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SARAH BERNHARDT To be sold at unrestricted sale beginning at 2 o'clock each day on the afternoons of November 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th Sale will be conducted by MR. MARVIN A. BARLOW of WILLIAMS, BARKER & SEVERN CO. in the building 72-78 E. Lake St., at Michigan Blvd. CHICAGO Terms and Conditions of Sale Geb IV. We VI. VIL. VLE, All bills payable in Cash before delivery. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent of the purchase money, or the whole if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the manager on or before delivery, in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser; and no goods to be removed unless receipted bills are presented. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. Articles are exposed for public examination one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall belong to the managers as liquidated damages for purchaser’s failure to complete the sale. All lots unclaimed within the time aforesaid shall be resold at public or private sale, without further notice. The undersigned are in no manner connected with the busi- ness of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. WILLIAMS, BARKER & SEVERN COMPANY MARVIN A. BARLOW, Auctioneer. rd Catalogue 1—1 Louis XVI Bureau, marquetry and bronze, marble top, reproduction from the Fontainebleau Museum. - 2-1 Emprre DrawinG Room Svuite, mahogany and real bronze, covered with silk. 3—2 DrreEcrorrE VASES, marble and bronze. A 2 Very Fine Emptre Vases, marble and bronze, from the Motheau collection. 5—1 Rott Desk, marquetry, Vernis Martin. 6—50 CHILDREN, real bronze group, signed Clodion. 7—1 Larce Taste, Marie Antoinette, marble top. 8-1 Tasie, Marie Antoinette, marble top, round shape. 9—1 Taste, Marie Antoinette, marble top, oval shape. 10—1 Bureau, marquetry, marble top, Louis XVI, 2 drawers in the fore-part. 11—1 Louis XVI Secretary, mahogany, antique, marble top and gallery. 12—1 Lovis XVI Bureau, marble top, marquetry lozenges, mahogany and rosewood, 2 drawers. i= fouls X Vl SHELF; 3 trays, satin. 141 Bureau Witn 2 Drawers, a copy from the South Kensington Museum, mahogany and bronze, marble top. 15—1 Louts XV BureEat, satin and rosewood, marble top, 2 drawers. 16—1 Louis XVI SeEcrRETARY, marquetry and bronze, marble top. 17—1 Manocany AND RosEwoop CHIFFONIER, marquetry filet, marble top, 7 drawers, antique. 181 Lovis XVI CuirFonter, mahogany and rosewood, marble top. 19—1 Louis XVI Secretary, mahogany and marquetry. 20—1 Licutine Frxture, all mahogany stands, with hanger, fully equipped for electricity. 21—1 Sroot, marquetry checkers and copper moulding. 22—1 Low TaBLe, mahogany, antique, oval form. 23—1 MAHOGANY SHELF, 3 trays, marble and gallery; antique. 24-1 Louis XV Bwreau, marble top, 3 drawers, marquetry flowers, 70 c/m wide. 25—1 Prayinc TasLe, Louis XVI, mahogany, marquetry lozenges. 26—1 Carp TABLE, marquetry, with flower; opens up. 2/—1 RECTANGULAR ROUND TABLE, satin, mahogany and filets, bronze frame, with drawers. 28—1 Louris XVI Rounp TABLE, satin mahogany, with drawer. 29—1 Lovis XVI Rounp TABLE, sun on top. 30—1 ANTIQUE ManHoGany Rounp TasBLe, marble top and gallery, with drawer. 31—1 Tra TasLe, marquetry lozenges and mahogany. 32—1 CoNnsoLe, bronze children. 33—1 GLAss Case forming chest at the bottom; marble top. 34—1 Patr Louis XVI Vaskss, real marble and bronze. 35—1 Harr-Moon Conso te, antique mahogany, marble top. 36—1 GLass CASE AND CHEST, satin mahogany, marble top. 37/—1 Louis XVI Cuest, 3 parts, marble top forming 2 glass cases on the sides and a chest in the middle. 38—1 Rounp TaBLe, copper mouldings, marquetry checkers, with drawer, large model. 39—1 Rounp Tas_e, copper mouldings, marquetry checkers, with drawer, small model. 40—1 Louis XV Drawinc Room Tape, rosewood and satin mahogany, marquetry flowers; one large drawer. 41—1 Louts XVI Powber-TaBLe, satin mahogany and marquetry. 42—1 BoviLiotre Rounp Taste, Louis XVI, antique mahogany, marble top, 2 drawers, 2 extensions. 43—1 Louis XVI Tea Tas Le, satin mahogany, 2 trays. 44—1 Rounp TaBLe, rosewood and flower marquetry. 45—1 Lours XVI Rounp Taste, satin mahogany, sun top. 46—1 Louis XVI Bureau, marquetry sun, 2 drawers, marble top. 47—1 Laptrs’ Desk, kidney shape, with extension, marquetry citron wood, marble top and gallery. 48—1 Louis XVI Hatr-Moon Boureau, 2 drawers, satin mahogany, marble top. 49—1 Louis XVI Bureau, kidney shape, 2 drawers, marble top and gallery. 50—1 Work Tas _e, antique satin mahogany, with compartments and drawers. 51—1 Carp TasLe, mahogany, marquetry, lozenges, with turning and opening portfolio. 52—1 Friar Desk, kidney shape, satin mahogany, 1 drawer, sheep-leather top, copper mouldings. 53—DrAwINnG Room TaBLe, marquetry flowers, rosewood and mahogany, Louis XIV, 1 drawer. 54—Carp TaBLE, marquetry flowers, rosewood and mahogany, turning and extension top. 5I—1 Louis XVI Grass Case, mahogany, satin, marble top. 5S6—Louis XVI Bureau, half-moon shape, 2 drawers, antique mahogany, marble top and gallery. 5/—1 CarTEL, real bronze, Renaissance. 58—1 CarTEL, real bronze, Louis XIV. 59—3 Parrs oF Vases, real marble and bronze, Louis XVI, ducks’ heads handles. 60—1 Pair oF VASES, real marble and bronze, Louis XVI, swans’ heads handles, copied from the Museum of the Louvre, Hamilton collection. 61—Bronze Ticer Lyinc 1n Wart, signed Merculiano, on marble rock. 62—CANROBERT VASES, real marble and bronze, Louis XV. 63—1 Louts XIV Desk, sheathed top, decorated in bronze, from the Millet collection. 64—1 Louis XV Desk, rosewood, decorated in bronze, sheathed top. 65—1 Pair Crystat Vases, Swan, Louis XVI, exceptional. 66—18 Wax Dolls representing costumes of the various periods: Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Regency, Empire, Directoire, etc., authentic from the Sarah Bernhardt collection. 67—Ricu Drawtnc Room Cuest, Regency style, rosewood marquetry, appli- cation of wonderful chased bronzes; mercury gilding; very rich marble moulding. 68—Louis XVI Bureav, marquetry island wood, attributed to Coypel. Very fine Tonkin marble. 69—*PomPapouR” BurREAv, curved shape, Bubinga wood with amaranth marquetry, violet wood, Manila wood, etc. Morocco marble top. 70—Cnuest ForMING A SHEATH, marble top, India rosewood and panels with Vernis Martin painting. An unique piece. 7i—XI1VtTH Century CueEst, flamboyant Gothic, made entirely of real Auvergne walnut; very beautiful carving; coving and marble top. 72—CHEsT, RoMAN, ogival, waxed walnut, antique iron-work, fine carving. 73—LARGE SECRETARY, transition period, satin and rosewood, Sun marquetry, chased and gilt bronzes. 74—CANDELABRA, carved and gilt wood, Cupids and decorations, Louis XIV period, Ecole des Beaux Arts. 75—CANDELABRA, carved and gilt wood, ornamentation and scrolls, Louis XIV period. 7O0—CANDELABRA, carved wood and patina, Flemish Renaissance, caryatides and scrolls. 7/—BOuLLE CHEST, straight, 2 doors, rich design. 78—STAND, Louis XIV, curved, 1 door with marquetry sides. Boulle school. 79—BOouLLE CHEST, curved (copy from the Chateau de Chantilly) ; fine mar- quetry, copper on tortoise-shell ground, enriched with chased bronzes. 80—STAND, ornamented with gilt bronzes, marble top, Boulle marquetry, copper on tortoise-shell tone. “I 81—BouLLE Cuest (copy from the Chateau of the Ducs de Savoie) designs after Jean Bérain; a marquetry art piece of remarkable fineness, repre- senting designs of great style; decorated with rich period bronzes, marble top. 82-1 BouLtLeE SHEATH, recorated with bronzes after Domenico Cucci, mar- quetry of great beauty. An unique piece. 83——Ricu Supportinc Piece, marquetry; decorations, large medallions of chased bronze; after the Chateau of Versailles. 84--BoutLte Cuest, marquetry, tortoise-shell, copper ornaments, nitrate gilt bronzes. 85—Arristic Bronze Piece “THe Worr,’” by Hiolin, gold medal sculptor. The subject is mounted on a red marble column with gilt bronze capital and base. Purchased by the City of Paris. 86—Two Supers Supyects representing children holding a torch, after Clodion. The motives are of bronze mounted on a base of San Domingo mahogany, buffer-varnished. The torches are surmounted by a flame of rose onyx (unique pieces). 87—-Ricu Mantet Prece Set, Louis XIV, gilt bronze, chased by Raingo. The clock has a Paris movement with striking works; 2 branched candlesticks for 10 candles, equipped for electricity. 88 MAGNIFICENT BRONZE “WoMAN AND Goat,” signed by the sculptor Pajou. The subject is on a very heavy column of sea-green marble. 89—Bonnetiere, Breton, chestnut wood, decorated with original subjects and galleries with small columns. 00—CHEsT, regional style, carved in the wood, a gallery piece. 91-—Fixt Piece forming a wardrobe, Breton, carvings in the wood repre- senting village scenes. 92---CHrstTNUT Woop PIECE, massive wood; carved. 93—GorHic CHEstT, chestnut wood, carved in the wood. School of Brittany. 94-Crepence, XIVtTH Century, Louris XIII. Chateau of Pau) Carved Oak. 95—T.arce Cuest, waxed walnut, dresser shape, Burgundy School, end of the X'VIth century. 06—FLORENTINE RENAISSANCE CABINET, ebony, tortoise-shell and red lac- quer, bronze applications. Drawers and recesses; mirrored interior. 97-—JewEL CONTAINER forming a cabinet with secret drawer, small recesses with figures. Burgundy School, base of the same style, carved oak. Small Italian Drawing Room Set, from the Sarah Bernhardt collection, attributed to Baccio d’Agnolo, XVth century: 98—1 curved bureau. 99—1 curved chiffonier. 100—1 sofa. 101—2 armchairs: 102—2 chairs. All these pieces are of carved wood, decorated in marquetry: en- graved bone and ivory. See Catalogue ‘No. 87” for Description 103—WoNDERFUL CHEST, of waxed walnut with small marquetry and engraved panels, carving, Flemish Renaissance period. 104—2 armchairs, Louis XIII period, waxed walnut. carved with a fine gouge, covered in canvas tapestry, Petit Point. 105—1 BouLie Cuest, fine marquetry. 106—A splendid, complete drawing room set, Louis XVI style, a Reisner model, consisting of: 2 sofas, 4 armchairs, 8 chairs, fine gilt wood, all of these are covered with Aubusson Petit Point tapestry, from the royal manufactory; 2 valances, 2 curtains, 10 panels, 8 cushions. All of Aubusson tapestry from the royal manufactory. There are also: a fine gilt wood table, with Breccia marble top, two superb consoles, gilt wood, marble top and the background of St. Gobain glass. This set is an unique one in the world. 107—Cuest, Louis XV, waxed walnut, curved shape, rich carving, copper en-. graving. The door represents nymphs; open-work front. 1LO8—Larce BoNNETIERE CuEstT, Italian XIVth century Renaissance, twisted columns with knobs. Men-at-arms at the door. 109—Marvettous DrAwinG Room Tas te, transition period. Carved wood. gilding after the real oven process; rich moulded white marble top. 110—Drawine Room Set, Louis XIV, carved waxed walnut, covered with real Aubusson Petit Point tapestry (copy from the Chateau of Rambouil- let) consisting of one sofa, 4 armchairs, 4 chairs with a different design for every seat and back. 111—DrawinG Room Set, Regency (National Furniture), Aubusson Petit Point tapestry, flower design: 1 sofa, 4 armchairs, beech wood with the patina of the period. 112—CENTRE TABLE, round shape, satin wood, marquetry of precious woods, after the cartoons of the painter Guérin. 113—Louis XV Drawinc Room Taste, marquetry rosewood and Island wood (Boucher style), rocaille bronze. 114—Larce Louis XVI Drawinc Room Set, from the salon at Fontainebleau, waxed walnut with detached columns, covered with Aubusson Petit Point tapestry, representing La Fontaine’s Fables on the seats and backs. 1 sofa, 4 armchairs, 4 large chairs. 9 pieces in perfect condition. 115—Cuest anp Carp Taste, black varnished ebony. 116—Curst And Carp Taste, with delicate marquetry and copper incrusta- tions, bronze designs and ornamentation. In perfect condition. 117—Ricu Drawinc Room Cuest, Regency, rosewood marquetry, application of marvellous chased bronze, mercury gilding; very rich moulded marble. 118—Lapy’s Desk, forming Bonheur du Jour, model of the Duc de Bourbon, all of rosewood and bronze. 119—2 GirANDOLEs, table ends, real silvered bronze, Louis XV, after the indi- cations of Cressent, Sculptor to the King. 120—Louis XVI Taser, mahogany and bronze, beaded girdle with twisted ornament; Clodion bas-relief; legs decorated with profusely chased bronzes. ~ po} Z >: 0D AS £ ~ 121—Smati Louis XVI Desk, Riesner details (Palais de Compiegne); ma- hogany and bronze, extensions and drawer at end. 122—Manocany TABLE, marble top, Louis XVI, sheathed legs decorated with designs of bronze attributed to the period. 123—From the Sarah Bernhardt collection. Large chest forming a side- board, Francis I period, carved walnut; the central panel represents an interior with figures (this panel is made of one piece). The three doors of the lower part are decorated with Triboulet heads. The sup- porting columns terminate in caryatides. The base is made high. From the Burgundy school of the XVIth century. 124—F ine Louis XIII Taste, carved oak, columns and space between legs, profile and carvings. Carved girdle, drawer. 125—Lovely Louis XVI desk, after Gaffieri, varnished mahogany, depol- ished, forming Bonheur du jour, decorated with finely chased bronzes, and in the centre Wedg¢wood medallions, Sévres blue ground. 2 secret drawers. 126—Easy CHAIR with ear pieces, pure Louis XVI, finely carved and patina 0 wood (Chateau de Fontainebleau ), covered with Aubusson tapestry, forest subject. 4 127—CarPET, very fine coloring, rose ground and cream border. 128—DrAwWING Room CARPET, marvelous design, roses on cream ground. 129—IMMENSE BILLIARD Cover, havana ground, self-tone designs. 130—IMPpoRTANT SMYRNA CARPET, red ground, colored border. 131—SMyRNA CarPET, red ground, green and blue designs. 132—SEvERAL (13) ARMCHAIRS, carved wood, patina, Louis XIV style, covered with Aubusson tapestries, green, with birds. 133—Various (9) Seats, Louis XVI, antique, high shape, covered with Aubusson tapestry, nosegays and baskets of flowers. 134—1 Armcuair, walnut, finely carved, covered with Petit Point tapestry. B/AS 135—ANoTHER ARMCHAIR, with the same tapestry. *” / 136—Lovety Piece, Boulle, decorated with mercury gilded bronze. 137—ImportantT Drawinc Room Set, Louis XIV, oven-lacquered, grey and mignonette green, covered with Neuilly tapestry; consisting of: Large sofa, 3 seats, 2 armchairs, 2 chairs. 138—1 Secretary, mother o’ pearl and copper marquetry, Boulle; curved doucine, marble top, ornamented with chased bronze. 139—LovELy DrAwiInG Room TABLE, assorted. 140—Carp TABLE completing the set, with movable tray, all in the same style. 141—RANAISSANCE TABLE, massive oak, patina, finely carved, covered with damask silk, green ground and flowers, Louis XIV, gold shot. 142—-Un1QUE Pirce, CLock, pure style, Chateau de Rambouillet, forming Boulle marquetry on tortoise-shell ground with assorted base; ornamented with chased and gilt bronze. 143—Carp Tasie, Louis XVI, mahogany wood and ornaments, marquetry of the same style with garlands of flowers. 10 See Catalogue “No. 85” for Description 144—Rich chest, Italian school, forming credence, and secretary; important carvings in the wood; Renaissance. Rare piece. 145—Cuest Forminc Grass CASE ON CREDENCE; varnished walnut. Italian School, decorated with fine ivory incrustations and engraved panels. 1 table to match. 146—3 Cuairs completing the set, covered with Cordova leather, on polychrome gold ground. 147—Larce WaLnut Bencu Forminc Cuest, beginning of the XVIth century. Auvergne school. 148—2 Sma BENCHES, same style. 149--Chandelier from the Malmaison, Empire in the shape of a basin, green bronze decorated with eagles holding in their talons electric lamps. 150—Lovuis XV Taste (Versailles), gilt wood, patina, top of enameled lava representing a village scene in the color tones of the period. 151—Rare Piece. Bed from the Chateau de Dampierre, beech wood, patina, rich carvings, upholstered in cream. silk with applications of deep antique embroidery, on gilt mesh ground. 152—Fine FLanpeRS TAPESTRY, figures. 153—3 Tapestry—At susson—Curtains, 1840 period, cream ground and red border, nosegays and colored flowers. 154—-Important antique tapestry, Brussels Point, superb border forming portica; on each side twisted columns decorated with garlands of flowers climbing around them, surmounted by a rich valance; in the centre large size figures of the period XVI century. 155—2 Lovis XVI Armcuatrs, wood, moulding, flat front, antique patina, cOv- ered with very fine point Aubusson, figures on backs after Watteau, seats with animals. 156—Chased bronze group, sea-green marble base. Subject: “The Rape of the Sabines.” Signed Jean de Bologne. 157—-Cuina PorceLArn Bowt, fine decoration, gilt bronze style mounting. 158-—Louts XVI Drawinc Room Suite, gilt bronze, covered with Aubusson tapestry, cream ground and nosegays, very warm color tone, cerise border. Consisting of: sofa, 2 easy chairs with feather cushions, 4 chairs. 159—Drawing Room Suite, copies from the Chateau de Chantilly, fine patina, consisting of a marvelous sofa, 6 easy-chairs, large fireplace screen, bench, all covered with real Genoa velvet, gold ground and blue scrolls. 160—2 Vases, Louis XIV Dresden China, white ground enriched with gold, decorated with nosegays and war scenes in polchrome, with assorted bases. 161—Sarah Bernhardt collection. 1 large, very fine desk, rosewood, inlaid, decorated with important bronzes very finely chased and gilded, with caryatides and figures. Girded with a large bronze moulding and covered with a green Louis XIV sheep-leather, of Jansen manufacture. This desk belonged to the King of Rome in “L’Aiglon” and was pre- sented by Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, to Madame Sarah Bern- hardt. 162—1 Parr or FLower Ports, rams heads, old XVIIIth century Capo di Monte. 163—1 Crock Ser, Cupid, by Clodion, with candelabra, old XVIIIth century Capo di Monte. i 164—1 Parr Vases, old XVIIIth century Capo di Monte. 165—1 DrinxincG Cup, Bacchus, old XVIIIth century Capo di Monte. 166—1 Heap Pirce Anp TRay, old XVIIIth century Capo di Monte. 167—1 Grovp, 3 children, old XVIIIth century Capo di Monte. 168—1 Casket, extra old, XVIIIth century Capo di Monte. 169—1 Casket, woman lying down, old XVIIIth century Capo di Monte. 170—1 Casket, dish, old XVIIIth century Capo di Monte. 171—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory, very fine, representing the Princess Laetitia, sister of Napoleon I. This is a secret piece, in view of the decolleté of the princess, known as the Miniature with the Pin, signed Morelli; tortoise- shell frame with ivory filet and bronze circle. 172—1 Miniature ON Ivory representing the Comtesse de Kuerlan; remarkable for its fineness and the elegance of the Countess, lady-in-waiting of the Queen. The miniature is signed F. H. Fiiger. The frame is of tortoise- shell powder, carved with a gilt bronze mounting. 173—1 Larce MINIATURE representing the interior of the celebrated painter Vestier, whose painting one sees in the back; in the foreground, Madame Vestier and her child in court costumes. The signature is that of Labille- Gueérard; frame of tortoise-shell powder, and gilt bronze. 174—1 Larce MIniATUuRE called “Sending a Kiss.” The miniature represents Madame de Barnet in suggestive négligé. It is signed by the illustrious Greuze, painter to King Louis XVI; tortoise-shell powder frame, with gilt bronze. 175—1 Larce MIniatuRE representing the family of Lord Crewe, English school of the 18th century; remarkable for the grace and arrangement and the fineness of the painting, signed Towley; gilt wood and bronze frame. 176—1 Mintature by the XVIIIth centry painter to the Court of the King of England, G. Romney, representing Lady Scott Jackson, so many of whose works are in the National Art Gallery. 177—1 MIntaTuRE, extremely rare document regarding the famous Empress of Russia, Catherine II, a gift offered to her Polish Chamberlain, Comte de Lakowski, and signed by Gérard; gilt wood and bronze frame. 178—1 Larce Miniature by David, many of whose painting are at Versailles. He specialized in subjects setting forth the glories of the Empire; this miniature represents General Bonaparte, the victor of the Alps, through which he leads his army at Mt. Saint Bernard to surprise the Austrians in the Lombardy plains, at the Battle of Marengo. The fineness of the workmanship has rarely been equalled. 179—1 Miniature on Ivory which was used to elaborate the painting in the Louvre “The Spring” by Ingres. Remarkably fine; should be seen through a magnifying glass. 180—1 LarcE MINIATURE representing Empress Josephine in gala costume, with the Crown jewels; miniature signed Picart; gilt wood frame with Empire palm-leaves. : 181—1 Paste, ParnTINnG, gilt wood frame, representing a lady-in-waiting to the Queen of France, Madame de Lardy; signed Lancry. 182—1 Paste, PartntinG; gilt wood frame, representing the Duchess de Quinzie; signed by Lancry. 12 183—1 PASTEL PAINTING; gilt wood frame, representing the young daughter of the celebrated pastel painter La Tour, whose museum before the war was at Saint Quentin and is now at the Louvre in Paris. 184—1 PastEeL PAINTING, gilt wood frame, representing the daughter of the Comte d’Artois; no signature, its attribution to Nattier leaves no doubt. 185—1 Paster PaINTING, gilt wood frame, representing the Spinner; remark- able for the opposition of its tones, signed Duc. 186—1 PASTEL PAINTING, gilt wood frame, Baronne des Moutard, whose death on the scaffold in 1792 was so tragic; signed by Dusac, an unique document. 187—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory, graceful subject by Francois Boucher, the painter of the Graces, representing in a group of unequalled harmony ‘the “Triumph of Venus,” signed F. B. Frame of ivory and engraved tortoise- shell. 188—l MrntatureE, remarkably fine, representing the Marquis and Marquise Tosvohend, English school of the XVIIIth century, signed with the etch- ing needle A. Ritt, painter to His Majesty; silver and powder tortoise- shell frame, the back of tortoise-shell with the initials of the Christian name of the Tosvohend incrusted thereon. 189—1 ALLeGorIcAL MINIATURE, a remarkable document, Austrian miniature, early XVII Ithe century, representing children playing with a kitten, signed Livenz; gilt bronze frame. 190—1 MINIATURE presented to Pitt, Prime Minister of England, and repre- senting His Majesty George IV, King of England, in an admiral’s uniform, signed R. C.; at the back, the royal crown and the interlaced initials G. R., that is, George Rex. 191—1 Very Rare Mintature by F. Lawrence, a remarkable painter of the English school of the XVIIIth century, representing Lady Waliscourt playing the mandoline. Silver frame. 192—1 Muntature, a charming piece, very fine work, XVIIIth century; Madame d’Aigueperse, signed with the two initials A. T. Blue enamel frame. 193—1 MIntaTurE oN Ivory, of the French Empire school, representing Madame de Girardin, signed Hersent; tortoise-shell powder frame, carved, with ivory incrustations, carved and engraved. 194—1 Very REMARKABLE MIniatuRE: Marquis de Solange, who is known as having been involved in the famous matter of the “Necklace of Queen Marie Antoinette,” signed Ch. Lefévre. 195—MInIATURE representing Madame de Jaucourt, signed by the celebrated Le Brun; remarkable harmony in the choice of the soft tones of this minia- ture. Frame of powder tortoise-shell incrusted with chased gilt bronze. 196—Minrature of the English school, by the celebrated J. Hoppner represent- ing the Countess of Camden, a very rare piece of the time spent in France by Hoppner. Frame of tortoise-shell powder, incrusted with gilt and chased bronze. 197—Very Fine MINIATURE representing the Marshal of France, Drouet d’Erloy, born at Rheims, whose monument in that city was destroyed in 1918 by the Germans. Signed Boquet, very fine gilt bronze and wooden frame. 13 198—Book, tortoise-shell powder incrusted in silver with silver mounting, form- ing a case to two very fine miniatures representing Lord and Lady Vorou- zon, English school of the XVIIIth century, signed Reynard. 199—Very Rare DocuMeEnt of the XVth century representing a subject in ege painting on wood. Young girl surprised while bathing by a knight; in the background a fortified castle, in a book forming a case; the binding is of the XVIIth century. 200—MINIATURE with black ground, exceedingly fine, portrait of Napoleon. A very beautiful piece, remarkable for its workmanship. Incrusted frame. 