an : ee ajaithty oh ‘i Cech Se ak ie PE RTA = 2 A a —_————— SS ————— ——— a ee —_ ———+ . a _ Sweets Mortus Britannicus;: ua | Nerina r p f M f F - a 1 ; PD AUR oe \: ie ¢ ey Oh? TNS tii page dy t' ER CULTIVATED IN THE GARDENS OF GREAT BRITAIN; NATURAL ORDERS: . WITH THE ADDITION OF THE Linnean Classes and Orders to which they belong, Reference to the Books where they are described, their Native Places of Growth, when introduced, Time of Flowering, Duration, & Reference to Figures; with numerous Synonyms. - BY ROBERT SWEET, F.L.S. - Author of Hortus Suburbanus Londinensis, Botanical Cultivator, Geraniacee, Cistinee, The British Flower Garden, British Warblers, &c. — OOO | London: PRINTED FOR JAMES RIDGWAY, 169, PICCADILLY. 1827. } +> gA see J _— al oreee etere METROPOLITAN SPECIAL CCLLICTIONS ee (CHELSE > 2 st TTA | EuUT26 - __... BOOKSTORE aececeemeereymeresengseaee B8\-Wuz TILLING, PRINTER, CHELSEA. r HIF VALINE : hee 22 G4 UH Gh —==3 6 Tue Author now feels it a duty incumbent on him to acknowledge his obligations for the information he has received from various friends, since the commencement of the present publication ; par- ticularly to A. B. Lambert, Esq. whose extensive Library and Herbarium has _ been always open to his inspection, and which is, from its richness, and the liberality of its owner, of more real service to science than any other collection in this country. To Miss Lousada he has to return his best thanks for the kind interest she has taken in this work ; also to Mr. George Charlwood, both for the loan of Books, and for information that was of much importance. He feels also obliged to Messrs. George and David Don, for interesting communications, and the use of Monographs, &e.; and to many othor friends, who have rendered him more or less assistance ;—to the whole of whom he returns his most grateful acknowledgments. Not having received the second Volume of M. Decandolle’s Prodromus before that part of the present work was printed, he has made the alterations necessary in the Addenda, with the addition of many other Plants, that he has seen or heard of, since the former Part of the work has been printed, ® ABBREVIATIONS in addition to those in PART I. ea B.A. Barton’s American Flora. C.R. Colla’s Hortus Ripulensis. D. Desfontaines. Ell. Elliot’s Flora of South Carolina, &c. F.T. Cunningham’s Appendix to Baron * Field’s Travels. G.C. Catalogue of the Botanic Garden of Glasgow. H.A. Herbert’s Appendix. H.G.W.§ Sinclair’s Hortus Gramineus S. aw.) W oburnensis. I,h. Intermediate House between Hot- house and Greenhouse. ‘eae ieee Neer, K.P. Knight's s Proteee. K.R. Ker’s Review of the Ausipilidee, L.P. Lambert’s Pinus. M.P. Martius’s Palms. P.B. Palisot de Beauvois, Agrostographise. R.L. Redoute’s Liliacez. R.Sc. Roscoe’s Scitaminez. Sc. Schrader. S.A.B. Salisbury i in Annals of Botany. S.P. Salisbury’s Prodromus. Tr. Trinius. Se Se ee ps ee ors Lay Tee ame ee Wee fe Sem Frets 8 SGN er ge ON RNS ie Sweet's Wortus Britannicus : OR, A CATALOGUE OF PLANTS ‘CULTIVATED IN THE GARDENS OF GREAT BRITAIN; ARRANGED IN ». NATURAL ORDERS: WITH THE ADDITION OF THE Linnean Classes and Orders to which they belong, Reference to the Books where they are described, their Native Places of Growth, when introduced, Time of — - Flowering, Duration, § Reference to Figures ; with numerous Synonyms... PART I. BY ROBERT SWEET, F.L.S. Author of Hortus Suburbanus Londinensis, Botanical Cultivator, Geraniacee, Cistinee, The British Flower Garden, British Warblers, &c. >>> OOO Ki— , Boundon: JAMES RIDGWAY, 169, PICCADILLY. 1826. eet ADVERTISEMENT. POLI LOGE GOLGI GS THE adoption of the arrangement of Plants according to the Natural method, is continually increasing; and under the very prevalent impression that it will, ere long, be brought into general use, the Author has been induced to compile the present Work according to the Natural System ; at the same time, there is prefixed to each genus, the Linnean Class and Order to which it belongs ; and it will be seen that, not unfre- quently, Plants of one genus will belong to several of the Lin- nean Classes and Orders, Natural Orders are also of more real service to the cultivator, as it brings together the groups of Plants that are nearest related, and which very generally re- quire nearly the same sort of management ; and Plants that are difficult to propagate, may very frequently be readily in- creased, by grafting or inarching on some other belonging to the same Natural Order, but will seldom or never do any good on Plants that are not so related. Besides the adopted names of the Plants, and references to _ the Books where they are figured or described, numerous of the most essential Synonyms are given, so that any Plant is known as well by its different names, as by the adopted one; the want of this has of late been much complained of by Cultivators. / Tilling, Printer, Chelsea, — ee ee ee) ee TO THE PUBLIC. POPOL PE PE GL POOP allt A ts aig taj Ya iss vals A St pate eT THE applications for ‘‘SwEET’s Hortus Brirannicus” having been so numerous and incessant, and the inconvenience _ (not to say distress) represented to be so generally felt from the want of it, especially among the Profession, that it has been thought advisable, in some measure to remedy it, to deviate from the original intention of publishing the whole in One Volume, to the present of Two Parts. This mode, it is apprehended, will not be without its advan- _tagesyad which must be too evident to need particularizing, , further than the few weeks gained by this arrangement will enable the Author to form an “ Addenda” of those Plants which have become known too late for incorporation among their proper Orders, besides some alterations in the arrange- ment of some of the Genera, &c. that has been obtained from Publications procured since the printing of the First Part, thereby rendering the Work as complete as is possible. The Second Part will appear in a few weeks, London, August 1, 1826. | | - ABBREVIATIONS, _ A.B. Annals of Botany. Afz. Afzelius. A.G. Andrews’s Geraniums, A.H. Andrews’s Heaths. A.R. Andrews’s Botanist’s Repository. All, Allioni. Aub. Aublet. B.C. Loddiges’ Botanical Cabinet. B.F.G. Sweet’s British Flower Garden. B.M. Botanical Magazine. B.P. Brown’s Prodromus Flore Nove Hollandiz. B.R. Botanical Register. B.T. Burchell’s Travels. C. Cav. Cavanilles. ’ C.C. Colvill’s Catalogue. C.1. Cavanilles Icones. -L.T. Colebrooke in Linnean Trans- actions, pc. Decandolle. D.D. David Don. Desf. Desfontaines. Desv. (Dv.) Desvaux. D.F. Dufresne Valerianees. D.P. Don’s Prodromus Flore Nepalensis. K.B. Smith's English Botany. EF. —— English Flora. _.Ex.B. —— Exotic Botany. F. Fischer, F.D. Flora Danica. F.G. Flora Greea. F.I. Flora Indica. G. Gertner. _G.D. George Don. H.B. Hortus Bengalensis. H.E.F. Hooker’s Exotic Flora. H.G. Hoare’s Geraniacer. H.K. Hortus Kewensis. H.M.N. Haworth’s Miscellanea Naturalia. H.P. in Taylors Philosophical Magazine. H.R. —— Saxifrages and Revisions of Succulent plants. Synopsis Plantarum Sucen- lentarum. 5.S. ——— Supplementum Plantarum q Succulentarum. H.S.L. Hortus Suburbanus Londinensis. H.T. HorticulturalSociety’sTransactions, J. Jussieu. Jac. Jacquin. J.S. Jacquin, Stapelie. K.S. Kunth’s Synopsis. L. Linneus, Lag. Lagasca. Lam. Lamarck. L.C. Loddiges’ Catalogue. L.col. Lindley, Collectanea Botanica. L.en. Link’s Enumeratio Plantarum. LH. L’Heritier. L.R. Lindley, Rosarum Monographia. L.T. Transactions of the Linnean Society. M. Michaux, Flora Boreali- Americana. M.B. Marschall de Bieberstein, Flora Taurico-Caucasica. N. N attall’s g genera of American plants. N.L.F. News of Literature and Fashion. Ph. Pursh, FloraA mericeSeptentrionalis. stor BD Salisbury, Paradisus Londinensis. a7 Persoon’s Synopsis Plantarum. R. (Rox.) Roxburgh. R.C. Roxburgh’s plants of the coast of | Coromandel. -R.P. Ruiz and Pavon, Flora Peruviana. — R.S. Romer et Schultes Systema Vege- tabilium. R.U. (Rch.) Reichenbach Ubersicht der | gattung Aconitum. Sch. (Schl.) Schleicher, S.C. Sweet’s Cistinez. . S.G. ——— Geraniacez. _S.M. Sole’s Mints. S.S. Sprengel’s Systema Vesctabilfurs S.T. Savi, Observationes .in varias Tri- foliorum species. Sw. Swartz, T.C. Tenore, Catalogus plantarum Horti § Regii Neapolitani. eo a | T.N. —— Flora Neapolitana. T.P. —— Flore Neapolitan Prodromi. T.S. —— Synopsis Flore Neapolitane. Th. Thunberg. V. Ventenat. V.M. —~—— Jardin de Malmaison. Viv. Viviani. W. Willdenow, Species Plantarum. W.en. ——-—— Enumeratio Plantarum Horti Bot. Berolinensis, , —— Historia Amaranthorum, Wall. Wallich. W.C. Wendland, Collectio Pianlerads W.D. Watson’s Dendrologia Britannica. W.K. Waldstein et Kitaibel. y New plants from New Holland in Mr. Mackay’s Nursery, with the MS. names, not published. | . i.2. &c. Flowering the first and second month, &c. 1. 12. Flowering all the year. —— Same as the line above it. eeee Uncertain. H.h. Hardy Shrub or Tree. F.h. Shrubs requiring the ala of 1% a Frame or Mats. of G.h. Greenhouse Shrub. S.h. Stove Shrub. D.S.h. Dry Stove Shrub, requiring very little water. . Suffruticose, or a dwarf Shrub. 2. Herbaceous Perennial, enduring se- veral years. w.%. Water Perennial. g. Biennial, enduring only 2 Years: ©. Annual. b. Bulbous-rooted. ~. Climbing plants. C. B.S. Cape of Good Hope. N.S. W. New South Wales. N. Holl. New Holland. V.Diem. Isl, Van Dienien’s Island. .ins. The Natural History of the rarer ‘ Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, col- lected from the observations of J. Abbott, by J. E. Smith, 1797. 4to. let. Stock. Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens _ Handlingar. Stockholm, 1739. 8vo. “|W, auct. Allioni (Carolus.) Auctuarium ad ' floram Pedemontanam. 4to. Taurini. 1789. Um. taur. Car. Allionii Miscellanea Philo- sophico-mathematica Societatis private Taurinensis. : UU. ped. Car. Allionii Flora Pedemontana. ip. egypt. Alpinus (Prosper.) De Plantis _ f#gypti liber. 1 vol. 4to. ‘|tp.ex. Alpinus (Prosper.) De Plantis Exo- ticis, libri duo. 4to. 1629. mm. ruth. Amman (Johan.) Stirpium rario- rum in imperio Rutheno sponte prove- _nientium Icones et Descriptiones. 4to. ' Petropoli. 1739. Andrews (Henry.) TheBotanist’s _ repository for new and rare plants. 4to, _ 1797. et seq. nd. geran. Andrews (Henry.) Geraniums, _ or a monograph of the genus Geranium. ~ 1805. seq. 4to. Caroli Linnezi Amoenitates aca- _ demic. 8vo. nd. heaths. Andrews (Henry.) Coloured _ engravings of Heaths, with botanical de- scriptions, fol. and 8vo. 1802, 1809, et yeed.. nn, bot. Annals of Botany, by C. Konig and J. Sims. 1805. 8vo. nn.mus. Annales du Museum d’ Histoire | naturelle, par les Professeurs de cet etablissement. 1802. seq. Ato. > B. Field’s trav. Appendix to Baron - Field’s Travels. 4to. rd.mem. Memorie di osservazioni, e di ' Sperienze sopra la coltura, e gli usi di _ varie piante,da P. Arduino. Padova. 1766. 4to. _ dova. rd. spec. Arduino (Pietro.) Animadversio- _ num botanicarum Specimen. 4to. Patavii. 1759. 880. arrag. De Asso (Ignatius.) Synopsis _ Stirpium indigenarum Arragoniz. 4to. _ Marsilie. 1779. ub. Thou. obs. Aubert Du Petit Thouars Plantes des iles de l’Afrique australe. _ Ato. 1804. Francoise, par M. Fusée Aublet. 1775. Ato. Jalb. act. taur lalb, misc. taur. Miscellanea Botanica. Ato. ex Actis Academiz ‘Tau- res rinensis exserta. 1804. alb, h, taur, Horti Academici Taurinensis rd. sag. pad. Arduino (Pietro.) Saggidi Pa-— . gui. Histoire des plantes de la Gniane © BOOKS QUOTED. fe ieee stirpium minus cognitarum aut forte no- varum icones et descriptiones. Taurinti. 1811. Banks. ic. Kemp. Banks (Josephus.) icones selecta Plantarum quas in Japonia col legit et delineavit E.Kampfer. fol. 1791. Banks. rel. Hous. Reliquia Houstonniane. 4to. 1781. Plante per Galliam, Hispaniam, et Italiam, observate, Iconibus eneis exhibit a Jac. Barreliero. 1714. fol. Bartram (William.) Travgas through North and South © rolina,Georgia, Florida. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1791. Bauer. n. hol. Bauer (Ferdinand.) Hlustra- tiones flora nove Hollandiz. fol. 1813. Bauh. hist. Bauhin (Johannes.) Historia Plantarum universalis. fol. 1051. Bauh. prodr. Caspar Bauhini TI podpopeos Thea- tri Botanici. Basilew. 1571. 4to. Beau. fl. ow. Palisot de Beauvois flore des royaumes d’Oware et de Benin. fol.1805. Bell. act. taur. Bellardi (Ludovico.) Memoires de l’Academie Royale des Sciences de Turin. 4to. 1782. : Berg’. act. holm. Bergius (Pehr. Jonas.) Kongl Vetauskaps Academiens Handlingar. 8vo. 1739. Berg. cap. Petr. Jon. Bergii descriptiones Plantarum exCapite bone spei.1769.8vo. Berg. phyt. Bergeret Phytonomatotechnie universelle. fol. As. res. Berry in Asiatic Researches or Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal. 4to. 1788. Besl. eyst. Besler (Basilius.) Hortus Eystet- tensis. fol. 1612. Big. med. bot. Bigelow (Jac.) American Me- dical Botany. 4to. 13817. ‘Biv. Bern, st.rar. Bivona Bernardi. Stir- pium rariorum minusque cognitarum in Sicilia provenientieum . Descriptiones. Ato. 1813. Biv. Bivona Bernardi (Antonin.) Si- cularum Plantarum Centuria prima. Svo. 1806. Barr. ic. Barr. rar. Bartr. it. Bartr. trav. - Blackw. Blackwell (Elizabeth.) ‘A curious Herbal, containing 500 Cuts of the use- ful Plants. fol. 1737. Boc. Mus. Boccone (Paolo.) Museo-di Piante rare della Sicilia, Malta, Corsiea, Itali: Piemonte e Germania. 4to. 1697. Boe. sic. rar. Boccone (Paolo.) Icones et De- scriptiones rariorum Plantarum Siciliz, Melite, Galiew et Italie. 4to. 1674. Boer. lugd. Herm. Boerhaave Index alter Plantarum que in horto Academie Lug- duno Bataye aluntur. 4to. 1720. Boiss. fl. eur. De Boissicu (C. V.) Flore d’Europe. 8v0, 1805: é BOOKS QUOTED. Bolt. fil. Bolton (James.) Filices Britanniz. 4to. 1785. Bondp. mon, Bonpland (Aimé.) Monographie des Melastomes et autres Plantes de cet ordre. fol. 1809. Bondp. nav. Bonpland (Aimé.) Description - des Plantes rares cultivés a Malmaison et a Navarre. fol. 1813. Bory de St. Vincent (J. B. M.) Bory. it. A Voyage en Espagne a tra- Bory. voy. vers les royaumes de Galice, Leon, etc. 8vo. Bot. mag. Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, con- tinued by James Sims and J. Bellenden Ker. 8vo. Bot. reg. Edwards(Sydenham.) The Botani- cal Register. descr. by Bellenden Ker. 8vo. 1815. et seq. Bot.rep. Andrews (Henry.) The Botanist’s Repository for new and rare Plants. Ato. 1797. Bradl. Suc. Bradley (Richard.) Historia Plantarum succulentarum. 4to. 1716. Braun. Salz. De Braune (Franz. Ant.) Salz- burgische flora. 8vo. 1791. . Breyn. cent. Breynius (Jacobus.) Exoticarum Plantarum centuria. fol. 1678. Breyn. ic. Breynii (J.) [cones rariorum et ex- oticarum Plantarum. 4to. 1739. Brot. phyt. Brotero (Felix Avellar.)-Phyto- graphia Lusitaniz selectior. fol. 1801. Brown. gen. rem. Brown (Robert.) General Remarks,Geographical and Systematical, on the Botany of Terra Australis. 4to. 1814. , Browne (Patrick.) The Civil oe — § and Natural History of Ja- rewn. Jam. QV maica. fol. 1756. Bruces. tr. Bruce (James.) Travels to dis- cover the source of the Nile. 4to. 17990. Buchoz. ic. col. Buchoz (Pierre Joseph.) Col- lection des fleures qui se cultivent tant dans les Jardins de la chine que dans ceux d’Europe. fol. Bull. herb. Bulliard. Herbier de la France. fol. 1780. Burmann (Johannes.)Rariorum ral of me ‘Africanarum Plantarum. Ato, , 1738. Burm. Ind. Sic. Laur. Burmanni Flora In- dica. 4to. 1768. Burm. zeyl. Burmann (Johannes.) Thesaurus Zeylanicus. 4to. 1737. Buxb. cent. Buxbaum (Joh. Christ.) Planta- rum minus cognitaramCenturie quinque. Ato. 1728. . Camer. hort. Camerarius( Alexander.) Hortus ~ Medicus et Philosophicus. 4to. 1588. ‘Cates. car, Catesby (Mark.) The Natural History of Carolina & Florida. fol. 1741. Gav. diss. Cavanilles(Ant.Jos.) Monadelphiz Classis Dissertationes decem. 4to. 1785. ‘Cav. ic. Cavanilles (Ant. Jos.) Icones et De- scriptiones Plantarum quz aut sponte in Hispania crescunt aut in hortis hospi- tantur. fol. 1791. Chabr. sci. Chabrey (Dominicus.) Omnium Stirpium Sciagraphia. fol. 1677. ‘Chois. pa hyp. , DC. astr. De Candolle (Augustin Pyram i" Choisy (J. D. 1 Peadeomal une monographie de la mille des Hypericinees, 4h 1821. if Clus. hist. Clusius seu VP Ecluse (Char) de.), Rariorum Plantarum | acukemucas i} 1601. 4 Col. eephr. Columna (Fabius.) Minus. cog ; tarum stirpium Ecphrasis. Ato. 1616. My Col. phyt. Columna (Fabius.), Phytobasan} | 4to. 1592. LT Col. Colla Hortus ‘Ripulensis. | Ato. hi Com. hort. Commelyn (Casp.) Horti Mec § Amstelodamensis rariorum Plantar | descriptio et icones. fol. 1703. : Comm. petrop. Commelyn (Casp.) Comm: " tarii Academiz Scientiarum AMBRE | Petropolitane. 4to. 1728. Comm. prael. Commelyn (Casp.) Praelujy Botanica ad publicas Plantarum dem: ! strationes. 4to. 1703. " Comm. rar. Commelyn (Casp.) Horti Met al Amstelodamensis Plante. rariores } exotice. 4to. 1706. : Cook. et. Cook (J.) Voyages, 2 vols. 1777. Corn. can. Cornuti (Jacob.) Canadensi}, Plantarum aliarumque nondum edifai} historia. 4to. 1635. | Craniz. Aust. Crantz (Henr. Joh. Nepo “f Stirpiam austriacaram. 8vo. 1762. .}, Cup. pan. Cupani (Franciscus.) Catalc plantarum Sicularum noviter detectar ), ; Panormi, 1652. | Curt. lond. Curtis (William.) A catalogu: : the plants growing wild in the envin}) of London. fol. 1774. et seq. i Cyrilli (Dom. Plantarum . ayers fe ase. § riorum cue Neapoli: y ie fasciculus. 1778.. fol. y Dalech. lug. Dalechamps (Jacgaesi) Hist generalis plantarum. fol. 1586. | Dard. trait. ren. D’ardenne(JeansPaul Ron| ; Traite des Renoncules. 8v6. 1746. j De Candolle (Augustin P:| mus). Annales du Museum Whistoire i turelle. 4to. 1802. Chois. m. h, Astragalogia. 4to. et fol. 1802. ’ DC.h.mons. De Candolle (Augustin P| ; mus.) Catalogus plantarum horti bota}, Monspeliensis addito observationum c Species novas aut non satis. cognitas. h ciculo. 8vo. 1813. DC. ic. gall. rar. De Candolle (Augustin ramus). Icones plantarum Gallia ré} | Tum. Ato. 1808. . er ft, DC. leg. mem. De Candolle. (Augustin ale mus.) Memoires sur la famille des i mineusis. 4to. 1826. DC.mem. mus. De Candolle (Augustin Ph, mus). Memoires du Museum d’histh,) naturelle, 4to. 1815. - | DC. plant. grass. De Candolle (Augustin: ramus.) Plantarum historia succule } rum. Fasc. 28. 1799. 1 ie Debr. flor. nov. De Bry (Joannes Theod Florilegium novum. fol. 1612. | (ig Delile (Alire Rafeneau.) Me- ‘Ul. egyp. Y moires botaniques extraits Le fl. eg. de la Description de )’E- e432 gypte. fol. 1813. ‘la Roch. dis. De La Roche (Daniel). Spe- _ cimens botanicum inaugurale sistens de- scriptiones plantarum aliquot novarum. _ Ato. 1766... | ‘Wess. ic. sel. Delessert (Benj.) Icones se- lect plantarum in system, univers. de- _scriptarum. 4to. 1820. | toria, f voy eri. de Egyp. Description de Egypt on hall Recueil des observations et des recher- oli’ ches faites pendant Vexpedition de l’ar- Commas mée Francaise. 4to, et fol. 1810, — 4 Mf act. par. Desfontaines (Rene Loniche.) hen’ "Mémoires de l’ Académie Royale des Sci- Prad ences. Ato. 1666. ‘ ltegf.atl. Desfontaines (Rene Louiche.) Flora Mew atlantica. 4to. 1798. .., ,28U. j. bot. Desvaux. Journal de Botanique. “iNet” 8vo. 1808. geet ie "ul et. H. Dreves et Hayne. Choix de Plantes a de l’Europe.. fasc. 4. 1802. | Wh, 420, elé. Dillenius (Joh. Jac.) Hortus eltha- , mensis. fol. 1732. iltiSt77, muse. Dillenius (Joh. Jac.) Historia mus- edit) “Corum. 4to. 1741... __\odart mem. Dodart (Denys.) Mémoires pour Neo servir a Histoire des Plantes. fol. 1676. 2. od. pemp. Dodart (Denys.) Stirpium histo- (illo! rigs pemptades. fol. 1583. cli, Fresn. Val. Dufresne (Pierre.) Histoire | naturelle et medicale de la famille des iligié -Valerianees. 4to. 1811. til'yh, arb. Duhamel du Monceau (Henry _ Louis.) Traite des arbres et arbustes ar qui cultivent en France.en pleine terre. apolt! 4to. 1755. : uham. e¢. nov. Duhameldu Monceau (Henry fst!’ Lou. .sTraite des arbres et arbustes qui se cultivent en pleine terre en France. [Rom fol. -1891. i (un. mon. Dunal (Michel Felix.) Monogra- ny phie de la Famille des Anonacees. 4to. tore 1817. unal. solan. Dunal (Michel Felix.) Histoire ra naturelle medicale et economique des . Solanum et des genres qui ont ete con- fondus avec eux. 4to. 1813. holiiiret pict. Ehret (Georg. Dion.) Planta et ine} Papiliones rariores. fol. 1748. iting. bot. ‘English Botany. By J. E. Smith; _ the Figures by J. Sowerby. 8vo. lit!zo¢. bot. Exotic Botany. By J. E. Smith; _the Figures by J. Sowerby. 8vo. er. hesp. Ferrari (Joh. Bapt.) Hesperides, sive de malorum aureorum cultura et usu. fol. 1646. Feuillee (Louis.) Journal des ob- servationes Physiques, Mathé- matiques et Botaniques faites dans |’Amerique meridionale. ’ Ato, 1814. ‘1. dan. Icones plantarum sponte nascentium | in regnis Danie et Norvegia, etc. fol. 100M ps 1761. 1, lap. Linneus s. von Linne (Carolus.) Flora Laponica. 8vo. 1737. i eudll. per. (Hl -Forsk. dis. BOOKS. QUOTED. Flor. gra. Flora Greca J. E. Smith. fol.1552. Fl. per. Ruiz (Hippol. et Pavon (Jos.) Flora Peruviana et Chilensis. 8vo, 1798. mus. Flugge (Johan). Annales du Museum d’ Histoire naturelle. 4to. Fraser mon, Fraser (John.) A short history of the Agrostis cornucopiz. fol. 1784. Forsk. egyp.§ Forskaol (Petrus.) Flora /E- ; gyptiaco arabica. 4to. 1775. Forst. gen. Forster (Georgé.) Characteres ge- nerum Plantarum quas in itinere ad in- sulas maris australis, etc. 4to. 1776. Fourc.j. bot. Fourcroy (Ant. Franc.) La Mé- décine eclairee par les Sciences phy- siques, ou Journal des Deconvertes, etc. 8vo. 1791. Froel. gent. Froelich (Jos. Aloys.) De Genti- ana libellus. 8vo. 1796. Fuchs. hist. Fuchs (Leonhard.) De historia Stirpium commentarii insignes. fol. 1542. Gaert. carp. Gaertner (Car. Frid.) Supple- mentum Carpologiz. 4to. 1805. Gaertner (Josephus.) De fruc- pst i tibus et te Nei ; j d Ato. 1788. peateel a Joseph.) His- -, . | toire des Plantes qui naissent iene song <~ en Province et principale- * prove ment aux Environs d’Aix. fol. L 1715. Gerard. gal.§ Gerard (John.) Flora Gallo- Ger. prov. provincialis. 8vo. 1761. Ger. emac. Gerard (John.) The Herbal, en- larged by Th. Johnson. fol. 1633. Ger. herb. Gerard (John.) The Herbal, or gencral history of Plants. fol. 1797. Giorn. pis. Giornale Pisano. 8vo. 1801. Giseck. ic. Giseke (Paul Dieter.) et Schulze (J. Dom.) Icones plantarum. 1777. _ Gmel. fl. bad. Gmelin (Carol, Christ.) Flora Badensis-Alsatica. 8vo. 1808. Gmel. sit. Gmelin (Joh. Georg.) Flora sibi- rica, 4to. 1747. Gou. fl.mons. Gouan (Anton.) Flora Mons- peliaca. 8vo. 1765, Gouan., ill, Gouan (Anton.) Illustrationes bo tanice. fol. 1773. Hacq. pl. alp. car. Hacquet (Balth.) Plantz alpine Carniolice. 4to. 1782. Hall, all. Haller (Albert.) Allii genus natu- rale Deller (At ft) : Haller ert. istoria Stir- a ay § pium indigenarum Helvetia. Mads d fol. 1768. Hayn. term. bot. Hayne (Fried. Gottl.) et Willdenow (Carl. Ludv.) Termini bota- nici iconibus illustrati. 4to. 1799. Hayne in ust. an. Hayne (Fried. 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Delineations of exotic Plants cultivated in the Royal Garden at Kew. ; Published by W. T. Aiton. Isn. act. par. Isnard. Histoire de ’ Academie Royale des Sciences, avec les Mémoires de Mathematique et de Physique. Jacq. amer. Jacquin (Nic. Jos.) selectarum -Stirpium Americanarum Historia. fol. 1763.. Jacq. am. pict. Jacquin (N.J.) Stirpium Ame- - ricanarum Historia. Jacq. aust. Von Jacquin (Nicol Jos.) Flore Austriace Icones. fol. 1773. Jacq. coll. Von Jacquin (Nicol. Jos.) Collec- tanea ad Botanicam, etc. Spectantia. Ato. 1786. Jacq. f. ecl. Von Jacquin (Jos. Franc.) Eclo- ge Botanice. fol. 1811. Jacq. frag. Von Jacquin (Nicol. Jos.) Frag- menta Botanica. fol. 1809. Jacq. h. vind. Von Jacqnin (Nicol. Jos.) Hortus Botanicus vindobonensis, fol. 1770. Jacq. ic. Von Jacquin (Nicol. Jos.) Icones Plantarum rariorum. fol. 1781. Jacq. misc. Von Jacquin (Nicol. Jos.) Mis- cellanea Austriaca ad Botanicam, etc. Spectantia, 4to. 1778. | Labil. Syr. Jacq. obs. Von Jacquin (Nicol. Jos.) 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II. 1798. III. 1806. - Sehewch. it. Scheuchzer (Joh. Jac.) Itinera Sm. exot. bot. Smith (J. Edward.) Exotie Botany. 8vo. 1804 —1808. Sm. ic. ined. Smith (J. E.) Plantarem Icones hactenus ineditz. fasc.1-3.1789,1791.fol. Smith ic. pict. Smith (J. E.) Tcones pictae _ Plantarum rariorum. 3 fase. fol. 1790— 1793. Sm. nov. hol. Smith (I. E.) A> specimen of the hy feat! of New Holland. 1 vol. 4to. 1793. Smith spic. ‘Smith (J. E.) Spicilegiam Bota- nicum. 2 fasc. fol. 1791, 1792.” Smith. tracts. Smith (J. E.) Tracts relating to Natural History. 1 vol. 8vo, 1798. Sole’s mints. Sole (William.) Menthe Britan- — nice; being a new botanical arrange- ment of all the British Mints hitherto discovered. 1 vol. fol. 1798. ° Sonner. it. Sonnerat (P.) Voyage aux Indes orientales et 4 la Chine. 2 vol. 4to. Sonner.n. guin. Voyage ala nouvelle Guinée. lvol. 4to. 1776. Sparm. a. st. Sparrman (Andr.) Kongl. Ve- tenskapsAcademiens Handlingar. Stock- holm. 1739. seq. 8vo. Spr. anl, Sprengel (Kurt.) 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The British Flower Garden, published in monthly numbers, containing full and accurate coloured figures and descriptions, with the best mode of cultivation, of the most choice and curious plants, that may be cultivated in the open air of Great Britain. 2 vol. royal Svo. Swt. cist. Sweet (R.) Cistine. The natural Order of Cistus, or Rock-Rose, to be completed in one volume, a number pub- lished every alternate month, each num- ber containing 4 beautifully coloured figures of this interesting tribe of plants. No. i. to 9. to be continued, royal. 8vo. Sweet ger. Sweet (R.) Geraniacez, or the natural order of Geraniums, published in monthly parts, with accurate coloured figures and descriptions of the different kinds, & their mode of culture. royal 8vo. Sturm (Jacob.) Deutschland BOOKS Swert, flor. Swertius (Eman.) Florileginm tractans de variis floribus. 1 vol. fol. 1612. Tab. ic. Tabernemontanus (Jac. Theod.) Eicones Plantarum cur N. Basso. 4to. 1590. Tabern.kraut. 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Trew. pl. rar. Trew (Christ. Jac.) Planta ra- riores, ed. J.C. Keller. fol. 1763. Triumf. obs. 'Triumfetti (Joh. Bapt.) Obser- vationes de ortu et vegetatione Planta- rum. 4to. 1635. Ust.N.ann. Usteri (Paul). Neue annalen der Botanik. 8vo. 1794. Vahl. ecl. Vahl (Martinus). Ecloge Ameri- cane. fol. 1796, Vahl. ic. rar. Vahl (Martinus)- Icones Plan- tarum in eclogis descriptarum. fol. 1798. Vahl. symb. Vahl (Martinus.) Symbol bo- . tanicze. fol. 1790. Vail par. Vaillant (Sebastien.) Botanicon Pa- risiense. fol. 1727. Vent. cels. Ventenat (Etienne Pierre.) De- scription des plantes nouvelles ou peu connues du jardiu de J. M. Cels. fol. 1800. Vent. choix. Ventenat (EtiennePierre.)Choix des plantes. fol, 1803. QUOTED. - Wend. h. herr. Vent. malm. Ventenat (Etienne Pierre.) J ate din de la Malmaison. fol. 1803. — 4 Vill. c. stras. Villars (D.) Catalogue methodi-— que du jardin de Strasbourg. 8vo. 1807. | Vill. dauph. § Villars (D. Lnggorcnee are Vill. detph. ; du Dauphine. 8vo. 1786. | Viv. frag. Viviani (Dom.) Flore Ita- Vivian. fr. fl. it. } lice fragmenta. 4to. 1808. — Volck. norib, Volkamer (Jo. Georg.) Flora Noribergensis. 4to. 1700. 3 Wahl. helv. Wahlenberg (Georg.) De vegeta- tione et clymate Helvetiz - septentrio nalis specimen. 8vo. 1813. | Wahi. lap. Wahlenberg (Georg.) Flora Lap | ' ponica. 8vo. 1812. - Wal, as.res. Wallich Asiatic Researches or Transactions of the Society instituted i in Bengal. 4to. 1788.- . Walth. hort. Walther (Aug. Frid.) Designa. ; tio plantarum horti ejus. 8vo. 1735. Wang. amer. Von Wangenheim (Fried Ad,” Jul.)Anpflanzung North Amerikanischer Holzarten. e Wats. dend. brit. Watson (w.). Dendrologia_ Britannica, 2 vol. 8vo. 3 Weig. obs. Weigel (Christ. Ehret.) Observa- tiones Botanice. 4to. 1772. - Weinm. phyt. Weinmann (Joh. Guil.) Phy-_ tanthoza Iconographica. fol. 1737. * Wend. ac. Wendeland (H. Lud.) Commen- | tatis de Acaciis aphyllis. 4to. 1820. — E | Wendl. col. Wendeland (H. Lud.) Collectio Plantarum tum exoticarum quam indi- genarum, Ato. 1805. Wendl. er. Wendland (Joh. Christ. ) Ericarum: Icones et descriptiones. 4to. 1798. | Wendland (Joh. Christ.) | Hortus Herrenhusanus. fol. 1798. Wend. s. han. Wendland(J.C.) Sertum Ha noveranum. 4 fasc. fol. | Willd. arb. Willdenow (Car. Lud.) Berlinis- che Baumzucht. 8vo. 1797. | Car. Lud.) Ber- gesammle W. ber. mag. Willdenow - linischer magazin oder schriften, etc. 4to. 1765. ’ Willd. hort. ber. Willdenow (Car. Lud ) Ha tus Berolinensis. fol. 1806. “3 Woodv. med. bot. Woodville (William.) Medi. cal Botany. 3 vol. 4to. 1790. , Zanon. hist. Zanoni (Jacobus..) Rariorum sti pium historia. Ed. C. Monti. 1 vol. fe 1742. . Zorn. ic. Zorn (Joh.) Icones Plantarum me= dicinalium. 8vo. 1779, { LEMATIS. W. 1 erecta. pc. ) y hispanica. 2 flammula. pc. a rotundifoliu, 6B vulgaris, maritima. 4 orientalis. De. 5 glauca. w. © 6 chinensis. DC. 7 Vitalba. pe. '8 virginiana. ne. 9 brasiliana. DC. .0 dioica. pc. ; 1 americana. DC. 2 coriacea. DC. ).3 aristata. pc. .§ triternata, pc. .6 brachiata. pc. 7 grandiflora, pc. 1.8 dahurica. pe. 9 angustifolia. pc. 10 diversifolia. pc. 1 Viorna. pe. 12 cylindrica. pe. 8 Simsii. 5 integrifolia. pc. B 2 angustifolia. y 2 elongata. ve. B flore pleno. 38 Viticella. pc. _ @ purpurea; » B rubra. | -¥ pulchella, v.s. * - Sunceassis 1. Chassis Ae ORDO i DICOTYLEDONE: seu EXOGENA. THALAMIFLORE. RANUNCULACEM. DC. syst. nat. 127. Tribus 1. CLEMATIDEA. Virein’s BowER. Polyandria Foal: L. 3 Massoniana. pDc.. 4 hedysarifolia. pe. cordata. B.M. nec aliorum. = upright. Austria. Spanish. ~ sweet-scented. S. Europe. round-leaved, —_ oblong-leaved, ae en narrow-leaved, —_-— Masson’s. C. B.S. oriental. Levant. glaucous. Siberia. Chinese. China. Traveller’s Joy. England. Virginian. N. Amer. Brazilian. Brazil. Jamaica. Jamaica. West-Indian. W. Ind. leathery-Id. N.S. W. awned-anther’>d ——-—— Hedysarum-ld, Nepaul. triternate-Id, ++-+> tee armed. C. B.S. great-flowered. SierraLeon. Dahurian. Dahuria. narrow-leaved. Siberia. _various-leaved, eerer-+- leathery-flow’d. N. Amer. long-flowered. ———— Sims’s, —_—— netted. _——— entire-leaved. Hungary. narrow entire 14, Siberia. long-leaved. —_—- silky. N. Amer, large-flowered. Japan. double-flowered. smooth-seeded. Spain. purple-flowered, red-flowered. double-flowered, .-——--——— 1597. 1596. _ wwepen 1787. 1730. 1802. 1812. 6.8. H.y. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 291. 7.10. H. h.~. Lob. ic. 627. f. 1. —— H.h.v. Se H. h o—e eee -h.~. Dill. elt. t. 119. f. 145. . H.h.w, Willd. arb. 65. t. 4. f. : H.h.w. Retz. obs. 2. n. 53. t. . Hi kw. Eng. bot. 612. 1 2. . H.h.~. Wats. dend. brit. t.74. ees S.h.~. Deless. ic. sel. 1. t. 1. 5.6. S.h.w~. Slo. hist. 1. t. 128, f.1. eae Sew ej 68) A as G.h.w~. Bot. reg. 238. al G.h.~. Bot. reg. 599. > HRw “12, G.hw. Bot. reg. 97. Brie Ale - H, h. ~e i ; 5. 9. H.%. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 104. 9.10.H.h.w~. Deless. ic. sel. 1. t. 4, 6.9. H.h.~. Jacq. ecl. 1, t. 32. 7.9. H.h.~. Bot. mag. 1160. 6.9. H.h.~. Bot. mag. 1816. —— H.h.~. Wats. dend. brit.'t. 72. . 8. H.%. Bot. mag. 65; —— H.. ——- H.%. Tratt. tab. 4. t.178. 6.7. H.2. Bot. mag. 1175. 4,9. H.h.~. Bot. mag. 834. 6.9. H.h.~. Bot. mag. 565. ae Hih.w. Chabr. sci. p, 117. f. 6. Beas RANUNCULACE. 29 crispa. B.M. curled-flower’d. N. Amer, 1726, 7. 9. H.h.~. Bot. mag. 1892. 30 cirrhosa. DC. tendriled. S. Europe. 1596. 3. 4. H.h.~. Flor. grec. t. 517. 31 pedicellata. pedicled, Majorca. coos ——— Hi... Bot. mag. 1070. cirrhosa. B.M. nec aliorum. cirrhosa 6 pedicellata. Dc. 32 calycina. H.K. evergreen. Minorca. 1783. 2. 3. H.h.~. Bot, mag. 959. balearica. Dc. ATRAGENE. W. ATRAGENE. Polyandria Polygynia. L. 1 austriaca. B.M. Austrian. _ Austria, 1792. 5. 7. H.h.~. Bot. rep. 180. Clematis alpina. DC. ' : rene 2 sibirica. B.M. Siberian. Siberia. 1753. 3.5. H.h.~. Bot. mag. 1951. © Clematis sibirica. DC. : 3 ochotensis. pall. linear-petaled. -—-—— 1822. —— H.h.w. Clematis ochotensis. DC. 4 americana. B.M. American. Clematis verticillaris. DC. 5 occidentalis. Horn, NARAVELIA. DC. Narave ia. Polyandria Polygynia, L. zeylanica. DC. Ceylon. Ceylon. 1796. seer S.hww. PY B Roxburghii, pc. Roxburgh’s. Coromandel. —— «+++ S.h.~. Roxb. cor, 2. t.188. — THALICTRUM. DC. Meapow-RvuE. shining-leaved. N. Amer. 1797. 5.6. H.h.©, Bot. mag, 887. ny ena Thataeee 1824. Tribus Il. ANEMONES. Polyandria Polygynia. L. ts 1 contortum. pc. crook-seeded. Siberia. 1796. 6.7. H.%. 2 aquilegifolium. pc.-Columbine-ld, Europe. 1731. 5.7. H.%. . e a album, white-stamened. ——-——- -—— -——H.¥. Jacq. aust. t.918,. atropurpureum. purple. ———- —— -—H.7. Bot.mag.1818. -y formosum, B.M. Sabine’s. —— ——~ —H.%. Bot, mag. 2025: a 3 corynellum. pc. clubbed-stamd. N, Amer. +--+ -—— H.}f. i a 4 revolutum. Dc. revolute. + ——— 1806. 6.7. H.. _ pubescens. Ph. non, NC. ape ee 5 dioicum. Dc. dicecious. —— 1759. —— H.%. Deles. ic. sel. 1. t. 8. - 6 carolinianum. pc. Carolina. ——-—— sees —— HY. i. | 7 purpurascens. DC. dwarf purple. ——-—— 1699. —— H.2. 8 petaloideum. pc. Dahnurian. Dahuria. 1799. ——- H.%. Deles.ic. sel.1.t.9 9 alpinum. DC. Alpine. Britain. +++. 5.7. H.W. Eng. bot. 262. — 10 fetidum. pc. foetid. Europe. 1640. —— H.¥%. W.etK.hung,2. t.17 11 pubescens. Dc. pubescent. — — — Ho. a 12 acutilobum. Dc. acnte-lobed. Siberia. sso> ——— H.}. Deles. ic. sel. 1. t. 10. 13 squarrosum. DC. squarrose. — 1806. —— H.2. t mf 14 sibiricum. Dc. Siberian. — 1775. ——H.y. Gert. fruct. 1. t.74. 15 minus. Dc. » lesser. Britain. ‘eee 6.7. HY. Eng. bot.t.11, | 16 collinum. pce. hill. Germany. 1823. —— H.7. ; 17 saxatile. Dc. rock. Europe. --+- 5.7. Hi, . -_ | is elatum. Dc. tall. Hungary. 1794. 6.8. H.y. Jacq! vind:3. t.95. — 19 majus. Dc. greater. England. +--+ —— H.#. Eng. bot.611. — 20 nutans. DC. nodding. Italy. ost 5 . if 21 medium. De. middle. Hungary. 1789. —— H.%. Jacq. vind. 3. t.96. ~ 22 concinnum. nc. neat. veesens 0 Cees “Git i ae ‘i 23 flexuosum. Jac. flexuose. veceesee cose 6.8. H.2, 24 acuminatum. spr. acuminate. seeeeeee sees ——— Hi, 25 calabricum. Spr. Calabrian. Naples. 1802. —— H.2. 26 trigynum. Dc. three-styled. Dahuria, 1823. —— H.2. 27 glaucescens. pc. _loose-flowered, Russia. ——~ 6 H.v. : a 28 galioides. De. Galium-leaved. Europe. 1816. 5.7. H.%. Deles. ic. sel. 1. t. 1. 29 angustifolium. pc. narrow-leaved. Germany. 1739. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 43. 30 cynapiifolium. r. Fool’s-parsleyla Siberia. 1821. —— H.2. i 31 oligospermum, Fr, few-seeded, —_——> - —- ——— Hye 32 divaricatum. L.en. spreading. wee staves (| ee A 33 diffusum. Sch. diffuse. evecese) — — Hi, 34 laserpitiifoliam, w. Laserwort-l4, ++-++e++ 1823, —— H.7. 35 divergens. L.en. divergent. Siberia. 1820. 6.7. H.y. divaricatum. Spr. . in @ 36 lucidum. pe. shining. Spain. 1739. 5.7. H.%. Pluk, alm. t. 65. f. 5. 37 nigricans, DC. black. Austria, 1798, —— H.%. Jacq. aust, 5. t. 421. RANUNCULACEE. 3 8 flavum. De. common. Britain. sooo ——— HY. Eng. bot. 367. 9 vaginatum. Desf. sheathed. Europe. ees —— H.y. 0 simplex. pc. simple-stalked. Sweden. 1778. 5.6. H.%. 1 cinereum. Dc. ash-coloured. crececee ceee ——— He, 2 glaucum. Dc. glaucous, S. Europe, 1798. 6.7. H.2. 3 rugosum. DC. rugged. N. Amer, 1774. 7. H.%. 4 ranuncolinum.pc. Ranunculus-l4, N. Amer. 1806. 6. 7. H.2L. 5 tuberosum. pc. _ tuberous-rooted. Spain. 1713. 6, H.%. Mill. ic. t. 265. f. 2. 6 anemonoides, pc. Anemone-like. N. Amer, 1768, 4.5. H.%4. Bot. mag. 866. Anemone thalictroides. w. ; B flore pleno, double-flowered. ——-—— 1822. —— H. 7. JLSATILLA. W.en. PasquE-FLoweR. Polyandria Ren erale- 1 vernalis. w. en. spring. N. Europe. 1752. H.7. Fi. dan. t. 29. 2 Halleri. w. en. Haller’s. Switzerland 1816. a 5. H.%. All. ped. t. 80. f.2. 3 cernua. w. drooping. Japan. 1806. 4.6. H.%. 4 patens. w. en. spreading. Siberia. 1752. 6.7. H.%. Breyn. ic. t.61. _ B ochroleuca. B.M. straw-colowred. ——--——- —— 5.7. H.%. Bot. mag. 1994, 5 vulgaris. w. en. common. England. ---- —— H.%. Eng. bot. 51. 5 pratensis. w.en. meadow. Germany. 1731. 5. H.y%. Fi. dan. t. 611. 7 obsoleta. pale-flowered. ———— —— -——H.7. Bot. mag. 1863. 3 dahurica. pc. Dahurian. Dahuria. 1823. +++. H.2. )? alpina, Alpine. Europe, 1658. 7. H.%. Bot. mag. 2007. ). apiifolia. Parsley-leaved. ——--—-——- ++.» -——- H.}. Jacq. misc. 2. t.4. _ Anemone alpina 3 flavescens. pc. JEMONE. W.en. ANEMONE. Polyandria Polygynia. L. capensis. DC. - Cape. C. B.S. 1795. 3.7. G.h. Bot. mag. 716. Atragene capensis. w. : ? coronaria. DC. Poppy. Levant. 1596, 1.12. H.%. Bot. mag. 841. B flore-pleno. double-flowered. » pavonina. Dc. acute-petaled. -—--——- -+--- 4.5, H.z. ] : B flore-pleno. double-scarlet. -——-—— ---- -—— H.y%, Clus. hist. 1, p, 261. ic. _ stellata. pe. star. Italy. 1597. —— H.»%. SBot. mag. 123, hortensis. B.M. 123. . } | palmata. pe. palmated. Portugal. 1597. 5.6. H.%. Bot. reg. 200. | parviflora. pc. small-flowered. Labrador. 1823. 3.5. H.%. Juss.ann.mus.3.t,21.f.1 —cuneifolia. Ph. _caroliniana. pc. slender. Carolinas —— 5. H.%. tenella. Ph. : apennina. pc. blue mountain. England. +--+ 8.4. H.%. Eng. bot. 1062. _baldensis. pe. Strawberry-like. Switzerland.1792. 5. H.%. Jac.ic. 1. t.103. | fragifera. Jacq. | nemorosa. DC. wood. Britain. eos» 3.5. H.Y. Eng. bot. 355. |B flore-pleno. double-flowered. j | lancifolia. pe. lance-leaved. N.Amer. 1823. 5.7. H.2. trifolia. pce. three-leaved. France. 1597. 4.5. H.y%. Lob. ic. 281. f.1. -ranunculoides. pc. yellow wood. England, -++- 3.4, H.y. Eng. bot. 1484. sylvestris. pc. Snowdrop. Europe. 1596. 4.5. H.y%. Bot. mag, 54. alba. pe. five-sepaled. Dahuria. 1818 4.5. H.%. —---—— 2167. ochotensis, ¥. virginiana. pc. Virginian. N. Amer. 1722. 5.6. H.%. Herm. par, t.18. pensylvanica. pc. Pensylvanian. — 1766. —— H.14. dichotoma. pc. forked. ——— 1768. —~— H.%. Lin. f. dec. 29. t.15. narcissiflora.. pc. Narcissus-fl'd. Europe. 1773. 5. H.y%. Bot. mag. 1120. -sibirica. pc. Siberian. Siberia. 1804. 6. H.2. PATICA. DC. Hepatica. Polyandria Polygynia. L. americana. B.reg. American. N. Amer. 1819. 3.4. H.%. Bot. reg. 387. triloba. pe. three-lobed. Europe. 1573. 2.4. H.. @ cerulea, blue. ‘ ceruleo-plena, - double-blue. rubra, . . red. —— — —— ——-— Bot, mag. 10. © rubro-plena. _ doubie-red. € alba, - red-anthered white. ¢ nivea, snowy-white. DRASTIS. DC. Yettow-Root. Polyandria Polygynia. L. canadensis. pc. Canadian. Canada. 1759. 5.6. H,%. IWLTONIA. DC. Knowrronta. Polyandria Polygynia. L. rigida, De. thick-leaved. C.B.S. 1780. 3.5. G.y. Svesicatoria. pc. blistering. —_—— 1691. 2.4. G.%. Bracilis. Dc, slender, 1820. —— G.. Pict. hort. par.37. t.17. Vent. malm, 22, Bot. mag. 775. Deles. ic. sel. 1. t. 19. wee eee B2 4 | RANUNCULACE®. 4 hirsuta. pe. ~ hairy-leaved. 9° ————' | ——_ ——— G.y. Burm. afr. ea . 5 daucifolia. pe. Carrot- ged tte my 3 ae eooe Gi. : Mise si ADONIS. DC. Apvonis. Polyandria Polygynia 1 autumnalis. pc. « Pheasant’s- eye. Britain. ---» §.10.H.©. Eng. bot. 308.: a 2 flava. ne. - yellow. ‘France. see. 6.7. H.©. Tab.ic. 790. fe: 1. $ citrina. DC. Citron-colour’d. ——-—— 1822. 5.6. H.©. 7 4 flammea. Dc. flame-coloured. Austria. 1800. 6.7. H.@. Jac. ainat! Me t.35507" 5 wstivalis. Dc. tall. S. Europe. 1629. —— H.©. Weinm. phyt. t. 27. : miniata. Jac, aust. t. 354. 7 6 vernalis. pc. = vernal. Europe. 1629. 3.4. H.y%. Bot. mag. 134. - : 7 apennina. w.en. Apennine. ——-—— +++ ——H.y. Mentz. pug. t. 3. f. 1. vernalis 8 Mentzelit. pe. 3 8 pyrenaica. DC. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1820. 6.7. H.¥. Deless. ic. sel. 1. t. 21 Tribus ITI. RANUNCULEM. MYOSURUS. DC. Mousk&-TAIL. Pentandria Polygynia. .L. minimus. Dc.: small. . Britain. -+s+ 4.5. H.©. Eng. bot. 435. CERATOCEPHALUS. CeratocerHatus. Pentandria Polygynia. 1 falcatus. nc. sickle-seeded. S. Europe. 1739. 5. H.©. Jac. aust.t.48. 2 orthoceras. pc. straight-seeded. Siberia. 1823. —— H.©. Deles. ic. sel. 1. t. 2 RANUNCULUS. DC. Crow-roor. Polyandria Polygynia. L.. 1 hederaceus. pc. _Ivy-leaved. Britain. esos 5.8. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 2003. 2 tripartitus. Dc. three-parted. —-—— --ee —— Hw... DC. ic. g. rar. 1. t. 49 6 obtusiflorus. pc. blunt-flowered. .——-——~ -:+- —— H.w.%. Pet.eng.herb. t.39. fil $ aquatilis. Dc. water. ———— +++» 4.8. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 101. fe a heterophyllus.pc. various-leaved, ——~—— «+++ —— H.w.%. Tab. ic. 54. f. 2. 8 peliatus. pe. peltate-leaved. ———— +e —— H.w.2t. Lob. ic. 2. p. aos fae 4 pantothrix. pc. divided-leaved. ——-——-_ ---- —— H.w.2. 4 a capilluceus. pc. _fine-leaved, ——— +s» —— Hw... Pet.eng. ore t.39.f4 B cespitosus. pc. tufted. m—— eee Hey. ——— £39. f. 4 * y peucedanifolius. pc. Fennel- leaved,. = ——-—— «+++ —— Hw... ——— t.39.f.2. — fluviatilis. w. | 5 rutefolius. pe. Rue-leaved. Austria. 1759. 5.7. H.%. Jac. coll.1.t. 6et% 6 glacialis. ne. two-flowered. Lapland. 1775. 6.8. H.y%. Flor. dan. t.19. 7 Seguieri. Dc. Seguier’s. Switzerland.1820. —— H.¥. Vill. dauph. 4. t. 49 8 alpestris. De. Alpine. Scotland. vree ——— H.%. Eng. bot. 2390.) 9 crenatus. DC. crenate-leaved. Hungary. 1822. H.4. W.etK. hung. 1. 10 aconitifolius. pc. Aconite-leaved. Europe. 1596. 5.6. H.. owas ¥ a humilis. pe. dwarf. ——— eee H.%. Lob. adv. 300. f. 2. 8 crassicaulis. pc. thick-stalked. ——— o> —— HF. 11 platanifolius. w. Plane-tree-ld. Germany. 1769..6.7. H.%. Flor. dan. t.113. 7 2 flore-pleno. double-flowered, —-—— -——- -—~- H.%}. Bot. mag. 204. — aconitifolius. B. M. 204. cab is 12 lacerus. De. torn-leaved. Piedmont. +++. —— H.%. Bell. act. taur. 5. t 13 pyrenzus. DC. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. eees 4.6, H.#%. Deles.ic.sel.1.t.27% B bupleurifolius. pc. one-flowered. — sees ——— HY. Jac. mise.'1. t. 18% 14 angustifolius. pc. narrow-leaved. -——-—— 1822. ——-.H.%. Deles.ic.sel.1.t.27¢f. 15 amplexicaulis. pc. Plantain-leav4. ——-—— 1633. 4.5. H.%. Bot. mag. 266. ~ 16 parnassifolius. pc. Parnassia-leavd. ———— 1769. 6.7. H.4%. ——-—— 886. — 17 gramineus. pc. _—grass-leaved. Wales. _ +++ 4.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 2306. — B flore-pleno. double-flowered. +++4+- ce eeee ——— HY. Lob. ic. 671. £2. >) 18 Lingua. be. greatspear-wort Britain. -++- 6.8. H.w.%. Eng. bot.100. 19 Flammula. pc. less.spear-wort. ————._ +++-+ 6.9. H.w.44. ———— 387. |) B serrata. DC. saw-leaved. ———— eres —— Hw... Lob. ic. 670. f.2. y ovata. DC. oval-leaved. ———— re> —— Hwy. aa’ # 20 reptans. Dc. least spear-wort. ——-——- +--+. -—— H.w.y%. Flor. dan. t. 108. 21 ophioglossifolius.pc.fistulous-stalk4. S$, Europe. 1822. 6. H.w.@. Vill. dauph. 4. t. 22 nodiflorus. pc. knot-flowered. France. 1714. 5.7. H.w.©. B dentatus. pe. toothed. Hungary. —— -—— H.w.©. Bot mag. 2171. 23 salsuginosus. pc. Russian. Russia. 1821. —— H.y. Jac. vind.3. t. 31. ruthenicus. Jac. vind. 8. t. 31. . 24 bullatus. pc. blistered. S. Europe. 1640. 5.8. a parviflorus. DC. small-flowered. ne Ns eames B grandiflorus. DC. large-fowered.< ————— —— —— RRR " Clus. histe’ief, 22m bo | RANUNCULACEE. 5 y fore pleno, double-flowered. ———— —— -—— H.%. Corn. can. 95. ic. 26 cherophyllos. pc. Chervil-leaved. ——~—— .--- 4.6. H. Barr. ic. t. 581. }os -@ vulgaris. DC. common. ———-— anes ( B gregarius. pc. _ villous. 26 fumarizfolius. Dc. Fumitory-leav4, s-sceses see aE BP a pt Desf.ic.pict.h.par.t.74. 27 oxyspermus. pc. awned-seeded. Tauria. 1822. 5. i), 928 pedatus. pe. pedate. Hungary. 1806. 5.6. - Pl.rar. hung. 2. t.108. 4,729 illyricus. pe. Illyrian. Europe. 1596. —— Jac. aust. t. 222, 30 monspeliacus. pc. Montpelier. Montpelier. 1816. —— H. Swt. br. fl. gar. 94. a angustilobus. pc. narrow-lobed. Se Besl. eyst.1, t. 13. f.1. fl B cuneatus. pc. wedge-lobed. te DC. ic. gall. rar. t..50. -y rotundifolius. pc. round-leaved. —— tee {i931 asiaticus. Dc. garden. Levant. 1596. —— - Dard. trait. ren.1. €.6. a vulgaris. DC. common. -_-_--_-- ll - Mill. ic. t. 216. Lob. ic. 672. f, 2. Debr. flor. nov. t. 31. Clus. hist.1. p. 239. f.1. Jac. aust. 5. t. 442. Pl. rar. hung. 2. t. 187. Jac. obs.1. t.13 ? Eng. bot. 624. Bot. mag. 2267. B sanguineus. pc. Turban. Blin ce 3) Taye Bale ok » tenuilobus. pc. _ slender-lobed. ere aN en $2 creticus. Dc. Cretan. Candia. 1659. 33 Thora. vc. kidney-leaved. AlpsEurope. 1710. $4 scutatus. Dc. shield-leaved. Hungary. 1822, 35 hybridus. ne. hybrid. Austria. —~ 36 auricomus. DC. Goldilocks. - Britain. a $7 cassubicus. DC. Cassubian. Siberia. .- 1794. 38 abortivus. pc. three-flowered. N. Amer. 1713. 39 sceleratus. Dc. Celery-leaved. Britain. sons e PREFER EREREERPREPRERERREERE DP 09 Dm Ore antatauon & ees Eng. bot. 681. {| 140 hyberboreus. pc. northern. Siberia. 1822. 6.8. H.%. Flor. dan. t. 331. 41 nivalis. pc. snowy. Lapland. 1775. —— H.%. Fil. lap. ed.1. t.3. f. 2. 42 montanus. DC. mountain, Austria, — — H.%. Jac. aust. t.325 et 6. {43 Villarsii. pc. Villars’s. France. 5.7. H.y%. Crantz.aust.2.t.4. f.2? \ 44 Gouani. DC. Gouan’s. Pyrenees. 1818. —— H.%. Gouanill. t.17. f.1. 2. 45 acris. DC. upright. Britain. sees 6.7. H.Y. Eng. bot. 652. | B flore pleno. double-flowered, ——-——- ++-» ~—— H.¥. Bot. mag. 215. ‘fi x sylvaticus. DC. wood. —— ——— eens —— H., multifidus. Dc. ‘multifid. ——-—— +. —— H.. 9/9 46 polyanthemos. pc. many-flowered. N. Europe. 1596. 5.6. H.%. f. 1.8. , | 47 nemorosus,. DC. wood. Switzerland. 1818. 5.7. H.%. a multiflorus. DC. numerous-flower’d ——-——- -—~ —— H.. B paucifiorus. pc. few-flowered. — obit, Mee an, et aureus. Schi. villosus, St. Am. fl. ag.227. bon. t. 5. 7 48 lanuginosus. pc. _woolly-leaved. S. Europe. 1683. 6.7. H.%. Flor. dan. t.397. .{ 49 repens. DC. creeping. Britain. ---- 5.9. H.%. Eng. bot. 516. -B flore pleno. double-flowered. ———— ».-, ~-— Hi. Tab.ic.53. fil. it y glabratus. pc. _—shining-leaved.. -—-——. «+e —— Hw... 60 lappaceus. pc. New Holland. N.S. W. 1822. —— G.x%. ‘/) 51 pensylvanicus. pc. Pensylvanian. N. Amer, 1785. 6.7. H.y%. Jac.ic. 1. t. 105, canadensis. Jac. . | 52 marylandicus. pc. Maryland. —-——_ 1811. 5.7. H.2. | 53 tomentosus,. DC. tomentose. -—-——_- 1820. —— H.2L. 54 bulbosus. pe. bulbous. - Britain. coos 4.6. H.. Eng. bot. 515. F B flore pleno, double-flowered. —~——- «++. -———H.%. Lob. ic. 666. f. 2. f y bracteatus. sch. bracted. Pyrenees, ---- —— H.2. x) 55 hirsutus. H.K. pale hairy. Britain. »s-- 6.10.H.©. Eng. bot. 1504. y) 56 parvalus. sm. little upright. England. ++». -——H.@. Col. eephr. t. 316. 57 arvensis. Dc. corn. Britain, -s++ ——H.©. Eng. bot. 135. 58 muricatus. pc. prickly seeded. S. Europe. 1683. 7.8. H.©. Lam. ill. t. 498. 9) 59 echinatus. Ph. American. N. Amer. »eee 6.7. H.©. Vent. cels. t. 73. )) 60 parviflorus. pc. —small-flowered. England. -+-» 5.6. H.©. Eng. bot. 120. 61 sessiliflorus. pc. —_ sessile-flowered N. ‘Ss. W. 1822. ——-H.o. FICARIA. DC. PiLeEwort. Polyandria Polygynia. L. 3 = ranunculoides. pc- vernal. — Britain. ese» 3.5. HY. Eng. bot. 584, . verna, Pp. 5. Ranunculus Ficaria. w. rf B flore pleno, = double-flowered, ——---—- «+++ —— H.%, CALTHA. DC. 1 palustris. pc. = B flore-pleno. 2 minor. Mill. 3 radicans. DC. 4 flabellifolia. pe. 5 natans. DC. TROLLIUS. DC. 1 europeus. DC. _a altissimus. B humilis. pc. = 2 napellifolius. pc. 3 caucasicus. DC. 4 asiaticus, DC. 5 americanus. vc. luxus. Ph. ERANTHIS. DC. 1 hyemalis. pe. 2 sibirica. pc. HELLEBORUS. DC. 1 niger. pc. “ a latifolius. 6B angustifolius. 2 purpurascens. 3 odorus. Dc. 4 viridis. pc. 5 atrornbens. Dc. 6 dumetorum. DC. 7 foetidus. pc 8 lividus. pc. B integrilobus. DC. COPTIS. DC. trifolia. pe. ISOPYRUM. DC. 1 thalictroides. pc. 2 fumarioides. pc. 3 grandiflorum. Fr. GARIDELLA. DC. Nigellastrum. pc. NIGELLA. DC. 1 corniculata. pe. 2 orientalis. pec. 3 hispanica. De. 4 arvensis. DC. 5 sativa. Dc. 6 cretica. DC. y citrina. DC. . 6 damascena. DC. B flore-pleno. 7 coarctata. DC. AQUILEGIA. DC. 1 vulgaris. Dc. ( corniculata. DC. y inversa. DC. & stellata. pc. € degener. DC. viscosa. DC. sibirica. DC. glandulosa. F. alpina. pe. pyrenaica. DC. canadensis. DC. ia NO 1h & bO Gaissenia verna. Raf. RANUNCULACE:. Tribus IV. HELLEBORE. Marsu-MAryYGOoLD. Polyandria Foley L. common. Britain. ecoe 3.5, Hw... double-flowered, ————- +++ —— Hw... small. RMT cca te ee creeping. Scotland. — H.w.}. fan-leaved. | N. Amer. 1818. 7.8. H.w.2. floating. Siberia. 1823. 4.5. H.w.2. GLoBE-FLOWER. Polyandria Polygynia. L. European. Britain. coos 5.6. Hf. tall. Da ac tha ce ere} @eeoe we H. 2 e dwarf. —-—— ere —— HY. intermediate. clecveges tse rm Oe Caucasean, Caucasus. se. —— HX. Asiatic. Siberia. 1759. —— H.%. American. N. Amer. 1805. 5.7. H.2. WinterR-ACoNITE. Polyandria Polygynia. L. common. Europe. 1596. 1.3, H.%. Siberian. Siberia. 1824. ---- H.i. HELLEBORE. Polyandria Polygynia. L. Christmas-Rose. Europe. 1596. 1.3. H.%. broad-leaved. —-——_ —-_ —— _H.. narrow-leaved. ——-— ——-_ — H.2}. purplish. Hungary. 1817. 3.4. H.%. sweet-scented. ——-—— —— —— H.}. green-flowered. Britain. eres 4,6. H.2. dark-red. Hungary. 1822. 1.3. H.2. bush. ine ASAT: Bs.4e eee Bear’s-toot. England. eoes 2.4, Hf, three-leaved. Corsica. 1710. 1..5+,3ie2b. entire-lobed. —_—— — 1S Ge Coptis. Polyandria Polygynia. L. three-leaved. N.Amer. 1782. 6.7..H.2. IsopyruM. Polyandria Polygynia. L. Meadow-Rueld. Italy. 1759.. 3.4. H.%. Fumitory-ld, Siberia. 1741. 6.7. H.©. large-flowered. Altay. 1804. —— H.7. GARIDELLA. Decandria Trigynia. L. Nigella-leaved. S. Europe. 1736. 6.7. H.©. Fennel-flower, Polyandria Pentagynia. L. horned. 5, os s 1804. —— H.%. Ser.m.1. t.15. £.26, 41 tortuosum. pc. twisted. seeccess 1812, —— H.¥. -——t.15. f, 28, 29.) 42 illinitum. R.vU. besmeared. Switzerland. 1823. —— H.2. | 43 volubile. w. twining, Siberia. 1799. —— H.. . 44 flaccidum. R.v. _ flaccid. —— de ee otal Beles, te, cel, a ae ciliure B polytrichum. Dc. 7 45 maximum. Dc. large. Kamtschatkal823. —-- H.%. Ser.m.1.t.15. f.31.! 46 productum. r.u.- long-lipped. _ Siberia. 1824, —— H.%. ——t.15.f. 33.34, 47 exaltatum. Dc. high. seeerees =m ——— Hi, —— t, 15. f. 37.38, 48 Napellus. L. common. Europe. soos 5.7%. Hit. ——t.15. f. 4). 42.) 49 tauricum. R.U. Taurian. Tauria. 1752. 6.7. H.%. Reh. ae. t. 12. f. 2.) 50 Kelleanum. R.U. Keelle’s. - ceeereee cess ——— Hit, ——tihfl.. | 51 Braunii. r.v. Braune’s. Switzerland. 1824, —— H.2. 52 commutatum. R.U. changeable. Siberia. — -——H.». Reh. ae. t.18. f.3. 53 callybotryon. R.U. long-spiked. Moravia. — — HY. —t.16.f.1. 54 Halleri. Haller’s. Switzerland.——- ——- H.2. B bicolor. R.U. two-coloured. —— —— —— Hx. 55 virgatum. R.U. Weaky ooh: Get ae -_— — —— Hd. 56 eriostemum. DC. woolly-stamen’d +..-.... — 6.8. H.2. 57 amoeenum, R.U. delightful. Peon - —— — Hix) Reh. act. hile 58 Hoppii. r.v. Hoppe’s. Carinthia. -———- -—— H.27) rei H 59 semigaleatum. R.U. half-helmeted. Kamtschatka——- —— H.4. Rech. ac. 77. t. 8. Z| 60 formosum. R.U. handsome. — .--.- ee ee ee 61 venustum. R.U. _ beautiful. Switzerland.1823, —— H.2L. oa 62 meloctonum. R.U. Badger-bane. -.-..... — — Hy: ot 63 elatum. R.U. tall. Europe. seco ——— H2. re 64 neubergense. pc. Styrian. Styria. . — Bae ¢! 65 strictum. pc. —_ straight. Siberia. soos ——— Hi. Reh. ac. t. 15. f.1. 66 Sprengelii. r.u. Sprengel’s. ‘seseceee 1823, —— H.2, | 67 Bernhard’s, —-.-.«.-+ ——~ — H.2. i 68 Schleicheri.:R.U. Schleicher’s. Switzerland,——- -—— H.7. Fu 69 ampliflorum. R.v. large-flowered. Austria. — — H.. a 70 pyramidale. M. _— pyramidal. Europe. 1596. —— H.. dk 71 versicolor. R.U. _ various-colourd, Switzerland, 1823. —— H.y%. Lodd. bot.:cab. 794.1! 72 decorum. R.v. neat. Pyrenees. 1823. 6.8, H.2{. qi 73 recognitum. R.U. recognised. | N. Amer.?°1812, —— H.2. if RANUNCULACEE. 74 Ottonianum. Otto’s. eeoceoes 1823, —— H.2. 75 leucanthum. Rr. vu. white-flowered. ++++-+++ +s+.- —— H.%. 76 squarrosum. DC. = squarrose. . Siberia 1823, —— H.2. 77 galectonum. R.v. Lizards-bane. Hutigary ——- — H.. _ 78 delphinifolium. pc. Larkspnr-leav’d N. Amer. 1812. —— H.2. | 79 autumnale. r.u autumnal. |e eeeeee + 1823. 8.10. H.%. 80 laxum. rR. vu. loose. ee ereee _ —— 7.9. H.Y. | $1 letum. Rr. v. great-flowered. -++-+ee. —— 6.8. H.2. | 82 rubellum. red-flowered. | Switzerland. ——~ ~—— H.%. Napeilus floribus rubellis. sch.’ - $3 biflorum. pc. two-flowered. — Siberia. 1824, «++» Hey. $4 eminens. Koch. eminent. = = = eee.e- ess §6©1822, 6.8. H.%. - 85 inunctum. Koch. anointed. we uenes — -—— H.2. () 86 laciniosum. sch. jagged. Switeerlatid. — — H.7. 87 Willdenowii. nr. vu. Willdenow’s. = --+++«> - 1823. —— H.x. CIMICIFUGA..L Bue-wort. Polyandria Pentagynia. L. ii) 1 foetida. w -stinking. Siberia. ‘WW77,. 6.7. H.%. ) | 2 oo ile American. Carolina. 1822, 8.9. H.%. americana. M. Act@a podocarpa. DU. 3 palmata. ph. palmated. —— 1812, 7.8. H.. jj) 4 cordifolia. ph. heart-leaved. Rees ae) Ge EF wIMACROTYS. Rar. SNAKEROOT. Polyandria Monogyni lala _ | racemosa. black. N. Amer. 1732. 6.7. H.%. yi Actea racemosa. w. Cimicifuga serpentaria. Ph. gore Ph. BANE-BERRIES. Polyandria Monogynia. L. 1 spicata. pec. common. Britain. seoe- 4.6. H.. gj) «2 rubra. ween. red-berried. N. Amer. seee -—— H,2f. 0, brachypetala. B rubra. DC. 3 alba. mill. white-berried, ———— »°-. ~— H.» __ brachypetala. a alba. DC» )ZANTHORHIZA, DC. YeELLow-Roor. Pentandria Polygynia. L. apiifolia. pe. Parsley-leav'd. N.:Amer. 1766. 2.4. H.h. y #PEONTA. DC. Pz#ony. Polyandria Digynia. L. ym 1 Moutan. Hk. Chinese-tree. China. 1789. 4.6. H.h. 4) & papaveracea, L.T. Poppy-flowered. ——— 1806. —— ‘gy 8 Banksit. t.t. common. ——-—— 1789. —— H.h. rm) i> y rosed. be T. rose-coloured. ————. 1794. —— H.h. "D2 edulis. p.x. eatable-rooted, -+++-+-- osee 5.6. HX. ~@ albiflora. wt. : ju @ vestalis. LT. virgin. Siberia. 1784. —— H.%. ‘i B candida. L. T. pale-flowered. at Rete af cea ER OF, y tatarica. L. T. Tartarian. Tartary. vees —— H.2. sibirica, Le T. Siberian. Siberia, cose = HA, € rubescens. L.T. _ pale-red. veseersee ceoe ——— HI. Z uniflora. L.T. one-flowered. = -**e%"> ece> —— HY. um: 2 Whitleji. L.T. double-white. China. 1808. 6.7. H.2. as > Humei. ... 7. double-crimson. ——--—— 1810. —— H.2. | tu fragrans. L.T. Rose-scented. ——-—— 1805. —— H.z. ‘4 (3 anomala. L.'T. jagged-leaved. Siberia. 1788. 5.6, H.%. ' | laciniata. pall. ross. 2. t. 85. : 4 hybrida. pe. intermediate. Caucasus. 1822. --- H.%. 5 tenuifolia. 1. T. slender-leaved. Siberia. 1765. 5.6. H.. 6 officinalis. L. T. officinal. Europe. 1548. 5.6, H.%. ‘y a Sabini. u. 7. Sabine’ s. Se eat eee SEE, it | B rosea. L. T. rose-coloured. pn EBT lear tpi let Rs) oes gh | y blanda. L. T blush-flowered. eens eee em ED OP )} 2 rubra. L. T double-red. ———— eess —— H.. | € carnescens. L.T. flesh-coloured. wid i Soh Ee SA RI tg 4 Z albicans. L. v. double-blush. Peet We ey.) ee Pee )7 corallina. L. 7. English. England. -°-- -—— H.y. i '98 daurica. L. 1 Daurian. 1790. —— H.2. Dauria. triternata. De. prodr. “ Reh. ac. t. 9.:f.1.2. 3. to UTE. 2. t. 15. f. 4. —— .13. f. 2. Ser, m. t. 15. f. 45. 46. Tribus V. PAZAONIACEA. DC, prodr.1. 64, Linn, amen. ac.8. t. 4. Bot. mag. 1630. — 2069. Dill. elth. 79. t.67.f,78. Eng. bot. 918. Corn. canad, t. 77. Bot. mag. 1736. Bot. rep. 463. ee 448. — 373. Bot. rep. 64, Bot. reg. 42. Bot. mag. 1756. ‘Bot. reg. 630. Bot. mag. 1768. Bot. reg. 485. Bot. mag. 1754. Bot. mag. 926. Bot. mag. 1784. Lob. ic. 684. Park. par. f. 4. Eng. bot. 1513. Bot. mag. 1441. 10 RANUNCULACE. 9 lobata. ve. lobed-leaved. Portugal. 1821. —~— H.y¥. Swt. br. fl. gar. 70. 10 Russi. pc; crimson. Sicily. osee —— H.2.. 11 pubens, 8.™. pubescent. +++ «= -+« 1821. —— H.¥%. Bot. mag. 2264. 12 humilis. L. T. dwarf. Spain. 1633. 5. H.%. ——-—— 1422. 13 decora. L. T. comely. Turkey coos ———=— HP. 1 a Pallasii. u. T. Pallas’s. = tee ese oooe —— Hi}. B elatior. L.T. tall. sreccee coos ——— HL. 14 arietina. L. T. rams-horned. seseeecs seve me H,2, 15 cretica. B.R. Cretan. Crete. ose —— H.. Bot. reg. 819. 16 peregrina. u.T. Turkish. Levant. 1588. 5.6. H.i. a byzantina. L.T. Levant. —-——— , «+--+ —— H.x%. Bot. mag. 1050. B compacta. L.T. compact. France? sooo —— HH. . Y Grevillii. u.T. Greville’s. ceeeseee core ——— He. 17 paradoxa. L.T. paradoxical. Levant. cove —— HH, ‘a simpliciflora. L.T. single-flowered. —-——- -+*+« —— H.7. B fimbriata. L.T. double-flowered. ———— «+++ —— H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 19. 18 mollis, 1.7. soft-leaved. Siberia? coos ——— H.W. Bot. reg. 474. 19 ‘villosa. villous. sesevrece 1822, -—— H.2. 3 ORDO IL. DILLENIACEE. DC. syst. nat. 1. p. 395. Tribus I.. DELIMACEZ. DC. TETRACERA. DC. Terracera. Polygamia Diecia. 1 volubilis. pc. -climbing. Barbadoes, «+»+ «--+ S.h.w. Pluk. alm.48.t.146.f.1. 2 alnifolia. pc. Alder-leaved. Sierraleone.1822, +--+. S.h.V. 3 potatoria. Afz. water-bearing, ——-—— -—— «e+ S.hic. DOLIOCARPUS. DC. Dotiocarrus. Polyandria Monogynia. Re 1 Calinea. pvc. climbing. Guiana. 1822, ---- S.h.J. Aub. Guian. 1, t. 221. Tetracera calinea. Ww. Calinea scandens. Aub. ; DELIMA. DC. DELIMA. sarmentosa. DC. sarmentose. Tetracera sarmentosa. Ww. CURATELLA. pec. CURATELLA. americana. DC. American. Polyandria Monogynia. Ceylon. 1822. «+--+ S.h. . Lam. ill. t. 475. . Polyandria Digynia, oes Aub. guian. 1, t. 232. Guiana. eeue S.h. Tribus IT. DILLENE. DC, | ey PLEURANDRA. DC. PLevuRANDRA. Polyandria Monogynia. | 1 bracteata. pe. elegant, N.S. W. 1822. -+-- Gh. 4 2 nitida. pc. shining. N.S.W. —— +++- Gh. 3 acicularis. pc. \needle-leaved. ~——-—— -—— .-... Gh. ~ ae HIBBERTIA. DC. HIBBERTIA. Polyandria Mono-Pentagynia. ; 1 grossularizfolia. pc. Gooseberry-ld. N. Holl. 1803. 3.8. G.h.J. Bot. ate 1218. crenata. A.R. 2 volubilis. pc. twining. N.S. W. 1796. 5.10. G.h.. Bot. rep. t. 126. 3 dentata. pc. tooth-leaved. N. Holl. © 1814. 1.8. G.h.c. Bot. reg. 282. | 4 virgata. DC. twiggy. N.S. W. 1822. «+++» Gh. : 5 linearis. Dc. linear-leaved, = —-———-" —— «e-- Gh. : 6 pedunculata. pc. long-pedicled. ——-—— —— -: Gk. ; WORMIA. DC. Wormia. Polyandria Poutagyulas, sa dentata. pc. tooth-leaved. Ceylon. 1821. *---- S.h. Thunb. linn. tr. 1.t. 20. Dillenia dentata. w. GOLBERTIA. DC. CoLBERTIA. coromandeliana. pc. Coromandel. Dillenia pentagynia. w. DILLENIA. DC. DILLENIA. speciosa. DC. large-flowered. E. Ind. E. Ind, Polyandria Pentagynia. - 1803. +--+. S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 20. . Polyandria Monogynia. L. : 1800, ee! Ss. h ° ’ Exot. bot. t. 2. 3. WINTEREZ. ith ORDO III. — WINTEREZ. Brown. _ ILLICIUM. DC. ANISEED-TREE. Polyandria Polygynia. L. 1 floridanum. pc. __red-flowered. Florida. 1766. 4.6. Bot. mag. 439. 2 anisatum. Dc. Chinese, China. soso —— Fi. Lam. ill. t.493. f. 2. 3 parviflorum. Dc. — small-flowered. Florida. 1790. —— F.h. Vent. cels. t. 22. | ORDO IV. MAGNOLIACEE. DC. syst. nat. v. 1. p. 439. MICHELIA, DC. MicHeELia. Polyandria Polygynia. L. Champaca. pc. sweet-scented. E. Ind. 1779. +++» S.h. | Lam. ill. t. 493. MAGNOLIA. DC. Maenonta. Polyandria Polygynia, L. “1 grandiflora. pc. Laurel-leaved. Carolina. 1734. 6.10. H.k. a rotundifolia, round-leaved. ———— _ ---- ——H.h. 6B obovata. u.K. obovate-leaved. ————- overs —— HR. y elliptica. u.K. _ elliptic-leaved. —-— --> —— Hh. Mill. ic. v. 2. t. 172. 3 ferruginea. B. M. ferruginous. ———— +++» ——H.h. Tr. Eh. p.8. t.33-35. e lanceolata. u.«K. Exmouth. ——-—— +++» —— H.h. Bot. mag. 1952. 2 glauca. ne. glaucous-leav’d. N. Amer. 1688. 6.9. H.h. Mich. arb. t. 2. - 3 longifolia. narrow-leaved. ——-——- -+-+ +-—- H.h, : glauca B longifolia. Ph. 4 Thompsoniana. hybrid. Hybrid. 1818. —— H.h. ;, 5 tripetala. w. Umbrella. N. Amer, 1752. 5.6. H.h. Mich. arb. t. 5. ““) 6 acuminata, ne. bluish-flower’d. ——-——. 1736. 5.7. Bot. mag. 2427. 7 auriculata. pc. ear-leaved. ——- 1786. 4.5. H.h. — 1206. 8 pyramidata. pc. _— small ear-1’4. ——— 1811. — H.h. Bot.reg. 407. », .9 macrophylla. ve. large-leaved. ——— 1800. 6.7. H.h. Bot. mag. 2189, 10 cordata. nc. heart-leaved. —-—— 1801. ——.H.h. Bot. reg. 325. 11 conspicua. p.yu. Youlan. China. 1789. 2.5. H,hk. Bot. mag. 1621. Yulan. pe. ae 12 Kobus. ne. slender. ——-—— 1804. 3.4. H.h. Par. lond. 87. tomentosa, Ww. gracilis, P.L. 4) 13 obovata. Dc. obovate-leaved. ——-—— 1790. 4.6. H.k. Bot. mag. 390. “purpurea. B.M. discolor. vt. 14 fuseata. pe. brown-stalked. -——-—— 1789. —— H.h. —-—— 1008. 15 annonefolia. p.u. small-flowered. -——-——- 1804. —— G.h. Par. lond. 5. 16 pumila. pc. dwarf. 1786. 1.12.G.h. Bot. mag. 977. ARIODENDRON.W.TuLIP-TREE. Poly sane Polygynia. L. tulipifera. w. common. N.Amer. 1663. 6.7. H.h. Bot. mag. 275. a acutiloba. M. acute-lobed. ——_- --— -— Hh. ; B obtusiloba. M. blunt-lobed. —————- eee a Hh. “ORDO Vv. ANONACEX. DC. syst. nat. 1. p. 463. NONA. DC. ‘CUSTARD-APFLE. Polyandria P olyeynin: L. 1 muricata. be. Soursop. W. Ind. 1656. ++-- S.h. Jacq. obs. 1. t. 5. 2 palustris. pe. shining-leaved. ——-——- _ 1731. «--+ S.h. Sloan. hist. 2. t.228.f,1, i093 longifolia. ve. long-leaved. Guiana. 1820. ---- S.h. Aub, gui. 1. t.218, . §4 punctata. pe. spotted. fruited, Cayenne. 1822. +--+ S.h. — J. t, 247, 5 paludosa. pe. marsh. Guiana. 1803. +--+: S.h. —-— lI, t. 246. 9, 66 squamosa. De. Sweetsop. S. Amer. 1731, «+++ S.. Jac. obs. 1. t.6. f. 1, - 7 cinerea. pc. cinereous. St. Thomas. 1823. -+-: S.h,. 8 Cherimolia. pc. | Cherimolli. S. Amer. 1739. 7.8. S.h. Bot. mag. 2011. tripetala. w. ai Cie 2 9 reticulata. pc. 10 mucosa. Dc. 11 glabra. pe. netted, ; narrow-leaved. Guiana. smooth-frnited. Carolina. ANONACE. 12 asiatica. Dc. Ceylon. Ceylon. . 13 senegalensis, pc. Senegal. Senegal. MONODORA. DC. Monopora. myristica. Dc. Nutmeg. Jamaica. ASIMINA. DC. ASIMINA. 1 parviflora. pc. small-flowered.N. Amer. 1806. 2 triloba. Dc. trifid-fruited. .——-———___ 1736. Annona triloba. w. Porcelia triloba. ph. 3 pygmea. DC. dwarf. —— 1812. Orchidocarpum pygmeum. M. 4 grandiflora, pc. _large-flowered. Florida. 1820. Porcelia grandiflora. P.S. UVARIA. DC. UvariA. Polyandria Polya. L. 1 zeylanica. pe. Ceylon. E. In 1794. 2 Gertneri. pc. Geertner’s mate 3 lutea. pe. yellow- frnited, ——-—— 1822, 4 tomentosa, DC. UNONA, DC. /1 Narum. pe. 2 fuscata. pe. 3 acuminata, DC. 4‘odorata. pc. 5 longifolia. pe. 6 aromatica. DC. 7 ethiopica. pe. 8 oxypetala. DC. ARTABOTRYS. Br. odoratissimus. B. R. Anona hexapetala. w. Uvaria odoratissina. H.B. XYLOPIA. DC. 1 muricata. Dc. 2 frutescens. Dc. 3 glabra. pc. ON el aenane DC. 1 cerasoides. DC. suberosa. DC. rufa. DC. - virgata. DC. ifn lanceolata. w. laurifolia. pc. wm O38 bo = or woolly. Rheede’s. Cherry-fruited. E. Ind. cork-barked. rufous, Lance-wood. India. Jamaica. Laurel-leaved. Uvaria laurifolia. sw. COCCULUS. DC. rotundifolius. Dc. cordifolius. pc. suberosus. DC. Plukenetii. pc incanus. C.L. T. tomentosus. C.L.T. crispus. C.L.T. palmatus. Dc. orbiculatus. Dc. laurifolius. Dc. 00 NO Ot 09 DD 10 ORDO VI. MENISPERMACER. DC. prodr. 1. p. 95. Tribus II. MENISPERME. DC. CoccuLus. round-leaved. heart-leaved. cork-barked, Plukenet’s. hoary, woolly-leaved. curled. palmated, orbicular-leav’d Laurel-leaved. E. Ind. eee ee ee @@ere 09.9 1690. W774. 1922, -Polyandria Polygynia. -Unona. Polyandria Polyeynta. L. E. Ind. 1820. ere 1793. 1820. Diccia Hexandria. 1820. 1822. 1790. ee 1820. oe 1822. 1790. 1820, COSCINIUM. C.L.T. Coscinium. Diccia Hexandria. fenestratum. C.L.T. Knotted. Ceylon. 1820. Polyandria Monenynigs) ° DnPnMnntn wWiewcn G. he SP cece eea0a sets Polyandria Polygynia. L. eoeawe 4. 8. cen St et FS STs % ( SAIHATSISSSS TIS ° C= ss brown-flower’d. Guiana. 1820. taper-pointed. —-—— —— sweet-scented. Java. 1804 long-leaved. £E. Ind. 1820. aromatic. Guiana. —— Ethiopian. SierraLeone.1822. sour-petaled. —_—-—_- —-—— RTABOTRYS. Polyandria Polygynia. L. sweet-scented. China. 1758. XyYLopia. Polyandria Polygynia. L. rough-fruited. W. Ind. 1793. shrubby. Guiana. 1823. smooth-fruited. W. Ind. vere GUATTERIA. e S. S. Ss. hi Ss. s Ss 6 = soe was! S . Rheed. mal. 2. t. 9. . Cates. car. 2. t. 86. Rumph. amb.1. t.45. Cates. car. 2. t.64. Deles. ic. sel. 1. t. 86. — Geert. fr. 2. t.125. f1, . Dun. mon. t. 9. ua Duh. arb.ed:2. ved. 25. 3 Dun. mon. t. 10. Dun. mon. t. 11.- Lam. ill. t. 495. ee Roxb. cor. ‘a t. 36. ———-_ 1. t. 35. Lam, ill. t. 495. f. 1. Sonn. voy. 4, t.131. Aub. gui. 2. t. 243. Math. com.1. p.434. ic. - Bot. reg. 423. Brown.jam.250.t.5:f.2, Aub. gui. 1, t.292, Dun. mon. t. 19. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 33. —— — 1. t. 34. Bot. reg. 836. Dun. mon. t. 31. 5 ae Re t. 32. ~. Rheed. mal. 7. t.21 . Gert. fr. 1.1.70. f. 72 hy | | ‘TILIACORA. C.L.T. Tinracora. ' racemosa. C.L.T. racemed, Dicecia Hexandria. E. Ind. MENISPERMACER. e@eee She... -WENDLANDIA. W. WeEnDLANDIA. Heptandria Polygynia. Ww. | Poplar-leaved. Carolina. Uae nite C Carolinum. L. Cocculus Carolinus. De. CISSAMPELOS. 1 2 microcarpa. Dc. 3 4-Mauritiana. pe, 5 populifolia. w Pareira. pc. hirsuta. Dc. Caapeba. DC. 6? capensis. pc. p MENISPERMUM.DC. Moon-sErEb. 1 canadense. pe. dauricum. pc. 3 smilacinum. DC. 2 4 Lyoni. ph. ABUTA. DC. rufescens. DC. Tribus III. SCHIZANDREA. DC. prodr. 1. p. 104. SCHIZANDRA. DC. Scuizanpra. coccinea. DC. DC. CIssAMPELOS. velvet-leaf. small-fruited. hairy. hispid-branch’d Mauritius. nerved-leaved, S. Amer. Cape. Canadian. Daurian. 1759. 6.7. H.h.V. Wend. h. herr. 3. t. 16. Dicecia Monadelphia. L. 7.8. S.h.W. Lam. ill. t. 830. wae Sey eese0 Ss. Bw 7.8. S. ne - G.h.wu. 6.7. H.ohww. : HER x S. Amer. 1733. W. Ind. 1823. Nepaul. 1820. 1733. CBs: 1775. Dicecia Dodecandria. L. N. Amer. 1691. Dahuria. 1823, 1776. Smilax-leaved. Carolina. Cissampelos smilacina, Ww. Lyon’s. ABuUTA. Menispermi sp. w. brown-leaved. N. Amer. Guiana. 1822. »6a7o Bets. 1822. coos GIR.V. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 629. --+ S.h.J. Aub. gui. 1. t. 250. Monecia Pentandria. scarlet-flower’d. Carolina. ORDO VII. BERBERIDEA. DC. syst. nat. v. 2. 1. ) 3ERBERIS. W. _—-Barserry. “ 9] 1 vulgaris. pe. common. | a rubra, red-fruited. B lutea. ve. yellow-fruited, y violacea. DC. violet-fruited. 3 purpurea. DC. purple-fruited. £ nigra. DC. black-fruited. Z alba. pe. white-fruited. J asperma. DC. stoneless. 2 iberica. Iberian. | tulgaris. Biberica. DC. | 3 emarginata. DC. emarginate. 4 canadensis. bc. Canadian. 5 sinensis. Dc. China. 6 aristata. DC. awned. Chitria. B. reg. 7 cretica. Dc. Cretan. ilicifolia. Dc. 9 asiatica. DC. tal 10 Wallichiana. bc. f ip heterophylla. pc. \2 sibirica, be. {3 pinnata. B. reg. A mn (4 aquifolium. ph. Holly-leaved. Asiatic. Wallich’s. various-leaved. Siberian. pinnate-leaved, Mahonia fascicularis, DC. Lewis’s. Mahonia aquifolia. Dc. @ ANDINA. DC. _ domestica. De. EONTICE. DC. ‘)1 Chrysogonum. pc, Oak-leaved. NANDINA. garden. LEONTICE. 1806. 6.7. G.h.. Bot. mag. 1413. Hexandria Monogynia. L. England. reece Iberia. 1790. Siberia. 1820. Canada. 1759. China. 1800. Nepaul, 1820. Crete. 1759. Terra del} 1791. Fuego. Nepaul. 1820. Magellan. ---- Siberia. 1790. America. 1820. N. Amer. 1822. 4.5. Huh. ba S = [ee] « ¢ ene SF Ass TS THIS SS BP aes: Oo Hexandria Monogynia. China. 1804. 6.7. G.h. Hexandria Monogynia. L. Levant. 1740. 8. 60H, 21 : ewe ree G.hew. 18 Plum. ic. 67. f. 2. Bot. mag. 1910. Deles. ic. sel. 1. t. 100. Eng. bot. 49. Wats. dend. brit. t. 26. Bot. reg. 729. Flor. grec. t. 342. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 1. Hook. exot. fl. t. 14. Bot. reg. 487. -——_ ——-. 702, Pursh. Amer. 1. t, 4. Bot. mag, 1109. Moris. hist. 2. t.15. £.7. ja BERBERIDEE. 2 Leontopetalon. pc. Lion’s-leaf, . ——-—— 1597. 4.5. H.y. Lam. illt, 254. £1. © 3 rans Dec. Bladder-capsd. Siberia. 1822, —— H.%. Pala. p.1779.2. t.9 f.4. 4 altaica. pc. Altay. -—- -— ——H.y. ———p.257.t.8.f.1.2.3 6 thalictroides. pc. Columbine-la. N. Amer. 1755. 5. H.¥. Mich. amer, 1.t. 21. Caulophyllum thalictroides. M. Asts : EPIMEDIUM. DC. Barrenwort. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. alpinum. pc. Alpine... England. sess 4.5. H.y. Eng. bot. 438. | DIPHYLLEIA. DC. DipHyiierA. Hexandria Monogynia. L. ae 2 cymosa. DC. blue-berried. N.Amer. 1812. 5.6. H.}. Bot. mag. 1666. © é PODOPHYLLE. DC. syst. nat. 2. p. 31. Tribus I. PODOPHYLLEZ. PODOPHYLLUM.DC.Duck’s-root. Polyandria Monogynia. L. peltatum. pc. May-Apple. N. Amer. 1664. 5. H.%. Bot. mag. 1819. JEFFERSONIA. DC. Jerrersonia. Octandria Monogynia. diphylla. pc. two-leaved. N. Amer. 1792. 5. H.%. Bot. mag. 1513. Podophyllum diphyllum. w. a Tribus II, HYDROPELTIDE. : CABOMBA. DC. CABomBA. Hexandria Digynia. W. ’ aquatica. pc. water. Carolina. 1823. -+-- S.w.%. Aubl. gui. 1. t. 124, Nectris peltata. Ph. HYDROPELTIS. DC. Hypropettis. Polyandria Polygynia. purpurea. Dc. “ purple. N. Amer. 1798. 7.8. F.w.¥. Bot. mag. 1147. Brasenia peltata, ph. ORDO IX. NYMPHAACER. DC. syst. nat. 2. p. 34. Tribus I. NELUMBONEZ. NELUMBIUM. DC. Sacren-Bean. Polyandria Polygynia. L 1 speciosum. pc, __ Indian. India, 1787. 6.8. S.w.%. Bot. mag. 90 yt Nelumbo. sm. Exot. bets t. 81. 32. Hs Ne A amara. Rheede’s. —— —— weer ——— Sw. 2. Rheed LS 3 caspicum. F. Fischer's, Wolga. 1821, seas Sa Behera tos +- soos —— HO. ** album. DC. white-seeded. England... seoe ——— H.©. 8 flore-pleno. double-white. ee cages @ fone y variegatum. variegated. ——- «eos —— HO. 17 caucasicum. DC. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1813. 6.7. H.©. 18 armeniacum. pc Armenian. Armenia. 1815. —— H.©. Argemone armeniacd. W. ARGEMONE, DC, ARGEMONE. 1 mexicana. Dc. Mexican. Polyandria Monogynia. Mexico. _ 2 albiflora. B.™m. white-flowered. Louisiana. 1820. —— H.©. MECONOPSIS. DC. Meconopsis. Polyandria peCUOEY ts cambrica. DC. Welsh. Wales. . eees 5.8, H.2. Papaver cambricum. w. SANGUINARIA. DC. Puccoon. Polyandria Monerpaias /iy, Yee canadensis. DC. Bloodwort. N. Amer. 1680. 3.4. H,2. BOCCONIA. DC. Boccon1a. Dodecandria Monogynia. 1 frutescens. Dc. TreeCelandine. W. Indies. 1739. 1.4. S.h. 2 integrifolia. pc. entire-leaved. Peru. 1822. +--+: S.h. 3 cordata. Dc. heart-leaved. China. 1795. 5.8. H.%. RGMERIA. DC. RameriA. Polyandria Monogr: . 1 hybrida. ve. violet-flower’d. England. os 5.7. H.©. Glaucium violaceum. H.K. 2 refracta. bc. pendulous-frd. Tauria. 1823, — H.©. GLAUCIUM. DC.: Horn-porpry. Polyandria Monogynia. 1 flavum. pe. yellow. Britain. ese» 6.10. Hg. luteum. H.K. Chelidonium glaucitum. L. 2 fulvum. pc. orange. S. Europe. 1802. 8.9. H.2. 3 corniculatum. pc. various-colour’d Europe. soee 6.7, HO. a pheniceum. pc. red-flowered. England. sore —— HO. B flavifiorum.-pc. yellow-flowered. Tauria. 1823. —— H.©. CHELIDONIUM. DC.CeELanpineE. Polyandria Monoeyrs a. L. 1 majus. pc. common. Britain. . 4.10. H.%. 2 grandiflorum. pc. large-flowered. Dahuria. 1823. — H.». 3 laciniatum. Dc. jagged. S. Europe. ---- —— H.%, HYPECOUM. DC. MHypecoum. Tetrandria Digynia. L. 1 procumbens. pc. procumbent. §. Europe. 1596: 6.7. H.©. 2 pendulum. pc. pendulous. S. France. 1640. —— H.©. 3 erectum. DC. erect, Siberia. 1759. 5.6. Hg. ORDO XI. FUMARIACE. DC. syst. nat. 2. p. 105. 2 DICLYTRA. DC, DictytRA. Diadelphia Hexandria. L. 1 cucullaria. pe. naked-stalked. N. Amer. 1731. 6.7. H.2J. Fumaria cucullaria. B. M 2 bracteosa. pc. leafy-bracted. —-—— 1823. —— H.2. 3 formosa. Dc. blush. —— 1796. — H.2. A eximia. Dc. choice. — — 1812, ——_H.2. Fumaria eximia. B.R. 5 canadensis. pe. Canadian. Canada. 1823. —— H.2. 6 lachenalizflora. pc. Lachenalia-fld. Siberia. 1824. «+e. H.. ADLUMIA. DC. ApLuMIA. Diadelphia Hexandria. L. cirrhosa. Dc. tendrilled. N. Amer. 1778. 6.9. H. 2. - Fumaria fungosa. w. CYSTICAPNOS. DC. Cysricapnos. Diadelphia Hexandria. L. africana. DC. African, C.B.S. 1696. 6.8. H.O. Fumaria vesicaria.--w. 1592. 7.8. H.O. Bot. mag, 57. Lind. coll. t. 23. - Deles. ic. sel. 2, t. re Lob. ic. t. 274. f. 1. Swert. flor. 2. t. 22. f.1 Wein. phyt.t. 795. fic Eng. bot. 2145. Swert. flor. 2. t,22. f.2 Bot mag. 1675. Bot. mag. 243. _ Bot. mag. 2342, | Eng. bot. 66. - Bot. mag, 162. Lodd. bot. cab. t. 83. H. et B. nov. pl. 1. t.35 Eng. bot. 201 4 Deles. ic, sel. 2. t. 8. Eng. bot. t..8. Swt, br. fl. gar. 35. Eng. bot. 1433. Eng. bot. 1581. Mill. ic. 1 t. 92, f. 2. Flor. grec. 2. t. 155) Mill, ic. t. 250. f. 1, Amm. ruth, 58, t. 9. ee an & ‘s fe | | Bot. mag. 1127. | Bot. mag. 1335. é Bot. reg. 51. Rudol. Vent. choix. t. 19. _ | 14 45 | 16 | CORYDALIS. DC 1 pauciflora, pc. 2 Marschalliana. pe. 3 tuberosa. pc. B albiflora. FUMARIACEZ. Fumaria cava. albiflora, B.M. A fabacea. pc. 5 caucasica. Dc. 6 bulbosa. pc. Fumaria solida. ©. B. angustifolia. pc. bracteata. DC. nobilis. pe. pzoniefolia. pc. 11 glauca. pe. Fumaria sempervirens. w. 12 13 impatiens. bc. aurea. DC. Fumaria aurea. B.R. lutea. P.s. capnoides. P.s. uralensis. Dc. | 17 breviflora. pc. hy | if 18 claviculata.. pc. SARCOCAPNOS. DC. SarcocaPnos. enneaphylla. pc. Fumaria enneaphylla. “FUMARIA. DC. 1 spicata. pe. 2 capreolata. pc. - B? Burchellii. ve. 3 media. pc. capreolata. E.B. ‘A officinalis. pec. 5 parviflora. pc. 6 Vaillantii. pc. 7 densiflora. ne. Suporpo I. Tribus I. MATHIOLA. DC. 1 simplicicaulis. | @ coccinea. 6 alba. incana. DC. a coccinea. — 6 purpurea. y alba. 3 multiplex. annua. DC. & coccinea. B purpurea. | 0 rubra, & rosea. Z carnea, n fuscata. . ORDO XIl. CRUCIFERA. DC. syst. nat. 2. p. 139. DC. PLEURORHIZEZ:. CoRYDALIS. Diadelphia Hexandria. L. few-flowered, Siberia. 1823, +--+» H.. Marschall’s. Tauria. — 4.5. H.%, hollow-rooted. Europe. 1596. 2. 4, H.2. white-flowered, ——-—— -——.—— H.. Bean-leaved. Germany. 1815. -—— H.2. Caucasean. Caucasus, 1823. -—- H.2. solid-rooted. Britain. coee ——— HY, . Corydalis Hallert. w.en. narrow-leaved. Iberia. 1823.. —— H.2. large-bracted. Siberia. —— — H.. great-flowered. -— 1783. 5. H.2. Peony-leaved.. ——-——- 1823. -—— H.2. glaucous. N. Amer, 1683. 7.8. H.%. impatient. . Dahuria. 1823. —— H.©. golden. _N. Amer. 1812.. 5.7. Hid. , yellow. . England. -++- 4.10. H.2. white-flowered. S. Europe. 1596. 5.10. H.¢. Fischer’s. Siberia. 1823.. -++. H.%. short-flowered. Kamtchatka.—— 5.10. H.©. climbing. Britain. — H.©. Diadelphia Hexanane, L. nine-leaved. Spain. AZ14. Der Touekt hy Ww. Fumitrory. Diadelphia Hexandria. L. narrow-leaved. S. Europe. 1714. 7.8. H.©. climbing. Europe. -os- 5,9. HO. Burchell’s. C. B.S. 1812. —— H.©. intermediate. Britain. --. —— HO. common. —_ seve ——— HO. small-flowered. England. «++» 8.9, H.©. Vaillant’s. France, 5.6. H.©. close-flowered.. Montpelier. 1823. — H.©. 17 Bot. mag. 232. a ey 2SAD: Horn. fi. dan. t. 1394. _ Eng. bot. 1471. Bot. reg. 395. Gmel. sib, 4. t. 34, Bot. mag. 179. | Bot. reg. 66, Eng, bot. 588. Pluk, alm, t. 90. f. 2: Eng. bot. 103. Barr. ic. t. 42. Lob. ic. t. 757. f. 2. DC. ic. rar. 1. t. 34. Eng. bot. 943. —-—— 589. baeanhemioa © oe to7 590. Vail. bot. par. t. 10.f.6. ARABIDEZ seu Pleurorhizex Siliquose. DC. Stock. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. Brompton, = -eessres scarlet. white. queen. scarlet. purple. white. double-flowered. ten-week. scarlet. purple. red. rose-coloured. flesh-coloured. brown, England. ew ee ee S. Europe. oo CO. wiz nO or : Ile —_ — es Bae so Et of ot QOOOOOOS HHH HAAG © Besl. eyst. 2, t. 3. f. 3. ————— 2. t.3. f..2. Eng. bot, 1935. Wein. phyt. t.642. f.9. Bes], eyst. 2. t. 3. f. 2. acbhme 2; t. ie f. 1. J. Bauh. hist. 2. f. 1. 8 CRUCIFER . & fulva. tawny. ——_ — — HO. | lilacina, lilac. ——_—- —- _ — HO. x alba. white. ——_- — — HO. Dalech. lug. 802. f. 1. X variegata. variegated. ——— —- — HO. t sak pe flore pleno. double-flowered. ——-—— -—— —— H.O. ; F 4 glabra. ne. Wall-flower-Id, eseeee+s sees —— He. Wein. phyt.t.642.f.2. — . @ alba. white-flowered. +e-se-++ see+ ——— H.h. Moris, ox.s.3.t.8.f.2. - B purpurea. purple. -teeeeces cree ——— HD. m3 Y coccinea. scarlet. cecescee ceoe ——— H.R. 3 flore pleno. double-flowered. se+seree eeve ——— HP. . 5 greca. DC. smooth-leaved. Greece. eons —— HO. | 6 fenestralis. nc. window. Crete._ 1759, 7.8. F.h. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 179. 7 sinuata. Dc. great sea. England. ---- 5,8. Hd. Eng. bot. 462. 8 acaulis. Dc. stalkless. Egypt. 1823. —— H.©. 9 odoratissima. pc. sweet-scented. Tauria. 1797. 6.7. G.h. Bot. mag. 1711. B tanaicensis. vc. fragrant. Tanaim. 1822, —— G.}. 10 varia. Dc. entire-leaved. . Greece. eoee 5.7. GH. FI. grec. t. 636. Il tristis. pc. various-leaved. S. Europe. 1768. —— G.h. Barr. ic. t.803. 12 longipetala. pc. _long- petaled. Bagdad. 1819. —— H.©. Vent. cels. t. 93. 13 tricuspidata. pc. three-forked. Barbary. 1739. 7.10. H.©. Swt. br. fl. gar. 46. 14 parviflora. pc. small-flowered. Morocco. 1799, —— H.©. os @ ; CHEIRANTHUS. DC. WaLt-FLowER.- Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. . 1 Cheiri. pe. garden. S. Europe. 1573. 4.7. Hh. Schkuhr hand.2, t.184. _ a vulgaris. common. —_——- — H.h. Besl. eyst. 2.t.5.f.3. © B flore pleno. double-yellow. —$— s- —- —- H.. —— 2.t.4.f.2.3. x grandifiorus. large-flowered. ——-——- —— -—— HQ. ——— 2,t.5.f. 2. maximus, largest. —$— —_- — Hh. —— 2.t.5.f.1. # serratus. saw-leaved. —_—- —_ — _ H.Fh. . Z patulus. double-spreading. —--——- —— -— H.h. ferrugineus. rusty-flowered. ——-——- —— —— H.h. K varius. various-coloured. ——-——- -——- —— H.h. A sanguineus. bloody. —_—_ — — H.F. pt hemanthus. double-bloody. ———- -—— — Hh. » flavescens. pale-yellow. —-——_ — — Hh. & thyrsoideus. bunch-flowered. —~—~-——- -—— —— H.h. . 2 fruticnlosus. E.B. common. England. +--+» —— H.h. Eng. bots 1934. 3 alpinus, Dc. Alpine. ‘Norway. 1823. —— H.¥%. Wahl. fi. lap. t.12.f.1. — 4 ochroleucus. pc. pale yellow. Switzerland.1820. 6.8. H.%. 5 decumbens. W.en. ‘ : 5 tenuifolius. pce. fine-leaved. Madeira. 1777. 5.6. F.h. 6 mutabilis. pc. changeable. —— — 3.5. F.h. Bot. mag. 195. 7 longifolius. v. long-leaved. ——— 1815. 9.12. F.h. Vent. malm. t. 83. 8 scoparius. Dc. rock. Teneriffe. —— 3.8. F.. a purpurascens. DC. purplish, ——- —- _ ——F.fh. - £ eruginosus. DC. rusty. —-_—- ——_- _ —— Fh. y chameleo. vc. Chameleon. ——_ — — Fh. . Bot. reg. 219. Cheiri, var. Chameleon, B. R. 9 semperflorens. pc. ever-blowing. Barbary. — 1.12. F.h. 10 frutescens. P.s. frutescent. —_—_ —_ 3.7. F- bh. 11 linifolius. pc. flax-leaved. Spain. — 3.8. F.h. NASTURTIUM. DC. Nasturtium. ‘Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. , 1 officinale. pc. Water Cress. Britain. seoe 5.7. Hw. Eng. bot. 855. Sisymbrium Nasturtium. w. A 2 sylvestre. DC. creeping. ———- so rree 6.9. Hw. 2. ——— 2324. 3. palustre. DC. marsh. ———- «++s+ —— Hw... == 1747; Sisymbrium terrestre. E. B. 4 sagittatum. pc. arrow-leaved. Siberia. 1780. 5.6. H.y%. Jacq. ic. 1, t. 122. | 5 lippizense. pc. Carinthian. Carinthia. 1823. —— H.2. —— 3. t. 505. ; 6 pyrenaicum, pvc.. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1775. —— H.y%. All. fl. ped. t. 18. f. 1. 7 amphibium. pc. amphibious. Britain. coe 6.8. H.w,2/, Eng. bot. 1840. ¥ a indivisum. vc. _—brd. wat.-radishh ——-—— +++- —— H.w,.2. Pet. h. brit. t.49. f. 8. B variifolium. DC. jag. wat.-radish, ——-——-_—s+++s ~—— Hw... ——-— t.49.f.10. ope ate es Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. Leselii. pc. Loeselius’ Germany. Sisymbrium Leselii. w. Tur? itis Leselii. H. kK. NOTOCERAS. DC. 1 canariense. pc. 2 hispanicum. pc. NOTOCERAS. Canary. Canaries, Spanish. Spain. 1683. 5.8. H.©. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. 1779. 8.9. H.O. 1822. 3.10, H.©. Jacq. aust, t. 324, Jacq, fil. eclog. tLe Deles. ic. sel, 2. t. 17 = _— ~~ RR. — gag - ——d | CRUCIFER. _ BARBAREA, Dc. WINTER-CREss, | Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L: 1 vulgaris. pe. common, Britain. “gee 5.8. Hed; Erysimum Barbarea. w. 2 preecox. pc. early, England. Fes 0h 4800 HE: 3 iberica. pc. Iberian, Iberia. 1816. 5.8. H.%. Cheiranthus ibericus. W.en. _ 4 plantaginea, pc, Plantain-leav’d. Greece. 1823. —— H.x». -STEVENIA., Dc, STEVENIA. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. 1 alyssoides. pc. Alyssum-like. Siberia. | 1893, 6.8. H.© 2 cheiranthoides. pce. Wall-flow sike)* (3-2 heen ts H.2 BRAYA. DC, Braya. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. DC. . alpina. pc, Alpine. Carinthia, 1821, 4.5, H.». TURRITIS. Dc, Tower-Mustarp. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. 1 glabra. pe. long-podded. England. °.... 5.6. H.©. _. 2 salsuginosa. pe. shorter-podded. Siberia, 1822, —— H.©. ARABIS, hed Watt-Cress. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. 1 verna. be. vernal, S. Eurepe. 1710. 4.5. H.©. Hesperis verna, w. , . 2 alpina. pc. Alpine.. Pyrenees. 1596. 3.5. H.y _ B Clusiana. ve. Clusius’s, — a 3 albida. pc. | early-flowered. Tauria. 1798. 1.5. H.y caucasica B.M. 20146. 4 undulata. Len. wave-leaved, — S, Europe. 1823. 5.8, H.© 5 longifolia. pe. long-leaved, Persia. 1820. —— H.x 6 auriculata, pc. ear-leaved, S. Europe. 1805. 5.6. H.© asperd. All. ped. t. 2. f. 2. : 7 saxatilis. peo, rock, (ants anenensounedliie sche «oe 8 crispata. ne, curled-leaved. Carniola, 1816, 3.4. H.%. 9 sagittata. nc. arrow-leaved. Europe. Swi 'e BT Nate oe (10 hirsuta. pve. airy. _ Britain. cow ——- Ho, 11 stenopetala, W.en. narrow-petal’d, «+--+... 1822, 6.8. H.©. 12 Allionii, nc, Allioni’s, Italy. Meee ote Bee ‘13 muralis. nc. dwarf, Switzerland.1824, 5. 6. H.2., 14 stricta. pe. Bristol. England, ~~ -... —— H.%. 15 ciliata. pc, ciliated. Ireland, i Gehrke: Turritis alpina. 2. B. 16 incana. pe. hoary. Switzerland.1816. 5. 6. H.3. | 17 Thaliana. pe, common. Britain. cree 4.6. HO. 18 serpyllifolia. pc. Thyme-leaved. Pyrenees. 1824. 6.7. H.¢. 19 procurrens. pe. procurrent, Bungary. ..——. 5, 6. H.y%., 20 petraa. pc, short-podded. Europe. wees 6. Te He: _- @ Crantziania. ve. Crantz’s, Germany. tees —— H-2, B hispida. pe. hispid. Wales. — H.yx. y hastulata. ve. hastulate. Britain. soos —— H.2, 21 lyrata. pe, lyre-leaved. N. Amer. 1823. 5.6. H.y%. 12 arenosa. vc. purple. Europe. 1798. 6.7. H.©. 3 Halleri. pc Haller’s. Meare Ts tees otek Ene 4 stolonifera. pc. Stoloniferous. - Carniola. 1824. —— H.». 3 Ovirensis. pc. reddish. Carinthia. —- 65,6. H.%. 6 Turrita. pe. tower. England, vee, Gers, eee 7 pendula. pec, pendulous. Siberia. 1752. 5.6. H.©, 8 lucida. pec. shining-leaved. Hungary. 1790. 6.7, bi ew higs 9 canadensis. ne. sickle-podded. N. Amer. 1768. 5.7. H.. 0 pumila. pc, nodding. Switzerland.1658. 4.7, H.2., nutans. B.M. 2219. - l bellidifolia. vc Daisy-leaved, —-—_ 3773, 5.6. H.. 2 cerulea. pe, blue. Tee Aids Gods Ho: 3 collina. pc.. ill. Naples. 1823. —— H.7. ACROPODIUM.DC. MACROFoDIUM. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. ‘/) nivale. pe. Siberian. Siberia. 1796. 6.9. H.W. | Cardamine nivalis, Pail. ‘RDAMINE. DC. Lapy’s Smock. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. . rotundifolia. pe. round-leaved.- N. Amer. 1823. 5.6. H.w.%. ? asarifolia. pe. Kidney-leaved. Italy, 1710. 6.7. H.w. » bellidifolia. pe. Daisy-leaved. Scotland. sess 4.6, H. 2. | @ petiolaris. vc. long-petioled, Lapland. soos —— H,2/, |B alpina. ve. Alpine. Scotland, ---. —— Hy, J Yesedifolia. pc. —_ Rocket-leaved. Germany. 1658. 7. H.©. () africana. ne. African. C.B.S. 1691. 5.6. Gy. 2 | D 19 Eng. bot. 443, - Deles, ic. sel, 2. t. 20. ——-— 2..21. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 22. Eng. bot. 777. — Flor. gree, t. 641. Bot. mag, 226. Clus. hist. 2. p.125. f. 2. Jacq. f.ecl. 1. t. 71. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 25. Vill. dauph. 3. t. 87. Eng. bot. 587. Eng. bot. 614. Eng. bot. 901. Kit.-hun,2.t.144, Crantz. aust. t.3. f, 2. Flor. dan. t. 356. Eng. bot, 409. Schranck. m. 3. t. 256. Kit. hun. 2. t.120. Scop. carn. ed. 2. t.39. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 125. Eng. bot. 178. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 34. Deles:; ic. sel. 2. t. 28, Jacq. fl. aust. t. 281. ——-——— 3. t: 280. Sturm. deut. fl. ic,: . Bot. mag. 1735, CEd. fl. Dan. t. 20, Eng. bot. 2355. Sturm. fl. germ. ic. Pluk. alm. t,10!. £5. 20 / CRUCIFER. 6 trifolia, pe. three-leaved, Europe. 1629. .3. 6. 7 amara. DC. bitter. Britain, sore 4,5, 8 pratensis. DC, Cuckoo-flower, ——-—— e*++ —— B flore pleno. double-flowered. pe hae se 9 dentata. pc, toothed. Poland. ..° 1823. —— 10 hirsuta. pe. hairy. Britain. cooe 1,12. 11 sylvatica. pe. wood. Europe. rece 5.6. 12 parviflora. pc. small-flowered. ——-—— 1822. 4.5. 13 impatiens. De. impatient. Britain. seer 4.6, 14 latifolia. pe. broad-leaved. Spain. 1710. 6.8. 15 macrophylla. pc. large-leaved. Siberia. 1824. 16 chelidonia. pc. Celandine-l4, _ Italy, 1739. 3.5. 17 thalictroides. pc. Thalictrum-l4. Switzerland.1824. 6.7. PTERONEURUM. DC. Preroneurum. Tetradynamia midis ties 1 carnosum. Dc. fleshy. Dalmatia. 1824. 6.8. 2 grecum. Dc. | Grecian. S. Europe. 1710.) —— Cardamine graci. w. DENTARIA. DC. TootTH-wortT. Tetradynamia Siliquosa 1 polyphylla. pce. many-leaved. Hungary. 1817. 5. 6. ! 2 enneaphylla. pc. nine-leaved. Austria. 1656. —— 3 glandulosa. pe. glandular. Hungary. 1815. —— 4 jaciniata. pce. laciniate. N. Amer. 1823. 4.6. 5 diphylla. ne. two-leaved. ——— 1810. 5:6: G digitata. pc. fingered. Switzerland.1656. —— pentaphylla. B.M. Cardamine pentaphylla. H. kK. ed. 2. 7 pinnata. pe. seven-leaved. — 1683. 8 quinquefolia. Dc. five-leaved. Caucasus, 1823, 4.5, 9 bulbifera. pe. bulbiferous. England. a Cardamine bulbifera. H. K. ed. 2. NEUROLOMA. D€. Nevurotoma. Tetradynamia S iliquosa. arabidiflorum. pc. Arabis-flower’d. Siberia. 1798. 5.6. Arabis grandiflora. L. Tribus II. min? RERERSEEEEEES mp mn BERERE, | sw i2L. Ter Ww... .w. yf wy. ROL ©. ©. ©. Wed... 2 Y. oie JL ip ©. HEE REERRE' pad ALYSSINE seu Pleurorhizee Latisepte. LUNARIA. DC. Honesty. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. 1 rediviva. pc. * perennial. Germany. 1596. 5.6. H.2 2 biennis. pe. biennial. —-—— 1570. ——H.¢ annua. W. a vielacea. violet-flowered. —- — -——-H.¢g 6 albiflora. white-flowered. —-—— ‘—— -~—H.¢ RICOTIA.. DC. Ricotia. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. Lunaria. pc. Syrian. Syria. 1757. 6.7. H.©. egyptiaca, B.R. 49. : FARSETIA. DC. Farsetia. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. 1, egyptiaca. pc.., Stock-like. Levant. 1788. 6.7. G.f. cheiranthoides. H.«K. Cheiranthus Farsetia, w. 2 suffruticosa. pc. _suffrutescent. Persia. 1820. 4.5. G.k. 3 lunarioides. pc. __ oriental. Greece. 1731... 6. 7b te 4 clypeata. pe. buckler-podded S. Europe. 1596. —— H.¢. Alyssum clypeatum. L. BERTEROA. DC. BERTEROA. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. 1 incana. pe. hoary. Europe. 1640. 7.9. H.g. Alyssum incanum. w. 2. mutabilis. ne. changeable. Levant. 1802. 7.8. H.x%. 3 obliqua. pc. oblique-podded. Naples. 1824. —— Hf. AUBRIETIA. DC, AvsBrietTia. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. 1 deltoidea. nc. spreading. Levant. 1710. 3.5. H.2%. Farsetia deltoidea, 4. K. Alyssum deltoideum. 1. 2 purpurea. pc. tufted. —-—— 1821. —— H.» VESICARIA, VeEsicaaia. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. 1 utriculata. pc. “~~ smooth. Levant. 1739. 4.6. H.. Alyssum utriculatum. B. Mm. 2 reticulata. pe. veined-podded, ——-—— «+-. 6. Huy, Bot. mag. 452. Eng. bot. ek a : 76. Clus. hist. 2. p. 129. oh Eng. bot. 492. Flor. dan. t. 735. Gmel. fl. sib. 3. t. 64.) Eng. bot. 80. > Herm. pat. p.203. t.69. Kit.hung.2.t.140. All.ped.n.951.t.57.£.1. W.etKit.hung.2.t.129., Flor, grec. t. 631. Kit.hung.2.t.160. Jacq, fl. aust. t.316. | Kit.hung.3.t.272, Bot. mag. 1465. | | ——-—— 2202, . Boiss. fl. eur. t. 449. q Eng. bot. 309. Lin, am. ac.2. tL. f.20. ‘DC. Hill veg. syst. t.38.f.1. ————- t. 38. £2. Lam, ill. t. 561. Desf, atl. 2. t. 160. Vent. cels, t. 19... + Tourn.ic.ed.ger.L, tia Schkuhr. han, 2. t. 181 Horn. fl, dan. 401g Vent. rer t. 85. 1 Flor. gree, t.623. Bot, mag. 126. Flor. grace. t. 643. Bot. mag. 130. Tour. voy. 2, p.25 ' : CRUCIFERZE. 21 8 sinuata. pc. sinuate-leaved. Spain. 1596. 4.6. H.g. Schkuhr, han.2:t.181. 4 cretica. pe. Cretan. Crete. 1739. 5. “ H.y. Alp.ex.p.117et118. ic. | Alyssum creticum. w. | ) CHIVERECKIA.DC.ScHIVERECKIA. Tetradynamia Surkatota: L. _ podolica. pe. canescent. Podolia. 182i. 5.7. H.Y. Swt. br. fl. gar. t..77. LLYSSUM. DC. Mapwort. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L.. 1 saxatile. pe. rock, © Russia. 1710. 4.5. Heh. Bot. mag. 159. » | 2 gemonense. pc. _canescent. Germany. —— -—- H.h. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 503. 8 orientale. pc. oriental. Crete. coos -—— Hi. Flor. gree. t. 625. {| 4 spathulatum. pc. spathulate. Siberia. 1821. 4.6. H.h. Deles..ic. sel. 2. t.37. 5 argenteum, DC. silvery. Switzerland. —— 5.6. H.h. All. ped. t.54. f.3. | | 6 murale. pc. wall. Europe, 1801. 6.8. H.h. W.etKit. hung.1.t.6. |.) 7 obtusifolium. pc. blunt-leaved. Siberia. 1812... —— H.h. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 38. 8 serpyllifolium. pc. Thyme-leaved. S. Europe. 1823. 5.7. H.h. . : 1 > 9 tortuosum. Dc. twisted. lL kiee 1804. 6.7. H.h. Kit. hung.1. t.91. 10 vernale. pc. vermal,. ee eee eee 1823. 4.5. H.y. 11. alpestre. ve. Italian. Ttaly: 1777. 6.10. H.h. Flor. gree. t.624. 12 montanum. pc. mountain. Germany. 1713. 5.8. H.2L. Bot. mag. 419. i 913 Wulfenianum. pc. Wulfen’s. Carinthia. 1821. —— H.7. . |14 rostratum. pc. beaked. Tauria, 1824. 6.9. H.©. ii 915 micropetalum. nc.’ small-petaled. Iberia. — 5.8. H.©. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 39, 16 hirsutum. pe. hairy. —_—— hl hC- HOO. —— 2.1.40. 17 campestre. pc. field. Europe. 1768. 6.8. H.©. Flor. grec. t. 626, 18 calycinum. Dc. persistent-cal’4. ——-—— 1740. —— H.©@. Jacq aust. t. 338. 19 minimum. pc. smal}. —-—— 1791. — H.©. Tratt. thes. bot. t.35. , 920 edentulum. pc. toothless. Hungary. 1821. 5.6.H.g. W.etKit.hung.t, t.92. __ Adysetum edentulum. L.en. 21 maritimum. Dc. = sweet. England. -+-- 5.10. H.f. Eng. bot. 1729, Adysetum maritinum. L.en. 22 rupestre. DC. silvery rock. | Italy. 1824, —— H.b. Tenor fl. nap. t. 60. 923 halimifolium. pc. Halimus-leavdy —--——- — -—— H,.f. All. ped. t.54. f.1. 24 spinosum. pc. thorny. : _S. Europe. 1683, 6.8. F.h,. Bar. ic. t. 808. TENIOCUS, DC. Meniocus. Tetradynamia Silicnlosa. L. linifolius. pc. Flax-leaved. Levant. 1822, Deles. ic. sel. 2. t, 42, Alyssum linifolium. w. LYPEOLA. DC. TREACLE-MUSTARD. TetradynamiaSiliculosa. L, 5.6. H.O. 1 Jonthlaspi. pe. common. S. Europe. 1710. 5.7. H.@. Desv. j. bot.3. t.25-£.7. 2 eriophora. be. woolly-podded. Spain. - 1820. -— H.©. —— 3..25.f.10. -ELTARIA. DC. PELTARIA. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. alliacea. pc. garlic-scented. Austria. 1601. 5.7. H.y%. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 123, ETROCALLIS. DC. Petrocattuis. Tetradynamia Siliculosa, L. 3 fl pyrenaica. Dc. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1759. 5.6. H.2. Lodd. bot. cab. 635. 4 Draba pyrenaica. B.M. 713. fn . /RABA, DC. WHITLOW-GRASsS. Tetradynamia anita L. 1 aizoides. pe. sen-green,. Wales. tee . H.w. Eng. bot. 1271, '2 brachystemon. pc. short-stamened. -++-+-+++ 1731. —— H.y%. Bot. mag. 170, aizoides. B.M. ciliaris. H. K. 3 aizoon. pc. hairy-podded. Hungary. 1821. —— H.2. 4 cuspidata. pc. sharp-pointed, Tauria. —— 4.5. H.2. 5 bryoides. pe. Bryum-like, Caucasus. —— 3.4, H.%. ), 16 ericefolia, pe. Heath-leaved. —— 1823. °5.6. H.2%. 7 alpina. pc. Alpine. Norway. — 4.5. H.%. Flor. dan. t. 56. 8 incompta. Dc. straggling. Caucasus. — 6. H.2%. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 44. \( © 9 oblongata. pe. oblong-leaved. Baffins-bay, 1820. 5.6. H.2. ,| 10 corymbosa. pc. — corymbose. — — — Hy. \1 hirta. pe. hairy. Lapland. sees 5.7. HY. «Wahl. f. lap. t. 11. £3. \2 rupestris. pc. rock. Scotland. +++. — ~~ H.y. Eng. or: 1338. (i ferta. &.B. non Linn, © 13 helvetica. pe. Swiss. Switzerland.1824. —— H.2,. ; 014 fladnizensis.'pc. _fringe-leaved. — -——~ 6.8. H.%. Jacq. mise. 1, t.17.f.1. , 15 tomentosa. pc. woolly-leaved. ——-——- -—— 5.7. H.%. Wahi. helv. p. 123. t.3. 16 stellata. pe. ates: —° 1820, ——'H.. -Jacq. obs, t. 4. f,'3; hirta. Jacq. aust. t. 432. \7 contorta. Dc. twisted-podded. Britain. cees 5.6. H. GS. Eng. bot. t. 388, me | -incand. EB. B. / \8 confusa. Dc. confused. N. Europe. +--+ —— Hg. Flor. dan. t.130. | incana, F.D. 19 nemoralis. DC. wood, Europe, &c. 1759. —— H.©. Houtt. syst.4.t. 60.f.1. (20 muralis. Dc.’ wall. England. bese » H.©. Eng. bot. 912. 22 | CRUCIFERZ. EROPHILA. DC. Eropnuita. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. 1 americana. pc. American. N. Amer, 1823, 3.4. H. Oe. Kd 2 vulgaris. pc. common. Britain. veoe —— H.©. Flor. dan. t. 983. Drabaverna. Eng. bot. 586. x ! COCHLEARIA. DC. Scurvy-crass. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L Jacq. aust. 2. t. 128. 1 saxatilis. pc. rock, .Europe. 1775. H.2. Myagrum saxatile. L , : Ta ig B incisa. DC. cut-leaved. ——- )S— SO HY. SC Moor-0x.2.n.11.8.3.t.1 2 auriculata. pe. eared. Pyrenees. 1824. 5.6. H.%. Berg. phyt.3. p.140. | 3 Armoracia. pc. = Horse-radish. England. ++. 5. H.%. Eng. bot. 2223, ' Armoracia rusticand. Baumg. . ; ¥ es Ptah 4 macrocarpa. pc. __ilarge-frnited. Hungary. 1806. 6.8. H.%. W-.etKit. hun. 2. t.1§ 5 glastifolia. pe. Woad-leaved. S.Europe. 1648, 5.7. H.g. Lob.ic. t.321. f. 2. 6 anglica. nc. English. England. ecre 5. H.©. Eng. bot.552. =. 7 officinalis. pc. common. Britain. soos 4.5. H.©. —— 55), B minor. DC. lesser. ———-——veee H.©. y rotundifolia. pc. round-leaved. —— eeele —— HO. aj greenlandica. With. brit. 573. non. Lin. . lage ak 8 pyrenaica. DC. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. -++- 6.8. H.¢. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 48 9 greenlandica, pc. Greenland. Scotland, +-«. 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 2403. 10 danica. Dc. Danish. Britain. coos —— H.O.7 ——- 696. ll alpina. Alpine. = -_ osc H.y. Tribus I. THLASPIDEA: seu Pleurorhizee Angustisepte. DC. THLASPI. DC. BASTARD-CRESS. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. . 1 ceratocarpon.. pc. horn-podded. Siberia. 1779. 7. H.©. Scop. insub. 1. t.4. 2 arvense. DC.. Penny-cress. — Britain. -ee- 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 1659. 3 alliaceum. pc. Garlic-scented. S. Europe. 1714. 5.7. H.©. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 121. 4 perfoliatum. pc. _ perfoliate. England. s+ee 4.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 2354. 5 montanum. Dc. mountain. Europe. eoee 5.6. HY. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 237. 6 alpestre. pc. Alpine. England. eeee 5.7. HY. Eng. bot. t.81. CAPSELLA. DC. SuHEPHERDS-PURSE. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. Bursa-pastoris. Dc. common. Britain. eee» 1,12, HO Eng. wee 1485. Thiaspi Bursa-pastoris. L . ,; _ B minor, ve. small. ———— +++ —— H.©. Tabern.ic.199. . - x integrifolia. DC. entire-leaved. ———— e+ ——— H.©. Moris. ox. 2. t. 20. f. _coronopifolia. DC. Buck’s-horn-ld, ——-—— -+e-- -—— H.©. HUTCHINSIA. DC. Hourcuinsia. Tetradynamia Siliculosa, L. 1 rotundifolia. pc. round-leaved. Switzerland.1759. 5.7. H.2%L. Scop.carn. n. 805. t.3 Iberis rotundifolia. L. : 2 cepeefolia. pec. toothed-leaved. Carinthia, 1824. 4.5. H.%. Jacq. mise. 2. p.28. t 8 alpina. pc. Alpine. Pyrenees. 1775. 4.6. H.¥%. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 137. Lepidium alpinum. w. 4 petra. De. rock. England. +--+ 3.5. H.g. Eng. bot. 111. Lepidium petreum. L. 5 procumbens. pc. procumbent. | Europe. 1823. H.©. | Hill. veg.syst.t.42.f, TEESDALIA. DC. Teespatia. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. ay Iberis. pc. Shepherds-cress England. ---- 5.7. H.O. Eng. bot. 327. nudicaulis, H.K. Iberis nudicaulis. L. Guepinia Iberis. pe. . IBERIS. DC. CaNnpDy-TUFT. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. “4 1 semperflorens. pc. broad-leaved. Sicily. 1679. 1.12. G.h. - Moris. ox. 2. t. 25. f.; 2 gibraltarica. pc. Gibraltar. Gibraltar. 1732. 5.6. G.h. Bot. mag, 124. 3 saxatilis. pc. rock. S. Europe. 1739. 4.6. H.%. Geou. fl. mons. 177. t. 4 corifolia. Coris-leaved. »§ ——-——- —— —— H.h. Clus. hist.2. p.132.% saxatilis B corifolia. Bot. mag. 1642. 5 pubescens. pc. pubescent. --+ ecee 1821, ——H.. | 6 sempervirens. Dc. evergreen. Crete, 1731. —— H.h. Flor. grec. t. 620. 7 Garrexiana. pc. _Allioni’s. Pyrenees, +--+ 6.8. H.h. All.ped.n.920.t.40. f. 8 amara. Dc, bitter. England. soot a H.©.:. Eng, bot,.62. 9 pinnata. pc. wing-leaved. S. Europe. 1596. —— H.©. Lob. ic. t. 217. f. 2. 10 odorata. pc. sweet-scented. Crete. 1806. —~— H.©. Swt. br. fl. gar. 50. 11 Lagascana. pc. Lagasca’s. Spain. 1824. —— H.©. aa : 12 umbellata. pc. -purple. S. Europe. 1596. ——- H.©. Bot. mag. 106. 13 linifolia. pe. Flax-leaved. —-—— 1759. -—— Hd. Garid. aix. t. 105. CRUCIFER. | 93 \4 ciliata. pe. fringed. —— > oe —— H.g, | 5 taurica. ve. Taurian, Tauria. 1802, 6.7. Hs. l6 violacea. DC. blunt-leaved. = +--++-++- 1782. 6.7. H.©. , 7 nana. DC. - . dwarf, S. Europe. 1822. 6.8. H.g. All. anct.p.15.t.2.f.1. ‘8 Tenoreana. pc. Tenore’s. Naples. — 5.7. H.}. Swt. br. fl. gar. 88. ,2SCUTELLA. DC. Buckier-mustarp. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. );, t auriculata. pe. ear-podded. S. Europe. 1683, 6.7. H.©. DC. diss.n.1. t. 1. f.2. “2 erigerifolia. pc. | Erigeron-leav’d Spain. 1824. —— H.©. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t.55. 3 hispida. pc. hispid. S. France. 1822. —— H.©. Bot. mag, 2444. rT i cichoriifolia. pc. Succory-leaved. Pyrenees. -—-- -—— H.%. DOC. diss. n. 4. t.2. , > lyrata. pe. lyre-leaved. Spain. 1799. —— H.©. _ Bocce. sic. 45. t. 23. ‘| 3 raphanifolia. pc. pers leaved. Sicily. 1824. —— H.©. ‘! maritima. npc. Naples. —— — H.©. Tenor. fi. nap. t. 61. 3 ciliata. pc. fringeapodded. Italy. 1790. —— H.©. DC. rar.1.t.39. coronopifolia. W. non. Lin, : ) depressa, DC. dwarf. ~ Egypt. 1823. —— H.©. y)! Microcarpa. pc. _small-podded. Gibraltar, —— 5.6. H.O. ™) Columne. pc. Columna’s. Apulia. 1824. 6.7. H.©. Col. ecphr.1. t.284.f.1. ) apula. ne. spear-leaved. Italy. 1710. —— H.©. FI. grec. t.629. . leiocarpa. pc. smooth-capsul’d Levant. 1824. —— H.©. Gert. fruct. 2. t. 141. | obovata; pc. obovate-leaved. -ceesses seer —— HO. | levigata. pc. |§ smooth-podded. Europe. 1777. —— H.y%. DC. ic. rar. 11. t. 38. B alpestris. w.en. Hungarian. Hungary. 1816. —— H.%. W.etKit.hung.3.t.228. | coronopifolia. pc. Buck’s-horn-ld, S. Europe. 1790. —— H.3. DC. diss. n. 22. t. 18. ambigua. DC. ambiguous, ee tee ae AL, —— 0.23... 11. (), 8 saxatilis. rock. ——— 1824. —~ H.y. —— n. 24. t. 10. | sempervirens, pc. downy-Jeaved. Spain. 1784. —— F.h. Barr. ics t. 841. MGACARP/A. DC. Mecacarp&aA. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. ah | laciniata. pc. jagged-leaved. Volga. 1823. 6.7. H.y. DC. diss. bisce.n.5. t.3. | ‘Tribus IV. EUCLIDIEZ seu Pleurorhizez Navanentaden: DC. [SLIDIUM. DC. .Evctrpium. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. syriacum. DC. Syrian. ' Levant. 1778. 7.8 H.©. Jacq. aust.1. t. 6. ant ) Bunias syriaca, w. Anastatica syriaca. Jacq. /tataricum. Dc. Tartarian. Tartary. 1823. 4.5. H.©. Pall. it.3. ap. t.u. f.2. Bunias tatarica. w. 5, MM ATHODIUM. DC. OcutHopium. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. egyptiacum. pc. Egyptian. Egypt. 1787. 8. H.©. Jacq. vind. t. 145, y 28.6 Rapistrum egyptiacum, H.K. Bunias egyptiaca. L, AD | iM! ‘Tribus V. ANASTATICEE seu Pleurorhizez Septulate, DC. MSTATICA. DC. Rosr or JericHo. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. |Hierochuntina. pc. common. _ Levant. 1597. 5.8. H.©. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 58. ina VI. CAKILINEE seu Pleurorhizez Tioinenticess: DC, at = 6 obtusangulum. pc. blunt-angled. Switzerland. ---+- 5.8. H.©. Moris. ox.2. 6.3.1 tb. 7 acutangulum. pc. acute-angled. Pyrenees,, 1791. 6.7. H.g. Jira: vind. 3. t. 97. sinapoides. H.K. Sinapis pyrenaica. Jacq. ‘ Ori a 8 taraxacifolium. pc. Dandelion-l4. - France. 1823. 5.6. H.g. © DCvic. rar. p. 11. 9 austriacum. Dc. Austrian, Austria. 1799. 6.8. H.©. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 262 10 eckartsbergense. w. bending-podd’d.. —_.—_—_.. __-- —— H. 4. ll Irio. DC. London. Rocket. England. ecoee 5.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 1631. 12 nitidum. pc. glesey, bo ES: pele aati 6.8. H.©. gq 13. subhastatum. pc. halbert-leaved. Archipelago. 1829, 4,5, H.®.. . pee 14 Columne. Jacq. | Columna’s. Italy. 1796. 6.7. H.©. -Jacq: anst. t. 3235 15 altissimum. tL. tall. Siberia. 1759. 8. H.©. . Walth. hort. t. 122% 16 orientale. L. oriental. Levant. 1739. 7.8. H.©. 0 124 17 pannonicum. pc. Hungarian. Hongary. 1787. ——- H.©. Jacq. ie. rar. 1st 18 asperum. pc. rough-podded. §. Europe. 1778. 5.6. H.©. J. Bauh. hist. 2. 19 fugax. pe. fugacious. Spain. 1820. 7.8. H.2. {: .Sfern/ " 20 Sophia. pe. Flix-weed. Britain. ---. (7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 963. 7 21 persicum. pc. Persian. Persia. 1820. ——- H.©.. ote. olin 22 tripinnatum. pe. _ tripinnate. C. B.S: 1817. —— H.©. 2a ish 23 millefolium. pc. —_—Milfoil-leaved. Canaries, 1779, 6.9. Git. Jacq. ic. rarel. & | CRUCIFER=. 24 tanacetifolium. pc. Tansy-leaved. | Italy. 1731. 6.7. H.y. 25 supinum. pc. trailing. 8. Europe. 1778. ——~ H.© _ Erysimum supinum. t.en. | 26 hirsutum. pc. hairy-podded. ———— 1822. —~— H.©. _ Erysimum hirsutum. t.en. , F 27 polyceratium. pc. sinuate-leaved. ———— 1633. —— H.©. _ Erysimum polyceratium. L.en. "8 bursifolium. pc. __various-leaved. ——-—— 1732. —— H.©. 19 pinnatifidum. nc. pinnatifid. ——- 1822. 5.8. H.%. »0 contortuplicatum.pc. twisted-podd. Cumana. 6.8. H.©. |_ _Hesperis contortuplicatus. pied. Cheiranthus contortuplicatus. w. LLIARIA. DC, ALLIARIA. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. officinalis. pc. garlick-scented. Britain. 5.6. H. 2. __Erysimum Alliaria. &.B. Hesperis Alliaria. tam. RYSIMUM. DC. Erysimum. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. 1 siculum. pe. Sicilian. Sicily. 1824. 6.7. H.¢. '2 sessiliflorum. pc. sessile-flower’d. Siberia. 1794.- —— H.z. | Cheiranthus quadrangulus. w. Cheirinia sessiliflora. L.en. 3 angustifolium. pc. narrow-leaved. Hungary. Cheirinia angustifolia. L.en, Syrenia Ehrarti. andrz. A cuspidatum. pc. _sharp-pointed. Caucasus. 1800. _ Syrenia Biebersteinii. andrz. Cheiranthus cuspidatus. w. 5 suffruticosum. pc. suffruticose. 1822. 4.5. H.h 5.6. H.g. @eese vas 6 strictum. Dc. upright. Austria, 1795. 6.8. H.3. y | Odoratum. w. hieracifolium. Jacq. Cheirinia stricta. L.en. ! 4 7 Virgatum. pe. twiggy. «Portugal. 1807. 6.7. Hg. , #8 longisiliquosum. pc.long-podded. Switzerland.1823. —— H.¢. "99 hieracifolium, pe. Hawkweed-l¢. Europe. —— 5.6. H.¢. (v0 aureum. pe. golden. — Caucasus. 1824. ——~ H.@. “) 1 ibericum. pc. Iberian. ‘Iberia. 1803. 5.8. H.¢. ‘) Cheiranthus armeniacus. B.m. Cheiranthus ibericus. Bieb. 2 cheiranthoides. ne. treacle. Britain. -++-. 6,8. H.©. 7; 3 Tepandum. pe. small-flowered. S. Europe. 1772. 5.6. H.@). ul helveticum, pc. Swiss. Switzerland.1793, —— H.¢é. mn Cheiranthus helveticus. jacq. Cheirinia helvetica. L.en- > Canescens, DC. canescent. S. Europe. 1731. 5.7. H.d. Cheiranthus alpinus. Jacq. fi. aust 1. t. 75. | 6 lanceolatum, pc. spear-leaved. —~-—— 1597. —— H.¢. ") Cheiranthus erysimoides. Jacq. 7 firmum, . hoary-podded. Switzerland.1824. —— H.¢. | Cheirinia firma. Lien. Cheiranthus firmus. w.en. 3 rheticum. pe. Rhetian. Rhetiaa — -——H.¢é. ; dubium. pe.. doubtful. Sh OPT Bei Sen REMS > RE ™) longifolium. pc. _long-leaved. Algiers. 1822. —— H.». i altissimum. pc. “ tall. Limbourg. —— 6.7. H.¢. | Cheirinia altissma. L.en. INRINGIA. L.en. Conrinera. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. u | alpina. L.en. Alpine. Europe. 1793. 5.6. H.2. | Brassica alpina. p. Erysimum alpinum. pve. I 2 perfoliata. Len. — perfoliate. England. — H.©. | Brassica orientalis. £.B. Erysimum perfoliatum. pc. i WS austriaca. Austrian. Austria. .2e. —— H.©. _ Brassica austriaca. Jacq. Erysimum austriacum. De. CAMELINA. @MELINA. Dc. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. | sativa. DC. Gold of pleasure. Britain. coos 5,7, H.O. 8) Alyssum sativum. u.B. Myagrum sativum. L. 1) @ pilosa. vc. hairy. hd SNP ieee tL) | | B glabrata. De. smooth. ecceseer cove ——— HO. | dentata. pe. tooth-leaved. Europe. 1806. —— H.©. _barbaréefolia. pc. Barbarea-l4. Siberia. 1824, —— H.4. austriaca, DC. Austrian, Austria. 1795, 6.7. H.©. a 1800. 7.8. H.g. 25 Mor. his.2. 5.3. t.6. £19. Isn. act.Par.1721.t 18. Jaca. vind. t. 79. Dill. elt. t. 148. f. 177. AU. ped. t. 57. f. 3. _ Eng. bot. 796. L.Her, strirp. 1. t. 44. Syrenia Lamarckii. Anarz. Kit. hung.1. t.98. Buxb. cent. 2. t.33. f.1. Jacq. aust. 1. t.73. FI. Dan. t. 923? DC. ic. ga. rar. t. 36. J. Bauh., his. 2. t. 2. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 66. Bot. mag. 835. Eng. bot. 942. Jacq. aust. 1. f.22. Jacq. vind. t. 9. Barr. ic. t. 884. Jacq. aust, t. 74. Vill. dauph. 3. t. 36. Eng. bot. 1804. Jacq. aust. t. 283. i Tribus VIII. CAMELINEZ! seu Notorhizee Latisepte. DC. Eng. bot. 1254. Moris.ox.2.s.3.t.21.f.2. Lind. als. 94. t. 1. J.Bauh.hist.2.p.893.ic. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 111. 26 CRUCIFER#. ‘ ‘ NESLIA. Di * Nesta. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. a . | ‘ iidarkee De. panicled. Europe. 1683. 7.8. H.@. Flor. dan. t. 204. Rapistrum paniculatum, Gert. Myagrum paniculatum. L. “Tribus IX, LEPIDINEZ seu Notorhizee Angustisepte. DC. 4 SENEBIERA. DC. Senepiera. Tetradynamia Silicnlosa. L. . ; 1 pinnatifida. pc. _ pinnatifid. England. «++» 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 248. f Coronopus didyma. E.B. Lepidium didymum. L. . 2 Coronopus. pc. common. Britain. sore 6.10. H.©. ——— 1660. Coronopus Ruellit. E.B. Cochlearia Coronopus. L LEPIDIUM. DC. PepPERWoRT. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L Jacq. fl. aust. 4. te 345, 15 bonariense. pc. Buenos-Ayres. S. Amer. 1732. Dill. elt. t. 286. f. 370, 16 cuneifolium. pc. wedge-leaved. N.S. W. 1820. 6. 1 Draba. pe. Whitlow-grass. Europe. 1596. 5.6. H.}. Cochlearia Draba. Sacq. . ; 2 chalepense. pc. Aleppo. Aleppo. 1798. 5.7. H.©. Moris. ox. 2. ae t. 24 3 coronopifolium. pc. Buckshorn-l4, Volga. 1823. —— H.}. 7 4 sativum. pc. common Cress. Persia. 1548. 5.10. H.©. FI. grec. t.616. | . B crispum. DC. curled Cress. ——— ees’ —— HG), © (Chaby.ec1see0aaae y latifolium. pce. —_broad-leaved. —--——— eee —— HO. Moris.ox.2.s.3.t.19.f.2 5 campestre. DC. hoary field. Britain. sees 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 1385. ‘7 Thlaspi campestre. E. B. 4 6 hirtum. pc. hairy. meee AS. 1808. ‘ Thiaspi hirtum, E. B. j 7 spinosum. Dc. prickly. Levant. 1787. ©. Ard. spec. 2. t. 16. — 8 virginicum.: Dc. Virginian, America. 1713. ©. Schkuhr hand.2. t.180 9 subulatum. pc. awl-leaved. Spain. 1739. fh. Assosyn. arr. t. 6.f.3 10 ruderale. nc. narrow-leaved. Britain. coe ©. Eng. bot. 1595. . 11 incisum. pc.” cut-leaved. | Tauria. 1824. 5. ©. oe 12 perfoliatum. pc. various-leaved. Austria. 1640. 4. ©. Jacq. aust. 4. ft. 346, 13 Cardamines. pc. Spanish Cress. Spain. 1789. .¢6. Ard. spec. 1. t. 19. : 14 divaricatum. pc. close-spiked. C.B.S. 1774. h. z ©. @. ot ©. Y. pe y AOAAARRAAYAS Srao]{ AX PP HNASAPNS oo a Et tt 17 piscidium. pc. South Sea. Society Isl. 1779. 9. Mont.n. a.n.c.6. t.5.a 18 lyratum. pc. lyre-leaved. Levant. 1759. 6. Tourn. it. 2. t. 389. 19 latifolium. pc. broad-leaved. Britain. tee Eng. bot. 182. _ a 20 affine. pc. saw-leaved. Siberia. 1823. 7. ‘ : 21 crassifolium. pc. thick-leaved. Hungary. —— 5. . Kit. hung. 1. t4 22 suffruticosum. shrubby. Spain. 1790. 7.8. F.f. Cav. ic, 2. t.16). foe 23 lineare. DC. linear-leaved. Spain. wins @: | aoumie h. Ph 24 Iberis. pc. ~ grass-leaved. §. Europe. 1683. 6.9. H.y%. Moris.his.2.s.3.t.21.f graminifolia. H. K. B 25 capense. DC. Cape: C.B.S. 1818. 6.7. G.2. BIVONZEA. DC. BivonZA. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. ‘ lutea. pe. yellow. Sicily. 1823. 4.5. H.©. Cup.pan. sic: 2. t. 256 Thlaspi luteum. Biv. a JETHIONEMA. DC. Aernionema. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. _§ Jacq. aust. 3. t. 236. Hi. 4 Ts 1 saxatile. pc. rock. S. Europe. 1759. 6.7. H.©. 2 gracile. pc. slender. Carniola. 1822, -—— H.h. Boe. mus. p. 79. +t.7 3 Bnxbaumii. pc. Buxbaum’s. Iberia. 1820. —— H.@©. Buxb.cent.1.t. 5. fil 4 monospermum. Dc. one-seeded. Spain. . .1778. 7.8. H.é. 2 SP pen SP nse Over ia ail ~ nn fea bbe Se ae jae S- Pid 2) i: Tribus X. ISATIDE seu Notorhizeze Nucamentacee. DC. TAUSCHERIA. DC. Tauscuerta. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. “Tae 1 lasiocarpa. bc. villous-podded. Siberia. 1824. 6.7. H.© : 2 gymnocarpa. bc. smooth-podded. -——— -—— 5.6. H.@© ; ISATIS. DC. Woap. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. ot 1 armena. DC. Armenian. Armenia. 1824. 6.7. H.©. Desv.j. 3. t. 25. £6 2 lusitanica. Dc. Portugal. Portugal. 1739. —-- H.©. . 3 alpina. pe. Alpine. Italy. 1800. ——- H.%. All. ped. t.86. f.2. — | CRUCIFERE. 27 | & precox. pe: early-flowering. Hungary. 1820. 4.6. H.g. Trat. arch. 2. t. 68. 6 littoralis. pe. sea-side. Tauria. —— 6.7. H.©. ee 6 tinctoria. pc. common. England. vs++ 5.7. Hg. Eng. bot. 97. 7 campestris. pc. _ field. Podolia. 1823. —— H.©. 8 bannatica. pe. Bannatic. Bannatuue —— —— H.©. 9 orientalis. pc. oriental. _ Levant. cone -——— HO. | 10 aleppica. pc. Aleppo. —— 1739. 6.7. H.©. Scop. d. ins. 2. t. 16. TYAGRUM. DC. Myacrum. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. _ perfoliatum. pc. _ perfoliate. Europe. 1648. 6.7. H.©. Schkuhr han. 2. t.178. OBOLEWSKIA.DC.SozotewskiA. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. . _ lithophila. pe. large-fruited. Iberia. 1823. 5.8. H.¢. Bieb. cent, 2. t. 69. Tribus XI. ANCHONIE seu Notorhizee Lomentacee. DC. OLDBACHIA. DC. Gotpgacuia. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. i Jevigata. pe. smooth. _ Astracan. 1823. 5.6. H.©. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 81. TERIGMA. DC. STERIGMA. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. ee ‘1 tomentosum. pc. tomentose. © Caspia. 1823. 4.5. H.g. Pall. it.2.ap.t.K.f,2. | Cheiranthus tomentosus. w. | 2 torulosum. pe. twisted-podded. Iberia. — — H.¢é. ') Subordo III. ORTHOPLOCEZ. DC. syst.2. p. 581. Tribus XII, BRASSICEZ seu Orthoplocex Siliquose. DC. | RASSICA. DC. CABBAGE. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. 1 oleracea. pc. common. England. oor 4,6. H.-G. j i A. SYLVESTRIS. DC. WILD. ———— +++» ——H.d. Eng. bot. t. 637. B. ACEPHALA. DC. CATTLE. woeseers cove —— HS. ti L ramosa. DC. branching. . vecvscee coos —— HG. » 93 vulgaris. DC. upright. cocnecee cece —— Hg. * viridis, pe. green. soeerree ceee ——— HS. Lob. ic. 248. f.1. _ ** purpurascens. DC. purple. oteecess coos ——— H,g. Chabr. sciag. 270. f.6. ly quercifolia. pc. oak-leaved. ceeceeee Hove em _—- 270. f.1. i! 6 sabellica. pe. BorECOLE. vewestes coos ——— Hg. ee 271. f. 1. | * pinnata. ve. winged-leaved. c*s**ee* *8e° —— H.g. Lob. ic, 246. f. 2. i) ** purpurascens. DC. purple. reeeeses ree = HS. *** versicolor. DC. variegated. ae OR rain io ee 0) ae Ds 2 palmifolia. pc. _—palm-leaved. cressoes cece ——— Hid. | % costata. ne. thick-ribbed. = **"«*"** Pee eras Ou 0) * . 1825... —— Ae 4 19 valentina. Dc. Spanish. ——-—~—- — 4.5. H.@. Barr. ic. t.195.-f. Le 20 fruticulosa. pc. _—frutescent. S. Europe. 1820, 2.4. H.#. Cyr. pl. rar, 2, t.1._ 21 elongata. pe. stalk-leaved. Hungary. 1801. 5.6. H.g@. W.etK.hung. 1. te 22 sabuiaria. pc. gravel. Portugal. 1818. -~— H.©. Brot. phyt. p. 97. t.4 SINAPIS. DC. MusTaRD. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. SN 1 nigra. pc. common. Britain, ---» 4,8..H.@. Eng. bot, 969. 2 levigata. Dc. smooth. Spain. 1769. 6.7, H.g. 8 auriculata. Dc. CATeMe Nas wees o tsee) = LG), : 4 integrifolia. pc. entire-leaved. E. Ind. 1804. 7.8. H.©. W. hort. ber. t. 14. 5 juncea. Dc. fine-leaved, China. 1710. 6.7. H.® Jacq. h. vind t.171 6 chinensis. Dc. Chinese. ———— 1782, —~ H.0. Ard. spec. 1. t 10. 7 brassicata. pc. Cabbage-leav’'d. ——_-—— 1801. —— H.©. a 8 pubescens. Dc. downy. Sicily... 1789. —— H.y. Ard. spec. 1.t.9 | 9 arvensis. DC. Charlock,. Britain. -++» 4,.8,.H.@. Eng. bot. 1748. 10 orientalis. pc. oriental. Levant. 1778. 6.7..H.©. «Schk. hand. 1. te18 11 taurica. pe. Taurian. Tauria. 1823. .4. 8. H.O. wee 12 subbipinnatifida. subbipinnatifid. Spain. a 6 TRICE bi ghitek. CRUCIFERE. a9 13 Kaber. pc. Persian. Persia. — — HO. | 14 Allionii. pe. Allioni’s. Egypt. 1789. —— H.©. Jacq.h. vind. 2. t. 168. ‘15 turgida. pe. turgid-podded. —— soee =—— H.©. © 16 incana. De. hoary-jointed. §. Europe. 1771. 7 H.¢. Jacq.h. vind. 2. t. 169. 17 heterophylla. pc. various-leaved. Spain. 1820. 5.6. H.d. 2 vb, 18 alba. De. white-seeded. Britain. -se+ 4,10. H.©. Eng. bot. 1677. 19 hispida. pc. hispid. Spain. 1804. 6.7. H.©. X 20 dissecta. vc. cut-leaved. ———— =— 4.6. H.©. 21 foliosa. pe. leafy. — Levant. —— 5.6. H.©. 22 frutescens. pc. frutescent. Madeira. 1777. 12.6. G.h. 23 ramosa. H. B. branching. E. Indies. 1804. 7.8. H.©. 5 AORICANDIA. DC. Moricanpia. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. arvensis. Dc. field. _. S. Europe. 1739..6. F.%. FI. grec. t. 644. __ Brassica arvensis. u. Turritis arvensis. w. x. - . )IPLOTAXIS. DC. Drprotaxis. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. 1 crassifolia. pc. _ thick-leaved. ~ Sicily. 1824. 5.8. H..?2 2 erucoides. pc. —s dwarf. S. Europe. 1736. 6.7. H.©. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 170. Sinapis erucoides. Le te AS 3 virgata. pc. slender. - Spain. - 1820. —~— H.O. 4 catholica. pe. Spanish. — — 4.5. HO. | Sisymbriwn catholicum. -u. ‘Oe. 5 tenuifolia. pc. Wallrocket. England. ake 10. H.©. Eng. bot..525. | WSisymbrium tenuifolium. r.B. Sinapis fenuifol0es, P eK. i 6 muralis. pe. sand. England. --+. 7.9. H.©. —— 1090. id Sisymbrium murale. L. ‘Sinapis muralis, H. kK. ‘ viminea. DC. twiggy. S. + PMrOR. sees 5.6. H.©. Mor, his. ox.2.t.5. f.8. 8 saxatilis. pc. rock. — — Hy. | ‘RUCA, DC. ERUCA. Tetradynamia Siliquoda: L. 1 sativa. pc. stripe-flowered. S. Europe. 1573. 7%. H.©. Fi. grec. t.646 et 647. : Brassica Eruca. 1. Euzomum sativum. t.en. : 2 vesicaria. pc. bladdered.. Spain. $1820. —— H.©. Tribus XI. VELLEZ seu Orthoplocez Latisepte. DC. "ELLA. DC. CRESS-ROCKET. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. | pseudocytisus. pc. shrubby. Spain. 1759. 4.5. H.h. Bot. reg. 293. UVARRICHTERA. DC. CarricutTera. Tetradynamia Siliculosa, L. J) Velle. pe. annual. England. -cs+ 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 1441, Vella annud. £.B. Copan | UCCOWIA. DC. SuccowiA. ‘Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. ' balearica. pc. Minorca. Minorca. 1781. 6.7. H.©. Jacq. vind. 2. t.144. Bunias balearica. w. i SYCHINE, DC. PsycuHineE. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. _ stylosa. pc. striped-flowr’d. Barbary. 1822, 4.5. H.©. Desf. fl,-atl. 2.:t. 148. Tribus XV. ZILLE/ seu Orthoplocee Nucamentacee. DC. sILLA. DC. ZitLA. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. . myagroides. pc. _— spiny. Egypt. «ess 4,5. H.R. Vent. malm. t. 16. Bunias spinosa, Vent. ‘ALEPINA. DC. CaLepina. © Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. Corvini. pe. annual, s. Europe. 1820. 4.6. H.©. W,et Kit.hung,2,t.107, Bunias cochleurioides. w. - CRUCIFERA, Tribus XVI. RAPHANE4 seu Orthoplocez Lomentacee. DC. CRAMBE. DC. 1 maritima. pc. 2 pinnatifida. pe. 3 orientalis. Dc. 4 tatarica. pc. ‘5 aspera. DC. 6 cordifolia. pc. 7 hispanica. pc. 8 filiformis. pc. 9 fruticosa. DC. 10 strigosa. DC. RAPISTRUM. DC. 1 perenne. DC. Myagrum perenne. Le 2 rugosum. DC. Myagrum rugosum. L. 3 orientale. DC. RAPHANUS. DC. 1 sativus. mM. & precox. 8B macrorhizus. y purpureus. 2 rotundus. Mm. 3 chinensis. M. 4 niger. DC. a vulgaris. DC. B rotundus. DC. y griseus. DC. orbicularis. M. caudatus. DC. IO a album. B purpurascens. y flavum. maritimus. DC. oO Raphanistrum. Dc. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. s / CoLEwort. Sea Kale. Britain. cose 5.6. HY. smooth winged. Siberia. 1759. 6.7. H.%. oriental. Levant. 1752. 6. 7..H. 2, Tartarian, Hungary. 1789. ,—— H.}%. rough. Tauria. 1823. 5.6. H.%. heart-leaved. Caucasus. -—— 6.7. H.2%. Spanish. Spain. 1683. —— H.¥. Patagonian. Patagonia. 1796. 7.8. H.©. Madeira. Madeira. 1777. 5.11. G.h. strigose shrubb, Canaries. 1779. 5.6. G.h. Rapistrum. Tetr adynamia Siliculosa. L. perennial. Europe. 1789. 7 H.%. Cakile perennis. H. K. wrinkled. ——-—— 1739. 6.7. H.©. Cakile rugosa. H.K. oriental. Levant. 1795. —— H.©. RapisH. .Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L common. China. 1548. 5.6. H.© early Salmon. long Salmon. purple-rooted. Turnep-rooted. ——-—— -——- -— H.©. oil-seeded. ——- ——~- — H©. black Spanish —-——- -—— —— H.©. long-rooted. —_——_- — — HO. round-rooted. —_——_ — — H.©. grey. —- — — H.©. white Spanish, -—-~——- —— -—— H.©. long-podded. Java. 1815. 5.8. H.©. wild. Britain. ---- 4.8. H.O. white-flowered. —— or. —— H.©. purple-flowered. —--—— o> —— H.O. yellow-flowered, ————- --+« ~— H.©. sea-side. ———- os sere 507. HG. Eng. bot. 924. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 128. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 129. Jacq. obs. 2. t. 41. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 504, — L’. her. stirp. 1. t. 72. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 414. All, ped. 1. t. 78. Flor. grec, t. 612. Fuchs. hist. 659. ic. Lob. ic. t. 201. f. 1. Lob. ic. 202. f. 1. Wein. phyt. t.860. fi. —--—— t. 860. f.] Lin. f. dec. 1. t.10. Eng. bot. 856, Wein. phyt. t.862. f. z —~-—— t. 862. f.b J. Bauh. h. 2. p.844. i Eng. bot. 1643. Subordo IV. SPIROLOBEZ. DC. syst. 2. p.670. Tribus XVII. BUNIADEZ seu Spirolobex Nucamentacee. DC. BUNIAS. DC. 1 Erucago. pc. 2 aspera. DC. 3 orientalis. Dc. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. L. 6.7. H.©. 6.7. H.©. 5.7. H.. BUNIAS. prickly-podded S. Europe. 1640. rough, Portugal. 1823. oriental. Levant. 1795. Jacq. aust. 4. t.340. Schk, han. 2. t. 189. Tribus XVIII. ERUCARIEZ seu Spirolobexe Lomentacee. DC. ERUCARIA. DC. aleppica. pc. ERUCARIA. Aleppo. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. L. Levant. 1680. 7.8. H.©. Cordylocarpus levigatus. w. Vent. h. cels. t. 64. rf CRUCIFERE. 81. _ Subordo V. DIPLECOLOBEZ.. DC. syst. 2. p. 676. Tribus XIX. (ELIOPHILA. HELIOPHILE seu Diplecolobeex Siliquose. L. DC. HeELiopnita. Tetr radynamia Rie dae. L. 1 filiformis. pe. awl-podded. C.B.S. 1786. 7.9. H.©. Lam. ill. t. 563. f.3.?. ' 2 amplexicaulis. pc. stem-clasping. _——-——~ 1774. 6.9. H.©. Jacq. frag. t. 64. f. 2. 8 rivalis. pc. rivulet. ——-—— 1819. —— H.©. _ 4 pendula. pe. pendulous. ——— 1792. ——H.©. Lam. ill. t. 562, f.2. i pinnata, Vent. malm. t. 113. non. L. 5 trifida. pc. trifid-leaved. —— 1819. —— H.©. li pinnata, L. non. Vent. 6 pusilla. pe. small, ———— 1824. —— H.©. Pluk. mant. t.432. f.2. _7 lepidioides. tien. Cress-like. ——- — — H.©. 8 diffusa. pe. spreading. —-— 1820. —— H.©. ). | 9 Peltaria. pc. small-white. ——_- — - — H.©. 0 pilosa. pc. hairy. ———— 1768. —— H.©. in| @ wmtegrifolia. pc. entire-leaved. ——_- — — H.©.. Jacq. ic.3. t. 506. B incisa. ve. cut-leaved. —_——_ —- — H.©. Bot. mag. 496. ' arabioides. B,M. I stricta. B.m. upright. —— 1824. —— H.©O. ——-— 2526. |. 2 digitata. pe. fingered. —-— 1819. —— H.©. Bot. reg. 838. 3 coronopifolia. pc. Buck’s-horn-ld. ————-- 1778. 6.7. H.@. Herm. lugd. t. 367. 4 pectinata. ve. pectinated. —— 1819. —— H.©. A 5 feeniculacea. pc. Fennel-leaved. -———— 1774. 6.9. H.©. 0,f 3 crithmifolia. pc. Samphire-ld, ———— 1816. —— H.©@. Deles. ic sel. 2, t, 97, ee cailigua. pe. _ flat-podded. ——~— 1774. 7.8. G.h. 3 inearifolia. pc. linear-leaved. —-—— 1819. —— G.h. 10, 0 scoparia. ne. Broom-like. —— 1802. ——- G.h. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t.98. 1) incana.. Dc. hoary. —-—- 1774. 5.8. G.h. i) | cleormoides. pc. | Cleome-like. ———— 1802. 1.12. G.h. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 99. 9, t ; Wh SUBULARIE seu Diplocolobex Latisepte. DC. Tetradynamia mille ulosa. L. Britain. S.h. Pluk. alm. t.147.f 2 Tapia. Dc. smooth. S. Amer. 1752. ---+ S.h. Plum. gen. t. 21. 3 fragrans. DC. fragrant. SierraLeon. 1795. 6.7. S.h.~. Bot. mag. 596. capparoides. A. R. 176. a NIEBUHRIA. DC. NIEBUHRIA. Polyandria Monogynia. L. | 1 cafra. DC. ‘Caffrarian. C.B:S. 1820. «+-- Gk. : 2 madagascariensis.pc.Madagascar. Madagascar.1822. --++ S.h- : 3 oblongifolia. pc. oblong-leaved. E. Indies. 1823, +++ S.R.w- | Capparis heteroclita. H. B. a | BOSCIA. DC. Boscia. Dodecandria Monogynia. L. senegalensis. DC. Senegal. Senegal. 1822. +--- S.h- Lam. ill. t.395. CAPPARIS. DC. CAPER-TREE. Polyandria Monogynia. L. a, 1 mariana. DC. heart-leaved. Timor. 1822, ‘---- Sh. Jacq. Schenb. t. 1 2 spinosa. DC. common. S. Europe. 1596. 5. 8. G.h.w. | 3 ovata. W. oval-leaved. Mauritania. «-+» —— G.hw. Boc. sic. t. 42. f.3 Fontanesii. DC. 4 herbacea. DC. herbaceous. Tauria. 1819. ——— H.%. 5 wgyptia. DC. Egyptian. Egypt. 1822. «+-» G.h. Delil. fl. eg. t. 31. 6 aphylla. pe. leafless. E. Indies.’ —— -*-* S-hk. 7 zeylanica. DC. Ceylon. Ceylon. — «r-- Sher 8 acuminata. DC. acuminate. FE. Indies. 1821. <--- Sh. 9 frondosa. DC. large-leaved. Carthagena. 1800. +--+ S.h.~. Jacq. amer. t. 104 10 triflora. pc. three-flowered. S. Amer. vi-- gepe Bade 11 cynophallophora.pc.Bay-leaved. "WW. Indies. 1752. +--+ Sih. Jacq..amer. t. 98. 12 eustachiana. DC. purple-flower'd, —~—— 1822. - Sh. —— ed. pict. td 13 saligna. DC. Willow-leaved. St. Cruz. 1807. +++ S.h. ; 14 linearis. Dc. linear-leaved.. W. Indies. 1793. +++» §.h. "Jacq. amer. t. 10! CAPPARIDEX. | 33 15 puicherrima, pc. handsome. Carthagena. ---- -+++ Sch. _. arborescens. M. 6 amygdalina. pc. Almond-leav’d.S. Amer. 1819. +--+. G.h. Plum. gen. 40. t. 16. 7 odoratissima. Dc. sweet-scented. Caracas. 1814. +++» S.h. Jacq. scheen. t. 110. 8 tenuisiliqua. pc. _slender-podded Carthagena. 1822. S.h. Jacq. amer, t. 105. 1,..9 ferruginea. Dc. ferruginous. Jamaica. veer veer Sh. ———— t. 100. octandra. Jacq. 4, | 0 Breynia, pe. Oleaster-leav’d W. Indies. 1752. +++» G.h.~. Jacq. amer. t. 103.? 1 jamaicensis. pc. Jamaica. ———._ s-1793. «+++ S.hw. ——-—— 1. 101. 2 torulosa. pc. twisting. ——_-——._-: 11819 S. hw. , PTEPHANTA. DC, StepHanta. Hexandria Monogynia. tid cleomoides. pc. Cleome-like. Caracas. 1823. +s» S.h. Jacq. Schoen. t. 111. Cappuris paradoxa. Jacq. ORDO XIV. | : FLACOURTIANER. DC. prod. 1. p. 255. Tribus I. PATRISIEZ. DC. YANAA. DC. Ryan#A. Polyandria,Monogynia. speciosa. DC. beautiful. Trinidad. 1822. --+. S.h. Vahlecl.4. p.51. 9. Patrisia pyrifera. P.s. Tribus II. FLACOURTIE. DC. LACOURTIA.*DC. FLacourtT1A. Dicecia Polyandria. L. 1 Ramontchi. pc. _—_ shining-leaved. Madagascar.1775.. 6.7. L. Her. stirp. 59. t. 30. | 2 sapida. pe. esculent. E. Indies. 1800. ---- Roxb. cor, 1. t. 69. 3 imermis. bc. unarmed. Moluccas. 1814. 10. 2. 4 sepiaria. De. obovate-leaved. Coromandel.1820. --+-+ Roxb. cor. 1. t. 68. |5 cataphracta. pc. many-spined.. E. Indies. 1804. »+++ 6 rotundifolia. H.B. round-leaved. —-—--—— 1823. ++-- | 7 flavescens. pc. yellow-flower’d Guinea. 1780. 8 rhamnoides. nc. Rhamnuslike. C. B.S. | 1819. --+ Povannny Pel er er ae ee Pear | a ll | i / } \ Tribus HI. KIGGELARIE. DC. IIGGELARIA. DC. KiceErtarta. Dicecia Decandria. L. lafricana. pc. —— African. C.B.S. 1683. 5.6. G.h. Lam. ill. t. 821. 2 integrifolia. pc. entire-leaved. —-~—— 1819. —— G.h. Jacq.ic. rar. t. 628. IELICYTUS. DC. Menicytrus. Dicecia Pentandria. ‘ ramiflorus. pce. branch-flow’r’d, N. Zealand. 1822. ---- G.h. | Lam. ill. t.812. f.1. ORDO XV. BIXINEZ. DC. prodr.1. p. 259. | SIXA. DC. Anotta. Polyandria Monogynia. L. )) 1 purpurea. - purple. E. Indies. 1820. -+++ S.h. | 2 Orellana. vc. heart-leaved. S.Amer. 1690. 5.8. S. a Bot. mag. 1456. 3 Urucurana.. w. white-leaved. Brazil. i 1823, »o.-. §. 34 >. BIXINER, LZATIA. DC. LaTia. Polyandria Monogynia. L. ; : a. | Thamnia. nc. shining-leaved. Jamaica. seoe vooe §.h. Browne jam. t. 25. ‘_| PROCKIA. DC. Prockia. Polyandria Monogynia. L. L Crucis. Dc. oval-leaved. SantaCruz. ++++ «+e» Sih. Vahl symb. 3. t. 64. | 2 serrata. DC. saw-leaved. Montserrat. 1822. «+--+ S.h. i 3 theeformis. pc. Tea-leaved. Bourbon. —— -e*+ S.h. Bory voy. 2. t. 24, Ludia heterophylla, Bory non. Lam. LUDIA. DC. Lup1a. Polyandria Monogynia. L. me 1 heterophylla. pc. various-leav’d. Mauritins. 1822. ---- S.h. Lam. ill. t. 466. f. 1.2.) 2 sessiliflora. pc. sessile-flowered ——-—— —— ceev §,h. Jacq. scheenb.1. t. 112, tuberculata. Jacq. i av ay 4 ORDO XVI. CISTINEA, DC. prodr. 1. p. 263. CISTUS. DC. Rock-RoseE. Polyandria Monogynia. L. 1 purpureus. Dc. purple. Levant. csee 6.27. Fi. Bot. reg. 468. 2 heterophyllus. pc. various-leaved. Algiers. - — F.h. Swt. cist. t.6. t 3 parviflorus. pe. small-flowered. Crete. cose ——— FL. Swt. cist. t.14. $ _ 4 complicatus. pc. complicate. Spain. see —— Fh. 4 5 villosus. pc. villous. — 1640. —— F.h. Duham. arb. 1. t. 64. 6 creticus. Dc. Cretan. Levant. ~ 1731. 6.8. F.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 95. 7 incanus. vc. hoary-leaved. S. Europe. 1596. —— F.h. Bot. mag. 43. 8 Dunalianus. Dunal’s. seeecres cone —— Fi. undulatus. DC. non. L.en, : 9 crispus. Dc. curled-leaved. S. Europe. 1656. —— F.h. Swt. cist. t. 10 albidus. pc. -. white-leaved. ——— _ 1640. —— F.h. Clus. hist. 1. t. 68. 11 candidissimus. pc. Canary Island. Canaries. 1817. —— F.h. Swt. cist. t. 3. i 12 vaginatus. pc. oblong-leaved. Teneriffe. 1779. 4.6. F.h. Swt. cist. t. 9. | 13 cymosus. pc. cyme-flowered. ------ oo = sees 6.8. FUR. 4 14 salvifolius. pe. Sage-leaved. Europe. 1548. —— H.h. Cav. ic. 2. t. 137, * 15 corbariensis. pc. mountain. S. France. ---+ 5.6. Heh. Swt. cist. t. 8. > 16 florentinus. pe. Florentine. Italy. sees 6.7. Hi. 1n¥ 17 monspeliensis. pc. Montpelier. S. Europe. 1656. —— F.h. Swit. cist. t. ‘ 18 Ledon. pc. many-fid. gum. S. France. 1730. 6.8. H.h. Duham. arb.1. t.66. — 19 hirsutus. pc. hairy. Spain. 1656.. —— H.h. Swt. cist. t. “a 20 laxus. pe. waved-leaved. —-—— -——- —— H.h. Swet. cist. t. 21 longifolius. pc. long-leaved. — ««-- —— Swt. cist. t. 22 populifolius. s.c. Poplar-leaved. ——-—— 1656. 5.6. H.h. Swt. cist. t. 23 latifolius. s.c. ‘broad-leaved. Barbary. (+--- -— F.h. Swt. cist. t. 24 laurifolins. pc. Laurel-leaved. S. Europe. 1731. 6.8. H.h. Clus, hist. 1. p. 78. f.1. 25 cyprius. Dc. Cyprus-gum. Cyprus. coe —— Hh. i 26 ladaniferus. Len. flat-leaved gum. Spain. 1629. —— F.h. % a albifiorus. pc. white-flowered. ——-—~—- ——- —— F.h. Clas. hist.1. p.78. ie. B maculatus. Dc. — spot-flowered. —_——_- ——- _-—— Fh. Swt.cist. t.1. ; 27 undulatus. L.en. undalate. peepee met) ceeemen. reece Mae ¥, ladaniferus undulatus. w. 28 Clusii. pc. Clusius’s. Spain. —— F.k. Clus. hist.1. p. 60. ic. HELIANTHEMUM.DC. Sun-Rose. Polyandria Misseran, L. 1 Libanotis. pc. Rosemary-like. Spain. 1752. 6. Barr. ic. 294. 2 umbellatum. pc. . umbel-flower’d. S. Europe. 1731. 6.8. F.h. Swe. cist. t.5. 3 ocymoides. Dc. Basil-like. —-—— ree = FR. Clus. hist. 1. p. 72. ice Cistus sampsucifolius. Cav. ic. 1. t. 96, . 4 alyssoides. Dc. Alyssum-like. —~——~ +++ —— F.h. Vent. choix. t. 20. 5 rugosum. DC. rugose. Portugal. «+--+ —— Fh. 6 scabrosum. pc. _—s rough. Italy. 1775. —— F.h. 7 algarvense. DC. Algarvian. Portugal. 1800. 7.8. F.h. Bot. may. 627. Cistus algarvensis. B. M. ; 8 formosum. DC. beautiful. ——— 1780. 5.7. F.h. ——— 264. Cistus formosus, B. M. . 9 atriplicifolium. pc. Orach-leaved. Spain. 1656. 6.7. F.k. Barr. ic. t. 292. . CISTINEA. 30 10 lasianthom. pc. downy. Portugal. 1822. —— F.h. Barr. ic. t. 289.? i{j 11 cheiranthoides. pc. Stock-like. —— 1800. 7.8. . 12 halimifolium. s.c. Sea-Purslane-l4d ——-——-._ 1656, F. Swt. cist. t. 4. i, 13 rosmarinifolium.pc. Rosemary-l4. N.Amer. 1823. H. 14 glomeratum. pc. _cluster-flower’d S. Amer. —— 15 ramuliflorum. pc. branch-flowerg. Carolina. 1823. 16 canadense. pe. Canadian. Canada. 1799. 17 carolinianum. Dc. Carolina. Carolina. 1823. 18 Tuberaria. pc. Plantain-leav’d. S. Europe. 1752. 19 plantagineum. pc. Plantain like. —-—— 1823. 20 guttatum. pc. spotted-flow’r’d England. wees 21 eriocaulon. pc. woolly-stalked. Spain. 1823. 22 punctatum. Dc. punctated. France. 1816. 23 lunulatum. pce. lunulate-mark’d Piedmont. ---- 24 villosum. pc. villous. Spain. 1823. 25 niloticum. pc. Nile. Egypt. ore 26 ledifolium. pc. Ledum-leaved. England. ---- 27 intermedium. pc. intermediate. Spain. 1759. Salicifolium. Cay. Vent. cels. 74. Cav. ic. 1. t. 67. ot ef at & @ Eng. bot. 544. All. auct. p. 30. t.2. f.3. HHO OO OOOOHOOOORRERTRITS MTT TSEIT TTT yd a Bt Eng. bot. 2414, Cav. ic. t. 144. | 28 salicifolium. pc. _Willow-leaved. ——-—— -——~ -—— H.©@. Seg. ver.3.t.6. f.3. 29 sanguineum. pc. _bloody-stalked. -——-—— 1823. —— H.©. retrofractrum. P.S. 30 egyptiacum. pc. Egyptian. Egypt. 1764. —— H. Jacq. obs. 3. t. 68. 31 Lippii. pc. small-petaled. -—— 1820. —— F. $2 confertum. pc. close-flowered. Teneriffe. ~---- 6.7. F.h. : 33 canariense. pc. Canary. Canaries. 1790. —— F.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t.97. $4 ericoides. pc. Heath-leaved. S, Europe. ---- 6.8. F.. Cav. ic. 2. t.172. $5 Fumana. pe. Heath-like. —— 1752. —— F.h. Desf. atl.1. t.105. 936 procumbens. pc. procembent. ——— ess —— Fi. Barr.ic. t.445. $7 levipes. pc. cluster-leaved. —-—— 1690. —— G.h. Bot. mag. 1782. 48 juniperinum. pc. Juniper-leaved/ ——-——_ ---- —— G.h. Barr. ic. t. 443. $9 Barrelieri. pc. Barrelier’s. Italy. 1822, —— F.%. Bot. mag. 2371. 10 thymifolium. pc. Thyme-leaved.. Spain... 1658. ——— F.. Barr. rar. t. 444. 11 glutinosum. pc. clammy. ———— 1790. — F.h. —-——t. 415.? [2 molle. pc... soft. —-——_++~-.,-—— F.. Cav. ic. 3. t. 262. f. 2. 13 origanifolium. pc. Marjoram-ld. 5 MAR ah § 4 Aipomin™ Fh. 3. t. 262. f.1. 14 dichotomum. pe. forked. ——— oss —— FR. —— 3.t. 263. f1. 15 elandicum. Dc. smooth-leaved. Europe. 1816. ——- H.h. Clus. hist. p. 73. ic. 16 alpestre. pc. alpine. —_—— -—— -— H.f. Swett. cist. t.2. \7 penicillatum. pc. - pencilled. S. Europe. --:+ -—— H.h. 18 italicum. pc. Italian. Italy. 1779. 7 9. H.®. Barr. rar. t.366. 19 vineale. pc. slender-trailing. Europe. 1823. —-- H.}. Swt. cist. t. j,) 10 canum. De. hoary. ——— 1772. 6.7. F.h. —-——t. ‘1 marifolium. pc. Marum-leaved. ——-— ---. —— F.f. Barr. rar. t. 441. i2 cinereum. vc. gray. Spain. > cose —-—— Ff, Cav. ic.2:t. 141. 13 squammatum. pe. scaly. ——— 1815. — Fh. ——— 2.t. 189. i4 lavandulefolium.pc.Lavender-ld. Levant. 1739. —— F.h. Barr. ic. t. 288. B syriacum. pc. — Syrian. Syria. |. —— -— F.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t.96. {5 steechadifolium. pc. woolly-leaved. Portugal. 1819. -— F.h. 6 croceum. pc. Saffron-colour’d Spain. sre —-— F.f. Desf. atl. 1. t. 110. 7 glaucum. pc. glaucous-leavd ——-—— 1815. 6.8. F.h. Cav. ic. 3. t. 261. 8 tomentosum. pc. tomentose. Scotland. ---- 7,8. H.R. Eng. bot. 2208. )9 leptophyllum. pc. narrow-leaved. Spain. tees F,h. Swt. cist. t. 410 serpyllifolium. pc. Serpyllum-l4, ——--—— 1731. 5.9. F.h. il vulgare. De. common. Britain. sees H.f. Eng. bot. 1321. iu B flore pleno. double-flowered. ——_——-_ «+.» —— H,h. . -§52 surrejanum. pc. _—dotted-leaved. England. ose. 7.10, H.. © Eng. bot. 2207. i3 ovatum. pe. ovate-leaved. Geneva. eee 6,8. H.f. Viv. frag. 1. t.8. f. 2. 4 grandiflorum. pc. large-flowered. Pyrenees. 1800. —— H.R. Scop.carn. ed. 2. t.25.- iy) >9 sampsucifolium. rough dwarf. Montpelier. +--+» ——- H.h. Bot. mag. 1803. __ Cistus sampsucifolius. B. M. non Cav, : 46 obscurum. pc. obscure. ' Europe. soe —— H.. Swt. cist. t. 7 nummularium. pc. Money-wort. ———— 1752. —— H.h. ; 38 angustifolium. pc. distinct-petal’d. -+-----.« 1800. —— H.}. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 53. 9 hirtum. pc. bristly-calyxed. Spain, 1759. —— F.h. Cav. ic. 2. t.146. _ a Beticum. pe. — green-leaved. B aureum. ve. canescent-leaved. '0 pilosum. pc. ‘hairy. S. Europe. 1731. ——~ F.h. ; ‘1 apenninum. pc. Apennine. Europe, a —- H.f. Swt. cist. t. 2 y 36 | CISTINEZ. 72 papyraceum. s.c. paper white. sevesoese seoee 5.6. Hf. Swt, cist. t. -— 73 hispidum. pc. hispid. S. France. —— —— H.h. regi 74 pulverulentum. pc. powdered. ———— _ ht er Ee |S wt tg, 75 canescens, s.c. canescent. _ voerecee ceee ——— H.f. Swt, cist. t. _ Cistus roseus. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 65. non All. é ' . 76 rhodanthum. pc. rose-flowered. Spain. cove —— Hi. Swett. cist. t. 7. | 77 versicolor. s.c. various-colourd -——-——- -+-- ——H.h. Swt. cist. t. ‘ 78 venustum. s.c. charming. weeecces cove ——— Hit. Swt. cist. t.10. B flore pleno. double-flowered. ; am | 79 polifolium. pe. white-mountain England. ---- 5.7. H.h%. Eng. bot. 1322. — 80 mutabile. pc. changeable. Spain. 1795. 6.7. Hh. Jacq. ic. 1, t. 29: * 81 sulphureum. nc. sulphur-colour’d =—-——- 1815. --— H.h. | 82 roseum. DC. rosy. S. Europe. ---- ——H.h. All. ped. 2. t. 45. f.4 83 foetidum. pe. Bryony-scented -------- — H.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t.98. @ HUDSONIA. DC. Hupsonia. Dodecandria Monomer: L. ericoides. DC. Heath-like. N. Amer. 1805. 5.7. F.. W.- hort. ber. t. 15. | LECHEA. DC. LecHeEA. Tri-Dodecandria Trigynia, | 1 villosa. pc. villous. Canada. 1780. 7.8. H.%. Lam.ill. t. 52. foul | major. Ph. non Lin. minor L. Non Ph. ‘ | 2 minor, Dc. lesser. oa «=—«d802. — HY. ———t.52.f.1, 3 thymifolia. pce. Thyme-leaved. N. Amer. 1823. —— H.%. . 1 ORDO XVII. VIOLARIEA. DC. prodr. 1. p. 287. Tribus I. VIOLEA. DC. ein mt enero DC. CALyptrrion. Pentandria Monogynia. Aubletii. ‘ Aublet’s. S. Amer. 1820. ---. S.h. Aub. gui. 2. t. 319, Viola Hybanthus. Aub, Jonidium Aubletii. R. s. : | NOISETTIA. DC. NoIseTTia. Pentandria Monogynia. longifolia. pc. long-leaved. Cayenne, 1822. ---- S.h. Nov. Jonidium longifolium. R. Ss. a VIOLA. DC. VioLET. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 pedata. pe. cut-leaved. N. Amer. 1759. 5.8. H.%. Swt. br, fl. gar. t. 6 2 flabellifolia. B.c. fan-leaved. —— 1822. —~- H.%. Lod. bot. cab. 177. pedata B atropurpurea. Dc. pedata var. bicolor. ph. | 3 palmata. vc. palmated. ———— 1752. 5.6. H.w. Bot. mag, 535. | 4 asarifolia. pc. Asarum-leaved. ——-—— 1823. bs hope rs 5 papilionacea. pc. variegated. ———~ 1800. —— H.x. F 6 obliqua. ph. oblique-flow’r’d ——-—— 1762, —— H.y. 7 cucullata. ph. hollow-leaved. ———— 1772. 5.7. H.%. Bot. mag. 1795. 8 pinnata. R.s. - Wwinged-leaved. Europe. 1752, 5.6. H.%. All.m.taur.3, t.5.f 9 multifida. R.s. multifid. Siberia. — — H.%. Gmel. sib. 4, t. 48. | 10 variegata. pc. variegated. Dahuria. 1818. —— H.2, 11 primulefolia. pc. Primrose-l4. oN. Amer. 1783. 4.6. H.2, 12 lanceolata. pe. spear-leaved. —---—_ 1759. 6.7. F.x%. Lod. bot. cab. 211. | 13 Patrinii. pc. Siberian, Siberia. veee —— Hy, . 14 ovata. pe. oval-leaved. N. Amer. 1822, —— H.2. 15 sagittata. pc. arrow-leaved. ———— 1775. —— H.2. 16 betonicefolia. pc. Betony-leaved. N.S.W. 1823. —— F.y. 17 suavis. F. fragrant, Siberia. —— — H.7. 18 palustris. pe. marsh. Britain. *-s> 5.6. H.4. Eng. bot. 444, 19 blanda. pe. white-flowered. N. Amer. 1802. 5.7. H.y. W.hort. ber. 1, t.2 20 rotundifolia. pc. round-leaved. ——-—— 1800. —— H.}). ~ | 21 sororia. w. white-rooted, ———— 1802. 4.6. H.24.° W. hort. ber. t. 72, 22 hirta. E. B. hairy. England. --+ ——— H.¥. Eng. bot. 894. 23 ambigua. Rvs. ainbiguous. Danube. 1822, —— H.2. 24 odorata. pc. sweet. Britain. scoe 3.5. HY. Eng. bot. 619. a purpurea, purple-flowered. 3 alba. white-flowered. VIOLARIEZ. 37 cerulea. blue-flowered. purpureo-plena. double-purple, : é albo-plena. double-white. — £ ceruleo-plena. double-blue. n pallido-plena. Neapolitan. 5 uliginosa. pe. fen. Carniola. 1822. 4.5. H.%. 3 mirabilis. pc. broad-leaved. Europe. 1732. 6.8. H.%. Jacq. fl. aust. t. 19. |. 7 striata. pe. streaked. N.Amer, 1772. —— H.2. 3 ochroleuca. pc. sulphur-color’d. —— seoe —— HY. 9 eanina. pe. dog’s. Britain. -ser 4.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 620. %. |) sylvestris. R.s. wood. Hungary. 1823. —— H.7. L debilis. pc. weak. N. Amer. 1820. -~— H.2. ‘(2 arenaria. pe. sand. Evrope. —— -—— H.y. Pio viol. p. 20. t.1. f.2. | Allionti. R.s. glauca. M. B. '| pumila. De. small. Europe. a4 = Ht. Vill..c. stras. t. 5. tli) £ montana. R.s. mountain. —— 1683. 5.6. H.%. Bot. mag. 1595. i lactea. R.S. cream-coloured. England. e+e. -~—— H.¥%. Eng. bot. 445. {2535 Ruppii. aun. Piedmont. Piedmont. 1820. —— H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 686. 7 arborescens. pc. shrubby. ‘S. Europe. 1779. 4.5. G.h. Barr. ic. 568. L1)3 biflora. pe. two-flowered. Europe. 1752. -——- H.%. , Flor. dan. 46. 2 Nuttalli. pe. Nuttal’s. N. Amer. 1812. 5.6. H.2. 0 canadensis. pc. Canadian. — 1783. —— H.2. L pubescens. DC. downy. ———— 1772. 6.7. H.%. 2 eriocarpa. pc. —_-woolly-capsul’d. ——--—-_ i820. H.y%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 102. 3 uniflora. pe. Siberian, Siberia. 1774. ——- H.y%. Gmel. sib. 4. t. 48. f.5. 4 cornuta. pe. horned. Pyrenees. 1776. 5.6. H.%. Bot. mag. 791. 5 cenisia. pc. Alpine. Switzerland.1759. 6.7. H.y%. All. ped. 2. t.22. f.6. 6 valderia. r.s, fringed-leaved. —— 1805. 5.6, H.y%. M—-—— 2.¢t.24.f.3. 7 calcarata. R.s. spurred. Europe. 1752. 3.6. H.%. Hall. helv. t. 17. 8 Zoysii. R.s. crenated. ———— --+- 7.9. H.y%. Jacq. coll. 4. t. 11. fii. ‘9 ameena. Dc. purple. Scotland. --- 5.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1287. 0 altaica. pe. Tartarian. Altai. 1805. 3.6. H.y%. Bot. reg. 54. grandiflora. L. non DC. _ 8 purpurea. pc. ——purple-flowered, ——-——— ---- -—— H.y. Swit. br. fl. gar. ‘1 prostrata. R.s. prostrate. Teneriffe. 1824. —— H.©. ‘2 sudetica. w.en. large-blue. Europe. ses» 5.8. H.2. il) grandiflora, DC. fi. fr. 5. p. 620. ; 3 lutea. E.B. large yellow. _ Britain. --. ——H.%. Eng, bot. 721. ‘4 saxatilis. R.s. rock. Bohemia. 1824. —— H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. t. WU es rothomagensis, Dc. Rouen. France. 1783. —— H.y%. Bot.mag. 1498. 6 tricolor. R.s. Heart’s-ease. Britain. ---- 4.9. H.©. Céd. fl. dan. t, 623. 7 banatica. R.s. intermediate. Hungary. <«--+ ~—— H.©. LI) 8 arvensis. R.s. corn. Britain. o> —— H.©. Ti 9 eee R.S. Kitaibel’s. Switzerland. 1824, — H.©. \0 Selkirkii. Selkirk’s. N. Amer. 1823. —— H.2. OLEA. DC. SoLea. Pentandria Monogynia. ; | concolor. pe. green-flowered. N. Amer. 1788. 6.7. H.¥. Linn. trans. 6. t. 28. OMBALIA. DC, PomBALtA. Pentandria Monogynia. — Itubu. pe. whiteIpecacuanha. Brazil. 1822. 7.8. S.y4. B.V.t.496.f.2. ~ Jonidium Ipecacuanha, B. B.M, 2453. ti JNIDIUM. DC. Jonrpium. Pentandria Monogynia. 4) 1 strictum. pc. upright. St.Domingo.1820. ++-- S.%, 2 polygalefolium. pc. Milkwort-ld. S.Amer. 1797. 4.8. G.%. Vent. malm. 27. (3 verbenaceum. pc. Vervain-like. —-——— +{822, 6.8. H.©.. H. et BV 087961.497. alli | te rd ante tatu aril ‘Tribus Il. -ALSODINE. DC. Pentandria Monogynia. Madagascar.1823, <+++ ve h. — eee y. h ° ALSODEIA. tree. broad-leaved. ee ee 38 ; VIOLARIE. Tribus III, SAUVAGEE. DC. SAUVAGESIA. DC. SavuvaceEsia. Pentandria Monogynia. | 1 erecta. Dc. upright. S. Amer. 1823, 7.9. H.©. 2 nutans. DC. nodding. Madagascar. —— H.©. » ORDO XVIII. DROSERACE. DC. prodr. 1. p. 317. DROSERA. DC. SuNDEW. Pentandria Pentagynia. L. 1 acaulis. pe. stalkless. C. B.S. 1821. 7.8. G.w.%. 2 pauciflora. pe. few-flowered.. ——-—-—- -—— —— G.w.}. 3 rotundifolia. pc. round-leaved. Britain. soos —— H.w.2. Eng. bot. 867. | 4 intermedia. pc. intermediate. England. +++. -—— H.w.}. D. et H.3. t.75. j| longifolia. E. B. 868. | . | 5 anglica. pc. great. - — «ees —— H.w.%. Eng. bot. 869. longifolia. D. et H. 3. t.75. A. 6 linearis. pc. linear-leaved. N.Amer. 1822. 5.6. H.w.. © 7 filiformis. Ph. thready-leaved. — 1811. —— H.w.}. BYBLIS. DC. Bysuis. Pentandria Monogynia. liniflora. De. blue-flowered. N.S. W. 1803. 5.6, G.w.2.? Salisb. par. 95. - DIONEA. DC. Dion#A. Decandria Monogynia. L.- : Muscipula. ne. Venus Flytrap. Carolina. 1768. 7.8. G.w.. Bot. mag. 785. PARNASSIA. DC. Parwnassia. Pentandria Tetragynia. L. 1 palustris. pc. marsh. ' Britain. eooe 7.8. H.w.. Eng. bot. 82. 2 parviflora. pc. small-flowered. N. Amer. sees 5.6. Hw. 3 caroliniana. Dc. Carolina. Carolina. 1802. 5.8. H.w.2. Bot. mag. 1459. 4 asarifolia. Dc. Asarum-leav’d. N. Amer. 1812. 7.8. H.w.3. Vent. malm. t. 39. ORDO XIX. POLYGALEA. DE. prodr. 1. p. 321. POLYGALA. DC. Mitkwort. _Diadelphia Octandria. L. 1 oppositifolia. pc. opposite-leav’d.C. B.S. 1790. 1.12. G.h. Bot. reg. 636. 2 cordifolia. pc. heart-leaved. —-—— 1791. —— G.h. 3 tetragona. DC. square-stalked. ————— 1820. —— G.h. ‘ 4 nummularia. pc. | Moneywort-la. -——-—— 1812. —— G.h. 5 latifolia. B.R. broad-leaved. ——-— 1820. —— G.h. Bot. reg. 645. cordifolia. B.M. non DC. 6 borboniefolia, pc. Borbonia-leavd ---—— 1790. —— G.h. oppositifolia. B. M. non DC. 7 myrtifolia. Dc, Myrtle-leaved. ——-—— 1707. 5.8. G.h. Bot. reg. 669. § ligularis. Dc. ligulate-leaved, ——--——- 1820. ——- G.h. ———— 637, 9 intermedia. pc. _ intermediate. ~———- _-+-- 5:10. Gh. 10 bracteolata. pc. = spear-leaved. ————- 1713. —— G.h. Bot. mag. 345. 11 umbellata. hispid-stalked. ————- -——- -—— G.h. Burm. afr. t.73. f,. 12 Burmanni. pc. Burman’s. ———— sss —— Gh. t.73.f.4._ 13 simplex. Dc. simple-stalked. -—-—— 1820. —— G.h. | 14 speciosa. DC. showy. ———— 1814. —~— G.h. Bot. reg. 150. | 15 teretifolia. pc. columnar-I4, oe AIST, 5. 8. Gish eRe, rep. 370. | 16 Garcini. Dc. slender-branch. —~—— ++». 5.10. Gi. Burm, afr. t. 73, f. POLYGALEZ. | major. DC. large Austrian. Austria. 1739. 7,8. H.%. | vulgaris. pc. common. - Britain. sees 5.7. HX, a verdad. DC. . true, —— cee, —-— Hi, B pubescens. DC. _— pubescent. ——_—— eee —— HI, elata, DC. tall, meee —— HY, Verviana. pc. _—white-flowered. ———— - —— H.%. # acutifolia. DC. blue-fiowered. m—— —— sees —— Hf. 2 angustifolia, DC. rose-coloured.g, —-~——~ ©---+ —— H.%. 9 grandiflora. pc. red-flowered. ——-—— _ *s+s+ —— H.2. /amara. DC. bitter. Europe. 1775. —— H.2. } monspeliaca. pc. - Montpelier. Montpelier. 1823. 6.9. H.©. jinearnata. pc. _— flesh-coloured. N.Amer. 1812. 6.7. H.©. cruciata. DC. four-leaved. —— 1739. —— H.©. brevifolia. pc. short-leaved. —— 1824. —— H.©. fastigiata. pc. close-branched. ————- —— -—— H.©. jlutea. pe. golden, ——-_ 11739. -— H.©. (nana. DC. dwarf, ——- _ 1815. 7.8. H.©. (purpurea. DC. purple. ——- 1739. 7.9. H.©. sanguinea. Mich. (sanguinea. Dc. bloody. Sa H.©. ‘ambigua. pc. ambiguous. ———— 1824. 6.7. H.©. (verticillata. pc. whorl-leaved. — 1739. —— H.©. 1. jpaniculata. nc. panicled. S. Amer. 1822. 7.10. S.O. Th, | agai pc. grass-leaved. N.Amer. —— 6.7. F.%. Senega. DC Rattlesnake-rt. ——-—— 1739. —— H.. ', 4paucifolia. pe. naked-stalked. ————— 1791. 5.6. H.%. ourpurea, H.K. non DC. iChamzbuxus. pc. Box-leaved. Europe. 1658. —— H.h. RALTIA. DC. Morarrra. Diadelphia Octandria. L. Heisteria. pc. Furze-leaved. C.B.S. 1787. 1.12. G.h. Polygala Heisteria, B. M. "Pe tercoides, pe. Fox-tail. —-— 1800. 5.8. G.h. i, Polygala alopecuroides. B.M. . DC. squarrose. —— 1821. —— G.h. ) 43tipulacea. Dc. stipuled. —— 1801. 4.9. G.h. ijumiperifolia. pc. Juniper-leaved. ————- «++. —— G.h. i), Eliffusa. De. diffuse. ——-—- 1800. 1.12. G.h. virgata. De. twiggy. —_— — — _ Gh. Sinophylla. pe. Flax-leaved. —— 1812. 5.8. Gh. Jmacroceras. pc. _long-horned. —_——_ — — G.h. nixta. DC. Heath-leaved. ——-— 1791. 1.12. G.h. Polygala mixta, B. M. - l:iliaris. pe. ciliated. ——— 1822. 5.7. G.h. humilis. pce. humble. —-—— 1817. 5.8. G.h. Polygala humilis. B.c. NDIA. DC. Mounpia. Diadelphia Octandria. L. pinosa. pe. spiny. C.B.S. 1780. 1.5. G.h. t latifolia. pc. broad-leaved. f angustifolia, DC. narrow-leaved. (JRID ACA. DC. q ‘olubilis, pc. | | i, | 9, ‘id ncea. vc. ‘landulosa. pe. - “ jilosa. pe. landulosa. Ex. bot. 21. * i ‘ricifolia, De. 4 fe ft «A €4 SECURIDACA. climbing. XN 1739. Diadelphia Octandria. L. W. Indies. 39 Jacq. aust. 5. t. 413. Eng. bot. 76. Flor. dan, t. 516. Schk. handb. t. 194. Bot. mag. 2437. DC. ic. rar. 1. t.9. Pluk. am. t. 438. f. 6. Pluk. am. t. 438. f. 4. Bot. reg. 761. Bot. mag. 1051. Bot. mag. 316, Bot. mag. 340. —— 1006. Bot. mag. 1715. * Bot. mag. 1714. Lodd. bot. cab. 420. coos S.h.w~. Jacq.amer. t.183. f.38. ORDO XxX. rushy. -N.S.W. 1803. 7.8. G.h. glandular. -V. Diemen. 1822. —— G.h. hairy. —$— —- — ah. Heath-leaved, — G.h. N.S. W. i | TREMANDREZ. DC. prodr. 1. p.343. i "RATHEC A. DC. TeTRATHECA. Octandria te Sm. nov. hol. 1. t. 2. Lab. nov, hol. 1. t. 123. ——-——- 1, t. 122. Sm. exot. bot. t. 20. 40 PITTOSPORE. DC. prodr. 1, p. 345. BILLARDIERA. DC. App.Le-Berry. Pentandria Monogyni 1 scandens. DC. 2 mutabilis. pc. 3 longiflora. pc. 4 fusiformis. DC. 5 angustifolia. pc. PITTOSPORUM. DC. 1 coriaceum. DC. 2 viridiflorum. DC. 3 Tobira. Dc. 4 undulatum. De. 5 revolutum. DC. 6 tenuifolinm. 7 ferrugineum. DC. BURSARIA. DC. spinosa. DC. SENACIA. DC. undulata. pc. FRANKENIACER. DC. prodr. FRANKENIA. DC.,- 1 pulverulenta. pe. 2 nodiflora. pc. 3 Nothria. pc. PITTOSPORE. ORDO XXI. nia. downy-fruited. N.S. W. 1796. 6.8. changeable. ——-—— 1795. 5.9. blue-fruited. | V. Diemen. 1810. —— long-fruited. — 1822, narrow-leaved. N.S. W. —_— PirrosporuM. Pentandria Monogynia. thick-leaved. Madeira. 1787. 5.6. green-flowered. C. B.S. 1806. —— glossy-leaved. China. 1804. 3.8. wave-leaved. N.S.W. 1789. 2.6. downy-leaved. . — 1795. 2.4. Willow-leaved. —, 1818, ——. rusty-leaved, Guinea. 1787. 2.5. BursARiaA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. thorny. N.S. W. = 1793. 8. 12. SenaciA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. wave-leaved. Mauritius. 1785. ---- ORDO XXII. SEA HEATH. Nothria repens. Berg. 4 levis. pe. 5 intermedia. pc. hirsuta. var. calabrica. L. 6 hispida. pe. hirsuta. var. cretica. L. 7 ericifolia. pc. powdery. England. knotted-flow’r’d C. B.S. 1818. 6. 8. Cape. —— 1816. — smooth. England. 7.8. sea-side. S. Europe. 1820. 6. 8. hairy. Siberia. 1789. "oes Heath-leaved. Canaries. 1815. —— ORDO XXIII. oe SIHTITIIS FHS nOOAPOOROOLED S. G.h. Sh. Hexandria ae L. CARYOPHYLLEE. DC. prodr.1. “Tribus I. SILENEM. DC. GYPSOPHILA. DC. Gypsopuita. 1 Struthium. pc. 2 fastigiata. pe. 3 arenaria. DC. 4 viscosa. DC, 5 altissima. pe. Decandria Digynia. L. flesh-leaved. Spain. . 1729. 7.8. angular-leaved. Europe. 1759. a Ma sand, Hungary. 1801. clammy. Levant. 1773. é. 8. upright. Siberia. 1759, 7% 8 H H. 2. H.». 8. H.2. ao oY, . Bot. mag. 801. | . Lab. nov. holl. Me 9 LET HS fp. 349." ® H.y%. Eng. bot. 2222. G.y%. Lam. ill. t. 262. | G.%. Berg. cap.171. tJ Hb. eng bot. 205. i H.%. Mich. gen. t. 22.) H.¥. Flor. grave. t. 313, G. ») ie p. 351. - Gmel, sib, 4. t. 619 o ———— 1313. ————_ 1507. Bot. rep. 151. Pe Bot. mag. 1684. — —- = — 0G Bot. reg. 16. +i ee Ne ee 186. 4 al Geert. fr. 1. t. 59. Bot, mag. 2075. — Bot. mag. 1767. — Barr. ic. 64. t. u W. et. K. hung. '§ Mur, c. got. 1783 8 Gmel, sib. 4. t,-6i @omeridianus. pc. afternoon. Saeapaaneh CARYOPHYLLE/:. perfoliata. pc. __ perfoliate. Spain. 1732. —— 8 tomentosa. DC. wovlly. — Tauria. —_ scorzonerifolia. pc. Scorzonera-l¢, . ——-——~ 1823, —— | acutifolia. pc. sharp-leaved. Caucasus. 1821. —— paniculata. pc. panicled. Siberia. 1759. 6.7. adscendens. pc. ascending. Levant. 1819, —— 1 elegans. pc. ~ elegant. Tauria. 1820. 6.8. Steveni. pe. Steven’s. Iberia. 1817, —— tenuifolia. nc. slender-leaved. Caucasus. 1824, —— | repens. De. creeping. Pyrenees. 1774. 7.9. Gubia. pe. -doubtful, = se eee «+ 1815. 5.9. | prostrata. pc. - trailing. Siberia. 1759. 7.9. muralis. Dc, wall. Europe. 1739. 6. 10. serotina. W.en. late-flowering. Magdeburg.1816. —— /glomerata. pc. round-headed. Tauria, 1804. 6.7. isaxifraga. pc. small. Germany. 1774. 7.8. jrigida. L. rigid. France. 1769. 6.8. I.NTHUS. DC. Pink. Decandria Digynia. L. prolifer. pe. proliferous. |‘ England. veee 7.8, édiminutus. w. small-flowered. ‘S. Europe. 1771. —— ;Armeria. De. Deptford. England. -es 7.9. pseudo-armeria. | canescent. Tauria. 1820. —— jarmerioides. pc. Thrift-like. ‘NewJersey. —— -—— barbatus. pe. Sweet-William. Germany. 1573. 6.7. ' 38 flore pleno. - double. _—_——_- atifolius. pc. broad-leaved, see+eres wees BLVD, ‘Baggregatus. Dc. clustered. veeseoes 1820. 6.8. ‘aponicus. DC. Japanese. China. 1804. 6. 10. jcapitatus. DC. headed. - Tauria. 1794. 6.7. ipolymorphus. pc. variable. ——-—- 1820. 6.8. liutinus. L.en. pedicled. Hungary. —— —— ‘errugineus. Dc. rusty. Pyrenees. 1756. 7. 9. Carthusianorum.pc.Carthusian, Europe. 1573. —— jitrorubens. All. dark-red. Italy. 1802, —— lanus. dwarf. ——- 1820. — wwboreus, Dc. arborescent. Crete. —_—_ — jruticosus, pe. frutescent. ———— 1815. 6.9. uffruticosus. pc. shrubby. wees eee 1804. 6.7. ‘arolinianus. pc. Carolina. N. Amer. 1811. 6.9. lisper. W.en, rough-stalked. Switzerland.1802. 7. 8. :oHinus. w.en. hill. Hungary. 1800. 7.9. B:ampestris. bc. field. Tauria. 1815. 7:8. /Bilpestris. pe. pasture. —— 1820. — \Biitidus. pe. glossy. Hungary. 1821. 6.8. lirtus. Dc. hairy. | Dauphiny —— —— _fyuttatus. pe. spotted. Caucasus. 1816. 7.9. yBersicolor. pe. various-colour’d ‘Russia. 1921.) pratensis. Dc. meadow. Tauria. — 6.8. ‘3 \chroleucus. L.ew. non. P. s. |hinensis. pc. China. China. 1713. 7.9. )} flore-pleno. double-flowered. ‘ontanus. vc. mountain. Caucasus. 1803. 6.9. jiscolor. B. M. Varyophyllus. pe. Clove. England. sero 6.8. flore pleno. Carnation. TRA cece e 6 Teale | ee | fruticosus. tree-Carnation. ***s++s+s ese8 —— imbricatus. Wheat-ear. gtd pela hada sine ecprcnams ylvestris. short-sealed. Jurassa. . +++: 6.7. ‘gimeus. B« M. 1740. Non. L. pngicaulis. pc. long-stalked. Naples. 1824. —— 1onadelphus. Dc. procumbent. Levant. sate 3 eta rocumbens. P. Ss. i javeolens. pc. sweet-scented. -+see++++ 1823. —— ‘oiretianus. pc. _Poiret’s. Sisto alieetle lohan helio aera | flore-pleno. double-flowering. ;,,§iboschitzianus. pc. Armenian. Armenia. 1823. 6.8. \ \ietreus, M. B. non Dc. Pyivaticus. pe. wood. Ratisbon. et —— Secs a a ots OFOOOD HEROORRRPRORERRER ° e eos feed ates e hep > > BY A St oy tt e o @ e e coe ° ° a @ e se e e RE F PE FE PEHER Os PEPRERERERSSHSHRERRERERERER cots) Sth et peta teat op tt eto od 4) Dill, elt. t. 276, Barr. ic. t. 1002. Jacq. aust. 5. t. app. 1. Jacq. h. vind. 2. t. 138. Swt. br. fl. gar. Bot. mag. 1448. Bot. mag. 1281. Lam. ill, t.375. f. 1. Exot. bot. 2. t. 90. Eng. bot. 956. Eng. bot. 317. Bot. mag. 2288. Bot. mag. 207. Swt. br. fl. gar. t. 2. Thunb. jap. t. 23. Swt. br. fl. gar. Barr. ic. t. 497. Jacq. ic. 3. t..467. Lodd. bot. cab. 459. fe Tourn, it. 1 t. 9. Parad. lond. 62. Bot. mag. 1739. Balb. act. taur.7. t. 1. 2. t.191. Vill. delph. 3. t. 46. Bot. mag. 28. Bot. mag. t. 1162. Eng. bot. 214. Bot. mag. 39. Bot. mag. 1622. Jacq. ic. rar. t. 823 Vent. h. cels. t. 39. Parad. lond, 57. 42 CARYOPHYLLE, Al leptopetalus. pc. narrow-petaled Caucasus. 1814. ——- H.¥. Bot. mag.1739, — 42 pungens. pc. pungent. Spain. 1781. 8.10. H.%. > 43 bicolor. pc. two-coloured. Tauria. 1818. 6: 8..HoOhLag 44 furcatus. pc. forked. Piedmont. 1820. ———- H.%. Balb.act.taur. 7. fs 45 virgineus, pc. virgin. Montpelier. 1732. —-— H.%. Dill. elt. 401. t. 385 t A6 deltoides. pe. maiden. Britain. +++» 6.10. H.y. Eng. bot. 61. a 47 glaucus. L. glaucous. ee ee i ame : 48 crenatus. B.R. long-cupped. C.B.S. 1817. 8 G.y. Bot. reg. 256, 49 rigidus. pc. rigid. Tauria. 1802. 6.10. H.2. a 50 suavis. pc. sweet. eens ‘1820. 6.7. H.y. . 51 cesius. Dc. tufted. ettain, -co+ ——- Hi. . Eng. bot. 62. 52 alpinus. pe. Alpine. | Austria. 1759. —— H.»%. Bot. mag. 1205. 53 glacialis. pc. acute-leaved. France. 1820. —— H. 2p. 54 Hornemanni. pc. Horneman’s. Italy. 1822. ~—— H.2. j 55 petreus. DC. rock. Hungary. 1804. 7.8. H.2#. © hung.3. t.22 B Simsii. Sims’ s. —-——~ +—— —— HH... Bot. mag. 1204.. 9) 56 ibericus. pc. Iberian. Iberia. 1820. 6.8. H.%. 4 Willdenowii. L.en. | 57 ruthenicus. pc. Russian. Russia. —- — H.x. | 58 albens. pc. white Cape. C. B.S. 1787. 8 G.%. : 59 plumarius. nc. common. Europe. 1629. 6.8. H.%. : 60 hortensis. w.en. garden. —— 1805. —— H.»7. . 61 caucaseus. DC. Caucasian, Caucasus. 1803. 6.9. H.y. Bot. mag. 795. 62 squarrosus. DC. squarrose. Tauria. 1823. 6.8. H.4. Bieb. cent.1. t. 33. 63 fragrans. B.M. fragrant. Caucasus. 1804. 6.7. H.%. Bot. mag. 2067. 64 serotinus. pc. late-flowering. Hungary. 1804. 7.8. H.2#%. W.etK. hung.2.t.1i 65. arenarius. DC. sand. N. Europe. ---+ 8. H.%. Bot. mag. 2038. — 66 prostratas. Dc. prostrate, C.sB. S. ‘ses 8.9. G.Y. Jacq. schoenb. 3. t.2) 67 fimbriatus. pc. fringed, Iberia. 1802. 6.8. H.h. Bot. mag. 1069. | 68 monspessulanus. Dc.Montpelier. Pyrenees. 1764. 7.8. H.2. esi als * 69 superbus. pc. superb. Europe. 1596. 7.9. H.%. Bot. mag. 297. APONARIA. DC. Soapwort. Decandria Digynia. L. ‘: 1 vaccaria, pc. annual. Europe. 1596. 7.8. H.©. Bot. mag. 2290. 2 perfoliata. pc. perfoliate. E. Indies. 1820. —— H.©. P < 3 officinalis. pc. common. England. --+-- 7.10. H.%. Eng. bot. t.1060. -« £8 flore pleno. double-flowered. : . + 4 ocymoides. pc. Basil-leaved. Europe. 1768. 5.7. H.2}. Bot. mag.154. — ‘\ 5 glutinosa. pe. small-flowered. Tanria. 1823. H.g. Bieb. cent. 2. t. 66. © 6 porrigens. pc. hairy. Levant. 1680. 7.8. H.©. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 106 ‘7 orientalis. pc. small annual. --—— 1732. 6.8..H.©. Dill. elt. t. 167. f. 21 ¢ 8 lutea. pe. . yellow. -Switzerland.1804. ——- H.%. All. ped. t.23. f.1,. * 9 bellidifolia. pc. Daisy-leaved. Italy. eres --—— H.%. Smith spic.t.5, . CUCUBALUS. DC. Campion. Decandria Trigynia. L. bacciferus. pc. _ berry-bearing. England. -s++ 6.7. H.%- Eng. bot. 1577. SILENE. DC. CaTcHFLy. Decandria Trigynia. L. 1 acaulis. pc. stemless. _Britain. .- «--- 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1081. | B alba. ve. white-flowered. ——_-—- eses —— H.}. | 2 pumilio. pc. dense. Germany. 1823. ——- H.%. Stur.deut.1.fas.22.t 3 fimbriata. pc. fringe-flowered Crete. 1803. 5.8. H.%. Bot. mag. 908. 4 lacera. pce. jagged- flower’d Caucasus. 1818. —— H.4%. ———— 2255. 5 stellata. pe. four-leaved. N. Amer. 1696. 6.8. H.%. —-—— 1107. — - 6 inflata. pc. bladder. Britain. coos 5.9. H.-Y. Eng. bot. 164. Cucubalus Behen. E. B. wool 7 maritima. E. B. sea. ——— +--+» 8.9. H.%. Eng. bot. 957. 8 fabaria. H.K. thick-leaved. Sicily. 1731. 6.8. F.%. Boc. mus. 133. t. 9. 9 Behen. pc. Cretan. Crete. 1713. 6.7. H.©. Dill. elt. t.317. f.4. 10 indica. pe. Indian. Nepaul. 1824. —— F.%. } il procumbens. pc. procumbent. Siberia. 1820. —— H.¥. . Murr.c. geet. p.83. 12 rubella. pe. small red. Portugal. 1732. 5.6. H.©. Del. fl. eg. t,29.f, 13 apetala. pc. petalless. Spain. 1801. 6.7. H.©. ; | 14 Gypsophila. pc. Gypsophila-like .------- ooe> ——— H.Y.. 15 Otites. ne. Spanish. England. --++ 7.8. H.%. Eng. bot.85. Cucubalus Otites. E. B. 16 wolgensis. pc. Wolga. Wolga. 1821. 6.8. H.%}. 17 parviflora. pe. small-flowered. Hungary. 1796. —— H.2. 18 effusa. pe. spreading. Wolga. 1821. —— H.». | 19 sibirica. pe. Siberian. Siberia. 1773. —— H.}%. Hall. g.1.p. 150. 20 multiflora. pc. many-flowered. Hungary. 1794. —~- H.g. W.etK. hung. 1. t 21 tatarica. De. Tartarian. Tartary. 1769. —— H.2. | | 12 gigantea. pc. }3 viscosa. DC. | 4 conica, pc. — aR ‘5 conoidea. Dc. 6 undaolata. pe. 7 anglica. Dc. i 8 lusitanica. Dc. 9 gallica. pe. 0 ocymoides. pc. 1 disticha. pe. 2 cerastoides. pc. : quinquevulnera.pc. 4 nocturna. Dc. > reflexa. H. K. . 5 mutabilis. H.K. 3 dichotoma. pc. _) nyctantha. pe. ) bellidifolia. pc. i vespertina. Dc. on » obtusifolia. pc. ' $ colorata. vc. i) 4 crassifolia. pc. hs }-gracilis. pc. tt 3 jeniseensis. pc. " eiliata. pe. uh pendula. pe. ) longicaulis. pc. a d, ) secundiflora. pc, ' | viscosissima. pc. ? quadridentata. pc. four-toothed. ? micropetala. pc. bipartita. Desf. atl. 1. . Lychnis quadridentata, w. } pusilla. w-en. ‘| alpestris. pc. ) rupestris. Dc. i glaucifolia. pc. ’ imaperta. nc. ull} clandestina. pc. it portensis. w. ” antirrhina. pce. ( geminiflora. pc. ( flavescens. nc. ( linifolia, pc. |. eretica. ne. |. sedoides. pc. | | = SS | Saxifraga. pc. petrea. pc. / campanuila. pc. longipetala. pc. nutans. E.B. saxatilis. B. mM. livida. ween. , 4% tenuis. vc, 0% quadrifida. pe. itt viridiflora. pe. 7 chlorantha. pc. p44 psammitis. pe. yl niceensis. pe. % eatholica. pc. £ diversifolia. pc. ¢ repens. pc. £ tenuifolia. pc. ¢ virginica. pc. ‘ Catesbei. pe. £ stricta. pe. ji Muscipula. pe. tS noctiflora. pc. * ornata. nc. —~ Ss ee eee = a _ a = CARYOPHYLLE~. gigantic. — Africa. 1738. —— clammy. Levant. 1739. 7. corn. England. veoe 6. conoid, S. Europe. 1683, —— wave-leaved. C.B.S. 1775. 8. English. England. .---- 6. Portugal. Portugal. 1732. —— French. France. 1683. 5. Basil-like. see eee ae 1819. 6. two-ranked. veeevees 1817, —— Cerastinm-like. S. Europe. 1732. 7. variegated. England. oe. 6. spiked. S. Europe. 1683. —— reflexed. ——-—— 1726. —— changeable. ——— 1688. —— small-petaled. Chili. 1822. 6.7. dichotomous. Hunyary. 1791. —— various-leaved. ++++-++- 1815. 6. Daisy-leaved. ~+++++-- 1794. —— evening. Barbary. 1796. 7. t. 100, blunt-leaved. ————- 1823. 6. coloured. —— 1804. —— thick-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 7. slender. = © «-re- s¢° §=1823. 6. two-coloured. Siberia. 1817. 6. ciliated. Crete. 1804. —— pendulous. Sicily. 1731. 5. long-stalked. Spain. 1818. 6. side-flowered. ++-+e+:: a viscous. Naples. 1822, —— Italy. 1783. 5. dwarf. Hungary. 1804. 6. Austrian. Austria. S074, 5s rock, Switzerland.i774. 5. glaucous-leav’d. Spain. 1823... —— unopen-flow’r’d S. Europe. 1732. 6.7. hidden-flower’d C. B.S. 1801. —— Oporto. Portugal. 1759. 7. Snap-dragon. Virginia. 1732. 6. twin-flowered. +--+ +--- 1816. -- yellowish. Hungary. 1804. —— Flax-leaved. «ss **+++<% 1817. 7.8. Candian. Candia 1732. 5.8. Sedum-like: © Crete. 1822. 6.8. Saxifrage. S. Europe. 1640. —— fine-toothed. Hungary. 1806. —— bell-flowered. Piedmont. 1822. —— long-petaled. Aleppo. uaessneat Re ounce Nottingham. England. ---- 6.7. stone. Siberia. 1s0¢. —— livid. Carniola. 1816. —— slender. Siberia. —_— — four-cleft. Italy. 1820. —— green-flowered. Portugal. 1739. —— pale-flowered, Germany. 1732. 6. sulphur-colourd --:-+--> 1820. —— villous clammy. S. Europe. ——- —— panicled. Italy. 11. 7.9. various-leaved. <°*:--*7*' 1820. —— creeping. ° Siberia. 1806. 7. slender-leaved. Dahuria. 1820. —— Virginian. Virginia. 1783. 5.8. Catesby’s. . Carolina. ---- —— upright. Spain, 1802. 6. Spanish. — 1596. 7. night-flowering. England. ---- 7. dark-coloured. C. B.S. rs isi dk 5. Cs | a e = OOO%OOaS Pam) oF ° Me 00000090090 eg | ot PS ao ° QOOOOOHOSOO © INI Oo e IMO > et tt tt eo} OOOROOOOORERR 2 vy “e “OOOH ROPOPORPSEREB HONEY 22> Walt. hort. 32. t. 11. Eng. bot. 922. Clus. his. 1. p. 288..f.2. Eng. bot. 1178. Dill. elt. t. 311. f. 401. Vail. par. t. 16. f. 12. Schrank. pl. rar. t..39. Dill. elt. t. 309. f.397. Eng. bot. 86. Dill. elt. t. 310. f. 400. Magn. h. mons. 171. ic. W. et K. hung. t. 29. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 81. Swt. br. fl. gar. 58. Bot. mag. 114. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 120. K. hung.3. t. 212. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 96. Flor. dan. 4. Dill. elt. t.314. f. 407. Jacq. col. sup. t.3. f.3. Dill. elt. t.313. f. 403. W. et K.hung. 2. t.175. Dill. elt. t. 314. f. 404. Jacq. col. sup. t.14 f.1. Lodd. bot. cab. 454. K. hung.2. t.164. All. anct. p. 28. t.1.f.3. Vent. hort. cels, t. 83. Eng. bot. 465. Bot. mag. 689. Herm. parad. t. 199. Dill. elt. t. 316. f. 408. All. ped. t. 44. f. 2. Jacq. vind. 1. t.59. Pluk. alm. t. 208. f. 1. Catesb. car. 54. ic. Clus. hist. 1. p. 289. f.1. Eng. bot. 291. Bot. mag, 382. Seawate ef 44 CARYOPHYLLEE. 89 wgyptiaca. pc. Egyptian. Egypt. 1800. 7.8 G.¢. 90 sericea. DC. silky. Corsica, 1801. 6.8. H.©. 91 picta. pe. painted.. -essrees 1818. 7.9. H.©. 92 bicolor. pc. two-coloured. France. — 6.8... H.©. 93 reticulata. pc. _netted-flow’r’d. Barbary.. 1804. 7.8. H.©. 94 pensylvanica. Dc. Pensylvanian. N. Amer. 1806. 6.9. H.%. incarnata, B.C. 41. 95 vallesia. pc. hard-rooted. Switzerland.1765. 6.8. H.%. 96 fruticosa. Dc. shrubby. Sicily. 1629. 6,7. F.h. 97 caspica. DC. Caspian. Caucasus. 1823. —— H.%. 98 amocena. DC. Tartarian. Tartary. 1779. 7. Hd. 99 supina. Dc. trailing, Caucasus, 1804. 6.8, H.2. - 100 depressa. pe. depressed. Iberia. 1823. —— H.2. 101 paradoxa. pe. Dover. England. soee 7. Obey 102 chlorzfolia. pc. Armenian, Armenia. 1796. 8.9. H.2%. 103 italica. pc. ‘ Italian. | Italy. 1759. 5.6. H.g. Cucubalus italicus. L. 104 polyphylla. pc. many-leaved. Austria. sees 6.7. HY. 105 nemeralis..pc. wood. Hungary. 1823. —— H.}. 106 longiflora. pc. long-flowered, — 1793. 7.9. H.%. 107 bupleuroides. pc. spear-leaved. Persia. 1801. 6.7. H.%. 108 mollissima. pc. velvet. . Italy. 1739. 7.9, H.. Cucubalus mollissimus. L. Bay 109 regia. pc. splendid. N.Amer. 181]. 5.8. G.d. 110 Atocion. pc. Orchis-flow’r’d. Levant. 1781. 5.7.) B®; orchidea. H. K. 111 pseudo-Atocion.pc.Atlantic. Atlantic. 1818. -—- H.©. 112 Armeria, pc. Lobel’s. England. ->-+ 7.9. H.©, a rubra. red-flowered. B alba. white-flowered. i 113 compacta. pc. compact. Russia. 1816. —— H.¢. VISCARIA, Rehl. Viscarra. Decandria Pentagynia. L. 1 vulgaris. Reehl. common. Britain. eeee 5.7. HX. Lychnis viscaria, L. eine B flore-pleno. double-red. 2 albiflora. white-flowered. «seessee, ses — H.» LYCHNIS. DC. Lycunis. Decandria Pentagynia. re 1 chalcedonica. pc. scarlet.. Japan. 1596. 6.7. H,%. B albiflora. white-flowered. y flore pleno. double-flowered. 2 Flos-jovis. pe. umbelled. Piedmont. 1726.. 7. H.2. Agrostemma Flos-jovis. B. M. ' 3 coronata. w. Chinese. China. 1774. 6.9. H.%. grandifiora. Jacq. pl. rar. t. 84. 4 fulgens. pe. brilliant. Siberia. 1819. 7.9. H.%. 5 Ceeli-rosa. pc. smooth-leaved, Levant. 1713. 7.8. H.©. Agrostemma Celi-rosa. L. AGROSTEMMA. Acrostemma. Decandria Pentagynia. L. 1 apetala. pc. petalless. Lapland. 1819. 6.8. H.2. Lychnis apetala. t. 2 brachypetala. L.en. Short-petaled. -----++; -—— -—— H.». 3 sylvestris. pc. red-flowered, Britain, sees 6.7. HY. Lychnis dioica rubra. E. B. B flore-pleno. double-flowered. 4 dioica. be. white-flowered, ———— +++. —— H. 7. Lychnis dioica alba. £.B. vespertina. sibt. B flore-pleno. double-white. y viridifiora. double-green. 5 leta. pe. small. Portugal. 1778. 7. H.©. 6 corsica. DC. Corsican. Corsica. 1824. 6.8. H.©. 7 pyrenaica. pc. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1820. 4.6. H.2. 8 alpina. pc. Alpine... Scotland. -++- 4.5. H.%. Lychnis alpina. w. 9 Floscuculi. pc. Ragged Robin. Britain. soos 6.9. H.}, Lychnis Floscuculi. i B flore-pleno. double. 10 coronaria. DC. Rose Campion. Italy. 1596. —— H.%. a rubra, red-flowered. -— — — H.z. B alba. white-flowered. y plena. double-flowered. ‘Bot. mag, 398. aa Spe § 5 ny E All. ped. t. 79. f.3,. Swt. br. fl. gar. 92, DC. ic. gall. rar. t. Desf. atl. 1, t.99, © Bot. reg. 247. . All. ped. t.23. f. Pt Comm. hort. t, 33.. 7 Bot. mag. 1997. 1g Jacq. vind, 3. t. 84. Bot. mag, 807. e Jacq, obs. 4. t. 79. Clns- hist. 1, 4s 290, K. hung. 3. t.2 | — l.p.7, Tourn. it. t. 164, K, hung. 3. t.2 Bot. mag. 1724. Jacq, vind. 3. t. 32, Eng, bot, 1398. Eng. bot. 788. Bot. mag. 257. Bot, mag. 223. Bot. mag. 2104, Bot. mag. 295. Lin, fl, lap. t. 12, f,_ a5 | Eng. bot. 1579. { ; | , va Eng, bot. 1580. oe) Eng. bot.2254, | Eng. bot. 573. Bot. mag, 24. F \ ast | i, | 0, | | i ——— CARYOPHYLLEZ. GITHAGO. Corn-Cockle. pein Desf. Decandria Pentagynia. L. 1 segetum. Desf. 6.8 Britain. eres . H.©. Agrostemma Githago.. L. 2 niceensis, long- calyxed. Italy. 1794. ——- H.©. VELEZIA. DC. VELEzIA. Pentandria Digynia. L. rigida. Dc. rigid. Spain. 1683. 7. H.©. DRYPIS. DC. Drypis. Pentandria Trigynia. L. | spinosa, DC. prickly. Italy. 1775. 6.7. H.%. Tribus II. ALSINEE. DC. ORTEGIA. DC. Ortecia. Triandria Monogynia. L. 1 hispanica. pe. Spanish. Spain. 1768. 6.7. H.%. _ 2 dichotoma. pc. forked. Italy. 1781. gaits | hispanica, Cav. ic.1, t. 47. BUFFONIA. DC. BurroniA. ‘Tetrandria Digynia. L. 1 annua. De. annual. England. ---- 6 H.©. tenuifolia. E. B. _ 2 perennis. pc. perennial. _ France. 31820. 6.7. H.%. SAGINA. DC. PEARL-worT. Tetrandria Tetragynia. L. 1 procumbens. pc. procumbent. _ Britain. eres 5.9. H.O©. 2 cerastoides. DC. Cerastium like. ————-_+++- 6.7. H.©. Cerastium tetrandrum. H. K. 3 filiformis. pc. filiform. Pyrenees. 1824. —— H.©. 4 maritima. £. B. sea-side. Ireland. sees 5.8. H.©. _ 6 apetala. pce. small-flowered. Britain. ---- 5.6. H.©. MCENCHIA. P.S. Mancnia. Tetrandria Tetragynia. L. glauca. P.s. glaucous. Britain. se-- 4.5, H.©. | quaternella. Len. Sagina erecta. E.B. MCEHRINGIA. DC. Ma@nrineria. Octandria Digynia. L. _ 1 muscosa. DC. mossy. S. Europe. 1775. 6.7. H.%. _ 2 sedifolia. pc. Stonecrop-14. —— 1823. —— H.%. ELATINE. DC. WATERWORT. Octandria Tetragynia. L. 1 Hydropiper. pc. small. Britain. snes 8, HX. 2 hexandra. pc. hexandrous. France. soos ——— Hit, MOLLUGO. W. MoutvuGo. Triandria Trigynia. L. 1 verticillata. pc. | whorled. Virginia. 1748. 6.8. H.©. 2 Schrankii. pc. Schrank’s. Brazil. 1821. 7.9. H.©. dichotoma. schr. $8 Linkii. pc. Link’s. —— —-- —— H.O. triphylla. L.en, NO” Lour. PHARNACEUM. W. PuHarnaceum. Pentandria Trigynia. L. 1 Mollugo. w. LadiesBedstraw E. Indies. 1752. 7.8. S.©. Mollugo Spergula. DC. 2 cordifolium. w. _heart-leaved. , C. B.S. 1820. —— H.©. 8 dichotomum. w. forked. ——- 1783. —— H.©. 4 Cerviana. w. umbelled. Russia. 1771. 6.7. H.©. —é5 lineare. w. linear-leaved. C. B.S. 1795. 5.6. G.h. 6 incanum. B.M. hoary. —-—— 1782. 5.10. G.h. HOLOSTEUM. DC. Hotosteum. Triandria bSeyata: L. umbellatum. pc. umbelled. England. .- 7.8. H.©. SPERGULA. DC. SpurRREY. Decandria Pentagynia. L. 1 arvensis. DC. rough-seeded. Britain. eeore 7.8. HO. 2 pentandra. pe. smooth-seeded. England. --+- 6.7. H.©. 3 pallida. pe. pale. C. B.S. cree 7.9. HX. 4 nodosa. pc, knotted. Britain. eoee 7.8. HX. 5 laricina. pc. Larch-leaved. Siberia. 1823. 6.8. H.2. 6 saginoides. Dc. Sagina like. Scotland. - — H.. 7 subulata. pc. awl-leaved. Britain. e- B24. Ekw tl LARBREA. pe. LARBREA. | Decandria Pentagynia, L. aquatica. DC. water. Britain. ---- 7.8. H.. Cerastium a ieshige 2 E.B. Stellaria aquatica, P.s. DRYMARIA. DryMaArRiIA. Pentandria Trigynia. L. 1 cordata. feet heart-leaved. W.Indies. 1814. 7.9. H.©. Holosteum cordatum. L. ~40 Eng. bot. 741. Barr. rar. t. 1018. Bot. mag. 2216. All. ped. t. 4. fi. 1. Eng. bot. 1313. Lam. ill, t. 87. f. 2. Eng, bot. 880. —-—— 166. Eng. bot. eee 2195. 881. Eng. bot, 609. Lam. ill. t. 314. W.ber.m.1818.t.3.f.23. Eng. bot. 955. DC. ic. rar. 1. t.43. f.l. Ehret pict. t. 6. Schrank pl. rar. 64. Burm, ind, t. 5, f. 4. Jacq. h. scheen, t. 349. Lam. ill. t. 214. f.1. Bot. rep. 326. Bot, mag. 1883. Eng. bot. 27. Eng. bot. 1535. Saaclanisohaitongs Os Eng. bot. 694. Sm. ic. ined. 1. t. 18. Eng. bot. 2105. ——- 1082. Eng. bot. 538. Lam. ill, t. 54. f, 2. 4G. .CARYOPHYLLEZ. 2 divaricata. DC. divaricate. Lima. 1823. —— H.©. . STELLARIA. DC. Sticuwort. Decandria Trigynia. L. ia 1 nemorum. DC. wood. Britain. -o-- 4.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 92. 2 latifolia. pc. broad-leaved. Germany. 1816. 6.8. H.©. 3 media. pc. Chickweed. Britain. ese 1.12. H.©. Eng. bot. 537. f .Alsine media, 1. 4 dichotoma. pc. forked. Siberia. 1774. 6.8. H.%. Smithic. ined. 1. t. 14, 5 bulbosa. ne. bulbiferous. Carinthia. 1820. —— H.%.. Jacq.ic. rar. 3. t. 468. 6 viscida. pc. viscous. Tauria. 1804. —— H.©. W.etK.hung.1. t. 22, Cerastium anomalum. w. 7 Holostea. pe. greater. Britain. ‘eees 4,6. Ho. Eng. bot. 511. 8 velutina. pc. velvetty. Siberia. 1824, 6.8. H.}%. | 9 graminea. Dc. grass-leaved. _ Britain. -se» 5.8. H.Y%. Eng. bot. 803. 10 glauca. pe. - glaucous marsh. —- te. —— HY. —-— 825. 11 aquatica. pc. bog. ———— ss eeee 6.7. HO. ——— 1074. uliginosa. E. B- alsine. Hof. germ. 1. t. 5. : ‘ 12 cerastoides. Dc. Alpine. Scotland. coer =e ALY, ———— 911. = | 13 arenaria. DC. sand. Spain. 1799. 6.8. H.©. - | 14 scapigera. pc. naked-stalked. Scotland. -++- 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 1269. a} 15 multicaulis. w. many-stemmed. Carinthia. 1815. 6.8. H.4%. Jacq. coll. 1. t. 19. — . 16 muralis. pc. wall. Crete. 1821. —— H.©. : 17 elegans. pc. elegant. Siberia. 1823. —— H.2. Dt 18 longipes. pc. long pedicled. N. Amer. 1821. —— H.2/, of ARENARIA. DC. SanpworT. Decandria Trigynia. L. ty =| 1 segetalis. pe. hedge. France. 1805. 6.10. H.©. Vail. par. t.3. f.3. | Alsine segetalis. L. : . oa) 2 rubra. pe. _ purple. Britain. ---- 6.8. H.©. © Eng. bot. 852. } 3 salina. pec. salt marsh. Bohemia. 1820. —— H.©. ' 4 rubella. F. 1. red-flowered. England. ese- —— H:©. Flor. lond. t. of 5 media. Dc. marine. Britain. oose —— H.. Efig. bot. 958. marina, E. B. / 6 glandulosa. jac. _— glandular. Europe. 1820. 6.7. H.©. Jacq. Schenb.3. t.355., 7 canadensis. pc. Canadian. N. Amer. 1812. —— H.©. 8 graminifolia. pc. grass-leaved. Caucasus. 1815. --— H.%. Schrad. h. geett. t¢. st B glaberrima. Dc. smooth. —_$+—— ——- _ — H.. ti 9 longifolia. ve. long-leaved. Volga. | 1820. —— H.%. Gmel.sib. 4. t. 63. f.2. 10 dahurica. pc. Dahurian. Dahuria. 1824. —— H.2. e } 11 otitoides. pc. dense-flower’d. Siberia. ——- — H-2». } 12 rigida. pc. rigid. —- — — Hx. : e | 13 formosa. Dc. handsome. Dahuria. —— -——— H.2. uf i 14 imbricata. pc. imbricate. Caucasus. 1821. —— H.2. . 2 15 juniperina. pc. Juniper-leav’d. Armenia. 1800. —— H.¥%. Sm. ic. ined. t.35. 16 stricta. De. upright. N. Amer. 1812. 5.6. H.2. >| 17 laricifolia. 1. Larch-leaved, Britain. -+-- 8 Hob - Jacq. aust: 334) 272m) 18 rostrata. w.en. beaked. Hungary. 1816. 6.7. H.%. oh 19 striata. w. striated. Switzerland.1683. —— H.%. Vill. dauph.4. t. 47£.6. 20 arctica. pc. small. Siberia. 1807. —— H.2. 21 austriaca. Dc. Austrian. Austria. 1793. 6.9. H.%. Jacq. aust. 3. t.270. ' 22 grandiflora. pe. great-flowered. Switzerland.1783.. —— H.%. All.ped.n.1711.t.10. fl 23 triflora. 1. three-flowered. —— 1816. —~ H.%. Cav. ic.3. t. 249. f.2.. 24 Helmii. pe. long-peduncled. Siberia. 1824. —— H.%. | 25 verna. DC. vernal, Britain. --» 5.8. H.y. Eng. bot. 512. i 26 ramosissima. pc. _ branching. Hungary. 1820. ——-H.2. 27 saxatilis. Dc. rock. Germany. 1732. 7.8. H.%. Barr. ic. t. 580. 28 pendnia. pe. pendulous. Hungary. 1816. 6.7. H.4. K.hung.1. t. a1. 29 tenuifolia. pc. fine-leaved. England. --- —— H.©. Eng. bot. 219. | 30 calycina. pe. large-calyxed. salen 1824. —— H.©. | 31 triandra. pc. triandrous. seeeee —— -—— H.C. Schranck. h. mon. t.30., 32 mediterranea. pc. Mediterranean. S. Wir dies 1821. —— H.©. | 33 recurva. DC. recurved-leavd ———— —— -— H.}%. Jacq. coll. 2. t.16. f.1. 34 hirsuta. pe. hairy. Tauria. 1824. —— H.7. | | 35 setacea. Dc. bristly. France. 1820. —— H.2. 36 fasciculata. pc. dense-flower’d. Europe. 1815. —— H.©. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 182? fastigiata. E.B. 1744. . | 37 filifolia. pc. thread-leaved. Arabia. tees —— ‘HY WVahl.isymbs 1.49124 38 mucronata. pc. mucronate. cera LTT. oe TL), | 39 uliginosa. pc. marsh, Switzerland.1824. ——- H.#. DC. ic. gall. t. 46. : | 40 polygonoides. pc. procumbent. Se — — Hey. JacqHcollf iy t 16) 41 tetraquetra. pe. square-stalked. S. France. 1731. 8. H.%. All. ped.2. t.89. f.1. 2 cherlerioides. yin. 9 0 ERASTIUM. DC. 1 peploides. pe. - cherleria-leav’d ———— 3 montana. Dc. mountain. —- 4 serpyllifolia. pc. Thyme-leaved.. Britain. 5 ciliata. pe. fringed. Ireland. 16 multicaulis. w. many-stalked. Europe. (7 trinervia. Dc. three-nerved. | Britain. 8 balearica. pc. Majorca. Majorca. biflora. pc. two-flowered. S. Europe. Sea chickweed. Britain. MovUusE-EAR CHICKWEED. ~WN RF OODIAN wb? P 5 arvense. DC. 6 repens. Ww. ’7 strictum. w. 8 suffruticosum. w. 9 pensylvanicum. pc. Pensylvanian. _ 0 pubescens. pc. by A, i ‘1 matrense. L.en. 2 dioicum. H. K. : pilosum. L.en. 4 Sprengelii. pc. HERLERIA. DC. sedoides. pc. ‘SINUM. DC. Ll gallicum. pe. 2 aureum. DC. 3 luteolum. pc. 4 nodiflorum. Dc. 6 strictum. Dc. 6 rigidum. DC. | 7 virginianum. pvc. 8 dahuricum. pc. ‘9 maritimum. pc. 0 arboreum. vc. field. creeping. upright. suffruticose. pubescent. Matram. Spanish. hairy. Sprengel’s. | CHERLERIA. dwarf. nemorale. DC. wood. Caucasus. 2 perfoliatum. pce. __ perfoliate. Greece, 3 dahuricum. pc. __ glaucous.. Dahuria. amplexicaule. B.M. 1789. 4 maximum. pc. greatest. Siberia. 5 dichotomum, pe. forked. Spain. 6 ruderale. pc. pendulous-fruit.. Caucasus. 7 tauricum. Dc. . Taurian. Tauria. 8 vulgatum. De. common. Britain. 9 viscosum. Dc. clammy. Dae Belews (0 barbulatum. Len. bearded. S. Europe. 1 holosteoides. pc. Holosteum like. Sweden. pentandram. pc. _five-stamened. Spain. semidecandrum. pc. least. Britain. brachypetalum. pc. small-flowered. France. diffusum. pc. spreading. = -s-+e++e> serpyllifolium. w.en, Thyme-leaved. S. Europe. manticum. Dc. long-peduncl’d, Hungary. grandiflorum. pc. large-flowered.. ——-—— tomentosum. pc. white-leaved. 8S. Europe. Biebersteinii. pc. Bieberstein’s. Tanria. lanatum. Dc. woolly. Pyrenees. alpinum. pc. Alpine. Britain. ovatum. DC. oval-leaved. Carinthia. | 4 latifolium. pe. broad-leaved. Britain. ns Oe S. Europe. Austria. S. Europe. N. Amer. Hungary. Spain. epevserceen Decandria Trigynia. L. Scotland. CARYOPHYLLEZ. ay° 47 coos 7.8. HY. = Vill. delph. 4. t.47. f.1, 1800. 4.7. H.%. Bot. mag. 1118. core 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 923. eves 3.8. HY. —— — 1745, 1794. 7.8. H.%. Jacq. coll. 1. t. 17. fil. -s-+ 5.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 1483. 1787. 3.8. H.%. LL. Her. stirp.1. t.15. 1823. —— H.y#. ALL. ped. t.64. f.3. sv: 5.7. HY. Eng. bot. 189. Decandria Pentagynia. L. 1823. 5.6. H.O. 1725. 6.7. H.©. Dill. elt. t.217. f. 284. 1815. 5.9. H.%. Schrank.h. mon. t. 75. 1792. 6.7. H.©. Gmel. sib. 4. t. 62. f. 2. 1725. —~ H.o. 1824. —— H.©. — — H.©. *- 4.6. H.©. Eng. bot. 789. sees 4.9, H.. > ————) 790. 1821. —— H.o. — — H.. 1820. —— H.o. -s++ 3.4. H.©. Eng. bot. 1630. 1816. 4.5. H.%. DC.ic. gall. t. 44, so-- 4.9. HY. 1824. 5.6. H.2. 1801. 6.7. H.©. K. hung.1. t.96. 1820. —— H.y%¥. ———— 2.t. 168. 1648. —— H.y%. Col.phyt.ed.1744.t.31. 1820. —— H.». — — H.2. coos —— H.X. Eng. bot. 472. 1816. —— H.2. coos ——— HL, Eng. bot. 473. esee 5.8. Hi, —~——— 93. 1759. 5.7. H.y. Lam. ill. t.392. f.2. 1793. ——— H.%. Scop. carn. t.19. f.1. 1796. —— H.. 1823. —— H.. 1822. —— H.x. 1823. —— H.2. 1766. 6.7. H.y. ¥, 1823. ——~— H.2. — H.¢. H. ORDO XXIV. Fpax. annual yellow. France. golden. yellowish. knotted. upright. stiff-leaved. Virginian, Dahurian. sea. shrubby. Hungary. Tauria, Italy. S. Europe. Missouri. N. Amer. - Dahuria. S. Europe. Candia. 1777. 1823. ooo 1759. 1807. 1822. 1596. 1788. LINE. DC. prodr. 1. p. 423. Pentandria Pentagynia. L. 7.8 H.©. — H.©. — H.©. — H.. Gate tie os F025 CHG -—— H.¢. 6.8. H.2. TBP Hye 5.8. Gib. Eng. bot. 1212. Ger. prov. t. 15. f.1. K. hung.2. t.177. Buxb. cent. 5. t. 59. Flor. grec. t. 307. Lob. ic. t.411. f. 2. Jacq. vind. 2. t.154. Bot. mag. 234. millegrana, E.B. Linum Radiola. L MALOPE. DC. 1 malacoides. Dc. _ 2 trifida. pe. MALVA. DC. 1 tricuspidata. Dc. 17 18 Tournefortiana. pc. Tournefort’s. coromandeliana. WwW. americana. Cav. americana. DC. scabra. Dc. Scoparia. Jacq. ic, 139. scoparia. DC. borbonica. pc. polystachya. pc. spicata. Dc. ovata. L.en. waltherifolia. pc. trachelifolia. pc. gangetica. DC. leprosa. Dc. Sherardiana. bc. hispanica. Dc. stipulacea. Dc. egyptia. DC. trifida. pe. 48 LINEA. 11 campannlatum. w. glaucous-leav’d. S. Europe. 1795. —— H 12 tauricum. w.en. Taurian. Tauria. —- 6.8 H. ~13 flavum. w. yellow. S. Europe. 1793. —— H «14 trigynum. pe. three-styled. E.Indies. 1799. 10.3.,G 15 africanum. vc. African. C. B.S. 1771. 6.7. G. 16 quadrifolium. pc. four-leaved. ——_—— 1787. 5.6. G. 17 hypericifolium. p.t. Mallow-flow’r’'d Caucasus. 1807. 6.7. H venustum. A.R. 477, 18 hirsutum. w. hairy. . Austria. 1759.. 7.8. H 19 ascyrifolium. B.m. blue and white. Portugal. 1800. —— H. 20 nervosum. DC. nervose, ‘Hungary. 1820. —— H 21 narbonense. pc. Narbonne. S. France. 1759. 5.7. F. # 22 usitatissimum. Dc. common. Britain. sees 6.7. H 23 marginatum. pc. white-niargin’d ---.-.--- 1823. —— H. angustifolium. W.en. non, E. B. 24 reflexum. pc. reflexed-leav’d. S. Europe.. 1777. 7. 4H 25 diffusum. pe. spreading. eoccvess 1823. 6.8. H 26 angustifolium. pc. narrow-leaved. England. wae 7, st 27 sibiricum. pe. Siberian. Siberia. 1775. 6.7. H austriacum. B.M. 1086+ 28 Lewisii. ph. Lewis’s. N. Amer. 1824. —— H. 29 anglicum. Dc. English. England. sess 6.8. H. perenne. E.B. . 30 austriacum. DC. Austrian. Austria. 1775. 6.7. H. 31 montanum. De. mountain, Switzerland. ---- 7.8. H. 32 alpinum. Dc. Alpine. Austria, 1739. 7.8. Hi. 33 tenuifolium. pc. slender-leaved. Europe. 1759. 6.7. H. 34 salsoloides. pc. Salt-wort-like. S. France. 1823. 7.8. H. 35 suffruticosum. pc. Spanish. Spain. 1759.. 8 EF. ~ 36 catharticum,. vc. — purging. Britain. sows 6.8. RADIOLA. DC. RapIioLa. Tetrandria Tetragynia. linoides. pc. All-seed. Britain, sose 7.8. ORDO XXVv. MALVACEHR. DC. prodr. 1. p. 429. 6. 7. G. MaAtorre. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. Barbary. Barbary. 1710. trifid. —— 1808. 7. e H. Matitow. Monadelphia Polyandria. Jamaica. W. Indies... 1726. 7. A American. +——-—— 1756. 6.7. rough-stemmed. Peru. 1798. —— Birch-leaved. ——- 1782. 8.9. Bourbon. Mauritius. 1816. 7.8. many-spiked. Peru. 1798. —— simple-spiked. Jamaica. 1726. 9. 10. oval-leaved. Brazil. siete asses Waltheria-l¢. Java. 1823. ~+-- Trachelium-ld, .....- — 7.8. - Indian. E. saree —_— — leprous. Cuba. ie e- 5. 7. Sherard’s. Bithynia. — Spanish. Spain. 1710. 7 long-stipuled. ———— 1815. 6.8. Egyptian. Egypt. 1739. 6. 7. large-flowered. Spain. 1815. —— —-—. 1759. 7.8. e * Es . co ¢ e id @ e e e e Mill. ic. t.166. f-2. e o © OFFRERK RR PREP PORRRR Ratotst | Eng. bot. 893.. om O & Oo OOOOOPROORSTSTHT> > ROM m manger Bot. mag. 312. Bot. mag: 1100. — — 403. Sn 1048. Jacq. aust.1. t.31. © Bot. mag. 1087. ' K. hung.2. t. 105 Barr. ic. t. 1007. Eng. bot. 1357 , * Eng. bot. 381. uo Eng. bot. 40. Jacq. aust. t. 418. : Scop. carn, ed. 2. t. 11 Swt. br. fl. gar. t. 17. Jacq. aust. 3,.t. 215. — Cav. ic. 2. t. 108. * Eng. bot. 382. a Cav. diss, 2. t. 27. f.l. ma me t. Die {23 Cav. diss. 2. t. 22. f. 2 Cav. diss, 5. t. 138, f.1 L.her. stirp. t. 27. Cav. dis. 5. t. 138. f.3. Cav. dis. 2. t. 20. f. 4. — 2. t. 20. £2. Pluk. t. 74. f. 6, Cav. dis, 2. t. 26. f. P| Desf. atl. 2. 170. Cav. dis. 2. t. 15. f. 2. —2t.1.8h — —— 2. te 17. f. 3.) | MALVACER. | : ) Alicea. DC. Vervain. Europe. 1597. 7.10. H.2. ) moschata. pc. musk, | Britain, aces 7.8. Hid, B laciniata. De. white-flowered, ++ +--++- tece —— HH, 2. ‘| mauritiana. pc. = Ivy-leaved. S. Europe. 1768. 6.7. H.©. 2 sylvestris. pc. common. ’ Britain. ees S100 1k. are $} Henningii. pc. Henning’s. Moscow. 1823. 6.8. H.2. ' | rotundifolia. pc. round-leaved. — Britain. ieee 6.9. H.O. r 6 pusilla. E. B. dwarf. ——— «+s -—— HO. “9 micwensis. DC. Italian. Italy. 1823. —— H.©. " j microcarpa. pc. small-fruited. Egypt. —— -—— H.. vl ‘ parviflora. pe. small-flowered. Barbary. 1779. 6.7.°H.2L. ‘ ‘\ verticillata. pc. — whorl-flowered. China. 1683. —— H.©. ) crispa. Dc. curled. Syria. 1573. 6.8. H.©. ) flexuosa. pc. flexuose. ) reeeeess «©6823. —— H.©. } amoena. DC. lobe-leaved. C. B.S. 1796. 4.8. Gh. | calycina. B.R. 297. ; ‘| ealycina. Dc. large-calyxed. -—-~=-— 1812. —— G.h. f 4 virgata. DC. twiggy. eT. 5.7 GOR: i |. capensis. pc. Cape. ———— 1713. 1.12, G.h. { balsamica. pe. balsamic. ———— 1800. 5.9. G.h. = oxyacanthoides.pc. Hawthorn-ld, ——-——-~- .+.- —— G.h. ‘ tridactylites. pc. reflex-flowered. —— —— 1791. 6.8. G.h. reflexd. A. R. t. 135. divaricata, pc. straddling. © ———— 1792. 6.9. G.h. ‘“; Tretusa. DC. blunt-leaved. —-—— 1803. 3.5. G.h. : fragrans. nc. fragrant. ——_ 1759. 5.7. Geh. “4 stricta. DC. upright. —--— 1805. 5.8. G.h. _bryonifolia. pc. Bryony-leaved. | ——-——_ 1731. 7.8. G.k. 4 _———— 1732. 5.9. G.h. 4 asperrima. Dc. roughest. —-+—— 1796. —— G.h. “ lactea. pe. panicled white. Mexico. 1780. 1.2. i capitata. De. various-leaved, Peru. 1798.11.12. G.h. 4 miniata. pce. painted. S.Amer. — 4.5. Gh. 4 operculata. nc. lid capsuled. ‘Peru. 1795. 7.8. Gh. 4 peruviana. De. Peruvian. ——— a 1759, .. 65 8. HO) + limensis. pe. blue-flowered. —-—-—— 1768. —— H.©. ‘ umbellata. pc. umbelled. S.Amer. 1814, 1.3. G.k. | abutiloides. pe. Bahama. Bahama Is]. 1725. 6.9. G.h. 4 elegans. pe. elegant. €. BOS: 179%. 5.8. GLY. 4 angustifolia. pc. narrow-leaved., Mexico. 1780. 8. G.h. i caroliniana. pc. Carolina. Carolina. 1723. 6.7. H.©. 4 prostrata. pc. trailing. Brazil. 1806. 5.7. G.z. ‘{ decumbens. pc. decumbent. S. Amer, 1815. 6.8. G.%. BTAIBELIA. DC. Krrarperia. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. _ vitifolia. pe. Vine-leaved, Hungary. 1801. 7.9. H.2. _ ATHEA. DC. AttH@a. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. {| officinalis. pc. Marsh-Mallow. Britain. -7-s 7.9 HY. i taurinensis, Dc. intermediate. S. Europe. 1823. —— H.2. 9 f _marbonensis. pc. Narbonne. — 1780. 8.9. H.2. Mh f cannabina. Dc. Hemp-leaved. m——— 1597. 6.7. H.%. hirsuta. pe. hairy. —-—— 1683. —— H.©. | Ludwigii. pe. Ludwig’s. Sicily. 1791. —— H.©. oie / acaulis. bc. stemless. Aleppo. 1680. —— H.©. | caribea. pe. West Indian. W. Indies. 1816. 3.4. S.. 1. | striat®. pe. streaked. vecvevee 1820. 6.8. H.S. ; pallida. pce. pale-flowered. Hungary. 1805. —— H.¢é. b> Posea. De. Hollyhock. China. 1573. 7.9. Hd. a B biloba. vc. two-lobed. ii sinensis, pe. China. De AD emt # OE flexuosa. ve. flexuose. E. Indies. 1803. 6.8. S.2. ' ficifolia. pe. Fig-leaved. Levant. 1597. 6.9. H.¢. LVATERA. DC. Lavatera. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. | trimestiis. pc. common annual. S. Europe. 1633. 7.9. H.©. ie phenicea. pc. scarlet. Madeira. 1823. 6.9. G.h. i) | acerifolia. pe. Maple-leaved. Teneriffe. -——- —— G.h. ite hispida. pc, hispid. Algiers. 1804. 6.7. G.h. wil) Olbia. pe. : downy-leaved. France. 1576. 6.10. G.h. il . unguiculata. pc. clawed. Greece. 1807. 7.9. Gh. i micans. ne. glittering. Spain. 1796. 6.7. G.h. — — ey y= 49 Bot. mag. 2297. Eng. bot. 754. Bot. mag. 2298. Swt. br. fl. gar. 81. Eng. bot. 671. Eng. bot. 1092. — 241. Cav. dis. 2. t. 25. f. 1. Cav. dis. 2. t. 26. f. 1. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 40. Cav. dis. 2. t. 23. f.1. Bot. mag. 1998. Cav. dis. 2, t. 23. f-4. 2.t. 18. f. 2. Bot. reg. 295. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 140. Cav. dis. 2. t. 21. f. 2. And. bot. rep. 182. Cav. dis. 2. t, 21. f. 1. Bot. reg. 296. Jacq. sheenb. 3. t. 294. Wend. h. her. 1. t. 4. Bot. reg. 561. Jacq. schoenb. 2. t.139. Cav. ic. 1. t. 30. Cav. dis. 5. t. 137. f. 1. Cav. ic. 3. t. 278. Cav, dis. 2. t.35. f. 1. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 156. ———— 2. t. 140. Lod. Bot. cab. 222. Jacq. scheenb. 3. t. 293. Cav. dis. 2. t. 16. f. 1. ——_—— 2, t.20. f.1. ——~—— 2. t.15. f. 1. Bot. mag. 2515. Bot. mag. 821. Eng. bot, 147. Jacq. ic. 1, t.138. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 101. ———- — 2.t. 170. Cav. ic. 5. t. 423. Cav. dis. 2. t. 27. f. 3. Bot. mag. 1916. Cav. dis. 2. t. 28. f. 1. Cav. dis. 2. t. 29. f.3. Bot. mag. 892. Cav; dis..2. €. 20: ten. Bot. mag. 109. Vent. malm. t. 120. Lois. h. amat. t. 322. Desf. atl. 2. t. 171. Cav. dis. 2. t. 32. f. 2. Moris. ox. t.17. f. 9. 50 MALVACEZ. 8 lusitanica. pc. Portugal. Portugal, 1731. 8.9. G.h. 9 flava; pc. yellow. Sicily. 1823. 6.8. Hed. 10 plebeia. B.M. vulgar. N.S. W.. . 1820. .—— :G.d. 11 thuringiaca. pc. _large-flowered. Germany. 1731. 7.9. H.}. 12 biennis. pc. biennial. Caucasus. 1823. 5.8. H.¢. 13 punctata. pc. spotted-stalked Italy. 1800. 7.9. H.©. 14 maritima. pc. sea side. S. Europe. 1597. 4.6. h. 15 triloba. pe. three-lobed. Spain. 1759. 6.7. h. 16 arborea. Dc. Tree Mallow. _ Britain. eee 7.10. da 17 neapolitana. pc. Neapolitan. Naples 1823. ——- 4. 18 cretica. Dc. Cretan. Crete. 1723. 7.9. ©. 19 lanceolata. w.en. spear-leaved. -+++++> 1823. —— H.©. 20 sylvestris. DC. wood. Portugal -—— -—— H.©. 21 ambigua. pe. -ambiguous, Naples, 1824. —— H.©. MALACHRA. DC, MabacHura. Monadelphia Polyandria. 1 rotundifolia. pc. round-leaved. Brazil. 1823. 6.9. S.©. 2 capitata. pe. headed. W. Indies. 1759. 8.9. S.©. § fasciata. pc. fasciate. Caracas, 1820. —— S.©. 4 triloba. pc. three-lobed. sec eeeee -— — 5&.©. 5 radiata. pc. rayed. St.Domingo.1794. 7.9. 5.@. 6 alcexfolia. pc. | Hollyhock-l4. Caracas. 1805. 8.9. S.©. 7 heptaphylla. pc. many-flowered. Brazil. 1820. 6.10. S.%. fasciata. B. reg. 467. non DC. URENA. DC. URENA. Monadelphia Polyandria. L 1 lobata. pe. angular-leav’d. China. 1731. 6.7. Sh: 2 scabriuscula. pc. roughish. India. 1820. —— S.h. 3 repanda. Dc. netted-leaved. — -— — S.h. 4 multifida. pc. multifid. Mauritius. 1817. 10.1. S.h. 5 tricuspis. pc. three-pointed. ——-—— 1820. 6.9. S.h. 6 reticulata. Dc. netted. St.Domingo.1816. —— S.h. americana. L. non Sm. 7 subtriloba. pc. various-leaved. Brazil. 1823. —— S.©. 8 Swartzii. Dc. Swartz’s. Surinam. voor ——— S.h. sinuata. Sw. americana. Sin. ‘9 sinuata. Dc. cut-leaved. E. Indies. 1759. 7.8. S.h. 10 muricata, pc. muricate-fruit’d — 1823. —— S&S.h. PAVONIA. DC. PavontaA. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. 1 spinifex. pc. prickly-seeded. W. Indies. 1778. 7.8. S.h. - 2 Typhalea. pce. globular-headed -—-—— 1823. —— S.h. 3 urens. DC. stinging. Mauritius. 1801. —— S.h. 4 coccinea. DC. scarlet. St.Domingo.1816. —— 8.h. 5 Columella. pec. angular-leaved. Bourbon, 1807. —— S.h. 6 parviflora, pc. small-flowered. ---..... 1820. —— S.h. 7 racemosa. DC. naked-racemed. Jamaica. —— -— S.h. spicata. Cav. 8 premorsa. DC. bitten-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 6.8. G.h. 9 paniculata. pc. panicled. Caracas. 1823. —— S.h. 10 odorata. pc. fragrant. E. Indies. 1807. —— S.h. 11 sidoides. pec. Sida like, ———— 1820. —~— 8.¢é. 12) zeylanica. pce. Ceylon. ——- _ 1790. 7.9. S.©. 13 cancellata. pc. arrow-leaved. Surinam. 1823. —— S.©. MALVAVISCUS. DC. 1 arboreus. pe. ~ Achania malvaviscus. Ww. ACHANIA. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. smooth-leaved. Jamaica. 1714. 1.12. S.h. 1780. on ed S.k. 1780. 10.11. S.h. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. 1823. 6.8. S.h. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. 2 mollis. pc. soft-leaved. Mexico. Achania mollis. B. R. 3 pilosa. pc. hairy. Jamaica. LEBRETONIA. DC. LEBRETONIA. coccinea. DC. scarlet. Brazil. HIBISCUS. DC. HIBiscus. 1 liliiflorus. pce. Lily-flowered. Bourbon. 2 pedunculatus. pc. 3 Lampas. Dc, . 5 tubulosus, pe. 6 pentacarpos. DC. 7 virginicus. Dc. 8 Manihot. pc. 9 ficulneus. pc. tubular. Virginian. palmated. Fig-leaved. long-peduncled. three-pointed. 4 membranaceus. Dc. leafy-calyxed. angular-fruited. C..B.S. ¥. Indies. E. Indies. Venice. Virginia. E. Indies. — Ceylon. 1822. 8.12. S.h. 1812, 5.12. S. 1806. 10.2. S. h h. 1816._---- S.h. 1796. 7.10. S.é. 1762. ° —+. Go, 1798. —— H.2. 1712. 7.9. S.h. 1732. 6.7. S.h. Desf. atl. 2. t. 172, Bot. mag. 2269. — -———— 517. Cav. dis. 2. t.32. f: Bot. mag. 2226. Eng. bot. 1841. | Cav. dis. 2. t.32. fi] Schrank. h.mon. 8 Cav. dis. 2. t. 33. f.1 «Jacq, ic. 3. t.548. Cav. dis. 2. t.33. f. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 549, 4 Dill. elt. t.319. f.41 Cav: dis. 6. t. 185. | Cav. dis, 6. t. 184. f a Ne ey 6. t. 183. f | —- ——— 6; t. 18a Schrank. h. mon... Cav. dis. 6. t. 185. fi | Bot. reg. 339. ‘ Cav. dis. 2. t.197. Jacq. ic. 3. t.522..) Cav. dis. 3. t. 47. fi ————- §, 1. 4S, Cav. dis. 3. t. 46. fe Bot. mag. 436. Cav. dis. 3. t. 46. f.5 Cav. dis. ae t. 48. a Lin. sup. t.311. Cav. dis. 3. t. 48. f. Bot. reg. 11. : Lodd. bot. cab. e39 Schrank. h. mon. t.! Cav. dis. 3. t. 57. fi. Bot. reg. 231, Cav. dis. 3. t. 56. f. ——-—— 38. t.57. f) ——-—— 3. t. 68. f. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 143. ————- 1. t. 142. Bot. mag. 1702. Cav. dis, 3, t. 52. fi! | tetraphyllus. pe, -platanifolius. | Rosa-sinensis. Dc. 8 rubro-plenus. carneo-plenus, variegatus. |. || € flavo-plenus. f luteo-plenus. | acerifolius. Pp. L. | syriacus. Dc. |a purpureus. |8 ruber. y albus. 0 |S variegatus. BBL he marginatus. 8) S albo-plenus. 9) purpureo-plenus, pruriens. Dc. (surattensis. Dc. iradiatus. pe. ffurcatus. ne. (scaber. ne. \.{Mstrigosus, B. R. ahi | diversifolius, DC. zheter ophyllus. pe. 1 icannabinus. DC. ‘ vitifolius. pc. \Bobtusifolius. DC. (Bammia. L. en. moll! lesculentus. Leen. flongifolius. pe. (moscheutos. Dc. Ee 433, DAO MALVACER. | acerifolius. DC. non. P.L. Pavonia platanifolia. L.en. 18,0 palustris. B. M. 882, Non L. (palustris, pe. Jaquaticus, DC. , @mcanus. pc. _ Snilitaris. DC: 4speciosus. Dc. Szrandiflorus. De. errugineus. pe. j unarifolius. DC. .(uMeethiopicus. pe. Jnutabilis. pc. 4, | 3 flore-pleno. (,@clypeatus. pc. /Abelmoschus. DC. ~riocarpus. DC. .(@>hoeniceus. B.R. |, #tirtus. 4. %osa malabarica. 3,8 hombifolius. ne. ossypinus, DC. nicranthus. pc. Crionum. nc. lispidus. Mm. tichardsoni. esicarius. pC. Sabdariffa. DC. ligitatus. pe. 3 Mae drtaibed. DC. ricuspis. DC. liaceus. Dc. tlatus. ne. Se atitgides. pe. ypnacrophyllus. De. Dtollinus. HW. B. hancellatus. H.B. ‘runcatus, H. B. a 48, ab. mol. , HD H 2 four-leaved. E. Indies. 1807. 7. 10. Plane-leaved. — 1820. ——. China Rose. —-——_ 1731. 1. 12. double-red. —_——- double-salmon. — double-striped. ichd seta Neceeerd ome double-buff. aad arearene —- double-yellow. ——— 1822, —~— Maple-leaved. China. 11798. 3.6. Althea frutex. Syria. 1596. 8.9, purple-fiowered. red -flowered. white-flowered. striped-flowered. variegated. double-white. double-purple. stinging. E. Indies. 1804. 7.9. prickly-stalk’d. ——-—-- 1731. —— rayed. —-—-— 1790. 6.8. forked. . —-—_ 1816. 7.9. scabrous. Carolina. 1810, —— strigose. S.Amer, 1822, 1.12, different-leav’d E. Indies. 1798. 6. 7.. various-leaved. N.S. W. 1808. 8.9. Hemp-leaved. E. Indies. 1759. 6.7. Vine-leaved. —-—_ 1690. 7.10. blunt-leaved. ————- _ 1820. —— Egyptian. Egypt. mie Gods eatable. India? 1692. -—— long-leaved. E. Indies. 1820. 7.9. swamp. N. Amer. --++ 810. marsh, ——-_ 1759. 7.9. water. Etruria. 1820. —— hoary. Carolina, 1806. 9. smooth: Louisiana. 1804. 8.9. superb. Carolina. 1778. 6.9. great-flower’d. Georgia. 1823. —— rusty. Madagascar.i820. —— Lunaria-leav’d. E. Indies, +++.» -—— dwf. wedge-l4, C. B.S. 1774. 8. changeable. E. Indies. 1690. 10. 12. double-flowered. shield-capsuled Jamaica. 1759. 7. 8. Musk Okro. India. 1640. 7.9. woolly-capsul’d E. Indies. 1820, —— purple-flow’r’d. S. Amer. eed — hairy. E. Indies. —-— Maiabar Rose. -——-—— 1818. 8. 16. rhomb-leaved. —-——~- 1823, —— cottony. C. B.S. 1818, —— small- flowered. E. Indies. 1794. —— BladderKetmia Italy. _ 1596. 6.9. hispid. Cc. B.S. Seer Richardson’s. N.S.W. 1822, —— African. Africa. Ii. -7.8. Indian. E. Indies. 1596. 6. 9. ’ fingered. Brazil. 1818. —— Ker’s. Rio Janeiro. —- —— sharp-pointed. Society Isl. 1820. ——- Lime tree-lé, E. Indies. 1739, 7. 8. tall. Jamaica. 1790. -—— smooth-leaved. S. Amer. 1820. -->- large-leaved. E. Indies. ——- ++-* hill. ———— 1822. -->-- netted. Nepaul. 1823. 10. 2. truncate. E. Indies. —— 8. 10. AM RDN LADD SH HHS SS SF ma QOAAKBTHTTROOOS RARDRNNOANAH e ° °@ e o 8@ ne sBe REO PUT Tnnnn QO mt RRES FTOOSKOSHOHMIHTSOSITS IS TITHTRK e. e ° e mann DAnAAD 2 RAAPNAAKTAOMAD Hw Bee Oars © dl Pl. sel. h. ber. t. 1. Bot. mag. 158. \ Led. bot. cab. 513. Sal. par. lond, 22. Bot. mag. 83. \ Bot. rep. 498. Bot. mag. 1356. —-— 1911. Bot. reg. 860. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 551. Bot. reg. 29. Roxb. cor. 2. t. 190. Rheed. mal. 6. t. 46. Tozz. mus. d. fir. 2. t.7. Cav. dis. 3. t. 65. f. 1. ee 3. t. 65. f. ae Wend. h. her. 4. t. 24. Bot. mag. 2385. ——— 360. Cav. dis. 3. t. 60. f. 1. Cav. dis. 3. t.61. f. 1. Bot. reg. 589. Cav. dis. 3. t. 58. f. 1. ens baer 3. t. 62. f, 2. Bot. reg. 230. Cav. dis. 3. t. 67. f.3. Bot. reg. 337. Cav. dis. 3. t. 69. f. 3. Cav. dis. 3. t. 66. f. 1. Bot. mag. 209. Bot. reg. 806. —— —— 875. Cav. dis. 3. t. 62. f. 2. Bonp. nav. t. 29. Cav. dis. 3. t.70. f. 2. Bot. reg. 608. Cav. dis.3. t. 55. f. 2. Bot. reg. 232. 52 63 scandens. H.B. 64 strictus. H. B. 65 gangeticus. L. en. 66 setosus. H.B. 67 tortuosus. 69 Patersonii. 70 unidens. B.R. THESPESIA. DC. populnea. pe. H. B. 68 flavescens. DC. DC. MALVACE. climbing. upright. dwarf. bristly. twisted. yellowish. Norfolk Island. one-toothed. THESPESIA. Poplar-leaved. Hibiscus populneus. w. GOSSYPIUM. DC. DC. 1 herbaceum. 2 indicum. bc. 3 arboreum. DC. 4 vitifolium. Dc. 5 hirsutum. pe. 6 religiosum. Dc. 7 latifolium. pc. 8 barbadense. pc. CoTTON-TREE. common. Indian. tree. Vine-leaved. hairy. spotted-bark’d. broad-leaved. Barbadoes. 9 obtusifolium. H. B. blunt-leaved. REDOUTEA. DC. heterophylla. pe. LOPIMIA. DC. 1 malacophylla. pc. Mallow-leav’d. Brazil. REDOUTEA. LopIMIA. Sida malacophylla, L. en. PALAVIA. DC. malvefelia. pc. 2 moschata. Dc. CRISTARIA. Ph. coccinea. Ph: PantaviA. Monadelphia Polyandria. L Mallow-leaved. musk-scented. CRISTARIA, scarlet. 3 stat eee ——--——- 1820. 8.10. 8.©. ee RO4s, daa ee Se a eae 1820. eee S.h. E. Indies. 1808. 6.9. S.h. Brazil. 1822. —— S.h. Norfolk Isl. 1792. 6.8. G.k. Brazil. 1824. 11.4. S.h. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. E. Indies. 1770. of te has Monadelphia Polyandria. L. E. Indies. 1594. 7. ie —-— 1694. 7.8. . — 1805. —- S.h. S.Amer. 1731. —— S.é. E. Indies. 1777. -— S.h. rarer aoe Barbadoes. 1759. 8. 10. E. Indies. 1822. Monadelphia Polyandria. various-leaved. St. Thomas, 1824. 7.9. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. 1824. 1794. 1822. Lima. Monadelphia Polyandria. Missouri. 1811. Malva coccinea. Nut. Sida? coccinea. pe. ANODA. DC. 1 hastata. Dc. 2 triloba. Dc. aS) PERIPTERA., Cmts oe & bh = Sida cristata. w. Dilleniana. pe. Sida cristata. B.M. triangularis. DC. acerifolia. Dc. — Ife 8, 6. 8. —_— 7.9. Anopa. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. halberd-leav’d. three-lobed. Dillenius’s. 330. NON W. triangular-l4, Maple-leaved. Sida hastata. B.M. non w. small- flowered. New Spain. 1823. 6. 10. Monadelphia Polyandria. 6 parviflora. nc. DC, punicea. pc. PERIPTERA. purple. Mexico. 1799. 6.7. ——- 1720. 7.9. — — 1725. 6.11. -— 1824. 7.9. Mexico. 1809. 3. 12. New Spain. 1813. Sida periptera. B.M. Anoda punicea. Lag. SIDA. Kth. linifolia. pc. angustifolia. pce. viminea, L. en, spinosa. De. alba. Dc. stipulata. De. Jamaicensis. pc. bracteolata. pc. carpinifolia. be. carpinoides. Dc. spireeifolia. L. en. Schrankii. pc. brasila. L. en. erosa. DC. ciliaris. DC. alnifolia. pe. canariensis. Dc. alba. Cav..non L. rhombifolia. pce. rhomboidea,. pc. retusa. DC. recisa. DC. calyxhymenia. DC, SIDA. Flax-leaved. narrow-leaved. slender, prickly. white-flowered. large-stipuled. Jamaica. bracteolate. Hornbeam-14, Hornbeam-like Spirea-leaved. Schrank’s. jagged. ciliated. Alder-leaved. Canary Tea. rhomboid-l4, rhomboid. retuse-leaved. notched. New Holland. S. Amer. 1822. Bourbon. 1726. Brazil. 1823. E. Indies. 1680. —~—-——- 1732. Mauritius. 1820. Jamaica, 1818. S. Amer. ae Canaries. 1774. Brazil. 1824, St. Domingo.1798. E. Indies. 1732. Canaries. cece Brazil. 1732. E. Indies. 1818. Brazil. 1323. N. Holl. 1820. ~- 6. 9. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. 6. 9. 7. 9. 7.9. HELL Jal PA DPN ARAODM EDA LD a oe) Beer n pPnnpnnnmrn ° nO 2 Oy = © 4©@ © OO e S CE HwHMTHO HS ° Bie # OO e ° e ea One SERIATST SAPP PASTS HTOarrs ' Cav. dis. 3. t.70. fii Bot. rep. 286. Bot. reg. 878. Cav. dis, 3. t. 56. f Bot. reg. 84. Vent. cels. t. mn | PI. sel. h. ber. ta ee Cav. dis.1. t. 11. f, —__—— 1. t. ia Bot. mag. 1673. Bot. rep. 588. Cav. dis. 1. t.1 LE Cav. dis. 1. t. 11. f oP Fe Bot. mag. 1541. Cav. ic. 5, t. 431, Bot. mag. 1644, | —_ ee —~ " ae m = a Smee: —6.t. im : Murr. c. geet. p. 32.1 Cav. dis. 1, t 2.f = i,t toge fi. . Cav. dis. 1. t.1, fi! Dill. elt.2, t.171. fy Dill. elt. t. 172, Cav. dis. 1. t.3.f Cav. dis. 1. t. ef Cay. dis. 1, t. 3. fi MALVACE/E. 53 2 macniata. pc. corky. St.Domingo.1798. +s. S.h. Cav. dis. 1. t, 3, f.7. suberosa, L. her. stirp. t. 54. - , | \3 acuminata. pe. acuminate. —-— 1805. 7.9. S.h. 4 humilis. pce. dwarf. E. Indies. 1800. 7.8. Cav. dis. 5. t. 134, f, 2. ‘5 cordifolia. pc. heart-leaved. ——- 1732. 6.9. S.©. —~-——~—1.t.3. f.2. Wil 46 arguta. pe. sharp-leaved. W. Indies. 1732. 7.8. S.h. i 7 altheifolia. pc. Althza-leaved. ———— 1818, —— S.h.~+ Sloan. his.1. t.136. f.2. , $48 urens, pe. stinging. —— 1781. —— S.h. Cav. dis. 1. t. 2. f.7, 119 verticillata. pc. = whorl-flowered. Brazil. Saa8i0 Sek ) — 4b. Gd. La, ti }0 paniculata. pc. darkpurple. S.Amer. 1795. 7.9. S.h. Cav. dis. 1. t. 12. f. 5. > atrosunguinea. Jacq. ic.1. t."136. ; +1 triloba. pe. three-lobed. C. B.S. 1794. —— G.g. Jacq. schon. 2. t. 142, 1932 jatropheides. pc. Jatropha-like. Peru. 1787. 8. S.g. L. Her. stirp. 1. t. 56. i} 33 graveolens. pc. — strong-scented. E. Indies. 1820. 6.9. S.2%. }4 purpurascens. L. en. purplish. ‘Brazil. — 7.9. 9352 patens. pc. spreading. Abyssinia. 1806. —— S.¢. Bot. rep. 571. (736 lasiostega. L. en. woolly. Brazil. 1823. -—— S.h. W937 pentacarpos. pc. fivecapsuled. E.Indies.5 -—— -—— S.©. 38 pilosa. pe. pilose. W.Indies. 1793. -—— S.¢. Cav. dis.1. t. 8. 39 Napa. pe. smooth. Virginia. 1748. 8.9. H.%. Bot. mag. 2193. | Napea levis. L. +10 dioica. pe. rough. ———- 1759. —— H.¥%. Cav. dis. 5. t. 132. f. 2. ASTARDIA. Kth. Bastarpta. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. 1 viscosa. Kth. viscous. S.Amer. 1822. 7.8. S.h. Sloan. his.1, t.139, f.4. _ Sida viscosa, Dc. 2 foetida. vc. stinking. Peru. 1795. —— S.©. L. Her. stirp. 1. t.53. | Sida fetida. pc. Sida viscosa, L. H. MAYA. Kth. | Gaya. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. ' 1 occidentalis. kth. downy. America. 1732. 7.8. S.©. Cav. dis. 1. t. 4. f. 3. » Sida occidentalis. vc. 1BUTILON. Kth. AxBuTiLton. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. 1 periplocifolium. Periploca-l4, India. 1691. 7.8. S.g. Cav. dis. 1. t.5. f. 2. . Sida periplocifolia. be. ) 2 ferrugineum. kth. ferruginous. Peru. 1822, —— i) 3 hernandioides. Hernandia-l¢, Hispaniola. 1798. ---- S.k. LL. Her. stirp.1. t. 58. > 4 lucianum. St. Lucian. ~St. Lucia, 1822.> «e+e S.h. . 9 Sida luciana, de. ) 5 Lechenaultianum. Lechenault’s. E. Indies. 1820. ---- S.h. > Sida Lechenaultiana. ve. | 6 nudiflorum, naked-flower’d. Peru. 1731. 5.6. S.k. LL. Her. stirp. 1. t.59. + 7 polyanthon. many-flowered. --+-++++ 1822. —— S.h. . Sida polyantha. pc. » 8 auritum, eared-stipuled, Java. 1820. 12.3. S.h. Bot. mag. 2495. , Sida aurita, B. M. | 9 triquetram. triangular. W. Indies. 1775. 7.8. S.h. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 118. 10 incanum. hoary. SandwichIsl.1821. —— S.h. ) Sida incana. 1. en. ) 11 pulchellum. neat. N. Holland. —— -—— S.h.- _ Bonpl. nav. t.2. 7 12 wmbellatum. umbelled. Jamaica. 1788. 7.9. 8.g. Jacq. vind. t.56. 13 giganteum. gigantic. Caracas, 1823. -+++ S.h. Jacq. schoenb. 2. t.141. 7) 14 reflexum. reflex- flower’d. Peru. 1799. 7.8 S.h. Cav. dis. 1. t.7. 15 ecrispum. curled. America. 1726. —— H.©. — 1.t.7. f.1. 16 virgatum. twiggy. Peru. 1820. —— S.h. Cav.ic.1. t.73. ) 17 arboreum. great- flowered. — 1772. S.h. L.her. stirp. 1. t. 63. ; | 18 Mauritianum. hairy capsuled. Mauritius. 1789. 7.9. S.h. Jacq. ic.1, t.137. i Sida planiflora. Cav. dis. 1. t.7.f. 4. 19 tiliefolium. Lime-tree-ld. China. 1820. —— S.©. Jacq. f. ecl.1. t.35. | (20 Avicenne. c. broad-leaved. S§. France. 1596. 6.8. H.©. Houtt. syst.8. t. 61. | Sida Abutilon. pc. > 21 americanum. American. Jamaica. 1730. 6.8. S.©. Sida americana, DC. | 22 asiaticum. small-flowered. E. Indies. 1768. 7.8. S.©. Cav. dis. 1. t.7. f. 2. 23 populifolium. ' Poplar-leaved. -—-—— 1796. —— S.©. ————1.t.7.f.9. | 24 hirtum. hairy. ——-—— 1820. —— S.©. Rumph. amb. 4. t. 10? i Sida hirta. ve. | 25 grandifolium. large-leaved. Peru. 1817.10.12. S.h. Bot. reg. 360. Sida mollis. pc. Sida gr randifolia. B.R. | 26 mollissimum. soft-leaved. — — 1789. 6.7. S.g. Cav. dis, 2. t. 14. f.1. _ 27 permolle. woolly-leaved. ———— 1818. —— 5S.h. Sida permollis. DC. ee —- 54 28 indicum. Indian. 29 vesicarium. bladdered. 30 glaucum. glaucous. 31 albidum. . white-leaved. Sida albida. Dc. 32 mollicomum. soft. MALVACE. E. Indies. 1731. 7.8. S.©. Mexico. 1796. ga S. h e Senegal. 1822, —— S.h- Canaries. —— —— G.h. Beneseoes 1804. 7.9. S.K. Sida sericea. Cav? Sida mollicoma. DC. 33 Sonneratianum. Sonnerat’s. LAGUNEA. DC. LAGUNEA. 1 lobata. DC. Maple-leaved. sinuate. 2 sinuata. DC. C. B-S. Monadelphia Polyandria. L Bourbon. 7.8. S.© 1787. : Bena Se ORDO XXVI. BOMBACEA. DC. prodr. 1. p. 475. HELICTERES. DC. ScreEw-TREE. 1 Isora. DC. great-frnited. 2 baruensis. pc. small-fruited. 3 Jamaicensis. pc. broad-leaved. 4 guazumefolia. pc. Guazuma-l4, 5 verbascifolia. pc. Verbascum-lé. 6 ferruginata. pc. - Y lanceolata. pe. 8 spicata. H. B. MYRODIA. DC. turbinata. pc. spear-leaved. spike-flowered. MyRoplia. short-flowered. PLAGIANTHUS. DC. PLaciantTuus. divaricatus. pc. ADANSONIA. DC. small-leaved. SOUR-GOURD. digitata. pe. palmate. CAROLINEA. DC. Carorinea. 1 princeps. pc. digitated. Pachira aquatica. A. ~ 2 insignis. pe. 3 minor. DC. 4 alba. B.c. BOMBAX. DC. 1 Ceiba. pe. quinatum. Jacq. 2 septenatum. nc. _seven-leaved. heptaphyllum. 1. non Cav. 3 malabaricum. pc. Malabar. heptaphyllum. Roxb. non 1. lesser. five-leaved. ERIODENDRON. DC. ErIopENDRON. 1 Jeiantherum. pc. Brazilian. Bombax erianthos. Cav. 2 anfractuosum. pc. twisted-anther’d Bombax pentandrum. t. a indicum. Dc. East Indian. B caribeum. De. West Indian. y africanum. Dc. African. OCHROMA. DC. OcHROMA. 1 Lagopus. pc. downy-leaved. 2 tomentosa. DC. woolly-leaved. CHEIROSTEMON. DC. CHEIROSTEMON. - New Spain. 1820. 11. 1. platanoides. pc. _ plane-leaved. Chiranthodendron. Larr, dis. ic. yellow-flow’r’d. great- flowered. white-flowered. Brazil. SILK-COTTON-TREE. Monadelphia Dodecandria. L. E. Indies. 1733. 6.7. S.h: W.Indies. 1739. 9.10. S.h. —-—- — 6.7. S.h. S. Amer 1820. 6.8 S.h. Brazil — — S.h. a — — S.h. E. Indies. 1823. +++» S.h. cae Ae ae eae Monadelphia Dodecandria. L. W. Indies. 1793. --++ S.h. Monadelphia Dodecandria. New Zealand.1821. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. “hk Senegal. 1724, ---- Monadelphia Polyandria. L. W.Indies. 1787. ---. S.h. SS 1796. - : . S.h ry Guiana, 1798. 17.8; yaa S.h ° Monadelphia Polyandal ia. S. Amer. 1692. -+-. S.h. ——_——_ 1699. «+++ S.h. E. Indies. «+++ «see Sih. Monadelphia Dodecandria. Brazil. 1822. aie es ‘Sch. 2 2S) ee ee 1739. =rele. 3 S.h. E. Indies. -—— +. S.h. W.Indies.s -—— -«-.-- S.h. Africa, 1823. ---- S.h. Monadelphia Pentandria. L. Jamaica. 1802. ---- S.h. S.Amer. 1816. S.h. Monadelphia Decandria. S.h. ws. Gh. Cav. dis. ¥. t. 7. f. 1€ -_—-—— Z Te 14. f.é Cav. ic. 1. t. 11. Cav. dis. 1. t. 6. f. 4. Cav. dis. 5. t. 136. f,, Bot. mag. 2061. Jacq. amer. t. 149. — Jacq. vind, 2. t. 143. Lodd. bot. cab. 504. 1 Fl. mex. ic. ined. Forst. gen. t. 43. Cay. dis. 5. t. 157. Aub, gui. 2. t. 291-2, | Cav. dis. 5. t.154. - Bot. mag. 1412. Lod. bot. cab. 752. Jacq. am. t.176. f.1. Roxb. cor. 3. t. 247. Cav. dis. 5, t. 152. f.1. Cav. dis.5.t. 151. } Rheed. mal.3. t.49.51. Jacq. am. t. 176. f.°70. Sw. fl. 2, t. 23. H. et B. pl. wq.1. t. 24. , are | | ‘| ‘ERCULIA. DC. t Balanghas. De. 2 nobilis. pc. Balanghas. B.R. acuminata. Dc. grandiflora. pc. coccinea. DC. angustifolia. nc. guttata. Dc. Ivira. ne. crinita. Cav. dis. 5. t. platanifolia. vc. colorata. Dc. urens. DC. villosa. DC. 3 foetida. pc. IRITIERA. DC. L littoralis. pe. 2 minor. pc. 4 nw ee wt 9, If} ww we il BUTTNERIACEZ. ORDO XXVIII. STERcuLIA. Moneecia Monadelphia. L. many-seeded. E. Indies, 1787. 6.9. S.h. few-seeded. China. — — Southwellia nobilis. Par. lond. 6s. taper-pointed. Africa. 1822. S.h. large-flowered. E. Indies. 1820. ---- S.h. scarlet fruited. ——-——- -—— ->--- S.h. narrow-leaved. Nepaul 1823, <++» S.h. spotted. E. Indies. 1819. - S.k. hairy capsuled. W. Indies. 1793. S.h. 162. Plane-leaved. China. Lian. 7 G.h. scarlet. E. Indies. 1818. -->- S.h. stinging. —— 1793. 6.9, S-h. villous-leaved. _.——-——-_ 1818. -+-- S.h. fetid. ——_ 1690. - S.h. LOOKING-GLASS PLANT. | Dicecia Monadelphia. large-leaved. E. Indies. 1780. +--+ S.h. small-leaved. —— 1816. -+-+ Sih. Tribus. 1. BUTTNERIEZ. STEOBROMA. DC. CnHocotatTeE-nut. Polyadelphia Decandria. L. “| L Cacao. pe. smooth-leaved. S. Amer. 1739. 6.9. S.h. | 2 guianensis. pe. woolly-leaved. Guiana. 1803. S.h. 5 bicolor. pe. two-coloured. S.Amer, 1820. ---- S.h. , ROMA. DC ApromA. Polyadelphia Dodecandria. L. "| L augusta. pe. smooth-stalked. E. Indies. 1770. 6.9. S.h. 2 fastuosa. ve. prickly-stalked. N. Holland. 1800. —— S.h. “HJAZUMA. DC. BaAsTARD CEDAR. Polyadelphia Dodecandria. | ulmifolia. De. Elm-leaved. W. Indies. 1739. 8.9. S.h. : Bubroma Guazuma. w. ;} tomentosa. pc. tomentose. S. Amer. cons ——— S.h. . h spolybotrya. pe. _ velvetty. W.Indies. -+---- -—— S.h. Bee atk DC. CommerRsoniA. Pentandria Pentagynia. L. ;){ echinata. pe. oval-leaved. Moluccas. 1806. 6.7. S.h “72 platyphylla. pc. broad-leaved.§ ——--—- -——- —— 38.h F)LINGIA. Br. RvLinGiIA. Pentandria Pentagynia. L. 1 dasyphylla. hairy-leaved. N. Holland. 1808. 4.7. G.h i) _ Commersonia dasyphylla. A. R. Bytineria dasyphylla. pe. "2 pannosa. B. M. cloth-leaved. © ----—— 1819. —— G.h. ')} hermannizfolia. Hermannia-ld4, —--——- —— —— G.h. DITTNERIA. L. BuTrneria. Pentandria Monogynia. L. | herbacea. pe. herbaceous. E. Indies. 1820. 4.7. S.%. 2 grandifolia. pc. _large-leaved. —- — — Sk. 3 catalpefolia. pc. Catalpa-leav’d. Caracas. 1823. -+-+ S.h. | | cordata. pe. heart-leaved. Peru. Sats ae 8 ht “)5 microphylla. pc. small-leaved. S.Amer. 1816, +--+ S.h. 5 scabra. pc. rough. ———— 1793. 7.8. Sh. WENIA. DC. AYENIA. Pentandria Monogynia. i pusilla. pe. small. Jamaica. 1756. 7.9. S.¢. 2 2 Tevigata. De. smooth. — ~ ero —— Sk. ‘Sal. par. lond. 102. L. oo BUTTNERIACER. Kunth Synops. 3. p. 266. Tribus I. STERCULIE. DC, prodr. 1.-p. 481. Rheed. mal. 1. t. 49. Bot. reg. 185. Beau. fl. ow. 1. t. 24. Rheed. mal. 4. t. 61. Aub. gui. 2. t. 279. Cav. dis. 5. t. 145. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 25. —-—1.t. 24. Cav. dis. 5. t. 145. Rheed. mal. 6. t. 21. Gert. fr. 2. t. 98. f. 2. Lodd. bot. cab. 545. Aub. gui. 2. t. 275. B. pl. eq. 1.'t. 30. Bot. reg. 518. Trew ehret. t. 76. Cav. ic. 3. t. 299. Rumph. amb. 3. t.119. And, bot. rep. 519. Bot. rep. 603. Bot. mag. 2191. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 29. Jacq. schoenb. 1. t. 46. Cav. dis. 5. t. 150. —— —— 5.t. 148. f. 2, —— —— 5. t. 148. f. 1. Mill, ic. t. 118. 56 BUTTNERIACE/. KLEINHOVIA. DC. Kiernnovia. Monadelphia Dodecandria. Hospita. pe. purple-flower’d Moluccas. 1800. 7.9. S.h. Cav. dis, 5. t. 146. Tribus IIl. LASIOPETALEZ. DC. SERINGIA. DC. Serinecra. Pentandria Monogynia. platyphylla. nc. broad-leaved. N. Holland. 1802. 4.7. G.h. Gay dis. p. 13. t.1.4 ‘Lasiopetalum arborescens. H. K. LASIOPETALUM. DC. LASIoPpETALUM, Pentandria Monogynia. 1 ferrugineum. pc. rusty. N. Holland. 1791, 4.7. G.h. Bot. mag. 1766. 2 parviflorum. pc. small-flowered. —— — 1810. —— G.h. Linn.trans.10.t.19.f THOMASTIA. DC. THomASIA. Pentandria Monogynia. a 1 purpurea. pc. purple. N. Holland. 1803. 4.7. G.h. Bot. mag. 1755. Lasiopetalum purpureum. H. K. s 2 foliosa. ne. leafy. ——-—— 1822. —— G.h. Gay dis. p. 24. f. ut 3 solanacea. DC. Solanum like. —— 1803. —— G.h. ———~p.26.t.6. Lasiopetalum solanaceum. B. M- 1486. . 4 guercifolia. pc. | Oak-leaved. ——> + — Gh. Bot. mag. 1485. Tribus IV. HERMANNIEZ. DC. MELOCHIA. DC. Metocura. Monadelphia Pentandria. DC. ; : 1 pyramidata. pc. pyramidal. Brazil. 1768. 7.8. Sih. Jacq. vind.1. t. 30. 2 tomentosa. Dc. downy. W. Indies —— 5.6. S.h. Cav. dis.6. t. 172. f.. 3 parvifolia. Dc. small-leaved. Caracas. 1823. -+- S.h. RIEDLEIA. DC. RieEDLEIA. Monadelphia Pentandria. L. 1 velutina. Dc. soft-leaved. E.- Indies. 1820.- 6.8. S.h. 2 depressa. Dc. depressed. Havannah. —— —— S.h. | 3 snpina. pe. procumbent. E.Indies. 1823. —— S.¢@. Pluk. alm. t. 232. f.4 4 corchorifolia. pc. Corchorus-14, ——— 1732. 7.8. 8.©. Dill. elt. t. 176. f. 21. Meloehia corchorifolia. i. . 5 nodiflora. pe. knot-flowered. S. Amer. 1823. —— S.h. Sloan. his. t.135, £4 po Mougeotia nodiflora. kth. Melochia nodiflora. sw. E * 6 caracasana. pc. Caracas. Caracas. 1823. -— S.h. Jaca. ic. 3. t. 507. Mougeotia caracasana. Kth. Melochia caracasana. Jacq. ing WALTHERIA. DC. Watruersa. Monadelphia Pentandria. L | 1 americana. pc. American. S. Amer. 1691. 5.10. S.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 130. — 2 glabra. xc. smooth. W.Indies.. 1823. —— S.%. Schrank. h. mon, tt levis. L. en. 3 indica. pe. Indian. E. Indies. 1759. 6.8. S. Burm. zeyl. t. 68. 4 elliptica. pe. woolly-leaved. -—-—— 1812. -—— S.h. Cav. dis.6. t.171. f. 5 microphylla. pc. small-leaved. —-—— 1823. —— S,. ———--— 6. t.170. f.2 HERMANNIA, DC. Hermannia. Monadelphia Pentandria. L a. 1 altheifolia. pc. Althea-leaved. C. B.S. 1728.0 Sesm- - Bot. mag. 307. a plicata. pc. plaited-leaved. —M-——~- 1774.11.12. . Jacq. schoenb. 2. 4 candicans. Dc. white. —_—_- _- —- 4. 6. 6 eee mate 2 3 4 mollis. pe. soft-leaved. ———— 1818. 5 decumbens. pc. decumbent. —— ss 6 ve 8 St TOW" DPSS APIS STS Ts SY hyssopifolia. pc. Hyssop-leaved. ——-—— 1725. Cav. dis. 6. t. 181. f. || npongone. - ne a’ - Se! trifoliata. Dec. three-leaved. ——-—— _ 1752. 5.8. —— —_ G, f. 182. f. triphylla. ne. three-parted. —-_-— 1820. —— G. . 6. t. 7 9 glandulosa. Dc. glandular. ——_ —- — |G. | 10 fragrans. Dc. fragrant. ———_- ~~ — G. | 11 disermefolia. pc. simple-flow’r’"d. ——~—— 1795. 3.4. G. Jacq. scheenb. I. t.] 12 disticha. pe. round-leaved. ——— 1789. 5.8. Gh. S.etWend. sert. h.t.1 rotundifolia. J. S. t.121. 13 melochioides. pc. Melochia like. ——-—— 1818. —— G.h5. | 14 bryonifolia. pce. Bryony-leaved. ————- -—— ~——~ G, ; 15 salvifolia. pc. Sage-leaved. ——— 1795. 4.6. Gh. Cav. dis. 6: t. 180. i 16 micans. DC. glittering. —— 1790. 5.8. G. S. et Wend. s. han. t: latifolia. J. 8. t. 119. 4 17 involucrata. bc. _involucred. ———— 1794. 5.6. G.h. Cay. dis. 6. t.177. fe , scordifolia. pc. | denudata. Dc. { alnifolia. pce. cuneifolia. Dc. {| holosericea. DC. § hirsuta. pe. ; scabra. pc. £ multiflora. pc. s flammea. Dc. © angularis. bc. £ trifurcata. DC. 2 odorata. Dc. 3 velutina. Dc. 3 filifolia. pc. ' B procumbens. pc. tenuifolia. pc. 8 incisa. pc. ® pulverulenta. pc. argentea. Dc. coronopifolia. Dc. HERNIA, DC. verticillata. Dc. resedefolia. Dc. bipinnata. Dc. ‘heterophylla. nc. ‘seselifolia. pc. ‘pulchella. pe. ‘glabrata. pc. odorata. A. R.85. i vesicaria. Dc. 'l grandiflora. Burchellii. “Mpheenicea. pce. sovata. Dc. Brotera ovata. Cav. SONIA. DC. ipopulnea. pc. )@viburnoides. pc. (ABEYA. DC. cordifolia. pe. \PUHANIA. DC. JErythroxylon. pc. Feepxylon. ne. S.h. EURYA. DC. Eurya. Polygamia Monecia. 1 chinensis. Dc. China. China. 1818. +--- S.h. | 2 multiflora. pc. many-flowered. Nepaul. 1823. +--+. S.h. LETTSOMIA. DC. Lerrsomia. Polyandria Monogynia. a | tomentosa. De. tomentose. Peru. 1823. +++» S.h. Ruiz et Tribus IIT. SAURAUJEA. DC. SAURAUJA. DC. Sauravussa. Polyandria Pentagynia. ; | I excelsa. Dc. tall. Caracas. 1824. »--. S.h. Willd. n.act. bers 2 napaulensis. pc. Nepaul, Nepaul. — +s Sk. . TERNSTRO®MIACEZE. 61 Tribus IV. LAPLACE. DC. OCHLOSPERMUM. nC. CocHLosPpERMUM. Monadelphia Polyandria. 1 Gossypium. pc. _large-flowered. E. Indies. 1822. +++» S.h. Sonn. voy. 2. t. 133. Bombax grandifiorum. son, Bombax Gossypium. L. ¢ 2 serratifolium. pc. saw-lobed. S. Amer. 1820. ---- S,hk. FI. mex. ic. ined. Tribus V2? GORDONIE. DC. MALACHODENDRON. DC. Matacnopenpron. ovatum. Dc. oval-leaved. N. Amer. _ Stuartia pentagynia. Ex. bot. TUARTIA. W. StuarTiA. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. virginica. Dc. Virginian. N. Amer, 1742. 5.8. H.h. Malachodendron. t. marylandica. A. R. t.73. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. 1785. 8.9. H.h. Exot. bot. t.101. Cav. dis. 5. t. 159. f. 2. { FORDONIA, DC. Gorponia. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. » | 1 Lasianthus. pe. smooth. N. Amer. 1739. 8.11. F.h. Bot. mag. 668. 2 hematoxylon. pc. red-wooded. Jamaica. 1820. ---- S.h. 3 pubescens. ve. pubescent. N. Amer, 1774. 8.1. F.h- Vent. malm. t. 1. 4 Franklini. £. Her, Franklin’s. —_———_ ——_-_ — F.h. 2OLYSPORA.N.L.F. Potysrora. Monadelphia Polyandria. axillaris. N.L.F. axillary-flow’r’d E. Indies. 1816. 11.3. S.h. Bot. reg. 349. Camellia axillaris. B.R. et B. M. 2017. ORDO XXXII. CAMELLIEA. DC. prodr. 1. ‘p. 529. CAMELLIA. Ker. CAMELLIA. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. I Thea. L. en. Bohea Tea. China. 1768. 11.2. G.h Lob. bot. cab. 226, 2 viridis. L. en. green Tea. ———— | - ——- 10.12.G.h. ———— 227. Thea chinensis. B.M. 998. 3 oleifera. oleiferous. ——— 1819. 1.3. G.h. 4 Kissi. pe. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1823, ---- G.h. _ & Sesanqua. vc. Lady Banks’s. China. 1811. 11.1. G.h. — B alba. semidoublewhite. ———-- ——— -—— G.h. Bot. reg.12. y rosea. double rosy. ——— 1819. 1.4. Gh. -——--—-— 547%. 6 japonica. pc. common. —-—— 1739. 12.5. G.h. Cav dis. 6. t.160. a rubra, single-red. —_——_- —- _ — Gh. _ Bot. mag. 42. 6 alba. single-white. ———— +--- —— G.h. Bot. reg. 353. y semiduplex. semidouble red. -—-——- +:+-+ -—— G.h. Bot. rep. 559. © rubro-plena. double red. ma tee —— GR. = ———— 199. € carnea. Middlemist’s. —_——- eos —— G.h. Lod. bot. cab. 455. Z myrtifolia. Myrtle-leaved. 2=—~—— -es —— G.h. Bot. mag. 1670. 9 involuta. Lady Long’s. —_—— . — G.h. Bot. reg. 633. 3 hexangularis. six sided. ——- > ~— G.h. t atrorubens. Loddiges’ red. ——_— ««-» —— Gh. Lod. bot. cab. 170. K anemonifiora. red Waratah. —-———- eee -—— Gh. Bot. mag, 1654. A dianthiflora, Carnation War. ————-~ ++++ —— G.h. Bot. mag. 2577. pe blanda. blush Waratah. -——-——— -++- —— G.h. y variabilis. white Waratahe -——-——- «+++ —— G.h. £ pomponia. Kew-blush. ——_— > —— G.h. Bot. reg. 22. o peoniflora. Peony-flowered. ——-———__- -—- G.h. Lod. bot. cab. 238. a Welbanki. Welbank’s. —_—_ + — G.h. 9 luteo-alba. pale yellow. ———— ++» —— Gh. Bot. reg. 703. o flavescens. buff. we tees ee GR rT albo-plena. double white. wwe tees es Gh. Bot. rep. 25. 62 | CAMELLIEZ. v fimbriata. fringed white, 9 <———--—— eee ——e Gh. 2 p variegata, double striped, -»—-——~ +++ —— G.h. Bot. rep. 91. : x crassinervis. thick-nerved. ae eee ee GLI. w expansa. expanded. ———— +++- -=— Gh. w conchifiora, sheil-flowered. ———— tees —— Gh. ¢ rubricaulis, Ly. Al.Campbell’s ———~- +--+ -—— G.h. a a longifolia. long-leaved. —-——- ee —— Gh. B B versicolor. stripedWaratah, ——-—— + —— Gh. Bot. reg. 887. ORDO XXXII. ¥ OLACINEZ. DC. prod. 1. p. 531. ‘ y OLAX. DC. Oxvax. Triandria Moncgynia. L. ; 1 scandens. vc. climbing. E. Indies. 1820, 1.12. S.fp._. Roxb. cor. 2, t. 102. — 2 imbricata. ve. imbricate. — Ss —— ove SHG. X SPERMAXYRUM. DC.SpermMAxyRuM. Triandria Monogynia. 2 strictum. DC, upright. N.S. W. 1820. ---- G.h XIMENTA. DC, XIMENIA. Octandria Monogynia. L. P ; 1 americana. DC. spring. W. Indies. 1759. 6.9. S.h. Jacq. am. pict. t. 107. 2 inermis. DC. unarmed. —— 1820. -.-. S.h A ORDO XXXIV. AURANTIACEZ. DC. prodr.1. p, 535. ATALANTIA. DC. Ararantia. Monadelphia Octandria. monophylla. pc. simple-leaved. E. Indies. 1777. 6.8. S.h. Roxb. cor. 2. t. 83. Limonia monophylla. R. TRIPHASIA. DC. TRIPHASIA. Hexandria Monogynia. trifoliata. pc. three-leaved. China. 1787. 7.8. 5.h. Jacq. ic. rar. t. 463. Limonia trifoliata. And. rep. 143. : + LIMONIA. DC. Limonia. Decandria Monogynia. L. | 1 citrifolia. pc. various-leaved. China. e+e 6.8. Sch. 2 parviflora. pe. small-flowered. — 1820. 2.5. S.h. Bot. mag. 2416. . 3 crenulata. pe. crenulate. E. Indies. 1808. 5.7. S.h. Roxb. cor. 1.t.86. _ 4 scandens. H.B. climbing. —- 1820. ---- COOKIA. DC. Cookia. Decandria Monogynia. L. punctata. ne. Wampee tree. China. 1795. 5.7. S.k. Jacq. schoenb. 1, t.101. MURRAYA. DC. MurrRaAya. Decandria Monogynia. L. x 1 exotica. pe. Ash-leaved. E. Indies. 1771. 8.9. S.h. Bot. reg. 434. ~ 2 paniculata. pe. panicled. ——- 1821. 4.5. 8S.h. Hook. ex. flor. 134. AGLATIA. DC. AatarA. Pentandria Monogynia. : odorata. pe. sweet-scented. China. 1810. 2.5. S.h. Ruamph. amb. 5. t.18, BERGERA. DC. BerGERA. Decandria Monogynia. L. ‘ 1 Keenigii. pce. Keenig’s. E. Indies. 1818. 3.6. S.h. Rumph. amb.1.t.53.f.l. 2 integerrima. Dc. _entire-leaved. —--——- 1820. ---- S.h. CLAUSENIA. DC. Crausenia. Octandria Monogynia. ' ‘ | pentaphylla. pc. _five-leaved. E. Indies. 1823. +--+ S.h. GLYCOSMIS. DC. Gtrycosmis. Decandria Monogynia. 1 arborea. pc. tree, E. Indies. 1796. 5.8. S.h. Roxb.cor.1.t. 85. _ Limonia arborea. R. ; 2 pentaphylla. pc. _five-leaved. — 1790. 6.7. S.h. ————1.t.84. — Limonia pentaphylla, R. | ; FERONIA. DC. ELEPHANT APPLE. Decandria Monogynia. elephantum. pc. ‘Indian. E. Indies. 1804. +--+ S.f. Roxb. cor.2. t. 141. JEGLE. DC. BENGAL QuINCE. Polyandria Monogynia. 1 Marmelos, DC. thorny. E. Indies. 1759. ae ee S. h ° Roxb. cor. 2. te 143. | ; | AURANTIACEE. 63 _ ITRUS. DC. ORANGE-TREE. Polyadelphia Polyandria. L. 1 medica. pe. Lemon-tree. Asia. 1648. 5.7. G.h. _ 2 Limetta. pe. Bergamotte. ot ee. GL. ———— 1 20..2.F.1. 3 Limonum. pc. Lime-tree. —_—— + —— G.h. Ferr. hesp. t. 247. &c. 4 Aurantium. pe. common, — wee ae -—— G.h._ 5 vulgaris. Dc. Myrtle-leaved. —— —~ —— G.h. Bot. reg. t. 346. 6 decumana. pvc. Shaddock. India. 1721, —— G.h. Rumph. am.2. t.24. f.2. | 7 hystrix. pe. very spiny. — + — G.h. ——- 2. t. 28? 8 japonica. De. small-fruited. Japan. 1815. — G.h. Th. ic. jap. t.15.- _ 9 nobilis. pe. Mandarin. China. 1805. —— G.h. Bot. rep. 608. - — B minor. smaller, ———= = «0S —— Gh. Bot. reg, 211. 10 Margarita. pe. sweet Lemon. — 1820. —— G.h. 11 madurensis. pc. _ spineless. China. 1816. —— G.h. Rumph. amb. 2. t. 31. 12 angulata. pe. angular-fruited. E. Indies, ---. —— Gh. ———— 2, .32. (3 buxifolia. pe. retuse-leaved. China. toes —— Gib. a » ORDO XXXV. HYPERICINE. DC. prodr. 1. p. 541. Subordo I. HYPERICINEA VERZE. DC. HZ, % Tribus I. VISMIEZ. DC. ISMIA. DC. ~~~“ Vista. Polyadelphia Polyandria. 1 brasiliensis. pc. - Brasilian. Brazil. 1822. 5.6. 5.h. Chois. p. hyp. 35. t. 2. 2 guineensis, nc. African. SierraLeon. 1823. -k. Lin. ameen. 8. t. 8.f, 1. Tribus II. HYPERICEZ. DC. NDROS/2MUM.DC.Tutsan. Monadelphia his aaa officinale. pc. common. Britain. see - Eng. bot. 1225. YPERICUM. DC. Sr. Jonn’s-wort. Polyadelphia Poland. L. 1 elatum. pc. tall. N. Amer. 1762. 7.8. H.h. Wats. dend. brit. t. 85. _ 2 frondosum. pe. green. oO VTS Tg LL Tg h. 3 amcenum. Dc. pretty. Carolina. 1812. —— H.h. 4 grandifolium. pc: great-leaved. Teneriffe. 1818. —— G.h. Chois. pr. hyp. t. 3. (6 hircinum, pce. ~ stinking. S. Europe. 1640. 7.9. H.h. Wats. dend. brit. t. 86. B minus. smaller. —-——- — — H.h. ———— t. 87. ; 6 foliosum. pc. shining. Azores. 1778. 8 G.h. 7 floribundum. pc. many-flowered. Madeira. 1779. —— G.h. Com. hort. 2. t. 68. 8 olympicum. Dc. Olympic. Levant. 1706. 7.9. H.h. Exot. bot. 2. t. 96. 9 canariense. pe. Canary. Canaries. 1699. —— G.h. ').0 chinense. pc. Chinese. China. 1753. 3.9. G.h. Bot. mag. 334. ( monogynum. B. M. ‘7.1 cordifolium. pc. heart-leaved. Nepaul. 1822, 6.9. G.h. |) 2 pyramidatum. pc. pyramidal. Canada. 1759. 7.8. H.%. Vent. malm. t.118. "| .3 Ascyron. pe. Siberian. Siberia. 1774. 6.9. H.%. Gmel. sib. 4. t. 69. .4 ascyroides. pc. large-capsuled. N. Amer. 1812. 6.7. H.%. rey \5 patulum. pe. spreading. Japan. 1820. 7.9. G.%. Thunb. jap. ic. 17. (6 Uralum. p. p. ° Nepaul. Nepaul. — — F.h. Bot, mag. 2375. 7 Kalmianum. pc. Kalmia-leaved. Virginia. 1759. 6.7. H.h. 18 calycinum. pc. large-flowered. Ireland. «se- 6.9. H.. Eng. bot. 2017. 7/9 balearicum. pc. _—-warted. Majorca. 1714. 3.9. G.. Bot. mag. 137, 20 virginicum. pc. Virginian. N. Amer. 1800. 7.9. H.2J. Bot. rep. 552. _ Elodeacampanulata. Ph. 21 angulosum. pe. tooth’d-flow’r’d N. Amer. 1812. 6.7. H.2. 722 punctatum. pe. spotted. —— _ 1789. 7.9. Fx. carymbosum. w. maculatum. walt. 64 HYPERICINEX. 23 dolabriforme. pc. hatchet-like. ——— _ 1818. —— H.%. 24 densiflorum. pc. dense-flowered. Virginia. 1812. 6.8. F.h. 25 rosmarinifolium. pc. Rosemary-l4. Carolinas ——- -—— F.h. % q 26 prolificum. pc. prolific, N. Amer. 1758. —— H.h. Wats. dend. brit. t. 88 27 glaucum. pc. glaucous: —-—— 1812. 7.8. H.%. . 28 levigatum. H.K. smooth. —-—-— 1772. —~ H.%. 29 nudiflorum. pc. naked-panicled ~——-—— 1811. 8.10. H.h. © 30 quadrangulum. w. square-stalked. Britain. -s+- 7.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 370. , 31 dubium, £.B. imperforate. ——-—— reese —— HY. ———— 296. & 32 maculatum. an. spot-flowered, Europe. see ——— H.y. All. ped. t.83.f.1. — 33 undulatum. w.en. wave-leaved. Barbary, 1802. —— F.2%. 34 japonicum. pc. Japan. Japan. 1820. —— G.y%. Thunb. jap. t. 31. 35 crispum. DC. curl-leaved. Greece. 1688. —— F.%. Bocce. mus. 2. t.12. 36 pilosum. pc. pilose. N. Amer. 1818. —— H.h. Pluk. alm. t. 245. f. 6 setosum. H. K. 4 37 simplex. Dc. simple-stalked. -—-—~ -—— -——-H.©. ——-—— t.421.f, 3. 38 heterophyllum. pc. various-leaved. Persia. 1812. —— G.h. Vent. cels. t.68. — 39 egyptiacum. pc. Egyptian. Egypt. 1787. 6.7. G.h. Bot. reg. 196. 40 humifusum. pe. trailing. Britain. ~---> 7.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1226. . 41 pusillum. pc. small. N.S. W. 1818. ——— G.y%. Lab. nov. holl.2. t. 175 42 involutum. pc. involute-fl4, —-——- 1822. —— G.2. —— 2.t. 174. 43 perforatum. pc. —_ perforate. Britain. --» —— H.y%. Eng. bot, 295. 44 quinquenervium. pc. small-flowered N. Amer. 1759. 6.9. F.2. mutilum. W. 45 canadense. pc. Canadian. Canada. 1770. 7:0. Bae 46 perfoliatum. perfoliate. Italy. 1785. 5.6. F.. 47 axillare. pc. clustered. N. Amer. 1806. 7. F.h. fasciculatum. w. 48 Elodes. pc. marsh. Britain. wees 7.8. H.W. Eng. bot. 109. 49 tomentosum. pc. woolly. S. Europe. 1648. 7.9. F.2. Moris.his.2.s.5.t. ne 50 lanuginosum. pc. downy. Levant. 1822, —— F.2. 51 hirsutum. pc. hairy. Britain. «++. 6.7. H.y. Eng. bot. 1156. 52 nummularium. pc. Money-wort. §. Europe. 1818. —— H.%. Lam. ill. t. 643. | 53 elegans. Dc. elegant. Siberia. — 7.9. H.y. Spr. fl. hal. n. 864. t.9 Kohlianum. Spr. 54 glandulosum. pec. glandular. Madeira. 1777. 5.8. G.h. 55 reflexum. bc. reflex-leaved. Teneriffe. 1778. 6.9. G.h. 56 pulchrum. vc. small upright. Britain. -se+ 7.8 H.y. Eng. bot. 1227. 57 elodeoides. pc. close panicled. Nepaul. 1823. --++ G.i. nervosum. D. Pe y 58 barbatum. pc. ~- bearded. Scotland. +--+. 6.10. H.y%. Eng. bot. 1985. 59 montanum. DC. mountain. Britain. eoee 7.8, H.42. ———371. a 60 fimbriatum. pe. fimbriate. Pyrenees. 1818. —— H.%. Vill. delph.3. t. 44. — 61 ethiopicum. pc. Ethiopian. C. B.S. 1817. —— G.h. : ‘= 62 ciliatum. pc. fringed. S. Europe. 1739. 7. F.%. Boc. mus. 2. t. 127. — 63 serpyllifolium. pc. Thyme-leaved. Levant. 1688. 7.8. F.h. Mor. his.2.s.5.t.6. f2 64 triplinerve. Dc. triply-nerved. N. Amer. 1823. 7.9. H.{. Vent. cels.t.58. — 65 Coris. pe. Coris-leaved. Levant. 1640. 5.9. G.%. Bot mag. 178. 66 ericoides. DC. Heath-leaved. S. Europe. 1818. ——~ G.h. Care ic. 2. t. 122. 67 fasciculatum. pc. Aspalathus-like N.Amer. 1811. 6.8. F.h. aspalathoides. Ww. 68 verticillatum. pc. whorl-leaved. C.B.S. 1784. —— G.2, ASCYRUM. DC. AscyrRum. Monadelphia Polyandria. 1 pumilum. pe. dwarf. Georgia. 1806. 6.8. G.2. : " 2 Crux Andrew. pc. St.Andrew’s-cr N. Amer. 1759. 7. G.f., 146. t. 152. | 3 hypericoides. pc. Hypericumlike —-~——. —— 7.9. G.f. | 4 stans. Dc. large-flowered. ————— 1806. —— G.fh. . oT 5 amplexicaule. pc. stem-clasping. ——-—— ——- -—— G.f. Subordo I. HYPERICINE A ANOMALA. DC. CARPODONTOS. DC. Carpropontos. Polyandria Pentagynia. >| lucida. ne. shining. V.Diem.Is. 1820. +++» Gk. Lab. voy. 2.t.18 GUTTIFER®. 65 ORDO XXXVI. GUTTIFERZ. DC. prodr.1. p. 557. Tribus I. CLUSIEZ. DC. ‘GUSIA. DC. BALSAM-TREE. Polyigamia Monecia. L. || rosea. pe. : Rose-coloured. America. 1692. 7.8. S.h Cates. car. 2. t. 99. _@ alba. pe. white-flowered. S. Amer. 1752, —— S.h. Jacq. amer. t. 166. i@ flava. yellow-flowered Jamaica. 1759. 9. S.hkh. Bot. rep. 223. » venosa. Dc. _ veiny-leaved.. S. Amer. 1733. ++++ S.h. Plum. ic. 87. f. 2. /VETIA. Kth. Havetia. Dicecia Tetrandria. Taurifolia. Kth. Laurel-leaved. 8. Amer. 1820, «--- S.h. Tribus Il. GARCINIEZ. DC. ORANTHERA. DC.MicrRANTHERA. | Dicecia Polyandria, clusizfolia. pc. Clusia-leaved. Cayenne. 1823. +++» §.h. Chois.m.h.P.1.t.11.12. RCINIA. DC. GARCINIA. - Polyandria Monogynia. » Mangostana. pc. Mangosteen. Java. 1789. «+++ S.h. Lam. ill. t. 405. / cornea. DC. noddingflow’r’d E. Indies. 1817. ---- S.h. Rumph. amb. 3. t.30. Cambogia. vc. yellow-flower’d ——-—— 1822. ---- S.h. Rheed. mal. 1. t. 24. Cowa. pc. polygamous. ees CH I Tribus. IJ. CALOPHYLLEZ. DC. ‘MMEA. DC. MAMMEE-TREE. Polyandria Monogynia. L. » americana. pc. America, S. Amer. 1787. «+-- S.h. Jacq. amer. t.182, f.32. ) africana. pc. African. SierraLeon. 