, peonies and the like. (Companion to the following) | ITALIAN SCHOOL XVII CrenTURY pa 57—VASE AND FLOWERS (II) Height, 27 inches: width, 21 mches 3 Acarnst a neutral dull green background stands an urn of blue aa mounted in gilded bronze and holding a fragrant mass of flower tulips, wild roses, peonies and the like. (Companion to the preceding) j , DUTCH SCHOOL | 7 aa & neni CENTURY 58—A/SCULPTOR’S STUDIO : yp 2. Height, 27 inches; length, 33 mches Tue figures are grouped about the marble bust of a warrior on a pedestal to the left of centre, the sculptor himself, four artists and a woman model occupied in sketching or in criticism. The floor and walls are littered with paraphernalia of the workshop. DO RENI (ScuHoou or) _» Botoenese: 1575—1642 59—APOLLO WITH A LYRE ip D, Height, 2814 inches; width, 23 Siohon Haur-Lencru figure of the god, the upper part of ne body bare and draped over the left shoulder with a crimson cloak, holding in his right hand a lyre; the soft, feminine head, with its long hair and large eyes, is turned towards the observer. ITALIAN SCHOOL ve _XVUrI CENTURY Height, 2814 inches; length, 355 inches ey ‘HE bend of a stream flowing between a wood at the left and a tree- _ covered shore at the right, before which towers a turreted castle. On _ the banks of the brook, cattle and peasants; in the distance a jagged ci ~ jountain ppiocing the sunset sky. _ SPANISH SCHOOL wa XVII Cunrury ale 61—PORTRAIT OF A BISHOP | . 3 45— ; A Hawt; 29 ches ; width, 2314 mches . In white ace alb te a black damask stole edged with ‘red over the shoulders, and seen in half-length facing the igen the intellectual face has brown eyes and a pnee forehead, from which the hair is brushed back. NICOLAAS BERCHEM Dutcu: 1620—1683 a7, fe ee g NDSCAPE WITH FIGURES AND RUINS Height, 29 mches; length, 381% inches Romantic landscape with mountains and wooded country crowned at _the left by a ruin; in the foreground the figures of cowherds with cattle and two peasant women, one carrying a basket of linen, the other engaged in washing the contents of a second in the brook which laps their feet. DIONYSIUS VERBURG DutcH: 1708—? | 63—FOREST SCENE — oe ae Height, 26 imches; length, 314% mches Storm-cLoups lower above a swelling landscape, in the foreground s covered with the close masses of oaks touched with the colors of the _ ; falling year. By the path which cuts a gap at the left among pee trees, a peasant with his dog is talking to two other figures ‘seated. on Be the ground. om Signed at lower right, D. “‘Vemaune a ‘« SG NS POURBUS THE YOUNGER (ArreipuTED To) Friemisu: 1570—1622 6 PORTRAIT OF A PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF ORANGE Pes (Oval Panel) | iy J Height, 2814, wches; width, 221% inches HaLF-LENGTH portrait in black armor of a young man with a white collar and the blue ribbon of an order across his right shoulder; long brown hair falling on to his shoulders on either side of a shrewd face © a with brown eyes and a full mouth adorned with a scanty moustache. Signed at left, F. Porsus. Height, 281 inches; width, 2634 inches ‘ A ForMAL Italian garden with stone balustrades and statuary, a gap in the cypresses at the right permitting a view of a Baroque temple, away from which are coming a cavalier and his lady. The foreground of mosaic lies under a canopy of dark crimson, where before the ramp — of the staircase is placed a table at which are gallants and ladies with musical instruments and virginal books, interested in the discussion of a score presented to their notice by a lady in a dress of misty blue satin standing with her back to the observer. ITALIAN SCHOOL - XVII Century Height, 29 inches; length, 5214 inches en sky of the Day of Judgment looks down on a raging sea in | which a number of galleons are helplessly drifting towards the rocks _ of the foreground on to which are clambering shipwrecked sailors. At [ ee. and left a granite coast with turreted ruins. a ICHELANGELO