201—MIntatureE with black ground, portrait of Bonaparte, very fine composi- tion; same frame as above. 202—MINIATURE with black ground, a wonderful piece, showing Josephine with her diadem; also in incrusted frame. 203—MINIATURE with black ground, Empire period, of rare fineness, repre- senting a lady of the Court, Madame Vial; same frame as above. 204—MIniatureE with black ground, remarkably fine work, portrait of Louis XVI in incrusted frame. 205—MINIATURE with black ground, a companion piece to the preceding. Por- trait of Marie Antoinette, same frame as above. 206—Mrntature with black ground, Louis XVI period, representing Madame de Lamballe, Court favorite, marvelous piece of work: also in incrusted frame. 207—ILLUMINATION, marvellous piece of the XVth century, with gold ground in relief; a rare piece of extraordinary fineness, representing a Saint blessing a child. 208— ILLUMINATION, same work and designation as above, the subject represents a Knight and a Saint carrying relics. 209—ILLUMINATION (same work, and same designation as above) ; the subject represents a Saint burying a Saint. 210—ILLUMINATION (same designation as above) the subject represents Saint Genevieve appearing to the Parisians. 211—REMARKABLE Ecc PaINTING oF THE XVTH CENTURY, representing in the foreground a deer hunt to hounds, in the back a boar hunt, and in the back- ground the castle. An unique document refuting the hypothesis of his- torians that noble ladies did not follow the hunt of the XVth century ; on the contrary, the rich costumes of the ladies and of their knights are to be noted. French school of the Centre. Gilt wood frame. 212—Larce Ecc PaInTING OF THE XVtH CENTURY representing a tourna- ment before the King of France before departing for the Crusades; the arms floating to the left of the picture are those of the Comte de Lestour, a family now extinct. The herald at arms in the centre, who during the tournament used to read poems glorifying the King and the success of bis arms; the ladies who surround the King of France have extraordi- narily expressive faces. The picture is in a splendid frame of tortoise- shel! with gilt bronze escutcheons containing lapis lazuli plaques. 213—1 UnigueE Set, green marble and gilt bronze, with cannon, trophies, flags, etc., with the portrait of Emperor Napoleon I standing out. This set is called the Marshal’s set, for at every victory gained by one of his famous soldiers, the Emperor would present one of these sets as a pitt. im splendid condition. 14 See Catalogue ‘No. 89” for Description A — + byany J 7 = 7, <6 : " = 4 ’ . "’ . t ' “ a2 y 7 + 44 214—An absolutely unique series: 4 BEAUTIFUL AND IMpoRTANT TAPESTRIES from the Royal Aubusson Manufactory (dated and signed) by Le Prince. These tapestries are one of the rarest specimens of the period, and are one of the five exist- ing series still to be found in this good condition. 215—Turee Fine Louis XVI VALANcEs, red ground, Royal Aubusson tap- estry (signed and dated), used to be in a princely house. 216—A Series oF Four LarceE AND IMPORTANT AUBUSSON CURTAINS; two fine bands and two valances, all of them signed and dated, and forming veritable pictures on account of the design, color and fineness. 217—Two Very FINE anp Larce AuBussoNn VALANCES, representing land- scape views of France; rare, very finely drawn subjects. 2181 Larcr AND Fine TAPESTRY representing “A fox hunt,’ from the car- toons of the series known as the Duc de Guises’ hunts. This tapestry is signed at the bottom: Royal Aubusson Manufactory, with the date. 219—Two Fine Panets from the Royal Aubusson Manufactory, which can be made companion pieces to the above, with a large and wide band of the same design. 220—1 Larce Drawtnc Room Set, fine Aubusson tapestry with flowers, Louis XVI. very finely carved wood, lacquered in grey, old Trianon. Consists of: 1 sofa with side pieces, 2 armchairs and 2 chairs. A second drawing room set of the same composition and style, with two important marquise chairs besides, make up a wonderful and rare ensemble. 221—1 Sora AND 4 Armcuarrs in Aubusson tapestry, all silk, representing various Chinese scenes on blue ground. Such subjects are exceedingly rare and form a set of great value. 222—2 Pranos of the Empire period, of massive mahogany, 2 different models, with numerous chased and gilded bronzes on every side. They are re- markable above all for their unusual shape, marking an epoch in the his- tory of piano making. \ aa Re AG } -~ 2236 Pieces, ARMCHAIRS, CHairs, SToot, Point AND Petit PorNt, with numerous motiffs and designs; some of the pieces represent allegorical ani- mals of olden times. 224—_WonbDERFUL DRAWING Room Set, very finely carved, gilt wood, consist- ing of: 1 sofa, 4 armchairs and 2 chairs, Point tapestry, with figures en- tirely of Petit Point; extraordinary design and coloring. 225—1 Supers PANEL, Royal Aubusson Tapestry, Louis XVI (dated and signed), The panel comes from one of the great chateaux of France, the relics of which were scattered during the Revolution of 1789. 226—1 SPLENDID ScREEN, Rosewood and Dresden china, mounted partly in gilt bronze. A rare piece (same origin as the above). 227—1 DrawtNc Room Set, absolutely unique, Gothic tapestry. The Musée de Cluny in Paris alone possesses similar subjects. 2282 Louis XVI BRACKETS, bronze and King’s Blue enamel, mercury-gilded, equipped for electricity, perfect chasing and splendid condition. 229—2 Louis X'VI Brackets, very fine chasing. (Musée de Compiégne. ) 15 230—1 Drawinc Room SET, consisting| of: 2 sofas, 4 armchairs, 2 chairs, 1 ottoman, 1 large bench, covered with old silk of a bright color; mounting of gilt bronze on pear wood. This set was shown at the Universal Expo- sition of 1855, and remained to this day with the Cail family, whose resi- dence in Paris, on the Boulevard Malesherbes was recently acquired by the French Government for the purpose of turning it into a town hall for the Elysée district. 231—2 PoRcELAINE VAsEs, Jacob Petit (signed underneath) ; very rare on ac- count of their flower decoration as varied as it is numerous. 232—SMALL ENAMEL Pieces, forming a small collection of remarkable enam- els; one drawing room set of 5 pieces, two small clocks, a casket and a carriage, all in very good condition. 233—1 DRESDEN CHINA Set from the Sarah Bernhardt collection, which was given to her by a royal personage when she gave a benefit performance. 234—2 Supers Pi nos, Boulle marquetry, red tortoise-shell and gilt bronzes. Wonderfully good condition. 235—2 Lovety LitrLe Cuairs, covered with Point work. 236—2 Murat Tapestries, Point and Petit Point work, representing country scenes. ‘These tapestries, although small, are exceedingly rare, in view of their dimension and the quality of the design and fineness. 237—5 WoNnvERFUL TApPEstTRIES forming a series and representing Boucher subjects, signed and dated (F. Boucher) ROYAL BEAUVAIS MANU- FACTORY, remarkable for their superb coloring. 238—1 Tapestry of the Renaissance period, representing an allegorical subject. 239—1 LARGE AND FINE Petit Pornt Carpet, decorated in the centre with Petit Point figures. 240—6 Pieces FORMING A VALANCE; Point work. 241—4 Cnairs, Point work, various hunting scenes. 242—2 LouncEs, Point work, different colors and tones. 243—2 Larce, Fine Armcuatrs, Point work, with large figures and subjects, Petit Point work. Fine condition. 244—Very FINE Picture representing the Virgin of Raphael, frame of won- derful gilt carved wood, from the collection of Princesse Murat (from the sale in Paris, June, 1923). -245—1 Smartt DrespEN CHINA Cup, mounted in bronze and enamel. 246—| Piece oF FurNituRE, middle piece, rosewood, decorated with numerous chased gilt bronzes in the middle of which stands out a plaque of turquoise blue Dresden china, representing a Cupid. 24A/—cl Lovety ENAMEL CABINET, numerous doors, drawers, etc. ( Schoen- brunn Palace) Austria. SARAH BERNHARDT COLLECTION 248—1 ApsoLuTELY UNIQUE Piece representing Joan of Arc, liberator of France, carrying a standard. At the bottom Joan of Arc is seen tending her sheep and listening to the voice of the Virgin. Numerous coat-of- arms, helmets, armor-plates of the period, varied designs, etc. A work of wonderfully fine execution, absolutely unique and worthy of taking its place in the most famous collections. 16 ‘ % % a % % * % * See Catalogue ‘No. 96” for Description 249—1 Larcr Ivory PAINTING representing the Storming of a Fortress by the troops of the Holy Empire; above are seen coat-of-arms of the period. Numerous soldiers, horseman, etc., forming a unique picture. At a dis- tance are seen carriages, pedestrians, houses, trees, etc. In a word, a marvellous perspective. SARAH BERNHARDT COLLECTION 250—1 Mepium-Size Picrure on ivory representing a religious scene of the period; the remarkable execution of the figures is worthy of note. 251—1 Very Important Ivory Crock decorated with four exceedingly well carved caryatides representing the four seasons and several varied subjects giving amplitude and beauty to this absolutely unique piece, both on account of its size and workmanship and fineness of execution. Other subjects and designs are of solid enameled silver. The hours on the dial are shown by rubies, the mounting is of garnet. Numerous decorations of various stones and precious stones enhance the richness of architecture of this clock, which is a meter and a half high. (A museum piece. ) 252—-WonbDERFUL Desk known as the Choiseul desk, of rosewood and finely chased and gilt bronze, surmounted by pigeon-holes in the same style, and a beautiful Louis XVI clock, of bronze, marvelously chased and gilded. The ensemble is a unique and exceedingly rare piece. 253—1 Very FINE ScENE, consisting of four Point and Petit point panels repre- senting mediaeval knights, framed by gilt wood rods. 254—1 Pair or Vases, Sévres Porcelain Manufactory, with the name of the person who received the vases as a gift. 255—1 Important Basin, China porcelain, numerous figures of finest execution, remarkably painted ; decorated with wonderful chased and gilded bronze of Louis XIV period. 256—1 Marvetous Drawinc Room Set, finely carved and gilded wood, Louis XVI, covered with old silk, red, consisting of: 1 sofa, 4 armchairs, 2 chairs. 257—18 Cuairs, carved, gilt wood, covered with silks of different tones and colors. 258—4 Supers Panes, Royal Aubusson Manufactory tapestry, signed F. Boucher, remarkable for their good preservation and purity of design. Rare and exceptional pieces, which can be sold separately and then put together. 259—MarveLous RENAISSANCE MAnrTEL Piece, the base of which is formed by two tall women, with expressive faces, and the middle of numerous figures of the period, forming an ensemble worthy of the masterpieces of the Renaissance. 260—1 Larcr Sipepoarp Pircr, Renaissance, decorated with varied figures and designs ; numerous drawers. 261—1 Larce RENAISSANCE CHEST, with varied designs of the period, remark- able on account of the head of the celebrated painter Rembrandt, which is seen in the upper part. 262—6 Pretry CHArRs covered with old tapestry, Louis XIV period. 263—1 Cuest, Gothic period ; has not been restored in any way; a few parts are missing, however (museum piece ). 264—2 Rounp Tastes, mahogany, Empire period, decorated with chased and gilt bronzes, covered with grey marble and white marble, respectively. Lk? 265—2 Pretty Tasces, carved gilt wood, one decorated with a gilt bronze circle, the other with numerous and varied designs. 266—1 SupeRB DrRECTOIRE SCREEN, showing the most celebrated events of the Bonaparte Egyptian campaign. The mounting with the Phrygian bonnet of the period is worthy of note. 267/—4 Larcr Louts XVI Easy-Cuairs, carved gilt wood, covered with old red silk. ; 268—1 WownperRruL SEcRETARY, mahogany, Empire period, decorated with numerous chased gilt bronzes, amiong which the portrait of Napoleon I only to be found on imperial pieces. 269—1 FINE Prece or Furniture, so-called Boulle marquetry of the Louis XIV period, remarkable for the good condition both of the tortoise-shell and bronze. 270—2 Marvetous Bronze Susjects, by Clodion (dated and signed), sur- mounted by candelabra of chased, gilt bronze, equipped for electricity. Bronze and granite base, Swedish wood. 271—2 LarcE AND Fine Vases, black bronze with warriors, mercury-gilded. These vases are signed Siot Decauville. First bronze of France, marked a proof, absolutely unique. (Exposition piece. ) 272—1 LarcE Louis XVI Consot, carved wood, grey lacquer, Trianon, dec- orated with a wonderful colored marble. (Museum of the Louvre.) | 273—1 Drawinc Room Set, carved, gilt wood, consisting of 1 sofa covered with old red silk, 2 armchairs, 2 chairs. 274—1 Easy Cuair, Point and Petit Point tapestry, representing birds. 275—Various ALLEGORIES in very small Petit Point, with 1 sofa in Petit Point, grey lacquer, Trianon. 276—3 MARQUETRY TABLES, so-called Boulle, perfect condition, both as regards the tortoise-shell and bronze. Louis XIV. 277—2 LARGE TABLES, wood marquetry, decorated with various Louis XVI designs, chased and gilt bronzes. 278—1 Larce AnD Important Fiat Desk, Louis XVI. Mahogany and chased, gilt bronzes. This piece, in the Riesener style, is a sample of the finest example of that time. 279—1 SMmaty Directorre Desk, mahogany and chased, gilt bronzes. In the background is a superb painting, known as Vernis Martin, very rare in a mahogany desk. Doors with mirrored back piece; interior of citron wood (very rare). 280—1 WonpverruL Manocany Empire Drsk with numerous chased gilt bronzes. An exceedingly rare shape. 281—SarAH BERNHARDT COLLECTION. 1 picture, absolutely unique. Italian school, early XVIth century (signed and dated). This picture represents a battle for the possession of a port. Signed Giulio Piff, 1523. (He lived between 1482 and 1546.) There are a few of his paintings at the Museum of the Louvre. 282—2 ImporTanrT Currarns, Aubusson tapestry, red ground, with large and beautiful flowers. 283—SARAH BERNHARDT COLLECTION. 1 very large tapestry from the Brussels Manufactory (marked B. B., signifying Brussels in Brabant, dated 1681) 18 and representing a hunting and fishing scene mixed with pasture scenes. In the background brilliant verdure prospect: trees, forest and small figures standing out. The border is a marvel of the XVIIth century, with flowers, well, birds. 284—1 Marvetous Pitce or Furniture, colored marquetry with fine bronzes (Museum of the Louvre). 285—3 Cuests, Boulle marquetry, different models. ~ 286—1 Very FINE BoNHEUR-DU-JouR, of rosewood, Louis XVI, gilt bronze with Sevres circle. 287—1 Larce AND IMporTANT BoNHEUR-bU-JouR, Boulle marquetry. 288—2 Fine MARQUETRY SECRETARIES, Louis XVI. 289—1 CLock AND 2 CANDELABRA, Boulle marquetry and gilt bronzes. 290—4 ArmcuHarrs, 2 CHarrs, BEAUVAIS TAPESTRIES; very fine; representing various animals from La Fontaine’s fables. 291—1 Emprre Drawinc Room SEt, absolutely unique niodel, consisting of 2 sofas, 2 armchairs, 6 chairs. The material is Empire; the gilt bronzes and the wood forms a very fine and very rare ensemble. 292—1 Very ImporTANT Drawinc Room Set, carved, gilt wood, covered with Genoa velvet, copied exactly from old designs. 293—1 Maroquetry FLOWER-STAND, wood marquetry and gilt bronze. 294—1 Fine Manocany BureAu, Empire period, decorated with fine chased, gilt bronzes, with silk designs in the Empire style. 295—1 Important Consot, gilt wood, white marble top. 296—1 Very Pretry Gi_t Woop Taste, marble (Palace of Fontainbleau). 297—1 SMALL Bronze TABLE with marble top (Louvre Museum). 298—1 Fine Git Bronze Cur with important subject. 299—1 SMALL ALABASTER MonuMENT, Louis XVI. 300—2 LarGE AND IMPoRTANT EMPIRE CANDELABRA, cut crystal and bronze. These two pieces signed Thomire, are of exceptional size and very rare; there are very few to be found in the museums of Europe, most of them having been broken at the time of the various revolutions which have taken place. There are very few even at the Museum of the Louvre in Paris. 301—1 Emprre Ciock Set, red marble and gilt bronze. On the top of the clock is a lion in bronze, and on the body various emblems and symbols of the period. 302—3 Lovety VALANcES, Royal Aubusson, red ground and fine flowers in very bright colors. 303—1 ImporTANT Mirror; was shown at the Paris Exposition under No. 798, consisting of 13 various enamels, several of which are painted on silver, and the ensemble of which forms a marvelous piece of work, whose au- thor received a Gold Medal for this absolutely unique piece. 304—1 Suprers RoyAL AuBussoN CARPET, dated and signed. Exceptional size and importance; rare brightness of tones and perfect condition. 305—1 Lovety TABLE, wood marquetry, colored, gilt bronze. 19 306—8 ArmcHars, Petit point, representing figures, a marvelous piece of hand- work ; antique wood with patina. 307—2 ARMCHAIRS, wood with the antique patina, real Petit Point tapestry en- tirely hand-made; with flowers. 308—1 Very Fine Drawinc Room Set, wood with patina; antique, consisting of 1 sofa, 4 armchairs, rich model. 309—3 Pretty ANTIQUE BuREAus, Louis XVI, fine marquetry. 310—2 Very FINE REGENcy BurREAUS, antique; fine marquetry. 311—1 'Very Pretty SMALL TABLE, antique style, a little gem of marquetry. 312—1 Fine SMAtyt Louis XV Taste; pretty, well designed marquetry. 313—1 Very Pretty AND RicH BuREAU, marquetry, with bronze and marbles. 314—1 Very Fine MArQuetry TABLE; antique bronze. 315—2 Very Pretry Book Cases, marquetry; antique, can be used as bed- tables. 316—1 Very Ricw Recency Bureau, rich marquetry with marble. 317—1 Very Pretry Louis XV Bureau, antique; marquetry and bronze. 318—3 Lovery LittLe Tastes, fine marquetry, rosewood, citron wood and violet wood. 3 319—2 Fine Tastes, small models, graceful and rich marquetry; rosewood and citron wood. 320—2Z Very Fine Powper Tas_es, mosaic marquetry, silk trimmed inside. Very dainty and rich: : 7 321—2 Very FINE Louis XVI ANTIQUE SecRETARIES. Marquetry; satin back, and marble. | 322—1 Very FINE SECRETARY, antique, fine marquetry and marble. $23—2 Fine Louis XV Secreraries, rich marquetry, very pretty decoration and marble top. | 324—2Z Very Ricu- Louis XIII Secretaries, copied from the antique. Fine marquetry. | 325—1 Very Prerry Desk, fine marquetry. 326—2 WonverFuL Louis X'V Bureaus, marquetry, marble top. 327—1 Very Fine Trianon Desk, marquetry and bronze; a perfect gem. 328—1 FINE Bureau-Desx, Louis XV, pretty marquetry, antique. 329—1 Pretry Powber Taste, copied from the antique; rich model; silk lined. *330—1 Very Prerry StTanp, rich marquetry; marble top. 331—1 WonbeERFUL Empire Suite, mahogany and bronze, copied from Ver- sailles ; rich silk in the same style, consisting of: 1 sofa, 2 armchairs, 2 chairs, 2 stools. 332—1 CHASUBLE, embroidered, antique material, decorated with rich galoon. 333—1 Larce Louis XIV Tante, fine gilt, rich and magnificent model. 334—1 Louis XVI Drawine Room Serres, antique style, patina wood, caned. 20 See Catalogue “No. 97” for Description 335—4 Fine Louis XVI Armcuatrs, caned, copied from the antique. 336—4 Very Fine Louis XIV Armcuairs, fine antique patina. 337—4 Fine Louis XVI Armcuairs, fine patina. 338—1 Very Rich Lours XVI Drawinc Room Set, patina wood, antique; real Aubusson; comfortable and beautiful. 339—1 OLD SET, very rich, patina wood; fine Flanders tapestry with animals. 340—1 Lamp, Jar, black ground, antique Tching-Hoa china. XVIth century, bronze mounting, Louis XVI shade, silk. 341—1 Lamp, TEA Jar, old Persian, XVIth century, bronze mounting, silk shade. 342—1 CENTRE Piece, 3 bacchantes, old Sevres, XVIIIth century Empire. Au- tokolshi collection. 343—1 PLaguE, “Crucifixion,” old Limoges, Léonard Limousin, X VIth century ; gilt wood frame (Museum of the Louvre). 344—1 Pragug, “Nativity,” by Pierre Reymond, XVIth century, old Limoges, duplicate in the Museum of the Louvre, leather frame. 345—1 PLagur, “Psyche’s Toilette,” grisaille by Nardon Pénicaud, XVIth century, old Limoges. Duplicate in the Museum of the Louvre. 346—1 PLAQuE, “Crucifixion,” after Solario, painted by Jean I. Pénicaud. Old Limoges, X VIth century. 347—2 Ova. PLagues, “The Flagellation,”’ painted by Léonard Limousin. Old Limoges, XVIth century. Duplicate in the Museum of Cluny. 348—1 Trietycu, “The Annunciation,’ Spitzer collection, painted by Jean I Peéenicaud. Old Limoges, XVIth century, wooden frame. 349—3 PAINTINGS ON Copper, by Ruysdael, X VIIIth century. 350—2 PAINTINGS ON CopPeER, by Van Ostard, XVIIIth century. 351—1 PLagueE “Adoration of the Magi,” grisaille painted by Nardon Pénicaud, XVIth century, Old Limoges. Duplicate in Dutuit Collection. 352—1 Prague, “The Annunciation,” painted by Jéan Péricaut, Old Limoges, XVIth century. Duplicate in the Cluny Museum. 353—1 PraguE, “Laving of the Feet,” by Pierre Peymond. Old Limoges, X VIth century. Duplicate Museum of the Louvre. 354—1 Prague, “Laving of the Feet,” by Nardon Péricaud. Old Limoges, XVIth century. Duplicate Kensington Museum. 355—1 Wa.Lnut ARMCHAIR, patina, covered with Brussels Point tapestry repre- senting 3 Petit Point figures on the back and a chimera on the seat. 356—1 Drawinc Room Ser. Sarah Bernhardt Collection. 1 sofa, 4 armchairs, gilt wood, nitrate, covered with white very fine hand embroidered silk, from Madame Sarah Bernhardt’s collection, presented to her by Edmond Rostand, the well-known author, in 1898. 357—1 Drawinec Room Set, Aubusson, gilt, Louis X'VI, white lacquer. Very rich flowers, specially made for the Princesse de Lamballe for the wedding present of the Baronne de Chateau Gontier. 358—1 Drrp BLUE Sevres CHINA SET, offered by the Duc de Richelieu to the Princesse de Lamballe consisting of 1 tea pot, 1 sugar bowl, 1 cream jug, 12 cups and saucers, 12 plates, decorated with festoons gold relief, subject after Watteau, signed Amblet. In a case upholstered in velvet. 21 369—1 LarGE OvaL SEvRES PoRCELAIN Disu, deep blue, gold relief decoration, subject after Lancret, signed Amblet. 360—1 Tere A TETE SEvRES CHINA, purple ground, consisting of 1 tray, 1 teapot, 1 sugar bowl, 1 cream jug, 2 cups and saucers, gold relief decora- tion, subject, Napoleon’s battles, after Moreau, signed Henri. 361—12 Sevres Cuina Prates, deep blue, offered by Marshal Lannes to Prin- cesse Murat, Empire gold relief decoration, subjects: Napoleon’s battles. Signed Amblet. 362—1 CaskET, oval shape, turquoise ground, gold relief decoration, subject : The Music Lesson, after Watteau, signed Aubé. Sévres china. 363—1 SET CONSISTING OF Parr oF VASES, torse shape, Rose Sévres china, gold relief and flower decoration, gilt bronze mounting, Louis XVI, and a flower stand, oval, same decoration and same mounting, Louis XVI. 364—1 Pair TorsE Vases, Sévres China, turquoise ground, gold relief and gar- land of flowers decoration; rich Louis XIV mounting, bronze nitrate- gilded. 365—1 Pair Ricw Ick Containers, Sévres china sides, turquoise and flowers ground, gold relief decoration, rich Louis XIV mounting, bronze nitrate- gilded. 366—1 Parr Larce Cocxatoos, Paris porcelain, richly decorated. 367—1 Parr Larce Sevres CHINA Vases, Empire, green ground, rich mounting of bronze, nitrate-gilded, handles: women and garlands of flowers. 368—1 Bastn with heads, China porcelain, black ground and decoration of flow- ers and polychrome birds. 369—1 Rounp Casket, “Vulcan’s Forges,” Capo di Monte. 370—1 RECTANGULAR CasKeEt, deep blue Sévres, gold relief decoration. Sub- ject: “The Hunt,” signed Laugué. | 371—1 Pair PorceLain: Vases, Capo di Monte, decorated with handles repre- senting chimerae. Subject: “The Toilette of Venus.” Gold and color deco- ration. | 3/2—1 CoL_uMN, Capo di Monte porcelain, gold and color decoration. Subject in relief: “Music.” Square capital covered with red velvet. 373—1 Topacco Jar, oval shape, China porcelain, Rose family, fine bronze gilt Louis XV mounting. 3/4—1 Louis XV Swerermeat Box, Capo di Monte. Subject: “Children at Play.” . 375—1 Parr CANDELABRA, Chimerae, turquoise China porcelain, rich gilt bronze Louis XV mounting, 3 electric lights, turquoise flowers. Height, 60; width 40. 376—1 SweretMEatT Box, oval shape, high, Capo di.Monte. Cupids and grapes. 377—1 CENTRE PIECE, “Renown,” Paris porcelain, decorated with mythological subjects and Cupids. Height, 35 c/m; width, 25 c/m. 378—1 Larce Monkey EATING A POMEGRANATE; decorated Paris porcelain, 379—1 Parr oF LarGE STATUETTES, Marquis and Marquise, decorated Paris porcelain. 380—1 Sweetmeat Box, with sides, Capo di Monte, Cupids and Goat. 22 See Catalogue “No. 107” for Description * - ’ » ° * » = s ‘ el 5 ” . 