1820. .---- S.h. NTHOCHYMUS, DC. XanrHocuymvus. Polyadelphia Polyandria. 'pictorius. H.B. painters. E. Indies. 1796. +--+ S.h. Roxb. cor. 2. t..196. dulcis, H.B. sweet. —-— 1820. -°+- Sk. ovalifolius. u.B. —_oval-leaved. ee SO. LOPHYLLUM. DC. Catopuyiium. Polyandria Monogynia. L ‘Inophyllum. pc. sweet-scented. E. Indies. 1793 - S.h. Rheed. mal. 4, t.38. Tacamahaca. pc. acute-leaved. Bourbon. 1822. --+- S.h. Pluk. alm. t. 147. f.3. | Calaba. pe. .Calaba-tree. |W. Indies. 1780. <«+-» S.h. Jacq. amer. t. 165. om. DC. spurious. E. Indies. -—- -+:+ S.h Rheed. mal. 4. t. 39. Calaba. L. é NTADESMA. H.T. BuTTER-TREE. Polyandria Monogynia. ) butyracea. u.T. African. Sierra Leon.1821. --s+ S.h. Tribus IV. SYMPHONIEL. DC. ae DC. CANELLA. Dodecandria Monogynia. : alba. pe. broad-leaved. W. Indies. 1735. e*++ S.h. Linn. trans. 1. t.8, * laurifolia. Lc. narrow-leaved, © === *+*+ ters Sh. i \ 66 MARCGRAVIACE®. — : 4 ORDO XXXVII. MARCGRAVIACEA. DC. prodr. 1. p. 565. Subordo I, MARCGRAVIEM. DC. ANTHOLOMA. DC. Antuotoma. Polyandria Monogynia. v3 Labill. voy. t.41. montana. DC. mountain. N.Caledonia 1820. ---- G.h. MARCGRAVIA. DC. Marceravia. Polyandria Monogynia. L. % 1 umbellata. pc. umbelled. W. Indies. 1792. 6.8. S.h. Hook. exot. flor. 160, 2 coriacea. DC. leathery-leav’d. Guiana. 1820. —— S.h. : Subordo Il. NORANTE. DC, NORANTEA. DC. NorantTeA. Polyandria Monogynia. L. brasiliensis. pc. Brasilian. Brazil. 1820. ---- S.% RUYSCHIA. DC. RuyscnHia. Pentandria Monogynia. clusifolia. pc. Clusia-leaved. W. Indies. 1823. ---- S.h. Jacq. amer. t.51, £2 ORDO XXXVIII. oe HIPPOCRATEACEE. DC. prodr.1. p.567. HIPPOCRATEA. DC. HiprocraTEA.. Triandria Monogynia. L. 1 obcordata. pc. obcordate. W. Indies, 1819. +--+. S.h. J. Lam. ill. 1. t. 28. fa | scandens. Jacq. amer. t. 9. 2 ovata. DC. oval-leaved. S.Amer. 1739, see» S.h. . Lam. ill, 1. t. 28. fa volubilis. 1. t 3 indica. Dc. Indian. E. Indies. 1818. +e. S, h. .—. Roxb. cor. 2. t. sh 4 obtusifolia. pcs blunt-leaved. ———— 1820. «+++ 5 arborea. DC. tree. ——— _ 1822. «-.. §, hw Roxb. cor. 3. t. | ANTHODON. DC. AwntTHopon. Triandria Monogynia. o | 1 paniculatum. pc. panicled. Rio Janeiro.1818. +<+. S.h.c. | 2 ellipticum. Dc. elliptic-leaved. ——-—— —— «++ §,hic. » JOHNIA. F.I. JOHNIA,. Triandria Monogynia. F. I. 1 salacioides. F.1. entire-leaved.. E.Indies. 1822. ---. S.hic. 2 coromandeliana. F.1.saw-leaved. ——- —-§ —— ++ Sh. ORDO XXXIX. ERYTHROXYLEE. DC. prodr. 1. p. 573. ERYTHROXYLUM. DC. Eryruroxyium. Decandria Trigynia. L. 1 hypericifolium. pc. Hypericum-l4, Mauritius: 1818. .... S. h. Cav. dis. 8. t. 230. 2 havanense. pc. | _Havannah. W. Indies. 1822. --.. S.h Jacq. amer. t. 87. f.' 3 laurifolium. pc. Laurel-leaved. Mauritius, —— .... Sh. Cay. dis. 8. t 226, SETHIA. Kth. SETHIA. Decandria Monogynia. fy indica. DC. Indian. E, Indies. 1823. #ega Ss. h ° Roxb. cor. 1. he 88, | Erythroxylon monogynum, H. B. MALPIGHIACE. 67 ORDO XL. MALPIGHIACEA. DC. prodr. 1. p..577. Tribus I. MALPIGHIEZ. DC. ALPIGHIA. DC. Matcpienta. Decandria Trigynia. L. | | Bot. reg. 189. y, )L fucata. ve. painted. W. Indies, 1814. 1.12. S.h. 2 urens. De. stinging. S. Amer. 1737, 7.10. S. ———— 94. [2 angustifolia. pc. narrow-leaved. W. Indies. 7.8. S. Lod. bot. cab. 321. +1 aquifolia. pe. Holly-leaved. S.Amer. 1759. 8.9. S. Cav. dis. 8. t. 236. f. 2. 3 coccifera. pe. kermes-oak-ld,. -——-—— 1733. —— S.h. _ Bot. reg. 568. 5 glabra. pe. smooth-leaved. ———-— 1757. 3.7. S.h. Bot. mag. 813. T biflora. ne. two-flowered. . ——-——-_ ss +-»»> —— S, Cav. dis. 8. t. 234. f. 2. ~ punicifolia. Cav. 3 punicifolia. pe. Punica-leaved. -~--—-——— 1690. —— S. Plum. ic. t. 166. f. 2. 9 nitida. pe. glossy-leaved. S.Amer. 1733. 3.8. S. )? faginea. pe. Beech-leaved. —~—-— 1822. -;-.. S, YRSONIMA. DC. Byrsonima. Decandria-Trigynia. L. ! verbascifolia. pc. Mullein-leaved. Guiana. 1818. 3.8 2 nervosa. pc. prominent-nd, Brazil. —_ -— 3 altissima. pe. tall. Guiana. 1820. «-+- 4 crassifolia. pc. thick-leaved. ——- _ 1793. 8. > Malpighia crassifolia. w. 5 chrysophylla. pc, . golden-leaved. S. Amer... 1822. +--- 6 spicata. pe. spiked. Brazil. 818. 5.8. Aub. gui. 1. t. 184. Aub. gui. 1. t.181. hi ees og a6) 6 “Oteea es Cav. dis. 8. t. 237. RRR win n tn SoS TOS SHS Ato Saas sso 7 lucida. ve. wedge-leaved. W. Indies. 1759. ——— Bot. mag. 2462, > Malpighia lucida. w. i 8 coriacea. pe. leathery-leaved Jamaica. 1814. —— S. Sloan. his.2. t. 163. f.1. 79 pallida. ve. pale-leaved. W. Indies. 1820. —— S.h. 0°? volubilis. pc. twining. -———— 1793. 8.9. S.h. . Bot. mag. 809. Malpighia volubilis. B.M. JNCHOSIA. DC. Buxcnosta. Decandria Monogynia. . Cav. dis. 8. t. 239. f. 2. |) 1 glandulosa. ve. 2-glanded. Antilles. 1804. 3.5. S.h. > Malpighia glandulosa. Cav. , |) 2 glandulifera. pe. 4-glanded, Caracas. 1806. ——~ S.h. Jacq. coll. 5. f.3. > Malpighia glandulosa. Jacq. ic.3.t. 469° — 3 polystachya. pc. many-spiked. W.Indies —— -—— S.h.~ And. bot. rep. 604. 4 media. pc. intermediate. ——- 1790. —— 5S.h. ‘ | Malpighia media. H.K. ‘5 tuberculata. pc. _ tuberculate. Caracas. 1823. +++. S.h. Jacq. schoen.1. t. 104. 6 argentea. pe. silvery. ——-—-- 1820. ++. S.h. Jacq. frag. t. 83. ‘7 nitida. pe. glossy-leaved. W. Indies. 1733. 3.8. S.h. Cav. dis. 8. t. 239. f. 1. 8 canescens. Dc. downy-leaved. ——--—— 1742. ---- S.h. Tribus Il. HYPTAGEZ. DC. | | IPTAGE. DC. HIPTAGE. Decandria Monogynia. ‘1 Madablota. pc. _ clustered. E. Indies. 1796. 3. 4. S.h.J. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 18. _ Gertnera racemosa. A. R. 600. | 2 obtusifolia. pc. blunt-leaved. China. 1822, -er* S.hw. Gertnera obtusifolia. H. B. | Tribus III. BANISTERIEZ: DC. ; {IREA. DC. Hirwa. Decandria Trigynia. L. 1 odorata. nc. sweet-scented. Guiness ° : 1822, «+++ Sih. MALPIGHTACE/:, 68 2 nutans. De. nodding. 3 indica. pe. Indian. TRIOPTERIS. DC. .TRIOPTERIS. jamaicensis, Dc. Jamaica. TETRAPTERIS. DC. Terrapreris. 1 buxifolia. pc. 2 citrifolia. pec. BANISTERIA. DC. 1 auriculata. pce. 2 ciliata. pc. -3 splendens. pc. Box-leaved. Citron-leaved. BANISTERIA. eared. ciliated. shining. heterophylla. w. fulgens. Cav. A sericea. DC. 5 tomentosa. Dc. 6 ferruginea. pc. 7 periplocefolia. pc. Periploca-leav’4 Porto Rico. 8? laurifelia. pc. 9 fulgens. Dc. 10 ovata. pc. HETEROPTERIS.DC. HETEROPTERIS. 1 purpurea. DC. 2 parvifolia. pe. 3 brachiata. pe. 4 chrysophylla, pe. 5 coerulea. Dc. 6 nitida. pe. 7 appendiculata. pe. ACERINEZX,. DC. prodr. 1. p. 593. ACER. DC. Acer Negundo. L, silky. woolly-leaved. ferruginous. Laurel-leaved. fulgent. oval-leaved. purple. small-leaved. cross-branched. Star-apple-ld, blue-flowered, glossy. long-pointed. — E. Indies. © Decandria Trigynia. L. Jamaica. 1818. 5.9. 1818. 5.8. eee Decan@ria Trigynia. L. 5. 8, St.Domingo. --<- Jamaica. 1819. Decandria Trigynia. L. Brazil. 1818. «+6 a cee CRG) iene S. Amer. 1812, «++. Brazil, 1810. ---- Antilles. 1818. 5.8. Brazil. mae ts Jamaica. 1733. 7.8. W. Indies. 1759. ««-- St.Domingo.1819. —— Decandria Trigynia. L. W. Indies. 1759. «+«. St. Thomas. 1822. ---«- S. Amer. 1759. Brazil. 1793, cee. W. Indies. 1822, -+«- S. Amer. 1809, «e+e W. Indies. 1823. ‘ ORDO XLI. ~ MAPLE. Polygamia Monecia. L. 1 oblongum. oblong-leaved. Nepaul. 1820, +++. 2 tataricum. Dc. Tartarian. _Tartary. 1759. 5.6. 3 striatum. pc. striped-barked. N. Amer. 1755. 5.6. pensylvanicum. UL. 4 Pseudo-Platanus. pc. Sycamore. Britain. cose 4,5. B variegatum. variegated . me y subobtusum. Dc. blunt-leaved, Sune 5 spicatum. pc. mountain. N. Amer. 1750. —— montanum. H.K. 6 hybridum. pc. hybrid. Hybrid. tees — 7 campestre. Dc. common. Britain. soee 5.6. 8 austriacum. Len. Austrian. Austria. fone 9 Opalus. W. Italian. Italy. 1752. ——. 10 opalifolium. L.en. Opalus-leaved. S. Europe. ---- -— 11 obtusatum. pc. Hungarian, Hungary. 1818. —— ' 12 creticum. pc. Cretan. Levant. 1752, —— 13 monspessulanum. Dc. Montpelier. France. 1739. 5. 14 heterophyllum. Dc. evergreen. Levant. 1759. 5.6, 15 barbatum. pe. bearded. N. Amer. 1812. 4.5. 16 platanoides. be. Norway. Europe. 1683. 5.7. B laciniatum. cut-leaved. ——— 17 saccharinum. pc. Sugar. N. Amer. 1735. 4.5. 18 nigrum. pe. black-sugar,. —— 1812, —— 19 ericcarpum. pc. _— Sir C. Wager’s — 1725. —— dasycarpum. W. 20 rubrum. pe. red-flowered. .——-—— 1656, —— 21 palmatum. pe. palmate. China. 1820. e+>. NEGUNDO. DC. NeEcGuNDO. Diccia Pentandria. fraxinifolium. pc. Ash-leaved. N. Amer. 1688. 4. me ee -* ¥ y S. h ouve S.h. . Roxb. cor. 2. t. 160, y Cav. dis. 9. t. 262. f.1 ———— 9; t. 2600 . Cav. dis. 9. t. 255. ——--—— 9. t. 254. ——_ ——- 9. t. 253. Ss ae 9. t. 258." . Cav. dis. 9. t. 248. ° e cece et weeinimeiae hifi Vent. choix. t. bia SHIH IIM HIST HOSS aos rs . Cav. dis. 9. t. ol ~. Vent. choix. t.51. — ¢ —. Jacq. scheen. 1. f. 106 >. Cav. dis. 9. t. 243, ——— 9, t, 240 C ¢ Ce RARRRNLN RALDRAAHR ARR AR M * Pall. fi. ros. t. 3. Mich. f. arb. 2. t.17. | s Pe wise ew bowers Eng. bot. 303. Duham. arb. 1. t. Schm. arb, 1. t. , Eng. bot. 304... Tratt. arch. 1. n. 6. o : Tratt. arch. 1. n. 18.¢ ic. Dp EN 1. n 19. Willd. arb.10. t.1. fl. ° Ft fo ta att OF ak eRe eee ie nN. 20. e e e e e Schm. arb.1. t.3. 4. ——_-—— 1.t. } Mich. f. arb. 2. t. 1 —-— 2. t. 16. —— —— 2. ¢.13. ST ee ae 2; t. 14, p Tratt, arch. 1. n. 17.i¢ Mich, f, arb, 2. t.16. TS TH HHS TSTST SSS Ass sos HIPPOCASTANE. 69 ORDO XLII, HIPPOCASTANEZ. DC. prod. 1. p. 597. ScuLus. DC. | HoRrseE-cueEstnur. Heptandria Syn ghee L. 1 Hippocastanum. pc. common. Asia, 1629. 4.5. H.h. Schm. arb. 1. t.38. 8) B variegata. striped-leaved. 2 rubicunda. Dc. red-flowered. --«+++. * ese. 5.6. H.h. Herb. amat. t. 367. 3 glabra. ne. smooth-leaved. N., Amer. .1812; —— H.h. 4 ohioensis. pc. Ohio. ———— 1818. ——- H.h. “ 5 pallida. pce. pale-flowered. ——-—— 1812. 6. H.h. | AVIA. Smooru-CuHeEstnutT. Heptandria Monogynia. L. PY 1 macrostachya. pc: long-spiked. N.Amer, 1786. 7.8" H.h. Jacq. ecl.1.t.9. | sculus parvifiora, H. K. fei 2 rubra. ve. red-flowered. N.Amer. 1711. 5.6. H.h. Duham. arb.2. t.19. I, Aisculus Pavia, L. . 3 hybrida. ne. variegated-fld, —-—— 1812, —— H.h. ti \4 discolor. dwarf. ———_ — — H.k. Bot.reg. 310. i] Alsculus nonhybrida.pc. HW) 5 flava. pce. - yellow-flowered ———— 1764, -——- H.k. Schmid.arb.1.t. 40. 4 ° ORDO XULIiTI. RHIZOBOLEL. DC. prodr. 1. p. 599. ARYOCAR. DC. Caryocar. Polyandria Tetragynia. 1 glabrum. pec. smooth-leaved. Guiana. 1820, eece S.h. Aub. gui. 2. t. 240. 2 tomentosum. Dc. woolly-leaved. -——-—— -—— «+>. Sh. ——-——— 1. t. 239, 7 | }, | | ORDO XLIV. | SAPINDACEA. DC. prodr. 1. p. 601. | Tribus I. PAULLINIEZ. DC. ‘J ARDIOSPERMUM. L. Hearr-srep. Octandria Trigynia. L. ; ‘1 Halicacabum. pc. smooth-leaved. India. 1594. 6.8. S.©. Bot. mag. 1049. | 2 grandiflorum. pc. large-flowered. Jamaica. 1823. S.h.v. 1 is coluteoides. pc. Colutea-like. Caracas) —— <:++ S.ww. ‘) 4 Corindum. tL. Parsley-leaved. Brazil. 1750. 7.8. S.©. || 5 pubescens. pe. pubescent. N. Spain. 1820. --——- S.h.c . ") RVILLASA. Kth. Urnvitrt#a. Octandria Monogynia. )_ulmacea. kth. Elm-leaved. Caracas. 1823. ---- S.h. . B.n. gen.5. t.440. “ ERIANA. Kth. Ser1IANna.* Octandria Trigynia. L. : ‘7 1 sinuata. pe. sinuate-leaved. S. Amer. + 7.9. S.h. . | 2 divaricata. pc. divaricate. W. Indies. 1823. sees Sch... ———— 1. 12. f. 2. ) 3 caracasana. pc. tooth-leaved. Caracas. 1816. 7.9. S.h.—. Jacq. schon. 1. t. 99. .) 4 triternata. pe. sees W. Indies. 1739. +--+ S.h.J. Jacq. obs.3. t.61. f.10. ') Paullinia polyphylla. 1 (AULLINIA. DC. Pavnirmia. Octandria Trigynia. L. 1 pinnata. pe. winged-leaved. S. Amer. 1752. 7.9. HI { . Jacq. obs. 3. t. 62. f.12. “hy — ( i | if i i A tel ie a ok SAPINDACEX. 70 2 Vespertilio. pc. Bat-winged. W. Indies. 1823. —— 3 melizfolia. pc. Melia-leaved. Brazil. 1818.) ees 4 curassavica. pc. _shining-leaved. S. Amer. 1739. 6.8, S.h.w 5 barbadensis. pc. Barbadoes. W. Indies. 1786, .... S.h.w 6 caribea. DC. Caribean. Caribees. seoe sete Show 7 hispida. pc. hispid. Caracas. 1823. «--- S.h. 8 cauliflora. pc. stem-flowering. ——-——- ~—— 6.8, S.h. Tribus I], SAPINDE. DC. SAPINDUS. DC. Soap-BERRY. Octandria Trigynia. L. 1 Saponaria. pc. common. W. Indies. 1697. 7,9. S.h. 2 marginatus. pc. margined. Carolina. oor ——- Gh. 3 rigidus. Dc. Ash-leaved. S.Amer. 1759. —— S.h. 4 senegalensis. pc. Senegal. Senegal. 1823. +++ S.h. 5 laurifolius. pc. Laurel-leaved. E.Indies. 1818. +++. S.h. 6 longifolius. pc. long-leaved. ——_—- -§- —— _—_++-. Eh. 7 emarginatus. pc. emarginate. ——-—— 1820. S.h. 8 rubiginiosus. pc. _rusty-leaved. ————- -- —— _ +ers Sh. 9? indicus. DC. , ' various-leaved, ——-—- —— » Sh. Nephelium lappaceum. w. Scytalia Rambootan. H. B. CUPANIA. DC. Cupania. Octandria Monogynia. 1 tomentosa. DC. woolly-leaved. W.Indies. 1818. 5.7. S.h Trigonis tomentosa. Jacq. am. 102- 2 glabra. pe. smooth-leaved. ——-—— ——~- -—— S.h. 3 Saponaria. Dc. Soap-wort-ld, —-—— 1820. «+++ S.h MOLINA. J. MorinxA. Octandria Monogynia. canescens. H.B. _canescent. E. Indies. 1817. 5.6. S.h. COSSIGNIA. DC. CossIGNia. Hexandria Monogynia. borbonica. Dc. golden-leaved. Bourbon. pinnata. Lam. Ruizia aurea. wort. 181]. ee ee S.h ~. Hook. ex. flor. 110. — . Sch.act.hafn.3.t.11.f, 1, . Jacq. obs. 3. t. 61. f, 1, ——_—— 3. t. 61. £.9) . Jacq. obs. 3. t. 62. f.7, —. Jacq. schon. 3. t. 268. -~. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t. 450) y ety Comm. hort. 1. t. 94, Pluk. alm. t. 217. f. 7% | Rheed. mal. 4. t. 19. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 62., bot.2. t.16.17, Aub, gui. 1. t. 128, Roxb. cor. 1. t. 61. | Burm. ind. t. 32. f. 1. Sloan. h. 2. t. 208. f. 1. Lam. ill. t. 306. Buchoz. ic. col. t. 99, Lam. ill. t. 764. | Lam. ill. t. 256. MELICOCCA. DC. Honey-Berry. Octandria Monogynia. L. 1 bijuga. pe. winged-leaved. Jamaica. 1778. «+-- S.h. Jacq. amer. 103. t. 72. 2 oliveformis. pc. large-leaved.,, S. Amer. 1818. «+2. S.h. : Tribus III. DODONHACEA. DC. KOELREUTERIA. DC. KoenrevutrertA. Octandria Monogynia. L. ' paniculata. pc. __ panicled. China. 1763. 7.8. H.h. Bot. reg. 320. . DODONZEA. DC. Dopon#A. Octandria Monogynia. L. | 1 viscosa. pc, clammy. S.Amer. 1690. 6.7. S.h. Plum. ic. t. 247. f. 2 2 jamaicensis. pc. Jamaica. Jamaica. — —— S.h. Cav.ic, t. 327. viscosa. Cay. angustifolia. sw. 3 Burmanniana. pc. Burman’s. E. Indies. 1758. 5.8. S.h. Burm. zeyl. t. 23. angustifolia. H.B. r 4 microcarpa. pc. small-fruited. Bourbon. 1818. --—~ Lam. ill. t.304. f. 2. li | 5 salicifolia, pc. i, angustifolia. Lam: lf | 6 dioica. pe. 7 triquetra. Dc. 8 oblongifolia. L.en. ty 7 9 cuneata. Dc. 4” 10 asplenifolia. pc. ‘11 filiformis. bc. 12 angustissima. Dc. 13 _eleagnoides. pe. (14? pinnata. pc. ! | TURREA. DC. 1 virens. DC. | 2 rigida. pc. QUIVISIA. DC. ' heterophylla. pc. 1 jANDORICUM. DC. indicum. Dc. {| MELIA. DC. i=! 1 Azedarach. pc. | 2 superba. 4.B. 3 robusta. H.B. 4 sempervirens. Dc. 5 composita. pc. “ 6 Azadirachta. De. TRICHILIA. DC. 1 hirta. nc. _ 2 spondioides. nc. _ 3-havanensis. Dc. glabra. L. _ 4 odorata. A.R; | 5 glandulosa. pc. | SKEBERGIA. DC. ' Capensis. DC. 3UAREA. DC. 1 trichilioides. x. grandifolia. DC. 2 Swartzii. | trichilioides. sw. | 3 ramiflora. pc. AEYNEA, DC. 1 trijuga. pe. | 2 quinquejuga, H.B. SAPINDACE. Willew-leaved. C. B.S. 1758. ——~— G.h. dicecious. E. Indies Ae S.h. three-sided. N.S. W. 1790. 6.8. G.h. oblong-leaved. -—-—— 1816. -—— G.h. wedge-leaved. ———— ——~- -— G.h. Asplenium-14, ——-——- —— -—— Gh. slender-leaved. -——--—— 1820. —— G.h. narrow-leaved. ——--——- -—~ -—— G.h. scaly-leaved. W.Indies. 1819. «+++ S.h. ° Gh. winged-leaved. y < A g . N. S. Ww. 1810. slo ORDO XLV. Tribus Il. MELIEZA. DC. TURR#HA. Decandria Monogynia. L. green, E. Indies. 1822, --«- S.k. rigid. Mauritius. 18205 «++. S.h Quivista. Octandria Monogynia. various-leaved. Mauritius. 1821. --+. §, Sanporicum. Decandria Monogynia. Indian. E. Indies. 1818. ---- S, BEAD-TREE. Decandria Monogynia. L. common. Syria. 1656. 6.8. G.h. superb. E. Indies. 1821. 1.2. S.h. robust. ———_ —-—_—*:+: Sh. evergreen. Jamaica. 1656. 6.9. compound-ld, E, Indies. 1818. 1.3. S.h. Ash-leaved, ——_-——_ 1759. 6.8. Tribus Il. TRICHILIEZ. DC. TRIcHILIA. Decandria Monogynia. L. hairy. Jamaica. 1820. 6.7. S.h Spondias-like. ——--—- ——- ~—— S.h smooth. W. Indies. 1794. —— S.h sweet-scented. ——-—— 1801. —— S.h. glandular. N.S. W. 1821. +++ Gh. EKEBERGIA. Decandria Monogynia. Cape. C. B.S. 1789. 7.8. G.h GuAREA. Octandria Monogynia. L. Ash-leaved. S.Amer. 1752. 5.6. S.h. “Melia Guara. Jacq. Swartz’s. W. Indies, 1822, +++. S.h. branch-flow’r’d. Porto Rico. vose Sch. HeyNnea. | Decandria Monogynia. Walnut-like. Nepaul. 1812. 9. S.h- five-paired, Moluccas. 1821. se*« S.h. 71 Bot. rep. 230. Linn, trans. 11. t. 19. Se ran 11. t; 20. MELIACE. DC. prodr.1. p. 619. Sm. ic. ined. 1. t. 10. Vent. choix. t. 48. Cav. dis. 7. t. 213. Cav. dis. 7. t. 202. 203. Bot. mag. 1066. Bot. reg. 643. Cav. dis. 7. t. 208. Sloan. h. 2. t. 220. f. 1. Jacq. schoen. 1. t. 102, Jacq. amer. t.175. f.38. Bot. rep. 637. Lam. ill. t. 358. Jacq. am. t. 176. f. 37, Sloan. h. 2. t. 170. f. 1 Vent. choix. t, 41. Bot. mag. 1738. CEDRELA. DC. 1 odorata. pc. 2 Toona. Dc. 3 velutina. DC. SWIETENIA. DC. 1 Mahagoni. pc. Z febrifuga. De. CHLOROXYLON. DC. CHLOROXYLON. Swietenia. DC. Swictenia chloroxylon. Roxb. FLINDERSIA. DC. australis. DC. CARAPA. DC. 1 procera. DC. 2 guineensis. Afzelia splendens. Hort. Vitis arborea. w. Cissus stans. P.S. fragrant. W. Indies. 1739. 7.9. S.h. Lam. ill. t. 137. : Nepaul. Nepaul. 1821. +++» S.h. Roxb. cor. 3. t. 238. velvetty. teerves ° oreo eere S.h. MAnoGAny-TREE. Decandria Monogynia, L. ‘ common. W. Indies. 1734. S.h. Cav. dis. 7. t. 209. Febrifuge. E. Indies. 1796. ++++ S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t.17. Decandria Monogynia. Satin-wood. E. Indies. 1822. ---- S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 64. MELIACEZ. Tribus HI. CEDRELE. DC. Bastarp Cepar. Pentandria Monogynia. L. FLINDERSIA. Decandria Monogynia. New Holland. N. Holland. 1821. ---- G.h. Brown gen.rem.t. 1. CarRAPA. Decandria Monogynia. tall. W. Indies. -+++ se+5 S.h. glossy-leaved. Sierra Leon. 1793. -+++ S.h. ORDO XLVI. AMPELIDEA. DC. prodr. 1. p. 627. Tribus I. VINIFERZ sen SARMENTACEZ. DC. CISSUS. DC. Cissus. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 vitiginea. pc. vine-leaved. | India. 1772. 7.8. S.h.o. Pluk. mant. t. 387, ft 2 adnata. pc. pointed-leaved. E. Indies. 1818. —— nk 3 glauca. Dc. glaucous. en SR 4 repens. Dc. creeping. em BB ee . Rheed. mal. 7. t. 48. 5 puncticulosa. pc. strumous. Cayenne. 1818./ +--+ SB. 6 quadrangularis. pc, square-stalked. E. Indies. 1790. --++ S.h.v. ; Rumph.amb.6.t:44ie -7 sicyoides. pe. naked-leaved. Jamaica. 1768. 7.8. S.h. -. Jacq. amer. 22. t. 15, 8 ovata. Dc. oval-leaved. ———-- 1822. +--+ S.h. . Brown. jam. t. 4. f.1.2. 9 antarctica. Dc. Kanguru-Vine. N.S. W. 1790. 6.8. G.h.W. Bot. mag. 2488. 10 capensis. DC. Cape. C. B.S. 1792. —— Gh. = 11 acida. pe. acid. Jamaica. 1692. —— S.h.v. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 38. 12 carnosa. DC. flat-stemmed. E.Indies. 1818. ++-- S.h. . Rheed. mal. 7. t. 9.— 13 trifoliata. pc. three-leaved. Jamaica. 1739. 6.8. S.h. J. Sloan. jam.t.142. f.5.6' 14 alata. pe. winged-stalk’d, ——-—— —- —— Sifu ——-——. 1. t. 144. — 15 angustifolia. pc. narrow-leaved. E. Indies. 1818. +++» S.h.c. a 16 quinata. DC. wedge-leaved. C.B. S. 1790. 7.00 GURL, e 17 pentaphylla. pc. Japan. Japan. —— 4.9.6. hv. e 18 quinquefolia. B.M. five-leaved. Brazil. — 8.9. S.h. . Bot. mag. 2443, 19 diversifolia. pc. various-leaved, -+-«r+++ —— +0 Shoo. 5d heterophylla. L. en. non DC. 20 elongata. Dc. long-branched. E. Indies. 1818. «+++ S.h.c. 21 auriculata. De. ear-stipuled, mm es Stee. 22 orientalis. Dc. oriental. Levant. . — 6.8. Ghee. AMPELOPSIS. DC. Ampetopsis. Pentandria Monogynia. L. : 1 cordata. pc. heart-leaved. N, Amer. 1803. 6.8. H.h.c. % Cissus Ampelopsis. P.S. . q 2 hederacea. Dc. Virginian creeper. ———- 1629. -—- H.h. J. Com. canad. t. 100: Hedera quinquefolia. L. . Cissus hederacea. P. s. i 3 hirsuta. pe. hairy. —-—— 1806. —— H.h.w. ‘ 4 bipinnata. De. Pepper Vine. ——-—— 1700. 7.9. H.h.J. Pluk. mant. t.412. f.2. VITIS. DC. ‘1 vinifera, pe. VinE. Pentandria Monogynia. L. common Grape. Asia. H.h.w. Jacq. ic. 1, t, 50. AMPELIDEE. 73 2 laciniosa. pe. Parsley-leayed. «+-+-+-. 1648. ——— H.h.J. Schm. ic. 34. t. 8. 3 dentata. pc. ‘ toothed. tececees 1818, 30 Eds | 4 Wallichii. pe. Wallich’s. Nepaul. —— ore Hehe | 6 indica. ve. Indian. E. Indies. 1692. «++. S.hwwo . Rheed. mal, 7. t. 6. 6 caribea. ne. West Indian. W.Indies, «-.- +++» S.). . Sloan. his. 2.t.210.f.4, 7 Labrusea. pc. downy-leaved. N. Amer. 1656. 5.6. H.h.J. Jacq.schen. t. 426. ; 8 blanda.. white-berried, —-—— —— -—— H.h.c. 1 9 estivalis. pc. Fox Grape. —— —- _ —-_ H.h.wW. Jacq. scheen. t. 425. z | vulpina. w. | 10 cordifolia. pc. Winter Grape. ———— 1806. ++». H.h.J. —~—— t. 427, incisa. Jacq. or 11 riparia. pe. 12 rotundifolia. pc? “LEEA, DC. 1 sambucina. pe. 2 crispa. vc. pinnata. A.R. 3 wquata. DC. 4 hirta. pe. 5 robusta. A.B. 6 macrophylla. nc, sweet-scented. Bullet Grape. Tribus Il. LHEEACEA. DC. LEEA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Elder-leaved. E.Indies. 1790. ---+ S.h. fringe-stalked. C. B.S. 1676. 8. 10. S.h. round-stalked. E. Indies. 1777. «+++ S.h. hairy. ——_——- _ 1816. «+--+ Sh. robust. ————-_ 1820. «+++ S.h. largé-leaved. ———~- —— «ee S.h. ORDO XLVI. 5.6. H.h.J. Bot. mag. 2429. we Cav. dis. 7. t. 218. Bot. rep. t. 355. GERANIACER. DC. prodr.1. p. 637. Tribus I. | SARCOCAULON. DC. Sarcocauton. Monadelphia Dodecandria. Geranium spinosum. _ MONSONIA. S.G. 1 ovata. pc. _ 2 lobata. ne. | 3 pilosa. w.en. _ _ filia. A.R. 216, nec aliorum. » A speciosa. L. a rubra, _ B pallida. SERANIUM. DC. 1 sibiricum. pc. 2 sanguineum. pc. 3 prostratum. L.en. 4 multifidum. S.G. _ 5 incanum. pec. 6 canescens. Dc. 7 argenteum. pc. 8 cinereum. Dc. i 9 anemonefolium. pc. 10 macrorhizon. pc. i129 ibericum. pc. 13 nodosum, pe. ee oa varium. L’Her. ger. t. 37. GERANIEZ. _ 1 DHeritieri. L. Heritier’s. C. B.S. 1790. 5.6. G.h. _ Monsonia L’ Heritieri. pc. Monsonia spinosa. L. Her. 2 Burmanni. pc. Burman’s, ———— — 7% Gh. Cav. dis. 4. t.75. f. 2. MonsoniA. Monadelphia Dodecandria. oval-leaved. Cc. B.S. 1774. 8... 1G.8. broad-leaved. —-——_ ——_ 4.5. G.. hairy. ——- 1778. 7.8. G.%. large-flowered. -——-——- 1774. 4.5. G.%. red-flowered. ——__- ——_ 12.2. G.%. pale-flowered. —— — 4.5. Gy. CRANES-BILL. Monadelphia Decandria. Siberian. Siberia. 1758. 6.7. H.%. bloody. Britain. sees 6.9. H.2L. Lancashire. Dears a iiwlen ate EA Od multifid. C. B.S. 1817. —— G.2. hoary. ———— 1701. 5.7. Gy. silky-leaved. ————-— 1787. —— G.y. silvery-leaved. S. Europe. 1699. 6.7. H.2. grey. Pyrenees. +--+ 6.8. H.}. Anemone-i€. Canaries. 1778. 5.8. G.h. long-rooted. Italy. 1576. 5.6. H.h. tuberous-root’d. -—-—— 1596. 5.8. H.%. Iberian. Iberia. 1802. 6.9. H.%. knotted. England. ee veoe 5,10. H. 2. S.G. 1. p. vil. L. Herit. ger. t. 42. Burm. afr, t. 31. Cav. dis. 4. t. 113. f.1. Sweet ger. 3. t. 273. Sweet ger. 2, t. 199. Bot. mag. 73. Sweet ger. 1. t. 77. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 19. Eng. bot. 272. Can dis. 4. t. 76. f.3. Sweet ger. 3. t. 245. Cav. dis. 4. t. 82. f.2. L. Herit. ger. t. 38. Sweet.ger. 1. t. 59. Cav. dis. 4. t. 89. f. 1. Sweet ger. 3. t. 244, Sweet ger. 3. t. 271. Sweet ger. 2. t. 155. ——— I. t. 84. Eng. bot, L091. 74 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 " 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 A5 46 AT 48 49 50 angulatum. Dc. Wallichianum. s.@. Viassovianum. Dc. striatum. pc. reflexum. DC. pheum. pce. fuscum. w. lividum. w. eriostemon, DC. : a ceruleum, S.G. B pallidum, s.G. sylvaticum. DC. batrachioides. L.en. pratense. Dc. a ceruleum. B variegatum. y album. ) flore pleno. longipes. Dc. Londesit. L.en. maculatum. pc. collinum. pe. palustre. Dc. aconitifolium. pc. pilosum. be. parviflorum. Dc. nepalense. s.G. cristatum. Dc. albanum. M.B. pyrenaicum. Dc. umbrosum. P.s. molle. pc. pusillum. pc. rotundifolium. Dc. columbinum. nc. dissectum. DC. carolinianum. DC. lanuginosum. W.en. villosum. pc. bohemicum. pc. divaricatum. Dc. lucidum. pec. Briceanum. Robertianum. pc. purpureum. w. ERODIUM. DC. OMNAGCRP WHE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 petreum. DC. glandulosum. pc. Stephanianum. pc. alpinum. pc. crassifolium. DC. laciniatum. pc. hirtum. Dc. Cicenium. pc. cicutarium. E.B. pimpinellefolium. bipinnatum. w. romanum. w. caucalifolium. s.G. moschatum. pc. botrys. pc. murcicum. DC. gruinum. Dc. serotinum. DC. multicaule. S.G.t, 137. chium. Dc. hymenodes. DC. Gussonii. s.G. malachoides. pc. GERANIACEZ. angular-stalk’d. ++++--++ 1789. 5.6. Wallich’s. Nepaul. 1820. 6. 10. Viassof’s. Siberia. —- 5.8. streaked. Italy. 1629. 5. 10. refiex-flower’d. -—---—— 1758. 5.6. dusky. England. cose 4.6. brown. S. Europe. 1759. 7. wrinkle-leaved. Switzerland.1775. 6.7 woolly-stamen’d Dahuria. 1822. 7.9. bright blue. er neemnnnn, aparece pale blue. Nepaul ©=—— -—— wood. Britain. me » aScn Genin hairy. Europe. Saisie’ Aneto Crowfoot-leav’d Britain. veer 5.7. blue-flowered. we re te variegated. te white-flowered, 9 ————- s+*s —— double-blue. en ee, Se ee long-peduncled. ------- - 1824. —— spotted. N. Amer. 1732. 5.8. hill. Tauria. 1815. —— marsh. Europe. 1732. == Aconite-leaved. Switzerland.1775. 5. 6. pointed anth’r’d N. Zealand. 1821. 5.8. small-flowered. Van Diem. 1816. 5.8. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1819. —— crested. Iberia. 1823. —— mountain. Britain. eeee naked-stalked. Hungary. 1804. 6.9. Dove’s-foot. Britain. wees 4,8, small-flowered, England. ceeo 6.9. round-leaved. —-——~— -+++ 6.7. long-stalked. Britain. cee jagged-leaved. ———— -:--: 5.7. veined petaled. N. Amer, 1725. 7.8. woolly. ees) fe la i eae villous, Naples. 1824. —— Bohemian. Bohemia. 1683. 6. 8. straddling. Hungary. 1799, 7.8. shining. Britain. core 5.8. Miss Brice’s. _ Bristol. eres 4,10. Herb-Robert. Britain. tere purple. tt HEROn’s-BILL. Monadelphia Pentandri rock. S. Europe. 1640. 6.7. glandulous. Spain. 1798. —— multifid. Dahuria. 1820. —— Alpine. Italy. 1814. 5.8. thick-leaved. Cyprus. 1788. 3.8, laciniated. Crete. 1794. 5. 8. hairy. Egypt. 1823. —— long-beaked. SS. Europe. 1711. 6.7. Hemlock-leav’d Britain. ss00 4,9 Pimpinella-l4. Europe. 1823. —— Numidian. Numidia, 1803. 5.6. Roman. Rome. 1724, —— Caucalis-leaved S. Europe. 1816. 6.8. musky. England. hdbcteds ISS large-blue. Italy. 1819. —— small-blue. Murcia. —-—— — broad-leaved. Crete. 1596. 6.7. late-flowering. Tyre. 1816. 6.9. Levant. Levant. 1724. 6.7. three-leaved. Barbary. 1789, 1. 12. Gussone’s. Naples. 1822, 5.8. Mallow-leaved. S. Europe. 1596. 5.7 8 REYPRPEREF pe A EE OOOOOOOOOOOOORK KRRRRRRRE RRRRERERRERR efosfospoofsst=-Biiaeh=sfeoOsop=ohsrfs-fa- arp =sfospsederd=s[+farfar 5 tt a ta tt Oo mm “SSSERERMRGTE TEEES © —ORRO RO SE St a a tet > i) eR os eae ; Bot. mag. 203. Sweet ger. 1. t. 00. --—— 3. t. 228. Bot. mag. 55. Cav. dis. 4. t.81. f. 1. Eng. bot. 322. Sweet ger. 3. t. 268. Swt. ger. 2. t. 197. f. a. ———— 2. t. 197. f.b. Eng. bot. 121. Cav. dis. 4. t. 85. f. 1. Eng. bot. 404. Sweet ger. 3. t. Sweet ger. 1. t.3. L. Herit. ger. t. 40. Sweet ger. 2. t. 119. Sweet ger, 1,,t. 12.4 4 Stev.m. mosce. 4. t. 5. Eng. bot. 405. ; W.etKit-hung.2.t.124 Eng. bot. 778. , ~——_—-— 385. —— > 157. ———— 259. Se ERs Cav. dis. 4. t. 84. f. 1.» | Jacq. scheen. 2. t. 140. Sweet. ger. t. W.etKit. hung.2.t. 123. Eng. bot. 75. ‘Eng. bot. 1486. Vill. dauph. 3. t.40. Gouan. ill. t. 21. f. 1a Cav. dis. 5. t. 125. f. 2. = L’Herit. ger. t.38. Sweet ger. 2. t. 111. — Cav. dis. 4. t.113. f, Jacq. f.ech. 1. t. 58. Jacq. vind. 1.t.18. Eng. bot. 1768. Cav. dis. 4. t. 95. £2, ——— 5. t. 126. f. 3. Bot. mag. 377. Sweet ger. t. 6. Eng. bot. 902. Cav. dis. 4. t. 90. f.2.. —-—— §. t. 126. f. 1 ——— 4, 88. f. 2: 9 2 ee Cav. dis. 4. t.92. f.1._ Sweet ger.1. t.23. —— +2) +200, ae Cav. dis. 4.t. 91, f. 1 | 23 ribifolium, w. | 24 incarnatum. pc. i _ 26 malopoides. pc. 27 littoreum. pc. 28 maritimum. Dc. 29 Reichardi. pe. ) GRIELUM. w. +) $1 tenuifolium. w. 2 laciniatum. a, 1 tricolor. s.c. 2 elatus. s.c. 3 villosus. A grandiflorus. * 5 latifolius. c.c. CAMPYLIA. §.G. 1 carinata. s.c. 2 variegata. s.G. 3 holosericea. s.G. . 4 Dlattaria. s.c. . § elegans. s.c. ' 6 verbasciflora. s.c. _ 7 cana. s.a. 8 eriostemon. s.G. 9 coronopifolia. 10? cnothere. ‘OTIDIA. S.G. 1 earnosa. s.c. 2 ceratophylla. s.c. 3 dasycaulon. s.c. 4 laxa. s.G. 5 crithmifolia. s.c. 6 alternans. s.aG. GRENVILLEA. 8.4. Grenvituea. conspicua. ; ‘HOAREA. S.G. 1 violeflora. s.c. 2 nivea, s.G. 3 bubonifolia.+ 4 Leeana. s.cG. 5 laciniata.+ — 6 penniformis.+ | 7 purpurascens.t 8 incrassata.t 9 carinata. s.c. 0 1 feeb food rapacea, Tribus III. > ‘PHYMATANTHUS.S. G. WART-FLOWER. corydaliflora. s.c. Currant-leaved. C. B.S. flesh-coloured. 25 glaucophyllum. pc. glaucous-leaved Egypt. velvetty-leaved. Sicily. smooth. - sea-side. dwarf. x Tribus II. GRIELUM. Narbonne. England. Minorca. chamedryoides. w. Geranium Reichardi. B.m. large-flowered. C. B.S. jagged-leaved. three- coloured. C.B.S. Pelargonium tricolor. B.M.: 240. tall. villous. large-flowered. broad-leaved. CAMPYLIA. keeled-stipuled. C. B.S. variegated-fl’d. Hybrid. silky-leaved. downy-leaved. C. B.S, elegant. Mullein-fi’d, hoary-leaved. _ velvet-leaved. | Pelargonium eriostemon. Jacq. Buck’s-horn-l4. cnothera-like. Pelargonium cnothere. Jacq. Oripia. Monadelphia Pentandria. fleshy-stalked. C. B.S. horn-leaved. Pelargonium ceratophyllum. B.M. thick-stemmed. Africa. loose-panicled. C. B.S. Samphire-1d, Parsley-leaved, ——-—— conspicuous. Geranium Grenvilli@. A.G. ¢. ic. GERANIACE®, saey 6.8, H.O. 1787. 5.7. Gt. 1732. 7.8. H.7. 1818. 5.8. H.y%. —-— —— H.. cose 5.9, Hid. 1783. 4.9. H.%. 1790. 1825. GRIELEA. §.G.p. vu. Decandria Pentagynia. “4. 6. G. G dd Monadelphia Pentandria. 1791. 6.10. Gh. HoareA. Monadelphia Pentandria. white violet-fld, C. B.S. snowy white. Bubon-leaved. Mr. Lee’s. jag-leaved. winged. purplish. fleshy-leaved. boat-flowered. Fumitory-fid, Turnep-rooted. Geranium Selinum. A.R. e705, 6 Hybrid. 1823. —— G.h. ———-—- -——- —— G.h. —-— ——- —- Gh. Monadelphia Pentandria. 1810. 4.9. G.h. 1823. -——=" Gh! beers 9 990, Gh 1790. 6.9. G.h. Hybrid. 1822, —— Gh. ChBrSerSll. zat Ee nog! T, SENG PN ear 3 CLOUD oe 1791. 6. 10. GIB: —~-—— 1812. 4.8. G.%. 1724. 6.8. G.h. Africa. 1786. 5.7. G.h. 1795. 7.12. G.h. 1821. 6.9. G.h. — 1790. 4.9. Gh. 1791. 5.8. Gh. Monadelphia Tetrandria. Africa. 1810. 7. 1k. G.%. £82T.-'5.'8. Gd. —-—- 3 —— — GG... ————- 1800. 3.7. G.%. ———-— 1823. 6.8. G.%. —-— 1800. 5.6. Gy. —-——- —— ——— G2. ———— «GY, ee SO RESOL. .GL7 2.6 ————- 1812. 5.8. G.. ——-—— CGY. —-——- 1788. 4.6. G.%. (i) Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t. 509, Sweet ger. 1. t. 94. Cav. dis. 4. t. 92. £2. ———— 4.t.90.f.1. Eng. bot. 646. Bot. mag. 18. Sweet ger. 2.t. 171. PELARGONIE. S8S.G. p, vinn. Sweet ger. 1. t. 43. ee ae 1. t. 96. Sweet ger. 1. t.21. —-—— 3. t. 266. ——— 1. t.75. ———— 1. t. 88. ——-—— 3. t..222. ———— 2, t. 157. te Jacq. scheen. 2, t. 132. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t.526. Sat: Uhr, atee 3. t. 525. Sweet ger. 1. t. 98. | Bot. mag. 315. Bot. mag. 2029. Sweet ger. 2. t. 196. Smith ie. pict. 1. t.13. Wend.h. her. 1. t. 10. Sweet ger.3. t.262. f.2. Sweet ger. 2. t. 123. —-——- 2. t. 182. And. bot. rep. 328. Sweet ger. 3. t. And. bot. rep. 131. ——-—— _ 269. ——-—— 204. Bot. mag. 761. Sweet ger. 2. t. 135. —— 1.t.18. Bot, rep. 239. Those marked thus (¢) are only known aha by Andrews’s Vigures, : 2 76 GERANIACE:; 12 setosa. s.G. bristle-pointed. -~—-—— 1818. 4.8. G.%. Sweet ger. 1. t. 38. 13 pilosa. hairy. ; —-—— 1801. 5.7. G.%. And. bot. rep. 259. - Geranium pilosum. var. 1. A.G, ic. ; 14 bicolor. two-coloured. —-—— — 3.8. G.%.. Andr. geran.c. ic. Geranium pilosum. var. 2. A.G. ic. . . 15 blanda. blushflowered, ——--——- -—~— -—— G.%. Andr, geran. ec. ic. Geranium pilosum. var. 3.A.G. ic. 16 selinifolia. s.c. Milk-parsley-l4. Hybrid. 1821. —— G.%. Sweet ger. 2. t.159. 17 radicata. s.c. fleshy-fringed-l4 C. B.S. 1802.. 5. 82 A4Gs 2h. Wee ee ee 18 ciliata. ciliated. ~——--— 1795. 4.6. G.%. L’Herit. ger. t.7. 19 auriculata. ear-leaved. ae ee ee Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t. 51 Pelargonium ciliatum. Jacq. 20 ovalifolia. s,c. oval-leaved. . ———-——— 1820. 4.8. G.Y. Sweet ger. 2. t. 106. 21 reticulata. s.c. netted-petaled. —-—-——-. —— —— G4. —~ ~~] .t¢.91. 22 longifolia. long-leaved. —-—— 1812. 5.6. G.%. Jacq. ic rar. 3. t.51£ 23 longiflora. long-flowered, -——-——- —— 5.8. G.Y%. ~~ — 3.1.52]. 24 depressa. depressed. —— so —— —— GY. ——-—_ 3. t. 520. 25 nervifolia. nerved-leaved. ————- -—— 5.8. G.Y%. —~-— —3.t. 517. 26 triphylla. three-leaved. —_—_— - —-_ ——— Gy. ——-—— 3. tt. 515. 27 lutea.t small yellow. ———— 1800. 5.8. G.%. And. bot. rep. t. 128 28 nummiularifolia. money-wort-ld. -—-—— 1861. 5.8. G.%. Sal. par. lond, t. 23. 29 integrifolia. c.c. entire-leaved. Hybrid. 1821. 4.8. G.%. $0 fuscata. c.c. brown-flowered ————-_ ——- —— G.. 31 nigricans. C.c.. blackish, ——— 1822, —— G.%. 32 magica. ©.c. dark-flowered, -——-—— —— -—— G.%. 33 atra. s.G. dark brown. Cc. B.S. 1793. —— G.4%. Sweet ger. 1. t. 72. 34 dioica. c.c. dicecious. —-— 1795. 6.8. GY. And. bot. rep. 209. Geranium melananthum. A.R. 35 undulefiora. s.¢. waved-petaled. C. B.S. 1821. 4.8. G.Y. Sweet ger. 3. t. 263. 36 melanantha. s.c. | black-flowered. ————-_ 1790. ——’ G.4%. W——-—— 1. 1.73. | $7 varia. s.G. various-leaved. Hybrid. 1821. —— G.y. ———— 2.t. 166. ~~ 38 Colvillii. s.¢. Colvill’s. ——-— 1823. — G.y%. ———— 3. t.260. 39 Jenkinsoni. c.c. | Jenkinson’s, —_——_—- -—- _1— G.y, AO diluta. diluted. ———— 1823. —— G.2. 41 replicata. replicate, ——- -——- _ —- Gr. 42 rubescens. reddish. ——_ ——- — Gx. 43 intermixta. intermixed. —-——. 1822. —— G.z. 44 capitata. headed. ——_— ——_ — —— Gx. 45 superba. superb. ———_- —- — Gx. 46 villosa. villous. ——— 1821. —— G.%. 47 unguiculata. clawed. ——__ —_ 5.8. G.w. 48 tenuifolia. slender-leaved. ————- —— -—— G.2. 49 marginata. margined. —— 1823. —— G.z%. 50 atrosanguinea, s.c. dark-crimson. ——-—— 1822. 4.8. G.y. Sweet ger. 2, t. 154. 51 elegans. s.G. elegant. ——- Ss» —- — Gy, ———~ 2. 1.132. Pelargonium Sweetianum. pc. ; 52 coccinea. s.G. scarlet. ———- -——- —— Gt. 53 recurviflora. recurv’d-petal’d -~—--—- 1821. -~-— G.2. 54 sanguinolenta. bloody-flower’'d -——-——_ 1823. —— G.12. 55. pulchella. neat. ——-— -——_- ——. G2. 56 amoena. delightful. ———_- ——- — Gr. 57 patens. spreading. ———— 1822. —— G.z. y 58 lilacina. Lilac-coloured. —_—-— -—— ~ — G,2. ae 59 venosa. s.G. veined-petaled. ———-— 1823, —— G.u. Sweet ger. 3. t. 209, 60 literata. lettered. ——-— -—— ~— 6.x. 61 labyrinthica. s.c. labyrinth-fid. -— —— —— Giy%. Sweet ger. 3. t..276 62 rosea. S.G. rose-coloured. C. B.S. 1792. —— G.2%. Sweet ger.3. t.262. Geranium roseum. A.R.173. Pelargonium condensatum. P.s. - 63 hedysarifolia. s.¢. Hedysarum-l¢. Hybrid. 1823. —— G.%. Sweet ger. t. 64 galegifolia. Galega-leaved. —_—- — —— G2; 65 sisymbriifolia. s.¢. Water-rocket-ld, —- —— —— G.xy. Sweet ger. t. 66 hirsuta. various-l4, hairy. C. B.S. 1788. 3.5. G.y%. Cav. dis. 4. t.101.f. DIMACRIA. S.G. DimacriaA. Monadelphia Pentandria. 1 pinnata. s.c. wing-leaved. €C.B.S. 1779. 4.6. Gy. Sweet ger. 1. t. 46. Pelargonium viciefolium., De. 2 bipartita. s.c. forked-leaved. Hybrid. 1821. 4.8, G.Y%. ——2, t.142. 3 foliolosa. s.G. leafy. C.B.S. 1800. —— G.%. And. bot, rep. 311. Geranium pinnatum. AR. . 4 astragalifolia. s.c. Astragalus-ld, ————- 1788. 6.8, G.%. Sweet ger. 2. t. 103. Te | GERANIACEAE. 77 | tenella.t slender, ———— 1802. —— G4. Andr. geran. c. ic. | Geranium tenellum, A.c. _ imbuta. stained- eraled, Hybrid. 1822. 4.8. G.. » fulgens. C.Cc. shining-scarlet. ——-—— 1821, —— G.2. Andrewsii.+ Andrews’s. C. B.S. 1802, -—~— G.%. Andr. geran. c. ic. ' Geranium heterophyllum. A.G. non Jacq. _ elegans. s.G. elegant. Hybrid. 1822, -—— G.%. Sweet ger. 3. t. 202. i, 1 coronillefolia.t | Coronilla-leav’d C. B. S. 1795. 6.7. G.%. And. bot. rep. 305. , J apiifolia.t Parsley-leaved. ——-—— 1802. 4,8. G.%. Andr. geran. c. ic. . | Geranium apiifolium. A.G. non. Jacq. 519 sulphurea., s.G. sulphur-color’ ‘a. Hybrid. 12821. —— G.. Sweet ger. 2. t.163. 1 carnea. flesh-coloured. C. B.S. 1812. 4.6. G.%. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t.512. i, 1 floribunda.+ ~ many-flowered. —--——- 1795. 3.5. G.. And. bot. rep. 420. 1 fissifolia.+ cloven-leaved. —-—— -—— 4.8. G.y. ———_—~— 378, sth 1 barbata.+ bearded. eh 00 5 O58. GiB lcs gg, |, 1 recurvata.} recurved, —$—- GY 2, ). | Geranium barbatum. v. minor, A.R. : 1 aristata.+ awned. ae GY + 29656. Geranium barbatum. v. undulatum. A.R. tt 1 revoluta.+ revolute. —— 1800. 7.8. G4. ——-———-— 354, 3, 2 oxalidifolia.+ Oxalis-leaved. .-——--——- 1801..5..8.G.y. ———+1 3. 2 reflexa.+ reflex-leaved. —~—-—— 1800. 6.7. G.%b. —— — 224, 2 undulata.t wave-flowered. -——--——- 1795. 5.7. G.dJ. ~~~. 999, 2 spathulata.t spatula-leaved. ——-——— -—— 4.6. Gy. — ~~~ 159, nis.t PESTA BD At AG 5 coe ne ns GT a 88) 1), 2 virginea.t virgin. ees et BK GHW BT \), 2 radiata.+ ray-leaved. {era 1801 25+ 686 G22 a er ag, 2 linearis.+ linear-petaled. ~—-—— 1800. -—— G.y%. H—~-——_~— 193, 93,2 pumctata.t | dotted-flowered —— 1794. 4.6. G.x. 60. 3, MUMOURIA. 8.G. Seymoursa. Monadelphia Pentandria i, | aSarifolia. s.c. Asarum-leaved. C. B.S. 1821. 11.2. G.2L. Sweet ger. 3. t. 206. i), i Heritieri. s.c. L’Heritier’s, © ———— 1795. 4.5. G.Y. L’Herit. ger. t. 43. Pelargonium dipetalum. LHer. . »>LARGONIUM.S.G.Strorx’s-BILL. Monadelphia Heptandria amoenum. s.G. delightful. Hybrid. 1821. 4.8 G.4%. Sweet ger. 2. t. 121. dimacrieflorum. s.G.Dimacria-fid, ——-—— 1822. —— G.y%. ——~—~~— 3. t. 220. py apeens. S.G. ringent-flowrd ——— -—— -— G.%. ———— 3.t. 256. concavum. s.G. concave-petal’d ——--——- —— -—— G.%. ~——— 3.t. 237. " hoarezeflorum. s.G. Hoarea-fid, —-—— 1821. —— Gy. -———— 2.t. 133. /Clausum. C.c. closed-petaled. -~—-—— 1822. ——- G.}. patens. s.a. spreading-fld, ——-—— 1820. —— G.b Sweet ger. 2. t. 125. ¢crugntum. s.G. blood-red. ——— 1822, —— Gy ———— 2. t.170. aulicum. courtly. —~——— 1823. 5.10. G.¥ rn) 1 Avronianum. s.c¢. Avroun’s. a - GLY Sweet ger. 3. t. 49, 1 co cretum. C.c. intermixed. —-—— _ 1822. 4.8. G.% i puhiceum. c.c. puniceous. —_—s -——- -——_ G2}. 1 pusillum. c.c. dwarf, ——— 1823. —— G.%. i pygmeum. C.c. small, ——__ —- _ 5.8. G.%. 1 venulosum. veined-petaled. —--——- 1821. -—— G.2. 1 intertextum. s.@. interwoven. — 1822, 4.8. G.y%. Sweet ger. 2. t.185._ 1 acidum. s.c. sour-leaved. ——-——— 1823. 5.9. G.2 Rit 26485 1 pallens. s.c. cream coloured. C. B.S. 1800. —— G.h. — 2. t. 148, lcaryophyllaceum. Clove-scented. Hybrid. 1822. —-— G.h 0 paradoxum., paradoxical, ——- —— —— Gh. “ 2 multiradiatum, s.c. many-rayed. C. B.S. 1818. 6.10. G.t. Sweet ger. 2. t. 145. ot 2 Sphondylium-l4 Hybrid. 1822.48. Gadke” ——— en eti2aG; ae cherophyllum. s.c. Cow-Parsley-14 —— -—— —— Gh. —-—— 34. t. 257. ‘nitidum. glossy. wee GL. Sanguineum. s.G. crimson. C. B.S? 1819. —— G.f. Sweet ger. 1. t. 76. ardens. s.c. glowing. Hybrid. 1810.00 8086°GsTy6 0 eed B45 2 confertifolium. close-leaved. ———— --—— —— G.h. Andr. geran. c. ic. nile Geranium ardens minor. A.G. Wg) pulchellum. p.m. nonesuch. Cc. B.S. 1795. 3.5. G.h. Sweet ger. 1. t.31. th 2 jonquillinum. s.¢. Jonquil-scent’d Hybrid. 1822. 5.10. G.h. ——— 3.t. 241. 3 selectum. s.c. select. ——- 1822, —— G.y%. —-——— 2.t,190. , 3 imbricatum, s.c. imbricate-pet'?. C. B.S? 1800. 5.8. G.h. ———— 1.t.65. Vf 4 bicolor. s.c. two-coloured. coctesss 1778. 7.8. Giles Bot. mag. 201. "a atrum. s.G. dark-edged. cecccees ———m =—— Gh. Sweet ger. 1. t.97. f.t. (th B pallidum. $.G. pale-edged. seeeecanr eo — G, h . —————— J, t. 97. fi ye 5 78 GERANIACEA, | $3 quinquevulnerum. pc. dark-fld. = Hybrid. 1796. 5.10. G.h. Sweet ger. 2. t.161 34 Blandfordianum., s.G. hoary-leaved. -——--— 1812. 1,12. G.h. — 2.t. 101. 35 millefoliatum.s.e. Milfoil-leaved. C. B.S. 1819. 6.10. G.Y%. ———~—°3. t. 230. 36 flavum. bc. pale yellow. —— ——~ 1724. 7.9. GY. ——s > 3. t. 254, 37 scabridum. c.c. rough-edged. ——-— 1822. —— G.%. ; 38 triste. Dc. night-smelling, --——-— 1632. 5.10. G.¥. Delaun. h. am. t. 27 39 filipendulifolium.s.¢. Dropwort-l4. ——-—— 1812, —— G.%. Sweet ger. 1. t. 85. 40 heracleifolium. s.¢. Heracieum-ld, ———— 1820. —— G.Y%. ———~——3.t. 21 41 lobatum. pc. Cow-parsnep-i4, ———--—— 1710. —— G.%. Tr. toe 42 orbiculatum. orbicular-l4, Hybrid. 1823. ——- G.%. 43 pulverulentum. 8.4. powdered-ld. €C,B.S. 1822. —— G.%. Sweet ger. 3. t. 216 44 pedicellatum. s.c, long-pedicled. _———— ——-— —— G.}. —— 3. t. 25 45 luridum. 5s.e. lurid. ~ ———-—- 1811. 7.12. Gy. —~—-—— 3. t. 28 Geranium luridum. A.G. ic. 46 rapzfolium, Turnep-leaved. Hybrid. 1821. 5.10. G.%. 47 glauciifolium. s.c. Glaucium-ld, —-—— —--. —— G.h. Sweet ger. 2. t. 175 48 gibbosum. pe. knotted-stalk’d. Cc. B. S. 1712, —— Gih.) » ———— £.'t. 61 49 mutabile. s.¢. changeable-col¢. Hybrid. 1822. 7.10. G.h. Ss 128 50 vespertinum. 8.G. evening-scent’d. — ~—— 8.12. Gh. ———~— 3.t. 23 51 sinapifolium. Mustard-leav’d. Hybrid. — 6.10. Gh. ; 52 kyassicatum. Cabbage-leavd -——-——- ——- -——— G.h. 53 adscendens. ascending. aa — GL. 54 circumfiexum. bending. ~—_ —— —— Gh. iy 55 campylieflorum.s.G. Campylia-fid. ——-——-_ 1823. —— G.h. Sweet ger. 3. t. 25. 56 reniforme. Dc. kidney-leaved. C. B.S. 1791. 1.12. G.h. —— 1. t. 4§ 57 ‘flexuosum. 8.6. bent-stalked. Hybrid. 1821. 3.10. G.h. ——'2: 118 58 sepeflorens. s.a. frequent-flowrgs ——-—— _ 1801. —— G.h. 1. t. 48 59 comptum. s.G. decked. --—-—-—— 1821. —— Gh. 3. t. 25 60 echinatum. pc. prickly-stalked. C. B.S. 1789. 6.10. G.h. ~ 1. t. 54 61 armatum. s.G. long-spined. ——-— — 3.6. Gh. ———3.t. ms 62 intermedium. c.c. ‘intermediate. Hybrid. 1821. 6.10. G.h. é 63 particeps. s.G. participant. — 1806. 5.10. G.h. Sweet ger. 1.t. 49, 64 cortusefolium. pc. Cortusa-leaved. Africa. 1786. 6.10. G.h. ———1.t. 14 65 erectum. s.G. upright. Hybrid. 1822. —— G.h. — 2, t. 18 66 Stapletoni. s.c. MissStapleton’s — —— G.h. 2.°t. 21 67 crassicaule. s.c¢. Cowslip-scent’d Africa. 1786. —— G.h. L’Herit. ger. t. 26. a album. s.G. white-fiowered. ——-—— ——- -——~ G.h. Sweet ger.2.t.192.1 B maculatum. s.G. spotted-flowered. —-——~ —— —— G.h. ————2.t.192. 68 anomalum. anomalous. Hybrid. 1822. 4.8. G.h. 69 tenuifolium. pc. _slender-leaved. C, B.S. 1768. 5.7. G.k. L’Herit. ger. t. 12. 70 hirtum. pc. hairy. ———-— —— 3.9. G.h. Sweet ger. 2. t. 11: 71 anthriscifolium.s.c. Anthriscus-ld; Hybrid. 1823. 7.% Gh. —— 3. t.'2a 72 fulgidum. pc. Celandine-ld. CC. B.S. 1723. 3.10. G.h. 1. t. 6 73 aurantiacum. s.c. orange-colour’d Hybrid. 1821, 4.8. Gh. —— 2.t. if a undulatum. s.G- wave-leaved. —— —— Gh. 2.t.198 B planifolium. s.c. flat-leaved. —— el eC GI — 2.6.18 74 ardescens. 8.4. burnished. ————_ 1822. —— G.h. —————3.t. 23 75 torrefactum. s.c, burnt-petaled. -——-~— -—— -—— G.h. 3. t. 24 76 Potteri. s.e. Potter’s. —__—- —— 6.9. Gk. 2. t. 14 77 luculentum. bright-flower’'d. ——-_—-_ ~—— —— G.h. 78 dilectum. chosen. ———- —— 4.8. G.h. . | 79 nanum. s.e. pigmy. ————._ 1820. —— G.h. Sweet ger. 2. t. 10 80 incurvum. s.G. incurved-petala| —___—-_ 1821. —— G.h. —————3.t. 24 81 ignescens. s.G. fiery-flowered. -—————- 1812. —— G.h. —— 1.t.2.& a major. large-flowered. ——~— 1818. —— G.h. ——~———1.t. 2. B coccineum. scarlet-flowered. ——-———- 1822. —— G.h. y splendens. splendid. ee sm Gil S superbum. superb. ee lO GL. a € sterile. s.G. barren-anthered, ~—-—— 1812. —— G.h. Sweet ger. 1. t. 55 82 Jaxiflorum, s.«é. spreads-umbd, ——-—--— 1822, —— G.h. .————3.t.2] 83 floccosum. s.¢. nappy. ——_-——- 1821. —— G.h. 2. t. 12 24 rubicundum, rubicand. ——— 1822, —— G.h. 85 hemanthon. blood-coloured. ———-— 1823. ——- G.h. 86 multifloram. many-flowered, ———-— -—- -—— G.h. 87 exile. thin-branched. ——— 1822. —— G.h. 88 gracilescens. slender-stalked. ----——- -—- -—— G.h. 89 splendidum. splendids ————- 2S Goh. 90 consimile. likened. aa §=91822, —- Gh. 91 Broughtonie. s.c. LadyBroughton’s —--_— -——~ —— G.h. Sweet ger. 2. t. 18 ! \ | GERANIACEZ:. )2 Bakerianum, s.c- Mrs.Jenkinson’s —— —— Gh. lig)3 rabescens. s.c. Lady Liverpool’s —-—-—- 1819. —— G.h. ut 14 Boscawenie. c.c.. Mrs.Boscawen’s ——-——~ —— —— G.h. HN 5 pavoninum. s.G. _peacock-spott'd -———-— --— -—— G.h. ‘i 46 carneseens. pale red. ——-—— 1822. —— Gh. 17 Smithii. s.G Smith’s. ——— 1819 —— Gh. ' 98 spectabile. s.¢. showy. BOT ee Gs ‘| @ maculatum. s.G. spot-flowered. —— —— Gh. tl | B atrorubens. s.c. dark-red. —— —— Gh. aL striatum, s.G. streak-flowered. —— —— G.h. | 6 recurvum. 8.G. —recurved-petaled. ————- —— —— G.h. ll purpurascens. “purplish. —— —— Gh. 419 Tibbitsianum. Mr. Tibbits’, —— ——- — —— Gh. 0 eriophorum. wool-béaring, ———-— 1823. —— G.h. wy irregulare. irregular-14, aa meen GT’, 2 flammeum. c.c. = flame-coloured. ———~— 1822. —— G.h. li 73 affine. c.c. related. —--—— —— Gh. Ho Colvillii. s.a. Colvill’s. —— 1820. —— G.h. Wl 15 Valleti. c.c. Vallet’s. ———— 1822. —— G.h. i 16 incomparabile. -incomparable. ———— ——- —— G.h. 17 heteromallum., soft-leaved. ———— 1823. —— G.h. 18 hibiscifolium. Hibiscus-la, nee | hee GY. 19 atrorubens. c.c.- dark-red. ——— 1822. —— G.h. 10 Allenii. s.e. Allen’s. —-—-— 1823. —— G.h. ‘JIL Daveyanum. s.c. Davey’s. ———— 1819. —— Gh. i! 12 pheniceum. s.c. reddish purple. ——--—-— 1824. 4.12. G.h. tl 13 calycinum. s.a. large- “ase pda ———— 1815.4.10. G.h. Li | @ verum. s.G. true. -_-_ OU —— G.h. iY | B maculatum. s.G. large-spotted. ——- 1820. —— G.h. Li = y angulatum. s.c. angular-leaved. | —— —— Gh. i 14 planiflorum. c.c. flat-flowered. ——- —— Gh. 15 Dennisianum. s.G. Dennis’s. ———— 1819. —— G.h. . 16 Barringtonii. pc. Barrington’s. C.B.S. coos —— Goh. Ll 17 elatum. c.c. tall purple. Hybrid. 1812. —— G.h. | 18 Tormanni. L.en. Torman’s. ——— 1821. —— Gh. i 19 Chandleri. c.c. Chandler’s. 1814. —— G.h. i 19 erenulatum. s.c. crenulate-leav’d 1821. —— G.h. (i! IL Robinsoni. s.e. Robinson’s. 1822, —— G.h. i) 12 Mostyne. s.c. Mrs. Mostyn’s. 1816. -+— G.h. i cucullatum. pc. hooded-leaved. C. B.S. 1690. —— G.h. _ £ striatifiorum. Prince Regent. — 1810. —— G.h. i x major. C.C. Royal George. ———~ 1812. —— G.h. grandifiorum.c.c. great-flowered.. —-——- 1818. -—— G.h. id € parvifolium. c.c. smaller-leaved. ——- -——_ — G.h. i) Tf Cochleatum. w.en. concave-leaved. ————- ---- —— G.h. I | concavifolium. wendl. {15 rubens. ween. red-flowered. - -——-——- -+-- —— Gh. i) 15 robustum. c.c. robust. Hybrid. 1821. —— G.h. oar angulosum. Dc. Marshmallow-l. C. B.S. 1724. 7.9. Gh. 13 cardiifolium. s.¢. Cockle-shell-l4. ---—— 1816. 4.9. G.h. ) fasciculatum. c.c. Banbury. Hybrid. 1803. 5.10. G.h. _ Geranium speciosum. var. flore purpureo. A.G. 9) rugosum. c.c. wrinkled-l4d, C. B.S. cree ——— Gh. | HL speciosum. pc. specious. —-—-—— 1794. —— G.h. 9) 12 formosum. s.c. variegated-fld. Hybrid. sees —— Gh. ups solubile. s.c. dissolvible-col’4 ———— 1818. —— G.h. ‘it multinerve. s.c. many-nerved, ———— —— —— G.h. ‘45 tyrianthinum. s.¢. royal purple. ———— 1820. —— G.h. ‘13 emulum. s.c. | rival. ———- ——_— ——. Gh. (7 aecedens. c.c. approached. —_—_———- -——- —— Gh. J 13 villosum. s.c. villous. —-—— lO OCG. 1) floridum. s.e. abundant-fl4, —-—— 1816. 6.10. G.h. ) pulchrum, s.6. ay. ——— 1820. 5.10. G.h. 4 Watsoni. s.c. atson’s. ———— 1812: 7.11. G.h. ‘D2 fusciflorum. s.c. brown-marked. ———— 1822. 4.10. G.h. _ fuscatum, s.G. errata. é 3 coarctatum. s.G. close-leaved. ———— 1814.6.10. ———— 1821. 5,10. G.h. 1 paucidentatum. s.G. distant-toothed. 79 Sweet ger. 3. t. 240. 1, t. 30. Sweet ger. 1. t. 40. Sweet ger. 2. t. 110. SSS rt FS ee t. 136. ———— 2.¢. 136. fi 1. eee 2. t. 136. f. 2. ——— — 2. t. 136. ft ais Sweet ger. 2. t. 158. Sweet ger. 3. t. 277. Sweet ger. 1. t. 86. Sweet ger. 3. t. 229, ——-—— ].t. 32. ——-—— 3. t. 207. ———-— |. t. Si. ———~— 4.t. SI. fia. ———— }.t, 81.f.b. ———— 1.t. 81. f.c. Sweet ger. 1. t. 29. Sweet ger. 2. t. 162. - es t. 150. ———— 1.t.10. Cav. dis, 4. t. 106. f, 1. Wendl. col. 2. t. 64. ————— 2. t. 54. Cav. dis. 4, t. 112. f. 2. Sweet ger. 1. t. 15. Andr. geran. ¢. ic. Andr. geran. ¢. ic. Sweet ger. 2. t. 120. ————— ].t. 24. ———— 1.t. 17. -_————— 2. t. 183. ———-—— 2, t. 160. Sweet ger. 1, t. 100. ene. ie? 1 1. t. 4}. Ce ee ee, ares 1. t. 70. ——- a — 2, t. 186. 80 145 146 147 148° 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 71 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 GERANIACES. nervosum, §.G. prominent-nerv’d ——-—— exornatum, adorned. —_—— Youngii. s.G. Young’s. —— Jenkinsoni. s.G. Mr.Jenkinson’s Brownii. s.G. - Brown’s. difforme. s.G. various-leaved. involucratum. s.c. large-bracted. a maximum. s.G. largest-flowered. B albidum. s.G. white-fiowered, ———— y incarnatum.s.G. commander in chief ———— 3 intermedium. 8. G. high-admiral. aE é lilacinum. s.G. Lilac-coloured. —_-— Z roseum. 8.G. rosy-coloured. —_-——- n coriaceum. c.c. _ leathery. ———- 3 maculatum. C.c. coronation. Baileyanum. s.c._ _Bailey’s. -—— Josephine. Lee. Josephine’s. ——— formosissimum. s.G. superb-white. C. B.S. a album. s.G. white-flowered. = \—-—-—— B lineatum, s.G. lined-flowered, Boylez. s.G. C. of Cork’s. | Hybrid. pannifolium. s.c. cloth-leaved. candidum. s.G. fair-flowered. blandum. s.G. blush-flowered. aceroides. s.G. Acer-leaved. Gardnerie. c.c. LadyGardner’s. interlitum. interlined. lividum. livid marked. ramulosum. s.G. small-branch’d. maculatum. spot-flowered. C. B.S. Hammersleia. s.¢. MrsHammersley’s. Hybrid. pulcherrimum. s.¢. beautiful. ——— sidzfolium. w.en. Sida-leaved. acerifolium. pc. Maple-leaved. C. B.S. cuneatum. Dc. wedge-leaved. Hybrid. Balbisianum. pc. Balbis’s. gloriosum. L.en. renowned. a Beaufortianum. s.c. Beaufort’s. C.B.S.? principisse.s.c. P.Charlotte’s. ———— purpureum. purple-flowered -———— versicolor. s.G. various-colour’d Hybrid. pectinifolium. s.c. Scallop-shell-id, _ Thynnee. s.G. Lady Bath’s. ——-—— obtusifolium. s.c. blunt-leaved. -—-—- Sl Beadoniz. s.a. Mrs. Beadon’s, ——-—— adulterinum. pc. hoary trifid-la,. ———— obtusilobum. s.g. blunt-lobed. ——— Comptoniez.s.c. L.Northampton’s ———-— affluens. s.G. numerous-fid, —_——— Saundersii. s.c. Saunders’s. a atropurpureum., s.G. dark purple. ——-— coruscans. S.G. glittering. —_—_—— concinnum. s.G. comely. Se eeteneie Seymourie.s.¢. Mrs. Seymour’s, ———— Lousadianum. s.c. Miss Lousada’s. ———— lepidum. s.G. pretty. mae inscriptum. s.G. scribbled. a labyrinthicum. lahyrinth-mark’d, ——-—— planifolium. s.c. _flat-leaved. —— incanescens. s.G. wWhitish-leaved. —-——— notatum. s.G. marked-petal’d. lineatum. s.G. striped-flower’d ————— dumosum. s.G. bushy. Scarborovie. s.c. L.Scarborough’s pustulosum. s.c. _ blistered-leav’d bellulum. s.G. neat. moschatum. A.G. Fairliez. s.G. Mrs. Fairlie’s. e 7. ° e oll eel nh ja et a ee oe Oo ee ise Be EO ow @ PTE DAAADAMAMADAADANMHHADADAAHADADAADADANAADADOOAD ANMMADDAADANDD eo e e * e ° ° e ° e e e e ° 7 e so . ° e e om ay ene i oF 1 € A? @e- 6. eur > ete’ ob.e™ 2. of. €) « ie? « So vae '¢ PADRADOO °° ° e e e a e e e e e e e e e ° e e ° c e e 2 2 Sweet ger. 1. t. 47 ———-—— 2.t. 13 —_—_——— 2. t. 1 2. t. 14 ———— 2. t. 10 ——— ————— 1. t. 33 Sweet ger. 1. t. 87 Sweet ger. 3. t. 21 3.t.215 3.t.215. Sweet ger. 1. t. 50 1. t. =2. ti lg he t. 4, we 3. tt 24 Sweet ger. 2. t. 17 Andr. ger. c. ie. Sweet ger. 3. t. 22 — 2. t. 134, L’Herit. ger. t. 21 Sweet ger. 2. t. 13 2. t. 139. Andr, geran. ¢. ic. Sweet ger. 1. t. 78. —_——— let. 664 ep it 748 1. t. 25. 2, t. 191. 1. t. 22. r 1,2 809 2. t. 122. 2. t. 194. trees BotDBOme roe Bs 4, 16 ———— 2. t. 1738. 2. t. 108. 1. t. 37. 1. t. 44. 2. t. 156. 2. t. 193. Sweet ger. 3. t. 21 3. t. 203. 3. t. 208. 1. t. 16. 1. t. 19, 2. t. 117. Sweet ger. 1. t. 11, 1. t. 60. ere 2.0.1 TS | -GERANIACER. Sl 202 scintillans. s.G. sparkling. —— 1812. ead G. h * 1. t. 28. | § 203 platypetalon. s.c. broad-petaled. ——-——- -——- —— G.h. 2. t. 116. if a rigidum. $.G rigid. ———- — ~~ Gh. 2. t. 116, f.a. |) B harsutum.s.c. hairy. ————— G2. £2116. fb | 204 optabile. s.c. desirable. ——— -——- — Gh. ——— 1.t. 62. 205 ornatum. s.e. ornate. ——-— 1817. —— Gh. ——— 1.t.39. ; _ 206 modestum. s.c. modest. —-— 1822. —— G.h. ——— 3.t. 204. 207 Newshamianum.s.c.MissNewsham’s —-—-—— 182]... —— G.h. —-—— 2.t.144. 208 Cosmianum.s.c. perfumed. ————- §-—- — Gh. ——— 2.t, 189. 209 Brightianum.s.¢. Miss Bright's. ————- 1823. ——~ G.h. ———— 3. t. 227. 210 dependens. s.c. pendent-petal’d. ——-—— -——~ —— G.h. ———— 2.1t.195. 211 Mattocksianum.s.c. Mrs. Sweet’s. ee — GR. 8.284 212 venustum. s.c. comely-flowr’d, ——-—— 1822, —— G.h. — 2. t. 167. 213 obscurum. s.c. darkened-pet’?. ———-— _ 1818. -——— G.h. —— 1. t. 89. ¢ 7 214 atrofuscum. s.c. dark-brown. ae — GL —————_ 1. £. 82. (215 acutilobum.s.¢. —_acute-lobed. ——-—— 1822. —— G.h. —~—-——~ 2.1.184. | 7 216 compar. c.c. partner. ~—-——. 1818, -—— Gh. | § 217 Hoareanum.s.c. fairRosamond. ———-— -——-~ -~— G.h. Sweet ger. 1. t. 80. ; ¥ 218 Lamberti. s.c. Lambert’s. i — GH. ———_ 2. t. 104. | } 219 recurvatum.s.c. _recurved-petd. -~———— -——- —— G.h. ——-—— 3. t. 223. ( ) 220 penicillatum., w.en. pencilled. ————~— 1794. ——- G.h. Willd. h. ber. 1. t. 37. | § 221 dentatum. a,c. toothed. ee ~~ GR. Andre. geran.c. ic. | ) 222 veniflorum. s.c. veined-flow’rd. -—-—— 1822, —— G.h. Sweet ger. 3. t. 258. {| 9|223 florescens. u.c. triangular-ld, — 1818. ——- G.k. 224 Sabini. u.s. Sabine’s. — 1821, —— G.h. 225 «betulinum. pe. -Birch-leaved. C. B.S. 1759. —— G.h. Bot. mag. 148, ' 226 alnifolium. w.en. ‘Alder-leaved. Hybrid. seve —— Gh. | 9 227 betulefolium. sch, Birch-like. a eee a GR. _ 228 Willdenowii. s. Wildenow’s, — veer —— Gh. 1) 229 hermannifolium. pc. Hermannia-l4. C. B.S. e«s> 4.6. Gh. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t. 545. 7 230 rigidum. nc. rigid. — 1790. 5.8. 231 ribifolium. pe. Currant-leav’d. — 1798. ——G.h. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t.538. ) 232 odoriferum. odoriferous. ——— eee —— Gh. Andy. geran. ¢. ic. Geranium scabrum. A.G. nec aliorum. 233 jocundum. n.c. pleasant. . Hybrid. 1818. —— G.h. : +234 Broadleie. c.c. Mrs.Broadley’s ——-——- —— -—— G.h. Andr. geran. c. ic. i 235 propinquum. cc. neighbouring, ——-—— 1818. ——~ G.h. : > 236 decorum. c.c. graceful. ——_- —— —— Gh. () 237 delicatum. u.c. delicate. —_——_ — ——-G.h. Sweetger. 3. t. 267. : ; 238 semitrilobum. pc. three-lobed. Cc. B. 8S, 1800. 4.7. G.h. Jacq. schoen. 2. t. 139. |) 239 imbutum. c.c. stained-peta’?d. ——-——- -—- ~— G.h. .) 240 Irbyanum. C.c. Irby’s. Hybrid. +:-- —=—= Gh. Andr. geran.c. ic. | 241 mixtum. s.c. mixed, Hybrid. 1819. 5.8. G.h. Sweet ger.1. t. 71. 242 myrtillum.a.s. Myrtle-scented. ———— 1820. ——~- G.h. | ) 243 rubidum. red-purple. Cc. B.S. 1805. —— G.h. Andr. geran. c. ic. | Geranium rubens. A.G. non Wendl. | ) 244 spurium. w.en. spurious. Hybrid. verse —— Gh. ) 245 nothum. w.en. mungrel. a ee Gh. : ‘§ 246 crispum. pc. curl-leavéd. Cc. B.S. 1774. 6.11. G.h. L’Herit. ger. t. 32. I} 247 gratum. w.en. grateful-scent’d Hybrid. eooe 4,8. Ge. | 248 consanguineum.w.en.kindred. a eee SS GL. 249 pallidum. ween. pale-flowered. -—-—-——- +--+ -—-— 250 citriodorum. Citron-scented. C. B.S. sees ——= Gh. Andr. geran. c. ic. ) 251 uniflorum. vc. one-flowered, ——-—— -+se —— G.h. | 252 limonium. s.c. Lemon-scented. Hybrid. 1823. —- G.h. Sweet ger. 3. t. 278. ) 253 notabile. s.c. Hoare’s Harlequin. — 1822, —~— G.h. Sweet ger. 3. t. ) 254 scabrum. pc. rough wedge-ld, C.B.S. 1775. ~— G.h. WHerit. ger. t. 31. | 255 tricuspidatum. pc. three-pointed. — 1780 —— Gh. —— t. 30. | 256 Perryanum.c.c.. -Perry’s. Hybrid. 1816. G.h. : ) 257 glaucoides. w.c. glaucum-like..§ ——— —— —— G.h. Wendl. coll. ic. 258 glaucum. ve. glaucous-leav’d. C. B.S. 1775. 6.8. G.h. Sweet ger. 1. t. 57. _ 259 lanceolatum. lance-leaved. —-——- —— -—— Gh. Andr. geran. c. ic. } 260. diversifolium. w.c. different-leav’d. ——-—— 1794. ——- G.h. Wendl. coll. ic. If 261 cuspidatum. nc. _sharp-pointed. ——-—— ->+- Gen. © ". 262 sororium. ne. sister. Hybrid. reee ——— Goh. | 268 Tankervillix. u.g. Ly.Tankerville’s — cere oo Gh, §) 264 acutifolium. acute-leaved. ———-— 182]. G.h. 265 trifurcatumsc.c. _—_ three-forked. te G.h. ; |: 266 levigatum. pe. glaucous trifid-l, C. B. S. seee oe Goh. Cay. dis. 4. t. 121. f. 0. Q2AD aos oa || | QNAMHDO nr e = = LEEETEL EEE Or * 09 pe * e lh ol 4 Lease O e | > a | QMDHODNMAOOMHALDPAA Ills eee hi ay exe Sti E pss aa = 00 > _ 82 GERANIACE, 267 trifoliatum. A.c. trifoliate-leavd ——-— 1799. oxyphyllum. DC. : 268 patulum. pc. spreading. —— 1812. 269 hepaticifolium. pc. Hepatica-l¢. ——— 1791. 270 fuscatum. Dc. dark-marked. ——~—— 1812. 271 saniculefolium. pc. Sanicle-leaved. ——-—— 1806. cortusefolium. Jacq. 20 L.Her- 272 crenzflorum. c.c. notch’d-petal’d Hybrid, 1817. 273 sceleratum. C.C. Celery-leaved. -——-—— 1819. 274 smyrniifolium. Smyrnium-ld. = ———— 1822. 275 expansum. expanded. —--—— 1823. 276 multidentatum. many-toothed. ———-—- -—— 277 grandidentatum.s.G.large-toothed. pestle 278 Belladonna. s.c. painted-lady. ———-— —— 279 triumphans. C.c. triumphant. 1818. 280 serratifolium. s.c. saw-leaved. ——— 1822. 281 variegatum.pc. _variegated-fla. C.B.S. 1812. 282 amplissimum, w.c. stately. Hybrid. 1796. 283 grandiflorum. pc. great-flowered. C.B.S. = 1794, 284 Parmentieri. c.c. Parmentier’s. Hybrid. 1822. 285 delphinifolium. pc. Larkspur-la. — eee 286 electum. s.G. elect. —— 1804. 287 asperifolium. s.c. rough-leaved. —-—— 1807. 288 Curtisianum. pc. Curtis’s. ——— o>s. 289 nobile. ne. noble. ——— 1822, 290 opulifolium. s.c. | Guelder-Rose-l4. —-_—-— 1819. 291 malvaceum. Mallow-like. ——-———- oe, 292 macranthon. §.c._ _large-flowered. -————— 1821. 293 Couttsie. s.G. Mrs. Coutts’s. ——— 1822, 294 rutilum c.Cc. light red. - 1821. 295 schizophyllum. jagged. 1822. 296 Barnardianum. s.c. Mr. Barnard’s.5 ———— 1820. 297 mucronatum. mucronate. ——-_ 1823. 298 conchiifolium. shell-leaved. —— 1820. 299 striatum. s.G. streak-flower’d. 1818. 300 rigescens. S.G. stiff-leaved. Senet 301 eriophyllum. s.c. woolly round-l¢4, —-——~ —— 302 intermixtum. intermixed. SAREE SN Ch les} 303 cordatum. pc. heart-leaved. C.B.S. 1774. 304 conduplicatum. pc. curl’d-heart-l4. Hybrid. wide a 305 rubro-cinctum. pc. red-edged. —— ——— eens 306 papilionaceum. pc. Butterfly. C.B.S. 1724. 307 tomentosum. pc. Pennyroyal. —— 1790. 308 vitifolium. pc. Vine-leaved. 1724. 309 capitatum. DC. Rose-scented. - ————._ 1690. 310 concolor. s.G. self-coloured. Hybrid. 1820. B major. S.G. larger. nase) ee 311 graveolens. Dc. Odour of Rose. C. B.S. 1774. B variegatum. striped-leaved. ae) a ele Geranium capitatum. var. A.G. 312 asperum. Dc. rough multifid. ——-—— 1795. 313 Radula. pc. rasp-leaved. —-——__ 1774. 314 balsameum. pc. __ balsamic. —_——— 1790. 315 Vandesie. s.G. Comtesse de Vandes’. Hybrid.1818. 316 hispidum. Dc. hispid. C.B.S. 1790. 317 anthemifolium. pc. Anthemis-la. | Hybrid. 1822. 318 pyrethriifolium. s.c. Feverfew-l4. ine 1821; 319 chrysanthemifolium.Chrysanth™.-ld4, ———— —— 320 Dobreeanum. s.c. Mrs. Dobree’s. ——--—— 1818. 321 Bisshoppe. s.c. Mrs.Bisshopp’s. ——-—— 1822. 322 signatum. s.G. marked-leaved. ————- —— 323 dianthiflorum. Pink-flowered. Hybrid. tees 324 quercifolium. pc. Oak-leaved. C.B.S. 1774, B bipinnatifidum. _bipinnatifid. _- — 325 eximium. S.G. select. Hybrid. 1818, 326 Essexiz. C.C. Lady Essex’s. ee ith simon 327 oblatum. s.G. oblate-leaved. Di onsen 328 Murrayanum. s.c. L¢.Jas.Murray’s —-——- — 329 calocephalon.s.c. pretty-headed. W—— ~—— 1820. e e e e e e © e e SSS St St St SS St ott tt DONOAHOVONO SFHOHHSF HHH HS ASM S SS SSS Soo . Oo ADONPAALAALD QNQAAND se ae” 4S ee a Ba 2 Se § HHP HAHAHAHA IAA IMI OHSAS IIT Andr. geran. ¢. ic. Jacq. ic. rar. 8. t. 541. Andr, geran. ¢.ic.? * Jacq. ic. rar.3.t.540. —— 3. t.539, Sweet ger. 3. t. 217. —— 3. t. 270. Sweet ger. 3. t. 221. ; Cav. dis. 4. t- 118. f.3. Wendl. coll. ic. Sweet ger. 1. t. 29. Sweet. ger.3.t. 238. wee 2. t. 169. , 7 Sweet ger. i. t. 53. Me } Sweet ger. 1. t. 83. —— 3. t. 269. Sweet ger. 3. t. ae 23 t; 127. SS a ae 3 t. 275. Sweet ger. 1. t. 1. —— 2. t. 112. ——— 2,t. 141. Sweet ger. I. t. 67. Sweet ger. 1. t. 27. ——— 2. t. 168. Cav. dis. 4. t. 111. f, 2. ——— 4, t.105.f.1. Sweet ger. 2. t. 140. ——__—— 2. t. 140. f.b. L’Herit. ger. t. 17. Andr. geran. ¢. ic. Roth abh. p. 51. t. 10, | L’Herit. ger. t. 16. | Jacq. ic. rar.3.t.543. | Sweet ger. 1. t. 7. | Cav. dis.4.t.110.f.1. | Sweet ger. 2. t. 153. 2. t. 124. 3. t. 253. 3. t. 272. ——— — 3. t. 265. (meee Geer cae eee eee L’ Herit. ger. t. 14. icin eg lla AB Sweet ger. 1. t. 26. Sweet ger. 1. t. 35. —— 2. t. 164. —--—— 3. t. 201. GERANIACE. 83 330 augustum. DC. august. —— 1809. —— B Brucii. c.c. Bruce’s. a 331 Breesianum. s.c. Breese’s. —— 1818. — Andr. geran. ¢. ic. s SASH HT HHH HHI R POR EP RP RPORPOR RRR Sot SHS SHS HSS SO HOSTS OS OSS Soot Sweet ger. 1. t. 64. 332 Husseyanum. s.c. Lady Hussey’s,5 —~-—— —— -——— ._ ——— 1.t. 92. 333 Wellsianum. s.c. Mr. Wells’s. —-—— 1822. 3.8. Gh. —-—— 2.t.175. 334 Kingii. s.c. Mr. King’s. ——- —— 3.12. G.h. ——— 3. t. 248. 335 Scottii. s.a. Sir C. Scott’s. ——__ ——- 3.9.Gh. ——-—— 3.t. 264, 336 Palkii. s.c. Mr. Palk’s. ee hee bi ee an ne OE Ya 337 rotundilobum. s.c. round-lobed. ——— 1623. 3.9. G.hi ——— 3. t. 252. 338 latilobum. s.c. broad-lobed. —_——- —— Gh 8. t. 236. 339 obcordatum. s.g. obcordate-petl4. ———-— -——- —— Bt. 340 incomparabile. incomparable. ———-— 1822. 341 lasiophyllum. s.c. woollydivided-l4. —-—— ——-~ —~ 342 Lechianum. pe. acute-notched. ——— 1820. 343 jatrophefolium. pc. Jatropha-l4. 344 denticulatum. pc. tooth-leaved. C.B.S., 1789. 5.8. 845 viscosissimum. 8.G. viscous. —-— 1820. 3.8 a album. white-flowered. ———- —-- Sweet ger. 3. t. . Sweet ger. 2. t. 109. 2. t. 118. ———— ee : B carneum. Jlesh-coloured. —_—- —- _ —— G.h. : 846 glutinosum. pc. clammy. —-—— 1777. 5.6. G. L’Herit. ger. t, 20. B nigrescens. black-marked. —_——_— -—— — Bot. mag. 143. Sweet ger. 3. t. 259. $47 cynosbatifolium.pc. Cynosbati-l4, Hybrid. coer 4,8, FE Geranium oxoniense. A.G. ic. 348 verbenefolium. s.g. Vervain-leaved Hybrid. 1818, —— DM AMDANAMOAOAAHMOOAOMAREOO ee ee 2. t. 149. piperatum. Dc ? - 349 melissinum. s.c. Balm-scented. —--——- — 1.6.5. 350 ternatum. pc. ternate-leaved. C. B.S. 1789. 5.8. 2. t.165. 351 patentissimum. w.c. most-spreading. ————— 1822, —— . Wendl. coll. ic. _ 352 spinosum. pe. | thorny. ———— 1795. 5.6. . Paters. it. t. ad. p. 67. 353 tripartitum. s.c. brittle-stalked. —————-_ 1789. 5.8. G.h. Sweet ger. 2. t.115. : _ Geranium fragile. A.R. 37. 354 incisum. pe. cut-leaved. —— 1791. ——- Gh. —— 1.93. 355 canescens. s.G. canescent. oe eee ——— GU, 356 abrotanifoliam. pc. Southernwood-ld4. ————- 1791. -—— . Jacq. scheen. 2. t. 136. 857 artemisiefolium.pc. Wormwood-l4, ——--—— 1817. —— G.h. 358 fragrans. pc. Nutmeg-scent’d Hybrid. -eos 5. 10. . Sweet ger. 2. t. 172. 359 odoratissimum. pc. sweet-scented. C. B.S, 1724, —— G.h. Andr, ger.c. ic. 360 exstipulatum. pc. soft trifid-ld, ———— 1779. —— G.h. WLHerit. ger. t. 35. Geranium suaveolens. A.G. ic. 361 dissectum. s.c. dissected-ld, Hybrid. 1822. 5. 11. _ 862 glomeratum.pc. close-headed. N.S.W. 1792. 5.8. | australe. $.G. 68. non DC. _ 363 australe. pc. New Holland. ——-——- -— —— 364 inodorum. ne. scentless. ——— 1796. 3.8. _ 365 columbinum. pc. Doves-foot. C. B.S. 1795. 6. 10. 366 procumbens. pc. _procumbent. ——— I1801. 4.5. 367 humifusum. pc. trailing. Canaries. —— 4.10. - 368 chamedryfolium.pc.Chamedrys-ld, C. B.S. 1812. 5.6, 369 althzoides. pc. Althza-leaved. ——~—— 1724. 4.6. _ 370 grossularioides, pc. Gooseberry-l4, ———— 1731. 4.8. _ 371 anceps. pc. flat-stalked. —— 1788. 5.7. _ 372 parviflorum. — small-flowered. ——~-—— 1800. —— _ 373 acugnaticum. L.r. Tristan d’Acuna.T.d’Acnnna,1818. —— _ 874 senecioides. pe. Groundsel-ld, C. B.S. 1775. 6. 7. Sweet ger. 3. t. 247. Jacq. fi. ecl.1. t. 98. Jacq. fl. ecl. 1. t. 100. Sweet ger. 1. t.56. Jacq. scheen. 2. t.133. Andr. bot. rep. 234. Sweet ger. 1. t. 42, Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t. 523. L’ Herit. ger. t. 10. Cav. dis. 4. t. 119. f. 2. Jacq. col. 4. t. 22. f. 3. Andr, geran. ¢. ic. ° e ° °¢ ° e e e © e e e e e e e DAAANAOHOADA OH HHHONSS gea00 L’Herit. ger. t. 11. ° _ 375 alchimilloides. pc. mantle-leaved. ——-——- 1693. 5.10. G.y. Cav. dis. 4. t.98. f. 1. _ 876 Heritieri. _ WDHeritier’s. ———— -13820. —— G.. : _ 877 tabulare. pc. rough-stalked. ———— 1775. 5.8. G.h. LHerit. ger. t. 9. _ 378 ovale. ve. oval-leaved. ———— 1774. —— G.h. Sweet ger. 3. t. 235. 379 elegans. pc, elegant. ——— 1795. —— G.h. Andr. repos. 98. &@ major. $.G._ smaller-flowered. ——-—— — G.h. Sweet ger. 1. t.36. fia. B minor. 8.6. larger-flowered. ———— —— —— G.h. ——-— 1.6.36. f. b. 386 schizopetalum. s.c. divided-petal’d. —————__ 1821. 6.10. G.h. ——-—— 3. t. 232, 381 pinguifolium. s.c. greasy-leaved. Hybrid? +--+ 5.10. G.h. —~-—— 1.6.52. 382 lateripes. Dc. Ivy-leaved. C. B.S. 1787. —— G.h.V. L’Herit. ger. t. 24. _ @ viridifolium. green-leaved. —$— -—— _ — G.h.v. Andrews’s geran, c. ic. 8 zonatum. Horseshoe-mark’'d ——-—— 9§$ ——_s- —>—_ — Gv he. : Y roseum. rose-coloured. ——$— > «GU. ‘ 3 albomarginatum. DC.white-margined. ——-—— re — G.h.. Andrews’s geran. c. ic. 2 84 GERANIACEZ. 383 peltatum. Dc. peltate-leaved. -——-—— 1701. —— G.h. . Bot. mag. 20. B variegatum. A.G. variegated-leaved —~-—— ——- —— G.h.V. Andi. geran. c. ic. 384 scutatum. s.G. shield-leaved. ———-— 1819. ——- G.h.VU. Sweet ger. 1. t. 95. $85 polytrichum.s.¢. many-haired. - Hybrid. 1823. —— G.h. ——— 3.t.274. 9 386 dilutum. s.c. stained-peta’d. ——--——- ~—— -—— G.h. 3. t. pss 387 heterotrichum. s.G. unequal-haired. ——-—~- —— -—— Gh. 3. t. : 388 Moreanum.s.G.. More’s victory. ———— -—— -—— G.h. 3. te , 389 rntaceum. s.G. Rue-like. — —-—- 2S —— —— Gh. 3. t. 279. 390 polyanthon. s.@. numerous-fla. —— eo GE. 3. t. 391 ligulatum. s.G. ligulate-petaled ——--——- _ -—- —— G.2. Bick 392 volatiflorum. s.g. flying-flowered. --_--—-—- -—- -—— G.h. — 3. t. 393 variifolium. s.c. various-leaved. ——-—— —— —— G, — 3. t. 280. 394 mundulum. s.c. spruce. ——— Ol GLY 395 rhodolentum. s.c. rose-smelling. ———-— -— ~—— G.h. : 396 rhodanthum.s.c. rose-coloured. ——--——- 1824. —— G.h. Sweet ger, 3. t. 282. 397 Southcoteanum.s.c. MissSouthcote’s -—--—— —— —— G.h. 398 compactum.s.G. compact. ———-— —— ———. G.h. 399 Barclayanum. s.¢. Mr. Barclay’s. ————- --— —— G.h. 400 Milleri. Mr. Miller’s. —- ll OU GI. 401 brevipes. short-peduncl’d -~-—— —— —— G.h. 402 Heselrigii. Ly. Heselrige’s, ——-—-— — —— Gh. JENKINSONIA.S.G. JENKINsoNIA. Monadelphia Heptandria. Ot St Pprrrsy ss SIS SHH TAI SR STROSS 1 tetragona. s.G. square-stalked. C. B.S. 1774. 5,8. G.h.—. Sweet ger. 1. t. 99. B variegata. variegated. ——— — «GL 1. 299. | 2 quinata. s.é. quinate-leaved. --——— 1793. —— G.h. ———— 1.t.79. : Pelargonium quinatum. B.M. 547. Geranium premorsum A.R. 150+ 3 pendula. s.¢. pendulous-branch’d. ——- «+++ —— G.h. . Sweet ger. 2. t. 183. 4 longicaulis. s.¢. long-stalked, aan eee a GOW. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t. 533. Pelargonium longicaule. Jacq. = * 5 anemonefoliat s.¢. Anemone-ld. meme eee ee Gh... ———— 3. t. 535. 6 caucalifolia.s.¢. Caucalus-leavd ———— 1812. 3.9. G.4f. ———— 3. t. 529. 7 multicaulis. s.G. many-stalked. ——-—— 1802. 6.8. GY. ———— 3. t. 534. 8 lacera. $.G. torn-leaved. ———— 1731. —-— GY. ———— 3. t. 532. _..9 coriandrifolia. s.c. Coriander-id. — —— 1724. 3.9. G.y%. Sweet ger. 1. t. 34. | Pelargonium coriandrifolium. s.a. ; 10 myrrhifolia.s.¢. | Myrrh-leaved. ———— 1696. 5.8. G.. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t. 531. ‘ Pelargonium betonicum. Jacq. al 11 builata. s.e. blistered. mee eee a GH. — 3, t. 530, i2 canariensis. Canary. Canaries. 1802. 5.9. G.é. Willd. hort. ber, t. 17. Pelargonium canariense. w. CICONIUM. S.G. CICONIUM. Monadelphia Heptandria. 1 acetosum. s.G. Sorrel-leaved. C. B.S. i710. 5.9. Gh. Andr. geran. c. ic. 2 scandens, s.G. climbing. ———— 1800. —— G.h. 3 stenopetalum. s.G. narrow-petal’d. ———— —— —— G.h. 4 leptopetalum. slender-petal’d. —---— -—— —— G.h.u. Andr. geran.c, ic. Geranium stenopetalum. A.G. nec aliorum. 5. pumilum. s.e. dwarf. ——— —— —— G.h. Andr. geran. c. ic. Geranium zonale minima. A.G. i 6 lateritium. s.c. brick-coloured. -—-—~—— —— -— G.h. Jacq. ecl.1. t. 97. f.nlt. 7? malvzefolium. Mallow-leaved. ~—-——- 1812. —— G.h. -————1.t. 97. Pelargonium malwefolium. Jacq. 8 heterogamum. s.c. six-stamened. Hybrid. 1736. —— G.h. L’Herit, geran. t. 18. 9 albidum. c.c. white-flowered. C. B.S. sees em Gh. 10 zonale. s.c. horse-shoe. ———-—- 1710. 4,12. Cav. diss. 4, t.98. f. 2. a lilacinum. lilac-coloured. ——- —— —— G.h. 4 B coccineum. scarlet. ———————_- —— ~—— G.h. y crystallinum. coral-stalked. ——_——- —— —— Gh. 0 marginatum. white-edged. ——_ -—— _ —-—— Gh. li reticulatum.s.c. metted-veined. Hybrid. 1810. 5.10. G.h. Sweet ger. 2. t. 143. 12 Fothergillii.s.c. | Fothergill’s. C. B.S. cose —— Gh. ———— 3. t. 226. a coccineum. scarlet. ——_- So ——- Ge 8. £226. a. 8 purpureum. purple. — Ss —— Ge ———— 3. t. 226. dD. 13 monstrum. s.a. cluster-leaved. Hybrid. 1784. 7.8. Gh. —--—-—— Lt. 13. : 14 ewqualiflorum. c.c.. victory. ———. 1819. 5.10. G.h, 15 hybridum. s.e. hybrid. C. B.S. 1732, ——G.h. Sweet ger.1. t. 63. 16 oxyphyllum. c.c. _ sour-leaved. Hybrid. cosy —-— Gp. Andr. geran. ¢. ic. Geranium miniatum. v. album, A.G. 17 humile. low-spreading. C. B.S. coer = Goh. = H | GERANIACES. | 85 crenatum. 6.¢. —_ scolloped-ld. mn eee em Gi. Andy. geran.c. ic. bracteosum. large-bracted. Hybrid. ERS hs Sle ! Pelargonium bracteosum. vc. Bentinckianum. _—_ Bentinck’s, Cc. B.S. vees —— Gh. Andr. geran.c. ic. _ Pelargonium Bentinckianum. vc. Geranium crenatum; var. mollifoliata. a.c. |. cerinum. 8.G. wax-flowered. Hybrid? ores —-- Gi. Sweet ger. 2. t. 176. _{ inquinans. s.¢. staining-gland’d C. B.S. 1714. 5.9. G.h. Andr. geran. ¢. ic. l ; micranthum. small-flowered, ———— -.-- —— 4 JPETALUM. S.G. IsoperaLum. Monadelphia Pentandria. | Cotyledonis.s.c. Hollyhock-id. St.Helena. 1765. 5.8. G.h. Sweet ger. 2. t. 126. _ Pelargonium Cotyledonis. w. ? discipes. c.c. central-stalked. ———— 1808. -++«- G.h. ORDO XLVIII. TROPHOLEZ. DC. prod. 1. p. 683. ‘OPHOLUM. DC. Inpian-cress. Octandria Sone UiA, L. t minus. Dc. small. Peru. 1596. 6. 10. He ©. Bot. mag. 98. _ B flore pleno. double-fiowered, ——-——- —— —-- G.}. . 2 majus. DC. great. ———. _ 1686. —— H.©. Bot. mag. 23. _ B flore pleno. double-flowered.; ————- —— —— G.%. 3 hybridum. vc. hybrid, Hybrid. -++- —— GY. Berg. act.holm.32.t.1. 4 aduncum., pe. fringe-flower’d, Peru. 1775. —— G.©. Bot. reg. t. 718. | peregrinum. B.R. non L. 5 pinnatum. De. pinnate-flowr’d —————-_ -+-e —— GY. Andr. reposit. t. 535, ORDO XLIX. BALSAMINEZ. DC. prodr. 1. p. 685. | ALSAMINA. DC. Batsam. Pentandria Pentagynia. 1 hortensis. pc. garden. E.Indies. 1596..7.10. S.©. Blackw. t. 583. Impatiens Balsamina. w. 2 coccinea. ve. glandular-ld, ——-_ 1808. 6.9. S.©. Bot. mag. 1256. 3 mysorensis. pc. Mysore. ———— 1823. —— S.©. 4 bifida. pc. bifid-spurred. C.B.S., 1818. 7.10. H.©. 5 capensis. po. Cape. ——_ —— —— HO. 6 chinensis. pe. Chinese. China. 1823. —— H.©. MPATIENS. DC. TOUCHMENOT. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 natans. pe. floating. E. Indies, 1823, 6.10. S.w.©. 2 biflora. w. ° two-flowered. N.Amer. ---- —— H.@©. Swt, br. fl. gar. t. 43. Sulva. ve. ‘ 3 pallida. DC. pale-flowered. —-—— 1812. —— H.©. | 4 Noli-tangere. pc. common. England. +--+ ——H.©. Eng. bot. 937. | 5 tripetala. pe. three-petaled. E. Indies. 1823. —— S.©. ORDO L. OXALIDEAM. DC. prodr. 1. p. 689. AVERRHOA. DC. Averruoa. Pentandria Pentagynia. L. 1 Carambola. pc. Carambola-tree E. Indies. 1793. «+++ Re kh. Rumph. amb. 1. t.35.- 2 Bilimbi. pc. Bilimbi-tree, —— 1791. 5.7% Sh. —-——— Lt, 36, I i | 86 OXALIDER. BIOPHYTUM. DC. Biopuytum. Decandria Pentagynia. ary a sensitivum. DC. sensitive. E. Indies. 1824. 5.7. 8.y. J acq.ox.n.21.t.78.f4 Oxalis sensitiva. L. _ 4 OXALIS. DC. Woop-soORREL. Decandria Pentagynia. L. Pan | 1 Plumieri. pe. Plumier’s. S.Amer. 1822. 4.6. S.. Pl.ed.Burm.t.213.f, 2 Barrelieri. pc. Barrelier’s. ———- --—— —~ Sh. Jacq. ox.n. 4. 3 fruticosa. pc. frutescent. Rio Janeiro. —-- —— S.h. 5 4 perennans. DC. perennial. N.S.W. «ere 5.9 G. | 5 Dillenii. pe. Dillenius’s. America. 1798. —— H. Dill. elth. 2. t, 221, 6 florida. s.p. prostrate. ——-—— sere —— H . x 7 stricta. pe. upright. N. Amer. 1658. 6.10. H. Jacq. ox. n. 9, t. 4, 8 corniculata. Dc. procumbent. Britain. -ee 5.10. H. Eng. bot. 1726, 9 Lyoni. pc. Lyons’. N. Amer. 1812. —— H.}. fs 10 microphylla. pc. = small-leaved. N. Holland. ---» -—— H.©. 3 TOSS STREP ORRROORAHSH rubens. H.M. | 11 repens. pc. creeping-stalk'd C. B.S. 1793. 3.4. G.%.. Jacq.ox.n.11.t.78.f1 12 rosea. Dc. crimson, Chili. 1822. 4.6. G.%. Bot. mag.2415. 13 lateriflora. pc. side-flowering. C. B.S. — —— Gy. Jacq.schoenb. 2. t.20 14 macrostylis. pc. long-styled. ——— 1793.10.11. G. Jacq. ox. n. 22. t. 9 15 tubiflora. pc. tube-flowered. -——-—— 1790. —— G. n, 23. t.10 16 canescens, DC. canescent. ——-——.___ 1822... -—- _ G. —-— n. 24. fa 17 secunda. pc. secund. —— 1790. —— G. ——-—— n. 68. t. 12) 18 hirta. pe. hairy-stalked. ——-—— 1787. 1.3. G. ———_ n. 26.t. B 19 hirtella. pe. tooth-stamen’d. ——-—— 1820. -——— G.b. ——— n. 27.t. 14 20 multiflora. pc. many-flowered. ——-—— 1789. 2.3. G.b. —-—— n. 28.6. 16 21 rubella. pc. branching red. -—~—— 1791. 9.11. G.b. Bot. mag. 1031. 22 rosacea. DC. rose-coloured, ——-——— 1793. 10.2. G.b. — 1698. am 23 virginea. DC. virgin. ———— 1822. 11.12.G.b. Jacq.scheenb. 3. t. 27 24 reptatrix. Dc. creeping-rooted ——-—— 1795. —— G.%. Jacq. ox. n. 33. t. 20, 25 incarnata. pc. flesh-coloured. -—--~— 1739. 4.6. G.b. Jacq. vind. t.71. 26 venosa. DC. veined-fiow’r’d. ——-—— 1821. —— G.Qb. 2 27 cuprea. B.C. copper-colour’d —— 1822. -—— G.b. Lodd. b. cab. 824, — 28 tetraphylla. pe. four-leaved. | Mexico. —— — Hb ———t. 790. 29 sericea. pc. silky-leaved. C.B.S. 1794. —— G.b. Jacq.ox.n.13.t.77.f.1. 80 violacea. Dc. Violet-coloured. N. Amer. 1772. 5.6. H.b. Jacq. vind, t. 180. $1 caprina. pc. goats-foot. C.B.S. 1757. 3.6. G.b. Jacq. ox. t. 76. f. 1. ; 32 cernua. DC. drooping yellow ——-—— —— 2.5. G.b. n. 16. t. 6. caprind. B.M. 237. 20n DC. | B flore pleno. double-flower'd ——-—-— -—— —— G.b. 33 compressa. DC. compressed. a ——~=. 1794, 12.1. G.b. Jacq.ox.n.19.t.78.f.3. : 34 dentata. pc. toothed. ——— 1793.11.12,.G.b. ——n.17.t. 7. 35 livida. pc. livid, —_——-_ —— ]0. 11. G.b. ——— n.18,t. 8. 36 purpurata. DC. purplish-leawd. ——-—— 1820. —— G.b. Jacq. schcenb. t. 356, 37 macrophylla. pc. _large-leaved. —_——_— ——_-—~—— —G.b. $8 lobata. pc. lobed. Chili. 1821. -4.6. H.b. Bot. mag. 2386. 39 monophylla. pe. simple-leaved. C.B.S. 1774.10. 11. G.b. Jacq.ox.n. 35. t. 79.6. 40 rostrata. pc. beaked. —— 1795. — Gb. ———— n. 36. f. r Al crispa. De. curled. —— 1793. —— G.b. ———— n. 37. t. 23. 42 leporina. pc. Hare’s-eared. —-——- 1795. 10.11.G.b. ——-——n.39. t. 25. 43 asinina. nc. asses-eared. ——— 4792. 11.12. G.b. ——— n. 38. t. 24, 44 lanceefolia. pc. spear-leaved. ——-—— 1795. 10.11. G.b. ————n. 40. t. 26. 45 fabefolia. pe. Bean-leaved. —— 1794. — Gb ——n.41.t. 27. 46 laburnifolia. pc. Laburnum-ld, —~-—— 1793. 9.10. G.b. ———n. 42. t. 28. 47 sanguinea. De. bloody-leaved. ——-—— 1795. 10.12. G.b. ——-——n. 43. t. 29, 48 tricolor. Dc. three-coloured. -——-— 1794. —— G.b. ———_ n. 63. t. 47. 49 ciliaris. pc. ciliated. —— 1793. —— G.b. ——~——— n. 45. t. 30. 50 arcuata. pc. gland-covered. ———— 1795. —— G.b. —~——— n. 46. t. 31. 51 flaccida. pe. flaccid. —--— 1812, ——~ Gb. ——_—— n. 66. t. 51 52 ferruginata. pc. _—rust-spotted. ——-— 1822. —— Gb. Jacq. scheenb. 3. t.27 53 ambigua. pc. ambiguous. —-—— 1790.9.12. G.b. Jacq. ox. n. 59. t. 43, 54 undulata. pe. wave-leaved. ——-—— 1795.10.11. G.b. ——-—— n. 60. t. 44. 55 glandulosa. pe. landulous. —— _ 1822. —— G.b. ———— n. 62. t. 46. 56 fuscata. pe. rown-spotted. ———— 1795. 5.6. G.b. ——— n. 61, t. & 57 sulphurea. Dc. sulphur-colour’"d -—~——- -— 10.11. G.b. —-—— _n. 77. t. 63. 58 speciosa. Dc. specious. ——— 1690. 9.11. G.b. —— —— n.74. t. 60. 59 variabilis. pc. variable. ——— 1795.10.12. G.b. —> 1. 67. a longiscapa. DC. _—white-flowered. ———— —— -—— G.b. —-——— tt. 52. B rubra. Dc. - red-flowered. —_—_—— 1 — ~=— Gb. t. 53 60 grandiflora. w. great-flowered. -—————— 1870. -—~ G.b. ———— ni. 68; t. 54 {3 Simsii. ve. Sims’s. — SO GD, Bot. mag. 1683. —- -. ee ee ee ee se G purpurea. Dc. _@iconvexula, pc, ‘Ji americana. pc. 7 tenella. ve. ‘J natans. pc. 7 filicaulis. pc. 7 cuneata. pc. 7 cuneifolia. pc. ; linearis. DC. 7 reclinata. pe. ° ‘gracilis. be. 8 miniata. DC. 4 8 glabra. pc. 8 versicolor. pc. } elongata. pc. 3 ameoena. L.en. & tenuifolia. pc. 'B polyphylla. pe. 8 filifolia. pc. = pentaphylla. pe. € lupinifolia. pc. © flava. pc. ' pectinata. pc. - flabellifolia. pc. € tomentosa, DC. 4 ZYGOPHYLLEZ. DC. prodr. 1. p. TIBULUS. DC. ' cistoides. nc. + arabica. pc. | cordifolium, Dc. 2 Fabago. pc. 3 feetidum. pc. | B insuave. B.M. 4 fruticulosum. Dc. 5 maculatum. pe. 6 microphyllum. pc. 7 Morgsana. ve. 8 sessilifolium. Dc. 9 spinosum. pc. 0 coccineum. DC. ‘1 album. pe. 12 prostratum. pc. UAIACUM. DC. 1 officinale. ne. purple. OXALIDEZ., SS eee SS convex-leaved. smooth. green-margin beautiful. blunt-leaved. esse 42288 ’d. C. B.S. eee woolly-leaved. yellowish. common. American. slender. floating. Britain. N. Amer. C. B.S. bilobed-leaved. cloven-leaved. wedge-leaved. wedge-shaped. » linear-leaved. reclining. slender-stalk miniated. smooth. striped-flow’r'd elongated. handsome. fine-leaved. many-leaved. slender-leaved. five-leaved. Lupine-leaved. narrow-leaved. pectinated. fan-leaved. ed downy-leaved. ORDO LI. mA 1812, —— G.b. 1789. 11. 1. G.b. 1818. 6.8. H.O. 1812. 9.12. G.b. 1795. 10. 11. G.b. 1812. —— G.b. 1791. —— G.b. 1822. —— G.b. rere 4.6. HX. coc3u H.2. 1793. —— G.b. 1795. 9.12. G.w. 1815. 9.10. G.b. 1791. 9.10. G.b. 1818. i ee G.b. 1793. 4.5. G.b. 1795. 9.11. G.b. — — Gb. sees —— G.D. 1818. ——— G.b. 1795. 5.6. G.b. 1774. 1.3. G.b. 1791. 9.10. G.b. — — Gb. 1790. 10. 11. G.b. 1791. 9.1. G.b. 1818. —— G.b. 1800, 11.2. G.b. 1791. 10. 11. G.b. 1775. 3.4. G.b. 1790. 9.11. G.b. 1789. —— G.b. 1791, 4.5. G.b. CALTROPs, Decandria Monogynia. L. Cistus-like. S. Amer. 1752. ue S.%. small. S. Europe. 1596. 6.7. H.©. great. Jamaica. 1728. —— S.©. Nuttall’s. America. 1823. —— H.©. FaGoniaA. Decandria Monogynia. es Cretan. Candia. 1739. 6.8. H.©. Arabian. Arabia. 1759. G.h. Decandria Monogynia. L. heart-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 10. G.h. common. Syria. 1596. 7.9. H.%. foetid. Cc. B.S. 1790. 6.8. G.h. unpleasant. i er beatings h. frutescent. N. Holland. 1822. —— G.h. spotted. C. B.S: 1782. 10.11. G.h. small-leaved, ————— 1820. —— G.h. four-leaved. 17382. 5.9. G.f. sessile-leaved. 1713. 7.8. G.h. spiny. ———-_ 1818. —— G.h. scarlet. Egypt. — — G.h. white. ———. _ 1770. 10. 11. G. Re hairy-jointed. C.B.S. 1818. —— G.4 LicgNumM ViITt#&. Decandria Monogynia. L. common. W. Indies. 1694. 7.9. S.h. 87 Jacq. ox. n, 70. t. 56. — n. 69. t. 55, Jacq. ox. n. 85. t. 68. n. 86. t. 69. ——— _ n.83.t.79.f.1. ——_ n.81.t.77.f.2. ——_—— n. 80. t. 65. Eng. bot. 762. ae Jacq. ox. n. 32. t. 19. n. 78. t. 76. f.2. Jacq. scheenb. 2, t. 205. Jacq.ox. n.89. t.79. f.4. 55. t.40. - 56. t. 44. 47. t. 32. 49. t. 34. . 48, t. 33. 50. t. 35. n. 58. t. 76. f.3. Bot. mag. 155. Jacq. ox. n. 52. t. 37. Jacq. scheenb, t. 206. Lodd. b. cab. t. 712. Jacq. ox. n. 59. t. 39. Jacq. schoen. 3. t. 273. Bot. mag. 1549. Jacq. ox. n. 92. t. 72. Bot. reg. 117. Jacq. ox. n. 95. t. 75. —— n. 94. t. 74. ——— n. 96. t. 81. wee eee | PHBE SS oe 703. Bot. reg. 791. Lam. ill, t. 346. f. 1. Jacq. ic. rar. t. 462. Bot. mag, 241. Lam. ill. t. 345. f. 1. Schr. s. han. p. 17.t.9. Bot. mag. 372. Dill. elth. t.116.f,141. ———— t. 116. f. 142. Forsk.des.87.ic.t.11. DC. pi. gras. t. 154. _ Lam, ill. t. 342. 88 ZYGOPHYLLEZ. 2 verticale. pc. vertical-petal’d. New Spain. 1823. 3 arboreum. Dc. tree. S. Amer. Zygophyllum arboreum, Jac. see She neeaes S.h. eee §2. ZYGOPHYLLEE SPURIZ ALTERNIFOLIE. DC. MELIANTHUS. DC. Honey-rLower. Didynamia Angiospermia, L. 1 major. pc. great. C.B.S. 1688. 5.7. G.h. _ 2 minor, pe. small. —--—— 1696. 8 Gh. 3 comosus. DC. tufted. — 1818... —— G.h. BALANITES. DC. Batanires. | Decandria Monogynia. _wgyptiaca. pe. Egyptian. Africa. 1822, --»° S.h. Ximenia egyptiaca. L. ORDO LI. Jacq. amer. 130. t. Bot. reg. 45. coe Bot. mag. 301. Comm, rar. t.4. °° | Del, fl. eg. t. 28. fi RUTACEA. DC. prodr. 1. p. 709. Tribus I. DIOSMEA. DC. RUTA. DC. Rure. Decandria Monogynia. L. 12 suaveolens. Dc. 13 dahurica. pc. Primrose-scent’d.Tauria. Milk-wort-ld. Dahuria. 1 pinnata. pe. winged-leaved, Canaries. 1780. 3.8. G.h. 2 montana. pe. mountain. S. Europe. 1596. 8.9. H.2. 3 graveolens. Dc. common. —-—— 1562. 6.9. H.h. 4 bracteosa. Dc. large-bracted. Sicily. 1823. —— H.h. } 5 divaricata. pe. spreading. Italy. — -— Hh. i 6 angustifolia.pc. | narrow-leaved. S. France. 1722. —— G.h. 7 macrophylla. pc. long-leaved. Africa. — —— Gh. chalepensis, a. L. 8 albifiora. p.p. white-flowered. Nepaul. 1820. 9.10. G.W. 9 patavina. DC. Italian. Italy. — 6.9. H.%. 10 pubescens. Dc. pubescent. Spain. 1816. 5.8. H.%. 11 linifolia. pe. Flax-leaved. ——— 1752. 6.9. H.h. H.h Hi. 2} PEGANUM. DC. Harmala. pc. 2 albus. L.en. capense. DC. 1 uniflora. w.en. 2 acuminata. 3 amoena. 4 speciosa, umbellata. W.en. 5 fragrans. R.S. 6 villosa. R.S. 7 marginata. R.S. 8 tetragona. BAROSMA. ween. DICTAMNUS. DC. 1 Fraxinella. Len. CALODENDRON. ADENANDRA. wien. Diosma acuminata. B.c. non DC. Diosma amena. B.C. 161. Diosma villosa, DC. Non Hort: 1 serratifolia. W.en. 1816. 7. 8. Peganum dauricum. B. L. Dodecandria Monogynia. L. Levant. 1570. 7.8. Hd. Decandria Monogynia. L. S. Europe. 1596. 5.7. H.%. SyRIAN-RUE. common. FRAXINELLA. red-flowered. white-flowered. — —— H.2. DC.CALODENDRON, Pentandria Monogynia. Cape. C. B. S. 1789. OLS O 4 G.h. ADENANDRA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. one-flowered. €. B.S. 1775. 4.7. Gh. acute-leaved. ————— 1812. —— G.h. charming. 1798. —— G.h. umbel-flower’d. 1790.. ——- G.h. red-flowered. 1812. 5.7. G.h. villous. —_—_—— CO — Gh. marginate. 1806. 4.6. G.h. tetragonal. 1789. 7.8. Gh. BAROsMA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. saw-leaved. C. B.S. 1789. 3.6. G.k. Bot. reg. 307. Jacq. ic. rar. 1. t. 7 Duham. arb. 2. t. 61 Ten. fi. nap. 1. t. 36 Bot. mag, 2311. | — 2018. Hook. ex. fl. t. 79. Mich. gen. t. 19. Andr. rep. 565. Bot. mag. 2254, — Gmel. sib. 4. t. 68.f “s * Lam, ill. t. 401. Lam. j. h. nat. 56. f. Bot. mag. 273. Lodd. bot. cab. 498 Bot. reg. 553. Bot. mag. 1271. + see RAGS Thunb. voy. 4. t. 5. Bot. mag. 456. . | 2 odorata. R.s. odoriferous. | - Diosma latifolia. B.C. 290. 3 latifolia. r,s. broad-leaved. - 4 crenata. crenated. _ 6 betulina. wedge-leaved. orbicularis. Hort. Diosma betulina. pc. _ 6 ovata. 1,.en. oval-leaved. ' Diosma ovata. B.M. ' AGATHOSMA. W.en. AGATHOSMA. 1 dioica. barren. | Diosmadioica. B.R. linifolia. B.C. 400. 2? orbicularis. round-leaved. 3 pulchella. blunt-leaved. 4 obtusa. obtuse-pointed. Diosma ciliata. B.C. non L. _ @ ovata. oval-leaved, | B oblonga. oblong-leaved. - -¥ lanceolata. lanceolate. 5 ciliata. ciliated. _ 6 prolifera. white-flowered. | 7 rugosa, L.en. rnugose. 8 ambigua. doubtful. | Diosma ambigua. B.C. _ 9 barbata. spr. bearded. 10 acuminata. w.en. acuminate. 11 imbricata. w.en. imbricated. 12 Cerefolium. Chervil-scent’d. 13 villosa. w.en. shaggy. _ Diosma Wendlandiana. nc. ‘14 erecta. ' upright. 15 hirta. hairy. 16 hispida. rough-leaved. 17 brevifolia. short-leaved. 18 reflexa. L.en. reflex-leaved. Bruania-like. DIosMA. opposite-leav’d, succulent-ld. - Cypress-like. round-leaved. linear-leaved, pectinated. awl-leaved. '19 bruniades. | PROSMIA. W.en. 1 oppositifolia. pc. _ 2 succulenta. be. i 3 cupressina, Dc. 4 teretifolia. L.en. _ 5 linearis. pe. _ 6 pectinata. pe, 7 subulata. pe. | 8 alba. pe. | 9 rubra,.ve. { ‘10 hirsuta. pc. iy tenuissima. L.en. 12 ericoides. pc. | : white-flower’d. Heath-leaved. hairy-leaved. slender-leaved. Heath-like. 13 capitata. pe. headed. 14 longifolia. pe. long-leaved. 2MPLEURUM. DC. EmpLeurum. serrulatum. Dc. saw-leaved. JORREA. Sm. squammulosum. DC. scaly. SROWEA., DC. CROWEA. | _ 1 alba. ne. white. | 2 rufa. pe. rusty-leaved. _ 3 speciosa. De. red-flowered. |, 4 virens, pve. green-flower’d. 4 5 pulchella.w. pretty. ?HEBALIUM. DC. Puesacium. - | saligna. Dc. "SRIOSTEMON. DC. “1 buxifolinm. pe. j 2 salicifolium. pc. -?HILOTHECA. L.T. australis. L.T. 30RONIA, DC. t 1 pinnata. ne. ERIOSTEMON. Box-leaved. Willow-leaved. PHILOTHECA. BORONIA. i i Gh: ths ilots 1,6.0G4h. iF bea Tes 2.9. Gets Pentandria Monogynia. L. Willow-leaved. N.S. W. Salsola-leaved. N.S. W. Corr#ZA. Octandria Monogynia. Hawthorn-scented.N. saps 1794. C. B.S. 1816. 4.8. G.h. pee eee7 905. Gareth 5 78 7,p,2p Dr oT poereert 774. , ier Bul Geils. eo ae Gils merren isms tree ty Se et ae Gah. sitsstm oa ror Gh ——— 1790. —— Gh. a eee oe GO. a «1812, ee GD. ———— (74... = Gh. ~~ JA790, ——+ ‘Gh. ae) 8G. 6. 8, -Gi.: BIG. por: Goh: 1794. 5.7. G.h. an cteeet ATSGS)s Be Boek. fo ee BIG. ort Ge ——— —- —— Gh. — —— -—— Gh. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Cc. B.S. 1752. 3.7. G.h. soe. 4.61, Gillps Scere BOO. 6s Fis Gaby —— 1818 — Gh. i at 1 900E 4 Bs Fe oh> ——-—— 1812. 4.6. Gh. —-—- — 3.6. Gh. ———— 1800. —— G.h. tii MEG St Bob atk. —— +, 1731. sr Gath Sian id sh = So ge SC. Oa eerie TSG. 80.70 Ge}. —— 1700. “6. 6. Gs}. Sere ha ress OG, b. Moneecia Tetrandria. C. B.S. 1774. 6.7. Gh. N.S. W. 1793. 4.7. Gh. ote eet 1839, a Gs bs 1806. 11.5. G.h. ———-- 1800. —-- G.h. N.Holland. 1824. —— G.h. Decandria Monogynia. N.S. W. 1820. 4.6. G.h. Decandria Monogynia. 1790. 7.12. G.h. Decandria Monogynia. N.S. W. 1822. 4.6. G.h. ae —— G.h. Monadelphia Decandria. 1822. —— G.h. Octandria Monogynia. - 2.5. G.h. 89 Wend. coll. 1. t. 15. Andr. rep. t. 33. Lodd. bot. cab. t, 404. Bot. mag. 1616, Bot. reg. 502. Bot. mag. 1357. Lodd. bot. cab. 210. Wendl. coll. 1. t. 13. ——— 11, 4,14. Bot reg. 476. . 866. ———s Lodd. bot. cab. 461. Wendl. coll. 1. t. 28. —— 1.t.9. Vent. malm. t. 93. Wendl, coll. 1. t. 2. arr di its, 8, Bot. reg, 369. Wendl. coll. 1. t. 1. Lodd. bot. cab. t. 303. Wendl. coll. 1. t. 8. Bot. reg. 563. Wendl. coll, 1. t. 27. Mill. ic. t. 124. f. 2, Wendl. coil. I. t. 19. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t. 63. Andr. bot. rep. 18. Labill. voy, 2.t. 17. Bot. reg. 26. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t. 72. Vent. malm. t, 102. Bot. mag. 989. Linn. trans. 11. t. 26. Linn. trans. 11. t. 21. Bot. mag. 1768. q : ; Ante treme nny Sane serene eee i A RT TE 90 2 tetrandra. Dc. 3 serrulata. pc. 4 polygalefolia. pe. 5 ledifolia. pc. CYMINOSMA. DC. 1 pedunculata. ne. 2 odorata. Dc. ZIERIA. DC. 1 lanceolata. pe. Smithii. 2 macrophylla. pc. 3 levigata. Dc. 4 microphylla. pc. 5 pilosa. pe. 6 hirsuta. pe. MELICOPE. DC. ternata. Dc. ELAPHRIUM. DC. glabrum. Dc. - peduncled. Jambolifera pedunculata. w. Bot. rep. 606. RUTACEA. tetrandrons. N.Holland. 1824. «++: G. Rose-scented. N.S.W. 1816. 2.5. G.h. Polygala-ld, ———-— 1824. -e-- Ledum-leaved. CYMINOSMA. eee Octandria Monogynia. E.Indies. 1800. sweet-scented. China. 1818. ZieERIA. Tetrandria Monogynia. spear-leaved. N.S. W. 1808. 4.7. large-leaved. ——— 1820. smooth-leaved. ———— 1822. small-leaved. hairy. hirsute. —_— MeticopeE. Octandria Monogynia. ternate-leaved. N.Zealand. 1822. ELAPHRIUM. Octandria Monogynia. smooth, Carthagena. 1818. e e e@eoe wm 2 ORLND QB Hw OH St esto FH oT Tas Fagiara Elaphrium. w. EVODIA. DC. triphylla. pe. Evopria. Tetrandria Monogynia. three-leaved. PuloPenang.1820. +++. S.h. Fagara triphylla. ¥.1. ZANTHOXYLUM. DC. Zanruoxytum. Tetrandria Monogynia et Dicecia Pentandria. ~ “a if bs re Dy! : Lab. nov. hol. 1. t. 125. . Bot. reg. 842. Smith tracts. t.7. > Vahl. symb. 3. t. 61. * Bot. mag. 1395. Linn, trans.10.t.17.f.2. Lam. ill. t. 294, Jacq. amer. t. 71. f.4, é Rumph. amb. 2. t. 62, aa 1 tragodes. pc. prickly-leaved. St.Domingo.1759. 8.9. S.h. Jacq.amer. 21.t. 14 Fagara tragodes. w. ; ‘¥ 2 Pterota. pe. Lentiscus-14, W. Indies. 1768. —— S.h. Br. jam. 146. t. 5. f.1) Fagara lentiscifolia. w.en. 3 piperitum. pe. Ash-leaved. Japan. 1773. 9. G.h. Kempf. amt. 893. — 4 Avicenne. De. short-panicled. China. 1823. +++: Gk. Lob. ic. 2. t. 133. f. 2 5 heterophyllum. pc. various-leaved. Bourbon. —— «++. S.h. ( 6 emarginatum. pc. notch-leaved. Jamaica. 1739. +-++ S.h. Sloan. j. 2. t. 168. f£.4 7 acuminatum. pc. _taper-pointed. —-—— 1818. +--+ S.h. i 8 tricarpum. pc. Ash-leaved. N. America. 1806. -*++ H.k. Cat. car,1.t.26. — 9 fraxineum. pc. common. — 1759. 3.4. Duham.arb. 1. t. 97 10 mite. pc. soft-leaved. ————- 1812, —— H.h. 11 Clava Herculis. L. clubbed. W. Indies. - 1739. 4.5. S.h. Pluk. t. 239. f. 4. 12 aromaticum. Dc. _—aromatic. St.Domingo. 1823. -+--- S.h. Jacq. f. ecl. 1. t. 70. 13 armatum. Dc. armed. E. Indies. 1816. -+-+>S.h 14 nitidum. pe. shining-leaved. China. 1822. 2.3. G.h Bot. mag. 2558. 15 sapindoides. pc. Licca-tree. Jamaica. coos seer Gh Br. jam. 207. t. 20. f.2 Sapindus spinosus. L. : SPIRANTHERA. DC. SpirantTHerRA. Pentandria Monogynia. a odoratissima. pc. Jasmine-scent’4. Brazil. 1823. «++. S.h. Terpnanthus jasminiodorus. Nees. MONNIERA. DC. trifolia. Dc. GALIPEA. DC. trifoliata. pc. Tribus IT. CUSPARIEZ. DC. MonniERA. Monadelphia Diandria. three-leaved. Guiana. 1792. 7.8. S.©.° GALIPEA. Diandria Monogynia. three-leaved. Guiana. reese Sch. 1803. ORDO LIII. | Aub. gui. 2. t. 293. Aub. gui. 2. t. 269. SIMARUBEZX. DC. prodr. 1. p. 733. QUASSIA. DC. amara. DC. QUASSIA. Decandria Monogynia. L. bitter. Guiana. —*-1790. 6.7. S. he Bot, mag. 497, | SIMARUBE, 91 ‘IMARUBA. DC. SimARUBA. Mone cia Decandria. 1 officinalis. pc. _—o ffficinal. ‘Guiana. . 1787. «+++ S.h. Aub. gui. 2. t. 331-2. - Quassia Simaruba. L. | 2 excelsa. Dc. tall. Jamaica. 1822. +--+» S.h. Sw.act.holm.1788.t.8. Quassia excelsa. Sw. _IMABA. DC. SrmaBaA. Decandria Monogynia. . guianensis. DC. Guiana, Guiana. 1822. «+++ S.h. Aub. gui. 1. t. 153. Zwingera amara, w. ORDO LIV. OCHNACER. DC. prodr. 1. p. 735. ’ CHNA. DC. Ocuna. Polyandria Monogynia. L. 1 squarrosa, Rox. blunt-leaved. E. Indies. 1790. 7.8. S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 89. _ 2 lucida. pvc. acute-leaved. — 1818. —— S.h. Lam. ill. t. 472. f. 1. ''3 nitida. pe. shining. C.B.S. 1816. +++. S.k. DC.ann.m.17.n.3. t.2, 4 multiflora. pc. ‘ many-flowered. SierraLeon. 1822. ++++ S.h. -—-——n.4.t.3 5 mauritiana. DC. Mauritius. Mauritius, —~— -<+-- ——-—— n.8.t.5.. .\6 atropurpurea. pc. purple-calyxed. C. B.S. 1816. -+++ S.%. . Pluk.alm. t. 263, f. 1.2. OMPHIA. DC. GompuisA. Decandria Monogynia. W.- q obtusifolia. pc. blunt-leaved. Madagascar.1803. ---- DC.ann. mus.n.4, t.8. Ochna levigata. vani. ; _ 2 Jabotapita. pe. spear-leaved. W.Indies. 1818. -+»+ S.h. Lam. ill. 472. f, 2. " "3 nitida, pe. glossy-leaved. — 1803. +--- S.h. mus. n.13.t.13. A laurifolia. pce. laurel-leaved. .————— 1822. «+++ S.h. ————n.15,t. 15. | ORDO LV. i CORIARIEE. DC. prod. 1. p. 739. ORIARIA. DC. Corzarta. Mono-Dicecia Decandria. t 1 myrtifolia. Dc. Myrtle-leaved. S. Europe. 1629. 5.8. H.h. Duham. arb. 1.t. 73. 2 sarmentosa. Dc. sarmentose. N.Zealand. 1820. 7.9. G.%. Bot. mag. 2470. = & ** Supciassis Il. CALYCIFLORA. ORDO LVI. -RHAMNEACEE. Brown. JOVENIA. R.S. Hovenia. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 dulcis. R.s. smooth-leaved. China. 1812. 4.6. Lam. ill. t. 131. ! _ acerba. B.R. 500. 2 pubescens. pubescent-l4. Nepaul. 1823. «e+e G.h. '| dulcis. D.P. et F.1. nec aliorum. ; )ENTILAGO. R.S. Venritaco. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. _ madraspatana. F.1. Madras. Bengal. ec ae «+--+ S.h. . Rumph. amb. 3. t. 2. : 92 GOUANIA. R:S. 1 domingensis. R.s. 2 mauritiana. R.S. 3 tomentosa. R.S. 4 tilizfolia. F.1. PHYLICA. R.S. 1 glabrata. R.S. 2 ericoides. R.s. 3 parviflora. R.S. 4 acerosa. R.S. 5 lanceolata. R.s. 6 bicolor. R.s. 7 eriophora. R.S. 8 stipularis. R.s. g imberbis. R.s. secunda. R.s. villosa. R.S. hirsuta. R.s. pinifolia. 2.s. racemosa. R.S- plumosa. R.S. imbricata. R.S. capitata. R.S. Commelini. R.s. reclinata. R.S. axillaris. R.S. paniculata. R.S. buxifolia. R.s. cordata. R.S. orientalis. L.en. callosa. R.S. spicata. R.S. cylindrica. Rs. pubescens. H.K. pumila. R.S. excelsa. R.S. papillosa. R.s. atrata. R.S. 34 squarrosa. B.C. 35 australis. L.en. CRYPTANDRA. Sm. 1 australis. L.T. 2 ericifolia. L.T. 3 amara. L.T. COLLETIA. R.S. 1 obcordata. R.S. 2 serratifolia. r.s. POMADERRIS. Lab. 1 phylicefolia. B.c. rosmarinifolia. R.S. -RHAMNEACEE. GOUANIA. Chaw-stick. Mauritius. woolly-leaved. Lime-tree-ld. Polygamia Moneecia. L, W. Indies. Mauritius. W. Indies. E. Indies. 1739, «eee 1823. a@evd« 1810. 4. 6. Puy.ica.. Pentandria Monogynia.. L. Ceanothus? W endiandiana. R.s? 2 apetala. R.s. 3 elliptica. R.s. 4 acuminata. L.en. 5 lanigera. B.M. Ceanothus laniger. CEANOTHUS. RS. americanus. Ww. tardiflorus. R.S. microphyllus. ph. macrocarpus. W sanguineus. Ph. intermedius. Ph- perennis. Ph. asiaticus, W. azureus. B.R- coeruleus. Lag. 1@ africanus. Ww. 11 globulosus, H.K. WOMNA TT RW hw = A.R. CEANOTHUS. NewJerseyTea. late-flowering. small-leaved. large-capsuled. red-stalked. intermediate. perennial. Asiatic. blue. African. round-headed. Pentandria Menogynia. N.America. 1713. 7.8. —-——— 1812. 9. 10. — 1806. 6.7. New Spain. 1823. N.America. 1812. 5.7 — —— — 6.7. 1822, —— E.'Indies. 1691, New Spain. 1818. Le as oe 1712, 3.4. N.Holland. 1803. 4.5 See smooth-leaved. C. B.S. 1820. 3.5. G. Heath-leaved.’ -————._ 1790. 9.4. G. small-flowered. ———— -—— 4.7%. G. needle-leaved. ———— 1819. -—— G. lance-leaved. -——— 1790. 4.5. G. two-coloured. ————~ 1823. —— G. pale-flowered. ——~— 1774. 11.3. G. horned. ————— 1786. 5.9. G. beardless. ———-—— 1823. -— G, secund. -——— 1812, —— G. villous. ———-— 1790. —— G. hairy. ———— 1820. G. Pine-leaved. ———— 1789. 5.6. G. clustered. ———— 1790. 5.9. G. feathered.: —~——— 1752. 3.5. G. inrbricated. ——-—— 1801. 8.11. G. headed. — ~—_—— 1800. 5.8. G. Commelin’s. ~———~ —— G. reclined. ——— 1820. ——~— G. Rosemary-l4, ——_—— 1815. —— G. axillary-flow’r’d, 1812. 5.6. G. panicled. + 98 6° 6; Box-leaved. —-— 1759. 5.9. G. heart-leaved. ——-—— 1789. 5.6. G. oriental. ——_—— 1820. —— G. callous-leaved; --——-——~ 1774. 3.4. G. spiked. ——_ | _—- —— 11. 12. G. cylindrical. ———— +-++ 4,8. G. pubescent. ———— 1774. 2.4. G. dwarf. ——— 1820. -— G. tall. —— 3.5. G. _ papitlose. —_——- — — GG. black-downed. ———— —— ~—— G:; squarrose. ——- «- ——-_ — ——- G, southern. ———— 1812, -—— G. CRYPTANDRA. Pentandria Monogynia. R. bundle-leaved. N.S.W. 1821. 5.7. G. Heath-leaved. 1823. -—— G. bitter. wi wn, A Ge Gry CoLLeTIA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. obcordate. Peru. 1822. 5.7. Ge saw-leaved. nana 1823. G. POMADERRIs. Pentandria Monogynia. R. Phylica-leaved. N.S. W. 1810. 3.5. G. petalless. N.Holland. 1803. 5. 6. elliptic-leaved. — 1805. 4.7. loose-flowered. ——=—- 1816. —— woolly. ——-— 1806. —~ ° e SD SS ete oso a nnn nom mene 2299 o SH HHT CHRIST STH AHHH HSH HHH HHH SHS HHT TITS S. ( SIT ST ° e e * e ° ww. Jacq. amet. t. 179 fA C04 ~. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 98, 3 eo \ Bot. mag, 224. Spr. m. ber. 8. B. f. 1. Wendl. coll, t. 32.- — Breyn. cent. 18. t. 7. j 4 Rp Lam. ill. t. 127. f. 4, = Bot. reg. 711. Comm. przl. 63. t. 13 Wend. coll. 1. t. 6. Spr. m. ber. f. 4. i Wendi. coll. t. 26. Comm. rar, 62. t. r Lam, ill. t. 197. f. 3. | Wendl. coll. t.7. | Burm, afr. t. 44. f. 3. Wendl. coll. 111. t. 4. TP Sa Sea p- 5. t. 71. Lodd. Bot. cab. 36. Linn. trans. X.t.18.f. tare tet narra, ~ vo t. 18. Is Vent. h. cels, t. 92, Vent. choix. t. 15. ; Lodd. bot. cab. 120. Lab. nov. hol. 1. t. 8 1. t. 86. Bot. mag. 1823. Bot. mag. 1479. Cav. ic. 3. t. 276. Pluk. alm. t. 28. fii Cav. ic. 5. t. 440. f. Bot. reg. 291. Pluk. phyt. 126. f. Lab. nov. hol. 1. t. RHAMNEACES. 12 discolor. R.S. two-coloured, ———~— ——~ —— G.h. 13 nepalensis, F.1. Nepaul. Nepaual. 1823. ---- Hb. _ DALRYMPLEA. F.I. Datrymprea. Pentandria Monogynia. p | omifera. F.I. apple-bearing. Silhet. 1823. -+--- Sih. : LHAMNUS. R.S. BUCKTHORN. Pentandria Monogynia. L. | 1 catharticus. w. purging. England. wees 5.6. Heh. a | ; tinctorius. W.K. dyer’s. Hungary. 1823. —— H.h. | 8 saxatilis. L. rock. S. Europe. 1752. —— H.h. _ 4 infectorius. L. yellow-berried. ~—_———._ 1683. 6.7. H.h» | & oleoides. L. Olive-leaved. Spain. 1752. —— H-h.- 6 pubescens, R.s. pubescent, S. France. 1820. —— H.h. 7 buxifolius. R.s.- Box-leaved. S. Europe. —— —— H.h. 8 lycioides. w. Boxthorn-like. Spain. 1752. 9.12. Geh. | latifolius. broad-leaved. _ 9 theezans. w. Thea. ’ China. rere —— GL. 10 crenulatus. w. crenulate. Teneriffe. 1778. 3. G.h. 11 virgatus. F.1. slender. Nepaul. 1819. 4.5. Heh. _ 12 erythroxylon. r.s. red-wooded. Siberia. 1822. -—— H-h. ‘13 tetragonus. w. square-branch’d,C. B.S. 1816. -+-- Gh. 14 valentinus. w. Spanish. Spain. 1825. +--+: Heh. | pumilus C. non, W. ; : 15 cubensis. w. Cuba. Cuba. - 1824. «+. Sh. Ceanothus cubensis. Lam. 16 colubrinus. w. Bahamared-wood.Bahama. 1726. 6. Ceanothus colubrinus. P.S. 17 alpinus. w. Alpine. Switzerland.1752. 5.6. H.h. - 18 alnifolius. w. Alder-leaved, N.America.1778. —— H.h. 19 pumilus. w. dwarf. Carniola. 1752. 7. Heh. B rupestris. small. - 20 Frangula. w. berry-bearing. Britain. eoee 4.5. Hh. 21 latifolius. w. broad-leaved. Azores. 1778.. 7. H.h. 22 ellipticus. w. oval-leaved. Janmiaica, 1758. 8. S.h. Ceanothus reclinatus. P.s. _ 23 prinoides. w. Prinos-leaved, C. B.S. 1778. 8.9. G.h. _ 24 celtifolius. r.s. Celtis-leaved. ——— <-:++ —— G.h. _ 25 mystacinus. w. wiry. Africa. 4775. Lhe Sh! 26 hybridus, w. ’ hybrid. Hybrid. s--- 5.6. Heh. 27 glandulosus. w. Madeira. Canaries. 1785. 6.7. G.h. _ 28 Alaternus. w. Alaternus. S. Europe. 1629. 4.6. } a latifolius. broad-leaved. . | B balearicus. round-saw-l4d, ie hispanicus. Spanish. | -8 glaber. smooth-leaved. € integrifolius. entire-leaved, € maculatus. spot-leaved. | n aureo-marginatus. gold-striped. | J argenteus. silver-striped. 29 Clusii. r,s. natrow-leavd. -————- —— —— H.h. 30 integrifolius. pc. entire-leaved. New Spain. 1820. ---- S.hw | 31 lanceolatus. ph. spear-leaved. N.America.1812. 4.5. H.h. | | 32-longifolius. L.en. long-leaved, =e +++ eee: 1822. —— H.h. _. Willdenowiana. R.s. 33 microphyllus. r.s. small-leaved. Mexico. rooe Gihe aie PHUS. R.S. ZizypHus. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. | 1 Lotus. rs. Barbary. Africa. 1731. (««+- Geshe ij 2 mucronata. w.en. mucronate. Cc. B.S. 1820. ---- Gh. | bubalina, R.s. + 3 Oenoplia. r,s. oblique-leaved. Ceylon. sees ores ER. | 4 Jujuba. rs. blunt-leaved. E,Indies. 1759. 4.5. | 5 albens. r.1. white-fruited. China. 1822, -+> Gh. _ 6 Spina Christi. r.s. Christ’s-thorn. Egypt. weve 4,5, Gh. _ 7 Napeca. r,s. spotted-fruited. Ceylon. 1816. ---- S.h. _ 8 vulgaris. R.s. common. S. Europe. 1640. 8.9. | 9 nitida. ¥.1. shining. China. 1822. --+- G.h. | 10 Xylopyrus. R.s. cork-barked. E. Indies. —— ---:- LL ineurva. F.1. incurved. Nepaul. 1820. 5.6. F.h. | 12 flexuosa. F.1. flexuose. SE peciee bis! Bee; _ 13 sororia. R.S. pubescent-l4, E. Indies, 1823. --++« / 93 Vent. malm. t. 58. Eng. bot. 1629. W. et K. hung. ft. 255. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 53. Cav. ic. 2. t. 182. \ Pall. ross. 2. t. 62. Act.gorenck.1812.c.,ic. Cav. ic. 2. t. 181. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 49. 3. t. 50. Hall. helv.n, 823, t. 40. Jacq. coll. 2. t..11. Eng. bot. 250. Wats. dend. brit. t. 11. Brown. jam. t. 29. f. 2. L. Her. sert. ang. t.9. Burm. afr. 242, t. 88. Vent. malm. t. 34. C.h.mons. ined.t.16. Burnt. zeyl, 131. t. 6]. Rheed. mal. 4. t, 41. Pluk. alm. t. 197. f. 3. wines ty ZIG. L...G. Pall. ross. 2. t. 59. 94 OENOPLIA. RS. 1 lineata. R.s. Zizyphus lineatus. w. Rhamnus lineatus. L. 2 volubilis. r.s. Rhamnus volubilis. L. Zizyphus volubilis. w. PALIURUWS. R.S. 1 australis. R.s. - RHAMNEACES. OENOPIIA.: lined. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. China. 1804. -+++ Gh. 1714. twining. Carolina. CHRIST’s-THORN. Pentandria Trigynia. B.M. “Zizyphus Paliurus, B.M. 2 virgatus. D.P. PLECTRONIA. RS. ventosa. R.S. corymbosa. P.S. AUCUBA. W. japonica. w. MYGINDA., W. 1 latifolia. w. 2 Rhacoma. w. 3 uragoga. Ww. ILEX. R.S. 1 canadensis. R.s. Prinos lucidus. w. 2 salicifolia. r.s. 3 chinensis. p.m. 4 angustifolia. R.S. ° 5 myrtifolia. r,s. 6 vomitoria. R.s. ligustrina. Jacq: 7 Dahoon. R.s. 8 Cassine. R.s. 9 prinoides. R.s. 10 cassinoides. L.en. 11 paraguensis. L.P. 12 Perado. R.s. 13 crocea. R.s. 14 recurva. L.en. 15 opaca. R.S. 16 laxiflora. R.s. 17 balearica. L.en. 18 Aquifolium. R.s. B heterophylla. y crassifolia. d ferox. € echinata. Z flava. n albo-marginata. J aureo-marginata. t medio-picta. PRINOS. R.S. verticillatus. w. ambiguus. M. levigatus. Ph. lanceolatus. Ph. glaber. w. coriaceus. Ph, atomarius. N. prunifolius. Desf- ¥, a2aNtIanh wh = CELASTRUS. RS. 1 oleoides. r.s. common. S. Europe. 1596. 6.7. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1819. 8.9. H.h. PLEcTRONIA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. corymbed. C.B.S 1816. «2+ G.h. AvucuBA. Monecia Tetrandria. Japan. Japan. 1783.. 5.7. H.h. Myeinpna. Tetrandria Tetragynia. broad-leaved. W. Indies. 1795. 4.5. S.h. blunt-leaved.- Jamaica. 1798. +--+ S.h. saw-leaved. S. America. 1799. 8.9. Hotty. Tetrandria Tetragynia. L. Canadian. N.America. 1802. 4.5. H.h. Willow-leaved. Mauritius. 1818. —— S.h Chinese. China. 1810. —— G.h narrow-leaved. N.America. 1806. 5.6. F.h Myrtle-leaved. W. Indies. 1806. 7.8. S.h South Sea Tea. Florida. 1700, 6.7. G.h Dahoon. Carolina. 1726. 5.6. F.h. broad-l4. Dahoon. -— 8. F.h. deciduous. N.America. 1760. 7. H.h. Cassine-leaved. +---++«« 1820.. —— H.h. Paraguay Tea. Paraguay, ° 1823, -++- G.h. thick-leaved. Madeira. 1760. 4.5. F.h; African. C. B.S. 1794, 5.6. Gh. recurved-spined. ++:-<-+- eove 4.6. HOR. Carolina. Carolina. 1744. 5.6. F.h. loose-flowered. —— 1811. — F.h. Minorca. Minorca. 1815. —— common. Britain. sere 4.6. Hh. various-leaved. -- — e+e. —— Hh. thick-leaved. ——-——— ees —— Hh. hedge-hog. ——— +++ —— Hh. striped hedge-hog =——-——— so —— Hh. yellow-berried. ———— *s+-- —— H.h. white-margined. —M—-— «+++ -~— H.h. gold-edged. —-——- vere ——~- Hh. painted. ——— _ +--+» ——~— Hh. Winter-Berry. Hexandria Monogynia. L. _ deciduous. N.America. 1736. 7.8. H.h. * Carolina. ———_ 1812. —— Huh. smooth, —————_ — — Hh. scarlet-berry’d. Carolina. 1811. 6.7. evergreen. Canada. 1759. 7.8. H.h. leathery-leav’d. Georgia. 1820. 6.7. H.k. atomiferous. ————- —~- —— Hh. Plum-leaved. = swe ene — — H.k. ORDO LVITI. CELASTRINA. Brown. Pentandria Monogynia. L. C.B.S. 1823. 6:6. G.h. 8 STAFEF-TREE. Olive-leaved. 6.7. H.h.w. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 336, ° e e e ° Osb. it. 219. t. 7. fi Bot. mag. 1893. a 2535. 3 Burm. prod. afr. t. 94, Bot. mag. 1197. + | if Jacq. ic. 2.t.311. Jacq. amer. 24. t. 16. Mich. amer. 2. t.49. _ Jacq. coll. 4. t. 2. f. 2. Bot. mag. 2043. Wats. gtiee brit. t. . Jacq. ic. 2. ti 310. 3 Cat. car. 1.t. 31. Lamb. pin. ic. Me Meerb. ic. 2. t. 6. i Wats. dend. brit. t. oe Eng. bot. 496. Wats. dend. brit. t. 30, £i 29. t. 28. Wats. dend, brit. t. 27. 2 tricuspidatus. R.s. ,| | 3 lucidus. w. 4 bullatus. w. | 5 scandens. w. | 6 punctatus. R.s. 7 cassinoides. w. | 8 cernuus. Ww. 9 myrtifolius. w. 10 tetragonus. w. iL retusus, R.s. emarginatus. ‘2 linearis. R.s. 3 emarginatus. w. .4 cymosus, B.M. 5 buxifolius. w. 6 multiflorus. R.s. .7 pyracanthus. w. _ .8 octogonus. w. UONYMUS. L. P.$. Sa re ] | | : { i We ——2-.: Sh lhU Se hm eer eel thr ee-pointed. Cassine levigata, P.S. shining. scarlet-fruited. climbing. spotted-stalk’d. crenated. drooping. Myrtle-leaved. four-sided. notched. linear-leaved. emarginate. cymose. Box-leaved. many-flowered. red-fruited. angular-leaved. CELASTRIN&. 1816. 5.6. G.h. eter $7925, ALDICG ITC Virginia. 1759. 7. N.America. 1736. 5.6. H.h.v. Japan. 1816. ---- G, Canaries. 1779. .8.9. G. C. B.S. 1815. -+-- G. MVE Indies----- 6. 8JLiGshe C. B.S. 1816. -re. G. Peru. 1823. -«s2 Gb. Cc. B.S. Geceasen ha « eNO he: E. Indies. 1820. +--+ S.h. C. B.S. 1815. 6.8. Gh. ——— 1752. 5.8. G.h. Africa. 1816, —— G.h. C. B.S. 1752. 5.6. Goh. Peru. 1786. 10. 11. G. as x as" TAH AHA ASH A ASH TITS ST SIT TT se SPINDLE-TREE. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 japonicus. w. Japan. Japan. 1804, 6.8. G. europeus. w.. European. Britain. sees 5.7. H. verrucosus, Ww. warted. Austria. 1763. 5.6. H. latifolius. w. broad-leaved. S. Europe. 1730. 6.7. H. atropurpureus. w. dark-purple. N. Amer. 1756. —— H. americanus. w. evergreen. —— 1683. —— H. sarmentosus. N. sarmentose. 1823. —— H.h. obovatus, N obovate-leaved. —-—-— —— —— H. angustifolius. ph, narrow-leaved. -———— 1806. —— H. micranthus. p.p. = small-flowered. Nepaul. 1820. -++> H. 1 lacerus. p.p. torn-leaved. ———— ee 2“. .2 lucidus. p.p. shining-leaved. —— eo. HH. 3 grandiflorus. F.1. large-flowered. -——-——- 1823, ---- H. TAPHYLEA. W. BLADDER-NUT. Pentandria Trigynia. L. 1 pinnata. w. five-leaved. England. ---- - 6. H.h. 2 trifolia. w. three-leaved. N.America. 1640. 5.6. H. ' LEODENDRON.W. Otive-woop. Pentandria Matogyais 1 orientale. w. oriental. Madagascar.1771. «++. S.h. Rubentia olivina. Juss. 2 indicum, F.1. Indian. -Mauritius. 1823. «+ S, 3 glaucum. p.s. glaucous. Ceylon. 1823. +--+ S.h. ORTENSCHLAGIA. Tr. PoRTENSCHLAGIA. Pentandria Monogynia. | australis, Tr, New Holland. N.S.W. 1796. 6.8. G.h. Elaodendrum australe. Vent. Lamarckia dentata. Hort. ‘ASSINE. L. Casstne. Pentandria Trigynia. L. 1 capensis. w. Cape Phillyrea. C. B.S. 1629. 7.8 G.h. 2 Colpoon. w. Colpoon tree. ———— 1791. —— G.h. 3 barbara. w. tetragonal. ————- 1816. —- G.h. 4 Maurocenia. w. Hottentot cherry.__-——-. 1690. -—-- G.h. 5 zthiopica. R.s. Ethiopian. _ ———— —— eee —— Gh. 6 xylocarpa. v. bony-seeded. Antilles. 1816. —— S.h. 7 excelsa. F.1. tall. Nepaul. 1823. «++ Sh. ORDO LVIII. BRUNIACE. “INCONIA. RS. LinconiA. Pentandria Digynia. | 1 thymifolia. s.s. Thyme-leaved. C. B.S. 1825. «sos Gh. | | Brunia laxa. Th. _ 2 cuspidata. r.s. cuspidate. aa soe GR. ‘TAAVIA. R.S. Staavia. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 radiata. r,s. rayed. C. B.S. 1787. 5.6. G.h. clammy. 1793, 4.5. Gh. 2 giutinosa. Rs. 95 E’Her. stirp. 1. t. 25. H.h.W. Pluk. alm. t. 28. f. 5. Duham. arb. 1. t. 95. " L’Her. sert. ang. t. 10. Sloan. jam. 2.t. 193.f.1. Bot. mag. 2070. 2114. Bot. mag. 1167. Kempf. ic. t. 8. Eng. bot. 362. Schmidt. arb. t. 72. —— 1.74. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 120. Schmidt arb. t. 75. Eng. bot. 1560. Schmidt arb. t. 80, Jacq. ic. 1, t. 48. Gert. carp. 1. t. 57. Rottb.a.hay.T.2.t.4.f.l Vent. malm. 117. Burm. afr. t. 85. Mme i Ne t. 86. Dill. elt. t. 121. f. 147. Vent. choix. t. 23. Sw.mag.g.n.Ber.1v.t.4 —— V..p.284.t.7.f.1. Breyn. cent. t. 82. Lodd. bot, cab, 852. : : . Sige o10 om 96 - BRUNIA. RS. 1 levis. R.s. 2 nodiflora. R.s. deusta. R.s. lanuginosa. R.s. comosa. R.S. verticillata. R.s. squarrosa. R.S. ONDIA Tm eo paleacea. R.S, 10 abrotanoides. R.s. 11 microphylla. r.s. 12 plumosa. R.s. _, 13 phylicoides. ras. 14 superba. R.s. 15 fragarioides. R.s. 16 ciliata. R.s. 17 ericoides. R.s. 18 formosa. R.s? 19 macrocephala. s,s. ? BUMALDA. RS. trifolia. R.S. SAMYDE. Kth. Synops. 3. p. 291. SAMYDA. Kth. _1 glabrata. s.s. 2 villosa. s.s. 3 decurrens, s.s. -4 pubescens. s.s. 5 serrulata. s.s, 6 rosea. B.M. 7 nitida. s.s. 8 macrophylla. s.s. CASEARIA. Kth. 1 sylvestris. s.s. 2 parviflora. s.s. 3 serrulata. s.s. 4 glabra. H.B. 5 hirsuta..s.s. 6 zizyphoides. Kth. 7 arguta. Kth. alopecuroides. R.S. BRUNIACE, BruNIA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. sa smooth. - C. B.S. +1823. 5.75 Maas imbricated. ———_ 1786. 7.8. G.h. black-tipped. —-——— 1804. 6.8. G.h. woolly. ——— 1774. —— G.h. tufted. ——_—— 1823. —~ Gh. whorled. ——~ 1794. —~— Gh. squarrose. —— 1818. —— G.h. Fox-tail. 1816. 5.7. G.h. chaffy. 1791. 6.8. G.h. Thyme-leaved. -——-—— 1787. 5.7. G.h. small-leaved. —-—— 1804. 6.8. G.h. feathered. en 1822. —— G.h. Phylica-leaved. — — Gh. superb. —— i791. — Gh. Strawberry-like. — 1794. 5.7%. Gh. fringed. ——-— 1812. —— Gh. Heath-leaved. — — Gh. handsome. ——-—— 1812. —— G.h. large-headed. §=£=———— —— G.h. BuMmALpDA. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. three-leaved, Japan. 1812. 6.9. G.h. ORDO LIX. Samypa. Decandria Monogynia. S.S. ‘Wendl. coll. t. 21. TL t. 45. - Wendl. coll. 11. t. 5 > . £2 tae Saet ee smooth. Jamaica. 1818. 5.8. S.h. villous. ——_ — — S.h. AF deeurrent. -- Brazil. 1822, —— S.h. 4 pubescent. W. Indies. 1793. —— S.h. : saw-leaved. —— +, 1723. 758,.,Sufae Jacq. col. 2.4.40 rose-coloured. |——-—— 1793. 6.7, S.h. Bot.mag.550. serrulata. A.R. 202. nec aliorum. : glossy-leaved. Jamaica. — -—— S.h. Br. jam, 217. t. 23. f.: Jarge-leaved. E. Indies. 1823. eo++ Sih. | i= CaAsEARIA. Decandria Monogynia, S.S. 7 wood. Jamaica..- 1823, ---- S.h. OF small-flowered. W. Indies, 1818. 5.7. S.h. ‘Sloan.hist.2.t.211.f serrulate. ———- ——- —— S.h. 5 . | smooth. E. Indies. 1820. -—- S.h. ; hairy. W. Indies, ——- -+«+ Sch. € Zizyphus-like. Caracas, 1824, »2s» S.b. : | - sharp-toothed. Mexico. ——- see Sh. t ORDO LX. JUGLANDEA. DC. theor. ed. 1. p. 215. JUGLANS. N. 1 regia. w. B maxima. P.s. . y serotina. P.S. 2 nigra. w. WALNUT-TREE. Moncecia Polyandria. L. common. Persia. 1562. 4.5. H.h. double fruited. ——- — H.h. late-fruited. —_—_ -—— — H.h. black. N. Amer. 1629, -—— H.h. Wats. dend, brit,t15 gakeeiy Lam. ill. t..781.. ee er Pe ey en a ee he WAST) aan 3 : sre a ae JUGLANDER. _ | 97 3 cinerea. w. shell-bark. ee 1656.» — Hb. —— 1.1, 192. cathartica. Michaux. arb. 1.t. 2. ; | 4 fraxinifolia. tam. © Ash-leaved. Pte ee Satie Hy dyn \ARYA. Nutt. Hickory-nutT. ©Monecia Tetrandria. ‘1 oliveformis. xn... Olive-fruited. N.America. --»- 4.5. H.h. Mich. arb. 1.t.3 2 angustifolia. H.K. warrow-leaved. ————— 1766. ——~ H.h. 3 sulcata. N. channelled.. ————— 1804. -+~— H.h. Mich. arb... t.8 4 alba. nN. _white. ss - «+1730. 4.5, Hh. Mich. arb. 1.t.7. Juglans compressa. w. — ae : 5 tomentosa. N. tomentose. ——— 1629. -— Hh. —-——Lt6. Juglans alba. w. a4 ; . 6 pubescens. pubéscent. == ——+—— ++-s —— Huh. L Juglans pubescens. L.en. 7 microcarpa. N. ‘small-fruited. ————— 1824. «--- H.h. | $ amara. N. bitter. ———— 1800, 5. H.h. | 9 obcordata. - obcordate. ———— 1812, —-—.H.h. Mich. arb.1.t.9.f. 3-4, ‘LO glabra. smooth-leaved. ———— 1799. -—- H.h — 1. t. 9. f. 1-2, ORDO LXI. CASSUVLA. Brown. ik NACARDIUM. Ww. oo eee ‘Enneandria Monogynia. L. 1 occidentale. w. common. India. 1599. -««e~ S.h. Catesb., car, 3. t.9, _ Cassuvium pomiferum. Lam. 2 dubium. as. doubtful. FE. Indies. 1824, «++. S.h. EMECARPUS. R.S. Semecarpus. Pentandria Trigynia. L. -Anacardium. r.s« long-leaved. EE. Indies. 1820. ---- S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 12. _ Anacardium longifolium. Lam. MANGIFERA, R.S. Maneo-rree. Monandria Monogynia. R.S. | indica. R.s. common. E. Indies. 1690. 6.9. S.h. Andr. rep. 425. 2 ey velia. F.I. Opposite-leav’'d. ————— 1823. ++-- Sih. ‘HUS. Sumacn. Pentandria Trigynia. L. — 1 et R.S. Elm-leaved. S. Europe. 1596. 7. H.h. Flor. grec. t. 290, 2 typhina. r.s. - Virginian. N.America, 1629. 7.8. H.h. Wats. dend. t. 17. mas. a arborescens. R.S. arborescent. — — — H. _ t. 18. fem. B frutescens. r,s. — frutescent. —_- —— —— H. | 3 javanica. R.s. Java. © Java. 1799. 7.9. S. 4 semialata. r.s. . Service-leaved. Macao. 1780. ——- Murr. com. got. vt. t.3. fe 6 viridiflora. R.S. green-flower’d. N.America, --- 6 glabra. R.s. smooth. — — 1726, 7.9. . Wats. dend. t. 15. 7 elegans. r,s. scarlet-flowr’d. —-—~——- --—-, - ——— ee t. 16. 8 Vernix. R.s. varnish. —-—— 1713. —~ H. — t 19. ° e 9 Kempferi.. Chinese varnish. China. coos a Kemp. ameen. t. 792. _ Rhus Vernia. Th. nec Ph. * 10 Amela. p.p. large-leaved. Nepaul. 1823, +--+. 11 jaglandifolia, p.p. Walnut-leaved. 7 12 fraxinifolia. p.p. ~ Ash-leaved. © ——--—- —— —— ss betas owe eo LAROMH OM MMS 13 parviflora. u.B. — small- flowered. — 1824, <>: ; t4 succedanea. R.s, red Lac. - China. 1768. 6. . Kenip. ameen. t. 795. 15 copallina..r.s. Lentiseus-14. . N.America. 1688. 8. 9. . Jacq. scheen. 3, t, 341. 16 alata. r.s. winged-leaved. C. B.S. 1818, -+:.» Gh. , (7 paucifiora.r.s.* — few-flowered. ati Pe tee GY, 18 pumila. r.s. dwarf poisonous. N.America. 1806. 7. H. 19 digitata. R.s. fingered. C.B.S. 1818. --:: Géhic. * obliqua. R.s. * oblique- leaved s(n Ow OEE 1 pentaphylla. r.s. various-leaved. Barbary. 1816. ---- G. 22 chinensis. Mill. Chinese. China. 1740. ««>+ G. 23 cirrhiflora. r.s. _ tendril-flow’r’d. C. B.S. 1825. --++ G.h.v. ‘24 Thunbergiana. r.s. Thunberg’s. — 1697. 7.8. G. 5 glauca. r.s. glaucons. —__— — 1818.. —— G. 26 tridentata. r.s. three-toothed. ——--—- -—— <::: G. HIAS ISAS HOH SSIS SS SHIT SSS SS eS : ~-Schuhr. hand, 1. t.82. red re 7 Toxicodendron. N. Paicon oak, N.America. 1640. 6, 7. O ST OT I III EI I Le I radicans. Nn. crenata. R.S. dentata. R.s. sinuata. R.S. cuneifolia. R.s. dimidiata. R.s. dissecta. R.S. incisa. R.S. tomentosa. R.S. villosa. R.S. spicata. R.S. pubescens. R.s. mucronata, R.s. viminalis. R.s. erosa. R.S. lancea. R.s. angustifolia. R.s. rosmarinifolia. r.s. undulata. R.s. levigata. R.s. elongata. Jacq: elliptica. R.s. pendulina. R.s. lucida. R.s. 51 concinna., B.T. 52 nervosa. R.S. 53 pyroides. B.T. 64 oxyacanthoides.R.s. 55 tridactylis. B.T. 56 heterophylla. R.s. 57 serrefolia. B.T. _ 58 zizyphina. R.s. 59 Cotinus. R.s. LOBADIUM. Raf. 1 aromaticum. Rhus aromatica. R.s. 2 suaveolens. 48 49 50 rooting. crenated. rough-stalked. sinuated. wedge-leaved. variable-14, dissected-ld. cut-leaved. woolly-leaved. villous-leaved. spiked. pubescent. mucronate. Willow-leaved. erose-leaved. lance-leaved. narrow-leaved. Rosemary-l4. wave-leaved. polished-14, - elliptic-leaved. pendulous. shining-leaved. pretty. nerved-leaved. Pyrus-like. Hawthorn-like. three-fingered. various-leaved. saw-leaved. Zizyphus-like. Venice. LOBADIUM. aromatic. Schmaltzia aromatica. Desv. sweet. CASSUVLE. Schmaltzia suaveolens. Desv. Rhus suaveolens. R.S. BUCHANANIA.H.B. 1 latifolia. H.B. 2 angustifolia. s.s. AMYRIS. W. 1 polygama. s.s. Schinus dependens. 1 Lunani. s.s. brasiliensis. s.s. sylvatica. s.s. balsamifera. s.s. Agallocha. H.B. acuminata. H.B. heptaphylla. 1.3. nana. H.B. 10 punctata. H.B. SCHINUS. W. 1 Molle. w. 2 dentata. A.R. 3 virgata. CONaar wd BUCHANANIA. broad-leaved. narrow-leaved. 1724. 2 ae H. C.B.S. | -+-5 —— G. ———— 1798. —— G. eer aa 1818. ee G. —-— 1816. — G. — — G. — — G. —— 1789. —— G. ——— 1691. — G ————_ 1714. 7. - G: ——— 1816. — G. maine he Mee heer ————._ 1825. o«-- G. intent ATTA, VG, —— 1816. —— G. _—_———- — — GG. —— 1714. — G. — —-— 1800. ——G —-— 1818. ——G —-— 1753. — G. —— 1816. — G. ——— _ _ -—— + — G: ——— 1697. 7.8. G. ———— 1816. —— G. eens tts AS aah oe ee ae —— 1816. — G. Africa. 1823. seoe G, C. B.S. 1816. +--+. G. atol os 6.8. Gi Cc. B.S. — — G. Sicily. -—— «e-- G, S. Europe. 1656. 6.7. H. Pentandria Trigynia. N.America. 1772. 5. Hz. — 1759. —— H. Decandria Monogynia. E. Indies. 1820. «+++ S. = eee fs sles Se ORDO LXII. AMYRIDEZE Brown. Amyris. Octandria Monogynia. L. simple-leaved. Chili. 1790. 6. 7. Be Lunan’s. Jamaica. teee Brazilian. Brazil. 1822. —— wood. Carthagena. 1793. —— Balsam. W. Indies. 1800. —— hill. E. Indies. 1820. --... acuminate. — 1622, .... seven-leaved, ——————- §s ———- eee, dwarf. — 1824. -«.«. dotted. -—-—— I1818. «o.. Scuinus. Dicecia Decandria. L. Mastick tree. Peru. 1597. 7.8. tooth-leaved. | Owhyhee; 1795. 5.7. slender. Lima. 1822, -s»» a PAAR hn wo cn ° e A EL Eo aE aE Bea ar BS a OL? OE BE Ea a> AP BP Be bP a se e ° es e ° e e e a e ° e e e e ° ° ee ° re NOS SS ae Sat ro. Ot e «. Bot. mag. 1806. es Pluk. alm, t. 219. £8 Jacq. schann. 3. t. 344, Pluk. alm. t. 219. f.6, Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 346. —— — 3. t. 345. Cav. ic. 2, t. 132. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 210. Turp. ann.mus.v.t.30, Cav. ic. 3. t. 239. | 7 Jacq.amer. pict. t.18! Sloan. jam. t. 168. f.4 Mill. ic. 2. t. 246. Bot. rep. 620. 2OUPARTIA., J. _ borbonica. p.s. JURSERA. L. 1 gummifera. 1. 2 serrata. Roxb. -_ ONNARUS. W. 1 paniculatus. u.B. '2 nitidus. u.n. | 3 africanus. w. NESTIS. J. 1 glabra. w. 2 polyphylla, w NEORUM. L. | 1 tricoccum. w. OMOCLADIA. L. ‘1 integrifolia. w '2 dentata. w. 3 ilicifolia. w. ANARIUM. A.B. 1 commune, w. 2 Pimela. A.p. OSWELLIA. H.B. ‘1 thurifera. u.p. 2 gilaber. H.B. ARUGA. R.C. pinnata. R.c. ODDALIA. J. 1 aculeata. p.s. asiatica. R.S 2 paniculata. r.s. mermis. P.S. PATHELIA. W. _ simplex. w. ISTACIA. W. i officinarum. H.K. Mas. Py trifolia, Ww Fem. P. vera. Ww. 2 reticulata. w. ir Terebinthus. w 4 atlantica. w. 5 Lentiscus. w. _ B massiliensis. ?ONDIAS. Ww. ih Mombin. w. | \ j | : 2 pulverulentum. v. | Myrobalanus. jsacq. AMYRIDE, PouPARTIA. Decandria Pentagynia. P.S. Bourbon. Bourbon. 1824. ---- Bursera. Polygamia Diecia. L. Jamaica. W. Indies. 1690. ---» S.h. _ Saw-leaved. E. Indies. 1818. «+++ S.h. ORDO LXIII. CONNARACEZ. Brown. ConNaARus. Monadelphia Decandria. panicled. Chittagong. 1824. ---+ S.h. glossy. Silhet. race kitteiecate FUL, a African. Sierra Leon.1822. +--+. S.h. Cnestis. Decandria Pentagynia. smooth. Mauritius, 1824. +--+. Sih. many-leaved. Madagascar, —— «++. S.h. ORDO LXIV. . TEREBINTHACEA. Juss. gen. Wipow-waiL. Triandria Monogynia, L. smooth. S. Europe. 1793. 4.9. F.h. powdered. Teneriffe. 1820. —— F.h. ComociabDiA. Triandria Monogynia. L. entire-leaved. Jamaica, 1778. 7.9. S.h. tooth-leaved. W.Indies. 1790. ——- S.h. Holly-leaved. Caribees. 1789. —— S.k. CanARiuM. Diccia Hexandria. common, Moluccas. 1821. -+** S.b. Chinese. China. 1823. - BosweELuia. Decandria Monogynia. Olibanum tree. Coromandel.1816. +--+. S.h. smooth. ———— 1824. +... S.h. GARUGA. Decandria Monogynia. winged-leaved. E.Indies. 1808. -*-- ToppaLIA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. prickly. E. Indies. 1790. 6.8. S.h. Scopoliaaculeata. w panicled. I. of France.]824. +--+ S.h. Scopolia paniculata. s.s. SPATHELIA. Pentandria Trigynia. L. Sumach-leav’d. Jamaica. 1778. 4.6. PISTACHIA TREE. Diccia Pentandria. L. officinal. Levant. ' 1570. 4.5. H.h. male- flowered. — female. —_——_—- -——- -——- Ss - netted-leaved. Levant. 1752. —— H.h. turpentine. S. Europe. 1656. 6.7. H.h. Atlantic. Barbary. 1790. -+-- G.h. Mastick-tree. S. Europe. 1664. 5.6. narrow-leaved. HoG-PLumM. flat-stemmed. Decandria Pentagynia. L. W.. Indies. 1817. O 2 @eern Jacq. amer. t. 65. Cav. dis. 7. t. 221. Lam. ill, t. 887. f. 2. 368. Lam. il]. t. 27. Vent. cels. t. 77. ‘ SI. jam. 2. t. 222. f. 1. Jacq.-am.13. t.173. f.4. Lam. ill. t. 27. f. 2. Rumph, amb. 2. t. 47. Ann, Bot.1. t.7. f. 2. Roxb. cor, 3. t. 208. Rheed. mal, 5. t. 41. Lam. ill. t. 139. f. 2. Bot. reg. 670. Lam. ill. t. 218. Bocc. mus, t. 93. Rauw. it. 72. t. 9. Bot. mag. 1967. Jacq. amer. 139. t. 88. 100 TEREBINTHACEA:. 2 Myrobalanus. w. yellow. —-— 1739. 6.8. S.h. Mombin. Jacq: 3 dulcis. w. Otaheite apple. SocietyIsles.1793. —— ‘ -4 axillaris. H.B. axillary. Nepaul. 1824, -+-. Sih. 5 mangifera. w. Mango bearing. E. Indies. 1818. -«+- S.h. 6 acuminata. H.B. taper-pointed. Malabar. 1824. AILANTHUS. W. AILANTHUs. Polygamia Monecia. L. An DH PRMD SIH FT THT 1 glandulosa. w. Chinese. China, 1751. 8. : 2 excelsa. Ww. | Indian. E. Indies. 1800. ---+ S.h. BRUCEA.S.S. BrucgEa. Tetrandria Tetragynia. F.I. 1 ferruginea. 8.8, rusty. Abyssinia. 1775. 4. 5. 2 sumatrana. F.I. Sumatra. Sumatra. 1822. —— . 3 trichotoma. s.s. trichotomous. China. —_ — é BRUNELIA.S.S. BRUNELIA. — Dodecandria Pentagynia. inermis. R.P. _ various-leaved. Peru. 1823, «-+- G.h. ? PTELEA. W. SHRUBBY-TREFOIL. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. trifoliata. w. three-leaved. N.America.1704. 6.7. H.h. ees. ORDO LXV. LEGUMINOSAE. Juss. gen. 345. SuBorRpDO f.. MIMOSHEA. Brown. Roxb. cor. 1.1.23. Merian. surin. t CE. wl Lam. ill. t.384, Wats.dend. brit. .10. : Bruce’s tr. 5. p. 69. : Schm. arb. 2. t. 76. Beer pitti cee ics 1 SBE ml aes - a Smear aha, MIMOSA. W. SENSITIVE-PLANT. Octandria Monogynia. §.S, 1 viva. s.s. lively. Jamaica. 1739. 7.9. S.2. - Slo. jam.2. t. 182. 2 casta. s.s. chaste. E. Indies. 1741. 7. S.h. Comm. hort. 1. t. 28, 3 floribunda, s.s. many-flowered. Caracas. 1824. 6.7. S.h. : | 4 sensitiva. 8.s. true. Brazil. 1648. 4.9. S.h. Bot. reg. 25. 4h 5 obtusifolia. w.en. blunt-leaved. eee ESIC. Bh. 4 6 strigosa. s.s. strigose, S. America, 1822. ——- 8.h. eS 7 pudibunda. s.s. fringe-stipuled. Brazil. — —— Sh. a | 8 pudica. s.s. Humble plant. ~—--—— 1638. -—~—- S.h. And. pellet 544. x | 9 polystachya.s.s. many-spiked. W. Indies. 1816. —— S.h. eo 10 armata. 5.5. close-spined. —E. Indies. 1820. —— S.h. ae 11 rubicaulis. 5.8. Bramble-stalk’d, ————— 1799. 6.7. S.h. Roxb. cor. 2. t.200, | octandra. R. spinosiliqua. Rottler. ee 12 asperata. 8.5. various-spined. W. Indies. 1622. -—— S.h. : . 13 pigra. L. straight-spined. Vera Cruz, 1733. --— S.h. Mill. ic. 2. t. 182.4 14 abstergens. s.s. spotted-stalk’d. E. Indies. -1818. —— S.h. " 15 concinna. w. neat. — 1794. «+s» She. 16 lJatispinosa. s.&. flat-spined. Madagascar.1822. +--+» S.h. 17 Barclayana. Mr. Barclay’s. — eee SL. 18 hispida. s.s. hispid. Caracas. 1824. «++. S.h. pe 19 brasiliensis. s.s. Brazilian. * Brazil. —— sess Sih. 20 ferruginea. s.s. ferruginous. E. Indies. 1818. 6.7. S.h. SCHRANKIA. W. ScHRANKIA. Octandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 aculeata. s.s. prickly. VeraCruz, 1733. 7.8. S.%. Mill. ic. 2. t. 189. f 2 uncinata. s.s. hooked. N.America. 1789. -—- H.%. Vent. choix, 28, ENTADA. 8.8. Enrapsa. Decandria Monogynia. §.S. ; 1 Parrana. s.s. climbing. India. 1780. -+-« S.h. - Rheed. mal. 8.t. | Acacia scandens. w. Mimosa scandens, t. 2 Rheedii. s.s. Rheed’s. E. Indies; -—— - Mimosa Entada. w. DESMANTHUS. W. DeEsmantruus. Decandria Monogynia. S.S, 1 lacustris. s.s. marsh, S. America. 1823. 6.8. S. 2 natans. s,s. floating. China. 1800. 7.9. S. O. 3 triquetrus. s.s. triquetrous. E. Indies. 1823. —— S.©. A plenus..s.s. double yellow. WVeraCruz. 1733. —— Syl 5 diffusus. s.s. prostrate. W. Indies. 1731. —— S.h. ’ § virgatus. s.S. twiggy. ——— 1774. ——~ S.h rt Siw ee TT. a Andr, reposit. 629. | Pluk. alm. t. 307. f£.2: Jacq. vind, 1. t, 80. * LEGUMINOSAE 101 7 punctatus. s.s. spotted-stalk’d. Jamaica. 1636. —— §8.¢. Comm. hort.1. t.81. 8 cinereus. w. - Ash-coleured. E. Indies. 1739. 6.7. S.h. Roxb. cor. 2. t. 174. Mimosa cinerea. R.C. : 9 divergens. w.en. prickly. Abyssinia. i816. -—~- S.h. _ 'ROSOPIS. S.S. Prosopis. Decandria Monogynia. S.S. _ 1 spicigera. s.s. eatable podd’d. E. Indies. 1812. 6.7. . Roxb. cor. 1. t. 63. 2 cumanensis. s.s. Cumana. Cumana. 1824. ---- S.h. ; Acacia cumanensis. w. \ 3 dulcis. s.s. sweet-podded. S. America, —~ +++: S.h. _~ edulis. w. NGA. W. - Inca. Polygamia Monecia. W. 1 microphylla. w.en. smali-leaved. Cumana. 1815. «+++ Sih. 2 dulcis. w. Sappan fruit. E. Indies. 1800. 5.7. S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t.99. Mimosa dulcis. r.c. - 3 Unguis-Cati. w. four-leaved. W. Indies. 1690. 4.6. S.k. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 392. 4 bigemina. w. two-paired. E. Indies. 1823. -+-- Rheed. mal. 6. t, 12. 5 foetida. w. strong-smelling. W. Indies. 1818, ++-- S.h. Jacq. schoen.3. t. 390. 6 tergemina. w. three-paired. Martinica. -——- +++. §. Jacq. amer. t.177.f.81. 7 vera. w. common. ——— 1739. 7.8. S.h. Sloan. j. 2. t. 183. f.1. (8 rhoifolia. wen. villous. Brazil. 1815, «+e. §, 9 spuria. w. spurious, Brazil. 1823. +--+ 8. 10 alba. w. white. E. Indies. 1804. 7.8. S. + (1 quassizfolia. w. Quassia-leaved. Brazil. 1820. «+... S. ) 2 fastuosa. w. villous-flow’1’d. Caracas. —— «ses Sh... Jacq. frag. p. 15. t. 10. _ Mimosa fastuosa. jacq. ‘3 marginata. w. Beech-leaved. W. Indies. 1752. -— S. Pluk, alm. t. 141. f. 2. l4 nodosa. w. _ knobbed. Ceylon. 1690. —— ~-—~——t.211.f.5. 15 punctata. w. spotted-branch’d.Caracas. 1818. +--- §, Jacq. amer, t. 164. Mimosa fagifolia. Jacq. : ie laurina, w. Laurel-leaved. W.Indies. —— --++ S.h. \7 latifolia. w. broad-leaved. W. Indies. 1768. 3.4. S.h. Plum. ic. t.9. 18 biglobosa. w. double-headed. Guinea. 1822, ---- S. Jacq.amer. t.179. f.87. (9 purpurea. w. Soldier-wood. W. Indies. 1733. 3.4. S.h. Bot. reg. 129, _ Mimosa purpurea. a.r. 372. 20 circinalis. w. spiral-podded. ——--—— 1726. -->- Plum. ic. t.5. 21 comosa. w. tufted. Jamaica. 1820. ---- -CACIA. Ww. Acacta. Polygamia Monecia. W. 1 verticillata. w. whorl-leaved. V.Diem.Isl.1780. 3.5. G. Bot. mag. 110. _2 juniperina. w. Juniper-leav’'d. N.S.W. 1790. 3.6. . Vent. malm. 64. ulicina. S.P.— | 3 genistifolia. Len. | Genista-leav’d. N. Holland. 1820. —— A taxifolia. w. Yew-leaved. China. —=S _5 micracantha. c.c. small-spined. | N.Holland. 1622, —— 6 pugioniformis. w.a. needle-leaved. N.S. W. 1796. —— SS SSS SS SSS SSS STs sao PIA IH HHI TT as dodoneifolia. w.en- 28 longifolia. w. long-leaved. pn Bai sccveraie ai Ss. Ss. G G. G G. I. G | acicularis. H.K. non. W. 7 sulcata. H.K. ‘furrow’d-leav’d. N.Holland. 1803. 6.8. G.h. Bot. reg.ic. 8 canaliculata.c.c. glancous-furrow’4. — 1823. —— IL.h. 9 calamifolia. c.c. quill-leaved. N.S. W. 1822. 1.12. G.h. Bot. reg. 839. 10 diffusa. B.r. spreading. —— 3.6. Gh. —~-— 634. | prostrata. B.C. 631. 11 lunata. B.c. Iunate-leaved. V.Diem.Is].1816. ——- G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 384. 12 suaveolens, w. sweet-scented. N.S.W. 1790. 2.6. G.h. * )13 angustifolia. w.a. narrow-leaved. See mae an OF Jacq. schoen. 3. t, 391. 14 crassiuscula. w.a._ thick-leaved. ——- 1803. —— G, Wend. ac, 31. t. 8. 15 glancescens: w.en. glaucescent. ———— 1790. G. Willd. hort. ber. t.10!. 16 floribunda. w. many-flowered. ————— 1796. 5.6. G.h. Vent. choix. 13. 17 mucronata. w.A. mucronate. ——-—— 1812. 9.1. G.h. Wend. ac. 46. t.12. 1g uncinata. c.c. hooked-leaved, N.Holland. 1823. —— G.h. 19 longissima. w.a. _ long linear-ld. N.S. W. 1812. 8.12. G.h. Botan. regis. 680. 20 linifolia. w. * Flax-leaved. — 1790. 3.6. G.h. Bot. mag. 2168. 21 abietina. w. Fir-leaved. —_——_- —- _ — G. 22 linearis. p.m, linear-leaved, ein 1812, —— G.h. Bot. mag. 2156. 23 leucophylla. c.c. | white-leaved. N. Holland. 1820. —— I.h. (24 eochlearis. Lab. spoon-leaved. — —— —— Gh. Lab. nov, holl. c. ic. 25 Saligna. Lab. Willow-leaved. ————— ——~— -—— Gh. ——~-———- Cc. ie. 26 stricta.w. ~ upright. N.S.W. 1790. 2.5. G.h. Bot. mag. 1121. \27 viscosa. w.a. _ clammy. ——-— 1818. 5.6. G.h. Wend. ac. 30. t.7. G. Andr. repos. 207. e ; 102 LEGUMINOSA, 29 heteromalia, broad woolly-la. N. Holland. 1822. —— Ih. ut § 30 falcata. w. sickle-leaved. N.S.W. 1790. 5.6. G.k. Wend. ac. 20. t. 14. 31 platyphylla. broad-leaved. N. Holland. 1822. ---. Lh. 82 Richardsoni. Richardson’s.. ———~ —— 1&8 Lh. 33 laurifolia. w. Laurel-leaved. Tanna. 1775. -ee+ Sih. 34 melanoxylon. H.K. black-wooded. V.Diem.Isl. 1808. 4.6. G.h. Bot. mag. 1659. 35 Sophore. H.K. Sophora-podd’d, ———— 1805. —— G.h. Lab. nov. holl. 2. t.237. 36 marginata. H.K. marginate. N.S. W. 1803. —— G.h. Wend. ac. 19.t.5. A. 37 myrtifolia. w. Myrtle-leaved. ————. 1789. 2.5. G.h. Bot. mag. 302. 38 hispidula. w. little harsh, ——-~— 1794. 4.5. G.h. Sm. n.holl. 53. t. 16. | 39 vestita. B.R. clothed. N.'Holland. 1820. 3.6. G.h. Botan. regis. t..698. 9 40 decipiens. H.K. paradoxical. 1803. —— G.h. Bot. mag.1745. — 41 biflora. w.K. two-flowered. — — Gk. : 42 undulata. BR. wave-leaved. ———— 1818. —— G.h. Botan. regis, t. 843. 43 affinis, related. ———— 1822. —— Gh. ; 44 hybrida. Whitley’s mule. Hybrid. — — G.h. 45 armata. H.K. armed. N. Holland. 1803. 4.6. G.h. Bot. mag. 1653. 46 alata. H.K. wing-stalked. ——--—- *—— 4.7. G.h. Botan. regist. 396. 47 heterophylla.w. various-leaved. Bourbon. 1820. +--. S.h. 48 xylocarpa. w. woody-podded. E. Indies. 1822. +++» §.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t.100. 49 diptera. ween. two-winged. ~§8.Americas ——- --++ S.h. 1 50 cassioides. w.en- Cassia like. ——- ss ——_ «+> Suh. 51 reticulata. w. netted. C. B.S. 1816. 4.7. I.h. Pluk, alm. 8. t.123. f.2. 52 strombulifera. w. twisted podded. Peru. 1823. «e+ Gh. 53 pulchella. H.x. zigzag spiny. N.Holland.1803. 4.7. G.h« Lodd. bot. cab. 212. 54 strigosa. L.en. ciliate winged. — — 3.6. Gh. ciliata. H.K. nec aliorum. 55 nigricans. H.K. unequal-wing’d. ——-—— .—— 5.7. G.h. Bot. mag. 2188. - 56 cumanensis. w. Cumana. Cumana. 1823. -+e+- S.h, 57 lucida. 4.8. glossy. E. Indies. 1816. «+++ S.h. 58 Sirissa. H.B. . Shireesh. —— —— cre Sh. ‘ 59 guianensis. w. Guiana. Cayenne. 1803. +--+: S.h. Aub. gui. 2. t. 357. 60 tamariscina. w. Tamarisk-like. Mauritius. 1824. «++- §.). Pluk. mant.1.t.329.f.3. 61 Houstoni. w. Houstoun’s. Vera Cruz. 1729. 9.11. S.k. Botan. regis. 98. Anneslia falcifolia. §.P. 64, . 62 chrysostachys. golden-spiked. Mauritins. 1823. ---+ S.k. % 63 trichodes. w. warted-stalked. Caracas. 1824. «++. S.h. Jacq. schon. 8. t.394. - 64 procera. w. lofty. Coromandel. —— e+ S.h. Roxb. cor. 2. t.121, © 65 odoratissima, w. fragrant. ——-—— 1790. 4.6. S.h. M—— 2.t.120. 66 venusta. w.en- charming. S. America. 1816. ---+ S.h. 67 arborea. w. tree. Jamaica. 1768. «--- S.h. Pluk. alm.6.t. 251. fi 68 Julibrissin. w. smooth tree. Levant. 1745. 8. H.h. Scop. insub.1. t.8. 69 speciosa. w. splendid. E. Indies. 1742. 8.9. S.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 198. 70 elata. u.3B. tall. Bengal. 1820. -«--+ S.k. 71 Kalkora. u.B. large. E. Indies. —— e+ S.h. 72 Lebbeck. w. Egyptian. Egypt. coves eee+ Gh. Pluk. mant.2.f. 1. 73 vaga. w. Brazilian. Brazil. 1823. +--+ S.h. 74 latisiliqua. w. broad-podded. W. Indies. 1777. 3.6. S.h. Plum. ic. 3. t. 6. 75 discolor. w. two-coloured. N.S.W. 1788. -—— G.h. Andr, repos. 235. 4 Mimosa botrycephala. v.c. t. 1. = 76 caracasana. Ww. Caracas. Caracas. 1823. -:++ S.h. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 632. y 77 amara. H.B. bitter. Coromandel.—— ++++ S.h. Roxb. cor,2,t.122, 78 Smithiana. u.p. —‘ Smith’s. Silhet. ti site ae ge 79 semicordata. u.B. semicordate. E. Indies. -—— +++ S.h. : 80 lencocephala. L.en. white-headed. S. America. 1818. 4.6. 5S.h. 81 portericensis. w. Portorico. Portorico. 1820. +++» S.h. Jacq. ic.3. t. 633. - 82 tetragona. w. tetragonal. Caracas, 1822, -++- S.h. 83 lophantha. w. two-spiked. N.Holland. 1803. 5.7. G.k. Botan. regist. 361. Mimosa elegans. A.R. 563. 84 pubescens. H.K. hairy-stemmed. N.S. W. 1790. 3.6. Bot. mag. 1263. 85 brachyloba. w. Illinois. N.America. 1803. 9. 10. H.2. 86 glandulosa. w. glandulous. —- 1806. -——- F.h. Vent. choix. t. 27. 87 mollissima. w.en. — soft-leaved. N. S.-W... : 1818. | $. 6.) Gatgae - 88 dealbata. L.en. white-leaved. ——- —- — Gh. Botan. regist. 371. decurrens B mollis. B.R. 89 decurrens. w. decurrent. —— 1790. 5.7. Vent. malm. 61. 90 quadrangularis.L.en. quadrangular. +«*++++++ 1816. —— S.h. gl pernambuca. P.s. slothful. W.Indies. 1786. 7.8. S.h. Pluk. alm. t. 307. f.3. 92 filicina. w. Fern-leaved. Mexico. 1825. «e+ S.k. Cay. ic. 1. t. 78. | 93 microphylla. w | 94 peregrina. w. _ 95 grandiflora. w. 96 glauca. w. _ 97 frondosa. w _ 98 fruticosa. H.B. 99 stipulata. u.B. _ 100 pedunculata. u.B. _ 101 triquetra, H.B. (102 juliflora. w (103 capensis. B.T. (104 Giraffe. n.T. 105 elephantina. B.T. 106 atomiphylla. B.r. ‘107 detinens. B.T. 108 robusta. B.T. 109 litakunensis. B.T. 110 heteracantha. B.T. various-spined. 111 viridiramis. 3.T. 112 stolonifera. B.T. 113 dumosa. H.B. 114 latronum. w. 115 caffra. w. 116 Chundra. w. ‘117 Catechu. w. 118 leucophlea. W.en, L19 concordiana. H.B. 120 cornigera. w. 121 eburnea. w. 122 hematoxylon. w.en. hoary. 123 horrida. w Mimosa leucacantha. jacq. (24 flexuosa. w. .25 tortuosa. w. (26 farnesiana. w. 27 arabica. w. (28 vera. w. _ 9 tomentosa. w. _ \80 brachyacantha.w.en. short-spined. .31 ciliata. w.en. .32 acicularis. w.en. 33 peruviana. W.en. 34 edulis. w.en. ' 35 acantholoba. w 36 cxsia. w. 37 pennata. w. 38 Intsia. w. 40 Ceratonia. w. 42 arrophula. p.p. \ 1 triacanthos. pp. —— B inermis. | 2 brachycarpa. ph. (3 monosperma. Ph. | 4 horrida. w. 6 sinensis. P.s, 7 indica. P.s. 41 tamarindifolia. w. ‘LEDITSCHIA. W. 5 macracantha. w.en. 39 acanthocarpa. w.en. prickly-fruited. Mimosa aculeaticarpa, p.s. 43 guilandinzfolia.c.c. Guilandina-l4, 44 Lambertiana. B.R. * GLEDITSCHIA. three-thorned. spineless. curved-spined. single-seeded. strong-spined. large-spined. Chinese, Indian. LEGUMINOS:. small-leaved. Caracas. 1820. <> white-flowered. S. America. 1780. 7.8 great-flowered. E. Indies. 1769. 6.9. glaucous. S. America. 1690. —— frondose. E. Indies. 1816. ---+ frutescent. China. 1820. 5.6. stipuled. Bengal. —_ - peduncled. E.Indies. 1822, «+-- triquetrous. Coromandel 1824, ---- long-flowered. Jamaica. 1793. 5.6. common cape. C.B. S. 1816. 6. 10. Camelopard’s. — te Elephant’s, — seen atomous-leav’d. ———— -——- «ee. detaining. ——— see robust. meee est ‘Rees, 680 Litakun. Pan, Denes green branch’d. — —— tee stoloniferous. C. B.S. —— rree bushy. Hindostan. 1824. +++ white spined. E.Indies, —— «++» Hottentot. C. B.S. 1816. 5.6. hook-spined. E.Indies. 1789. ++«+ medicinal. ———— 1790. ce panicled. ———._ 1812. <-eee Coromandel. Coromandel.1818. ---- Cuckold-tree. S.America. 1692. 5.6. ivory thorned. E.Indies. 1792. ---- Cc. B.S. 1816. +e+-< long-spined. Africa. 1823. c++ flexuose. Cumana. 1822, -*+- twisted. Jamaica. ——— sees Sponge-tree. St.Domingo.1656. 6. 8. Arabian. Arabia. coon Egyptian. Egypt. 1596. 7. tomentose. E. Indies. 1816. 5.7. S. America. —— -+-e fringed. — 1823. +e needle-spined. = pang SF Peruvian. Pern. 1822, <«-- eatable. S. America. —— --- prickly-podd’d. ————~ —— -s:-» gray. E. Indies. 1773, 6.8. fine-leaved. —_ ——- angular-stalk’d. — 17738. — S. America.1818. 4.7 round-leaved. ——-—— 1800. --=«. Tamarind-la, W.Indies. 1774. «++. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1823. +e. N.S. W. 1818. 9. Mr. Lambert’s. S.America. 1820. —— Suporpo Il]. CHSALPINE. Polygamia Dicecia. L. N.America, 1700. 1723. China. 1774. —— ‘1812. FE. Indies. ae 6. 8. Sh. S.h. S.h. ie S.h. G.h. S.h. S.h. S.2. Shs joa jis MS i yi 7 (inf iy Lh. 5 a ih. Lh. S.h. S.h. 1 BS S.h. S.h. S.. S.h. S.h. Wes Ih: Sh. e oo # e e e STIS SHH SS HHH HTT mAcin Minn u wn ntnin tn nin cn ne op) 103 Andr. repos. 592. Trew ehret. t. 36. Roxb. cor. 2. t. 175. ——— 2... 150. Pluk. alm. 3. t.122.f.2. Roxb. cor. 2. t. 199. Jacq. scheen. 3. t.393. Duham. arb.ed.n. t.28. Roxb. cor. 2. t. 149. Vesl. wgypt. t. 8. Pluk. mant.1.t.330.f.3. Burm. zeyl. 2. t. 1. Rheed. mal. 6. t. 4 Plum. ic. t. 8. Jacq. scheen. 3, t. 396. Botan. regist. 271. Brown. H.h. Wats.dend.brit.2.t.138 Tit. H.h. Catesb. car. 1. t. 43. H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 75. H.h. F,h oe h 104 LEGUMINOS/. S ferox. Desf. fierce. ~ © sneees +e veee 6.8. HD. 9 caspica. Desf. Caspian. Caspia. 1822, —— H.h. GYMNOCLADUS. W.Gymnociapus. Dicecia Decandria. W. canadensis. w. Canadian. - Canada. 1748, 5.6. H.}. Guilandina dioica. L. poole CERATONIA. W. CAROB-TREE. Polygamia Dicecia. Siliqua. w. St.John’sbread. Levant. 1570. 9. 10. G.h. PARKINSONIA. W. Parxkinsonra. Decandria Monogynia. L. | aculeata. w. prickly. W. Indies. 1739. 6.9. S.h. TAMARINDUS. W. Tamarinp rrEe. Monadelphia Triandria. W. . rg y 4 ae: a ee : yy I Mich. amer.2. t.51. Andrews’s rep. 567 7 Rs Jacq. amer. t. 80. | ae indica. w. common, — India. 1633. 6.7. S.h. Jacq. amer, t. 10. - OMPHALOBIUM.S.S.Ompuaropium. Decandria Monogynia. 8.5. z Schotia. s.s. broad-leaved. C.B.S8. 1816. 4.6. I.h. Hook. ex. flor. t. 159, Schotia latifolia. A. is SCHOTIA. W. Scnotia. Decandria Monogynia. W. re 1 speciosa. w. superb.” C. B.S. 1759. 7.12. I.h. Andr. repos. 348. = 2 tamarindifolia. 8.m. Tamarind-14, ——— 1795. 5.9. I.h. Botan. magaz.1153. 3 stipulata. H.K. stipuled. —-——- 1794. —~— Lk. 7 CATHARTOCARPUS.P.S. CaTrHarrocaRpus. Decandria Monogynia. _* 1 Fistula. p.s. purging. E. Indies. 1731. 6.7. S.h. Rheed. mal.1. t.22. FS 2 rhombifolius. H.B. rhomb-leaved. ———— 1820. —— S.h. g 3 nodosus. H.B. knotted. —— 1824. —— _ Z 4 Bacillus. p.s. smooth. ——_—— 1818. —— S.h. Botan. regist. 881. ' 5 marginatus, H.B. margined. — 1823. —— S.h. = : 6 conspicuus. G.p. drumstick tree. Sierr aLeon. 1822. -+-. S.. : 7 grandis. p.s. large. S. America. -——- -->- S.R. Breyn. cent. t. 21. Cassia mollis. w. Bactyrilobium grande. L.en. es 8 javanicus. p.s. Java. Java. 1779. 6.7%. S.h. Rumph. amb. 2. t. 22, CASSIA. P.S. Cass1A. Decandria Monogynia. L. a 1 exigua, H.B. dwarf, Bengal. 1820. 8.10. S.©. Fy | 2 diphylla. w. two-leaved. W. Indies. 1781. 5.7. S.¢. Cav.ic.5.t.600.f.1) 3 Absus, w. four-leaved. India. 1777. 6.7. S.©. Burm. zeyl.t.97. A viminea. w. twiggy. W. Indies. 1786. +--+ S.h. Sloan.j.2. t.189.f.6 5 gracilis. s.s. slender. S. America. 1816. +--+. S.h. : ¢ 6 obtusifolia. s.s. blunt-leaved. Jamaica. 1732. 7.8. S.©. Dill. elt. t. 62. f.72. 5 | 7 humilis. s,s. dwarf. S. America. -*--- —— S.@. Plum.spec.18.t.72.f. | 8 Tora. s.s. oval-leaved. E. Indies. 1693. —— S.@©. Dill. elt. t.63. f. 73. 9 toroides. H.B. Mysore. ——-——— _ 1812. —— S.©. . 10 ciliaris. s.s. fringe-stipuled. ————- -——— S.¢. | 11 Tagera. s.s. long-podded. E, Indies. 1803. 7.8. S8.¢. : . 12 Apoucouita. s.s. acuminate. “Guiana. 1823. -+-- Sh. Aub. guid. t. 146. | acuminata. W. : ~13 sennoides. s.s. Senna-leaved. E. Indies. 1808. 7.8. S.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t.70. 14 mollissima. w.en, —soft-leaved. S. America, 1816. ——- 8.h. f 15 bicapsularis. w. six-leaved. W.Indies. 1739. 5.6. S.h. Merian.sur. t. 32. 16 corymbosa. §.s. corymbose. BuenosAyr. 1796. 7.8. S.h. Bot. magaz. 633. 9 | 17 purpurea. B.R. purple-stalked. E. Indies, 1823. 6.11. S.h. Botan. regist.856. | 18 emarginata. §.s. notch-leaved. Jamaica. ' 1759. 5.6. S.h. Sloan. j.2.t.180. f.1-d 19 sericea. s,s. silky-leaved. ———— 1731. 5.8. S.@. Jacq. ic. 3.0. 459, sensitiva. Jacq. . 20 levigata. w.en. smooth. = | «verses sees = SBR. 21 pubescens. s.s. pubescent. = -e:+e+ses 1818. —— S.h. 22 floribunda. s.s. many-flowered. S. America. 1822. —— S.h. 23 dispar. s.s. various-leaved, ——-—~— -——- -—— S5S.h. eS 24 arborescens. w. tree. E. Indies. 1800. 6.8. S.h. Rheed. mal. 6. t. 9.10: | 25 occidentalis. ‘w. occidental. W. Indies. 1759. 3.8. S.h. Botan. regist. 83. 26 atomaria. s.s. woolly. S. America. 1822. -—- S.h. 27 Senna. w. Senna. Egypt. 1640. 7.8. G.©. Nectoux voy. t.2. lanceolata. 8.8. non P.S. 28 obovata. s.s. obovate-leav'd, —~——--— -++- —— G.©. ‘> | 29 biflora. w. two-flowered. W.Indies. 1766. 12.4. S.h. - Botan. magaz. 810. — 30 esculenta. H.B. esculent. E. Indies. 1823. 7.9. S.©. 31 zgyptiaca. s.s. Egyptian. Egypt. — — G.O. 32 patula. s.s. shining. W. Indies, 1778. 8.9. S.h. 33 orientalis, p.s. oriental. Levant. -+++ 79, H.©. Tabern. ic, 507. 34 prostrata. s.s. prostrate. S. America. 1823. —— S.h. 35 planisiliqua. s.s. flat-podded. W.Indies. 1822. —— S.h. Plum. sp. t. 77. 36 caracasana, S.5. villous-leaved. Caracas. — -—— S.h. LEGUMINOS. 105 $7 ruscifolia. s.s. Ruscus-leaved. Madeira. 1816. 5.7. G.h. Jacq. ie. 1. t. 74. 38 chinensis. p.s. Chinese. China. 1807. —~—~ G.hw -————~1.t.73. ! 39 lineata. s.s. lined. Jamaica. 1820. —— §S.2. 40 multiglandulosa. w. many-glanded. Teneriffe. 1779. 6.8. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 72. 41. tomentosa. w. tomentose. S. America, 1822. —— S.h. 42 hirsuta. w. hairy. ———— 1778 7. S.¢. 43 ligustrina. w. Privet-leaved. BahamalIsl. 1726. —— S. Botan. regist. 109. 44 speciosa. H.B. handsome. E. Indies., 1823. -+:. S. 45 sumatrana. H.B. Sumatra. Sumatra. —— -+++ S.h. | 46 stipulacea. w. large-stipuled. Chili. 1786. «+++ S, Feuill. per. 8. t. 42. ! (47 alata. w. winged-podded. W. Indies. 1731. +++. S.h. Jacq. obs.2. t. 45. f. 2. | ‘48 marilandica. w. Maryland. N.America. 1723. 8.10. H.y%. Dill. elt. t. 260. f. 339. : 49 robinioides.s.s. | Robinia-like. 8. America. 1820. .. Sw. : 50 frondosa, w. smoothshrubby. W. Indies, 1769. 8.4. 51 spectabilis. s.s. showy. Caracas. 1823. +--- 52. Sophera. s,s. round podded. E. Indies. 1658. 7.9. 53 coromandeliana.s.s.Coromandel. Coromandei.1824. ---- 54 bracteata. s.s. bracteate. Surinam, 1822. ---- 55 reticulata, s.s. netted-leaved. Brazil. ——- tees 56 montana. s.s.. mountain, E. Indies.) —— -:--- 57 auriculata. s.s. eared. ———- 1777. 7.9. 58 virgata. s.s. slendertwigg’d. Jamaica. 1820. ---- 59 capensis. s.s. Cape. CrB.8. 1816. 4.6. 60 pumila. s.s. * small. China. 1820. —— 51 nictitans. s,s. Virginian. N. America. 1800. 7. 52 chameecrista. s.s. dwarf. ‘America. 1699. 6. 9. 63 glandulosa. s.s. glandular. W.Indies. 1822, —— 54 marginata. s.s. margined. Surinam. ——— ete 55 hirta. w.en. hairy branched. S. America. -——__--:: 356 microphylla.s.s. small-leaved. W.Indies. —— 6.9. 57 dimidiata. p.p. fine-leaved. Nepaul. 1812, —— 68 mimosoides.s.s. © Mimosa-leaved. E. Indies. 1806. —— 39 tenella. H.B. small-branched. ——-——- 1818. —— Jacq. ic. 1. t.74. 8.) OQ OMT HOS 03. © STS SS TS so Rheed. mal. 2. t. 52. e Pluk. alm. t.314. f. 4. Pluk. alm, t. 120. f. 1. ———-— t.314. f.5. Botan. magaz. 157. ~ TAnnnnnnnAIlnwnnwnnnny 70 procumbens. s.s._ procumbent. N. America.1806. ©. Comm. petrop. t. 11. -YPERANTHERA. W. HorseE-RADISH TREE. Decandria Monogynia. > Moringa. w. smooth. E. Indies. 1759. ---- S.h. Lam. ill. t. 336. Moringa zeylanica. Lam. UEMATOXYLON. W. Locwoon. Decandria Monogynia. L. campechianum. w. common. S. America. 1724. --++ S.h. Catesb. car. 2. t. 66. DENANTHERA. W. ADENANTHERA. Decandria Monogynia. 1 pavonina. w. yellow-flower’d. E. Indies. 1759. -5.8. S.h. Jacq. coll. 4. t. 23. 2 falcata..w. woolly-leaved. _————— 1512. —— S.h. Rumph.amb.3. t. 111. 3 aculeata. H.B. prickly. Coromandel.1821. +--+ OINCIANA. J. ~Pornciana. Decandria Monogynia. L. ‘1 pulcherrima. B.m. Flower-fence. E. Indies. 1691. 6.9. S.h. Botan. magaz. 995. Cesalpinia pulcherrima. s.s. 2 elata. H.K. smooth. ——— 1778. —— S.h. Cesalpinia elata. s.s. FESALPINIA. J. Brastretro. Decandria Monogynia: L. 1 punctata. s.s. dotted-leaved. Brazil. 1818. -««- 2 brasiliensis. s.s. Brazilian. — 1739. <-+ 3 procera. s.s. tall. Cuba. 1822. +-+- A bijuga. s.s. broad-leaved. Jamaica. 1770. 6.9. 5 cassioides. s.s. Cassia-like. S. America. 1823. +--+. 6 mucronata. s.s. mucronate. Brazil. ——— wens 7 bahamensis. s.s. | emarginate. Bahama. ———- tees Sloan. j. 2. t. 181. f.2.3. ° ee aeely bs) 6 tortuosa. H.B. twisting. 8 Tara. r.p. Peruvian. Peru. 1818. +--+. ; 9 Sappan. s.s. narrow-leaved. E. Indies. 1773. ---- ) Roxb: cor. 1st. 18: 0 oleosperma. H.B. oil-seeded. — 1800. <«>- ae 1 cucullata. H.B. hooded. ——— 1822. ---- oe 2 sepiaria. H.B. Mysore thorn. ———— 1806. 6.9. Rs 3 enneaphylla. u.B, nine-leaved. ————— 1812. --.. Vs A chinensis. H.B. Chinese. China. acronis ae fords 5 paniculata. H.B. _ panicled. Ee indtess a -h.—. Rheed. mal. 6. t. 19. PDRPRLOLALAPP DDR SS StS SS St St St St" 7 sumatrana. H.B. Sumatra. heen 0s + 3 Crista. s.s. oval-leaved. Jamaica. see sees . Plum. gen. t. 68. I Nuga.s.s. acute-leaved. Amboyna. 1801. ---- - Rumph. amb. 5. t. 50, ) mimosoides. s.s. © Mimosa-leaved. E, Indies. 1806. +-+> P | 106 GUILANDINA. W. 1 Bondue., L.t. 2 Bonduceila. ut. CADIA. W. purpurea. w. HOFFMANSEGGIA. falcaria. w. CYNOMETRA. S.S. 1 cauliflera. s.s. 2 polyandra. s.s. MACROLOBIUM.W. Macrotoxpium. Triandria Monogynia. W. bijugum. L.T. HAYMENZEA. S.S. 1 Courbaril. s.s. 2 verrucosa. S.s. BAUHBINIA. S:S. scandens. s,s. 2 racemosa. S.S. 3 tomentosa. S.s. A ferruginea H.B. 5 purpurea. s,s. 6 7f 8 il > variegata, L.T. candida. w. parviflora. s.s. 9 aurita. w. 10. porrecta. s.s. 1l acuminata. s.s. 12 anguina. s.s, 13 divaricata. s.s. 14 esculenta. B.T. 15 triandra. H.B. 16 retusa. H.B. 17 corymbosa. H.B. 18 semibifida. w.B. 19 malabarica. H.B. 20 anatomica. L.c. 21 rotundifolia. p.s. 22 aculeata. s.s. 23 forficata. s.s. 24 heterophylla. s.s. 25 speciosa. L.Cc. 26 microphylla. L.c. COPAIFERA. W. officinalis. w. BROWNEA. W coccinea. Ww. ANAGYRIS. W. 1 foetida. w. 2 latifolia. w.en. 3 chinensis. s.s,! CERCIS. W. 1 Siliquastrum. W. Vee a yee et Se OE Oe ee ee eee pee eC en en LEGUMENOS&. NICKER-TREE. Decandria Monogynia. L. * Sumatra. Sumatra. 1640. +--+ S.h« . Pluk. phyt. t. 2. f. 2, ; common. E. Indies. —— -er+ S.hec. Rumph.amb.5.t.49. a? Capia. Decandria Monogynia. W. purple. Arabia. 1755. 7.10. S.h. Pic. hort. pan. 9. c. ie, W. HorrMAnsecera. Decandria Monogynia. W. . sickle-podded, Chill. 1806. 7.8. S.h. Cavan. ic. t.392. Cynometra. Decandria Monogynia. L. : stem-flowering. E. Indies. 1804. -+-- S.h. Lam. ill, t. 331. many-anther edz apts gee, Gita aaas . two-paired. E. Indies, 1825, +--+. LocusT-TREE. Decandria Monogynia. L. leathery-leav’d. W. Indies. 1688. ---- warted podded. Madagasear.1808. +--+» Movunrain Epony. Decandria Monogy Ss Linn. trans. 12. t. 1% Lam. ill. t.330. f.1. t. 330. tf; vibe . Rheed, mal. 8. t. 29.) h h S.h. S.k.- nia. climbing. E. Indies. 1799. «+++ S.Rww large-leaved. ———-_ 1790. —— S.h. v- Vahl. symb. 3. t. 62. tomentose. —————. 1808. +--+» S.h. Rheed. mal. 1. t.35. 7 ferruginous. ————— 1822, -«+e S.hic. Ne purple. ——-~—— 1778. ++» S.h. Rheed. mal. 4, t.33. — variegated. E.Indies. 1690. 6.7. S.h- Rheed. mal. 1. t. 32. white-flowered. ———_——_ 1777. 5.6. S.h. : “a small-flowered. ——-—— 1808. +--- S.h. tee ae long-eared. Jamaica. 1756. 9.10. S.h. Mill.ic. 1. t. 61. pid smooth-leaved.» W. Indies. 1737. 7.8. S.h. Botan. magaz. 1708. acute-leaved. 5. Indies. 1808. ~———- S.h. Rheed mal.1.t.34. snake. ———_ 1818. «+++ S.hew, } ie dwarf. W. Indies. 1742. 6.9. S.h. Linn. h. cliff. t. 15. eatable rooted. C. B.S. 1816. +e» JT,. triandrous. E. Indies, 1823. +--+. S.h. retuse. —_——_— - ——-_ ss *+es Sh. corymbose. China. 1816. «ee. S.hew. iy semibifid. Sumatra. 1818. .°++. S.h.e. “ Malabar. Malabar. 1823. «+++ S.h. ‘a jagged leaved. S. America. 1816. ++-- S.hb. round-leaved. . ————— —— -«++ §.}. Cav.ic.5. t.406. | prickly-stalked. W. Indies. 1737. 6.8. S.h. Plum.ic. t. 44.f. 2. 7 forked. Brazil. 1824, +++. Sh. : various- leaved: Caracas. reer Sh. 4 handsome. peroesee eese seee Sh, small-leaved. veeeere + e004 tree Sh. Bassam OF CAPEvi. Decandria Monogynia. L. officinal. S. America. 1774. +++. S.h. Jacq. amer. t. $6. | BrownEA. Monadelphia Decandria. L. ‘a searletflower’d. W. Indies. 1793. 7.8. S.h. rate amer. t, 121, | . ¥ Suporpo Ill. PAPILIONACEZ. Brown. t Bran TREFOIL. Decandria Monogynia. L. stinking. Spain. 1570. 4.5, F.h. Lam. ill. t.328. broad- leaved. Teneriffe. 1815. ——- F.h. i Chinese. China. . 1822, —— F.h. JUDAS-TREE. Denapanin Monogynia. L. ; Ee f European, _ S. Europe. 1596. 5.6. H.h. Botan. magaz. 1138. | American, N. America. 1730. —— H.h. ; 2 canadensis. w. EDWARDSIA. L.T. 1 grandifiora. 1.1. Sophora tetraptera. B.M. 2 chrysophylla. L.T. 3 microphylla. L.T. 4 minima. L.c. SOPHORA. H.K. 1 tomentosa. w. 2 occidentalis, p.s. EDWARDSIA. _ Decandria Monogynia. large-flowered. N.Zealand. 1772. 3.6. F.h. Botan. magaz. 167. } golden- leaved, ——-——— «.--. ——— Ff, Botan. regist. 738." a. Sroulie leaved. 1772. —— F.h. Botan.magaz: 1442m9 Sopuora. Decandria Monogynia. L. > | downy. India. 1690, «oe. Lam. ill. t. 325. f, 29 h. h smallest. ——- 1816. —~ F.h. se Sih West Indian. - W. Indies. «-«-- verre Soh Trew. ehret. t.59. LEGUMINOS. 3 sylvatica. B.T. Cape. C. B.S. 1816. 8.10. G.h. 4 japonica. w. Japanese. Japan. 1753. 8.9. H.h. B pendula. L.c. pendulous. 5 robusta. H.B. robust. Silhet. - 1820. -+-- S.h. | 6 chinensis. L.c. China. \ China. - ewes coos Heh. | alopecuroides, s.s. Fox-tail. Levant. A731. 738, He 8 sericea. N. silky. Missouri. 1811. 6.7. H.%. Astragalus carnosus. Ph. 9 flavescens. s.s. Siberian. Siberia. 1785.-°5.74. Hew, JRMOSIA. L.T. NECKLACE-TREE. Decandria Monogynia. _ dasycarpa. L.T. smooth- leaved. W. Indies.. 1793. 6.7. S.h. Sophora monosperma. w. . VIRGILIA. H.K. ViIRGILIA. Decandria Rano: 1? Iutea. pp. yellow-flower’d. N.America. 1812. 6.7. H.h. _ 2 aurea. H.K, golden. Abyssinia. 1777. 7. Gh. 3 intrusa. H.K. small-flowered. C. B.S. 1790. 5.8. G.h. _ 4 capensis. H.K. Vetch-leaved. — 1767. 7.8 G.h. CYCLOPIA. V. CycLopis. Decandria Monogynia. 1 genistoides. v. Genista-leaved. C. B.S. 1787, °F. Be, Gib Ibbetsonia genisioides. B.m. Gompholobium maculatum. A.R. 427. 2 elata. tall. a 1818. G.h. 3 ternata. ternate-leaved. —-———- ~— -—-—- G.h. Sophora ternaia. Th. 4 triphylla. three-leaved... ———— -—— —- Gh. Sophora triphylla. th. THERMOPSIS. H.K. Tuermopsis. Decandria Monogynia. 1 laburnifolia. p.p. ULaburnum-ld, Nepal. 1819. 6.6. H.k. Baptisia nepalensis. 4.¥.¥. 2 rhombifolia, Nn. thomb-leaved, Louisiana. 1811. 6.7. H.}. Cytisus rhombifolius. Ph. 3 lanceolata. H.K. sharp-leaved. Siberia. 1776. —— H.2. Podalyria lupinoides. w. Sophora lupinoides. Pallas. BAPTISIA. V. Bapris1a. Decandria Monogynia. 1 perfoliata. s.s. perfoliate. Carolina. 1732. 8. Rafnia perfoliata. w. H 2 exaltata.B.F.c. tall upright. N.America. 1812. 6.7. H.%. 3 australis. s.s. spreading blue. ———— 1758.. —— H.%. 4 alba. s.s. white-flowered. ——-—— 1724. —— H.». 5 tinctoria. s.s. dyer’s. ———— 1759. 7.8. H. 6 villosa.s.s. §—_—_—rvilllons. Georgia. 1811. 6.7. H. PODALYRIA. S.S.. Popatyria. Decandria Monogynia. | 4 cordifolium. a.r. heart-leaved. N.S. W. 1807. 4.9. ‘GASTROLOBIUM.H.K. Gastrotosium. Decandria Monogyni bilobum. u.x. txyo-lobed. N.Holland. 1803. 3. 5. -EUCHILUS. H.K. Evcuitus. Decandria Monogynia. obcordatus. u.x. heart-leaved. N.Holland. 1803. 3. 6. Ses Ss x es ee ST HHT TISOSSS RPRPPR PR if PULTENEA. H.K. Purrenza. Decandria Monogynia. | 1 daphnoides.s.s. Daphne-leav’d. N.S. W. 1792. 6.7. i 1 myrtillifolia. -w. Myrtle-ieaved, C. B.S. 1795. 4.7. G. 2 sericea. H.K. silky-leaved. fe 1778) 10. 1, G | 3 cuneifolia. y. wedge-leaved, ——-—— 1804. 5.8. G. . 4 biflora. w. two-flowered. ——_———— 1789. 2.6. G. 5 calyptrata. w. one-flowered. ———— 1792. 4.5. G.h. 6 styracifolia..p.m. Storax-leaved, ——-—— 5.7. G.h. 7 buxifolia. w. Box-leaved. ———- 1790. 5.10. G.h. 8 olefolia. P.L. Olive-leaved, ate BOE. 5. Ge | 9 hirsuta. w. hairy. — 1774. 7.8. G. 10 cordata. H.K. heart-leaved. aa 1794. 5.7. Goh. CALLISTACHYS. V. Catuistacnys. Decandria Monogynia. 1 ovata. B.M. oval-leaved. N.Holland, 1815. 6.8. G.h. | 2 lanceolata. v. spear-leaved. Sa GER OXYLOBIUM. H.K. Oxviopium. Decandria Monogynia. | 1 retusum. BR. retuse-leaved. N.Holland. 1822. . 4.6. G. | 2 arborescens. u.xK. tall. V.Diem.Is]. 1805. 5.9. G.h. |. 3 ellipticum. u.x. elliptic-leaved, ——-——- —— é. ; an G. G. 2 obcordata. s.s. heart-leaved. V.Diem.Isl.1508. 5.7. G. 3 biloba. s.s. two-lobed. N.Holland, 1818. + Gok. 4 stricta. s.s. upright. N.S. W. 1803. 4.6. G.h. 5 scabra. s.s. rough-leaved. —-—— ——~- 5.7, G.h. i P2 107, Andr. repos. 585. Pall, astr. t. 87. Linn. trans. 10, t. 26. Mich. arb. c. ic. L’ Her. st. nov. 1. t. 75. Botan. magaz. 1590. Botan. magaz. 1259. Hook. ex. flor. 131, Botan, magaz. 1389. - Dill. elt. t, 102. f. 122. Swt. br. fl. gar. 97, Botan, magaz. 509. 1177. 1099, — Botan. magaz. 1923. Vent. cel t. 99. Botan. magaz. 753. Botan. magaz. 1580. Botan. regist. 869. Parad. lond. 114. Botan. magaz. 1925, Botan. regist. 216. Botan. regist. 913. — — --—— 392. Lab. n. holl, 1. t. 135. Andr. repos. 492. Botan. regist. 411. - Botan. regist. 403. Botan. magaz. 1394, Andr. repos. t.574. Botan. magaz. 2091, Lod. bot. cab. 974. a M. DAviEsIA. Decandria Monogynia. Ditlwynia obovata. B. DAVIESIA. S.S. 1 alata. s.s. winged. N. Holland.1820. 4.6. G.h. 2 acicularis. s.s. needle-leaved. N.S. W. 1804. 6.7. G.h. 3 ulicina. s.s. Furze-like, = 1792; 4.8.) Go, 4 reticulata. s.s. netted-leaved. ——--—— 1822. —— G.h. 5 umbellulata. u.t. small-umbelled. Ba G.h. 6 corymbosa. s.s. corymb-flow’r’d — 1804. 5.8. Gh. 7 glauca. B.C. glaucous-ld, ———— 1812. G.h. mimosoides. B.M. 1957. NON H.K. 8 mimosoides. H.K. green-leaved. sie (S00. . ie corymbosa. A.R. 9 incrassata. s.s. thick-leaved. ——_—— 1820. —— G.h. 10 cordata. s.s.+. heart-leaved. N.Holland. 1824, G.h. 11 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. N.S. W. 1805. 5.8. G.h. BRACHYSEMA.H.K. Bracnysema. Decandria Monogynia. 1 latifolium. H.K. broad-leaved. N.Holland. 1803. 4.7. G.h 2. undulatum.B.R. wave-leaved. —-—-——- 1820. 2.7. CHORIZEMA.S.S, CuHorizemMa. . Decandria Monogynia. 1 ilicifolium. s.s. Holly-leaved. | N.Holland. 1803. 3.10. G.h.» 2 nanum, s.s. dwarf. een.) mente,» comin aula 3 rhombeum. s.s. few-flowered. — — 4.6. G.h. PODOLOBIUM.H.K. Popotozsium. Decandria Monogynia. 1 trilobatum. H.K. common. N.S. Wy 1791. Aa Ghee - Chorizema trilobatum. L.t. Pultenea ificifolia. A.R. 320. 2 spinosum. c.c. spiny-leaved. — 1821. 3.5. G.h. aquifolium. L.Cc. JACKSONIA. H.K. Jacksonta. Decandria Monogynia. 1 scoparia. H.K. Broom-like. N.S. W. 1803. 6.8. G.h. 2 spinosa. H.K.- spinous. N. Holland. —-- 4.9. G.h. VIMINARIA. H.K. Viminaria. Decandria Monogynia, ; denudata. H.K. half-naked. N.S.W. 1789. 6.9. G.f. SPHEROLOBIUM.H.K. SpH#Ro.Lopium. Decandria Monogynia. 108. LEGUMINOS Z, 6 retusa. S.s. blunt-leaved. ——_—— 1789. 4.5. Gh. 7 lindphylla. s.s. Fiax-leaved. —— —-- 5.7. Gh. ‘ g- dentata. s.s. tooth-bracted. ———— 1818. —— G.h. 9 paleacea. L.T. chaffy. ——— 1789. —— G.h. 10 stipularis. s.s. scaly. —— 1792. 4.6. G.h. 11 rosmarinifolia.+. Rosemary-l¢. WN. Holland. 1824. ---- G.h. 12 incarnata.+. flesh-coloured.. ——--——- -—— ---- Gh. 13 villosa. s.s. villous. N.S. W. 1790. 4.5. G.h. 14 flexilis. s.s. shining-leaved.. —-— 1801. 4.6. G.h. 15 vestita. S.s. awned. N.Holland. 1803. 4.7. G.h. 16 elliptica. L.T. elliptic-leaved. N.S. W. 1818. —— G.h. 17 polygalifolia. u.r. Polygala-l¢, — — ~~)» —— G.hy 18 ferruginea. L.T. ferruginous. ———- —— —— Gh. 19 tenuifolia. B.M. slender-leaved. ——-—— —— —— G.h. AOTUS. H.K. Aorus., Decandria Monogynia. : villosa. H.K. villons. V.Diem,1Isl.1790. 4.6. G.h. EUTAXIA. H.K. EuTAxiA. Decandria Monogynia. myrtifolia. H.K. Myrtle-leaved. N.Holland. 1803. 3.6. Gh. ( ¢ . 1 vimineum. H.K. yellow-flow’r’d. N.Holland. 1802. 5.8. G.h. 2 medium. H.K. red-flowered. —-—- 1803. 6,8. G.h. MIRBELIA. L.T. MrirBeLiA. Decandria Monogynia. 1 reticulata. 1.7. netted-leaved. N.S.W. 1792. 5.8. G.h. 2 dilatata, u.K. lobed-leaved. N.Holland, 1803. —~—~ G.h. SCLEROTHAMNUS.H.K.ScLerotHamnus. Decandria Monogynia inicrophyllus. H.K. small-leaved. N. Holland.1803. 5.6. G.h. DILLWYNIA.H.K. Dittwynta. Decandria Monogynia. 1 parvifolia, B.M. small-leaved, N.S. W. 1800. 3.7. G.h. 2 cinerascens. B.M. ash-coloured. — 1818. 6.7, G.I 3 juniperina. B.C. Juniper-leaved --—-—— —— —— G.h. 4 ericefolia. s.s. Heath-leaved. ———— 1794. 3.7. G.h. 5 glaberrima. L.T. smooth. edt ks PAOD ee he close-flowered. nec aliorum. BurtoniaA. Decandria Monogynia. rough-leaved. N.Holland, 1803. 5.7. 6 floribunda. L.T. ericifolia. B.M. 1545+ BURTONIA. H.K. seabra. H.K. 1794. 4.7. VS an Botan. regist. 378, Schrad. s. han. 32 t. 18. | Lodd, bot. cab. 291. Botan, magaz. 435. Botan. magaz. 967. Linn. trans. 11.t.24. —— 11. t.25. —-——— 11, t.23. Botan. magaz, 2086. _ Botan, magaz. 949. Botan. magaz. 1274. Botan. regist, 728. Andr, reposit. 304. Lodd. bot. cab. 43.. Andr. repos. 526. Botan, magaz. 1757. g . Botan. regist. 118, Labill. voy. 1. t. 21. Botan, magaz. 1032. Botan. magaz. 1477. . Lodd. bot. cab. 427. Labil, n. hoi. 1. t. 136. Botan. magaz. 1190, — Botan, magaz. 969. Botan, magaz, 1211. » Botan. magaz. 1527. © 2247. Lodd. bot. cab. 401. | Sm. exot. bot. t. 25. Botan. magaz. 944. — Sm, exot. bot. t. 26. es eee | | LEGUMINOS 2, GOMPHOLOBIUM. L.T. GompHoLosium. Decandria Monogynia. 1 latifolium. L.-T. Jimbriatum. Ex. B. psoraliafolium. P.L. | 2 grandiflorum. L.T. _ 3 marginatum. H.K. 8 tomentosum. H.K, | 9 venustum. H.K. _ 10 pinnatum. L.T. | MULLERA. Ww. | moniliformis. w. ‘ULEX. W. | 4a europeus. W. 2 nanus. w. 3 provincialis. pc. 4 polymorphum. u.k. variable. grandifiorum, A.R. nec aliorum. broad-leaved. N.S.W. 1803. 3.9. G.h. large-flowered. -——-—— —— -— G.h. small-flowered. N.Holland. ——~ 3.9. hairy-stalked. N,S.W. 1812. —— G.h. various-leaved, N.Holland. 1824. --.- G.h. woolly. —— ts GO. tomentose. ——_—— 1803. 4,7. G.h. purple-flow’r’d. ———— — Gh. pinnate-leaved. N.S. W. 1822. 3.6. G.d. MuLLerRA. Diadelphia Decandria. L. bracelet. Guiana. 1792, +++» ‘S.h. Furze. Diadelphia Decandria. L. common, Britain, eee 4.6. Hh. dwarf. ——_—. --+- 112.04. Provence. S. Europe. 1815. 6.8. H.h. Stauracanthus aphyllus. W.en. 5 minus. L.T 6 heterophyllum.t. 7 lanatum.t. : i { : ASPALATHUS. W. AsparAruus. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 capitata. w. headed. C.B.S. 1823. 6.7. G.h. 2 Chenopoda. w. cluster-leaved. -———-——- 1759. 7.8. G.h. 3 albens. w. white-leaved. — 1774. --— G.h. - 4 hystrix. w. silky-spined. -——-——- _ 1824. -—— G.h. 5 pedunculata. w. = small-leaved. —--—— 1775, -—- G.h. 6 thymifolia. w. Thyme-leaved, —---—— 1825. +>++ Gh. _ 7 ericifolia. w. Heath-leaved. ———— 1789. 7.8. G.h. | 8 hispida. w. hispid. —— 1823. —— G.h. _ 9 asparagoides. w. Asparagus-i . 1812. G.h. 10 multiflora. w. many-flowered. ——-—— 1818. —— G.h. 11 pinguis. w. succulent-leav'd, —-——- -——- —— G.h. | 12 carnosa. w. fleshy-leaved. ——-—— 1795. 5.6. G.h. _ 13 crassifolia. A.R. thick-leaved. ——— 1800. 7.8. Gh. | 14 affinis. w. likened. 1816. —— G.h. 15 ciliaris. w. ciliated. —-+-— 1799. —- G.h. - 16 genistoides. w Genista-like. ——— 1825. «++. Gh. _ 17 squarrosa. w. squarrose. —<——- - ——— sess Gh. 18 galioides. w Galium-like. 1816. 7.8. G.h. 19 bfacteata. w. - bracteate. ee sreeets i | qe +, ——ws AVES S 20 uniflora. w. single-flowered. —---——— 1812. —— G.h. ' 21 pinea. w. Pine-leaved. 1816. —— G.h. '| 22 subulata. w. awl-leaved. —— 1789. —— G.h. | 23 globosa. a.R. globular. — 1802. 6.7. G.h. 24 araneosa. w. cobweb. —— 1795. —— G.h. 25 indica. w. Indian. E. Indies. 1759. 7.8. S.h. _| 26 quinquefolia. w. _five-leaved. C.B.S. 1816. —— Gh. | 27 sericea, w. silky, —_-—- — — G.h. |28 argentea. w. silver-leaved. ——-—— 1759. —— G.h. , | 29 candicans. H.K. — white. ——— 1774. —— G.h. 30 callosa. w. oval-spiked. —— 1812. —— G.h. 31 mucronata. w. thorny-branched, ————-._ 1796. 6.7. G.h. JARCOPHYLLUM.B.M. Sarcopnytium. Diadelphia Decandria. W | carnosum. B.M. jointed-leaved. C. B.S. 1812. 5.8 G.h. 1 3ORBONIA. WwW. Boronia. Diadelphia Decandria. L. . 1 ericifolia. w. Heath-leaved. C.B.S. 1812. 7.8. G.h. | 2 ‘trinervia. w. three-nerved. ——- 1759. —- G.h. | 3 lanceolata. w. many-nerved. 1752. —— G.h. 4 levigata. B.c. polished. ——- 1799. —— G.h. , & ruscifolia. B.M. Ruscus-leaved. ————— 1816. —— G.h. || 6 perfoliata. w. perfoliate. ——— 1812. —— G.h. , 7 ciliata. w. fringed. ———— 1816. —— G.h. ‘) > 8 undulata. w. wave-leaved. ——— 1812. —— G.h. || 9 cordata. w. heart-leaved. — 1759. 7.8. G.h. (10 crenata. w. notch-leaved, —— 1774. 6.8. G.h. ')LIPARIA, W. laparta. Diadelphia Decandria. W. | 1 spherica. w. globe-flowered. C. B.S. 1794. 7.8. G.h. 2 capitata. w. headed, -— 1812. —-— G.h. | 3 tomentosa. w. downy. —$-—- —- —-—— ~ah. 109 Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 58, Botan. regist. 484. G.h. G.h.W. Botan. magaz. 1533. Eng. bot, 742. ———-=17 743. Lam. ill. t. 620. f. 2. Botan. magaz. 2225. Botan. magaz.344. Pluk. mant. t. 413. f.1. ——-—-— — t.413. f.6. Botan. magaz. 1289. Andr. repos, 351. Botan. magaz, 2233. Plnk. mant. t. 414. f.7. Andr, repos. 392. Botan. magaz. 829. Pluk. alm. t. 278. f.4. Botan. magaz. 2329. Botan. magaz. 2502. Pluk. alm. t. 297. f. 4. Jacq. scheen. 2. t. 217. Lodd. bot. cab. 247. Botan. magaz. 2128, Hout. syst. 8. t. 62. f.2. Jacq. schoen. 2. t. 218. Botan. magaz. 274. Botan. magaz. 1241. 9% 110 LEGUMINOSZ:: ee 4 vestita. w. concave-leav’d. ——-—— 1800. 5.6. G.}. Botan. magaz. 2228. villosa. A.R. 382, nec aliorum. RGR 6 . aie td 5 graminifolia. w. mnarrow- -leaved, .——-——_._ =n OTs 6 myrtifolia. w. Myrtle-leaved. --~——— 1825. -+++ G. 7 umbellifera. w. umbel-flower’d, ————— —— __ --:- G, et 4 TE 8 villosa. w. villous, ———. 1774. 6.7. Seb. thes. 1. t. 24. f.1, 9 teres. Ww. smooth-stalked, —————-__ 1816. —— ‘ DAD 10 hirsuta. w. shaggy-stemm’d, —-———— . 1792. 12. 4. - Botan. regist 8. 11 sericea. w. silky-leaved. ————._ 1794. 6.7. ‘ BOSSIAA. L.T. Boss1#A. Diadelphia Decandria. +-A»Scolopendrium.n.xk. plankeplant. N.S.W. 1792. 5.7. t = Vent. malm. 55. Platylobium Scolopendrum. A.R. 191. . 2 rufa. H.K. red-flowered. N.Holland. 1803. 6.9. 3 heterophylla. H.K. varions-leaved. N.S. W. 1792. 5. 12. Platylobium lanceolatum et ovatum. A.R. 205. et 276. — | 4 linophylla. H.K. narrow-leaved. N.Holland. 1803. 7.9. 5 prostrata. H.K. procumbent. N.S.W. —— 2 6 cinerea. H.K. sharp-leaved. V.Diem.Isl. 1805. 5.7. 7 microphylla.H.K. small-leaved. N.S. W. 1803. PLATYLOBIUM.L.T. Fiat Pea. Diadelphia Decandria. W. Botan. magaz. 1144, - 2191. 7 1493, Botan. regist. 306. Botan. magaz. 863. e e SS St StS Stott Hest ot TT IHHIS IS DONH HO OD QOH OOH HS HN OOOH 1 fomosum. w. large-flowered. N.S. W. 1790. 6.8. - Botan. magaz. 469. 2 parviflorum. w. small-flowered. ———— 1792. 5.9. —__—_—__——. 1520. 3 triangulare. H.K. triangular-l4, _V.Diem.Isl. 1805. —— ——— 1508. SCOTTIA. H.K. Scotti1a. Diadelphia Decandria. ) dentata. H.K. tooth-leaved. N.Holland. 1803; 6.9. TEMPLETONIA.H.K.TEMPLETONIA. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 retusa. H.K. green-leaved. N.Holland. 1803. 3. 6. - Botan. regist. 383. 2 glauca. B.M. glaucous-leav’d. ——-—- —— —— - Botan. magaz. 2088. GOODIA. P.L. GoopiA. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 lotifolia. p.L. Lotus-leaved. V.Diem.Isl. 1793. 4.7. G.h. Sal. par. lond. 41. 2 subpubescens. hairy-leaved. ———- 1812. —— G.h. 3 pubescens. B.M. downy. —— 1805, —— kh. » Botan. magaz. 1310. 4 retusa.t. notched. N.Holland. 1824. +--- h. BSE ae LODDIGESIA. B.M. LovpigsEsi1a. Diadelphia Decandria. oxalidifolia. p.m. Oxalis-leaved.. C. B.S. 1802. 5.9. G.h. Botan. magaz, 965. WIBORGIA. W. WiporGia. Diadelphia Decandria. W. “Wo. sericea. W. silky. Cc. B.S. 1780. 7. 8. G h. CROTALARIA. W. CroTaALaria. Diadelphia Decandria. L. . 1 sagittalis. w. Virginian. America. 1731. 6.7. H.©. Pluk. alm, t. 169. f. 6. __ 2 prostrata. D.P. prostrate. E. Indies. 1804. —— S.2. a) 3 parviflora. w. small-flowered. N.America. 1823. —— H.©. 4 rubiginosa. w. ferruginous. E. Indies. 1807. —— S.}. 5 anthylloides. w. large-calyxed. —-—— 1789. 8.9. S.h. . 6 tetragona: A.R. square-stalked. Nepaul. 1806. --—- S.g. Andr. reposit. 593. 7.juncea. w. rush-stalked. . E. Indies. 1700. 6.7. 8.©. Botan. magaz. 490. . 8 chinensis. w. Chinese. China. 1820. —— S.h. 1 9 bengalensis. p.s. Bengal. Bengal. 1806. —— S.©. Pluk. alm. t. 169. f, So | 10 fenestrata. B.m. window-calyx’d. E. Indies. 1815. —— S.@. Botan. magaz. 1933. 11 sericea. w. silky. 1807) Sea a | 12 linifolia. w. Elax-leaved., .Lt22—;-——— 1623. ——— see ie | 13 stipulacea. H.B. —ilarge-stipuled. ———-——- —— —— S.}. 2 14 montana. H.B. mountain. ——-— 1816. -— §.2%. - 15 tuberosa. p.p. tuberous-root’d. Nepaul. a ee SLD. 9 16 fulva. H.B. tawny. E. Indies.) -— —— S.2. €: 17 pulcherrima. n.m. Mysore. —— 1814. —— S.h. Botan. magaz, 2027.5 ; 18 retusa. w. wedge-leaved. -—————._ 1731. =~— $8.©. Botan. regist. 253. | 19 verrucosa. Ww. blue-flowered. —-—— —— 7.9. S.©. Andr. reposit.308. — | ,' 20 pulchra, A.R. short-podded. ———— 1800. 3.5. S.h. —— 601. i 21 semperflorens. vy. ever-blowing. ——— 1816. 3.9. S.h. Vent. cels. t. 17. ? i 22 hirsuta. w. hairy-podded. ————— 1823. 6.8. S.©. ; Ii 23 biflora. w. two-flowered, —-—— 1790. —— S.©. Burm.ind. t. 48. f.2. ‘ 24 hirta. w.en. hairy. ——_-—_— 1816. ——,S:@;: : 25 alata. p.p. winged-stalked. —-——_ 1818. —— §S, hb. 4 26 bialata. L.en. two-winged. —$ — - ——-_— —— _ F.2. | 27 tenuifolia. u.B. slender-leaved. ——-~ —~— S.%. | 28 diffusa. L.en. diffuse. . seeeece :_ — S.y. I 29 angulosa. H.B. angular-stalk’d. Manritius. —— —— S.©. i 30 nepalensis. L.en. Nepaul. Nepaul. 182]. ——FGe : 31 paniculata. w. panicled. E. Indies... 1807. ——- S.h. LEGUMINOSE. ae 1 $2 lotifolia. w. Lotus-leaved. Jamaica. 1732. 6.7. 8.©. Dill. elt. t. 102. f. 121. 33 micans.Len —_giittering. E, Indies. 1823. —— S.2. 34 argentea. w. silvery-leaved. C. B.S. — -— Gh. . 35 laburnifolia. w. Laburnum-ld,. E. Indies. 1739. 7.9. S.%. Rheed. mal. 9. t. 27. 86 floribunda. B.c. many-flowered. ----++++ 1812. —— G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 509. Anihyllis cuneata. Hort. . | 87 elliptica. u.B. ~ elliptic. China. 1823. —— G.h. - 88 cordifolia. w. heart-leaved.. C. B.S. 1790. 4.6. G.h. 39 purpurea. v. purple-flow’r’d. ————~ -—— Botan. regist. 128. 40 pulchella. B.m. large-flowered. —— 1800. 7.8. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1699. 41 Saltiana. a.r. Salt’s. Abyssinia, 1810. 6.7. S.h. Andr. reposit. 648. AQ axillaris. w. axil-flowered. Guinea. B81 To8i. SIO. | 43 ofixensis. w.en. strigose. E. Indies. 1816. —— S.©. 44 vitellina. Ber. yellow-twigged. Brazil. 1819. 5.7. S.h. Botan. regist. 447. _ 45 imcanescens..w. _— spreading. C. B.S. 1774. 6.10. G.h. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 64. 46 incana. w. | hoary. W. Indies. 1714. 6.7. S.©. 47 trifoliastrum. w. Trefoil-leaved. E. Indies. 1818. —— S.h. | 48 pallida. w. — pale-flowered. Africa. 1775. —— S.©. 49 curtata. L.en. short-keeled. — -2+++= -« 1820. —— S.©. 60 micrantha.L.en. = small-blossom’d. Ceylon. Pm) net Gs _ 51 psoraloides. p.s. Psoralea-like.. Madagascar. — S.h. §2 angustifolia. w. narrow-leaved. C. B.S. 1815. 5.9. G.h. Jacq. schen. 2. t, 219. §3 bracteata. H.B. large bracted.. E. Indies. 1815. —— S.h. i 54 quinquefolia.w. _five-leaved. ———- 1792. 6.7. S.©. Rheed. mal.9. t. 22. HOVEA. H.K. Hovea. Diadelphia Decandria. i lanceolata. B.m. spear-leaved.. N.S.W. 1805. 3.7. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1624. 2 linearis. H.K. linear-leaved. ——-—— 1796. —— G.f. Botan. regist. 463. Poiretia linearis, L.T. 3 longifolia. HVE. long-leaved. ———-— 1805. —— G.h. Botan. regist. 614. 4 elliptica. elliptic-leaved. ---~-——— 1817. —— G.h. Poiretia elliptica. L.T. 5 latifolia. B.c. - broad-leaved. = ———— -—— -— G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 30. 6 Celsi. B.R. Cels’s. N.Holland. 1818. —— G.h. Botan. regist. 280. 7 ilicifolia.t. Holly-leaved. — 1824. +++. | RAFNIA. Ww. RAFNIA. Diadelphia Decandria. _ 1 amplexicaulis. w. stem-clasping.. C. B.S. 1816. 6.7. G.h. Seb. thes.1. t. 24. f.5. 2 elliptica. w. elliptic-leaved. ——--——- -—— —— G.h. 3 cuneifolia. w. wedge-leaved. ——-—— 1820. -—— G.h. - 4 triflora. w. three-flowered, ——--—-— 1786. ——-.G.¢. Botan. magaz. 482. { Borbonia cordata, A.R. 31. nec aliorwm. 5 opposita. w. opposite-leav’d. ~——~—~—— 1825. +++ Gh. LEBECKIA. W. LEBECKIA. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 contaminata. w. narrow-leaved. C. B.S. 1787. 4.5. G.h. 2 sepiaria. w. — filiform-leaved. ————— 1816. —— G.h. Pluk. mant.t.424. f.1. 3 sericea. w. silky. ——--—-— 1774. —— G.h. 4 cytisoides. w. Cytisus-leaved. — —— — G.k. Commn.hort. 2. t. 197. SPARTIUM. L.en. Broom. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 monospermum.t.en. white single-seeded.S.Europe.1690. 6.7. F.. Botan, magaz. 683. _ 2 sphzerocarpon. L.en. yellow single-seeded. —— 1731. —— F.h. Renealm. spec. t. 33. 3 aphyllum. L.en. violet-coloured. Volga. 1818. —— H.h. Pall. it. 3. app. t.5.f.2. 4 parviflornm. Len. small-flowered. ---.«++* —— —— F.h. . : SPARTIANTHUS. L.en.SpartrantHus. Diadelphia Decandria. L. | junceus. L.en. Spanish-broom. 8S. Europe. 1548. 7.9. H.h. Botan. magaz. 85. | ea simplex. common. | B plenum. ~ double-flowered. GENISTA. L.en. GENISTA. Diadelphia ES EER L. ! ; 1 cinerea. Len. ash-coloured.. S. France. 1818. 5.7. H.h Wats..dend, brif. t. 76. _. Spartium cinereum. w. B 2 anguilata. b.en. small-fiowered. Levant. 1739. —— H.h. Venten. cels. 87. | 3 congesta. close-branchéd, Teneriffe. -+-+. 4.7. G.k Spartium congestum. W.ens A virgata. L.en. long-twigged. Madeira. 1777. 3.6. G.h. Botan. magaz, 2265. i Spartium virgatum. w. _ 6 linifolia. 1. Flax-leaved. . Spain. 1739. 1.6. Botan. magaz. 442. 6 radiata. Len. rayed. Italy. 1758. 5.7. ————-—— 2260.° ; Spartium radiatum. B.M. . _.% pilocarpa. L.en. hairy-podded, © ++«r++++ 1820. —— F.h. ; 8 clavata. Poir. clavate. Mogadore, 1812. 5.8. G.k, Vent. choix, t. 17. | |“ Spariium sericeum. v. 2 ee ee ee ae ae Cytisus divaricatus. B. B.M. parviflorus, DC. small-flowered. ——- eee LEGUMINOSE. 112 9 purgans. Bol purging. S. France. 1768. 6.7. H.h. 10 umbellatum. umbelled. Barbary. 1799. 4,6. G.h. ~ — Spartium wmbellatum.. w. 11 pilosa. w. hairy green-weed.England, ---- 5.6. H.h. 12 sericea, w. silky-leaved. Austria, 1812. -——~- H.h. 13 diffusa. w. diffuse. Italy. 1816. —— H.h. 14 decumbens. w. decumbent. France. 1775. -—— H.hb. 15 procumbens. w. procumbent. Hungary. 1816. 6.8. H.h. 16 florida. w. Spanish. Spain. 1752. —— Hh. 17 ovata. w. oval-leaved. Hungary. 1816. —— H.h. 18 sibirica. w. Siberian. Siberia. 1785. —— H.h. 19 tinctoria. w. Dyer’s green-weed. Britain. ---- —— H.h. 20 scariosa. L.en- seariose. Italy. 1820. —— H.h. 21 anxantica. Ten. smooth. Se ee) 22 triangularis. Ww. three-sided. Hungary. 1815. 5.6, H.h. 23 sagittalis. w. jointed. Germany. 1570. —— H.h. 24 triquetra. w. triangular. Corsica. 1770. 5.6. H.h. 25 viscosa. w. clammy. Canaries. 1815. 4.7. G.h. 26 candicans. w. hoary. Spain. 1735. —— G.h. 27 canariensis. Ww. Canary. Canaries. 1656. 5.9. G.h. 28 ferox. L.en. fierce. _ Barbary. 1800. 6.7. G.h. Spartiam ferox. B.R. 368. 29 germanica. w. German. Germany. 1773. 6.8 H.h. 30 hispanica. w. dwarf prickly. Spain. 1759. —— H.h. 31 lusitanica. w. Portugal. Portugal. 1771. 3.5. H.h. 32 triacanthos. Lem three-spined. — 1821. 5.6. H.f. 33 falcata, P.s. falcate-podded. —~———- -——. 3.5. H.f. 34 anglica. w. Petty Whin. Britain. coos 5.8. HD. 35 Scorpius. L.en- Scorpion. S. Europe. 1570. 3.4. H.h. Spartium Scorpius. W. CALYCOTOME. L.en. CAtycotome. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 spinosa. L.en. prickly. S. Europe. 1596. 6.7. F.h. Spartium spinesum. w. 2 villosa. L.en. villous. 1822. —— F.h. Spariium villosum. w. CYTISUS. L.en. Cytisus. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 nubigenus. L.en. — cluster-flow’r’d. Teneriffe. 1779. 5,8 F.h. Spartium nubigenum. W. 2 scoparius. L.en. common Broom. Britain. eres 4.6. Hib. Spartium scoparium. Ww. 3 patens. woolly-podded. Portugal. 1752. 6.7. H.h Spartium patens. W. 4 procerus. L.en. tall. ——~- 1816. — H.b. 5 multiflorus. white Portugal. — 4752.38 H.k. albus. L.en. Spartium multifiorum. w. 6 proliferus, w. silky. Canaries. 1779. 4.5. G.h.- 7 Laburnum. w. Laburnum. Europe. 1596. 5.6. H.h. 8 alpinus. w.en. Scotch Laburnum. + + 6.7. Hoke 9? tomentosus. A.R. tomentose. C.B.S. 1798. 7.8. G.h. 10 nigricans. w. black-rooted. Austria. 1730. 6.7. H.h. 11 sessilifolius. w. common. Italy. 1629, 5.6. H.h. 12 nanus. w.en. dwarf. Levant. 1816. 6.8. H.}. 13 hirsutus. w. hairy. S. Europe. 1739. -— H.h. 14 eapitatus. w. cluster-flow’r’d. Austria. 1774. 6.7. Hh. 15 austriacus. w. Austrian. ' —- 1741. 6.9. H.h. 16 leucanthus. w. cream-colour’d. Hungary. 1806.° 6.7. H.h. 17 purpureus, w. purple-flowr’d. Austria. 1792. 5.8. H.h. B albus. white-flowered. 18 elongatus. w.en. long-branched. Hungary. 1804. 5.6. H.k. 19 falcatus. w.en. sickle-shaped. — 1816 6.8. H.h. 20 supinus. w. trailing. S. Europe. 1755. 5.8. H.h. 21 biflorus. w. two-flowered. Hungary. 1760. 5.6. H.h. 22 triflorus. w. three-flowered. Spain. 1640. 6.7. 23 mollis. w.en. soft-leaved. = ssee-+e- 1820. —— H.h. 24 argenteus. w. silver-leaved. France. 1739. 8. Heh. ADENOCARPUS. DC. Apenocarpus. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 divaricatus. straddling. S. Europe. 1656. 7.8 — Kh. - Bull. herb. t. 115. toe Desf. atl, 2. t. 180. . (epee Engl. bot. 208, Jacq. ic. 3. t. 556. — a ee 136555. Lodd. bot. cab. T18sy> Wats. dend. brit. .77. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 190. Engl. bot. 44. . W. et Kit. h. 2, t. 153. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 209. Wats. dend. brit. t.79. Wats. dend. brit. t. 80. Botan. regist. 217. Desf. atl. 2. t. 182. . Cav. ie. 3. £; 2h. Andrews’ reposit. 419, Wats. dend. brit. t. 78. Lob. ic. 2. p. 95. Engl. bot. 1339.” Cav. ic. 2. t. 176. Duham. arb..t. 23. Botan. regist. 121. Botan. magaz. 176. Andr. reposit. 237, Jacq. aust. t. 387. Botan. magaz. 255. Wats. dend. brit. 81.1 Jacq. obs. 4. t. 96. j Schmidt arb, 1. t.29. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 21. Botan. magaz. 1438. — — h Wats. dend. brit. 82. | W. et Kit. h. 3.t. 238. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 20. Botan. regist. 308. Botan. magaz. 1387. ‘| $ foliolosus. vc. Cytisus foliolosus. Ww. 4 hispanicus. pe. CALOPHACA. F. i ee. Cytisus wolgaricus. Ww. CAJANUS. DC. | 1 bicolor. pc. 2 flavus. pc. -LUPINUS. W | 1 arboreus. B.M. 4 villosus. w. 5 perennis, w. 7 albus. w ‘8 Termis. w. _ 9 varius. w. 10 hirsntas. w. 11 pilosus. w. 13 linifolins. w. _i4 luteus. w. ONONIS. W. 2 spinosa. w. arvensis. E.B. 3 repens. w. 4 hireina. w. 6 Columne. w. _ T capitata. w. 8 mitissima. w. 9 alopecuroides. w 10 variegata. W “11 striata. p.s. i2 diffusa. 1.s. hispanica. B.M. 14 pubescens. w. (15 cernua. w. 916 umbellata. w. 17 glabra. w. + 18 capensis. w. 19 geminata. w. » 20 villosa. w. +21 pendula. w 22 reclinata. w, 23 cenisia. W. 24 foetida. s.m. 25 vaginalis, w. 26 Cherleri. w 27 viscosa. w. 28 biflora. w. 731 picta. w. +32 pinguis. w 33 Natrix. w. 34 hispanica. w. +35 tridentata. w ; 46 crispa. Ww. iy fruticosa, w, Cytisus ee L. 2 mutabilis. B.F.G. 3 mexicanus. Lag. 6 nootkatensis. Ph. 12 angustifolius. w. 15 microcarpus. B.M. 1 antiquorum. w. 5 minutissima. w. barbata. Cav. saxatilis. Lam. small-flowered. S. Europe. 1732. parviflora. P.s. minutissima. Jacq. non Ww. 13 oligophylla. T.s. 29 ornithopodioides.w. 30 ramosissima. w. *'7 arborescens. w. leafy. Spanish. CALOPHACA. wing-leaved. Piceon PEA. two-coloured. yellow-flow’r’d. LEGUMINOS. “1179. 7.8. Fi. Canaries. Spain. — Diadelphia Decaiidita: Siberia. Diadelphia Decandria. E. Indies. 1687. 7.8. LuPINE. Diadelphia Decandria. L. tree. changeable. Mexican, ° villous. smooth perennial. N.America.1658. hairy perennial. NootkaSound.1794. white. Egyptian. small blue.- large blue. rose. narrow-leaved. Flax-leaved. yellow. small-podded. REST-HARROW. tall. Cammock. - creeping. stinking. pointed calyx’d. capitate. S. America, 1793. Bogato. 1825. Mexico. 1819. Carolina. 1787. a © LT] leSeenl 1: Levant. 1596. Egypt. 1502, S. Europe. 1596. seer 1629. ———— 1710. Spain. 1686. i Ara 1799. Sicily. 1596. Chili. 1822. Diadelphia Deca S. Europe. 1790. ee E SONS bo: Se Britain, Britain. tees Italy. 1596. 5.8 ——-—- 1818. 6.8 6.7. Spain. 1818. —~- cluster-flow’r’d. Portugal. 1782. —- Fox-tail. variegated. striated. diffuse. few-leaved. downy. hanging-podded.C. B.S. 1774. umbel-flow’r’d. smooth-leaved. Cape annual. two-flowered, villons. pendulous, spreading. narrow-leaved, fetid. sheathed, dwarf. clammy. two-flowered, Bird’s-foot. branching. painted. ' greasy. yellow shrubby. Spanish. three-toothed. curl-leaved, tree. shrubby. —— 1696. 7.8. Spain. 1784. —— ~Pyrenees. 1814. 6,7. 7.8. Italy. 1824, S. Europe. 1680. 6.8. 7.9 rm ee «6818. -— ——-—— 1816. —— ——--——- 1823. 7.9. —-—— 1787. —— ——-—— 1825. —— Barbary. 1818, —— S. Europe. 1800. 6,8 Italy. 1759. a= Marocca. 1804. 7.10, Egypt. 1815. 6.8. S. Europe. 1771: 6. 7. _ ————- 1759. 7. 8. Barbary. 1824. -—— Sicily. 1713. —— Barbary. 1825. --- S. Europe. 1739. 7. 8. ——_-—— 1683. 5.9. Spain. 1799. —~— ———-_ 1752, 6.8 ————— 1739. — Barbary. 1825, -- S.France. 1680, = oe. 1786. 5.6. H. e ° EM sot OOOOOOOOOKR KRESS Core ote ah ae » « OORHOFSTTO KOROO Sp Pa ad gE PL Ey SS SS SS at tad a ty HE HFPTILLOOORTOX 113 Botan, magaz. 426. Clus. hisp. 190. ic. 192. Wats. dend. brit. 83. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 119. Botan. magaz. 682. Swt. brit. fl. gar. 130. Botan. regist. 457. Botan. magaz, 202, 1311. Knor. del. 2. t. L. 7. Roth. abh. 14, t. 5. Botan. magaz. 140. 2413. Eng. bot. 682. Dill. elt. t. 25. f. 28. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 93. Cav. ic. 2. t. 143. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 240. Cav. ic. 2, t. 159. f. 2. Dill, elt. t. 24. f. 27. Lapey. pyr. 1. t. 9, Desf, atl. 2. t. 185, Botan. magaz, 2450. Comm. hort. 2, t. 82, Desf, atl. 2. t. 191. All. ped. 1. t. 10, f, 2, Vent. céls. t. 32. Bauh. hist. 2. f. 1. Barr, ic. 1239. Cav. ie, 2. t. 192. Desf. atl. 2. t. 186, —-—— 2. £137, Botan. magaz. 329, Barrel. ic. 775. Cav, ic. 2. ft. 152. Reem.arch.v.1.p.3.t.1, Desf. atl, 2. t. 193. Botan. magaz. 317, — - 114 LEGUMINOSA. 39 rotundifolia. w. round-leaved. Switzerland.1570. 5.7. H. he Botan. mans 335. > ARACHIS. W. EartH Not. Diadelphia Decandria. L. a hy pogea. w. American, S. America. 1712. 5.6. S.©. Trew pl. rar, 5, f. B ANTHYLLIS. W. KipneEyVetcH. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 tetraphylla. w. four-leaved. —§. Europe. AisO- 7.8 H.©. Botan. magaz. 108. 2 Vulneraria. w. common. , _ Britain. 5.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1044, , 7 B pilosa. P.s. red-flowered. . y 3 montana. w. mountain. S. Europe. i. 6.7. H.%. Swt,br. fl. aah, 79. A Dillenii. sch. Dillenins’s. — ——- H... 5 cornicina. w. horned, Spain. 1759. 7.8 H.@©. Cav. ic. 1. t. 39. f. 2. G lotoides. w. Lotus-like. —--—— 1739. 6.7. H.©. 1. t 46. 7 sericea. w. wing-leaved. Barbary. 1786. 7.8. G.g. Desf. act. par. 1. t.3. 8 hamosa. w. hooked. / ———— 1820. —— H.©. < | ‘9 Gerardi. w. Gerard’s. Provence. 1806. 6.8. H.@. Ger. prov. t. 18. 10 onobrychioides. w. Saintfoin-like. Spain. 1818. —— H.¥%. Cay.ic. 2. t.150. 11 alpina. ry. Alpine. Britain. veer 6.7. HX, ‘on 12 linifolia. w. Flax-leaved. CC. B.S. 1816. -—— G.h. heen bial 13 Barba-Jovis.w. Jupiter’s-beard.S. Europe. 1640. 3.5. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1927. 14 cretica. w. Cretan. Crete. 1737. 6.7. F.h. ——— 1092. Ebenus cretica. L. ' 15 heterophylla. w. various-leaved. Spain. 1768. —— G.h. 16 cytisoides. w. downy-leaved. _———— 1731. 4.6. F.h. Barr.ic.1182. . 17 Hermannie. w. Lavender-ld. — Levant. 1739. 4.7. F.h. Botan. magaz. 2576, — 18 Erinacea. w. - prickly. Spain. 1759. 4.5. F.h. Botan. magaz. 676. 19 Hystrix. Porcupine. S. Europe, +++- — F.h. , PETALOSTEMON.M. PETALosTEmMon. Diadelphia Pentandria. Be 1 candidum. ph. white. N.America, 1811. 7.8. H.4%. Mich. am. 2. t. 37. f.1. 2 carneum. Ph. flesh-coloured. -——-—— —— —— H.2L. . Ee 8 violaceum. Ph. purple. —-— — 7.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1707. 4 corymbosum. ph., corymbose. ——_ -——_ —- H.. , Dalea Kuhnistera. w. . or DALEA. J. DaALeA. Diadelphia Decandria. W. 1 Cliffortiana. w. Vera Cruz, Vera Cruz. 1737. 7.8. H.©. 2 Linnzi. m. Fox-tail. Missisippi. 1812. —— H.@©. Mich. am, 2. t. 33. Petalostemon alopecuroideum. Ph. 3 aurea. N. golden. Louisiana. 1811. --—— H.%. 4 laxiflora. ph. loose-flowered. spcotes 2 eae aerate leg 5 enneaphylla. w. mnine-leaved. W.Indies. 1772. —— S.©. G phymatodes. w. | obovate-leaved. Caracas. 1824. —— S.©. | . 7 nutans, w. nodding. S.America. —— -—— S.4%. Cav.ic.3.t.201, _— 8 citriodora. w. leafy. New Spain. 1780. 10. 11. S.©. 3. t.271. Psoralea citriodora, C.1. Sel 9 mutabilis. w. changeable. S.America, 1821. 9.10. S.h. Botan. magaz. 2486. — bicolor. Hook. ex. flor. 43. 10 Lagopus. w. downy-spiked. Mexico. 1780.10.11. G.©. Cav. ic. 1. t.86. 11 lutea. w. yellow. —_——— 1823. 7.9. G.y. 4, t,325. 12 tomentosa. Ww, woolly. ——_- —~— —— G.2. 3. t. 240. PSORALEA. W. PsorALEA. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 pinnata. w. wing-leaved, C.B.S. 1690. 5.7. G.h. Herm. lugd. t. 273. 2 odoratissima. w. fragrant. om. «:1795. Goh. daeq: schenyeak, 220. | pinnata. A.R. 474, nec aliorum. | | $8 verrucosa. w. narrow-leaved, ————~— 1774. 5.8. G.h. ——-—— 2. t. 226. angustifolia. Jacq. arborea. B.M. 2090. . 4 aculeata, w. prickly-leaved. —————- -— -—— G.h. Andr. reposit. 146. 5 bracteata. w. oval-spiked. ——— 1731. 6.7. G.R. Botan. magaz. 446. 6 spicata. w. long-spiked. §©=——-—— 1774. 7.8. G.h. Andr. FOROS 41}, 7 involucrata. Ww. large-bracted. ———— 1824. —— G.h. z | 8 aphylla. w. leafless, ——-—— 1790. 6.8. G.h. . Botan. : magaz,. 1727. a | 9 multicaulis, w. many-stalked. ———— 1793. 8.10. G.h. sia schoen, 2. t. 230. 4 10 tenuifvlia. w. fine-leaved, oa COT. Ge 2, t. 225. | 11 axillaris. w. axillary-flow’r’d, ———— 1816. —— G.h. ie 12 decumbens. w. trailing. —— 1774. 4.6. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 281. | 13 hirtaaw. hairy. ———— 1713. 5.9. G.k. Jacq. schoen. 2. t. 228. 14 Stachydis. w. Stachy’s-leav'd. ———— 1793. 4.6. G.h. ia, 16 striata. w. streaked. ——_—— 1816. 6.8. Gh. 16 argentea. w. silvery. — -—— -—— G.h. 17 tomentosa. w. woolly. ———— 1625. +--+ Gh. 18 repens. W. creeping. —--—- i774. 7.8. G.h. ding 19 pedunculata. BR. flat- headed. —-— I815. 1.12.G.h. Botan. regist. 223. LEGUMINOS ©. 1l5 29 bituminosa. w. bituminous. S. Europe. 1570. 4.9. G.h. Schkuhr. han. 2. t. 210. 21 glandulosa. w. stripe-flowered. Peru. 1770. 5.9. F.h. Botan. magaz,990. 22 divaricata. W.en. _—‘ divaricate. S.America. 1820. -—— G.h. 23 pubescens. w.en. pubescent. ——— - ——- —-—— —G.h. 24 palestina. w. Palestine. Levant. 1771. 4.9. F.4%. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 184. 25 americana. w. ‘Madeira. Madeira. 1640. 7.8. G.h. Jacq. schoen. 2. t. 227. 26 capitata. w. headed. Ane. Best 1793. 6.8. G.h. 27 canescens. M. canescent. Carolina. 1823. -— H.2. 28 cuspidata. ph. large-rooted. Louisiana. 1811. —— H.2. fae 29 esculenta. ph. Bread root. Missouri. —— -—— H.y. Pursh. am. sept.2. t.22. 30 incana. N. silky. ———— 1813. —— H.%. argophylla. ph, 31 arenaria. N. sand. ———- _ 1823. —— H.2. lanceolata et elliptica. Ph. 32 Lupinellus. pp. small-flowered. Carolina. 1812. ——- H.%. 33 Onobrychis. Nn. rough-podded. Louisiana. ——- -—— H.}%. Botan. regist. 453. 34 melilotoides. w. Melilot-like. Carolina. 1814, —— H.%. ———-—— 454, Melilotus psoraloides. N. 35 lathyrifolia, w.en. Lathyrus-leav’d- «---++-- 1823. —— G.h. Balb.h. turin. f. 1. 36 corylifolia. w. Hazel-leaved. India. 1739. 6.7. S.g. Botan. magaz. 665. _ MELILOTUS. J. MELILoT.~ Diadelphia Decandria. L. 3 L coerulea. p.s. blue. Germany. 1562. 8.9. H.©. Botan. magaz. 2283. Trifolium coeruleum. BM. : 2 parviflora. pe. small-flowered. India. 1810. 6.8. H.©. rugulosa. W.en- ' 3 indica. w.en. Indian. -——-—— 1680. —— H.©. Pluk. alm, t.45. f. 4. 4 Boumeti. L.en. yellow-flow’1’d. -+++<++- 1818. —— H.©. 5 altissima. L.en. tallest. S. Europe. ——~ -—— H.©. 6 messanensis. p.s. Sicilian. . Sicily. 1680. —— H.©. 7 mauritanica. w.en. Barbary. Barbary. 1798. —— H.©. / 8 suleata. pe. furrowed. —_ — — Ho. 9 polonica. p.s. Polish. Poland. 1778. —— H.©. a 10 macrorhiza. p.s. long-rooted. Hungary. 1801. 7.8. H.y%. K.hung.1. t. 26. 11 dentata. p.s. toothed. ——_——__ 1802. 6.8. H.y%. —————— l.t.42. 12 officinalis. L.en. common. Britain. eoe> 6.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 1340. 13 vulgaris. w.en. white-flowered. Europe. coos ——— HZ. 14 Kochiana. w.en. smooth-podd’d. Germany. 1816. —— H.¢@. 15 Petitpierriana.w.en. rough-podded. — — —H.¢. altissima. P.s. 16 linearis. P.s. linear-leaved. Spain. — — H.©. 17 hamosa. M.B. hooked. Siberia. 1823. ——- H.©. 18 plicata. F. plaited. teeesess ——— =—— HO. 19 taurica. F. Taurian. Tauria. —— — H.©. 20 italica. p.s. Italian. Italy. 1596. —— H.©. Camer, hort. t. 29. 21 rotundifolia. ,.en. round-leaved. ———— 1824. —— H.©. | 22 cretica. p.s. Cretan. Candia. 1713. —— H.©@. Banh. prodr. t. 142. 23 ? ornithopodioides. p.s. Bird’s-foot. Britain. o-e> —— H.©. Eng. bot. 1047. Trifolium ornithopodioides. E.B. Trigonella ornithopodioides. pc. LUPINASTER. Ph. Lupinaster.. Diadelphia Decandria. pentaphyllum. five-leaved. Siberia. 1741. 7.8. H.2L Botan. magaz. 879. Trifolium Lupinaster. B.M. Pentaphyllon Lupinaster. P.s. _ TRIFOLIUM. J. TREFoIL. Diadelphia Decandria. L. i reflexum. w. _ reflexed. Virginia. 1794. 6.8. H.%. 2 angulatum. w. angular. Hungary. 1803. ——- H.©. W.etK.hang. 1. t. 27. 3 strictum. w. upright. S. Europe. 1805. 7.8. H.©. eee Ae ke BS 4 hybridum. ws hybrid. Europe. 1777.. —— H.¥. Mich. gen. t. 25. f,2.6. 5 Michelianum. p.s. Italian. Italy. 1815. —— H.©. Mich. n.g. pl. t.25. f.2. 6 elegans. p.s. elegant. ———— 1823. ——H.©. Savi fl.pis.161. t.1, f.2. 7 pallescens. p.s. pale. Hungary. 1804. —— H.©. 8 cespitosum, w. turfy. Switzerland.1815. 6.8. H.%. Vill. delph.3. t. 41. 9 repens. w. whiteclover. Britain. oreo 5.9. H.Y. Eng. bot. 1769. 6 pentaphyllum. p.s. purple 5-leaved. ————— ;+:+- —— H.}. 10 comosum. w. tufted. America. 1798. 6.7. H.}. 11 alpinum. w. Alpine. Italy. 1775. 6.8. H.y%. Sturm Kl. deut. c. ic. 12 globosum. w. globular. Levant. 1713. 6.8. H.©. 13 subterraneum. w. subterraneous. England. sees 5.6. H.©. Eng. bot. 1048. _ 14 hispidum. w. hispid. S. Europe. 1823. —— H.©. Desf. atl. 2. t. 209. t.1.. 15 Cherleri. w. hairy. Montpelier. 1750. ——- H.©. Barrel. ic. 859. 16 villosum. p.s. villous. France. isis. —— H.©. ED) bo te i 116 LEGUMINOS&, 17. pictum, w. . _ painted, = =—saeerees 1800. 6.8. ne jg. ba 18 diffusum. P.s, diffuse. ’ Hungary. 1801, —~ H.@, K. Nats 1, 1.50 19 saxatile. w. rock. Switzerland.1816. —-— H.g. All. ped. t. 59. fa 20 capense. Ww. Cape. > ONS, bes, cae G.%. a 21 lappaceum. w. burr. Montpelier. 1787. 6.8. H.©. 22 rubens. w, long-spiked. S. Europe. 1633. 6.9. H.2. yacq ae t. $85. “a 23 pratense. w, common clover, Britain. +++- 5.9. H.%. Eng. bot. 1770. 24 medium. w. zigzag. "England. «s-> 6.8 H.¥. Eng. bot. 190. tod 25 alpestre. w. oval-spiked. Europe. 1789, -—~ H.3.. Jacq. aust. 5. t. AP Rae 26 pensylvanicum. ph. Buffalo clover. N,America.1811. 6.9. H.2%. 27 pannonicum, w. Hungarian. Hungary. 1752. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. obs. 2. t. 42.- 28 noricum. P.s, white-flowered. —————- 1823. ——- H.. Sturm dents, Ca Alcs .. 29 bracteatum. w.en. large-bracted. Morocco. 1804. —— H.¢. 30 pallidum, w. pale-flowered. Hungary. 1803. —— H.©. W.etK. hung, 1. t. 36. 31 alopecuroides, p.s. fox-tail. ——. «-+- —— H.. 32 canescens. W. gray. Caucasus. 1803. 5.6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1168. 33 maritimum., w. teasel-headed. England. rees 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 220, irregulare. DC. 34 squarrosum. Ww. various-leaved. Spain. 1640. 7%. H.©. ~- Moris. his. 2. t. 13. f.l. 35 incarnatum., w. flesh-coloured. Italy. 1596. ——- H.©. Botan. magaz. 328. 36 Molineri. w.en- long-headed. oo 1823. —— H.©. 37 ochrolencum, w. sulphur-color’d. England. -+-- 5.7. H.Y. Eng. bot. 1224, 38 angustifolium. w. narrow-leaved. S. Europe. 1640. 6.8. H.©. Barrel. ic. t. 698. 39 lasiocephalum. L.en. woolly-headed. C. B.S. 1825. —— H.©. 40 involucratum. w. involucred. S. Europe. —— —— H.©. 41 armenium, w.en.- Armenian. Armenia. 1816. 5.7. H.2. 42 arvense, W. Hare’s-foot. Britain. +e. 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 944. 43 stellatum. w. starry-headed. England. coer — HQ. —— 1546. 44 gracile. p.s. slender. France. 1818. -—— H.©. 45 clypeatum, w. oriental. Levant. 1711. 6.8. H.@©. Alp. exot. t. 306. 46 albidum, w. white. AVA OS Bar 1796. 7.8. H.©. 47 Bocconi. L.en- Boccone’s. Italy. 1825. —— H.©. 48 scabrum. w. rough, Britain. --»- 5.6. H.©. Eng. bot. 903. 49 rigidum. P.s. rigid. Italy. 1818. —— H.©. Savifl. pes. 2. t. 1. f,1. 50 glomer atum. Ww. round-headed. England. --> 6 H.©. Eng. bot. 1063, 51 striatum. w. soft-knotted. Britain. 19° 3. een Sia, is 52 gemellum. w. donble-headed. Spain. — 1825. 7.8. H.©. 53 Gussoni. T. Gussone’s. Italy. — — H.©. 54 phleoides. w. Phleum-spiked. Spain. — — H.©. 55 alexandrinum. w. Egyptian. Egypt. 1798. 6.7. H.©. | 56 malacanthum. L.en. sharp-sepaled. -..-.--- 1824. 6.7. H.©. 57 suffocatum. w. suffocated. asp) ---- =——— H.©. Eng. bot. 1049. 58 conicum. s.7T, Conical, = ee ese 1823. —— H.©,. 59 aristatum. w.en- awned Portugal. 1820. —— H.©. 60 parviflorum. w, small-flower’d. Hungary. 1805. 7.8. H.©. 61 spumosum. w. - bladdered. France. 1771. 6.7. H.©. 62 resupinatum. Ww. _—resupinate. Germany. 1713. ~—- H.©.~ Barr. ic. t.872. 63 vesiculosum. P.s = recurved. Hungary. 1805. —— H.@©. K.hung.2. t.165. recurtum. WK. i 64 formosum. Savi. sweet-scented. §. Europe. 1818. —— H.©. suaveolens. W.en- 65 tomentosum. w. —_ woolly. Ee 1 | eg H.©. Magn. monsp. t. 264, 66 fragiferom. w. Strawberry-headed.England.---- 7.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1050. | 67 Cupani. L.en. long-flowered. Italy. 1820. —— H.©,. 68 rupestre. T.s. villons -headed. ———— 1824. —— H.2. 69 tenuiflorum. T.s. slender-flowered. —-——_- ——- —— H.2. 70 tenuifolium. T.s. slender-leav’d. — — —— Ht. 71 badium. p.s. villous-stalked. Pyrenees. ---- 6.8. H.2. 72 spadiceum. w. Bay-coloured. Europe, 1778. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 557. 73 speciosum, w. large-flowered. Candia. 1752. 6.7. Hagte . . 74 agrarium. w. golden. Europe. 1815. —— H.©. Barrel. ic. 1024. 75 Sebastiani. savi. Sebastian’s, Italy. 1823. —— H.©. — 76 montanum. w. mountain. Europe. 1786. 7.8. H.y%. Flor. dan. t. 1172. 77 procumbens. £.B. Hop. Britain. «--- 6.7. H.©. ~ Eng. bot. t, 945. campestre. P.S. agrarium. C.1.. 78 minus. E.B. ’ Tesser yellow. ————— ss -— H.©. ———t, 1256. “procumbens. C.L. . 79 filiforme. E.B. slender yellow. ——-—— +++ ~—- H.@. —~—— t. 1257. Sel MEDICAGO. W. 1 arborea. w. 2 cretacea. W.en.— _ 3 sativa. w. | 4 media. P.S. falcata. Lam. non L. 5 falcata. w. _ 6 glomerata. P.s. 7 glutinosa. w. _ 8 prostrata. w. _ 9 brachycarpa. M.B. 10 suffruticosa. pc. AL lupulina. £.B. 12 Willdenowii. pc. 13 obscura. P.s. 14 orbicularis. w. 15 marginata. w.en. 16 elegans. w. | 17 scutellata. w. il 18 Helix. w. 19 tornata. w. 20 turbinata, w. 21 tuberculata. w. 22 aculeata. w. 23: Murex. w. 24 intertexta. w. 45 Echinus. pe. 26 histrix. T.s. *? ciliaris. w. 8. granatensis. ‘9 carstiensis, W. \0 maculata. w. _ polymorpha. E.B. 1 flexuosa. T.s. 2 arenaria. T,s. littoralis. L.en- .3 tentaculata. w. 4 coronata. w. 5 apiculata. w. 6 spinulosa. pc. 7 denticulata. w. 8 muricata. w. 9 Gerardi. w. D agrestis. T.s. 1 marina, w. 2 Terebellum. w. 3 tribuloides. w. i # uncinata. w. 5 distans. Poir. 3 caspica. L.en. ’ pubescens. w.en. 44, § Figidula, w. 1}. i] f. ) catalanica. L.en. ) greeca. W.en. . minima. w. } nigra. Ww. » Jaciniata. w. (: Ovata. H.E. { strumaria. H.E. | radiatus. L.en. LEGUMINOSE. _ Medicago radiata. w. | circinnatus. L.en. | Medicago circinnata. w. { nummularius. L.en. “IGONELLA. W. _ ruthenica. w. | platycarpos. w. hybrida. pe. Mepick. Diadelphia Decandria. L. - ; Moontrefoil. Italy. 1596. 56.11. Fh. suffraticose. Tauria. 1805: 7. H.. Lucerne. England, -+++ 6.7. H.i. pale-flowered. Europe. coos —— H.. yellow. Britain. cece 7.8. H.%. clustered. Italy. - — Hx. glutinous. Tauria, 1818. —— H.%. prostrate, Italy. 1793. —— H.2%. short-podded. Tiflin. 1818. —— H.©. frutescent, Pyrenees. -—— 6.7. H.b. nonesuch, Britain. seer 5.8. HO. Willdenow’s, Europe soee —— HO. doubtful, == -s\=*-+ee- 1734. 7.8. H.©. flat-podded. S.Enrope. 1688. —— H.©. margined. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.©. elegant. Sicily. 1680. —— H.©. snail-podded. S. Europe. 1562. 6.8, H.©. many fid, snail. — 1816. -—— H.©. smooth-podd’d, 1658, —— H.©. Turban. — ——-—— 1680. —— H.©. wart-podded. — 1658. —— H.©. prickly. teceeses 1802. —— H.©. Burdock-podded.--------> —— -—— H.©. hedge-hog. S. Europe. 1629.. —— H.©. Sea-egg. 1820. —— H.©. Porcupine. Italy. 1824. —— H.©. fringed. France. 1686. 7. 8, H.©. Spanish. Spain. 1816. 6.8. H.©. creeping-rooted.Carinthia, 1789. 6.7. H.%. heart. England. -see 5.6. H.©. flexuose. Italy. 1824. 6.8. H.©. sand, — — H.©. distichous-spined.S.Europe. -—— —— H.©. crowned. ——— 16601. — H.©. tufted. ——-—— 1800. —— H.O. spinulous. —-— 1820. —— H.©. toothed. ——- 1800. —— H.©. prickly. England. eoee 5.6. HO. Gerard’s. Hungary. 1816. 6.8. H.©. field, Italy. 1824. —— H.©@. sea. S. Europe. 1596. —— H.©. short-spined. ———— 1798. —— H.@). Caltrops-like.. ———-— 1739. —— H.@. hooked. — 1820. —— H.©. distant. secrecy mm He(e). Caspian. Caspia. —— —— H.(), pubescent. S. Europe. 1823. —— H.@), thorny-podded. -—--—— 1730. —— H.©@. Catalanian. Catalania. 1816. —— HS, Grecian. Greece. 1804. —— H.©@,. least. England. ---- -—— H.@) black. France. 1789. —— H.@). cut-leaved, S. Europe. 1683. -—— H.@). oval-leaved. — 1818. —— H.©). 1 strumous. ces i eer ehaty)s ” JMENOCARPOS. W. Hymenocarros. Diadelphia Decandria. ray-podded. Italy. 1629. 6.7. H.©. kidney-podded. Italy. 1640. 7.8. H.©,. Money-wort. §.Europe. -++- -—— H.©@. FReNUGREEK. Diadelphia Decandria. L. small. Siberia. 1741. 5.7. H.%. round-leaved. ———— -— 69 H.d hybrid. France. 18096..—— H. ll se" ee. hile 117 Flor. grec. 767. Eng bot. 1749. Eng. bot. 1016, Jacq. vind. 1, t. 89. Eng. bot, 971. Retz. obs. 1. p. 24. t. 1. Geert. sem. 2. t. 155. Moris. s. 2. t. 15. f. 4. es Se 2. t. 15. f. 3. Moris. s. 2. t.15. f. 5. NN te 2 t. 15. f. 6. Moris. 5, 2.t.15. f.7. ’ Botan. magaz. 909. Eng. bot. 1616. Geert. sem. 2. t. 155. Moris. s. 2. t. 15. f. 16. Pluk. phyt. t. 113. f.6. Moris. s. 2. t. 15. f. 18. Cav. ic. 2. t. 130. Flor. dan, 211. Moris. s. 2. t. 15. f. 19. Lob. ic. 2. p- 38. f. 2. Gert. sem. 2. ¢. 155. . Gmel. sibir, 4. t. 8. —— 4, t. 9. 4 striata. w. 5 polycerata. w. 6 hamosa. w. 7 spinosa. w. 8 corniculata. w. 9 cancellata. P.s. tenuis. M.B. flexuosa. M.B. calliceras. M.B. monspeliaca. w. egyptiaca. Poir, elongata. L.en. tomentosa. Ww. laciniata. w. pinnatifida. w indica. w. 21 esculenta. w.en. 22 gladiata. M.B. LOTUS. W. edulis. w. peregrinus. w. glaucus. w. anthylloides. w diffusus. E.B. gracilis. w. SHNAAP Wh KH arabicus. w. australis. B.w. 11 Gebelia. v. 12 Dioscoridis..w. 13 tenuis. w.xK. depressus. W.en. 14 ornithopodioides. 15 jacobeus. w. 16 decumbens. pc. 17 Forsteri. 10 Foenum-grecum. w. angustissimus. w. conimbricensis. P.s. decumbens. E.F. non DC. 18 creticus. w. 19 lanuginosus. y. 20 hirsutus. w. 21 sericeus. Dc. 22 rectus. w. 23 palustris. w. 24 parviflorus. w. 25 subbiflorus. p.s. 26 prostratus. P.s. 27 suaveolens. P.s. odoratus. B.M. 28 ciliatus. T.s. 29 pedunculatus. w. 30 corniculatus. E.B, 31 major. E.B. 32 hispidus. P.s. | 33 cytisoides. w. DORYCNIUM. W. 1 monspeliense. w. Sfruticosum. P.s. Lotus Dorycnium. L. 2 herbaceum. w. - 3 latifolium. w. TETRAGONOLOBUS. TETRAGONOLOBUS. 1 maritimus. £.en- Lotus maritimus. w. 2 siliquosus. L.en. 3 edulis. L.en. Lotus tetragonolobus. w yellow-flow’r’d. Montpelier. 1754. 4 conjugatus. Len. LEGUMINOS. streaked. eoevcsoee 1824. —— H.}. broad-leaved. S. Europe. 1640. 7.9. H.@. hooked. Egypt. — 7.8. Ho. thorny. Candia. 1710. —— H.@. horse-shoe. S. Europe. 1597. 6.7. H.@. netted-podded. ------ -- 1818. —— H.@). slender. Tiflin — — Ho. flexuose. — — — Ho. rostrate. — 1824. —— H.@. Montpelier. Montpelier. 1710. —~— H.(@). Egyptian. Egypt. 1823. —— H.@). elongated. = =§ «+-+s: i © Oh tomentose. C. B.S — 7.9. H.©. laciniate. Egypt. — — Ho. pinnatifid. Spain. 1801. 6.8. H.@). Indian. ~ E. Indies. 1793. 6.9. S.@). common. Montpelier. 1597. —— H.@). esculent. E. Indies. 1815. —— so gladiate. S. Europe. 1820. —— H.©@). BirpDsFoOoT TREFOIL. Diadelphia Decandria. esculent. Italy. 1710. 7.8. H.©. flat-podded. §. Europe. 1713. —— H.@). glaucous. Madeira. 1777. 6.8. G.f. Anthyllis-like. C.B.S. 1812. —— G.h. narrow-podd’d. 8. France. --e+ 5.6. H.@. slender-podd’d. England. ++». -—— H.(@). slender. Hungary. 1818. —— H.%. Portugal. ' Portugal. 1800. 6.7. H.©. red-flowered. Arabia. 1773. 7.9. H.©. New Holland. N.S. W. 1803. 5.9. G.f. Aleppo. Aleppo. 1823. —— H.©. Dioscorides’. Crete. 1658. 6.7. H.@) slender. Hungary. 1816. 6.8, H.}. claw-podded. Sicily. 1683. —— H.©. dark-flowered. CapeVerd.Isl.1714.1. 12. G.h. decumbent. France. 1820. 5.7. H.%. Forster’s. Britain. oo —— Ht, silver-leaved. Levant. 1680. 6.9. G.h. pendulous. Levant. 1818. 7.8. H.%. hairy. S.Europe. 1683. 6.8. H.h. silky. eS eet, ee upright. — 1640. ——~ H.2. marsh. Italy. 1824. —— H.%, ~ small-flowered. — -—— 7.8. H©),. two-flowered. — 1820. —— H.@). prostrate, — — 6.8. H.y. sweet-scented. Barbary. 1804. —— H.%. ciliate.” Italy. 1820. —— H.2. long-peduncl’d. Spain. 1814. —— H.%. common. Britain. cone ——— Hi, greater. — coos —— HI. hispid. S. Europe. 1820. —— H.2. downy. — 1752. 7.8. H.%. Dorycnium. Diadelphia Decandria. L. suffruticose. S. Europe. 1640. 7.9. F.h» herbaceous. — 1802. 6.9. H.2. broad-leaved. Levant. 1818. ——-~ F.. Diadelphia Decandria. sea-side. Europe. 1683. 5.10. H.%. square-podded. S. Europe. —— 7.8. H.}. winged pea. _ Sicily. 1796. —— H.©. ep P Botan. magaz. 1235 ~ Vent. malm. 92. “Vill. dauph. 3. td | Alp. ait t. 124. Lam. ill: t.611. f. 2. Moris. Ss. 2. ‘t. 16. f. 11. ma § ‘ W.etK. hung. 2, t. 142. “fe Te : Cav. ic. 1. “t. 38. Pluk. alm. t. 200. f. Schk. 8. han, 2. t. 4 : Fa Cav. ic. 2, t. 157, - Vent. malm. t. 92. - Bauh. hist. 2. f. 2. Eng. bot. 925, r- 4 Jacq. vind, 2. t. 155, Botan. magaz. 1305. Vent. cels. t. 57. All, ped, 1. t. 59. i | ont ey tl Cav. ic. 2. t. 163. a | Botan. magaz. 79. q Cav. ic. 2. t. 156. Botan. magaz. 336, Moris. s. 2. t. 18. fa Desf, atl. 2. t. 211, mm «Ff et bbe 2090. 7 | — 2091.) Barrel. rar. 71. P| Park, theat. 360. f, r aH | Flor. dan. 800. e) Jacq. aust. 4. t. 36 Botan. magaz, 151 NS sO POLICHOS. Ww. 1 Lablab. w. 2 sinensis. Ww. 8 benghalensis. w. 4 luteolus, w 5 unguiculatus. w. \ | 6 tranquebaricus. w. Tranquebar. | te cultratus. W | 8 gladiatus. w. 10 sesquipedalis. w. emarginatus. Jacq. (2 hirsutus. w. 13 pilosus. Ww. 4 minimas. w. 17 obcordatus. H.B. 8 virosus. H.B. _ 9 capensis. w. i reticulatus. w. '2 bulbosus. w. 33 faleatus. w ‘4 lobatus. we ‘5 gangeticus. H.B. 6 glutinosus. H.B. 17 sanguineus. Ja. 8 purpurens, w. 9 violaceus. Mart. 0 albus. w. a1 lignosus, Ww. 2 luteus, w. 4 ensiformis. w. > Soja. w 5 Catiang. w. 7 biflorus. w. 3 roseus. w, _) frutescens. D.p. EIZOLOBIUM.P.S. Cow-ircu. | altissimum. P.s. 2 urens, P.s, >} pruriens. P.s. ‘>| mite. p.s. ) niveum. H.B. . giganteum. H.B. | imbricatum, HB. _ bracteatum. u.B. | anguineum, Roxb. | capitatum. H.B. ‘ASEOLUS. Ww. | vulgaris. w. ' multiflorus, w. coccineus. P.S. perennis. w. i junatus. w. inameenus. w. | farinosus. w. | sublobatus. H.B. calearatns. H.B. | dolichoides. H.B. minimus. H.B. j 9 tetragonolobus. w. it rotundifolius. P.s. 15 tetraspermus. w. \6 medicagineus. w. 10 scarabeoides. w. 3 phaseoloides. H.B. .RPOPOGON.H.B. Carpoprocon. | i monospermum. H.B. single-seeded. } atropurpureum.H.B. dark purple. | Dolichos helvolus. n. LEGUMINOSZ. Doticnos. Diadelphia Decandria. L. black-seeded. Egypt. 1694. 6.7. Chinese. India. _—=«_-1776. | 7.8. Bengal. Bengal. 1820. —— yellow. America. 1805. —— Birds foot. W. Indies. 1780. 6.7. E. Indies. 1801. —— sharp-edged. Japan. | 1818. —— sabre- -podded. E. Indies. 1801. —— square-podded, — 1816. 9.11. long-podded. W.Indies. 1781. 8. round-leaved. ————— 1618. 7.8. hirsute. ~ China. 1802. 6. hairy-podded. E.Indies. 1790. 8. small. Jamaica. 1776. 7.8. four-seeded. E.Indies. 1816. 5.8. Medick-like. — 1822. —— obcordate. China. —_- -—- virose. E. Indies. 1818. —— Cape. C. B.S. —_ -— silver-leaved, E. Indies. 1773. 6,7. net-leaved. N.S.W,. 1781. —— bulbous. E. Indies) —— 7%. | falcate-podded. ——-—— 1820. —— lobe-leaved. | C. B.S. 1818. 6.7. Ganges. _ Bengal. 1824, —— glutinous. E. Indies) —— —— bloody-podded. — 1822. —— purple. — 1790. 5. 10. violet-coloured. S.America. 1823. 7.8 white-flowered, China. cs ee woody. E. Indies. 1776. —— yellow-flowr’d., Jamaica. © 1812, —— Phaseolus-like. E. Indies. 1823. —— cimeter-podd’d. —) 1778... .-—— Soy. ——— 17901. —— small-fruited. = - 1793. —— two-flowered. —-—— 1776. —— Rose-coloured. Jamaica. 1812. ~—— frutescent. Nepaul. 1824, ——- Diadelphia Decandria. tall. Martinico. 1779. -- broad-podded. W. Indies. 1691. 6.7. common. India. 1680. -~+- oblique-leaved. Peru. 1823. + Diadelphia Decandria. E. Indies. 1818. 7.9. — 1820. —— white. —_ -——- gigantic. ——— 1815. —— imbricated. —_ — bracted. ——— 1822. -. snake. — tee capitate. — — 7.9. KipNEY-BEAN. Diadelphia Decandria. common. India. _ 1597. 5.9. scarletrunner, S.America? 1633. 7.9. perennial. Carolina. 1823. —— cimeter-podd’d- E, Indies. 1779. 6. 7. various-colour’d Africa. 1794. 7.8. mealy. E.Indies. 1759. —— lobed-leaved.. ——— 1820. —— spurred, ee ee Dolichos like. ——-——- — : small. China. . . 1823. +—- sweet-scented. W. Indies. 1732. pale red. Carolinas = ——- —— 119 ~- Botan. magaz. 896. 2232. on ~. Jacq. hort. 2. t. 124. we «dC. 907. cere al agpe vind. 1. t. 22. A U. Jacq, ic. 3. t. 560. we w. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 67. ~~ Jacq. schoen, 2. t. 221. TOOQOODOTOD - Kempf. ic. t. 41. pe ese . Jacq. obs. 1. t. 22. . Burm. zeyl, t. 84. f. 2. ~. Rheed. mal. 8. t. 45. reg: ~. Pluk. alm. t. 53. f. 3. e . Rumph. amb. e t. 132. Cie tee See . Hout, syst. 8. t. 64. f.1. . Exot. bot. 2. t. 74. LARDDODBORAADARERA HOnnTnwntatw : Rumph. amb. t. 137. . Botan. magaz. 380. PIOOE BEER RE TOR MEO OOL CeCCCAl CEC * Jacq. ic. 3. t. 559. —_————- ].. t. 145. Rheed. mal. 8. t. 41. Pluk. alm. t. 213. f.4. —. Jacq. amer. t. 182.f.85. - Plum. amer. t. 107. . Jacq. amer, t. 122. a55; 2 *. Rheed mal, 8, t. 36. CX EGIL S . Lob. ic. 2. p. 59. - Schk. han. 2. t. 199. a, ( ( OOORSOROOX OO OssrsrsOrr s555 SOOOOOR ( - Hout. syst. 8. t. 63. f.1. . Jacq. vind, 1, t. 66. - Niss.act. par.1730.t.42. CCS Jacq. vind, 2. t, 102. . Dill. elt, t.233. £.300. Tt FE EE cn tn gx ce ET on Bic lr coven Rnnn nPNnnnnngd noe 120 LEGUMINOSE. 13 hirtus. w. hairy. C.B.S. 1818. —— H. te 14 semierectus. w. dark red. | W. Indies. 1732. —— S.@.V. ~. Dill, elt. t. as. f. 30 15 angulosus, p.s. angular-stalk’d. S. America. 1818. —— H.@.— 16 mesoleucus. Len» Brasilian. razil. — — i 17 heterophyllus. w.en different-leav’d. S. America. —— —— S.%.c “ 18 subtrilobus. L.en. acute-lobed. _— Brazil. — — H. ie. 19 alatus. w. winged. Carolina. 1732, —— H.(.c. Dill. elt. t. 235. f. 303 20 Caracalla. w. Snail-flower. India. 1690. 8.9. S.2/.—. Botan. regist. 341. 21 aconitifolius. w. Aconite-leav’d. E. Indies. 1731. 6.8. S.@.—. Jacq. obs. 3. t. t. 52. 22 angustifolius. H.B. uarrow-leaved. ————— 1818. —— S.@).v. 23 trilobus. w. three-lobed. —-—— 1777, 7.8. $.@._. Burm. ind, t. 50. f. : 24 stipularis. w. large-stipuled. Peru. 1805. —— H.@. 25 nanus. L. common dwarf. India. -+- 6.9. H.@). . 26 radiatus. w rayed. China. 1732. 6.7. H.@,. Dill. elt. t. 235. f. 30 27 Max. w. hairy-podded. India. 1758. —— H.@. Rumph. amb. 5. t. 14 28 Mungo. w. small-fruited. — 1790. —— H.@. 29 diversifolius. p.s. _ various-leaved. N.America. 1806. -——~- H.(). trilobus. ph. Glycine angulosa. w. 30 lathyroides. w. Lathyrus-like. Jamaica. 1786. 7.8. S.@. Sloan. J: 1. t. 116. f. 1 31 sphzrospermus. W. round-seeded, 5S. America. 1823. —— S.(@). - 1.t.117. f. 1.2, 32 glaber. H.B. smooth. Mauritius. —— -—— S.©). 33 torosus. H.B. Nepaul. Nepaul. —— H.©. TERAMNUS. W. TERAMNUS. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 volubilis., w twining. Jamaica. 1822, —— S.h.W. - 2 uncinatus. w. hooked. —_——- ——- — S.h. Plum. sp. 8. ic. 221, ERYTHRINA. W. CorAL-TREE. Diadelphia ae L. ‘a 1 herbacea. w. herbaceous. Carolina. 1724. 6.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 877. 2 carnea. w. flesh-coloured. VeraCruz. 1733. rs S.h. Botan. regist. 389. — 3 Coralledendrum.w. common. W.Indies. 1690. 5.6. S.h. Comm. hort. 1. t. 108 4 indica. w. Indian. E, Indies. 1814. —— S.h. Rheed. mal. 6. t. 7. 5 fusca, w. brown-flower’d. ~———--—— 1800. -+-+ S.h. Rumph. amb. 2. t. 78. 6 caffra. w. Cape. C. B. S. 1816. 5.6. S.h. Botan. regist. 736. — 7 speciosa. A.R. large-flowered. W. Indies. 1805. 5.10. S.h. Andr. repos. 443. — 8 fulgens. fulgent. E. Indies. 1801. —— S.he DS 9 aculeatissima. Desf. very-prickly. = -+--+++- 1816. —— S.h. ' 10 picta. w. prickly-leaved. E. Indies. 1696, —-— S.h. Rumph. amb. 2. t. 77 11 glauca. w. glaucous. Caracas. 1824. «++» S.h. M 12. mitis. w. smooth-stemm’d, ~—--—— 1818. 6.8. S.h. Jacq. schon. 2. t. 21 13 piscidioides, Piscidia-leav’d. E. Indies. 1800. --- S.h. “ig 14 abyssinica. w.en. Abyssinian. Africa. 1820. +--+. S.h. 15 incana. w.en. hoary. eons ere ibe.) yah 16 portoricensis, Desf. Portorico. Portorico. —— -++- S.k. 17 poianthes. L.T. crowded-fld, s+ +++ eves 2.4. S.h. Linn. trans,14. t.10.1 18 secundiflora. L.t. side-flowering. Brazil. 1818. 4:6. Sih. ——~—14.t. 12. 19 crista-galli. L. Cock’s-comb. ——— 1771. 3.10, H.h. Swe. br. fl. gar. t. 14 20 stricta. H.B. straight. E. Indies. 1816. 4.6. S.h. g 21 ovalifolia. H.B. oval-leaved. —_—- -§ ——_ ees Sih. i 22 suberusa. H.B. cork-barked, — 1818. ---- S.h. : 23 arborescens.H.B. arborescent. §Nepaul. — <«--. Sikh. 24 arborea. D.L. tree, Trinidad. 1822. S.h. 25 resupinata. H.B. resupinate. E. Indies. —— . CRS : BUTEA. W. BuTEA. Diadelphia Decandria. y 1 frondosa, w. downy-branched. E. Indies. 1796. +++: S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 21, 2 superba. w. smooth-branched. 1798. S.h.u. —— 1. t. 22, $% parviflora. H.B. small-flower’d. Coromandel.1820. ---- S.h.W. CLITORIA. P.S. Cuitoria. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 Ternatea. w wing-leaved. © E.Indies.. 1739. 7.8. S.h.W. . a cerulea. blue-flowered. —— — —— S.h.c. Botan. magaz. 1542, B alba, white-flowered. ———— 1812. —— S.h.W. 2 multiflora. w many-flowered.: W. Indies. 1823. —— S.h.V. 3 heterophylla. w. varions-leaved. E. Indies. 1812. —— S.%. . Botan. méfgaz. auth 4 brasiliana. w. Brazilian. Brazil. 1759. —— S.©.V. Breyn, cent. t. 32. 5 virginiana. w. Virginian. America. .1732. —— §S.%. . Parad. lond. 51. calcarigera, P.L. 6 Plumieri. p.s. Plumier’s. W. Indies. 1815. 8.11. S.h.V. Botan, regist. 268. 7 mariana. w. Maryland. N. America.1759. 8. H.2M.c. | 8 mexicana. L.en. Mexican. Mexico. 4823. 6.8. S.%.V. 9 erecta, H.B. erect. E. Indies, 1822. 7.8. S.h. 30 arborescens. H.K. tree. Trinidad, 1804, «-+- S.h. \ LEGUMINOSZ. | 121 GALACTIA. M. Garacria, Diadelphia Decandria. | 1 pendula. p.s. pendulous, Jamaica. 1794, 7.8. S. of: + Boian. regist. 269. 2 mollis. ph. soft. Carolina. 1812. —— G.4.c ¥ | 3 sericea. P.s. silky. Bourbon. 1824. —~— S.h.v. WISTERIA. N. > WistErRIA. Diadelphia Decandria. _ 1 speciosa. N. handsome. N. America.1724. 6.9. H. kh. . Botan. magaz. 2103. — » | Glycine frutescens B.M. Apios frutescens. Ph. . 2 sinensis. Chinese. China. 1818. 5.7. H.h.J. Botan. regist. 650. | Glycine sinensis. E.R. He \PIOS. N. Apios. Diadelphia Decandria. . tuberosa. N. ‘tuberous-root’d. N. America. 1640. 8.9. H.2%... Botan. magaz. 1198. AMPHICARPA. N. Ampnicarpa. Diadelphia Decandria. _ 1 monoica. N. pale-flowered. N.America.1781. 9. H.2%. .. Wend. in R. Ar. 3. t.2. | Glycine monoica. Phe / 2 comosa. tufted. —--— 1812. 7.9. H.¥%.c. | Glycine comosa, Ph. ; . _ 3 sarmentosa. N. sarmentose. Carolina. 1805. 6.8. H.©. . bot.ann.12.t.2. #LYCINE, W. GuiycinE. Diadelphia Decandria. L. | 1 clandestina. w. = small-flowered. N.S. W. 1810. 4.8. G.¥.U. | 2 angulosa. w. angular. N.America. 1806. 6.8. H.©.v. _ $ vincentina. s.r. St. Vincent. | St.Vincent’s.1823. —— S.h-. _. Botan. -regist. 799. _ 4 angustifolia. w. narrow-leaved. C.B.S. 1795. —— G.h.J. Jacq. schen.2. t. 231. _ 5 heterophylla. w. various-leaved. -——-—— 1816. —— G.h.v. _ © subterranea. w. subterraneous. S.America. 1820. —— S.©.xc. 7 humifnsa. w.en. trailing. sincere? | omnes EOL . _ $ precatoria. w.en. Abrus-like. § ———— —- —— S.hi. 9 parviflora. w. small-flowered. E. Indies. 1812. 7.8. S.g.c. | 10 debilis. w. hairy. mei A778. 6.7. Sidhe. ‘41 viscida. p.s. viscous. — ——._ 1823. —— S.%ic. | 12 phaseoloides. p.s. Abrus-seeded. W. Indies. 1820. —— S.h.J. Botan. magaz. 2284. _ 13 tomentosa. N. downy. N.America, 1732. 6.9. H.2. . Dill. elt. t. 26, f.. 29. 14 reniformis. ph. kidney-leaved. Carolina, 1806. 7.8. F.2.V-. hylla. N. 15 reticulata. w. net-leaved. Jamaica. 1779. 7.9. Ss. hic. 16 picta. w. painted. W. Indies. 1823. —— S.h. Aub. guian. 2. t.306. 17 suaveolens. w. sweet-scented. E. Indies. 1816. -—— S.h. 18 striata, w. streaked. S. America. 1823. —— S.h.J. Jacq. hort. 1. t. 76. 19 caribea. w. trailing. W. Indies. 1742. 9.10. S.h. J. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 146. 20 bituminosa. w. clammy. C.B.S. 1774. 4.9. G.h.J. Botan. apaith 261, . 21 secunda. w. side-flowering. — 1825. 6.9. G.h.c. 22 rhombifolia. w. rhomb-leaved. E. Indies. 1815. 5.8. S.h.c. 23 sagittata. w.en. arrow-leaved. Havannah. —— —— S.h.u. | ENNEDIA. Vent. KeEnnepra. _ Diadelphia Decandria. | 1 rubicunda. v. dingy-flowered. N.S. W. 1788. 3.8. G.h. . Botan, magaz. 268. !} 2 coccinea. v. many-flowered. N.Holland. 1803. 5.8. G.h.-. Vent. malm. 105. 3 prostrata. H.K. single-flowered. N.S. W. 1790. 3.8. G.h. . Botan. magaz. 270. 4 monophylla. v. simple-leaved. ———- —-— -—— G.h.v. 263. Glycine bimaculata. B.M. 6 ovata. B.m. oval-leaved. ——— 1820. —~ G.h.u. 2169. 6? Comptoniana. Comptonian. ——-— 1803. 38.6. G.h.. Botan. regist. 298. Glycine pen ana. B.R. YLISTA. W.. CyuisTa. Diadelphia Decandria. W. j/ 1 villosa. H.K Cape. C. B.S. 1776. 4.6. G.h. . Andr, reposit. 446. _| Dolichos hirtus, A.R. 4 2 albiflora. p.m. white-flowered. Mauritius. «+--+». 4.5. S.h. . Botan. magaz. 1859. 3 tomentosa. H.B. tomentose. ‘E. Indies. 1818. ++++ S.hec 4 scariosa. w. rough. — 1806. 4.6. S. "ig Roxb. cor. 1. t. 92. |) ARMICHALIA. B.R. CarmicH#11A. Diadelphia Decandria. . australis. B.R. New Zealand. N. Zealand. 1822. 3.5. G.h. Botan, regist. 912. | Lotus arboreus. w. | BRUS. Ww. Witp Liquorice. Diadelphia Decandria. L. ; _precatorius. w. common. — India. 1680. 3.5. b hh... Rheed. mal. 3. t. 39. i a erythrosperma, _red-seeded. —_——- ll SR. aig emboli: t. 32. | B apace black-seeded. ———— 1812. — S.h.w MORPHA. BasTarRD Inpico. Diadelphia Decandria. Be. -'l fruticosa. es shrubby. Carolina. 1724. 6.8. H.h. Botan. regist. 427. 2 crocealanata, w.D. yellow-haired. — 1812. ——H.h. Wats. dend. brit.t.139. 3 emarginata. emarginate-l4, ——--——- -—— -— H.h. c ‘ : | | | 122 4 nana. N microphylla. ph. 5 pubescens. Ph. herbacea. N. pumila. M 6 canescens. N. PISCIDIA. W. _Erythrina. w. ASTRAGALUS. DC. 1 austriacus. w. 2 annularis. pc. 3 Stella. w. 4 sesameus. w. 5 ammodytes. w. 6 pentaglottis. w. 7_ purpureus. DC. 8 hypoglottis. w. 9 leontinus. w. 10 sinicus. w. 11 Glaux. w. 12 Laxmanni. P.s. 13 Onobrychis. w. 14 tenuifolius. w. linearifolius. P.S.° 15 vesicarius. L. albidus. w. 16 vimineus. Ww. 17 fruticosus. w. 18 arenarius. w. 19 leucopheus. w. 20 subuliformis. p.s. 21 varius. P.s. virgatus. W 22 sulcatus. w. 23 melilotoides. w. 24 scorpioides. w. 25 depressus. w. LEGUMINOS#. dwarf. Missouri. 1811. 7.8. F.h. pubescent. Carolina. 1803. 6.7. | F.. canescent. Missouri. 1812. 7.8. F. he Piscip1a. Diadelphia Decandria. L. © Jamaica Dogwood. W. Indies.1690. Mink-VETCH. Austrian. ring-podded. - star-podded. Sesama. silky-leaved. rough spanish. purple. Diadelphia Decandria.. L.. purple mountain. Britain. Lion’s- tail. chinese annual. small spanish. Laxmann’s. purple-spiked. fine-leaved. white Italian. slender. woody. sand. dwarf white. awl-podded. twiggy. . furrowed. Melilot like. blue-flowered. depressed. 26-helmintocarpus. pc. stalkless. 27 contortuplicatus, w. wave-podded. 28 trimestris. w 29 hamosus. w. ~ $0 beeticus. w. 31 glyciphyllos. w. 32 epiglottis. w. 33 Cicer. w. 34 carnosus. N. 35 Caryocarpus, B.R. Egyptian. hook podded. triangular-podded. 8S. Europe.1759. sweet. heart-podded. bladdered. fleshy-podded. N.America.1811, swelled-podd’d. 36 brachycarpus. B.M. short-podded. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 microphyllus. w. Buceras. w.en, F€giceras. w.en. galegiformis. w. chinensis. w. asper. W. small-leaved,. horned. Goat’s-horn. canaliculatus. w.en. channelled. Goat’s-rue-ld, upright Chinese. China. rough Astracan. semibilocularis. p.s.semibilocular. Laxmanni. Jacq. vind. 3.t.38- canadensis. w. carolinianus. w. uliginosus. Ww. odoratus. w. falcatus. Dc. falciformis. pc. virescens. H.K. christianus. Ww. vulpinus. w. alopecuroides. w. stipulatus. b.P. macrorhizus. D.P. 45 46 AT 48 A9 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 woolly, Carolina. marsh. sweet-scented. sickle-podded. sickle-like. green-flowered. great yellow. Fox-tail. Fox-taii like. large-stipuled. large-rooted. Austria. 1640. 6.7. H.%. Egypt. - 1800. —— H.@: S. Europe. 1658. 7.8. H.©. FE erate 1616. 6. 73 H.©. Siberia. 1823, —— H.%. Spain. 1739. —— H.©. France. 1824. —— H.%. Austria. 1816. 5. 6. Huo. China. 1763. 7.8. H.©. Spain. 1596. 6.7. H.©. Siberia. 1804. 6.8. H.2p. Austria. 1640. —— H.2%. Siberia. 1780. 7.8. Hey. Europe. 1737. a H.y. Siberia. 1824. —— Hib. =) 1804607. Ho Germany. 1798. —— H.%. ceesecee 1776. 5.8. Her. Siberia. 1824. —— Hit. 4 ectaese 806, — gee Siberia. W785. 7. . Weds — 6.7. H. plies Spain. 1824. 7.9. H:O. Europe. 1772. 5.6. Hep. ———— 1824. — H.%. Siberia. 1764. 7.8. H.©. Egypt. 1739. —— H.©. Spain. 1633. 6.8. H:©s — H.O. Britain. eore 6<..7.- Hid. S. Europe. 1737. —— H.2. Europe. 1570. —— H.2. (ne H. 2. — ~~. Siberia. 1820. —— H.2. 1773. —— H.y% veovscee 1816. —~— H.O: @essscoes owen ee H.©. eee- eevee —_- — H.O. Siberia. 1729. 6..8.°H.2. 1795. —— Hix, Astracan. 1796. 7.8. H.2. Siberia. 1804... 6. 8. -H. Deg N.America. 1732. 6.7... Heh. _—_——_—- - —- HY Siberia. 1752. 6.'8. H.2. Levant. 1816. —— H.7. Siberia. wees 6.7. Fae. Barbary. toon ——— Hi, Siberia. 1737. —— H.2%m, Armenia. —— .%, H.. Siberia. 1815. 6.7. H.a. Spain. 1237; —- Cav. ic. 2, t. 188, DC. astr. t.42. © Eng. bot. 274, Jacq. ico}. t.154, 0 Botan.’ magaz. 1350, | Clus. hist.2.t.241. | Jacq. vind. 3.:t. 37, . Jacq. aust. 1. £38. Swt. br. Al. garet. 73. Wet K.: hang. 1, tal Pall., astrag. te 21. ‘| — t. 19% 5 Retz. obs. 3. t.3. 0 Lodd. bot.-eab.'111. Pall. — t. 22.5) | wt d Bi OF | q ae Jacq. vind, 3. t.40. Pall. astrag. te 41. Lodd. bot. cab. 680, | Vill. delph.:3. 'ts 42. Pall. astrag..t. 79.) Jacq. vind, 2, t.174, Lam, ill. t..622.4, 4 Bocce. sic. 7.t.4. Eng. bot. 203... Herm. lugd. t. bien. Jacq. aust. t.251. © Botan. regist, 176. Botan amor ae | Pall. astrag.'t.29.) & Linn, 3. Jacq. ic. t..152., | Dec. astrag. it. “ne Lodd. bot. cabo 378 Dill. elt. t.39, f.45, Pall. astrag. t..26. Dec. astrag. to24. | —— > 1 268 Desf. atl. 2, ts 207. | Tourn. it. 2, ts 254. ¥ Pall. astrag. t.'7. tr 8. ya a LEGUMINOS “2, 123 7 alopecias. w. axillary-head’d. Siberia. 1823. 6. 7% Hy. Pall, astrag. t. 9. ‘8 narbonensis. w. “French. S. Europe. 1789. —— H.y%. ————— t. 10. ‘9 tomentosus, w. downy-leaved. Egypt. 1800, 7. H.%. Dec. astrag. t. 29. 0 capitatus. w..- headed. Levant. 1759. 7.8. H.%. ‘1 cruciatus. L.en. oblong-leaved. <«-++++* 1823. —— H.©. 2 caucasicus. Ww. Caucasian. | Caucasus. —~ ——~— H.h. Pall. astrag. 2. t. 2. 3 Poterium. w. small goat’s-thorn. Levant. 1640. 6.7. H.&. — 1.t.1. 4 Tragacantha. w. largegoat’s-thorn. §.Europe. ——- -——- H.h. Wats, dend. brit..t. 84. +35 aristatus. w. awned. Pyrenees. 1791. 5.7. H.h. Pall. astrag. t. 3. 3 armatus. w. armed, Barbary. --++ 6.7. G.h. Desf. atl. 2. t. 194, | Anthyllis tragacanthoides. pest. i caprinus. Ww. scented. _ Barbary. 1683. 6.7. H.:2t. Moris. hist. 2. t. 24. f.3. 3 longiflorus. w. long-flowered. Tartary. 1806. —— H.%. Pall. astrag. t. 60. ) tragacanthoides. w. Armenian. Armenia. 1791. 5.7. H.%.. Buxh cent. 8. t. 38. f.2. ') exscapus. w. hairy-podded. _Hungary. 1787. 5.7. H.%. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 561. . halicacabus. pe. bladdered. Armenia. 1806. 6, . H.%.. Schreb. decad. t. 3. _. Phaca vesicaria. w. ) incanus. w. hoary. Montpelier. 1759. 6.7. H.%. ', monspessulanus. w. Montpelier. 1710. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz, 375. '' physodes. w. inflated yellow. Siberia. 1759. 6.7. H.%. Dec. astrag. t. 48, *, testiculatus. w. woolly-podded. Caspia. 1824, —— H.%. Pall. astrag. t. 67. ‘ diffusus. w. » diffuse. ———- —- -1—- HY. —— t. 68. %, ponticus. w. villous calyxed. Tauria. — — H.». — t, 11. oxyglottis. M.g. Taurian. ——__ —— 7.9. H.O. _adsurgens. W.en. —_ assurgent. Siberia. — 6.7. H.%. Pall. astrag. t. 31. f utriger. w. — elliptic-podded. Tauria. 1825. —— H.y%. —-——~—t.6l. £ gracilis. Nn. long-peduncl’d, Missouri. 1812. —— H.%. YTROPIS. DC. OxyrTropis. Diadelphia Decandria. : ' montana. pc. - mountain. Austria. 1531. 7.8. H.%. Botan, magaz. 843. | Astragalus montana. B.M. _ Lambertii. pn. Mr. Lambert’s. Missouri.. 1811. 8.9. H.%. —————— 2147. | uralensis, p.s. silky. Siberia. 1800. -7 H.%. Pall. astrag. t. 42. | sordida, p.s. hairy mountain. Scotland. eooe 5.8. HY. Eng. bot. 466. Astragalus uralensis. E.B. non P.s. (| | ambigua. De. ambiguous. Siberia. 1824. —— H.%. Pall. astrag. t. 43. i} grandiflora, pc. large-flowered. ———— —- -—— H.y%. ——— t. 46. | songarica. pc. spear-podded. -————- — -——H.¥. — t. 61. | campestris. p.s. field. Scotland. coor 7 H.%. Eng. bot. 2522. - | Gmelini. r. - Gmelin’s, Siberia. 1824. —— H.z. viscosa. viscous. Europe. 1818. —— H.y%. Vill. delph. 3. t. 43. ‘uncata. P.s. hooked. Aleppo. 1768. 7.8. H.%. 4: taurica. P.s. Taurian. Tauria. - 1824. —— H.¥%. Pall. astrag. t. 38. _ filiformis. ve. ‘altaica. p.s. Altaic. Siberia. 1802. 7.9. H.y%. ————— t. 45.) jlmicrophylla. pc. small-leaved. .——— 1823. —— H.y¥., ——-——— t.76. “y ‘oxyphylla. Dc. sharp-leaved.) ———— —— -——H.y%. ——~—-——t.74. icymbicarpos. pc. boat-podded. Portugal. 1800. 7.8. H.©. iverticillaris. pc. whorl-leaved. Siberia. 1824. —— H.y%. Amm.ruth. t.19. f.l. Pnyriophyila. p.s. many-leaved. ——— —— —— H.yx. Pall. astrag. t.71. | Astragalus verticillaris. w. 0, Epilosa. Dc. pale-flowered. ———— 1732. 6.8. H.%. Jacq. aust.1.t.51. ,eglauca. glaucous. Tauria. 1823.) +5 H.%. _ | Astragalus glaucus. M.B. yAlealbata. p.s. mealy. Caucasus. 1803. 7.8. H.¥%. Pall. astrag. t. 23. f.23. bleflexa. pc. small-flowered. Siberia. 1800. 6.7. H.y%. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 153. 4 l stragalus parviflorus. w. hians. Jacq. ;@lichoptera. pe. pubescent. ——-—— 1815. —— H.}. Pall. astrag. t. 39. jh sRRULA. W. Harcuetr-vetcu. Diadelphia Decandria. L. yj, elecinus. w. bastard. S. Europe. 1640. 7.8. H.©. Lam, ill. t..622, o-CA. W. BasTaRD-VeEtcH. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 2 voetica. Ww. hairy. Spain. 1640. 7. H.%. Moris. S. 2. t.8. f.1. ‘tigida. w. small. Austria. 1795. —— H.¥. Jacq. aust. t. 166. .®ipina. w. ‘ smooth Alpine. —— 1759. —~— H.y%. Jacq. ic. 1. t.151,. ';,#nembranacea. r. membranous. Siberia, 1823. —-- H.%. - ; Lustralis. w. trailing. S. Europe. 1779. 5.6. H.Y. Jacq. mise. 2. t. 3. “yo \renaria. w. sand. Siberia. 1796. 7.8. H.y. Pall. it. 4, t.19. f. 3, 4, ‘labra. pe. smooth. S. Europe. 1822. —— H.}. riangularis, pF. triangular. Siberia. 1824. —+7 oe ‘ampestris. wah. _ field. Europe. — a bs ‘124 10 montana. wah. 11 lapponica. wah. 12 astragalina. pe. LESSERTIA. DC. 1 annua. DC. 2 diffusa. H.K. Galega dubia. Jacq: ‘3 pulchra. B.m. 4 prostrata. Colutea prostrata. P.S. 5 perennans. DC. 6 aunularis. B.T. SWAINSONA.'H.K. 1 coronillefolia. H.K. purple-flow’r’d. N.S, W. 2 galegifolia. w.x. 3 astragalifolia. c.c. frutescens. H.K. Colutea frutescens. B LEGUMINOSE. mountain, . — — Hy. Lapland. -Lapland.g — -—— H.2. procumbent. | Europe. W771. 6.7. H.. Lessertia. Diadelphia Decandria. annual. -C.B.S. 1731. 6.7. G.©. ee ——-— 1792. 7.8. G.O. pretty. EE TORT Gs Tn NG prostrate. ——— 1820. —— G.©. perennial. — 1753. 8...- Gi, annular. —— 1816. G.© ~Swainsona. Diadelphia Decandria. 1802. 7.8. G.. red-flowered. .——--——— 1800. —— G.f. white-flower’'d. ~——-——~ 1802. —— G.h. SUTHERLANDIA.H.K. SutTHeEertanpiA. Diadelphia Decandria. scarlet. Cc. B.S. 1683. 6.7. F.h. M. hoary-14, dwarf. ———- 1816. —— F.h. 8B canescens. COLUTEA.W. 1 cruenta. W.en. 2 Pocockii. w.en. 3 media. w.en- 4 arborescens. W.en. GLYCIRRHIZA. W. 1 echinata. w. 2 foetida. w. 3% glandulifera. w. 4 lepidota. Ph, 5 glabra. w. 6 asperrima. W. 7 hirsuta. w. GALEGA. P.S. 1 officinalis. P.s. a cerulea. PB alba. © 2 orientalis. w. 3 persica. P.s. 4 biloba, B.F.G. 5 heterophylla. F. 6? caribza. w. 7? Heyniana. H.B. TEPHROSIA. P.S. 10 H. H. H H H. Fi. H. ig! Ss. 1 filifolia. P.s. filiform-leaved. C. B. S. 1824. 6.7. G.h. 2 sericea. P.s. silky-leaved. —_ ——= — Gihi 3 longifolia. p.s. long-leaved. - S. America, —— <«+-- S.h. ‘4 toxicaria. P.s. Fish poison. — 1791. -+++ Sih. 5 virginiana. p.s. Virginian. Virginia. 1765. 6.8. H.2. 6 grandiflora. p.s. large-flowered. C. B.S. 1774. 6.9. Ik. Galega grandiflora, B.R. 7692 Galega rosea. Hort. . 7 stricta. P.s. ; straight-podd’d- —— — 5.6. Lh. 8 pallens. p.s. pale-flowered. _————— 1787. 6.8. Lh. ‘ 9 viilosa. P.s. villous, E. Indies. 1779. —— S.h. Colonila. L.T. Colonil. ——— 1818. — S.h. 1! purpurea. P.s. purple, — 1768. 7.8. S.h. 12 piscatoria. p.s. woolly. — 1778. 6.7. S.h. 13 ochroleuca. P.s. sulphur-coloursd +-..---. 1799. sees Sih. 14 lancewfolia.Lt.en. spear-leaved. E, Indied: 1824, «++. S.h. 15 linearis. P.s. linear-leaved. Guinea. 1822.° +++. S.h. 16 apollinea. L.en. Egyptian. Egypt. — 6.7. F.%. INDIGOFERA. W. Inpico. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 filifolia. w. naked-stalked. C. B.S. 1812. 7.10. G.h. Lebeckia contaminata. B.R. Lebeckia nuda. B.M. 2214. 2 linifolia. w. Flax-leaved. E. Indies.” 1792. 7.8. S.©. 3 sericea. W. silky. C.B.S. 1824. —— G.h. 4 trifoliata. w. trifoliate. E. Indies. 1818. —— S.%. 5 psoraloides. w. Psoralea-like. C. B.S. 1758. —— G.h. 6 candicans. W. white-leaved. 1774. 5.9. G.h. BLADDER SENNA. Diadelphia Decandria. L. red-flowered. Levant. 1710. 6.7. H.h. Pocock’s. ——— 1752. 5.10. H.h. smaller. seeseese coor 6.8. Hib. common, France. 1568. —— H.h. Liquoricr. Diadelphia Decandria. L. prickly-headed. Italy. 1596. 6.9. H.Y. strong-scented. Barbary. 1823. —— H.2. glandulous. Hungary. 1805. 6.8. H.%. silky-leaved. Missouri. 1811. 7.8. H.%. common, S. Europe. 1562. —— H.2. rough. Siberia. 1795. 7.8 H.%. hairy. Levant. 1739. —— H.%. Goat’s-RUE. Diadelphia Decandria. L. officinal. Spain. 1568. 6.9. H.%: purple-flowered. —_ -— — Hy white-flower’d, —_ — — Hy blue-flowered. Levant. 1801. —— H.» yellow-flow’r’d. Persia. 1816. —— H.3. two-lobed. ss # e+ eee 1823. —— a. various-leaved.. Siberia. —_— — y aes Caribean. Caribees. 1786. 6.7. h. Heyne’s. E. Indies. 1807. 7. h. TepHrRosia. Diadelphia Decandria. | Schk. hand. 2. t. 208. Lodd. bot. eab. 420, Hook. ex. flor. 84. Jacq. ic. 3. 3 576. — magaz. 2064. : Jacq, vind. 3. t. 3. ee a. Botan. magaz. 1725, j >> Ua . Botan. magaz.181. — Schmidt. arb, t.119. —— — t.120. Wats.dend. brit. t.140, Botan. crt gh 81. ; - Botan. magaz. 2154, 7 Desf. atl.2.t.199. ’ W. et K. hung. 1. t. 21, Botan. magaz. 2150. Lam. ijl. t. 625. f. 2. Pall. it. apple M. £3, if Swt. br. fl. gar. { | Botan. regist. 326. - Jacq. amer, t.125. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 572. Plum. ic. t. 135. Pluk. alm. t. 23. f. 2. Bot. regist. 7692 Burm. zeyl. t. 32s Jacq. ic. 1. t. 150, — : Botan, magaz. 476. 198. LEGUMINOS. 125 7 ameena. w. scatlet-flow’1’d. ————-. —— 3.5. G.k. Botan. regist. 300. 8 incana. w. hoary. _———- 1812. 5.7. Gh. 9 spinosa. w. ~ spiny. ’ E. Indies, 1822, ---- 10 procumbens. w. _procumbent. C.B.S. 1816. 5.7. G.h. 11 sarmentosa. Ww. dwarf. —_—— 1786. 6.7. G.h. 12 stipularis. L.en. stipuled. . — 1816. — G.h. 13 denudata. w. ° smooth-leaved. ——-—— 1790. 5.7. G.h. Jacq. scheen. 2, t. 233. 14 glandulosa. w. glandular. E. Indies. 1818. —— S.%. 15 trita. w. oval-leaved. E. Indies. 1802. 6.7. S.¢. 16 microphylla. P.s. small-leaved. C.B.S. 1812. 1.12. 17 coriacea. w. leathery-leav’d. ——-——- 1774. 7.8. G.h. . 18 filiformis. w. slender-branched. —-——._ 1816. —— G.h. . 19 enneaphylla. w. _ trailing. E. Indies. 1776. ——. S.©. Burm..ind. t.55. f. J. 20 endecaphylla. B.R. eleven-leaved, St. Thomas. 1822. ——- S.©. Botan. regist. 789. 21 fragrans. w. - fragrant. E. Indies. 1824, «+++ S.%. ee 22 glabra. w. smooth. —-_-——- —— 7.9. S.©. Rheed. mal. 9. t. 67. 23 cytisoides. w. angular-stalk’d. C. B.S. 1774. —— G.h. Botan. magaz. 742. 24 frutescens. w. frutescent. — 1823. —— _~ . 25 stricta. w. upright. ——— 1812. —— G.h. Jacq. schoen. 2. t. 236. 26 hirsuta. w. hairy-leaved. E. Indies. 1759.. —— S.h. Burm. zeyl. t. 14. 27 angustifolia. w. | narrow-leav’d, C. B.S. . 1774. 6.10. G.h. Botan magaz. 465. 28 australis. w. ‘Botany Bay. N.S.W. 1790. 3.6. G.h. Vent. malm. 45. 29 viscosa. w. . clammy, E. Indies. 1806. 6.7. S.©.. Sert. han. 2. t. 12. ‘30 ceerulea. H.B. blue. — 1820. —— S.h. 31 Anil. w. West Indian. W. Indies. 1731. 7.8. S.2. 32 tinctoria. w. East Indian. .E. Indies). ——.-—— S.h. Rheed. mal. 1. t.54, 33 atropurpurea. D.p. dark purple. Nepaul. 1820. —— S.h. 34 elliptica.u.s. —_—eiliptic-leaved. Bengal. —— += S.h. 35 pulchella. H.B. pretty. E. Indies. 