DA CARAVAGGIO (ScuHoot oF) : Trauian: 1569—1609 IN 4 TAVERN i p. Lf S- 3 Fag 28 inches; length, 3614 inches Two swarthy eaeteaten are facing each other across a table with cards in their hands; at the left a boy attendant brings wine, while the right-hand player is encouraged by a woman with her left hand on his shoulder and a man with a lute standing behind him. _67—GARD-PLAYERS es PAUL RUBENS (Manner oF) 7 ‘temisu: 1577—1640 eo 68—PHILIP II OF SPA N Height, “29 inches ; width, 24 mches ALF-LENGTH portrait in armor, a scarlet sash draped over the right - shoulder, the neck encased in a loose white collar. From under a black felt hat golden hair falls on either side of a full face, with fair moustache and imperial, and from which look out supercilious gray eyes. | ia in ek ‘i al f Ps » vin eee) ve 44% eee ITALIAN SCHOOL Barry XVIII Century 69—MAGDALEN IN A BLUE ROBE rb Height, 2914 imches; width, 2414 inches A youne woman with long brown hair curling over her neck | in a blue cloak falling over the right shoulder and leaving bat e left breast, up to which is carried the left hand; the beautiful ul fa turned upwards in reflection. en - ITALIAN SCHOOL XVII CENTURY’ iy : Height, 30 inches; width, 2414 mches A CRIMSON drapery veils partly the couch and the headless body, shale the fair-haired Judith, wrapped 1 in a cloak of peacock blue, a scimitar — in her right hand, holds up in her left the severed head, which a fol- lower at the right receives in a sack. . yd J. DESPOIS / ? hag” ERENCH: FL. 1830 mrt 1 —SIBYL : 4 4 Height, 3114 inches; width, 2514 mches Brrore a crimson drapery disclosing at the left a prospect of moun- tain landscape, is seated a young woman in a white décolleté robe, her dark head inclined to the left, her hands crossed 1 in an attitude of wait- ing reflection. Signed at lower left, Desprois, 1831. ON Height, 32 inches; width, 95%, imches ~*~ | ALF-LENGTH figure facing half right, in a brown dress with lace "sleeves and yoke, the right hand caught up to the bosom; the full, sincere face turned towards the observer is crowned by dark curly hair ee oe larrowing the forehead above a pair of fearless blue eyes. iD ot ; 1a a s - es iia, r=! nd = —_ ee ee — = ~ SY ORAS PRR, Wire Mtn FE em evince Th thee SHY COG, Ve ae Crane a 7 ~— i Vy A _— 1 y EN , ane * , ~. tes enn “a . ne : a SS = oa i eae . ay / JAN VAN KESSEL THE ELDER Fremiso: 1626—1679 Res ILL LIFE: ALLEGORY OF MORTALITY E i . Height, 314, inches; length, 3514 inches _£ On a table is thrown an amethyst satin cover on which are piled a violin, a watch, books, a candlestick, a clay pipe and tobacco-box, dice, _ cards, a sheet of music and a vase of tulips—the whole centred about a moldering skull wreathed in myrtle. Signed on edge of table, V. Kress ¥. 1664. ~} CARLO MARATTI Nees 1625—1718 Height, 31 nches length, 40 inches In the shadow of sombre trees at the side of a road passing through rocky wooded country is seated the Holy Family. On the ground are fruits miraculously brought to them by a youthful angel, while at the left a cherub approaches with a further offering, towards which the Child holds out his arms. | So ‘fh / Leight, 32 inches; length, 4214 inches é f ¥ Height, 32 inches; width, 273/, mcehes A wreatu of flowers surrounds the oval canvas big the presentment whom Joseph, in a gray robe ne me ace is Bee while above a their heads hover two cherubs. . ‘ FRENCH SCHOOL II Century Height, 3214 inches; length, 411% inches In a romantic landscape is seated a young woman in a dress of white _ satin with a blue drapery falling away from her bare shoulders and __ surrounded by four nude putti, one of whom is seated on her lap against a piece of rose-crimson silk bunched in the hollow of her right — “4 | arm. | : a : JOHANN HEINRICH ROOS {jy ~ ) ; German: 1631—1685 Cat fe) g AY . a | 11—LANDSCAP; ‘AND CATTLE 4 Reciinine among the rocks which rise steeply to the left, is a peasant woman with her young son, in conversation