4 ‘ = > ‘ Pie . f ~/ a - ’ 7 . ' . » ‘ 381—1 SweretTMEAT Box, square shape, grisaille subject, Sévres china, yellow, gold relief decoration. 382—1 Group, 3 figures, Paris porcelain, decorated. “Tapestry.” 383—1 Group, 3 figures, Paris porcelain, decorated. ‘‘The Doves.” 384—1 Group, 4 Cupids with Goat, Paris porcelain, decorated, after Clodion. 385—1 Parr CANDELABRA, Dancers, Paris porcelain, decorated, mounted on nitrate-gilded bronze base, 2 electric lights, gilt bronze leaves and flowers, Paris porcelain. Height, 40 ¢/m; width, 30 c/m. 386—1 Parr IcE ConTAINERS, China porcelain, purple ground, decoration flow- ers and birds, gilt bronze mounting, Louis XVI. Height, 32 c/m; width, 22 ym, 387—1 Pair Fine Vases, blue ground, Sévres porcelain, gold relief decoration, painting 3 figures by Lancret, signed Bertren; mounting, handles, women and gilt (nitrate) bronze base. Louis XVI. Height, 80 c/m; width, 29-¢/m: 388—1 Parr URN SHAPED VasSEs, Sévres porcelain, Empire, yellow ground, gold relief decoration. Napoleon’s battles. Swan handles and base with Em- pire mounting of nitrate-gilded bronze. Height, 60 c/m; width, 30 c/m. 389—1 Patr PorcELaINn Vases, Sévres, turquoise ground, gold relief decoration, Louis XVI. Painting: “Conversation,” after Watteau, signed Bertren. Mounting, handles and base of nitrate-gilded bronze, Louis XVI. Height, 60c/m; width, 35 c/m. 390—1 Pair LonGc SHAPED VASES, Sévres porcelain, blue ground, gold relief decoration. Painting: “Fishing,” after Watteau, signed Bertren. Han- dles: Women’s heads, and Louis XVI base of nitrate- gilded bronze. Height, 60 c/m; width, 22 CHI, 391—1 Ricu Ick ConTAINeER, China porcelain, Rose family, purple ground, car- tels with flowers and birds; rich mounting of Louis XVI gilt bronze, with claws; on base. Height, 50 c/m; width, 45 c/m. 392—1 INcENSE BuRNER, with open work sections, China porcelain, Rose fam- ily, rich Louis XV mounting, decoration rose ground and _ casse-tete. Height, 40 c/m; width, 30 c/m. 393—2 INCENSE BuRNERS, Sévres porcelain, with blue bands and rose ground, garlands of flowers, gallery of open-work bronze, base and knobs of nitrate-gilded bronze. Height, 45 c/m; width, 25 c/m. 394—1 Parr oF Jars, ovoid shape, Chantilly porcelain, decoration flowers and figures ; mounting, handles and base of nitrate bronze. Louis XV. 395—1 Topacco JAR, streaked blue China porcelain, mounting, open-work gal- lery and base, Louis XV nitrate-gilded bronze. Height, 50 c/m. 396—1 Pair Ecc-SHAPED VASES, Sévres porcelain, turquoise ground, gold relief decoration. Painting: “Fishing and Hunting,” after Watteau, signed Ber- tren. Handles, women’s heads and base of nitrate-gilded bronze, Louis XVI. Height, 50 c/m; width, 26 c/m. 397—1 Jar, ovoid form, China porcelain, Rose family, decoration flowers and birds, fine Louis XV mounting, of nitrate-gilded bronze. Height, 60 c/m; width, 30 c/m 398—1 Larce Basin, China porcelain, Green family, decoration, figures, with fine gallery and open-work base, Louis XVI, nitrate-gilded bronze. Height, 45 c/m; width, 38 c/m. 23 399—1 Ice Container, Sévres porcelain, Empire, green ground, gold relief deco- ration, Napoleon’s monogram, mounting, handles, women’s heads, base, claws and Imperial eagle on the cover, of nitrate-gilded bronze. 400—1 LANTERN with sections, China porcelain, open-work, rose ground, deco- ration cartels with figures, rich mounting of bronze, nitrate-gilded, Louis XV. Height, 48 c/m; width, 25 c/m. 401—1 Parr Smatt Vases, Sévres porcelain, Empire, yellow ground, decora- tion, gold relief; Napoleon’s monogram; painting of Napoleon and Marie Louise, signed Amblet. Swan handles. 402—1 Pair Vases, Sévres porcelain, Empire, green ground, gold relief deco- ration; painting of Napoleon and Marie Louise, signed Rochette. 403—1 Pair Vases, torse shaped, Sévres porcelain, turquoise ground and white, gold relief decoration, cartels with birds. handles, acanthus leaf of nitrate- gilded bronze. 404—1 Parr Borrre Vases, China porcelain, Dynasty of the Mings, Pelican decoration, mounting of nitrate-gilded bronze. Height, 60 c/m. 405—1 Parr SMALL Sevres PorceLarn VasEs, deep blue, gold relief decoration, cartels with subject after Boucher, signed Henry. 406—1 Parr Sevres Porcetarn V ASES, deep blue, gold relief decoration, cartels with painting after Boucher, signed Luc; handles and base of nitrate Louis XVI bronze. Height, 40 c/m; width, 15 c/m. 407—1 Parr Borttes, ball-shaped, China porcelain, purple ground, cartels with flowers and birds, rich base of Louis XVI gilt bronze. Height, 50 ¢/m; width, 25 c/m. 408—1 Pair INcENSE Burners, Sevres porcelain, blue ground, mounting, open- work neck, drapery, ram’s heads, and base. mounting of nitrate-gilded Louis XIV bronze. 409—1 TrEtTEe a TETE, consisting of a round tray, 1 coffee pot, 1 sugar bowl, 1 cream jug, 2 cups, of Sévres porcelain, deep blue, gold relief decoration; painting after Watteau, signed Henry. 410—3 Ova Disues, Sévres porcelain, deep blue, rich gold relief decoration; painting signed by Amblet. 411—1 Pair PerrumeE Boxes, Sévres porcelain, white ground, Marie Antoi- nette’s monogram, and flowers, triangular base with claws, gilt bronze mounting, Louis XVI. 412—1 Ice Container, Paris porcelain, black ground, peach flower decoration, rich gold relief, mounting, Louis XV, nitrate-gilt bronze. 413—1 Parr SMALL VasEs, streaked blue ground, cartels with flowers, base and mounting nitrate-gilt bronze, Louis XVI. 414—1 Ice ConTatNner with sections, Sévres porcelain, rose and flower ground, gold relief decoration, fine mounting, handles and base, Louis XVI, nitrate- gilt bronze. 415—1 Parr Smatyt Urn Suapep Vases, Sévres porcelain, Empire, green ground, gold relief decoration; painting of Napoleon and Josephine; ser- pent handles and base of nitrate-gilt bronze. 416—1 Parr Sevres PorceLaIn Vases, purple ground, Empire gold relief deco- ration, cartels with allegorical subject, rich mounting; Mars head handles and claw feet of nitrate-gilt bronze. Height, 50 c/m; width, 22 c/m. 24 417—1 Parr or Very Fine Jucs, Sévres porcelain, turquoise ground, gold relief decoration and arms of France, very rich mounting, Louis XIV, chimerae handle, open-work base of nitrate-gilt bronze. Height, 65 c/m; width, 352c/m. 4181 Group Caro pt Monte PorcELAIN, representing a winged sphinx seated on a horn of plenty and bearing a cup on its head. Fine gold and color decoration. 419—1 Parr PorceLtain Vases. East India Company. Deer decorations and arms, chimerae handles. 420—1 Ricu Set or 5 Preces consisting of 3 vases with sections and 2 horns of polychrome Delft ware, chimerae on the covers. Height, 55 c/m'; width, 30 ¢/m., 421—1 Parr Capo pt Monte PorceLain Vases; shape of handles Neptune head ; subject, “Cupid Asleep and the Triumph of Love’; fine gold and color decoration. Height, 60 c/m; width, 50 c/m. 4221 Group, Paris porcelain, richly decorated. “Manon meeting the Chevalier des Grieux.” Length, 60 c/m; height, 34 c/m. 423—1 Sevres PorcELAIN CASKET, green ground, gold relief decoration. Paint- ing: “Grandfather’s Portrait,” signed Danty. 4241 Casket, Sévres porcelain, deep blue, gold relief decoration, painting: The First Steps. Signed Aubé, interior flowers. 425—1 Ova SwEETMEAT Box, Sevres porcelain, purple ground, gold relief dec- oration, Empire. 426—1 Lovuts XV Casket, white ground, Sévres porcelain, gold relief decora- tion and colors, painting after Watteau: ‘The Presentation,” silk inside, 427—1 OvaL Porntep CAsKET, Sévres porcelain, turquoise ground, gold relief decoration, painting: “Drawing the Bow,” after Watteau, flowered in- terior. 428-1 Ova. CASKET, cantwise sections, Sévres porcelain, Empire deep blue, cartels with mythological subjects. gold relief decoration, flowers inside. 4291 Casket, rocaille form, Sévres porcelain, deep blue, gold relief, painting : “The Shepherdess,” after Boucher, flowers inside. 430—1 Ova RocaiLLe Casket, Sévres porcelain, white ground, flowers, sub- ject: Painting, after Watteau, flowers inside. 431—1 Rounp Rissep CasKET, Sévres porcelain, green ground, Empire decora- tion, gold relief, mythological painting, yellow velvet inside. 432—1 OvaL RocarLLe Casket, Sévres porcelain, deep blue, gold relief decora- tion, subject after Lancret: “Music.” Flowers inside. 433—1 Casket, book shaped, Sévres porcelain, brown ground gold relief decora- tion, painting: “Battle,” Louis XV; velvet inside. 4341 RecTANGULAR RocaILLE CASKET, Sévres porcelain, green ground, gold relief decoration, painting: “Music,” after Watteau, signed Betren, flowers inside. 435—1 LencruwisE CAsKET, Sévres porcelain, turquoise ground, gold relief decoration, painting after Macret, signed Henry. Flowers inside. 436—1 RECTANGULAR SWEETMEAT Box, green ground, gold decoration, Sevres porcelain, subject: “Fishing,” after Lancret. Flowers inside. 25 437—1 SweretMrat Box, square shape, rose ground, Sévres porcelain; gold decoration, cartels with flowers and trophies. 438—1 SwreeTMeEat Box, boat shape, Sévres porcelain, deep blue, gold relief, painting after Boucher. 439—1 RECTANGULAR SWEETMEAT Box, Sévres porcelain, deep blue, gold relief, subject after Watteau. ; 440—1 RECTANGULAR GRISAILLE SWEETMEAT, Sévres porcelain, rose ground, relief decoration, painting: “The Nap,” after Watteau. Flowers inside. 441—1 SweetMeat Box, festoons, Sévres porcelain, rose and blue decoration, subject after Watteau. Flowers inside. 442—1 RECTANGULAR SWEETMEAT Box, gold ground, chinese subject, Gold inside. . 443—1 RocaiLLte SweeTMEAT Box, Sévres porcelain, green ground, gold dec- oration, mythological subject. Flowers inside. 444—1 Sweetmeat Box, Sévres porcelain, deep blue, gold decoration, subject: “The Embroiderer,” after Chardin. Flowers inside. 445—1 Rounp SweetmeEat Box, with ribbed surface, white ground, Sévres porcelain, subject after Watteau. Flowers inside. 446—1 Sweetmeat Box, Sévres porcelain, purple ground, Empire, gold relief decoration, mythological subject. 447—1 RocaiLLE SWEETMEAT Box, Sévres porcelain, yellow ground, gold relief decoration, subject after Watteau. 448—1 SwereTMeat Box, cant-wise shape, Sevres porcelain, deep blue, gold dec- oration, subject after Watteau. Fiowers inside. 449—1 Rounp Ripsep SwEETMEAT Box, Sévres porcelain, purple ground, Em- pire, gold relief decoration, painting, mythological subject. 450—1 Square Sweermeat Box, sharp corners, Sévres porcelain, deep blue, gold relief decoration, painting after Boucher. 451—1 Swrermeat Box, Sévres porcelain, purple ground, Empire, mythological subject, gold relief decoration. 452—1 Sguare SweermMeat Box, rocaille corners, Sévres. Porcelain, purple ground, cartel with “The Bird has Flown” after Boucher, gold decoration. Flowers inside. 453—1 SweeTmeatr Box, Sévres porcelain, green ground, gold relief decoration, subject; grisaille landscape, signed Maugere. 7 454—1 Rounp PLAIN SWEETMEAT Box, Sévres porcelain, purple ground, gold decoration, painting, “The Chateau du Louvre.” Flowers inside. 455—1 SwerTMeat Box, Sévres porcelain, gréen ground, Empire, gold decora- tion, mythological subject on gold ground. 456—1 Square SweerMeat Box, sharp corners, Sévres porcelain, turquoise, gold relief decoration, cartel cameo purple Camaieu. 457—1 SwEeTMEaT Box, Sévres porcelain, violet ground, Empire decoration and mythological subject. ‘“‘Cupids with Goat.” 458—1 SwertMeEaAT Box, Sévres porcelain, deep blue, gold relief decoration, painting after Watteau, gold interior. 26 LRH BEEBE BEE ee, SSE ELER ES ECE SL ES See Catalogue “No. 108” for Description e- 482—1 SmaALL PircHER, wooden handle, Capo di Monte porcelain, decorated. Subject: “Cupids Dancing.” 483—1 Smati Rounp Vass, without handles, Capo di Monte porcelain, deco- rated, “Satyr and Bacchantes.” 484—1 Warrior’s Heimer, Capo di Monte porcelain, richly decorated. 485—1 Cup witx Sranp, Capo di Monte porcelain, decorated, dragon handles. “Subject: ‘Venus Reclining.” 486—1 Parr PLaguss, Capo di Monte porcelain, decorated, with fluted leather frame. Subject: “The Crucifixion and Entombment of Christ.” 48/—1 Pair RECTANGULAR PLaguss, Capo di Monte porcelain, Cupid with bow, on gold ground and Italian frame, wood and nitrate-gilded bronze. 488—1 PLagug, cantwise shape, Capo di Monte porcelain, decorated. Subject: “The Nativity,” with Italian frame wood and nitrate-gilded bronze. 489—1 Oval Swan SHarep Ink Sranp, Sévres porcelain, Empire, yellow and red ground, gold relief decoration, swan and stand with claws full gold. 490—1 InxKstTanp, Sévres porcelain, purple ground, gold decoration, flat stand, rocaille, 3 holders. 491—1 Parr or Very Fine Sevres PorcELAIN VASES, deep blue, rich decoration, gold relief, Louis XV, painting : Fishing and Hunting Birds, after Boucher, signed Bertren; handles, Satyr’s heads, and base of nitrate-gilded bronze. Exceptional pieces. Height, 1m. 25; width, 50 c/m. 492—1 SweeTMeat Box, violin shape, Sévres, Empire, yellow ground, gold relief decoration. 493—1 REcTANGULAR SWEETMEAT Box, Sevres, Empire, green ground, gold relief decoration. 494—1 Sweermeart Box, crown, deep blue, Sevres, after Watteau, signed Henri, gold relief decoration. 495—1 Louis XV SuHapr Sweermeat Box, with flowers; Paris porcelain. 496—1 SwEETMEAT Box, length-wise shape, deep Sévres blue, pastoral subjects after Boucher, signed René. 497—1 LencrH-wist SHape Sweermeat Box, Sévres deep blue, Boucher sub- ject, signed Henri. : 498—1 MicNonEtTE SweetMeEat Box, deep Sévres blue. Subject: The Reader, after Watteau, ‘signed Henri. | 499—1 MIGNONETTE SEVRES SWEETMEAT Box, with palm leaves, blue, and-gold relief. 500—8 Cuina Pirates, decorated, red ground, Kaien Loung period. 501—-1 PLain STREAKED BLUE Prater, China, cartel with flowers and birds, Green family. 502—6 PLaIn Prates. East India Compariy. Orleans porcelain, decoration blue and gold bands and coat of arms. 503—12 Frestoon Puartes, deep Sévres blue, subject after Watteau, signed Aubé; gold relief decoration, Louis XV style. 504—4 Frstoon RockINGHAM PLATES, yellow ground, basket of flowers. 28 NS a a ee a a See Catalogue “No. 110” for Description 505—1 Pair Jars, straight shape, China porcelain, purple ground, flowers and birds. Mounting, gilt bamboo bronze. Height, 54 c/m. 506—1 Pair TorseE VAsEs, Sevres porcelain, turquoise ground and flowers. Nitrate-gilded bronze mounting. Height, 0.50. 507—1 Pair LENGTH-WISE SHAPE VASES, Sévres, Royal blue ground, painting after Boucher, signed Henri. Gilt bronze mounting. Height, 0.50. 508—1 Pair STRAIGHT SHAPE VASES, Sevres porcelain, blue, camaieu purple subject, gilt bronze mounting. Height, 27 c/m. 509—1 Parr SQuaRE TEA Boxes, Capo di Monte. Subject: ‘‘Vulcan and Venus.” 510—1 Frower Port, Capo di Monte, decorated garlands of fruit. Height, 25. ¢/m. 511—1 Pair Vases, Sevres porcelain, green ground and basket of flowers, gold relief. Height, 48 c/m. 512—1 Pair Roti VAsEs, China porcelain, streaked blue, cartels, Green family. Height, 44 c/m. 513—1 Parr Vases, Sévres porcelain, rose ground and flowers, Rocaille handles, gold relief decoration. Height, 39 c/m. 514—1 Pair Sratuettes, “Tailor and His Wife on a Goat.” Derby ware. 515—1 Parr STATUETTES, “Farmers with Goat.’ Paris decorated porcelain. 516—1 Group, 2 Ficures, Paris decorated porcelain: “The Cook,” after Gérard Dow. Height, 24; length, 20. 517—1 Group, Paris decorated porcelain, 3 figures: “The Game,” after Gérard Dow. Height, 20 c/m; length, 20 c/m. 518—1 Group, “The Stolen Letter,’ Paris decorated porcelain. Height 27, c/m; length, 25 c/m. 519—] Parr STATUETTES, “Fruit and Flower Vendor,” Derby ware. Height, po cy Ty, 520—1 Group, “In the Cellar,” 2 figures, after Gérard Dow, Paris decorated porcelain. Height, 20 c/m; length, 20 c/m. 521—1 Group, “The Concert,” 5 figures, Louis XV, Paris decorated porcelain. Height, 20 c/m; length, 45 c/m. 522—1 Pair Dancers, Derby ware, “Cauchois and Capanini.” 523—1 Pair STATUETTES, “The Précieuses,’ Sovres porcelain, decorated. 524—1 Parr STATUETTES, “Cup and Ball Game,” decorated Paris porcelain. 525—1 Parr PARADISE Birps, wings, decorated Paris porcelain. 526—1 Pair Birps: “Nightingale and Wagtail,” decorated porcelain. 527—1 Parr Birps, decorated Paris porcelain. 528—1 Parr Birps: ‘Bee eater and Oriole,” decorated Paris porcelain. 529—1 Tere A TETE, Sevres porcelain, Empire style, purple ground, painting, “Napoleon and his Family” (Egyptian) consisting of: coffee pot, sugar bowl, cream jug, 2 pairs coffee cups, tray. 530—1 Parr Cupips with Basket and Cradles, decorated Chelsea porcelain. 531—1 Parr STATUETTES with lights, decorated Chelsea. 29 932—1 Triptycu, 12 plaques: “The Passion,” Old Limoges, made by Mont- vaerni, X VIth century. Collection of the duke of Orleans. 533—I Dous_e Fountat1n with basin, old Rouen ware, XVIIIth century. Papil- lion collection. 534—1 Fountain, corner piece, o!'d Roman, rocaille design, X VIIIth century. 535—1 EnamMEL PLaAguer, “The Crucifixion,” old Limoges, XVIth century, Atelier of the Penicauds. Louis XIII frame. 536—-1 Parr Vases, old Urbino, XVIth century after the designs of Francesco Xanto. 537—1 Pair Tea Jars, old China, Green family, Kang Hi, XVIIth century, mounting of bronze, Louis XV Lelong collection. 538—1 Parr Jars, black ground, cartels, Rose family, old China, Kien Ling, XVIIIth century, bronze mounting Louis XIV. 539—1 Vase, 2 handles, old Valence, and old Hispano-Moorish, XVIth century, duplicate in the South Kensington Museum. 540—I Creorium, transparent enamel, bronze mounting, old Limoges, from the Penicaud ateliers, XVIth century. 541—-1 RELrQUARY, transparent enamel, bronze mounting, old Limoges, Pénicaud ateliers, 542—1 Prague, “Virgin and Child,” wooden frame, old Italian ware, by Andrea della Robbia, XVIth century. 543—1 Triptycu, “Entombment,” wooden frame, old Limoges, XVIth century, Nardon Pénicaud. 544—1 Triptycu, medallion, apostles, leather frame, old Limoges, Nardon Peni- caud, XVIth century. 545—1 Pair Vases, green ground, old Sévres, Empire, XIXth century. 546—1 Ewer, 3 trays, blue ground, cartels, flowers, old Dresden, Direction of Marcolini, X VII Ith century. 54/—1 Lamp, bottle, Green family, old China, Kang Hi XVIIIth century, bronze mounting, Louis XV, with shade. ; 548—1 Pair WaTER Jucs, purple ground, cartels, cocks, old China, Rose family, Kien Lang, XVIIIth century, bronze mounting, Louis XV. 549—1 Parr StREAKED BLueE Vases, old China, green family, Kang Li XVIIth century, bronze mounting, Louis XV. Berlin Museum. 550—Sarah Bernhardt collection. 1 pair of tea jars, well streaked, cartel, Green family. Baskets. Old China Kang Hi XVIIth century, bronze mounting by Caffieri. 551—1 Cuanpetter, Parrot, Kandler model, old Dresden, XVIIIth century, from Sarah Bernhardt collection. 952—1 Lamp with Dome, old Persian, XVIIth century, bronze mounting. 553—1 Parr Vases, baluster shape, turquoise, old China, King Hi, duplicate in the Kensington Museum. 554—1 Vase, old Sévres, flowers and decorations, Rothschild collection. 55—1 Pair PHEASANTS, turquoise, old China, Ming, XVIIth century, duplicate in the Guimet Museum. tn 3C ee ee ee ee il 556—1 Patr CHIMERAE (Fantastic animals, guardians of Chinese temples) old China, Green family, Kang Hi, XVIIth century. 557—2 DisuHeEs, decoration, cocks, Rose family, old China, Kien Lung. 558—1 Parr Square Ports, black ground, enamel, gold decoration, old China, Kang Hi XVIIth century, Salting collection. 559—1 Parr Vases, black ground, enamel, gold decoration, old China, Kang Hi, XVIIth century, Salting collection. 560—1 DozEN PLATES, water lilies, old China, Green family, Kang Hi, XVIIth century. 561—1 DozEen Rep Horses, old China, Rose family, Kien Ling, XVIIIth century. 562—1 Dozen PuatEs, baskets, old China, Green family, Kang Hi, X VIIth cen- tury. 563—I ENAMEL PLAQUE, Crucifixion, old Limoges, X VIth century, Solario. 564—1 Pair Tea Jars, old China, Green family, Kang Hi, XVIIth century, bronze mounting, Louis XVI, Munich Museum. 565—1 RECTANGULAR PLAQUE, “Descent from the Cross” old Limoges enamel, XVIth century, Jean I. Pénicaud, Dutuit collection. 566—4 PaintTINGs, subject: ‘‘Hubert Robert and Vernet,” XVIIIth century, gilt wood frame. 567—1 Ovat Disu: “The Foolish Virgins and the Wise Virgins,” old Limoges enamel, XVIIth century, Suzanne de Court. 568—1 Triptrycu, Pierre II of Bourbon and Anne de Beaujeu in centre. The Virgin and Child, old Limoges, Nardon Pénicaud, Cathedral of Moulins. 569—1 Praove “Crucifixion,” old Limoges, Couly Nouhailler, XVIth century. 570—1 Prague BisHuop, old Limoges, from the Pénicaud ateliers, XVIth Century. 571—1 GrisaILLE Triprycu, Martin Didier, XVIth century, old Limoges. 572—1 Ova PLAgugE, “Entering Jerusalem,’ Léonard Limosin, XVIth century, duplicate in the Cluny Museum. 573—1 Prague, Marriage of the Virgin, old Limoges, Montvaerni, XVth century, duplicate in the Cluny Museum. 574—1 PainTING, Crucifixion, old Limoges, Léonard Limosin, XVIth century. 575—I Priaove, Christ and Virgin, old Limoges, Jean I. Pénicaud, XVIth century. 576—1 Triprycy, “Crucifixion, old Limoges, Montvaerni, X Vth century. 577—1 Casket, Neptune, old Limoges, XVIth century, Pénicaud ateliers. 578—1 CasKeT, old Limoges, XVIth century, Jehan Courteys. 579—1 Prague, Woman with Unicorn, old Limoges, Nardon Pénicaud, X VIth century. 580—1 Eaucuaristic Dove, Champlevé enamel, XIIIth century, Spitzer col- lection. 581—1 Ova Prague: The Last Supper, Léonard Limosin, old Limoges, XVI century. 31 582—1 Prague, Christ Falling, Léonard Limosin, XVI century. 583—1 Ovat Disu, Lizard, Majolica, by Bernard Palissy, XVI century. 584—1 Water PircHer, blue ground, birds, old Chelsea, X VIII century. 585—1 Parr Groups, Confidences, apple and fan, old Chelsea, XVIII century. 586—1 Pair Figures, old Chelsea, XVIII century. 58/—1 Vase, birds, old Chelsea, XVIII century. 988—1 Vase, birds, old Chelsea, XVIII century. 989—1 Tra Box, birds, old Chelsea, XVIII century. 590—1 Parr CANDLESTICKS, Comedians. old Chelsea, XVIII century. 591—1 Pair Ficures, Shepherds, old Chelsea, XVIII century. 592—1 Parr Figures, Shepherds, old Derby, XVIII. century. 593—1 CicarETTE Box, blue ground, applications of gold by Callot, silver mounting, old enamel, French XVIII century. 594—1 Battoon Box, silver mounting, painting by Van Blarenberg, XVIII century, duplicate at Louvre Museum. 5S95—1 Box EnameEt, silver, old French enamel, XVIII century. 5996—1 Box, Cupid, grisaille, old French enamel, XVIII century. 597—1 PrerrumeE Box, old French enamel, XVIII century. 998—1.OvaL Rosewoop Box, painting on copper, XVIII century. 599—1 ice container, old China, Green family, Kang Hi, XVIII century, bronze mounting, Louis XVI. 600—1 pair vases, Clodion, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century, bronze mounting. 3 601—Sarah Bernhardt collection. 1 clock set, 2 figures, “Astronomy and Geography,” old Capo di Monte, XVIII century, bronze Louis XV mounting. | 602—1 Pair Tra Jars, 36 c/m, blue checkers, old Sévres, XVIII ‘century,: bronze mounting, decorative arts. 603—1 Parr Vases, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 604—1 Pair Vases, by Clodion, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 605—1 Pair Vases, by Clodion, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 606—1 Pair Vases, Hercules, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 607—1 Pair Vases, lions’ heads, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century, decorated by Clodion. 608—1 Parr Vases, Medici shape, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century, Borghese Palace. 609—1 Vase, Clodion, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 610—1 Series, 4 plaques, by Jean Goujon, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 611—1 Prague, Triumph of Neptune, old Capo di Monte, XVIII. 612—1 Prague, Triumph of Diana, old Capo di Monte, XVIII. 32 See Catalogue “No. 117” for Description 613—1 FLOWER STAND, oval, 4 legs, dolphins, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 614—1 Parr Vases, handles, Louis XVI, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 615—1 Juc anv Tray, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 616—1 Parr Mepici Vases, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 617—2 Pair VAsEs, Latona, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 618—1 Pair Vases, Game, Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 619—2 Cream Juas, Horn of Plenty, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 620—4 Tanacras, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 621—1 WarteR JUG AND TRay, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 622—1 Group, Education of Bacchante, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 623—1 Pair Vasss, Drapery, Varelli, Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 624—1 Pair VASES, women dancing, Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 625—1 Parr VASES, goats’ heads and grapes, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 626—1 Pair Vases, Dolphins, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 627—1 Parr Vases, Greek handles, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 628—1 Pair Vases, Caro model, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. . 