1823. —— S.h. 36 arborea. H.B. tree. eet. jes oo.) Soi: 37 virgata. H.B. twiggy. Nepaul. — 7.8. S.h. ; . 38 argentea. w. silver-leaved. W. Indies. 1776. —— S.h. L’Her. stirp. t.79: 39 violacea. H.B. violet-coloured. E. Indies. 1825, .---- S.h. 40 lateritia. w. - brick-coloured. Guinea. 1822. 7.8 8.©. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 569. 41 aspalathifolia. H.B. Aspalathus-ld. ———— 1823.. eve» S.h. Nt. CARAGANA. J. CARAGANA,. Diadelphia Decandria. L. . 1 arborescens. Lam. Common. Siberia. 1752. 4.5. Schmidt arb. 1. t. 33. Robinia Caragana. Ww. . . ’ ; 2 arenaria. sand. ——— 1802. 6.7. H.h. Botan. magaz. 1886. Robinia Caragana. v. arenaria, B.M. ; 3 Altagana. P.s. flat-podded. —— 1789. 4.6. H.h. L’Herit. stirp. t. 76. 4 Redowskii. F. — Redowski’s. ——- 1822. +--+. H.h. 5 microphylla. tam. small-leaved. ———— 1816. +-+-- H.h. 6 grandiflora. m.s. large-flowered, ———-— 1822. ++-- H.h. 7 jubata. pP.s. bearded. —— 1796. ---. H.k. Pall. act. pet. 10. t. 6. 8 tragacanthoides.p.s.Goat’s-thorn like. — 1816. 4.6. —————10.t.7. 9 spinosa. P.3. thorny. — 1775. — H.h. Schmidt arb. 1]. t. 76. 10 purpurea, L.en. purple-flow’r’d. ++-++++. 1816. —— S.h. ; 11 Halodendron.p.s. Salt-tree. Siberia. 1779. 5.6. H.k. Botan. magaz. 1016. argentéa. Lam. ill. t. 607. f. 3. ‘ f 12 Chamlagu. P.s. shining. China. 1773. ——H.h. LHerit. stirp. t. 77. 13 frutescens. P.s. shrubby. Siberia. 1752. 4.5. Schmidt arb. 1. t. 34. 14 mollis. M.B. soft-leaved. —— 1822. —— H.h. 15. pygmza. P.s. dwarf. — 1751. — H.k. Schmidt arb. 1. t.37. ROBINIA. J. ‘RopiniA. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 Pseud-Acacia. w. common or Locust tree.N.Amer.1640, 5.6.H.R. Schmidt arb. }. t. 32. 2 inermis. smooth. covceree coer —— Hh. 3 macrophylla.t.c. long-leaved. _—_ Siberia. 1797. 6.7. H.h. 4 spectabilis. L.c. showy. eocscree seer —— Hf. 5 sophorefolia. ten. Sophora-leav’d, ++--+e+-+ sees —— H.h. 6 amorphefolia. L.en. Amorpha-i4. clwleede'e i bewesuigeee Hohe 7 dubia. L.en. doubtful. eoeseere cece =a Heh. 8 stricta. L.en- upright. wt tteeeee cere om Heh. 9 pendulina. pendulous. pocvecee tere = Hh. . pendula. L.en. non P.S. 10. tortuosa. L.c. twisting, secceree cooe ——— Hoh. 11 monstrosa. L.c. monstrous. eoccaene vooe ——— Hh. 12 viscosa. w. clammy. N.America.1797. 6.8 H.h. Vent. cels. t. 4. Slutinosa. B.M:; 560+ 126 LEGUMINOS &, Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. (18 striataaw. © streaked. Caracas. 1824. esses Sih. - wv ese F 14 guineensis. w.ens Guinea. Guinea. 1621. -+-- Sk. Te Cytisus hispidus. w. . ; snags 15 hispida. w. Rose-Acacia. Carolina. 1743. 5.9. H.k. Botan. maga. 311. B rosea. Ph. smooth-branched. - — 1812. —— H.h. wea Ke 16 sepium. w. hedge. W. Indies. 1820. +°+. S,k. : 17 rubiginosa. w. rusty-branched. Trinidad. 1823. ---- S.h. 18 candida. H.B. white-leaved. E. Indies. 1810. --+« S.h. 19 suberosa. H.B. cork-barked. — 1818. -«+- S.hkh. 20 fruticosa. H.B. shrubby. ————— 1820. ««-- S.hec. LATHYRUS. W. LatHyrus. Diadelphia Decandria. L. a aire 1 Aphaca. w. yellow vetchling. England. soos 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 1167... : 2 Nissolia. w. crimson. —-— eer 5. HO. LI Qenree 07 3.amphicarpos. w. Earth Pea. Levant. 1680. 6.7. H.©. Moris. his. 2. t. 23 fel. 4 Cicera. w. flat-podded. S. Europe. 1633. —— H.@©. Ger. emac.f.3,,. © 5 sativus. We chickling vetch. ————— 1640. —— H.©. Botan. magaz.115. — e ceruleus. blue- flowered. | » 3a 6 albus. white-flowered. : 6 inconspicuus. w. _small-flowered. Levant. 1739. 7.8. H.©. 7 setifolins. w. bristle-leaved. S. Enrope. —— 6.7. H.©. © * 8 sphericus. De. scarlet. Italy. 1800. —— H.©. coccineus, P.S. : aT 9 axillaris. P.s. axillary-flow’r’d S, Europe. ——- -—— H.©. Jacq. vind. 1, t.86. inconspicuus. Jacq: 10 angulatus. w. angular-seeded. ————— 1683. —— H.@. Buxb. cent, 3. t. 42. fa. 11 ‘tumidus, w. tumid-podded, ----.«++ 1816. —— H.©. turgidus. Lam- ; 12 articulatus. w. joint-podded. S.Europe. 1640. 7.8. H.©. Botan. magaz. 258. 13 spurius. w.en. bastard. eeeeceoe 1815. 6.7. H.O. 14 auriculatus. eared. S. Europe. 1820. ——- H.©. . 15 odoratus. w. sweet pea. Sicily. 1700. —— H.©. Botan. magaz. 60. a siculus. W. dark-flowered. . ——--——- — -—— HO. . B zeylanicus. w. _ light-flowered. | Ceylon. — —- H.©. . ; 16 grandiflorus.B.mM. large-flowered. S. Europe. 1814. 6.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1938. 17 annuus. w. yellow annual. 1621. —— H.©. . 18 tingitanus. w. Tangier. Barbary. 1680. —— H.©. Botan. magaz.100. ° 19 Clymenum. w. various-flow’r’'d.Levant. 1713. 6.7. H.©. Pluk. alm. t.114.f. 6. _ 20 attenuatus. p.s. long-leaved. _—[taly. 1824. —— H.}.. Vivian. fi. it. fr. t.19. _ 21 tenuifolius. w. slender-leaved. Algiers. — — H.». TT 22 cornutus. spr. horned. coccrees aa --—— HO, 23 hirsutus. w. - rough-podded. England. -+-- 7. H.©. Eng. bot. 1255. _ 24 magellanicus. w. LordAnson’spea.CapeHorn. 1744. 6.7. H.©. . i | 25 tuberosus. w. tuberous-root’d. Holland. 1596. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 11}. 26 rotundifolius. w. round-leaved. Tauria. 1824... —— H.%. 27 pratensis. w. meadow. Britain. cose 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 670. 28 sylvestris. w. wood. — ceeoe 7.9. HY. ———— 805. 29 latifolius. w. everlasting pea, England. ---- —— H.¥%., ———— 1108. 30 heterophyllus.w. various-leayed. Europe. 1731. —— H.2%. : $1 palustris. w. marsh. Britain. -o++ 7.8 H.Y. Eng. bot. 169. - 32 Incurvus. w. curve-podded. Russia. 1802. —— H.%. Buxh. cent. 4. t. 46. 33 myrtifolius. w. Myrtle-leaved.. N.America. 1823. —— H.2. Bis - 34 polymorphus. N. variable. Missouri; —— -—— H.2. 35 Venosus. w. veined. _N.America. ——- -—— H.2. _ 86 pisiformis. w. Siberian. Siberia. 1759. 6.7. H.%. Linn. fil. dec. t. 20. | PpISUM. W. PEA. Diadelphia Decandria. L. | 1 sativum. w. common, S. Europe. -++- 5.10. H.©. Lam. ill. t. 633. _ 2 arvense. w. field. Europe. -ve+- 6.9. H.©. : | 3 maritimum. w. __ sea. England. ---- 7 H.%. Eng. bot. 1046. 4 Jomardi. sch. two-flowered. Europe. 1818. 6.9. H.@. ~~ . 4 | § thebaicum. w.en. short-peduncel’d. —- — — HO. |'OCHRUS. PS. Ocurvs. Diadelphia Decandria. L. | pallida. p.s. yellow-flow’r’d. S.Europe. 1633. 6.7. H.©. Schk. hand. 2; t. 280. 4 Pisum Ochrus..w. Lathyrus Ochrus. pc. -|OROBUS. W. Bitter-VeEtTcuH. Diadelphia Decandria. L. sap | 1 lathyroides. w. upright. Siberia. 1758. 6. H.%.. Botan. magaz. 2098. | 2 hirsutus. -w. hairy. S. Europe. 1818. 5.6. H.%. 2345. | 3 luteus. w. yellow. Siberia. 1759. 6.7. H.y%. Gmel. sib. 4. t.4, | 4 levigatus. W.K. smooth. Hungary. 1818.-—— H.%. K. hung.3. t.243, | § variegatus. T.s. variegated. Italy. _— “6 Gi Ers abs | 6 vernus. w. 7 tuberosus. w. 8 tenuifolius. Roth. 9 albus. w. pannonicus. Jacq. aust varius. B.M. angustifolius. w. canescens. w. Saxatilis. v. pallescens. m.B. Sessilifolius. sm. digitatus. M.B. alpestris. w.x. Venosus. L.en. paucifiorus. Hort. 18 niger. w. 19 pyrenaicus. w. 20 sylvaticus. w. _ _21 ochroleucus. w. 1 pisiformis. w. 2 dumetorum, w. © 3 sylvatica. w. 4 americana. w. 5 Gerardi. Jacq. 6 abbreviata. F. q 8 10 1] 12 13 14 15 16 17 multiflora. pc. dentata. Len. 9 consentina, L.en. atropurpurea. w. villosa. w. | polyphylla. w. Cracca. w. 44 tenuifolia. w. 15 onobrychioides. w. 16 biennis. w. 17 nissoliana. w. 18 ben rhalensis. w. 19 canescens, w. 20 capensis. w. 21 pellucida. w. 22 Ervilia. w. Ervilia sativa. L.en. biflora. w. oroboides. w. bicolor. w.en- ochroleuca, T.N. longifolia, poir, grandiflora. scop. alba. Men. globosa. w. Sativa, Ww. . B nemoralis, 32 segetalis. schi. 33 leucosperma. Mon. 34 angustifolia. p.s. 35 peregrina. w. 36 megalosperma. M.B. 37 Michauxii. spr. 38 amphicarpos. p.s. 39 lathyroides. w. 40 lutea. w. 41 hybrida. w. 42 hirta. Balb. 43 sordida. w.x. 44 levigata. w. 45 pannonica. w. 46 striata. Mvp. 47 articulata. w.en: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 LEGUMINOS Ji. spring. Europe, tuberous-root’d, Britain. slender-leaved, Germany, white-flowered. Austria. 1, t..39. particoloured. Italy. narrow-leaved. Siberia. canescent, France, rock, S. France. pale-flowered. Tauria. sessile-leaved. Alpine. Hungary, veined. Siberia. black. Europe. Pyrenean. Pyrenees, wood. Britain, 1629. 1818. 1794, 1759. 1766. 1823. 1824. ——— 1818. —_ \ 1596. 1699, sulphur-coloured. Hungary. 1816. Vetcn. Diadelphia Decandria. L, Pea-shaped. Austria. 1739. great wood. France. 1752. common wood. Britain. eee American. N.vAmerica. 1815. Gerard’s. Germany. 1711. shortened. Tauria, 1818. many-flowered. 8. Europe, —— toothed. Siberia, — sulphur-coloured. Italy, 1824, dark-purple. Algiers. 1815, villous. Germany, © —— many-leaved. Hungary. 1823. tufted. Britain, tees slender-leav’d, Germany. 1799. Saintfoin-like. S, Europe. 1789. biennial, Siberia. 1753. red-flowered. Levant. 1773. Bengal. E. Indies. 1792. hoary. Libanus. 1800. Cape. C. B.S. 1802. pellucid. - 1812, officinal., S. Europe. 1596. two-flowered. Algiers. 1801. Orobus like. Carniola. 1818. two-coloured. +....... ee pale-flowered. Italy. 1824. long-leaved, Pee eaee — large-flowered. Switzerland.1823. white-flower’d. Germany. 1798. globular 6° jp oy-+s >. 1804. common. Britain. tees wood, hedge. Switzerland.--.. white-seeded. ....... + eee narrow-leaved. Europe. wees broad-podded. France. 1779. large-seeded. Tauria, 1798. MAICHAUX'S,. \)(.. + Adan s+ 1803. subterraneous. France. 1815. spring, Britain. ees yellow. tee. hairy-flowered. England, ees hairy. France. 1820. large-yellow. Hungary. 1802. smooth-podded. England. tere Hungarian. Hungary. 1658, streaked, Tauria. 1824, jointed. S. Europe. «... re 2 48 “I UD SH | o> st wy = = D> =aITTELI LT 11 | co | ee les 1: aon “1@ eselsel {|} 11: 127 Botan. magaz. 521, Eng. bot. 1158, Swt. br. fl. gar. 22, Botan. magaz. 675, Gmel. sib. 4. t, 5, Venten. cels. tit. W. et Kohung.2.'t.196, Gmel. sib. 4. t.:5. Botan. magaz. 2261, Pluk. alm. t. 210, f, 2, Eng. bot. t. 548, K. hung.2, t.118, Jacq. aust.4. t. 364, Spreng. fl. halens. t,7. Eng. bot. 79, Jacq. aust. 3, t, 229, Venton. cels. t. 84. Eng. bot. 1168, Botan. magaz, 2141, = 2206. Gmel. sib.4, t, 2, Herm. lugd. t.'625, Labil. syr. 17, t,.7, Jacq. schen. 2. t, 222, Blackw. t. 208. f. 3. Desf. atl, 2. 't.197. Eng. bot. 334, Pluk. alm, :t, 233. f, 6, Clus. exot. t. 88, Eng. bot. 30. 481, 482. K:hung. 2. t..134. Eng. bot. 483. Jacq. aust. 1, t.34, 128 48 monantha. w.en. 49 pilosa. M.B. 50 sepium. w. 51 bithynica. w. | 52 platycarpos. w. 53. narbonensis, w. ’ 64 serratifolia. w. FABA. J. sativa. B equina. ERVUM. W. 1 longifolium. T.s. Vicia gracilis. Lois. 2 tetraspermum. w. 3 hirsutum. w. 4 lentoides. T.s. 5 Lens. 1 Cicer Lens. w. Lens esculenta. Men. 6 uniflorum. T.s. 7 lenticula. L.en. 8 camelorum. spr. dispermum. W.en. 9 nigricans, M.B. CICER. L. - arietinum. w. SCORPIURUS. W. 1 vermiculata. w. 2 levigata. sm. 3 muricata. w. 4 sulcata. w 5 subvillosa. w. ORNITHOPUS. W. 1 perpusillus. w. 2 compressus. w. 3 sativus. L.en. 4 ebracteatus. P.s. 5 durus. Cav. 6 lotoides. viy. 7. scorpioides. w. 8 repandus. P.s. heterophyllus. w.en- HIPPOCREPIS. W. 1 unisiliquosa. w. 2 multisiliquosa, w. 3 ciliata. w. 4 balearica. w. 5 biflora. spr. 6 comosa. w. CORONILLA. W. 1 Emerus. w. 2 juncea. w. valentina. w. glauca. w. viminalis. P.L. iberica. M.B. coronata. Ww. minima. w. argentea. w. 10 cappadocica. w. 11 varia. w. 12 cretica. w. SECURIGERA. DC. coronilla. pc. CONANT hm & HORSESHOE VETCH. single-podded. Italy. many-podded. S. Europe. 1683. ciliated. shrubby. two-flowered. tufted. CoroniLua. Diadelphia Decandria. ScorpionSenna. France. Rush. nine-leaved. seven-leaved. slender. Iberian. large-headed. least. silvery-leaved. obcordate-ld, purple. Cretan. HATCHET VETCH. commou. Coronilla Securidaca. w. SMITHIA. Sal. 1 sensitiva, P.L. 2 aspera. H.B. SESBANIA. P.S. 1 grandiflora. p.s. SMITHIA. sensitive. rough. SESBANIA. Europe. Crete. S. Europe. E. Indies. ee ee great-flowcred. E. Indies, LEGUMINOS&. . single-flowered. Barbary. 1790. 7.8. H.©. pilose. Tauria. 1820. —— H.©. bush, Britain. eooe 5.6. H.}. purple. England. coos 7.8. HY. flat-podded. Germany. 1723. —— H.©. broad-leaved. France. 1596. 6.7. H.©. saw-leaved. Hongary. 1723. ~— H.©. BEAN. Diadelphia Decandria. L. garden. Egypt. -cow 5.8. HO. horse. ———- +e» —— HAO. TARE. Diadelphia Decandria. L. — . long-leaved. Italy. 1823. 6.8. H.©. smooth. Britain. eeee 6 H.C. hairy. — ers 6.7. H.©. pubescent. Italy. 1823. H.©. » Lentil. France. 1548. 5. H.©. single-flowered. Italy. 1824. 6.8. H.©. bent-pointed. © «+++ «2. —— ——H.©. broad- podded. ceeseees oa — HO. blick! Tauria. — — H.O. Cuick Pea. Diadelphia Decandria. L. common. S. Europe. 1548. 7.8 H.©. CATERPILLAR. Diadelphia Decandria. L. common. S. Europe. 1621. 6.7. H.©. smooth. Levant. 1820. —— H.©. two-flowered. S. Europe. 1640. —— H.©. three-flowered. — 1596. —— H.©. four-flowered. 1731. —— H.©. Birps-Foot. Diadelphia Decandria. L. common. Britain. sere 5.8. H.©. hairy. S.Europe. 1730. 6.7. H.©. upright. Portugal. 1816. —— H.©. round-podded. ——— _ :--- 5.6. H.©. perennial. Spain. 1805. 6.7. H.%. Lotus-like. S. Europe. 1823. “—— H.©. Purslane-l4, — 1596. —— H.©. repand. Barbary. 1805. —— H.©. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1570. 6.7. H.O. 6.8. H.©. Spain. 1823. —— H.©. Minorca. 1776. 5.6. G.h. Pie ae 1824. gags H.©. England. ---. 4.8 H.%. L. 1596. 4.6. Hk. i=" +1656. 6. Fens S. Europe. 1596. 11.3. F.h. France. 1722, 9.5. F.h. Mogador. 1798. 5.11. G.h. Iberia. 1818. 7.10. H.2%. .S. Europe. 1776. 6.7. F.%. ees 1658. 7 ic 8. Few Crete. 1664. 5.6. G.h. Cappadocia. ---- —— H.y. 1597. 6.11. H.2. 1731. 1562. Diadelphia Decandria. 6.7. H.©. Diadelphia Decandria. ic 8. H.©. 1785. 7.10. S.O. 1812. 1768. SLRS I), 7.8. Suh. Diadelphia Decandria. Eng. bot. ere ——- 1842, Roth abhand. 10. t. 1. t.2. Jacq. aust. app. t. 8. ‘ Eng. bot, 1223. ——— 970. Schk. hand. 2, t. 202. Moris. hist. 2. t.11. £.3. Moris. hist. 2: t.11 fA. Desf. atl. 2. f. 4. © Moris. hist. 2. t.11. £2. Eng. bot. 369. ,s a Cav. ic. 1. t. 44. y. Cav. ic. 1. t. 37. Lain. ill. t. 631. f. 3S Lam: iil. t. 630. Schk. gre 2, t. 7 Botan. magaz. 427. = Eng. bot. 31. ° Botan. magaz.445. ~ Botan. regist. $20. Botan. magaz. 185. ——- — 13. Sal. par. lond. 13. Swt. br. fl. gar. 25. Botan. magaz. 907. ——_—_ 2179. Mill. ic, 2. t. 289. f. 3. ee Botan. magaz. 258. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 25. Lam. ill, t. 626. Sal. par. lond. 92. © Rheed. mal. 1. t. 61. Alhagi mannifer'a. Desy. Hedysarum Alhagi. w. LEGUMINOS/. 2 coccinea. P.s. red-flowered. . ————— 1824. «e+» S.h. 3 occidentalis. p.s. WestIndian. W. Indies. 1823. +++» S.h. . 4 wegyptiaca. P.s. Egyptian. Egypt. 1680. 7.8. S.¢. 5 aculeata. p.s. prickly. E. Indies. 1690. —— S.©. AEschynomene spinulosa. H.B. bispinosa. Jacq. 6 paludosa, H.B. marsh. ——_—— 1818. —— S.©. 7 cannabina. P.s. Hemp. 1800. ~—-— S.©. 8 procumbens. H.B. procumbent. ————. 1818. —— S.©. 9 uliginosa. water. ——_——~ — -— 8.©. fEschynomene uliginosa, 1.8. 10 sericea. L.en. silk es Cl SO. XII picta. p.s. variegated. W. Indies. 1822. 4.9. S.h. _ 12 platycarpa. p.s. flat-podded. Carolina —— 7.8. S.©. FESCHYNOMENE. P.S. AscnoynomeNnr. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 aristata. w. awned. St.Domingo.1820. -.-- S.h. 2 sensitiva. w. sensitive. W. Indies. 1733. ---- S.h. 3 viscidula. mM. viscous. ' N.America. 1818. 7.8. H.©. 4 aspera. W. | rough-stemm’d. E. Indies. 1759. 6.7. S.©. 5 hispida. w. hispid. N.America. 1803. 8.9. H.©. 6 americana. w. hairy. Jamaica. 1732... 7. 8.488) 7 indica. w. Indian. E. Indies. 1799. 6.7. S.©. | STYLOSANTHES. Sw.Styriosantues. Diadelphia Decandria, 1 procumbens. w. _ procumbent. Jamaica. 1820. 6.8. S.%. 2 viscosa. w. viscous. ——_- — —— Sz. 3 mucronata. w. mucronate. FE. Indies. 1818. —— S.h. Arachis fruticosa, H.B. E 4 elatior. sw. tall. Carolina. 1823. 7. 8. H.2%. HALLIA. Th. Harira. Diadelphia Decanidria. . 1 alata. w. wing-stalked. C. B.S. 1818. 6.58. G.h. 2 flaccida. w long-leaved. —— -——~—...1789. 8.9. G.d. 3 cordata. w. heart-leaved. ———-—~ 1787. 6.8 G.hR. 4 imbricata, w imbricated. ~———-—— 1812. —— G.h. - 6 Asarina. w. Asarum-like. —— 1816. —— G.h. | AESEEDEZA, M. LEsPEDEZA, Diadelphia Decandria. 1 fruticosa. p.s. shrubby. Virginia. 1739. 7.8. H.h. 2 sessiliflora. Ph. sessile-flow’r’d. N.America. ---- —— H.¥. 3 juncea. P.s. slender-branch’d. Siberia. 1776. —— H.%. A reticulata. p.s. netted. N.America. 1823. Halk, 5 capitata. pP.s. headed. — 1789. 6.7. H.z. 6 polystachya. P.s, hairy. ———. — 6.5. He. Hedysarum hirtum. w. 7 Stuvei. n. Stuve’s. N.America. 1823. 7.9. H.©. 8 violacea. ph. Violet-flowr’d. -——-~— 1789. 7.8. H.¥. 9 procumbens. nN. procumbent. . -—-—-—— 1812. —— H.2. 10 prostrata. Nn. prostrate. — 1818. —— H.2. 11 lagopodioides. p.s. hare’s-foot. China. 1790. —— H.2. ZORNIA. M. Zornia, Wiadelphia Decandria. 1 tetraphylla. m four-leaved. Carolina. 1823. 7.8. H.%. 2 capensis. P.s. Cape. C. B.S. 1824. 5.6. Git. 3 pulchella. v.s. neat Indian. E. Indies. 1799. 7.8. S.h. 4 diphylla. p.s. two-leaved. —-—— 1733. S.©.: FLEMINGIA. H.B. Fuemineia. Diadelphia De naicihes 1 stricta, H.B. straight. India. 1798. 7.9. S.h. 2 semialata. HB. winged. Nepaul. 1805. 7.8. Sih. _ 3 lineata. H.R. branch-spiked. E. Indies. 1793. -—— S.h. 4 congesta. H.B. crowded-spik’d. ——-—-—- 1802. 7.9. S.h. § angustifolia. H.B. narrow-leaved. -——~-——- 1812. —— S.h. _ 6 strobilifera.uH.x. Beech-leaved. ——--—— 1787. —— S.h. Hedysarum strobiliferum. w. Zornia strobilifera. p.s. 7 nana. H.B. dwarf, — 1804. 8. S.h. 8 procumbens. H.B. ° procumbent. —__—— 1816. —- S.h. 9 prostrata. H.B. prostrate. China. 1820. 7.9. S.f. MANNA. D.P, Manna. Diadelphia Decandria. hebraica. pD.pP. Levant. Levant. 1714. 7.8. G.h HEDYSARUM. W. MHepysArum. Diadelphia Decandria. L. _ 1 bupleurifolium. w. Hare’s-ear-l4. India. 1793. 7.8 S.¢. 2 gramineum. w. grass-leaved- ——-—— 1799. —— 38.©. _ 3 nummularifolium,w. Moneywort-!@. ——-——- 1777. 7 {iv 129 Rumph. amb. 1. t.77. Alp. eBypt. BI. t.82. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 564. Botan. regist. 873. Jacq. scheen. 2, t, 237. Plum. ic, t. 139. Breyn. cent. t. 52. Sloan. hist.1. t.118. f.3. Rheed. mal. 9. t. 18. Sloan. hist.1.t.110. f.2. Tite 1. t. 119. f.. Burm. zeyl. t. 106. f.2. Sw. act. holm. t.11.f.2. Jacq. schoen. 3. t. 296. Bot. mag.1850, &2596: Jacq. vind. 3. t. 89. Lin. fil. dec. 1. t.4. Mich. amer. 2. t. 40. Burm, ind. t. 53. f. 2. Thunb. a. ups. 6. t. 3. Burm. zeyl. 116. f. 52. Rheed. mal. 9. t. 82. Roxb. corom, 3. t. 249. Burm. ind. t. 53. f. 4. Botan. regist. 617. Rauw. it. 94. ts 14. Roxb. corom. 2. t. 194. Wendl. h. her. 3. t..5. Pet. gaz, t. 26. f. 4, 130 LEGUMINOSE. } q ‘ ~ 4 moniliferum. w. neck-lace, E. Indies. 1824. —— S.%. Burm. ind.t.52,f3, 5 styracifolium. w. Storax-leaved. — 1796. ses S.h. ; ee 6 gangeticum. w. oval-leaved. ——-——- 1762. 7.8. S.©. Rumph. amb, 6. t. 66. 7 maculatum. w. spotted. ———_ 1732, 6.8. S.©. Dill. elth. t. 141. f.168. 8 vaginale. w. sheathed. —— 1790. 7.8. 8.©. Burm. zeyl. t. 49. f.1. 9 triquetrum. w. triangular. ——— 1802. ——- S.¢. Burm. ind. t.52. f.2. 10 sagittatum. P.s. arrow-leaved. ———— 1807. +-++ S.h. 11 alatum. u.s. winged-stalk’d. —)/ 1809, *i+ iS ye e 12 procumbens. H.B. procumbent. — 7.8. S.%. 13 diversifolium. p.s. different-leav’d. Madagascar.1820. ---- S.h. b 14 Vespertilionis. w. bat-winged. Cochinchina.1780. 7.8. S.g. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 566. 15 collinum. H.B. hill, E. Indies. 1822. —— S.h. 16 latifolium. B.R. broad-leaved. —-—— 1809. —— S.h. Botan. regist. 355. 17 bracteatum. H.B. _ bracted. ; ——~— 1820. — S.h. 18 sororium. H.B. sister. —-— -——_ ::- §,y. 19 incanum. w. hoary. W.Indies’ -—— 7.8. S.h. Plum. ie. 149. f. 1. 20 tomentosum. w. woolly. China. 1782. 6. Tas 21 umbellatum. w. umbel-flower’d. E. Indies. 1801. —— S.h. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 297. 22 biarticulatum. w. jointed. ———-— 1808. +--+ S.h. Burm. zeyl. t. 50. f. 2. 23 cespitosum. p.s. _ tufted. Mauritius. 1820. S.2. 24 adscendens. w. ascending. Jamaica. — 7.9. S.h. 25 mexicanum. Mexican. Mexico. — 11.5. S.h. Botan. regist. 815. adscendens. var. ceruleum. B.R. virgatum, Cerv. non Th. 26 mauritianum. w. creepingroot’d. Manritius. 1822. 7.9. S.2. Heh a 27 gyrans. w. moving plant. E. Indies. 1775. —— S.g. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 565. 73 28 gyroides. H.B. gyrans-like. — 1818. —— S.h. 29 rhombifolium. H.B. rhomb-leaved. _——-—— 1820. —— S.h. . 30 tenellum. D.P. slender. Nepaul. 1823. —— S.h. 31 retusum. D.P. retuse-leaved. ————-~ —— -—— S.h. 32 floribundum. D.p. - abundant-fig. —- — — BS.b. 33 trigonum. P.s. three-sided. Jamaica. 1733. —— S.h. 34 canadense. W. Canadian. N.America. 1640. 7.8. H.2L. Corn. canad. t. 45. a | 35 canescens. ph. canescent. — 1733. --—— H.2%, $6 marilandicum.w. Maryland. ———— 1725. 7.10. H.%. Dill. elth. t.144.f.171. 37 obtusum. ph. obtuse. ——-—— 1805. 7.8. H.%. 38 ciliare. Nn. fringed. i 1828) 39 viridiflornm. w. green-flower’d. ———-— 1787. 7.9. H.%.- Pluk. alm.t.308.f.5. 40 cuspidatum. w. sharp-pointed. ———— 1806. 7.8, H.%. . | 41 paniculatum, w. panicled. ——— 1781. 7. H.%. Pluk. mant. t. 432. f.6. 42 glutinosum. w. glutinous. —————, “1805. 7.8. Hee 4 43 nudiflorum. w. naked-flow’r’d, — 1823. —— H.2. | 44 repandum. w. repand, Bourbon, —— —— Sh. 45 capitatum. w. headed. Ceylon. --s- 7 S.h. Burm. ind. t.54.f.1. | 46 supinum. w. trailing. ~ Jamaica. 1820. 7.8. S.h. Sloan. jam.1.t.118. f.2. 47 tortuosum. w. twisted-podd’d. 178k. —— S.hw. ————1.6.116.f.2, — 48 tuberosum. w. tuberous. E. Indies. 1806. °:--. S.h. - . 49 serotinum. w.en- late-flowering. —_ — 7.9. H.%. 50 malacophyllum.t.en. soft hairy ld.. Manila. 1824, ---. S.%. 51 abyssinicum. w.en. Abyssinian. Abyssinia. 1802. 7. S.%. : 52 aparines. L.en. hairy-stalked. Mexico. 1820. —— S.h. ; 53 virgatum. w. slender. Japan. ——~ ——- G.z. 54 heterophyllum. w. various-leaved. Ceylon. —~— 6.7. S.%. Burm. zeyl. t. 54. f. 1.7 55 triflorum. w. three-flower’d. India. 1796. —— §S.y. Burm. ind. t.54. f.2. — 56 uncinatum. w. uncinate. Caracas. 1823. —— S.h. Jacq. scheen. 3. t.208, _ 57 hamosum. H.B. hooked. Bengal. — — Sx. ; 58 alopecuroides. H.B. Foxtail. E. Indies. -— -—— S.2%. e 59 auriculatum. H.B. eared. —~ “1818. * 759. FSG ; .60 orbiculatum. H.B. round-leaved. tee SLC. - 61 recurvatum. H.B. recurved. ———— 1824, +... Sih. 62 divergens. H.B. divergent. vanes te os Bye 2 .63 purpureum. H.B. purple-flow’r’d. E, Indies. 1818. 6.8. S.2%. 64 cephalotes. H.B. round-headed. —~—— 1820. .-... S, h. 65 patens. H,B. - spreading. ——— 1824. 6.8. S.%. a 66 arboreum. H.B. tree. ———-— 1818 ---- S.h. | 67 grandiflorum. m.B. large-flowered. Iberia. 1820. 6.8. H.z. sericeum. M.B. Astragalus grandiflorus. L. ; 68 asperum. P.s. harsh, were eve aN eens 16GB. Se 1G 69 pictum. w. painted-leaved, Guinea. 1788. «+--+ S.h. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 567. 70 candidum. M.B. silver-leaved. Siberia. 1796. 7.8. H.%. Pall. it. 2. t.9. argenteum. W. Non. L. fil, f LEGUMINOS£&, 71 fruticosum. w. shrubbySiberian. —————__ 1782. 6.7. H.h. 72 sennoides. w. Senna-like. E. Indies. 1815. —— S.h. 73 alpinum. w. Alpine. Siberia. 1798. —— H.2. 7A obscurum. w. creeping-root’d. Europe. 1640. 7.8. H.%. 75 tauricum. w. Taurian. Tauria. 1804. ——~- H.2. 76 roseum. B.M. rose-coloured. Caucasus. 1803. -—— H.2. 477 coronarium. w. French Honeysuckle. Italy. 1596. 6.7. H.¢. 78 humile. w. dwarf. Spain. 1640. 7.8. H.2. 79 carneum. L.c. flesh-coloured. Siberia. 1818. —— H.2. 80 flexuosum. w. wave-podded. Asia. 1680. 7.8 H.©. 81 depressum. w.en. depressed. Barbary. +++» —— H.©. capitatum. Desf. Non Burm. 82 pallidum. w. pale-flowered. -—————._ --.- —— H.}. capitatum. B.M. nec aliorum. 83 muricatum. w. prickly-podd’d, Patagonia. 1793. 6.7. F.2%. 84 spinosissimum. w. thorny. Spain. 1731. 7.8. H.©. 85 brasilianum. p.s. Brazilian. Brazil. 1823, ---- S.h. 86 elongatum. F. long-stalked. Russia. — 6.8.:H.%. 87 crinitum. w. crook-podded. E.Indies. 1780. 7.9. S.h. _, 88 lasiocarpum. Beau. woolly-podded. Guinea. 1822. ——- S.h. | ONOBRYCHIS.T. Satntroin, Diadelphia Decandria. 1 sativa. pc. common. Britain. sees 6.7. Hi. Hedysarum Onobrychis. w. 2 carpatica. Fr. Carpathian. Carp.Mount.1818.. —— H.%. 3 tanaitica. F. spreading. Siberia. 1823. —— H.2. 4 Buxbaumiana. py. Buxbaum’s. Tauria. —- — H.2. Hedysarum Pallasii. w. 5 montana. Dc. mountain. Europe. 1816. —— H.. 6 supinum, pc. trailing. : ——_- — _ — H.4. 7 album, p.s. white-flowered. Hungary. 1804. 7.8. H.%. 8 saxatile. p.s. rock. S.Europe. 1790. 6.8. H.2. 9 petrea. F. stone. Caucasus. 1818. —— H.2. 10 arenaria. L.en. sand. Hungary. -—— —— H.2. 11 cretica. py. Cretan. a Crete, 1823. —— F.x. 12 Caput-galli. p.s. | Cock’s-head. France. 1731. 7.8. H.©. 13 Crista-galli. p.s. Cock’s-comb. S.Europe. 1710. 6.8. H.©. PHYLLOLOBIUM.F. Puytiotosium. Diadelphia Decandria. Galedupa elliptica, H.B. | p $2 | chinense. F. * Chinese. China. 1818. 6.8. G.%. DALBERGIA. Ww. DALBERGIA. Diadelphia Decandria, L. 1 latifolia. w. broad-leaved, E.Indies. 1811. --+. S.h. 2 Sissoo. H.B. large. ———- 1823. ---- S.h. 3 emarginata. H.B. emarginate. ———- —— --.. Sb. 4 frondosa. H.B. frondose. ——— 1818. -+-- S.h. 5 paniculata, w. panicled. ——— 181]. ---. S.h. 6 zeylanica. H.B. Ceylon. ~ Ceylon. 1816. ---- S.h. 7 robusta. H.B. robust. E. Indies, 1811. +--+» S.h. 8 alata. H.B. winged. —— 1823. --+- S.h. 9 Crowey. H.B. Silhet. —_——_—- _ ——_ ees Sh. 10 domingensis. p.s. _ violet. St.Domingo.1759. -+-» S.h. Robinia violacea. w. 11 rubiginosa. w. rusty. E. Indies. 181]. -++. S.hoc. 12 volubilis. H.B. twining. ———— 1820. +--+» S.heo. 13 marginata. H.B. margined. ——— 3s ——— sees SLL. 14 Barclayi. yk. Mr. Barclay’s. Mauritius. 1823. 5.7. S.h.J. 15 Telfairii. Hk. Telfair’s. ——_-_ - ——-_--> ~“Sw he. 16 scandens. H.B. scandent. E. Indies. 181). 5.7. S.h.c. 17 tamarindifola. H.B. Tamarind-19. — 1820. --:+ S.hec. 18 stipulacea. H.B. stipuled. ——— —§ ——_ ose Sw. _ 19 rimosa. H.B. rimose. ——— 1824. +«-- Sih. _AMERIMNUM.W. AmeErimnouM. Diadelphia Decandria, L. 1 Brownei. w. Browne’s. W. Indies. 1793. 6.8. S.h. 2 latifolinm. w. broad-leaved. S.America. 1814. -+-- S.h. 3 pubescens. w. violet-flowered. Caracas. 1820. «+++ S.h. _- 4 scandens. w. climbing. ———— 1822. «+++ S.Ruw. | PONGAMIA. V. PONGAMIA. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 glabra. v. smooth-leaved. E.Indies. 1699. -*-* S.h. Galedupa indica. tam. Dalbergia arborea. w. 2 elliptica. elliptic-leaved. —————_ 1820. --+* S.hw. 131 Pall. it. 3. t.5. f.1. Botan. magaz, 2213. 282. Botan. magaz. 996. Bauh.hist.2.p.336.c.ic. Lodd. bot. cab. 312. Schk. hand. 2. t. 207. Botan. magaz. 1251. Jacq. ic. 3. t.568. _ Pluk. alm, t. 50. f. 2. Burm. ind. t. 56. Eng. bot. 96. W.etK. hung. 2. t.111. All. ped. 1. t. 19. f. 1. Roxb. corom. 2. t. 113. Roxb. corom. 2. t. 114. Roxb. corom. 2. t. 115. Jacq. amer. t.180.f.58. ———_ 1. t.177. f.50. Vent. malm. t. 28. Jacq. amer, t.183.f.92. Roxb. cor. 2. t. 116. Lam. ill. t. 602. f. 5. 182 - LEGUMINOS, 3 piscidia. H.B. Piscidia-leavd. --—-——~ 1818. -+-+ S.h 4 marginata. H.B. margined. _—— 1824, «+++ Scheu. PTEROCARPUS. W. Prerocarpus. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 Draco. w. officinal. S.America. 1818. -+-+- S.h. 2 indicus. w. Indian. E. Indies. —— ---- S.h. 3 dalbergioides. u.8. Dalbergia-like. -—-—— 1820. - S.h. 4 Marsupium. w. emarginate-ld, =—— 1811 - Sh. 5 lunatus. w. crescent-podded.S.America. 1792. S.h. 6 santalinus. w. red sandal wood. E.Indies. 1800. ---- S.h. 7 Ebenus. p.s. JamaicaEbony. W. Indies, 1713. 7. 8. S.h. Amerimnum Ebenus. w. ECASTAPHYLLUM.P.S. EcAsTAPHYLLUM. Diadelphia Decandsiss Brownei. p.s. oval-leaved. W. Indies. 1733.. --- S.h. Pterocarpus Ecastaphyllum. w. GEOFFROYA. W. Gerorrroya. Diadelphia Decandria. L. inermis. w. bastard cabbage-tree. Jamaica.1778. «--- S.h. NISSOLIA. W. NISSOLIA. Diadelphia Decandria. L. 1 retusa. w.en. retuse-leaved. S,America. 1823. -+-. S.h. 2 fruticosa. w. shrubby. ——_—— 1766. 7.11. S.h. 3 glabrata. L.en. smooth-leaved. ——--—— 1818. —— S.h. DIPTERIX. W. TONQUIN BEAN. Diadelphia Decandria. ° odorata. w. sweet-scented. Guiana. 1793. ---- S.h. Baryosma Tonga. Gert. Coumarouna odorata. Aub. ORDO LXVI. - Brown. jam. t. 31. f. 2. ma) Brown. jam. t. 32. f.1. Phil. trans. 1777. t. 10.. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 167. Aub. gui. 2. t. 296. CALYCANTHACEA. Lindley. CHIMONANTHUS. B.R. Cuimonantuus. Icosandria Polygynia. fragrans. B.R. fragrant. Japan. 1766. 12,3. Calycanthus precox. B.M. B luteus. yellow-flowered. —————- 1814. —— H.h y grandiflorus. B.R. large-flowered. ——--—-— 1812. —— H.h CALYCANTHUS.B.R. Catycantuus. Icosandria Polygynia. L. 1 floridus. w. Carolina allspice. Carolina. 1726. 5.8. H.h 2 glaucus. N. glaucous-leav’d, -— 1806. —— fertilis. B.R. 3 oblongifolius. n. oblong-leaved.. ——-—— 1812. -——~- H.h. 4 bevigatus. n. smooth-leaved.. ——-——- 1806. —— H.h. ORDO LXVII. HOMALINEZ. Brown. HOMALIUM. §.5. HomA.ium. Polyandria Trigynia. f racemosum. s.s. racemed. W. Indies. 1818, 5.7. S.h.. BLACKWELLIA.S.S, BLackweLuia. Dodecandria Pentagynia. 1 spiralis. s.s. spiral. Isl. France. 1820. -*-- S.h. 2 paniculata. s.s. panicled. —— 1818. 5.7. 3 glauca. s.s. glaucous. reppiane? 1823. «-». S.h. 4 axillaris. s.s. axillary-spiked. Madagascar.—— -..-. S.h. 7. fis Botan. Botan. Botan. Botan. Botan. magaz. 466. regist. 451. m agaz. 503. regist. 404. regist. 481, Botan. regist. 519. Lam. ill. t. 412. f. 1. en el a CHRYSOBALANEZ, ORDO LXVIII. JARINARIUM. J. L excelsum. G.p. rough Plum. SierraLeon. 1822, ---- S.h. 2 macrophyllum. g.p. gingerbread plum. H— seer Soh. (IRYSOBALANUS. W. Cocoa-PLum. Icosandria Monogynia. L. 1 Icaco. w. ’ West Indian. W. Indies. 1752. S.h. 2 oblongifelius. ph. American. Georgia. 1812. G.h. JIRTELLA. W. Hirretyta. Pentandria Monogynia. L. americana. W. American. W. Indies. 1782. +--+.» S.h. CHRYSOBALANE. Brown. PARINARIUM. Heptandria Monogynia. Jacq. amer. t. 94. Bartr. iter. c. ic. 133 Anbl. guian. 1. t. 98. MYGDALUS. W. ORDO LXIX. AMYGDALINZAE. Jussieu. Blackw. t. 195, Botan. magaz. 161. Pall. ross. 1... 7... Botan. regist. 136. Autmonp. Icosandria Monogynia. L. 1 Persica. w. common Peach. Persia. 1662. 4.5. H.h. 6 nectarina. Nectarine. — -— H.b. | y flore pleno. double blossomed. | f nana. dwarf Peach. ; r 2 communis. sweet Almond. Barbary. 1548. 3.4. H.h. 3 amara. bitter Almond. — —H.h. 4 nana. w common dwarf. Russia. 1683. —— H.h. 5 incana. w. woolly. Caucasus. ---- —— H.h. 6 prostrata. Kth. trailing. Crete. 1802. 5. H.h. _ Prunus prostrata. B.R. 7 pumila. w double dwarf. Africa. 1683. 5.6. _ Prunus sinensis. P.s. 8 georgica. Desf. Georgian. Georgia. 1820. 3.4. H.h. 9 sibirica. L.c. ‘ Siberian. Siberia. -+-- 3,4. Hk. 0 orientalis. w. silvery-leaved. Levant. 1756. —— G.h-. _ argented. Lam. RMENITACA. J. Apricot. Icosandria Monogynia. ‘1 vulgaris. p.s. common. Levant. 1548. 2.3. H.h. (2 dasycarpa. P.s. black-fruited. + + +++- -->- 3.4. Hh. 3 sibirica. P.s Siberian. Siberia, 1788. 4. H.h. 4 brigantiaca. P.8. spiny. S. Europe. ---. —— H.h. ‘RUNUS. W. PLUM-TREE. Icosandria NLonogy Als L. 1 domestica. w. common. England. 4, H-h. 2 pyramidalis. pc. pyramidal. Europe. --~- Heh. 3 maritima. w.en. sea-side. N. America. 1800. 5. . Heh: 4 cevasifera. w. Myrobalan. 1629. 4.5. H.h. 5 insititia, w Bullace-tree. Britain. eee 4. HOD. 6 spinosa. w. Sloe-tree. *———— «++. 3.4. Heh. 7 Chicasa. M Chicasaw. N.America. 1806. 4.5. Huh. 8 spherica. w.en. . brown-toothed. Europe. 1820. 3.4. Hh. 9 hyemalis. mM. mountain. N.America. 1805. 5. H.h. .0 depressa. Ph. depressed. ——_— — 5. H.h. 1 Susquehanne. w.en. glaucous-leav’d- 1800. H.h. 2 pumila. w. dwarf, 1756. —— H.h. \3 pygmeea. w. small, ———— 1818. ——. H.h. la persicifolia. pf. peach-leaved. ——— —— 4.5. H.h. (5 nigra. w. black. 1773. 5.6. Hh. 16 pensylvanica. w. Pensylvanian, ————— -—— 5, H.h. northern, 1918. 5.6. H.h. \7 borealis. ph. Botan, magaz. 2176. Lam. ill. t. 431. Pall. ross, Ll. t. 8. Eng. bot. 1783. Eng. bot. 841. eS ce ane a 842, Mill. ic. t. 89. f. 2, Botan. magaz. 1117. Willd. arb. t.3. f. Be 134 AMYGDALIN J. a 18 duracina. hard Cherry. Europe. coer 4.5. HI. : Cerasus duracina. DC. 19 macrophylla. poir. large-leaved. ———- +--- —— Hh. 20 avium. w. pubescent-l4, England. ---- 4.5. H.h. Blackw. t. 426. Cerasus avium. Dc. om 21 Cerasus. w. © commonCherry. ——-——- ++«2 —— . Eng. bot. 706. B flore pleno. double blossom’d. oa 22 semperflorens. w. late-fruited. N.America. -+++ 65.6. . Wats. dend. brit. 131 23 pendula. pr, peudulous. ee eerses coce ——— 4 Fe 24 chamecerasus. w. bastard Cherry. Austria. 1597. 5. . Jacq.ic.1..t. 90. 25 fruticosa. pall. shrubby. Russia. oo - Pall. ros.3.t.8.) 26 Mahaleb. w. perfumed. Austria. 17i4. 4.5. . Jacq. aust. 3. t. 227, 27. paniculata. w. panicled. Japan. 1820. —— Botan. regist. 800. ° ° Teton Om oe PaP~ er eor ar TIA HAH HSS Ps 28 japonica. w. Japan-Cherry. —-—— 1810. 3.5. —_————_-——- 27. . 29 Laurocerasus. w. commonLaurel. Levant. 1629. 4.5. Duham. arb. 1. t. 13% B pumila. dwarf. | : ‘ 30 caroliniana. w. evergreen. Carolina. 1759. 5. ‘: it 31 lusitanica. w. Portugal Laurel. Portugal. 1648. 6. - Mill. ic. t. 196. f. 1. 32 occidentalis. w. WestIndian. Jamaica. 1784.12. 1. ‘ ¢- 33 spherocarpa. w. round-fruited. ——-—— 1818. —— : 34 serotina. w. American bird. N.America. 1629. 5. 6. . Wats. dend. brit. 48, 35 virginiana. Ww.’ Virginian. ——— 1724. —— H.k. Willd. arb. t.5.f. 1. 36 rubra, w. red fruited. == +++: cee tees 4.5. HQ. ————-t.4.f.2. 37 Padus. w. Bird Cherry. Britain. cose 4.5. Hi. Eng, bot. 1383. Cerasus Padus. pc. ORDO LXX. POMACES. Jussieu. MESPILUS. G. Mespitus. Icosandria Di-Pentagynia. 1 odoratissima. A.R. sweet-scented. Crimea. eee H.h. Andr. reposit. 590. 2 tanacetifolia. a.k. Tansy-leaved. Greece. 1789. —— H.h. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t. 8 3 apiifolia. s.s. Parsley-leaved. N.America.1812. —— H.h. | . 4 Azarolus. s.s. Azarole. S. Europe. 1640. —— H.h. Andr. reposit. 579, _ 5 pentagyna. s.s. pentagynous, Hungary. 1818. -—— H.h. = 6 nigra. s.s. villous-leaved. — — -—— Hh. K.hung. 1, 6 7 melanocarpa.s.s. black-fruited. Tauria. — —— Hh. eo 8 monogyna. s.S. one-styled. S. Europe. «+--+ —— B rosea. red- flowered. 9 elegans. Poir- elegant. France. reee ——— Hh. 10 laciniata. st. jagged. _ Siberia. 1822, —— H.h. 11 Oxyacantha. £.B. Hawthorn. Britain. ssee —— Hoh. Eng. hot. 2504. Crategus Oxyacantha, L. | B major. great-fruited. ——— ++ —— Hh. plena. double flowered. ———— *+++ —— H.h. i aurea. yellow-berried. = —————- *s"5 H.h. & precox. Glastonbury. ——— sees 4.5. Heh. 12 Celsiana. w.en. Celsig, b= Vas .aaine > 1822. 5.6. H.h. 13 Aronia. w.en. Aronian. Aronia. eens ——— H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 16 14 purpurea. W.D. purple. N.America. ---- 4.5. H.h. — 60. 15 coccinea. S.8. scarlet-fruited. —————- 1688. —— H.h. ——————-=2 62) 16 cordata. s.s. Maple-leaved, ———— 1738. 5 H.R}. ———— 63. 17 glandulosa. s.s. hollow-leaved, —M-—— 1750. 5.6. H.h. |. . — 58. 18 sanguinea. pall. bloody. Siberia. --e- —— Hb. Pall. ros.1.t. 11. 19 pyrifolia. s.s. Pear-leaved. N.America.1765. 6. H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 61 20 latifolia. poir. broad-leaved,. —-——- ---» —— H.h. 21 flava. w.en- yellow-berried. ——-—— 1724. 5. H.h. Wats. dend. brit, 5! 22 viridis. green-leaved. —-—— ++: 5.6. Heh. | Crategus viridis. WwW. - 23 spathulata. s,s. spatula-leaved. -———-~— 1806. —— H.h. 24 parvifolia. w.en. Gooseberry-14. 1704. —— H.hkh. Wats. dend. brit. 6% xanthocarpos. 8.8. / POMACEA. 5 punctata. spotted-fruited. ———-— 1746. —— H.h. 3 Crus-galli. w.en- Cockspur-thorn, ———— 1691. —— H.h. lucida. s.s. y | a splendens. shining-leaved. —~-—- -—— -—— H.h. ) B pyracanthifolia. Pyracantha-l4. —-—~- —— —— H.h. 7 linearis. p.s. linear-leaved. —-—— ——~ —— H.h. 8 elliptica. w.en- oval-leaved. ——— 1765. 5. . Heh. 9 lobata. poir. lobed-leaved. ——— 1818 5.6. H.h. (0 fissa. poir. cloven-leaved. —-—— —— —— H.h. 1 Oliveriana. poir. Oliver’s. Levant. — — Hh. 2 pauciflora. pcir. § few-flowered. Switzerland. —- —— H.h. 3 Pyracantha. w. evergreen thorn.S. Europe. 1629. 5. H.h. _ 4 crenulata. D.P. crenulate. Nepaul. 1818. 6.7. H.k. 5 tinctoria. D.pP. Dyer’s. ———- — -— Hh. | «Photinia dubia, u.t. @ 16 grandiflora. Ex.b. large-flowered. S, Europe. 1800. 5.6. H.h. ‘7 germanica. w. Medlar, England. +++» 5,7. Hoh. “APHIOLEPIS.L.T. Rapnioveris. Icosandria Digynia. ’ 1 salicifolia. B.R. Willow-leaved. China. 1820. 5.6. G.h. 2 indica. B.R. Indian. — 1818. —— G.h. 3 rubra. L.c. red-stamen’d. 1806. —— G.h. \ Crategus indica. B.M. 1726. SHOTINIA.L.T. Puorinsa. Icosandria Digynia. 1 arbutifolia. B.R. Arbutus-leav’d. California. 1796. 7.8. H.k. Crategus arbutifolia. H.K. Q 2 serrulata. L.T. serrulate-leav’d. China. 1804. 4.7. Hh. Crategus glabra. B.M. 3 integrifolia. t.r. entire-leaved. Nepaul. 1820, +++. H.h. | Pyrus integerrima. D.P. -RIOBOTRYA. L.T. Loquat. Icosandria Pentagynia. ‘1 japonica. L.T. Japan. Japan. 1787. 10. F.h. 2 elliptica. Lr. elliptic-leaved. Nepaul. 1822. -+-- H.h. _ Mespilus Cuila. p.P. OTONEASTER.L.T. CoToneasterR. Icosandria Pentagynia. ‘1 vulgaris. L.T. common. Europe. 1656. 4.5. H.h. Mespilus Cotoneaster. w. 2 tomentosa. L.T. Quince-Jeaved, —m—-—— 1759. —— H. 3 eriocarpa. Dc. woolly-fruited. ——-—— ---- 6.7. H.h | Mespitus eriocarpa. w.v. : 4 affinis. LT. likened. Nepaul. 1820. -++- H.b 5 acuminata. L.T. taper-pointed. —— err Hh | MELANCHIER. L.T. AmetancnieR. Icosandria Pentagynia. (1 vulgaris. common. S. Europe. 1596. 4.5. H.h '! Pyreus Amelanchier. w. (2 Botryapium. ..T. snowy. N.America. 1746. —— H.h.- Mespilus canadensis. L. 83 ovalis, L.T. oval-leaved. —-—— 1800. —— H.h. 4 sanguinea. red-branched. — 1812. —— H.h. | Pyrus sanguinea. ph. RONIA. P.S. Aronia. Icosandria Pentagynia. ‘1 arbutifolia. n. red-berried. N.America. 1700. 5.6. H.h. Pyrus arbutifolia. ph. Aronia pyrifolia, P.s. 2 melanocarpa. nN. __ black fruited. ee no ee ELD. YRUS. W. PEAR & AppLeE. Icosandria Pentagynia. L. 1 Chame-mespilus.s.s.BastardQuince.Pyrenees. 1683. 5.6. H.h. 2 communis. w. — common Pear. England. my iid) eR || 3 angustifolia. w. narrow-leaved. N.America.1750. 5. H.h. || 4 prunifolia. w. Siberian Crab. Siberia. 1758. 4.5. Heh. . 5 spectabilis. Chinese apple. China. 1780. 5. H.bk. . 6 baccata. w. small Crab. Siberia. 1784. 4.5. H.h. || 7 coronaria. w. sweet-scented. Virginia. 1724. 5. H.h. | 8 Malus. w. common Apple. Britain. «++» 4.5. Huh. || 9 acerba. pc. sour. Europe. toes H.h. 10 dioica. w. dioecious. Soins wie v's Uv sane he Pg LL preecox. Paradise. Russia. 1784. 4. Hh. 12 pumila. mill. dwarf evergreen, ------- » eee 4.5. Heh. 413 torminalis. s.s. Wild Service. England. «--- -—— H.h. 14 Pollveria. s.s.: woolly-leaved. Germany. 1786. —— H.h. (15 nivalis. s.s, white-leaved. Austria. csee 5. HOR. 135 Wats. dend. brit. 57. Tacos ae ORT ae 56, Schmidt. arb. t. 90, Linn. trans. 13.t. 10. Exot. bot. 1. t. 18. Eng. bot. 1523. Botan. regist. 652. 468. Lindl. collect. t. 3. Botan. regist. 491. Botan, magaz. 2105. Botan. regist. 366. Schmidt. arb. t, 89, Wats. dend. brit, 55, Linn. trans. 18. t. 9, Schmidt arb. t. 85. —-—= t. 84. Mill. ic. 109. Schmidt arb. t. 86. Schmidt. arb. t. 87. _Eng. bot. 1784. Wats. dend. brit. 132. Mill. ic. 2. t. 269. Botan. magaz. 267, Wats. dend. brit. 51. Botan, magaz. 2009. Eng. bot. 179. Eng. bot. 298. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 107. 136 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 - 25 - 26 27 28 29 30 31 alpina. s.s. edulis. s.s. sinaica. S.s. Aria. s.s. intermedia. s.s. eleagnifolia. s.s. salicifolia. s.s. crenata. D.P. lanata. D.P. arbuscula. Poir. latifolia. P.s. hybrida. s.s. pinnatifida. E.B. sorbifolia. w.D. ° domestica. s.s. aucuparia. s.s. 32 americana. s.s. 33 microcarpa. s.s. CYDONIA. J. 1 vulgaris. P.s. . 2 japonica. P.s. e rubra. Pyrus japonica. 3.M. 8 alba, 3 chinensis. B.R. ROSACEA. Don Prodr. fl. nepal. p.229. ROSA. L. | 1 berberifolia. w. simplicifolia. P.L. 101. 2 ferox. L.R. 3 kamchatica. L.R. B nitens, B.R. 4 involucrata. L.R. - § clinophylla. R.R. 6 bracteata. L.R. B scabriuscula, L.R. 7 nitida. w.en. 8 rapa. R.R. 9 lucida. w. 10 Lindleyi. s.s. laxa. L.R. non Retz. 11 parviflora. w. a Single Pensylvanian. 8B Double Pensylvanian. 12 Woodsii. L.R. 13 gemella. s.s. 14 Lyonii. s.s. 15 florida. L.c. 16 carolina. L.R. .17 pensylvanica. L.en. 18 blanda. L.R. 19 fraxinifolia. L.R. ‘B Red Alpine Rose. 20 cinnamomea. E.B; 21 foecundissima. 22 majalis, LR. Alpine. == see oe 1820. 4.5. H. eatable. France. 1816. 6. H. Mount Sinai. Levant. soos 5. HL . white-beam. Britain. rere §,6. H. Swedish. Sweden. 1789. 4.5. H. Eleagnus-l¢, © Tauria. 1818. —— H. Willow-leaved. Russia. 1780. 5.6. H. crenated. Nepaul. 1820. ---- H. woolly. ee ee A long-leaved. Europe. +s 65. 6. SO broad-leaved. France. os » hybrid. Hybrid. ——— H. pinnatifid. England, — H. service-leaved. -:-+-«. sees = HH, Service-tree. England. cose ——— H, _Mountain Ash. Britain. soos —— H, parple-berried. Canada. 1782. -—— H. — H H. H. H. H. H POMACEZ:. small-fruited. N.America. ---- SS NSS SSS SS Sa St a a tt Quince. Icosandria Pentagynia. L. common, Austria. 1573. 5.6. Japan. Japan. 1796. 1. 12. red-flowered. -—- —_—_— white-flowered. ——--—— 1812. -— Chinese. China. 4.5. H. 1815. ORDO LXXI. ‘Sect. I. ROSA. Juss. gen. 330. , ROsE. Téosandeit Polyevnial L. Wats. dend. brit. 5 AD, Eng. bot. 1858. Flor. dan. 301. «- Botan. regist. 514. ° | ~ ° e e Menchi! weis.t. 6. Eng. bot. 2331. Wats. dend. brit. 53. Eng. bot. 350. | + $37) Wats. dend. brit. te opm © Jacq. aust. 4. t. 342, i ° ° e Botan, magaz. 622, : 4 .. Lodd. bot. cab. 541, - Botan. regist. 905. — Redont. ros. 1. 27.4.2 ‘ Berberry-ld. Persia, 1790. 6.7. F.he : ‘alte hedgehog. - Caucasus. 1795. 6.8. - Botan. regist. 420. — Kamtschatka. Kamtschatka.1802.7.8 H.k. — 419, — glossy. —~— 1820. —— ——-—— 824. floral-leaved. China. 1814. 5.10. H. hw. => 739... 9 naked-flower’d. ——-——- 1820. -—— H.h.vW. Redout.-ros. 1. t. 10. Macartney. ———— 1795. 6.10. H.h.. —— 1.t.6. rough Macartney. —— — H.h.v. Botan. magaz. 1377. dwarfLabrador. N.America.1773. 7.8. H.k. Lindl.ros. t. 2. bi double Burnet. --~——~-_ 1726. —— H.h. Redout.ros.1,7.t. single Burnet. ———— 1773. -—~ H.h. Miss Lawr. ros. t. 24. spreading. ———— 1726. —— Lindl. ros. t. 3. % small-flowered. ——-—— 1724. -—— H.h. | = —-——-—- -—— — H.h- Miss Lawr. ros. t. 68. ——_- — — Hh. ———— t. 66. W oods’s. ——_— 1815. 6.7. Hh. $ twin-flowering, ——-——- 1809. 7.8. H.h. Lyon’s. Tennassee. 1812, —— H.h. flowering. N.America. —— 6.7. H.h. ‘ Carolina. —— 1726. —H.h. Lindl. ros. t. 4. Pensylvanians ——-—~ —— —— Hh. Hudson’s Bay. —--—— 1773. 5.8. H.h. Miss Lawr. ros. t. 21. Ash-leaved. Newfoundland.— 4,6. H.h. Botan. regist.458. —_——- — — H.h. Miss Lawr. ros. t. Single Cinnamon.England. -+++ 5. H.h. Eng. bot. 2388. double Cinnamon. Europe. -°+- 4.5. H.h. Lindl. ros.t.5. dwarf Cinnamon. S.Europe. «+++ -——~ Flor. dan. t. 688. ROSACEZ. 137 | 23 frutetorum. s.s. short peduncl’d. Volhynia. 1820. 5.6. H.h. | 24 ambigua. s,s. ambiguous. seat eg | a OT 25 macrophylla. t.r. long-leaved, Nepaul. 1822. ---. H.h. Lindl. ros. t. 6. 26 americana. Len. American. America, —— ++-- H.h. : 27 alpina. L.R. Alpine. Europe. 1683. 6.7. H.h. Botan. regist. 424, | a Alpine Rose. —— ——- —-—- Miss Lawr. ros. t. 30, 8 pyrenaica.t.R. Pyrenean. ——— —_ —— H.h. Jacq. scheenb. 4. t.416. __ -Y pendulina. L.R. pendulous. ———— 1726. —— H.h. Miss Lawr. ros. t. 9. 28 pygmea. s.s. pigmy. Tauria. eooe —— Hh. 29 rubella. E.B. long-fruited, England. -+-- 7. Hh. Eng;spot. 2521. ___ B melanocarpa, L.R. black-fruited. ———— ee HI. 30 muricata. Len. muricate. seseeese 1823. 6.7. H.h. 31 +=balsamica. s.s. balsamic. © -++++-8 > = —— Hk. , ‘32 stricta. L.R. upright. N.America. 1726. -—— H.h. Lindl. ros. t. 7. Upright Carolina. —- ~——H.h. Miss. Lawr. ros. t. 36. 33 suavis. s.s, sweet. sesessee 1617, —— HG: : ‘34 acicularis. t.r. grey Siberian. Siberia. -++- 3.4. H.R. Lindl. ros. t.8, 35 pauciflora. Ly. few-flowered.. —————__ -++» —— Huh. 36 sulphurea. w. double-yellow. Levant. 1629. 7. H.h. Botan. regist. 46. 37 lutescens. ph. yellowish. N.America?1780. 5.6. H.h. Lindl. ros. t.9. hispida. B.m. 38 Spinosissima. E.B. Scotch. Eng. bot. 187. Britain. ooes 6.7. Hib sulphur-color’d. H 40 ochroleuca. L.en. H small black fruited.S.Europe.1823. -——— H. H 41 melanocarpa. s.s. 42 grandiflora. L.r. 43 involuta. E.R. Botan. regist. 888. large flowered. Siberia. Soe Eng. bot. 2068. 5. H Dr. Walker’s. Hebrides. ---+ 6.7. Z B reversa. LR. reversed prickle. ————- ---- —~ H.h. Botan. regist. 431. y striped-flowered Scotch. ———— +s» —— H.h. Miss Lawr. ros. t. 15. _8 Red Scotch. —— oe “Ab. -—— t. 62. € Double Scotch. mae ls oe AL, t. 63. & Tall Scotch. a ee HS Hh. —--—— 19. » Marbled Scotch. —————— tee —— HA. —-~ —— 78. 39 altaica. wen. Pallas’s. Siberia. s22. =—— H.b. Pall. ros. 2..t.75. — 1814. —— Hh. h. h h h K. hung. 3.t.264. 44 reversa. L.R. reversed. Hungary. 1817. —— H. 45 Biebersteinii. ty. Bieberstein’s. Caucasus. 1821. 5. H.h 46 Doniana. 1.7. Mr. Don’s. Britain. eoee 6.7. H.R. 47 gracilis, LT. slender. Britain.. ---s 7.8. H.h. Eng. bot. 583. villosa. E.B. non L. 48 Sabini. x... Mr. Sabine’s. ee ee | SY (49 marginata. L.R. margined. Germany. 1823. —— 50 coruseans. L.en. glittering. ceoeeses —-~ —— Hib. ’ 51 damascena. .R. reddamask. Syria? 1575. 6.7. H.h. Miss Lawr. ros. t. 38. +52 centifolia. L.R. Provins. Caucasus. 1596. ——- Hi. ——-——-- 6.8: 8 muscova. L.R. Moss. — 1724. —— H.h. Botan. regist. 53. -y ~pomponia. LR. Pompone. aS ee. —— th. Redout. £03.1.:65.t.21. © bipinnata. LR. bipinnate. ee tee RES as) ean dn fA. 53 gallica. rr. officinal. Europe. 1596. —— H.h. ~ Botan, regist. 448. - B pumila. L.R. dwarf. Austria. 1773. -—~— h. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 198. (54 pulchella. s.s. neat. France. teee ——~- Hh. j (55 parvifolia. L.r. Burgundy. Europe. “se. ——~ H.h. Botan. regist. t. 452. 4 56 turbinata. LR. Frankfort. —— 1629. —— H.h. Miss Lawr. ros. t.69. , — 57 villosa. 1.1. villous. Britain. --«- 6. H.h. Eng. bot. 2459. mollis. E.B. B caerulea. L.7. blue-stalked. See ESET OB, - Y¥ concavifolia, L.T. concave-leaved. Scotland. coee —— HR. 3 suberecta. L.1. suberect. Yorkshire. ---»:—— Huh. 58 scabriuscula. 1.r. ronghish. Britain. s.e, ——~ Hib. Eng. bot. 1896. 59 heterophylla. u.r. various-leaved. Scotland. -++- ——~— H.h. 60 tomentosa. 1.7. | downy-I¢. dog.’ Britain. “+++ —— H.h. Eng. bot. 990. 8 sylvestris. 1.7. wood. ————- +--+ —— Hh. y canescens. L.¢. — canescent. ————- -++- —— Hh. 3 incana. L.T. hoary. ——-—— rs —— Hh. 61 nuda. L.T. naked. Westmoreland.:--- —— H.h. : 62 alba. Lr. single white. Europe. 1597. 6.7. H.k. Miss Lawr. ros, t.37. 63 montana. s,s. mountain. Tauria. 1820. —— H.h. 64 hibernica. 1.7. Irish. Treland. -se- 6& 11. Hib. Eng. bot. 2196. 65 lutea. rr. yellow. Germany. 1596. 6. H.h. Botan. magaz. 363. B bicolor. red and yellow. ——--—— eee Ty | ae OTT. 66 Sherardi. sm. H.b Sherard’s., Britain. veoe 6, bigs wb. ‘ 188 | ROSACEA. ¢ 67 rubiginosa. en. sweet briar, . —~——- esos ——~ H.k. Eng, bot. 991. B umbellata, u.R. umbel-flowered. 68 micrantha. L.T. small. England. reece —— Hib. ~— 9490. 69 sepium. De. hedge. France. eves ——— Hh. 70 Borreri. LT. Borrer’s. Britain. rooe —— Hoh. Eng. bot. 2579, dumetorum. E.B. nec aliorum. 71 adenophylla. s.s. glandulous. ceseocee 1816. —— H.h. 72 pruinosa. L.c. frosted. cocoseoe 1817. 5.6. H.h. pulverulenta. L.R. NON M.B. 73 Montezume. Kth. Mexican. Mexico. 1823. +++» H.hb. Redout. ros. 1. t. 16, 74 caucasica. M.B. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1793. 5.6. H.h. Lindl. ros. t.11. 75 .cesia, L.T. grey-leaved. Scotland. «+++ 7% H.h. Eng. bot. 2367. 76 sarmentacea. L.T. sarmentose. Britain. reese 6.7. Hh. B nitens. L.T. glossy-leaved. 77 bractescens. L.T. long-bracted. Lancashire. «+--> —— H.h. 78 dumetorum. L.T. bushy. England. eee 6. H.h. 79 Forsteri. sm. Forster’s. ——— revs —— H.R. 80 collina, L.T. hill. — «er —— H.f. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 197. 81 canina. L.T. dog or hep. Britain. core 6.7. H.R. Eng. bot. 992. B cera. Lt. waxy. —— ss — Hh. : x glandulifera. L.T. glandular. ———— «e+e —— Hh. ‘ simpliciuscula. L.T. simple-calyxed, _——-——-_ ++*+ —— H.h. 82 surculosa. L.T. surculose, — soos —— Hh. 83 leucantha. L.en. white-flowered. Siberia. 1824, e+e Hh. 84 rubrifolia. L.R. reddish-leaved. S. Europe. --+- 5.6. H.h. Botan. regist. 430. 85 sericea. L.R. silky-leaved. Nepaul. 1823. -++» H.k. Lindl. ros. t. 12. 86 microphylla. L.R. small-leaved. China. 1822. 6.8. H.h. Botan. regist. 919. 87 longifolia. w. Willow-leaved. — sere 2,10. F.h. Redout. ros. 2, 27. t.12. 88 indica. w. — common China. ——-—— 1789. 1.12. H.h. Miss Lawr. ros. t. 26. B centifolia. large-double. —_—— sere —— HR. Y purpurea, purple China. ——~—— — ets —— HL. 3 subalba. whitish China. —M-—— -:+* —— H.h. € media. middle China. ———-—~—- eee —— HR. 2 minor. small China. ——-_—ssee+ —— H.b. Andr. ros. ic. . n fragrans. animating’. m———————- sees —— Hh. 89 odorata. sweet-scented. ——-——- 1810. 2.12, H.k. Botan. regist. 804. indica odorata. A.R. indica fragrans. RoR. 1, 115. t.42- B flavescens. yellow China, ———— 1823. —— H.h. 90 semperflorens. L.R. red China. —— 1789. 1.12. F.h. Exot. bot.2.t.91. a diversifolia. v. single. —_———, «90° — = Fb. - Vent. cels. a5. B atrorubens. double red. —— 1789. +*-- F.h. Botan. magaz. 284. — y resplendens. resplendent. a ee d fragrans. Sragrant. ——- 1820. — F.h. e Terneauxi. Terneaux’s. rerum mam ere wT on ony Pht o-Bichonié. Bichon’s, ——: ——~ — i F.h. 91 Lawranceana. MissLawrance’s. -—-———- 1810. —— F.h. Botan. regist. 538. B ‘flore pleno. double-flowered.. —— 1824. — F.h. 92 systyla.-L.T. clustered dog. Britain. -+++ 6.7. H.h. Eng. bot. 1895. 93 arvensis. L.T. field. —— ese HR. ——— 188. B scandens. Ayrshire. — eres —— Botan. magaz. 2054. . 94 geminata. Rau. Swiss. Switzerland. ---- —— H.h. ; 95 sempervirens. W. evergreen. S. Europe. 1629. 6.8, H.h. . Botan. regist. 465. 96 Boursoulti. Boursoult’s. Hybrid. 1821... 4. % (4a eee 97 hyacinthina. Hyacinth-scented.——_-—-—- -—— -—— H.h.WU. 98 Grevillii. Greville’s. China. soos —— Hi har. 99 Roxburghii. - Roxburgh’s. —— srr> —— Hh. 106 multiflora. w. many-flowered. ————— 1804. 6.8. H.h. . Botan. regist. 425, 161 Brunonii. LR. Mr. Brown’s. Nepaul. 1820. —— H.h. Lindl. ros. t. 14. 102 moschata, L.R. musk-scented. Africa. 1596. 7.9. H.h. Miss Lawr. ros. t. 64. 8 plena. double musk. - — — Hh. ———t. 53. 103 nivea. Dup. snow white. Hybrid. 1823. —— H.h. Botan. regist. 861. 104 Noisettiana. r.R. Noisette’s. —— 1816. 5.11. H.h. B Fraseri. Fraser’s. ———-. — — Hh. Y purpurea. purple. —— 1823. —— H.h. 105 rubifolia. LR. bramble-leav’d. N.America. 1800. 7.9. H.h. B fenestralis. L.R. thin-leaved. ees — H.h.~ Lindl. ros. t. 15. 106 sinica. L.R. shining-leayed. China. 1759. 6.8. F.fy. —-——t. 16. 107 Banksie, L.R. Lady Banks’s. ——--— 1807. —— H.h.v. Botan. regist. t. 397. 6 lutea. “ yellow-flowered. ——-——- 1823. —— H.h.W. ae" Fen OC Ot AO NE i 1 A A ROSACEA. | 139 GARDEN VARIETIES. GARDEN VARIETIES. GARDEN VARIETIES. pe cnetesinia. 67 Furness. 134 Shetland. 1 Aberdeen. 68 Galloway, 135 Sky. 2 Aberfoil. 69 Glasgow. 136 Staffa. 3 alba. 70 Glenco. 137 Stirling. 4 Alloa. 71 Glenfallach. : 138 Strathmore. 5 Ancram. 72 Glengarry. | 139 striata. 6 Arbroath. 73 Gourock. 140 Stronsa. 7 Argyll. 74 Grahamston. 141 Sutherland. _ 8 Arrochar, 75 Grampian. 142 Tiviotdale. _ 9 Aurora borealis. 76 Greenock. 143 Tarbet. 10 Balloch. 77 Haddington. 144 Thornhill. ‘11 Banff. 78 Halkirk. 145 Thurso. > 12 Bannochburn. 79 Hamilton. 146 Tranent. 13 Borisdale. 80 Hawick. 147 variegata. 14 Bass. — 81 Hawthorndean. 148 venulosa glabra. 15 Bengloe. . 82 Hector. 149 venulosa hispida. (16 Ben Lomond. 83 humilis. 11. eallica 17 Ben More. 84 Huntly. 4 “3 : 18 Berwick. 85 incarnata. 150 aimable beaute. 19 bicolor. 86 Inverary. 151 atlas. 20 Biggar. 87 Inverness. 152 belle aurore. 21 Birnam. 88 Invermay. 153 belle carmosie. 22 Blair Athol. 89 Janus. 154 belle pourpre. 23 Boharm. 90 Jedburgh. 155 belle violette. 24 Borthwick. 91 Jura. 156 Bijou. 25 Buchan. 92 Keith. 157 blue and purple. 26 Bute. 93 Kelso. 158 blush hundred-l4, 27 Caithness. 94 Kilmarnock. 159 bright purple. 28 Calder. 95 Kincardine. 160 brunette. — 29 Callender. 96 Kinnaird. 161 carmine brillante. 30 Campsie.- 97 Kinross. 162 chancellor. $1 carnescens. 98 Kircaldy. 163 couleur de feu. 32 Carron. 99 Kirkwall. 164 dark marbled. 33 Cheviot. 100 Lanark. 165 dark violet. $4 ciphieri. 101 Laxford. 166 delicious. 35 Clydesdale. 102 Leith. 167 dingy. \6 Cromarty. 103. Leslie. ' 168 double velvet. 7 Dalkeith. 104 Lismore. 169 double marbled. M.L.R. 57. 8 Dalrymple. 105 Lochaber. 176 dutch tree. ‘9 Dornock. 106 Lochaird. 171 dutch 100 leaved. 0 Douglas. 107 Loch fine. 172 early Ranunculus, 1 Dumbarton. 108 Lochleven. ; 173 favourite purple. 2 Dumblane. 109 Lochlomond. 174 fiery. 3 Dumferniline. 110 Lothian. 175 Flanders. 4 Duntfries. 111 Maidenkirk. 176 giant. M.L.R. 49. 5 Dunbar. 112 Melrose. 177 Goliah. 80. 6 Duncrieff. 113 Moncrieff. 178 granaat appel. 17 Dundee. 114 Monteith. 179 grand purple. 3 Dunglass. | 115 Montgomery. 180 infernal. 9 Dunkeld. 116 Montrose. 181 Italian. ) Dunlop. 117 Mount stuart. 182 la grand belle pourpre. | Dunmore. 118 Mull. 183 Leyden. 2 dwarf bicolor. 119 Moray. 184 light purple. 3 Dysart. 120 mutabilis. 185 Lisbon. M.L.R. 67. \ Eden. 121 Nevis. 186 L’ombre agreable. > Elgin. 122 Northumberland. 187 L’ombre superbe. 3 Etterick. 123 Paisley. 188 maiden. ¢ |) Fairy. 124 penicillata. 189 Malabar. 3 Falkirk. 125 Pentland. 190 mignonne. — -) Falkland. 126 perpetual. 191 mignonne striped. ) Falla. 127 picta, L.B.C. 681+ 192 mignonne incised. . Fife. 128 Proteus. 193 mignonne blush. ) flavescens. 129 Roberton. 194 mirabelle. ‘} Forfar. 130 Rosslyn. 195 Montaubon. ( Forth. 131 Rothsay. 196 Morocco. '( Fort William. 132 rubicunda. 197 mundi. M.L.R. 12. fulgens, 183 Selkirk. 198 nonsuch. T 2 140 199 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 GARDEN VARIETIES. ornement de parade. Pestana. perruque. ‘petitte 100 leav’d.M.L.Re 55. plicate. —— t.87- pompadour. pourpre charmante, princess. prince William V. pyramidal. queen. red and violet. royal purple. royal virgin. M.L.R. 7. Saint John’s. shell. M.L.R. 89. single velvet.—s1. Singleton’s 100 leaved.—s5. Spanish. stadtholder. triumphant. Tuscany. B.R. velours pourpre. violette de rouge. III. centifolia. aurora. beaute supreme. Blandford. M.L.R. 21. black mottled. blue. blush royal. M.L.R. 47. blush cabbage. bouquet rouge royale. bright crumpled. Brussels. burning coal. cardinal. M.L.R. 59. carmine. cherry. cluster. Cupid. dragon. early 100 leaved. Elysian. emperor. grand creniois. grand marbled. grand Provins, Juno. king. lurid. Majorca. Malta, mignonne, scarlet. mignonne, crimson. mignonne, purple. mignonne, favourite. mignonne, red. mottled purple. Neapolitan. nonpareil. one-sided. paragon. Persian. Pluto. M.L.R. 39. poppy. (264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 ROSACE. GARDEN VARIETIES. Portland. pourpre aimable. pourpre favourite. poupre violette. prolific. Proserpine. Provins, single. Provins, common.M.L.R. g. Provins, cabbage. Provins, blush cabbage... Provins, scarlet. M.L.R. 22. Provins, Childings. —43. Provins, blush.—1. Provins, white.—4. Provins, Shailer’s.—7.. Provins, Colvill’s, Provins, damask. Provins, dwarf. Provins, invincible. Provins, Dutch. Provins, imperial. Provins, royal. rouge superbe. royal red. sanspareil. siren. Spong’s. striped nosegay. superb carmine. superb red. surpassante. Trafalgar. Versailles. * centifolia muscosa. — 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 single moss. blush moss. dark moss. mottled moss. prolific moss. royal moss. scarlet moss. semidouble moss. striped moss. Shailer’s white moss. Bristol white moss, + centifolia pomponia. 308 $24 325 $26 de Meax. M.L.R. 31. de Rheims. — 71, dwarf Bagshot. mossy de Meaux. mossy Pompone. Pompone. M.L.R. 50. proliferous Pompone, St.Francis. M.L.R gs. IV. damascena. blush Belgic. m...R. 70, blush monthly.—3, blush damask.—52, early blush. four seasons. fringed. M.L.R. 82. great royal. M.L.R. 58. grand monarque. imperial blush. M.L.R. 90. incomparable. lesser Belgic. os : ; ' hb “a GARDEN VARIETIES. 327 pale cluster. 328 red damask. M.L.R. 3s. 329 red monthly. M.L.R. 5 330 red Belgic-—gs3, (331 rouge agathe. 332 white monthly. M.L.R. 17, 333 York and Lancaster.—19, _ 334 Zealand. V. alba. 335 ccelestial. 4 336 cluster maiden’s biush. — [M.L.R. - 337 de Belgique. | 338 full double white. m-L.R. 2s 339 great maiden’s blush. [M.L.R. 32, 340 Moraga la favourite. 3 341 semidouble white. i 342 spineless virgin. : VI. rubiginosa. ; 348 cluster blush sweet briar. 344 double mossy sweet briar. [M.L.R. 72, 345 double red sweet briar.—g1. 346 double rosy sweet briar, — | 347 evergreen sweet briar. 348 large blush sweet briar. 349 Manning’s sweet briar. [M.L.R. 41, 350 monstrous sweet briar. 351 royal sweet briar. [M.L.R. ce 352 scarlet sweet briar, f 353 semidouble sweet briar, [M.L.R. 6¢ VII. various garden Roses. 354 abundant. 355 abyla. 356 Achaia. 357 Achilles. 358 Adelina. 359 admirable. 360 Adonis. 361 African black. 362 agate. 363 agate superb. 364 agate japanese. 365 agate magnifique. 366 agate nouvelle. 367 agate prolifere, 368 agate Marie Louise. 369 agate royale, 370 agate thalie, 371 aglace noir, 372 aimable violette. 373 Ajax. 374 aland. 375 alba feuille fermee. 376 alba bifera. 377 Albanian. 378 alba nova pleno. 379 alba nova celestis, 380 albo-rosea. 381 alba triangularis. GARDEN VARIETIES. 82 aline. ‘83 amaranth. ‘84 Amazon. 85 amour constant. 86 Andalusian. (87 anemoneflora. 83 Antwerp. 89 Arcadian. /90 arcaro. 391 archbishop. 92 ardoise. $93 Armenian. 394 armida. 395 Assyrian. 396 Athenian. 397 augusta. 398 aurelia, 399 baden. 100 balbec. 101 beaute frappante. 102 beaute insurmontable. 103 beaute panache. 404 beaute renommee. 405 beaute rouge. 406 beaute sanspareille. 407 beaute tendre. ‘408 belladonna. 409 belle actrise. 410 belle aimable. All belle aurore descemet. +412 belle brune. 413 belle cataline. 414 belle cerisie. 415 belle d’aunay. 476 belle du jour. 417 belle flamande. | 418 belle forme. : 419 belle galathee. ' 420 belle hative. | 421 belle incarnate. - 422 belle inconnue. _ 423 belle matilde. | 424 belle maheca. | 425 belle parade. 426 belle Tigridia. 427 pelle zulme. | 428 belle rouge. | 429 belle sans flatterie _ 430 belle sanspareille. | 431 belle therese. _ 432 belle vue, | 433 bellona. | 434 Berkshire. 435 bifera carnea. A436 bifera de Naples. 437 bengale floride. 438 bengale thisbe. 439 bifera grandiflora. 440 bishop. M.L.R. 20. 441 bizard royal. 442 black frizzled. 443 black purple. 444 blanche superbe. 445 blondine. 446 blush Italian. 447 blush velvet. 448 bold. ROSACEZK. GARDEN VARIETIES. 449 Bonaparte. 450 Bonifacius. 451 bouquet blanc. 452 bouquet panache. 453 bouquet parfait. 454 bouquet superb. 455 Bourbon. 456 Brabant. 457 bracelet d’amour. 458 brigitte. 459 brilliant. 460 brune brillante. 461 brunetteaimable. - 462 brunette superbe. 463 Brunswick. 464 bucephalus. 465 bullata. 466 cabinet. 467 Calypso. 468 camellote. 469 cannabina. 470 canopus. 471 carnation. 472 Carthaginian. 473 Castile. 474 Catalonian. 475 cecropia. 476 Ceres. A477 cervalis. 478 champion. 479 chance. 480 changeable. 481 charmante pourpre. 482 chausse, 483 chiron. 484 cicris pale rose. 485 Clementina. 486 Cleopatra. 487 comtesse de Genlis. 488 cornelian. 489 cossack. 490 couleur ala mode. 49} couleur de cendre 492 couleur de cerise. 493 couleur excellent. 494 coupee. 495 couronne, 496 couronne desroses. 497 couronne imperiale. 498 cramoisi eblouissant. 499 cramoisi elegant. 500 cramoisi fonce. 501 cramoisi imperial. 502 cramoisi incomparable. 503 cramoisi minor. 504 cramoisi nouveau. 505 cramoisi panache. 506 cramoisi sanspareil. 507 cramoisi triomphant. 508 crimson. 509 crimson perpetual. 510 crown imperial. 511 crown purple. 512 cybele. 513 dane. 514 Danish. 515 dark mignonne. 543 141 GARDEN VARIETIES, dark mottled. dark shell. darling. de bengal gros violet. Dejanira, delicate. Derby. descemets, diadem. damascena argentea. dianthiflora. Dickson’s duchess. Dido. don des dames. Dione. discolor. Dorothee. double apple bearing. [M.L.R. 29, double dog.— 60. double mimms. double Peony. double purple. double red thornless. double white thornless. due de Brabant. Duchess, duchess d’Angouleme. duchesse de Berri. 544 duchessed’Oldenburgh. 545 546 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 81 duke of Clarence. Durham. Dutch Cinnamon. Dutch crimson. Dutch velvet. dwarf burnet-ld, dwarf Chester, dwarf prolific. early Provins, early red, eglanteria alba. eglanteria pumila. eglantine sweet briar. Egyptian. elegans. enchanters. erato. Etna. euphrosyne. evratina. ex alba rosea. fair maid. favonius. favorite. favorite des dames. fausse unique. felicie. telicite. Felix. feu amoureux. feuille chiffonee. feuille crenulee. feuille de chene, feuille de frene. few-spined. fine panachee, fine crimson. 582 583 584 142 GARDEN VARIETIES. fine purple. flavia pourpre. Flemish. 585 flesh-coloured. 586 flesh-colouredfour seasons. 587 fleur de parade. 588 fleur de pomme. 589 fleur et feuille marbree. 590 fleur panachee. 591 592 flora. flore nigricante. 593 florentine. 594 flore rubra. 595 floribunda. 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 616 florio. flos puniceus. folie de corse. formidable. four seasons semidouble. franconian. Frankfort. Frankfort agate. freckled. frilled. frizzled. gallica foliacea. garnett. Gascony. Genoese. Genoese velvet. gienvieve. globe. gloomy. gloria mundi. gloria mundi flore pallida. 617 gloria mundi pourpre. 632 633 634 635 636 646 647 648 gloria rnbrorum. gloriosa. glowing. grand Alexandre. grande Angloise. grand Cvsar. grand centifolia. grande chausse. grand cramoisi. grande foncee. grand Mogul. grand pivoine. grande pompadour. grand pyramidal. grand rouge. grand triumphant. grandesse royale. grandeur royal, great Mogul. grey. grisdeline. grisdeline sans epines. Hainault. Haarlem. harpagus. Helena, Hebe. hero. Hertford. Hildesheim. Hollandia magniflora. ROSACER. GARDEN WARIETIES. 649 hortulanus. 650 hundred leaved mignonne. 651 hyacinth. 652 hybrida perfecta. 653 hybride nouvelle. 654 iconium, 655 idumea, 656 illustrious. 657 imperatrice. 658 imperatrice de France. 659 Indian queen. 660 inermis. 661 iris noir, 662 Isabelle. 663 Isis. 664 jaqueline. 665 jeanne d’arc. 666 Jersey. 667 jessica. 668 jolie. 669 Josephine. 670 Julian. 671 king Agrippa. 672 king of Mexico. 673 la belle elise. 674 la belle rosine. 675 l’abondance. 676 la constance. 677 la coquette. 678 la Diane. 679 Vadmirable. 680 la fidele. 681 la gracieuse. 682 la grandesse. 683 Vaimable de Stors. 684 lake. - 685 la maculee. 686 la magnifique. 687 la majesteuse. 688 la mignarde. 689 lamitie. 690 la moderne. 691 Lancaster. 692 lanckman. 693 la negresse. 694 la parfaite. 695 la Parisienne. 696 la petite lisette. 697 la plus belle. 698 la plus rouge. 699 la pomme grenade 700 la precieuse pourpre. 701 la reine. 702 la reine des roses, 703 large platter. 704 large perfect. 705 larose de Medicis 706 la rose d’Ispahan. 707 la royale. 708 la superbe. 709 lasuperbe en brun. 710 la tendresse. 711 la yictorieuse. 712 la virginité. 713 leafy. 714 Leander. 715 le dauphin. 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 GARDEN VARIETIES. Lee’s perpetual. le grandeur. le grand lowendael. le grand suwarrow. le grand visir, Leipsick. jes alliées. le violet triomphant. light 100 leaved. Pimpayable. Vimportante, lively. Pobscurité. Lodona. Lodoiska,. Vombre panaché. ’ombre sanspareille. London pride. Louis 18th. Lubeck. ¢ Ludolph. Ludovicus. Luxemburg. Lyonnoise. .lystra. madder,. magdalen. maiden blush. mantle. marbled. } marble apple bearing. Margaretta. Marie anne. marquis de la Romana. Marseilles. maxima . . mere gigon. merveiileuse. Mexican. Milanese. Minerva. mirabelle. miroir des dames. Mogul. mon bijou. monstrosa. monstrous cluster. monstrous 100 ld. M.L.R. 7: Montpelier. morin. morning star. mottled. mourning. multiplex. Napolean. Napoli di romana. Narbonne. Nassau. negro. negre panaché. Neptune. new mottled. new Provins. nigritienne. Niobe. noblesse. noir foncé. - GARDEN VARIETIES. 783 non plus ultra. ’84 Normandica. ’85 nouvelle favorite. '86 nouvelle de Provins. '87 nouvelle pivoine. '88 Oldenburg. ‘89 Oliver. 90 Olympic. 91 omphale. 92 orient. 93 orion. 94 ornement de park. 95 ornement de violet. (96 oublie des Francois. ‘97 painted. 98 painted Belgic. 99 -Palestine. 00 panachée admirable. 01 panachée nouvelle. 02 panachée sanspareille. 03 panachée superbe. 04 Pannonian. 305 paradise. 6 Paris 100-leaved. 7 Parnassus, 8 parson. )9 party coloured. 10 Patmos. \] Palmyra. .2 Paulina. .3 Pearson’s gigantic. \4 Pegasus. 5 pencilled mignonne. .6 pencilled Provins. \ (7 Penelope. 8 perfecta. .9 perle de l’orient. 10 perpetuelle rouge. 1 Peruvian. 12 petit Cesar. 13 petit cramoisi. 4 petit favorite. tb) petit mignon, (6 petit panaché. 47 phoenix. {8 pierian. {9 pilgrim. {0 pink velvet. tit L plicata purpurea. {2 Pomeranian. {3 pomegranate. 4 pomona. 5 pompone. ; pompone blanc. 7 pompone bifera. { 9 pompone varin. 0 Poniatowski. 1 Pope’s cluster. 3 portlandica perpetua. {4 Portobella. 5 Portugal. 6 pourpre agreable. ‘8 pompone quatre Saisons. 2 portlandica grandiflora. 915 916 ROSACEA, GARDEN VARIETIES. pourpre de Vienne. pourpre imperial. pourpre incomparable. pourpre obscur. pourpre sans defaut. 5 pourpre sanspareil. pourpre superb. predominant. Presburg. prince. prince d’Aremberg. princely. prince regent. princess Charlotte. princesse noble. professor. proliferous carmine. purple crimson. purple crown. purple imperial. purple velvet. pyramide pourpre. quatre saisons blanche. quatre saisons Francois. quatre saisons panaché. quatre saisons 3ans epines. queen’s Provins. ragged robin. ranunculus. Raphael, Ratisbon. ravenna. red cluster. red crown. red Provins. red velvet. refulgent. regina florum. reine Caroline. reine d’Hongrie. renoncule nonvelle. rex rubrorum. riche en fleurs. roi des negres, roi de Rome. roi de Maroc. roi des pays bas. roi des pourpres. Roman. Rosabel. Rosanna. rose agreeable. rose bouquet. rose de Ceres. rose des dames. rose du roi. rose d’Orleans, rose du prince. rose la mode. rose lee. rose pivoine. rose prolifere. rouge agreable. rouge bien vif. rouge eclatant. rouge formidable. rouge frappant. GARDEN VARIETIES. rouge luisant. rouge panaché. rouge sans epines, rouge semidouble. rouge vegetable. royal bouquet. royal carmine, royal crimson. royal gabina. royal mantle. royal viscous. rubrispina. rubiginosa umbellata. ruby. sable. St. Antoine. St. Catharine. St. George. St. Germain. St. Gothard. St. Jago. Sf. Mark. St. Patrick. sans defaut. sans petales. Sarmatian. scarlet Brabant. sceptre. scone purple. > semidouble hep. semidouble mignonne, semidouble monthly. semidouble new. seigneur d’/Ertzelaar, septum cerise. Seville, Sheffield, Shylock. Silenus. Silesian. shining semidouble, simplicité, singuliere agate, Sirius. soliditas. Southampton. Spartan. spineless red. spiral. stebon. standard. state. Stephanus. Stepney. M.L.R.46. striped monthly. striped Provins. striped velvet. sugarloaf. sulphurea, > sulphurea minor. Sultan. M.L.R. 35. superb. superb amaranth. superbe brune. superbe pyramide. surpasse Singleton. surpasse tout, 143 Es 144 ROSACEE. GARDEN VARIETIES. GARDEN VARIETIES. GARDEN VARIETIES. — : me | 984 Swiss. 1010 vaeuna. | 1036 violette sanspareille. 985 Syrian. 1011 vagrant. | 1037 violette superbe. % 986 Tangiers. 1012 velours cramoisie. 1038 violette superieure. 987 ten-leaved. 1013 veloute: 1039 virgin’s. me 988 temple d’Apollon. 1014 venerable. 1040 virginale. .- 989 téte de mort. 1015 venetatus. 1041 virbilia. m4 990 Theseus. ; 1016 Venctian. 1042 virgo cramoisie. i. 991 Tigris. 1017 ventome noir. 1043 ulterio. a 992 tricolor. 1018 Venus. 1044 ultramarine. : 993 tomentosa alba. 1019 venusta. .| 1045 umbrella. } 994 toujours. 1020 veritas. 1046 unique rouge. ha 995 tous les mois gris. 1021 vermillion. - 1047 Waterloo. 4 996 transparent. 1022 vesta. 1048 Watson’s blush. 997 transparent nouvelle. 1023 Vesuvius. 1049 Watson’s white. % 998 Trebonius.' 1024 victoria. 1050 Wellington. fs 999 tree burnet-leav'd. 1025 Vidua. 1051 woolly-leaved. - ’ 1000 tree pzony. 1026 villosa nouvelle. 1052 white damask. 1001 tresorier. 1027 Vilmorin. 1053 white pompone. ° 1002 triangular. 1028 violette. 1054 York. 6, 1003 triomphe. 1029 violette agreeable. 1055 Yorkshire blush. y 1004 triomphe des dames. 1030 violette aimable. 1056 Yorkshire Provins. 1005 triomphe royale. 1031 violette brillante. 1057 zabet. 1006 Triton. 1032 violette curieuse. 1058 zatre. 1007 turban. 1033 violette foncée. 1059 Zenobia. 1008 two-coloured 100-leaved. 1034 violette maculée. 1009 two-coloured mignonne. 1035 violette nouvelle. Susorpo II. POTENTILLZ. Juss. gen. 337. RUBUS. W. BRAMBLE. Icosandria Polygynia. L. 1 pinnatus. s.s. pinnate. C. B.S. 1789. 6.7. G.h. . 2 roszfolius. s.s. Rose-leaved. Mauritius. 1811. 10.4. G.h. Smith ic. 3. t. 60. 3 coronarius. double-flow’r’d. China. — — H.h. Botan. magaz. 1783. rosefolius 8 coronarius. B.M. : 4 micranthus. p.p. — small-flowered. Nepaul. (1818. 6.8. H.h. Botan. regist. 854. paucifiorus. B.R. exl. syn. q 5 distans. p.P.add. distant-leaved. ——-—-- —— + — H.h, pinnatus. D.P. 234. nec aliorum. 6 asper. D.P. rough. ——— 1822, —— H.h. 7 apetalus, s.s. petalless. Mauritius. 1823. ---- S.h. | 8 sanguinolentus. s.s. red-wooded. ——--— —— 6.8. S.h. 4 9 parvifolius. s.s. small-leaved. China. 1818. 6.8. H.h. Botan. regist. 496. _ 10 Idzeus. s.s. Raspberry. Britain. seer 5.6. H.R. Eng. bot. 2442. : 11 fruticosus. s.s. common. — fs 69. HR. ———— 716. 12 affinis. wei. related. ———— ees — + Hb. Weihe. rub. germ. t. 13 suberectus. E.B. upright. ——— eee SS A. COEng. bot. 2572. 14 Linkianus. double-flow’v’d. ...--.- ~ tore = Hh. 15 corylifolius. £.8. | Hazel-leaved. Britain. -ee- 7 H.R. Eng. bot. 827. 16 nitidus. s.s. glossy-leaved. — +s» 7,8. H.k. Weihe. rub. germ. t 17 leucostachys. s.s. white-spiked. -—-—— ---- ——H.h. ia 18 rhamnifolius. wei. Rhamnus-ld. —— ---+ 78. H.R. Weihe. rub. germ.t. 19 cordifolius. wei. | heart-leaved. Germany, -~-- —— H.h. 20 rubricaulis. wei. —_— red-stalked. ——+ Osean ee ALP. 21 plicatus. s.s. plaited-leaved. Britain. coos 7. H.R. Weihe. rub.germ. t. 22 Sprengelii. s.s. Sprengel’s. Germany. 1816. —— H.h. 23 Menkii. s.s. velvetty. ———_— — ~~ Hh. 24 Schlechtendalii.s.s. Schlechtendale’s. ———_—- -—~— ~— H.h. 25 tilizefolius. s.s. Lime-tree 1d. —_——_- —— — Hb. 26 Schleicheri. s.s. Schleicher’s. ———. 1824. —— H.b. 27 horridus. s.s. very prickly. ———-_ ++» 6.7. Hh. 28 villosus. s.s. shaggy. N.America, 1777. 7.8. H.h. 29 cuneifolius. §.s. wedge-leaved. ———— 1811. 6.8. H.b. a 30 laciniatus., s.s. jagged-leaved, ..sesenee coor 6,9. Hi. Wailld. hort. ber. t. & Pith ort ; 31 jamaicensis. 8.s. 32 «ceesius. s.s, 33° sanctus. Len. 34 tomentosus, s,s. 35 glandulosus. s,s. '36 hirtus. s.s. 37 ulmifolius. 38 occidentalis. s.s. 39 hispidus. w. 40 trivialis. ph. 41 flagellaris. ph. 42 tetraphyllus. w.en. 43 argutus. L.en. 44 foliolosus. 47 reflexus. s.s. {8 rugosus, D.P. 19 parviflorus, Nn. 50 odoratus. s.s. : 51 inermis, s.s. 52 canadensis. s.s. 43 strigosus. s.s. 54 obovalis. s.s. 55 saxatilis. E.B. —i6 arcticus. E.B. 7 pistillatus. s.s. : 16 moluccanus. s,s. 1 : 58 Chamemorus. £.B. Cloud- berry. 59 stellatus. s.s. “ALIBARDA. 1 repens. L. . wloleoides. Mv RYAS. W. _ octopetala. w. [EVERSIA. Br. 1 geoides. s.s. Dryas geoides. pail. 2 reptans. s.s. Geum reptans. w. 3 montana, s.s. B minor. 4 anemonoides, s.s. EUM, S.S. agrimonoides. s.s. strictum, w. hirsutum. L.en. M. rivale. s.s. pyrenaicum. s.s. atlanticum. s.s. heterophyilum. hybridum. Jacq. inclinatum. sch. radiatum. mM. virginianum, s,s. album. s.s. | eanadense. Jacq. '5 urbanum. s.s. ‘OMARUM. W. | -palustre. E.x. De SOMDNOaNoenwet Pw “IRMENTILLA. W. ‘1 erecta. w. microphyllus. D.P. 234. nec aliorum,. {45 pedunculosus. p.p. long-peduncled. intermedium. w.en. macrophyllum. w. ROSACEX. Jamaica. Jamaica. 1820. —— Dewberry. Britain. se. 6.7. obovate-leaved. Levant. woolly-leaved, Germany. 1816. glandular-stalk’d. Britain. seoe 7.8, hairy. Hungary. 1816. —— elm-leaved. Spain. 1824. ---- American raspberry. N.Amer.1696. eee eee small mountain. = —————— N.America. 1824. Anemone-like. officinalis, EB. eens Tormentilla. s.s. 2 reptans. w. Potentilla nemoralis, s.s. OTENTILLA, WwW. ik fruticosa, w. Tom a eee H. H.h H.h H.h bristly. Canada. 1768. 8. H.h. American dewberry.N.Amer.1789. 6. 7. H.h. shining-leaved. -———— —— —— H.h. four-leaved. -———_— 1812. —— H.h. sharp-toothed. -———-— 1824. —— H.h. leafy. Nepaul. 1823. 7.8. H.h. plete PROQH FSET TE, Fs Molueca. Molucca.” 1810. 6.7. S.h. reflexed, China. 1818. —— G.h. rugose. Nepaul. — — H.k. Vine-leaved. N.America.---- -—— H.h. flowering Raspberry. 1700. —— H.h. smooth. 1805. —— H.h. purple stalked. -~——-—— 1811. —— H.h. strigose. ——- +--+ —- Hh. roundly-oval-14, — 1823. 5.7. H.h. stone. Britain. cove 6. H. 2. dwarf crimson. Scotland. sees 6.8, H. 2. close-styled. Labrador. 5 chime 6.7. H.2L. Britain. “+ —— H.2. stellate. N.America. 1823. —- H.2. DALIBARDA. Icosandria Polygynia. Violet-leaved. N.America. 1768. 5.6. H.2. . Dryas. Icosandria Polygynia. L. mountain. Britain. -see 7,8 Hid. SreverRsIA. Icosandria Polygynia. Geum-like. Siberia. 4780.°, 65° A.2bs Geum potentilloides. w. creeping. Switzerland.1775, 6.8. H.%. mountain. Austria. 1597. 5.9. H. bo} ech bof YP PRR Avens. Icosandria Polygynia. L. Agrimony-l4,. N.America. 1811. 6.7. H.2. upright. — 1778. 5.6. H.%. hairy. — 1818. —— H.%. intermediate. Europe. 1794. 5.8. H.2. water. Britain. -->+ 6.7. H.%. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1804. —— H.2%. large-leaved. |Kamtschatka. — H.. Atlantic. Africa. 1820. —— H.%. Varloua-leaved.. +++ G60 monspeliensis. w. 61 grandiflora. s.s. 62 velutina. s.s. 63 nivea. s.8. Norwegian. hairy-leaved. Montpelier. great-flower’d, velvetty. snowy-leaved. Siberia. Nepaul. N.Ameriea. Levant. Siberia. Tauria. Siberia. © Caucasus. Siberia. Britain. England. Siberia. S. Europe. Siberia. S. Europe. Tauria. Scotland. Ttaly. Hungary. Siberia. N.America. Siberia. S. Europe. Britain. Italy. Bohemia. Germany. Italy. Hungary. * Scotland. Europe. N.America. N.America. Britain. S. Europe. N.America. Britain. Bithynia. Thuringia. Wales. S. Europe. Alps. Austria. Nepaul. N. Europe. N.America. France. Siberia. S. France. S. Europe. 1818. 1797. 1818. oo - 1758. 1824. 1820. 1780. 1825. 1773. 1799. 1696. 1759. 1773. 1823. 1648. 1816. 1725. 1824. eee 1818. 1807. 1818, 1787. 1822. 1825. 1823. 1825. 1806. ee eee 1818. oeyanione rene eees 1820. 1804. 1822. 1818. 1739. 1806. 1759. 1820. Se i764. 1820. ‘1680, 1640. sere 1816, ny! i i=) | Sx = om ° ' faofeofosdoofsofenfontusfoofant= for fe: famnerpxofustuoQeafssfustorperBenfustasforfacfecturfecBasf="go- Mam asparga+[enpe a Qo oe te eM, O%¢ e e ee eo ¢@ ° aE PERRRERRRERERE PRERESRREFERERFEEREEE PRESS On on aaaean e J ° 8 @ e077 Se = a4 ° Or ie.) | eeferfasfoefaspen Daas ° e . @ e e e RERERE a APOD Ss | Soh et eG tt bt ht eo o e . ° . ° FPRRORGR PRERRERRER WAWWHDW AAMAS ° e ° | = rt | 4 oe] @ S sy | @ Wats. dend. brit. t. 70. Lodd. bot. cab. 914. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 189. Swt. br. fl. gar. 150. Buxb. cent. 1. t. 48. Gmel. it. 1, t. 27. f. 1. Moris: s. 2.'t.' 20. f. 25am Jacq. aust. 5. t. 406. Gmel. sib. 3. t. 34. f.2. Eng. bot. 861. Se 0G8. Eng. bot. 2449. Lodd. bot. cab.'579, Jacq. ic. 1. t. 92. Eng. bot. 89. . Ten. fl. nap. 1. 't. 45. Ten. fl. nap. 1, t. 44. Eng. bot. 561. Hall. hist. t..21. f. 4. Eng. bot. 37. Eng. bot. 862. Lodd. bot. cab. 706. ’ Eng. bot. 1384. All.ped.n.1454.t.24.f.1 Lodd. bot. cab. 654. Botan. magaz. 1327. Jacq. aust. t.220, Swt. br. fl. gar. t. 136. ts ‘724, ae Flor. dan. 171. Moris. h. s, 2. t:20.f.2. — Botan, magaz.75,. - | Lodd. bot. ¢ab.'460. sed es eee] Me ya 64 micrantha. s.s. 65 frigida. s.s. 66 Brauneana. s.s. minima. B.C. 67 tridentata. s.s. «68 fragariastrum. Ebr. 70 nitida. s.s. | 71 apenninum. T.s. 72 vinosa. L.c. FRAGARIA. DC. 1 monophylla. s.s. 2 vesca. DC. a sylvestris. DC. yY minor. DC. 3 hortensis. vc. € efflagellis. DC. multiplex. pe. » boiryformis. DC» 8 muricata. BC. 3 calycina. Dc. 4 collina. pe. a rubra. B alba, 5 platanoides. DC. 6 Majaufea. pe. a bifera. DC. B dubia. ve. 7 Breslingea. Dc. a abortiva, Dc. 6 nigra. De. x pendula. DC. hispida. pe. € viridis. DC. ~ pratensis, DC. 8 elatior. pc. : a moschata. De. B dioica. De. 9 virginiana. pc. 6B hybrida, pe. 10 grandiflora. w. a@ ananassa. DC. B calyculata. De. y tincta. pe. 11 chilensis. be. 12 canadensis. pc. 13 indica. De. Fragaria sterilis, E.B. Comarum fragarioides. w.en. 69 Jamesoniana. s.s. - B semperfiorens. DC. ever-bearing. Duchesnea fragiformis, 1.7. COMAROPSIS. DC. 1 fragarioides. pe. COMAROPSIS. strawberry-like.N. Ameri ica. 1803. Dalibarda fragarioides. M. 2 Doniana. pe. Don’s. Dalibarda fragarioides. B.M. WALDSTEINIA. S.S. WALDSTEINIA. geoides. s.s. SIBBALDIA. DC, 1 procumbens. pc, 2 parviflora. pe. 3 erecta. DC. A polygynia. De. AREMONIA. DC, agrimonoides. pc. Avens-leaved. SIBBALDIA. procumbent. small-flowered. upright. / many-styled. AREMONIA. Agrimony like. ROSACEZ. smail-blossom’d. Pyrenees. —— —— H.}. frigid. Alps. — — H.y. small. —— — — Hy. trifid-leaved. Scotland. <---> 5.6. H.%. Strawberry-like. Britain. --++ §.4. H.2. Jameson’s. Greenland. 1822. 6.7. H.}. glossy. Austria. 1798. —— H.2%. Apennine, Lraly, 1825. —— H.2. VinoUSs, = et eee reese —— HL, STRAWBERRY. Toran Polygynia. L. one-leaved. = +++ #4 > «b773,. .60:6..H.h. wood. Britain. wees 4,6. H.2. common. — eves a HL, BY cd EE scoce 4.21. HL. small English. Britain. coe 4.6. HY. garden. Poem erent pai es) oer Ea 2 Short-shooted. ~ ++++++0e cow ———— HH, double-blossom’d, *+2e+*-=- coe ——~ H.2L, crown-fluwered. ° cam ujsess ——— 2. bristly-styled. «+++ apoisgte es ——- T1.2 large-calyxed. France. cree =e ALY. Alpine. Germany. 1768. 4.11. H.2. red fruited. —- — — HI. white fruited. —— ——- _ —- _H.2. plane-leaved. N.America? +--+ 4.6. H.2. plaited-leaved. France. soe. ——— H.2/. double-bearing. —-—— °---: 4.11. H.2. flat-fruited. seow 4,8. HX. leathery-leav’d. ~——-—~- --:- 4.6. H.%. sterile. ———-———- reese -— HY, black. SRA? coo ——— H.2. peuar-fruited. er em 7+ — H.%. Longchamp. —-~—— seo. -—— H.). green-fruited. Sea eo —— H.2/. dwarf. —-—— ee ——~ HY, Hautboy. England} ? --+ 4.6. Hy. musky, | sear sere seee om H.2/. dicecious. = =v ++ tee sees -——= Hy 2, searlet. N, Cepiod as: — H.%. hybrid. © tree | —— .H.2f. Pine. Surinam. 1759. -——~ H.%. large. —_——_ —- — - H.». Bath. fe Mais oie. s 2 neat —— H.%. Canterbury. = ssee0r08 — H.2. Chili. S.America. 1727. 5. 6. H.%. Canada. Canada. voce ——— H,2. yellow-flow’r’d, Nepaul. 1805. 5.10. H.2. Icosandria Polygynia. 5, 6. Hi. 2 ry ——- H.. ere ee ee ee Icosandria Digynia. L. Hungary. 1804. 6.7. H.2. Pentandria Pentagynia. L. Britain. seoe 6.8. Hi. Levant. coos —— H.2, Siberia. 1806. —— H.2f. 1824. ——~- H.%. Octandria Digynia. Italy. 1739. 6.8. H.%. Spallanzania agrimonoides. $.s. Agrimonia agrimonoides. L. AGRIMONIA. DC. 1 Eupatoria. pe. 2 nepalensis, p.P. 8 odorata. pc. AGRIMONY. common. Nepaul. sweet-scented. Dodecandria Digynia. L. Britain, se 6.7. H.y. Nepaul. 1820. — H.%. Italy. 1640. 7. H.%. 2 147 Lodd. bot. cab. 480. Eng. bot. 2389. — 1785. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 25. Ten. fl. nap. 1. t. 46. Botan. magaz. 63. Eng. bot. 1524. Nois. jard. fr. t.11, f.2. Blackw. herb. t.77. f.3. Nois. jard. fr. t.!13. f. 2. Eng. bot. 2197. Nois. jard. fr. 1.13. f.1. Duham. arb. 1, t. 5. Mill. ic. 2. t. 288. Nois. jard. fr. t.14. f. 2. — t.ll. 14. fil. Dill. hort. t. 20. f. 140. Duham. arb. 1. t.3. Botan. regist.61. Mich. amer. 1. t. 28. Botan. magaz. 1567. Lodd. bot. cab. 492. Eng. bot. 897. Will.a.ber.1799.t.5.f.4. Amm. ruth. t. 15. Col. ecphr.1. t..144. Eng. bot. 1335. 148 ROSACEX. 4 pilosa. pe. hairy. Siberia, 1820. —— H.y. 5 suaveolens. Dc. fragrant. N.America. 1820. . H. 6 repens. Dc. creeping. Levant. H 7 parviflora. pc. 8 striata. M. small-flowered. N.America. 1766. 6.7 1737. 7.9. v6 white-flowered. 1812. 6 Suzorpo JII. SANGUISORBEZA. DC. prodr. ALCHIMILLA. DC. Lavres Mantte. Di-Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 capensis. pc. Cape. C.B.S. 1818. 4.6. G.%. 2 vulgaris. pe. common, Britain. eeee 6.8. H. 2. B variegata. variegated-leav’d. soos —— H.2, y glabra. DC. smooth. Pyrenees. «*:+ ——~ H.2. 3 hybrida. pc. mountain. Saxony. aves —— HY. montana. W.en. 4 pubescens. pc. pubescent. Caucasus. 1813. —— H.2. 5 alpina. pe. silvery. Britain. cece FJ, H.2%. 6 sericea. DC. silky. Caucasus. 1813. 6.8. H.%. 7 pentaphylla. pc. _ five-leaved. Switzerland.1784. 7. H.2. 8 sibbaldizfolia. pc. Sibbaldia-ld. -Mexico. 1823. —— F.%. 9 arvensis. DC. Parsley piert. Britain. seoe 4.6. HO. Aphanes w. Aphanes arvensis. L. : CEPHALOTUS. DC. Cepuapotus. Dodecandria Hexagynia. follicularis. Dc. pitcher-plant. N.Holland. 1822. ---- G.%. AC/ENA. Kth. Acz&na. Tri-Pentandria His ge 1 latebrosa. pc. hairy. C.B.S.-. 1774. 4.6. G.%. 2 pinnatifida. pc. pinnatifid. Chili. 1823, —— G.y. 3 sericea. DC. silky. Port Desire. +--- —— G.2. ANCISTRUM. Kth. Ancistrum. Di-Pentandria Monogynia. 1 sanguisorbe. L. Burnet-leaved. N.Zealand. 1796. 6. F.%. 2 ovalifolium. oval-leaved. Peru. 1802. 5.6. F.2. repens. V. . 3 argenteum. Kth. silvery-leaved. S.Amerlca. 1823. —— F.h. 4 adscendens. ascending. Magellann -—— -— H.}. 5 levigatum. smooth. —— 1790. 6.8.'H.%. 6 magellanicum. Lam. Magellan. — toes —— HY. 7 lucidum. Lam. shining. FalklandIsl. 1777. 5.6. H.2. SANGUISORBA.DC. Great-BurneEt. Tetrandria Mots L. 1 officinalis. pc. officinal. Britain. ees 6.8. HX. B auriculata. Dc. eared. Italy. cone ——— HX. 2 carnea. Dc. flesh-coloured. ---.+- *> 1818. ~—- H.2L. 3 mauritanica. pc. Barbary. Algiers. eree —— H,, 4 tenuifolia. pc. slender-leaved. Dahuria. 1820. —— H.2L. media. DC. short-spiked. Canada. 1785. —— H.%. 6 canadensis. pc. Canadian. — 1633. —— H.2. petra DC. Burnet. Moneecia Polyandria. L 1 spinosum. pe. prickly shrubby. Levant. 1595. 4.8. G.h; 6B crispum. DC. curled-leaved. ————- +++ —— Gh. y inerme. De. spineless. —— tess ~—— Gh. 2 caudatum. pe. shrubby. Canaries. 1779. 1.4. G.h- 3 Sanguisorba. pc. common. England. coos) Ton RR 4 agrimonifolium. pc. Agrimony-l¢, Spain. 1818. 6.7. H.%. 5 hybridum. w. sweet. France. 1683. —— H.2. 6 polygamum. pc. ~ Hungarian. Hungary. 1803. 7.8. H.2. CLIFFORTIA. DC. CrirFortTia. Dimcia Polyandria, L. 1 ilicifolia. pe. Holly-leaved. C. B.S. 1714. 5.9. G.h. 2 cordifolia. pc. heart-leaved. ——— 1816. — G.h. 3 tridentata. pc. three-toothed. 1752. 6.7. G.h. 4 ruscifolia. pc. Ruscus-leaved.§5 ——-——- ——— —— G.h. arachnoides. B.C. 260+ 6 cuneata. pe. wedge-leaved. ——-— 1787. 4. G.h. 6 strobilifera. pc. cone-bearing. ——— 1816. 5.7. G.h. 7 ericefolia. pe. heath-leaved. ———— 1799. 7.9. G.h. 8 sarmentosa, DC. twiggy. ——- 1795. 6.8. G.h. 9 faleata, pe. falcate-leaved, ———— 1816. —— G.h. v. 2. p.d88. Lam. ill. t. 86. f. 2. Eng. bot. 597. Pluk. t. 240. f. 2. Wiild. hort. ber.2.t.79, Eng. bot. 244. Bocce. mus, p. 18. t. 1. 561. Eng. bot. 1011. Lab. nov. holl. 2. t.145. Geert. fruct.1. t. 32. Fl. per. 1. t.104. f.1. b. Jacq. f. ecl. 1. t. 55. Gert. fruct. t. 32. Vent. h. cels. t. 5. Fl. per. 1. t. 103. f. b. - Lam. ill. t. 22. f. 2. aa t 22: f. 3. Eng. bot. 1312. Bocc. mus. 19. t. 9, Moris. ox. s.8.t.18. f.4. Schran. h. monac. t.69. Moris. ox: s.8. t.18. f.8. sect.8.t.18.f,12. Moris. ox. 8.8. t.18. f.5. Botan. magaz. 2341. Eng. bot. 860. Barrel. ic. t. 632. K. hung. 2.t.198, Linn. hort. cliff. t. 30. Linn. hort. cliff. t. 31. Pluk. alm. t. 275. f. 2. SPIREACEE. uo - ternate-leaved, ———— —— -—— three-leaved. ——-———- 1752. 4. obcordate. —-— 1790. 6. oblique-leaved. —-——-— 1816. notched-leaved ———-—— 1791. 7.8. beautiful. ———— _ 1795, 4.5. cinereous. —-—— _ 1800. 6.7. 10 ternata. ne. 11 trifoliata. pc. 12 obcordata. pc. 13 obliqua. pc. 14 crenata. DC. 15 pulchella. pe. 16 cinerea, De. Linn.-hort. cliff. t. 32. ® Pluk, alm. t. 319. f, 4, ORDO LXXIU. SPIRHAACEZ. Don. prodr. fl. nepal. p. 227. -KERRIA. DC. KeERRIA. Icosandria Penta-Octogynia. japonica. pe. Japanese. Japan, 1804. 5.9. H.}. jlore pleno. double- flowered. — — — H.h. Botan. magaz. 1296. | Corchorus japonicus. B.M. SPIR/AA. DC. Sprr#aA. Icosandria Pentagynia. L. 1 opulifolia. pc. Guelder-rose-ld. N.America. 1690. 6.7. H. Schmidt arb. 1. t.52. 2 ulmifolia. pe. Elm-leaved. Siberia, 1790. —— H. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 140. 3 flexuosa. Dc. flexuose. = = vwsees ++ 1820. —— H. 4 bella. p.p. red-flowered. Nepaul, 1818. 6.8. H.h. Botan. magaz. 2426. 5 chamedrifolia. pc. Germander-l4. Siberia. 1789. 6.7. H. Pall. ross. 1. t.15. 6 oblongifolia, w.x. oblong-leaved. Hungary. 1816. 5.6. H.h. W.etK. hung.3. t.235. 7 trilobata. pc. three-iobed. = Siberia.. 1801. 5. H. Pall. ross. 1. t. 17. 8 alpina. pc. Alpine. . —— 1806. 7% H.h. —-— 1. t.20. 9 thalictroides. Dc. meadowrue-ja4. ——-—— 1790. 5. H. ———— ]. t.18, 10 hypericifolia. w. Hypericum-la. N.America. 1640. 4.5. H.h. Schmidt arb. 1. t. 26. 11 uralensis. Fischer’s. H. Siberia. 1822. —— hypericifolia. a. uralensis. Dc. 12 acutifolia. w.en. acute-leaved. — -——- —— crenata. L. Hawthorn-ld. — 1739. — obovata. w.K. obovate-leav’d. Hungary. 1816. 5.6. 15 ceanothifolia. pc. Ceanothus-l4. eewssee « 1820. —— 16 corymbosa. pc. corymbose. Virginia, 1812. 5.6. 17 betulefolia. pc. Birch-leaved. Siberia. — 6.7. Schmidt arb. 1. t. 45. = = em Lodd. bot. cab. 671, Pall. ross.J. t.16. . 26 lobata. pc. Y vuriegata. variegated-1d, lobed-leaved. as eaeen Siberia. 1765. 7.8. eevee ——— B multiplex. pc. double-flowered. _—— GILLENIA. DC, GiLLENIA. Dodecandria Pentagynia. 1 trifoliata. pc. three-leaved. N.America. 1713. 6.7. Spirea trifoliata. B.M. 2 stipulacea. pe. large-stipuled. N.America. 1805. 6.7. | Spirea stipulacea. Ph. wo oY PPP PP YP YP PRE SSS a Sa Oo an SIMS TITS SSIS bp gg tt 2 é 18 levigata. pe. smooth-leaved. ——-—— 1774. 4. 6. Schmidt arb. 1. t. 49. 19 salicifolia. E.B. Willow-leaved. Britain. eves 6.8. Eng. bot. 1468. 20 alba. w.v. white-flowered. -+--- fel ERE easels Am Wats. dend. brit. 133, 21 carpinifolia. w.D. Hornbeam-ld. N.America., ---- 7.8. H.h. a 6G: 22 tomentosa. vc. tomentose. ———. 1736. 8.9. - Schmidt arb. 1. t.51, 23 sorbifolia. pc. Service-leaved. Siberia. 1759. 8. ——-— 1.¢t. 58. GB alpina. pe. dwarf. Kamtschatka.1817. —— Pall, ross. 1. t. 25. 24 Aruncus, Dc. Goat’s-beard. Siberia. 1633. 6.7. . ——— 1,1. 26. 8? americana. DC. American. N. America, +--+. —— : 25 Ulmaria. pc. Meadow-sweet. Britain. «ov 6. 10. - Eng. bot. 960. a tomentosa, DC. tomentose. ———— seer ‘ B multiplex. pc. double-flowered. — steer . Jacq. vind. 1. t. 88. 27 palmata. pc. palmated. China. 1823. ‘ 28 digitata. pc. digitate. Siberia. — Pall. ross. 1. t. 27. 29 Filipendula. pc. Dropwort. Britain. seoe 6.10. Eng. bot. 284, Botan. magaz. 489, Bart. med. bot. t. 6. 150 RESEDACEZ. ORDO LXXIII. RESEDACEA. DC. theor. ed.1. p.214, ~ RESEDA. W. ResEpaA. Dodecandria Trigynia. L. ) 1 Luteola. w. Dyers weed. _ Britain. -+e- 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 320. 2 crispata. L.en. curled-leayed, §S. Europe. 1820. —— H.©. 3 virescens. S.S. greenish. Spain. ——- — H.©. 4 canescens. S.s. hoary. ——_-—— 1597. 5.7. H.y%. Clus. hist. 1.t. 295. 7 5 glauca. s.s. glancous. S. Enrope. 1700. —— F.%. Pluk. alm. t. 107. f. 2. 6 scoparia. s.s. Broom-like. Teneriffe. 1815. 8.9. G.h. . 7 dipetala. s.s. two-petaled, CC. B.S. 1774. 8. Ge ee oe 8 linifolia. s.s. flax-leaved. S. Europe. 1820. 7.8. F.¢. 3 9 sesamoides. s.S. spear-leaved. France. 1787. —— H.©@. ALI. ped. 2. t. 88. f. 3. — 10 mediterranea. s.s. Mediterranean. Palestine. 1791. 6.9. H.©. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 475. 11 odorata. s.s. Mignonette. Egypt. 1752. 6.10. H.©. Botan. magaz. 29, B frutescens. BR. tree mignonette. +---+s- + —— -—— G.h. Botan. regist. 227. 12 Phyteuma.s.s, — trifid. S. Europe. —— 6.9. H.©. Jacq. aust, 2. t. 132, 13 incisa. T.c. cut-leaved. Italy. 1825. —— H.©. | | 14 ramosissima. s.s, branching. Spain. 1816. —— H.2. 15 saxatilis, s.s. rock. —_——_- —— -— H.». stricta. P.S. 16 pruinosa. s.s. papillose-14, Egypt. 1823. -—— H.%. 17 lutea. s.s. Base-rocket. _ Britain. ---+ %8 Hig. Eng. bot. 321. 18 undata. s.s. wave-leaved. Spain. 1739. 6.8. H.%. SBarrel.rar, t. 587. 19 alba. s.s. upright white. S. Europe. 1596. 5.10. H.g. Lobel. ic. 222. 20 fruticulosa, s.s. frutescent. Spain. 1794. 9. G.h. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 474. 21 bipinnata. s,s. bipinnate. ; — 1816. 6.8. G.h. 22 myriophylla. r.c. mumerous-I¢. Italy. 1825. —— H.%. y ORDO LXXIV. SALICARIA. Juss. gen. p. 331. LAGERSTRCMIA. W. LAcerRstRa@miA. Icosandria Monogynia. Roxb. 1 indica. w.. Indian. , China. 1759. 8.10. S.h. Botan. magaz. 405. 2 regine. w. oblong-leaved. EsIndies. 1792. -++- S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 65. 3 grandiflora. H.B, large-flowered. ————— 1809. +++ S.h. 4 parviflora. H.B. small-flowered. —mM——— 1816. -+-°- §.h. GRISLEA. W. GrRisLEA. Octandria Monogynia. L. 1 tomentosa. w. downy. E. Indies. 1804. 5.12. S.h. Botan. regist. 30. W oodfordia floribunda. P.L. 2 secunda. w. secund. ' Caracas. 1824. «+--+ S.h. LAWSONIA. W. Lawsonra. ‘Octandria Monogynia. L. 1 inermis. w. smooth. Egypt. 1759. «++. S.h. Rauw. ie. 60.t. 7. 2 spinosa. w. prickly. E. Indies.’ 1759. +++» S.h. Rheed. mal.1.t. 40. LYTHRUM. W. Lyrurum. Dodecandria Monogynia. L. 1 Salicaria. w. common. Britain. sees 7.8. H.%. Eng, bot. 1061. 2 tomentosum. Mill. woolly. N.America. --++ —-— H.2. Salicaria B pubescens. Ph. 3 Grefferi. T.s.- Greeffer’s. Italy. 1825. +++ H.%. 4 diffusum.,. B.F,G. spreading. N.America. 1822, 7.9. H.4%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 149. virgatum. Phe nec aliorum. : 5 virgatum. w. slender-branched.Austria. 1776. 6.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1003. 6 alatum. ph. winged-stalk’d. N.America, 1812. 5.11. F.2%. Botan. magaz. 1812. 7 Kennedianum. Kth. Kennedy’s. New Spain. 1824. —— G.h. ) 8 lineare. w. linear-leaved. N.America, 1812. 7.8. H.%. ~ be ode . y. SALICARLA. 151 9 hyssopifolium. w. Hyssop-leaved. England, ~-++ & H.©. Eng. bot. 292. 10 thymifolium. w. Thyme-leaved. S. Europe. 1820. —— H.©. Barrel. ic, 773. f, 2. NESAA. Kth. Nes#A. Dec-Dodecandria Monogynia. 1 triflora. Kth- three-flowered. America. 1802. 8, Hae Lythrum triflorum. w. 2 verticillata. kth, - whorl-flowered. N.America. 1759. 7.9. H.2. 3 salicifolia. Kth. willow-leaved. México. 1824. 9.10. G.f. CUPHEA. Kth. CupnHea. Dodecandria Monogynia. 1 viscosissima. Ww. clammy. America. 1776. 7.10. H.©. Swt. br. fl. gar. 60. _ 2 procumbens. s.s. procumbent. Mexico. 18i6. 7.9. H.©. Botan. regist. 182. 3 spicata. s.s. _ Circeea-like. S. America. 1819. 8.10. H.©. Cav.ic. 4, t. 381, circeoides, B.M. 2201+ 4 virgata. s.s. twiggy. Mexico. 1824. HO. 4, t.382. f.] _ § decandra, s.s. decandrous. Jamaica. 1789, 6.10. S.h. : ; 6 parviflora. H.E.F. small-flowr’d. W. Indies. 1824. 10.12. 8.4. | Hook. ex. flor. 161 | 7 Simsii. Sims’s. Trinidad. 1823. 8, S.f. Botan. magaz. 2580. serpyllifolia. B.M. non Kth. 4 ; 8 Meivilla, B.r. Melville’s. W. Indies. 1822. 6.10. S.%. Botan, regist. 852. AMMANNIA.S.S. Ammannia. . Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 wgyptiaca. w. Egyptian. Egypt: 1818. 7.8. H.©. 2 caspica. M.B. Caspian. Astracans —— —— H.O. 3 viridis. R.s. green. = tr tee — — H.©. 4 baccifera. R.s. berry-bearing. E.Indies. 1820. 7.8. S.@. 5 auriculata. R.s. eared. Egypt. ——- — S&.©. Willd. hort. ber. t. 7. 6 multiflora. s.s. many-flowered. E. Indies. 1618. —— §.©. 4 7 diffusa, R.s. spreading. ——_—> - —- ——- —5.O. 8 sanguinolenta. R.s. bloody. Jamaica. 1803. —— S.©. 9 octandra. R.s. octandrous, E. Indies. 1818. —— S.©. coccined. PS. . _ 10 pentandra. s,s. pentandrous. —— 1823. — 5S.o. 11 debilis. r.s. cluster-fiow’r’d, ————— 1778. —~— S.©. 12 rubra. D.p. red-flowered. Nepaul. 1822. 7. 8. H.©. 13 ramosior. R.S. branching. Virginia. 1759. —— H.©. ~ 14 humilis. R.s. small. N.America. 1823, —— H.©. 15 latifolia. R.s. broad-leaved. W.Indies. 1733. ——~— S.©. Sloan. jam. l.t. 7. f. 4. 16 rotundifolia. p.P. round-leaved. Nepaal. 1818. —— H.©. ~GONOCARPUS. Th. Gonocarpus. Tetrandria Monogynia. . micranthus, Th, small-flowered, China. 1805. 6.9. H.©. Thunb. jap. 69. t. 15. _PEPLIS. W. WATER PurRSLANE. Hexandria Monogynia. L, | Portula. w. common, Britain. see 7.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 1211. ACISANTHERA. J. AcisantHerA. Decandria Monogynia. quadrata. P.s. four-sided. Jamaica. 1804, ---- S.h. Brown. jam.t. 22. f.1, ORDO LXXV. ONAGRARLE. Jussieu. MONTINIA. L. MontiniA. Dicecia Tetrandria. L. caryophyllacea.H.K.Sea-purslanelé. C. B.S. 1774. 7% G.k. Smith spic. 14.t. 15, acris. W. CIRCA. W. ENCHANTER’s NIGHT-SHADE. Diandria Monogynia, /1 lutetiana. w. common. Britain. s+ 6.8. H.2J. Eng. bot. 1056, 2 alpina. w. mountain. Bh ee ee 6 1G Dah, — 1057. LOPEZIA. RS. Lopezia. _Monandria Monogynia. L. 1 racemosa. B.M. smooth. » Mexico. 1792. 8.10. G.g. Botan. magaz, 254, mexicana, R.S. 2 coronata. R.s. coronet-flow’r’ing. 1805. 7.9. H.©. Swt. br. fl. gar. 108. 3 pumila. Kth. dwarf, ———._ 1825. —~— H.©. 4 hirsuta. R.s. hairy. ———- _ 1796. 9.11. G. gd. Jacq. coll. 5, t. 15. f. 4. 5 miniata. DC. frutescent. ——— 1824. —— G.fh. Srutescens, R.S, 152 LUDWIGIA. W. 1 alternifolia. w. macrocarpa. M. 2 hirsuta. ph. ISNARDIA. W. palustris. w. JUSSLEA. J. 1 suffruticosa. w. 2 ovalifolia. B.M. 3 hirta. s.s. 4 octovalvis. P.s. 5 scabra..w.en. 6 erecta. w. 7 grandiflora. s.3. 8 leptocarpa. N. 9 repens. s.s. CENOTHERA. L. biennis. we grandiflora. B.M. parviflora. w. cruciata. N. “muricata. w. longitiora. w. corymbosa. B.M. villosa. W. nocturna. W. sinuata. w. gauroides. w.en- striata. L.en- odorata. s.s. B undulata. serrulata. N. media. L.en. dentata. s.s. salicifolia. Desf. micrantha. s.s. hirta. L.en. —_ SCHONAAR WH = 1} ped bed os bo ead ped be CO Ot 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 purpurea. s.s. Romanzovii. s.8. tenella. s.s. albicaulis. n. mollissima. s.s. pinnatifida. Nn. czespitosa. s.s. acaulis. s.s. tetraptera. s.s. speciosa. N. rosea. S.s. triloba. N. rhizocarpa. s.s. 32 macrocarpa. Ph. 33 alata. N. fruticosa. N. -tetragona. Roth. ambigua. s.s. Fraseri. s.s. glauca. s.s. serotina. linearis, s,s. 41. pumila. s.s. 42 spectabilis. Bern. GAURA. W. 1 mutabilis. s.s. . 2 biennis. s.s. 3 coccinea. N. 4 fruticosa. s.s. 34 395 36 37 38 39 40 cheiranthifolia. s.s. missourensis. B.M. ONAGRARIE., Lupwicra., Tetrandria Monogynia. L. large-capsuled. Virginia, © 1752. 6.7. H.O©. hairy. N. America. 1812. 6.8. H.2. IsnarpriA. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. marsh. Europe. 1776.40%. + +O: Jusst®A. Oct-Decandria Monogynia. tall. India. 1808. 8.9. S.2. oval-leaved. Madagascar.1823. 7.8. S.%. hairy. W. Indies ——~ -—— S.}. spear-leaved. S.America. ---- 7.9. S.¢. rough. 1816. —— S.%. upright. —— 1739. — S.ég. great-flowered, Carolina. 1812. 7.10. G.2. narrow-podd’d, Missisippi. 1824. 7.9. H.2. creeping. E. Indies. 1816. S22hs EVENING-PRIMROSE. Octandria Monogynia. L. common. N.America. 1629. 6.9. H.@. large-flowered. ——-—— 1778. 6.8. H.d@. small-flowered, -——-—— 1757. —— H.¢. cross-petaled. —~—— 1821. 6.10. H.%. prickly-stalked. —— 1789. 7.8. H.g. long-flowered. BuenosAyres.1776. 7.9. H. ¢. corymbose. Mexico. 1816. 7.10. Gg. villous. C. B.S. 1791. 7.8. G.¢. night-smelling. .—— 1790. 4.8. Gg. scollop-leaved, N.America, 1770. 7. H.©. Gaura like, - —— 1816. 7.8. H.f. streaked. ceesesee ——— 6,9. HO. sweet scented. Patagonia. 1790. 4. 8 H.2. purple-stalked. ————- —— -—— H.2. saw-leaved. N.America. 1821. 6.10. H.2. intermediate. — — 7.9. H.. toothed. Chili. 1818. 6.9. H.©. Willow-leaved, seesssee ——~ -—— H.©,. small-blossom’d. California. 1820. —— H.©. Wallflower-14. Chili. — — H.»%. purple-flow’r’d. N.America. 1794, 5. 9. H.©. Romanzoff’s. 1819. —— H.©. slender. Chili. 1822. —— H.©. white-stalked. N.America. 1811. —— H.2. soft wave-ld, BuenosAyre.1732. 6.10. H. 3. pinnatifid. Missouri. 1811. 5.8. H.©. tufted. N.America. —— 6. 7. H.2. short-stalked. Chili. 1822. _—F.2. white-flowered. Mexico. 1796. 6. 8. H.©. handsome. Louisiana. 1821. —— H.2L. rose-coloured. Peru. 1783. 5. 8. F.}. root-flowering. Louisiana. 1821.. 6.10. H.%. broad-leaved. N.America.18li. 6. 8. H.2. narrow-leaved. -—-——- --— —— H.}. frutescent. 1737. —— H.2. blunt-leaved. nelnen ee he Cb 9am) ae Spee ambiguous. ssce ee AD. Fraser’s. ee SIBLE 4 6.107 ele glaucous. ————_ 1812. —— H.2z. late-flowered. ——-——- 1820. 7.10. H.h. linear-leaved. ——_—— ++s» 6.8. H.Y. dwarf, ——- _ 1757. 6.9. HY. showy. recesses 1822, —— H.2L. GaurRA. Octandria Monogynia. changeable. S.America. 1795. 7. 8 F.2. biennial. N. America. 1762. 8.10. H. 2. scarlet. Louisiana. 1811. -—~ H.2. S.America, 1816. 7. 9. G.h. Shrubby. Lam. ill. 1. t. 7%. ’ Schk. han. 1. t. 25. Andr. repos. 621. Botan. magaz, 2530. Plum. ic. t. 174. f, 2. — Plum. ic. t. 175. f. 2. Botan. magaz, 2122.” Rheed. mal. 2. t. 51. Eng. bot. 1534. Botan. magaz. 2068. Meerb. ic. 1, t. 34. Mur. com. got. 6.t.1. — Botan. magaz. 365. 1974. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 455. 3 Mur, com. got. 5. t. 9. Botan. regist. 147. Botan. magaz. 2403, Swt. br. fl. gar. 133. Lindl. collect. t. 10. Botan. magaz. 352. Botan. regist. 562. Botan. magaz. 2424. Schk. handb. 1. t. 105. _ Botan. magaz. 1593. Botan. regist. 763.. — Botan. magaz. 468. Hook. ex. flor. 80. Botan. magaz. 347. —————— 2566. Swt. br. fl. gar. 5.- Botan. magaz. 1592. —— 332. ' Botan. magaz. 1674. 1606. Botan. magaz. 355. Botan. magaz. 388. 389. . Jacq. ic. 3. t. 457. 5 cenotheriflora. z. 6 tripetala. s.s. EPILOBIUM. W. I angustifolinm. w. 2 spicatum. N. 3 angustissimum. w. 4 Halleri. Retz. Dodonei. aii. latifolium. w. Chamenerium halimifolium. Pp... parviflorum. E.B. villosum. w. .9 montanum. w. roseum. E.B. alsinifolium. E£.3B. coloratum. ph. tetragonum. w. palustre. E.B. davuricum, s,s. : alpestre. s.s. | 7 alpinum. w. 3 TRAP A. S.8S. 1 natans.s.s._ 2 quadrispinosa. s.3. 3 bicornis. s.s. _ 4 bispinosa. s.s. FUCHSIA. S:S. ~ 1 coccinea. s,s. 2 gracilis. B.R. decussata. B tenella. 3 macrostemma. §.s. 4 lycioides. s.s. 5 arborescens. B.M. 6 excorticata. 8.3. 5 6 hirsutum. w. <§ 8 Pega" | COMBRETUM. L. 1 laxum. s.s. 2 purpureum. §.s. BeMe 2507. ONAGRARLEE. ORDO LXXVI. COMBRETACE. Brown prodr. COMERETUM. loose-racemed. S. America. scarlet-flow’r’d. Madagascar. Oct-Decandria Monogynia. . sees S. hw. Lamill. t. 282, f, 1. : 3. 9. S.h.—. Botan. regist. 429. (Enothera-fld. S.America. 1816. 7.9. F.g@. three-petaled. Mexico. 1804. 8. 9. H.©. WILLOW-HERB. Octandria Monogynia. L. Rose-Bay. Britain. «+--+ 7. 8 HX. spike-flowered. N.America. «+:- --—— H.3. narrow-leaved. EuropeAlps, 1775 -- H.%. Haller’s Switzerland.1798. 6. 8. H.%. angustissimum. B. W. Orache-leaved. N.Europe. 1779. 7. 8. H.2L. Codlins&Cream. Britain. tose amen! AD small-flowered, ——-~—-- +++» -—— H.Yy. villous. Ci Bsc S: 1799. —— G.%. mountain. Britain. coer —— H.2, pale smooth-ld. England. ---- —— H.x%. Chickweed-ld, Britain. seen ——— HY. Pink-flowered. N.America.1805, <«-+» H.%. square-stalked. Britain. eee eee ES _ round-stalked. ——-——- +--+. -— H.2%. Davurian. Davuria. 1816. —— H.©. simple-stalked. Switzerland.---- -—- H.2. Alpine. Britain. teas 65 HW WaTER-CALTROPS. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. European. Europe. 1781. 6. 8. H.w.©). four-spined. E. Indies. 1823. ——- S.w.©. Chinese. China. 1790. G.w.Y. two-spined. E. Indies; 1822. 6. 9. S.w.©. Fucusra. Octandria Monogynia. 7 scariet. Chili. 1788. 62:8: slender. 1822. —— F.h. - non RP. weak. — —— Fh. large-crowned. Chili. 1823. ---- G.h. Bex-thorn-lq. —-—-_ 1796. 4.10. G.h. arborescent. Mexico. 1823. 6.10. G.h. changeable-colq. N.Zealand. 1821. 8. 4. G.h. \ 163 Cav. ic. 4. t. 396. f. 1. Eng. bot. 1947. Botan. magaz. 76. Sal. par, lond. 58. Eng. bot. 838. 795. — Eng. bot. 1177. rib imation bcd i Gene ES 2000. 1948. 346. Eng. bot. Eng. bot. 2001. Botan. regist. 259. Gert. sem. 2. t. 95. Botan. magaz. 97. Botan. regist. 847. / Flor. per. t. 323. f. b. Botan. magaz. 1024, —— —— 2620. Botan. regist. 857. 3 decandrum, w. Roxburgh’s. E. Indies. 1822. -++- S.h. Roxb. corom.1. t. 59, Roxburghii. s.s. : 4 secundum. s.s, side-flow’ring. W. Indies. —— <--:: S.h. Jacq. am. pict. t. 260. 5 comosum. G.D. tufted. Sierra Leon. —~ <-*++ S.hew. 6 intermedinm. c.p. intermediate. —-——- -— -* Sihw. 7 grandiflorum. G.p. large-flower’'d. ————- —— -* 8. Raw. | QUISQUALIS.S.S. Quisquauts. Decandria Wodbsyain, L. 1 indica. B.R. Indian. China. 1815. 5. 8 5S.h.—. Botan. regist. 492. 2 pubescens. pubescent. E. Indies. sooe Sch ww. _CACOUCIA. Aub. Cacovucra. Dodecandria Blonogynia: | coccinea. Aub. scarlet. Guiana. 1815. : S.h.w. Aub. gui. 1. t. 179: | Schousbeea coccinea. w.’ ‘ BUCIDA. W. OLIVE-BARK-TREE. Decandria Monogynia. L. 4 | Buceras. w. Jamaica. Jamaica. 1793. 7.10. S.h. Botan. regist. 907, | TERMINALIA.W. Terrminatra. Polygamia Monecia. L. 1 mauritiana. s,s. Mauritius. Mauritius, 1822. +--+ S.h. 2 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. W. Indies. 1816. ++-+ S.h.- 3 Catappa. s.s. large-leaved. E.Indies. 1778. +--- S.h. Jacq. ic, 1. t. 197, 154 COMBRETACEAE. 4 subcordata. kth. _heart-leaved. W. Indies. 1816. +++. S.h. 5 moluccana. s.s. smooth-leaved. Molucca’s. — _ -:-- S.h. | 6 Chebula. s.s. oval-Jeaved. E. Indies. 1796. +--+ S.h. Roxb. corom. 2. t.197. __ 7 Bellerica. s.s. axillary-fld. ——-—— 1818. ---- S.h. S$ procera. 8.s. tall. ———_ 1816. +++. S.h. s 9 angustifolia. Ww. narrow-leaved, ——— 1692. -S.h. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 100. Benzoin. L? 10 citrina. H.B. Citron-leaved. ——--—— 1823. -++- Sth. 1l gangetica. H.B. Ganges. Oe 2+. Sibi 12 biticaria. H.B. Silhet. ———- -1824.. -#+- Sih) 13 arbuscula. P.s. tree like. S. America. 1822. --+ S.h. GETONIA.S:S. GetToniaA. Decandria Monogynia. 1 floribunda. s.s. many-flowered. E. Indies. 1815. - S.h.w. Roxb. corom. t. 87. . 2 nutans. H.B. > nodding. —- 1823. - S.hbew. . | CONOCARPUS. W. BurTron-TREE. Pentandria Monodyhia, L. ; 1 erecta. w. upright. Jamaica. 1752. -++- Sih. Catesb. car. 2. t. 33, | 2 procumbens. w. procumbent. Cuba. 1730. +++» S.h. Jacq. amer. t. 52.f.2. — 3 latifolia, H.B. broad-leaved. E.Indies, 1816. ++++ S.h. 4 ORDO LXXVII. LOASEZ:. Jussieu. ann. mus. @hist. nat. v.5. p.18. Sect. I. Loasea vera&. Kunth synops. 8. p. 402. LOASA.S.S. Loasa. Polyadelphia Icosandria, : , : 1 nitida. H.E.F. shining-leaved. Peru. 1822. 810. H.©. Hook. ex. fi. 83. 2 acanthifolia. B.R. Acanthus-lq. Chili. —— ‘——'H.©. Botaiiregist. 7385: , 3 tricolor. B.R. three-colourd. —-—— -—— — H. O- pase LL oy 4 volubilis. s.s. climbing. ———- ——-_ — fF. . BARTONIA. B.M. BarTonia. Icosandria see ii : 1 ornata. Ph. naked-seeded. Missouri. 1811. 7.9. G.¢. Botan. magaz. 1487. decapetala. B.M. ! 2 nuda. Ph. winged-seeded. --—-—— -—— —— G.2. MENTZELIA.S.S. MeEnrzetia. . Icosandria Monopyiia.”: 1 hispida. s.s. hispid. Mexico. 1824. 6.9. G.%. Cav.ic. 1.t. 70. ‘2 aspera. 8.8. rough. America. 1773. 7. 8. S.@©. Plum. ic. 174. f. 1. 3 oligosperma. s.s. few-seeded. Louisiana. 1812. 5. 6. G. 4%. Botan. magaz. 1760. aurea. N. Sect. II. TuRNERACE&. Kunth synops. 3. p. 406. TURNERA. Kth. TURNERA. Pentandria Trigynia. L. 4 1 ulmifolia. R.s, Elm-leaved. Jamaica. 1733. 6.9. S.h. Hort. cliff. t. 10 el 2 angustifolia. g.m. narrow-leav’d. — -—— 4.9. 8.m. Botan. magaz 981 7 3 elegans. R.s. elegant. Brazil. 1821, ——— ‘Sih. 281. 4 a parla R.s. wedge-leaved. —— 1812. —— S.h. 5 trioniflora. B.M. Ketmia-fld, —-—- — — S.4. B : 6 Pumilea. r.s. nettle-leaved. Jamaica. 1796. 8. 9. S.6. Pet gan soe. aa 26 ; 7 cistoides. R.s. ~ Cistus-like. America. 1774. 6.10.H.©. Plumaic. t.150.f.1. PIRIQUETA. Kth. sdbeaaglan BY F Pentandria Trigynia. : wy § racemosa. clustered creerees $78 10. H.@). i . SA Wa see AT 9. 7.10.H.@. Jacq. vind, 3. t. 94. MYRTACER. Kunth. synops. 3. p. 410. ALANGIUM. J. 1 decapetalum. s.s. 2 hexapetalum. s.s. PHILADELPHUS. S.S. SyrinGa. 1 coronarius. s.s. B variegatus. y multiplex. 2 nanus. Mill. 3 grandiflorus. ph. 4 hirsutus. Nn. 5 inodorus. ph. LEPTOSPERMUM. W. LEeprosPERMUM. grandifolium. s.s. enlarginatum. s.s. sericeum. S.S. marginatum. s,s. pubescens. s.s. lanigerum. 3.s. scoparium. s.s, rubricaule. L.en. tuberculatum. s.s. grandiflorum. B.c. attenuatum. s.s. 12 flavescens. s.s. 13 triloculare. s.s. 14 juniperinum. s,s. 15 baccatum. s.s. _ 16 arachnoideum. s.s. 17 parvifolium. s.s. 18 imbricatum. ss. 19 ambiguum., s.s. 20? flexuosum, s.s, 21? salignum. s.s. 22? ovalifolium. . SCaONaunbwhd = 10 ll Fabricia myrtifolia. Hort. non. w. FABRICIA. 6. 1 myrtifolia, s.s. 2 levigata. s.s. 3? sericea. CALLISTEMON. B.R. CALLISTEMON. -1 speciosum. C.c. Metrosideros speciosa. B.M. 2 janceolatum. c.c. MYRTACEX. ORDO LXXVIII. Icosandria Monogynia. Metrosideros citrind. B.M. 3 salignum. C.C. 4 rigidum. B.R. Metrosideros viminalis. Hort. non. Sm. 5 lineare. c.c. 6 viridiflorum. ruscifolium. c.c. Metrosideros viridiflora. B.M. 7 pinifolium. 8? marginatum. Sect. I. Myrteax, Kth. loc. cit. 410. ALANGIUM. Sage-leaved. E. Indies. 1779. ---- S.h. six-petal’d. 1822. -- S.h- Icosandria Monogynia. L. common. S. Europe. 1596. 5.6. H.h. striped-leaved. See Le ae H.h. double-blosson’d. ——-——-_ ++-*\ —— H.h. dwarf. eer ee o< 7 eee — H.h. large-flowered. Carelina. 1811. 6.7. H.h. hairy. Louisiana. 1816. —— H.h. scentless. Carolina. 1738. —— H.h. Icosandria Monogynia. large-leaved. N.S.W. 1803. 6.7. G.h. emarginate. ————._ 1816. ——G.h. silky-leaved. N.Holland. 1820. —— G.h. white margin’d. ————— 1816. —— G.h. pubescent. N.S.W. 1774. —— G.h. woolly-leaved. —-——- —— — G.h. N.ZealandTea,. N.Zealand. 1772. —— G.h. red-stalked. N.S. W. 1812. —— G.h. tuberculate. —— 1816. —— G.h. large-flowered. Petey sateen ons! Fy g fine-branched. 1795. 5.7. yellowish. | ———_ 1787. —— G.h. trilocular. ——— 1816. —— G.h. Juniper-leaved. ————-— 1790. 6.7. G.h. berry-fruited. —-— — G.h. cobweb. ———_ 11795. 5.7. Gh. small-leaved. —_—_— 6.7. G.h. imbricated. —-—— |1800. —— G.h. hook-leaved. 1791. —— G.h. flexuose-stalk’d, N. Holland. 1812, -—— G.h. Willow-leaved. —- — «e+ Gh. oval-leaved. —— -—_ see? Gh. Fapricia. Icosandria Monogynia. opposite-leav’d. N. Holland. ---+ +++: G.h. smooth-leaved. N.S. W. i788. 5.6. G.h. silky-leaved. N. Holland. «+--+ --++ G.h. Icosandria Monogynia. splendid. N.S. W. 1803. 3.6. G.h. spear-leaved. ——-—— 1788. 11.6. G.h. Willow-leaved. ——-——- —— 5.7. G.h. rigid-leaved. ——— 1800. 3.6. G.k. linear-leaved. —-—— 1785. 6.7. G.h. green-flowered. — 1820. — G.h. Pine-tree-ld, N.S. W. - 6.7. Gh. margined. ~ 1816. +++. G.h. Metrosideros marginata. Cav. MELALEUCA. H.K. 1 Leneadendron. w. 2 Gajuputi, u.b. REee hues. aromatic. Cajuputi-tree. Polyadelphia Icosandria. L. E. Indies. 1796. S.h. -~ 1816. S.h. X 2 a Rheed. mal. 4. t. 17. 4, t. 26. Botan. magaz. 391. Wats. dend. brit. t. 46. t. 47. Botan. magaz. 1478. Saeed Botan. magaz. 1810. - P Andr. reposit. 622. Lodd. bot. cab. 514. Sch. s. han. 24. t. 14. Vent. malm. 8§. 89. Cav. ic. 4. t. 331. f. 2. Geert. sem. 1. t. 35. —_—— Sm. exot. bot. 1. t.59. 17] Gert. sem.1. t.355.1.4. Botan. magaz. 1304. Botan. magaz. 1761. —-———— 260. Botan. regist. 393. Sert. han. 19. t. 11. Botan. magaz. 2602. Cav. ic. 4. t. 332. Rumph. amb. 2. t. 16. —————- 2. t.17. f.1. MYRTACE. viridiflora. w. paludosa. H.K. globifera. H.K. diosmifolia. A.R. stypheloides. H.K. genistifolia. H.K. Striata. H.K. thymoides. H.K. , imbricata. L.en. green-flowered, N.S. Wy long-leav’d red. N.Holland. globe-fruited. Diosma-leaved. Styphelia-ld. Genista-leaved. rigid-leaved. yellow spear-14. imbricated. oe eee N.S. W. ee ee ee N. Holland. 1803. 17980 Sia : 1803. 7.9. G.h. 1794. 6. re e ° 1793.) 5. 6.°G.b. ——~ Sa ——= G.h. G.h G.h G.h G.h G.h. G.h. G.h G.h. 12 lanceolata, L.en. spear-leaved. — 1812. —— G.h. 13 squamea. H.K. scaly-branched. V.Diem.isl. 1805. 6.7. G.h. 14 nodosa. H.K. Whin-leaved. N.S. W. 1790. -— G.h. 15 ericifolia. H.K. Heath-leaved. -——-— 1788. 7.9. G.h. 16 armillaris. H.K. pale-flowered. — — 6.7. G.h. 147 uncinata, H.K. hook-leaved. N. Holland, 1803. «+-- G.h. 18 scabra. H.K. rough-thread-ld. ——-——- —— 6.7. G.h. 19 pulchella. H.K. pendulous. —— — 6.9. Gh. 20 incana. B.R. hoary. N.S.W. 1812. 6.8. G.h,. canescens. Hort. ber. 37. lanata. Hort. 21 thymifolia.H.K. §Thyme-leaved. N.S. W. 1792. 7.9. G.h. coronatd. A.R. 278. 22 decussata. H.K. decussate. N. Holland. 1803. 6.9. G.h. 23 rotundifolia.c.c. round-leaved. V.Diem.isl.1822. 6.8. G.h. 24 fulgens. H.K. splendid. N.Holland. 1803. —— G.h. 25 linariifolia. u.K. Toad-flax-l4. N.S.W. 1793. 7.9. G.h. 26 hypericifolia. H.K. Hypericum-l4, ——-—— 1792. G.h. _ 27 squarrosa. H.K. Myrtle-leaved. ——-—— 1794. 6.8. G.h. 28 calycina. H.K. permanent-cup’d.N.Holland.1803. —— G.h. 29 parviflora, L.en. small-flowered. ————— —— -— G.h. 30 densa. H.K. whorl-leaved. =———-- --—— G.h. TRISTANIA. H.K. ‘Tristanta. Polyadelphia Icosandria, 1 nereifolia. H.x. Oleander-ld, N.S.W. 1804. 7.9. G.h. Melaleuca nereifolia. B.M. 2 laurina, H.K. Lanurel-leaved. ———— 1798. G.h. 3 depressa, Lc. depressed, ———_ 1820. G.h. 4 conferta. H.K. Pittosporum-l4, ——-—— +1805. 7.9. G.h. Pittosporum hirtum. Hort. 5 arborescens. arborescent. N.Holland. 1822. G.h. CALOTHAMNUS. H.K. Catotuamnus. Polyadelphia Looshed ite. 1 quadrifida. mx. —_four-cleft. 9N.Holland. 1803. 1) 12. G.h. 2 villosa. H.K. hairy 5-cleft. ————- GL. 3 gracilis. H.K. slender-leaved. —--—-- -——~ -—— G.h. BEAUFORTIA.H.K. Beaurortia. Polyadelphia Icosandria. 1 decussata. H.K. splendid. N. Holland. 1803. 3.8. G.h. 2 sparsa. H.K. alternate-la. Se es G.h. BHCKEA.L.T. BA&ACKEA. Octandria Monogynia, 1 frutescens. sm. Chinese. China. 1806. 9.12. G.h. -2 virgata. B.M. slender. N.S.W. -—— 8.10. G.h. 3 linifolia. L.1. Flax-leaved. 1820. 6.8. G.h. - 4 denisfolia. L.t. close-leaved. -——— 1812, —— G.h. 5 camphorata.1.T. camphor-scentd. 1823. G.h. METROSIDEROS.S.S. Mrrrosiperos. Icosandria Monogynia. 1 vera. L. Col. Ironwood, E. Indies. 1815. 5.8. S.k. 2 hispida. L.T. rough. N.S.W. 1789. —— G.k. 3 floribunda. L.T. many-flowr’d. —-—— 1788. —— G.h. 4 costata. L.T. ribbed. ee =: 1816. —— Gh. -§ glomulifera. u.1. cluster-flowr’d. ——--—- 1805. 5.6. G.h. 6 angustifolia. L.T. narrow-leaved. C. B.S. 1787. +++. Gh. #EUCALYPTUS.L.T. Eucatyptus. Icosandria Monogynia. 1 robusta. L.T. brown gum-tree.N.S. W. 1794. 8.9. G.h. 2 reticulata. L.en. netted-leaved. ——--—— 1816. ---+ G.h. 3 pilularis. LT. small-fruited. .——-——- 1804. a Bs G.h. A rostrata. Cav. beaked. _—_— G.h. 5 cornuta. s.s. horned. N.Holland. 1803. 3. 6. G.h. 6 globulus. s.s. variable-leav’d. ——-—— 1804. 5.6. G.h. pulverulenta. Hort. 20m B.M. 7 incrassata. s.s. thick-leaved. ——-—— 1820. «+--+ G.h. We suspect that many of these species will belong to Metrosideros when the Flowers are seen. | / Botan. regist. 18. Cav. ic, 4. t. 333. Andr. reposit. 476. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 55. Lab. nov. holl.2. t.167. Otto hort. ber. 36. Botan. regist. 477. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 35. . —— —-—— 1. t. 34, Andr, reposit. 175. Lodd. bot. cab. 200. Botan. regist. 410. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 36. Botan. magaz. 2260. Botan. regist. 103. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 56. Andr. reposit. 200. Botan. magaz. 1935. Otto hort. ber. 37. Botan, magaz. 1058. Botan. magaz. 1506, Lodd. bot. cab. 92. Osb. voy. v. 2, te Be Botan. magaz. 2127, Lindl. collect. 18. i Sm. exot. bot.1.t.42. - \ Geert, sem. 1. t.34. f.2. Sm. nov. holl. t. 13. Cav ic. 4. t. 342. Lab. voy. 1.:t. 20. | Lab. nov. holl. 1, t.13. | i SS ee et ee UN OE Oe ON et OO OW oe Ow Oe we | i | | | marginata, L.'r. longifolia. Len. tereticornis, L.T. resinifera. L.T. 2 multiflora. s.s. capitellata, L.T. saligna. L.T. persicifolia. B.C. media. Len. mucronata. L.en- triantha. L.en. elongata. L.en- myrtifelia. L.en. microphylla. L.en, stenophylla. L.en. angustifolia, L.en, viminalis. s.s, verrucosa. C.C. hypericifolia. L.en. purpurascens. L.en. albicaulis. c.c. ) perfoliata. c.c. pulverulenta. B.M. hirsuta. L.en. undulata. c.c. alata. C.c. botryoides, L.1T. hemastoma. L.T. amygualina. s.s. piperita. L.T. obliqua. L.T. 9 corymbosa. L.T. 0 paniculata. L.1. 1 ovata. s,s. (ALYTRIX, Lab. ‘1 glabra. B.R. ‘2 pubescens. ‘ARYOPHYLLUS. P.S. CLovE-TREE. | cordatd. B.C. 328, NON Lab. oval-leaved. smooth. pubescent, MYRTACEZ. thick-edged. N.S.W. 1794. long-leaved. N.S. W. 1818. long-horned. ——— 1804. red guni-tree. ———— 1788. many-flow’r’d. N.Holland. 1820. headed. N.S.W.. 1804. willow-like. —_-—_—_- Peach-leaved. ———— 1812. taper-pointed. ——-—— 1820. mucronate. —— three-flowered. —-- —- —— elongated. —_—_ -— Myrtle-leaved. ——--~— 1812. small-leaved. ——— I816. - slender-leaved. -——-——- —— narrow-leaved. ——-—-- -—— slender. N. Holland. —— warted, N.S.W. —— Hypericum-ld, -—--— 1804. purple-veined. --—--——- -—— white-stemm’d. V.Diem.Is1.1822. perfoliate-l¢, ———— 1812. powdered. N.Holland. 1816. hairy. , N.S. W. 1804. wave-leaved. —_—_— ll winged-stalked. V.Diem.Is!.1822. flat-peduncled. N.S. W. 1893. red-mouthed. — —- Almond-leaved. De Holland. 1822. Peppermint tree. N.S. W. 1788. _ oblique-leaved. V.Diem.Isl. 1774. corymbus-fld. .N.S.W. 1788. panicled. ———— 1804. N.Holland. 1822, CALYTRIx. Ieosandria Monogynia. N.S. W. 1818. N.Holland. 1824. > ie Beeeee wee ° | pa TI AH DOOAOLOPDDE NAPQHOgam coeee e@rcer 4. Icosandria Monogynia. zeee aromaticus. P.s. aromatic. Motuceas. He? . _ Eugenia caryophylluta. w. Myrtus Caryophyllus. s UGENIA. W. EvuGeniaA. Icosandria Spaeeriia: L. ‘1 malaccensis. w. Malay Apple. E. Indies. 1768. 2 macrocarpa. H.B. large-fruited, -—-— 1822. 3 glandulifera. H.p. glandular. ———— 1823. 4 pulchella. H.B. pretty. ——— 1822. 5 aquea. H.B. watery. aotearoa LOL Oy 6 acuminata. H.8. taper-pointed. —~-.—— 1816. (7 ternifolia. H.B. three-leaved. ———— 1822. 8 obtusifolia. H.B. blunt-leaved. —--—_—- 1823. 9 amplexicaulis. H.B. stem clasping. ——-—— 1820. 0 cerasoides. H.B. Cherry-fruited. —~-—— 1823. .1 Jambos. w. narrow-leaved. —— 1768. \2 baruensis. w. many-flowered. S. America. ---- (3 axillaris. w. axillary. Jamaica. 1793. 4 fragrans. w. sweet scented, —- 1790. 15 Mini.w. - smail-fruited. Guiana, 1803. 16 Smithii. poir. Smith’s. N.S. W. 1790. | elliptica. sm. non Lam- 17 myrtifolia. B.M. Myrtle-leaved. N.Holland. 1812. | Myrtus australis. s.s. 18 ligustrina. w. Privet-leaved. Hispaniola. 1798.. 19 uniflora. w. one-flowered. Brazil. 1759. 20 zeylanica. A.R. Ceylon. E, Indies. 1798. 21 balsamica. w.en. _ balsamic. ssreeeee 1816. 22 latifolia. w broad-leaved. Guiana. 1793. 23 bracteata. w. bracteate. E. Indies. 1820. 24 macrophylla. tam. large-leaved. siuekcasl waaay emmiemad 25 buxifolia, w. Box-leaved. W. Indies. 1822. oes e e APAMAHACS Rep Pe wile whe P= el ar a eo rar ae SHAH HHH HIPS HOT TIS HTT T : 2 POOL OHR’ ° wm os ‘a? lp. e « e ° ° e e e ° QAR DARDADAD DD Ro Pm ph alm alm alm pr Bem p= ai? Br ae ar BE BE ae pr arm ar ee Bae CLARK RPA 2 157 Andr, repos, 400, White’s voy. 226. t.f.a. Lodd. bot. cab. 501. Botan. magaz. 2087. Cav. ic. 4. t. S41. White’s voy. t. c. ic, Sal. par. lond. 15, Cav. ic. 4, t. 340, Botan. regist, 409, Rumph. amb, 2. t. 1.2. Andr. reposit. 458, Botan. magaz. 1696. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 480. Botan. magaz. 1242, Aub. gui. 1. t. 197, Botan. magaz, 1872, 2230. Botan. magaz. 473. Andr. reposit. 619. Jacq. frag. t. 45. f. 2. Aub. gui. 1. t. 199, 158 - “MYRTACEE. 26 floribunda. w. - many-flowered. W. Indies. —— --+- S.h. _ 27 obovata. Poir. obovate-leaved. Isl.France. 1823. -:+- S.h. MYRTUS. Myrtre. Icosandria Monogynia. L. | 1 communis. w. common. S. Europe. 1597. 7.8. Gh. Duham. arb. e.n, td 1 a romana, broud-leaved. —————- — — Ghee Mill. ic. t. 184. f. 1. ! 6 tarentina, Box-leaved. —_——_- _ ——- _ —— G.h. dl y italica. upright Italian. - —— —-— Gh. : ‘| 3 betica. Orange-leaved. ————— ——- —— G.h. Blackwellt.114. é€ lusitanica. Portugal. —_——- — —- G.h. Clus. hist. }. t.1, 9) fl belgica. broad-ld, Dutch, ———-— -—— —— G.h. ‘7 n mucronata. Rosemary-i4, —_—_ — _ — G.h. i$; 3 multiplex. double-blossom’d. ——-—— —— -—— G.h. ¥ t variegata. striped-leaved. —_—_- —-_ —— ah. i x maculata. blotch-leaved. —_——_ — ~— Gh. = | 2 tenuifolia. L.T. slender-leaved. N.Holland. 1824, +--- G.h. 4 3 tomentosa, W. woolly-leaved. China. 1776. 6.6. 5.h. Botan. magaz. 250, 4 affinis. smooth-leaved. —— 1823. ---- S.b. | 5 biflora. w. two-flowered.. Jamaica. 1759. 4.5. S.h. Brown. jam. t. 25.f,i 6 lucida. w. shining. Surinam. 1793, ---- S.h. | 7 trinervia. L.T. three-nerved. N.S. W. 1823. +--+ S.h. 8 dumosa. w. bushy. W. Indies. 1793. 6.7. S.h. i 7 9 disticha. w. globe-berried. Jamaica. —— 4.7. S.h. Botan. magaz. 867. 10 Pimenta. w. narrow-l4,Allspice.W.Ind. 1723. 5.7. S.h. —— 1236. | | 11 acris. w. broad-l4.Allspice. —————-_ 1759. - S.h. . Ledd. bot. cab. i i Pimenia, B.c, non. W. pimentoides. LY. 12 coriacea. Ww. Sumach-leaved. Hispaniola. 1759. —— S.h. Plum. ic. t. 208. £2. 13 virgultosa. w. twiggy. W.Indies.. 1787. 7.8. S.h. t. 208.8. 14 Gregii. w. Greg’s. Dominica. 1776. 5.°7. Sh. Geert. sem. 1, t. 33, q CALYPTRANTHES. W. hh RSENS Stas: Icosandria Monogynia. 1 Zuzygium. w. oval-leaved. W. Indies. 1778. 5.7. S.h. Brown.jam.t. 7. £2. 2 Jambolana. w. Jambolana-tree, E. Indies. 1796.---+- S.h. aupes amb, lL. t. dl 3 caryophyllifolia. w. Clove-leaved. ————— 1822. +--+ S.h. Eugenia caryophyllifolia. H.B. . | 4 Chytraculia.w. — forked. Jamaica. 1778. 3.5. S.h. Brown. jam. t.. 37am f PSIDIUM.S.S. . Guava. Icosandria Monogynia. L. 7 a 1 pyriferum. s.s. Pear-fruited. W. Indies. 1656. 6.7. S.4. ‘Rumph.amb.1. t. 4) 2 latifolinm. L.en. broad-leaved. +++ e+7+ sees — S.h. 3 aromaticum. s.s. aromatic. W. Indies. 1779. -+-. S.h. Aub, gui. 1.t. 191, 4 Cattleyanum.s.s. Cattley’s. steers 1816. 1.12. S.h. Lindl. collect. 16, 5 guianense. s.s. Guiana. Guiana. 1823. -«+- S.h. 6 sapidissimum.s.s. pleasant. eoeveess —— 6.7. Sch. : 7 cordatum. s.s. spice. W. Indies. 181]. 5.7 S.h. Botan. magaz. 1779 | 8 pomiferum. s.s. apple-fruited. -—-—— 1692. 6.7. S.hb. Rheed. mal. 3. t. 35 _9 polycarpon. L.T. many-fruited. ——-—— 1809. 4.8. S.h. Linn. trans. v.11.6 10 montanum. s.s. mountain. = 1779. 637.) Sah % 11 oligospermum. s.s. few-seeded. eeecceee cere cove Sh, i 12 chinense. L.c. yellow Chinese. China. ssee 1.4. Sch. 13 fragrans. L.c. fragrant. teeseeee cess 4,8, S.h. 4 14 myrtifolia. L.c. Myrtle-leaved. -+++++++- — S.h: | PUNICA. W. POMEGRANATE. Icosandria ‘Mondial roe ‘ 1 nana. w. dwarf. W. Indies. 1723. 7.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 634. 2 Granatum. w. common. S. Europe. 1548. 6.9. H.h. 1932, 6B multiplex. double-flowered. -————~— +++» —— Hf. a y alba. whitish-fiowrd. --+++++5 — H.h. Andr. reposit. 96. © flava. yellowish, =§»-—|s + ware ees —— H.h. oF. ; DECUMARIA. W. DecumMARIA. Dodecandria ‘Monoggnia, L. j 1 barbara. ph. smaller, Carolina. 1785. 7.8. H.h.c. .| 2 sarmentosa. Ph. larger. —-+—" 1758... ——= (Ay, Act. par.bitilg } ¢ Sect. IT. Lucyrmipea. Kth. synops. 3. p. 424. LECYTHIS.S.S. Lecyruis. Icosandria Monogynia. 1 Ollaria. s.s. sessile-leaved. - Brazil. 1820. -++y S.h. . . 2 bracteata. s.s. bracted. . Guiana. — +--+» S.k. Aub, gui. 2. t. 282. Couroupta gujanensis. Aub. MYRTACEER. 159 STAVIA. L. Gustavia. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. | angusta. w. large-flowered. Guiana. ~- 1794, -+-» S.h. Aub. gui.1.t, 192. | Pirigara tetrapetala. auv. , RAVADIUM. J. Srravapium. Monadelphia Polyandria. _ aecutangnium. acute-angled. E.Indies. 1822. +--- S.h. Rheed. mal. 4. t.7. Barringtonia acutangula. u.8. Eugenia acutangula. 1. | racemosum. racemed. = — — «+++ $.h. Ruamph. amb. 3.t. 116. | Barringtonia racemosa. u.R. Eugenia racemosa. 1. RRINGTONIA.L. Barrineronra. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. speciosa. w. Laurel-leaved. E, Indies. 1786. ---- S.J2.Rumph. amb. 38.t. 114. | Butonica speciosa.-Lam. “ee | | ORDO LXXIX. | | MELASTOMACER. Juss. gen. 328 IMECYLON.W. Memecyron. Octandria Monogynia. L. edule. s.s. eatable. E. Indies. 1823. «++. S.h. } capitellatum.s.s. Ceylon. — 1796. 7. S.h. Burm. zeyl. 76. t. 30. ‘TALOMA.S.S. Petraroma. Decandria Monogynia. myrtilloides, s.s. _sessile-leaved. Jamaica. 1818, «++. S.h. » alternifolia. s.s. alternate-leav’d.E. Indies. 1823. +--+. S.h. WAKEA. L. BLAKEA. Dodecandria Monogynia. L. trinervia. S.s. three-ribbed. (Jamaica. 1789. 6.7. S.h. Botan. magaz. 451. SLASTOMA.D.D. Merastoma. Decandria Monogynia. . sanguinea. B.m. _red-veined. Sts. Sunda. 1818. 5.12. S.h. Botan. magaz. 2241, } macrocarpa. p.p. large-fruited. E.Indies. 1793. 1.8. S.h. ——-———— 529, | malabathrica, B.M. non L. } affinis. p.p. likened. _ ——_——_ 1816. —— S.h. ‘| malabathrica.t. Malabar. © —————_ +#++.--—~ Sth. Botan. regist. 672. aspera. w. rough. ———— 1815. 8.1]. S.k. Burm. zeyl. t. 72. 5 candida. D.p. white-leaved, China. 1820. 4.8. F ’ nepalensis. B.c. Nepaul. Nepaul. _ 1819. 2.6. S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 707. 3 octandra. w. octandrous. Ceylon. 1815. ---. S.h. ) corymbosa. H.K. = corymbose. SierraLeon. 1792. 4.8. S.h.. © Botan. magaz. 904. ) elongata. G.p. tuberous-root’d- ——-—— 1822. «++. S.h. CONIA. D.D. Miconra. Decandria Monogynia. L ecostata. | ribless. Jamaica. 1793. 5.6. S.h. Melastoma ecostata. H.K. 2 tetrandra. p.D. tetrandrous. Jamaica. 1815. +-++ S.h. 3 trinervia. D.v. three-nerved. —-—- 1793. 7. S.h. : ‘L-purpurea. D.p. purple. Guiana. 1804, 4.8. S.h. Aub. gni.1. t.154. ‘5 levigata. D.D. smooth. S.America. 1815. —— S.h. Botan. regist. 363. 5 granhdifolia. np. _large-leaved. — 1818. S.h. E | Melastoma grandifolia. and. mss. latifolia. Bondp. mss. in Herb. Lamb. : 7 rubescens. p.p. reddish. — 1820. Sih: | Melastoma rubescens. Bondp. mss. in H.1. 8 tenuifolia. D.p. slender-leaved. — — — S.h. Melastoma tenuifolia. pondp. mss. in H.1 J angustata. D.D. natrow-leaved, Trinidad. —~ -—— S.h. ; * 0 impetiolaris.p.p. great-leaved. Guiana. 1822. ---+ S.k. Bondp. mon. t. 29. 1 decussata. D.D. cross-branched. ——-—— 1818. 3.6. S.h. 3 2 semicrenata. p.D. semicrenate. W. Indies. 1823, -+«+- S.h. s 3 Acinodendron. oval-leaved. Jamaica. 1804. +--+ S.k. Plum. ic. 142. f, 2. ‘4 purpurascens. D.D. purplish. W. Indies. 1822. 3.6. S.h. ‘JITONIA. D.D. Cutronia. Decandria-Monogynia. 1 Fothergilla. p.p. Fothergill’s. S.America. 1815. e+¢- Aub. gui.1. t.175. | Melastoma Fothergilla. s.s. Fothergilla mirabilis. aub. 2 albicans. p.p. white-leaved. Jamaica. — eer Sh. 3 macrophylia. p.p. large-leaved. W. Indies. 1820. «+++ S.h. ILEROMA. D.D. PLEROMA. Decandria Monogynia. . granulosa. p.p- rough-leaved. S. America. 1818.- 4.8. S.h. Botan. regist. 671. Melastoma granulosa. B.R. Rhexia Fontanesit. kth. om 160 2 heteromalla. p.p. MELASTOMACE, woolly-leaved, — — S.h- Melastoma heteromalla. B.R. 3 viminea. D.D. slender, -———— 1820. — S.h. Rhexia vimined, BR. 4 holosericea. p.p. silky. Brazil. 1816. —— S.h, Rhexia holosericea. B.R. TOCOCA. Aub. 1 Aubletii. p.v. Tococa. Decandria Monogynia, Aublet’s, Guiana. 1822, guianensis. Aub. Melastoma physiphora. vai. 2 lanata. D.v. W. Indies.- oo eens woolly, Melastoma lanata. And. Cc. CLIDEMIA. D.D. 1 hirta. p.p. Melastoma hirta. 8.M. 2 elegans. D.p. % rubra. p.p. 4 cernua. D.D. Melastoma cernua. Bondp. mss. in H. Lamb. § microphylla. D.p. © holosericea. p.D. 7 velutina. D.p. 8 nivea. p.pD. Melustoma nivea. 3B. 9 aggregata. D.D. ACIOTIS. D.D. 1 discolor, p.p. Cuipemia. Decandria Monogynia. hairy. Jamaica, 1740. 3.6. S.h. elegant, Trinidad. 1822. —— red, Guiana. 1793. 5.6. S.h. nodding. Jamaica, 1820, —— S.h. small-leaved. —_——_- — -——- S.h. silky-leaved. Brazil, — — B8.h. velvetty-leav’d, Jamaica. 1818. 7.10. S.h. snowy-white. ——-—- 1820. —— clustered. —_ —— — S.h. Acioris. Decandria Monogynia. two-coloured. W.Indies. 1793. 3.9. S.h. Melastoma discolor, w 2 aquatica. p.v. Rhexia aquatica. w. MERTANIA. Swartz, marsh. S. America. —— —— Sh. Mountain Rose. Decandria Monogynia. purpurea, P.s. purple-flow’r’d. Jamaica. 1825. ---- S.h. OSBECKIA. W. Ospeckia, Oct-Decandria ON " 1 zeylanica. w. Ceylon. Ceylon, 1749. S.h. 2 chinensis. w. Chinese. China. 1816. —— S vk. Melastoma osbeckioides. B.M. 2235. Rhexia glomerata. B.C. 334. 3 stellata. D,p. starry-haired, Nepaul. 1818. —— S.h. 4 nepalensis, u.u.¥. handsome. —--—— 1820. —— S.h. speciosa. D.P. RHEXIA. W. RunextaA. Octandria Monogynia. L. 1 mariana, w. Maryland. N.America. 1759. 6.8. H.2. a purpurea. Ph. purple-flowered. — —— —— H.. B rubella. ph. reddish-flowered. ——-—— —— —— H.}. 2 virginica. w. Virginian. —— —- — H.. 3 ciliosa. M. ciliated. 1812. —— F.. 4 angustifolia. N. narrow-leaved, ——-—~- -— -—— H.2%. mariana y exalbida, M TAMARIX. R.S. 1 gallica. Rs. 2 indica. R.S. % articulata. R.s. 4 dioica, u.B. 5 germanica. R.s. ORDO LXXxX. TAMARISCINEZE: Desvaux. TAMARISK. Tetr-Pent-Decandria Trigynia. red-wooded, England. coos 7,8. Huh. Indian, KE. Indies. ~+-- «+++ Sh. jointed. ——— 1816. +++. S.h. dicecious. ——— 1812, eee Sh. green-wooded, Germany. 1582. 6.9. H.h. aes 644, ———-— 664, nas ge Aub. gui. 1. t. 174, a Botan. magaz. 1971, : Aub. gui. 1. t. 167, _ ———— 1. t. 161. Pluk. mant.4.t.252, : Plum. ic. t. 42. f. i Aub, gui.1. t, 169. Botan. regist. 665. ae OER Hook. ex. flor. t. 3 | | Pluk. mant. t.428. = | Swt. br. fl gar. 41. Botan. magaz. oe Pursh.fl,amer.1. te | | Eng. bot. 1318. Vahl. symb. 2. t. + | Flor. dan. t. 234. ee | GRONOVIA. W. scandens, w. SICYOS. W. 1 angulata. w. 2 parviflora. w. 3 microphylla. Kth. ' 4 vitifolia. w. SECHIUM. Sw. edule, sw. BRYONIA. W. 1 scabra. w. 2 verrucosa, w. 3 punctata. w. 4-cordata. w. 5 grandis. w. 6 epigza. w. 7 scabrella. w. 8 latebrosa. w. 9 triloba. w. 10 dioica. w. 11 alba. w. 12 cretica. w. e 13 Ge avciebe. w. 14 ficifolia. w. 15 divisa. w.en. 16 palmata. w. 17 Garcini. w. 18 la¢iniosa. w. 19 africana. w. 20 dissecta. w. 21 pinnatifida, B.T. 22 tenella. u.R. 28 filiformis. H.B. | ELATERIUM. L. | tamnoides. w.en- -MELOTHRIA. W. pendula. w. ANGURIA. W. trilobata. w. LUFFA. P.S. 1 foetida. P.s. 2 acutangula. HB. 3. clavata. H.B. 4 amara. H.B. 5 graveolens. H.B. _ _ 6 racemosa. H.B. MOMORDICA. W. 1 Balsamina. w. 2 Charantia. w. 3 muricata. w. 4 opercniata. w. 5°? Luffa. w. 7 dioica. u.B. 8 mixta. H.B. | | 9 umbellata. un. 10? Elaterium. w. , CUCUMIS. Ww. _. I Colycinthis. w. 6 monadelpha. H.B. ORDO LXXXI. | CUCURBITACEE. Juss. gen. 393. Gronovia. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 6. 7. Moneecia Monadelphia. W. angular-leav’d.. N.America. 1710. 7. 9. climbing. Sicyos. Jamaica. small-flowered. Mexico. small-leaved. Vine-leaved. Monecia Monadelphia. S. America. 1823. Moneecia Monadelphia. W. - 9. 10. 6. 10. CHOKO. eatable. Bryony. globe-fruited. rough, dotted. cordate. @oreraas css B. Ss. Canaries. C. B.S, great-flowered. E. Indies. umbel-flower’d. rough-seeded. hairy. three-lobed., common. white. Cretan. five-lobed. Fig-leaved. divided-leaved, palmated. Ceylon. laciniated. African. smooth-leaved. pinnatifid. slender. filiform. ELATERIUM. Canaries. C.uB.s, Britain. Europe. Candia. C. B.S. BuenosAyres.1726. e@retceaos Ceylon. E. Indies. eB, Sei E. Indies. -_—_——— - —. Tamus-leaved. Mexico. MELOTHRIA. pendulous. ANGURIA. three-lobed. LuFFA. stinking. acute-angled. upright. bitter. strong-scented. racemed. Momorpica. Balsam Apple. hairy. tubercled. rough-fruited. Egyptian. perennial, dioecious. mixed. umbel-flower’d. CUCUMBER. bitter. Triandria Monogynia. W. 6. % .H.@. America. E. Indies. Moneecia Monandria. W. India. E. Indies. coe W. Indies. Egypt. E. Indies. — ) —-— 41818. squirtingCucumber.S.Europe.1548. ¢ Moneecia Monadelphia. W. 1551. 5.8. Yy C. B.S. 1752. Moneecia Diandria. W. Carthagena. 1793. Moneecia Pentandria. Isl. France. 1818. 1820. 1823. CUCURBITACE. 1731. 1823. —_——~ 1774. 1779. 1816. 1783. 1815. 1781. 1779. 1816. ecw 2m 1807. 1759. Pac ia nae ae saee 1818. | 1778. 1818, 1710. > on Beeeee PARDO” 1812. 6.10. ————— ee ee 1568. 6.7. 1710. 1731. 1739. 1812. 1820. 7.8. el RAMP OOT MOO HAMAD a FREEERERRERERREOR SPS | 6. Te 161 S.4.-. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 338. H.©.. Lam, ill, t. 796. H.©.v. oy ewe .—-,5.t.166.f.1. ORR f CT CCL Ce CMC E ET Ce Cee Eng. bot. 439. Lam. ill. t. 796. Desf. an. mus. 12. t.17. Botan. regist. 82. Dill. elth. t. 50. f. 58. Burm. ind, t. 57. f. 3. Herm. lugd. t. 97. Herm, parad. t. 708. « ce e . e Plum. ic. t. 66. f. 2. S.4. . Jacq. amer. pict. t. 234. F.©.VL. Botan. magaz. 1638. F.©. F.©. Es Gheces be Fon. BeOQuw. LR Ae F.@.V. Botan. magaz. 2455. F.@. . Rheed. mal. 8. t. 10. F.©.—. Comm. rar. t. 22. hed pelt Bete. S.u4. . Rheed. mal. 8. t. 18. a eiy A si Se ee y H. Botan, magaz. 1914, F.0. 162 CUCURBITACEX. 2 prophetarum. w. _ globe. Levant.. 1777. 6.9. F.©. 3 africanus. 1. African. C. B.S. 1816. —— H.©. 4 Anguria. w. round prickly. Jamaica. 1692. 7.8. F.©. 5 acutangulus. w. acute-angled. India. — 6.9. F.©. 6 Melo. w. Melon. Tartary. 1570. 5.9. F.©. 7 deliciosus. Roth. delicious. E. Indies. 1818. —— F.©. 8 Dudaim. w. Apple-fruited. Levant. 1705. 7.8. H.©. 9 Chate. w. hairy. — 1759. 6.7. H.©. 10 pubescens; w. pubescent. «ss eereees 1815. 6.9. F.©. 11 sativus. w. common. E. Indies. 1573. 7.9. H.©. 12 Momordica. u.B. -Mowmordica-like, — 1812. —— F.©. 13 -utilitissimus. H.B. useful. —~—— 1820. —— F.©. 14 turbinatus. H.B. top-shaped. — —- —— — BO. 15 anguinus. w. Snake-fruiteds -——-— —— —— F.©. 16 flexuosus. W. flexuose-snake. — 1597. 5.9. F.©. 17 maderaspatanus. w. Madras. ~ =—-—— 1805. 7.8. F.©. 18 integrifolius. H.B. entire-leaved. -—-—— 1825. —— F.©. . CUCURBITA. W. Gourp. Monecia Monadelphia. W. . 1 lagenaria. w. bottle, India. 1597. 7.9. H.©.c. 2 Pepo. w. Pumpkin. Levant. 1570. 6.8. H.@.c. 3 Potira. p.s. large-fruited. = .--.- oe teee = H.Qier. 4 moschata. Due. musky, = teers et veee ——— HOw. 5 maxima. Duc. largest. fis te oho Hoe: en NE, 6 aurantia. w. orange-fruited. ----+: e+ 1802. ——~— H.O.v. 7 ovifera. w. egg-shaped. Astracan. ‘20 PEO. 8 verrucosa. W. warted. eoes-oe- 1658. -——~ H.©.vc. 9 Melopepo. w. Squash, = sv eeeees 1597. 5.9. H.©.v. (0 Citruilus. w. Water Melon. S. Europes —_ — F.©. TRICHOSANTHES. W. Snake-Gourp. Moncecia Monadelphia. W. 1 Anguina. w. 2 dioica. H.B. 3 cucumerina. W. 4 lobata. H.B. 5 cordata. 8.8. CERATOSANTHES. J. Horn-Gourp. tuberosa. common. China. 1755. 5.6. F.©.c. dicecious. E. Indies. 1820. —— §.% Cucumber-like. — 1804. 6.7. FOL oe lobed-leaved. ————— 1812. —— F.@Q.0 heart-leaved. — 1823. «+-- §, Oi. Monecia Monadelphia. tuberous-root’d. W.Indies. 1810. 6.7. S.%. Trichosanthes tuberesa. w. CARICA. W. ' | Papaya. w. 2 caulifiora. w. 3 microcarpa. Ww. 4 monoica, Desf. 5 spinosa. w. REAUMURIA. W. hypericoides. w. NITRARIA. W. 1 caspica. W.en. 2 Schoberi. w. 3 tridentata. w. SESUVIUM. W. 1 pednnculatum. De. 2 sessile. P.s. Portulacasirum. w. 3 revolutifolium.w,en. A longifolium. w.en. 5 repens, W.ene> common. ’ India. 1690. 7.8 S.h. - stem-flowering. Caracas. 1806. 6.8. S.h. small-fruited. —_—_ — — Sk. moncecious. = -+--++* > 1816. «ee+ Sih. spiny. . Guiana. 1822, ---»+ Sch. PAPAW-TREE. Diceia Decandria. L. ORDO LXXXiIl. FICOIDE. Juss. gen. 315. ~ ReEaumuriA. Icosandria Pentagynia. Hypericum-like.Syria. _ 1800. 7.10. G.h. Nitraria. Dodecandria Monogynia. W. Caspian. Caspia. 1822. -> Hb. Siberian. Siberia. 1778. 5.8. H.h. African. Barbary. 1822. --+- Sesuvium. Icosandria Trigynia. L. peduncled. W. Indies. 1692. 6.8. S.2. sessile-flow’r’d, ——-——_ -... —— §,2, revolute-leav’d. S, America. - ++ 7.8. S., long-leaved. ——-—— 1816. —— S.©. creeping. E, Indies) -— -—— S.©. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 9. Herm. parad. t. 134, . Mill. ic. 1. t. 33. Jacq. vind. 3.t. 73.74. Andr. reposit. 548. Alp. egypt. t. 117. Rumph. citi 5. t. 148. Ger. herb. 763. f. 3; Pluk. alm. t. 170. f. 2. Rumph. amb. 5. t. M4. Moris. s.1. t. 8. Rumph. amb. 5. t. 146, Botan. magaz. 722. . Wheed. mal. 8. t. 153. Plum, ic. 24. ‘ eiaal regist. 459. Jacq. schen. 3. t.31h. ————_ 3. t. 309-10. ” Aub. gui. 2. t. 246, Botan. magaz. 2057. Andr. reposit. 529. Lam. ill. t. 434. f..1. DC. plant. grass. 9. Botan. magaz. 1701, Rumph.amb.6.t.72.f.1. ‘gd ner’, 5 Siri a2 Se a : z Be rahe? a FICOIDER, _ 163 _AIZOON. W. Aizoon. ‘Icosandria Pentagynia. L, ae, 1. canariense. w. Purslane-l¢, Canaries, 1731. 7,8. H.©, Andr. reposit. 201. 2 perfoliatum. w. perfoliate.. CC. B.S. 1816. 6.8. G.h. 3 glinoides. w. hairy. ——— 774, — Gh. 4 hispanicum. w. Spanish. Spain. 1728, 78. H.©. DC, plant. grass. 30. 5 lanceolatum. w. spear-leaved. C. B.S. 1752... Bacsrby dis GLINUS. W. - Gtinus. Dodecandria Pentagynia. L. ; lotoides. w. hairy. S. Europe. 1788. 7. H.©. Boce, sic. 21. t, 11. -MESEMBRYANTHEMUM. Fic-mAryGotp. Icosandria Pentagynia. L. 1 minutum. H.R. small-white. Cc. B.S. 1795. 9.11. 1.2%. Botan. magaz. 1376, 2 minimum. H.R. small chequer’d. —-—— 1776. 9.12, I.%. Pet. gaz.t. 39, 3. 3 perpusillum. H.R. small exserted. ——-—— 1819. ——. [I.%. 4 obcordellum. H.R. glaucous chequer’d. ———- 1776. 10.2. I.%. Botan. magaz. 1647. 5 obconellum. H.R. green chequer’d, ————— 1794. -—~—— I.%. 6 ficiforme. H.R. fig-shaped. ——— 1819. ---- I.%. 7 truncatellum, H.R. large dotted, ———. 1795. 10.2. 1,2. 8 fibuliforme. H.R. cloth button. —_—_- —- 11. Ly, 9 uveforme. H.R. Grape-like. ——— 1820. ---- I.y%. Burm, dec. t. 10. f. 2? 10 nuciforme. H.R. nut-shaped. ———— 1790. -+-- I[.%. aes 11 testiculare. H.R. broad short white.——-——- 1774. 11, Ly. 12 octophyllum. H.R. narrow short white.—-— ——- -—— I... Botan. magaz. 1573. testiculare. B.M. pe B longiusculum. longer-leaved. —_- — — IY. y roseum. rosy. —_——_ -—— —— fy. 13 obtusum. H.R. obtuse cloven,. ——— 1792. 3.4. I.%. 14 fissum. H.R. cloven white. ——— 1776, <«--- H.y. 15 digitiforme. H.R. finger-formed. —--—— 1775, -+++ Im. ae digitatum. H.K? | . ati 16 magnipunctum.H.R.great dotted club. ————_ 1816. 9. 11. I.%. a sesquiunciale. H.R. thickest-leaved. § ——-—— —— --+- Ly. B unciale. H.R. ' thinner-leaved. ———— —— Gh. ei 134 serratum. H.R. saw-keeled. ——_—— 1707. 6.7. G.h. Dill. elth. t. 192. .238, [ 135 lacerum. H R. ragged-keeled. —-——— 1792. 6. G.h. a 136 heteropetalum.H.R. Various-petal’d. —-—-——- 1794. 5.8. G.t. 137 glaucinum. H.R. _ glaucine. ———— 1818. ----.G.h. a angustum. H.R. — slenderest-I4, — tes GL. B crassum. H.R. thicker-leaved. tm mers tor ere | 99 + 5D gel 138 mutabile. H.R. changeable. ————- 1792. 7.9. G.h. DC. plant. gras. 60. ~ filamentosum. ne. 139 inclaudens. H.R. open-flowered. ——-~-—-~ 1805. 6.9. G.h. Andr. reposit. 385, 140 caulescens. H.R. smooth delta-ld. ——--—— 1731. 5.7. G.. Dill. elth. f. 243-4. 141 deltoides. H.R. great delta-ld. —mM-— —— 5. . G.}. DC. plant. gras, 53. | 142 muricatum. H.R. = small delta-14,. —-—— —- G.h. Dill. elth.t. 195, f. 246, | B minus. H.R. smaller-ieaved. ——— tee ee GO. 143 microphyllum. u.R. small-green-ld, -—-—— 1795. —— G.h. 144 mucronatum. H.R. bristle-pointed. ——-—— 1794. e+.» G.h. 145 pygmzum. H.R. pygmy connate. ——-———~ 1820.. «s+: G.h. 146 canescens. H.R. small grey-ld, . ——-——— 1793. 4. © G.t. pulchellum. H.S. ; a-D B revolutum. H.R. rev volving. -—— 1819. —— G.h. 147 maximum. H.R. great crescent-I4. —--—- 1787. 3.8. G.h. 148 lunatem. H.R. small crescent-ld. —-——~. _ ---- +°-- Gh. 149 falcatum. H.R. small sickle-ld4, ——-—— 1727. 6.8. G.f. Dill. elth. f. 276.6. 150 decumbens. H.R. dwarf decumbent.——— 1759. 5.10. G.h. 151 incurvum. H.R. incurved. ——— 1802. 6 G.%. B dilatans. H.R. dilated. —--—~ 1805. 9.10. G.h. y pallidius. H.R. pale-flowering,®§ ——-—- —— —— G.h. 3 densifolium. H.R. dense lesser-ld, . -——--—- 1819. —— G.f. € roseum. H.R. rosy. —_—_ —- — G.F. 152 confertum. H.R. crowded-l4, —--—-. 1805. —— G.h. 153 falciforme. H.R. sickle-shaped, § ——-———_ 7.8. G.h. ‘ i 154 glomeratum. u.R. clustered. —~-——- 1732. 6.8. G.%. Dill. elth, t.213. £.274.) 155 inflexum. H.R. inflex-leav’d. ——-—— 1818. ++«+« G.F. 48) i § 156 scabrum, H.R. rough. —-—— 1731. 7% G.%, Dill. elth. t.197, f. 251. a pallidum. H.R. —_ pale-bloomed. —_—_ _ ——- -—— G.h. 4 B purpureum. H.R. purple. a eee GE 157. versicolor. H.R. changeable rough. 1795. 5.8. G.%. 158 retroflexum. H.R. reflex-flower’'d. —-——— 1794. 5.10. G.. 159 imbricans. H.R. imbricate-]4. ——-—— 1818. «--- Gh. 160 deflexum. H.R. smooth deflex’d. — 1774. 7.10. G.h. 161 leptaleon. H.R. slender deflex’d. ————— 1820. —— G.h. 162 polyanthon. H.R. copious-flow’r’d. ———-— _ 1803. 8. G.t. 163. flexile. H.R. little flexile. —-—— 1820. —— G.h. 164 polyphyllum. .R. crowded-ld. —-—-—— 1819- 6.10. G.h. ; 165 violaceum. H.R. deep violaceous. --—-——-._ 1820. 10. G.. Paes | i 166 emarginatum. H.R. notch-petal’d. . -——-— 1732. 6.8. G.h. Dill. eith. t.197.f. 250," 167 dilatatum. H.R. gibbous-keeled. —-——-- 1795. 7. G.h. ty 168 virgatum. H.R. slender- -twigg’d. —-_—-— 1793. 2.4. G.h. : 169 bracteatum. H.R. double-bracted. — 1774.. 7.10. 170 anceps. H.R. broad-bracted. ——--—— 1811. 9.10. G.h. B pallidum, H.R. paler-flowered. —_——_- ——- _ — Gh. 171 gracile. H.R. slender bracteate. ——— 1794. 8.11. G.h. > stellutum. H.s. non DC. ~ B gracilius. H.R. pale flat-bracted. ——-—— ---+. ——~ G.F. 172 radiatum. 11.R. radiate. ——— 1732. —— G.h. Diil. clth. t.197. f. 249 173 compressum. H.R. rough compress’d,————_._ 1792... 7.9. G.. : ‘f 174 patulum. H.R. paler-flowered. ————— 1811.10.11. G.}. 175 asperum. H.R. large rough-ld,. ——-——- 1818. ---- G.h. a majus. H.R. broader-leaved, 9. ——--——- os tee GO. B caerulescens. H.R. bluish-leaved. wae ee «41820. ++ Goh. 176 formosum. H.R. white-ey’d red. ———— ——_ 8. 9. Gi... FICOIDEZ. 167 spectabile. H.R. glaucous showy. C. B.S. © 1787. 5.8. G.%.. Botan. magaz. 396. conspicuum. H.R. darkredshowy. ————— 1806. 9.10. G.h. - blandum, H.R. fair-flowered. —-——— 1816. 6.12.G.h%. Botan. regist. 582, curviflorum. H.R. incurving ‘white. —--—— 1818. —— G.h. anréun. H.R. great orange. ————_ 1750. 3.10. G.h. Botan. magaz. 262, aurantium. H.R. glaucousorange. ——_—— 1793. 6.8. G.h. glaucum. H.R. great gold-fld.. ———— 1696. 6.7. G.h. DC. plant. gras. 1416. cymbifolium. H.P. greater boat-ld. ——- —— 1823. «---- Gh. strictum. H.R. upright boat-ld. — ——— 1795. -+-- Gh. mucronifernm. H.P. mucronate boat-Ié. ———- 1828. --+* Gv. cymbiforme. H.R. small boat-la ——-—_ 1793. --°- G.h. graniforme, H.R. grain-leaved. © ——--—— 1727. 9.10. G.h. Brad). succ. 2.t. 20. molle. H.R. soft. ——— 1774. 10. G.h. coccineum., H.R. scarlet-flow’r’'d. ———— 1696. 5.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 59. ea obtusum, H.R. blunt-calyxed. GW.) DC plants erassa 3: B acutius. H.R. acute-calyxed. ——— — sees + GO. y minus. H.R. lesser. Be Sa «Foe eee Gry Fe bicolorum. H.R. two-coloured. ——-—— 1732. —— G.*. YEE a erectum, H.R. tall upright. —_——_- —- _ — G.h. Dill.elth. t. 202. f. 258. B patulum, H.R. spreading. ———— eres —— GLH. y minus, H.R. dwarf spreading’, — errs —— Gh. inequale. H.R. unequal-cupp’d. ———-— 1716. —— G.b. _ Bradl.succ. 1. t. 7. tenuifolium. n.R. slender-leav’d. ————— 1700. 6.9. G.h. Dillelth. t. 201. f. 256. . B erectum, H.R. upright slender-14,—_-_—— ---. —— Gh. DC, plant. gras, 82. .94 variabile. H.R. changeable-fl4. —— --— 1796. 6.8. G.h. | a@ densius. H.R. rough close-ld. ————— -— -—— G.h. . B levius. H.R. smoother distant-14, —- —=— G.h. 95 spiniforme. H.R. thorn-shaped. ———— 1793. 9.10. G.h. : B subaduncum. H.R. greatcr hook-ld. -——-— 1810.10.11. G.h, 96 curvifolium. H.R. great curve-l4. ——-— 1799.10. G.h. 97 flexifolium. H.R. ‘lesser curve-l4, _——-—-._ 1818. ---- G.t. | @ perviride. H.R. dark-green. at GL. 6 lete virens. H.R. apple-green. es GOH. 198 aduncum. H.R. small curve-ld; ~———— 1795. 2.3. G.b. 99 filicaule. H.R. thready-stem’6. ———-— 1800. 9. G.h. 100 spinosum, H.R. thorny. ——— 1714. 6.9. G. Dill.elth, t.208. f. 265. ‘01 productum. H.R. great-cupped. -———— 1820. 6.8. G.h. 102 stipulaceumH. .R. tall, stipuled. ——--—— 1723. 5.8. G.hb. Dill. elth. f. 267& 268. - 103 corallinum. H.R. coral-stemmed. -———-— 1819. ---- Gh. ale 104 Haworthii. u.r. §Haworth’s, —-—— 1793. 6.1. Gh. eee 105 leve. H.R. ‘blunt white-ld, ————-— 1774. 7.9. G.h. eer 106 veruculatum, H.R. long spit-la. ————_ 1731. 6.6. G.h. _ @ Dillenii. wr. Diilenius’s. —_—_ ——_ —- G.h. Dill. elth. f. 259, B Candollit. u.R. cluster spit-la. ———————— — — G. DC. plant. gras. 36, 07 purpuro-croceum. H.R. purple saffron-fld. 1780. 8,10. G.h. B flavo-croceum.u.r. yellow-saffron, ————— 1816, 5.9. G.h. % DOOR OOOSFOOOO OSs HHH HH HHH HHH 08 croceum. H.R. saffron-flew’r’d.._——-——- ——— 10.11. Jacq.frag.p.17-t.11.£.2. 09 crystallinum. H.R. diamond. —-—— 1727. 5.8. G. DC. plant. gras. 128, 10 glaciale. H.R. Ice-plant. Greece. 1787, —— G ill pinnatifidum. H.R. jagged-leaved. C. B.S. 1774, 6.10.G.©. Botan. magaz. 67. M2 sessilifiorum. H.R. small ice-plant, -————- -—- 7.8. G.©. a lutewm. H.R. yellow-flowered, ——-—— —— -— G. _ 6 album. ALR. white-flowered.. ~——-——- -———~ 1816.G. ‘13 humifusum., H.R. narrow-l4d,ice-pt. ——.——- 1774. —— G. 14 Aitoni. wR. Aiton’s. _——— _ -—. 6.10. G.f. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 7. ‘15 lanceolatum. H.R. spear-leaved. ——— 1795. 5.8. G. _ @ album. H.R. white-flowered. ———-— —— -—— G.©. 6 roseum. H.R. rosy. —_——— 1812. —— G.©. 116 cordifolium. H.R. heart-leaved. —-—— 1774. 5.9. G. DC. plant. gras. 102. )17 pomeridianum.u.R. greatyellow-fla. —_-—_- -— 7.9. G. Botan. magaz. 540. | 6 Andrewsii. un. Andrews’s. ——— ——— eee oe — GLO. = Andr. reposit. 57. (18 Candollii. H.R. Decandolle’s, —— — sees —— GG). DC. plant. gras. 135, | helianthoides. pc. nec aliorum, (19 pilosum. H.R. hairy yellow. ——-— 1800. 6.8. G.©. Breyn. cent. t. 79, (20 calendulaceum.u.R. hispid narrow-cup’d. —— 1819. 8 G.©. /21 helianthoides. H.r. spatula-leaved. ——-—— 1774. 8.10. G.©. 22 limpidum. H.R. transparent. —_——_ — 7% GO. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 288. '23 tricolor. H.R. annual 8-colou’d. —— 1820. 4.7. G.©. / @ pyropeum..H.R. the ruby. —— —- —— G.©. Botan. magaz, 2144. 168 | FICOIDES. 6B roseum, H.R. the rosy. €. B.S. —_— — GO. “i y album. H.R. blush white. ——— 1819. — Go. +“ 224 villosum. H.R. villous. ; ——--——— 1759, 7. G.. ~ 225 caducum. H.R. + ae tae i 7 i 1774, 7.8. G.O. Mong 226 -apetalun. H.R. warf spreading. ——-— — — G.O. 3 227 Me diioroni. H.R. knot- A ocneeed a Saepet 1739. 8.10. ie pares ae aa : : 228 ciliatum. H.R. ciliated, C. B.S. 1774, «+++ Gh. ah ne 229 geniculiflorum.H.R. joint-flowered. — 1727. 7.9. G.b. : 230 Tripolinm. H.R. Aster-leaved. ——— 1700. 6.10. ae ni Plant. gras a | 231 expansum. H.R. houseleek-14, ——— 1705 7.8 G.h. De. plant, gras. 94, ‘ tortuosum. DC. : 232 varians. H.R. varying. —-— 1706. 7.10.G.h. ; 233 tortuosum. H.R. _—_ twisting-14, “1705. 6. 10.0.9, a ga. . oe f 10 234 pallens. H.R. pale-flowered. ——-—— 1774. 7.8. G.h. po. plant. gras. 47. © expansum. DC. . . . 235 crassicaule. H.p. thick-stalked. ——-—— 1822. 5. G.h. 236 loratum. H.R. glaucous strap-l4. ———— 1819. —— G.h. 237 relaxatum. H.R. livid strap-ld. Poo Se ae 238 anatomicum. H.R. skeleton-leav’d. —~-—— 1803. 7.8. G. 239 rectum. H.R. upright egg-ld. ———— 1819. -«-- 240 crassuloides. H.R. Crassula-like. ——-—— -—~ 7.8. 5 241 incomptum, H.R. persistentcup’d. ————- 1816. —— HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH SHSHSE G. G. G ‘7 242 splendens. H.R. shining white-fla, ———-— 1716. 6.8. G. DC. plant. gras. 35. 243 flexuosum. H.R. flexuose-leaved- ——-—— 1795. 7.8. G. ; 244 acuminatum. H.P. long-cupped. ——-—— 1820. 8.9. G.h. ; 245 sulcatum. H.R. acute-cupped. ———— 1819. -—— G. 246 fastigiatum. H.R. _level-topped. ——— 1794. 7.9% G. B reflecum. H.R. reflex-ieaved. S198. Se 247 micranthon. H.R. small-blossom’d. ————~ 1804, +-«-- G.h. 248 junceum. H.R. Rushy. ———— 1800. 8.10.G. granulicaule. H.P. shagreen-stem’d, ——-—— 1821. ---- G. 3 tenue. H.R. slender rushy. —— — 1819, --+- G, spinuliferum. H.R. spinulescent. ——— 1794. 6,10. G, grossum. H.R. gouty. ——— 1774. 8.10. G. salmoneum. H.R. salmon-colour’d. —-—— 1819. —— G. - canaliculatum, H.R. channel-leaved. ——-—— 1794. 7.10.G.4. viridiflorum. H.R. green-flowered. ———— 1774, 7.11.G.%. Botan. magaz. 326. tenuiflorum. H.R. slenderflow’r’'d. ——-—— 1824, +++. G.. Jacq. frag. 52. f. 3. longispinulum. H.P. rosy-cupp’d yellow. ——— 1821. 8.11. G.h. nitidum. H.R. shrubby crystalline. —-——- 1790. 7.10.G.h. subincanum. H.P. soft-leav’d white. —-—— 1821. 8.9. G.}. brachiatum. H.R. ~ three-forked. . ——-—— 1774. 6.8. G.h. testaceum. H.R. tile-coloured. —-—— 1816. —— G.h. tex 262 tuberosum. H.R. tuberous shrubby.———— 1714, 6.10.G.%. DC. plant. gras. 78. a B minus. H.R. lesscr-leaved. GI 263 noctiflorum. H.R. night-flowering. ———~ -—— 6.8. G.fh. DC. plant. gras. 10. a pheeniceum. H.R. deep rosy. —-—- —— —— G.h. Dili. elth, fu 262. B stramineum. H.R. straw-coloured. ———- —— -—— G.h. f. 263. y elatum. H.R. tall-rosy. —-—— 1819. —— G.h. 264 fulvum. H.R. grey-barked. —~-—— 1732. —— Gh. 265 horizontale. H.R. spreading-i¢, ——- 179. —— G.h. 266 speciosum. H.R. glitt’'ring orange. ————- 1793. 5.10. G.h. 267 micans. HR. glitt’ring orange. —-—— 1704. 5.8. G.%. Botan. magaz. 448. 268 maculatum. H.R. spotted-stalked. —--—— 1792. +--+ G.w. 269 flavum. H.R. small glittering. ——-—— 1820. 8. G.h. 270 obliquum. H.R. bright afternoon flZ. -—— 1819. —— G.h. 271 parvifoliam. H.R. small triquetrous. ————-. 1820. 7.10. G.h. 272 brevifolium. H.R. short-leaved. ———— 1777... —— Gh. 273 subglobosum. H.R. globular. ——-—— 179. —— G.h. 274 pulverulentum.H.R. powdered. ———— 1792. 5. G.h. 275 hispidum. H.R. hispid-stalked. ———— 1704. 5.10.G.%. DC. plant. gras. 66. a Dillenti. u.R. the bushy, ——--—- —— —— G.h. Dill. elth. f. 278. B platypetalum. H.R. tall. ———— 1820. —— G.h. 276 hirtellum. H.R. dwarf bristly. ———— 1792. 5.11. G.h. 277 candens. H.R. trailing hispid. ———— 1820. —— G.h. 278 floribundum. H.R. crowded-fid. ———— 1704. 5.10.G.h. Dill. elth. t.214. f. 2§ 279 torquatum. H.R. twisted hairy. ——-—-— 1820. —— G.h. —L—f.279, | 280 calycinumH. .R. hispid long-cup Ad jase ioe VBID,) ee G.h. G.h. Dill.elth. t.216. f. 2¢ 281 striatum. H.R. striped bristly. ———-— 1727, —— FICOIDEZ:. 469 | 282 attenuatum. or. slender hispid. ——-—— 1820, —-~ G.h. | 283 hispifoliam. ur. _hispid-leaved.. ——-—— 1814, ——~ G.fh. | a fastigiatum. H.R. level-topped. — sl GOLF. _. B roseum. H.R. rosy-flowered. ei eee oe eH IG TH 284 echinatum. H.R. _hedge-hog. ——-——— 1774. 7.10. G.h. DC. plant. gras. 24, a luteum. yellow. me ry A ge od | GH \ B album. white-flowered, ——-— -—— —— Gh. 285 strumosum. H.R. tuberous hedge-hog. 1820. —— G.h. _ 286 barbatum. H.P. bearded bushy. —- 1793. 5.10.G.h. Botan. magaz. 70. _ 287 stelligerum. H.P. procumbent bearded. —— 1705.° 6. 8. G.h. DC. plant. gras. 28. 288 bulbosum. H.P. bearded tuberous. ———- 1820... ——. G.h. _ 289 intonsum. H.P. black bearded. ——-—— ——~— 7% G.h. a rubicundum. H.P. red-flowered. —_—_——_—_- — _—-— Gh. B album. n.P. white-flowered. ————- ——~— —— G.h. 290 stellatum. H.?. smail-bearded. -——~-—- 1716, 9.10.G.h.. DC. plant. gras. 29. 291 densum. up. dwarf-bearded. ~—-~—~— 1732. 5.8. G.. Botan. magaz. 1220. HYMENOGYNE. H.R. Hymenocyne. Icosandria Sei nia. glabra. H.R. smooth. C. B.S. 1787. 7. 8. Gi. Mesembryanthemum glabrum. H.S8. non A.R. | TETRAGONIA. W. Terraconta. Icosandria Pentagynia L. _ 1 expansa. ms. horned, - N.Zealand. 1772. 8.9. G.g. DC. plant. gras. 113. .2 crystallina. H.s. diamond. Peru. 1788. 6.12. G.©@. ——~-—-~—— 34. 3 fruticosa. H.s. shrubby. C. B.S. 1712. 7.9. G.h. Mill. ic. 2. t. 268, f. 2. 4 linearis. H.R. ’ linear-leaved. +-—-—— 1819. 9% G.h. 5 obovata. H.R. obovate-leav’d. ————- -—— ---s Gh. 6 decumbens. H.s. __ trailing. ——-—— 1758. 7.9. G.h. DC. plant. gras. 23.. 7 Tetrapteris. H.s. wing-seeded. ——— 1795. —— G.h: 8 spicata. H.s. spiked. —— --———- _— —— Gh. 9 herbacea, H.s. tuberous-root’'d. -—-—— 1752. 6.7. G.y%. Comm. hort. &. t..102. 10 echinata. H.s. hedge-hog. -——-~— 1774. 5.8. G.g. DC. plant. gras. 113. ORDO LXXXIII. HYGROBLE. Rich. analyse du fruit. p. 34. HALORAGIS. W. MHatoracis. Octandria Tetragynia. , 1 Cercodia. w. whorl-flowered. N.Zealand. 1772. 4.9. G.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t..69, alata. Jacq. Cercodia erecta. Mur. 2 prostrata. w. prostrate. N.S. W. 1818. —— G.h. SERPICULA. W. SerPicuLtaA. Monecia Tetrandria. L. repens. w. creeping. C. B.S. 1789. 7.8. G.y%. Lam. ill. t. 758. -MYRIOPHYLLUM. W. Water-mitroiL. Monecia Polyandria. L. 1 spicatam. w. spiked. Britain. sees 6.8. H.w. 2. Eng. bot. 83. 2 verticillatum. w. verticillate. England. see 7 H.w.2b. ———— 218. PROSERPINACA.W. Proserpinaca. ‘Triandria Trigynia, 1 palustris. ph. marsh. _N.America, 1822. 7.58. H.w.©. 2 pectinata. ph. pectinated. ——- — H.w.©. CALLITRICHE. W. Warer-starwort. Monandria Digynia. L. 1 verna., R.S. vernal. Britain. eces 4.6. H.w.©. Eng. bot. 722. 2 autumnalis. r,s. autumnal. Semeieenaaie ---¢ 6.10. H.w.Q©. Gmel. sib. III. t. 1. HIPPURIS. W. Mare’s-TAIL. Monandria Meonosynia: ip vulgaris. w. common. Britain. ae 5. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 763. ORDO LXXXIV. PORTULACER, Juss. gen. 312. CLAYTONIA. Ww. CLrayToniA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 3 | 1 virginica. w. Virginian. N.America. 1748. 3.5. H.%. Botan. magaz. 941, 2 caroliniana. m. spatula-leaved. — 1789. —— H.y. Pink. alm. t, 102, f, 3, spathul@folia. par. lond. 11+ Z 170 $ lanceolata. ph. 4 sibirica. w. 5 alsinoides. p.m. 6 perfoliata. B.m. LIMEUM. W. africanum. w. TRIANTHEMA. W. 1 monogyna. w. 2 obcordata. H.B. 3 decandra. w. CORRIGIOLA. W. littoralis. w. TELEPHIUM. W. ' Imperati. w. PORTULACARIA.W. PURSLANE-TREE. et — PORTULACEZ. — spear-leaved. ———— «1812. —— H.». Siberian. Siberia. 1768. 5.8 H.©. chickweed-like. Nootka sound.i794. 3.6. H.©. small-flowered. N. America. —— 5.8. H.©. Limeum. Heptandria Digynia. L. - | African. Cc. B.S. 1774. 6.7. Gy. TRIANTHEMA. Pent-Decandria Mono-Digynia. Parslane-l4, Jamaica. 1710. 7.8.-S.©. obcordate. E. Indies. 1820. —— S.©. trailing. ——- _ 1762. — S.©. STrRAPwortT. Pentandria Trigynia. L. sand. England. sees 7.8. HO. OrPINE. Pentandria Trigynia. L. true. S. Europe. 1658. 6.8. H.2. Pentandria Trigynia. afra. WwW. African. Africa. 1732. «+++ G.h. MONTIA. W. CuHICKWEED. ‘Triandria Trigynia. L. fontana. w. water. Britain. ress 4,5. H.©. PORTULACA.S.S. Purstane. Dodecandria Monogynia. L. 1 sativa. H.s. garden. S. America. 1652. 6.9. H.©. B aurea. H.S. golden. —_———_ —- — HO. 2 oleracea. H.s. small. Europe. 1562. 6.7. H.©. 3 parvifolia. H.s. small-leaved. Jamaica. 1799. 8 H.©. 4 pilosa. H.s. hairy. W. Indies. 1690. 6.8. S.h. 5 foliosa. B.R. leafy. Guinea. 1822. —— S.»%. 6 guineensis. 8.8. Guinea. —_——_- — — S.h. 7 involucrata. H.R. leafy-flow’r’d. -++~+--. 1819. 8.9. S.h. 8 halimoides. L. Halimus-leav’d. Jamaica. 1823. —— S.©. 9 quadrifida. H.s. quadrifid. E. Indies. 1773, —— S.©. 10 meridiana. H.s. noonday. —--—— 1791. 5.6. S.©. TALINUM. J. TaLtinum. Dodecandria Monogynia. 1 triangulare. H.s. triangular. W. Indies. 1739. 8.9. S.h. 2 crassifolium. H.s. _thick-leaved. secsoeee 1800. —— S.F. 3 patens. HS. spreading-fl4, S. America. 1776. 8.10. S.¢. 4 cuneifolium. w. wedge-leaved. Arabia. 1823. —— S.h. 5 paniculatum. r.s. panicled. S. America. 1812. —— S.}. 6 Andrewsii. Andrews’s. W.Indies. —~—- -—— S.h. patens. A.R. nec aliorum. .7 reflexum. H.S. reflex-flow’r’d. —— 1800. —— 8.¢. § ciliatum. H.E.F. ciliated. Chili. 1823. —— S.©. 9 teretifolium. B.c. round-leaved. N.America.1820. 7.8. G.2L. ANACAMPSEROS. B.M. ANAcAMPSEROS. Dodecandria Monogynia 1 rotundifolia. round-leaved. C.B.S. 1732. 7.9. I.}. Talinum Anacampseros. w. Rulingia Anacampseros. H.S. ; 2 arachnoides. B.m. cobweb. ~ — ©1790, —=9 "Ti 3 varians. various-leaved. ——-—— 1812. —— I... Rulingia varians. 1.8.8. 4 rufescens. H.R. rufescent. —_-—- _ 1818. —— LF. 5 rubens. H.s. red-leaved. —-— 1796. — IL.wb. 6 filamentosa. B.mM. thready. ——— 1795. — I... 7 polyphylla. many-leaved, —-—— 1818. —— IL.h. Rulingia polyphylla, H.R. 8 lanceolata. H.s. spear-leaved. 1796. —— 1.2%. 9 angustifolia. narrow-léaved, -——-——- 1819. —— I.4. Rulingia angustifolia. H.R. OPUNTIACEA. Kh. synops. 3. p. 368. CACTUS. H.S. 1 melocactus. H.s. 2 macrocanthos. H.R. large-spined. ORDO LXXXV. MELON-THISTLE. Icosandria Monogynia. L. Turk’s-cap. W. Indies. 1688. S. America. 1820. « rie 8. D.S.h. DC. plant. gras. 112, ——~) D.Sih yi aA gsl aliens Pursh. fl. am. 1.t. 3. Swt. br. fl. gar. 16. Botan. magaz. 1309. a | 1336. DC. plant. gras. 109. - Burm, ind. t.81. f. 3. Eng. bot. 668. | Lam. ill. t.213. Jacq. coll. 1. t. 22. Eng. bot. 1206. DC. plant. gras. 123. Botan. regist. 792. 793. al Sloan. hist.1.t.129.f.3.. Jacq. coll. 2. t. 17. f, 4. Jacq. obs. 1. t. 23. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 52. SS eee Toit. 151. Andrews’s repos. 253. Botan. magaz, 1543. Hook. ex. flor. 82. Lod. bot. cab. 819. DC. plant. gras. 3. Botan. magaz. 1368. Botan. magaz. 1367. Pluk. phyt. 41, t.6, ; / OPUNTIACE. 171 3? depressus. Hs. depressed. CD see TBO, | 402! RG) h. 4? parvispineus.1.s.8. small-spined. W. Indies. 1815. -+++ D.S.h. 5? erinaceus. H.8.s. hedgehog. seossere 1818. «++» DIS. B. 6? senilis. H.P. grey-headed. Mexico. 1823. ---- DS... 7? latispinus. H.p. —_ broad-spined. —_——- -—_ :-+: DS... 8? nobilis. L. recurv'd-spin’d. Peru. ‘1768. +--+ DS... recurvus. H.S. - 9? intortus. Hs. twisted. Antigua. —- ss. DSF. 10? reductus. s.s. removed. Mexico. 1796. <«--- DS... nobilis. H.S. non, Le MAMMILLARIA. H.S. Mammitraria. Icosandria Monogynia. . 1 ‘simplex. H.s. smallred-spin’d. W. Indies. 1688. 7.8. D.S.%. DC. plant. gras. 111. Cactus mammilaris, 8.s. 2 prolifera. H.s. white-spined. ——_—_—_—_ ——-_ —- DS.h. F 8 discolor. Hs. | large discolor’d. ----- “++ 1800, +++ DS... 4 straminea. H.s.s. — straw-spined. teseeees 1811, ---- DSF. : 5 flavescens. u.s.s. yellow-spined. S. America. —— ----- D.S.H. 6 conica. H.S.s. cone-beaded. ee eeeaes 1808. --:- DS.b. Ba parvimamma. H.s.s.small-beaded. +++-+-+- 1817. -°--- D.S.h. | Cactus Microthele. s.s. 8 magnimamma. H.pP. large-beaded. Mexico. 1823. ---- DS.hb. 9 lanifera. H.P. wool-bearing. ——— ~—— -:::- DS... 4 10 stellata, hoary-starry. S. America. 1816. 6.9. D.S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 79. : Cactus stellatus. s.s. ; 11 geminispina. H.p. twin-spined. Mexico. 1823, -+-- DS... | 12 coronaria. H.R. the great. S. America. 1820. ---- D.S.h. 13 vivipara. 1.8.5. viviparous. Louisiana. 1813. 6.8. D.S.h. 14 missouriensis. Missouri. Missouri. —— —— G.F. } Cactus mamillaris. N. nec aliorum. “Ob 5 pusilla. smaall. ceseceoe 1820, -+-> G.h. Cactus pusillus. s.s. CEREUS. HS. Cereus. Icosandria Monogynia. 1 gibbosus. gibbous. eveeseoe 1808, 6.8. DS... Botan. regist. 137. Cactus gibbosus, B.R. ; 2 Hystrix. Porcupine. W. Indies. 1818. +--+ D.S.h. Cactus Hystrix. 1.8.8. 8 abnormis. irregular. S. America. 1816. --+- D.S.h. Cactus abnormis. 8.8. et _ 4 regalis. u.5.5. royal. cecetere seee cere D.S.K. te 5 multangularis.H.s.s. many-angled. §S. America. 1815. +--+ D.S.h. wey . 6 euphorbioides.n.s.s.Euphorbia-like. — seen eens D.S.I. 7 heptagonus. u.s. great 7-angled. W.Indies. 1728. 7. D.S.h. _ 8 hexagonus. H.s. great G-angled. Surinam. 1690. 7.8. D.S.h. Andr. repos. 513. 9 pernvianus. H.s. great Peruvian. Pern. 1728. 8. D.S.h. DC. plant. gras, 58. 0 eburneus. s.s. ivory-thorned. S. America. 1818. ——- D.S.h. 1 nobilis. H.s._ = *-~-noble. W. indies. 1811. ---- DS.h. Cactus Haworthii. s.s. 12 grandis. H.s.s. straddling-spin’d. Brazil. soee cose DAS.I. 13 tetragonus. H.S. great 4-angled. S. America. 1710. 7. D.S.h. 14 pentagonus. H.s. 5-angled. tines 1769. 7.8. D.S.h. 15 triangularis. H.s. great triangular.-W. Indies. 1690. —— D.S.h%.L. Bot. mag. 1884, 16 quadrangularis. H.s.quadrangular. S.America. 1809. --++ D.S.%. _- t.199. f. 1. (17 trigonus. H.s. small triangular. —————- —— :-- D.S.h.vU. t. 200. f. 2. 18 triqueter. H.s. leasttriangular. ———— 1794. ++++ D.S..U. 19 bifrons. H.s.s. rooting 4-angular.St. Domingo.1818. «+++ DS.h.o. 20 speciosissimus. beautiful. S.America. 1816. 6.9. D.S.h.V. Bot. regist. 486. | Cactus speciosissimus. B.R. speciosus. W.en- 21 Royeni. ms. Royen’s9-angi’d. W.Indies, 1728. ---- D.S.h. 22 lanuginosus. H.s. — woolly. ——-——_ 1690. 7.8. D.S.h. Herm. parad. t.115. 23 griseus. H.S. grey-spined. S. America. 1809, 9.10. D.S.h. 24 fulvispinosus. u.s. .tawny-spined. ——-—— 1795. ---- D.S.h. (25 repandus. Hus. waved short- -spin’ ’d.W.Indies. 1728. 8.10. D.S,h. Botan. regist. 336. 26 subrepandus. H.s.s. waved long-spin’d.——-—— 1817. ---- D.S.h. 27 obtusus. H.R. blunt3-angled. ----++-+ 1820. ---- D.S.h. 28 serpentinus. H.s.s. white-spined. S. America. 1817. +--+ D.S.h. 29 prismaticus. H.s.s. prismatic. — 1818: -+-- D.S.h. (30 imbricatus. H.R. imbricated. == +++-+-+r* 1820. -+-+ D.S.h. D.S.h. (31 niger. H.R. the black. S. America. ——- -+-- 172 OPUNTIACE/. 32 cylindricus. u.s. cylindrical. Peru, 1799. see 33 strictus. L.en. straight. S.America. 1822. +++. 34 albispinus. Len. green, white- spin’d. aeeseed:) Hate 35 crenulatus. L.en. crenulate. W. Indies. —— +++. 36 flavispinus. Len. | yellow-spined. | ----- oe te 37 albisetosus. H.s.s. trailing white-spin’d.St. Domingo.1816. -- 38 reptans. H.S.S. creeping. W. Indies. 1813. 39 grandiflorus. H.s. night-flow’ring. Jamaica. 1700. 6. 8: 40 flagelliformis.H.s. creeping. Peru. 1690. 3.6. Al speciosus. rose-flowered. §. America. 1816. 5.8. Cactus speciosus. B.R. Epiphyllum speciosum, H.S.S. 42 truncatus. truncated. Brazil. Cactus truncatus. {818, B.R. Epiphyllum truncatum. H.S.s. EPIPHYLLUM. H.S. Epijpnyiium. Icosandria Monogynia. 1 alatum. H.s.s. 2 phyllanthoides. Cactus phyllanthoides. B.M. 3 Phyllanthus. u.s. Spleenwort-l4, OPUNTIA. HS. INDIAN-FIG. 1 Brasiliensis. H.s.s. round-stemm’d. Brazil. elatior. H.s. ‘Tuna. HS. Dillenii. H.s.s. Cactus Dilleni. B.R- nigricaus. H.s. humilis. H.s. polyantha. H.s. vulgaris. H.s. Cactus Opuntia. 8.s. stricta. H.s. oval upright. Cactus Opuntia inermis. DC. gibbous-tooth’d. W. Indies. great yellow-spin’d. Dillenius’s. wm & bo _ lesser black-spin’d. humble. W. Indies. conimon dwarf. S. Europe, 1818. 1710. 1817. great black-spin’d. S.Amer. 1731. Phyllanthus-like.S. America. 1820. 6. 7. 6. 7. Icosandria Monogynia. eer e 7. 8s a. 9. 10. 1795. ——_, many-flower’d. S. America. 1811. 1596. S. America. 1796. &. 7, 8. 7. 9. Soe ev ee e@eone eoore ee ee oe oe tis 8. 7.9. 7. ar ee eree e@eee 7 eceee 6. 6. 7. — ee —_ 9. “ewe ewe 10 tuberculata. H.s.s. tuberenlated. -++-++*+ 1818, 1l crassa. H.S.S. thick-lobed. Mexico. 1817. 12 monacantha. H.s.s. one-spined. S. America, 1816, 13 elongata. H.s.s. various-spined, —_> 14 maxima. H.s. great oblong. —-— —— 1768. 15 decumana. H.R. great, — -—— 1820. 16 Ficus-indica.a.s. Indian-fig. ——— 1731. 17 cochinellitera. u.s. Cochineal. -——-—— 1688. 18 lanceolata. u.s.- spear-shaped. ——--—— 1796. 19 triacantha. three-spined. ——-- tee Cactus triacanthos. wen. 20 tomentosa. L.en. woolly-branch’d. —- -—~ 1824, 21 subinermis. L.en. nearly smooth, =——-—- —— 22 spinosissima. H.s. cluster-spined. Jamaica. 1732. 23 ferox. H.S.s. ferocious. S. America. 1817. 24 polyacantha. H.s.s. many-spined. Missouri. 1814. Cactus ferox. N. NON. W,en. 25 media. H.s.5s. lesser many-spin’d, —— 26 fragilis. H.s.s. _brittle-jointed.. ——_-—— -——— 27 pusilla. H.s. greater Pin-pillow. S.Amer. 1805. 28 curassavica. H.S. Pin pillow. Curassao. 1690. a major. HLS. larger. EPS YY Pe eS 8 media. H.s. middle. fe eiceedige La ladeibes y minor. H.S. smaller. peter asd Becht eed 0 longa, H.R. longer. Brazil. 1820. 29 foliosa. W.en- glaucous. S. America. 1817. RHIPSALIS. G. Ruipsais. Icosandria Monogynia. 1 Cassutha. G. naked. . W.Indies. 1758. Cactus pendulus. W. 2 parasiticus. H.s. _ hairy. S. America. 1800. 3 fasciculatus. H.s.s. cluster-branch’d. --— —— 1817. A salicornoides. H.s.s. Salicornia-like, 1818. W. Indies. 5 mesembryanthoides, fig-mary geld. .——_—— 6 grandiflorus. H.R. great-flowered. Cactus funalis. $.8. . PERESKIA. H.S. i aculeata. Hes. Cactus Pereskia. W. BARBADOES GOOSEBERRY. short-spined. |W. Indies. Bk Poche Icosandria Monogynia, mihi 1696. 10.11. D.S.7. D.S.h. D.S.h. D.S.h. D.S.h. D.S.h.WU. . D.S.h.V. 4 D.S.h.-. Andr. reposit. 508. = G.h.-. Botan. magaz. von fl G.h. Botan. regatggot | S.h NZ ; Fr - 696. 4 | q D.S.h. : D.S.h. Botan. magaz. 2092. a D.S.. DC. plant. gras, 145. D.S.h. ‘ D.S.h. Dill. elt. t. 294. f. 379. D.S.h. ——— t. 295. f.380. D.S.h. Botan. regist, 255. ' DS.h. Botan. magaz. 1557, Pe D.S.h. yo -D.S.. DC. plant. gras.c.ic. F.%. Knor. thes, 1, t. F. a. wn : DC. plant. gras. c. ie. 4 tn - Stat SH SHS SNSH SHH! SHS TSH POSS Stat eS otto soos 3 ate . Andr. hen 533. beds bebtberey o c Dn NNANRARnN >» «© €¢ © e IT TTT Ie” TIE ae ee SRS La 8, S. 8 S. H. H. D.S,. e ; ; - D.S.. Knor,. thes. 2. t,O0.2, D.S.h. je aa D.S.h. D.S.h. DS. D.S.h. D.S.h. Hook. exot. fl. 2. D.S.h. DC, plant. gras. 59. | DS... D.S.}. Botan. magaz, 2461. DS... S.h. Dill. elt, t. 227. f, 294. 2 longispina, H.s.8.— 3 grandifolia. H.s.s. e _RIBES. RS. ‘long-spined. great-leaved. OPUNTIACEZ. S. America. 1808. se«o« Brazil. 1818. --+.- CurRRANT. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 rubrum, R.s. > red, Britain. core 45. B album. white. -- vote ae 2 petreum. R.s. rock, England, 4 i. Gi 3 multiflorum. r.s. many-flow’r’d. Hungary. 1818. ——— 4 spicatum. R.s. acid. England, 127 ees 5 rigens, R.3. rigid. N.America, 1812. 4. 5. 6 procumbens. R.s. _ trailing. Dahuria. 1804, 5.6. 7 prostratum. R.s. glandulous. N. America. baile 4. 5. 8 alpinum. R.s, Alpine. Britain. : — 9 triste. R.s, ithe coloured. Siberia. 1818. —— 10 sanguineum. R.s, red-flowered. N.America.1820, —— 11 aureum. R.s. golden. Missouri. 1812. -—— 12 nigrum. R.s. black. Britain. tee ee 13 floridum. R.s. Pensylvanian. N.America,1729. -—— 14 laxiflorum. r.s. loose-flowered. — 1812, —— 15 resinosum, R.S. clammy. ——-— 1800. —— 16 glandulosum. R.s. glandular-calyx’d. Chili. 1820. 5. 6. 17 hirtellum. rR.s. hairy. N.America, 1812. 4.5. 18 gracile. R.s. slender. Saami 19 triflorum. R.3. three-flower’d. . eer ee 20 orientale. R.s. oriental. Syria. 1820. -—-——- 21 Diacantha. r.s. two-spined. — Siberia. 1781. | 5. 6. 22 reclinatum. R.s. procumbent. Germany. 1683. 4.5. 23 oxyacanthoides,r.s. Hawthorn-l¢. N.America.1705. —— 24 lacustre. R.s. swamp —-—— 1812, —— 25 Cynosbati. R.s. arisky- frnited, Canada. 1759. 4. 26 caucasicum. R.s. Caucasean. Caucasas. 1820. 4.5 27 uva-crispa. R.S. 28 Grossularia. R.s. GARDEN VARIETIES. a red fruited. 1 Ackerley’s Rodney. 2 Ackeriey’s seedling. 3 Adam’s Cheshire sheriff. 4 Alcock’s king. | 5 Alcock’s duke of York. 6 Alexander the great. _ 7 Andrews’s conqueror. 8 Ashton’s seedling. 9 Ashton’s red globe. 10 Astley’s seedling. _ 11 Beaufremont. | 12 Beggar lad. 13 Black Wallnat. 14 Black eagle. / 15 Black bull. | 16 Black ram. | 17 -Black king. | 18 Black virgin. 19 Black dragon. _ 20 Blackley’s swing’em. | 21 Boardman’s royal oak. _ 22 Bradshaw’s redcap. smoothGooseberry. England. —--- rough Gooseberry. ae peewee GARDEN VARIETIES. Brundrit’s Atlas. 24 Calderbank’s seedling. 25 Carpenter. 26 Carthington’s conqueror. 27 Champaign. Chapman’s incomparable. 29 Cheadle’s surprize. 30 Cheetham’s bright Venus, 31 Chelmerdine’s Cheshire. 32 Clarke’s seedling. 33 Clyton’s Britannia. 34 Coe’s Hannibal. j 35 Crimson Wallnut. 36 Damson, } 37 Dean’s glory of England. 38 Down’s Cheshire round. 39 Dickinson’s sapphire. 40 Elliot’s red hot ball. 41 Fairlow’s Lord Hood, 42 Fisher’s conqueror, 43 Fok’s jolly smoaker. 44 Fok’s royal. 45 Gerriot’s Achilles. 173 S.he S.h ORDO LXXXVI. GROSSULARLE. DC. fl. fr. ed.3.v 4. p.405, i - Eng. bot. 1289, H. Eng. bot. 705. H. Botan. magaz. 2368. H. Eng. bot. 1290. H. . H.h.. Pall. ross. 2. t. 65. L’Herit. stirp. 1. t. 2. Eng. bot. 704. Botan. regist. 125. Eng. bot. 1291. Dill. elt. t. 244, £.315. Botan. magaz. 1583. - Flor. peruv. t. 233. f.b. Ro yP pre am phe pre nee a ar ar a a a” e ° ° ° ee 8 Willd. hort. ber.1.t.61. Sg a “h -h. Pall. ross. IT. t. 66. ° h e . 3 h. Dill. elt. t. 159. f.166. »h. Lodd. bot. cab. 884. -h. Schmidt. arb. 98. e h e . H.h. Eng. bot. 2057. H. has) iseee loin; GARDEN VARIETIES. 46 Gill’s first seedling. 47 Gill’s second seedling. Gordon’s emperor. 49 Gordon’s nonsuch. 50 Gregory’s perfection. 51 Gregory’s supreme. 52 Gregory’s great Britain conqueror. 53 Hall’s porcupine. 54 Halmon’s dumpling. 55 Heart of oak. 56 Hector. 57 High sheriff. 58 Hippard’s attractor. 59 Hogbean’s king. 60 Hott’s regulator. 61 Hulton’s great Cesar. 62 Jackson’s hero. 63 Jackson’s slim. 64 Jackson’s scarlet seedling. 65 Jared’s Achilles. 66 Jared’s Admiral Kepple. 67 Johnson’s twig’em. 174 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 (7 78 79 80 81 $2 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 _99 100 101 Pendleton’s bullocks heart 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 11 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 GARDEN VARIETIES. Johnny lad. Kenyon’s Samson. Knight’s colonel Tarleton. Knight’s scarlet seedling. Lancashire farmer. Late red. Late damson. Layforth’s seedling. Lee’s red lion. Lee’s black. Lincolnshire top. Little John. Livesey’s Duke William. Lomack’s victory. Malkin wood. Mason’s Hercules. Mather’s admiral. Mather’s Alexander. Mathev’s black lady. Monk’s Charles Fox. Monk’s Watkin. Mongrel, Morello. Moss weather. Murrey. Mussey’s black prince. Nero. New champaign. Old rough red. Ostrich’s egg. Oswego sylvan. Pendleton’s Mogul. Pendleton’s matchless. Pineapple. Plum. Proctor’s scarlet nonsuch. Raffold’s. beauty. Raspberry. Ratcliff’s red lion. Rawlinson’s favourite. Rawlinson’s king. Raymond’s red. Read’s jolly red nose, Red mogul, Red Orleans. Red supreme. Red wolf. Red Lion. Richmond red. Rider’s black prince. Rider’s old England. Ring’s sheriff. Ring’s governor Penn. Ring’s free bearer. Rombouillon, Shaw’s hilly dean. Shelmardine’s red rose. Shelmardine’s Cheshire stag. Siddal’s top. Singleton’s Mogul. Stanley’ s earl of Derby. Stanley’s Oronoco. Stapleton’s black prince. Stuckley’s red. Taylor’s red rose. GROSSULARIE. 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 GARDEN VARIETIES. Taylor’s voluntary. Thorpe’ s master tup. Thorpe’s master Wolfe. Tilletson’s saint John. Tilletson’s seedling. Tom of Lincoln. Trop’s pretty Betty. Twamblow’s seedling. Two pounders. Victory. Wareham russet. Warrington red. Welchman’s red. Whitley’s plentiful bearer Whittington’s royal prin- cess. Wild’s red Wallnut. Worthington’s defiance. Worthington’s Emperor of Morocco. Worthington’s glory of eccles. Worthington’s seedling. Worthington’s conqueror. Worthington’s hero. Worthington’s Cornwallis. B yellow fruited. Adern’s seedling. Bangen. Barley’s seedling. Bell’s bright farmer. Blackley’s eclipse. Bradshaw’s yellow top. Brundrit’s Sir Sydney. Cartenden’s Goliath’s champion. Caton’s canary. Chad’s golden lion. Cheadle’s golden lion. Chetham’s brandy yellow. Clyton’s canary. Coe’s Diogenes. Coe’s Washington. Cooke’s golden champion. Davenport’s defender. Davenport’s creeping Ceres. Early brown. Goldfinch. Golden ball. Golden drop. Goliath. Hamnet’s Kilton. Hill’s golden pumpkin. Hill’s royal governor. Honeycomb. Hulm’s dumpling. Jackson’s golden drop. Kershaw’s yellow willow. Large amber. Leigh’s prince of Orange. Maddock’s drop of gold. Mason’s jolly gipsy. Mason’s golden conqueror Nixon’s golden eagle. Oswego sylvan. 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 | 222 225 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 -242 2413 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 Ro GARDEN VARIETIES. Parkinson’s goldfinder. Pendleton’s nonsuch. Rawlinson’s yellowamber- — Ridder’sspeel-scented Le- mon. Rider’s Goliath. Rider’s brandy sar Robin Hood. Robinson Crusoe. Smith’s sparkles. Stanley’s golden ball. Stanley’s independent. Stanley’s golden griffin. Stanley’s mullion. Stanley’s dolphin. Sweet amber. Taylor’s Nimred. Thorp’s lamb. Unsworth’s primrose. Williamson’s yellow hor- net. Wittington’sgold’nsceptre Wrigley’s melon. Yellow seedling. y green fruited. Blackley’s green chissel. Boardman’s green oak. Brundrit’s tickle Toby. Chadwick’s hero. Creeping germings. Cucumber. Dean’s Lord Hood, Early green hairy. Fok’s green goose. ~ General Carlton. Green globe. Green gage. Green chancellor. Green dragon. Green fig. Green dorrington. Green Gascoign. Green Griffin. Green gros berry. Green nonsuch. Green Wallinut. Green sugar. Harrison’s favourite. Harrison’s Cesar. Heilton’s Cesar. Jackson’s green John. Jackson’s green disart. Jay’s wing. Johnson’s green willow. Lee’s victory. Mills’s Langley green. Monk’s Joseph. Nield’s gage. Nixon’s Myrtle. Old ball. Oswego sylvan. Pomme water. Rawlingson’sroyal George Read’s pleasure. Bb George. inson’s stump. GARDEN VARIETIES. 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 257 Sharret’s green’ gage. 258 Shelmardine’s eee | green. 259 Shipley’ s unicorn. 260 Smith’s gr een mask. 261 Spronson’ s saint David.- | 262 Stanley’s Reine Claude. _ 263 Stanley’s green Margill. 264 Stanley’ s syringe. — 265 Taylor’s rainbow. 266 Taylor’s green-lined. 267 Trial. 289 268 Triumph. 290 - 269 Winning’s green. 291 270 Worthington’s Patrick. 292 293 294 295 271 Worthington’ s vanguard, 272 Wrigley’s favourite. 273 Yates’s Duke of Bedford. 300 301 276 Atkinson’s Whitehall. 277 Boardman’s highland queen. GARDEN VARIETIES. Button’s silver heels. Calderbank’s white. Chapman’s highland white Cheshire white wallnut. Crawford’s seedling. Davenport’s lady. Extra_white. Gibson’s Apollo. Gregory’s highland king. Gregory’s mount pleasant. Heroine. Holding’s white muslin. Joye’s white groat. Jobnson’s white globe. Kenyon’s white genteelly. Kenyon’s white lion. Liptrot’s Duke of Bedford Mather’s white mogul. Nayden’s rule all. Nield’s white rose. : - GROSSULARLE. 274 Yearsley’s black lion. 296 Mills’s white champion. f ; 297 Milkmaid. BY white fruited. 298 Miss bold. 275 Adams’s snowball. 299 Moore’s white bear. 175 GARDEN VARIETIES. 302 Nield’s white stag. 303 Nixon’s heart. 304 Pigeon’s egg. 305 Platt’s white. 306 Redford’s lily. 307 Rider’s white hellebore. 308 Royal white. 309 cae Haughton’s barra- doe, Stafford’s white imperial. 311 Sugarloaf. 312 Swan’s-ege. 313 Thin-skinned creat 314 Thorp’s white queen. 315 White crystal. 316 White belmont. 317 White imperial. 318 White lion. 319 White mogul. 320 White olive. 321 White Orleans. 322 White wallnut. 323 Whittington’s rose. 324 Woodward’s whitesmith. 310 : ORDO LXXXVII. PARONYCHIEZ. St. Hilaire in ann. mus. | LOEFLINGIA. W. La@ruingia. Triandria Monogynia. L. ; hispanica. w. . Spanish. Spain. 1770.. 6. H.©. Cav. ic. 1. t. 47. ~MINUARTIA. W. Minvuartia. Triandria Trigynia. L. 1 dichotoma. w. “ forked. Spain. 1771. 6.7. H.©. Act.stock.1758.t.1.f.2. 2 campestris. W, field. —_—-—— 1806. — HO. ——t.1. f.3. 3 montana. w. mountain. — — —-— H.©. Leef. it. rar. t. 1. f. 4. QUERIA. W. QueErRiA. Triandria Trigynia. L. hispanica. w. Spanish. Spain. 1800. 5.9. H.©. POLYCARPON. W. Att-srEp. Triandria Trigynia. tetraphyllum. W. _four-leaved. England. ---- 7. H.©. Eng. bot. 1031. POLLICHIA. W. Poriicura. Monandria Monogynia. L. campestris. w. whorl-leaved. C.B.S. 1780. 9. Smith. spicil. 1. t. 1. MNIARUM. B.P. Mnrarum. Monandria Monogynia. . biflorun:. B.P. two-flowered. N.Holland. 1818. 5.7. G.%. Forst. gen. 1. t. 1, SCLERANTHUS.W. Knawer. Decandria Digynia. L. 1 annuus. w. annual, Britain. --++ 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 351. 2 perennis. w. perennial. _ 8.9. H.2. a+ SE ILLECEBRUM. B.P. Knor-erass. Péhtandria Monogynia. L. 1 verticillatum. R.s. whorled. England. <--> 7. H.%. Eng. bot. 895. 2 cymosum. B.P. cymose, S. Europe. 1817. 6.7. H.%. Flor. grec. t. 245, 3 echinatum. r,s. bristly. — — — H.y. Schrad.journ.1801.t.4, PARONYCHIA. J. Paronycura. Pentandria Monogynia. es eA 1 polygonifolia. 3. Polygonum-l4, S. Europe. 1816. 5.8. H.%. Vill. delph. 2. t. 16. 2 italica. R.s. Italian. Italy. — —— H.. 3 hispanica. pc. mountain, S. Europe. 1640. H.%. Flor. gree. t. 246. Illecebrum Paronychia..w. is A pubescens. Dc. pubescent. Pyrenees. 1518. H. 2. 5 serpyllifolia. r.s. Thyme-leaved. S. France. 1820. —— H.%. Hacq. pl. alp.3.t.2.f.1, 6 capitata. R.s. capitate. Spain. 1683. 6.8. F.%. Flor. gree. t. 247, 7 nivea. R.s. villous. — 1812, —— F.%. — Barrel. ic. 687. 8 tenuifolia. L.en. slender-leav’d. --+-++s - 1822, — H.©. | 9 alsinifolia, R.s. Chickweed-l4, Spain. vee. ——— H.©. Scop, del. ins. t. 13, ¢ tt 176 : PARONYCHIES. ANYCHIA. M. Anycuia. Pentandria Monogynia. CAA S ; dichotoma. R.s. forked. _ N.America. 1806. 5. 8. H. 3. Ort. dee. t.15. £.2. Queria canadensis. W. . . ‘ i e249 HAGEA. P.S., Hacea. Pentandria Monogynia. wusde lap 1 diffusa. forked. Canaries. 1779. 7.8. H.©. Willd. hort.ber.t.11. Mollia diffusa. w. Lahaya diffusa. R.s. . 228 2 latifolia. R.s. broad-leaved. ————~ 1816. —— G.h. aa 8 aristata. R.s. bearded. —— 1780. 6.7. Gh. . Mollia aristata. H.K. : 5 polycarpoides. r.s. Polycarpon-like. Sicily. 1818. 6.8. H.%. 5 gnaphaloides. R.s. woolly-leaved, Barbary. aaa H.h. HERNIARIA.R.S. Ruprure-worrt. Pentandria Digynia. L. { 1 glabra. R.s. smooth. England. vers 7. «=©60H.. © Eng. bot. 206. 2 hirsuta. R.s. hairy. is me es 6708. Hi. = ——-— 1379. * 3 cinerea. DC. cinereous. Montpelier. 1816. —— H.2%. 4 alpina. R.s. Alpine. S. France. -—— —— H.. 5 fruticosa. R.s. frutescent, S. Europe. 1814. 5.8. H.h. 6 incana. R 8. hoary. —-— 1818 -—— H.h. Pluk.alm. t. 53. f. 3. 7 polygonoides. R.s. Knot-grasslike. —~—— 1752. —— F.f. Cavan. ic.2. t. 181. e ORDO LXXXVIII. CRASSULACEAE. Jussieu. BULLIARDA. DC. Butitarpa. Tetrandria Tetragynia. i — Vaillanti. pe. Vaillant’s. S. Europe. 1825. 6.8. H.w.©. DC. plant. gras. t.74. | TILLEA. RS. TitL#A. Tetrandria Tetragynia. L. - ' 1 aquatica. R.s. water. N. Europe. 1816. 6.6. H.w.©. Ust. N. ann. 6. t. 1. : 2 muscosa. R:s. Mossy. England. -ee+ 6.10. H.©. Eng. bot. 116. i ' VAUANTHES. H.R. V-FLower. Pentandria Pentagynia. H. chloreflora. H.R. Chlora-flow’r’d.C.B.S. 1774. 6.7. H.©. Crassula dichotoma. w. GLOBULEA. H.S. GLOBULEA. Pentandria Pentagynia. H. 1 cultrata. H.s. sharp-leaved. C. B.S. 1732. 7.8 G.h. Crassula cultrata, B.M. 2 atropurpurea. H.p. dingy purple. —-——_ 1823. —— G.h. 3 radicans. H.P. rooting-branch’d ——-—- -—— 12.3. G.h. 4 lingua. H.P. larger tongue-14,. -——-——- _ —— 5.6. G.}. 5 lingula. H.p. lesser tongue-l4. —-——- -—— -— G.h. 6 capitata. H.R. large-ld. grey. -———— 1819. 7.8. G.2%. 7 obvallata. H.s. houseleek-1}4, ——— 1795. —~ G.h. Crassula obvallata, Dc. . 8 canescens. H.s. grey. —-— 1800. — G.»%. 9 paniculata. H.P. panicled. ———--——— _ 1823. —— G.%. 10 impressa. H.P. impressed. —-—— 1822. — G.». B minor. H.P. lesser. —_——- S ———-_ — — GY. 11 sulcata. H.R. sulcate. —— 1820. 5.9. G.x%. ~ 12 nudicaulis. u.s. naked-stem’d. —-—— 1732. —-— G.2. Crassula nudicaulis. Dc. 18. hispida. H.pP. ~hispid. ———— 1823. 10.11. G.h. 14 mesembryanthoides. Fig-mareeala like, ——-— 1822. 7.9. G.h. 15 mollis. H.P. soft. —— 1774. —— Gh. Crassula mollis. w. 16 subincana. H.P. hoary frutescent, ——-—- 1822. -—— G.h. a decumbens. H.P. decumbent. hl — GL. erecta. H.P. erect. —— -———- —— GR. TURGOSEA. H.R. TurGosEA. Pentandria Pentagynia. H. 1 linguefolia. H.R. tongue-leaved. C, B.S. . 1803. 8. G.%. Crassula linguefolia. 18. 2 tomentosa. H.R. tomentose. —— 1790. 4.5. Gh. 3 pertusa, H.R. impress-dotted, ——-——_ 1818. 9.11. G.%. _ Botan. magaz, 1940. Herm, lugdb. t. 553. DC, plant. gras. 61. DC. plant. gras>-133. Com. prel. t,.29? 4 turrita. H.R. Crassula turrita. 11.5.3. GB rosea, H.8.8. 5 obovata. u.R. 6 aloides. H.R. 7 capitella. H.R. CRASSULA. H.R. 1 moschata. H.s. 2 diffusa. H.s. 3 sparsa. H.s. 4 expansa. H.S. 5 verticillaris, ms. 6 Magnolii. pc. 7 rubens. H.s. 8 pulchella. H.R. G glabra. H.R. 10 glomerata. H.s. 11 centauroides. H.s. 12 lineolata. u.s. 13 subulata. r.s. (414 retroflexa. H.s. 15 orbicularis. H.s. 16 rosularis. t.R. 17 Cotyledon. H.s. 18 cordata. Hs. 19 spathulata, H.s. 20 pellucida. u.s. 21 marginalis. u.s. 22 punctata. H.s. 23 perfilata. H.s. argentea. R.S. _ 25 imbricata. u.s. ericoides. H.P. columnaris. H.s. squamulosa. H.R. scabrella. H.R. | scabra. H.R. - 81 bullulata. ar, _ 32 corymbulosa. L.en. 33 ramuliflora. L.en. 34 dejecta. R.s. 35 biconvexa. H.s. concinnella. H.P. | 37 concinna. H.R. 38 ligulifolia. nr. 39 ciliata. Hus. 40 albiflora. p.m. 41 lactea. H.s. 42 obliqua. ns. /—43 Cotyledon. B.M. 44 revolvens. H.P. | 45 filicaulis. n.p. 46 bibracteata. H.P. @ minor. H.P. B major. HP. 47 biplanata. up. 49 tetragona. H.s. 50 ramosa. H.s. 51 telephioides, H.R. CURTOGYNE. H.R. 1 undulata. a.R. perfossa. DC. pl. gr. t. arborescens. H.s. ° C5. S; rose-colour’d. —— obovate-leav’d. ovate hispid. square-spiked. ~ee eee CRASSULACE, -tower-like, — 2,3, 1774. 6.8. eee CrassuLa. - Pentandria Pentagynia. L. Crassula undulata. R.s. 2 undata. H.R. KALOSANTHES. H.R. KaLosanTHEs. 1 coccinea. H.R. -g os ‘oe 3. G.g. musky, N.S.W. 1794. 5.11. H.©. diffuse. C. B.S. 1774. 6.8. H.@. alternate-J4, -—-—- -—~- -~—- G.é. awl-leaved. UC Cl - HO. whorl-flower’d. S.Europe. 1788. 7.8. H.©. Magnol’s. — ee = FLO, annual red. Italy. 1759. 5.8. H.©. pretty. C. B.S 1778. 7.8. H.©. smooth cluster’d, —--——-._ 1774. 6.10. H.©. rough cluster’'d: —-——- —— 8.10. H.©. Centaury-fld, ——-—- -—— channelled. ——— 6.8. Gig. awl-leaved. ——— 1820. — H.©. orange-flow’r’d. 1788. —— H.©. starry, ———- 1731. 7.9. G.y. great starry. —--— 1819. —— G.x. Cotyledon-!4, ——— 1800. -—— G.x. heart-leaved. ————. 1774, 5.8. Gh. notch-leaved. — 7.9. Gh. pellucid. ——— 1732. 6.9. G.h- marginated. —_—— _ 1774. 7.8. G.h. dotted. 175904: 8. GH. filed. ——--——~ 178. 9 GH. 25. silvery-leaved. ——-—- 1820. 7.9. G.h. whip-cord. | —-—— 1760. 6.7. G.h. large whipcord. ———-— 1820. 9.10. G.%. columnar. —-—— 1789. 7.10.G.h. small scaly. —— 1817. 6.9. G.h. patent-leaved, ——-—— 1820. —— G.h. rongh-leaved. ———— 1730. 6.7. G.h. roughyellow-fla. ——--——- 1800. —— G.h. small corymb’d. ———— 1821. G.h. branch-flow’r’d, ———-— —~ G.h. dejected, ——_—- -——-_ ——- Gh. double convex. 1800. 8 Gh. elegant. —-——— 1822. -+-. G.h. small neat. ——— 1820. -+-- Gh. latchet-leaved. ———— —— <::: G.h. ciliated. eine PEBB LTB, HST white-flower’'d. ————— 1820. 7.9. G.*. milk white. —-—— 1774, 9.2. Gh. oblique-leav’d. -————— 1759. 4.5. G.h. arborescent. ———— 1739. 5.6. G.h, recurving-Id. —-— 1820. 8.10. G.h. thready-stem’d, ——-——- -— —— G.h. double-bracted, ——-— ——~ -—— G.h. smaller, —_——— —— ~— Gh. iarger. ——- ——- -— Gh. flat-leaved. —-—-—- —-- 9.10. G.h. acute-leaved. ——_—— 1795. 9.11. G.h. square-leaved. -—--—— 1711. 8.9. G.h. branching. ———— 1774. 7.8. G.. Orpine-like. ———— 1820. —— G.h. CurTOGYNE. Pentandria Pentagynia. lesser-waved. C,B.S. | 1797. 8.11. G.h. sreater-waved. --——— 1818. -— G.h. Pentandria Pentagynia. scarlet. C. B.S. 1710. 6.8. G.h. Crassula coccinea. B.M. Dietrichia coccinea. Trat. 2A @ 200 DC. plant. gras. 55. DC. plant. gras. 67. Botan. magaz. 1765. Petiv. gaz. t. 89. f. 8. DC. plant. gras. t. 43. e DC, plant. gras. t. 121. be tae t. 49. Jacq. frag. t. 131. Jacq. scheenb. t. 471. Scop. d. ins. 3. t.6. C. Burm. afr. t. 9. f. 2. ° Dill. elt. t. 99. f. 117. Mart. cent. t. 24. Jacq. scheenb. t. 433. DC. plant. gras. 7. Botan. magaz. 2391. sete MIT LS DC, plant. gras, 79. Botan. magaz, 384, DC. plant. gras. t. 2. SS Stes fr 19. Lodd. bot. cab. 584, > Botan. magaz. 496. ‘ CRASSULACE. 178 2 media. ur. greatchangeable. —— 1820. —— G.fh. tou / 3 versicolor. H.R. various-color’'d. ——— 1816. —— G.h. Botan. regist. $26. Crassula versicotor, B.R. ‘," (: weet 4 bicolor, H.R. two-coloured. —-—— 1820. —— G.h. . 5 odoratissima, H.R. sweet-scented. ---——— 1793. 6.7. G.h.. Andr. reposit. 26. Crassula odoratissima. A.R. Dietrichia odoratissima. Trat. iA . 6 flava. yellow. —-—-— 1802. 8.9. G.%. Pluk. alm. t. 314.f. 2. Crassula flava. L. Larochea? flava. 8.8. 7 cymosa. H.R. cyme-flowered. ———-— 1800. —— G.h. F § biconvexa. H.P. convex-leaved. ———— 1822. 7.8. G.h. 9 jasminea. H.R. Jasmine-fl4d, ——-—— 1812. 6.8. G.R. Botan. magaz. 2178. Crassula jasminea. B.M. t LAROCHEA. H.R. Larocnea. Pentandria Pentagynia. 1 falcata. H.R. falcated. C. B.S. 1785. 6.9. h. - DC. plant. gras. t.103. Crassula falcata, B.M. 2035. Rochea falcuta, De. eve wall : B minor. H.R. lesser falcated. —— 1621. —— h. a. ere 2 perfoliata. H.R. greatperfoliate. ——-——- 1725. 7. kh. DC. plant. gras. 13. P alba. HR. white perfoliate. ———— — h. ' . SEPTAS. H.S. SeptTaAs. Heptandria Heptagynia. L. 1 capensis. H.s. Cape. C.B.S. 1774. 8.9. G.y. Andr. repos. 98. 2 globiflora. p.m. globe-flow’ring. —— 1809. 3.5. %. Botan. magaz. 1472. 3 umbella. H.s. skreen. ———— 1800. 7. 4%. Jaeq, vind. 2. t.352. Crassula umbella, Jacq: 7 - COTYLEDON. H.S, Navetworr. Decandria Pentagynia. QD PEOe299m AF Ae Hm F i { +1 orbicnlata. .s. round-leaved. C. B.S. 1789. 7.8. G.h. . | 2 ovata. H.S. ovate-leaved. —-——- 1789. 7.10.G.h. Botan. magaz. 321. | orbiculata. B.M. ; ; ; 3 oblonga. H.s. oblong-leaved. ——-—— 1690. —— G.h. a5 4 triflora. H.R. three-flowered. -——-— 1821. —— G.h. ye : 5 ramosa. H.S.Ss. branching. ———— 1768. —— G.h. Moris, sect.12.t.7.f.39. 6 ramosissima. H.S.S. Cluster-branch’d, —————_ 1816. ---- h. , . 7 fascicularis. H.s. clustered. —— 1759. 7.9. G.h. Burm. afr. 41. t. 18. } 8 hemispherica. 1.8, thick-leaved. ——-—. 1781. 6.7. F. DC. plant. gias. 87. 9 spuria. H.s. narrow-leav'd. ——-—— —— 7.8. G.h. Comm. rar. t. 23. a 10 mucronata. s.s. mucronate. ————— , 1818. +++ h. Burm. dec. t.19.f.2. © undulata. H.S.S. 7 . 11 jasminiflora. H.R. Jasmine-fid. ——- — 6.8. Gh. : ‘12 elata. H.s.s. tall powdered. ———— 1816. —— G.f. : 13 cuneata. H.S.S. large pubesc’nt. ———— 1813. -+++ G.h. ane . 14 coruscans. H.s.s. _ sparkling. ———— 1818. 3.5. G.h. Botan. magaz. 2601. canalifolia. H.P. ; : 15 curviflora. B.M. eurv’d-flow’r’d. --—-——— 1813. 7.8. G.%. ————-—— 2044. purpurea. 4.8.8. vix Thunb. r 16 decussata. B.M. cross-leaved. —— — 5.6.6G.h. —— 2518. papillaris. H.s.s. non Thunb. 17 tricuspidata.a.p. trident-leaved. ——-—— 1820. +--+ G.t. 18 cacalioides. H.n. Cacalia-leaved. ——-——- —— 5.6. G.h. 19 rhombifolia. n.p. - rhomb-leaved. ——-—— 1823. ---- G.h. 20 mammillaris. H.s.s. mammillary. —— 1818. 5.7. G.h. Burm. dee. t. 21. f. 1. 21 canaliculata. H.s.s. channel-leav’'d. —-—— 1818. +--+ G.h. / 22 maculata. H.R. spotted-leaved, ——-—— -—— 5.7. G.h. a 23 coccinea. Cav. scarlet. cers se 1816. 1.8. G.h. Botan. magaz. 2572, _24 tuberculosa.s.s. _ tubercled. C. B.S. 1822, +s» Gh. ; 25 ungulata. s.s. ungulate. —_——- — -::-- Gh. 26 gracilis. H.s.s. slender. Portugal. 1800. 5.8. G.h. 27 cespitosa. H.M.N. tongue-leaved. California. 1796. 6.8. G.%. lingueformis. H.K. 28 dichotoma. H.R. _—fork-spined. C. B.S. 1818. —— G.h. 29. spinosa. s.s. spiny. Siberia. cose eeen Bed, nie | 30 serrata. H.S. notch-leaved. Crete. 1732. 6.7. H.y%. Dill. elt. t.95. f. 112. 31 hispanica. H.s. Spanish. Spain. 1796. —- H.g¢. DC. plant. gras. 122. 32 Umbilicus. E.B. Pennywort. Britain. sees 6.9. Hi. Eng. bot. 325. 33 lutea. E.B. yellow. England. .)-< ++ -—— Hed. Se ee 8) OROSTACHYS. F. Orostracuys. Decandria Pentagynia, "" * Malacophyllum. F. annual. Davuria, 1815. 6.7. H.©. t.G. fil Cotyledon malacophyllum. w. E KALANCHOE. H.S. Katancnor. Octandria Tetragynia. 1 spathulata. Dc. yellow spathulate. China. 1820. 7.9. D.S. Ss D DC. plant. gras. 63. 2 wegyptiaca. De. red spathulate. Egypt. sicon « stoeeig ae) ; —_—-———— 64, h hy 3 4 5 6 7 BRYOPHYLLUM. P.L. BRYOPHYLLUM. -RHODIOLA. L. CRASSULACEE. rotundifolia. H.p; round Orpine-l4, C. B. S. 1820. Crassula rotundifolia. H.P. 188. acutiflora. H.R. Veria acutiflora. A.R. ; Verea. P.S. Vere’s. Veria crenata. A.R. Cotyledon crenatum. B.M. 1426. laciniata. pe. cut-leaved, E. Indies. ceratophylla. H.R. buck’s-horn-14, China. 1820, calycinum, P.L. Jarge-cupped. | Mauritius. ROSE-ROOT. ay ex 9. G.h. Sierra Leon.1793._ —— D.S-h. 1794. 7.8. H.y.. ee ty 4 H.2. —- H.%. 7.8. Hed. aed i QORRER po s ° e . CRED Bit s a = LETT Siibimo nh immtkint be bem PORRSRE FREER FP RR FRE FRE = oo yy | rosea. L. common. Britain. eee SEDUM. L. Stronecrop. Decandria Pentagynia. L. 1 maximum. Len great purple. Spain. Anacampseros muxima. H.S. 2 albicans. great white. Europe. we Anacampseros albicans. H.s. . 3 triphyllum. three-ld. purple. Portugal, —— purpureum. L.en- Anacampseros triphylla. H.s. 4 verticillatum. w. whorl-leaved. S. Europe. +--+: 5 argutum. lance-toothed. Carpathian.m.1820. Anacampseros arguta. H.R. 6 paucidens,. H.R. few-toothed. Fenecsee cease 7 pectinatum. pectinated. er Anacampseros pectinata, H.R. £ 8 Telephium. E.B. commonOrpine. Britain. sere Anacampseros vulgaris. H.S. 9 Anacampseros. w. evergreen. France. 1596. Anacampseros sempervirens. H.S. : 10 telephioides. m. §Rhodijola-like. N.America, 1810, .I1 lividum. wen. livid. ~ ses-eoee 1820. 12 Aizoon. w. yellow Orpine. Siberia. 1757. 13 populifolium. w. Poplar-leaved. ——-—— 1780. | 14 divaricatum. Ww. — spreading. Madeira. 1777. 16 ciliare. fringed. Caucasus. 1810. j oppositifolium. B.M. Anucampseros ciliaris. H.R. | 16 spurium. w.en. greater fringed. —_ -—— 17 dentatum. H.R. large-toothed. ------ ee 18 -hybridum. w. Germander-ld. Siberia. 1766. 19 ternatum. Mm. dwarf 3-leav’d. N.America. 1789. 20 stellatum. w. starry. S. Europe. 1640. 21 Cepza. w. panicled. France. — Spatulatum. W.K. é 22 sempervivoides. F. houseleek-ld. _ Iberia. 1823. 23 ochreleucum, u.p. tallsharp-cupp’d.Greece. +--+ (24 altissimum. pc. tall blunt-cupp’d. Italy. 1769. Jacquini. H.p. Sempervivum sediforme. Jacq: 25 coerulescens, H.p. greatstraw-fld, ----++++ sees 26 reflexum, H.P. reflex-leaved. Britain. seas 27 septangulare. u.p. 7-angled glaucous. Europe. -+«+ | rupestre. DC. non L. collinum. W.en. ex H.P. 28 glaucum. H.P. glaucous short-ld, England. «++. 29 minus. H.P. lesser short-ld, + e+eeeee sone reflexum, DC. non H.P. 30 spirale. H.P. small 7-angled. -+++++++- 1820, | sexangilare. DC. non E.B. 31 recurvatum. H.p. slender recurv’d ------ $0 5 Lowmtin 32 anopetalum. H.p. broader-leaved. S. France. 1815 B aurantiacum. u.P. orange-colour’d. —————-__*+=>> 33 virens. H.P. deep green-ld, Portugal. 1774. 34 rupestre. H,P. expanding glaucous. England. -- -- | virescens. W.en, 35 Forsterianum. £.s. Forster’s. Wales. sees | 36 quadrifidum. w. — four-cleft. N. Asia. 1800. 37 nudum, w. naked-branch’d. Madeira. 1777. 38 quinquefidum. H.R. linear-leaved. Se \39 hexapetalum. H.R. six-petaled. seeecene sane 40 sexfidum. H.R. six-cleft. Caucasus. 1818. AJ monregalense. W.en.clammy. S. Europe. 1816. wo > 179 white flower’d. E. Indies? 1806. —— D.S.%. Andr. reposit. 460. ee, 21. 1731. 7.8. D.S.h. DC, plant. gras. 100. 9.1. D.S.h. Octandria Tetragynia. 1800. 4.7. D.S.h. Parad. lond. 3. Dicecia Octandria. L. 5.7. Hi. . Eng. bot. 508. Ameen. ac. 2. t. 4. f.14. * Eng. bot. 1319. Botan. magaz. 118 DC. plant. gras. 101. Botan. magaz, 211. Botan. magaz. 1807. —_——_- —— 2370, Mur. c. got. 6, t. 5. Botan. regist. 142, Cam. hort. 7. ic. 2. K. hung. t. 104. Botan. magaz. 2474. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 81. Eng. bot. 695. DC. plant. gras. 115. Eng. bot. 2477. DC. plant. gras. 116. DC. plant. gras. 118. Eng. bot. 170. —— 1802. Pall, it. 3. a. t. P, f, 1. Lodd. bot. cab, 464. 480 ORASSULACER. Jacq. aust. 5.t.a.47. 42 hispanicum. w. = Spanish. Spain. =-:1732.. —— H.2. 43 album. £.B. white. England. -coe 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 1578. | 44 villosum. E.B, hairy. ~ Britain. ooee —— HY. ——— — - 171. || 45 annuum. w. annual. N.Europe. 1739. 7.9. H.©. a 46 atratum. w. ‘dark annual. Italy. 1795. —— H.©. Jacq. aust. 1, t. 8. 4 47 dasyphyllum. £.B. thick-leaved. England. ---- 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 656, > 48 pallidum. m.B. ~—_—paile-red. Caucasus. 1820. 7.9. H.©. q 49 coruleum. w. blue pubescent. N. Africa. 1821. ——- H.h. Botan. regist. 520. 50 sexangulare, E.B. insipid. England. ---+ 6.7. H.¥%. Eng. bot. 1946, 51 acre. E.B. biting. Britain. - — H.%. -—— 839, 52 saxatile. w. rock. S. Europe. 1820. 7.9. Hy. 53 pallens. H.R. 5-petaled glaucous. ------ — H.©? 54 oblongum., H.R. oblong-leaved. England. o--+ 7.8. HY. it hs 55 anglicum. H.R. small English, “—————-_+s++ ———- Hi 2) Engybots171, B microphyllum. H.R. least English, |§&———— — H.%. MONANTHES, H.R. Monantues. Dodecandria Heptaryiilt polyphylla. H.R. many-leaved. Canaries. 1777. 7.9. G.%. Botan. magaz. 93. Sempervivum monanthos. B.M. SEMPERVIVUM. L. HousELeek. Dodecandria Dodecagynia. L. 1 arboreum. w. tree. Levant. 1640. 12.3. G.h. Botan. regist. 99. 8 variegatum. H.R. variegated. ———- ——— eee —— Gh. y atropurpureum, H.R dark-purple-14, — vere ——— Gh. 2 canariense. w. Canary. © Canaries. 1699. 6.7. G.k. DC. pliant. gras. 141. 3 glutinosum. w. clammy. Madeira. 1777. 7.8. G.h. Botan. regist. 278. : 4 Smithii. p.m. Smidt’s. Canaries. ‘1815. 9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1980. | 5 tabuleforme. u.R. table-shaped. Madeiraa — 7.9. G.h. 6 aureum. s.s. chalice formed. -—-—_— -—— 6.7. G.f. Botan. regist. 892. : calyctforme. H.S.S. i 7 spurium. H.R. spurious. Hybrid. sooo —— GO. 8 barbatum. s.s. bearded. Madeira. 1815. —— G.h. lineolare. H.S.S- 9 glandulosum. w. _ gland-edged. ——_ 1777. 3.5. G.h. 10 ciliatum. s.s. ciliated. - Teneriffe. 1815. «+++ G.h. 11 caspitosum. s.s. latchet-leaved. Madeira. 1815. 9.4. GG... Botan. magaz. 1978. ciliatum. B.M. non W. ciliare. H.S.S- } 12 hybridum. H.R. hybrid. Hybrid. wee —— Gh. 13 laxum. H.R. loose-flowered. «+++ .- - 1820. 7.10. G.g. 14 villosum. w. small shrubby villous.Madeira.1777.6. 7. G.h. | 15 stellatum. H.R. annual villous. — i790. 7.8. H.©. Botan. magaz, 1809. 4 villosum. B.M. . 16 tortuosum. w. twisted. Canaries. ‘1779. —— G.f. ——-—“—— 996. 17 dodraatale. w.en, smooth-l¢ annual, Teneriffe. 1815. —— H.©. 7 18 africanum. u.s. African. C. B.S. 1768. «+++ G.x%. get | 19 tectorum. w. common. Britain. see: 6.9. H.Y. Eng. bot. 1320. 20 grandiflorum. H.R. great-flowered. Germany. 1731. 6.7. H.%. Botan. magaz, 507. ; globiferum. B.M. non L. ] 21 flagelliforme. s. S. whip-lash. Siberia. ©1818. —— H.2. if 22 hirtum. w. hairy. Italy. 1804. —— H.%. Schmidt ic. t. 17. + | 23 montanum, w. red-flowered. Switzerland.1752, —— H.¥%. DC. plant. gras. 105. ; 24 globiferum. H.R. hen & chicken. Germany. -- —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 1457. : 25 arachnoideum. w. cobweb. Italy. 1699. —— H.yx. ae gb? i 26 cuspidatum. H.R. pin pointed. Siberia. 1790. 8 H.%. Gmel. sib. t. 67. f. 2. PENTHORUM. W. Penrnorum. Decandria Pentagynia. L. = | sedoides. w. - American. Virginia. 1768. 7.8. H.%. Lam. ill. t. 390. 7 . at t OS ee a a as ee ORDO LXXXIX. SAXIFRAGEZ. Juss. gen. 308. SAXIFRAGA. L. SAXIFRAGE. Decandria Digynia. L. 1 crassifolia. LT. thick-leaved. Siberia. 1765. 3.5. H.¥. Botan. miagaz. 196 Bergenia crassifolia. Men. Megasea crassifolia H.R. *. 2 cordifolia. L.1T. heart-leaved. ——— $779. —— H.y. ES: Sn Be Raa SAXIFRAGEA:. 181 3 media.. intermediate, ——--——-- 1819..—— H.¥. Megasea media. H.R. 4 ligulata. L.T. -fringed-leaved. Nepaul. 1818. —— H.y%. Swt. br. fi. gar. 59. Megasea ciliata. H.R. - upd 5 Geum. L.T. kidney-leaved.. Ireland. eros 6.7. H.%. | 6 hirsuta. L.T. hirsute. a eee «625 6. HY. — 2322. 7 polita. L.en. polished. — -—— Peery ees See eS pk ° | Robertsonia polita. us. 8 dentata. L.en. toothed. ———— +5. —— H.x. Robertsonia dentata. H.s. 9 crenata. crenated, soesoeee 1790, —— H.}. - Robertsonia crenata. u.s. 10 sphzroidea. spheroid. Pyrenees? 1800. ——- H.2. Robertsonia spheroidea. H.s. Il punctata. L. dotted-flow’r’d. Siberia. 1699. -—— H.%. 12 serrata. L.en. sawed-leaved.- Ireland. coor ——— Hf. Robertsonia serrata. H.s. 13 umbrosa., LT. London pride. - Britain. sore 4.6. HY. Eng. bot. 633. 14 cuneifolia. L.T. wedge-leaved. Switzerland.1768. 5.6. H.y4%. W.etK. hung. 1. t.44. 15 hybrida. L.en. hybrid. ssssec0e 1820. H.%. Sternb. sax.17. t.8. £.3 16 stellaris, L.T. starry. Britain. +--+ 67 H.Y%. Eng. bot. 167. & Schleicheri. t.r. Schleicher’s. Switzerland.1819. —— H.2. » . Spatularia stellaris. y depilata. H.R. 47 leucanthemifolia. L.r. Stock-leav’d. N. America. 1812, —— H.2. Lap. pyr. sax. t. 25. _ 18 sarmentosa. L.r. sarmentose. | China. 1771. —— F.%. Botan, magaz. 92, | Diptera sarmentosa. Bork. Ligularia sarmentosa. H.R. ) 19 cuscuteformis. B.c, dodder-like. —--—— 1815. 2.7. F.y%. Lodd. bot. cab. t. 186. . Liguluria minor. H.R. | 20 erosa. 1.7. jagged-leaved. N.America. 1812. 5.6. H.%. } Aulaxis nuda, H.R. : B hirsuta. v7. hairy. —_—_ — — Hx. Aulaxis micranthifolia, H.R. _ 21 rotundifolia. u.t. round-leaved. Austria. 1596. —— H.¥%. Botan. magaz. 424, Miscopetalum rotundifolium. H.R. , 8 repanda. L.T. repand. ———— so +-e+s —— H.¥. Sternb. saxif. t. 5. _ 22 granulata. L.t. grain-rooted. Britain. ceee 5 H.%. Eng. bot. 500. | 8 multiplex. double-flowered. ———- ++++ —— H.%. 23 cernua. L.T. drooping. Scotland. sear J, H.%. Eng. bot. 664. : Lobaria cernua. H.R. 24 sibirica. L.1. Siberian. Siberia. 1802. 5.6. H.%. Sternb. sax. t.12. f. 4? ‘25 rivularis. L.T. Alpine brook. | Scotland. sees 6.7. H.Y. Eng. bot. 2275. Lobaria rivularis. H.R. 26 hederacea. LT. Ivy-leaved. Levant. 1752. 7. H.©. Flor. gree. t. 379. 27 Hirculus. w.1. yellow marsh. England. -e-- 8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1009. 3 Hirculus ranunculoides. H.R. 28 flagellaris. Ler. flagelliferous. Baffin’sBay.1820. —— H.%. Sternb. sax. p. 25. t.6. 29 aizoides. L.T. smaller mountain. Britain. ~--» 7.8. H.X. —t8.f1. B autumnalis. larger mountain, —— +++ —— H.%. Eng. bot. 39. Leptasea aizoides, H.R. 30 bronchialis, t,t. spiny-fringed. Siberia, 1819. —— H.¥. Gmel. sib. 4. t. 65. f.2. 31 tenella. L.tT. slender, Carinthia, 1824. —— H.%- Jace, coll. 3. t.17. 32 aspera, L.T. rough, Switzerland.!1752. 8. H.%. | Jacq. aust. 5. t. 31. Ciliaria aspera. U.R. r 33 bryoides. L.T. thread-moss like.--- —— —— 6.7. H.%. Jacq. mise.2. t. 5. fit. 34 hieracifolia.u.r, Hawkweed-ld, Hungary.- 1789. 5.6. H.%. W.etK. hung. 1. t.18. ~ 35 pensylvanica. L.t. Pensylvanian. N.America. 1732. —— H.%. Dill. elt. t. 253. f. 328, B glabra. smoother-leaved. — — — Hy. 36 semipubescens.L.T. semipubescent. ———-— +++» —— H.». Micranthes semipubescens. H.S. 37 virginiensis, L.y. Virginian. ——-— i790. 5.7. H. Botan. magaz. 1664. Dermasea pilosa, H.R. 38 congesta, H.3.L. close-headed. ——-~——— 1812. —— H.%. nivalis. ph. nec -aliorum. 39 nivalis. LT. clustered Alpine. Britain. veoe 6.7. H.. Eng. bot. 440, Dermasea nivalis. eR. 40 Cotyledon. L.7. pyramidal, Alps Europe.1596.. 5.7, H.%. Flor. dan, t. 241. Chondrosea pyramidalis. H.R. intermedia. related, coseonse 1808. 7. H.. Chondrosea intermedia. H.R. 4 oe eee) ee ae Ce ee Oy See eR se eee ROS ee ee a eee. ee i ee ee ee ee ee a5 —- + 82 SAXIFRAGEE, 42 lingulata. L.T. tongue-leaved. Pyrenees. «e+ 5.7. H.%. longifolia. s.s. ; , sche B media. LT. middle. , -——— vere ——— HY. Sternb, sax. p. 1. 43 crustata. Len, crusted. ——— eres —— HY. —— — t.1.b. 44 Aizoon. Lt. large margined. — 1731. —— H.%. Jacq. aust. t. 438. 45 recta. P.s. ; straight-leav’d. AlpsEurope.:--- 5.7. H.%. Lap. pyr. sax. t. 15. intacta. L.v. Chondrosea Aizoon. H.R. B minor. H.R. lesser. coat elaine ore EL ames Y parvifios, H.R. smuller-flower’d. — «rs —— Hy. 46 mutata. L.T.. saffron-colour’d. Switzerland.1779. 6.7. H.%4. Botan. magaz. 351. 1 47 aretioides, L.T. Aretia-like. -————_ 1825. +--+» H.%.- Lap. pyr. sax. t. 13. ¥ 1 48 Burseriana. u.r. Burser’s. Italy. — 5.6. H.%. Jacq. mise. 1. t.17.f.3. 49 retusa. L.T. purple-flow’r’d. Pyrenees. <*°+ 3.4. H.%. Lap. pyr. sax. t. 18.. | 50 oppositifolia. L.T. opposite-leav’d. Britain. soos —— H.Y. Eng. bot. t. 9. i Antiphylla cerulea. H.R. | 51 biflora, L.1, two-fid purple. Switzerland.1825. —— H.%. Lap. pyr. sax. t. 17. _ | 52 cesia. L.T. grey. ———- 1752. 5.6. H.%. Jacq. aust. 4, t. 374. 53 androsacea. L.T. Androsace-l4. — 1792. —— H.%. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 389. | 54 Sedioides. L.T. Stonecrop-like. Europe. 1825, -+--- H.%. Jacq. misc.2. t.21.f.22. fj 55 tenera. L.7. flat-leaved, Switzerland. —— 5.6. H.%. Sternb, sax. t. 9 f. 4. | planifolia. s.3. ey : 56 geranioides. r.s. cranesbill-l4. . Pyrenees. 1770. 4.5. H.%. Lap. pyr. sax. t. 43. | 57 irrigua, L.T. crowfoot-ld. Siberia. 1820. —— H.%. .M.B.cent. pl. rar.t.73. 58 pedatifida. 1.1. pedatifid. Scotland. ---- 5.6. H.%. . Eng. bot. 2278. : B minor. H.R. smaller villous. as Sieh ea a ee : 59 quinquefida. H.R. quinquefid. ——— oe» —— H.2. ‘ ' 60 ceratophylla. L.r. shining-calyx’d. Spain. 1804. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 1651.) j 61 ajngifolia. L.T, Bugle-leaved. Pyrenees. 1770. 6.7. H.¥. Lap. pyr. sax. t. 31. ' 62 affinis, L.7. _ affined. Ireland. -eeo ——— H.2. eels 1% 63 pentadactyla. L.T. five-fingered. Pyrenees. 1815. 5.6..H.%. Lap. pyr. sax. t. 40. 64 decipiens. L.T. palmate. Wales. -eoo ——— Hi. Eng. bot. 455. palmata. E.B. ; : 65 hirta. LT. hairy. Ireland. vece ——— HY. —~-—— 2291. © 66 platypetala.u.r. broad-petaled. Scotland. -*-+ 6. H.%. — 2276, 66 incurvifolia. u.r. incurved-ld, Treland. aver ——— H.2, 68 denudata. L.T. half naked. Scotland. coos ——— H.2, E i 69 Sternbergii. t.r. Sternberg’s. Germany. -+*+ 5.6. H.%. Sternb. sax. t. 24. 70 pulchella. LT. _ pretty. —— 1818. —— H.z. 71 tridentata. L.T. three-toothed. .--+>+-.. co 6 teee ——— HY, 72 czspitosas L.T. tufted. Wales. soos ——— H.¥. Eng. bot. 794. 73 exarata. L.T. furrowed. Pyrenees. 1818. -—— H.%. Lap. pyr. sax. t. 39, Nervosa. Lap. d 3 74 moschata. L.T. musky, ————— sees —— HY. Jacq. mise. 2. t. 21. £.2.— 75 muscoides. L.tT. Moss like. England. e.>» —-— H.%. Lap. pyr. sax. t. 35. Muscaria muscoides. H.R. ; 76 pygmea. L.T. pigmy. Scotland. - +++» —— H.%. Eng. bot. 2214. moschata. E.B. non Jacq. Muscaria cespitosa. H.R. 77 tridactylites. &.B. Rue-leaved. Britain. ecco 3.5. HO. —-—-—— 501. Tridactylites annua. H.R. : 7S Controversa. s.s. confused, N. Europe. -*+» -—— H.©. _ Sternb. sax. t. 16. 79 petra. L.T. ,. rock. Carinthia. 1752. 4.5. H.©. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 81. 80 adscendens. L.T. ascending. Pyrenees. —— 5.6. H.%. Sternb. sax, t.19. f.1.2. aquatica. St. q 8] condensata. L.T. close. Scotland, +++. -+**+ H.Y%. Gmel., fl. bad. t. 3. 82 elongella. L.T. long peduucled. —___—__.... ~—— H.¥1. Eng. bot, 2277. 83 leptophylla. Lr. mnarrow-leaved. Wales. eres 5.6. Ho. B angustifida. L.T. narrow-lobed. app enim 9 $4 letevirens. L.T. light-green. — Scotland. veces, | (aimee 85 hypnoides. L.r. mossy, Britain. ---+ 4,6. H.y. Eng. bot. 454. PB viscosa, L.T. viscous. ee es y angustifolia. L.T. narrow-leaved. ———— .--. -—— H.2. 3 muscosa. L.T. tufted. eee ee AD e pulchella. L.T. larger. ee ere Z spatulata. H.R. sputulate, ———— on-s —— HY. n latifida. H.R. broad-cleft. ——— eeee —— HJ. @ rhodopetala, H.R. rosy-petaled. ——— eee —— Hd. t recurvula. H.R. = recurving-cup’d, ——--——— a, Es x aristata. H.R. awned. mee Oe OY X septifida, H.R. seven-cleft. ee) ee eee Can : .SAXIFRAGES. — ‘86 lanceolata. H.sp. spear-leaved. Europe. 1808. —— H.2. obtusa, H.R. blunt-leaved. ———— 1820. —— H. x. 87 altifida. H.R. deep-cleft. ——— +--+ —— H.%. 88 viscosa. H.R. viscous. ee tee a OY, 89 quinquedens. H.R. five-toothed. ———— eee =—— HY. 90 Haworthii. a.s.1. Haworth’s. — -—— — H.». hirta, H.R. non E.B. HEUCHERA. L. Hevucwera. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 americana. 1. viscid. N.America. 1656. 5.7. H.. viscida. Ph. 2 pubescens. rh. pubescent. —— 1812. —— H.. 3 hispida. Ph. hispid. —-—— 1820. — H.}. 4 villosa. m. villous. 1812. —— H.2. 5 caulescens. ph. caulescent. ——_—_—_—_ —— H.. TIARELLA. L. TIARELLA. Decandria Digynia. L. 1 cordifolia. ph. heart-leaved. -N.America. 1731. 4.5. H.%. 2 Menziesii. ph. leafy-stemmed. ———. 1812. —— H.. 3 polyphylla. p.p. many-leaved. Nepaul. 1818. —— H. x. ASTILBE. D.P. AsTILBE.- Oct-Decandria Digynia. -decandra. p.p. decandrous. Carolina. 1812. 5.6. F.Y%. Tiarella biternata. v. _MITELLA. L. Miretta. Decandria Digynia. L. 1 diphylla. w. two-leaved. N.America. 1731. 4.5. H.. 2 cordifolia. w. heart-leaved. ———— 1812, —— H.7. 3 reniformis. Lam. _ kidney-leaved. — 1758. 6.8. H.%. nuda, W. 4 prostrata. m. prostrate, —— 1812. 5.6. H.%. _CHRYSOSPLENIUM. L. Gotpen SaxrFraceE. Oct- Decantpia Digy ple - 1 alternifolium. w. —_alternate-l4, Britain. a 4.5. H.%. 2 oppositifolium. w. opposite-leav’d. — H.2. 3 nepalense. D.P. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1924. —— H.2. - ADOXA. L. MoscHatet. Oct-Decandria pee Heagy Oi ' Moschatellina. £.8. tuberous. Britain. see RPO gr! HYDRANGEA. L. Hyprancea. Decandria Digynia. it 1 arborescens. w. shrubby. Virginia. 1736. 7.8. H.}. vulgaris. Ph: +» 2 cordata, ph. heart-leaved. _ Carolina, 1806. —— H.h. 3 radiata. w. white-leaved. ——— 1786. —— H.fh. nived. Wats. dend. brit. 43. 4 heteromalla. p.p. woolly-leaved. Nepaul. 1823. ---. H.h. 5 quercifolia. w. Oak-leaved. Florida. 1803. 6.9. F.h. 6 hortensis. w. changeable. China. 1788. 4.9. F.h. ORDO XC. -CUNONIACEZ. Brown. WEINMANNIA. L. WEINMANNIA. Octandria Digynia. L. _ 1 glabra. L. smooth. W. Indies. 1818. 5.7. S.h. 2 hirta. w. hairy. aldose aaietttteed dy 3 elliptica. K.s. elliptic-leaved. Peru. 1823. --++ G.h. 4 ovata. Ks. oval-leaved. . — ——~- «ss Gh. CUNONIA., L. CunoniA. Decandria Digynia. L. | capensis. Ww. Cape. C. B.S. 1816. 5.7. Gh. CALLICOMA. A.R. Catticoma. Dodecandria Digynia. serratifolia. A.R. saw-leaved. N.S. W. 1793. 5.8. G.h. CERATOPETALUM. Sm. CEeRAToPETALUM. gummiferum. 8m. gum-bearing. | N.Holland. 1820. BAUERA. Sal. Bavuera. Polyandria Digynia. H.K. 1 rubiefolia. sai. Madder.leaved. N.S. W.. 1793. 7.12. G.h. rubioides. A.R. 198, BM. 715. 2 humilis. L.en. dwarf, G.h e@ene 1804, = G. h ° * Botan. Decandria Monogynia. 183 \ Pluk alm. t. 58. f. 3. } Botan. magaz, 1589. Vent. malm. 54. Botan. regist. 166. Lam, ill. t. 373. f.3. e t. 373. f. 2. Eng. bot. 54. —-—— 490. Eng. bot. 453. Botan. magaz. 437. Wats. dend. brit. t.42. Lam. ill. t. 379. f. 2. magaz. 975. ——- 438. Lam. ill. t. 318. f.1. Cav. ic. 6. t. 566. Botan. regist. 828. Andr, reposit. 566. Sm. n. holl. 1. t. 3. Sal. atin: bot. 1. t.10. 184 UMBELLIFERZ. ORDO XClI. UMBELLIFERZS. Juss. gen. 218. Arcrorus.+ Polygamia Diecia. L. ARCTOPUS. S.8S. » echinatus. s,s. rough. C. B.S. +1774. 6.9. G.%. Botan. regist. 705. ERYNGIUM.S.S. Eryneo. Pentandria Digynia L. é , 1 aquaticum. s.s. marsh. N.America. 1699. 7. 9. Vf. Botan. regist. 372. 2 longifolium.s.s. long-leaved. Mexico. 1812. —— G.4.- Cav. ic. 6. t. 555. 3 bromelifolium. s.s.| Bromelia-l4. | New Spain. 1822. +++» G.%. Laroch. eryng. t. 28. 4 ebracteatum. s.s. ” bractless. MonteVideo.1810. 7.9. G.Y. -. ——= t. 32. 5 planum. s.s. flat-leaved. Europe. 1596. —— H.Y! Jacq. aust. 4. t. 391. 6- tricuspidatum. s.s._ trifid. Spaj 1699. 9 H.g¢. Laroch. eryng. t. 9. 7 asperifolitim: is. todghtteaved. , -"¥----- 1824.” 6.8. H.-N. ~—__—— t. 1. 8 dichotomum.s.s. _ forked. S. Europe. —— 7.9. H:¥. ~ Desf. ath 1. te55.° 9 ceruleum. M.B. blue. ae Caucasus. 1816. —— H.2. 10 giganteum.s.s. gigantic. > Armenia. 1823. —— H.2. 11 alpinum. s.s. Alpine. * Switzerland.159%. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 922. B rigidum. P.s. rigid. France. 1816. —— H.%. P 12 virgatum. s.s. oval-leaved. N.America.1810. 6.7. H.2. # Laroch. eryng. t. 20. 13 gracile. s.s. slender, New Spain. 1818. 7.9. G.2. ——_—— t. 24. 14 corniculatum. s.s. horned. Portugal. 1803. 6.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1427. + 15 tenue. sis. slender annual. ————— _-+:+ —— H.©. Moris.sect.7.t.35.f.15. 16 pusillum. s.s. dwarf. Spain. 1640. —— H.%. Laroch. eryng. t. 16. 17 virginianum. s.s.__—~ Virginian. Virginia. 7.9. Hye. —————_+. 3,19. 18 serratum. s.s. serrated. , New Spain. 1523. 8.10. Gi. Cav. ic. 6.t. 55. fe 19 foetidum. s.s, stinking. W. Indies. 1714. —— S.%. Sloan. jam. t.156. f.3. 4. 20 maritimum. s.s. sea Holly. Britain. 7.10. H.4%. Eng. bot. 718. 21 campestre. s.s. field. ———— +--+. 7.8 H.y%. —-—— 57. 22 Bourgati. s.s. cut-leaved. S. France. 1731. 6.8. H.%. Gowan. ill. 7. t. 3. a 23 amethystinum. s.s. amethystine. Styria. 1648. 7.8 H.4%. K.hung. 3.t.215. | 24 dilatatum. s.s. dilated. Portugal. --++ -=—— H.Y%. Laroch. eryng. t. 4. 25 comosum. s.s. tufted. New Spain. 1818. —— S.4%. ————-—— t.7. 26 azureum. R.s. azure blue. = s**#+-*++- ——— Hol, ECHINOPHORA.S.S. EcH1noPpHORA, Pentandria Dig Digynia. L, 1 spinosa. §.s. prickly. England. ---- ‘2 H.4%. Eng. bot. 2413. 2 tenuifolia. s.s. fine-leaved. Apulia. 1731. 7.8 H.y%. Flor. grec. t. 266. ACTINOTUS. Lab. Actinotus. Pentandria Deni ’ Helianthi. Lab. larger. N.S. W. 1821. 6.12. G.%. — Botan. regist. 654. Eriocalia major. &x. bot. 80. SANIcLE. Pentandria Digynia. ui SANICULA. SS. 1 europea. s.s. 2 canadensis. s.s. 3 marilandica. s.s. DONDIA. S.S. Epipactis. s.s. Astrantia Epipactis. ASTRANTIA. S.S. 1 major. w. 2 carniolica, w 3 caucasica. R.S. intermedia. M.B. 4 maxima. Pall. wood, Britain. : 6.7... Eee Canadian. Canada. 1800. — H.2. Maryland, N.America. 1765. —— H.% Donpra, Pentandria Digynia. L. dwarf. S. Europe. 1818. 5.7. H.2. w. AsTRANTIA. Pentandria Digynia. L. great black. AlpsEurope.1596. 5.9. H. 2. Carniolian. Carniola. 1812. 5.6. Hs. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1824. -—— H.%. Hellebore-ld. See a eee ees 1804. 6. 7. H.%. helleborifolia. P.L. 60. heterophylla. M.B. 5 minor. w. HYDROCOTYLE. S.S. MarsH-PENNYWORT. 1 vulgaris. s.s. 2 umbellata. s.s. 3 americana. s.s. 4 villosa. s.s. 5 nepalensis. H.E.F. hispida. p.P. 6 nitidula. s,s. small. common. umbelled. American. villous. Nepaul. glossy. Switzerland.1686. 5.6. H.%. Pentandria Digynia. L. Britain. reee 5.6. Hw. 2. N. America. 1795. 7.8. H.w.%. —— 1790. 5.8. H.w.%. C. B.S. 1795. 8. G.w. 2. . Nepaul. 1818. 2.6. G.w.¥. Java. 1821. —— S.w.%. Eng. bot. 98. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 348. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 11. Exot, bot. 2. t. 76. of Jacq. aust. 5. app.t.10. 4 Botan. magaz. 1558. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t. 77. Eng. bot. 751. : Spreng. umb. I, t. 1. pr Steud. 9; Hook. ex. flor. 30. . wee 29. | 2 asiatica. N. thick-leaved. Asia. 1690. 8 sibthorpioides. n. Sibthorpia-like. Mauritius, 1818. ——— S.w.%. -PANANTHE.S.S. Spanantue. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. | paniculata. s.s. panicled, Caracas. 1795. 7.8. S.¢. __ Hydrocotyle Spananthe. w. . TRACHYMENE.L.T.Tracuymener, Pentandria Digynia. S.S. _ incisa. 4.7. cut-leaved. N.S. W. 1820. 6.8. G.%. 3UPLEURUM.S.S. Hare’s-car. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 arborescens. s.s. arborescent. C. B.S. 1816, «s+. Gh. Tenoria arborescens. R.s. | 2 coriaceum. s.s. thick-leaved. Gibraltar. 1784. 7.8. G.h. 8 fruticosum. s.s. shrubby. S. Europe. 1596. —— H.h. 4 fruticescens.s.s. frutescent. Spain. | 1752. 8.9. H.h. 5 plantagineum. s,s. plantain-ld, Barbary. 1809. —— G.h. 8 canescens. P.s. _hoary. ———_- — — Gh. 6 spinosum. §.s, thorny. Spain. 1752, —— G.h. | 7% difforme. s.s. various-leaved. C. B.S. — — Gh. 8 rotundifolium.s.s. round-leaved. England. seee 66.7. HO. 9 protractum. s.s. protracted. Portugal. 1824. —— H.©. (10 heterophyllum. s.s. various-leaved. Egypt. — — H.©. 11 aureum. s,s. golden. Siberia. —— — H.%. ; 12 longifolium. s.s. long-leaved. Switzerland.3713. 5.7. H.%. 13 pyrenaicum. s.s. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1814. —— H.2. 14 angulosum. w. angular-leaved. Switzerland.1759. —— H.2. i 15 ranunculoides. w. Crowfoot-like. Pyrenees. 1790. 7.8. H.%. 16 caricifolium. w. Carex-leaved. S. France. 1824. —— H.}. (17 Buarserianum. w.en. Burser’s. — 1820. —— H.x». 18 graminifolium, s,s, Grass-leaved. Switzerland.1768. 5.7. H.2. { 19 stellatum. s.s, starry. ———— 1775. —— H.2. _ 20 falcatum. s.s. twisted-stalk’d. Germany. 1739. 5.9. H.%. -«scorzonerefolium. W.en. ' 21 rigidum. r,s, ~ rigid. S. France. —— _—~ H.4. ; | 22 nudum. s.s. naked-stalked. C. B.S. 1778.10. G.%. | 23 canariense. s.s. cut-leaved. Canaries. 1780. 7% G.. . Crithmum latifolium. t. Tenoria canariensis. R.s. | 24 Odontites. s.s. narrow-leaved, England. ssee —— HO. Odontites luteola. R.8. F 25 junceum. s.s. linear-leaved. S. Europe. 1722. 7.8. H.©. | B Gerardi. R.s. Gerard’s. — 1804. —~— H.©. ' 26 baldense. r.s. channel-leav’d. M. Baldo. 1818. —— H.©. . exaltatum. P.s. . | 27 lancifolium. porn. lance-leaved. coesseoe 1824, 6.9. H.O©. _ 28 semicompositum.s.s. dwarf. Spain. 1778. —— H.©. . Odontites semicomposita. R.s. 29 Pollichii. rs. Pollich’s. Italy. 1820. —— H.O. | 80 tenuissimum. s.s. slender. England. ---- 7.8. H.O. 81 trifidum. s.s. trifid-umbel’d. Italy. . 1824. 6.9. H.y%. ~HERMAS. S:S. Hermas. Polygamia Monecia. W. | 1 gigantea. s.s. gigantic. C. B.S. 1794, 6.7. G.Y. 2 villosa. s.s. villous. —— 1795. —— G.. depauperata. L. 3 ciliata. s.s. ciliated. sets 1 TS EG) 2 + Gs 2s PIMPINELLA.S.S. BurneTSaxiFRaGe. Pentandria Digynia. L. _ 1 magna. s.s. great. England. ---- 6.8. H.}%. 2 media. p.s, middle. Germany. «++. —— H.. orientalis, Jacq. aust. t. 397, 3 dissecta. w. cut-leaved. France. eee —— AY, 4 rotundifolia. .8. round-leaved. Caucasus. 1816. —— H.é. Sison rotundifolius. s.s. : 5 Saxifraga. w. common. Britain. cross —— HY. 6 nigra. w.en. black-rooted. Germany. 1683. —— H.2. _ 7 \ateriflora. Len, — side-flowering. Hungary. 1816. —— H.2. 8 dichotoma. w. dichotomous. Spain. 1798. —— H.}. ‘TRINIA. Hof. Trintg. Pentandria Digynia. L.en. 1 Hoffmanni. m.z. Hoffman’s. England. soos 5.6. HY. 1 repanda, n. Pimpinella dioica. E.B. Pilewort-ld, UMBELLIFER£. N.America. 1806. 6.7. Hydrocotyle repanda. 8.8. Glyceria repanda. N. ‘HONDROCARPUS. N. Cuonprocarpus. Pentandria Digynia. N. 185. G.w.%. Spreng. umb. t.2. f, 4, 7.8. G.w.y%. Rheed. mal. 10. t. 46. 2B Jacq. ic. 2. t. 350. Linn, trans.10.t.21.f.2. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 351. Flor. gree. t. 263. Cav. ic. 2. t. 106. Desf, atl. 1. t. 57. Gouan. ills Sotutefes. Burm. afr, 't. 71. f. 1. Eng. bot, 99. Moris, sect. 9. t. 11. Gouan. ill. t. 4. Moris. sect. 9. t. 12. Park. theatr. f. 7. ~ Jacq. ic. 1. t.56. Hall. helv. t. 18. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 158. Moris. sect. 9. t. 12. Eng. bot. 2468. Moris. sect. 9. t. 12. Jacq. aust. t. 256. | K.hung. 3. t.257, Flor. grec. t. 261. Eng. bot. 478. Thunb, Burm. afr. t.71. f.2. ee t. 72. f. 1. Eng. bot. 408, Hoff. deut. fl. t. 397. Retz. obs, 3. t. 2. Spr.Anl, ed.2.t.4.f.1.4. Eng. bot. 407. Moris. sect. 9. t. 5. Eng. bot. 1209. i it UMBELLIFERZ. 186 2 Henningii. m.s, Henning’s. Hungary. 1803. 6.8. H.. _. Pimpinella glauca. w. fad even TRAGIUM.S.S. TrRAGIUM. Pentandria Digynia. S.S.. _ . 1 Anisum. L.en: Anise. . Egypt. 1551. 6.8. H.@. Sison Anisum. B.S. . Anisum vulgare. G. 2 Columnz. s.s. Columna’s. S. Europe. 1824. —— H.2%. Pimpinella Tragium. P.s. . , 3 peregrinum.s.s, nodding. Italy. 1640. ——- H.2. 4 aromaticum. s.s. aromatic. , Caucasus. 1824. —— H.% 5 Broteri.s.s. Bubon-like. Portugal. 1814. —— H.% Pimpinella bubonoides. p.s. . } 6 Schousbori. R.s. villous-flow’r’d. Morocco. | 1824. -——— H.%. Pimpinella villosa. Schous. LEDEBURIA. L.en. LEpDEBURIA. pimpinelloides. L.en. Taurian. Tragium tauricum, S.S. SESELTI. 8.58. MEADOW SAXIFRAGE. Pentandria Digy Pentandria Digynia. L.en. Tauria. 1824. 6.8. H.%. Ss 1 elatum. s.s. tall. Austria. 1710. 7.8. H.%. 2 glaucum. s.s. glaucous. _ France. 1759. —— H.2. 3 montanum. s.s. mountain. Italy. 1658. 6.7. H.2. 4 annuum. s.s. . annual. Europe. 1816. 7.8. Hud. Carum simplex. W. 5 dubium. s.s. doubtful. — 1818. —— H.2. 6 pimpinelloides. s.s. nodding-fl4. §, Europe. 1796. ——- H.%. 7 Hippomarathrum. s.s. various-14, Austria. 1656. —— H.. 8 tortuosum. s.s. crooked. S. Europe. 1597. 10. H.2. 9 leucospermum. s.s. woolly-headed. Hungary. 1805. 7. H.2. 10 proliferum. s.s. prolific. : -o-seoee 1823, 5.8. Hid. 11 cherophylloides.s.s.Chervil-like. C.B.S. 1816. —— G.%. 12 divaricatum. s.s. _ shining-leaved. N.America. 1812. 6.7. H.2. 13 striatum. sis. striped-stalked. C. B, S. 1816. 7.8. G2. 14 gracile. s.s. slender. Hungary. 1805. 6.7. H.2. 15 ammoides. s.s. Milfoil-leaved. S. Europe. 1759. —— H.©. 16 verticillatum. s.s. whorled. S. Europe. 1825. —— H.©. 17 varium., s.s. various-leaved. +-++sese 1818. 7.8. H.%. 18 eorsicum. L.en. dwarf annual. Corsica. 1825.. —— H.©. 19 Pallasii. Bess. Pallas’s. Siberia. 1823. —— H.2. 20 Lobelianum. pess. Lobel’s. tevsseoe ——— -——— Hie, SISON.S.S. Stson. Pentandria Pentagynia. L. re 1 Amomum. E.B. hedge. Britain. reese 7.8. H.©. 2 segetum. E.B. corn. England. +--+. 8 H.O©. 3 peregrinus. s.s. Parsley-leav’d. Portugal. 1633. 6.7. H.é. Ligusticum peregrinum. Jacq: 4 aureus. s.s. golden. N.America. 1699. 5.6. H.2. Smyrnium aureum. w. Thaspium aureum. n. 5 integerrimus. s.s. -entire-leaved. . 6 capillaceus, s.s. slender-leaved. 7 Ammi. s.s. narrow-leaved. §. Europe. 1824. FHEGOPODIUM. L. GovutT-weEep. Podagraria. E.B. common. Sison Podagraria. s.s. CARUM.S.S. — 1759. 6. H.2. mae eK H.©. Pentandria Digynia. L. Britain. esee 5.7. HDD. CaRAWAY. Pentandria Digynia. L. Carvi. s.s. common. Britain. eres & HS. Feniculum Carvi. .en. CNIDIUM.S.S. Cnipium. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. 1 Monnieri. s,s. annual. S. Europe. 1771. 7.8 H.@. Selinum Monnieri. Jacq. 2 pyrenzum, s.s. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1739. 6.7. H.. Ligusticum pyrenaicum. w. Seseli aristatum. H.K. ~ 3 Silaus. s.s. meadow. England. -+*- 6.8. H.%. ‘Peucedanum Silaus. £.B. 4 alsaticum. s.s. small-headed. Austria. 1774. —— H... 5 Fischeri. s.s. Fischer’s. Siberia. 1820. —— H.2. Angelica Fischeri. 8.8. Ligusticum Fischeri. i.en. CENANTHE. S.S. WATER-DROPWORT. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 fistulosa. s.s. common. Britain. -- 6.8. H.. 2 tenuifolia. s.s. slender-leaved. C. B.S. 1816. 6.8. G.%. 3 peucedanifolia. s.s. round-rooted. S. Europe. 4 silaifolia. s.s. oblong-rooted. England. soe peucedanifolia, E.B. NON §.8. sees nia. S.S. : Gouan. ill. 16, t. 8. se S12. 7. Baal Eng. bot. 2142. K, chong. t. 72. ft ore | Lig ot y Te wh sy 5 Moris. sect. 9. t. 9. e ; j | Column. phyt. tes {¥ Jacq. vind. 2..t.131. | iH iF if! mai! Jacq: aust. 2. ts: 144, Jacq. vind. 2, t. 129. Jacq. aust. t.55. - Jacq. aust. 2. t: 143. Moris. sect. 9. t.6. 7 © W. et K. hung. t. 89, Z i Botan. magaz. 1742.1 || K. hung.2.t.117. Jacq. vind. 1... 52. 5 Eng. bot. 954, — 228. | Jacq. vind.-3. t. 18. Jacq. vind. t.200.. 2 bw Eng. hot. 940. Eng. bot. 1503. Jacq. vind. 1. t.62. ; P - Gouan. ill. t..7. ..2. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 70. | Eng. bot. 363. —— H.w.}%. Pollich. palat. t..3. | —— H.w.. Eng. bot. 348. , UMBELLIFER. 187 5 gymnorhiza. s.s. naked rooted. N. Europe. 1824. ——- H.w.2. 6 pmmpinelloides, s.s. Burnet Saxifrage. England. ---- —— H.w.}. Eng. bot. 347. 7 prolifera. s,s. proliferous. . S. Europe. 1739.. —— rhe 4%. Jacq. vind, 3. t. 62. 8 globulosa. s.s. globe-headed. Portugal. 1710. Gouan. ill. 18. t. 9. | | 9 crocata. s.s. poisonous. Britain. hoes ee pe pee y. Eng. bot. 2313. 10 Phellandrium. s.s. waterHemlock. ———— _ ..--- 6.7. H.w.g.———— 684. | Phellandrium aquaticum., £.B. 11 apiifolia. s.s. Parsley-leaved, Biz tugal. 1806. 6.8. H.%. (2 australis. R.s. southern, S. Europe. 1824. —— H.2. 3 involucrata. cay. involucred. Spain...) = ee Bo. .4 interrupta. s.s. interrupted. C. B.S. - 1816. —=- G.». 5 inebrians. s.s. various-leaved. . — 89. Gm. PIUM.S.S. PARSLEY. Pentandria Digynia. L. ‘1 Petroselinum. s.s, common. Sardinia. 1548. 6.7. H.d. Moris. sect. 9. t.8, f.2. B erispum. curled-leaved. — tere — HS. —~——9.0.8. 7.3. 2 romanum. Zuc. large. Greece. +3 — Hg. 3 prostratum. s.s. prostrate. V.Diem. Isl. 1818, — Gg. Vent. malm. t. 81, 4 graveolens. s.s. . Celery. Britain. -+-- 6.8. H.g. Eng. bot, 1210. a fistulosum. hollow-stalked. ———-—— +++. ~—— H.g. . B solidum. solid-stalked. ee eee ee ES. y rubrum. red-stalked. —— ——- ores —— HOD. 6 napaceum. Mill. Turnep-rovied. «+ e0++- aces meee Hg. .EUM.S.S. BAWD-MONEY. Pentamirie Bigyin a. 8.8: 1 athamanticum. s.s. common. Britain. . 4.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 2249, 2 heterophyllum.s.s. Coriander-ld. Pyrenees. 1778. 7 H.g. Jacq. vind. t. 198. | Aithusa Bunius. w. 3. Mutellina, s.s. Alpine. Austria. 1774. 7.8. H.y%. Jacq. aust. t. 56. | Phellandriuwm Mutellina. v. ' 4 sibiricum. s.s. Siberian. __—_—s Siberia. 1820. —— H.%. CENICULUM.G. FenneEw. Pentandria Digynia. “1 vulgare. e. common. Britain. ---- 7.8. Hoy. Eng. bot. 1208. _ Anethum Feniculum. £.B. Meum Feniculum. s,s. 2 dulce. ve. sweet. S. Europe. 1824. —— H.©. DC-.hort,m.ined.t.96. 3 segetum. hedge. Portugal. 1796. 6.7. H.©. 4 piperitum. peppery. Italy. 1824. —— H.¢. ' Meum piperitum. R.s. Anethum. piperitum. Bert. NETHUM, L.en. Ditt. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 graveolens. w. common. Spain. 1570. 6.7. H.g. Hoff. umb.gen.t.1.£.13. Pastinaca Anethum. s.s. 2) segetum. L.en. Portugal. Portugal. 1796. —~— H.©. Jacq. vind. t.132. 3 Sowa. H.B. Indian. E. Indies. 1810. —— H.©. MYRNIUM.S.S. ALEXANDERS. Pentandria Digynia. L. crows" ‘1 Olusatrum. s.s. common. Britain. ---- 5.6. Hg. Eng. bot. 230. 2 perfoliatum. w. perfoliate. Italy. 1596. 5. H.%. Lobel. ic. 709, — Dodonai. s.8. : | 3 Dioscoridis. s.s. | Dioscorides. S. Europe. ----. ——- H.¢. Flor. grec. t. 289. 4 apiifolium. s.s. Smallage-1d, Candia. 1731. 5.7. H.%. 5 nudicaule. s.s. naked-stalked. Caucasus. 1820. —— H.%. Spreng. umb. t. 4. f.7. 6 cordatum. s.s. heart-leaved. N.America.1759. 6.7. H.%. AACHRYS. L.en. Cacurys. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 odontalgica. s.s.- Pallas’s. Siberia. 1824. 7.8. H.%. 2 Morisoni. s.s. Morison’s. S. Europe. 1710. —— H.y%. Moris. umb.t.3. f. 1. RITHMUM. L.en. Sampnire. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 Libanotis. Len. smooth-seeded. Sicily. 1570. 7.8. H.%. Schk. handb. 1. t. 65. _ Cachrys Libanotis. s,s. 2 maritimum. w. sea, Britain. -.++ 7.9. H.w. Eng. bot, 819, PPOMARATHRUM. Hippomaraturum. Pentandria Digynia. siculum. L.en. hairy-seeded. Sicily. 1640. 7.8. H.y%. Moris. umb.t. 3. f.2. Cachrys sicula. s.s. JIMIA, Len. RumiA. Pentandria Digynia. taurica. L.en. Taurian. Tauria. 1820. 7.8. H.4%. Hoff. umb.p.173. f. 17. | Cachrys taurica. s,s. ILOSPERMUM.L.en. ULospermum. Pentandria Digynia. dichotomum. L.en. dichotomous. Barbary. | 1800. 6.7. H.@. Desf, atl. 1. t. 66. _ Conium dichotomum. nest. Cachrys dichotoma. s.s. Tordylium peregrinum.w ORIANDRUM.S.S. Corrtanper. Pentandria Digynia. L. | sativum. s.s. common, England. ---- 6 H.©. Eng. bot. 67. UFORIS. S.S. Biroris. Pentandria Digynia. 5.8. s L flosculosa. s.s. flosculose. S. Europe. 1640. 6.7..H.©. Moris. sect, 9.t. 11. | Corion testiculatum, L.en. Coriandrum testiculatum. L, 2B 2 188 UMBELLIFERE. 2 radians, 3.3. rayed, . Tauria. ooe- ee HO. SILER. S.S. Siter. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. 1 aquilegifolium.s.s. Columbine-l4. Austria. 1796. 5.7. H.2. Laserpitium aquilegifolium. w. i 2 cancasicum. s.s. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1823. —— H.%. Cachrys latifolia, M.B. 3 salsum, s.s. fine-leaved. Siberia. 1804. 7.8 H.y. Sison salsum. L. CICUTA.S.S. Cowsane. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 virosa. s.s. long-leaved. Britain. coos J HL, 2 davurica. s.s. Daurian. Siberia. 1824, —— H.2%. 3 maculata. s.s. spotted. N.America. 1759. 7.6. H.%. 4 bulbifera. s.s. bulb-bearing. — 1623. — H.x. AETHUSA. R.S. FooLs-PARSLEY. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 Cynapium. w. common. Britain. s+. 7.9. H.O- 2 cynapioides,m.B. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1820. -———- H.©. 3 elata. L.en. tall. Siberia. — — H.©. 4 fatua. R.s. fine-leaved.: encscees 1781. H.%. PHYSOSPERMUM. S.8S. PHysosPERMUM. Huser Digynia. S.S. commutatum. s.s. Cornish. England. cons Ji Boreeeaes Ligusticum cornubiense, £.B. PLEUROSPERMUM.S.S. PLEUROSPERMUM. Pentandria pie ob S.S. austriacum. s.3s. Austrian. Austria. —- 1596. Paes Ligusticum austriacum. W. - HASSELQUISTIA. §,S. HassELQuUISTIA. Pentandria Digynia. ii 1 wegyptiaca. s.s. Egyptian. Egypt. 1768. 7. H.©. 2 cordata. s.s. heart-leaved. eosecees 1787. H.©. TORDYLIUM. S.S. Hartwort. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 syriacum. s.s. Syrian. Syria. 1507. 7. THe: 2 officinale. s.s. officinal, England. «+e. —— H.©. 3 apulum. s.s. small, Italy. 1739. —— H.©. 4 maximum. s.s. great. England. eene 6.7. H.©. § lusitanicum. w.en. Portugal. Portugal. 1820. —— H.©. ZOSIMIA. M.B. Zosimia. Pentandria Digynia. absinthifolia. L.en. Wormwood-ld. Persia. 1816. 7.8. H.©. Heracleum absinthifolium, s.s. Tordylium absinthifolium. p.s. THYSSELINUM.R.S. TuyssELINUM. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. 1 palustre. s.s. marsh. Britain, soee 7.8. HOY. Selinum palustre. E.B. 2 Plinii. s.s. Pliny’s. Switzerland,---. —— H.2%. CALLISACE. F. CALLISACE. Pentandria Digynia. davurica. F. Daurian. Dauria. 1820. 7.8. H.%&. Thysselinum davuricum., 8.8. CAUCALIS. §&.8. 1 grandiflora. s,s. 2 latifolia. s.s. 3 daucoides. s.s. 4 platycarpos. s.s. 5 mauritanica, 8.8. 6 leptophyila. s.s. 7 pumila. w. 8 orientalis. M.B. 9 pulcherrima. M.B. 10 littoralis. m.B. BuR-PARSLEY. Pentandria Digynia. L. great-flowered. S. Europe. 1648. 7.8. H.©. broad-leaved.. England. +--+. —— H.©. _ small. — e+ —~— H.©. broad-seeded. §S. Europe. 1800. 7.8. H.©. Barbary. Barbary. 1823,. —~— H.©. fine-leaved. Europe. 1739. —— H.©. dwarf, S. Europe. 1640. 7.8. H.©. villous-fruited. Caucasus. 1699. 6.7. H.¢. setose-fruited. SIG, SNE: sea-shore. Odessa. 1824. —— H.¢. Cachrys littoralis. 8.8. DAUCUS. §&.S. 1 Carota. w. 6B lutea. y aurantia, d precox. mauritanicus. W. polygamus. L.en. maritimus. E.B gummifer. s.s. hispidus. s.s. Gingidium. s.s. lucidus. W. 8 muricatus. 5.5. 9 littoralis. s.s. “3 Ol & OF bo CARROT. Pentandria ptesgan by wild, Britain. 6.7. H.g. yellow-rooted, garden. se « « eee Ae long-orange. — ssse ——— Hg. early horn. auditable Rcncmead 2 oN oi fine-leaved. Spain. 1768. ——~ Hig. polygamous. —— +, +e 3) ee A, sea-side. England. cree —— Hi. gum-bearing. Italy. 1722. —— H.¢. hispid. Barbary. 1804. —— H.¢@. shining-leaved. France. 1722, —— H.¢. prickly-seeded. Barbary. 1683. ——- H.©@. sea-shore. Greece. 1823. ——- H.©. & Fa HyR el sty: J acq. aust. 2. ie 147. Pall. act. pet.1779. t.8, Eng. bot. 479. Gmel. sib. 1. t. 47. Pluk. alm. t. 76. f.1. 0 Eng. bot. 1192. Eng. bot. 683. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 15). Jacq. vind. 1. t. 37. eS 2. t. 193. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 54. Eng. bot. 2440. © Jacq. vind. 1. t. 53. Eng. bot.1173. Vent. choix. t. 22. Eng. bot. 229. Moris. sect. 9, t. 17. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 54. Eng. bot. 198. ee 197. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 10. Jacq. vind. t. 195. Cav. ic. 2. t. 101. Moris. s.9. t. 14. f,5. Eng. bot. 1174. All. ped. 2.t..61. f. Lis | Jacq. vind. 3. t..78, Eng. bot. 2560. Moris. sect. 9. t. 13. Desf. atl. t. 63. Moris. s. 9. t. 13. f. 4. Pe ——~-— t. 14. f. 4. © Flor. grec. t. 271. a ee ee ~ iets cenen ie tanta ie 2S EE RN ETE. CMR Hes eae Fear sow eras: UMBELLIFER 2. nia. TRACHYSPERMUM.L.en. TRAcnysPERMUM. Pentandria Pentagy copticum. L.en- Egyptian. Egypt. 1773. 6.7. H.©. Daucus copticus. 8.3. Ammi copticum. L. Bunium copticum. 8.8. : TORILIS. S.S. TorRILis. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. 1 Anthriscus. s.s. upright. Britain. w+. 7.8 H.©. 2 infesta. E.F. spreading. — «+e. —— HO. helvetica. 3.8. arvensis. L.en. Caucalis infesta. £.B. 8 nodosa. s.s. knotted. Ais 2 Eh a Ly a 3 4 crinita. s.s. whorl-leaved. Barbary. 1804. 6.7. H.2. Daucus crinitus. Desf. . 5 trichosperma. s,s. trifid-umbelled. Egypt. 1818, 5.7. H.©. OLIVERIA. V. OxiveriA. Pentandria Digynia. 5.5. decumbens. v. Thyme-scent’d. Bagdad. 1816. 5.7. H.O. ATHAMANTA. S.S. Spieneti. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 panacifolia. s.s. ~ Parsnep-leav’d. Sicily. £752.5°7082 1.2; Cachrys panacisfolia. W. 2 Libanotis. w. mountain. England. --+- 7.8. H.