with a man looking down from above her. The whole of the rocky enclosure between the gnarled tree at the right and the old Romanesque castle perched on the summit __ is occupied by animals with their herdsmen. . Signed at lower left, J. Roos prnxt, 1681. ALEXANDRE FRANCOIS DESPORTES Frencu: 1661—1743 8 —DEAD GAME Height, 33 inches; width, 2634 inches ‘ a a 1 a) Tar ‘eINe on the wall the powder-horns and pouches of the sportsman, he dead game—birds and a hare strung up by the hind legs—strewn in a a table; a gold-fringed velvet cover at the right. a CORNELIS HUYSMANS | FiLemisH: 1648—1727 9) Ne 19 LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP AND THEIR SHEPHERDESS Height, al, wmches; length, 47 mches Be A SOMBRE magnificent ‘landscape banked high at the right and left ; with trees, brown where the light of the sun falls on their feathery i tops; in the distance mountainous country seen under a blue sky with ‘ g masses of white cumulus. In the foreground at the left, two men and straying cattle and sheep; at the right, a shepherdess in white with a nude child and a dog watching sheep pasturing beside her in the sun- ‘We. shine. _ ee. lS i ee ae — == ¥ —_ a aay 4 - = ee Sa: AT ate ——- ~~ AI AR emt esa > cnet ~~ geo mr 4 aa ciao _ an ca a _ K ys) - . " Ne De ee ons SAA Cot rige nae Se « si th hs, < yy rie Ay os - Ss Re eat et. Tay: 2 ag TALIAN SCHOOL II Century ‘ 80—GODDESS OF POETRY ey Fo | Height, 83 inches; width, 29 inches A YOUNG woman in a green stomacher with loose white sleeves draped on the left arm with crimson; on her head a turban with a gold star. The right hand holds a pen, the left arm resting on a pedestal and grasping one of the emerald ribbons depending from the headdress. ‘HE S DURE 0 OF ee Ra sacha 841/, inches; width, 28% a i . ITALIAN SCHOOL ayer XVII Cenrory 82--DUCKS, FLOWERS AND FRUIT ye bd Height, 3614 imches; length, 49 mches 3 At the edge of an artificial pond is heaped a bowl of fruit, bunches — of black and green grapes and a basket of flowers lightened against a dark background by a white table cover thrust in among them; at the right a duck and drake and three fledglings. ONIO ALLEGRI DA CORREGGIO (Scxoor or) £ Townann: 1404 ee | Height, 38 inches; width, 3034 inches EXTENDED on a couch, the dying saint, his right shoulder and breast bare, is covered with a gray-yellow robe; at his left a weeping woman, at his head and feet attendant angels, and at his right side the ap- parition of the Christ in a crimson robe and blue cloak comforting him, while cherubs hover overhead. FLEMISH SCHOOL — XVITT Century > ity Fed ¢ > Et 4 % rh ie ¥ by a) a os — '84—THE MUSIC LESSON -~— wef eight, 3814 inches; width, 32 inches Ar the keyboard of a spinet, facing left, is seated a woman in middle age in a blue robe with a white ruff and wearing a feather headdress, directing a young girl seated next to her, draped in a scarlet cloak 4 peu on a ’cello. ITALIAN SCHOOL — XVII Century ~ 85—STILL LIFE: PEACOCK AND GRAPES / Height, 391 inches; width, 281 inches Se ee a ec ee bunches of green grapes, seen against a dark background. (Companion to the following) ITALIAN SCHOOL XVII Century 86—STILL LIFE: PHEASANT AND FRUIT Height, 391% inches; width, 281 imches Vines laden with bunches of green and black grapes, vegetables and ‘scattered cherries, with a pheasant strutting at the lower right. (Companion to the preceding) ag AN FYT Fog 16111661. } | ewes WERPIECE | | / } ‘ Height, 401% inches; width, 29 inches A VASE BF gilded silver standing on a marble table and lade 4 tulips, roses, foxgloves, peonies and other vivid blossoms, ate In a frenzy of color. SPANISH SCHOOL XVIT Century — Bats, | 5 88—THE INFANT CHRIST: SALVATOR MUNDI | Roaore Height, 4314 mches; width, 33 imches fevees s the Child draped in a tnenepace garment antl nollie th palm and Crown of Thorns, his right foot resting upon a RPS around which is entwined a serpent. EMISH SCHOOL XVII Crenrury SES AND CARNATIONS