629—1 Topacco Jar, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 630—1 Topacco Jar, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 631—1 Ovat FLower STAND, rams’ heads, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 632—Sarah Bernhardt collection. Renaissance Tapestry, known as “Henry Il’s Hunts.” This tapestry, which is decorated with caryatides and flower designs, is a valuable document on the Life of Kings and Lords, at the time of the Renaissance. It glorifies the pleasures and dangers of the Hunt, which was the noble pastime of the King’s court. The great variety of figures, the multiplicity of animals being hunted, the interest of the scenes, the fresh coloring and the splendor of the scenery, all make of this fine and rare tapestry a piece worthy of a museum or of the gallery of a reputed collector. 633—Tapestry, “The Works of Hercules.” This tapestry, of the Louis XIV period, represents the most famous god of mythology: Hercules, in the course of cycle universally known as the “works” of Hercules. The hero is represented triumphing over the famous lions; he is placing one foot victoriously over his first victim, while to the right is another lion, knocked down. The principal scene shows Hercules unconscious of the claws that are tearing his flesh, giving his club to his terrible adversary, whom he is preparing to strangle invincibly. The border, of the same period, consists of vases with flowers and cartels with landscapes. Cupids are carrying flower vases or holding ribbons. In the centre are two Cupids holding a lion’s head, decorated with flowers. This rich border recalls in its beauty the sumptuous borders of the Renaissance period. 634—-AuBusson TAPESTRY, signed Vitra. This tapestry, which bears the im- print of the Royal Manufactory, shows a landscape, known as a “Pagoda.” At the foot of strong trees, laden with fruit, of palm trees with slender leaves, big birds, undoubtedly guinea-fowls, strut about or fly off, while 33 at a distance is seen in a dream landscape a wonderful castle, dominated by an overhanging and fantastic rock. This Aubusson is framed in a leaf border of harmonious coloring. 635—Avususson Tarestry, signed Vitra. This tapestry, a companion piece of the above, is also a “Pagoda” landscape, one of the most highly esteemed among those of the Louis XV period. In a fine setting of palm trees, plants, reeds and high grasses, perched on a tall branch, a heron watches its prey—iizard or frog, that another heron is about to seize. This Aubusson is surrounded by the same border of leaves as the above. 636—1 AUuBUSSON CARPET (4m.50x3m.50) with scroll border forming a frame with a counter-ground that is almond green. In the center, big tulips, flow- ers and leafage form a crown on a counter ground of old rose, surrounded and bordered by big flowers of varied color, in mauve, blue, gold tones, connected by garlands of foliage, with harmonious flower designs. 637—1 Larce AuBUSSON CARPET ( 5.20x5.20) large border with old blue counter- ground, decorated with scrolls in the Salambié manner, and decorated at each corner with vases of flowers, nosegays of roses in full bloom, inter- spersed with crowns of roses simply decorated with foliage. The centre of this carpet is decorated with a double border, with an old rose ground, and makes a very agreeable cream ground; there is a Louis XVI design of various garden implements and musical instruments (tam- bourines) connected and interspersed with foliage and various roses. 638—Primitive. The legend of Saint Nonne. The first scene represents an angel showing a deer to Xanthus, with a fish and a swarm of bees. He ex- plains to him that his son will have zeal, austerity and wisdom. At the bottom, the principal part shows Xanthus meeting Saint Nonne in a forest and using violence towards her. He takes her by the shoulder and catches hold of her dress. Saint Nonne’s companions escape, only the horse of Xanthus remains cethered.. The last scene (above) represents Saint Nonne accompanied by a woman, placing her child on a rock, which softens so as to become a cradle for the new-born babe. 639—1 PortTRAIT OF A FLORENTINE PRINCESs BY BELLINI. The name at the bottom of this primitive is that of Giovanni, who died in Venice in the early part of the XVIth century. This painter is known for the quality of his works, and he was truly the creator of the Venitian School. It was only during the latter part of the XVth century that Giovanni began to paint in oils ; this process was already employed by Antoniello of Messina. History relates that Bellini wanted to learn this new process and that he went to Antoniello disguised, to have his portrait painted and observe the new way of painting. The princess is represented in a brilliant costume, decked with her richest jewels and holding a book of hours in her hands, undoubtedly either in honor of literature which at that time found high favor with great Church men and noble families of Florence and other Italian cities, The frame which sets off this primitive is of carved gilt wood, with foliage in the Italian style, of a most brilliant effect. 640—-1 REGENcy ArMcHAIR. This armchair is in the best style ; the wood shows agreeable lines, with its curves and sober flowerlets and carving. It is covered with a point work tapestry, with a cream ground, of remarkably harmonious design, showing various flowers: peonies, tulips, carnations, : single and double; the whole showing a remarkably rich color combination. 641—SaraH BERNHARDT COLLECTION. 1 Ivory CABINET. This cabinet shows a great number of drawers, small recesses and hidden corners which are the charm of this kind of piece. It is richly decorated on all its sides with varied scenes representing subjects borrowed from the Chase and Fishing, 34 Pe a Nh a A A Ac dl le cD dh ed ; Z % y See Catalogue “No. 123” for Description curiously shown in the rich engraved tortoise-shell and ivory, and which reveal a dexterity and patience which the artists of today would do well to emulate. In the centre of the piece, a door forms a small chapel and re- veals the agreeable figure of a Virgin; it opens on a set of secret drawers, on the surface of which are engraved figures with ornaments and varied subjects. The upper part of the piece is surmounted by bronze designs forming a balcony and terrace; in the centre there is a frame forming the fore-part, decorated with parts of engraved ivory, parts of tortoise-shell, bronze designs with ducal coat of arms. This cabinet stands on a support with four legs connected by twisted columns and surmounted by a large circle representing five different scenes in the manner of those that appear on the principal sides of the piece. 642—1 Mepat CaBINEt. This piece stands on a support with four turned legs, carved and connected together by a carved ornamentation with large design, of a most harmonious ensemble. The circle of this dado conceals a drawer which jocks. The cabinet itself is carved, painted and gilded, decorated with: fleur-de-lys on a black ground. On the surface forming a double door, a piece cf Cordova leather, with gold ground, is decorated with a scattering of figures and various colored ornaments. The entire piece is further enriched by gilt nails and fleur-de-lys finely arranged. In the centre are two lions of bronze forming a coat-of-arms and showing that the orig- inal owners were of noble descent. The inner doors are covered with mate- rial having a go'd ground, in the centre of which is a ducal crown, painted, surmounting a mcnogram consisting of the three initials of the Duke, In- side are to be found fourteen drawers in a double row, the surface of which is also covered with Cordova leather, gold ground, showing the same qual- ities and the same variety as the one that covers the doors. 643—1 Rounp Taste. This table is an imposing mass of chased and gilt bronze forming a leg with a treble evolution of scrolls and garlands of flowers, enriching the beauty of the mahogany wood and forming the base and cen- tral leg. The top of this table is of peculiarly interesting workmanship, of hammered bronze, chased and gilded, forming a girdle with openings representing eighteen enamel figures, which have all the grace and beauty of the XVIIIth century. In the centre is a remarkable Sevres composi- tion, in wonderful tones, gold fluted with embroidered flourishes; there is seen King Louis XVI in gala costume at the foot of the throne of France. 644-1 RENAISSANCE Piece. ‘This remarkable piece on account of the lovely color of its wood, stands on a support of fine architectural design, sur- mounted by a wide girdle forming a double drawer of exquisite propor- tions. Above are two doors opening on an inner part forming a cabinet, with a number of drawers and inner door forming a large central casket. The beauty and rich effect of this piece consists in the variety and quality of its marquetry. The artist who created it knew how to vary the most precious woods so as to obtain a lovely and remarkable effect. It is diffi- cult to say where he succeeded most—-in the variety and fineness of the ornamentation or in the suppleness of his figures and compositions. 645-2 Cuarirs. These chairs are of carved walnut, covered with tapestries of a fine and delicate point, making a pleasant composition of fruits, flowers and foliage. 646—1 CuasupLe AND 1 Corn, heavy grain, with tulips, Louis XV. These pieces are of very rich colored material with decoration representing branches, small flowers and tulips in rose and mauve tones on a cream slightly fluted ground. 647—2 DALMATIcs, rose bouquets on white ground. The material is remarkable for its freshness of colcr tones and the lovely arrangement of the bouquets. 35 648—-I CHASUBLE, rose ground. This chasuble is of a particular fresh coloring, showing bouquets of small flowers, cream tone, on an old rose ground. In the centre are varied flowers in tender tints on an o!d rose ground, with a slight damask effect. 649—1 Tapestry PANEL (about 2m.x2m.) “The Hunt.” A horseman helps a young woman to get off from her mount, while a groom holds back the dogs which have helped the huntsmen. One of the latter shows with pride the game he is bringing back, which a young woman seems to welcome. 650—1 Tapestry PANEL (about 2m.x2m.) “Fishing.” In a country setting, on the edge of a river, a group of people surround two fishermen, who are assuredly amateurs, for they are richly dressed, and one of them shows with ostentation one of the fish he has just captured and which is still wriggling at the end of his line. 651—-1 Tapestry PANEL (about 2m.x2m.) ‘The Dance.” A couple of young peasants are giving themselves up to the joys of the dance, while others seated near them watch them with admiration. To the right, musicians are playing the horn and flute, while seated on a cask an old man seems to be mourning the years and his dead youth. 652—1 Tapestry PANEL (about 2m.x2m.) “The Pleasure of the Dance: in a pleasant landscape and near a rustic house, a couple of young people are getting ready to dance, while a group of others seem busy drinking and gaily talking, showing that they too are glad to be alive. 653 PAINTED CLotu, “Gallant Reunion,” after Lancret. In a setting remind- ing one of the charming landscapes of the XVIIIth century, a group of people are shown. A young gallant is seated, gracefully supporting a young woman, while roses are raining on her dress, in a graceful shower. A young maid, doubtless her confidante, is near them. A border simulates a wooden panel with gold ground decoration. 654—PaInTED LINEN, “The Spanish Step.” Companion piece to the above, also after Lancret. In a rustic setting, near a brook, a couple of young people are abandoning themselves to the joy of the dance, while a mu- sician leads them on with the sweetest tones of his flute. A border, like the above, simulates a wooden panel with gold ground decoration. 655—SARAH BERNHARDT COLLECTION. 1 SPINET. This spinet with its pure lines, stands on four turned legs, cone shape, decorated with chased bronze at the ends; in the centre a lyre of impeccable design imitates a double pedal. The body of the spinet is of mahogany, very like speckled mahogany on account of the beauty of its golden tone. The keyboard consists of ivory keys, surmounted by a border of chased and gilded bronze showing the name: “Erard Freres, makers to the Court.” 656—SMALL CarTEL. This piece, Regency style, Boulle marquetry, with parts of tortoise-shell and chased copper, is surmounted by a warrior carrying a lance. A watch with an enamel dial, decorated with small figures, takes the place of a pendulum movement, and explains the particularly small dimensions of the cartel, which is really nothing more than a watch-stand, of a peculiar and charming shape. 657—1 VerpuRE PANEL. This panel represents varied animals, rabbits, birds and other animals, of a vigorous design and coloring. The ground is planted with hardy trees, with well drawn foliage, in a landscape pleas- antly situated at the edge of a brook, further decorated by a small build- ing, probably a mill. A border of branches, of flowers linked together with ribbons of a dull blue recalls to mind the flowered rod of the fine tapestries of the XVIIIth century. 36 658—l Tapestry PANEL, with figures. In a landscape representing a valley, planted with trees with large leaves, a shepherd carrying his crook dis- covers a cascade, where he is glad to go to quench his thirst. There is a border in soft tones, mauve and old rose, all around this tapestry. 659—Tuis Aususson Tapestry, of a rarely fine stitch, shows a most agree- able composition: the border is made of interlaced foliage, interspersed with small flowers. Four angle-ties made of sheaves with roses and iris, enhance and enrich the border. The centre shows an open-work, oval baluster, with leaves and glycins; their softened tones make a good foil for the central bouquet of more vigorous coloring. 660—TuHis AUBUSSON CARPET is remarkable for the brightness and vigor of its coloring. It calls to mind the compositions of the transition period, that is, the last years of the reign of Louis XV when Louis XVI was still the Dauphin. The centre motif shows a bouquet of flowers, framed charmingly by a double medallion which supports a garland of leaves and cornflowers. A large scroll border completes the harmonious ensemble of this carpet. 661—Tuis AUBUSSON CARPET is of very pure design, with all the charm of the XVIIIth century; a border has very lovely tones—old rose—and_ out- lines the design of the carpet. The composition consists of scrolls, foliage, bouquets of flowers in the Salambier manner; the cream white ground adds also to the beauty of the carpet. 662—Tuis AUBUSSON CARPET is treated in a large way. The design brings to mind the lovely compositions of the time of Louis XV. In the corner, a bouquet of flowers is framed in scrolls of foliage, cartel shaped; in the centre a design of the same sort shows a harmonious bouquet of different flowers. The exquisite, varied tones are particularly attractive on ac- count of their freshness. 663—-THIS PIECE, IN THE FORM OF A Two-Door CHEST, is remarkable for the quality and finish of the marquetry, for which Boulle was justly famous. The bronzes are charmingly chased and particularly on the sides, 2 carya- tides, broadly treated, show a lovely chasing and gilding. White marble, slightly veined, completes this piece, and attenuates the brightness of its gilding. 664—TuHis PIANOFORTE STOOL with movable seat is of carved mahogany, of careful workmanship; it is decorated with bronzes that add to its richness and covered with green brocaded satin, of pure Empire style. This stool is from the gallery of one of our most famous Parisian collectors. 665—1 SmALL XVIIItH CENTURY TABLE, rosewood and satin, marble top and gallery. Private collection. 666—1 SmatL XVIIITH Century TABLE, rosewood and satin, marble top and gallery. Private collection. 667—6 SEATS, beech wood, covered with Crillon tapestry, end of XVIth century. 668—1 SMALL PIECE OF FURNITURE WitTH Doors. Sham books of satin and rosewood, marble top. Private collection. 669—1 SMALL PIeEcE OF FURNITURE WiTH Doors. Sham books of satin and rosewood, marble top. Private collection. 670—1 SMALL READING TABLE, satin wood, XVIIIth century. Private col- lection. 671—1 SmatL READING TABLE, satin wood, XVIIIth century. Private col- lection. RY 6/2—1 SmMaLL BureAu, kidney shape, rosewood, XVIIIth century, private collection. 673—1 Smatt Bureau, kidney shape, rosewood, XVIIIth century, private collection. 674—1 SMALL CHIFFONIER, 5 drawers, rosewood and satin, Louis XVI period, Chateau Larue: 6/75—1 SMALL CHIFFONIER, 5 drawers, rosewood, Louis XVI period Chateau Larue. 676—1 Smarr TABLE, marquetry and gilt bronzes, Louis XVI style, Wallace collection. 677—1 READING TABLE, rosewood and marquetry, XVIIIth century. Collec- tion of the Vicomte de B. 678—1 Rounp Tasie, Louis XVI, mahogany, green and gilt bronzes, marble top; from the collection of the State furniture at the Louvre Museum. 6/9—1 Cuest, Louis XVI, 2 doors, rosewood and satin, antique bronzes, marble top. Private collection. | 680—1 Louis XVI Bureau, mahogany and gilt bronzes by Benneman, from the collection of State furniture at the Museum of the Louvre. 681—1 Rounp Tasiz, Louis XVI, mahogany, gilt bronzes, marble top, Chateau de Louveciennes. 682—1 Desk, end of XVIIIth century ; wooden slabs; forming escritoire; in- terior with drawers, inlaid, and extensions. Chateau de l’Echelle. 683—1 Larce Lours XVI Secretary, rosewood and marquetry, marble top, interior with purple drawers, private collection. 684—1 WritING TABLE, grey wood and finely chased and gilded bronzes, for- merly belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette, copy of the Trianon. Chateau de Versailles. 685—1 LarcE Desk, end of XVIIIth century, cylinder shape, with wooden slabs. Chateau de 1’Echelle. 686—1 RENAISSANCE CREDENCE, carved and waxed walnut, copy from the Retrospective Exposition of Lyons, private collection. 687—1 Desk, cylinder shape, citron wood and gilt bronzes, XVIIIth century, interior with back of books, Chateau de Patay. 688—1 Lours XVI TasLe, marquetry, grey wood, finely chased and gilded bronzes, from the collection of State furniture at the Museum of the Louvre. | 689—1 CREDENCE CuHeEst, Renaissance, carved and waxed walnut, copy from the Museum of Cluny. 690—-1 Larce Louts XV C1iock, satin and rosewood, finely chased and gilded bronzes, allegorical subject: Time, attributed to Gaffieri, State furniture collection. 691—1 Bureau, rosewood and _ bronzes, formerly belonged to the Duc de Luynes, Chateau de Dampierre, Vallée de Chevreuse, XVIIth century. 692—1 Larce Lovis XVI Secretary, rosewood, violet and satin wood, gilt bronzes, marble top, from the state furniture collection, Museum of the Louvre. 38 See Catalogue “No. 161” for Description + 4 693—1 Friar Desx, Louis XIV, formerly belonged to Colbert, on which was signed the treaty of peace in 1919, at the Chateau de Versailles. 694—1 CyLinper Desk, XVIIIth century, Oeben workmanship, rose, satin and violet wood, and gilt bronzes; from the collection of state furniture at the Louvre Museum. 695—1 WritinG TABLE, mahogany top, bronzes, end of XVIII century. 696—1 Powber TasLe, XVIIIth century, cherry wood and marquetry, Dutch workmanship. 697—1 BepsipE Tasre, XVIIIth century, rosewood and marble. 698—1 RosEwoop AND SATIN BureEAv, marble top and bronzes, XVIIIth century. 699—1 BepsIpE TABLE, violet and rosewood, marble top, early X VIIIth century. /00—1 Rounp Taste, Louis XVI period, plum-tree wood, marquetry and bronzes. 701—1 Bureau, 3 drawers, marble top and bronzes, rosewood, X VIIIth century. 702—1 Smarty Bureau, 3 drawers, marble top, marquetry front, and bronzes, XVIIIth century. 703—1 Bureau, kidney shape, with slabbed doors, rosewood, marble top and bronzes, XVIIIth century. 704—1 Desk, kidney shape, satin rosewood and bronzes, XVIIIth century. 705—1 Easy Cuarr, middle of XVIIIth century, covered with Aubusson tapestry, flowers and foliage, same period. 706—1 Easy Cuatr, middle of XVIIIth century, covered with Aubusson tapestry, flowers and foliage, same period. 707—Sarah Bernhardt collection. 1 Flanders Aubusson mural tapestry, representing 2 large birds on green ground. A chateau and house to the left, fountain and bird to the right, framed in a superb border of flowers and fruit. Width 4m.50, height 3m.90, end of XVIIth century. 708—1 CREDENCE PIECE, patina oak, end of XVIth century, with base, from the Cluny Museum, Paris. 709—1 CREDENCE PIECE, patina oak, end of XVIth century, with base, from the Cluny Museum, Paris. 710—1 BerpstpE TABLE, mahogany, XVIIIth century. 711—1 Warprope-BurREAU, mahogany and bronzes, XVIIIth century. 712—1 Smatt Bureau, mahogany and leather, marble top and gallery, 3 drawers, end of XVIIIth century. 713—1 Rounp Taste, Louis, XVI, mahogany, marble top and wooden moulding, copper.. 714—1 Rounpb Tanrir, Louis NVI, mahogany, marble top and wooden moulding, copper. 715—1 Rounp Tas ez, low, marble top and gallery, Louis XVI. 716—1 Smatt Low Rounp Taste, light rosewood, marble top and gallery, Louis XVI style. 717—1 Sma Low Tasrr, 2 trays, plum wood, with gallery, Louis XVI style. 39 /18—1 SMALL Low Tas _e, 2 trays, plum wood, with gallery, Louis XVI style. 719—1 Smatui Low Taste, 2 trays, with wooden moulding. 720—1 Smart Low Taste, 2 trays, with wooden moulding. 721—1 Low Rounp Taste, 2 trays, rosewood and gallery, bronzes, XVIIIth century. 722—1 Low Rounp TaBte, 2 trays, rosewood and gallery, bronzes, XVIIIth century. 723—1 SMALL Bureau, 2 drawers, rosewood and satin, marble top and gallery, bronzes; middle of 18th century. 724—1 Smarty Bureau, 2 drawers, rosewood and satin, marble top and gallery, bronzes; middle of 18th century. 725—1 BepsipE Piece, rosewood, marble top and gallery, door with sham books, XVIIIth century. 726—1 Bepstpe Piece, rosewood, marble top and gallery, door with sham books, XVIIIth century 727—1 SMALL Bureat, 3 drawers, satin and rosewood, marble top and gallery, bronzes, middle of XVIIIth century. 728—1 Smaty Bureau, 3 drawers, satin and rosewood, marble top and gallery, bronzes, middle of XVIIIth century. 7 : 729—1 Rounp Taste with octagonal trays, plum wood and marquetry, X VIIIth century. 730—1 Rounp Taste with octagonal trays, plum wood and marquetry, X VIIIth century. 731—1 JeweL TaBLe, octagonal shape, plum wood, XVIIIth century. 732—1 Rounp Tas_e, 3 legs, with tablet, marquetry top, rosewood and satin. 733—1 Rounp Taste, 3 legs, with tablet, marquetry top, rosewood and satin. 734—1 SMALL Lyre Tasie, mahogany, XVIIIth century. 735—1 Smatt Low Taste, marquetry top, gilt bronzes, Louis XVI. 736—1 Rounp Taste, 2 trays, satin and violet wood, 2 drawers in the girdle XVIIIth century. 73/—1 PowbeER Tar_e, Louis XVI, marquetry, rosewood and satin and bronze. 5] 738—1 Powver TasLe, Louis XVI, marquetry, rosewood and satin and bronze. 739—1 ARMCHAIR, grey lacquer, Marie Antoinette, fine tapestry, Petit point, XVIIIth century. 740—1 Armcuair, grey lacquer, Marie Antoinette, fine tapestry, Petit point, XVIIIth century. 741—1 Armcuair, grey lacquer, Marie Antoinette, fine tapestry, Petit point, XVIIIth century. fie l CaskeET, old Capo di Monte, XVIIIth century. 743—1 Casket, lions, old Capo di Monte, XVIIIth century. 744—1 Casket, heart shape, old Capo di Monte, XVIIIth century. 745—1 Pair CANDLESTICKS, straight, old Capo di Monte, XVIIIth century. 40 746—1 Cup, Battle, old Capo di Monte, XVIIIth century. 747—2 Rounp PLagueEs, Children at Play, old Capo di Monte, X VIIIth century. 748—1 Pair TurQUOISE SUGAR Bowts, old China, Kang Hi, XVIIIth century. _749—1 Pair STREAKED BLUE SuGAR Bowts, old China, Kang Hi, XVIIIth century. 750—1 Crock, 2 groups, Venus at her mirror, and ornaments, old Sévres, Boizot model, XVIIIth century, bronze mounting. _751—1 Patr CANDELABRA, Cupids, horn, old Sevres, bronze mounting. 752—1 FLoweR Por, The Seasons, Clodion model, made at Capo, XVIIIth century. 753—1 Pair PLagueEs, Death of Bayard, old Capo, XVIIIth century. 754—1 Pair Groups, Cupids on Goat, Clodion model, old Capo, X VIIIth century. 