%. $8 condensata. Ww. close-headed. Siberia. hg 6 ay as ee 4 sibirica. w. Siberian. eet ITT ee . Uy 5. sicula. s.s. Flixweed-l¢, Sicily. 1686. 6.7. H.%. 6 Matthioli. s.s. fine-leaved. Carniola. 1802. —— H.2%. 7 cretensis. s.s. candy-carrot. Austria. 1596. —— H.2. 8 incana. s.s. hoary. Siberia. 1802. 7.8. H.2. 9 annua. w. annual. Candia. 1721. 6.7. H.©. 10 Oreoselinum. w. divaricated. Germany. 1768. 7.8. H.%. BUBON. W. Buzson. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 macedonicum. w. Macedonian. Greece. 1596. 6.8. G.¢. Athamanta macedonica. 8.8. 2 buchtormensis. s.s. Siberian. Siberia. 1822. 7.8. H.%. 8 glaucus. s.s. glaucous. Tauria. 1824. *-——— 'H.2. Seselt petreum, M.B. 4 rigidus. s.s. rigid. Europe. 1710. 6.8. H.d. 5 gummiferns. guin-bearing. Crimea. 1804. 7.9. H.d. Seseli gummiferum. B.M. 2259- 6 dichotomus. L.en. orked. Tauria. 1816. ——H.¢. Seseli dichotomum. B.M. 7 cuneifolius. s.3. wedge-leaved. Sicily. 1823. —— H.. siculus. R.s. Seseli cunetfolius. M.B. , § Galbanum. w. Lovage-leaved. C.B.S. 1596. 7.8. G.h. BUNIUM. E.B. EARTH-NUT. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 flexuosum. E.B. common. England. ---- 5.6. H.2. 2 Bulbocastanum,. w. great. Portugal. ise (2OeR US CAPNOPHYLLUM.S.S, CAPNOPHYLLUM. 189 ‘Jacq. vind, 2. t. 196. Eng. bot. 987. ae eae a SRR Ey 1314. ee eS eh 199. Desf. atl. t. 62. Venten. cels. 2]. Bocce. sic. i. t.1. Eng. bot. 138. Gmel. sib. 1. t. 44. Lam. ill, t. 194. f. 1. Ten. fl. nap. 1, t. 25. Jacq. ic. rar. 1. t. 57. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 62. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 68, Lobel. ic. 708. Bocce. mus. 2. t. 76. Sm. exot. bot. t. 120. Botan. magaz. 2073. Moris, sect. 9. t. 7. Jacq, vind. 3. t. 36. Eng. bot. 988. Flor. dan. 220. Pentandria Digynia. 8,8. africanum. s.s. Rue-leaved. Cc. B.S. 1759. 6.9. H.©. Conium africanum. w. Rumia capensis. L.en. SCANDIX. S.S. CiceLy. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 Pecten. s.s. Venus’s-comb, Britain. tees 6s Te HeOs 2 australis. s.s. radiated. S. Enrope. 1713. 5. 6. H.©. % pinnatifida. s.s. cut-leaved. Persia. 1805. —— H.©. MYRRHIS. S.S. Myrru. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. 1 odorata. s.s. - sweet-scented. Britain. ---- 5,6. H.%. 2 Claytoni. s.s. sweet-rooted. N.America. 1806. 7. 8. H.2}. 3 aromatica. s.8. aromatic. Scotland. 1726. 6.8. H.%. Cherophyllum aromaticum. Jacq. | 4 hirsuta. s.s. hairy-leaved. Switzerland.1759. 6. 7. Lge 5 cicutaria. Cicuta-like. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.}. Cherophyllum cicutarium. L.en- 6 aurea. s.s. golden. Scotland. vooe 6 PHY. Cherophyllum aurcum. EvB. 7 bulbosa, s.s. bulbous-rooted. Europe. 1726. 6.7. H.d. 8 temulenta. E.¥. rough. Britain. eeee 7.8. HIS. 9 maculata. spotted. S. Europe. 1824. 6.7. H. Cherophyllum maculatum. W.en. BO RAB LAB 10 capensis. s.s. ape. “°C. BES. 1816, —— G.ég. 11 colorata. s.s. color’d-bract’d. Illyria. 1806. 7.8. H.dg. 12 canadensis. s.s. Canada. N.Amcrica. 1699. —— H. Sison canadense. W- 13 procumbens. s.s. | procumbent. — — 6.7. H.©. 14 rosea. s.s. rose-coloured. Iberia. 1824. —— H.¢. Jacq. vind. t. 194. Eng. bot. 1397. Flor. grec, t. 285. Venten. cels. 14. Eng. bot. 697. Spreng. umb. t. 3. f. 6. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 150. ene tinues ie ae od 2. t. 148. Eng. bot, 2103. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 63. Eng. bot. 1521. Moris. s. 9. t. 10. f.6. sect. 9. t. 11. Se eT Ss. 9, tC: ll. i ult Hoff. umb. t.1. B. f.3 15 tenuifolia, s,s, slender-leaved, Morocco, -—— —~ F, a. CHEROPHYLLUM. S.S. Cuervit. Pentandria Digynia. L, ee 1 sativum. s,s, garden. Britain. meee “©. Eng. bot. 1268, Scandizx cerefolium. E.R. : heh dat OO" 2 sylvestre. s.s. smooth, ' ~~~ eee 4, 5. H.%. ————- 752... 3 monogonum. Len. one-angled, Hungary. 1820. 4.6. H.%. 4 angulatum. kit. angular,’ maa ee ‘5 nitidum. wah). glossy-seeded. Carpathian-m.— — H. 2%. 6 Biebersteinii, Lag. Bieberstein’s. Caucasus. 1824. 5. 6. H.%. ANTHRISCUS, 8.8. Rovcu CHERVIL. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. 1 vulgaris, s.s. common. Britain. ** 96 (Oe Ge H.Oe Eng. bot, 818, Scandia anthriscus. £.B. | 2 nemorosa. s,s. wood. Caucasus. 1823, 7.8. H.%. Hoff.umb.2.t.1.B.f.19. 3 fumarioides. s.s. Fumitory like. Hungary. 1818, —~— d+ W.etK. hung.3.t.224, 4 nodosa. s,s. knotted. Sicily. 1656. 5.6.H.yY. J acq. vind, 3. t. 25, AMMI. SS, BisHop’s WEED. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 majus. s.s, great. S. Europe, 1551. G. 7. H.©. Flor. grace. t. 273. 2 Beeberi. b.en. Beeber’s. Crete. 1818. 7.8. H.2. ; ! cicut@folium. RS. Wl 3 Visnaga. s.s. Toothpick. S. Europe. 1596. 6.8. H.©. Gert. fr. 1. t, 107. Visnaga daucoides. G. iP sd 4 glaucifolium. s.s. _ glaucous-leav'd. France. 1816. —— H.. Lapeyr. pyr. t. 75. 5 acaule, s,s. stalkless. Caucasus. 1823, —~ Hd. Kg Rei CUMINUM. S.s. Cumin. Pentandria Digynia. L. erty Cyminum. s.s. officinal. Egypt. 1594. 6.7. H.©. Cav. ie. 4, t 360. SIUM. S.S, WATER-PARSNEP, Pentandria Digynia, L. 1 latifolium, s.s, broad-leaved. Britain. *-++ 7. 8. H.w.2. Eng. bot. 204, 2 lancifolium. s.s. Spear-leaved. Siberia. 1823. —-- H.w.%. Gmel. sib. 1, t, 47. 3 angustifolium. s.s, narrow-leav’d. Britain. tres ——~ H.w.2. Eng. bot. 139. 4 nodiflorum. s,s. procumbent. — cee — > Hiw,.2. mo, G89erin ¢ 5 repens. s.s. creeping. roe alte i Ga: Ea ee oe 6 Falcaria. s,s. decurrent. Europe. 1726. 7.8. H.y. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 257. 7 Sisarum. s.s, Skirret, China. 1548. —— H.2. Schkuhr. hand. 1. t.69. 8 siculum. s,s, Sicilian, Sicily. 1686. ——. H.». Jacq. vind, 2. t, 133. 9 inundatum. £.F. water, Britain, svr+ 5.6, H.w.©. Eng. bot, 227, Sison.inundatum. ¥.3. ¢ 10. verticillatum. s.s. whorled-leay’d, THhigds ty Fe Fe EE pa 395.. 11 peucedanoides. s.s, Sulphurwort-like, Caucasus, 1823. —— H.». CONIUM. S.S. HEMLOCK. Pentandria Digynia. L. ” 1 maculatum. sis. common. Britain, sees 6.7% Hy ay Eng. bot. 1191. 2 croaticum, w.K. Hungarian. Hungary, +--- —— H.@, ‘3 rigens. w. fine-leaved, Cc. B.S, 1787. 6.7. G.h. Bunium rigens. s.s, 4 Arracacha. H.E.F, Arracacha, _ S, America. 1822. 4, 5, S.%, Hook. ex. flor. 152. LIGUSTICUM.S.S. Lovage. Pentandria Digynia. L, ) 1 Levisticum., s.s, common, Italy. 1596. 6.7. H.%. Schk. hand. t. 68. 2 scoticum, s.s. Scotch. Britain, "-s: ==> HY. Eng. bot. 1207. 8 nodiflorum, s.s. knot-flowered, Apennines. 1818, —— H.%. = Allion. ped. t. 72. verticillatum. W.K. 2. t, 171. n 4 peloponesiacum.s.s. Hemlock-14, Switzerland.1596. 5.7. H.2, Jacq. aust. app. t. 13. 5 obtusifolium. s.s, — blunt-leaved, Tangiers, 1824, 7,8. H.2, 6 Cervaria. s.s. broad-leaved. Europe. 1597. —— H.%, Jacq. aust. 1, t, 69. Athamunta Cervaria. Jacq. . 7 athamantoides. s.s. Carrot-leaved. Pyrenees. 1734. -—— H,». Scop, carn. t. 10. Ammi daucifolium. w. Athamanta pyrenaica, Jacq. vind. 2. t.197. 8 9 alatum. s,s. _ -Winged-stalk’d. Caucasus. 1823. —— H.2x, | apioides, s.s, Parsley-leaved. Europe. 1791. 6.7. H.%, Jacq. aust. 5. ap, t.44. Laserpitium, silaifolium. Jacq. | : 10 simplex. s.s. shining, Switzerland.1775.. 7. -H $+ Jacq. misc. 2. t. 2. _ Laserpitium simplex. sacq. lucidum. a,x, il . ferulaceuin. ss. Fennel-leaved. Levant. , 1752. 6. Hy. Allion. ped. t..60. Laser pitium dauricum. Jacq.vind.3,t.33, ‘ 12 candicans. s,s. ESL SEE crete REA aH Herre, oy 1780. 7.8. H.x%, 13 acteifolinm. r.s. Actwa-leaved. N.America, 1824, —— H. wy: ié Fontanesii. s.s. fine-leaved. Algiers, rors 67. HY. Desf. atl. 1. t. 71. ____Laserpitium peucedanoides. Dess. j ; MELANOSELINUM. H. BLACK-PARsLEY, Pentandria Digynia. 1 decipiens, w, shrubby. Madeira. 1785. 6.7. G.h. Wend. s. han, 3. t. 13. | 2 Seguieri. x. Fennel-leaved. Italy, 1774, H.4. Jacq. vind. 1. t, 61. | UMBELLIFERZ. 191 OREOSELINUM. H. OREOsELINUM. Pentandria Digynia. 1 latifolium. M.B. broad-leaved. Caucasus. 1816. 7.8. H.%. 2 austriacum. H. Austrian. Austria, 1804. —— H.%. Jacq. aust. 1. t.:71. Selinum austriacum. Jacq. jt 3 montanum. rag. mountain. Switzerland.1816. ——~ H.%. 4 polymorphum. Lag. variable. Russia. 1824. —— H.%. 5 baicalense. rag. Baical. Siberia. — +— Hy. a 6 rablense. H. linear-leaved. N. Europe. 1816. —— H.y%. Fior. dan. t. 1330. Selinum lineare. s.s. Ferula rablensis. w. : 7 Bellardi. Lag. Bellard’s. ——— 1824. —— H.. 8 elegans. Lag. elegant. ate Se |. meee EE oie 4 9 peucedanoides.H. Sulphurwort-like.S. France. ——- —— H.2. ! 10 Chabrei. M.B. fine-leaved. Europe. 1791. —— H.%. Jacq..anst. 1. t.72. — 11 podolicum. H. Polish. Poland. 1819. ——~ H.2. 12 caucasicum. M.B. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1824. —— H.. Imperatoria caucasica. s.s. SELINUM. L. Mink-PARSLEY, Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 Carvifolia. w. Caraway-l4, Austria. 1774, 7.8. H.%. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 16. 2 pyrenzum. Len. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1818. —-— H.%. Gouan. ill. p. 11. t. 5. Angelica pyren@d. 8.5. $8 Angelicastrum. Lk. Angelica like. ssse ... —— -—— H.}. : Angelica lancifolia. s.8. _PEUCEDANUM.S.S. SutpHurwort. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 officinale. s.s. officinal. England. -+++ 5.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 1767. 2 album. Hort. white-flowered. +-<»+--+ 1824. ---- H.2. 3 alsaticum. w. small-headed. Austria. 1774. 6.8. H.%. Jacq. aust. 1. t.70. 4 gallicum. s.s. French. France. 1816. —-— H.%. Gmel. sib. 1. t. 41. 5 italicum. P.s. yellow-flow’r’d. Italy. esee 5.7. Hid, 6 ruthenicum. s.s. Russian. Russia. 1824. 6.8. H.%. 7 arenarium. s.s. sand. Hungary. 1816. 6.7. H.%. W.etK.hung.1.'t.26. 8 Matthioli. s.s. late-flowering. Italy. 1824. 7.8. H.%. 9 alpestre. s.s. Alpine. France. 1739. 6.7. H.%. 10 aureum. s.s. golden. | Canaries. 1779. 6. G.¢. Botan. regist. 559. 11 tenuifolium. s.s. _— slender-leaved. C. B.S. 1816. 6.8. G.g. 12 Vocontiorum. s.s. : dwarf. Dauphiny. 1800. 5.7. H.%. Vill. delph. 2. t.14. . Heracleum pumilum. vin. ~HERACLEUM.S.S. Cow-parsnepr. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 Sphondylium. w. common. Britain. ee» 5.6. H.Y. Eng. bot. 939. 2 flavescens. w. yellowish. Austria. 1789. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. aust. 2.‘t.173.. 3 elegans. w. rough-leaved. — 1800. 5.6. H.y%. + — 2. .175. _ 4 angustifolium.w. mnarrow-leaved. ——~--——~ «++. +—H.Y%. - — 2. t174. 5 longifolium. Jacq. long-leaved. ——$——— sree —— HY —— + — 2. t. 374. 6 sibiricum. s.s. Siberian. ‘Siberia. 1768. —— H.%. Gmel. sib. 1. t. 50. 7 Panaces.'s.s. Fig-leaved. ———— 1596. 7.8. H.%. Lobel. ic. 70K _ 8 pyrenaicum. w. Pyrenean, Pyrenees.. 1804. —— H.2p. 9 amplifolium. Lap. _large-leaved. —_ —— — H.». Lap. fi. pyr. t. 79. 10 gummiferum. w. gum-bearing. — 1816... —— H.%. Wild.hort.ber. t.53.54. 11 speciosum. Horn. handsome. —- — -—- Hy. 12 asperum. M.B. rough. Caucasus. ——- -——~ H.2. 13 villosum. s.s. villous. Siberia. — — Hr. 14 marginatum. F. margined. Ss CO HY. 15 pubescens. m.B. — pubescent. Caucasus. 1824. —— H.2. 16 alpinum. s.s. Alpine. Swizerland.1739. 6.7. H.%. Barrel. ic. 55. 17 austriacum. s.s. Austrian. Austria. 1816. -—~— H.y%. Jacq. aust. t.61. Tordylium siifolium. w. 18 ligusticifolium. s.s. Lovage-leaved. Tauria. 1824. —— H.¢é. 19 subvillosum. F. subvillous. Siberia. 1820. ~— H.2. 20 giganteum. F. gigantic. — — — Hx. 21 basvicum. F. stately. —— -———_ + _—=H.. 22 laciniatum. F. jagged. —— 1824. —- H.. 23 tauricum. F. Taurian. Tauria. 1823. ---- H.%. 24 lanatum. m. woolly. N. America. —— 6.7. H.2. PASTINACA, S.S. Parsnep. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 lucida. s.s. shining-leav’d, S. Europe. 1771. 6.7. H.g. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 199, 2 sativa. w.en. cultivated. s@deccen coeee 7. Hig. Flor.dan.'t.1206, 3 Opaca. wW.en. wild. Britain. eee ne Aig. Eng. bot. 556. sativa B arvensis. P.s. A graveclens. s,s. strong-scented. Tauria. 1819. 7.8. H.%. Hoff. umb.t. 1. B.f. 6. 5 pimpinellifolia. ss. Burnet Saxifrage.Caucasus, 1824. --— H.g. Buxhb. cent.3. t. 27. 192 6 dissecta. 8.8. 7 rigida, as. Sium rigidius. w. 8 nudicaulis. s.s. Smyrnium nudicaule. Ph. 9 divaricata. Desf. FERULA. S.S. 1 levigata. s.s. UMBELLIFERE. Bubon levigatum. w. 2 Opopanax. s.s. Pastinaca Opopanax. w. 8 Asa feetida. s.s. 4 communis. s.s. 5 glauca. s.s. 6 nodiflora. s.s. suleata. Desf. 7 Ferulago. s.s, nodiflora, Jacq. NON 8.8.. ; 8 thyrsiflora. s.s. 9 tingitana. s.s. 10 stricta. s.s. 11 sibirica. s.s, Peucedanum sibiricum. w. 12 caspica. s.s. 13 orientalis. s.s. 14 persica. s.s. 15 longifolia. s.s. 16 meoides. s.s. ANGELICA. S.S. 1 Archangelica. s,s. 2 sylvestris. s.s. 3 Razoulii. s.s. 4 atropurpurea. 8.8, 5 flavescens. Bess. 6 lucida. s.s. 7 pratensis. s.s. IMPERATORIA. S.S. MasTeERWORT. 1 Osthruthium. s.s. 2 verticillaris. s.s. Angelica verticilaris. Ww. 8 angustifolia. s.s. Selinum Imperatorioides. L.en. THAPSIA. S.S. 1 villosa. s,s. 2 foetida. s.s. 3 gummifera. s.s. Laserpitium gummiferum. Desf: 4 Asclepium. s.s. 5 garganica. s.s. 6 trifoliata. s,s. LASERPITIUM. 1 latifolium. s.s. 2 Libanotis. s.s. 3 marginatum. s.s. 4 trilobum. s.s. alpinum, W.K. 5 aquilegifolium. w. Siler. s.s. angustifolium. w. 6 7 8 peucedanoides, w. 9 hirsutum. s.s. 10 11 12 13 pilosum., s.s. pruthenicum. s.s. hispidum. M.B. 14 Athamantz. s.s. 15 gallicum. s.s. 16 fernlaceum. w. 17 triquetrum. v. Archangelica. s,s. , cut-leaved. Levant. 1816. 6.7. Hd. Virginian... | Virginia. 1774. 7.8. H.%. naked-stalked. N.America. 1816. -——— H.2. spreading. acseeece 1824, see HP. GIANT-FENNEL. Pentandria Digynia. L. smooth, C. B.S. 1774. 12.3. G.h. rough. S. Europe. 1640. 6.7. H.2. Asa feetida. Persia. 1818. 7.8. H.%. common. S. Europe, 1597. 6.7. H.}. glaucous. ‘Tialy. 1596. —— H.%. knot-flowered. ¢. Europe. -——- —— H.2. Fennel-leaved. -——-—— —— ——~— H.}. thyrse-flower’d. Crete. 1823. —— Fey Tangier. Barbary. 1680. —— H.¢. upright. G.B. Ssé +1816. .+—SG9g% Siberian. Siberia. i804. —— H,2. Caspian. Caspia. 1824. —— H.%. eastern. Levant. 1759. 7.8. H.%. stinking. Persia. 1782. —— H.%. long-leaved. Wolga. 1823. —— H.2. Meum.-like, Levant, — — H.. ANGELICA. Pentandria Digynia. L. garden. England. acee 6.8. HS. wild, ~ Britain. o-es —— HY. decurrent-l4, Pyrenees, 1816. —— H.2. dark purple. Canada. 1759. 7. 8. Hedy yellowish. Pyrenees. .1816. ——~ H.%. shining. Canada. 1640. ——~ H.¢@. field. Galicia. 1824. —— H.%. Pentandria Digynia. L. common. Scotland. +--+. 656.7. H.Y. whorl-flowered. Italy. 1683. 7. H.%. narrow-leaved. AlpsEurope.1818. 5.7. H.2. DeapLy Carrot, Pentandria Digynia. L. villous. S. Europe. 1710. 6.7. H.%. stinking. Spain. 1596. 7.8. H.%. gum-bearing. S. Europe. 1824. —— H.y%.- oriental. Levant. coe ——— H.W. Garganian. Barbary. 1683. —— H.¥. three-leaved. N.America.1759. 6.7. H.2. LASERWORT. Pentandria Digynia. L. broad-leaved. Europe. 1640. 6.7. H.2. pubescent. S. Europe. 1824. ~—— H.2. purple-margin’d.Hungary. 1818. —— H.2. three-lobed. S. Europe. 1640. 5.7. H.2. Columbine-l4. Austria. 1796. —— H.2. mountain. —— 1640. —— H.». narrow-leaved. 8, Europe. 1738. 6.7. H.%. fine-leaved. Italy. vere --——~ H.2. hairy. Switzerland.1759. —— H.2. spotted-stalked. Hungary. 1818 —~— H.2. sulphur-color’d, Caucasus. 1759. ——~ H.2. Prussian. Germany. —— 7.8. H.. hispid. Caucasus. 1818. —— H,2. branching. Siberia. — — H.¢. French. S. Europe. 1683. 6.7. H.2. Fennel-leaved. Levant. 1752, ———- H.%. winged. 1816, ~—— H.}. Venten. cels. t. 78. Moris. 8. 9, t. i f.1. W.etK. hung.3. t.211. Moris. s. 9, t. 15. f. 3. Desf, atl. 1, t. 67. Jacq. aust. 5. ap. t. 5. Flor. grec. t. 280. . Herm. parad. t. 165. W. et K. hung. 1. t.20. Spreng. wmb. t.7. f.14. Tourn. it. 3. t. 239. Andr. repos. 558. Eng. bot. 2561. — 1128. Gouan., ill. 13. t. 6. Cornut. canad, t. 199. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 24. Eng. bot. 1380. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 130. ' Moris. sect. 9. t. 4. Moris. s. 9. t. 18. f. 3. - t. 18. f. 7. Desf. atl. 1. t. 72. Flor. grec. t. 286. ~Gouan. ill. 18, t. 10. Jacq. aust. t. 146. Lob. ic. 705. K. hung.2. t.192. =e 3. t. 253. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 147. 2. t. 145. Moris. s. 9. t. 19. f.9. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 350. Hall. stirp. t. 19. Jacq, ic. 1. t. 58. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 153. Pluk. phyt. t. 198. f.6. Tourn, it. 2. t. 121. Vent. cels. t. 97. origin rd UMBELLIFER. ARTEDIA. Pentandria Digynia. L. ; Fennel-leaved. Levant. 1740. 7. H.©» Witp Cumin. Pentandria Monogynia. L. common, Levant. 1640, 6.7. H.©. \ ARTEDIA. S.S. squamata. s.$. LAGCECIA. L cuminoides. s.s. ORDO XCII. ARALIACE. Juss. gen. p. 217. PANAX. L. Panax. Polygamia Diccia. L. 1 quinquefolium. w. Ginseng. N.America.1740. 6. H.%. 2 trifolium. w. lesser. 1759. 5.6. H.y. i pusilla. a. B.Ms 3 fruticosum. w. —s shrubby, Ternate. 1800. 8.9. S.h. 4 digitatum. H.B. fingered. E. Indies. 1818 eee S.h. 5 arboreum. w. tree. ’ N.Zealand. 1822. »*+- Gh. 6 chrysophyllum. r.s. golden-leaved. Guiana. — eee S.h. 7 conchifolium. H.B. shell-leaved. 1820. ---- S.h. 8 aculeatum. w. prickly. China. 1773. ll. S.R. CUSSONIA. W. Cussonra. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 thyrsiflora. w. thyrse-flower’d. C. B.S. 1795. 8.10. G.h. 2 spicata. w. spike-flowered. —-—— 1789. —— G.h. SCIODAPHYLLUM. S.S. SciopapHyitium. Pentandria Pentagynia. 1 acuminatum.s.s. acuminate-petal’d. Peru. 1818. +++ S.h.v. Actinophyllum acuminatum. R.P. 2 conicum. s.s. conical-flow’r’d. ———— —— ---- 3 pedicellatum. s.s. _ pedicelled. —— «s so eveee Sc. Actinophyllum pedicellatum. R.P. 4 Brownii. s.s. upright. Aralia Sciodaphyllum. w. ARALIA. D.P. ARALIA. W. Indies. 1793. 6.8. S.h. Pentandria Pentagynia. L. 1 pentaphylla.s.s. _five-ld. prickly. China. 1822. ---. Gh. 2 spinosa. s.s. Angelica tree. Virginia. 1688. 9. H.b. 3 racemosa. 5.3. ‘-berry-bearing. N.America.1658. 6.9. H.%. 4 nudicaulis. s.s. naked-stalked. -——~—— 1731. 6.7. H.%. 5 hispida. s.s. hispid. ——— 1799. —— H.h. 6 pubescens. pc. pubescent. New Spain.1819. +++: S.h. GASTONIA. J. Gastonia. Dodecandria Dodecagynia. palmata. H.B. palmate-leaved. E. Indies. 1818. 3.4. S.h. HEDERA. D.P. Ivy. Pentandria Mono-Pentagynia. 1 umbraculifera. large. E. Indies. 1818. 3.4. S.h. Aralia umbraculifera. H.8B. 2 digitata. H.B. fingered. —————_- — ~— Sh. 8 aculeata. D.P. prickly Nepaul. Nepaul. 1816. ««-+ Fk. 4 fragrans. D.P. fragrant. —_— _- ——_—::+> “FR. 5 cochleata. shell-leaved. E. Indies. 1820. - Sh. Aralia cochleata. R.s. 6 arborea, R.s. tree. Jamaica. — «++ Sh. 7 capitata. R.s. cluster-flow’r’d. W. Indies. 1777. 8. S.h. 8 canariensis. R.3. Irish. Canaries. 1807. 9.10. H.h.wW 9 Helix. R.s. common. Britain. cose —— Hho. B poetica. R.S. Poet’s. ———— eee —— HR. y albo-variegata. white-variegated. ————- +++ -—— H. how. 6 flavo-variegata. yellow-variegated, ——-——. _ ++:- —— H.hw. 2C 193 Lam, ill. t. 193. Lam. ill. t. 242. Botan. magaz, 1333. 1334. Andr. reposit, 595. Aub. gui. 2. t. 360. Rumph. amb. 4. t. 31. Jacq. ic.3. t. 684. t.12. — — 3. t.13. SS, Flor. peruv. t. 310. —-— p.75. t. 309. ——— — t. 308. Brown jam. t.19. f.1.2. Comm. hort. 1. t. 47. Schkuhr. hand.1. t.86. Pluk. alm. t. 238. f. 5. Botan. magaz. 1085. DC. mons, ined. t. 45. Botan. regist. 894. Rumph. amb, 4, t. 31. Jacq. schenb. t. 51. Smith ic. pict. 4. - Willd. ber.m.2.t.5.f.1. Eng; bot. 1267. 19% : CAPRIFOLIACEE. ORDO XCIII. CAPRIFOLIACE. Juss. gen. p. 210. CORNUS. L. Docwoop. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 alternifolia, R.s. alternate-ld, N.America. 1760. 9. H.h. Schm. arb. 2. t.70. 2 paniculata. rs. panicled. —~—— 1758. 6.7. Hh. ———2. t. 68. 3 stricta, R.s. upright. —_—_ -——- — Hh. ———2. t. 67. B varieguta. variegated-la. —_——_—- ——-_ —- Hh. 4 oblonga. F.1. oblong-leaved. Nepaul. 1818, ».-. Hh. 5 circinata. R.s. Pensylvanian. N.America.1784. 7.8. Schm.arb.2. t. 69. 6 alba. R.s. white berried. Siberia. 1741. 6.9. H.h. ———— 2.t. 65. 7 sibirica. L.c. Siberian. | ———— _ +eee —— Hh. 8 sericea. R.S. blue-berried. N.America. 1683. 8 H.h. Schm. arb, 2. t. 64. 9 sanguinea, R.S. common. Britain. see 6.7. Hh. Eng. bot. 249. B variegata. variegated, ooo tee ao Hela ~-10 mascula. R.s. Cornelian Cherry. Europe. 1596. 2.4. H.h. Flor. gree. t. 151. Pp variegata, variegated. —_—_- —- —-— Hh. 11 florida. r.s. great-flower’d. N.America, 1731. 4.5. H.k. Botan. magaz. 526. 12 canadensis, R.Se Canadian. Canada. 1774. 6.8. H.%. 880. 13 suecica. R.s. dwarf. Britain. eres 4. HY. Eng. bot. 310. SAMBUCUS, L., Exper. Pentandria Trigynia. L. . 1 Ebulus. r,s. herbaceous. Britain. soos 6.7. H.W. Eng. bot. 475. 2 bumilis. Mill. | dwarf. see 400 tee8 0 H. 2B. 3 nigra. R.s. common. Britain. coos 5.7. Hi. Eng. bot. 476. B variegata. variegated. ——— +ee- -—— Eh. y aurea. golden-leaved. ——— _ ++-- —— Hh. S pulverulenta. powdered-leaved, ——--———- _ -+++ ~— H.h. —E monstrosa. deformed. —-—— +--+ —— Hh. f virescens. green-fruited. ———— +++. —— Hh. n albida. white-fruited. ———- see. —— Hh. 4 laciniata. L.en. Parsley-leaved, «-++-++¢ -—— H.h. Schm.arb. t.144. 5 canadensis. R.3. Canadian. N.America, 1761. 6.8. Hh. —— t. 142. 6 racemosa. R.S. red-berried. S. Europe. 1596. 5.6. H.k. Jacq. ie. 1, t.59. a purpurea. purple-fiowered. ——-—--. —— —— Huh. ; B flavescens. yellowish. -—— — -—-— H.h. 7 pubens. R.s. pubescent. N.America. 1812. —— H.h. VIBURNUM, L. Vipurnum, Pentandria Trigynia. L. 1 molle. Rs. soft. _N.America. 1812. 6.7. H.h. POT . 2 acerifolium. R.s. Maple-leaved. ——-——— 1736. —— H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 118. 3 edule. R.s. eatable-fruited. -——-—— 1812. 7%. H.h. 4 Oxycoccos. R.s. Cranberry like. —————- «+++ -—— H.k. | 5 Opulus, r,s. Guelder-Rose. Britain. sere 5,6. HoR. | Eng. bot. 332. B roscum., R.S. Snowball tree. seveee se tere ——— Hh. Schm.arb. t, 174. y variegatum. variegated-I14, seers tee nese = Hh. ' 6 davuricum. R.Ss. Siberian. Dahuria. 1785. 6.7. H.k. Pall. ross, 1. t. 38. 7 lantanoides. r.s. Lantanalike. N.America, -+-- 5.6. H.b. 8 Lantana. R.s. wayfaring-tree. Britain. cree ——— H.h. Eng. bot. 331. _ 9 Lentago. R.s. tree. N.America. 1761. 7. H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 21. 10 squamatum. R.s. _— scaly. —-—. 1812. 6.7%. Hh. — tis (24; 11 pyrifolium. R.s. —spear-leaved. ———— «sr> 5.6. Hk. ————t. 22. 12 prunifolium, R.s. plum-leaved. —_——. 1731. — H.h. —————t.23. «13 pubescens. R.s. pubescent. —— 1736. 6.7. H.h. 14 dentatum. R.s. tooth-leaved. —_——_- —. —— H.b. Wats. dend. brit. 25. 15 levigatum. R.s. Cassioberry bush. —--—— 1724. 7.8. H.h. Mill. ic. 1. t. 83. f. 1. 16 nitidum, R.s. shining-leaved. -——-—— 1758. 5.6. H.h. 17 cassinoides. R.s. _—‘ thick-leaved. -———. 1761. 6.7. : 18 obovatum. R.s. obovate-leaved. —————._ 1812. 5.6. H.h. 19 odoratissimum, B.R. sweet-scented. China. 1810. 5.6. G.h. Botan. regist. 456. chinense. Zeyh. 20 nudum. R.s. oval-leaved. N.America. 1752. 5.6. Wats. dend. brit. 20. 21 villosum. R.s. villous. Jamaica. 1820. 4.6. S.h. 22 rngosum. R.s. rugged-leaved. Canaries. 1796. 4.5. H.h. Botan. regist. 376. rigidum. Vent. malm. t. 98. ne ee CAPRIFOLIACEE. 195 23 strictum. L en. upright Laurestine. S.Europe.1596, 3.5. H.h. B virgatum. twiggy. —_—_ —_ — Hh. 24 Tinus. R.s. common Laurestine,k——-— —— 12. 4. . H.h. Botan. magaz. 38. 25 lucidum. R.s. _ shining Laurestine. —-— —— 2. 5. H. h. Clus, hist. 1. 49. ic. SYMPHORIA. S.S. St. Perer’s-wort., Pentandria Monogynia. 1 glomerata. s.s, common. N.America. 1730. 8.9. H.h. Schmidt arb. t.115. 2 racemosa, s.s. Snowberry. —-—— 1812. 7.9. H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 7. DIERVILLA. J. DiERVILLA. Pentandria Monogynia. humilis. p.s. yellow-flow’r’d. N.America.1739. 6.7. H.k. Botan. magaz. 1796. lutea. ph. Tournefortir. R.s. canadensis. s.s. Lonicera Diervillas L. LONICERA. W. HONEYSUCKLE. Pentandria ager L. 1 Caprifoliuam.s w. early. England. «+++. 4,6. H.h. . Eng. bot. 799. B rubra. early red. S. Europe. +--- -—— H.h.w. Schmidt arb. t. 106. 2 etrusca. s.s. Italian. Italy. ore. ——— H,f. San.viag. al. mont. til. Caprifolium etruscum. R.S. 3 dioica. s.s. small-flowered. N.America. 1766. 6.7. H.h. . Botan. regist. 138. Caprifolium parviflorum. ph. bracteosum. mM. flava. B.M. yellow-flow’r’d. Fraseri, s.s. Caprifolium Fraseri. ph. “<< 5 pubescens, pubescent. Goldii. s.s. Caprifolium pubescens. H.B.F. N.America. 1730. 1810. 5. hes H. h one Botan. magaz. 1318. om 4 H.h.v. Hook. ex. flor. 27. H.h. v. Hort. angl. n.10. t.8. 6 grata. 8.s. evergreen, 6. 8. 7 sempervirens. 8.s. trumpet. ———— 1656. 5.8, H.h.—. Botan. magaz. 781. B minor. smaller. Carolina. 1812. —~ H.h.. ———— 1753. 8 Periclymenum. s.s. Woodbine. Britain. so-t 5.7%. Ho h.wW. Eng. bot. 800. a vulgaris. H.K. common. ———— esse —— Hv. Schmidt ard. t. 107. B serotina. H.K. late-red. seseseee cove —— Hi... —-—-— t. 108. y belgica, H.K. dutch, reevsees eee —— Hebe. - Hort. angl. n. 5. t. 6. © quercifolia, H.K. Oak-leaved. Britain. coos —— HBV. € variegata. U.K. variegated-ld, ———— sees —— Hihie. 9 implexa. 8.8. Minorca. Minorca. 1772. 6.9. H.h. 10 japonica. w. Japan China. 1806, 7.9. H.h.. Botan. regist. 70. Caprifolium japonicum. B.S. now D.P. 11 chinensis. w.p. Chinese. ——_—— 1814. 4.8. H.h. J. Wats. dend. brit, 117. glabrata. F.1. flexuosa. B.R. nec aliorum. 12 alpigena. s.s. red-berried, Switzerland.1596. 4.5. H.h. Schmidt arb. t. 112. 13 microphylla. s.s. small-leaved. Siberia. 1818. 5.6. H.h. 14 sibirica. r.s. Siberian. — «ee. —— Hh. 15 orientalis. R.S. oriental. Levant.- 1820. —— H.h. caucasica. Pall. 16 punicea, B.M. crimson-fl4, treseees —=— 4.5. H.R. Botan. magaz, 2469. 17 iberica. r,s, Iberian. Iberia. 1818. 5.6. H.h. : 18 coerulea. R.S. blue-berried. Switzerland.1629. 3.4. H.h. Botan. magaz. 1965. 19 villosa. R.s. villous. Canada. 1818. 4:5. H.k. Xylosteum villosum. M. , 20 Xylosteum. r.s. fly. England. --+-+ 6.7. H.k. Eng. bot. 916. 21 canescens. R.S. canescent. Barbary. 1820. —— H.h. Desf. atl. 1. t. 52. biflora. Desf. 22 canadensis. R.s. Canadian. Canada. 1812, 4.5. H.h. 23 tatarica. R.s. Tartarian, Tartary. 1752. —— H.h. Pall. ros. 1. t. 36: a alba, white-flowered, +-_ —— — Hh: B rubra. red-flowered, —_ —— H.h. Botan. regist. t. 31. 24 nigra. R.s. black-berried. Switzerland.1597. 3.4. H.h. Schmidt arb. 110. » 25 flexuosa. R.S. flexuose. China. 1806. 7.9. Heh. _ 26 pyrenaica. R.Ss. - Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1739. 5. H.h. Magn. hort. t. 209. -TRIOSTEUM. R.S. Feverwort. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 perfoliatum, R.s. _—perfoliate. N.America. 1730. 6.7. H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 154. 2 angustifolium. R.s. narrow-leaved. — 1699. H.%. Pluk. alm. t. 104. f.2. LINNEA. W. .~ Linn#a. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. borealis. w. two-flowered. Britain. eoow 5,8. H.%. Eng. bot. 433. 196 , RHIZOPHOREE. 8 ORDO XCIV. RHIZOPHORE. Brown. : RHIZOPHORA. L. Ruaizopnora. Octandria Monogynia. Mangle. s.s. common. India. 1818. «r++ S.h. Jacq, amer, t.89. ORDO XCV. LORANTHEZ. Juss. ann. mus. 12. p. 292. LORANTHUS. L. LorAanTHus. Hexandria Monogynia. europeus, S.s. European. Europe. 1824. -+-- H.h. Jacq. aust. t. 30. VISCUM. L. MIssELTOE. Dicecia Tetrandria. L. album. E.B. common. England. «+++ 5. H.k. Eng. bot. 1470. ORDO XCVI. RUBIACEAS. Juss. gen. 196. Sect. I. GueTTARDER., Kunth synops. 3. p.67. GUETTARDA. 8.8. GUETTARDA. Monecia Tetr-Pent-Hexandria. 1 hirsuta. s.s. hairy. Peru. 1822, «++. S.h. Flor. per. 2. t. 145. fia. Laugeria hirsuta. R.P. .2 tomentosa. s.s. tomentose. Jamaicaa —— +--+ S.h. 3 Incida. s.s. glossy. —-—— 1818. +++. S.h. Vahl. symb. 3. t.57. Laugeria lucida. Sw. 4 scabra. s.3. rough. W.Indies;s —— «+++ Vent. choix. 1. t.1. | Matthiola scabra. L 5° rugosa. 8.8. rough-leaved. —--—- 1793. --«. S.h. 6 speciosa, 8.3. great-flowered. E, Indies. 1771. ++** S.h. Rheed. mal. 4. t.47.48. VANGUERIA. J. VANGUERIA. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 edulis. S.S. eatable. E. Indies. 1809. +--+ S.hb. Lam. ill. t.159, ~ 2 spinosa. H,B. spiny. ——— 1818. -++. S.h.: ee. ERITHALIS. S:S. ERITHALIS, Pentandria Monogynia. L. fruticosa. 8.3, shrubby. Jamaica. 1793. 7.8. S.h. Jacq. am. p.t.260. f.20. odorifera, R.8. Sect. IT. HAMELIACER. Kth, synops. 3. p. 63. HAMELIA. SS. HAMELIA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 7 axillaris. ss. axillary-fld, Jamaica. 1820. 7.8. S.h. 2 ventricosa. s.s. large-flowered. W. Indies. 1778. 9.11. S.h. Sal. par. lond. 55. grandiflora, P.L. 3 chrysantha. s.s. yellow-flow’r’d. — 1820. —— S.h. Jacq. ic. 2, t. 335. 4 patens. s.s, spreading. — 1752. 7.8. S.h. Exot. bot. 1. t.24. 5 spherocarpa. P.s. round-fruited. Peru, 1811, —— S.h. Flor. per. t. 221, f, b. RUBIACEE. 197 SERTIA. S.S. IserTiA. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. q coccinea. 8.5. scarlet-flow’r’d. S. America, 1820. ---- S.h. Aub. gui. 1. t. 123. Sect. LIT.. Garpentex, Sal. par. lond. 46. MUSSENDA. R.S. Mussanpa. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 frondosa. r,s. frondose. E. Indies. 1815. 5.10. S.f. Botan. regist. 517. _ 2 glabra. R.s. smooth. —— 1820. —— S.h. 3 pubescens. r,s. pubescent. China. 1805. 5.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 2099. 4 arcuata., R.s. arched. IsleFrance. 1822, -+-- S.h. LUCULIA. B.F.G. LucutiaA. Pentandria Monogynia. gratissima. B.F.G. sweet-scented. Nepaul. 1818. 10.2. G.h. Swt. br. fl. gar. 145. _._ Cinchona gratissima. F.1. Mussenda Luculia. p.P. RANDIA. R.S. RANpDIA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. - Botan. magaz. 1841.- 1 aculeata. r,s. prickly. W. Indies. 1733. 5.6. S. Gardenia Randia. w. 2 obovata. R.s. obovate-leaved. Peru. 1818. —— Flor. per. 2. t. 220. f.b. S Ss 3 rotundifolia. R.s. round-leaved. —_——_- — — S§ 4 macrantha. R.s. large-flowered. SierraLeon. 1796. 8.9. S.h. Sal. par. lond, 93. longiflora. P.L. non R.S. \ 5 racemosa. H.B. racemed. E. Indies. 1818. -+-+ § 6 longiflora. r,s. long-flowered. E.Indies. 1818. +--+: § Gardenia multiflora. w. GARDENIA. RS. GARDENIA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. " ” Lam. ill. te 156. f. 3.- 1 ameena. s.s. crimson-tipped. China. 1810. 6.8. S.h. . Botan. magaz. 1904. 2 dumetorum. s.s. —_— bushy. -E. Indies. 1779. 7.9. S.h. Roxb. cor. 2. t. 136. Posoqueria dumetorum. ¥F.1. Canthium coronatum. Lam. 3 uliginosa. s.s. marsh. ——— 1802. —— S.hb. ——--— 2.¢.135. 4 nutans. H.B. drooping. —-—- 1818. —— Sh. Posoqueria nutans. F.1. . 5 spinosa. s.s, thorny. China. 1804. —— S.h. Thunb. gar.n.7.t.2. f-4. 6 armata. s.s. armed. W. Indies. 1813. +--- S.h% Jacq. amer. pict. t.71. Mussenda spinosa. Jacq. 7 tetracantha.s.s. four-thorned. NewSpain. 1818. -+c« 8 longispina. H.B. _—_long-spined. E. Indies. .1812, +«s+ Posoqueria longispina. F.1. 19 montana. F.I. mountain. E. Indies. 1818. —— 20 campanulata. F.1. _bell-flowered. —— 1812. —~ OXYANTHUS. DC. Oxyantuus. Pentandria Monogynia. speciosus. Dc. tube-flowered. Sierra Leon. 1789. 7. 12. Gardenia tubiflora. A.R. 183+ ‘ GENIPA. RS. GENIP-TREE. Pentandria Monogynia. S.h S.h 9 fragrans. s.s. fragrant. ———— 1822, +++ S.h. Posoqueria fragrans. F.1. 10 esculenta. s.s. esculent. China. 1823. 5.6. S.h. ' 11 florida.s.s. | Cape Jasmine. ——.—— 1754. 7.10. S.h. Botan. regist. 449. B flore-pleno. double-flowered. ———-— -—— -—— S.h. Ehret. pict. t. 15. 12 angustifolia. B.c. narrow-leaved. -—_-—— 1820. —-- S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 512. 13 radicans. s.s. rooting. ——- 1804; 3.6. G.h. Botan. regist. 73. 14 Jatifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. E.Indies. 1787. ---- S.h. Roxb.cor. 2. t. 134. 15 lucida, F.1. glossy-leaved. ———— 1820. ---- S.h. : 16 Thunbergia.s.s. starry. C.B.S. 1773. 1.3. S.h. Botan. magaz. 1004. 17 Rothmannia. s.s. _ spotted-fl4. ——-—— 1774. 7%. G.h. - 690. 18 micrantha. R.s. small-flowered. China. 1806. 6.8. S.h. Thunb. gar. n.8.t.1.f.2. S.h. S.h. S.h. Botan. magaz. 1992. 1 oblongifolia. R.s. oblong-leaved. Peru. 1823. +++» S.h. Flor. per. 2, t.220. f.a. 2 americana. R.s. American. S. America. 1779. +++) S.k. Plum. ic. t. 136. | 3 Meriane. rs. hairy. Cayenne. 1800. +--+ S.h Merian. sur. t. 43. | Duroia eriopila. w. ; WEBERA. SS. WeEBERA. Pentandria Monogynia. ; 1 corymbosa. s.s. corymbose. E. Indies. 1759. 4.6. S.h Botan. regist. 119. | 2 cymosa. s.s. cymose. —-—— 1811. S.h | BURCHELLIA. B.R. Burcneriia. Pentandria Monogynia. f 1s capensis. B.R. broad-leaved, C. B.S. 1818. 3.6. G.h. Botan. regist. 466. | 2 parviflora. B.R. smaljler-fid, —— —— _ —- G.h. 891. bubalina, B.Me 2339» 198 RUBIACER. CATESBEA. 8.S. CaTEsBHA. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. Weaer 1 spinosa. s.s. spiny. Isl. Prov. 1726. 5.9. S.h. Botan. magaz. 131. 2 latifolia. B.R. broad-leaved. W.Indies. 1818. 9.11. S.h. Botan. regist. 858. 3 parviflora. s.s. small-flowered. -——-—— 1810. +++» S.h. Sloan. h.2. t. 207. f.} FERNELIA., J. Ferneia. Tetrandria Monogynia. 1 obovata. Lam. obovate-leaved. Isl.France. 1816. -++++ S.h. 2 buxifolia. Lam. Box-leaved. —_——_—_- —- ——_ +> Sh. Coccocypselum buxifolium, 8.s. COCCOCYPSELUM. 8.8. CoccocypsEtum. Tetrandria tees is S.S. repens. 8.8. creeping. W. Indies. 1793. 5. Brown, jam. t.6. f.1 Sect. IV. CincHonem. Kth. synops. 3. p. 47. 5 gk a S.S. Portranpia. Pentandria Monogynia. m 1 grandiflora. R.s great-flowered, Jamaica. 1775. 6.8. S.h. Sm. ic. pict. 1. t.6, 2 coccinea. R.S. scarlet-flow’r’d. -—--—— 1812. .--- S. h. . COUTAREA. SS. CouTAREA. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. sue speciosa. s.s. Laurel-leaved, Guiana. 1803. +++. S.h. Aub. gui.1, t. 122. Portlandia hexandra. Jacq. am. pict. t.65. EXOSTEMMA. R.S. Exosremma. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 caribeum. R.s. Caribean. W. Indies. 1780. 6.9. S.h. Andr. reposit. 481. Cinchona caribaea. W. 2 floribundum. r.s. many-flowered. ——--—— 1794. --++ §.h. Lamb. cinch. 27. t. 7. PINCKNEYA. M. PINCKNEYA. Pentandria Monogynia. pubens., m. pubescent. Georgia. 1786. 6.7. F. hs Mich. amer, t. 13. HYMENODICTYON. F.I. Hymenopictyon. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 thyrsiflorum. wall. thyrse-flower’d. E. Indies. 1816. +++. S.h. : 2 excelsum. wall. tall. ——- ~~~ «++ Sh. Roxb. cor. 2. t. 106. Cinchona excelsa. B.S. HILLIA. S.S. Hityia.. Tetr-Hexandria Monogynia. S.S, ; 1 longiflora. s.s. long-flowered. W.Indies. 1789. 2.3. S.h« Botan. magaz. 721. 2 tetrandra. s.s. mountain. Jamaica. 1793. 6.7. S.h. MACROCNEMUM.L. Macrocnemum. Pentandria Monogynia. L. jamaicense. r.s. Jamaica. Jamaica. 1806. ---- S.h. Swartz obs.t.3. f. 1. RONDELETIA. R.S. RonpELeTIA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. . 1 americana; R.s. American. W. Indies. 1752. 8. S.h. Plum. ic. t, 242. -f. 1. 2 levigata. R.s. smooth-leaved. -——-—— 1790. 7.8. S.h. 3 racemosa. R.S. racemed. ——— 1818. —— S.k. Brown.jam.143.t.2.f.3 4 tomentosa. R.S. downy-leaved. -—-—-—- —— -—— S&.h. 5 hirta. rs. hairy. ———— 1776. 6.8. S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 350. 6 paniculata. F.1. panicled. ‘E. Indies. 1820. +++ S.h. Sect. V. Hepyotipem. Kth. synops, 3. p. 40. HEDYOTIS. RS. Hepyotis. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 diffusa. R.s. spreading. E. Indies. 1818, 7.9. S.©. | 2 herbacea. R.s. herbaceous. — 1816. 6.9. S.©. Rheed. mal. 10. t. 35. 3 umbellata. R.s. IndianMadder. E, Indies. 1792. 7.8. S.¥%. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 3. Oldenlandia umbellata. 1. 4 cymosa. R.S. Hyssop-leaved. Jamaica. 1739. 6.10. 8.©. Ehret t.4 Oldenlandia corymbosa. W. 5 ramosissima. R.s. _ branching. = --«---- 1816. -—— S.©. 6 biflora. r.s. two-flowered. E. Taies. — -— S.©. 7 lactea. R.s. milk-coloured. ———— -——- -— S.©. MANETTIA. R.S. ManeTtia. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 Lygistum. R.s. veined-leaved. W. Indies. 1822. 2.4. S.h.—. Brown. jam. t. 3. f. 2. 2 coccinea. R.s. scarlet. Trinidad. 1806. 12.4. S.h. . Botan. regist. 693. BOUVARDIA.,. R.S. Bovuvarpbia. Tetrandria Monogynia. j 1 triphylla. R.s. three-leaved. Mexico. 1794. 4.11 G.h. Sal. par. lond. 88. Jacquini. 8.s, Houstonia coccinea. A.R. 106+ a pubescens. pubescent. ——_ —-_ — G.h. Botan. regist. 107. 6 glabra. smooth. —— i > ~GOI. 2 versicolor. s.s. various-color’d. S. America. 1814. 7.1. S.k. Botan, regist. 245. “RUBIACE. YENTELLA. W. DENTELLA. Pentandria Monogynia. W. repens. Ww. creeping. N.Holland. 1802. 7. H.©. PERMADICTYON. B.R.SPERMADICTYON. Pentandria Monogynia. suaveolens. B.R. sweet-scented. E. Indies. 1816. 8. 12, Sih. | Hamiltonia suaveolens, F.1. Sect. VI. JAUCLEA, RS. NaAvcLEA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 Adina. sm. Myrtle-leaved. China. 1804. 7.8. S.h. Adina globiflora. P.L. 115+ . 2 orientalis. R.s. oriental. E. Indies. 1800. -+-- S.k. 3 Cadamba. F.1. broad-leaved. —— —— _ 1823. ---- Sih. 4 undulata. F.1. wave-leaved. —— —— ++ Sh. 5 cordifolia. r.s. heart-leaved. —_——_— —-—- +e Sh. ARCOCEPHALUS. Afz. Sarcocepuatus. Pentandria Motiazynial esculentus. Afz. eatable-fruited. SierraLeon. 1822. 6.8. S.h. EPHALA NTHUS.L. Burron-weop. ‘letrandria Monogynia. L. | ocaerpats American. N.America. 1735. 8. S.h. “ORINDA. Morinpa. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 ecitate. B.S, umbelled. E. Indies. 1809, +--+. S.h. 2 citrifolia. rR.s. broad-leaved. Otaheite. 1793. «+--+ S.h. | 3 bracteata. F.1. bracted. E. Indies. 1816. es Swh. | 4 angustifolia. F.1 narrow-leaved. —————- _ ——_++++ S.h. k Royoc. R.s. Laurel-leaved.| W. Indies. 1793. 7.10. S.h. } Sect. VII. Correacrez. -ITCHELLA. L. MircHELLA. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. _. Tepens. L. creeping. N.America.1761. 6. H.h. | AVETTA. R.S. PavetTa. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. E. Indies. China. } i indica, R.s. Indian. . 2 arenosa. R.S. tubercled. indica. B.R. nec aliorum. CORA. L. IxoRA. 1791. 8.10. S. 3, 10. S. hk’ eee Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 grandiflora. B.R. great-flowered. E. Indies. 1814. 7.9. » - coceinea. L. non BLM. 2 Bandhuca. F.1. stem-clasping. . ——-——- —— - S.h. 3 fulgens. F.1, glossy. ———. 1820. - S.h. longifolia. sm. lanceolata. Lam. 4 flammea. s.P. flame-coloured. China. 1690. 4.8 S.h. coccinea. B.M. stricta. F.1. 5 crocata. B.R. saffron-color’'d, ———— 1820. S.h. 6 incarnata. B.c. flesh-coloured. ——-——- —— ——- 5S.h. 7 blanda. B.R. charming. ————._ 1812, —— S.h. § alba. w white. E. Indies. 1768. 6. S.h. ; 9 cuneifolia. F.I. wedge-leaved. E.Indies. 1820. —— S.h. 0 brachiata. F.1. brachiate-panicled.———_- —— -— S.h. 1 Pavetta. A.R. fragrant. ——— +++ — S.R. | 2 parviflora. F.1. small-flowered. ——-—— 1800. 8.10. S.h. .3 barbata. F.1. bearded. at 1553822, 6) BP LB ily 4 undulata. F.1. wave-leaved. ——— 1818. — S.h. 5 rosea. F.I. rose-coloufed. ——-—— 1820. 4.8. S.h. 6 obovata. R.s. obovate-leav’d. ——-———_ eee «cere SiH. | purpurea. F.? , HOMELIA. W. CHomMELIA. Tetrandria Monogynia. W. spinosa. w. spiny. W. Indies. 1793. ---- S.h- [DERODENDRON. S.S. [RoN-TREE. Tetrandria Monogynia. W. three-flowered. W. Indies. °1793. ---- S.h. triflorum. s.s. s Tetrandria Monogynia. ‘S.S. ETRAMERIUM. G. TETRAMERIUM. ‘1 odoratissimum. s.s. sweet-scented. W. Indies. 1793. 4.6. S.h. | Coffea occidentalis. w. Ixora americana. sw. 2 paniculatum. s.s. . panicled. Guiana, 1822, «ere S.h. 199 Lam. ill. t. 118. Botan. regist. 348. CePHALANTHER, Kth. synops.3. p. 37. Botan. regist. 895. Rheed. mal. 8. t. 33. Roxb. cor. J. t.53. Hort. trans. 5. t. 18. Schmidt arb. 1. t. 45. Rheed. mal. 1. t. 52. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 16. Kth. synops. 3. p. 20. Cat. car. 1, t. 20. Burm. ind. t.13. f. 3. Botan. regist. 198, Botan, regist. 154. ee te 513. Rumph. amb. 4. t. 46. Botan. magaz. 169. Botan. regist. 782, Lodd. bot. cab. 729, Botan. regist. 100, Rheed, mal. 2. t. 14, —— ——_——- 648, Andrews’s reposit. 78, Vahl symb. 3. t. 52. Botan. magaz. 2505, Botan. regist. 540, Jacq. amer. 38, t. 13. Jacq.amer.i9.t.175.£.9 Jacq. amer. t. 47. Aub. guian. t. 58, 200 RUBIACEZ. COFFEA. L. CorrEeE-TREE. Pentandria Monogynia. L. bee arabica. w. Arabian. Yemen. 1696. 8.11. S.h. Botan. magaz. 1303. CEPHAELIS. 8.8. Crpnuaertis. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 elata. 8.8. tall. Jamaica. 1793. --++- S.h. _ 2 axillaris. s.s. axillary-fld, Brazil. 1816. 4.5. S.k. Lind. coll, 21. calycina. 1. col. F 3 pedunculata. p.L. long-peduncl’d, SierraLeon. ---- 2.4. S.h. Sals. par. lond. 103. PSYCHOTRIA. R.S..Psycuotria. Pentandria-Monogynia. L. i 1 asiatica, R.s. Indian. E. Indies. 1806. 4.5. S.h. Jacq.amer.p.t.260.f.1 2 glabrata. Rs. smooth. Jamaica, 1822, —— S.h. 3 citrifolia. R.s. Citron-leaved. W.Indies. 1793..1.12. S.h. 4 elliptica. B.R. elliptic-leaved, Brazil. 1820. 2.6. S.h. Botan. regist. 607. — 5 parasitica. R.S. parasitic. W.Indies. 1802. 5.8. S.h. Jacq.amer.t. 51, f. 1, 6 brachiata. R.s. cross-branched. ——-—— 1793. ---- S.h. 7 pubescens. R.S. pubescent. Jamaica. 1812. ---- S.h. : 8 undata. R.s. wave-leaved. Bahama. 1818. 4,6. S.h. Jacq. scheenb.3. t.260 GEOPHILA. D.P. GeEopnita. Pentandria Monogynia. - ; reniformis. D.P. kidney-leaved. W. Indies. 1793. 4.6.,S.%. Jacq. amer. t. 46. Psychotria herbacea. w. & CHIOCOCCA. W. Snowserry. Pentandria Monogynia. L. _ racemosa. w. cluster-flow’r’d. Jamaica. 1729. 2. S.h. Andr. reposit. 284. ERNODEA. SS. ERNODEA. Tetrandria Monogynia. W. montana. s.s. mountain. Sicily. 1820. 6.7. H.R. Flor. grec. t. 143. Asperula calabrica. L. SERISSA. S.S. SERissA. Pentandria Monogynia. W. . foetida. s.s. Japanese. Japan. 1787. 5.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 361. — B multiplex. double-fowered. —————- —— -—— G.h. PLOCAMA. W. ProcamMa. Pentandria Monogynia. W. pendula. w. pendulous. Canaries. 1779. -+*++ G.h. ? PEDERIA. W. P#vERIA. Pentandria Monogynia, L. foetida. w. stinking. China. 1806. -+-- G.h.~. Icon. Kempf. 9. Sect. VIII. SPERMacocEd. Kth. synops.3. p. 14, RICHARDSONIA. Kth. Ricnarpsonia. Hexandria Monogynia. L. scabra. B.F.G. rough. S.America. 1812. 9.10. H.©. Swt. br. fl. gar. 91. PHYLLIS. W. Bastarp HaReE’s-EAR. Pentandria Digynia. L. Baus Nobla. w. Canary. Canaries. 1699. 6.7. G.h. Dill. elth, t. 299. £.386 DIODIA. SS. Diopia. Tetrandria Monogynia. W. 1 virginica. s.s. Virginian. Virginia. 1820. 6.8. H.y%. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 29. 2 sarmentosa. s.s. sarmentose. W. Indies. 1821. —— S.h. 3 verticillata. s.s. whorl-leaved. SantaCruz. —— <+--- §.2. BIGELOVIA. S.S. BigELovia. Tetrandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 verticillata. s.s. whorl-flowered. Africa. 1732. 6.8. S.. Dill. elth. t. 277. £.358 Spermacoce verticillata. L. 2 commutata. s.s. starry-headed. W.Indies. 1818. —— S.%.- 3 stricta. s.s. upright. ———— 1821. —— S.©. Spermacoce stricta. L. SPERMACOCE., 8.8. Burron-weED. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 glabra. s.s. smooth. N.America, 1823. 7.8. H.©. 2 diodina. s.s. Diodia-like. — 1820. ——- H.©. ) 3 hispida. s.s. bristly. E. Indies, 1781. 8.9. S.©. Burm. zeyl. t. 20. f.3 4 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. Guiana. 1803. 7. S.d- Aub. gui. t.19. f.1. 5 cornifolia. s.s. Dogwood-l4,. | Brazil. 1820. 8.9. S.©. 6 stylosa. s.s. long-styled. Manila. — — S.©. 7 suffruticosa. s.s. suffruticose. = ..-.-. «+ 1823, 7.8 S.h. 8 radicans. s.s. rooting. Guiana. 1803. —— S.%. Aub. gui.1. t. 20, f.4 9 tenuior. s.s. slender. W. Indies. 1732. 6.8. H.©. Sch. hand. 1, t. 22. 10 lanceolata. Len. |§ spear-leaved. §— 1818. —— H.©. + OES 11 hirta. s.s. hairy. Jamaica. 1822. 7.9. H.©. Jacq. ic. t..308. 12 scabra. s.3, rough. E. Indies. 1816. —— S.@. Rheed. mal.9. t.76. 13 rubra. s.s. Cross-wort. S. America. 1760. 7.8. S.g. Jacq..sschoen, 3. t. 25¢ strigosd. B.M. 1558. 14 Fischeri. s.s. Fischer's. Jamaica. 1820. —— S.©. 15 Roxburghii. s.s.5 | Roxburgh’s. E. Indies. \ 1818. —— S.¢. levis. F.I. NON Lams RUBIACEZ:: - 201 KNOXIA. SS. | Kwnoxia. Tetrandria Monogynia. W. f 1 corymbosa, 8.8. Sumatra. E. Indies. 1818. 4.6. S.%. Spermacoce sumatrensis, F.1. 2 umbellata. s.s. umbel-flower’d. Nepaul. 1820. ——- S.t. Spermacoce teres. ¥.1. Sect. IX. Gates. Kth, synops. 3. p. 10. “ANTHOSPERMUM. W. AmBER-TREE. Dicecia Tetrandria. L. wthiopicum. s.s. Ethiopian. C. B.S. 1692. 6.7. Gk. Pluk. alm, t.183. f. 1. CRUCIANELLA.R.S. Cross-wort. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. _ 1 angustifolia. r.s. narrow-leaved. S. Europe. 1658. 6.7. H.©. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t:169. = 2 - 2 ciliata. R.s. ciliated. Levant. 1805. 7.8. H.©. $ patula. k.s. . spreading. Spain. 1798. 6.7. H.©. 4 latifolia. rs. broad-leaved. S. Europe. 1633. —— H.©. Flor. grec. t.139. 5 wegyptiaca. R.s. Egyptian. Egypt. 1800. -—— H.©. i 6 monspeliaca. R.s. Montpelier. S. France. 1791. 7.8. H.©. Flor. grec. t. 140. 7 maritima. R.s. sea-side, -—-——_ 1640. —— G.h. Sabb. hort, 2.1.13. *8 americana. R.s. American. = Vera Cruz. +*+- —— S.h. G.4. H.% 9 pubescens. R.S. pubescent. Candia. 1799. 10 molluginoides. R.s.. Mollugo-like. Caucasus. 1800. anomala. M.B. Buxb. cent.2. t.30. f.1. SHERARDIA.R.S. SHERARDIA. Tetrandiia Monogynia. L. arvensis. R.s. little. Britain. ese. 4.9. H.@. Eng. bot. 898. RUBIA. RS. Mapper. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 tinctorum. R.s. dyer’s. S. Europe. 1596. 6. H.%. Flor. gree. t. 141. - 2 splendens. r.s. glossy. Portugal. 1812. 6.8. H.h. 3 galioides. rR.s. alium-like. Canaries. 1816. —— F.%. 4 peregrina. R.S. wild. England. eoe- 7 H.Y%. Eng. bot. 851. 5 lucida. R.s. shining. Majorca. 1762. —— F.%. Flor. grec. t.142. 6 fruticosa. R.S. prickly-leaved. Canaries. 1779. 9. F.. - 7 Bocconi. r.s. Boccone’s.. Italy. 1823. —— H.%. ' 8 angustifolia. r.s. narrow-leaved. S.Enrope. 1772. 7.8. F.h. Lam. ill. t. 60. f. 2: 9 cordifolia. r.s. heart-leaved. Siberia. 1783. 7 H.y%. Pall. it.3.ap.t. Lf. 1. ASPERULA. R.S. Wooprurr. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. | 1 levigata. R.s. shining. S. Europe. 1775. 6 H.%. Moris. his. 3. t.21. f.4. 2 taurina. R.s. broad-leaved. Italy. 1739. 4.6. H.%. Lob. ic. 800. f.1. 8 longiflora. R.s. long-flowered. Hungary. 1818. —— H.%. K. hung.2.t.150. 4 aristata. R.s. awned. S. Europe. 1823.. —— H.}. ; 5 supina. R.s. trailing. Caucasus. —— 6.7. H.}. 6 brevifolia. r.s. short-leaved. Levant. 1818. —— H.h. 7 cynanchica.R.s. — small. England. --++ 7. H.¥%. Eng. bot. 33, - 8 alpina. s.s. Alpine. . Caucasus. 1825. —— H.%. ' 9 crassifolia. R.s. thick-leaved. Levant. A775. 6.00% | “10 scabra. s.8. rough. Italy. 1824. —— H.%. 11 tinctoria, r.s. narrow-leaved. Europe. 1764. 6.7. H.y%. Tabern. ic. 151. _ 12 montana. R.s. mountain, Hungary. 180). —— H.%. 18 arvensis. R.s. field. Europe. 1596. 7. H.@. Lobel. ic. t. 801. f. 2. +14 arcadiensis. s.s. Arcadian. Arcadia. 1819. 5. H.y%. Botan. magaz. 2146. 15 hirta. r,s. thick-rooted. Pyrenees. -—— 5.6. H.%, Ram. phil. t.9. f.1. 2. 16 hirsuta. rs. * hairy creeping. S. Europe. 1820. ——- H.%. | repens. Brot: HT incana. R.s, hoary. Crete. 1823. 6.7. H.y.° Flor. gree, t.119. | 18 galioides, s.s. glaucous. S. Europe. 1710. 6.9. H.¥%. Jacq. aust. 1. t. $1, Galium glaucum. 1. | 19 humifusa. s.s. spreading. Caucasus, 1825. —— H.%. . | 20 longifolia. R.s. long-leaved. Greece, 1823. —— H.y.» Flor. grec. t. 118. 21 Aparine. R.s. marsh. Crete. ———- —— H.y. — t.117. rivalis. $m. 22 odorata. R.s. sweet-scented. Britain. -->» 5.6. H.y%. Eng. bot. 755. VALANTIA. SS. VaALAnNTia. Tetrandria Masoryais. S.S. { muralis. 5.8. wall. S. Europe. 1739. 5.7. H.©. Colum. Eephr, t. 297. 2 hispida. s.s. bristly. — 1768. H.©. Gert. fr.C. 2, t.24. fil. 3 filiformis. s.s. least. Canaries. 1780. 7.9. H.©, GALIUM. S.S. Bepstraw. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 cruciatum. s.s. Crosswort, Britain. ceoee 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 143, Valantia cruciata. w 2D 202 2 pedemontanum.s.s. 8 Bauhini. s.s. _Valantia glabra. w. 4 vernum. s.s. Halleri. r.s. 5 articulatum. s.s. 6 rubioides. s.s. 7 diffusum. s.s. 8 valantioides. s s. 9 palustre. s,s. ’ 10 satureizfolium., s.s. 11 trifidum. s.s. 12. fruticosum. s.s. 13 Witheringii. s.s. 14 glabrum. s.s. 15 uliginosum. s.s. 16 divaricatum. s.s. campestre. s.s. austriacum. R.S. Bocconi. R.8. obliquum. R.s. pusillum, £.B. alpestre. R.S. tenuifolium. R.s. rubrum. s.s. tenuissimum. 8.8. verum, S.S. tyrolense. R.S. Mollugo. R.s. campanulatum. 8.8. glaucum. Jacq. 30 erectum. s.s. 31 lucidum. R.s. 32 linifolium. s.s. 33 rigidum. s.s. 34 sylvaticum. s.s. 35 cinereum. s.s. 36 aristatum. s.s. 37 purpureum. s.8. 38 saxatile. s.s. 39 helveticum.s.s. 40 tricorne. E.B. 41 spurium. E.B. 42 verrucosum. E.B. saccharatum, r.s. Valantia Aparine. 43 Cucullaria. s.s. 44 boreale. E.B. 45 rotundifolium. s.s. 46 ellipticum. s.s. 47 pilosum. R.s. 48 reflexum. s.s. tdauricum. R.s. Valantia taurica. w. 49 maritimum. s.s. 50 anglicum. E.B. 51 parisiense. R.s. 52 murale. s.s. > Sherardia muralis. w. 53 greecum. s.s. 54 Aparine. E.B. 55 infestum. R.s. 56 scaberrimum. R.8. RUBIACEZ. Piedmont. Hungary. 1799. Bauhin’s. Europe. 1731. Haller’s. Switzerland.1823. jointed. _ Egypt. 1752. Madder-leav’d.--S. Europe, 1775... spreading. ——- 18620. Valantia-like. Caucasus. 1823. water. Britain. sees Savory-leaved. Caucasus. 1818. 3-fid-flowered. N. Europe. —— frutescent. Crete. 1823. rough. England. snes smooth, C. B.S. 1816. marsh. Britain. cee divaricate. S. France. 1820. field. Barbary. 1818. Austrian. Europe. 1804. Boccone’s. ——-—— 1801. oblique-leaved..S. France, «-.-.- least. England. ene smooth-leaved. S. Europe, 1824. slender-leav’d, ———— 1820. red. Italy. 1597, slenderest. Caucasus. 1818. cheese-rennet. Britain. ores Tyrolese. Tyrol. 1801. great hedge. _ Britain. tees bell-flowered. Europe. 1710. upright. Britain. sees glossy. S. Europe. 1820. Flax-leaved. —— 1759. rigid. es se-seo 1778, wood, S. Europe. 1658. cinereous. Scotland. «--- awned. —_—— +e purple. Switzerland.1731. smoothheath. Britain. — -+-- Swiss. Switzerland.1823. three-flowered. Britain. sees spurious.. — tes warted. —————- os. Ww. hooded. Levant. 1780. cross-leaved. Britain. tees round-leaved. Europe. eres elliptic-leaved. Sicily. - 1820. hairy. N.America. 1778. reflexed. Tauria. 1818. sea-side. S. Europe. —— English. England. toes Paris. France. 1818. wall, Italy. 1805. Candian, Candia. 1798. Cleavers. | Britain. eres infesting. Europe. 1818. toughest. Egypt. — | = eS Sasa PRHASSE Set | | Se = op O08 # AH Xi eae es °® | St tt a » > = | ay ~ ° td a bs tf PRERORRRRRER D Oas a pe a Pott ot toe bt et et ot e Myr © © =3 es e@ o e ee e ei = adi oe = = st ah 2 * . OOOKX OOOKR RRRRHO ORORERRERERER I | Tot mm mie ° - e * 1\t. 82.8 + Buxb. cent. 2. t. 29. _ Eng. bot. 1857. Eng. bot. 2206. y Eng. bot. 1972, io 24 DC. ic. gal. rar. t. 24. Jacq. aust. t. 80. Bocce. mus. t. 101. Vill. delph. 2. n. 9. t.8. Eng. bot. 74. Vill.delph, 2, t. 7. bis. Ger. herb. 967. f. 3. Eng. bot. 660. Eng. bot. 1673. Jacq. aust. t. 81. Eng. bot. 2067. All. ped. 1, t. 77. f. 2. — Barr, ic. t. 356 et 583. | All. ped. t. 77. f.4. Barr. ic. t. 356. 9 > Eng. bot. 815.. Eng. bot. 1641. ——— 1871. —_—_ 2173. Buxb. cent.1. 19. f.2. Eng. bot. 105. Jacq. aust. t.94. Barr. ie. t. 2h. f.4. - Eng. bot. 384. All. ped. 34, t. 77 fas Flor. gree. t. 136, Eng. bot. 316. W. et K. hung.3. t.202. OPERCULARIEX. 203 ORDO XCVII. OPERCULARIEA. Juss. ann. mus, 4. p. 418. OPERCULARIA. J. Opercunaria. Tetrandria Monogynia. W. 1 umbellata. r,s. umbel-flower’d. N.Holland. 1818. 6.7. G.t. Lam. ill, t. 58. f.1. 2 aspera. s.s. rough, N.Zealand. 1790. 6.7. G.. Gert. fr. 1. t.24. f. 4. 3 hispida. s.s. hispid. N.S. W. —— -—— G.h. aspera. 3. 4 sessiliflora. r.s. sessile-flow’r’d. ———— 1816. —— G.y%..—— 4. t.70. f.2. 5 ocymifolia. r.s. Basil-leaved. —— 1820. —— G.x%. SRYPTOSPERMUM. P.S. CryptospeRMuM. Monandria Monogynia. P.S. Youngii. p.s. Young’s. N.S.W. 1793. 7.8. G.%. Linn. trans. 3. t.5. Operculuria paleuta. R.s. > ORDO XCVIII. -VALERIANEZ. DC. fi. fr. ed. 3.v. 4. p. 418. CENTRANTHUS. DC. Centrantuus: Monandria Monogynia, R.S. 1 ruber. pe. common. England. ~---- 6.10. H.%. Eng. bot. 1531. Valeriana rubra. E.B. ; | B albus. — white-flowered. ———-———- ¢*-: —— H.y. Y carneus. Slesh-coloured. Pe aere RemeesS 9 B8._f Sommne . 3 Flor. grec. 1. t.29. _ 2 angustifolins. Bbc. narrow-leaved. Europe. 1731. 5.7. — 1. t.30. 3 Calcitrapa. r,s. cut-leaved. Portugal. 1570. ——— VALERIANA. DC. Varerran. Triandria Monogynia. L. e ORR ay petty 1 dioica. E.n. dicecious.. Britain. cooe 5 4%. Eng. bot. 628.. 2 Phu. rs. garden. » Germany. 1597. —~— H.2%. Plenck. t. 28. 3 officinalis. £.B. great wild. Britain. ---+ 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot, 698. _ 4 sambucifolia, r.s. Elder-leaved. Sweden. 1818. -—— 2k 5 sisymbriifolia. r.s. water-rocket-ld. Levant. 1820. —— Me | 6 cardamines. m.B, Ladies-smock-l4.Caucasus, 1823. —— H.2. 7 montana. r.s. mountain. Switzerland.1748. —— H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 317. 8 tripteris. R.s. three-leaved. —— 1752. 3.5. H.%. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 268. 9 pyrenaica. E.B. heart-leaved. Scotland. ---- 5.6. H.%.. Eng. bot. 1591. 10 tuberosa. R.s. tuberous-root’d. S. Europe. 1629. —— H.¥%. Lapeyr. pyr. t. 53. 11 elongata. R.s. elongated. Austria. 1812. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. ic.3.t.219. | (12 supina. R.s. creeping-root’d. Germany. 1818. —— H.%. Jacq. misc. 2.t,17. f.2. 13 saxatilis. R.s. rock. ——- 1748. 7. H.%. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 267. (14 saliunca. R.s. headed-flow’rd. Italy. 1824. 6.7. H.y%, All. ped.1. t.70, f. 1. 15 celtica. r.s. raceme-flow’rd, Switzerland.1748. —— H.%. Jacq.coll.l.t.1. . 16 capensis. R.s. Cape. C. B.S. 1816. — F,x. 2ATRINIA. J. ParTrRiNiA. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. —1 sibirica. 5. Siberian. Siberia. 1759. 5.6. H.d. Botan. magaz, 2325. Valeriana sibirica. L. ruthenica. B.M. 2 rupestris. 3. rock. —-—— 1801. —— H.¢. _ Botan. magaz.714. | | Valeriana sibirica. B.M. ; 3 intermedia. r.s. intermediate. — 1823. —H.¢. . _A scabioszfolia. s.s. Scabious-l¢. Dahuria. — 6.8. H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 154. TEDIA. DC. Fepia. Diandria Monogynia. _ Cornucopiz. R.s. purple. S. Europe. 1596. 5.8. H.©. Botan. regist. 155. Valeriana cornucopie. B.R. FALERIANELLA. DC. VALeRIANELLA. Triandria Monogynia. 1 echinata. pe. prickly-capsul’d.S. Europe, 1807. 7.8. H.#. Du Fresn.Val. t.3.f.10, _ 2 olitoria. pe. Lamb’sLettuce. Britain. © +--+ 4.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 811, '- Valeriana locusta. ».. Fedia olitoria, R.s. ty 2D2 204 ‘VALERIANEE. 3 carinata. Dc, keeled. France. core ——— HO. 4 dentata. Dc. oval-fruited. Britain. coos = HO. Valeriana dentatu, £.B. Fedia dentata. R.s. 5 discoidea. DF. discoid. Italy. 1731. 4.7. H.y. 6 vesicaria. DF. bladdereds © Candia. ©1739. —— H.©. 7 coronata. DC. prickly seeded. Portugal. 1731. —— H.©. 8 radiata. DF. rayed, N.America. 1818. —-- H.©. 9 auricula. pe. eared. Montpelier. — H.©. 10 pumila. pc. . small. S. Europe. 1823. —— H.©. 1l eriocarpa. DC. woolly-capsul’d. France. — — H.©. 12 uncinata. DF. hooked. Tauria. 1818. —— H.©. 13 dasycarpa. Len. _ thick-capsuled. -——-——- -——- -— H.©. 14 tridentata. L.en. three-toothed. — 1823. —— H.©. ORDO XCIXx. DIPSACEX. Juss. gen. 194. MORINA. RS. Morina. Diandria Monogynia. L. persica. R.8. Persian. Persia. 1740. 7.8. G.%. DIPSACUS. S.S. TEASEL. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 fullonum. s.s. manured. Britain. nove Ts CeetaS . 2 sylvestris. s.s. wild. et 2. (ets 3 laciniatus. s.s. cut-leaved. Germany. 1683. 7.8. H.é. 4 Gmelini. s.s. Gmelin’s. Caucasus. 1820. —— H.¢. 5 ferox, 8.8. fierce. Corsica. — —H.¢. 6 pilosus. s.s. small. Britain, shee H.¢é. SCABIOSA.S.S. ScaBious. -‘Tetrandria Monogynia. we 1 arvensis. s.s. field. Britain. o-e» 7.10. Hed. Trichera arvensis. R.S. ; 2 sylvatica. s.s. broad-leaved. Austria. 1633. 7. H.%. 3-montana. s.s. mountain. Caucasus. 1823, —— H.2. 4 longifolia. s.s. long-leaved. Hungary. 1802. 7.8. H.2%. 5 pubescens. s.s. pubescent. — 1820. —— H.x. 6 ciliata. s.s. ciliated. —-—— —— —~- Hx, 7 hybrida. s.s. hybrid. S. Europe. —~ 6.9. H.©. 8 integrifolia. s.s. entire-leaved. ——— 1748. 6.8. H.©. 9 australis. s.s. creeping-root’d. Italy. 1823. —— H.». SUCCISA. S.S. SuccisA. Tetrandria Monogynia. 8.S. 1 pratensis. s.s. Devil’s-bit. Britain. sees 8.10. HY. Scabiosa Succisa. L. ¥ 2 glabrata. smooth-leaved. Austria. 1823. 7.9, H.%. Scabiosa glabrata. R.s. . 3 syriaca. s.s. Syrian. Syria. 1633. 7 H.%. 4 transylvanica. s.s. Transylvanian. Hungary. 1699. —— H.©. 5 uralensis. s.s. Uralian. Siberia. 1789. 7.8. H.©. 6 tatarica. s.s. Tartarian. Russia. 1759. 6.8 H.¢g. 7 alpina, s.s. Alpine. Switzerland.1570. 6.7. H.%. Cephaluria alpina. R.s. Scabiosa alpina. W. 8 leucantha. s.s. white-flowered. France. 1633. 9.10. H.%. 9 centauroides.s.s. Centaury-like. S. Europe. 1816. 7.8. H.%. 10 levigata. s.s, smooth. Hungary. 1823. —— H.2. 11 ecorniculata. horned. — 1801, —— H.x%. Cephalaria corniculata, B.S. Scabiosa corniculata. W.K. 12 rigida. s.s. rough-leaved.. C. B.S. 1731.. 7% G.%. 13 attenuata, narrow-leaved. -——-—— 1774. 7.9. G.h. trifida, s.s. Scabiosa attenuata, L ASTEROCEPHALUS. S.S. AsreROCEPHALUs. Tetrandria Monogynia. 1 prolifer. s.s prolific. Egypt. 1683. 7.9. H.©. Scabiosa pr olifera. L. 2-graminifolius. s.s. grass-leaved. Switzerland. ——- 6. H.%. Scabiosa graminifolia. B.R. 3 creticus. 8.5. Cretan. Crete. 1596. 6.10. G.h. Dufres. val. t: 2. Eng. bot. 1370, Dufres. val. t.3. n. 3. Flor. gree. 1.t.34. Dufres. val. t.3. f. 2. —— t. 3. n, T< Moris. sect. 7. f.37. —-—— 7. t. 16. f. 33 Flor, grec. 1. t. 28. Eng. bot. 2080. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 403. Tratt. tab. t.235. Eng. bot. 877. Eng. bot. 659. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 362. Jacq. f. eclog. t. 60. K. hung. 1. t.5, Eng. bot. 878. Flor. gree. t. 105. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 111. Murr. c. got. 1782.t.4 Lin. act. ups. 1744. t.1 Moris. s. 6. t. 13. f. 10 Ger. emac. f. 8. K.hung.3. t.230 pe or a | 1, t. 13. S.S. : Flor. grec. t, 107. | Botan. regist. $35. Moris. s. 6. t. 15, £3) ah 1 plumosus. s.s. feathered. Greece. 1824. 7.8 H.©. Scabiosa plumosa. sm. Knautia plumosa. 1. . 2 Vaillantii. s.s. Vaillant’s. S. Europe. 1739. —— H.©. Scabiosa papposa, L. -KNAUTIA. R.S. KwnaAumTia. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 orientalis. R.s. red-flowered. Levant. 1713. 6.9. H.©. 2 propontica. R.s. _— purple-flow’r’d. ——-——_ 1768. —— H.¢. ORDO C. ACICARPHA.L.T. AcicarpHa. Syngenesia Necessaria. P.S. spathulata. L.T. spathulate-19. Brazil, 1816. 6.9. G.%. a .DIPSACEZ. 4 Massoni. Masson’s. Azores. 1779. 6,8. H.}. luctdus. 8.8. Scabiosa lucida. H.K. Massoni. H.5.L. nitens. R.S. 5 dichotomus.s.s. forked. Sicily. 1804. 6.8. H.©. 6 africanus. s.s. African. Africa. 1690. 7.10. G.h. 7 palestinus. s.s. Palestine. Palestine. 1771. 7.8. H.©. 8 lucidus. shining. «. France. 1800. 6.9. H.%. Scabiosa lucida. R.S. 9 silenifolius. s,s. Silene-leaved. Hungary. 1823. 7.8. H.}. 10 canescens. s,s. canescent. 1802. —— H.»%. 11 setifer. s,s. setiferous. France. 1820. —— H.%. 12 lyratus. s.s. lyrate-leaved. Turkey. 1799. —— G.¢. 13 micranthus. s.s. small-flowered. Armenia. 1823. —— H.2%. 14 Biebersteinii. Bieberstein’s. Caucasus. -—— -—— H.©. Scabiosa Biebersteinit. R.s. sicula. M.B. 15 siculus, s.s. Sicilian, ; ie 1783. —~— H.©<« 16 amoenus, s.s. glossy. © - | eeeeeces - 1823. —— H.2%. 17 stellatus. s.s. - starry. Sbaie, 1596. —— H.©@, 18 atropurpureus. s.s. sweet. E. Indies. 1629. 7.9. H.¢@. Scabiosa atropurpurea. B.M. . B carneus, flesh-coloured. - — — — H.é. x roseus. rose-coloured. —_—_—_- —- — He. variegatus. variegated. —$—-_ —- —- H.¢. € albus. white-flowered. ——-—— ——~- -——H.¢. 2 prolifer. large-flowered. — 1814. —-H.¢é. 19 caucasicus. s.8. Caucasean. . Caucasus. 1803. 7.8. H.%. B elegans, 8.8. elegant. — 1820. ——~- H.». 20 holosericeus. s.s, _ silky. Pyrenees, —— —— H.}. 21 pyrenaicus. Pyrenean. , —-—— 1823. —— H.2. 22 Webbianus. s.s. Webb’s. | Levant. 1820. —— H.. » Scabiosa Webbiana. B.R. 23 crenatus. s.s. crenated. Sicily. 1824. 7.8. H.%. Scabiosa coronopifolia. Flor. grec.t.114. 24 ruteefolius. Rue-leaved. — 1804. 6.8. H.%. 25 urceolatus. s.s. jagged. Barbary. — 7.8. H.2. 26 argenteus. s.s. silvery. Levant. 1713. 6.10. H.%. 27 maritimus. s.s. sea-side. S. Europe. 1818. 7.9. H.©. 28 ucranicus.s.s. Ukraine. Ukraine. 1795. 9 H.%. 29 Columbaria. s.s. fine-leaved. Britain. eooe 7.8. HY. 30 grandiflorus, great-flowered. Barbary. 1804. 6.9. H.2. 31 altissimus. s,s. tall. ~ C. B.S. - 1816. —— G.h. 32 mollissimus. s.s. soft. S. Europe. —— 7.8. H.2. - 33 ochroleucus, s.s. _ pale-flowered. Germany. 1597. —— H.2. 34 gramuntius, s.s. cut-leaved. S. Europe. —— —— H.. 35 isetensis. s.s. Siberian. Siberia. 1801. —— H.y: 36 bannaticus. s.s. Hungarian. Hungary. 1800. —— H.%. 37 Columne. Ten. Columna’s. Italy. 1823. —— H.2. 38 agrestis. s.s geen Hungary. -—— —— H.}. 39 incanus. R. 5. cosa eb —— H.2. 205 Herm. parad. t. 219. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 96. W. et K.hung.2. t.157. TL ie t. 53. Desf. an. mus. 11. t.25. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 15. Moris. s. 6. t. 15. f. 39. Botan. magaz. 247. Moris. s. 6. t. 14. f. 2. Botan. magaz, 886. Barrel. ic. 223. Botan. regist. 717. Cyril. pl. rar. 1. t.3. Boce. sic. t. 40. f. 3. —_——— 1.52. Flor. grec. t. 108. Bauh., hist. 3. f. 2. Gmel. sib. 2. t.87. Eng. bot. 1311. Scop. del. ins.3. t. 14. Jacq. vind, 2. t. 185. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 439. -Gerard herb. f. 2. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 88. f.1. W.etK. hung. 1. t. 12. W. et K. hung.3. t.204. arye PTEROCEPHALUS. $ S. PTEROCEPHALUS. Tetrandria Monogynia. S.S. Flor. grec. t. 3. Schk. handb. 1. t. 22. Lam, ill. t.58. CALYCERE. Brown in Linn. trans. v. 12. p. 132. 206 COMPOSITE. ~ ORDO. CI. COMPOSITAE. Adanson fan. 2. 103. Suporpo I. CICHORACEZ. Kth. synops. 2. p- 352 GEROPOGON. W. OLD MAn’s-BEARD. Syngenesia Polygamia Aiqualis. 1 glaber. w. smooth. Italy. 1704. 7.8.H.©. Botan. magaz. 479. 2 hirsutus. w. hirsute. ——-—— 1759. —— H.©. Col. ecphr.1. t. 231. 3 calyculatus. w. perennial. — 1774. 6.8 H.%. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 106. TRAGOPOGON. W. Goat’s-BEARD, Syngenesia. Retyguns /Equailis. | 1 pratensis. w. yellow. Britain. — 5.6. H.g. Eng. bot. 434. 2 mutabilis. w. changeable. Siberia. 1316. — Hg. Jacq. ico 1. te 157. 3 undulatus. w. wave-leaved. Crimea. 1790. —— Hg. ————1. t. 158. 4 parviflorus. Len. smali-flowered. ------+- 1822, —— H.¢. 5 orientalis. w. oriental, Levant. 1787. 6.7. H. gs . 6 canus. W.K. hoary. Hungary. 1822. —— H.d. 7 major. w. great. Austria. 1788. 5.6. Hg. Jacq. aust. }. t. 29% 8 porrifolius. w. purple, England. “se. —— Hig. Eng. bot. 638. 9 floccosus. W.K. woolly. Hungary. 1816. ——H.g. W.etK. hung. 2.t.112. 10 dubius..L.en. doubtful, =«§ «see annee 1822. —— H.¢@. 11 crecifolius. w. Crocus-leaved. Italy. 1739. 6.7. H.g. Flor. grec. 779. 12 angustifolins. w. narrow-leaved, ———-—- 1816. ——H.g. | WS angainee ss 13. villosus., w. hairy. > Spain. — 1794. 5.6. H. ds bt aN 14 roseus.D.P. rose-coloured. Hungary. 1807. 7. H.%. W.etK.hung-2.t.121. Scorzonera rosea, W.K. ‘TROXIMON. P.S. Troximon. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. res 1 glaucum. ph. glaucous-14. Missouri. 1811. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1667. 2 cuspidatum. P.s. cuspidate. N.America. 1811. 4.6. H.2. _ marginatum. N. ARNOPOGON.W. ‘SHEEP’s-BEARD, Syngenesia Polygamia AZqualis. on 1 Dalechampii.w. great-flowered. S. Europe. 1739. 6.10. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1623. 2 picroides. w. prickly-cupp’d. — 1683. 7.8 H.©. Flor. grec. t. 781. 3 asper. w. rough. Montpelier. 1774. —— H.©@. ———— t.782. 4.capense. w. Cape. C. B. S. 1824. 6.8. G.g. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 577. SCORZONERA. W. Viper’s-Grass. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. Lume 1 tomentosa. w. white. Armenia. 1789. 6.7. H.%. 2 humilis. w. dwarf. Europe. 1597. 8. -H.2}. nervosa. P.S. : . 3 austriaca, w.en- Austrian. Austria. ogee ——— HY. Jacq. aust. I. t.36. humilis. Jacqe non W. 3 te 4 plantaginifolia. sch. Plantain-14. Switzerland.1816. —— H.3. ats 5 hispanica. w. © garden. Spain. 1576, 6.9. H.¥. Lam. ill. t. 647. f. 5. 6 glastifolia. w. Woad-leaved. Germany. 1816, —— H.}. 7 taurica. M.B. ' Taurian. Tauria. 1823. ——.H.}. 8 rumicifolia. Len. | Dock-leaved. eocecees 1822, —— HH... é 9 caricifolia. w. Carex-leaved. Siberia. 1805. —— H.%. Pall. it.3. ap.t.J.1f.1. 10 parviflora. w. small-flowered. Austria. 1816. —~ H.%. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 305. 11 lanata. M.B. woolly. Iberia. 1823. 6.7. H.%. : 12 purpurea. w. purple-flow’r’d. Austria. 1759. 5.6. H.y%. Jacq. aust. 1. t.35. 13 angustifolia. w. narrow-leaved. S. Europe. 1759. 6.8. H.%. K. hung.2. t.122. 14 eriosperma. M.B. _woolly-seeded.. Siberia. © 1805. —~— H.2. 15 ensifolia. M.B. sword-leaved. Caucasus. 1823. -——— H.2. 16 hirsuta. w. hairy. S. Europe. oe HY. All. ped. t. 31. f. 33. PODOSPERMUM. DC. PoposrperMum. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 calcitrapifolium. pc. Calcitrapa-ld. Levant. 1823. 6.8. H.%. Barr. ic. 800. 2 resedifolium. pc. spreading. Spain. 1729. 6.7. H.g. Bocce. sic. 13. t. 7. f.4. 3 laciniatum, pe. cut-leaved, S. Europe. 1640. —— H.g. Jacq. aust, 4. t. 356. 4 octangulare. pc. ~— 8-angled. ——-—— 1820. —— H.¢. 5 pumilum. small. Spain. 1822. 7.9. H.©. Cav. ic. 2. t. 121. f. 2. Scorzonera pumila. We A 6 asperrimum. roughest. Galatia: — 8.9. H.%. Scorzonera asperrima. w. ' ! i ( | | Je SONCHUS. wW. Sow-THISTLE. _Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 maritimus. w. sea-side. S. Europe. 1748. 7.9. H.2. 2 fruticosus. w. shrubby. Madeira. 1777. 4.7. G.h. 3 levigatus. w.en. smooth. —— 1816. — Gh. 4 lyratus. w.en. lyre-leaved. - — — Gh. 5 hyoseridifolius.w.en. Hyoseris-ld. —-— 1818. —— G.h. 6 pinnatus. w wing-leaved. — 1777. —— G.h. 7 radicatus. w. long-rooted. Canaries. 1780. 7. G.h. 8 palustris. w. tall marsh. England. -2e- 7.9. HY. 9 uliginosus. M.B. annual marsh. Caucasus. 1823. —— H.©,. 10 arvensis. w. corn. Britain. veo. ——— Hi, 11 lacerus. w. torn-leaved. tsseeeee 1823, —— H.©. 12 oleraceus. w. commonsmooth. Britain. cess 6.8. H.©. | oleraceus a, levis. L. | _ 13 asper. L.en. rough. ———— ee ——- HO. oléraceus B. asper. L. ‘14 tenerrimus. w. clammy. S. Europe. 1691. 7.8. H.©. | 15 flexuosus. Lea. flexuose. = == -+eerecs 1822, —— H.x. 16 caucasicus. spr. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1820. —— H.7. 17 Plumieri. w. Plumier’s. Pyrenees. 1794. ———- H.¥. j 18 alpinus. w. Alpine. Scotland. -«-. —— H.7. ceruleus, E.B. , 19 lapponicus. w. Lapland. Lapland. 1804. —— H.2. alpinus. L. 20 leucopheus. w. —_ whitish-fld, N.America. 1820. —— H.¢. 21 macrophyllus. w. large-leaved. — ——— —— Hy. canadensis. P.S. (22 floridanus. w. Smale ered. N. Fee eh Wi. Too) Hed. 23 acuminatus. w acuminate. ———— 1812. 8.9. H.¢: sACTUCA. D.P. Lerruce. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. _ 1 pallida. p.p. Canadian. Canada. 1704. 7.9. H.%. Sonchus pallidus. w. _ 2 sibirica. p.p. Siberian. Siberia. 1759. —— H.2. Sonchus sibiricus. W. : 3 tatarica. p.P. Tartarian. Tartary. 1784. 6.7. H.i%. Sonchus tataricus. w- _ A integrifolia. Nn. entire-leaved. Missouri. 1812. —— H.2. _ 8 sonchifolia. w. Sonchus-leav’d. Levant. 1824. —— H.». _ 6 perennis. w. perennial. Germany. 1596. 6.8. H.2. | 7 tenerrima. w. purple-flow’r’'d. S. Europe. 1815. 7.8. H.%. b segusiana. P.s. various-leaved. Piedmont, 1823. —— H.©. 9 indica. w. Indian, E. Indies. 1784, 8.10. H.©. 10 viminea. L.en. rushy-twigged. Austria. 1789. 7.8. H.¢. _ Prenanthes viminea. w. : 11 muralis. p.p. wall. Britain. eee 7 HY. | Prenanthes muralis. £.B. 12 saligna. w. least. England, --+- 7.8 H.¢@. 13 sagittata. w. arrow-leaved. Hungary. 1805. —— H.¢. 14 altissima. M.B. tall. _ Caucasus. 1818. —— H.%. 15 augustana. w. entire-leaved. Italy. 1791. —— H.©. 16 maculata. L.en. spot-leaved. Europe. coer —— Hit. 17 virosa, W. « strong-scented. Britain. . 7.9. Hg. 18 Scariola. w prickly. England. -+++ 7%, e. H. 4. 19 elongata. w. elongated. Pensylyania.1805. 6.7. H. 2. 7 asperum. Scorzonera aspera. Desf. stylosa. P.s. 8 subulatum. pc. Scorzonera graminifolia. F.G. 784. 9 muricatum. Dc. 10 taraxacifolium. COMPOSITA. rough. Levant. . grass-leaved. Portugal. bristly... Piedmont. Dandelion-l4. Bohemia. Scorzonera taraxacifolia. w. Picribdium. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. various-leaved. France. _PICRIDIUM. P.S. 1 vulgare. p.s. Scorzonera picroides. 2 tingitanum. P.s. 3 hispanicum. v. 4 albidum., p.s. Crepis albida. w. L.. Sonchus picroides. w Tangier. Spanish. Spain. pale-flowered. France. Barbary. Scorzonera tingitana. B.M. Sonchus tingitanus. w. — 7,8. H.y.. 1759. 1818. 1801. 1773. 1713. 1816. melee EEL 2ps aay sn 6.8. H.2. 6.8. H.O. 6.9. H.O. sense Is 1781. 7.10, H.2%. 207 Desf. an. mus. 1. t. 9.- . Jacq. obs, 4.-t. 100. © : Jacq. ic. 1. t. 106. All. ped. 1. t. 16. f. 1. Botan. magaz. 142. Jacq. schoenb. 2. t.143. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 164. All, ped. 1. t. 16. f. 2. Jacq. ic. 1, t. 161. Eng. bot. 935. Eng. bot. 674. | Eng. bot. 843, Blackw. ic. t. 30. Flor. gree, 790. Eng. bot. 2425. Smith ic. ined. t.21, Rob. ic. 143 et 151. Gmel. sib. 2. f.3. Mill. ic. 2: t. 157... Jacq. aust. 1. t. 9. Eng. bot. 457. Eng. bot. 707. K, hung, 1, t i All. ped. 1. .52. f. 1, Eng. bot. 1957, —-—— 268, = AC 208 COMPOSITE. 20 cichoriifolia. pc. Succory-leaved. France. 1818. —— H.y%. | t 21 stricta, w. upright, Hungary. 1805. —— H.¢. . W.etK. hang. t.48. 22 quercina. w. Oak-leaved. Sweden. 1686. 5.7. H.©. 23 intybacea. w. Endive-leaved. S. America. 1781. 6.8..H.©. Jacq. ic. ‘1. t. 162. 24 palmata. w. Savoy. vresecee 1683. 6.7. HO. 25 crispa. w. curled. eoserene 1670. —— HO. 26 sativa. w. - garden. s-eseees 1562. —— H.O. CHONDRILLA.W. Gum-succory. Syngenesia Polygamia /Equalis. 1 juncea. w. common. France. 1633. 9.10. H.y%. Jacq. aust.5..t. 427. 2 Decandollei. spr. Decandolle’s. —~——_ 1824. 7.9. H.©. 3 graminea. M.B. grass-leaved. Caucasus. —~- -—— H.2. 4 latifolia. m.B. broad-leaved. ———— —- Hg. PRENANTHES. W. PRENANTHES. Syngenesia Polygamia A-qualis. : 1 hispida. w. hispid. Siberia. 1823. 6.8. H.2. 2 purpurea. w. purple-flow’r’d. Germany. 1658. 7.9. H.%. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 317. 3 altissima. w. tallest. N.America. 1696. 7.8. H.%. Pluk. alm. t. 317. £2 4 cordata. w. heart-leaved, — 1816. —- H.2. 5 virgata. Ph. tall slender. —— 1823. 8.9. H.%. 6 alba. w. white-flowered. ———— 1762. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1079. 7 serpentaria. ph. —_Lion’s-foot. N.America. 1823. 8.10. H.%. sept.2.t.24. 8 rubicunda. Ph. rubicund. —_—— ——- — Hy. 9 racemosa. M. racemed. Canada. 1822, —— H.%. 10 spinosa. w. prickly. Barbary. 1640. 3.5. F.%. Park. theatr. 804. f.7. 11 arborea. w.en. arborescent. Canaries. 1823. «+++ F.h. 12 pinnata. w. pinnated. —_—_—- -——_ eee FL, : 13 hieracifolia. w. hawkweed-l4. Scotland. ---. 6.9. H.@. Eng. bot. 2325. pulchra. pc. Crepis pulchra. E.B. LEONTODON. W. DANDELION. Syngenesia Polygamia /Equalis. 1 Taraxacum. w. common, Britain, . 4.7. H.y%. Eng. bot. 510... 2 glaucescens. M.B. glaucescent. Russia. 1820. — H.%. : serotinum. w. late-flowering. Hungary. 1816. 7.9. H.¥%. K. hung.2. t. 14, 4 palustre. E.B. marsh. Britain. sees 6.7. Hy. Eng. bot. 553. : lividus. w.K. Taraxacum palustre. pc. 1a ) 5 obovatum. w. obovate-leaved. Spain. 1805. 7. H.%. | 6 nigricans. W.K. black. Hungary. 1823. —— H.%. 7 bessarabicum. L.en. small-flawered. Bessarabia. —— -—— H.2. * 8 levigatum. w. smooth. Spain. — — H.x. APARGIA. W. Aparetia. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 aurantiaca, w. orange-color’d. Hungary. 1816. 5.6. H.}. 2 alpina. w. Alpine. Austria. — —H.y. Jacq. aust.1.t.93. — 3 crocea. W. saffron-color’d. Hungary. 1820. —— H.2. iT- : 4 hastilis. w. shining-leaved. S. Europe. 1796. 7.8. H.%. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 164, 5 dubia. w. tooth-leaved. Germany. ---- 8. H.%. | + 6 caucasica. M.B. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1823. 7.8. H.%. EK . 7 tuberosa. w. tuberous-root’d. France. 1683. 5.7. H.¥. Flor. grec. t.797. Thrincia tuberosa. DC. 8 incana. w. hoary. S. Europe. 1784. 5.6. H.%. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 287. 9 Taraxaci. w. Dandelion-l4, Britain, © «++. 8. -H.%. Eng. bot. 1109. 10 autumnalis. w. autumnal. — ess. —— HY. ——— 830. 11 hispida. w. rough. na eee 709, Hi, = ——— 554. Hedypnois hispida. E.B. ae | 12 crispa. w. curled. France. 1803. 7.8. H.%. Vill.dauph.3.p.84.t.25. | 13 Villarsii. w. Villars’s. — 1818, —~— H.%. 3. p. 82. t. 25. 14 coronopifolia. w. bucks-horn-l4, Barbary. 1820. —— H.y%. Desf. atl. 2. t.214.° 15 aspera. w. hairy. Hungary. 1805. 6.7. H.%. K. hung.2.t.110, THRINCIA. W. TuHRINcIA. Syngenesia Polygamia A:qualis, — 4 1 glabra. Schl. _ smooth. Switzerland,1823. 7.8, H.2%. 2 hirta. w. simple-haired. Britain. coos —— HL. Eng. bot. 555. Hedypnois hirta. E.8B. - 3 hispida. w. hispid. S. Europe. 1815. 6.8. H.©.: Vill.daup.3.p.166.t:25. 4 maroccana. P.s. Morocco. Morocco. 1799. 7.8. H.©. 5 pygmea. P.s. pigmy. Madeira. «*--. —— H.O. Hyoseris pygmaa. Ww. PICRIS. W. OX-TONGUE. Syngenesia ie agi JEqualis. : 1 hieracioides. w... . Hawkweedlike.England. ---. 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 196. 2 dahurica. F. Daurian. Dahuria. 1820. 7.8. H.©. ; : 3 sprengeriana. P.s. branched. Portugal. 1783. 6.7. H.©. Moris. & 7. t. 5. f. 17. Hieracium Sprengerianum. tL. Crepis Sprengeriana. W.en. ! 4 pauciflora. w. few-flowered. S, France, 1818. —— H.©. Gert, fr. 2, t. 158. f. 2 Dict et, eI a Sil COMPOSITAE. 209 5 Rhagadiolus. p.s. Spanish. Spain. -— -—— H.©. | Jacq. scheenb, 2. t.144, Crepis Rhagadiolus. Jacq. é ar , 6 asplenioides. w. Spleenwort-l4. Barbary. 1805. 7.8. HY. L’Herit. stirp. t. 82. | 7 hispida. nx. hispid. Levant. 1789. —— H.%. 8 strigosa.m.B. _—-_ strigose. Caucasus, 1823. —— H.%. ___9 kamtschatica. rea. Kamtschatka. Kamtschatka. — —— H.©. ‘HIERACIUM. W. HaAwkweepb. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. : 1 aureum. w. golden. Italy. 1769. 5.7. H.%. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 297. 2 alpestre. w. smooth-leaved. Austria. 1823... —— H.%. — t.191. $ rupestre, w. rock. Switzerland.‘ ——- H.. _Alll. auct. t. 1. f. 2. | 4 alpinum, w. Alpine. Britain. see. 7.8. H.Y%. Eng. bot. 1110. 6 pumilum. w. small. Germany. 1804. —— H.»%. 6 glabratum. w. smooth. Switzerland.1823. 6.8. H.2. | 7 bulbosum. w. bulbous-rooted. S. Europe. »--~- -— H.2. " | 8 Pilosella. w. Mouse-ear. Britain. seee 5.7. HY. Eng. bot. 1093. _ 9 dubium. w. branching. —— ees 7.8. HY. — 2332. 10 Auricula. w. umbell’d mouse-ear. England. «--- —— H.2. 2368. 11 fallax. w.en. hairy spear-ld, +----+ +> 1816. —— H.2. 12 angustifolium. w. -narrow-leaved. Mt. Cenis, 1822, —— H.7. 13 florentinum. w. Florentine. Germany. 1796. -—— H.%. -~prealtum. pe. 14 cymosum. w. small-flowered. Europe. 1739. 5.6. H.%. Moris. s. 7, t.8. f.10. 15 piloselloides. p.s. Mouse-ear like. France. 1823. 5.7. H.%. Vill.delph.3.p.100.t.27 16 staticifolium. w. thrift-leaved. Europe. 1804. 6.7. H.%. 3. p.116. t. 27. 17 premorsum. w. premorse. Siberia. 1820. -——- H.y%. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 13. 18 succiszfolium. p.s. Succisa-leaved. Piedmont. 1822. -—— H.2. 19 flagellare. wien. creeping, = «+++ -=-- 1816. 5.7. H.%. » 20 bifurcum. m.s. two-forked. | S. Europe. 1822. —— H.3. 21 bifidum. w.en. bifid. Hungary. —— 6.7. H.z. 22 incarnatum. w. flesh-coloured, Carniola. 1815. —— H.%. Jacq. ic. t.578. 23 aurantiacum. w. orange-color’d. Scotland. soos —— HY. Eng. bot. 1469. /24 venosum. w. veined. N.America.1790. -—— H.2. 25 Gronovii. w. Gronovius’s. ~——— 1798. —— H.7. 26 Gmelini. w. Gmelin’s. Siberia. —— ——H.y. Gmel., sib. 2. t. 8. f. 2. 27 Bauhini. schutt. Bauhin’s. Switzerland.1820. —— H.2. 28 Lawsoni. w. Lawson’s. Britain. soos —-—— H.%. Eng. bot. 2083. 29 paniculatum. w. __ panicled. Canada. 1800. —— H.2. 30 chondrilloides. w. Gum-succory. Austria, 1640. —— H.%. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 429. 31 humile. w. low, . S. Europe. 1816. —- H.y%. —— t. 189. | pumilum. Jacq. Jacquini. vill. delph. 3. t. 28. 32 pictum. P.s. painted-leaved. Switzerland.1823. —— H.%. , 33 nigrescens. w. dark-coloured. ---- --- 1801. 7.8. H.y%. Willd. hort. ber. t. 10. 34 prunellefolium. w. Prunella-l¢, Switzerland.1823. 6.7. H.4%. All. ped.t.15.f.2, -. 35 montanum. w. mountain. S. Europe. 1775. —- H.%. Jacq. aust. 2. t.190. 36 porrifolium. w. Leek-leaved. Austria. 1640. 7.8. H.%. — 3. t.286. 37 saxatile. w. . rock. —_—- 1801. —— H.y%. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 163. 38 glaucum. w. glaucous. ~ S. Europe. 1807. 6.7. H.y%, All. ped. t. 81. f. 1, 39 molle. w. soft-leaved. Scotland. +--+. 7.8. H.Y. Eng. bot. 2210. 10 croaticum. w.k. Hungarian. Hungary. 1820. —— H.2. Al Sternbergii. ten. Sternberg’s. ————_- — — HH. 12 pallescens. w.en. _ pale. ———- 1815. 6.7. H.y. W.etK. hung.3. t.217. 13 murorum, E.B. wall. Britain. esee 7 H.Y. ~ Eng. bot. 2082. 44 maculatum. £.B. _—stained-leaved. England. eat 7s, Selck be We. — 2121. 15 ramosum. w. branching. Hungary. 1805. —— H.2. 16 sylvaticum. £.B. wood. Britain. -2-- 8. H.y%. Eng. bot. 2031. 7 pulmonarium. £.B. lungwort. Scotland. +--+ 7.8. H.%. — 2307. {8 lapsanoides. w. Lapsana-like. Pyrenees. 1812. —~ H.%. | Gouan. ill. t-21. f.3. 9 lyratum. w. lyre-leaved. Siberia. 1777. _——- H.%. Gmel. sib. 2. t.9. 0 cerinthoides. E.n. honeywort. Scotland. vee- 68, H.%. Eng. bot. 2378. \1 flexuosum. w. bending-stalk’d. Hungary. 1804. 7.8. H.}%. . #2 amplexicaule. w. heart-leaved. Pyrenees. 1739. H.y%. AJL. ped. tl. t: 15. f.1. 3 grandiflorum. w. great-flowered. Europe. 1791. —— H.y%. K.hung.1. t.99. 4 intybaceum. w. ~ endive-leaved. — 11794. —— H.¥%. Jacq. aust. ap. t. 43. 5 Halleri. w. Haller’s. ————- 1802. —— H.%. Vill. dauph. 3. t. 26. 6 eriophyllum. L.en. villous, — 1816. —~— H.y. 7 villosum. E.B. shaggy alpine. Scotland. +--- -— H.}%. Eng. bot. 2379. 8 pilocephalum. L.en. hairy-headed. Europe. 1816. —— H.y. i} 9 trichocephalum. w.en, three-headed. —————._ 1823. ——— H..2/. : — H.»%. , Dp prostratum. w.en. prostrate. — S. Europe. -— I COMPOSITE. W. et K. hung.2. t.127. Vill. alps 3. t. 29. Mill. ic. 1. t.146. f. I. K. hung. 1. t. 85. ‘ W. et K. hung.2. t.193._ ——.2.t, 145. Eng. bot. 349. 1771. 2235. . oe - Eng. bot. 2122. Willd. hort. ber. t. 16. . mia Aqualis. Eng. bot. 1094. Herm. parad. t.184, _ Jacq. aust, t. 441. Gmel. sib, 2. t. 10. 210 61 speciosissimum. w.en.handsome. - —-—--. —— —— H.}. 62 ciliatum. w. fringed. Crete. with —— H.. 63 Milleri. Lien. Miller’s.. 9 © . sear. poaaee : ee 64 Schraderi. p.s. Schrader’s. ‘@xtitzerland: 1823. — H.. 65 lanatum. w. woolly. Hungary. —— —— H.. 66 andryaloides. P.s. Andryala-like. France. 1818. —— H.2. 67 verbascifolium. p.s. Mullein-leaved. §, Europe. 1732. 5.6. H.%. ‘Andryala lanata. w. - 68 echioides. w. viper’s-bugloss. magne 1802. 7.8. Foes 69 verruculatum. L.en. warted. emieeies [S2s; < ——— Fe oe 70 undulatum. w. wave-leaved. Spain. 1778. —— H.}. 71 giutinosum. w. clammy. _S. Europe. 1796. —— H.©. 72_Kalmii. w. Kalm’s. Pensylvania.1794. 8. H.%. 73 fasciculatum. bundled. Canada. . ---- 7%. H.%. 74 racemosum.w.. racemed, Hungary. 1818. —— H.2. 75 foliosum. w. leafy. —— 1805. —— H.%. 76 corymbosum. P.Ss. corymbose. dioseteee(hDS20:. rox: SOR. 77 sabaudum. w. frutescent. Britain. ee 78 umbellatum. w. umbel-flow’r’d..————-__ +++» 8.9. H.%. 79 prenanthoides. £.B. rough-border’d. Scotland. -+-> 6.9, H.2. 80 latifolium. L.en. broad-leaved. Pyrenees. 1823. —— H.2. 81 denticulatum. £.B. small-toothed. Scotland. o+-- 7.8. H.Y. 82 cydonizfolinm.w.en. Quince-leaved. France. 1816. —— H.2. 83 lavigatum. w. smooth. : r 1804. 8.9. H.%. 84 catiescens. Len. . Camescent, = t+ ee-ee= 1820. 7.8. H.y. 85 bracteolatum. L.en. bracted. S. eno 1823. —— H.%. 86 coronopifolium...en. Buckshorn-ld, ---++++- — — H.2. 87 longifolium. L.en. _ long-leaved. = + +++ +++ ——- — H.. 88 parviflorum. Schl. small-flowered. Switzerland. —- -—— H.}.. 89 ochroleucum. Schi- sulphur-color’d. — 1821. —— H.%. 90 ovatum. Schl. oval-leaved. 1820. —— H.2. 91 calcareum. Horn. spurred. =< -eeee) 1828. ——+ Hits 92 compositum. Lap. compound. Py lances, — — H.%. 93 crassifolium. schu. thick-leaved. -+-+>--- a i es 94 incisum. Hop. cut-leaved. pages —— —— H.. 95 rotundatum. Horn. rounded. — -+--+-- 3 — —— H.. 66 sudeticum. st. Swedish. Sweden. Hs a Boge 97 virgatum. Ph. twiggy. N.America.1816. —— H.%. 98 virescens. Schl. greenish. Switzerland.1820. -—- H.7%. 99 fruticosum. w. shrubby. Madeira. 1785. 6.7. G.h. HAPALOSTEPHIUM. D.P. HAPALOSTEPHIUM. Syngenesia Polyg 1 paludosum. p.p. Succory-leaved. Britain. soee 7.8. Hi, Hieracium paludosum. E.B. f 2 pyrenaicum. p.p- Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1723. —— H.}. Hieracium blattarioides. P.Ss. 3 pilosum. D.P. hairy. —_—_ —— —— H..° 4 austriacum. Austrian. Austria. —— —— H.». Crepis austriaca. Jacq. 5 sibiricum. bD.P. Siberian. Siberia. 1755. '—— H.2. Crepis sibirica. L. Hieracium sibiricum. w. LAGOSERIS. L.en. MUAGOSERIS. Syngenesia Polygamia i ualis. 1 bursifolia. Len. pinnatifid. Sicily. 1823. . H.%. Boce.m.2. t.106 et 112. — Crepis bursifolia. L. : 2 versicolor. L.en. various-color’d. Dauria. eran. Aue PRR 3 cernua. L.en. nodding. Calabria. -— 6.8. H.©. 4 nemausensis. Palestine. S. Europe. 1794. 6.7. H.©. Vill. delph. 3. t. 26. Crepis nemausensis. W. 5 leontodontoides. L.en. Dandelion-like.Italy. 1804. 7.8. H. a. 6 raphanifolia. Len. Radish-leaved. -++-++«s - 1816. 6.7. H.%. 7 taurinensis. L.en. bladdered. Ss. arcane 1823. 5.% H.©- 8 intybacea. L.en. Succory-leaved. Portugal. 1816. 6.7. H.¢. BORKHAUSIA. L.en. BORKHAUSIA. eee Polygamia Acqualis. 1 alpina. L.en- Alpine. Ital y- 1739. 7. H.@©. Gmel. sib.2.t.5. °° Crepis alpina. W. . ‘3 2 rubra. L.en. purple. 1632. 6.7. HO. Flor. grec. 801. 3 foetida. L.en- fetid. Britain. cose —— H, é. Eng. bot. 406. Crepis fetida. E.B. | 4 graveolens. Len. Strong-scent’d. --->-+e+ 1824. 7.9. H.©. 5 aspera. L.en. rough, Sicily. 1797. 7.8. H.©. Flor. gree, $04. Crepis aspera. W. | -HELMINTHIA. J. COMPOSIT. hispid. S. Europe. 1798. 6 hispida. L.en. glandular-haired ——-—— 1824. 7 nicaeensis. L.en. ne OO CREPIS. L.en. Crepis. Syngenesia Polygamia AZqualis. 1 rigida. w. rigid. Hungary. 1805. 5.7. H.%. 2 rigens. w. bristle-leaved. Azores. 1778 7.8. G.2. 3 hieracioides. w hawkweed-like. Hungary. 1816. —— H.2. ‘4 tectorum. E.B. smooth. Britain. --- 6.9. H.©. 5 cinerea. P.s. ' redestalked. — ses —— Hg. 6 Dioscoridis. w. Dioscorides’. © France. 1772. 6.7. H.©. 7 biennis. w. biennial. England. 6.8. H.¢. S agrestis. w. field. Hungary. 1801. 7.8. H.©. 9 bannatica. w.en. Hungarian. — 1823. —— H.©. 10 virens, w. green. Switzerland.1796. 6.7. H.©. 11 pinnatifida. w. pinnatifid. S. Europe. 1820. —— H.O. 12 coronopifolia. w. fleshy-leaved. Canaries, 1777. 8.9. H.©. 13 filiformis. w. fine-leaved. Madeiraa ——— 6.7. Gg. 14 latifolia. p.s. broad-leaved. Europe. 1816. —— H.©. 15 Gmelini. schu. Gmelin’s. Bavaria. ‘1823. —— H.©. _ 16 rheadifolia. m.B. Poppy-leaved. Caucasus) -—- —— H.©. __17 pulcherrima. Fr. elegant. Siberia. — — H.©. | MYOSERIS. L.en. Mvyoseris. Syngenesia Polygamia ft nat purpurea. L.en. purple. Tauria. 1823. . H.©. Lagoseris purpurea, M.B. HEEMINTHIA. echioides. w. bristly. Britain. 6.7. H.©. Picris echioides. £.B. TOLPIS. G. Torpis. Syngenesia Polygamia se se 1 barbata. w purple-eyed. . France. 1620. 6.7. H©. Crepis barbata. u. Drepania barbaia. De. _ 2 umbellata. p.s. umbelled. Genoa. 1818. -— H.©. Drepania umbellata. pc. 3 altissima. P.s. tall. Piedmont. ~—- -—— H.©. | ANDRYALA.P.S. | AnpRyara. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1777. 5. 10. G.Ye 1778. 7.8. G.g. ~ 1 cheiranthifolia. w. various-leaved. Madeira. 2 pinnatifida. w. wing-leaved. Syngenesia Polygamia qualis. - Lapsana Setida. w. Hyoseris fetida. P.s. 2 minima. L.en. least. Britain. cers 5.6. HO. Hyoseris minima. £.B. Lapsana pusilla. w. SERIOLA. W. 1 levigata. w. 2 xthnensis. w. SERIOLA. Syngenesia Polygamia Acqualis. smooth. Candia. 1772. 7.8 H.©. rough, | Italy. 1763. ——- H.©. 2K 2 211 W. et K. hung.1. t. 43- K. hung,1. t. 19. W. et K. hung. 1. t.70. Eng. bot. 1111. Flor, grec. 808. Eng. bot. 149, Lobel. ic. 229. f. 2. Desf. act. par. 38. t.9. Eng. bot. 972. Botan, magaz. 35. Balb. diss. p. 4. t. 1. L’ Herit. stirp. 35. t.18. 3 crithmifolia. w. Samphire-ld, ——_- — 6.8 Gg. 4 nigricans. w. dark-flowered, Barbary. 1804. -—— H.©. f 5 ragusina. w. downy. Archipelago.1753. —— G.%. Mill. ic. 1. t. 146. f. 1. 6 Rothia. p.s. Spanish. Spain. 1810. 8. H.©. ~- Gert. sem. 2. t. 174. Rothia andryaloides. w. 7 sinuata. P.s. Stock-leaved. ———— 1768. 7.8. H.©. Rothia cheiranthifolia. w 8 runcinata. P.s. hoary. S. Europe. 1711. . A. KRIGIA. W. KriGia. Syngenesia Polygamia Equals 1 virginica. w. Virginian. N.America.1811. 5.7. H.©. 2 amplexicaulis. N. stem-clasping. —— 1799. 7.8. H.}%. ! Troximon virginicum, Ph. Hyoseris amplexicaulis. M. HYOSERIS. wW. SwINE’s succory. Syngenesia povent a JEqualis. 1 radiata. w. starry. S. Europe. 1640. rhe . H.%. Pluk. alm. t. 87. f. 2. 2 lucida. w shining. Levant. 1770. .H.%. Schm. ic. t.39. 41. 3 scabra. w. rugged. Sicily. 1789. . H.©. Lam. ill, t. 654. f..1. 4 hispida. w hispid. Morocco. 1779. —— H.©. 5 arenaria. w. sand. 1800. —— H.©. _ HEDYPNOIS. W. Hepypwnois. Syngenesia Adan /Equalis. 1 monspeliensis. w. branching. S. Europe. 1683. . HO. \ 2 cretica. w. Cretan. Crete. 1731. . H.©. Flor. gree. 813. 3 coronopifolia. T.c. buckshorn-l4. Italy. 1823. —— H.©. 4 tubeformis. t.c. — thick-tubed. —-— — — H.©. 5 mauritanica. w. Barbary. Barbary. ——- —— H.©. 6 rhagadioloides. w. Nipple-wort. S. Europe. 1773. 7.8 H.©. Cav. ic. 1. t. 43. 7 pendula. w. pendulous. = --*+=++=: _ 1818. —— H.©. __ ARNOSERIS. G. Arnosrris. Syngenesia Polygamia /Equalis. 1 feetida-L.en. stinking. Italy. 1722. 7.8 H.y%. W.etK. hung. 1], t.49. Eng. bot. 95. Desf. atl. 2, t. 216. Jacq. obs. 4. t. 79. 212 COMPOSITE. 3 cretensis, w. Cretan, Crete. 1820. —— H.©. it 4 Alliatee. Len, wood, JEtna. 1823. —— H.©. Biv. cent. pl. 2. t. 7. 5 urens. w. stinging. S. Europe. 1773. —— H.©. Schmid. ic. t. 32. ROBERTIA. DC. RoBERTIA. Syngenesia Polygamia AEquali taraxacoides. pc. Dandelion-like. Corsica. 1824. 7.8. Hm Loisel. gal. 530. t. 28. Seriola taraxacoides. Lois. — . HYPOCHZERIS.W. CarTs-EAr. Syngenesia Polygamia A‘ qualis. . Pyt 1 helvetica. w. one-flowered. Switzerland.1799. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 165. 2 maculata. w. spotted. England. eeee —— H,%. Eng. bot. 225. 3 minima. w. least. Barbary. 1797. 7.8. H.©. Flor. gree. 816. e 4 hispida. w.en. bristly. S. Europe. 1804. —— H.%. Willd.hort. ber.1. t.46. — 5 Balbisii. w.en. Balbis’s. — 1822, —— H.yx. 6 glabra. w. smooth. Britain. cess ——— H.©. Eng. bot. 575. 7 radicata. w. long-rooted. —— coer 6.9. HY. —-—— 831. e Achyrophorus radicatus. &. LAPSANA. W. NIPPLEWORT. Syngenesia etd fies a A’ qualis. 4 1 communis. w. common, he : 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 844. 2 crispa. w. curled. = eee eens 1799. 7.8. H.©. | 3 pubescens. Zey. pubescent. Dutoves 1820. 7.8 H.©. 4 lyrata. w.en. lyrate. Caucasus. 1816. —— H.. grandiflora. M.B. 5 intermedia. M.B. intermediate, —— 1823. a Gee H.©. ZACINTHA. W. ZACINTHA. Syngenesia Polygamia A‘qualis. verrucosa. W. warted, S. Europe. 1633. 6.7. H.©. Geert. sem.2.t.157. f.7. RHAGADIOLUS. W. RuaGaApiouus. Syngenesia Polygamia A‘qualis. . 1 stellatus. w. starry. S. Europe. 1633. 6.7. H.©. Flor. greec. 817. 2 edulis. w. heart-leaved. - Levant. — -—— HO©. ——-— 818. Lapsana Rhagadiolus. L. ; KCLPINIA. Pall. Kaecpinia. Syngenesia Polygamia A‘qualis. linearis. pall. linear-leaved. Levant. 1788. 7. H.©. Flor. grec. 819. Rhagadiolus Kelpinio. w. Lapsana Keelpinia. w. ree CATANANCHE. W. Catanancue. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 coerulea. w.. blue. S.Europe. 1596. 7.10. H.2%. Botan. magaz. 293. 2 lutea. w. yellow. Candia. 1640. 6.7. H.©. Flor. grec. 821. CICHORIUM. Wz Succory. Syngenesia ele Equalis. | 1 Intybus. w. common. vibtabm 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 539.’ 2 pumilum. w. dwarf. + ee 1799. 7.8. H.©. Jacq. obs. 4. t.80. 3 Endivia. w. Endive. E. udiae: 1548, —— H.©. fp te i 4 a latifolia. broad-leaved. —— — — H.©. B crispa. curled-leaved. ——- — — HO. y leucophylla. white-leaved. ass: aya o,f etme Ee 4 divaricatum. w. _ branching. Barbary. 1798. —— H.©. 5 spinosum. w. prickly. Candia. 1633. —— F.g. Bauh. prodr. t. 62. SCOLYMUS. W. GOLDEN-THISTLE. Syngenesia Polygamia A2qualis. fh 1 maculatus. w. annual. S. Europe. 1633. 7.8. H.@. Flor. gree. 824. 2 hispanicus. w. Spanish. — 1658. 7.9. H.y%. —~-— 825. 3 grandiflorus. w. _—great-flowered. Barbary. 1820. ——— H.2 Desf. atl. 2. t. 218. ‘ Suporvo II. LABIATIFLOR2. Lagasca et DC. in ann. mus. LERIA. DC. LeRIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. 1 nutans. Dc. drooping-fl4.. W.Indies. 1793. 6.7. 8.3%. ‘Plum. ic. t. 41. f. 1. Tussilago nutans. w. 2 albicans. pce. woolly-leaved. Jamaica. 1821. —— S.©@. CHAPTALIA. V. CnAPTALIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Necessaria. tomentosa. v. woolly. N.America. 1806. 5.6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 2257. Tussilago integrifolia. M. ee CHUQUIRAGA. J. CHuqurraca. Syngenesia Polygamia A’qualis. insignis. Kth. large-flowered. S. America. 1824. ---- G.h. Lam. ill. t. 691. Johannia insignis. w, TRIPTILION. R.P. Triprinion. Syngenesia Polygamia ae cordifolium. B.r. heart-leaved. Peru. 1823, . H.@. Botan. regist. 853. PERDICIUM. DC. (Perpicium. Syngenesia PalWeanin “Guimeeine Anandria. pe. Siberian. Siberia. 1759. 8. H.¥%. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 68. fil. TRIXIS. DC. Trixis. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. bal senecioides, H.&.F. Groundsel-like. Chili. 1822. 8. 10. Fr. %. Hook. ex. flor. 101. COMPOSITE. — RS y Sunorpo III. CARDUACEZ. | Don prodr. p. 166. Div. I. Carpuacez vere. Kth. synops.2. p. 363. ARCTIUM. L. Burpock. Syngenesia Polygamia /qualis. 1 Lappa. w. _ smooth-headed. Britain. coos 7.8. H.d. Eng. bot. 1228. 2 minus. M.B. smaller. Europe. coor —— HS. Lappa minor. Dc. 3 Bardana. w. woolly-headed. Britain. scooe —— H.g. Eng. bot. 2478. tomentosum. P.s. SERRATULA. D.P. Sawwort. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 pulchella, p.m. purple-scaled. Siberia. 1823. 6.7. H.%. Botan. magaz. 2589. 2 depressa. L.T. depressed. Caucasus, 1820. —— H.2%. Linn. trans.v.11.t.38. 3 elegans. L.T. elegant. ——— —_- — Hy — v.11. t.37. 4alpina.e.B. — Alpine. Britain. coos 7.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 599. _ Saussurea alpina. De. 5 angustifolia. w. narrow-leaved. Siberia. 1816. —— H.%. Gmel. sib, 2. t. 33. 6 discolor. w. two-coloured. Europe. — — H.y%. Moris.s.7.t.22.f. 1. Saussurea discolor. Dc. 3 f lapathifolia. pc. Dock-leaved. — — — H.y%. 7 serrata. : saw-leaved. ——_- —— —-— Hy». ' Saussurea serrata. DC. | 8 salicifolia. w. Willow-leaved. Siberia. 1796. H.%. Gmel.sib.2. t, 27. 9 alata. winged. Europe. 1823. —— H.2. : Saussurea alata. pc. non Serratula alata. w.en. 10 salsa. M.B. _ salt. Caucasus. 1824. —— H.2. ‘-CARDUUDS. D.P. TuistLE. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. ¥ 1 alatus. B.F.G. winged-stalked. ----+-++- 1812. 6.8. H.g. fl. gar. 103. 2 tinctorius. p.P. common. Britain, -++- 7.10. H.%. Eng. bot.38. Serratula tinctoria. £.B. 3 quinquefolius. p.p. five-leaved. Persia. 1804. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1871. Serratula quinquefolia. B.M. 4 coronatus. D.P. lyre-leaved. Italy. 1739. ~7..8.,.F40%} Gmel. sib. 2. t. 20. Serratula coronata. W. 5 centauroides. p.p. Centaury-like. Siberia. 1804. —— H.2 ——_—— 1. t.40. 6 radiatus. w.K. rayed. Hungary. 1800. —- H.g. K.hung.1. t.11. 7 polyclonos. w. Siberian. Siberia. 1823. —— H.2. 8 argutus, sharply-tooth’d. —— 1823. —— H.»%. Serratula arguta. L.en. 9 cyanoides. w. blue-bottle-l4. Siberia. 1778. —— H.¥% Gmel. sib. 2. t. 15. 10 simplex. one-flowered. Caucasus. 1817. —— H.y Botan. magaz. 2482. : mollis. w. Serratula simplex. pc. 1] xeranthemoides. everlasting-fld4. —-—— 1804. ——~ H.%. Gmel.sib, 2, t.47. f.1. Serratula xeranthemoides. M.B. Centaurea radiata, w. 12 lycopiifolins. w. —_—various-leaved. France, 1823. —— Vill. delph. 3, t. 19. Serratula heterophylla. pc. 13 leucographus. w. white-spotted. Italy. 1752. 6.7. . Jacq. vind. 3. t. 23. 14 arabicus. w. Arabian. Arabia. 1789. 7.8. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 166. 15 nutans. w. musk. Britain. 8 ig Eng. bot. 1112. 16 carlinoides. w.en. Pyrenean. Pyreness. 1784. —— Gouan. ill. t. 23, Carlina pyrenaica, L 7) hy SIRES SEG Bt HAAGOOOS SOOO ¥ 17 carlinefolius. w. Carline-leaved. — 1804. —— . 18 acanthoides. w. — welted. Britain. cree 6, Eng. bot. 973. 19 hamulosus. w. hooked. Hungary. 1802. —— H.©. 20 tenuiflorus. E.B. —slender-flow’r’d. Britain. 2 Eng. bot. 412. | 21 crispus. w. curled. Europe. 1804. 7.8. . Flor. dan. t. 621. 22 candicans. w. hoary. Hungary. 1805. —— W. et K. hung. 1. t.83. | 23 personatus. w. cut-leaved. Austria, 1776, —— - Jacq. aust. 4. t. 348, 24 polyanthemus. w. many-flowered. Rome. 1739. 6.7 - Triumf, obs. t. 103. | 25 paniculatus. w. panicled. S. Europe, 1781. _—— H.}. _ 26 pycnocephalus. w. Italian. ———— 1739, 7.9..H.%. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 34. _ 27 onopordioides. m.B. Onopordum-like. Iberia. 1824. 7.8. H.2. | 28 argentatus. w. whiteEgyptian. Egypt. 1789. 6.8. H.©. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 192. | 29 arctioides. w. . _ pinnated. Hungary. 1804. 7.8. H.. 214 | COMPOSITZ. 30 alpestris. w. alpine. ——— 1805. —— H.%. 31 defloratus. w. different-leav’d. Austria. 1570. 7.9. H.%. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 89. 32 Argemone. pe. Argemone-ld, Pyrenees. 1816, —— H.2. 33 parviflorus. w..— small-flowered. S. Europe. 1781. 6.7. H.2. $4 crassifolius. W.en. thick-leaved. -++----- 1805.. 7. H.2. 35 sumanus. L.en. Pollini’s. Italy. 1823. 7.8. H.%. 36 atriplicifolius. Len. Orach-leaved. Russia. — — H.». 37 nitidus. w. glossy. Hungary. 1806. —- H.y%. W.etK.hung.1. t.52 38 nudicaulis. P.s. naked-stalked. S. Europe. 1739. —— H.y. Cav. ic. 3. t. 226. cerinthoides. w. glaucus. Cav. Centaurea nudicaulis. L. Serratula nudicaulis. DC. ~ 39 cichoraceus. Reu. Succory-leav’d. Europe. 1824. —— H.2. 40 orientalis. m.B. oriental. Iberia. 1804. 7 H.2%. 41 salinus. M.B. narrow-leaved. Siberia. — —- H.. SILYBUM. G. SinyBumM. Syngenesia et ap 1 marianum. G. milk. Britain, . H.g. Eng. bot. 976. Carduus marianus. E.B. 2 cernuum. Gc. nodding. Siberia. 1755. 6.7. H.Y%. Mill. ic. 2. t. 248. Cnicus cernuus. W. . CIRSIUM. G. HORsE-THISTLE. Syngenesia Polygamia /Equalis. 1 palustre. pc. _ marsh. Britain. -»+- 7.8, H.g. Eng. bot. 974. Carduus palustris. E.B. Cnicus palustris. W- 2 elatum. L.en. tall. ssoveese 1823, —— H.}. 3 uliginosum. M.B. swamp. Narzana. 1820. —— H.}. 4 canum. L.en- hoary. Austria. 1633. —— H.%. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 42-3. 5 Acarna. DC. yellow. Spain. 1683. 7.9. H.©. Cavan.ic. 1. t.53. 6 pyrenaicum. pc. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1818. 7.8. H.%. Jacq. obs. 4. t. 95. 7 monspessulanum. pc. Montpelier. Montpelier. 1596. 6.7. H.2. 8 pannonicum, L.en, Hungarian. Hungary. 1816. 7.9. H.%. Jacq. aust.3. t. 5. 9 strictum. L.en. straight. Naples. 1820. —— H.. 10 lanceolatum. pc. common. Britain. -e++ 6.9. H. gd. Eng. bot. 107. Carduus lanceolatus. £.B. Cnicus lanceolatus. w. / 11 desertorum. Lien. desert. Siberia. 1823. 7.8. H.%. ‘ 12 ciliatum. L.en. fringed. —- 1787. 8 H.%. Murr. com. got. 6. t.5 13 serrulatum. M.B. serrulate. Tauria. 1820. 7.8 H.%. 14 laniflorum. M.B. —-woolly-flow’r’d. — 1823. —— H.yx. 15 arachnoideum. m.B. cobweb. —_—_- —- — H.». 16 strigosum. M.B. strigose. Caucasus. 1818. —— H.¢. 17 horridum. M.B. very spiny. —-—— 1820. —— H.}. ; 18 munitum. M.B. armed. —— 1816. —— H.y%. 19 obvallatum. M.B. crowded-fi4. —_———_ —- — H.2. - 20 scleranthum. m.8. . Carlina-like. — 1824. — H.¢. carlinoides. Fr. Carlina Echinus. M.B. 21 echinatum. L.en. hedgehog. Barbary. — — H.y. 22 eriophorum. pc. _—woolly-headed. Britain. ooee ——- H.g. ' Eng. bot. 386. ~ Carduus eriophorus. £.B. Cnicus eriophorus. w. 93 ferox. DC. fierce. S. Europe. 1688. —— H.¢. All. ped.1. t.50. 24 discolor. L.en. two-coloured. N.America. 1803. -—— H.¢. rt 25 inerme. L.en. unarmed. Pyrenees. 1818. —— H.2. 26 altissimum. Len. giant. N.America. 1726. 8.9. H.%. Dill. elth. t. 69. f. 80. 27 pratense. meadow. Britain. -«+- 6.7. H.y%. Eng. bot. 177. anglicum. pc. Carduus pratensis. £.B. Cnicus pratensis. W. 28 heterophyllum. pc. melancholy. — coos 7.8. HY. ———— 675: 29 helenioides..L.en, | Elecampane-l4, Siberia. 1804. —— H.}. 30 serratuloides. L.en. sawwort-like. —-—— 1752.6.10. H.y%. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 127. $1 heteromallum. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1820. —— H.¢. Cnicus heteromallus, D.p. Carduus candicans. Wal. 32 arvense. Dc. corn or way. Britain. réee 7 H.y. Eng. bot. 975. Serratula arvensis. w. Carduus arvensis. E.B. Cnicus arvensis. Ph. 33 rivulare. L.en. river. ‘Hungary. 1804. 7.8. H.%. Jacq. aust.1.t. 91. tricephalodes. pc. Cnicus rivularis. w. B salisburgense. smaller. cuaaniadhe ooimamth tuners eae : 34 ambiguum. be. ambiguous. S. Europe. 1823. -——- H.2. 35 orgyale. L.en. tae ee ie eee — — ~ H.. . 36 carniolicum. scop. Carniola. Carniola, 1792. —— H.y%. Scop. carn.1005. t. 54 37 pauciflorum. _ few-flowered. Hungary. 1816. —— H.g. K.hung.2. t.16) 38 tataricum. All. Tartarian. Siberia. 1775. 7.8. H.y.- Jacq. aust. 1. t. 90. 39 rigens. L.en. ‘upright alpine. Switzerland.—— -—— H.%. LaChenal.act.h.4.t.¥ 40 oleraceum. pc. pale-flowered. Europe. 1570. -—~- H.x%. Flor. dan. 860. 41 Erisithales. L.en. clammy. France. 1752, 6.8. H.y%. Jacq. aust, 4. t. 310. glutinosum. Dc. Cnicus Erisithales. w. COMPOSITE. 215 42 mite. L.en. soft. Russia. 1818. —— H.©. f ‘ 43 ochroleucum, pc. pale yellow. Switzerland.1801. 7. H.2. 44 bulbosum. De. tuberous. England. ---- 8.10. H.%. Eng. bot. 2562. Cnicus tuberosus. E.B. Carduus tuberosus. L. | | 45 setosum. M.B. setose. Tauria. 1823. 7.8. H.%. 46 acaule. pe. dwarf. - Britain. --+» —— H.. Eng, bot. 161. Carduus acaulis. E.B. Cnicus acaulis. w. . ' 8B caulescens.p.s. stalked. — «ere —— HF. 47 Casabone. Dc. fish-bone. S. Europe. 1714. 6.8. F.g. Schmidtic. t. 51-52. 48 stellatum. pc. starry. Italy. 1665. 6.7. H.©. Flor. grec. 830. 49 Diacantha. L.en. | two-spined. Barbary. 1800. —— F.g. Lab.ic. pl. syr. 1.t.3. | Cnicus afer. W. Jacq. scheenb. 2. t. 145. 50 syriacum. L.en. — Syrian. Levant. 1771. 7.8. H.©. Flor. gree. 831. 51 spinosissimum. scop. feathery-headed.Switzerland.1759. 6.8. H.4. Botan. magaz. 1366. 32 echinocephalum. prickly-headed. Levant. 1823. —— H.z. Cnicus echinocephalus. w. 53 carthamoides. L.en. Carthamus-like. 1823. —— H.2. 54 pygmeum. pc. pigmy. Austria. 1816. —— H.%. Jacq. aust. t. 440. Serratula pygmea. W. ‘RYTHROLAN A. ERYTHROLZNA..Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. - conspicua. B.F.G. conspicuous. Mexico. 1824. 9.10. F.d. Swt. br. fl. gar. 134. INOPORDUM. DC, Corron-THIsTLE. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 Acanthium. £.B. woolly. Britain. eoe> 7.8. H. gS. Eng. bot. 977. 2 tauricum. w. Taurian. Tauria. 1800. —— H.¢. 8 virens. pc. green. S. Europe. 1822. —— H.¢. 4 macrocanthum. w. long-spined. Barbary. 1798. —— H.g. Schousb. maroc. t.5. 5 illyricum, w. Illyrian. S. Europe. 1648. —— H.g. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 148. ’ 6 arabicum. w. Arabian. ——— 1686. 7 Hg. ——~—~-—— 2. t.149. 7 elatum. sm. tall. _ Greece. 1818. 7, 8H: bs 8 deltoides. w. Siberian. Siberia. 84.» 8..;> Hd. 9 grecum. Ww. Grecian. Greece. 799. 6.7. H.%. Gouan.ill. t.25. 10 cynaroides. pen. Cynara-like. Caucasus. 1823. 7.8. H.2. _ Carthamus cynaroides. M.B, 11 viscosum. Schr. viscous. Europe. — — H.é. 12 pyrenaicum. pc. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1818. —— H.2. 13 acaulon. w. dwarf. sree-ses 1739. .—— H.@. Jacq. ic. 1. t.167. /ERARDIA. PS. BERARDIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Equalis. ' _ subacaulis. p.s. round-leaved. Italy. 1791. 78. H.%. Vill. dauph. 3. t, 22. Arctium lanuginosum. pc. Onopordum rotundifolium. w. . YNARA. W. ARTICHOKE. Syngenesia Polygamia /Equalis. 1 Cardunculus. w. Cardoon. Candia. 1658. 8.9. H.%. Tabern. ic. 696. 2 Scolymus.w. | common. S. Europe. 1548. —— H.%. ‘ Blackw. t. 458. 3 horrida.w. - very prickly. Madeira. 1778. -—~ G.%. Flor. grec. 834, 4 humilis. w. dwarf. Spain. 1613. 7.8. H.y%. . Pluk.alm. t. 81. f.2. _§ glomerata. w. Cape. C.B.S. 1816. -—— G.2. 6 pygmza. w. small. Spain. 1824. —— H.4. VESTRINUS. Cass. CrEsTrinus. Syngenesia Polygamia Aq FEqualis, carthamoides. cass. Carthamus-like. Barbary. 1799. 7. H.y%. Desf. atl. 2, t. 223. Cynara acaulis. w. Serratula acaulis. pe. -ARLINA..W. CARLINE-THISTLE. Syngenesia Poyeanys fEqualis. 1 acaulis. w. dwarf. Italy.» 1640, H.¥. Knorr. thes. 2. t. cel. | B caulescens.p.s. stalked. ——_—-_ — — H.. 2 acanthifolia. w. Acanthus-l4,. Pyrenees. 1818. 6.7. H.y%. Allion.ped. t.51. 3 simplex. p.s. single-flow’r’d. Hungary. 1816. —— H.%. K.hung.2. t.152. 4 aggregata. w. clustered. — 1804. 6.9. H.y%. 5 lyrata. w. lyre-leaved. C.B.S. 1816. —— G.g. | 6 lanata. w. woolly. S. Europe. 1683. 6.7. H.©. Garid. aix. t.21, 7 corymbosa. w. corymbed. —— 1640. 7.8. H.y%. Flor. grec. 837. 8 vulgaris. w. common. Britain, esos 5.9. HG. Eng. bot. 1144. — 9 racemosa. Ww. racemed, — Spain. 1658. 6.8. H.©. TOBA. W. Stopa. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. pinnata. w. Carthamus-like. C. B.S. 1812. 1.12 G.f. Botan. magaz. 1788. ‘ARTHAMUS. BASTARD SAFFRON. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. } _tinetorius. w. common. Egypt. 1551. 6.7. H.@., Botan. regist. 170. TERACANTHA.L.en,HERACANTHA. Syngenesia Polygamia ZEqualis. 1 lanata. Lien. woolly. S. Europe. 1596. 7.8. H.©. Botan. magaz, 2143. Carthamus lanatus. B.M. Centaurea lanata, pc. | 2 cretica. L.en. Cretan. Candia. 1781. 6.7. H.©. Carthamus creticus. w. 216 COMPOSITE. 3 taurica. L.en. Taurian. Tauria. 1818. —— H.©. 4 glauca. glaucous, Iberia. — — H.O. Carthamus glaucus. M.B. ONOBROMA. G. Onoproma,. Syngenesia Polygamia AEqualis. ys 1 tingitana. Tangier, Barbary. 1759. 6.7. H.%. Cavan.ic.2.t.128. —— Carthamus tingitanus. w. ale bs 2 coerulea. L.en. blue-flowered. Spain, 1640. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 2293. — Carthamus ceruleus. W. ; CARDUNCELLUS. DC. Carpuncexius. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. ; abe 1 vulgaris. De. common. France. 1776. 5.6. H.%. Lob.ic. 2. p. 20. 5 Carthamus Carduncellus. w. ; 8 2 mitissimus. Dc. small. — 1734. 6.7. H.%. 3? arborescens. tree. Spain. 1731. 7.8. Gh. Carthamus arborescens. w. CARLOWIZIA. DC. Cartowizia. Syngenesia Polygamia Equalis. salicifolia. pc. Willow-leaved. Madeira. 1784. 8 G.h. Carthamus salicifolius. w.: Onobroma salicifolium. L.en. ATRACTYLIS. W. ArractyLis. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis, Bs humilis. w. . dwarf. Spain. 1759. 6.7. H.4. Cav.ic.1. t.54. ACARNA. W. AcarRNA. Syngenesia Polygamia AEqualis. | i 1 gummifera. w. gummy-rooted. S, Europe. 1640. 6.8. H.%. Cavan.ic. 3. t. 228. 2 cancellata. w. netted. ——- — 6.7. H.©. Lam. ill. t.662. f.1. Atractylis cancellata. P.s. STOKESIA. W. STOKESIA. Gendeeilels Polygamia qualia: . _ cyanea. Ww. blue-flowered, Carolina. 1766. 8... G.%. L’Herit.sert. 27. t.38. STHHELINA. W. STZHELINA. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. - | - 1 dubia. w. | Rosemary-|4,. §S. Europe. 1640. 6.7. H.h. Lam. ill: t. 666. f.4. 2 arborescens. w. Storax-leaved. Candia. 1739. 7.9. F.k. Flor. grec. t. 345. ° 3 chamezpeuce. w. Pine-leaved. ate ae 1640. 7. 1. Feb) —— ee Sa PTERONIA. W. PTERONIA. Syngegesia Polygamia Aqualis. . 1 camphorata. w. aromatic. C. B.S. 1774. 6.7. G.h. Pluk. mant. t.345. f.2. 2 stricta. w. cluster-flow’r’d. —————- ——- 4.6. G.h. : 3 echinata. w. prickly-cupp’d. ———— 1820. —— G.h. ‘ 4 flexicaulis. w. bending-stalk’ d. ———— 1812. 6.8. G.h. : 5 fasciculata. w. cluster-flowr’d. ——-—~— 1816. —— G.h. ' 6 pallens. w. pale. —_——_- ——_-_ —- Gh. e 7 oppositifolia. w. | opposite-leav’d. —-—— 1774.7. G.h. Lam.ill. t.667.£2. 8 glomerata. w. - crowded. ———— 1823. 6.8. G.h. 9 scariosa. w. window-cupp’d. ——-—— 1815. —— G.h. ZOGEA. W. | ZEGEA. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. w Leptaurea. w. yellow-flow’r'd. Levant. 1779. 7.8. H. ©. Jacq. ic. 1. t.177. LEUZEA. DC. LEvuzEA. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. 1 conifera. pc. - cone. S. Europe. 1683. 6.9. H.%4. DC.ann. mus. 16. t.14, Centaurea conifera. W. 2 altaica. L.en- large-flowered. Altay. - 1818. —- H.. 3 australis. New Holland. N.Holland. 1821. 8.9. H.%.° Swt. br. fi. gar. ic. GALACTITES. DC. GatactitEes. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. tomentosa. DCc.- woolly. S. Europe. 1738. 7. H.©. DC.ann. mas. 16. t.16. Centaurea galactites. w CRUPINA. Cas. Crupina. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. ‘ 1 vulgaris. Cas. black-seeded. Italy. 1596. 6.7. H.©. Colum: ecph, 1. t. 34. Centaurea Crupina. w. | . ca 2 Lippii. p.s. Lippi’s. Egypt. 1739. —— H.©. Isn. act.par.1719. t.10. Centaurea Lippii. w. CENTAUREA. J. CENTAURY. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. 1 moschata. w. sweet sultan. Persia. 1629. 7.10. H.©. Knor. thes. 2. t. C, 43 2 glauca. w. glaucous. Caucasus. 1805. 6.7. H.©. 3 suaveolens. w. yellow sultan. Levant. 1683. 7.10. H.©. Swt. brit. fi. gar.1. t.51, 4 alpina. w. Alpine. Italy. 1640. 7.8. H.%. Cornut. can. 69. t. 70. _ 5 Centaurium. w. great. —— 1596. —— H.x. | 6 ruihenica. w. Russian. Russia. 1806. —— H.%. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 41, 7 phrygia. w. feathery-cupp’d.Switzerland.1633. 6.10. H.%. Flor. dan. 520. 8 rivularis. P.s. river-side. Portugal. 1812. 7.9. H.. 9 salicifolia. w. Willow-leaved. Caucasus. 1816. -—— H.2. 10 austriaca. w. Austrian. Austria. 1815. 6.10. H.2%. 11 pectinata. w. pectinated. France. 1727. 7.10. H.2. 12 uniflora. w. one-flowered. 8S. Europe. 1824. 6.8. H.2. Bocce.mus. 2. t.2. ° 13 flosculosa. w, flosculose. Italy. 1817. -— H,%.- 14 nervosa. W.en. nerved. S. Europe. 1815. 6.9. H.2. COMPOSITAZ. : 217 5 tricocephala. w. downy-cupped. Siberia. 1805. 7.8. H.&%. Ginel.sib, 2. t. 45. f.1.2. 5 hyssopifolia. w. Hyssop-leaved, Spain. 1812. —— F.h. Barrel. ic. 306. 7 coronopifolia. w. Buck’s-horn-lq. Levant. 1739. 6.7. H.©. 3 procumbens. P.s. procumbent. Italy. 1821. —— H.2. 9 nigra. w. black knapweed. Britain. ---- 5.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 278. 0 pratensis. P.S. field. . France. 1824. —— H.}. 1 nigrescens. w. dark. Hungary. 1805. 6.8. H.2. 2 Triumfetti. w. Cenisian. , Mt, Cenis. — H.7. 3 montana. w. mountain. Austria., 1596. —— H.¥. Botan. magaz. 77. 4 seusana. P.s. silvery-fringed. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.%. Barrel. ic. 389. axillaris. w. variegata. Lam. 5 Cyanus. w. blue-bottle. Britain. cose -———~ H.@. Eng. bot. 277. Cyanus segetum. Men 6 americana. N. American, N.America. 1823. 7.10. H.©. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. 7 ochroleuca. w. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1801. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1175. 8 ovina. w. small-flowered. Caucasus. 1802. 7.11. H.2. 9 paniculata. w. panicled, Europe. 1640. 7.8. H.g. Jacq. aust. 4. t.320. © 0 intybacea. Lame Succory-leaved. S. Europe. 1778. 7.9. H.%. 1 spinosa. w. prickly-branch’4d,Candia. 1640. —— F.%. Botan. magaz, 2493. 2 ragusina. w. white-leaved.. ——-—— 1710. 6.7. G.h. ——— 494. 3 argentea: w. silver-leaved. ————- 1739. 7.8. F.h. Barrel. ic. t.218. 4 Cineraria. w. hoary-leaved. Italy. 1710. —— H.%. Moris.s.7. t.26.f. 20. 5 cinerea. w. gray. ———- — 6.7. H.%. Jacq. vind.1, t.92. 6 dealbata. w.B. mealy. Caucasus. 1804. 7.8. H.%. 7 cicutefolia. Horn. Cicuta-leaved. Europe. 1824. —— H. 2. 8 maculosa. p.s. spotted-cupp’d. Siberia. 1816. —~- H.%. Gmel.sib. 2.t. 44.f.1.2. 9 sempervirens, W. evergreen. Spain. 1683. —— H.¥. Bocce. sic. t. 39. f.3. 0 coriacea. w. leathery-leav’d. Hungary. 1804. 6.7. H.¥%. W-.etK. hung. 2. t.195. 1 Scabiosa. w. greater-knapweed. Britain. ---- 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 56. 2. tatarica. w. Tartarian. Tartary. 1801. 7.8 H.%. 3 Stebe. w. wing-leaved. Austria? 1759. 6.7. H.. 4 Fischeri. w.en. Fischer’s. Siberia. 1816. ——- H.2. 5 macrocephala. w. large-headed. Caucasus. 1805. 6.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1248. 6 atropurpurea, w, dark purple.- Hungary. 1802. —— H.¥. K.hung.2. t.116. 7 calocephala. w.en, smooth-stalked. Levant. 1816. —— H.2. 8 canariensis. w.ene Canary. Teneriffe. 1815. —— G.h. 9 orientalis. w. oriental. Levant. 1759. 7.8. How. ‘0 arachnoidea. p.s, cobweb. Italy. 1823. —— H.4%. L sibirica. w. Siberian. Siberia. 1782. —— H.%. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 42. f.2. /2 diluta. w. _ pale-flowered. S. Europe. 1781. —— H.}. ; (3 alata. w. winged-stalk’d. Tartary. — 8.9. H.%. Venten. cels. 80. 4 elongata. Desf. elongated. Barbary. 1822. —— H.. '5 Behen. w. saw-leaved. Levant. 1797. 7.8 H.©. »6 repens. w. creeping. —— 1739, 6.8. H.}. 7 Jacea. w. brown knapweed. England. ---- 7.9. H.%. Eng. bot. 1678. ‘8 decumbens. p.s. decumbent. France. 1815. —— H.2. 9 amara. w. bitter. Italy. -e-- 7.8. H.%. Bocce. mus. 31. t. 17. 50 alba. w. white-flowered. Spain. 1597. 6.9. H.}. iL splendens. w. shining. —— — 7.8. H.¢é. 2 nitens. w. glittering. Caucasus. 1823. —— H.©. Buxb.cent.2.t.15. f.1. 3 tagana. w. Portugal. Portugal. 1640. —— H.%. Brot. phyt. lus. t.3 ‘ babylonica. w. Babylonian. Levant. 1710. 6.9. H.%. Alp. exot. t. 282. 5 glastifolia. w. wood-leaved. Siberia. 1731. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 62. HAPONTICUM. D.C. Roaponticum. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. 1 scariosum. Lam. common. Switzerland.1640, 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1752. _ Centaurea Rhapontica. B.M. / at B lyratum. ve. lyrate. ———— +++» —— H.}. : 2 uniflorum. pc. one-flowered. Siberia. 1796. —— H.¥%. Gmel., sib. 2. t. 38. Cnicus uniflorus. w. ROCODILIUM. J. Crocopirium. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. (1 cucullatum. blush-flowered. Levant. 1777, 7.8. H.©. Barrel: rar. t. 503, _ Centaurea Crocodylium. w. Calcitrapa cucullata. Men. 2 peregrinum. soft-leaved. S. Europe. 1749. ——- H.¢. _ Centaurea peregrina. w. ; ; 3 muricatum. muricated. Spain. 1621. —— H.O. 4 aureum. great golden. §. Europe. 1758. 7.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 421. _ Centaurea aurea. B.M. . , 5 salmanticum sp. ragwort-leav’d. ——-—— 1596. 7.8. H.g. Jacq. vind. 1. t.64. 6 verutum, Sp. dwarf, Levant. 1780. 8.9. H.©. Jacq. ic. I. t. 178. ro ‘I 218 COMPOSIT. CALCITRAPA. J. STAR-THISTLE. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. aa. 1 sordida. P.s. sordid. = =§« ss eee a8 1817. 7.8. Hod. “es Centaurea sordida. W. — | 4: 2 pubescens. P.s, downy. te eee wee. 1804, —— H.}. - 3 rupestris. P.s. rock, Italy. —— -+— H.y%. Column.ecph.1.t. etfi2 A collina. p.s. hill. S. Europe. 1596. 6.7. H.%. 5 centauroides. Len. lyre-leaved. —-—— 1739. 5.7. H.¥. Coluthit: ecph. 1. t. é 6 reflexa. L.en. crook-spined. Iberia. 1801. 7.8. H.%. . 4 7 parviflora. L.en. small-flowered. -—-—— 1823. —— H.}. 8 hybrida. L.en. hybrid. Italy. 1821, —— H.¢. 9 eriophora. P.s woolly-headed. Portugal. 1714. 6.10. H.©. 10 balsamita. Less bristle-spined. ad descr 1824. 7.8. H.}. 11 rigida. L.en. TIGIO ose jo eae es — — H.. be 12 stellata. Lam. common. England. <---> -—- H.©._ Eng. bot. 125. z Centaurea Calcitrapa. E£.B. : je 13 pheenicea. Pheenician. Levant. 1683. 6.7. H.©.: 9 ‘Centaurea calcitrapoides. W : : : 14 egyptiaca. Egyptian. Egypt. 1790. 6.9. F.2. " 15? benedicta. blessed thistle. Spain. 1548. 6.10.H.©. Zorn. ic. 122. t SERIDIA. J. SERIDIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. 5 1 aspera. rough. S. Europe. 1772. 6.10. H.©. Bocc.mus. 35. 26. Centaurea aspera. W. 2 napifolia. Turnep-leaved. Candia. 1691. 7.9. H.©. ‘ Herm. parad. t. 186, 3 straminea. straw-coloured. Egypt. 1801. 7.8. H.©. Willd. hort. ber. 26, 4 polyacantha. many-spined. Portugal. 1804. —— H.©. 5 prolifera. proliferous. Egypt. 1816. —— H.@, Vent. hort. cels. t. If 6 auriculata. eared, =§« «we wncens s-. .- FRG. Centaurea auriculata. P.s. \ 7 Isnardi. Jersey. Jersey. sooo ——— H.9. Eng. bot. 2256. Centaurea Isnardi. E.B. 4 8 spherccephala. globe-headed. §. Europe. 16883. -—- H.%. Botan. magaz. 2551. Centaurea spherocephala. B.M. . 9 sicula. Sicilian. Sicily. 1710. —— H.%. Bocce. sic. t. 8, f-1.— 10 Adami. Adam’s. Siberia. 1804. —— H.©. ; 11 melitensis. , Cluster-headed. Malta, 1710. —— H.©. Bocce. sic. t. 35. 12 sulphurea. sulphur-color’d, ---+-- -> 1815. —— H.©. 13 solstitialis. St. Barnaby’s. England. scoee —— H.©. Eng. bot. 243. Centaurea solstitialis. E.B. a 14 pullata. sad-coloured. S. Europe. 1714. 6.7. H.g. Mill.ic. 2. t.152. f.2 15 ferox. hedgehog, Barbary. 1790. 7.9. F.4. Desf. atl. 2. t. 242. © 16 romana, Roman. Rome. 1739, ——H.g._ Barrel. rar, t.504. — 17 cruenta. obovate-leaved, «---+.+ - 1816. 6.8. H.2. | 18 sonchifolia. Sow-thistle-ld. S. Europe. 1780. e. 10.H.%. Pluk. phyt. 39. f. 1. 19 latifolia. purple-flower’d. Spain. 1686. 6.8. H.%. Pluk. alm. t. 38. f. 1 Centaurea seridis. Ww. CARDOPATUM. J. Carpopatum. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. corymbosum. p.s. umbelled, S. Europe. 1640. 6,7. Hy. Moris. s.7. t.33. f. 1 Brotera corymbosa. w.' : Div. If. Ecutnopsipem. Kth. synops.2. p. 364. ROLANDRA. W. ROLANDRA. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. L. argentea. w. silver-leaved. W.Indies. 1714. 7. S.h. Sloan. jam. 1. t.7. f. ECHINOPS. W. GLOBE- “THISTLE. Syngenesia Folygamia Segregata. L. 1 spherocephalus. w. great. Austria. 1596. 7.8. H.%. Flor. grec. 923. 6 exaltatus. schr. tall. WEEE hie 2 spinosus. w. thorny-headed. Egypt. 1597. ——- H.%. Flor. grec. 924. 3 paniculatus. B.R. panicled. Spain. 1815. —— H.¢. Botan. regist.356, A horridus. P.s: horrid. Persia. 1817. -+—, Hi. | 5 viscosus. M.B. viscous. Caucasus. 1823. —— H.¢. 6 tauricus. W.en. Taurian. Tauria. 1816. —— H.2. 7 ruthenicus. M.B. Russian. Russia. 1819. —~— H.x%. 8 Ritro. w. small. Europe. 1570. 7.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 932. 9 tenuifolius. F. slender-leaved. Russia. 1823. -—— H.. & 10 strictus. B.M. upright. - — 1822, 8.10. H.g¢? Botan. magaz. 2457 1 strigosus. w. 2 lanuginosus. w. JNDELIA, W. Tournefortii. w. PH/ERANTHUS. ) L-mollis. H.8. 2 indicus. 3 africanus. w. tomentosus. w.c. Cassinia aurea. H.K. ROTERA. P.S. trinervata. P.s. DERA. W _ prolifera. w. NGIANTHUS.W.C. Contrayerva. Spr. Nauenburgia trinervata. w. PP EN ae ne ee re ee ee ee a ee le ee Aas COMPOSITAE. 1729. 1736. 219 Botan. magaz. 2109. - Flor. grec, 926. annual. woolly. GUNDELIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. L. 7.9. H.©. 6. Te H.2. . Spain. Levant, Tournefort’s. Levant. 1739. 6.8. H.y%. Mill. ic. t. q8¢ SPHAERANTHUS. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. L. soft. E. Indies. 1818. 7.9. S.©. | Indian. — 1699. 8.12. S.%. Burm. zeyl. t. 94. f. 3. African.- C. B.S. 1759, 7.8. G.©. Pluk. mant. t.108.f.7. ANGIANTHUS. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. woolly. N. Holland. 1803. 7.8. G.%. Wend. coll. 2. t. 48. NON Le. : BrRotTerRA. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. P.S. three-nerved. S.America. 1799. 7.8. H.©. Schr.b. jour.180, 2, t.5. CZDERA. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. L. proliferous. C. B.S. 1789. 5.6. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1637. sEPHANTOPUS.W.ELEPHANT’s-FooT. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. L. L scaber. W. 2 carolinianus. w. 3 tomentosus. w. 4 mollis. x.s. '5 nudiflorus. w. 3 spicatus. w. _/ angustifolius. w. E'G@BE. W. L zthiopica. w || Seriphium ethiopicum. p.s | 2 ericoides, w. 3 cinerea. w. Seriphium cinereum. P.s. 4 reflexa. w. ESULIA. Roxb. | axillaris. w. \GASCA. Cav. mollis. w. OCCA. W. | 2 suaveolens. 3 latifolia. L.H. intermedia. L.en. CARICIDA. Cass. ' anthelmintica. ‘ERNONIA. W. 1 noveboracensis. w. 2 prealta. w. 3 angustifolia. ph. 4 glauca. w. oligophylla. M altissima. N. pandurata. L.en. sericea. B.R. arborescens. P.s. fruticosa, P.s. 0 flexuosa. B.M. {ATRIS, W. J spicata. w. | 6B pumila. B.c. 2 pycnostachya. m Lagascea rubra, K.8. cat .K.S. AMPHEREPHIS. ui i } indica. Cass. Vernonia anthelmintica. w. Conyza anthelmintica. L. Conyza fruticosa. L. rough-leaved. E.Indies. 1695. 6.9. S.2%L. Rheed. mal. 10. t.7. Carolina. America. 1732. 7.9. G.%. Dill. elth. t. 106. f.126. woolly. W. Indies. 1733, 7.8. S.%. soft-leaved. Caracas. 1825. —— S.%. naked-flow’r’d. W. Indies. 1822. —— S.h. spiked. — — — S8.h. Sloan.hist.1.t.150.f.3.4 narrow-leaved. ————— 1823. —— S.f. —————t.148.f. 4. STEBE. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. L. Juniper-leaved. C. B. S. 1759. 8. G.h- Heath-like. ———— 1816. 7.9. G.h. Moris. s.7. t. 18. f. 12. Heath-leaved. ——-—— 1774. —— G.h. Pluk. mant. t. 297. fil. reflex-leaved. — 1816. —— G.h. Casutia. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. L.T. axillary-flow’r'd. E, Indies. 1804. 7.9. S.%. Andr. reposit. 431. Lagasca. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. L.T. soft. S. America. 1815. 6.9. $.©. Botan. magaz. 1804. Nocca. Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata. Lagascea suaveolens, K.s. red-flowered. Mexico. 1823. +--+ S.%. Hum.etBondp.4.t.311. sweet-scented,.< -———-——.. . -++ Sch. broad-leaved. ————- -—— <++: S.h. iv. IW. Vernoniacem. Kth. synops.2. p.367. et Asterex. lc. p. 399. ~ Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. intermediate. Brazil. 1822. 7.9. G.Y%. Pl. sel. hrt. ber. t. 5. AscaRIcIDA. Syngenesia Polygamia /Equalis. Indian. E. Indies. 1770. 8.9. S.%. Rheed. mal. 2. t. 24. VERNONIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. W. long-leaved. N.America. 1710. 9.11. H.%. Dill. elt. t. 263. f. 342. tall. —- 1732. —— H.%. -———~— t. 264. f. 343. narrow-leaved. ~—-~—— 1817. —— H.}. glaucous-leav’'d, ———-— 1710. —— H.}. Dill. elt. t. 262. f. 341. tallest. ——— 1823. —— H.}. fiddle form. Saw sn a silky. Brazil. 1818. 9.1. S.k. Botan. regist. 522, tree. Jamaica. 1733. 11.12.S.h. shrubby. S. America, 1818. ——- 8.h. Plum. ic. 95. f. 1. flexuose-branch’d. Brazil. , 1823. 9.10. S.k. Botan. magaz. 2477. LIATRIS. Syngenesia Polygamia ARqualis. W. long-spiked. N.America. 1732. 8.10. H.4%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 49. dwarf. —————_ ----- -—— H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 147. pubescent. ——- 1732. ~— H.y% Dill. elt. t. 72, f. 83. 290 3 heterophylla. pp. intermedia. B.R. cylindracea. mM. pilosa. Ph. gracilis. Ph- COMPOSITE. Bai various-leaved. ’N.America.1790. ee ee ne nn ae ee ee Botan. regist. 948. 4 5 6 Ae 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BRACHYLANA.L.T. turbinata. B.F.G. elegans. Ww. spheroidea. M. — scariosa. Ww. squarrosa. W. paniculata. w. odoratissima. w. corymbosa. w. neriifolia. Baccharis neriifolia. BACCHARIS. W. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ivefolia. w. angustifolia. M. glomeruliflora. m. halimifolia. w. Dioscoridis. w. scoparia. P.s. Calea scopuria. L. parviflora. P.s. foetida. w. Conyza camphorata. CONYZA. W. 1 © Nanper squarrosa. W. marylandica. Ph. patula. w. axillaris. w. bifrons. w. purpurascens, w. candida. L. verbascifolia. W. limonifolia. F.G. candida. W. non L. balsamifera. w. chinensis. w. cinerea. Ww. fastigiata. W.en- prolifera. w. hirsuta. w. egyptiaca. w. pinnatifida. rR. Gouani. w. sicula. Ww. aurita. Ww. foetida. w. amoena. L.en glomerata. L.en. spatulata. L.en. adnata. K.S. 7.8 H.i. intermediate. ———— 1823. 8.9. H.2. cylindrical-cup’d, ——-—— 18]1.. 10. H.%. hairy-leaved. ——- 1783. — H.%. smooth-leaved. ———— 1812. —— H.2. turbinate-cup’d. ——-—— 1823. —— H.2. hairy-cup’d. ——— 1787. 9.10. H.%. globular-cup’d. ——-—— 1817. 8.10. H.%. scariose-cup’d.. ——-—— 1739. 9.10. H.%. rough-cup’d. ———— 1732. 9.10. H.y%. panicled. — 1826. 8.10. H.%. sweet-scented. Carolina. 1786. ——- F.2. corymbose. N.America. 1825. —— F.%. Botan. regist. 595. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. Botan. regist. 267. Swt. br. fl. gar. 87. Botan. regist. 590. Swt. br. fl. gar. 44. Andr. reposit. 633. BRACHYLZNA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. Oleander-ld, w. Co BOSS? 1752. BTL Melee PLOWMAN’S-SPIKENARD. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. Peruvian. America. 1696. 7.8. G.h. narrow-leaved. N.America,1812. 7.9. G.h. close-flowered. 1817. 8.10. H.k. Groundsel-tree. 1683. 10.11. H.h. Dioscorides’, Levant. 1822. 7.9. G.h. broom. Jamaica —— —— S.h. small-flowered. Peru. ——- «s+. Sh. Camphor-scent’4d.N.America.1704. 8.10. G.2. Ph. FLEA-BANE. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. L. Schk. handb. 3. t. 244. Schmidt arb. t. 82. Rauw. it. 4. t. 54. Brown. jam. t. 34. f. 4. Dill. elt. t. 89. f. 105. Baccharis adnata. wW thapsoides. M.B. sordida. w. saxatilis. w, rupestris. w. Tenorii. Len. sericea. W. gemindflora. L.en. inuloides. Ww. odoratae W. incisa. Ww. - carolinensis. Ww. virgata. w. rugosa. H.K. great. Britain. ooee 7.8 Hig. Eng. bot. 1195. Maryland. ° N. America, +--+ 8.10. H.©. — Dill. elt. t. 88. f. 104. spreading. China. 1758. 7.9. H.©. Mill. ic. 2. t. 247. axillary. sasseeee 1624. —— H.©O. ' oval-leaved. N.America. 1739. 8.9. H.4%. Pluk. alm. t. 87. f. 4. purplish. ~ Jamaica. 1822. —— S.©. Sloan. hist. 1. t.159.f.1. woolly. Candia. 1714. 6.7. F.h. Flor. gree. 865. white-leaved. — soos —— Fi. Barr.ic.t. 217. balsamiferous. China. islg. —— S.%. Rumph.amb.6.t.24.f.1. Chinese. —-——-_ 1796. 7.8. S.g. ———6.t.14.f.2. grey. E. Indies, eece ——- S.©. — 6. t. 14, {13 clustered. eseeseoe 1820, —— H.©. proliferous. Java. 1819. 7.9. S.h., shaggy. China. 1767. 8.9. GS. Egyptian. Egypt. 1778. 7.9. H.©. Jacq. vind.3. t.19. pinnatifid. E. Indies. 1816. -—— S.h. Gouan’s. — Canaries. 1772, 7.8..G.g. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 79. red-stalked. Sicily. 1779. 8.9. H.©. Bocce. sic. t. 31. f. 4. eared. E. Indies. 1818, —— S.©. stinking. Africa. 1724. —— G.y. © Mill.ic. 2. t, 233. pretty. ——— 1816. -— S.%. crowded. be Gy Peete 1924, °° Se spatulate. socveses 1824, 7.9. S.2. decurrent. Mexico. — S.h. Ci. Thapsus-leav’d. CaspianSea.1806. —— H:2. | | small-flowered. S. Europe. 1570. —— F.h. Barr. ic. t.368. stone. — 1640. 7.8. Schk. handb. 3. t. 241. rock, Arabia. 1790. —— G.h. Schmidelic. t.36. Tenore’s. S. Europe. 1824. +--+ F.h. snowy. Canaries. 1779. +++. Gh. twin-flowered. S. Europe. 1824. -+.-- F.h. cluster-flow’r’d. Teneriffe. 1780. 7.8. G.h. Jacq.ic.1. t.171. sweet-scented. India. 1759. 6.8. S.h. Plum.ic. t.97. cut-leaved, C. B.S. 1774. —— G.h. Carolina. Carolina. 1823, —— G.h. Jacq.ic.3. t.185. . wing-stalked. America. 1783. 8.9. G.%. Sloan-hist. 1. t.152, f.5. St. Helena. St. Helena, 1772. 11. COMPOSITE. 221 CARPESIUM. W. Carpesium, Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. L. 1 cernuum. w.. drooping. Austria. 1739. 7.8. H.%. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 204, 2 abrotanoides. w. Southernwood like. China. 1768. ——- H.% Osbeck it. t. 10. INULA. W. InuLa. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. 1 Helenium. w. Elecampane. Britain. -+-- 7.8 H.%. Eng. bot. 1546. 2 Oculus-Christi. w. hoary. Austria. 1759. 7.9. H.%. Jacq. aust.3. t.223. 3 britannica. w. creeping-root'd. Germany. —m- -—— H.%. Flor. dan.413. ' 4 dysenterica. w. meadow. England. esos 8.9. H.-Y. Eng. bot. 1115. 5 undulata. w. wave-leaved. Egypt. 1739. 7.10. H.©. 6 indica. w. Indian. E. Indies) -~—- —— S.©. Burm. zeyl. t.55. f.2. 7 Pulicaria. w. small fleawort. England. s+++ 8.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 1196. Pulicaria vulgaris. G. | 8 arabica. w. Arabian Arabia. 1823. —— H.©. Pluk.alm. t. 149. f. 4. 9 squarrosa. w. net-leaved. S. Europe. 1768. 7.9. H.%. Flor. grec. 875.. | 10 viscosa. w. clammy. Barbary. 1633. 7.8. G.%. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 165. Erigeron viscosum. Jacq. : 11 tuberosa. p.s. tuberous-root’d. S. Europe. 1640. ——- H.%. Moris.s.7. t.19. f, 20. Erigeron tuberosum. w. 12 salicina. w. willow-leaved. N. Europe. 1648. 8.9. H.%. Flor. dan. t.786. 13 Bubonium. w. Austrian. Austria. 1801... 7. 9.2452. Jacq. aust. 5. ap. t. 19. 14 hirta. w. hairy. — 1759. 6.9. H.y%. —— 4, t, 358. 15 glandulosa. w. glandular. Georgia. 1804. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz, 1907. 16 mollis. L.en. SOftieti. 2 eee -e> 1823. —— H.. 17 suaveolens. we woolly-leaved. S. Europe. 1758. 6.8. H.%. Jacq. vind, 3. t.51. 18 Vaillantii. w. Vaillant’s. France. 1739. —— H.%: Hall. helv. n. 73. t. 2. 19 mariana. w. American. N.America, 1742. 7.8. H.%. Mill.ic. 1. t.57. f. 1. 20 germanica. w. German. Germany. 1759. 6.7. H.2%. Jacq. aust. 2. t.134. ~ 21 ensifolia. w. sword-leaved. Austria. 1793. 7.9. H.y. ——— 2, t. 162. 22 crithmifolia. w. Samphire-l¢. England. -ees 8.9. H. 2%. Eng. bot. 68. 23 provincialis, w. oval-leaved. France, 1778. 7.8. H.%, 24 montana. w. mountain. S. Europe. 1759, —— H.2%. | Garid. aix. t.10. | 25 bifrons. w. Italian. —-—— 1713. 8. H.%. Herm. parad. t.127, 26 thapsoides. L.en. Mullein-like. -------6 1823. ——- H.%. 27 gossypina. m. cottony. N.America. —— —— H. 3. 28 saturejoides, w. Savory-leaved. Vera Cruz. 1733. ++++ S.%. Reliq. houst. 8. t. 19. 29 foetida. w. stinking. Malta. 1688. 6.8. H.©. Boece. sic. 26. t. 13. 30 odora. w. sweet-scented. S, Europe. 1824. —— H.%. Moris.s.7.t. 21. f. 6. 31 villosa. L. villous. srereces ——— -— HO. Pulicaria villosa, L.en- IXODIA., H.K. Ixop1a. Syngenesia Polygamia A-qualis. achillzoides. n.K. Milfoil-like. N.Holland. 1803. 3.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1534, HUMEA. Sm. Humea. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis, elegans. H.K. elegant. N.S. W. 1800. 6.10. G.g. Exot. bot.1. t.1. CASSINIA. L.T. Cassin1a. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 spectabilis. L.T. Humea-like. N. Holland. 1821. 5.10. G.g. Botan. regist. 678, 2 affinis. L.T. related. N.S. W. 1823. 4.6. G.h. 3 aurea. L.T. golden. —— — 1821. —— G.h. Botan. regist. 764. 4 longifolia. L.T. long-leaved. —_——_ —_ — Gh. 5 -leptophylla. u.r. narrow-leaved. N. Zealand. —— -——_G.h. OZOTHAMNUS.L.T.OzorHamnus. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 cinereus. L.T. rusty. V.Diem.{s]. 1820. 4.8. G.h. ~ Lab. nov. hol.2. t. 182. Chrysocoma cinerea. Lab. ~ i 2 rosmarinifolius. t.r.Rosemary-14, ——- 1822. ——G.h. —— 2.ts181, 4 Eupatorium rosmarinifolium. Lab. | 3 ferrugineus. L.t. ferruginous. —$— 1 Ss ——- Ghee — +2. t. 180, Eupatorium ferrugineum. Lab. : AMMOBIUM. Br. AmMoBIUM. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. alatum. B.M. winged-stalk’d. N.S. W.- 1823. 8.9. F.4. | fl. gar. 48, ANTENNARIA.L.T. AnTennaria. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. 1 dioica, L.T. red-flowered. Britain. eco> 567. HY. Eng. bot. 267. Gnaphalium dioicum. E.B. 2 alpina. L.T. Alpine. AlpsEurop. 1775. . 6.7. H.2. 3 carpatica. L.T. Carpathian. Carp.mount. ——- -—— H.%. Flor. dan. t. 332. Gnaphalium alpinum..w. no7. L- 4 plantaginea. 1.7. Plantain-l4, Virginia. 1759. 6.7. H.%. Pluk.alm. t. 348. f.9, Gnaphalium plantaginifolium. w. 5 margaritacea. L.1. pearly. England. -*-+ 7.9. H.%. Eng. bot. 2018. 6 triplinervis. D.p. triple-nerved. Nepaul. 1823. 6.9. F.%. Botan. magaz. 2468, 7 contorta. p.P. twisted-leaved. -——-—— 1818. —— F.2/. Botan. regist. 605. 22 COMPOSITA. 3 i EONTOPODIUM.L.T. Lion’s-roor. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. 4 helveticum. D.p. Swiss. Switzerland.1776. 6.7. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1958. Gnaphalium. Leontopodium. B.M. ‘NAPHALIUM.L.T. Evertastine. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. L. 1 luteo-album. w. Jersey. Jersey. «+e» 7.8 H.©. Eng. bot, 1002. 2 albescens. w. white Jamaica. Jamaica. (1793. ---. S.h. 3 sanguineum.w. bloody. Egypt. . 1768. 5.7. H.%. Rauw. it. 285. t. 37. 4 undulatum. w. wave-leaved. Africa. 1732. 6.9. H.©. Dill. elth. t. 108. f. 130. : 5 obtusifolium. w. blunt-leaved. N.America. 1699. 7.9. H.©. ————t.108.f. 131. 6 purpureum. w. ~ purple-flowr’d. S. America. 1732. 6.9. G.g@. ————t. 109. f.132. 7 involucratum. w. involucred. N. Zealand. 1823. 7.6 G.%. Botan. magaz. 2582. 8 americanum. w.en. Jamaica. Jamaica. 1815. ---- S.%. 9 pensylvanicum.w.en.American. N. America. ——- 7.9. H.©@) 10 sylvaticum. w. highland. Britain. sore 8.9. HY. Eng. bot. 913. 11 rectum. w. upright wood, ———-—— -«-- —— H.y%. —~—— 124. 12 coarctatum. w. crowded, Chili. 1820. —— H.©. 13 supinum. w. dwarf. Scotland. -+-- 6.7. H.%. Bag: bot. 1193. 14 pusillum. w. small. Sweden. 1818. —— H,%. Krock. siles. t. 41. 15 sphericum. w.en. Spherical. S. Europe. ——- —— H.2. 16 cephaloideum.w.en. headed. —— —— — H.O. 17 uliginosum. w. marsh. Britain. ---- 8.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 1194. i8 germanicum. Ww. common. —-——~- <---+ 6.8 H.©. —— 948. 19 gallicum. w. narrow-leaved. England. ---- -—— H.©. -- 2369. 20 pyramidatum. w. pyramidal, S. Europe. 1779. -—~ H.©. 21 minimum, w. least. Britain. = ++-- 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 1157, 22 arvense, w. corn. . Europe. 1804. —— H.©. 23 australe. F. southern. S. Europe. 1823. —— H.©. AETALASIA. LT. Merarasra. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. 1 muricata, L.T. muricate. C. B.S. 1816. 6.9. G.h. 2 divergens. spreading. —- — —— G.h. ‘Burm. afr. t.72. f. 2. Gnaphalium divergens. w. 3 fastigiata. close-flowered. ——-—— 1812. 5.8 G, h. Petiv. gaz. 12. t.7.f.3. Gnaphaliuum fastigiatum. w. 4 mucronata. L.T. mucronate. —--—— 1824, —— G.h. Burm. afr. t. 66,f, 3. PIRALEPIS. D.D. Sprravepis. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. 1 squarrosa. D.D. squarrose. C.B.S. 1816. 7.10. G.h. Jacq. frag. t. 3. f. 4. Gnaphalium squarrosum. Jacq: 2 glomerata. D.D. cluster-flow’r’'d. ——-——- 1774. 3.9. G.¥. 3 ? declinata. D.D. creeping. — — 1787. 7.9. GG... : Gnaphalium declinatum. w. \STELMA. Br. AsTELMA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. 1 eximium. B.R. giant. C. B.S. 1793. 6.9. G.h. Botan. regist. 532. Gnaphalium eximium. A.R. 654. , 2 milleflorum. p.p. many-flowered. ——-—— 1802. 6.9. G.h. . Gnaphalium milleflorum. w. ; 3 spiralis. p.D. spiral-leaved. ——-—— 1801. 7.10. G.. Andr. reposit. 262. Elichrysum spirale. w. 4 variegatum. D.D. _ large globular-fild, —_—_——- —— 5.6. G.h. 5 speciosissimum. D.D.showy. ———— 1691. 7.9. G.h. Andr, reposit. 51. Elichrysum speciosissimum. W. Rl de ° 6 imbricatum. D.D. _imbricated. ———— 1816. —— G.h. Elichrysum imbricatum. w. ; a 7 canescens, D.D. elegant. ———— 1794. 8.4. G.%. Botan. magaz, 420. 8 retortum. D.D. trailing. ———— 1732. 7.8 G.h. Dill. elth. t. 322, f.415. 9 Stehelina. D.v. keel-leaved. ——-—— 1801..12.1. Gh. Andr, reposit. 428. 10? fragrans. fragrant. ——~—— 1803. 7.9. G.h. . : Elichrysum fragrans. A.R. HELICHRYSUM.P.S.HELICHRYSUM. mph Sah Polygamia Superfiua, 1 grandiflorum. p.p. great-flowered. C. B.S 1731. 6.8. G.h. Burm, afr. t. 76. f. 1. Gnaphalium grandiflorum. w. 2 fruticans. D.D. frutescent. ——— 1779. G.h. Botan. magaz, 1802. Astelma fruticans. B.R. 126, Gnaphaliwm fruticans, B.M. grandifiorum. A.R. 489. 3 crispum. D.D. curled, ———— 1809. G.h. 4 arboreum. D.D. shrubby. —-—— 1770. 2.8 G.h. 5 congestum. p.p. close-headed. ————~ 1791. 5.6. G.h. Botan. regist. 243, Gnaphalium congestum. B.R. 6 patulum. pD.D. spreading. ——-—— 1771. 81. G.h. 7 discolorum. p.D. two-coloured. -——--——- 1815. 4 8. G.hs Burm.afr, t. 97. f. 4. 8 cephalotes. p.p. large-headed. ———-— 1789. 11.1. G.h. Pluk. phyt, t. 410. f.2. COMPOSIT. 223 9? diosmefolium. coe ——— 1812. 3.8. G.h. Vent. malm. t.74. Gnaphalium diosmefolium. v.. 10 ericoides. p.p. Heath-leaved, ——+— 1774, ——— G.h. — Botan. magaz. 435. Gnaphalium ericoides. B.m. non Helichrysum ericoides. P.s. 11 teretifolium. p.p. round-leaved. — 1812, —— G.h. Burm.afr. t. 77. f. 2. 12? tephrodes, | slender-leaved. -——-—— 1816. -—— G.h. __ Gnaphalium tephrodes. Len. 13? acuminatum. taper-pointed. ——-——- -——- —— Gh: Gnaphalium acuminatum. -L.en. 14? lasiocaulon. woolly-stalked. -——-~— 1823. 6.9. G.. Gnaphalium lasiecaulon. L.en. 15 Stoechas. p.p. common shrubby, $, Europe. 1629. 6.10. H.%. Barrel. ic..410. 16 angustifolium. narrow-leaved, — 1818. — H.f. Gnaphalium angustifolium. P.s. 17 conicum. conical. ——— 1824. — H.h. Gnaphalium conicum. L.en. if 18 ignescens. D.D. red-flowered. C. B.S. 1731. 6.10. G.h. 19 microphyllum. p.p. small-leaved. Crete. 1823. —— G.h. 20? dasyanthum. hairy-flowered.C. B.S. 1812, —— G.h. Gnaphalium dasyanthum. W.en. 21 crassifolium. p.p. thick-leaved. §. Europe. 1774. 7.9. G.h. _22 maritimum. p.p. _ sea-side. C.B.S. 1772. 6.8. G.h. - Burm. afr. t.77. f. 2. 23 apiculatum. p.p. New Holland. V.Diem.Is].1804. 1.12. G.h. Botan. regist. 240. Gnaphalium apiculatum. B.R. 24 foetidum. p.p. strong-scented. C. B.S. 1692. 6.9. G.g. Botan.magaz. 1987. Gnaphalium fetidum. B.M. , 25 cylindricum. p.p. cylindrical, C.B.S. 1780. 6.8. G.%. Pluk. plyt.298. f. 4. 26 orientale. D.p. eastern, — Africa. 1629. 4.8. G.f. Comm. hort. 2. t.55. . 27 arenarium. p.p. sand. Europe. 1739. 7.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 2159. 28 graveolens. strong-smelling, Tauria. 1819, —— H.2. 3 Gnaphalium graveolens, M.B. 29 odoratissimum. sweet-scented. C.B.S. 1691. 4.8. G.h. Mill. ic.1. t.131. f. 2. 30 candidissimum. p.p.white-leaved. Caucasus. 1819. 7.9. H.2. 31 rutilans. D.D. shining-flow’r’d.C. B.S. 1731. 6.7. G.y. Dill.elt. t. 107, f. 127. 32 cymosum, D.D. branching. Africa. — 4.8. G.he o-——-=—— t.107.f. 128. 33 helianthemifolium.n.Sun-rose-14, C. B.S. 1774. 7.10. G.h. Volck.norib. t. 194, 34 bracteatum. p.D. wave-leaved. N.Holland. 1799. 7.10. H.©. Andr. reposit. 375. chrysanthum. p.s. Xeranthemum bracteatum. V.M. t. 2. 35 fulgidum., p.s. great yellow. C. B.S. 1774, 2.10. G.%. Botan. magaz. 414, 36 dealbatum.p.s. herbaceous. V.Diem. Isl. 1812. 1.12. G.%. Lab. nov. hol. 2. t.190, 37 paniculatum. P.s. corymb-fld, C. B.S. 1800. 6.9. G.h. ~ Burm. afr. t.67. f.1. argenteum. AR. 552. nec aliorum. , 38 argenteum. P-.s. silvery. —_——- ll — GLI. 39 rigidum, A.R. rigid-leaved. ——-——- 1801. 5.6. G.h. Andr. reposit. 387. 40 herbaceum. a.r. shining-flow’r’d. ——-—— 1802. 7.9. G.%. ——-——+-—— 487. splendens. B.M. 1773. LEUCOSTEMMA.D.D. LEUCOSTEMMA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. vestitum. D.D. upright. C.B.S. 1774. 7.9. G.h. Burm. afr. t. 66. f. 1. : Elichrysum vestitum. w. . PH@GNOCOMA.D.D.PuHa@nocoma. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. prolifera. D.p. proliferous. C. B.S. 1789. 5.11. G.h. Botan. regist. 21. ‘ Elichrysum proliferum..B.R. Xeranthemum proliferum. L. | APHELEXIS. D.D. ApHELEXIs. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. 1 humilis. p.p. dwarf. C.B.S. 1812. 6.9. G.%. Andr. reposit. ic. Elichrysum spectabile. B.C. 59, pinifolium. P.s.? 2 sesamoides. p.D. superb. — 1739. . G.h. Botan. magaz, 425, Elichrysum sesamoides. w. Xeranthemum sesamoides. B.M. 3 fasciculata. p.p. bundle-leaved. — 1799. . Gh. Andr. reposit, 242. a lutescens. yellowish. lee ee GO. t 8 versicolor. varieguted-fld. ———— eres —— Gi. Breyn.ic.t. 16. f. 2, y alba. white-flowered. ———-— -+-- —— G.h. Andr. reposit. 279, © rubra. red-flowered. ae ee GLH. =~ 650. 4 ericoides. filiform, ————._ 1796. ——- G.h. Lam. ill, t. 693. f..2. Helichrysum ericoides. P.s. FILAGO. w. Corron-rosr. Syngenesia Polygamia Necessaria. W. pygmea. w. pigmy. S. Europe. 1629. 7.8. H.©. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 36, Evax pygmea. G. _MICROPUS. W. Micropus. Syngenesia Polygamia Necessaria. W. 1 supinus. w. trailing. S. Europe. 1710. 6.9. H.©. Schk.hand.3. t. 267. 2 erectus. w. upright. ———— 1683. ——H.©. Leefl.hisp.t. 1. f.3. 204 COMPOSITE. ERIGERON. W. 1 graveolens. w. strong-smelling. S, Europe. 1633. 7. 5- H.@. Ger. emac, 481. f. 2. 2 compositum. Ph. daisy-flowered. N.America. 1811. —— H.y%. k 3 carolinianum. w. Hyssop-leaved. ——~—— 1727. —~- H.w. Dill. elt. t. 306. f. 394. 4 canadense, w. Canada. England. --+- 8.9. H.©» Eng. bot. 2019. 5 nudicaule. mM. naked-stalked. N.America.1812. 7. H.%. P 6 bonariense. w. buck’s-horn. SS. America.1732. 7.8. H.©. Dill. elt. t. 257. f. 334. 7 linifolium. w. flax-leaved. —i i ---- —=— HO. § levigatum. L.en. smooth. Cayenne. 1823. —— S.d- 9 delphinifolium, w.en.Larkspur-1¢. S. America. 1816. —— S.d- 10 strigosum. WwW. strigose. N.America. 1818. —— H.¢.- 11 heterophyllum. w. various-leaved. _. 1640. 7.9. H.g. Flor. graec. t. 486. Aster annuus. L. Diplopappus dubius. Cas. 12 chinense. w. Chinese. China. 1818. —— H.@. Jacq. scheenb. 3. t.303. 13 jamaicense. W. Jamaica. Jamaica. 1820. —— S.©. Swartz obs. t. 8. f. 2. 14 philadelphicum. w. spreading. N.America. 1778, 7.8. H.2. 15 purpureum. w. purple. Hudson’sBay.1776. —— H.2%. 16 bellidifolium. w. Plantain-leav’d. N.America. 1790, —— H.%. serpentarium. Hort. : 17 glaucum. B.R. glaucous-leav’d, S. America. 1812. 1.12. G.h. Botan. regist. 10. 18 chilense. D.P. Chili. Chili. 1816. 7.9. H.©. Conyza chilensis. L.en- 19 Villarsii. w. Villars’s. Piedmont. 1804. 7.8. H.%. Botan. regist. 583. atticum. Vil- 20. rupestre. Schl- rock. Switzerland.1818. —— H.#. 21 grandiflorum. Hop. large-flowered. -————-_ 1825. —— H.y%. 22 acre. w. common. Britain. soos —— Hg. Eng. bot. 1158. 23 alpinum. w. Alpine. Sedtlands .(ives's + %e) eee ae 464. 24 uniflorum. w. dwarf. Jt yeryenles 8.9.0 Be 2416. 25 gramineum. wW. grass-leaved. Siberia. 1824. —— H.y%. Gmel. sib. 2. t.76. f. 2. 26 caucasicum. M.B. Caucasean. _ Caucasus. —— 7.8. H.i. 27 asteroides. L.en. Starwort-like. +++: «e- 1812, ——~- H.%. JASONIT °.. Cas. Jasonra. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. longifolia. Cas. long-leaved. N. America. 1818. 7.8. H.2. Erigeron longifolium. P.S. CALOTIS. B.R. CALOTIS. cuneifolia. B.R. wedge-leaved. N.Holland. 1819. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. 7.8. G.h. Botan. regist. 504. ASTER. W. ~* STARWORT. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. 1 reflexus. w. reflexed-leav'd. C.B.S. 1759. 2.9. G.. Botan. magaz. 884. 2 tomentosus. W. tooth-leaved. N.S.W. 1793. 5.7. Geh- Wend.s.han. p.8.t.24. dentatus. Andr. rep. 61. ' 3 stellulatus. P.S. starry-haired. V.Diem.Isl. 1823. —— G.h. Lab.nov.hol,2.t. 195. 4 exasperatus. L.en. rough-leaved. N.Holland. 1816. —— G.h- 5 argophyllus. P.s. musk-scented. V.Diem.Isl.1804. —— G-h. Botan. magaz. 1563. 6 liratus. B.M. fluted-stemm’d. N.S. W. 1812. -—— G.h. ——— 1509. 7 sericeus. W. silky-leaved. Missouri. 1802. 5. 11.G.h. Venten. cels. 33. § Cymbalaria. w. Ivy-leaved. C.B.S. 1786. 5.11. G.h. ~ Venten. malm. 95. 9 angustifolius. w. narrow-leaved. _ 1804. 5.7. Gh. Jacq.scheenb.3. t.370. 10 villosus. Ww. villous. ——-—— 1812, —— G.h. 11 obtusatus. w. obtuse-leaved. -——~——- 1793. —— G.h. 12 fruticulosus. w- shrubby. _-_— 1759. 3.7. Gh. Jacq. frag.9. t.5. fide 13 filifolius. v. thread-leaved. —-——_ 1812. —— G.h-. Venten. malm. t. 82. 14 aculeatus. P.s. prickly-leaved. V.Diem.Isl.1818. —— Geh- Lab. nov. hol. 2. t. 200. 15 tenellus. w. slender. Cc. B.S. 1769. 4.10.G.h» Botan. magaz. 33. 16 alpinus. w. Alpine. AlpsEurope.1658. 5. 8. H.%. — 199. 17 pulchellus. w. narrow-rayed. Armenia, 1818. -——— H.%. 18 caucasicus. w- Caucasean. Caucasus. 1804. 7.8. H.2}. 19 alwartensis. B.M. large-flowered. —— ..-.- -— H.¥%. Botan. magaz. 2321. 20 heterophyllus. w.en. various-leaved. N.America. 1811. 7.9. H.%. 21 macrophyllus. w. large-leaved. ———— 1739. —— H.4. 22 corymbosus. W- corymbed. TOD. De) oe 23 cordifolius. w. heart-leaved. . ———— 1759. 7.8. H.2. 24 paniculatus. w. panicled. ___ 1640. 9.10. H.%. Corn. canad. t. 65. 25 sagittifolius. Ww. arrow-leaved. —--—— 1818. 7.9. H.%. 26 undulatus. w. wave-leaved. +1699. 8.10. H.%. Herm. parad. 96. 27 precox. W.en. early-flowering. ——-—— 1800. 7.8. H.. 28 pallens. w.en. pale-flowered.. ——-—— *""* 9.10. H.%. | 29 conyzoides. W. Conyza-like. lett seh TY Seu SO APe meds | 30 amygdalinus. ph. Almond-leav’d. ——-——— 1759. 7. 9, H.%. umbellatus. W. Bak, amen ow of CT” "9" Se 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 AT 48 49 50 51 52 53 34 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ' 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 $1 82 83 $4 85 86 87 88 89 96 91 92 humilis. w. altaicus. w.en. nemoralis. H.K. ledifolius. ph- hyssopifolius. w. punctatus. w. acris. w. canus. W. solidaginoides. w. rigidus. Ph. nemoralis. W. linifolius. w. linariifolius. ph. subulatus. mM. pilosus. w. foliolosus. w. tenuifolius. w. dumosus. w. ericoides. w. multiflorus. w. ciliatus. w. canescens. Ph. biennis. Nn. sparsiflorus. Ph, coridifolius. w. squarrosus. W. argenteus. H.K. concolor. w. reticulatus. Ph- cornifolius. w. salicifolius. w. zestivus. Ww. pannonicus. w. Amellus. w. a latifolius. B angustifolius. nove anglia. w. B rubra. cyaneus. N. paludosus. w. grandifiorus. w. carolinianus. W. oblongifolius. nN. phlogifolius. w. patens. w. Tripolium. w. salignus, w. puniceus, w. hispidus. w. tataricus. w. sibiricus. w. COMPOSITA. Grindelia sibirica. spr. incisus. F. elegans. w. amplexicaulis. w. adulterinus. w.en. leevigatus. w. longifolius. P.s. versicolor. w. mutabilis. w. lsevis. Ww. concinnus. W.en. floribundus. w. novi bejgii. w. firmus. L.en. bellidiflorus. w.en. spectabilis. w. serotinus. w. tardiflorus, w. low. —— 1699. 5.10. H.%. dwarf, Siberia. 1804, 5.8. H.%. wood, N.America.1778. 8.9. H.%. Hyssop-leaved. —--—— 1683. 9.10. H.%. dotted. Hungary. 1815. 8.9. H.%. acrid. S. Europe. 1731. —— H.2%. hoary-leaved. Hungary. 1816. —— H.%. Solidago-like. N.America. 1699. -——- H.2. stiff-leaved. »§ ——-——— 1759. 8.10. H.%. flax-leaved. ——— 1739. 7.8. H.%. Toad-flax-ld, ——— 1699. 9.10. H.h. awl-leaved. —-—— 1823. 8.10. H.©. hairy. — 1812. —~— H.%. leafy. ——— 1732. 10. H.%. slender-leaved. ——-——~- 1725. 9.10. H.%. bushy. ——— 1734. —— H.7. heath-leaved. ——-—— 1758. 9. H.}. many-flowered. — 1732. 9.10. H.2b. ciliated. — o1s- —— H.%. canescent. N.America. 1812. 9.10. H. 3g. seattered-fid, —-—~ 1798. 9.11. H.%. Coris-leaved, ———_---- 8.11. H.2. ragged. —— 1801. 6.7. H.%. silver-leaved. —_—__ ——_ 7,9. H.z. self-coloured. —_——_ 1759. 8.11. H.%. netted-leaved. —-——~ 1812. -— H.%. Dogwood-l4, ——— 1811. —— H.2%. Willow-leaved. -——-—— 1760. 9.10. H.%. summer. —- VW77G6.97. By sie bs Hungarian. Hungary. 1815. —— H.}. Italian. Ftaly. 1596. 8.9. H.2. broad-leaved. —_———_ ——- — H.2. narrow-leaved. —_—— —-_ —_ _ H... New England. N.America.1710. 9.10. H.2. red-flowered. ———— 1812. —— H.2z. bright-blue. -———— 1789. —— H.y%. marsh. ———_—*:1784. —— H.Y. great-flowered. ——-—— 1720. 10.11. H.%. tall. Carolina. --» 8.9. HA. oblong-leaved. Missouri. 1823. -—— H.2. Phiox-leaved. N.America.1797. 7.10. H.2. spreading. —_— —- 1773. 9.11. Hy. sea-side. Britain. se-e 8.9. H.2L. Sallow-leaved. Germany. 1815. —— H.2. red-stalked. N.America. 1710. 7. 10. H.2. rough-stalked, China. 1804. 9.10. H.%. Tartarian. Siberia. 1818. 7.9. H.%. Siberian. —- 1768. —— H.». cut-leaved. —— 1816. 6.9. H.z%. elegant. tescecee 1790. 8.10. H.%. stem-clasping. N.America. ---- 9.11. H.2. bastard, ———_ eee 8.10. H.X. smooth-stem’d. ——-—— 1794. 9.11. H.. long-leaved. ——— 1798. 10.. H.%. various-color’d. - 1790. 8.9. H.%. changeable. —— 1710. 9.10. H.y%. smooth. —-——_ 1753. —— H.2. neat. ——— 1800. —— H.2. abundant-fld. —-——— -see —— H.2. New-York, ———- 1710. — H.yx. firm. ——— 1818. — H.2. daisy-flowered. ——--——- -°-: -—— H.%. showy. ——_ 1777. 8.9. H.y. late-flowering, —m—-——— ---- 9.11. H.%. spear-leaved. 1775. 7.9. H.y. w =p) 225 Willd. hort. ber, 67. Dodart. mem. t. 60. W.etK. hung. 2. t.109. Pluk. alm. t. 271. f. 3. K. hung. 1. t.30. Pluk.alm. t. 79. f. 2. t. 14. £3. Dill. elth. ¢. 35. f. 39. Pluk. alm. t. 78. f. 5. Herm. parad. 95. Dill. elth. t-36. f. 40. Rob. ic. 307. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 8. Botan. regist. 340. Botan. regist. 183. - 183. f. inf. Hoff. phyt. 1.t. B. f.t. Botan. regist. 273, Swt. brit. fl. gar. ic. Eng. bot. 87. _ Herm. ludgb. t. 651. Kempf. ic. t.29. Gmel.sib 2. t.80. f.1. Moris. s. 7. t.22. £.26. Herm. lugd. t. 67 Herm. lugd. t. 69 “ee eo. ee oe eee ee ee ae ee 226 COMPOSITE. 93. blandus. ph. charming. —w—— 1800.10. 11.H.}¥. 94 acuminatus. ph. acuniinate. 1806. 8. 10.H.%. 95 eminens. w.en- ° eminent. atom ore, Pees OST HEI, 96 Radula. w. rasp-leaved. ——- 178. —— H.%. 97 glaucus. w.en. _glaucous-leav’d. -++«-+ 1823. —— H.y%. 98 prenanthoides. w. hairy-branch’d. N. meron: 1817. —— H.%. 99 strictus. Ph. upright dwarf. ———-—— 1806. —~- H.. 100 Tradescanti. w. Michaelmas daisy. ———- 1633. 7.9. H.2. 101 vimineus. w. slender. —— 1818 —— H.»%. 102 recurvatus. w. recurved, —-—-— 1800. 8.9. H.y. 103 laxus. w.en. loose-stalked. ~————— --+- 9.11. H.Y. 104 simplex. w.en, simple-stalked. -—-—— -+-- 8, 10. H.%. 105 polyphyllus, w.en, many-leaved. FR soe ome Hs 106 junceus. w. slender-stalk’d. ——-—— 1758. 9.10.H.%. 107 lanceolatus. w. lanceolate. —— 1811. 8.11. H.x. 108 dracunculoides, w. Tarragon-like. -—-—— -— 9.11. H.}%. 109 fragilis. w brittle. —— 1800. 9 H.y-. 110 pinifolius. L.en. Pine-leaved. ——— 1823. —— H.». 111 laxiflorus. L.en. loose-flowered. ——-—— .«--- 8.10.H.%. 112 miser. w. meagre-fld, ——— 1759. 9.10, H.». 113 divergens. w spreading downy ——-—— 1758. —— H.}. 114 diffusus. w diffuse. —— 1777. — H.». 115 pendulus. w. pendulous. ——— 1758. —— H.». 116 parviflorus. Len. small-flowered. -——-—— 1822. —— H.y. 117 rigidulus. L.en. stiffish. —_—_ — — H.». 118 myrtifolius.L.en. © Myrtle-leaved. ——-——- 1819. 8.9. H.2. 119 pulcherrimus. B.c. beautiful. — 1811. 9.10. H.7. CALLISTEMA. Cas. Cuina Aster. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. hortensis. Cas. garden. China. 1731. 7.9. H.©. a cerulea, blue-flowered. ——-—- — — HO. 6 rubra, red-flowered. —- — —- HO. y alba. white-flowered. ——-——* —— -—— H.©. 3 variegata. variegated. ——- — — HO. € multiplex. double-flowered. ————- ~-— -—— H.©. ~ brachyantha. bonnet. ——-— — —— HO. SOLIDAGO. W. GOLDEN-ROD. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua 1 canadensis. w Canadian. N.America. 1648. 7.9. H.2. 2 procera. w. great. — 1758. 9.10. H.%. 3 serotina. w. upright smooth. —-——- ——._ 7.8. H.2. 4 gigantea. w. gigantic. —-——_-_ —-_ 8.9. H.®. 5 ciliaris. w. ciliated. ———- I8ll. —— H.2. 6 reflexa. w. ‘ hanging-leav’d. ——-—— 1758. 8.9. H.2. 7 fragrans. w.en. fragrant. meee %. Os Ee 8 lateriflora. w. lateral-flow’r’d. 1758. 8.9. H.%. 9 aspera. w. rough-leaved. 1732. 9... SH2E. 10 altissima. w. tall. ——-—— 1686. 8.9. H.2. 11 recurvata. W.en- recurved. ——-—— 1814. —— H.y. 12 rugosa. Ph- wrinkle-leaved. ——-—— 1732. ——- H.2L. 13 villosa. Ph villous. nemmuinapet( , crrpeillrrsicst 00 14 scabra, w. rough. ——-—— 1811. —— H.}. 15 nemoralis. W woolly-stalked. -——--—— 1769. 9. H.2%. 16 patula. w spreading. 1805. 9.10. H.%. 17 ulmifolia, w Elm-leaved. ee 8.10. H.2. 18 arguta. w. sharp-notched. ——--—— 1758. 7.8. H.2. 19 juncea. w. rush-stalked. ———— 1769. 8.9. H.z. 20 elliptica. w. oval-leaved. —~——- 1759. —— H.x. 21 odora. w. sweet smelling. ——-—— 1699. 7.8. H.2. 22 levigata. N. fleshy-leaved. ——-—— -——10.11.H.%. 23 pyramidata. ph. pyramidal. -———-—— 1812. 8.9. H.2. 24 mexicana. w. Mexican. America. 1683. 7.10. H.2. 25 sempervirens. N. evergreen. N.America. 1699. 9,10. H. 2. 26 speciosa. N. handsome. ——-— 1812. ——-H.y7. 27 pauciflosculosa. Mm. slender-fid. Ha rronie SORES ie tite Ene 28 bicolor. w two-coloured. ——-—— 1759. 8.9. H.2. Aster bicolor. Nees. 29 petiolaris. w. late-flowered. —~—— 1758.10.12, H.». 30 stricta. w. Willow-leaved. ———--—- —— 9, H.y. 31 humilis. ph. dwarf, 18tl. 7.8. H.y. 32 livida. w.en. livid. ———— sore —— Hy. Moris. s. 7. t. 21. f. 42. Lodd. bot. cab. 6 Dill. elth. t. 34. f. 38. a Schk. hand. 3. f. 246. Dill. elth. t. 305. f.392. Mart. cent. 14, Dill.elth. t. 3608. f. 396. Pluk. alm. t. 116. f. 6. Dodart. act. 4. t. 219. Corn. canad. t. 169. Pluk. alm. t. 114. f. 8. COMPOSIT. ; 227 33 hirta. w.en- hairy. ———_ -++- 9,10. H.%. 34 lithospermifolia. ph. Gromwell-ld, ——- 1811. 8.10. H.%. 35 hispida. w. hispid. —— 1820. —— H.. 36 cesia. w. Maryland. —— 1732. 9.10.H.%. ’ $7 flexicaulis. w. crook-stalked. ———— 1725. 9. H.%. Pluk. alm. t. 235. f.3. 88 latifolia. L. broad-leaved. —_ —_ ——_-_ —- H..2.. ans, £, 235, £4. 39 ambigua. w. angular-stalked. »-+------ 1759. 7.8. H.%. 40 macrophylla. ph. large-leaved. N.America. ---- 8.10. H.%. 41 glomerata. m. close-flowered. _——-——— 1820. —— H. 2. 42 alpestris. w.K. Alpine. Europe. — 7.9. Hy. | 43 Virgaurea. Ww. |= common. Britain. sees ——+ H.. Eng. bot. 301. 44 cambrica, w. Welsh. Wales. 7.8 H.Y%. Dill. elth. t.306. f.393. 45 axillaris. pp. axillary. N.America, 1811. 8.10. H.. 46 erecta. Ph. upright. es —— H..: 47 viminea. w. twiggy. ——— 1759. 9... «Heat. 48 angustifolia. nN. narrow-leaved. -—-——— 1824. —— H.2. 49 decurrens. Lour. decurrent. China. 1823. 8.10. H.. 50 puberula. n. pubescent. N.America. —— -—— H.2. 51 minuta. w. least. Pyrenees. 1772. 7.8. H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 189. 52 multiradiata. w. Labrador. Labrador. 1776. —— H.2. 53 elata. ph. tall hairy. N.America. 1811. 8.10. H.2. 54 rigida. w. hard-leaved. ——— 1710. 9. H.y%.. Herm. parad. 243. EUTHAMIA. N. EvutTHamia. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. 1 graminifolia. n. grass-leaved. N.America.1758. 8.10. H.%. Botan. magaz. 2546. Chrysocoma graminifolia. L. Solidago lanceolata. w. 2 tenuifolia. n. slender-leaved. ---—— -—— 9.10. H.%. CHRYSOCOMA. W. Gotpy-Locks. Syngenesia Polygamia Equalis. L. 1 comaurea. w. great shrubby. C. B.S. 1731. 6.8. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1972. 2 patula. w. spreading. ———— 1816. —— G.h. 3 cernua. Ww. small shrubby. -—--——- 1712. 5.9. G.%. Comm. hort. 2. t. 45. 4 ciliaris. w. Heath-leaved. ———— 1759. 7.10.G.h. - . t. 48. 5 nivea. w. woolly-leaved. —-——— 1820. 5.9. G.h. Jacq. schen.2. t.147. tomentosa. Jacq. non L. 6 scabra. w. rugged. —-—— 1732. 8.9. G.h. Dill. elth. t.88. f. 103. 7 denticulata. w. toothed. = «-+-eee- coco ——— G.h. Jacq. scheen. 3. t.368. 8 Linosyris. w. flax-leaved. Europe. . --+- 9.10.H.%. Eng. bot. 2505. 9 dracunculoides. w. Siberian. Siberia. sees —— Hf. 10 biflora. w. two-fiowered. ————- 1741. 8.9. H.%. Gmel.sib.2. t. 82. f.1. 11 graveolens, N. Rue-scented. Missouri. 1822. —— H.2. 12 nudata. Nn. naked. N.America. 1819. -—— H.2L. 13 virgata. N. slender, ——- — — Hx. 14 villosa. w. villous. Hungary. 1799. —— H.y%. W.etK.hung.l1. t. 58. BOLTONTIA. W. BoLttTonia. Syngenesia Polygamia ‘Super rflua. L. 1 asteroides. w. Starwort-fld. N.America.1758. 8.10. H.y%. Botan. magaz. 2554. 2 glastifolia. w. glaucous-l4. ——-—- — 9 H.. —— 2381. AMELLUS. W. AMELLUs. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. | Lychnitis. w. Cape. C. B.S. 1768. 6.7. G.h.. Botan. regist. 586. SIDERANTHUS.Fras. SipERANTHUs. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. 1 villosus, villous. Missouri. 1811. 8.9. H.2. Sideranthus integrifolius. Fras. Amellus villosus. Ph- 2 spinulosus. spiny. — — —— H.. Amellus spinulosus. ph. Sideranthus pinnatifidus. Fras. STARKEA. W. STARKEA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. umbellata. w. umbel-flower’d. Jamaica. 1768. 6.7. S.%. Lam. ill. t. 682. f. 2, ANDROMACHIA. K.S.ANDROMACHIA, Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. igniaria. K.s. close-flowered. S. America. 1823. 6.8. G.%. H.etB. pl. eq.2. t.112., Hierba de Santa Maria. incolarum. GRINDELIA. W.en. GrinpeELiA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W 1 glutinosa. pun. glutinous. Mexico. 1803. 1.12. G.h. Botan. regist. 187. Donia glutinosa..B.r. Doronicum glutinosum. w. 2 inuloides. W.en- Tnula-like. — 1815. 6.9. G.h. ——-——— 248. 3 angustifolia. BR. mnarrow-leaved. -——-—— 1822. —— G.h. --—————— 78]. 4 spatulata. L.en. spatulate-ld. —_——_- —_ —— _ G.h. 5 squarrosa. Dun Snake-headed. Missouri. 1811. 7.9. G.%. Botan. magaz. 1706. 6 ciliata. ciliated. Arkansa, 1821. 9.10. H.2L. Hook. ex. flor. 45. Donia ciliata. H.E.F. PODOLEPIS. Lab. Popotepts. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfina. 1 rugata. H.K. wrinkle-scaled. N.Holland. 1803. 7.8. G.2L, Lab. nov. holl.2. t.208, 2 acuminata. H.K. sharp-scaled. N.S. W. — 5.8. rain Botan, magaz. 956. 2G2 Scalia jaceoides. B.M. 228 COMPOSITE. GERBERIA. B.R. crenata. B.R. crenated. ARNICA. W. 1 montana. w. mountain. 2 scorpioides. w. alternate-ld, 3 Doronicum. w. Clusius’s. 4 DORONICUM. W. 1 Pardalianches. w. great. Britain, sooe 5. . Hi. Eng. bot. 630. 2 macrophyllum. L.en. large-leaved. Europe. eves —— H.7/. . 3 scorpioides. w. mountain. Germany. <+*- 4.6. H.%. 4 caucasicum. M.B. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1815. —— H.2%. orientale. W.en- ; 5 altaicum. w. Siberian. Siberia. 1783. 6.8. H.y. 6 dentatum. L.en. toothed. treevece seoee 5,6, H. 2. 7 plantagineum. Lt. Plantain-I4. S. Europe. 1570. —— H.}%> 8 austriacum. w. Austrian. Austria. 1816. —— H.2%. BELLIS, W. Daisy. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. 1 sylvestris. w. large Portugal. Portugal. 1797. 5.7. H.%. 2 perennis. w. common. Britain. coos 3.8. H. 2. 6B hortensis. large double. secceeoe eree ——— H,2. y fistulosa. red quilled. seer rece (segs HO. & tubulosa. white quilled. ceeeecee cose ——— HP, « prolifera. Hen & Chicken. -+ee+eee sees —— Hw, 3 hybrida. Ten- Italian. Italy. 1824. 4.8. H.%. 4 annua. w. annual. S. Europe. 1759. 3.7. H.©. Botan. magaz. 2174. BELLIUM. W. Michelii. cas. Arnica Bellidiastrum. B.M. Doronicum Bellidiastrum. L. | i LEOPARD’S-BANE. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W. Clusii. All. t.17. f. 1. 2. : glacialis. w. Alpine. Micheli’s. 1 bellidioides. w. small. 2 minutum. w. dwarf. PSIADIA. W. XERANTHEMUM. W. Xerantuemum. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfina. L. S. Europe. 1570. 7.8. H.@©. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 388. glutinosa. w. glutinous. GERBERIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. C.B.S. 1820. 4.8. G.%4. Botan. regist. 855. Arnica. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. 7 , Europe. 1731. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1749. Austria. 1710. —— H.y%. Jacq. aust. 4. t.349. —-—— 1816. ——H.yY. —~————1.t.92. Germany. -—- —— H.%. Jacq. ic.3. t. 586. BELLIDIASTRUM, Cas. BELLIDIAsTRUM. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. _ 1570. 6.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1196. Austria. BELLIuM. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. Italy. 1796. 6.9. H.©. Lam. ill. t. 684. on 1772. 6.10. H.%. Schreb.,2. PsrtapiA. Syngenesia Polygamia Necessaria. W. . . Levant. Jacq. aust. t. 130, Botan. magaz. 2511. Eng. bot. 424. Botan. magaz. 228. Pall. a. pet. 1779. t.16. ¥ Mauritius. 1796. 6.8. Jacq. scheen, 2. t. 152, | * Omitted at page 223, where it should follow APHELEXIS. 1 annuum. w. annual. 2 inapertum. w. 3 orientale. w. 2 Critonia. w. small-flowered. oriental. Levant. 1713. —— H.©. / Suporpo 1V. EUPATORE. Kth. synops.2. p.408, KUHNIA. W. 1 eupatorioides.v. | Eupatorium-like. Critonia eupatorioides. G. glandular-Id, Critonia Kuhnia. G. EUPATORIUM. W. EupatTorium. tm SOOMNAAR WN = 13 14 15 Dalea. w. parviflorum, w. small-flowered. triflorum. w. three-flowered. macrophyllum. w. large-leaved. populifolium. x.s. Poplar-leaved. canescens. w. canescent. veronicefolinm. K.s.Speedwell-14, feniculaceum. w. Fennel-leaved. coronopifolium. w. Buck’s-horn-ld, hyssopifolium. w. Hyssop-leaved. sessilifolinm. w. sessile-leaved. truncatum. w. truncate-leav’d. album. w. white-flowered, lanceolatum. w. spear-leaved. teucrifolium. w. Teucrium-14, shrubby. Kuunia. Syngenesia Polygamia A.qualis. N.America, 1812. 6.8. H.%. Linn. fil. dec. t. 11. 1620. —— H.©. Moris. s.6. t.12. fb. ——j7 1816. —— Hy. -Geert.carp.2.£.174.¥.7, ; Syngenesia Polygamia AZqualis. L. Jamaica. 1773. &. S.h. Jacq. schoen. 2. t. 146. —— 1898, | ASE Trinidad. 1821. 7.8. S.h.-. Aub. gui. 2. t.314. Plum. spec. 10. t. 129, ~ S. America. 1824, «».. Mexico. S. America, 1822. 6.8 Mexico. 1825, «+-- N.America. 1807. 6.9. —-— 1819. 8.9. ———_ 1699, —— ———— 1777. 9. —-—— 1822. § = eene RERERR RRS ——— 1819. 8.11. ——— 1816. MOREE enn Vahl symb. 3. t.73. H. et B. v. 4. t. 341. Dill. elth. t. 115. £.140. Willd. hort. ber, 32. COMPOSITE. 229 16 rotundifolium. w.. round-leaved. ———— 1699. 7.8. H.¥%. Pluk.alm. t.88. f. 4. _ 17 pubescens. w. pubescent. ——— 1816. 8.10. H.y%.' 18 ceanothifolium. w. Ceanothus-like. ————- 1812. 8.11. H.%. ; 19 altissimum. w. tall. —— 1699. 9.10.H.%. Jacq. vind. 2. t.164. 20 trifoliatum. w. three-leaved. — 1768. 8.10. H.2. 21 cannabinum. w. Hemp agrimony.Britain, +--+ °7.10. H.%. Eng. bot. 428. 22 syriacum. w. Syrian. Syria. 1807. 7.9. H.%. Jacq.ic.1. t.170. 23 purpureum. w purple-stalked. N.America. 1640. 9.10. H.%. Corn. canad. t. 72. 24 maculatum. w. spotted-stalked, —— 1656. 8.9, H.%. Herm. parad. t. 158. 25 punctatum. Ph. punctated. —— 1815. — H.y. 26 verticillatum. w. whorl-leaved. ——— 1811. —— H.2z. 27 perfoliatum. w. Feverwort. ——— _ 1699. 8.10.H.%. Pluk. alm. t. 87. f.6. 28 salviefolium. B.mM. Sage-leaved. —— 1812. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 2010. 29 lamiifolium.L.én. Lamium-leav’d. ———— 1818. —— H.2. r 30 paniculatum. mil. _ panicled. ——— +--. —— Hx. 31 melissoides. w. Balm-leaved. —— 1821. 8.10. H.x. 32 aromaticum. w. aromatic. 1739. 7.8. H.4. - Pluk. alm. t. 88. f.3. 33 urticefolium. w. Nettle-leaved. S.America. 1803. —— G.w. Smith ined. t. 68. 34 ageratoides. w. Ageratum-like. N.America. 1640. 8.10. H.2L. Corn. canad. t. 21. 35 deltoideum. w. deltoid-leaved. .+2---. J818. —— S.7. Jacq. schoen. 3. t. 369. 36 scandens. L.en. climbing. S. America. 1822, «+++ S.t. 37 squarrosum. w. squarrose. Mexico. 1824, eee S.%. Cavan.ic.1. t.98. 38 atriplicifolium. w. Orache-leaved. W. Indies. 1820. +--+. S.h. 39 odoratum., w. sweet-scented.. Jamaica. 1752. 8.10. S.h. Pluk. alm. t.177. f.3. 40 ivefolium. w. Iva-leaved. 1794. 6.7. S.%. Al iresinoides. k.s. _‘Iresine-like. S. America. 1824, --+» S.2%. H.etB.v.4. t.340. 42 pulchellum. «.s. pretty. Mexico. —— + Sih. v.4. t.345. 43 xalapense. K.s. six-angled. —— —— +++ Sh. 44 repandum. w, repand-leaved. Antilles. 1822. --+. S.h. Plum.ic.130.f. 1. MIKANIA. W. MIKANIA. Syngenesia Polygamia A‘qualis. W. 1 Houstoni. w. Houstoun’s. Jamaica. 1733. 7.8. S.h. 2 hastata. w. halbert-leaved. ——-—— ---- —— §.h. Brown jam. t.34. f,3. 3 scandens. w. , climbing. N.America.1714. 8.9. H.Y._. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 169, 4 Guaco. KS. medicinal. S.America, 1823. ---. S.%. 0. H.etB. pl. 2. t. 105. 5 amara. w. bitter. Trinidad, 1824. +--- S.k.J. Aubl. gui. 2. t.315,. 6 opifera. Mart. snakewort. Brazil. FO29 25% set, hh a. STEVIA. W. STEVIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. W. 1 Eupatoria. w. entire-leaved. Mexico. 1798. 7.9. H.%. Botan, magaz. 1849. 2 purpurea. w.en. purple-flowr’d. ———— 1812. 8.9. H.%. Botan. regist. 93, Eupatoria. B.R. nec aliorum. 3 hyssopifolia. B.m. Hyssop-leaved. ———— .-.-. —— Hi. Botan. magaz. 1861. 4 lanceolata. Lag. spear-leaved. ———— §1824, —— Hy. 5 ivefolia. w.en. Iva-leaved. -——-——— 1816.: 779, Hef: 6 serrata. w. saw-leaved. ———— 1799. ——H.y%. Jacq. schen.3. t.300. 7 salicifolia. w, Willow-leaved. ——-——-_ 1803. —— H.y. Cavan.ic. 4. t. 354. 8 ovata. w.en. oval-leaved. ——_——._ 11816. 8.9. H.2. 9 pubescens. Lag. pubescent. ——_——_ 18238. —— H.x. 10 viscida. K.s. rose-coloured. 1824. 9.10. H.%. 11 virgata. K.s. slender. Se ih ad 5 ey ae 12 tomentosa. K.8. tomentose. ——— 1825. —— H.y. 13 monardefolia. K.s. Monarda-14, SS ig SG Hr. 14 angustifolia. xK.s. narrow-leaved. —--—— -—— -—— H.. i " PALAFOXIA. Lag. PAvLAFoxiA. Syngenesia Polygamia Aquali linearis. Lag. linear-leaved. Mexico. 1816. 8.10. G.%. Stevia linearis. w. Ageratum lineare. Cav. ic. 3. t. 205. AGERATUM. W. AGERATUM. Syngenesia Polygamia A‘qualis. L. i) Botan. magaz. 2132. 1 strictum. B.m. upright. Nepaul. 1820. 9.11. H.©. Botan. magaz, 2410, 2 conyzoides. w. hairy. America. 1714. 7.8. H.©. Schk. hand. & t. 238. 3 coernleum. P.s. blue-flowered. S. America. 1820. 7.8. H.©. 4 mexicanum. p.m. Mexican. Mexico. 1823. 8.10. H.©. Swt. br. fl. gar. 89. 5 latifolium. w. broad-leaved. Pern. 1800. 7.8. H.©. Cavan.ic. 4. t. 357. CQOZLESTINA. Cas. Ca@.esTInaA. Syngenesia Polygamia A‘qualis. 1 suffruticosa. suffruticose. S. America. --- 7.10.G.%. Botan. magaz. 1730. Ageratum celestinum. B.M. 2 ageratoides. K.s. Ageratum-like. New Spain. 1824. —— G.y. . 83 ccerulea. Cas. blie-flowered. N.America. 1732. 7.11. H.%. Dill. elth. t. 114. f. 139 Eupatorium celestinum. w. rm ALOMIA. KS. Atomia. Syngenesia Polygamia /Equalis. ageratoides. K.s. white-flowered. New Spain. 1823. 7.9. G.y. Het B.4. t.354. 230 PIQUERIA. W. 1 trinervia. w. 2 pilosa. K.s. 3 latifolia. SELLOA. Spr. glutinosa. B.R. LEYSERA. W. 1 ciliata. w. 2 gnaphalodes. w. 3 squarrosa. Ww. Susporpo. V. KLEINIA. W. 1 ruderalis. w 2 Porophyllum. w 3 viridiflora. K.s. 4 tagetoides. K.s. 5 suffruticosa. w. 6 colorata. K.s. COMPOSITE. PIQUERIA. Syngenesia Polygainid /Equalis. W. three-nerved. Mexico. 1798. 7.8. G.%. hairy. Se 1824. egies G.%. smooth-broad-ld,. ——-—— 8.12.G.%. SELLOA. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. clammy. Brazil. 1815. 1.5. G.h. LEysERA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W. ciliated. C. B.S. 1816. 8. G.h. woolly. ———— 774. 7.9..G.h. squarrose. — G.h. 1815. KLEINIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Equalis. W. glaucous-leav’d. S$. America. 1824. 7.10. S.©. perforated. —— 1699. 6.10. S.©. green-flowered. Mexico. 1823. —— S.h. Tagetes-like. —_——_ — — H.O. suffruticose. S. America. 1825. —— S.4. violet-colour’d. Mexico. — — H.© CACALIA. W. CacaLia. Syngenesia Polygamia A‘qualis. L. 1 papillaris. w rough-stalked. C. B.S. 1727, «+++ Gk. 2 Anteuphorbium. w. oval-leaved. — 1596. 2.3. G.h. 3 Kleinia. w. Oleander-14, Canaries. 1732. 9.10.G.h. 4 Ficoides. w. flat-leaved. C.B.S. 1710. 6.11. Gh. 5 repens. w. glaucous-leav’d, —_-——-__ 1759. 6.10. G.h. 6 cylindrica. pc. cylindrical. Africa. 1818. —— G.h. 7 carnosa. w. narrow-leaved. C. B.S. 1757. 6 G.h. 8 Haworthii. u.s.L. woolly-leaved. —— 1795. e+. G.h. Kleinia tomentosa, H.s. non Cc. tomentosa, L 9 longifolia. H.R. long-leaved, = +. +++ -* 1820. «+++ S.h. pugioniformis. L.en- 10 articulata. w. jointed. C. B.S. 1775. 9.11. G.h. 11 tomentosa. w. tomentose. —— 1795. —— G.k. 12 reticulata. w.en. netted. Bourbon. 1823. -:-- 13 appendiculata.w. appendaged. Teneriffe. 1815. 6.9. G.h. 14 salicina. Lab. willow-leaved. V.Diem.Isl.1820. 4.6. G.h. 15 bicolor. w two-coloured. E. Indies. 1804. 9.5. S.h. 16 ovalis. B.R. oval-leaved. we —- Sh. 17 sonchifolia. w Sonchus-leav’d. ———— 1768. Taj tp ates 18 coccinea. B.M. scarlet-flow’r’d, S. America. 1799, 6.7. H.©. 19 sagittata. w. arrow-leaved. Java. 1824. —— S©. Emilea flammea. Cas. 20 sarracenica. w. creeping-root’d. France. 1772. 8.10. H.}. 21 runcinata. K.s. runcinate. Mexico. 1825. -«-e+ H.. 22 hastata. w. spear-leaved. . Siberia. 1780. 8.10. H.%. 23 rhombifolia. w.en. rhomb-leaved. .—— 1816. —— H.. 24 suaveolens. w. sweet-scented. N.America. 1752. —— H.2%. 25 atriplicifolia.w. | Orache-leaved. ——-—— 1699. 8 H.%. 26 cordifolia. K.s. heart-leaved. Mexico. 1825. ——- H.3. 27 reniformis. w. kidney-leaved. N.America. 1801. 7.8. H.}. 28 tuberosa. nN tuberous-root’d. —- 1812. —— H.7. 29 alpina. w. Alpine. Austria, 1739. —— H.y. Adenostyles viridis. Cas. 30 albifrons. w. white-leaved. —— — — HY. Adenostyles albida. Cas. $1 pinnata. w.en. pinnate-leav’d. Iberia. 1816. —— H.. $2 peltata. K.s. peltated. Mexico. 1825. —— G.2z. 33 scandens. w. > climbing. C. B.S. 1774, 4. G.%. TUSSILAGO. W. CottsFoot. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. | «1 alpina. w. Alpine. Austria. 1710, 3.5. H.2, 2 discolor. w. two-coloured. —— 1633. 4.5. H.z. 3 sylvestris. w. wood. ——-— 1816. H, 2. 4 Farfara. w. common. Britain. eooe 3.4, Hi. B variegata. variegauted-leav'd. —~--——- +*+++ —— H.X. ‘5 frigida. w. Lapland. Lapland. 1710. 5. H.2. mC Cavan. ic.3. t. 235. Botan. regist. 462. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 588. Pluk. alm. t. 302. f.3. JACOBE/E. Kth. synops.2. p. 440. Jacq. amer. t. 127. Cavan. ic. 3. t. 222, Cavan. ic. 3. t. 257. Dill. elth. t. 55. f.63. ———— '[. 55. f. 2.3. DC. plant. gras, 12. —— —— £90. —— 8! ie wreemee Ee ICs DC. plant. gras. 18. Botan. regist. 923. i10. — 102. Rheed. mal, 10. t. 68. Botan. magaz. 564. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 66. Pluk. alm. t. 101. f. 2. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 234. _ H. et Bondp. 4. t. 361. Botan, magaz. 84. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 247. —— t. 12. Eng. bot. 429. Flor, dan. t. 61. es peo eee ee) Oe 3. t. 235. COMPOSITE. 931 6 fragrans. w. fragrant. Italy. 1806. 1.3. | : : ; H.%. Botan. magaz. 1388. 7 alba. w. white butter-bur. Europe. 1683. 1,4. H.%. Flor. dan. 524. 8 nivea. w. downy-leaved. Switzerland.1713. 4. H.y%. Retz. obs. 2. t.3. paradoxa, ketz. 9 Petasites. E.B. common butter bur.Britain. +--- 3.4, H.4%. Eng. bot. 431. 10 hybrida. E.B. large-leaved. ——_ +--+ — HY. ——-—— 430, 11 spuria.w. | lobe-leaved. Germany. 1790. —— H.%. Retz. obs.1. t. 2. paradoxa. Roth. 12 palmata. w. cut-leaved. Labrador. 1778. 4. H.%. Hort. Kew. v.3. t. 1. SENECIO. W. GROUNDSEL. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. w, 1 reclinatus. w. grass-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 6.8. G.g. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 174. 2 hieracifolius. w. hawkweed-ld, N.America.1699. 8. H.©. Herm. parad. t..226. 3 purpurens. w. purple. Cc. B.S, 1774. 7.9. G.Y. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 580. 4 cernuus. w. drooping. E. Indies. 1780. 7.8. H.©. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 9S. 5 erubescens. w. blush-coloured. C. B.S. 1774. 6.10.G.¢. 6 hematophyllus.w.en.purple-leaved. -—-—— 1789. -—— G.h. 7 divaricatus. w. straddling. China. 1S0h? 75 2 Ga 8 croaticus. w. Croatian. Hungary. 1805. 7.8. H.%. W.etK.hung.2. t.143. 9 Pseudo-China, w. Chinese. China. 1732. 6.8. S.%. Dill. elth. t.258. £.335. 10 japonicus. w. jagged-leaved. Japan. 1774. °@. 3. Fy: 11 vulgaris. w. common, Britain, cere 1.12. H.2%. Eng. bot. 747. 12 peucedanifolius. w. Peucedanum-l4.C. B.S. 1816. 6.8. G.k. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 5812 Cacalia peucedanifolia. Jacq. ~ 13 arabicus. w. Arabian. .. Egypt. 1804. 7.8. H.¢. 14 verbenefolius.w. Vervain-leav’d. — 1803. 6.7. H.©. Jacq. vind. 1. t.3. 15 glomeratus. Len. close-flowered, N. Holland. 1816. 8.10. H.©. 16 cacalioides. L.ene | Cacalia-like.| Brazil. 1820. —— H.©. 17 triflorus. w. three-flowered. Egypt. 1776. 7.9. H.©. 18 wegyptius. w. Egyptian. ——_—. 1771. 7.8. H.©. 19 crassifolius. w. thick-leaved. S. Europe. 1815. ——- H.©. 20 lividus. w. livid. Britain. -e++ —— H.©. Eng. bot. 2515. 21 telephifolius. w. Telephium-ld4. C.B.S. 1823. —— H.©. Jacq. frag. 1. t. 1. f. 3. 22 trilobus. w. three-lobed. Spain. 1728. 6.8. H.©. 23 cinerascens, w. gray. C. B.S. 1774. 5.7. Geh. Jacq. schoen. 2. t. 150. 24 viscosus. w. stinking. Britain. --+- 6.10.H.©. Eng. bot.32. 25 sylvaticus. w. mountain. ———_ +++ 7.8. H.©. ——— 748. 26 coronopifolius.w. Buck’shorn-ld. Spain. 1821. —— H.©. 27 nebrodensis. w. Nebrodes. S. Europe. 1704. 6.8. H.©. Barrel. rar. 401. 28 glaucus. w. sea-green. Egypt. 1739. —— H.©. 29 hastatus. w. halberd-lid, Cy B.S; 1722. 5.8. G.%4. Dill. elth. t.152. f. 184. 30 pubigerus. w. runcinate-14, —— 1816. -— G.h. Moris.s.7.t. 18. f. 32. 31 vernalis. w. spring. Hungary. 1803. 4.6. H.©. W.etK. hung. 1. t.24. 32 montanus. w. smoooth mountain. Germany.1819. —— H.©. 33 rupestris. w. rock, Hungary. 1805. 6.7. H.y%. W.etK. hung.2. t.128. 34 dentatus. w. toothed-leaved. C. B.S. 1823. —— G.%. 35 squamosus. W. ~ scaly. — 1816. —— G.%. 36 venustus. w. wing-leaved. —~——— 1774. 5.11.G.h. Botan. regist. 901. 37 elegans. w. elegant. —-—— 1700. 6.8. H.©. | a ruber. red-flowered. —_—_- ——- —— H.©. B albus. white-flowered. —--—- —— —— H.©. y pleno-albus. double-white. —_——_ —-- 4,11. G.h. ; 8 pleno-ruber. double red. —-—— _ --— —— G.h. Botan. magaz. 238. 38 speciosus, w. red-flowered. China. 1789. 7.8. G.y%. Botan. regist. 41. 39 squalidus. w. inelegant. England. ---+ 6.10.H.©. Eng. bot. 600. 40 erucefolius. w. Eruca-leaved. Europe. 1816. 7.8. H.%. Al chrysanthemifolins. Chrysanthemum-I4, Sicily. 1823. 7.9. H.%. Bocce. sic. t. 67. - 42 uniflorus, w. one-flowered. S. Europe. 1799. 7.8. H.%. All. ped. t. 17. f.8. | 43 incanus. w. downy. — 1759. —— H.y%. Pluk. alm. t.39. f.6. 44 abrotanifolius. Southernwood-ld, ————-_ 1640. 7.10.H.%. Jacq. aust. 1. t.79. 45 artemisiefolius. p.s.Wormwood-l¢, France. 1820. —— H.%. | 46 canadensis. w. Canadian. N.America. 1818. —— H.%. 47 delphinifolius.w. Larkspur-ld. Sicily. 1823. —— H.%. Vahl symb. 2. t. 43, | 48 tenuifolius. w. slender-leaved. Britain. --+ 7,8 H.%. Eng. bot. 574. AY Jacobea. w. common ragwort, —---——-_+--- -———~- H.y%. ———— 1130. _ 50 aquaticus. w. marsh, ——— «+++ 5.7. HY. ——- 1131. | 51 aureus. w. golden. N.America. 1758. 7.8. H.%. , 52 Balsamite. w. yarious-leaved. —-—~—— 1819. 6.8. H.%. 53 obovatus. w. obovate-leaved. ——-——- —— oe Y. 54 leucophyllus. vc. white-leaved. S. Europe. 1821. 232 COMPOSITE. 55 rosmarivifolius. w. Rosemary-l9, © C. B.S. veow 7.8. Gh. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 587. 3 56 asper. Ww. rough. ——_—— 1774, —— G.h. & 57 linifolius. w. Flax-leaved. Spain. 1817. ——- H.%. Barrel. rar. t. 802. ‘fj 58 rigescens. Ww. stiff-leaved. C.B.S. . 1815. —— G.h. Jacq. coll. 5. t.6. f.1. + 59 paludosus. w. Bird’s-tongue. England. so+e 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 650. . 60 persicefolins. pc. peach-leaved. Pyrenees. 1817. -—- H.¥%. Ram.bul.phil. t.11. f.3. gf, 61 nemorensis. w. branching. Austria. 1785. 7.8. H.%. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 184. . 62 sarracenicus. Ww. creeping-root’d. Britain. cose 7210. H.%. Eng. bot.2211. . ‘4 63 ovatus. w. oval-leaved. Germany. 1817. —— H.2. 64 coriaceus. w. leathery-leav’d. Levant. 1728, 7.8. H.y%. Dill. elth. t. 105. f.125. 65 Doria. w. broad-leaved. Austria. 1570. 7.9. H.%. Jacq. aust. 2. t.185. 66 macrophyllus. m.B. large-leaved. Caucasus. 1817. —— H.2. | 67 Doronicum. w. Leopard’s-bane.S, Europe. 1705. —— H.2%. Jacq. aust. 5. t. ap. 45. 68 umbrosus. w.kK. ear-leaved. Hungary. 1815. —— H.2%. 69 Barrelieri. w. Barrelier’s., Pyrenees. 1824. ——- H.3., Barrel. ic. 146. 70 lanceus. w. spear-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 7. 10. G.h. 71 oporinus. w. Jaequin’s. ——— ++-- —— GY. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 304. 72. longifolius. w. long-leaved. —_—-_ 1775. 8.11.G.h. Comm. hort. 2. t. 71. 73 halimifolius. w. succulent-ld, eo ITS. (NT. G.h. Dill. elth.t.104.f.124. 74 ilicifolius. w. Tlex-leaved. ——— 1731. 6.7. G.h. Comm. rar. t. 42. 75 rigidus. w. hard-leaved. — 1704. 6.9. Gh. Conim.hort.2. t. 75. 76 solidaginoides. w. - Golden-rod-like. ——-—-__ 1819. —— G.h. Hout. syst. 4, t.32.f.1. 77 vernus. Biv. vernal. Italy. ——~- — H.%. CINERARIA. W. ° CINERARIA, Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. 1 americana. w. American. S. America. 1823. -+e. S.h. ; 2 incana. p.s. hoary. Jamaica. —— 6.8. S.h. 3 discolor. P.s. two-coloured. — 1822, —— S.h. A lucida. p.s. glossy. W. Indies —~—~ -—— S.h. Plum.2. ic. 154. 5 geifolia. w. kidney-leaved- C. B.S. 1710. 4.8. G.h. Comm. hort. 2. t.73. 6 canescens L,en- small-flowered. ———— 1790. -—— G.h. Botan. magaz. 1990. 7 aurita. w. purple-flower’d.Madeira. 1777. 6.7. G.h. 1786. 8 lactea. w.en. milk-coloured. ---+++++ 1816. —— G.h. 9 lanata. w. woolly. Canaries, 1780. 5.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 53. 10 hybrida. w.en. hybrid. Hybrid. ecoe 2.5. Gi. 11 elatior. L.en. tals fee eos «ae coe eee ——— GF. 12 cruenta. w. purple-leaved. Canaries, 1777. —— G.h. Botan. magaz. 406. | auritd. A.R. 24. | 13 pulchella. bright red-fld. ——— 1818. —— G.f. : 14 populifolia. H.x. Poplar-leaved, ——-—— 1780. 6.9. G.h. Venten.malm. 100. 15 Jobata. w. lobed. C. B.S. 1774. 6.8. G.h. : 16 malvefolia. w. Mallow-leaved. Azores. 1777 eee G.4. 17 petasites. B.M. butter-bur-ld. Mexico. 1812, 12.2.G.h. Botan. magaz. 1536. : 18 precox. w. early-flow’ ring. ——-——- 1824. 2.4. G.h. Cavan.ic.3. t. 244. 19 sibirica. w. Siberian. Siberia. 1784. 6.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1869. 20 speciosa. L.en. large-flowered. —— —— 1818. ——- H.¥. Botan regist. 812. | 21 caucasica. M.B. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1820. —— H.2. ‘ 22 gigantea. H.K. gigantic. Cape Horn.1801. 7.8. H.2/. Sm.exot. bot. 2. t.65. 23 glauca. We glaucous-leav’d, Siberia. 1790. 6.7. H.%. Gmel.sib.2. t.74. 24 palustris. w. marsh. England. ++- — H.¥%. Eng. bot. 351. ; 25 aurantiaca. w. orange-colour’d, Switzerland.1818. 5.7. H.%. Botan. magaz. 2262. 26 campestris. w. mountain. N. Europe. ---- —— H-¢. Jacq. aust. t. 180. 27 integrifolia.u.p, entire-leaved. England. ---- —— H.¥%. Eng. bot. 152. 28 longifolia. w. long-leaved. Austria. 1792. 6.8. H.%. Jacq, aust. 2. t.181. 29 crispa. w. curled. — 1818. — H.»x. —— 2, t.178. 30 cordifolia, w. heart-leaved. ——— 1739. 7.8 H.y%. ————— 2, t. 176. 31 media. w.kK. intermediate. Hungary. 1818. —- H.2. 32 alpina. w. Alpine. Austria. 1683. 6.8. H.z. Jacq. aust. 2. t.177. | 33 aurea. Ww. golden. Siberia. 1825. —— H.2. 34 maritima. w. sea ragwort. S. Europe. 1633. 7.9. F.h. Flor. grec. 871. 35 bicolor. w. shining-leaved. -+.-++-- 1820. --— F.h. 36 canadensis. Canadian, Canada. 1739. 6.8. H.%. 37 linifolia. w. flax-leaved. C. B.S. ‘7+ =—— G.h. Jacq.schen. 3. t. 308. 38 angustifolia. K.s. narrow-leaved. Mexico. 1825. +«-++ G.h. 39 humifusa. w. trailing. C. B.S. 1704.°- 7-822 Gar 40 viscosa. W. clammy. 1774. 6.8. G.g. Jacq. frag. 12. t.7. f.2. AGATHEA, Cas. AGATHAA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua, “coelestis. Cas. Cape-Aster. C.B.S. 1753. 2.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 249. Cinerarta amellotdes. w. COMPOSITE. 238 _ KAULFUSSIA. Nees. Kauurussia. en Polygamia Superfiua. 3 amelloides. Nees. blue-flowered. C. B.S. 1819. 6.7. H.©. Botan. regist. 490. _TAGETES. w. TAGETEs. ‘Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. L. 1 lucida. w. sweet-scented. S. America. 1798. 7.11.G.%. Botan. magaz. 740. 2 patula. w. French Marygold. Mexico. 1573. 7.10.H.©@. —--—— 150. 3 corymbosa. B.F.G. corymbus-fld. ———— 1825. 9.11.H.@. Swt. br.fl. gar.151. a@ purpurea. purple-fiowered. ———- -—— —— H.©: B lutea. . yellow-flowered. - — -— Ho. 4 erecta. w. African Marygold. ——— 1596. 6.9. H.@. Lam.ill. t.684. | 5 tenuifolia. w. fine-leaved. ——: 1797. 7.10.H.©. fl. gar. 141. 6 minuta. w. small-flowered. Chili. 1728. 8.10.H.©. _ Dill. elth.t. 280. f. 362. 7 clandestina. Lag.- small-rayed. Mexico. 1822, —— H.©. coronopifolia. W.en. | : 8 micrantha. w. solitary-fld. a-ha ic, 4. t, 852. 9 glandulosa. Len. glandular. S. America. 1825. —— H.©. -BO:BERA. W Baeera. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. 1 padibiian, N. glandular. N.America.1823. 8.9. H.©. Venten. cels. t. 36. chrysanthemoides. w.en. Tagetes papposa. v. Dyssodia glundulosa. cav. 2 Porophyllum. x.s. Mexican. Mexico. see eomeraeeh TTS OYs oe Porophyllum. w.en- OTHONNA. W. RaaGwort. Syngenesia Polygamia Necessaria. L. 1 flabellifolia. p.c. _ fan-leaved. C. B.S. 1822. 7.9. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 728. 2 pinnatifida. p.s. pinnatifid. ——-———_ 1828. —— G.x. 8 pinnata. w. wing-leaved. —-——_ 1759. 4.6. G.%. Botan. magaz. 768. 4 Tagetes. w. slender-stalked. -————-_ 1823. 7.9. H.©. 5 pectinata. w. Wormwood-ld, —+—— 1731. 4.6. G.}h. Botan. magaz. 306. 6 Athanasiz. w. Athanasia-like. — 1795. 11.12.G.h. . Jacq. schoen. 2. t.242. 7 abrotanifolia. w. Southernwood-ld,——-—— 1692. 1.5. G.h. Botan. regist. 108. 8 digitata. w. finger-leaved. ———— 1822. 6.9. G.y. 9 retrofracta. w. axillary -fid. — 1812, —— G.h. Jacq. schen. 3. t.376. 10 coronopifolia. w. Buckshorn-ld4. ——-—— 1731. 7.9. G.h. Comm. hort. 2. t.70. 11 cheirifolia. w. Stock-leaved. Barbary. 1752. 4.6. F.%. Botan. regist. 266. 12 crassifolia. w. thick-leaved. C.B.S. 1710. 9.10.G.h. Mill.ic. 2. t.245. f.2. 13 denticulata. w. tooth-leaved. ——— 1774. 4.7. Botan. magaz. 1979. 14 heterophylla. w. - various-leaved. — 1812..—— G.h. 15 Lingua. w. tongue-leaved. ——-—— 1787. 5.9. G.%. Jacq. schon.2, t. 238, 16 filicaulis. w. Yam-rooted. —— 1791. 4.5.G.y%. — —— 2. t. 241. 17 bulbosa. w. bulbous. —-—— 1774. 5.6. G.y4. Breyn.cent. t. 66. 18 parviflora. w. small-flowered. -——-—— 1704. 7.8. G.h. Volk. norib. t. 226, 19 perfoliata. H.K. perfoliate. ——— 1789. 5.7. G.yY. Jacq. schon. t. 240. amplexicaulis. BoM. 1312. NON Thunb. . 20 ericoides. w. Heath-leaved. ————— 1815. 7.8. G.h. 21 linifolia. w. Flax-leaved. ———— 1825. —— G.h. 22 tenuissima. w. fine-leaved. ——- 1759. 4.7. G.h. Jacq. schen. 2. t. 239. 23 frutescens. w. frutescent. —-—— 1816. 7.8. G.h. Comm.hort. 2. t.70. 24 arborescens. w. tree. ——._ 1723. ——'G.h. _ Dill. elth. t. 103. f.128. 25 cacalioides. w. tuberous. ——— 1774. 5.9. G.%. Susorpo VI. HELIANTHEZS. Kth. synops.2. p.463. HYMENOPAPPUS. J. HyMENopappus. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 pedatus. Lag. pedate-leaved. Mexico, 1803. 7.9. G.©. Cavan.ic.4. t.356. Stevia pedata. B.M. 2040. Florestina pedata. Cas. 2 scabioszus. pp. Scabious-like. Missouri. 1812. 6.8. H.©. hist.nat.n.1.ic. $ tenuifolius. pp. slender-leaved. ——-—— 1811. —— F.¢. SCHKUHRIA, W. Scukunria. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua, L. abrotanoides. w. © Wormwood-ld. Mexico. 1798. 7.9. H.©. Schk. hand, 3. t.250.b. PECTIS. W. Pectis. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. 1 humifusa. w. trailing. W.Indies. 1822. 7.9. S.©. Plum.ic. t. 95. f.2. 2 prostrata. w. prostrate. New Spain. 1824. —— S.©. Cavan.ic. 4. t. 324. 3 ciliaris. w. ciliated. Hispaniola. 1793. 7. S.©. Plum. ic. 151. f. 2. 4 linifolia. w. ‘ Flax-leaved. Jamaica. 1732. 7.8. 8.@. Sloan.hist. 1. t.149, f.3. HETEROSPERMUM. W. HeTerospermum. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W pinnatum. w. wing-leaved. NewSpain.1799. 8.9. H.©. Cavan. ic. 3. t. 267. MELANANTHERA.M. MELANANTHERA. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. P.S. 1 Linnei. K.s. Linneus’s. S. America. 1799, 6.8. S.g. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 583. Bidens nivea, t. Calea aspera, Jacq. 2H 234 | COMPOSITE. ‘ 2 hastata.M. hastate-leaved. N.America. 1732. -——— G.%. Dill. elth. t. 47. f.55. — B pandurata. ph. —_fiddle-leaved. Hb ne en NN I ES — t. 46. f. 54, MARSHALLIA. W. Marsnatua. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. W. 1 lanceolata. Ph. spear-leaved. Carolina. 1812. 6.7. F.2%. 2 latifolia. Ph. broad-leaved. —~ 1806. —— F.y%. Mich. amer. 2. t. 43. Persoonia latifolia. m. Trattenichia latifolia. P.s. PLATYPTERIS. K.S. PLaTypTERIS. Syngenesia Polygamia Equalis. crocata. K.3. saffron-colour’d. Mexico. 1812. 1.3. S.%. Spilanthes crocata, B.M. . SPILANTHES. W. SpitantHes. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. L, Botan. magaz. 1627. 1 tenella. K.s, slender. Caracas. 1823. 8.10. G.©. 2 Pseudo-Acmella.w. spear-leaved. Ceylon. 1768. 7. S.©. Pluk. alm. t.159. f.4. 3 uliginosa. w. marsh. Jamaica. 1820. 7.9. S.©. | Aalba.w. - white-flower’d. Peru. 1783. 6.7. H.©. L’Herit. stirp.7. t.4. 5 oleracea. W. esculent. E. Indies. 1770. 7.9. S.g. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 135. ACMELLA. P.S. AcmELLA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. P.S, 1 mauritiana. P.s. Balm-leaved. . Mauritius. 1768. 7.8. S.©. Rumph. amb. 6. t. 65. Spilanthes Acmella. W. , 2 repens. P.S. creeping. N.America.1819. —— H.©. 3 occidentalis. p.s. oval-leaved. S. America. 1825. -—- H.©. 4 buphthalmoides.r.s. Ox-eye-leaved. ——-—— 1798. 7.9. H.©. Jacq. scheen. 2. t. 151. LAVENTA. W. LAvENIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Equalis. erecta. Ww. upright. EK. Indies. 1739. 7.9. S.©.. Burm. zeyl. t.42. SALMEA. DC. SaALMEA. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. 1 scandens. Dc. climbing. S. America. 1815. 4.6. S.%. -. Botan. magaz. 2062. Calea Amellus. L. 2 hirsuta. pe. hairy. ———- SLI. : PETROBIUM. L.T. Perropium. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. _ arboreum. tree, St. Helena. 1816. ---- S.h. Spilanthus arboreus. Forst. CALEA. L.T. CALEA. Syngenesia Polygamia Aqualis. L. 1 jamaicensis. L.t. — purple-flowr’d. W. Indies. 1739. 6.7. S.h. Sloan. jam.1.t.151. f.3. 2 cordifolia. L.T. heart-leaved. Jamaica. 1822, —— S.p. CALEACTE. L.T. CaLEAcTE. Syngenesia Polygamia AZqualis. 1 urticifolia. L.T. Nettle-leaved. Vera Cruz, ++-- sees ‘ Solidago urticefolia. Mill. 2 pinnatifida. L.r. — pinnatifid. Brazil. 1816. 6.8. S.h. ISOCARPHA.L.T. IsocarpHa. Syngenesia Polygamia Acqualis. oppositifolia. opposite-leav’d. W. Indies. 1739. 7.8. S.¢. Calea oppositifolia. w. ou NEUROLAENA.L.T. NEvuROLZNA. Syngenesia Polygamia AZqualis. lobata. halberd-weed. W. Indies. 1733. 6.7. S.h. Botan. magaz. 1734. ~ Calea lobata. B.M. | MADIA. W. Manta. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W. 1 viscosa. W. viscous. Chili. 1794. 7.8. H.©.. Botan. magaz. 2574. — 2 mellosa. w. stem-clasping. ——-—— 1824. -— H.©. . TETRAGONOTHECA. TerraconoTHEca. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflaa. W. helianthoides. w. Sunflower-like. Virginia. 1726. 8.10.H.%. Schk. hand. 3. t. 263. XIMENESIA. W. XIMENESIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfilua., W. 1 encelioides, w. oval-leaved. Mexico. 1795. 6.11.G.g. Cavan. ic. 2. t.178. 2 fetida. kK.s. foetid. ——— 1799. 7.8 HO. ————I1.t.77. Coreopsis foctida. Cav. Simsia ficifolia. P.s. , 3 cordata. K.s. heart-leaved. —_——_ — — H.. HELENIUM. W. HELENIUM. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfilua. W. 1 autumnale. w. smooth. N.America. 1729. 8.10. H.2J. Schk. hand. $. t. 250, 2 pubescens. w. downy. —-—— 1776. 8.9. H.z. ; 3 quadripartitum.L.en.four-parted. pe ereees 1825, —— G.f@. 4 quadridentatum. w.four-toothed, Louisiana. 1790. 5.10. H.%. Botan, regist. 598. 5 pumilum. w.en. dwarf. N.America. 1819. —— H.%. . G6 mexicanum. k.s, Mexican. Mexico. 1823. 8.10. H.%}. - ZINNIA. W. Zinnia. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W. 1 pauciflora. w, yellow-flow’r’d, Peru. 1753. 7.8. H.©. Mill.ic.1. t. 64. 2 multiflora. w. red-flowered. N.America.1770. 6.10.H.©. Botan, magaz. 149. 3 verticillata. w. whorl-leaved. Mexico. 1789. 7.8. H.@. Andr.repos, 189. 4 elegans, w. purple-flow’r’d. ——-—— 1796. 7.10. H.@©. Botan. magaz. 527. violacea. A.R. 65. : ; 5 tenuiflora. w. slender-fi4. — —— 1799. 8 HO. ——— 565. 6 angustifolia. K.s. narrow-leaved,. -~——--—— 1825. —— H.©. -RELHANIA. W. RELHANIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W. 1 squarrosa. W. cross-leaved. C.B.S, 774s 5a DiS COMPOSITZ. 230 2 genistifolia. w. Genista-leav’d. -————— 1823. —— G.. 3 lateriflora. w. side-flowering. m—-—- — -—— G.h. ; _ 4 pungens, w. pungent-leav’d. ————— 1820. 6.8. G.h. Botan. regist, 587. ATHRIXIA. B.R. ATHRIXIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. capensis. B.R. ‘Cape. C. B.S. 1823. 6.8. G.%. Botan. regist. 681. LONGCHAMPIA. W. Lonecuampis. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. W. capillifolia. w. Leysera-like. Africa. 1824. 6.8. H.©. Gnaphalium leyseroides. Desf. SANVITALIA.W. Sanvitratia.. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W. procumbens. w. __ trailing. Mexico. 1798. 7.8. H.©. Botan..regist. 707. TRIDAX. L. TRIDAX. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. procumbens. tL. ‘procumbent. Mexico, 1804. 7.8 H.©. Balbisia elongata. w. COLUMELLIA. W. Couumenria. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W. biennis, w. biennial. C.B.S. 1820. 7.9. Gg. Jaeq. scheen. 3. t. 301. Nestlera biennis. spr. \ ECLIPTA. W. Ecuipta. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. L. 1 erecta. w. upright. S. America, 1690. 7.9. H.©. Dill.elth, t. 113. f. 137. 2 punctata. w. dotted. W. Indies, 1822. -—— S.©. Jacq. amer. pict. t.197. 3 prostrata. w. trailing. E. Indies. 1732. —— S.©. Dill.elth. t.113. f.138. 4 procumbens, Mm. procumbent. Carolina. 1819. ——~ H.©. CHRYSANTHELLUM. CurysanTHELLUoM. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. P.S. procumbens. p.s. procumbent. W. Indies. 1768. 6.7. S.©. Swartz obs.314.t.8. f.l. Verbesina mutica. w. SIEGESBECKIA. W. Siecespeckia. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. 1 orientalis. w. oriental. KE. Indies, 1730. 8.10. H.©. Schk. hand. 3. t.256. 2 triangularis. cay. triangular-ld, Mexico, seee —-—- H.©. Cav. ic. 3. t.253. 3 iberica. w. Iberian. ' Iberia. 1823. —— H.©. Buxb.cent. 3. t.52. 4 droseroides. B.F.c. Sundew-like.. Mexico. 1825. —— H.}%.? Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. 5 flosculosa. w. ~small-flower’d. Peru. 1784. 6.7. H.©. L’Herit. stirp. t. 19. VERBESINA, W. VERBESINA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. L. 1 alata. w. wing-stalked. S.America. 1699, 5.10.G.%. Botan. magaz. 1716. 2 virginica. w. white-flowered. N.America. 1812. 7.9. H.2. 3 virgata. w. slender. Mexico. 1825. —— H.%. Cav.ic. 3. t.275. 4 gigantea. w. tree. W. Indies. 1758. —— S.h. Jacq.ic.1. t,175. 5 Boswellia. t. eatable. E. Indies. 1818. —— S.©. 6 serrata. w. saw-leaved. Mexico. 1803. 7.10. G.%. Cav. ic. 3. t. 214. 7 Siegesbeckia. w. American. Virginia. 1731.10.11. H.%. 8 salicifolia. K.s. Willow-leaved. Mexico. 1824. -——- H.%. 9 dichotoma. w. forked. E. Indies. 1789. 6.7. S.©. Murr. c. got.1779. t.4. 10 biflora. w. two-flowered. -—- 1818. 7.9. 8.©. Rheed. mal. 19. t. 40. 11 calendulacea. w. Marygold-fid. Ceylon. 1739. —— 8.©. Burm. zeyl. t.22. f.1. 12 fruticosa. w. shrubby. W. Indies. 1759. 6.8. S.h. Plum.ic. t.52. SYNEDRELLA, P.S. SyNnEpDRELLA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. P.S. nodiflora. P.s. sessile-flow’r’d. W. Indies. 1726. 6.7. S.©. _ Dillelth. t. 45. f.53. ENCELTIA. J. EncELIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. P.S. 1 canescens. P.Ss. canescent. Mexico. 1786. 7.9. G.f. Botan. regist. 909. Pailasia halimifolia, w. Coreopsis limensis. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 594. 2 halimifolia. p.s. great-flowered, —— 1825. —— G.h. Cavan. ic.3. t. 216. - Pallasia grandifiora. w. GALINSOGEA. K.S. GatinsoceA. Syngenesia Polygamia Supertlua. W. 1 trilobata. w. three-lobed. Peru. 1797. 8.11. H.©. Swt. br. fi. gar. 56. 2 balbisioides. K.s, | Mexican. Mexico. 1825. ——H.©. B.4. t. 386. 3 parviflora, w. small-flowered. S. America. 1796. 6.8. H.@©. Cavan.ic. 3. t.281. Wiborgia parviflora. K.S. : PTILOSTEPHIUM. K.S. Pritosternium. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. ; 1 coronopifolium. K.s. Buckshorn-ld, Mexico. 1823.8.10. H.©. H.etB.4. t.387. 2 trifidum. K.s. trifid-leaved. REELS ©. 4. t. 388. ZALUZANIA. P.S. . Zanuzanra. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. P.S. triloba. p.s. three-lobed. Mexico. 1798.- 7.9. F.%. PASCALIA.W. PascaLra. .Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W. ia) glauca. w. glaucous-leav’d, Chili. 1799. 6.8. H.%. Andr. reposit. 549. HELIOPSIS. P.S. Heiopsis. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. P.S. 1 canescens. K.s. hoary-leaved. S. America. 1820. 8.10, H.4. Botan. regist. 592. 2 levis. p.s. smooth. N.America.1714. 7.10. H.%. L’Herit.stirp. t. 45. Buphthalmum helianthoides. w. Helianthus levis. i. - DIOMEDEA. Cas. DiomEDEA. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. 1 glabrata. K.s. smooth. S. America. 1699. 5.9. G.h. Dill. elth. t. 38. f.43, Buphthalmum arborescens, w. wren —— .¥ ‘, 236 2 bidentata. cas. 3 argentea. K.s. BUPHTHALMUM. 1 sericeum. w, 2 spinosum. w. 3 aquaticum. w. 4 maritimum. w. 5 salicifolium. w. 6 grandiflorum. w. 7 cordifolium. w. 8 procumbens. Desf. WEDELIA.K:S. 1 acapulcensis. K.5s. 2 hispida. K.s. 3 radiosa. B.R. GYMNOLOMA.K:S. 1 triplinerve. &.s. 2 maculatum. B.R. Ss ? = COMPOSITE. ACTINOMERIS. N. 1 squarrosa, N. squarrose. N.America. 1640. 9, 11. H.. Coreopsis alternifolia. Jacq. Verbesina Coreopsis. ph. 2 procera. N. tall. —-—— 1765. 9.10. H.%. Coreopsis procera. H.K. 3 helianthoides. n. Sunflower-like, Louisiana. 4 alata. wing-stalked. Mexico. Coreopsis alata. W. 1825. 1803. LATA tyr H.%. 7.8 H.. VIGUIERA. K.S. helianthoides. K.s. GALARDIA. W. VicureraA. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. Sunflower-like. Cuba. 1825. 6.9. S.%. GALARDIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea, 1 bicolor. w. two-coloured. Carolina. 1787. 7.10. H.%. 2 aristata. ph. long-awned. N.America. 1812. ———- H.%. RUDBECKIA. W. RuDBECKIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. 1 pinnata. ph. fragrant. N.America. 1803. 8.9. H.%. 2 digitata. Ph. narrow-jagged-ld,.___—_-_ 1759. —— H.2. 3 laciniata. Ph. broad jagged-l4, ———— 1640. 7.9. H.2. 4 columnaris. ph. high-crowned. ———— 1811. 8.9. H.2. 5 subtomentosa, ph. downy-lobed. ——-—— 1802. —— H.2. 6 triloba. Ph. three-lobed. ——-—— 1699. —— H.. Dill, elth. t. 28. f. 44, Botan. magaz. 1836. Breyn. cent. t. 77. Bocce. mus. t. 129. Jacq. aust. 4, t. 370. Moris. s. 6. t.7. £52. | K.hung. 2. t.113. Botan. regist. 548. . 610. Botan. regist. 662. two-toothed. - SSS SS 1696. 6, 8. G. he silvery-leaved. -——-—— 1823. —— G.h. Ox-EYE. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. L. silky. Canaries. 1779. 5.7. G.h. prickly. Spain. 1570. 6.9. H.©. sweet-scented. S. Europe. 1731. 7.8. H.©. sea. Sicily. 1640. .7.9. H.%. Willow-leaved. Austria. 1759. 6.10. H.%. great-flowered. ——-—— 1722. —— H.2. heart-leaved. Hungary. 1739. 6.8. H.2. procumbent. cscoeese 1820. —— H.2. WEDELIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Necessaria. W. Acapulco. S. America, 1823. 6.8. S.h. hispid. - New Spain. 1819. —— S.h. rayed. S. America. 1822. —— S.h. GYMNOLOMA. Syngenesia Polygamia Necessaria. triple-nerved. S. America. 1825. 6.9. S,. spotted-stalk’d, ——-—— 1822. —— §.%. ACTINOMERIs. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. Jacq. vind. 2, t. 110, Cavan. ic. 3. t. 260. Tabern. ic. 764. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 375. Cavan. ic. 3. t. 220. Botan. magaz. 227. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 161, Botan. regist. 524. ————- 508. Moris. 8.6. t. 7. f. 66. . Jacq. vind. 2. t. 160. Bocce. sic, t. 27. f. 4. Rob. ic. 235. Willd. hort. ber. t.70. Mill. ic. t. 224. f. 2. . Cav. ic. 3. t. 219. Botan. regist. 523. B. 4, t. 378. HELIANTHUS. W. Sunritower. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. L. 1 annuus. w. annual. S. America, 1596. 6. 10. H.©. 2 indicus. w. dwarf annual. Egypt. 1785. ——- H.©. 3 tubeformis. w. tube-flowered. Mexico. 1799. 7.8 H.©. 4 dentatus. w. tooth-leaved. - 1798. 9.11. G.%. 5 multiflorus. w. many-flowered, N.America. 1597. 8. 10. H.2. B plenus. double-fiowered. -——-——- ——- —— H.2. 6 tuberosus, w. Jerusalem Artichoke. Brazil. 1617. 9.10. H.%. 7 pubescens. B.R. pubescent. N.America. 1795. 7. 10. H.%. 8 atrorubens.B.R. dark-eyed. —— 1732. —— H.%. diffusus. B.M. 2020. missuricus. Spre 9 letiflorus. P.s. pale-flowered. ——-—— -+-- —— H.2%, 10 divaricatus. Ww. divaricate. —— 1759. 8.10. H.2. 11 trachelifolius. w. Trachelium-l¢4, ————~ 1818. —— H.2. 12 longifolius. ph. long-leaved. Georgia. 1812. —— H.%. 13 pauciflorus. nN. few-flowered. Louisiana. 1823. —— H.2%. 14 giganteus. w. gigantic. N,America. 1714, 9.10. H.%. 15 altissimus. w. tall. — 41731. 7.9. H.y. 16 strumosus. W. Carrot-reoted. - ———— 1710. —— H.2. 17 prostratus. w. rough, —— 1800. —— H.2. . 4 18 decapetalus. w.' _— ten-rayed. ——- 1759. 8.11. H.%. : 19 mollis. w. soft. ——— 1805. 7. 10. H.%. , 20 macrophyllus. w. large-leaved. —-——— 1800. 8.10. H.»%. \ 21 angustifolius. w. narrow-leaved. ——-—— 1789. 9.10. H.2. L& 22 excelsus. w. lofty. Mexico. 1824. —— H.2. giganteus. Cav. non W. <* 23 linearis. w. _linear-leaved. ——— 1818. 8.10. H.%. \\ 24 parviflorus, K.s. _ small-flowered. 1824, —— H.z. 25 cornifolius. K.s. Dogwood-ld. ——— — —— Hy. ¢ 26 trilobatus. Len. three-lobed. 1823. —— H.3. H. et B.4. t. 379. Ww. ; Botan. magaz. 1602. L. Swt. br. fl. gar. 146. | Moris. s. 6. t. 6. f.54. ——s. 6. t. 6. f, 53. Botan. magaz. 1601. Botan, regist. 525, 7 hirta. ph. 8 fulgida. Phe 9 levigata. Ph. 10 amplexifolia. Ph. 11 serotina. B.F.G. 12 purpurea. Ph. 13 napifolia. K.s. COSMEA. W. 1 sulphurea. w. 2 tenella. K.s. 3 bipinnata. w. 4 crithmifolia. K.s. 5 parviflora. w. DAHLIA. Cav. 1 superflua. H.K. COMPOSITE. great hairy. ——-— 1714 6,11. H.%. small hairy. —-—— 1760. 7.8. H.%. smooth. Carolina. 1812, —— F.. stem-clasping. Louisiana. 1793. —— H.©. hispid-stalked. ——. 1816. 8.-10. H. 2}. purple. N.America. 1699. 7. 10. H.2. Rape-leaved. New Spain.1824, —— G.z. CosmMEA. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea WwW. Southernwood-l4Mexico.- 1799. gs O. slender. ———-_ 1825. im in: G.©. purple-flow’r’d. 1799. —— G.©. Samphire-1d, ———— 1825. — G.©. white-flowered. ——-——- 1800. —— H. sir Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W Mexico. 1789. 7.11. H.%. DAHLIA. fertile-rayed. Georgina pinnata. Ww. a purpurea. 6 lilacina. y pallida, é alba. # flava. 2 cuprea. » rubra. J punicea, t atropurpurea. K nigra, X variegata. pe nana, vy superba. Z ranunculifiora. — 0 peonieflora. 7. coccineo-aurantiaca.scarlet orange. p sulphurea. o sulphuree-nana, T camelliefiora. frustranea. H.K. @ coccinea. 8 fulgens. aurantia. crocea. & lutea. bo COREOPSIS. W. 1 ferulefolia. w. 2 verticillata. w. 3 tenuifolia. w. 4 trichosperma. m. 5 chrysantha. w. 6 aurea, w. 7 tripteris. Ph. 8 discolor. L.en.- 9 senifolia. ph. 10 amplexicaulis. Cav. il alba. w. 12 incisa. B. reg. 13 reptans. w. 14 tinctoria. Nn. 15 palmata, N. 16 auriculata. w. 17 latifolia. w. 18 arguta. ph. 19 lanceolata. w. 20 crassifolia. w. 21 angustifolia. w 22 rosea. N. BIDENS. K.S. 1 nodiflora. w. 2 tripartita. w. 3 cernua. w. 4 heterophylla. w. purple-flowered. rose-coloured. pale-flowered. white-flowered. yellow-fiowered. copper-coloured. red-flowered. Pomegranate. dark-purple. very dark. vartegated-fi4, double dwarf lilac. ———— double purple. Ranunculus-fl4. double Peony-fid, stalslstatstatetatate HERERERERES Sy bot et bt PRERERERRRPHRER sulphur-coloured.- dwarf-sulphur. Camellia-fi4, barren-rayed. scarlet. bright scarlet. orange-coloured. saffron-coloured. yellow. Coreopsis, Syngenesia Polygamia TTT EEE EEE EEE SFL IULUTLTETILETEELL est @ So bo oe TELL Foo ED eo s 6. @ 3 = es H, Str Fennel-leaved. Mexico. 1799. 10.11. F.y. whorl-leaved. N.America. 1759. 7.10. H.2%. slender-leaved. 1780. 7.8. H.. pinnate-leaved. Carolina. 1822. 8.10.G.2. Angelica-l4, §W.Indies. 1752. 7.9. S.¢. Hemp-leaved. N.America.1785. 8.9. H.}. three-leaved. — 1737. 8.10.H.%. two-coloured. —-—— 1818. —— H.%. sessile-leaved. ———— 1812. —— H.2%. stem-clasping. ‘e«+ssee 1806. 7.8. H.%. climbing. Jamaica. 1699. 6.7. S.% jagged-leaved. W.Indies. ---- 9,12. S.%. trailing. ——- _ 1792. 7.9. S.O. dyeing. Arkansa. 1823. 6.10. H.©, palmate-leav’d. Louisiana. —— 8.10. H.%.- ear-leaved. N.America. 1699. 8.10. H.%. broad-leaved. ———— 1786. 8.9. H.%. sharp-notched. Carolina. +--+ -—— H. x. spear-leaved. —— 1724. 7.9. H.x. thick-leaved. —-—- 1786. 8.10. H.%. narrow-leaved. N.America. 1778. 6.8. H.y. rose-coloured. ——-——- -——- -—— H.»%. Bivens. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea, - sessile-flower’d. E. Indies. 1732. 7.8 S.©. trifid. Britain. veee 7.9. HO. nodding. ———— sss+ 7.9. H.O. various-leaved. Mexico. 1803. 8.9. G.%. eo, e % i") S 9") P=) e ( 237 Swt. br. fl. gar. 82. Botan. magaz, 1996. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 592. Swt. br. fl. gar. t. 4. Botan. magaz. 2. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 595. Botan. magaz. 1535. - Jacq. scheen. 8. t.374. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 80. Ann, mus. 3. t. 87. f. 1. Sal. par. lond. 16. Botan. magaz, 1885. A. Botan. regist. 55. Andr, reposit. 483. Botan. magaz. 1885.B. Cavan. ic. t. 266. Botan. magaz. 762. L. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 373. Botan. magaz. 156. Pluk. man. t.344. f. 4, | Plum. ic. 53. f. 1. Moris. s. 6. t.3. f.44. — Herm. parad. 124. Botan. regist. 7. Smith spic. t. 22. Swt. brit. fl. gar. 72. Schk. han. 8. t. 260. Swt. br. fl. gar. 10. Dill. elth. t. 44. f. 52. Eng. bot. i113. ———— 1114. Orteg. dec. 8. t. 12. 238 COMPOSITE. 5 Inxurians. w.en. luxuriant, ———-__ 1823. re mee G.y. 6 frondosa, w. smooth-stalk’d. N.America. 1710. 7.8. H.©. Moris.s.6. t.5. f. 21. 7 foliosa. W.en. leafy. veeosses 1823. —— H.©. 8 connata. w. connate. N. America. —~ -—— H.©. 9 leucantha. w. white-flower’d. S. America. ---- ——~ H.©. site 10 chinensis. w. Chinese. Chinas — 1801. 6.7. H.©. Rumph.amb.6.t.15.f.2. 11 diversifolia, w. different-14. S.America, 1811. 9.10.H.©. Botan. magaz. 1689. Cosmea lutea. B.M. Coreopsis diversifolia. Jacq. ) 12 pilosa. w. hairy. N.America.1732. 7% H.©. Dill.elth, t. 43. f.51. 13 sambucifolia. w. Elder-leaved. S.America., 1801. 7.8. H.%. Cavan.ic. 3. t.229. 14 odorata. w. sweet-scented. Mexico. 1823. —— H.©. sw btn 15 bipinnata. w. Hemlock-l4, N.America. 1687. —— H.©. Herm. parad. t. 123. 16 parvifiora. w.ene small-flowered. +-+--~-- 1823. —— H.©. . 17 bullata. w. rough-leaved. N,America.1759. —~- H.©. Arduin. spec. 2. t. 18. 18 reflexa. L.en- reflexed. Mexico. 1824, —— Gx. oe 19 crithmifolia. x.s. Samphire-ld. S. America. —— 9.10. G.%. 20 angustifolia, x.s, narrow-leaved. New Spain. ——- —— H.2. 21 procera. B.R. tall. S. America. 1818. -—— H.¥%. Botan. regist. 684. OSMITES. W. Osmites. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. W. 1 bellidiastrum. w. Daisy-like. C.B.S. 1816. 4.8. G.h. 2 camphorina. w. _~ Camphire-scent’d. —-—— 1794, 4.7. Gh. Seb. mus. 1, t.90. f. 2. SCLEROCARPUS.W. ScLerocarpus. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea, W. africanus. W. African, Guinea. 1812, 7.8 G.©. Jacq.ic. 1. t. 176. CULLUMIA. H.K. CuttumiaA. Synagenesia Polygamia Frustranea. H.K. - 1 ciliaris. HK. _—_—Ciliated. Cc. B.S. 1774. 5.6. G.h. Burm.afr. t. 54, f.1. 2 setosa. H.K. recurved smooth-ld. ———- 1780. 6.8. G.h. . 3 squarrosa. H.K. recurv’d-awl-ld, — 1786. ——G.h. Th.act.hafn. 3. t. 5. BERCKHEYA. H.K. Berckueya. Syngenesia PolygamiaFrustranea.H.K. 1 cynaroides. w. Artichoke-cup’d.C. B.S. 1789. 6. G.%. 2 obovata. w. smooth shrubby. ——-—— 1794. 6.8. G.h. Hout, n.h. 6. t.34. f.2. 3 incana. Ww. hoary. — 1739. 7.8 G.h. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 591. A cuneata. w. wedge-leaved. - -—-——_ 1812. 6.8. G.h. Th. act.hafn. 3. t. 10. 5 palmata. w. palmated. ——_—— 1800. —— Gh. —+ — 3. t.13. 6 grandiflora. w. large-flowered. —-—— 1812. —— G.h. Botan. magaz, 1844. 7 uniflora. w. single-flowered, ~—-———- 1815. ——~ G.h. Th.act. hafn.3. t. 7. . 8 cernua, H.K. drooping-fl4. —-—— 1774. 5.7. Gig. Meerb.ic. 1. £. 40. DIDELTA. H.K. DipeLta. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. H.K. 1 carnosum, H.K. alternate-14d, C.B.S. 1774. 6.7. Gh. L’Her. stirp. t. 28. 2 spinosum, H.K. opposite-leav'd. ———— —— -—— G.h. Wendl. obs. t.4. f.32. GORTERIA. H.K. GorTERIA. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. H.K. : personata. H.K. procumbent. C.B.S. 1774. 7.8. G.©. Jacq. coll. 4. t. 21. fil. GAZANIA. H.K. GaZANIa. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. H.K 1 uniflora. B.M. golden. Cc. B.S. 1816. 7.8. G.h. Botan. magaz. 2270, 2 rigens. H.K. great-flowered. — 1755. 5.9. G.h. 90. -3 heterophylla. w. various-leaved. ——--~—- 1812. —— G.}. Willd. hort. ber. t.97. 4 Pavonia. H.K. Peacock. ——-—— 1804. 6.7. G.y%. Botan. regist. 35. _ § subulata. H.K. awl-leaved. ——--— 1792. 7.8 G.%. CR YRFOSTEMMA. H.K. Cryptrostemma. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. - 1 ealendulaceum. u.k. Marygold-fid. C., B.S. 1752. 6.8. H.©. Botan. magaz, 2252. _ 2 hypochondriacum.u.k.divided-rayed ——--———_ 1731. 7.8. H.©. 3 runcinatum. H.K. Dandelion-l4. —— 1794. —— H.©. ARCTOTHECA. W. ArRcrorHeca. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. H.K. 1 repens. W. creeping. Cc. B.S. 1793. 7.8. G.%. Jacq. scheen. 3, t. 306. » Q-hirta. Len. - hairy. — -—— 1818. 7.9. G.%. SPHENOGYNE.H.K. SPHENOGYNE. See Polygamia Frustranea. H.K. 1 anthemoides. H.K. white-crowned. C. B.S. 1774. 7.9. H.©. Botan. magaz. 544. 2 crithmifolia. H.K. Samphire-ld, ——— 1768. 48. G.hb. Burm.aff. t. 65. f. 1. 3 scariosa. H.K. scaly-cupped. ———— 1774. —— G.h. A abrotanifolia. u.K. Southernwood-l4, ——-—— 1789. 5.8. G.. 5 dentata. H.K. small-leaved. —-—— 1787. 6.7. G.h. Burm.afr, t.64. - 6 pilifera. B.R. hair toothed. ———— 1820. —— G.h. Botan. regist. 604. 7 foeniculacea. Fennel-leaved. ———— 1825. 5.9. G.©. Jacq.scheen. 2. t. 156. Arctotis feeniculacea. Jacq: 8 leucanthemoides. Ox-eye Daisy-l4. —-——- -—— -— G.©,. —— —+ Sart BA: Arctotis leucanthemoides. Jacq. i 9 odorata. H.K. smooth-seeded. -——-—— 1774. 4.6. G.h. TITHONIA. W. TrrHoniA. Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea. W. tagetiflora. w. Tagetes-~fid, W. Indies, 1821. 8.9. S.%. Botan. regist. 591. @ COMPOSITE. | 239 ARCTOTIS. H.K. Arcrotis. Syngenesia Polygamia Necessaria. L. 1 acaulis. w. dwarf, . CBS. 1759. 4.7. G.4.. Botan. regist. 122. 2 tricolor. w. three-coloured. --—-—— 1794. 5.7. G.u%. ——————138Il. 3 undulata. w. wave-leaved. ——--—— 1795. 4.6. G.%. Jacq. schoen. 2. t.160. ‘4 grandiflora. H.K. great-flowered. ——-—-— 1774. 3.5. G.g@. 5 speciosa. w. - showy. ———— 1812. 6.8. G.%. Botan. magaz. 2182. 6 glaucophylla.w. Sea-green-ld. ——— 1794. 5.8. G.y%. Jacq.scheen, 2. t.170. '7 plantaginea. w. Plantain-l4, §$—-—— 1768. 6.8. G.%. | 8 argentea. w. silver-leaved. ——— 1774. 8 Gg. 9 rosea. Ww. Rose. ——— 1793. 7.9. G.y. Jacq. scheen. 2. t. 162, 10 decumbens. w. decumbent. —— 1790. —— G.%. —— §.t.381, 11 angustifolia. w. narrow-leaved. ——-—— 1739. —— G.2L. 12 flaccida. w. bending-stalk’d. ——-—— 1794. 5.7. G.©. Jacq. schoen. 2. t. 163. 13 virgata. w. slender-twige’d, ————- 1816. 7.9. H.©@. —-——— 8. t. 307. 14 paniculata. w. panicled. — ol GC )SO8.-. 380. 15 decurrens, w. decurrent. ae ee 66 7. Gh. ——- 2. t.165. 16 melanocicla. w.en. various-colour’d, ————-.__ 1812. —— G.h. 17 reptans. w. creeping. ——— 1795. 7.9. G.Y%. Jacq. schoen. 8. t. 382. 18 auriculata. w. ear-leaved. ——— —— 638. Gh. ——~——2. t.169. 19 fastuosa. w. Orange-fid, ee Ol COCS*TLE TT. GIG. |) = — 2. t. 166. 10 spinulosa. w. thorny-leaved.. ——-——- -——. 5.8 G.©@. ——-—~-——2. t. 167. 21 maculata. w. spotted. eee m= 6-812, —— G.h. Botan. regist. 130. 22 aspera. B. reg. broad rough-la, ——-——- 1710. 7.9. G.h. ~ — 34. 23 elatior. w. tall. ——-—~ 1816. —— G.h. Jacq. scheen. 2. t. 172, 24 arborescens. w. arborescent. Hae OU «CG. —- 2,t.171. 25 aureola. B. reg. narrow rough-id. ——--——- -——~ —— G.h. Botan. regist. 32. 26 revoluta. w, — revolute-leav’d. ——--——- 1824. 8.10.H.©. Jacq. schoon. 2. t. 173. 27 cuprea. w. copper-colour'd. ———-—- —— 7.8. G.h. ———=~ 2. t.176. 28 squarrosa. w. squarrose. ———— 1825. — G.h. 2. t. 379. 29 Cineraria. w. black-eyed. ——_— ——- _ — G2. —— 2.t.174. 30 bicolor. w.en. two-coloured. ————— 1812, —— tt 31 glabrata. w. smooth-leaved.. ——-——- 1816. 7.9. G. Jacq. scheen. 2, t. 175. CALENDULA. W. Maryeoup. Syngenesia Polygamia Nec ssa ria. L. 1 arvensis. w. field. Europe. 1597. 6.9. H.©. 2 sicula. w.en. Sicilian. Sicily. 1816. —— H.©. 3 stellata. w. starry. Barbary. 1795. 6.9. H.©. Schk. hand. 3. t, 265. 4 officinalis. w. common. S. Europe. 1573. —— H.©. B plena. double-flowered, ——--—— —— -—— H.©. 5 ewgyptiaca. P.s. Egyptian. Egypt. 1820, —— H.©. 6 suffruticosa. w. suffrutescent. S. Europe. 1823. -—— G.h. 7 sancta. w. pale-flowered. Levant. 1731. 5.9. H.©. 8 incana. w. hoary. Barbary. 1796. 6,8. H.©. Desf, alt. 2, t.245. 9 pluvialis.w. — small Cape. C.B.S. 1699. —-H.©. Mill. ic. t.75. f. 2. 10 hybrida. w. great Cape. — 1762. 6.7. H.©. gar. 39. 11 nudicaulis. w. naked-stalked. -——— 1731. 6.8. H.©. Comm. hort. 2, t. 33. 12 denticulata. w.en. toothed, S. Europe. 1821, ———- H.©. 13 graminifolia. w. Grass-leaved. ——-——~ 1731. 5.9. G.y%. Botan. regist, 289, 14 Tragus. w. bending-stalk’d, ————- 1774. 5.6. G.h, Botan. magaz. 408. fi flaccida. v. flaccid. ——_- — — G.h. Botan, regist. 28. 15 viscosa. H.K. —rViscous. ————— 1790. 6.9,,. Andr. reposit. 412, Arctotis glutinosa. B.M. 1343. : 16 dentata. B.R. tooth-leaved. ———— 1790. 5.6. G.h,. 1s ope . 7.8 H.©. — H.. — H.h. — H.». 8.10. H.t. 8.10. H.h. 6.8. H.2. — H.7. (fr Pn dip ae — H.2. 6.7. G.h. — H.z. $0. laa. — H.2. — H.y. 6.7. H.%. 8.10. H. 2. 7.0. Feds — H.yx. 8. 10. H.2. 6.7. H.%. 6.7. H.. ——. H.. 9. H.. Oh ES Dip lle — H.©. mers 7:10. 2. 7.8. H.g. 8.9. FoF. —— H.%. —— H.2. ——— H.. 9.10. F.%. Rheed. mal. 10. t. 45. COMPOSITE. 243 62 integrifolia. w entire-leaved. Siberia. 1759. 7.8. H.%.. Gm. sib. Q, t. 48. f.1.2. 63 japoniea. w. Japanese. Japan. 1804. 10.11. H.%. 64 cerulescens. w. _ blueish. England. -++- 8.10. H.h. Eng. bot. 2426. 65 Redowskii. Lea. inodorous. Siberia. 1548. 7.8. H.%. Gmz.sib.2.t.59&60.f.1. inodora. W.en. non M.B. 66 Dracunculus. w. ‘Tarragon. S. Europe. —— ,——, H.}. | 67 chinensis. w. Chinese. China. 1816. —— H.h. Gmel. sib.2. t.61. f.1.2. ‘RIOCEPHALUS, W. WootHeEAp. Syngenesia Polygamia Necessaria. L. 1 africanus. w. cluster-leaved. C. B.S. 1782. 1.4. G.h. Botan. magaz. 833. Srutescens. H.K. 2 decussatus. B.T. cross-leaved. ——- 1816. . Gh. 3 purpureus. B.T. —_— purple. —_- ——- _ —_ G.h. 4 racemosus. w. silver-leaved. ———— 1739. 3.4. G.h. 5 spinescens. B.T. spiny. “ CANN ee abate A h. IIPPIA. W. Hippia. Syngenesia Polygamia Nee stats i | 1 frutescens. w. shrubby. 1710. . G.h. Botan. magaz. 1855. 2 integrifolia. w annual, ‘E. Indies. 1777. i ft S.©-. Hout. n. hist. t.67. f.2. OLIVA. L.T. Sotiva. Syngeresia Polygamia Necessaria. 1 anthemifolia. Chamomile-l¢, S. America. 1812. 4.12. H.©. ~ Gymnostyles anthemifolia. p.s. 2 stolonifera. L.T. stoloniferous. — Portugal? 1818. -Hippia stolonifera. p.s. 3 pedicellata. p.s. _ pedicelled. ADBECKIA. ws LIDBECKIA. — H.©. I lobata. w lobe-leaved. C.B.8S. 1816. 5.6. G.k. Lédcisiat lobata. p.s. Cotula quingueloba. L. 2 pectinata. w. silver-leaved. C.B.S. 1774. 5.6. Gk. ‘ENITA,. J. Cenia, Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. turbinata. P.s. turbinated. C.B.S. 1713. 7.8. H.©. Lidbeskia turbinata. w. Cotula turbinata. . Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua, SOTULA. W. Coruna. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. W. 1 anthemoides. w. Anthemis-like. St. Helena. 1696. 7.8. 5.©. 2 aurea. w. golden. S. Europe. 1823. 7.9. H.©. 3 nudicaulis. w. naked-stalked. C. B.S. 1816. —— G.%. 4 coronopifolia. w. Buck’s Horn. ———— 1683. -— G.©. 5 viscosa. w. clammy. Vera Cruz. 1739. 8. S.2. 6 tanacetifolia.w. Tansy-leaved. C. B.S. 1780. 6.8. H.©. 7 sericea. w. silk —— 1816. —— G.2. rRANGEA, J. GRANGEA. 1 cuneifolia. Lam. wedge-leaved. 2 minima. w. least. 8 decumbens. pes. decumbent. 4 maderaspatana.Lam.Madras. Cotula maderaspatana. w.’ 5 bicolor. L.en. two-coloured. Cotula bicolor. w, latifolia. p.s. 6. cinerea. L.en. grey. \NACYCLUS. W:. Awnacyctus. 1 creticus. w. trailing. 2 orientalis. w. oriental. 3 aureus. W. 4 radiatus. L.en. 5 clavatus. L.en. 6 Pyrethrum. L.en. Anthemis Pyrethrum. w. 7 valentinus. w. fine-leaved. rayed., clavate. 8 divaricatus. cav. _ spreading. .NTHEMIS. W. CHAMmomMILE. 1 rigescens. w.en. rigid. nigricans. Hort. 2 Cota. w. Venetian. 3 altissima. w. tall, 4 punctata. w. dotted. 5 maritima, w. sea. 6 tomentosa. w. downy. 7 ruthenica. M.B. Russian. 8 fruticulosa, M.B. _—_‘frutescent. 9 pubescens, w. pubescent. 10 mixta, w. simple-leaved. golden-flow’r’d. Pellitory of Spain. S.Europe.1570. Syngenesia Pdlypainid Superflua China. 1816. 7.9. HO. «ill nays gr mann he N.Holland. 1815. —— H.©. E. Indies. 1780. 7.8. S.©. (nk RI cg 2 Gig ll oh Egypt. 1825. —— H.©. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. Candia. 1759. 6.8. H.©. Bevant, 1731. —— H.©. — 1570. —— H.©. ah Ai Feat = Peg Barbary. ——~ -~—— H.. 6.7. H.%. Spain. 1656. Gate tase) te POCA, | mms SI Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua, Caucasus. 1805. 7.9. H.2%. Italy. 1714. 7.8. H.O. S. Europe. 1731. 8. H.©. Levant. 1825. 7.9. G.h. England. - 7.8. HO. Levant. 1795. 7.10.0 2L. Tauria. 1823. ——.H.©. S. Europe. 1803. 7.8. H.2. France. 1731. —— H.©. 212 J. ann. nus, t.61. f.1. Ww. Lam. ill. t. 701. f. 3. Ber. cap. 396. t.5. f.9. Lam. ill, t.701. f. 1. Dill. elth. t.23. f. 25. Houtt. syst. t.69. f. 4. Lam. ill. t.700. f.1. Pluk. man. t.430. f.7. Lam. ill. t. 699. f. 2. Burm. ind. t. 58. f. 3. Lam. ill. t. 699. f.3. t, 699. f. 1. W. Ann. mus. 11. t. 22. Boer. lugd. 1. t. 110. Lam. ill. t. 700. f. 2. Botan. magaz. 462. Schk, han. 8. t. 254. b. L. W.hort. ber. 1. t. 62. Pluk. alm. t.17. f. 5. Flor. grec. 881. Desf. atl. 2. t. 139. _ Eng. bot. 2370. Barrel. ic. 451. Mich. gen. t. 30. f. 1. 3) $2 33 1 2 8 4 I 2 3 4° 3° 6 7 8 g 10 11 312 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ‘i COMPOSITE. saxatilis.. w.en. rock. Hungary. 1807. —— H.}%. ot} coronopifolia, w. Buckshorn-l4, Spain. —— -—— H.»x. fe australis. w. procumbent. §.France. 1818. —— H.}. vi alpina. w. Ipine. Europe. — — H.%.. Jacq. aust.6. ap. t. 8¢ carpatica. w. Carpathian. Carpathian-m. — —— H.2. corymbosa. w. corymbose. Austria. 1824. —— H.%. ‘ Chamomilla. w.en. various-leaved. S. Europe. —— —— H.3. chia. w. cut-leaved, Chio. 1731. 6. 10. H.©. nobilis. w. common. Britain. --- 7.9. H.Y. Eng. bot. 980. arvensis. W. corn, ———— see 6.8. Ht. —— 602. austriaca. Ww. Austrian. Austria. 1759. 5.8. H.©. Jacq. aust. 5. t.444. Cotula. w. stinking. Britain. -e+> 6.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 1772. fallax, W.en- false Chamomile. —--—- -——- -~—— H.©,. wiih fuscata. w. brown-scaled. Portugal. 1805. 7.8. H.©. peregrina. w. close-branched. Piedmont. 1817. —— H.©. h montana. w. mountain. Italy. 1759. 7.10. H.%. Ger. prov. t. 8. incrassata. L.en. thick-stalked. S. Europe. 1823. —— H.©. i. petrza. L.en. long-stalked. Naples. — — Ho. ' globosa. w. globe. ' 6.8 H.©. 19 Myconis. w. tongue-leaved. Italy. 1775. 7.8. H.©. 20 italicum. w. Italian. ——— _ 1796. 6.7. H.y. 21 coronarium. w. garden, Sicily. 1629. 7.9. H.©. 22 indicum. p.s. Indian. China. 1819. 10.12. G.. 23 sinense. L.T. variable chinese. 1790. —— H.h. Anthemis artemisiafolia. w. Chrysanthemum indicum, B.M. non L. 8 purpureum. old purple. —_—_ —_ — H.h. y variabile. changeable white, 1802? —— H.h. 3 tubulosum album. quilled white. ——- _ 1808. —— H.}h. € superbum, superb white. ——— 1817. — Hb. Z tessellatum. tasselled white. 1816. —— H.h. n tubulosum luteum. quilled yellow. ———— 1802. — H.h. J sulphureum. straw-coloured. ——-—- —— ——~ H.h. t aureum. golden yellow. —_———- ——- —— H.h. k discolor. large lilac. 1808. —— H.%. X lilacinum. pink or lilac. 1798. —— H.h. fe cupreum. buff or copper-co’d, ——— —~— —— H.h. v fulvum. Spanish brown. ——-——~ 1806. —— H.}. — flammeum. quilled flame yelllow. 1819. —— H.h. 0 tubulosum roseum. quilled pink. aaa le Oz. mw atropurpureum. carly crimson. —— 1820. —— H.h. pies ADS Fp chee, Heh oa Heb ene saee ia Superflua, L. 245 Flor. Mee 896. Eng. bot. 758. Vent. cels. t. 93. Botan. magaz, 498. Barr. ic. 1114. Flor. grec. 897. Schk. hand.3. t. 255. Jacq. col. 1. t. 21. K. hung. 1. t.80. Eng. bot. 601. Jacq. obs. 4. t. 01. Desf, atl. 2. t. 238. Jacq. obs. 4. t. 92. Barrel, ic, 421. Jacq. obs. 4. t. 93. Mich. gen. 34. t. 29. Willd. hort. ber. 33. Botan. magaz. 508. Eng. bot, 540. Jacq. obs, 4. t. 94. Lam. ill. t. 678. f. 6. Hort. trans. v.4. pl. 12. Botan. magaz. 327. —_— 2042. Botan. regist. 4. —-————. 455. Botan. regist. 4. f. sup Hort. trans. v. 4. pl.14 Botan. regist. 616. ———— Botan, magaz. 2556. 246 COMPOSITE. v involutum. curled lilac. China. (isda ¢ fasciculatum. superb clustered yellow. +— — Hi? x tubulosum carneum.semidouble quilled pink.k—-_ ——- —— H.h. wW album semiduplex. semidouble quilled white. — ° —~ —— H.h. w tubulosum aurantium. semidouble quilled orange. ——- -—— H.t. aa serotinum. late pale purple. = —-—-- —~ —— Hh. BB -salmoneum. quilled salmon-col’4, vo +i yy parvulum. small yellow. Somes) rt eee 60 papyraceum. paper white, —-—— 1821, —— H.h. ee pallidum. pale pink. —-—— 1822. —— H.hb. CENTROSPERMUM. Sp. Cenrrospermum. Syngenesia Polyga chrysanthemum. sp. yellow-flower’d. Spain. 1821. 8.10. H.©. _. Heteranthemis hirta. schot. . Jee PYRETHRUM. W. FeEveRFEW. Syngenesia Polygamia Superfiua. W. 1 foeniculaceum. w.en. Fennel-leaved. Teneriffe.. 1815. 1.12. G.h. 2 crithmifolium. w.en. Samphire-l4, =£.——-—— -——- -—— G.fp. 8 anethifolium. w.en. Diil-leaved- —_—_——- — — G.h. 4 frutescens. W.ene = shrubby. Canaries. 1699. —— G.h. 5 coronopifolium.w.en.Buckshorn-l4, ..——-——- ---- ~—— G.h. 6 grandiflorum. w.en. great-flowered. ——-—— 1815. —— Gh. 7 speciosum. w.en. large-flowered. ——- —_ — Gh. 8 ptarmicefolium. w. Sneezewort-l4, Caucasus. 1803. 7.8. H.%. 9 serotinum.w. creeping-root’d. N.America. 1731. 9.10. H.%. 10 uliginosum. w. marsh. . Hungary. 1816, 7.9. H.2. 11 alpinum. w. Alpine. Switzeriand.i759. 7.8. H.% 12 Halleri. w.en. Hatler’s. —— 1820. —— H.y 13 ceratophylloides.w.en.Stags-horn-ld, Piedmont. 1808. 6.7. H.% Chrysanthemum ceratophylloides. All. . 14 pinnatifidum, w.en. cut-leaved. Madeira. 1777. 5.8. Gh. 15 maximum. Dc. broad-leaved. Pyrenees, 1816. ——- H.2. latifolium. w. 16 Balsamita. w. various-leaved. Levant. 1779. —— H.2. 17 macrophyllum. w. large-leaved. Hungary. 1803. —— H.}. 18 roseum. W.en- _ scarlet-flow’r’d. Caucasus. 1804.. 8.9. H.%. Chrysanthemum coccineum. B.M. atti - 19 corymbosum. w. mountain. Germany. 1596. 6.8. H.2%. ' 20 pulverulentum.w.en. powdered. Iberia. 1806.. 6.8. H.2f. _ 21 Parthenium. w. common. Britain. eoee 6.9. H.2}. 6 flore pleno.. double-flowered. ————. «+++ —— HA. 22 parthenifolium. w. Parthenium-ld, Caucasus, 1804. .6.7. H.2. 23 caucasicum. Ww. Caucasian. —_—-——_ —— _ 7.8. H.%. - 24 tenuifolium. w.en. slender-leaved. — 1806. —— H.2. - 25 sericeum. M.B. silky. Iberia. 1824. —— H.2. 26 inodorum. w. scentless. Britain. seer 8.9. H.©. ', 27 maritimum. w. sea, i. —_ sees 6.10. H. 2. ' | 28 parviflorum. w. “small-flow’r’d. = we e- ees — — HO 99 achillefolium. m.B. Milfoil-like. | Cumana. —- -—— H.©. | 30 millefoliatum. w. Milfoil-leaved. Siberia. . 1731, 5.9..H.2. _ 31. bipinnatum. w. wing-leaved. ——— 1796. 6.7. H.%. 6.9. H.©. ' 32 indicum. H.K. Indian. ._ E. Indies. 1810. ,OBELIA.R.S. LoBeLiA. Pentandria Monogynia. )) 1 linearis. rs. linear-leaved. C.B.S. 1791. || 2 setacea. R.s. bristle-leaved. 1816, | 3 simplex. r.s. simple-stalked, ——-—-——~ 1794. 4 unidentata. R.s, single-toothed, ——-~—— —— | 5 pinifolia. r.s. Pine-leaved. ———— 1752. 6 Dortmanna. R.s. water. Britain. toes ' ORDO CIt. LOBELIACE. Juss. ann. mus. 18. p. 1. R.S. 5:8. G.F. eG: Reet cee aig. ors asl Guan 7.8 H e e . Swt. br. fl. gar. 7.*. inf.** inf.*.sup.**.f.sup. mia Superflua. Botan. regist. 272, Jacq. obs. 4. t.90. — - Barrel. ic. 58. 1.2.' All. ped. t. 37. f. 1. \ Jacq. obs. 4. t.89. K. hung. 1. t. 94. Botan. magaz. 1080. Jacq. aust. 4. t.379. Eng. bot. 1231. Vent. cels. t.43. Eng. bot. 676. 979. Mills ic. 1. t. 9. Gmel. sib. 2. t.85. f. 1. Botan. magaz, 152i. Act.Gorenk. 181L.f£.11. Botan. magaz. 1484. ~ Andr. reposit. 240. .w.4. Eng. bot. 140. - LOBELIACEZ. 247 7 paludosa. r.s. marsh. _ N. America. 1828. -—- H.w.%. : . 8 Tupa. R.8. Mullein-leav’d. Peru. 1824, 8.10.G.h. Botan. magaz. 2550, 9 salicifolia, H.8.L. “Willow-leaved. Chill. 1794. 6.8. G.h. ———-=— 1325. Tupa, H.K. non 1. gigantea. B.M. Non Cav. é i he . 10 Kalmii. R.8. Kalm’s. N.America, 1820. 7.9. H.4%. — ———— 2238, 11 Nuttalli. r.s. Nuttall’s. + — ———- ——_ H.}. gracilis. nN. nec aliorum. 12 paucifiora. k.s. few-flowered. Mexico. 1824, —- G.. commutata. R.S. ‘ ' 13 chinensis. R.s. Chinese. China. 1822. —— H.©. 14 bellidifolia. r.s. Daisy-leaved. C.B.S. 1790. 5.8. G.Y. rome 15 rhizophyta. R.s. rooting branch’d. ———— 1814... —— G.. Botan. magaz. 2519. decumbens. B.M. 2277 2 16 triquetra. R.s. triangular. — 1774... —— G.%. 17 longiflora. R.s. long-flowered. Jamaica. 1752. ——- S.%. Botan. magaz, 2563. 18 tomentosa. R.s. tomentose. C.B.S. 1816. —— G.%. 19 secunda. R.s. side-flowering. ——-——- 1790. —— G.%. 20 trialata. p.P. three-winged. Nepaul. 1820. —— G.%. Hook. ex. flor. t. 44, micrantha. H.E.F. Non K.S. 21 alata. B.p. winged-stalked. N.S.W. 1804. —— G.%. Lab. nov. hol. 1. t.72. 22 acuminata. R.8. taper-pointed. Jamaica. 1822. 6.9. S.%. Sloan. his.1.t. 95. f.2. 23 nicotianefolia. r.s. Tobacco-14, E.Indies —— —— S.2%. 24 persicifolia. R.s. Peach-leaved. W. Indies. 1818. —— S.%. ; 25 Cavanillesiana. R.s. Cavanille’s. © NewgSpain. 1825. ——~ S.%}. Cavan.ic.6. t.518. persicifolia. Cav. non Lam. 26 Claytoniana. R.s. _ Clayton’s. N.America. 1799. 6.8. H.%. Willd. hort. ber. 30. goodenioides, w. pallida. Roth. 27 assurgens. R.S. purple. W. Indies. 1787. 6.10.8.%. Andr. reposit. 553. 28 pyramidalis. p.p. pyramidal. Nepaul. 1819. 7.10.G.%. Botan. magaz. 2387. 29 fulgens. R.s. fulgent. Mexico. 1809. 6.9. F.%. Botan. regist. 165. 30 splendens. R.S.. splendid. —— 1814. —— F.¥%. 60. 81 cardinalis. r.s. Cardinal flow’r. Virginia. 1629. —— F.%. Botan. magaz, 320. 32 syphilitica. r,s. blue cardinal. — 1665. 8.10. H.%. Botan. regist. 537. 33 debilis. r,s. feeble. C.B.S8. 1774. 4.8. H.©. 34 gracilis. Ber. slender. N.S. W. ..1801. 7.10.G.©. Botan. magaz. 741. 85 purpurascens. B.P. purplish. ——— 1809. 6.8. G.x%. 36 surinamensis. R.s. Surinam. W. Indies. 1786. 1.7. S.h%. Botan. magaz. 225. - 87 Cliffortiana, s.s. purple-flow’r’d. S. America, 1733. 7.8. H.©. Lin.h. clif. 426. t.26. 88 Michauxii. wn. Michaux’s. te | Se FG); Cliffortiana. Mm. non L. ~ 39 inflata. R.s. bladder-podded N.America.1759. ———- H.@. Swt. br. fl. gar. t. 99. 40 urens. Rs. acrid. England. ---- 6.7. H.¥. Eng. bot. 953. 41 puberula. r,s. downy. N.America. 1819. —— H.2. 42 amecena. R.S. bright blue. ae 1812. 6.8. H.%.. Ann.mus.18:t.lon.1. | “43 minuta. r,s. small. C.B.S. 1772. .6.9..H.%. Botan. magaz. 2590. ; _ 44 minima. p.m. least. ——_—— rr+ 6.10.G.4%. ———--——.. 2077. 45 Laurentia. R.s. Italian. Italy. 1778. 7. H.@. Mich. gen.18. t. PA: - 46 campanuloides. R.s. campanulate. Japan. ‘1819. 7.9. G.4%. Botan. regist. 733. 47 Erinus. R.s. ascending. C.B.S. 1752. 6.9. H.¥%. Botan. magaz. 901. 48 erinoides. R.s. trailing. ——— 1759. 6.8. G.d. Herm. higd. t. 109. 49 bicolor. r,s. spotted. 1795, H.©., Botan. magaz514. 50 ilicifolia. p.m. Holly-leaved. ———— 1815. 5.9. G.¥. 1896. *51 pubescens. R.s. downy-leaved. 1780. 6.8. G.%.° Jacq. schen.2. t.178./ 52 hirsuta. r.s. blue-fid. hairy. ——— _ 1759. 5.9. G.%.. Burm.afr. t. 40. f,2. 53 zeylanica. R.s. Ceylon. E.Indies.. 1824. S.. i ¥ 54 lutea. r,s. yellow. C.B.S. 1774. 6.7. G.4%. Botan. magaz, 1319. 55 variifolia. B.M. various-leaved. ——-——- 1812. ——~ G.}. 1692. 56 coronopifolia, R.s.. Buckshorn-ld. — 1752. 7.8. G.%. 644, 57 Thunbergii. upright-raceme-fld, 1812. 7.10.G.2. coronopifolia. Th. non B.M. 58 crenata. R.s. notched-leav’d. — 1794. 4.5. G.. 59 Simsii. long-peduncl’d. ———— 1819. 8.11. G.%. Botan. magaz. 2251. pedunculata. B.M. non B.P. 60 concolor. B.P. self-coloured. N.S.W. — 5.6. G.. 61 inundata. B.P. inundated. ——— 1822. 5.8. G.w.2. 62 pedunculata. B.p. long-stalked. — —- G.z. 63 dentata. B.p. toothed. ——— 1819. ~— G.%. Cavan.ic.6. t, 5292, 64 gibbosa. B.P. gibbous. — 1824. -—— G.y%. Lab. nov. hol, 1. t.71. 65 racemosa. B.M. racemed. Caribees. 1818. 7.9. S.h%. | Botan. magaz. 2137, 248° LOBELIACEE. MONOPSIS. Sal. ~ Monopsis. Pentandria Monogynia. 2 .srohniag & 1 conspicua. H.T. comspicuons. . C, B.S... 1812. 7. 8 H. ©. Botan. magaz. 1499. Lobelia speculum. B.M. ‘iinw 2 inconspicua. H.T. inconspicuous. m——-—— +424 —— H.©. wigs t ISOTOMA. B.R. Isoroma. Pentandria Monogynia. fot axillaris. B.R. axillary-fid. N. Holland. 1824. 7.10.H.@©. Botan, regist. oat CYPHIA. RS. CypHia. Pentandria Monogynia. W. 1 volubilis.-R.s. climbing. | C.B.S. 1795. .6. 8. S.%...- $7 2 bulbosa. r.s. bulb-bearing. ——— 1791. 8.9. S.%. Burm.afr. t.38. f. 2. 3 Phyteuma. R.s. Phyteuma-l4. ——-— 1820. 2.5. S.%. Botan. regist. 625. 4 Cardamines. R.s. Cardamine-ld.. -——--—— —~- -—— §.»%. ORDO CII. STYLIDEZ. Brown prodr. 1. p. 565. STYLIDIUM. B.P. Sryiipium. Gynandria Diandria. 1 graminifolium. B.P. grass-leaved. N.S.W. 1803. 4.8. G4. Botan. regist. 90. 2 lineare. B.P. linear-leaved. ———— 1820. —— G.%. Sm. exot. bot. 2, t. 67. Ventenatia minor. Ex. b. 3 scandens. B.P. climbing. N. Holland. 1803. 7. 8. G2 4 fruticosum. B.P. _—frutescent. — — 5.10. G. Ray ” Sal. par. lond. 77, glandulosum. P.L. oTye 5 laricifolium. 8.R. Larch-leaved. N.S.W. 1818. —— G.h. Botan. regist. 550. tenuifolium. B.M. 2249. rats: . Taek See 914, 6 adnatum. B.P. adnate. N. Holland, 1824. —— G.}. » ORDO CIV. zane GOODENOVIEZ. Brown prodr. 1. p. 573, at ¢ ~GOODENTIA.B.P. Goopenra. Pentandria Monogynia. W. 1. bellidifolia. b.p. Daisy-leaved. N.S. W. 1823. 6.9. G.%. SEPM) 2 paniculata. B.P. panicled. ——_- » ———--—s/’ — Gy. Cavan. ic: G. t. 507, 3 ovata. B.P. oval-leaved. —— 1793. 6.10.G.h. Andr. reposit. 68. 4 grandiflora. B.p. large-flowered. ——-—— 1802. 6.8. G.%. Botan. magaz. 890. 5 hederacea. B.P. Ivy-leaved. ———— 1823. —— G.z. \ EUTHALES. B.P. EvuTHALEs. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. Brits ot trinervia, B.P. three-nerved. | N. Holland. 1803. 5.9. G.%. Botan. magaz. 1137. Goodenia tenella. a.R. 466+ Ct BOE . VELLEIA. B.P. VELLEIA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. ' ‘1 paradoxa. B.pP. paradoxical. N.S.W. 1823. 6.8. G.%. SREY Li r 2 lyrata. B.P. lyrate-leaved. —~—— 1819. 4.6. G.%. Botan. regist: 551. i 3. spathulata. B.P. spathulate. ———_ 1828. —— G.. . LECHENAULTIA.B.P. LecHenaurttia. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S.» v HA formosa. B.P. handsome. N. Holland. 1823. 6.9. G.f. Botan. desta. 916, SCEVOLA. B.P. Sc#voia.: Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. $3 1 Keenigii. r,s. Konig’s. E. Indies. 1818, -+++ S.h. 2 Plumieri. r,s. Plumier’s. W. Indies. 1724, --++ S.h. Jacq.amer; t.179-f.88. Lobelia Plumieri. Jacq. i die it | 3 Taccada, F.1. Indian. E.Indies, 1818. +--+ S.h. Gert. fruct. 1}. t. 25. || { 4 crassifolia. B.P. thick-leaved. N. Holland. 1805. 8.10.G.%. Lab. nov. hol. 1. t.79. |-« 5 cuneiformis.B.p. wedge-leaved. V. Diem.Isl. 1823. -— G.%. 1. t.80. : 6 microcarpa. B.p. small-fruited. N.S.W. 1790, 5.9. G.%. Botan. magaz. 287. — ¢ Goodenia levigata. B.M. 7 suaveolens, B.p. sweet-scented, -—-—— 1798. —— G.¥%. Andr. reposit. 22, TER Ta Goodenia calendulacea. A.R. tH | Te ee ee re 249 Sm. new. hol, U5. t.5.. GOODENOVL&. 8 hispida, B.p. branching. N.S.W.. 1820. 5.8. G.y. Goodenia ramosissima. sm. DAMPIERA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. DAMPIERA. B.P. stricta. B.P. CANARINA. W. Campanula. w. MICHAUXIA. W. upright. N.S. W. 1814. 6.8. G.y. ORDO CV. CAMPANULACEE. Juss. gen. 163. CANARINA. Hexandria Monogynia. W. Canary. MICHAUXIA. campanuloides. w. rough-leaved. LIGHTFOOTIA. R.S. LigutroorTia. Canaries. 1696. 1 Be G.%. Octandria Monogynia. W. Levant. 1787. 6.8. G.f. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. Botan. magaz, 444, Botan. magaz. 219, fs oxycoccoides, R.s. lance-leaved. C.B.S. 1787. 7. G.h. ~ Sm. exot, bot. 2. t. 69. 2 subulata. r.s. awl-leaved. erro rly Gey. L'Herit..s,angl.4. tus. , ADENOPHORA. F, ADENOPHORA. Pentandria Monogynia. _ 1 marsupiiflora. F. _ bellied. Dahuria. 1815. 