Height, 48 inches; width, 41 inches A DARK blue-green Has e is spread behind the figures of a eae | dressed lady seated with a dog in her lap and with a scarlet silk robe draped across her knees and left arm; in her left hand she holds roses and in her right carnations, which she is proffering to a youth in brown standing at her right shoulder. -BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO (ScHoo1 OF) ‘Spanisn: 1618—1682 90—Saiw?r JOSEPH AND THE CHILD | (Tondo, Canvas) Height, 4914 inches; width, 43 inches ‘Sam Josepn, clad in steel-drab coat draped with a cloak of ochre- yellow, holds the nude Child upon a white muslin scarf, and in his left : ee and a branch of lilies; above and at the right the heads of cherub CARLO MARATTI oye : 1625—1718 , #H f bi 538Y, inches; width, 381, inches ee AT the right is the Holy Family, the Virgin holding the Child, Joseph ____ seated at the right of the cradle. At the left the three kings, in ___ scarlet, black and white robes respectively, with their gifts, the space ____ behind them filled with the multitude of their attendants. Above the | ___ lighted central group are floating figures of cherubs in adoration. J = s - ST OF ARTISTS AND : , Cimisrorano xi LYN, ree CoRNELISZ 18: Horseman at a Camp GHEL, JAN - 4 Menptation of Saint Anthony ALE, ee ee Exhibitor of White Mice | Hardy-gurdy | Man : SONN - te in Brittany Pe ee Ta aR Fim aan gue eC PT he Oe thie pine ay mW SRE ~ ¥ ‘i . 4 Garden Scene DE MOLYN , PIETER THE YOUNGER Landscape - DESPOIS, J. , - ‘ai Sibyl ne _ DESPORTES, ALEXANDRE FRANGoOIS | Dead Game T OF SCHOOLS REPRESENTED _--~—s AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER 37 24 62 15 38 43 lL; 10 d4 83 65 35 71 78 ITALIAN SCHOOL DU BOIS, Cw . ee oo Oa i oS _ Landscape with Churches Rane 9h DUTCH SCHOOL A Sculptor’s Studio et ‘ BE Cattle at Milking-time re Interior of a Nobleman’s Kitchen se Kitchen Interior | Portrait of a Noble Lady | The Alchemist — | FLEMISH SCHOOL Christ Taken from the Cross Interior of an Inn with Figures — Lady with Roses and Carnations . Portrait of Charles I Portrait of a Scholar Bea Se The Music Lesson | FRENCH SCHOOL Charity Landscape with Cattle FYT, Jan -Flowerpiece HOREMANS, Jan Jozer THE Exper The Miser HUYSMANS, Cornetis Landscape with Sheep ad Their epee Conflagration by Night Conflagration by Day Cupids Flying a Dove Ducks, Flowers and Fruit Goddess of Poetry Head of a Madonna if an and Grapes Pheasant and Fruit ane) ; “Holy Family Encircled by a Garland of Flowers _ The Rest in Egypt IAZZUOLL, 1 Francesco (IL PARMIGIANO) ~ CARAVAGGIO, Micretanceto pa -Card-players in a Tavern Study of a Head 54 69 53 60 66 85 86 28 AB 56 57 25 81 51 42 91 75 74 26 48 67 ist 18 --MIGNARD, hee ‘ Madame de Maintenon MURILLO, BarToLtomE Est&Ban Circumcision of Christ in the Temple _ Our Lady of the Faith, Orihuela | rch). Saint Anthony of Padua and the Infant Christ 4 Saint J oseph and the Child PANNINI, Giorenar PaoLo Landscape with Ruins POURBUS, Frans THE YouNcER | rae Portrait of a Prince of the House of Orange 7 RENI, Guo Apollo with a Lyre Magdalen and the Cross ROOS, Jonann HeEtnericu Landscape and Cattle ROSA, SaLvaTor Italian Landscape with Figures RUBENS, Peter Pav | : Philip IT of Spain ' SCHIDONE, BartrotommeEo Cupid Holding a Flower Madonna SPANISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Bishop The Beggars The Infant Christ TENIERS, Davin THE YouNnGER A Fight Outside an Inn Temptation of Saint Anthony ; S Sy pe ee 'OMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY Ne ee a ee Le ee See PFN he oS Pony ee ee mat) e, : | st eh KARP FET CE LO CE OER RIA, wi bs \ eas w= 5-4 =~ a +. t 3.3125 01694 1367 Rs Gl Gee et I eae a - GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE A 6 AL) hein hips hs Tisoteie on vee! ‘ : ; sa \ cara ‘ ‘ ¢ : ; PLUnig kae-keah) a ; ; tht Holey Ve ig ae bet § ATS “Wy ’ tows. Wy is gn 4 peli bane . he . 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