755—1 Ova. Casket, Cupids, Lyre, old Capo di Monte, 18th century. 756—1 Casket, old Capo di Monte, XVIIIth century. 75/—2 Cups, 4 heads, old Capo di Monte, XVIIIth century. 758—1 Box, enamel on silver, purple camaieu subject, French enamel, XVIIIth century. 759—1 PLAguE, Life of Jesus, old Limoges, Nardon Pénicaud, XVIth century. 760—1 Box, old Capo di Monte, XVIIIth century. 761—1 Casket, old Capo di Monte, 18th century. 762—1 CasxeEtT, old Capo di Monte, 18th century. 763—1 CAsKET, old Capo di Monte, 18th century. 764—1 Casket, festoons, pointed, old Capo di Monte, 18th century. 765—1 Pair CANDLESTICKS, women, old Capo di Monte, X VIIIth century. 766—1 VERY FINE Ivory MINIATURE, representing the Princess Laetitia, sister of Napoleon the Ist. This miniature is known as the miniature of the pin by Morelli. Tortoise shell ivory and bronze frame. 767—Ivory MINIATURE, representing the Comtesse de Kuerlan, remarkable by its fineness. Lady of waiting to the Queen. By F. H. Fuger. The frame is carved tortoise shell with bronze mounting. 768—1 Box, V. M. “The Knife Grinder.” pee 1 ¥. Mf, Box, “The-lempest.” 7/0—SNUFF Box. | 771—AN Ivory MINIATURE. 772—A DocUMENTAL Ivory MINIATURE. 773—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory. 774A Very Important MIN:ATURE, attributed to David representing General Bonaparte crossing the Alps with his famous Army. It is remarkable for its very fine work. 775__Awn Ivory MINIATURE, representing “The Source” by Ingres. The painting of this subject is in the Louvre. The work is so fine that a magnifying glass is necessary. 41 77/6—Ivory MINIATURE. 7/7/—MINIATURE ON Ivory. 778—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory. 779—AN Ivory MINIATURE, representing Empress Josephine in Court costume wearing the Court jewels. Signed Picart, Empire frame. 780—1 ENAMEL PAINTING AND BRONZE FRAME. 781—-1 Sratur, Ivory, “Armour Vainqueur” by Kossovsky. 782—1 Statue, Ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “Dancer” by Somme. 783—1 Writinc Desk, inlaid, French walnut, slant front. 784-—SMALL Ovat Desk witH WoopEN Top, Louis XV period. 785—1 SMALL GUERIDON, mahogany, Directoire period, Chateau de la Mal- maison. 786—AN Ivory MINIATURE, representing the Triumph of Venice. Signed F. B. and attributed to Francois Boucher. Ivory and tortoise shell engraved frame. 78/—SMALL Louis XVI Manocany Bensipe Taste, 3 drawers, marble top and gallery, Chateau d’Offemont. 788—-CHEst OF Drawers, known as “Sun” (reproduction from the Louvre Mu- seum ) mahogany and bronzes, with marble top. 789—1 Parr or Vases, Sevres Porcelain, elongated shape, decoration in golden relief, subjects after Fragonard, golden bronze mounting, Louis XVI. 790—1 Parr or VASES, with white background, go!den decoration, painting fol- lowing Boucher. 791—1 Pair of Vases, rool black background, old china, Tchinghoa, 1465- 1467, golden bronze mounting. 792—1 Pair oF VASES, Cupids Dancing, oid Capo di Monte. 793—1 Pair or Caro pt Monte STATUETTES, subject: Satyr. and Bacchante. 794—An ALLEGORIC MINIATURE, a remarkable sample of the Austrian miniature of the beginning of the 18th century, representing children playing with a kitten. By Livenz. Gilded bronze frame. 795—1 Ice Box, Louvre Museum, blue and gold dials, Louis XVI gilt bronze mounting. Old Persian XVI century. 796—1 Clock, old Dresden, XVIII century. 797—1 Set Sevres Porcelain, heavy blue, portraits of the Imperial family, and decoration in golden relief, consisting of the following in a case: 1 coffee pot, sugar bowl, cream jug, 2 pairs cups with saucers, and tray. 798—1 Group Paris PorcELAIN, the Good Example, group of two. 799—Magnificent Drawing Room Set, all silk Gobelin, museum piece known as ““L. Yvon,” from the Chateau de Bruney; unique and exceptional - piece. S800—1 Louis XVI Rounp TABLE, finely carved, with marble top. 801—1 Ricu Easy Cnair, gilt wood, fine carving; antique silk. 802—-1 Very Fine Dessert Set, porcelain of the Royal Dresden Factory, 42 tion Ip for Descr eee, “No See Catalogue 1796, consisting of 60 open work plates, 8 low compote dishes, 6 high compote dishes, 2 sugar bowls with base. 803—Regency Armchair, walnut armchair, covered with tapestry, Chateau des Loges. 804—1 Parr or VASES, known as Swans, Louis XVI style, bronze and marble. 805—1 SratuE, Marie Antoinette, Bisque of Sevres, by LeCompte. 806—1 STATUE IN Brownzz, “Cupid on a Visit,” by M. Moreau. 807—-MANTELPIECE SET—CLOcK AND 2 Urns, Scenne marble with bronze, Louis XV. Unique piece. 808—A Very Rare MINIATURE, attributed to F. Lawrence, famous painter of the English School of the 18th century, representing Lady Waliscourt playing the mandolin. Silver frame. SO9—An Ivory MINIATURE OF THE 18TH CENTURY, representing Madame d’Aigueperse. Signed A. T. Blue enamel frame. 810—Sporting Piece, Louis XV violet and sateened wood, golden bronzes, marble top; work by Oeben. Sli—Louis XVI RosEwoop AND INLAID SATEENED CORNER-PIECE, marble top, Chateau St. Elmo. 812—-SATEENED RosEwoop CoRNER-PIECE, golden bronzes, Chateau de St. Elmo, XVIII century. 813—A REMARKABLE MINIATURE, of the Marquis de Solange. Signed Charles Lefevre. 814—Ivory MINIATURE, representing Madame de Jaucourt, attributed to “Le Brun.” Tortoise shell and bronze frame. 815—Louis XVI Stupy Swit, circles and sateened, with bronzes, Bookcase, 3 doors, take down, Till Desk, Cane Seated Armchair. 816—-Ivory MINIATURE, representing the Comtesse de Camden, by J. Hoppner, of the English School. Tortoise shell and bronze frame. 817—1 Wonderful Small Table Forming Flower-Stand, tortoise-shell inlaid work, with copper and tin incrustation, decorated with numerous motifs, and heads of chased golden bronze. This piece, although small, is remarkable for the fineness of the work and the way it has been carried out. 818—SupportinG Piece, 2 lattice doors and 2 plated doors, mahogany and bronze, marble top and gallery. Louis XVI. 819—1 JeweL Tasie oF Carvep Gitt Woop, (special model) rare, to show miniatures, watches or small objects. 820—Ivory MINIATURE, portrait of Napoleon. Very fine piece. 821—12 DisHEs wITH SIDES, blue, dials, china. 822—BLAck BACKGROUND MINIATURE, representing Bonaparte. 823—-1 PLain Ova Capo pt Monte CASKET, subject: Cupids as Florists. 824—Biack BACKGROUND MINIATURE, representing Josephine. 825—-BLiack BACKGROUND MINIATURE, representing Madame Vial Lady in wait- ing to Josephine. 43 826—1 Box, V. M. “The House of Cards.” 827—1 Box. Oval, decoration V. M. “The Shoeblack.” 828—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory. 829—BLack BackGRrouND MInNiATuRE. Representing portrait of Marie Antoinette. 830—Brack BACKGROUND MINIATURE of the 16th century, representing Madame de Lamballe, a favorite of the court. . | 831—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory. 832—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory. Subject: After Boucher. 833—ENLUMINURE. Marvellous piece of the 15th century. Very rare and fine, representing a Saint blessing the child. 834—ENLuMINvRE. Marvellous piece of the 15th century, representing a Chevalier and a Saint carrying relics. 835—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory. By Dupee. 836—1 MINIATURE oN Ivory. By Groley. 837—ENLuMINURE. Marvellous piece of the 15th century, representing one Saint burying another. 838—1 Parr oF Vases, Sevres porcelain, heavy blue, Watteau subjects ; golden bronze legs and mountings. 7 839—1 Parr Sevres PorceLain Vases. Light blue, straight necks, painting after Lancret; Minuet and Promenade; decoration in golden relief, Louis XVI, bronze handles, heads of women. 840—1 Parr oF Cuimeras. Green family, old Kang Hi Chinese, XVII century. 841—1 Pair of Perfume Burners, Sevres porcelain, green background and decoration flowers and gold, golden bronze mounting. 842—1 Parr oF TURQUOISE SQUARE VASES, old Kang-Hi Chinese XVII cen- tury, Louis XV gilt mounting with 3 lights. 843—1 Chimera “Dog of Fo,” guardian of the Chinese temples, old China, Green family, Tchinghoa. 844—1 DaupHIn Vasg, old Capo di Monte. 845—1 Louis XVI SuNsEeT Clock AND 2 CANDELABRA. 846—1 Set Neptune, old Dresden, X VIII century, clock and 2 candelabra. 847—1 Gop Bronze STATUE witTH Ivory, “The Juggler,’ by Maurice Constant. 848—1 GoLp AND Sitver Bronze STATUE WITH Ivory, “Maternal Love,” by Maurice Favre, salon second medal. 849-1 Girt Bronze STATUE WITH Ivory, “Spinning Song” by M. C. Fabre. 850—1 Statue, bronze and Carrara marble, plated 9 carat gold, “It Is Windy” by Gori. 851—1 Beavutirut Boutre Desk, adorned with gold bronze. 852—HatFr-Moon CuHest oF Drawers, with inlaid rosewood and sateened, panel bronzes, marble top, XVIII century, Chateau d’Epinay. 853—ENLUMINURE, marvellous piece of the 15th century, representing Sainte Genevieve as she appealed to the Parisians. 44 854—Renaissance Chest, pateened walnut, marble and bronzes, from the col- lection of Lyon’s Retrospective Exposition. 855—Rarely Inlaid and Mounted Cylinder Desk, Louis XVI in marquetry rosewood, fall finely inlaid with globe and various implements, table with three drawers on cabriole legs; richly mounted in ormolu with allegorical figure moulding and leaf scrolled appliques. Height 46% inches, length 62 inches. 856—10 Top Chairs and 2 Armchairs, covered with antique red damask, with motifs of red tortoiseshell inlaid work, varied by a decoration of chased golden bronzes. These pieces may be called absolutely unique and worthy of a place in a museum. -857—Louis XV TABLE, richly carved gilt wood, marble top. 858—1 Very Fine Drawinc Room Set, Aubusson gilt wood, composed of 1 sofa and 4 armchairs. 859—1 Very Rich Looking Screen, carved wood and gilt, mounted with Aubusson, fine point. 860—A REMARKABLE Ecc PAINTING OF THE XVTH CENTURY, French school. Gilded wooden frame carved. Very rare. 861—Lovuis XV CHEST oF DRAWERS, rosewood and violet wood, fine box-wood inlaid work, Princess de Lemballe collection. 862—BuLGING CHEST oF DRAWERS, sateened violet wood and bronzes, marble top, Alep Breach, early XVIII century. Chateau des Loges. 863—1 Supers GLAss Case Cupsoarp adorned with colored and shell mar- quetry and numerous chiseled and gilt bronzes. This glass case is a unique specimen of that wonderful artist Boulle. 864Stupy Suite, three pieces. Directoire style, designed by Ricci (Decorator- Artists’ Society, Paris), mahogany, briarwood, holly and ebony marquetry, gilt bronzes. 865—1 BEAUTIFUL CHEST OF DRAWERS, half-moon, sateened wood and mar- quetry and marble top, Louis XVI. 866—SMALL CITRON-Woop AND SATEENED CHEST OF DRAWERS, marble top. XVIII century. 867—Bic Ecc PAINTING OF THE XVTH CENTURY, representing a tournament before the King of France. This picture is framed with a wonderful tor- toise-shell frame with bronze shield inlaid with lapislazul1. 868—Lovuis XVI Prer-TasLe, mahogany, marble top and gallery, XVIII century, Chateau d’Offemont. 269-1 BEAUTIFUL LARGE Desk, inlaid work, red tortoise-shell, by Boulle. 870—1 Pair of Refrigerators, Sevres porcelain, turquoise and flower back- ground, decoration in golden relief, rich golden bronze mounting, Louis XVI. 871—1 Set Consisting of 1 pair of Sevres Vases and 1 Jardiniere, green background, paintings after Perronneau and 1 Flower Stand, same decorations, Louis XVI. 872] Very FINE MANTLEPIECE SET consisting of 1 clock and 2 candelabra, turquoise blue porcelain. Pate Tentre, representing Cupids after Boucher. The mounting is of golden bronze treated with mercury; the body of the clock is decorated with bronze Cupids. 45 873—French Cheval Mirror of the Empire period, beautifully grained ma- hogany, circular column shaped sides with spread stretcher legs; mirror Swinging on center pivot; top of triangular support mounted with chiseled ormolu trimmings, corners surmounted with chiseled ormolu urn, in miniature. Height about 78 inches, width 44 inches. 874—Stopinc Desk, Louis XVI, with flap, rosewood and filament. 875—Louts XVI CHEST oF Drawers, from Louveciennes, inlaid wood, chased golden bronzes. 876—Louis XV INLAID SATEENED CHEST oF DRAWERS AND BronzE, Marquise de Pompadour. 877—1 Lamp Tea Jar, black ground, old Chinese, Green family, Tchinghoa period, XVIth century. Bronze mounts with silk shade. 878—1 Group oF 3 Birps, Paris porcelain, decorated. 879—I White Putal Buddha, old china, Kien-Long, XVIII century. 880—1 JAPANESE CHINA STATUE, with enamel painting. 881—1 Lamp TEA Jar, old Persian XVIth century bronze mounts with silk shade. | 882—1 ParntING, “Venice,” by G. Miro. 883—1 PaintinG, “Type of Peasant Woman,” by R. Arigni. 884—1 PAINTING, landscape by Bonard. 885—1 Paintine, “Cats Upsetting Inkstand,”’ by Brunel Neuville. 886—1. PantTING, “Republic’s Square, Paris,” by E. Cortes, eee Lire, “Cherries and Currants,” by Brunel Neuville. 888—OLp EncrisnH Encravine, “The Squire’s Door.” 889—OLp EncitsH ENGRAVING, “Dancing Dogs. 890—1 Pate, Crucifixion. Old Limoges enamel. Louvre Museum. Leonard Limosin, artist; XVIth century gilt wood frame. 891—Les Quais, Parts, by Galien-Lalone. 892—1 Parntine, “Dogs Nosing Pheasants,” by E. Petit. 893—1 PaInTING, “Fishermen in the Harbor,” by H. Malfroy. 894—1 ParntING, “Cats Before Snail,” by Brunel Neuville. 895—Bronzg, Bull Fight, Professor at the Italian School of Sculpture. 896—1- STATUE) “Boxers,” by Gregoire, mentioned at salon. 897—1 Status, Bronze and Carrara marble, plated 9 carat gold, “Odalisk,” by A. Gori. 898—1 SraruE, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “Minerva,” by A. Guinard. 899—1 STATUE. 900—1 Chinese Seated, Tien Wou, God of War, Green family, old China, Schinghoa. 901—1 Pair or Vases, decorated with personages, in porcelain of Zurich. 902—1 Group Parts Porcetain, Bacchus with the Cask, group of three. 46 ion t 1p for Descri e34e “No See Catalogue AY 903—1 Prater, Toilette of Psychee in Grisaille, by Niardon Penicaud; XVIth century old Limoges enamel. 904—1 FrLower Pot, lions’ heads, Sevres porcelain, turquoise background and birds. 905—1 Pair or Vases, China porcelain, mixed blue, panels with flowers, golden bronze mounting. 906—1 Ivory Subject, “Hallali,’” XV century. . 907—1 Prater, Crucifixion after Solario, painted by Jean II, Penicaud: old Limoges enamel; XVIth century. 908—1 Oxp Paris PorceLatn, “Lion” figure. 909—1 Pair CANDLEsTICKs, old Capo di Monte. 910—1 Pair or Brrons, parrots, Paris porcelain, decorated. 911—2 Candelabra, chased golden bronze, arranged for electricity. 912—2 PuateEs, oval shape. “Lu Flagellation,’ painted by Leonard Limosin; old Limoges enamel; XVIth century. 913—1 Patr or Vases, Capo di Monte, lions’ heads, handles decorated with coats of arms. 914—1 Ivory Group, “Education of the Virgin,” by Saint Anne. 915—1 Triptycu, Annunciation. Spitzer collection, painted by Jean I. Penicaud; old Limoges enamel; XVIth century ; wood frame. 916—PreEr-TABLe, mahogany marble top and gallery. XVIII Century. Chateau d’Offemont. Black marble top. 917—CurTAINED PIECE OF FURNITURE, regency period, private collection, rose- wood sateened, gilt bronzes, marble top. 918—3 PAINTINGS ON CopPER, painted by Rinsdael; XVIIIth century. 919—INLAIp TuLtpwoop CoMMODE, regency. Serpentined front fitted with four leather fronted drawers and two inlaid doors. On short cabriole legs mounted in ormolu with appliques. Height, 35% inches, length 47 inches. 920—1 ALABASTER STATUE, “The Dream,” by A. Gori. 921—RosEwoop AND SATEENED CHEST OF DRAWERS, rounded corners, marble top, Louis XVI period, legs, Riesener. 9222 PAINTINGS ON COPPER, painted by Van Ostad XVIIIth century. 923—1 ComMopDE witH THREE Drawers, Louis XVI period, with bronze dec- orations, very rich, from the Mobilier National. 9241 Prater, “Adoration des Mages,” in Grisaille, painted by Nardon Penicaud; XVIth century. Dutuit collection. 925—Louis XVI Crrronwoop GLAss CasE, 2 plate glass shelves. 926—CurRvED CHEST oF DRAWERS, rich model, 3 drawers, rosewood and inlaid work, marble top. 927—1 Piate, “Annunciation,” painted by Jean ler Penicaud; old Limoges enamel; XVI century. 928—1 Prater, Lavage des Pids, painted by Pierre Raymond; old Limoges enamel; XVI century. 47 929—1 Smatt Aususson Tapestry, flower design. 930—1 Aususson Tapestry, bird of paradise design. 931—AvuBusson TAPESTRY witH Ficures, all silk, Chateau de Laroche. 932—1 Prater, Lavage des Pids, painted by Nardon Penicaud; XVIth century. 933—1 Canpy Box, Sevres china, boat shape, heavy blue background, subject after Lancret. 934—1 SweetMearT Box, in porcelain of Sevres, heavy blue, in the form of cigar case. 935—1 CENTERPIECE, 3 Bacchante, old Sevres Empire period, XVIIIth century. Collection Antolsky. 936—1 SHELL Box, Copal varnish, old genre. 937—1 Box, round V. M.., exailline, “Dance.” 938—1 Box, subject in relief, ivory tone, “Isle of Love.” 939—1 Ova. Box, decoration, V. M~ “Harvest.” 940—1 Parr GRoup oF CHILDREN DRINKING, old Capo di Monte. 941-1 Sratur, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “Women Weeding’’ by Omerth. | 942—1 STaTUE, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold,“Gypsy” by Omerth. 943—1 StatuE, ivory and bronze, p'ated 9 carat gold, by Alonzo. 944-—1 Pate, Birth of Christ by Pierre Raymond, XVIth century, old Limoges enamel, leather frame. 945—1 GouacHE MINIATURE, by L. Bith. 946—1 GouacHEe MINIATURE, dated 1774. 947—1 GouaAcHe MINIATURE, dated 1780. 948—1 GouacHE MINIATURE. 949—] MINIATURE ON Ivory, with ivory frame, by Dumont. 950—1 Miniature, XVIII century on Ivory, by Henrichi, tortoise-shell and mother of pearl frame. 951—1 Mintature on Ivory, with ivory frame, by Simon. 952—ROsEwoop AND SATEENED CHEST OF DRAWERS, bronzes, marble top, XVIII century, out sides, legs. 953—1 CABINET, inlaid wood of various colors, decorated with chased golden bronzes. 954—Louis XVI Chest of Drawers, belonging formerly to Queen Marie- Antoinette, Petit Trianon collection; aramanth and citronwood finely chased bronzes. 955—1 Wonderful Plaque of Enamel on Grisaille, Lemoges; representing an antique allegory. This plaque is unique in view of its size. 956—BRoNzE STATUE, “Mignon,” by Falguiere. 957—2 Vases, known as “Ducks,” bronze and marble. 958—1 SraTuE, bronze and Carrara marble, plated 9 carat gold. “Goodbye” by A..Gori, 48 959—1 FLOWER STAND, rock shape, Sevres porcelain, green background. “Cupids” by Boucher. ) 960—1 Bronze Statue, “Maternal Live” by Maurice Constant. 961—1 Bronze Statue, “A Dancing Lesson” by Gandeze. 962—1 Pair Vases, Sevres porcelain, heavy blue, paintings after Watteau, decoration in golden relief, Louis XVI. 963—Louis XVI Curst or Drawers, kidney shape, citronwood and filament inlaid work, marble top and gallery. 964—MarveLous RoLter Desk, solid mahogany, Empire period, fitted inside with numerous secret bolted drawers of exotic wood and adorned with numerous chiseled and gilt bronzes. 965—LoveLty Louis XIV Drawine Room Set, 1 sofa: 2 armchairs, 4 chairs, pateened wood, covered with Nime’s tapestry “The Seasons.” 966—Tweo Very Pretry Easy Cuairs, gilt wood, fine carving with rich antique /» silk. oO 967—Bulging Chest of Drawers, Regency period, very rich piece, finely chased and golden bronzes; rose and violet wood. 968—1 Louis XVI Drawine Room Suite, fine gold, including 1 large sofa, 4 armchairs, in painted tapestry, fine silk, Gobelina manufacture, Casanova, the Russian campaign, by Napoleon I, reproduction of the piece in the Castle of Compiegne. Unique. 969—1 Superb Louis XV Table, entirely of carved gilt wood, surmounted by a very fine peace flower marble (Chateau de Fontainebleau). 970—1 PaIntTING, “Louigs River Banks” by M. Morin. _971—1 ParntTine, “Harvesters,” Neighbourhood of Chartres,-by Testu. _972—1 PAINTING, “Les Quais,” Paris, by Galien-Lalone. 973—1 Stixt Lire, “Apricots and Currants” by Brunel-Neuville. 974—-SMALL Louis XVI CuHEst oF DRAwERs, with rounded corners, mahogany marble top and gallery, Duthoui collection. 975—MANTLEPIECE SET, made of delicately chiselled and mercury gilt bronze it included a clock with ornaments by Clodir, the great XVIII century sculptor, and 2 candelabra with numerous light holders. 976—Stupy Suite, designed by decorator-artist, V. Ricci, Paris, circles and marquetry. 2 pieces, a bookcase and desk. 977—1 Pair of Vincennes Vases, pate tendre, turquoise blue, painting by Fuchs, formerly belonged to the king of Bavaria, with official docu- ments. 978—1 BEAUTIFUL GOLD BRONZE AND Ivory STATUE, “The Reader’ by Carrier- Belleuse. 979—1 Primitive, XVI Century, “Entry of a King of France,” wood frame. 980—1 Primitive, XVI Century, “Life of Saint Odile.” 981—ScuLPTURED Ivory Group oF Five Ficures, “Poursuite de la Fortune,” French, early XVI century. Fortuna, her robes flying in the breeze cre- ated by her rapid passage through the world, her trophies so eagerly sought by most of mankind are in her extended right hand; with her left hand she holds to her breast a generous cornucopia of fruit which seems unas- 49 sailed. She stands on a wheel about center, progressing towards right; behind her a ruthless, lusty, bearded warrior runs forward and grasps her raiment, clutching at his dagger with his right hand ready in the attempt to wrest his desired object if not speedily given to him. Beyond, a trifle more sedate, an aged, mitred, but still ambitious cleric, who has not learned yet of God, strives to garner with his crozier an earthly kingdom’s crown from the shadowy deity. A poet, in his haste to grasp laurels unbecoming to his lofty brow, has fallen prone to mother earth before the cleric. At right, enthroned, as always, nonchalantly sits a courtesan, a sceptre in her tight hand, peacefully dozing, knowing that the splendid spoils will be eventually laid at her feet, no matter whose sordid ambition js gratified. On black plinth and ioose carved oblong pedestal with shaped ends. Total height, 1714 inches ; length, 1814 inches. Average height of figure, 8 inches. Note: The Renaissance period abounded in satirist al‘egorical literature, and many men have suffered for a gibe at their “betters” even as today, but, after all, few remnants of any episode of this remarkable strength remain today amongst paintings, prints or sculpture, for this group must have had the poignant inspiration of contemporary characters and probably © the delineation of the features are actual portraits. 982—1 BFAUTIFUL XVI CENTURY IVoRY Cross, from the collection of Madame Regaud. 983—Bras RELIQUAIRE DE St, DiztEr, ivory and peuter, set with various stones, French, XV century. Simulating the right forearm of the celebrated Saint, with aperture enclosed by a small door. Hand of ivory, the two index fingers and thumb raised in benediction; a pastoral ring, adorned with an amethyst, is worn on the index finger. The forearm is clad with pleated sleeve in repousse copper. An inscription at back can be translated: “In the name of the Lord, Amen. In the year 1376, the fete day of the blessed apostles, Sts. Peter and Paul, the arm of St. Dizier, Bishop of Langres, was put in this receptable for the redeeming of Sinners and the Spiritual Pros- - perity of this Monastery.’’ In mediaeval times the relics of Saints were often placed in reliquaries in the form of the relic to be honored. The smail door in. this fine specimen was no doubt opened to the faithful, sick and lame on the Saint’s Solemn Fete Day. Height, 20% inches. Note: The Monastery alluded to is the Cistercian Morimont Abbey now - in ruins near Langres. The Abbots of this famous Abbey, a'beit French, had jurisdiction over the grand. military orders of Calatrara of Alcantara, St. Benedict of Avis and Christ of Portugal. 984—1 AUBUSSON: TAPESTRY. 985—1 Silk and Wool Tapestry, from the Royal Manufacturer of Beauvais, representing an allegorical scene, very rare XVIII century piece. 986—1 Very Fine Console of Finely Carved Giltwood; a faithful reproduc- tion of those at the Louvre Museum; each is enhanced by a fine peach flower marble, remarkable for its size. The consoles are signed by Grohe, a famous master cabinet-maker of Napoleon III’s time, the work of whom fetches very high prices in France today. 987—Motuntep INLAIp Manocany Marguetry Bookcase, Louis XVI, richly grained wood inlaid with basket of flowers at crown on tapestry, round legs, mounted in ormolu, height 68% inches, width 49 inches. Original Musee de Chaut. 988—LapiEs’ Work TABLE OR POWDERING TABLE, rosewood and sateened flap mirror, Louis XVI. —989—Lovis. XVI Manocany TABLE witH THREE TRAys, top 45x35; this piece serves as a side and tea table. 