7.8. H.y%. Botan. regist.149, Campanula coronata. B.R. : 2 Gmelini. F. Gmelin’s. —— 1823. 5.8. H.y%. Gmel. sib. 3. t.33. 3 coronopifolia. F.° buck’s-horn-l€d, ——-— 1822. —— H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 104. 4 denticulata. F. toothed. —- — 5.7. H.Y%. —— ——Hl16. Campanula tricuspidata. R.s. 5 communis. F. common. Siberia. 1784. 5.9. H.%. Botan. regist. 236, Campanula liliifolia. B.R. ( suaveolens, R.s. sweet-scented. Hungary. 1818. —— H.2. y hybrida. Rs. upright-flow’r’d. ++++-+s+ ——- —— H.». 6 intermedia. - intermediate. Siberia. 1820. —— H.2. Campanula intermedia. R.S. j 7 stylosa. F. long-styled. —- — — H.y%. Gmel. sib. 3. t. 27, 8 verticillata. F. whorl-leaved. ——— 1783. 6. H.%. G. f. 1. WAHLENBERGIA.Sc.W AHLENBERGIA. 1 grandiflora. sc. great-flowered. Siberia. 1782. 6.8. H.%. Botan. magaz, 252. Campanulu grandiflora. B.M. 2 pendula. sc. pendulous. Madeira. 1777. 7.8. H.©. Campanula lobelioides. R.s. 3 elongata. sc. elongated. =v + seers 1816. ——- H.©. CAMPANULA.R.S, CAMPANULA. Penitandria Monogynia. L. 1 cenisia. R.s. ciliated. Switzerland.1775. 6.7. H.y. All. ped. 1. t.6, f,2, 2 Bellardi. r,s. Bellardi’s. Italy. 1813. —— H.%. ——-— t-85.f.5. 3 pulla, R.s. dark-flowered. Austria. 1779. —— H.¥. _Botan. magaz. 2492, 4 Zoysii. r,s. blunt-leaved. , Carniola. 1813. 6.8. H.%. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 334, 5 diffusa. r.s. diffuse. Italy. 1818. ~~ H.%. B fragilis. L.en. brittle. see —— H.%. rar. n.t.11.f.2. 6 carpathica. R.s. Carpathian. Carp. Alps. 174. —— H.¥. Botan. magaz, 117. 7 rotundifolia. R.s. -round-leaved. Britain. «s+» —— H.y. Eng. bot. 866. 8 excisa. R.s. cut-flowered. Switzerland.1816. -—— H.2. Lodd, bot. cab. 561. 9 pusilla. r,s. small, EuropeAlps. ---- -— H.y. Scheuch. it. 4. f, 4, 10 pumila. R.s. dwarf. Switzerland. ---+:> 6.8. H.y%. Botan. magaz, 512. 11 cespitosa. R.s. tufted. Carniola. 1818. -——- H.%. Scop. carn. ed. 2. t. 4. 12 pubescens. R.s. pubescent. Bohemia. 1813. -—— H.%. 13 gracilis. B.m. slender. N.S.W. 1794. 4.8 G.g. Botan. magaz. 691, 14 stricta. sm. upright, —-——- — — G.g. Sm. exot. bot, 45, 15 littoralis. Lab. sea-side. ————_-:« 1820. —— G.g. Lab. nov. hol. 1, t. 70. 16 quadrifida. B.P. —_ quadrifid. —— 1822. —— G.g. 17 Waldsteiniana. r.s. Waldstein’s. Hungary. —— 6.8. H.y%. W.etK. hung. t. 136. 18 virgata. R.s. twiggy. N.America. 1823. —— H.}. 19 linifolia. r,s. Flax-leaved. Sweden. 1816. —— H.»%. Vill. delph.1. t. 10. 20 Scheuchzeri.s.s. Scheuchzer’s, AlpsEurope. Hibs —— H.»%. Lodd. bot. cab. 485, 21 patula. r,s. spreading. Britain. ~se- 7,8. H.y%, Eng. bot. 42, 22 neglecta. R.s. neglected. Europe. 1818. — H.}7. 23 Rapunculus. R.s. Rampion. Britain, coos ——— H.. Eng. bot. 283. hace a Se or A BS Pentandria Monogynia. 250 CAMPANULACER. 24 persicifolia, r,s. Peach-leaved. Europe. 1596. 7.9. H.%. Flor. dan. t. 1087. a coerulea, blue-flowered, ———— --++ -— H.}. B alba. white-flowered. ——-— --++ -—— H.2f. y maxima, B.M. large-flowered, ———-—— +++» ——H.%. Botan. magaz. 397. 6 albo-plena. double white. ——— eee —— HI. . € ceruleo-plena. double blue. a ye 25 pyramidalis. r.s. pyramidal. Carniola. 1596. —— H.y. 26 versicolor. R.&. various-colord. Greece. 1788, —— H.. Andr. reposit. 396. planifiora. w.en. non Lam. Willdenowiana. R.s. : 27 obliqua. r.s. oblique-fid, N. Europe. 1813. 6.7. H.g. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 336. 28 americana. R.s. American: N.America.1763. 7. H.@. 29 nitida. H.K. glossy. ——— 1731. 7.8. H.4%. Dodart. mem. 4.t, 113. a coerulea. blue-flowered, -—-——- —— -—— H.}. B alba. white-flowered. —-—— —— —— H.%. 30 aurea. R.s. golden-flow’1’d. Madeira. 1777. 7.9. G.h. Botan. regist. 57. a latifolia. R.S. broad-leaved. —_——_- — — G.h. Duham.ed. nov. t. 41. 8 angustifolia. R.s. narrow-leaved. —- —— — G.h. Jacq. schen. 4. t. 472. 31 rhomboidea. r.s. Germander-l4, Switzerland.1775. 7. © H.%. Barrel. ic. 567. 32 Alpini. r.s. Alpinus’, Italy. 1823. 7.9. H.%. 33 latifolia, R.s. giant. Britain. oees 7 H.%. -Eng. bot. 302. alba. white-flowered. —-——- -+-- -—— H.¥. Flor. dan. t.85. 34 macrantha. Len. great-flowered. Russia. 1822. 6.7. H.%. . Botan. magaz. 2553. 35 eriocarpa. R.S. woolly-capsul’d,Caucasus, 1824. —— H.2. { 36 urticifolia. R.s. Nettle-Ieaved. Germany. 1800. 8. H.2%. 37 Trachelium. R.s. _‘ throatwort. Britain. ooee 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 12. 38 rapunculoides, R.s. creeping. England. eeee 6.7. HY. ——— 1369. 39 infundibuliformis.s.m.funnel-shap’d. .----.-+ 1817. ——- H.%. Botan. magaz. 2632. 40 ucranica. R.s, Ukraine. Ukraine. 1819. —— H.2. 41 trachelioides. r.s. throatwort-like. Caucasus. 1818. -—- H.2. 42 bononiensis. R.s. _ panicled. Italy. 1773. 8.9. H.%. Moris, 8.5. t. 4. f. 38. 43 simplex. ne. simple-stalk’d. ————— 1823. 7.8 H.y%. © 44 obliquifolia. r.s. | oblique-leaved. -———-— 1820. —— H.¥%. Ten. fi. neap. t. 17. A5 trichocalycina. R.s. long-pointed-calyx’d. Italy. 1824. 7.8. H.2#1. ——————t. 16. 46 ruthenica. R.s. Russian. Russia. 1815. 6.8. H.%. Buxb. cent. 5. t.19. 47 graminifolia.r.s. grass-leaved. Hungary. 1823. —— H.%. W.etK.hung.2.t.154. 48 glomerata. R.s. clustered. Britain. --» 5.9. H.4. Eng. bot. 90. : 49 elliptica. r.s. elliptic-leaved. Hungary. 1819. ——-~ H.%#. Bocc. mus, 70. t. 58. : 50 aggregata. R.s. crowded-fl4, Bavaria. — —-— H.». 51 speciosa. R.8. specious. Siberia. — — H.y. Botan. regist. 620. glomerata B dahurica B.R. 52 foliosa, R.s. leafy. Italy. —- 6.9. H.y%. Ten, fi. neap. €.18.: 53 Cervicaria, R.s. | wave-leaved... Germany. 1768. 7. H.¢. Flor. dan. t. 787. 54 multiflora. r.s. many-flowered. Hungary. 1814. 6.7. H.g. W.etK. hung. t. 263. macrostachya. W.en. 55 collina. r,s. Sage-leaved. Caucasus. 1803. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 927. 56 azurea. R.S. azure, Switzerland.1778. 6.7. H.2}. ——-— 551. 57 Lorei. R.s. Pollini’s. Mt. Baldo. 1819. 6.9. H.©. ——-— 2581. 58 lactiflora. R.s. milk-coloured. Caucasus. 1814. 7.9. H.%. Botan. regist. 241. 59 thyrsoidea. r.s. long-spiked. Switzerland.1785, 6.8. H.g. Botan. magaz. 1290. 60 peregrina. R.s. rough-leaved. €. B.S. 1794. —— G.g.- —————— _ 1257. 61 cernua. R.s. nodding-fld. ——- 1804. — G.¢@. . 62 capensis, R.s. Cape. — 1803. —— G.©. Botan. magaz. 782. Roella decurrens, A.R. 238. 63 Allioni. R.s. Allioni’s. S. Europe. 1818. —— H.y%. All. ped. n.418. t.6.f.3. 64 barbata. r.s. bearded. Italy. 1752. —— H.¥%. Botan. magaz. 1258. 65 punctata. R.s. dotted-flower’d. Siberia. 1813. 5.6. HY. ————— 1723. 66 Medium. k.s. Canterbury. Germany. 1597. 6.9. H.¢. Knor. delic. 1. t.9. 67 betonicifolia. rR.s. Betony-leaved. Olympus. 1823. —— H.¢g. Flor. grec. t. 210. 68 spicata. R.s. spiked. Switzerland.1786. 7.. H.¢. All. ped. 1. t. 46. f.2. 69 alpina. R.s. Alpine. — 1779. —— H.y%. Botan. magaz, 957. 70 mollis. R.s. soft, Syria. 1788. 5.8 G4. ————— 404, 71 saxatilis. R.s. rock. Candia. 1768. —— G.x%. Barrel. ic. t. 813. 72 alliariefolia. r.s. -Alliaria-leav’d. Caucasus. 1803. 8.9. H.%. Sal. par. lond. 26. macrophylla. B.M. 73 sarmatica. B.R. gum-bearing. Siberia. — 6.8. H.%. Botan. regist. 237. gummifera. R.S. betonicefolia. M.B. : 74 lamiifolia. R.s. Lamium-l4, Caucasus. 1818. —— H.y. Buxb. cent. 5. t.18. 75 pendula, R.s. pendulous. — 1824. —— H.2. 76 sibirica, R.s. Siberian. Siberia. 1788. 7, SEH, Botan. magaz. 659. 97 divergens, n.s. ’ spathulata, W.K. | 78 lingulata, r.s. | 79 caucasica, R.s. | 80 laciniata. R.s. | 81 capitata. R.s. - 82 lanuginosa. R.s. 83 Erinus. R.s. 84 drabifolia. R.s, 85 erinoides. R.s. 86 Elatines. R.s. _ 87 hederacea. rR.s. 88 hispidula. r.s. ee oP US. bee | fruticosus. LH. 2 nitidus. LH. 3 Speculum. 1H. B albus. 4 hirsutus. T.N. 5 falcatus. 7.N. 6 hybridus. 1’H. _ 7 pentagonius. 1H. 8 perfoliatus. Campanula Prismatocarpus. Ww. a a ea perfoliata. R.s. amplexicaulis. M. ROELL 1 Ss Paphe R. se 2 filiformis. r.s. 3 decurrens. R.s. 4 squarrosa. R.S. 5 muscosa. R.S8. PHYTEUMA. RS. CAMAPANULACEZ. 251 divergent. Hungary. 1814. 6.7. H.g. W.ct K. hung. t. 258. tongue-leaved. ——-—— 1804. 7.8. H.Y%. ————-——1.t.64, Caucasian. Caucasus —— —— H.2. jagged-leaved. Greece. 1788. 5.8. G.%. Andr, reposit. 385. headed. — 1768. 6.7. H.%. Botan. magaz. 811. woolly. tecesees 1824. —— Hd, forked. S.Europe. 1768. 7.8. H.©., Moris.s.5. t.3. f. 25. Draba-leaved. Athens. 1823. —— H.©. Flor. grec. t. 215. Erinus-like. Africaa = — -—H.©. Herm. lugd. t.111? trailing-stalk’d. S. Europe. -— 7.9. H.%. All.ped.n.422.t.7.f.1. Ivy-leaved. England, --+- 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 73. hispid-calyxed. C. B.S. 1816. 7.9. H.©. Comm. hort, 2. t.37. UH. VENUs-LOOKING-GLASs, Pentandria Monogynia, shrubby. C. B.S. 1787. 8. Gb. shining. —— ~— 6.8. H.©. I’Her.sert.ang. 2. t.3. common. S. Europe. 1596. 5.8. H.©. Botan. magaz. 102. white-flowered. ——-——- —— H.©. hairy. Italy. 1822. —— H.©. Ten. fl. neap. t.19. falcate. —_— — — HO. —-————~——~t. 20. corn. England. omee —— H.©. Eng. bot. 375. five-angled. Turkey. 1686. —— H.©. Botan. regist. 56. perfoliate. N.America, 16806. —— H.©. Moris. s.5, t.2. f.23. RoELLA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. ciliate. C. B.S. 1774. 6.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 378. filiform. ——- 1816. —— h. Lam.ill. t. 123. f. 2. decurrent. ——-—— 1787. 7.9. H.©. L’Her.sert.ang. 4. t.6. trailing. ——- — 7.8. pi by moss-like. —-—— 1802. 8.10. H.©. PHYTEUMA. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 pauciflorum. r.s. few-flowered. Germany, 1823, 2 globularizfolium.r.s.Globularia-14. S. Europe. —— 3 Scheuchzeri. R.s. Scheuchzer’s. Switzerland.1818. 4 scorzonerifolium.r.s. Scorzonera-14, Europe. 1817, 5 linear-leaved. Switzerland.1752. 6 comosum. R.s. tufted. Austria. —— 7 orbiculare. r.s. round-headed. England. tees 8 Charmelii. R.s. long-bracted. Pyrenees. 1819. 9 cordatum. B.M. heart-leaved. S. Europe. 1804. 10 ellipticum. R.s, elliptic-leaved. Switzerland.1820. nigrum. R.S. betonicifolium. R.s. spicatum. R.S. Halleri. r,s. 6 ovatum. w. strictum, B.M. 16 virgatum. R.s. 17 campanuloides. R.s. 18 canescens. R.S. 19 pinnatum. R.s. TRACHELIUM. R.6. _ 1 ceeruleum. R.s. 2 diffusum. r.s. JASIONE. R.S. 1 montana. R.s. 2 perennis, R,s, black-flowered. Bohemia. Betony-leaved. Switzerland.1816. spiked. Europe. 1597. Haller’s. Switzerland.1819. ovai-spiked. -—— 1814. upright. S. Europe. 1819. slender-branch’d.Levant. 1823. Campanula-like.Caucasus. 1804. canescent, Hungary. 1804. winged-leav’d. Candia. 1640. THROATWORT. Pentandria pe Mage blue. Italy. 1640, shrubby. C.B.S. 1787. SHEEP’s SCABIOUS. mountain. Britain. sees perennial, France. 1787. 6. 8. eS . Botan. magaz. 1797. eee ee 5. 6. yf. —— Lt —— 2271. 7. y%. Jacq.ic, 2:t.333. 6. 7. %. Jacq. aust. ap. t. 50. 6. 8. %. “Eng. bot. 142. — H.%. Vill.delph.2.t.11.f.3.A 7.8. H.Y%. Botan. magaz. 1466. oo 4%. Vill, delph. 2. t.11. f.2. bt E w. 6. 8. 4%. Botan. magaz. 2066. wee 7%. Flor, dan. 362, adele i al Y. yr %. Botan. magaz. 2145. 7.9. 4%. Lab. syr.2. p.11. t.6. 6.8. H,2, Botan. magaz. 1015. 6. &. 4%. ™W.etK. hung. 1. t.14, sO Venten. cels. 52. clostoszess . Botan. regist. 72, Pentandria Monogynia. W. Eng. bot. 882. Botan. regist, 505, 2K2 252 GESNEREZE. | ORDO CVI. GESNEREZ. Rich. et Juss. ann. mus. 5. p. 428. { GESNERIA. L. - GrESNERIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. } 1 tomentosa. s.s. woolly. S. America. 1752. Ne 6. S.h. Botan. magaz. 1023. — 2 scabra. s.s. rough. Jamaica. 1822. 6.8. S.h. 3 corymbosa. s.s. corymbose. —- — — Sh. 4 prasinata. s.s. green-flowered. Brazil. =—s- 1816. 5.6. S.. Botan. regist. 428. | 5 aggregata. s.s. clustered. ———- | —- -—— «6.10. Sh. = —————-— 829. - 6 bulbosa. s.s. bulbous-rooted. ——-~——- _ ——. 5. Sy a 848, 7 acaulis. s.s. stemless. Jamaica. 1793. —— §S.%. Sloan — t.102. fl. BESLERIA. L. BEsLERIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. ’ 1 cristata. s.s. crested, W. Indies. 1739. 6.8. Jacq. amer.t.119. © 2 coccinea. s.s. * scarlet. Guiana, 1824. 5.8. S.%. . Aub. gui. 2: t. 255.- $ dichrus. s.s. two-coloured. Brazil. 1823. -—— Sch. 4 pulchella. s.s. large-flowered. W. Indies. 1806. ——- S.%. Botan. magaz. 1146. — 5 melittifolia. s.s. Balm-leaved. Guiana. 1739. 6.7. S.h. Sm.exot. bot. 1. t. 54, 6 serrulata. s.s. saw-leaved: W. Indies. 1806. —— S.h. Jacq.scheen. 3. t. 290. 7 lutea. s.s. yellow-flow’r’d, Guiana. 1739. 7.8. S.h. Plumvic. 49. fl. 8 grandifolia. s.s. large-leaved. Brazil. 1823. —— S.h. . 9 hirteila. s.s. hairy-leaved. ———- — —- Sh. 10 incarnata. s.s. flesh-coloured. Guiana. — — §.h. Aub. gui. 2. t. 256. GLOXINIA.S.S. GiLoxiniA. Didynamia Angiospermia. W. — . { maculata. ss." °°" spotted-stalk’d. S. America, 1739. 7.10. S.%. Botan. magaz. 1191. 2 speciosa, 8.3. many-flow’r’d. Brazil. 1815. 6.11. S.2%. Botan. regist.213. ee Ee 6 eeeeee tee ee . B alba. white-flowered. ORDO CVII. ~ VACCINIEH. DC. theor. ed. 1. p. 216. VACCINIUM. W. WHORTLE-BERRY. Oct- baie Raetne Monogyinia. 1 Myrtillus. w. Blea-berry. Britain. -++- 4.6. H.k. Eng. bot. 456, 2 stamineum. ph. long-stamen’d. N.America. 1772. 5.6. H.h. Pluk. alm. t. 339. f.3.— 3 album. ph. white-flowered. —- —— — Hh. Andr, reposit, 263. — stamineum. A.R. NON Ph. & 4 pallidum. w. pale. ———$ - ——-_ —— Hh: 5 uliginosum. w. great Bilberry. Britain. cose 4,5. Hh. Eng. bot. 581. § 6 diffusum. w. tree, N.America. 1765. 5.11. H.f. Botan. magaz, 1607. — arboreum. M. 7 dumosum, B.M. bushy. — 1774. 5.6.H.%. —-———— 1106. hirtellum. H.K. B humile. w.v. dwarf. —_——_- — — H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 32. — 8 frondosum. w. blunt-leaved. ——— 1761. —— H.h. Andr. reposit. 140. 9 venustum. H.K. red-twigged. —_———- 1770. — H.h. 10 resinosum. Ww. clammy. ———— 1772. ——H.h. t. 30. f. 69: B rubescens. red-flowered, —_——_- — —H.h. Botan. magaz. 1288. 11 parviflorum. a.R. small-flower’'d. -—-—— 1804. —— H.h. Andr. reposit. 125. 12 corymbosum. w. corymbose. —-—- 1806. 6.7. Wats. dend. brit.123.— 13 amonum. w. broad-leaved, ——--~-—~— 1765. 5.6. H.h. Botan. regist. 400. 14 virgatum. w. twiggy. ——- 1767. 4.5. H.k. Andr. reposit. 181. 8 angustifolium.w.D. narrow-leaved. ——-——- ~—--- —— H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 34. 15 marianum. w.p. Maryland. —-— 1812. 5.6. Hh. —-——— 124. 16 grandiflorum. w.p. great-flower’'d. -——-—— —— 7.8. H.h. ——-~-—-—— 125.A. 17 elongatum. w.p. _ elongated. —_—_—_—_ —- — Hh. ————— 125. B. 18 minutiflorum. w.D. minute-flow’r’d, ——-——- --—- —— H.h. ————-—— 125. C. - VACCINIE. 19 glabrum. w.p. smooth. N. America. ——- —— 20 mucronatum. L. mucronate. oe eee oe iF 21 fuscatum. w. cluster-flow’r’d. ——-—— 1770. —— | formosum. A.R. 97. ps | B angustifolium. ph. narrow-leaved. _—_—— ee 22 galezans. m. Gale-leaved. ——— 1806. — 23 ligustrinum. w. Privet-leaved. .——--—— : sel - 24 tenellum. w. Pensylvanian, ————— 1772. —— | pensylvanicum. M. 25 angustifolium. w. mnarrow-leaved. ——-—— 1776. 4.5. myrtilloides. M. 26 Arctostaphylos. w. oriental. Levant. 1777. 6.8. 27 maderense. s.s. Madeira. Madeira. _1810. 7. 9. Arctostaphylos. A.R.. _ 28 meridionale. w. Jamaica. Jamaica, 1778. 3.6. 29 crassifolium. s.s. _'thick-leaved. Carolina. 1787. 6.7. 30 myrtifoliam. m. Myrtle-leaved. -~—-—— 1812. 5.7. 31 nitidum. s.s. glossy-leaved. ——— 1794. 5.6. 8 decumbens. s.m. decumbent. _—_— 32 myrsinites. mM. Myrsine-leav’d. ———— eat 33 buxifolium. s.s. Box-leaved. N.America. 1794. — 34 Vitis Idea. w. Cow-berry. Britain. ree 4,6. a minor. _ smaller. te B major. larger. N. America..---- — 35 hallerizfolium. pod. Halleria-leav’d. — sees 5.6. _OXYCOCCUS. P.S. CranpeRry. Octandria Monogynia. 1 palustris. p.s. common. Britain. seer 5.6, Vaccinium Oxycoccos. E.B. Schollera Oxycoccos. Roth. 2 macrocarpus. Ph. large-fruited. N.America. 1760. 5.8. 3 erectus. Ph. upright. -———. 1806. 6.8. Vaccinium erythrocarpum. M. 4 hispidulus. p.s. ORDO CVIII. 1 Uva-ursi. s.s. Bear-berry. — Britain. Arbutus Uva-ursi. £.B. Mairania Uva-ursi. Desv. + 6.7. H.h. 4 paniculata. Nn. panicled. ——— 1748. 5.6. H.h. 5 capreefolia.w.p. tendril-leaved. -—-—— 1812. 7. H.h. 6 multiflora. w.p. many-flowered. -—-——- -—— —— H.h. 7 frondosa. N. bristly-flow’r’d. ——-—— 1806. 5.6. H.h. MYLOCARYUM. W.en. BucKWHEAT-TREE. Decandria Monogynia. ligustrinum. ph. Privet-leaved. Georgia. 1786. 5.6. G.h. Cliftonia ligustrina. s.s. CLETHRA. W. CLETHRA. Decandria Monogynia. W. 1 alnifolia. s.s. Alder-leaved. N.America. 1731. 8.10. H.h. 2 tomentosa. s.s. ‘woolly-leaved. -——-—— — —— Hh. 3 scabra. 8.8. rough-leaved. Georgia. 1806. —— H.h. 4 acuminata. 8.s. acute-leaved. Carolinaa ——~— =— Huh. 5 paniculata. s.s. panicled. N.America.1770. —— H.h. +6 arborea. s.s. tree. Madeira. 1784. —— G.h.- B variegatu. variegated. —_——_—> s ——- ——— Gh. y minor. dwarf. ——-$ — rere —— GL 7 ferruginea. s.s. ferruginous. S. America. 1818. -—— G.h. CYRILLA. L. CyriLtLa. Pentandria Monogynia. L. racemiflora. L. Carolina. Carolina. 1765. 6.8. F.h. caroliniana. p.s. ILtea Cyrilla. w. : BROSSZA. L. Bross#A. Pentandria Monogynia. L. coccinea, L. scarlet, S. America, -«-+ «e+: Sch. sii) ned 4 Botan. regist. 884. © S86. f¢- Flor. dan. 10. Pluk. mant. t. 448. f. 6. Botan, magaz. 1579. Botan. magaz. 970. : Wats. dend. brit. 26. . _ Botan. magaz. 667. Pall. ros, 2. t.70. f. B. Lodd. bot. cab. 546. Eng. bot. 718. Botan. magaz. 1286. Lodd. bot. cab. 862. <— 530. Sm. ic. ined. 1, t. 59. Botan. magaz. 1095. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t.89. Botan, magaz. 1955. Botan, magaz. 2357. ——_——_— 1566. Wats. dend. brit. 36. Botan. magaz. 905.,p.39.ic. Venten. malm. 80. Lodd. bot. cab. 430. Wats. dend. brit. 38. ——__—_— Ticch S06 —_—_—— t. 127. — ee IB, Ww. Botan. magaz. 1625. © Lam. ill. t.369. . Wats. dend. brit. t.39. Botan. magaz. 1057. ~ Botan. magaz. 2456. Lam. ill. t. LIL. £.3, ‘BLERIA. W. 1 ericoides. s.s. 2 muscosa. s.8. 3 fasciculata. s.s. 4 paucifolia. s.s. 5 articulata. s.s. 6 scabra. s.s. 7 depressa. R.s. 8 purpurea. s.s. 9 dumosa. s.s. 10 glabella. s.s. | Jl ciliaris. s,s. SYMPIEZA. R.S. -CALLUNA. Sal. | vulgaris. W.en- a carnea. B alba. | y multiplex. ERICA. W. 2 actza. L.en. 6 pallida. 4 acuta. A.H. 5 acutangularis. Lod. acute-angled. ———-— 1823. —— | 6 adenophora.s.s. gland-haired. ——— 1810. —— ' | T aggregata. s.s. clustered. _—_ - -l — ' 8 Aitoniana. H.K. Aiton’s, ——— 1790. 6.9. y, . 9 albens. HK. | pallid. ——— 1789. 3.8. » | 10. albida. Lod. white-flowered, ——-——- 1823. 5.8. | 41 alopecuroides.s.s. fox-tail. —--——_ 1812, —— “| 12 ambigua. s.s. ambiguous. —_—- _ 1798. —— a | cylindrica. A.H. NON Th. » | 13 amoena. H.K. feathery. ——~- 1795. 3.7. l plumosa. A.W. i} | 44 ampullacea. u.x. flask. ———— 1790. 6.8, _ 15 andromedeflora.u.K. Andromeda-fld ——-—— 1803. 3.6. is | 16 anthina. s.s. full-flowering, ——-— 1811. —— | 17 aperta. s.s. open- PCE ONS alies WR 18 Aphanes.s.s. Parsley-piert. ——-—— 1820. —— - 19 arborea. s.s. tree. S. Europe. 1658. 2. 6. . B stylosa. P.s. long-styled, —-- a 8. 20 arbuscula. B.c. little-tree. C. B.S. 1818. 4.8. 1, 21 arctata. Lod. arched. —_—— — —- ,| 22 Archeriana. H.K. Lady Archer’s. —~--—— 1796. 8.11. 8. 23 ardens. H.K. ardent. —-——_ 1800. 4. 6. _ 24 argentiflora.s.s. silvery-flow’r’d. ————- 1816. —— | 25 aristata. HK. awned. —-—- 1801. 3.8. ) 26 armata. s.s. spiny-cupped. _———— 1816. | 27 assurgens. L.en. assurgent. —-———- — 5.8. 28 aurea, H.K. golden. ——-—— 1799. 7.9. 29 auricularis. L.T. eared. hg vibe 0 BaD 3 30 australis. H.K. Spanish. Spain. 1769. 4.7. | 31 axillaris. w. axillary. C.B.S. 1798. 5.7. | $2 azaleefolia. n.r. Azalea-leaved. —-—-——- —— 5.8. | 83 baccans, H.K. Arbutus-fl4. ———+— 1774. 4.7. 1, 34 Bandoniz. Loa. Lady Bandon’s. ———— 1816. 5.8. 35 Banksii. H.K. Banks’s. A... 1787, 2.7. | 36 barbata. H.K. bearded. —— 1799. 5.8. | 37 bella. s.s. pretty. ——_— 38 Bergiana. H.K. Bergius’s, ———— 1787. 4.8 A, el quadriflora. A.H. v. 2. | 39 bicolor. w. two-coloured. ———— 1790. 8.3. \ calathiflora, L.tT. , | 40 biflora. B.c. two-flowered. —-—— 1820. 5.8. Ail blanda. Kx. channing. ——-—— 1800. 4.9. capitellata. R.s. Erica vulgaris. E.B. 1 absinthoides. H.K. | 8 acuminata. A.H. _ ERICEZ. Buia&RiA. Tetrandria Monogynia. W. heath-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 8. 10. Moss-leaved. close-headed. few-leaved, ——_ 1812. jointed. ——— 1795. 5. 6. rough. —— 1806. — depressed. ———— 1816. —— purple-flow’r’d. ———— 179), —— bushy. —— 1806. 6.8. smooth. : ——- 1816. — fringed. —_——-_ 1795. — SYMPIEZA. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S headed. C.B. 8. 1812. 6.8. ‘Bleria bracteata. wend. CaLLuNnA. Octandria Monogynia. common. Britain, seoe 6.8. flesh-coloured. —-———- 8 eee white-flowered. ————- +++ —— double-flowered, -——-——- s+ ——— Hearn. Octandria Monogynia. L. Wormwood-like.C. B.S. 1792, 3.6. cluster-leaved. —~-—— 1810. —— pointed-leaved. ——-—— 1798. 5.6. pale-flowered, —_—_—_————- = Cl pointed-cupp’'d. ———— 1799. 5.8. SHAH IATTHT HIS 2 ae a — 6. 8. ———— Ee Semana ————— e eo @ @ e 2 aaaennnee ot ae “oF ao ars ANHASAPOOOD THE OO ep) e e e SS SHH HTTP H HTS HHH HHS SSS HTT HHH DOPNARADOAOLBALOD ° e POOLE G2 2 255 Wendl. coll. 1. t. 25. Wendl. coll. 2. t. 43. 2. t. 44. : 1. t.31.— es Wendl. coll, 2. t. 38. % Seb. thes. 1. t. 20. f.2. Wendl. coll. 2. t. 49. Wendl. coll. 2. t. 37. Eng. bot. 1013. Andr. heaths. v. 3. Andr. heaths, v. 2. Wendl. én f.13.n. 5. Botan. magaz. 429. 440. Lodd. bot. cab. 874. Andr. heath. ec. ic. Wend. eric.17. p-73.ic. Botan. magaz. 303. —————_—_—-——_ 1250. Lodd. bot. cab. 843. Andr. heath. v. 2. ic. Botan. regist. 115. Andr. heath. c. ic. Botan. magaz. 1249. Andr. heath. v. 2, Andr. heath. v. 3. Botan. magaz. 358. Andr. heath. v. 1. v. 2. —_ Lodd. bot, cab. 939, Lodd. bot. cab. 683. Andr. heath. v. 3. 256 ERICE®. 42 Blandfordiana.H.x. Blandford’s. C.B.S. 1803. 3.6. G.h. Botan. magaz.1793. — 43 Bonplandiana. s.m. Bonpland’s.. —-— 1816. —— Gk. 2126; 44 borboniefolia. t.t. Borbonia-l4, —_—_——_—- —————- — Gh. Y penn 45 Bowiecana. B.c. Bowie’s. —— — 3.9. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 842. 46 brachialis. L.1. armed. ——— 1792. —— G.h. fri ‘47 bracteata. w. red-bracted. ——— 1800. 5.7. Gh. 48 bracteolaris. p.s. _ bracteate. —_—_— ——_— 3.7. Gh. 49 brevifolia. L.t. short-leaved. H———— ees: 68, ireein 50 bruniades. w. Brunia-like. ———— 1790. 4.7. Gh. 51 buccineformis. L.t. Buccinium-fl4. —-—— ---- —— G.h. 52 cesia. L.T. _ grey. ——— 1795. 2.5. Gh. ofr ) 53. caftra. a.H. sweet-scented. ————— 1774. 8.10. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 196. 54 callosa. s.s. callous-leaved. —>—--—~ 1799. 6.9. G.h. Andr. heath. ic. canaliculata 8 minor. A.H. 55 calycina. w. calycine. — Gh 56 calyculata. P.s. rusty-flowered. ——-———- 1800. 5.7. G.h. , 57 campanulata. u.K. bell-flowered. —-—— 1791. 4.8. G.h. Andr, heath. v.1. 58 campylophylla. s.s. hook-leaved. ——— 1802. 3.5. G.h. | incurvd. A.H. 59 canaliculata. H.K. channelled. —— 1799. 8.2. G.h. Andr. heath, v. 3. 60 canescens. H.K. canescent. —— 1790. 5.8 G.h. —— ——_— v.2. ertocephala. A-H. NON Lam. , 61 capax. L.T. capacious. ———— 1806. —— G.h. 62 capitata. H.K. downy-headed. ——-—— 1774. 3.7. G.h. Andr. heath. v. 1. 63 carduifolia. L.T. Carduus-leav’d. ——-—— 1806. 5.7. G.h. Mon G4 carinata. B.C. keeled. —-——- — 6.9. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 1071. 65 carnea. H.K. early dwarf. Germany. 1763. 1.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 471. herbacea. B.M. 66 carniula. B.c. flesh-coloured. C. B.S. 1816. 5.8. Lodd. bot. cab. 926. 67 catervefolia. L.r. huddled-leav’d. ———-— 1790. 4.7. G.h. , 68 Celsiana. Lod. Cels’s. me eee —— GR. 69. cephalotes. w. purple-headed. -———-— 1812. 3.7. G.h. 70 cerinthoides, H.K. honeywort-fl4, —-—— 1774. 5.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 220. a glabriuscula. smoothish. ———- — — Gh. B hispida. bristly. —— GE 71 cernua. H.K. drooping-fl4, ———— 1791. 8.12. Gh. 72 cerviciflora.L.t. | Stag’s-horn-fl4, ——-—— +--+ 3.7. G.h. inaperta. Hort. 73 chlamydiflora. u.t. cloak’d-fi4. —— 1801. 5.9. G.h. 74 ciliaris. w. ciliated. Portugal. 1759. 7.9. H.h. Botan. magaz. 484. 75 ciliciiflora. L.T. fringe-flower’d, C.. B.S. coos 5.8 Gh. 76 cinerascens. w. greyish. —— ses =—— Gh. 77 cinerea. w. fine-leaved. Britain. -++> 6.9. H.R. Eng. bot.1015. a atropurpurea. dark-purple. a eee —— HO. 6 rubra. red-flowered. ——— r+ —— Hh. Y carnea. Jlesh-colouréd...¢) ——- = ass + eee 9 alba. white-flowered. -—-——- ‘e+: —— H.h. 78 cistifolia. L.en. Cistus-leaved. C. B.S. 1799. 5.8. Gh. Andr. heath. ic.. barbata B minor. A.H. . 79 claveeflora. H.K. club-flowered. —-—— 1779. 8.10.G.h. Andr. heath. v.2. sessiliflora. A.H. non L. 3 80 clavata. s.s. clubbed. ——— 1812. —— G.k. Andr. heath. ic. $1 Clintoniz. Lee. Lady Clinton’s, ——-——-_ 1816. 5.8. G.h. 82 coarctata. s.s. close. ———— ++ —— Gh. Wendl.eric. f. 19. n.7. $3 coccinea. H.K. searlet-flow’r’d. ——-——- 1783. 1.12. Andr, heath. v.1. 84 colorans. B.R. changing-col’4, —---—— 1812. 1.6. G.h. Botan.regist. 601. 85 comosa. H.K. tufted. —— 1787. 4.8. G.h. Ic. hort. kew. 18. a rubra. red-flowered. ——_- 1 — -—— Gh. Wendl. eric.12. p.7.ic B alba. white-flowered. ———- —— —— G.h. Andr. heath. v.2. - 86 complanata.s.s. _ flattened. i ———— +.» + 9s ee 87 Comptoniana.s.s, Ly Northampton’s. — 1820. —— G.h. Andr. heath. ic. 88 concava. B.C. concave-fid, — 1808. 2.5. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 134. 89 concinna. H.«K. blush. ——— 1773. 7.10. G.h. Andr. heath. v. 2. 90 concolor. Lod. self-coloured. ——--- «res 3.6. Gik. 91 conferta. H.K. crowded-fid. —-—— 1800. 10.2. G.h.. Andr. heath. v. 2. 92 confertifolia. ss. crowded-leavd -—-~—- <-+++ 5.8. G.h. 93 congesta. s.s. close-headed. . ——-——— 1812. —~— G.h. Wendl. eric. f.17. n.5. 94 conica. Lod. conical. ———— 1820. —-— G.h. 95 conspicua. H.K. conspicuous. ———— 1774. —— G.h. Andr. heath, v. 2. - 96 constantia. Lee. 97 cordata. H.K. 98 corifolia. H.K. articularis. B.M. calycina. A.H. 99 corydalis. L.T. - 100 costata. H.K. 101 Coventryana. B.c. - 102 cristzflora. L.t. - 103 crossota. s.s. 104 cruciformis. s.s. 105 cruenta. 4.x. 106 cubica. H.K. B minor, B.c. 107 cumulifiora. 1.1. | 108 ¢»viflora. H.K - 109 curvirostris. L. 7. declinata. Hort. 110 Cushiniana. ree. 111 cuspidigera. L.t. 112 cyrillefiora. L.T. 113 daphneefiora. B.c. - 114 daphnoides. B.c. 115 decolorans. w. 116 decora, u.x. 117 deflexa: Loa. , 118 demissa. Loa. 4 { ; 119 densa. s.s. 120 densifolia. w. 121 denticulata. w. _ 122 depressa, u.K. rupestris. A.H. _ 123 dianthifolia. 1.7. _ 124 diaphana. s.s. :- transparens. B.C. (177. 125 dichrus. s,s. bicolor. AH. non Ww. 126 Dickensoni. Loa. a alba. B rubra. | 127. diosmzfolia. L.tT. 128 dioteflora. L.T. H 129 discolor. H.k. 130 doliiformis, L.T. 131 Donniana. Lee. 132 dumosa, a.H. 133 echiiflora. H.Ke 134 elata. H.K. 135 elegans. H.x. 136 elongata. 5 B.C. 137 emarginata. a.H. _ 138 embothriifolia. 1.7. | 139 empetrifolia. H.K. 140 empetroides. u.x. 141 epistomia. Loa. 142 equisetifolia. L.r. articularis. Hort. (148 erosa. B.c. _,) 144 erubescens. u.x. 145 Ewerana. H.K. a glabra. B longiflora. Y pilosa. 146 exigua, LT. 147 + eximia. Lea. 148 exserta. Lod, | 150 expromta. 8.8. 151 exsudans. B.c. iP exsurgens, H.K. ERICE. constant-flg. C.B.S.. -+s- heart-leaved. ——_——._ 1799. Coris-leaved. ——- 1774. winged anther’d. —= whee ribbed-flow’r’d. ———— 1795. LordCoventry’s. ——-——-._ 1808. crested. ——-_ 1803. fringed-calyx’d. ——-——— +++ cross-like. ——_— 1818. bloody-flow’r’'d. ——-——- . 1774. cube-flowered. 1790. lesser cube-fi4, ——-——— —— heap-flowered. -——-—— 1801. curve-flowered. 1774. declining. —— 1790. Cushin’s, ——— 1816. cuspidate. ———— ++ ee Cyrilla-flow’r’d. -~————_ 1800. Daphne-fid. —_—- 1791. Daphne-like. ———- discoloured. ——-——- rere graceful. —-— 1790. deflexed. ee low. —— 1810. dense. _—_— lO dense-leaved. ——-—— 1811. tooth-calyxed. ——-—— —— depressed. —— 1789. pink-leaved. —— 1796. transparent. ~———-——. 1800. non Th. Andrew’s 2-color’d. 1790. -Mr.Dickenson’s. —————-_ 1809. white-flowered. -————~- —— red-flowered. me em Diosma-leaved. ——-—— 1792. Diotis-flower’d. ——-——- 1795. different-col’4. ——-—— 1788. tun-bellied. —— + 1798. Donn’s. —— 1812. bushy. —_—_—_—_——- SO Echium-fid, ———— 1798. tall. ——-——._ 1790. elegant. —— 1799. elongated. ——— 1820. hairy cupped. .-——--— 1800. Embothrium-ld4, ——-—— _ _---- crowberry-ld. —-—— 1774. close-flowered, -——-—— 1788. spiggot. —— 1800. Equisetum-l4, ——-—— -—— gnawed-petal’d, ———~— 1816. reddish-fld, ———_ 1800. Ewer’s. —-—- _ 1793. smooth-leaved. oe adr ae, Poe nee long-flowered. Sat aan penn Raat hairy-leaved. —_—_—— 2 smaildowny. —-——— 1790. choice. ——. Isl. exserted. —-—— 1820. expanded. ——~- 1811. woolly-branch’d. —_——- sweating. ——-—- 1810. quiver-formed, ———— > 1792. | = ro > & 0 opr Se oe | San pt eo Rabo tS : Ba] | iy am es iy PD WOOPPODONDAAD 3. 8. eo @ 9 an lee) e ea en =~] POQDDOLHL on = aer P on F RAMOHQOO De no SH oo te ay bo and ae ba) =o | | Laas ow ol ||: QDAADOHLAADOMA |QO Saee = 00 yet jet No Gul. Gh. G.h. G.h. Gh. G.h. Gu. Gh. Gi. G.h. Gah! Gehi Giles G.h. G.h. bi: Tes h. ays h. hn Ir e Q SITS ANISH SF Hs Trost s s e 2 . e ee e e e ° ° FS ele pier BE BEE ar aro > Or BP ae at BP ew Pm a> a Pe oP um Po bo ey 257 Andr, heath. v.3. Botan. magaz. 422. Andr., heath. v. I. Lodd. bot. cab. 423. Andr. heath ic. , Lodd. bot. cab. 972. Andr. heath. v. 1, Lodd. bots cab. 643. 15 Andr. heath. v. 3. Andr, heath. ic. Lodd. bot. cab. 1090. Andr. heath. v. 2 Andr. heath. ec. ic. Andr. heath, ic. Andr. heath. v.l Andr. heath. ic. ——_——— v3 — -+—-— Vv. 2. Botan. magaz. 960. Lodd. bot. cab. 738. Andr. heath. ic. Botan. magaz. 447, Andr. heath, v. 2. Lodd. bot. cab. 133. Andr, heath. v. 3, —— Ln sabes Vv. 2,- Lodd. bot. cab. 287. Andr, heath. v. 1. 153 154 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 471 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 258 : ERICEE. fabrilis. u.T. tiled-leaved. C.B.S. 1791. fallax. L.T. viscous-flow’r’d,. —————-_ «+» 155 fascicularis. H.K. cluster-flow’r’d. 1787. coronata. A.Hu. radiifiora. L.T. fastigiata. w. Walker's. —— 1792. Walkeri. a.H. fausta. LT. Drea ered: —-—— 1795. ferruginea. H.K. rusty. —— _ 1798. festa. L.T. angular-stalk’d. ees fibula. L.en. button. ——— 1812. filamentosa. H.K. long-peduncl’d.. ——-——- 1800. filiformis. L.T. filiform. oan sceprioninyt fimbriata. a.H. fringed. 1800. finitima. Lod. related. ———— s+ se- fistuleflora. L.r. | whiteslender-fld, ——-—— 1800. tenuiflora B alba. A.H. Cliffordiana. B,C. 34. flaccida. L.en. flaccid. —— 1810. flagellaris. L.en- whipcord. st: hiietenpce flammea. H.K. flame-flow’r’d. ——— 1798. bibax. L.T. flava. H.K« 3-leaved yellow. ———-— — 1795. 8B imbricata. BM. imbricated. —_— — flexicaulis. H.K. crook-stalked. 1800. glandulosa. A.R. nec aliorum. flexuosa. H.K. zigzag. mien rh OR, floribunda. B.c. many-flowered. —— 1800. florida. H.x. florid. —— 1803. follicularis. H.K.. yellow pencill’d. ———— 1794. Petiveriana. A.H. formosa. Ww. handsome. ——- _ 1795. a alba. white-flowered. reflexa alba. Hort. B rubra. red-flowered. reflexa rubra. Hort. fragrans. H.K. fragrant. —— _ 1803. fucata. Wend. painted, ———._ 1811. fugax. L.T. fugacious. —-— 1800. furfurosa. H.K. columnar-threaded. -—— 1789. monadelpha. A.H. non B.M. gelida, H.Ke- er eramereceates — 1790. gilva. w. alveifiora, L.T. gemmifera. B.M. jewel. —-—— 1802. genistefolia. L.T. . Genista-leaved. ——-—— +«-- glabra. L.en. glabrous. —— 1802. glandulosa. th. glandular-haired. 1801. glauca. H.K. glaucous-leaved. ——-——_ 1792. globosa. w. globular-fid. ——__ 1789. glomerata. s.s. glomerate. msi A BED, glomiflora. L.T. round-flower’d. ——-——-__--:: glutinosa. H.K. glutinous. ——— 1787. -droseroides. A.H. gnaphalodes. w. cudweed-like. 1812. gracilis. H.K. gracile. ——-_ 1794. grandiflora. H.K. great-flowered. ——-—— 1775. grandinosa. B.c. —_ hail-flowered. .——-—— 1820. halicacaba. H.K. _ bladder-fi4, —— 1780. helianthemifolia.L.T.plain-leaved. ———— 1796. Hibbertiana. H.K. Hibbert’s. 1800. hirsuta. B.C. hairy. —— 1812. hirta. w. hairy-leaved. ——_ 1795. hirtiflora. B.M. hairy-flowered. -——-—— 1790. hispida. s,s. hispid. ————- 1791. hispidula, w bristly-stemm’d. ——-—— . ——- holosericea. L.T. —_-velvetty. ——— sees horizontalis. H.K. horizontal-ld. —— 1800. Humeana. B.c. Sir A. Hume's, ——-—— siehi humifusa. L.T. low. —_ — hyacinthoides. H.«K. Hyacinth-fld. § ———— 1798. hyssopifolia. L.t. Hyssop-leaved. ——-—— _ 1800. ignescens. H.K- fiery. ——— 1792. imbecilla. feeble. —— 1793. gracilis, L.1T. nec aliorum. ® 22 OOM Sst 3S ros Sos ssTs © PLP DOOD arts Tas Ss e e o ° DOAADLHDE O me on a e e ereeerzeen| ee es e@ DADDADRNOAAAARAO e e WAIWIOI] aI MADLNOO AL AMSD Andr. heath. v. 1. ; Andr. heath. v. 3. Botan. regist. 6. Andr, heath. ic. Andr. heath. v. as. Andr. heath. v. 2 eainaiaameneslial Kk Botan, magaz. 1815. Andr. heath. v. 2. Andr, heath. v. 1. Lodd. bot. cab. 176. Thunb. eric. n. 64. t.6. Andr, heath. v. 1. Thunb.eric. n. 82. t.3. Botan, magaz. 2181. Andr. heath. m \ Fe Se Vv. 2. Botan. magaz. 2266. Botan. magaz. 580. Andr. heath. ic. Andr, heath. ic. 4 Icon. hort. kew. 17. - Pluk. m.68. t.346. f. le Wend. eric. 8. p. 9. ic. Botan. magaz. 189. Lodd. bot. cab. 627. Andr. heath. v. 2. Andr. heath. v. 3. Lodd. bot. cab. 754. - Thunb. eric. n. 56. t.2. Botan. magaz. 481. Andr. heath. ic. Andr. heath. v. 2; ‘ Lodd. bot. cab. 389. Andr, heath. v. 3. Andr, heath. vis - ERICEA. 259 210 imbricata. w. imbricated. C. B.S. 1786. 5.8. G.h. 211 imperialis.s.s.~ imperial. ——— 1816. —— G.h. Andr. heath. ic. 212 incana. s.s. hoary. —_——_ — — Gh. f.18.n.4. ic. 213 incarnata. w. flesh-coloured. —-—— 1791. -— G.h. Andr. heath. ic. 214 incurva. w. incurved. —— sh — Gh. 215 inflata. w. inflated. —— 1800. 5.9. G.h. 216 infundibuliformis. funnel-flow’r’d. -—-—— 1812. ——-~ G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 589. 217 intertexta. B.c. interwoven. —— 1810. —- G.h. —— —— —— 1034. 218 intervallaris. r.t. distant-leaved. -———-—_---- 5.11. G.h. 219 Irbyana. A.u. Irby’s. ——— 1800. 6.10.G.h. Andr. heath, v. 3. 220 jasminiflora. H.x. Jasmine-fid. ——- 1794. —— G.h. —-—— v. 1. 221 jubata. s.s. crest-flowered. ———-—— 1816. —— G.h: 222 Juliana. s.s. Julian’s. ——— 1812. 5.10.G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 799. 223 labialis. L.t. lipped. eee OGL. 224 lachneefolia. H.K. Lachnea-leav’d. ——-—— 1793. 5.7. G.h. Andr. heath. v. 3. 225 lactiflora. B.c. milk-coloured. ——-—— 1816. —— G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 901. 226 levis. AH. smooth. ——— 1790. 8.6. G.h. Andr., heath. v. 3. 227 Lambertiana. u.K. Lambert’s. —-——_ 1800. 5.8. G.h. ——- V, 2. , 228 lanata, w. woolly. ———— _ 1775. 2.5. G.h. Wend. eric. f, 5. n.2. 229 lanceolata. pP.s. spear-leaved, ——— 1791. 6.12. G.h. 230 lanuginosa. H.K. large brown-fid, ——~—— 1803. 9.1. G.h. Andr. heath. v.3. 231 lasciva, L.T. imbricate-calyx’d. —-——- 1800. 1.8. G.h. 232 lasiophylla. s.s. downy-leaved, —-—— 1816. 5.8. G.h. 233 lateralis. H.K. side-flowered. m——-—— 1791. 3.7. G.h. Andr. heath. v.1. 234 latifolia. H.K. broad-leaved. —-—— 1800. 5.8. G.h. SS SV, 2, 235 lavandulefolia. 1.7. Lavender-ld, —— 1795. — G.h. . 236 Lawsoni. p.m. red slender-fla.' ——-—— 1802. 4.7. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1720. 237 laxa. H.R. loose-flowered. ———-— 1800. 9.2. G.h. Andr. heath. v.3. 238 Leeana, H.K. Lee’s. —— 1788 8.1. Gk. -< ——v.1. 239 leucantha. r.en. white-blossom’d. ——~——-._ 1803. 1.5. G.h. ——— — v, 2, leucanthera, A.H. non L. : 240 leucanthera. w. = white-tipped. ——-—— 1803. 2.6. G.h. ; 241 Linneana. Hux. Linnzus’s. ——— 1790. 1.5. G.h. Andr. heath. v. 2, Linn@oides. a.u. 242 longiflora. B.c. long-flowered. ————— -'+- 4.8. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 983. 243 longifolia. w. long-leaved. ————. 1787. 2.7. G.h. Wend. eric. t. 3. pinea. Wende 244 longipedunculata. long-stalked. —-——._ 1818. 3.8. G.}h. Lodd. bot. cab. 103. 245 lucida. u.x. lucid. ———— 1800. 4.1. G.h. Andr, heath. v.2. 246 lutea, H.K. yellow. ——— 774. 2.5. Goh. eee Wak» 247 lyrigera. L.T. lyre-bearing. ——— 1790. —~ G.h. ; , 248 magnifica. s.s. magnificent. ———— 1816. 4.8. G.h. Andr. heath. ic. | 249 mammosa. w. nipple. TGS RIO Gen | ere ke a purpurea. purple-flowered. ————- -——— -—— G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 125. B pallida. pale-flowered. ———— OT 250 margaritacea. H.K. pearl-flowered. ———— 1775. 5.9. G.h. Andr. heath. v. 1. 251 marifolia. H.K. Marum-leaved. -—-—— 1773. 5.7. G.h. v. 1. 252 Massoni. H.k. Masson’s. ——_—— 1787. 7.10.G.;,%. Botan. magaz. 336. 253 mediterranea. w. Mediterranean. Portugal. 1648. 3.5. H. h. emai rik 254 melanthera. w. dark-anthered. C. B.S. 1803. 6.8. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 867. 255 melastoma. a.H. _ black-anthered. — 1795. 4.7. G.h. a FSS. 256 mellifera. s.s. honey-bearing. ————— 1816. —— G.h. 257 metuleflora. H.K. nine-pin. —— 1798. 6.8. G.h. Botan. magaz. 612. 258 microphylla. Lod. _small-leaved. —— +++ -— Gh. ' 259 microstoma. s.s. aggregate-fld, —-—— 1816. —— G.h. 260 mirabilis. Loa. wonderful. —_——- .—— 3.8. G.h. - 261 modesta. L.T. modest. —— ee —— GOH. 262 mollearis. p.s. soft-leaved. ——- 1803. 4.10.G.h. 263 mollis. s.s. soft. ——-— 1816. —-— G.h. 264 mollissima. Lod. softest. ——— +--- — Gb. 265 monadelpha. B.m. monadelphous. -—-—— 1789. 5.7. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1370. Banksia B purpurea. a.u. 266 Monsoniz. H.xK. LadyMonson’s)5 ————- 1787. 4.9. —-~———— 1915. 267 montana. Lod. mountain, ——— 1816. — G.h. ‘ 268 moschata. A.H. musky. ——— 1805. 5.7. G.k. Andr. heath. ic. 269 mucosa. H.K. mucous. —— _ 1787. 2.4. G.h. —-~ ——-— v.] 270 mucronata. s.s. mucronate. —— 1812. 4.8. G.h. Andr. heath. ic. 271 multiflora. H.K, many-flow’r’d. France. 1731. °6. 11. Gh. — v. 2. 272 munda. L.T. neat-flowered. C. B.S. rear 5, she h. 1 260 273 mundula., B.c. 274 Muscari. W.K. 275 mutabilis. H.K. 276 nana. LT. depressa. A.H. 277 nidiflora. L.T. 278 nidularia. B.c. 279 nigricans. s.s. 280 nigrita. H.K. 281 nitida. H.K. 282 nivea. S.s. 283 Niveni, H.K. 284 nodiflora. L.T. 285 noleflora. L.T. 286 notabilis. s.s. 287 nudiflora. w. 288 obbata. H.K. 289 obcordata. s.s, 290 obliqua. H.K. 291 obtusa. B.C. 292 octogona. Lod. 293 odorata. H.K. 294 ollula. s.s. 295 onosmefiora, L.T. glutinosa. A.H. viscosa. Wend. 296 oppositifolia. a.H. a alba. B rubra. B.c. 297 ovata. B.C. 298 oxycoccifolia. L.T. 299 pallens. s.s. 300 pallida. s.s. 301 palliiflora. L.T. 302 palustris. H.K. 303 paniculata. w. 304 pannosa. L.T. 305 parilis. L.T. 306 Parmentieri, B.c.: rosed. Lod. 307 parviflora. L.T. 308 Passerina. w. 309 patens. A.H. $10 Patersoni. H.K. 311 pavetteflora. L.T. 312 pectinifolia. u.T. 313 pedunculata. s.s. 314 pellucida. a.u. 315 pendula, w. 316 penicillata. a.H. 317 penicilliflora. L.T. neat. musk. mutable. dwarf. nest-flowered. nest-like. black-stamen’d. black-tipped. shining. snowy. Niven’s. knot-flowered. bell-shaped. notable. small-bracted. bottle. obcordate. oblique-leaved. obtuse. eight-angled. perfumed. close-smooth-]4, Onosma-fid, opposite-leav’d. white-flowered. red-flowereds. ovate. Cranberry-l¢. pale. pallid. pale-flowered. marsh. panicled. cloth-flowered. matched. Parmentier’s. rose-coloured. small-fid. downy. sparrow-wort. spreading. Paterson’s. Pavetta-fid. pectinated. peduncled. - pellucid. pendulous. pencilled. white-pencill’d. 318 periplocefolia. L.t. Periploca-14. 319 persoluta. H.K. 320° perspicua. 4.x. garland. clear-flowered. B Linnea, A.ue V. 2. $21 petiolata. H.K. 322 Petiveriana, H.K. 323. Peziza. B.c. 324 phylicoides. w. 325 physodes. H.K. 326 picta. Loa. 327 pilosa. s.s. 328 pilulifera. w. 329 pinea. s.s. 330 pityophylla. s.s. pinifolia. A.H. rosemary-14, Petiver’s. button-flower’d. Phylica-like. sticky. painted. pilose. ball-bearing. Pine-tree-l4, Pine-leaved. 331 Plukenetiana. H.K. Plukenet’s. B pallida, 332 precox. Lod. pale-flowered. early dwarf. » ERICEZ. C.B.S. 1816. 1790. ——— 1792. eee eee @eee Pepa rae, te opamcteans ss FF peWiencmdeainyig P. Waleska 1% ayaa 2.758 eS eer eoee ps BIG ————_ 1783. or awagaamatagens ST 5 ———— 1812. reer EBD, —-— 1816. ——-——— 1804. ———-—— 1812, ——-—— 1789. 1812. ee er2es —-——_ 1799. ——-— 1774. ——— 1789. ——-——._ 1816. Ge calico AF) ——-—— 1800. ome warmers —-— 1791. —-—— 1800. —— 1810. —— 1800. ——— 1791. —— 1774. —— 1774. -——-—— 1774. eemeete cere eee oe —-—— 1800. ———_ 1788. —-—— 1800. —_———- 1789. i » salah Be ee —— oot e oo *# C ee @ e eo “oe e e6°8 e e SSS St SS SOS SSS oot DAROM ADD e ~— oe er bo be Tbs DAD 2 Sooo SIH HOT HTTHNISS Lodd, bot. cab. 114. — Andr, heath. y.1.° —— Ve. e «y Lodd. bot. cab. 764. : Andr. heath, v. 1. ——_——_———. v.3. Andr. heath. vy. 2. Andr. heath. v, 2. Andr. heath. v. 1. Lodd. bot. cab. 10273 Andr. heath. vy. 3. ————— ¢. ic. Andr. heath. v. 1. Andr, heath, c. ic. Lodd. bot. cab. 1060. —_——- ——- 417, Andr. heath. ic. Andr. heath. v. 2. Lodd. bot. cab, 197. Petiv. gaz. t.3. f.7. Andr. heath. v. 3. KS ee Ve 1. Andr. heath. v. 3. Lodd, bot. cab. 902. Andr. heath. v. 2. Wend. eric. 4. p. 5. ic. Botan. magaz. 342. Wend. eric. 1. p. 7. ic. Andr, heath. v. 3. Lam. ill. t. 288. f. 3. Lodd. bot. cab. 265. Botan. magaz. 443. Lodd. bot. cab. 606. Andr. heath. ic. Andr. heath. y. 1. 333 334 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 pregnans. A.H. B coccinea, prestans. 8.8. 335 primuloides. a.H. princeps. H.K. procera. 's.s. procumbens. s,s. propendens. H.K. protrudens. L.en. pubescens. H.K. pubigera. L.T, pudibunda. L.T. nutans. Wend. pulchella. w. pulverulenta. Lod. pulviniformis, L.T. pumila. s.s. pura. B.C. purpurea, H.K. pusilla, Lr. pygmza. s.s. pyramidalis. H.K. pyramidiformis. s.s. quadreflora. L.T. radiata. H.K. racemosa. Ww. racemifera. H.K. ramentacea. H.K. ramulosa, viv. recurvata. B.C. reflexa. S.8. refulgens. A.H. regerminans. w. resinosa. H.K. Vernex. A.H. Vv. 3. retorta. H.K. retroflexa. H.K. pulchella. A.H. non Th. articularis. Th. non L. rigidifolia. s.s. rosea. H.K. rubella, B.M. rubens. H.K. rugosa. s.s. Russeliana. 8.c. sacciflora. L.T. Sainsburyana. s.s. salax. L.T. Salisburyana, s.s. sanguinea. B.C. sanguinolenta, B.M. Savileana. scabriuscula. B.C. scariosa. B.C. sceptriformis. L.T. Schollii. B.c. scoparia. w. Sebana. H.K. a fusca. Lode B lutea. Loa. y minor. Lod. selaginifolia. L.T. serpyllifolia. B.c. serratifolia. H.K. serrulata. Lod. setacea. A.H. sexfaria. H.K. Shannonie. A.H. sicefolia, L.T. simpliciflora. H.K. ERICEA. swelled. ®. B.S, 1796. 5.7. G.h. scarlet-flowered. ———— —— —— G.h. excelling. —_—-—_ ——- _ —- Gh. Cowslip-fi¢, —_— 1802. 4.7. Gh. fine red. ——-— 1800. — G.h. lofty. ——_—— 1791. —— G.h. procumbent. ——— 1816. —— G.h. pendent. ———— 1800. 7.8. G.h. protruding. ————_ 1816. 5.8. G.h. pale downy. —— 1790. pubescent-fld, ——-——-. 1792. 1.5, G.h. nodding. ———— 1812. 3.8. G.k. neat. ——_- — —— Gh. powdered. ———- —- — G.h. cushion. ee 2.5. G.h. short. i. 1812. 3.8... Grh. clear. ——- —— --ees 5,8. Gh. purple-flow’r’d, ——-—— 1789. 1.12. G.h. low. ——— sss 6.7. Gh, pigmy. ———— 1812. 5.8 G.h. pyramidal. ——--——-_ 1787. 2.5. G.h. pyramid-form’d, ——-—— 1818. —— G.h-. four-flowered, ——-+~— ---- 3.8. G.h. rayed. ———— 1798 8,11.G.h. racemed, —-—-—— 1795. 4.5. G.h. compact-flow’r’'d, ——_——- _ 1803. 4.6. G.h. slender-branch’d, -—-——-' 1786. 7.12. G.h. Italian. Italy. 1826, 5.8. H.h. recurved. C. B.S tore ——— G.h. reflexed. ey een Cr! refulgent. —-— 1816. 5.9. G.k. clustered-fld. ——- 1791. 5.6 G.h. varnished. ——— 1863. —— G.h. recurved-ld, ———— 1787. — G.h. jointed. ——_—s« ——_ 7.9. Gh. rigid-leaved. ———_— 1816. 6.8. G.h. rose-coloured. —-—— 1798. 6.10. G.h. reddish, —-——_ 1812. 5.8 G.h. red-flowered. ———— 1798. 6.9. G.k. wrinkled. . ——- 1812, —— G.h. Duke of Bedford’s, ———-_ -+-- —— G.h. sack-flowered. ———— -+-+ 3.7. G.h. Sainsbury’s. ——— 1804. 7.9. Gh. broad-stigma’d. —-——— 1796, 5.9. G.h. Salisbury’s. ——— ors GR. bloody. coer 3.8. Gh. dark-flowered. 1812. —— G.h. Savile’s. 1800. 6.7. G.h. roughish. ————- 1800. —— G.h. scariose. ——_ — — G.h. sceptre-like. ——— 1790. 5.9. G.h. Scholl’s. — § ——-_ —— Gh. small green-fid. —————._ 1770. 4.5. F.h. Sehba’s. ———— 1774. 3.6. G.k: brown-flowered. -————— -——- -—— G.h. yellow-flowered. —————- ~—~ —— G.h. smaller, —_—_—_ — — G.h. Selago-leaved. -————— 1801. 2.6. G.h. Serpyllum-ld, 1812. 5.8. G.h. saw-leaved. 1790. 8.12. Gih. sawed. «861814. 6. 8. GA, bristly-leaved. ———— 1796. 2.8. G.h. six-angled. ——— 1774. 5.8. Gh. LadyShannon’s. —————__ 1800. 6.7. G.h. dagger-leaved. 1791. 2.7. 1774. 3.7. Gh. single-flowered. 261 Andr. heath. v. 3. Andr, heath. ic. Botan. magaz. 1548. Andr. heath. v. 2. Botan. magaz. 2140. Andr. heath, ic. Lodd. bot. cab. 72. Andr. heath, v. 2. Andr. heath. ic. Botan. magaz. 366, Andr. heath. y. 1. Andr. heath. v. 2. SSF ee re A. Lodd. bot. cab. 1093. Andr, heath. ic. Botan. magaz. 1139. Botan. magaz. 362. Andr. heath, ic. Andr. heath. v. 2. Botan. magaz. 2165. Andr. heath. ic. Lodd. bot. cab. 1013. Andr. heath. ic. Andr, heath. ic. Lodd. bot. cab. 36. Botan. magaz. 2263, Lodd. bot. cab. 96. 517. ATT. Lodd. bot. cab. 538. Linn. eric. n. 14; f. fl. Andr. heath. v. 1. Lodd. bot. cab. 266. Lodd. bot. cab. 744. Andr. heath. v.11. Andr. heath. v. J. v.2. Lodd. bot. cab. 168. Wend. eric.17. p.69. ic. cupressina, Horts 395 Smithiana. Loa. Smith’s, — C.B.S. 1810. —— Gh. eee | 896 socciflora. L.T. green-pencill’d. ————— _ 1799. 4.5. G.h. Andr.heath. v.1. Sebana viridis. A.H. ; ; oe 397 Solandri. H.K. Solander’s, 1800. 3.9. G.h. Andr. heath. v. 2.° 398 sordida. H.R. sordid. 1790. 8. 6°Gihy —a2stL oe) lanifilora. wend. 399 Sparrmanni. H.K. Sparrman’s, ~ 1794.. 9.3. G.h. Andr. heath. v. 3. aspera. A.H. hystriciflora. L.T. 400 sparsa,. Lod. scattered. 1816. 3.8. G.h. 401 speciosa. H.K. specious. 1800. 6.9. G.h. Andr, heath. v. 2. 402 spicata. H.K. spiked, — 1789. 1.128Gi,.. —- eee: 403 spiralis. Lod. spiral. 1816. 5.8. G.h. 404 splendens. w. splendid. 1792. 4.9. G.h. Wend. eric. 8. p.5. ic. 405 spumosa. H.K. spumous. 1786. 5.8. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 566. 406 spuria. H.K. sptrious. 1796. 4.8. G.h. Andr. heath. v. 1. 407 squameflora. u.T. scaly-flowered. cor 5. LU09GEHe 408 squamosa. H.K. scaly-cupped. 1794. 4.6. G.h. Andr, heath. v. 3. 409 squarrosa. L.T. squarrose. cose $18. sG hs . 410 stagnalis. L.T. stagnant. 1790. 3.6. G.h. . 411 staminea, A.H, reflex-stamen’d. 1799. 6.9. G.h. Andr. heath. v. 3. 412 stellata. B.c. starry. 1806. —— G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 893. 413 stellifera. s.s. star-bearing. ——_- — 4.8. G.h.. Andr: heath ic. 414 stricta. H.K. straight-branch’d.S.Europe. 1765. 8.11. G.h. v.2. 415 strigosa. H.K. dwarfdowny. C. B.S. 1775. 3.8. G.h. 416 struthiolzflora. Lod. Struthiola-fild4. _————— 1812. 5.8. G.h. Al7 stylaris. s.s. prominent-styl’d. — — Gh. 418 stylosa. L.T. long-styled. 1789. 1.8. G.b. 419 suaveolens. B.C. sweet. sev 5.11. G.hb. Lodd. bot. cab. 24. 420 subulata. s.s. awl-leaved. 1818. 6.8. G.h. , 421 sulphurea. B.M. sulphur-color’d. 1812, 3.5. G.b. Botan. magaz. 1984. 422 Swainsoniana. s.s. Swainson’s. ---* 6.7. G.b. Andr. heath. ic. 423 tardiflora. L.T. pubescent. 1790. 3.8. G.h. Botan. magaz. 480. pubescens. B.M. non Le . 424 taxifolia. H.K. yew-leaved. 1788. 7.11. G.h. Andr. heath. v.1. 425 tegulefolia. L.T. tiled. cee 1.6.. Gis) . 426 tenella. H.K.. delicate. ———-_ 1791. 8.5. G.hb. Andr. heath. v. 2. 427 tenuiflora. A.H. slender yellow-fl4. ———— 1800. 4.6. G.h. EDLG) yh R 428 teuuifolia. H.K. slender-leaved. —————_ 1794. 4.8. G.h. Seb. mus. 1. t.73. f. 6. 429 tenuis. .L.T. slender. 1790. 8.2. G.b. A30 tenuissima. s.S. very-slender. 1803. 2.8. G.h. Wend. eric. 6. p.9. ic. 431 tetragona. H.K. square-flower’d. 1789. 7.9. Andr. heath. v. 3. 432 Tetralix. H.K. cross-leaved. _ Britain. ses+ 6.8. Heb.” Eng. bot. 1014. a rubra. red-flowered. soos ——— Hub. B carnea. Slesh-coloured. cove me! His " ¥ alba. _ white-flowered. sooo —— Hib. 433 teucriifolia. s.s. Teucrium-ld,. C.B. 1812. 5.9. G.h. 434 thalictriflora. s.s. meadow-rue-fld, 1810. —— G.b. 435 Thunbergii. H.K. Thunberg’s. 1794. 5.8..G.hb. Botan. magaz. 1214. 436 thymifolia. 4.x. Thyme-leaved. 1789. ——- G.h. Andr. heath. v.2. 437 tiarzflora. H.K. turban-flow’r’d. 1800. —— G.h.. ————-——-v. 3. 438 togata. B.M. ‘large-cupped. “ 1812. 6.8. G.hb. Botan, magaz. 1626. 439 tomentosa. L.T. woolly-flow’r’d. cose 2,8. Gite 440 tortuosa. Lod. twisted. 1816. 3.6. G.h. 441 tragulifera.L.t. | broad-anther’d. cose 5,8. Gib. 442 translucens. Lee. translucent. 1797. —— G.h. 443 transparens. Th. _—‘ transparent. 1800.) S41 Gis |: 444 triceps. B.c. three-headed. 1809. —— G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 962. 445 tricolor. H.s.L. three-coloured. 1803. 6.9. G.h. Andr. heath. v.3. aristata minor. A.H. non tricolor. s.s. 446 triflora. H.xK. - three-flowered. 1774. 3.6. G.. Wend. eric. 12. p. 13. 447 triphylla. L.en. three-leaved. 1812. —— ' 448 triumphans.B.c. —_‘ triumphant. — 5.10. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 257. 449 trossula. B.c. dapper. Se ee Ga ——— + 668. 450 tubercularis. .r. tubercled. 1790. 2.8. G.b. 451 tubiflora. H.x. tube-flowered. 1775. 4.7. G.hb. Andr. heath. v.1. 452 tumida. B.R. tumid. 1812. 5.9. G.h. Botan. regist. 65. 453 turbiniflora. L.r. —_ top-flowered. 1793. 10. 2. G.h. 454 turgida. L.en. turgid. 1800. 3.6. G.h. . 455 turrigera. L.T. Cypress. 1796. 6.9. G.h. . a 1) | 456 umbellata, n.x, 457 unica. s,s, umbelled. pedunculata, a.H, nec aliorum. 458 -urceolaris, H.x, 459 ursina. Lee. 460 vagans. H.K. B alba. | 461 velitaris. 1.7. | 462 velleriflora. H.K. bruniades, a.w. | 463 ventricosa. H.K, | 464 verecunda. 1.7. ~ cernud. A.H. | 465 verniciflua. 1.7. - 466 versicolor. H.x. | 467 verticillata. a.u, 468 vesicularis. x.7. 469 vestiflua. L.7. _470 vestita. H.K, | a alba. WK. B incarnata, H.K. Y purpurea. HK. > rosea. H.K. e fulgida. H.K. Z coccinea. H.K. lutea. u.K. villosa. H.K. viridescens. B.c, 471 472 473 474 475 viridis. H.K. viscaria. H.K. MENZIESIA. Sm. 1 ferruginea. s.s. 2 globularis. s.s. 3 polifolia. s.s. 8B nana. 4 coerulea. s.s, PYROLA. S:S. 1 uniflora. s.s. 2 secunda. s.s. 3 minor, s,s. rosea. E.B. 4 media. s.s. 5 rotundifolia. s.s. 6 asarifolia. s,s. 7 chlorantha. s.s. CHIMAPHILA. Ph. 1 umbellata. s,s, 2 maculata. s.s. viridipurpurea. w. 476 xeranthemifolia..7r. Erica Daboecia. £.B. Serruginea B. BM. 1571. | corymbosa. ph. Pyrola umbellata. i. DIAPENSIA. W. | lapponica. w. ‘PYXIDANTHERA.M. Pyxipan barbulata. m. GALAX. w. | aphylla. w. HYPOPITHYS. N. | europea. N. | ] | i } ERICEZ:. © Portugal. 1782. 5.7, G.h. one-flowered. C. B.S. 1812. —— G.b. pitcher-flow’r’d. 1778. —— G.h. shaggy. 1812. 4.8. G.h. Cornish. Cornwall. -.-. 7.8. H. b. white-flowering, ———_ se. ih. Javelin-flow’r’d.C. B.S. 1790. 1.6. G.h. woolly-flow’r’d. —____._ 1774, 2.6. G. h.- porcelain. 1787. 4.9. G.h. blushing. eee 9 cee Ores. viscous-leaved. -____ 1804. 3.9. G. b. various-color’d. ———-— 1790. 11. 5. G.b. verticillate, oe saereamo Ne LE Cay fie BF). x bladdered. St kt be” 22S GE. clothed. - ——_—— see 3.6. Gh. tremulous, het eR eDos 2. ISS white. SAE Te , tobe Ese Jlesh-coloured. Gee hoe, be La pure powered, ast ee G.h. rose-coloured. ua eS Oe bright red. Se et a hee scarlet. Se on ee yellow. Make Oe villous. 1800. 2.6. G.h. greenish. wee > G.. Grae: green & purple. Portugal. “++ 6.8. F.b. green-flowered. C.B.S. 1800, aie GIG. clammy-flow’r'd. W774. 3.7. G.b. Xeranthemum-1d, 1812. 5.8. G.h. Menziesra. Octandria Monogynia. ferruginous. N.America.1811. 5.6. H. b. globular-fld, 1806. —— H.p. Trish. Ireland. eves 6.9. Hib. dwarf. Ceeteess sere — Hip, yew-leaved. Scotland. -... 6.7: H. 2: WINTER-GREEN. Decandria Monogynia. L. single-flower’d. Britain. esos 0.7. Tse serrated. toes ——— HY, lesser. cece ——— FL, rose-coloured. England. +e. 7.8, H. 4. intermediate. wees Olt e Tike. round-leaved. — Britain. soe ———~ Hi, Asarum-leaved. N.America. 1822, —_ | ap cream-colour’d, ene’ FE OE, CHIMAPHILA. Decandria Monogynia. umbelled. N.America. 1752. 6. 8. H.%. Spotted-leaved. — — Hx. DIAPENsIA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. obtuse-leaved. Lapland. 180i, 92. 3. ty pl og, THERA. Pentandria Monogynia. barbed. Carolina. 1806. 7. G.yY. Galax. Pentandria Monogynia. W. heart-leaved. Ee ar YELLOW Birps-neEsr. Decandria Mono common, Monotropa Hypopitys. 2.3, Britain. ee@ee N.America. 1786. 6.7. H.%. cordifolia, H.K. Blandfordia cordata. a.r. s 6.7. H.%. ————-+_ 2 gynia. L, 263 | Andr. heath. vy. 2. Icon. hort. kew. 16. Eng. bot. 3. Andr. heath. y, 1, Botan. magaz. 350. Andr. heath. ic. Andr. heath, v. J, Ver. Andr. heath. v. 1, MRR SEY Oia Te be repo Vv. Za Pra eens coer 0 Vig, ee eaarreanten mens Ae PE Se we eae Vv. 3. — v.3. Lodd. bot. cab. 233. Linn. eric. n. 9. f. fi. Andr. heath. vy. 2. Icon. hort. kew. 1. Sm. ic. ined. 1. t. 56. Sal. par. lond. 44, a Eng. bot. 35. Eng. bot. 2169. Eng. bot. 146, 517. 158. Bimoeoreswia kc ee ————- 945. ate nnee OTS Botan. magaz. 778, Botan. magaz. 897. Botan. magaz. 1108, Mich. amer. t. 17, Botan. magaz. 754, : Sect. II. MONOTROPEH. Don prodr. p. 151. Eng. bot. 69, ne ~ 2 264 ERICE. MONOTROPA. N. Monorropa. Decandria Monogynia. L. Le debe uniflora. N. , one-flowered. N.America. 1822. 6.8. H.Y%. Hook. ex. ‘46 85. Sect. LI. RHODORACE. Don prodr. p. 152. KALMIA. W. Katmra. Decandria Monogynia. L. 1 latifolia. w. broad-leaved. N.America. 1734. 5.7. H.}h. Botan. mages L¥5s cpa 2 angustifolia. w. narrow-leaved. ————— 1736. —— H.h. ————— 831. y B variegata. - variegated. ————- ~— O— Hb. Y minima. least. ———_ +--+ —— Hb. y o nana. dwarf. —————_ +++» ~— Hb. € pumila. small, —————— +++. —— Hb. Z rosea. rose-coloured. ————_ +++» —— Hb. we n rubra. B.C. red-flowered, ssee —— H.b. Lodd. bot. cab. 502. - S ovata. ph. oval-leaved. New Jersey.-*-- -—— H.b. 3 glauca. w. glaucous. N. America. 1767. 4.5. H.hb. Botan. magaz. 177. . 4 rosmarinifolia. ph. Rosemary-l4. ———-—— 1812. —— H.h. 5 hirsuta. w. hairy. ———— 1786. 8.9. H.h. Botan. magaz. 138. EPIGAA. W. EpicHa. Decandria Monogynia. L. : repens. w. creeping. N.America. 1736. 7.8. H.b. Botan. regist. 201. RHODORA. W. Ruopora. Decandria Monogynia. L. canadensis. w. Canadian. N.America. 1767. 4.5. H.h. Botan. magaz. 474. RHODODENDRON.W. RHopopENDRON. Decandria Monogynia. L. / 1 maximum. w. large. N.America. 1736. 6.8. H.h. Botan. magaz. 951. 2 album. ph. white-flower’d. -———— 18]l1. —— H.h. : 3 purpureum. ph. purple-flow’rd. —————__ +--+» —— H-b. 4 ponticum. w. common. ~ Gibraltar. 1763. 5.6. H.b. Botan. magaz. 650. B roseum, rose-coloured. ——— +++» —— Ah. © y album. white. —— +++» —— Hb. © variegatum. variegated. ————- oes —— H.b. € marginatum. silver-edged. ——_—— -+se —— Hh. J multiplex. | double-blossom’d. —————-_ -+++ -—— H.h. 5 punctatum. w. dotted-leaved. N.America. 1786. 6.8. H.}. Andr. reposit. 36, a minus. W.D. smallest. ———- —- — Hb. Wats. dend. brit. 162. B major. B.R. larger. ———— 1812. —— H.h.- Botan. regist. 37. 6 obtusum. w.p. blunt-leaved. Hybrid. sees 6.8 H.b. Wats. dend. brit. 162. — 7 azaleoides. s.s. Azalea-like. —————- ere -—— Hib. Andr. reposit. 379. — ponticum B subdeciduum. A.R. ap tie 8 hybridum. B.R. Herbert’s hybrid. -- -- ——._ H.h» Botan. regist. 195. 9 arboreum. sm. tree. India. 1817. 4.6. G.hs —— 890. B roseum. rose-coloured. ———_—_- —_ — Gh. Bi Y niveum. snowy white. —_——_- -— —— Gh. 10 pre h eaade D.F. bell-flowered. Nepaul. 1824. ««-- Gib. 11 anthopogon. p.p.. bearded-fid, —— ers Goh. 12 setosum. D.p. bristly. ——— 1820. -+++ G.hbe B® 13 dauricum, w. Daurian, Siberia. 1780. 2.4. H.}b. Botan. magaz. 636. © B altaicum. F. Altay. ——_ 1824. H.b- ima. iy y atrovirens. B.R. dark green. ————- _ «-+e —~- H.h. Botan. regist. 194. 14 myrtifolium. B.c. Myrtle-leaved. Hybrid. -s+- 6.8. H.}. Lodd. bot. cab. 908, 15 ferrugineum. w. rusty-leaved. Switzerland.1752. 5.7. Heh. Jacq. aust. 3: t. 255. — 16 hirsutum. w. hairy-leaved. ——- 1656. —— H.h. Botan. magaz. 1853, — 17 chrysanthum, w. yellow. Siberia. 1796. 6.7. Hib. Sal. par. lond. 80.0 — officinale. P.L. j 18 caucasicum. w. Caucasean,. Caucasus. 1803. 5.7. H.b. Botan. magaz. 1145. — 19 catawbiense. m. Catawba. N.America. 1809. 6.8. H.h&. ———==+— 1671. 20--Catesbei. Lod. Catesby’s. —— +++ —— Hib: 21 camtschaticum. w. Kamtschatka. Kamtschatka.1802.---- H.h. Pall. ros. 1. t. 33. 22 chamecistus. w. Thyme-leaved. Siberia. 1786. 5.6. H.h. Botan. magaz. 488. AZALEA. W. AzALEA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 indica. w. Indian. China. ° 1808. 3.5. G.b. @ punicea, * red-flowered. —— ——- — Gb. Botan: magaz. 1480, B alba. white-flowered. ————— 1819. —— G.h. Botan. regist. 811. Y purpurea. double-purple. —— — — G.h. Botan. magaz. 2509. 3 lutea. double yellow. ————~- 1826. —— G.hb. . 2 sinensis. B.C. Chinese, ————— 1834. —— G.h. Lodd. bot. cab, 885, - i ERICER. 265 3 pontica. w. yellow. Turkey. 1793. 5.6. H.h. Botan. magaz. 433. 6B cuprea. copper-coloured, ————-__ +++» ——= Huh. ¥ glauca. glaucous. seee = Hib. 3 pallida. pale. sooo —— HF. s albiflora, B.M. white-flowered. sooe ———~ H.b. Botan. magaz. 2383. Z tricolor. three-coloured. ——— «++» —— H.h. 4 calendulacea. ph. yellowAmerican.N.America.1806. —— H. h. @ crocea. saffron-coloured. — — Hh. Botan. magaz. 1721. B chrysolecta. golden. esos —— Hib. Y srandifiora. large-flowered. coon ———— Hib. 3 cuprea. copper-coloured. oo —— Huh. 2 splendens. shining’. tore ——— Hh. Z flammea. Slame-coloured. 1812, —— H.f. Botan. regist, 145. n triumphans. triumphant. o—— —+-Eahe _ & ignescens. “fieryflowered. ——-—— —— -—— H, h. 5 canescens. mM. canescent. —— 1812. 5.6. H.b. 6 speciosa. w.en. large-calyxed. -——-—— ---. -~—-H.f. Wats. dend. brit. 116. @ major. large scarlet. s+-> -——~H.hb. Lodd. bot. cab. 624. B crispa. curled. tree —— Hub. x aurantia. orange. sree =——— Hp. obliqua. oblique-leaved. coon —— Huh. € prunifolia. Plum-leaved. reese —— Hf. ¢ cucullata. hollow-leaved. voce -—— Hb. n Trevoluta, revolute. eo-- ——— Hib. S ciliata. Jringed. oe -— H.b. t acutifolia. acute-leaved. tree ——— Hb. «K undulata. wave-leaved. sees ——— Huh. X tortulifolia. twisted-leaved. rts) —— HG. 7 nudifiora. w. small calyxed. ————— 1734. —~ H.h. a alba. early white. © ———-- —— —~— H.h. B albo-plena. double white. coer —— Hib. y blanda, blush-flowered. -s0+ ——— Hh. ‘ , 3 carnea. pale red. ———— 1734. —— H.h. Botan. regist. 120. € caroliniana. Carolina. ——— se+- —— Hb. Z coccinea. scarlet. +se- ——— H.f. Botan. magaz. 190. n corymbosa. corymb-flower’d. sooo ——— Hh. S crispa. curled, eoces —— Hi, h ° t cumulata. bundled. core —— Hef. « discolor. two-coloured. soos —— Hb. Xr fastigiata. crowded, eos ——— Hu. p florida. abundant-fld. coos ——— Hub. v globosa. globose. coos —— Hb. E glomerata. clustered. «ee —— Heb. © incana, hoary-leaved. soos —— Hib. . @ incarnata. Jlesh-coloured. sos —— Hb. pe mirabilis, wonderful. cree ——— Hip. © montana. mountain, reese —— HD. T pallida. pale-flowered, sve —— Hb. v paludosa. marsh, tore —— HB. ¢ papilionacea. Butterfly. soos —— Hib. partita, Sive-parted. ——— +++. —— Hh. parvifiora. small-flowered, ————-_ ++#e —— Huh. w prolifera. proliferous. ——- tes —— Hb. aa pumila. dwarf. ———— ++. ——Hf. BB purpurascens. purplish. sone —— Hib. Y purpurea, purple. soos —— Hob. purpureo-plena, double purple. sooo —— Hb. €& rosea, rosy. reese —— Hip. (44 ruberrima, dark-red. OS rcaeger 2 1 oT am a San reddish. ee ere fs 2 : rubicunda. rubicund. 2°? rhyme tele u rubra. B.C. red-flowered. “+++ —— H.b. Lodd. bot. cab, 51. xx rubro-plena. double-red. pre acckts ~—— Be AA rufa. rufous. ————— tee A. ep rutilans. deep red. ——— eee A. vy semiduplex. semidouble. ———— ees ——— Hb. && staminea. long-stamened. ——--——~- «+++ ——H.b. 00 stellata. ~ starry. ——— +++ —— Hb. wm tricolor. three-coloured. ———— +++» -—— Hh. 266. | : “ ERICEZ. pp variabilis. variable. N.America. +++» 5.6. H.k. so variegata. variegated. ——_ +s —— Hh. Tr versicolor. various-coloured. cree —— Hip. vu violacea. violet. -++ —— Hep. 8 bicolor. ph. two-coloured. 1734. —— H.p. 9 viscosa. Ph. viscid. — §f.8 Hibs a odorata. common white. — — H.b. B crispa. curled. — —- Hh. y dealbala. powdered. —- —— Hb. 3 vittata. striped-flowered. — — Hb. € penicillata. pencilled. . — — Hh. variegata. variegated. ee n rubescens, reddish-flower'd. —— ee he @ pubescens. pubescent. —— —s ops u fissa. narrow-petaled. +——-. eee 10 arborescens. Ph. arborescent. 1818. 5.7. H.h. 11 nitida. pp. glossy-leaved. 1812. 6.8. H.p. 12 glauca. ph. glaucous dwarf. 1784. 6. H.b. 13 hispida. ph. tall glaucous. ee, 6.8. Te LOISELEURIA. R.S. LotseLEurtA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. procumbens. R.s. trailing. Britain. sees 4.5. Hu. Azalea procumbens. 1.. Chameledon procumbens. L.en. AMMYRSINE. Ph. AmmyrsineE. Decandria Monogynia. Ph: buxifolia. ph. box-leaved. N.America. 1736. 4.5. H.b. Ledum buxifolium. w. Leiophyllum thymifolium. s.s. LEDUM. Ph. Lepum. Decandria Monogynia. L. i palustre. w. marsh. Europe. 1762. 4.5. Hh. 8 decumbens. dwarf. Hudson’s-bay. — —— H.h. 2 latifolium. w. ~ broad-leaved. N.America.1763. —— H.b. BEFARIA, L. BeraRiA. Dodecandria Monogynia. L. racemosa. 8.8. sweet-scented. Florida. paniculata. M. Bejaria racemosa. Ph. ?ITEA. L. Irgza. Pentandria Monogynia. L. virginica. L. Virginian. N.America. 1744, 6.8. H.h. 1810. 6.7. G.b. ORDO CIX. Trew. ehret. t. 48. Meerb. ic. 2. t. 9. Lodd. bot. cab. 441. Botan. regist. 414. - Wats. dend. brit. 5. . oon 6. ~~ Eng. bot. 865. Botan. regist. 531. Flor, dan. 1031. Vent. cels. t. 51. Wats..dend. brit, 12. EPACRIDEX. Brown prodr. 1. p. 535. Sect.I. EPACRIDEZA VERZ. DRACOPHYLLUM. B.P. Dracopuytium. Pentandria Monogynia. secundum. B.P. side-flowering. N.S. W. 1824. 4.6. G.h. SPRENGELIA.Sm. SpreNGELIa. Pentandria Monogynia. incarnata. B.P. flesh-coloured. N.S. W. 1793. 4.6. G.h. ANDERSONIA. B.P. ANDERsontiA. Pentandyia Monogynia. | sprengelioides. B.p. Sprengelia-like. N. Holland. 1803. 3.7. G.h. LYSINEMA.B.P. LYSINEMA. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 conspicuum. B.P. conspicuous. N.Holland. 1824. ---- G.h. 2 pungens. B.P. pungent. °* N.S.W. 1804. 3.6. Gb. a alba. white-flowered. ————~ -—— —— G.hb. Epacris attenuata. B.c. B rubra. red-floweréd. — — G.h. Epacris rosea. B.C. ses. Epacris pungens. B.M. EPACRIS. B.P. Epacris. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 purpurascens. B.P. rigid. N.5. W. 1803. 2.6. G.he pungens. BoM. 8 rubra. ved-flowered. — — Gh. 2 pulchella. B.P. sweet-scented. 1804. 3.6. G.h. 3 microphylla. B.P. small-leaved. 1817. —— G.h. 4 grandiflora. B.P. crimson. ———_ 1803. 1.6. G.h. 5 impressa. B.P. impressed. V.Diem.Is]. 1824. 2.5, G.h.. Botan. magaz. 1719. Botan. magaz. 1645. Cav. ic. 4. t. 346. Lodd. bot. cab. 38. Botan. magaz. 1199. Botan. magaz. 844, Lodd. bot. cab. 876. 170. Botan. magaz. 982. Lab. nov. hol. I, t-58. c EPACRIDE. 267 6 obtusifolia. B.p. blunt-leaved. N.S. W. 1804. 4.6. G.h. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 40. 7 paludosa. B.P. ~ marsh. ————_ 1824. —— G.b. ners G. h e 8 exserta. B.P. exserted. V.Diem., Isl.1812. Sect. II. STYPHELIA. TROCHOCARPA. B.P. Trocnocarpa. Pentandria Monogynia. laurina. B.P. Laurel-leaved. N.S. W. 1820. -«+- G.h. Linn. trans.8. t. 9. Styphelia cornifolia. L.t. MONOTOCA. B.P. Monotoca. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 lineata. B.P. lineated. V.Diem.Is].1804. 5.8. G.h. Lab. nov. hol. 1. t.6I. 2 elliptica. B.P. elliptic-leaved. N.S. W. 1802. —— G.b. LEUCOPOGON. B.P. Leucopogon. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 lanceolatus. B.p. small-flowered. N.S.W. 1790. 5.8 G.h. Andr. reposit. 287. Styphelia parvifiora. a.R. 2 Richei. B.p. oblong-leaved. ———— 1824. -—— G.}. Lab.nov. hol.1. t. 60. 3 virgatus. B.P. twiggy. Se ee oe aE Py wexete ta dtd G4 4 amplexicaulis, B.p. stem-clasping. ————— 1815. -——- G.h. Linn. trans.8. t.8. 5 microphyllus. B.P. small-leaved. ——— 1818. —— G.h. Cavan. ic. 4.t.349. f.2. 6 juniperinus. B.p, Juniper-leaved. ————— 1804. 4.6. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 447. gree NN cdg B.P. LissANTHE. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 subulata. B.p. awl-leaved. N.S. W. 1823. 4.7. G.h. 2 strigosa. B.P. strigose. ——_ ——~- — Gh. Sm. new holl. 48. CYATHODES.B.P. Cyaruopes. Pentandria Monogynia. glauca. B.P. glaucous. V.Diem.Isl.1818. 4.6. G.k. Lab. nov.holl. 1. t. 81. » STENANTHERA.B.P.STENANTHERA. Pentandria Monogynia. ! pinifolia. B.p. Pine-leaved. N.S.W. 1811. 5.7. G.h. Botan, regist. 218. «= ASTROLOMA. B.P. AsTrRotoma. Pentandria Monogynia. humifusum. B.p. Juniper-leav’d. N.S. W. 1807. 5.10.G.h. Botan. magaz. 1439. STYPHELIA. B.P. Srypnetia. — Pentandria Monogynia. 1 tubiflora. s.p. crimson, N.S. W. 1802. 5.8. G.h. Sm.newholl. 45. t. 14. 2 triflora. B.P. three-flowered. -—————-_ 1796.- —— G.h. Botan. magaz. 1297. 3 viridiflora. B.p. green-flower’'d. ————— 179]. 4.6 G. bh. Andr. reposit. 312. 4 latifolia. B.p. broad-leaved. ————— 1823. ---- G.h. 5 longifolia. B.p. long-leaved. ——— 1807. 4.6. G.h. Botan. regist. 24. *#* SUBCLASSISIIT. COROLLIFLORA, DC. ORDO Cx. | op 11S SYMPLOCINEZ. Don Prodr. p. 144. SYMPLOCOS.L’H. Sympxocos. Polyadelphia Polyandria. L. 1 coccinea. K.s, scarlet. Mexico. 1825. «++. S.h. B. pl. eq. 1. t.52. 2 tinctoria. w. - Laurel-leaved. Carolina, 1780. --+- G.h. Catesb. car. 1. t.54. Hopea tinctoria. ph. 3 sinica. B.R. Chinese. China. 1822, 4.6. G.h. Botan. regist, 710. 4 crategoides. D.P. Hawthorn-like. Nepaul. 1824. --+- G.h. ORDO CXI. STYRACINEA. Kth. synops. 2. p. 315. STYRAX. W. StorRAx. Decandria Monogynia. L. 1 officinale. w. officinal. Italy. 1597. 7. Andr. reposit. 631. 2 grandifolium, w. —great-leaved. N.America.1765. -—~ H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 129. 2M2 268 STYRACINEER. 3 pulverulentum. mM. powdered. N.America, 1794, 6.7. H.h. 4 levigatum. w. smooth. ——— 1765. 7.8. H.h. glabrum. W.D. 40. 20” Sw. . HALESIA. W. SNOWDROP-TREE. Dodecandria Monogynia. L. 1 tetraptera. w. four-winged. Carolina. 1756. 4.5. H.h. 2 parviflora. B.R. small-flower’'d. ——— 1812. 5. H.h. 3 diptera. w. two-winged. N.America.1758. 4.5. H.h. ORDO CXII. < yt Wats. dend. brit. t. 41. Botan. magaz. 921. Botan. magaz. 910. Botan. regist. 952. Cavan. dis.6. t. 187. MYRSINEZE. Brown prodr. 532. MASA, J. Masa. Pentandria Mbubeyiin: 1 indica. Indian. E. Indies. 1812. 2.6. S.h. Beobotrys indica. ¥.1. 2 tomentosa. D.P. tomentose. Nepaul. 1818. —— S.h. 3 argentea. F.I. silvery-leaved. E. Indies —— -—— S.h. 4 macrophylla. F.1. large-leaved. ——— 1823. —— S.h. JACQUINIA. W. JAcQUINIA. Pentandria Monogynia. W. 1 arborea. w. blunt-leaved. W. Indies. 1820. +--+ S.h. : armillaris. w. armed-leaved. ——— 1768. ---- S.h. 3 aurantiaca, H.K. orange-color’d. SandwichIsl.1796. 4.9. S.}2. : ruscifolia. w. Ruscus-leaved. §, America. 1729. -:-- S.h. macrocarpa. Cave large capsuled. ————— 1820. ---- S.h. ARDISIA. W. Arpisia. Pentandria Monogynia. W. 1 acuminata. w. acuminate. Guiana. 1803.. 7.8 S.k. Myrsine Icacorea. B.S. 2 solanacea. w. Nightshade-like. E. Indies. 1798. 6.9. S.h. 3 paniculata. F.I. panicled. _ 1818. 3.8. S.h. A colorata. F.1. red-flowered ———— 1816. — S.h. & umbellata. F.1. umbel-flower’d. 1809. 6.9. S.h. littoralis. A.R. 630. 6 lanceolata. F.1. leathery-leav’'d. —————._ 1818. —— S.h. 7 elegans. A.R. elegant. —— 1809. 7.9. S.h. crenata. F.I. 8 punctata. BR. spotted-fid. China. 1823. 6.9. S.h. 9 lentiginosa. B.r. _—‘ freckled. ——-_ 1809. 3.12. G.h. crenuluta. B C.2,. 20 Vent. crenata. B.M. 1950. 10 macrocarpa. F.1. Jarge-fruited. Nepaul. 1824. ---- 11 complanata. F.1. pubescent. Pinang. —- «++: S.h. 12 thyrsiflora. p.P. thyrse-flower’d. Nepaul. — ---- Sh. 13 pyramidalis. cay. pyramidal. Santa Cruz. 1818. 4.9. S.h. 14 excelsa. w. Laurel-leaved. Madeira. 1784. 7.8. G.h. Myrsine Heberdenia. R.s 15 serrulata. w. saw-leaved. W. Indies. 1820. —— S.h. 16 crenulata. v. crenulated. Antilles. 1809. 6.9. S.h. 17 lateriflora. w. side-flowering. W. Indies. 1793. —— S.h. 18 canaliculata, w. channelled. E. Indies. 1824. 4.8. S.h. EMBELIA. L. EmMBELIA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 robusta. F.I. robust. E. Indies. 1823. -+++ S.h. MYRSINE. B.P. Myrsine. Polygamia Diccia. L. 1 africana. s.s. African. C. B.S. 1691. 3.5. G.h. 2 retusa. S.s. round-leaved.. Azores. . 1778. 6. G.h. 3 semiserrata. F.1. | semiserrate. Nepaul. 1822. +--+ G.h. A capitellata. F.1. axillary headed, ————- _ ——-._ «+++ Gy. 5 bifaria. F.1. bifarious. —— —§- —— oss: Gh. 6 subspinosa. pD.P. = spiny-leaved. 1823. -s++ G.h. 7 coriacea. B.P. leathery-14, Jamaica. 1822. +--+ S.h. Samara coriacea. Swe. ; 8 Samara. s.s. oval-leaved. C. B.S. 1770. 11.2. G.h. Samara pentandra. w. 9 melanophleos. s.s. Laurel-leaved. 1783. 3.6. Gh. Sideroxylon melanophleum, w. Botan. magaz. 2052. Jacq. amer. pict. t. 56. Botan. magaz. 1639. Cavan. ic. 5. t. 483. Botan. magaz. 1678. Botan. magaz. 1677. Botan, regist. 638. Lodd. bot. cab. 465. — 531. Andr. reposit. 623. Botan. regist. 827. ———— ——. 533. Lodd. bot. cab. 448. Gert. sem.1.t.77. fil. Plum. ic. 80. Venten, choix. t. 5. Lodd. bot. cab. 1083. Comm. hort. 1. t. 64. Venten. cels. 86. Jacq. vind, 1. t. 71, r, _MYRSINEE. 10 mitis. 8.5. pointed-leav’d. C. B.S. 6.9. G.h. Sideroxylon mite. B.M. Scleroxylum mite. w.en. Manglilla Milleriana, p.s. 11 venulosa. s.s. veined-leaved. 1816. —— G.h. 12 canariense. s.s. Canary. Canaries) —— -—— G.h. 13 variabilis. B.P. variable. N.S.W. 1820. —— G.h. ORDO CXIII. 269 Botan. magaz. 1858. SAPOTEZ. Brown prodr.1. p. 528. INOCARPUS. W. edulis. w. BUMELIA. SSS. OTAHEITE-CHESTNUT. eatable. South-sealsl.1793. ----+ BumeE.ia. Pentandria Monogynia. W. S.h- 1 lycioides. s.s. Boxthorn-ld, N.America. 1758. 8. ehe 2 oblongifolia. Nn. oblong-leaved. Missisipi; 1818. 7.8. H.h. 3 tenax. R.s. silvery-leaved. Carolina. 1765. —— H.h- chrysophylloides. W.D. Sideroxylon tenax. L 4 lanuginosa. R.s, woolly-leaved. — — H.h. 5 reclinata. s.s. reclined. 1806. —— H.h. 6 strigosa. s.s. strigose. asesecce seer ——— GR. Sideroxylon strigosum. W.en. 7 nigra. s.s. black. W. Indies. 1806. --++ S.h. 8. salicifolia. s.s. Willow-leav’d. S. America. 1758. -+*- S.h. 9 foetidissima. s.s. _— fetid. W. Indies. --e+ 5.7. S.h. -10 rotundifolia. s.s. | round-leaved. 1816. —— S.h. SERSALISIA. B.P.. Sersaris1a. Pentandria Monogynia. sericea. B.P. silky-leaved. N.Holland.1772. ---+- G.h. Sideroxylon sericeum. W. SIDEROXYLON. W. IRon-woop. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 inerme. w smooth. @.'B. 8s 1692. 7% G.h. 2 tomentosum. w. tomentose. E. Indies. 1818. +»»+ S.h. ARGANIA. RS. ARGANIA. Pentandria Monogynia. Sideroxylum. R.s. spiny. Morocco. 1711. 7. Huh. Sideroxylum spinosum. L. Eleodendron Argan. w CHRYSOPHYLLUM. W. Star-appLe. Pentandria Monogynia. a 1 Cainito. w. broad-leaved.. W. Indies. 1737. 5.6. S.h. ( jamaicense. purple-fruited. — —— Sh. y coruleum. blue-fruited. — — S.h. 3 microphyllum. small-leaved. — — S&S.h. 2 monopyrenum. w. acute-leaved. 1816. —— 3: h- 3 argenteum. w. silvery. Martinico. 1758. «+++ S.h. 4 macrophyllum. G.p.large-leaved. SierraLeon. 1822. «--- 5 glabrum. w. smooth-leaved. Martinico. 1818. S.h. NYCTERISITION.R.P. Nycrerisirion, Pentandria Monogynia. ferrugineum. R.p. ferruginous. S. America. 1823. +--+ S.h. ACHRAS. J. Sapota. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 Sapota. w common. S. America, 1731. 4.6. S.h. Naseberry-tree. —- New Holland. N.S.W. 1823. Lucuma. Pentandria Monogynia. Mammee. S.America. 1739. 5.8. Bonpland’s. Havannah. 1822. ---- obovate-leaved. Peru. ——— sees Willow-leaved. Mexico. 1823. Mimusors. Octandria Monogynia. L. pointed-leaved. E. Indies. 1796. 5.7. oval-leaved. South-seaIsl.1804. B Zapotilla. Jacq. 2 australis. B.P. LUCUMA. J. 1 mammosum. K.S. 2 Bonplandii. k.s. 3 obovatum. K.s. 4 salicifolium. K.s. MIMUSOPS. W. 1 Elengi. s.s. 2 dissecta. s.s. s S S. sees G S. S. S pi ry e rs = aos ass ows a eeeoe 3 hexandra. s.s. hexandrous,. E. Indies. 1816. «+s. 3 4 Kauki. s.s. obtuse-leaved. 1796. A IMBRICARIA. J. ImBRICARIA. Octandria Monogynia, borbonica. G. Bourbon. Bourbon. 1820. BASSIA. L. 1 longifolia. w. 2 latifolia. w. 3 butyracea. D.P. Bassia. Dodecandria Monogynia. L. long-leaved. E. Indies. 1811. -++- broad-leaved. — 1799. butter-tree. Nepaul. 1823. «++. Oe th eoere ° 5. S. 8. Ss. 5.8 S S. S S § Decandria Monogynia. W. Lam. ill. t. 362. Duham. arb. 2. t. 68. Wats. dend. brit. t.10. Venten. choix. 22. Sloan ehist.2. t.206. f.2. Lam. ill. 2. t. 120. f. 1, Roxb. corom. 1. t. 28, Comm. hort, 1. t. 83. Jacq. amer, t. 37. f. 1, ae 1D — t. 37. Jacq. amer. pict. t. 53. Burm, amer. t. 69, Jacq. amer. pict. t. 51. Jacq. amer. pict. t. 55. Flor. peruv, 2. t. 187. Jacq. amer, 57, t. 41. ae ee 57. t.41,b. Jacq. amer. t.182.f.19. Flor. peruv. 3. t. 239. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 14. . Rumph. amb. 3. t. 8. Lam. ill. t. 398. _ Roxb, cor. 1. t. 19, 270 MABA. J. * buxifolia. p.s, Box-leaved. E. Indies. 1810. Ferreola buxifolia. Roxb. CARGILLIA. B.P. Caretta. Polygamia Dicecia. australis. B.P. southern. N.S. W. 1816. DIOSPYROS.S.S. DatTE PLtum. Polygamia Diccia. 1 virginiana. s.s. Virginian. N.America. 1629. 2 pubescens. s.s. pubescent, 1812. 3: reticulata. s.s. netted. Mauritius. 1823. 4 Ebenaster. s.s. Ebenus-like. E. Indies, 1792. 5 melanoxylon. s.s. black-wooded. ————— 1817. 6 Ebenuni. s.s. smooth. 1792. 7 montana. s.s. mountain. ——-_ 1819. 8 obovata. s.s. four-seeded. W. Indies. 1796. 9 sylvatica. s.s. wood. '-E. Indies. 1812. 10 Embryopteris. s.s. glutiniferous. ———_ 1796. Embryopteris glutinifera. B.C. 1. t. 70+ 11 lobata. s.s. lobed-fruited.. China. 1822. 42 vaccinioides. Lod. WVaccinium-like. —————- —— 13 edulis. Lod. eatable. E. Indies. —— 14 Lotus. s.s. European. _ Italy. 1596. 15 Kaki. s.s. Japan. ~ Japan. 1789. 16 hirsuta. s.s. hairy. Ceylon. 1816. 17 chloroxylon. s.s. _—cluster-flower’d.E. Indies. 1822. 18 cordifolia. s.s. heart-leaved. ———_ 1794. ROYENA.W. Royena. Decandria Digynia. L. 1 lucida. w. shining-leaved. C. B.S. 1690. 2 villosa. w. heart-leaved, ———— 1774. 3 pallens. w. pale. - 1789. 4 myrtifolia. wen. Myrtle-leaved. 1812. 5 glabra. w. smooth. 1731, G pubescens. W.en. pubescent. 1752. 7 hirsuta. w.en- hairy-leaved. aa 8 angustifolia. w. willow-leaved. 1789. 9 latifolia. w.en. broad-leaved. 1816. 10 ambigua. v. obovate-leaved, 1815. oval-leaved, 1774. 11 polyandra. w. FRAXINUS. W. 1 excelsior. w. B argentea. y pendula. 6 horizontalis. € jaspidea. Z erosa. 2 aurea. W.en- 3 atrovirens, P.s. 4 nana. W.en- EBENACEZ. ORDO CXIV. EBENACEZ. Brown prodr. Masa. Dicecia Hexandria. W. eeod ORDO CXV. OLEINA. Brown prodr. 1. AsuH-TREE. Polygamia Dicecia. L. common. Britain. silver-striped. weeping’. horizontal. coloured. branch’d erose-leaved. yellow barked. s«ceeses green curl’d-ld, «esesers dwarf. bt, wie kes @eee ose ee¢ 1. p. 524. S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 45. G. h e H.h. Wats.dend. brit. 146. Ss. S. Rumph. amb. 1. t.6. Ss. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 46. 5 Rotb. act. hafn. 2. t.5. e es S) 6) @ié oF eee e SHINS IST IIIS FISTS FISTS QDADMAARNARALNO ARaAHOMAOD wow Jacq. scheen. 3. t.312. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 47. Botan. regist. 499. Mill. ic-t. 116. Kemp. ameen. t. 806. Roxb. corel. t. 50. Lam. ill. t.370. f. 7. Comm. hort. 1. t. 65. Botan. regist. 500. Lam. ill. t. 370. f. 2. Vent, malm. t. 17. p. 922. bot bt tft bt bt ot EEE Ete ye! Eng. bot. 1692. OLEIN ©. 271 5 verrucosa. L.en- warted. teseeces eees 4.5. Hh. 6 heterophylla. s.s. various-leaved. England. ---. -—— H. hk. Eng. bot. 2476. simplicifolia. E.B. 7 parvifolia. s.s. small-leaved. Levant. 1816. —— H.h. 8 lentiscifolia.s.s. | Lentiscus-ld. Aleppo. 1710. 5.6. H.k. Pluk. alm. t. 182. f. 4. 9 argentea, s.s. silver-leaved. Corsica, 1825. -.- H.h. 10 sambucifolia.s.s. Elder-leaved. N.America.1800, ---- H, he 11 oxycarpa. s.s. sharp-leaved. Tauria. 1815. 5.6. H.h. oxyphylla. M.B. 12 pallida. s.s. pale. N.America. 1818, +--+. H.h. ‘13 rufa. s.s. rufous. sro. 1822.) +22) Bes 14 fusca. s.s. brown ranch d |... h. 15 nigra. s.s. black-twigged. — 1818, 4.6. H. h. 16 elliptica. s.s. elliptie-leaved. . 1894, sis, h. 17 ovata. s.s. oval-leaved. ——— —— +e Heh. 18 Richardi. s.s. Richard’s. ———- —— +--- Hb. 19 alba. 3.s. grey branched. -——___ 125, .... H.h. 20 cinerea. s.s. cinereous, ———— 1818. «+++, Hk. 21 viridis. s.s, green-branch’d. —______ 1816, ---- H.h. 22 longifolia. s.s. long-leaved. more AEBS ye line bie Hie Fy' 23 rubicunda. s.s. red-veined. ———- ——_«.-. Hh. 24 pulverulenta. s.s. . powdered. ——— ——_ ores Hh. 25 mixta. s.s. mixed. ————- — ---- Hh. 26 expansa. s.s. expanded, ete sem Bb 27 platycarpa. s.s. flat-seeded. ——— 1816. 4.6. H.h. Catesb. car. t. 80. 28 quadrangulata. s.s, four-sided. —— 1811. — H.h. Mich. f. arb. ic. 29 epiptera. s.s. dotted-stalked. ———_. __. ___ Hh, t. 33. discolor. M. 30 lancea. Bosc. lance-leaved, ————— 1823, —~ H.h. 31 pannosa. s.s. cloth-leaved. ——— _ 1818. —— H.h. . 32 pubescens. s.s. pubescent. ———_ 1783. 5 H.b. Du Roi. ed. 2, t. 1. 33 caroliniana. s.s- Carolina. ee OTE, 4 Gen Baly: 34 juglandifolia. s.s. Walnut-leaved. — 1783. —— H.h. 35 acuminata. s.s. taper-pointed. ———— 1723, ~~ H.h. ' 36 americana. s.s. white. ——_- — — Hh. ORNUS. P.S. FLowerRInG Asn. Diandria Monogynia. P.S. - 1 americana. pn. American. N.America. 1812. 5.6. H.h. 2 europea. P.s. _ European. Italy. 1710. —— Flor. greec. 1, t. 4. Fraxinus Ornus. w. 3 rotundifolia. p.s. manna. POT. 4. 5 cB yi 4 striata. . streak-barked. +++.+-.. 1818. —— H.h. Fraxinus striata, s.s. . 5 floribunda. many-flowered. Nepaul, . —— +--+ Huh. & _Fraxinus floribunda, F.1. _CHIONANTAUS.S.S.FRINGE-TREE. Diandria Monogynia. L. 1 virginica. w. smooth-leaved. N.America.1736. 5.7. H.h. 1. t. 68. 2 maritima. pubescent-ld. Sea eee Hh: Wats. dend. brit. t. 1; virginica B maritima. ph- virginica B angustifolia. w.v. 3 axillaris, p.p. axil-flowering, N. Holland.1810. -+-+ S, h. | LINOCIERA. SSS. LINOcIERA. Diandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 ligustrina. s.s. Privet-like. W. Indies. 1820. ---. S.h. 2 cotinifolia., s.s. Cotinus-leav’d, Ceylon. 1818. ---- S.h. 3 compacta. s.s. Caribean. W. Indies. 1793. -++- S.h. Jacq. coll. 2. t.6. f.1. _FONTANESIA.S.S. FontTanesta. Diandria Monogynia. W. phillyrzeoides. s.s. Phillyrea-ld. Syria. 1787. 6.8. H.k. Wats. dend. brit. t. 2, _NOTEL/AA. B.P. NoreL#A. Diandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 longifolia. B.P. long-leaved. N.S.W. 1790. 3.6. G.h. Venten. choix. 25. _ Olea apetala. A.R. 316. | 2 ovata. B.P. oval-leaved. ————. 1818. —— G.h. | $3 ligustrina. B.p. Privet-leaved. V.Diem.Isl,1807. 7.8. G.h. | 4 rigida. Ros. rigid-leaved. © ———— 1820, —~— G.h. ' OLEA. B.P. OLIvE. Diandria Monogynia. L. - 1 europea. s.s. European. S. Europe. 1570. 6.8. G.h. a Oleaster.R.s. . spiny-branched. Portugal. ---- —— G. h. Flor. gree. 1. t. 3. 6 longifolia. R.s. long-leaved. S. Europe. «+++ ——~ G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 456. | y ferruginea. Rs. ferruginous. ses —— Gh. 3 latifolia, R.s. - broad-leaved. ————--—— sees —=— Guh. € obliqua. R.s. oblique-leaved. —— sere —— Gh. g buaxifolia, B.S, Box-leaved. a tees eS OG, een ae ee a) ee Pie a ae 2 4 = - Ta 272 OLEIN 2 verrucosa. 8.8. warted. C.B.S. 1814. —— G.h. . $ americana. 8.3. American. N.America.1758. 6. G.h. Catesb. car. wl t 61. 4 fragrans. s.s. fragrant. China. 1771. 6.8. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1552. 5 lancea. s.s. lance-leaved. Mauritius, 1818. —— S.h. . 6 dioica. F.1. dicecious. E. Indies.. —— -+++ S.h. 7 capensis. s,s. Cape. C.B.S. 1730. 6.9. G.h. Botan. regist. 613. 8 undulata. s.s. wave-leaved. —_——_- —— — G.b. Lodd. bot. cab. 379. 9 emarginata. R.s. | emarginate. Mauritius. 1816. -+-- S.h. 10 excelsa. s.s. Laurel-leaved. Madeira. 1784. 5.6. G.h. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 251. 11 cernua, s.s. drooping-fla. Mauritius. 1816. ---- S.h. 12 angustifolia. narrow-ld, Phillyrea.S.Europe.1597.5.6. H.h. Lam. ill. t.8. f.3. Phillyrea angustifolia. s.s. a lanceolata. spear-leaved, - — — Hh. B rosmarinyfolia. §Rosemary-ld. — — H.h. y brachiata. cross-branched. ————-~ —— —— H.h. 13 media. R.s. twiggy Phillyrea. — — H.h. B buxifolia. Box-leaved. ———_ — —— Hh. 14 ligustrifolia, R.s. Privet-leaved. -————- -~-— —— H.h. 15 pendula. R.s. pendulous. —_—_——_ —- — Hb. 16 olezfolia. R.s. Olive-la. Phillyreaa —-—- ——- —— H.h. Pluk. alm. t. 310. f:5. 17 levis. R.s. smooth-leaved. -————— —— -—— H.k. Duham. arb. t. 125. 18 latifolia, R.s. broad-leaved. —-——- -—— -—— H.h. Flor. gree. t. 2. 19 obliqua. R.S. oblique-leaved. ——-~-—- -—— -—— H.h. 20 spinosa. R.S. | Holly-leaved. ~——--—- ——-. i Phillyrea ilicifolia. w.en. LIGUSTRUM. W. PRivET. Diandria Monogynia. L. 1 vulgare. R.s. common. Britain. core 6.7. H.R. Eng. bot. 764. B variegatum. striped-leaved. seh emer y angustifolium. narrow-leaved. a ees = HIB. 3 leucocarpum. white-berried. a mee eee hee ee € italicum. Mill. evergreen, Italy. (sees —— Hi. 2 lucidum. R.s. Wax-tree. China. 1794. 6.9. F.h. Wats. dend. brit. 137. SYRINGA.R.S. Litac. Diandria Monogynia. L. 1 vulgaris. w. common. Persia. 1597. 5. Schk. hand. 1. t.2. a lilacina. pale-flowered. —_———_- — — H.k. Botan. magaz. 183. B purpurea. purple-flowered. —- — — H.h. y violacea. violet. —_—_—_ —- — Hh. 3 alba. white-flowered, —m—— ——- — H.h. é variegata. variegated-ld, —_——_- —- _ — H.h. 2 chinensis. w. Siberian. China. 1795. —— Hkh. 3 persica. w. Persian. Persia. 1640. —— H.h. Botan. magaz. 486. a lilacina, pale-flowered. —- — — Hb. B alba. white-flowered. ——— ——~— — H.h. y laciniata. cut-leaved. ———- — — H.k. Schmidt arb. 2. t.79. ORDO CXVI. JASMINE. Brown prodr. 1. p. 520. NYCTANTHES. W. Nycranrues. Diandria Monogynia. L. arbor tristis. w. | square-stalked. E. Indies. 1781. 6.9. S.h. Botan. regist. 399. JASMINUM. W. JASMINE. Diandria Monogynia. L. | 1 Sambac. s.s. single Arabian. E.Indies. 1665. 1.12. S.h.—. Botan. regist. 1. B multiplex. semidouble. —-—— 1700. —~ S.h.W. Andr. reposit. 497. y trifoliatum. Tuscan. — 1730. -—— S.h. Botan. magaz. 1785. 2 undulatum. s.s. wave-leaved. ——- 1812. = 6. S.h. . Botan. regist. 436. 3 hirsutum. s.s. hairy Indian. ——— 1759. 12. Sm.ex. bot. 2. t.118.: multiflorum. A.Re 496- 4 angustifolium. F.1. narrow-leaved. — 1816. 1.12. S.b.c. Rheed. mal. 6. t. 53. 5 laurifolium. F.1. Laurel-leaved. —-—— -——~ -—— S&S. WS Botan. regist. 521. 6 trinerve. 5.5. three-nerved. Java. 1804. 4.6. S.ihwe. 918. 7 glaucum. s.s. glaucous. C.B.S. 1774. 6.8. S.}.. Sal. stirp. rar. t. 8: 8 bracteatum., s.s. bracteate. Sumatra. 1820. —— S.b. o. JASMINE. 273 9 latifolium. s.s. broad-leaved. E. Indies. 1817, —— S.h.w. 10 arborescens. 8.s. arborescent. ——- 1824. +... Sh. 11 scandens. s,s. scandent. — —— see Show. 12 simplicifolium.s.s. simple-leaved. Society Isl +++. 3.6. S.h. . Botan. magaz. 980. 13 elongatum. s.s. long-branched. E. Indies. 1823. -+++ S.h.wW. 14 gracile. s.s. slender. Norfolk Isl. 1791. 1. 12. G. h.. Andr. reposit. 127, 15 acuminatum.s.s. acuminate. N.Holland. 1820. 6.9. G. Bo 16 auriculatum. s.s. —_ auriculate. E. Indies. 1790. 5.9. S.h. . Botan. regist. 264. 17 paniculatum. s.s.__variable-ld. China. 1812. 2.12. S.h. —— 690. 18 flexile. s.s. acute 3-leaved. E. Indies. 1820. 4.8. S.h.w. 19 tortuosum. s.s. twisting. C. B.S. — — S.h.v. Jacq, schen.4. t. 490. Jlexile. Jacq. non w. 20 campanulatum. s.s. bell-shaped calyx’d. +--+ — — 21 capense.s.s. = Cape. .B.S. 1816. -— G.h. 22 azoricum. s.s. white Azorian. Madeira. 1724. 4.11. G.h. Botan. regist. 89. 23 dispermum. s.s. two-seeded. Nepaul. 1825. +--+ Gihww. 24 fruticans. s,s. common yellow. S. ampe- 1570. 4.10. H.k. Botan. magaz. 461, 25 humile. s.s. Italian. = swe eee 1656. 6.9. H.h. Botan. regist. 350. 26 odoratissimum. s.s. yellow Azorian. Madeira. —— 5.11.G.}. Botan. magaz. 285. 27 revolutum. s.s. yellow Nepaul. Nepaul. 1812. Botan. regist. 178, chrysanthemum. F.1. 28 officinale. s.s. common white. E. Indies. 1548. 6.10. H.h.V. Botan. magaz, 31. B leucophyllum. white-cdged. ————— vere — Hehe. Y chrysophyllum. _yellow-edged. ——— see> —— Hho, 3 multiplex. double-blossom’d. ————— 1828. —— H.hw. 29 grandiflorum. s.s. Catalonian. ——— 1629. —— G.h.w. Botan. regist. 91. ORDO CXVII. APOCINE. Brown prodr. 1. p. 465. ALYXIA. B.P. Atyxia. Pentandria Monogynia. Pes. Richardsoni. Richardson’s, N.Holland. 1823. 4.6. S.h. Botan. regist. ined. RAUWOLFIA. SS. Ravuworria. Pentandria Monogynia. W. 1 nitida. s.s. shining. S. America. 1752. 6.9. S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 339. 2 ternifolia. s.s. three-leaved. ————— 1822. —— S.h. Botan. magaz. 2440. 3 canescens. 5.8. hoary. Jamaica. 1739, +--+ S.h. Plum.ic. t. 236. f.2, 4 tomentosa. s.s. woolly. S.America. 1823. eee S.k. Jacq. amer. pict. t. 46. OPHIOXYLON, W. Opuioxytion, Polygamia Monecia. W. serpentinum. w. serpent-wood. E. Indies. 1690. 5.6. S.h. Botan. magaz.784. _STRYCHNOS. S.S. Srrycunos. Pentandria Monogynia. W. 1 Nux vomica.s.s. Poison-nut. E. Indies.. 1778. -++- S.h. Roxb.cor.1. t.4. 2 colubrina. s.s, muricate-fruit’d. ———— 1818. +++- S.h. Rheed.mal.7. t.5, 3 potatorum. 5.8. clearing-nut. ——— 1794, +-+- S,h. Roxb, cor.1. t. 5. 4 madagascariensis.s.s. Madagascar. Madagascar.1818. --+- S.h. _ _§& spinosa. s,s, spiny. prrrees ABOE. 52 8 a4 6 axillaris. s.s. axillary-fid. _-E. Indies. 1818. -e+++ S.h. -CARISSA. L. Carissa. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 Carandas. s.s. Jasmine-fld, E. Indies. 1790. 7.8. S.h. Roxb. cor. 1. t.77. 2 spinarum. s.s. Box-leaved. —— 1809, 8.12. S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 162, 3 ovata. B.P. oval-leaved. N. Holland. 1817. 6.9. G.h. | 4 Xylopicron, s.s. nerved-leaved. Mauritius. 1820. germ S.h. Aub.Thou.obs.p.24.ic. | ARDUINA. L. _ Arpuina. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Ba. ' bispinosa. s.s, two-spined. C.B.S. 1760. 3.8. G.h. Mill. ic. 2. t.300. Carissa Arduina. F.s. : : THEOPHRASTA.S.S. THropurasta. Pentandria Monogynia. Lind. coll. t. 26. Jussizi. s.s. Jussieu’s. S. America. 1818. ---+ S.h. _GELSEMIUM. J. GELSEMIUM. Pentandria Monogynia. sempervirens. P.s. evergreen. N.America. 1640. 6.7. G.h.~. Catesb. car. 1. t. 58. nitidum. R.s. Bignenia sempervirens. w. VALLESIA. R,P. VALLESIA, Pentandria Monogynia. Bisck m cymbefolia. R.s. _— boat-leayed, S,America. 1816. 6.8. S. B. Cavan. ic, 3, t. 297, uwal lab o We Rauwolfia glabra say 274 APOCINE. CERBERA. W. CERBERA. Pentandria eget ai L. 1 Ahouai. 8.3. oval-leaved. _ Brazil. 1739. 6.7. S.b. 2 ovata. 5.3. ovate-leaved. N.Spain. <«--- —— §.h. 3 frnticosa. s.s. purple-flower’d. Pegu. 1817. 3.9. S.b. 4 Odallam. L.t. spear-leaved.: E, Indies. 1759. 6.9. S.h. Manghas. B.M. non L.T. 5 lactaria. L.T. Milk-tree. ——— vree —— Sh. Manghas. G. 2. t. 123 et 124. f.1. Nun LT. 6 laurifolia. B.c. Laurel-leaved. ——-—— 1819. —— S.h. 7 maculata. s.s. waved-leaved. Bourbon. 1782. 6.7. S.h. undulata. A.R. . 8 thevetioides.s.s. revolute-margin’d.N.Spain. 1820. +--+ S.h. 9 Thevetia. s.s. linear-leaved. S, America.1735. «+--+ S.h. OCHROSIA. J. OcHrRostA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. ~ borbonica. R.s. Bourbon. Bourbon. 1823. ---- S.h. Cerbera borbonica. 8.8. Ophioxylon Ochrosia. P.s. DISSOLENA.R.S. Dissotena. Pentandria Monogynia. R.s. verticillata. R.s. | whorl-leaved. China. 1812. +--+ S.h. ALLAMANDA.S.S. ALLAMANDA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 cathartica. s.s. Willow-leaved. Guiana. 1785. 6.7%. Sih. 2? verticillata.s.s. | whorl-leaved. E.Indies. 1812. ---- S.h. Nerium tinctorium. Hort. VINCA. RS. PERIWINKLE. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 herbacea.n.s. herbaceous. Hungary. 1816. 6.7. H.%. 2 minor. R.s. lesser. Britain. cree 3.9. HOD. a cerulea. blue-flowered. ———— saree —— HOD. B alba. white-flowered, —————- «+++ -— H.h. y atropurpurea. dark-purple. ———_——— an04 “samen Ft O multiplex. double-flowered, —————- +++» -—— H.h. € variegata. variegated. — -r+e —— HF. 3 major. R.s. greater. England. -:+- —— H.h. 4 pusilla. R.s. small-flowered. E. Indies. 1778. 8. S.©. parviflora. W. 5 rosea. R.S. Madagascar. ———- _ 1756. 3.10. S.h. B alba. white-flowered. _————- ——- —— _ S.h. y ocellata. red-eyed. —_— - —-_ - —— Sh. WRIGHTIA. S.S. WricuTia. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S._ 1 antidysenterica,s.s. oval-leaved. E. Indies, 1778. -++- S.h. 2 zeylanica. s,s. spear-leaved. ——-——— «e+ cose Sh. 3 dubia. s.s. doubtful. ———._ ---s 5.8. Sih. Cameraria dubia. B.M. 4 coccinea. scarlet. ——— 1820. 6.8. S.h. Nerium coccineum. B.C. “ 5 tinctoria. s.s. dyer’s. ———. 1812. —— S.h. STROPHANTHUS. DC. Stropuantnus. Pentandria Monogynia. P.S. 1 dichotomus. pc. forked. China. 1816. 2.10. S.h. 2 sarmentosus. DC. sarmentose. SierraLeon. 1822. -++-+ S.h. NERIUM. RS. OLEANDER. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 Oleander. R.s. common. S. Europe. 1596. 6.10. G.h. B alba. white-flowered. ——-—— —— —— G.h. y splendens. double-hybrid. | Hybrid. 1815. —— G.h. 2 odorum, Rs. sweet-scented. E. Indies. 1683. 6.8. S.h- 6B carneum, flesh-coloured. ————— 1816. —— S.h. y flore pleno. double-flowered, —————-._._ +++» —— Sh. 3 flavescens. R.S. yellowish. soseaees 1816. —— S.h. TABERNEMONTANA. TABERNZMONTANA. Pentandria Monogy 1 citrifolia. r.s. Citron-leaved, Jamaica. 1734. 5.8. S.h. 2 alba. R.s. white-flow’r’d, W.Indies. 1780. —— S.h. citrifolia. Jacq. non L. . 3 laurifolia. R.s. Laurel-leaved. ————— ‘1768. :—— S.h. 4 cymosa. RS. cyme-flowered, S. America. 1820. ---- S.h. 5 amygdalifolia. r.s. Peach-leaved. _———— 1780. 4.8. S.b. 6 discolor. R.s, two-coloured. Jamaica. 1822, —— 7 arcuata. R.S. arch’d follicled. Peru. 1820. —— S.h. 8 crispa. L.T. wave-leaved. E. Indies. 1818. 5.10. S.h. 9 coronaria. L.T. broad-leaved. .———— 1710. 6,10. S.h. B flore pleno. double-flowered. —————, —— —— 5.h. Nerium coronarium, B.M. 10 undulata. R.s. waved. Trinidad. 1824. +++» S.h. 5 pe es Botan. magaz. 737. Cavan. ic. 3. t. 270. Botan. regist. 391. Botan. magaz. 1845. Rumph. amb. 2. t. 81. Lodd. bot. cab. 989. Andr, reposit. 130. Jacq. amer. 48, t. 34. Botan. magaz. 338. Botan. regist. 301. Eng. bot. 917. Eng. bot. 514. Rheed. mal. 9. t. 33. Botan. magaz. 248. Burn. zeyl. t.77. t1B. f. 2. bets yoy pgs 1646. Lodd. bot. cab. 804. Botan, regist. 933. | Botan. regist. 469, Desf. an. mus. I. t. 27. Flor. grec. t. 248. Lodd: bot. cab. 700. Botan. regist. 74." Rheed. mal. 9. t. 2. Botan: magaz. 2032. Rheed. mal. 9. tI. Lee Plum. ic. t. 248: f f.2. Jacq. ain” t.175. er | Botan. stat 716. | Jacq. amer. t.181. f,14. Botan. regist. ik Flor. peruv. 2. t.143. ; Rheed. mal.1. t.46. - Lodd. bot. cab. 406, Botan. magaz. 1865. 11 odorata. s.s. Cameraria lutea. W. CAMERARIA. S:S. 1 latifolia. s.s. 2 angustifolia. s.s, AMSONIA. R:S. 1 latifolia. r.s. 2 salicifolia. r.s. 3 angustifolia. R.s, PLUMERIA.S:S. APOCIN yellow-flow’r’d. Cayenne. Cameraria Tamaquarina. Aub. EA. 1793. 10.11. S.}. BASTARD MANGENEEL. Pentandria Monogynia. broad-leaved. Havannah. 1733. 8. S.h. narrow-leaved. S. America. 1752. 9. S.h. _Amsonia. Pentandria Monogynia. P.S. broad-leaved. N.America.1759. 5.6. H.%. Willow-leaved. 1812. —— H.» hairy-stalked. 1774. —— H.%. PLumerRiIaA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 275 Aub. guian, 1. t. 102. L. f Andr. reposit. 261. Plum. ic. t.72. f.2. Botan. regist. 151. Botan. magaz. 1873. Venten. choix. 29. 1 rubra. R.s.. | red-flowered, Jamaica. 1690. 7.8. S.h. Botan. regist. 780. 2 purpurea. R.s. purple. Peru. 1820. —— S.h. Flor. peruv.2. t.137. 3 acuminata. H.K. acute-leaved. LE. Indies. 1790. 6.9. S.h. Botan. regist. 114. acutifolia, R.s. 4 obtusa. r.s. blunt-leaved. W. Indies. 1733. 7.8. S.h. Catesb. car. 1. t. 93. 5 alba. R.s. white. Jamaica. — 7.8. S.b. Jacq. amer. t.174. f.2. 6 bicolor. R.P. two-coloured. S. America. 1815. 6.9. S.h. Botan. regist. 480. 7 tricolor. R.P. three-coloured. -————— —— —— S.h. - — 510. 8 lutea. R.P. yellow-flow’r’d. — — S.k. Flor. peruv.2. t. 142. 9 pudica. R.s. wax-flowered. ——— ---- 7.8.°S.h. 10 longifolia. R.s. long-leaved. Madagascar.1816. ---- S.h. 11 tuberculata. B.c. _ tubercled. S. America. 1820. 6°8. S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 681. 12 tenuifolia. Lod. slender-leaved. ——————-_ «+--+ eee Sih. 13 Northiana. Lod- North’s. coos cree She 14 mexicana. B.c. Mexican. Mexico. cere 6,9. S.hb. Lodd. bot. cab. 1024. 15 Blandfordiana. Loa. Blandford’s. S. America. +--+ -+-- Sh. 16 nivea. Lod. snowy white. soot 6.8. S.h- 17 conspicua. Lod. conspicuous. rree coos Sh. » 18 macrophylla. tod. large-leaved. cone S.h. 19 leucantha. Lod. white-blossom’d. ————-_ +++ -+-- S.h. _PRESTONIA.S.S. Presronra, Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 tomentosa. s.s. tomentose, Brazil. 1820. 5.8 S.b.w. 2 glabrata. s.s. smooth. S. America. 1823. Soh. ALSTONIA. SS. ALstoniA. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 scholaris. s.s. whorl-leaved. E. Indies. 1816. ++:- S.h. Rheed.mal. 1. t. 45. _ | 2 venenata. s.s. poisonous. —-—— 1823. ---- S.h. THENARDIA. K.S. Tuenarpia. Pentandria Monogynia. floribunda. k.s. abundant-fld. Mexico. 1823. ---» S.b.W. B.3, t. 240. _ ECHITES. R.S. Ecuitts. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 longiflora. s.s. long-flowered. Brazil. 1816. 5.8. S. bow. 2 bispinosa. s.s. two-spined. OC. BeSio- = 17958. 7. 11. Sih 3 succulenta. s.s. succulent. ————_ 1820. —— S.b., 4 tuberosa. H.s.s. tuberous-root’?d, —————_ 1813. ++++ S.h.v. 5 biflora. s.s. twin-flowered. W.Indies, 1793. 7.8. S.h. . Jacq. amer. 30, t.21. 6 umbellata. s.s. umbelled, Jamaica. 1733. 7. S.hsw. — 30. t. 22. 7 torosa. s.s. climbing. 1778. 6.8. S.b-_. Jacq. amer. 33. t. 27. 8 suberecta. s.s. Savanna-fir. ———. 1759. —— S.h.LU. Botan. magaz. 1064. 9 caryophyllata. s.s. Clove-scented. E.Indies. 1812. 9.11. S.h... ————-~—— 1919. 10 difformis. s,s. deformed. Carolina. 1806. 6.7. G.h.v. | 11 reticulata. s.s. netted-leaved. E.Indies. 1818. —— S.h.w. 12 Heynii. s.s. Heyne’s. —- — — 13 frutescens. H.B. _—_frutescent. 1816. —— S*hw. 14 paniculata. H.B. __ panicled. —> ss —- —— —S.hem -BEAUMONTIA.B.R. BeaumonTiA. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 grandiflora.p.R. oval-leaved. E. Indies. 1812. 5.7. S.h.~. Botan. regist. 911. 2 longifolia. Loa. long-leaved. ————— 1818. «+++ S.hw. HAMADICTYON. H.T. Hazmapicryon. Pentandria Monogynia. venosum, H.T. red-veined. W. Indies. 1820. 4.8. S.h.~. Botan. magaz, 2473. | Echites nutans. B.M. VALLARIS. S.S. Pergulanus. s.s. Pergularia glabra. w. Emericia Pergularia. R.s. ICHNOCARPUS.S.S. Icunocarpus. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. frutescens. s.s. shrubby. E. Indies. 1759. 7.8. S.h. (PARSONSIA. R.S. Parsonsta. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 corymbosa. R.s. corymb-flow’r’d. W. Indies. 1820. 6.8. S.h.~. Jacq. amer. pict. t.37, Echites corymbosa. Jacq. ; 2 floribunda. r.s. many-flowered. Jamaicaa ——- —— S.k. Echites floribunda. w. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S, 1818. VALLARIS. . smooth-leaved. E. Indies. S.h.\. Rumph. amb. 5. t. 29. Burm. zeyl. t. 12. f.1. 2N2 276 APOCINE, WILLUGHBEIA.S.S. WiLLuGHBEIA. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S, edulis. s.s. eatable. E. Indies. 1818. 6.8. S.h.V. LYONSIA. B.P.. LyonstA. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. straminea. B.P. _—_ climbing. N.S. W. 1820. 6.8. S.h.v. MELODINUS. R.S. Metopinus. Pentandria Mono-Digynia. 1 scandens. R.S. climbing. N.Caledonia.1775. +++» S.h. . Lam. ill. t.179. - 2 monogynus. B.R. one-styled. E. Indies. 1816. 4.8. S.h. . Botan. regist. 834. APOCYNUM.S.S. Doa’s-BANE. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. , 1 androsemifolium.s.s.Tutsan-leaved. N.America. 1688. 7.9. H.2{, Botan. magaz. 280. 2 cannabinum. s.s. Hemp-like. 1699. 7.9. H.y%. Moris.s.15.t.3. f. 14. 3 hypericifolium. s.s. Hypericum-ld. 1758. 6.7. H.y%. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 66. 4 venetum. s.s. Venetian. AdriaticIsl. 1690, —— H.y. Lob. ic. 372. f. ¥.2. ORDO CXVIII. ASCLEPIADEZ. Brown prodr. 1. p. 458. PERIPLOCA. RS. 1 greca. R.S. PERIPLOCA. Pentandria Digynia, L. Virginian-silk. Syria. 1597. 7.8. H.b.~. Botan. regist. 803. 2 mauritiana. R.s. long-leaved. Mauritius. 1823. -++- S.b. .. Rheed. mal. 9.°t. 11. 3 levigata. R.s. smooth. Canaries. 1779. 6.8. G.f. Cavan.ic.$. t. 217. HEMIDESMUS. R.S. Hemipesmus. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. indicus. R.S. Indian. Ceylon. 1796. S.b. CRYPTOSTEGIA.B.R. CrvyprosteGia. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. grandiflora. B.R. large-flowered. E. Indies. 1812. 6.8. S.h.—. Botan. regist. 435, SECAMONE.R.S. SEcAMONE. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. eeee Burm. zeyl. t. 83. f. I. 1 emetica. R.s. narrow-leaved. India. 1816. +--- S.h. Willd. phyt.1. t.5. f.2. 2 wgyptiaca. H.K. Egyptian. Egypt. 1752. 7. G.h.. Alp. egyp. t.134. : Alpini. R.s. Periploca Secamone. w. DUVALLIA. H.S.S. Duvattra. Pentandria Digynia. H.S. 1 reclinata, H.s. reclined. C. B.S. 1795. 8. 10. D.S.%. Botan. magaz. 1397. 2 elegans. H.s. elegant. —- — — DS.h. ———— 1184. Stapelia elegahs. B.M. 3 hirtella. s.s hairy. — — DS.h. Stapelia hir tella. Jacq: 4 cespitosa. H.S. tufted. 1790. 8. 11. D.S.%. Mass. stap. 20. t.29, 5 radiata. H.s. radiated. 1795. 9.11. D.S.h. Botan. magaz. 619. 6 replicata. s.s. replicate. 1806. 8.10. DS.h. Stapelia replicata. Jacq: 7 mastodes. s.s. teat. 1821. —— DS... 8 Jacquiniana. R.s, Jacquin’s. 1802. 7.9. D.S.h. Jacq. stap. t.37. Stapelia radiata. Jacq. non B.M. ’ 9 tuberculata. u.s.s._ tubercled. 1774. 7.11. D.S.. 10 levigata. H.s.s. smooth. 1808. ——- D.S.%. 11 glomerata. H.s.s. clustered. — — DS... 12 compacta. H.s.s. | compact. —— 1800. 8.11. D.S.. PECTINARIA. H.S.S. PecTINARIA. Pentandria Digynia. H.S. articulata. H.s:s. jointed. C. B.S. 1774. 8.9. D.S.h. Mass. stap. 20. t. 30. Stapelia articulata. Mas. ORBEA. HS. OrBEA. Pentandria Digynia. H.S. 1 maculosa. H.s. spotted. C. B.S. 1804. 6.9. D.S.%. Hotaly. magaz. 1833. 2 mixta. H.s. mixed. 1795. —— D.S.h. Mass. stap. 2%. t. 38. Stapelia mixta. Mas. . 3 mutabilis. s.s. changeable. 1823. 6.9. D.S.%. Jacq. stap. ic. Stapelia mutabilis. Jacq: 4 quinquenervia. H.8. five-nerved. 5 bisulca. H.s. 6 variegata. H.S. 1810. 10.12. D.S.h. 1806. —— D.S. bisulcate. h. 1727. 6.10. D.S.. Moris. variegated. 8.15.03. f.4. Stapelia variegata, L. non B.M. 7 Curtisil. H.s. Curtis’s. 1787. —— D.S.} . Botan. magaz. 26. Stapelia variegata, B.M. 8 lepida. H.S.S. pretty. 1805. 7.8. D.S.%. Jacq. stap. ic. orbicularis, H.s. large orb’d. 1799. 7.11. D.S.h. Andr. reposit. 448. ASCLEPIADE. 277 10 bufonia. H.s. toad-like. C. B.S. 1806. 8.10. D.S.%. Botan. magaz. 1676. Stapelia Bufonis. B.M. 11 clypeata. H.s.s. shield-flower'd. ————— 1799. 6.11. D.S.h. Jacq. stap. ic. 12 planifiora. H.s.s. _flat-flowered. .————— 1805. 7.11. D.S.f. ————e.ic. 13 inodora. n.s.s. scentless. ——— 1788. 6.8. D.S.h. 14 rugosa. s.s. rugged. ——— 1805. 5.8. D.S.h. Jacq. stap. ic. 15 Wendlandiana. r.s. Wendland’s. ——- —- 6.9. D.S.h. Wendl. coll. 2. t.52. Stapelia rugosa. Wend. NON Jacq. 16 marginata. R.s. margined, —— 1805. — DS.h. 17 conspurcata, R.s. dirtied. ———— 1795. 6.10. D.S.h. Jacq. stap. ic. 18. normalis. r.s. sulphur-col’4, ———— 1821. —— D.S.h. Botan. regist. 755. 19 marmorata. R.s. marbled. ——— — — DS.b. 20 retusa, H.s. retuse. ——— 1808. 9.10. D.S.. 21 anguinea. H.S. snake. ———— 1806. 8.9. D.S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 828. 22 picta. H.s. painted. ——- 1799. 6.9. D.S.h. Botan. magaz. 1169. 23. Woodfordiana. H.s. Woodford’s. ———— 1805. — DS.h. 24? arida. 3.3. dry. ————- 1795. 8 D.S.h. Mass. stap. 21, t.33. Stapelia arida. Mas. “25 ? aperta. s,s. open-flower'd. ————- —— 7.8. D.S.h.—_———— 23. t. 37. Stapelia aperta. Mas. _ STAPELIA. HLS, CARRION-FLOWER. Pentandria Digynia. L. +. 1 grandiflora.r.s, _great-flowered. C. B.S. 1795. 9.12. D.S. i. Mass. stap. 13. t. 11. 2 spectabilis. H.s. showy. ——- 1802. —— D.S.h. Botan. magaz. 585. | grandifiora. B.M. NON Mas. 3 ambigua. R.s. ambiguous. ——_ 1795. 6.11. D.S.. Mass. stap. 13. t.12. 4 sororia. R.8, sister. —-—— 1797. 6.8. D.S.%.—————— 93. t. 39. | 5 patula. r,s. spreading, ————. s+. ——. DS.h. Jacq. stap.c. ic. ; sororia. Jacq- NON Mas. 6 deflexa. p.m. deflexed. —-— 1806. —— D.S.%. Botan. magaz. 1890. reflexa, H.3. 7 lucida. R.s. glossy. —— 1821. — DS.h. 8 brevirostris. w.en. short-beaked. ———— --++ -—— DS.h. 9 Massoni. H.5s. Masson’s, ———_ 1808. —— DS.h. 10 Asterias. R.s. Starfish. ——-—— 1795. 5.11. D.S.h. Botan. magaz. 536. 11 stellaris. H.s.s. starry. ——— 1804. 8.10. D.S.f. 12 hirsuta. R.s. hairy. —— 1710. 6.8. D.S.h. Jacq. mise. 1. t. 3. B atra. B.R. dark flowered. ———. ——' —— D.S.h. Botan, regist.. 756. 13 lanifera. H.S.8. woolly-flow’r’'d. ————— _ 1814. 6.9. D.S.h. 14 flavicomata. H.8.s. yellow-haired. ———— 1810. —~— DS.h. 15 hamata. R.s. hooked. ——— 1805. —— D.S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 242. 16 comata. R.s. very-hairy. ——— 1821. — DS.h. 17 rufa. R.s. rusty brown. ——— 1795. 6.11. D.S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 239. 18 pulvinata. R.s. . cushioned. ———- _—- — D.S.h. Botan. magaz. 1240. 19 fissirostris. R.s. cloven-beaked. ---—— 1821. —— D.S.h. Jacq. stap. ic. 20 pilifera. R.s. hairy-tubercled. ————— 1790. 6.8. D.S.h. Mass. stap. 17. t. 23. 21 concinna. R.Ss. spruce, ——-_ 1795. —— DS... — 15. t.38. 22 glandulifera. r.s. hairy-glanded. ——-—— ~ — DS... 23 hispidula. R.s. hispid. ———- 1821. —— DS.h. 24 glanduliflora. r.s. gland-flowered. ————— 1795. 8.11. D.S.h. Mass. stap. 16. t. 19. 25 acuminata. R.s, acuminated. —_ —- 7.9. DS.h. -15.t.17. 26? ramosa. R.Ss. branched. ——__ —- 6.8 DS... sl t: 32. 27? mamamillaris. r.s. mammillary. ——— _ 1774. —— D.S.h. Burm. afr. 27. t.11. 28 ? cordata. HS. heart-shaped. —-— 1805. —' DS.h. 29? canescens. H.S. canescent. —-— 179. — DS.h. 30? ophiuncula. n.s. serpent-like. — 1805. —— DS.h. _ TRIDENTEA. H.S. Tripentea. Pentandria Digynia. H.S. 1 gemmiflora. H.s. gem-flowered. C. B.S. 1795. 10. 11. D.S.h. Mass. stap. 14. t.15. 2 stygia. H.s. Stygian. —-— 1890. 8.10. D.S.h. Botan. magaz. 1839, Stapelia gemmifiora. B. B.M. 3 moschata. H.S8.s. musk-scented. —-—— 1799. 9.11. D.S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 1051, Stapelia hivcosa. Jacq. 4 vetula. H.s. purple smoothh ———— 1793. 5.11. D.S.%. Mass. stap. 15. t. 16. 5 Simsii. H.s. Sims’s, ———-— 1800. —— D.S.h. Botan. magaz. 1234, Stapelia'vetula, B.M. | 6? paniculata. R.s. panicled. —-——_ 1805. 6.9. D.S.h. 72? juvencula. s.s. short-flowered. ——-—— ---- -—— DS.h. Jacq. stap. ic. 8? depressa. R.s. depressed. ———— sree — DS.h. ——-——C. ic. TROMOTRICHE.H.S.Tromortricue. Pentandria Digynia. H.S. } fuscata. H.s.s. brown-flow’r’d. C, B.S. 1814. 6. 10. D.S.%. Jacq. stap. ic. Stapelia fuscata. Jacq. 278 ASCLEPIADE. 2 glauca. H.S.s. largeglaucous. C. B.S. 1799. 6.1%. D.S.h. 3 revoluta. H.s. revolute-fld. ——— 1790. 6.9. D.S. Vi Stapelia revoluta, B.M. ' 4? pruinosa. H.s. frosted. ———_ 1795. 6.8. D.S.. 5 obliqua. R.s, oblique-flow’r’d. —--—— 1805. 6.9. D.S.h. PODANTHES. H.S. Popantues. Pentandria Digynia. H.S. 1 pulchra. H.s. beautiful sulphur. C. B.S. 1800. 8.10. D.S.. B major. larger. — — DS-hb. Stapelia verrucosa. B.M. nec aliorum. 2 irrorata. H.s. dewy,. —-— 1795. 7.9. DS... 3 verrucosa. H.Ss. warted. —_—_-_- —._ 8. 10. DS. h, 4 roriflua.r.s. * dew-bearing. —— 1802. —— DS.h. Stapelia roriflua. Jacq: 5 pulchella. H.s. beautiful. ——-—- _ 1795. 5.11. DS... 6 incarnata., s.s. flesh-coloured. -———— 1793. 4.8. D.S.h. 7? ciliata. H.s. fringed. ——-_:11795. 10.12. D.S.h. Stapelia ciliata. Mas. OBESIA. H.S. Ozsesita. Pentandria Digynia. H.S. Jacq. stap. c. ic. Botan. magaz. 724. Mass. stap. 24. ted. ; , Botan. magaz. 786. Mass. stap. 12. t.9. —— — 11. t.8. Jacq. stap. ic. Mass. stap. 22. t. 36. ——_—— — 22. t. 34. 9.t.1. — 1 serrulata. s.s. sawed. C.B.S. 1805. 6.8. D.S.h. Jacq. stap. ic. Stapelia serrulata. Jacq. 2 geminata. Hs. twin-flowered. —-~—— 1795. 5,11. D.S.h. Botan. magaz. 1326. Stapelia geminata, B.M. 3 decora. H.s. neat. —— . Mass. stap. 19. f. 26. Pentandria Digynia. HLS. C. B.S. GONOSTEMON. H.S. GonosTEmon. 1 divaricatum. 4.3. divaricated. Stapelia divaricata. B.M. 2 strictum. H.s.8. upright. Stapelia stricta. B.Me 3 pallidum. r.s. pale-flowered. 4? Gordoni. s.s. Gordon’s, Stapelia Gordoni. Mas. CARUNCULARIA. HS. CaruncuraRIA. pedunculata. u.s. long-pedunci’d. C. B.S. Stapelia pedunculata. B.M. aes ee —-— 1796. 1790. 1793. 6.11. D.S. 1819, 10. 12. D.S. — — DS. cose DS. h. h. h. h- Pentandria Digynia. H.S. 6.11. DS. h. Botan. magaz. 1007. Botan. magaz. 2037. Wendl. coll. 2. t.51. Mass. stap. 24. t. 40. Botan. magaz. 793. . Mass. stap. 18. t. 24. . Botan. magaz. 1648. PIARANTHUS.B. Puiarantuus. Pentandria Digynia. H.S. ‘1 punctatus. R.s. purple dotted. C.B.S. 1795. 7.11. D.S. 2 pullus. R.s. many-flowered. ——-——— 1774. 8.9. D.S.h Stapelia pulla. B.M. 8? parviflorus. s.s. small-flowered. —— 1795. 6.8. D.S.. HUERNIA. B. Hvuernia. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. . 1 reticulata. H.s. netted. — Cc. B.S. 1793. 7.8. DS. Stapelia reticulata. B.M. 2 campanulata. H.s. bell-shaped. —— 1795. 7.10. D.S.h. 3 clavigera. H.s.s. _- club-haired. —_—- — — DS... Stapelia campanulata. B.M. nec aliorum. . 4 venusta. H.-S. showy. —_——_ —_ 6. iy DS... 5 lentiginosa. u.s. freckled. —_—-——_ —- _ 7.11. DS... 6 guttata.u.s. © —rred-spotted. —— -— 8.11. DS... 7 humilis. H.s. humble. —_——_—_ — —- DS.h. 8 tubata. H.s. tube-flowered. -———— 1805. —— DS.h. 9 crispa. H.s. curled. ———- —— «wDISei 10 barbata. His. bearded. 1795. —— D. S.h. BRACHYSTELMA. B.R. BRACHYSTELMA. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. tuberosum. B.R. tuberous-root’d. C. B.S. 1820. 4.10. S.Y%.WO CARALLUMA. H.S. Carattuma. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. 1 adscendens. H.s. ascending. E. Indies. 1804. 7. D.S.%. 2 umbellata. H.s. umbelied. —_—_ — — DS.h. HOYA. B.P. Hoya. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. Mass. stap. 22. t. 35. . Botan. magaz. 1662. Botan. magaz. 1227. ———— 166l. Mass, stap. 10. t.3. Botan. magaz. 506. Mass. stap.10. t, 4. 10, t.5. Ja acq. stap. ic. Mass. stap. 1. t.7. - Botan. regist. 722. Roxb. cor. 1. t. 30. large-leaved. China. fleshy-leaved. 1 crassifolia. H.s.s. 2 carnosa. H.K. 1817. 10.1. D.S.h.w. . 1802. 7.10. G.h.—. Botan. magaz. 788. 3 pallida. B.R. pale. 1820. —— S.h.v. Botan. ragist. 951. acuta. H.R. A Pottsii. Potts’s. —— 1822. —— S. rane TYLOPHORA. B.P. TyLtopHora. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 grandiflora.s.P. great-flowered. N.S. W. 1822. 6.8. G.h.w. 2 barbata. B.P. bearded. GEIR. 3 exilis. L.T. slender. E. Indies. 1823. ——- S.h.w. Linn. trans.12, t.16. CEROPEGIA. RS. Ceropecia. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 aphylla. H.s. leafless. Canaries. 1808, ++++ 8 ASCLEPIADEZ. 279 2 dichotoma. H.R. forked. E. Indies. 1806. 8. SS. 3 juncea. R.s. rushy. ————_ 1820. ---- S.%... Roxb. cor.1. t.10. 4 africana, B.R. African. C. B.S. 182). 4.11. S$... Botan. regist. 626. 5 bulbosa. r.s. bulbous-rooted. E. Indies. —+ —— S.2%.V. Roxb. cor. 1. t.7. 6 tuberosa. R.s. tuberous-root?d..§ ——— 1 s§- ——_s eres S§.2feu. — 1.t.9. PERGULARIA. R.S. PEerRGuLARIA. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 odoratissima. R.s. large. E. Indies. 1784. 6.7. S.h.w. Botan. regist. 412, 2 minor. Rs. smaller. ———_ 1790. 5.8. S.h.W-. Botan. magaz. 755. 3 sanguinolenta. B.m. bloody-juiced. Sierra Leon. 1822. 8.9. S.h.. ———— 2532. MARSDENIA.B.P. Marspenria. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 suaveolens. B.P. sweet-scented. N.S.W. 1816. 3.8, G.h.~. Botan. regist. 489. 2 erccta. R.s. upright. Syria. 1597. 7.8. G.h. Jacq.vind. 1. t. 38. DISCHIDIA. B.P. DiscuipiA. Pentandria Digynia. S.S. bengalensis. t.r. Bengal. E. Indies. 1818. 6.8. S.%. Linn. trans. 12. t. 15. GYMNEMA. B.P. GymNEMA. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 sylvestre. R.3. netted-leaved. Ceylon. 1816.. 6.8. S.h.-. Willd. phyt. 1. t.5. f.3. 2 tingens.s.s. pointed-leaved. E. Indies. 1823. -—— S.h.v. 3 tenacissimum. s.s. tough. ———._ 1806. +--+. SARCOLOBUS.R.S. Sarcoxrosus. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 globosus. R.5s. globular-fruit’d. E. Indies. 1823. -+-- S.h. . Wall. as, res. 12. t.4. 2 carinatus. R.S. keeled-fruited, ———— s--- S.b.. —~-—————-12, t. 5. GONOLOBUS.R.S. Gonotosus. Pentandria Disynia. R. S. 1 maritimus. R.s. sea-side. Caracas. 1823. 6.10. S.b.~. Botan. regist. 931. 2 suberosus. R.3. cork-barked. America. 1732. 7.9. S.h.~. Dill. elt. t. 229. £. 296. 3 crispiflorus. R.S. curled-flower’d. S. America. 1741. 7. S.h.w. Plum. ic. t. 216. f. 1. 4 rostratus. R.S. beaked-petal’d. Trinidad. 1823. —— S.hww. 5 niger. R.Ss. black-flower’d. Mexico. 1825. «+++ S.%.—. Cavan. ic. 2. t. 159. Cynanchum nigrum. Cav. 6 uniflorus. K.s. solitary-fid, —_——- _ ——_—->::+ ~SS.h.v. H.etB.3. t, 238. 7 carolinensis. N. yellowish-fld. N.America.1820. 7.9. H.%. -. Lodd. bot. cab. 366. hirsutus. B.c. nec aliorum. 8 hirsutus. r,s. hairy. ———_ 1806. 6.9. H.4.—. Swt. br. fl. gar. 1. 9 macrophyllus. N. | large-leaved. .————— 1822. ——~ H.h.~. 10 discolor. R.s. Virginian. ———- 1809. 7.9. H.%.-. Botan. magaz. 1273. Cynanchum discolor. BM. 11 obliquus. R.s. oblique-fid, Carolina. 1818. —— H.%. . Jacq. ic. 2. t. 341. 12 Nuttallianus.s.s. Nuttall’s. Missisippi. 1822. —— H.2.v. viridifiorus. N. non R.8.~ 13 levis. Rs. - smooth. —————_ 1806. 6.7. H..w. 14 diadematus. B.R. red-crowned. Mexico. 1812. 9.10. S.h.-. Botan. regist. 252. ASCLEPIAS. R.S. SWALLOW-worT. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 syriaca. R.s. Virginian. N.America. 1629. 7.8. H.%. Blackw. t.521. 2 exaltata. L.en. tall. ~ a eee ——— HY. 3 phytolaccoides. R.s Phytolacca-like. ————— _ 1812. —— H.2%. 4 parviflora. R.s. small-flowered. ————— 1774. 7.10. H.2. 5? salicifolia. B.c. Willow-leaved. S. America. 1816. 6.9. G.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 272, 6 curassavica. R.s. Curassavian. ——— 1692. 6.10. 8.2%. Botan. regist. 81. 7 nivea. R.S. Almond-leav’d, N.America. 1730. 7.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1181, 8 incarnata. R.Ss. flesh-coloured. ———— 1710. 7.8. H.%. Botan. regist. 250. 9 pulchra. R.s. hairy. —- _ +--+ —— H.y. 10 ameena. R.S. oval-leaved. ————_ 1732. —— H.2L. “’ Dill. elt. t. 27. f.30. 11 purpurascens. R.s. purple. ————— — — Hy. ——t. 28. f. 31. 12 variegata. R.s. variegated. ————_ 1597. —— H.y%. Botan. magaz, 1182. 13 obtusifolia. R.s. blunt-leaved. ———— 1823. —— H. 7. 14 amplexicaulis. R.s. stem-clasping. ————~ «++. -—-- H.%. ¥5 laurifolia. mM. Laurel-leaved. ————— 1823. -—-- H.%. Pluk. amal. t. 358, f.2. periplocefolia. N. acuminata. Ph. 16 quadrifolia. R.s. — four-leaved. ———_ — 8.9. H.¥%. Jacq. obs.2. t.33. 17 verticillata. B.s. | whor!-leaved. — 1759. -8.10.H.%. Swit. br. fl, gar. 144, 18 mexicana. R.S. Mexican. Mexico. 1823. 7.9. G.h. Cavan.ic. 1. t. 58. 19 rosea. K.s. rose-coloured. — 1824. — G.. 20 linifolia. r.s. Flax-leaved. ——_- — O— Gh. 21 Linaria. R.s. toadflax-leav’d. — 1802. —— G.y%. Cavan.ic.1. t.57. 22 rubra. R.s. red-flowered. N.America.1820. —— H.2. 23 tuberosa. R.s. tuberous-root’d. ———— 1690. 7.9. H.%. Botan. regist. 76. | B decumbens. Ph. decumbent. — 1731. —— H.7. _ ACERATES.EIl. ‘ Acrrates. Pentandria Digynia. longifolia. E11. long-leaved. N.America. 1816. 7.8. H.2. Asclepias longifolia. R.s. Gomphocarpus longifolius. 8.8. 280 ASCLEPIADE. inte’ ANANTHERIX.N. ANANTHERIX. Pentandria Digynia. N. : . . Wiridis. N. green-flower’d. N.America, 1812. 8. 10. H.%. STYLANDRA.N. STYLANDRA. Pentandria Digynia. N. pumila. N. dwarf. Carolina. 1812. 7.8. G. 4. Podostigma pubescens. s,s. Asclepias pedicellata, Ph. GOMPHOCARPUS. R.S. GompHocarpus. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 arborescens. R.s. broad-leaved. C.B.S. 1714. 12. G.h. Jacq. schenb. I. t. 50. 2 crispus. R.S. curled-leaved. ———~— 1774. 7 G.h. Moris.s. 15. t.3. f. 37. 3. fruticosus. R.S. Willow-leaved. ————~— 1714. 6.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1628. Asclepias fruticosa. w. OXYSTELMA.R.S. . Oxysretma. Pentandria Digynia, R.S. . esculentum. R.s. —esculent. E. Indies. 1816. +++ §.%. -. Roxb. corom. I. t.11. XYSMALOBIUM.R.S.XysmMaLopium- Pentandria Digynia. R.S. undulatum. R.s. waved-leaved. C. B.S. 1783. 7.8. G.h- Comm. rar, t. 16. CALOTROPIS.R.S. Catotrropis. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 procera. R.S. bell-flowered. | Persia. 1714. 7.9. S.h. Andr. reposit. 271. Asclepias gigantea. A.R. ra 2 gigantea. R.S. curl’d-flower’d, E. Indies. 1690. —— S.h. Botan. regist. 58. CYNANCHUM.R.S. Cynancuum. Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 acutum. R.s. acute-leaved. Europe. 1596. 7 H.%.—. Flor. gree. 250. 2 monspeliacum. R.s. Montpelier. S. Europe. —— 8.9. H.%. ~. —————— 251. 3 pilosum. R.s. hairy. C.B.S. 1726. 6.9. G.h. . Botan. regist. 111. Periploca africana. A.R. 557. A crassifolium. R.s. _ thick-leaved. “— 1816. +-2+ G.hw. 5 capense, R.8. Cape. ——— 1820. -:-- G.huw. 6 roseum. R.S. rosy. Dahuria. 1816. 7.8. H.%. Gmel.sib.4. t. 42. Asclepias davurica. w. 7 nigrum. R.S. black. S. Europe. 1596. 5.8. H. ets Botan. magaz. 2390. 8 medium. R.s. middle. teeeecce cere = H.W. 9 Vincetoxicum. R.s. officinal. Europe. 1596. -—- H.%. Flor. dan. 849. Asclepias Vincetoxicum. w. 10 fuscatum.s.s. ~ yellow-flow’r’d. — — H.y. P 11 sibiricum. R.s. Siberian. Siberia. 1775. 78 H.%. Murr. gott.2.t.7. 12 feetidum. R.s. fetid. Mexico. 1823. —— G.h.~v. Cavan. ic. 2. t. 158. 13 viridifloram.B.m. green-flowered. E. Indies. 1814. 10.12. S.h._. Botan, magaz. 1929. 14 2? undatum. A.R. wave-leaved. ———._ 1803. 7.8. S.h.~. Andr. reposit. 410. 15.2 mucronatum. A.R. sharp-pointed. Trinidad. 1804. —— Bulvse. —_———_—_— — 5l5. DEMIA. R.S. DamiA. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 extensa. R.S. smooth-leaved. E. Indies. 1775. 7.8. S.hw. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 54. 2 bicolor. two-coloured. ———— 1806. —— S.h.ww. Andr. reposit. 562. Cynanchum bicolor. A.R. DIPLOLEPIS. R.S. D1ipLovepis. Pentandria Digynia. 1 vomitoria. H.T. dull-leaved. China. 1820. 6.9. S.h.w. 2 apiculata. H.T. glossy-leaved. ———- -—~- — S.hww. SARCOSTEMMA.R.S. SarcostemMA. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 viminale. R.s. twisting. E. Indies. 1731. 7. S.h.w. 2 Swartzianum. R.s. Swartz’s. W.Indies. ---- +++» S.h. Sloan. hist.1.t.i31.f.1. — EUSTEGIA. R.S. Eustecra. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. hastata. R.Ss. halberd-leaved. C. B.S. 1816. 6.8. G.f. Spr.n.ent.t.1. f. 5-10. Apocynum hastatum. w. scrape R.S. Microtoma. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 sagittatum. R.s. arrow-leaved. C.B.S. 1775. 7.8. G.h. . Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 38. 2 lineare. R.s. linear-leaved. ———— 1816. —— G.h. . Pluk.mant.17.t.335,f5 ASTEPHANUS. R.S. AstepHanus. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 triflorus. R.s. three-flowered. C. B.S. 1816. 7.9. GY... , 2 linearis. R.3. panicled. —— — — GA. ORDO CXIX. GENTIANEZ. Brown prodr. 1. p. 449. GENTIANA.R;SS. GENTIAN. Tetr-Pentandria Digynia. 1 lutea. R.s, yellow. AlpsEurop. 1596. 6.7.'H.%. Mill,ic. t, 139, 2 hybrida. R.s, hybrid. Switzerland,1825, ——— H,2%. 3 purpurea. R.s. 4 pannonica. R.s. 5 punctata. R.s. 6 septemfida. r.s, B guttata. 7 asclepiadea. k.s. 8 cruciata, R.s. 9 macrophylla. R.s. 10 adscendens. s.s. 8B decumbens. R.s. Ll frigida. r,s. 12 algida. r,s. 13 gelida. r.s. 14 Pneumonanthe. r,s. B guttata. B.M. 15 linearis. r,s, 16 triflora. R.s. 17 Saponaria. B.m. 18 Catesbei. n. 19 intermedia. B.M. 20 incarnata. B.M. 21 ochroleuca. R.s. 22 quinquefiora. R.s. amarelloides. M. aurea, R.s. quinquefolia. F.D. umbellata. M.B. acaulis, R.s. alpina. R.s. pyrenaica. R.s. pumila. R.s. verna. R.S. bavarica. rR.s. 31 imbricata, R.s. _ $2 utriculosa. r.s. | 33. nivalis. R.s. 34 germanica. R.S, 35 Amarella. r,s. 36 caucasica. R.5. 37 campestris. R.s. 38 angustifolia. R.s. $9 glacialis. R.s. 40 ciliata. n.s. 41 crinita. R.s. JSimbriata. A.R. 509. 42 barbata. r,s. ciliata, B.M. SWERTIA. R.S. 1 perennis. r.s. 2 Michauxiana. R.s. CHLORA. S.S. 1 imperfoliata. s.s. 2 perfoliata. s.s. FRASERA. M. ’ Walteri. m. carolinensis. Walt. ERYTHRZAA. R.S. 1 Centaurium. r.s. 2 latifolia. s.s. 3 pulchella. r,s. 4 ‘littoralis. r,s. 5 conferta. Rs, 6 aggregata. B.F.c. 7 maritima. R.s. | 8 lutea. R.s. _SABBATIA. RS. 1 gracilis. R.s. 2 angularis. R.s. 3 calycosa. R.s, 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 GENTIANE. purple. Switzerland.1768. -—— H.¥. round- petal’d. ———— +... —— H.}». dotted-flow’r’d. 1775. —— H.2. crested, Levant. 1804. —— H.. spotted. Sa eae Sots) “a ieer: H.}. swallowwort-ld, Austria. 1629. 7.8 H.}. Crosswort. ——— 1596. 6.7. H.#. long-leaved. Siberia. 17965, dante ibas oe ascending. — 1799. 6.7. H.%. decumbent. ——- — -——— Hy. frigid. Carpathian m.1816. —— H.2. narrow-leaved. Siberia. 1808. —— H.2. cream-colour’d, Caucasus, 1816. -——~ H.2. Calathian violet, England. ---, 89. H.%. spotted-flowered. s2s++1+s r+ —— H.}. linear-leaved. N.America. 1816. —— H.2. three-flowered. Siberia. 1807. 6.7. H.}. barrel-flow’r’d. N.America, 1776. 8.9. H.%. Catesby’s, ————_ -—— 6.8. H.%. intermediate. 1820. 8.9. H.2. flesh-coloured, 1812. 9.11. H.. pale-flowered. 1803. 8.9. H.. five-flowered. 1323. 7.9. H.¢. largeinvolucr’'4. Norway. -—- -— H.é. umbel-flow’r’d, Caucasus. —— 8.10. H.©. dwarf. - Wales. ---. 3.6. H.%. Alpine. Switzerland.i8i18, —— H.2. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1825. -—-—~- H.2. small. Switzerland. ———- -— H.2. spring. England. --+; -—— H.2. Bavarian. Germany. 1775. 7. H.%. imbricated. Switzerland.1825. —— H.2. hbladdereds — lo COD HOO. small alpine. Scotland. --- $8.9. H.©. German. Germany. 1825. -— H.©. autumnal. Britain. ese> 8.10. H.©. -Caucasean. Caucasus. 1804. 7.8. H.©. field. Britain. -+--+ 8.10. H.©. slender-leav’d. N.America. 1820. 8.9. H.2. northern, N. Europe. 1826. -:-- H.©. fringe-flow’r’'d, S. Europe. 1759. 8.9. H.2/. jagged-flow’r’d. N.America.1804. 7.10. H.¢. bearded. Siberia, seer 8.9. HOS. Fetwort. Tetr-Pentandria Digynia. marsh. England. wees, 7. Se Tedl» American. N.America. 1824. —— H.¢. YELLow-worT. Octandria Monogynia, L. sessile-leaved. Italy. 1826. ---- H.©. perfoliate. Britain. --- 6.7. H.©. FrRAsERA, Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. Walter's. N.America. 1795. 7.8. H.¢. ERYTHR#A. Pentandria Monogynia. P.S. common. Britain. seee 7.8. H.©. broad-leaved. Lancashire. «+>» -—— H.©. dwarf:branchingEngland. -+-- 8 9. H.©. simple dwarf. Britain. --- 6.8. H.©. close-flowered. Spain. 1818. 5.11. H.%. cluster-branch’d.Nepaul. 1824. 3.11. H.z. sea-side. S. Europe. 1777, 7.8 H.%. yellow-flow’r’d. ————— _ ++-*- —— H.©. SABBATIA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. slender. N. America. «**+ 7, H.¢. angular-stalk’d, 1823. 7.8 H.g. dichotomous, 1812. 6, : Re de 281 Andr, reposit. 117. Jacq. aust. 2, t. 136. : 5. t. ap. 28. Botan. magaz, 1229, — 1410. ————— 1078. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 372.. Botan. magaz. 1414, — 705. ee ee eee Freel. gent. n. 13. ic. Pall. ros. 2. t. 95. ——— Eng. bot. 20. Botan. magaz, 1101. Pall. ross. 1. t, 93. f. 1. Botan. magaz. 1039. Andr. reposit. 418. Botan. magaz, 2303. —— 1856. 1551. Flor. dan. t. 344. Eng. bot. 1591. ‘Lodd. bot. cab. 476. W. et K. hung. t, 207. Jacq. obs. 2. t. 49. Eng. bot. 493. Vill. delph. 2. t. 10. Barrel. ic. 101. f. 2. W. et K. hung. t. 206. ‘Eng. bot. 896. Mayrh. fl. mon. t. 278. Eng. bot. 236. Botan. magaz. 1038, - Eng. bot. 237. Sch.rom. arc.1. t.2. f.5. Jacq. aust. t. 113. Swt. br. fl. gar. 139. Botan. magaz. 639. Eng. bot. 1441, Eng. bot. 60. Eng. bot. 417. Eng. bot. 458. 2305. Swt. br. fi. gar. 137. Cavan. ic.3. t. 296. f.l. . Barrel. ic. 468. Sal. par. lond, 32. Botan. magaz. 1600. 282 GENTIANE, 4 ehionuten: R.S. Chlora-like. N. Ameren. 1817. 8.9. H.¢. 5. paniculata. R.s. panicled. ——_—_- ——- — H.. EUSTOMA. P.L. Eustoma. Pentandria Monogynia. silenifolium. p.L. Silene-leaved. Providencelsl.1804. 7. S.©. CHIRONIA. R.S. Cuironia. Pentandria Monogynia. L. , 1 jasminoides.R.s. Jasmine-like. C.B.S. 1812. 4.7. G.h. 2 lychnoides. R.s. Lychnis-fld, ——— 1816. — G.h. 3 nudicaulis. R.s. naked-stalked. — — Gh. 4 linoides. R.s. flax-leaved. 1787. 7.9. G.h. 5 baccifera. R.s. berry-bearing. 1759. 6.7. G.h. 6 angustifolia. B.mM. narrow-leaved. 1800. 6.8. -G.%. 7 frutescens. R.S. frutescent. 1756. 6.9. G.h. B albiflora. white-flowered. '-———-——- +++» —— G.. 8 decussata. R.S. cross-leaved. ———_ 1789. G.h. HIPPION.S.S. Hippion. Pentandria Monogynia. “Ss S. viscosum, S.S. clammy. Canaries. 1781. 6.7. G.g. Exacum Gentiana viscosa. H.K. SEB/ZA. B.P. SeB#A. Tetr-Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 ovata. B.P. oval-leaved. N.S. W. 1820. 8.10. G.©. 2 albens. B.P. white-flowered. C. B.S. — — G. 3 cordata. B.P. heart-leaved. 1815. 7.8. H. ©. CICENDIA. Adans. Cicenpra. Tetrandria Monogynia. — filiforme. slender-stalk’d. Britain. eee» 7,8. HO. Exacum filiforme. E.B. Microcale filiforme. Lk. EXACUM. B.P. Exacum. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. ' tetragonum. p.p. square-stalked. Nepaul. 1820. 8. 10. H.©. MITRASACME.B.P. Mitrasacme. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. — 1 polymorpha. B.p. variable. N.S.W. 1822. 6.8 G.%. 2 canescens. B.P. canescent. 1820. —— G.2. HOUSTONIA.R.S. Hovustonta. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. © 1 cerulea. R.s. blue-flowered. N.America. 1785. 5.8. H.2. 2 purpurea. R.s. purple-flow’r’d. 1800. —— H.%. SPIGELIA. RS. Worm-GRASS. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 Anthelmia. R.s. annual. W. Indies. 1759. 7. S.©. 2 marylandica. R.s. perennial. N.America. 1694. 7.8. H.2. LISIANTHUS. R.S. Listantuus. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 4 longifolius. R.s. long-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 7.9. S.h. 2 glaucifolius. R.s. glaucous-leav’d. W. Indies. ---- —— S.}% 3 exsertus. R.S. oval-leaved. ———_ 1793. 7.9. S.hb. 4 latifolius. R.s. broad-leaved. 1822, e+++ S.h. 5 umbellatus. r.s. | umbel-flower’d. —— esse S.b. 6 cordifolius. R.s. heart-leaved. 1816. 6.8. S.h. 7 acutangulus.R.s. acute-angled. Peru. 1820. —— S.2. 8 angustifolius. K.s. narrow-leaved. S.America. 1824. 7.10. S.©. LOGANIA. B.P. LoGAniA. Pentandria Monogynia. R S. 1 latifolia. B.P. broad-leaved. N, Holland. 1816. Exacum vaginale. Lab. 2 floribunda. B.P. many-flowered. N.S. W. Euosma albiflora. A.R. | 3 revoluta. B.P. revolute-leav’d. ——-——— 1822. «+++ G.h VILLARSIA.R:S. VILLARSIA. Pentandria Monogynia. R. “e 1 nymphoides, k.s. common. England. coos 6.7. Menyanthes nymphoides. E.B. 2 indica. R.s. Indian. 3 sarmentosa. R.S. sarmentose. Menyanthes sarmentosa, B.M. : 4 lacunosa. v. smooth-fid, N.America, 1812. 5 reniformis. B.P. kidney-leaved. N.S. W. 1820. 6 parnassiifolia, B.P. tall. Menyanthes exaltata. B.m. Swertia parnassiifolia, Lab. n. hol. t. 97. 1797, 4.5. G.b. E. Indies. N.S. W. 1790. 1806. 7 ovata. R.S. oval-leaved. C. B.S. 1786. MENYANTHES.R.S. Bucx-Bean. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 trifoliata. E.B. common. - ritain. vere 2 americana. | American. N. America. -e++ 4.6, H.w.2. trifoliata B minor. P.s, Sal. par. lond. 241. Botan: regist. 197. Sitint trans. 7.t 12. £3. Botan. magaz. 511. —- ——— 233. — 37. ° Botan. magaz. 707. Sm. ic. fas. 3. t. ‘he Lab. nov. hol. 1. t. 52. . Burm. afr. t.74. f.4. t.74, f. 5. —e Eng. bot. 235. Botan. magaz. 370. it Botan. magaz. 2359. —— 80. ‘Botan. regist. 880. Jacq: ic. 1. t.33. Brown. jam. 2: t. 9. f.2. Flor. per. 2. t. 122. f.a, Lab. nov. hol. 1. t. 61. Andr. reposit, 520. H.w. 2. Eng. bot. 217. 6.8. S.w.%. Botan. magaz. 658. —. G.w. 4. —___—_ — 1323. 6.7. G.w.4. Venten. choix. 9. — G.w.. 1805. 6.10. G.w.%. Botan. magaz, 1029. 5.7. G.w.4. Botan, magaz. 19005 6.7. H.w. 4. Eng. bot. 495. BIGNONIACER. 983 ORDO CXxX. BIGNONIACER. Brown prodr. 1. p. 470. _ CHILOPSIS. D.D. CuiLopsis. Didynamia Angiospermia. ~ { linearis. linear-leaved. Mexico. 1825. ---. S.h. Cavan.ic. 3. t. 269. i Bignonia? linearis. Cav. CATALPA. J. CaTALPA. Diandria Monogynia. S.S. , C 1 syringifolia. s.s. common. N.America. 1726. 6.8. H.k. Botan. magaz. 1094. *Bignonia Catulpa. L. 2 longissima. s.s. wave-leaved. W.Indies. 1777. -+++ S.h. Plum. ic. t. 57. ' 8 microphylla. s.s. | small-leaved. Hispaniola. 1820. -+-- S.h. M—M———t.55. BIGNONIA.SS. TRUMPET-FLOWER. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. y 1 Unguis. s,s. Barbadoes. W. Indies. 1759. ---- S.h. . Plum.amer. t.94. long-stamen’d. Hispaniola, 1820. 6.9. S.h._. Plum. ic. 56. f.2. staminea. s.s. capreolata. s.s. four-leaved. N.America.1710. 6.8. H.h._. Botan. magaz. 864. 2 3 4 pubescens. S.S. downy. New Spain. 1759. 6.7. S.h.w. 5 equinoctialis. s.s. equinoctial. W. Indies. 1768. 6.8. S.h.. Plum. ic. t.55. f.1. 6 Chamberlaynii. 8.m.Chamberlayne’s.S. America. 1818. —— S.h.. Botan. magaz, 2148. 7 chrysoleuca.s.s. yellow & white. ————— 1824. —— S.h.v. 8 alliacea. s.s. garlick-scent’d. W. Indies. 1790. ---- S.p.wv. 9 spectabilis. s,s. showy. S. America. 1824. -+++ S.hww. 10 picta. K.s. flat-stemmed. 4 ———- —— +--+ S. hw. 11 laurifolia. s,s. Laurel-leaved. Guiana. 1804. +--+» S.hKw. 12 rigescens. s.s. rigid-leaved. S.America.1816.. 6.8. S.h.—. Jacq. schoen. 2. t. 210. 13 grandifolia.p.R. large-leaved. ———- — 4.7. S.h.~. Botan. regist. 418. 14 latifolia. broad-leaved. Cayenne. 1824. +--+ S.huw. 15 elongata. s.s. long-racemed. S..America. 1520. «--- S.h.J. Vahl. ecl. 2. t. 16. 16 mollissima, K.s. soft-leaved. Caracas, 1812, -+-- S.h.W. 17 diversifolia. x.s.- different-leav’d. Mexico. 1824. -+-- S.hic. 18 floribunda. K.s. | abundant-fid. — § ——_ +--+! Sb. ; cross-bearing. S.America. 1759. 6.8. S.h.~. Plum. ic. t.58. 20 heterophylla. s.s. various-leaved. Guiana. 1820. *--- S.hB.. Aub. gui. 2. t. 260. 21 venusta. s.s. comely. S. America, 1816. 9.12. S.h... Botan. regist. 249, 22 incarnata, s.s. flesh-coloured, Guiana. 1818. 6.9. S.h. . Aub. gui. 3. t. 261. 19 crucigera. s.s. uae 23 mollis. s.s, soft, —— +--+ Sb. Vahl. ecl. 2. t.10. tomentosa. Rich. 20” Th. 24 littoralis. K.s. sea-side. Mexico. 1824, ser S,hww 25 viridiflora. B.c. green-flowered. S. America. 1820. 6. is S.h ws , Lodd. bot. cab. 1026. 26 triphylla. s.s. three-leaved. Mexico. 1733. -+*+ Ssh. | 27 pallida. s.r. pale. S. America, 1823. 7. 8, S.h. Botan. regist. 965. 28 fluviatilis. s.s. marsh. ———._ 1815. +++ S.hb. Aub. gui.2. t. 267. 29 Leucoxylon. s.s. | white-wooded. W. Indies. 1759. 6 7. S.h. Andr. reposit. 43. 30 chrysantha. s.s. golden-flow’r’d. Caracas. 1822. -+++- S.hb. Jacq. scheenb.2, t.211. 31 esculifolia. s.s. Esculus-leav’d, Mexico. 1824. ---- S.h. 32 serratifolia. s.s. saw-leaved. Trinidad. 1822, +e+» S.h. 33 bijuga. s.s. Madagascar. Madagascar.—— -+e+ S.h. 34 Clematis. K.s. Clematis-14, Caracas, cert nas 68" By, 35 chelonoides.s.s. _—itree. E. Indies. 1808. +**+ S.h. Rheed.mal.6.t.26. . 36 variabilis. s.s. variable-leav’d. Caracas. 1820. 6.8. S.h. Jacq. scheenb.2, t.212. 37 indica. w. Indian. E. Indies. 1775. «+++ S.h. Rheed.mal.1. t. 43. 38 jasminifolia. K.s. Jasmine-leaved. S. America. 1824. -+++ S.h. 39? alba. w. white-flowered. Guiana. 1823. «+--+ S.h.-. Aub. gui, 2. t. 266. Jacaranda alba, s.8. ee 40? echinata. w. bristly-fruited. —M—H— 1804. --++- S.h.. Aub. gui. 2, t. 264. Jacaranda echinata. 8.8. . 41 purpurea. Lod. purple. S. America. 1822. ++++ S.h. 42? tomentosa. Th. tomentose. Japan. 1823, -*+: S.b. Kempf. amen. t. 860. * Incarvillea tomentosa. s.s. MILLINGTONIA. L. Mituinetonia. Didynamia Angiospermia, L. hortensis. L. cork-barked. EE. Indies. 1818, «+++ S.h. Bignonia suberosa. Roxb. 20 2 284 BIGNONIACEE, TECOMA. J. Tecoma. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. 1 pentaphylla.s.s. _five-leaved. Jamaica. 1733. +--- S.h. Mare. bras. t. 116. 2 digitata. K.s. digitate-leaved. S. America. 1818. ---- 3 australis. B.P. broad-leaved. N.S.W. 1793. 4.7. G.h.~. Botan. magaz. $65. Bignonia Pandore. B.m. : : 4 meonantha. narrow-leayed. ———=— 1815. —— G.huir. Bignonia meonantha. t.en. 5 mollis. K.s. soft-leaved. Mexico. 1824. +--+ S.h, 6 radicans. s.s. Ash-leaved. =N.America.1640. 7.8 H.b.c: a@ major, H.K. great. —<— ——— —— Heb.. born, miaeaz. 285. B minor. H.K. smaller. ——_- —— _ — H. hw. Catesb. car. 1. t. 65. -7 grandiflora. large-flowered. China. 1800. 6.9. G. hay Botan. magaz. 1398. Bignonia grandiflora. B.m. Incarvillea grandiflora. s.s. 8 stans. 5.3. upright ash-l¢. S. America. 1730. 7.9. Plimi. ic. t. 54. 9 incisa. cut-leaved. §_ Trinidad. 1824. ---- JACARANDA.S.S. Jacaranna. Didynamia Atwsiospermain S.S. a 1 tomentosa. D.D. - tomentose. Brazil. 1824, --+- 4 h. ; * 2 mimosifolia.B.k. |Mimosa-leaved. — 1818. 4.5. S.k. Botan. regist. 631. ovalifolia. B.M. 2327. bid 3 bahamensis. B.m. Bahama. Bahama Isl. 1724. 7.8. S.h. Catesb. ear. 1. t. 42. Bignonia cerulea. w. - ; es, Se 4 copaia, D.D. Box-leaved. Guiana. 1793. +<++ S.h. Aub. gui. 2. t. 265. Bignonia procera, W. : rhombifolia. ss, | rhomb-leaved. Surinam, 1823, +++. S.h. filicifolia. D.D. . SPATHODEA.S.S. Spatuoprea. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. 1 uncata. s.s. hooked. Guiana. 1804. 6.9. S.hew. Botan. magaz. 1511, Bignonia uncata, B.M.. aa 2 corymbosa. s.s. corymb-fid, Trinidad. 1823. -e+- S.h. ie 3 Rheedii. s.s. Rheede’s. E. Indies. 1794. -++- §.h. Roxh.cor.2. 6. 141. Bignonia spathacea, w. , 4 Roxburghii.s.s. | Roxburgh’s. ——— 1820. ---- S.h. Bignonia quadrilocularis. Roxb. "has 5 fraxinifolia, x.s.. Ash-leaved. Caracas. 1821, +++. S.h.w. Bignonia fraxinifolia. s.s. AMPHILOPHIUM.K.S. AMPHILOPHIUM. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. paniculatum. k.s. panicled. Ss. America. 1788. ---- S.hew. Jacq. amer. t. 116. Bignonia paniculata. Jacq 3 ECCREMOCARPUS. Eecremocarpus. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. 1 scaber. s.s. rough. Chili. 1823. 7.9. G..v. Botan. regist. 939. 2 longiflorus. K.s. long-flowered. Peru. 1824, ---. Ge. FIELDIA. Cun. FIELDIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. australis. Cun. New Holland. N.Holland. 1824. --++ G.h. Ap.toB.Field’sttav Je, ORDO CXXI. COBGACEA. D. Don in Edinb. phil. journ. COBCGA. Cav. Cona@ma. Pentandria Monogynia. seandens. Cav. climbing. Mexico. 1792. 5.10. G.h.J. Botan. magaz. B51. ORDO CXXII. PEDALINA. Brown prodr. 519. PEDALIUM. SS. Pepatium. Didynamia Angiospermia. 8.8. Murex. s.s. prickly-fruited. E. Indies. 1778. 8.9. S.©. Lam. il. t. 638: SESAME. — 285: ORDO CXXIIL. SESAME. Brown. TOURRETTIA. $.S. Tourrerria. Didynamia Angiospermia, S.S. lappacea. s.s. scarlet-flower’4, Peru. 1788. 6.8. S.©. Sal. stirp. rar.5. t. 3. Dombeya lappacea. Sal. ; MARTYNIA. J. MartyniA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 1 diandra. s.s. two-stamened. New Spain. 1731. 7.8. S.©.. Andr. reposit. 575. 2 proboscidea. s,s. horn-capsuled. Afierica. 1738. 6.8. G.©. Botan. magaz. 1056. annua. L. 3 longiflora. s.s. long-flowered. C.B.S. | 1781. 7.8. G.©. Meerb.ic.1. t.7. CRANIOLARIA., J. CraniozartaA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. annua, K.s. annual. S. America. 1733. 7.8. S.©. Jacq.amer. t. 110. Martynia Craniolaria. w. SESAMUM. SS. Orty-Gcratn, Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 1 orientale. s.s. oriental. E. Indies. 1731. 7. S.©. Rheed. mal. 9. t.54. 2 indicum. s.s. Indian. SS i S.0. Botan. magaz. 1788. ORDO CXXIV. POLEMONIACE, D. Don in Edinb. phil. journ. | Pe _ POLEMONIUM.S.S. Greek VALERIAN. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 ceruleum. s,s. common. Britain. esos 6. H.. Eng. bot. 14. B-album. ’ white-flowered, ————- +++ —— H.Y. y maculatum. s.s. —_ spot-flowered. ee Gaels: wees EL gare 2 gracile. w.-en. slender. Dahuwia. 1818. 6.7. H.%. 3 mexicanum. s.s. Mexican. Mexico. 1817. 4.6. H.%. Botan. regist. 460. 4 reptans. s.s. creeping. N.America.1758. 4.5. H.%. Botan. magaz,. 1887. 8 sibiricum, p.p. bipinnate. Siberia. 1800. 6. H.%. PHLOX. RS. LYCHNIDEA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 paniculata. R.s. panicled. N.America. 1732. 8.9. H.¥. Dill. elth. t. 166. £203, B alba. white-flowered. ———— 1813. -—— H.}. 2 undulata, R.s. wave-leaved. — 1759. 7.8. H.%. 3 acuminata. R.s. _—cross-leaved, —— 1812. 6.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1880. decussata, N. 4 virginica. Lod. Virginian. —__- — — H.». é 5 intermedia. Lod. intermediate. mi cree 7.9. HO. 6 maculata, R.s. spotted-stalked. ———-— 1740. 7.8. H.%. Jacq. vind.2. t. 147. 7 pyramidalis.r.s. pyramidal. —— 1800. 6.8. H.4%. 2. t.87. 8 latifolia. r.s. broad-leaved. ——— 1832. —— H.2. 9 carolina. R.s. rough-stemm’d. —————._ 1728. 7.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1344. 10 glaberrima, k.s. smooth-stalked. ————— 1725. 6.8. H.y. Dill. elth. t. 166. f. 202, 11 triflora. R.s. flesh-coloured. ————~ 1816. 7.9. H.y%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 29. carned. BeM. 2155+ 12 suaveolens. R.s. white-flowered. ~—_——~ 1766. 7.8. H.%. 13 suffruticosa. B.R. glossy-leaved. ———— 1790. 7.9. H.%. Botan. regist. 68. 14 ovata. w. ovate-leaved. .—-——— 1759. 5.7. H.¥%. Botan. magaz. 528. 15 reptans. m. creeping. ———— 1800. 6.9. H.y%. ————— 563. stolonifera. B.M. prostrata. H.K. 16 pilosa. B.M. hairy-leaved. —+——- 1759. 5.6. H.%. —— 1307. aristata., M. : 17 ameena. B.M. Fraser’s hairy. ———— 1809. 6.7. H.4%. ————-—— 1308. pilosa. 3. R.S. 18 divaricata. R.s. early-flowering. -~———-._ 1746. 4.6. H.4%. -—————-—— 163. 286 19 subulata. r.s. 20 nivalis. B.c. 21 setacea. R.S. GILIA. R.P. GILTA. 1 coronopifolia. s.s. elegant. Carolina. Cantua coronopifolia. w. Ipomopsis elegans. Ex. B. 2 inconspicua. small blue. America. Ipomopsis inconspicua. Ex. bot. HOITZIA. J. Ho1tzia. coccinea. K.8. scarlet, CALDASIA. S.S. CALDAsIA. heterophylla. s.s. Bonplandia geminiflora, cav.ic. 6. t.532. awl-leaved. snowy white. bristle-leaved. Mexico. POLEMONIACEE. N.America. 1786. 1820. —————_ 1786. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. 1726. 8.9. Gg. 1793. 9. 11. H.Q. SAT 7 bee “" ” r ' Botan. magaz. alt. Lodd. bot. cab. 780. Botan. magaz. 415. er, H.}. — H.h. 4.5. H.}. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 13. a= 1, as 14. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. 1826. Pentandria Monogynia, various-leaved. New Spain. 1813. 5, 12. Cavan, ic. 6. t. 365. eoese Sih. S.©. Botan. regist. 92. ORDO CXXV. HYDROLEACE. Kth. synops. 2. p. 234. HYDROLEA. S.S. estos Pentandria Digynia. L. 1 spinosa. s.s. thorny. S. America.1791. 7.8. S.h. Botan. regist. 566. 2 quadrivalvis, s.s. four-valved. Carolina. 1824. —— G.x, NAMA. SS. Nama. Pentandria Digynia. L. jamaicensis, s.s. Jamaica. Jamaica. 1812, Lam. ill, t. 184. 6. 9, S.©. ORDO CXXVI. CONVOLVULACEA. Brown prodr.1. p. 481. 2RETZIA. RS. spicata. R.3. spiked. CONVOLVULUS.B.P. BINDWFED. 1 arvensis. R.S. small. - Britain. 2 chinensis. B.R. Chinese. China. 3 emarginatus. s.s. emarginate. ~~ -+--- a 4 bicuspidatus. s.s. two-pointed. Davuria. 5 Scammonia. R.s. Scammony. Levant. 6 erubescens. R.s. maidenblush. N.S. W. 7 dentatus. R.s. toothed-lobed. E. Indies. 8 pannifolius. r.s. cloth-leaved. | Canaries. 9 canariensis. R.s, Canary. 10 Massoni. R.s. Masson’s. Dryandri, s.s. suffruticosus. B.R. 11 bogotensis. K.s. Bogota. S. America. 12 tiliaceus. R.s. Lime-tree-14, — Brazil. 13 guianensis. R.S. Guiana. - Guiana. 14 ciliatus. R.s. fringed-leav’d. Cayenne. 15 maximus. R.S. great Ceylon. Ceylon. 16 pentanthus. r.s. _five-flowered. W. Indies. 17 farinosus. r,s. mealy-stalked. Madeira. 18 Hermannie.s.s. Peruvian. Peru. crenatus. Jacq. slender-leaved. Levant. 19 tenuissimus. R.S. 20 althzoides. R.s. Althza-leaved. ; 21 bryonizfolius. R.s. Bryony-leaved. China. 22 italicus. R.8. Italian. Italy. hirsutus. T.N. 20M M.B. 23 hirsutus. M.B. hairy. Tauria. ReTz1A. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. . B.S. 1816. 1824. 1596. 1803. 1820. 1805. 1690. 1788. 1820. 1799. 1808. 1777. 1799. 1597. 1802. eeee 1824. 5.6. G.R. Lam.ill. t. 103. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 6.9. HH... Eng. bot. 312. | —— H.}. _. Botan. regist. 322. — HH... is se DE 7.8. 8. H.%.-. Mill. ic. 1. t. 102. 7. 6 G. #.—. Botan. fgg Sine 1067. sooe SMW. 6. 9. G.h.—. Botan. regist. 222. — G.h. . Botan. magaz. 1228. — G.h. . Botan. regist. 133. reese SB 6, 8."°H aS — S.4%.0 , Aub. gui. 1. t. 52. SS Bee sie Site . Rheed. mal. 11. t. 53. - S.h. . Botan. regist. 439, ye he. Sal. par. lond. 45. e: 5 G.Y4.-. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 315. 6.10. G.%. . Flor. gree. t. 195. 6.9. F.%b... —————— t. 194. 7.8 G.Y.V. Botan. magaz. 943. — F.%.—. Ten. fl. neap. 1. t. 15. ene ae H.% oe | CONVOLVULACEX. 287 | 24 alceifolius. rs. Hollyhock-l¢, C.B.S. 1823. ; — G.%.c.' | 25 macrocarpus. r.s. long-fruited. S. America, 1752. —— S.©.—. Burm. amer. t. 91. f.J. | 26 quinquefolius, Ris. . five-leaved. Vera Cruz. «+2» -—— S.©.v. Pluk. alm. t. 167. f.6. | 27 glaber. R.s. smooth. Cayenne. 1806. ---- S.h.~. Aub. gui.1. t.53. - 28 siculus. R.s. small-flowered. S. Europe. 1640. 6.8. H.©. Botan. regist. 445. 29 elongatus. s.s. long-peduncl’d. Canaries. 1815. 7.8. H.©. 498. pseudo-siculus. R.S. “4 30 Sibthorpii. r.s. Sibthorp’s. Samos. 1823. —— H.%. Flor. grec. t. 193. : sagitiifolius. F.G. non M. 31 hirtus. r.s. hairy-stalked. E.Indies. 1806. 6.8. S.©. 32 multifidus. r.s. multifid. Cc. B.S. 1822, —— G.%. 83 tricolor. R.s. three-coloured. S. Europe. 1629. 7.9. H.©. Botan. magaz, 27. | B albifiorus. white-flowered, —————- —— —— H.©. 34 pentapetaloides.Rr.s. Majorca. Majorca, 1789. 6.7. H.©. Jacq. col. 4. t. 22. f. 2, 35 lineatus. R.s. dwarf. . S. Europe. 1714. —— H.%. Flor. grec. t.199. 36 Gerardi. r.s. Gerard’s. ——— _ -+-- —— H.x%. Barrel ic. t.311. $7 undulatus. R.s. waved, —— _ 1816. 6.10.H.©. Cavan. ic. 3. t. 277. f.1. humilis. Jacq. col. 4. t. 22. f. 3. evolvuloides. F.G. 198. ciliatus. P.S. if _ 38 Cneorum. r,s. silvery-leaved. Levant. 1640. 5.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 459, . $9 saxatilis. r,s. rock. S. Europe. 1796. 6.8. F.2%. ~Bocc. mus. 138. t. 96. 40 floridus. rR.s. _ many-flowered. Teneriffe. 1779. 8.9. G.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 34. 41 Cantabrica. r.s. flax-leaved. S. Europe. 1680. 5.9. H.%. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 296. 42 salvifolius. Len. - Sage-leaved.. Palestine. 1825. —— H.2. ; 43 linearis. R.s. narrow-leaved. S. Europe. 1770. ---- G.}. Botan. magaz. 289, 44 Dorycnium. R.s. _ silky-leaved. Levant. 1806. 6.7. H.h. _ 45 holosericeus. r.s. silky. Tauria. 1824. —— H.}. | 46 scoparius, R.s. broom. Canaries. 1733. By 9. G.hb. Venten. choix. t.24, _ 47 arborescens. K.s.. arborescent. Mexico. 1818. - S.h. ; 25 - CALYSTEGIA. B.P. Brearsinp. Pentandria Monog gynia. 'R. Ss. 1 sepium. R.s. great-hedge. _ Britain. ee 6.9. H.%.—. Eng. bot. 313. B incarnata. red-flowered. N.America. «+++ —— H.%.—. Botan. magaz.732. 2 sylvestris. R.s. wood. . Hungary. 1815. —— H.2.v. Convolvulus sylvestris. w.en. 3 dahurica. B.m. Dahurian. Dahuria. 1820. 7.8. H..-. Botan. magaz. 2609. _ 4 tomentosa. R.S. woolly. . N.America. 1818. 6.7. H.%. | Convolvulus stans. M. _ § spithamea. R.s. small upright. §———— 1796. 7.8. H.y¥. Hook. ex. flor. 97. 6 Soldanella. R.s. sea-side, Britain. cree 6.7. H.. . Eng. bot. 314. Convolvulus Soldanella. E.B. 7 reniformis. B.P. kidney-leaved. N.S.W. 1822. 6.8. F.y%. Swt. br. fl. gar. v. 2. 8 Keriana. Mr. Ker’s, Mauritius. 1818. 6.8. S.©. Botan. regist. 318, : Convolvulus involucratus. B.R. non Beau. Convolvulus bicolor. B.M. 2205. nec aliorum. IPOMGA.B.P. Ipoma@a. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 Quamoclit. R.s. wing-leaved. E.Indies. 1629. 7.9. S.@. . Botan. magaz. 244. B albiflora. white-flowered. ——-—— .-*:- —— S.©.w 2 dissecta. R.s. cut-leaved. Tropic’s. 1813. 6.9. S. sh: 2 Willd. phyt.1. t.2. f.3. 3 tuberosa. R.s. tuberous-root’d. W. Indies. 1731. §. 10. S.2.-. Botan. regist. 768, 4 digitata. r.s. fingered. S. America. ---- —— §,%.V-. Plum. ic. 92. f.1, 5 sinuata. R.s. sinuated, N.America. 1813. 6.9. G.4.-. Jacq. vind. t. 159. dissecta. Ph. non. W. Convolvulus dissectus. M. 6 tuberculata. R.s. __ tubercled. Bourbon. 1818. —— S.h.v. Jacq. schen. 2. t. 199. stipulacea. Jacq. k 7 pes-tigridis. R.s. palmated. E. Indies. 1732. 8.10. S.©. Rheed. mal. 2. t.59. 8 Cairica, jagged-leaved. Egypt. 1680. 6.9. S.h. -. Botan. magaz. 699, Convolvulus cairicus. B.M. 9 pendula. B.F. pendulous-fld, N.S. W. 1808. 5.10. G.h.W. Botan. regist. 632. 10 dasysperma. J.E. warted. E. Indies, 1815. 8.9. G.©.v. 86. tuberculata, B.R. . 11 platensis.s.r. . Plata. S. America. 1817. . 6.9. S.4.VU. —— 333. 12 setosa. B.R. bristly-stalked. Brazil. — 8.10. S.bww. -—— 335. 13 paniculata. R.S. panicled. E. Indies. 1799. 6.9. S.h.v. — 62. 14 insignis. A.R. large purple. — 1814. — S.h.-. ————— 75. gossypifolia. R.S. 15 splendens. G.D. splendid. Sierra Leon. 1822. —— S.h.W 16 parviflora, R.8. small-flowered. SantaCruz. —— 7.10. S.©.0 Sloan. hist. 1. t. 97. f.1. 17 heterophylla. R.s. various-leaved. S.America. 1817. —— S.%. Jacq. frag. t. 42. f. 4. 18 macrorhizos. R.s. large-rooted. W.Indiess —— -— S.%. mss.v.2.t,58. 19 umbellata. R.S. umbelled. S. America. 1739. 6.7. S.%. Burm. amer. t. 92. f, 2. 20 carolina, R.s. Carolina. Carolina. 1732. 7.8. G,%. . Dill, elth. t. 84. f. 98. 288 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44. 45 46 47 48 49 50 Sl 52 53 54 ‘55 56 37 58 59 60 61 62 638 64 65 66 67 68 CONVOLVULACEZ. venosa. R.S. veined-leaved. Mauritius. 1820. pentaphylla.R.s. five-leaved. | W. Indies. 1739. Cavanillesii. R.8. Cavanille’s. S. America.1815. pentaphylla. Cav. 20n Jacq. armata. R.S. armed-calyxed. Mexico. 1824. muricata. Cav. non Jacq. - coccinea. R.S. bright-scarlet. W. Indies. 1713. luteola. R.s. coccinea. B.M. angularis. R.s. pheenicea., ¥.1. lacunosa. R.s. common scarlet. Guatimala. 1759. angular-leaved, E. Indies. 1806.. starry. N.America, 1640. Batatas. R.s. sweet potatoe. India. 1597. Convolvulus Batatas. w Turpethum, k.s. = square-stalked. Ceylon. 1752. chryseides.B.R. golden. China. 1817. Jalapa. true Jalap. S. America, 1733. Jalapa. B rosea, B.R. 621. Convolvulus Jalapa. B.M. Michauxii. Michaux’s. Georgia. 1815. Jalapa, a, B.R. macrorhizd. M. non R.S. sanguinea. R.S8. blood-flowered. W. Indies. 1812. repanda. R,s. scolloped. 1793. varia. R.S. variable-leav’d. 8. America. 1816. Convoloulus pubescens. 8.8. hederacea. B.R. deep-lobed. barbata. Roth. cuspidata. R.s. N.America.1729. sharp-pointed. S. America, 1732. Dillenii. r.s. Dillenius’s, Guinea. wece Nil. p.s. blue. S. America. 1597. cerulea. B.R. East Indian. E.Indies. 1815. triloba. R.s. three-lobed. W.Indies. 1752. hederifolia. R.s. Ivy-leaved. S. America. 1773. hepaticifolia. R.s. Hepatica-ld. E.Indies. 1759. punctata. R.s. spotted-calyx’d.§. America. ---. scabra. R.s. . white-flowered. 1823. mutabilis. B.R. changeable. 1812. commutata. R.s, hairy-capsuled. N.America. ---- gangetica. -Ganges. E. Indies. 1812. Convolvulus gangeticus. F.1. muricata. R.s. rough. E. Indies. 1777. bona nox B purpurascens. B.R. 290. Convolvulus muricatus. W carnea. R.8. flesh-coloured. §. America. 1799. involucrata. R.s. involucred. SierraLeon. 1822. barbigera. B.F.c. bearded-calyx’dAmerica. 1824. purpurea. R.s. purple. 1629. B incarnata. flesh-coloured. — y leucantha. white-flowered. — 6 varia, B.M. striped-flowered. — e elatior. B.M. spotted-flower’d. fore discolor. Jacq. —— Ss. h ene 8.9. S.@.c. se ic. 2. t 319. " eS Ss. rar. Cavan. ic. 3. t. 256. on » 7. 10. 8 @in. eenieeccateal 5. t. 478. f.2. 6.9. S. ©. . Andr, reposit. 99. H.©.~. Botan. magaz. 221. S. Ox. H. Ow. Dill. elth. t. 87. fi 102, S. 3, Rheed. mal. 7, t. 50. 8.6. 5S. Mor. Botan, regist. ~ 8. Ul. Sif. Botan. magaz. 1572. components — 7.8. 2 eee — 7 es 2. 11. S, hw. ee eee 9, Be 10. S. hows Sal. par. lond. 81. ad S$... 8. 10. H.O.w. Botan. regist. 85. 6.7. H.©.~v. Flor. per. 2. t. 119. fia. Ee coed S.C. Dili. elth. £. 81. f, 93. 7.9. S.©.-, Botan. m magaz, 188. | — %8.©.~. Botan. regist. ‘876; 6. %. S. @s~ 7; re @~. Plum. ie. t. 93. -f. 2. 8.9. S.©.~- Burm. ind. t.-20. f. 2. 7.11. 8.©. Dill. elth. t. 83. f. 96. 7.11. S.C. 5.9. S.h.—. Botan. regist. 39. EL rye Dill. elth. t. 84, f. 98. — 7.8. S.©.~. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 323. 8. 9. S.C. Jacq. prerhy, t. 18. 8.10. S.C... Beauv. fl. d’ow. 2. t.89. 7.10. H.©.u. Swt. br. fl. gar. 86. 6.9. H.©.~. Botan, magaz. 113. ed H. Ow. Botan. magaz. ws UT violacea. R.S. purple-flow’r’d. S. America. 1732. 8.9. S.©.~. Plum. ic. t.93. f. 4. corymbosa. R.S. corymbose. India. 1823. —— S.h. ————1+t. 89.7. 2. campanulata. u.s. bell-flowered. E. Indies. 1800. —— 8S.@. Rheed. mal. 2. t. 56. polyanthes. R.s. umbel-flow’r’d. W. Indies. 1739. 6.7. S.%.~. Plum. amer. 88.:t. 102, Convolvulus umbellatus. w. multiflora. R.s. many-flowered. Jamaica. ---» —— §S.%.~. Pluk.phyt. t. 167.f. 1. malabarica. R.s. Malabar. E. Indies. 1823. +--+ S.h.~. Rheed. mal. 2. t. 5). — solanifolia. nr.s. Nightshade-ld, America. 1759. 7.8. S.g.~. Plum.ic.94, f.1. leucantha. R.s. white-flowered. S.America. 1823. 8.10. H.©.~. Jacq.ic. 2. t. 318. obscura. R.s. hairy. E. Indies. 1732. 6.8. S.@©.~. Botan. negist..239. fastigiata. crowded. —_—— 1816. ——. 5.%.-. | ‘Convolvulus fastigiatus. F.1. pray blanda. blush-flowered. 1820. «++. S.hw. Convolvulus blandus. F.1. laurifolia. Laurel-leaved. 1822, 5.8. S.h.. Convolvulus laurifolius. F.1. spherocephala. _—_— round-headed. 1816. 8.10. S.©.~.: Convolvulus sphérocephalus. F.1. F sibirica. R.S. Siberian. Siberia. 1779. 7.8. H.©Om~, Pall. it. $..p.723.t. K ie dat - CONVOLVULACES. : 229 69 tamnifolia. R.s. Tamus-leaved. Carolina. 1732. 7 8H.@.v. Dill. elth. t.318, f. 410. 70 capitata. rR.s. headed. E. Indies. 1823. 7. 10. S.%.. | 71 triquetra.r.s. _—sttriquetrons. Santa Cruz. «--- —— S.h. | 72 pilosa. various-]d hairy, E. Indies. 1815. —— S.©.v. |. Convolvulus pilosus. F.1. _ 73 denticulata. B.p. denticulate. ——— 1778. 7.8. S.:@.. Botan, regist. 317. | Convolvulus Medium. w. _ 74 bicolor. two-coloured. ———- 1815. — S.4w. Convolvulus bicolor, ¥.1. . | 75 grandiflora. R.s. great-flowered. E. Indies. 1802. 9. S.h.w. Andr. reposit. 188. | 76 latiflora, r,s. broad-flower’d, W. Indies. «+--+ 9.10, S.h.w. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 69, _ 77 filiformis. r.s. filiform. ——— 1823. -— S.h.v. Jacq. amer. pict. t.26. 78 salicifolia. ¥F.1. Willow-leaved. E. Indies. 1816. 5.7. S.d.. 79 Roxburghii. Roxburgh’s. ——. 1817. —— | multifiora. F.1. nec aliorum. 80 sepiaria. F.1. hedge. — ——- ~+— S.hbw. Rheed. mal. IL. t. 53. 81 pandurata. B.R. Virginian. N.America,1732. 6.9. G.4.~. Botan. regist. 588. Convolvulus panduratus. B.M. 1939. _ 82 candicans. hoary. +——— _ ->-- 6.8. G.%... Botan. magaz. 1603. Convolvulus candicans. B.M. | 3 83 glaucifolia. r.s. glaucous-leav’d. Mexico. 1732. 5.7. G.y.~. Dill. elth. t. 87. f. 101. 84 reptans. R.s. creeping. E, Indies. 1806. S.y%. | 85 longiflora. x.s. long-flowered, Cuba. 1803, —— S.2.r. 86 hastigera. K.s. halberd-leaved. Mexico. 1824. —— S.hww. ; 87 angustifolia. r.s. mnarrow-leaved. E. Indies. 1800. 7.8. S.@.v. Jacq. ic. rar. t.317. 88 tridentata. R.s. trifid. a ( 1778.. += S.O.~. Rheed. mal. 2. t. 65. 89 stans. R.s. Mexican. Mexico. 1824. —— S.%.. 90 bignonioides. p.m. trumpet-fld. . Cayenne. 1823. —— S.2.~. Botan. magaz. 2645. 91 sagittifolia. B.r. arrowsleaved, Carolina. 1819. 6.9. G.%.~. Botan. regist. 437. . Convolvulus sagittifolius. R.s. 92 ceerulescens. F.1. pale blue. E. Indies. 1820. —— S.J... . ' 93 vitifolia. Vine-leaved. Sy —_- eo S. hw. Burm. ind. t. 18. f. 1. _ Convolvulus vitifolius. R.s. 94 stipulacea. stipuled. ———— 1805. 8.10. S.%.~ | Convolvulus stipulaceus, F.1. 3 95. brasiliensis. three-flowered. Brazil. 1726. 6.7. S.%. Plum.amer. 89. t. 104. | Convolvulus brasiliensis, w. Ady (96 pes-capre. single-flower’d. E. Indies. 1770. —— S.%. Botan. regist. 319. maritima. B.R. Convolvulus pes-capre. ¥.1. ARGYRETIA.S.S. ARGYREIA. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. | 1 splendens. glossy-leaved. E.Indies. 1814. 11.1. 8. }.—. Botan. magaz, 2628. Ipomeea splendens. B.m. Lettsomia splendens. ¥.1. ph 2 speciosa. broad-leaved. ———— 1778. 7.9. — 2446, Ipomea speciosa. B.M. Convolvulus speciosus. w. Lettsomia nervosa. F.1. : $3 cuneata. B.R. wedge-leaved. 1817. 6.9. S.h.—. Botan. regist. 661. Letisomia cuneata: ¥.1. Ipomeea atrosanguinea, B.M. 2170. 4 cymosa. cyme-flowered, ————— 1823. <<-+ Sih. Letisomia cymosa. ¥F.1. 6 bona-nox. night-flow’ring. ————— 1799. 6.9. S.h.. _ Lettsomia bona-nox. ¥.1. 6 uniflora. kidney-leaved. -———— 1817. ---- S. hw. Letisomia unifiora, ¥.1. | _ 7 ornata. large white-fla4. —————_ 1824. ---- S.he Letisomia ornata. ¥F.1. : YINETUS. B.F.G. Dinetus, Pentandria Monogynia. 1 racemosus. 8.F.6é. cluster-flow’r’d. Nepaul, 1823. 7. 11. H.©.~. Swt. br. fi. gar, 127. Porana racemosa, ¥.1. | 2 paniculatus. panicled. E. Indies) —— ---: Ssh. __ Porana paniculata. ¥.1. -ORANA. W. PorRANA. Pentandria Digynia. | volubilis. w. climbing. E. Indies. 1823. ---- S.h.~. Burm. ind, t. 21. f.1. IVOLVULUS.S.S. Evonvurus. . Pentandria Digynia. R.S. _1 nummularius. r,s. round-leaved. Jamaica. 1816. 10. S.©. | 2 gangeticus.r.s. | Ganges. E. Indies, 1823. —— S.©. 8 emarginatus. R.s. kidney-leaved. 1816. —— 8.©. Burm. ind. t. 30. f-1. _ 4 alsinoides, R.s. chickweed-1€¢, ————— 1733. 6.7. S.%. Rheed. mal. 11. t. 64. | 5 linifolins. Rs. flax-leaved. Jamaica. 1782. 8.9: S.©. Brown. jam. t. 10. f.2. 6 Nuttallianus, r.s, Nuttall’s. Missouri. 1821. 5.6. H.%. argenteus. N. oP Jacq. amer. t.260. f.23. ~~ 290 CONVOLVULACE®. 7 latifolius. B.R. broad-leaved. Brazil 1819. 6.7. SS. ‘a Botan. ae 401. 2 CRESSA. B.S. . Cressa. Pentandria Digynia. L. a cretica. R.S. Cretan. Levant. 1822. 7.9. H. ©. Flor. gree. t 256. a DICHONDRA. R.S.. DicnHonpra.. Pentandria Digynia. L. — at l repens. R.s. / creeping. N.S. W. 1803. 6.8. G.y. Sm.i ic. ined. 1. t. z" 2 rotundifolia. L.en. _round-leaved.. Persia. 1816. —~— H.2. iby BM 3 caroliniana. R.S. Carolina. Carolina. 1812. —— G.2. ‘ 4 sericea. S.s. . silky. |W. Indies. 1793... —— S.%. Swartz. ic. t.10. 5 argentea. R.s. silvery. New Spain.1818. —— S.%. Willd. hort. ber. t. 81. FALKIA.R.S. FPALKIA. Pentandria Digynia. L. Ed Ge ~. repens. R.S. creeping. C. B.S. 1774. 5.8. G.h. Andr. reposit. 257. — CUSCUTA. RS. DoppeErR. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. ae VS 1 europea. R.s. great. England. --++ 8.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 378. 2 Epithymum. R.s. — lesser. Britain. ~--+ 7,10. H.4%. ——— 090. 3 chinensis. R.s. Chinese. China. 1803. —— G.©. A australis. B.P. New Holland. N. Holland.1818, —— G.2. mY . 5 chilensis. n.r. . Chili. . Chili. 1821. 1.12. G.%. Botan. regist. 603. 6 verrucosa. B.F.G. warted-calyx’d. Nepaul. 1822, 9.11. H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 6. 7 Hookeri. Hooker’s. E. Indies. 1823. —— H:©.: Hook. ex. fior. 150. reflexa. var. Verrucosa, H.E.F, excl. synon. eiviay ost? ORDO CXXVII. i ‘BORAGINEZ. Brown prodr. 1. p. 492. TIARIDIUM.S.S. . Traripium. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. indicum. 8.s. Indian, W. Indies. 1713. 6.8. § Heliotropium indicum. B.M. HELIOTROPIUMSS.S. TurnsoLe. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 peruvianum.s.s. Peruvian. Peru. 1757. 5. -©- Botan. magaz. 1837. G.he Botan, magaz. 141. B. hybridum. More’s hybrid. Hybrid. 1815. —— G.h. 2 corymbosum.s.s. large-flowered. ————— 1808. —— G.h. Botan. wean 1609. grandiflorum. L.en. 3 maroccanum. s.s. Morocco. Morocco. 1821. ——~ G.h- ; d 4 parviflorum.s.s. |. small-flowered.. India. 1732. 7.9. S.@. Dill. elth. t.146. £17 5 europeum. s.s. European. S. Europe. 1562. 6.10.H.©. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 207. 6 commutatum. R.s. smaller. eee nine, 2:0), een een ; 7 suaveolens. s.s. sweet-scented. Caucasus. 1823. ——. H.©. 8 coromandelianum.s.s. Coromandel... E. Indies. 1812. 7.10. S.¢. J 9 curassavicum.s.s. glaucous. | §. America.1731.. 6.7. 8.¢-. Sloan. hist.1. t.132. f.: 10 anisophyllum. Beau. unequal-leav’d. Africa. 1822. -— S.¢.: Beav. fi. d. ow. 2. t.9 11 chenopodioides.r.s. smooth-leaved. S. America. 1820. —— S.é. . t 12 zeylanicum. r.s. | Ceylon. Ceylon. 1815. —— S.g. Burm. ind. t. 16. f.2. 13 linifolium. r,s. flax-leaved. C. B.S. — — G.h. piewnndds Myosotis fruticosa, w. 14 demissum. R.s. dwarf, S. America. 1752. 5.6. S.h-. Plum. ic. 227. f. 2. Tournefortia humilis. w : — rime. 9 15 supinum. s.s. trailing. S. Europe. 1640. 6.7. H.©. Tourn. voy. 1. t.23. LITHOSPERMUM. S.S. Gromwe.t. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Be 1 fruticosum. s.s. shrubby. _§. Europe. 1683. 5.6. H.h. Flor. grec. t.161. 2 prostratum. s.s, prostrate. ——— 1825. —— H.h... Lois. fi. gall. add.l. t. 3 arvense, S.s. corn. Britain. case —— H.©. Eng. bot, 123. . A officinale. s.s. officinal. soee 5,8. H.4. ——— 134. 5 latifolium. s.s. broad-leaved. America. . 1816. —— H.2. 6 distichum. s.s. two-spiked. Mexico. 1806. —— G.}. 7 orientale. s.s. yellow-flow’r’d. Levant, 1713. —— H.¥%. Botan. magaz. 515. 8 lineatum. s.s. lined. steers 1816. —— H.2. 9 apulum. s.s. small. S. Europe. 1768. 6.7. H.©. Flor. grec. t. 158. 10 villosum. s,s. villous. ——— 1820. —— H.2. Ban 1L tinctorium. s.s. dyer’s. ——— 1596. 6.10. H.}. 12 purpureo-ceeruleum.creeping. England, «e-- 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 117. 13 tenuiflorum. s.s. — slender-fi4, Egypt: . 1796. —— H.©. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 313. . 14 dispermum, s.s. two-seeded. Spain. 1799. 6.7. H.©. Linn. dec. 1. t,7. _BORAGIN ER. 15 davuricum. s.8. Daurian, ) Davuria. 1812. 5.6. Pulmonaria davurica. B.M. 1743. 16 denticulatum.s.s. toothed. A Men iukvisn: 1801. —— 17 sibiricum. s.s.. —S- Siberian. Siberia. -—— 6.7. 18 maritimum. s.s. sea-side. Britain. ee Pulmonaria maritima. E.B. . 19 pulchrum. s,s. Virginian. N.Ameriea. 1699. 3. 5. | Pulmonaria virginica. B.M. | 20 paniculatum. s.s.__— panicled. Hudson’sBay.1778. 5. 6. Pulmonaria paniculata. B.R. 21 marginatum. s.s. = margined. Louisiana, aon 1813. Pulmonaria lanceolata. ph. marginata. Nn. BATSCHIA. M. Batscuta. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 Gmelini. mu. Carolina. Carolina. 1812. 5.7. caroliniana. R.8. Lithospermum hirtum, s.s. _ 2 canescens. m. canescent. N.America. ---> ——— . 8 longiflora. n. long-flowered. Missouri. 1812. —— PULMONARIA. S.S. Lunewort. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 azurea. s.s. azure. Hengary. 1823. 5. 2 angustifolia. ss. | narrow-leaved. Britain. eoe> 4.5. 3 tuberosa. s,s. tuberous-root’d. Hungary. 1824. 5. 4 mollis. s.s. soft-leaved. —_———— are -_— 5 officinalis. r,s, common. England. - — 6 saccharata. Len. | white-flowered. Germany, 1816. —- 7 grandiflora. r.s. large-flowered. ------+-- _— 8 oblongata. Schr. oblong-leaved. Germany. 1820. ——- OINQSMODIUM. M. Onosmopium. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 hispidum. R.s. hispid. N.America. 1759. 6. _ 2 molle. r,s. soft, ———. 1812. 6.8. JNOSMA. RS. Onosma. - Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 echioides. s,s. hairy. S. Europe. 1683. 3.6 2 giganteum. s.s. gigantic. Tauria. 1818. —— 8 arenarium. R.s. sand. Hungary. 1804. 3.7. 4 stellulatum. w.K. starry-haired. ————— 1816. —— _§ tauricum.3.m. ~— golden-flow’r’d. Tauria. 1801. 4. 6. 6 rupestre. R.s. rock. Caucasus, 1823. —— 7 orientale. s.s. oriental. Levant. 1752. 5.6. 8 divaricatum. s.s. spreading. Caucasus. 1818. 4.6. _9 simplicissimum.R.s. linear-leaved. . Siberia. 1768. —— 10 trinervium. s.s. three-nerved. Mexico. 1825. —— AL sericeum. R.s. silky-leaved. Levant. 1752. 6.7. SYMPHYTUM.R.S. Comrrey. Pentandria Monogyni a. L. 1 officinale. r.s. common. Britain. coos’ 5.7, B purpurascens. purplish. ————— eee —— _ 2 bohemicum. p.s. red-flowered. Bohemia. +--+» —— 3 caucasicum. R.S. Caucasean. Caucasus... 1816. —— 4 tuberosum.R.s. — tuberous-root’d. Scotland, ---- 5.10. 5 orientale, R.s. eastern. Turkey. - 1752. 5.7. 6 bullatum, s.s. - blistered. Tauria. 1806. —— tuuricum, B.M. 7 cordatum. w.x. iheart-leaved. Hungary. 1813. —— 8 asperrimum. R.8. _ roughest. Caucasus. 1799. 5.9. _9 peregrinum. s.s. _ oblique-leaved. Poland. 1816. 5.7. SERINTHE. R.S. Honeywort. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 major. R.s. great. S. Europe. 1596. 7. 8. | 2 aspera. R.s. rough. 1633. —— 3 minor. R.s, small. Austria. 1570. 6.10. _ 4 maculata. r,s. spotted. Tauria. 1804, —— ZICHIUM. R:S. Viper’s-BuGLoss. Pentandria Monogyni 1 fruticosum. r.s, frutescent. C.B.S. 1759. 5.6. | 2 hispidum. r.s. hispid-leaved. 1816. —— | 3 levigatum. R.s. smooth-stalked. 1774. 6.7. 4 glaucophyllum. R.s, glaucous-leav’d- 91792. 6.8. 5 glabrum.r.s. smooth. . 1791. 5.6. | 6 paniculatum. r.s. panicled. 1815. —— 7 grandiflorum. r.s. great-flower’d. 1787. 6.7. formosum, P.s. | 8 ferocissimum. a.R. prickly-stalked. 1794. —— | 9 spicatum. R.s. spiked dwarf. 1799, % oe Hy. e e FREEFRERE FRE St tts Ss. mmbinmh me EEEREE SRE statatels ws SHS SS SS x2OOO FRR FEPFERE FREER RE POOH E mtpe tea pt PT a oe ° ° NOD DADADDD | Ba Swt. br. fl. gar. 121. Gmel. sib.4. n.15. £.39. Eng. bot. 368. Botan. magaz. 160. Botan. regist, 146. Mich. amer. 1. t. 14. Eng. bot. 1628. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. Eng. bot. 118.» Moris.s. Ll, t. 29. DC. ic. ined. t. 64. Moris, s. 11. t.28. f.3. Mich. amer. t. 15. Flor. grec, t. 172. K. hung. 3. t.279. See 2 et 17S. Botan. magaz, 889. ° Botan. magaz. 2248. Eng. bot. 817. Eng. hot. 1502. Botan. magaz. 1912. — 1787. W. et K. hung. 6. t.7. Botan. magaz. 929. Botan. magaz, 333. Flor. grec. t. 170. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 124. Botan. regist. 86. Jacq. ic. t.312. Botan, regist. 124. Andr. reposit. 39. 292 10 caudatum. R.s. tailed. C.B.S. 1815. 11 capitatum. R.s. headed. ———_ 1822. 12 verrucosum. R.s. warted. 1820. 13 argenteum. R.s. silvery. 1789. 14 lasiophyllum. Len. woolly-leaved. -+++++-* 1819. 15 strigosum. R.3. strigose. C. B.S. — 16 giganteum. R.s. gigantic. Canaries. 1779. 17 aculeatum. R.s. prickly. ——-_ 1815. 18 molle. r,s. soft-leaved. wo 19 nervosum. H.K. sinewy-leaved. Madeira. 1777. 20 bifrons. pe. two-fronted. | Canaries. 1815. 21 ambiguum. nc. ambiguous. —_——_ | --— 22 virescens. DC. green-leaved. ———- —— 23 candicans. R.s. hoary tree. Madeira. 1777. 24 cynoglossoides. r.s. hound’s-tongue-ld.Canaries, 1816. 25 densiflorum. pc. dense-flowered. —————- —— 26 fastuosum. H.K. fastuous. 1779. 27 strictum. R.3. upright. 28 lineatum. R.s. lined. 1815. 29 macrophyllum.R.s. large-leaved. = ++-----» 1812. 30 foliosum. R.s.; - i (UR. « cares —— 31 simplex. pc. simple-stalked. Gidaries. — 32 brachyanthum. R.S. short-flowered. Madeira. 1820. 33 scabram. R.s. rough. C: B.S. oe 34 plantagineum. R.s. Plantain-leav’d. Italy. 1776. 35 lusitanicum.r.s. Portugal. S. Europe. 1731. 36 plantaginoides. r.s. Plantain-like. ————— 1825. 37 prostratum. R.s. prostrate. Egypt. 1824, 38 macranthum, R.s._ large-flowered. Barbary, —— 39 australe. R.s. oval-leaved. S. Europe. 1824, 40 maritimum. R.s. sea-side. Italy. 1815. 41 italicum. R.s. white. Jersey. rae 42 pyrenaicum.R.s. Pyrenean. prc ieifete 1815. 43 thyrsoideum, r.s. buneh-flowered. ----- ~ 1823. 44 rubrum, r.s, red-flowered. ikiohsy. 1791. 45 vulgare. R.s. common. Britain. tees B album. whit e-flowered. tees 46 violaceum. R.s. violet-flower'd. Austria. 1658. 47 parviflorum. H.K. small-flowered. Barbary. 1798. micranthum. R.S- 48 tenue. s.s. slender. ——— 1824. 49 Sibthorpii. R.s. Sibthorp’s. Naples. — hispidum. ¥F.G. nec aliorum. elegans. Lehm. 50 creticum. R.3. Cretan. Levant. 1683. 51 orientale. R.s. oriental. 1780. 52 salmanticum. R.s. long-stamen’d. Spain. 1824. 53 longiflorum. Dum. long-flowered. C. B.S. 1806. 54 pyramidatum. pum. pyramidal. = --- «-- + 1824, NONEA. DC. NoneEA. Pentandria Monogynia. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LYCOPSIS. L. AN 1 ASPERUGO. L. German Mapwort. Pentandria Monogynia. L. rocumbens. L. procumbent. Britain. -- 4.5. H.©. CHUSA.R.S. BuGtLoss. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Barrelieri. s.s. Barrelier’s. Hungary. 1815, 6. 7. H.%. BORAGINER, | violacea. pc. violet-coloured. S. Europe. Lycopsis vesicaria. W. nigricans. De. black-flowered. pulla. pe. dark-flowered. Germany. ciliata. R.S. fringed. Levant. rosea. L.en. rose-coloured. Caucasus. Anchusa rosea. M.Be Lycopsis rosea. 8.8. versicolor. various-color’d. Anchusa versicolor. R.S. lutea. De. pale yellow. S. Europe. Anchusa lutea. R.s. Lycopsis lutea. 8.8. picta. painted. Tauria. Anchusa picta. M.B. Lycopsis picta. s.s. WiLp BuGross. common. arvensis. L. Britain. Myosotis obtusa. wW.K. 1686. 1648. 1804. 1824. 1820. 1805. 1818. 6. 9, ; Geh ta ee 5.8. Gh 6.7. Goh 9 aie 1 Gas 7.11. G.b. 5.8. Gi. oe hGiine 6.8. G.h. — iets 5.7. G, e prt 5 5. 6.niGulen tos G.h. —— le 4.8. Gib. 5.12..G. 8. 5.6. Gib. — G.b. Se Gh. 5.12,G. 2. 5.7. Gih. NT 7. 10. H:.©. 7.8 H.©. Ss H.©. — H.%. 7.10. H.©. — H.©O. — Has 7.8. H.g. 7. 8. Fe panty te --— H,y. ae ae “a aa sees H.©. -— H.©. H.©. — Begs 7.9. MO bes 8. H.©. — H.©. 6.7. G.h. er: R.S 5.7. H.©. 7. m mom. mime © © 0 OOXO O Pentandria Monogynia. L. 5.8 H.©. Andr. reposit. 154. a DC.ic.mons. ined: t.20, t | Botan, regist, 43. DC. ic. m. ined. t. 22. . Jacq. f.eclog. t.41. Jacq. schoen. 1. t. 35. Nd ‘Jacq. f. eclog. t. 42. DC. ic. m. ined. t. 21, Flor. gree. t. 179, Jacq. vind. 1. t. 45, . Desf. atl. 1. t..46. Swt. br. fl. gar. LOI. Bocce. mus. 2, t. 78. Eng. bot. 2081. Botan. magaz. 1822. Eng. bot. 181. Flor. ae, Oe ———-— t. 183. Tourn. it. 2. f. 107. ~ i, Moris. Ss. ] 1. t.26. f.1 | ar Zanon. hist. 56. t. 38. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 188. 4 Noce. hort. tran. t.3._ Eng. bot. 938. Eng. bot. 661. : W.etK.hung. 1. t. 100. BORAGINE. 2 paniculata. rR.s. —ipanicled. oS. Europe. 1597. 6. 10..H.%. italica., B.R. 483+ ae 3 Milleri. R.S. Miller’s. be Fa bal dl 2 a cl Ns ag om H.©. 4 stylosa. Ris. | long-styled. Tauria. 1824. —— H.©. 5 procera. s.s. tall. Poland. 1822,.—— H.%. 6 lycopsoides. Len. Lycopsis-like. -----. oh — —— HY. 7 variegata. s.s. variegated. | Levant. 1683. 6.7. H.©. Lycopsis variegata. F.G. 8 ovata. s.s. oval-leaved. 1796... —~— H.©. Lycopsis orientalis. R.s. | 9 tinctoria. R.s. dyer’s, ——— 1596. 6.10. H.%. 10 hispida. R.s, hispid. . . Egypt. 1823... —— H.%. 11 tenella. Rs. slender, China. 1816. -— H.©. zeylanica. Jacq. hy 12 officinalis. rR.s. common. Britain. eeee ——— Hi. 13 incarnata. Schr. flesh-coloured. Europe. eee —— H.. 14 undulata. R.s. wave-leaved. S. Europe. 1739. 6.8. H.%. 15 ochroleuca. R.s. pale-flowered.. Caucasus. 1810. 7.8. H.2. 16 angustifolia. R.s. | narrow-leaved, Europe. 1640. 5.6. H.2. 17 leptophylla. xr.s. blue-flowered. ————- —— -—— H.}. angustifolia, B.M. Hi 18 capensis. R.s. Cape.. C. B.S. 1800. 7.8. Gf. 19 hybrida. r.s. villous. Naples. 1818. 7.10. H.©. 20 Agardhii. R.s. tubercle-leav’d. Siberia. 1823. 7.9. H.%. 21 verrucosa. R.s. warted, Egypt. — 7.10..H.©. 22 rupestris. R.s. rock. Siberia. 1802. 7. . Hp. 23 sericea. R.s. silky. | —_—_- —- _ 6.8. H.. | MYOSOTIS. RS. ScoRPION-GRAssS. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 palustris. £.B. marsh. Britain. eoee 6.9. H.w.2t. _ Scorpioides. W. 2 cespitosa. s.s. tufted. cooe 5.7. Hw. 3 intermedia. s.s. intermediate. core 4.6. Hf. 4 sylvatica. R.s. wood, ———._ -++- 6.8. H.%. 5 alpestris. R.s. rock. | Scotland. eore 6.8. Hi. rupicola. E.B.' 6 lithospermifolia.R.s.Gromwell-l4, | Caucasus, 1823. —— H.%. 7 suaveolens. R.s. sweet-scented. Europe. — — H.». 8 arvensis. E.B. corn. . Britain. sere 6.9. H.©. 9 versicolor. E.B. various-colour’d. veee 4.6. H.©. 10 sparsiflora, r,s. seattered-fld, Europe. 1818. —— H.©. Pb yodt ta. B.S. upright, —_—_——_- — — H©. 12 nana. R.s. dwarf, —_—_———_ +--- 6.8 H.%. 13 peduncularis, s.s. peduncled. Astraean, 1823. ——- H.©. ECHINOSPERMUM.S.S. EcuinosPermum. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 virginianum.s.s.. Virginian. Virginia. 1699. 6.7. H.d. Myosotis virginiana. w. Rochelia virginiana. R.s. 2 deflexum. s.s. deflexed. Hungary. 1823. —— H.¢. 3 Lappula. s.s. common. Europe. 1656. 4.8. H.©. 4 squarrosum. L.en- squarrose. Siberia. 1802. —— H.©. patulum. s.s 5 Redowskii. Lehm. Redowski’s. Russia. 1821. 6.7. H.é. 6 barbatum. s.s. bearded. Tauria. 1819. —— H.©. 7 marginatum.s.s. margined. Astracann —- —— H.©. OMPHALODES.Lehm. OmpHALopeEs. Pentandria Monogynia. L.en, 1 nitida. Lehm. shining. Portugal. 1812. 4.6. H.%. Cynoglossum nitidum. B.M. Picotia nitida. R.8. 2 verna. L.en. Comfrey-l4, ..S. Europe. 1633. 3.5. H.%. * Cynoglossum Omphalodes. B.m. Picotia verna. R.s. 3 brassicefolia. stem clasping. Spain. 1824.. 6.8. H.© amplexicaulis. Lehin. Picotia brassicafolia. R.S. 4 linifolia. L.en. Venus Navelwort. Portugal. 1648. ——- H ©. 5 scorpioides. Len. - variable-ld, Bohemia. 1823. ~— H.©. 6G sempervirens, p.p. evergreen. Britain. cooe 5G. HOY. Anchusa sempervirens. £.B. RINDERA. RS, RInvDERA. . Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. levigata. R.S. smooth. Siberia. 1824. 6.7. H.%. tetraspis. pall. Cynoglossum Rindera. pall. Cynoglossum levigatum. w. MATTIA. R.S. 1 umbellata. r,s. MATTIA. umbel-flower’d. Hungary, 1818. Pentandria Monogynia. R.s. GOTO Y: 293 Flor. graec. t. 163. — M.B. cent. pl.rar. Flor. gree. t. 178. t.23, Buxb. cent. 5. t.30. Flor. erme.t. 166. J acq.f. ecl. t..29. Eng. bot. 662. Botan. magaz. 2119. a= 1608. Flor. grec. t. 164. Botan. magaz. 1897. Andr. reposit. 336. Ten. fl. neap. t. 11. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 21. Pall, it. 3. ap. t. E. Eng. bot. 1973. FI. dan. 583. f. maj. Raiisyn. t.9. f. 2. Eng. bot. 2559. Eng. bot. 2558. 480. f.1. - S.S. | Moris. s. 11. t. 30. Wahl.a.holm.1810. t.4. | Flor. dan. t. 692. Botan. magaz. 2529. Botan. magaz. 7. Lehm. m. ber. 8. 2. Barrel. ic. 1234. Lehm. m.. ber. 8. 2. Eng. bot. 45, Pall. ross. 2. t. 88. K. hung. 2. t. 148, f.3, £9. t.6. t.7. 2904 2 lanata. R.s. woolly. Cynoglossum lanatum. w. CYNOGLOSSUM.R.S. Hounp’s-TOnGue. 1 officinale. r,s. common, 2 Heokii. r,s. rough-leaved. 3 sylvaticum. R.s. green-leaved. 4 Dioscoridis. r.s. Dioscoride’s. 5 bicolor. R.s. ~ two-coloured. 6 elongatum. R.8. long-branched. 7 pictum. R.8. Madeira, 8 hirsutum. R.5. hairy. * 9 virginicum. s.s. stem-clasping. amplexicaule. M. 10 clandestinum. R.s. hidden-fid, 11 canescens. R.S. canescent, 12 apenninum.R.s. §Apennine. 13 magellense. R.8. woolly. 14 australe. B.P. New Holland. 15 cheirifolium. s.s. _silvery-leaved. Anchusa lanata. R.S. TRICHODESMA.B.P.TRICHODESMA. BORAGINER, 1800. ——~ G.%. Levant. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Britain. . eces 6.7%. HG. Hungary. 1815. —— H.@.’ Britain. coos ee At, Dauphiny. 1818. —— H.¢@. Germany. —— —— H.¢. e@eeoeeeoa@ —_——<_ H.¢. Madeira, 1658. 8 Gg. C.B.S. 1806. 7.8 H.O. N.America. 1812. 6.7. H.%. Barbary. 1823. a G. 3 ° E. Indies. 1815. 7.10. G.©. Italy. 1731. 4.7. Hd. 1823. 5.7. H.%. N. S. W. 1820. = G.%. Levant. 1596. 6.7. H.d. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 indicum. R.s. Indian. E. Indies, 1759. 6.10. H.©. Borago indica. L. ' 2 africanum. R.s. African. C. B.S. — 7.8. H.©. B. zeylanicum.R.s. Ceylon. E. Indies. 1799. —— S.©. BORAGO. R.S. BoraGe. Pentandria Monogynia. L, 1 officinalis. r.s. common. Britain. eeee 6.9. HO. B albiflora. white-flowered. ———— «+++ —— H.©. 2 orientalis. R.s. oriental, Turkey. 1752, 3.5.!H.%. 3 cretica. R.s. Cretan. Greece. 1823. 5.6. H.%. 4 laxiflora. R.s8. bell-flowered. Corsica. 1813. 5.8 H.¢g. 5 crassifolia. R.s. thick-leaved. Persia. 1824, —— H.3. 1 cymosa. R.8. broad-leaved. 2 feetidissima. R.s. 3 bicolor. R.s. 4 suffruticosa. R.s. § mutabilis. R.s. 6 gnaphalodes. R.s. Heliotropium gnaphalodes. w 7 fruticosa. R.s. shrubby. Messerschmidia fruticosa. w. 8 angustifolia. R.3. 9 argentea. R.s. 10 Arguzia. R.s. two-coloured. hoary-leaved. changeable. silvery-leaved. herbaceous. 1 hirsutissima. R.s. very hairy. Tournefortia hirsutissima. w. 2 volubilis. r.s. climbing. | Tournefortia volubilis. w. 8 scandens. R.s. scandent. | 4 laurifolia. r,s. Laurel-leaved. » BEURRERIA.G. BEURRERIA. oval-leaved. dry-fruited. EHRETIA. Tinus-leaved. acuminate. 1 succulenta. s,s. | 2 exsncca, s.s. ’ EHRETIA. SSS. 1 tinifolia. s,s. 2 acuminata. B.P. 8 laxa. 8.8. 4 internodis. s.s. 5 levis. 8.s. 6 buxifolia. ss. 7 microphylla. s.s. - § aspera. s.s. CORDIA. B.P. | 1 Myxa. Rs. 2 monoica. R.S. 3 Collococca. R.5. 4 micranthus. R.s. axillary-fid, smooth. Box-leaved. small-leaved. rough-leaved. smooth-leaved, Birch-leaved, long-leaved. - TOURNEFORTIA. RS. Tournerortia. Tobacco-leav’d. Gnaphalium-like: W. Indies, —— narrow-leaved. _ MESSERSCHMIDIA.R:.S. MesserscHMIDIA. loose-flowered. Corpta. Pentandria Monogynia. L. small-flowered. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Jamaica. 1777. 7% S.he 1739. 9. S.he 1812, -+-- S.b. 1759. 6.9. S.b. ava. 1820. -— S.h. ciel S.h. Canaries. 1779. 6.10.G.h. a ee el @eee —wem G.h. E. Indies. 1822. —— S.h. Siberia. 1780. —— H.}. Pentandria Monogynia. S. America. 1818, 5.8. S.h. Jamaica. 1752, 7.8. S.h.wW. S. America. 1816. —— S. hw. W. Indies. 1823. -2'0 5 Ss. h ~e Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. W. Indies. 1758. 5.7. S.b. 1804. —— S.h. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Jamaica. 1734. 6.7. S.h. N.S. W. 1820. —— G.h. Mauritius. 1821. —— S.h. —_—_ — — Sh. E. Indies. 1816. «++. S.h. ORCS Pe area (9 1818. 6.8. S.h. 1795. oe bate S.h e E. Indies, 1640. -++-- S.h. 1799. 3.4. S.he Jamaica. 1759. «+--+ S.h. 1822, ++ Sh. ‘ eer .37- — bot: 921. 1642. _Clus. hist. g f, 2. Jacq. scheen. 4. t. 489. Desf. atl. 1. t. 42,° Sabb. hort. rom.2. t.36. Pluk. alm.30. t.76. f.3. Isn. act. par.1718.t.11. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 314. Eng. bot. 36. Botan. regist. 288. Flor. grec. t.176. | Botan. magaz. 1798." Venten. cels. t. 100. Jacq. ic. t.31. ate Plum. ic. 226. t. 230. Sloan.hist.2. t.162. f.4. Venten. choix. t. 3. Jacq. amer. t.173.f.11. Botan. regist. 161. Rumph. amb. 4. t.55. © Gmel., it. 2. t. 27. RS. Sloan.hist.2. t.212. f.1. 1. t.143. f. 2. Flor. peruv. 2. t. 148. Venten. choix. t. 2. Jacq. obs. 2. t. 26. Jacq. amer. t.173. f.17. Trew Ehret. t. 24. Jacq. schoeen.1. t. 41. L’Herit. stirp. 1. t. 24. Roxb. corom. 1. t. 56. fears 1. t. 57. Pluk. phyt. t. 31. f..1. Roxb. corom. 1. t. 55. Rheed. mal. 4. t. 37. Roxb. corom. 1, t. 58, Sloan. hist.2. t.203. f.2. BORAGINEZ. 5 Geraschanthus. r.s. Spanish Elm, . W, Indies. 1789. 5. S.b. 6 nodosa. R.8. hairy. - Guiana. 1803. 6.7. S. - hirsuta. w. Collococcus. Aub. 10N. Le . Varronia lineata. w. . 21 mirabiloides. r.s. jointed. Hispaniola. 1798. 9. _ 22 alba. r.s. white-flowered..Carthagena.1818. 23 bifurcata. R.s. forked. Peru. } Varronia dichotoma. R.P. parviflora. P.s. PATAGONULA. R.S. PaTaGonuLa. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. : americana. R.S. spear-leaved. S, America.1732. 6.8. G.k. - ; h h. 7 flavescens. R.s. yellow-fruited. —————-_ 1818. -+++ S.h. 8 spinescens. R.S. spiny. E. Indies. —— «+--+ Sih. 9 macrophylla. r.s. broad-leaved. W. Indies. 1752. --+- S.h. 10 Sebestena. r.s. rough-leaved. ————— 1728. 7.8. S.hb. 11 reticulata. r.s. netted-leaved.. E. Indies, 1820. —— S.h. angustifolia. F.1. 12 dentata. R.s. toothed. Caracas. 1823. «++ 13 elliptica. r.s. elliptic-leaved. W. Indies. 1804. +--+ S.h. 14 dichotoma. rs. forked. N. Holland. 1824. ---- S.h. 15 angustifolia.r.s. narrow-leaved. Santa Cruz. 1808. 6.8. S.h. 16 curassavica, R.s. long-spiked. S. America. 1759. —— S.h. Varronia curassavica. W. 17 martinicensis. R.s. Martinico. Martinico. 1795. 8.9. S.h. _ 18 bullata. r,s, blister-leaved.. W. Indies. 1823. ---- S.h. | 19 monosperma. R.s. single-seeded. Caracas. 1820. +--+ S.h. 20 lineata. R.s. round-spiked, . W. Indies, 1793. 6.9. S.h. S.h. S. 3.5 ees @eee8 Cordia Patagonula. w. - ORDO CXXVII. HYDROPHYLLEZA. Brown. ! HYDROPHYLLUM. L. Warer-Lear. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 virginicum. L. Virginian. N.America. 1739. 5.6. H.%. , 2 cdllicnse. lL. Canadian. Canada. 1759. —— H.}. - PHACELIA. B.P. PuHAcetia. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. woolly. . Magellan. 1816. 6.10. H.%. _ * 1 magellanica. B.p. | Hydrophyllum magellanicum. Lam. Aldea circinata. w.en. 2 Aldea. B.P. various-leaved. Peru. 1820, Aldea pinnata. R.P. ' NEMOPHILA.N. — G.x. NEMOPHILA. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 phacelioides. n. Phacelia-like. _N.America, 1822. 6.9. H.©. 2 paniculata. s.s. panicled. ————._ 1812. 5.6. H.}. Hydrophylium appendiculatum. M. ELLISIA. R.S. ELLISIA. Pentandria Monogynia. W. Nyctelea. r.s. cut-leaved. Virginia. 1755. 7.8. H.©. ORDO CXXIXx. 295 Jacq. amer. t.175.f.16. Aub. gui. 1. t. 86. 1. t. 89. Sloan. hist.2. t.221. f.1. Botan. magaz. 794. Centur. amer. t. 56. Jacq. amer. 41. t. 32. Jacq. amer. pict. t.43. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 39. Brown. jam. t. 13. f. 2. Jacq. amer, 41. t. 33. Comm. hort. 1. t.80. | Flor.pernv.2.t.146.f.a. Dill. elth. t. 226. f.293. Botan. regist. 331. 242. Lam. j. hist. nat. t. 19, Flor. peruv. 2. t.14, Swt. br. fl. gar. 32. Lam. ill, t. 97. SOLANE.. Brown prodr. 1. p. 443. Sect. I. PERICARPIUM CAPSULARE. | -ANTHOCERCIS.B.P. ANTHOCERCIS. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. 1 littorea. B.P. yellow. N.Holland. 1803. 5.8. G.%. Botan. regist. 212. f 4 2 albicans. cun. white-flowered. 1823.. 4.6. G.%. Ap.toB.Field tray. ic, _ $8 viscosa. B.P. viscous. — — Gh. a re ee ee eee ee ee eee ee eee ‘ 296 - SOLANEZ. CELSIA.S.S. . Cesta. Pentandria Monogynia. L. . & elianadaeeO -1 orientalis. s.s. oriental. | —- Levant. 1713. 7.8 H.©. Lam.ill. t. 632.0 | 2 Arcturus. w. scollop-leaved, Candia. 1780. 7.9. Feg. Botan, magaz. 1962. 3 coromandelina. w. Coromandel. E. Indies. 1783. 7.8, S.©,. of eeeewovalt f 4 cretica. s,s. great-flowered. Crete. 1752. 7.9. F.g. Botan, magaz, 964. © 5 viscosa, s.s. clainmiy. +. Geedee eve 1816. —— F.O. pout | 6 betonicefolia.s.s. Betony-leaved. Barbary. 1824. —— F.@. ge | 7 sublanata. B.R. woolly, tree + 1818. —— H.%. Botan-regist. 438. 8 lanceolata. s.s. spear-leaved. Levant. 1816. —— F.¢@. Venten. cels. t. 27. VERBASCUM. L. MuLtein. Pentandria Monogynia. L. : 8) 1 Thapsus. R.s. Shepherd’s club.Britain. | --*+ 7.8. H.g. Eng. bot. 549. 2 elongatum. W.en. long-spiked. © Europe. 1813. —— H.é. . 3 thapsoides. R.s. branching. Portugal. <+-» -—— H.@. Schrad.verb. t.5. f. 2. 4 thapsiforme. r.s. simple-stalked. Europe. cree ——— Hode . gat. 5 crassifolium. k.s. thick-leaved. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.d-. H,et Lk. fi.port.1. t.26 6 cuspidatum. R.s. _ sharp-pointed.. Austria. —— —— H.¢. Schrad.verb. t. 1. fii. 7 gossypinum. m.B. cottony. Iberia. 1824. 6.8 H.é. 8 niveum. R.s. snowy. - Naples. — —— H.$.> Ten. fl. neap. t.22. 9 macranthum. R.s._ large-flowered. Portugal. 1823. —— H.-H. et Lk. fi. port. t. 27. 10 australe. R.s. southern. S. Europe. 1816. -—- H.g. Schrad. verb: t.2. 11 phlomoides. r,s. woolly. Italy. 1739. —— H.8. Mill. ic. t, 273. rugulosum. W. 12 condensatum. Rs. close-flowered. Austria. 1818. —— H.d+ Schradsverb. t.3. 13 nemorosum.R.s. wood. ——_—— eel, dag: ae cepgpg f. 2. 14 collinum. R.s. hill. Germany. 1820. +—— H.g. —t.5.f.1. 15 versiflorum. r.s. _ scattered-fid, = 18H. 6.85 Hm. Toke 16 sinuatum, R.s. scollop-leaved. S. Europe. 1570. 7.8. H.g.. Flor. grec. t. 227: 17 undulatum. R.s. plaited-leaved. Levant. 1816. —— H.¢@. — t. 226. plicatum. F.G. 18 bipinnatifidum.s.M. bipinnatifid. | Tauria. 1813. +—— H.d- Botan. magaz. 1777. 19 pinnatifidum. r.s. _pinnatifid. Archipelago.1788. 5. G.}. 20 Chaixi. rs. French. France. 1816. 7.8. H.d+ Vill. delph.2. t.13. 21 Boerhaavii. R.s. annual. S, Europe. 1731. -—-— H.©. Millvic. 2. t.273. 22 ovalifolium. p.m. oval-leaved. Caucasus. 1804. 7.9. H.2%. Botan. magaz, 1037. 23 formosum. B.R. beautiful. Russia. 1814. 7.8 H.d- Botan. regist. 558. 24 Lychnitis, r.s. white. Britain. ee-+ 6.8 H.d. Eng. bot. 58. 25 austriacum. R.Ss. Austrian. Austria. 1819. —— H.¢. 26 pulverulentum. R.s. powdered. England. cree ——- HG. Eng. bot. 487. 27 pyramidatum. R.s. pyramidal. Caucasus: 1804. 7.8. H.%. Swe. br. fl. gar. 31. 28 ovatum. R.s. oval-leaved. = ++ += -- —— -—~ H.g- Schrad. h. gott, t: 15. 29 rotundifolium. r.s. round-leaved. Naples. 1826. —— H.g- Ten. fi.neap. t. 23. 30 floccosum. R.3. wool-bearing. Hungary. 1805. 6.7. H.d- W.etK. hung. bt. 79: $1 leptostachyum. r.s. slender-spiked. S. France. 1824. 7.9. H.d. | | 32 angustifolium. R.s. narrow-leaved. Naples. 1822, —— H.d. ete 33 longifolium. R.s. _ long-leaved. - ———— —— —— H-@- Ten.fl.neap. t. 21. 34 nigrum. R.s. black-rooted. England. -ee+ 6.8. H.4%. Eng. bot. 59. 35 orientale. R.S. oriental. Caucasus. 1820. ——~ H.%. 36 Alopecurus. R.s. fox-tail. France. 1818. —— H.}. : 37 virgatum. R.S. slender. Britain. vere 8. H.d+ Eng. bot. 550. $8 speciosum, R.S. splendid. Austria. ‘1820. 6.8. H.%. Schrad-h. gott. t. 16, 39 grandiflorum. R.s. great-flowered. -**-++++ 1816, —— Hye —— se Lippe: 40 Blattaria. R.s. © moth. Britain. see 7.9. H. gd. Eng. bot. 393. B album. white-flowered. <*+-"* co tees ——— HG. 41 repandum. R.s. waved. sooveeee 1813. 7.8. Hi. 42 glabrum. R.s. smooth. sseeeses 1805. —— H.G. 43 hemorrhoidale. k.s. Madeira. Madeira. 1777. 6.8. Gg. 44 cupreum, R.8. copper-coloured-Hybrid. 1798. 5.9. H.%. Botan, magaz.1226, 45 pheeniceum. R.5. purple-flower’d,S. Europe. 1596. 5.8. H.4%. HWH————-____ 95, 46 punicenm. R.S. pink-flowered. ———— 1815. —— H.%. §chrad.h. gott. t.14. 47 rubiginosum. R.s. brown-flower’d. Hungary. -—— — H.¢é. W.etK.hung. 2, t.197, 48 ferrugineum, R.8. rusty. S. Europe. 1683. —— H.%. «Trew Ehret. t.16. f.1. 49 triste. R.S. dark-flowered. Levant. 1788. —— H.%. Andr. reposit. t. 162. ferrugineum. A.R. nec aliorum. : 50 spectabile.m.B. showy. Tauria. 1822, 6.8. H.g.. 51 spinosum. R.s. spiny. Candia. 1824. 5.8. G.h. Moris.s.5. t.10. f. 8. 52 Osbeckii. Osbeck’s. Spain. 1752, 7.8. H.g. | Tourn. it. 2. t. 83. RAMONDA. P.S. RAMONDA. Pentandria Monogynia. P.S. ’ pyrenaica. P.s Borage-leaved.. Pyrenees. 1731. 5, H.%. Botan. magaz. 236, Verbascum Myconi, B.M. SOLANE. HYOSCYAMUS. R.S. Henpane. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 niger. R.s. common. Britain. eeee 6.7. HS. 2 agrestis. R.s. field. Hungary. 1816. 6.9. H.©. 3 pallidus. r.s. pale-flowered. - 1815. —— H.©. 4 reticulatus. R.s. Egyptian. Egypt. 1640. 7.9. H.©. 5 albus. R.s. white. S. Europe. 1570. 7.8. H.©. 6 aureus. R.s. golden. Levant. 1640. 3.10. G.h. 7 Senecionis. r,s. yellow-flow’r’d. Egypt. 1812. —~ G. x. 8 canariensis. B.R. .various-leaved. Canaries. 1816. 1.12.G.¢. 9 muticus. R.s. three-coloured. Egypt. 1818. 5.8 Gd. 10 pusillus. R.s. dwarf, Persia. 1691. 7. H.©. 11 physaloides. r.s. _ purple-flow’r’d. Siberia. 1777." 3. wa H.%. 12 orientalis. r.s. oriental. Iberia. 1815. H. 2. SCOPOLIA. Jacq. Scopotia. Pentandria Monogynia. R R.S. | carniolica. Jacq. Nightshade-l¢, Carniola. 1780. 4.5. H.%. if atropoides. R.s. Hyoscyamus Scopolia. B.M. NICOTIANA. R.S. Tosacco. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 chinensis. r.s. Chinese. China. 1815. 6.8. G.h. 2 fruticosa. R.s. frutescent. C. B.S. 1699. 7.9. G.h. 3 latissima. pc. broad-leaved. America. -:-» —— H.(@). macrophylla. R.3. 4 Tabacum. r.s. Virginian. 1570. —— H.©. a attenuata. slender. eres ——— H.©- B pallescens, pale-flowered. cone —— HO. alipes. winged. cooe —— HO. serotina. late-flowered. coee = HO. 6 gracilipes. slender-stalked. sooo —— HO. Z Verdan. Verdan. wees 2 WC)! n lingua. tongue-leaved. coor —— HO. 5 angustifolia. R.s. | narrow-leaved. Chili. 1822, —— H.©. 6 viscosa. R.S. viscous. BuenosAyres.1824. —— H.©. 7 pusilla. r,s. Primrose-l4. Vera Cruz. 1733. 8. S.¢. 8 glutinosa. r,s. clammy. Peru. 1759. 7.9. H.©. 9 rustica. R.s. common. America. 1570. —— H.©. 10 humilis. L.en. lesser. —_——-_ +--+» —— HO. 11. paniculata. r.s. panicled. Peru. 1752. —— H.©. 12 cerinthoides. rR.s. honeywort. America. 1816. —— H.©. 13 Langsdorffii.s.s. Langsdorff’s. © S. America. 1824. —— H.©. 14 repens. R.S. stem-clasping. Havannah. 1822. 8.10. H.©. YTUCA. KSe 15 plumbaginifolia.r.s.curled-leaved. America. 1816. 5.10. G.3. crispa. Jacq ; 16 suaveolens. R.s. sweet-scented. N.S.W. 1800. 5.9. G.}. undulata. B.M. 17 vinczefiora. s.s. Vinca-flower’d. S. America. 1825. 8.10 H.©. 18 dilatata. L.en. dilated-leaved. —————- -=— —— H.©. 19 nana. B.R. dwarf. 1822. —— H.©. 20 quadrivalvis. r.s. four-valved. N.America. 1811. 7.8. H.©. Petunia. Pentandria Monogynia. R-S. large-flowered. S. America, 1824. 4.10. G.%. THORN-APPLE. _Pentandria Monog gynia. L. PETUNIA. J. nyctaginiflora. J. - DATURA. R:S. 1 ferox. Rs. Chinese. China. 1731. 7.10. H.©. 2 Stramonium. r.s. “common. England. ---- —— H.O©. 3 Tatula. R.s. light blue. S. America. 1629. —— H.©. | 4 muricata..s.s. muricated. = -se+r- -e 1819. —— H.©. _ & Metel. r,s. downy. Asia. 1596. 6. 10. H.©. 6 quercifolia. x.s. | Qak-leaved. Mexico. 1824. —— H.©. 7 fastuosa. R.s. ‘purple. Egypt. 1629. —— H.©. 8 levis. r,s. smooth-fruited. Africa. 1780. —— H.©. '/)9 ceratocaula. Rs. horn-stalked. Cuba. 1805. —— H.©. "10 fruticosa. L.en. frutescent. = = ------ oe, 1825." =" BB. BRUGMANSIA. P.S. BrueMansta. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 candida. p.s. downy-stalked. Peru. 1818, 8.9. S.h. Datura arborea, t. 2 suaveolens. smooth-stalked. S. America. 1733. —— S.h. Datura arborea. Hort. VESTIA. W. VestrA. Pentandria Monogynia. W. lycioides. W.en. Box-thorn-like. Chili. 1815. 1, 12. G. Ve Eng. bot, 591. Swt. br. fl. gar. 27. Comm. hort. 77. t. 22. Flor. grec. t. 230. Botan. magaz. 87. Botan, regist. 180. Pluk. alm. t. 37. f, 5. Swt. br. fl. gar. 13. —_——_——_- —— t. 12. Botan. magaz. 1126. Blackw. t. 146. \ Flor.peruv.2.t.130.f.a. Mill. iC. t. 185. f. y+ Swt. br. fl. gar. 107. Blackw. t. 437. Flor.peruv.2.t.129.f.b. Lehm, nicot. t.2. — Botan. magaz. 2555. ——— 2484. Jacq. fragm. t.84. Botan. magaz. 673. Botan. regist. 833. Botan. magaz. 1778. Swt. br. fl. gar. 119. Zanon. hist. t. 162. Eng. bot. 1288. Swt. br. fl. gar. 83. Botan. magaz, 1440. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 82. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 339. Flor. peruv. 2, t. 128. Botan. regist, 299. ANISODUS. S.S. ; luridus. s.s. WHITLEYA. B.F.G. WuHItTLeya. stramonifolia. B.r.g. Stramonium-l4, Nepaul. ATROPA. R.S. 1 Belladonna. R.s. 2 arborescens. R.s, SARACHA. R.S. 1 procumbens. r.P. Atropa procumbens. Cav. Bellinia procumbens. R.8. 2 umbellata. pec. MANDRAGORA. J. “<- 1 praecox. B.F.G. 2 vernalis. s.s. $3 autumnalis. s.s. NOLANA. R.S. 1 prostrata. R.S. 2 paradoxa. B.R. NICANDRA.R:S. SOLANEZ. Sect. 1]. PERICARPIUM BACCATUM. ANISODUS. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. | Jurid. Nepaul. Pentandria Monogynia. Atropa. Pentandria Monogynia. = deadly nightshade. Britain. ---- 6.7. H.%. shrubby. Peru. 1819. —— G.h. ScRCHA: Pentandria Monogynia., procumbent. Peru. 1822. 7.9. H.}. umbel-flower’d. Peru. —— — H.z. MANDRAKE. _Pentandria Mopdeynil R.S. small-leaved. Switzerland.1818. 3.4. H.2%. large-leaved. S. Europe. 1562. 5.6. H.%. autumn-flow’r’d. Levant. —- 8.9. H.z. NoLtana. Pentandria Monogynia. L. trailing. Peru. 1761. 7.9. H.©. violet-coloured. Chili. 1822. —— H.©. NICANDRA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1823. 8. 10. H.. 1818. 7.9. H.2. Swt. br. fl. gar. 125. Eng. bot.592. Flor.peruv.2.t.182, fia. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 72. Swt. br. fl. gar. 85. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. . Flor. grec. t. 232. Botan. magaz. 731. — 2604. “y 1 physaloides. r.s. American. America. 1759. 7.9. H.©. Botan. magaz. 2458. 2 indica. R.s. Indian. Nepaul. 1823. -—— H.©. Rumph.amb.6.t.26.f.1. PHYSALIS. R.S. WINTER CHERRY. Pentandria Mone i ia. L. 1 arborescens. w. arborescent. |Campeachy. 1733. 6.8. S.h. Mill. ic. 2. t. 206. f. 2. 2 frutescens. Dc. frutescent. Spain. 1737. 1. 3. G.h- Cavan. i ic. 2. t. 102. Atropa frutescens, R.S. ; 3 aristata, w. bearded, Canaries. 1779. 5.8. G.h. Atropa aristata. R.S. 4 somnifera. R.s. clustered. Mexico. 1596. 7.8. G.h Cavan. ic. 2. t. 103. 5 flexuosa. R.s. flexuose. E. Indies. 1759. —— G.h. Jacq. f. ecl. t. 23. 6 curassavica. R.s. Curassavian. S. America. 1699. 6.9. S.%. Pluk. alm. t. 111. f.5. 7 viscosa. R.s. clammy. America. 1732. 7. H.%. Botan. magaz. 2625. 8 pensylvanica. R.s. Pensylvanian. N.America.1726. 7.9. H.2. 9 Jacquini. Len. Jacquin’s. ——— _ -++- —— H.Y. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 136. viscosa, Jacq. Non L. ' 10 Alkekengi.r.s, | common. S. Europe. 1548. —— H.¥%. Flor. greece. t. 234. 11 tuberosa. R.s. tuberous-root’d, -+-+-.... 1816. —— §S.3. ier ‘ _ 12 chenopodifolia. r.s, goose-foot-ld, §. America. 1798. 7.8. S.h. 13 peruviana. Rs. Peruvian. Peru. 1773. —— S.%. , 14 edulis. p.m. eatable. S. Americaa —— -—— S.%. Botan. magaz. 1068. 15 pubescens. R.s. pubescent. America. 1640. —— H.©. Feuil. per. 3. t.1. 16 micrantha. L.en. small-flowered. ————- ---. ——— H.©. me 17 nodosa. R.S. knotted. ———— rere —— HO. 18 barbadensis. r.s. Barbadoes. W. Indies. 1798. —- H.©. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 39. 19 dubia. L.en. dubious. Brazil. 1819. —— H.©. vu 20 feetidissima. R.s. _ stinking. New Spain. ——~ -—— H.©. © 21 angulata. R.s. angular-branch’d. India. 1732. 6.9. H.©. Dill. elth. t.12. f. 12. 22 atriplicifolia. rR.s. Atriplex-ld. ceoreeee 1798. 7.8. H.©. Jacq. frag. t. 85. fi a. chenopodifolia. w. 23 minima. R.s. least. E. Indies. 1759. —— H.@. Rheed. mal.10. t.71. 24 pruinosa, R.s. hairy annual. America. 1726. 7.8. H.@. Dill. elth. 10. t.9. f.9. 25 Lagasce. R.S. Lagasca’s. New Spain. 1824. —— H.©. P 26 prostrata. R.s. trailing. Peru. 1782. —— H.@. Andr. reposit. 75. CAPSICUM. R:S. Capsicum. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 annuum. R.s. annual. icitoe 1548. 6.7. G.©. Rheed. mal. 2. t.35. 2 longum. R.s. long-fruited. sereseoe ——— —— G.©. Dodon.pemph.716. f.3. 3 cordiforme. r.s. heart-shaped. Faille erce ——— GC). . 4 tetragonum. r.s. four-sided. ———— reer ——— GO. 5 angulosum. R.s. angular-fruit’d, ssoesese vere —— SO. 6 sphericum. R.s. round-fruited. «+ees++» 1807. 4.7. S.b. 7 ovatum. R.S. oval-fruited. recesses ceee —— §,h. 8 pendulum. R.s. pendulous. seeorees 1804. —— S.h. pn 9 grossum. R.S. various-fruited. India. 1759. 5.8. S.h. Besl. eyst.2. t.2, f-1. a globosum. R.S. globular-fruited. — — S.h. 6 luteum. R.s. yellow oval-fruit’d, — — Sh. ochroleucum. Dun. bo 2 bo SOLANEZ. 299 10 conoides. R.s. conical-fruited. India. -oee 5.8 Sub. 11 pyramidale. r.s. pyramidal. Egypt. © corr —— S.h. 12 cerasiforme. r.s. Cherry-fruit’d. W. Indies. 1759. -—-- S.h. 13 Milleri. r,s. Miller’s. New Spain. -— -—— S.h. cerasiforme. Mil. Kee A . 3 14 frutescens. R.s. shrubby. India. ae 6.9..S.h. | Rheed. mal. 2. t. 56. 8 torulosum. twisted. ——— + —-— S.b. 15 bicolor. R.s. purple-flow’r’d. W. Indies. 1804. —— S.h. Botan. magaz. 1835. nigrum. Wen. violaceum. DC. 16 baccatum. R.8. Bird pepper. . India. 1731. —— S.h. Sloan. j.1. t. 146. f. 2. 17 sinense, R.8. oval Chinese. China. 1807. —— S.h. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 67. 18 microcarpum. R.s. small-fruited. S. America, 1824. —— S.h. 19 micranthum. k.s. small-flowered. Brazil. — — S.h. LYCOPERSICUM.R.S. Love-Aprie. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 pimpinellifolium. R.s.. Pimpinella-14.S. America. ---- 6.8. S.%. 2 peruvianum. R.s. Peruvian. Peru. sore ——— GY. Jacq, ic. t. 327. Solanum peruvianum. w. | 3 Humboldtii. r.s. Humboldt’s. S. America. 1815. —— H.©. -Willd.hort. ber.1. t.27. 4 pyriforme. R.s. Pear-fruited. ——— -+*-+ -—— H.©. Dunalsolan. t.26. 5 cerasiforme. R.s. Cherry-fruited. Peru. 1800. 7.9. H.©. Jacq. vind. 1, t. 11. Solanum pseudolycopersicum. Jacq. ! a ruber. .red-fruited, cl HO. B luteum. yellow-fruited. —§ ————-. ——- -——- HO. -.. 6 esculentum. R.s. Tomato. S. America, 1596. —— H.©. Dunalsolan. t.3. f.3. a erythrocarpum. _red-fruited. . ———— -—- -— H.©. B chrysocarpum. . yellow-frutted. ——— -——~— -—— H.©. y leucocarpum. white-fruited. . ————- —— -—— H.©. 7 procumbens. R.8. procumbent. ———— +o —— HO. SOLANUM. RS. NigHTsHADE, Pentandria Monogynia. L. ee: 1 tuberosum. R.s. Potatoe. Peru. 1597. 6.8. H.%. Plenck off. t. 121, 2 appendiculatum.R.s. appendaged. . Mexico. 1823. —— S.h. Dunalsolan.ed.2. t.84, 3 Seaforthianum. R.8. Seaforth’s, Barbadoes, 1804. 7.9. S.h.~. Andr. reposit. 504, 4 betaceum. R.s. Beet-leaved. New Spain.1803. 6.7. S.h. —M-———— Sll. 5 muricatum. R.s. —_ warted. Peru. 1785. 7.8. S.h. Feuil. peruv. 2. t. 26. 6 diversifolium. R.s. different-leav’d. Caracas, 1824. —— S.h. Dunalsolan.ed.2. t.88. 7: oliganthum. R.3. climbing. - © Orinocon -—— -—— S.hw. -——— ed. 2, t.90. 8 reclinatum. R.s. reclining. Peru. _— S.b. 9 laciniatum. B.P. cut-leaved. N.Holland. 1772. — G.h. Botan. magaz. 349. a fruticosum. , Srutescent. N.S. W. —~- — Gb. B herbaceum. herbaceous. V.Diem.Isl —— -—— G.}. 10 quercifolium. R.s. Oak-leaved. Peru. 1787.:6.7. H.%. Feull. per. 2. t.15? 11 radicans. R.s. rooting. . ——— 1771. 7.8. G.%. Linn.dec. 1. t. 10. 12 corymbosum.r.s. corymb-flow’r’de ———— 1786. —— S.%. Jacq.ic. 1. t. 40. 13 Dulcamara. R.s. _ bitter-sweet. . Britain. s-e+ 6.8. H.b. Eng. bot,565. B album. white-flowered. ———~— «s+ —— Huh. y variegatum, variegated. ——- «see —— Hh. 14 littorale. L.en sea-side. Europe. toes =e Hib. 15 Tegore. R.s. hairy-stemmed. Guiana, 1820. —— S.h. Aubl. guian. 1. t.84. . 16 quitense. s,s. Lima. Lima. 1825. —— S.h. Dun. sol. ed.2.t.92.f.b. 47 macrocarpon. s.s. large-fruited. Peru. 1759. 5.9. S.k. Mill.ic. 2. t. 294, 18 calycinum. R.3. large-calyxed. Mexico. 1825. -——-. S.h. Dunalsol.ed.2. t. 29. 19 racemiflorum. R.s, racemed. - S.America,1818. 7.9. H.©. Jacq. schen. 3. t.333. 20 ethiopicum. R.s. Ethiopian. Ethiopia. 1597. —— H.©. Jacq. vind.1. t.12. 21 Zuccagnianum. R.s. Zuccagni’s. «+--+ > 1818. —— H.©. Dunalsolan. t. 12. 22 pseudo-capsicum. Winter-cherry. Madeira. 1596. 6.9. G.h. Sabb.h.rom. t.59. 23 Dillenii. r.s. Dillenius’s. Hungary. --+- - H.©. Dill. elth. t.275. f.355. _ 24 nodiflorum. R.s. knot-flowered. Guiana. 1815. —— G.©. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 326. . 25 guineense.R.s. | large-berried. Guinea. coos —— H.©. Dill. elth, t. 274. f.. 354. 26 nigrum. R.S. black-berried. Britain. -++- —— H.©. Eng. bot. 566. 27 suffruticosum. R.s. frutescent. . Barbary. 1804. 5.9. G.h. 28 oleraceum. R.s. cultivated. W. Ingies. +--+ 6.9. S.©. Pisolib.4,c. 50. f. 3. 29 pterocaule. R.s. . wing-stalked. America. +++» '—— H.©. Dill. elth. t, 275. f.256. 30 judaicum. R.s. rough-stalked. Europe. cree —— HO. 31 triangulare. R.s. _— three-sided. E. Indies. ++->+ —— S.©. _ 32 rubrum. R.s. red-berried, S. America. «»--- —— H.©. _ .33 miniatum. R.s. pubescent-stalk’d. Europe. «+++ —— H.©. 34 humile, r.s. small, S. Europe. +---.—— H.©. 35 flavum. R.s. yellow-berried, Hungary. 1816. .—— H.©. 300 SOLANER. 36 villosum. R.s. villous annual. S. Europe. +--+ -——— H.©. Dill. elth. t. 274.£.353. 37 hirsutum. R.s. hairy annual. Egypt. ss+> ——=— HO. nehitowtye A! 38 longiflorum. r.s. long-flowered. Guiana. 1823. 6.8. S.}. Dunal solan. t.9, longifolium. Dun. TERR) G 39 triquetrum. R.8, triquetrous. New Spain. 1821. —— S.h. Cavamiic. 3. 259. 40 bombense. R.s. Bomba. S. America. 1818. —— S.h. Jacq. f.eclog. t,.24. 41 pubigerum. R.s. downy. Mexico, 1823. —— S.h. Dunalsol.t.6.. | Cervantesii. Lag. 42 verbascifolium. r.s. Mullein-leaved. W. Indies. 1749.. —— S.h. Jacq. vind. 1. t.13. 43 auriculatum. R.s. _ear-leaved. Madagascar.1773, «+++ S.J. Scop.del.3.t. 8. 44 pubescens. R.3. pubescent. E. Indies. 1816. 6.8. S.h. Willd. phyt.1. t. 3. ~ 45 argenteum. R.s. silvery. Brazil. — -—— S.b. Dunalsol. ed.2. t. 39. . 46 diphyllum. R.s, | two-leaved. |§ W.Indies. 1699. 6.7. S.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t.322. | 47 arboreum. R.s. tree. Cumana. 1819. —— S.}h. Dunalsol.ed.2.t.198. 48 havanense. R.s. Havannah. W. Indies. 1793. 7.8. S.h. . Jacq. amer. pict. t. 48. 49 aggregatum. R.s. crowded. Guinea. — —- S8.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 323: | 50 lycioides. R.s. spiny. Peru. 1791. 5.6. S.h. 1. t. 46. — 51 monanthum.rR.s. one-flowered. New Spain. 1816. ——- S.%. : ; 52 fugax. R.s. fugacious. Caracas. —— -—— S.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t.324. 53 stellatum. R.s. starry. S. Americas —~- -—— S.h. ———2. t.325. 54 virgatum. R.s. twiggy. W. Indies. 1819. —— S.h. Dunalsol. ed. 2. t.40. 55 lentum. R.s. climbing woolly.New Spain. 1823. 6.8. S.h.~. Cavan. ic. 4, t. 308. 56 eleagnifolium. R.s. Eleagnus-l4. — Chili. — — S.b. 3. t. 243. 57 stelligerum. r.s. = starry-haired. _N.Holland. 1820. ——.S.}. Sm. exot. bot.2.t.88. 58 racemosum. R.s. wave-leaved. W. Indies. 1781. 7.8. S.h. Jacq. amer. pict. t.50. 59 igneum. R.s. red-spined. S. America.1714. 3.11. S.h. Jacq. vind.1. t.14. 60 subarmatum. R.s. partly armed. ———— 1823. —— S.h. 61 bahamense. R.s. § Bahama. Bahama. 1732. 6.7. S.}. Dill. elth. t:271.f.350. 62 hirtum. R.s. hairy-calyxed. Trinidad. 1823. —— S.h. Vahlic.rar.d.3, t.21. 63 tomentosum. R.s. tomentose. S. America, 1662. —— S.h. Boce.sic.8.t.5. 64 hybridum. R.s. hybrid. Guinea. 1815. —— S.h. . Jacq. vind. 2. t.113.. 65 coccineum. R:S. scarlet-fruited. -+-+++++ 1820. —— S.h. .Jacq.ic.2.t.43. | q 66 jamaicense.R.s. Jamaica. Jamaicaa —— —— S.h. . é 67 cuneifolium. R.s. wedge-leaved. W. Indies. «+-- —— S.h. Dunalsol. t. 22. 68 heterophyllum. R.s. variable-leav’d. Guiana. 1823. 7.9. S.h. ——ed.2.t. 62. 69 volubile. R.s. twining. Hispaniolaa —— -—— S.h. v. Plum.Mss. t. 4. f.32. 70 lanceefolium. R.s. lance-leaved. §S. America. «-+- -—— S.h.~. Jacq. ic.2. t.329)° © 71 bonariense. r.s. . Buenos Ayres. BuenosAyres.1727.6.9. H.h. Dill. elth. t.272. f.351. 72 fastigiatum. R.s. _—fastigiate. S. America. 1820. —— S.h. Jacq.f. eclog. t.6. 73 oporinum. R.S. large-leaved. —— 1 — — S.h. Dunal sol. t. 16, macrophyllum. Dun, 74 subinerme. r,s. spear-leaved. W.Indies. 1752. 7.8. S.h. Jacq. amer. t. 40.'f.3. 75 lanceolatum. R.s. lanceolate. New Spain. ---- 6.7%. S.b. Cavan.ic.3. t. 245. 76 astroides. Jacq: Aster-like. S. America. 1823. —— S.h. Jacq. f.eclog. t.65. . 77 glutinosum. R.s. glutinous, = =§ -*+-++-- 1818. 6.8. S.h. Dunalsol.ed.2. t.54, 78 Brownii. r.s. Brown's. N.S. W. 1820. —— S.h. violaceum. BoP. NOR Jacqe ft 79 giganteum. R.s. tall. C.B.S. 1792. —— G.ih. Botan. magaz, 1921. 80 torvum, R.s. curved-prickl’d. W. Indies. 1816, —— S.h, 81 ferrugineum.R.s. ferruginous. seceeees —— —— §.h. Jacq. scheen. 3. t.334. $2 esculentum. R.s. eatable. Tropics. 1597.. 6.9. G.@©-. Dunalsol. t.3. f. E. 83 ovigerum. R.S. Egg-plant. Arabia. — — G.©. Blackw. t.549. a violaceum, violet-fruited, .————~ ease —— G.©. ' wis B album. white-fruited. a eee eee, y luteum, yellow-fruited. _ —————-._ +ese —— GLO. 3 ruber. red-fruited. eC iGrs $4 undatum. Rs. . waved. E. Indies. 1818. —— S.h. Rheed. mal.2. t.37. $5 fuscatum. R.S. brown branch’d.America. ---- 7.8. G.@. Jacq.ic. 1,'t. 42. 86 sodomeum. R.s. black-spined. Africa. 1688. 6.7. G.hb. Flor. grec. t. 235. $7 incanum. R.s. hoary. Mauritius. 1823. —— S-h. Scop.del. 1. t.1. 88 indicum. R.s. Indian. India. 1782. 7 S.h. Dillelth. t.270, £1349. 89 coagulans. R.S. scollop-leaved. ArabiaFelix.1802, —— S.h. Jacq.schoen. 4. t..469. 90 sanctum. R.s. oblique-leaved. Egypt. — — S.h. Play, BF 91 marginatum. R.s. white margin’d. Africa. 1775. 6.9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1928. 92 congense. L.en. Congo. —— 1815. —— Gb. . 93 campechiense. R.s. purple-spined. America. 1782. 7. G.b. Dill. elth. t. 268. f/347. 94 platanifolium. B.m. Plane-leaved. §S,. America. 1822. 7.9. S.h. Botan. magaz. 2618. 95 myriacanthum. R.s. many-spined. —_—- — — Sh. ; 96 aculeatissimum. R.Ss. very-prickly. ———— 1800. —— S.h. Jaeq/ic.1. t.4l. SOLANE. - WITHERINGIA.R:S. WituHerineiA. Tetr-Pentandria Monogynia. 1 solanacea. R.S. yellow-flower’d. S. America. 1742. 5.9. S's 2 stramonifolia. K.s. Stramonium-l¢, Mexico. 1823. —— S.h. 3 crassifolia. R.S. thick-leaved. C. B.S. corse —— Gh. 4 montana. R.S. mountain. Peru. 1822. —— G.2. 5 phyllantha. r.s. annual. — 7.9. H.©. 6 pinnatifida. R.s. _— pinnatifid. ——— — 6.8. G.z. CESTRUM. R.S. Cestrum. Pentandria Monogynia. L. | 1 laurifolium.r.s. Laurel-leaved. W. Indies. 1691. 5.8. S.b. 2 citrifolium. rR.s. Citron-leaved. -+----- - 1816. -—— S.h. 3 macrophyllum. r.s. large-leaved. - W. Indies. 1812, —— S.h. 4 venenatum. R.3s. poisonous. C. B.S. 1787. 2.4. G.h. 5 nocturnum. R.s. _—inight-smelling. E. Indies. 1732. 11. S.h. 6 hirtum. R.s. hairy. Jamaica. 1822. 5.8. S.h. 7 Parqui. R.s. Willow-leaved. S. America. 1787. 6.7. G.h- 8 suberosum. R.S. cork-barked. seoeecee 1815. —— S.h. 9 auriculatum. w. eared-leaved. Peru. 1774. —— S.h. ‘10 tinctorium. R.s. dying. Caracas. 1823. 5.6. S.h. 11 undulatum. R.s. waved-leaved. Peru. — — S.h. 12 latifolium. R.s. broad-leaved. Trinidad. 1822. —— S.h. 13 hirsutum. R.s. hairy-stalked. ++ e+s-+° — -—— Sb. 14 cauliflorum. R.s. stem-flowering. Martinica. 1818. —— S.h. 15 salicifolium.r.s. Sallow-leaved. Caracas. voos 3.6. S.R. 16 pendulinum. R.s. pendulous. ———- 1820. ——- S.h. 17 vespertinum. R.s. cluster-flow’r’d. W. Indies. 1759. 5.7. S.h. 18 feetidissimum. R.s. stinking. ——-_ --:- 5.8 Sh. 19 fastigiatum. R.s. Honeysuckle. -¢ 10.12. S.h. 20 odontospermum.R.s.smooth, = = :*:::: +> 1793. 7.9. S.h- 21 diurnum. R.s. day smelling. W. Indies. 1732. 10. 11.8.h. 22 tomentosum.R.s. downy. S. America. 1790. 6.7. S.h. 23 angustifolium. B.c. narrow-leayed. 1820. —— S.h. LYCIUM. RS. Box-THorN. Pentandria Monogynia, L. i afrum. R.s. African, C.B.S. 1712. 6.7. Hb. 2 tenue. R.S. slender, —_———~ — Hh. 3 rigidum. R.s. rigid. 1795. —— H.h.- 4 carnosum, P.s. fleshy-leaved. ——~- —— H.h.- 5 microphylla. R.s. small-leaved. — — Hh. 30 97 mammosum. Rs. nipple. — W. Indies. 1699. 7.8 H.©- Merian. surin, t. 27. ' 98 ciliatum. R.s.' Cilinted... gs. we sees -- 1816. —— H.©. Dunal sol. t.18.. 99 stramonifolium, R.s. broad-leaved. E. Indies. 1778. 6.9. S.h. Jacq.ic. J. t. 44. 100 flavescens. R.S. yellowish. Trinidad. 1822. —— .§S.h. pat 101 ferox. R.s. Malabar. Malabar. 1795. 8.9. S.%. Dunalsol. ed. 2. t.68. 102 bell-flowered. N.S. W. 1818. —— G.O. Ge ks Suaienuce 103 armatum. B.P. armed. —— 1819. —-—— S.%. Dunalsol.ed.2. t.69. 104 pungetium. B.P. pungent. 1823. —— G.@. —— ed. 2.t.70. 105 cinereum. B.P. grey. —_—_—_- — — G.. 106 Milleri. r.s.. . Miller’ Se C.B.S. 1762. 7.8, G.h. Jacq.ic. 2. t. 330. 107 trilobatum. R.s. three-lobed. W. Indies. 1759. 8. S.h. Pluk.alm. t.316. f. 5. 108 acetosefolium. R.s. Sorrel-leaved. E. Indies. ———- -—— S.h. Burm.ind. t.22. f.2. 109 rigescens. R.S. rigid. C. B.S. 1815. 6.8. G.h. Jacq. scheen, 1. t.42. 110 carolinense.r.s. —_ Carolina. Carolina. 1732. 7.9. G.%. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 331. 111 pyracanthum. B.M. orange-thorn’d, Madagascar.1789. 8.9. S.h. Sm. exot. bot, 2. t. 64. B inermis. smooth-calyxed. ————-.-——- ~—— S.h- Botan. magaz, 2547. 112 virginianum.r.s. ‘Virginian. Virginia. 1662. 5.8. H.©. Dill. elth. t.267. £.346,. 113 Jacquini. R.s. Jacquin’s, E. Indies. 1804. 9.11. 8.©. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 332. 114 Balbisii. r.s. Balbis’s. S. America. 1816. 4.9. S.h. Botan. magaz. 2568. : decurrens. B.R. 140. brancafolium. Jacq. f. ecl. t. 7. ViScosum. DC. 115 scandens. R.s. scandent, Surinam. 1822. +--+ S.Rbew. _NYCTERIUM. V. NYCTERIUM. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 cordifolium. v. Canary. Canaries. 1779. 3.4. G.h. Venten. malm.85. Solanum vesperiilio. R.s. - 2 Amazonium.B.m. Lambert’s. Brazil. 1814. 5.9. S.hb. Botan. magaz. 1801. Solanum Amazonium. B.R. 71. 3 cornutum. L.en. horned. S, America. 1825. —— S.h- Juss. ann. mus, 3. t.9. 4 lobatum. Missouri. | Missouri. 1813. 7.9. H.©. Pursh fl, amer. 1. +t. 7. Solanum heterandrum. ph. Androcera lobuta. N se 5 rostratum. L.en. beaked. Mexico. 1823. —— H.©. Dunalsol. t.24. 6 Fontanesianum. Desfontaine’s. Brazil. 1813. —— H.©. Botan. regist. 177. 7 heterodoxum. L.en. very prickly. Mexico. 1824. —— H.©.. Dnumalsol. t.25. L’ Herit. sert. angl.t.1. Dill. elth. t. 273. £.352. Feuil. peruv. t. 46. Cavan. ic. 4. t. 359.f.1. Flor.peruv.2.t.170.f.b. Smith spicil. 2. t.2. Venten. choix. 18, Dill. elth. t. 153. f.185. Botan. magaz. 1770. Jacq. scheen. 4. t.452. L’Herit. s. nov.1. t. 35. Jacq. schoen.3,. t.332. Flor. peruv. 2. t. 155. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 324. —_———_-——- 3. t. 325. ——— 3. t. 326. ——. 3. t. 327. —— 3. t. 328. —__—_- —— 5. t. 329. Botan. magaz, 1729. Dill.elth. t, 154. f. 186. Lodd. bot. cab. 618. Bot. reg. 354. Trew Ehret. t, 24. f. 1. 302 6 ruthenicum, R.s. 7 tetrandrum. R.s. 8 barbarum. R.s. 9 Shawii. R.s. 10 Trewianum. R.s. 11 chinense. R.s. 12 lanceolatum. P.s. 13 turbinatum. pP.s. 14 cinereum. R.s. 15 europeum. R.8. 16 horridum. R.s. 17 boerhaavizfolium. 18 carolinianum. R.s. SOLANDRA. R:S. 1 grandiflora. R.s. 2 nitida. R.s. 3 viridiflora. s.s. BRUNFELSIA. W. 1 undulata. w. 2 americana. w. a latifolia. B angustifolia. 3 violacea. B.C. ' SOLANEA. Russian. ’ Siberia. 1804. —— H.h. teirandrous. CC. B.S. sccoe ——— Hh. Willow-leaved, Barbary. 1696. 5.8. H.h. white-flowered. ————— -+-+e —— H.h. Trew’s. China. cree —— Huh. Chinese. ——_— _ -+-++ —— Hh. spear-leaved. S. Europe. -¢+- —— H.h. top-shaped. China. 1709. —— H.h. gray. C.B.S. 1815. 6.8. H.h. European. S. Europe. 1730. 5.8. H.h. succulent-ld, CC. B.S. 179]. 7.8. H.h. glaucous-l4, Peru. 1780. 4.5. G.h. Carolina. Carolina, 1806. 7.9. H.h. SoLaNDRA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. large-flower’d, Jamaica. 1781. 3.8. S.h. glossy-leaved. = -+>--+++ «+e. S.h. - green-flower’d. Brazil. 1816. S.h. vals: Pall, ros. 1. t. 49. ~. Wats. dend. brit. 9. Shaw afric. f. 349. Trew Ehret t. 68. Wats. dend. brit. 8. Duham. arb. nov. t.32. : t. 31. Flor. grec. t. 236. L’Herit. stirp. t. 83. Botan. magaz. 1874. Botan. magaz. 1948. Botan. regist. 228. Botan. magaz. 393. Sect. III. GENERA SOLANEIS AFFINIA, BRUNFELSIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. large-flowered. Jamaica. 1780. 6.7. S.k. American. W. Indies. 1735. —— S.h. broad-leaved, ——————_- — _ — Sh. narrow-leaved. — — S.h. purple-stalked. 1820. —— S.h. CRESCENTIA. W. 1 Cujete. w. 2 acuminata. K.s. 3 cucurbitina. w. ?TANAECIUM. W. pinnatum, w. CALABASH-TREE. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. oval-fruited. -Jamaica. 1690. --+- S.h. acuminate. Cuba. 1622. «+++ S.h. round-fruited. W. Indies. 1733. S.b. TaNA&CIUM. Didynamia Angiospermia. W. wing-leaved. Mauritius. 1823. S.h. ea ee Crescentia pinnata. Jacq. Tripinnaria africana, 8.8. ORDO CXXx. Lod. bot. cab. 792. Jacq. amer. t. 111. Plum. ic. + ci J acq. coll. 3. t. 18. SCROPHULARINZ. Brown prodr.1. p. 433. BUDDLEA. S.S. 1 madagascariensis. 2 saligna. s.s. 3 paniculata. s.s. 4 salvifolia. s.s. 5 Neemda. s.s. 6 brasiliensis. s.s. 7 globosa. s.s. 8 salicifolia. s.s. 9 diversifolia. R.® SCOPARIA. L. dulcis. L. CAPRARIA. SS. 1 undulata. s.s. 2 cuneata. s.S. 3 lanceolata. s.s. A biflora.s.s. 5 humilis, w. Sect. I. STAMINA (4) ANTHERIFERA’ BupDLEA. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. Madagascar. Madagascar.1824. ---- S.h. Willow-like. C.B.S. 1816. 8.9. G.h. panicled. Nepaul. 1823.'. -+-- G.h- Sage-leaved. C. B.S. 1760. 8.9. G.h. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1822, ---+ G.h. Brazilian. Brazil. ——- -:« Gh. round-headed. Chili. 1774. 5.7. Heh. Willow-leaved. S. America. 1823. +--+ S.h. various-leaved. Java. ——- sees Sh. Scoparia. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. sweet. S. America. 1730. 6.9. S.©. GoaT-wEED. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. wave-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 3.7. G.h. wedge-leaved. S. America. 1759. 6.8. S.h. spear-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 5.7. G.h. two-flowered, S. America. 1752. 7.8. S.h. dwarf. E. Indies. 1781. —— S.©). Lam. enc. 1. t. 69. f. 3. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 29. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 28. Botan. magaz. 174, Herm. parad. t. 241. Botan. magaz. 1556. Pl. sel. h. ber. t. 4. Jacq. amer. t. 115. TEEDIA.S:S. 1 lucida. s.s. 2 pubescens. s.s. HALLERIA. S.S. 1 lucida. s,s. 2 elliptica. s.s. STEMODIA. S.S. 1 suffruticosa. s.s. 2 viscosa. s.s. 3 verticillaris. s.s. 4 parviflora. H.K. 5 maritima. s.s. RUSSELIA. S.S. SCROPHULARINE. TEEDIA. shining. Capraria lucida. w. Borkhausenia lucida. Roth. pubescent. HALLERIA. _ shining-leaved. C. B.S. elliptic-leaved. Didynamia Angiospermia. 8.8. C.B.S. 1774. 4.7. Goh. 1816. 5,10, G.f. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 1752. 6.8. G. be Stemopia. Didynamia Angiospermia. W. suffrutescent. S. America. 1823. 5.8. S.}. viscous. E. Indies. 1818. 7.10. S.©. whorled. Brazil. 1822, —— H.©. small-flowered. S.America. 1759. 7.8. S 2. sea-side. Cuba. 1822. —— S.©. RvssELIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. W. 1 floribunda. x.s. abundant-flow’&. Mexico. 1824. 6. 8. S.2. 303 Botan. regist. 210. 214, . Botan. magaz. 1744. Burm. afr. t. 84. f. 1, Jacq. amer, t.174.f.66. 1812. —— S.%. TREVIRANIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. S,S. scarlet. Jamaica. 1778. 8.10. S.. B.M. Achimenes coccinea. P.3. Cotumnea. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 2 multiflora. s.s. TREVIRANIA. SS. i coccinea. 8.s, Cyrilla pulchella, COLUMNEA. S.S. many-flowered. Botan. magaz. 1528. Botan. magaz. 374. 1 scandens. 8.8. climbing. W. Indies. 1759. 8.9. S.f%. Botan. regist. 805. 2 hirsuta. s,s. hairy. —— 1780. 8.11. S.h. Brown. jam. t.30. f.3. 3 rutilans. s.s. red-leaved. 1823. —— S.}. MAURANDIA.S.S. Mavranpia. Didynamia Angiospermia. W. 1 semperfiorens, s.s. red-flowered, Mexico. 1796. 1.12. G.}.~. Botan. magaz. 460. 2 antirrhiniflora. s.s. blue-flowered. 1814. -— G.hw. 1643. DODARTIA.S.S. Dopartia. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. “Ge orientalis. s.s. oriental. Levant. 1752. 7.8 H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 147. CYMBARIA.S.S. CymBARIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. davurica. s.s. Daurian, _Davuria. 1796. 6.7. H.%. Amm.ruth. t.1. f. 2. NEMESIA. S.S. Nemesia. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. ' 1 chamedryfolia. s.s. Chamedry’s-ld, re B.S. - 1787. 4.9. G.y. Antirrhinum macrocarpum. w. 2 bicorne. s.s. horned. 1774. 7.8. G.©. Burm. afr. t. 75. f. 3. 3 foetens. s.s. feetid. 1798, 4.9. G.%. Venten. malm. t. 4}. -ANARRHINUM. S.S. ANARRHINUM. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. : bellidifolium. s.s. Daisy-leaved. France. 1629. 6.8. H.d. Botan. magaz, 2056. ANTIRRHINUM.S.S.Snap-praGon. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 1 majus. s.s, great. England. -++e+ 6.8. H.%. Eng, bot. 129. 6 coccinea. scarlet. ———— eeee —— HY. B bicolor. two-coloured. eee es aoctend EE, Mis 5 multiplex. double-flowered. -+++0-- cree ——— H. 2. 2 meonanthum. L.en. smaller-flow’r’d.S. Europe. 1820. —— H.%. Lk. fl. port. 1. t. 56. 3 angustifolium. Poir. narrow-leaved. Italy. 1818. —— H.%. 4 siculum. s.s. Sicilian. Sicily. 1804. 7.8. H.2. 5 Orontium..s.s. Calf’s-snout. Britain. sees 7.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 1155. 6 calycinum. L.en, long-calyxed. S. Europe. ---+ -—— H.©. 7 Asarina. s.s._ heart-leaved. Italy. 1699. 7 F.¥%. Botan. magaz. 902. 8 molle.s.s, soft-leaved. Spain. 1752. 7.10. F. LINARIA. §.S. TOAD-FLAX. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. 1 frutescens. s,s. frutescent. C.B.S. 1816. 5.7. Gh. Antirrhinum frutescens. Th. 2 dalmatica. s.s. Dalmatian. Levant. 1731. 6.7. G.h. Buxb. cent. 1. t. 24. 3 scoparia. s.s. broom-like. Teneriffe, 1815. —— G.h. 4 Cymbalaria.s.s. _Ivy-leaved. England. «s+. 5.11.H.%. Eng. bot. 502. OQOKROOOOO OOOKRERAHS aR ROOREREE 5 pubescens, s.s. pubescent. Italy. 1824. —— H.}7. 6 pilosa. s.s. hairy-leaved. ———— 1800. 6.9. H. Jacq. obs. 2. t. 48. 7 Elatine. s.s. sharp-pointed. England. +--+ 7.11.H.@. Eng. bot.692. 8 cirrhosa. s.s. cirrhose, Egypt. 1777. 7.8. H. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 82.. 9 spurium. s.s. round-leaved. England. +--+ 7.9. H. Eng. bot. 691. Antirrhinum spurium. .B. | 10 lanigera. s.s. woolly. S. Europe. 1820. —— H. 11 dealbata. s.s, villous-leaved. Portugal, 1620. 7.9. H.©. 12 latifolia. s.s broad-leaved. Barbary. 1800. 6.7. H.©. Desf. atl. 2. t. 134. 13 triphylla. 5.8. three-leaved. Sicily. 1596. 6.9. H.©. Botan. magaz. 324, | 14 reflexa. s.s. reflex-flower’d. S. pisape: 1824. —— H All. mise. taur. 2. t. 1. 15 origanifolia. s,s. Marjoram-l4, ——— 1785. 6.9. F.%. Barrel. ic. 598. 16 virgata. s.s, slender-stalked. Barbary. 1824. —— H.©. Desf, atl. 2. t. 135. Thyme-leaved. S. Europe. —— -—— H.©. | 17 thymifolia, s,s. 304 18 villosa. s.s. 19 rubrifolia. s.s. 20 hirta. s.s. Antirrhinum viscosum. B.M. 368. 21 triornithophora. 22 bipartita. s.s, speciosa. Donn. 23 minor. S.s. 24 littoralis. s.s. 25 chalepensis. s.s. 26 tristis. s.s. 27 versicolor, s.s. 28 micrantha. s.s. 29 viscosa. s,s. 30 purpurea. S.5. 31 arenaria. s.s. 32 alpina. s.s. 83 lusitanica., s.s. 34 Helava. 35 pelisseriana. 8.5. 36 repens. H.K. 37 amethystina. s.s. Antirrhinum bipunctatum. cay. nec aliorum. 38 supina. s.s. 39 bipunctata. s.s. 40 spartea. s.s. ' 41 simplex. s,s. A2 arvensis. s.s. 43 multicaulis. s.s. 44 macroura. L.en. 45 reticulata. s.s. A6 glauca. s.s, 47. egyptiaca. s.s. 48 silenifolia. rx. 49 genistifolia. s.s. 50 linifolia. s.s. 51 vulgaris. s,s. Antirrhinum Linaria. £.B. 6B Peloria. 52 Leeselii. s.s. 53 juncea. s.s. 54 canadensis. s.s. 1 marilandica. s.s. 2 peregrina. s,s. 3 nodosa. s.s. A aquatica. s.s. 5 glabrata. s.s. 6 biserrata. s.s. 7 arguta. s.s. 8 vernalis. s.s. 9 Smithii. L.en. 10 glandulosa. s.s. 11 rugosa. W.K. 12 Scopolii. p.s. 13 Scorodonia.:s.s. 14 altaica. s.s, 15 betonicefolia. s.s. 16 hirsuta. L.en. 17 appendiculata. s.s. 18 Balbisii. s.s. 19 auriculata. s.s. 20 trifoliata. s.s. 21 laciniata. w.xK. 22 verbenefolia. Poir. 23 adscendens. W.en. 24 variegata. s.s. 25 ebulifolia. s.s. 26 grandiflora. pc. SCROPHULARIN &. villous. Spain. | 1786. 7.8° F.%. red-leaved. ._§S. France. 1824. ——. F.2.- shaggy-leaved. Spain. 1759. 6.9. H.©. three bird’s,:» Portugal. 1710. —— F.2. cloven-flower’d. Barbary. 1801. —-~ H.©. little erect. England. +++ 6.11. H.©. shore. Austria. 1824. —— H.©. white-flowered. Levant. 1680. 6.7. H.©. melancholy. Spain. 1727. 7. S.0Gele various-colour’d.France. 1777. 7.9. HOw small-flowered. Spain. 1825. 5.7. H.©. clammy. ——_——— 1786. 7.. H.©. purple.. S. Europe. 1648. .7..9. H.%. sand. Hungary. 1825. —— H.©. Alpine. Austria. 1570. 711. H.d. Portugal. S. Europe. 1820. 6.7..H.%. hairy calyxed. Egypt... 1803. 7.9. H.©. violet-coloured. S. Europe. 1640. 6:9. H.©. creeping rooted-England. +--+ 7. 10..H.2. bright blue. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.©. two-spotted. 1749. 6.8. H.©@. branching. ——_——— 1772.. 6.10. H©. upright. S. Europe. 1816. 7.8) H.©. corn. ——— ---- — Ho. many-stalked. Levant. 1728. 5.7. H.©@. large-spurred. Caucasus, 1823. 6.9. H.2%. netted-flower’d. Algiers. 1788. 5.7. F.%. glaucous-leav’d. S. Europe. 1800. 6,8. H.@),. Egyptian. Egypt. 1771. 7 . H.©@. Silene-leaved. Portugal. 1820. 7.9. H.@), Broom-leaved. Austria. 1704. 7.8. H.2. flax-leaved. Italy. 1824. —— H.. common. Britain. coos 659. -H.2f, regular-flower'd. coos —— HY, Loesel’s. Russia. 1824. -—— H.©. rush-stalked. Spain. 1780. 7.8 H.©@,. Canadian. N.America.1812. 6.8. H.(). SCROPHULARIA. L. Fiewort. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. Maryland. N.America.1759.. 5.7. H.. Nettle-leaved. Italy. 1640. 6.8..H.%. knotty-rooted. Britain. eeoe 5.7%. HX. water. ty wk. ee spear-leaved. Canaries. 1779.. 4.5. G.d. double-serrate. ---.- eos 1816. 5.7. H.}. slender upright. Canaries. 1778.. —— H.©@. yellow. Britain. ose» 3.5. HG. Smith’s. Canaries. 1815. 4.8. G.}. glandalar. Hungary. 1806. 6.9. H.2. rugged. ——— 1816. -— H.}. Scopoli’s. Germany. —— —— H.}. balm-leaved.- Britain. eoee 7.8. H.2t. white-flowered. Siberia. 1786. 5.6. H.y. Betony-leaved. Spain. 1752. 6.8. H.%. hairy. -§. Europe. 1822. —— H.2. heart-leaved. Morocco. 1805. 7. H.%. Balbis’s. Italy. 1823. 6.8. H.2. ear-leaved. Spain. 1772. 7.8 Hey. three-leaved. - Africa. 1731. 5.9. H.g. jag-leaved. Hungary. 1806. 7. H.%. Vervain-leaw’ds -+++---+ 1816. 7.8. H.y. ascending. ceedeces meme Hr. variegated. Caucasus. -——- —— H.2. Elder-leaved. ——— 1824. —— H.7. large-flowered, covccess 1816, ——~ H, Y. Barrel. ic. 597. Jacq: ie. 1. t. un | Botan. magaz. 523. Swt. br. fl. gar. 30. Eng. bot. 2014; Moris. s..5. t.35. f.9. Botan. magaz. 74. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 116. Cavan.ic. 1. t. 69; f. 3. Botan. magaz. 99. Botan. magaz. 205. Barrel. ic. 1162. Eng. bot. 1253. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 33. f. 1. Botan. magaz. 200. Jacq. ic. 3. t.499. Bote. sie, t.191 f. Ik Smith ie. pict. 2.: Buxb. cent. 4. t. 37. J acq. aust. 3: t..244. Eng. bot..658. 260. Venten. cels; 49. Camer. hort. t.43. Eng. bot. 1544, ————. 854. oe Jacq. scheen. 2. t, 209, Eng. bot. 567. K. hung. t. 214, Scop. carn. 2. t. 32, Eng. bot. 2209. : Mur. com. got. 4, t. 2. Barrel. ic. 274. * | Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 286, W. et K.hiing.2. t.170, ! SCROPHULARINA — 305 27 frutescens. s.s. shrubby. Portugal. 1768. 6.8. F.h. Herm. lugd. t. 547. 28 orientalis. s.s. oriental. Levant. 1710. 7.8. H.%. Schk. hand. 2. t. 173. /29 melissefolia. s.s. © balm-like. ——— 1823. —— H.}. 30 lyrata. s.s.° lyrate-leaved. Portugal. 1816. —— H.y¥. W-hort. ber. 1. t.55,_ 31 mellifera. s.s. honey-bearing. Barbary. 1786. H.y%. Desf. atl. 2. t. 143. 32 sambucifolia. s,s. | Elder-like. Spain. 1640. 7.9. H.¥%. Mill. ic, 2. t. 231. 33 hispida. s.s. hispid. Levant. 1820. —— H.. 34 tanacetifolia. s.s. | Tansy-leaved. Tauria. 1804. —— H.¥. W. hort. ber.1. t. 56. 35 canina. s.s. wing-leaved. S,Europe. 1683. 6.8. H.%. Lobel. ic. 2, p. 55. 36 chrysanthemifolia. Chrysanthemum-l4, Tauria. 1816. —— H.y%. W.hort. ber. 1. t. 59. 37 lucida. s.s. shining-leaved, Levant, 1596. —— H.3. ——————1.t.57. 38 filicifolia. s.s. Fern-leaved. Crete. emer ew, “Loutn. it. t.8a. 39 multifida. s.s. miultifid-leaved, -++++-+- 1816. —— H.y%. W. hort. ber. I. t. 58. DIGITALIS. S.S. FoxeLove. Didynamia pean mia. L. : 1 Sceptrum. s.s. Madeira shrubby. Madeira. 1777. 7.8. G.h. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t. 73. 2 canariensis. s.s. Canary. Canaries. 1698. 6.7. G.h. Botan. regist. 48. 3 lutea, s.s. small yellow. France. 1629. 7.8. H.4%. —————— 25]. 4 parviflora. s.s. small-flowered, -+--=- ++ 1798. 6.8. H.2. —— 257. 5 media. s.s. middle yellow. Germany. 1816. 7.8 H.2. A is 6 obscura. s.s. Willow-leaved. Spain. 1778. —— H.y. Lind. digit. t. 26. 7 micrantha. s.s. small-blossom’d. Switzerland,1824. ——- H.2. . Ph 8 minor. s.s._ dwarf. Spain. 1789. 6.7. H.y. Lind. digit. 5. 6. 9 purpurascens. s.s. blush-flowered, Italy. 1776., —— H.y%. — — t. 20. erubescens, H.K. ’ | 10 orientalis. s.s. oriental. Levant. 1818. 7.8. H.%, Botan. regist. 554. 11 lanata., s.s. _ . woolly, Hungary. 1789. 6.7..H.4%. Botan. magaz. 1159. _ 12 leucopheaa. s,s. broad-lipped. Greece. 1788. 6.10.H.y. Lind. digit. t. 14. 13 aurea. s.s. golden. ———— _ 1815, '7.'8. Ho». ———— 6 18. | 14 ferruginea. s,s. iron-coloured. Italy. 1597. ——- H.y%. — — t.12. | 15 lewvigata. s,s. shihing-leaved. Hungary. 1810. —— H.2. — t.10. 16 fulva. s.s. tawny. © watts 0 AO20, 6.8, The de, Toot ae es 17 ambigua. w. greater yellow. Switzerland.1596. 7.8. H.y%. Botan. regist. 64. | grandifiora. 8.8. ’ om 18 ochroleuca. s.s, sulphur-color’d. Germany. 1816. —— H.%. Lind. digit. t. 8. 19 fuscescens. s.s, netted-flow’r’d. Hungary. 1824. -——- H.4%. | 20 tomentosa. s.s. tomentose. Portugal. 1820. 6.8. H.2. | 21 Thapsi. s.s. Mullein. Spain. . 1752. 5.8. H.y. Sm.exot. bot. 1. t.43. | 22 purpurea. s.s. common. Britain. ---- 6.9. Hid, Eng. bot. 1297... B alba, white-flowered. ————__ --»>+ —— H.¢. CHELONE. 8S. CHELONE. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. | 1 glabra. w. white-flowered. N.America. 1730. 8.10. H.y%. Trew Ehret. t. 83. 2 obliqua. 'w. red-flowered. ———— 1752. —— H.y, Botan. regist.175. 3 Lyoni. s.s. Lyon’s. ——_——. 1812. 7.9. H.y, Botan. magaz, 1864. major. B.Me. 4 rosea. Cerv. rose-coloured. Mexico. 1825. -e++ G.2. . 5 barbata. s.s. scarlet. ———— 1794. 6.9. H.1. Botan. regist. 116. 6 campanulata. s.s. bell-flowered. ————- -—— 3.10. F.h. Botan. magaz. 1678. Pentstemon campanulata. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 362+ 7 angustifolia, K.s. narrow-leaved. -———— 1825. +--+ G.h. H. et B.2. t.173. 8 lavigata. s.s. smooth. N.America. 1776. 8.9. H.¥. Botan. magaz. 1425. _ 9 hirsuta. s.s. narrow-l¢,hairy, ————— 1758. —— H.y. Moris. s.11.t.21. f.3. 10 pubescens. broad-ld, hairy, ————- —— —— H.x%. Botan. magaz. 1424, : Pentstemon pubescens. B.M. 11 digitalis. p.F.c. foxglove-fid, © Arkansa. 1824. 6.8, H.y. Swt. br. fl. gar. 120. / Pentstemon digitalis. B.M. 2587. , 12 erjanthera.s.s. -— blue-flowered. Louisiana. 1811. 7.9. F.%. Botan. magaz. 1672. q Pentstemon glabra. B.M. 13 cristata. s.s. crested. —_- - —- — F. yx. 14 ccerulea. s.s, slender blue. —————— SO «SO6*Ci Pentstemon angustifolium. Ph. 15 grandiflora.,s.s. | great-flowered, ————— -—— -—— F.}. 16 albida. s.s, dwarf, —— — — F.. HERPESTIS. G. Herrestis, Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S, § 1 stricta. s.s. upright. Brazil. 1823. 6.8. "S.3. : | 2 Monnieria, k.s. thyme-leaved. §. America. 1772. 7.9. S.%. Ehret. pict. t. 14. f. 2. ' 3 portulacacea. B.m. Purslane-ld, ——_——._ 1823. —— §S.%. Botan. magaz. 2557. 4 cuneifolia, ph. wedge-leaved. N.America. 1812. 8. H.%. 5 amplexicaulis. s,s. stem- clasping. Carolina, 1822. 6. 8. panty: 2 » 306 SCROPHULARINEA. MAZUS. B,P. _ Mazus. ' Didynamia Angiospermla. 8.5. Maghaca: Asch Tugosus. B.P. China. China. 1780. 5. 10. H. ©. Swt. br. fl. gar.36. Lindernia dtpertiog- th. Hornemannia bicolor: w.en. Di ru ns TORENIA. B.P.). Torenia. Didynamia Angiospermia. 8.8. or cea, oe L ovata a oval-leaved. anila. 1823. 5. 10, A. ©. Pl. sel. hort. ber. t. 9. Hornemannia ovata. L.en. Tittmannia ovata. 8.3. it “ a tae 2 viscosa. viscous. VE Indies®**2i at Hornemannia viscosa. W.en. Tittmannia viscosa. 8.8. LINDERNIA. B.P, Linnernita. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. . Pyxidaria. w. European, S. Europe. 1789. 6.8. H.©. Lam.ill. t. 522. MIMULUS. L. MONKEY-FLOWER. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. | 1 glutinosus. s.s. orange-colored. California. 17914, 1.12.G,h. Botan. magaz. 354. 2 ringens, s.s. gaping. N.America. 1759. 7.8. H.%. 283. 3 alatus. s.s. oval-leaved, ——— 1783. ——- H.3. : 4 guttatus. pe. spotted-fid, America. 1812. 6.9. F.%. Botan. magaz. 1501. luteus. B.M. non L. ae , 5 parviflorus. B.R. —_small-flowered. Mexico. | 1824. —— H.@. Botan. regist. 874. BROWALLIA. L. BROWALLIA. | Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 1 elata. w. upright# Peru. 1768. 6.9. G.©. Botan. magaz. 34. 2 demissa. w. spreading. S. America. 1735. G.©. 1136. ANGELONIA. K.S. ANGELONIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. | salicarizfolia. x.s. Salicaria-14, S. America. 1818. 7.10, S.%. Botan. regist. 415. ALONSOA. R.P. AtonsoA. Didynamia Angiospermia. H.K. © 1 incisifolia. R.P. Nettle-leaved. Chili. 1795. 5.10.G.R. Botan. magaz. 417. -Celsia urticefolia. B.M. Hemimeris urticefolia. w. ri 2 acutifolia. R.P. acute-leaved. Peru. 1790. —— G.h. 3 linearis. H.K, linear-leaved. —— —— -—— G.h. _ Botan. magaz. 210. Celsia linearis, B.M. Hemimeris coccinea, We silat DIASCIA. L.en. Drascia. Didynamia Angiospermia. 5S S. 1 Bergiana. L.en. Bergius’s. C.B.S. 1816. 7.10. H.©. Pluk. phyt. 320. f. 5. Hemimeris diffusa. w. . VANDELLIA. S.S.. VANvDELLIA. Didynamia Angiospermia, L. diffusa. s.s. spreading. S. America. 1824. 7.9. S.©. Marc. bras. 1. ¢.15. f.l. LIMOSELLA. L. Mupwort. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. aquatica. L. water. Britain. ---- 7.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 357. DISANDRA. L. DisaAnDRA. Heptandria Monogynia. L. ~ .._-prostrata. L. , _ trailing. Madeira. 1771. 5.8. G.%. Botan. magaz. 218. . S$IBTHORPIA, L. Sripruorp1a. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. europea. 1. Cornish money-wort.England.--- 7.8. H.2%. Eng. bot. 619. ERINUS. S.S. Erinus. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. . 1 Lychnidea. s.s. Phlox-flower’d. C. B.S. 1821. 3.10.G.%. Botan. regist. 748. 2 fragrans. H.K. fragrant. 1776. 5.6. G.%. Burm, afr.t. 49. f. 4. 3 alpinus. P.s. smooth-leaved. Pyrenees. 1739. 3.4. H.4%, Botan. magaz. 310. 4 hispanicus. p.s. hairy-leaved, Spain. — H.. re MANULEA. S.S. MANULEA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. is 1 viscosa. 8.8. clammy. C.B.S. 1774. 6.11.G.%. Botan. magaz. 217. Buchnera viscosa. B.M. sue 2 tomentosa. s.s. tomentose. ——- 1774. 5.12.G.h. ———~——— 322. 3 oppositifolia. v. opposite-leav’d. vee —— Gh. 4 villosa. p.s. villous. - ——— 1783. 6.7. G.©. Burm. afr. t. 50. f. 2. .. .Buchnera capensis. w: seit 5 rubra. 8.3. red. —— 1790... 4.9. Gh. 6 Cheiranthus. s.s. Wallflower-like, ————— 1795. 6.8. G.g. Comm. hort. 2. t. 42. 7 argentea. s.s. silvery. ——-_ 1801. 7.11. G.©. 8 pedunculata. p.s. solitary-fld. ———. 1790. 6.11. G.h. Andr. reposit. $4. 9 foetida. s.s. stinking. ——_ 1794. 6.9. G.E. ———-— 80. Buchnera feetida, A.R. 10 rhynchantha. s.s. wedge-leaved. —— _ 1816. — G.h. 11 violacea. s.s. vinlet-flowéred. Ler ae G.h. 12 cordata. s.s. trailing heart-14. - —- G.%}. BUCHNERA. S.S. BUCHNERA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. americana. 8.8. American. N.America. 1733. 6.8. H.%. EUPHRASIA. W. EYE-BRIGHT. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 1 linifolia. s.s. flax-leaved. S. France. 1823. 7.9. H.©. 2 lutea. s.s. yellow. S. Europe. 1816. —~- H.©. Jacq. aust. t. 398. 3 alpina. s.s. Alpine. ——— 1823. -— H.©. 4 officinalis. s.s. common. Britain. — H.©._ Eng. bot. 1416. BARTSIA. 8.5. BARTSIA. Didynamia Atigioapermi ia. L. ' 1 viscosa. 8.5. yellow viscid. Britain. «res 7.8. HO. Eng. bot. 1045. Bae SCROPHULARIN &. 2 alpina. s.s. Alpine. Britain. sees 7.8, 8 Odontites. s.s. red-flowered. veee 7.9. 4 Trixago. s.s. EUCHROMA.N. 1 coccinea, N. Burtsia coccinea. L. 2 grandiflora. Nn. Castilleja sessilifiora. ph. ‘scarlet. CASTILLEJA.S.S. CAsTiLiesa. 1 integrifolia. s.s. entire-leaved. 2 toluccensis. s.s. procumbent. _ 8 septentrionalis. B.R. northern. 4 pallida. s.s. pale-flowered. Bartsia pallida. w. RHINANTHUS. W. YeEttow Rattte. 1 tenuifolia. s.s. slender-leaved. | 2 pectinata. s.s. pectinated. ‘ALCEOLARIA. R.S. SLipPERWORT. 1 Fothergillii. r,s. Fothergill’s. | 2 corymbosa. Rs, — corymb-fid, simple-stalked. PAINTED Cup. large-flowered. S. Europe. 1820. H.©. Didynamia Angiospermia. N. N.America, 1787. Louisiana. 1811. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. S. America. 1825. Mexico. N.America, 1824. Siberia. Carolina. Afzelia cassioides. Gmel. Gerardia Afzelia. M. 7. 7. 8. eevee eee 7. 8. 7. 9. CS H. 2. H. 2, Re H.©. 1782. 6.9. H.z%. pis enta SEOs Pees L. 8. 1 Crista-galli. w Cock’s-comb. Britain. H.©. 2 Alecterolophus.L.en-villous, Germany. 1816. —— H.©. villosus. P.Ss. MELAMPYRUM.S.S. Cow-wuear. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 1 cristatum. £.B. crested. England. e--- 7.8. H.©. 2 arvense. E.B. corn-field, ———— +++ 6.7. H.©. 3 nemorosum.s.s. Ccolour’d-bract’d.Europe. 1823. ~— H.©,. 4 pratense. E.B. common. Britain. e-e- 7.8. H.©. § sylvaticum. E.B. wood, ——— -+++ —— HO. PEDICULARIS. S.S. Lovusewort. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 1 incarnata, s.s. flesh-coloured. Austria... 1796. 6.7. H.%. 2 rostrata. 8.s. beaked. S. Europe. 1823. ——- H.}. $3 tuberosa. s.s. tuberous. Switzerland.1799. 7.8. H.2%. 4 ascendens. Schl. ascending. ———. 1825. —— H.. 5 gyroflexa. s.s. bending. — ey 6 atrorubens. Dc. dark-red, —_——_ — ~—— H.. 7 uncinata. s,s. hooked-fi4, Siberia. 1815. —-— H.%. 8 compacta. s.s. close-headed. Mla eld 9 resupinata. s.s, resupinate. — ‘1816. 5.7. H.%. 