50 See Catalogue “No. 251” for Description ee ee “ 990—RECTANGLE GUERIDON, Louis XVI, satin mahogany and inlaid work, with bronze mouldings. | 991—Lovuis XVI RosEWwoop AND SATEENED CHEST, 3 doors, marble top. Chateau des Fosses. -992—Empire (1st) Mahogany Bookcase, with bronzes, Chateau de la Malmaison. , 993—1 Great Drawing Room Set, covered with Aubusson tapestry; verdure and birds, consisting of 1 sofa, 2 armchairs, 4 chairs, waxed walnut wood. Ae Re ee 994—2 LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL CoLUMNS, peach flower marble and green marble, mounting of chased golden bronze. (Reproduction from the Louvre Mu- seu)... 995—1 Cock, gilded bronze and sea-green marble. Copy of the one belonging to the private collection of Napoleon in Fontainebleau. 996—1 Pair Tea Jars, mixed blue cartels, old china, Green family, Kang-hy 1643-1723, bronze mounting, Regency, 3 lights. 997—1 INKSTAND, marble and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “The Player of Pipes.’ 998—1 Bronze STATUE, “Returning Swallows” by Moreau. 999—1 OvaL Sweet BASKET in old silver with handle. 1000—1 Fruit STAND in old silver. 1001—1. VisiTInc Carp Ova BaskET in old silver. 1002—1 VisiTING Carp OvAL Basket in old silver. 1003—Set of Four Antique Silver Old English Candlesticks, Louis XV style, with elaborate repousee flowers and rocaille motives; of George III period, made in Sheffield, England, 1814. 1004—-Set or Four ANTIQUE SILVER SAucE Boats, French Directoire period. Slender graceful shapes with swan head and neck handles. They are plain in design with relief bands of leaves. They have removable linings. They were made in Paris about 1790, and originally came from the Baroness De Rothschild collection. 1005—1 Pair of Mosque Lamps, old Persian, XVI century, Ispahan. 1006—GurrRInon, two trays, sateened rosewood and bronze XVIII Chateau de Janzy. | 1007—LoveLy Dainty Tas_e, gilt wood, we!l carved, with marble top. 1008—RrcEncy TABLE, rosewood and sateened, golden bronzes, wooden top, Chateau de Roucy. 1009—Lovuis XVI Cuest oF Drawers, kidney shape, citronwood and filament inlaid work, marble top and gallery. 1010-1 Box, round, V. M. affixed in relief, “Harvest,” gold ground. 1011—-1 Box, round, plain, “Basket of Flowers.” Cloisonne, Mosaic work in enamel. 1012-1. Box, V. M. “Chilly.” 1013—-1 Canpy Box, Sevres porcelain, yellow background, with Napoleon’s mono- gram. 5] 1014—1 Parr or SMALt Capo pt Monte VAsEs, handles representing ram’s heads. Subjects : Grape-gathering Cupids. 1015—1 Smart Bowt, Sevres porcelain, rose background and stripes, flowers, bronze stand. 1016—1 Vase, having the form of a ball in porcelain of Sevres mounting in gold and silver. 1017—1 Group, Paris porcelain. “The First Steps.” 1018—1 Group, Paris Porcelain. “The Love-vender.” Group of two. 1019—1 Parr or Bort tes, old Chantilly, made under the direction of the Prince de Conde, 1760, Louis XVI mounting. 1020—1 Parr or Caro p1 Monte VasEs, handles representing goat’s heads. 1021—1 Pair or Groups, 3 birds. Paris Porcelain. 1022—1 Ivory MINIATURE, by Noel. 1023—1 Ivory MINIATURE, aiter Madame Vigee Lebrun. 1024—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory, by Olivier. 1025—-1 ParntING on Ivory, after Greuze by Dumont. Leather frame. 1026—1 PAINTING ON Ivory, after Baudin by Dumont. Leather frame, 1027—1 Miniature on Ivory, Empire woman, signed by Singry; the Marquise de Quinzise, Empire tortoise-shell frame. 1028—1 Triptych, “Life of Jesus,” old Limoges enamel by Jean Pincaud, 1460. 1029—1 Parr OLD Capo pi MONTE VASES. 1030—1 GUINEA-FOWL, Dresden Porcelain. 1031—1 Pair Statuettes, Shepherds, old Chelsea, XVIII century. 1032—1 Parr or Vases, old Sevres, Empire, especially manufactured for Empress Josephine de Beauharnais, wife of Napoleon I. 1033—1 Parr oF STATUETTES, Dresden Porcelain. ‘Summer and Autumn.” 1034—1 Pair SEvRES PoRcELAIN VAsEs, white background, subjects after Nattier, Louis XVI, period, golden bronze handles, heads of women. 1035—1 StTaTuE, bronze and ivory, plated 9 carat gold, “The Bird has Flown” by O’Merth. | 1036—1 BRONZE STATUE, “Spring” by Carrier Belleuse. 1037—1 STATUE, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “Woman and Bench.” 1038—1 PRAYER IN THE FIELDs, bronze and ivory, by Somme. 1039—1 Louis XVI Desk AND 1 ARmMcuair, Marquetry. 1040—1 Larce AND BeEautTiFuL Louis XVI Taste, of very finely carved gilt wood, surmounted by a fine piece of marble (Chateau de Compiegne). 1041—2 Larce TorcHES, in carved wood, Louis XVI. 1042—Very Fine Console of Finely Carved Giltwood, a faithful reproduction of those at the Louvre Museum; each is enhanced by a fine peach flower marble, remarkable for its size. The console is signed by Grohe, a famous master cabinet-maker of Napoleon III’s time, the work of whom fetches very high prices in France today. 52 1043—Louts XVI Manocany TABLE, with three trays. 1044—Sma._ Louis XVI MaAnocaAny BeEpsiIpE TABLE, 3 drawers, marble top and gallery, Chateau d’Oftemont. 1045—1 Lovery Louis XVI Drawine Room Set, medallion shape, upholstered in tapestry. 1046—LEAN-To PIECE OF FURNITURE, Richard Wallace, London collection, rose- wood sateened, marquetry marble top, gilt bronzes. 1047—Marvelous Aubusson Drawing Room, from the Elysee Palace; most comfortable and rich looking, fine point. 1048--1 Pa1nTING, “Kittens’ Nest” by Brunel-Neuville. 1049—1 PaintTING, Still Lite, “Fish,” by Brunel-Neuville. 1050—1 PainTING, “Musketeer,” by Dambrozzi. . 1051—1 Parntine, “Coreze” by G. Angiade. 1052—1 Parntinc, “Martique,” South of France, by H. Malfroy. 1053—1 Parntinc, “Fishing Boats in Harbor,” Brittany, by P. Phillipe. 10541 Parntinc, “Place of the Republic,’ Paris, by Gallien-Lalone. 1055-1 PAINTING, “Venice,” by G. Miro. 1056—1 Mus, Bacchus, with cover, old Capo di Monte. 1057—1 Gurriwon, Empire, Sevres porcelain, green background. Subject: The Coronation of Napoleon, Empire mounting, golden bronze. 1058—1 Capo pt Monte Vase, handles representing heads of Satyrs. Subject: The Toilette of Venus. 1059—1 Group, Magpie and Bittern, Paris porcelain. 1060—1 Parr or CANDELABRA, | electric light, foliage and base of bronze, sub- ject and flowers of Paris porcelain. 1061—1 Crock Set, old Dresden, Louis XV mounting. 1062—1 Renaissance Frame, XV century, carved Ivory, “Glorified Love.” 1063—2 Round Cups, Grisaille, with old enamel cover; Limoges by Pierre Courteys, 1563. 1064—-A RENAISSANCE SMALL MANTLEPIECE OXIDIZED SILVER CLOCK, with garnet cabochons and having in front the enameled coat of arms of the Princes of Orleans and Bourbon presented by the Duke of Orleans to the Marchioness Christiane Pitois de Quincize. 1065—1 Bronze AND Marsie MANTLEPIECE, set consisting of 1 clock and 2 candelabra, Louis XVI, plated 9 carat gold. 1066—1 Tapestry, Aubusson manufacture Verdure. 1067—1 Smartt Aususson Tapestry, Verdure. 1068—Two Cream Ground Tapestries, from the Royal Aubusson Factory, signed and dated 1780. After Cartoons by the celebrated artist Boucher. Exceptional pieces. 1069—1 Large Aubusson Carpet, size 217x181 inches, decorated with flowers, arabesques and trails; Napoleon the First’s period. Louis XV. 53 1070—1 Center Piece, absolutely unique, of solid silver and ivory. The ivory represents four figures at the four angles of the piece, each showing the four seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). The center figure personifies Caesar, the great Roman General. These five pieces are executed and carved in a manner worthy of the best known works. The centerpiece of silver is copied from an old Gothic piece of work (with various animals of the period). It is decorated with different precious stones, both large and small, and the center base is decorated with enamel recalling the same Gothic period. 1071—1 Pair of Vases, Sevres porcelain, white background, paintings after _ Watteau, golden decoration, golden bronze mounting. | 1072—1 Curist, Ivory, XVIII century, 67 cm. on cross, thorns in natural ebony, 67 cm., very rare and exceptional. | | 1073—Dining Room Suite, 13 pieces, designed by Ricci of the Paris Deco- rator-Artists’ Society; rosewood, sateened and gilt bronzes. Consists of buffet, side table, extension table and 10 chairs. 1074—1 Supers Louis XVI Drawinc Room Set, of silver brocade, consisting of: 1 sofa, 2 large easy chairs, 4 armchairs, 4 chairs. All of carved gilt wood ; the work is absolutely unique of its kind and comes from one of the finest French Palaces, the residence of Russian Dukes. 1075—1 MrniaTurRE ON Ivory, by Perref. 1076—Ivory Miniature, by Henry. 1077—1 Mintature, Gouache, 1778. i078—2 Ficures Paris PorceLatn, Comedians of the Pont-Neuf. 1079—1 Por, blue, old Kang-Hi, bronze mounting, _ 1080—1 PerrumE Burner, Sevres porcelain, green background, panels with roses, golden bronze mountings, Louis XVI. 1081—1 Borrttr, Sevres porcelain, heavy blue, golden bronze mounting, Louis ee Nels 1082—1 Rerricerator, Sevres porcelain, white background, decoration in light blue and flowers, golden bronze mounting. 1083—1 Bowt, Sevres, porcelain, decoration of ribbons and birds. 1084—1 PorceLtatin Bowt, Swansea, blue bands and scattered flowers. 1085—1 Parr or RecrancuLtar Capo pt Monte Piagues. Subject: Entomb- ment and Crucifixion. 1086—1 Bronze AND Ivory Statue, “Skier.” 1087—1 Stratus, ivory and bronze plated 9 carat gold, Shepherdess, by Omerth. 1088—1 Marpie Ann Bronze Ciocx SET, composed of 1 clock and 2 vases. 1089—1 ParnTINc, “Fishing Boats,” by H. Malfroy. 1090—1 Box, oval, green ground, relief decoration. “The Happy Lover.” 1091—1 Box, round V. M. green ground subject in relief. “Hunting.” 1092—1 NapoLeon’s Hat V. M. Box, Copal varnish, old V. M. box. 1093—1 Canpy Box, Sevres porcelain, green background, allegorical subject. 1094—1 Casket, rock work, white background, painting after Watteau. 54 See Catalogue “No. 255” for Description 1095—1 SrartueE, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “Salome,” by Somme. 1096—1 Sratur, “Poniard Dance,” bronze and ivory, by Omerth. 1097—1 SratukE, ivory and bronze. “Lady with Muff,” by Omerth. 1098—2 Caro pt Monte Mucs. Subject: Sylenus. 1099—1 Pair of Vases, mixed blue, old China, drapery mounting; King-hy Louvre Museum. 1100—Vase, porcelain biscuit of Sevres, subject: Triumph of Love by Clodion, golden bronze mounting, handles Neptune heads. Louis XVI. 1101—1 Pair or Taste Enps, Bohemia crystal, silver bronze mounting, XVIII century, Chateau de Versailles. 1102—1 Pair VaAsEs, Sevres porcelain, rose background, ribbed shape, decoration in golden relief, panels with birds, golden bronze mounting, Louis XVI. 1103—1 Sorry Wuirrep BLuE Vass, old Kang-Hi Chinese, XVII century, Paris Museum of Decorative Arts. 1104—1 Inkstand, black ground, old China, representing a nenuphar leaf, Tchinghoa, bronze mounting. 1105—1 SratueE, bronze, “Mentem Luminat,’ by Drouot, salon medal. 1106—1 Stratus, Panther, Prato marble, “Mother Love,” by Vanetti. 1107/—Bronze STaATuE, “Lion, First Game,” by Lelabrierre. 1108—1 Large Clock, sheathed in green Algeria onyx and cloisonne enamel. This clock was in the Sultan’s palace at Constantinople. 1109—Lovuis XVI CueEst or DRAWERS, mahogany, marble top. 1110—Louis XVI Srupy Suire, sateened mahogany and bronze. Bookcase, 3 doors, take down. Desk with 5 drawers, cane seated armchair. 1111—Lovis XVI Cuest or Drawers, half-moon shape, Leleu work, XVIII century. 1112—Patr or Enormous So-Catiep “Otp Parts” CuH1Ina Vases, showing two large dials with very delicate painting, in Lancret’s taste. These vases, the ground of which is green and gold, are adorned with chiseled and gilt bronzes and form two immense pieces absolutely unique of their kind. The back is ornamented with very delicately painted nosegays. Very rare. 1113—1 Pair Vases, Dresden porcelain, 1754, an extraordinary piece for the fineness of its workmanship. 1114—1 Fine Table, made entirely of Dresden china; the top is covered with a fine Aubusson tapestry shot with gold. 1115—1 Larcr Aanp Macniricent Drawinc Room Set, Empire period, consist- ing of: 1 large sofa, 3 armchairs, 5 chairs. Covered with Lyon silk; finely carved gilt wood; the armchairs in particular are remarkable for their chased griffons. 1116—1 Magnificent Table of Carved Giltwood, executed in a remarkably fine manner; the top is of Florence marble mosaic work of unique character. This piece comes from the sale that was held in Paris after the death of the Duchess of Carcano, owner of one of the four private mansions at the corner of the Rondpoint des Champs Elysees, and is wonderfully well preserved. on Lo | 1117—Very Fine Drawinc Room Set, Aubusson tapestry, Fontainbleau, with figures I C; 4 armchairs, gilt wood “Boursin,” silk Gobelin. 1118—Supers Easy Cuarr, gilt wood, antique rich-looking silk. 1119—1 Marvelous Boulle Table, entirely covered with inlaid work of red tortoise-shell, decorated with numerous appropriate designs of chased and gilt copper. oe 1120—Hatr-Moon Escritorre, mahogany, marble top, end of XVIII century. 1121—Cuest or DRAWERS witH Curses sateened and violet wood, marble top, Louis XVI. 1122—1 Prano, French restoration period, rosewood and violet wood, brass fillets and gilt bronze studs. 1123—1 Large Gothic Table, surmounted by a large desk with numerous drawers, unique piece decorated with a number of Gothic designs, which was shown at the National Exposition of 1900, as a specimen of work enabling one to reconstitute a masterpiece of that period. (Unique piece.) 1124—1 Very Fine Jewel Case, made of rosewood ornamented with numerous motifs and chased bronze decoration, with 5 Sevres porcelain placques, each of which represents a rondeley of cupids (a variety of the jewel case of Queen Marie Antoinette, Louvre Museum). 1125—AvusBusson TAPESTRY, verdure. 1126—1 AusBusson Carpet, size 3m40 x 2m75, with roses, Empire period. 1127—AusBusson TAPESTRY WITH ParROTS, all silk, Chateau de Laroche. 1128—1 Op ENcLIsH ENGRAVING. 1129—1 PaintINnc, “Corize” by Ganglade. 1130—1 Warercotor, “Black Rocks” by Choteau. 1131—1 Portrait of the Duc d’Avaray, presented by Napoleon I to the Duke’s family. Gilt Empire frame. 1132—1 CuiNna Case, rosewood and marquetry with marble top of the XVIII century. 1133—2 LarcEe Cotumns of grey lacquered wood, enhanced with gold, support- ing two sea-green China vases mounted on chased and: golden bronzes and finished with large bronze bouquets. 1134—1 Pair Tea Jars, decorated baskets, old china, Green family, Kang-hy with bronze mounting by Caffieri, XVIII century. 1135—1 Crock, Percier, old Capo di Monte, made especially for Napoleon I. Very rare. 1136—1 Parr SEvRES PoRCELAIN VAsEs, conical shape, light blue, paintings after Boucher; music and grape gathering. Louis XVI. 1137—1 Pair of Heavy Blue Sevres Vases, painting after Pater. Blind Man’s Buff and Swing; golden bronze mounting. 1138—2 Larce Cupips, white marble, by Carrier Belleuse, with golden bronze mounting, finished with large bronze bouquets, arranged for electricity. 1139—1 PLagug, Life of Jesus, old Capo di Monte. 1140—2 Pragues, Satyrs dancing, old Capo di Monte, XVIII century. 56 1141—1 Larce TABLE, same decoration and same style completes this unique set, which recalls the same decoration at the Chateau de Compiegn, (French). 1142—Louis XVI CyLinpDeR Desk, mahogany and golden bronzes, a variety of the XVIII century. 1143—1 Large Chest, Boulle inlaid work, decorated with chased golden bronzes, surmounted by a black marble (Louvre Museum). 1144—1 CommMobpg, rosewood inlaid, marble top. 1145—XVIII Century Writinc DEsk, rosewood and sateened, marble top. 1146—Harr-Moon CuHest oF DrAwers with inlaid rosewood and sateened, panel bronzes, marble top, XVIII century, Chateau d’Epinay. 1147—1 Mahongay Empire Chest of Drawers, 5 drawers, white marble, 1 key. 1148—Empire, AMBONY AND BroNZES BOOKCASE, 4 doors. 1149—Magnificent Desk, of fruit wood with copper incrustation, bronzes, Flemish work; XVIII century. 1150—CoMBINATION CHEST AND ESCRITOIRE, satinwood inside with drawers ash- wood, end of XVIII century design. 1151—2 Larcr anp BEAUTIFUL CoLUMNS, peach flower marble and green marble; mounting of chased golden bronze. (Reproduction from the Louvre Museum). 1152—1 INDIAN SHAWL. 1153—1 INpIAN SHAWL. 1154—1 Jewel Box, from the Arts Decoratifs in Paris, painted by Teniers, Vernis Martin, XVIII century. 1155—1 Ivory anp Sitver Mua, XVII century, extremely fine carving, after Michael Angelo; unique piece. 1156—A XV Century Panel, egg painted, in an antique black frame repre- senting the entrance of Charles VII on a caparisoned horse, blue cloth and fleur-de-lys; he is under a dais and in gala costume; the ramparts to the right of the painting are those of the city of Orleans in which Charles VII is making his triumphant entry. 1157—1 Painting, by Hubert Robert and Vernet, gilt wood frame, XVIII century. 1158—1 Painting, Old Gouache, 15x10. ‘Ruins and Figures,” gilt frame. 1159—1 Painting, Old Gouache, 27x17. “Promenade in the Park,” gilt frame. 1160—1 ParintiINnc, old Gouache, 23x18, “Chatting in the Park,’ Louis XVI frame. helt PAINTING, Sunset,’ by Pelletier. 1162—1 PainTING, “Neighborhood of Paris” by Rogas. 1163—1 Patintinc, “In the Cardinal’s Drawing Room,” by Borione. 1164—1 PainTino, ‘Market Day” by R. Aregni. 1165—1 ParntTINc, “Cats in Front of the Hearth” by Demogin. 1166—1 BreauTiFUL Bronze Hatt Crock, Louis XV. 7 1167—1 SpiInniNG WHEEL, ebony and ivory. This was offered to the Marquis de Quincize by Marie Antoinette. , 1168—1 Parr or Vases, Sevres porcelain, turquoise background, paintings after Boucher, gold decoration, golden bronze mounting. 1169—Liguor Vase, 2 handles, Louvre Museum, cracked sea green glazing, Louis XV gilt bronze mounting, old Kang Hi XVII century. Exceptional piece. 1170—Bronze Statue, by Gori, “Joueur de Pipeaut.” 1171—1 Mrniature on Ivory, by Labbe. 1172—1 Ivory Miniature, by Allard. 1173—1 Ivory Miniature, by Pages. 11741 Ivory Miniature, by Allard. 1175—1 Ivory Miniature, by Fabre. - 1176—1 Ivory Mrntarture, by Labbe. 1177—1 Girt Execrrorypr, historical subject. 1178—1 GaucHe Miniature, 1772. 1179—1 Snurr Box, bone shape, V. M. Napoleon, 1800 (attributes ). 1180—1 Box, subject in relief, ivory tone, “The Singers.” iptssee Drum, old snuff box, copal varnish. 1182—1 Canpy Box, Sevres china, heavy blue background, Watteau subject. 1183—2 PLagues, Venue and Aphrodite, old Capo di Monte. 1184—1 Dozen Plates, old China, Green family, Kang-hy. 1185—10 Assortep PLates, soft porcelain. 1186—1 Statue, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “French Peer,” by Somme. 1187—1 Srarug, bronze and ivory, plated 9 carat gold, “Thinking,” by Somme. 1188—1 Statue, bronze and and ivory, “Football Player,” by Omerth. 1189—1 SrarvuE, group “At Last.” Recovered Alsace. Gilt bronze. 1190—1 Vase. Sevres porcelain, heavy blue, full decoration in golden relief, rich golden bronze mounting, garlands of flowers and rams’ heads. 1191—Vases. Louis XVI, bronze and sea-green marble. 1192—1 Juc. China porcelain, Kien Long period, golden bronze mounting, Louis XIV. 1193—1 Bronze AND Marsrte Manrtetpiece. Composed of 1 clock and 2 candelabra, Louis XVI, plated 9 carat gold. 1194—Large and Beautiful Set, consisting of 1 cup and 2 candelabra Capo di Monte porcelain, decorated with numerous women and cupids, each of the candelabra is supported by a motif of chased and golden bronze, and finished with seven porcelain branches, so that this piece may be used as a superb table decoration. 1195—1 Large Cup, Sevres porcelain, offered by the president of the French Republic in 1878 to a State Secretary of a foreign power. (Cup is signed and dated.) : 8 ‘4 “ges se Mi te is GDA MA Dine ADAS dig, RS): ok Lew we wrk end wk kooks Sey 3 i . %. 6 Oe ee Be ER ek th Ae Rx for Description 261” “No See Catalogue Ne 1196—1 Parr oF CHINESE Vases, with whipped blue panels, green family dials, old Kang-Hi Chinese XVII century, gilt bronze mountings. 1197—Writ1nc Desk CHIFFONIER, sateened with fillets, marble, XVIII century, Carcy Castle. 1198—Louis XV Waritrtnc Desk, Madame de Pompadour decoration, rosewood and sateened marble top. 1199—Louis XV Tas -e, gilt with marble top. 1200—1 Maripous Ctiocxk, unique reproduction of the one in the Louvre Museum, Paris. Mahogany, with very finely chiseled bronze. 1201—1 Piano. Unique, with Vernis Martin painting representing various Louis XVI scenes. It is signed by Focke; and is a celebrated French make which took a first Gold Medal at the Universal Exposition of 1889. 1202—Desk, Louis XV (a copy of the study of the Secretary of the Navy in Paris), satin mahogany and rosewood with bronzes. 1203—Very Fine Drawinc Room Set, flowered Aubusson, sofa forming basket and 4 medallion armchairs, gilt wood. i204—Louts XV JeweL Taste. Rosewood and citronwood, with gilt bronzes, St. Germain Castle. 1205—Louts XV Drawinc Room TasLe, marble top, violet brocatel, inlaid sateened rosewood, golden bronzes, Pompadour. 1206—Srupy Sure, composed of 1 bookcase and 1 desk, Adam style, mahogany and marquetry. | 1207—Lovuts XVI CyLinper Desk, inlaid work, medallion 0.80. 1208—Lovuts XVI Carp TasLe. Satin mahogany and inlaid work, lozenges. Inside covered with green cloth. 1209—Le Revre DE St. Curyostome, sculptured ivory bas-relief, French, XVIII century. The recumbent Saint appears asleep and dreaming; he wears voluminous robes. An open missal is on his pillow and above his head is a crucifix arbored by trees. Three winged cherubs’ heads hover in the clouds at right and seem to gravely smile at the Saint’s dream and watch over his repose in his desert retreat. In ebony and tortoise-shell frame. Bas-relief, height 434 inches, length 91% inches. 1210—1 Very Orp Primitive PAINTING, late XIII century, old gold frame. 1211—1 Very Important Mantel-Piece Set, Louis XVI, all of chased golden | bronze. The clock, formed by the two cupids, is finished by a vase, having inside a dial with a revolving movement. This kind of clock work is very rare. The candelabra representing two allegorical sub- jects, night and day, are arranged for electricity. 1212—1 Pair of Vases, Sevres porcelain, white background, paintings; Fish- ing and Harvest, after Boucher, mounting in bronze, representing heads of Satyrs. 1213—1 Horn, black background, Hawthorn, Ming dynasty, old China Tchin- ghoa, XVI century, Louis XV mounting. 1214—-Boulle Clock, of tortoise-shell and copper incrustation, XVII century; National Furniture. 1215—1 Parr or CHarGING LILLE, representing marine subjects two lights in Louis XV bronze. 59 1216—1 Avususson Tapestry LAMBREQUIN, showing flowers. 1217—2 BeautiruL Larce LAMBREQUINS, in Royal Aubusson Tapestry. 1218—1 Aupusson TAPESTRY. 1219—1 Aususson Tapestry, Verdure. 1220—1 Paintine, “Kittens at Play,” by G. Leroy. 1221—1 Parntinc, Landscape Corey, by Anglade. 1222—1 Paintinc, “Chickens,” by F. Vernet. 1223—1 Paintinc, “Cardinal’s Relaxation,” by M. Girot. 1224—1 ParntInG, Landscape, by G. Anglade. 1225—1 ParntInG, “Venice,” by G. Miro. 1226—1 Paintinc, “Palace Guard,” by Maurel. 1227—1 ParntInc, “Consultation,” by F. A. Walker. 1228—1 Paintin, ‘““A Game of Chess” by G. Baldero. 1229—1 Paintinc, “Street Scene in Paris” by G. Lalone. 1230—1 PaintTiNG, “Landscape” by G. Jardines. 1231—1 INDIAN SHAWL. 1232—1 Pair, Group, Two Chinese Figures, turquoise, old China. Ming dynasty. 1233—1 Parr oF Parrots, old Dresden. 1234—1 PITCHER AND TRAY, old Capo di Monte. 1235—1 Bronze aND MARBLE CLock AND 2 Vases, Louis XVI, plated 9 carat gold. 1236—1 STATUE, bronze, “Eagle-Nester” by Somme. 1237—BrRONZE STATUE, “Dancing Faun” (Naples Museum). 1238—1 Statue, go'd and silver bronze and ivory, “Daughter of the King of Dy’s” by J. Obiols. 1239--A Very Pretty GUERIDON, dainty and rich, with marble. 1240—Casu Desk, directoire, mahogany, filament, inlaid work. 1241—SmMALL MAHOGANY TABLE, interleg tablet, marble top and gallery. Louis XVI period. : . 1242—SMALL REGENCY CHEST OF DRAWERS, island wood and bronzes. 1243—-Louis XVI CueEst oF DRAWERS, mahogany, with marble top. 1244—-Louvis XVI CyLInpER Desk, curtain, mahogany, antique style, marble top and copper gallery. 1245—1 Paintine, “Cock Fighting” by Baldero. 1246—1 PaInTING, “Peasant Woman” by R. Aregni. 1247—2 Mosaic AND BRONZE FRAMES, specimen of the XV century Art. 1248—1 Patr oF STATUETTES, Paris porcelain, “Masked Ball.” 1249--1 Parr oF, old Persian, XVI century. 60 1250—1 StratuE, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “Digger” by Omerth. 1251—1 Statug, bronze and ivory, “Promenade” by Kossovsky. 1252—1 Statue, bronze and marble, “Wild Boar.” 1253—1 Watt Ctock, chiselled bronze, Louis XVI. 1254—1 Parr or Vases, white background, Sevres porcelain, subjects after Boucher, golden bronze mounting. 1255—1 Pair or Louis XVI Vaszs, sea-green marb!e, bronze mounting. 1256—-Group, bronze, “The Reward” by Raucoulet. i257—-1 StTatvE, bronze, “The Rape of the Sabines.” 1258—1 Op Louis PHILLIPPE CLOCK. 1259—Bronze, “IN THE FIELDs,” marble base and golden bronze, designed for the Minister of Agriculture; XVIII century work. 1260—1 Patr SuPERB CANDELABRA, Louis XVI, in bronze and marble. These chandeliers of a perfect chisel and gilding form a magnificent example of the art of the Louis XVI period, with numerous adornments and figures, which give them a remarkable lightness in spite of the 21 lights of each of them. 1261—1 Statue, bronze and Carrara marble, plated 9 carat gold, by Fugere. 1262—1 Sratur, bronze and marble, Carrara*plated, 9 carat gold. ‘‘Echo” by A. Gori. 1263—1 Srature. Bronze. “Semiramis,” by Gori. 1264—1 MacGniricent Basin, of chased golden bronze; the body of the basin in 3 of the blue enamel, and the whole piece is on a four-cornered peach blos- som marb’e. This wonderful piece, carrying out the Lottis XVI style, was shown at the Universal Exposition of 1900. 1265—1 REFRIGERATOR, Sevres porcelain. 1266—1 Pair Straight Capo di Monte Vases; cupids dancing a roundelay. 1267—-1 MANTEL 3-P1ECE SET, in bronze and green marble, “Cupids Chariot.” Empire style. Napoleon I. 1268—1 Ou_p Matson PITCHER. 1269—1 Chessboard, Old Rouen, made under the direction of Poterat, 1725. 1270—CyLinver Desk, sateened and bronzes, XVIII century, Chateau de St. Elmo. 1271—1 Old Dresden Mirror, presented by King August II to Louis XV, XVI century. 1272—Louis XIV Chest of Drawers, private collection; Versailles rosewood, sateened and palisauder gilt bronze marble top. 1272—Lovis XVI Rotter DEsk, mahogany, marble top and brass rail. 1274—EscritorrE, Louis XVI, mahogany, marble top and copper gallery. 1275—Lours XVI Drawinc Room SET, very rich looking, sofa forming a basket, and 4 large armchairs with lovely pink silk. 1276—-RosEwoop AND SATEENED CHEST OF DRAWERS, bronzes, marble top, XVIII century, out sides, legs, Riesener. 61 1277—-BONHEUR bu Jour, mahogany ash circle, with gilt bronzes, marble top. 1278—Escritoire, fruit wood, panels, designs in landscape; Dutch work, end of XVII century. 1279—Bedroom Suite, three pieces (bevelled mirror), designed by Ricci, of the Paris Decorator-Artists’ Society ; rosewood sateened, ambony circle and gilt bronzes. Louis XVI hair dressing table and mirror sateened and bronzes. : 1280—Lovuts XVI Desk, kidney shape, satin mahogany and inlaid work, green pegaltop, 1 drawer. 1281—1 Piece oF FURNITURE, made of ebony wood marquetry, adorned with numerous chiseled and gilt bronzes together with agate and precious stones. Louis XIV period. 1282—2 Very FINE AND LarGe WoobDEN CoLuMNs, with golden bronzes, dec- orated in the center with hard stones known as tutti frutti. 1283—Lovuis XV Cuppoarp, Luyness Castle collection, rosewood and sateened, oak inside, gilt bronzes. 1284—1 Rounp TaBLeE, marble top, brass rail. 1285—1 Large Hand of Ivory Forming a Shrine (original at the Clamy Museum, Paris). 1286—Holy- -water Fount, ivory and brass, XIV century, “The Concert of the Angels.” | 1287—La Crucifixion, ivory crucifixion and ebony cross. Edme Bouchardon, French, 1698-1762. Our Lord crucified, nude save a loin cloth, wears curling hair and short beard. At crown is a scroll inscribed “Ieus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum”’; at foot a Golgotha skull. The particularly delicate and sorrowful expression of the features, the harmony of the hair, the faultless beauty of the hands, and the graceful drapery achieve a remarkable perfection of the whole, worthy of the noble traditions of this master-sculptor. In glazed case. Cross, height 273% inches, width 15 inches. 1288—1 Larce MoNuMEN?T, wood and ivory, with numerous drawers, soldiers, from the famous Rigand collection (perfumes in the Rue de la Paix, Paris). 1289—A LarGE JOHN THE BapTIst, in ivory, remarkable for its fine carvings. Late XV century, from Madam Rigand collection. 1290—Patir OF BRONZE TABLE ENps. Subject: “Child,” by Cledion. 1291—Pair XVIII Century Antique Georgian Sheffield Four Light Candel- abra, massive in shape, plain design with bands and trimmings of gadroon workmanship in solid silver; made in England about 1780. 1292—Vase. Louvre ropes, dash blue ground gilt bronze mountings. Old Sevres, reproduction, XVII century. 1293—2 Superb Marble Vases, Louis XVI with numerous ornaments and motifs of golden bronze, finished by large fleur-de-lys bouquet of golden bronze. 1294—1 LarceE Tus, of heavy blue sevres, known as trianon. This is the model of the one used by Queen Marie Antoinette for milking at Trianon. 1295—1 Pair Olive Shape Vases, Sevres porcelain, heavy blue, painting after Lancret, gold decoration, golden bronze mounting. 1296—1 Casket, rock work, gold background, painting after Watteau. 62 See Catalogue “No. 679” for Description ry 1297—1 Set consisting of 1 pair of urn shape vases, Sevres porcelain, purple background, portrait of Napoleon and the Empress, golden relief dec- oration, bronze mounting, handles representing swans; 1 perfume burner, same decoration, golden bronze mounting, handles represent- ing snakes. 1298—1 Bronze JeweL Casket, with ivory miniature. 1299—] PaintTING, “Seascape,” by E. Maillard. 1300—1 Parintinc, “Grand Canal, Venice,” by Borward. 1301—1 InpIAn SHAWL. 1302—1 Inprian SHAWL. : 1303—1 ParnTING, “Venice,” by Miro. 1304—1 Paintine, “St. Martius Gate,” by G. Lalone. 1305—1 Painting, XVIII century style, 21 c-m 1-2x19. “Couple Walking,” frame with gilt beads. 1306—1 XVIII Century PasteLt, Madame de Breteuil. 1307—1 XVIII Century Pastet, Madame Clodion. 1308—1 PaintiInGc, Orp Gouacue, 19 x 25, “River in the Midst of Rocks,” figures, gilt frame. 1309—1 Ivory Mrniarure, by Benner, wood and brass frame. 1310—1 Portrait of the Wife of Marshal d’Erion, who distinguished himself under Napoleon; this miniature is signed by Charlier; frame of bronze, chased and gilded. 1311—1 Italian Renaissance Cabinet, end of XVI century, with 11 drawers, interior ivory plated, 3 subjects: “Knights.” 1312—1 Ivory Miniature, Madame de Champagny, elm wood frame. 1313—1 Ivory Mintature, by Abat. 1314—1 Prague, Venus, old Capo di Monte, gilt wood frame. 1315—WonverruL Drawinc Room Set, Aubusson tapestry, gilt wood of great value. 1316—1 Very Fine Rounp Gueripon, mahogany and brass with Empire bronze ornaments and adorned in the middle with a Sevres China portrait repre- senting Emperor Napoleon I. 1317—Drawers. Louis XVI inlaid rosewood and sateened chest of drawers, golden bronzes, Chateau des loges. 1318—2 Fine Louis XVI Cases, ornamented with the attributes of music, and numerous accessories, of finely carved wood with gray decoration, Trianon and gold. 1319—1 Tra Box, half round, Chelsea porcelain, blue scales, panels. 1320—1 Capo pi Monte Juc. Subject: Sylvenus? 1321—1 RecraNGuLaR CasKeET. Sevres porcelain, violet background, painting : Landscape. 1322—1 RECTANGULAR CASKET. Sevres porcelain, heavy blue background, paint- ing after Lancret. 63 1323—1 Capo p1 Monte Teapot. Three monkeys. 1324—1 Box. Old Battersea. 1325—1 BreautiruL RecTANGULAR Cr1GaR Box In old silver with hammered subjects. 3 1326—1 Fruir DisoH. Old Capo di Monte. 1327—1 Sratur. Ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “Bird Charmer,” by Somme. 1328—1 Srartur. Ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “The Crown of Roses,” by Somme. 1329—Bronze Statue. Group of 4 children and goat, by Cledion. 1330—1 Bronze Statue, “Spring,” by Carrier Belleuse. 1331—1 Parts PorceLain. The Penguin. 1332—1 Sratuette. Dresden porcelain, Chinese with pavillion. 1333—1 Parr or Vases. Sevres porcelain, white background, decoration in golden relief, paintings after Lancret, golden bronze mounting. Louis Oe Ae 1334—1 Bronze anp MarpieE MAnrTeELPIECE, set composed of 1 Clock and 2 Candelabra, Empire, plated 9 carat gold. 1335—1 Pair of Tea Jars, old China, Green family, Kang-hy, XVII century bronze Regency mounting. 1336—1 Pair of Urn Vases, heavy blue Sevres porcelain, and Thomyre bis- cuit, subject: Cupids and Nymphs, golden bronze handles, representing Women. Louis XVI. 1337—1 Large Clock of Chased Golden Bronze, Empire period, Mausoleum shape, recalling the Egyptian Campaign of General Bonaparte, who later became Napoleon I. It is said that this clock was given by the Viceroy of Egypt to Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III, when she came to inaugurate the Suez Canal in 1866. Two wonderful can- delabra, Empire period, of chased golden bronze treated entirely by mercury, and arranged for electricity, are companion pieces to the clock. 1338—1 SEAGREEN Mare_e Vase adorned with gilt bronze. Children Louis XVI; exceptional piece. 1339—1 Bronze AND MarBte Statue, “Zaza,” by A. Gori. 1340—1 Bronze Statue, “Dragon Fly,” by Moreau. 1341—Bronze Statue, Cymbal Player (Museum of the Vatican). 1342—Pair 18TH CENTURY ANTIQUE GEORGIAN SHEFFIELD Four LIGHT CAN- DELABRA, massive in design with repousse workmanship of scrolls, ga- droons, and shell design in solid silver trimmings. Made in England about 1740. 1343—2 Larce Louis XVI Brackets of chiselled and gilt bronze, with numer- ous lights (Carnavalet Museum, Paris). 1344—1 Fire Screen, Louis XVI, Aubusson tapestry, very fine. 1345—WritinG Desk, Empire, mahogany with bronzes, marble top, Beauharnais collection. 64 1346—Larce Manwocany BoutLtotre Taser, marble top, with double top, wood and top of cloth, making a card table; Chateau de Reucy. 1347—1 Desk, marquetry. 1348—2 Very Fine Bencues, Louis XVI, finely carved pateened wood. 1349—Marouetry Tape, Louis XVI, very fine bronzes. antique book bindings, XVIII century. 1350—Desxk Taste, Louis XVI period, mahogany and golden bronzes; top and ledge with leather sheath; work by Jacob. 1351—Louis XVI Periop ManocAny Cuest, marble top, Vendean Castle. 1352—Loutis XVI Rott Desk, mahogany and inlaid filament. 1353—Desk Known as “BonHEUR-DU-Jour,” Island wood, golden bronzes, and antique book bindings, X VIII century. 1354—Lovuis XVI Carp Taste, satin mahogany and inlaid works, lozenges. In- side covered with green cloth. 1355—1 Very Rich Looking Screen, carved wood and gilt, mounted with Aubusson, fine point. 1356—1 Parr or Vases, Sevres porcelain, green background, subjects after Bou- cher, golden bronze decoration. 1357—1 Parr oF CANDELABRA, 1 electric light, foliage and base of bronze, sub- ject and flowers of Paris porcelain. 1358—1 Parr oF Botttes, mixed blue, cartels, old China, Green family, Kang-hy, bronze mounting, Louis XV. 1359—1 CiocKk Set, marble and bronze, Louis XV. 1360—1 Set, Clock and 2 Candelabra, white marble and bronze. 1361—Pair or Caro pt Monte Brackets. Subject: Monks. 1362—1 Rounp PLaguE, Dance, old Capo di Monte. 1363—1 Parr oF VAsEs, old Persian, XVI century. 1364—Marouetry CuHEest oF Drawers, Transitory period, L. XV-L. XVI, Le Breau private collection, rosewood and sateened, gilt bronzes, marble top. 1365—1 ParInTING, still life, ““Peaches and Grapes,” by Mannot. 1366—1 PAINTING, “Provence South of France,” by Malfroy. 1367—1 PaintTine, “Musketeer,” by De Andreis. 1368—1 PainTING, “Place Republic, Paris,” by G. Lalone. 1369—1 PaintTING, landscape, “Sheep Grazing” by E. Pail. 1370—1 Paintinc, Limoges enamel, from 1900 Exhibition. $371—1 PAINTING, “Venice” by G. Miro. 1372—1 Carpet, flowers and foliage, fine Aubusson point, Im. Napoleon III period. 1373—1 Parr oF Cassocettes, XVIII century of Meisson, Saxony, painted and decorated pastoral subjects, bronze mountings. Exceptional pieces. 1374-1 Sratur Bronze AND Ivory, Dancer With Cymbals, gilt ivory. 65 13/51 Larce Tus, Sevres, known as Trianon. This is the model of the one used by Queen Marie Antoinette for milking at. Trianon. ~~ 1376—1 Statue Bronze, Poet’s Dream, by Mathurin Moreau, beyond com- petition. | 1377—1 Sratur Bronze, Statue Dancing Faun. Naples Museum. 1378—1 Bronze Statue, Engaged, by Peynot, Rome prize. 1379—1 Very O.p Ivory Box from the Mme. Rigaud collection. 1380—1 Very Otp Ivory STATUE, “Eve” from the Rigaud collection, 1381—1 Very Oxp Ivory Carvine representing the Gateway, from the Mme. Gigaud collection. 1382—La FECONDITE, scultured ivory group, French XVI century. An en- twined group of curious figures, allegorical of Fecundity; most arresting both in its symbolism and archaic modeling. Height 4 inches. 1383—Lr DeEtuwce, ivory, oblong bas-relief, French XVII century. Numerous personages are presented, some in utter despair, others fleeing from the rising floods and striving to reach a refuge on the high rocks which seem their last hope. The latter trust to be received into Noah’s Ark which appears in the middle distance. Severaj beasts, horses, bullocks, dogs and further personages are desperately struggling in the waters against Over- whelming disaster. The poignant sense of dramatic peril is remarkably portrayed. Height, 4% inches, length, 534 inches, . 1384—Osrtensorr AJourE, sculptured ivory tabernacled pyx, F rench, XVI cen- tury. Square shrine, developing perpendicular open traceried windows having cocketed triangular open pediments, supporting a removable similar rich open-buttressed spire, terminated in a cusped crocket. At each of the corners of the shrine is a cluster of three slender columns terminated with a gargoyle and sustaining a small finely cut statuette of a saintly queen. The clusters rest on the heads of four further Saints. On the panels below the windows are four “coats of arms” pertaining to ancient feudal France —namely, Burgundy, Brittany, Flanders and the royal city of Orleans. This graceful and delicate structure is supported on an engraved knopped shaft, spreading to an eight-lobed foot bearing bossed trefoliate tracery. Columns and one gargoyle slightly imperfect. Height, 2114 inches. 1385—1 Very OLp. Ivory Busr or Henry IV, with wonderful inside sculpture work. 1386—1 Ivory Carvin, ball shape, inside sculpture work, life Joan D’arc, Rigaud collection. 1387—1 Oxrp Ivory FictrE, woman on couch. 1388—LrE GALANT, ivory tobacco rapp or snuff grater, French, early XVIII cen- tury. Shaped tapering oval, with semi-circular section; originally fitted » on the interior with metal grater. In delicate low relief is displayed an Amorous Lover drawing into his embrace a buxom maiden seated near him at the foot of a tree; she still holds at her side a basket of fruit. 1389—Lr Buveur Ivory Tosacco Rapp or SNurF GRATER, French early XVIII century. 1390—1 Ivory Bust, woman. 1391—1 Ivory Bust, man. hs 1392—Bronze Statue, Triumph of Bacchus, by Cledion. 1393—1 18TH Century WEDDING TRUNK, finely carved gilt wood. 66 : 3 oy x * iia, a" : ee 2 Hen See Catalogue ‘No. 683” for Description o 4 + al . 4 3 < <) ‘ » ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ . . * 1 : v t » ca . 4 - b / E ; 7 a) . } 1394—Napo.Lron Bong, Copal varnish, old genre. 1395—1 Casket, rock work, Sevres porcelain, heavy blue, subject after Boucher. 1396—1 Ova Casket, plain, Sevres porcelain, green background, decoration in golden relief. 1396a—1 Snurr Box V. M., subject after Boucher. 1397—1 Mus, lion with cover, old Capo di Monte. 1398—1 Mus, lion with cover, o!d Capo di Monte. 1399—4 Ficurres Paris PoRCELAIN, The Seasons. 1400—1 Group Parts PorcELAIN, Reason, group of two. 1401—1 Ficure SEATED AT THE HARPsicuorD, Paris porcelain. 1402—1 Group Parts PorcEeLAIn, Grape Eaters, group of two. 1403—1 Parr oF Vaszs, China porcelain, mixed blue, panels with flowers, golden bronze mounting. 1404—1 Cat, Sittine, Frankenthal porcelain. 1405—1 Pair of Sevres Porcelain Vases, turquoise and flower background, decoration in golden relief, rich gadroon mounting, Louis XVI. 1406—1 Pair SEvREs PorRCELAIN VASES, white background, elongated, shape, paintings after Pater, Louis XVI period. 1407—1 Vass, ovoid shape, heavy blue Sevres porcelain, decoration in golden relief Louis XVI, paintings after Boucher; Picking Cherries, golden bronze. 1408—Cartel of Tortoise Shell and Bronze, Louis XV period. This cartel is from the atelier of Boulle, the famous cabinet maker who engraved the Seal of France under King Louis XV. He lodged in the Palace of the Louvre and died under Louis XV reign. This piece of tortoise-shell and chased bronze is remarkable for its purity of line and harmonious proportions. It is completed by a tailpiece decorated with the same tortoise-shell and bronze incrustations. The figures representing the “Rape of Europa” and a “Cupid” Bird Charmer are remarkably treated, as is every detail of this Cartel. | 1409—1 Tea Jar, purple background, old China, Rose family, Kien Long, XVIII century, bronze Louis XV mounting. 1410—1 Cup witH STAND, 42cm, carnations decoration, Old Rhodes, XVI Cen- tury. 1411—Larce Louis XV Brackets, of chiseied and gilt bronze, with numerous lights (Carnavalet Museum, Paris). 1412—Bronze Statue, Bacchante with Flute, by Leblanc. 1413—1 Bronze STATUE, Esmeralda by Gandez. 1414—1 MarsLe AND SILVER Bronze STATUE, by Gori. 1415—1 Bronze Statue, Nature Mastering Force, by E. Drouot, a French statuary, Paris Fine Arts Salon Medallist. A group representing brute force (the milon of Crotona). In order to show his strength he tried to tear a tree asunder with his hands—the two parts of the trunk springing back together held him caught and while thus incapacitated he was devoured by tigers. Unique. 67 1416 1417—-EscriTorrE, sateened inlaid work and bronzes, marble top, XVIII century. EScRITOIRE, sateened inlaid work and bronzes, marble top, XVIII century. 1418—Two WonperFuL Easy CuHatrs, pateened wood, lovely silk velvet; very ich. 1419—1 Boulle Chest, “Tutti Frutti,” with numerous Louis XIV bronzes, rare piece with two doors. 1420—FrENCH WHITE MARBLE PEDESTAL, of Empire style, three slender column shape supports, surmounted by square white top, and terminating in massive triangular shape base mounted with beautiful chiseled ormolu figure heads and ornaments. 1421—Louis XVI Chest of Drawers, formerly belonging to Queen Marie- Antoinette, work by Leleu, Trianon Museum. {422—1 Lovuts XVI CHeEsT, rosewood and sateened marble top; gilt bronzes. 1423—1 Large Louis XVI Chest. Inlaid wood of various colors. It is com- posed of four doors. The two center ones represent vases and flowers all of inlaid work executed in a remarkably fine manner; the two side doors show various attributes with inlaid lozenges similar to those dec- orating the center doors. Numerous chased and golden bronze motifs and white marble top. 1424—Lovuis XVI CueEst or Drawers, half-moon shape, citronwood and fila- ment, inlaid work, with marble top. 1425—Lovuis XVI Bookcase, sateened with filet Les Audebys. 1426—Lovuis XVI Cuest or DrAwers, inlaid rosewood and sateened, and golden bronzes. 1427—1 Wonderful Furniture Piece. Ebony, with numerous chased and golden bronze motifs, decorated in the middle of each with very rare hard stones, known as tutti frutti. This piece was in the residence of Prince Orloff at Paris and comes from his collection. 1428—Cuppoarp-cHeEst, Louis XVI, 2 doors rosewood and filaments, marble top. 1429—CueEst oF Drawers, Louvre Museum, Paris, rosewood sateened and violet marble top, gilt bronzes. 1430—1 Pater oF StTaTuETTES, Dresden Porcelain. Fisherman. 1431—1 Caro pt Monte FLower Por, subject: Sylenus and Satyr. 1432—1 Group Paris PorceLaAtn, The Magic Lantern, group of three. 1433—1 Cup oF Sevres PorcELAIN, with paintings representing Joan of Are, mounting of silver bronze. 1434—-1 Caro pt Monte Juc, handles representing snakes; subject: Satyrs and Bacchantes. 1435—-1 Parr or Vases, Medici, old Capo di Monte, from the Borghese Palace ot Rome. 1436—1 Op 18TH CENTURY PASTEL, Madame Vertaillac. 1437—1 Op PasteL. Child with the Ball, 18th century. 1438—1 Orp Paste, 18tmH Century. Princess de Talleyrand. 1439—1 Orp GuoacHE. By Hubert Robert and Vernet, gilt wood frame, XVIII century. 68 1440—1 PAINTING. 19x25, “Bridge or Rocks,” gilt frame. 1441—Painting. 4 medallions, signed Verheyden, gilt frame, Louis XIV. 1442—-1 Primitive 15TH CENTURY. Virgin. 1443—PaIntinec. “Ships in Coreze,” by E. Pail. 1444—1 1445—1 1446-1 1447—1 1448—1 1449—1 1450—1 1451—1 1452—1 1453—1 1454—1 1455—1 1456—1 1457—1 1458—1 1459—1 1460—1 1461—1 1462—1 1463—PapouckK CHEST oF DRAWERS. 1464—CHEsT oF DRAWERS. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. OLD PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. marble top. 1465—RECTANGULAR (GUERIDON. “Inside Sheep Folds,” by G. Ramet. “Musketeer,” by Dombrozzi. “Red Grenadiers,” by Perboyre. “Chickens in Farmyard,” by Verat. Landscape, by Pelletier. Landscape, by G. Anglade. Landscape, by J. Jardines. Attributed to Watteau. “Constantinople,” by A. Bachmann. Venice, by G. Miro. Prise du Cometurs de Paremont 1914, G. Talone. “Flock of Sheep,” by Dariens. “Market Day,” by R. Aregni. “In the Cardinal’s Study,” by Girot. “Peasant” male, by Aregni. “Champs. Elysee; Paris,” ‘byok. Pail, Landscape, by Morein. “A Normandy Harbor,” by Malfroy. “Duke De Guize,” by Maurel. Bronzes, marble top, XVIII century. Louis XVI, satin mahogany and inlaid work with Louis XVI satin mahogany and inlaid work, with bronze mouldings. 1466—-CHEsST oF DRAWERS. Louis XV, mahogany and rosewood inlaid work, flowers, with marble top. Width: 0.90. 1467—-COMBINATION ESCRITOIRE AND CHEST OF DRAWERS. Louis XVI, rose- wood, and sateened, marble top, old framework. 1468—Superb Drawing Room Set. Aubusson, damask ground, gilt wood, lovely designs. 1469—VeEry Pretty Louis XV TABLE. Gilt wood, with marble. 1470—1 Pater Exony AND Bronze PEDESTALS. XVI century, inlaid with precious stones, exceptional pieces, marble top. 1471—Papouck Cuest or Drawers. Bronze, marble top, XVIII century. 1472—1 Ivory MINIATURE. Bronze frame. 69 1473—-1 PorcELAIN PLACQUE. Roosevelt. 1474—-1 Capo pt Monte Juc. Subject: Lion on Cover. 1475—1 Muc. Bear with cover, old Capo di Monte. 1476—1 Statur. Bronze and ivory, plated 9 carat gold, “After the Bath,” by AS Cori 1477—1 Bronze ANpD Ivory Statue. French Soldier, by Kassowski. 1478—1 Capo pt Monte Heimer. Representing Battles and Trophies. 1479—1 Ivory AND Bronze. Nude woman reclining on couch. 1480—1 Stature Ivory AnD Bronze. Woman with grapes, by Somme. 1481—1 Statue, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “Carelessness” by Somme. 1482—2 Figures Paris PorcELAIN, Comedians of the Pont-Neuf. 1483—I Parr or Vases, Sevres porcelain, heavy blue, elongated shape, decora- tion in golden relief, paintings after Boucher, golden bronze mounting, Louis XVI. . 1484—1 Parr or Jucs, India porcelain, blue stripes with coat of arms. 1485—1 Parr oF Vases, Sevres porcelain, yellow background, paintings after Watteau, gold decoration, golden bronze mounting. 1486—1 Parr oF Parrots in Polychrome Delft ware. 1487—1 Pair of Lanterns. China porcelain, Rose family, rich golden bronze mounting. 1488—1 Casso.etrE, XVIII century of Meisson, Saxony, painted and decorated, pastoral sujects, bronze mountings. 1489—A Large Flower Stand. In porcelain of sevres heavy blue and golden decorations representing girdles of flowers on a triver, representing head of fauns in Louis XVI Golden and sculptured bronze. 1490—1 Coffee Set. Sevres porcelain, purple background, portraits of the Imperial family, consisting of: 1 coffee pot, sugar bowl, cream jug, 2 pairs of cups and 1 tray, in a case. 1491—1 Louis XVI Fan. Pearl mounting with small carved and gilt figures. On the leaf is a scene from the life of Ulysses, the famous hero sung by Virgil, leading the nymph Calipse to a beat under the vigilant eyes of Mars and Venus. Joyous procession is there and the design as well as the coloring of this scene make of this fan exceptionally remarkable piece for beauty and richness. 1492—1 Louis XVI Fan. Ivory mounting enhanced by gold, embroidered silk, ornamented with allegories, musical instruments, painted and em- broidered with spangles; in the center, subject: “The Love Letter.” 1493—1 Louis XV Fan. With mounting of carved, open work and painted ivory, showing in the center Pegasus, mounted by Renown with the thousand trumpets. Birds and flowers, with cupids, complete the harmony of the mounting. The leaf shows three scenes remarkable for the coloring; in the center Adonis is plunged in deep sleep and Love and Beauty are inspiring his dreams. 1494—1 Louis XVI Fan. Mounting of pearl, enhanced by gold, attributes of music and ornaments. On the leaf, three little love scenes are pre- 70 for Description See Catalogue “No. 688” Marne, ‘ * : + ’ ‘ - 2 ’ i* ‘ * , r . * 1 - + > . ‘ * . * + * 4 ® ; + ; _ - 7 t nfo }- " ea sented in panels with a gold background and two cupids with quivers harmoniously complete the decoration. 1495—Bronze Group, The Reward, by Rancoulet. 1496—1 Sratuer, bronze and Carrara marble, plated 9 carat gold, Semiramis. 1497—1 Statue, marble and bronze, Napoleon after the Battle of Moscow. 1498—BronzeE STATUE, Diana, by Houdon. 