10 palustris, £.B, marsh. Britain. vcors 6.7. H.2. 11 euphrasioides, s.s, eyebright-I". Siberia. 1816. —— H.%. 12 canadensis. s.s. Canadian. N.America. 1800. 7.8. H.%. 13 sylvatica. E.B. common. Britain. e--» 5.7. H.2. 14 myriophylla. ss. Milfoil-leaved. Dahuria. 1816. —— H.}. 15 sudetica. s.s. Swedish. — N.Europe. —— -—— H.}. 16 flammea. s.s, upright. a ee. 7. He 17 versicolor. s.s. various-colour’d.Switzerland.1825. 7. 8. H. 2%. 18 comosa. s.s. spiked. Italy. 1755... i ee 19 Sceptrum. s.s. _— sceptred. Sweden. 1793. —— H.y. 20 recutita, s.s. jagged-leaved. Austria. BIBT inl Se ble dee 21 foliosa. s,s. leafy. 1786. —— H.2. 22 verticillata. s.s. whorled. — 1790. 5.6. H.2. (23 rosea. s.s. rose-coloured. S. Europe. 1825. 7.8. H.2. SERARDIA. S.S. GERARDIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. 1 delphinifolia, s.s, | Larkspur-14, E. Indies. 1800. 6.7. S.%. | 2 purpurea. s.s. purple. N.America. 1772. 7.8. H.¢. ' 3 tenuifolia. s.s. slender-leaved. Sg" ie. | 4 maritima. s.s. sea-side. 1823. ——'H2. 5 flava. s.s. yellow. 1796. —— H.%. 6 quercifolia. s.s. oak-leaved. — 1812. —— H.x. /EYMERIA. S.S. SeymeERIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. ©. @). = Sect. If. STAMINA (2) ANTHERIFERA. Diandria Monogynia. L. FalklandIsl, 1777. Chill. 1823. 5.8. G.%. 4.8. ‘G.2. 2R2 307 Eng. bot. 361. — + aS Column, ecphr.1. t.197. Pluk. alm. t. 102. f. 5. r Sm. ic. ined. t. 39, _ Botan. regist. 925. ' Gmel, sib. 3. t. 42. Eng. bot. 657. Bull. herb, t. 125. Eng. bot. 41. —— —— 53. Flor. dan. t. 305. Eng. bot. 118. —-— 804. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 140. — Se t. 205. Hall. helv. n. 3238, t.10. Vill, delph, 2. t.9. Gmel., sib. 3. t. 45. Gmel: sib. 3. t. 44. Eng. bot. 399. Gmel. sib. 3. t. 43. Swt. br. fl. gar. 37. Eng. bot. 400. Pall. it.3. ap. t. 8. f, 1. Hall. helv. t. 8. f. 3. All. ped. 1. t.4. f, 1. Flor. dan. t. 26. ° Jacq. aust. 3. t. 258. pana eo re IT — —— 3. t. 206. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 115. Roxb. corom. I. t. 90. Botan. magaz. 2048. Pluk. alm. t. 12. f. 4. Pluk. amal. t. 389. f.3. Pursh amer. 1. t, 19. Botan. magaz. 348. Botan, regist. 723. 308 3 rugosa. R.P. rugged-leaved. Chili. 1823. 6.8. G.b. crenata. B.R. 790+ ; 4 integrifolia. r.p. _entire-leaved. | - — —- Gh. TUgOSU. B.M. 2523. ne 5 pinnata. R.s. wing-leaved. Peru. 1773. 7.9. H.©. 6 scabioszfolia. R.s. Scabious-l4. — 1823. —— G.2. SCHIZANTHUS. R.P. Scuizanruus. Diandria Monogynia. 1 pinnatus. H.E.F. winged-leav’d. Chili. 1823. 7.10. H.©. 2 porrigens. H.E.F. spreading. rer = FG). SCHWENCKIA. R.S. Scuowenckta. Diandria Monogynia. W. americana. R.S. American. Cayenne. 1781. 8.9. S.¢. BONNAYA.S.S. Bonnaya. Diandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 brachiata. s.s. brachiate, ‘E. Indies, 1825, 6.9. H.©. 2 veronicefolia. s.s. Speedwell-l4, © ——-—— (1798. — 5§.¢. Gratiola veronicefolia, W. 3 reptans, s.s. creeping. —-— 1820. —— 58.©. GRATIOLA. B.P. HepGE-Hyssop. Diandria Monogynia. L. 1 latifolia. B.P. broad-leaved. N.S. W. 1822. 6.8. G.%. 2 officinalis. r.s. officinal. Europe. 1568. 5.8. H.. 3 virginica. R.s. Virginian. Virginia. 1759. 8 H.%. WULFENIA. R.S. WuLFENIA, Diandria Monogynia. R.S. carinthiaca, R.s. blue-flowered, Carinthia. 1817. 6.9. H.%. PEDEROTA. RS. P#perota. Diandria Monogynia. L. Ageria. R.s. sulphur-col’d, Italy. 1825. 6.7. H.%. LEPTANDRA. N. LepranprRA. Diandria Monogynia. N. _ 1 virginica. Virginian. Virginia. 1714. 7.9. H.%. Veronica virginica. w. ; B incarnata. flesh-coloured. = -——-——~ --+: ~— H.Y. 2 sibirica, n. Siberian. ’ Siberia. 1779....7.8. Ta. VERONICA. R.S. SPEEDWELL. Diandria Monogynia. L. : 1 foliosa, R.s. leafy. Hungary. 1805. 7.9, H.%. 2 crenulata. R.S. notch-flowered. S. Europe. 1864. —— H.2. villosa. Schr. V.t.1. f.3. 3 maritima. R.s. | sea-side. ——--— 1570. —— H.}. 4 Hostii. r.s. Host’s. Italy. tose H.%. 5 spuria. R.s. spurious. Siberia. 1731. —— H.y. amethystina. W.en. . : 6 paniculata. r.s. panicled. Tartary. 1797. 6.7. H.¥. - 7 complicata. R.s. bundled. S. Europe., 1812. 9.10. H.2. 8 azurea, R.s. azure, = ent eeres 1818. 6.9: H.7f. 9 glabra. R.s. smooth. S. Europe. 1804.. 7.9. H.2. 10 brachyphylla. R.s. short-leaved. = +--+ +++ 1818. —— H.2. brevifolia. L.ene 11 elatior. R.s. tall. S. Europe. 1808. —— H.2. 12 acuta. R.s. acute-leaved. =. -+++ == 1820. —— H.2. 13 arguta. R.s. sharp-notched. S. hae 1812, —— H.y. 14 nitida. L.en. glossy-leaved. = + --+--+> 1816. —— H.Y%. 15 longibracteata. 1,en. long-bracted. reeeres — — H.}. B latifolia. broad-leaved. = + «+ ++ +e — — H.. 16 media. R.s. long-spiked. Germany. 1804. —— H.2. 17 persicifolia.R.s. | Peach-leaved. ------- - 1819. —— H.y. 18 australis. R.s. pubescent. S. Europe, 1812, —— H.1. 19 longifolia. R.s. long-leaved. — 1731. -—— H.2. 20 neglecta. R.S. canescent, Siberia, (97. | =e aes 21 angustifolia.s.s. | narrow-leaved. — 1823. —— H.y. 22 incana. R.s. hoary. Russia. 1769. 7 Or aaa ahs 23 elegans. R.s. elegant... ‘jv kasees ° cece ——— HF, 24 spicata. R.Ss. spiked. England. +++ —— Hz. 25 Clusii. R.s. Clusius’s. N. Europe. «++» ——~ H.%. 26 menthefolia. r.s. Mint-leaved. Austria. 1818. ——- H.2. 27 Barrelieri. r,s. Barrelier’s. S. Europe. ++++ H. 2. 28 orchidea. R.s. Orchis-like. Europe. coos -——— HY, 29 crassifolia. R.s. thick-leaved.. Hungary. 1818. —— H.7. 30 hybrida. R.s. Welsh. England. +++. -—— H.2. 31 longiflora. R.s. long-flowered. -*+--+*- 1823. —-—- H.%. 32 ruthenica. R.s. Russian. Russia. —— —— H-. 33 Pone. R.s. dwarf. Pyrenees. -——- -—- H.2. 34. polystachya.L.en. many-spiked. +-+++--- 1819. -— H.. 35 pinnata. R.s. wing-leaved. «Siberia. 1776. 6.8. H.%. SCROPHULARIN /&., i Hook. ex. flor. 99. Botan. regist. 744, Botan. magaz. 41. 2105, Swt. br. fl. gar. 63. —— 76. Schw. h. m. haag. tI. i Pl. selch. bers t.11. @ Rheed. mial. 9. t. 59. Flor. dan. 363. Swt. br. fh gar. 66 Jacq. vind. 2. f. 121. Pluk. alm, t. 70. f. 2. Amm. ruth. 20. t.4. © W.etK. hung. 2. ¢.162, Hoff.phyt.p.95.t.E.f.3. — ' Sclirad, ver. t.1. f. 1. Tabern. n. kreut.2. f.4._ Gmel. it. 1. t. 39. Hoff.phyt.p.98.t.F.f.4._ Schrad.ver.p.25.t.1.f.4— Schrad.ver. n.7.t.2.f.2. Schrad.ver. n.8.t.1. f.2. } SSS eS n.9. t. pA f 3, eee Serr p-26..t.2. £.13 ; Swt. br. fl. gar.55. Hoff. c. gott. 15. t. 6. — Eng. bot. t. 2. j Flor, dam. t. 52. . Barrel. ic. t. 682. Eng. bot. 673. Gouan., ill, t. 1. f.1. Hoff, c. gott. 15. t. 10. a ee | | SCROPHULARINE. 309 36 incisa. R.s. cut-leaved. Siberia. 1779. 6.8 Hew, | 37 laciniata. R.s. jagged-leaved. ————— 1780. —— H.}. Jung. ic. rar. €.1. f.2. | 38 gentianoides.r.s. Gentian:leav’d. Levant. 1748. 5.6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1002? | 39 pallida. rs. ~ pale. ————. 1816. +—— H.2. _ ‘40 bellidioides. r.s. Daisy-leaved. Switzerland.1775. 6.7. H.4. Hall. hist. t. 15. f. 1. 41 fruticulosa. R.s. flesh-coloured. Scotland. ses» 6.8. H.f. Eng. bot. 1028. 42 saxatilis. r.s. blue rock. ee Te H. 2. ~—— 1027, ‘43 nummularia.r.s. moneywort. Pyrenees. 1820. 6.8. H.%. Gouan. ill. 1. t. 1. f. 2. 44 alpina. r.s. Alpine. Scotland. ---+ 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 484. a acutifolia, acute entire-ld, | Europe. ole =) emia VERDE, B pumila. ani. saw-leaved. ——_—_ -:+.. —— H.¥Y. Allion. ped. t. 22. f.5. y obtusifolia, blunt entire-ld. Scotland. ---- —— H.¥%. Eng. bet. 484. 6 integrifolia. w. — entire-leaved. Europe. -+++ —-—— HY. Krocker siles. t. 3. € heterophylla. various-leaved. ——— +--+ =~ HY. Z rotundifolia. round-leaved. ———— +--+ —— H.. Braun.salish. n.15. t.2. 45 depauperata. R.s. few-flowered. Hungary. 1819. —— H.%. W.etK. hung.3. t. 245. 46 serpyllifolia. r.s. smooth. Britain. «ee. 4.7. Hi. Eng. bot. 1075. a ovata. common. Ce ee ts 8 tenella. Schm. roundish-leaved. Europe. ton ———' HY. y neglecta. Schm. neglected, Se eee PT or d quaternata. four-leaved. ce be We A OU € nummulariefolia. moneywort-ld, . ————— .«--- —— H.%. Z humifusa. v.1. trailing. ee kde RI, A7 hirsuta. R.s. bristly. Scotland. «-.. ——= Huw. setigera. S.S. 48 tenella. r.s. slender. Pyrenees. 1820. 5.6. H.%. Allion. ped. t. 22. f. i. A9 parviflora, R.S. small-flowered. N.Zeatand. 822. 6.8. H.%. : 50 decussata. R.S. cross-leaved. FalklandIsl.1776. —— F.h. Botan. magaz, 242. 51 aphylla. r.s. naked-stalked. Italy. 1775. 5.. H.2%. Seguier. ver. t. 3. f. 2, 52 Beccabunga.r.s. brook-lime. Britain. . «-+- & 6. H.w.2. Eng. bot. 655. 53 Anagallis. r.s. long-ld. water, ————_-- :. 6.8. H.w.¥#}. -—--—— 781. 54 scutellata. R.s. marsh. ———— _ ---- —— Hw... ——-—— 782. 55 Parmularia. R.s. tooth-lq. marsh. Austria. 1816.. 6.8. H.w.2. Trattin. fl. aust. b. 20. 56 pectinata. R.s. pectinated. Levant. 1820. —— H.%. Buxb. C.1. t. 39. f. 1. 57 orientalis. R.s. various-leaved. -————- 1748. ——- H.y%._ Sal. stirp. rar.7. t.4. 58 trichocarpa. R.s. hairy-capsuled. ———— 1820. —— H.2. pilocarpa, L.en- , 59 Jacquini. R.s. Jacquin’s, Austria. 1748. —— H.%. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 329. ausiriaca. Jacq. NON L. 60 austriaca. R.s. Austrian. a A polymorpha. W.en- 61 multifida. r.s. multifid-leaved. Siberia. — --—- H.»%. Botan. magaz. 1679. 62 caucasica. R.S. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1815. ——- H.%. 63 taurica. w. Taurian. Tauria. —— ~— + H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 911. 64 Allionii. r.s. shining-leaved. S. Europe. 1748. —— H.%. Allion. ped.t. t.46. f.3, 65 officinalis. r.s. officinal. Britain. o+-- 4,7. H.%. Eng, bot. 765. 66 Mulleriana. r.s. Muller’s, Styria. 1825. 5.7. H.%. 67 Chaixi. R.s. Chaix’s. ' §. Europe. —— ~— H.2. 68 prostrata. R.3. trailing. Germany. 1774. 5.6. H.4%. Bauh. hist.3. p. 287. ic. 69 plicata. R.s. plaited-leaved. Bohemia. 1823. —— H.%. Pohl 70 micrantha. R.s. soft-leaved. Portugal ——- -—— H.y. Hoff. f. port. t.57. mollis. Zeae 71 latifolia. r.s. broad-leaved. Austria. 1748. 6.7. H.¥%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 23. 72 Teucrium. R.s. sawed-leaved. Europe. 1596. 6.8. H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 425. - 73 dentata. Rs. toothed-leaved. S. Europe. 1816. ——~- H.2. 74 Schmidtii. r.s. Schmidt’s. ‘' Bohemia. 1797. 6.7. H.%. paniculata, W. non Pall. 75 Chamedrys. r.s. Germander. _ Britain. -e++ 5.8 H.%. Eng. bot. 623. 76 urticefolia. R.s. Nettle-leaved. Austria. 1776. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 59. 77 montana. R.s. mountain. Britain. soe 7.8. H.2. Eng. bot. 766. 78 peduncularis. r.s. peduncled. Caucasus. 1825. 6.8. H.%. Buxb. C.1.t. 41. f. 1. 79 plebeia. B.p. plebeian. N.S. W. 1822. —— G.2. arguta. R.S. 80 Brownii. B.P. sharp-toothed. ————- —— —— G.}. 81 gracilis. B.P. slender. —_ ——-_ — G.}. 82 perfoliata. B.P. perfoliate. ——— 1815. 7.8. G.%. Botan. magaz, 1936. 83 labiata. B.P. labiated. N.Holland. 1802. 4.7. F.%. —-—— 660. Derwentia, B.Re 531+ 84 mollissima, R.s. softest. eooseses 1819. 6.8. H.2. 310 SCROPHULARINE. 85 Waldsteiniana. r.s, Waldstein’s, sserssee 1819. 6.8. H.%. 86 verna. R.s. vernal. Britain. +++» 4.5. H.©. Eng. bot. 25. - 87 digitata. R.s. fingered. Spain. 1805. 6.7. H.©. 88 triphyllos. R.s. variable-leav’d. Britain. sees 4.5. H.©. Enz. bot. 26. 89 hederifolia. r.s. — Ivy-leaved. aie BAO 2 "784. 90 Cymbalaria. R.s. _fleshy-leaved. Levant. 1823. 4.8. H.©. Flor. gree. t. 9. 91 peregrina. R.8. knotgrass-l4,__ N. Europe. 1680. 5.6. H.@. Flor. dan. 407. 92 amoena. R.S. pretty. Iberia. 1823. —— H.©. M.B.cent.ros, t.J. f.18. 93 precox. R.S. early-flowered. Europe. —— 3.5. H.©. Allion. ped. t.1. f.1 94 acinifolia. R.s. Basil-leaved. S. Europe. 1788. 4.5. H.©. Poit.etTurp par.t.t 23 95 arvensis. R.S. wall. Britain, se-- 4.7. H.©. Eng. bot. er. . 96 agrestis. R.s. field. ———_ +--- 1.12. H.€. 783. a polita. polished. ——— +++. —— HO. B versicolor. vartous-coloured, ————— -++- —— HQ, y opaca. dull-coloured. --- —— H.C. 97 pulchella. R.s. NGALAE ok Whee awe ‘s+ 1823. 3.6. H.C. 98 Buxbaumii. s.s. Buxbaum’s. S. Europe. 1820, —— H.©. Ten. fl. nap. t. 1. 99 filiformis. s.s. long-stalked. Levant. 1780. 5. H.©. Buxb. cent. 1. t.40.f.1. 100 persica. s.s. Persian. Persia. 1816. 1.12. H.©. e DIPLOPHYLLUM. S.S. DipLopuyiium. Diandria Monogynia. veroniceforme, s.s. Speedwell-like. Caucasus. 1813. 4.6. H.@. Linn. trans. v.11. t.31. Veronica crista galli. L.T. HEMIMERIS. L. HemMimeERis. Diandria Monogynia. montana. Le mountain, C. B.S. 1816. 6.8. G.y%. Lam. ill. t.532. ORDO CXXXI. LABIATA.. Brown prodr. 1. p. 499. LYCOPUS. RS. WATER-HOREHOUND. Diandria Monogynia. L. 1 australis. p.p. New Holland. N.S.W. 1823. 5.7. G.%. . 2 europeus. R.s. European. Britain. --e+ 7.8 H.%. Eng. bot. 1105. 3 exaltatus. R.s. tall. Italy. 1739. —— H.%. Flor. gree. 1. t.12. 4 virginicus. r,s. Virginian. N.America. 1760. 8.9. H.2. B quercifolius. ph. Oak-leaved. ————— «ore —— H.2. 5 intermedius. intermediate. Europe. eoe- 7.8. H.}. AMETHYSTEA., R.S. AmMeruysTEa. Diandria Monogynia. L. . coerulea. R.s. blue-flowered. Siberia. 1759. 6.7. H.©. Botan. magaz, 2448.° - CUNILA.N.. Cuni,a. Diandria Monogynia. L. mariana, N. Mint-leaved. N.America.1759. 7.9. H.%. Mboris.s.11.t.19.f.7. — HEDEOMA.N. HeEvEomA. Diandria Monogynia. P.S. 1 pulegioides. n. Pennyroyal-ld, N.America. 1777. 6.8. H.©. | | 2 thymoides. p.s. Thyme-leaved. France. 1699. —— H.©. Moris, s.11.t.19.f.6. — ZIZIPHORA.S.S.: ZizipHora. Diandria Monogynia. L. . 1 clinopodioides. R.s. headed. Siberia. 1799. 7.8. H.©. Rud.mem.p.1810.t.11. Cunila capitata. L. 2 acinoides. w.en- Thyme-leaved. -————— 1786. —— H.©. 8 media. L.en. middle. = ¢*¢e: «> 1816. —— H.b. 4 capitata. R.s. oval-leaved. Syria. 1752. ——- H.©. Flor. grec.1.t.13. _ 5 hispanica. R.s. Spanish. Spain. 1759. 6. H.@©. Lam.ill. t.18.f.1. — 6 tenuior. R.s. spear-leaved. Levant. 1752. 6.7. H.©. t/lecie. 7 taurica. R.s. Taurian. Tauria. 1816. 7.9. H.©. M.B.cent.plyrar.2.t.62. 8 serpyllacea..R.s. sweet-scented. Caucasus. 1803. 7.8. H.R. Botan. magaz.906? ’ 9 dasyantha. R.s. hairy-flowered. Siberia. 1803. 6.8. H.. 1093. Pouschkini. B.M. " MONARDA.R:.S. Monarpba. Diandria Monogynia. L. ‘ : | 1 fistulosa. R.s. fistulous. N.America. 1656. 6.8. H.%. Mill. ic. t.122. f.2. - 2 media. R.s. purple-bracted. ———— -++: 6.9. H.¥. Swt. br. fl, gar. 98. 8 mollis. R.s. soft. ——— +++ 6.7. H.%. 4 oblongata. R.s. long-leaved. —— _ 1761. 7.9. H.. 5 altissima. R.s. tallest. ———— _ 1818. —— H.%. 6 affinis. L.en. affined. . — — H.2. 7 rugosa, R.S. white-flowered. ————— 1761. —— H.%. 8 purpurea, R.s. LABIATA. purple-flower’d. 9 Kalmiana. R.s. ‘10 didyma. R.s. 11 Russelliana. n. 12 clinopodia. ph. 13 gracilis. R.s. 14 ciliata. R.s. 15 hirsuta. R.s. 16 punctata. R.s. 17 citriodora. R.s. ROSMARINUS. R:S. 1 officinalis, Rr.s. a angustifolius. B latifolius. Y argenteus. 3 aureus. 2 chilensis, r,s. SALVIA.R.S. 1 promifera. r.s. 2 calycina. r.s. 3 canariensis. R.8. 4 aurea. R.s. 5 dentata. R.s. 6 splendens. s.s, 7 bracteata. s.s. 8 interrupta. R.3. 9 pinnata. R.s. 10 Habliziana, R.s. 11 lanceolata. R.s. 12 hirsuta. R.s. 13 leucantha. r,s. 14 angustifolia. r.s. pubescent-fid, Oswego Tea, Russel’s. wild basil-ld. slender. blue-flowered. hairy. spotted. Citron-scented. RoseMARY. Diandria Monogynia. common.. narrow-leaved. broad-leaved. silver-striped. gold-striped. Chili. SAGE. Apple-bearing. broad-calyxed. Canary. golden. tooth-leaved. splendid. long-bracted. interrupted. winged-leaved. Taurian. lance-leaved. hirsute. white-flowered., narrow-leaved. reptans. Jacq. scheen. t. 319+ -15 azurea., R.s. 16 occidentalis. R.s, 17 pseudococcinea. 1S ameena. B.M. azure-flowered, West Indian. pale scarlet. fine blue. 1818. 1752. 1823. 1771. 1824. 1798. —— _ 1714. New Spain. 1823. — S. Europe. 1548. —-— eee Chili. 1795. Diandria Monogynia. L. Candia. 1699. Greece. 1823. Canaries. 1697. C. B.S. 1731. — 1774. Brazil. 1823. Syria. 1788, Barbary. 1825. Levant. 1731. Tauria. 1795. S. America. 1818. Boosiana. Jacq. f.ecl. 1, t. 47. amend. B.R. 446 19 rosea. R.Ss. 20 tubifera. r,s. 21 mexicana. R.s. 22 chamzdryoides.r.s.Germander like. 23 cewsia. RS. 24 involucrata. R.s. _ 25 purpurea. R.s. _ 26 hispanica. r.s. ' 27 serotina. r,s. - 28 dominica. r.s. 29 tilizfolia, R-s. 30 micrantha. r.s. 81 leonuroides. r.s. | formosa, B.M. 376. 32 coccinea. R.s. 33 pulchella. r.s. | 34 35 glutinosa. R.s. 36 nubicola. B.F.G. 37 wgyptiaca. rs. . 38 cretica. n.s. 39 paniculata. r,s. | 40 africana. R.s. - 41 colorata. R.s. 42 officinalis. r.s. B variegata. y tenuior. 43 Spielmanni. r.s. 44 phlomoides. R.s. 45 urticifolia. R.s. amarissima. R.S. rose-coloured. long-tubed. Mexican. grey. large-bracted. purple. Spanish. late-flowering. Dominican. Lime-leaved. small-flowered. shining-leaved. scarlet-flow’i’d. pretty. bitter. glutinous. Nepaul. Egyptian. Cretan. panicled. African. colour’d-calyxed. garden. variegated. narrow-leaved. Spielman’s. Mullein-leav’d. Nettle-leaved. Mexico. 1801. ——— 1825. + -—— 1806. Carolina. ao W. Indies. 1820. S. America. 1797. W. Indies. 1793. E. Indies. 1816. Mexico, 1824. — 1724. — 1795. S. America. 1813. Mexico. 1825. Spain. 1739. Chio. 1803. W. Indies. 1759. S.America. 1793. ——-—— 1518. Peru, 1783. S. America. 1774. Mexico. 1803. Europe. 1596. Nepaul, 1824. Egypt. 1770. Crete. 1760. C. B.S. 1758. — ——_—-11731. — 1758. S. Europe. 1597. Spain. oa Caucasus. 1813. Spain. 1805. N. America, 1799. o @ a i IN 7 > BT AtnwnPOCOnnm vont COMMU tos.oeoom OMMtmmt qsttmttaam Q = 6. 10. ° e e e ° e e e e Sw os Ow e e e e SP AAP AMT ow *: “i & Lapel 2: ° e e aS Oa = | Oo ae ee @ 6 ° ° ° ° ee an? 23 | RRRSSHISS TORR RAS SHERSORTTHISRS STKE PROOHAHIITISSOR TOTS RRERRRRRR # ee @ e . es e e e 6. 8. a€e)s 8. «bh. 7 ShIL; 6.8. S.2. — S.2. 4.10. G.h. — G.h. 8.12. G.hb. G. 8. G. e 6.9. H.y. 8.10. H.%. 6.7. H.©. 6.8. F. — G. 4.6. G. 7.8. G. 6.7. Hi H. H. H. H H aS aon e e alk Botan. niagaz. 145. Pursh. amer. 1. t.1,_ Botan. magaz. 546. Swt. br. fl. gar. 166. Pluk. alm. t, 164. f. 3. Botan. regist. 87. Flor. gree. 1. t. 14. Flor. grec. t.15. —— t. 16. Trew, pl. rar, 2. t. 19. Botan. magaz, 182. Botan. regist. 687. Pluk. alm. t. 194. f.6. Swt. br. fl. gar. 169. Boer. lugd. 1. t. 167. Botan. magaz. 1429, Jacq. f. ecl. t. 12. Jacq. schoen. 3. t. 252. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 24. ——— 4. t.317. Botan. magaz. 1728. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 209. Botan. magaz. 1294. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 25. ————— ]. t. 26. Botan, magaz. 808. Cavan. ic. 2. t. 105. ——_— 2. t. 166. Botan. regist. 359. Jacq. ic. 1. t.3. Swartz.obs.p.18.t.1.f.1 Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 254. Lam. ill. t.20. f.3. Murr. c. gott. 1778.t.1. Botan. regist. 347. Sabb. hort. rom. t. 3. Swt. br. fl. gar. 140. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 108. Rivin. monop. t. 128. Mill. ic. t.225. f.1. Comm. hort. 2. t. 91. Mill. ic. t. 225. f. 2. Lam. ill, t. 20. f. 1. Jacq. f. ecl. 2. t. 15. Reem.script.his.t.1.f.1. Moris, his.3. t.13. f.31. 312 46 lusitanica. r,s. blistered. bullata. w.en. elongata. spr. 47 rugosa. R.S. 48 verticillata. r,s. B parviflora, 49 indica. R.s. 50 Tenorii. R.s. 51 candidissima. R.s. wrinkle-leaved. whorled, small-fiowered. Indian. Tenore’s. hoary-leaved. crassifolia. F.G. non Cay. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 verbascifolia. R.s. odorata. R.s. compressa. R.S. mollis. R.s. grandiflora, R.8. crassifolia. R.s. pratensis. R.s. variegata. R.S. hematodes. R.s. nepetifolia. R.s. G2 viscosa. RS. , 63 disermas. R.s, 64 nutans. R.&.. 65 pendula. R.s. betonicefolia. w. B grandiflora. amplexicaulis. R.8. austriaca. R.Ss. syriaca, R.8. nubia. R.s. virgata. R.s. campestris. R.S. sylvestris. R.s. nemorosa. R.S. patula. R.s. tingitana. R.s. Sclarea. rns. spinosa. R.S. /Ethiopis. R.s. 79 argentea. Rs. 80 applanata. R.s. 81 Horminum, r.s. a violacea. B rubra. Viridis. R.Ss, pyramidalis. r,s. verbenaca. R.S. triloba. R.s. lyrata, R.s. gigantea. R.s. abyssinica, R.s. nilotica. R.s. Forskohlii. rvs. napifolia, R.s, aurita, R.s. bicolor. R.s. laciniata, Rs. runcinata, R.S. scabra. R.S8. erosa. R.S. multifida. L.en. polymorpha. R.s. clandestina. R.s. 100 ceratophylia. R.s. 101 ceratophylloides. 102 prismatica. R.s. COLLINSONTA. RS. 1 canadensis. R.s. 2 scabriuscula. R.s. 3 ovalis. R.S. 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 7 78 82 83 $4 85 86 87 88 89. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Verbascum-ld. sweet-scented. compressed. soft. great-flower’d. thick-leaved. meadow. variegated. bloody-veined. Catmint-leav’d. clammy, long-spiked. nodding. _ Betony-leaved. large-flowered. stem-clasping. Austrian. Syrian. Nubian. long-branched. field. wood. spear-leaved. spreading. Tangier. common Clary. thorny-calyxed. woolly. silvery. short-spined. annual Clary. purple-topped. red-topped, green topped. pyramidal, wild clary, three-lobed. lyre-leaved. giant. Abyssinian. Nilotic. Forskohl’s. Rape-leaved. ear-leaved. two-coloured. jagged-leaved. runcinated. rough-leaved. erose-leaved. multifid. cut-leaved. stag’s-horn-14, branching. slender-spiked. COLLINSONIA. Nettle-leaved. rough-stalked. oval-leaved, Diandria Monogynia. L. LABIAT, Portugal. 1804. » C.B.8. 1775. — Germany. 1658. India. 1731. Italy. 1820. Levant. 1804. Iberia. 1825. Bagdad. 1804. Levant.’ 1816. Siberia. 1596. S. Europe. 1616. + seas ALA England. eee Hungary. i814. Italy. 1699. cosaneee 1828. _ Italy. 1773. Syria. a Russia. 1780. (1804. Levant. 1813. Austria, 1776. Levant. 1759. Africa. 1784. Armenia. 1758. Tauria. 1813. Germany. 1759, ———-_ 1728. Portugal. 1805. Barbary. 1796. Italy. 1562. Egypt. 1789. Austria. 1570. Crete. 1759. wsseneea,’ 1B18. S. Europe. 1596. Italy. 1759. — 1825. Britain. see S. Europe. 1596. N.America. 1728. seeeseee 1816, Abyssinia. 1775. Egypt. 1780. Levant. 1800. Italy. 1776. Cc. B. Ss. 1795. Barbary. 1793. geees-oe 3818, C.B.S. 1795. — i774. perm ere 1823. S. Europe. —— Italy. 1739. Persia. 1699. Egypt. 1771. Mexico. 1822. N. America. 1735. Florida. Carolina. 1776. 1812. 7.8 H.z. eee 3 ¥ H.h. 6.11. H.¥ St ae H.y. 5.7. H.%. 5.8. Ha. 6. Te G.. So oa H.%. (Pee Te 7 8 H.%. 6.10. H.% 6.9. H.2L. A, a H.h. 5. 11. Hd. 6.8. H.. 7.8. Beaks — HO. 5.6. H.2. 7. H.2/. 6.8. H.%. — H.y. ——T H.4. 7.9. Ho. 6. 7. H.2. 7, ut Wanathas 6. la G.%. 7.11. H.%. 6.7. H.%. 6.10. H.2p. Bg 2 ee 5.7. Hide J. Beles 7.9 Hg, 6. Gig. 5.6. H.g. Bie Taste alo 6.8. H.g. “at H.©,. mre Ea eer H.©. on ea THs H, 2. 6. 10, H. 2. 6.7. Hip. -—— H.%. EE mit, 7 H, 3. 6. Fas GaDdhs 6.8 H.O. — H.%. 6.7. H.%. 5. 6. Gis 6.7. H.. —— H.%. reeds 4.9. G.h. 6.9. H.©. 5. 6. H. 2. 4. Te His 7.8 H.dg. 6.8. H. dé. ae hee H.©. 8.10. H.%. 79. Hed. 8. H.%. . Jacq, f. ecl. t. 38.. Botan. magaz, 395. Swt. br. fl. gar. 26. Flor. gree. t. 26. Jacq. f. eck. t. 16. Venten. cels. t. 59. Jacq. f. ecl. t. 37. —— t..36. Eng. bot. 153. Barrel. ic. t. 185. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 5. Barrel. ic. 187. Botan. magaz. 2436. Jacq. aust. 2. t, 112. Arduin, spec. 1. t.4. Murr. c. gott.1778. t.3. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 37. Jacq. aust..3. t. 212. Rivin. monop. 1, t.52. Flor. grac. 1. t.25. Jacq. ic. 1. t..7. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 211, Flor. gree. 1. t.27. Flor. grec, 1, t.20. Flor. gree. 1.4.19, Eng. bot. 154. Flor. grec. 1. t. 17. Moris. s. UL, t. 18. £27. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 6, Jacq. vind. 3. t. 92. Botan. magaz. 988. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 262. Botan. magaz. 1774, Jacq. scheen. 1, t. 8. Flor. gree, 1. t. 23. See enn aaa Lite 24. Pluk, alm. fe 194, £25. Arduin. spec. 2. t..2. Linn. hort. clif. t. 5. 4 tuberosa, m. serotina. R.S. 5 anisata. R.s. 1 ocymoides. s.s. 2 polystachya..s.s._ 3 tenuiflora. s.s. 4 capitata. s.s. OCYMUM. W. Basit. . Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. 1 ale abl s.s. thyrse-flower’d. E. Indies. 1806. 7.8. S.d. 2 gratissimum.s.s: shrubby. ——— 1752. — S.b. 3 Basilicum. w. common sweet, India. 1548. —— H.©. 4 pilosum. w.en. hairy. veee>s-- 1816. 7.9. H.©. 5 micranthum. s,s small-flowered. ++--+--e+ —— —— §.©. 6 viride. s.s. green. — E.Indies —— -—~ S.h. 7 suave. s,s, Sweet-scented. ————- -—— —— S.h. 8 canum. B.M. hoary. China. 1822. —— H.O. 9 sanctum. s,s. purple-stalked. E. Indies. 1758.. --— S.©. 10 febrifugum. s.s. Feverwort. SierraLeon. 1821. -—-—— S.©. 11 album. s,s. large white-fld, E. Indies. 1816. —— S.©. 12 americanum. s.s. American. S. America. 1789. 7.8, 8.©. 13 caryophyllatum..B.Clove-scented. E. Indies. 1817. -—— 8.2. 14 villosum. u.B. villous. —— —- _ — §.2x. 15 menthoides, s.s. Mint-leaved. 1783. -—~ S.©. 16 inodorum. Lam. scentless, 1823. —— S.©. 17 cristatum. H.B. crested. ——— 1812. —— S8.©. 18 grandiflorum. s.s. great-flower’d. Abyssinia. 1802. 9.10. G.h. 19 minimum. s.s. bush, a RSTBS i-—~ | BM). ?LECTRANTHUS.S.S. PrectRantTuus. DidynamiaGymnospermia.S 1 fruticosus. s,s. shrubby. C. B.S. 1774. 6.9. G.h. _ 2 scutellarioides. s.s. Skulleap-like. E. Indies. 1764. 7.8. S.©. Ocymum scutellarioides. B.M. 3 galeatus. s.s, helmetted. Nepaul. 1820. —— S.©. 4 graveolens. B.p. strong-scented. N.S.W. -— —— G.h. 6 australis, B.p. New Holland. ————~— 1823. —— G.©. 6 incanus. s,s. hoary. Nepaul. — — G.». 7 monachorum. s.s. monk’s basil. E. Indies. 1796. —— S.©. Ocymum monachorum. w. 8 mollis, s.s. heart-leaved. ——- 1781. 9.10. 8.6. 9 Forskohlei.s.s. | Forskohl’s. Abyssinia. 1806. 10.11. S.h. barbatus. A.R. 594. 10 strobiliferus. u.B, thick-spiked. E. Indies. 1804. 6.9. S.©. ‘Il secundus. H.B. side-flowering. ————— 1816. ---— S.©. 12 punctatus. s.s. dotted. Africa. 1775. 1.5. G.g. 13 rotundifolius. s.s. round-leaved. Mauritius. 1823. 6.8. S.©. (14 parviflorus. s.s. small-flowered. S. America. 1805. 6.9. G.h. 16 cordifolius. p.p. _heart-leaved. Nepaul. 1823. —— G.h. ‘16 comosus. B.M. tufted. ——— 1820. —— S.h. 17 coloratus. p.P. coloured bracted. 1823. —— G.h. ‘Is Coetsa. p.P. canescent. ——— li —- «~“G-. 19 ternatus. B.M. ternate-leaved. Madagascar.1820. 11. S.2. *RUNELLA.S.S. SELF-HEAL. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. | 1 vulgaris. s.s. common. ._ Britain. ik = 5 bs Se: H.%. B alba. white-flowered. —————- +++» ——— H.}. 2 pensylvanica. s.s. Pensylvanian. N.America.1801. 7.9. H.©. | 3 grandiflora. s.s. great-flowered. Austria. 1596. —-— H.%. | 4 intermedia. s.s. intermediate. S. Europe. 1790. -—— H.2. _ grandiflora. BM. 8 incisa. Len. cut-leaved. a eee —— HO. 6 laciniata. L. yellow-flow’r’d. Austria. 1713. —— H.©. 7 hastata. ss. halberd-leaved. Portugal. ---- -—— H.2%. ‘| 8 longifolia. ioe long-leaved. France. Soae , ~ehee SOKs "9 hyssopifolia. s hyssop-leaved. §. Europe. 1731. 7.9. H.%. (ELISSA. S.S. Baim. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. ‘4 officinalis. w. common. S. Europe. 1573. 6,10. H.%. B hirsuta, hairy. ~alechgapentonge tie MEAG? ye. LUMNITZERA. §.S. Ocymum polystachion. w. ao capitellatum..w. LABIATA: tuberous. Carolina. 1806. 8 Hw. Anise-scented. -————— -—— 10. H.%. -LUMNITZERA.. of taser Gymnospermia. S.S. Basil-like. = +++ «+ +> 1823. 6.8. S.©. many-spiked. E. Indies. 1783. 7.8 S.©. slender-spiked. 1708. —— S.¢. small-headed. China. 1806. ——- H.©. oe. o 3 313. Botan. magaz. 1213. Murr.c. gott. 3. t.3. Bumph.amb.5.t.92..2. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 72. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 495. Blackw. t. 104. Botan. magaz. 2452. Rheed. mal. 10. t. 92. Botan. regist. 753. Jacq. vind. 3. t..86. L’ Herit..s.nov..t. 43. Schk. handb. 2. t..166. L’Herit. stirp. 85. t.41. Botan. magaz. 1446. Botan. magaz. 2036. Rheed, mal..10. t. 90. L’Herit. stirp. 1.-t..41. W. hort. ber. 1. t. 65. Botan. magaz. 2318. Botan. magaz. 2460. Eng. bot. 961, W. hort. ber.1. t. 9. Botan. magaz, 2014. ——_—__-— -——. 337. Lam. ill. t.516, f. 2. Moris, 3.11. t. 5. f. 7. - Eo 314 LABIATZ. : 2 cordifolia. P.s. heart-leaved. S. Europe. ---- 6.10. H.%. —— 8 altissima. s.s. tall. ————. 1828. —— H.%. me it cee’ HORMINUM. P. S. Horminum. Didynamia Gymnospermia. P.S. peal a pyrenaicum. P.s. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1820. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. viet 2. tw 188. | DRACOCEPHALUM. DraGon’s-HEAD. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. 1 virginianum. s.s. Virginian. N. America. 1683. 7.9. H.2. Botan. magaz. 467. 2 speciosum. B.F.G. beautiful. ————_ 1820. —— H.%. fi. gar. 93. 8 denticulatum.s.% toothed. Carolina. 1787, 8.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 214. 4 variegatum. s.s. variegated. 1812. -—- H.%. Venten.cels. t.44. 5 Ruyschiana. s.s. | Hyssop-leaved. N. Europe. 1699. 6.9. H.2/.. Flor. dan.121. ~ 6 austriacum. s.s. Austrian. Austria. 1597. 6.7. H.%. Jacq.ic.1.t.112. 7 botryoides. s.s. woolly-leaved. Caucasus. 1823. ——~ H.». 42 ayer tres 8 palmatum. s.s. palmated, . Siberia. 1815. 6.8. H.%. ; erteg ting: & 9 canariense. s.s. Balm of Gilead. Canaries. 1697. 7.9. G.%. Comm. hort.2. t. 41. 10 peregrinum. s.s. prickly- -leaved. Siberia. 1759. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1084. 11 argunense. s.s. Fischer’s. 1822. 7.9. H.y.. Swt. br. fl. gar. 47. 12 grandiflorum. s.s. great- -flowered. (1759. —— H.©. Botan. magaz. 1009? 13 altaiense. s.s. Betony-leaved. Georgia. 1787. ——~ H.%. t.29. f.3. 14 Moldavica. s.s. Moldavian. . Moldavia. 1596. 7.8. H.©. Lam.ill. t.513. f.1. 15 canescens. s.s. hoary-leaved. . Levant. 1711. —— H.©. Swet. br. fl. gar. 38. 16 peltatum. s.s. Willow-leaved. - — -— H.©. Lam. ill. vies F:2. 17 thymiflorum.s.s. —_ small- flowered. Siberia. 1752. 6.9. H.©. Gmel. sib. 3. t. 50. 18 nutans. s.s. nodding. 1731. 7.8. H.y%. Botan. regist. 841. 19 sibiricum. s.s. Siberian. ——— 1760. 6.8. HH... Botan. magaz. 2185. PRASIUM.S.S. Prasium. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. ; | 1 majus, s.s. great. S. Europe. 1699. 6.8. G.%. Flor. gree. 584. 2 minus. 8.8. smaller. 1752. —— E.h. eae pitt 2 PHRYMA.S.S. Puryma. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. C .seateHat s) leptostachya. s.s. slender-spiked. N.America. 1802.. 8.9. H.%., Lam.ill. t.516. CLEONTA. S.S. CireoniA. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L, . Venere lusitanica. s.s. sweet-scented. Portugal. 1710. 6.7. H.©. TRICHOSTEMMA.S.S. TricHostemMA. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. 1 -dichotomum. s.s. Marjoram-l¢. N.America. 1759. 6.7. H.@©. Mill. ic. 1. t.70. ‘Lam. ill. t. 515. 2 linearis. s.s. linear-leaved. — — H.O. THYMUS. SSS. THyMeE. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. ar 1 villosus. s.s. hairy. Portugal. 1759. 6.7. F.%. Hof. et Lk. fl. lus. t.14. 2 cephalotus. s.s. great headed. ————— —— 7.8. H.®b. —— te 13. 3 capitatus. L.en. headed. 1823. —— H.f. 4 odoratissimus. s.s. very sweet. Tauria. ——- — Hh. 5 acicularis. s.s. needle-shaped. Hungary. 1806. 6.8. H.h. W.etK. hung. 2 2. a 147. 6 hirsutus. s.s. hairy. ———— 1816. —— H.h. 7 Zygis. 8.5. Spanish. Spain. 1771. 8. H.h. Barrel. ic. 177. 8 Marschallianus. s.s. Marschall’s. Russia. 1815. 6.8. H.h. 9 glabrescens. L.en. smooth. S. Europe. 1823. —~ H.%. Lk. fl. Ins. 1.16. 10 angustifolius, s.s. narrow-leaved. Europe. wore —— Hi. 11 Serpyllum. s.s. wild or motherof.Britain., +++. —— H.h. Eng. bot. 1514. 12 exserens. S.S. exserted. —————— +e. —— Heh. i 4 13 citriedorus. Len. Lemon. Europe. see eee Hebe 14 collinus. s.s. hill, Tauria. 1823. —— H.h. sii RNs 15 montanus. w.k. mountain. Hungary. 1800. 6.7..H.m. W.etK. hung. 1, t.71, 16 nummularius. M.B. moneywort. Caucasus. 1818. —— Hh. seid 17 pannonicus. w.en. Hungarian. Hungary. —— -—— H.h. 18 lanuginosus. s.s. woolly. Europe. vere 6.8. HD. 19 tomentosus. s.s. tomentose. Spain. 1816. —— H.h. 20 albicans. s.S. white-leaved. Portugal —~ -— H.h. 21 adscendens. Lene ascending. Ss. encpes i 22 lucidus. s.s. shining-leaved. --+--- 1816. —— H.h. 23 vulgaris. s.s. common.: §. Hirose 1548. 5.8. Heh. B latifolius. broad-leaved. pint H.}. 24 Mastichina. s.s. Mastick. Spain. 1596. 7.9. F.h. Blackw. t. 134. 25 eloungatus. L.en- elongated. == +++: +++ 1816. —— F.h. 26 Tragoriganum. s.s. goat’s. Candia. 1640. 5.6. F.h. Alp. exot, t. 78. 27 filiformis. s.s. filiform. Minorca. 1770. 6.7. G.h. | 28 fruticulosus. s.s. frutescent. Sicily. 1823, —— Ho: : . 929 croaticus. P.s. oval-leaved. . Hungary. 1802. 7.8 weet K. hung.2. t.156 Piperella. w.k. non L. heals Aen 30 ericzefolius. w.en. Heath- leaved.s Spain. 1806. 6. 8, H oh. CALAMINTHA. Ph. Catamint. Didynamia Gymnospermia, erin « 1 marifolia. pP.s. Marum-leaved. Spain. 1788. 6.7. H.%. Cavan.ic.6. t. 576. Nepeta snare ois. Cay. Thymus marifolius. W.en. 2 cretica. P.s. 3 fruticosa. P.s. 4 alba. L.ene 5 Nepeta. p.s. Melissa Nepeta. L. Thymus Nepeta. £.B. 6 vulgaris. Melissa Calamintha. t. Thymus Calamintha. £.8. 7 grandiflora. p.s. Melissa grandiflora. B.M. 8 caroliniana. Nn. Thymus grandiflorus. B.M. _ ACINOS. P.S. 1 vulgaris. p.s. Thymus Acinos. E.B. 2 graveolens. L.en. 3 villosus. P.s. 4 alpinus. P.s. 5 purpurascens. P.s. 6 patavinus. p.s. 7 rotundifolius. p.s. THYMBRA.S.S. THYMBRA. Acinos. Didynamia Gymnospermia. PS. Basil-leaved. Britain. --++ 6.8. H.©. strong-scented. Tauria. 1823. ~— H.h. villous. Germany. 1817. —— H.©. _ Alpine. Austria, 1731. 6.9. H.¢. purple. Spain. 1820. —— H.¢ Marjoram-ld. SS. Europe. 1776. 6. 6. 8. H.¢ round-leaved. Spain. 1820. —— H.h. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. LABIAT£. Cretan. S. Europe. 1596. 6.7. F.h. _ Shrubby. Spain. 1752. 7.9. F.h. _ white. Hungary. 1818. —— H.2. _ lesser. England. -+e- 7.10. H.2. common. ————- ++-- 7,8. H.y great-flowered. Italy. 1596. 6.9. H.%. Carolina. Carolina. 1804. 6.7. F.h. 1 spicata. L. spiked-flow’r’d. Levant. 1699. 6.7. G.h. | 2 verticillata, 1. whorl-flowered. Spain. 1702. -—— G.h. LEPECHINIA.S.S. Lerecuinia. Didynamia Gymnospermia. W. | spicata, s.s. spiked. | Mexico. 1800. 7.8. H.%. CLINOPODIUM.S.S. Witp-Basiz. | Didynamia faranosper mia. L. ‘1 vulgare. s.s. common. | __ Britain. -e+- 6.8. H.%. |. 2 wgyptiacum. s.s. Egyptian. Egypt. 1759. —— H.2. age TTIS. S.S. BASTARD-BALM. Didynamia Symnospermia. L. 1 Melissophyllum. s.s. common. England. eoee 6.8, H.2. @ alpina. Alpine. Switzerland. +... —— H.2. 2 grandiflora. s.s. great-flowered. England. nee * $B) Ae dps SCUTELLARIA. S.S. Sxuticarp. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. 1 galericulata, s,s. common. Britain. ---- 6.9. H.2. 2 hastifolia. s.s, hastate-leaved. Germany. 1798. 6.7. H.%. 3 minor. s.s. lesser. Britain. eres 7.8. H.2. A parvula. s.s. slender. 4 N.America.1823. -—— H.2. 5 havanensis. s.s. Havannah. Havannah. 1793. 5.6. S.¥. 6 humilis. B.p. dwarf. N.S. W, 1822. 6.8. G.xY. 7 grandifiora. s.s. large-flowered. Siberia. 1804. 7.8. H.%. 8 lateriflora. s,s. Virginian. N,America. 1752. 6.9. H.2. 9 orientalis. s,s.. yellow-flow’r’d. Levant. 1729. 7.9. H.%. 10 altaica. F. Altay. Siberia. 1816. —— H.. 11 alpina. s.s. _Alpine. Hungary. 1752. 6.10. H.%. 12 peregrina. s.s. Florentine. Italy. 1783. —— H.. 13 altissima. s.s. tall. Levant. 73. 7.8... 14 pallida. s.s. pale-flowered., Tauria, 1824. —— H.%. 15 Columne. s.s. heart-leaved. Italy. 1806. 6.8, H.%. 16 rubicunda. s.s. rubicund. = =—ss ww wre eee 1815. —— H.2. 17 albida. s,s. hairy white. Levant. 1771. 6.7. H.%. 18 lupulina, s.s. Tartarian. Tartary. 1739. 6.9. H.2. 19 integrifolia. s.s. entire-leaved. N.America.1731. 6,9. H.2. | 20 hyssopifolia. w Hyssop-leaved. ————~—- —— -—— H.2. | 21 purpurascens. s.s._ purplish. W. Indies. 1823. —— S.2%. | 22 caroliniana. s.s. Carolina. Carolina. 1811. »——~ H.%. | 23 pilosa. s.s. pilose. N.America. —— —— H.2. | 24 serrata. s.s. saw-leaved. - 1800. —— H.2%. | 25 scordifolia. F. Scordium-l4, — Siberia. 1823. —— H.2. | 26 verna. Bess. vernal, pe cescee 6.5 Fs PROSTANTHERA. B.P. PROsTANTHERA. Didynamia eee | 1 lasianthos. B.p. villous-flower’d. N.S. W. 1808. 6.7. G.h. 2 linearis. B.P. linear-leaved. 1823. —— G.h. 3 denticulata. Bp. tooth-leaved. — — Gh. 4 violacea. B.P. violet-coloured. 4.6. G.h,. AJUGA.S.S. AjsuGa. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. | 1 Iva. s.s. musky. S. Europe. 1759. 7.8. H.@©. 2 reptans. s.s. common, Britain. eres §.6. H.%, a cerulea. blue-flowered. cose ——— Hf. rubra. red-flowered. tee” ee HD, y alba. white-flowered. Britain. reese 5.6. Hi, 315 Barrel. ic. 1166... Eng. bot. 1414. ———— 1676. Botan. magaz. 208. 997. Eng. bot, 411. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 97. Jacq. obs. 4, ¢.. 87. Pluk.alm. t.116, f.5. W. hort. ber. t. 21. Eng. bot. 1401. Eng. bot. 577. Eng. bot. 636. Eng. bot. 523. Eng. bot. 524, Hook. ex. flor.106. . Jacq. obs. 2. t, 29. Botan. magaz. 635. ) Swt. br. fl. gar, 45. Swt. br. fl. gar, t. 90. K. hung.2. t.125, Swt. br. fl. gar. 52. Flor, grec. 581. Schmidel ic. t. 73. Pluk. alm. t. 441. f. 6: Lam. ill. t.515, f. 3. Andr. reposit. 494, .S.S. Botan, regist. 145, Cavan. ic. 2. t. 320. ” Eng. bot. 489. 316 LABIATZE. 3 alpina. s.s, Alpine. England. -eev 5.7. HX. 4 genevensis. s.s, Geneva. Switzerland.1656. 5.6.-H.%. 5 pyramidalis. s.s. pyramidal. Britain, «see —— H.2. 6 orientalis. s.s. oriental. Levant. 1732, —— H.%.. 7 Chamepitys.s.s. ground pine. England. cose 4.7. H.©. ANISOMELES.B.P. AnisomEtes. Didynamia Gymnospermia. §.S. 1 ovata. s.s. broad-leaved. E. Indies. 1783. 7.8. S.©. 2 malabarica. s,s. Malabar. -1817.. —— S.p. 3 furcata. forked. Nepaul. 1823. —— (S.b _ nepalensis. s.s. Ajuga furcata. L.en. TEUCRIUM.S.S. GERMANDER. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L._ 1 fruticans, w. narrow-l4@,shrubby.Spain, 1640. 6.9. H.h. 2 latifolium. 5. broad-l4.shrnbby. ———-- —— ~—— H.b. 3 heterophyllum. s.s. various-leaved. Madeira. 1759. 6.7. G.h. 4 Laxmanni. s.s. Laxmann’s. Siberia. 1800. 6.8. H.%. 5 brevifolium. sis. short-leaved. Crete. 1824. —— H.h. 6 asiaticum. s.s, Asiatic. ser-eeee 1777. 6.10. GR, 7 cubense. s.s. Cuba. Cuba. 1733. 5. S.¢. S Nissolianum. s.s. _Nissele’s, Spain. 1752. 6.7. F.y. 9 campanulatum. s.s. bell-flowered. Levant. 8728. -7. SORA: 10 regium. s.s. royal. Spain. 1699. 5.10. F.J. 11 multiflorum.s.s. | many-flowered. ———— 1731. 7.9. H.2. 12 lucidum. s.s. shining. S. Europe. 1730. 6.9. H.2. 13 Chamedrys.s.s. wall. England. eee 5.28. AY, 14 Scordium. s.s. water, —— _ +--+. 7.8. Hiw. 2. 15 scordioides. s,s. likened. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.2%. 16 spinosum. s,s, thorny. Spain. 1640. 5.6. H.@. 17 Botrys. s.s. cut-leaved. S. Europe. 1633. 7.9. H.©. 18 trifidum. s.s. trifid-leaved. C.B.S. 1791. 6.8. G.f. 19 angustissimum. s.s. narrow-leaved. Spain. 1818. —— 20 pumilum. s.s. small. ———-_ 1816. 7.8. 21 thymifolium. s.s, ©“Thyme-leaved. Spain. — 6.10. F.%. 22 supinum. s.s. procumbent. Austria. 1752. —~+ H.fh. 23 montanum. s.s. dwarf mountain, S. Europe. 1710. 7.10. F.t. 24 Polium. s.s. Poley. ——— 1562. 7.9. F.h. 25 Ree s.Hyssop-leav’d. Italy. 1804. 6.7. H.b. 26 capitatum. s.s round-headed. Spain. 1731. 7.8 F.b. 27 lusitanicum. s.s. Portugal. Portugal. 1816. —— F.h. 28 pycnophyllum. s.s. clustered. Spain. —— -—— H.y. 29 gnaphalodes.s.s. woolly-calyx’d. ————- _ -——-. 7.9. F.h. 30 aureum. s.s. golden Poley. §S. Europe. ee 6.7. F.b. 31 flavescens. P.s. yellow Poley. —-—— -+++» 7.9. F.h. 32 hyrcanicum.s.s. Betony-leaved. Persia. 1763. 8.10. H.%., 33 inflatum. s.s. thick-spiked. Jamaica. 1778. -~— S.2%. 34 virginicum. s.s. Virginian. N.America. 1768. 5.6. H.%. 35 canadense. s.s. Canadian. —_——- —-— 8.9. H.%. 36 abutiloides.s.s. Mulberry-l¢. Madeira. tase 4.5. Guh. 37 Scorodonia. s,s. wood sage. Britain. 070 OR 38 betonicum. s.s. hoary. Madeira. 1775. 5.8. G.h. 39 flavum. s.s, yellow-flow’r’d. S. Europe. 1640. 7.9. H.}. 40 massiliense. s.s. sweet-scented. France. 1731. 6.7. H.d. Al yesupinatum. s.s. resupinate. Barbary. 1801. 7.8. H.©. 42 Marum. s.s. Cat-thyme. Spain. 1640. 7.9. F.h. 43 subspinosum. s.s. Minorca. Minorca. 1816. —— G.h. 44 creticum. s.s. Cretan. Crete. 1825, —— G.h. 45 pyrenaicum. s.s, Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1731. 6.8. H.2. 46 orientale. s.s. great-flower’d. Levant. 1752. 7.8 H.%. 47 sibiricum. L. Siberian. Siberia. 1804. 7. H.w. WESTRINGIA.S.S. Westrineia. Didynamia Gymnospermia. S.S. 1 rosmariniformis.B.P.Rosemary like. N.S.W. 1791. 5.8. G.h. 2 Dampieri. B.p. Dampier’s. N. Holland. 1803. 5.7. G.h. 3 angustifolia. B.p. narrow-leaved. V.Diem.Isl.1823. ——- G.}. LAVANDULA.S.S. Lavenper. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. 1 Spiea. s.s. common. S. Europe. 1568. 7.9, H.h. » B alba. white-flowered..§ ——————- —— — H.h. 2 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. ———— -—- —— H.h. 3 Steechas. s.s. French. S. Europe. 1562. 5.7. G.h. 4 viridis. s.s. ’ Madeira. Madeira. 1777. —— G.h. 5 dentata. 8.8. tooth-leaved. Spain. 1597. 6.9. G.hb. Park. theat. 17. f.2. Eng. bot. 477. Bull, herb. t. 368. Eng. bot. 1270. Swt. br. fl. gar. ics Eng. bot. 77. ‘ Burm. zeyl. t. 7%. f. 1. Rheed, mal. 10. t. 93. Dill. elt, t. 284. f. 366. Botan, magaz. 245. Jacq. vind. g. t. 42. Jacq. obs. 2. t. 30. Moris. s. t, 22. f. 19. Pluk. alm. t. 65. f. 1. Bocc. mus. t. E27. Magn. hort. 52. Eng. bot. 680. ———— 828. Cavan.ic.1. t. 31. Ger. emac. 525. f. 2. Barrel. rar. t. 1¢80. r —__—_—__-— ¢t. 1092. Jacq. aust. 6. t. 417. Barrel. rar. t. 1074. Col. ecphr. 1. t. 67. Cavan. ic. 2. t. 119. Barrel. rar. t. 1096. Cavan. ic. 2. t. 117. Barrel. rar. t. 1073. Botan. magaz. 2015. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 358. Eng. bot. 1543. Botan. magaz. 1114.” Park, theat. 109. f.1. © Jacq. vind. 1. t.94, © Desf. atl. 2. t. 117. Botan. magaz, 1279. _ Andr. reposit, 214. Schk. hand. 2. t. 157. Barrel. ic. t. 301. Hoff. et Lk. lus. ie t. 4. Botan. magaz. 401. 6 pinnata., s,s. 7 heterophylla, s.s. 8 formosa. Len. 9 multifida. s.s. ‘10 abrotanoides. s.s,. 11? carnosa. w. Plectranthus dubius. SIDERITIS. S.S. canariensis, s.s. candicans. s.s, cretica. s,s, montana. s.s. elegans. s,s. romana. s.s. syriaca. s,s. taurica. w.en. perfoliata. s.s. incana. s.s. angustifolia. s.s. spinosa, s.s. ilicifolia. s.s. serrata. s.s. hyssopifolia. s.s. foetida. Len. pyrenaica. s.s. chamedryfolia. s.s. 19 scordioides. s.s. 20 hirsuta..s.s. 21 crispata. s.s. ORIGANUM. SS. vulgare. s.s. virens. 8.8. heracleoticum. s,s. creticum. s.s. macrostachyon. s.S. hirtum. L.en- oblongatum. L.en- smyrneum. L. Onites. s.s. Maru. w. Majoranoides. w. Majorana. s.s. indicum, s.s. salvifolium. Roth. Tournefortii. s.s. sipyleum. 8.8. Dictamnus. s.s. egyptiacum. s.s. CONIA Wh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 ull gral canlll cael xaalll aedlll agee @ “1S Ci im oe bo PYCNANTHEMUM.M. PyYcNANTHEMUM. 1 linifolium. s.s. 2 lanceolatum. s.s. 3 aristatum. s.s. 4 verticillatum. s.s. 5 Monardella. s.s. 6 incanum. s.s. ISANTHUS. M. coeruleus. M. LABIATE. Trichostema brachiata. L SATUREJA. S.S. 1 approximata. s,s. 2 viminea. s.s. 3 montana. s.s. 4 rupestris. s.s. 5 obovata. s.s. 6 tenuifolia. s.s. 7 Juliana. s.s. 8 greca. S.S. 9 hirsuta. 8.5. hairy. pinnated. Madeira. 1777. 4.8. G.h. various-leaved, -.-.-..- 1816. —— G.h. handsome. veseeace == —— Gh. cut-leaved. Canaries. 1597. 7.9. G.@. ‘Southernwood-l¢. ————-. 1699. 6.9. G.h. thick-leaved. E. Indies. 1788. 6.7. S.g. 8.8. IrRonwort. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. — Canary. Canaries. 1697. 5.8 G.h. Mullein-leav’d. Madeira. 1714. 4.7. G.h. Cretan. Crete. 1823. —— G.h. mountain. Austria. 1752. 7.8. H.©. dark-flowered. ----+--++ 1787. 7. H.©. Roman. Italy. 1759. 6,8. H.©. Syrian. Levant. 1597. 6.9. G.h. Taurian. Tauria. 1818. —— H.h. perfoliate. Levant 1731. 8.11. H.%. Lavender-ld. Spain. 1752. 7.8. H.R. narrow-leaved. ~———— 1825. —— H.h. spiny. sees 6.9. H.%. Holly-leaved. Levant. coee = Hi, saw-leaved. Spain. 1818. ——— H.2%. Hyssop-leaved. Pyrenees, 1597. 6.11. H.%. strong-scented. ----- oe see. = ALY. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1816. -——- H.2f. Germander-ld. Spain. -——- —— H.%. scollop-leaved. France. 1597. 8.11. H.%. hairy. _§. Europe. 1731. 6.7. H.%. curled-leaved. Gibraltar. 1816. 6.9. F.2%. Marsoram. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. common, Britain. ease i 10. H.%. green. Portugal. 1816. H.2. winter, sweet. S. Europe. 1640. ——-~ H. x. Cretan. ———— 1596. —— H.2. long-spiked. Portugal. 1820. —— H.y. hairy. S. Europe. —— -—— H.}. oblong-spiked. ——--—- 1823. —— H. 7. Smyrna. Smyrna. 1722. 6.7. G.h. pot. Sicily. 1759. 7.11. H.y. Lavender-scent’d.Crete. 1822. —— F.2. shrubby sweet, ---+-- en otsee —— Eh. knotted. Portugal. 1573. 6.7. F.g%. Indian knotted. E. Indies. 1820. —— S. 3. Sage-leaved. = - + - + - - . sore =e FB. Tournefort’s. aeoreon 1788. 8.9. F.h. Mount Sipylus. Levant. 1699. 6.9. F.h. Dittany of Crete.Candia. 1551. —— F.h. Egyptian. Egypt. 1731. 6.8. G.h. Didynamia Angiospermi Flax-leaved. N.America, 1739. 7.8. H.2. spear-leaved. 1612. —— H.2%. awned. 1752. 8. H.y%. whorl-leaved. —-——- 1816. 7.8. H.2%. Monarda-like. — — H.7. hoary. 1732.- 7.10. H.%. IsantTHUs. Didynamia Gymnospermia. S.S. blue. N.America. 1732, 6.8. H.¢@. Savory. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. bundle-leaved. Sicily. 1825. 5.7. F.h. Pennyroyaltree.Jamaica. 1783. ---- S.h. winter. S. Europe. 1562. 6.7. H.. rock. Carniola. 1798. —— H.. obovate-leaved. Spain. _ 1824. —— H.h. slender-leaved. Italy. 1820. —— H.h. linear-leaved. 1596. 5.9. F.%. Grecian. Greece. 1759. 6.7. F.%. Sicily. 1824, —— F.2%. = 3l7 Botan. magaz. 400. Lobel. ic. 432 Comm, rar. t. 27. Linn. 6.3. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 30. Comm.hort, 2. t.99. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 434. Murr. com. got. I. t. Cavan. ic. 2. t. 187. Sabb. hort. 3. t. 40. Cavan. ic. 2. t. 186. Cavan. ic. 3. t. 209. Schk. hand. 2. t. 158. Barrel.ic. t. 343. Cavan. ic, 4. t. 302. Eng. bot. 1143. Hoff. et Lk. fi.p.t. t.9. Lobel. ic. 492. Schk. hand. 2. t. 164. Bocce. mus. t. 38. Botan. magaz, 2605. Moris.s. 11. t.3. f. 1. Andr. reposit. 537. Herm. lugd. t. 463. Botan. magaz. 298. Alp. egypt. t. 95. S.S. Herm. parad. t. 218. Mich. amer. 2. t. 33. Dill. elt. t.74. f. 85. Dill. elt. t. 285. f. 369. Jacq, ic. 3. t.494. Lam. ill. t.504.%. J. Alp. exot, t. 264. 318 10 Teneriffe. s.s, 11 hortensis. s,s. 12 capitata. w. 13 nervosa, 8.8. 14 Thymbra. s.s. 15. congesta.s.s. 1 origanifolius.s.s. - Marjoram-ld. Teneriffe. 1815. 7.8. G.h.- 2 plumosus. s.s. woolly-flow’r’d. Canaries. 1779. 6.7..G.h. 3 canariensis.s.s. Canary. 1714. 6.8. Gh rid 4 punctatus. s.s. —S cluster-flow’r’'d. Madeira. 1775. 7.9. G.h. POGOSTEMON.S.S. Pocostemon. Didynamia Gymnospermia. S. s. plectranthoides. s.s. Plectranthus-like, ----- - 1818 6.8. S.h. HYSSOPUS.S.S. Hyssop. Didynamia Gymnospermia. 1 officinalis. s.s. common. S. Europe. 1548. 6.9. H 2 orientalis. w. narrow-leaved. Caucasus. +--+ —— angustifolius. M.B. 3 Lophanthus.’s.s. Mint-leaved. Siberia. 1752. 8.9. 4 nepetoides. s.s. 5 scrophularifolius. ELSHOLTZIA.S.S. 1 cristata. s.s. 2 ocymoides. s,s. PERILLA. W. 1 ocymoides. w. 2 fruticosa. p.P. MENTHA. L. 1 quadrifolia. p.p. — four-leaved. Nepaul. 1825. 6.8. 2: viridis. w. spear. Britain. sore 8, 3 levigata. w.en. smooth-leaved. Germany. <---: 6.8. 4 balsamea. w.en- Balsam-scent’d. Italy. 1804. 7.8. 5 crispata. w.en. crumpled. © -* +--+ ee 1807. —— 6 piperita. H.B. pepper. England. -eee 8.9. 7 niliaca. s,s. Egyptian. Egypt. 1796. 7.8. 8 sylvestris, E.B. wild. Britain. Stey's | wares 9 nemorosa. W.en. wood. ——— ee 10 hirta. w.en. hairy. Se 1l pubescens. w.ene pubescent. sores sal hana 12 Auricularia. w. Indian. E. indies 1796. —— 13 crispa. w. curled. Siberia. 1640. —— 14 pyramidalis.T.N. pyramidal. Naples. 1824, —— 15 undulata. w.en. wave-leaved. Se » 1816... —— 16 incana. w.en. hoary, == tt ewes 1790, 17 lavandulacea. w.en. Lavender-l4. Spain. 1825. —— 18 capensis. Ww. Cape. -C.B.S. 1816. —— 19 rotundifolia. E.B. round-leaved, Britain. coer 8.9, B variegata. variegated. rrr 20 macrostachya. T.N. long-spiked. Naples. 1820. ——~ 21 gratissima. w. oblong-leaved. Britain. seee 7.8. 22 citrata. s.s. Bergamot. England. ++++ —— odorata. E.B. 23 hirsuta. E.B. hairy water. Britain. coer F.9 24 acutifolia. E.B. acute-leaved. England. veee OL 25 sativa. E.B. tall-red. —— eee BD 26 rubra. E.B. common red. Britain. seee 9, 27 gentilis. E.B. bushy red. a eee 7.8. 28 gracilis. H.K. narrow-leaved. chee ee 29 palustris. s.M. marsh. —————— coe YQ 30 villosa. s.m. horse. eee 7.8. 31 pratensis. s.M. meadow. . Hes «Dee 29 rivalis. s.M. river, i 33 paludosa. s.M. brook. -- 9, 34 arvensis. E.B. corn. haee 7.9, 35 Pprecox, 8.M. early-flow’ring. eae 6) 36 agrestis. E.B. field. ————-. eee 7.8. 37 austriaca. s.s. Austrian. - Austria. © 1818. .—— 38 dentata. w. toothed. . Germany. 1816. —— 39 canadensis. w. Canadian. N.America. 1801. —— 40 glabrata. s.s. smooth. Egypt. 1802, —— Teneriffe, summer, © ciliated. nerved. whorl-flower’d. Candia. close-flowered. BYSTROPOGON.S. s. Bystropocon. Didynamia Gymnospermia. S.S. square-stalked. N.America. 1692. 8. 10. H. 1800. 7.8. H.% Figwort-leav’d, EtsHoLtzia. Didynamia Gymnospermia. W. crested. - Siberia. 1789. Basil-like. E. Indies. 1823. PERILLA. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. Basil-leaved. India. 1776. frutescent. Nepaul. 1818. Mint. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. LABIAT. ‘Teneriffe. 1815. Italy. 1652. Levant. 1596. Sicily. 1824. 1640. Ye. |: Cee 1825. De We H.©. se Dan Si2L 7.8. H.O. al NSN BEEEEREEEEE EEE EE EEE RE ES On et, « a ee ar ae Se boy ot et rs St a ot oe Ett ft et eesseses ess . Pine 9 ‘ PRPERRERLE Ce PRP PPP RRP PRE st a a ta tt Lam. ill. t. 504. fl. Barrel. i ic. t. BOTs é i * Barrel. ic. ti 808. FF 4 Comm. bape cr t. a Desf. m. - mus. 2. * 6. Jacq. ant. 8s t. 254. Botan. gen oe 2299. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 182. ——-— —— 1, t. 68. Herm. parad, t. 106. Botan. magaz. 2560. Arduin, spec, 2. t. 13. Eng. bot. 2424, — Eng. bot. 687. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 87. Eng. bot. 686. - Flor. dan. t. 484. © Rumph. amb. 6. t. 16. Eng. bot:1025. | Eng. bot. 447. — 2415. —_———- M413. 2118. —-—— 449. Sole’s Mints, t. 17. Eng. bot. 2119, m1 Sole’s Mints ic. | Eng. bot. 2120, ° 41 Pulegium. s.s. 42 cervina, s.s. | GALEUBDOLON.S.S.DEAD-NETTLE. LABIATZ. Britain. | Pennyroyal. Hyssop-leaved. S. France. roi 9. q 1648. 6.8. H.%. eves Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. . luteum. E.B. yellow. Britain. ---- 5.6. H.%. GALEOPSIS.§S.S. HEMP-NETTLE. Didynamia Gymnoapennia, L. ‘1 Ladanum. E£.B. red. . Britain, | 7.9. H.©. 2 angustifolia. p.s. narrow-leaved. Europe. 1820. — H.©. 3 pubescens. s.s. pubescent. Germany. —— -—— H.©. 4 ochroleuca. s.s. downy. Britain. Héee 7.8.5 HO: villosa. E.B. 5 Tetrahit. £.B. common. ehije «4 “nme bole) 6 versicolor. E.B. various-colour’d, res ® >< munieig eh E aby cannabina. W. , _LAMIUM.S:.S. ARCHANGEL. . Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. 1 Orvala. s.s. Balm-leaved. Italy. 1596. 5.7. H.%. ' 2 rugosum. s.s. rough. 1766. 7.8. H.}. 3. maculatum. £.B. _ spotted. Britain. cee» 4.5. H.%. 4 album. E£.B. white. cose 4.9. H.2. 5 bifidum. s.s. bifid-helmetted. Maples. 1825. —— H.2%. 6 moschatum. s,s. musk-scented. Levant. 1739. 7.9. H.©. 7 molle. s.s. Pellitory-leav’d. seecece + 41683. 4.5. H.2. 8 flexuosum. T.N. flexuose. Naples. 1824. 4.8. H.2. 9 garganicum.s.s. woolly. Italy. 1729, 7.8. H.%. 10 levigatum. s.s. smooth. 1711. 3.10. H.%. 11 purpureum. s.s. _— purple. Britain. esse 2.8, HO. . 6 albidum. white-flowered. — ess. —— H.©. 12 incisum. s.s. cut-leaved, England. «+--+ 5.7. H.©. 13 amplexicaule..s.s. Henbit. Britain. +++» -— H.©. 14 multifidum. s.s. multifid-leaved. Levant. 1752. 4.5. H.©. GLECHOMA. L. Grounp-ivy. Didynamia Somnosper rmia, L. 1 hederacea. E.B. Common. Britain. voee 3.5. HY, 2 hirsuta. P.s. hairy. Hungary. -+--» —— H.%. NEPETA. L. Carmint. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. 1 croatica, s.s. Hungarian. Hungary. 1820. 6.8. H.%. 2 grandiflora. s.s. large-flowered. Caucasus. 1806. 7.8. H.%. 8 melisszefolia. s.s Balm-leaved. Candia. 1752. —— H.%. 4 longiflora. Hn... long-flowered. Persia. 1802. 6.8. H.%. 5 Mussini. .K. scolloped-lé, = Siberia. 1804. 5.8, H.%. longiflora. B.M. NON V> 6 incana. s,s. hoary. . Levant. 1723. 8. 0sin Hi dhe 7 graveolens. s.s. strong-smelling. S. Europe. 1804. 7.8. H.%. 8 amethystina. Poir. amethystine. — 1820. —— H.»x. 9 Nepetella. s.s. small. —-— 1758. —— H.%,. 10 teucriifolia. s.s. Teucrium-ld, Armenia. 1616. —— H.%. 11 lamiifolia. s.s. Lamium-leav’d. -————- 1806. -—— H.2. 12 angustifolia.s.s. | narrow-leaved. Spain. 1798. 6.7. H.x%. 13 Cataria. s.s. common. Britain. reese 7.9. HX. 14 ucranica.s.s. Ukranian. Ukraine. 1789. 7.8. H.2. 15 nuda. L. naked. . S. Europe. 1710. —— H.2. 16 pannonica. L. close-flowered. Hungary. 1683. 8.10. H.2. 17 violacea. s.s. violet-coloured. Spain. 1723. 7.9. H.2. 18 cerulea. s.s. blue-flowered. +-+-+e++ 1777. 5.6. H.%. 19 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. Pyrenees. 1818. 7.8. H.2. 20 macrura. s.s- long-tailed. Siberia. ee Fem cesl DES 21 crispa. s.s. curl-leaved. Levant. 1800. —— H.»%. 22 diffusa. s.s. spreading. Siberia. 1820. —— H.2. 23 imbricata. s.s. bricated. Spain. 1825. —— H.7. 24 teucrioides, s.s, eucrium-like. Levant. 1819. —— H.. 25 italica. w. Italian. Italy. 1640. 6.8. H.2%. 26 marrubioides. w.en. horehound-14. — soos —— HL, 27 multibracteata. s.s. many-bracted. Barbary. 1823. —— H.%. 28 lanata. s.s. woolly. S. Europe. 1774. 5.6. H.y. 29 tuberosa. s.s. tuberous-root’d. Spain. 1683. 6.8. H.2. 30 reticulata. s.s. netted. Morocco. 1801. 7.8 H.2. 31 Scordotis. s.s. sessile-spiked. Crete. 1823. —— G.h. 32 suaveolens. Rem. sweet-scented. ----+++- 1804. —— H.2. 33 multifida. w. nuultifid. Siberia. 1797. 7.8. H.x, 34 botryoides. w. annual. —— 1779. 6.7. H.©. bipinnata. cay. 319 H.w.¥. Eng. bot. 1026. Moris. s.3. t. 7. f. 7. Eng. bot. 787. Eng. bot. 884. Eng. bot. 2353. — 207. ena tise rs Botan. magaz, 172. Bocc. mus. 5. t. 23. Eng. bot. 2550. ———— 768. Cyr. rar. fasc. 1. t. 7. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 48. Pluk. alm. t. 198. f.1. Eng. bot. 769. ———— 1933. —~-—— 770. Comm. rar. t. 26. Eng. bot. 853. W. et K. hung. t. 119. Venten. cels. 66. Botan. magaz. 923. All, ped, t. 2. f. 1. Eng. bot. 137. Jacq. aust. 1. t. 24. —— 2. t. 129. Bocce. mus, t. 36. Jacq. vind, 2. t. 112. Jacq. obs. 3. t. 75. Barrel. ic. t. 602. Desf. atl. 2. t. 124. Alp. exot. t. 283 ne 2 Gmel. sib. 3. t. 55. Cavan. ic. 1, t. 49. 320. HYPTIS.S.S. ebracteata. 8.8. - radiata. s.s. capitata. s.s. polyanthes. s.s. brevipes. s.s. recurvata. s.8. albida. s.s. persica. P.s. O SFG) Su hm 69 BD me Brotera persica, L.T. 9 spicata. s.s. 10 Plumieri. «.s. 11 stachyodes. s.s. 12 pectinata. s.s. STACHYS. §.S. 1 spinosa. s.s. 2 glutinosa. s,s. 3 fruticulosa. s.s. 4 xthiopica. s.s. 5 corsica. s.s. 6 angustifolia, s.s. 7 rugosa. s.s. 8 hetonicefolia. s.s. 9 stenophylla.:s.s. orientalis, s.s. maritima, s.s. annua. s.s, hirta. s,s, arvensis. §.8. 15 arenaria. s.s. 16 diffusa. schweig. arenaria. B.M. nONn Desf. rubra. Donne 17 iberica. m.B. 18 scordifolia. w.en- 19 aspera. M. 20 tenuifolia. M.B. 21 Balbisii. L:en. 22 nepetefolia. s.s. 23 arabica. s.s. 24 ambigua. s.s. 25 sylvatica. s.s. 26 Feniculum. s.s. Hyssopus anisatus, N? 27 circinata. s.s. . canariensis. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 1086 mollissima. w.en- decumbens. P.s. coccinea, s.s. recta. S.s. heraclea. w. phlomoides. w.e: obliqua. pP.s. palustris. s.s. germanica. s.s. intermedia. w. sibirica. L.en. polystachya. s.s. salviefolia, s.s. 40 cretica. s.s. 41 alpina. s.s. 42 lanata. s.s. 43 latifolia. s.s. 44 biennis. Roth. 45 lusitanica. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 LABIATA, Hypris. Didynamia Gymnospermia. 8.8. small-headed. W.Indies. 1778. 10.1. 8.©. Carolina. Carolina. 1690. 6.7. G.%.. Jamaica. W. Indies. 1714. —— S.@. many-flowered. S. America. 1819. —— S.©. short peduncl’d, W. Indies. 1822. —— S.©. recurved. Cayenne. — — S8.%. white-leaved. Mexico. 1825. —— S.h. Persian, Persia. 1800. 7%. -G.h.e spiked. S. America.1819. 7.9. G.© Plumier’s. ——————_—- — — S&.©O. whorl-spiked. Brazil. 1820. —— S8.©. pectinated. W.Indies. 1776. 12.1. S.%. HEDGE-NETTLE. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. thorny. Candia. 1640. 7. F.h. clammy. 1729. 6.7. H.&.: frntescent. Caucasus. 1825. —— H.h. Ethiopian. Cc. B.S. 1770. 4.7. G.y. Corsican. Corsica. 1825. —— H.%. narrow-leaved. Tauria. 1823. 6.7. H.%. rough. C.B.S. 1774. 7.8. G.h. Betony-leaved. Crete. 1812. 6.7. H.%. linear-leaved. S. Spain. 18619. —— F.h. oriental. Levant. 1768. —— H.2. sea-side. S. Europe. 1714. 7% H.%. annual, 1713. 6.8. H.©. procumbent. Spain. 1725. —— Hy. corn. Britain. «oe. 97,8. HO. sand. . Barbary. 1824. 6.8. H.2%. diffuse. S. Europe. 1804. ——- H.2. Iberian. Iberia. 18238. —— H.w wedge-leaved. ++++--++ 1816. 7.'8. TH. harsh-leaved. N.America. —— -~-—— H.2. slender-leaved. Tauria.. 1819. —— H.2. Balbis’s. Italy. 1823. —— H.y Catmint-leaved. Levant. 1805. 6.8. H.y Arabian. Arabia. . 1820. —— H.©. ambiguous. Britain. veooe 6.7. Hid, common. eee 908. A. Fennel-scent’d. Missouri. 1820. —— H.@. blunt-leaved. Barbary. 1777. 5.7. Hoy. soft-leaved. ‘Corfu. 1806. 7.8. H.%. decumbent. tees - 1816. 5.7. H.. scarlet. S. America, 1798. 6.8. F.2L. upright. S. Europe. 1683. 6.8..H.2. Phlomis-leav’d. Italy. 1816. 6.7. Hey. oblique-leaved. Hungary. -——- ——~ H.2. Clown’s all-heal. Britain. veee 8, -H.Q. downy. England. -+-- 7.8. H.%, oblong-leaved. ‘Carolina. 1762. 6.7. H.%. Siberian. Siberia. 4822. 6.8. H.2. many-spiked. Naples. 1824. —— H.i. Sage-leaved. —_-_ — — H.. Cretan. ‘Candia. 1640. —— F.2. Alpine. Germany. 1597. —— H.2. woolly. Siberia. 1782. 6.9. H.%. broad-leaved. seoereee 1775, 6.7. Huot. biennial. Germany. 1801. 6.8. H.¢. Portugal. Portugal. 1800. —— H.x%. Eriostemon lusitanicum. Lk. ZIETENIA. P.S. orientalis. P.s. ZLETENIA- Lavender-I4, Levant. lavandulifolia. L.en. Stachys lavandulifolia. w Didynamia Gymnospermia. ‘P.S. 1816. 5.7. Hut. e va fay a> Poit. an.mus.t.t.29. £2. 724.27) £2. “ eee top Poit. an. mus. 4, ht. Linn. trans, 6. re 12, mus. t.28. £2. Plum. ‘ic. t. 163. f. 1. Poit. an. mus. 7. t.30.. Moris. 8. 11. te 10. £29. —— t.4sf.17, J ats obs. 4. of Oa Jacq. ic..3.t. a . Jacq. vind..1.:t. 70. Jacq. aust.4. 4.360. All. pedal. t.2.:f. 3. Eng. bot..1154. : Desf. atl. 2.:t. 126. ; Botan. magaz. 1915. - Eng. bot..2089. 416. L’ Herit. iss nov. t. 26. W. hort. ber. t.60, Botan. magaz. 666 Jacq. aust. 4. t..359. All. ped. t,.84. f. 1. W. et K. hung. t.,133. Eng. bot. 1675. step Swt. br. fl. gar.i100.: Walt. hort, 108.:t. 19. Lap. pyr.. le t.8. ’ 2 Jacq. ice Ls t.107, LABIAT A, LEONURUS.S.S. Mornerworr. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. 1 Cardiaca. s.s. common. Britain. ---s 78 H.¥. 2 villosus. s.s. villous. - Tauria. 1824. —— H.y%. 3 marrubiastrum. small-flowered. Austria. 1710. 6.8. H.©. 4 crispus. 3.s. curl-leaved. Siberia. 1658. 7.8. H.}. 5 supinus. s.s, procumbent. 1816. 6.8. H.%. 6 tataricus. s.s. Tartarian. Tartary. 1756. 8.10.H.¢. 7 sibiricus. s,s. Siberian. Siberia. 1759. 6.8 H.¢. 8 condensatus.s.s.. condensed. 1824. —— H.}. _9 heterophyllus. B.F. F.G.various-leav’d. S. America. —~ -—— H.©. 10 multifidus. pDesf. multifid. - seee-eee ——— —— H.O©. 11 neglectus. sch. neglected. = = -+-+-s- -_ — — H.%. 12 lanatus. s.s. woolly, ’ Siberia. 1752. —— H.}%. Ballota lanata. w. BALLOTA.'S:S. STINKING HOREHOUND. oe bts 1 vulgaris. s.s. common. Europe. eres « Hedke 2 feetida. Lien. strong-scented. Britain. coos —— HY. a nigra. purple-flowered. coco 2 HL. B alba. white-flowered.’©§ ———- _ +-+:- —— H.%. BETONICA. S.S. Betony. Didynamia Gymnospermia. 1 L. 1 officinalis. s.s. wood. Britain. : 7. Be Es 2 stricta. s.s. Danish. ~ Denmark. 1592. 6.7. H.%. 3 incana. s.s. hoary. Italy. 1759. —— H.». 4 orientalis: s.s. oriental. Levant. 1737. —— H.2%. 5 alopecuros. s.s. Foxtail. S. Europe. 1759. 7. H.%. 6 hirsuta. s.s. hairy. Italy. 1710. 6.7. H.%. | 7 grandiflora. s.s. great-flower’d. Siberia. 1800. HY. MARRUBIUM. S.S. Horenounp. Didynamia Se mia. Le 1 Alyssum. s.8. plaited-leaved. Spain. 1597. 7.8. H.%. 2 astracanicum. s.s. Astracan. Levant. 1816. —— H.H. 3 peregrinum. w. Sicilian. Sicily. 1640. 7.9. H.y. 4 candidissimum. s.s. woolly white. etant’’ 1732. —— H.}. 5 creticum. w. Cretan. i 1596. —— H.%. 6 affine. L.en. related. ‘Siberia. 1816. —— H.2. 7 supinum. s.s. procumbent. S. Europe. 1714. 8.10. H.}. 8 catarizfolium. s.s. Catmint-leav’d. Levant. 1823. 7.9. H.%. 9 vulgare. s.s. common. Britain. cose 6.9. HY. 10 africanum. s.s. African. C.B.S. 1710. 7.9. G.%. 11 crispum, 3.8. curled-leaved. S. Europe. 1714. 7.8. H.}. 12 apulum. T.N. Italian. Italy. 1824. 6.9. H.2. 13 cinereum. s.s. cihereous. S. Europe. —— -—— H.. 14 hirsutum. w. hairy. ———- -e++ 6.7. H.%. 15 hispanicum, w. Spanish. Spain. 1714. 7.8. H.%. | 16 acetabulosum. s.s. saucer-leaved. Candia. 1676. 6.8. F.%. __17 Psendo-Dictamnus. shrubby white. ——— 1596. 7.8. F.. 'PHLOMIS. S.S. JERUSALEM-3AGE. DidynamiaGymnospermia. L. | 1 fruticosa.s.s. shrubby. Spain. 1596. 6.7. Hh. 2 ferruginea. s.s. ferruginous. Naples. soso —— Hb. 3 lanata. s.s. smallshrubby. S. Europe. 1596. —— H.h. 4 cretica, s.s, Cretan. Crete. 1823. —— G.h. 5 scariosa, s,s. scariose-bract’d. Italy. —— — F.h. 6 virens. s.s. green shrubby. Levant. Yh Glenda’ OU 7 purpurea. s,s, purple. © S. Europe. 1661. 6.8. F.h. § italica. s.s. Italian. Italy. — — F.b. | 9 Nissolii. s.s. Nissole’s. Levant. 1757. 6.7. F,%. 10 Lychnites. s.s, lamp-wick. S. Europe. 1658. 6.8. G.h. 11 Samia. s.s. Samian. N. Africa. 1714. 6.7. H.%. 12 Russelliana. pag. Russell’s. Levant. 1821. —— H.}%. lunarifolia B Russeliana. B.M. 2542. | ) | 13 Herba-venti.s.s. rough-leaved. S.Europe. 1596. 7.9. H.¥. 14 pungens. s.s, pungent. Levant. 1818. 6.8. H.». | 15 alpina. s.s. Alpine. Siberia. 1802. 6.9. H.y. | 16 tuberosa. s.s. tuberous-root’?d. ———— 1759. 6.10. H.%. 17 laciniata. s.s. jagged-leaved.. Levant. 1731. 7. H.}. LEUCAS. B.P. Levcas. Didynamia Gymnospermia. S.S. 1 chinensis. s.s. Chinese. ~ China. 1822. 6.8. S.h. 2 zeylanica. 8.s. Ceylon. E. Indies... 1777. 6. 10. S.©. 3 linifolia. s.s. Flax-leaved. — . 1816. —— S.©. 2T 321 Eng. bot. 286. i Jacq. aust, 5. t. 405. Murr. c. gott. 8. t. 4. _ Mill. ic... t. 80, Sm..exot. bot. 2, t. 94. _ Swt. br. fl aan ic. Gmel. sib. 3. t. 54. ospermia. L. Eng. bot. 46, Eng. bot. 1142, Botan. magaz. 2125, Lam. ill. t. 507. f. 2, Jacq. aust, 1. t.78. Mur. com. got. 2. t. 3. Botan. magaz. 700. Ger. herb, 379. f. 1. Jacq. ic, 1, t. 109. — Jacq. aust. 2. t. 160. Dill. elt. 274, f. 214, Bocc. mus; 2. t. 96. | Eng. bot. 410. ~ Comm. hort. 2: t. 90. Herm. parad., t. 200, Herm. parad. t. 201, Barrel. ic. 129. Lam. ill. t. 508. f. 2. - Botan. magaz. 1843. Smith spicil: 6. t. 3. Mill. ic. 2. t. 204. Botan. magaz. 999. ~ 1891. Russ. .alep. 2. an oar Swt. bet gar. 33. Pall. act. pet. 2. t. 13. Botan, magaz. 1555. Swt. br. fl. gar. 24. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 111, 322 4 cephalotes. s.s. 6 aspera. § r 7 8.Se. b «RPS 6 indica. s.s. 7 urticefoliais.s. © 8 martinicensis. »:: Phlomis mar tinicensis. Ww. 9 biflora, s.8. LEONOTIS.'S.S. 1 Leonurus. s.s. nattow-leaved, Philomis Leonurus. w. ~ - 2 ovata. s.s. dwarf Pivkbby: 3 intermedia. s.s. intermediate. 4 nepetifolia. s.s. MOLUCCELLA. SS. 1 tuberosa. S.s. 2 levis. s.s. 3 spinosa. 5.8. PYCNOSTACHYS. 1 24 25 26 27 oma & se Serta coerulea. H.E.F. _VERBENACEA.. | Brown prodr.. 1. Pp. 510, ‘CLERODENDRUM. B.P. ic oaoaeniitite, pilifdiiita angidigand 9 ligustrinam, 8.8... ‘inerme. s,s. : angustifolium. s.s. volubile. s.s. buxifolium. s.s. large-headed. | rough, Indian. Ne itiéfleaved. West-Indiam. LION’S-EAR.- Catmint-leav’d. E. Indies. MOoLucca-BALM. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. of if ‘ ~ ¥ ie aka ed LABIATE. Es Indies. 1811... Persia. . 1823. oE, Indies... 1789. - 1810. Ww. tadiee. 1781. E. ‘Indies... 1820. Cc. B B. s; unis. S. Africa. 182%. 1778. — $.O., ee 7.8. § sre 7. 8. ‘ 2 . 6.7. Gh. 9.10. S.O.. ‘taberons;rp0t'ds Tartary... 1796. 7. ,,H.%. smooth. Syria. 1570. 7.8. H.O... prickly. Levant. 1596. —— H.©.. PYCNOSTACHYS. Didyaanee Gymnospermia. . Fah op Sgaetoes saa 8. 10; F, Ee “ORDO CXXXII. Volkameria buxifolia. w.en. heterophyllum, s.s, various-leaved. Volkameria angustifolia. A.R. macrophyllum.s.m. large-leaved. serratum. s.s, lividum. B.R. cernuum. Wal... .: Siphonanthus, s.s. verticillatus. p.P. odoratum. D.P. .s) feetidum. D.P. nutans. D.P. scandens. s.s. trichotomum. s.s. fortunatum. s.s. squamatum. $5... tomentosum., s.s. infortunatum. s.s. hlomoides. $8o,,/2 ragrans. 8.8. B multiplex, viscosum. 8.8. paniculatum. s.s. urticifolium. H.B. violaceum. L.ene 28 japonicum, Volkameria japonica. VOLKAMERIA. S.S. aculeata. s.s. JEGIPHILA. R.S, 1 martinicensis. R.s. 2 arborescens. R.S. Siphonanth us indica et Ovieda mitis. L. Privet-leaved. Mauritius. 1789. 8. 11. S. h., smooth. E. Indies. 1692. —— §. fp. narrow-leaved. Jamaica. . 1823. —— ‘S, h.. climbing... Guinea, 1822. +--+. S.hww. Box-leaved.. srcceses 1818. 7.8 Sih. “ Manritiu “1805. 8. 9. “S.Re. ——— 1822. —— Ss... saw-leaved. E. Indies. .——- ——_ §.h.. livid-bracted. China. 1824. 9.11. S.b. .., drooping. KE. Indies. 1822, ---- S.h.. whorl-leayed. ————' 1796. +++ S.p.. four-leayed. — Nepaul. , -. 1818. “+... | ene odoriferous.. ~ ———— "1820. “see SoBe strong-scented.' “oo test Sob. nodding. TREE DCM scandent. “Guinea.’ 1822. ©---- “S. pic. three-forked. ‘Japan. ~° 1800. .-.. G.h. speat-leaved. EE. Indies. 1784. 7. S.h,_ scarlet. China, “1790. 6.9. S.h.” downy. “N.S. W. 1794. 3.5. Gh. long-flowered. E, Indies." <*+-. .ee. ‘S.b.. Phlomis like. _ ——_— "1820. 5.7. S.h._ fragrant. China. 1790. 12.8, Sh.” double-flowered, ————- ~—. ___'g 7" clammy. E. Indies. 1796. 5.8. S.h. panicled. Java. 1809. 7,10. SR. Nettle-léaved. E. Indies, 1822. —— §.h. violet-coloured. ----+. oo toes SH Japan. |, Japan. 1823, -.+. SR, The. | wile: VOLKAMERIA. | Didynamia Angiospermia. i prickly. WwW. Indies,” 1739, 8.10. S, Re, JEGIPHILA. “Tetrandria Monogynia. Mess Martinico. W. Indies. 1780, 11. 1. S.h. arborescent. Trinidad. 1823, .... Sih. i SEE CE 2 ere eral) aS sem try as an 55 Pe 7, Burm. zeyl. t 63, f.l . _ Jacq. ie. 1, te 110. ; a Wdynaniye: Gymnospermia. S.S. 1712. 10.12, Goh. > Botan. magaz, ais. x Botan. regist, § 850... Pall. it. om app. T., . Botan. magaz.. 1852. ‘ Lam. ill. t.510..., Hook. ex. flor. 202. ———- t 4. fl. iets , > a0 ¢ 4 + ‘tery ts i, tH ¥ Andr. Beat 554. ae ae ~ Mill.ic. 2. t. 162, £1; ‘i us | oa aa h. wv Lami bufad ~ Botan: mig, 9588. Botan. regist. 945. a Burm. ind. 43, = L eggs ee Pgh ey ag : i ? ofe* eit Od Osb. it. ‘3 11. 7 ; ‘ Jacq. ie, 3. t. 500. . 70 . Botan. magaz, 1518. Burm. ind. t. 45. ee Venten, malm. 70. Botan. magaz. 1834... —— 1805. Botan. APPR 406. 4 isa es va , Jacq. col. sup, t,.5. ‘f1. ne —_— ss ee Brown, jam, 20, f. 2. + Lodd. bot. ‘cab. 132. Aub. gui, 1. td VERBENACE®. — 323 ie Rs. tall.” © “W. Indies. 1823. 7.11. S.h. Botan. Regist! 916. fetidar.s. _—_ fetid. i+ 1800. 6.7. Seb. . 5 diffusa. r,s. diffuse. 1804, 7.8. Sh. Andy. répésit.é.578: f.1. 6 obovata. rR.s. ’ oval-leaved. = ————- —— ——’' S.h. hee 578. £.2. CALLICARPA., R. s. CAuLicARPA, Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 americana. R.s, American. Carolina. 1724. 6.7. G.h. Catesb. car. 2, t. 47. 2 cana. R.s. hoary. ‘E. Indies. 1799. —~— Svh. 3 lanata. R.s. woolly, -° ————+ 1788. —~ S.h. Gart. fruct. 1. t. 4. 4 incana. F.1. white-leaved. - 1816. 6.10 10. S.h. 5 macrophylla. r.s. large-leaved.. ————— 1808. —— S.h. 6 lanceolaria. F.I. lance-leaved. —_——— 1816. ——: S.h. 7 ferruginea. R.s. rusty. © - Jamaica. 1794. 6.7. Svh. 8 reticulata. R.s, netted-leaved.-- ——-—— 1822. : ——._ S.h. 2.2 eon = 9 longifolia. r. Se long-leaved. . ‘China. © .-—- -—— S.h. Hook.ex. flor. 133. 10 rubella, B.r. _—srred-flowered... ——_——~ -—- —— S.h. Botan. regist. 883. ' _ik-purpurea.'F.1.° si purple-flower’d. ————- _ ——.- 7.9. S.h. wie bene i ‘ - W2arborea. F.r.*' Ss treew Nepaul, = =— «+» S.he VITEX. S.S.: - - CHASTE-TREE, Bld ynacis Angiospermia. L. 1 ovata. s.s. _ oval-leaved. - China. 1796. 7.8. S.k. . °2.triflora.s.s. _ three-flowered, Cayenne. 1823. —— S.h:; .- 3 altissima. s,s. tall. Ceylon. 1802. ---- S.h. . 4 alata. s,s. ' winged. - E. Indies. 1818. 6.8. S.h. 5 bicolor. s.s. two-coloured.)§ -—~—— 1810. —— S.h. bo £8 6 trifolia.s.s.' three-leaved. © ——-—— 1759. —— S.}. Botan. magaz.2187.: 7 Negundo. s.s. - Ash-leaved. oe eee — SLR.) 6 ORheed. mal. 2. t.lf. 8 Agnus-castus. W. common. - Sicily. 1570. 9. Hb. Role MB o} 8 latifolia... broad-leaved. ——- 1» ——-'_ — —— Hh. este: BF 9 incisa. s.s. cut-leaved. China. 1758. 7.9. G.b. Botan. magaz. 364. Negundo. B.M. . ‘aed wins Bi 10 saligna. H.B. Willow- leaved. E. Indies. 1823, +++ S.h. 11 Doniana. Don’s, SierraLeon. 1824, -+-- S.h. umbrosa. H.T. non Swe * WALLROTHIA. S.S. Wattrotnia. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. Leucoxylon. s.s. ‘white-wooded. sede | 1793. crane S, Vitex Leucoxylon. t. : CHLOANTHES. B.P. Crredahinnene/ Didynamia Miclcapeunins 1 steechadis. B.p. white-leaved. .N.S.W. : 1822. 6.8. Gi 2 glandulosa. B.p. glandular-l4, —_——— 1824. — Git. ie | PREMNA. S.S. PremNA. Didynamia Angiospermia.S.S. . 9 1 integrifolia. s.s. entire-leaved. E.Indies. 1822. «+++ S.#. Rumph, amb.3. t. 133. 2 spinosa. H.B. spiny.’ ee SOL. VIVE R ES 3 esculenta. H.B. esculent. - ee ne | (1824. eee Sch. HOLMSKIOLDIA. MHo.tmsxiouipia. Didynamia Angiospermia. 8.8. “3 habia) 1 sanguinea. s.s. scarlet. E. Indies. 1796. 10.4. S. R . Botan. regist.692.. Hastingia coccinea. sm. ex. bot. 80. . uf 2 scandens. climbing. —_-—— 1824, — Ss. a _-. Hastingia scandens. H.B. ce! Si PETREA.S.S. PETRAA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. es 1 volubilis. s.s. climbing. Vera Cruz. 1733. 7.8. S.h.~. Botan. magaz. 628. © _ 2 rugosa. K.S.- rough-leaved. .Caracas. 1824. +e. S.h. ePat ARO HOSTA. Jacq. Hosra. Diandria Monogynia. é ys a3! 1 coerulea. Jacq. - blue-flowered. S. Jape olen 1733. 6.9. Sh. Jacq. schoenb. 1. t.114, - Cornutia punctata. B.M. 2611. bes hi | 2 latifolia. x.s. broad-leaved. Mexico. 1824. —— S.h. . _ CORNOUTIA, PS. CornutiA. Diandria Monogynia. 8.S. rt Sealants pyramidata. p.s. pyramidal. W. Indies. 1733. --++ S.h. Lam.ill. t.541, _ GMELINA.S.S. GMELINA. © Didynamia Angiospermia, L. GVTED « 1. arborea..s.s. tree. E.Indies. 1812. -.++ S.h. Rheed.mal.1. t. 41. 2 villosa..H.B. - villous. —— I1818. e+ Sih. 3 asiatica. s.s. oval-leaved. ——-_-:1792. «+++ S.h. Lamill. t.542. , 4 parviflora. p.s. small- flowered. ———. 1817. <*> S-h- Roxb. corom.1. t. 32. i parvifolia. s.s. . - cITHAREXY LUM. W. Fippe-woop- Didynamia Angiospermia. L. (t+ 1 caudatum. s.s, upright... . Jamaica. 1763. -e+ S.k. Jacq.ic.3. t.501.! erectum. Jacq: YDB : f , 7 a Pies ne. ; 2 villosum. s.s. hairy-leaved. W. Indies.. 1784. ++++ S.h. 1, t. 118. 3 subserratum. s.s. subserrate. ‘Hispaniola. 1819. +--+ S.h. mE (hd J 4 quadrangulare. s,s. square-stalked: Jamaica. 1759. 6.8. Ssh. Jacq. vind. J. t.22. 5 cinereum. s.s. ash-coloured. W.Indies. 1739. ——- S.k. Jacq. amer. t. 118, 6 molle.s.s. ss SOft-leaved. | +seeer+* 1822. —— S.h. at Aaa gE: 7 pentandrum. s.s. pentandrous. Portorico. 1815. —— Sh. Vent. cels. - - DURANTA.S.S. Duranra. Didynamia Angiospermia. L.. oe eh 1 Plumieri. s.r. smooth. S.America. 1733. 6.10, . S.h. Botan. registe244.. 2 Ellisia. B.m. prickly. — W. Indies. 1739. 8. §.hs Botan.magaz.1759. . 3 inermis. mit. unarmed. ‘S. America. tess see Sche feta F 4 xalapensis. K.s. Mexican. Mexico. 1822. «ers S.hs 5 Mutisii. xs. . Mutis’s. S. America. —— 6.8. S.h. AMASONIA.S.S. Amasonia, Didynamia Angiospermia. Ss. S... punicea. s.s. puniceous. Trinidad, 1823. ---+ S.h. LANTANA.S.S. LANTANA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L.. £0: weeshooaans a 1 aculeata. s.s. _ changeable-col’4,W. Indies. 1692. 4.11. S.k. Botan, magaz.96. © 2 purpurea. s,s. purple-flow’r’d. S. America, 1822, —— S.}. 28 ae 3 scabrida. s.s, rough. W. Indies. 1774. 7.10. S.h. 2. ih oben Se x 4 mista. w. Nettle-leaved. _————— 1732. 8.10. S.h. 5 melissefolia. s.s. Balm-leaved. — — 79% S.k- Dill-elt. t.57,.f:66. — 6 nivea. s.s. snowy white. E.Indies,, ---- -—- S.k. Botan,magaz.1946. 7 stricta. s.s. narrow-leaved. Jamaica. 1733. —— S.h. Sioan.jama 1-195. fa. i 8 Radula. w. Rasp-leaved. W. Indies. 1803. —— S.h. LY 9 salvizefolia. s.s. Sage-leaved. C.B.S. 1823. —~- Gk. Jacq. scheenb, 3. t.285. ‘ 10 recta. s.s. upright. . Jamaica. 1758. 6.8. S.b. »3.t.360. — 11 involucrata. s.s. round-leaved. W. Indies. 1690. 5.7. S.b+ Pluk. alm. t.114, f.5. 4 12 odorata. s.s, sweet-scented. ——— 1758. 5,11. 8.h. Plum. ic.71. f.2. 13 Camara. s.s. various-colour’d. 1691. 4.9. S.h. Dill. elt. t.56.f.65. 14 trifolia. s.s. three-leaved. ————— 1733. 6.9. S.h. Botan. magaz.1449. — 15 annua. s.s, annual. S. America. —— 7.8 S.©.— 3022. & 16 fucata. s.s. painted. Brazil. 1822. —— S.h-. Botan. regist. 798. s 17 lavandulacea.s.s. Lavender-like. -+-+¢---. —— -—— S.b. Peres 18 crocea. L.en- saffron-color’d. Jamaica. ——- -—— S.h. Jacg.scheen. t.473. 19 violacea. Desf. violet-coloured. S. America, 1824. ++++ S.h. seat rid 20 brasiliensis. pen. Brazilian. |. Brazil. — — Sk. E 21 alba. L.en. white-flowered. S. America. ---- -—— S.h. F 22 horrida. x.s. horrid. Mexico. 1825. —— S.h.- Beas f SPIELMANNIA. S.S. SprELMANNIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. Exes ‘ africana. s.s. African. C.B.S. 1710. 2.11. G.h. Botan. mesererrehe f TECTONA. W. TEAK-woop. Pentandria Monogynia. L.. : grandis, w. great. . _ E.Indies.. 1777.) -+++ S.he Roxb. corom. ito. COLEBROOKIA.S.S. Cotzsrooxia. Didynamia Gymnospermia. S.S. d 1 oppositifolia.p.p. opposite-leav’d.Nepaul.. 1816. 6.9. .S.h. Sm. exot. bot. ts. a 2 ternifolia. s.s. three-leaved. E.Indies —— -—— S.h. 2 STREPTIUM.S.S. Srreprium. Didynamia Angiospermia.§.S.. . . . ’ asperum. 8.S. rough. - E.Indies. 1799. 7.8. S.%. Roxb. conanttiRe t. 146. 2 Tortula aspera. W. Priva leptostachya. p.s. at feo + Meavog) PRIVA.S.S. Priva. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. | jaygene | 1 lappulacea. p.s. bristly-fruited. S. America. 1822. 6.8. S.2%. Jacq. obs. 1, t.24. echinata. K.S. 2 mexicana. P.s. Mexican. Mexico. 1726. 8.9. S.%. Dill. elth.¢. 202, f. 389, hispida. k.8. Verbena mexicana. L. ; : TAMONEA. S.S. TAMONEA. Diandria Monogynia. verbenacea.-s.s. thorny-fruited. W.Indies. 1733. 8. Ss. ©- Banks. vel. eg t. 2.4 curassavica, P.s. Ghinia spinosa. w. STACHYTARPHETA. Bastarp VERVAIN. Diandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 angustifolia. r.s. narrow-leaved. S. America. -+-+ 6.9. S.@. Jacq. obs. 4. t.86. 2 indica. R.s. Indian. ~~ ~— Ceylon. 1732. 8.9. S.©. . 3 urticifolia. B.m. Nettle-leaved. |S. America. ---- 5.9. S.¢. Botan. magaz. 1848. ’ 4 jamaicensis. R.s. Jamaica. W.Indies. 1714. 6.9. S.¢. ———— 1860. 5 cayennensis. s.s. Cayenne. Cayenne. 1819. —— S.h. : 6 prismatica. R.s. Germander-l9, W.Indies. 1699. 5.6. S.g. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 208, 7 orubica. R.s. Orubian. S. America. —— 6.8. G.¢. Ehr. pict. t.5. f. 1. 8 mutcbilis. R.s. changeable-fl4. —————-._ 1801. 3.9. S.h. Botan.magaz. 976. Verbena mutabilis. w. Cymburus mutabilis.-P.L. 49. : 9 hirsutissima. L.en. hairy. Brazil. 1821. 6.9. S.%4. ZAPANIA. J. ZAPANIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. P.S, . 4 1 steechadifolia. r.s. oval-spiked. W.Indies. 1732. 8.9, S.%. Brown.jam.t.3.f.l. — 2 nodiflora. B.P. knot-flowered. America. 1664. 7. 8. G.y%. Flor. gree. 553. J Verbena nodiflora. L. Lippia nodiflora. s.s.. 2.8 cote ALOYSIA.PS. ALOYSIA. Didynamia Angidspermia: P.S. em vont ae citrodora. P.s. * Lemon-scent’d. Chili. 1784. 5.9. Ge}. Botan.magaz.367. — Verbena triphylla. BM. Lippia citrodora, K.s. VERBENA. S.S. VERVAIN, Didynamia itil cai S.S. Tero angustifolia. s.8. narrow-leaved. N.America. 1802. 6. §. Ho. ey - 2 paniculata. s.s. panicled. 1800. 7.8. H.%. agit os 3 bonariensis. s.s. cluster-flow’r'd. BuenosAyres. 1732.7.10.H.g. Dill. elt. t. 300. f. 387. 4 caroliniana. s.s. Carolina. N.Americas —— 6.9. H.4%. ————t. 301. f. 388. 5 urticefolia. s.s, Nettle-leaved. ———— 1683. 7.9. H.%. Rob. ic. 26, . 6 stricta. s.s. upright. ——— 1802. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz, 1976. 7 lasiostachys. s.s. | woolly-spiked. California. 1823. —-— H.}. 2G cis 8 bracteosa. s.s. long-bracted. N.America. 1812. 7. H.2%. rt 9 Aubletia. s.s. rose. ——— 1774. 6.8. F.g. Botan, magaz. 30s. | 10 Lamberti. 8.m. Lambert’s. Peru. 1816. —~- F.y%. —— 2200. 11 hastata. s.s. halberd-leaved. Canada. 1710. —— H.¥%. Herm. parad. t. 242. 12 scabra.s.s. rough. Mexico. 1825. —— H.y. 13 officinalis. E.B. common. Britain. -s+- 6.9. H.y. Eng. bot. 769. 14 sororia. D.P. sister. Nepaul. 1823. 8.10. H.y%. fl. gar. ic. 15 spuria. s.s. jagged-leaved. N. aera: 1731. 7.8. Hg. 16 erinoides. s.s. Erinus-like. Peru. 1820. —— H.©. Flor. peruv.1. t.33. fic. multifida, R.P. 17 canescens. s.s. canescent. - Mexico. — — H.». B.2. t. 136. 18 supina. s.s. trailing. Spain. 1640. 6.7. H.©. Park. theat. 675. f. 2. 19 prostrata. H.K. prostrate. N.America. 1794. —— H.»,. LIPPIA. J. Lipp1a. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. purpurea. 8.8. purple. Mexico. 1823. 6.8. G.h. Jacq. f. eclog. t. 85. HEBENSTREITIA. S.S. HEBENSTREITIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. 1 scabra. w. rough-leaved. C.B.S. 1816. 5.9. G.h. 2 integrifolia. w. entire-leaved. ———— 1792. 4.6. G.%. Andr. reposit. 252. aurea. A.R. 3 dentata. w. dwarf-tooth’d. ld, ———_— 1739. 5.9. G.©. Botan. magaz. 483. 4 ciliata. w. ciliated. —— _ 1815. 5.7. G.h. 5 spicata. p.s. spiked. ———_- — — Gh. 6 erinoides. s.s. Erinus-leaved. -———— 1816. 5.11. G.}. de 7 fruticosa. B.M. frutescent. ——_——- — — G.f. Botan. magaz. 1970. 8 cordata. s.s. heart-leaved. ——— 1774. 7.8. G.h. SELAGO. S.S. SeLaco. Didynamia Gymnospermia. L. 1 canescens. s.s. canescent. C. B.S. 1812. 7.11. G.h. 2 diffusa. s.s. spreading. ——- 1807. 7.8. G.h. 3 spinea. L.en. refiex-leaved. ————— 1816. —— G.}. 4 ovata. 8.8. - oval-headed.. ———— 1774. 6.7. G.h. Botan. magaz. 186. 5 spicata. s.s. spiked. ——-_ 1815. — G.Fh. 6 ramulosa. s.s. branching. ——_ —-_ 6.9. Gh. 7 bracteata. s.s. - imbricate-bract’d.—_—_—_——_ 1816. —— G.h. 8 dentata. s.s. round-leaved. -————- -—— —— G.}. 9 polygaloides. s.s. Milkwort-like. ———— 1807. 7.11. G.h. 10 rapunculoides.s.s. Rampion-like. -———— 1815. —— G.fh. “ 11 fasciculata. s.s. cluster-flower’'d -———— 1774. 6.7. G.h. Botan. regist. 184. 12 lucida. v. shining-leaved. ——-—— 1812. ——- G.h. Venten. maim. t. 10. 13 rotundifolia. s.s. round-leaved. —-—— 1816. 7.9. G.h. . 14 corymbosa. s.s. fine-leaved. ——— 1699. —— G.h. Comm.hort. 2. t. 40, 15 spuria. s.s. linear-leaved. —-—— 1779. 7.10. G2. sisi ORDO CXXXIII. MYOPORINZE. Brown prodr, p. 514. MYOPORUM. B.P. Myororvum. Didynamia Angiospermia. S82: 1 ellipticum. B.P. smooth-leaved. N.S. W. 1789. 1.3. Goh. Andr. reposit.283. Pogonia glabra. a.R. 2 acuminatum. B.p. acuminate. ——— 1812, se+- G.k. 3. montanum. B.P. mountain. ———_ 1822. 2.6. G.h. 4 parvifolium. B.p,- small-leaved. N.Holland. 1803. 3. 9. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1691. 5 debile. B.p. procumbent. N.S.W. 1793. 5.8. G.h. -—————-—— 1630. 6 diffusum. B.P. diffuse. N. Holland. «+++ 82. Gh. 7 tuberculatum.s.P. 8 viscosum. B,P. 9 crassifolium. $3.8. ‘a ag wroponttkv tubercled. N. Holland. 1803. 5. 8. G. b. viscid. - GL. thick-leaved. | N. Zealand. 1822. —— G.h. - 10 oppositifolium. s.s. opposite-leav’d. N. Holland. 1803. 1.12. G.h. STENOCHILUS, _B.P. STENOCHILUs. 1 glaber. B.P. - 2 maculatus. BR. BONTIA. S.S. daphnoides. s.s. _ A PF; bagpipe BP. _ACANTHACE, Brown mn pode; l. P. 472. Beate ra ACANTHUS. S.S. ® 1 mollis. w. 2 niger. L.en- 3 spinosus. B.Me 4 spinosissimus. P.S. 5 carduifolius, s.s. 6 ilicifolius. s.s. BLEPHARIS, J. 1 capensis. s.s. 2 furcata. s.s. 3 procumbens. s.s. THUNBERGIA. SS, 1 grandiflora. s.s. 2 fragrans. s.s, 3 cordata. C.R. 4 capensis. s.s. 5 alata. B.M. Didynamia Angiospermia. 5.8. smooth-leaved. N.Holland. 1803. 1.12. G.h. spott’d-flow’r’d. — 1820. 4.8. bs fide ? Bonita. Didynamia Angiospermia. Ls Barbadoes. W. Indies. 1690.° 6. — s. he AvicenniA. © Didynamia Angiospermia. L. downy-leaved., India. 1793. eoecd Ph 7 A ORDO CXXXIV. he BEARS-BREECH.. Didynamie Angiospermia. oo soft-leaved. Italy. 1548, 7.9. H.d. shining-leaved. Portugal... ee -—— Hy. prickly-leaved. S. Europe. 1629. ——- H.%. white-spined. .-————-~ —— ——'H.}. Cape. . C. B.S..- 1816. —— G.2%. Holly. leaved. E.Indies.. 1759. :++>+ S.h- BLEPHARISs. Didynamia Angiospermia. P.S. simple-spined. €. B.S. 1816. 5.9. Gshe fork-spined. —— — 6.8. .G.h-. procumbent. | - 1825. —— G.h. THUNBERGIA, Didynamia Angiospermia.:S.S.«. large-flowered. E: Indies. 1822. 3.8. white Indian. 1796. heart-leaved. Brazil. 1823. 3.8. Cape. . ‘C3 B. S. 1816. bom G.h ae winged. Zanzebar. 1825. 1.12. 6 angulata. H.E.F. angular-stalk’d. Mauritius. 1824. 5.8. S.h.T. 7 coccinea. D.P. scarlet-flow’r’d. Nepaul. — 6.2. Sh. BARLERIA. 8.S. BaRLERIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. L. |. 1 buxifolia. s.s. Box-leaved. E. Indies. -1763. 6.7..8.h. 2 Prionitis. s.s. ~ thorny... —— .1759...7.8. S.h. 8 longifolia. s.s. long-leaved. 1781. 7.9. S.d.- 4 cristata. 8.s. - crested. : 1796. 4.9. S.h. 5 alba. B.c. white-flowered. —————__ 1818. —— S.h. 6 flava. s.s. yellow-flow’r’d. Arabia. 1816. —— S.h. mitis. B.R.191. Justicia flava. w. Eranthemum flavum. w.en> 7 longiflora, s.s. long-flowered. E.Indiess -—— 6.9. S.h» 8 purpurea, B.C. purple. 1817. —— S.h. 9 dichotoma. H.B. _—forked. 1823.' —— S.h. 10 ceerulea. H.B. blue-flowered. = ———— —— S.h. HYGROPHILA. B.P. HyGropuita. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. ringens. S.s. gaping-flow’r’d. E.Indies. 1807. 7.8. Sh. RUELLIA. 8.S. Ruewiia. Didynamia Angiospermia, L. 1 ocymoides. s.s, Basil-like. Mexico. 1815. 7.8 S.h. 2 ciliata. s.s. fringed. - E. Indies, 1806. —— S.h. 3 australis. s.s. New Holland. N.S. W. . 1820. 6.9. G.h. 4 foetida. s.s. strong-scented. Mexico. 1824. —— G.h. 5 biflora. s.s. two-flowered. Carolina. 1765. 7. Gud. 6 violacea. s.s. violet-flowered. Guiana. 1822. 6.9. S.2. 7 salicifolia. s.s. Willow-leaved. E. Indies. .—— ++ S.h. 8 ovata. s.s. oval-leaved. Mexico. 1800. 7.8. S.2, 9 patula. s,s. spreading. E. Indies. 1774. —— S.h: A AASIAL? Aeeusas wan 5 + Sais eae ap wy tieakQ * « }. othe ka tiled 8 Both: magaz, 1942. Botan. regist. 617. ne Dill. elth. ¢:49. £. 57. Palisot. d’Owai, t. 47, . , pe - i ? 2 3 é Esk % fy Pa we Os 4 Lam, ie te 550. ~" Botan. magaz. 1808. Rheed, mal. 2. t.48. iviky S.._. Botan. regists 495. : 5.9. S.h.. Botan. magaz. 1881. S.h.~- Colle h. rips sa Dy S.hw. Botan. magaz. ‘2591. Hook. ex. flor. 166. CT ee: cane Rheed. mee 2. t a —_———_— 9. t. 41. Pluk. alm. t. 133. f..4. Botan. magaz. 1615. Lodd. bot. cab. 360. Jacq. f. ecl. t. 46. Vahl symb. 1. t. 16. Lodd. bot. cab. 344. Cavan. i ic. 5. t. 456. Cavan. i ic. 6. ti 586. f.1. > «th. {LPO VLE 2 Cavani.ic. 3. t:-254. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 119. 10 anisorbylla, 8 H.E.F. persicifolia, B.R. 955. ‘© 11 formosa.s.s...... 12 macrophylla, s.s. 13 tuberosa. s.s. ; 14 strepens..s.s. 15 lactea. s.s. 16 clandestina, s.s.. 17. paniculata..s;s.. 18 fulgida. s.s.. .. ». 19 undulata. s,s. 20 hirta, s.s. iis 21 pubescens. P.s.._ 22 tetragona. s.s. 23 longifolia.s.s. 24 cernua. H.B. | BLECHUM. B.P. 1 Brownei. s.s. 2 laxiflorum. s.s. . APHELANDRA.B.P. | cristata, s.s. CROSSANDRA. P. Ss. undulefolia. p.L. | PHAYLOPSIS. we Digae | longifolia. B.M .. 2 imbricata. | crlgle: We _ ELYTRARIA. RS. _ 1 crenata. R.s. 2 lyrata. R.s. 3 virgata. R.S. _ 4 ramosa. K.S8. JUSTICIA. RS. 1 bicalyculata. R.S. 2 hispida. R.s. 3 Ecbolium. R.s. 4 thyrsiflora. F.1. 5 vitellina. F.1. 6 alba. F.1. 7 coccinea. R.s. . S echioides. R.s. 9 quadrifida. r.s. virgularis, P.L. 10 pumila. R.s.. AL nigricans. R.8. 12 nitida. R.s. 13 bracteolata. R.3 14 picta. R.s. a alba. | B lurido-sanguinea. | 15 paniculata. R.s. | 16 salicina. R.s. | 17 secunda. R.s. 18 geniculata. 8.M. | 19 ciliaris. r,s. | 20 lucida. r,s. | 21 salviceflora, R.s. | 22 Gandarussa. R.S. .§| 23 carthaginensis. R.s. | 24 pedunculosa. Rs. americana. W. | 25 procumbens. R.S. _ 26 quinquangularis-F.t. | 27 comata. R.s. | 28 eustachiana, R.S3. ACANTHACEE, unequal-leaved. E. Indies. 1823. 9.4. S.f2.. _ splendid. . Brazil. . 1808. 6.9. S.h. large-leaved. §. America. 1820. —— 8.h. - tuberous-root’d. Jamaica. 1752. 7. 8.. S.2. whorl-flowered. N. America, 1726. —— G.2}. white. Mexico. 1796. 6.8. G.%. » three-flowered. Barbadoes. 1728. 7.8. S.2. *, panicled. ‘W. Indies. 1768. 8.10.S.7. bright-flower’d. - — 1804. 7.8. S.%. wave-leaved, E. Indies. 1817, —— S.%. _ hairy. aeons oo) pee Se). pubescent. C. B.S. . 1816. 5.7. Gh. . four-sided, Brazil. 1818. 6.9. S.%. long-leaved. E.Indies. 1821. —— S.h. cernuous. —_ — _ — Sh. BLEcHUM. Didynamia Angiospermia..S.S._, dense-spiked. W.Indies. 1780. 6. S.%. loose-flowered. ————— 1822. 6.8. S.%. APHELANDRA. Didynamia Angiospermia. S.S. dense-spiked. W.Indies. 1733. 6.9. ‘S. b. Ruellia cristata. A.R. 506. Justicia pulcherrima. L. CrossanvRA. Didynamia Angiospermia. wave-leaved. E.Indies. 1800. 6.1. S.h. Ruellia infundibuliformis. a.R..542. Harrachia speciosa. Jacq. ecl. t.21- PuHaytopsis. Didynamia Angiospermia. W. _long-leaved., Sierra Leon. 1822. 3.5. S.h. imbricated. | Mauritius. -——- —— S.}. fEitheilema imbricata. 8.8 rai arate: Didyriamia Angiospermia, W. crested. E. Indies. 1817. 5.8. 8S... - ELYTRARIA. Diandria Hoe 'S.S. notched-leav’d. E. Indies. 1819. 11.2. S.2. shining-leaved. W. Indies. 1795. Sage-flowered. Mexico. .. 1823. nnn Mnnnnnnnnnnnnnna mn lyrate-leaved. ————._ 1825. +--+ S.}. twiggy. Carolina. 1813. 7. H.%. branching. Mexico. 1825. -++- Gi. Justicia. Diandria Monogynia. L. cm came Malabar, . E.Indies. 1785. §.10..S.©. hispid. Sierra Leon.1824. 4.8. S.h. long-spiked. E.Indies. 1759. 3.8. S.h. thyrse-flower’d. ————— 1812. 5.9. S.h. reflex-leaved. ———— 1818. —— S.h. white-flowered. —————_ 1816. 4.8. S.h.. scarlet. S. America, 1770. 12.4. S.h. Echium-like. E.Indies. 1812. 6.9. S.©. twiggy. | Mexico. 1795. 3.9. S.h. dwarf. S. America. 1820. -— S.h. black-striped. China. 1819. 6.9. h. glossy. W. Indies. 1790. 3.9. S.h. bracteolate. Caracas. 1824. 6.8 h. painted. ~ /E,Indies; 1780. 7.8. S.h. white-marked. ~ ~—~—-—— —— —— S.h. purple-leaved. ——. 1815. — S.h. panicled... | —————~, 181l. -— S.%.; Willow-like. ' Peru. ~° 1819, —— he side-flowering. W.Indies. 1793. 5.9. S.h. jointed-stalked.. -—————. 1822. 7.10.,S.h.. ciliated. .: Cumana.. 1780. 7.8 ©. i Willow-leaved. E. Indies... 1800. 6.7. h. Carthagenian. Carthagena. 1792. —— S.h. eae: N. America. 1759. 7.8. H.%. procumbent. - E. Indies. “1798. — S.%. five-angled. ———— 1820. —— S.z. Balsam-herb. Jamaica. 1795. —— zy. Eustachian. St.Eustachia.1799. 8.9 S.h. pe Hook, ex. flor. rasa ! Botan. magaz.: 3400. tr © Vahl symb. 2.:t..39. ;: | Sloan. jam. 1. t.95. fa Schk. hand. 2. t..177. © Cavan. ic, 3. t. 255. - Dill. elth. t. 248, -f. mm » Botan. regist. 585. Andr. Reposity 527. = Vahl symb. 3. t. 6r. 7 Rumph.amb.3. t.23.f.1. Sloan. jam.1. t.109. ful. Botan. magaz. 1578. : Botan. regist.69. : _ Botan, magaz. 2433. Roxb, corom. 2, ts 127. é) Mich. pools esa t. Lk. >a & , Cavan. i ic. 1. ti 71. ; Botan. magaz, 1817.. 18% _ Botan. magaz. 432. - Rheed, mal. 9.:t. 46. . Sal. par. lond, 50. ; Andr. reposit. 570. Jacq. ic. t. 205. Rheed. mal. 6. t. 60. Botan. magaz. 1870. Jacq. f. eclog. t. 34. Botan. magaz. 2060. Jacq. vind, 2. t, 104. ' Botan. Tongan 1014. a Botan. regist. 635. 797. Botan. magaz. 2367. . Pluck. alm. t..56, f. 3. Sloan. jam.1, t.103. f,2. Jacq. amer. pict, t. 5. ~~ 0C~C~ : OROBANCHE.S.S. Broom-rape. Didynamia Acivtosborenie Le final Ov 1 major. E.B. greater. Britain. «++ 6.7. H.Y. Eng. bot. 421, ine 1% 2 elatior. E.B. ‘taller, ee te oS 8. 7 Yi ae FOB Sig Sy 3 minor. E.B. smaller. ———— eee Hibs) eee 422eifii49 4 rubra. £.B. red. Ireland. = «+-- gait H.yY. ———— 1786. | 5 cerulea. E.B. blue. Britain. eeee 7, H.y%. ——-——.423.. 6 ramosa. E.B. branching. a coos 68,9. HH}. aera 184, aes es | LENTIBULARIA. Brown prodr. 1. p. 429. PINGUICULA. L. BuTTerRwort. Diandria Monogynia. L. 1 vulgaris. s.s. common. Britain. vere 5.) How. ¥t. Eng. bot. 70.) 2 alpina. s.s. - Alpine. ~~ Europe. 1794. 4. H.w.2. Flor. dan. t. 453. 3 grandiflora. s.s. great-flowered.: Ireland. veee 5.6. How... Eng. bot. 2184. — 4 lusitanica. s.s. pale. . Britain. -e++ 6.7. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 145. 5 lutea. B.R. yellow. Carolina. 1816. —— H.w.2. Botan. regist. 126. 6 edentula. H.£.F. toothless. N.America.1821. 4.5. H.w.2/. Hook. ex. flor. 16. UTRICULARIA. L. Hoopev Mitrorr. Diandria Monogynia. L. 1 vulgaris. E.B. © common. Britain. coos 7 HY. Eng. bot. 253. 2 intermedia. E.B. intermediate. Ireland. cooe ——— HY. ———— 2489. 3 minor, E.B. - lesser. Britain. cose =e HL. 254. - 4 ORDO CXXXVII. PRIMULACE. Brown prodr. p. 427. CYCLAMEN. L. Cyciamen., Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 coum. R.s. green, round-ld, S. Europe. 1596. 1.4. H.%. Botan, magaz. 4. 2 vernum. B.F.G. spring. —— 1814. 2.5. H.%. 3 europzum., R.S. round-leaved. Europe. 1596. 7.8. H.%. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 401. 4 persicum. R.s. Persian, Cyprus. 1731.,2.4. G.%. Botan. magaz. 44. a inodorum. scentless, ——_ — — G.x. B odoratum. sweet-scented. ———— —— —— G.%. y albifiorum. pure white. —— —- —— _ G.y.. 5 hederefolium. £.8. Ivy-leaved. Britain. ‘oor 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot.1001. . @ purpurascens. ___ purplish-flower’d. ————~ ---- —— H.2. mis veead B albidum. white-flowered. ———— <-*++ —— .H.%. viieviod ve 6 neapolitanum..1.n. Neapolitan. Naples. 1826. —— H.¥%. 7 repandum. rF.c. angular-leaved. Greece. -se+ 3.4. F.4. Swt. br. fl. gar. 117. 8 latifolium. r.c. _broad-leaved. —-——~— 1823. «++. F.¥. Flor. grec, t.185. | 9 linearifolium. r.s. linear-leaved. S. France. 1824. +*-- F.y. DC.ic. gall. rar.1. t.8. DODECATHEON. L. American Cowstrp. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Meadia. r,s. Mead’s. Virginia. 1744. 4.6. H.¥%. Botan. magaz. 12, B albifiora. “s white-flowered. ——— 1820. —— H.%. SOLDANELLA. R.S. Sotpanetna. Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 montana. R.s. mountain. Bohemia. 1816. 4. H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. U1. 2 alpina. R.s. Alpine. Switzerland.1656. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 49. 3 minima. R.s. small. Carp.mount.1820. —— H.%. 4 pusilla. Baum. lesser. S. Europe. 1824.. —— H.}. CORTUSA. L. BEARS-EAR SANICLE. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Mathioli. r,s. short calyxed. Austria. 1596. 4.6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 987. PRIMULA. L. PRIMROSE. Pentandria Monogynia. L. . 1 prenitens. B.R. glossy. China. 1820. 1.12. F.%. Botan. regist. 539. sinensis. L.C. non Lour. | 2 cortusoides. R.s. Cortusa-leaved. Siberia. 1794. 5.7. H.%. Botan. magaz. 399. 3 dentiflora. a.r. tooth-flowered. — soos ——— H.%. Andr. reposit. 451. . 4 suaveolens. R.s. sweet-scented. Naples. 1826. —— H.¥. Ten. fi.neap, 1. t. 13. Columne. T.N. i 5 inflata, R.s. bellied-calyxed. Hungary. 1824. —— H. . 6 brevistyla. R.s. short-styled. France. see- —— H.¥ "8B versicolor, — various-coloured. ————— -+-- -—— H.}%. 7 veris. R.s. Cowslip. Britain. esos 5.6. HY. Eng. bot.5. B rubra, red cowslip. ————— ere -—— HY. 330 8 acaulis. rR.s. vulgaris. E.B. 6B albo-plena. y sulphureo-plena. 3 cupreo-plena. € salmoneo-plena. Z lilacino-plena. n rubro-plena. S purpureo-plena. 9 elatior. R.s. B polyantha. y calycantha. Perreiniana. R.s. Fluggeana. Lehm. Pallasii. r.s. Auricula. R.S. B lutea. y calycantha. d integerrima. € hortensis. Palinuri. R.s. Balbisii. r.s. marginata. B.M. crenata. R.S. 16 longiflora. R.s. 17 longifolia. p.m. auriculata. R.S. 18 farinosa. R.s. 19 scotica. s.s. 20 stricta. R.s. ' Hornemanniana. 8.8. 21 davurica. R.s. intermedia. B.M. 22 pusilla. s.s. | 23 finmarchica. R.Ss. 24 nivalis. R.s. 25 viscosa. Rs. 26 integrifolia. R.s. 27 Simsii. 11 12 13 14 15 villosa B flore albo. B.M. 28 nivea. F. nivalis. Hort. nec aliorum. . 29 helvetica. B.c. 30. pubescens. R.s. _ villosa. B.M. 14, NON Jacq. 31 villosa. R.s. .32 ciliata. R.s. decora. B.M. 1922. 33 glutinosa. R.s.' 34 minima. R.s. ANDROSACE. L. 1 maxima. R.Ss. 2 elongata. R.5. ‘3 mana. RSs. 4 septentrionalis. R.s. 5 coronopifolia. A.R.- lactiflora, R.s. 6 filiformis. R.s. 7 villosa. R.s. 8 chamejasme. R.8. 9 lactea. R.s.. 10 carnea. R.S. Al obtusifolia., R.s. ARETIA. W. 1 helvetica. w. 2 argentea. Androsace argented. R.8.. 3 alpina. w.- 4 Vitaliana. w. PRIMULACE. common. Britain. soos 3.5. HY. double-white. treeceee coco ——— He, double-sulphur, 4e+%++e0 eee =-— H.W. double-copper, = sessevee cove ——— HF. double-salmon. epeeseeroe e@eee eS H.2%. double-lilac. eseereee eovee ——— H,, double Scotch. tnecceee, ceoe ——— HY. double dark purple. +++++e+- sess —— H.%. Oxlip. Britain. coos =—-—— HX. Polyanthus. seesecee coos ——— HY. coloured-calyxed. *+++++s + sooo ~—— H.2/. Perrein’s. Spain. cose ——— HX, Pallas’s. Altay. 1820. -—— H.%. Auricula. Switzerland.1596. 4.5. H.. yellow-flowered, —————- —— —— H.. yellow-calyxed. ——~— «++ —— H,%. entire-leaved. soos —— H,. garden. iy ai eae abe e wwoe p ESSE H.Y. unequal-bract’d. Palinuri. 1816. —— H.}. Balbis’s. Italy. 1826. —— H.%. silver-edged. Switzerland.1777. 3.4. H.%. long-flowered. — 1818. 4.6. H.x. long-leaved.. Levant. 1790. 4.5. H.y. Bird’s-eye. Britain. oe bail ls Te” abs Scotch bird’s-eye. Scotland. -+-- 7. H.w. Horneman’s. N.Europe. 1822, 6.7. H.2. Siberian bird’s-eye.Davuria. 1806. 5.6. H.2. American bird’s-eye.N.America.1819. — H.2. Norwegian. Norway. 1798. —— H.2. showy mountain. Davuria. 1790. 4.5. H.2. clammy. Piedmont. 1792. 4. H.%. entire-leaved. Pyrenees..5 —— 6.7. H.2%. Sims’s. Switzerland. +---- 4.6, H.2%. snowy white. Siberia. coos me HLH. Swiss. Switzerland.1790. ——~ H.2. pubescent. Pyrenees. 1768. —— H.2. villous. S. Europe. —— —— H.2. ciliated. Switzerland..-.- —— H,. glutinous. S. Europe. 1820. —— H.2. smallest. Switzerland.1819. 4.5. H.2L. ANpROSACE. Pentandria Monogynia. L. oval-leaved. Austria, 1597. 3.6. H.©. cluster-flow’r’d. ——-—— 1776. 4.5. H.©. dwarf. -S. Europe. 1825. —— H.©. tooth-leaved. Russia. 1755. —— H.©. -Buckshorn-lg. Siberia. 1806. 6.9. H. 2g. filiform. — 1823. —— H.©. villous. Pyrenees. 1790. 6.7. H.2. grass-leaved. Austria, 1768. 6.8. H,y- white-flowered. — 1752. —— H.x. awl-leaved. Switzerland.1768. 7.8. H.2. blunt-leaved. _ 1820. —— H.y. AreETIA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. imbricated. Switzerland.1775. 5.6. H.2. silvery. — 1826. —— H.». linear-leaved. — 1775. —— H.%. grass-leaved. .Pyrenees. 1787. —— H.2. Primula sedifolia. P.L. 107. Androsace Vitaliana, R.s. ~ Eng. bot. 4. Botan. magaz. 229. Eng. bot. 518. Flugg. an.mus.12. t.87. - Botan. regist.896.._- Jacq. aust. 5, t.415, Trattin. tabul. t. 431. — —- t. 432. Swt. br. fl. gar. 8. Moret.fl.vicent.p.7. ic. Botan. magaz. 191. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 46. Botan. magaz. 392. Eng. bot. 6. Hook. fl. lond. t. 133. Flor. dan. t. 1385. Botan. magaz. 1219. Hook. ex. flor. t. 68. Flor. dan. t. 188. Pall. it.3. app. t.9. f. 2. Trattin. tabul. t. 434. Botan. magaz. 942. ————__--—. 1161. Lodd. bot. cab. 348. _ Trattin. tabul, t. 427. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 27. Jacq. aust. t. 26. Botan. regist. 581. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 331. ——_—_—_——__-—4. ts 330. Botan. magaz. 2021. Andr. reposit. 647. Gmel. sib, 4. t.44. f. 4, Botan. magaz. 743. Lodd. bot. cab. 232. Botan. magaz. 868. _ Lodd. bot. cab. 40. All. ped. 1, t. 46. f.1. Schk. hand. 1. t. 32. Lap. pyr. ic. ined. t,67. Jacq. aust.5. app. t.18. Lodd. bot, cab. 166. |GLAUX.L. | maritima. R.s. TRIENTALIS. W. 1 europea. Ww. 2 americana. Ph. -CORIS. L. monspeliensis. L. HOTTONITA. L. ~ palustris. E.B. LYSIMACHIA. L. vulgaris. R.S. Ephemerum. R.s. 3 atropurpurea. R.s. 4 dubia. r,s. 5 stricta. R.s. 6 7 8 bo = bulbifera. B.M. racemosa. M. ) capitata. R.s. thyrsiflora. R.s. quadrifolia, R.s. hirsuta. M. 9 longifolia. R.s. quadrifiora. B.M. 10 verticillata. r.s. 11 ciliata. R.s. 12 punctata. R.s. ' 13 angustifolia. r.s. 14 hybrida. R.s. 15 nemorum. R.s. 16 maculata. B.P. 17 Nummularia. r.s, /LUBINIA.S5.S. atropurpurea. s.s. ASTEROLINON. Lk. stellatum. L.en. BLACK-SALTWORT. Pentandria idiot L. sea-side. Britain. 5.6. H.y. WINTER-GREEN. Heptandria Monogynia. L, eeee oval-leaved. — Britain. eoee 5.6. HX. spear-leaved. N.America.1816. 7.8. H.}. Corts. Pentandria Monogynia. L. Montpelier. S.Europe. 1640. 6.7. G.g. WATER-VIOLET. Pentandria Monogynia. L. marsh. England. ---- 7.8 H.w.2. LoosE-sTRIFE. Pentandria Monogynia. L. common. Britain. sess) 7.9. Hi. Willow-leaved. Spain. 1730. —— H.%. dark purple. Levant. ooee —— HO. purple-flow’r’d, 1759. —— H.é. upright. N.America.1781. 7.8. H.. headed. age 5, Te, Aas tufted. England. - 5.7. H.%. four-leaved. N. America. 1798. 718) HI, long-leaved. —_——_ — — H.. whorl-leaved. Hungary. 1818. 6.8. H.2. ciliated, N. America. 1732. —— H.y. punctated. S. Europe. 1658. 7.8. H.%. narrow-leaved. N.America. 1803. 7.9. H.%. hybrid. — 1806. —— H.%. wood. Britain. soe- 5.7. H.2. spotted. N.S. W. 1822. —— G.». Moneywort. Britain. ores 6.7. H.. LuBiniA. Pentandria Monogynia. S.S. dark-purple. C.B.S. 1823. 7.9. H.%. ASTEROLINON. Pentandria Monogynia. L.en. Lysimachia Linum-stellatum. F.G. ANAGALLIS. L. ‘1 arvensis. E.B. pheenicea. B.S. 2 carnea. Schl. 3 indica. B.F.G. 4 cerulea. R.s. 5 collina. R.s. Sruticosa. B.M. grandiflora, A.R. 367+ 6 latifolia. r.s. 7 Monelli. r,s. 8 linifolia. R.s. _ 9 tenella. R.s. ‘CENTUNCULUS. L. | minimus. E.B. ?SAMOLUS. B.P. 1 Valerandi. E.B. 2 littoralis. B.P. 3 campanuloides. s.s. Campanulalike. C. B. S. _ Campanula porosa, w. starry. Italy. 1658. 6. H.©. PIMPERNELL. Pentandria Monogynia. L. red-flowered. Britain. cree 6.9. H.O.7 flesh-coloured. Switzerland. —- --— H.©. Indian. E. Indies. 1824. —— H.©. blue-flowered. Britain. ooe- —— H.O. large-flowered. Morocco. 1803. 5.7. G.d. broad-leaved. Spain. 1759. —— G.¢. blue Italian. _ Italy. 1648. 5.9. G.2. Flax-leaved. Portugal. 1796. 6.7. G.%. bog. Britain. vee- 7,8. HY. BAsTARD PIMPERNELL. Tetrandria Monogynia. least. Britain. cose 6.7. HO. BROOK-WEED. Pentandria Monogynia. L. common. * Britain. sees 6.8. H,Y, sea-side. N.S. W. 1806. 7.9. G.%. 1816. LeRGNDATS rth. ORDO CXXXVIII. 4 33l Eng. bot. 13. q : ; Eng. bot. 15. Botan. regist. 536. Eng. bot. 364. Eng. bot. 761. Murr. c. gott.1782. t.2. Hook. ex. flor. 180? Flor. grec. t. 188. Botan. magaz. 104. Eng. bot. 176. Lam. ill. 1. t.101. f. 2. Botan. magaz. 660. Swt. br. fl. gar. 21. Wachend. hort. t. 12. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 366. — Eng. bot. 527. bye Eng. bot. 528. Link et Ot. h. ber. t.27. Flor, grec. t. 189. Eng. bot. 529. Swt. br. fl. gar. 32, Eng. bot. 1823. - Botan. magaz. $31. 2389. Tl” Ga Oe aa ee 319, Moris. s. 5. t. 26. f. 3. Eng. bot. 530. — aa L. . Eng. bot. 531, Eng. bot. 7Q3. Lab. n, holl. t. t 54. GLOBULARIE. DC. fl. fr. ed. 3. v. 3. p.427. 'GLOBULARIA. L. 1 longifolia. w. salicina. R.S. 2 Alypum. r.s. 8B integrifolia. GLoBULARIA. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. Willow-leaved. Madeira. 1775. 7.8. G.h. three-toothed. S.Europe. 1640. 8.9. G.h. entire-leaved. —— vrs —— GR. 2U2 Botan. regist. 685. Garid., aix. t. 42. Roem. etUst.b.m.7. t.5. “= 9 bellidifolia.r.s. _Daisy-leaved.. Italy. 1824. - +7 332 GLOBULARLE. 3 linifolia. x RS. Flax-leaved. — Seabee ot 1818. 5.6. H.¥, 7 4 ft 5 spinosa. R. 8. prickly-leaved: Spain. oo —_ —— F.%y. “ae ees ’ rv aii 6 cordifolia. R.s. wedge-leaved. Germany. 1633. 6.7. H.4. Swt. br. fl. gar. 84. q 7 nana. R.S. dwarf. _§. France. 1818. ——H.¥%. DC. gal.rar.1.t.3._ $8 nudicaulis. R.s. naked-stalked. Germany. 1629, —— a J oon aust. 3. b 230. “eee SuncLassis IV. eee OnN ‘ORDO CXXXIX. PLUMBAGINEA. Brown prodr. 1. p. 425. STATICE. T. Turirt. Pentandria Pentagynia. 7 . 1 vulgaris, common, . Europe. eoes 6.8. H.%. Schk. handb. t. 87. . Armeria vulgaris. R.8. gs . ; Baste) . 2 arenaria. P.s. sand. France. cose 5,8. H.%. pirat 3 alpina. flattish-stalked. Carinthia. -+++. -—— H.%. 4 littoralis. ciliate- leaved. Portugal. ---- —— H.}. aes Armeria littoralis, R.8.. i \ PRAM, 5 maritima. mill. sea-side. Britain. +++ 5.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 226. Armeria. E.B. Armeria maritima. R.3. ai yee nn. 6 humilis. p.s. dwarf. Portugal. oven —— HY. Y ch ek ae ‘ 7 juniperifolia. w. | Juniper-leaved. Spain. 1818. — H.y. Quer. hisp.6. t.15. f.1. 8 pinifolia. Brot. Pine-leaved. Portugal. cooe —— HY. af ow 9 pungens. Brot. . pungent-leav’d, —_-——-__ ---- —— H.y%. pate 10 alliacea. w. Garlic-leaved. Spain. 1798. 5.6. H.%. Cavan, ie. 2. t. 109. 11 scorzonerifolia. spear-leaved. §, Europe. 1816. —— H.}. ot _ Armeria scorzonerifolia. s.s. ; 12 denticulata. pert. tooth-leaved. Italy. — -—— H.4. mane 13 latifolia. broad-leaved. Portugal. 1740. 5.7. H.%. Jacq, vind.1. t. 42. cephalotes.H.K. Armeria latifolia. R.S- ' 14 plantaginea. Plantain-leav’d. §. Europe. 1816. 5.6. H.2. . 16 dianthoides. B.F.G. Pink-like. ———._ 1824, 5.7. H.y. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. Armeria dianthoides. s.s. . ! = 16 hirta. hairy. Gibraltar. 1818. -—— H.%. : _Armeria hirtu. Rs. ~ =a aie Saadeh “17 fasciculata. p.s bundle-leaved. Portugal. «--. 4,8. H.h. Venten. cels. t. 38. TAXANTHEMA. 'B. P.Sea LAVENDER. Pentandria Pentagynia. . 1 graminifolia. r.s. Grass-leaved. Siberia. 1780. 6.7. H.%. . wee aa 2 Limonium. ks. common. England. ---- 5.8. H.%. Eng. bot.102, Statice Limonium. E.B. . . 5 3 elata. s.s. tall. Siberia. 1824. —— H.». wesc ah) a 4 Gmelini. R.s. Gmelin’s. ———— _ 1796. 6.8. H.¥%. Gmel. sib. 2. t. 90. 5 carolimiana. R.S. Carolina. N.America. 1824, —— H.2. : 6 scoparia. R.s. Broom. Siberia. 1796. —— H.%. : 7 latifolia. R.s. broad-leaved. ———— 1791. 5.7. H.%. Hoff. c. gott.1796. t. I 8 purpurata. R.S. purple. C. B.S. 1800. 6.7. G.%. . 9 bellidifolia. R.s. Daisy-leaved. Greece. 1823. —— G.2. - 10 globulariefolia. r.s. Globularia-l¢. §. Europe. —— -—— F.%. Flor. grec. t. 296. 11 olezfolia. R.s. Olive-leaved. Italy. 1688. 5.8. H.y%. Lobel. ic. p. 295. f. 2. — 12 Willdenowiana. Willdenow’s. §S. France. 1804. 6.8. H.¥%. Willd. h. ber. t.63. ~ Statice spathulata. W. non Desf. ; ; 13 auriculefolia. R.s. Auricula-l4, . Barbary. 1781. 7.8. F.%. Des 2) ei ae 14 incana. R.s. hoary. Levant. 1823. —— H.%. . Gmel. it. 2. t.34. 1 15 spathulata. R.s. spatula-leaved. Barbary. 1804. 6.8. F.%. Botan. magaz.1617. ~ 16 cordata. R.s. retuse-leaved. §.Europe. 1752. 5.7. F.%. Barrel. ic. 805.. 17 emarginata. R.s. | emarginate. Gibraltar. +++. —— F.2. . 5 18 caspia. R.s. Caspian. Siberia. coos 7.8. Hi. Gmel. sib. 2. t.89. £25 19 scabra. R.s. rough-branch’d. C, B.S. 1788. 5.7. G.%. . 20 tetragona. R.8. square-stalked. -————-. 1816. ——- G.2. PLUMBAGINER. * 838 21 reticulata. R.s. matted. England. -+++ 7.8, H.%. Eng. bot. 328. . |. Statice reticulatu. E.B. ; Pat yh, ps Jot sap siete, 22 dichotoma. R.s. forked. Spain. . 1818. ——~ H.%. Cavan. ic. 1. t.50. 23 virgata. a twiggy. gk OE. | ed ns: Ya ae ig 24 viminea.R.s. slender. tte be eT B2S.) EEO. ear 25 echioides. R.S. rough-leaved. S. pareey 1752. 7.8. F.%. Flor. gree. t.298. 26 speciosa. B.F.c. _ _Plantain-leav’d. Russia. 1776. —— H.4. Swt. br. fl. gar, 105. tatice speciosa. B.M. 656. 27 conspicua. R.s. conspicuous. 1804. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 1629. Statice conspicua. B.M. M 28 tatarica. B.F.G. Tartarian. _———— 1731. 6.7; H.y. Swt. br. fi. gar. 37. 29 flexuosa. R.S. zigzag. Siberia. 1791. ° 7.8. .H.%. Gmel. sib. 2. t.89. f.12 30 minuta. R.s. small. S.Europe. 1658. 6.7. H.%. Boce. sic. t.13. f.3. 31 pectinata. R.s. triangular-stalk’d. Canaries. 1780. 9.10. F.2p. a all 32 macrophylla.s.s. large-leaved. ———— 1816. 7.9. F.2. , 33 suffruticosa. R.s. mnarrow-leaved. Siberia. 1779. .5.9. H.%. Gmel. sib.2. t.88. f.2.3. 34 monopetala. r.s. Sicilian shrubby.Sicily. 1731. 7.8. F.h. Bocce. sic. t.16.17. . 35 ferulacea. R.s. Fennel-like. Siberia. 1796. 5. H.%. Moris. s.15.t. 1. f. 23. 36 sinuata. R.s. scollop-leaved. Levant. 1629. 5.9. F.4%. Botan, magaz. 71. 37 Thouini. R.s. Thouin’s. Africa. - 6.10.-F.%. Mart. cent. t. $4. 38 alata. R.s. winged. reese + s+ 1806. —— F.2,. 39 egyptiaca. R.s. Egyptian. ' Egypt. 1816. —— F.%. Botan. magaz. 2363. 40 mucronata. R.s. curled. Barbary. 1784. —— F.w. L’Herit. stirp. t.13. PLUMBAGO. L. LeADwortT. | Pentandria Monogynia. L. 1 europea. R.s. European. — S. Europe. 1596. 9.10. H.4%. Botan. magaz. 2139. 2 lapathifolia. r,s. Dock-leaved. Iberia. 1824. —— H.2. a capensis, R.S. ._ blue-flowered. C. B.S. 1818. 9.3. S.k. Botan. regist. 417. 4 tristis. H.K. dark-flowered. _————— 1792. 5.6..G.h. 5 zeylanica. R.S. Ceylon. | E. Indies. 1731. 4.9. S.b&. Rheed. mal. 10. t.8. 6 occidentalis. West Indian. W.Indies. 1817. —— S.h. zeylanica D. R.S. scandens. Hort. Mg 7 rosea. R.S. rose-coloured. E.Indies. 1777. 3.7. S.h. Botan. magaz. 230. 8 scandens. R.s. climbing. Ss W.. Indies. 1699. 7.8. S.h... Jacq. amer. pict. t.13. t PP ORDO CXL. PLANTAGINER. Juss. gen. 89. PLANTAGO.L. PLANTAIN. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 major, R.s. greater. _Britain. eres 5.7. HY. Eng. bot. 1558. 6 rosea, rose-bracted. ———— core —— H.2. 2 asiatica. R.S. _ broad-leaved. Siberia. 1787. 7%. H.%. Gmel. sib. 4. t.37.? 3 Cornuti. R.s. Cornuti’s. S. Europe. 1801. 7.8. H.4%. Corn. canad. p. 163.ic. Gouani, s.s. 4 Brutia. r.s. _ Calabrian. Calabria. 1824. 7.8. H.2%. 5 exaltata. R.s. tallest. teeseees —— —— H.2. ‘ 6 cordata. R.S. heart-leaved. N.America, 1818. —— H.y%. Jacq. f. ecl. t.72. 7 maxima. R.S. hollow-leaved. Siberia. 1763. ——~— H.%. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 26. 8 crassa. S.s. succulent. -S. Europe. 1793. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. col. sup. 34. t.16. crispa. Jacq> bullata. Donn. ° 9 media. R.s. hoary. Britain. ---- 5.7. H.Y. Eng. bot. 1559, 10 camtschatica. s.s. Kamtschatkan. Kamtschatka.1819. —— H.%. 4 11 lanceolata. R.s. Rib-grass. Britain. ---- 5.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 507. 12 sibirica. r.s. Siberian. ' Siberia. 1823. ——— H.%. 13 montana. R.s. mountain. . .§. Europe. =——- ——°H.y. 14 capensis. R.3. Cape. C. B.S. 1788. 5.8. G.%. 15 altissima. R.s. tall. Italy. 1774. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. obs. 4. t. 83. 16 Lagopus. R.s. round-headed, Spain. 1683. —~ H.%. Wein. phyt.4.t.820.f.a. 17 eriostachya. R.s. | woolly-spiked. Naples. 1825. 7.8. H.©. 18 sphzerocephala. R.s. round-headed. Austria. 1774. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. vind. 2. t.125, alpina. Jacq. non L. sa 19 lusitanica. R.s. Portugal. Portugal, 1781. 7.8. H.%. Barrel. ic. t. 745. 20 virginica. R.s, Virginian. N. America. 1688. 6.9. H.©. Moris. s.8.t. 15. f. 8. 334 21 depressa, R.s. 22 sparsiflora. R.s. 23 saxatilis. R.s. 24 sericea. R.S. 25 albicans. R.s. 26 mexicana. s.s. 27 patagonica. R.S. 28 microcephala. R.S. 29 Bellardi. r,s. 30 cretica. R.s. 31 graminea. R.s. 32 maritima. R.s. 33 salsa. RS. 34 crassifolia. R.s. 35 hirsuta. R.s. 36 tumida. L.en, 37 alpina. R.s. 38 tenuiflora. R.s. © 39 recurvata. R.S. Wulfeni. r.s. 41 subulata. R.s. Holosteum. R.s. 43 Coronopus. R.s. 44 Jacquini. r.s. Cornuti. Jacq. 45 Serraria. R.s. 46 macrorhiza. R.S8. 47 Leeflingii. R.s. 48 amplexicaulis. R.S. 49 villosa. R.s. 50 vaginata. R.s. 51 Cynops. R.8. 52 afra. R.s. 53 divaricata. R.S. 54 squarrosa. R.Ss. 55 Psyllium. R.s. 56 arenaria. R.s. 57 stricta. R.s. 58 Ispaghul. R.s. 59 indica. R.s. 60 pumila. R.s. 61 brasiliensis. B.M. LITTORELLA. L. lacustris. E.B. 1 NYCTAGINEZ. Juss. gen. 90. UMBRELLA-worT. Triandria Monogynia. R.S. OXYBAPHUS. RS. 1 viscosus. R.S. 2 glabrifolius. R.s. 3 ovatus. R.S. 4 Cervantesii. Lag. 5 expansus. R.S. 6 aggregatus. R.S. 7 nyctaginea, N. depressed. scattered-fi4, rock, silky. woolly, Mexican. Patagonian. small-headed. Bellardi’s. Cretan. grass-leaved. sea-side. saltwort. thick-leaved. hairy. tumid-capsuled. Alpine. slender-flow’r’d. recurved-leav’d. Wulfen’s. awl-leaved. Scopoli’s. star of the earth. Jacquin’s. saw-leaved. large-rooted. narrow-leaved. stem-clasping. villous. sheathed. shrubby. Barbary. spreading. leafy-spiked. Fleawort. sand. upright. East Indian. Indian. dwarf. Brazilian. SHORE-WEED. N.America, 1818. —— H.%. — — H.©. Iberia. 1820. 6.8. H.% Hungary, —— —— H.y S.Europe. 1776. 6.9. H.2 Mexico, 1820. 6.7. H.% Patagonia. 1793. 6.9. H.©. S. Europe. 1797. —— H.©. Candia. 1711. 6.7. H.©. France. 1804. —-— H.2. Britain. coer Te H.2. Tauria. 1819. —— H. 7. Egypt. 1824. —— H.»%. C.B.S. 1801. 6.7. Gd. Chili. 1819. —— H.©. S. Europe. 1774. —— H.}. Hungary. 1819. -—- H.©. S. Europe. 1799. —— H.¢. Carinthia. 1802, —— H.%. S. Europe. 1596. 7. H.2. Carniola. 1825. 7.8. H.%. Britain. esee 64,9. HO. S. Europe. 1801. 7.8. H.¥. Barbary. 1640. 6.7. H.2. Morocco. 1798. 7.8. H.%. Spain. Ce i H.©. ——— 1797. 6.7, H.©. Germany. 1804. —— H.©. Canaries. 1816. —— G.h. S. Europe. 1596. 5.8. H.h. Barbary. 1640. 6 F.. seeervees 1824, —— H.}. Egypt. 1787. 89. H.©. S. Europe. 1562. 7.8. H.©. Hungary. 1804. 5.8. H.©. Morocco. — 7.8. H.©. E. Indies. 1819. —— S.©. India, 1780. 7.8. H.©. S. Europe. 1790. —— H.O. Brazil. 1822. 7.10. S.%. Moneecia Tetrandria. L. cree 6.9. HX. Plantain-leav’d. Britain. PLANTAGINESR. ORDO CXLI. viscid. smooth-leaved, oval-leaved. Cervantes’. expanded. aggregate. heart-leaved. Peru. New Spain. Peru. Mexico. Lima. New Spain. ' 1823. Missouri. Allionia nyctaginea. mM. Calymenia nyctaginea. N. 8 pilosa. N. pilose. Calymenia pilosa, N. Allionia ovata. ph. 9 hirsuta. N. 10 angustifolia. hairy. narrow-leaved. Louisiana. Allionia linearis. py. Calymenia angustifolia. N. 11 decumbens. N. decumbent. Missouri. 1793. 1811. 1820. 1822. oe 1811. 1812. 5. 9. Hats 7. 8. ° s e W. et K. hung, t. 151. Flor. grec. t, 145. Jacq. ic. 2, t. 306. Flor. gree. t. 146. ee ee Dod. pempt. 108. ic. _ Eng. bot. 175. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 258. K. hung. 1. t.39. Murr. c, gott.1780. t.6. Lobel, ic. 429. Jacq. coll. 1. t. 10. Eng. bot. 892. Jacq. ic. 1. t, 27. Moris. s. 8. t. 16. f. 19. Boce. sic. t. 15. f. 2. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 126. Cavan. ic. 2, t. 125. Venten. cels, t. 29. Jacq. fragm. t. 182. Moris. s. 8. t. 17. f. 4. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 28. Moris. s.8. t. 17. f. 4. W. et K. hung. 1. t.51. Moris. s.3. 8. t.17. f. 2. - Murr.c. gott. 1778. t.5. Botan. magaz. 2616. Eng. bot. 468. Botan. magaz. 434.. Cavan. ic. 4. t. 379. . Flor. peruv.1. t.75.f.b. Swt. br. fl. gar. 84. . Flor. peruv,1, t.75.f.a. Cavan. ic. 5, t.437. | MIRABILIS. R.S. 1 dichotoma. R.s. 2 Jalapa. r.s. a alba. B flava. X rubra. rubro-flava. e rubro-alba. 3 hybrida. R.s. 4 longiflora. r.s. 5 suaveolens. K.s. ABRONIA. R.S. umbellata. r.s. ALLIONIA. K:S. 1 violacea. K.s. 2 incarnata. K.s. BOERHAAVIA. L. 1 erecta. R.s. 2 procumbens. F.1. 3 diffusa. R.s. 4 hirsuta. R.s. § plumbaginea, R.s. 6 discolor. K.s. 7 viscosa. K.Ss. 8 scandens. R.s. 9 excelsa. R.s. PISONIA. L. 1 grandis. B.P. 2 hirtella. k.s. 3 fragrans. s.s. 4 nigricans. s,s. 5 obtusata. s,s. 6 mexicana. L.en- 7 nitida. w.en. 8 aculeata. s.s. BOLDOA.S:S. lanceolata. s.s. coehinchinensis. | AMARANTHUS. L. 1 tenuifolius. w. 2 angustifolius. w. 3 pallidus. s.s. 4 persicarioides. s.s. 5 Acroglochin. s.s. 6 albus. w. 7 grecizans. w. 8 polygamus. w. 9 Blitum. E.B. 10 viridis. w. 11 campestris. w. 12 polygonoides. w. 13 melancholicus. w. 14 tricolor. w. 15 bicolor. w. ‘ Boerhaavia arborescens. P.s. | Salpianthus arenarius. K.s. ? ASTRANTHUS. S.S. AstrantTuus. _NYCTAGINEA, MARVEL OF Peru. Pentandria Monogynia. L. forked. Mexico. 1640. 7.8. G.%. common. ‘India. 1596. 6.9. H.%. white-flowered. —— —- H.. yellow-flowered. — —H.». red-flowered. — — H.}. red and yellow. — — H.y. red and white. —_—_—- ——- -—— H.». hybrid. Hybrid. 1818. 6.9. H.%. long-flowered. Mexico. 1759. —— H.z. sweet-scented. 1824. —— H.2. ABRONIA. Pentandria Monogynia., R.S. _ flesh-coloured. California. 1823. 6.8. H.%. ALLioniA. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. violet-coloured. Cumana. 1820. 7.9. H.©. flesh-coloured. ————- ——- —— H.©. HoGweEep. Mono-Tetrandria Monogynia. upright. W.Indies. 1733. 7.9. S.%. procumbent. E. Indies. -++« ~—— S.2%. spreading. W.Indies, 1690. 8.9. S.%. scarlet trailing. Jamaica. 1733. 5.8 S.%. Plumbago-ld, Spain. 1822, —— S.}. two-coloured. Guayaquil. 1825, —— S.2. viscous. ————_ -———- — §.2. climbing. Jamaica. 1691. 4.9. S.h. lofty. S. America. 1820. —— S.}. Pison1a. Heptandria Monogynia. L. superb. | N. Holland. 1805. ---- G.h. hairy. Mexico. -.1825. +e+- G.h. fragrant. gecesess =-— seer Sih. black. W.Indies. 1806. 5.7. S.h. blunt-leaved. ———-__ 1822. _-++- S.h. Mexican. Mexico. 1825. -+-+ glossy. Madagascar. 1824. +se- S.h. prickly. Jamaica. 1739. 3.4. S.h. Box.poa. Triandria Monogynia. S.S. lance-leaved. Mexico. 1824. 5.7. G.h. Heptandria Tetragynia. S.S. Chinese. China. 1821, 6.7. S.b. ORDO CXLII. AMARANTHACEZ. Brown prodr. AMARANTH. Monecia Pentandria. L. fine-leaved. E. Indies. 1801. 7.9. H.©. narrow-leaved. Levant. 1723. —— H.©. pale. Tauria. 1823. —— H.©. Persicaria-like. Nepaul. 1818. 9.11. H.©. spiny-bracted. — 1820. —— H.©. white. N.America. 1778. 7.9. H.©. Pellitory-leav’d 1759. —— H.©. hermaphrodite. E. Indies. 1780. —— H.©. wild. England. -s++ 6.8. H.©. green Brazil. 1768. 8.9. H.©. field E. Indies. 1818. —- H.©. spotted-leaved.. Jamaica. 1778. 7.8. H.©. melancholy. E. Indies. 1731. 6.9. H.©. three-coloured, ————— 1548. -—— G.©. two-coloured, 1802. 7.9. H.©. * Plenck ic. off. £.139. Botan. magaz. 371. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 23. ~ Hook. ex. flor. 194. L’Herit. stirp. t.31. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 5.6. Rheed. mal. 7. t. 56. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 7. Cavan. ic. 2. t. 112. Jacq. vind. 1, t. 4. Lam. ill. t. 861. H. et B. pl. wq.1. t.44. Botan. magaz, 2659. p. 413. W. amar. 9. t. 1. f. 2. ——— 8. t. 4. f.7. Rumph. amb. 5. t. 82. Eng. bot. 2212. W. amar. 18. t. 8. f.16. W. amar. 11. t.6. f. 12, oad Tis oat Mal 15. t. 9. f. 18. Knor. thes.2. t. A .3.5. 386 * 16. . gangeticus. Ww. 17° mangostanus. Ww. 18 polystachyus. w. 19 tristis, w. _ 20 inameenus, w. 21 incomptus. w.en. 22 lividus. w 23 oleraceus. w. 24 lancezfolius. H.B. 25 atropurpureus. H.B. 26 gracilis. s.s. * Chenopodium caudatum. Jacq: 27 prostratus. w. 28 scandens, w. 29 deflexus. w. 30 fasciatus. H.B. 31 bullatus. s.s. $2 spicatus. P.-s.. _ 83 cauliflorus.. L.en- 34 pumilus. s.s. 35 hybridus. w 86 hecticus. w. 37 letus. w. 88 strictus. w. 39 paniculatus. w. 40 celosioides. K.s. 41 caracasanus. K.s. 42 retroflexus. w. 43 flavus. w. 44 chlorostachys. w. 45 parisiensis. s.s. 46 hypochondriacus. w. Prince’s feather. Virginia. 47 sanguineus. w. 48 cruentus. w. 49 speciosus. D.P. 50 caudatus. w. B maximus. 51 spinosus. w. 52 frumentaceus, H.B. sein on R.S. 1 argentea. R.S. B linearis. 2 margaritacea. R.S. 3 cristata. R.S. a elata. B compacta. -y flavescens. comosa. R.S. coccinea. R.8. castrensis. R.S. cernua, A.R. Monsoniz. r.s. DAE oO 9 nodiflora. R.s. Gata cae ee. R.S. LESTIBUDESIA. 1 virgata. R.s. Celosia virgata. Jacq: 2 paniculata. R.s. 3 trigyna. R.s. DEERINGIA. RS. 1 indica. s.s. 2 celosioides. B.P. CHAMISSOA. K:S. altissima. K.S8. 1 frutescens. D.P. wh, AMARANTHACER, sohhsdlingln il Bal Indies. 1778. 7.9. H.©.. rhomb-leaved. ————~ 1801. —~— H.©. many-spiked. = — 1816. —- H.©. round-headed, China. - 1759. 6.8. Hi. inelegant. 1816. -~—-,. H.©. slovenly. Or livid. N.America. 1759. 7.9. H.Os eatable. E. Indies. 1764. 7.8. H.©. lance-leaved., . 1816. 8.10. H.@. dark-purple. — 1821. —— H.©. oval-leaved. . Guinea. 1806. 7.8 H.©. trailing. France. 1739. 7.9. Hi©.. climbing. . S. America. 1796. 7.8. 8... bending. odes se+ 1805. —— HO. fasciate. E. Indies. 1820. 8.10. H.©. blistered; eecone ee —eere j 7. 9. H.©. spiked. France. thee — 4 H.O. stem-flowering. Nepaul. 1816. 8.10. H.©. dwarf, | N. America. —— 6.9. H.©. clustered. 1656. 6.9. H.©. oval-spiked. sooe-ees 1796. 8 H.©. blunt-leaved. Italy. 1799.. 7.9. H.©. upright. 1793. —— H.©. panicled. N. America. 1798. —— H.©. Spinach-like. S. America. 1824. 9.11. H.©. Caracas. Caracas. 1821. —— H.©. hairy. N. America.1759. 7. 9. H.©. pale yellow. _ India. — — Ho. nodding. ——_ «11796. —— H.©. Paris, seeeeees 1819. —— H.©. 1684. .—~ H.Q. spreading. Bahama Is]. 1775. —— H.©. various-leaved. China. 1728. 6.8. H:@. showy. Nepaul. 1819. 9.11. H.©: Love lies — E. Ind. 1596. 8.9. H.©. tree. —_—_ —-._ — Ho. prickly. W. Indies. 1683. 7.9. H.©. cultivated. E.Indies. 1819. —— H.©. Cocks-coms. Pentandria Monogynia. Ls. | silvery-spiked, China. ... 1714. 6.9 S.©,. narrow-leaved. E. Indies -—— -—— S.©. pearl-flowered. India. cree —— S.O. common. Asia. 1570. —— S.©. tall red. —_- — S8.©. dwarf red. — — S.©. yellow. oe hl $0. tufted. E. Indies. 1802. -—— S.©. scarlet. China. 1597. —— S.©. branched. E. Indies. 1739. —— S.©. drooping. ———— 1809. 7.8. S.©. downy. == 1978: 129. Se Achyranthes Monsonia. s.s. Illecebrum Monsonie. L. knotted. a 1780. —— S.©. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. wave-leaved. W.Indies, 1815. 8.10. S.h. panicled. Jamaica. 1733. 6.9. S.¢@. oval-leaved. Senegal. 1777. 8.10. S.g. DEERINGIA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. Berry-bearing. E.Indies. 1804. 8.10. S.dg. Cockscomb-like. N. Holland. 1822. —— S.h. CuHamissoa. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. | 5. 6. Ss. Rew H. et B. ul. gen.2. bs 125. CLADOSTACHYS.D.P. Ciavostacuys. Pentandria Monogynia. tall. frutescent. E. Indies. S. America. 1819. 1777. Achyranthes muricata. L. Chamissoa muricata. 8.5. 2 alternifolia. alternate-leav’d. 1789. Achyranthes alternifolia. w. Desmochata alternifolia. D.c. 8. 11, S.h. ee 8. S.©. W.amar. 16. 't. 6, f.11. —_—— 13. t. 12. «MGs tot. 3 W. amar. 21: ¢ 5, f.10. W. amar. 20. t. 1. f.1. ———-17. t.5. f.9. a) eae OF “ Jacq. ic. 2. t. 344. : oa <8 £5 AAs W. amar. 10. t.10, f.20. W.amar. 26. t.9. f.17. 25. t.7. f. 13. 28. t.8. f. 15. 27. t./3. f. 5. ———— 32, t. 2. f. 4. W.amar. 33. t.11. f.21. 35. ti 3. f. 6. —34, t.10.f.19. W. amar. 31. t. 2. f. De Botan. magaz. 2227. w. amar. 38. t. 4. f. 8. Mart. cent. t. 7. Rheed. mal. 10. t. 39. 10. t.38. Rumph. amb. 5. t. 84. Knor. del. 1. t. H. 5. 6. Barrel. rar. t. 1195. Andr. reposit. 635. | Pluk.alm.11. t.334. f.4. Jacq. vind. 1, t.98. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 339. Sloan. hist. 1. t. 91. f.2. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 15... Rumph. anal 5. ’ te 83. Pluk, alm. t.260. fil. ACHYRANTHES. R.S. AcHYRANTHES. | 1 argentea. R.S. 2 aspera. R.s. 3 obtusifolia. Lam. 4 crispa. R.s. 5 virgata. R.s. 6 fruticosa. R.s. 7 nivea. R.s. 8 pubescens. R.S. 9 porrigens, R.s. DESMOCHETA.R.S. DesmocHATA. 1 atropurpurea. pc. Achyranthes lappacea. u. Pupalia lappacea. 5. 2 flavescens. pc. 3 prostrata. pc. - ALTERNANTHERA. 1 sessilis. R.s. 2 ficoides. R.s. Gomphrena ficoidea. Jacq. 3 spinosa. R.S. axillaris. pc. Achyranthes spinosa. Horn. 4 Achyrantha. R.s. 5 frutescens. R.s. 6 polygonoides. R.s. J. FERUA. 1 lanata. R.s. Iecebrum lanatum. L 2 javanica. R.Ss. - PHILOXERUS. B.P. Pamoxervs. 1 brasiliensis. R.s. Gomphrena brasiliensis. Jacq: 2 vermicularis. R.Ss. 3 aggregatus. R.s. | gr eg RS. 1 globosa. R.s. B alba. 2 decumbens. R.s. 3 perennis. R.s. 4 arborescens. R.Ss. 5 lactea. R.s. 6 interrupta. R.8. IRESINE. S.S. 1 celosioides. s.s. 2 elatior. s.s. 3 diffusa. s.s. 4 elongata. s.s. PHYTOLACCA. W. 1 octandra. w 2 abyssinica. w. 3 heptandra. s.s. 4 bogotensis. k.s. | § decandra, w 6 dodecandra. w. 7 mexicana. icosandra. B.M. non W. 8 icosandra. w. | 9 dioica. w AMARANTHACEZ. Pentandria Monogynia. L. upright. Sicily. 1713. 5. 10. H.h . rough. India, 1751. —— S.hb. blunt-leaved. ~~ 1 Sp, curl-leaved. == +s +++ 1816. -—— S.h. slender. Portorico. 1823. —— S.h. shrubby. E. Indies. 1816. —— S.h. white, Canaries. 1780. 5.7. G.h. pubescent. - se +--+ 1824. —— Sh. crimson-fid, Peru. 1802. 4.8. G.h. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S, dark-purple. E. Indies. 1759. 8.10. S.h. yellowish. sooo —— §,2, prostrate. 1793. 7.8. S.%. ALTERNANTHERA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. sessile-flow’r’d. E. Indies. 1778. 7.10. 8.2. creeping-stalk’d.S.America. 1819. —— S.2. spiny. eeessere —_ —— S.%. creeping. BuenosAyres.1732. 6.8. S.. frutescent. Peru. 13822. ——- S.}. Persicaria-14, America. 1731. —— G.2L. fErvA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. rently E. Indies. 1691. 4.8. S.¢. spear- ieavad. 1786. —— S.h Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. upright. Brazil. 1790. 7.10. S.h. creeping. S. America. ---- -—— S.%. clustered. Cumana. 1819. -—— S. x. GLoBEAMARANTH. Pentandria Monogynia. L. annual. India. 1714. 5.10. S. white-flowered. — — &. O. decumbent. Mexico. nt Chey perennial. S. America. 1732. 7.10. S.%. tree. 1802, —— S.h. milk-coloured. 1818. —— S.h. trailing. W. Indies. 1733. —— S.¢. IrestnE. Dicecia Pentandria. L.. Florida. America. 1733. 7.8. F.%. tall. S. America. 1820. 8.10. S.©. spreading. 1812. 7.9. S.%4. long-stalked. 1823. —— S,%. ORDO CXLIII. PHYTOLACEZ. Brown. Puytotacca. Decandria Decagynia. L, white-flowered. Mexico. 1732, 7.11. . African. Africa. 1775. 5. 6. T-anthered. -++--; es 1819. 7.10. variable anther’d.S.America.1823. SH HERERO Virginian poke. Virginia. ele: 8. 9. recurved-ld, se +++ ++ «8 5. 6. Mexican. Mexico. 1824. 7.10. G. red. E. Indies. 1758. 7. 11 tree. S. America. 1768. >: §. 337 . er it Bocce. sic. 16. t.9.— Mill. ic. t.11, f. 2. Botan. magaz. 830. Rheed, mal. 10. t. 59. DC. h. mons.ined. t.79. Rumph. amb. 6. t. 11. Rheed. mal. 10. t. 11. Jacq. amer. pict. t. 90. Dill. elt. 8. t. 7. f.7. L’Herit. stirp. 1. t. 37. Herm. parad. t. 17. Mill.ic. 1. t. 11. f.1. Burm. ind. t. 65. f.2. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 346. Herm. parad. t. 15. Rheed. mal. 10. t. 37. Jacq. schon. t. 482. Botan. magaz. 2614. DC.h.mons. ined. t.93. Jacq. ic. 1. t.51. Lam. ill. t. 313. Dill. elt. t. 239. f. 308. Hoff. c. geet. t.2. Botan. magaz. 931. Botan. magaz. 2633. Mill. ic. t. 207. L’Herit. st. nov, t. 70. 338 RIVINA.R.S. 1 humilis. R.s. 2 levis. R.S. 3 brasiliensis. R.S. 4 purpurascens. R.S. 5 lanceolata. L.en. 6 octandra., R.s. MICROTEA. K.S. debilis. K.s. PETIVERIA. W. 1 alliacea. w. 2 octandra. w. GISEKIA. W. pharnacioides. w -PHYTOLACER, | Rivina. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. Pe ART downy. W. Indies. 1699. 1.10. S. He Bota. ibe? 3781. smooth. 1733. 2. 9. S.h. Lam. ill. t. 81. ft 2. wave-leaved. Brazil. 1790. 6.7. S.h. purple. W. Indies. 1815. 5.8. S.h. Schrad. gen. nov. tis. spear-leaved. Brazil. — S.h. climbing. W. Indies. 1752. 5.6. S.h.~. Plum.ic. 24. Microrea. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. . slender. | S. America. 1824. 7.9. S.©. | Petiverta. Heptandria Monogynia. L. eatetoty & Garlic-scented. Jamaica. 1759. 6.7. S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 148. dwarf. W. Indies. 1737. —— S.h- Bria ic. oe t. ete. GiseEKIA. Pentandria Pentagynia. L. trailing. E. Indies. 1783. 6, S.©. ORDO CXLIV. CHENOPODEZE. Brown prodr. p. 405. BASELLA.R.S. 1 rubra. R.s. . 2 alba. ras. 3 lucida. R.s. 4 cordifolia. r.s. 5 tuberosa. R.s. 6 marginata, R.s. ANREDERA. J. spicata, K.s. Basella vesicaria. Lam. ill. t. 215. f.1. Polygonum scandens. w. MALAB: AR-NIGHTSHADE. Pentandria Trigynia. L. red-flowered. E. Indies. 1781. 7.9. S.¢. .. Rheed. mal. 7. t.24. white-flowered. 1688. 7.11. S.g.~. Pluk. alm. t.63. f.1. shining. 1802. ——-S.©.v. heart-leaved. ————_- — — SS... tuberous-roov’d. S. America. 1824. —— S.2.-. margined. —_——_ ——-_ —— _ F§.7.r. ANREDERA. Pentandria Trigynia. spiked. Cuba, 1749. m © Sh, Sloan. hist. 1. t.90. fit. ANABASIS. L ANABASIS. Pentandria Digynia. L. ” , | ; 1 aphylla. r,s. leafless. Levant. 1823. 5.7. F.hb. Buxb. cent. 1. t.18. 2 tamariscifolia. r.s. Tamarisk-l4d. Spain. 1752. 6.7. F.h- Cavan. ic. 3, t. 283. SALSOLA. RS. SaALTworT. Pentandria Digynia. L. pik 1 Kali. rs. prickly. Britain. voce 7.8, H.©. Eng. bot.634, 2 Tragus. R.s, smooth. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.©. Pall. ill. 2. t. 29. f. 2. 3 crassa. R.S. thick-leaved. Caucasus. 1823. 8.10.H.©. Buxb.cent.1. t.14.f.2. 4 rosacea. R.s. rose-coloured. Asia. 1759. 7.8. H.©. Schk. hand.1, t. 57. 5 vermiculata. r.s.- suffruticose. Siberia. — — H.h. Gmel.sib. 3.1.18. f. 2. 6 microphylla. r.s. small-leaved. Spain. — — H.©. Cavan. ic.3. t. 287. 7 verrucosa. R.s. warted. Caucasus. 1822, —— H.f. Pall. ill. 2. t.16. 8 laniflora. R.s. woolly-flow’r’d. Siberia. 1797. 6.8. H.©. se ye 8 9 sativa. RS. cultivated. Spain. 1783. 7.8 H.y%., Cavan.ic. 3. t. 291. 10 Soda. R.s. long fleshy-l¢, §. Europe. 1683. —— H.©. Jacq. vind. 1. t. 68. KOCHIA. RS. Kocuia. Pentandria Digynia. R.S. 1 arenaria. R.S. sand. Hungary. 1819. 7.9. H.©. K.hung.1. t.78- 2 prostrata. R.s. trailing. S. Europe. 1780. 6.8. F.%. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 294. Salsola prostrata. Jacq. 3 trigyna. L.en- slender-leav’d. Spain. 1804. 7.8. H.©. Cavan.ic. 3. t. 289. Salsola altissima. cay. Chenopodium trigynum., B.S. . 4 hyssopifolia. r.s. | Hyssop-leaved. Siberia. 1801. 6.8. H.©. Pall. it.1.ap.t.H. fil. 5 sedoides. r,s. Stonecrop-like. Tauria. 1823. —— H.y%. ——3.t.M.f.8. 6 eriophora. R.s. woolly. Spain. 1816. —— H.©. Trattin. arch. t. 124. 7 scoparia. R.S. Summer Cypress. Greece. 1629. 6.9. H.%. Buxb. cent. 1. t.16. Chenopodium Scoparia. w. CHENOLEA. L. CHENOLEA. Pentandria Monogynia. L. diffusa. w. silky. C. B.S. * 1758. 8.9. Gi. Salsola sericea, H.K. Kochia sericea. R.s. Chenopodium sericeum. s.s. CHENOPODIUM.R.S.GoosE-Foor. Pentandria y Benin: M8 1 Bonus-Henricus. English Mercury.Britain. ss H.%. 2 urbicum. E.B. upright. ——- _--'s ui ae ©. 3 Atriplicis. R.s. purple. China, 1780, 8.9. H.©. 4 giganteum. D.P. gigantic. Nepaul. 1820. 9.11. H.©. 5 rubrum. R.S, red, Britain. veee 8.9. HO. Eng. bot. 1033. ——. 717. - Jacq. vind. 3. t. 80. Eng. bot. 1721. — Roxb. corom. 2, 188, ; CHENOPODEZ. #£°*. 839 6 melanospermum.s.s. black-seeded. Britain. +--+. 8.9. H.©,. ! 7 rhombifolium. r.s. angular-leaved. N.America. 1807. 7.9. H.©. 8 guineense. w. Guinea. Guinea. 1790. 8.9. H.©. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 845. 9 murale. £.B. ° nettle-leaved. Britain. ---- —— H.©. Eng. bot. 1722. 10 serotinum. R.s. _—ilate-flowering. S. Europe. +---- —— Hi©. BoM 11 ficifolium. E.B. Fig-leaved. England. -+-+-» -—— H.©. Eng. bot. 1724. 12 album. E.B. white. Britain. eese 6.9. H.O. 1723.. 8 subrotundum. round-leaved. ————— +++» —— H.©. Petiv.h. brit. t. 8. f.2. y viride. W. green. eee ee HO. n 0 integrifolium. entire-leaved. ~————— eee —— HO. ms € crassifolium. _ thick-leaved. gee = HiOs Spy tie we 13 opulifolium. r.s. Guelder-rose-ld, S. Europe. coor ———~ HO. Bast.j. bot. 1814. t.3, 14 hybridum. £.B. Maple-leaved. Britain. *--- 8.9. H.©. | 15 Botrys. R.s. cut-leaved. S. Europe. 1548. 6.9. H.@©. Flor. grec. t.253. 16 multifidum. R.s. multifid. BuenosAyres.1732, 6.10.G.%. Dill. elt. t. 66. f..77. 17 botryoides. —.B. many clustered. Britain. -+++ 6.5. H.©. Eng. bot. 2247. 18 ambrosioides. r.s. Mexican. Mexico. ' 1640. 6.10.H.©. Moris.s.5. t.35.f.8. 19 suffruticosum. R.s. suffrutescent. ———- 1819. -—— G.h. 20 anthelminticum. w. American. America. 1732. 7.8. G.}h. Dill. elt. t. 66. f. 76. 21 graveolens, R.s. strong-scented. Mexico. 1819. 8.11. H.©. 22 glaucum. R.s. Oak-leaved. | England. ---- 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 1454. 23 crassifolium. R.s. fleshy-leaved. = ---- -- ~- 1820... —— H.©.: . 24 radiatum. R.s. rayed. . . N. America. 1803. 6.8. H.©. W.hort. ber. 1. t. 28. Kochia dentata. w. Salsola platyphylla. M. 25 olidum. E.B. stinking. | Britain. se-: 7%. 8. H.©. Eng. bot. 1034. fetidum. R.s. Vulvaria. w. 26 polyspermum. R.s. Allseed. ———- _ +--+ -—— H.©. Eng. bot. 1480. 27 acutifolium. £.B. acute-leaved. ———- --++ —— H.O. 1481. . 28 laterale. r.s. oblong-leaved. --++--+-- 1781. 8.9. S.©. _ 29 sepium. R.s. hedge. Bohemia. 1822. 7.8. H.©. 30 strictum. R.s. © upright. | E. Indies); -—— 9.11. H.©. ‘ 31 aristatum. R.s. bearded. Virginia. 1771. 6.9. H.©. Gmel.sib.3.t.15. f.1/ 32 lanceolatum. R.s. spear-leaved. Pensylvania.1809. 7. H.©. 33 fruticosum. R.s. — shrubby. England. --+» 8&9. H.h. Eng. bot. 635. Salsola fruticosa. E.3. 34 altissimum. R.s. Grass-leayed. Italy. 1775. 7.8. H.©. Schrad. d. hal. t.t. f.3. 35 hirsutum. R.s. hairy. Denmark. 1791. —— H.©. _ Flor. dan. t.187. Salsola hirsuta. ¥.D. . ’ 36 salsum. R.s. Saltwort. Astracan. 1782. 8.9. H.©. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 83. 37 spicatum. R.s. spiked. Spain. 1816. 8.10.H.©. Cavan. ic. 3. t. 290. 38 setigerum. R.s. setiferous. ———_- —- — H.©. DC.h. mons. ined. t.87. 39 maritimum. R.s. sea blite. Britain. ceee 8, H.©. Eng. bot. 633. ATRIPLEX. RS. Oracue. Polygamia Monecia. L. 1 Halimus. r.s. tall shrubby. Spain. 1640. 7.8. H.h. . Park. theat. 724. f. 2. 2 portulacoides. r.s. dwarf shrubby. Britain. -+-- —— H.h. Eng. bot. 261. 3 albicans. R.s. white. C. B.S. 1774. 6.7. Gib. 4 glaucum. w.. glaucous. S. Europe. 1732. 7.8. F.h. Dill. elt. t. 40. f. 46. 5 linifolia. K.s. Flax-leaved. S.America. 1819. —— G.h. 6 rosea. w. rose. S. Europe. 1739. 6.7. H.©. Schk. hand. 3. t. 350. 7 sibirica. w. Siberian. Siberia, 1783. 7.8 H.©. —— 3. p. 538. t. 350. 8 tatarica. w. Tartarian. Tartary. 1778. —— H.©. —— 3. p.539. t. 349. 9 hortensis. w. garden. ——— 1548. —- H.©. Blackw. t.99 ct 552. B intermedia. intermediate. ————_- — — HO. y rubra. — red garden. —_——_ —- — H.©. . 10 acuminata. w.K. acuminate. Hungary. 1820. —— H.©. K. hung. t. 103. 11 veneta. w. Venetian. Venice. —— — H.©. “gt 12 incana. R.s. hoary-leaved. Spain. 1818. —— H.©. 13 laciniata. w. frosted sea. Britain. cove ——— H.©. Eng. bot. 165, 14 hastata. w. halberd-leav’d& Europe. soos —— H.©. Flor. dan. t. 1286. 15 obtusa. w. blunt-leaved. Siberia. 1825. —~— H.©. 16 microsperma. w. small-seeded. Hungary. 1800. —— H.©. W.etK. hung. t. 250. 17 oblongifolia. w.K. oblong-leaved. ————- -—— -—— H.©. me t. 221. 18 patula. E.z. spreading. Britain. -s+- 6.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 936. 19 angustifolia. e.B. narrow-leaved. ns 6.8. H.Q. . ———— 1774. 20 erecta. E.B. upright. England. ---- 8 H.O. 2223, 21 littoralis. E.B. | grass-leaved. _ Britain. ress 8.9. H.O. 708. 22 pedunculata. £.B. pedunculated. England. ses 7.9. H.©. ——— 232. 23 verticillata. R.s. | whorl-leaved. Spain. 1824. —— H.©. Cavan. H.R. M.t. 21, 24 sulcata. sehr. sulcate. ae Cie meets cnet Ea Gy . 2X a 340 a RHAGODIA. B.P. 1 Billardieri. B.p. Chenopodium baccatum. Lab- 2 hastata. B.P. BETA. R.S. 1 vulgaris. R.s. a viridis, B rubra. lutea. macrorhiza. 2 Cicla. R.s. 3 crispa. R.S. 4 trigyna. R.s. 5 maritima. E.B. 6 patula. R.s. SPINACIA. W. oleracea. w. a spinosa. W. B inermis. ACNIDA. W. cannabina. w. BOSEA. R.S. yervamora. R.S. CORISPERMUM. L. 1 hyssopifolium. R.s. 2 canescens. R.S. 3 intermedium. R.s. 4 tenue. L.en- 5 squarrosum, R.S. BLITUM. RS. 1 capitatum. R.s. 2 virgatum. R.s. 3 petiolare. Len. 4 maritimum. Nn. CERATOCARPUS.L. arenarius. L. SALICORNIA. L. 1 herbacea. s.s. 2 procumbens. E.B. 3 radicans. E.B. 4 perennans. R.S. 5 fruticosa. E.B. 6 arabica. R.s. POLYCNEMUM.R:.S. 1 arvense. R.S. 2 oppositifolium. R.s. CAMPHOROSMA. L. 1 monspeliacum. w. perenne. R.S. 2 ovatum. R.S. GALENIA. W. africana. w. AXYRIS. W, 1 amaranthoides. w. CHENOPODEZ:, RHAGopIA. Polygamia Monecia. narrow-leaved. N.S. W. 1822. 6.7. Gh halberd-leaved. — 1803. —— G.hb. Beet. Pentandria Digynia. L. common. _§. Europe. 1548. 8 H.¢@. green. — — H.¢é. red. — — H.¢. yellow. — — H.é. Mangle Cy) ne et eee: é. white. Portugal. 1570. —— H.¢@. curled-leaved, -+++=- ce teen —— Hf. Hungarian. Hungary. 1796. 7.8. H.%. sea-side, Britain, eoee 6.8. H.-G. spreading. Madeira. 1778. 8 G.é. SPINAGE. Dicecia Pentandria. L. common. — -eesevees 1568. 3.10. H.©. prickly. sieceees ee =e HOE round. eeoeceee = —— HO. VIRGINIAN HEMP. Dicecia Pentandria. L. common. N.America. 1640. 6.7. H.©. GOLDEN-ROD. Pentandria Digynia. L. tree. Canaries. 1728. 6.9. G.h. TicK-sEED. Monandria Digynia. L. Hyssop-leav’d. Europe. 1739. 7. H.©. canescent. Hungary. 1822. 7.9. H.©. intermediate. Prussia. — — H.O©. slender, = = = -sees.s >» 1823, — ©. rough-spiked. Russia. 1759. 8 9. H.©. STRAWBERRY-BLITE. Monandria Digynia. L. berry-headed. Austria. 1633. 5.8. H.©. slender. S. Europe. 1680. 5.9. H.©. petiolate. seeeneee 1818s. —— H.© sea-side. N.America. 1823. —— H.©. Ceratocarpus. Monecia Monandria. L. sand. Tartary. 1757. 6.7. H.©. GRASSWORT. Monandria Monogynia. L. marsh. Britain. soe) 8.9. H.O®. pidceiabent- England. «---- ——~ H.©. rooting. Britain. eves 9, Hy. perennial. Siberia. 1823. 8.9. H.%. shrubby. Britain. ree. —— H.R. Arabian. Arabia. 1758. —— G.h. Potycnemum. Triandria Monogynia. L. trailing. S. Europe. 1640. 7. H.©. opposite-leav’d. Tartary. 1820. 7.8. H.©. CamMPHOROsMA, Tetrandria og tes L. hairy. S. Europe. 1640. 8.9. G.R. Hungarian. Hungary. 1823. —— H.©. GALENIA. QOctandria Digynia. L. African. C. B.S. 1752. 6.8. G.h. Axyris. Moneecia Triandria. L. simple-spiked. Siberia. 1758. 6.7. H.©. 2 hybrida. w. bastard. 1780. 6.8. H. 3 prostrata. w trailing. ————- 1798. 7.8. H. DIOTIS. W. Diotis. Moneecia Tetrandria. L. ' ceratoides. w shrubby. Siberia. 1780. 8. H.b Axyris ceratoides. Jacq. Ceratospermum papposum. P.S. Lab. nov. hal; 1. t.-96. Schk.. hand. 1, t. 56. Plenck off. t. 169. Kern. abbild, t. 235, Plenck off. t. 170. W.etK. hung. 1. t.35. Eng. bot. 285. Schk. hand. 3. t, 324. Jacq.f. eclog. t..25. Flor. grec. 1. td. Pall. ros. 2. t. 99. Poit. et T. are aR. te. Botan. magaz. O76. act. pet.1.t.9. Eng. bot. Ald. ’ — 2475. ————- 1691. Pall. it. 1. ap. T.D. f.1. Moris: s. 2. { 33. f. Ve Jacq. aust. 4. t.365. Pall. it. ap. T.E. f. 2. Schk. hand. l. t. 26. K. hung. 1. t. 63. Lam. ill. t. 314. Gmel. sib. t.2. f. 2. t. 4.. f, 1. t. 4. f. 2. 7 Jacq. ic. 1. t. 189. BEGONIACEZ. ORDO CXLV. 34h. BEGONIACEZ. Ventenat. et Don prodr. p. 223. BEGONIA. L. 1 nitida. s.s. 2 dichotoma. s.s. 3 reniformis. s.s. 4 spathulata. s.s. 5 odorata. s,s. 6 disticha. s.s. 7 macrophylla. s.s. 8 hirtella. s.s. 9 Evansiana. A.R. picta. sm. palmata. D.p. dubia. H.S.8 ? pauciflora. B.R. patula. H.s.s. tuberosa. s.s. acutifolia. s.s. acuminata. s.s. lucida. H.R. maculata, 8.8. suaveolens. B.C. humilis. H.E.F. hirsuta. s.s. ulmifolia. s.s. argyrostigma. B.R. } Moneecia Polyandria. L. BEGONIA. shining-leaved. Jamaica. 1777. 5.12. S.h. forked. Caracas. 1800. 7.8. S.h. kidney-leaved. Brazil. 1823. —— S.h. spatula-leaved. W. Indies. 1813. 8.10. S.%. sweet-scented. S. America. 1823. 6.8. S.h. distichous. 1820. —— S.h. large-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 5.9. S.h. fringed. W. Indies. 1818. —— S.h. Evan’s. China. 1804. —— §.2. discolor. u.K. published 1813. Evansiana. A.R. published 1811. B.M. 1812. painted. Nepaul. 1823. —— S.x. palmated. ——— 1825. —— §.%.. few-flowered. W. Endiasy 1816. —— S.h. spreading, = 9 reese. 1811. —— S.h. tuberous. Rinboven: 1810. 7.9. S.%. acute-leaved. W. Indies. 1822. —— S.h. pointed-leav’d. Jamaica. 1790. 5.12. S.h. polished. Trinidad. 1820. —— S.©. silver-spotted. Brazil. 1819. 7.9. S.h. fragrant. W. Indies. 1816. 5.9. S.h. dwarf. ———— 1788. 10 S.¢. shaggy-leaved. ————— 1789. 5.6. S.¢. Elm-leaved. S. America. 1820. 6.1. S.h. climbing. Jamaica. 1824. 7.9. S.b.W scandens. S.s. COCCOLOBA. L.» 1 uvifera. s.s. 2 pubescens. s.s. 3 excoriata. s.s. 4 puuctata. s,s. 5 laurifolia. w.en. 6 diversifolia. s.s. 7 obtusifolia. s.s. 8 microstachya. s.s. 9 barbadensis. s.s. 10 latifolia. s.s. 11 acuminata. K.s. 12 longifolia. L.en. 13 tenuifolia. s.s. BRUNNICHIA.SS. cirrhosa. 8.8. _ POLYGONUM. L. 1 Bistorta. w. 2 viviparum. E.B. ORDO CXLVI. POLYGONEZ. Brown prodr. p. 419. SEASIDE-GRAPE. round-leaved. downy. oval-leaved. spear-leaved. Laurel-leaved. S. America. different-leav’d. Hispaniola. S. America. blunt-leaved. small-spiked. Barbadoes. broad-leaved. sharp-pointed. long-leaved. small-leaved. BRUNNICHIA. Carolina. PERSICARIA. Snake’s- weed. alpine bistort.. W. Indies. W. Indies. Barbadoes. S. America. Jamaica. Decandria Trigynia. W. Carolina. Tetr-Octandria Di-Trigyn 5. 9 5. 9. Britain. 1690. 1733. 1816. —_-~ 1823. 1790. 1812. 1824. 1818. 1824. 1787. aeee are eoeeae e@esee . e ry e a s ° ° o e Octandria ts crs nia. Seek PROS Sst e e e ( mms © nannnnnnnwnme' Sal. par. lond. 72. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 619. Linn.trans.1.t.14.f.1.2. Lodd. bot. cab. L7. Botan. magaz. 1473. Sm. exot. bot. t. 101. Botan. regist. 471. f.2. Sloan. jam. t.127.f.1.2. Botan. regist. 364. Botan. regist. 666. — Lodd. bot. cab. 69. Hook. ex. flor. 17. Aub. gui. 2. t. 348. Hook. ex. flor. 57. . Aub. gui. 2. t. 349. Jacq. amer. t.73. Pluk. phyt. 222. f. 8. Plum. ic. t. 146. f. 1. Jacq. amer. 114. t. 77. Jacq. amer. t. 76. =e t. 74. Jacq. obs. 1. t. 8. Lam. ill. t. 316, f.4. Brown. jam. 210. f. 8. . Gart.s. 1. t. 48. f. 2. Eng, bot. 509. 669. , 342 ‘POLYGONEE. 3 petiolatum. p.p. __ petiolate. Nepaul. 1823. 5.9. H.2. 4 macrophyllum. D.p. large-leaved. —— 1822. —— H.2. 5 affine. v.p. related. —— 1823. — H.2. 6 mite. P.s. tasteless. N.America.1818. 6.9. H.©. 7 scandens. w. climbing. ———— 1749. 7.9. H.%.~. Pluk. alm. t. 177. f. 7. 8 Fagopyrum. w. Buck-wheat. England. © +--+ 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 1044. 9 emarginatum. w. Indian buckwheat. Nepaul. 1796. -—— H. 10 tataricum. w. Tartarian. Siberia. 1759. —— H. ©. Gmel. sib. 3. t. 13. f. 1. 11 Convolvulus. w common climbing. Britain. +--+ 5.9. H.©.~. Eng. bot. 941. 12 dumetorum. w. bush, S. Europe. 1803. —— H.©. Flor.dan.t.759. 4 | -18 adpressum. B.P. polygamous. N.S. W. 1822. —— G.h.c. Lab.n.hol. 1. t. 127. 14 sagittatum. w. arrow-leaved. N.America.1759, 7.8 H.@. -Linn.h. cliff. t.12._ 15 chinense, w Chinese. China. 1795. —— H.©. Burm. ind. t. 46 f. 3. Bis 16 patens. D.P. spreading. Nepaul. 1823. —— H.%. 17 elegans. s.s. elegant. _ Naples. 1824. —— H.h. ; rai y 18 alpinum. w. Alpine. Italy. 1816. —— H.%. Bocce. mus. 2. 2 oT. ~ 19 undulatum. w. wave-leaved. Siberia. 1789. 6.7. H.4. Gmel. sib. 3. t.10. 20 divaricatum. w. _divaricated. 1759. 7.8. H.y. - —3. til. f. 1. 21 salignum. w. Willow-like. 1816. 5.8. H.2. i. 22 acidulum. w. narrow-leaved, -—-—— -—— 6.7. H.x. ha 23 aviculare.E.B. | Knot-grass. Britain. ---- 4,.10.H.©. Eng. bot. 1252. 24 Dryandri. s.s. Dryander’s. E. Indies. 1796. 4.8. 8.2. . elegans. H.K. . _ 25 arenarium. w.K. sand. Hungary. 1807. 5.8. H.©. W. et K. hung, 67. 26 littorale. L.en. sea-side. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.h. 27 Bellardi. p.s. Bellardi’s. 1822. —— H.%. All. ped. t. 90. f. 2. 28 patulum. m.B. spreading-branch’d. Tauria. —— —— H.2. ei 29 maritimum. w. sea-shore. S. Europe. 1816. -6.8. H.R. 30 acetosum.-m.B. Sorrel-leaved. Astracan. 1823. —— H.2%. 31 erectum. w. upright. N.America. 1792. -7.8. H.2. 32 pensylvanicum. w. Pensylvanian. —-—— 1819. —— H.©. 33 orientale. w common. - E. Indies. 1707. 7.10. H.©. Botan. magaz. 213. B album. white-flowered.. ——-—~ +--+» ——H.O©O. | 34 tinctorium. w. dyer’s. China, (1776. 7.8 Gig. 35 decipiens. B.P. decipient. N.S.W. 1822. —— G.y. 36 plebeium. B.pP. linear-leaved. — —— GY, 37 Persicaria. spotted. Britain. --- —— H.©. Eng. bot. 756. . 388 incanum. W.en. hoary. Germany. 1804. —— H.©. Schrank.bav.1.t.3. 39 persicarioides. K.s. Mexican. Mexico. 1825. —— H.}%, a 30 Hydropiper. £.B. Water pepper. Britain. eoee 7.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 989. Al glabrum. w. smooth. E. Indies. 1823. -—— 8.2, 42 minus, E.B. slender. England. -+++ —— H.©._ Eng. bot. 1043. 43 arifolium. w. Arum-leaved. N.America.1816. 5.10.H.@. Pluk. amal. t. 398. f.3. 44 ocreatum. w. spear-leaved. Siberia. 1780. 6.9. H.4%. Gmel.sib. 3. t.8. 45 virginianum. w. Virginian. N.America.1640. 8.9. H.%. Park. theat. 857. f. 6. 46 amphibium. w. amphibious. Britain, ---- 6.8. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 436. © 47 barbatum. w. bearded. China. 1822. —— G.%. 48 gracile. B.P. slender-stalk’d. N.S. W. —— -—— G.¥. 49 acetosefolium. p.s. Brazilian. Brazil. — — S.h.u. Venten. cels. t. 88. 50 ramosum. L.en- branching. Siberia. —— — H.. j TRAGOPYRUM.M.B.TRAGOPYRUM. Octandria Trigynia. R.S. 1 lanceolatum. M.B. spear- -leaved. Siberia. 1770. 7.8. H.. Botan. regist. 255. Polygonum frutescens. B.R. * : 2 buxifolium. m.B. Box-leaved. Caucasus. 1800. —— Hb. Botan. magaz. 1065. Polygonum crispulum. B.M. -ATRAPHAKXIS. L. ATRAPHAXIS. Hexandria Digynia. L. 1 spinosa. s.s. prickly. Levant. 1732, 28. G.y%. L’Herit. stirp. 1. t. 14. 2 undulata. s.s. waved-leaved. C.B.S.. — 6.7. G.h. Dill. elt. t. 32. £.36. OXYRIA. Sm. Oxyria. Hexandria Digynia. one . reniformis. sm. kidney-leaved. Britain. -++- 6.7. H.y%. Eng. bot, 910. Rumex digynus. E.B. RUMEX. L. Dock. Hexandria Trigynia. L. 1 Hydrolapathum.s.s. great water. Britain. +--+ 7.8. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 2104. » aquaticus, E.B. 2 Britannica. s.s. Virginian. N.America. ---- 6.7. H.%. 3 maximus. s.s. great. Europe. —— H.%. 4 acutus. E.B. sharp. Britain. . +--- --—~- H.y%. Eng. bot. 724. 5 Nemolapathum. w. flat-valved. Europe... 1816. —— H:it. — 6 nemorosus. W.ene wood. HL - POLYGONE£. 343 7 sanguineus. g.p. bloody-veined. England. <-+-+ 6.7. H.%. Eng, bot. 1533. 8 condylodes.m.sp. spreading. Caucasus. 1823. —— H.}. ‘mba _ 9 crispus. E.B. -curled, Britain, veoe =—— Ht. Eng. bot. 1998. 10 Patientia. w. Patience. Italy. 1573. —— H.4. ’ 11 confertus. w.en. close-leaved. 1816. —— H.2%. 12 brasiliensis. ren, Brazilian. Brazil. 1823, -—— G.. 13 verticillatus.s.s. | whorled. N.America. 1818. —— H.2. 14 spathulatus. p.s. spatulate-ld, C. B.S. 1824. 8.2. G.%. 15 purpureus. P.s.. purple. Europe. savers. Oyo 1s. Leith e linearis. s.s. linear-leaved.- C.B.S._ 1824. 8.12.G.%. 17 obtusifolius. eB. broad-leaved, Britain. ---- 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1999, 18 nepalensis. s.s. Nepalese. Nepaul. 1823. —— H.2. 19 palustris. E.B. yellow marsh. England. ---- 7.8, H.%. Eng. bot. 1932. .20 maritimus. E£.B. sea-side. Britain. core —— Hi, ————— 795, 21 divaricatus. w. divaricate. Italy. 1793. —— H.%. Till. pis. t.37. f.2. 22 strictus. L.en. upright. ceeesres 1824, —— H.2. 23 persicarioides. w. Persicaria-like. N.America. 1773. 6.7. H.2%. 24 dentatus. w. dentated. Egypt. 1732. 7.8. H.©. Dill. elt. t.158. f. 191. _ 25 egyptiacus. w. Egyptian. ——_—— 1734.:6.7. H.©. Till. pis. t. 37. f. 1. 26 ucranicus. s.s. Ukraine. Ukraine. 1820. —— H.©. 27 crispatulus, M. curled-leaved. N.America. —~— —— H.©. 28 cristatus. Dc. crested. Pewee see) tee oe AS Of 29 pulcher. £.B. fiddle. Britain. +++. 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1576. 30 scutatus. W. French sorrel. France. 1596. 6.7. H.y%. Jacq. ic. 1. t.67. $1 hastifolius. M.B. hastate-leaved. Caucasus. 1816. ——— H.%. 32 vesicarius. Ww. bladder. Africa. 1656. 7.8. H.©. Moris.s. 5. t. 28. f. 7. 33 tingitanus. w. Tangier. Barbary. 1680. 6.8. H.%. Zanon. hist. 9. t. 6. 34 sarcorhizus. Len. fleshy-rooted. C. B.S. 1824, 8.12.G.%. 35 Burchellii. s.s. Burchell’s. ——— 1816. 8.10.G.h. . 36 Lunaria. w. tree. Canaries. 1698. 6.7. G.h. Pluk. alm. t. 252. f.3. 37 domesticus. s.s. various- leaved. Sweden. 1823. —— H.2. ‘ 38 roseus. w. rose. Egypt. 1737. 7.8. H.©. 39 bucephalophorus. Basil-leaved. Italy. 1683. 6.° H.©. Cavan.ic.1. t.41. f.1. 40 fimbriatus. s.s. fringe-valved. C. B.S. 1816. 7.9. G.%. 41 Acetosa. E.B. common Sorrel. Britain. sees 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 127. 42 Acetosella. £.B. sheep’s sorrel ———— <-+. 5.7. H.2%. —— 1674. 43 abyssinicus. Jacq. Abyssinian. Abyssinia. 1823. —— G.h. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 98. 44 tuberosus, w. tuberous-root’d, §. Europe. 1752. 6.8: H.%. 45 arifolius. w. Arum-leaved. Africa. 1775. 12.4. G.h. 46 amplexicaulis. s.s, stem-clasping. Pyrenees. 1816. 6.8. H.2. 47 luxurians. L. laxuriant. S.Europe. +--+ —— H.%. 48 alpinus. w. Alpine. France. 1597. 6.7. H.%. Zorn. ic. 261. 49 frutescens, s.s._ frutescent. Tristan d’Ac.1816. 6.9. G.h. | 50 giganteus. H.K. tall. SandwichIsl.1796. 6.8. G.%. EMEX. S.S. Emex. Hexandria Trigynia. S.S. Spinosus. 8.8. spiny-seeded. Candia. 1656. 6.7. H.©. I Rumex spinosus. w. PODOPTERUS. K.S. Popoprervs. Hexandria Pee nie: “ual . mexicanus. K.S. Mexican. Mexico. 1825. ---- G.hb. B. pl.eq.2. t.i07. TRIPLARIS. K.S. TRIPLARIS. Dicecia Enneandria. ti | americana. K. 8. American. S. America. 1823. 5.8. S.h. Jacq.amer.13.t.173.f.5 RHEUM. L. RHUBARB. Enneandria Trigynia. L. : 1 Rhaponticum. w. common. Asia. ~ 1573. 5.6. H.%. Sabb. hort. 1. t.34. 2 undulatum. w. waved-leaved. China. 1734. —— H.2. L.ameoen. acad. 3. t.4. 3 palmatum. w. officinal. —— 1763. 4.5. H.y%. Linn. fasc.7. t. 4. 4 compactum. w. thick-leaved. Tartary. 1758. 5.6; Het. Mill. ic.2. t. 218, 5 tataricum. w. Tartarian. ——_—— 1793. —— H.yx. : G hybridum. w. bastard. Asia. 1778. —— H.y%. Murr.e. gott. t.1. 7 nutans. F. nodding. 1824. —— H.x. 8 Ribes. w. warted-leav’d. Levant. 1724, —— F.%. Ann. mus. 1. t. 49. 9 austriacum. And. Austrian, Austria. 1819. —— H.2. 10 Emodii. wal. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1826. +++» H.%, 11 crispum. And, curl-leaved. ~seeeesee 1820. 5.6. HY. 12 sibiricum. And. Siberian. Siberia. 1819. —— H.%. 13 fenestratum. mill. transparent. serceee - 1760. —- H.2%. ERIOGONUM.M. Erroconum. Enneandria Trigynia. N. é _ 1 tomentosum. mM. woolly. * Carolina. 1811. 5.6. H.%. Mich. amer, t. 24, 2 flavum. n. silky. Missouri. —— 7 H.Y. sericeum. Ph. 3 longifolium. Nn. long-leaved. Arkansa. 1824, —— H.%. 344 CALLIGONUM. W. Catuiconum. Dodecandria Tetragynia. L. Ke Paliasia. w. NIGIA. W. islandica. w. LAURINA. Brown prodr. p. 401. LAURUS. W. 1 nobilis. w. Sweet Bay. S. Europe. 1561. 4.5. H.k. Flor.grec. t. 365. iM B undulata. wave-leaved. ——-_ — — Hh. aa _ salicifolia. Willow-leaved. ———— —— —— H.h. s variegata. variegated. ———_- —- — H.h. 2 coriacea. s.s. leathery-leav’d. Jamaica. 1822. -+-- S.h. 3 salicifolia. s.s. Willow-leav’d. W.Indies. —— ---- S.h. : 4 Catesbei. P.s. Catesby’s. Florida. 1811. 4.6. G.b. Catesb. car. 1. t. 28. 5 carolinensis. M. Caroline. N. America.1806. -——- G.h. —— 1, t. 63. a glabra. smooth-leaved. —_ —-_ -—-- Gh. B pubescens. downy. —_—_ —— —— G.h. y obtusa, blunt-leaved, —_ — — G.h. weet 6 Borbonia. w. Bourbon. S. America. 1739. —— G.h. Plum. gen.4. _ 7 thyrsiflora. s.s. bunch-flower’d. Madagascar.1824. --+- S.h- 8 indica. w. royal bay. Madeira. 1665. 10.3.G.h. Pluk. alm. t.304.f.1. © 9 foetens. w. Madeiraor Til. ————— 1760. —- G.he — és 10 canariensis. w.en. Canary. Canaries. 1815. —— G.h. 1l aggregata. B.m. clustered. China. 1812. —— S.h. Botan. magaz. 2497. 12 Chloroxylon. w. Cogwood-tree. Jamaica. 1778. ++++ S.k. Brown. jam.t.7.f.1. — 13 pendula. w. pendulous. - 1822, «++. Sih. 14 glauca. ve glaucous. Japan. 1806. ---- G.h. 15 estivalis. veined-leaved. N.America.1765. 4.5. G.h. 16 Benzoin. 7 Benjamin-tree. ————— 1683. —— H.h. Comm. hort. 1. t. 97. 17 Diospyrus. P.s. twiggy. ——— 1810. —— H.k- Botan. magaz. 1476. 18 geniculata. m. flexuose. ——_ 1759. — Hh. ————— 1471. 19 Sassafras. w. Sassafras-tree. ————— 1633. 5.6. H.h- Catesb. car. 1. t. 55. 20 albida. nN. whiteSassafras. —————_ -:-- —— H.h. PERSEA. G. ALLIGATOR-PEAR. Enneandria Monogynia. S.S. gratissima. G. common, W. Indies. 1739. 4.6. S.h. Pluk. alm. t.267. f. 1. Laurus Persea. w. ery . CINNAMOMUM.B.P.Cinnamon. Enneandria Monogynia. ~ 1 Cassia? pubescent. E.Indies. 1768. 5.9. S.h. Andr. reposit. 596. Laurus Cinnamomum. A.R. Persea Cassia. s.s. . é 2 verum. true. Ceylon. 1763. 6.9. S.h. Botan. magaz. 1636. 3 4 5 Culitlaban. three-flowered. Moluccas. -+-- S.h Laurus Culitlaban. .B. 6 gracile. Hort. slender. E.Indies:s 1805. -+--- S.h. ae 7 Camphora. - Camphire-tree. Japan. 1727. 3.6. G.h. Botan. magaz. 2658. - Laurus Camphora. 8.M. Persea Camfora. s.s. CRYPTOCARYA.B.P.Cryprocarya. Enneandria Monogynia. S.S. l glaucescens. B.p. glaucous-leav’d.N.S.W. 1820. ---- G.b. 2 obovata. B.P. obovate-leaved. —————_ 1823. ---- G.h. TETRANTHERA.B.P.TRTRANTHERA. Enneandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 laurifolia. B.R. Laurel-leaved. Japan. 1823. 1.5. ey h- Botan. regist.. 893. : apetala. B.P. petalless. E. Indies; -——— ---- G.}p. Roxb. corom. 2, t. 147. 3 involucrata, Rox. , involucred. — 1820. «--- Gh. CASSYTHA. L. CassyTHa. Enneandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 filiformis. L. slender. Cc. B.S. soos 508. GY. Ramph: amb,5. t184. f. aa Laurus Cassiu. 8.M. Persea Cinnamomum. 8.5. nitidum. H.E.F. Bejolghota. Laurus Bejolghota. L.r. Laurus malabathrica. H.B ? 2 giabella. B.p. POLYGONES. Caspian. Caspian shores. 1780.8. H.h. Pall. ros. 2. t. 77. 78. Keniera. Triandria Trigynia. L. ef Iceland. Iceland. 1773. 4. H.(@) Lam. ill. gen.t. 51. ORDO CXLVII. Laurus. Enneandria Monogynia. L. glossy-leaved. Sumatra. 1824. —— S.k. Hook. ex. flor. 176. square-branch’d.E, Indies. 1805. ---- S.h. . - Rumph.amb, 2, t. 14. | smooth. N. S. Ww. 1822. a G. 2 ow patti 4g OG 4) aes LAURINE. LAURINIS AFFINE. Polygamia Moneecia. | GYROCARPUS. B.P. GYROCARPUS. £ W. Indies. 1816. -++- § Ss 1 americanus. w. American, h. 2 asiaticus. w. Asiatic. E. Indies. 1812. «+++ S.hb. Jacquini. R.C. HERNANDIA.L. JACKIN A BOx. Monecia Triandria, L. 1 sonora. w. peltate-leaved. W. Indies. 1693. ---- S.h. 2 guianensis. w. Guiana. Guiana. 1823. -+-- S.h. 3 ovigera. Ww. oval-leaved. E. Indies. 1820. ---- S.h. — ORDO CXLVII. MYRISTICA®. Dicecia Monadelphia. L. Brown prodr. p. MYRISTICA. W. NUTMEG. 1 moschata. w. true. E. Indies. 1795. +++: S.b. inalis. H.E.F. aromatica. Lams _ 2 fatua. w. tasteless. Surinam. 1812. +--+. S.h. ~ ORDO CXLIx. 345 Jacq. amer, t.178.f.80. Roxb. corom. 1. t.1. Rumph. amb. 2. t. 85 Aub. gui.2. t. 309. Rumph. amb. 3. t, 123. 399. Hook. ex. flor.155-156. Pluk. alm. t. 250. f. 6. PROTEACES. Brown Linn. trans. 10. p. 46. “AULAX. P.L.- AvuLax. Dicecia Tetrandria. H.K. 1 pinifolia. L.T. Pine-leaved. C.B.S. 1780. 7.9. G.h. Protea pinifolia. A.R. 2 umbellata. L.T. umbelled. 1774. 6.8. G.h. -LEUCADENDRON. L.T. LEUCADENDRON. Diccia Tetrandria. H.K. 6. 8. ate 1 argenteum. L.T. Silver-tree. C.B.S. 1693. Protea argeniea. W. 2 plumosum. L.T. feathered. 1774. -~——- Protea parvifiora. Th- 3 aft “a retuse-leaved. 1825. «+: G.h. 4 spathulatum. L.7. spathulate. / ——--—— 1812. 6.8. G.h. 5 angustatum. L.T. marrow-leav'd, -—-——— 1824. --+ G.h- 6 imbricatum. L.t. _imbricated. 1790. 6.8. G.h. 7 buxifolium. u.r. Box-leaved. 1812. —— G.h. 8 Levisanus. L.T. short-leaved. ——-—— 1774. 4.6. G.h. 9 linifolium. L.T. Flax-leaved. .-—-——— <°°- — G.h. 10 stellatum. starry. ooe- 5.6. Gi. Protea stellaris. B.M. squarrosd. K.P. 11 tortum., L.T. cpitee leaved. ———— 1790. 3.5. G.h. 12 cinereum. L.T. gray-leaved. ————— 1774. 7.8. Gh. 13 corymbosum.1L.T. corymbed. ———— 1790. 4.7. G.h. | 14 decorum. L.T. decorous. ——— — i.8 G.h. 15 squarrosum. L.T.- squarrose. —— 1812, — G.h. strobilina, L. 16 concolor. L.T. one-coloured. meee! NG TEG We Ga Rie ba | Protea globosa. B.M. 878. strobilina, Schrad. s. han. 1. t. 1. 17 pct ir Set L.T. great-flower’'d. ————— 1789. 4.6. G.h. 18 ovale. L.T. oval-leaved. 1818. —— G.h. 19 venosum. L.T. veined-leaved. | ————- 1815 Pag gaat Andr. reposit. 76. Andr. reposit. 248. Botan. regist. 979. Thunb. diss, 40. t. 4. Wend. h. herr. t.14? pig Jacq. schen. 1. t. 26. Botan. magaz, 881. Botan. regist. 826. Botan. regist. 402. Andr. reposit. 307. Sal. par. lond. 105. ON he ee ee oe a ne ee 346 | | PROTEACEE. 20 decurrens, L.T. decurrent. C.B.S. 1812. 6.8. G. 21 glabrum. L.T. smooth. —_—_- — 3.6. Gh. 22 strictum. L.T. upright. ——— 1795. 4.6. G.h. Sal. par. lond. 75. Euryspermum salicifolium. P.L. Protea conifera. A.R. 541. ; ; ‘23 virgatum. L.T. slender. — secre ——m Gh. 24 adscendens, 1.7. ascending. ———_ 1774. 6.8. G.h-. Pluk. mant. t, 229. f. 6. 25 concinnum. L.T. _neat.’ ———_ 1800. —— G.h. 26 salignum. L.T. Willow-leaved. ————— 1774. 4.6. G.h. Boer. lugd.2. p. 204. ic. 27 uliginosum. L.T. swamp. - ——— _ 1795. —— G.hb. Breyn. cent. 21. t.9. 28 floridum. t.T. florid. —_—_ —- — G.h. Andr. reposit. 572? 29 platyspermum. L.T. flat-seeded. ——_ 1818. —— G.b. : ff 30 comosum. L.T. tufted. ————._ 1812. 5.8. G.b. 31 emulum. L.T. related. ———. 1789. 6.9. G.h. Proteraincurva. A.R. 4292 32 abietinum, L.T. Pine-leaved. ——_ —— 7.9. G. Andr, reposit. 461. 33 scabrum. L.T. rough. ————._ 1812. 4.6. G.h. 34 sericeum. L.T. silky-leaved. ——- 1818. —— G.h. : $5 Globularia. L.tT. globe-headed. ————— 1810. —— G. Lam. ill, 1. t. 53. 36 inflexum. L.en. inflexed. ——-—— 1812. —— G.h. 37 caudatum. L.en. tailed. ——_—_- ——- —- G. , 38 marginatum.tL.en. villous-margin’d. —————_ 1818. —-— G.h. PETROPHILA. L.T. Petropasita. Tetrandria Monogynia. R. 1 pulchella. v.71. Fennel-leaved. N.S. W. 1790. 7.8. G. Botan. magaz. 796. 2 diversifolia. u.t. various-leaved. N.Holland.1603. 4.6. G. 3 trifida. L.t. trifid-leaved. ——— 1824. ---- G. ISOPOGON. L.T. Isopocon. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 teretifolius. L.r. .round-leaved. N.Holland. 1824. ---- G.h. . 2 anethifolius.t.7. Dill-leaved. N.S. W. 1796. 3.6. G.h. Cavan.ic. 6. t. 549. 3 formosus. L.T. handsome. N. Holland. 1805. —— G. ae = 4 anemonifolius. t.t. Anemone-l4. N.S.W. 1791. 7.9. G. Botan. magaz. 697. 5 trilobus. 1.7. three-lobed. N.Holland. 1803. 5.6. G.b. 6 longifolius. L.T. long-leaved. ——— 1820. G. Botan. regist. 900. 7 attenuatus, L.T. attenuated. ————_ 1824. -+++ Gh. PROTEA. L.T. Protea. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 cynaroides. u.t. Artichoke-fld. C.B.S. 1774. 11.3. G. Botan. magaz. 770. 2 latifolia. L.T. ray-flowered. ———— 1806. 7.9. G.h. ——-—— I17]7. a coccinea. scarlet-flower’'d. —————- —— -—— G.h. Andr. reposit. 646. B viridifiora. green-flowered. ——— —— -—— G. —— 6416. 3 compacta. L.T. compact. —— 1810. — G.h. 4 longiflora. L.T. long-flowered. ~———— 1795. 1.4. G. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t. 81. - ochroleuca. sm. lacticolor. P.L. 27. 5 coccinea, L.T. scarlet-flow’r’d. ————— 1810. 5.6. G. 6 speciosa. L.T. splendid. ——— 1786. 3.6. G.h. Knight's prot. c. ic. 7 obtusa. K.P. obtuse. ——_—_- 1 ——- — Gh. And. reposit. 110. Specivsa. B.M. 1183+ Erodendrum obtusum. K.P. 8 macrophylla. L.T. large-leaved. ——— 1810. —— G.h. “ 9 formosa. L.T. handsome. ——— 1780. 5. G.h- Botan. magaz. 1713. coronata. A.R. 469. Erodendrum formosum. P.L. 76. ; : 10 melaleuca. L.T. black-fringed. ————— 1786. 3.7. G.h. Andr. reposit. 103. 11 Lepidocarpon. L.T. crested. —— 1806. —— G.h. Wein. phyt. 4. t.895. 12 neriifolia. L.1T. Oleander-I4. ——- -—— 2.4. G.h. Botan. regist. 208. 13 pulchella. 1.1. wave-leaved. ——— 1795. 3.8. G.h. ——————20. © a ciliata. Sringe-leaved. —_—_——_- — — Andr. reposit. 270. B glabra. smooth-leaved. ———— —— -—— G.h. —— 277. Y Speciosa. specious. —_——— 1 —_- — Gh — — 442, 14 patens. L.T. spreading. ——- _ 1789. 3.6. Gh. ———— 543. 15 magnifica, A.R. magnificent. —_—_——_- ——-_ —- G. —— ——_ 438. — 16 incompta, L.T. villous-branch’d, ———-— 1807. 5.7. G.h. . it 17 longifolia. L.T. long-leaved. ——-——. 1798. 3.8. G.h. Botan. regist. 47. 18 umbonalis, K.P, embossed. —- — — Gh. Andr. reposit. 144, longifolia. var. cono turbinato. a.R. Erodendrum umbonale. K.P. 19 ligulefolia. K.P. strap-leaved. —_— — —— G.h. Andr. reposit. 133, - longifolia ferruginoso-purpurea. A.R. Erodendrum ligulefolium. k.P. 20 mellifera, L.T. honey-bearing. — 1774. 12.5. G. Botan. magaz. 346. B alba. white-flowered. ——-—— —— -—— G. Andr. reposit. ic. 21 grandiflora. L.r. great-flowered. ————— 1787. 5.6. G.h. Botan. magaz. 2447. B marginata. red margined. —_—_- —— -—+ Gb. Botan. regist. 569. 22 Scolymus. L.T. small-flower’d. ——-—— 1780. —— G. Botan. magaz. 698. 23 mucronifolia. L.T. dagger-leaved. ——--—-— 1803. 7.12. G.h. —— 933, | PROTEACE. 347 24 nana. L.T. dwarf. C2 Bas) VST. - 4:7. Protea abrotanifolia, A.R, G.h. Sm. exot. bot. I. t.44. ' rosacea. Sm. acuifolia. P.L. 2 ; 25 pendula. LT. pedalous. ——— 1806. 3.6. G.h. 26 tenax. L.T. tough. —-—— 1801. 2.5. G.k. Sal. par. lond. 70. 27 canaliculata. L.T. channel-leaved. ———-— 1800. 12.2. G.h. Andr. reposit. 437. 28 acuminata. B.M. sharp-peinted. _———-— 1809. 3.6. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1694. 29 acaulis. L.T. short-stalked. ———-—— 1802. 5.9. G.h. Wein. phyt.4.t. 898. © 30 glaucophylla. p.t. glaucous-leav’d, ——-——- —— 7.9. G.h. Sal. par.lond.11. 31 elongata. L.T. elongated. —-— 1810. —— G.f. 32 angustata. L.T. narrow-leaved. —-——— 1809. —— G.h. 33 revoluta. L.T. revolute-leav’d. ————-— 1818. —— G.h. 34 tenuifolia. L.T. slender-leaved. ———— 1816. -—— G.h. 35 levis. L.T. smooth-leaved. -———— 1806. 5.7. G.h. Botan. magaz. 2439. longifolia. P.L. non A.R. . 36 scabra. L.T. rough- -leaved. ——-—~ 1809. —— G.h. 37 repens. L.T. creeping. ——— 1800. 6.8. G.h. Wein. phyt. 4. t.897.a. 38 turbiniflora, L.t. turfy. —-—— 1803. 4.5. G.h. Sal. par. lond. 103. 39 Scolopendrium.t.t. Hart’s-tongue. ————— 1802. —— G.h. 40 cordata. L.T. heart-leaved. —— 1790. 3.5. G.h. Andr. reposit. 289. 41 amplexicaulis. u.r. stem-clasping. ———— 1802. 1.3. G.%. Sal. par. lond. 67. 42 humilis. L.T. low-flowering. ———- —— 6.8. G.h. Andr. reposit. 532. 43 acerosa. L.T. Pine-leaved. ——— 1803. 3.5. G.h. Botan. regist. 351. LEUCOSPERMUM.L.T. LevucospERMUM. ee Monogynia. R.S. 1 lineare. L.T. linear-leaved. C. B. 1774. 8.9. G.h. Thunb. dis. n. 35. t. 4. 2 attenuatum. L.T. attenuated. —— 1810. — G.h. 3 Tottum. 1.7. smooth-bracted, ————— _ 1774. 6.8. G.h. 4 medium. L.T. oval-leaved. ———— 1794. -— G.h. Andr. reposit. 17? Protea formosa, A.R? ; 5 ellipticum. L.T. elliptic. ——— 1803. 5.8. Gb. 6 Conocarpum. L.r. many-toothed, —-——- 1774. —— G.h. Boer. lugd. 2. 7 grandiflorum. L.r. great-flower’d. ——-—— 1800. 5.7. G.h. Sal. par. lond. 116. Leucadendron grandiflorum, P.L. — $8 puberum. L.T. downy-leaved. ———— 1774. 5.8. G.h. 9 spathulatum.L.T. spathulate. ——— 1810. —— G.h. 10 tomentosum. K.P. cottony. ——— 1789. 8.9. G.h. 11 parile. K.P. matched. —— 1790. —— G.hb. 12 candicans. A.R. Rose-scented.g ————~ -—— -—— G.h. Andr. reposit. 294. Protea candicans. A.R. 13 Hypophyllum. t.t. trifid-leaved. ———— 1787. -+++ G.h. Pluk.mant. t.440. f.3. MIMETES: L.T. Mimetes. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 hirta, L.T. hairy. C. B.S. 1774, 6.8. G.h. Wein.phyt.4.t.899. fia. 2 palustris. K.P. marsh. —~——_ 1802. —— G.h. Boer. lugd. 2. p.194.ic. 3 cucullata. L.7. three-toothed. ———— 1789. +--+ G.h. Pluk. alm. t.304. f.6. Protea cucullata. w. 4 Hartogii. i.t. woolly-leaved. ——-—— 1810. ---- G.h. Wein. phyt. 4. t.906.a. 5 divaricata. L.T. divaricate. ————-_ 1795. 6.9. G.h. 6 vacciniifolia. Vaccinium-l4, -——-—— 1800. <--- G.h. Diastella vaccinitfolia. K.P. 7 purpurea. L.T. Heath-leaved. —— 1789. 11.12.G.h. SERRURIA. L.T. SeRRuRIA. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 diffusa. L.T. diffuse. C. B.S. 1810. 6.8 G.h. 2 abrotanifolia. k.p. Southernwood-l4. —~—— 1803. —— G.h. Andr. reposit. 522. Protea abrotanifolia hirta. a.r. 3 millefolia. K.P. Pere eAy Ge eG ars 4 artemisizfolia. kK.p. Wormwood-l4, ———— 1789. —— G.h. —-———— 264. 5 pinnata. L.T. slender. —— 1803. — Gh. ———— 3512. 6 arenaria. L.T. sand. ——_ — — ah. 7 cyanoides. L.T. trifid-leaved. ——— _-——- — G.h. Pluk. mant. t.345. f.6. 8 pedunculata. L.t. woolly-headed. ————— 1789. —— G.}. Andr.reposit. 264. 9 scoparia. L.T. Broom. foreemes| SBODL = As 6 : 10 Niveni. L.T. Niven’s. ———_ 1800. —— G.h. Andr. reposit. 349. Proteu decumbens. A.R. 11 villosa. L.T. villous. —— 1810. — G.h. 12 feeniculacea. t.r. Fennel-leaved. ——-——— 1816. —— G.h. 13 ciliata. L.T. ciliated. ——- _ 1803. —— G.h. 14 congesta. L.T. crowded. ——— 1816. —— G.h. 15 squarrosa. L.T. squarrose.,, — —_—‘:1810. —— G.h. 16 phylicoides. u.r. Phylica-flow’r’d. ———— 1788. —— G.}. Andr. reposit. 507. f.4. 2 te < ae ee i i 348 PROTEACES. 17 emula. grey-branched. C. B.S. 1803. G.h. 18 parilis. K.p. matched. — oo 6 ——— Gh. 19 odorata. sweet-scented. — — G.h. Protea abrotanifolia odorata, A.R. ce? 20 emarginata. emarginate. 1800. —— G.h. arenaria. K.P. Protea abrotanifolia minor. A.R.- : 21 decumbens. L.T. decumbent. 1816. —— G.h. 22 flagellaris. L.T. procumbent. meee. en | ree! Rae eae 23 glomerata. L.T. many-headed. ————— 1789. —— G.h. 24 decipiens, L.T. decipient. —— 1806. — G.h. 25 Roxburghii. t.r. Roxburgh’s. Sree eae oe 26 Burmanni. 1.7. Burmann’s. —-— 17386. —— G.pb. Protea Serraria. 1. 27 triternata. L.T. silvery-flowered. ———— 1802. —— G.h. Protea argentifloras A.Rs 28 elongata. L.T. long-peduncled. ——-—— 1800. —— G.h. 29 crithmifolia, u.r. Samphire-leav’d. — 1816. —— G.h. NIVENIA. L.T. NiveniaA. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 Sceptrum: L.T. sceptre-like. C.B.S. 1790. 5.6. G.h. 2 spathulata. L.T. maiden hair-ld4. -——-——- ~— 7.8. G.h. 3 parvifolia, L.T. small-leaved. 1810. —— G.h. 4 spicata. L.T. spiked. . 1786. 6.8. G.h. 5 crithmifolia, u.r. Samphire-ld. 1797. —— G.h. Protea Lagopus. A.R- 6 media. L.T. middle. —-— 1803. —— Gh. Protea spicata. A.R? Hen 7 Lagopus. Lt. Hare’s-foot. ———— 1810. — G.h. SOROCEPHALUS.L.T. Sorocepuatus. Tetrandria Monogynia. R. 1 imberbis. L.T. smooth - C.B.S. 1806. 6.8 G.h. 2 spatalloides. u.t.. club-bearing. ——— 1803. —— G.h. 3 tenuifolia. LT. slender-leaved. 1802. —— G.p. 4 lJanatus. L.T. woolly. ——- 1790. 6.9. G.h. 5 imbricatus. t.r. _imbricated. sr, 1794. 4. 7G 6 diversifolius. L.r. various-leaved. —— 1807. —— G.hb. SPATALLA. L.T. SPATALLA. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 nivea. L.T. snowy-bearded. C. B.S. 1806. 4.8. G.h. 2 bracteata. L.T. bracteate. —_——_ — — Gb. 3 prolifera. L.T. proliferous. ——-—— 1800. 6.8. G.h. 4 incurva. LT. incurved-leaved. ———— 1789. 5.6. G.h. 5 caudata. L.T. tailed. ———— 1812. —— G.h. 6 Thunbergii. u.r.. Thunberg’s. ———— 1806. —~— G.h. CONOSPERMUM. L.T. ConospermMum. Triandria Monogynia. 1 ellipticum. L.T. elliptic-leaved. N.S. W. 1822. 5.7. G.h. 2 ericifolium. L.T. Heath-leaved. —--—— 1820... —— G.h. 3 longifolium. L.T. —_long-leaved. ——— 1824. «5, Gob. PERSOONIA.L.T. Persoonra. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 pinifolia. 1.1. Pine-leaved. N.S.W. 1818. 5.7. G.hb. 2 juniperina. u.T. Juniper-leav’d. V.Diem.Isl. 1823, —— G.h. 3 hirsuta. L.T. hairy. N.S. W. 1800. —— G.b. 4 mollis. L.T. soft. ——-— 1818 — G.h. 5 linearis. u.T. linear-leaved. —-— 1794. 7.8. G.h. 6 flexifolia. L.T. bending-leav’d. ——---—— 1822, —— G.h. 7 lanceolata. L.T. spear-leaved. ae es, ATO). Oe a ee 8 latifolia. B.P. broad-leaved. —-—- ——- —— Gh. § salicina. L.T. Willow-leaved. ——--—— 1795. 6.7. G.h. 9 ferruginea. L.T. ferruginous, —-—— 1818. G.hb. BRABEJUM. L.T. ArFricAn Atmonp. Polygamia Monecia. L. stellatifolium. L.T. common. C.B.S. 1731. 3.4. G.h. GREVILLEA. L.T. Grevittea. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 punicea. L.T. purple-flow’r’d. N.S. W. 1822. 4.9. G.h. 2 dubia. L.T. doubtful. ——- — — Gp. 3 sericea. L.T. silky. — —— 1790. —— Gh. A linearis. L.T. linear-leaved. —— —— Gh. a incarnata. B.M. _flesh-coloured. —_—_ -——-_ — —. Gh. B alba, B.C. white-flowered. ————- ~-—— -—— G.h. 5 stricta. LT. upright. ~-—-—— 1822. —~— G.h. 6 riparia. L.T. river-side. geen AGOL. 4.5, ee, 7 rosmarinifolia. F.T. Rosemary-I% ————-= 41824, —— G.h. 8 juniperina. L.T. Juniper-like, ———— 1821. —~ Gh. - Andr. reposit. 507. ———-——. 545. ——_——_—— 536. Thunb. diss, 1. t.1. Burm. afr, t. 99. f. 2. Burm. afr. t..99. f.1. Andr, reposit. 447. 4 ; : spare a. st. 1777. t.1. Thunb. dis, n, 58. t.5. — Andr. reposit. 243. ———~ ——— 234? q _ Thunb. dis. n. 30. t. 3. Andr. reposit. 517. Thunb. dis. n. 27. ut: ia ks n. 22, t. 3. ———+ = SAC; ic. t. 2. * i a =34 Linn.trans.10. t.17. fl. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t. $2. Linn. trans.10. t.16. f.1. _ Lab. n, holl. 1, t. 45. Lodd. bot. cab. 327. Botan. magaz. 760. Lodd. bot. cab. 922, Andr. reposit. 74. —— —— 280? Cavan. ic. 4. t. 389? | | 4 i Sim. exot. bot. 2. t. 83. — Hout.n.h.par.2.t.6.f.37_ dl Sm.n. holl. t. 9. f. 5. Botan. magaz. 862. Andr. reposit. 272. Botan. magaz. 2661. Lodd. bot. cab. 858. — } Lodd. bot, cab, 1003. — PROTEACER. 1 pulchella. u.t. smiall-flowered. N.Holland. 1803. ««++ Gh. 349 Lodd. bot. cab. 857. ” Botan. regist. 443. B. Field. trav. c. ic. Lodd. bot. cab. 353. Lab. nov. hol. 1. t. 40. Cavan. ic. 6. t. 534. Venten. malm. t. 111. Botan. regist. 475. Botan. magaz. 2579. Botan. magaz, 2246. Andr. reposit. 215. Lab. nov. holl. 1. t.39. Cavan. ic. 6. t. 535. Lab. nov. holl. 1. t.41. Botan. regist. 528. Cavan..ic. 6. t.536. Aub. gui. 1. t.32. Rudg. gui. 1. t.31. Botan. magaz, 1128, Botan. magaz. 1272. Lab. nN. holl. le t. 42-43. Botan. regist. 442. Flor. peruv. 1. t. 94, a. Botan. regist. 441. W.m.b.1811.t.10.f,10. 9 arenaria., L.T. sand.- N.S. W. 1803. 4.9. G.h. 10 acuminata. L.T. acute-leaved. —~—— 1805. —— G.h. 11 cinerea, L.T. grey. —-— 1821. —— G.h. 12 mucronulata. L.T. mucronulate. ———. 1809. .—— G.h. 13 sulphurea. F.1. sulphur-colour’d ———— 1823. —— G.h. 14 phylicoides. u.t. = Phylica-like. —_——_— «- —_ - — _ Gh. 15 buxifolia. L.T. Box-leaved. | ——-—— 1790. 2.9. G.h. 16 podalyriefolia. c.c. Podalyria-14. N.Holland, 1821. 5.8. S.h. 17 berberifolia.c.c. Berberry-l4. —_—_ ——-_ — S.h. 18 acanthifolia. ¥.r. Acanthus-l4, ——— —— — Sh. 19 heterophylla. various-leaved. ———— —~ —— S.h. 20 trifurcata. C.c. three-forked. —-——- ——- —— S.hb. - 21 aspleniifolia.t.r. Spleenwort-l4. N.S. W. 1806. —— S.h. HAKEA. L.T. HAKEA. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S, . 1 pugioniformis. L.r. dagger-fruited. N.S. W. 1796. 5.6. G.h. 2 parilis. K.P. matched. V.Diem.Isl —~- —— G.h. 3 epiglottis. 1.1. curved-fruited. ——-—— 1822. ——— G.h. 4 obliqua. 1.7. oblique-flow’r’d N.Holland. 1803. 6.9. G.b. 5 gibbosa. L.T. gibbous-fruited. N.S. W. 1790. 5.6. G.b. 6 acicularis. L.T. needle-leaved. ———- —~- -—— G.hb. Conchium aciculare. Vv. 7 suaveolens. L.T. swect-scented, N.Holland.1803. 11.1. G.h. 8 Lamberti. N.u.F. Lambert’s. ——— 1823. -+---- Gh. 9 microcarpa. L.T. small-fruited. V.Diem.Isl.1818. 4.8. G.h. 10 trifurcata. L.T. trifurcate. N.Holland, 1824, «--- G.h. 11 linearis. L.T. linear-leaved. — — -:--+: Gh. 12 florida. L.T. _ many-flower’d. ——-—— 1803. 5.6. G.h. 13 ilicifolia. L.T. Holly-leaved. ——_ — _ 7.9. Gh. 14 nitida. LT. glossy. ——. —-__ 6.8. Gh. 15 amplexicaulis. L.r. smooth-stalked, —--——- -—— -+-- G.h. 16 prostrata. L.T. pubescent. ———_— «ss ——_ ttre Goh. 17 ceratophylla. u.r. horn-leaved. tee GO. 18 acanthophylla. L.en. Acanthus-l4, —_——_—- —- -—_ +++ Gh. 19 undulata. L.T. wave-leaved. —-—- — 6.8 Gh. 20 propinqua. F.T. related. —-—— 1823. e+ G.h. 21 oleifolia. L.T. Olive-leaved. —-—— 1794. 6.7 G.h. 22 saligna. L.T. Willow-leaved. -—--—— 1791. 3.7. Gh. 23 marginata. L.T. marginate. ———_ 1824. ---- Gh. 24 ruscifolia. L.T. Ruscus-leaved. ————- -——— +--+ G.h. 25 cinerea. L.T. hoary-leaved. ————- 1803. 6.7. G.h. 26 canescens. L.en. canescent. N.S. W. 1800. 6.8 G.b. 27 dactyloides. L.r. nerved-leaved. ————— 1790. —— G.h. 28 elliptica. L.-T. oval-leaved. N.Holland. 1794. —— G.h. 29 clavata. L.T. clavate. ——_ 1824. +--+ G.h. LAMBERTIA.L.T. ULampertia. Tetrandria Monogynia, R.S. 1 uniflora. L.T. single-flowered. N.Holland. 1824. - G.b. 2 inermis. L.T. unarmed. ———' — -r- Gh. 3 formosa. L.T. handsome. N.S. W. 1788. 6. 8. G.h. 4 echinata. L.r. ~— lobe-leaved. N.Holland. 1824, ‘ ~XYLOMELUM. L.T. WoopeEn-PEAR-TREE. Tetrandria Monngy iu RS. pyriforme. L.T. — prickly-leaved. N.S.W. 1789. ---- G.b. RHOPALA., L.T. RHOPALA. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 montana. L.T. mountain. Guiana. 1823. 4.6. S.h. 2 dentata. L.T. tooth-leaved. ——— 1802. 5.8 S.h. 3 sessilifolia. L.T. sessile-leaved. --——— 1803. -— S.h. _ TELOPEA. L.T. WaraTaH, Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. speciosissima. L.T. splendid. N.S.W. 1789. 5.7. G.h- 1 | Embothrium speciosissimum. B.M. | LOMATIA. L.T. Lomatia. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 silaifolia. L.T. cut-leaved, N.S.W. 1792. 6.8. 2 tinctoria. L.T. various-leaved. V.Diem.Isl].1822. <«+-- G.h 3 longifolia. 1.T. long-leaved. N.S. W. 1816. 5.8. G.h 4 dentata. L.T. tooth-leaved. Chili. 1824, -+-+ G.h STENOCARPUS.L.T. Stenocarpus. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. | salignus. L.T. sweet-scented. N.S. W. 1815. 6.9. G.h. | BOTRYCERAS. W. Borryceras. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. i laurinum. w. Laurel-like. N.Holland. 1820. 6.9. G.h. _ BANKSIA. L.T. BANKsIA. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. 300 \ 2 spherocarpa. L.T. 3 nutans. L.T. 4 ericifolia. L.T. spinulosa. L.T. collina. L.T. 5 6 7 occidentalis. L.T. 8 littoralis. L.T. 9 marginata. L.T. 10 australis. L.T. 11 insularis. L.T. 12 integrifolia. L.T. 13 compar. L.T. 14 verticillata. LT. 15 coccinea. L.T. 16 paludosa. L.T. 17 intermedia. ~. 18 oblongifolia. L.T. 19 latifolia. L.T. 20 marcescens. L.T. ee ee eee eS ee ee, PROTEACEA. round-fruited, N. Holland. 1803. nodding-fld, —_—_— Eee fentad. N.S.W. 1788. spiny-leaved. OO hill. ——— +»—«-« 1800. west-coast. N. Holland. 1803. sea-side. —_—_—_—_—_ — various-leaved. N.S. W. 1804. southern, V.Diem.Isl. 1816. Island. ———_ 1823. entire-leaved. N.S. W. 1788. related. N.Holland. 1823. whorl-leaved. 1794. scarlet-flow’r’d. 1803. marsh. N.S. W. 1805. intermediate. N. Holland. 1824. oblong-leaved. N.S. W. 1788. broad-leaved. _ 1802. short-leaved. N. Holland. 1794. premorsa. A.R. aspleniifolia. K.P. 21 attenuata. L.T. 22 serrata. L.T. 23 zmula. L.T. 24 dentata. L.T. 25 quercifolia. L.T. 26 dryandroides. w. 27 speciosa. L.T. 28 grandis. L.T. 29 prostrata. . 30 repens. L.T. $1 ilicifolia. L.tT. DRYANDRA. L.T. 1 floribunda. L.T. 2 cuneata. L.T. a brevifolia. B longifolia. 3 armata. L.T. © falcata. L.T. formosa. L.T. plumosa. L.T. obtusa. L.T. nivea. L.T. 10 longifolia. L.T. 11 Baxteri. ~. 12 tenuifolia. 1.T. 13 nervosa. ~. 14 pteridifolia. 1.1. DIRCA. W. palustris. w. LAGETTA. J. lintearia. J. DAPHNE. W. 1 Mezereum. w. a album. 6B rubrum. y autumnale. 3 4 5 6 mucronulata. L.T. 7 8 9 attenuated, smooth-fl4, —— 1794. saw- leaved. N.S.W. 1788. deeply-sawed. tooth-leaved. N.Holland. 1822. Oak-leaved. — 1805. Dryandra-like. ——-—— 1824. long-leaved. 1805. great-flowered. ————-— 1794. prostrate. ——-— 1824. creeping. ———— 1803. Holly-leaved. —- 1824, DRYANDRA. wedge-leaved. short-leaved. long-leaved. acute-leaved. falcate-leaved. 1824. splendid. ———_ 1803 pointed-leaved. ——--——— 1824 feathered. —————-— 1803. blunt-leaved. —_ —— white-leaved. ee long-leaved. ——— 1805. Baxter’s. ————— 1824. slender-leaved. 1803. nerved-leaved. ——— 1824. Pteris-leaved. Tetrandria Monogynia. R. many-flowered. N.Holland. 1803. 1.12. e#eee G.b. 4.6. G.b. 1. 12. G.h. 12. 5. G.h. eeee G.h. sere Gib. 4.7. G.h. 5.8. G.h. — G.h. ial ere Gn: 5.8. G.h. -ee- Gh. 7M. G.h. s 2 00 He BE 1% G.h. eocee Gh. 5.8 G.h. — Gh. 1.12.G.h. veee G. . 7.9. G.h- 1.6. G.h. vce’ Sth, eoee GB. evee GLH. 5.8. G.h. --- Gh. eee G.h. cose Gh. esos Gh. io 2) STS SSS SS SSS HSS SS St 1.2 fed e a i Ihe onnanoaane — i) ° ° e e ° e e e Ww ~ QNOLDMO ORDO CL. THYMEL/AZ. Brown prodr. p. 358. LEATHER-WOOD. Octandria Monogynia. L. marsh, Virginia. 1750. 3.4. H.b. LaAcE-BARK. Octandria Monogynia. S.S. Jamaica. Jamaica. 1793. 12.1. S.h- DAPHNE. Octandria Monogynia. L. Mezereon. England. :--- 2.4. H.h. white-flowered. — «+ —— Hh. red-flowered. ———— ers —— Hh. autumnal-flow’r’'d, —~-—— rs 8.12, Hk. ir, aes eee ee Botan. magaz. 738. Andr. reposit. 457. Botan. magaz. 1947. Botan. regist. 787. Cavan. ic. 6. t. 546. Hook. ex. flor. 96. Bauer.n. holl. ic. _ Botan. regist. 697. Lodd. bot. cab. 241. Cavan. ic. 6. t. 543. Andr. reposit. 258. Andr. reposif. 82: Botan. regist. 688. Lab. voy. 1. t.23. Botan. magaz. 1581. Linn. trans. 10. t. 3. Lab. voy. 1. t. 24. Botan. magaz. 1582. Botan. regist. 292, Lam. ill. t. 289. Eng. bot. 1381. woo" + “a om Sa" ee ee ey ’ . ° THYMELEE. 2 Laureola. w. spurge-laurel. Britain. sees 1,3. Hof. 3 pontica. w Pontic. Pontus. 1759. 4.5. H.p. 4 tinifolia. w Bonace-bark. Jamaica. 1733. 5.7. S.h. 5 Gnidium. w Flax-leaved. Spain. 1597. 6.8. H.h. 6 cdora. w. sweet-scented. China, 1771. 12.3. G.b. 7 alpina. w. Alpine. Italy. © 1759. 5.7. H.h. 8 altaica. w. Altaic. Siberia, 1796. 4.5. H.b. 9 Cneorum. w. trailing. Austria, 1752. 4.9. H.h. 10 striata. s.s. streaked. Hungary. ---- —— H.fh. II collina. s.s. hairy. Italy. 1752. 1.6. H.b. 12 sericea, s.s. silky-leaved. Levant. 1818. —— H.b. 13 oleoides. s.s. Olive-leaved. Crete. 1815. 1.12. H.h. _ 14 napolitana..c. Neapolitan. Italy. 1823. 1.6. H.h. . collina B neapolitana, B.R, 822. 15 Thymeleza, w. smooth-leaved. Spain. 1815. 2.4. 16 Tarton-raira. w. silvery-leaved. France. 1640. 5.7. H.h.- GNIDIA. L. Gnip1a. Octandria Monogynia. L. 1 pinifolia. w Pine-leaved. C. B.S. 1768. 5.6. G.h. 2 radiata. B.c. radiate. ——— 1818. —— G.h. 3 imberbis. H.xK. smooth-scaled. ——-—— 1792. §.4. G.h. 4 simplex. H.K. Flax-leaved. —-— 1786. 5.6. G.h. 5 juniperifolia. w Juniper-leaved. ——-——_ 1822. —— G.h. 6 capitata. w purple-twigged. -—-———- 1788. 6.7. G.h. 7 imbricata. w imbricated. ——— 1822. 4.8 G.h. denudata. B.R. 8 oppositifolia. H.K. opposite-leav’d. ——-—— 1753. 5.7. G.h. 9 tomentosa. s.s. tomentose, ——-— 1822. ——- G.h. 10 sericea. w. silky. —— 1786. —— G.h. oppositifolia. A.R. nec aliorum. ; LACHN ZA. W. LAcHn#&A. Octandria Monogynia, L. 1 buxifolia. tam. green box-l4, C.B.S. 1800. 5.7. G.h. 2 glauca. H.K. glaucous. —_——_ —_ — Gh. 3 purpurea. w. purple-flow’r’d. ———— _ -——-_ —— G.h. 4 eriocephala. w woolly-headed. -——— 1793, 6.7: G.h. 5 conglomerata. w. clustered. 1773. —— G.h. PASSERINA. W. SPARROW-WORT. Octandria Monogynia. L. 1 uniflora. w. one-flowered. C. B.S. 1759. 4.7. G.h. 2 laxa. w. loose. ——— 1804. 6.7. G.h. 3 tenuiflora. w. slender-fi4, —-—— 1812. —— 4 filiformis. w. filiform. —— 1752. 6.8. G.h. 5 capitata. w. headed. ——_—— 1789. 6.10. G.h. 6 hirsuta. w. hairy. S. Europe. 1759.. ——- G.h. 7 striata. Lam. striate. C. B.S. 1822. -— G.k. 8 ericoides. w. Heath-like. —_——_- —»—_ —-—- Gh. 9 ciliata. w. fringed. — 1819. —— G.h. 10 grandiflora. w. great-flowered. ——-—— 1789. 5.6. G.h. ¥ Spicata. w. spiked. —— 1787. 5.7. G.h. 2 anthylloides. w. Anthyllus-like. 1816. —— G.h. STELLERA, W. STELLERA. Octandria Monogynia. L. Passerina. w. Flax-leaved. S.Europe. 1759. 7.8. H.©. . Passerina annua. s.s. DAIS. L. Das. Decandria Monogynia. L. cotinifolia. w. Cotinus-leaved. C. B.S. 1776. 6.7. G.h. STRUTHIOLA. L. STRUTHIOLA. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 virgata. H.K. twiggy. C. B.S. 1779. 4.8. G.h. 2 ciliata. a.R. ciliated, ——_- — — Gh. 3 lateriflora. R.s- side-flowering. -——-—— 1816. —— G.h. 4 pubescens. R.s. downy. —— 17901. — G.h. 5 glabra. r.s. upright smooth, ———— 1798. 4.9. G.h. erecta. W. stricta. Donn. 6 juniperina. R.s. drooping. ——— 1758. —— G.h. erecta. B.M. 7 angustifolia. R.s. narrow-leaved. -—-——- 1816. —— G.h. 8 incana. B.c. hoary. ——— 1802. 7.8. G.h.. _ 9 imbricata. R.s. tiled-leaved. ——— 1794. 4.8. Gh. (10 ovata, R.s. oval-leaved, —— 1792. 2.6. G.h. 11 tomentosa. R.S. downy-leaved. ——-—— 1799. 8.9. G.h. PIMELEA. B.P. PimMELEA. Diandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 linifolia. B.p. flax-leaved. N.S. W. 1793. 2.8 G.h. 351 Eng. bot. 119. _ Botan. magaz. 1282. Lodd. bot. cab. 150. Botan. magaz. 1587. Lodd. bot. cab. 66. Botan. magaz, 1875. ——_——_-—— 313. Botan. magaz, 428. Botan. magaz. 1917. Lodd. bot. cab. 719. Pluk. alm. t. 229. f. 2. t. 318, f.6. Botan. regist. 19. Lodd. bot. cab, 29. Botan. magaz. 1463. _ 812. Botan. regist. 757. tee 2. Andr, reposit. 225. Botan. magaz. 1657. ———-._ 1658. ——— — _ 1594. ——-——— 1295. Wend. obs. t. 2. f. 18. Lodd. bot. cab. 755. Wend. obs. t. 2. f. 15. to ae t. rp 3h 17. Botan. magaz. 1949. Seb. mus. 2. t. 12. f.9. Botan. magaz. 292. Lodd. bot. cab. 311. Jacq. ic. 1, t.68. Botan. magaz. 147. Andr. reposit. 139. lear ieee 149. — —— Botan. magaz. 1212. Wendl, obs. t. 2. f, 10. Botan. magaz, 222. Lodd. bot. cab. 11. Andr. reposit, 113. ——_———————. 119. Botan. magaz. 891. 352° 2 glauca. B.P. 3 ligustrina. B.P. 4 decussata. B.P. Jerruginea. Lab. 5 rosea. B.P. 6 linoides. F.T. 7 paucifiora, B.P. 8 drupacea. B.P. 9 spicata. B.P. OSYRIS. W. alba. w. EXOCARPOS. B.P. Exocarpos. 1 cupressiformis, B.p. Cypress-like. 2 humifusa. B.P. 3 stricta. B.P. SANTALACEA. Brown prodr. p. SANTALUM. B.P. 1 album. F.1. 2 myrtifoliam. F.1. 3 obtusifolium. B.P. FUSANUS. B.P. compressus. H.K. LEPTOMERIA. B.P. LEPTOMERIA. - 1 acida. B.P. 2 Billardieri. B.p. ; THYMELE. glaucous-leay’ d. N.S. W. 1822, —— Privet-like. a———— 1823. —— cross-leaved. —_—- —— ‘4,8. rose-coloured. N.Holland. 1800. 3.9. flax-like. N.S.W. 1824. —— few-flowered. V.Diem.Isl.1812. —— drupe-bearing. — 1820. —— spiked. N. S. W. 1824. RIT, 3 ORDO CLI. PAAQQQ POD. SIs Sos OSYRIDEA. Brown. Diecia Triandria. L. S. Europe. 1739. ---- Pentandria Monogynia. N.Holland. 1820. low-procumbent. V.Diem.Is1.1822. upright. N.S. W. Poet’s CAssIA. white. Le ORDO CLILI. Thesium drupaceum. Lab. THESIUM. RS. 1 linopbyllum. R.s. 2 intermedium. R.s. 3 montanum. R.S. “ alpinum. R.S. yracteatum,. R.S. 6 4 Cnet R.s. stem-clasping. COMANDRA. N umbellata. Nn. Thesium umbellatum. Ww. HAMILTONIA. W. OIL-NUT. oleifera. w. Pyrularia pubera. M. WNYSSA. R:S. 1 villosa. R.s. 2 aquatica. R.S. biflora. w. 3 candicans. R.8. 4 capitata. H.K. 5 tomentosa. R.S. 6 denticulata, R.s. G.h. G.h. G.h. Gr. SANDAL-woop. _ Tetrandria Monogynia. W. white. E. Indies. 1804. ---- .S.h. Myrtle-leaved. . — 1819. «-«. G.h. blunt-leaved. N.S.W. 1823. -++- Gh. Fusanus. Polygamia Moneecia. L. flat-stalked. C.B.S. 1776. «+: Gh. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. acid. N.S. W. 1823. ---- Gh. Labillardiere’s. — —— er-- Gh. THeEsIuM. Pentandria Monogynia. L. common. England. coee 6.7. H.Y. intermediate. Germany. 1818. —— H.%. mountain. Europe. soon —— Hh. Alpine. —. 1814. —— H.%. tgh deveat Germany. —— -— H.%. C. B.S. 1787. —— Gih. CoMANDRA. Pentandria Monogynia, N. umbelled. N.America.1782. 6. H.%. Polygamia Dicecia. W. Olive-bearing. N.America.1800. -+«. G.h. Tupeto. Polygamia Diecia. L. hairy-leaved. .N.America.1806. 5. H.h. water. ew 1739. 4.5. H. h e hoary. ———— 1812. -+-- Hh. headed. Carolina. 1806. +++. H.h. tomentose. ——— 1812. ---- Hh. toothed. N. America, 1795. 5.6, H.h. —t. ae oe a ee Lemania — ‘ Linn. trans.10.t.13..2. Lab. nov. holl. 1. t.3. Nae = t. Da Botan. magaz. 1458. Lodd. bot. cab. 179. -——— 540. Linn, trans.10. t.l 4.£.2. mee Lam. ill. t. 802. Labill. voy. 1, t. 14. 390. Rumph. amb. 2. t. 11. Roxb. corom. J. t.2. Berg. cap. 38. t. 1. f. 1, Lab. nov. hol. 1. t. 93. Eng. bot. 247. . Schkuhr hand. t. 51. Hayn. sc. j. t. 119. Jacq. aust. 5, t. 416. Hayn, |. c. t. 7. + Pluk. mant, ¢.342. f.1. Pursh. amer. 1. t. 13, Mich. arb. 2. t. 21. bce mae 2. t 22. Mich. arb. 2. t. 20. Mich. arb. 2. t. 19. Catesb. car. 1. t. 60. ORDO CLIV. : ASARIN/AL. Kunth synops. 1. p. 442. ASARABACCA ELEAGNER. 358 ORDO CLIT. ELAAGNEZ. Don prodr. p. 67. HIPPOPHAE. L. SEA-BUCKTHORN. Diccia Tetrandria. L. 1 rhamnoides. w common. England. -.-+- 4.5. H.h. Eng. bot. 425. 2 salicifolia. p.p. Willow-leav’d. Nepaul. 1819, - H.b. SHEPHERDIA.N. Sueruervia. Dicecia Octandria. N. i argentea. N. silvery. Missouri. 1818. H.h. Hippophae argenteu. Ph. / 2 canadensis. n Canadian. 1759. 4.5. H.h. Hippophae canadensis. w. ELEAGNUS. L. OveAsTeER. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. 1 angustifolia. R.s. narrow-leaved. S. Europe. 1633. 7. H.h. Pall.ros.1.t. 4. y 2 orientalis. R.s. oriental, Levant. 1748. 7..8..G.h.° ———- 1. £5. . 3 argentea. ph. silvery. N.America. 1813. —— H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 161, _4 arborea. F.1. tree. Nepaul. 1819. ++-- Hh. 5 conferta. F.1. close-flowered. ————- -—— «--:- H.}.~. Burm. zeyl. t. 39. f.1. 6 latifolia. r.s. broad-leaved. E.Indies, 1712, 7. S.h. ———-——t, 39, f.2. . Dodecandria Monogynia. L. ASARUM. L. 1 europeum. s.s. common. England. -ee- 5, H.Y. Eng. bot. t. 1083. 2 canadense. s,s. Canadian. Canada. 1713. 4.7. H.¥%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 95. 8 virginicum. w. Virginian. Virginia. 1759. 4.5. H.y¥, —-————1.18. 4 arifolium. s.s. Arum-leaved. Carolina. 1818. 5.6. H.%. Hook. ex. flor. 40. ARISTOLOCHIA. W. BirtuHwort. Gynandria Hexandria. L. 1 bilobata. w. bilobed. W. Indies. 1822. S.b.~. Plum. amer, t. 106. 2 trilobata. w three-lobed. S. America. 1775. 6.7. S.h.w. 3 ringens. w. gaping. 1820. —— S.h.~. Vahl. symb. 2. t. 47, 4 labiosa. B.R. lipped. — 5.9. S.b.~. Botan. regist. 689, 5 panduriformis. w. fiddle-leaved. Caracas. 1823. +--+ 6 maxima. w. great, New Spain. 1759, 7, S.h.~. Jacq. amer. t. 146. 7 Sipho. w. broad-leaved. N.America.1763. 6.7. H.h.~. Botan. magaz,. 534. 8 tomentosa. B.M. downy. 1799. —- H.h.~. —-——_—— 1369. 9 odoratissima. w. sweet-scented, Jamaica. 1737. 7. S.h.~. Sloan. jam.1. t.104. fi. 10 barbata. w. bearded. Caracas. 1796. 6.8. S.h.~. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 608. 11 indica, w. Indian. E.Indies. 1780. 6.7. S.h.~. Rheed.mal. 8. t. 25. 12 acuminata. w, taper-pointed. Mauritius. 1820. «+++ S.h.~ 13 foetida. x.s. fetid. Mexico. 1822. 6.8. 4 H. et B. 2. t. 114. 14 hastata. x.s. halberd-leaved. Havannah. —— -:-- S.h.~.————2.t. 116. 15 beetica. w. Spanish, Spain. 1596. 5.6. H.h. . Moris. s. 12, t,17. f.6. 16 glauca. w glaucous. Barbary. 1785, 6.8. G.h.~. Botan. magaz. 1115. 17 sempervirens. Ww. evergreen. Candia. 1727. 5.6. G.h.~,. ——-——— 1116. 18 longa. w. long-rooted. S. Europe. 1548. 6.10. H.%. Mill.ic. t. 51. f. 2. 19 Serpentaria. w. Snake-root. N.America.1632. 6.7. H.2%. Jacq, schen. 3. t.385. 20 sagittata. muni. arrow-leaved. — 1819. - H.%. 21 bracteata. w bracteate. E. Indies. 1793. 7. S.4, 22 Pistolochia. w. small. S. Europe. 1597. 6.7. H.%. 23 rotunda. w. round-rooted, ——-—— 1596. 3.10. G.%. 24 pallida. w pale-flowered, Italy. 1640. 5.8. H.2%. Moris.s. 12. t. 18. f. 2. 25 hirta. w. hairy. Chio. 1759. 5.6. G.%. Tourn. it. 1. t, 147. 26 Clematitis. w. common. England. -e-- 5.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 398. 27 arborescens. w. tree. America. 1737. 6.7. pd 24 Set PASSIFLOREE. ORDO CLV. PASSIFLOREZ, Juss. ann. mus. 6. P. 102. PASSIFLORA. J. 1 serratifolia. w. 2 coccinea. w. 3 pallida. w. 4 cuprea. Ww. 5 tilizfolia. w. 6 maliformis.-w. 7 albida. B.R. 8 angulata. 9 quadrangularis. w. 10 alata. w. 11 ligularis. 3. 12 Janrifolia. w. 13 tinifolia. 5. 14 mucronata. w. 15 multiflora. w. - 16 rubra. w. 17 normalis. w. 18 lunata. w. B acutiloba. 19 mexicana. J. 20 Vespertilio. w. 21 discolor. L.en- vespertilio. B.R. 697+ 22 cuneata. L.en- 23 oblongata. w 24 tuberosa. B.R. punctata. B.C. 101. nec aliorum. 25 rotundifolia. w. round-leaved. 26 punctata. w. dotted-leaved. 27 lutea. w. yellow. 28 maculata. Donn. peltata. Ph. nec aliorum. pale-flowered. Limie-tree-ld. wing-stalked. ligulate. Laurel- leaved. Tinus-leaved. mucronate. red-fruited. linear-lobed. Mexican. bat-winged. two-coloured. oblong-leaved. Apple fruited. white-flower’d. Brazil. angular-stalk’d. Mexico. square-stalked. Jamaica, crescent-leav’d. Jamaica. long acute-lobed. copper-colour’d. Bahama-Isl.1724. many-flowered. Vera Cruz. 1731.” 1731. 1823. W.Indies. 1820. Peru. . 1822. W.Indies, 1731. 1816. 1823. 1768. W.Indies. 1772. S.America. 1822. W.Indies. 1690. —— 1822. Brazil. a W.Indies.s —— VeraCruz. 1771. 1733. Mexico. 1812. W.Indies. 1732. Brazil. Maximiliana. Bory: . wedge-leaved. S. America, —— 1820. Jamaica. 1822. tuberous-root’d. S. America. 1784. W. Indies. 1779. Peru. 1784. America. 1714. spotted-leaved. N.America. 1812. 29 gracilis. L.en.- slender. S. America. 1823. 30 stipulata. W. © large-stipuled. Guiana. 1815. 31 angustifolia. w. narrow-leaved. W.Indies. 1773. heterophylla. Jacq. scheen. 2. t. 1816 ; 32 minima. w. small. Curassao. 1690. 33 hirsuta. w. ‘-hairy. W.Indies. 1778. 34 suberosa. W. Cork-barked. 1759. 35 peltata. w. peltate. 1778. 36 hederacea. w. Ivy-leaved. Antilles. aes 37 glauca. w. glaucous-leav’d. Cayenne. 1779. 38 picturata. B.R. pictured. Brazil. 1823. 89 racemosa. L.T. racemed. —— 1816, - 40 coernleo-racemosa. Whitley’s mule. Hybrid. 1820. Al alato-ccrulea. B.R. Masters’s mule. 1823. A2 vitifolia. K.s. 43 holosericea. W. 44 foetida. w. 45 hircina. Vine-leaved, silky-leaved. stinking. shrubby stinking. Brazil. S. America, 1824. Vera Cruz. 1733. W. Indies. 1731. ~see ‘fetida. BR. nee aliorum. hirsuta, B.C. 138- nec aliorum. 46 ciliata. w. ciliated. 47 edulis. B.M. incarnata. B. BR. 152+ 48 incarnata. W fiesh-coloured. 49 Colvillii. B.F.G. Colvill’s. 50 coerulea. W. common. - B glaucophylla. y angustifolia, narrow-leaved. eatable-fruited. Brazil, glaucous-leaved. Jamaica. 1783. 1816. N.America. 1629. Hybrid. 1823. Brazil. 1699. spese 6.10. Pion bLawee. Monadelphia Pentandiae! Ww. notched-leay’d. W. Indies. scarlet-flow’r’d. Guiana. 5.10. S.h.—. Botan. magaz. G51. S.h.~. Aub. gui. 3. t. 324, 5.10. S.h.~. Botan. regist. 660. 7.8 S.h.w. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 606. — . +--+ S. bow. Cavan. diss. 10. t. 285. T tio ht Botan. regist. 95. — pho. ———-— OT. 29 ee S, hw ies G 3 = 8.9. S.h.~. Botan. regist. 14. 4. 8. a Rew. Bore. magaz. 66. S.h.~. J. ann. mus. 6. t. 40. 6.7. Botan. regist. 13. -——— S.h.. J. ann. mus. 6. tA. f.2. -bh.w. Cavan. diss. 10; t. 282. -b.— Plum. amer.'t-90. Roe Botan. regist. 95. ~~ . Sm. ic. picty1. t.1. .~. Botan. regist. 577. ~~. J. ann, mus. t. 38. £.2.. «~ Dill. elt. t. 137. f. 164. —. Pl. sel. hort. ber, t. 5. — ~es oe DAHOO i o om Din NORiA DMM. FH HHT e : ¥ o~e ad i * if Baton, regist. 432. On * os 'c . Cavan. diss. 10. t. 290. ry ee 6.. te 269. — . Botan. neitte 79.0 ~e * | 4 —_ S i, Vee =o mnn ~. Botan. regist. 870;. . Aub. gui. 3. t. 325, hws Botan. regist. 188. OP ae i 8. S.k ~ eS S ee 144. ; 9. S.h.~. Plum. amer. t.88, fA. 6.9. S.h.~. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t, 28. 8.9. S,h.~. Botan. regist. 507. . 6.7. S.h.~- Plum. amer. t.84. . 8.9. S.h.~. Botan, regist. 88. ; 6. o. S. hw — Ne a ee 673. ° - 1.12. 'S.}oce a a RS — G.h.w~. Lodd. bot. cab. 5730 4.8. G.h.~. Botan. regist. 648.# cores SH. ra 5.8 S.h.~. Botan. regist. 59, 7.9. S.g.~. Botan. magaz. 2619. 5.10. S..~. Botan. regist. 321. — 72.9.0 Saieaee Botan, magaz. 288. 6. 10. Ss. nee ES a a a 1989, 7.8. H.%.~. Botan. regist. | 332. —— H.hw. Swt. br. fl. gar. 126, - —— H.b.~. Botan. ogists 488, ; ae ‘> = UL i wer > AP ae ae eS ee eee ee, oe ee ht 1 oo Se PASSIFLOREZ. | B55 51 chinensis. Chinese. China. 1819. —— 52 filamentosa. w. palmate-leav’d. 8. America, —- -—— G.}.~. Botan. regist. 584. palmata. B.C. 97. 53 serrata. w. Saw-leaved, Martinique. 1800. -+-- S.h... Cavan. diss. 10. t. 296. 54 pedata. w. _ curl-flowered. W.Indies, 1781. -++» S..~. Plum. amer. t. 81. | 55 heterophylla. tam. various-leaved. ————— 1817. ---- S.h.~. Plum.ic. 139. MURUCUIA. J. Murucura. Monadelphia Pentandria. P.S. I ocellata. p.s. ocellated. W. Indies. 1739. 7.8. S.h.~. Botan. regist. 574. _ Passiflora Murucuja. B.R. 2 perfoliata. perfoliate-ld, ——_ 1806. -—— S.h.~.. ———__--———. 78. - Passifiora perfoliata. B.R. 3 Herbertiana. Mr. Herbert’s. N. Holland. 1822. 6.10. G. hw. ——- 737. Passiflora Herbertiana. B.R. ; L : 4 adiantifolia. Adiantum-id, Norfolk-Isl. 1792, —— G.h.~. ————-__—._ 933. Passifiora adiantifolia. B.R. 'TACSONIA. J. Tacsonrta. Monadelphia Pentandria. P.S. peduncularis. p.s. long-peduucl’d. S. America. 1815, +--+. S.h.~. Cavan. ic. 5. t. 426. Passiflora peduncularis. Cav. MODECCA. B.R. = Movecca. Monadelphia Pentandria. 1 lobata. s.r. lobe-leaved,- SierraLeon. 1816. 6. 92 S.h.~. Botan. regist. 433. 2 trilobata. u.8. three-lobed. E. Indies. 1823. ---- i) 3 tuberosa. H.B. — tuberous-root’d. E. Indies. 1822. 6.9. S.b.~. Rumph. amb. 8. t.20. | SMEATHMANNIA.L.T.SmeATHMANNIA. Polyandria Pentagynia. L.T. levigata. L.T. smooth. Sierra Leon.1822, +--+. S.h. ’ —? ORDO CLVI. EUPHORBIACEZ. Juss. gen. 384. MERCURIALIS. W. Mercury. Diccia Enneandria. L.. ' perennis. w. perennial. Britain. eees 4,5, H.¥. © Eng. bot. 1872. ‘)) 2 ambigua. w. doubtful. Spain. 1806. 7,8 H.©. Linn. f. dec. 1. t.8. 3 annua. w. annual. _ Britain® ---- 7.9. H.©. Eng. bot. 559. 4 elliptica. w. oval-leaved. Portugal. 1802. 5.7. G.h. Venten.cels. 12. 5 tomentosa. w. woolly. Spain. 1640. 7.9. H.h. 27EDILANTHUS. Neck. Stiprer-spurce. Dodecandria Trigynia. L.en. 1 tithymaloides. B.R. Myrtle-leaved. S. America. 1699. 6.7. D.S.}. Botan. regist. $37. | myrtifolius. Len, Crepidaria myrtifolia. u.s.s. | 2 carinatus. keel-leaved. W. Indies. 1809. ~—— D.S.}h. Botan. magaz, 2514. \ Euphorbia carinata. B.m. Crepidaria carinata. H.3.3. .) 8 subcarinatus. H.R. small-keeled. ———- 1819. —— D.S.h. ‘) 4 canaliculatus. channelled-lé, ———— ~——- -—— D.S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 727.. |. Euphorbia canaliculata. B.c. | i‘ | § padifolius, H.s, Padus-leaved. —— 1699. —— D.S.h. Dill. elt. t. 288. f. 372. | 6 cordellatus. small-heart-ld. .——-——-. 1795. «--- D.S.h. . Crepidaria cordellata. u.s. | ‘UPHORBIA. W. . Spuree. Dodecandria Trigynia. L. 6.. 8. 1 uncinata. pe. twin-spined. C.B.S. 1795. 8. D.G.f. DC. plant. gras, 151. | WScolopendrea. u.s. ; | 2 trigona. Hs. upright 3-sided, E. Indies. 1768. 7.8. D.S.h. |3 antiquorum. H.s. spreading 3-sided.—————_. 1688. ——— D.S.h. Comm. hort. 1. t.12. ') 4 lactea. us. marbled. ———— 1804. —— D.S.h. 5 grandidens. u.p. large-toothed. C.B.S. 1820.. ---- D.G.hb. 6 canariensis, w. Canary. Canaries. 1697. 3.4. D.G.h. DC. plant. gras. 140. |) 7 heptagona. w. seven-angled, C. B.S. 1731. 7.11. D.G.h. Bradl. suc. 2. t. 13. ‘— a nigra, HS, black-spined. ———_ ~———_-——— ~D.G.h. — B rubra. H.s. red-spined. —_——_ — — DG.h. |S enneagona. H.s. nine-angled. © —————- 1790. 7.10. D.G.h. '} 9 mammillaris.w. | warty-angled. —M—— 1759. 7.8. D.G.h. Comm. pra. t. 9. .0 cereiformis. w. naked. ee | 1781. 67H) DGG. Barm: afr. 29.4.3, 1 officinarum. w. officinal. Africa. 1597. —— D.G.h. DC. plant. gras. 77, 2 odontophylla. w.en. white-spined. C.B.S. 1824, e+e> eae: EUPHORBIACEE. 3506 18 polygona. nus. many-angled. (C. B.S. 1790. 7.9. D.G.h. 14 nereifolia. w. Oleander-l9, | India. 1690. 6.7. D.S.h. DC. pig: gras. 46. 15 Hystrix. w. Porcupine. C.B.S. 1695. —— D.G.h. Jacq. scheen, 2. t. 207. loricata. p.s. Treisia Hystrix. H.s. | 16 varians. H.s. variable-stemm’d, E. Indies. 1800. 6.9. D.S.h. 17 grandifolia.H.s. great-leaved. SierraLeon.1798. —— D.S.h. 18 erosa. W.en-: erose. coee-reee 1818. -e+* DSA. : 19 cucumerina, w. Cucumber-like. C.B.S. «+++ 5.9. D.G.b. Vail. it. t.5. 20 meloformis. w. Melon-like. ——— 1774. —— D.G.h. Andr, mh tery 617. 21 clava. w. club. — 3.12. D.G.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 85. Treisia tuberculata. H.8.s. 22 Haworthii. Haworth’s. ii aes wet I } ’ Treisia clava. H.8. excl. syn. W. ‘ 23 bupleurifolia. w. cone-shaped. ——. 1791. 6.7. D.G.h. Jacq. schen. 1. t. 106. 24 Caput meduse. w. great Medusa’shead. Africa.1731. 8. D.G.%. Comm. prel.t. 7, : Medusea major. H.S. i B humilis. dwarfer. 1768. ——~ D.G.%. Burm. afr. 8. | 25 tessellata. H.s. chequer’d-M’-head. ------ 1788. —— D.G.h. 26 fructus-pini.u.s. small M’-head. C, B.S. 1731. —— D.G.h. DC. plant. gras. 150. : B geminata. twin-branched, ———_—- -——- ——- D.G.h. Burm. afr. 18. t.9. f.1. 27 procumbens. H.s. least M’-head. W——-— 1768. —— D.G.h. t.10. f.1. 28 patula. mill. spreading. -—— — D.G.h. Dactylanthes patula, H.s. . iz 29 anacantha. w. scaly. 1727. 9.10. D.G.}. Botan. magaz, 2520. 30 globosa. B.M. roundish-jointed, 1822. 6.11. D.G.. ————-——._ 2624. Dactylanthes globosa. H.P. 31 tuberculata. w. tuberculate. 1805. 6.8. G.f. Jacq.scheen. 2. t. 208. ) _ 32 hamata. Hos. hooked. 1795. -.-. G.h. Burm. afr. t.6. f. 3. \ 33 Ornithopus. w.en. Bird’s-foot. 1816. 6.8. G.h. Jacq. fragm. t.120. ~~ 34 lophogona. w. curl-winged. Madagascar.1824. ---+ DC. plant. gras.ic. _ 35 pendula. L.en. pendulous, — -ees.. e» 1808. -+-- D.S.b. Tithymalus pendulus. 1 36 Tirucalli. w. Indian tree, India. 1690. +++. D.S.h. Rheed. mal. 2. t. 34... 37 mauritanica. w. Barbary. Africa. 1732. 6.8. G.h. Dill.elt. t. 289. f.373. 38 Lamarckii. m.s.L. Lamarck’s. 1808. —— G.h. mauritanica. Lam. nec aliorum. virgata, P.s. non W.K. 39 aphylla. w.en. leafless. Teneriffe. 1815. 6.8. G.h. 40 atropurpurea. w.en- dark purple. —_—_- ——_-_ — Gh. 4i variegata. B.M. variegated, Louisiana, 1811. —— H.©. Botan. magaz. 1747. 42 piscatoria. Ww. smooth spear-l4. Canaries. 1777. —— G.h- 43 balsamifera. w. balsam. — 1779... —— G.h. 44 laurifolia. P.s. Laurel-leaved. Peru. 1820. —— G.h. 45 bracteata. Jac. bracteated. sesseces 1809, see Sch. ; 46 dendroides. w. tree-like. Italy. 1768. 6.8. H.hb. Barrel. ic. 910. 47 leta. w. Mezereon-l4. §. Europe. 1758. —— G.h. Jacq. ic. 1. t.87. : 48 punicea. w. scarlet-flow’r’d. Jamaica. 1778. 1.9. S.h.. Botan. regist.190. 49 heterophylla. w. various-leaved. W. Indies. 1690. 4.9. S.h. Plum.ic.t.251.f.3. 50 cyathophora. w. coloured. S. America. 1806. 7.8. S.h. Jacqg.ic. 3. t 480. 2 51 repanda. waved, E. Indies. 1808. 8. S.b.- Tithymalus repandus. H.S. 52 biglandulosa. n.s. twin-glanded. Isl.Bourbon. ——- 9. S.h. 53 geniculata. p.s. jointed. Cuba. 1823. 7.10. S.©. Jacq. scheen. 3. t.277. prunifolia. H.K, Tithymalus prunifolius, H.s, , . 54 nudiflora. naked-flow’r’d. «-e-ece- 1800. 8. S.h- Jacq.ic.3. t. 470. Jj 55 cotinifolia. w. ,otinus-leaved. §. America. 1690. 7.8. S.b- Comm. hort. 1. t. 15. 56 petiolaris. H.K. long-stalked. W. Indies. 1800. 5.6. D.S.h. Botan. magaz.883. 57 mellifera. w. honey-bearing. Madeira. 1784. 4.5. G.h. —-———— 1305. 58 toxicaria. L.en- poisonous, =— ssere-e8 1825. +--+ S.h.- ‘ 59 picta. w. painted. S. America. 1789. 5.7. S.%. Jacq.ic. 3. t.477. 60 silenifolia. Silene-leaved. C.B.S. 1821. —— G.%. Bif Tithymalus silenifolius, H.R. 61 crispa. H.R. curl-leaved. —_— —— wae G2. 62 tuberosa. w. tuberous. poate 1800. 10.12.G.%. Burm. afr. 9 td. 63 affinis. pc. affined. = = = rewaee e+ 1623. 6.8. G.h. 64 linarifolia. w. toad-flax-I4, ss eee *> 1794. ——~ S.h. Jacq.ic. 1. t 86. 65 linifolia. w Flax-leaved. W.Indies. —— ---+ S.h. 66 ocymoidea. w. Basil-leaved. S. America, 1733. 6.8. S.©. 67 dentata. m. dentated. N.America. 1806. 6.7. H.©. 68 hypericifolia.w. Hypericum-l4. America. 1727. 6.9. H.©. Comm. preel. t. 10. EUPHORBIACE. 307 69 Humboldtii. w.en. Humboldt’s. S. America. 1809. 7.10. S.d. 70 prostrata, w. ‘trailing-red. W. Indies. 1758. —— S.©. .71 rosea. Ww. rosy. E. Indies, 1808. 8. S.©. 72 maculata, w.. spotted. S. America. 1660. 7. H.©. Jacq. vind. 2. t.186. 73 humifusa. w.en- trailing. seee--s- 1824. 6.8. H.©. 74 pilulifera. w. — globular. | E. Indies. 1800..—— S.%. Jacq.ic. 3. t. 478. 75 hyssopifolia.w. | Hyssop-leaved. W. Indies. 1787. 8.9. S.©. 76 thymifolia. w. Thyme-leaved. India. 1699. 7.8. S.©. Pluk.alm. t.113. f.2. 77 parviflora. w. smalli-flowered. E. Indies. 1818. —— 8.@©. Burm.zeyl. t. 105. f.2, 78 canescens. W. canescent. Spain. —— —— HG. Cavan-ic.1..t,63; 79 Chamesyce. w. scollop-leaved. S. Europe. 1752. —— H.©. Moris.s. 10. t. 2. f.19. 80 Peplis. w. purple. Devonshire. --- ——~ H.©. Eng. bot. 2002. 81 polygonifolia.w. knotgrass-l¢. N.America.1704. 6.7. H.©. Jacq. col.s. t.13. f. 3. 82 Ipecacuanhe.w. Ipecacuanha. ———— 1812, ——- H.¥%. Botan. magaz. 1494. 83 Peplus. w. petty. Britain. --++ 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 959. 84 peploides. pc. least. S. Europe. 1800. 7.9. H.©. Esula minima, 4.8. . 85 falcata. w. _ sickle-leaved. 8S. Europe. 1699. 6.8. H.@. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 121. 86 acuminata. M.B. acuminate. Iberia. 1823. —— H.©. 87 exigua. w. dwarf. Britain. -ses 7% H.©. Eng. bot. 1336. 88 diffusa. w. diffuse. Austria. 1798. 7.8. H.©, Jacq. ic. 1, t. 88. : 89 undulata. M.B. undulate. Caucasus. 1820. —— H.%. | 90 micrantha. w. small-flowered. Persia. 1803. 7.9. H.©. 91 Lathyris. w. Caper. England. --++- 5.10.H.g. Eng. bot. 2255. | 92 terracina. w. retuse-leaved. S. Europe. 1818. 7.10. H.©. | 93 valentina. P.s. Spanish. Spain. 1804. 7.8 H.©. 94 Apios. w. pear-rooted. Candia. 1596. 6.7. H.2. 95 -genistoides. w. Genista-like. C.B.S. 1808. 7.8 G.h. 96 spinosa. w. prickly. | Levant. 1710. 5.9. F.k. Herm. lugdb. t. 601. 97 fruticosa. L.en- shrubby. Sicily. 1825. F.k. Biv. pl. sic.cent. 1,35. 98 epithymoides. w. broad-leaved. Austria. 1805. 5.6. H.%. Andr. reposit. 616. 99 villosa. w.K. villous. Hungary. 1818. 6.9. H.%. W.etK. hung. t. 93. 100 condylocarpa. m.B. warted-fruited. Caucasus. 1824. —— H.}. 101 dulcis. w. sweet, S. Europe. 1759. 5.6. H.%. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 213. 102 ambigua. w.kK. ambiguous. Hungary. 1824. —— H.y%. W.etK. hung. t.135. 103 carniolica. w. Carniolian. Carniola. 1795. 8. H.4. Scop.carn. t.21. 104 angulata. w. angular-stalk’d. Austria. 1819. 7.8. H.%. Jacq.ic. t.481. 105 nummulariefolia. moneywort-ld, ------- - 1800. 7% G.h. 106 erythrina. L.en- purple-margin’d.C. B.S. 1816. ---- G.%. 107 neapolitana. t.N. Neapolitan. Naples. 1825. 7.8 H.%. Ten. fl. neap. t. 62. 108 Pithyusa. w. Juniper-leaved. S. Europe. 1741. 6.7. F.h- Bocce. sic. t.5. 109 portlandica. w. Portland. Britain. coos 5.9, Hit. Eng. bot. 441, 110 saxatilis. w. rock, Austria. , 1816. 6.8. H.%. Jacq.aust. t.345. 111 glareosa. M.B. stony. Caucasus. 1519. —— H.2. , 112 Paralias. we sea. England. ---. 7.9. H.. Eng. bot. 195. 6B suffruticosa. shrubby sea. se ees sah ® ceo Rady 5 113 juncea. w. “rushy. Madeira. 1779. 7.8. G.%. Jacq. scheen.1. t. 107. 114 congesta. w.en. fiddle-leaved. Spain. 1817. —— H.2. 115 aleppica. w. Aleppo. Crete. 1739. —— F.%. Alp. exot. t.64. 116 taurinensis. w.en. Italian. Italy. 1818. —— H.y%. All. ped. 2. t. 83. f. 2. 117 segetalis. w. corn. S. Europe. 1699. --—— H.©. Jacq. aust. 5. t. 450. 118 biumbellata. pc. double-umbel’d. Barbary. 1780. 8 H.©. ed. germ, t.1. 119 angustifolia. narrow-leaved. «------ » —- 7.8. H.2. Esula angustifolia. u.s. 120 multicorymbosa. many-flowered. -------- 1805. —— H.2. 121 provincialis. w. linear-leaved. S. Europe. 1800. 8.11. H.©. 122 juncoides. H.s. Rush-like. - — 7.8. S.O. 123 helioscopia. w. W artwort. Britain. cose —— H.©. Eng. bot. 883. 124 bialata. L.en. two-winged. ves seee- 1819. —— H.©. 125 serrata. w. narrow notch-ld.S, Europe. 1710. 7. G.y%. Jacq.ic.3. t. 483. 126 uralensis. F. Fischer’s. Tauria. 1824. -—— H.7. 127 cretica. w. Cretan hoary. Levant. 1768. ---- H.y. 128 Haworthii. Haworth’s. = - see eee - 1795. 7.8. H.b. Galarhaus rigidus. H.S. ; 129 verrucosa. W. warted. France. 1800. 6. H.%. Moris.s.10. t.3. f. 3. 130 corollata. w. great-flowered. N.America, 1803. 7.9. H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 390. 131 spathulefolia. H.s. spatula-leaved. ---.---- 1800. 8 G.h. 132 corallioides. w. Coral-stalked. S. Europe. 1752. 6.9. H.%. 133 androsemifolia.a.s. Tutsan-leaved. Hungary. 1804. 7.9. H.2. 308 134 pilosa. w. - hairy. - Siberia. 1758. 5.8. 135 orientalis. w. oriental. Levant. 1739. 6.7. 136 fragifera. L.en. Strawherry-like.Italy. 1825. —— 137 virgata. w.K. twiggy. Hungary. 1807. 7. 138 platyphylla. H.s. annual warted. England. cree 7. 8. 139 stricta. E.B. upright warted. — tee 140 literata. w. blotch-leaved.. -++«+++» .1790. 8. 141 crispata. L.en- crisp-leaved. © s+++e+- +» 1819. 7,9. 142 Esula. w. leafy-branch’d. Britain. voee 5.7, 143 Gerardiana. w. Gerard’s, Germany. 1801. 7. 144 Cyparissias. w. Cypress. England. eres 5,9, 145 niceensis. w. sharp-leaved. Spain. 1809. eee 146 myrsinites, w. glaucous. S. Europe. 1570. 4.6. 147 rigida. u.B. rigid. Tauria. 1819. 6.8. 148 imbricata. w. imbricated. Portugal. 1804. 8.9. 149 glaucescens. w,en. glaucescent. seecesee 1819. —— 150 agraria. M.B. field. Tauria. — 6.8. 151 palustris. w. marsh. Sweden. 1570. 5.8. 152 pallida. w. pale. ' Hungary. 1818. 6.8. 153 lucida. w.K. © glossy. -————— 1820. —— 154 procera. M.B._ tall. Terek. 1824. —— 155 ceratocarpa. T.N. horn-capsuled. Naples. ae eee 156 emarginata. w. freckled. Italy. 1758. 7. 8. 157 hiberna. £.B. Trish, Treland. soos 6. 6. 158 salicifolia. w. Willow-leaved. Hungary. 1804. —— 159 sylvatica. w. wood. S. Europe. 1768. 7.9. 160 amygdaloides. w.. Almond-leav’d. England. sons 3.6. 161 Characias. w. upright red. wap qisemmeeetalodh: fis! sme 162 veneta. L.en. venomous. © Europe. soos 163. marginata. K.s. margined. N.Spain. 1823. 4. 6. CICCA. L. Cicca. Monecia Tetrandria. L. disticha. w. long-leaved. KE. Indies. 1796. +++ BUXUS. W. Box-Tree. Monecia Tetrandria. L. 1 chinensis. Len. China. China. 1812. 4.8 2 balearica. w. Minorca. Minorca. 1780. 7. 3 sempervirens. W. common. England. <-++- 4, a arborescens. Mill. tree. tr + argentea. silvery-leaved. tteeseee teee + aurea. golden-leaved. = -++++ a || marginata. margined. eee eee ee cee e B angustifolia. Mill. narrow-leaved. «+ ++ ++ a a + varieguta. variegated. =v seen Seg y myrtifolia. Mill. myrtle-leaved. reer ees e eee e me © suffruticosa. dwarf. Cietn "setae ALPE Male a 9.) ammeen PACHYSANDRA.M. PacuysanprRa. Monecia Tetrandria. 1 procumbens, m. procumbent. N.America. 1800. 3.4. 2 coriacea. H.E.F. coriaceous. Nepaul. 1820. 4.6. EUPHORBIACE&. pote fu DORRER © Ca beh TG red RT Yd TH SF RAGRIRRRRRRYRORT RRR RRR Gg Pet a oy SS sot to ot ot SR TOSS ST T PLUKENETIA. W. PLuKENETIA. Moneecia Monadelphia. L e e eo ¢@¢ ee © e @¢ e@ ° ° e volubilis. w. twining. W.Indies. 1739. 7.8. S.h._- DALECHAMPIA. W. DatecHampiA. Moncecia Monadelphia. 1 scandens, w. climbing. W. Indies. 1739. 6.7. S.hew. 2 brasiliensis. w. Brazilian. Brazil. 1820. —— S.hww. ' ACALYPHA.W. AcALYPHA. Monecia Monadelphia. W. 1 diversifolia. w. various-leaved. Caracas. 1824. «+++ S.h. 2 virginica, w. Virginian. N.America. 1759. 7.8. H.©. 3 caroliniana. w. Carolina. — 1811. — H.©. 4 ciliata. w. ciliated. E. Indies. 1799. —— S.©. 5 reptans, w. creeping. Jamaica. 1822. —— S.h. 6 indica. w. Indian. E. Indies. 1759. 7.9. S.©, 7 hispida. w. hispid. 1820. —— S.©. 8 cuspidata. w. cuspidate. Caracas. — ---+ Sb. 9 rubra. wW.en. red, S. America. 1823. 6.9. S.©. 10 brachystachya.w.en.short-spiked. China. 1816. 7.8. H.©. 11 pauciflora. w.en. few-flowered. ———— -— -—— H.©. 12 alopecuroidea.w. Fox-tail. Venezuela. 1804.° 7.9. H.©. 13 levigata. w. smooth. Jamaica. 1819. —— S.h. 14 virgata. w. twiggy. — 1822. —— 15 macrostachya. w. long-spiked. -Caracas. 1824. —— S.h. 16 polystachya. w. many-spiked. seeereee | ee a Sh. 17 scabrosa, w. rough. Jamaica. 1822. —— S.h. Gmel. sib, 2. t.93. W. et K. hung. t. 162. Jacq. aust. t.376. Eng. bot. 333. Jacq. ic.3. t. 482. Eng. bot. 1899. Jacq. aust. t. 436. Eng. bot. 840. Jacq. ic. 3. te 485. Botan. regist. 274. Flor. dan. 866. W. et K. hung. t. 65. Ten. fi. neap. t.63. Eng. bot. 1337. Lodd. hot. cab, 973. Eng. bot. 256. Jacq. scheen. 2. t.194. Eng. bot. 1341. Botan. regist. 33. Hook. ex. flor. 148. Plum.ic. t. 226. Jacq. amer. 252. t.160. Schk. hand. 3. t. 311. Lam. ill. t. 780. f. 2. Vahl symb. 1. t.20. Sloan. hist.1. t. 82. f.3. Rheed. mal. 10. t. 81. Jacq. scheen. 2. t.243. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 620. Brown.jam. t.'36.,f. 22 Jacq. scheen, 2. t.245. ee 2. t.246. i heeemee . CROTON. W. 1 variegatum. w. a latifolium. H.B. B crispum. H.B. y medium. H.B. 2 pictum. B.C. 3 lineare. Jac. _4 Cascarilla. w. 5 maritimum. w. 6 palustre. w. 7 glabellum. w -§ tinctorium. w. 9 argenteum. W. 10 Tiglium., w. 11 glandulosum. w. 12 Eluteria. w. 13 lucidum. w. 14 micans. w. 15 pungens. w. ~ 16 penicillatum. w. 17 macrophyllum. w. 18 aromaticum. w. 19 humile. w. 20 moluccanum. w. Aleurites ambinux. 21 Astroites. w. 22 lobatum. w. 23 gossypifolium. w. 24 tomentosum., L.en. 25 digitatum. F. 26 lacerum. Desf. JATROPHA. W. 1 gossypifolia. w. 2 pandurefolia. w. 3 integerrima. Ww. 4 Curcas. w. 5 multifida. w. 6 fragrans. K.S. 7 urens. W. 8 coccinea. L.en. 9 herbacea. w. 10 napeifolia. w JANIPHA. KS. 1 feetida. K.s. 2 Leeflingii. K.s. Jatropha carthaginensis. Jacq. Janipha, w. 3 esculifolia. K.s. “4 Manihot. k.s. ALEURITES. W. triloba. w. RICINUS. W. 1 communis. w. 2 viridis. w. 3 africanus. w. 4 lividus. w. 5 inermis. w. 6 armatus. A.R. 7 Tanarius. w. OMPHALEA. W. triandra. w. HIPPOMANE. W. Mancinella. w. | SAPIUM. W. 1 aucuparium. Ww. 2 indicum. w. 3 ilicifolium. w. SIPHONIA. W. Cahuchu. w. elastica. P.3. three-lobed. Patma-CuRISTI. green. African. Africa. livid-leaved. C.B.S. smooth-capsul’d, India. rough-capsuled. Malta. scollop-leaved. E. Indies. OMPHALEA. Moneecia Monadelphia. long-leaved. Jamaica. 1763. 6.7. MANCHINEEL-TREE. Monecia Monadelphia. f : common. W. Indies. 1690. +--- S. Sapium. Monecia Monadelphia. L. two-glanded. W. Indies. 1692. ae Indian. E. Indies. 1817. >» S. Ss. Holly-leaved. common, Society Isl. 1793. Moneecia Monadelphia. Castor-oil plant. E. Indies. 1548.. pene 1795. 1758. 1807. 1810. S. America. 1820. ELASTIC-GUM-TREE. Monecia Megecelnny a. W. S. America. 1823. EUPHORBIACE:. CROTON. Monecia Monadelphia. L. variegated. § E, Indies. 1804. 6.9. broad-leaved, —_— oo curl-leaved. eee narrow-leaved. 1820. —— painted-leaved. —_ — Willow-leaved. W. Indies, 1733. 7. Cascarilla. S. America. 1778. 7.8. sea-side. Carolina. 1786. —— marsh. Vera Cruz. 1731... —— Laurel-leaved. Jamaica. 1778. 5.8. officinal, _§$.Europe. 1570. 7. silvery-leaved. S, America. 1733. 7. 8. purging. E. Indies. 1796. 8.9. glandular. W. Indies. 1818. —— sea-sideBalsam. Jamaica. 1748. shining. ——- 1822, «++. glittering. ‘1815. + pungent. Caracas. 1791. -+>- pencilled. Cuba. 1799. 7.8 large-leaved. Jamaica. 1822. «++. aromatic. Ceylon. 1793. «++: humble. Jamaica, 1799. -.«-. Molucca. Ceylon, 1803. ees eSe woolly-leaved. W.Indies. 1782, 7.8. various-leaved. VeraCruz. 1730. —— Cotton-leaved. Trinidad. 1823. —— tomentose. sw eennee mee ha inne fingered. N.S. W.. 1810. -++- torn-leaved. wsecceee 1822, -+26 Puysic-NuT. Moncecia Monadelphia. Cotton-leaved.. W. Indies. 1690. 5.58. fiddle-leaved. Cuba. 1800. —— spicy. 1869. = angular ‘leaved. S. America, 1731. +++: _multifid. ——— 1696. 6.8. fragrant. Cuba. 1822, —— stinging. * Brazil... 1690. 5.7. scarlet. PEs 1822. -+-- annual, Vera Cruz, 1759. 7.8. Napea-leaved. Antilles. 1823, —— JANIPHA. Monecia Decandria. strong-scented. Mexico. 1824. 7.8. Leefling’s. S. America. —— «+-- /JEsculus-leav’d. ————— 1825. oe Cassava. ———- 1739. 7.8. ALEURITES. Moneecia Monadelphia. L. eee 7.8. 8. Wis 8. hie 9, L. ios) e SITIOS RARATAnOnnnnny e ° e © ee ° Sr rOs MHAIHTS ASHI TSTOTOOTO e PP LAD Da Wine OP PAP eal ~ ° es e e e a MnPPORE> nm nn wm guenonnnnn! TARTIOORH FH SH SOK SSS 359: Rheed. mal. 6. t. 61. Rumph.amb.4.t.26.f.2. 4, t. 25. Lodd. bot. cab. 870. Jacq. amer, t. 162. f.4. Catesb. car. 2. t. 46. Mart. dec. 4. t. 88. Sloan. jam.2. t.174. f.2. Nis, act.par.1712.t,17. .Rheed. mal. 2. t. 33. Jacq. ic. 1. t.-194. Sloan. hist.2. 1.174. f.2. Pluk. alm. +. 220. f. 5. ‘Jacq. ic. 3. t. 622. Venten. choix. 12. Rumph. amb. 3. t. 126. Mart. dec. 5. t. 46. Vahl. symb, t. 49. Botan. regist. 746. Botan. magaz. 604. ————-——— 1464. Jacq. vind: 3. t. 63. Sal. par. lond. 91. Jacq. vind. 1. t, 21. Reliq. houst.6. t. 15. Jacq. amer, t. 162. f.1. H. et. B. 2. t. 109. Sloan. jam. 1. t. 85. Lam. ill. t. 792. W. hort. ber. 49. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 196. ———-1. t. 195. Andr, reposit. 430. Rumph. amb. 3. t. 121, Lodd. bot. cab. 519. Catesb. car. 2. t. 95. Jacq. amer. t. 158. Plum. ic. 171. f. 1. Lam. ill. t. 790. 360 AGYNEJA. W. 1 impubes. w. 2 pubera. w. STILLINGIA. W. 1 sylvatica. w. 2 ligustrina. w. 3 sebifera. w. HURA. W. 1 strepens. w.en. 2 crepitans. w.en. BRADLEJA. W. 1 sinica. w. 2 nitida. H.B. PHYLLANTHUS. W. obovatus. w. maderaspatensis.w. gracilis. H.B. longifolius. w. lanceolatus. w. nutans. Ww. grandifolius. w. virosus. W. turbinatus. B.M. Conami. w. obcordatus. H.B. reticulatus. B.c. lucens. w. racemosus. W. cantoniensis. L.en. cuneatus. W.en. Niruri. w. Urinaria. w. microphyllus. K.s. polyphyllus. w. mimosoides. w. 22 rhamnoides. w. 23 strictus. H.B. 24 fraxinifolius. B.c. 25 juglandifolius. w.en. Walnut-leaved. 26 scandens. Roxb. EMBLICA. L.T. officinalis. L.T. KIRGANELIA. J. elegans. J. EUPHORBIACE. AGYNEJA. Monecia Monadelphia. W. smooth. China. 1820. 7.9. H.©. woolly. 1823. ++-. S,h. STILLINGIA. Monecia Monadelphia. W. wood, Carolina. 1787. 7.8, G.%. Privet-leaved. N.America. 1812. +«--- G.h. Tallow-tree. China. — 1703. 9. S.h. SANDBOX-TREE. Phyllanthus Kirganelia. w. XYLOPHYLLA. W. 1 longifolia. w. Phyllanthus ceramica. P.s. 2 latifolia. w. 3 speciosa. arbuscula. w. Phyllanthus speciosus. Jacq. 4 angustifolia. w. 5 linearis. P.s. 6 elongata. B.c. 7 mentana. w. 8 falcata: w. 9 ramiflora. w. 10 obovata. w.en.- ANDRACHNE. W. telephioides. w, BRIEDELIA. W. scandens. w. CLUYTIA. W. 1 collina. w. 2 patula. w. 3 pulchella. w. 4 heteropbylla. w. 5 tomentosa. w. 6 pubescens, w. Moneecia Monadelphia. W. . unequal-tooth’d.S.America. «-++- 7.9. S.b. equal-toothed. - 1733. —— S.h. BrRaDLeEJA. Moneecia Monadelphia. W. Chinese. China. 1816. 7.9. S.b glossy. E. Indies. 1820. ---« S.h. PUYLLANTHUs. Monecia Monadelphia. W. annual. N.America. 1803. 7.8 H.©. Madras. E. Indies. 1783. —— S.b. slender. ———._ 1820. ——— S.. long-leaved. Isl.Bourbon.1822. ---- S.h. spear-leaved. ——~ -—— 6.8. S.h. nodding. Jamaica. —- -— S.h. great-leaved. Portorico. 1771. —— S.h. venomous. E. Indies. 1802, ++«»« §.h-. shining-leaved. China. sees 729. Sche Brazilian. Brazil. 1791. —— S.h. obcordate. E. Indies. 1818. —— S.%. netted, ——_- —- 8.9. S.he thick-veined. China. 1822. 7.9. S.b. racemed. E. Indies. 1793. 7.8. S.h. Canton. China. 1819. —— H.©. wedge-leaved. ————- —— -—— H.©@. Indian. E.Indies. 1692. 6.9. S.©. stinging. —— 1819. — S8.©. small-leaved. S. America. 1824, -++- S.h. many-leaved. E.Indies. 1805. 7.9. S.h. Mimosa-like. W. Indies. 1820. —— S.h. Rhamuus-like. E. Indies —— -—— S.h. upright. ———_ 1823. —— S.h. Ash-leaved. seoeeses 1818. —— S.h. eeeeese @ ae a a rai 6. 9. S.h. climbing. E. Indies. 1803. +--+» S.h. EmpBiica. Monecia Syngenesia. L.T. officinal. E. Indies. 1768. 6.9. S.h. KIRGANELIA. Moncecia Monadelphia. elegant. Mauritius. 1820. 6.9. S.h. XYLOPHYLLA. Monecia Monadelphia. W. long-leaved. E. Indies. 1816. 1.12. S.h. Seaside Laurel, S. America. 1783. §.10. S.h. handsome. Jamaica. 1818. —— S.b. narrow-leaved. 1789. 7.8. S.hb. linear-leaved. 1822. —— S.h. elongated. — -—— Sh. mountain. —— 1820. 11.4. S.h. faleate-leaved. Bahama Isl. 1699. 7.9. S.h. oval-leaved, Siberia. 1785. 7.8. Heh. obovate-leaved. ——-——- _ +++» —— H.h. BasTARD OrRPINE. Monecia Gynandria. L. annual. Italy. 1732. 7.8. H.©. ‘BrRieDELIA. Polygamia Monecia. W. . climbing. E. Indies. 1804. 7.9., CiuytTia. Dicecia Gynaxdria. L. hill. E. Indies. 1807. +++. S.h. spreading. ———— 1812. +--+ S.b. broad-leaved. C. B.S. 1739. 1.6. G.h. various-leaved. -———— 1816. 2.4. G.h. tomentose. —— 1812. 4.6. Gh. pubescent. ——-— 1817. —— G.h. Pluk. amal. t. 390. f.2. ‘Lam. ill, t. 793. Gert.sem.2. t.109. f.l. Lam. ill. t. 156. fi 1. . Jacq. scheen.2. t.193. Botan. magaz. 1862. Aub, gui, 2. t. 354. Lodd. bot. cab. 577. Rheed, mal. 10, t. 15. Rumph.amb.6. t.17.f.2. Lodii,-bot: cali, 721. “Lodd. bot. cab. 731. - Lodd. bot. cab. 548. Rumph, amb. 7. t. 12. Botan. magaz. 1021. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 616, Lodd. bot. cab. 1091. Botan. magaz. 2652. Botan. regist. 373. t. E, f. 2. Lam, ill. t, 797. Roxb. corom. 2. t.173. Roxb.corom. 2, t.169. | ; 2. t. 170. Botan. magaz. 1945. 7 polifolia. w. 8 ericoides. w. 9 daphnoides. w 10 polygonoides. w. 11 alaternoides. w. EXCCECARIA. W. 1 Agallocha. w 2 serrata. H.K. ADELIA. W. 1 Bernardia. w. | 2 Ricinella. w. | 3 Acidoton. w. _LOUREIRA. W. 1 cuneifolia. w. 2 glandulosa, w. BORYA., W. 1 porulosa. w. 2 ligustrina. w. 3 prinoides. w.en. 4 nitida. w.en. 5 retusa. W.en. 6 acuminata. w. Adelia acuminata. M. SECURINEGA. J. \ nitida. P.s. TRAGIA. W. _ 1 volubilis. w. 2 involucrata. w. 3 mercurialis w. 4 corniculata. w. 5 urens. w. 6 Chamezlea. w. 7 cannabina. w. / ANTIDESMA. W. 1 alexiteria. w. _ 2 pubescens. w. 3 paniculata. w | STILAGO. W. 1 Bunius. w. 2 diandra. w. _PICUS. L. I religiosa. R.s. | 2 superstitiosa. L.en. 3 nympheifolia. R.s, 4 cordata. R.s. Mozinna spathulata. ort. dec. 8. t. 13+ EUPHORBIACE. Poley-leaved. C. B.S. 1790. 4.6. G.h. -. Heath-leaved. ————- -—— —— G.h. Daphne-like. 1731. 5.6. Goh. Polygonum-like. 1790, 12.3.G.h narrow-leaved. 1692. —— G.h. Excacarta. Diccia Monadelphia. . Indian. E. Indies. 1823. -++> , $4 saw-leaved. Chili. 1796. 11.2. G.b ADELIA. Dicecia Monadelphia. L. villous-leaved. Jamaica. 1768. 7.8. S.h. smocth-leaved. — 6.8. Box-leaved. —_—— — 6.7. B.h. LoureEr1rA. Diccia Monadelphia. W. wedge-leaved. Mexico. 1824. 6.8. G.h glandulous. 1799. —— G.h. Borya. Diecia Diandria. W. Florida. Florida. 1806. 7.8. H.h Privet-leaved. N.America.1812. —— H.h Prinos-like. 1816. —— H-hb. glossy-leaved. — — — Hkh retuse-leaved. 1812, —— H.h pointed. - — — Hh ORDO CLVITI. ANTIDESMEE:. ANTIDESMA. - Diccia Pentandria. L. Laurel-leaved. E. Indies. 1793. 5.6. S. pubescent. —-—— 1818. —— &. panicled. —— 1800. —— S. Strizaco. Dicecia Triandria. W. Laurel-leaved. E.Indies. 1757. 8. S. diandrous. tte 9800, «eee 8, ORDO CLVIII. URTICEE. - Juss. gén. 400. Fic-TREE. Polygamia Diecia. W. Poplar-leaved. E. Indies. tee veer S. superstitious. —_ coer S. Water-lily-1¢. 1759. Ss. heart-leaved. C. B.S. 1802, --:- S. 3 h h h h 361 Jacq. scheen. 2; t. 50. Botan. regist. 779. — W. hort. ber. 52. ——-— 51. Botan. magaz. 132]. Rumph.amb.2. t.79.80. e Cavan. ic. 5. t. 429. 5. t. 430. — e e Mich. amer., 2. t. 48. SECURINEGA. Monecia Pentandria. OtaheiteMyrtle.Otaheite. 1793. 38.8. S.h. Lindl. collect. t.9. TraGiaA. Monecia Triandria, W. twining. W. Indies. 1739. 6.7. S.h. Trew. pl.rar. 2. t. 15. involucred. E. Indies. 1759. —— S.©. Jacq. ic. 1. t.190. Mercury-like. —--—— 1818. —— S.©. Rheed.mal. 10. t. 82. two-horned. Trinidad. 1824, —— S.©. stinging. Virginia. 1699. 8. H.©. Pluk. alm. t.107. f.5. lance-leaved. E. Indies. 1793. 6.7. S.©. Rheed. mal. 2. t. 34. Hemp-leaved. 1699, —— S.¥%. Burm.ind. t. 63. f.1. - Rheed. mal. &. t. 11. - Roxb.corom.2.t. 167. ». Rheed. mal. 4. t. 56. - Roxb. corom. 2. t. 166. . Rheed. mal. 1. t. 27. . Thunb. fic. p. 8.c. ic. 362 5 oblongata. L.en. 6 crassinervia. R.s. 7 rubiginosa. R.s. australis. W.. 8 costata. R.s. 9 coronata. R.Ss. 10: lucida. R.s. 11 scandens. R.s. 12 stipulata. r.s. 13 pedunculata. R.s. 14 venosa. R.S. 15 leucotoma. R.S. venosa. W. non H.K. 16 tinctoria. R.s. 17 benjamina. R.s. 18 glabrata. K.s. 19 benghalensis. R.s. 20 microcarpa. R.S. 21 americana. R.S. 22 racemosa. R.S. 23 pertusa. R.S. 24 terebrata. R.s. 25 pumila. R.s. 26 glomerata. r,s. 27 Hookeri. nitida, H.E.F, nec aliorum. 28 nitida. R.s. 29 ciliolosa. R.S. 30 cotinifolia. K.s. 31 obtusifolia. K.s. 32 coriacea. R.S. 33 populnea. R.s. 34 macrophylla. R.s. 36 elastica. H.B. 36 Brassii. H.T. 37 lasiophylla. L.en. 38 retusa. R.S. 39 laurifolia. R.s. martinicensis. W. 40 brasiliensis. L.en- 41 levigata. Rs. 42 indica. R.s. 43 salicifolia. R.s. 44 aurantiaca. Lod. 45 pendula. L.en. 46 myrtifolia. L.en. 47 lanceolata. H.B. 48 obtusata. L.en. 49 muntia. L.en. 60 ulmifolia. R.s. 51 capensis: R.S. 52 exasperata. R.S. Scabra. W. NON Forst> 53 hispida. R.s. oppositifolia. Rox. scabra. Jacq. scheen. 3. t.315. 54 aquatica. w. 55 heterophylla. r.s. 56 repens. R.Ss. 57 virgata. H.B. 58 Carica. Rs. ARTOCARPUS. W. 1 incisa. w. a nucifera. B apyrena. 2 integrifolia. w. B heterophylla. Lam. MACLURA. N. 1 aurantiaca. Nn. “2 tinctoria. p.D. - URTICER. Cotinus-leaved. blunt-leaved. Mexico. 1824. oblong-leaved. C. B.S. 1816. -*e+ S.h. thick-nerved. §S.America. —— +e++ S.h. ferrugineous. N.S.W. 1789. 3.6. G.h. rib-leaved. E. Indies. 1763. +--+ S.h. crowned-fruit’'d.N.S.W. 1807. 3.6. G.b. shining-ld, E. Indies. 1772. ---- S.h. climbing. S. America. 1816. ---- S.h. trailing. China. 1771. -++- Gh. Willow-leaved. S.America. 1776. ---- S.h. vein-leaved. E. Indies. 1763. 6.8. S.h. white-spotted. ——-—— ---- -—— §.h. Otaheite. SocietyIsl. 1783. 5.6. S.h oval-leaved. E. Indies. 1757. +--+ S.h smooth. Teneriffe, 1816. ---- Bengal. E. Indies, 1690. 4.5. S.h small-fruited. Guinea. 1823. ---- S.h. American. Jamaica. 1822. ---- S.h. clustered. E. Indies. 1759. +++ S.h.. Laurel-leaved.. S, America. 1780. -+++ -S.h. obovate-leaved. Mauritius. 1822. «+++ S.h. dwarf. China. 1759. +--+ G.h. crowded. E. Indies. 1818. +--+ S.h. Hooker’s. W. Indies. 1816. 1.4. .S.h.: glossy-leaved. E. Indies. 1786. 3.6. S.h fringe stipuled. -----+-. 1816. —— S.h age ve S. Ss Ss. leathery-leav’d. E. Indies. 1772. ++.» S. a Poplar-ieaved, mtn tee h. large-leaved. . N.Holland. 1816. +--+ G.h. Indian rubber. E. Indies, 1815. «++ G.h. Brass’s. SierraLeon. 1822. ---- S.h. downy-leaved. .------« + 1816. +++. S.h. retuse-leaved. E. Indies. 1793, «+++ S.h. Laurel-leaved. W. Indies, 1759. ++-- S,h. Brazilian. ~~ Brazil. 1820. «--- S.h. smooth-leaved. W. Indies. 1822. ---. S.h. _Banyan-tree. E, Indies. 1759. <«-+- Willow-leaved. Arabia. 1818. +--+: S.h. orange-color’'d. ++sses+s —— eres Sh. pendulous. —s e «eee soe §=1824. +--+ Sh. Myrtle-leaved, «+--+. ——— tee SO. spear-leaved. E, intien 1820. +++. S.h. obtuse-tooth’d. . «--+++s+ —— eee Ssh. rough-leaved. N. Wollande 1818. -*++ G.h. Elm-leaved. Philippine, 1825. +++. S.h. Cape. C.B.S. 1816. +++ Gib. very rough. Guinea. 1822. +++. S.h. opposite-leaved. E. Indies. 1802. «+++ S.h. water. See G8: ae eee various-leaved. -——-—— 1816. -+++ S.h. creeping-stemm’d 1805. «+++ S.h. twiggy. _ 1817, see» Gh. common, S. Europe. 1548. 6.7. H.h. BREAD-FRUIT. Moncecia Monandria. W. true. S.Sea Isl. 1793. -+++ S.h. nut-bearing’. ete SU. seedless. St i nels CRS Jaca-tree. E. Indies. 1778, 6. S.b. various-leaved. .—————- -— -—— S.h. Mactora. _ Dicecia Tetrandria. N. Osage Apple. Missouri. 1824. +++. H.h. Fustick-wood. W. Indies. 1739, «+++ S.h. Morus tinctoria. W. Broussonetia tinctoria. K.s. e ‘a ° tt sli@itiens F * ¥ ot ey ty ine ; Venten. malm. t.114. Colla h. rip. t.8, Pluk. alm, t..178, f. 4. Rheed. mal. 3. t. 64. W. hort. ber. Ll. t. 56s Rheed. eran 1 ef 26. Rheed. ‘mal. 1. t. 28. Plum. spec. t. 132. f.2. Rheed. mal. 1. t. 25 Bory it. t 17. Kemp, amen, t. 804. Roxb. corom. 2. t. 123 Hook. exy Bors 11. + Rheed. mal, 3. wn 55. i Sloan. jam. 2. t. 223. Rheed. mal. 3. t. 63. Willden. fie. t.2. Roxb. corom., 2. t. 124 Rheed. mal. 3. t. 62. Trew-Ehret. t. 73.74 Rumph. amb. 1. t. 33, Rumph. amb. 1, t. 32) Rheed. mal. 3, t.26-2¢ Rumph. amb. 1. t. 30 Lamb. pin.y.2.ap.t.l! Plum. ic. t.204. URTICE. 363 'BROUSSONETIA.W. Paper MuLpeERRY. Dicecia Tetrandria. W. 1 piabaan w. common. . .Japan. . 1751. 4.7..H.h. Andr: reposit. 488. MORUS. W. MUuLBEeRRY. Moneecia Tetrandria. L. . F i eS Wie 2. white, .. China. © 1596. 6. H.h. Schk. hand. 3. t. 290. 2 tatarica. w. Tartarian. .. Tartary. 1784. —— H.h. Pall, ros.2. t. 52. 3 italica. p.s. Italian. Italy. . o255 —— Hb. wv. 4 constantinopolitana.Constantinople. Constantinople. —~ H.}h. é 6 nigra. w. common. Italy. 1548. —— H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 159. 6 rubra. w. red. N. America. 1629. 6.7. H.h. : i 7 scabra. w.en. rough. ——— _ 1812. — Hh. _ $8 pensylvanica.u.c. Pensylvanian. ————~ —— —— H.h. | 9 pumila. L.c. dwarf. teeeere = —— Hh. 10 indica. w. Indian. cf Indies, 1820. «++» S.h. Rheed. mal.1. t..49, | 41 sinensis. L.c. Chinese. China... = —— <-e++ G.b.’ 2 12 mauritiana. w. Mauritius. Manritius, +— +--+ S.h. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 617. BQHMERIA. W. Ba:umeriaA. Monecia Tetrandria. W. . 1 caudata. w. tailed. W. Indies. 1822. ---- S.h. 2 cylindrica. w. cylindrical. Virginia. . 1759. 6.8. H.y%. Sloan.j.1.t. 82. f. 2. 3 macrophylla.p.p. large-leaved. Nepaul. 1820. -- G.h. ! 4 rotundifolia. p.p. round-leaved. ——— 1819. 6.8. G.%. 5 platyphylla. p.p. rough-leaved. ——— 1818. «++» Gh. . 6 ramiflora.w. —_—si+ibranch-flowering. W. Indies. 1822, ---+ S.h. Lam.ill. t.763. Caturus ramiflorus. L. . ' 7 elongata. L.ens elongated. Brazil. — 7.9. H.©. 8 lateriflora. w. side-flowering. N.America. 1816. 6.8. H.2. 9 rubescens. w. tree. _ Canaries. 1779. 2.5. G.h. Jacq. frag.n.30. t.5.f.1. Uriica arborea. L’Her. stirp. t. 20. ; Hi 10 frondosa. p.P. frondose. Nepaul. 1818. eees G.h. 11 frutescens. w. frutescent. .. ———_ 1819. «+++ Gih. URTICA, W. Netrte. Monecia Tetrandria.. L. 1 pilulifera. w. Roman. England. ---- 6.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 148. 2 balearica. w. Balearic. BalearicIsl. 1731. 6.7. H.©. Blackw. t.321. f.1. 3 Dodartii. w. Dodart’s. S. Europe. 1683. 7.8. H.©. | 4 pumila. w. dwarf. . N.America. 1817. —— H.©. 5 crassifolia. w. thick-leaved. .S.America. 1822. —— S.h. 6 grandifolia. w. great-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 7.8. S.h. Sloan. jam.1. t.83. f.2. 7 reticulata. w. net-leaved. oe 6.8. S.h. 8 involucrata. p.m. imbossed. W. Indies. 1823. 10.11.S8.%. Botan. magaz. 2481. | 9 diffusa. w. spreading, ©=§ ——~ —— 8.10. S.h. " 10 rufa. w. rusty. Jamaica. 1793. 6.9. S.h. 11 scabrella. L.en. rough. __E. Indies. -1815. 10.12. G.h. 12 scripta. p.P. black-lined. Nepaul. 1823. +--+ H.2%. ; 13 heterophylla. v WwW. various-leaved,.. ————~ -—— ---:- H.hb. Rheed.mal.2.t. 41. (14 urens. w, small. Britain. ecoe 6.10. H.©. Eng. bot..1236. 15 dioica. w. common. ay tees 7.9. Heys) ———— 1750. 16 Germander-like Georgia. 1813. —— H.©. }17 membranacea. w. membranaceous S. Europe. 1818. —— H.%. 18 angustifolia. F. narrow-leaved. Russia. 1824. —— H.%. (19 ardens. L.en. burning. Nepaul. 1819. 8.11. H.©. 20 cannabina. w. Hemp-leaved. Siberia. 1749. 7.9. H.y%. Amm.ruth. 249. t. 25. 21 rugosa. w. rough-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 5.7. S.¢. 22 gracilis. w. slender-stalked. Hudson’ sbay.1782. 6.8. H.2. 23 Parietaria. w. Pellitory-leav’d.Jamaica. 1793. 7.9. S.h. Sloan.j.1. t.93. f.1. 24 ciliata. w. ciliated. —— 1815. — S.h. 25 nummularifolia. w. moneywort-l4. .———— 1822. ——- S.%. Sloan. hist.1.t.131.f.4. 26 depressa. w. depressed. ~ ———_- — —- S.%. ; |27 microphylla, w. small-leaved. W. Indies. 1793. 4.5. S.y%. Sloan, jel. t. 93. f. 2. 28 pulchella. L.en. neat. E. Indies. 1816, «++. S.h. 29 diversifolia. Len. different-14. —————._ 1820. ---.. S.h. | 4/30 zestuans. Ww. Surinam, Surinam. 1803. 6.7. S.g. Jacq.schen. 3. t. 388. } 31 capitata. w. headed. _ N.America.1820. —— H.2%. < | 1,32 canadensis. w. Canadian. ‘Canada. 1656. 8.10. H.%. Pluk.alm. t. 239. f. 2. 33 nivea. w. white-leaved. China. 1739. 8.9. H.%. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 166. y/34 caracasana. Ww, Caracas. Caracas. 1820. «+++ S.h. Jacq. schon. 3. t. 386. 935 caravellana. Len. pointed-leaved. S. America. —-- 8.10. H.©. . (36 baccifera. w. berry-bearing. — 1793. 7.8. S.h. Andr. reposit. 454. 37 elongata. w. elongated. Philippines.1823. —— S.h. 38 ferocissima. ferocious. Nepaul. 1605. 8.10. H.©. | horrida. Len. non.K.s. ; — S.x. 9 pentandra. H.B. pentandrous. EE. Indies. -—— FORSKOHLEA. L. 1 tenacissima. w. 2 candida. w. 3 angustifolia. w. PARIETARIA. W. 1 indica. w. 2 officinalis. w. 3 judaica. w. 4 pensylvanica. w. 5 urticefolia. w. 6 lusitanica. w. 7 cretica. w. 8 prostrata. L.en. 9 polygonoides. w. PILEA. L.col. muscosa.!. CANNABIS. W. sativa. We HUMULUS. W. Lupulus, w. THELYGONUM. W. Doa’s-CABBAGE, Cynocrambe. w. GNETUM. W. Gnemon. w. CECROPIA. W. 1 peltata. w. 2 palmata. w. 3 concolor. w. GUNNERA. W. erpensa. W. DORSTENIA. W. 1 cordifolia. w. 2 brasiliensis. w. 3 Houstoni. w. 4 arifolia. w. 5 Contrayerva. w. 6 Drakena. w. MERTENSIA. K.S. 1 levigata. K.s. 2 iguanea. R.S8. URTICEA, ForsKOHLEA. Monecia Monandria. J. clammy. Egypt. © 1767. 7. 8..! rough. C. B. Ss. 1774. 6. re \ narrow-leaved. Teneriffe. 1779. 7.8. PELLITORY. Polygamia Monecia. L. Indian. E. Indies. 1790. 4.5. common. Britain. +--+. 6.9 H Basil-leaved. Germany. 1728. —— Pensylvanian. N.America.1816. —— Nettle-leaved. Isl.Bourbon.1700. —— chickweed-l4. Spain. 1710. 7.8. Cretan. Crete. 1818. —— prostrate. cevecese 1823, —— Polygonum-ld. Armenia... 