1499—1 Sratur Ivory anp SILVERED Bronze, “Melody” by C. Bellause. 1500—1 Secretary, Louis XVI. 1501—CorFerR witH CurTAINED Doors, sateened wood, marble top gilt bronzes ; Louis XVI Bordes Castle. 1502—Smat_ CuHest oF Drawers, Marie Antoinette style, rosewood and violet wood, filament, and inlaid work. 1503—1 Large and Beautiful Table. Absolutely unique, copper inlaid work, with tin, Boulle, etc.—recalling Gothic scenes (Departure of Crusaders, various scenes of knighthood, ladies of the Court, etc.) Below arm trophies with various incrustations. This table shows an amount of work which it would be impossible to give today and is worthy of being placed in the finest collection of the world. 1504—CuHINESE LACQUERED CHEST OF Drawers, early XVIII century, private collection, Chantilly. 1505—Louis XVI Chest of Drawers. Formerly belonging to Queen Marie- Antoinette; work by Riesner, inlaid wood ornamented with finely chased and golden bronzes. 1506—Blackered Chest of Drawers. Ancient wood, Chinese lacquer, X VIII century, des Bordes Castle. 1507—Louis XVI Chest of Drawers. By Riesner, from the Palace of Fon- tainebleau, rich inlaid work and finely chased bronzes. 1508—SATEENED RosEwoop CuHest or Drawers, end of XVIII century, bronzes, Marquise de Pompadour. 1509—1 Wonderful Furniture Piece. Ebony, with numerous chased and golden bronze motifs, decorated in the middle of each with very rare hard stones, known as tutti fruitti. This piece was in the residence of Prince Orloff at Paris and comes from his collection. 1510—Semi-Rounp Piece or Furnirure, plated doors, mahogany, marble top, end of XVIII century, Chateau de |’ Echelle. 1511—1 Masterpiece of French Painting. Representing Emperor Napoleon I in his coronation robes, painted by Baron Gerard, with official docu- ments of proof. The frame is of the period, all of carved gilt wood and is itself of considerable value. 1512—1 Ivory AnD Bronze Stratus, “Aurora’s Chariot” by A. Moreau. 1513—Bronze STATUE, “Gladiator” by Cartier. 1514—1 Sratue, bronze and Carrara marble, plated 9 carat gold, “Inspiration” by Somme. 1515—1 Sratur, bronze and Carrara marble, plated 9 carat gold, “The Awaken- ing” by A. Gori. 1516—Pair oF Bronze TasLe Enns. Subject: Faun-Child. 71 1517—2 Tennis Players, bronze and ivory, by Omerth. 1518—1 Clock. 3 Cupids, old Niderviller, gilt wood base. 1519—1 Statue, bronze, “Reading” by Lucien Delbos, mentioned at salon. 1520—1 Parr oF PERFUME BurRNeErs, Sevres porcelain, heavy blue, rich gold bronze mounting, 1521—1 Pair or Capo pi Monre Vases, handles representing Winged Woman. 1522—1 Sratue, marble and bronze, “See You Again” by R. Gori. is 23—1 URN, Sevres porcelain, light blue background, paintings after Watteau, decoration in golden relief. 1524—1 Juc anp Tray, old Capo di Monte. 1525—2 Bronzes, Mercury and Renewn by Jean de Bologne. 1526—1 Aususson TAPESTRY VERDURE. 1527—1 Souare Fruit BaAsKET, in old silver. 1528—1 Fruit Basket, old silver. 1529—1] Bronze AnD Marete MANnveprece, Lows XVI, plated 9 carat gold. 1530—1 Cup or Sevres, Pate Tendre, turquoise background, painting: Cupid’s roundelay, enhanced with gold, mounting of golden bronze. 1531—1 Ice CrEAm Set, in crystal of Bohemia, 5 pieces, XVIII century. i531—1 Ice CREAM SET, in crystal of Bohemia, 4 pieces, XVIII century. 1533—1 Painting. 24x15. “Dog Dancing before People.” Gilt frame. 1534—Lovis XV Cuest or Drawers, sateened rosewood and inlaid work, golden bronzes, National Furniture, Louvre Museum, 1535—LoveLy DrawinG Room Set, gilt wood, Aubusson, forming a basket. 1536—FReENCH Mars_e Pepestat of Louis XVI style of rich yellow and black veined marble. Square slender shape with bronze collar, beautifully chis- eled flower design, and surmounted by a square marble top. Height 43 inches, base 12 inches square. 1537—Louts XVI Escrirorre, inlaid work on citronwood background, golden bronzes, marble top, Viscount B’s co!lection. 1538—1 Desk Louis XVI and a Book-case of Pear Wood. With numerous finely chased golden bronzes. These two pieces took a Gold Medal at the 1900 Paris Exposition. 1539—RoseEwoop AND SATEENED CiiEest oF Drawers, rounded corners, marble top, Louis XVI period, legs, Riesener. 1540—Louis XIII Pateened Birchwood Bench. Covered with tapestry, Arts, Decoratifs Museum. 1541—InLaiw Escritorre, Louis XVI marquetry. Oblong top. Fitted with ink- wells supported on slender legs; from the Lowengard collection. 1542—INLAID SATEENED AND ROsEWoop CHEstT or DRrAwers, golden bronzes, marble top, XVIII century. 1543—1 Commopg, inlaid, marb’e top. 1544—CueEst or Drawers, Louis XV] style, mahogany, with marble top. 72 1545—1 Sneep, Dresden porcelain. 1546—1 Tanacra Group, Old Capo di Monte. 1547—1 Capo pit Monve Pitcuer, in the shape of a head. 1548—1 Ova Flower Stanp, Sévres porcelain, rock-work, flower decoration. 1549—1 Mue wiru Cover, Old Capi di Monte. 1550—1 Smarr Vastz, straight form with foot of the form of grapes, grayish decoration. 1551—PANELED TEA Box, Lyon porceiain. (1552—1 Statue, 9 carat gold, plated, “Bohemian Dance” by Monginot” OG: 1553—1 ALABASTER STATUE, “Cleopatra” by A. Gori. 1554—BronzE Statue, “Phoebe” by Denechaut. 1555—Bronzr, “Falconer on Horseback” by Delabrierre. 1556—1 Bust, bronze and plate Carrara marble, 9 carat gold. “L’Accorde du Village” by Gori. 155/—1 Parr Otp Caro pi Monvre VASES. 1558—1 Parr or Vases, Old Sevres, Richard Wallace collection. 1559—1 Pair or Vases, Sevres porcelain, light blue, paintings after Huet, dec- oration in golden relief, golden bronze mounting, Louis XVI. 1560—1 Fine Frower STAND, Sévres porcelain, heavy blue, rich bronze mount- ing, Lcouis XVI. 1561—1 Pair or VASEs, urn shape, Sevres porcelain, green background decora- tion in golden relief, portraits of Napoleon and the Empress. 1562—1 Opatisk, gilt bronze and ivory by A. Gort. 1563—1 PaintING, “Grenadiers” by Perboyre. 1564—1 PainTINnG, “Cat and Family” by B. Neuville. 1565—1 ParntTING, “Landscape” by J. Jardines. 1566—1 PaintINnG, “Constantinople” by Ziem. 1567—1 PAINTING, “Reading,” a light effect, by M. Carlier. 1568—1 PainTING, “Kittens at Bay” by Y. Laur. foo0 | PAINTING, “The Hunt” by E. Petit. 1570—1 Parntinc, Landscape, “Sunset” by A. Morin. 1571—1 ParntING, “Cherries and Plums” by M. Monnot. 1572—1 Parntinc, “Storm at Sea” by E. Maillard. 1573—1 ParnTINe, Still Life, “Fish” by B. Neuville. 15741 PaInTING, “Venice” by A. Bouvard. 1575—-1 Parr Oxtp Caro pi Monti VASES. 1576—1 Pair or Vases, Sévres porcelain, turquoise background, subjects after Huet, decoration in golden relief, Louts XVI, golden bronze mounting. 1577-1 Pair or Bowts, Sévres porcelain, heavy blue, rich golden bronze mount- ing, Louis XVI. 73 1578—1 Bowt, Sévres porcelain, rose background, decoration of ribbons and flowers. 15/9—1 Cup on Stanp, Sévres porcelain, decoration of flowers and golden relief. 1580—1 Ripe Girt Bronze SomME FRENCH ARTISTS’ SOCIETY, 1581—1 Statue, “Deborah.” 1582—Chaos. By E. Druot, a French Statuary, Paris fine arts salon Medallist. This group is a first proof cast on plaster and was exhibited at the 1921 Paris salon under the number 3490, exceptional piece. A group of Tilaus the Sons of Consinos and earth having rebelled they wanted to scale the heavens and subvert the world but were struck by thunder . bolts that flashed from terrestrial zends. 1583—Busts, bronze and marble, Carrara, by A. Gori. 1584—1 Vase, Capo di Monte, Subject: “Cupids;” 1585—1 Vasr, Sévres porcelain, turquoise background, paintings after Huet, golden bronze mounting, Louis XVI. | 1586—1 Parr oF VAsEs, ovoid shape, Sevres porcelain, turquoise background, painting after Lancret, music and dance, decoration in golden relief, Louis XVi mounting, golden bronze. 1587—1 SratuE, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “On the Lake Shore” by Somme. | 1588—-1 Statue, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “Birthday.” 1589—1 Srartur, bronze and ivory plated, 9 carat gold, “Sword Dance” by O’Merth. | 1590—-1 StatuE, ivory and bronze, “The Boy.” 1591—CHANDELIER witH Lamps, National Furniture Repository collection, Bo- hemian crystals, silvered bronzes, | 1592—SmaL_ Manocany Louris XVI-Cusst or DRAWERS, with rounded corners, marble top and gallery, Duthoui collection. 1593—Low Louis XVI RosEwoop anp Bronze GUERIDON, Chateau de |’Echelle. 1594—_-M AHOGANY AND SATEENED CHEST OF DrAwers, 1 drawer and 1 plated door, marble top, XVIII century work. Dijon. 1595—XVIII Century SIDEBOARD, mahogany with brass, white marble top, mir- ror bottom, des Bordes Castle. 1596—FRENcH Onyx Pepestat, Louis XVI style, circular column of rich creamy colored onyx with bronze collar, beautifully chiseled. Top of square onyx marble, square base of three tier effect onyx. Height, 38 inches; base, 10 inches square. | | 1597—1 Brautirut Louis XV WALL CLOCK, very fine chiseled bronze. 1598—1 Very Fine Boutte: Taste. | 1599—Desxk, Louis XV, satin mahogany and bronze, 2 drawers. 1600—1 Bronze Statue. | : 1601—1 Bronze Statue, “Tiger and Lion Fighting” by Facette. 1602—1 Statur, bronze, “The Philosopher Monkey” by the famous artist, M. Marx, salon first gold medal. 74 See Catalogue “No. 690” for Description ® ’ ‘ ’ \ Al ’ y - ¥ +4 4 5 1 , = 3 * . - 5 oe =! Ta ae + Se ee ae ae ON * , o ’ # i oe | = + - ” aaa > ities + 2 ' ‘ " ‘ : . a, M ‘ * - i j ver. : e i a ». ‘ as A ‘ q nah Ps ‘ i. 5 A ‘ e.. A a > “a + oe : * } 1603—1 Parr or VAses, Capo di Monte porcelain. Subject: The Toilette of Venus. Handles in rock-work. 1604—-1 OLp CHELSEA VASE. i605—1 Capo pt Monti SEDAN CHAIR. 1606—1 Stratus, ivory and bronze, plated 9 carat gold, “June Girl” by Omerth. {607—1 Tra Box, half round, Chelsea porcelain, blue scales, panels. 1608—1 V. M. Box, “The Music Lesson.” 1609—Ivory TaBLets, with hand made carvings by P. Allez. 1610—Ivory Tastets, with hand made carvings by P. Allez. 1611—1 Op lvory THERMOMETER, from Mme. Regaud collection. 1612—1 Op Ivory THERMOMETER, from Mme. Regaud collection. 1613—1 OLp CarVING. 1614—1 Op Ivory Carvinc, “Dagger.” 1615—Ivory Tasers, with hand made carvings by P. Allez. 1616—I OLp Ivory DoMINOES AND CASE. 1617—1 SmALuL Carvep Ivory PANEL. 1618—1 Louis XVI Fan, pearl mounting, enhanced with gold, attributes of music and rustic attributes. The leaf on vellum shows scenes recalling the history of “Joseph sold by his brethren.” They are charmingly naive, with a very wonderful fresh coloring. 1619—1 Louis XV Fan, ivory mounting, small designs carved and painted figures with the attributes of rustic ornaments. On the leaf: “Love Vows.” This fan was made on the occasion of the marriage of people of high degree; Cupids are singing their praises and high renown by celebrating the two illustrious families to whom the future bride and groom belong. 1620—1 Louis XV Fan. Pearl mounting, open work, with flowerlets and ornaments enhanced with gold. The leaf shows a pastoral love scene: “The Shepherds in Love.” 1621—1 Louis XV Fan. Mounting of pearl, enhanced with carvings; repre- sents small figures and gilt rustic attributes. The leaf shows three pastoral scenes of remarkable charm and fineness, decorated with flowerlets and birds forming a lovely frame for the pastoral scenes. 1622—1 Louis XV Fan. Ivory mounting, French workmanship, shows a curious scene of Chinese life entirely hand carved. The leaf presents an allegorical scene, Diana and her followers are shown in a pastoral scene of a remarkable design and fresh coloring that is particularly attractive. 1623—1 ALABASTER STATUE, “Marocaine” by A. Gort. 1624--1 Woman, pateened bronze, 1900 period, by Armand Guenard. 1625—1 MINIATURE ON Ivory, by Oliver. 1626—1 MiniaTuRE ON Ivory, by Cette. . 1627—1 Ivory TryepPtKic, Henry IV. 1628—1 Ivory Miniature, Landscape by Pillerman. ris 1629—1 Ivory Miniature, by Lancry. 1630—1 Ivory MINIATURE. 1631—1 Pair oF OLp Limoces ENAMELS, Crucifixion scenes, XVII century, 1632—1 Vase, Capo di Monte, “Garlands and Cupids.” 1633—TurQuoIsE Vase, Pate Tentre, with painting, Watteau subject enhanced with gold, mounting in chased and golden bronze. 1634—1 Statue, bronze and ivory plated, 9 carat gold, “Thought” by Somme. 1635—I1 Statue, bronze and ivory plated, 9 carat gold, “After the Lecture” by Somme. 1636—1 SraTuE, ivory and bronze, by Mattey. 1637—1 SratuE, bronze, by De Fiesole. 1638—1 Statue, bronze, “A Young Mother” by J. D’Aste. 1639—1 Bronze Sratue, “Autumn” by Carrier Bellouse. 1640—1 Bronze Statur, “Summer” by Carrier Bellouse. 1641—1 Bronze Statue, “Kindness” by A. Gaudez, beyond competition. 1642—1 Bronze Sratuz, “Love” by Paul Duboy hors Concours. 1643—1 Bronze Statue, “Joan of Arc.” 1644—1 Bronze Srarur, “Joan of Arc” (delivering assault) by A. Gaudez beyond competition. 1645—1 Bronze Statue, “Salome” by Levy. 1646—-1 Pastex, “The Brunette.” 1647—1 ParntiNG, “Landscape” by G. Anglade. 1648—1 Pantin, “Harvesting” by A. Roy. 1649—1 PaInTING, “Spanish Castle” by Sanchez. 1650—1 Paintine, “Heavy Sea” by E. Maillard. 1651—1 ParnTING, “Grapes and Pears” by B. Neuville. 1652—1 Parnt1NnG, “Kittens in Mischief” by B. Neuville. 1653—1 Paintinc, “Hunting Dogs” by E. Petit. 1654—1 Paint1NG, “Cows” Sunset, by G. Braeseur. 1655—1 ParntTinc, “Reverie,” a “lamp effect” by M. Carier. 1656—-1 Paintine, “In the Fields” by E. Chateignon. 1657—1 Parntine, “Flock of Sheep” by A. Derians. 1658—1 ParntiN«, Still Life, “Pears and Grapes” by B. Neuville. 1659—Lovuis XVI CyLinper Desk, Curtain, mahogany, antique style, marble top and copper gallery. ? 1660—Louts XVI Cuest or Drawers, half-moon shape, citronwood and fila- ment, inlaid work, with marble top. 1661—-1 Larce BreautiruL Cuest or Drawers, with 3 doors, lacquered, XVII Century, by Riesner. 76 1662—1 Supers PLague, Lorraine ware, representing a warlike scene (note the difficulty of executing a piece of this importance). 1663—1 STATUE, bronze, 9 carat gold, ““Back from Market” by Alonzo, beyond competition. 1664—Bronze Statue, “Group of Dogs” by Cartier. 1665—1 StatuE, bronze and ivory, “The Song of the Spinning Wheel” by Fauvre. 1666—Chandelier. Louis XVI, golden bronze, baskets and flowers of Paris porcelain. 1667—1 Statue, “Idyl,”’ in Carrara marble, beyond competition. 1668—1 GLaAss CABINET, Empire, mahogany and gilt bronzes. 1669—1 OLp PAINTING, representing religious subjects. 1670—1 Very Otp Coprer Picture, hammered. 1671—1 Bic Cupsoarp, in sculptured walnut tree. Middle Age old work of XV Century ; has belonged to the Queen of Castille; unique piece. 1672—34 PIEcEs oF PAPER COLOR PRINTING, the life of Napoleon; the first unique edition printing in 1810, exceptional. 1673—Large Chest. Boulle inlaid work, decorated with chased golden bronzes, surmounted by black marbes (Louvre Museum). 1674—1 PaInTING, “Canal di San Pietro,” Venice, A. Bouvard. 1675—1 ParintiNnG, Landscape, “Sunset” by A. Morin. 1676—1 PAINTING, “Republic’s Square,” Paris, by E. Cortes. 1677—1 OLp PasTEL, ‘“Woman’s Head.” 1678—1 Paintinc, Landscape by Carot. 1679—1 PAINTING, “Female Nudity” by J. J. Henner. 1680-—1 Paintinc, “A Female Cook” by Y. Laur. 1681—1 PaintINc, “Harvesting” by A. Roy. 1682—1 ParntINc, “Hunting Dogs” by E. Petit. 1683—1 PainTING, “The Grand Canal,” Venice, by A. Bouvard. 1684—1 Parntinc, “The Muskateer” by D’Ambrossi. 1685—1 PAINTING, ‘‘Venice Inner Canals” by Bouvard. 1686—1 ParintTING, “Pack of Hounds Worrying Stag” by Petit. 1687—1 ParnTING, “Inside Sheepfolds” by J. Ramet. 1688—1 ParntiNc, “Peaches and Grapes” by B. Neuville. 1689—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “The Knife Grinder” by Olivier. 1690—1 PainTING, “Marseille Harbor” by P. Phillipe. 1691—1 Parntine, “Cats Drinking Milk” by B. Neuville. 1692—1 Paintrne, “Landscape near Cannes” by M. Korochansky. 1693—1 PAINTING, “Studying Their Master’s Painting” by Y. Laur. 1694—1 PainTING, “Spanish Castle’”’ by Sanchez. 77 1695—1 PaIntTING, “Storm at Sea” by E. Maillard. 1696—1 Parntina, Still Life, “Peaches and Grapes” by B. Neuville. 1697—-1 Paintin, “Venice” by Bouvard. 1698—1 Parintine, Sketch for Museum Louvre, Picture by Carot. 1699—1 PainTING, “Astronomers” by DuMont. 1/00—1 Parntine, “Sheep Grazing” by A. Derians. 1701—1 Partntinc, River Scene, “Bridge,” by E. Caliany. 1702—1 Patntinc, “Sereze” by Gaston Anglade. 1703—1 PaInTING, “Inlet Scene” by Malfroy. 1704—1 Parntinc, Landscape by G. Anglade, 1705—-1 ParntinG, “The Musketeer” by D’Ambrossi. 1706—1 Paintine, “Venice” by. F, Zeim. 1707—1 PartntiNnG, Landscape by Carot. 1708—1 PaintiNnG, “Herding the Sheep” by Derians. 1709—1 ParnTING, Still Life, “Pheasants” by B. Neuville. 1710-21 PAINTING, “The Muskateers,”-in green, by D’Ambrossi., 1711—1 Paintine, “A Game of Cards” by L. G. Baldero, VAs PAINTING, “Martique,” South of France, by H. Malfroy. 1713—1 ParnTINc, “Muskateers Piaying Cards” by L. Goutier. | 1714-1 Partntinc, “Pastures” by G. Brasseur. 3 1715—-1 OLtp ENGLisH ENGRAVING. 1716—1 PainTING, “Two Hollanders.” 1717—1 PaintING, “The Duei” by Baldero. 1718—1 Parntrne, “In the Harbor” by H. Malfroy. 1719—] Parntine, “The Grand Canal,” Venice, by F. Ziem. 1720—1 Op Pastet, “The Blonde.” 1721—1 Op ENGRAVING. 1722—1 Op Paint1NG, “The Village Gate.” 1723—2 Pictures. Representing the Arrest of St. Crepin and Jesus before Pilate, attributed to Rubens, gilt frames. | 1724—1 Oxp Picturg, attributed to Raphael, “The Holy Virgin.” 1725—1 Op PAINTING. 1726—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Mother and Child” by Abel. 1727—1 MINIATURE PAINTING oN Ivory, “Reverie” by Abel. 1728—1 MiniatuRE PAINTING oN Ivory, “A Portrait” by Abel. 1729—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “The Lovers” by Fabre. 1730—1 Miniature PAINTING oN Ivory, “Girl and Lamb” by Fabre. 78 See Catalogue “No. 694” for Description ‘ r + . \ - . 44 » ae * + = - . ¥ v — ¥ — + . ka , 2 ’ 1731—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Protected” by Edward. 1732—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Count de Lusze,” Louis XVI. 1733—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Lady’s Toilet” by Eradon. 1734—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Lovers” by Abel. 1735—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Meditation” by Laurier. 1736—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “The Bath” by Thebantin. 1737—1 MintaturE PAINTING oN Ivory, “Lady of the Court Louis XV” by Perrett. 1738—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Countess de Kerlean in 1797” by Deverney. 1739—1 Mintature PAINTING ON Ivory, “The Child’s Prayer’ by Delacour. 1740—1 Miniature PaIntTING ON Ivory, “Feeding the Swine” by Henry. 1741—1 Miniature PAINTING ON Ivory, “Music Practice” by Vaillant. 1742—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “The Love Letter” by Martin. 1743—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Dancing Lesson” by Sabaier. 1744—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Countess DuBarry,” 1752, by Caron. 1745—1 Miniature PAINTING ON Ivory, “Troubadour” by Bil. 1746—1 MIntaATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Princess de Talleyrand” by Noel. 1747—1 MiniaTuRE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Cupid’s Arrow” by Vibor. 1748—1 Minrature PAINTING ON Ivory, “Pompadour” by Thibault. 1749—1 Miniature PaintING oN Ivory, “Her Portrait” by Pages. 1750—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “The Maid” by Noel. {751—1 Mrniature PaIntING on Ivory, “Maid and the Horse” by Duprey. 1752—1 Mintature PAINTING oN Ivory, “Countess Crawford” by Pusti. 1753—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “M. Trevise”’ by Caron. 1754—1 Minature ParntINnG on Ivory, “Duchess De Perigord” by Henry. 1755—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “The Gift of Flowers” by Huges. 1756—1 MINratuRE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Lady Nelson” by Ronde. 1757—1 Mrn1aturE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Countess Larquiller” by Labbe. 1758—1 Muintature PAINTING on Ivory, “Princess Damballe’” by Lobel. 1759—1 Miniature ON Ivory, “The Flower Girl” by Olivier. 1760—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Girl’s Portrait” by Ronde. 1761—1 MintaturE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Girl and Eagle” by Hanon. 1762—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Portrait of Girl” by Gaillard. 1763—1 MrintaturE PainTING on Ivory, “Off to Market” by Vaillant. 1764—1 Minrature PAINTING ON Ivory, after Boucher by Carot. 1765—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “The Skaters.” 1766—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Portrait of a Girl.” 79 176/—1 MINIATURE PAINTING on Ivory, “The Squire.” 1768—1 MiniaTurE PaINTING on Ivory, “Portrait of a Woman.” 1769—1 MINiaTURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Brother and Sister.” 1770—1 Mintature PaInTING on Ivory, “Perplexed.” 1771—1 MintatTure ParntING on Ivory, “At Study.” 1772—1 MINIATURE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Her Debut.” 1773—1 MrntAturE PAINTING ON Ivory, “Gathering Flowers.” 1774—1 Miniature ParintinG on Ivory, “The Balloon Ascension.” 1775—1 SMALL PAINTING on Ivory, “Portrait of Woman.” 1776—1 SMALL PAINTING oN Ivory, “Portrait of Woman.” 1777—1 SMALL PaintTING on Ivory, “Luncheon.” 1778—1 Smatr PAINTING ON Ivory, “Balloon Descending.” 1779—1 Smatt PaintING on Ivory, “Balloon Over Palace.” ~ 1780—1 SMALL PaINTING on Ivory, “Woman with Garland of Flowers” by V. Noiron. 1781—1 Patntinc, “Dutch Interior.” 1782—1 ParntinG, by Herbert Robert and Vernet, XVIII century. 1783—1 O_p Encriso ENGRAVING. 1784—1 Orv EnciisH ENGRAVING. 1785—1 Orv EncLisH ENGRAVING. 1786—1 Otp Enciiso ENGRAVING, 1787—1 Oucuac Carpet, 14 ft. 9 in. x 11 ft. 9 in,, deep pile-blue medallion cen- ter on red ground. 1788—1 SAVONNERIE Carpet, 20 ft. 7 in. x 10 ft., extra fine, with medallion cen- ter on grey ground, brown border. 1789—1 Kazacx Rue, 8 ft. 3 in. x 4 ft., extra fine. 1790—1 Inpia Carper, 13 ft. x 9 ft. 10 in., pink and light blue center, rose border. 1791—1 OucHac CARPET, 11 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. 5 in., extra heavy nap, all-over de- sign on blue ground. 7 1792—1 Mosute Runner, 14 ft. 2 in. x 3 ft. 4 in., blue ground, 1793—1 Inpta Carpet, 19 ft. 2 in. x 10 ft. 7 in. 1794—1 Oucuac Carpet, 22 ft. 8 in. x 14 ft. 4 in, deep pile. 1795—1 Kayack Rue, 7 ft. 10 in. x 5 ft., large figures, red ground. 1796—1 Oucuac Carpet, 17 ft. 5 in. x 14 ft. 6 in, deep pile, blue center, red border. 1797~-1 Inpra Carper, 11 ft. 3 in. x 8 ft. 8 in., pink and blue medallion center, light blue border. 1798—1 Mosute Runner, 17 ft. 8 in. x 3 ft. 4 in. 80 1799—1 FERAHAN RUNNER, 13 ft. 7 in. x 3 ft. 6 in. 1800—1 OuvcHac Carpet, 19 ft. 7 in. x 16 ft., deep pile all-over design. 1801—1 Hamapan RuNNeER, 15 ft. x 3 ft. 3 in. 1802—1 Kayack Rue, 9 ft. 7 in. x 4 ft. 4 in. fo0o—!) CAMEL Hair Rue; 8 ft. x 3 fit: 4 in. 1804—1 Runwer, 15 ft. 7 in. x 3 ft. 8 in., Sacred River, loop design on blue ground. 1805—1 CHarrR EmpPrRre. 1806—1 Parr oF VERY BEAUTIFUL FLOWER STANDs in Sevres porcelain, Heavy blue background with golden decoration, gold bronze mountings repre- senting heads of satyres and snakes. 1807—1 Group or Paris PoRCELAIN representing a carriage with two horses, gold bronze mounting. 1808—1 Group with six figures in old Paris porcelain “Collin Maillard.” 1809—1 WoNnDERFUL SET composed of a clock representing Chinese Goddess and a pair of candelabras with Chinese Chimeras. Louis XVI gold bronze mountings. 1810—1 Group in old Paris porcelain representing 4 figures ““The Judgment of Aris." 1811—1 Parr or Heavy BLvueE Sevres VASES, pear shape, gold bronze mountings. 1812—1 BrEaAuTIFUL STAND in biscuit of Sevres, marble top, gold bronze mount- ings. 1813—1 WonpberRFUL Parr oF Capo pi MONTE STANDS, representing the seasons. gold bronze mountings. 1814—1 Parr or Rococo Vases, Sevres porcelain, turquoise background. | 1815—1 Parr oF Capo pt Monte JARs, representing Venus. 1816—1 Pair oF Sevres VASES, turquoise background, with flower baskets. 1817—1 BrautiruLt Dessert SET in Sevres porcelain, heavy blue and gold relief composed of 12 Dessert plates, 2 High fruit dishes, 2 Low fruit dishes. 1818—1 Capo pt MonreE SHIELD with leather frame. 1819—1 Ser composed of one pair of Empire Sevres vases, green background with gold bronze mountings and one refrigerator to match, 1820—1 Capo pi Monre Jar, representing the Satyre. 1821—1 Set composed of one pair of vases and one flower stand in Sevres porcelain, turquoise background and gold bronze mountings. 1822—1 Group representing the “Danse Champétre” in old Paris porcelain. 1823—12 BEAUTIFUL CHINESE PLATES, mixed blue. CARBERY & REED Printers “@ Engravers @ Binders 638 FEDERAL STREET, CHICAGO iN