1728, —— PitEA. Monecia Tetrandria. mossy. W.Indies. 1793. 4.5. Hemp. Dicecia Tetrandria. L. common. India. sees 6.7%, Hop. Dicecia Tetrandria. L. common. Britain. 6. 8. Monecia Polyanddal common. S. Europe. 1710. 7. GnetuM. Monecia Monadelphia. L Indian, India. 1815, «<-> SNAKE-wooD. Diccia Diandria. L. peltated. ‘Jamaica. 1778. -+-- palmated. Brazil. 1823. s+ self-coloured, ————— —— -:--- GuNNERA. Gynandria Diandria. L. | marsh-marygold-l4,.C, B.S. 1688. +--«- DorstTENIA. Tetrandria Monogynia. L. heart-leaved. W. Indies. 1822. 5.8. Brazilian. S. America. 1792. 3. 4. Houstoun’s. ———. 1747. 6.7. Arum-leaved. Brazil. 1823. —— Contrajerva-root. S.America.!748. 5.8. round-rooted. VeraCruz. --+-- MERTENSIA. Polygamia Monecia. rR s. Mexican. Mexico. 1825. <+es Jamaica. Jamaica. 1791. -++« Rhamnus iguaneus. L. Zizyphus iguanea. p.s. Celtis aculeata. w. CELTIS. K.S. 1 micrantha. w. 2 orientalis. w 3 pumila. Ph. 4 crassifolia. w. ‘ cordifolia. Dun. 5 occidentalis. w. B cordata. R.s. y scabriuscula, R.8. rough-leaved. 6 Willdenowiana. R.s. Willdenow’s. 7 sinensis. R.S. 8. levigata. R.s. 9 Tournefortii. Ww. 10 australis, w. PLANERA.M. 1 Richardi. m. carpinifolia. w.p. Ulmus nemoralis. Hx. 2 Gmelini. mM. aquatica. N. ULMUS. R.S. 1 campestris. E.B. 2 suberosa. E.B. 3 glabra, E.B. 4 major. E.B. 5 montana. E.B. 6 effusa. w 7 alba. w. 8 crispa. W NETTLE-TREE. Polygamia Monecia. L.- smooth. Jamaica. 1739, 8.9. oriental. E. Indies. 1820. <«++« dwarf. _ N.America.1812. 5. heart-leaved. pe rg ee 5 YS | American. ——— 1656. 4.5. heart-leaved. ——— cee China. eeece e@eoe Chinese. —— eeene ecee smooth. Louisiana. 1812. 4.5. Tournefort’s. Levant. 1738, see. European. S. Europe. 1796. 5. PuaneRA. Tetrandria Digynia. S.S. Richard’s. N.America. 1760. 4. 5. Gmelin’s. ————_ 1816. eee. ELM-TREE. Pentandria Digynia. L. common English. Britain. coos 4.5, cork-barked. pizace BS, Bode smooth. atte declining-branch’d. ——— +++. —— Wych. —— —-— tee ALB, spreading-fl4. ——— ---. —— white. Hungary. 1816. —— curl-leaved. N. America. +se- bitter purple. England. -+-- Rose. , Britain. oree Boyton. England. = ++... red-stemmed. basket osier. common osier. mollissima. E.B. nN0n W. acuminata. E.B. holosericea. w. aurita. W. uliginosa. W.en- auritd. E.B. NON We paludosa. L.en. aquatica. E.B. spatulata. w.en. caprea. E.B. sphacelata. E.B. laurina. W. bicolor. E.B. 20” Ebr. bicolor. w. Pontederana. w. Forsteriana. E.B. nigricans. E.B. violacea. S.s. Weigeliana. s.s. cotinifolia. E.B. conifera. s.s. prinoides. s.s. fuscata. s.s. recurvata. Ss.S. tristis. s.s. Muhlenbergiana. grisea. W.en. lanceolata. E.B. stipularis. E.B. undulata. s,s. petiolaris. E.B. patula. s.s. candida. s.s. discolor. s.s. arenaria. E.B. repens. E B. incubacea. w. rosmarinifolia. E.B. Rosemary-l4, Arbuscula. E.B. fusca. 5.B. parvifolia. E.B. adscendens. E.B. prostrata. E.B. canescens. W.en- leucophylla. w.en. eleagnoides. L.en. argentea. E.B. versifolia. s.s. prunifolia, E.B. Dicksoniana. E.B. humilis. w.en- formosa. w. myrsinites. E.B. venulosa. E.B. vacciniifolia. &.B. carinata. E.B. two-coloured. Pontedera’s. Forster’s. dark broad-1¢4, violet. long-styled. Quince-leaved. cone-bearing. wave-leaved. dark long-1d, spreading. hoary. brown-branched. sand. creeping. trailing. little tree. brown. small-leaved. ascending. prostrate. canescent. _ white-leaved. Elegnus-like. silky sand. various-leaved. Plum-leaved. Dickson’s. humble. handsome. e@eee Britain. ceee softest. Germany. -+-+« Smith’s. England. = ees. acuminate. Britain. +++ holosericeous. Germany. «:-- eared, Europe. reese marsh, Britain. sense fen. Germany. -+-» water. Britain. toes spatulate. Germany. +--+ great round-l4, Britain. sees withered-pointed. Scotland. +--+ Laurel-leaved. England. sees Germany. 1818. pees Scotland. +.<- cana cee eoeone ee e@ese Silesia. 1820. Britain. ence .N.America. 1800. Prinos-like. - 1811. brown-stemm’d. rece recurve-flower’d. see linear-leaved. 1765. Muhlenberg’s, 1811. brown. ———-_ 1816. sharp-leaved. England. sees auricled. Britain. esse Germany. 1819. N.America. ~*+- Italy. 1818. N.America,. 1811. Scotland. sere Britain. cece. Europe. 1775. Britain. eese Scotland. cee Britain. tees England. sees Britain. etee Germany. 1815. Switzerland.1823. Britain. eeee N. Europe. 1824. Scotland. ones i die cl A DE Switzerland.1820. Whortle-leav’d. Scotland. «+-- veiny-leaved. Bilberry-ld. folded-leaved. eee ee eev? ee ee eeee ee an es feo ee ¢€ —— = eo ¢@ e . ainsi it REE REEREEE Bieta SHIT IHT ASH HHH os By ttt RAAT A THIS HSS HSS STS SS ° e e e e e e e e es Sa ft et tt pt ft PHS SSS HH HT eo @ e ° ° e e ° e ° ° e e s ° ot tot FHT HHH SHINS ptt to ._—o oS rWe yoeleR OTS % - ut a etre Ot Eng. bot. 1907. type Ard. mem. 1. t. 1h. Eng. bot, 1388. > et 1343. ha ¥ 1359. — — 1145. —— 1344. —-+—— 1898. Eng. bot. 1509. Eng. bot. 1434. Hoff. sal. 1. t. 22. £.1. Eng. bot. 1487. Eng. bot. 1488. —-—— 2333. —-—— 1806. — 1213. Andr. reposit. acs Eng. bot. 1403. biti amer. t. 31. £.72. Ann. bot. 2. t. 5. f.. 9 Eng, bot. 1436. —_—— 1214. Eng. bot. 1147. Ann, bot. 2. t.5. fle. —-—— 183. Eng. bot. 1365. | ——— 1366. _ ——-—— 1960. ———— 1961.. —- —— 1962. —— 1959. Eng. bot. 1364, Eng. bot. 1361... ——+ epee AE Eng. bot. 1360... — 1362. ef ———. 2341. ——-—— 1363. AMENTACER, 367 152 cerasifolia. sch. Cherry-leaved. Switzerland.i824, eee 153 cinnamomea. sch. Cinnamon-scented, 154 clethrefolia, sch. Clethra-leaved. ———— 112 arbutifolia. w. Arbutus-leav’d..Switzerland.1818. —— H. 118 rupestris. E.3. rock. Scotland, ---- 4. 4H. Eng. bot. 2342. 114 livida. s,s. livid. — Lapland. 1824. —— H.h. . 115 longifolia. s.s. long-leaved. N.America. 1819. 4.5. H. Ann. bot. 2. t. 5. f. 6. 116 glauca. E.B. glaucous. Scotland. ---- 5. H.h. Eng. bot. 1810... - 117 sericea. w. silky. AlpsEurope.1816. -—- H. Vill. delph.3. t.51.f,27. 118 Stuartiana.e.s. Stuart’s. Scotland. --+- 7.8. H. Eng. bot. 2586. 119 reticulata. E.B. wrinkled. Britain. ~co» 6.7. H. ——§——. 1908. 120 hirta. £.B. hairy-branch’d. England. +--+ 4.5. H.h. ———— 1404. 121 oleifolia. £.B. Olive-leaved. Britain. veee 3, H. — —- 1402. 122 Croweana. E.B. Crowe’s. England. sess 4.5. H.b. —-—— 1146. 123 fagifolia. w. Beech-leaved. Hungary. 1819. —— H. 124 cordifolia. ph. heart-shaped. N.America.1811. —— H.h. 125 planifolia. ph. flat-leaved. Labrador. -—— 4.5. H.h. 126 falcata. pp. sickle-leaved. N.America. —— -—— H. 127 tetrapla. L.en. elegant. © --*ees8 - 1824, -e+e Hib. 128 obtusa. L.en. blunt-leaved. Switzerland. —— «---- H.h. 129 eriantha. L.en. woolly-flow’r’d. —— mw cere HD, 130 czesia. vill. cesious. N. Europe. —— 4.5. H. Vill.delph.3.t.50.f.11. 131 ulmifolia. w.en. Elm-leaved. Switzerland. ——- —— H. 132 foliosa. w. leafy. _ Lapland, 18187 —— H. 133 obtusifolia. w. obtuse-leaved. ——-——- -—— ~— H.h. 134 atrovirens. Sch. dark-green. Switzerland.1824. —— H.h. 135 australis. sch. southern. ———- -——_ —-_ H. 136 carpinifolia. sch. Hornbeam-l4. ———_—- —— 3.4. H. 137 cydoniifolia. sch. Cydonia-leavd. ———-— —— -—— H. 138 subalpina. sch. subalpine. —— — 4.5. H.h. 139 protezfolia. sch. Protea-leaved. —m——— 1820. 4. H. 140 strepida. sch. creaking. —_— ——- —— H. 141 glabrata. sch. smooth. ——— 1823. 4.5. H. 142 decumbens. sch. decumbent. —_———_- — — H.h. 143 heterophylla. peb. different-leav’d. ------ oo —— —— H. 144 murina. sch. wall. Switzerland.1824. 3.4. H. 145 nervosa. Sch. nerved. —_-——- — ——- H 146 pannosa.sch. __—cloth-leaved. — ee 4, 5. HH, 147 pallescens. sch. pallid. ——_—- — — Hb. 148 pallida. sch. pale. —_——_ ——_- — H.b. 149 alaternoides. sch. Alaternus-like. ———— 1823. —— H.h. 150 albescens. sch. whitish. ae ee A. 151 annularis. L.c. annular-leaved. --+-+-++ — — eee Hh. H. H H. H. H H. H H H. H 4. 4, 5. e 155 grisophylla. sch. _gray-leaved. ————_-_- —_ — . 156 lacustris. sch. lake. —_———__ ——_ —- H.h. 157 mespilifolia. sch. Mespilus-l4. —--—— —— —— : 158 obtuse-serrata. sch. bluntly-sawed.. ——-——- -——- -—— H.b. 159 pyrifolia. sch. Pear-leaved. teint crest een: em | EN, Py 160 Schleicheriana. w. Schleicher’s. ———S$S o— A POPULUS. L. PopiaR. Diccia Octandria. L. piiatldian sei 1 alba. E.B. Abele-tree, Britain. sees 3,4. H.R. Eng. bot. 1618. 2 canescens. E.B. gray. England. «+++ —— H. ———- 1619. 3 nivea. w. snowy. Europe. cose —— H. BOWS 4 trepida. w. trembling. N.America.1812. —— H.h. Mich. arb. 3. t.8. f.1. 5 tremula. w. Aspen. Britain. s+ 3.4. H.h. Eng. bot. 1909. 6 levigata. w. smooth. - N.America.1769. —— H. Mich. arb. 3. t. 11. 7% tremuloides. m. trembling-like. ——-—-- 1811. —— H. Duham. arb. 2. t. 58. 8 greca. w. Athenian. Archipelago.1779. —— H. 184, t.54. 9 nigra. w. black. Britain. esse —— Hi. Eng. bot.1910. 10 hudsonica. m. American black-N. America.++++ —— H.h. Mich. arb.3. t.10.f.1. betulifolia. ph. ae 11 dilatata.w. = Lombardy. Italy. 1758. —— H.h. 12 monilifera. w. Canadian. Canada. 1772. 3.5. H.-b. Wats. dend. brit. 102. 13’ angulata. w. Carolina. Carolina. 1738. 3. H.b- Mich. arb. 3. t. 12. i4 grandidentata.m. large-toothed. N.America.1812. 4. H.h. | | 6B pendula, n. weeping’. —— 1820. —- H.h. ; 15 balsamifera. w. Tacamahac. —— 1692. — H. Mich. arb. 3. t.13. f.1. 16 candicans. w. heart-leaved. —-—— 1772. 3 H. Catesb. car. 1. t. 34. SHIM IAA TS HHS HATS STS HOT HSS HHT HS HS HTH TT TH ST TT ST TT Te a 17 heterophylla. w. various-leaved. -——-—— 1765. 4.5, Mich. arb. 3. t.9. See, one ee o ~ Fr” ee ee ; : . 368 AMENTACEX, Susorpo II, BETULINA. Kth. synops.1. p.3863. ALNUS. W. ALDER. Monecia Tetrandria. W. 1 glutinosa. w. common. Britain, «++ 3.4. H.h. Eng. bot. 1508. B emarginata, emurginate. amummmenarre: 4o% ceciiamenss 2 y incisa. Ww. cut-leaved. cove —— HD. © laciniata. w. jagged-leaved. sees —— Hb. € quercifolia. Oak-leaved. —_——— +++. —— Hh. 2 incana. w. hoary-leaved. Europe. 1780. 6. H.h. B angulata. u.K. angular-leaved. _————- -—— —— H.h. Y pinnata. pinnated. —— +++» —— Hb. 3 oblongata. w. oblong-leaved. S.Europe. 1730. 7. H.h. B elliptica. elliptic-leaved. §82=—————- —— H.h. 4 undulata. w. undulate. ' N.America. 1782. 5.6. H.h. crispa. ph. Betula crispa. H.K. | | 5 serrulata. w. notch-leaved. —~-—— 1769. 3. H.h. Abb.ins. 2, t. 92. 6 cordifolia. T.pP. heart-leaved. Naples. 1820. 3.4. H.h. oF Fe « 7 macrophylla. Desf. large-leaved. -+++-++- 1823. «+++ Huh. 8 rubra. Desf. red, Yo se steg grosses” Wels'ern H.h. 9 pumila. L.c. dwarf. treerere =—— coos Hh, 10 oxyacanthifolia.L.c. Hawthorn-l4, + +-++e+- 1812. +--+ Hib. 11 subrotunda. Desf. roundish-leav’d. --+++++- 1822. -+*- H.h. ; BETULA. W. BircH. Monecia Polyandria. L.- dae eae 1 alba. w. common. Britain. reese 4.6. Hib. Eng. bot. 2198, B verrucosa. Ebr. warted. coos ——— FD. hick X pendula. Roth. weeping. coee == Hh. 4 dalecarlica. L. palmate-leaved. --+see-+ eee —— Heh. . . — pontica. W.D. eastern. Asia. cose -——— Hh. Wats. dend. brit. 94. ¢ macrocarpa. large-fruited. ceceetoe cong ——— Hp. . 2 pubescens. P.s. pubescent. Europe. cree 4.6. Hh. 3 populifolia. w. Poplar-leaved. N.America.1750. 7. H.}, Wats. dend. brit. 151. 4 excelsa. w. tall. 1767. 5. Huh. sittin - 95. 5 davurica, w. Daurian. ' Dauria. 1786. 7. H.h. Palliros.1.t.39. | 6 nigra. w. black. N.America.1736. 7.8. H.%. Wats. dend. brit. 153; 7 lutea. mM. yellow. —— 1816. 5.6. H.b. 8 lanulosa. m. woolly. 1812. —— H.h. rubra. Mich. arb. 2. t. 8. . | 9 papyracea. w. paper. 1750. 5.6. H.h. Wats. dend. brit, 151. 10 lenta. w. soft. 1759. 7 H.b. ; -—-- 144, 11 carpinifolia.w.en. Hornbeam-14, 1812, —— H.h. eines 12 ovata. w. oval-leaved. Europe. cose 6.7. Hi. Wats.dend. brit: 96. viridis. Vill. Alnus viridis, DC. 13 fruticosa. w. shrubby. Siberia. 1816. —— H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 154. 14 glandulosa. m. glandular. N.America. —— 5. Hb. 15 pumila. w. hairy dwarf. —— 1762. 4.5. H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 97. 16 nana. w. smooth dwarf. Scotland. --+- 5. H.h. Eng. bot. 2326. — 8 macrophylla. Sch. large-leaved. Switzerland.1823. —— H.h. 17 tristis. Len. dark. Kamtschatka.1824.--+- H.h. CARPINUS. W. HornsbEAM. Moneecia Polyandria. L. srs 1 Betulus. w. common. Britain. «ove 3.5. Hebe Eng. bot. 2032. B variegata. striped-leaved. —~——— ese —— Hb. ee) y incisa. H.K. cut-leaved. teceecce sooo m= ALR. © quercifolia. Desf- Oak-leaved. ceecccee coos =m Hib. apa? 2 americana. w. American. N.America.1812. —— H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 157. 3 orientalis. w. eastern. Levant. 1739. 5.6. H.h. ——— 98. OSTRYA. W. Hop-HORNBEAM. Monecia Polyandria. W. 1 vulgaris. w. common. Italy. 1724. 5. Wats. dend. brit. 143. 2 virginica. w. American. N.America. 1692. 5.6. H.}2. Abb.ins. 2. t.75. CORYLUS. W. 1 Avellana. w.. B alba. H.K. y rubra. HK. $ ovata. Lam. e barcelonensis. L.C. Z grandis, H.K. » glomerata. H.K. 2 tubulosa. w. Nut-TreEE. Monecia Polyandria. L. common Hazel. Britain. evoe 2.4. Hy. white Filbert. seeecsoe coee —— Heh. red Filbert. veccosee ceoe ———e Hh. oval-fruited. veoosecre eeee oe H.b. Barcelona. Spain. sooner —— HA. Cob. eveenee ee euce — H. h 4 clustered. seeescoe coco ame ET Be Lambert’s. S. Europe. 1759. 3.4. Hob. Eng. bot. 723. Lam. ill. t. 780. lo americana, | Ww. 4 humilis. w. 5 rostrata. We. 6 Colurna. w. pitey b £pescye SUBORDO tL. , QUERCUS. W. 1 Phellos. w. B humilis, Ph. 2 maritima. w. .3 sericea. w.. 4 virens. W. 5 cinerea. w. ‘6 imbricaria. w. 7 laurifolia. w. (B obtusa. ph. 8 Intea.-w. . 9 glauca. w. 10 gramuntia. w. 11 Ballota. w... 12 rotundifolia. w- 13 Tlex. we. a integrifolia. H.K. (Prserrata, H.K. y oblonga. H.K. > fagifolia. L.C. € crispd, LC. Suber. w. coccifera. Ww. infectoria. w. Turneri. w.en- Prious. w. bicolor, w. montana. w. Castanea. w. prinoides. w. Chinquapin. ph. heterophylla. pn. aquatica. Ph. hemispheerica, w. nana, w. triloba. w. nigra, W. tinctoria. w. discolor. w. lanuginosa. D.P. coccinea. W. ambigua. m. rubra. Ww. Catesbei. w. falcata. m. elongata. w. palustris. w. Banisteri. w. ilicifolia. W. stellata. w. obtusiloba. M. 40 macrocarpa. w. 41 pseudo- suber. Ww. 42 /Egilops. w. A3 alba. w. 44 repanda. L.en. 4 sculus. Ww. 39 Cuckold. N.America, 1798. -—— H.h. wart cuckold. oot ees common cuckold. 1745. —-— H.h. — a. h. So ngheesena Constantinople. 1665. OsP Greg ls os es Seeds! ! OaK. Monecia Polyandri ia. L. huts Willow-leaved. N.America. 1723. 5.6. H.&. dwarf. —-—— 1812. —— H.hb. sea. ee ABD rere | Ela dae running. ee. 1724. -—— ibs live. ——_—— 1739. & H.h. ash-coloured. 1789. 5.6. H.h- tile-cupped. ——— 1786. —— H.h. Laurel-leaved. -——-——~- —— 65. H.h. ‘blunt-leaved. — — Hb. yellow. Mexico. 1825. +:*- H.h. glaucous. Japan. 1822. ---- Hh. Holiy-leaved. S. France. 1730. 6. H.b. Barbary.. Barbary. 1818. «+++ H.b. round-leaved. Spain. —— «+s Hh. evergreen. S. France. 1581. 5.6. H.h. entire-leaveds ———- — -— Hb. saw-leaved. —— -—— H.b, Jong-leaved. —$— —— _ ——— —Hh. Beech-leaved. oes ——— HUR> curl-leaved.- eeoes —— Hh. Cork-tree. —-— 1699. 6 H.h- Kermes. +——-——— 1683. 6 H.k. Levant. Levant. 1812. --+- H.h. Turner’s. ——. cree Hh. Chestnut-leaved-N.America, 1730. 5.6. H.h. white swamp. ——--+— 1811. 5. H.h. rock Chestnut. -————— 1800. —— H.h. yellowChestnut ——-——-_ 1816. —— H.h. dwarfChestnut. ———— —— —— H.h. various-leaved. ———— +--+ -— H.h. water. ——— 1723. —— hemispherical ——-—— 1816. —— H.h. dwarf. ———— 1738. —— H.p. three-lobed. —— 1800. —— H.k. black. —-— 1739. —— H.h. dyer’s. —-—— 1800. —— H.h. two-coloured. .—-—— 1763. —— H.h. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1818. ees G.h. scarlet. N. America. 1691. 5. H.h. pray. . 1800. —~ Hh. champion. ——— 1739. 5. H.h. barren scrub. ——— 1820. —- H.b. downy-leaved. -—-—— 1763. —— H.h. marsh. ——— 1800. —— H.h. Banister’s. ———$ H.h. starred. ——- — — H.h. overcup white, — 1800. —— H.h. cork-like, Spain. 1818. —— H.h. Velanida. S. Europe. 1731. ---- H.b. white. N.America, 1724. 5. H.h. repand. ———_ ---- —— Hh. Italian. S. Europe. 1739. -— Bb. w oo) 369 Wang. am. t, 29. f. 63. Willd. arb. t.1. f. 2. Wats. dend. brit. 99. _ CUPULIFERE. Kth: aynops L p. 355. Mich. arb. 1. t. 12. Catesb. car. |. t. 22. Mich. querc. t. 13. f. 1. Mich. arb. 2. t. 15. Pte lal « —— 2.t. 14. Zhe had « Mich. querce. t. 17. ah pe =a Banks ic. Kzemp. t.17. Wats. dend. brit. 90. Duham. arb. 1. t. 123. TEN) Edt ee 1, t. 124. Wats. dend. brit. 89. —— —— — 9. Mich. arb. 2. t. 7. — 2. t. 16. 2. t. 17. Mich, quere. t. 20, f.2. Abb. ins.2.t.59. | Mich. quere. t. 26. Mich. arb. 2, t. 18. Mich. quere. t. 24. et ESS Mich. arb. 2. t. 23. 2: t. 24; 2. t. 26. 2. t. 20. 2.%. 21. 9. t. 25. 2. t.19. 2. t.4. Sant. itin. t. 4. Mill. dict. n.7. t. 215. Mich. arb. 2. t. 1. Mich. quere. t.'5. f, 2. 2. t.3. a iy 370 46 Robur. w. sessiliflora. E.B. pedunculata. w. Robur. E.B. non W. pubescens. w. conglomerata. P.Ss. oliveformis. M. lyrata. w. Tauzin. P.s. B laciniata. Desy- y digitata. Desv. Cerris. w. a frondosa. H.K. B bullata. H.K. Y sinuata. H.K. 5 dentata. w.v. Lucombeana. exoniensis. L.C. 55 austriaca. W.ene 56 mexicana. K.s. 57 spicata. K.s. 585 onplandiana. ibigua. K.S. non M. FAGUS. WwW. 1 americana. sylvatica. ph. 2 sylvatica. w. 8 purpurea. H.K. 3 ferruginea. w. 54 4 comptonizfolia. Desf.Fern-leaved. sylvatica y aspleniifolia. H.s.L. CASTANEA. G. 1 americana. P.s. 2 vesca. W. B variegata. y aspleniifolia. 3 pumila, w. 2?SALISBURIA. L.T. adiantifolia, L.T. Gingko biloba. L. PLATANUS. W. 1 orientalis. w. 2 cuneata, w. 3 acerifolia. w. 4 occidentalis. w. LIQUIDAMBAR. W. 1 Styraciflua. w. 2 imberbe. w. COMPTONIA. W. aspleniifolia., w. _MYRICA. W. 1 Gale. w. 2 cerifera. w. $ carolinensis. Ph. 4 pensylvanica. Ph. 5 Faya, w. _ AMENTACER, } sessile-fruited. Britain. veee 4.5. Hi. common. — ee ee LB. Durmast. England, -+*+*+ -—— H.b. clustered. Europe. -s++ —— H.h. mossy-cup. N.America. 1811. 5. H.b. lyre-leaved. ———— 1786. —— H.h. soft jagged-ly. S.Europe. ---- -—— H.h. cut-leaved. —_—— > — Hb. Singered. ——— see —— Hh. Turkey. at 795 oe, BR common. —_——_— — — Hb. rough-leaved. —_——_ — — Hh. narrow-leaved. — — Hk. Fulham. eoee 6. HAR. Lucombe’s. — + +++ coo eee 6566. He. Austrian. Austria. ~ °*-+ 4.5. H.h. Mexican. Mexico. 1824, -... G.h. spiked. ——_- _ —_ ever Gi. Bonpland’s. —— eeee Gh. Beecu. Monecia Polyandria. L. white. - N.America. --- 5. Hkh. common. - Britain. cose 4.5. HF. dark purple. Germany. «+--+ —— H.h. ferruginous. N.America. 1796. 5.6. H.h. @eeeeoee2? eeee —. H.h. CHEstNuT. Monecia Polyandria. W. American. N.America. ---. 5.6. H.h. common, England. soos —— Hib. striped-leaved. —— eres —— Hh. Sern-leaved. coevecee sees ——e Hi. ‘dwarf. N.America. 1699. 7. H.b. MAIDENHAIR-TREE. Monecia Polyandria. H. Japan. Japan. 1754. 4.5. H. h. Susorpo IV. PLATANEA.. PLANE-TREE. Moneecia Polyandria. L. oriental. Levant. 1548. 4.5. H.h. wave-leaved. 1739. —— H.h. Maple-leaved. — 1724. ---- H.h. American. N.America. 1640. —— H.h. SWEET-GUM-TREE. Monecia Polyandria. L. Maple-leaved. N.America. 1683. 3.4. H.h. oriental. Levant. 1759. «+++ Hb. Compronita. Monecia Triandria. W. Fern-leaved, N.America.1714. 3.5. H. he CANDLEBERRY-MyRTLE. Dicecia Tetrandria. L. SweetGale. _ Britain. -s0. 5. Hib. common. N.America. 1699. 5.6. H.h. . broad-leaved. 1730. 5. i; h- Pensylvaniane ———— _ -°->>- H.h. Azorian. Azores. 1777. 6. 7. i: F.h. Mich. arb. 2. t.8. Eng. bot. 1845. & Eng. bot: 1342. : ee ey, Second. d, chen. t.5. Mich. arb. 2. t-2. ee a. t. 5. eS Wats. dend. brit. 92. Wats. dend. brit.93. ° Clus. hist.1. p. 20. c.ic. H. et B. pl. xq.2. t. 82. ——_—-—_ 2. t. 89. 2. t. 93. | _—_ Eng. bot. 1846. Mich, arb.2.t.9. | Mich. arb. 2. t. 6. Eng. bot. 886. Mich. arb. 2. tT. Wats. dend. brit. 168. Wats. dend, brit. 101. Wats. dend. brit. 100. Catesb. car. 2. t65. Susorpo V. MYRICEZ. Kth. synops. 1. p.361. Wats. dend. brit. 166. Eng. bot. 562. Catesb. car. 1. t. 69. 13. .t.55 2.t.56. — ily Duham.arb.ed. 6 mexicana. w.en- 7 esculenta. D.P. 8 segregata. w. 9 ethiopica. w. 10 serrata. w. 11 laciniata. w.en. | 12 quercifolia. w.en. 13 cordifolia. w. CASUARINA. W. 1 equisetifolia. w. 2 nodiflora. w. 3 stricta. w. 4 distyla. w. 5 quadrivalvis. P.s. 6 torulosa. w. 7 muricata, L.en: HAMAMELIS. W. 1 virginica. w. 2 macrophylla. Ph. FOTHERGILLA. W. 1 alnifolia. w. 2 major. B.M. 3 Gardeni. Jacq. 4 serotina. B.M. EPHEDRA. W. 1 distachya. w. 2 monostachya. w. 3 altissima. w. ‘TAXUS. W. 1 baccata. w. 2 canadensis. w. 3? nucifera. w. i _ 1 aspleniifolia. p.s. 2 elongata. P.s. 3 chinensis. A verticillata. '5 macrophylla. L.en. 6 nereifolia. L.p. PODOCARPUS. L’H. Taxus chinensis. 4.8. AMENTACEZ. Mexican. Mexico. 18214. 6.8. G.h. . eatable. , Nepaul. —— ---- Gh. netted-leaved, S. America. —— ---- G.h. African. B.S. 1795. 6. 7.G.h. saw-leaved. 798. & 4 iGaky smooth Oak-l4, 1752. 6.7. G.h. hairy Oak-l4, — — G.h. heart-leaved. .————— 1759. 5.7. G.h. CasuARiInA. Moneecia Monandria. W. Horse-tail. S. Sea Isl, 1793. «+--+ S.h. knotted-flower’d 1818. +--+. S.h. upright. N.S. W. 1775. 11.2.G.h. two-styled. 1812, —— G.h. four-valved. N. Holland. -—- -—— G.h. cork-barked. N.S.W. 1772. 4.6. G.h. muricate. E. Indies. 1816, «+++ S.h. ORDO CLX. HAMAMELIDEZ. — Brown. Wircn-Hazet. Tetrandria Digynia. L. Virginian. -_ N.America.1736. 11.5. Ah. large-leaved. 1812, —— H.h. FOTHERGILLA. Polyandria Digynia. L. obtuse-leaved. N.America. 1765. 4.6. H.h. large-leaved. ——__ —_ 5.6. H.h. acute-leaved. — — H-b. green-leaved. ——-— -——- —— Hb. ORDO CLXI. CONIFER. Juss. gen. 411. Susorpo I, TAXINAE. Richard. EPHEDRA. Diccia Monadelphia. L. - great. France. 1570. 6.7. H.hb. small. Siberia. 1772. 9.11. H.h. tall. Barbary. 1823. ++*++ H.hb- YEW-TREE. Dicecia Monadelphia. L. common. Britain. seoe 2.4. Hh. Canadian. Canada. 1818. —— H.b. Acorn-bearing. China. 1764, «+++ Gh. Popocarrus. Monecia Monadelphia. Fern-leaved. V.Diem.Isl.1825. ---- G.h. African. C. B.S. 1774 7. Goh. Chinese. China. ooee 5.7. Hh. whorl-leaved. Japan. 1812. ---- G.h. large-leaved. =. China. 1804. 7.8. G.h. Wax-Dammar.~ P.WalesIsl. 1809. +++: S.h. 3B2 371 Jacq. ic. 3. t. 625. Pluk. alm. t. 48. f.8. Burm. afr. t.98. f. 1. Jacq. frag. 2. t. 1. f.4. Pluk. alm, t.319. f.7. Rumph. amb. 3. t. 57. Andr. reposit. 346. Vent.dec, pl. nov. t.62. Lab. nov. hol. 2. t. 218. Lodd. bot. cab. 598. Botan. magaz. 1341. ————_—_—— 1342. Jacq. ic. 1. t.100. Schk. hand. 3. t. 339. Wats. dend. brit. 142. Desf. atl. 2. t. 253. Eng. bot. 746. Kempf. ameen. t. 815. Lab. n. holl, 2. t. 221. Kempf. ic. t. 24. Rumph, amb. 3. t. 26. 372 TAXODIUM. Rich distichum, Ricli- Cupressus disticha. «@ patens. H.Ke B nutans. H.K. DACRYDIUM. L.P. cupressinunl, L.P. SuBORDO I. | ABIETINE, DAMMARA. L.P.. 1 australis.. up. 2 orientalis. n.p.. CONIFER af Taxopium. Monecia Monadelphia, deciduous. w. Schubertia. Mirb. spreading. long-leaved. DACRYDIUM. N. Zealand spruce. N.Zealand, 1825.. APIO abe ie TOE 2 ve ie : Haws Me a le Suporpo Ik. CUPRES 3 SIN AB: ‘Richard. 28 he ** a vy * tid ao JUNIPERUS. Ww. JUNIPER. Dicecia Monadélphia. Le is ab eee 1 thurifera. w. Spanish. 'S.. ‘Europe. 1752. 6.6. Hib. 2 barbadensis. w. _Barbadoes. © Barbadoes. 1811.° ---- eee . 3 bermudiana. w. BermudasCeday.Bermudas. 1683. 5.6. F.h. 4 chinensis. w. Chinese.. China. 1804. 5.6. H.h. 5 excelsa. w. tall.” “Siberia. 1806. ---- Hib. 6 Sabina, w. | Savin. “S.Europe. 1548. 5.6. H.R. 6 variegata. variegated. — H.h. 7 tamariscifolia. Tamarisk-l0. 9 § ——~___/. —_— —— ‘Hip. 8 prostrata. P.s. prostrate.. "N. America. +++. —— H.f.” 9 daurica. A.R. BDaurian. Dauria. 1791. 6.8. H.h., , 10 virginiana. w. red Cedar. N.America..1664. 5.6. H.h. 11 glauea. w.en. glaucous. China. 1814. —— Huh. B2 recurva. D.P- recurve-branch’d.Nepaul. 1822. ---- H.h. 13. communis. Ww. common. Britain. .. +--+ 5&6. H.he F4 suecica. Mill. Swedish. N. Europe. 808 6 Same hs 15 nana. w. dwarf, Siberia.. 181& — H.h. Tomo ycodrus. w. brown-berried. Spain. «1739, —— H.h,» 17 pheenicea. w. Pheenician. S. Europe. 1683. —— H.h. 18 lycia. w. Lycian. 1693. —— H.h. 19 capensis. Lam- Cape. Cc. B. Sh 1816. sess G.he 20 drupacea. Lab. drupaceous, nares aan eee he THUJA.W. — ARBOR-VITE. Wveansts ued ‘Monadelphia te - 1 occidentalis. w. American. _ N.America. 1596. 56. Hh. 2 pyramidalis. t.p.. pyramidal. —--++++++ 1824. , —— - Heb “5 + 3 orientalis, w. Chinese... “' China.’ 1752.°'9.3 3 Hehe 4 plicata. L.p. Nee’s. _ Nootka aaa Seige Hp. 5 cupressoides. w. African. €. B.S. 1799 ---» Gh. 6 articulata. w. jointed, Barbary. 1815. 2.5. Fb. 7 pendula. n.p. weeping. Tartary. 1810. -— CUPRESSUS. W. Cypress. Monccia Monadelphia. L, | 1 sempervirens. w. eommon. = Candia. 1948. 5. Hb. a: stricta.. upright. ——- — —- H.h- 8B horizontalis.. horizontal... eee oo 2 lusitanica. w.. Cedar of Gea. Goa. .1683...4.5. Fok. 3 pendula.. th.. pendulous. Japan. 3818. ---- Fike 4 thyoides. w. white Cedar. N. egy = 1736. 4.5. Hk. 5, bacciformis.. w.en- berry-like.. passe: 1818, —— Heh. 6 junipereides. w. African. c. B. S. _ 1756. — G.h. 7 australis. p.s. New Holland. N. Holland. ---- G. fy. America. 640. 5. Hob. NL eee hae Sa aC ee H. hb. Moncecia Monadelphia. wad ’. eve or he Cowrie-tree.. 5 : loranthifotia, ten. Pinus. Dummara.w, Agathis loranthifolia, sat. ARAUCARIA. ff. 1 imbricata. w. 2 brasiliana. L.P. 3 excelsa. H.K. Dombeya excelsa, 1 ARAUCARIA.. Chili Pine. Brazil: Pine. sity, 0 MOR MRT dd “1? eee TE .Bf BIR BAt Rs * we oddest lee é ee OF “abet ei ails ne Age, 4 das ie aye "AS a RRTSH ota. ¥. Won ~ Pluk. alm.'t. 1, nee bE Heri. Hes 198 ae Jet die paiia opigvigneay Y . fracas 7 ace —e a + ef a tise : + Andr. reposit. 534. Mich. arb, 3. t-5. Eng. bot. 1100. Pall..ros.2. t.54. f. A.B. Duham. arb. 2. t. 128. Pall. ros. 2. t. 57. ———- 2. t.. 56.. \ Wats. sen ‘bait, 150. Wats. dend. brit. 149. Lamb, pin, v.2.p. 19, 6 Vahi. aft 2.4.48. Lamb, pin. -v. 2. .° Pall. ros.2. t.53. Lamb. pin. 95. t.42. — Wats. dend. brit..156. ‘Mieh. arb. 3. t. 1. ‘ 5 t % Lamb. pin. v:4, t.AT ‘Richard oN Le Dae ‘Monecia Monadelphia. es 1.40 eee ' 'N. Zealand. 1823. ---. LEamb-pin. #ip.P4. ty Amboyna pitch-tree.Amboyna.1804,++++') Sih. —v.1et.36.-v.2.p.16 Dicecia Monadelphia. W.. r wig { Chili. 1796, +++. Hi. Brazil, 1816.. eh | en. 2. Pp. oF 5a Norfolk Isl..1793.. +++ Geb, -1L. t Norfolk Island. .P. + 4D... CONIFER. 373 BELIS. L.T. Beis. Monecia Monadelphia. L.en. jaculifolia. L.T. spear-leaved. China. 1804, «++» G.k., p.52. t.34. Pinus lanceolata. L.P. PINUS. W. Pine or Fir. Monecia Monadelphia. W. ~1 sylvestris. w. Scotch. © + Scotland. °-+++ 5. H.k. Lamb. pin. 1. t.1. 2 Laricio. P.s. Corsican, Corsica. 1814. 4.5. H.b. —— v.2, p.28. t.9- 3 uncinata, Dc. hooked. Pyrenees. 1820. +--. H.b- ; ~4°Pumilio. w. upright-coned. Carniola. 1779. 4.5. H.h. Lamb. pin. p. 5. t.2. 6 Mughus. w. nodding-coned. Austria. ---» ——— H.h.’ Jacq. ic. 1. t. 193. .6 pungens, M. prickly-coned. N.America. 1804. +--+ H.h. Mich. arb. 1. t. 5. ~ J Banksiana. Ph- Hudson’s Bay. Hudson’s bay.1785. 5.6. H.h. Lamb, pin. p.7. t.3. 8 Pallasiana! u.p. — Pallas’s. Crimea. ©1804. -—- H:h. ———v.2.p.1.t.1. ~ 9 Pinaster. w. eluster. S. Europe. 1596. 4.5. H.h. —-—v.1.p.9. t. 4.5. =10 Pinea. w. stone. ——— 1548. 5. H.h. v.1.p.11.t.6.7.8. 11 maritima. w. maritime. — 1759. 5.6. Hb. ——v.2.p.30.t.10. ~ 12 halepensis. w. Aleppo. | Levant. 1683. 5. Hehe ———v.l.p.15.t11. 13 inops. Ph- Jersey. N.America. 1739. —— H.h. -——-—v.I. p. 18. t.13. 14 resinosa. Ph. pitch. : —— 1756. — Hk. —— Vv.1. p.20. t.14. 15 variabilis. ph. 2 and 3- lenvett,/ ———- 1739. 5.6. ——v.1. p.22. t.15. 16 canariensis. L.en. Canary. Ginares I815. «s-. G.h- 17 Clanbrassiliana.n.c. dwarf. - _sersesee FBIQO. e-e- Hohe 18 Tzda. ph. frankincense. N.Ameriea. 1713. 5.6. H.k. yee °-17- 19 serotina. ph. Fox-tail. —- — — Hh. iz 20 rigida. ph. three-leaved. —-—— 1759. — H.b. 25 .t.18. 21. palustris. Ph. swamp. — 1730. ss+* H.b. p- 37, t. 20. 22 longifolia. w. long-leaved. E.Indies. 1801. -:-+-» H. kh. -——— p.29. t. 21. 23 occidentalis. w. West Indian. W. Indies. 1820. «+e S.k. Plum. sp. 17. t- 161. 24 Cembra. w 25 Strobus. w. — Siberian stone. Siberia. | 1746. 5. _N. America. 1705. 4. Weymouth. p- 3l. t. 22. 26 excelsa. D.P. Bhotan. Nepaul. 1822, «ees Cedar of Lebanon.Levant. 1683. : ~27 Cedrus. w. 28 Deodara. L.P. 29 pendula. w. 30 microcarpa. We © 31 Larix. w. “£ 32 canadensis. w. 33° dumosa. D.P- 84 taxifolia. Ph. 35 nigra. Ph _ 36 rubra. Ph. 37 alba. ph. 88 Abies, w. 39 Picea. w. 40 speetabilis. p.p. 41 Balsamea. w.- 42 Fraseri. Ph. 43 -adunca. Bose: 44 Romania. H.Bel. 45 sibirica. put. 46 Pichta. F. 47 orientalis. w. 7, x a Indian Cedar, Nepaul. 1822. black Larch. N.America. 1739. red Larch. ——— 1760. common Larch. Germany. 1629. hemlockSpruce. N.America.’ 1736. bushy. Nepaul. 1820. Yew-leaved. _ Columbia. 1822. black Spruce. N.America, 1700. red Spruce. ———-_ 1755. white Spruce. ————— 1700. Norway Spruce.N. Europe. 1548. silver Fir. Germany. 1603. purple-coned. Nepaul. 1825, Balm of Gilead. N. America. 1696. double balsam. Pensylvania.1811. crooked, eeeeceoe §641822, Roman. ereieiecat hie ie Ba a Siberian. Siberia. —— pigmy. — 1824. oriental. Levant. — e ° t - @ @ FIFTHS ISIS TIT ITS SST SST STS TT TT HTH TT ST TSS TT TTT ° e .e@ (9 @ @ ? e 2 e e @ e e ° aefepeeforfocdastasfseferfesfortastse]=ofrfecfoctestes}=-feof-sfarias ° 9 v.2. p. 5. t. 3. -——— v.1. p. 59. t.37. —— v.2. p.8. t.4. ——— v.1. p. 56. t.36. ——— p. 58. t. 37. p- 53. t. 35. ——— p. 50. t. 32. Lam. pin.y.1.p.51.t.33. + ¥. IAs beat. ——— v.]. p. 43. t.28. ——— V.1. p, 39. t.26. ——— v.1. p.37, t.25. —— —'p. 46, t, 30. —— v.2. p.3. t.2. ——— v. 1. p,.48, t.31. MONOCOTYLEDONES seu ENDOGENE. * SuBciassis 1. ZAMIA 1 pungens. Ww. 2 cycadifolia. w. 3 tridentata. w. 4 angustifolia. Jac. 5 tenuis. w. 6 media. w. 7 debilis. w 8 integrifolia. w. 9 pygmea. B.M. 10 furfuracea. w. 11 spiralis. B.p. 12 longifolia. w. 13 lanuginosa. w. 14 Cycadis. w. 15 horrida. w. -16 latifolia. L.c. 17 prunifera. L.c. 18 pumila. L.c. 19 repanda. L.C. CYCAS. W. 1 circinalis. w. 2 glauca. Leen. 3 revoluta. w. 4 squamosa. L.C. ” Cxassis If. ORDO CLXII. CYCADEZ. Brown prodr. 346. ZAmiA. Diccia Polyandria. W. needle. Cc. B.S. 1775. «eos GF. Cycas-leaved. ——- —— sere GF. three-toothed. 1820. -++- G.h. narrow-leaved. Bahama Isl. ---- 7.8. S.4. slender-leaved. — 1823, «--- S.%. intermediate. W. Indies, +... 7.8 S.h. weak. 1777. —— S.h. dwarf. 1768. Sed S.h rT least. soee 5 S.%. chaffy. 1691. 7. 8. S.%. spiral. N.S. W. 1796. —— G.%. long-leaved. C. B.S. 1820. +--+ G.h. woolly. ———$———— +e 0 cree GF. Cycas-like. 1775. «+--+ Gh. glaucous spiny. 1800, =--. G.h. broad-leaved, ceeesses csee -ee2 Gi. Plum-like, ercee-+-e@ e e@eceoe eeee S.h. small. eeeecene®o e@eeo e@e«os S.%. repand. eeceeose eee eves S.}. Cycas. Dicecia Polyandria, W. broad-leaved. E. Indies. 1700. +«-»+ S.. glaucous-l4, ———- 1814. ---- S.h. narrow-leaved. China. 1737. 7.8. S.h. scaly. coccccse cece cee SF. ORDO CLXIII. PHANEROGANEZ. DC. 7 Till. pis. 129. t. 45. Jacq. frag. 1. t. 25. 26. Jacq. ic. 3. t.636. Botan. magaz. 1835. Comm. hort. 1. t. 58. Botan. magaz, 1851. 1741. Trew ehret. t. 61. Jacq. frag. 1. t. 29. 1.t.30.31. Thunb. a. ups. 2. t.6. Jacq. frag. t. 27.28. ~~ Rheed. mal. 8. t. 13-21. Linn. trans. 6. t. 29. HYDROCHARIDEA. Brown prodr. 344. VALLISNERIA. L. spiralis. L. HYDROCHARIS. L. Morsus-rane. L. DAMASONIUM. Ww. 1 indicum. w. 2 ovalifolium. B.P. STRATIOTES. W. aloides. w. VALLISNERIA. Dicecia Diandria. L. spiral. S. Europe. 1818. FROG-BIT. Dicecia Enneandria. L. common. Britain. cece DAMAsoniumM. Hexandria Polygynia. W. Indian. E. Indies. 1800. oval-leaved. N.S. W. 1820. —— G.w.¥%. WATER-SOLDIER. Dicecia Dodecandria. L. Aloe-like. England. = + <*> 6.7. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 379. eee, G.w.Y. Sich nin te t.10, 2 ; 2. 6.7. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 808. 7.9. S.w.¥4. Botan. magaz. 1201. ee ALISMACES. | 375 ORDO CLXIV. ALISMACEZ. Kth. synops.1. p. 261. SAGITTARIA. W. Arrow-HEAD. Monecia Polyandria. L. 1 sagittifolia. w. common. England. ---+ 6.8. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 84. 2 latifolia. ph. broad-leaved. N.America.1816. 6.8. H.w.2. $ sinensis. B.M. Chinese. China. 1812. 9. 11. G.w.%. Botan. magaz. 1631. . 4 obtusifolia. blunt-leaved. —— 1804. 7.8. G.w.%. Rheed. mal.11. t. 45. 5 Doniana. ~ Don’s. Nepaul. 1820. —— G.w.2. hastata, D.P. non Ph. 6 hastata. Ph. hastate-leaved. N.America.1816. —— H.w.. 7 obtusa. ph. obtuse-leaved. ——— 1822. 6.9. H.w.%. 8 heterophylla. ph, various-leaved. ————-- -—— 6.8. H.w.2. 9 lancifolia. w. lance-leaved. W. Indies. 1787. 6.7. G.w. 10 falcata. ph. falcate-leaved. Carolina. 1811, —— Hw... 11 rigida. p.m. brittle-leaved. N.America.1806. —— H.w.y 12 graminea. ph. grass-leaved. Carolina. 1812. 7.8. H.w.. 13. natans. mu. floating. —_- — — Hw.y. ACTINOCARPUS.B.P. Actinocarpus. Hexandria Hex-Octagynia. 1 minor. B.P. small. | N.S. W. coer §.8. Giw.y. 2 Damasonium. common, England. -+++ 6.8. H.w.. Eng. bot. 1615. Alisma Damasonium. E.B. Damasonium stellatum. P.s. ALISMA. B.P. WaATER-PLANTAIN. Hexandria Polygynia. L. 1 Plantago. w. greater. Britain. ---> 6.7. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 837. 2 lanceolata. with. spear-leaved. — ----+-- o ecee —— How. 3 trivialis. ph. blunt-leaved. N.America.1816. —— H.w.%. 4 parnassifolia. w. | Parnassus-ld. Italy. 1824. —— H.w.}. 5 natans., E.B. floating. Wales. eooe 7.8. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 775. 6 ranunculoides, E.B. lesser. Britain. esee 8. H.w, 2. ———— 326. 7 repens. Cav. creeping. England. +--+ 9, 10. H.w.%. Cavan. ic, 1. t.55. ORDO CLXV. BUTOMEZ. Kth. synops.1. p. 260. BUTOMUS. L. FLOWERING RusH. Enneandria Hexagynia. L. 1 umbellatus. 1. umbelled. Britain. seee 6.7. H.w.2L. Eng. bot. 651. 2 latifolius. p.p. broad-leaved. Nepaul. 1823. —— H.w.}. LIMNOCHARIS. K.S. Limnocnaris. Polyandria Polygynia. B.M. Plumieri. K.s. Plumier’s. S. America. 1822. 6.10.8.¢. Botan. magaz. 2525. . emarginata, H. et B. pl. zq. 1. t. 34. Alisma flava. L. ORDO CLXVI. JUNCAGINEA. Kth. synops. 1. p. 258. SCHEUCHZERIA. L. ScuEeucnzerta.Hexandria Trigynia, L. palustris. E.B. marsh. England. -*+- 5.6, H.w.i. Eng. bot. 1801. TRIGLOCHIN. L. Arrow-Grass. Hexandria Trigynia. L. 1 elatum. Nn. long-spiked. N.America. 1820. 5,8. H.w.%. 376 2 maritimum. E.B. 3 palustre. F.B. 4 decipiens. B.P. 5 Barrelieri. s.s. 6 bulbosum. B.M. 1 natans. E.B. 2 heterophyllum.£.B. various-leaved. 3 perfoliatum. £.B. 4 densum. E.B. 5 fluitans. £.B. 6 lucens. E.B. 7 lanceolatum., E.B. 8 crispum. E.B. 9 compressum. E.B. 10 cuspidatum. E.F. il gramineum. E.B. | 12 pusillum. £.B. 13 pectinatum. E.B. RUPPIA. L. maritima. E.B. APONOGETON.L. Aponoceton. Hex-DodecandriaTri-Tetragynia. 1803... 8. 10. S.w. 2. 1 monostachyon. w. 2 distachyon. w. 3 angustifolium. w. —_—- CERATOPHYLLUM.L. Hornwort. Monecia Polyandria. L. 1 demersum., E.B. 2 submersum. E.B. NAJAS. L. monosperma. Ww. alustris. E.B. -CALLITPRICHE. L. WatTer-STARWORT. 1 verna. E.F. aquatica. E.B. 2 autumnalis. £.F. LEMNA. L. 1 trisulca. E.B. 2 minor. E.B. 3 gibba. E.B. 4 polyrrhiza. E.B. HIPPURIS. L. vulgaris. L. J UN CAGINER. sea-side. Britain. osee marsh, —— c5oaoe New Holland. N.S. W. 1820, Barrelier’s. Italy. 1825, bulbous-rooted. .C.BwS. ¢ ae AVA PG Bee a ORDO CLXVII... | _ ELUVIALES. ‘Kih, synops. oh re 134. POTAMOGETON, L. Ponp-wEeEpD. — H.w.¥. Eng. bot. 255. 7.8. H.w. 2. ———— 366. | — Gx. 10. G.%. Botan. magaz. 1445. broad-leaved. Britain. | se++ 7.8. ot ee. tye perfoliate. evce 7.8. close-leaved. ——-—— seve 5.7. long-leaved. © coos 7.9, shining. —— so eeee 6.8, spear-leaved. England. <+-+ 7.8. curled, Britain. = sees 6.7. flat-stalked. — eee sharp-pointed. i yeees Te Grass-leaved. ———— --:- 7.8 small. - te Fennel-leaved. | soee 6.7, RUPPIA. Tetrandria Tetr: ragynia. L. sea. Britain. vec -simple-spiked. _ E. Indies, ‘broad-leaved. “C. B. S.— narrow-leaved. 1788. spiny-fruited. Britain. ee naked-fruited. NASAS. single-seeded. Europe. horned. Britain. » ecee vernal, Britain. cove autumnal. CSR SE A) DuckK-wEED. Monecia mae Ivy-leaved. Britain. Pees lesser. Reece thick-leaved. eees greater, Moneecia. Tetrandria. | Fe 1816. 7.9. H.w.©. ZANNICHELLIA. L. WATER-WEED. Moncecia Monandria. L. 8. 9. 5. 7. —— 4.9. G.w.b. 7.9. 9. T. 8. Monandria Digynia. L. 4.10. H.w.©. «00b) G10, H.w.@: 5. 6. 6. ae nd 7. 8. Hw. : Hw... eee Tetrandria ‘Tetragynia. L. ao: - H.w.%. ‘Eng. ah 1822. H.w. 2. Hw. 2. H.w. 2. How. 2. H.w.2. H.w. 2. ———— 1285. - 168. ee _ 1286. : - 376... ~ 1985. - ae ~ 1012. bl eee” 418. ype, Loes. pruss, £00. Eng. bot. 2253. . ———— 215. siiee Tea ¥ ve H.w.%. H.w.%. H.w. 2. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 136, Andr, réposit. 406. ‘Botan. mhagaz, 1293. Barr arc 1268. G.w.b. H.w.2. Eng. bot. 947. H.w.4. ———— 679. Mich.N.gen.11.t.8.f.2. H.w.©. Eng. bot. 1844. Eng. bot. 722. Loes. prus. t. 38. ‘Hw.. Eng. bot. 926. H.w.©. ———— 1095. . Ht.) es+ 1820. +++ S.h. CALADIUM. V. Catapium. Moneecia Polyandria. W. 1 helleborifolium. w. Hellebore-l4, Caracas. 1796. 6.7. S.y. Jacq.ic. 3. t.613. . 2 pinnatifidum. w. _ pinnatifid. : 1817. —— S.y%. Jacq. scheen. 2, t.187. 3 bicolor. w. two-coloured. Brazil. 1773. -—— §.y%. Botan. magaz. 2543. 4 nymphzifolium. w. Water-lily-ld. E. Indies. 1800. ---- S.%. Rheed. mal. 11. t.22. 5 esculentum. w. esculent. America. 17389. 6.8. S.27. Sloan. jam.1.t.106. f.1. 6 odorum. B.R. odoriferous. E. Indies. 1818. 5.7. S.4%. Botan. regist. 641. 7 viviparum. H.B. viviparous. ——— 1816. —— §.y%. Lodd. bot. cab. 281. 8 sagittifolium. w. arrow-leaved. W. Indies. 1710. —— S.%. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 157. 9 virginicum. H.z.F. Virginian. N.America.1759, 6.7. H.4%. Hook. ex. flor. 182. Arum virginicum. w. 10 seguinum. w. Dumb Cane. Americaa -—— 5. S$... Hook. ex. flor. 1. 11 maculatum. B.c. spotted. Trinidad. 1820. 4.12. S.h. lLodd. bot, cab. 608. seguinum B maculatum. Bot. mag. 2606+ 12 cucullatum. p.s. hooded. China. 1816. «+++ S.h. 13 xanthorhizum.w. yellow-rooted. ----:+«. —— 4.8 S.h. Jacq.scheen. 2. t.188, 14 grandifolium. w. large-leaved. Caracas. 1803. 3.7. .S.h. Botan, magaz. 2643. . 15. arborescens, w. tree. W. Indies. 1759. 6.7. S.h. Plum. amer. 44. t. 60. 16 lacerum. w. torn-leaved. Caracas. 1822. eee Sh. 17 tripartitum. w. ternate-leaved. - 1816. -++- S.h. Jacq. scheen. 2. t. 190. 18 auritum. ~ ear-leaved, S. America. 1739. 6.8. S.b. ——————2.t.191. 19 pedatum. H.E.F. _—pedate-leaved. Brazil. 1824. —— §.}. Hook. ex. flor. 206. AMBROSINIA. W. Amprosin1a. Monecia Monandria. W. y Bassii. w. flat oval-leav’d. S. Europe. 1823. 6.8. H.% Lam. ill. t. 737. Scct. WI. TACCACE. TACCA, W. Tacca. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 pinnatifida. w. Salep. E, Indies. 1793. 6.8. S.%. Lodd. bot, cab. 692. 3C2 390 RODE 2 aspera, H.B. -rough-stemm’d. E. Indies. 1820. -.-. S.%. 3 levis. H.B. smooth. —————- —— vee Sf, 4 integrifolia, B.M. entire-leaved. ———— 1810. 5.7, S. >. ge OMmIan 10 il 12 * ees -¥ — Botan. magaz. 1488. 7 x . v Sect.IV. GENERA AROIDEIS AFFINIA. ZOSTERA. L. Sea MATWEED. Monecia Monandria. L. marina. E.B. common, Britain. © ean 8. 9. H. - ORDO CLXXII. Eng. bot. 467. PIPERACEZE. Kth. synops. 1. p. 103. Piper brachyphyllum. R.s. ie ~SAURURUS, W. LiZARD’s-TAIL. Heptandria Tetragynia. L. cernuus, Ww. drooping. Virginia. 1759. 9. H.}. PIPER. R.P. Pepper. Diandria Trigynia. L. re 1 peltatum. R.s. peltated. W. Indies. 1748, -+-- 5.2. 2. umbellatum. r.s. —umbelled. ———_-_ ——._ 5.7. S.h. 3 macrophyllum. R.s. broad-leaved. ————— 1800. ---- S.h. 4 aduncum. R.s. hooked. Jamaica. 1748. 5. S.b. 5 hirsutum. r.s. hairy-leaved. - PI935 74 eee 6 hispidum. R.s. hispid. S. America. —— —— S.h- - 7 tuberculatum. R.s. tuberculate. —— 1816. «+--+ S.h- 8 Amalago. R.s. rough-leaved. Jamaica. 1759. ---- S.h. 9 Betle. r,s. Betle. E. Indies. 1804, «++: S.h. 10 nigrum. R.S8. black. —-—— 1790. +--+ S.h. 11 trioicum. F.1. glaucous-]4, ———— 1818. ---- S.h. 12 reticulatum. R.s. netted. W. Indies. 1748. 8. S.h. 13 decumanum. R.s. great. Carthagena.1768. ---- S.h. 14 Siriboa. r.s. Siriboa. E. Indies. —— +--+ S.b. 15 longum. R.s. long. ———— 1788. ---- S.h. 16 glabrum. H.s.8. smooth. Campeachy.1768. ---- S.h. 17 laurifolium. n.s.s. Laurel-leaved. Jamaica. —— --++ S.h. 18 racemosum. H.8.s. racemed. Campeachy.—~— ---- §. Stuphyle. R.s. . 19 acutifolium. R.s. acute-leaved. Peru. = § 1823. «+e. S.h. 20 colubrinum. L.en. spotted-stalkd. Brazil. 1820. +--+. S.h. - 21 plantagineum. R.s. Plantain-Id. W. Indies. —— <+--- §.h. medium. Jacq. 22 marginatum. L.en. purple-edged. S.America.1811. --++ S.h. 23 unguiculatum. R-s, claw-pointed. Peru. 1822. +--+ S.h. glaucescens. Jacq. ecl. 1.t. 76. 24 humile. mill. humble. Jamaica. 1768. -++- §S. 25 tomentosum. H.S.S. oval-ld, downy. Vera Cruz. ‘eoee §, 26 nitidum. R.s. glossy. Jamaica. 1793. 5.6. S. PEPEROMIA.R.P. Perprromta. Diandria Trigynia. 1 brachyphylla. short-leaved. = -+++--s - 1818. -«-+ S.h. Ss. S S. ROROSRIR RRR SF seo oo so o amplexicaulis. R.s. stem-clasping. W. Indies. 1793. 6.9. magnolizfolia. R.s. Magnolia-l4. —_ - —_ 1.3. obtusifolia. r.s. blunt-leaved. S. America. 1739. 4.7. Piper clusiefolium. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 212. cuneifolia. R.s. wedge-leaved. Caracas. 1800;' ° 22 Sse, Fee alata. R.P. winged. S. America. 1812. -+-- S.h. acuminata. R.Ss. acuminate. W. Indies. ——~ 4.9. S.2. maculosa. R.S. spot-stalked. St.Domingo.1790. 9. S.h. pellucida. K.s. pellucid. S. America. 1748. 4.9. S. rotundifolia. K.S. round-leaved. ———— 1823. ---- S.%. hispidula. R.s. annual hispid. Jamaica. 1818. 8.10. S. nummularifolia.k.s. money-wort-ld4, ————- ——_ 4.9. S.%. Lam.ill. t. 1. Plum. amer. t. 74. Flor. pertv.1. t.59.f.a.. Sloan. hist. 1. t. 88. f. i. Jacq. ic. 2. t.210. ° Jacq. ic. 2. t. 211. Sloan. hist. 1. t. 87. f.l. Rheed. mal. 7. t. 15. H— 7. £. 32. Plum. amer. t. 75. Jacq. ic. Ze t. 215. d,5.t.117.f.2. Rheed. mal. 7, t. 14. ¥ Flor. per. 1. t.G4.fia. Eee ic. 1. £..8: Jacq. ic. 2. t. 215. Flor. Per 1. t. 57. f. b. Jaca, ic. 2. t, 213. Trew ehret. 54. nd 96. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 214, Flor, per. 1. t. 48. f. b. Botan. magaz. 1882. Plum. amer. t. 66. — t.72. t. 69. Swartz icon. t. 4. PIPERACEZ. 13 itiitiings 1 Be pubescent. — -++-- «> 1818. 14 subrotunda. u.s.s. small Clusia-I€, «-+++++-. 1811. 15 repens. K.S. creeping. S. America. 1823, 16 serpens. R.S. trailing. Jamaica. oe 17 incana. H.E.F. great downy. Brazil. 1814. 18 amplexifolia. Len. clasping-leaved. Jamaica. 1622. 19 talinifolia. K.s. Talinum-ld, S. America. —— 20 pulchella. R.s. small-leaved. Jamaica. 1778. 21 pereskiefolia. x.s. Pereskia-ld, S. America. 1820. 22 blanda. kK.s. | villous. Caracas, 1802. 23 verticillata. R.s. whorl-leaved. Jamaica. 1816. 24 polystachia. H.z.F. many-spiked. W. Indies. 1775. 25 26 uadrifolia, H.E.F. aworthii. four-leaved. Haworth’s. Piper pubescens. H.S. non Vahl. 27 inzequalifolia. R.P. 28 stellata. R.s. 29 rubricaule, L.en. 30 rubella. H.E.F. 31 trifolia. R.s. 32 distachya. R.38. 33 discolor. R.8. 34 coriacea. B.C. 35 capensis. R.S. 36 tricarinata. H.S.5. * NEPENTHES. L 1 distillatoria. w. ~ 2 Phyllamphora. w. unequal-leaved. Peru. starry. red-stalked. red-leaved. three-leaved. two-rowed. two-coloured. coriaceous. . Cape. triple-keeled. Santa Cruz, 1818. India. 1809. 1800. Jamaica. 1802, W. Indies. 1815. Jamaica. 1820. S. America. 1802. W. Indies. /1793. Jamaica. 1821. C.B. §. 1816. Kadena TB17. 381 yi OS IL — 5.2. —— S.%. — S.%. 2.6. S.h. Hook. ex. flor..66. — S.h. 4.8. S.h. B.n.gen.1. t.8. 7.10. S.44. Lodd. bot. cab. 574. 5.6. S.%. Hook.ex. flor. 67. Ch A. Rip ——- 21. 6.10. S.©. 6.7. S.2t. Hook..ex. flor. 23. 5.10. S.y%. ———-—-——— 22. 9.10. S.2. 8.10.8.y%. Flor. peruv.1,. t.46. fia. 5.7. S.. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 237. —— §.%. Nees hort. ber.t.8. —— §.4. Hook. ex. flor. 58. 6.8 S.%. Plum. amer.'t. 68. Sie AR i Re ag el t. 67. 7.8. S.h. Lodd. bot. cab.610. see My ip ars—errrerd DAROy — G.h. — 5&.h. ORDO ELXXIII. CYTINEA. Brogniart. PITCHER-PLANT. Dicecia Monadelphia. L. cylindrical. ventricose. distillatoria. B.C. 1017. nec aliorum. ORCHIS. B.P. 1 Morio. w. 2 longicornu. w. 3 pallens. w. 4 mascula. w. 5 palustris. w. 6 ustulata. w 7 militaris. w. 8 Rivini. B.F.G. 9 Smithii. B.F.G. Ceylon. China. ORDO CLXXIV. ORCHIDEA. Juss. gen. 64. ORCHIs. meadow. flat-spurred. pale. early purple. marsh. dwarf. military. Rivinus’s. Smith’s. militaris. E.B. non W. 10 fusca. w. 11 Simia. p.s. 12 undulatifolia. B.B. 13 acuminata. w. 14 variegata. w. 15 globosa. w. 16 pyramidalis. w. brown. Ape. wave-leaved. pointed-fid, variegated. round-spiked. pyramidal, Britain. vee Barbary. 1815. Switzerland.1825. Britain. see Europe. 1824. England. sae. Switzerland.1825. England. oer. Italy. 1818. S. Europe. 1815. Switzerland.1825. ——_—_——~ 1792. Britain. eee, Gynandria Monandria. H.K. - = eofesenfsslesfafosfesfsn ee TooSorseses Se Teo 22> | Felll | o , br tt ot ot Soothers 1789. 4.5. S.w.%. Burm. zeyl. 42. t. 17. 1822, 6.8. S.w.%. Botan. magaz. 2629. be . Eng. bot. 2059. . Botan. regist. 202, . Jacq. aust. t. 45. . Eng. bot. 631. Jacq. ic. t. 181. . Eng. bot. 18. . Swt. br. fl. gar. 163, 162, ” : ne bot. 1873, . Jacq. aust. 4. t. 307. - Botan, regist. 375. - Botan. magaz. 1932, . Hall. helv. t. 30, » Jacq. aust. 3. t. 265. . - Eng. bot. 110. pees Sosa Beal 382 ~ORCHIDEZ. | 17 coriophora. w. strong-scented. 8. Europe. 1825. 5. 6. H.b.%. J acq. as 2. < 122. | 18 hircina. w. Lizard. England. -++- 6,7, H.b.2/. Eng. bot. 34. : 4 Satyrium hircinum. E.B. heist 4 19 Robertiana. p.s.° long-bracted. §. Europe. 1818. 5.6. H. b. y. Botan. regist. 857. ¥ “ -longibracteata. B.B. non Schmidt. ; 20 sulphurea. B.m. pale-yellow. 1823. ——. H.b.2. Botan. magaz. 2569. 21 sambucina. w. Elder-scented. Europe. 1825. 4.5. H.b.%. Jacq. aust. 2. t. 108. 22 Schleicheri. B.r.G. Schleicher’s. Switzerland. —- -—— H. b.¥. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. sambucina B rubra, Sch. NON Jacq. 23 maculata. w. spotted-palmate. Britain. sees 6.7. H.b.2. Eng. bot, 632. 24 spectabilis. w. showy American. N.America.1801. ——- H.b.2. Swt. br. fl. gar. 65. 25 papilionacea. w. = papilionaceous. S. Europe. 1788: -—— H.b.2}. Buxb. cent. 3. t.3. 26 Cyrilli. T.s. Cyrillo’s. Naples. 1825. —— H.b.%. Cyrill. ic. ined. 27 pauciflora, T.s. few-flowered. Italy. -—— — H.b.%. ie hk 28 Nicodemi. T.s. Nicodemus’s. —— -— H.b.%. Cyrill. ic. ined. » 29 parviflora. T.s. small-flowered. ————— 1824. -—— H.b.}. GYMNADENIA.H.K.Gymnapenia. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. satis atlati 1 conopsea. H.K. fragrant. Britain, ‘vee 6,7, H.b.%. Eng. bot. 10. Orchis conopsea. E.B. 2 odoratissima. Rich. sweet-scented. Switzerland.1824. —— H.b.¥. Jacq. aust. 3. t. 264. ACERAS. H.K. AcERAS. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. . anthropophora. England. 6. H.b.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 168. HERMINIUM. H.K. Herminium. Gynandria Monandiia, H.K. 1 Monorchis. H.K. musk. England. soos 6.7. Hb. 2}. Eng. bot. 7 1. Ophrys Monorchis, £.8. ‘ 2 alpinum. Alpine. Switzerland. 1825. —— H.b.2%. Jacq. vind. J. t.9.. Ophrys alpina. Jacq. ; HABENARIA. H.K. Hapenarra. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 nigra. H.K. dark-flowered. N. Europe. 1759. 6.7. H.b.%. Flor. dan. 998. 2 viridis. u.K. Frog. Brita «oes —— H.b.¥. Eng. bot. 94. Satyrium viride. E.B. ei 3 bracteata. H.K. long-bracted. N.America. 1805. 5.6. H.b.2. Swt. br. fl. gar. 62. 4 albida. H.K. small white. Britain. co-+ 6.7. H.b.2f. Eng. bot. 505 — Satyrium albidum. E.B. Orchis albida. w. 5 hyberborea.H.K. northern. N. Europe. 1805. —— H.b.2. 6 bifolia. H.K. Butterfly. Britain. seee 5.6. H.b.2%. Eng. bot. 22. - Orchis bifolia. E.B. Platanthera bifolia. Rich. ; 7 herbiola. H.K. _ American. N.America. 1789. 6.7. H.b.%. y ® dilatata. H.E.F. dilated. ——_———_ 1822. 7.8. H.b.. Hook. ex. flor. 95. 9 orbiculata. H.E.F. round-leaved. 1823. —— H.b.24.. ————~ — 145. 10 tridentata. H.E.F. three-toothed. 1819. 5.6. H.b.24. ————~—— 8]. 11 ciliaris. H.K. yellow-fringed. 1796. 6.7. H.b.%. Botan. magaz. 1668. 12 blephariglottis. n.F.F. white fringed. 1822, —— H.b.2%. Hook. ex. flor. 87. 13 cristata. H.K. yellow crested. 1806. 9. H.b.}. 14 psycodes. yellow jagged. ———-— 1823. 6.8, H.b.2}. Orchis psycodes. Ww 16 lacera. B.c. torn-flowered. 1818. 7. H.b.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 229. 17 fimbriata. H.K. purple-fringed. —— 1777. —— H.b.%. Botan. regist. 405. BARTHOLINA. H.K. Bartnonina. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. pectinata. H.K. pectinated. C.B.S. 1787. 10. G.b.%. Jour. Sc. v. 4. t. 8. f.2. Orchis Burmanniana. Sw: pectinata. W. BONATEA. W. BonateA. Gynandria Monandria. . speciosa. w. handsome. C.B.S. 1820. 7.9. G.b.%. Lodd. bot. cab, 284. SERAPIAS. H.K. SeRApPIAS. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 Lingua. w. tongue-lipped. S. Europe. 1786. 5.6. F.b.2. Hook. ex. flor. 11. 2 longipetala. long-flowered. Italy. 1825, —— H.b.%. Helleborine longipetala. T.s. 3 cordigera. w. heart-lipped. S. Europe. 1806. 7.8. F.b.%. And. reposit. 475. OPHRYS. H.K. Oprnrys. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. '. LD apifera. w... , Bee. England. ---. 6.7. H.b.%. Eng. bot. 383. 2 tenthredinifera. w. Saw-fly. S. Europe. 1815. 4.5. H.b.2/. Botan. regist. 205. 3 arachnites. w. black Spider. Switzerland.1805. -—- H.b.2. Botan. magaz, 2516. 4 aranifera. w. _common Spider. England. vese —— H.b.¥. Eng. bot. 65. 5 arachnoides. A.R. Spider-like. Italy. 1805. —— H.b.%. Andr. reposit. 470. 6 Speculum. B.R. looking-glass. S. Europe. 1818. -—— H.b.2. Botan. regist. 370, 7 lutea. H.E.F. yellow. ——_——._ 1821. ~~ H.b.%. Hook. ex. flor, 10.. 8 muscifera. E.B. Fly. England. cooe 5.6. Hb. 2. oe bot. 64. myodes. W 7 ORCHIDE 2. 383 SATYRIUM. H.K. SATyRium. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 cucullatum. H.K. = cucullate.. C. B.S. 1787. 6.9. G.b.%. Botan. regist. 416. 2 membranaceum. w.membranaceous. ——-——- 1822. ——~ G.b.»%. 3 coriifolium. w. — leather-leaved. ——-—— 1819. 5.6. G.b.L. Botan. regist. 2172. 4 parviflorum. w. small-flowered. ——-—— 1787. ——- G.b.%. Jacq. scheen. 2. t.179. _ § carneum. H.K. great-flowered. ————- -——— 7.9. G.b.%. Botan. mag. 1512. PTERYGODIUM. W. Preryeonrum. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 alatum. w. winged. C. BS, 1821. 6.8. G.b.. 2 volucris. w. arrow-lipped. 1797. 6.7. G.b.%. DISA. W Disa. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 grandiflora. w. large-flowered. C. B.S. 1823. 7.8. G.b.%. Botan. regist, 926. 2 cornuta. w. horned. —-—— 1805. 6.7. G.b.%. 3 Draconis. w. Dragon. ——— _ 1823. —— G.b.}¥. 4 ferruginea. w. ferruginous. ——- 1816. —— G.b.%. 5 bracteata. w. small-flowered. ——-—— 1818. -— G.b.2. Botan. regist. 324. 6 flexuosa. w. flexuose. 1822. —— G.b.%. 7 prasinata. B.R. green-flower’d. ————- 1815. ——— G.b.%. Botan. regist. 209. 8 spathulata. w. spathulate. 1805. -—— G.b.2/. Journ. sc.v. 4. t.8. f. 3. 9 graminifolia. Grass-leaved. 1822. —— G.b.4%. — Vv. 6. ti 1ef. 2. 10 maculata. w. spotted-stalk’d. — 1816 7.8. G.b.%. DISPERIS. W. Disperis. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 capensis. w. Cape. Cc. B.S. 1816. 5.6. G.b.%. 2 cucullata. w. cucullate. 1822. 6.7. G.b.Y. 3 secunda. w. side-flowering. ——--—- 1797. —— G.b.¥%. CORYCIUM. W. Corycium. Gynandria Monandria,. 1 orobanchoides. w. Orobanche-like.C. B. S. 1825. 6.8. G.b.%. 2 crispum. w. curled-leaved. ————- -— 5.6. G.b.%. Buxb. cent. 3. t. 11. GLOSSULA. B.R. GLossuta.. Gynandria Oe a alae tentaculata. B.R. horned. | China. 1824. 5.6. G.b.¥. Botan. regist. 862. | GOODYERA.H.K. Goopyera. Gynandria Monandria. HL. K. I repens. u.K. creeping. Scotland. -+-: 78. H.%. | Eng, bot. 289. Satyrium repens, £.B. Neottia repens. w ; 2 tessellata. B.c. tessellated. N.America. 1823. 6.7. H.2t. Lodd. bot. cab. 952. _, _ Neottia repens. pn, Goodyera pubescens. 8 minor. B.M. 2540. “Ss 3 pubescens. H.K. downy. ————. 1802. —— H.%. Lindl. coll. t. 25. 4 procera. H.E.F. Nepaul. . Nepaul. 182]. 7.12.G.%. Hook. ex. flor. 39. Neottia procera. B.R. 639. 5 discolor. B.R. red-leaved. S. America. 1815, 10.12. 8.4%. Botan. regist. 271. | PELEXIA. B.R. Pevexia. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. spiranthoides. B.r. decurrent-lipp’d.W. Indies. 1823. 3. S.%. Botan. regist. 985. Neottia adnata. sw. | beng H.K. Neotrra. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. | 1 speciosa. H.K. showy. | W.Indies. 1790. 5.6. 8.4. Botan. magaz. 1374. 2 orchioides. w. frosted-fit. Jamaica. 1806. —— S.%. Botan. regist.701. 3 bicolor. B.R. two-coloured. W.Indies. 1821. 7.8. S.24. —————-—— 794. 4 elata. w. tall. —-— 1790. 4.6. S.%. Botan. magaz. 2026. 5 picta. H.K. painted-leaved. Trinidad. 1805. 2.4. S.%. ———— 1562. 6 cernua. H.K. nodding-fid. N. America, 1796. 8.10.H.%. fl. gar. 42. 7 tortilis. w twisting-spiked. W. Indies. 1822. 6.7. S.¥. 8 estivalis. m. summer. N. America. ——~ -—— H.%. tortilis. Ph. non sw. 9 spiralis. H.K. Ladies-traces. Britain. ceee 8.9. H.b. 2. Eng. bot. 541. Ophrys spiralis. E.B. , 10 pudica. modest. China. 1819. 9.12. G.b.%. Lindl. coll. 30. australis. B. B.R. 602. ) 11 australis. p.p. southern. N.S. W. 1826. -e++ G.b.2L. CALOCHILUS.B.P. Canocuintus. Gynandria Monandria. B.P. 1 campestris. B.p. __ field. N.S. W. 1826. -+++ G.b.%. 2 paludosus. B,P. marsh. —_——_- - G.b.. ere ee H.K. Ponruieva. Gynandria Monandria. H. K. é 1 glandulosa. u.x. _ glandular. W. Indies. 1800. 1.3. S.%. Botan. magaz. 842. 2 petiolata. Br. stalked. —— 1823. 7.8. S.%. Botan. regist. 760. PRASOPHYLLUM.B.P. PrasoPpHyLium. Gynandria Monandria. B.P. 1 elatum. B.P. tall. noe 1826. «cee G.b.2. 2 flavum. B.P. yellow. —— ss _+++ Gb. 3 striatum. B.P. streaked. —_——- — ee+ G.b. 2. 4 fuscum. B.P. brown. ———_ -—— +> G.b. yf. 5 patens. B.P. spreading. —_—_—_ -— +: G.b.z. 6 rufum. B.P. rufous. —— sere Gb. zy. ue 384 7 fimbriatum. B.p. __ fringed. ORCHIDEE. N.S. W. 1826. Pees ye. CRYPTOSTYLIS.B.P.CryYProstyiis, Gynandria eres! B.P. 1 erecta, B.P. upright. 2 longifolia. B.P. long-leaved. Malaxis subulata. Lab. ORTHOCERAS. B.P. ORTHOCERAs. strictum. B.P. upright. DIURUS. B.P. Divurvs. 1 maculata. B.P. spotted. N. S. W. 1826. ‘ewe G.y. 1822. 6.6. Gale Labin. tolls 2, #212. Gynandria Monandria; B.P. N. S. W. 1826. caee G.b. 2. - Gynandria Monandria. B.P. S. W. 1823. ive 3. 5. G.b.2. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 30. - 2 aurea. B.P. golden-flower’'d, ———— 1810. 4.5. G.b.%. —— 1.t.9. 3 pedunculata. B. P. peduncled. ——————= 1822.) 2) 4) Gibi 2. ; 4 sulphurea., B.P. sulphur-col’d, 1826, «+++» G.b.%. 5 elongata. B.P. elongated. A ee i | +6 sin THELYMITRA. B.P. THEtymitTRA.. Gynandria Monandria. B.P. 1 ixioides. B.P. spotted blue. N.S. W. 1810. 4.6. G.b.%. Sm, ex. bot. 1. t. 20. 2 media. B.P. middle. ———_ 1820. —— G.b. 2. 3 pauciflora. B.P. few-flowered. 1826. +++. 2. 4 angustifolia. B.p. narrow-leaved. —— ++%% GEbI0p. . carnea. B.P. flesh-coloured. — 1823. -++3. G.b.2. venosa. B.P. veined. 1826. +++ G.bsd,. LISTERA, H.K. LisTERA. Gynandria Mo Monandria. H.K. 1. ovata, H.K. Tway-blade. — Britain. coos 5.6. He. Eng. bot! 1548, Ophrys ovata, E.B. Epipactis ovata. w. 2 cordata. H.K. — heart-leaved. vooe 6.7. H. 4%. Eng. bot: 358. EPIPACTIS. H.K. | Eprpactis. -Gynandria “Monandria. HK. | . 1 latifolia. w. broad-leaved. . Britain. eoee 768. HY. Enge bot. 269. Serapias latifolia. E.B. | 2 palustris. w. marsh. ———— ees —~ Hitt. Eng. bot. 270. 3 pallens. w. white. ee 6. a rae Serapias grandiflora. E.B. . 4 ensifolia. w. narrow-leaved, -———-——~ os eee) ee A Eng. bot. 494. 5 rubra. w. purple. mee 7. A eT 6 Nidus-avis. w. Bird’s-nest. ——— ee BF" H.y ~ 48, Ophrys Nidus-avis. £.B. POGONIA. H.K. Poconia. Gynandria Monandria, H.K. 1 divaricata. H.K. Lily-leaved. N. America, 1787. 6.7. H.&%. Catesbi car. 1. t. 58. 2 ophioglossoides. B.R.Adder’s-tongue. 1816. —— H.% Botany réegist. 148; 3 pendula. B.R. drooping. —— 1824. —— Hy. ——++ = 906) Arethusa pendula. w. parviflora. M. Triphora pendula. N. MICROTIS. B.P. Microtis. Gynandria Monandria. B.P. parviflora. B.P. small-flowered. N.S. W. 1826. 4.6. G.b.%. ACIANTHUS. B.P. AcranruHus: Gynandria vie B.P. 1 fornicatus. B.P. enclosed, N.S. W. 1822. . Gabvore ‘ 2 exsertus. BP. exserted, ae Gn ae | 3 caudatus. BP. long-awned. 1826. > Gibryi . CYRTOSTYLIS. B.P. Cyrrostyuis.. Gynandria Monanidnas aa ide reniformis. B.P. kidney-leaved.. N.S. W. 1824. 4.5. Gir » CHILOGLOTTIS.B.P.CHiILoGtLotTtis. diphylla. B.p. two-leaved. PRESCOTIA. H.E.F. Prescorta. plantaginifolia.H.E.F. Plantain-14. Gynandria Monandria. Gynandria Monandria. B.P. N. S. Ww. 1826. beaiaaih bo G.b. ops Rio Janeiro. 1822. 9.4. S.%. Hooks ex. flor. 115. LIPARIS. Rich. LIPARIS, Gynandria Monandria. H.K. . 1 foliosa. B.R. leafy. Mauritius, 1823. 9. .S.%. Botan.'regist. 882: 2 bituberculata. B.R. two-warted. Nepaul. 1822. 2.3. S.%. Hook. ex. flor: 116; | 3 Loeselii. B.R. Loesel’s. Britain. “ses 7% H.b.%. Eng. pn AT. : Malaxis Loeselii. £.B. ¥ 4 Correana. N. two-leaved, N. America. 1823. 5.6. H.bsy. - | 5 liliifolia, p.r. Lily-leaved. 1758. 6.7. H.b:2}. Botan: magazy 2004, Malaxis liliifolia. B.m. Ophrys lilifolia. A.Re 65. 6 reflexa. B.R. reflexed. N.« Holland. 1824. —— G.b.». ERIOCHILUS: B.P. Errocuitus. Gynandria Monandria. B.P. autumnalis.,‘s.p.. autumnal, N.S. W. 1823. 9.10. Geb/ 2s Lab.n,holl:2it: 211.f.2: Epipactis cucullata. Lab. CALADENIA.B.P. Catapenra. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 alba. B.pP. white. .S. W. 1810. 7.8, GubeYs 2 carnea. B.P. flesh-coloured. — 1826. +--+. 3 coerulea. B.P. blue-flowered. ———— 9 —— ee-- Gibid. A alata. B.P. winged. —-— 1823. 6.8. G.b.%. 5 testacea, B.P. fringe-flower’d. 1826, «++ G, be. ORCHIDEZ. — ipo 385 _LYPERANTHUS. B.P.LYPERANTHUS. Gynandria Cc ees B.P. 1 suaveolens. B.P. sweet-scented. N. S. W. 1822, . G.b.%. 2 ellipticus. B.p. elliptic-leaved. —————__ 1826. .---- G.b.2. _ _ 8 nigricans, B.P. heart-leaved. =-——— —— G.b.y. _GLOSSODIA.B.P. Gtossopra. Gynandria Monandria. 5, P. 1 major. B.p. larger. N.S. W. 1810. - G.b.%. 2 minor, R.p. lesser. —— 1826. —— G.b.x. PTEROSTYLIS. B.P. PTEROstTYLis, Gynandria Monandria. E Ps t Sat 1 concinna. B.P. neat. ‘N.S.W. = 1826. - G.b.%. 2 ophioglossa. g.p. adder’s-tongue. —————- — G.b.%. 3 curta. B.P. short-lipped. ———_ 1822, . G.b. 2, 4 acuminata. B.P. taper-pointed. _————— _ 1826, - G.b.%. 5 cucullata. B.p. hooded. V.Diem.Isl. 1823. 5. . G.b. 4. 6 nutans. B.p, nodding. ' N.S. W. 1826, - G.b.%. 7 obtusa. B.p. blunt-lipped. ———_ 1810. 7. 8. G.b.. 8 reflexa. B.p.. reflexed. , ——-_ 1826. - G.b. 2. 9 grandiflora. p.p. large-flowered. -———---—- —— - G.b.. 10 longifolia, B.p. long-leaved. —— 1823. sh G.b. 2. 11 gibbosa. B.p. gibbous. - ———_ 1826. ---- G.b.y. ~ CORYSANTHES.B.P. eaeegh Pie, Gynandria nk B.P. 1 fimbriata. BP. fringed. N.S..W.., 1822. 5.7%. G.b.%. 2 unguiculata. B.P. pendulous- fid, ——— -——. -—— G.b.x. 3 bicalcarata. B.p, two-spurred. ———— .----+ -—— G.b.,. Sal. par. lond. 83? Corybas aconitiflorus. P.L. ? CALEYA. H.K. CaLEYA. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. Z major. H.K. smooth-lipped. N.S.W. 1810. 6.7. G.b.y%. 2 minor. - tubercle-lippp>d. ————— 1822. —— G.b.y. Caleana minor. B.P. CALOPOGON. H.K. CALorocon. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. pulchellus. H.K. —_— tuberous-root’d. N. America, 1771. 7.8. H.b.y4, Swt. br. fl. gar. 115. Limodorum tuberosum. B.M. 116. Cymbidium pul fellum. Ww. ARETHUSA.H.K. ARernusa. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 bulbosa, H.K. bulbons. N. America, ---- 5.6. H.b.2}, Botan. magaz. 2204. 2? plicata. a.r. plaited. E. Indies. 1806. 6.8. S.b.y%. Andr. reposit. 321. BLETIA. H.K. BLeTiA. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 Tankervillie. H.K. LyTankerville’s.China. 1778. 3.4. S.2 Botan. magaz. 1924, Limodorum Tankervillie. w. 2 pallida. B.c. pale-flowered. —-—— 1820. 4.8. S.y%. Lodd. bot. cab. 629. 3 florida. H.K. purple. W. Indies. 1786. 7.8. S.4%. Redoute. lil. 83. : 4 verecunda. H.K. tall. ———- _ 1733. 1.5. S.y. Botan. magaz. 930. : Limodorum altum. B.m. Cymbidium verecundum. w. ; 5 hyacinthina, a.K. hyacinthine. China. 1802. 3.9. G.J. Botan. magaz, 1492. i Cymbidium hyacinthinum. B.M. | > capitata. H.K. capitate. W.Indies. 1795. 5.7. S.¥. EOQDORUM. H.K. Geoporum. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 purpureum. H.K. purple. E.Indies. 1800. 6.8. S.2%. Roxb.cor.1. t. 40. Limodorum nutans. R.c. ; 2 citrinum. H.K. Lemon-colour’d. ————-_ _—— 10.12,8.%. Andr. reposit. 626. 3 dilatatum. H,K. shovel-lipped. -—————~ —— 5.8. S.¥%. Botan. regist. 675. Limodorum recurvum. R.C. 1. t. 39. CALYPSO. H.K. Catypso. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. americana. H.K. American. N. America. 1805. 5.6. H.b.2. Sal. par. lond. 89. borealis. H.E.F. 12. MALAXIS. Rich. Maraxis. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. paludosa. £.B. marsh. England. ---. 7% H.%. Eng. bot, 47. MICROSTYLIS. N. Microstytis. Gynandria Monandria. N. ophioglossoides. n. Adder’s tongue. N. America.1820. 4.5. H.b.%. Pluk. amal. t. 434, f.4. CORALLORRHIZA.H.K.CoRALLORRHIZA. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 innata. H.K. spurless. Scotland. ---- 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 1547. 2 multiflora. H.E.F. many-flower’d. N.America.1824. 5.6. H.4%. Hook. ex. flor. 174. 3 odontorhiza. n. tooth-rooted. —--—— —_ 6.7. H.}. | ie et H.K. SreLis. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. : 1 ophioglossoides. u.K.Adder’s-tongue. W. Indies. 1791. 5.6. S.4%. Botan. regist. 935. 2 micrantha. H.K. small-flowered. Jamaica. 1805. 11.12. S.%. Hook. ex. flor. 158. RODRIGUEZIA.R.P. Ropricurza. Gynandria Monandria. B.R, ; secunda. K.S. side-flowering. S. America. 1819. 6.12.S8.%. Botan. regist. 930. GOMEZA. B.M. Gomeza. Gynandria Monandria. B.M. recurva. B.M. recurved, Brazil. 1814. 5. 2S S.4. Botan. magaz. 1748. 3 386 - - ORCHIDER. NOTYLIA. B.R. Norytia. Gynandria Monandriae punctata. B.R. dotted. Trinidad. 1823. 7.8. S. y. Pleurothallis punctata. B.R. Gomeza tenuiflora. B.C. soc- CIRRH/EA. B.R. CIRRH AA, Gynandria Monandria. dependens. B.R. pendent. China. 1824. Cymbidium dependens, B.C. ; ois CYMBIDIUM. H.K. Cympipium. 6.8. S.%. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 aloifolium. H.K. Aloe-leaved. China. 1789. 5.6. S.2. Epidendrum alovfolium. B.M. 2 sinense. H.K. Chinese. ——— 1793. 9.10.8.%. 3 lancifolium. H.E£.F. lance-leaved. E. Indies. 1823. -5.8. S.2L. 4 ensifolium. H.K. sword-leaved. China. 1780. 6.10. S.%. 5 xiphiifoliam. B.r. Xiphium-l4, —-—— 1814. a: if S.%. 6 suave, B.P. sweet-scented. N.S.W. 1826. ---- G.Y. 7 reflexum. B.P. reflexed. ———_ 1820. 6. 8. G.%. 8 tripterum. w. triangular-fruit’d.Jamaica. 1790. 6.7. S.2%. ANISOPETALUM.H.E.F. ‘ANISOPETALUM. Gynandria Monandria. Careyanum. H.E.F. Carey’s. Nepaul. 1823, 8.10. G.2. BRASSIA. H.K. Brassia. Gynandria Monandria. H.K.’* 1 maculata. H.K. spotted. Jamaica. 1806. 6.7. S.2. 2 caudata. B.R. long-tailed. W.Indies. 1823. —— S.2. ANGULOA. K.S. ANGULOA. Gynandria Monandria. grandiflora. K.s. large-flowered. S. America. 1823. 6.8. S.2. CATASETUM.K.S. CatastTtum. Gynandria Monandria. B.M. 1 tridentatum. H.£.F. three-toothed. Trinidad. 1823. $.12.S8.2%. 2 Claveringi. B.R. Clavering’s. Brazil. — —- — §.. 3 floribundum. u.£.F. many-flowered. — —— §.%. 4 semiapertum. H.E.F. greenish-fid, 1825. 5. S.2. 5 Hookeri. L.col. Hooker’s. 1816. —— 8.2%. 6 cristatum. B.R. crested. — 1823. —— S.2. CYRTOPODIUM.B.R.CYRTOPODIUM. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 Andersonii. H.K. Anderson’s. W. Indies. 1804. 4.8. S.2. 2 glutinosum. Mey. gummy. S. America. 1825. ---- 8.2. 3 Woodfordii. B.m. Woodford’s. 1814. 10. S.2%. LISSOCHILUS. B.R. Lissocnintus. Gynandria Monandria: B.R. 1 speciosus. B.R. showy. C. B.S. 1818.° 5. 6." S. 2. 2 luteus. yellow. 1822... 2.5. Seo. ONCIDIUM, H.K. Oncipvtum. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 altissimum. w. sharp-petaled. W.Indies. 1793. 8.9. S.2. 2 carthagenense. Ww. spread-eagle. 1791, 5.6. S.2. Epidendrum undulatum. B.M. 8 luridum. B.R. lurid, Trinidad. 1818. 2.6. S.2%. 4 Papilio. B.R. Butterfly. 1823. 4.6. S.2. 5 flexuosum. B.M. Zigzag. Brazil. 1818. 6.7. S.%. 6 barbatum. L.col. bearded. S. America. —— 4.5. S.2. 7 pamilum. B.R. dwarf. Brazil. 1824. 6.7. S.2. 8 bifolium. H.K. two-leaved. S. America. 1811. 7.8. S.%. 9 triquetrum. H.K. triangular-ld. Jamaica. 1793. 8.2. 10 variegatum. w. variegated. — 1825. —— S.2. 11 tetrapetalum. w. _four-petaled. 1824. —— S.2%. 12 Cebolleta, w. awl-leaved. Carthagena. —— -—— §S.2. MACRADENTIA.B.R. MAcrRApeEentA. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. lutescens. B.R. yellowish. Trinidad. . 1821. 12,2. S.2. CCELOGYNE. B.R, CaLoGyne. Gynandria Monandria. fimbriata. B.R. fringed, China. 1824, 9.. S.%. MEGACLINIUM.B.R.MeEGacLinium. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. falcatum. B.R. falcate. W.Indies. 1824. 6.9. S.2%. TRIZEUXIS. L.col. TrizeEuxis. Gynandria Monandria. — falcata. L.col. falcate. Trinidad. 1820. 2.6. S.2. PLEUROTHALLIS. H.K. PLEUROTHALLIS. 1 ruscifolia. H.K. Ruscus-leaved. W. Indies. 2 racemiflora. H.E.F. racemed. ORNITHOCEPHALUS. BirD’s-HEAD. 1791. 5.6. S.2. 1822... 7. 8: 'S/205 Gynandria Monandria. gladiatus. H.E.F. sword-leaved. Trinidad. 1822. 5.8. S.%. OCTOMERIA. H.K. Octomerta. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 graminifolia.H.K. Grass-leaved. W-.Indies. 1793. 6.7. S.2. 2 spicata. D.P. spiked. Nepaul. 1823. —— S.%. Tete. B.R, TRIBRACHIA. rie Gynandria Monandria. pendula. B.R pendulons-spiked.SierraLeon.1822. 6.11. 8.2%. t ASA TRARAD : — ot yak “a Botan. regist. 759. Lodd. bot. cab. 936. Botan. magaz. 387. Hook. ex. flor. 51. Botan. magaz. 1751. Botan. regist. 529.. Sm. ic. pict. 14, Hook. ex. flor. 149. . Botan. magaz. 1691. Botan. regist. 832. B. pl. eq. 1. t.27. Botan. magaz. 2559. Botan. regist. 840. Hook. ex, flor. 151. 213. ~ Lindl. coll. 40. Botan. regist. 966. Botan. magaz. 1800. Botan. magaz. 1814. ‘Botan. regist. 573." Jacq. amer. t. 141." Botan. magaz. 777. _ Botan. regist. 727. — 910. Botan. magaz. 22080" Lindl. ‘coll. 27. . Botan. regist. 920. Botan. magaz. 1491. Sloan. hist.1. t. 148. £.2. Jacq. amer. t. 142. er en t. 131. f.2. Hoth veaike 612. Botan. regist. 868. Botan. regist. 989. Lindl. coll. geste Gynandria Monandria. H.K. Hook, ex. flor. 197. —_——---— 123. Hook. ex. flor. 127. Plum, ic. 176. f.1. Botan, regist. 963. GONGORA.R.P. Goncora. Gynandria Monandria. atropurpurea.H.E.F. dark-flowered. Trinidad. 1824. 6.7. S.J. DIPODIUM. B.P. Dipopium. Gynandria Monandria. B.P.. punctatum. B.P. N.S.W. 1822. 6.8. G.%. Dendrobium punctatum. sm. CAMARIDIUM. B.R. Camaripium. ochroleucum. B.R. pale-flowered. Dendrobium? album. .E.F. 142. spotted. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. Trinidad. 1823. 7.10. S.2. -ERIA. B.R. Er1A. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. 1 stellata, B.R. starry. E. Indies. 1818. 5.6. S.%. 2 pubescens, B.R. pubescent. — 1820. 3.4. S.2f. Dendrobium pubescens. H.E.F. | 3 rosea. B.R. rose-coloured. -——--—— 1824. 10. S.%. XYLOBIUM. B.R. Xytosium.: Gynandria Monandria. squalens.B.R. squalid, Brazil. 1822. 7.8. S.%. Dendrobium squalens. B.R. MAXILLARIA. R.P. Maxinnartia. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. 1 Barringtonie. B.R. Barrington’s. W. Indies. 1790. 6.8. S.J. Dendrobium Barringtonia. H.8.¥. 119. 2 Harrisoniz. s.r. Mrs. Harrison’s. Brazil. 1820. 4.8. S.%. 3 parvula. H.E.F. small. 1824.)..30/ 59) Sad 4 aromatica. H.E.F. aromatic. 1825. 5. sb. Gynandria Monandria. N.S. W. 1821. 5.8. Gynandria Monandria. 8 SARCOCHILUS. B.P. SarcocuiLus. falcatus. B.P. faleate. DENDROBIUM. H.K.Denpropgium. S B.P. G.. H.K. 1 speciosum. B.P. showy. N.S. W. 1801. 6.8. G.%. 2 emulum. B.P. rival. 1822. —— G.%. 3 linguiforme. B.p. tongue-leaved. 1810. —-~-G.%. 4 teretifolium. p.p. _filiform-leayed. 1823. G.. 5 cucullatum. B.R. cucullate. E. Indies.. 1815. 3.5. S.h. 6 Pierardi. H.£.F. Pierard’s. ———__ —__ 12.6. S.h. 7 Calceolaria. u.£.F. hollow-lipped. 1820. —— S.h. 8 fimbriatum. H.E.F. fringed. 1818. 4.6. S.h. 9 crumenatum. w. _—pouched. Java. 1822. —— S.h. 10 moniliforme. w. glassy. China. 1824. 6.8. et K. ORNITHIDIUM. H.K.Ornituipium. Gynandria Monandria. coccineum. H.K. scarlet-flow’r’d. W. Indies. 1790. 1.12. S. Cymbidium coccineum, B.M. 1487. ISOCHILUS. H.K. Isocuinus. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 linearis. H.K. linear-leaved. W. Indies. 1791. 5.7. S.%. Epidendrum lineare. Jacq. amer.t. 131. f£.1. Cymbidium lineare. w. 2 graminoides. H.z.F. grass-like. ’ W. Indies. 1823. +--+ S.%. _3 prolifer.a.x. _—_—iproliferous. 1793. 6.11. S.2. LYSTACHIA. H.E.F. Potystacnya. Gynandria Monandria. 1 Inteola. H.E.F. smooth. W. Indies. 1818. 7.8. S.%. Dendrobium polystachyum, w. 2 puberula. B.R. downy. SierraLeon. 1821. 8. S.%. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. BRASSAVOLA. H.K. Brassavota. 1 cucullata. H.K. single-flowered. W. Indies. 1793. 6.7. S.%. S. 2 . aN Epidendrum cucullatum. B.m. 2 nodosa. Ly. _many-flowered. 1824. 10. BROUGHTONIA. K.H. Broventonia. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. blood-coloured. Jamaica. 1793. 6.7. S.%. sanguinea. H.K. CATTLEYA. Gynandria Monandria. H.E.F. CATTLEYA. L.col. 1 labiata. L.col. great-lipped. S. America. 1818. 4.10. S.%. 2 Loddigesii. H.e.F. Loddiges’. 1810. —— S.2. Epidendrum violaceum. B.C. 337. 3 Forbesii. B.r. yellow. Brazil. 1823. 9. S.2. EPIDENDRUM.H.K.Erinenprum. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. 1 cochleatum., w. shell-flowered. W. Indies. 1786. 1.12. S.2. 2 fragrans. w. sweet-scented. — 1778. 10. §S.%. 3 secundum. w. pale-flowered. —M-—— 1793. 6.7. S.%. ' 4 polybulbon. w. many-bulbed. ——-—— 1822. -—— S.}. 5 verrucosum, w. warted. ———— 1824. — S.%. 6 nutans. w. nodding. —-— 1794..— S.». 7 umbellatum. w. umbelled. Jamaica. 1793. —— S.2%. 8 diffusum. w. diffuse. W. Indies. 1818. 4.5. S.%. 9 anceps. B.c. two-edged. ——_—— 1820. 8.10. 8.2%. 10 nocturnum., w. night-smelling. —-—-— —— 4.6. - . - 387 Hook, ex. flor. 178. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 12, Botan. regist. 844. Botan. regist. 904. Hook. ex. flor. 124. Botan. regist. 978. Botan. regist. 732. _Sm.ic. pict, 25. Botan, regist. 897. Hook. ex. flor. 217. — 219. Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 10. Sm. exot. bot. 1..t. 11. Botan. regist. 548. Hook. ex. flor. 9. —————-—— 184. Sater cei Rumph.amb.6, t.47.f.2. Kempf. ameen. t. 865. Hook. ex. flor. 38. Botan. regist. 745. Hook. ex. flor. 196. Botan, regist. 825. Hook. ex. flor. 103. Botan. regist. 851. Botan. magaz. 543. Lodd. bot. cab. 793. Lindl: coll.;33: Hook. ex. flor. 186. Botan. regist. 953. Botan. magaz. 572. ——_—--+— 1669. Jacq. amer..t. 137. Hook. ex. flor. 112. Lodd. bot. cab. 1084. Hook. ex. flor. 50. Botan. regist. 80. Lodd. bot. cab. 846, ———___—-——- 887. 713. hh ORCHIDEE. 308 11 fuscatum. w. brown. _ W.Indies. 1790. 6.7. S.%. 12 elongatum. w. long-stalked. Caracas. 1798. 5.8. S.h. 13. ellipticum. u.£.F. elliptic-leaved. Brazil. 1824. 3.8. S.h. 14 conopseum. H.K. Florida. Florida. 1775. 8. 8.2. 15 monophyllum., H.£, W. Indies. 1822. 7. S.%. 16 ciliare. B.R. fringed. ~—-—— 1790. 6.10. S.%. 17 cuspidatum. B.R. pointed. —-—— 1808 —— S.2z. , CRYPTARRHENA.B.R. CRYPTARRHENA. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. crescent-lipped. W. Indies. Innata. B.R. EULOPHIA. B.R. EULOPHIA. 1 virens. B.R. green. Limodorum virens. R.C. 2 guineensis. B.R. Guinea. 3 gracilis. B.R. slender. 4 triste. B.R dark-flowered. 5 longicorne. B.R. 6 barbatum, B.R. _CALANTHE. B.R. long-spurred. bearded. CALANTHE. 1 veratrifolia. B.R. .Veratrum-ld, E.Indies. 1819. 1.9. S.%. 2 sylvestris. Ly. loose-spiked. | Madagascar.1823. 6.7. S.J. ANGRECUM. Licolkk ANGRZCUM. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. 1 maculatum. B.R. — spotted. S. America. 1819. 10.12. S.%. 2 faleatum. L.col. falcate. China. 1815. —— S.%. Limodorum falcatum, BR. 3 luridum. Ly. lurid. SierraLeone.1822. 7. Sih. IONOPSIS. K.S. Tonopsis. Gynandria Monandria. utricularioides. L.cot.pale-flowered. Tantha pallida. H.E.F. AERANTHES. B.R. AERANTHEs. 1 grandiflora. B.R. large-flowered. 2 sesquipedalis. ry. long-flowered. AERIDES. H.K. A1R-PLANT. 1 odoratum. H.K. fragrant. 2 arachnites. w. common. Epidendrum fios aeris. L. PHOLIDOTA. H.E.F.PHOLIDOTA. imbricata. H.E.F. imbricated. SARCANTHUS. L.col, SARCANTHUS. 1 paniculatus. L.col. panicled. Aerides paniculata. B.R. 2 succisus. Ly. bitten. 3 rostratis. B.R. -rostrate. A teretifolius. Ly. round-leaved. ——-—— —— -—— S.he Vanda teretifolia, BR. TRICHORHIZA. Ly. Tricnorniza. Gynandria Monandria. teretifolia. L.c. round-leaved. E.Indies, 1819. 10. S.h. Vanda? trichorhiza, H.E.F. -VANDA. B.R. VanbDA. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. . 1 cruenta. L.c. red-flowered. China. 1819. ---- S.h-. 2 multiflora. L.col. many-flowered; ——-—— 1800. 6.10. S.h. 3 Roxburghii. s.r. Roxburgh’s. E. Indies. 1816. 10.12. S.h. 4 tessellata. L.c. tessellate. —— —— ss SH. Cymbidium tessellatum. R.C. VANILLA. W. VANILLA. Gynandria Monandria, H.K. 1 aromatica. H.K. aromatic. S. America. 1739. 6.8. S.h. 2 planifolia, H.K. flat-leaved. CYPRIPEDIUM. W. i Calceolus. w. 2 parviflorum. w. 3 pubescens. w. common. 4 spectabile. w. showy. album. B.M. 216. 5 humile. w. two-leaved. 6 arietinum. w. ram’s-head. 7 venustum., B.R. handsome. 8 insigne. L.col- noble. small-flowered. N. America. 1759. yellow-downy. 1815. 5.8. S.J. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. E.Indies. 1823. 6.8. S.2. SierraLeone.1822, 11.2. S.2. —-——__ —-_ 6.9. S.%. C.B.S. 1825. 5.6. G.%. ——_- — 6.8. G.4. 1822. —— G.2. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. Trinidad. 1822. 6.9. S.2. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. Madagascar.1823. 7.8. e Ye SER ORI y. Gynandria Monandria. H.K. China. 1800. -++« §.%. Japan. 1793. -e-++ §.. Gynandria, Monandria, H.E.F. Nepaul. 1823. 7. S.%. Gynandria Monandria. B.R. China, 1812. 5.8. S. . Se Th.» 1824. aeee S.h. 1819. 6.12. S.h. W. Indies. 1800. 4.6. S.h. LADIES’-SLIPPER. Gynandria Diandria. H.K. England. ---- 5,7. H.%. — H.y —— 1790. —— H.. ——- 1731. 6.7. H.%. —— 1786. 5.6. H.%. ——- 1808. —— H.%. Nepaul 1816. 7.10. 8.2. athe: C1819, acoq peat Botan. regist. ( 67. Botan. magaz. 611. Hook. ex, flor. 207. _ Hook. ex. flor, 109. Botan. regist. 784, “Te Piatt aot 783. Botan. regist. 153. Roxb. corom. 1. t. 38. Botan. regist. 686. Botan. regist. 720.. Botan. regist. 618. ——_—_—_——. 283. ~ Hook. ex. flor. 113. Botan. regist. 817. Hook, ex. flor, 138. Botan. regist. 220. Botan. regist. 981. - — 676m Hook, ex. flor. 72. Lindl. coll. 38. Botan. regist. 506. Roxb. cor. 1. t, 42. Plum. ic. 183. t. 188. Andr, reposit. 538. Eng. bot. 1. Swt. br. fl. gar. 80. ——_—_———_ 7]. Lodd. bot. cab. 697. Botan. magaz. 192. 1569. Botan. regist. 788. Lindl. coll, 32. SCITAMINE. 389 ORDO CLXXV. i? SCITAMINEA. Brown prodr. 1. p.305. GLOBBA. L. GLopBa. Monandria Monogynia. L. 1 marantina. w. marantine. E. Indies. 1800. 7.8. S.%. Exot. bot. 2. t. 103. 2 bulbifera. F.1. bulb-bearing. ———-. 1818. ——- S.%. 3 orixensis. F.I. Orixian., . ———_ 1819. — .- S.2. 4 versicolor. gx,B. various-col’4, ——— 1820. —— S.%. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t. 117. Hura., F.1. 5 pendula, r.1. pendulous-fi4, ———— 1822. 6.8. S.2%. 6 Careyana. F.1. Carey’s. ———_ 1822. —— S.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 691. 7 sessiliflora. B.M. sessile-flower’d.. ———— 1807. —— S.%. Botan. magaz, 1428: MANTISIA. B.M. © Mawnrista. Monandria Monogynia. B.M. 1 saltatoria. B.m. Opera-girl’s, E.Indies. 1808. 6. S.4. Botan. magaz. 1320. Globba subulata. F.1. purpurea. A.R. 615. saltatoria. R. Sc. - 2 spathulata. R.s. spathulate. ——-—— 1822. 6.8. S.%. Globba spathulata. ¥.1. fer etei Ww. Turmeric. Monandria Monogynia. L. 1 Zerumbet, F.1. Zedoary. | E. Indies. 1807. 4.8. 8.4%. Rumph. amb. 5. t. 68. 2 aromatica. P.L. aromatic. —— 1797. —— S.%._ Sal. par. lond.. 96. 3 Zedoaria. F.1. silky-leaved. —_——_- — -— S8.%. Botan. magaz. 1546. 4 zanthorrhiza.¥.1. yellow-rooted. Amboyna. 1819. 4.5. S.%. 5 latifolia. . broad-leaved. E.Indies) -—— —— S.%. Rose. scitam. ic, 6 elata. F.1. tall. ———————- —— — S§.. 7 cesia. F.1. clouded-leaved. ————— —— 5.6. S.2. 8 eruginosa. F.I. verdigrease, —-—— 1807. 4.8. S.%. 9 ferruginea. F.I. rusty. —— 1819. ——,S.%. 10 rubescens. F.1. red. ———_ —- _ 4. 6. S.%. Rox. scitam. ie. 11 comosa F.1. close-flowered. ——-—— —— —— S.4. 12 leucorrhiza. F.1. white-rooted. ————- — — §.}2. 13 angustifolia. Fr.1. mnarrow-leaved, —————- 1822. -—— S.2. 14 longa. F.I. long-rooted. ——— 1759. 6.8. S.%. Botan. regist. 886. 15 Amada. F.1. Mango-ginger. -——-~— 1819. —— S.%. Rosc. scitam. ic. 16 viridiflora. F.1. green-flowered. -—-—— 1820. -—~ S.#. 17 montana. F.1. mountain. ——— 1823. 4.6. $.%. Roxb.corom.2.n. 151. at reclinata. F.1. reclining. ——_—— 1824. —- S§.2. 19 petiolata. F.1. petiolate. ————- 1822. —— S.2. 20 rubricaulis. L.T. red-stalked. —— 1818. —— S.. K/EMPFERIA.L. Kampreria. Monandria Monogynia. L. 1 Galanga. w. officinal. E. Indies. 1724. 6.9. 8.2%. Botan. magaz.850. 2 rotunda. w. round-rooted. © ———— 1768. 7.8. S.%. —— 920. 3 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. ————— 1803. 4.7. S.2. A angustifolia. F.1. narrow-leaved. ——-——- -—— -—— S.¥%. Rosc.scitam.ic. 5 pandurata. F.1. fiddle-lipped. —-—— 1812. —— S.¥. Botan. regist. 173. 6 ovalifolia. F.1. oval-leaved. ——— 1819. ~—— S.J. Rose. scitam. ic. 7 marginata. R.s. red-margined. — 1820. —- S.%. ——— cic. ROSCOEA. L.T.. RoscoEa. Monandria Monogynia. 1 purpurea. L.T. purple-flowerd, Nepaul. 1819. 7.8. S.%. Sm. exot. bot. 2. t. 108. 2 gracilis. L.T. slender. ——— 1820. —— S. yz. 3 elatior. L.T.- tall. —_- ——_-_ —- S$... 4 spicata. L.T. spiked. ———-_ 1821. —— S.%. 5 capitata, L.T. headed. —— 1819. —— S.7. ZINGIBER: L.T, Ginger. Monandria Monogynia. H.K. 1 officinale. F.1. narrow-leaved. E. Indies. 1605. 6.8. S.%. Rosc.scitam.ic. 2 Zerumbet. F.1. broad-leaved. ————— 1690. 9.11. 8.4%. Sm. exot, bot. 2. t. 112, 3 Casumunar.B.M. downy-leaved. -—-—— 1796. 8 S.%. Botan.mag. 1426. purpureum. L.T. Cliffordia. A.R. t. 555. 4 roseum, F.I. rose-coloured. ———— 1823. 6.8. 8.4%. Roxb. corom. 2. t.126, 5 ligulatum. F.1. ligulate, —__- -— — 5§.%. 6 rubens.-F.1. red-flowered. ——— 1820. 5.8. S.y4. Rosc.scitam. ic. 7 squarrosum. F.I. squarrose. —_—— — — 5}. . | 8 9 11 12 1 2 Oa I Om 10 11 12 panduratum. F.1. fiddle-leaved. E. Indies. 1819. 5.8. Mioga. LT. Japanese. Japan. 1796. —— 10 chrysanthum. R. Sc, yellow-flower’d. E. Indies. 1823. —— capitatum. F.I. headed. ——- 1820. 6.8. elatum., F.I. tall. —- —_—_— AMOMUM. F.I, Amomum. Monandria Monogynia. L. Afzelii. Lt. . Sweet-scented. SierraLeon. 1795. 5.6. grandiflorum. Rs. _large-flowered. —— 6.7. sylvestre. R.s. “wood. Jamaica. 1804. 5.7. Cardamomum. F.1. bastardCardamon. E. Indies.1820. 4. 6. angustifolium. F.1. narrow-leaved. Madagascar. ——- -——— aculeatum. F.I. bristly-capsul’d: E. Indies, 1823. 6.8. maximum. F.I. great. _- —_—_ — dealbatum. F.1. insipid-seeded. ——-——- 1819, -—— subulatum. F,I. subulate-bracted. —-—-— -—— _ 5.7. aromaticum. F.1. aromatic. ——- 1823. —— sericeum. F.1. silky-leaved. ——- _ 1819. 6.8. granum-paradisi. w.Grains of Paradise. Madagascar.- ---2, 4. COSTUS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 890. bia speciosus. F.I. nepalensis. R. Sc. speciosus B. BR. 665. Pisonis. B.R. afer. B.R. maculatus. R. Sc, lanatus. L.c. spicatus. L.T. COmOSUS. eT. ° Alpinia comosa. Jacq. spiralis. L.T. villosissima. R.S. arabicus. L.T. HELLENIA.B.P. 1 2 cerulea. B.P. Allughas. w. ALPINIA. L.T. oO Oh = 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 racemosa. L.T. Galanga. F.1. Roxburghii. SCITAMINEE. Costus. Monandria Monogynia. L. bracteata. F.1.n0n L.T. malaccensis. F.I. nutans. F.I. Renealmia nutans. A.R. 360. cernua. B.M. auriculata. R. Sc. exaltata. R.s. diffissa. L.T. mutica. F.1. calcarata. F.I. spicata. F.1. striata. L.en. bracteata. L.T. _Roscoeana. R.s. GETHYRA. Sal. 1 2 4 Cardamomum medium. 9-winged. 5 occidentalis. Alpinia occidentalis. tubulata. Alpinia tubulata. B.R. 3 punicea. Alpinia punicea. ¥.1. linguiformis. F.1. ELETTARIA. L.T. HEDYCHIUM. F.I. GARLAND-FLOWER. 1 angustifolium. R. sc.narrow-leaved. E. Indies. 2 aurantiacum. R. sc, orange-color’d, ————— Cardamomum. L.T, true. large-flowered. E. Indies. 1794. 8.9. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1818. —— Brazilian. Brazil. 1822. 5.9. African. SierraLeon. —— —— spotted. __C-rCUl l woolly. sivieree & ee CeO Ey ra es spiked. S. America. 1793, 6. tufted. 1815. —— spiral. APSO wie CS ae bie Tape 5e 7. villous. W. Indies. 1823. —— Arabian. Arabia. 1752. 8. HELLENIA. Monandria Monogynia. W. blue-flowered. N.Holland. 1820. 5. 6. Ceylon. E. Indies. 1796. 2.3. ApintA. Monandria Monogynia. L. clustered. W. Indies. 1752. 7.9. Galanga-major. E. Indies, 1818. 6. 10. Roxburgh’s. — 1820. —— woolly-leaved. -———— 1799. 4.6. nodding-fld, ———— 1792. —— drooping. ——_- —_- — eared. —-— 1822, —— tall. 1824, ---» cloven. China. 4 — 4.6. spurless. E. Indies. 1811. 4.9. upright spiked. China. 1804. 9. spiked. E. Indies. 1823. 6.9. striated. ——- 1818. ..-. bracted. China. 1823. 5.8. GetHyra. © Monandria Monogynia. occidental. Jamaica. 1793. 5.7. L.¥6 Mr. Lambert's. Demarara. 1820. 7.8. bright-red. E. Indies -——- ——~ tongue-lipped. ———— 1825. ---- CaRDAMON. Monandria Monogynia. E. Indies, 1815. ---.- Alpinia Cardamomum. F.1. Amomum Cardamomum. L. angustifolium, B.R. 157. NON Roxb. ARDAAR DN MNNNMRNHM S.2. S.%. S.y. S.%. S.y. e ° e ° ° nm aa MnnRn e e e . e e DR Nn MM ue 60 a oh co Sy S.%. S.%. 8.4. S.%. Monandria Monogynia. L. 1815. 5.12. S.z%. S.%. Rose. scitam. ic. ~ Sloan. hist.1. t.105. f.2. PRRERRRR RY RRR RR RRR RERRRER RR RERRR REPRE a ape toecnoelts) Kempf. ic. Banks, t.1. cea an Ic. Ann. bot. 1. t. 13. Sm. exot. bot. t. 111. Rumph.amb.5.t.65.f.1. Sonnerat. it. 2. f. 137. Blackw. t. 385. Jacq. ie: tin, Rose. scitam. ic. Botan. regist. 899. —_—_—_-—— 683. ' Rose. scitam. ic. © Rose. scitam. ic. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 202. Jacq. schen. 1. t. 1. Jacq. fragm. t. 80. Rosc. scitam. ic. Andr. reposit. 501. Plum. ic. 11. t. 20. Rumph. amb. 5. t. 63. Botan. regist. 328. Botan. magaz. 1903. — 1900. * Rose. scitam. ic. | Rosc. scitam. ic. So ic. Andr, reposit. 421. Gert. fruct. 1. t. 12. Botan. regist. 777. Linn. trans. 10. t. 4.5. Rosc. scitam. ic. ne Heil 3 coccineum. R. Sc. SCITAMINES. (1818. scarlet. YR angustifolium, ‘B.M, 20 Roxb. 4 longifolium. R. sc. 3d carneum. R. Sc. 6 flavum. R. Sc. 7. flavescens. R. Sc. villosum. F.1I. _glaucum. R. Sc. ellipticum. R. Sc. 12 acuminatum. R. Sc. taper-pointed. 13 elatum. B.R. tall. 14 speciosum. F.1. _ beautiful. 15 maximum. R.Ssc. _large-flowered. 16 coronarium. F.I. sweet-scented. 17 Gardnerianum. r.Ssc.Gardner’s. 18 thyrsiflorum.R. sc. thyrse-flower’d. 19 spicatum. B.mM spiked. 20 slender. gracile. F.1. PHRYNIUM. F.I. 1 dichotomum. F.I virgatum. F.I. spicatum. F.1. imbricatum. F.I. parviflorum. F.1._ capitatum. F.1. obliquum. L.c. angustifolium, L.c. THALIA. W. dealbata. L.T. CANNA. W. 1 indica. Lt. 2 coccinea. L.T. 3 lutea. L.T. B maculata. 4 orientalis. R. Sc. patens. B.R. speciosa. B.M. gigantea. B.R. latifolia. B.c. edulis. B.R. Lamberti. B.R. excelsa. B.c. occidentalis. B.R. limbata. R. Sc. pallida. R. Sc. compacta. R. Sc. pedunculata. B.M. denudata. R. Sc. lanceolata. L.c. esculenta. L.c. sanguinea. L.c. polymorpha. L.c. iridiflora. B.m. 23 flaccida. R. Sc. 24 glauca. 1.T. B rufa. BoM. grandiflorum. R. Sc. Uiencaved, flesh-coloured. yellow. yellowish. ‘heteromallum. B.R. woolly. villous. glaucous. elliptic-leaved. Nepaul. E, Indies. Nepaul. E. Indies. Nepaul. E. Indies. 1820, 1819. 1822. —— 1820. 1822. 1818. 1823. 1819. 1793. 1818. 1822. 1820. 1821. By 12. 6.8. ORDO CLXXVI. CANNER. Brown prodr.1. p.307. PHRYNIUM. Monandria Monogynia. L DNGANREDEARNNRDDRD oe e ° e * ee eo @ e e@ @ ee @ PRPPRERRRRRRRRPERR OF forked. E. Indies. 1807. 6.9. S.. slender-stem’d. — 1818. —— S.2. spiked. —- — — 5.7. imbricated. ——— 1824. 5.8. S.2. great-flowered. ————— 1819. 6.8. S.%. small-flowered. -—- 5.9. S.%. capitate. —— 1820. —— S.2. oblique-leaved. ——-—— 1824. —— S.%. narrow-leaved. —: — S.. THauia. Monandria Monoaynia. W.. mealy. Carolina. 1791. 7.9. H.w. Inp1AN SHor. Monandria Monogynia. L. > common. E. Indies. 1570. 1.12. 8.2%. scarlet. W. Indies. 1731. —— S.2. yellow. E. Indies. 1629. —— S.2. spotted-flowered. — 1820. —— S.2. oriental. — — S.%. spreading. China. 1771. 7.10. H.%. showy. Nepaul. 1820. —— H.2. gigantic. America. 1788. 1.12. S.%. broad-leaved. ecee -ee ceee ——— §,%. eatable. Peru. 1820. 6.10. S.2. Mr. Lambert’s, Trinidad. 1818. 5.8. S.2. tails... Brazil. 1820. 1.12. S.y%. West Indian. W. Indies. 1822. —— S.x. bordered, Brazil. 1818. —— S.. pale. ————— 1823. —— S.»x. compact. E. Indies) ——- —— S.2%. stalked. eercseve 1820. —— S.%. naked-stalked. Brazil. 1822. —— S.2. spear-leaved. ——— ol SY esculent, S. America. —— —— S.2. bloody. —— 1824. —— S.. variable. — — S&S... nodding-fid. Peru. 1816. —— S.x. flaccid. S.Carolina. 1788. --—— S.2%. glaucous. S.America. 1732. —— S.2. brown. ————— ores —— §,7/, 391 Rose. scitam. ic. — ic. Botan. magaz. spiky ~Rose. scitam. ic. 4c. Botan. regist. 767. Rosc. scitam. ic. ——_—__-—— ie. — ———— ic. Botan. regist. 526. : Rose. scitam. ic. Botan. magaz. 708. Botan. regist. 771. Rose. scitam. ic. Botan. magaz. 2300. Rumph. amb. 4, t. 7. Rosc. scitam. ic. —— ic. = fiedas mal. Il. {. 34. Botan. magaz, 1690. Botan. regist. 776. Lodd. bot. cab. 739. Botan. regist. 773. ° Botan. magaz. 2085. Rose. scitam. ic. Botan. regist. 576. Botan. magaz. 2317. Botan. regist. 206. Lodd. bot. cab. 634. Botan. regist. 775. ——_—_—_ — 470. Lodd. bot. cab. 743, Botan. regist. 772. Lodd. bot. cab. 449. Rosc. scitam. ic. ——_—— ie. Botan. magaz. 2323, Rose. scitam. ic. Botan. regist. 609. Rosc. scitam. ic. Sm. exot. bot. 102. Botan. magaz. 2302, 392 MARANTA. R:S. : 1 arundinacea. R.s. 2 indica. R.s. 3 Tonchat. R.s. A Jacquini. R.s. » lutea. Jacq. non Lam. 5 angustifolia. p.m. 6 bicolor. B.R. 7 gibba. R.s. 8 obliqua. R.s. 9 sylvatica. L.T. 10 comosa. R.s. CALATHEA. S.S. 1 discolor. s,s. Maranta Casupo. Jacq. 2 violacea. B.R. 8 flavescens. B.R. 4 Zebrina. B.R. Maranta Zebrina. B.M. 1926. 5 Rossii. L.c. 6 villosa. L.c. MUSA. L. 1 paradisiaca. w. 2 sapientum. w. 3 maculata. w. +4 rosacea. w. -§ coccinea. w. 6 ornata. F.1. 7 superba. F.I. 8 glauca. F.1. URANIA. W. speciosa. w. Arrow-Root. Monandria Monogynia. L. Indian. S.America. 1732. 7.8. S.%. smooth-leaved. India. tees oe SLY, ovate. E. Indies. 1819, «+--+ S.2. Jacquin’s. Caracas. 1809. 6.7. S.%. narrow-leaved. W. Indies. — 7.8... S.. two-coloured. - S. America. 1823. 1.12. S.2. gibbous. —_—— —— — Sy. oblique. Guiana. 1803. 10.1. S.%. wood. W. Indies. 1799. 8.9. S.%. close-spiked. . Surinam. 1812. 6.7. S.2%. CALATHEA. © Monandria Monogynia. S.S. two-coloured. Caracas. 1823. 6.8. S.2. violet-coloured. Brazil. — — S8.y. yellowish. — -— S§S.y%. striped-leaved. 1815. 4.7. S.%. Ross’s. 1825. —— S.%. villous. — — Sy». ORDO CLXXVII.. MUSACEZ. Juss. gen. 61. PLANTAIN-TREE. Polygamia Moneecia. L, Ravenalia madagascariensis. Jacq. STRELITZIA. H.K. 1 augusta. H.K. "2 regina. H.K. 3 ovata. H.K. A humilis. L.en. .5 farinosa. H.K. 6 angustifolia. H.K. ‘7 parvifolia. H.K. juneced. B.R. HELICONIA. R.S. 1 Bihai. w. 2 humilis. R.s. 3 psittacorum. R.S. 4 Swartziana. R.S. psittacorum B. B.M. 5 dealbata. L.c. 6 hirsuta. R.s. 7 buccinata. F.1. common, India. 1690. 10.12. S.h. Banana-tree. W.Indies. 1729, 10.3. S.h. spotted. Mauritius. 1818. —— S.h. rose-coloured. 1805. 3.6. S.b. scarlet-flow’r’d. China. 1792. 12..3. S.h. handsome. E. Indies. 1823. ---- S.h. superb. eee 8, glaucous. 1824. --«+ S.%. Urantra. Hexandria Monogynia. W. Plaintain-l4, Madagascar.1813. ---+ S.b. STRELITZIA. Pentandria Monogynia. H.K. Plantain-like. C. B.S. 1791. 2.5. S.he Canna-leaved. 1773.0 405. Taps oval-leaved. 1777. 2. 4s dwarf. te ee ee TY, mealy-stalked. 1795. —— I. narrow-leaved. 1778. 5.6. I.%. small-leaved. 1796. 5.7. 1%. rush-like. ~ — — — I... Heiconia. Pentandria Monogynia. L. . Plantain-ld, W. Indies. 1786. 4.5. S.2%. dwarf. Caracas. 1798. 5.6. S.%. Parrot-beaked. W. Indies. 1797. 8.9. S.2f. Swartz’s; Jamaica. — — S.»x. mealy. S. America. 1823, —— §.2. hairy-bracted. —-—— -—— -—— S.z. Indian. E. Indies. 1820, «+++ §.%. ia-. 8 JR Ota 2 Botan. magaz, 2307. Sloan..jam. t. 149. Rumph. amb, 4. t. 7. Jacq. ic. 2. t. aie Botan. magaz. 2398. Botan. regist. 786. Rose. scitam., ic. Rudg. gui. t. 11. Jacq. frag. t.63. f. 4. Botan. regist. 961. — 932. 385. ae Trew ehret. 3. t. 18-20. rere 4, t.21-23. Botan. regist. 706. Andr. reposit. t. 47. 7 Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 93. Ker’s Strelitz. ic. Redout. lil. 77. 78. Botan. magaz. 119.120. Ker’s Strelitz. ic. ic. Botan. regist. 516. een Be Botan. regist. 374. Jacq. scheen.1. t.48.49. Andr. reposit, 124. Botan. magaz. 502. Rumph.amb.5. t.62.f.2. IRIS. B.M. mm oo bo = 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 IRIDEA. ORDO CLXXVIII. IRIDEZ. Brown prodr. 302. susiana. R.s. Chalcedonian. livida. Trat. livid. florentina. R.s. Florentine. germanica. R.s. German. nepalensis. B.R. 818.N0N D.P. : subbiflora. p.m. double-bearing. pallida. r.s. pale Turkey. longiflora. R.s. long-flowered. flavescens. R.8. pale yellow. sordida. w.en. dull-flowered. sambucina. R.8. Elder-scented. squalens. R.s, brown-flower’d. lurida. R.s. dark brown. variegata. R.s. variegated. neglecta. R.s. Horneman’s. Swertii. r.s. reflex-fid, plicata. R.s. plaited-leaved. Levant. 1596. S. Europe. 1596. Germany. 1573. Portugal. 1596. Turkey. — KE a a6 570 1824, Switzerland.1825. ——._ 1818. S. Europe. 1658. ————._ 1768. ————-_ 1758. Hungary. 1597. 125. waster AEBZO, ovecsese 1748. Hungary. 1823. amena B hungarica. R.L. aphylla. y. B.M. 870. biflora. R.s. two-flowered. furcata. Ris. forked. cristata. R.s. crested. fimbriata. v. fringed. chinensis. B.M. 873. dichotoma. R.s, forked. nudicaulis. rs. naked-stalked. aphylla. w. arenaria. R.S. sand. lutescens. R.s. pale yellow. flavissima. R.s. bright yellow. pumila. R.s. dwarf. violacea, violet-coloured. pumila. yar. violacea, B.M. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Al 42 43 4d hungarica. R.s. Hungarian. iberica. R.s. Iberian. moreoides. s.s. Morea-like. Morea iridioides. B.M. Pseud-Acorus. r.s. yellow-water. B pallido-flava. Bim. pale-yellow. Monnierii. R.s. Monnier’s. feetidissima. Ris. Gladwyn. B variegata. striped-leaved. versicolor. R.S.’ fulva. B.m. copper-color’d. cuprea, Ph. published 1814. fulva. BoM, tridentata. ph. three-toothed. tripetala, N. . virginica, R.s. Virginian. gracilis. Bolt. Bolton’s. Boltoniana, R.8. spuria. B.M. spurious. notha. M.B. hybrid. halophila. B.M. ochroleuca, L. sulphur-color’d. long-leaved. cream-colour’d. sweet-scented. halophila. pal. stenogyna. R.L. desertorum. Guld. spatulata. W.en. various-color’d, - S. Europe. 1596. Tauria. 1822. N. America. 1756. China. 1792. Dauria. 1784, ov e erzvece 1748. Hungary. 1802. Germany. 1748. Siberia. 1814. Austria. 1596. S. Europe. +++- Hungary. 1815. Cc. B.S. 1758. Britain. noes N. America. 1812. Levant. 1820. Britain. nese N: America. 1732. eee Oh REO. published 1812. 824. Virginia. 1758. N. America. «++ -« Siberia. 1759. 1780. Levant. 1757. Siberia. 1780. Caucasus, 1804. Russia, 1811, FLOWER-DE-LUCE. Triandria Monogynia. L. 3.4. H. eee 5. 6. ° ° ° e ee e ¢@ ° e e e@ e ° e e e ° FREER REPRERERERER FREER 2 = a REEEL PY e eo e ¢ e e e e e ee e e . FREEF FRE PR F PREPPER FER it Bet bt. . 393 Botan. magaz. 91, Redout. lil. 1. t. 18. Botan. magaz. 671. ——— —— 670. Botan. magaz. 1130. 685. Botan. magaz. 187, rr ee —— 669. 986. 16. ————— —— 2435. Redout. lil. 6. t. 360. ————_— —— t.. 336. Besl. h. eyst. 8. f. 1. Botan. regist. 801. Botan. magaz. 412. Vent. cels. t. 9. Swt. br. fl, gar. 96. Botan. regist. 549. Redout. lil, 5. t. 263. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 220. Botan. magaz. 9. —- 1261. Swt. br. fl. gar. 74. Botan. magaz. 693. Eng. bot. 578. Botan. magaz, 2239, Redout. lil. 4, t. 236. Eng. bot. 596. Botan. magaz. 21. Botan. magaz. 703. Botan. magaz. 58. ‘sn 875. Botan. magaz. 61. 1131. 1515. —-—-— —— 1514. ne eee Cle A ms Se "o* 304. IRIDEZ. A5 verna. M. vernal. N.America, 1748. 4.5. H.4. Swt. br. fl. gar. 68. _ 46 ventricosa. R.S. -bellied. Dahuria. 1800. 6. H.%. Pall. it.8.t.B.f.1. 47 sibirica. R.s. Siberian. Siberia. 1596. 5.6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 50. B alba. white-flowerod. — ——- ——~ -—~—-H.y. ———~—-—— 1163. 48 acuta. w.en. acute-leaved. ——————- weer —— H.2, 49 triflora.w.en. __— three-flowered. Italy. - 1816. —— H.2. 50 hematophylla. Fr. red-leaved. Siberia. 1790. 4.5. H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 118. sanguinea. R.S. sibirica y sanguined. B.M. 1604. ‘ 51 flexuosa. R.S. flexuose. Germany. ---+ 5.6. H.%. Murr. c. gott.7. t. 4, 52 prismatica. R.s. New Jersey. N.America. 1812. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 1504. 53 graminea. R.s. grass-leaved. Austria. 1597. 6. H.4%. —-—-—— 68]. 54 humilis. M.B. pigmy. Siberia. 1804. 5.6. H.%. -——-———— 1123. 55 ruthenica. R.3. Russian. Russia. . 1810. 4.5. H.%. ——-——-—- 1393. 56 tenuifolia. w. slender-leaved. Dauria. 1796. 5. H.2. ! Pall. it. Sate#Cs #92. 57 nepalensis. D.P. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1824. 6.7. H.%. sah 58 Pallasii. p.m. - Pallas’s. Siberia. 1820. —— H.%}. Be B chinensis. B.M. Chinese. China. — — H.%. Botan. magaz, 2331. 59 longispatha.p.m. long-spathed. Russia. 1822, —— H.2. 2528. 60 brachycuspis. B.m. short-pointed. Siberia. 1819. 6. H.3%. ——————— 2326. 61 celestina. sky-blue. N.America. 1824. —— F.%. ; 62 tuberosa. R.s. ’ snake’s-head.. Levant. 1597. 3.4. H.b.2. Botan. magaz. 531. 63 reticulata. R.s. netted-rooted. Iberia, 1821. 4.5. H.b.2%. a 64 Xiphinm. R.s. small bulbous. Spain. 1596. 6. H.b.%. Botan. magaz. 686. 65 lusitanica. R.s. Portuguese. Portugal —— 4.5. H.b.21. —————-—— 679. 66 Xiphioides. R.s. great bulbous. Spain. 1571. 6. H.b.2p. ——-———— 687. 67 caucasica. R.s. Caucasean. Caucasus. 1821. —— H.b.%. 68 alata. Lam. winged, S.Europe. 1801. -c+- H.b.%. Desf. atl. 1. t.6?. scorpioides. Desf: its } of 69 persica. R.S. Persian. Persia. 1629. 3. H.b.2. Botan. magaz. 1. MORAA. B.M. Mor#a. Triandria Monogynia. L. % 1 Sisyrinchium. p.m. Spanish nut. §. Europe. 1597. 5.6. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1407. 2 Tenoreana. B.F.G. Tenore’s. Naples. 1824. 6.7. F.b. - Swt. br. fl. gar. 110. ~ 3 minuta. B.R. small. C.B.S. 1825. —— F.b. 4 papilionacea. B.R. Butterfly. ———_ 1795. 5.6. F.b. Botan. magaz. 750. 5 ciliata. B.R. fringed-leaved. —————._ 1787. 4.6. F.b. 6 barbigera. sal. bearded. —_—_——-_ —— 4.5. F.b. 1012. 7 crispa. B.R. short-spathed. ————— 1803. —— F.b. ———-——— 1284. 8 tristis. B.R. dull-coloured. ———— 1768. —— F.b. ————— 577. 9 ramosa. B.R. branching. —— 1789. 5.6. F.b. —- 771. 10 plumaria. B.R. feathered. ———_ 1825. —— Fb. 11 viscaria. B.R. bird-limed. - _———— 1800. 6. F.b. Botan. magaz. 587. 12 bituminosa. B.R. clammy. ———_ 1787. 4.5. F.b. ———— 1045. 13 polystachya. B.R. many-spiked. ———— 1825. 6.7. F.b. 14 longiflora. B.R. long-flowered. ———— 1801. 6.7. F.b. Botan. magaz. 712. © 15 setacea. B.R. bristle-leaved. ———— 1825. —— F.b. Thunb. Ir.t.1. f.1. 16 edulis. B.m. long-leaved. ——— 1792. 5.6. F.b. Botan. magaz.613. 17 odora. P.L. sweet-scented. -————— —— -—— F.b. _ Sal. par. lond.10. 18 longifolia. A.R. pale-yellow. —— 1808. —— F.b. Andrews’ reposit. t.45. edulis-y lutescens. B.M. 1288. health 19 angusta. B-R. rolled-leaved. —— 1790. —— F.b. Botan. magaz. 1276. MARICA. H.K. Marica. Triandria Monogynia. H.K.. < 1 cerulea.:B.c. blue. Brazil. 1810. 4.10. S. y. _ Botan. regist. 713. 2 Sabini. u.T. Sabine’s, St. Thomas. 1822, 9.11. S.2%. Hort. trans. v.6. pl. 1. 3 Northiana.u.K. broad-stemm’d, Brazil. 1789. 4.8. S.%. Botan. maga: 654. Morea Northiana. A.R. 255. 4 paludosa. B.M. marsh. Guiana. 1792. 7.8. S.%. Botan. magaz. 646. 5 semiaperta. B.c. _half-opened. ._ Brazil. 1820. 5.7. S.%.° Lodd. bot. cab. 685. 6 humilis. B.c. dwarf. — 1823. —— S.%. ———— J081. 7 martinicensis. H.K. Martinico. W. Indies. 1782. —— S.%.. Botan. magaz. 416. Iris martinicensis. B.M. Cipura martinicensis. K.s. Trimezia lurida. gal. - ns CYPELLA. B.M. Cypetia. Monadelphia Triandria. B.M. — Rovaety Taye Herberti. Bum. Mr. Herbert’s. BuenosAyres.1823. 6.9. F.b. Beatin cigs 2599. Tigridia Herberti. B.m. Morea Herberti. B.R. 949. VIEUSSEUXIA. DC. Vreusseuxia. Triandria-Monadelphia Triandria. 1 tripetaloides. pc. threepetal-like.C. B.S. 1802. 4.5. F.b. Rotate mAgAMs 702. Morea tripetala. B.M. Iris tripetala.w. 2 pavonia. pc. Peacock. —-— 1790. 5.6. F.b. | Botan, magare 1247... nee pavonia. B.M. Iris pavonia. w. aaa : eZ | IRIDEA. 8 villosa. 8.8. villous-leaved. C. B.S. 1789. 4.5. F.b. 4 tricuspis. s.s. trident-petaled. ——-——-_ 1776. 6. F.b. 5 glaucopis. pc. white-flowered. © : -——— 5.7. F.b. Iris pavonia. B.M. 168--nec aliorum. . 6 Bellendeni. ~~ Mr. Ker’s. —— 1803. 6.7. F.b. Morea tricuspis y lutea. B.M. certainly a very distinct species. 7 tenuis. R.s. slender. —— 1807. 5.6. F.b. 8 spiralis. R.s. © spiral-flowered. ——-—— 1825. —— F.b. 9 unguicularis. R.s. long-clawed. 1802. —— F-.b. 10 lurida. Mr. Griffin’s, 1817. 6. F.b. Morea lurida. Br. , ; HOMERIA. V. Homerra. Monadelphia Triandria. 1 spicata. spiked. C. B.S. 1785. 5.6, F.b. Morea spicata. B.M. 2 collina. hill. —— 1768. —— F.b Morea collina. B.M. 3 exaltata. B.F.c. tall upright. —_——_ —_ —__ Fb. Morea collina. y. B.M. 1103. A lineata. B.F.G. lined-leaved. —-——- 1825. —— F.b. 5 porrifolia. B.F.c. leek-leaved. Sere ee Se ED 6 elegans. elegant. —— — — Fb. 7 flaccida. flaccid. 1810. —— F.b. - Morea collina (a) miniata minor. B.M. 1612. 8 miniata. B.F.G. spot-flowered. ee 99 OG, A aes te Eb 9 virgata. slender. —---—— 1825. —— F.b. 10 flexuosa. flexuose. — 1803. —— F.b. PARDANTHUS.S.S. Parpantuus. 1 chinensis, s.s. Chinese. China. Ixia chinensis. B.m. Belamcanda chinensis. pc. 2 nepalensis. Nepaul. Nepaul. BOBARTIA. L. BoBARTIA. 1 gladiata. hairy-stalked. C.B.S. Marica gladiata. B.n. Morea gladiata. w. 2 spathacea. L. sheathed. SISYRINCHIUM. L. Stsyrincutum. Monadelphia Triandria, 1 Jatifolium. H.K. broad-leaved. W. Indies. 1737. 6.8. S.%. Marica plicuta. p.m. Morea plicata. w. 2 bermudianum. w. _Iris-leaved. Bermudas. 1732. 5.7. G.}. iridioides. B.M. 3 Nuttalli. Nuttall’s. N.America.1823.. —— H.%. bermudianum. nN. nec aliorum. 4 anceps. w. narrow-leaved. ——-—— 1693. 6.7. H.}. 6 mucronatum.m. _pointed-flow’r’d, ——-—— 1812. —— H.}. 6 convolutum. w. convolute. S. America.1816. 5.7. F.2. 7 tenuifolium. w. slender-leaved. —— — F.%. 8 luteum. L.en. yellow-flow’r’d. — 1823. —— F.%. 9 californicum. u.xK. Californian. California. 1796. 5.9. F.%. Marica californica. B.M. 10 micranthum. w. small-flowered, Peru. 1822. —— F.2. 11 iridifolium. x.s. Tris-leaved. S. America. —— —— F.}. laxum. s.s. Marica iridifolia. B.R. ; ' 12 striatum. H.K. streaked-fld, Mexico. 1788. —— F.}. Marica striata. B.M. 13 palmifolium. w. Palm-leaved. Brazil. 1779. 1.5. S.%. RENEALMIA.B.P. Reneatmia. Triandria-Monadelphia Triandr 1 paniculata. B.P. panicled. N.S. W. 1823. 5.8. F.%. 2 grandiflora. B.p. _largest-flow’r’d. N. Zealand. 1822. 4.9. H.2%. 3 pulchella. B.p. neat. N.S, W. 1823. ——— F.}. PATERSONIA.B.P. Parersonra. Monadelphia Triandria. H.K. 1 sericea. B.P. silky. N.S. W. 1803. 5.7. F.%. 2 longifolia. B.p. long-leaved. = ——— 1822. ——~ F.%. 3 media. B.P. middle. — 1824. —— F.2. 4 glabrata. B.p. smooth. —-——_ 1814. —— F.. 5 glauca. B.P. glaucous. ———— 1826. ---- F.y%. WITSENIA. H.K. Witsenta. Triandria Monogynia. 1 maura. H.K. downy-flow’rd. C. B.S. 1790. 11.1. G.f. 2 corymbosa. H.K. corymbose. —— 1803.. 4.9. G.h. 3 ramosa. s.s. branching. ——-— 1809. —— G.h. ARISTEA. Ker. ArisTeEA. Triandria Monogynia. L. 1 cyanea. H.K. woolly-headed. C. B.S. 1759... 4.6." GY, Triandria Monogynia. S.S. 1759. 6.7. H.%. 1823. 1815. 1798. Saar EBS SE, Triandria Monogynia. L. 6.8. G.%. 7. G.%. 395 Botan. magaz. 571.” —. 696. Redout. lil. 1. t. 42, Botan. magaz. 772. ————_-——_ 1047. De la Roch. dis. t. 5. Botan. magaz. 593. Botan. regist. 312. Botan. magaz. 1283. , Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. —_—_— ic. Jacq. schen, 1. t. 2. Botan. mag. 1612. Swt. br. fl. gar. 152. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 228. Botan. magaz. 695. Botan. magaz. 171. Botan. regist, 229. Botan. magaz.655. Botan, magaz. 94. Botan, magaz. 464. Wild. h. ber. t.91. =r £92. Botan, magaz. 983. ’ Cavan. diss.6.t.191-.f.2. Botan. regist. 646. Sm. ic. pict. 9. \ ia. Swt. br. fl. gar. 64. Botan. magaz. 1041. Botan. regist. 50. Lab. nov. hol. 1. t. 9. Botan. regist. 5. Botan. magaz. 895, Botan. magaz. 45S. 396 IRIDEX. pusilla. B.m. flat-stemmed. C.B.S. 1806. 6.7. G.2 3 spiralis. H.K, spiral-flowered. 1795. 4.5. G.% 4 capitata. H.K. tallest. ——_—— 1790. 7.8. G.x%. major. A.R. 160. Morea cerulea. Th. mor. t. 2. f. 2+ 5 melaleuca. H.K. three-coloured. ————— 1786. 5.6. G. Me FERRARIA. Ker. FerrARIA. Monadelphia Triandria. LK 1 angustifolia. narrow-leaved. C.B.S. 1825. 4.6. F.b. 2 antherosa. B.M. green variegated. 1800. 8.7. -F.b. Ferrariola, u.. viridiflora. A.B. 285. 3 uncinata. B.F.G. hook-leaved. ——-—— 1825. —— F.b. 4 undulata. w curled. ——— 1755. —— F.b. 5 divaricata. B.F.G. spreading-anther’d. -—— 1825. 3.7. F.b. 6 obtusifolia. B.F.g. blunt-leaved. —— -—— —— F.b. TIGRIDIA. J. TIGER-FLOWER. Monadelphia Triandria. H.K 1 pavonia. H.K, red-flowered. Mexico. 1796. 5.9. Hb. Ferraria pavonia. A.R. 178. Tigridia. B.M. 532. 2 conchiiflora. B.F.G. yellow-flower’d. ——-—— 1824. —— Hib. GALAXIA. Ker. GaLaxia. Monadelphia Triandria. H.K. 1 ovata. w. oval-leaved. Cc. B.S. 1799. 5.9. F.b. 2 grandiflora. a.r. _large-flowered. — — 'F.b. 3 mucronularis. sal, mucronated. — — F.b. 4 versicolor. Sal. various-colour’d. —- — — F pb. 5 graminea. w. narrow-leaved. ———— 1795. 7.8. F.b. LAPEYROUSIA. Ker. Lapeyrousia. Triandria Monogynia. H.K. 1 corymbosa. p.m. _level-topped. C.B.S. 1791. 5. 6. F.b. 2 falcata. B.m sickle-leaved. ——-—— 1825. —— Fb. 3 fascicolata.B.mM. _ fascicled. “rr —— Fb. Galaxia plicata. Jacq. Ixia heterophylla. vani. Ovieda fasciculata, s.s. 4 fissifolia. B.m. leafy-spiked. 1809. 8.9. F.b. 5 aculeata. B.F.G. prickly-stemmed._—_-——-._ 1825. 5.7%. F.b. 6 anceps. B.F.G. flat-stemmed. ——— -—— —— F.b. 7 silenoides, B.M. Silene-like. —— 1822, —— Fp. 8 Fabricii. p.m. slender-branch’d. ————— 1825. —— F.b. ANOMATHECA. Ker. ANomatuHeca. Triandria Monogynia. baa juncea. H.K. cut-leaved. C.B.S. 3791. 4.5. F.b. Lapeyrousia juncea. 8.M. Gladiolus polystachyus. A.R. 66 BABIANA. Ker. BABIANA. bare Monogynia. S.S. 1 nana. s.s. dwarf. .B.S. 1807. 4.6. F.b. Gladiolus nanus. A.R. 2 rubro-cyanea, B.m. red and blue. 1794. —— Fb. 3 villosa. B.M. dark red. ——— 1778. 8. F.b. Ixia punicea, Jacq. ic. 2. t. 287. 4 obtusifolia. B.M. blunt-leaved. ——-—— 1825. 5.6. Feb. Ixiu villosa. Jacq. RON H.K. & purpurea. B.M. dark purple. ——— 8:06. —— Fb. 6 stricta. B.M. upright. 1757. -——- F.b. 7 angustifolia. narrow-leaved. — — F.. stricta (a) B.M. Ixia villose var. Jacq. frag. t. 14. f. 3 § tenuiflora. B.F.g. slender-fid. — 1825. —~ F.b. 9 sulphurea. B.M. pale-flowered. 1803. -——- F.b. 10 mucronata. B.mM. mucronate. ——— 1825. — Fb. 11 plicata. p.m. sweet-scented. -——-— 1774. —— F.b. 12 disticha. B.m. two-ranked. — 6.7. F.b. Gladiolus plicatus. Jacq. ic. t. 237. nec aliorum. 13 ochroleuca. cream-colour’d. 1825. 5.7. F.b. 14 spathacea, B.M. stiff-leaved. ——— 1801. -—— F.b. 15 sambucina. B.M. Elder-scented. _———-— 1799. 4.5. F.b. 16 tubata. long-flowered. -—-——- 1774. —— F.b. Gladiolus tubatus. i ic. 2, t. 264. 17 tubiflora, B.M. long-tubed. io Cen ae 18 ringens. B.M. gaping-fid, 1752. 5.6. F.b. 19 Thunbergii. B.m. many-spiked. — 1774. —— F.hb. Antholyza plicata. W. ANTHOLYZA. Ker. ANTHoLYzaA. Triandria Monogynia. L. 1 ethiopica. B.M. __flag-leaved. C. B.S. 1759. 1.4... F.b 2 prealta. pe. tall. — cers -—— Eb athiopica. var. 3. B.M. 1172. viltigera. Sal- 3 montaré. B.C. mountain. — 1824. 5.7. F.b. ANISANTHUS. B.F.c. ANISANTHUS. Triandria Monogynia. 1 splendens. B.F.G. splendid. C.B.S. 1825. 4.6. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1231. ee Sp ————_-—— 605. Botan,,magaz.1277 ° Botan. magaz. 751. Swt. br. fl. gar. 161. ‘Botan. magaz. 144. Swt. we gar. ic. sh. ; Redoute lil. t. 6. Swt. ue fl. gar: 128, Andr, reposit. 94. ——— — 164,’ Jac.ic.t.291.f.inf.sin. —— f.inf. ad dextr. Botan. magaz, 1292. Botan. magaz. 595. Thunb. dis. 4, t.1.f.3. Jacq. ic. 2. t..291. Botan. magaz. 1246. Swt. br. fl. gar. dice —_———_— 143. Jacq. ic. 2. t; 270. Botan, sind 606. Andr, reposit. t. 137. Botan. magaz. 410. ———-—— 583. Jacq. ic. 2. t.284, Botan. magaz. 1052. ——~-—— 621. —_——_———- ——._ 637. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. Botan. magaz. 1053. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 253. Botan. magaz. 576, ——— 626. Botan, magaz. 638. —— 1019. ———- —— 680. 847. -Lodd. bot. cab. 1006. Botan. magaz. 56%. Redout. lil..7. £. 387. Lodd. bot. hanes 4032, Swt. br. fl. sshd IRIDER. 397 2 Cunonia, B.F.a. scarlet. on. Bs Be 1756. 5.6. F.b. Botan. magaz..343. Antholyza Cunonia. 3.M. Gladiolus Cunonia. H.K. 3 quadrangularis. four-channell’d. ———— 1799. 3.4. F.b. —————— 667. Gladiolus quadrangularis. B.m. abbreviatus. A.R. 166 WATSONIA. Ker. Watsonia. Triandria Monogynia. H.K. 1 aletroides. B.m. Aletris-flow’r’d..C. B.S. 1774. 5.7. Feb. . Botan. magaz. 441. 6 variegata. B.M. variegated, - ——— —- —— Fb —— 533. 2 humilis. Bm. - lake-coloured. ———— ._ 1754. — Fob. —- 631. ‘“¢ $8 Meriana. B.m. red-flowered. ————— 1750. —- F.b. —————-—— 418. 4 iridifolia. Jac. Iris-leaved. . .——— 1795. ——'F.b. Jacq. ic.2. t.234. 5 fulgida. sal. scarlet. —__ — — F.b. Botan. magaz.600. Antholyza fulgens. A.R. 192. | ‘ : “ 6 roseo-alba..B.M. two-coloured. aaa ESE eet A eee | 537. _Bvariegata. | wariegated-fid, ee ee eee FO 1193. 7 \brevifolia. B.M. ‘ short-leaved. ————— 1794. 5.7. Fb. ——-——— 601. _. 8 strictiflora. B.m. upright-fld, ———-—- 1810. 6. -——— 1406. ~ 9 rosea. B.M. . pyramidal. ———. 1803, 7.8. F.b. —M————— 1072. ~~ 10 marginata. B.M. broad-leaved. ————— 1774. 6.7%. F.b. —— 608. _ minor, BM. - shining-leaved. ——--——— 1812, —— Fb. 1530. 11 punctata. H.K. dotted- flow’r'd. ———— 1800. 4.5. F.b. Andr. reposit. 177. Ixia punctata, A.R. 12 plantaginea. p.m. Fox-tail. ————. 1774,..67. Fb, ~ Botan, : magaz. 553. 13 spicata. B.M. hollow-leaved. .———-— 1791. 5. F.b. ——--———— 6523. Ixia fistulosa. B.M. GLADIOLUS. Ker. Corn-riac.. Triandria Monogynia. L. 1 viperatus. B.M. perfumed. C.B.8s. 1787, 4.5. F.b.. fl. gar. 156, 2 alatus. B.M. wing-flowered. ——-—— 1795. 5.6. F.b. Botan. magaz. 586. 3 algoensis. Algoa bay, ——— «+1824. 7%. F.b. —-———— 2608. alatus 6 algoensis. B.M. . -~ 4 namaquensis. B.m. _ thick- leaved, ———— 1800. 5.6. F.b. Botan. magaz.592. ~ § permeabilis.r.s. tall. ——— - 1825. —— F.b. De laRoch. dis. t.2. . 6 Watsonius. s.m. Watson’s. —— 1791. 3.5. F.b. Botan. magaz. 450. 6 variegata. variegated-fid. ———- 1801 ——.F.b ——————— 569, 7 brevifolius. H.K. = short-leaved. ———- 1802. —— F.b. 727, 992. 8 hirsutus. H.K. rose-coloured. ———— 1795. 4.6. F.b. — 574, 823. 9 versicolor. B.M. . various-color'd. ———-— 1794. 5.6. F.b. Andr. reposit. 19. 10 binervis. two-nerved. . .————— 1806. —— F.b. Botan. magaz. 1042. «, versicolor €, binervis. B.M. yee 11 recurvus. B.M. Violet-scent’'d. ——-—~ 1758. 4.5. F.b.. Botan, magaz. 578. 12 gracilis. B.M. slender, —-—— 1800. —— F.b. ———-— 562. 13 maculatus, spotted-flow’r’d,. ————— 1799. -——- Fb. —————. 556. versicolor y, tenuior. B.M. 14 debilis. B.m. weak. —-—— 1822. —— F.b. Botan. magaz. 2585. 15 trichonemifolius. B.m. slender-14, —— 1810. 5.6. —-———— 1483. 16 concolor. P.L. pale yellow. ——— 1790. —— F.b. Sal. par. lond. 8. 17 tristis, B.M. square-leaved. ————. 1745. -——- F.b. Botan, magaz. 272. 18 hyalinus. Jacq. transparent. -——-—— 1825. —— F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 242. 19 tenellus. Jacq. feeble. — Uri OH 248. 20 Colvillii. B.F.c. Colvill’s. Hybrid. 1823. —— F.b. fl. gar. 155. 21 angustus. B.M. narrow-leaved. C. B.S. 1757. —— F.b. — Botan. magaz. 602. 22 hastatus. B.M. spade. ———. 1816. 4.5. F.b. —--———— 1564. _ 23 edulis. B.R. eatable. — -— 56.6. F.b. Botan. regist. 169. 24 carneus. B.M. flesh-coloured. ———— 1796. F.b. Botan. magaz. 591. 25 cuspidatus.n.M. sharp-pointed. -————~- 1795. 4.5. F.b. —--—— 582. 26 undulatus. B.M. waved-flow’r’d. ——-——- . 1760. F.b. Jacq.ic.2. t. 251. a pallidus. pale-fluwered. ——- -——- ——— F. Botan, magaz. 647. B carneus. fiesh-coloured. ——- — — F. ————— 538. 27. blandus. g.Mm. fairest. ——— 1774. 6. F. ————_ 625. 28 albidas. van. white-flowered. ——--— —— - F.b. —--— 648. 29 campanulatus. a.r. bell-flowered. ——-——~- 1794. 5.6. F.b. Andr. reposit. 188. 30 pictus. - painted-fid, —_—_—_ ——- — F. Botan. magaz. 1665. blandus. 0. B.M. soreess Ssoosss 31 trimaculatus. vahi. three-spotted.- ———— --- —— F 32 involutus. B.M. involute. ———— 1757. —— F.b. Mill. ic. t.286.f. 1 33 flexuosus. B.M. flexuose. ———— 1825. -— F. Thunb. diss. te, f. 1. 34 floribundus. p.m. large-flowered. -——-—— 1788. 5.7. F.b. Botan. magaz. 610. 35 Milleri. p.m. Miller’s. —-—— 1751. 4.5. Fb. —--—— 632. | 36 cardinalis. B.M. superb. ——-——-_ 1789. 7.8. F-.b. —— 135. 37 byzantinus.8.mM. Turkish.. Turkey. 1629. 6.7. H.b. —-——-—— 874. 398 38 communis, B.M. B carneus. B.M. -SPHEROSPORA. segetum, common. pale-flowered. SPHZEROSPORA. European. IRIDEX. S. Europe. 1596. Triandria Monogynia. © S. Europe. 1596. Gladiolus segetum. BM. Antholyza segetum. Ker. SYNNOTIA. B.F.G. 1 variegata. B.F.G. 2 bicolor. B.F.G. SYNNOTIA. variegated-fid, two-coloured. 1825. 1786. 6. 7. Triandria Monogynia. C. B.S. 4, 6... 3. 4. Ixia bicolor. Bm. Sparaxis bicolor. Ker. Gladiolus bicolor. w. 3 galeata. B.F.G. helmet- flow’r’d. - Gladiolus galeatus. Jacq. Sparaxis. Triandria Monogynia. H.K. SPARAXIS. Ker. 1 tricolor. H.K. 2 versicolor. B.F G. 8 Griffini. three-colour’d. C,. B.S. Yad agen essai *, Griffin’s. tricolor y Shite B.M. 4 blanda. blush-flowered. ‘tricolor. 6. subroseo-albida. B.M. 5 grandiflora. H.K. a purpurea. B striata. 6 Liliago. Ixia Liliago. R.L. Sparaxis grandiflora y Liliago. B.R. 258. 7 bulbifera, u.K. 8 fragrans. B.M. large-flowered. velvet-flowered. streaked-flower’d. Lily-fiowered. bulb- ~bearing. fragrant. 9 anemoneflora. BM. Anemone-fid, Ixia anemoneflora. Jacq: TRITONIA. Ker. 1 crispa. H.K. anigozanthiflora. viridis. B.M. rosea. H.K. capensis. B.M. pallida, B.m. longiflora. B.M. tenuiflora, B.M. concolor. 10 Rocheana, 11 pectinata. B.M. 12 striata. B.M. 13 lineata. B.M. 14 securigera. B.M. 15 flava. B.M. 16 refracta. B.R. 17 squalida. B.M. 18 fenestrata. B.M. 19 crocata. B.M. Ixia crocata. B.M. 20 deusta. B.M. 21 miniata. B.m. 22 xanthospila. s.s. IXIA. Ker. 1 linearis. H.K. 2 capillaris. B.M. 3 aulica. H.K. 4 fucata. B.M. 6 incarnata, Jacq. 6 aristata. B.M. 7 8 9 10 © @ IVA Tm & bo flexuosa. B.M. hybrida. B.M. leucantha. P.s. patens. B.M. 1i crateroides. B.M. 12 monadelpha. B.M. 13 curta. A.R. TRITONIA. Triandria Monogynia. » curled-leaved. Anigozanthus-fld, green-flowered. rosy. Cape. pale-flowered. long-flowered. slender-flow’r’d. self-coloured. monadelpha B. B.M. 1378- 14 columellaris. B.M. 15 conica. B.M. bending-fi4. esol pectinated. —— 1825. streaked. ——_ pencilled. ——_ 1774. copper-color’d. - — yellow. —— 1780. reflexed. —-— 1815. sweet-scented, 1774. open-flowered. -———— 1801. Crocus-flow’r’d. -——-—— 1758. spotted. —— 1774. late-flowered. ———— 1795. yellow-spotted. -——-—— 1825. Ixia. Triandria Monogynia. L. slender. .-B.S. = 1796. capillary. ——_ 1774. rose-coloured. ———— —— painted. —_——- s«s-e flesh-coloured. ———-— <->. salver-flower’d. ——-—— 1800. flexuose. ——-_ 1757. spurious. —_-—————- SS white-flowered. 1779 spreading-fl4, ———— —— crimson, ——— 1778. monadelphous, -———-—— 1792, shortened. _———_- variegated. ———_ 1790. orange-color'd. -———— 1757. C. B.S. — 1825. 1789. 1811. oe eee Oe 1758. (ee eee ee ee ee anee 1758. ———- 1825. 1787. 1825. 1788. 1793. 1811. 1806. 1774. Rene 6. 8. 4. 6. S. - 5. 6. ee Pa | Tf a Pa Pep Phd rf fry ff Pf ff PP df oP PP 2 iP @ s rp wre A ag sng BY ic H.b. : H.b. F.b. Fb. eae P oo ; e Sr> Te Hexaglottis longiflora. v. Gladiolus longiflorus. Jacq. Ixia longifiora. B.M. 1 F.b. a = SSoSCSSTS SSS SS PSSST SSS boS Fh Botan. magaz. 86. ST me Botan. nagar. 710 Swt. br. fl. aehio. Botan. magaz. 548. » Jacq. ic. 2. t. 258. Botan. magaz. 381. Swt. br. fl. gar.160. Botstnagazs1462: f. inf. —— 1482., Botan. magaz. ‘541. Andr. reposit. 87. Botan. magaz. 779. Redout. lil. 2s t. 109. Botan. magaz. 545. — Jacqwic. 2.t.274, © —— 2. t. 273. Botan. magaz, 678. Botan. magaz. 1275. - —— 618. -——— 1531. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 262. Botan. magaz. 256. Botan. magaz. 1502. — — 1502.f.minor. — —— 1503. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 260. - Botan.magaz. 487. ——_— + —— 1383) | Botan. regist. 747. — ——— — 135. Botan, magaz. 581. eat 704. — ——_—— 184. Botan. magaz. 622.° ———_——_ 609. Redout. lil. Be t. 124. + Botan: magaz. 570. —_——_— 617. . —_——_——- 1013. —~-——_ —__ 1379. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 282. Botan. magaz. 589. —_——_—— 624. ————_-—— 128. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 278. Botan. magaz. 522. ——— 594. —_———— 607. > Andr. reposit. t. 554. Botan. magaz. 630. ————— 539. : IRIDEE. 399 16 dubia. R. Se : 2 doubtful. Cc. B. 8. 5 So ee 4. 5. F.b. Redout. lil. 2. t. 64. 17 ‘viridiflora. rs, green-flowered. ————— 1780. 5.6. F.b. Botan. magaz. 549. ~18 maculata. w. spot-flowered. —— —— —— F.b. Jacq.scheen.t.20.21.&c¢ LED RE ies, ivy: ovate-spiked. ——— -—— -—— F.b. . Andr. reposit. 23. 20 capitata.a.r. . headed. ——<—<——> ss — —— FB ——— 159: 21 ochroleuca. cream-colour’d. ————— 1809. ——- F.b. Botan. magaz. 1285. 22 erecta. H.K. upright. ———. 1757. —— F.b. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 18. a albiflora. white-flowered. - — -—— F.b. Botan. magaz. 623. B incarnata.. flesh-coloured. -——— -—— —— F.b._ Andr. reposit. 155. y lutea. _. yellow-flowered. —————- —— —— [F.b. Botan. magaz. 846. 23 retusa. H.K. sweet-scented. -——-——- 1793. 2.4. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2, t. 275. | polystachia. B.M. 629. — 24 scillaris, B.M.. _ Squill-flower’d. ————— 1787. -—— F.b. Botan. magaz. 542, _ 25 crispa. B.M. curled- leaved. ——- —- 4.5. F.b. ——-—--—— 599. MELASPH/ERULA. Ker. MELAsPH#RULA. Triandria Monogynia. H.K 1 iridifolia. B.F.G. Iris-leaved. Cc. B.S. 1825. 2.4. F.b. ‘Swt. br. fl. gar. ic.- 2 intermedia. intermediate. ————— 1787. 4.8. F.b. Botan. magaz, 615. graminea. B.M. excl. synonym. . 3 graminea. grass-leaved. ————— 1825. 2.5. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 236. Gladiolus gramineus. Jacq. Diasia graminifolia. Red. lil. t. 163. HESPERANTHA. Ker. EvENING-FLoWER. Triandria Lee as kes H.K. 1 ciumamomea. H.K. curled-leaved. C.B.S. 1787. 4.5. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1054. 2 falcata. H.K. sickle-leaved. ——-—— ——- —— F.b. -———— 566. 3 graminifolia. Grass-leaved. ———— 1808. 8.9. F.b. —~-———— 1254. 4 pilosa. H.K. hairy. ——- 1811. 4.5. F.b. -————-—— 1475. 5 angusta.B.M. —S—s narrow-leaved. ————— 1825. —— F.b. Jacq. ic.2. t. 279. Ixia angusta. Jacq. . 6 radiata. H.K. nodding-fld, ———_ 1794. 4.6. F.b. Botan. magaz. 573. GEISSORHIZA. Ker. Titr-roor. Triandria Monogynia. H.K. 1 Rocheana. plaid. C.B.S. 1790. 5. F.b. Botan. magaz.598. 2 setacea. B.M. bristle-leaved. 1809. 6.7. F.b. ——-———— 1255. 3 obtusata. H.K. pale-yellow. ———_ 1801. _ 56. F.b. - 672. 4 vaginata. B.F.G. sheathed. —— 1825. 6.9. F.b. Swt. br. fl. gar. 138. 5 secunda. B.M. one-ranked. —— 1795. 5.6. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 277. @ coerulea. blue-flowered. —_——_ —- — F.b. Botan. magaz. 597. 6B. albescens. | . whitish-flowered. ————- —— —-— F.b ——————— 1105. 6 sublutea. B.M. yellowish. ———-_ 1825. —— Fb. Ixia sublutea.Lam. - 7 imbricata. B.M. imbricated. —_—_—_ ——_- —- _Fb. 8 hirta. B.m. hairy. ——_—>s —_ — _ Fb. 9 ciliaris. sal. fringed. ——— _ --+- —— Fb. 10 excisa. B.M. dwarf cut-ld. ———— 1789. 4.5. F.b. Botan. magaz. 584. Ixia excisa. B.M. TRICHONEMA. Ker. Tricwonema. Triandria Monogynia. ay! 1 Bulbocodium. H.K. channel-leav’d. S. Europe. 1739. 3. H.b. Botan. magaz. 265. 2 purpurascens. purple. Naples. 1825. —— H.b. Ten. fl. nap. v. 1. t. 2. Ixia purpurascens, T.s. 3 Columne. T.P. Columna’s. ——_- — — Hb. 4 celestinum. bine. N.America. 1820. -——— H.b. Bartr. it. t.3. Ixia colestina. ph. “5 roseum, B.M. rose-coloured, C.B.S. 1808. 6.7. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1225. 6 speciosum. B.M. crimson. ——— _- —— 13.4. Fb. —— — 1476. 7 pudicum. B.M. blush. ——- —— 6.8. F.b. —— 1244, 8 caulescens. B.M. caulescent. —— 1810. 6.7. F.b. ——-———— 1892. 9 monadelphum. monadelphous. ——-—— 1825. 6.8. F.b. 10 cruciatum. B.M. square-leaved, ——-—— 1758. 5.6. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 290. 11 quadrangulum, quadrangular, ——-——~— 1825. —— F.b. Ixia quadrangula. R.s. , 12 recurvum. s.s. recurved-ld, ——~— 1812. 5.7. F.b. Redout. lil.5. p.251.f.1. 13 chloroleucum, p.m. milk-coloured. ——-——- 1825. —— F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 270. CROCUS. L. Crocus. Triandria Monogynia. L. 1 vernus. E.B. spring. England. ---- 2.4, H.b. Eng. bot. 344. B neupolitanus. R.s, Neapolitan, Naples. eves —— H.b. Botan. magaz. 860. y obovatus. R.s. obovate-flowered. S. Europe. -+++ -—— Hb. —— 2240. _ 2 striatus. L.en. striated. m——— rere —— Hb. 3 versicolor. H.K. party-coloured. —-————__ 1629. —— H.b. Botan, magaz.1110. | 4 biflorus. H.K. Scotch. Crimea. —- 2.3. H.b.. ——~-———— 845. 6 pusillas. R.s. small. Italy. 1824. —— H.b. Swt. br. fl. gar. 106. 6 al biflorus. r,s. white-flowered. Hungary. -—-—- 2.4. H.b. 400° 7 reticulatus. MiB. 8 susianus. H.K, 9 stellaris. 1.7. 10 sulphureus. B.M. 11 lageneeflorus. P.r. a pallidus. B aureus. mesiacus. B.M. Sativus. RiS. serotinus. R.S. Pallasii. M.B. autumnalis. R.S. 16 nudiflorus. E.B. 12 13 14 15 HEMODORACEZ. Brown prodr. ~IRIDEZ. netted. pale yellow. Gourd-flower’d. Greece. pale-flowered. golden. great yellow. —— saffron. England. late-flowered. S. Europe. autumnal. Tauria. naked-flow’1’d. England. Caucasus. Cloth of Gold. Turkey. starry cloth of gold.S.Europe. 1629. 1825. Sa H.b. 1605. 2.3) Hb. ame = ep eece nine H.b. eeose —— Hb. , ee 1629. —— H.b. -+- 9.10. Hb. 1629. 9.11. H.b. eee —— Hb. S 10. 1]. H.b. ORDO CLXXIX. WACHENDORFIA.L. WAcHENDORFIA. Triandria Monogynia. L. 1 thyrsiflora. r.s. 2 paniculata. R.s. 3 Herberti. paniculata. 8. H. in B.M. 4 hirsuta. R.s. 5 brevifolia..B.M. 6 Breyniana. Rs. 7 graminea. s.s. 8 tenella. R.s. XIPHIDIUM:J. 1 albidum. s,s. floribundum. swartz. 2 coruleum. s.s. HEMODORUM.B.P. Hzmoporvum. 1 planifolium. B.P. 2 teretifolium. B.P. DILATRIS. Ker. 1 corymbosa. w. ' umbellata. L. 2 viscosa. W. 3 paniculata. w. GYROTHECA. H.T. tinctoria. LOPHIOLA. B.M. aurea. B.M. ~/M.B. cent. ph. rar. t.1. . 652. ~ Hort. trae? p. 136. ic. ‘Botan. ‘magaz. 1384. 655. Sal. par. lond. 106. Flor. gree. 35. é Bot. mag. 1111, & 45. Eng. bot. 343. =n ‘tall-flowered. C.B.S. 1759. 5:6; Gide panicled. 1700. 2.5. F.b. Herbert’s. —-— 1823. —~ F.b. hairy. 1687. 4.6. F.b. short-leavedi . ———— 1795. 3.4. Fibs Breynius’s. ——- 1825. —— Fb Grass-leaved. . ———— _ 1810.) 6. G.y. slender-leaved. 1816. ——~ Girl: XIPHIDIUM. ‘Triandria-MonogyniasW. white. W.. Indies. 1787. 6)8)° Svdp. blue. 1793; - ee Triandria Monogynia. R.S.: flat-leaved. N.S.W. 1810. 7.11. F. 2. round-leaved. -——-—— 1822, —— F.%J. Ditatris. Triandria Monogynia. R.S. — - broad-petaled. C.B.S. i790. 5.6. F.%. clammy. 1795. —— Fi. panicled. —— 1825. — F.%. GYROTHECA. Triandria Monogynia. red-rooted. LOPHIOLA. Conostylis-americana. Ph. LANARIA., W. lumosa. WwW. CONOSTYLIS. B.P. 1 aculeata. B.P. 2 serrulata. B.P. ANIGOZANTHOS. B.P. ANIGOZANTHOS, 1 flavida. B.P. » 2 rufa. B.P. N.America. 1812. 6.7. H.2. Lachnanthes tinctoria. En. Dilatris tinctoria. ph. Heritiera Gmelini. M. - Hexandria Monogynia. B.M. golden-flow’r’d. N.America. 1811. 5.7. Hid. LANARIA. Hexandria Monogynia. W. woolly. C.B.S. 1787. —— G.yr Conostytis. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. prickly-leaved. N. Holland. 1824, -++= F.2p. serrulate. i ees FY russet-green. rufous, ere 1824, Hexandria Monogynia. N.Holland. 1803. 5.9. FLY. ~ *s\Botan. magaz. 1267. Eng. bot 491. 299) Botan. magaz. 1060, — -—_—- —— 616. ———-+— 2610. Botan. magaz. 614. Breyn. cent. £37) Sw. fl. ind: oc. 1: t. 2. —Aubs guis dN) ti 11. Botan. magaz. 1610. ° Sm. exot. bot. 1: t. 16. Mich. ameri 1; t. 4: Botan. magaz. 1596. Botan. magaz. 1151. Labill. voy. sy t. 22. a sl ual HYPOXIS. L. 1 juncea. w. 2 hygrometrica. B.P. 3 alba. w. — 4 linearis. a.R. 5 stellata. w 6 elegans. P.s, + f 8 9 serrata. W. ovata. w. veratrifolia. w. plicata. Jacq. 10 carolinensis, M. 11 decumbens. w. 12 stellipilis. B.R. 13 obliqua, w. 14 pratensis. B.P. 15 erecta. s.s. 16 sobolifera. w. 17 villosa. w. 18 obtusa. B.R. 19 aquatica. w. plese st B.P. 1 plicata. B.R. B glabra. 2 orchioides. s.s. 3 brevifolia. s.s. | 4 latifolia. s.s. | & sumatrana. B.C. | 6 recurvata. s.s. 1 colchiciflora. B.R. 2 Clusiana. B.R: 3 lutea. B.R. B angustifolia. ‘1 chlorolenca. H.A. §2 Atamasco. H.A. 3 tubispatha. H.A. 4 candida. B.M. 05 rosea. B.R. 6 striata. B.M. 7 verecunda,. B.M. stellata GB. B.M. certainly a distinct species. TERNBERGIA.W.K. Stain eeiciat Amaryllis lutea. B.M. EPHYRANTHES. H.A. ZEPHYRANTHES. Amuryllis tubispatha. B.M. Amaryllis candida B.R. 724. HYPOXIDE. 401 ‘ORDO CLXXX. HYPOXIDEA. Brown. HYpoxis. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 7 rushy. Carolina. 1787. 6.7. H.b. Sm. spic. 15. t. 16, hairy-leaved. | N.Holland. 1820. —— F.b. Lab. nov.holl.1. t. 8. white. — C.B.S. 1806. —-- F.b. Lodd. bot. cab. 1074. linear-leaved. 1792. 4.5. F.b. Andr. reposit. 171. yellow starry. 1752. 4.6. F.b. Botan. magaz. 662. white starry. —— Fb -——-— 1223. saw-leaved. 1788. 6.7. F.b. Botan. magaz. 709. smooth-leaved. ———— .1806. 2.5. F.b. ———— — 1010. plaited-leaved. -———-— 1788. 6.7. F.%. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 367. Carolina. Carolina. 1822. <_ F.b. decumbent. Jamaica. 1755. 6.9. S.2%.. Mill. ic. 1. t.39, f. 2. starry-haired. C.B..S. 1821, 6.12. F.%. Botan. regist. 663. oblique-leaved. 1795. 6.7. F.y%. Andr. reposit. 195. field. | N.S. W. 1822. —— F.b. upright. N.America. 1752. 6.7. H.b. Botan. magaz.710. creeping. Cc. B.S. 8 0c Moa US PE em arvetcagpioneld we villous. en --— -—— F.Y. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 307. obtuse. 1816. -—— F.%. Botan. regist. 169. water. — 1787. Oo weak tae q CURCULIGO. _ Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. plaited. “C.B.S. 1788. 6.7. ¥. b. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 80. smooth- Tased.’ ; 1816. —— F.b. Botan. regist. 345. narrow-leaved. E. Indies. 1800. —— S.%. Roxb. corom.1.t. 13. short-leaved. 1804. 5.7. S.%. Botan. magaz. 1076. broad-leaved. | —— 5.8. S8.y%. Botan. regist. 754. Sumatra. *Sumatra. 1818. —— S.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 443. recurved. . Bengal. 1805. —— S.%. Botan. regist.770. “f . SAEED TOT ASS LEIA TE ORDO CLXXXI. AMARYLLIDEX. — Brown ene P. 296. Héxand ria 2 Monogynia: Hungary. 1816. 9.10. H.b. K. hung. 2.t.157. Colchicum-fid, Clusius’s. Constantinople. - »—— H.b. Clus. hist. 1. t.163. common Js ga S. Europe. 1596. -—— H.b. Botan. magaz. 290. . narrow- leaved. : s+) Hib, Hexandria Monogynia, " ins as one-leaved. «+++ ">> ---- 5.8.0G.b.. Ker’ 8. fs Atamasco Lily. N N. America. 1629.°.5.6. Hib: Botan. magaz, 239, | Amaryllis Atamasco. B.M. - sor ¢ tube-sheathed. S. America. +--+» 5.7. S.b. Botan. magaz.1586. white-flowered. Peru. 1822. 7.10. H.b.. Botan. magaz. 2607, rose-coloured. Havannah. —— 9.10.G.b. Botan. regist. 821. striped. Mexico. 1824. 6.8. H.b. -Botan. magaz. 2593. modest. , —- —- — Hb - — 2583, 3 F 402 AMARYLLIDEE. | 6.8. H.b. 8 carinata. B.M. keeled-leaved. Mexico. 1824. Botan. magaz. 2594.. 9 grandiflora. B.R. _large-flowered. 1825. —— H.b. Botan. regist, 902. HABRANTHUS. B.M.Hasrantuus. Hexandria Monogynia. A £1 gracilifolius. B.m. slender-leaved. S. America. 1823. 9.. 11. G.b. Botan. magaz. 2464. 2 angustus. B.M. narrow. BuenosA yres.1825. — G.b. ————-—— 2639. 3. versicolor. B.M. changeable. S. America. 1823. 1.4. G.b. suinee~ 9485, 4 lorifolins. B.m. lorate-leaved. — 1824. «+++ G.b. 5 bifidus. p.m. two-cleft. BuenosAyres.1825. 6.9. G.b. Botan. magaz. 2597. 6 spathaceus. B.M. broad-spathed, ——-—— —— ---- G.b. AMARYLLIS. L. AMARYLLIS. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 Pumilio. w. dwarf. C. B.S. 1774. = G.b. 2 pudica. K.R. modest. —-—— 1795. 5.7. F.b. Ker’s rev. t. 8. f. 2. 3 blanda. B.m. charming. ———— 1754. g 6. F.b. Botan. magaz. 226. 4 Belladonna. w. Belladonna Lily.W. Indies? 1712. on 9. H.b, ——-— 783. 5 pallida. H.A. pale. C. B.S. vewe F.b. Botan. regist. 714. 6 reticulata. w. netted-veined. Brazil. 1777. 4.5. 5. S.b. Botan. magaz. 657. 7 striatifolia. striped-leaved. —————__ 1815, S.b. Botan. regist. 352. 8 brevifolia. c.c. short-leaved. Hybrid. 1821. 1.12 12. S.b, . 9 superba. c.c. superb-flow’r’d. ——-—- -—— -—— S.b. : 10 grandiflora. c.c. large-flowered. — — Sb. 11 atrorubens. c.c. dark-red. — — Sb. 12 obscura. C.c. clouded. ———_ —— _ —— Sb. 13 intermedia. c.c. _— intermediate. ——~. | “aaa 14 sulcata. c.c. channelled. —_—_ 1 = —— _ Sb. 15 recurvata. C.C. recurved-fid, — — S.b. 16 Wellsiana. c.c. Mr. Wells’s. — — Sb. 17 Valleti. _ Vallets’. ——- — — Sb. Vattesii. c.c. errata. we 18 rugosa. c.c. rugged. —_——_—- 1 §- ——-_ ——_ Sb. 19 rubescens. c.c. light red. —_——_—_ —- _ — Sb. : 20 purpurascens.. purplish. —-— — — Sb. 21 patens. spreading. — — S.b. 22 versicolor. various-colored. ———-- —— —— §S.,b. 23 costata. strongly ribbed. ——-———- —— ——-§.b. 24 dioica. barren-stamen’d, ————- —— -— S§S.b. 25 ameena. delightful. — — Sb. 26 Colvillii. Colvill’s. — — S.b. 27 unduleflora. wave-flowered. ———-— ——- —— S.b. 28 palliifiora, pale-flowered.6 ———-— —— —— S.b. 29 discolor. two-coloured. ——— —— —— S.b. $0 expansa. expanded. — — S.b. 31 decora. c.c. neat, —- -— Sb. 32 variegata. c.c. variegated-fid, ——— —— -—— §.b. $3 nervifolia. nerve-leaved. — — Sb. : 34 pheenicea. red-purple. ———_— s- —— _- —— Sb. 35 stenantha. narrow-fi4, ——- ——_ —_ _ Sb. 36 patentissima. spreading-fid, — — Sb. F | 37 bracteata. large-bracted. ——-—— — -— S.b. ? 38 Annesleyana. L¢, Mountnorris’, —-——- —— -—— §.b. Miss Chapman’sic. — 39 striatiflora. streaked-fid, —-— 1823. —— S.b. _ 40 consobrina. cousin. — — S.b. ¥~ 41 Johnsoni. Johnson’s mule. — 1810. —— G.b. ~ Lodd. bot. cab. 159. _ - spectabilis. B.C. 42 regine. w. Mexican Lily. S. America. 1725. 5.7. S.b. Botan. magaz. 453. | 48 pallescens. palish. Hybrid. 1821. 1.12. S.b. eich silva 44 rubicunda. rubicund. Bade: cama gee IRL 45 accedens, approaching. ones he piel ie Ee 46 coccinea. scarlet. —— — — Sb. 47 ringens. gaping. ———— —-— ~~. Bib. 4S carnescens. flesh-coloured. — —— S.b. i" 49 roseo-alba. rosy and white. — — S§.b.. * oh - 50 spathacea. large-spathed. ——-— -—— -—— S.b. Botan. magaz, 2315. 62 imbuta. stained. —_—_— — _ — Sb. da - 53 compacta. compact. ——_ — -— S.b. el 54 consangninea. double hybrid. —-——- -—— —— §S.b. ; 55 vittata. w.: striped. S. America. 1769. 4.5. S.b. Botan magaz. 129. B latifolia. L.col. broad-leaved. —-—— 1816. ——,.G.b. Lindl. coll. bot, ic. a 56 lineata. Colla. lined-flowered, 1820, —— S.b. Coll. hort, rip.ic. ¥ vittata y. Harrisonia, B.R. 988. AMARYLLIDEZ. 102 recurvifiora. 103 sexmaculata _ 104 campanulata. - 105 formosissima. w. six-spotted. bell-flowered. § ————— Jacobea Lily. S. America. NERINE, H.A. NERINE. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 curvifolia. H.A. curve-leaved. C.B.S. 1794, Amaryllis curvifolia. B.m. Fothergillia. A.R. 163. 2 corusca. H.aA. brilliant. ———_ 1809. 403 57 vittifera. stripe-flower’d. Hybrid. 5.6. G.b- 58 pulchra. pretty.. _— 4.8. G.b. 59 variabilis. variable. “— —— G.b. _ 60 advena. B.M. streaked. S. America, 5.6. S.b. Botan. magaz. 1125. ‘S61 rutila. K.R. fiery. Brazil. 1,12. S.b. Botan. regist. 23h _ 62 splendens. H.A. splendid. Hybrid. —— G.b. Herb. append. p.52. igs * < - 63 attenuata. — attenuated. Seana — S.b. 64 punctata. punctured. —- S.b. 65 fulgida. K.R. fulgid. Brazil. — S.b. Botan. regist.226. 66 subbarbata. slightlybeard’d. |. ————— — S.b. Botan. magaz. 2475. 67 mutabilis. changeable. Hybrid. —— S.b. , 68 rubro-crocea. red and saffron. — S.b. 69 cuprea. copper-colored. —— S.b. 70 crocata. K.R. saffron-colored. Brazil. 4.6. S.b. Botan. regist. 38. 71 stylosa. long-styled. Maranham., 2.6. S.b. Botan. magaz. 2278. maranensis. B.R. 719. Hippeastrum stylosum. B.M. 72 acuminata. B.R. acute-flowered. ————— 4.8. S.b. Bot. regist. 534. Hippeastrum pulverulentum. 8.M. 2273. ) 73 venosa. | veined. Hybrid. 10. 6. G.b. 74 lateritia. brick-coloured. .——-—— — Gb. 75 fulva. tawny. —— G.b. 76 tricolor. three-coloured. .————-— — G.b. 77 glaucescens. glaucescent. - gore A De 78 Hoodii. Mr. Hood’s. — G.b. 79 macrantha. great-flowered, ———— —— G.b. §0 crispiflora. curl-flowered. —-—— — G.b. $1 breviflora. short-flowered. ——-—— — G.b. 82 dilecta. choice. —_—— > G.b. 83 tortuliflora. twisted-flow’r’d* ———— —— G.b. 84 amabilis. rand. _— —— G.b. 85 ignescens. aming. —_-— ~—s77,; Geb: 86 princeps. princely. — sree s: Cabby 87 imperialis. imperial. _— — G.b. 88 angusta. narrow-petal’d. —- — Sb. 89 delicata. delicate. —_——- — S.b. | 90 equestris, K.R. Barbadoes Lily. W. Indies. 7.10. S.b. Botan. magaz. 305. B major. BR. larger. aed --++ =——— §.b. Botan. regist. 234. y plena. double-flow’r’d. — 1809. —— S.b. si 91 miniata, R.P. vermilion, S. America. ---- -+-+- S.b. 92 solandriflora. L.col. Solandra-fi4d. —— 1820. 4.6. S.b. Lindl. coll. bot. t.11. a chloroleuca. dull-coloured. =——-—— —— -—— S.b. 8 rubro-striata. red-striped. ———- — — S§.b. Botan. magaz. 2573. y purpurascens. purple-tubed. ——-——_ ——- _ —. S§.b. 3 striata. purple-striped. —-——- —— -— §S.b. Botan. regist. 876. 93 calyptrata, K.R. green-flowered. Brazil, 1816. 5.8. S.b. ————-—— 164, 94 aulica. K.R. crowned. —— — 1.6. S.b. — 444, é.~95 psittacina. K.R. parrot-like. 4 Botan. magaz. 725. Botan. magaz. 1089. b 3 rosea. B.M. rose-coloured. — tee b. —— 2124, | 4 venusta. H.A. poppy-colored. — 1806. 6.8. F.b. ——— 1090. | 5 sarniensis. w.a. Guernsey Lily, —————_ 1659. 9.10. F.b. ——. 294. e 9, b. 6 radiata. Snowdrop-ld,. China. 1758. Botan. regist. 596, | Amuryllis radiata. 8.R. Lycoris radiata. H.A. | 7 aurea, golden, ———._ 1777. 8.12. G.b. _—_ Botan. regist. 611. : Amaryllis aurea. B.R. Lycoris aurea. H.A. 8 pulchella. H.A. pretty. C. B.S. 1820. 7.9. F.b. | Botan. magaz, 2407. 3F2 404 9 flexuosa. H.A. 10 humilis. H.a. 11 undulata. H.A. 12 versicolor. H.A. STRUMARIA. Ker. truncata. w. rubella. w. angustifolia. w. filifolia. B.R. spiralis. B.M. crispa. B.M. undulata. w stellaris. B.M. 10 gemmata, B.M. BRUNSVIGIA. Ker. om “US Or i O° ho = 1 laticoma. lucida, H.A. Amaryllis laticoma. B.R. 2 minor. B.R. 3 multiflora. B.m. Amaryllis orientalis. w. 4 Josephine. B.R. B minor, B.R. y striata. B.M. - 5 striata. H.K. 6 radula. H.K. 7 Marginata. H.K. 8 falcata. B.M. 9 coranica. Amaryllis coranica. B.R. Ammocharis coranica. H.A. 10 ciliaris. B.R. Hemanthus ciliaris. w. Buphane ciliaris. H.A. 11 toxicaria. B.R. linguefolia. Ww. Amaryllis crispa. Jaca. schen. t. 72, Hemanthus toxicarius. w. Buphane towicaria. HA. * AMARYLLIDEE. small. ——————-__ ——- 7. ioe Fb. . waved-flow’r’d. 1767. 7.10. F.b. changeable-col4, Hybrid. 1815. —— F.b. STRuMARIA. Hexandria Rotteyaia, L. truncated. 'C. BUSS 1795, 4, 8? F. ba pale red. — — 5.6. F.b. narrow-leaved. —— 4.5. Fib. tongue-leaved. $$... ——— ae fine: ‘leaved. —_——— 1774, 10:12. F.b. spiral-stalked..§ ———-— —— 4.8. F.b. curled-flower’d. ———-— 1790, ——” F. b. waved. ——— 1825. —— Fb. starry. ara 1794. 10.11. ei gynandrous. — 1810. ° 8.10. Feb. BRUNSVIGIA. — Hexandria Monogynia. H.K. broad-headed. C. B.S. 1818. 3.6. Fb.» lesser. ——- _ 1820. ~— -F-.b. many-flowered. ———— 1752, 6.8. F.b. Josephine’s. —— 1814. -——— Fibs smaller. ——-—- + Eb. striped-flowered. ———— 1823.’ —— F.b. striated. ——-—- 1795. 9.10. F.b. _ rasp-leaved. ——-—— 1790. 4.8. Fb. red-margined. 1795. 9.10. F.b. sickle-leaved. § ——-—— 1774. 5.6. Fb. Amaryllis falcata. w. Ammocharis falcata. H.A. ~ ERY Mr. Burchell’s. -———— 1816. 7. ape fringed-leaved. ——- >— 1752, Ge 8. F. b. Poison-bulb. we 1774, 9. 10. F, b. distichous. = 1823. ever: Pi be 12: disticha. * Amaryllis disticha. pat. Buphane disticha. B.M. PHYCELLA.B.R. 1 ignea. B.R. 2 cyrtanthoides. g.R. Cyrtanthus-like. . PHYCELLA. Hexandria ake piaoee fiery. ° Chili. 1824, - 8.10. G.b. 1821. - 6. 8. Gb. Amaryllis cyrtanthoides. B.M. GRIFFINIA. B.R. . ‘hyacinthina! B.R. | Amaryllis hyacinthina. BR.’ 2° intermedia. B-R. 3 parviflora. B.R. HEMANTHUS. W. 1 coccineus. s.s. 2 coarctatus. s.s. 3 tigrinus. s.s.° 4 rotundifolius. s.s. 5 crassipes. s.s. 6 hyalocarpus. s.s. 7 quadrivalvis. s.s. 8 humilis. s.s. 9 Pumilio. s.s. 10 pubescens. s,s. 11 ‘albiflos. w. 12 carneus. s.s. 13 lanceefolius. s,s. 14 carinatus. P.s. 15 amarylloides. s.s. 16 moschatus. s.s. 17 sanguineus. s.s. 18 puniceus. s.s. 19 multiflorus. s.s. CRINUM. H.A. 1 longiflorum. H.A. GRIFFINIA. teccuterin Monogynia: B. Re bot largest. Brazil. 1815. 6. 9 Sb, intermediate. 1825. 5. 7 “Sib. small flowered. -——+—— 1820. _—— S.b. BLoov-FLoweER. Hexandria Monogynia. 'L. salmon-colour’d. C. B.S. > 1629. 8.10. F.b. compressed, — 1795. °2.3.° F.b. Tiger-spotted. 1790. . 1252. Fb. round-leaved. ———~— —— 6.10. F.b. thick-leaved. ——— 816. —— F.b. clear-berried. 3 ———— ——~ -—— F.b four-valved. ——— 1790. 9.10. G.b. small, ————, 1825. —~ F.b. ‘dwarf. — 1789. 8.9. F.b. villous-leaved, ——-——— 1774. ——— Fb. smooth broad-1d. —_—-— .1791.. 4.8. Fb. flesh-coloured. —+—— 1819.6. 8. F.b spear-leaved, ‘—————= 1794. 9.10. F.b. keel-leaved. ———— _ 1759. 8. 9.: F.b. Amaryllis-like. -———— 1825. -——— Fb. ‘musk-scenited. -———-=— 1816... —— F.b. crimson: . 1820. 6.8. Fb. waved-leaved. ——-—— 1722. 5.9. G.b. © many-flowered, SierraLeon.1783. 5.9. S.b. Crinum. Hexandria Monogynia. L. © us long-flowered. W. Indies. 1816. 5.8, S.b. Amaryllis longifolia y longifiora. B.R. s Botan. regist. 172, Botan. magaz, 726, © 869, Herb. pe ay in 0 As eet £5 Jacq /ics2.t. 357. —— 2. t. 358. - ~ 22859, 67 ————— 2. t.356. - Botan, regist. 440. | Botan. magaz. 1383. — —~ 1363. Pr FIRE 7 } Bia ‘ic. t. 360. Jacq. schoens 1. 71. a none yes 1620. Bitar regis. 497. Botan. registi 954. Bot. ees 1619. - = Redout. lil. ti 370-372. | Botan. regist..192, 193. Botan. magaz. ‘ 257 8. Jacq. schoen. J t. 70. —-}. t. 68. Sea 1, t. 65. Botan. ee 1443 ailideam } Botan, regists139.: ce foonrry 68 Rrepaeee t39. °° Giewatie &4- —— Botan. regist. 567..." ; pie he tad ge oF ii Patterss iter. t 1. spit i? . Botan. Reneoreol moran anaes ar: EA a pte ag Botan, » ogist. 163. +990. —_— Bue Botan, in 1075: Botan» regist.. 181." Botan? magaz. 1705. lS DF st o Fe FAPCET Pay y th? Botan. magaz. 1. 1628. Jaoy seheemt aii U6, Botan. regist. 382, + Leribe ion Jacq. sehen Le mer of Pi bey - ‘Botan. magaz. 1315. ——— 1995:& 961. ~ Botan. regist. 303. a ee ee A MARYLLIDEZ. 405 2 aquaticum. H.A. — water. C. B.S. 1816. 5.8. G.b. Botan. magaz. 2352. ’ 3 revolutum. H.A. revolute. ky —— 1774. 9. Gb. Botan. regist, 623. Amuryllis revoluta, A.-B.R. * , A crassifolium. H.4. thick-leaved. ——_——_- - ——-_-— —— _ Gb. anes, 615. Amarylilis revoluta, B.-B.R. “een 5 riparium. H.A, bank. ———— 1816. 6.9. G.b. Botan. regist. 546. 6 capense. H.A. common Cape... —————._ 1752. 7.9. H.b. Botan. ene 661. ' Amaryliis longifolia. B.M. : , 7 flaccidum. H.A. flaccid. N.S. W. 1820. —— G.b. | -————~-—— 2133. Amaryllis australasica. B.R. 426: ab 480 s PER AVR TS 8 arenarium. B.M. sand, é N. Holland. 1818. 5.8. S.b. Botan. magaz. 2355. B blandum. - blush-flowered..» —————. - 1821. ——<')S.b. ——_— --— 9531, 9 confertum. B.M. crowded-fld. © ————~ . 1822.. 6.7. S.b. Botan. magaz. 2522. 10 angustifolium. B.P. rough-edged. . ————— 1823. —— S.b. . 11 Goweni. © Gowen’s hybrid. Hybrid. coos —— H.b. | Hort. trans.ic. | ~ 12 formosum.H.A... handsome. Brazil. 1820. +--+ §.b. Wen, 13. moluccanum. w.a. Molucca..© © Moluccas. 1819. .—— S.b. Botan. magaz. 2292. * 14 speciosum. H.A. specious, . _E. Indies. -——- —— S.b. —————~ 2917, 15 insigne. | noble. © —_—— —— 4.8. S.b.. Botan. regist. 579. ‘Amaryllis insignis. B.R. Id 16 latifolium. H.A. broad-leaved. ——— 1806. 7.9. S.b. © Rheed. mal. 11. t.39. 17: zeylanicum. H.A. Ceylon. Ceylon. 1771, 7.8. 8.b. Botan. magaz. 71. Amaryllis zeylanica. B.M. > Reet 18 scabrum. H.A. rough-leaved. §. America. 1810. 1.12. S.b. — Botan, magaz. 2180. 19 Careyanum. s.m. Dr. Carey’s. Mauritius. 1820, -—-—- S.b. ———-—— 2466. | _ 20 sobmersum.:p.m. lake. — « Brazil. 1823. °8.:10.S.b.0 ——++— 444) 2463. _ 21 giganteum. A.R. gigantic. . Sierra Leon. 1792. 7:8. S.b. Andr. reposit. 169. petiolatum: w.As Amaryllis gigantea. B.M. 993. wi i relaotd 22 distichum. H.A. distichous.: Sierra Leon. 1740. 6. 10. S.b Botan. magaz. 1258. . Amaryllis ornata. B.M. a ‘A atin . 23. yucceides, H.A. Yucca-flow’ vee ———_—_ — — S§.b. 2.9 esi § 24 Broussoneti. H.A. Broussonet’s.. - — — —— S.b. Botan. magaz. 2121. 25 macrocarpon. H.A. large-fruited. © Pegu.§ 1820. 6.8. S.b. gt BaP TAG 26 brevilimbum. H.A. short-limbed. Pacific Isl .—~— —— S.b. 27 sumatranum. K.R. Sumatra. Sumatra. 1810. —— S.b. 28 .sinicum. H.A.’ Chinese. .. China. 1819; >—--- S.b. 29 procerum. H.A. lofty. Pegu. 1820,. ——— S.b. 30: anomalum. Hea. _—piaited- awed China. ~ 1822, -+-+ S.b. 31 canaliculatum. x.R. channel-leaved. E.. Indies. 1810, 4. 8. .S.b. 32 exaltatum. H.A. high. © ———— 1820. — S.b. . Fi 33° pedunculatum. B.P. New Holland. N.S. W. 1790. —— G.b. Botan. regist. 52. 34 bracteatum:B.R. short-leaved. Mauritius. 1810. 6.8. 8.b. ———-—~— 179. » brevifolium.H. A. |B angustifolium. 4.4. narrow-leaved. = ———— . —— -—— S.b. ; . 35, asiaticum. K.R. ir ane ~ China. 1732. S.b. - Botan. magaz. 1073. . toxicarium. HLA, . iptek . eee 36 elegans. H.A. elegant. Pegu. 1820. 9.11. S.b. —— 2592. _ 37 verecundum, H.A. blush. E. Indies. — 6.9. S.b. _ 38 canalifolium. H.a. channelled. ——_—_—- —~— — S&.b. ; 8 39 Commelini. KR. Commelin’s. S. America. 1798. —— S.b. Jacq. scheen, 2. 't. 202. _ 40 lorifolium. K.R. lorate-leaved. E. Indies. . 1819. —— S.b. ‘Hie, 4) longifolium. K.r. long-leaved. ——_ 1810. — Sb. it ee 1 _ 42 mauritianum. B.m. Mauritius. ‘Manritius. 1816..—— S.b. Lodd. bot. cab. 650. | | 43 venustum, H.A. pretty. E. hea 1820. -'e+++ S.b. 44 multiflornm. pesf. many-flowered. ---+--- » 1822) 4.8. S.b. 45 ameenum. KR. delightful. E. Indies. 1810. ——- S.b.. 46 humile. B.mM. humble. pet ants tg1g,hoceslaSib: Botart. magaz, 2636. 47 americanum. w. . American. » 8, America. 1752. 7.8. S.b... —~~—~+— 1084, 48 strictum. Bem. upright. $e PS 20.2114.82- Sb, ——— 2635. 49 ensifolium. K.R. sword-leaved. E. Indies. = -———- -— S.b. ~——~——— 230], | 50 defixam. K.R. marsh. © ——— 1810. —— S.b. ». ——+-———_. 2208. | 5Lideclinatum. H.A. declined. ee =«1819.. ——~ S.b. eh 2ogr | §2 brachyandrum. K.R. short-anthered. N.Holland. ——-.'—— S.b. 53 augustum. K.R. august. Mauritius. “—- —— S.b. Botan. magaz. 2397, | 54 amabile. K.R. beautiful. -E. Indies. 1810. 1.12. S.b. — —~——— 1605, | 55 cruentum. BR. red-flowered. S. America. —— 6.8, S.b. © Botan. regist. 171, _ | 56 erubescens. x.R. — blush-coloured. =-———— 1789; —— S.b. Botan. magaz, 1232, | a rubrilimbum, H.A. red-limbed. ———_- — — S5.b. B major. H.A,. larger. —_——_— ——- —— Sb. y minor. H.A. smaller. ———- —— —— S§.b. 406 AMARYLLI DEX. 57 hybridum. p.m. —ihhybrid. ~ Hybrid. asee —— §.b. Botan. magaz. 2336. VALLOTA. H.A. VaALLoTA. Hexandria Monogynia. £0 ACTS aA purpurea. H.A. purple-stalked. C. B.S. 1774. 5.8. F.b.. oe aired Amaryllis purpurea. w. a major. larger. ——- — — F.b.. Botan. magaz. 1430. _ .B minor. lesser. . ——__- — _ »-— F.b. _ Botan. paeone 552. GASTRONEMA.H.A.Gastronema. Hexandria Monogynia. | , clavatum. H.A. clavate. C. B.S. 1816. 5.8. F.b. Botan. ‘magaz. 2291, Cyrtanthus uniflorus. B.R. 168. CYRTANTHUS W. CyrrantHus. Hexandria Monogynia. W. 1 obliquus. w. oblique-leaved. C. B.S. 1774.- 5.8. G.b. Botan. magaz. 1133. 2 striatus. B.M. striped. ———_ 1823. —— G.b. 2534. 3 spiralis. BR. | spiral-leaved. —————. 1790. —— G.b. Botan. regist. 167. — 4 collinus. B.R. hill, ——- 1816. —— Gb. ———— 162. 5 pallidus. B.m. pale-flowered. | —————. 1822. —— G.b. Botan. magaz. 2471. 6 ventricosus. w. bellied. ——— 1770. — G.b. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 76. 7 angustifolius. w. | marrow-leaved. -————— 1774. 5.6. G.b. Botan. magaz. 271. 8 odorus. B.R. sweet-scented. — 1818. 5.7. G.b. Botan. regist. 503. STENOMESSON.H.A.STENomeEsson. Hexandria Monogynia. Kaien 1 flavum. B.M. slender-tootli’d. Peru. 1823. 5.11. G.b. Botan. magaz. 2641. Chrysiphiala flava, B.R. 778. . . 2 curvidentatum. B.M.curve-toothed. ———— 1824. —— G.b. Botan magaz. 2640.’ 3 pauciflorum. few-flowered. ———— 1822. —— G.b. Hook. ex. flor. 132. Chrysiphiala pauciflora. H.E.F. . CHLIDANTHUS.H.A.CHLIDANTHUs. Hexandria Monogynia. © : . fragrans. H.A. yellow fragrant. S. America. 1821. 6.8, G.b. Botan. regist, 640. EUCROSIA.B.R. —= Evcrosta. Hexandria Monogynia. . bicolor. B.R. two-coloured. Cape Horn. 1816. 4.5. S.b.. Botan. regist. 207. CALOSTEMMA. B.P. CaLosremma. Hexandria Monogynia. . 1 luteum. B.R. yellow. N.Holland. 1819. 8,10. F.b. Botan. regist. 421. 2 purpureum. u.p. _ purple. —— ——- — Fb ——— 422. 3 album. B.P. white-flowered. ————— 1824. —— G.b. . EURYCLES. Sal. EuryciLes. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 nuda. naked stamen’d. E. Indies. 1822. 5.7. S.b. Crinum nervosum. H.B. 4 wi 2 alata. wing-stamen’d. N.Holland. 1821. —~ S.b. Botan. regist. 715. Pancratium australasicum. B.R. . . 3 coronata. — crowned. E. Indies. 1759. —— S.b. Botan. magaz. 1419. Pancratium amboinense. B.M. Proiphys amboinensis.. H.A. PANCRATIUM. W. Pancratium. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 speciosum. K.R. ___large-flowered. W. Indies. 1759. 5.9. S.b. | Botan. magaz. 1453. 2 ovatum. K.R. oval-leaved. ———- _ ---. —— S.b. Botan. regist. 43. 3 amcenum, K.R. handsome. Guiana. 1790. —— S.b. Botan. magaz. 1467. 4 fragrans. L.T. fragrant. W. Indies. ---- -—— S.b.. Lodd. bot. cab. 834. 5 guianense. B.R. Guiana. Guiana. 1818. —— S.b. Botan. regist. 265. 6 caribzum. K.R. Caribean. W. Indies. 1730. —— S.b. Botan. magaz. 826. 7 declinatum. 8.c. declining. Brazil. eoee —— §.b. Lodd. bot. cab. 558. 8 undulatum. K.R. wave-leaved. S. America. ---- —— §.b. ipenyi 9 expansum. B.M. expanded. W. Indies. 1818. —— S.b. | Botan. magaz. 1941. 10 pedale. B.c. foot-flowered. Brazil. 1815.. —— S.b. Lodd. bot. cab. 809. 11 patens. K.R. spreading. W.Indies. ---- —— §.b. Redont. lil. 6. t. 380. 12 littorale. K.R. sea side. S. America. 3758. —— S.b. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 75. 13 Dryandri. K.R. Dryander’s. ——— +++» —— §.b. . Botan. magaz. 825. 14 distichum. H.A. two-ranked. mel eee ace | 15 angustum. K.R. narrow-leaved. re sharers S.b. Botan. regist. 221. 16 crassifolium. H.A. thick-leaved. alasippteeeh Veo < se atkhes eee é; 17 acutifolium. acute-leaved. Mexico. 1824. —— G.b. Botan. regist. 940. mexicanum. B.R. nec aliorum. Hymenocallis litoralis, 6 acutifolia. B.M. 2621. 18 rotatum. KR. large-crowned. Carolina. 1803. 7.9. G.b. Botan. magaz. 827. 19 mexicanum. K-R. Mexican. Mexico. 1732. 8. G.b. Ker’s review. pl. 3. f.2. 20 carolinianum. K.R. Carolina. Carolina, 1759. 6.7. G.b. —————-—~— pl.3.f.l. 91 maritimum. K.R. seaDaffodil. S. Europe. 1597. 5.7. G.b. Botan. regist. 161. carolinianum. B.R. 927. nec aliorum. . 22 canariense. B.R. Canary. Canaries, 1815. 6.7. G.b. Botan. regist. 174. J% 23 illyricum. K.R. Illyrian. S. Europe. 1615. 5.6. G.b. Botan. magaz. 718. 24 verecundum. K.R. Narcissus-l4. E. Indies. 1776. 6.8. G.b. Botan. regist. 413. 25 zeylanicum. K.R. one-flowered. Ceylon. 1752. --—— S.b. Botan. magaz. 2538. ISMENE. Sal. 1 nutans. H.A. Pancratium calathinum. B.M. non R.L. 2 calathinum. H.A. 3 Amancaes. H.A. AMARYLLIDES. IsMENE. Hexandria Monogynia. nodding. ~ Brazil. cup-flowered. Narcissus-fid. - Peru. 1810. 1804. 6.8. S.b. Pancratium Amancaes. B.mM. Narcissus Amancaes. R.P. 3. t. 283. f. a. NARCISSUS. L. Narcissus. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 obvallaris. H.s.s. Sibthorp’s. S.Europe. -+-- 3.4. H.b. 2 bicolor. B.m. two-coloured. Spain. 1629. 4.5. H.b. Ajax lorifolius. 1.3.5. 3 tubzeflorus, s.p. tube-flowered. S. Europe. -+++ 3.5. H.b. Ajax bicolor. H.8.s. _ 4 moschatus. B.M. greater white. Spain. 1629. 4.. H.b. 5 albus. L.T. white flowered. ————— 1759. 3.4. H.b. moschatus, 6. B.M. Ajax albus. H.s.s. 6 abscissus. H.s.8. clipt trunk. vesece ce cede ee Hb. 7 major. B.M. large. Spain. 1629. —— H.b. 8 propinquus. s.P. great jagged. S, Europe. -++- —— H.b. major 3, B.M. Ajax propinquus. H.S.S. 9 Telamonius. u.s,s. Telamonian. cooe —— HD. 6 plenus. 4.8.5, double Daffodil. ++ —— Hb. Y grandiplenus.H.s.s. great double, cooe ——— HD. 10 nobilis. H.s.3. noble. ee +e —— Hb. 11 spurius. H.s.s. spurious, England. econ —— Hb. 12 serratus. H.s.s. serrate. —————- +e+s —— Hb. B suavis. H.s.s. sweet-scented. reve? a Hb. 13 Pseudo-Narcissus. Daffodil. ————— +++- 3.4. Hib. B scoticus, H.s.8- Scotch Daffodil. Scotland. «+++ -—— H.b. 'y plenus. H.S.S8. double French. veeeree ° «2 =——— H.b. 6 plenissimus. H.8.8. rosedouble. ~ = se-++0es coo —— Hb. 14 pumilus. s.p. small wedge-fid, S. Europes ecee 3. HD. Ajax cuneiflorus. H.S.8. 15 minor. B.M. small. Spain. 1629. 3.5. H.b. 16 Macleaii. B.m. Macleay’s. Levant. seer 4.5. Hb. '17 Sabini. B.r. Sabine’s. ———_——— _ --+- —— Hb. 18 tenuifolius, L.T. slender-leaved. Biscay. 1760. 3.4. H.b. 19 lobulatus. H.s.s. lobed. seeeseee cone ——— Hb. 20 obesus, s.P. inflated. Portugal. 1796. —— H.b. 21 albicans. H.s.s, Trompet Marin. -------- 1629. —— H.b. 22 Bulbocodium. w. hoop petticoat. S. Europe. —— -—— H.b. Corbularia Bulbocodium., n.s.s. 23 aurantius. H.s.s. orange rimmed. — — Hob. Queltia aurantia. H.s.s. B luteo-aurantius. Butter andeggs. ————- -—— —— H.b. 24 incomparabilis. B.m.peerless. Portugal. —— 4.5. H.b. 25 sulphureus. self coloured peerless. «+++ 1629. 4.5. H.b. ' Queltia concolor. H.8.8. B plenus. double orange crown, +++» —— —— H.b. 26 semipartitus. H.s.s. cloven-cupped. -++++--- 1818. 3.4. H.b. 27 Queltia. peerless white. -«--++.-- —— 4, Hb. Queltia alba. 4.3.8. j B niveo-aurantius. Orange Phoenix, -s+++-20 +++ ——= Hb. 28 montanus. B.R. mountain. Pyrenees. 1620. —— H.b. 29 galanthifolius. H.s. Snowdrop-ld. ————._ 11720. ‘5. H.b. 30 capax. H.S.s. capacious. teeeeees veee —— Hib, - calathinus. R.L. Queltia capax. H.8.8. va 31 orientalis. L. oriental. Levant. 1778. 4.5. H.b. incomparabilis. 8. B.M. Schisanthes orientalis. 1.8.8. 32 cernuus. s.P. drooping. Portugal. 1620. 4. H.b. triandrus. B.M. non L. Ganymedes cernuus. H.S.8. ochroleucus. H.R. 33 triandrus. L white drooping. S. Europe. 1629. —— H.b. Ganymedes albus. H.R. 34 nutans. H.s.s. yellow cupped. 1789. 3.5. H.b. trilobus. B.M. Ganymedes nutans. H.S.3. 35 concolor, H.s.s. self-coloured. 1626. 4. H.b. 36 striatulus. H.s.s. faint-striped. soos —— Hb. 37 pulchellus. H.s.s. white-cupped. 1620. —— H.b. 38 rugulosus. H.s.s. wrinkle-cupp’d. vase —— Hib 39 odorns, L. starry-flower’d. Corsica. 1720. 3. Hb. calathinus. a. B.M. Phylogyne odora. 3.8. 407 Botan. magaz, 1561. Botan: regist. 215. Botan. magaz, 1224: Bot. mag. 1301. f. inf, 1187. Botan. magaz. 924. — 1300. Park. patad. t.107. f.1. Botan, magaz. 51. ———— 1301. f. sup. Park. parad. t.101, f.7, Eng. bot. t. 17. Park. parad. t. 101.f.9, t.101. f. 6. Besl. eyst. 8. fol. 5. f.4. ee Botan. magaz. 6. —— 2588. Botan. regist. 762. Swt. br. fl. gar. 114. Lobel. advers. 462, ic, Botan. magaz. 88. Park. parad. t.71. f. 2. Botan. magaz. 121. Botan. regist. 123. Park. parad. 73. Redout. lil. 177, Botan. magaz, 948, Botan. magaz. 48. Park. parad. t. 93. f. 2. Botan. magaz. 945. Botan, magaz. 934. 408 | | AMARYLLIDE As, 40 interjectus. H.s.s. great curled cup. --+-+ee* «2+ 4, —_H.b. 41 trilobus. Lt. |. three-lobed. Spain. § 1629. 3. © H.b. odorus, B.M. Phylogyne triloba, 1.8.8. calathina. sal. hae ies 42 heminalis. H.8.s. lesser curled cup. ----:- «roe 4. Hb. 43, Jonquilla. B.m. Jonquil. Spain. 1596. 4.5. H.b. B plenus. double Jonquil, —————_ +++: .—— H. - 44 similis. H.s.s. lesser Jonquil. --++---- 1626. —-~ H 45 bifrons. p.m. double-faced. cseereae 1807. 4. | Hob. 46 compressus. L.T. Jasmine Jonquil. ---«---- 1790. .3.4. H 47 primulinus. H.s. Cowslip-cupp’d. -+.+++-. ——— —— Hib. bifrons. B. B.M. Hermione primulina. 4.8.8. a 48 tereticaulis. L.r. | cream-colour’d. Levant. -+-- 4 H.b. 49 citrinus.H.s.s. | —- Citroniere. ————_-+-> -—— H.b. orientalis. y. B.M. Hea >. re 50 floribundus. H.s.s. grand monarque. ————-_ --.»- —— H.b, 51 Trewianus. B.mM. Bazelmanmajor.————- ---- -—— H.b. | Hermione grandiflora. H.5.s. . 52, crenulatus, Hs. Bazelman minor. —-———_ ++-- -—— H.b. 53 Tazetta. L. French Daffodil. ————— 1626. --—— H.b. 54 fistulosus. H.s. pipe-stemmed. ———— -++-+ -—— Hib 55 cerinus. H.s. . Waxencnpped. ———— _ :-:-,. 5.. ..HiD. 56 Luna. H.s.s. broad white. ete” ae ED 57 papyratius.B.M. paper white. Italy. _ceee 2.3. Fb. unicolor, T.N. Hermione papyratia. H.8.8- ecto 58 italicus. B.M. Italian. ————— eee mee FD, precox, T.N. Hermione italica. H.S.8, i semiplenus. semidouble. ———— +++ 3, F.b. plenus. ‘ double Roman. = ———— +se- —— Fb. 59 gracilis. B.R. slender. sececees seoee 4 Hb, 60 tenuior. B.M. slender 2-flow’r’d. Italy. 1626. —— H.b. 61 latifolius. H.s.s. broad-ld,orange. Levant. sees 4.5. Hb. 62 multiflorus. H.s.s. commonyellow. ——-——- -:-- —— H.b. Tazetia. B.M. non L. a aurantius. great orange. ee EN ary i Se B aureus. golden, ——— --s> — H. 63 obsoletus. H.s.s. leafy autumnal. Spain. 1629. 9.10. H. 64 viridiflorus. B.m. green-flower’d. Barbary. 1620. —— F, Chloraster fissus. HP. 65 poeticus, L. -; Poet's. Greece. — 4. F.b, 66 angustifolius.B.m. uarrow-leaved, Switzerland.1626. —— H 67 majalis. B.M. May-flowering. England? +++. 5 Hb. poeticus. E.B. non L. patellaris. s.P. 6B exsertus. H.s.s. long-stamen’d. ———- «+++ —— H. Y plenus. H.S.S. double-flowered. ————— _*+++ -—— Hb. 68 biflorus. B.m. two-flowered. ——— -«++ 4.5. H. GALANTHUS. L. Snowprop. | HexandriaMonogynia. L. 1 nivalis. w. common, Britain. soos 1.3. HD. 2 plicatus. B.R. plaited. - S. Europe. 1818. 2.4. H.b LEUCOJUM. L. SNOWFLAKE. MHexandria Monogynia.L. — 1 vernum. w. spring. Germany. 1596. 2.4. H.b. 8B carpathicum. Carpathian, Carp. mount.1816. —-- H.b.~ 2 estivum. w. summer. England. wees 4,5. Hb. 3 pulchellum. P.L. neat. — rs —— 2D. 4 trichophyllum, p.s. winter. Barbary. 1812. 1.2. F.b.. 5 autumnale. w. autumnal. Portugal. 1629. 9. F.b. GETHYLLIS. L. GETHYLLIS. Hexandria Monogynia. L, zi 1 spiralis. w. spiral-leaved. C.B.S. 1780. _6.7. G.b. 2 ciliaris. w. fringed. ————. 1788. —-— G.b. 3 villosa. w. hairy. ——— 1787. -—— G.b. 4 lanceolata. W. | spear-leaved. — 1790.. —— G.b. ALSTRGMERIA. W. Atstra@meErRIA. Hexandria Monogynia, L. | 1 Ligtu. w. striped-flow’r’d. Lima. 1776. 2.4. S.¥ 2 Pelegrina. w. spotted flower’d.Peru. 1753. 6.9. F.y. 3 Simsii. s.s. red-flowered. Chili. 1822. . -——._ Fees pulchella, B.M. & H.E.F. 64. Non Le ine 4 Hookeri. rose-coloured. ————- —— —— F.}. rosea. H.E.F. non R.P. . 5 Flos Martini. B.R. St. Martin’s. vulchra, B.M. 24216 tricolor. H.EvF. 65. (ptt iytols. ow 7a 4 Pape Ps ew 7 Pe, On at id Z id TSSooo Toy. SO SS SS SoS > os Wh cal | Saeed 1% il -. ~ ~ 32 AWAY a! ., Botan. magaz, 78, | ia beds 5 et ay es Park, parad, t, 93, f.4. Botan. magaz,15, . ea eS he | Botan, magaz. 1186. Botan. magaz. 1299. Botan. magaz. 1298? Te salons Botan. magaz. 940. . Park. parad. t. 81. £5. >» 7° * Botan. magaz. 947. . swam vib « Botan. regist. 816, Botan. magaz. 379. Botan, magaz, 925. = Botan. magaz. 1026. Park. parad, t. 89. f.4. Botan. magaz. 1687... Park. patad. £.75. £3. Botan. magaz. 193... ~ Eng. bot. 275,” Park. parad. t. 75, f.1. "Eng. bot, 276. Eng. bot. 19. S Botan. regist. 545. Botan, magaz. 46, _ —- — — 1210. Sal. par. lond, 21. Botan. regist.544. Botan, magaz. 960. — Botan. magaz. 1088. Jacq. 'scheen. 1. t.79. HIF 39 w Botan. magaz. 125. ~ Botan. magaz. 139. _ — — ‘2353. ; - Hork. ex. flor. 181. _ Botan. regist. 731. 3 ahh) SOS +. te 6 ovata. sis. ":, oval-leaved, Mexico. 1824. «+-- F.2.—. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 76. 7 Salsilla.w. climbing. S.America. 1806. 6,7. S.J... Botan. magaz. 1613. edulis, A.R. 649. 8 hirtella. x.s. hairy. Mexico. 1824. ---- S.Yw. ~DORYANTHES. B.P. DoryanTHEs. eae, Monogynia. S.S.. excelsa. B.P. gigantic. N.S.W. 1800. 7.10.G.h. Botan. magaz. 1685. _ ORDO CLXXXII. HEMEROCALLIDEE. Brown prodr.1. p. 295. ees. S.S.Day Liny. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 graminea. B.M. narrow-leaved. Siberia. 1759. 6.7. H.y%. Botan. magaz. 873. 2 flava. B.M. yellow. ——- 1596. ——- H.%. ———-—-_ 19. 3 disticha. B.F.c. fan-like. China. 1798. 5.7. H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 28. 4 fulva. B.m. copper-colour’d. Levant. 1596. 6.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 64. FUNKIA.S.S. Funxia. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 alba. white-flower’d. Japan. 1790. 8.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1433. subcordata. s.s. Hemerocallis japonica. B.M. alba. A.R. 75. 2 cerulea. blue-flowered. ——- ——~ 6.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 894. ovata. s.s. Hemerocallis cerulea. B.M. : AGAPANTHUS.W. ArricanLity. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 umbellatus. w. large-flowered. C. B.S. 1692. 8.2. G.%. Botan. magaz. 500. 8 vuriegatus. striped-leaved. ———_ _ «+e —— G.I 2 precox. w.en. - early-flowering, ————-__++-- 1.4. G.2. . 8 minor. B.c. small, —— ++++ —— G.¥. Lodd. bot. cab. 42. ~POLIANTHES. L. PoniantTueEs. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 gracilis. L.en. slender. Brazil. 1822. 8.10. S.2. 2 tuberosa. w. common. E.Indies. 1629. —— S.¥%. Botan. regist. 63. B fore pleno. double-flowered. -———- —— —— S.2%. BLANDFORDIA. B.P. BLanpForpia. Hexandria ponent: S.S. 1 nobilis. g.p. noble. N.S. W. 1803. 7.8. G.Y%. Botan. regist. 286. 2 grandiflora. B.p. large-flowered: ————— 1812. —— G.Y%. M———-—— Ill. TRITOMA. B.M. Tritoma. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 Uvaria. H.K. great. C, B.S. 1707. 8.9. H.%. Botan. magaz. 758. | 2 media. H.K. lesser. ———_ 1789. 12.6. H.%. ————— 744. 3 pumila, w.K. least. ——_ 1774. 9.11. F.y%. ————— 764. | VELTHEIMIA. B.M. Veritrueimra. Hexandria Monogynia. W. 1 viridifolia. w. green-leaved. C.B.S. 1768. 11.4. G.b. Botan. magaz. 501. Aleiris capensis. B.M. 2 intermedia. subglaucous. —— 1819. —— G.b. 3 glauca. w. glaucous. — 1781. 1.4. G.b. Botan. magaz. 1091. _ALETRIS, w. Coxic-root. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 farinosa. w. common. N.America.1768. 6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1418. 2 aurea. ph. goldentipped. —-—— 1811. 7.8. H.%. Willd. hort. ber. 8. SANSEVIERA. W. SaAnsEVIERA. Hexandria Monogynia. W. 1 glauca. H.s. glaucous. Sierra Leon. +++» -+-» S.2%}. om 2 polyphylla. Hs. upright-glaucous. — seee eee S27. i. 3 guineensis. H.s. Guinea. Guinea. 1690. 6.11. S.%. Botan. m - 1180. 4 letevirens. H.s. ~ light green. eeeeecee veee see S§.2. 5 longifiora., p.m. long-flowered. -s--+-e- seee 7.8. S.%. Botan. magaz. 2634. 6 spicata. Hs. spiked. By Coa Ba! Shey meee et og Cavan. Ic. 3. t. 246. 7 fulvocincta. u.s.s.° brown-edged. Brazil. 1818. S.%. ; 8 zeylanica. H.s. Ceylon. Ceylon. 1731. 6.11. S.4%. Botan. regist. 160. 9 lanuginosa. w. woolly. E. Indies. ---- —— S.Y%. Rheed, mal. 11. t. 42. 10 ensifolia. H.s. sword-leaved. ——— ---- cer- S.%, il grandicuspis, H.s. large-pointed. ------- MP aye eae Ae 2: 12 pumila. n.s. dwarf, Cc. B.S. 1796. -«+-- S.%. 13 stenophylla. Len. slender-leaved. ------ «+ 1818, +--+ S.%. ; 14 carnea. A.R. _ flesh-coloured. China. 1792. 4.10. H.%. Andr. reposit. 361. TULBAGIA.W. — Touxsacria. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 alliacea, w. Narcissus-ld. C.B.S. 1774. 5.7. G.y%,. Botan. magaz. 806. 2 affinis. L.en. linear-leaved. ——-—— 1820. G.%. 3 cepacea. w. -Onion-scented. ——-—— 1795. 4. G.. w Q: hae AMARYLLIDEZ. 409 1 + ‘ al 410 HEMEROCALLIDES, BRODIZEA, L.T. BropDi#a. Triandria Monogynia. LT. : 1 grandiflora, u.r. —_ large-flowered. Georgia. 1806. 6. Gb. Sal. par. lond. t. 98. ‘Hookera coronaria. Pu. mire ; ry 2 congesta. L.T. close-headed. — — 5. Gb. Linn. trans. v.10. tl. ) 3 ixioides. B.m. ._ Ixia-like. Chili. 1821. 7. H.b. Botan. magaz. 2382. PACHIDENDRON. H.R. PacntpeNnpDRON. Hexandria Monogynia. H.R. 1 africanum. H.R. African. C.B.S. 1731. 7. a latum. H.R. _ broad-leaved. —_— — — D.G.h. B angustum. H.R. narrow-leaved. ————- —— -—— D,G.h. Botan, magaz. 2517. Aloe pseudo-africana. L.en. Aloe africana. 2. angustior. B.M. 2 principis. H.R. revolving red-spin’d. - reese cere D.G.B. 3 angustifolium. H.R. narrow-leaved. -—————- 1812. «+++ D.G.h. 4 ferox. H.R. doy Band atest ———.. 1759. 4, 5. D.G. R: Botan. magaz. 1975. Aloe ferox, B.M. J 5 pseudo-ferox. H.R. false hedgehog. ————— sees ate es 5 G. h. Comm. provlud. t. 20.. 6 supraleve. H.R. upright hedgehog. 1731. «++. D.G.h. ALOE. H.R. Aor. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 dichotoma. H.s. smooth-stem’d, C. B.S. 1780. -- D.G.h. 2 purpurascens. H.s. purple. 1789. 7. 0. D.G.h. Patan. magaz. 1474. 3 soccotrina. H.s. soccotrine. | ———— 1731. 4. 6. D.Goh. —~—— ——"" 472. A spicata. H.R. white spotted. ~-——— 1795. -~—— D.G.h. 5 pluridens. H.p. many-toothed. ———— 1822. -+-- D.G.h. 6 arborescens. H.s. ‘tree. —-—— 1731. 11.3. D.G.h. Botan, magaz. 1306. 7 gracilis. H.P. slender-stalk’d: -~—-——- 1822. «--- D.G.h. 8 flavispina: H.s. © yellow-spined. ———— 1790. 8. D.G.h. 9 mitreformis. H.s. mitre. ——- 1732. —— D.G.h. Botan. magaz. 1270. 10 nobilis. H.s. great mitre. ——_—- 1800. 7.8. D.G.h.- “% 11 Commelini.u.r. | Commeline’s. ——- 1813. ---- D.G.h. B mitreformis. H.R. yellowish-tooth’d. —————- +e++ +++ D.G.h. 12 distans. u.s. . small mitre. ———- 1732. 8 - D.Gh. Bota magaz, 1362. y depressa. H.R. depressed. ——- e+e —— D.G.h. 13 xanthacantha. H.s.s. yellow mitre. 1817. ---> D.G.h. 14 vulgaris. pe. yellow- flow’r’d. Ww. Indies. 1596. 8 D.S.h. DC. plant. gras. or. barbadensis. H.s. se tel . 15 chinensis. H.s.s. Chinese. China. 1817, +-++ D.G.b. 16 cesia. H.8.s. cesioustree. C. B.S. 1818. +e. D.G.k. B elatior. 1.8.8. i | Ait o_o ee DIG... 17 frutescens. H.s.s. ‘lesser tree. ae ah ove a ere 18 albispina. u.s. white-spined. ————— 1796. ---» D.G.h. 19 glauca. H.8. glaucous red-spin’d. 1731. 1.9. D.G.h. @ major. H.S. larger. ° eas B rhodocantha. B.M. lesser red-spined. —————- ——- —— D.G.h. uae magaz. 1278. Y spinosior. H.R. long’-spined. ———-_ 1820. +++» D.G.h. " 20 lineata. H.s. striped red-spined. 1789.. se. D.G.h. a viridis. H.R. greenest-leaved. ————- -—— +--+ D.G.h. B glaucescens. H.R. glaucescent. sommumaieaennniiiibermrmdk ace c=). ok : jae 21 depressa. H.s. depressed. ———- 1731. 8 D.G.h. Botan. magaz. 1332, 22 brevifolia. H.s. short-leaved. ——-—— ~—— 6.8. D.G.}. Botan. regist. 996. 23 prolifera. H.R. proliferous. —— 1818. —— D.G.h. 24 serra. pc. saw-leaved. © ———- —— «e323» D.G.h. Jacq. eclog. ic. 25 striata. H.s. streaked. ——- 1795. ---- D.G.h. 26 striatula. H.P. stripe-sheath’d. ——-——_ 1820. ---- D.G.h. 27 clings i. - fringe-leaved. ——-—— ——~ «++. D.G.h. 28 tenuior. u.P. ° green-sheathed. ——-——._ 1819. ---- D.G.h. 29 albocincta. H.s.s. pearl edged. a————— 1812, *s*s' D.G.R. - ; 30 serrulata. H.S. serrulated.: —--— 1789. 7.8. D.G.h. Botan. magaz. 1415. 31 obscura. H.s. great soap. ——-— 1727. 6.10.D.G.h. ——-———— 13823. picta, a. B.M. bast B glaucior. H.R. glaucous-leaved." ~—-——-_ 1819. —— y magnidens. H.R. large-toothed. ———- os —— D.G.h. 32 pallescens. H.R. pale serrulate. ————— 1820. —— D.G.h. 33 latifolia. H.8. broad-leaved. -——-— 1795. 7.8. D.G.h. Botan. magaz. 1346. 34 saponaria. H.S. common soap. = ——-—— 1727. —— D.G.h.————— 1460. B luteo-striata. H.R. yellow striped. —— 1821. —— D.G.h. 35 microcantha. H.s.s. small-spined. toma os 11819.) Botan. magaz. 2272. 36 virens. H.S. apple green. — -— 1790. 8.9. D.G.&%. —————— 13855. 37 suberecta. H.S. lesser hedgehog. ——— 1789. 3.6. D.G.%. ' B semiguttata. H.R. half-warted. ——— 1819. —— D.G.2. 38 acuminata. H.S. middle hedgehog. ——— 1795. —— D.G.2. Botan. magaz. 757. humilis. B.M. non HS. ae © 2 ee ae ee ee HEMEROCALLIDEZ. 411 39 echinata. H.R. greattubercled. C.B.8. | 1821. 3.6. D.G.%. & 40 tuberculata. w.s. —_‘ tubercled. —-—— 1796. —— D.G.y. 41 aristata. H.P. bearded many-14, — 1819. —— D.G.%. 42 subtuberculata. H.p. rough & smooth, —~——-~ —— —— D.G.x. 43 humilis, u.s. dwarfhedgehog. ——-——- 1731. —— D.G.2. DC. plant. gras. 39. 44 incurva. H.s. incurved manent -——— 1796. —— D.G.%. Botan, magaz. $28. - humilis @ incurva, B.M. 45 tenuifolia, u.r. thin-leaved. —-—-— 1821. —~ D.G.2. 46 variegata. H.s. partfidge-breast. ——-—— 1720. 3.12. D.G.%. Botan. magaz. 513. RHIPIDODENDRON.W. RHIPIDODENDRON. Hexandria Monogynia. plicatile. H.R. fan. Africa, 1723. 6.7. D.G.h. Botan. magaz. 457. distichum. w. Aloe plicatilis. B.m. . elas B major, H.R. larger fan. —— 1820. —— D.G.h. _GASTERIA. H.S. ToNnGur- Ator. Hexandria eee H.S. 1 obliqua. H.s. -broad-marbled. C. B.S. 1759. 6.8. D.G.h. Botan. magaz,. 979. Aloe lingua. a, B.M. 2 puichra. H.s. narrow-marbl’d, ——-—- ——~ 7.8. D.G.%. Botan. magaz. 765. Aloe maculata. BLM. | 4 3 acinacifolia. H.R. long sword-l4. ——-——~ 1818. —— D.G.2%. Botan. magaz. 2369. © 4 nigricans. H.s. dark-leaved. —— 1790. 6.7. D.G.Y%, ————— 838. B crassifolia. H.R. _ thick-leaved. —-— 1820. —— D.G.y. y fasciuta. H.R. fasciated. —-—_ —_ —_- D.G.%. 3 marmorata. H.R. marbled. ——_ — _ — DG.xy. 5 mollis. H.R. soft muddy 14. —-—— 1819. ---- D.G.%. 6 candicans. H.R. rough marbled white. —— 1818. 7.8. D.G.%. yn, Oe 7 nitida. B.M. shining. —— 1820. —— D.G.2. Botan. magaz. 2304, a parvipunctata, H.R. small dotted, | — — D.G.%. : B grandipunctata.H.R. large-dotted. —_—_- — — D.G.%. 8 trigona. H.R. _ trigonal. —_- — ——- D.G.%. a elongata. H.R. elongated. —__ — — D.G.,. B obtusa. H.R. blunt. —_——_- ——-_ — D.G.. 9 glabra. u.s. smooth-keeled. -————— 1796. 6.7. D.G.%. 8B minor. H.R. smaller, —— 1820. ——~- D.G.x. 10 subcarinata. u.s.s. partly keeled. ———- —— -—— D.G.%. B striata. H.R. striated, ———————~- — — D.G.xy. ‘11 carinata. H.s, rough keeled. ————— 1731. —— D.G.%. Botan, magaz. 1331. - 12 latifolia. mus. acute tongue. ————— veers 3,11.D.G.2%. | B multifaria. H.s. — multifarious. Se as ares heehee 13 denticulata. a.s.s. denticulated. ——— _ 1818. 6.7. D.G.y. +14 ensifolia. H.P. ‘ long sword-l4. ———— 1820. ---- D.G.%. 15 angulata. H.s. retuse. 1791. 3.11 D.G.y. 16 angustifolia. H.s. narrow. 1731. -—— D.G.x. B levis. H.R. smooth. 1820. —— D.G.2. 17 longifolia. H.s. long-leaved. 1796. —— D.G.2. 18 conspureata. H.R. — dirtied. —- — D.G.x. 19 obtusifolia. H.R. blunt-leaved. —— sees D.G.y. 20 excavata. L.en. excavated. 1824, +... D.G.x. | 21 pseudo- angulata.L.en. false-angled. —- «+-- D.G.Y, 22 pseudo-nigricans.H.R.blackish. — 1820. ---- D.G.y, B glabra, smooth. —_—_- ——._-:»- D.G.. 23 subverrucosa.L.en. large-warted. ——-—— _- —— _ +--+. D.G.2. a grandipunctata.u.R.large-dotted. —— --- D.G.2. eS . B parvipunctata. H.R. small-dotted. — ——- Ss —— see DOG. J , | 24 brevifolia. H.s. short-leaved. 1809. 7.8. D.G.%. | 25 intermedia. u.s. intermediate. ——_—— _ 1790. 3.11. D.G.%. 4 - Basperrima. H.R. ~~ rough-leaved. — 1820. —— D.G.2z. 4 26 repens. H.R. creeping-rootd. ————- —— ---- D.G.7. | 27 verrucosa. H.S, pearl. ——-— 1731. 3.11.D.G.y%. Botan, magaz. 837. . 6 latifolia. H.R. broad-leaved. ——- 1820. —— D.G.2z. )BOWIEA. H.P. Bowied. Hexandria Monogynia. africana. H.P. African. C.B 1820. 4.10.D.G.%. HAWORTHIA.H.S.S. Hawortnia. MHexandria Monogynia. H.S. | 1 viscosa. H.s. clammy. C.B.S. 1732. 5.7. D.G.y. Botan. magaz. 814, _ Aloe viscosa.. B.M. 2 aspera. H.S. rough triangular. - 1795. —— D.G.y%. | 3 indurata. u.r. hard branchy. 1819. —— D.G.2z. | 4 pseudo-tortuosa.H. s.8. twisted triangular. ——- 1818. «2+ D,G.2%. | 5 concinna. H.s.s. neat triangular. e200) DG. | 6 cordifolia, u.s.s. ‘heart-leaved. —-—- —— 5.7. D.G.%. 3G 2 1 1 412 _ HEMEROCALLIDEA:. 7 asperiusculas 4.8.8. roughish, Cc. B.S. 8 tortuosa. H.S8. twisted. _ Aloe rigida. B.M. non DC. B curta. H.R. short twisted. y tortella. H.R. lesser twisted. pe a oe 9 expansa. H.s. spreading-ld. ——<— Aloe rigida. DC. 10 hybrida. H.R. bastard pearl. ———— 11 seabra. H.R. rugged. —— 12 sordida. H.R. sordid. Sa 13 recurva. H.R. recurved. . ot 14 nigricans. H.P. granulated black, ——_—-_ 15 parva. H.P. dwarf, —_ — 16 tessellata. H.P. dark chequer’d. —— 17 asperula. H.P. pale rough. io ee 18 multifaria. H.P. many-leaved. §.—H—— 19 retusa. H.s. smooth cushion. ———— Aloe retusa. B.M. 20 mutica. H.R. blunt cushion. ——— 21 mirabilis. H.s.s. rough cushion. = —-— 22 turgida. H.s.s. turgid cushion. ———~— 23 lete-virens. H.s.8. light-green. Sion Moar 24 papillosa. H.s.s. papillose. B semipapillosa. H.R. partly warted. Sess ce 25 erecta. H.R. upright pearl. margaritifera. DC. 26 fasciata. H.S.s. barred pearl. ee 8 major. H.R. larger. —— 27 granata. H.S.s. small pearl. ae ee Aloe margaritiferu. y. minima. Dill. 28 brevis. H.s.s. - short-leaved. © -———— Aloe margaritifera. y. minima. B.M. 29 minor. H.s. lesser pearl. ee 30 margaritifera. H.s.s. pearl. ——- 31 semiglabrata. u.s.s. half-smoothed. ———— 32 radula. H.s. raspy pearl. ——— 33 attenuata. HS. chalky pearl. ee Aloe radula. B.M. non Jacq. 34 Reinwardti. H.R. chequer’d-pearl, ——-—— 35 semimargaritifera. semi-pearly, - -———— a maxima. H.8.8. largest. —— B major. H.s.8. large. ——_——— Y minor. H.S.S. smaller. 3 multiperlata, many pearled. we 36 coarctata. H.P. upright dull-spotted. —— 37 albicans. H.s. white-edged. ——— 38 levis. H.R. narrow-border’d, ——-—— 39 ramifera. H.R. branching white. 40 virescens. H.R. bordered green. 8B minor. H.R. lesser. we 41 arachnoides. H.s. cobweb. oe anslr ncens. H.s.s. transparent. —— Aloé arachnoides 8 translucens. B.M. 43 setata. H.S.s. bristle edged. ———— B nigricans. H.R. blackish. —_—- 7 media. H.R. middle. -——- 3 major. H.R. larger. ed 44 pallida. H.R. pale green. ——— 45 atrovirens. H.R. dark green. — Aloe atrovirens. D.C. arachnoides pumila, B.M. 46 chlorocantha. H.r. green-toothed. 47 angustifolia.u.p. slender-leaved. 48 reticulata. H.s. netted. Alse arachnoides y reticulata. B.M. 49 cymbiformis. n.s. boat-leaved. —_— concava. H.R. 50 altilinea. H.P. ridge-lined. eee 51 obtusa. H.P. small blunt-[4, ——— 52 planifolia. HP. flat-oval-I¢. oe 1818. 1794. 1817. 1795. 1821. 1818. 1795. 1820. 1822. eee 1720. 1819. 1795. 1818. Ts ae ie TVS aes . : Botan. magea. 1837) i OO co 5. 9, Se RRR PREREF PRERPER REPRE EERE PHRERE F FRE RISRERE RPRERPPPRRRE RRR EF DC. plant. gras. 62. b ess oS POA AMBAMHAGH DAPHHODAARS Botan. ake 1353. ° s e. ° e e e oO e e beyeyyY e e Botan. magaz. 455. - Botan. intiow? vg te boseeuy : DC. plant. — 57. [| boU Dill. elth. t. 16. f. 18. | ‘ Botan. magaz. 1360. - Botan. magaz. 815. . Bradl. auce. 3. t. 21.5 - Q Q2OOD . Jacq. shone t. 35. . Botan. magaz. 1345. Comm. hort. 2. t. 10. eC peed yeburobeEs sees DAADDADDAWOAV © — = . Botan. magaz. 1452. Comm. hort. 2. t. ite Bear Mie 2) 2 Botan. magaz. 756. aie AIT. AAAMAQ bey sesEEd . " Botant magaz. 1361. : bi AO M. Mo ° Ill Botan. magaz. 1314. -4. Botan. magaz. 802. eEBE! Q ao FEL HEMEROCALLIDE. 413 53 mucronata. H.R. tmembrane-point’d. C.B.S. 1818 6.8. D.G.y%. 54 limpida. H.R. limpid. ——_ ——-_ — D.G.x. * 55 aristata. HiR. pin-pointed. — D.G.%. 56 cuspidata. H.R. sharp-pointed. — — D.G.»z. 57 denticulata. o.R. pale pin-point'd. ————~ -—- -—— D.G.z. 5 APICRA. H.S.S. Apicra. Hexandria Monogynia. H.S.S. | 1 spiralis. H.s.s. great spiral. C.B.S. 1790. 8.9. D.G.h. 2 spirella. H.s.s. small spiral. —— 1808. — D.G.h. 3 buillulata. u.s.s. blistered. 1818. —— D.G.h. Jacq. frag. t. 109. 4 pentagona. H.s.s.__five sided. 1731. 6.8. D.G.h. Botan. magaz. 1338. 6 torta. H.s.s. twisted. coos —— D.G.D. 5 rigida. w. gunpowdered. ——-—— 1818. —-- D.G.h. Jacq. fragm. t. 108. pseudo-rigida. H.8.S. 6 aspera. H.S.S. rough triangled.. ——-—~- —— -—— D.G.h. a minor. H.S.S. lesser. — — DG.h. 8B major. H.S.S. larger. 1795. —— D.G.h. 7 bicarinata. H.s.s. double-keeled. 1819. ——~ D.G.h. 8 nigra. H.P. rough black. —-—— 1820. 5.8. D.G.h. 9 in Sricata. H.R. rough-flowered. ——-——- 1731. 6.7. D.G.h. Botan. magat. 1455. Aloe spiralis. B.M. non ¥.s. 10 foliolosa, H.P. —— 1795. 6.8. D.S.h. Botan. magaz, 1352. many small-i4, ORDO CLXXXIL. DIOSCOREZE. Brown prodr.\. p. 294. ; pred | RAJANIA. Dicecia Hexandria. L. -RAJANIA. W. 1 hastata. w. halberd-leaved. W. Indies, 1822. 7.8. S.%.~. Plum. amer. 84. t. 98. 2 cordata. w. heart-leaved. — ——_ ‘1786. -—— S.%.~. Plum. ic. 155. f.1. 3 quinquefolia. w. _five-leaved. ——_ 1820. — Sn. 155. f.2. Corgi ier soptceet Ww. Yam. Dicecia Hexandria. L. 1 pentaphylla. w. five-leaved. E. Indies. 1768. «+++ S.%.~. Rheed. mal. 7. t. 35. 2 triphylla. w. three-leaved. ——- 1818. ---- SS... Jacq. ic. t. 627. 3. quinqueloba. w five-lobed. Japan. 1822. 7.9. G.4.—. Kempf. ic. t.15. A brasiliensis. w. Brazilian. Brazil. 1818. —— S.%~. 5 heterophylla. H.B. . various-leaved, E. Indies. —— +--+ S.%.~. 6 aculeata. w. prickly-stem’d. —— 1803. 7.9. S.%.~. Rheed. mal.7. t.37. 7 rubella. 4.38. reddish, ——_— ——— ——- Se. 8 purpurea. H.B. purple. ——- 1816. — S..r. 9 nummularia. w. Money-wort, ——— 1820, «+--+ S,4%.~. Rumph. amb.5. t. 162. - 10 alata. w. wing-stalked. ——— 1739, ---- S.%.—~. Rheed. mal.7. t.38. | 11 bulbifera. w. bulb-bearing. . ————— 1692. 7.9, S.%.~. Sal. par. lond. 17. | 12 crispata. 4.8. curl-stalked. amet ISIS, SS. IN, _ 13 anguina. H.B. snake, ———— 1803. —— S.¥4w. 14 pulchella. n.38. pretty. —-—— 1819, .%-- Sy, _ 15 atropurpurea. H.B. dark purple. —— 1820. ---- S.%.w. L | - 16 globosa. u.B. globular. ——_——_ 1818, eees SMV. | 17 fasciculata. H.B. — bundled, —— 1817. -> §.%.0, | 18 glabra. H.B. smooth, — 1803. 7.9. S.%.c. _ 19 sativa. w. common. W. Indies, 1733. —— S.%.V-. Rheed. mal.8. t.51, | 20 piperifolia. w. Pepper-leaved. S. America. 1817. --+- S.%. -. Plum. ic. 117. f.1. | 21 nepalensis. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1816, 7.8 H.%.v. _ 22 quaternata. ph. four-leaved. N. America.1811. 7. H.¥.v. | 23 villosa. ph. pubescent. ai 2 19752, 8.. - Hv. Jacq. it 3.626, 24 oppositifolia. opposite-leav’d. E.Indies. 1803. --++ S.%.~. Petiv. gaz. t.31. f.6. | “‘TESTUDINARIA. B.T. TestupinartiaA. Diccia Hexandria. 1 Elephantipes. p.r. Elephant’s-foot. C. B.S. 1774, 7.8 G.%.~. Botan. regist, 92. | Tamus Elephantipes. B.M. 1347. | 2 montana, B.T. glaucous-l4, —~—— 1816. —— G.¥~. Al4 ‘TAMER. airecawae fe bid eye SE. y ‘ 5. 8. H.y.. Eng. bot 1. ara at cae H. Fasc Pluk. alm. t. ‘110. f; ae - F.h.~. Buxb. cent. 1. t. 32. S.hw an i pre 5. t. 161. H. hiv. Wats. a brit. 110. H. h.. Wats. dend. brit. 111. F. bw. Pluk. alm. t. U1. f. 3. G.h.~. Kempf. amen. t.782. S. h oe Plum. i 1c. 83. $ H.h.~. Botan. gen 1846. co calodads 15. 1. se 52. vi acq.amer.t. 179. £102. Pluk. alm. t. il. f.1. Catesb. car. 2. t. 845 Botan. magaz. 1920. Sloan. jam.1.t. 148. f.1 Wats, dend. brit. 108. ORDO CLXXXITlI. TAME. Brown prodr. 294 in obs. TAMUS. L. - Brack lees Diecia Hexandria. L. 1 communis. w. common. England. 2 cretica. Ww. Cretan. Candia. 1739. 7. Ss H, Wir ORDO CLXXXIV. SMILACEZ. Brown prodr. 292. SMILAX. L. SmiLax. Dicecia Hexandria. L. 1 aspera. s.s. rough bindweed.S. Europe. 1648. 9. B auriculata. ear-leaved. ——— ~-—— 2 nigra. 8.s black. : 1817. —— H.h.w. 3 catalonica. s.3. Catalonian. —_——_ — — Hhbw. 4 mauritanica, s.8. red-berried. 1820. 8.10. F. hw. 5 excelsa. s.s. tall. Syria. 1739. 8.9. 6 horrida. s.s. straight-spined. N. America,1820. ——- H. hw. 7 zeylanica. s.s. Ceylon. _ E.Indies. 1778. —— 8 quadrangularis. 8.8. square-stalked. N.America. 1812. 6. 8. 9 longifolia. s.s. long-leaved. Cayenne. 1823. <>+s Side. 10 Watsoni. Watson’s. N.America. 1811. 7.8. longifolia. W.D. 20M Rich- 11 Sarsaparilla. s.s. medicinal. 1664. —— 12 brasiliensis. s.s. Brazilian. Brazil. 1820. —— S.hw. 13 hastata. s.s. halberd-leaved. Carolina. 1822, —— 14 China. s.s. Chinese. China. 1759. eees 15 acuminata. s.s. sharp-pointed. W.Indies. 1822. 6.7. 16 glauca. B.M. glaucons-l4, N.America. 1811. 6. 7. 17 australis. B.P. oblong-leaved. N.S.W. 1815. -+++ G.her. 18 rotundifolia. s.s. round-leaved. N.America. 1760. 7.8. H.h.~ 19 laurifolia, s.s. Laurel-leaved. 1739. —— Febbee: 20 tamnoides. s.s. Tamus-leaved. — 67. Hhw. 21 caduca. s.s. deciduous. | 1759. —— H.h.w. 22 havanensis. 8.8. Havannah. S. America. 1823. «+++ S.hew. 23 ovalifolia. D.p. oval-leaved. Nepaul. 1822, +--+» H.hw 24 Bona-nox. s.s. fringed. N.America, 1739. 6. 7. “p him. 25 maculata. p.P spotted. Nepaul.- 1819. +++» Heh. 26 prolifera. 1.8. proliferous. E. Indies.) —— -+++ S.shww. 27 glabra. H.B. smooth. Ree 1820. +--+ S.hww. 28 Alpini. s.s. Grecian. Greece. — 6.8. Fibiw. 29 latifolia. B.P, broad-leaved. N.Holland. 1791. ---- F.hww. 30 lanceolata. Ph. spear-leaved. N:iAmerica.1785. 5.6. H.h.w. 31 herbacea. s.s. herbaceous. 1699. 7% «Hew. 32 peduncularis. s.s. long-peduncl’d. 1812. S.7%soHs ee, 33 globifer. s.s. Surinam. Surinam. 1819, +++ S.hww. 34 macrophylla.s.s. large-leaved. W.Indies, 1822. -++< S.hw. 35 Pseudo-china. s.s. Bastard China. S. America. 1739. 5.6. S.h.w. 36 glyciphylla.p.p. Botany-bayTea. N.S.W. . 1815. -—- S.hw. 37 canariensis. s.s. Canary. Canaries. 1816. ——~— F.hww. 38 pubera. s.s. downy. N.America. 1806. —— H. hw. 39 rubens, w.D. pink-flowered. ————~ 181]. 7.8 H.h.w. RIPOGONUM.B.P. RipoGonum. Hexandria Monogynia. album. B.P. white-flowered. N.S. Ww. 1820. 4. 6. G.hw. SMILACEA. 415 RUSCUS. L. BUTCHER’s-BROOM. Dicecia Monadelphia. L. 1 aculeatus. w. rickly. England. -+-- 12.6. H.h. Eng. bot. 560. 2 laxus. LT. oose, Europe. ---+ 1,6. Hh. 3 Hypophyllum. w. thick-leaved. Italy. 1640.- 5.6. H.%. Botan. magaz, 2049. B latifolius. w. broad-leaved. S. Europe. ——~ -—— H.h. Dill.elt. t. 251. f.303. 4 Hypoglossum.w. double-leaved. Italy. 1596. 4.5. H.%. Schk. handb. 3. t. 340. 5 androgynus. w. climbing. Canaries. 1713. -—— G.h.~. Botan. magaz. 1898. 6 reticulatus. w. netted-leaved. C. B.S. 1816. ——- G.hw. 7 volubilis. w many-nerved. = - —- —— — Ghw. 8 racemosus. Ww. Alexandrian Laurel.Portugal.1713. 6. H.h. Wats. dend. brit. 145. POLYGONATUM. D. Sotomon’s-sEAL. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 leptophyllum. p.p. slender-leaved. Nepaul. 1816. 6.7. H.2. 2 oppositifolium. D.P. opposite-leaved. — — — H.». Lodd. bot. cab. 640. Convallaria oppositifolia. B.c. 3 vulgare. D. common. England. +--+ 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 280. Convallaria Polygonatum. £.B. 4 pubescens. ph. pubescent. N.America.1812. —— H.%. Willd. hort. ber. t.45. 5 canaliculatum. ph, channel-leaved. ——-—— —— 6. H.}. 6 angustifolium. ph. uarrow-leaved. -—-—— 1824. 5.6. H.2. 7 multiflorum. p. many-flowered, Britain. s--- —— H.}. Eng. bot. 279. . 8 latifolium. pb. broad-leaved, Europe. 1802. —— H.%. Jacq. aust. 3, t. 232. 9 macrophyllum. large-leaved, N.America.1823. —— H.}. latifolium. Ph. nec aliorum. | 10 polyanthemum. m.B. many-flowered. Caucasus. -———- -—— H.2%. SMILACINA. D. SmiLacina. Hexandria Monogynia, Ph. _ 1 racemosa. p. cluster-flow’r’d. N.America. 1640. 5.6. H.%. Botan, magaz. 899. Convallaria racemosa, B.M. 2 stellata. p. star-flowered, -—-—— 1633. -——- H.%}. -—————-— 1043. 3 trifolia. p. three-leaved. 1812. 6.7. H.%. Gmel. sib.1. t. 6. 4 canadensis. ph, Canadian. ——<— ss ——- —— H.%. Pluk. alm. t. 434, f. 4. 5 bifolia. p least. N. Europe. 1596. 5.6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 510. Convallaria bifolia. B.M. 6 borealis. B.M. oval-leaved. © N.America.1778. 5.6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1403. 7 umbellata. pv. umbel-flower’d. ————- -—— -— H.y%. -———— 1155. 'OPHIOPOGON.B.M.SNAKE’s-BEARD Hexandria Monogynia. B.M. 1 japonicus. B.M. Japan. - Japan. 1784. 6. F.%. Botan. magaz. 1063. 2 spicatus. B.R. spiked. China. 1821. 8.10. F.h. Botan. regist. 593. 3 intermedius. p.p. intermediate, Nepaul. 1824, -—— F.. CONVALLARIA., D. Liny or tHe VALLEY. Hexandria Monogynia. L. | majalis. E.B. common. Britain. «++» 5.6. H.4. Eng. bot. 1035. e alba. white-flowered. -————-__ +++» —— H.Y. | B rosea, rose-coloured. ———— ee YD. | y plena. double-flowered. — ——- Hy STREPTOPUS. M. Srrepropus. Hexandria Mono gyain: Phy * _ 1 amplexifolius,r.t. heart-leaved. Europe. 1752. 5. H.4. W.etK. hung. t. 167. 2 distortus. m. distorted. N.America. -—- —— H.%. . 3 roseus. M. rose-coloured. — 1806. 6.7. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1489. Uvularia rosea. B.M. 4 lanuginosus. m. woolly. 1812, -—— H.¥%. Botan. magaz. 1490. | 5 simplex. p.p. ' simple-stalked. Nepaul. 1822. —— H.2. MEDEOLA. SS. InpraAnCucumBER. Hexandria Trigynia. L. . : virginica. s.s. Virginian. Virginia. 1759. 6. -4. Botan. oe | Gyromia virginica, N. TRILLIUM. L. Trittiuom. Hexandria Trigynia, L. - 1 sessile. s.s. sessile-flow’r’d. N.America. 1759. 4.5. H.%. Botan. magaz. 40. | 2 petiolatum. s.s. Plantain-leav’d. 1811. —— H.2%. 3 erythrocarpum. M. painted-fid. — 5.6. H.%. | pictum. Ph. A undulatum. s.s. wave-flower’'d. ————- -——- -—— H.}. 5 pusillum. s.s. dwarf. Carolina. 1812. —— F.}. | 6 ovatum. 5.8. purple-flow’r’d. N.America. ——- —— F.2/. | 7 cernuum. s.s. drooping-fid, — 1758. 4.5. H.%. Botan. magaz. 954. ,| 8 erectum. w. stinking. 1759. —— H.y%. -—————— 470. ‘| 9 pendulum. s.s. white-flow’r’d. ——-—— 1805. —— H.%. W.hort.ber. 1. t.35. erectum B. B.M. 1027. | '10 obovatum. s.s. obovate-petal’d. ———-— 1824. -—— H.}. i grandiflorum. s,s. large-flowered. ——--—— 1799. 4.6. H.%. Sal. par. lond. 1. erythrocarpum. B.M. non M. 12 stylosum. N. - long-styled. Carolina, 1623. —— F.}. —_ —E————————— eS ee >» ee eS eee ee ee eee eee pl +s ae 416 SMILACE. — PARIS. L. Hers-Paris. Octandria Tetragynia, L. wh BOP 1 quadrifolia. E.B. True-love or I-berry.Engld. ---- 5.6. H.%.- Eng. bot.7. = 2 verticillata. m.p. §whorl-leaved. Siberia. 1825. —— H.2%. 2 ae 3 polyphylla. p.P. many-leaved. Nepaul. 1816. —— H.2.— ORDO CLXXXV. ASPHODELEZ. Brown prodr. 1. p. 274. ASPHODELUS. L. AspHopeL. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 clavatus. H.B. club-seeded. E.Indies. 1808. 7.10.8.©. . 2 fistulosus. s.s. Onion-leaved. S.Europe. 1596. 6.9. H.%. Botan. magaz.984. 3 intermedius. Len. intermediate. Canaries. 1824, -——— F.2. 4 albus. s.s. upright. S. Europe. ----: 5.7. H.%. Blackw. t. 238, 5 wstivus. s.s. summer. Portugal, 1819. —— H.2. 6 ramosus. s.s. branched. S. Europe. 1551. -—- H.%. Botan. magaz. 799, 7 tenuior. S.8- slender-leaved. Caucasus. 1823. 7% H.2. —— 2626. 8 creticus. s.s. Cretan. Candia. 1821. 6.7. H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 915. 9 tauricus, S.S. Taurian. Tauria. 1812. 5.7. H.2. 10 luteus. s.s. common yellow. Sicily. 1596. 5.6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 773. EREMURUS.S.S. Eremurvus. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. spectabilis. s.s. channel-leaved. Caucasus. 1800. 5.6. H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. Asphodelus altaicus. w. CZACKIA. SS. St. Bruno’s Liry. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. . Liliastrum. s.s. Savoy Spiderwort.Switzerld. 1629. 5.6, H.%4. Botan. magaz. 318. Anthericum Liliastrum. B.m. Hemerocallis Liliastrum. w.en- PHALANGIUM. J. PHatanerum. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 Liliago. B.M. grass-leaved. S.Europe. 1596. 5.6. H.%. Redout. lil. t. 269. a major. BeMe larger. — — H.%. Botan. magaz. 1635. B minor. B.M. lesser. ee ee eee 2 ramosum. B.M. branching. —_——_ ‘:1570. ——- H.¥%. —-———— 1055. Anthericum ramosum. w. saute 3 nepalense. B.R. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1822. 6.10. F.%. Botan, regist. 998. 4 glaucum P.s. glaucous. S. America. 1816. —— G.2%. 5 pomeridianum. afternoon fll. ————~ 1818. —— G.%. Botan. regist. 564. Anthericum pomeridianum, B.R. Scilla pomeridiana. DC. z 6? sulphureum. pale yellow. Hungary. 1818. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 2623. Anthericum sulphureum. B.M. marly & ANTHERICUM. ANTHERICUM. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 canaliculatum. w. channel-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 4.5. G.Y%. Botan. magaz. 1124. 2 bipedunculatum. w. two-flowered. ————— 1825. ——- G.Y%. Jacq. ic.2. t. 410. 3 triflorum. w. three-flowered. ————— _ 1782. 8.10. G.}. 4 undulatum. w. wave-leaved. ——-_ 1825. 4.6. G.%. 5 pilosum. w. pilose. ——_- — — Gx. Jacq. ic.2. t. 416. 6 hirsutum. w. hairy. ———_ 1822. —— G.}. 7 longifolium. w. long-leaved. 1825. —— G.%. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 413. 8 grami nifolium. w. grass-leaved. 1794. 6.7. G.Y%. ———2.t. 411. 9 vespertinum. w. afternoon-flg. ————— 1803. 5.9. G.%. Botan. magaz. 1040. 10 falemtim. w. sickle-leaved. ——_ 1825. —— G.. : 11 revolutum. w. curled-flow’r'd. 1731. 9.12.G.%. Botan. magaz. 1044, 12 floribundum. w. __ thick-spiked. ——- 1774. 3.4. Gy. 13 squameum. w. scaly. — 1820. —— G.z. 14 filiforme. w. thread-leaved. -———— 1774. 4. G.2%. 15 flexifolium. w. flexuose-leav’d. ——-—— 1795. 5.6. G.%. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 412. BULBINE. L. BuLBinE. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 hispida. 1. hairy-leaved. C. B.S. 1774. 5.6. D.G.%. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 409. 2 semibarbata.s.s. half bearded. N.S.W. 1820. 4.8. D.G.2%. Lodd. bot. cab. 320. Anthericum semibarbatum. B.P. ow 3 australis. s.s. bulbous. —— 1819. —— D.G.%. Anthericum bulbosum. B.P. : 4 4 annua. s.s. annual. CG. B.S. 1731. 5.6. H.©. Botan. magaz,. 1451. Anthericum annuum. B.M. 5 longiscapa. s.s. glaucous- -leav’d. —-— 1759. 4.8. D.G.%. Botan. magaz. 1339. 6 asphodeloides. s.s. upright-leavd. —-—— —— 6.8. D.G.¢. Jacq. vind. t.181. ASPHODELEZ. AV? 7 rostrata, s.s. glaucousshrubby.C. B.S. 1812. 3.8. D.G.h. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 403. 8 frutescens, w. shrubby. ——— _ 1702. -——. D..G. h. Botan. magaz. 816. 9 pugioniformis. s.s. dagger-leaved. ————~— 1793. 4.6. D.G.2L, ——————_ 1454, 10 triquetra. s.s. triquetrous. —_—— 1825. -—— D.G.%. 11 scabra. s.s, rough. ———- — — DG... 12 ciliata. s,s. fringed. ‘——_—_. _ ——-_ —— D.G.2%. 13 praemorsa. S.38. bitten-rooted. _————-. 1816.. —— D.G.2. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 406. 14 graminea, H.R. Grass-leaved. ————— 1819. 6.8. D.G.2. 15 aloides, w. Aloe-leaved. ———— _ 1732. 4.8. D.G.2. Botan. magaz. 1317, Anthericum aloides. B.M. 16 nutans. s,s. nodding. — 1812. —— D.G.x%. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 407 | 17 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. § ————- —— D.G.%. 2, t. 408 ARTHROPODIUM.B.P.ArtHROpopiuM. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S, 1 cirrhatum. B.R. large-flowered. N. Zealand.1819. 5.8. F.2. Botan. regist. 709. 2 paniculatum. B.P. panicled. N.S.W. 1800. 6.9. F.2L. Botan. magaz. 1421. MINUS. B.R. 866, NON B.P. 3 minus. B.P. simple-racem’d. —————-_ 1819. —— F.2. 4 pendulum. s.s. pendulous-fild, N.Holland.1817. —— F.%. | Anthericum pendulum. W.en. ~ 5 fimbriatum. B.p. _—fringe-flow’r’d. N.S.W. 1825. —— F.2. STYPANDRA.B.P. Srypanpra, Hexandria Monogynia. 1 glauca. B.P. glaucous. N.S.W. 1819. 4.6. F.2. 2 cespitosa. B.P. turfy. B24 PO 3 umbellata. gB.p. umbel-flow’r’d. 1820. —— F. 7. CZESTA. B.P. Casta. Hexandria Monogynia. §.S. vittata. B.P. nodding-fid, N.S. W. 1816. 7.8. F.%. TRICORYNE. B.P. Tricoryne: Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 simplex. B.P. simple-stalked. N.S. W. 1819. 7.9. H.©. 2 elatior. B.P. tall. ———_ 1825. —— G.y. J ‘CHLOROPHYTUM. B.P. CutoropHytum. Hexandria Monogynia.S.S. 1 inornatum. B.M. green-flowered. SierraLeon. ---- 6.8. S.%. Botan. magaz. 1071. 2 orchidastrum, B.R. Orchis-like. ——— 1822. 1.12. S.%. Botan. regist. 813. 83 elatum, B.pP. tall. C.B.S. 1751. 8.9. G.%. Redout. lil. 191. -PUSCHKINIA. M.B. Puscuxtni1a. Hexandria Monogynia. M.B. scilloides. M.B. Squill-like. Iberia. 1819. 5.6. H.b. Lindl. col. bot. 24. ALBUCA. Ker. Atpuca. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 altissima, w. tall. C.B.S. 1780. 4.5. F.b. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 63. 2 major. w. great. ——— 1759. —— F.b. Botan. magaz. 804. 3 minor. w. small. ——— _ 1768. 5.6. F-.b. = 720. 4 flaccida. w. fiaccid. ——-——_ 11791. —— F.b. Jacq.ic. 2. t. 444. 5 viridiflora. w. green-flowered. ————— 1794. 6.7. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1656. 6 coarctata. w. channel-leaved. ———-— 1774. 5.6. F.b. 7 fastigiata. w. level-topped. —_- 1 -——. F.b. — Andr. reposit. 450. 8 caudata. w. upright-fid, ——— 1791. 5.7%. F.b. Jacq.ic.2. t. 442. 9 setosa. Ww. bristly-rooted. ———— 1795. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1481. 10 aurea. w. golden-flower’d, —————_ 1825. —— F.b. Jacq.ic. 2. t.441. 11 abyssinica. w. African. —————— — —— Fb. 12 fragrans. w. sweet-scented. -——-—— 1791. 6.7. F.b. Jacq. scheen. lt. t. 81. _ 13 viscosa. w. clammy-leaved. ———— 1779. 5.6. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t.445. 14 spiralis. w. Spiral-leaved. ———— 1795. 6. F.b. 2. t. 439. 15 vittata. B.M. ribbon. ——_ 1802. 7.8. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1329. 16 physodes. B.mM. dingy-flowered. ————— 1804. 6.7. F-.b. ——— 1046. 17 exuviata, B.M. Adder skin. ——— 1795. 5.7. Fb. —-—— — 871. Anthericum exuviatum. Jacq. ic.2.t. 418. 18 anthericoides. Anthericum-likee ————-_ 1788. 8. F-.b. Anthericum albucoides. w. 19 filifolia. Ker. filiform-leaved. —————_ 1825. 7.8. F.b. Jacq. ic.2. t.414. 20 fugax. B.R. fugacious. ——_ 1795. 4.6. F.b. Botan. regist. 311. Anthericum fragrans. Jacq. scheen. 1. t.86. ORNITHOGALUM.L.ST4r oF BETHLEHEM. Hexandria Monogynia. L. | 1 uniflorum. w. one-flowered. Siberia. 1781. 5.6. H.b. t.6.f.3. 2 ixioides. H.K. Ixia-like. California. 1796. ——— H.b. 3 montanum. T.N. mountain. Naples. 1825. —— H.b. Ten. fl. nap. 1. t.33. 4 umbellatum. E.B. common. England. ---- 4.6. H.b. Eng. bot. 130. 5 refractum, W.en. reflexed. S. Europe. 1825. —— H.b. 6 exscapum. T.N. short-stalked. Naples. 1823. .—— H.b. Ten.fl. nap. 1. t. 34. 7 fimbriatum. m.g. fringed. Tauria. 1820. 2.3. H.b. Botan. regist. 555. | 8 comosum. w. short-spiked. Austria. 1596. 6.8. H.b. Jacq.ic. 2. t.426. _ 9 conicum. w. conical. c. B.S. 1818. Tee —2, t. 428. 3 oS ASPHODELEZ. 10 niveum. w. snowy. C. B.S. 1774. 6.8. F.b. Botan. regist, 235. 11 ovatum. w. oval-leaved. ——-_ 1816. 4.8. F.b. sis 12 ciliatum. w. ciliated. —-—— 1818. 4.6. F.b. 2 13 crenulatum. w. crenulate. annmercnnee' PORE. ise aaa 14 maculatum. w. spotted-fid, eee GN ploy 15 tenellum. w. slender. ——. 1816. 5.8. F.b. Jacq.ic. 2. t. 427.. 16 pilosum. w. hairy-leaved. amcor Semen cers ee 17 revolutum. w. revolute-fld, ——_ 1795. 4.8. F.b. Botan. regist. 315. 18 corymbosum, B.R. corymbose. Peru. 1822, —— H.b ————-—— 906. 19 tenuifolium. s.s. slender-leaved. C. B.S. 1812. —— F.b. Redout. lil. t.312. Rudolphi. Jacq. ecl. t. 20. 20 prasinum. B.R. — green-flow’r’d. ——— 1816. 6.7. F.b. Botan. regist. 158. 21 virens. B.R. greenish. ——. 1823. —— Fb. 814. 22 suaveolens. w. fragrant. ——— 1816. —— F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 431. 23 barbatum. w. bearded. ——- 1795. 5.7. F.b. Jacq.schen. 1. t.91. 24 polyphyllum. w. many-leaved. ———— 1825. —— F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 430. 25 rupestre. w. rock. —— 1795. 5.8. F.b. Se 26 juncifolium. w. Rush-leaved. ——_ 1794. 7.8. F.b. Botan. magaz. 792. 27 fuscatum. w. brown-flow’r’d. —M—-—— 1825. 4.6. F.b. Jacq.ic.2. t. 429. 28 odoratum. w. sweet-scented. -———— 1795. 5.6. F.b. Andr. reposit. 260. . 29 elatum. A.R. Egyptian. Egypt. 1804. 6.7. H.b. ——————— 528. 30 pyramidale. w. pyramidal. Spain. 1752. —— H.b. Jacq. ic.2. t. 425. 31 latifolium. w. broad-leaved. Egypt. 1629. —— H.b. Botan. magaz. 876. 32 japonicum. w. ~ Japanese. Japan. 1821.. —— H.b. ; 33 longebracteatum.w. long-bracted. C.B.S. 1812. 7.12. F.b. Jacq. vind. 1. t.29. 34 caudatum. w. long-spiked. —-—— 1774. 2.8. F.b. Botan. magaz. 805. $5 scilloides. w. Squill-like. — 1795. 6.7. F.b. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 888. 36 narbonense. w. Narbonne. S. Europe. 1810. 7.8. H.b. Botan, magaz. 2510. 37 pyrenaicum. w. spiked. England. --++ 6.7. H.b. Eng. bot,499. | 38 stachyoides. w. close-spiked. S. Europe. 1771. 4.7. H.b. Renealm. spec. t.90. 39 lacteum. w. milk white. C. B.S. 1796. 6.7. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1134. 40 nutans, w. nodding. Britain. -e+- 4.5. H.b. Eng. bot. 1997. 4l coarctatum. w: close-flowered. C. B.S. 1804. 6.7. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 435. 42 aureum. w. golden. —— 1790. —— F.b. Botan. magaz.190. miniatum. Jacq. ic. t. 438. 43 flavissimum. Jacq. great yellow. ——— -—-— -—— F.b, Jacq. ic. 2. t. 436. 44 thyrsoides. w. thyrse-flow’r’d. ————- 1757. —— F.b. Botan. magaz. 1164. a album. white-flowered. —- —— — F.b. Botan. regist. 316. B flavescens. pale-yellow. —_—_— i Cl —- FD. +8052 45 arabicum. w. great-flowered. Egypt. 1629. 3.4. F.b. Botan. magaz.728. 46 maritimum. officinal Squill. S. Europe. —— 4.5. F.b. 918. Squilla. p.m. Scilla maritima. w. 47 unifolium. B.M. one-leaved. Gibraltar. 1805. 6.7. F.b. Bot. magaz. 953& 935 GAGEA. S.A.B. GaGeEaA. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 striata. streak-flow’r’d. Siberia. 1789. 65.7. H.b. Ornithogalum striatum. 8.8. dsl 2 serotina. Ker. mountain. Wales. seoe 6. Hb. Eng. bot. 793. Anthericum serotinum. E.B. 8 fascicularis. s.a.B. bundle-flow’r’d. Britain. see» 3.4, H.b. Swt. br. fl. gar. 182. lutea. B.M. 1200. Ornithogalum luteum. E.B. 21. non L. bea 4 glauca. B.F.G. glaucous-leav’d. Switzerland.1825. — H.b., fl. gar.177. 5 bracteolaris. s.a-B. sheathing-bracted.——_——-_ .--- —— H.b, —————— 158. Ornithogalum luteum. L. non E.B. - ‘ 6 minima. -corn-field. Europe. 1825. —— H.b. Pers. in t.1.f.2 stellaris. $.A.B. Ornithogalum arvense. 8.8. 7 villosa. M.B. villous. Caucasus. -——- —— H.b. 8 Sternbergii. Hop. Sternberg’s. Switzerland. —- -—— Hb. - 9 spathacea. w. sheathed. Germany. 1759. 5. H.b. t.1 10 pusilla. schm. small. Bohemia. 1823. —— Hb. 11 circinata. L. netted. Siberia. 1789. 5.6. H.b. ap. t.D. f.2 SCILLA. W, Seuitt. Hexandria Monogynia. L. . 1 non scripta. L.en. Harebells. Britain. -+++ 3.6, H.b, Eng. bot. 377. nutans, E.B. Hyacinthus non scriptus. L. 2 cernua. Len. flesh-coloured. Spain. | -+-- -—~ H.b. Botan. magaz. 1461. 3 campanulata. w. _ bell-flowered. ———— 1633. 5.6. Hib, --—-——-— 128.110: 4 corymbosa. s.s. Cape. C. B.S. 1793. 8.12. F.b. ————— 991. Massonia corymbosa. B.M. Hyacinthus corymbosus. 1. 5 brevifolia. B.m. short-leaved. ——_ 1811. 1.3. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1468. 6 sibirica. H.K. Siberian. Siberia, 1796. 2.3. H.b. —————— 1325. ASPHODELE. | 419 © 7 pumila, s.s. = small. - Portugal. 1819. 4.5. H.b. 8 bifolia. w. two-leaved. England. ---- 2.4. H.b. Eng. bot. 24. | # coerulea. blue-flowered. Li ance Wp hr «0 0 2Tt Moment EL 6 alba. white-flowered. ———-—— +--- —— H.b. 9 precox. Ww. early-flowering. ---.---- 1790. 3.4. H.b. 10 Lilio-hyacinthus. w. Lily-rooted. §. Europe. 1597. 5.7. H.b. Redout. lil. 205. 11 verna. w. ». vernal. Britain. see. 4,5. Hib. Eng. bot. 23. 12 ameena. w. nodding. Levant. 1596. 3.4. H.b. Botan. magaz. 341, 13 umbellata. s.s, umbel-flower’d. Pyrenees. 1817. ——- H.b. 14 italica, s.s. Italian. Italy. 1605. 4.7. H.b. Botan. magaz. 663. 15 autumnalis. w. autumnal. England. -++- 8 H.b. Eng. bot. 78. 16 peruviana, w. corymbose. Spain. 1607. 5. H.b. Botan. magaz, 749. acerulea, blue-flowered. —<— — — Hob. B alba. white-flowered. ———— —— —— H.b. : 17 lusitanica. B.M. Portugal. Portugal. 1777. —— H.b. Botan. magaz. 1999, 18 hyacinthoides.w. Hyacinth-like. Madeira. 1585. 8. H.b. -——--——-—— 1140. 19 monophylla. Lk. one-leaved. Portugal. -«e 5.6. H.b. 20 esculenta. B.M. Quamash. N.America. 1811. 5.7. H.b. Botan. magaz, 1574, HYACINTHUS.S.S. Hyacinrn. Hexandria Monogynia. L. ; 1 orientalis. w. common. Levant. 1596. 3.5. H.b. Botan. regist. 995. a ceruleus. | blue-flowered. — —«——-_ — Hob. B ruber. red-flowered. — — Hb. Y flavus. yellow-flowered. —,. — Hob. 6 albus. white-flowered. ——-—— —— —— H.b. & semiplenus. semidouble. ——S _- ——_— —— ~Hib. Z plenus. double-flowered. — — Hb. n multiplex. full-flowered.. ————- —— -—— Hb. . 2 amethystinus. w. Amethyst-colour’d.SEurope. 1759.. 4.5. H.b, © Swt. br. fl. gar. 135. UROPETALON.B.R. Uropetraton. MHexandria Monogynia. B.R. t 1 viride. B.R. green-flowered. C.B.S. 1774. 8. F.b. Redout. lil. 203. Hyacinthus viridis. u. Zuccagnia viridis. th. Lachenalia viridis. w. : 2 glaucum. B.R. glaucous-leav’d. ————— _ 1816. 7.8. F.b. Botan. regist. 156. 3 crispum. B.R. curled-leaved. —————- -— —— F.b. ‘ 4 longifolium. B.r. —_long-leaved. 1822, —— F.b. Botan. regist. 974. 5 serotinum. B.R. late-flowering. Spain. 1629. 6.8. F.b. Botan. magaz. 859. 6 fulvam. H.s.L. tile-red. Mogador. 1808 6.9. F.b. —— — 1185. Scilla serotina B. B.M. ; BELLEVALIA. Lap. Betievauia. Hexandria Monogynia. 8 romana. Roman. Italy. 1596. 5. H.b. Botan. magaz. 939. operculata. Lap» Scilla romana. n.m. Hyacinthus romanus. L- MUSCARI. S.S. Grape Hyacintu. Hexandria Monogynia. 8.8. 1 moschatum. s.s. musk. | Levant. 1596. 4.5. H.b. Botan. magaz. 734. B flavum. B.M. yellow. See 1812, OH De | rh 8 2 comosum. s.s. purple. S. Europe. 1596. —— H.b. -—————— 1383. . B monstrosum. feathered. - ee a) ee ee eos. MOTs. 8.4. t. 11. f. 2. 3 ciliatum. s.s. ciliated. Tauria. 1818. —-- H.b. Botan. regist. 394. 4 pallens, s.s. pale-flowered. ——— —— -—— Hb. 5 racemosum. s.s. _— starch. Britain. «soe —-—— Hib. Eng. bot. 1391. a major. larger. eeeees ee eoese ————— H.b. : B minor. . smaller. seceeeee cess ——— Hib, Botan. magaz, 122. 6 botryoides. s.s. bunch-flower’d. Italy. 1596, —— H.b. ree 157 a azureum. B.F.G. bright-blue. — — Hb, Swt. br. fl. gar. 15. fia. B pallidum. B.¥F.G. pale blue. —— —— -—— Hb. ee iS. Ec. x album. B.¥F.G. white-flowered. —— Hb —— 7 in LACHENALIA. W. LacwHenaria. Hexandria Monogynia. W. bee 1 pendula. w. pendulous. C. B.S. 1774. 3.4. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 400. a viridifolia. grcen-leaved. ——— —— — F.b. Botan. magaz. 590.. B maculata. spotted-leaved. —- — — Fb. : 2 quadricolor. n.m. four-coloured. ———— 1789. 3.5. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 388. a viridifolia, green-leaved. —_— —— — F.b. Botan. magaz. 588, 6 colorata. coloured-leaved. —— —— —— F.b. pA G 73S 8 1097. 3 luteola. Jacq. yellow-flowr’d. ———— 1774. 4.5. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 395. a viridifolia. green-leaved. ——- — — Fb. _ Botan, magaz. 1020. .B maculata. spotted-leaved. —$>— ——— — O&O 104. 4 tricolor. B.M. three-coloured. ———-— ——- —— F.b. Pores 5 rubida. w. dotted-flower’d. —————.__ 1803. 9.10. F.b. ——~———— 993. _ 6 punctata. s,s. spotted-flowrd, ————— _ 1825. 6.8. F.b. Jacq. ic. 2. t.397. 7 flava. a.r. bright-yellow. ———— 1805. 5.6. F.b. Andr, reposit. 77. 8 isopetala. w. equal-flowered. ———-— 1804. ion aie Jacq. ic. 2. t. 401. 420 9 sessiliflora. A.R. unifolia. Ww. rosea. A.R. pusilla. w. bifolia. B.M. contaminata. w. purpurea, w. violacea. w. lucida. B.m. racemosa. B.M. fragrans. W. unicolor. B.M. anguinea. B.F.G. pustulata. w. liliiflora. w. patula. w. nervosa. B.M. angustifolia. w. 29 30 pallida. w. mutabilis. B.F.G. 31 orchioides. w. 32 glaucina. w. DRIMIA. S.S. 1 revoluta. H.s.L. 2 lanceefolia. B.M. purpureo-ccerulea. hyacinthoides. w. Lachenalia lanceefolia. B.M. 3 undulata, s.s. 4 purpurascens, 8.S. 5 ciliaris. s.3. 6 pusilla. s.s. 7 media. s.s. 8 elata. s.s. 9 altissima. s.s. ASPHODELEZ. sessile-flower’d. C. B.S. 1804. 5.6. F.b. one-leaved, 1795. . 3.4, Fb. rose-coloured.. -——-~-——— 1800. 4.5. F.b. dwarf. 1825. ——— F.b. cowl-leaved. ——-—— 1813. 3.4. F.b. contaminated. ——-—— 1774. 2.4. F.b. purple. ——— 1819. 4.5.. F.b. violet. . ——— 1795. 3.4. F.b glossy-leaved.. -—————— 1798. 3.5. Fb. racemed. —— I18il. 5. £xFib. sweet-scented. ———— 1798. 3.5. F.b. self-coloured. —-— 1806. 5.6. F.b. snake. ——— _ 1825. 4.5. F.b purple-blue. ———— 1798. —— F.b. blistered. -———_-—-— 1790. 1.4. F.b. Lily-flowered. ———— 1820. 4.6. Fb. spreading-fla, 1795. 4.5. F.b. nerved-leaved. ——-—— 1810. 6. F.b. narrow-leaved. 1793. 4.5. F.b. Hyacinth-fid, 1812, 3.4. F.b. pale-flowered. -——-—— 1782. —— F.b. changeable. ——-—— 1825. 2.5. Fb. Orchis-like. . 1752, 2.4. F.b sea-green. ——--—— 1795. 3.4. F.b. Drimia. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S._ revolute-fld, C.B.S. 1774. -8.10. F.b. lanceefolia B. B.M. Hyacinthus revolutus.u.K. Lachenalia reflexa.a.R. 1 lance-leaved. —— 1800. 9.10. F.b. wave-leaved. ——-—— 1825. 8.10, F.b. purplish. — -—— Fb. ciliated. coce ——— Fb. dwarf. —— 1793. 5.6. F.b. semicylindrical-ld,. ———— 1818. 7.8. F,b. tall. ——— 1799. 10.11. F.b. tallest. 1791. 8.9. F.b ee ee, Yea, ee oe ee eee ve ERIOSPERMUM. W. EriosPERMUM. Hexandria Monogynia. W. — 1 parvifolium. s.s. small-leaved. C.B.S. 1795. 6.8. F.b. 2 \atifolium. s,s. broad-leaved. ——— 1800. —— F.b. 3 Beilendeni. Mr. Ker’s. —_——_- ——- — F.b. latifollum a. B.M. Non Jacq. ” 4 lanceefolium. s.s. lance-leaved. . 1795, —— .B.b; 5 pubescens. s.s. pubescent. 1820. —— -bahe 6 lanuginosum. s.s. woolly-leaved. ———-—- —— -——. F.b. 7 folioliferum. p.m. _leaflet-bearing. — 1806. —— Fb. 8 paradoxicum. B.M. paradoxical. — 1820. —— F.b. MASSONIA.S.S. Massonra. Hexandria Monogynia. W. 1 grandiflora. B.R. honey-bearing. C.B.S. 1825. 1.4. F.b. 2 candida. Burch. white-flowered. ——-———- 1816. 2.5. F.b. longifolia B. candida. B.R. 8 longifolia. s.s. long-leaved. eam einai lo ak eee oT 4 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. ————— 1775. 3.4. F.b. 5 cordata. s,s. heart-leaved. ——- 1820. — ~- F.b. 6 muricata. s.s. prickly-leaved. ——-—— 1790. 4.5. F.b. 7 scabra. H.K. shagreen-ld, ——— -—— 1.4. Fb. pustulata. B.M. 642. 8 echinata. s.s. rough-leaved. ——--—- ~—— 5. Fb. 9 pauciflora. s.s. few-flowered. ovine 1 escdalen e 10 angustifolia. ss. | narrow-leaved. 1775. 3.4. Fb. 11 undulata. s.s. wave-leaved. 1791. 4. F.b. 12 ensifolia. s.s, trumpet-fld, - 1790. 9.2. F.b. violacea. A.R. 4c. Agapanthus ensifolius, w. Hyacinthus bifolius. cay. EUCOMIS.S.S. Eucomis. Hexandria Monogynia. W. 1 nana, s.s. dwarf. . B.S. 1774. 8. F.b. - 2 bifolia. s.s. two-leaved. 1792,. \ 465.0 ED. 3 purpureocaulis, s.s. purple-stalked. -——-—— 1794. 3.4. F.b. 4 regia. 8.8. tongue-leaved. ———— 1702. 3.5. F.b. 5 undulata. s.s. wave-leaved. ———— 1760. — F.b. 6 punctata. s.s. spotted. ——— 1783. 7. F.b. 7 striata. H.K. streaked. -~———— 1790. 6.12. Fb. e 87 Sn EN ee En ee a. Andr. reposit. 460. Botan. magaz. 766. Andr. reposit. 296. Jacq. ic. 2. t. $85. Botan. magaz. 1611. —_——— 1401. Jacq. ic, 2. t. 393. . . 2. t. 394. Botan. magaz. 1372. : 1517. Jacq. schen. 1. t. 82. Botan. magaz. 1373. Swt. br. fl. gar. 178. Botan. magaz. 745. 817. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 387. ~— ——2, t. 384. Botan. magaz. 1497. ——_ 735. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 382. © Botan. regist. 314. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. Botan. magaz, 1269. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 391. Botan. magaz. 1380. Botan. magaz. 643. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 376. Botan. magaz. 1444, Jacq. ic.2. t. 374. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 375. Botan. magaz. 822. re es 107 4, Jacq. ic. 2. t. 422. 2. t. 420. Botan, magaz. 1382. Jacq. ic. 2, t. 421. Botan. regist. 578. Andfr, reposit. 521. Jacq. col. sup. 81. t. 1. — Botan. regist. 958. ———_ —— 694. Botan. magaz. 848. Botan. magaz. 559. Andr, reposit. 220. Botan. magaz. 736. Botan. magaz. 554. Botan. magaz, 1495. — Sar 840. Andr. reposit. 369. Dill. elth. t. 92. f. 109. Botan. magaz. 1083. a aaa i 913. _ Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 265. i ASPHODELE. 421 ALLIUM. L. GarRLic. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 sativum. G.D. common. Sicily. 1548. 6.7. H.b. Lobel. ic, t.158. 2 Ophioscorodon.a.p. Rocambole. — Crete. 1596. 8. H.b. Clus. his. p.191. t.210. 3 contraversum.G.D. simple-rooted. Egypt. 1823. ——- H.b. Cord. hist. p. 144. f.1. Ophioscorodon, L. en. 4 arenarium. G.p. sand. Britain. sore 6.8, H.b. Eng. bot. 1358, 5 Scorodoprasum.eé.p. wild Rocambole. Denmark, 1596. 7. H.b. Flor.dan.t.219,et1455. 6 littoreum, G.D. Italian sand. Italy. 1824. 8. H.b. monspessulanum. W- 7 vineale. G.D. Crow. Britain. ---- 6.8. H.b. Eng. bot. 1974, 8 pruinatum.G.p. _— frosted. Spain. 1819. —— HELb. 9 compactum.G.D. two-headed crow.France. — H.b. Moris. sect.4. t.15. f.3. 10 Parshii. G.p. Pursh’s crow. N.America.1824. —-— H.b. vineale. Ph, nec aliorum. 11 carneum. G.D. blush-coloured, France. 1816. 6.7. H.b. 12 prolifera. G.p. tree Onion. Egypt. sees J, H.b. Botan. magaz. 1469, Cepa B bulbifera. B.M. 13 Porrum. G.p. Leek. Switzerland.1562. 5.7. H.b. Plenck.ic. t. 421, 14 Ampeloprasum. Leek. England. ---- 7.8. H.b. Eng. bot. 1657. 15 rubicundum. G.p. marbled leek. C.B.S. -++> —-— Fb. Botan. magaz,. 1560. ampeloprasum 2. B.M. 16 erectum. G.D. upright leek. —-—- 1824. —— F.b. 17 exsertum, G.D. long-stamen’d. Russia. 1819. 7, H.b. 18 pedemontanum.a.n. Piedmont. Piedmont. 1820. 6.7. H.b. llion. ped. t.254. | nigrum. all. 19 rotundum. G.D. round headed. §S. Europe. 1819. —— H.b. Clus. hist. p.195. t.220. : B majus. G.D. pale-flowered. ——— 1818. —— H.b. Flor. grec. t. 312. Ampeloprasum. F.G. 20 acutiflornm. G.p. sharp-flower’d. France. —— —— H.b. Moris. sect. 4.t.15. f.4. 21 lineare. G.D. linear-leaved. Siberia. 1819. —— H.b. Gmel.sib.1.t.13etl4.f.1 22 descendens. G.p. early flowering. Switzerland.1766. 6. H.b. Hiall.all. p.355. f.2. 23 spherocephalon.G.p.late-flowered. Germany. 1759. 7. H.b. Botan. magaz. 1764. 24 Synnotii. G.p. Synnot’s. C.B.S. 1825. 6.7. F.b. 25 ascalonicum. G.p. Shallot. _ Palestine. 1548. 6.7. H.b. Moris.sect.4. t.14. f.4, B chinense. G.B. Chinese Shallot. China. cose) = ED. y MajUus. GD. Scallion. Asiaminor., -»-- ——— H.b. Matt. opus. p. 420. ic. Cepa fissilis. Matt. 26 Cepa. G.D. Onion. seeeee set ese G6, H. g.b. Flor. gree. t. 326. Baggregatum. G.D. Potatoe Onion. ----+-- + sae —— Hb. 27 Schenoprasum.a.D. Chives. Britain. --++ 5.6. H.b. Eng. bot. 2438. 28 foliosum. G.D. leafy Chives. France. 1820. —— H.b. Redonut. lil. 4, t. 214, 29 sibiricum. G.D. SiberianChives, Siberia. 1778. 6.8. H.b. Botan. magaz. 1141, 30 fistulosum.G.D. Welsh Onion. —— 1629. 4.5. H.¢.b. ——————— 1230, B majus. G.D. Altaic. Altay. 1823. -——— H.b. 31 obliquum. G.D. oblique-leaved. Siberia. 1759. 6.7. H.b. Botan. magaz, 1408. 32 ramosum. G.P. branchingChives. ————-__ 1824. 6. H.b. 33 Pallasii. G.p. Pallas’s Chives. Russia. seee —— Hab. t.3. 34 pusillum. G.D. smail. Italy. 1824. 6.7. H.b. Redout. liliac. ic. 35 oxypetalum.G.p. acute-petal’d. Switzerland.1822. 7. H.b. 36 oleraceum. G.D. purple-striped. England. «+++ 7. H.b. Eng. bot. 488. 37 carinatum. G.D. keeled. ——_——_ -»»- 5.6. H.b. —~— 1658. 38 foetidum. G.D. twisted. Siberia. 1823. —— H.b. 39 violaceum. G.D. violet-flowered. Hungary. 1819. 7. H.b. K.hung.3. t. 278. flexum. W.K- 40 flexuosum. G.D. flexuose. Greece. 1826. —— F.b. 41 fuscum. G.D. brown. Hungary. 1823. —— H.b. W.etK. hung. ic. 42 asperum. G.D. rough-leaved. 8S. Europe. 1820. —— H.b. Red. lil. 7. t. 368. carinatum. D.C. nec aliorum. 43 longispathum. G.p. long-spathed. _————— 1779. 6.7. H.b. Red. lil. 6. t.316. pallens. B.M. 1420. 44 paniculatum, G.D. panicled. ———_ 1780. -———- H.b. ___ Botan. magaz. 1432. 45 pallens. G.p. pale-flowered. —— 1779. —— H.b. Redout. lil. 5. t. 272. 46 parviflorum, G.p. small-flowered. —-_——— 1781. —— H.b. 47 pulchellum. G.p. beautiful. Russia. 1819. 8 H.b. Redout. lil. 5. t. 252. paniculatum. R.L, coloratum. s.s. 48 flavum. G.p. yellow-leafy. S. Europe. 1759. 6.7. H.b. Botan. magaz. 1330. 49 caucaseum. G.pD. Caucasian. Caucasus. 1810. —— H.b. —~—--————. 973, 50 rupestre. G.D. small Caucasian. ——-——-_ 1824. ——— H.b. 51 montanum. G.D. mountain, Greece. —— -— H.b. 422, 52 saxatile. G.p. rock. Caucasus. 1825. 6.7. H.b. 53 globosum. G.p. globular-headed. Siberia. 1820. 7. H.b. 54 moschatum. G.p. small-leaved. Hungary. 1805. 7.8. H.b. setaceum. W.Ke 55 strictum. G.pD, upright. Siberia. 1620. 7. H.b. 56 nutans. G.D. great nodding. ——-—— 1785. 7.8. H.b. 57 senescens. G.D. Narcissus-ld, —-—— 1596. 7. H.b. 58 Andersonii.G.p. Anderson’s- — 1819. —— H.b. 59 hybridum. G.p. bastard. Germany. —— -—— Hb. 60 glaucum. G.pD. . glaucous. — 1596. 6.7. H.b. senescens. B.M, non L,. baicalense. W.en- ~ 61 angulosum. G.D. angular-stalk’d. ——-—— 1739. 6.7. H.b. 62 acutangulum.G.D. acute-angled. ——-—— 1816. -—— H.b. 63 danubiale. G.p. short-leaved. — — Hb. 64 laxum. G.D. loose umbelled. Russia. 1824. -——— H.b. 65 serotinum. G.D. late-flowering. Switzerland.—— 8. 4H.b. 66 albidum.G.p. whitish-flow’r’d. Caucasus. 1823. 6.8. H.b. 67 denudatum. G.D. _ half naked... Siberia. 1819. 8. H.b. 68 rubens. G.p. red-rooted. S. Europe. 1805. 5. H.b. bisulcum. B.M. 69 prostratum. G.D. small trailing. Siberia. ese. 6. HD. 70 congestum. G.D. crowded-fid. ————- _ :--+ 6. H.b. 71 narcissiflorum. G.p. large-flowered. France. 1818. -— H.b. 72 suaveolens. GD. sweet-scented. — 1801. 6.8. H.b. 73 ochroleucum. @.D. cream-colour’d. Hungary. 1816. 7. H.b. 74 cernuum. G.D. drooping. N.America. 1806. 6.7. H.b. 75 stellatum. G.p. starry-flower’d. ——-—— 1811. —— H.b. 76 reticulatum. G.D. _net-rooted.e — 7. Hb. 77 carolinianum. G.p. Carolina. 1819. —— H.b. 78 paradoxum.G.D. paradoxical. Siberia. 1823. 40.0 aaah 79 canadense. G.D. Canadian. N.America. 1739. 6.7. H.b. 80 mutabile. G.p. changeable. ———— +++ % HOD. $1 magicum. G.D. broad-leaved. Spain. 1596. 6.7. H.b. $2 palustre. G.p. marsh. 1823. —— H.b. 83 incarnatum. G.D. _flesh-coloured. Greece. - ++ § H.b. 84 amcenum. G.D. fine red-fld. Italy. 1820. —— H.b. _ carneum. Best. 85 roseum. G.D. rose-coloured. Spain. 1752. 6. H.b. 86 subhirsutum. G.D. hairy. S. Europe. 1596. -—-- H.b. B obtusum. blunt-flowered. ——-—— ——- —— H.b. $7 Clusianum. G.p. —_Clusius’s. —— 1803. 6.8. H.b. 88 Chame-Moly. G.D. dwarf-Moly. —=— 1774. 2.4. F.b. 89 majale. G.p. large Moly. Italy. 1825. 6. F.b. 90 Cowani. G.p. Cowan’s. Chili. 1824. 5. F.b. 91 neapolitanum. G.p. Neapolitan. Italy. — 4.5. Hib. album. Bivon. 92 triquetrum. G.p. _triquetrous. S. Europe. 1759. 5.6. H.b, 93 pendulinum. G.v. pendulous Italian. Italy. 1824. 4.5. H.b. 94 nigrum. G.D. black. S. Europe. 1596. 6. H.b. magicum. B.M. B rubescens. pale red-flow’r'd. Greece. cove —— Hb. 95 Moly. G.p. large yellow. S. Europe. 1604. —— H.b. 96 tricoccum. G.D. three-seeded. N.America.1770. 7. H.b. 97 ursinum. G.D. sharp-fld.Ramson. Britain. +--+ 4.5. H.b. 98 ursinoides. G.p. blunt fid- Ramson. Europe. ---- -—— H.b. 99 Victorialis. G.p. long-rooted. Austria. 1739. 5. “Hb, 100 odorum. G.p. sweet-flowered, Siberia. 1787. 6.7. H.b. tataricum. B.M. 1142. 101 inodorum. B.M. fragrant. Carolina. 1776. 3.4. H.b. fragrans. Vent. cels. t. 26. gracile. W. 102 striatum. G.D. striated. America. 1800. 5.6. H.b. Ornithogalum gramineum. B.M- 2419. : 103 caspium. G.D. Caspian. Astracan. 1820. 4.5. H.b. \ Amaryllis caspica. w. Crinum caspicum. pal. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. SOWERBA.B.P. SoweErRBa. juncea. B.P. Rush-leaved. LAXMANNIA.B.P. LaxMannia. gracilis. B.P. slender. APHYLLANTHES. L.Lity Pink. monspeliensis.L. §Rush-like. N.S.W. 1792. ASPHODELEE. 5.7. G.Y. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. N.S. W. 1822. 5.7. Gt. Hexandria Monogynia. France. 1791. 6.7. H.%. Gmel. sib. v. 1. t. 16. K. hung. 1. t. 68. - Schrad. h. gott.1. t.1. Botan. magaz. 1143. Gmel. sib. 1, t. 11. f. 2. Botan. magaz. 1150. Botan. magaz. 1149. | Ger. emac. p. 186. ic. Redout. lil. 6. t. 357. Botan, magaz. 1318. Vill. dauph. 2. t. 6. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 364. K. hung. 2. t.186. Botan. magaz. 1325. ————_-——- 1576. ——_——_———- 1840. Redout. lil. 2. t. 101. Kalm. it. v. 3. p. 79. Redout. lil. 4. t. 240. Park. parad. p. 141. Botan. magaz, 978. Ten. fl. nap. t. 28. Redout. lil. 4. t. 213. Cyr. pl.r. nap. 2. t.3. Botan. magaz. 774. Clus. hist. 1. p. 192. Botan. magaz. 1203. Ten. fl. nap. 1. t. 28. Botan. regist. 758. Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. Botan. magaz. 869. Ten. fi, nap. 1. t. 31. Botan. magaz. 1148. Flor. grec, t. 323. Botan. magaz. 499. Eng. bot. 122. Redout. lil. 6. t. 303. Botan. magaz. 1222. Redout. lil, 2. t. 98. Botan. magaz. 1129. Bot. mag. 1524 & 1035. Pall. it. 2. ap. t. 2. Botan. magaz. 1104. Botan. magaz. 1132. a ee a call a oa ASPHODELE. THYSANOTUS.B.P. Tuysanotus. Hexandria Monogynia. 8.8. 1 tuberosus. B.P. tuberous-root’d. N.S, W. 1822. 7.9. G.%. 2 elatior. B.P. tall. ——_ ——-- —- GG... 3 isantherus. B.P. equal-anther’d. V.Diem.Isl.——- —— G.2%. 4 junceus. B.P. rush-like, NoS.W.0 -— =, G.%. Chlamysporum juncifolium. P.L. 103. CYANELLA. L. CYANELLA. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 alba. s.s. 1-flower’d white.C. B.S. 1825. 4.6. F.b. 2 lutea. s.s. yellow-flower’d. ————— 1788. 5.12. F.b. 3 orchidiformis. s.s. Orchis-like. ——-—— 1825. 4.8 F.b. 4 lineata. B.T. lined. —_—— 1816. —— F,b. 5 capensis. s.s. purple-flowerd. ————— 1768. —— F.b. CONANTHERA.R. P, CoNANTHERA. Hexandria Monogynia. P.S. 1 bifolia. r.P. two-leaved. Chili. 1823. 3.5. F.b. 2 Simsii. Sims’s. —_—_- —- _ — Fb. bifolia. B.M. non R.P. 3 campanulata. H.£.F. bell-flowered. — —— 4.6. F.b. DIANELLA. B.P. DIANELLA. Hexandria Monogynia. W. 1 ensifolia. B.m. whitish-fld, E. Indies. 1731. 8. S$... Dracena ensifolia. H.K. 2 nemorosa. Lam. blue Indian. ———— ---- 6.8 S.%. 3 coerulea. B.P. roughedged. N.S.W. 1783. 5.8. F.2. 4 longifolia. B.P. long-leaved. —-—— 1820. —— F.. 5 levis. B.P. smooth-leaved, ———— 1823. —— F.2%. 6 revoluta. B.P. revolute-margin’d. 1822. —— F.%, 7 divaricata. B.P. divaricated. N. Holland. 1805. 7.8. G.2%. _ 8 strumosa. B.R. strumous, | _ 1822. 5.8. G., | LUZURIAGA.B.P. Luzurtaca. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 cymosa. B.P. cymose. N.S. W. 1820. 4.6. G.h. 2 montana. B.P. mountain. — 1823. —— G.h. EUSTREPHUS.B.P. Evusrreryus. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S, 1 latifolius. B.P. broadest-leav’d. N.S.W. 1800. 6.9. G.h.w. 2 angustifolius.B.Pp. narrow-leaved. N.Holland. 1816. -—— G.h.w. MYRSIPHYLLUM. S.S. Myrsipnyititum. Hexandria Trigynia. S.S. 1 asparagoides.s.s. broadest-leav’'d.C. B.S. 1702. 10.3. Gh. Medeola asparagoides. i. 2 angustifolium.s.s. mnarrow-leaved, ———— 1752. 12.3. ASPARAGUS. L. ASPARAGUS. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 amarus. s.s. bitter. S. France. 1820. 6.8. H.2. 2 officinalis. s.s. common. England. --«. —— H.%. 3 sylvaticus. s.s. wood. Hungary. ---- -— H.%. 4 declinatus. s.s. long-leaved. C.B.S. 1759. -+-- F.%. 5 decumbens. s.s. decumbent. — 1792. 5. F.f. 6 flexuosus. s.s. flexuose. —_——-_:-- - 7.8 7 dauricus. s,s. Daurian. Dauria. 1819. 6.8 H.}%. 8 maritimus. s.s. sea-side. Siberia. 1820. —— H.». 9 verticillaris. s.s. whorl-leaved. Caucasus. 1752. —— H.2. 10 acutifolius. s.s. needle-leaved. Spain. 1640. —— H.h. 11 racemosus.s.s. branching. E. Indies. 1808. ---- S.h. 12 sarmentosus. s.s, _linear-leaved. Ceylon. 1710. 8 £S.h. 13 falcatus. s.s. sickle-leaved. E. Indies. 1792. --:+ S.h. 14 retrofractus. s.s. Larch-leaved. Africa. 1759. 8.9 G.%. 15 capensis. s.s. Cape. C.B.S. 1691. 4.5. G.h. 16 ethiopicus. w. angular-stalk’d. ——-——- 1816, ---- G.h. 17 scandens. w. climbing. — 1795. 5.6. G.hw. 18 asiaticus. s,s. Asiatic. Asia. 1759. —— G.h. 19 subulatus. s.s. awl-leaved. C. B.S. 1811. eee+ Gh. 20 albus. s.s. white. Spain. 1540. 5.7. F.b. 21 aphyllus. sis. prickly. S. Europe. 1640. —— F.h. 22 horridus. s.s. long-spined. —-——_ 1819. —— F-.h. 23 Broussoneti. L.en. Broussonet’s. Canaries. 1815. —— F.%. PHYLLOMA.B.M. Puytitoma. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 aloiflorum. B.M. Aloe-like. Bourbon. 1766. 4.6. S.h. Lomatophyllum borbonicum. w. Dracena marginata. H.K, dentata, P.s. 2 macra. Len. lean, Mauritius. 1817. 6.7. S.h. Aloe macra. H.5.8. . 3 rufocincta. rosy-edged. E. Indies. 1818. :+-- S.h. Aloe rufocincta. 1.8.8. 493 Botan. regist. 655. 656. Botan. magaz. 1252. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 447, Botan. magaz. 568. Lodd. bot. cab. 904. Botan. magaz. 2496. Hook. ex. flor. 214. Botan. magaz. 1404. Rumph. amb. 5. t. 73. Botan. magaz. 505. Botan. regist. 734. Botan. regist. 751. Botan. magaz, 1245. Herm. lugd. t. 681. Till. pis. 17. t. 12. f. 2, Eng. bot. 339. K. hung. 3. t.201. Jacq. scheen. 1. t.97. Buxb. cent. 5. ap. t.37. Park. theat. f.3. Rheed. mal. 10. t.10. Burm. zeyl. t. 13. f. 2. Pluk. alm. t. 375. f.3. Jacq. scheen. 3. t. 266. Pluk. alm. t.15, f. 4. Moris. s.1. t. 1. f. 3. sect. 1.'t. L.f.2, Cavan. ic. 2. t. 136. Jacq. eclog. 2. t. 40, Botan. magaz. 1585, 424 DRACZAENA. W. 1 Draco. s.s. 2 ensifolia. H.s. 3 indivisa. s.s. 4 australis. s.s. 5 stricta. R.R. 6 congesta. 7 arborea. s.s. 8 fragrans. s,s. 9 ferrea. L. terminalis. W umbraculifera. s,s. cernua. 8.8. tessellata. s.s. merginata. PS. mauritiana. s.s. undulata. s.s. ovata. B.M. nodosa. L.c. reflexa. 8.8. CORDYLINE. B.P. hemichrysa. P.s. PHORMIUM. W. tenax. w. XANTHORRHCA.B.P. GuM-TREE. 1 australis. B.p. 2 hastile. B.p. 3 media. B.P. 4 minor. B.P. 5 bracteata, B.P. BROMELIACEE. Juss. gen. 49. AGAVE. L. 1 americana. H.S. 2 Milleri. u.s. Miller’s. 1768. ---- D.G.2. 3 flaccida. u.s. flaccid. 1790. --+- D.S.%. 4 lurida. p.m. Vera Cruz. Vera Cruz. 1731. 6.7. D.S.2. Botan. mee, 1522. 5 angustifolia. uH.s. narrow-leaved. St. Helena. 1770. +--+ D.S.2. 6 yuccefolia. H.s.s, Yucca-leaved. -+--+-++ 1817. «+--+ D.S.2. 7 mexicana. H.S.s. Mexican. Mexico. 1818. ««-. D.G.%. 8 Karatto. H.s. Karatto. S. America. 1768. -*-- D.S.2. 9 vivipara. H.s. viviparous. 1731. 8.10. D.S.2. Comm. prel. t. 15. 10 polyacantha. H.R. black spined. ------- - 1800. ---- D.S.2. 11 virginica. H.s. Virginian. N.America. 1765. 9. F.%. Botan. magaz. 1157. FURCREA. V. Furcra@a. Hexandria Monogynia. H.S. i gigantea. gigantic. S. America. 1690. 9.1. D.S.h. DC. plant. gras. 126. Agave fetida. w. 2 tuberosa. H.K. tuberous. 1739. 8.9. D.S.h. 3 cubensis. H.s. Cuba. ——- «++. D.SJh. Jacq. amer, t.260, £25. 4 rigida. H.s. Vera Cruz. 1768. -«+- D.S.h. 5 australis. H.s. entire-leaved. -+--+-+: e+ 811. +++. DS... 6 madagascariensis.H. Madagascar. Madagascar.1818. ---» D.S.%. 7 cantala. H.s.s. Canton. China. — ---- D.G.Y. LITTZA. HSS. Litt#£A. Hexandria Monogynia. H.S.S. geminiflora. H.s.s. twin-flowered. S. America.1810. ---- S.%. Journ. of se. n.3. t. 1. Agave geminiflora. Ker. Buonapartea juncea. H.S. nec aliorum. BROMELIA. L. Pine-APPLE. Hexandria Monogynia/L. 1 Ananas. s.s. common. S.America. 1690. 1.12. S.%. Botan. magaz. 1564. 2 semiserrata. s,s. semiserrate. —— ees» ——— §,2. ; 83 lucida. w.en. shining-leaved. ————- <-+-+ —— S.IhwW 4 lingulata, s.s. tongue-leaved. 1759. 5.6. S.%. Plum. ic. t. 64. f. 1 EE SOE eee CE ee Ce ee ee ee A. men LTT ae. ee ee . ASPHODELEZ, DRAGON-TREE. Hexandria Monogynia. L. — | ead ics - common. E. Indies. 1640. ---. S.h. Blackw.t. 358. sword-leaved. - 1800. «+s S.h. . undivided. N.Zealad: 1819. +++. Gh. Forster’s. ———— -—— ss Gh. loose-panicled. N,Holland. 1821. 3.5. S.h. Botan. regist. 956. crowded-panicl’d. rimgee liararewee tree. Africa. 1810. —— S.h. x fragrant. — 1768. 2.5. S.h. Botan. magaz. 1081. dark-purple. China. 1771. 3.4. S.h. Redont. lil. 91. red-leaved. India. = 1812, +++» S.h. Rumph.amb.4.t.34.f.1. umbrella. Mauritius. 1788. 4.6. S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 289. drooping. ———- _ +++» —— S.h. Jacq. schoen. 1. t. 96. red-margined. Madagascar.1816. +--+ S.h. ) Mauritius. Mauritius. —— +++. §.h. wave-leaved. C.B.S. eet areas oval-leaved. SierraLeon.1790. 8.9. S.h. Botan. magaz. 1180. knotted. = = -ee+s osenk VS22. +a . ., reflex-leaved. Madagascar.1816. - S.b. Corpytine. Hexandria Monogynia. golden-leaved. Bourbon. 1823. ---- S.h. Frax-Lity. Hexandria Monogynia. W. . Tris-leaved. N.Zealand. 1788. 8 F.%. v. 2. t. 96. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. southern. V.Diem.1sl.1820. ---. F.h. yellow gum. N.S.W. 1803. 4.5. F.h. intermediate. 1819, -«+-- Fi. small. 1804, «+++ FLY. long-bracted. 1810. 4.5. F.%. ORDO CLXXXVI. AGAVE. largeAmerican. S. America. 1640. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 8.10. D.G.2. Andr. eROGh 438. ~. one BROMELIACES. 425 5 bracteata. s.s. red-bracted. Jamaica. 1785. 9.10. S.%. Sal. par. lond. 40. 6 fastuosa. L.col. noble. S. America. 1815. 8.10. S.%. Lind. coll. t.1. 7 melanantha. B.R. black-flowered. Trinidad. 1823. 5.7. S.%. Botan. regist. 766. 8 nudicaulis. B.R. naked-stalked. S. America. +-++ 2.3. S.f. ———— 263. pyramidalis. B.M. 9 Hookeri. Hooker’s. Trinidad. 1822. 4.6. S.2%. Hoek. ex. flor. 143. nudicaulis. H.E.F. 0n B.R. 10 Karatas. s.s. upright-leaved. W. Indies. 1739. +--+ S.%. Jacq. vind. 1. t.31. 32. 11 humilis. s.s. dwarf, —_—— 1789. 3. S§.%. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 60. 12 pallida. s.r. pale. S. America. 1810, 6.11. S.%. Botan. regist. 344. 13 Pinguin. s.s. broad-leaved. W. Indies. 1699. 3.4. S.%. t.91. 14 chrysantha. s.s. yellow-flow’r’d. S. America. 1820. —— S.h. Jacq. scheen. 1. t.55. 15 exudans.B.c. clammy. ———— 1816. —-— S.%. Lodd. bot. cab, 801. 16 paniculigera. s.s. panicled. W.iIndies. 1822, —— S.%. 17 sylvestris. s.s. wild. S. America. 1820. 7.8. S.%. Botan. magaz. 2392. 18 Acanga. s.s. recurved. —_—— 1824. «+«+s §.%. Pis. bras. t. 91. 19 sessiliflora, L.c. sessile-flow’r’d. — see §.%. GUZMANNIA.R.P. Guzmannia. Hexandria Monogynia. S.! tricolor. R.P. three-coloured, S. America. 1818. 5. 6. S. 2. Lind. coll. bot. 8. PITCAIRNIA.S.S. Puircarrnra. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 staminea. s.s. long-stamen’d. S-America.1823. 1.3. S.2%. Botan. magaz. 2411. 2 integrifolia. s.s. entire-leaved. W-. Indies. 1800. 8. S.4%. —-——-~— 1462, 3 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. 1785. 8.9. S.44. —————— 856. 4 bracteata. R.L. largebractd,red, ————— 1799. 4.5. S.%. Redout. lil. 73.74. 5 sulphurea. A.R. yellow-flow’r’d. ————— 1797. 6.8. S.%. Andr. reposit. 249. bracteata B sulphurea. B.M. 1416. ' ‘6 albiflos. B.m. white-flowered. Brazil. 1824, 9.12. 8.3. Betan. magaz. 2642. 7 bromelizfolia. s.s. Pine-apple-ld, Jamaica. 1781. 6.8. S.2. 824. 8 angustifolia. s.s. narrow-leaved, Santa Cruz. 1777. 12.1. 8.4%. ——-—-——__ 1547, 9 furfuracea. B.M. mealy. S. America, 1818. 7.9. SS... -———~-~—— "9657, 10 media. L.c. intermediate. ———— 1823. —— S.7%. ‘ 11 iridiflora. L.c. Iris-flowered, ——— -—— — S.%. 12 humilis. L.c. dwarf. ———_—__ -—- —- §.2. POURRETIA.R.P. Pourretia. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 pyramidata. xK.s. pyramidal. S. America. 1822. 4.6. 8.4. Flor. Peruv. 3. t. 257. 2 coarctata. R.P. crowded-spik’d. Chili. --e+ S.2. Feuil. per. 3. t. 39. | TILLANDSIA. L. TirtAnpsra. Hexandria Monogynia. L. : 1 Bartramii. s.s. Bartram’s, Carolina, 1825. ee++ Si. | 2 recurvata. s.s. — recurve-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 7. S.%. Sloan.jam.1.t.121.f.1. 3 xiphioides.B.R. . Xiphium-like, BuenosAyres.1815.—— S.%. Botan. regist. 105. 4 serrata. 8.8. saw-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 6.7. S.y%. Plum.ic.63.t.75. f.1. 5 lingulata. s.s. tongue-leaved. ———— 1776. -——- S.%. Jacq. amer. t.62. 6 setacea. s.s. bristle-leaved. ————— 1822. —— S.}. . 7 stricta. s.s. stiff-leaved. Brazil. 1810. 11. S.%. Botan. magaz. 1529. 8 bulbosa. H.E.F. bulbous. Trinidad. 1823. 8.9. S.2. Hook. ex. flor.173. 9 aloifolia. H.E.F. Aloe-leaved. ————-_ 1824, 11.12, S.44. ————_-——-._ 205. . 10 pulchra. H.E.F. pretty. ———._ 1822. 10.11. S.%. 154. 11 anceps. B.c. two-edged. W.Indies. 1819. 7. S.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 771. 12 utriculata. s.s. bottle. . S. America. 17938. 7.8. S.2. 13 tenuifolia. s.s. slender-leaved. W. Indies. 1822. —— S.y%. Plum. ic. 232. f, 2. 14 acutifolia. L.en. acute-leaved. Brazil. 1815. —— S.%. Botan. regist. 749. — flexuosa B pallida. B.R. 15 flexuosa. s.s. flexuose. W.Indies. 1790. —— S.%. Jacq. amer. t.63. 16 nutans. s.s. nodding-spik’d. —————- 1793. ——- §.2. 17 fasciculata. s.s. bundled. ——— 1822. —— S.2. | 18 nitida. H.E.F. shining broad-la, Jamaica. 1823, 11.12. S.%. Hook. ex. flor. 218. 19 polystachya. s.s. many-spiked, W-.Indies. 1820. 7.9. S.2. 20 angustifolia. s.s. | narrow-leaved, ~~ 1522. —— S.J. ; 21 paniculata. s.s. panicled. — 1817. —— S.%. Plum. ic. 237. 22 coarctata. G.c. crowded. ———— 1822. +--- S.%. 23 compressa. G.c. | compressed. —_—- — _«-: 8.2. 24 gracilis. G.c. slender. —_—_— —_ -r-+ §.2. 25 ramosa. G.c. branching. ——-——— ——— ere S22, 26 rigida. G.c. rigid.’ ——-—— —— ‘:-- S8.4y. BONAPARTEA, R.P. BoNAPARTEA. Hexandria Monogynia. rush-leaved. Peru. 1800. ++». S.y. Flor. peruv, 3. t. 242, juncea, R.P. 426 , al TULIPACEE. ORDO CLXXXVII. “TULIPACER. Kth. synops. 1, p.292. YUCCA. L. conspicua, H.3.s. aloifolia. H.8.s. serrulata. H.Ss.s. Draconis. H.S.8. crenulata. H.S.s. arcuata. H.S.S. tenuifolia. H.s.s. concava. H.S.S. 9 filamentosa. H.s8,s. 10 flaccida. H.s.s. 1] recurva. H.Ss.s. 12 glaucescens. H.S.S. glauca. BeMe 26622 13 stricta. B.M. 14 angustifolia. H.s.s. 15 superba. H.3s.5. BNA TP WN gloriosa. A.R. nec aliorum. 16 gloriosa. H.S.s. 17 rufocincta. H.Ss.s. 18 obliqua. H.s.s. B major. H.38.S. TULIPA. L. 1 biflora. s.s. 2 tricolor. F. Celsiana. s.8. Breyniana. B.M. nec aliorum. 3 4 sylvestris. 8.3. 5 turcica, W.en. 6 altaica. s.s. 7 oculus Solis. s.S- 8 precox. S.s. 9 cornuta. R.L. 13 Clusiana. s.s. 311 suaveolens, s.s. ‘12 pubescens. s.s. 13 Gesneriana. s.s. B versicolor. y plena. $ laciniata. FRITILLARIA. L ‘ 1 precox. Melegris B precox. 2 Meleagris. E.B. 3 tenella. M.B. rdcemosa. a. minor. 4 nervosa. S.Ss. latifolia. B minor. B.M. 5 lutea. M.B. - 6 latifolia. w. 7 ruthenica. s.s. 8 verticillata. w. 9 messanensis. S.8- 10 lusitanica. s.s. 11 nigra. B.M. pyrendica. B.M. nec aliorum. aquitanica. Clus. 12 pyrenaica. Ww. racemosa, B.Me 952. ADAMS-NEEDLE. Hexandria Mohoeenle L. ct, 3 broad rough-edg’d.--+---++ 1810. 8.10. F.k. Aloe-leaved. W.Indies. 1696. G.h. Botan. magaz. 1700. narrow saw-ld, Carolina. 1808. «++. F.h. as hee drooping-l4.. ©———— 1732. 8 9. F.h. Dill. elt. t, 324. f.417. rough-edged oblique. -+-- 1818, +++. F.fp. arcuated. | soesecee 1817. ee-s FR. slender-leaved. Malta? .-——- «e+. F.h. hollow-thready. N.America. 1816. 7.8. H.2. ? common-thready. Virginia. 1675. 7.10.H.%. Botan. magaz.900. flaccid thready. N.America. 1816. —— H.2. fess kcal recurve-leaved, Georgia. (1795. 8.9. H.%. Sal. par. lond. 31. glaucescent. | N.America.1815. 7.8. H.%. Swt. br. fl. gar. 53. straight-leaved. Carolina. 1811. —— H.%. Botan. magaz. 2222. narrow-leaved. Missouri. —— -— H.f. ————~—— 2236. superb. reececes veer 8.10.G.h. Andr. reposit. 473. — handsome. America. 1596. 7.8. H.h. Botan. magaz,. 1260. red-edged. sceessee 1816. —— H.2. i oblique-leaved. -ererse+e 1808. —— H.2. larger, = = sseee8 7 —— — Hy. Tut. Hexandria Monogynia. L. tas two-flowered. Russia. 1806. 4. H.b. Botan. regist.535. — three-coloured. ————— 1823. «+++ H.b. eis tage Cels’s. Levant. sere 6.7. H.b. Botan. magaz. 717. wild. England. eooe A. 5, H.b. Eng. bot. 63. Florentine. S.Europe. «+s+ ~-— H.b. Altaic. Altay. 1824. —— H.b. Sun’s-eye. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.b. Botan. regist. 204. early-flowering. Naples. 1825. 3.4. H.b. gar. 157. — horn-petaled, Levant. 1816. 5. H.b. Botan. regist. 127. Clusius’s, Sicily. 1636. 6. H.b. Botan. magaz. 1390. Van-Thol. S. Europe. 1603. 3.4, H.b. - ————--— 839. woolly-stalked. ————- +++» —— H.b. Swt. br. fl. gar. 78. common. Levant. 1577. 4.5. H.b. Botan. regist. 380. various-colour'd. —————- —— -— H.b. Botan. magaz. 1135. double-flower’'d. ————- — —— Hb. Parrot. ——_ — — Hop. FRITILLARY. Hexandria Monogynia. L. early white. Europe. veee 3.4. HD. P.S. chequered. Britain. seve 3.5. H.b. Eng. bot. 622. slender. Caucasus. 1824. —— H.b. Botan. magaz. 1216. B.M. orientalis. Adam- . ‘pgaes nerved-leaved. eeee 4.5. H.b. Botan. magaz. 853. _ large yellow. 1812. —— H.b. Botan. magaz. 1538. broad-leaved. ———— 1604. —— H.b. ————-—— 1207. Russian. —— 1820. —— H.b. whorl-leaved. Siberia. — — Hb. Italian. _ Italy. 1825. H.b. Portugal. Portugal —— ~ H.b. OE. dark-flowered. Pyrenees. 1596. 5. H.b. Botan. magaz. 664. - cluster-flow’r’'d. Russia. 1605. 5.6. H.b. Botan. magaz. 952. ~=_: = Se. St hee Ta “—— ys. 3 albidum. n. whiteAmerican. TULIPACE. 427 13 obliqua. B.m. Tulip-leaved. Caucasus. «++. 4, H.b. Botan. magaz. 857. tulipifolia. M.B. caucasica. Adam. 5 14 persica. B.M. Persian. Persia. 1596. 4.5. H.b. Botan. magaz. 1537. B minor. B.M. lesser. — - — Hb. 962. 15 pudica. s,s. dwarf. N.America.1825. +++ Hb. Pursh. fl. amer. t. 8. Lilium pudicum. Ph. 16 lanceolata. Ph. spear-leaved, ————- 1823, »eee Hb. 17 camtschatcensis. Camtschatka. Camtschatka.1759. 5. H.b. | Linn. trans. 10. t. 11. - Lilium camtschatcense. w. 18 alba. n. white-flowered. N.America.1825. «++« H.b, 18 Imperialis. w. Crown Imperial: Persia. 1596. 3.4. H.b. a rubra, red-flowered. ee ee ee FDS) Botan, mMasazs 194, B flava. yellow-flowered. ————- -——~ -——~ H.b. ———~—— 11215. LILIUM. L. Lity. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 candidum., w. common white. Levant. 1596. 6.7. H.b. Botan. magaz. 278. B striatum. Striped-flowered, ceecersee cove ——— Hub. y spicatum. monstrous-fl@. Seceeeve seco —— Hb. 3 variegatum. striped-leaved. eeeccese sone ——— Hb. 2 bulbiferum. w. bulb-bearing. Italy. 1596. -——- H.b. _ Botan. magaz. 36. B umbellatum. B.M. umbel-flowering, ————- ——- —— H.b. ————-——1018, 8 croceum. L.en. saffron-color’d. S. Europe. «+--+ —— H.b. : 4 latifolium. L.en. broad-leaved. ——— -++. —— Hb. | 5 spectabile. Fr. showySiberian. Siberia. 1754. —— H.b. Swt. br. fl. gar. 75. pensylvanicum. B.M. 872. dauricum. B.M. 1210. in note, 6 lancifolium.s.s. lance-leaved. China. 1824. +--+ H.b. _ 7@ concolor. 8.8. self-coloured. ——-—— 1806. 7.8. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1165. - 8 pumilum. s.s. dwarf, Dahuria. 1816. 6.8. H.b. Botan. regist. 132. — angustifolium, F. linifolium. Horn. | 9 andinum. n. umbel-flower’d. Andes. 1811. 7.8. H.b. Botan. regist. 504. umbellatum. Ph. philadelphicum B andinum. B.R. 10 philadelphicum. w. Philadelphian. N.America.1757.. —— H.b. Botan. magaz. 519. 11 Catesbei. w. Catesby’s. Carolina. 1787. 7.9. H.b. — 259. 12 carolinianum. mM. Carolina. — 1820. —— H.b. Botan. regist. 580. 13 longiflorum. w. long-flowered. Japan. 1819. —— F.b. ———_— 560. 14 japonicum, w. Japan, — 1804. 7.8. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1591. 15 pyrenaicum. s.s. § Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1596. 6.7. H.b. 16 pomponium. w. scarlet pompone. Siberia. 1629. 5.6. H.b. Botan. magaz. 971. 17 chalcedonicum. w. scarlet Martagon. Levant. 1596. 6.7. H.b. —_—————_ 80. 18 monadelphum, m.B. monadelphous, Caucasus. 1800. —— H.b. —— 1405. 19 tigrinum. B.M. tiger-spotted. China. 1804. 7.9. H.b. ——— 1237. 20 canadense. B.M. Canadian. | N.America.1629. 7.8. H.b. —_—_—___-—. 800, B pendulifiorum. R.L. red-flowered. — — — Hb. Redout. lil. t.105. canadense 3. rubra. B.M. 858. 21 superbum. w. superb. ———— 1727. 6.8. H.b. Botan. magaz, 936. 22 glabrum. s.s. smooth. seceseee core -——— Hb, 23 Martagon. w. Turk’s-cap. Germany. 1596. 6.7. H.b. Redout. lil. t. 146. a glabrum. smooth-stalked. —-—— —— -—— Hib. Botan. magaz. 1634. B pubescens. hairy- stalked. —- — -— Hb ———-— 893. *LORIOSA. L. GroriosA. Hexandria Monogynia. L. ~ 1 virescens, B.m. greenish-fld, § Mozambique.1822, 7.8. S.2/.~. Botan. magaz. 2539, 2 superba, L. superb. E. Indies. 1690. -—— S.%.~. Botan. regist. 77. 3 simplex. L. simple-leaved. Senegal. 1756. —— S.}. Methonica gloriosa. gal. “ ; ZRYTHRONIUM. L. Doe’s-ToorHVioteT. Hexandria Monogynia. L. I Dens canis. w. commen. Europe. 1596. 3.4. H.b. Botan. magaz. 5. a major. large-flowered. — — Hb. B minor. smaller-flowered. — — Hb. y? album. white-flowered. —M——— ++: —— Hb. 2 americanum. B.m. yellow-flow’r’d. N.America. 1665. 4.5, H.b. Botan. magaz, 1113. lanceolatum. Ph. 1825. —— H.b. te le he Be i Oe ie 428 MELANTHACER. ORDO CLXXXVIIL. heel re NUE Ges ct Brown prodr. 272. ‘ os BULBOCODIUM. W. Burgocopium. Hexandria Monogynia. L. " 1 _vernum. s.s. spring-flowering. Spain. 1629, 2.3. H.b. . 2 versicolor. s.s. _various-colored, Russia, 1820. 9.10. H.b. | Colchicum versicolor. B.R. COLCHICUM.S.S. MerapowSarrron. Hexandria Trigynia. L. i byzantinum. s.s. broad-leaved. Levant. 1629. 9.10. H.b, 2 autumnale. £.B. common. Britain. -oe- —— H.b. 6 album. white flowered. voee ——— HD. y multiplex. double-flowered. - —— Hb. 3 crociflorum. B.m. Crocus-flower’d. reese ——— Hb. 4 variegatum. w. chequer-flower’d.Greece. 1629. 8.10. H.b. 5. arenarium. 8.8. sand. Hungary. 1816. 9.10. H.b. B umbrosum. B.R. wood. —— — — Hob. 6 montanum. s.s. mountain. S. Europe. 1818. —— H.b. UVULARIA. S.S. UvuvariA. Hexandria Monogynia. L, 1 perfoliata, s.s. perfoliate. N.America. 1710. 5.6. H.%. 2 flava. s.s. yellow-flow’r’d. -——-——_ ---- —— H.4. 3 lanceolata. H.K. = spear-leaved. — 1710. 7.8. H.2. 4 grandiflora.H.K. large yellow. 1802. 5.6. H.%. 5 sessilifolia. s.s. sessile-leaved. 1790. .6.0.. Hm. 6 puberula. s.s. pubescent. 1818, -——- H.4. DISPORUM. D.P. DisporuM. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 parviflorum. p.p. small-flowered. Nepaul. 1823. 6.8. F.2. 2 fulvum. sal. brown-flower’d. China. 1801. 6.11. F.%. Uvularia chinensis. B.M. SCHELHAMMERA.B.P.ScHeLHAmmERA. HexandriaMonogynia. S.S. : undulata. B.P. wave-leaved. N.S.W. 1822. 6.9. F.2L. BURCHARDIA. B.P. Burcnarpia. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. umbellata. B.P. umbel-flower’d. N.S.W. 1825. 6.8. F.2. ANGUILLARIA. B.P.ANGuILLARIA. Hexandria Trigynia. I dioica. B.P. dioecious. N.S.W. 1826, ++. F.. 2 biglandulosa. B.p. two-glanded. 1822. 6.8. F.y%. 3 indica. B.P. Indian. E. Indies) ——- —— F,2. Melanthium indicum. tL. ORNITHOGLOSSUM.S.S. Birn’s-toneve. Hexandria Trigynia. S.S. 1 undulatum. B.F.c. wave-leaved. C.B.S. 1825. 8.10. F.b. 2 viride. s.s. green-flowered. 1788. 10.11. F.b. Melanthium viride. B.M. 994. ANDROCYMBIUM.W. AnpDRocyMBIum. Hexandria Trigynia. S.S. . 1 melanthioides. s.s. narrow-leaved. C.B.S. 1825. 8.10. F.b. 2 eucomoides, s.s. Tulip-leaved. 1794. 3.5. F.b. Melanthium eucomoides. B.M. 641. 4 3 volutare. B.T. rolled-leaved. 1816. —— F.h., MELANTHIUM. W. Metantaium. Hexandria Trigynia.L. _ 1 uniflorum. w. yellow. C.B.S. 1787. 6.7. F.b. 2 junceum. w. Rush-leaved. 1788. 6.11. F.b. 3 secundum. w. side-flowering. — 1812, —— F.b. 4 capense. w. spotted-fid, 1768, 5.6. F.b. 5 ciliatum. w. fringed. 1825. —— F.h. WURMBEA. W. WurRmMBEA. Hexandria Trigynia. W. 1 campanulata. w. bell-flowered. C. B.S. 1788. 5.6. F.b. Melanthium monopetalum. B.M. 2 purpurea. H.K. purple. —_——_-_ —— —— Fb. Melanthium spicatum. Bm. Wurmbea capensis. A.R. 221. 3 pumila. w. dwarf. —— 1800. 5.6. F.b. long-flowered. § ————— TOFIELDIA. Hexandria Trigynia. S.S. Scotch. Britain. 7.8. Hot. ee ee 4 longiflora. w. TOFIELDIA. L.T. 1 palustris. L.T. eees - Botan. magaz.153. Botan. regist. 571... q Botan. magaz. 1122. | Eng. bot. 133. ae Botan. magaz. 2673. _ 1028. © W.etK. hung. 2. t.179. Botan. FoR 54]. : Sm. exit hA t.49. 1.4.50,° % Cornut. canad. t.41. _ Sm. exot. bot. 1. t. 51. _ ee 1. 2 o2em : Botan. magaz. 916. ce ; : Swt. br. fl. gar. 134, Sal. par. lond. 54. | | | | ' Swt. br. fl. gar. 165. — Botan. magaz. 767. Sa 558. Lam. ill. t. 269. f, 2. Botan. magaz. 1291. Botan. magaz. 694. Eng. bot. 536. MELANTHACEZ. 429 2 alpina. L.T. Alpine. Europe. sree 7.8. Redout. lil. t. 256, palustris. DC. | 3 pubens. L.T. downy. N.America. 1790. 4. 5. « Pluk.mant.29.t.342.f.3 H.y | H.% | XEROPHYLLUM.M. Xeropuytium. Hexandria Trigynia. S.S. 1 gramineum. s.s. grass-leaved. N.America.1812. 5.6. H.%. Botan. mag. 1599. Helonias graminea, B.M. 2 tenax. s.s. tough-leaved. ————— 1811. —— H.2 3 asphodeloides, s.s. _Asphodel-like. ————-._ 1765. H. - Ph. amer.1. t.9.— - Botan. magaz, 748. Helonias asphodeloides. B.M. ’ HELONIAS. W. Hetonias. Hexandria Trigynia. L. . 1 bullata. w. broad-leaved. N.America.1758. 4.5. H.%. Botan. magaz. 747. latifolia. M. 2 erythrosperma. m. channel-leav’d. ————— 1770. 6. H.%. Botan. magaz. 803. lata. B.m. Melanthium letum. w. 3 angustifolia. mM. narrow-leaved, -————_ 1812. ——‘H.%. Botan. magaz. 1540. ZIGADENUS.M. ZIGADENUS. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 glaberrimus. w. smooth-leaved. N.America.1811. 5.6. H.%. Mich. amer.1. t, 22. Helonias glaberrima. B.M. 1680. 2 bracteatus, bracted. —— —— -——H.y. Botan. magaz. 1703. Helonias bracteata. B.M. : | NOLINA. M. Noxina. Hexandria Trigynia. S.S. georgiana. M. Georgian, © Georgia. 1812. 7.8. H.%. Pluk, mant.t.342.f,1. LEIMANTHIUM. W. Lermantuium. Polygamia Monecia. . 1 virginicum. w. Virginian. N.America. 1768. 6.7. H.%. Botan. magaz. 985. Helonias virginica. B.m. Melanthium virginicum. ph. 2 monoicum. monoecious. ———. 1817. —— H.2. Melanthium monoicum. pn. ; 3 hybridum. hybrid. ———- 1822. —— H.%. Melanthium hybridum. ph. racemosum. M. VERATRUM. L. WHITEHELLEBORE. Polygamia Monecia. L. : 1 nigrum. w. dark-flowered. Siberia. 1596. 6.7. H.%. Botan. magaz. 963. 2 album. w. white-flowered. S. Europe. 1548. 6.8. H.%. Flor. dan. 1120, 8 Lobelianum. w.en. Lobel’s. —— 1818. —— H.. : 4 viride. w. green-flower’d. N.America, 1742. 7.8. H.24. Botan, magaz. 1096. | 5 parviflorum. m. small-flowered. ————— 1809. —— H.%. . 6 angustifolium. ph. mnarrow-leaved. ————— 1823. —— H.2. CHAMELIRIUM. W. Cuamatirium. Diccia Hexandria. _ carolinianum. w. _spiked-flowered.N.America.1759. 7.8. H.%. Botan. magaz. 1062. Helonias lutea. B.M. dioica. ph. Ophyostachys virginica, R.L. ORDO CLXXXIX. PONTEDEREE. K¢th. synops.1. p.273. PONTEDERIA. L. Ponreperia. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 cordata. s.s. heart-leaved. N.America.1759. 6.8. H.w.2. Botan. magaz. 1156. 2 azurea. s.s. blue-flowered. Jamaica. 1822. —— S.w.2. 3 lanceolata. s.s. lanceolate. Carolina. --e2 §.9. G.w.. Lodd. bot. cab. 613. 4 angustifolia. s.s. narrow-leayed. N.America. 1806. 6.8. H.w.2. 5 crassipes. s.s. thick footstalk’d. Brazil. 1822. —— S.w.%. Mart. n. pl. bras. t. 4. 6 dilatata. s.s. spreading. E. Indies. 1806. 5. S.w.2. Andr. reposit, 490. HETERANTHERA.R.S. HETERANTHERA. Triandria Monogynia. W. 1 reniformis. R.s. kidney-leaved. S. America. 1812. 6,7. G.w.. Flor. per. 1. t.71. fia, 2 acuta. w. - acute-leaved. N.America.—~—- -—— H.w.. 3 limosa, R.s. oval-leaved. W.Indies. 1822. —— S.w.3. LEPTANTHUS.M. Lepranruus. Triandria Monogynia. Ph. gramineus. M. grass-like. N.America, 1823. 7.8. H.w.2}. Hook, ex. flor. 94. Heteranthera graminea, ph. Schollera graminifolia, w- 430 COMMELINE. ORDO Cxc. COMMELINEZ. Brown prodr. p. 268. ot DICHORISANDRAS.S. DicnorisANDRA. Hexandria Monogynia, S.S. — AGN f 1 thyrsiflora. s.s. bunch-flow’r’d. Brazil. 1820. 8.10. S.h. Botan. regist. 682, — 2 gracilis. s.s. slender. —— 1 — — S.fh. 3 puberula. s.s. pubescent. ——_ — — S8.x. CAMPELIA. K.S. CAMPELIA. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. Zanonia. K.s. Gentian-leav’d. S.America. 1759. 7.12. S.%. Redout. lil. 4, t. 192. Commelina Zanonia. R.L. Tradescantia Zanonia. w. Zanonia bibracteata. Cram. TRADESCANTIA. L. SprpErworr. Hexandria Monogynia. L. 1 fuscata. s.s. rusty. S. America, 1820. 8.12. S.21. Botan. regist. 482. 2 malabarica. s.s. Grass-leaved. E. Indies. 1776. 7.8. S.2%1. Rheed. mal.9. t. 63. 8 tuberosa. s,s. tuberous-root'd. —————- 1817. —— S.2. 4 speciosa. s.s. handsome. Mexico. 1825. —— S.2. 5 discolor. s,s. purple-leaved. S. America. 1783. 4.9. S.%. Botan. magaz. 1192. 6 cordifolia. s.s. heart-leaved. Jamaica. 1822, —— §S.©. 7 erecta. s.s.: upright. Mexico. 174. 7.8. H.©. Botan, magaz. 1340. 8 undata. s.s. wave-leaved. S.America. 1817. 8.10. H.©. =iishkt aol 9 pulchella. s.s. pretty. Mexico. 1825. —— G,. sia’ 10 crassifolia. s.s. thick-leaved. — 1796. 7.10.H.%. Botan. magaz. 1598. . 11 subaspera. s.s. Lyon’s. N.America. 1812. 5.10, H.44. ———~-—— 1597. 12 virginica. s.s. Virginian. — 1629. 5.8. H.y%. Park. parad.t.151.f.4. a coerulea. blue-flowered. —_——_- — — H.x. Botan. magaz. 105. B rubra, red-flowered. —_——- — -— H.y. ’ y albida. whitish-flowered)e ——-——- ——- —— H.2}. 0 nivea. snowy white. ——— 1824. —— H.H. , . 13 rosea. s.s. ' -rose-colour’d. Carolina. 1802. 5.10. H.4%. Swt. br, fl. gar. 181. 314 multiflora. s.s. many-flowered. Jamaica. 1824. —— S.%. gin 15 procumbens. s.s. procumbent. Caracas, 1823. —— §.%. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 355. multiflora. Jacq. NON W. Dales ented 16 parviflora. s.s. small-flowered. Peru. 1822, —— H.y%. Flor. per.3. t. 272. f.2. 17 latifolia. s.s. broad-leaved. Lima. 1820. 9.11. H.©. — 3. t. 272. 18 divaricata. 3.3. spreading. Trinidad. —— 5.8. S.y%. Aub. gui. 1. t. 12. 19 geniculata. s.s. knotted. W.Indies. 1783. 7.8. S.%. Jacq. amer. t.64. 20 paniculata. s.s. panicled. E. Indies. 1824. —— S.©. CYANOTIS. D.P. CyanorTis. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 axillaris. p.p. axil-flowered. . E, Indies. 1822. 8.10. §.@©. Rheed. mal. 10. t. 13. 2 cristata. D.P. crest-bunched. Ceylon. 1770. 7.9. S.@. Botan, magaz, 1435. Tradescantia cristata. B.M. 8 barbata. D.P. bearded. Nepaul. 1824. —— H.©. CARTONEMA. B.P. CartTonemMa. Hexandria Monogynia. spicatum. B.P. spiked. N. Holland. 1822. 7.8. S.2. CALLISIA. L. CALLIsIA. Triandria Monogynia. L. repens. E. creeping. W.Indies. 1776. 6.7. S.%. Jacq. amer. t. 11. ANEILEMA. B.P. ANEILEMA. Triandria Monogynia. 1 biflora. B.P. two-flowered. N.S. W. 1820. 7.8. F.%. 2 acuminata. B.P. sharp-pointed. ————-. 1822. —— F.2. : 3 longifolia.H.E.F. long-leaved. Zanzibar. 1823. 8.9. S.%. Hook. ex. flor. 204. 4 sinica. B.R. Chinese. China. 1820. 5.6. G.%. Botan. regist. 659. 5 nudiflora. B.P. naked-flower’d. E. Indies. —— 8.10. S8.@. Rheed. mal. 9. t.63. 6 spirata. B.P. spear-leaved. ———— 1783. 7.8 S.©. Commelina spirata. L. 7 affinis. BP. rough-angled. N.S. W. 1825. —— F.%. COMMELINA. B.P. Commesina. Triandria Monogynia L. | 1 angustifolia. r.s. | narrow-leaved. Carolina. 1812. 7.8. F.%. 2 cyanea. B.P. bright-blue. N.S. W. 1820. —— F.}. 3 dianthifolia. pe. Pink-leaved. soceeese 1816. —— S.2%. Redout. lil. 7. t. 390. 4 longicaulis. R.s. long-stalked. Caracas. 1806. 8. S.y. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 294. 5 hirtella. rs. hairy. N.America. 1820. 7.8. H.. ‘ 6 virginica. R.s. ‘Virginian. 1779. —— H.y. Pluk. alm. t.174. f. 4. 7 africana. R.s. yellow-flow’r’d. C. B.S. 1759. 5.10.G.%. Botan. magaz. 1431. 8 fasciculata. R.5. woolly tuber’d. Lima. 1817. —— H.% Flor. peruv.1. t.72.f.b. ee Se Te re weeee ry ee re ee rane | bp: 9 communis. R.s. 10 polygama. R.s. 1k caroliniana. R.s. 12 dubia. R.s. 13 tuberosa, R.s. 14 ceelestis. R.3. 15 pallida, R.s. 16 erecta. R.S. 17 mollis. r.s. 18 bengalensis. R.3. 19 parviflora. L.en. 20 deficiens. B.M. COMMELINE. common. America. 1732. 6.7. H.©. polygamous. Japan. soos ——— H.2, Carolina. Carolina. sees ——— H.2, dubious. Tite 2-26." 1819, 7. 9. H. 2 ° tuberous-root’d. Mexico. 1732. —— H.2. sky-blue. . eceecetese 1813. 7.10. H.. pale-flowered. Mexico. 1822. —— H.x. upright. Virginia, 1732. 8.9. H.y. soft. Caracas, 1804. —— H.2. Bengal. Bengal, 1794. 6. S.2. small-flowered. =---- ese 1823. —— S.2. deficient. Brazil. 1825. 1.12. 8.2. ORDO CXCI. PALMA. Brown prodr. p. 266. CHAMZEDOREA. W. Cuamazporea. Diccia Hexandria. W. . 1 gracilis. w. slender. Caracas. 1803. s+ S.h. 2 fragrans. M.P. fragrant. Peru. 1823. s+ -ses SABAL. P.S. SapaL. Hexandria Trigynia. P.S. 1 Adansoni. B.M. dwarf. Florida. 1810. 6.8. S.2. Corypha minor. Jacq. vind.3.t.3. Chame@rops acaulis. mM. 2 Blackburniana. L.c. Blackburn’s. S.America.1824. »s*«. §.2. 3 graminifolia. L.c. grass-leaved. —— 1822. --.. S.J. 4 umbraculifera. L.c. umbrella. ————-— - ——_saneee S, 2h, | RHAPIS. W. RuaApis. Polygamia Monecia. W. 1 flabelliformis.w. creeping-root’d. China. 1774. 8 S.b. 2 arundinacea. w. simple-leaved. Carolina. 1765. 9. G.h. CHAMZEROPS.W. CuHamzrops. Polygamia Diecia. W. . 1 excelsa. L.c. tall. Nepaul. 1822. «++. S.. 2 gracilis. L.c. slender. S. America. —— +++ S.h. 3 guianensis.L.c. §§ Guiana. Guiana. 1824, -++~ S.h. 4 humilis. s.s. dwarf fanpalm. S. Europe. 1731. 2.3. G.h. 5 serrulata. s.s. saw-leaved. N.America.1809. +--+ G.h. 6 Hystrix. s,s. Porcupine. Georgia. 1801. «eos Gh. _ @ Palmetto. s.s. smooth-stemm’d. Carolina. 1809. +++* | LIVISTONA. B.P. LIVISTONA. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. ~ | linermis.p.p. ~ spineless. N.Holland. 1823, ---.» S.h. 2 humilis. B.p. dwarf spiny. ——-— —- —— sere Sh. LATANIA. W. LATANIA. Diccia Monadelphia. W. 1 rubra. w. red. Mauritius. 1788. +++. S.h. 2 glaucophylla.u.c. glaucous-leav’d. — 1821. eee S.b, 3 borbenica. w. Bourbon. Bourbon. —— +«++ S.h. . chinensis. Jacq. Livistone species? B.P. _ CORYPHA. L. Fan Patm. Hexandria Monogynia. W. 1 australis. B.P. New Holland. N.S. W. 1822. «-+. S.h. 2 elata. H.B. tall. E. Indies, 1820. +++- S.h. 3 glaucescens. L.c. glaucescent. —_——_—- —- —— ever Sh. 4 umbraculifera.w. great. —— 1742. «++ S.b. 5 Utan. s,s. Molucca. 1822. «+++ S.h. | TALIERA. S.S. TaLieERA. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. bengalensis. s,s. Bengal. KE. Indies. 1822. +--+ S.h. Corypha Taliera. H.B. PHCNIX. W. DaTE Patm. Diccia Hexandria. W. 1 dactylifera. w. common. Levant. 1597. «++ Gh. 2 sylvestris. H.B, wood. E. Indies. 1820. ++++ S.h. 3 paludosa. H.B. marsh. ——-_ _—-—— «++ Sub. 4 reclinata. w. reclining. C.B.S. 1792. ese G.b. 5 farinifera. w. small. E. Indies. 1800, ++++ S.h. 6 acaulis. s.s. stalkless. —-———-_ 1820. -+e+ S.%,. 7 leonensis. L.c. African. SierraLeon. —— --++ S.h. 8 pygmea. L.c. pigmy. ecvcsree er a Phy 2. 431 Redout. lil. 4, t. 206. Kempf. am. p.888. ic. Redout. lil. 6. t. 359. Andr. reposit. 399. Swt. br. fl. gar. 3. Willd. hort.ber.2. t.87. Dill, elt. 94. t. 77. £.88. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 293. Burm, ind. t. 7. f. 3. Botan. magaz. 2644. Jacq. scheen.2. t.247-8. Martius Palm. ic. Botan. magaz. 1434. Botan. magaz, 1371. Andr. reposit. 599. Jacq. frag. 1. t. 8. Jacq. frag. 1. t. 11. Rheed. mal. 3. t. 1-12. Kempf, am.686. t.1.2. Jacq. frag. 1. t. 24, Roxb. corom. 1. t.74, 482 PALMA, © SAGUS.W. = Saco Patm. Monecia Hexandria.W. — 1 eS 1 Rumphii. w. Rumphius’s. E. Indies. ©1800. «++» S.h. Rustin att 1.t.17.18, 2 vinifera, P.s. prickly-leaved. Africa. 1820. «+s» S.h. Beauv. fi. d’ow. t. 45. 3 Ruffia. w. Madagascar. Madagascar. +--+ 8.h. Jacq.frag.p.7.t.4.f.2. 4 pedunculata. poir. peduncled. —_——_- _ ——_ sss Sh. Oe ee re HYPHENE. G. HypuH4ne. Dicecia Hexandria. | | coriacea. G. leathery. | Egypt. 1822. ---- S.h. e Cucifera thebaica. Del. ARECA. W. CABBAGE-TREE. Monccia Monadelphia. W. : are 1 Catechu. w. medicinal. E.Indies. 1690. «+++ S.he Roxb.corom. 1. t.75. 2 humilis. w. dwarf. ———-_ 1814. «++ S.. Rumph. amb. 1. t. 7. 3 rubra. w. red, Isl. France. 1823. «+++ S.h- an _ : 4 crinita. w. hairy. ——— 1819. -«++ Sih. ‘i 5 oleracea. w. esculent. W. Indies. 1656. +*+: S.h. Jacq. amer. t.170. 6 triandra. H.B. three-anther’d E. Indies. 1819. «++ S.h. 7 lutescens. w. yellowish. ‘Mauritius. ——~— -re> S. hb. 8 exilis. L.c. - slender. ccowreoe 1822, ooo Sh. 9 Manicot. L.c. Manicot. coececes ——~ coos Sh: 10 montana. L.c. mountain. cesevees 1819, «ove Sh. (NOCARPUS. M.P. GEnocarpus. Moneecia Hexandria. | Bataua. M.P. American. S. America. 1822. ++++ S.h. Martius. palm. ic. EUTERPE. G. EuTerRPE. Polygamia Monecia. 1 globosa. G. globular. E.Indies. 1819, +++ S.h. _ Areca spicata. Lam. ’ : 2 pisifera. G. Pea-bearing. | —_—_- —-_ +++ S.h. WALLICHIA.S.S. Waxticnia. Polygamia Monecia. caryotoides. ss. Caryota-like. E.Indies. 1818. -+e+ S.J). Roxb. corom. ic. ELAIS. W. Oiry Patm. Dicecia Hexandria. W. F 1 guineensis. w. Guinea. Guinea. 1730, +++ S.h. Jacq, amer. t.172._ 2 melanococca.G. __ black-fruited. S. America. 1820. +--+ S.h. fA Snare 3 pernambucana. L.c. Pernambuca. ————- —— °-++ S.h. SYAGRUS. M.P. Syaerus. Polygamia Monecia. es cocoides. M.P. Cocoa-like. Brazil. 1823. «eee S.h. Martius palm. ic. ELATE. W. ELatE. Monecia Hexandria. — rs gre Les aed sylvestris. w. prickly-leaved. E. Indies. 1763. 4.6. S.-+ Rheed, mal. 3. t.22-25. ACROCOMIA.M.P. Acrocomia. Monecia Hexandria. 1 sclerocarpa, M.p. dry-fruited. Brazil. 1822. +++. S.f. Mart. palm. ic. 2 aculeata. L.c. prickly. W. Indies. 1796. +++. S.b. Jacq. amer. 278. t. 169. Cocos aculeata. w. 3 fusiformis. great Macaw-tree. 1731. eres S.h. Cocos fusiformis. W. | 4 minor. L.c. lesser. S. America. 1823. «eee Sh. COCOS. W. Cocoa-NuT-TREE. Monecia Hexandria. W. erent 1 nucifera. w. common. E.Indies. 1690. +++» S.h. Roxb. corom. I. t.73. 2 flexuosa.m.p. _ flexuose. Brazil. 1823. +++» S.h. Mart. palm. ic. 3 plumosa. L.c. feathered. W.Indies. —— <---: S.b. > MAXIMILIANA.M.P.Maximitiana. Polygamia Moneecia. regia. M.P. membranous-fl4. Brazil. 1822, --«» S.h- Mart. palm. ic. THRINAX. W. THRINAX. Hexandria Monogynia. W. a parviflora. w. small. Jamaica. 1778. --++ S.h. : ASTROCARYUM. M.P. Astrocaryum. Monecia Hexandria. i. 1 acaule. m.P. stalkless. Brazil. 1823. -+++ S,%. Mart. palm. ic. 2 campestre.m.pP. _ field. ——_ 1824. «++» SB. ——— ‘ic. 3 aculeatum. s.s. prickly. Guiana. —— »e-- Sh. é 4 vulgare, M.P. common. Brazil. 1823. +++: S.f. Mart. sess ic. 5 Murumuru. m.pP. tall. ——_- —— «+++ Sh. — ic. GEONOMA.W. GrEonomA. Diccia Hexandria. 1 simplicifrons. w. simple-fronded. S. America. 1823. -+-+ S$... ! 2 macrostachys. M.P. large-spiked. ———_ — _ «++- S,%. Mart. palm. ic. 3 acaulis. M.P. stalkless. Brazil. 1822. e+e S.%. —— ic. 4 pinnatifrons. w. pinnated. S. America. ——~ «+--+ §.2. 5 Schottiana. L.c. Schott’s. Brazil. —— «coe §,2. MAURITIA. L. Mauritia. Diccia Hexandria. W. : 1 flexuosa, w. flexuose. W. Indies, 1819. +++ S.h. Sea 2 armata. MP. spiny. Brazil. . 1822, +--+» S.h. Mart, palm. ic. 3 vinifera. M.P. straight-stem’d. —— «see Sib, -—— ic. LICUALA. W. LicuaLa. Hexandria Monogynia. W. 1 spinosa. w. spiny. E. Indies. 1802, ---. S.f. Rumph. amb, 1. t. 9, 2 peltata. H.B. peltate. ——-—— 1819, »++- Sk. La eS ~~ re OO NO Pe ee ee Ee Tae et. ve) aw oe ee | | : PALM. 433 CALAMUS.W. — Catramus. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. | | 1 verus. 8.8. true. E. Indies. 1820. +++. S.h. Rumph.amb.5. t. 54. “2 niger. s.s. — black. ——- ——- eres Sih. 5. t. 52. 3 Zalacca. s.s. Java. —— 1812. «+--+ S.h. Geert. fr. 2. t. 139. f. 2. 4 albus. p.s. common. —————- _ —— _ «eee §.h. Rumph. amb. 5. f. 52. 5 Draco.s.s. - Dragon. ———_ 1819. -++- Sh. ———— 5.1.58.f.1. |SEAFORTHIA. B.P. SeEarortut1a. Polygamia Monecia. elegans. B.P. elegant. N. Holland. 1822, ---» S.h. CARYOTA. Ww. CaryotTa. Monecia Polyandria. W. 1 urens. w. torn-leaved. E. Indies. 1788, ---. S.h.- Rheed. mal. 1. t.11. 2 horrida, w. horrid. S. America. 1820. +--+. S.h. DIPLOTHEMIUM.M.P. DiptotHemium. Polygamia on ia. 1 maritimum. m.p. _sea-side. Brazil. 1823. -- §.4. Mart. palm.ic. 2 campestre. M.P. field. —— sree SM — ic. ATTALEA. K.S. ATTALEA. Monecia Polyandria, . | 1 bumilis. M.p. dwarf. Brazil. 1823. «+++ S.h. Mart. paim. ic. 2 compta. M.P. decked. ——_- -—— +++ Sib = ——-— ic. 3 funifera. M.P. by git ing, = —@——- so ++ SR. ————— ic. 4 excelsa, M.P. lofty. —_-_ —— _ «++. S.h. — ic. 5 speciosa. M.P. handsome. ———— 1824. --.. S.h. ———— ie. 2 6 Rossii. L.c. Ross’s. —_—- —— s+ Sh. | 7 spectabilis. L.c. showy. ———— _ ——- _ «rs Sh. _GOMUTUS. S.S. Gomutus. Monecia Polyandria, saccharifer. s.s. sugar-bearing. E. Indies. 1820. «++. S.h. MANICARIA. G. Manicarta, Polygamia Moneecia. saccifera. G. bag-like. E. Indies. 1822. -.++ S.}. Geert. sem. 2. t. 176. _BORASSUS. W. Borassus. Dicecia Hexandria. W. |. flabelliformis.w. fan-leaved. E. Indies. 1771. +--+ S.h. Roxb.corom.1. t.71.72. NIPA.W. . Nipa. Monecia Monadelphia. W. fruticans. w. shrubby. E. Indies. 1822, --+- S.). Rumph.amb.1. t. 16. DESMONCUS. M.P. Desmoncus. Monecia Monadelphia. . 1 polyacanthus. m.p. many-spined. Brazil. 1822, +++ S.h. Mart. palm. ic. 2 orthacanthus. M.p. long-spined. —_‘- — «+--- S.b. — ic. ‘3 americanus. L.c. American. S. America. 1823. ++++ S.b. : _ 4 dubius. L.c. doubtful, —$ — - ——_— +++ Sh. BACTRIS. W. Bactrris. Moncecia Hexandria. W. : 1 pectinata. M.P. pectinated. Brazil. 1825. -++* S.h. Mart. palm. ic. 2 cuspidata, M.P. sharp-pointed. ——- —— --+: §.h. 3 minor. w. lesser. S. America. 1691. +--+. S.h. Jacq. amer.t.171.f. 1. 4 macracantha. M.p. large-spined. Brazil. 1822, -:-- §S.h. Mart. palm. ic. as major. W. greater. Carthagena.1800. ---- S.h. Jacq.amer. t. 171. f.2, 6 caryotefolia. m.p. Caryota-leaved. Brazil. 1825. ++» S,h. Mart. palm. ic. | | ORDO CXCII. JUNCER. Brown prodr.1. p. 257. XEROTES. B.P. XEROTES, Diccia Hexandria. 1 flexifolia. B.p. bending-leav’d. N.S. W. 1819. 6.8. F.y%. Thunb.diss.drac.17.f.2 2 mncronata., B.P. mucronated. ——— 1823. —— F.}. 3 filiformis. g.P. filiform. —— — — F.». Th.dis. drac.n. 1. ic. Dracena filiformis. Th. 4 denticulata. B.p. toothed. ———-_ 1825. —— F.2. 5 laxa. B.P.. loose-flowered. ———— 1819. —— F.%. 6 rigida. B.P. stiff-leaved. N.Holland. 1796. 6.7. F.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 798. Lomandra rigida. Lab. n. hol. 1, t. 120. 7 montana. B.P. mountain. N.S. W. 1824. —— F.%. 8 longifolia. B.p. long-leaved. ———_ 1796. —— F.¥%. Lab.nov.hol. 1. t.19. Lomandra longifolia. Lab. 9 Hystrix. B.p. Porcupine. —— 1823. —— F.%. 10 emula. B.P. rival. —_—— F.%. PLEEA. M. PLeea. Enneandria Trigynia. Ph. tenuifolia, m. slender-leaved. Carolina. 1812. 5,8. y¥. Botan. magaz. 1956. es as 434 JUNCEA. ARTHECIUM. E, B. Nartuecrum. -Hexandria. ‘Monogynia. ; . Sie FZ 1 ossifragum. £.B. Lancashire Asphodel. Britain.+++- 7. 8. Ho. Eng. bot. 535. vd 2-americanum. p.m. American. N.America.1811. —— H. ye Botan. magaz. Je: LUZULA. DC. Wooprusn. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S._ 1 vernalis. pc, spring. Britain. coon 3. 5e H.2. Eng. bot. 736. Juncus pilosus.E.B. - | ie on) 2 flavescens. s.s. yellowish. S. Europe. 1817. .—— dla Host. gram. 3. t. 94. 3 Forsteri. pc. Forster’s. England. veoe 5,6, Hoy. Eng. bot. 1293. 4 glabratus. s,s. smooth. - Switzerland.1825. —— H.2. 5 albida. pe. white. a 1815. seer ee dhe Leers. herb, t. 13. f. 6 6 lutea. pc. yellow. ————_ — — H.. 7 spadicea. pc. light red. ‘Europe. 1816. —-— H.%. Vill. delph. 2. wes a 8 nivea. pe. snowy. - Switzerland.1770. —— H.%. Scheuch.gram.t.7, f 7 9 maxima. Dc. wood. Britain. reos 5, Hk Eng. bot. 131, sy Juncus sylvaticus. E.B. ftir sti rey 10 arcuata. s,s. fringe-bracted. Scotland, +--+ 7. -H.Y. Wahl. lapp. t Pag 11 spicata. pe. spiked. —— occ —— ee Eng. Dob Ato. G 12 congesta. s.s. close-headed. Britain. wcoe 6... HY. Purt. suppl. t, 9. Juncus liniger. Put. wn 13 sudetica. pc. Swedish. Sweden. . 1824. —— H.%. Krock. siles, t. 52. 4 14 pediformis. pc. foot-shaped. —S. Europe. 1822. 5.6. H.. ya 15 campestris. pe. field. Britain. vee 4.5, Hid. Ener bot. 672, ; 16 multiflora. s.s. many-flowered. Europe. 1822. 5.6. H.2. Vy JUNCUS. DC. 1 polycephalus. E.F. 2 obtusiflorus. L.T. 3 lampocarpus. L.T. 4 acutiflorus. L.T. articulatus. E.B. 5: subverticillatus. L.T. whorled. G castaneus. E.B. 7 biglumis. £.B. 8 triglumis. E.B. 9 capitatus. s,s. 10 supinus, L.T. 11 uliginosus. £.B. - 12 trifidus. £.B. .three-leaved. 13 Gesneri. E.F. -Gesner’s. gracilis. E.B. non BoP. 14 bufonius. E.B. toad. 15 coenosus. L.T. mud. 16 compressus. L.T. round-fruited. bulbosus. E.B. 17 squarrosus. E.B. 18 Tenageia., s.s. 19 aristatus. m. 20 plebeius. B.P. 21 planifolius. R.P. 22 pauciflorus. B.P. RusH. many-headed. two-flowered. headed. dwarf. little bulbous. Goose-corn. annual. awned. linear-leaved. flat-leaved. ° few-flowered. 23 vaginatus. B.P. sheathed. 24 filiformis. E.B. least. 25 arcticus. w. arctic. — 26 effusus. E.B. soft. 27 conglomeratus. E.B. common. 28 glaucus. E.B. _ glaucous. 29 maritimus. £.B. =‘ sea-side. 30 acutus. E.B. indica. L. Indian. ? PHILYDRUM. B.P. PHILYDRUM. lanuginosum. B.P. woolly. ?BURMANNIA. L. BuRMANNIA. 1 distachya. B.P. two-spiked. N.S. W, 1822, 2 biflora. L. two-flowered. Virginia. © +++. 9, G.w.y. ? GILLIESIA. B.R. Gutiresta. Hexandria Monogynia. — graminea, B.R. S. America. 1824. Qui Grass-like. Hexandria Monogynia. L.. blunt-flowered. Britain. shining-fruited. | sharp-flowered. —————. black-spiked. : three- flowered. Britain. great sharp sea. ———_—. ?FLAGELLARIA. L. FLAGELLARIA. Hexandria Trigynia. L.- 2b Mt 2 4. 4. Y. ve pIE y a pi 4 zy, y Scotland. ecee 6G, (fon © YY. ieee Ts Gelade ene oe i H.. wees G, Tas ddiah. co eoeen 7 8 H.%. Scotland. CO Og qT. ae H.%. — eooe 8.2 y H.%. weee It Higa dh. es '8:e 5. ve H.©. — eene 7. j H. 2. —=— @eeo 7. 8. H.y. Scotland. «++. -~— H.%. SSS ee woes Tee é H,2. - Britain. | ‘veoe 6.8. H.. Frittata kee 7. 8. Ae 3h. i pete H.2. ——— +++» 6.7. H.%. Europe. 1816. —— H.©. N.America. 1820. —— H.2. N.S. W. 1816. —— F.2. a 1922, 7.8. F.0L ——— 1823. —— F.x% Britain. coos 8.-, »-Hedfe. Scotland. +... 7.8. Hi. Britain. eoee 5.8. Hid, a 6. 7. H.%. ———— 0.06 Wf 8. H 2. — eece 8. ‘H.24. H. India. 1782. 6.7. S.h. Monandria Monogynia. B.M, N.S. W. 1801. Triandria Monogynia. © aT. _Eng. bot. 900. Face obs. t. 2.. £ £5. - Eng. bot, 802. Flor, dan. t. 1095. eee 1614. : Redout. Til. 257. | 6. 7.. S.w.g. Botan, maga. 788. sma ey 1. Burm. at t. 20. ray Eng. b bot. gi44, | ———- 2143. a 238. nf ef Flor. Sies t, 817. 898. 899, Flor. dan. 1099. i mis bot. 801... .. a shra Eng. bot. 934. Flor. dan. t.1160. | Eng. bot, 1175. Eng. bot. 836. ———— 838... nt tw Gg het 17252) | Bota. regist:'902. ee ee ee Ee eee et eee ae eee ee ee ee _RESTIACEA. A435 a ORDO CxCUr. ‘ | rng RESTIACE, “Brown prodr. p-243, CYRIS, B.P. Xynis. Triandria Monoaysidi Le. | 1 levis. B.P. smooth. N.S. W. 1819. 6. 8, Qt: 2 bracteata. B.P. _—S— bracteate. 1825, —— G.2. / 3 juncea. B.P. ~ rushy. Si — 1822, —— G.rx. | 4 gracilis, B.P. slender. ~~ V.Diem.Isl.1821. —— G.2. MH BHOWE te 5 operculata. B.p. rush-leaved. N.S. W. 1804. 6.7; G.¥%. Botan. magaz, 1158. 6 brevifolia, m. short-leaved. . Carolina. 1812.. 6.8.) F.%. as c2 “RIOCAULON.L. Preewort. — Triandria Trigynia..L. i bie 1 septangulare. B.B. jointed. Scotland. «+++» 9, H.w.%. Eng. bot. 733.) 2 australe. B.P. New Holland. N.S. W.. 1822. 8. 10. Giw. 4. BI TYPOLZENA.B.P. Hyporana. — Diccia Triandria. 1 fastigiata. B.p. crowded. N.S. W. 1821. 6.8. EF.) | 2 exsulca. B.P. roiind-stalked,- « ————=se — Fx. |AEPTOCARPUS. B.P. LEprocarpvus, Dicecia Triandria. . ae | tenax. B.p. tough. N.S. W. 1824. 6.8. F.%. Lab. nov.holl. 2, t.229, Schenodum tenax femina.. Lab. ft r ){LEGIA. W.. Erecia. Dicecia Triandria.. W. i fag i 1 juncea. w. Rush-like. .©C. B.S. 1789. 7.8. F.y%. Rottb. gram. 10.t.3.f.2 2 racemosa, w.- racemed. ———— 1804. 5.6. F.y%. Lam. ill. t-884.f.4. | sEPYRODIA.B.P. LeEepyropia. Diccia Triandria. SoA Hoes bb racilis. BP. slender. © N.S. W. 1823. 5.6. F.%. VILLDENOVIA. S.S. WILLDENOVIA. Dicecia Triandria. W. ai ‘1 striata.s.s. - striated. Cc. B.S. 1816. 6.8. F.%. Th.act.hol.1790.t.2.f.14 2 teres.s.s. round-stalked, ——-—— 1790. —— F.4%. M—-—— 1790.t.2.f.2. ‘HAMNOCHORTUS. B.P. TuHamnocnortus. Dicecia Triandria. t. i .‘dichotomus. B.p.. forked. Cc. B.S. 1816. 6.8. F.%. Rottb. gram. t.2. f.1. LESTIO. B.P. Rope-Grass. - Dicecia Triandria. L. | 1 australis. B.p. » southern. V.Diem.Isl.1812. 4.6. Foy.» . 2 gracilis. B.P. slender. N.S.W. 1823. 6.8. F.%. anaes u 3 tectorum. s.s. thatch. Cc. B.S. 1793. 5.6. F.%. Rottb.gram.10, t.3. £2. 4 vaginatus. s.s. sheathed. ——— 1816. —— F.}. id lusiy 4 | 5 fastigiatus.B.p.- crowded. N.S. W. * 1824. —— F.}. Mae Ke | 6 virgatus. s.s. twiggy. -C.B.S.. 1816... —— F.y. Rottb. gram. t. 1. f. 2. 7 paniculatus. s.s. _—s—panicled. ea BY 1 8 lateriflorus. B.p. — side-flowering. N.S. W. ©1819. —— F.%. Labil.nov.hol.2. t.228, | Calorophus elongata. Lab. B.Pe a RI eB IS 1825. oi 2. te 226a 9 tetraphyllus. four-leaved. ORDO CXCIV. - CYPERACEE. Brown prodr. 212... 3 MAREX. L, ‘ SEDGE. . Moneecia Triandria. L. . obiens 1 dioica. w. dicecious. Britain. oece 5.6, H.2t. Eng. bot. 543. 2 Davalliana. w. Davall’s. —o pees —— HidY ——— 2123. | 3 pauciflora. £8. few-flowered.. ——— <*:- 6 H.2. 2041. | 4 pyrenaica. s.s. Pyrenean. Pyrenees. 1816. —— H.%.- | 5 pulicaris. £.B. Flea. Britain. coos 6.7. HY. Eng. bots 1051. 6 Fraseriana.u.k. Fraser's. N.America. 1809. 4.6. H.¥. Botan. magaz. 1391. \7 cyperoides. s.s. Bohemian. Bohemia. 1801. 6.7. H.2%. Schk. caric. t. A. f. 5 8 foetida. s.s. stinking. Switzerland.1791. 7.8 H.y%. ————t. Hh. f.96. | 9 incurva. E.B. curved. Scotland. +--+ —— H.%. Eng. bot. 927. 10 stenophylla.s.s. slender-leaved. Europe, 1824. ma He . Schk. caric. t..G, f. 32. 11 chordorrhiza. s.s. 12 stellulata. E.B. 13 rosea. s.s. 34 foenea. s,s. 15 muricata. E.B. 16 brizoides. s,s. 17 argyroglochin. s.s. 18 straminea. s.s. 19 stipata. s.s. 20 Schreberi. s.s. 21 ovalis. E.B. 22 curta. E.B. 23 divisa. E.B. 24 sparganioides. s.s. 25 arenaria. E.B. 26 intermedia. E.B. 27 schcenoides. w. 28 lagopodioides. w. 29 elongata. E.B. 30 remota. E.B. 31 axillaris. E.B. 32 divulsa. E.B. 33 nemorosa. S.S. 34 vulpina, E.B. 35 appressa. B.P. 36 inversa. B.P. 37 scoparia. w. 38. multiflora. w. 39 paradoxa. w. 40 teretiuscula. E.B. 41 paniculata. E.B. 42 tenella. E.F. 43 norvegica. w. 44 atrata. E.B. 45 bicolor. w. - 46 pedunculata. w. 47 longifolia. B.P. 48 thuringiaca. w. 49 Buxbaumii. w. 60 glareosa. w. 51 clandestina. E.B. 52 digitata. E.B. 53 plantaginea. w. 54 pilulifera. £.B. 55 montana. 3.s._ _ collina. w. 56 ciliata. w 57 precox. E.B. 58 tomentosa. E.B. . 59 extensa. E.B. 60 flava. E.B. 61 C£deri. £.B. 62 alba. w. 63 Mielichoferi. £.B. 64 ferruginea. w. 65 saxatilis. w. 66 rigida. E.B. 67 pulla. E.B. 68 cespitosa. E.B. 69 stricta. E.B. 70 alpestris. w. 71 nitida. w 72 umbrosa. w. 73 granularis. w. 74 anceps. Ww. 75. demissa, s.s. 76 binervis. E.B. 77 distans. E.B. 78 fulva. EB. CYPERACEE. creeping-root’d. Germany. 1824. little prickly. Britain. sees Rose. N.America.1812. short-spiked. ———_ 1819. greater prickly. Britain, = «+++ — Briza-like.: Germany. 1815. ~ silver-spiked. — 1823. slender-stalked. N.America. 1803. sharp-scaled. Schreber’s. Germany. 1800. oval-spiked. Britain. © -+++ = white. i ee eeoe bracteated. cove Siew paninmstiben a N. hanes 1822, sand. Britain. core soft brown. i oes Scheenus-like. Austria.“ 1819. Hare’s-foot.. © N.America. 1805. elongated, England. -+-- remote. Britain. — sees axillary. England. = +<-+> gray. Britain. vane shady wood. Germany. - +++: great spiked. Britain. site close-spiked, N.S. W. 1802. inversed, — —— 1820. broom. N.America, 1832. many-flowered. — 1819. paradoxical. | Germany. —— lesser-panicled. Britain. sees great panicled. England. «+-- slender. Scotland. --+« Norway. . . Norway. 1823. black. ~ Britain. cece two-coloured.. Switzerland.1823. peduncled. N. America. —— long-leaved. N.S. W.. —— Thuringian. Hungary. — Buxbaum’s. S. Europe. 1819, narrow-leaved. Norway. —— dwarf silvery. Britain, meee fingered. . England. -+-- broad: leaved. WN-:America. 1805. round-headed. Britain. mountain. | Europe, 1819... fringed. Germany. —— vernal. Britain. sees downy-fruited. England. tee long-bracted.. Britain. ~~ «+. yellow. cereur pur gir yh tech CEder’s. England. bristle-leav’d. Germany. 1819. loose-spiked. Scotland. --.- ferruginous. Europe. 1820. rock, | N. Europe. —— rigid. Britain. eee russet. Scotland. «--.-. tufted bog. Britain, tee straight-leaved. —————__:--- Alpine. Europe. 1804. glossy... Austria. 1805. shade. ———-_ 1815. grain-seeded, N.America, 1807. two-edged. ————- 1805. low. Norway. 1825. green-ribbed, Britain. eee loose. ————— reer tawny. rer Lit we RE ott Schk.caric.t.Xxx.f.1 rA _—+—— t. Hhh.f.132, oe 0? ee ° . @ e e- e bo tt to fs PRPRPPPRPRPRRPRPRRRRRERRRPRRPPRERPRRREERRER ° e * 8© © © @ eS oo 2 © & © e« b* gh oe — @. £683" EC «Se? SP Se Se SO Oe s: ot po at at ty Bt tet ot to e e PREPREP mR ° e bat bot bt ° ° e oo SS a ae rer oe es Sf a yf RRRRRRRRRRERRRRRER Schk. caric. t.G@s f. 35 e e e ee « ° 6 tot op e e e ~ Schk. caric. t. G. f 31 Eng. bot. 806. q Schk. caric. Zzz. f.17§ Eng. bot. 1097. Host. gram. 36. t. 47, q Host. gram. 1. t. 46. - 1386, 1096. . a Schk.caric. LLL 142. Eng. bot. 928. aE Host. gram.1. t. 45. — Schk.caric. chr 7 Eng. bot. 1920. ee See 832. _ 993. is vi I ter a GRD: } @ Eng. bot. 307. , Schk.carie.t.Xxxef. 7 — t. LiL f. 144, a t. E. f, 21, ig Eng. bot. 1065. . ——— 1064. Sehk. caric. t. Pf —— t. S. f. 66 Eng. bot. 927. ney —t. Gest 13 L Schk.earic.t.Ppp. f.15 58 Eng. bot. 2124. —_—— 615... Schk..caric. t.U. f. 70 Eng. bot.885... 0 | Schk. caric. tF. f. , Sache oaaiieel t. L f 7 Eng. bot. 1099. — 833. ——— 1294. —— 1773. Host. gram. 1. t. 59. Eng. bot. 2293. Schk. caric. t.M. f. 48 — t. a, f. AU Eng. bot. 2047. —— — 1507; 914. Host. gram. 1. t. 71. Sehk.carie.t. V vv.f. 16! cheb ress y Ae Eng. bot. 1235. 1234. esl 129550" SSS ee Vile i be OY 4 eee ,* LEPIDOSPERMA.B.P. LepiposPERMA. 1 gladiata. B.P. DULICHIUM. P.S. spathaceum., P.s. RHYNCHOSPORA.R.S. Ruyncuosrora. 1. alba. R.s. Scheenus albus. E.B. . 2 fusca. R.s. 3 distans. ph. 4 comata. R.s. CLADIUM. B.P. 1 Mariscus. B.P. flat-stemmed. N.Holland. 1819. 7. 8. DULICHIUM. sheathed. N.America. 1818. 7.8. _ white headed.. Britain. coor 8 brown-headed. ————— os filiform-leaved. N.America. 1820. 7.8. leafy. Brazil. — —— Crapium. Diandria Monogynia. S.S. prickly. England. coor 7.8, Scheenus Mariscus. E.B. Mariscus germanicus, R.3. 2 glomeratum. B.P. 3 junceum. B.P. 4 scheenoides. B.P. Scheenus acutus. Lab. close-headed. N.S.W. 1819. —— rushy. 1823. —— Bogrush-like, —_—_ -—-— Triandria Monogynia. S.S. CYPERACEZ. 437 79 Michelii. w. Micheli’s, Europe. 1818. 6.7. H.%. Host. gram. 1. t, 72. 80 pendula. E.B. great pendulous. Britain. soos 5.6. HY. Eng. bot. 2315. 81 strigosa. £.B. loose pendulous, - | Mas —teeskhOhs ———4904: 82 depauperata. E.B. starved-wood. England. ---- 6.7. H.4%. ———— 1098. 83 pilosa. 8.8. hairy. Germany. 1819. -—- H.%. Schk. caric. t. M. f.49. 84 panicea, E.B. Pink-leaved. Britain. -ooe 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 1505. 85 oligocarpa. W. few-seeded. N.America, 3825,. —— H.%. Schk.caric.t.Vvv.f.178 86 rostrata. W. beaked.. —_—__ 1818. —— H.4%. —— t.Hhbh.f,134. 87 .conglobata. w. globular-fruit’d. ‘Hungary. — — Hy. 88 sylvatica. E.B. wood. Britain. coos 5,6. Ho. Eng. bot. 995. Drimeja. w. 89 Psendocyperus. w. Bastard Cypress. ————._ e+e» 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 242. 90 juncea. s.s. rush-like. N.America. 1823. —— H.%. 91 pallescens. E.B. pale. Britain, «ses 4.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 2185. 92 limosa. E.B. green and gold. eros 6 HY. 2043. 93 rariflora. E.R. _loose-flowered. Scotland. -+-+. —— H.»%. 2516. 94 capillaris. E.B. capillary. Britain. eooe 7.8. Hi. 2069. 95 levigata. E.B. smooth-stalked. eree 5.6. Hid. — 1387. 96 ustulata. E.B. scorched alpine. Scotland. eroe 6.7. Hi. —-—— 2404. 97 flexuosa. w. bending. N.America.1807. —— H.2%.,124, 98 recurva, E.B, - glaucous heath. England. --e+ 5.6. H.y. Eng. bot. 1506. B Micheliana. £.B. smooth-fruited. coos —— HY. —— 2236. 99 nutans. w. nodding. Austria. 1815. 6.7. H.%. Host. gram. 1. t.83, 100 acuminata. w. taper-pointed. Istria. 1819, —— H.y% — 1. t. 97. 101 hirta. E.R. hairy. Britain. coee 5.6. H.Y. Eng. bot. 685. 102 filiformis. £.B. slender-leaved. coos 6.7. HY. ———— 904. 103 acuta. E.B. slender-spiked. coos 5.6. Hw... 580. 104 paludosa. E.B. lesser common. coos —— Hw... 807. 105 riparia. b.B. . great common. coos 4.6. H.w.2L. ———— 579. 106 vesicaria. E.B. short-spiked. esee 5.6. Hi. — 779. 107 ampullacea. E.B. slender-beak’d. ————— «+++ —— H.y%. —— 780. 108 bullata. w. blistered. N.America. 1811. 6. H.%. Schk.caric.Uuu, f.166. 109 hordeiformis. w. | Barley-like.. .. France. 1805. 6.7. H.%. 110 crinita. w. _ haired. _N.America. 1807. —— H.y. Schk.caric.t.Eee.f.125 111 aquatilis, w. water. Lapland. 1819. ——~— H.w.2. 112 secalina. w. rye-like. Europe. 1820. —— H.%. Schk.caric.t.Ddd.f.121 113 salina. w. salt marsh. Norway. ---- 6 HX. KOBRESIA. W. Kopresia. Monecia Triandria. W. caricina. w. Carex-like. Britain. -++- 8 H.%. Eng. bot. 1410. Scheenus monoicus. E.B. Carex hybrida. s.s. | SCLERIA. W. SctERia. Monecia Triandria. W. 1 hirtella. w. hairy. N.America. 1822. 6.7. H.%. 2 ciliata. w. . fringed. — 1823. —— H,%. SCHCENUS. B.P. . Bog-Rusu. Triandria Monogynia. L, 1 nigricans. w. . black. Britain. sere J. H.w.2. Eng. bot. 1121. 1 mucronatus. R.s. — clustered. S. Europe. 1781. 4.5. H.w.%. Flor. ayes 1, t.43. 3 imberbis. B.P. beardless. N.S. W. 1818. 4.5. F.%. 4 melanostachys. B.p. black-spiked. 1822. 6.8 F.%. CHETOSPORA.B.P. Cuztosrora. Triandria Monogynia. S.S. 1 ferruginea. s.s. brown. Switzerland.1818. 7.8. H.w.2. Host. gram. 4.t.71. Scheenus ferrugineus. R.S. 2 turbinata. B.P. turbinate. N. S. W. 1822, —— F.2. Triandria Monogynia. S.S. F.w.2,. Lab. nov. hol. 1. t. 12. Triandria Monogynia. S.S. H.w.2. Pluk, alm. t. 301. f. 1. How. OE. Eng. bot. 985. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 1575. How. %. S.w.%. H,w.%. Eng. bot. 950. F.w. as F.w Pee. Lab, nov. hol. 1. t. 18. ~ 438 - ] annua. R.s. annual. . 2 puberula. r,s. pibadcont. 3 dichotoma. R.8. forked. ABILDGAARDIA.B.P. ABILDGAARDIA. 1 monostachya. B.P. ELEOCHARIS. B.P. 1 acuta. B.P. 2 geniculata. R.s. jointed. 8 palustris. R.s. marsh. | Scirpus palustris. E.B. 4 ovata. R.s. ovate. _ 5 multicaulis. e.F. many-stalked. Scirpus multicaulis. E.Bs 6 acicularis. R.8. 7 obtusa. R.8.- one-spiked. ELEOCHARIS. acute-scaled. obtuse-scaled. 8 glaucescens.-R.3s. glaucous, . 9 tennis. R.s. slender. | ISOLEPIS. B.P. 1 fluitans. R.s. floating. Scirpus fluitans, £.B. . 2 gracilis. knotted. upright needle. FIMBRISTYLIS. B.P. FIMBRISTYLIS. — micsdmneh: Gea RS. _§. Europe. 1818. N.America. 1820. ae ae yee Hiedoil® ey 2 ehoodh we. Host. gram: 3. te = a 8. H.%. rik, .3-SROLS 7.9. S.w.©. Rotth. —, ‘te’ 13. f 1. § Triandria Monogynia. R.S. 6.8. S. 4. Sloan.j -jam. ma 19, fa. Triandria: Monogynia. R.S. © ae eae E. Indies. ©1817... W. Indies. ‘1819. N. S. W. 1819. America. — Britain.’ ses --Germany. 1818, Britain: 0 wees N.America. 1818. 1819. N. Holland. 1820. . nodosa. B.P. Scirpus gracilis. L.T.10. t. 15. f.2. 8 setacea.-R.S. bristle-like. 4 Holoschcnus. R.s. round-headed. 5 romana, R.S. Roman.. flat-stemmed. CiLuB-RusH. scaly-stalked. 6 complanata. SCIRPUS. B.P. 1 cespitosus. E.B. 2 pauciflorus. £.B. Beothryon. R.s. R.8. 3 mucronatus. R.s. mucronated. .' 4 Luzule. r.s. clustered... .: 5. lacustris. E.B. tall. 6 glaucus. E.B. _ glaucous. 7 caricinus. s,s. compressed. Schoenus compressus. E.B. . 8 rufus. s.s. _ rusty. Schenus rufus. E.B. 9 triqueter. E£.B. triangular. 10 carinatus. E.B. blunt-edged. 11 maritimus..£.B. salt marsh. 12 sylvaticus. E.B. wood, 13 radicans. R.s. rooting. 14 atrovirens. R.s. dark-green. 15 quinquangularis.r.s. five-angled. CYPERUS. L. CyPERus, 1 Aitoni. r.s. Aiton’s. 2 articulatus. R.s. jointed. 3 viscosus. R.8. clammy. . 4 tenellus. r.s. slender. 5 mucronatus. R.s. pointed. 6 pannonicus, R.s. dwarf. _ 7. brizeus. R.s. . Briza-like. 8 alternifolius. R.s. alternate-ld,: 9 elegans. R.S. elegant. 10 compressus. R.S. | Compressed. 11 vegetus. R.s smooth, compressus. Jacq. NON W. 12 Luzule. R.s. compact. polycephalus, Lam. non. L.en. 13 paniculatus. R.s. . panicled. 14 flavescens. R.S. yellowish. . 15 fuscus. R.s. brown. 16 conglomeratus. R.s. many-flowered. 17 erubescens. Len. | blush.. 18 australis. R.s. southern. 19 esculentus. R.s. Rush-nut. 20 Hydra. mM. American. chocolate-headed. - Britain. ‘England. | ‘Britain. Britain. eeee S. Europe. E. Indies. 1823. 7. 8. e Fito. 3h. 7 H.w.%. Eng. bot. seria BA 7.8. H.w.2/. Host. gram. 3. 63 56. 7. H.w.2}. Eng. bot. oe Hh — H.w.2. Eng. bot. 749. Hit. 24 7.8. H.w. 2. BY 28 — Hw... aera 4 H.w.2}. Isovepis. Triandria Monogynia. R.S. a .. Britain. 7.8. H.w.. Eng. bot. 216. pee Git. 2. Rottb.gramss5.2, t.8. f 3. H.w.@. Eng. bot. 1693. -—— H.w.. — 1612.5 & ——, H.w. 2. Jacq. ans 5. he 448. aene Sener: Triandria Monogynia. L. Britain, eReae E: Indiess::1 England. Britain. | Germany. ~<+« N.America, 1818. E. Indies. 1823. Triandria Monogynia. S. America. 1820. Jamaica. 1781. Cc, B. S. 1819. Levant. © ae Hungary. 1781. W. Indies. 1824. Madagascar.1781. . ~ Jamaica. 1801. S. America. 1819. America. 1790. W. Indies. ---. Germany. 1776. England. 1777. i ava. 1820. S. Europe. — 1597. N.America. 1812. 7. “iwi. Eng. bot. 1029. 8, H.w.}. -_—_—_— 32, ; — Hiw.2L. Scheuch. agr. 9. fl 14. 7.9. S.w.%. 7. » dbhawd.. Engi bot. 666; in 4 7.8. H.w.2. 2321, 7. . Hw. IDiviow 2 6. 7. H.w.%. Eng. bot.1010. . © 8. Hw... Eng. bot. 1694. 7. 8.:H.w.2.. ———~19836).) 3 Te 9. H.w.%. ST Te 542.0 BB oes aes en 1 Bie life — H.w.2. Schk. in n Ust. an. 1 Aut 1. — H. wey. af -ooe S.w.¥. L. . . 8. G.wi 2: . —- — Sloan. hist.1. t. 81. fa 5.8.. S.w.%. Jacq. loss its mobi ; 7.9. H.O. Te F.w. 2. Flor, grec. hi t 49. 7.8 H.©.°. Jacq. aust. 7 ti 6. ja — 5S. 0.2. Jacq. ic. 2. t 298. 5.9. Sig%.. Sloan, jam.1, t.75. f.1. — S.w.. Rottb. gram. t.9. f. 3. —— G.w.%. Jacq. vind. 3. t. 12. — S.w.%. Rottb. gram, te 13. f.2. S.w.2. F.w.2. Flor. grec. t.47.- H.®©. Host. gram. 3. t. 73. S.w.2L. Rottb. gram. t. 15. f.7. S.w.%. an Coon oC Seguier.veron.3.t.2.f.2 Host. gram. 3. t. 75. (elles facies Sao Sloan. hist. h ti 88. £8. . j Fn i a a a ll ao a aN CYPERACEE. _ 21 Pangorei. R.s. Ceylon. © . Ceylon, © 1823. 7.9. S.w.%. Rottb. gram. t.7. f.3. . 22 badius.r.s. = saw-leaved. - Algiers. § 1800. —— F.w.3. Desf. atl. 1.t.7.f.2. 23 patulus. R.s. spreading. Hungary. 1818. —— H.w.©. Host. gram. 3. t. 74. 24 longus. E.B. sweet, England. +--+ 7 H.w.2. Eng. bot. 1309, | 25 tenuiflorus. R.s. slender-flower’d.S. Europe. 1818. 7.8. H.w.%. Jacq. ic. 2. t.296. _. 26 Monti. Ris. spreading-spiked. ———— ——- —— H.w.}. Host. ~— 4. t. 67. 27 Paramatta. R.s. tuberous-root'd.. —————- _ —— . —— Hw. 2}. 28 strigosus. R.S. bristle-spiked. W. Indies.” 1786. 7.9. Siw.2. 29 Iria. R.s. tall. E. Indies. 1802. 7. S.w.. Rheed. mal. 12. t..56. 30 distans. R.s. distant. W. Indies. .1820. 7.8. S.w.2. Jacq. ic. t. 299. 31. fastigiatus. R.s. lofty. _ E.Indies. 1800. 5.8. S.w.2..Rottb. gram. t. 7, f.2. 32 alopecuroides. R.s. fox-tailed. | C.B.S. 1804. —— G.w.2).————— 38.1.8. f.2. 33 cruentus. R.s. purple-spotted. Arabia. 1820. —— S.w.4¥.—— — 21. t.5. f.1. _ 84 glomeratus. R.s. round-headed. Italy. . 1804. —— H.©. _ 35 polycephalus. Len. many-headed. S. Europe. 1819. 6.8. H.w.¥. 36 polystachyos. R.s, many-spiked... E. Indies. ——- -—— S.w.}. Rottb. gram. t. 11. f.1. 37 difformis. R.s. deformed. — Ss Sw. . ——_—_-——— t. 9. f. 2. 38. protractus. L.en. protracted. Egypt. 1820. —— H.%. Delil. eg.152.t. 5. f. 3. 39 dives. s.s.. large-bracted. .—————~ H.%. PAPYRUS. S.S. PAPER-RUSH.. -Triandria Monogynia. ‘S.S. 1 antiquorum. s.s. common. =~ Egypt. 1802. 7.9. S.w.2. Michel. gen, pl. t. 19. Cyperus Papyrus. B.S. bi 2 -laxiflorus.:s.s. dagee Aidwi che ds Madagascar.1822. Sew y. 8 odoratus. s.s, . fragrant. _ W. Indies. 1819. —— S.w. Rudg. ul. 17. t. 20. MARISCUS. R.S. Mariscus. Triaudeia Monogynia. R.S. 1 aggregatus. R.S. clustered. , scoesse .1820. 7.9. S.w.%, 2 levis. BP. smooth. — N. S.W. 1819. 6.8. G.w.. 8 ovularis. R.s. oval-spiked, Carolina. 1818. —— F.w.2. Pluk. alm. t. 91. fA. 4 umbellatus. r.s. umbelled. E. Indies.: 1789. —— S.w.2. Rottb. gram. t. 4, f. 2. 5 elatus. R.s. tall. ——— _ 1805. ——. S.w.}. Jans ic. 2. t. 300. 6 conflexus. L.en. contracted. Brazil. -1819. 7.8.. S101}. KYLLINGA. W. KytiineGa. Triandria Monogynia. L.. _ I monocephala. r.s. one-headed. . India. :: 1793. 6. 7. S.w. 2h. Rottb. gram. t. Af. 4. 2 intermedia. B.P. intermediate. N.S. W. >) 1822. —— G.w.d. 3 triceps. R.s, three-headed.. .E. Indies. 1776. 9.11. 8.w.%. Rotth. gram. t t. 4, f. 6. 4 uncinata. L.en. hook-seeded. - Brazil. | 1820. 7.8 S.w.%. _._ 5 _polycephala. Len. many-headed. ———— —— —— — | FUIRENA.B.P. Fuirena. Triandria Monogynia. L. umbellata. R.s. umbelled. W.Indies. 1822. 6.8. S.w.2. Rottb. gram. t.19. f.3. ELYNA.RS. ©: Etyna. Triandria Monogynia. R.S. ©. ; . spicata. RS. | simple-spiked., | Europe. 1819. 6. 8. H.w.%. Vill. delph. 2. t.6. Carex Bellardi. Hort. gram. 4. t.77. - TRICHOPHORUM.PS. Tricnornorvum. Triandria Monogynia. P.S. 1 cyperinum. pP.s. cyperine. N.America. 1802. 5.9. H.w.2. Pluk. mant. t. 419. f.3. 2 alpinum. p.s. Alpine. . Scotland. .*--- 7% . H.w.2. wes bot. 311. | Eriophorum alpinum. £.8. _ERIOPHORUM. L. Corron-crass. Triandria Ma naghiia: L. 1 vaginatum. E.B. Hare’s-tail. Britain. cose 3.4, os w.Yy. Eng, bot. 873. 2 capitatum. E.B. round-headed. Scotland. -+-+ 8.9. H.w.4..————— 2387. 3 gracile. E£.B. slender. bieckntedi beoes 7..Siikizws2t. — 2402. 4 angustifolium. narrow-leaved. Britain. ceee 4.5. How. 2. ———— 564. 5 virginicum. R.s. _—- Virginians N. America. 1802. 5. 8. a w.%. Pluk. alm. t. 299, f.4, 6 polystachion. £.B. broad-leaved. Britain. +--+ 4. H.w.%. Eng, bot. 563. 7 pubescens. E.F. pubescent. —— eres 4.5. Hew.2f. ORDO CXCV. GRAMINES. Juss. gen. p. 28. | NARDUS. R.S. Peat ssc. Triandria Monogynia. L. a stricta. E.B. upright. _. Britain. reee 6.7. How, 4%. Eng. bot. 290... _ORYZOPSIS. M. Oryzopsis. Triandria Monogynia. R.S. asperifolia. mM. rough-leaved.. N.America. 1822, 7. 8, H. 4. Mich. amer. 1. t.9. YY ' ee EN NRT nC Tete ee Tr ee | billy a AAO _GRAMINER, 7 { 4 LYGEUM.R.S. =. LyGeum. Triandria Monogynia. Leys Spartum. rs. rush-leaved. Spain. . 1776. 5. 6. H. Ye Schreb, gram, £52.53. | CORNUCOPIZ. R.S. Horn or pienty. Triandria Monogynia. L. cucullatum. R.s. hooded. Levant. 1788. 8. H.©. Flor. grec. 1. te 51. P CENCHRUS. RS. CencHRus. Triandria Monogynia. L. 1 tribuloides. r.s. spinous. N.America. 1818. 5.8. H.©. Sloan. hist. 1. t.65. f. 1. 2 echinatus. R.s. rough-spiked. W.Indies. 1691. 8.12. S.¢. Cm egy t.462. 3 australis. B.P. New Holland. N.S.W. 1822. 6.8. H.©. PENNISETUM. R.S. Pennisetum. Triandria Monogynia. R.S.. 1 setosum, R.s. setose. W. Indies. 1804. 7.8 H.©. Beds : 4g . 2 polystachyum. R.s. many-spiked.. E. Indies ——- -— H.©. Rumph.amb.6, t.7. f.2._ 3 cenchroides. R.s. ciliated. C. B.S. 1777. 7.8 H.©. Giseck. ic. 1. t. 23. Cenchrus ciliaris. L. , ba 4 orientale. R.s. oriental. Levant. 1819. -—— F.%. 5 compressum. B.P. flat-stemmed. N.S.W. 1820. —— H.}%. 6 holcoides. r.s. Holcus-like. E. Indies. 1823. —— S.©. | Panicum holcoides, ¥.1. . E 7 barbatum. R.s. bearded. —_——_ ——_- — 5.©. ast Dp 8 dichotomum. r.s. forked. Egypt. 1824. —— H.%. Delil. egyp. t.8. f.3. — 9 nepalense. s.s. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1822. —— H.©. . TAG PENICILLARIA.R.S. Penici,uaRia. Polygamia Monecia. W. 1 spicata. R.s. spiked. E. Indies. 1592. 6.7. H.©. Pluk.alm. t. 32. f. 4. 2 alopecuroides. Fox-tail. Jamaica. 1739. 7.10. H.©- t. 92. f. 5. ciliata. w.en. cylindrica. R.s, Panicum alopecuroides. L. Alopecurus indicus. L. ate SETARIA. R.S. SeTarRia. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 sericea. R.s. silky. W. Indies, 1780. 5.9. H.©. yay h 2 verticillata. R.s. rough. England.. +++. 7.8. H.@. Eng. bot. 874. : 3 viridis. R.s. green. sooe —— HO. —~-—— 875.) a Panicum viride. £.8. Pennisetum viride. B.P. ijoutn 7 : . a 4 pumila. r.s. dwarf, scceeeee 1819. —— H.©. . } 5 macrocheta. R.s. _long-spiked. cccerees = =——— HO. } 6 purpurascens. R.S. purplish. S. America. 1822. —— H.©. 7 intermedia. R.s. intermediate. E. Indies. 1819. 8.10. H.©. j 8 Weinmanni. R.s. Weinman’s. ~ Teneriffe. 1816. —— H.©. “4. biaasia &. a 9 glauca. R.s. glaucous. S. Europe. 1771. 7.8. H.©. Host.gram.2.t.16. — _ 10 helvola. R.s. pale red. —E. Indies.: 1822..'8.10.Hi@Q. ~ a; .obonsuty | il erubescens. R.s. blush. S. Americas ——- -—— H.©. sa 12 geniculata. R.s. jointed. . Antilles. 1605. 7.8. H.©. ) . 13 maritima. R.s. sea-side. ececceee 1818. —— H.©. ye. 14 germanica. R.S. German. Germany. 1548. —— H.©. Host. gram.2.t.15. — 15 italica. n.s. Italian. Italy. 1616. —— H.©- Rumph.amb.3.t.76.f.2. Panicum italicum. Host. gram. 4. t. 14. Pennisetum ttalicum.B oP. q 16 composita. R.S. compound. S. America. 1823. —— H.©. | 17 cylindrica. R.s. cylindrical. seceeroe —— ——— HO. 18 setosa. R.S. bristly... W. Indies. 1822. —— H.©. 19 polystachia. R.s. §many-spiked. Brazil. 1824. —— S.¢. . 20 tenacissima. R.Ss. tough. 1819. —— H.©. 21 Pennisetum. R.s. Indian. E. Indies. 1820. 6.8. S.©. . 22 scandens, R.Ss. climbing. tecescoe ——— ——— HO. 23 muricata. R.s. sea-side. N.America, 1819. —— H.©. ‘ 24 auricoma. Lk. golden-headed. ««-----: 1826. —— iy -ANTHOXANTHUM.R:S. Sprine-crass. Diandria Digynia. L , i ‘1 odoratum. £.B. sweet-scented. Britain. toes Be H.2. Eng. bot. 647. B laxa. loose-spiked. —— ewe —— Hi. Loes. ic. 22. .@ pubescens. downy-spiked. m———— ever —— HL i ramos. branching-spiked coos —— H.2}. ; 2 amarum. R.S. bitter. S. Europe. 1810. 7. H.%. 3 3 gracile. R.s. slender. Italy. 1825. 7.8. H.©. Biv.Bern,st.rar.t.1.f.1_ 4 ovatum. R.S. oval-spiked. Spain. 1824, —— H.©. ; SPARTINA. R.S. SPARTINA. Triandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 cynosuroides. R.s. Dog’s-tail, N.America. 1781. 8.9. H.%. Linn. fil, fasc.1.t.9, Dactylis cynosuroides. L. Trachynotia cynosuroides. M, Limnetis cynosuroides. p.s. a 2 stricta. R.s. upright. Britain. coos 8. H.%. Eng. bot. 380. | Dactylis stricta. E.B. Limnetis pungens. P.s. $ polystachia.R.s. |§ many-spiked. N.America. 1781. 8.9. H.2. | 4 pumila. R.S. ‘ dwarf. be a a tart 1820. _— H.%. § juncea. R.S. rushy. ——- 1781. 7.8. H.%. 6 patens. R.S. spreading. Sects || Smee H.2. | 7 geniculata. R.s. = jointed. Java. 1822. —— §.%. Burm. ind, t, 12. f.3. ¢ — Phleum Gerardi. R.S. PHLEUM. R.S. Car’s-rart-GRass. Triandria Digynia. L. : 1 pratense. R.s. common, Britain. cece J, H.2%. Eng. bot. 1076. & MajUs. S.G.W, greater. ——— ss —— H.%. Sinc. gr ‘woh. p-195. ic. B minus. s.c.w. lesser, --> 7,8. Hy. +=————— p.197. ic. 2 nodosum. w. knotted. Pewee Tee Tes He Flor. dan. t.380. 3 Bertolonii. r.s. Bertoloni’s. France. 1818. —— H.2%. 4 alpinum, r.s. alpine. Scotland. :-. 7% H.y. Eng. bot. 519. 5 commutatum. R.s. confused. Piedmont. 1819. ——~ H.2. 6 felinum. R.s. Grecian. Greece. 1822. —— H.©. 7 echinatum. R.8. hedgehog. Dalmatia. 8.9, H.@). Host. gram. 3. t. 11. ACHNODONTON. RS. Acunoponton. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 Bellardi. r.s. bulbous. Spain. 1798. 6.7. H.©. Phalaris Bellardit. w. bulbosa. i. . 2 tenue, R.s. slender. S. Europe. 1826. ——H.@. Host. gram. t. 36. 3 arenaria. L.en. sand, Britain. : 6.7. H.@©. Eng. bot, 222, b Pn : te | GRAMINES. A441 ZOYSIA. R.S. Zoysi1a. Triandria Digynia. W. ungens. R.s. pungent, E. Indies. 1819. 6.8. S.%. LE RSIA. B.P. ‘Lerersia. Triandria Digynia. W. 1 oryzoides. s.s. Rice-like. S. Europe. 1793. 7.8. H.y. Host. gram.1. t. 35, | 2 virginica. s.s. Virginian. N.America. of. _ $ australis. B.p. southern. N.S. W. 1819. —— H.2. PEROTIS. R.S. Perotis. Triandria Digynia. W. latifolia. R.s. broad-leaved. E. Indies. 1777. 8.9. S.©. Rheed. mal. 12. t. 62, ALOPECURUS. R.S. Foxrait-crass, Triandria Digynia. L. 1 agrestis. E.B. slender. Britain, cee 7.8. H.©. Eng. bot. 848. 2 utriculatus. r,s. bladdered. Italy. 1777. —— H.©. Flor. grec. t. 63. 3 pratensis. E.B. meadow. Britain, -eoe §, H.. Eng. bot, 759. 4 nigricans. R.s. blackish, Europe. 1815. 6.7. H.%. Jacq. ecl. gram, t. 13, Tauntoniensis. 8.G.W- _ 6 geniculatus. £.B. _ floating. Britain. | eeoes 5.8. H.w.2/. Eng. bot. 1250. 6 fulvus, E.B. orange-spiked. England. sees 6. How. 2... ———— 1467. 7 alpinus. E.B. Alpine. Scotland. +-+» 5.6. H.%. 1126. 8 ramosus. R.s. branching, N.America. 1823. -—— H.2. 9 arundinaceus. R.s. Reed-like. sossesee 1819. —— H.2. _ 10 macrostachyos. r.s. large-spiked. Barbary. 1824. 6.8. H.2,. 11 bulbosus. x.8. bulbous. England. see 7 H.Y. Eng. bot. 1249. 12 colobachnoides. r.s. Siberian. Siberia. 1826. 6.7. H.2%. : 13 Gerardi. Trin. Gerard’s. | Ss. ey RG 1820. 6.8. H.%. Jacq-ic. t. 301. Phalaris arenaria. E.B. Phleum arenarium. F.D. t. 915. Chilochloa arenaria. R.S. ‘CHILOCHLOA. R.S. Cuirocuioa. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 Behmeri. R.s. Phalaris-like. England. --+« 7.9. H.y%. Eng. bot. 459, Phalaris phleoides. £.B. Phleum phalaroides. Kel. Behmeri. w. 2 cuspidata. R.s, sharp- pointed. Tyrol. 1824. 7.8. H.Y%. Host. gram. 4. t. 20. 3 Michelii. L.en. Micheli’s. Scotland, -+-- 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 2265. Phieum Michelii. £.8. 4 aspera. R.S. rough. England. +++. 7 H.©. Eng. bot. 1077, Phleum paniculatum, £.B. Phleum asperum. Jacq, ic. t.14. Phalaris aspera. w. 5 annua. R.s. annual. Caucasus. 1825. 7.8. H.©. SCHMIDTIA.S.S. SenumiptTra. Diandria Digynia. S.S. p subtilis. s.s. close umbelled. Bohemia. 1824.6.8. H.©. Tratt. fl. aus. t. 451, Coleanthus subtilis. R.s. POLYPOGON.R.S. Potyprocon. Prighdia Pigynia: Ww. 1 mere tenes. R.s. chaffy. Britain. eos 7.8 H.©. Eng. bot. 1704. rostis paniced. E.B. 2 tittoralis’ x. F. sea-side. ————— eve 68. H.2%. Eng. bot. 1251, 3 miaritimus. R.s. shore. S. Europe. 1822. —— H.©. 4 glomeratus. R.s, clustered. N. America. —~- 7.8. H.2. 5 tataricus. F. Tartarian. Tartary. 1825. —— H.©. CERESIA. P.S. Ceresta. Triandria Digynia. P.S. elegans. P.s. elegant. Peru. 181s. 8.9, H.%. Jacq. frag, t. 86. Paspalum membranaceum, s.s. PASPALUM. W. 1 dissectum. s.s. dissected. S, America, 1822. 8.10. H.©. 2 scrobiculatum. s.s. dimpled. E. Indies. 1778. 7,9. S.%. Hout.n. his. t.89.f.3. 3 stoloniferum. s.s, purple. Peru. 1794. —— Gy,” Jdcqiic. 22%. 382. - 4 paniculatum.s.s, _ panicled. W. Indies. 1782. —— S.@. Sloan. hist. I. t.72.f.2, 5 virgatum, s.s. twiggy. —_—— _ 1822, —— S.}. —TI. t.69. f. 2, 6 leve, m. ‘smooth. N.America. 1818. Gee ial Lecomt. pasp, t. 91, Paspatum. Triandria Digynia. L. ‘42 GRAMINEE. 7 difforme. R.s. deformed. ——- ——- — Hy. Lecomt. past. p.264, 8 pusillum. r,s. small. - . §t.Thomas, 1822. —— S.2. 9 conjugatum. s.s. conjugate. W. Indies ——- -—— S.¥%. Gert. fruct. 3..t, 80. f.4. 10 notatum. s.s. two-spiked. —— 1776. 7% §.g. Swartz obs, t. 2, ict ae 11 molle. s,s. soft. St.Thomas. 1822. -—- S.%- 12 Kora. R.s. smooth-fl4, E. Indies. 1818. 7.8 S.%. 13 setaceum. M. bristly. N.America. — H.2. 14 dubium. s.s. doubtfal..,..). oo. 5» se s'ss — —— H.. 15 glabrum. s.s. smooth. W. Tadiee, 1823. —— S.2. 16 tenellum. w. elegant. seessese 1817, —— S.2. elegans. S.S, 17 laxum.R.s. loose. S. America. 1819. —— S.2. 18 inzquale. L.en. se catalamivid. Manilla. 1822, —— S.2. AMPHIPOGON.B.P.Ampuipogon. Triandria Digynia. §.S. strictus. B.P. upright. N.S. W.. 1823. 5.6. G.. GASTRIDIUM.R.S. Gasrripium. Triandria Digynia. R.S. | ; 1 australe. R.s. yellow. England. +--+ 8. -O Eng. bot. 1107. Milium lendigerum. E.B. . 2 muticum. R.s. beardless. Sicily. - 1819. 7.8. H.O. CHAETURUS. RS. Cua Turvs. Triandria Digynia. R.S. fasciculatus. R.s. _— fascicled. S. Europe. 1815. 7.9. H. O- MILIUM.R.S. _ MILLET-GRAss, Triandria Digyale. L. _1 effusum. £.B. - common. Britain. | +--+ 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 1106. 2 vernale. R.s. vernal. Caucasus. 1819. 4.5. ©... at 3 gallecicum. R.s. capillary. Gallicia. — 6.8. H.%. 4 velutinum. R.s. downy. Mexico. 1823. —— H.©. PIPTATHERUM.R:S. PreraTHERUM. Triandria Digynia. R.S. ei . 1 paradoxum. R.s. _—black-seeded. France. 177i. 6.7. H.©. Host. gram. 3. t. 23. Agrostis paradoxa. L. Milium paradoxum. w. Urachne virescens. Trins bs 2 cerulescens. R.s. _ blueish. Barbary. 1819. —— H.%. Desf.atl.1.t.12. . 3 multiflorum. R.s. many-flowered. S. Europe. 1778. —— H.%. Host. gram.3. t. 45. Milium arundinaceum. F.G. t. 66. Agrostis miliacea. L. . eam CALAMAGROSTIS. S.S. GatamaAGrRostis. Triandria Digynia. S.S. 1 epigejos. s.s. wood. Britain. eoee 7 H.Y.° Eng. hot: 403. 2 littorea. s.s sea-side. Switzerland.1824. 7.8. H.%. Schrad-fi.ger.1.t.4.f. 2. 3 laxa. ao, ; loose. —_—_ ——-_ +— _H.. Host. gram. 4. 1.23. — 4 glauca. R.S. glaucous. _ N.America. —~ -—— H.2. 5 Halleriana. s,s. Haller’s. Switzerland.1819. —— H.%. ‘Schrad. fi. ger.1.t. 4.f.3. Arundo pseudophragmites. R.S. 6 stricta. 3.s. upright. Scotland. -++++ 7.8. H.%. Eng. bot, 2160. 7 varia. Host. various. S. Europe. 1813. —— H.%. Host. gram. 4. t. 47. 8 acutiflora. R.s. sharp-flowered. Germany. 1819. —— H.%. seas i 9 sylvatica. pc. wood. Europe. 1813. —— H.%. Host. gram. 4. t. 49. arundinacea. Roth. Agrostis arundinacea. L. pyramidalis. Host. Aaa a 10 Langsdorffii. ss, Langsdorff’s. +--+ «+> +s 1823. —— H.2. se : 11 confinis. s.s. ‘hairy-flowered. N.America. 1820. —— H.%. 12 montana. Host. mountain. Europe. — -— H.». Host. gram. 4. t. 46. 13 Hostii. r.s. Host’s. musmmmmrrseh immmnrtticrs rt) ee sylvatica. Host. nec aliorum. 14 lanceolata. s.s. common. England. -+-:+ 7% H.Y. Eng. bot. 2159. Arundo Calamagrostis. E.B. Agrostis lanceolata, R.8. ; aps” 15 speciosa. Host beautiful. Germany. 1813. 7.8. H.%. Host. gram.4. t.45. Agrostis Calamugrostis. R.S. : STIPA. RS. FEATHER-GRASS, Tridndria Digynia. L. | 1 pennata. E.B. common. Britain. coos 7.8. Hitt. Eng. bot. 1356. 2 tortilis. R.s. twisted-awned. S. Europe. 1823. ——~—H.@. Desf. atl.1.t.31. f.1.. 3 juncea. R.S. rushy. France. 1772. —— H.}. Flor. gree. 1. t. 85. A gigantea. R.S. gigantic. Spain. 1823. —— H.. as 5 capillata. r,s. capillary. S. Europe. —— -—— H.%. Host. gram.3. t.5. 6 tenacissima. R.S. tough. ———-_ 1822. —— H.%. Desf. atl.1.t.30. — 7 Aristella. R.s. awned. Vemetahd big 1806. —— H.%. Host. gram. 4. t.34. 8 conferta. RS. close panicled. .----.+-- 1819. —— H.7. . 9 sibirica. R.S. Siberian. Sino 1777. ——- H.Y%. Gmel. sib. 1. t. 22. TRICHODIUM. R.S. WINTER-GREEN-GRASS, Triandria Digynia. R.S. , 1 caninum, R.s. brown. Britain. ve-> 7. He. Eng. bot. 1856. Agrostis canina. E.B. ' . 2 alpinum. R.s. Alpine. S. Europe. 1818. 7.8. H.%. Host. gram. a t. 49. 3 rupestre. R.S. rock, Pyrenees) ——- -—— H.Y%. ———— 3, t. 50. 4 neglectum, R.S, ‘neglected. Hungary. 1822. —— H.2. 5 flavescens. R.s. 6 setaceum. R.s. Agrostis setacea. E.B. 7 rubrum. R.s. $8 hybridum. r.s. 9 diffusum. L.en. 10 decumbens, r.s. 11 laxiflorum. r,s. 12 elegans. r.s. AGROSTIS. R.S. 1 stolonifera. r,s. @ latifolia. s.c.w. B angustifolia.s.c.w.narrow-leaved. y aristata. 8.G.w. 3 nemoralis. s.G.W. € palustris. 8.G.W- diffusa. R.s. neglecta. R.s. capilJaris. R.s. tenella, R.s. alba. R.s. B purpurascens. Y vivipara, 7 tenuifolia. R.s. 8 patula. r,s. 9 valentina. r,s. dubia. r,s. 11 gigantea. R.s. frondosa, R.s. vulgaris. R.s. ambigua. R.S, Juressi. R.s. virginica. R.s. Forsteri. R.s. SG Om Ob Avena filiformis. Forst. -GRAMINEE. yellowish. 8. Europe. —— —— H.2. bristly. Britain. | veow —— H.2. red. ‘Lapland. 1824. —— H.}. hybrid. Switzerland. —— —— H.y. spreading. teeerees 1823. —— H.%. decumbent. N. America.1786. 6.7. H.2. loose-flowered. | 1816. —~— H.¢. elegant. France. —- 7.9. H.©. Benr-eRaAss. Triandria Digynia. R.S. creeping. Britain. -see 728. Hi. Fiori grass. coos ——— Hf. reooe ——— HY, awned, soon —— Hi}. wood. cose —— HY. marsh. aes oe BD spreading. Europe. 1816. —— H.%. neglected. Hungary. —— —— H.2. capillary. S.Europe. —— -—— HO. slender. Switzerland.1824, —— H.2%. ' white rooted. — Britain. coos J. HY. purplish. coos ———~ HP. viviparous, - ee ee YY. slender-leaved. Caucasus. 1819. 7.8. H.2. knotted spreading. Switzerl?.1824. —— H.y. Valentia. Spain. — — H.». doubtful. Germany. 1818. —— H.. gigantic. Caucasus. —— —— H.2. frondose. Naples. 1824, —— H.. fine. Britain. cose —— H.2, ambiguous. Germany. 1820. —— H. 2. close panicled. —————- -——~- —— H.}. Virginian. N.America. —— —- H.2. Forster’s, N. Zealand. 1822. H.%. Ao 18 Billardieri. n.p. -_ Labillardiere’s, N.Holland. 1806. H.y%. 19 plebeia. B.p. plebeian. N.S. W. 1822. H.2. 20 emula. B.P. flat-leaved. ————-_ 1806. H. 2%. 21 Spica venti.E.B. silky. England. -+++ 6.7. H.©. 22 pallida. pe, pale. France. 1818. —— H.©. 23 interrupta. R.8, interrupted. S. Europe. ——- —— H.©. 24 purpurea. R.s. purple. i 1820. —— HO. 25 pauciflora. R.s. few-flowered. Switzerland.1824. 6.8, H.2. 26 decumbens. Host. decumbent. Hungary. —— —— H.. SPOROBOLUS.B.P. Sporosotus. Triandria Digynia. 1 diandrus. R.s, diandrous, E.Indies. 1820. 6.8. S.©. 2 indicus. B.P. Indian. India. 1773. 8.10. H.©. 3 purpurascens. R.s. purplish. Jamaica. 1820. —— S.©. 4 tenacissimus. Len. tough. W.Indies. 1801. —— S.%. 5 elongatus. B.P. elongated. N.S.W. 1822. —— H.©. COLPODIUM, Trin. Coxtropium. Triandria Digynia. 1 Steveni. Trin. various-colour’d.Caucasus. 1823. 7.8. H.% Agrostis versicolor. Stev. ; 2 latifolium. broad-leaved. MelvilleIsl.1821. —— H.©. TRICHOCHLOA. Tr. TricHocHLoa. - Triandria Digynia. 1 tenuiflora. slender-fid, N. America. 1820. 7.8. H.%. _ longiseta. Tr. Agrostis tenuiflora. w. Cinna tenuiflora. L.en. 2 mexicana. Tr. Mexican. America. 1780. 6.9. H.%. 3 foliosa. Tr. leafy. N.America.1819, 7.8 H.. Agrostis filiformis. w.en. Cinna filiformis. L.en- 4 sobolifera. Tr. soboliferous. ——_——_ —— _ — H.y 5 microsperma. pc. small-seeded. Mexico. 1818. 8.10. H.©. 6 capillaris. pe. capillary. Carolina. — — H.». CINNA. L. Cinna. Monandria Digynia. L. arundinacea. L. Reed-like. Canada. 1789. 7. H. }. KNAPPIA, E.B. Knappra,. Triandria Digynia. S.S. agrostidea. E.B. small, Wales. cose 3.4. H.O. Agrostis minima, Ww. Chamagrostis minima. R.8. Sturmia verna. P.s. 3L2 443 Host. gram. 4. t. 52. Eng. bot. 1188. Fraser mon. ¢. ic. Mich. amer. 1. t. 8. Lois journ, bot.2.t.8.i.1, Eng. bot. 1532. Since. gr. wob. p.225. ic. ao p.346. iC. —— p.345. ic, Host. gram. 4. t.65. Sm. ic. ined. t..54. Schad.fl.ger.1.t.5.f.1. Sinc. gr. wob. p.342.ic, Eng. bot. 1189. Leers fl. herb. t. 4. f. 4) Eng. bot. 1671. Host. gram. t. 56. Lab. nov. holl. 1. t. 23. Lab. nov. holl. 1. t. 31, Eng. bot. 951. Host. gram. 3. t. 48. Schrad. fl.ger.1.t.3.f.24 Host. gram. 4. t. 54. Sloan. hist. 1. t. 73. fl. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 16. Willd. hort. ber. t. 12, Schreb. gram. t. 49, Eng, bot. 1127. 444 GRAMIN ER. COLOBACHNE. R.S. ee Triandria Digynia. R.S, vaginata. R.s. sheathed. Levant. 181s. 4. Hyjap.. Alopecurus angustifolius. ¥.G¢. Polypogon vaginatus. w. ‘CRYPSIS. R.S. Crvpsis. Triandria Digynia. L. ie 4 alopecuroides. r.s. Foxtail-like. Germany. 1816. 7.8. H.©. Helcochloa alopecuroides. Host. 2 schoenoides. R.s, Schoenus-like. §. Europe. 1783. -——- H.©. 3 aculeata. R.s. prickly. ——_- — — H.©. LAPPAGO. W. Lappaco. Triandria Digynia. W. racemosa. W. branching. S.Europe. 1771. 7.8. H.©, Tragus racemosus, R.S. Cenchrus racemosus, L. MUHLENBERGIA. W. MunLenBereia. Triandria Digynia. W. diffusa. R.s. spreading. N.America. 1816. 5.6, H.2.. CHAETARIA. R.S. CHATARIA. Triandria Digynia. R.S. ee 1 adscensionis. R.s. West Indian. W.Indies. 1822. 7.8. S.2. Aristida adscensionis, w. ~ SON incl 2. Hystrix. r,s. Porcupine, -E. Indies. —-- +++. §,2, 3 divaricata. R.s. spreading, S. America. 1818. 7.8. G.2. 4 cerulescens. R.s. _ blueish. Canaries) ~-— —— H.©. ARISTIDA. B.S. Aristipa. Triandria Digynia. L. vagans. R.S. spreading-panicled. N.S. W.1820. 7.8. F.%. HORDEUM. RSS. BARLEY. Triandria Digynia. L. 1 vulgare. r.s, spring. Levant. coos J HO. B giganteum. ‘ giant. cree o> HO. 2 celeste. R.s. naked-seeded. ss0e —— HO. 3 nigrum. R.s. black-seeded. eeee —— HG. 4 hexastichon. R.s. winter. sie —— Tsien 5 bulbosum. rR.s. bulbous. S, Europe. 1770. ——. H.%. 6 jubatum. R.s. long-bearded. _N.America, 1782. 7.8 H. 2. 7 distichon, R.s. common. Tartary. aghe. 7. LLG B imberbe. R.S. beardless. ———_—— «-- —— H.©. 8 nudum. r.s. ‘naked seeded. ———— eee. ——- H.©. 9 Zeocriton. R.s. Battledore. mecaseee esos 8, H.©. 10 murinum. R.s. wall. Britain. sess 4.8, H.©. 11 pratense. R.s. meadow. ————— +e» 6 £H.2. 12 secalinum. Roth. rye-like. Europe. coos ——— HO. 13 maritimum., E.B. sea-side, Britain. ooes 6.7. H.O©. 14 nepalense. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1825. 7.8. H.©. 15 Hystrix. r,s. hedgehog. Spain. 1817. —— H.©. JEGOPOGON. R:S. /EcopoGon. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 pusillus. r.s. small. S. America. 1822. 7.8. H.©. 2 trisetus. R.s. three awned. — H.©. MICROCHLOA.B.P. Microcutoa. | Triandria Digynia. R.S. setacea. B.P. bristly. Tropics. 1806. 7% H.©, MELINIS. SS. Me.inis. Triandria Digynia. S.S. minutiflora. s.s. glutinous. Brazil. > 1822. 6.7. S.2%. Tristegis glutinosa, Nees. Suardia picta. Schrank h. mon. 11. t. 58. DIGITARIA. RS. Digitaria. Triandria Digynia, R.S. | 1 sanguinalis, R.s. slender-spiked. Britain, wee 8. HO. Panicum sanguinale. E.B. 2 bicornis. R.s. two-horned. E. Indies. 1825. 8.9. H.@ 3 affinis. R.s. related. S. America. 1820. 7.8. H.©, 4 wgyptiaca. Rs. Egyptian. Egypt. 1794. —— H.©. 5 filitormis, s:s. filiform, — N. America.1781. ——. H.©. 6 Roxburghii. s.s. Roxburgh’s. E, Indies. 1823. —— H.©. . Panicum fJiliforme. F.1. 7 villosa. s.s. villous. N.America. 1781. 7.9. H.©, 8 glabra. R.3. smooth. S. Europe. 1817. —— H.©. Syntherisma glabrum. Schrad+ 9 paspalodes. R.s. trailing, N.America.——- —— H.©. 10 ciliaris. R.s. fringed. S. Europe. 1804. —— H.©. 11 biformis. R.s. two-formed. Canaries. 1820. —— H.©. 12 marginata. R.s. margined. Brazil. 1825. —— H.©. 13 linearis. R.s. linear-spiked. India. 1804. —— H.©. CYNODON. RS. Cynopon. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 Dactylon. R.s. creeping. England. “ten: T. Sy Mate B indicus. Doob-grass. India. 1820. —— S.2%. 2 linearis. R.s. linear-leaved. E. Indies. 1796. -—— S.%. 3 stellatus, R.s. starry. St. Helena. 1823, -—— $.2. Flor. gree, t.64, Host. gram, 1. t. 29. Jacq. ic. 1. t.15. Host. gram. 1, t.31, Flor. gree, t, 101. 2 Schreb, gram. te 5. Sloan. hist. 1. t.2. f. 56. Pluk. alm. t. 191, f. 5 Jacq. eclog. gram. t.6. Desf. atl. h 21. £. 2. Cavan. ic. 5. t. 471, | - Host. gram. 3. t. 34. ‘Viborg cereal. t 1, Viborg cereal. t. 2. Flor. gree. 1, t. 98, Viborg cereal. 3. Arduin. sag. t. II, f. 4, Viborg cereal, t. 4. Eng. bot.1971. sae) 40D Monti gram. p. 60.f.96,, Eng. bot, 1205. Cav. h.r.mad.1t.5.f.2. ies ae Te a 9 1.0.5.f.3. Roxb. corom, 2. t. 132. Nees Hort. ber, 54. t.7. Eng. bot. 849. Jacq, obs. 3. t. 30. Schrad.germ,1,t.3.f.6. Host. gram, 4. t.. 15. Burm. ind. 25.t.10. £3. Eng. bot. 850. wob. p»290. ic. { GRAMINE/, 4 precox, R.S. early-flow’ring. N.America, 1823. 6.7, H.%. Digitaria sanguinalis. M. PHALARIS. R.S. CANARY-GRASs, Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 canariensis. R.s. common. Britain, 6.8. H.©. 2 microstachya. pc. small-spiked. N.America.1818. —— H.©. 3 aquatica. R.s. water. Egypt. 1778. 6.7. H.©. 4 commutata.R.s, | changed. Italy. 1823. —— H.©. 5 capensis. R.s. Cap e4i C.B.S 1804. —— H.©. 6 bulbosa. r,s. bulb- bearing. Spain. 1824, ——- H.%. “7 coerulescens. R.s, blueish. S. Europe. —— -— H.©. 8 paradoxa, B.S. paradoxical. —— —— -—— H.O. 9 appendiculata. R.s. appendaged. Egypt. 1823, —— H.©. DIGRAPHIS, Tr. Digrapuis, Triandria Diggnia. J arundinacea. tr. —_Reed-like. Britain. or ay H.ww.%. Arundo colorata. E.8. Phalaris arundinacea. L. anit rre Fl, wet. 8 variegata, striped-leaved. ————— ee+e —— H.}. 2 americana. s.s. American. N. America. ++.» -—— H.2. LAGURUS. RS. HARE’s-TAIL-GRaAss. Triandria Digynia. 1 L. ovatns. E.B. oval-spiked. Guernsey. ---- 6. H.©. ECHINOPOGON.R:SS. Ecutnopocon. Triandria Digynia. . ovatus. R.Ss. ovate panicled. N.Holland, 1820. 7.8. H.2%. Agrostis ovata, Lab. HIEROCHLOE., P.B. Hirrocutor. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 borealis. R.s. northern. Scotland, esee 5.6, HL. Holcus odoratus. F.D. t. 963. repens. Host. gram. 8. t. 3+ 2 australis. R.s, southern. S. Europe. 1777. 6.7. H.2. 3 fragrans. R.s, fragrant. N.America. ——- —— H.2. CATABROSA.R.S. CatTaprosa. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 aquatica. R.s. water. Britain, wees 5.6. H.w. 2h Aira aquatica, E.B. . 2 viridula. R.s. close-panicled. see+--e- 1718. —— H.w.}. 3 humilis. Tr, dwarf. Caucasus. 1824. 6.7. H.2. AIRA. RS. HAIR-GRAss. Triandria Miaxiles L. 1 flexuosa. £.B. waved, Britain. 7.8 H.y. 2 versicolor. R.s. various-color’d. S, Europe. 1823. H.%. 3 caryophyllea. £.B. silver. Britain. esee ——- HG). 4 elegans. R.s. elegant. Switzerland.1824, —— H.(). 5 pulchella. r,s. pretty. Spain. 1820. —— Ho 6 pallens. R.s. pale. N.America, ——- —— H.%. 7 arundinacea,R.s. Reed-like. Cumana. 1823. —— H.2. 8 semineutra. s,s. doubtful. Hungary. 1819. 6.7. H.2p. DESCHAMPSIA.R.S. DescHampsia. Triandria amenui.. | RS. 1 cespitosa. R.s. turfy. Britain. cece H.2. Aira cespitosa, E.B. 2 Biebersteiniana, Bieberstein’s. Caucasus, 1823. 6.8. H.2. 3 alpina. R.s. Alpine. Scotland. ---- 5.6. H.¥. Aira levigata. E.B. alpina. L. Avena alpina. Tr. A bottnica. tr. bristle-leaved. Bottnia. Aira bottnica. R.S. 1824. —— H.%. SCHISMUS. RS. Scuismus. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 Gouani., tr, Gouan’s. Montpelier. 1820. 6.7. H.2. Aira media. Gouan. Deschampsia media. R.s. 2 marginatus. R.s. margined, Spain. 1781. —— H.©. Festuca calycina. W. CORYNEPHORUS. R.S. CornynEpHorus. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 canescens. R.8. canescent. England. cone 7.8. HL2E. Aira canescens. E.B. 2 articulatus. R.s. jointed. S. Europe. 1824. —— H.%. PERIBALLIA, Tr. PeERiIBALLIA. Triandria Digynia. R.S. hispanica. Tr. Spanish. Spain. 1820. 6.7. H.@,. Aira involucrata, Cay. Airopsis involucrata, R.s. AIROPSIS. RS. Arropsis. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 globosa. R.s. globe-flowered.. S. Europe. 1823. 6.8. H.©). 2 obtusata. R.s, blunt-flowered. N.America. —— 6.7. H.%. 3 brevifolia. rus. short-leaved. Missouri. 1818. ——- H.2. A agrostidea. Rs. Agrostis-like. §, Europe. 1823. —— H.}. Poa agrostidea. pc. Aira agrostidea. Lois. MELICA. RS. MEtic-Grass, Triandria Digynia. L. 1 ciliata, B.S, ciliated. Europe. Wiis Te sks 445 Eng. bot. 1310. Host. gram, 2. t.38. Barrel, ic. 700. f. 2. Buxb. cent. 4. t. 53. Flor, grec. 1. t. 58. Eng. bot. 402. Eng, bot. 1334. Lab. nov. holl. 1. t. 21. Sine. gt, wob.p.167. ic. . Eng. bot. 1557. Eng. bot. 1519. Eng. bot. 812. Host. gram. 4. t. 35. Eng. bot. 1453. Eng. bot. 2102. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 44. f. 2. Eng. bot. 1190. Desf. atl. 1. t. 13. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 44. f. 1. Cavan. ic.3. t.274. f.1. DC. ic. rar. t. 1. Flor. greec. 1. t. 70. a a eee! GRAMINEX. 446 2 nutans. R.s. mountain. - Britain. eoes 6.7. Hi. 3 uniflora. R.s. wood. a ——— ee ee «65.6. HD, 4 Bauhini. r.s. Italian. Italy. 1806, 6.7. H.2. 5 pyramidalis. R.s. pyramidal, . Barbary. 1804. —— H.%. 6 speciosa. R.s. handsome, N.America.18i2. —— H.2, glabra. Ph: 7 altissima.R.s, tallest. Siberia. 1770.: 7. 8.sHewy _ 8 sylvatica. Lk. wood. Europe. 1824, —— H.%. MOLINIA. P.B. Mouinia, Triandria Digynia. R.S. ceeruléa. P.B. purple, Britain. coos 8 H.2. varia. s.8. Melica caerulea. £.B. Enodium caruleum. R.s. DINEBA. RS. DineBa. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 arabica. Rs. Arabian. Levant. 1816.’ 8.9. H.©@. 2 divaricata. R.8. . spreading. Egypt. 1823. —— H.©@,. WANGENHEIMIA.Tr.Wancenneimia. Triandria Digynia. R.S. Lima. Tr. imbricated. Spain. 1776. 7.8. H.©. Cynosurus Lima. cay. Dineba Lima. R.8. SACCHARUM.R.S. SuGar-cane. Triandria Digynia, L. 1 officinarum., R.8. common, India. 1597, wees SY. 2 sinense. F.t. Chinese. China. 1822, +--- S.2. 3 procerum. F.1 lofty. - E.Indies)s —— «ee §.2. A violaceum. R.8. violet-coloured. W. Indies. 1816, <«-+- S.2. § caudatum.r.s. _ tailed. a eee 8,2, 6 contractum. 2.8. contracted. S. America. 1823, -++« S.Y.- 7 Munja. F.t. slender. E. Indies. 1805. e+++ S.2%. IMPERATA. RS. ImpERATA. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 arundinacea. R.s. Reed-like. N. Holland. 1820. 7.8 F.2. 2 spontanea. R.s. spontaneous. E.Indies. 1818, ---- §S.2. TRICHOLAINA. R.S. TricHoLamna. Triandria Digynia. R.S. micrantha. R.s. small-flowered. S. Europe. 1816. 7.8. H.2. Saccharum Teneriff@. Jacq: ieee, ERIANTHUS. R.S. Ertantuus. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 saccharoides. r.s. Sugar-cane-like-N.America, 1816. 7,8. H.2. Saccharum giganteum. Ph. : 2 brevibarbis. p.s. short-bearded. . 1822, _—— H.2. RIPIDIUM. Tr. Ripipium. Polygamia Monecia. Tr. 1 Ravenne. Tr, rough. S. Europe. 1816. 7.8. H.%. Andropogon Ravenn@. Host. Saccharum Ravenne. w. 2 strictum. Tr, upright. ~ Hungary. 1802. —— H.2. Saccharum adpressum. Kit. Andropogon strictus.. Host ANDROPOGON.R.S. AnpDRopoGon. Polygamia Monecia. L. 1 argenteus. pc. silvery. Mexico. 1822, .+-- G.%. 2 saccharoides. r.3. Sugar-cane-like.Jamaica. 1818. —— S.7. 3 laguroides. R.s. hares-tail-like. NewSpain, 1820. -+-- §.%. 4 hirtus. R.8. hairy. S. Europe. 1802. 7.8. S.2. 5 angustifolius. r.8. mnarrow-leaved. ————— 1818. —— H.2. 6 Ischemum. R.s. woolly. 1768. —— H.2. 7 serratus, R.s. saw-leaved. Japan. 1816. -+--+ G.y. laxus. W. 8 comosus. R.S. tufted. Egypt. 1824, <+«+ Hy. 9 annulatus. R.s. annular. ——— Ss —— ssse- 8.7. 10 furcatus. R.S. forked. N.America, 1818. 7.8. H.2. CHRYSOPOGON. Tr. Curysopocon. Polygamia Monecia. Gryllus. Tr. purple-fid, S. Europe. 1791. 6.7. H.%. Andropogon Gryllus. ¥.c. Holcus Gryllus. B.P. : POLLINIA. RS. Poxtunia. Polygamia Monecia. 1 distachya. R.s.-—- two-spiked. S. Europe. 1805. 7.8. H.2. 2 striata. R.s. nerve-glumed. E. Indies. 1793. 8. S.2. 3 undata. R.s. waved. Mauritius. 1823. ++«.. §.2%. CYMBOPOGON.R.S. Cympopocon. . Polygamia Monecia. Schenanthus. R.s. Lemon-grass. E. Indies. 1786. Andropogon Schenanthus. w. HETEROPOGON.R.S. HeTERopoGcon. Polygamia Monecia. 1 Allionii. R.s. Allioni’s. © §. Europe. 1816. 7.8. H.2. 2 contortus. R.s. twisted. E. Indies. 1779. 7.9. 8.2%. Andropogon contortus. w. APLUDA. R.S. APLUDA. aristata. R.S. awned. S.%. Polygamia Monecia. L. E. Indies. 1820. S.2. Eng. bot. 1059. ————— 1058. Host. gram. 4. t. 23. Barrel. ic. t. 96. f. 1. - Schreb. gram. t.54. Host. gram. 2.t.9. Eng. bot. 750. Jacq. fragm. t. 121. f.1. Cavan, ic. 1. t. 91. Rumph.amb.5.t.74.f.1. . Sloan. hist. 1. t.70. f.1. Cyril. ic. fasc. 2. t. 11. | | Rheed. mal. 12. t. 46. Jacq, ecl. gram. t.34. Host. gram. 3. t. 1. ; 2. t. ae DC.h.mons. ined.t.69. Host. gram. 4. t. 1. Jacq. aust. 4. t. 384. Gerard.gall.p.107.t.4. - Forsk. egyp: tT. Flor. gree. 1. t. 67. Flor. grec. 1. t. 69. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 361. Rumph.amb.5. t.72.f.2. Allion.fl.ped.t.91. f. 4. Schk. hand. t.342. f. a. Schreb. gram. 2, t. 42. | ANATHERUM. R.S. 1 muricatum, R.s. GRAMINEE. ANATHERUM. muricate. Polygamia Monecia. E. Indies. 1823. epee Andropog on muricatus. Retz. squarrosus. W. 2 virginicum. R.s. 3 muticum. R.Ss. ANTHISTIRIA. RS. 1 ciliata. R.s. 2 australis. B.P. SORGHUM. RSS. vulgare. R.S. nigrum. R.3. bicolor. R.s. cernuum. R.S. rubens. R.s. saccharatum. R.S. caffrorum. R.s. I oR 6 hb = Virginian. smooth spiked. ANTHISTIRIA. ‘fringed. New Holland. SorRGHUM. Indian Millet. black-glumed. two-coloured. yellow- -seeded. Cape. Arduini. Jacq. ecl. gram. t.18. 8 avenaceum. R.S. 9 halepense. R.s. 10 elongatum, R.8. HOLCUS. RS. 1 mollis. R.s. 2 lanatus. R.Ss. 1 avenaceum. R.S. Oat-like. panicled. long-panicled. -SOFT-GRASS, N.America. 1819. 7.8. Co BES i794, 729. Polygamia Monecia. L. Jamaica. 1821. 8.10. N.Holland. 1818. Polygamia Monecia. India. 1596. 7. Persia. clear nomad Aiteais 1817. —- India. 1759. 7. 8. Cy B. S. 1816. ee el 1816. 7.9. Syria. 1691. 7.8 Polygamia Monecia. L. -Holcus avenaceus, £.8. Avena elatior. F.D. t.165. B muticum. 8.2. H.%. G.y. ip art en EE ate RE ERO OSO0000 ¥¢ creeping. Britain. ‘sve 7.8. H. meadow. —_———- +--+ 6.7. H. y, _ARRHENATHERUM.R.S. ARRHENATHERUM. Polygamia Monecia. Oat-like, Britain. eaecs 6.7. H.. awnless. Scotland. cece ——— H.2. bulbous. | Germany. «+++ —— H.2. 2 bulbosum. Holcus bulbosus. Host. Avena bulbosa. w. ATHEROPOGON.R.S. ATHEROPOGON. apludoides. R.s. Chloris curtipendula. CERO, RS. 1 ciliata. R.s. radiata, R.S. pallida. R.s. barbata. R.s. inflata. R.s. fasciculata. R.s. polydactyla. r.s. elegans. R.S. compressa. R.S. ventricosa. B.P. 12 truncata. B.P. 13 dolichostachya. R.s. 14 retusa. R.s. 15 gracilis. s.s. Durandiana, R.s. © ONO Om bo bo 10 11 _EUSTACHYS. R.S. petrea. R.s. Chloris petrea. Ww. -CHRYSURUS. R.S. 1 aureus. s.s. Roxburghiana. R.s. Apluda-like. M. CHLORIs. ciliated. many-spiked. pale-spiked. bearded. Roxburgh’s. inflated. crowded. - many-spiked. elegant. compressed. swelled.’ truncated. long-spiked. retuse-glumed. slender. EvustTAcHYs. . flat-stalked. CHRYSURUS. golden-spiked. N.America. 1808. 6.7. Polygamia Monecia. L. Jamaica, 1779. 7.9. W. Indies. 1739. 8.9. S. France. 1816. —— E. Indies. 1777. 6. 7. ————- 1824, 7.8. Californias ——- -—— Brazil. —_— —-— W. Indies. 1818. -—— Mexico. 1825. -— S. France. 1820. 6.8. N.S.W. 1818. —— ————— 1822. —— PhilippineIsl.1824. 7. 8. rile sepia dare Polygamia Monecia. Jamaica. 1779. 7.8. Polygamia Moneecia. Levant. 1770. 7. cynosuroides, R.S. Cynosurus aureus. F.G.1. t.79. Lamarckia aurea. Rottboellia incurvata, E.B, 2 echinatus. R.s. rough. England. «+--+ 8 Cynosurus echinatus. £.B. 3 effusus. R.s. spreading, S. Europe. 1824. 7.8. | 4 elegans. R.s. elegant. ——_- ISCHAMUM. SS. Iscoamum. Polygamia Monecia. L. 1 aristatum. s.s. bearded. | E. Indies. 1803. 6.7 2 australe. B.P. southern. N.S. W.: 1822. 7.8. 3 rnugosum. s.s. rough. E. Indies. 1791.’ —— -ROTTBOELLIA.R:S. Rorrpoetiia. Triandria Digynia. L. 1 exaltata. R.s. tall. E. Indies. 1806. +++ 2 perforata. R.s. perforated. 1822, cea ‘LEPTURUS. B.P. Harv-Grass, Triandria Digynia. 1 incurvatus. Tr. sea-side, Britain. voce 7 Polygamia Moneecia. — H.%. PEE 2 C2 FO ET cn EET on ce ET ca cn OOOR FOOOO KOOOOK 447 Sloan. jam. 1. t.68. f.2? Cavan. ic. 5. t. 459. Host. gram. 4.t. 2. _ Ard.sag. padi. t.5. fil. Host. gram. 4, t. 3. Host. gram, 4. t. 4. Ard.sag.pad.1.t.1.f.1. Flor. grec. 1. t.68. Eng. bot. 1170. 1169, Eng. bot. 813. Host. gram. 4. t. 30. Jacq. ecl. gram. t. 7. Jacq. ecl.gram. 1. t. 8. Jacq.ecl. gram. 1. t.9. H. et B.n., gen. 1. t.49. Jacq. ecl. gram.1, t.11. Host. gram. 3. t. 4. Eng. bot. 1333. Desf. atl. 1. t. 17. Sal. stirp. rar. 1. t.1. Roxb. corom. t, 182. Eng. bot. 760. 448 GRAMINER, 2 filiformis. Tr.: thready. S. Europe. 1800. 7. H.%. 3 cylindricus. Tr, cylindrical. Portugal. 1806. —— H.©. Rottboellia cylindrica. w. subulata, De. Monerma subulata. Ris. PHOLIURUS, Tr. Purouivrvs. Triandria Digynia. ie pannonicus. Tr. Hungarian. Hungary. 1804. —— H.©. MONERMA. RS. MonermaA. Monandria Digynia. monandra. R.s. monandrous.. Spain. 1804. 7. H.©. Rottboellia monandra. €av. Nurdus aristata. L. Psilurus nardoides. Tr. MANISURIS.R.S. Manisuris.. Polygamia Monecia.W. | - granularis. R.s. round grained. E. Indies. 1784, 6.7. $.©. ANTHEPHORA.R.S. ANTHEPHORA. Triandria Monogynia. = elegans. R.S. elegant. Jamaica. 1776. 8.9. 8.©. Tripsacum hermaphroditum, i. Cenchrus levigatus. s.s. TRIPSACUM.S.S. Trrpsacum. Monecia Triandria. L. 1 dactyloides. s.s. rough-seeded. Virginia. 1640. 8 H.2%. 2 monostachyon. s.s. single-spiked. N.America.1815. —— H. yt. ECHR EER EOR: R.S.Ecuinocuioa. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 stagnina. R.S. pond. K. Indies. 1802. 7.8, HO. 2 commutata. R.8. Hungarian. Hungary. ——- -—— H.©. Panicum siagninum. Host. “2 3 intermedia. R.S. intermediate. reeovees 1816... —— HO. 4 erythrosperma. R.s. red-seeded. sessesos 1825. —~— H.©. 5 Crus-Corvi. R.s. Crow’s-foot. E, Indies. 1781. —~ HO. 6 Crus-Galli. r.s. | Cock’s-foot. England. «+m -—— H.©- Panicum Crus-Galli..E.B. 7 echinata. R.s. bristly. N.America. 1825. —~— H.© 8 setigera. R.S. setigerous. E. Indies. 1820. —— S8.©. ORTHOPOGON.B.P. OrtHopocon. ‘Triandria Digynia.$.S. 1 hirtellus. s.s, hairy. - Indies. 1795. 6.7. S.@ 2 undulatifolius. ss. wave-leaved. §.Europe. —— ~— H.©. Panicum hirtellum. Host. non L. 3 Burmauni. R.s. Burman’s, E. Indies. 1819. -+-- S.©. 4 africanus. African. Africa, 1822. 7.9. S.©. Oplismenus africanus. R.8. paset es 5 compositus, s.s. compoundspiked. E.Indies. 1819. —— S.©. PANICUM. R.S. Panic-crass. Triandria Digynia. RS. 1 colonum.. R.s. purple. E. Indies, 1699. 7.8. H.©. 2 brizoides., R.s. Briza-like. 1801. 6.7. Sig. 3 flavidum, r,s. yellowish. 1823, —— S.¢. 4 fasciculatum. R.s. fascicled. Jamaica. 1801. —— H.©. 5 plicatum. R.s. plaited. E. Indies. .1824.. 6.8. S.2%. 6 palmifolium. Rs. Palm-leaved. ———— 1804. —— §.%. 7 neurodes. R.s. nerved-leaved. Nepaul. 1823. —— G,x. nervosum. F.1. NOW Lam. 8 costatum. F.I. ribbed. Mauritius, 1805. —— §.», 9 carthaginense. r.s. Carthagena. 5S. America. 1818. ——= §$.2. 10 indicum. F.1. Indian. E.Indiess —— .— S.%. 11 hispidulum. r,s. hispid. —— 1804. 7.8. H.©. 12 frumentaceum. F.1. cultivated. 1810. —— H.©. 13 dichotomum. R.s. forked. N.America. 1817... -——— H.©. 14 coloratum. R.s. coloured. Egypt. 1771. 7.9. HO. 15 repens. R.S. slender. S. Europe. 1777. -——- H.©. 16 proliferum. R.s. proliferous. N.America 1816. —— H.©. 17 numidianum. R.s. Numidian. Barbary. -——- —— H.©. 18 miliaceum. R.s. Millet. E. Indies. 1596.. —— H.©. 19 attenuatum. R.s. attenuated. scsoeeees 1825, —— H.O. 20 muricatum. R.S. prickly. E. Indies. 1805. 7.9. H.@. 21 capillare. rs. hair-paniecled. America. 1758. 6.8. H.©. B minor. R.S. smaller. —_ ——- — MoO, 22 maximum. R.s. Guinea-grass. Tropics. 1822, ——= S.%, 23 asperrimum.R.s, rough. S. America. 1824. 7.9. H.©. 24 fuscum. R.s. brown. Jamaica. 1822. ——~ §.7, 25 latifolium. R.s. broad-leaved. N.America.1765. 8.9. H.2. 26 clandestinum. R.s. hidden-flow’r’d. 1802. 7. H.2. 27 virgatum. R.s. twiggy. 1781. 8.9. H.2%. 28 anceps. R.s. flat-edged. 1816. 7.8 H.%. 29 uliginosum. R.s. marsh. E. Indies. 1819. —— S.w. 30 nitidum. R.s. glossy. . N.America, 1811. —— H.©. 31 arundinaceum. R.s. Reed-like. Jamaica. 1819. —— §,3. e = Barrel. ic. t.6. 0 Giorn. eer 4. f. 4-8. Host. gram. 1. i‘ 24, Cavanii ic. t. 39. f. % Roxb. ‘corm. 2, t. lls. Schreb. Bt ‘am. t. 48. Lam. ill. ti 750. Host. gram. 3. t. 51. ‘25>. . * Eng. bot. 876. Mm Host. gerd 3. te 52. Bariti: ind. t, 12.f. 1. Pal.fl. Pow. EG: f.1. Linn: pf sys, t.96.f.1 Ehret pict. t. 3, f. 3. Jacq. granv. fase, t. 2. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 58? Flor. grec. I. t. 61. Desf. ath Pot. 1%. Host. gram. 2. €.20. Host, gram, 4. t. 16, ; Jacq. tc. 1, t 13. “ Moris. his, 3. t. 5. f. 4, 32 brevifolium. R.s. 33 divaricatum. R.s. 34 interruptum. R.s. 35 arborescens, R.Ss. 36 patens. R.S. 37 altissimum. R.s. 38 marginatum. B.P. 39 bicolor. B.P. ISACHNE. B.P. australis. B.P.- MONACHNE. R.S. unilateralis. R.s.: AXONOPUS. RS. 1 digitatus. R.s. 2 cimicinus. R.s. Milium villosum. w.. ‘GRAMINER. 4 intermedium. post. intermediate, short-leaved. E, Indies. 1800. 7.8. S.©. divaricate. Jamaica. 1800. —— S.%. interrupted... E.Indies. 1820. -—— S.2. arborescent. ——— 1776. 3.4. S.h. spreading. — 1804. 7.8. S.¢. lottye 0 OE EBON 1816... ——' HO. margin-leaved. N.S. W. 1822, —— F.%. two-coloured. ————- — — F.7. IsacHNneE. Triandria Digynia. R.S. New Holland. N.S. W. 1820. 6.8. H.w. Monacune. Triandria Digynia. R.S. one-sided. Jamaica. 1819. 6.8. 8.2. Axonopus. Triandria Digynia. R.S. fingered. Jamaica. 1818. 6.8. H.©. spotted. E, Indies. 1778. 7.9. H.© Panicum cimicinum. w. Milium cimicinum. t. BECKMANNIA.R.S. Becxmannia. Triandria Digynia. R.S. eruceformis. R.s. linear-spiked. Europe. Ab ge aly H.©. SECALE. RS. Rye. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 cereale. R.s. common. Tavria. «os» 6.7. HO). a hybernum. R.s. —winter. oe. —— HG. B vernum., R.s. spring. sees —— H.C). y compositum, R.S. compound-spiked, --2) —— He). 2 fragile. R.s. brittle. ————._ 1816. —— H.©@. TETRAPOGON.S.S. TerrapoGcon. Triandria Digynia. S.S. villosus. s.s, villous. Barbary. 1818 7.8. H.©,. TRITICUM. RS. Wueat. Triandria Digynia. L. 1 estivum. R.s. summer, Baschiros. -°-- 6.7. H.©). _ 2 hybernum. r,s. Lammas. —sceeeree oo eers oe ALS. . 3 sibiricum. R.s. Siberian. Siberia. eee —— HO. 4 velutinum. R.s. velvet-spiked. ---+++--- weve —— HOS. 5 compositum. r.s. Egyptian. Egypt. 1799. —— H.@). 6 Linnzanum.rR.s. Linnean: —_—_—__++-. — HO. 7 turgidum. R.s. 0 4 (; i ci eae. «0 coos ——— H.C). 8 fastuosum. R.s. thick-grained. °+++->-- cose —— H.C) ‘9 Gertnerianum. R.s. Gertner’s. eeeccers cree coos Hae), 10 platystachyum. R.s. flat-spiked. = -----: co cece ——— H.C) 11 cochleare.r.s. — spoon-like. eeeceee eo eeee —— HG), 12 Cevallos. r,s. ‘Trigo Moro. ercceues cere ——— He), 13 durum. R.s. Barbary. eerences veee ——— HG). B villosum. Host iiae | kisses os eee oe MO, 14 siculum. R.s. Sicilian. eeoveces coer —— HO), 15 hordeiforme. r.s. Barley form. Ce rreece coo —— HG). 16 compactum. R.s. compact. ereree cee —— HG). 17 polonicum. r,s. Polish. teecesoe 1692. —— H.@). 18 monococcon. R.Ss.. one-grained. seeovees 1648. —— H.@). 19 dicoccum. R.s. two-grained. treereee eee. —— HO). a album. white-spiked. seeveee seee -—— H.C) B rufum. brown-spiked. seerseee sees —— HG). 20 atratum. R.s. dark-spiked. ‘+--+: '** eve —— H.C). 21 tricoccum. R.s. three-grained. cesssess «ee ——~ H.©), (22 Cienfugos. R.s. tooth-valved. = ** +++ er cove —— HG). 23 Bauhini. r,s. truncate-valved. s*++++-5 sees —— H.©. (24 Spelta. R.s. Spelt. ceeveees sees —— H.C). Zea. Host. 25 venulosum. R.s. veined. Egypt. osee —— HOO. 26 villosum. R.s. villous. S. Europe. 1790. —— H.©, Secale villosum. F.G. 27 campestre. R.s. field. Hungary. 1816. —— H.©. 28 creticum. R.s. Cretan. Candia. — — Ho. Secale creticum. L. } AGROPYRUM.R.S. Covucu-crass. Triandria Digynia. R.S. | 1 junceum. r,s. rushy. England. «+°-- 6.7. H.%. _ _ Triticum junceum. £.B. | 2 acutum. R.s, acute-glumed. France. 1816. —— H.}. Triticum littorale. Host. | 3 rigidum. r,s. rigid. S. Europe. 1805. —— H.. Germany. —— eee Sa &# 449 Pluk. alm. t. 189. f. 4. Jacq. scheen. 1. t. 25. Burm. ind. t. 10. f. 3. Sloan. hist. 1. t. 14. f.2. Host. gram. 3. t. 6. Blackw. t. 424. Host. gram. 2. t. 48. Desf. atl. 2. t. 255. Host. gram. 3. t. 26. ——_——_-— 3. t. 26. f.8. Rod.Schub.cer.n.4.f.4. Host. gram. 3. t. 27, Host, gram. 3. t. 28, Host. gram. 4.t.6. Host. gram. 4. t. 5. Et. 7 oT ad 3. Cc; 31. ————_-— 3.t. 32. Rod.Schub.cer.n.15.f2 Host. gram, 4. t.8. Rod.Schub.cer.n.17.f3 Host. gram. 3. t. 29. Flor. grec. t. 97. Host. gram, 4. t.2. Eng. bot. 814. Host. gram. 4. t. 9. Host. gram. 2, t. 22, GRAMINER. 450 5 glaucum. R.s. glaucous. Switzerland.1824. 6.7. H.%. Host.gram. 4. t.10? 6 rupestre. B.S. rock, Siberia. 1822. —— H.. : heriautaeetie. 4 7 obtusifiorum.R.s. blunt-flowered. «+«+-s+5 e--+ -——— HY. 8 pungens. R.s. pungent. S. Europe. 1824. —— H.2. La 9 densiflorum. r.s. close flowered. Siberiaa © ——- -—— H.}. 5. 10 giganteum. R.s. gigantic. S. Europe. 1805. —— H.%. Host. gram. 2. t. 23. Triticum elongatum. Host. sine . 11 repens. R.s. common. Britain. soos 7.8. Ht. Eng. bot. 909. & arvense. R.S- field. coos ——— H.%. Trattin. tab. t. 566. B subulatum. R.s. subulate-glumed. s+++ —— H.¥. Schreb. gram. t.26. f.2. y dumetorum. R.s. muny-flowered. soee ——~ H.Y%. ————f.ILIV.f.3 © Vaillantianum.R.s. Vaillant’s. sees ——- H.Y%. ———f.6. € Leersianum. r.s. Leers’s. sooe ——— H.%. Leers fl. herb. t.12. f.4.} f capillare. R.s. hair-awned. See a Sh ‘ 12 sibiricum. R.s. Siberian. Siberia. 1825. —— H.2. 13 dasyanthum. Rs. thick-flowered. Russia. ——" ——— 14 caninum. R.s. bearded, Britain. eves —— H.H. Eng. bot. 1372. 15 distichum. R.s. two-ranked. C.B.S. 1816. —— G.2. ; Sam 16 prostratum. R.s. —_— prostrate. Siberia. 1780. 6. H.@. Jacq.vind.3.t.44. . 17 orientale. R.s. hairy-spiked. Levant. 1807. 6.7. H.g. Will-n.act.ber.2.t.4.£.3 | Secale orientale. w. . . 18 patulum. Tr. spreading. Egypt. 1800. —— H.©. Triticum squarrosum. R.s. Buonapartis. spr. : 19 imbricatum. R.s. imbrieated. Caucasus. 1824. 6.8. H.%. Gmel. sib.1.n.51. t.23. . 20 pectiniforme. R.s, comb-like. Tauria. —— —— H.. Buxb.cent.1.t.50.f. 3. 21 cristatum. R.s. crested. —_—_—_- —- -—— H.»%. Host. gram.2. t.24.. = 22 desertorum. R.s. desert. Cumana. 1822. —— H.2. 23 angustifolium. R.s. narrow-leaved. Siberia. —— — H.. 24 muricatum. R.s. _ bristly. 1825. —— H.2. 25 pectinatum. R.s. _—pectinated. V.Diem. Isl. 1822. ——‘{H.y. , 26 variegatum.R.s. _— variegated. oeeeeees 1818. —— H.%. LOLIUM. R.S. Darnet. Triandria Digynia. L. } 1 perenne. R.s. Rye-grass. Britain. sees 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 315; a vulgare. R.S. common, ccee ——— H.. Host. gram.1. t.25. — 6B tenue. R.S. slender. vsee —— H.. Sinc.gra.wob.p.21 Lic. | Y compositum. R.S. compound. coos -—— H.. Scheuch. agr.1.f.7. D.}| & ramosum. R.s. branching. ——— +++ —— H.y, Leersgram.t.12.f. 1. € Russellianum.u.c.w. Russell’s. roee ——— H.. Sinc. | € W hitworthii.a.G.w. Whitworth’s. 26 Oe 1 tence H.2. va our » Stickneyanum.u.G-w. Stickney’s, coos —— H.2/.. ay S paniculatum.H.G.Ww. panicled. cows —— Hf. t monstrosum, H.G.W. monsirous-fld. - sooo ——— HI, K viviparum. R.S. _— viviparous. cree ——— HX. A multifiorum. P.s. many-flowered. — — H.». pe humile. R.s. dwarf. m——————— sere ——e HD, io 2 multiflorum. R.s. many-flowered. Europe. 1816. —— H.G@). Vaill. par. t.17.f.3. 3 .arvense. R.S. beardless. England. ete ere © H.@). Eng. bot. 1125. _ i 4 complanatum. L.en- rigid. Switzerland.1825. —— H.@). j rigidum, R.S. w 5 temulentum. R.s. bearded. Britain. sees 728 H.©. Eng. bot.1124. | 6 speciosum, R.s. pretty. Tauria. 1824. ——- H.@). JEGILOPS.R.S. Harp-Grass. Polygamia Monecia. L. 1 caudata. R.s. tailed. Candia. 1820, 7.8. H.©. oh 8 2 cylindrica. R.s. cylindrical. Hungary. 1805. 6.7. oe Host. gram.2.t.7. 3 ovata. R.s. oval-spiked. S. Europe. 1683. —— H.@,. Flor. grec. 1.t.93. A triaristata. R.s. three-awned. ———— 1739. 7.8. H.@. Host.gram.2.t.6. — triuncialis. Host. non W. 4 oi 5 triuncialis. Rs. long-spiked. — — H.©. Schreb. gram.t.10. f.1. 6 squatrosa. Ww. rough-spiked. Levant. 1794. 6.7. HY. — 2. t. 27. f.2, Triticum squarrosum. R.S. \ ail 7 Hystrix. n. hedgehog. Missouri. 1819. 7.8. H.%. ELYMUS. RS. LyME-GRASS. Triandria Digynia. L. page 1 arenarius. E.B. sand. Britain. s-es 4.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 1672. 2 geniculatus, EB. pendulous. England. eoes 7 Hi. —— 1586. 3 sabulosus. R.S8. glaucous. Siberia. 1806. 6.7. H.%. A giganteus. R.S. gigantic. N.America. 1790. 7.8. H.2. 5 mexicanus. R.s. Mexican. Mexico. 1823. 6.8. H.%, Jacq. ecl. gr.t. 19. 6 sibiricus. R.s. Siberian. Siberia. 1758. 6.7. H.y%. Schreb,gram.1.t.21.fl 7 racemosus. R.S, racemed, — seseseee 1816. —— H.2. <>, ated ilies | GRAMINEE. AL 8 tener. R.s. tender. Siberia, 1801. 6.7. H.y. 9 philadelphicus. r.s. Philadelphian. N.America.1790. 7. 8. Y 10 canadensis. R.s. Canadian. | ——— 1699. —~— H.¥%. Moris,s.8. t.2. f.10. 11 gilaucifolius. r.s. glaucous. 1816. —— H. 12 villosus. R.s. villous. ——- 1802. 6.7. . 13 virginicus. R.s. Virginian. —— 1781. — H.2. 14 striatus. R.s. striated. —-— 1790. —— H.%. 6B minor. R.s. lesser. TS aes . 15 europeus. R.s. European. England. ++. —— Eng. bot. 1317. 16 crinitus, R.s. long-awned. Smyrna. 1806. 7.8. ' 17 intermedius. R.s. intermediate. Iberia. 1819. 7.9. 18 Caput-Medusz.r.s. Portuguese. Portugal. 1784. —— | 19 junceus. R.s. rushy. Siberia. 1823. 7.8. 20 hordeiformis. R.s. Barley-like. = -+--+--- 1816. —— 21 Hystrix. r.s. rough. Levant. 1770. —— Asprella Hystrix. w.en. 22 pseudo-hystrix. r.s. roughAmerican.N.America.1818, -—— PAPPOPHORUM.B.P.ParropHorum. Triandria Digynia. R.S 1 nigricans. B.p. black. N.Holland. 1822. 7.8. F. 2 phleoides. s,s. Phleum-like. S. America. —-—- -—— S. ECHINARIA. R.S. Ecninaria. Triandria Digynia. R.S. Host. gram. I. t. 27. Buxb. cent. 1. t, 52. Schreb.gram.2.t.24.f.9 ~ e ©O FEO OCOFOOORRERERERE Jacq. ic. 2. t. 305. bt St at eo ft ot capitata. R.s. headed. S. Europe. 1771. 5.8. H.©. Flor. grec. 1. t. 100. Cenchrus capitatus. F.G. Sesleria echinata. Host. gram. 3. t. 8. SESLERIA. R.S. SesLERIA. Triandria Digynia. R.S. . _ 1 elongata. r.s. long-spiked. Austria. 1805. 6.7. H.Y%. Host. gram. 2. t. 97. 2 cylindrica. R.s. cylindrical. S. Europe. 1818. —— H.y%. Sav. Ust. ann. 1800. ic. 3 tenuifolia. R.s, slender-leavd. ———- ~—— 4.6. H.¥%. Host. gram. 4. t, 22, 4 cerulea. R.s. blue. Britain. seee 4.5, H.. Eng. bot. 1613, 5 nitida. r,s. glossy. Italy. 1825. 5.6. H.%. 6 tenella. R.s. weak. Switzerland.1819. —— H.2%. Host. gram. 2. t. 100, 7 spherocephala. R.s.round-headed. ——- -——- —~ H.y%. -—— 2. t. 99. 8 disticha. R.s. distichous. ——— 1824. — H.x. — 2.t. 76. Poa disticha. Host. TRIODIA. B.P. Triopr1a. Triandria Digynia. R.S. decumbens. k.s. decumbent. Britain. ---- 7.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 792. Poa decumbens. £.B. Festuca decumbens. w. Danthonia decumbens. Dc. TRIDENS. R.S. RepTop-GRAss, Triandria Digynia. R.S. : quinquefida., R.s. _five-cleft. N.America.1816. 7.8. H.%. Jacq. ecl. gr. 2. t. 16, Triodia cuprea. Jacq. Windsoria poeformis. N. Poa quinquefida. Ph. DANTHONIA. DC, Dantuonta. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 longifolia. B.P. long-leaved. NiSi Were 1823.27. Sion, 2 semiannularis. B.p. semiannular. N.Holland. 1822. 7.8. F.%. Labill. n. holl. 1. t.33, Arundo semiannularis. Lab. \ 3 pilosa. B.P. hairy. N.S. W. 1823. —— F.4%. 4 provincialis.k.s. | Provence. S. Europe. 1818. 6.7. H.%. Vill. delph. 2. t.2. f.9. 5 spicata, R.s. spiked. N.America. 1823. —— H.2. 6 strigosa. R.S. bristle-pointed. Britain. e-es —— H.%. Eng. bot. 1266. Avena strig‘osa. E.B. _ 7 macrantha. Rs. large-flowered, C.B.S. 1816. —— H.©. 8 curvifolia. R.s. curve-leaved. ——————- — — G.}. 9 calycina. R.s. glossy-calyxed, -—————- 1822. —— G.2. KCELERIA. RS. Kq@veriaA. ‘Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 cristata. R.s. crested. Europe. eoee 6.8. H.%. Host. gram. 2. t. 75. B glabra. Rs. smooth. Britain. eooe 7.8 H.%. Eng. bot. 648. Aira cristata. £.B. Pou cristata. w. 2 grandiflora. R.s. large-flowered. S. Europe. 1824. 6.8. H.%. 3 glauca. pc. glaucous. Germany. 1816. —— H.}%. j _ 4 pensylvanica. pe. Pensylvanian. N.America.1818. —— H.%. Spr.mem.p.2.1810.t.7, _ § macrantha. R.3, large-flowered. Russia. 1824. —— H.. -6 valesiaca. R.S. Swiss. Switzerland. ——- —— H.2. 7 tuberosa. p.s. tuberous. S. Europe. 1802, 7.8. H.y%. Lam. ill. t. 45. f. 4. 8 hirsuta. R.s, hairy. Switzerland.1824. —— H.}. | 9 villosa. Rs. villous. S. Europe. 1800. 6.7. H.2p. Aira pubescens, w. Phalaris pubescens. Lam. - 10 phleoides. r,s. cat’s-tail. Portngal. 1802, 7.8. H.@. Desf. atl. 1. t. 23. - 11 hispida. r.s. hispid. S. Europe. 1819. 6.7. H.@). Savi fl. pis. t.1, f.5. (12 brachystachya. r.s. short-spiked. = -+++-+-+> — — Ho. '13 parviflora. Len. small-flowered. S. Europe. —— -—— H.@. Desf. atl, 1. t. 32. Avena parviflora. Desf. Trisetum parviflorum, RS. i) = bo 452 | GRAMINEZ. AVENA. RS. Oat-GrRass. Triandria Digynia. L. way = 1 precox. Rs. early-flowering. Britain. -+>- 5.6. H.©. — Eng. bot. 1296. Aira pr@cox. E.B. Hac P 2 brevis. R.S. short. Germany. 1804. —— H.@. Host. gram. 3. t. 42, 4 3 alba. R.s. white. France. sore 6.7. H.C). “si. 4 sativa. R.s. common. ~ S.America. -->» —— H.@. Host. gram. 2. t. 59. . a melanosperma, bluck Oat. —— +> ——- HO, q 8B leucosperma. white Oat. ——__ ---- — H.. dasehghe b 5 orientalis. R.s, - Tartarian. Levant. 1798. —— H.@. Host. gram. 3. t. a4. 6 nuda. R.s. naked. .§ = + +8 08%° ce tees =e Hie). ——— 3. t. 43. 7 fatua.R.s. * wild. ~ Britain. ---- 8 H.@. Eng. bot. 2221. 2 8 hirsuta. R.s. hairy. S. Europe. —— 6.8. H.©). dibDR 4 9 sterilis. Rs. bearded. ——. 1640. 7.8. H.@. Jacq.ic.1.t.23. 10 sempervirens. R.8. evergreen. Pyrenees. 1816. 6.7. H.%. Host. gram.3.t.41. 11 pratensis. R.s. narrow-leaved. Britain. eoee —— H.2. Eng. bot. 1204. a 12 bromoides. R.s. Bromus-like. S. Europe. ---- -— H.%. : an 13 planiculmis. r.s. _flat-stalked. Hungary. 1822, —— H.%. Schrad.fl.ger.1.t.6.f.2. | latifolia. Host. gram. 4. t. 32. . . % 14 versicolor. R.s. various-colored. Europe. 1816. 6.8. H.%. Host. gram. 2. t.52. GAUDINIA. RS. Gaupini4. Triandria Digynia. R.S. y ZB fragilis. R.s. brittle. S. Europe. 1770. 7.8. H.©. Host. gram.2.t.54. Avena fragilis. Host. , = TRISETUM. RS. TRIsETUM. Triandria Digynia. R.S. ve, a 1 tenue. slender. Europe. 1804. 7.8. H.@. Host. gram. 2. t.55. — striatum. P.s. Avena tenuis. Host. . i | 2 pensylvanicum. r.s. Pensylvanian. N.America.1785. 6.7. H.©. | q 3 micranthum. R.s. small-flowered. S. Europe. 1823. —— H.(@). is . 4 neglectum. R.s. neglected. — — H@. Savifl. pis. 1.t.1.f.4, 5 alopecurus. R.s, Foxtail, = veeeeee 1816. —~ H.©@). Ree: = 3 6 Loeflingianum. r.s. Loefling’s. S. Europe. 1770. —— H.@). Willd.ber.mag.2.t.8.134 | 7 condensatum. r.s. close-flowered. Sicily. 1824. —— H.©. at ‘ 8 pilosum. R.s. hairy. Iberia. — — Ho. . | ‘a 9 pubescens, R.S. pubescent. Britain. e+oe 7.8. H.Y. Eng. bot. 1640. - | Avena pubescens. E.Be ber — 10 rigidum. R.s. rigid. Caucasus. 1825. —- H.2%. : 11 alpinum. R.s. Alpine, Scotland. -.-- 7, H.%. Eng. bot. 2141, Avena planiculmis. E.B. non Schrad. che } a 12 carpathicum.rR.s. Carpathian. Carp.mount.i818, 7.8. H.%. Host. gram.4.t.31. 13 flavescens. R.s. golden. Britain. «-++ 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 952. = pratense. P.s. Avena flavescens. E.B. ‘ ; | 14 alpestre. R.s. mountain. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.%. Host. gram.8.t.39. 15 brevifolium. R.s. _short-leaved. ——_—_——- — — H.2. — 3.t.40. — 16 argenteum. Rs. __ silvery. Switzerland.1791. -——- H.¥. —— 2.t.53. 17 distichophyllum. _—fan-leaved. ——— 1796. —— H.x%. Vill. delph.2.t.4. 4. 18 airoides, r.s. Aira-like. — — 1800. —— H.%. Flor. dan. t. 228, Avena airoides. pc. Aira subspicata. W. : 19 glabratum. R.s. smooth. Portugal. 1818. 7.8. H.©. x CENTOTHECA. R.S. CentroTHeca. Triandria Digynia, R.S. ey lappacea. R.s. Bur. India. 1773. 7 S.@.£.7 oe lappaceus. L. a POA.R MEADow-GRass. Triandria Digynia. L. i noone R.S. smooth-stalk’d. Britain. w+» 5.6. H.%. Eng, bot. 1073. 2 angustifolia. pc. narrow-leaved. ————— -+-- 5. H.%. Sine.gra.wob.p.184.ic 3 humilis. R.s. short-blueish, ————- «+--+ 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 1004, subceeruled. E.B. \ . o 4 viridis. R.s. green. N.America. 1816. —— H.%. 5 hybrida. r.s. hybrid. Switzerland.1824. -—— H.%. 6 trivialis. E.B. common. Britain. vrve 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1072. 7 annua. E.B. annual, Se hae 1141. 8 cespitosa. R.S. tufted. N.Zealand, 1822. 6 Hisk. 9 gracilis. R.S. slender. i. ins ++ 1818. -—— H.}%. | 10 bulbosa. ros. bulbous. England. ««+- 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 1071. > @ 11 laxa. r,s. loose. Scotland, -:+- 7 H.%. Host. gram. 8. t. 15.0 | flexuosa. E.B. 1123. 12 Halleri: r.s. Haller’s, Switzerland. ——- -—— H.2.. pallens. Hall. ’ 13 cenisia. R.S. soft. Mt, Cenis. 1791. 7.8. H.%. Host. gram.3. t. 16. 14 alpina. R.s. Alpine. Scotland. <+--:- 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 1003. “? 4 15 collina. R.s.. hill. Europe. 1800. --—- H.%. Host. gram. 2. t. 66. — ; GRAMINEE. 453 16 concinna. R.s. neat, ... . Switzerland.1815. 6.7. H.%. 17 Molineri. r.s, Molineri’s. ———_ 1816. —— H.%. Balb. misc. t.5. f.1. 18 supina. R.s. trailing. ——_—— _ ——_ —— H.y%. Host. gram. 4, t. 27. 19 miliacea. R.s. Millet like. Hungary. 1824. —— H.%. _ 20 nemoralis. R.s. wood. —_—_——— +ee- 6 H.%. Host. gram. 1265. B angustifolia.H.G.w.narrow-leaved. M———— ++++ -—— H.2%. wob. p.182.ic 21 versicolor. R.s. various-color’d. Tauria. 1825. 6.7. H.%. 22 coarctata. L.en. crowded. Europe. +. —— H.. 23 glauca. E.B. glaucous. Britain. core ——— H.Y. Eng. bot. 1720. 24 cesia. E.B. sea-green. Scotland. cooe -—— HI, 1719. 25 brachyphylla.r.s. short-leaved. N.America. 1816. —— H.2. 26 depauperata, R.s. few-flowered. Hungary. —— -— H.2. 27 sterilis. r.s. barren-ground. Tauria. 1824, —— H.2. 28 nervata. R.Ss. nerved. N.America, 1812. -—- H.%. Sinc. gr. wob. p.190. ic. 29 imbecilla. r,s. weak. N.Zealand. 1822. 7.8. H.%. 30 flava. R.s. yellow. N.America. —~ —— H.2. 31 hirsuta. R.s. hairy. . —_ —- _ — H.. 32 capillaris. R.s. hair-panicled. .————— 1781. 10.11.H.©. Moris.s.&, t.6. f. 33. 33 Poiretii. r.s. Poiret’s. - eeeceeee 1816, 6.8. H.©. 34 serotina. R.s. late-flowering. Germany. 1800. 7.9. H.%. B palustris. R.S. marsh. — —— — Hw... j.Stras.t.2.f.2. 35 effusa. R.s. spreading.. Hungary. 1823. 6.8. H.2. _ 36 sudetica. R.s, broad-leaved.- Germany. 1802. 7.8. H.y%. Vill. delph.2. t.3. 37 viridis. ph. — green. N.America, 1812, —— H.2. a 38 amboinensis. R.s. Amboyna. E. Indies. 1800. 6.7. S.2%. Rumph.amb. 6. t.7. f.3. 39 cilianensis. R.s. Piedmont. Piedmont. 1818. 7.8. H.@©. All. ped. t. 91, f. 2. 40 caroliniana. R.s. Carolina. - Carolina. — — H.o©. 41 chinensis. R.s. China. China. — — H.©. 42 australis. B.P. southern. | N.S. W. 1822, —— H.»%. Lab. nov.hol.1.t. 35. rundo poe@formis. Lab. 43° plebeia. B.pP. plebeian. ——_ ——-_ -——. H..}}.. 44 compressa. E.B. compressed. Britain. --- 6.8 H.@©. Eng. bot. 365. 45 festuceformis. r.s. Fescue-like. Dalmatia. 1800. 7.9. H.2%. Host. gram. 3. t.17. 46 convoluta. R.s. convolute. soeesess 1819. —— H.. 47 atrovirens. R.s. dark green. Barbary. 1825. —— H.y%. Desf. atl. 1. t.17. 48 pallida. R.Se pallid. lab tit aha het - ER Lee id H.©. 49 peruviana. R.s. Peruvian. Peru. 1802. 7.8. H.©. Jacq.ic.1. t. 18. 50. papillosa. r.s. papillose. - C. BLS, 1816. —— H.©. 61 digitata. B.p. fingered. N.S.W. 1800. —— H.©. « | SCLEROCHLOA.R:S.ScierocH1oa. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 divaricata. R.s. spreading. S.Europe. 1802. 7.8. H.©. Gowan. ill. 4. t.2. f.1,. 2 procumbens, R.s. procumbent. Britain. s-we ——— H.©. Eng. bot. 532. Poa procumbens. £.B. Glyceria procumbens. E.F. 3 dura. R.s. rigid. S. Europe. 1776. 7.8. H.©. Host.gram.2. t. 73. Foa du*4. Host, Cynosurus durus, L. 4 rigida. L.en. hard, England. so.e 6.7 H.©. Eng. bot. 1371. Poa rigida, £.B. Glyceria rigida. E.F. Megastachya rigida. R.s. 5 articulata. L.en. jointed. Barbary. 1816. —— H.©. Desf. atl. 1. t. 22. 6 maritima. sea-side. Europe. soos —— H.©. Cyrill.neap. fasc.2, t.2. dichotoma. L.en. Triticum maritimum. tL. Festuca maritima. pe. HY DROCHLOA. Har. Hyprocutoa. Triandria Digynia. 1 distans. Har. distant. Britain. sere 7 H.w.2L. Eng. bot. 986. Poa distans. f.B. Glyceria distans, E.F. 2 aquatica. Har. water. a eee —— Hw. 2. Eng. bot. 1315, Poa aquatica. £.B. Glyceria aquatica. E.F. 8 arundinacea. Reed like. Caucasus. 1825. —— H.w.2. Poa arundinacea. M.B. 4 maritima. Har. sea-side. Britain. coves —— Hw. . Eng. bot. 1140, Poa maritima. E.B. Glyceria maritima, E.F. | GLYCERIA. B.P. SweEet-crRaAss. Triandria Digynia. R.S. fluitans. B.P. floating. Britain. ress 5.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1520. | Poa fluitans. £.B. Festuca fluitans. w. ERAGROSTIS. R.S. Eracrostis. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 poewoides. R.s. Poa-like. Italy. 1699. 7. H.©. Flor. gree. t.73. Poa Eragrostis. ¥.G. 2 tephrosanthos. R,.s. Martinica. Martinica. 1824. 7.9. S.©. 3 pilosa. R.s. hairy. Italy. 1804. 7.8. H.©. Host. gram. 2. t. 68. 4 verticillata. R.s. whorled. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.©. Cavan.ic, 1. t. 93. 5 punctata, RSs. spotted, E. Indies —— -—— S.©. 454 | —s GRAMINEE, 7 . rly x eae 6 wgyptiaca. n.s. | Egyptian. Egypt. 1812. 7.8. H. ©. Deser.del’Egyp.t.10.. 7 purpurascens, R.s. purplish, = --.--+ ere 1822, —— H.O. peed TE i) 8 decipiens. rs. doubtful. cece me mmmen FG), te a : 9 tenella. r.s. slender. E. Indies. 1781. —— S.©. Rbheed. mal.12.t.41. 10 cynosuroides. r.s. Dogstail. Egypt. . 1824. ——H.©. PEgyp. t. 10. Poa cynosuroides; W. | 2). the | 11 capillaris. L.en. hair-panicled, N.,America. 1781. 10.11.H.©. Moris.s. 3. t.6. f. 33. Poa capillaris. RS. 12 mexicana. L.en. Mexican. Mexico. 1816. 9.10. H.©. MEGASTACHYA.R.S. MeeastacHya. Triandria Digynia. R.S. | 1 Eragrostis. R.s. Love-grass. S. Europe. 1776. 7.8. H.©. Schreb. gram, t. 38. 4 Poa megastachya. p.s. Briza Eragrostis. w. Eragrostis major. Host. gram. 4. t. 240 4 2 nigricans, R.s. blackish. S. America. 1823. os : 3 amabilis. R.s. purple. E.Indies. 1802. —- S.© lL, pfl. syst. 12. t.91.f.2. Poa amabilis. i. | A spectabilis. r,s, showy. N. America, 1816. —— H.©. { 5 pulchella. r,s. pretty. Tauria. 1825. —— H.©. « 6 elongata. R.s. long-panicled. E. Indies. 1812. —— S.%. Jacq.ecl. gr. t. 3. ui 7 ciliaris. R.s. ciliated. Jamaica. 1776. —— S.©. Jacq. ic. 2, t. 304. 2 8 rupestris. R.s. rock. E. Indies. 1823. —— S.©. ; DACTYLIS. B.S. Cocx’s-FooT-Grass. Triandria Digynia. L. 1 glomerata. R.s. rough. Britain. ---- 6.7. H.Y%. Eng. bot. 335. 2 glaucescens. R.s. glaucescent. Europe. 1816. —— H.Y. 3 hispanica. R.s. Spanish. Spain. 1814. Hi. 2 4 glauca. R.s. glaucous, = + =+e>s es 1823. —— H.2%. . . 5 maritima. R.S. sea-side. Caucasus. -——- —— H.%. Schrad.fl.ger.1. t.6.f.1. P| 6 littoralis. R.s. shore. S. Europe. 1816. —— H.%. Lam.ill. t. 45. f.5. fl 7 repens.R.s. . creeping. ———— _ 1824. —— H.%. Desf. atl.1. t. 15. j 8 adscendens. R.8. ascending. C. B.S. 1823. —— G.2%. . | 9 cynosuroides. R.s. Dog’s-tailed. E.Indies)s -—— -—— S.%. ; | BRIZA.RS. QUAKING- GRASS. Triandria Digynia. R.S. * 1 minor. R.S. small. England. sees. 7. H.4%. 1316. | 2 virens, R.S. . green, Ss. Eure 1800. 7.8 H.©. 4 3 media. E.B. common. Britain, ve-+ 5,6. H.4. Eng. bot. 340. y 4 Clusii. R.s. Clusius’s. S. Europe. 1823. —— H.2. Fouc. j. bot.3. t.24. f.2. 5 geniculata. R.s. jointed. C.B.S. 1816. 7.8. H.©. i 6 elatior. R.s. tall. Greece. 1788. 7.8. H.Y%. Flor. grec. 1. t. 75. a 7 maxima. R.s. great-spiked, S.Europe. 1633. 6.7. H.©. —-———1.t. 76. a 8 humilis. R.s. dwarf. Tauria. 1818. —— H.©. Scheuch.agr.4.t.4.f.10. \ 9 rubra. R.s. red. S. Europe. —— —— H.©. 4 CYNOSURUS. R.S. MDoesrTain-crass. Triandria Digynia. L. % cristatus. E.B. crested. _ Britain. «ses 8. H.2. Eng. bot. 816. z UNIOLA.R.S. SEASIDE OaT. Triandria Digynia. L. 4 1 paniculata. R.S. anicled. N.America, 1793. 6.7. H.%. Catesb. car. 1. t. 32. ¥ 2 latifolia. r.s. road-leaved. ——- 1809. —~ Hz. ar £ 3 spicata. R.S. spiked. ———-, 1790. 7. Hed. & 4 distichophylla. R.s. two-ranked. —— 1789. 6.7. H.%. + Festuca distichophylla. ph. | CERATOCHLOA.R.S.CErRatTocHLoa. Triandria Digynia. R.S. : unioloides. R.S. Uniola-like. N.America. 1796. 6.7. H.%. Willd.h. ber. t.3.. 5 Festuca unioloides. Ww. i ._ a LEPTOCHLOA. R.S. Leprocutoa. Triandria Digynia. R.S. ; | 1 cynosuroides. R.s. filiform, E. Indies. 1818. 8.9. H.©. 2 procera. R.S. tall. Brazil, 1823. —— S.. . ' 3 filiformis. R.S. slender. S.America. 1818, —— H.©. Jacq. ecl. gram. t. 4. x 4 virgata. R.S. fine-spiked. ———_ 1727. 7.9..H.©. Sloan. jam.1. t.70. f. 2. 4 5 tenerrima. R.8. slenderest. China. 1820. -—— H.©. .. 6 domingensis. L.en. close-spiked. W.Indies.s —— 6.8. S.2. * -ELEUSINE. R.S. EveusineE. Triandria Digynia. R.S. . ¥ 1 coracana. R.Ss. thick-spiked. E. Indies. 1714. 7.9. H.©. Schreb.gram.2.t.35. — 2 indica. R.S. Indian. India. — —H.©. Rheed.mal.12.t.69. — 3 verticillata. R.s. ~ whorled. ' E. Indies. 1823. —— H.©. . 4 calycina. R.s. calycine. | —- H.©. DACTYLOCTENIUM. DACTYLOCTENIUM. Triandria Digynia. R.S. . egyptiacum. R.s. Egyptian. Egypt. 1770. 7.9. H.©. Moris.s.8. t.3.f. 7. y Cynosurus egyptius.L. Eleusine egyptiaca. P.s. RHABDOCHLOA.R.S. Ruappocuioa. Triandria Digynia. R.S. ot id 1 cruciata. R.s. cross-spiked. W.Indies. 1818 7.9. H. a. Sloan. his. 1. t.69.f.1. Chloris cruciata. w. Agrostis cruciatd. L. GRAMINEX. 2 mucronata. R.Ss. mucronate. . N.America, 1820. 7.9. H.©@),. 3 virgata. R.S. slender. W.Indiess —— -—— H.©@. CHONDROSIUM. K.S. Cuonprostum. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 procumbens. Desy. procumbent. Philippines.1816. 7.9. H.©. Actinochloa procumbens. R.s. Atheropogon procumbens. Jacq: 2 tenue. K.S. slender. Mexico. 1823. ——~— H.©. 3 prostratum. prostrate. —_—_-_ —- — H.@. Actinochloa prostrata. R.s. Bouteloua prostrata. Lag. 4 hirsutum. hairy. —— —- — HE CORYCARPUS. Zea. Corycarpus. Diandria Digynia. S.S. arundinaceus. s.s. Reed-like. N.America. 1810. 6.7. H.2L. Festuca diandra. M. Diarrhena americana. R.s. Remeria Zea. B.S. DIPLACHNE. R.S. Dripracune. Triandria Digynia. R.S. fascicularis. R.s. fascicled. N.America. 1818. 6.8. H.©. Festuca polystachya. M. SCHEDONORUS.R.S.ScHEvonorvs. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 pratensis. R.s. meadow. Britain. eres 6.7. HO. Festuca pratensis. E.B. * 2 phenicoides. R.s. creeping-rooted.Switzerland.1824. —— H.2. . 8 elatior. R.s. tall. Britain. ones —— H.}. Festuca elatior, E.B. et Sinc. gr. wob. p. 361. ic. 4 cerulescens. R.s. blueish. Barbary. 1818. 6.7. H.%. 5 spadiceus. Rs. Gerard’s. Italy. 1775. 4.6. H.%. G6 inermis. R.s. naked-spiked. Hungary. 1616. 6.7. H.}. 7 calamarius, R.S. Reed-like. Scotland. eeoe 7.8, HX. 8_deciduus. deciduous. England. wia'e.@.: Ge Tetebe dhe Festuca decidua. £.B. | 9 sylvaticus. R.S. wood. Germany. 1804. 7.8. H.. 10 serotinus. R.s. late-flowering. S.Europe. 1818. 7.9. H.%. 11 loliaceus. R.s. spiked. England. --e+ 6.7. H.2. 12 Scheuchzeri.r.s. _ Scheuchzer’s. S. Europe. 1822. —— H.2%. 13 violaceus. R.s. violet coloured. Europe. ss-- —— H.2, 14 nutans, R.s. nodding. Hungary. 1823. —— H.2%. 15 nigrescens. R.8. blackish. Switzerland. ——- —— H. 2. 16 pozformis. R.s. Poa-like. ———— 1818. —— H.2. 17 pumilus, r.s. dwarf. S. Europe. ——- -—— H.Y. 18 tenellus. R.s. slender. N.America. 1804. 7.8. H.G). Festuca tenella. ph. Brachypodium festucoides. L.en. ; | FESTUCA. RS. Fescur-erass. Triandria Digynia. L. _ 1 cynosuroides. R.s. dogs-tail. Barbary. 1825. 6.8. H.©. 2 Fenas. R.s. tough. Spain. 1822. —— H.2. Poa tenax. L.en. 3 Ovina. R.Ss. Sheep’s. Britain, reece 6. H.2. 4 tenuifolia. L.en. slender-leaved. —————-_ +++» —— H.2. 5 cesia. E.B. | gray. England. cooe 6.7. H.. 6 vivipara, E.B. viviparous. Britain. cove 7 HY. 7 glauca. R.s. glaucous. S. Europe. +--+ 6.7. H.%. 8 pallens. R.s. pale. Germany. 1816. —— H.2. 9 stricta. Host. upright. ee tenr + preret Tg abe 10 hirsuta. Host. hairy. —_—- —— — H.y. 11 Halleri. rs. Haller’s. Europe. 1820. —— H.%. 12 curvula. R.s. curved. Switzerland. ——- ——. H. 2. 13 alpina. R.s. Alpine. o_O - d*2 14 amethystina. Rs. _ blue. S. Europe. 1804. —— H.}. 15 varia. R.s. variable, —_——. _ 1823. —— H.%. 16 valesiaca. Vallesian. Vallesia. —— -—— H.2. 17 pannonica. R.s. Hungarian. Hungary. ——- —— H.2. 18 xanthina. r.s. yellow. Switzerland.1818. ——— H.2. Jlavescens. Host. NON Bellardi. 19 flavescens. pc. yellowish. —_——_- — — H.}. 20 duriuscula. E.B. hard. Britain. osee —— H.. 21 dumetorum. s.c.w. pubescent. ——— +e —— H.2. 22 glabra. s.c.w. smooth. ———- _ -++- 6 H.Y. 23 hordeiformis. s.c.w. Barley like. = -+-+::- o coos ——— Hi. 24 cambrica. s.c.w. Welsh. Wales. tose ome Hi, 25 heterophylla. r.s. various-leaved. S. Europe. 1812. 6.7. H.2%. 26 rubra. E.B. red creeping. . Britain. wei Ty EEE | 27 vaginata. R.s, sheathed. Hungary. 1804. 6.7. H.y%. 455 Lam. ill, t. 48. f. 2. Jacq. ecl. gr. t. 12. H. et B. n. gen. 1. t.57. ‘ Mich. amer, 1. t. 10. Eng. bot. 1592. Eng. bot. 1593. Host. gram. 3. t. 20. 1. t.9. Eng. bot. 1005. — 2266. —= Host. gram. 2. t. 78. 2. t. 92. Eng. bot. 1821. Host. gram. 4. t. 61. Host. gram. 2. t. 81. etn 2. t. 91. \ Desf. atl. 1. t. 21. Eng. bot. 585. Eng. bot. 1917. —————- 1355. Host. gram. 2. t. 88. cn ent ye ues 86. 2. t. 85. Host. gram. 2. t. 90. Host. gram. 4. t. 62. SEE AT 3. t. 19, Eng. bot. 470. p, 180. ic. —— ntact i Tae ie, Host. gram. 3. t.18. Eng. bot. 2056. OS Oe a a - le - ¢ GRAMINEZ. | ‘uk 456 28 Kitaibeliana. r.s. Kitaibel’s. ‘Hungary. 1818. 6.7. H.2. ee| pubescens. L.en. non Zea. 6 Serr 1 29 laxa. R.s. loose. Switzerland.1824. —— H.%. Host. gram. 2. t.80. 30 nutans. R.s. nodding. N.America. 1805. -—~ H.2. pert 4 31 mexicana. R.S. Mexican, Mexico. 1816. 7.9. H.©. 32 rubens. R.s. red. S. Europe. 1776. 6.7. H.@. Flor. gree. t. 83. Bromus rubens, F.G. : ‘ ait 33 levis. F. smooth. Russia. 18068" 7. °° HE: 34 grandiflora. ph. large-flowered. N.America.1812. 6.7. H.%. MYGALURUS. L.en. Movuserait-erass. Triandria Digynia. L.en. i. 1 bromoides. Len. —_— barren. Britain. --s+ 6. H.©. Eng. bot. 1411. 2 caudatus. L.en. wall. England. toes = HO), 1412. Festuca Myurus. £.B. | : 3 alopecuroides. L.en. Fox-tail. -Barbary. 1799. 6.8. H.@©. Desf. atl. 1. t.25. 4 uniglumis. L.en. single-husked. England. -- —— H.@. Eng. bot. 1430. 5 delicatulus. Len. _—_ delicate. Spain. 1817. 7.8. H.@). . 6 geniculatus. Len. jointed. S. Europe. 1793. 6.7. H.@). Bromus geniculatus. r.s. Festuca stipoides. R.s. BRACHYPODIUM.R:S. Bracnuypopium. Triandria Digynia. R.S. 1 pinnatum. r.s. spiked heath. Britain, sree 6.8. Hi. Eng. bot. 730. Bromus pinnatus, £.B. Triticum ams pe. Festuca pinnata. E.¥F. 2 rupestre. R.S. rock. | S. Europe. 1816. H.2. Host.gram. 4. t. 17. Strigosum. R.s. strigose. - Tauria. 1824. —— H.. 4 Cespitosum. R.s. _ tufted. S. Europe. ——- -—— F.y%. Host. gram. 4. t. 18. 5 ramosum. R.s. branched. 1818. —-— H.%. Desf.atl.1. t. 24. f. 1. 6 pheenicoides.r.s. pointed-leaved. S. France. 1824..—— H.2. 7 obtusifolium. r.s. blunt-leaved. Spain. 1818, —— H.2%. 8 Tenorianum. R.s. Tenore’s. Naples. 1824. —— H.2. 9 longifolium.r.s. long-leaved. . Barbary. 1818. —— H.%. - id aed 10 sylvaticum. R.s. wood. Britain. cows —— H.2. Eng. bot. 729. Bromus sylvaticus. E.B. Triticum sylvaticum. Dc. Festuca sylvatica. £.F. ) 11 distachyum. R.s. —_‘ two-spiked. S. Europe. 1772. —— H.%. Host. gram.1. t.20. 12 asperum. R.s. stiff-leaved. Spain. 1818. —— H.©@. 13 Halleri. r.s. Haller’s. S. Europe. ——~— —— H.©@). t.26.f.1, 14 tenuiculum. r.s. slender-stem’d. —————- -—— -— H.©@),. ~ t. 23. f. 2. 15 tenuiflorum. r.s. _ slender-fld. 1823. —— H.@). Host. gram. 2. t. 26. 16 Nardus. L.en. slender. — — Ho. #8 tenellum. R.s. Triticum Nardus. pc. 17 loliaceum. r.s. spiked sea. Britain. soos 6.7. H.©. Eng. bot. 221. Triticum loliaceum. E.B. ais 18 biunciale. r.s. small. S. Europe. 1818. 6.8. H.@. Viv. fl. it. fr. t. 24. 19 unilaterale. r.s. | one-sided. ——— 1824. H.@). Bocc. mus. t. 57. f. 2. TRICHATA. RSS. TricHATA. Triandria Digynia. R. gi ’ ; H ovata. R.S. oval-spiked. Spain. 1824. 6.8. H.%. Cavan.ic.6.t.591.f.2. — Bromus ovatus. cay. Trisetum ovatum. P.Ss. } BROMUS. R:S. Brome-crass. Triandria arepnia: R.S. 1 secalinus. R.S. smooth Rye. England. : 6.8 H.@. Eng. bot. 1171. 2 elongatus. R.s. elongated. Switzerland. 1823. — H.@. 3 commutatus. R.s. downy Rye. Britain. soos ——— H.G@). Host. gram. 1. t. 11.- 4 velutinus. R.s. hairy-headed. soos ——— H.@). Eng. bot. 1884. multiflorus, E.B. : 5 mollis. R.s. soft. soos 5.7. HG. Eng. bot. 1078. 6 confertus. R.s. close-spiked. Iberia. 1825. —— Hos 7 racemosus. R.S. smooth. England. veoe 6.8. H.(0). Eng. bot. 1079. 8 erectus. E.B. upright. ee a ee re 9 Biebersteinii. R.s. Bieberstein’s, Caucasus. 1825, —— H.2. 10 australis. B.p. southern. N.S.W. 1823. —— H.©,. 11 lanceolatus.r.s. | spear-leaved. Canaries. 1798. -——- H.@). Buxb.cent. ap. t.19. 12 lanuginosus. R.s, woolly. S. Europe. 1824. —— H.@). 13 variegatus. R.s. variegated. Caucasus. -—-— -— H.2. 14 squarrosus. R.s. corn. England. ---- —— H.%. Eng. bot. 1885. 15 vestitus. R.s. clothed. C.B.S. 1816. —— G.%. 16 wolgensis. R.S. Wolga. Caucasus. -—- ——H.@). Jacq. ecl. gr. t. 15. 17 laxus. R.s. looses = _cssees a ee ae 18 alopecuroides, r.s. Fox-tail. S. Europe. 1799. —— H.%. Desf. atl.1. t. 25, contortus. Desf. 19 purgans. R.s. purging. Canada. 1793. —— H.#. 20 pubescens. R.S. pubescent. N.America. 1816. —— H.2. 21 asper. E.B. hairy wood. England. «+--- ——H.%. Eng. bot, 1172, GRAMINEE. 457 os os. R.S. pendulous, Spain. - 1823. 6.8. H.Q. glaucus. R.S. glaucous. Pyrenees. ‘--- -—— H.2, fl, ; ; | 24 altissimus. r,s. tallest. Wit metich, 1812, —— Hoy, {LPs DY TE RRGGS DH. 25 giganteus. R.s. - gigantic. Britain. c-es 7.8. HY. ‘ B triflorus. three-flowered. —————- «+e. —— H, % eee be | Festuca triflora. £.B. , : | 26 longiflorus. R.s. long-flowered. ++++--.- 1818. —— H.y. 27 ciliatus. R.s. ciliated. N.America, 1802. 6.8. H.2. 28 arvensis. R.Ss. field. Britain. wise 7 H.%. Eng. bot. 1984 29 sterilis. R.s. barren. . Gay Met an Oe hee | oe Oe = 1030. § 30 tectorum. R.s. nodding. Europe. 1776. 6.8. H.¢. Flor. eree. t 82 31 matritensis. R.s. wall. Britain. cece 6, H.©. Eng. pais 1006 , diandrus. E.B ; . . 32 ligusticus. R.s. contracted. Italy. 1824. 6.8» H.©. Barrel. ic. 76. v. 2 § 33 rigidus. R.s. rigid. S. France. 1822* 6.8. H.©. Host. gram. 1.t 18 _ 34 pilosus. Ris. | hairy wall. S. Europe. —— —— H.©. : me 35 jubatus. R.s. loose panicled. Italy. » 1824. —— H-©. _ 36 maximus. R.s. great. ' Morocca. 1804. —~ H.©. Desf. atl. 1. t.26. | 37 scoparius. R.s. broom. S. Europe. 1824. H.©. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 45. f.2. - 38 humilis. r.s, low. . Spain. are td Ong eee 16:63, 58942 _ 39 stenophyllus. L.en. narrow-leaved. -------. — —— H.2. oe 40 scaberrimus. R.S. roughest. Italy. — —- Ho. ROSTRARIA. Tr. Rostraria. Triandria Digynia. pubescens. Tr. pubeseent.. = ++ +e se 1824. 6.8. H.©. ie Bromus dactylotdes. Roth. Dactylis pungens. Horn. PHRAGMITES. Tr. Reep. ‘Triandria Digynia. R.S. communis. Tr. common, . ° Britain. coos 7.8. Hw... Eng. bot. 401. | Arundo phragmites. £.B. ARUNDO.S.S. REED-GRAss, Triandria Digynia. S.S. 1 Donax. s.s manured. S. Europe. 1648. 7.8. H.2#. Host. gram. 4. t. 38. B versicolor. striped. ee eee ee a.) Morise ¥. 82 te eer 9: 2 tenax, s.s. tough. oe Feeds er EY’ Cyril, neaps £..2, t.:12. _. 3 festucacea. W.en. Fescue-like. Germany. -—— -—— H.w.2. PSAMMA.R.S. Sea Matweep. Triandria Trigynia. RS. arenaria. R.S. common. Britain. ---+ 6.7. H.%. Eng. bot. 520. _ Arundo arenaria. E.B. ARUNDINARIA.R.S.CANE-BRAKE. Triandria Monogynia. S.S. _ 1 glaucescens. R.s. _— glaucous. E.Indies, 1818. “---. S.h. Ludolfia glaucescens. w. 2 macrosperma. R.s. long-seeded. N.America. 1809. 7. H.%. Miegia macrosperma. P.s. Ludolfia macrosperma. w. OLYRA. W. Otyra. Monecia Triandria. L. paniculata, w. broad-leaved. W.Indies. 1783. 7. S.4%. Sloan. jam. 1. t. 64. f.2, ZEA.W. InpIAN Corn. Moneecia Triandria. L. Mays. w. common. America. 1562. 6.7. H.©. Lam. ill. t. 749. COIX. W. Jop’s-TEARS. Monecia Triandria. L. 1 Lachryma. s,s. common. E. Indies. 1596. 6.7. S.%. Botan. magaz. 2479. 2 agrestis. s,s. round-fruited. 1812, —— S.2%. Rumph.amb.6.t.9. f.1. 3 exaltata. s.s, tall. China. 1816. —— S.y%. Jacq.ic. gram. 4 arundinacea. s.s. _ reed-like. _ Mexico. 1824. —— S.%. 5 Keenigii. s.s. Keenig’s. E. Indies. 1818. ——~- S.2. BAMBUSA. W. BAMBOO-CANE. Hexandria Monogynia. W. 1 arundinacea. w. common, India. - 1730, +--+. S.R. Roxb. corom. 1. t.79. 2 verticillata. w. whorl-flowered. ————— 1802. S.h- ————— 1.t. 80. MELOCANNA. Tr. Merocanna. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. bambusoides. tr. berry bearing. E. Indies. 1818. ---- S.h. Bambusa baccifera. Roxb. PHARUS. W. Puarvus. Monecia Hexandria. W. latifolius. w. broad-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 7.8. S.%. Brown. jam. t.38. f.3. EHRHARTA. W. EnRuARTA. Hexandria Monogynia. S.S. i panicea. w. Panic-grass. C.5.S. 1790. 5.7. GY. Sm.ined. 1. t.9. 2 melicoides. s.s. Melica-like. ———- 1816. —— G.%. MICROLANA.B.P. Microtmna. Tetrandria Digynia. B.P. stipoides. B.P. Stipa-like. N.S. W. 1822. 7.8. F.Y%. Lab.n.hol.1, t. 118. Ehrharta stipoides. Lab. ; POTAMOPHILA.B.P. Poramopuita. Polygamia Monecia. B.P. parviflora. B.P. small-flowered. N.S. W. 1820. 6.7. F.w.2. DRYZA. W. Ricr. Hexandria Digynia, L. sativa. w. ~ common. Ethiopia. 1596. 7. wo 3 458 ZIZANIA. W. 1 aquatica. H.K. 2 miliacea. M. 3 fluitans. M. PARIANA.W. campestris. W. KE vulgaris. E.B. 2 gracilis. E.B. 3 hispida. E.B. 4 tomentosa. W. 5 flexilis. £.B. 6 translucens. E.B. 7 nidifica. E.B. EQUISETUM. W. 1 arvense. w. 2 fluviatile. w. 3 umbrosum. w.en. 4 sylvaticum. w. 5 limosum. w. 6 palustre. w. 7 pratense. w. § scirpoides. w. 9 hyemale. w 10 variegatum. w. 11 filiforme. MARSILEACEZ. Brown prodr. p. 166. PILULARIA. W. globulifera. w. ISOETES. W. lacustris. w. CANADA RICE. water. Millet-like. floating. PARIANA. Cayenne. GRAMINEZ. Monececia Hexandria. W. N.America. 1790. Carolina. 1816. N.America. 1824, 7.9. “a 8. Moneecia Polyandria. W. Cayenne. 1803. Hw... H.w.2. H.w. 2. S.h Suscriassis II. ORDO CXCVI. CHARACE. Kth. synops. v. CHARA. common. slender. prickly. tomentose. smooth. great transparent. proliferous. Britain. England. Britain. Toxinedl Monecia Monandria. W. ORDO CXCVII. EQUISETACER. DC. fl. fr. ed. 3. v. 2. p. 580. HoRSE-TAIL. corn. . - Britain. great water. res GaGGR TA 9 es che shade. Germany. 1818. wood. Britain. eee smooth naked. ———— =---- marsh. ——— seer meadow. Germany. 1820. American. N.America. 1812. Shave grass. _ Britain. seve variegated. Scotland. see thready. N.America. 1800. 3. 4. 4.5. ORDO CXCVIII. PILLWORT. Pepper-grass. Britain. QUILLWORT. marsh. Britain. Linn. trans. 7. t. 13. Aubl, gui. 2, t.337. CRYPTOGAME. DC. 1. p. 102. H.w.©. H.w.©. H.w.©. H.w.@). H.w.©. H.w.©. H.w,.©. Cryptogamia Gonontes Ww. H.2. H. 2}. mer ne RRRRRRERERG bot ft pt Cryptogamia Hydropterides. W. Eng. bot. 336. 2140. ———— 463. Moris. s. 15. t. 4. f.9. Eng. bot. 1070. ———- 1855. 1703. Eng. bot. 2020. ———. 2022. Eng. bot. 1874. 929. 2021. Eng. bot. 915. —— 1987. . 6.9. H.w.%. Eng. bot. 521. Cryptogamia Hydropterides. W. cees 5.10 H.w. 2 .Eng. bot. 1084. 459 MARSILEACE. SALVINIA. W. Sanvinra. Cryptogamia Hydropterides. W. _ matans. w. floating. Europe. 1818. 5.8. H.w.¥%. Schkuhr filic. t. 173. MARSILEA. W. MARSILEA. _ Cryptogamia Hydropterides. W. quadrifolia. w. four-leaved. S. Europe. 1820. 6.8. H.w.2. bs ORDO CXCIX. LYCOPODIACEZE. Kth. synops.1. p. 95. LYCOPODIUM. W. Ctvus-moss. Cryptogamia Stachyopterides. W. 1 caroliniannm, w. Carolina. Carolina. 1812. 7.8. H.%. Dill. muse. t. 62. f.5. 2 clavatum. w. common. Britain. — H.%. Eng. bot, 224. 3 complanatum, w. Arbor Vite-14. N.America. 170. — H.y%. Flor, dan. 78. 4 alpinum. w. Savin-leaved. Britain. -- 8. H.%. Eng. bot. 234. 5 dendroideum. w. fan. | N.America. 1770. 7 j.H.%. Hook. ex. flor. 7. 6 annotinum. w. interrupted, Britain. see 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1727. 7 inundatum. w. marsh. —————— rere —— Hew. 2. ——-—— 239. C4 8 alopecuroides. w. Fox-tail. N.America. 1816. ——- H.%. Schkuhr filic. t. 160. 9 Selaginoides. w. __ prickly. Britain. -s+- 8 H.%. Eng. bot. 1148. 10 ornithopodioides.w. Bird’s-claw. = -------= 1812. 6.8. H.%. Dill. musc. t. 66. f.1.B. 11 helveticum. w. Swiss. Switzerland.1779. —— H.2. t. 64. f. 2. 12 rupestre. w. rock. N.America. 1818. —— H.z. t. 63. f. 11. 13 denticulatum. w. toothed. Switzerland.1779. 7. H.%. m——— t.66.f.1.A. 14 depressum. w. depressed. C.B.S. 1816. 7.8. G.2. 15 Selago. w. Fir. Britain. seoe 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 233. 16 apodum. w. distichous. N.America. 1815. 7 H.y%. Dill. musc. t. 64. f.3. 17 lucidulum, w. glossy. 1822, —— H.%. Schkuhr filic. t. 159. 18 densum. B.P. dense. N.S. W. —— 7.8. G.%. Lab.nov.hol.2.t.251.f.1 PSILOTUM. B.P. Psitotum. Cryptogamia Stachyopterides. W. triquetrum. B.P. triangular. N.S.W. 1793. 7.8. G.2, Schkuhr fil. t. 165. b. Lycopodium nudum. L. Bernhardia dichotoma. w. ORDO CC. FILICES. Juss. gen. 14. Susorpo Il. OPHIOGLOSSEZ. Brown prodr. p. 163. OPHIOGLOSSUM. W. AvpER’s-TONGUE. eh ina ee ee Ww. 1 vulgatum. E.B. common. Britain. ---+ 5.6. H.%. Eng. bot. 108. 2 lusitanicum. w. Portugal. Portugal. +++» —— H.}. ’ 3 gramineum. w. grass-like. N.Holland. 1822. —— G.%. Willd.s.erf.1802.t.1.f.1 4 costatum. B.P. ribbed. N.S. W. — G... 5 reticulatum. w. netted. W. Indies. 1793. —— S.%. Plum. fil. t.164. 6 petiolatum. w. petiolate. 1822, 1.3. 8.4%. Hook. ex. flor. 56. BOTRYCHIUM. W. Moonworr. Cryptogamia Stachyopterides. W. 1 Lunaria. w. common. Britain. ---- 5,6. H.%. Eng. bot. 318. Osmunda lunaria. E.B. 2 fumarioides. w. Fumitory-l4, Carolina. 1806. 7.8. H.%. Schkuhr fil. t. 157. $8 dissectum. w. cut-leaved. N.America. ——- 7. .H.yY%. — t. 158. 4 virginicum. w. Virginian. 1799. 8 Hwy —— t. 156. 5 australe. B.p. southern. N.S.W. 1823. 7.8 H.2. slender. N.America. 1824. —— H.2. 6 gracile. ph. 3N2 460 | FILICES. RA: ee Susorpo If. OSMUNDACE. Brown prodr. p. 161. LYGODIUM., B.P. SNAKE’S-TONGUE. Cry ptogamia Schismatopterides. W. 1 polymorphum. x.s. variable. S. America. 1816. 5.9. S.%.. Cav. ic. 6, t.595. f. 1. venustum. spr. Ugena polymorpha. Cav. os ydroglossum hirsutum. w. 2 scandens. sw. climbing. . Indies. 1793. 5.9. S.%.~. Lodd. bot. cab. 742.” 3 circinatum, sw. rounded. ea Wi. Indies. 1818, —— S.J... 4 palmatum. sw. palmate. N.America. 1823. —— §S.2/.~. Schkuhr filic. t.140. Hydroglossum palmatum. w. . ‘ ANEMIA. W. Anemia. Cryptogamia Schismatopterides. W. 1 hirsuta. w. hairy. W. Indies. 1794. +--+» §.%. Plum. fil. t. 162. 2 adiantifolia. w. - Maiden-hair-l4, ————— 1793. 8.9. S.4%. —M—t.158. . 3 lanceolata. w. spear-leaved. — 1820. —— S.%. ; a OSMUNDA. W. OsmunpDA. Cryptogamia Schismatopterides)sW. © 29 0) 1 1 cinnamomea. w. _—_—-woolily. _ N.America. 1772. 6. H.%. Schkuhrfil. t. 146, ‘ / 2 regalis. w. floweringfern, Britain. wees TB HQ. Eng. bot. enon _ 3 Claytoniana. w. Clayton’s. ~ N.America. 1772. 8. H.2. 4 interrupta. w. interrupted. -—————— veee 6.7. ELD. Schkuhr fil. t 144. } a 5 spectabilis. w. showy. ———— 1811. 7 %H.y,. Pluk.alm. t.184:f.4. — , humilis. w. dwarf. ——- 1823. 6.8. H.%. Hook.ex, flor. 28. o 9 EA. W. TopEA. Cryptogamia Schismatopterides. W. ~~ africana. w. African. C. B.S. 1805. 5.8. G.%. Schkuhr fil t 1aT. Osmunda barbata. B.P. i SCHIZEA. W. ScuizH#a. Cryptogamia Schismatopterides. W. Bin 1 penicillata. w. pencilled. S. America. 1816. 6.7. S.%. i 2 rapestris. B.P. rock. N.S. W. 1822, —— G.2. Ww “Vihenany Si * 3 bifida. B.p. bifid. —<—- — — G.x. Willd.mem.farr.t.3.f.2 Eats 3 3 Susorpo Ill. GLEICHENEZL. Brown prodr. p- 160. GLEICHENIA. B.P. GieEicHEentia. Cryptogamia Poropterides. Ww. 1 pubescens. K.s. pubescent, Vera Cruz. 1822. 6.8. S.2. . Mertensia pubescens. w. 2 spelunce. B.P. various-leaved. N.S.W. -——- —— G.2. 8 microphylla. B.p. smail-leaved. ————- 1825. —— G.2. 4 flabellata. B.p. fan-leaved. ———._ 1823. -——- G.2. MARATTIA. W. MaRATTIA. Cryptogamia Poropterides. W. , alata: w. winged. Jamaica. 1793. 5.8. 8.4. Sm.ic. ined. t. 46, Susorpo IV. POLYPODIACE4. Been prede: Bs! 1 ACROSTICHUM. W. Acrosricuum. aha Se Retin L. 1 simplex. w. simple. Jamaica. 1793. ---- §.2. Lodd. bot. cab. 709. | 2 lingua. w. tongue-leaved. China. 1817. 5. 7. G.y%.. Thunb. fl. jap. t. 33. 3 crinitum. w. hairy. W. Indies. 1793. —— §.2. Plumvfil. t.125.° | 4 alcicorne. B.P. Elk’s-horn. N.S. W. 1808. 8.10.G.2%. Botan. regist. 262-3. 7 5 Stemaria. Beau- Stag’s-horn, Guinea. 1622. 5.8. S.%.’ow. v.1. pl. 6 appendiculatum. H. appendaged. W. Indies. 1824. 6.8. §.21. Hook. ex: flor. 108. 7 sorbifolium. w. Sorbus-leaved, ———— 1793. —— §S.y. Plum. fil. t. 117. 8 velleum. w. woolly. Madeira, 1778 8.9. G.%. Desf.atl.2. t) 256. 9 calomelanus. w. mealy. W. Indies. 1790. 7.8. S.2%. ‘Willd.h. ber. t. 41.’ 10 aureum. w. golden. America. 1820. —— G.2. Schkuhr fil. t. 1. NOTHOL/ENA.B.P. Nornotmna. Cryptogamia Filices, - Ss eivpis. 7 a Mee) ae 1 Marante. B.P. Swiss. Switzerland.1824, 6.8. H.%. Spreng.erypt. t.2. fi Acrostichum Marante. w Woes alh, Gam 2 distans. B.P. distant. N.S.W. 1823. —— G.7, HEMIONITIS. W. ‘Hemionitis. Cryptogamia Filices. W. ; 1 lanceolata. w. spear-leaved. W. Indies. 1793. 6.8. S.%. Schkubrfil. t.6, — 2 palmata. w. palmated. ————. —— = 8.2, Hook. ex.florn ae 3 rufa. w. rusty-haired. Jamaicaa —~ -—— §.y%. Schkuhr fil. t.17. 21. 4 dealbata. w. | mealy. S. America. 1818, —— §.3, Willd.h. ber. 1. t.40. 3 FILICES, | 461 GYMNOGRAMMA. Gymnocramma. Cryptogamia Filices. peruvianum. Desy. Peruvian. Peru. 1822. 6.8. G.¥. MENISCIUM. W. MeEniscium. Cryptogamia Filices, W. reticulatum. w. netted. Martinico. 1793. 6.8. S.%. Plum. fil. t. 110. | GRAMMITIS. Sw. GRaMmitis. Cryptogamia Filices. W. . 1 serrulata. w. saw-leaved. W. Indies. 1823. 6.8. 8.2%. Hook. ex. flor. 78. 2 australis. B.P. ~ southern. > N.S. W. 1822. —— G.y%. ae i 3 Ceterach. sw. common. Britain. ooee 5.10. H.2%. Lodd. bot. cab. 15 | Scolopendrium Ceterach. £.8. 1244. Ceterach aay _POLYPODIUM.W. Potypopy. Cryptogamia Filices. L. 1 serpens. w. trailing. W.. Indies, 1822. 3.8 S.¥%. Plum. fil. 105. t.121. 2 angustifolium. w. mnarrow-leaved. S.America. ——- ——— 5-2. . . . 3 lanceolatum. w. spear-leaved. ———-- 1824. —— S,%. Plum. fil. t. 137. 4 rupestre. B.P. woolly-leaved. N.S. W. —- —— Gf. 5 confluens. B.p. confluent, ———— 1822, —— G.}. 6 attenuatum. B.p. attenuated. —, 1823. G.y. fis 7 lineare. w. linear-leaved. Japan. . 1822, —— G.%. Thunb. ic. jap. t.18. 8 piloselloides. w. Mouse-ear. W. Indies. 1793. —-—— S.%. Plum. fil. t.118. 9 lycopodioides. w. Club-moss, a eee Shs «© Schkubr fil. t/8.c. ps 10 phyllitidis. w. Hart’s-tongue. ——~— -—~- -—— S.¥. Plum.fil. 114, t. 130. 11 crassifolium. w. thick-leaved. ——_——. 1816. —~- S.y%. ————— 107. t. 127. 12 repens. w. creeping. S. Americas —— -—— S.%. —-—— 115.1t.131. 13 Billardieri. B.p. | LaBillardiere’s. V.Diem.1Isl.1823. —— G.%. Lab. nov. hol. 2. oe 14 aureum. w. golden. W. Indies. 1742. 3.5. S.%. Plum. fil. 59. t.7 15 phymatodes. w. warted, ———— 1816. —— S.2. 16 vulgare. E.B. common. Britain. eeee 5.10.H.%. Eng. bot. 1149. 8 cambricum. Welsh. | Wales. aceoe —— HY. Bolt. fil. t.2. £.5.a. 17 virginianum. w. Virginian. | N.America. «++. 7 H.%. Plum. fil. t.77. - 18 pectinatum. w. comb-leaved. W. Indies. 1793. 6.9. S.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 748. 19 Plumula. w. feather. S. America. 1822. 5.8. S.2. 20 tenuifolium. w.. slender-leaved. ————__ ——_- —— S.%. Plum. fil. 66. t. 85. 21 asplenifolium, w. Spleenwort-ld, Martinico. 1790. — Sys —=— + 85.t.102.fA. 22 incanum. w. hoary. - America. 1811, 7. H.%. Schkuhr fil.t.11. b. 23, trichomanoides. w. Trichomaneslike.W. Indies, 1822. 5.8. S.4%. —--——p.11.t.10. 24 juglandifolium.w. Wallnut-leav’d. S. America. ——- -—— S.%. 25 crenatum. w. crenated. ——_—— 1824. «+++ 8.2%. -26 fraxinifolium. w. Ash-leaved. Caracas. 1822. 5.8. S.2%. _ 27 tenellum., B.p. slender, N.S.W. -—— 5.7%. GY. 28 pertusum, H.E.F. bored. China.-- 1817. 7.10. G.2. Hook. ex. flor. 162. 29 Phegopteris. E.B. sun-fern. Britain. -o+- 6.7. H.y. Eng. bot. 2224. 30 hexagonopterum.w. triangular. N.America. 1811. —— H.y%. Pluk.alm. t. 284. f. 2. 31 pruinatum. w. + white-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 5.8. S.J. ; 32 effusum. w. spreading. _ 1769. 11. S.%. Sloan.jam.1. t.67. £3. 33 Dryopteris. w. tender-branch’d. Britain. ~-ee 6.9. H.y. Eng. bot. 616. 34 connectile. w. connected. N. America. 1812. 7% > H.®. 35 calcareum. w. rigid- -branch’d. Britain. oe.+ ——— H.y. Eng. bot. 1525. WOODSIA. L.T. Woopsta. Cryptogamia Biites, L. Ms 1 hyperborea.t.r. hairy Alpine. Scotland..---. -7.9. H.y%. Eng. bot. 2028. 2 ilvensis. L.T. rock. N.America.1812. 6..7. H.2. Schkuhr fil. t.19. PLEOPELTIS. K.S. Preopetris. Cryptogamia Filices. 1 ensifolia. H.E.F. sword-leaved. S. America. 1823. 5.6. S.%. Hook. ex. flor. 62. 2 latifolia. L.c. broad-leaved. .———— ——-_ ——__ 8.}. . 3 nuda. D.P. naked. Nepaul. —— —— §.x%. Hook. ex. flor. 63. ASPIDIUM. B.P. SHIELD-FERN. Cryptogamia Filices. W. 1 trifoliatum. w. three-leaved. W. Indies. 1769.. 4.8. S.%. Jacq. ic.3. t. 638. 2 cicutarium,. w. Cicuta-leaved. N.America.1823. —— H.2%. Pluk.alm. t. 289. f. 4. 3 patens. w. pubescent. W. Indies. 1784. 7.9. S.%. Schkuhr fil. t. 334. 4 dentatum. w. toothed. Scotland. ‘-e. 7% Hy. = =©Eng. bot. 1588.’ Cyathea dentata, E.B.. 5 Halleri.w. - Haller’s. Switzerland.1824, 4.8. H.2. 6 bulbiferum. w. ~_ bulbiferous. N.America.1638. 7.8. H.%. 7 rheticum. w. stone. Switzerland. ---- —— H.2%. 8 axillare. w. slenderMadeira. Madeira... 1779. 6.9. G.%. 9 fragile. w. . brittle. Britain. .--. 6 8 H.%. Eng. bot. 1587. 10 regium. w. laciniated. oe SEY li oo, Bu H.y%. —— 163. © Cyathea incisa. E.B. : 11 emulum. w. dwarf. Madeira. 1779. ---+ F.%. : 12 alpinum. w. Alpine. S. Europe. 1825. 6.8 H.%. Jacq. ic. 3, t. 642. 13 montanum. w. mountain. —- ——- -—— H.y 462 FILICES. 14 irriguum, E.B. brook. Britain. +++ 6. =H. Eng. bot. 2199. _ 15 atomarium. w. small. N.America. 1822. 6.8. H.2. NEPHRODIUM. B.P. Nepuropium. Cryptogamia Filices. ‘1 Lonchitis. u.s.z. rough Alpine. Britain. eros 5.8. H.. Eng. bot. 797. Aspidium Lonchitis. E.3. 2 auriculatum. H.s.L. eared. E. Indies. 1793. 7. S.%. Burm. zeyl. t. 44. f. 2. 3 exaltatum.B.P. _ lofty. Jamaica, —— 5.8. S.%. Schkuhr fil. t.32. b. 4 unitum. B.P. smooth united. E. Indies. —— -—— 8.%. Burm.zeyl. t. 44. f. 1. 5 propinquum. B.p. pubescent. —_—_—__ —— — S§.}. 6 molle. B.p. eo, SORE: N.S. W. 1822. ——- G.y%. Jacq. ic. t.640. 7 noveboracense. H.s.L. river-side, N.America. 1812. 7. H.%. Schkuhr fil. t. 46. 8 pectinatum. comb-like. sooccess 1823, 5.8. S.%. — t. 296. Aspidium trapezoides. schk. 9 Oreopteris. H.s.L. Heath. Britain. cone 7% Hi. Eng. bot.1019, 10 Thelypteris. H.s.t. Lady fern. ———- +++. 7.8. H.%. 1018. 11 serra. w. saw-like. Jamaica. 1819. ——~. S.2. 12 parasiticum, w. parasitical. E. Indies. 1824. —— S.2. 13 cristatum. H.s.L. crested heath. Britain. cere 6.7. H.&. Eng. bot. 2125. 14 aculeatum. H.s.L. common prickly, —_—_—-_---- 6.8. H.31. ———— 1562. — 15 marginale. H.s.L. marginal-flg. © N.America.1772. 6.9. H.4%. Schkuhr fil. t. 45. b. 16 Filix-mas. H.s.t. Male fern. Britain. ssee 6.8. H.2t. Eng. bot. 1458. B Smithii. Smith’s. coos —— Hi, ——-—— 1949, a cristatum. E.B. 1949. NON 2125». “Yy erosum. ph. Jagged. N.America.1812. —— H.2%. Schkuhr fil. t. 45. 17 fragrans. spr. fragrant. Europe. sees ———~ Hi. ies 18 lobatum. H.s.L. close-leaved. England. s+s+ 6.9. H.4. Eng. bot. 1563. 19 intermedium. w. intermediate. N.America.1816. —— H.2%. 20 spinulosum. H.s.L. crested prickly. Britain. seer 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 1460. 21 dilatatum. H.s.L. great crested. ———— ---- —— H.¥%. ———— 1461. 22 rigidum. w. rigid. Germany. 1816. —— H.2. 23 elongatum. H.s.L. cut-leaved. Madeira. 1779. 7.8. F.2. 24 villosum. H.S.L. villous. W. Indies. 1793. 7. S.%. Schkuhr fil. t. 46. b. 25 decompositum. B.p. decompound. N.S. W. 1820. 6.8. F.%. | 26 asplenioides. m. Spleenwort-like. N.America. — H.y%. Schkuhr filic. t. 78. ALLANTODIA.B.P. Attantopia. Cryptogamia Filices. 1 umbrosa. B.P. Madeira. Madeira. 1779. 6.9. F.%. Schkuhr fil. t. 61. 2 australis, B.P. southern. V.Diem.Isl. 1820. —— F.2. ; 3 tenera. B.P. membranaceous.N.S.W. —— —— F.2. ASPLENIUM. B.P. SpLeenwort. Cryptogamia Filices. L. 1 fontanum. B.P. smoothrock. England. ---- 6.8. H.%. Eng. bot. 2024. Aspidium fontanum. E.B. - 2 Filix-femina. B.p. female fern. Britain. o-ee 6.9. H.%. Eng. bot. 1459. 3 Adiantum-nigrum.w. black. — «eee. 4.10 HY. ——— 1950. 4 lanceolatum. £E.B. lanceolate. England. esos 6.10, HY. ——— 240. 5 zamiefolium. B.c. Zamia-leaved. W. “aniltent 1818. —— S.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 854. 6 montanum. w. mountain. N.America. 1812. 7. H.%. ‘ 7 ambiguum. w. ambiguous. Java. 1818. 6.8. S.%. 8 fragrans. w. fragrant. Jamaica. 1793. 7. 8.2. 9 Ruta muraria. w. Wall-rue. Britain. «e+» 6.10.H.%. Eng. bot. 150. ‘ 10 cicutarium. K.s._ = Cicuta-like. S. America. 1822. —— S.¥%. Plum. fil. t. 48. a. 11 formosum. w. handsome. Santa Cruz. —— —— 8.%. © 12 premorsum. w. snip-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. —— S.¥%. Pluk.alm. t.73. f.5. 13. striatum. w. striated. W.Indies. —— 6.8. S.%. Plum. fil. t. 18. 19. 14 thelypteroides. w. Ladyfern-like. N.America. 1823. 7.° H.2. Schkuhr fil. t.76. b. 15 rhizophorum. w. _root-bearing. Jamaica. 1793. 6.8. S.%. Sloan. j.1. t.29.30. f.1. 16 viride. w green. Britain. -++ 6.9. H.%. Eng. bot. 2257. 17 melanocaulon. w. black-stalked. N.America.1812. 7. H.2. 18 Trichomanes. w. Maidenhair. — Britain. +e 5.10.H.y%. Eng. bot. 576. 19 germanicum. w. _alternate-leav’d. Scotland. . >*++ 6.10. H.2%. ———— 2258. alternifolium. E.B. Breynit. sw. ; 20 ebeneum. w. ivory striped. N.America.1779. 9. H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 5. 21 angustifolium. w. narrow-leaved. — 1812. 6.7. H.%. Schkuhr fil. t. 67. 69. 22 monanthemum. w. one-flowered. C. B.S. 1790. 7. G.y%. Sm.ined. t.73. © 23 marinum. w. sea-side. Britain. ---> 6.10. H.y%. Eng. bot. 392. . 24 odontites. B.p. long-leaved. N. Holland. 1822. —— G.x%. Thunb,n.a.p.9.t.E.f.1. 25 dentex. w toothed. C. B.S. 1790. —— G.. ; 26 laxum. B.P. loose. V.Diem.Isl. 1822. 6.7. F.2. Lab.n.holl. 2. t. 243. 27 difforme. B.P. deformed. N.S. W. — — F.x. 28 falcatum. B.P. sickle-leaved. — 1825. —— F.x. 29 attenuatum. B.P. 30 septentrionale. w. 31 Hemionitis. 1. palmatum. B.C. 86s. 32 flabellifolium. w. 33 rhizophyllum. w. 34 Nidus. B.P. 35 serratum. w. SCOLOPENDRIUM.W.HAnRr?’s-TONGUE. officinarum. w. B crispum. y undulatum. 6 multifidum. € ramosum. DOODIA. B.P. 1 aspera. B.P. 2 caudata. B.P. --WOODWARDIA. W. 1 onocleoides. w. 2 virginica. w. 3 radicans. w.- BLECHNUM. W. 2 boreale. w. 3 australe. w. 4 occidentale. w. 5 levigatum. B.p. . 6 glandulosum. Len. LOMARIA. W. 1 nuda. 2 procera. ONOCLEA. W. -FILICES. 1 cartilagineum. B.P. Onoclea nuda. Lab. Stegania nuda. B.P. slender. N.S. W. 1825. 6.7. F.2. forked. Britain. ~se-* 6.10. HX. Mule’s-fern, Canaries. 1779. 6.7. G.%. fan-leaved. N.S. W. 1825. —— G.. rooting-leaved. N.America. 1680. ——- H.2. nest. N.Holland. 1822. —— F.x. saw-leaved. ‘W. Indies. 1793. S.y%. Cryptogamia Filices. W. common. Britain. soos 7.8, H.2. curled-leaved. sooo -—— H.2. waved-leaved. coe —— HJ. clustered. — — H.». branching. ee ——— HO. Doovia. Cryptogamia Filices. rough-stalked. N.S.W. 1808. 3.9. G.2. tailed. 1822, —— G.%. WoopDWARDIA. Cryptogamia Filices. W. Onoclea-like. N.America.1812. 8 H.%. Virginian. ———- 1774. 8.9. H.%. rooting-leaved. Madeiria. 1779. 9. G.%. BLecHNuM. Cryptogamia Filices. W. cartilaginous. N.S. W. 1822. 6.8. F.2. northern. Britain. esse 7%, H.y. Cape. C.B.S. 1691. 3.9. G.z. American. S. America.1777. —— S.2. smooth. N.S. W. 1820. —— G.%. glandular. Brazil. 1823. —— S.2. LomariA. Cryptogamia Filices. W. naked. V.Diem.Isl. 1822. 4.8. F.%. lofty. N. Holland. —— —— F.2. Blechnum procerum. Lab. Stegania procera. B.P. OnocLEa. Cryptogamia Filices. L. 1 sensibilis. w. sensitive fern. Virginia. 1799. 8 H.# 2 obtusilobata. ph. blunt-lobed. §N.America.1812. 7. H.2. 3 Struthiopteris. sw. Russian. Europe. 1760. 7.8. H.2. Struthiopteris germanica. w.en. Osmunda Struthiopteris. L. VITTARIA. W. VirTaria. Cryptogamia Filices. W. lineata. w. _ linear-leaved. America. 1793. --++ S.%. | DIPLAZIUM. W. DirpLazium. Cryptogamia Filices. W. 1 grandifolium. w. large-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. «ses S.}. 2 plantaginifolium.w. Plantain-leay’d. W. Indies. 1822. -+-- S.. 3 barbadense. w. Barbadoes. —_ -— :: tee 4 esculentum. w. eatable. Ceylon. —— -r-- 8.2. PTERIS. W. BRAKE. Cryptogamia Filices. L. 1 pedata. w. _ pedate. W. Indies. 1816. 5.8. S.%. -2 argentea. w. silvery. Siberia. — — H.y. 3 longifolia. w. long-leaved. W. Indies. 1770. 7.9. S.%. 4 grandifolia. w. large-leaved. ————— 1793. --:- S.2. 5 serrulata. w. various-leaved. India. A770... 8. 9ei Sa dhs 6 cretica. w. Cretan. Candia. #818. 5.7. G.¥. 7 atropurpurea. w. dark purple. N.America. 1770. 8.9. H.2. 8 nemoralis. w.en- wood, Africa. 1823. 5.8. S.%. _ 9 Plumieri. L.en. Plumier’s. S.America. 1818. —— S.2. 10 arguta. w. sharp-notched. Madeira. 1778. 8.9. F.%. 11 umbrosa. B.P. shade. N.S. W. 1823. 5.8 F.¥. 12 vespertilionis. B.p. Bat-winged. —$—_ — — Fy. 13 tremula. B.P. trembling. 1822. —— F.. 14 esculenta. B.P. esculent. —— 1815. —- F.¥%. 15 gracilis. w. slender. Canada. 1823. 7. js Ap! ae 16 hastata. w. hastate. W. Indies). —— 5.8 S.%. | 17 crispa. w. curled. Britain. c+-> 7.8. H.2. 18 aculeata. w. prickly-stem’d. W. Indies. 1793. +--+ S.h. 19 falcata. B.P. falcate. N.S. W. 1820. 5.7. F.2%. 20 caudata. w. American. N.America.1777. 9, 12. H.2. 21 aquilina. £.8B. common, Britain. eces 7%. 8. H.2. 22 lanuginosa. w. woolly. Bourbon. 1818. —— S.z. | 23 podonhylia. w. pedated, Jamaica. 1793. 6.7. S.%. 463 Eng. bot. 1017. Schkuhr fil. t. 66. Hook. ex. flor. 208. Schkuhr fil. t. 64, Eng. bot. 1150. Pluk, phyt. 248. f.1. Pluk. phyt. 248. f, 2. Hook. ex. flor. 8. ———— 25, Schkuhr fil. t. 111. Pluk. alm. t. 179. f. 2. Schkuhr fil, t. 112, Eng. bot. 1159, * Schkuhr fil. t. 110. b. Jacq. ic. 3. t.644. Lab. n. hol. 2. t. 246. Lab. n. hol. 2. t. 247. - Schkuhr fil. t. 102. t. 103. ah te 105. Schkuhr fil. t. 101. b. Pet. fil. 176. t. 8. f. 12. Jacq. sch. 3. t.339, 400. Schkuhr fil. t. 89. t. 91. or Schkuhr fil. t. 101. Pluk. alm. t. 290, f. 2. Lab.nov.hol.2.t.245. Lab.nov.hol.2.t.244. Eng. bot. 1160. Plum. fil. t. 5. et 11. Jacq. ic.3. t. 645. Eng. bot. 1679. Brown jam. §9. t. 1. 464 Systematic Names. 24 palmata. w 25 sagittata. Ww 26 cordata. w. TENITIS. W. graminifolia, H.E.F. ADIANTUM. W. 1 reniforme. w. 2 radiatum. w. 3 macrophyllum. w. 4 pedatum. w 5 hispidulum. p.P. 6 formosum. B.P. 7 villosum. w. 8 pulverulentum. w. 9 trapeziforme. w. 10 assimile. B.P. trigonum. Lab. 11 Capillus-veneris. w. true. 12 tenerum. w. 13 serrulatum. w. CHEILANTHES. W. | vestita. Ww. Aspidium lanosum. sw. Woodsia vestita. Spr. 2 pteroides. w. 3 odora. w. 4 fragrans. w. 5 hirta. w. 6 ferruginea. L.en. 7 microphylla. w. 8 lentigera. w. LONCHITIS. W. hirsuta. w. LINDS ©A. B.P. 1 linearis. B.p. 2: microphylla. B.P. DAVALLIA. W. 1 pyxidata. B.P. 2 canariensis. Ww. DICKSONIA. W. 1 Culcita. w. 2 arborescens. Ww. 3 dissecta. w. A pilosiuscula. w. CYATHEA.B.P. 1 arborea. w. 2 excelsa. Boj. ALSOPHILA. B.P. australis. B.P. TRICHOMANES. W. 1 brevisetum. H.K. FILICES. English Names. Native Soil. Introduced. Flowering. — palmated. W. Indies. 1823. 6.7. S.%. arrow-leaved. S. America. 1820. —— S§S,.2. heart-leaved. Mexico. 1825. —— G.%. TanitT1s. Cryptogamia Filices. W. © grass-leaved. Trinidad. 1820. 6.8. S.%. MAIDENHAIR. Cryptogamia Filices. L. LinpsHA. Cryptogamia Filices. W. linear-leaved. N.S. W. 1820. 4.6. 2 kidney-leaved. Madeira. 1699. 6.9. G.. radiated. W.Indies. 1776. 4.8. S.%. large-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. ---- S.¥. Canadian. N. America. 1640. 8.9. H.}. bristly. N. Holland. 1822. 5.8. G.2. handsome. N.S. W. — G.2. hairy-stalked. Jamaica. 1775. 6.9. S.%. dusty. W.Indies. 1793. ---- S.%. rhomb-leaved. ————— --—— <--: 8.4. likened. NSS. W.. 3823. 16) 6. teers Britain. sooe’ 5.9. H.2. tender. Jamaica. 1793. 7 S.%. saw-leaved. 1823. 6.8. S.y. CHEILANTHES. Cryptogamia Filices. W. clothed. N. America. 1812. 7. H.2%. Pteris-like. Cc. B.S. 1575. Ts De Moret sweet-scented. eeescers 1824, —— §.2}. fragrant. Madeira. 1778. —— G.%. hairy. C. B.S. 1816. 5.8. G.% ferruginous. = -*++=- ce —— —— §,2/ small-leaved. © W. Indies. 1822. —— §.% chaffy. S. America. ——' -—— 8.27 LoncHITIs. Cryptogamia Filices, W. hairy, W.Indies. 1793. --«- §.2. pli 2 h y y h m2 MD OD Mm WHA small-leaved. —— — _ —- Gf. DAvVALLIA. Cryptegamia Filices. W. shining. N.S. W. 1808 4.9. G.h. Hare’s-foot fern. Canaries. 1699. —— . Dickxsonia. Cryptogamia Filiees. W. shining-leaved. Madeira. 1779. 9.10. G.2. tree. S. Helena. 1786. 6.12. S.h. cut-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. 9.10. S.2. hairy. N. America. 1811. 7.9. H.. CyAaTHEA. Cryptogamia Filices. W. tree. W. Indies. 1793. «--- S.y. tall. Mauritius. 1825, -«--» S.h. ALsoPpHILA. Cryptogamida Filices. southern. N.S.W. 1820. +°-- Gh. TTICHOMANES. Cryptogamia Filices. W. short-styled. _ Britain. 5.6. H.%. ceeo2e Hymenophyllum alatum, E.B. 2 membranaceum. w. membranaceous. W. Indies. 1820. 5.8. S.2. HYMENOPHYLLUM. Fitmy-tear. Cryptogamia Filices. W. tunbridgense. w. POLYBOTRYA. K.S. vivipara. H.E.F. Tunbridge. Britain. ---- 5.6. H. y. PoLyBoTRYA. Cryptogamia Filices. viviparous. W.Indies. 1823. 5.8. S.%. Schkuhr fil. t. 115. Reference toFigures. Hook. ex. flor. ar: & Lodd. bot. cab. 841. Plum, fil. t. 100. na Brown jam.t.38.f.1. Schkuhr fil. t. 120. Lio. oe SE gag Lab n.hol.2. t.248, f,2. ———e —— Eng. bot. 1564. — Pluk. alm. t. 254. fil. _ Sloan. j. 17, t. 36. f. 2. Schkuhr fil. t.124. ~ Hout. n. hist. t. 96. £13. . Sw. syn. fil. t. 3. f.6. Schkuhr fil. t: 86. ; Sw. fil. 118. t.3. f. 3. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 200. Jacq. ic. 201. Schkuhr fil. t. 131. . Plum. fil. 1. t. 1.2. Eng. bot. 1417. Hook. ex. flor. 76. Eng. hot. 162. Hook. ex. flor. 107. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. RANUNCULACEZ. p.1. CLEMATIS. p.1. VIRGIN’s-BOWER. : -33 campaniflora. pc. bell-flowered. Portugal, 1822. 6.8. 34 paniculata. pe. panicled. Japan. 1789. —— THALICTRUM. 2. MEADOW-RUE. ~h.~. Lodd. bot. cab. 987. -—» Hout, pflanz. 7. f. 2, we H G 48 polygamum. s.s. polygamous. N. America. +--+ 5.7. H.2. serene hare 4. Crowroor. j 5: 62 cymbalariz. pc. ymbalaria-l4, ——+~— 1823. —— H.2. ; i 63 millefoliatus. pc. many-leaved. Greece. 1824. 4.7. H7, Ferg coho f. yt 4 64 tuberosus. pe. tuberous-root’d. Pyrenees.) ——- —— H.y¥, eae. 65 napellifolius. pc. . Napellus-ld, Greece. 1825. 5.7. H.%. - 66 dissectus. pc. cut-leaved, Siberia. 1823. —— H.x. 67 plebeius. pe. Plebeian. N.S.W. — -—— H.». * 68 hirtus. pc. New Zealand. N. Zealand. —~ -—— H.»%. ' 69 fascicularis. Dc. fascicled. N. America. —— 4.5. H.2. 70 EO SEE Ne De. tubercled. a eee > —— 5.6. H.2z. 71 trilobus. pe. - three-lobed. . Europe. 1824. —— H.e. : 72 filiformis. M. filiform. linerca 1816. —— ieee ae ser belie TROLLIWUS. 6. GLOBE-FLOWER: 6 patulus, pe. spreading, Greece. seoe 5.6. H.2L. Sm.ic. ined. 1. t.37 ranunculinus. Sm. . ° DELPHINIUM.7. Larkspur. . 1 virgatum. De. twiggy. Syria. 1824. 6.9. H.©. Deless. ic. sel. 1. t. 55. 2 albiflorum. pc. white-flowered. Armenia. 1823. —— H.2. 2 1. t.58 3 spurium. F. spurious, Siberia. 1824. —— H.2. Hitng ACONITUM. 7. MonksHOOD. 1 albidum. R.v. whitish. Europe. 1824. 6.8. H.%. 2 decorum, R.vU. neat. ——_- — — HH... 83 Keehleri. r.v. Koehler’s, ——_ 1823. —— H.2. 4 meloctonum. R.U. Badger-bane. ——— -—— -—— H.»%. 5 nasutum. F. nosed. Siberia. — — Hy. 6 nemorosum. M.B. wood. Tauria. — — H.x. 7 oligocarpum. R.u. few-podded. Europe. —— -—— H.y. 8 pubescens. R.U. pubescent. —— _ 1824. —— H.»%. ‘ 9 recognitum. R.U. recognised. —— —_ — H.yX. 10 Schleicheri. R.v. Schleicher’s. Switzerland.—— -—— H.. 11 versicolor. R.vU. various-color’d, Europe. so- -—- H.%. Lodd. bot. cab. 794, 12 zooctonum. R.U. Beast-bane. —— 1824. —— H.7. DILLENIACEZ. p. 10. TETRACERA. p.10. TETRACERA. 4 obovata. pc. obovate-leaved. Senegal. 1822. «+++ Sshw. .CURATELLA. 10, CURATELLA. 2 alata. v. wing’d-petioled.Guiana. sooe ceee S. hb. Venten. choix. t. 49, PLEURANDRA.10. PLEURANDRA. 4 cneorum. Dc. blunt-leaved. N.S.W. 1824. 5.7. G.h. 5 stricta. pc. upright. ———_ 1822. —— G.h. 6 calycina. pe. linear-leaved. —M—- -—— —— G.h. CANDOLLEA. DC. Canpotiea. Polyadelphia Polyandria. cuneiformis. pc. | wedge-leaved. N.Holland.1823. 5.8. G.h. Lab.n. holl. 2, t.176. HIBBERTIA. 10. HIBBERTIA. 7 saligna. Dc. Willow-leaved. N.S. W. 1824. 5.8. G.h. COLBERTIA. 10. CoLBERTIA. 2 scabrella. D.P. rough, Nepaul. 1826, seer Sih. 466 TASMANNIA. DC, dipetala. pc. ANONA. p. 11 14 laurifolia. pec. 15 amplexicaulis. pc. UVARIA. 12. 5 velutina. pc. 6 lucida. Boj. SARRACENIA. W » 1 purpurea. w- 2 rubra. w psittacina. Mm ? 3 variolaris. w. ~—- aduned. Ex. bot. t. 53 . ¥.4 flava. w. PAPAVER. 15. 19 horridum. pc. MACLEAYA. Br. cordata. Br. . Bocconia cordaia, p. 16. DICLYTRA. 16. 7 tenuifolia. pc. CORYDALIS. 17 19 stricta. pc. 20 sibirica. pc. 2% acaulis. pc. FUMARIA. 17. 8 micrantha. Lag. MATHIOLA. 17. 15 torulosa. pc. 16 tatarica. pc. 17 coronopifolia. pc. BARBAREA. p. 19. 5 taurica. DC. ARABIS. 19. 34 mollis. pc. 35 curtisiliqua. Dc. 36 precox. DC. 37 ambigua. pc. 38 cebennensis. nc. 39 lasioloba. pc. CARDAMINE. 19. 18 rhomboidea. pc. 19 ‘granulosa. ne. 20 uliginosa. pe. 21 prorepens. Dc. ‘22 pensylvanica. Dc, 23 umbrosa, De. _two-petaled. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. WINTERES. p. 11. Dicecia Polyandria. 5 TASMANNIA. ~ et N.S. W. 1824. 5.8. Gh. . ANONACEA, p. 11. CusTaRD-APPLE. Laurel-leaved.. W. Indies. 1824. +--+ S.h. stem-clasping. Mauritius, —— «<«++ S.b. UVARIA. . velvetty. E. Indies, 1825. +--+ S.h. shining. E, Africa. ——~ +--+. §.pb. SARRACENIZ. p. 14. SIDE-SADDLE-FLOWER. Polyandria Monogynia. L. purple. N.America. 1640. 6. 7, H.2. red-flowered. 1786. —— H.%. Hook. ex, flor. 13., hook-leaved. _ 1803. —— i 4. Botan. maga. 1710. yellow. 1752. in H. a. Le” ‘s 780, PAPAVERACE. p. 1. Poppy . : bins 3 phe prickly- ‘stalked. N.S. W. 1825. 6. 8. A. ©. Swt. br. fl. gar. 173. MacteAaya. Polyandria Monogynia. ie hiaisscicxingiotsn heart-leaved. China. 1795. 5.8. H. 2, FUMARIACER. p. 16. DICLYTRA. slender-leaved. Kamtschatka.1824. 5. 7. H. w CoRYDALIS. upright. Siberia. 1825. 5. z. H. 2%. Siberian. —_—_—_—_ —_ — Hy. stalkless. Hungary. -— 7.9. H.©. FUMITORY. 7 ey small-blossom’d.Spain. ’ 1824. 5.7. H.©. CRUCIFERA. ». 17. STOCK. twisted-podded. C. B. S. 1816, 5.8. G.}. Tartarian. Tartary. 1826. -——~ H.2. Buckshorn-ld. S$. Europe. 1825. H.%. WINTER CREss. a Taurian, Tauria. 1825. 7.9. H.%. WALL-CREss. | rks 8 | soft. Caucasus, 1825. 5.7. Hid. © _short-podded. Scania. —-— His. early. Hungary. 1822. 4.6. H.%. ambiguous, Siberia 1824, 6.7. H.%. pale violet. S.France. —— -——~— Hd. woolly podded. Mexico. ©—— -—— H.@. LADY’s-SMOCK. . a‘ . rhomboid. N. America, 1825. 5.7. H.w.2. granular. Italy. °° ++ 1624. ——" Bay marsh. Caucasus, —— —~ Hw... creeping. *‘ Siberia. 1825. —— H.w.2. Pensylvanian. N.America, 1823. ——~ HJ2¢ shade, ‘Europe. '> —— 6.8. H.©. Catesb. car. 2. t. 67. Botan. magaz, #A0¢0 . Botan. magaz. 1905. Amm. rathy 20; ° Jacq. ic. 3. t554. » Pall. it. 1. app. t.O. Flor. grec, t. 637. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. 24 glauca. pc. glaucous. Italy. 1824, 5.7. H.. DENTARIA. 20. TOOTH-WORT. 10 trifolia. pc. three-leaved. Hungary. 1824. 5.6. H.2%. 11 tenuifolia. pe. slender-leaved. Siberia. 1825. —— H.%. . FIBIGIA. Med. Fipie1a. Tetradynamia Siliculosa, ; 1 suffruticosa. suffrutescent. Persia. 1820. 4.5. G.h. Farsetia suffruticosa. p. 20. 2 lunarioides. oriental. Greece. wWAVS1. 6. Fe Ls. _ 8 clypeata. med. _buckler podded.S. Europe. 1596. —— H.é. Farsetia clypeata. p. 20. KONIGA. Br. Konica. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. maritima. Br. sweet. England, «+--+ 5.10. H.}. Alyssum maritimum. p. 21. VESICARIA. 20. VESICARIA. 5 Ludoviciana. pc. Missouri. Missouri. 1825. 6.6. H.2L. ADYSETON. Scop. Apvyseron. Tetradynamia Sili¢ulosa. 1 saxatile. rock. Russia. 1710. 4.5. H.R. Alyssum saxatile. p.21. Aurinia saxatilis. Desv. 2 gemonense. canescent, Germany. ——- -— H.b. 3 orientale. oriental. Crete. soo. = HO. 4 spathulatum. spathulate. Siberia. 1821. 4.6, H.f. Alyssum spathulatum. p. 21. . 5 argenteum. silvery. Switzerland. -—— 5.6. H.h. 6 Bertolonii. Bertoloni’s. Italy. 1825. ——. H.h. 7 murale. wall. Europe. 1801. 6.8. H.h. 8 obtusifolium. blunt-leaved. Siberia. 1812. —— H.h. - 9 serpyllifolium. Thyme-leaved. S. Europe. 1823. 5.7. H.h. 10 tortuosum. twisted. Hungary. 1804. 6.7. H.h. 11 vernale. vernal. lee dak: woot B2o. 4.06 Mele, 12 alpestre. Italian. Italy. 1777. 6.10. H.R. 13 montanum. Sc. mountain, Germany. 1713. 5.8. H.%. 14 cuneifolium. _ wedge-leaved. Naples. 1825. —— H.z%. 15 diffusum. spreading. ——_- »s ——- — H.». 16 Wulfenianum. Wulfen’s. Carinthia. 1821. —— H.%. Alyssum Wulfenianum. p. 21. pee ANODONTEA. DC. AnopontEA. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. 1 edentula. toothless. Hungary. 1821. 5.6. H.%. Alyssum edentulum. p. 21. - 2 rupestris. ~ silvery rock. Italy. 1824. —— H.}. 3 halimifolia. © |§ Halimus-leavd. ————- —— -—— H.h. Alyssum halimifolium. p. 21, 4 spinosum. thorny. S. Europe. 1683. 6.8. F.h. 5 macrocarpum. large-podded. —— 1825. —— F.}. | Alyssum macrocarpum. DC. DRABA. 21. WHITLOW-GRASS. 21 brunizfolia. pc. Brunia-leaved, Caucasus. 1825. 6 H.%. 22 pilosa. pc. pilose. Siberia. — 56.6. H.%. 23 glacialis. pc. starry-haired. ——- —— —— H.}. 24 repens. pc. creeping. Caucasus. 1823. —— H.2. 25 Gmelini. pc. Gmelin’s. Siberia. — —— H.2. | 26 muricella. pc. tufted. N. Europe. 1825. —— H.}. | 27 nivalis.pc. snowy. —————.. 1824. —— H.}. _ 28 lapponica. pe. Lapland. —_- —- —— H.Yy. _ 29 daurica. pe. Daurian. Dauria. ~— — H.é. » 30 aurea. Dc. golden. - Greenland. ——- -— H.¢é. 31 lutea. pe. yellow. Caucasus. 1825. 5.8. H.©. KERNERA. Br. KerRneRA. Tetradynamia Siliculosa. 1 saxatilis. rock. Europe. 1775. 6.7. H.%. myagroides. Med. Cochlearia saxatilis. -p, 22. Myagrum saxatile. L. B incisa. cut-leaved. —_—- —- _ — H.». 2 auriculata. eared. Pyrenees. 1824. 5. 64 H.. Cochlearia auriculata, p. 22. | COCHLEARIA. p. 22.Scurvy-GRass. 12 fenestrata. pe. fenestrate. . N. Europe. 1820. 4.5. H.%. | 13 acaulis. be. stalkless. Portugal. 1823. 3.4. H.2. pusilla. Jacq: ‘CAPSELLA. 22. SHEPHERD’S-PURSE. | 2 procumbens. Br. procumbent. Europe. 1823. 3.5. H.©. Hutchinsia procumbens, p.22. Lepidium procumbens. L. hog | 467 W. etK. hung.2..139. Gmel,sib.3.n.41.t.65. Vent. cels. t.19. Tourn. ic.ed.gers1.t.30 Swt. br. fl. gar. ic. Eng. bot. 1729. Botan. magaz, 159. Jacq. ic. 3. t. 503. Flor. grec. t. 625... Deles. ics sel. 2. t. 37. All, ped. tc 54. f, 3: a : W. etK. hung, 1. t6. Deles. ic. sel. 2. t. 38. K. hung. 1.t. 91. Schrank. h. mon. t. 96. Flor. grec. t. 624. Botan. magaz. 419. K. hung.1.t.92. Ten. fl. nap. t. 60. All. ped. t. 54. f. 1, Barrel. ic. t. 808. Wahl.fl.lapp.t.11.f.2. Flor. dan. t. 142. Wahl. fl. lap. t.11. f. 5. Flor. dan. t. 1460. Desf.ann,mus.11.t.38, Jacq. aust. 2. t. 128, Moris..ox. 2.8. 3. t.17. Berg.phyt.3.p.140.ic. Jacq. ecl, t..132. Hill.veg.syst.t.42. fit, 468 IBERIS. 22. 19 contracta. DC. HESPERIS. 24. 10 heterophylla. pe. 11 elata. pe. 12 grandiflora. B.M. SISYMBRIUM. 24. $1 «Tillieri. w $2 rigidum. DC. ERYSIMUM. 25. 22 gracile. pc. 23 asperum. DC. 24 Redowskii. pc. 25 pumilum. pc. 26 patulum. Dc. STANLEYA. DC. pinnatifida. pc. Cleome pinnata. Ph: LEPIDIUM. p. 26. 26 vesicarium. Dc. SINAPIS. 28, 24 geniculata. Dc. 25 cernua. DC. 26 hastata. pc. 27 ramosa. H.B. GYNANDROPSIS. 31. GynANpRopsis. 5 Candelabrum. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. CANDY-TUFT. contracted. Spain. 1824. 4.6. H.}. ROCKET. various-leaved. Naples. 1825. 5.6. H.%. tall. Seite #mme — 6.8. H.%. large-flowered. -+++*-+* 1818. —— H.%? SIsYMBRIUM. Tillier’s. Switzerland.1824. 6.8. H.©. rigid. Tauria. — — H.O. ERYSIMUM. slender. Caucasus. 1824. 6.8. H.¢. rough. N.America, ——- —— H.¢. Redowski’s. Siberia. 1825, ——- H.¢. dwarf. Switzerland.1824. —— H.¢@. spreading, ccresees ——— —— Hd. STANLEYA. Tetradynamia Siliquosa. pinnatifid. Missouri. 1812. 5.6. H.%. PEPPERWORT. bladdered, Levant. cere 4,8. H.O. MusTaRD. jointed. Barbary. aaa 4.9 H.©. drooping. China. — H.©. hastate-leaved, N.Holland. ——- -—— H.©. branching. E. Indies. 1823. —— H.©. CAPPARIDES. p. 31. 1824. Cleome Candelabrum. B.M. CLEOME. 32. rosea. DC. CRATAVA. 32. 3 Roxburghii. sr. Chandelier. eeueeroe 6. 8. H.©. CLEOME. rose-coloured, Brazil. 1825. 5.8 S.©. CRATAVA. Roxburgh’s. E. Indies. 1822, «+++ S.h. Capparis trifoliata. H.B. RITCHIEA. Br. fragrans. RITCHIEA. fragrant. Dodecandria Monogynia. SierraLeon. 1795. Crateva fragrans. p. 32. CAPPARIS. 33. 23 verrucosa. DC. MORISONIA. DC. americana, DC. CAPER-TREE. warted. S. America. 1823. -+*+ S.h. MorisoniA. Monadelphia Polyandria. L. American. Caribees. 1824. S.h. Hill.veg.sys.11.t.41.f.3 Botan. magaz. 2656. Botan. regist. 960. 6.7. S.h.w~, Botan. mag. 596. Jacq. amer. t, 29. Jacq. amer, t. 97. RESEDACE.. p. 33. misplaced at p. 150. RESEDA. 150. 23 chinensis, s.s. DATISCEZ. Brown in Denham and Clap. trav. DATISCA. L. 1 cannabina. L. 2 hirta. w. CISTUS. p. 34. 29 canescens. S.C. 30 obtusifolius. s.c. 31 platysepalus, s.c. 32 psilosepalus. s.c. HELIANTHEMUM.34.Sun-Rose. 84 involucratum. pc. 85 candidum. s.c. 86 brasiliense. pc. 87 polygalefolium.s.c. Milkwort-ld, RESEDA. Chinese. China. 1824. 6.8. H.g. Datisca. Diccia Dodecandria. L. Hemp-like. Candia. 1640. 7.9. H.%. hairy. Pensylvania.1826. 9.10. H.2%. CISTINE. p. 34. ROCK-ROSE. canescent. S. Europe. +--+ 6,8. H.b. blunt-leaved. Crete. 1822. 6.8. H.h. broad-sepaled, ————-_ ++-e —— H.h. smooth-sepaled. §. Europe. 1822, —— H.h. short pedicled. S, Europe. 1826. 6.8. F.h. white-leaved. Spain. 1822, —— F.b. Brazilian. Brazil. 1823. —— F.7}. Sia “se F.R. Schkubr hand, 3 Swt. cist. t. 45. t. 42. t. 47. t. 33. Swt. cist. t. 25. t. 43. t. 11. | » t.336., ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. 88 lignosum. s.c. woody-stem’d. S, Europe. 1810. —— F.}. 89 obovatum. pc. obovate. Spain. 1826. —— F.h. 90 rotundifolium. pc. round-leaved. ————- -—— -—— F.h. 91 crassifolium. pc, _ thick-leaved. — — F.h. 92 nudicaule. Dc. naked-stalked. ——- -——~- —— F.h. 93 lineare. pD.c. linear-leaved. S. Europe. 1824. —— F.h. 94 virgatum. Dc. slender. - Barbary. — —— F.h. 95 variegatum.s.G. variegated. = ------- — — Hh. 96 eriosepalon. s.c. _ woolly-calyxed. S. Barve. coon —— HF. HUDSONIA. 36. HupDsonia. 1 ericoides, p. 36. Heath-leaved. NuA merited, 1805. 5.7. H.4. 2 tomentosa. Nn. tomentose. ———— 1826. «or HbA. VIOLARIEZ. p. 36. NOISETTIA, p. 36, NorsetTria. 2 pyrifolia. Mart. Pear-leaved. Brazil. 1822. +++. S.h. VIOLA. 36. VIOLET. 61 cespitosa, D.P. tufted. Nepaul. 1825. 7.10. H.%. Patrinii y napaulensis. pc. primulefolia. Buch. non Le. 62 palmaris. p.p. long-petioled. ————- —- —— H.. 63 pygmea. Dc. pigmy. Peru. 1822. 7.11. H.2. 64 collina. R.s. hill. Volhynia. 1824. 6.8. H.%. 65 campestris. k.s. field. Tauria. — — H.x. ‘66 sylvestris. R.s. wood. Hungary. ——- —~- H.2. 67 neglectum. R.s. neglected. ——_ — — H.». 68 Hornemanniana. R.s.Horneman’s. <------ «> 1822, —— H.». 69 chrysantha, schr. golden-flow’r’d. ----++++ 1823. —— H. 7. 70 hastata. m. hastate. N. America. —— -—— H.¥. ERPETION. B.F.G. Spurtess-VioLtet. Pentandria Monogynia. reniforme. B.F.G. kidney-leaved. N.S. W. 1823. 5.9. H.%. CERANTHERA. DC. CerANTHERA. Pentandria Monogynia. dentata. pc. tooth-leaved. SierraLeone.1822. ---- S.h. POLYGALEA, p.38. . POLYGALA. p.38. Mitkworr. 36 attenuata. B.c. taper-pointed. C. B.S. 1823, 5.12. G.h. COMESPERMA., DC. Comesperma. Monadelphia Octandria. 1 ericina. pc. Heath-like. N.S.W. 1822. 5.8 G.h. 2 cordifolia. F.T. heart-leaved.6 ————- —— ——G.h. TREMANDREA. p. 39. TETRATHECA. p. 39. TeTRATHECA. 5 rubioides, F.T. Rubia-like. N.S.W. 1823. 6.8. G.h. MALVACEZ.. p. 48. HIBISCUS. 50. 71 spiralis. bc. 72 racemosus. B.R. NUTTALLIA. B.A. 1 digitata. B.A. 2 pedata. B.A. HiBiscus, spiral. Mexico. G racemed. Nepaul. G NutTatiia. Monadelphia Polyandria. digitate-leaved. N.America. 1824. 7.10. 2 pedate-leaved. CAMELLIEE. p. 61. 1824. CAMELLIA. p. 61. CAMELLIA. japonica. 61. common. China. 1739. 12.5. G.h. BB Chandleri. c.c. stripedWaratah, Seedling. 1822. —— G.h. versicolor. p. 62. yy Rossii. Ross’s. — — Gh. 60 Aitoni. C.c. large single red. — — Gh. ee altheifolia.c.c. Hollyhock-fid, — — G.h. oé corallina,c.c. _—_coral-flowered. — — Gh. nn insignis. C.c. splendid. ——_ —_ — G.h. 39 florida. c.c. cluster-flowered. —_— - —— Gh. u mpemonatars alba, whiteAnemone-fid, — ——G.h. 7 euryoides. B.R small-flowered. 1824. —— G.h. 469 Swt. cist. t. 46. Cavan. ic, 2. t. 142. Cavan. ic. 3. t. 216. Swt. cist. t. 38. —__—_—- ic, Swt, cist. 36. Mart. n. pl. bras. ic, Swt. br. fl. gar. 170. Beau. fl. ow. 11. t. 65. Lodd. bot. cab. 1000. Cavan. ic. 2. t. 162. Botan, regist. 917. Swt. br. fl. gar. 129. Hook. ex. flor. 172. Chandl. camel. t. 1. 2. Chandl. camel. t. 3. Botan. regist. 983. 470 : ADDENDA és nary AURANTIACER, \PuCtberna 2 enieeeaiaan We GLYCOSMIS. DC. Grycosmts. 4 ireallaltiongetty Fe 3 citrifolia. H.T. Citron-leaved. Chink” ' 1820. 2. 6. oie Bota mags aes Limonia citrifolia. pe. parviflora. B.M. aes Ps HY PERICINE. p. GR > ee aaa et HARONGA. DC. © Haronea. Polyadelphia Dodecandria. | De Sobionits: | madagascariensis. pc. Madagascar. Madagascar.1824. --+«« Supe ” seinem @ Arongana paniculata. P.s. HYPERICUM. p. 63. St. JOHN’s-worT. ~ 68 virgatum. DC. twiggy.. N.America. 1823. 6. 8. S.2. ee, 69 empetrifolium. pc. Crowberry-la. S. Europe. ---- —— H.h. Wats. dend. brit; 141, 70: cochinchinense, pc. Cochin China. CochinChina.1822. —— G.h. git silo & GUTTIFERE. p. 65." XANTHOCH YMUS. 65. XANTHOCHYMUS. 4 luteus. L.c. yellow. E. Indies. 1823, -+-- S.k. 5 macrophyllus.1.c. large-leaved. ———_ —-_—ve++ SR. 6 purpureus. L.C. purple. —_——_—- ———_ «r++ §.R. VOCHISLE. Martius. VOCHISIA. J. Vocwisia. Monandria Monogynia, W. te ioral 4 excelsa. Lam. tall. Guiana. 1822, +++» S.h. Aub. gui. 1. t.6. Cucullaria excelsa. w.. yg othe HIPPOCRATEACE. p. 66. TRIGONIA. DC. TriconrtaA. Monadelphia Pent-Decandria. 1 villosa. pc. villous. Cayenne. 1820. ---- S.h. Aub. gui. 1.t. 149. 2 mollis. Dc. soft-leaved. Brazil. 1823... 2800 See ee ee By _ . MALPIGHIACER. p. 67. acne MALPIGHIA. 67. MALPIGHIA. HOMO tO9 11 dubia. pe. doubtful. .§ Jamaica. 1824. -+-» S.h. Cav. dis.8. t. 242. ACERINEE. p. 68. ACER. 68. MAPLE. 1 neapolitanum. T.N. Neapolitan. ; Naples. _ 1826. : <0: H.h. ic. MELIACE. p. 71. AITONIA.W. Arronta. Monadelphia Octandria. W. ! Ae ee capensis. We Cape. _ C. BS. 1774. 5.9. G.h. Botan. magaz, 173. CARAPA. 72. CARAPA. ; s 3 guianensis. DC. Guiana. © Guiana. 1820. +--+ S.b. Aub. gui. t. 387. GERANIACE. p.73 HOAREA. p. 75. HOAREBA. ; . . citsaa aye 67 congesta. 8.G. crowded-fid, C. B.S. 1820. 5.10. G.%. . Swt. ger. t. 302. ~ 68 orobifolia. s.c. Orobus-leaved. Hybrid. 1823. ——-G.4%. ————+t, 304. 69 retusa. s.G. notched petal’d. —————._ 1824. —— G.%. t. 307. 70 colutezfolia. s.¢. Bladder Senna-ld.————. _ 1823.. —— G.2. ener oP I! DIMACRIA. p. 76. DIMACRIA. 29 rumicifolia. s.c. Dock-leaved. C. B.S. 1825. 5.8. G.%. Swt. gers t. B18. ° PELARGONIUM. 77. Srorx’s-BIL1. 403 pedunculatum. s.G. konepeasartes Hybrid. 1823. 7.10, G. hi Sw. ger. ic. faed. 404 Francisii. s.G. 405 basilicum. s.G. - 406 flaccidum. s.c. 407 cartilagineum. s.c. horny-toothed. 408 suffusum.'s.c. - 499 chelidoniifolium.s.c.Chelidonium-ld, —— —~ 410 argutum. s.G. 411 ramigerum. s.c. 412 Goweri. s.c. 413 cuneiflorum. s.c. 414 chenopodiifolium.s.c.G oose-foot-l4, 415 congestum. s.G.. 416 magnistipulatum.s.G.large-stipuled. _——-—— 417 dilatatum,s.c. 418 verecundum. s.G. —_———. ' Mrs.Foljambe’s, ————— 419 Foljambez: s.c. 420 salebrosum, s.G. 421 incarnatum. s.c. 422 conclausum. s.G. 423 insignitum. s.c. 424 biflorum. s.c. 425 Humei. s.c. 426 quadriflorum. s.Gc. 427 bryoniefolium. s.c. Bryony-leaved., 428 latifolium. s.c. 429 platanifolium. s.c. Plane-leaved. 430 purum. s.G. 431 recurvifolium. s.G. 432 veniferum.s.G. 433 foliosum. s.c. 434 tanacetifolium. s.c. Tansy-leaved. 435 sphzrocephalon.s.c.round- headed. 436 Spinii. col. dianthiflorum. p. 82. n. 323. CICONIUM. p. 84. 24 fulgens. s.G. LARREA. DC. -nitida. pc. PORLIERA. DC. -. hygrometrica. pe. PHEBALIUM. 89. 2 elatum. F.T. 3 aureum. F.T. 4 lachnoides. F.T. 5 linearis. p. 6 salicifolium. w. ERIOSTEMON. 89. 3 cuspidatum. F.T. A linearifolium. pc. ‘5 lanceolatum: pe. 6 squammeum. ne. 7 obovale. F.T. 8 ericifolium. ~. BORONIA. 89. 6 alata. pc. 8 denticulata. pc. 9 paradoxa. Dc. ' ZIERIA. 90. 7 obcordata. F.T. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. Mr. 'Francis’s. —— 1824. 5.10, princely. ———__ ---—— flaccid-petal’d. paasGpee See SS mixed-colour’d +! ————4'». .__ sharp-toothed. - branching-vein’d.— Mr. Levison Gower’s. —— wedge-petaled. close-headed. MTEL TEL PRAQAAQNOALRSAAHADANPANLNO e e a e e e e dilated-leaved. Hybrid. blushing. ° 21 || /E El rugged-leaved. ——— h. pale flesh-col’a,_ ————— —_ h. shut-petal’d. — h. marked-flow’rd. ————— — hb. two-flowered. _————— 1822, —— he Sir A. Hume’s. ————— 1824, -—~ h. four-flowered. —— — G.h. ——- -——: G.p. broad-leaved. — — Gh. — — Gb. pure-flowered. — -—— Gb. recurve-leaved.. - — — G.h. veined-petaled. — -——) many-leaved. — —— G.b. — — Gh. — — Gb. Spin’s. tree ——= G.h. CICONIUM. Basilisk. Hybrid. 1823. 5.10. G.h. ZYGOPHYLLEX. p. 87. LARREA. Decandria Monogynia, ~ glossy-leaved. S. America, 1823. «++. S.h. PorRLiFRA. Octandria Monogynia. - pinnate-leaved. Peru, 1820,» S.h. -RUTACEZ. p. 88. PHEBALIUM. tall. N.S. W. 1823. 4.8. G.h. golden. — —- _ —- Gh. Lachnea-like. ———— -—~—~ -—— G.h. linear-leaved. N. Holland. 1825, -+:. G.h. Willow-leaved, ————- —— +e G.h. ERIOSTEMON. sharp-pointed. N.S. W. 1823. 4.8. G.h. linear-leaved. ————- —— —— Gp. spear-leaved. ——_—_—_ »- —- -——_ Gh. scaly. N. Holland. 1822. —— G.h. oboval-leaved. ————— 1823. —— G.h. Heath-leaved. ————— 1825. —— G.h. BORONIA. aie winged-leaved, N. Holland. 1825. +++: G.h. 7 anemonefolia. r.T. Anemone-ld. N.S. W. 1824. +++ Gh. tooth-leaved. WN. Holland. 1823. 5.8. Gh. paradoxical. —————-_ 1825. «++» Gib. ZIERIA. obcordate. N.S. W. 1824.) «8 Goh. Gh. 8 revoluta. F.T. revolute. ——— oe 8. 5 av _ Swt. ger. ic. ined. -—-_———— ic, ined. ic. ined. ic. ined. ic. ined. ic. ined. ic. ined. ic. ined. t. 333. t. 330. {2c | t. 325. t. 313. - t, $14, ———— t. 316. ———— ¢.312. t. 309. t. 308., t. 305. t. 300. t. 287. t. 324, t. 321. t. 320. t. 335. ———_—-_ t. 326. -————— 1.334. ——_——- ic. ined, t. 322. ‘ic. ined. t. 336. ——— [.317. Colla. h. rip. t.7. Swt. ger. ic. ined. Cavan. ic. 6. t. 559. P. prod. t. 9. Gert. fruct. 3. t. 210. Labill. n. hols 1. t, 141. Botan regists 1000) 472 ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. OCHNACEE. p.91. WALKERA. DC. WALKERA. serrata. DC. saw-leaved. E. Indies. 1824. +++: S.he Rheed. mal. 5, t. 48. ‘ RHAMNEACEE,. p91. HOVENIA. 91. HOvVENIA. 2 inzqualis. ne. Nepaul, | Nepaul. 1823, e-ns G.h. Te iy. | Oey Hehe pubescens. p.91. dulcis. D.P. et F.I. nec aliorum, GOUANIA. p. 92. GouANIA. . 4 integrifolia. pe. entire-leaved. _se+e++++ 1824, +20 Sha. — ; 5 Retinaria. pc. oval-leaved, — Mauritius, —— eee. S.p.r. Gutt-fract a. 130. oe _ 6 leptostachya. pc. slender-spiked. E. Indies. 1810. 4.6. S.h.w. Roxb. corom,. lL. te a tiliefolia. Roxb. On Lam- CRYPTANDRA., 92. CRYPTANDRA. 4 obovata. pc. obovate-leaved. N.S. W. 1824. 5.7. Gh. ‘ 5 spinescens. Dc. spiny. —<—__ ——- _ ——- Gh. COLLETIA. 92. CoLLETIA. G G 3 spinosa. Dc. spiny. S. America. 1823. +++> @ POMADERRIS. 92. PomapeErRIs. 6 intermedia. pc. intermediate. N.S. W. 1818. 4.6. G. 7 discolor. Dc. two-coloured. N. Holland. 1803. 4. 5. G. Ceanothus discolor. p. 93. ; G G. G h h h h 2. Venten. malm. t.58. 8 phillyreoides. pc. Phillyrea-ld. —_——_ — — G.h h- k 9 ledifolia. ¥F.T. Ledum-leaved. N.S.W. 1824. —— 10 aspera. DC. rough. ————- 1818. —— G.b. ZIZYPHUS. 98. ZIZYPHUS. ee 14 sinensis. pc. China. China. 1818. 5.6. H.h. . BERCHEMIA. DC. BerrcHemia. isp | 1 volubilis. pe. twining. Carolina. 1714. 6.7. H.h.~. Jacq. ic. 2. t. 336. Oenoplia volubilis. p.94. Zizyphus volubilis, w. Rhamnus volubilis. 1. 2? lineata. pe. lined. . China. 1804, «+++ G.h. Osb. it. 19. t. $9 Zizyphus lineatus. w. Oenoplia lineata. p. 94. DARWINIA. L.T. DaRWINIA. Decandria Monogynia. 1 fascicularis. L.T. close-leaved. N.S.W. 1820. 5.7. G.h. Linn. trans. 11, t. 22. 2 taxifolia. F.T. yew-leaved. ——— 1824, «eee Gh. CELASTRINEZ. DC. prodr. 2. p.2. Tribus I. STAPHYLEACEZ. DC.1.c. STAPHYLEA.DC. BLADDER-NUT. p.95. 3 Bumalda. pc. Japan. Japan. 1804. 6.9. G.h. Bumalda trifolia. p. 96. ‘ TURPINIA. DC. TuRPINIA. Pentandria Monogynia. pomifera. Dc. Apple bearing. E. Indies. 1823. -<+- iat Roxb, corom. 3. t, 279. - Dalrymplea pomifera. Roxb. Tribus Il. EUONYMEZ.. DC. EUONYMUS.95. SPINDLE-TREE. 14 chinensis. pc. Chinese. China. 1822. 5.6. CELASTRUS. p.93. STAFF-TREE., 19 oleoides. De. Olive-leaved. C.B.S. 1816. 5.8. G.h. 20 pterocarpus. Dc. wing-capsuled. —- —— — Gh. Burmafr, t.97. f.1. 21 ilicinus. Dc. Tlex-like. ——- —— — Gh. 22 flexuosus. DC. flexuose. ———- —— — Gh ae : PLECTRONIA. p. 94. PLECTRONIA. | sae ventosa. p. 94. corymbed. C.B.S. 1816. +++. G.h. Burm. prod.afr. t. 94. Celastrus ? Plectronia, pe. MAYTENUS. DC. MaytTenus. Pentandria Monogynia. 1 octogonus. Dc. angular-leaved. Peru. 1786. 10.11. Gh. 2 verticillatus. pc. —_ whorled. —— 1823. -++» Gf. Flor.peruv.3.t.229.f.B ELZODENDRON.95. OLIVE-woop. 4 xylocarpum. DC. leathery-leav’d. St. Thomas. 1816. voce S, h. Vent. choix. t. 23, Cassine xylocarpa. p.95. 5? croceum. DC. Holly-leaved. C.B.S. 1794, 5.6. G.he Tlex crocea. W. Re 473 , i - ADDENDA ct CORRIGENDA. -PTELIDIUM. DC. ovatum. DC. PTELIDIUM. Pentandria Monogynia. oval-leaved. . Madagascar.1825, +--+ S.h. _ |CASSINE. 95. CASSINE. ibe 7 oppositifolia.pc. opposite-leav’d. +++<++++ sees 5,8. Sib. HARTOGIA. DC, Harroera. Pentandria Monogynia. L. - capensis. Dc. Cape. C.B.S. 1816. --+- G.f. Thunb.n.gen.5.p.55.ic. CURTISIA. DC. Curtista. Tetrandria Monogynia. . faginea. pe. Hassagay-tree. C. B.S. 1775. -+++ G.pb. Burm. afr. 235. t. 82. MYGINDA. 94. MyGInDA. misplaced in Rhamneacee. y » 4 myrtifolia. pe. Myrtle-leaved. N.America. 1818. 5.8. H.h. _. Tex Myrsinites. Ph. LEX, 94. vat Ho.iiy. misplaced in Rhamneacee. 4 -19 canariensis. pc. Canary. Canaries. 1818. 5.6. F.b. -PRINOS. 94. — WINTER-BERRY. misplaced in Rhamneacee. _ 9 deciduas. pe. deciduous-ld, _ Ilex prinoides. p. 94. N.America. 1760. 6.7: Heh. canadensis. pc. CASEARIA. 96. 8 ramiflora. pc. 9 nitida. pc. ASTRANTHUS. 335. cochinchinensis. pc. Chinese. Ilex canadensis. M. 2. t. 49. NEMOPANTHES. DC. NemopanruHEs. Pentandria Tetragynia. N.America.1812. 6.7. Canadian. SAMYDEZ. p. 96. CASEARIA. branch-fig. Guiana. 1824, «++: S.h. shining. S. America. -——- +++ S.h. HOMALINEA. p. 132. misplaced p. 335. China. 1821. ASTRANTHUS. ( 6.7. S.he ? ARISTOTELIA. DC. ArisToTELIA. Dodecandria Monogynia. L. Maqui. vc. | CHAILLETIA. DC. | toxicaria. G.D. PICRAMNIA. DC. 1 Antidesma. pc. 2 pentandra. pc. RHUS. 97. _ 60 acuminata. DC. 61 Cavanillesii. pc. 62 Burmanni. Dc. lucidum. a. H.K. lucida. pc. DUVADA. DC. dependens. Dc. Amyris polygama. p- 98. SCHINUS. 98. 4 terebinthifolius. pc. Terebint OMPHALOBIUM.DC. OMPHALOBIU 1 indicum. pc. 2 africanum. DC. shining-leaved. Chili. 1773. 4.5. Heh. Pentandria Di-Trigynia. e©@ee S. h e CHAILLETIA. poisonous. CASSUVLE. p. 98. Diccia Pentandria. L. - SierraLeone.1822, PICRAMNIA. Ash-leaved. Jamaica. 1793. ¢++* S.h- pentandrous. |W. Indies. 1822. ++-- S.h- SUMACH. pointed-leaved. Nepaul. 1823, «ors G.h. Cavanille’s. Mexico. eres 7,8 Gihe Burman’s. C.B.S. 1697. —— G.h. shining-leaved. — — Gk. AMYRIDEZ. p. 98. Duvaua. Monecia Octandria. . dependent. Chili. 1790. 6.7. Hk. Schinus dependens. H.K- | SCHINUS. . hus-ld, Brazil. 1822. -:2+ Sih. CONNARACEZ. p. 99. m. Monadelphia Decandria. E. Indies. spire fe SierraLeone.1822. ---* S. Indian. vk. African. h. Connarus africanus. p. 99. tb, Wats. dend. brit. 115. DC. pl. rar. h. gen. t.3. Aub. gui. 1. f, 127. Act. helv. 8. p. 58. ic. Botan. magaz. 2659. Wats. dend. brit. t. 44. | CHAILLETIACE. DC. prodr. v. 2. p. 57. | Sloan, hist, 208. f. 2. Cavan. ic, 2. t. 132. Burm, afr. t. 91. f. 2. Comm. hort. 1. t. 93. _Cavan, ic. 3. t. 239. Gert. fruct. 1. t. 46. Cav. diss. 7. t. 221. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. TEREBINTHACEA. p. 99. BRUCEA. 100. BRUCEA. 4 gracilis. nc. slender. E.Indies. «+++ «se. Sh. LEGUMINOS. DC. prodr. v.2. p.93. Subordo. I, ParpintionaceE#£.—Tribus I. SOPHORE. pe. MYROSPERMUM. DC. Myrospermum. Decandria Monogynia. . toluiferum. pc. Balsam of Tolu. S. America, «+--+ «+++ S.b. Woodv.m. bot.3.t.193 SOPHORA. p. 106. SOPHORA. 2 9 glauca. pc. glaucous. E. Indies. 1818. +++» S.h. » eur 4 10 secundiflora. pc. _side-flowering. NewSpain. —— ---- S.h. Cavan.ic.5.t.401. — 11 littoralis. pe. sea-side. Brazil. 1824. «e+» Theet VIRGILIA. 107, VIRGILIA. ie ti , - intrusa. Dc. yellow-flowr’d. C. B.S. 1790. 5.8. G.h. Botan.magaz. 2617. Sophora sylvatica. p. 107. é MACROTROPIS, DC, Macrorropis. Decandria Monogynia. - foetida. pe. strong-scented. China. 1822. 4.5. F.b. Anagyris chinensis. p. 106. . THERMOPSIS. 107. THERMmopsis. corgonensis. Dc. Alpine. Altay.- 1824.° 6.7. H.y. Pall. astr. t. 90. f.1. Sophora alpina. pal. Podalyria alpina. w.en. : CYCLOPIA. 107. CYcLopPia. galioides. pc. Galium-leaved. C. B.S. 1818. 7.8. G.h. Pluk.alm.t. 413. f. 4. elata. p. 107. --CHORIZEMA.108. CHoRIZEMA. ~ 4 Henchmanni. 8.R. Mr. Henchman’s. N.Holland.1825. 5.9. G.h. Botan. regist. 986. — PODOLOBIUM. 108. Popotogzium. _ guid: eke. staurophyllum. pc. spiny-leaved. N.S.W. 1821. 3.5. G.h. — Botan. regist. 959. spinosum. p. 108. ; | . OXYLOBIUM.107. Oxytosium. 5 spinosum. pc. spine-leaved. N.S.W. 1823. 5.8. G.h. 6 obtusifolium. ~. = blunt whorl-ld, N. Holland. 1825. 2.5. G.h. 7 Pultenez. pc. wood. N.S.W. . 1823. 4.6. G.h- CALLISTACHYS.107. Carxistacuys. 8 linariifolia. w. Linaria-leaved. N. Holland. 1825, -+++ G.h. GOMPHOLOBIUM. 109. GompHoLogBivuM. 10 barbigerum. pc. _ bearded-fid. N.S. W. 1824. 5.8. G.h. , 11 virgatum. pc. twiggy. —_—_—_ — — G.h. 12 tenellum. Y - slender sharp-lq.N. Holland, 1825. ---- G.i. 13 reticulatum. yp. netted-leaved. ————— - ores Gh. 14 pedunculare. pc. peduncled. N.S.W. 1822. 5.7. G.h. BURTONIA. 108. BuRTONIA. ate 2 minor. Dc. hairy-stalked. N.S.W. 1812. 3.8. G.h, Gompholobium minus. p. 109. JACKSONIA. p. 108. Jacksontra, 3 furcellata. pc. forked. N. Holland. 1822. 4.6. G.h. Bonpl. nav. t.11. A reticulata. Dc. netted-leaved. N.S.W. — 4.8. G.b., Daviesia reticulata. p. 108. : 2 virgata. DC. slender. N.S.W. 1820. 4.8. G.h. DILLWYNIA. 108. Dittwynta. 7 acicularis. DC. needle-leaved. N.S. W. 1822. 5.7. G.h. 8 pungens, f. pungent. N. Holland, 1825. ---- G.b. 9 rudis. Dc. villous-branch’d.N.S.W. 1812. 5.7. G.h. 10 tenuifolia. Dc. slender-leaved. ————— 1820. —— G.h. 11 phylicifolia. r.r. | Phylica-leaved. N.S,W. 1824. 5.8. G.R. 12 sericea. F.T. silky. — — Gh. PULTENA. 107. PULTENZA. 20 canescens. F.T. white-leaved. N. Holland, 1825. 5.7. G.h. 21 echinula. pc. harsh-leaved. N.S.W. 1823. —— G.h. 22 aristata. Dc. awned-calyx’d. ————- -—— —— G.h. 23 microphylla.pc. = small-leaved. ———— ——- —— G.h. 24 euchila. pe. wedge-leaved. ———- 1824. —— G.h. 25 villifera. pe. wool-bearing. ———- ——_— G.h. 7 ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. 26 hypolampra. pc. whorl-branch’d. N.S. W. 1822. 5.7. G.. _ 27 thymifolia.pc. . Thyme-leaved, ————-~ -—— -—— G.h. 28 plumosa. pc. feathered. ———_- ——_- — G.Fh. 29 parviflora. pc. small-flowered. ————— 1824. —— G.h. 30 racemulosa. Dc, racemed. ——- 1821. —— G.h. 81 polifolia. F.T. Poley-leaved. ———— 1824. 5.8. G.h. 32 argentea. F.T. silvery.. —_— — — Gh. 33 procumbens, F.T. procumbent. —————- — — Gh. 34 aspera. DC. rough. ———_- — — Gh. 35 comosa. DC. tufted. ———_ —_—__ —_ G.h. 36 squarrosa. DC. squarrose. ————_- —— I— Gh. 4, 37 phylicoides. pc. Phylica-like. —— 1823. — G.h. “DAVIESIA. 108. DAVIESIA. 10 squarrosa. DC. squarrose. N.S.W. 1822. 5.7. G.h. -MIRBELIA. 108. MIRBELIA. 3 speciosa. DC. handsome. N.S.W. 1824. 5.8. G.f. 4 pungens. +. pungent. N. Holland, ——- -—— G.*. To this Trine belongs Edwardsia, Ormosia, Anagyris, Baptisiu, Podalyria, Brachysema, Viminaria, | Spherolobium, Eutaxia, Sclerothamnus, Gastrolobium, and Euchilus. Tribus 11. LOTE:. DC. prodr. 2. p. 115. ‘HOVEA. p. 115. Hovea. 46 f £0 Leben ei hs 7 chorizemefolia. pc. Holly-ledved. YN. Holland. 1824. 5. 7. ilicifolia. p. 111. | § rosmarinifolia. r.T. Rosemary-l4. N.S.W. ——- —— G.h. PLATYLOBIUM.110.FLaAT-pEa. | 5. 7 4 ovatum. pc. oval-leaved. N.S.W. 1820. G.h. > BOSSIZZA. 110. Bossi. 8 ensata. pc. sword-stem’d. N. Holland. 1822. 5.7. G.t. 9 foliosa. F.T. leafy. N.S.W. 1823. —— G.h. ‘10 buxifolia. F.T. Box-leaved. —$—— —— — a.Fh. 11 rotundifolia. pc. round-leaved. ———— 1822. —— G.h. 12 rhombifolia. pc. rhomb-leaved. ———- —— —— G.}f. _ 18 lenticularis. pe. orbicular-leaved. ————- -——- —— G.h. 'VASCOA. DC. Vascoa. Monadelphia Decandria. _* 1 amplexicaulis. pc. stem-clasping. C.B.S. 1816. 6.7. Seb. thes. 1.t.24,f.5. } Rafnia amplexicaulis. p. 111. 2 perfoliata. pe. perfoliate. — 1812. 7.8. G.b. / Borbonia perfoliata. p.109. Crotalaria amplexicaulis. Lam. - PRIESTLEYA.DC. Prirestteya. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 myrtifolia. pc. Myrtle-leaved. C. B.S. 1825, «ree Gh. Liparia myrtifolia. p. 110. . hae 2 hirsuta. pe. shaggy-stem’d. ——-—— 1792. 12.4. G.h. Botan. regist. 8. 3 levigata.pc. . polished. ——- 1799. 7.8. G.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 247. Borbonia levigata. p. 109. A capitata. pe. headed. ———— 1812. —— G.h. 5 graminifolia. pc. marrow-leaved. ————~ 1800. 6.7. G.h. 6 teres. Dc. smooth-stalked. ——————- 1816. —— 7 ericefolia. pc. Heath-leaved. ———— 1812. 7.8. G.h. Borbonia ericifolia. p. 109. § sericea. Dc. silky-leaved. ————_ 1794. 6.7%. Gh. 9 elliptica. pc. . elliptic-leaved. ————— 1816. -—— G.h. DC.leg.mem.6. t. 3. 10 villosa. pce. villons-leaved. ————— 1774. -—- G.h. Seb. thes. 1. t.24. f. 1, 11 vestita. pc. concave-leaved. ————— 1800. 5.6. G.h. Botan. magaz, 2223. _Liparia vestita, B.M. Liparia villosa. A.R. 382, nec altorum. ; 12 tomentosa. Dc. downy. ———. _ 1812. 7.8. G.h- 13 umbellifera. pc. umbel-flow’r’d. —— 1825. 6.7. G.h. | pg ee 110. in eam Re Vicaneaen + cee 55 platycarpa. pe. at-podded. .America. . 7.9 HO. 56 Be clenss. DC. eng E. Indies —— -—— S.©. Pluk. alm.t.169, f. 5. 57 nove hollandie. pc. New Holland. N.S.W. 1820. —— S.h. 58 paulina. pe. St. Paul. Brazil. — -— S8.%. Schrank pl. rar. t. 88. 59 pellita. pc. willous-podded. Jamaica. 1822, -— S.h. 60 calycina. pc. hispid-calyx’d. E.Indies, 1818.6 —— S.©. Sehr. pl.rar.t. 12. 61 Roxburghiana. pc. Roxburgh’s. ——_—_— 1823. —— S.z. : arborescens. nc. spreading. C.B.S. 1774. 6.10. G.h. Jacq. vind.3. t. 64. 2 incanescens. p. 111. capensis. Jacq. w a] = ADDENDA ect CORRIGENDA. 62 cytisoides. Dc. Cytisus-like, E. Indies, 1823, +«.+« Biya ramatanred a 63 purpurascens. Dc. purplish. Mauritius. -—— 8.10. S.©. oy tethered) < 64 microphylla. pc. small-leaved. | Arabia. — — H.©. t meapreretles 65 villosa. pc. villous. ~C.B.S. — 5.8 G.xy. 66 fruticosa. De. shrubby. Jamaica, +++. —— Sh. 67 angulata. Dc. angular. _. Campeachy. +---- 8.10. 8.©. HYPOCALYPTUS.DC. Hyrocayprus. Mowadeleicia Decandria. obcordatus. pc. obcordate-ld. CC, B.S. 1790. 4.6. G.b. vt antdg 4 Crotalaria cordifolia. p. 111. he cs ci wages 42 VIBORGIA. DC. VisorGiA. Monadelphia Decandria. ; De pie 2 1 obcordata. pe. many-flowered. C.B.S. . 1812. 7.9. Geh. — Crotalaria floribunda. B.C. Anthyllis cuneata. Hort. ritipet ts, med ol 2 sericea, DC. silky. — Wiborgia sericea. p. 110. ADENOCARPUS.112. ADENOCARPUS. parvifolius. Dc. small-leaved. France. . e«e- 1780. —— Goh ° "EL: * she 1 7. 8. parviflorus. p. 112. errata, F . rey 5 intermedius. pc, _ intermediate. §. Europe. «++» —— H.}. Clus. hist. 1. ned, f. 1. 6 telonensis. Dc. . loose-flowered. —-—— ---: —— Hh., n.5.t.47.f.2. 7 frankenioides. pc. clammy. Canaries. 1815. —— G.h. 4 Genisia viscosa. p. 112. Adenocarpus anagyrus. 8.8. | CYTISUS. 112. — CyTIsvus. M calycinus. DC. dwarf. Caucasus. 1816. 6.8. H.}. Lodd. 673. | nanus. p. 112. ‘ . o 25 grandiflorus. pc. great-flowered. Portugal. —— -—— H.h. 26 orientalis. pc. ‘oriental. Levant. soon =e Goh. 27 glomeratus. Boj. Zanzibar. Zanzibar. 1825. 8.10. S.h. ONONIS. 113. REsT-HARROW. ; eras, 40 emarginata. Boj. emarginate. Mauritius. 1824. ---- S.h.- 41 longifolia. pe. long-leaved. Canaries. 1816. 5.6. G.h. 42 geminiflora. pc. twin-flowered. Spain. 1825. 8.10. H.©. MEDICAGO, 117. MEDICK. | ' 56 applanata. pe. obovate-leav’d, -++-++-. 1824. 7.9. H.©. 57 wgagrophila. pc. goats. cerecese ——— -~— HO. TRIGONELLA. 117. FENUGREEK. . pitted a is ae 23 coerulea. pc. blue. Germany. 1562. 8.9. H.©. Botan. magaz. 2283. Trifolium ceruleum. B.M. Melilotus coerulea. p.115. Me ees 24 uncinata. pc. hooked. Siberia. 1823. 6.9. H.©. . . Melilotus hamosa. p. 115. wha Ge a 25 prostrata. pc. prostrate. S. Europe. 1824. —— H.©. J.Banh-his.2.p.365.f.2° Fischeriana, pc. Fischer’s. Tiflin. 1818. —— H.©. xe hy 5 flexuosa, M.B. non Poir. 26 ornithorynchos. pc. rostrate-pod4, Russia, 1825. 6.9. H.©. 27 ornithopodioides.pc.Bird’s-foot. Britain. a — H.©._ Eng. bot. 1070. Melilotus ornithopodioides. p. 115. Trifolium ienitonsdia tas E.B. | b. ee POCOCKIA. DC, Pocockia. Diadelphia Decandria. ) gg : cretica. DC. Cretan, Candia. 1713. 6.9. H.©. Moris.s.2.t.14.f.3. 7 Melilotus cretica. p.115. Trifolium creticum. L. MELILOTUS. 115. MELILOT. ey . | leucantha. pc. white-flowered. Europe. soee 6.9. HS. Stur.deut.1.fas.15.f.K. vulgaris. p. 115. n. 13. Pe he See Oe . 18 melanosperma. D pe. black-seeded. Tauria. 1825. —~— H.¢. 19 palustris, pe. ~marsh. Hungary. 1824. 6.8 H.g. K. hung. 3.t.266 20 segetalis. ve. hedge. Portugal. -— .—— H.©. neil 21 gracilis. pe. slender. France. — — H.©. 22 suaveolens. Dc. sweet-scented. Dahuria. 1826. -+--- H.. 23 arvensis. DC. corn-field. Germany. 1822, 6,9. H.©. DORYCNIUM. 118. Doryenium. suffruticosum. pc. suffruticose, S. Europe. 1640. 7.9. F.h. Lob. i ic. 2, P- Ble f. 1.2 monspeliense. p. 118. ; 4 rectum. Dc. upright. —— —- 6.8. H.%. Haneel ilehe Sid. _ Lotus rectus. p. 118. 4 5 hirsutum. De. hairy. ——— 1683. —— H.b- Botan. magaz. 336. 6 sericeum. silky. . ——— 1820. —— H.h. m Lotus sericeus. p. 118. 7 parviflorum. pc. small-flowered. -~—-—— 1824. 7.8. H.©. Desf. atl.2.t.211. Lotus parviflorus. p.118. ee ea ae LOTUS. 118. Birp’s-FooT TREFOIL. 30 sessilifolius. Dc. sessile-leaved. Canaries. 1816. 6.9. G.%. 31 atropurpureus, Dc, dark-purple. } 32 Candolleanus, — | -australis B angustifoliola. pc. _ $3 obovatus. +. } PSORALEA. 114. PSORALEA. sericea. DC. flat-headed. pubescens. B.R. pubescent. -INDIGOFERA. 124. Invico. _ juncea. De. Rushy. 42 angulata. B.R. _ 43 cylindrica. cylindrical. 44 macrostachya. vc. long-spiked. 45 divaricata. Dc. spreading. 46 polyphylla. pe. many-leaved. 47 alopecureides. pc. Fox-tail. 48 digitata. pc. finger-leaved. 1 _ CLITORIA. 120. Criroria. 11 lascivia. Boj. Madagascar. _ VILMORINIA. DC. multiflora. pc. Clitoria multiflora. p. 120. PUERARIA., DC. PUERARIA. tuberosa. Dc. tuberous. Hedysarum tuberosum. p.130. DUMASIA. DC. DUMASIA. 1 villosa. De. villous. 2 pubescens. pc. pubescent. GLYCINE. DC. minima. pc. small. vincentina. Dc. St. Vincent. Glycine vincentina. p. 121. DALEA. 114. DALEA. 13 sericea. DC. silky. 14 tuberculata. pc. tubercled. 15 reclinata. nc. reclining. 16 Thouini. vc. Thouin’s, TEPHROSIA. 124. TEPHROSIA. 16. suberosa. pc. cork-barked. Robinia suberosa. p. 126. fruticosa. pc. frutescent. Robinia fruticosa. p. 126. candida. pc. white-leaved. Robinia candida. p. 126. capensis. DC. Cape. hypargyrea. Dc. Galega heterophylla. p. 124. caribeza. DC. Caribean. Galega? caribaa. p. 124. NISSOLIA. 132. NISSOLIA. 4 racemosa. DC. racemed. 5 robinizfolia. pc. 6 microptera. Dc. 17 18 19 20 21 small-winged. LONCHOCARPUS. DC. LoncHocarpus. 1 domingensis. pc. Domingo. Dalbergia domingensis. p. 131, 2 violaceus. pc. violet. 3 sericeus. DC. silky. A pyxidarius. pc. Cuba. 6 latifolius. pc. broad-lea¥ed. Amerimnum latifolium. p.131. 6? pubescens. pc. pubescent. 7 roseus. DC. rose-coloured. 8 sepium. DC. hedge. - Robinia sepium. p.126. SESBANTIA. 128. SESBANIA. 10 affinis. pc. likened. 11 macrocarpa. pc. _long-podded. De Candolle’s. GLYCINE. 121. CHETOCALYX. DC. Cu tTocatyx. various-leaved. Robinia-leav’d. eeeoee N.S. W. glaucous obovate. ——- —— C.B.S. Lima. C. B.S. Cc. B.S: China. yeeeee C.B.S. filifolia. p. 124. Lebeckia contaminata, B.R. Lebeckia nuda. angular-stalk’d. N.S. W. Madagascar.1826. ‘ E. Indies. Nepaul. N. S. Ww. St. Vincent’s Mexico. E. Indies. Cs B. Ss. E. Indies. W. Indies. W. Indies. ene e@seeeoree ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. VinMorINtA. Diadelphia Decandria. many-flowered. W. Indies, 1823. 6.9. G.h. 4 1812. Sh = a G.h. — — Gy. 1815, 1.12.G.h. Botan. regist. 223. 1823. 7. 9 G. Ore sie ineaag 968. ree» 7.10. G.h. Botan. regist. 104. B.M. 2214. 1824. 4.8. G.}. Botan, regist. 991. 1822. Se G. h ° —— — G.h.. Venten. malm. t. 44. 1824. Sr G. h ° Jacq. scheenb. t. 365. 1825. ——) G.ty. th gdundes — —— Gh. 1820. —— G.h. woes Sob. 1823, 7 S. S. bw. i 1806. eee S.h.v. 1824, 8. 12, ——— ——— 1812. 4.10. Diadelphia Decandria, St.Domingo. 1759. W. Indies. Cuba. S. America. Caracas. S. America. W. Indies. E. Indies. Louisiana. 1823. 6, 8. 1825. «-.- G4. Kth. mim. t. 48, FT SG 1824, 5.8. G.y. —— ——H.©. Schrank. h.mon. t. 9, 1818. ---- Sih. 1820. eres Sih. 1810. re S.h. . 1823. 5.9. G.h. Jillic. 574. ee sae 6. 9. S.h. 1786. 6.7. S.h. Jacq. amer. t. 125. % mais 6. 8. S.hew 1824, ---. S.b. 6.8. S.h- Diadelphia Decandria. sooe Sh. —— --ee Sh. Jacq.amer.t.177.f.49, 1823. ig ee aes S.h. 1822, +--+. S.f. 1814. «++. S.h. 1820. »++s S.h. Sew SRN CEM MS, 1820. sees S.h. Jacq.amer, t.129.f.102, 1822. 5. 8. S. Jb ® Se Y ik: 10. H.©. G.h.v. DC. leg. mem. 6. t. 44, G.h.~. Botan. regist. 962. G..~. S.h.v. Botan. regist. 799. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. 12 gracilis. pc. slender. sesecnes 1824, 7.10. S.©. 0 AGATI. DC. AGATI. Diadelphia Decandria. | : 1 grandiflora. pe. great-flowered. E, Indies. 1768. 7.8. 8.h. Rheed. mal. 1. t. 61. Sesbania grandifiora, p.128. Aischynomene grandiflora. L. oy foe 2 coccinea. De. red-flowered. ———— 1824. -+++ S.h. - Rumph.amb.1.t.77. - GLOTTIDIUM. DC. Gtorripium. Diadelphia Decandria. . floridanum. pc. flat-podded. Carolina. 1822. 7.8. G.©. Jacq. ic.1. t. 148. Sesbania platycarpa. p. 129, Robinia vesicaria. Jacq: 4 -~ DAUBENTONIA.DC. Dausenronta. Diadelphia Decandria. i. unicea. Dc. red-flowered. Mexico. 1824. «++. S.h. Cavan. ic. 4. t. 316. PISCIDIA. 122. PIscipIA. 2 carthagenensis. nc. villous-leaved. W.Indies. -++- +--+ S.k. Plum.ed.Bur.t.133.f.2 HALIMODENDRON.DC. Satt-fREE. Diadelphia Decandria. argenteum. De. silver-leaved. Siberia. 1779. 5.6. H.k. Botan. magaz. 1016. Robinia Halodendron. p.m. Caragana Halodendron. p. 125. » ; COLUTEA. 124. BLADDER-SENNA. : | eens haleppica. pc. Pocock’s. Levant. 1752. 5.10. H.h.- Schmidtarb. t. 129. Pocockii. p. 124. Istria. Mill. ic. t. 100. Rt a 5 nepalensis. B.M. Nepaul. Nepaul. 1822. 8.9. H.h. Botan. magaz. 2622. — LESSERTIA. 124. LESSERTIA. 7 falciformis. pc. falcate-podded. C. B.S. 1825. 5.7. Gg. SUTHERLANDIA.124.SuTHERLANDIA. . Seas 2 microphylla. pc. small-leaved. C.B.S. 1816. 6.9. G.h. To this Tribe also belongs Goodia, Scottia, Templetonia, Rafnia, Borbonia, Achyronia, Liparia, Hallia, Loddigesia, Lebeckia, Sarcophyllum, Aspalathus, Ulex, Spartium, Genista, Calycotome, Anthyllis, Hymenocarpos, Trifolium, Lupinaster, Tetragonolobus, Petalostemum, Glycirhiza, Galega, Amorpha, Mullera, Robinia, Calophaca, Swainsona, sac Astragalus, Ceypor, and Biserrula. Tribus III. HEDYSAREZ. DC. prodr. 2. p. 307, CORONILLA. 128, Coronixta. 13 pentaphylla. pc. _five-leaved. Algiers, e+e+ 5.10. G.h. Mill. ic. t. 289. f. 2? 14 montana. pc. mountain. Europe. 1816. 6.9. H.%. Botan. magaz, 907. coronata. B.M. non L. - ASTROLOBIUM. DC. Astrorosium.. fos 1 ebracteatum. pc. round-podded. Portugal. -++- 5.6. H.©. Dalech.his.1.p.487.f.1. Ornithopus ebracteatus. p. 128. 2 durum. pc. perennial, Spain. 1805. 6.7. H.%. Cavan. ic. 1. t. 41. 3 repandum. pc. —_—srrepand. Barbary. 1805. —— H.©. Lam. ill. t. 631. f. 4. 4 scorpioides. pe. Purslane-ld, S. Europe. 1596. -—— H.© e Cavan. ic. I vi 37. Ornithopus scorpioides. p. 128. * HIPPOCREPIS., 128, HorsesHoe-vETCH. 7 glauca. pe. glaucous. . Naples. 1825. . H.y. Ten. fl. neap. 2. t. 69. 8 monocarpa. one-podded. Caucasus. — 6. - BGs! . fis PICTETIA. DC. PictetTi1aA. Diadelphia Decandria. ‘eo 1 aristata. pc. awned. St.Domingo. 1820. «+++ S,h. Jacq. schoen. 2, t. 237. LZEschynomene aristata, p. 129. ORMOCARPUM.DC. Ormocarpum. Diadelphia Decandria. sennoides, Dc. Senna-like. E.Indies. 1818. 6.7. S.h. Hedysarum sennoides. p. 131. Ab eee — ZORNIA. 129. ZORNIA. Monadelphia Decandria. hse . 3 angustifolia. pc. narrow-leaved. E. Indies. 1733. 7.8. S.©. Rheed. mal.9. t. 82. diphylla. p. 129. . A reticulata. pc. netted-bracted. W. Indies, ---- —— S.©. _ 6 dyctiocarpa. pc. netted-podded. N.S.W. 1824. ——- H.©. “ | ADESMIA. DC. ApesMiA. Decandria Monogynia. : 1 muricata. pc. prickly-podded. Patagonia. 1793. 6.7. H.y%. Jacq.ic.3. t. 568. Hedysarum muricatum. p. 131. ; | -2 papposa. pe. feathery-pod4, Chili. 1823. —— H.%. JESCHYNOMENE. 129. isch YNOMENE. 7 patula. pe. spreading. Mauritius. 1826. «++ S.g.? 8 pendula. Boj. pendulous, Madagascar.1825. +--+. S.f.? | 9 subyiscosa. pe. clammy. E. Indies. 1820. 9. 10. S.©. | SMITHIA. 128. SMITHIA. | 8 conferta. pc. close-flowered. N.Holland. 1820. 7.9. S.¢. ' LOUREA. DC. LovurEA. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 Vespertilionis. pc. bat-winged. Cochinchina.1780. 7.8. S.g. Jacq. ic..3. t. 566. Hedysarum Vespertilionis. p. 130. * ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. URARIA. DC. Uraria. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 picta. ve. painted-leaved. Guinea. 1788. 6.8 S.h. Hedysarum pictum. p. 130. | 2 crinita. pc. crook-podded. E.Indies, 1780. 7.9. S.h. Hedysarum crinitum, p.131. 3 lagocephala. pc. hairy. Brazil. 1823. —— S.%. 4 Lagopus. pc. - Hare’s-foot. Nepaul. — «» Sib. *“DESMODIUM. DC. Desmopium. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 dubium. B.R. doubtful. Nepaul. 1823. 7.8. S.h. 2 umbellatum. pc. umbel-flower’d. E. Indies. 1801. 6.7. S.h- Hedysarum umbellatum. p. 130. 3 triquetrum. pc. triangular. ——_ 1802. 7.8. S.@. 4 pseudotriquetrum.pDc.triquetrous. . Nepaul. 1818. —— S8.¢é. 5 alatum. pvc. winged-stalked. E. Indies, 1809. +--+ 6 gyrans. Dc. moving-plant. 1775. 79. S.d. 7 gyroides. pe. gyrans-like.. 1818. —— S.h. 8 gangeticlm. pc. _oval-leaved. 1762. ——- SiO. 9 maculatum. Dc. spotted. 1732. 6.8. S.©. 10 sagittatum. Dc. arrow-leaved. ——— 1807. <--+- S.h. 11 angustifolium. Dc. narrow-leaved, Mexico. 1825, ere S.b. 12 latifolium. pc. broad-leaved. EE. Indies. 1809. 7.8. S.h. 13 lasiocarpum. pc. woolly-podded. Guinea. 1822, 7.9. S.hb. 14 canadense. pc. Canadian. N.America. 1640. —— H.%. 15 canescens. Dc. canescent. ——— 1733. —— H.. 16 marylandicum. pc. Maryland. ——— 1725. 7.10. H.%. 17 obtusum. pe. obtuse. —— 1805. 7.8. H.%. 18 ciliare. pe. fringed. ——_— 1823. —— H.}. 19 viridiflorum. pc. green-flowered. ———-— 1787. 7.9. H.}. - 20 bracteosum. pc. __ bracted. ——— 1806. 7.8. H.%. 21 glabellum. ve. smooth, ——— 1824. 7.9. H.%. 22 paniculatum. pc. panicled. | ———_ 1781. 7.8. H.%. 23 nudiflorum, pc. naked-flower’d. 1823. —— H.z. 24 acuminatum. pc. glutinous. —~—— 1805. —— H.}. Hedysarum glutinosum. p. 130. ; 25 uncinatum. Dc. uncinate. Caracas. 1823. 6.7. S.h. 26 incanum. pc. hoary. W.Indies. 1820. 7.8. S.h. 27 supinum. Dc. trailing. Jamaica. — — B8.h. 28 tortuosum. De. twisted-podd’d. — 1781, —— S.h. 29 adscendens, pc. ascending. ——-———_ 1820. 7.9. S.h. 80 mexicanum. Mexican. Mexico. — 11.5. S.h. Hedysarum mexicanum. p. 130. adscendens. var. ceruleum. B.R. 31 trigonum. ve. three-sided. Jamaica. 1733. 7.9. S.b. 32 spirale. pc. spiral. et oe oe ee Sh 33 Aparines. pce. hairy-stalked. Mexico. 1820. —— S.h. 34 asperum. Dc. Harel a5 eee ees — 6.8. S.b. 35 czspitosum. pc. tufted. Mauritius. —~ -+-- S.2%. 36 mauritianum. pc. creeping-root?. -—-———- 1822. 7.9. S.%. 37 diversifolium.pc. different-leav’d. Madagascar.1820. -+++ S.h. 38 spectabile. showy. Zanzibar. 1825. ++ S.h. Hedysarum spectabile. Boj. 39 triflorum. pc. three-flowered. India. 1796. 6.7. S.%. 40 heterophyllum. pc. various-leaved. Ceylon.. 1820. —— S.%. 41 parvifolium. pc. _ slender. Nepaul. 1823. 7.9. S.h. tenellum. D.P. non Kth. 42. Scalpe. pe. repand. Bourbon. — 17.8 S.b. Hedysarum repandum. p. 130. non Dc. Nh 43 Roxburghii. Roxburgh’s. E.Indies. 1825. «+++ S.h. diffusum. DC. p. 335. non p. 336. 44 floribundum. p.p. abundant-flg. Nepaul. 1823. 7.9. S.h. 45 retusum. D.P. retuse-leaved. ——-——- ——~- -—— S.h.- 46 concinnum. pc. neat. — — — Sh. 47 capitatum. Dc. headed. Ceylon. sean T, S.h. 48 tomentosum. pc. woolly. China. 1782. 6.7. G.. 49 malacophyllum. pce. soft hairy-la. | Manilla. 1624. «+++ S.2, 50 grandifolium. pc. large-leaved. E. Indies. —— -+-- S-h. 51 serotinum. DC. late-flowering, ——-—— 1806. 7.9. S.%. ( Jacq. ic. 3. t. 567. Burm, ind, t. 56, Botan. regist..967. Jacq. schenb. 3. t.297. Burm. ind. t. 52. f. 2, Jacq. ic. 3. t. 565. Burm. zeyl. t. 49. Dill, elt. t. 141. f. 168. Botan. regist, t. 356. Beau. fl. ow. 1. t. 18. Corn. canad. t. 45. Dill. elt. t. 144. f. 171. Pluk. alm. t. 308. f. 5. Pluk. alm, t. 432. f. 6. Jacq. schen. 3. t. 208. ~ Plum. ic. 149. f.1. Sloan.jam.1.t.118.f.2. 1.t.116.f.2. Botan. regist., 815. Burm. ind. t.54. f. 2. Burm. zeyl. t, 54. f. 1. Burm. ind. t. 54. f. 1. * The species of this genus are referred to Hedysarum, p. 130 and 131. il _ a ; ou 480 ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. | « DICERMA. DC. Dicerma. Diadelphia Decandria, , 1 pulchellum. pe. neat. E. Indies. 1799. 7.8. S.h. Burm. reyle t 52. Zornia pulcheila, p. 129. Hed: ysarum pulchellum. Ww. 200! ooh . 2 biarticulatum. pc. jointed. —— 1808. «+s. S.h. ——— £50. f.2. Hedysarum biarticulatum. p. 130. . oe 4 RES | HEDYSARUM. DC. Hepvysarvum. Bae Bis BE Lk 1 lasiocarpum. pc. _—_—-woolly-podded. Siberia. 1824. 6.8. H.%. Si Aye t 2 ibericum. pc. Iberian. Iberia. —— —— H.2. sah 8 cretaceum. Dc. slender-spiked. Volga. 1818. —— H.y%. TED RPE OE A consanguineum. pe. kindred. Siberia. —— — H.z. cE eS 5 caucasicum. pc. §_Caucasean. Caucasus. 1824, —— H.}. ONOBRYCHIS.131. Sarntrorn. ee 14 procumbens. pc. procumbent. Iberia. 1823. 7.9. H.Y. 15 radiata. pc. _rayed. : Caucasus. —— —— H.%. : ELEIOTIS. DC. ELEroris. ' ev Oin 2S EHTS sororia. DC. sister. E. Indies. 1820. «++ S.4%,. Desvs jappe st 688}. Hedysarum sororium. p. 130. : LESPEDEZA. 129. LESPEDEZA. | 12 eriocarpa. pe. woolly-podded. Nepaul. 1812. 7.9. G.t. 13 villosa. pc. villous. N.America. —— — + H.2. EBENUS. DC. Egenus. Monadelphia Decandria. Abs nid 1 cretica. Dc. Cretan. Crete. — 1737. 6.7. F.b. Botan. magaz. 1092. Anthyllis cretica."p. 114. oe 2 pinnata. pe. wing-leaved. Barbary. . 1786. 7.8. G.g. Desf. act. par.1.t.3. | Anthyllis sericea. p. 114. ae NE Ee ALHAGI. DC. ALHAGI. Diadelphia Decandria. eee aah : . 7 1 maurorum. DC. Levant. Levant. 1714, 7.8 G.h%. Tourn. cor.54.t.489, © Manna hebraica, p. 131. Hedysarum Alhagi. w. _ oa | 2 camelorum. pc. Caspian. Caucasus.’ 1824. —— H.2. ad alles iatiigidhssicne Misaitth a. ALYSICARPUS. DC. Atysicarpus. Diadelphia Decandria. : 1 bupleurifolius. pc. Bupleurum-ld, India. 1793. 7.8. Sosa Botan. magaz. 1722, Hedysarum bupleurifolium. p.129,. ane 2 vaginalis. pe. sheathed. E. Indies. 1790. —— §.©. Burm. 2ey¥: t.49%f. 1. 3 nummularifolius. | moneywort-l4,. ———— 1777. 7.9. S.Q. Pet: eich 26. fe 4. Hedysarum nunimularifelium. p. 129. — . 4 monilifer. Dc. neck-lace. ——— 1824. —~- S.7y. Burm, mds t. 62. f. 3. § styracifolius. pc. Storax-leaved. — 1796. — S.f- To this Tribe also belongs Scorpiurus, Stylosanthes, Securigera, and Flemingia. Tribus IV. VICIEZ. DC. prodr. 2. p. 353. ERVUM. 128. TARE. ; fu 2 10 Ervilia, pe... officinal. S. Europe. 1596. 6.8. H.©. Blackw. t. 208. f.3. ; single-flower’d. ——-——-~ 1790. 7.8.H.©. Sturm. fl. germ. 1). £32. LATHYRUS. 126. LATHYRUS. - . (SP raeae 37 intermedius. pc. intermediate. N.Europe. 1818. 7.9. H.%{. Mull. fl. dam, t-785. 38 longepedunculatus. long-peduncl’d. +-+++++++ 1824. ——/H.©. neti 4s 39 hirtus. De. hairy. toeeccoe ——— ——— HO, ater | OROBUS. 126. BITTER VETCH. 22 formosus. nc. handsome. | Caucasus. 1824. 4.6. H.%. © Linn. trans. 11. 36. 23 sessilifolius .pc. sessile-leaved. Greece. — 5.7 H.%. . 24 multiflorus. pc. many-flowered. Italy. — — Hy. ; 25 vicioides. pc. Vicia-like. Carniola. 1818. 6.8. H.4%. W.etK. lang. t.242, Vicia oroboides. p. 127. 26 aurantius. Dc. orange-color’d. Iberia. 1824. —— H.. 27 erectus. DC. upright. erevcese 1820. —— H.2. } To this Tribe also belongs Cicer, Faba, Vicia, and Pisum. ~ Tribus V. PHASEOLEZ. DC. prodr.2. p.381. | SWEETIA. DC. SwEETIA. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 longifolia. pe. long-leaved. S. America, 1824. 6.7. S.hiw. Jacq. ic. 3.t. 572. Tephrosia longifolia. p. 124. Galega longifolia. Jacq. 2 filiformis. pc. slender. Mexico. 1826. ---. S, hic ——— ae 573. | ROTHIA. DC. RorTuHia. trifoliata. pc. trifoliate. S. America. 1820. 6.8. S.©. Glycine humifusa. p. 121. | ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. A81 ENNEDIA.121... Kennepia. ae 7? heterophylla. ~. various-leaved. N. Holland. 1826. -+++ G. how. 8? inophylla. yp... few-leaved. | -————— 1825. +++ S.bww. ), 9? dilatata. p. _ dilated-leaved...§ ————-. —— _ -+++ S. hw. AYNCHOSIA. DC. Ruyncuosia. Diadelphia Decandria. L reniformis. pc. kidney-leaved. Carolina. 1806. 7,8. F.%. |. Glycine reniformis..p.121. — b say best 2 difformis. pc. downy climbing. N. America.1732. 6.9. H.%.—. Dill. elt. t. 26. f. 29. (Glycine tomentosa, p.121. ue rte? 3 erecta. DC. upright. i eee HY. ) 4 caribea. pe. trailing. W. Indies. 1742. 9.10. S.}h. . Jacq. ic. 1. t. 146. 5 phaseoloides. pc. Abrus-seeded, M———— 1820. 6.7. S.h. . Botan. magaz. 2284. 6 precatoria. pc. Abrus-like. S. America. — -—-— S.hiw. 7 reticulata. pc. netted. | Jamaica. 1779. 7.9. S.hww. 8 rhombifolia. pc. rhomb-leaved. E.Indies. 1815. 5.8. S.h.~. |, 9 viscida. pe. viscous. ———. 1823. 6.7. S.h.~r. 0 angustifoliac. —narrow-leaved. C. B.S. 1795. 6.8 G.h.W. Jacq. schen. 2, t. 231. Glycine angustifolia. p. 121. 1 suaveolens. pc. sweet-scented. E. Indies. 1816. 7.9. S.h. AGELIA. DC. Facetia. Diadelphia Decandria. _ bituminosa. pc. clammy. C. B.S. 1774. 4.9. G.h.~. Botan. regist. 261. Glycine bituminosa. p.121. HASEOLUS. 119. KipNneEy-BEAN. % , 4 macrostachyus. pe. large-spiked. N.America. 1824. 7.9. H.%.~. '\5 compressus.pc. fflat-seeded. = - + - - = «= + -e-- 6.9. H.©.V. Savi mem, 3. t.10. f.20. 56 oblongus. pc. oblong-seeded. ++++:+++ eeee —— H.©... ———— 3.6.10. f.14. | 7 saponaceus. pc. _ spotted white-seeded.++++ -+-- —— H.©.~. 3.1.10. f.15 ' $8 tumidus. pc. thick-seeded. s+ +--+ +++ + eos —— HO... 3. t.10. f.16 $9 hematocarpus. pc. red-spotted. | -+----- ieee ss — Hie... » 8.6.10. £17, \0 sphzricus. pc. round-seeded.. +++++++s cose —— H.O©nU. 3. t.10. 18. {L gonospermus. pc. angular-seeded. ------> o ctee, ——- H.O.W. ————_.. 3, t.10. £19. {2 derasus. Dc. | narrow-podded. Brazil. 1823. -—— H.©.v. Schr. h.monac. 1. t.89. 13 Xuaresii. pc. pointed-leaved. ---+-- oo —— — HOw. | \4 microspermus, pc. small-seeded. Cuba. eee » S.O.r. 15 chrysanthos. pc. yellow-flow’r’d. -++++> oo eee = S.C, 16 violaceus. Dc. violet-flowered. Africa? sere —— H.©O. 47 scaber. pc. rough-podded. «:---- ce ceee ——— HG. Moris. ox.s.2.t.5.f. 8. OJA.DC. Soy. Diadelphia Decandria. j hispida. pe. hispid. E. Indies. 1790. 7.8. 8.©. Jacq.ic.1..t,145. - Dolichos Soja. p..119. pod ‘iOLICHOS. 119. . DoLicHos, ; $9 Jacquini. pe. | Jacquin’s. W. Indies. 1822. 7.9. 0, ++++++-« sens deme EEO): "IGNA. DC. VIGNA. - A BT glabra. pc. yellow. America. 1805. 7.8. H.©.~. Jacq. “i 1, t.90. |. Dolichos luteolus. p, 119. ong » an ABLAB. DC. - Lastas. Diadelphia Decandria. UO 1 vulgaris. pc. ~ common, Egypt. 1694. 6.7. S.©.~. Botan. magaz. 896, .Dolichos Lablab. p.119. . 2 purpureus. .»—S— purple. E. Indies. 1790. 5.19. S.%.~. Exot. bot. 2. t. 74. __ Dolichos purpureus. B.R. 830. . 3 benghalensis. Bengal. Bengal. 1820. 7.8. S.h.~. Jacq. vind. 2. t. 124. vulgaris y albiflorus. pc. Dolichos benghalensis. p. 119. a 4 naskisiens. me Chinese. Pian: ‘ 1821. —— H.©.~. Savi. dis.1821.f.8.d-g. 5 leucocarpus. pc. | white-podded. E. Indies. —-. —— 5.0... ——~--— f.9.a-d. 6 cultratus. pc. sharp-edged. Japan. 1818. 6.7. H.©.~. Banks ic. k, t. 25. Dolichos cultratus. p. 119. % wicrocarpus. pc. small-podded. E. Indies. 1824. —— S.@.v., 8 perennans. pc. _ perennial. China. 1823. 7.8. G.Y.~. —5.t. 137, 27ACHYRHIZUS.DC. Pacuyvruizus. Diadelphia Decandria. angulatus. pe. angular-leaved. E. Indies. 1781. 7. S$... Romph. amb. 5. t. 132. Dolichos bulbosus. p. 119. . ?SOPHOCARPUS. DC. Psopuocarpus. Diadelphia Decandria. tetragonolobus. pc. square-podded, E. Indies. 1816. 9.11. S.©. Rumph. amb. 5, t. 133, Dolichos tetragonolobus. p. 119. | “ANAVALIA. DC. Canavatta. Monadelphia Decandria. 1 obtusifolia, pe. blunt-leaved. E.Indies. 1818. 7.8. S.h.~. Rheed. mal. 8. t.43. Dolichos rotundifolius, p. 119. B emarginatus, DC. emarginate. as perenne —_— S. h we Jacq. scheen. 2. t. 221 ® 3 Q --4g2 ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. 2 gladiata.pc.. | — sabre-podded. E-, Indies, 1801. 6. 7. Ss. hw Jacq: ic. 35 t. 560 Dolichos gladiata. p.119. Malocchia gladiata. Savi. ) 3 ensiformis. pc. cimeter-podded. ————— 1778. 7. 8. ‘Ss. Or. Jacq. ie. Bit, 369. & 4 roseus. De. rose-coloured. Jamaica. 1812. -—— S.©. Dolichos roseus. p. 119. . wi JL ae ORY iv MUCUNA. DC. CowitTcn. pisWdlphia Decandria. inos EB 1 urens. pe. broad-podded. W.Indies. 1691. 6.7. s. hw. Plum. amer. ste 107. p Stizolobium urens. p. 119. Dolichos urens. Jaca. amer. t. 182. f. 84 t 2 altissima. pc. tall. Martinico. 1779. --+- 8. bow. Jacq. ombntiieay.s 3 pruriens. pc. common. India. 1680. «vee srt Rheed. ease i. 4 Stizolobium pruriens. p. 119. Carpopogon pr uriens. H.B. | 4 gigantea. Dc. gigantic. E. Indies. 1815. 7.9. S. Ghar Rheed. mal. 8. t 36. 5 mitis. pc. oblique-leaved. Peru. 1823. --++ Sih.c. ut no: 6 monosperma. pc. _single-seeded. -E. Indies. 1818. 7.9. S.hw. 7 .nislnoites : | Curpopogon monospermum. p. 119. bi “tu 3 wiloiicen 7 atropurpurea. pc. dark-purple. ———— 1820. ——- S.hir. a .ibiongy § 8 nivea. Dc. white. a SOO. . ye ( 9 imbricata. ne. imbricated. eee ee Seis. iid FBP salt 10 anguinea. | snake-like. § —-—— 1822. s+ S.h.~. j eosherane 2 Carpopogon anguineum. p. 119. a bard 11 bracteata. pc. bracted. — ———— tee Shir. 12 capitata. | capitate. ——_— —-_ 7.9% S.Onm) Carpopogon capitatum. p.119. . Tel A ERYTHRINA. 120. CoRAL“TREE. . ira da 8 26 enneandria. pe. nine anther’d. +--+: ec sree) ovee Se % » bagi Bi 27 macrophylla. pc. Jarge-leaved. = «+--+ -+ 1816. -er* S.h. wusegaelio Gil _28 umbrosa. pc. deltoid-leaved. Caracas. 1824, +++. S.h. it ROO MRPO gE id RUDOLPHIA. DC. Rupotpntia. Diadelphia Decandria. dubia. pc. doubtful. Havannah. 1815. «+» S. hw. H. etBan gen6.t591 : Glycine sagittata, p. 121. To this Tribe also belongs Abrus, Teramnus, Amphicarpeu, Water Ape, Cajuns, ii | Cylista, and Butea. ; : Tribus VI. DALBERGIEZ. DC. ved eee. Pp. 115. DREPANOCARPUS. DC. DrepaANnocarPus. Monadelphia Decandria. lunatus. Dc. crescent-podded.S. America. 1792, --+- S.h. Plumsed.Bar.t-201 ft Pterocarpus lunatus. p. 132. | BRYA. DC. Brya. Monadelphia Decandria. ii oe Ebenus. pc. JamaicaEbony. W.Indies. 1713. 7.8. S.h.. Brewa/teclss 31. ft To this Tribe belongs Pongamia, Dalbergia, Pterocarpus, Amerimnum, and Ecustaphiy tian: 2 PHYLLOLOBIUM. 131. PHyLioLosium. 2 zanzibarense. Boj. Zanzibar. Zanzibar. 1825. -+e++ S.h. Sundtho II.—Tribus VII. SWARTZIEL. DC. pred 2 p- 422. SWARTZIA. DC. SwarTzi1a. Monadelphia Dec- Dodecandria. - | 1 grandiflora. pc. great-flower’d. Trinidad. 1822. --+-- S.h. Vahl.ecl.plam.1.t.9. 2 pinnata. pc. wing-leaved. ———— 1820. +++. §.h. 24.£, BAPHIA. DC. Bapuia. Decandria Monogynia. nitida. Dc. glossy. SierraLeone.--++ 5.9. S.h. Lodd. bot. cab. 367. Susorpo III.—Tribus VL. MIMOSEE. DC. prodr; 2. P- 5. 424. ENTADA. p. 100. ENTADA. 1 Gigalobium. pc. American, W. Indies. 1780, +s+++ S.hw © 2 Pursztha. pc. Indian. E, Indies. —— ++++ S.hw. Rheed. mal. 8. t.32- 3 Parrana. p.100. Acacia scandens. w. ; 3 monostachya. pc. _single-spiked. ——— —— se eere SW. Rheed mal. 9.t.77. | Rheedui. p. 100. Mimosa Entada. w. oe eT 4 polystachya.pc. many-spiked. W.Indies. 1816. 4,9. S.h.~. Jacq.amer.t.183.f.93 Mimosa, polystachya. p.100. : GAGNEBINA. DC. GaGneprina. Decandria Monogynia. . wie q 1 tamariscina. pe. Tamarisk-like. Mauritius. 1824. «+e. S.h. Acacia tamariscina. p. 102. pee he) 4 2. oa S. h ° DC. leg. me.12,t,64.f, f petng | 2 axillaris. pc. axillary-spiked, ————— ERYTHROPHLEUM. Br. RED WATER-TREE. Decandria Monogynia. leonense. G.D. Sierra Leone. SierraLeone.1822, «+... S.h. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. Parxkia. Monadelphia Decandria. | i, |ARKIA. Br. | africana. pr. African. Africa. 1822, -++- Sh. | Inga biglobosa. p.101. . WGA. 101. INGA. ‘|1 pulcherrima. cerv. handsome. Mexico. 1822. +--+ S.h. |2 setifera. pe. setiferous. Guiana. 1824, ++-- S.h. .|3 Feuillei. ne. Feuillee’s. Peru. mocp ig tog 8. D> | 4 splendens. pc. splendid. Brazil. 1825. --*+ S.h. 85 emarginata. pe. emarginate. Mexico. — -::-+ Sb. 846 xylocarpa. pc. woody-podded. E. Indies. 1822, -++- S.h. |’ Acacia xylocarpa. p. 102. | */ARLINGTONIA. DC. Daruineronia. Pentandria Monogynia. |} 1 brachyloba. pc. Illinois. N.America. 1803, 9.10. H.2. | 2 glandulosa. pe. glandulous. 1806. —— Fh. | Acacia glandulosa. p. 102. JESMANTHUS. 100. Desmantuus. }10 callistachys. De. retty-spiked. cez++++- 1820. 7.10. S.h. ROsGEIs ter” Rasen M 4 julifiora. pc. long-flowered- Jamaica. 1793, 5.6. Acacia juliflora. p. 103. AGONYCHIUM. DC. Laconycuium. Decandria Monogynia. Stephanianum. pc. Stephan’s. Caucasus. 1825. -+-- H.h. .CACIA. 101. © Acacta. Polygamia Monecia. 40 dolabriformis. pc. hatchet-leaved. N. Holland. 1818. 4.6. G.h. {41 hastulata. pe. hastulate. ————_ _ 1824. —— G.h. |42 nervosa. pc. nervose. — — G.h. /43 paradoxa. pc. wave-leaved. 1818. 3.6. G.h. undulata, p. 102. 44 Brownei, pc. Brown’s, N.S. W. 1796. —— G.h. acicularis. H.K. pugioniformis. p.101. nor W.A. 45 echinula. pc. pungent. 1824. —— G.h. }46 pugioniformis. pc, needle-leaved. ————— 1803. —— G.h. |47 emarginata. pc. §emarginate. N.Holland. 1816. —— G.h. |48 leprosa. pc. — Jeprous. N.S. W. 1824. —— G.h. |49 multinervia. pc. many-nerved. N. Holland. —~ -—— G.h, |50 eglandulosa. pc. _glandless, ——_—_ — _ —- Gb. (61° coriacea. pc. leathery. — — Gh, |52 anceps. pe. flat-edged. — — Gh. 53 elongata. pc. elongated. — — Gh. 54 trinervata. nc. three-nerved. N.S. W. 1823. 4.6. G.h. 56 quadrilateralis.oc. four-sided. N. Holland. 1822.. —— I.h. 56 asparagoides, r.t Asparagus-like. N.S, W. 1824, —— G.h. 157 buxifolia. F.7. Box-leaved. —— _-——_ —— Gh. 158 rubida. F.T. reddish. —$——— 9 —- — —— GR. 159 verniciflua.¥.T. | varnished. —_——_ —- _ — Gh. 160 falciformis. pc. sickle-shaped, Gh 161 pemninervis. pc. | wing-nerved. —._— os —— Gh: 162 amcena. pc. © handsome. — — G.b. 163 pyrifolia. pc. Pear-leaved. — —— Gh. 164 binervata. pc. two-nerved. Sah ies SS 165 bivenosa. pc. two-veined. —_—— ——- — Gh. 166 obtusata. pc. blunt-leaved. —-—— ——- —— Gh. 167 subulata. ve. awl-leaved. —_—_- — — &hk 168 oxycedrus. pc. §_Oxycedrus-l4. ——-—— -—— —— G-h 169 homomalla. pc. | pubescent-ld4.. -—-——- —— -—— G.h.- 170 intertexta. pc. _—inetted. — —— Gh. 171 cinerascens. pc. _ greyish. — — Gh. 172 lanigera. F.T. wool-bearing, ———- —— ~—— G-h. 173 Cyclopis. +. Cyclopia-like. N.Holland. —- —— G-h. 174 impressa, . impressed. —_—_ —- _ — &.h,. 175 mucronulata. +. sharp-pointed. ; — +" G.b; 176 oleifolia. »). Olive-leaved, ———— —— -—— G-h. 177 pendula. p. pendulous. —$_—— -——_ —— Gh. 178 rigens. s. stiff. ——_—_— — -— Gh. 179 thegonocarpa. y. angular-podded. ————- -——- —— G.h, i i i » Dillwynia-l¢, —- — _—— @-hy 180 dillwynizfolia. p ilwy : 3Q2 483 Beau. fl. d. ow, 2. t. 90. Feuil. obs. 3. ma 19, Kth. mim. t. 17. Roxb. corom. 1. t. 100, DC.leg.mem.12.t.66, Vent. choix. t. 27. Breyn.cent.1.t.56.f.4, Botan. regist. t. $43. Wendl. ac. t. 9, * Wendl. ac. t. 4, 484 == ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA: 181 cordifolia. . ‘ heart-leaved. — N. ‘Holland. 1824, 4.6. G.h. 182 hispidissima. pc. _ hispid. LN fer: EB ET 183 angulata. pe. angular. ay Rese — Gb. To this Tribe belongs Mimosa, Schrankia, and Adbavthere. aS bs mi SurorDolV.CESALPINE. Trib.IX. GEOFFREE. DC. prodr.2. P. 47% ANDIRA. DC. AnpirA. Diadelphia Decandria. 1 racemosa. DC. racemed, Brazil. 1824. se06. Ss. he Aub, gil ftapys 4; 373. 2 inermis. pc. bastard cabbage-tree. Jamaica. apTes core S.he iT baleen. Amiel li Geoffroya inermis, p.132. — seat .! ipa GEOFFROYA. DC. GEoFFROYA. . ort? spinosa. NC. spiny. S. tA morien. 1823, -e+» Sshen Jacq. amner. 1.180, £02, BROWNEA. 106. BROWNEA. Sabet handsome, —_—_S. America, 1816, +#++ Ssh Berg. 2 acts ang. ts 8. 9.) To this Tribe belongs Arachis and Dipteria. ' ro if oe U2 44 eh “ELF Tribus X. CASSIE. DC. prodr. 2 P. 478. Cesalpina Tura. p.105. aye: HARDWICKIA. DC. Harpwicxta. Oct-Decandria Monogynia. MORINGA. DC. HoRsE-RADISH-TREE. : pterygosperma. pc. wing-seeded. _E. Indies. 1759. tees — Rheed. mal. 6. 2 whe Hlyperanthera Moringa. p. 105. | x a Nirdalob ay COULTERIA. DC. CouLTERIA. Decandria Monogynia. _stalniaed tinctoria. Dc. dyer’ s. Peru. 1818. es. Sh. H. et B. D. ae te. +800 wo Phe oe DETARIUM. DC. DerTarium. Decandria Monogynia. . ae” sai so 7 senegalense. pc. Senegal. Senegal. 1622)" s- s+? Se a ¥. a 0 , lg ange i | Omitted at. p. 476. oo yes. gk ay see 7 GENISTA. p.111. GENISTA. ie tak a zethnensis. Dc. three-seeded. M./Etna.... 1821.. .7..8.,.Heh.- Botany magaz, 2674. 4 Spartium etnense. BM. | Pp aie + My . Set ¢ Ve 22% is ae cigewitih tag ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. 485 CHRYSOBALANE. p. 133. GRANGERIA. DC. Granceria. Dodecandria Monogynia. . PS AGY borbonica. pe. Bourbon. Bourbon. 1826. +++- S.hb.. Lam. ill. t. 427. ‘HIRTELLA. 133. HIRTELLA. . 1 triandra. pe. triandrous. W. Indies, ..+«+ -e%e S.h. Jacq. amer. 8. t. 8. americana. Jacq. Ee oe ce Ts tad 2 racemosa. Dc. racemed, _——— 1782. «+++ Aub. gui.1. t. 98. americana. Aub. AMYGDALINEA. . p. 133. PRUNUS. 133. Pium. , iphone: 8 candicans. pc. white-leaved. © +-++--2. 1818. 4.5. H.h. 9 Cocomilia. nc. twin-flowered. Italy. ‘1826. ---- H.h. 10 pubescens. pc. pubescent. = «se -eee - 1819. 4.5. H.b. CERASUS. DC. CHERRY. Icosandria Monogynia. pai 1 Juliana. pe. July-fruited. se vveeee eves 4.5. H.R. Duha. da, n0.5.t.15. fA 2 Caproniana. pc. common. coseeese ose. =~ Hyh. Eng. bot. 706. esr Prunus Cerasus. p.134... : To this genus also belongs Prunus Chicasa, (penn depressi ‘Susquehanne, shall PYs gmea, persicifolia, nigra, pensylvanica, borealis, dur acina, macrophylla, avium, semperfiorens, pendula, chamece-. rasus, fruticosa, Mahaleb, paniculata, japonica, Laurocerasus, caroliniana, lusitanica, occidentalis, spherocarpa, serotina, virginiana, rubra, and Padus. p. 133 and 134. POMACEZ. p. 134. MESPILUS. 134. MesPitus. Mespilus et Crategus. DC. 38 mexicana. DC. Mexican. Mexico. 1824, -e> G.h. 39 prunifolia. pc. Plum-leaved. N.America,1812. 5.6. H.h. 40 ovalifolia. pc. oval-leaved. “eres —— Hoh. 41 Poiretiana. pc. Poiret’s. ceessdee coos —— Hf. 42 florentina. De. Florentine. Italy. 1824. +++ Heh. : 43 orientalis. pc. oriental. Levant. — 5.6. H.h. | 44 heterophylla. pc. various-leaved. N.America. 1818. —— H.h. COTONEASTER. 135. CoTronEAsTER. 3 tomentosa. Dc. Quince-leaved. Europe. 1759. 4.5. H.h. tomentosa..L.T. et Mespilus eriocarpa. pc. ARONIA. 135. ARONIA. . floribunda. many-flower’d. «+++++-+. sess § H.b- Botan. regist. 1006. Pyrus floribunda. B.R. ) aia PYRUS, 135. Pear, AppLe, &c. 34 amygdaliformis. pc. Almond-like, . France. 1620.. 5.6. H.h. 35 lanuginosa. pce. woolly-leaved. Hungary. ——- ——H.h. spuria. DC. spurious. hatybria. soos += H.h. Moench. weis. t.6. hybrida. p. 136. | La eb aon ROSACEE. p. 136. DRYAS. 145. Dryas. 2 integrifolia. pc. _entire-leaved. Greenland. 1824. 4.8. H.%. Hook. ex. flor. 220. ONAGRARIEZ. p. 151. FUCHSIA, 153. ' Fucusia. ¥ virgata. Colvill’s. Mexico. 1825. 5.8 F.h. : VISNEA.W. VisnEA. Dodecandria Trigynia. W. Mocanera. w. Canary. Canaries. . 1815, 8.12. G.h. COMBRETUM. 153. COMBRETUM. 6 elegans. K.s. elegant... S. America. 1823, «+++ S.h.~. Aub. gui 1, t. 137. laxum. Aub. nec aliorum. - 9 farinosum. K.s. mealy- a Mexico. oe tee SR SAU APA TERMINALIA. 153. TERMINALIA. tbs miortidie €4 14 Fatreaa. Boj. Madagascar. Madagascar. 1826. +++. S.h. madagascarensis, 8.8. Mirobolanus Fatraa. poir. i METROSIDEROS.156. METROSIDEROS. | CALYTRIX. 157. Canyrrix. _ LECYTHIS. 158. = Lecyruts. 486 ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. | LOASEE. p. 154. BLUMENBACHIA. BLUMENBACHIA. Polyandria Monogynia. — - 2 Hie iad insignis. B.F.G. elegant. Chili. . 1826. 7.10. H.©. Fs giell br. fi. gar. 171. | PHILADELPHEE. D.Don. To this order belongs Philadelphus. p. 155. ais Ss # - MYRTACE. p. 155. LEPTOSPERMUM. 155. LeprospeRMuM. 23 thymifolium. F.Tr. Thyme-leaved. N.S.W. 1823. «+++ G.he . 24 multicaule. F.t. many-branch’d. ————- —— -+eee G.h. CALLISTEMON. 155. CALLIsTEMON. dg 9 Seer Taat Ys small-leaved. N. Holland. 1825. +--» Gh. 10 formosum, . handsome. ———- ——_ + Ge. MELALEUCA., 155. MELALEUCA. 31 tenuifolia. dy. slender-leaved. N. Holland. 1825. <«*«- G.he TRISTANIA. 156... TRISTANIA. Ceasar 6 persicefolia. F.T. .Peach-leaved. N.S.W. 1824. ++++ G.h. BILLOTIA. Colla. Bittorsa. Polyadelphia Polyandria. pith thee __ _acerosa. Colla. needle-leaved.. N. Holland. 1820. 6.9. G.h. Coll. hort. rip. t. 23., | CALOTHAMNUS.156.CALoTHAMNUS, clavatus. - club-leaved. oN. Holland. 1825. «++. G.h. BAECKEA. 156. BACKEA. , 6 gracilis. F.T. slender. N.S.W. 1824. +--+ Gh. 7 ramosissima. F.t. branching. ——————- _ _——-_ +e Goh. 7 aspera. +. rough, . N. Holland. 1824, e+ Git, ) 6 . 8 capitata. Lt. headed. N.S.W. — eees Gh. ‘Ee | EUDESMIA. Br. EupsEsm1a. Polyadelphia Polyandria. S.S. wT tetragona. Br. four-sided. N. Holland. 1824, ---- G.h. a 3 ericoides. F.T. Heath-like. N.S. W. 1823. + seats h. reno | 3 grandiflora. s.s. large-flowered. W. Indies. 1822._ toad S.b. «Aub. gui. Divas 4 amara. s.s. bitter. Guiana. —- <--:- S.h. ——— 2.t. 286. 5 Idatimon. s.s. glandular-peduncled. ——- ——_ ++++:S.J.,, ———— 2. t.. 289. 6 parviflora. s.s. small-flowered. —————- —— «+++ S.h. 4 sus) caged 7 minor. s.s. smaller. S. America. 1823. nee Se Het Aa tA ’ MYRTACEIS. AFFINE, prnrdheran miieps: AI rene - CAREYA. R.C: CaREVA. Monadelphia Polyandria. ; 1 spherica. 4.8. spherical. E.Indies. 1823. +--+ S.h. . " ~ 2 arborea. H.B. tree. ——_- —_ +++ Sh. Roxb. corom, rex! 3 herbacea. H.B. herbaceous. ——— 1808. 7.8. S.y. ah i atts | MELASTOMACE. P: 159. ' MELASTOMA.159. Menastroma. : 11 villosa. p.m. villous. cseevcee 1820. 5.8. hes kh, Botan. magaz. 2630... _CUCURBITACER. p. 161. geek Se i FEUILLAA. B.M. Fit. Dicecia Pentandria. pedata. B.M. pedate-leaved. E.Africa. 1825. 6.8. S. Yow, Botan. pest Bech FICOIDES. p. 162. 4 MESEMBRYANTHEMUM: Fic-MaryGo.. » (292 albinotum. H.P. keeled, white- “dotted. C. B.S. 1823. ae G4: 293 albipunctum. n.p. smaill-keeled.» --————- __- — G.}. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. 487 204 ermininum. H.p. Ermine-chop. C, B.S. 1823, 5. G.%, 295 agninum. H.P. lamb’s-chop. ——— 1824. —— G.»%. 296 inconspicuum. H.P. small-fid. rigid. ————— 1822. 6.10. G.x%. 297 luteum. u.P. upright yellow. -~———- -— -+— G.h. , ‘ 298 luteolum. H.P. small yellow. —_—_—_—- — — Gh. 299 clandestinum. H.P. mintte-flz. ———_-_ — 5.8. G.h. 300 lepidum. H.P. prétty white. —_ — & GF. _301 subcompressum.H.P.slender upright. ————~— 1825, 6. G.t. 8B minus. H.P. + smaller. — — — Gh. ARALIACE. p. 193. CUSSONTIA. 193. Cussonra. ‘. triptera. col. tripterous. C. B.S. 1816. -+-- G.h. Col. hw rip. t. 26, . LOPHIRES. G. Don. next to Rhizophoree. LOPHIRA.S.S. Scrupsy Oak. Icosandria Monogynia. S.S. alata. s.s. winged. SierraLeone.1822. --++ S.h. RUBIACEE. p. 196. GARDENIA. 197. GARDENIA. 7 propinqua. B.R. strong-spined. ++ - +++ - 1816. 5.8. S.h. Botan. regist.975. — A ZIMA. Lam. AzimA. Tetrandria Monogynia. j tetracantha. p.s.. four-spined. E. Indies. 1758. 7. S.h. L’, 1. Monetia barlerioides. w. A CEPHALIS. 200. CEPHALIS. ip 4 involucrata. ss. large-bracted. Guiana. 1824, -+-- S.f. Aub. gui. 1.t. 64. Carapichea gujanensis. aub. ea 5 violacea. s.s., violet-bracted, ————- -——~ +++» S.h. Aub. gui. 1. t. 60. Tapogomea violacea. Aub. ; PHEDERIA. 200. P£DERIA. Lingun. Boj. tongue. Madagascar.1823. --+-+ S.h. COMPOSITE. p. 206. COREOPSIS. 237. CoREOPSIs. | grandiflora. B.F.G. large-flowered. N.America. 1826. 8.9. H.¥. Swt. br. fl. gar. 175. HELIOPSIS. 235. HELIopsis. he 2 levis. smooth. Mexico. 1825. 8.9. H.%. ‘ 3 helianthoides. roughish. N.America. 1714. 7.10. H.%. L’Herit. stirp. t. 45. Buphthalmum helianthoides. v. 4 scabra.s.s. rough-leaved, ———— ---- -—— H.}. VERBESINA. 235. VERBESINA. sot 13 atriplicifolia.col. Atriplex-ld. Trinidad. 1622. 9.11. S.h. Coll. hort. rip. t.31. TAGETES, 233. TAGETES. 10 glandulifera. schr. glanduliferous. Mexico. 1826. 10.11. G.©. CHRYSANTHEMUM. 245. CHRYSANTHEMUM. sinense. p. 245. Chinese. China. 1824. 10.12. H.x. 22 chrysocomum. __ tasselled yellow. — — Hy. yn Waratah. yellow Waratah. — — H.». 33 Sabini. golden Lotus. — — H.»%. a chryseides. double indian yellow. —— —— -—— H.}. xk Parkii. - Park’s small yellow. — — H.yx. AA pallens. semidouble quill’d pale orange. ——- ———- H.}%. pp stamineum. pale buff. —_——- — —— H.y. vy mutabile. changeable pale buf. -———-- ——- -—— H.}. Zé bicolor. two-coloured incurvd. —— —— —— H.. oo versicolor. two-colour’d red. — — H.. aa stellatum. starry purple, — — H.»,. po ornatum. tasselled lilac. — — Hx. | oo fulvescens. brown purple. — — H.»x. ) tr rubicundum. early blush. — — H.»x. vu blandum. blush. ———- — — H.. | > leucanthum. double indian white. ———- —— —~ H.}. 488 GOODENIA. 248. gracilis. B.C. DAMPIERA. 249. 2 ovalifolia. B.P. - SINNINGIA. B.R. Helleri. B.R. GLOXINIA. 252. 3 hirsuta. B.R. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. -GOODENOVIER. P 248. GoovENIA. 2 2 eerste! 728 slender. N. Holland. 1824. 5. 8. ue Lodd. bot.:cab. 1032. DAMPIERA. . i” 4.0 sienheohanio 201 oval-leaved. N.S. W. 1823. 5. a: Gh. “4s! _GESNEREE. p. 252. SinninGIA. Didynamia Angiospermia. ~ Heller’s. Brazil. 1824, 6.8. S.}. Botan. regist. 997. GLOXINIA. Bs FAME I hairy. Brazil. 1825. 5.8. 5.4%. Botan. regist. 1004. EPACRIDEM. p.266. =~ Sect. I. EPACRIDEZ VERA. DRACOPHYLLUM. 266. DRacopnyLiuM. 2 secundum. B.P. 3 longifolium. PONCELETIA. B.P. sprengelioides. B.P. COSMELIA. B.P. rubra. B.P. LYSINEMA. 266. 3 pentapetalum. B.P. EPACRIS. 266. 9 mucronulata. B.P. 10 ruscifolia. B.P. 11 heteronema. B.P. _ 12 sparsa. B.P. 13 onosmefiora. F.T. 14 apiculata. F.T ACROTRICHE. B.P. AcrRoTRIcHE. 1 cordata. B.P. 2 divaricata. B.P. MONOTOCA., 267. 3 albens. B.P. 4 scoparia. B.P. LEUCOPOGON. 267. 1 appressus. B.P. 2 setiger. B.P. 3 striatus. B.P. 4 collinus. B.P. 5 ericoides. B.P. LISSANTHE. 267. 3 saplida. B.P. A ciliata. B.P. CYATHODES. 267. 2 oxycedrus. B.P. MELICHRUS. B.P. 1 medius, F.T. 2 rotatus. B.P. ASTROLOMA. 267. 2 denticulatum. B.P. STYPHELIA. 267. 6 leta. B.P. 7 adscendens. B.P. PENA. R.S. 1 myrtoides. w. long-reflex-l4,. N.S. W. long-leaved. —_——- —_ +++- G.h. PonceLeTIA. Pentandria Monogynia.S.S. Sprengelia-like. N.S.W. 1826. ---+ G.h. CosMELIA. Pentandria Monogynia. 1824. +--+ Gh. red-flowered. N. Holland. 1826, ---- G.h. LYSINEMA. ‘ : ’ five-petaled. N. Holland.1826. ---- G.h. EPACRIS. ) pointed. V.Diem.Isl. 1824. +++. Gh. Ruscus-leaved. ——-——- —— <++++ Gh. , hairy-branch’d. —— ‘ere Gh. Labil.n. holl. 1. t. 56. scattered. N.S. W. 1825. ---- G.b. . Onosma-fid, 1823. 5.8 G.h. pointed. See oe OG Sect. 1]. STYPHELIZ. Pentandria Monogynia., heart-leaved.. N.Holland.1825. ---- G.f. Labil.n. hol. 1. t. 63. divaricate. N.S.W. 1822, +++ Gb. eit MOonoroca. ' white-leaved. N.S.W. 1823. ---- G.h. Broom. ——_- —_ +s s+ Gab. LEUCOPOGON. awe pressed-leaved. N.S. W. 1 se se-- Gib. bristle-pointed. ©. ———— veee Gohe striated. N. Holland. —— +--+ G.h. hill. ~'V.Diem.Isl. 1822. 5.6..G.h.9 ~~ Pere heath-leaved. .N.Holland.1815. 4.7. G.f. Cavan. ic. 4. t.347.f.1. LissANTHE. ah: aL recurved-racemed. N.S. W. 1823, +++. Gib. . fringed. V.Diem.Isl —— ++-: G.b. CYATHODES. a aati a linear-leaved. V.Diem.Isl. 1822. 5. 8. ce - Labil. n. hol. 1. t. 69. Mexicurvus. Pentandria Monogynia. . satis middle. N.S.'W... 1823.5, S¢ Guk. ce ME: Wh rotate-flow’r’d. 1822, —— G.h. Cavan. ic.4. t.349. f.l. ASTROLOMA. . “baal / tooth-leaved. N.Holland. 1825. ++-. G.h. STYPHELIA. ; fruitful. N.S. W. 1822. +--+. Gh. ascending. V.Diem.Isl. —-- -+++ G.h. PEN AACE. Pen#HA. Tetrandria Monogynia. R.S. Myrtle-like. C. B.S. 1816. 5,7. G.h. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. 2 fruticulosa, w. blunt-leaved. C.B.S. 1822, 5.7. G.h. 3 mucronata. R.s. sharp-pointed. ————— 1787. —~— G.h. 9 | 4 squamosa. R.s. scaly, —- — — Gh. § Sarcocolla. R.s. rhomb-leaved. -———— 1816. —— G.f. 6 marginata. R.s. thick-edged. — — Gh. OLEINZ. p. 270. OLEA. 271. OxutveE & PHILLYREA. 21 robusta. large Phillyrea. E. Indies. Phillyrea robusta. F.1. 1818. --- APOCINEZ. p. 273. PLUMERIA. 275. PLUMERIA. 20 Cowani. D.D. Cowan’s. Mexico. 1824. 5.8. S.h. CRY PTOLEPIS. Br. Cryproiepis. Pentandria Monogynia. elegans. L.c. elegant. E. Indies. 1823. ---- S.hw. ASCLEPIADE&.. p. 276. OXYPETALUM. Br. Oxypetatum. Pentandria Digynia. appendiculatum.mar. appendaged. Brazil. 1824. GENTIANE. p.280. VOHIRIA, RS. VourriaA. Pentandria Monogynia. R.S. 1 rosea. R.s, rose-colour’d. Guiana. 1822. 6.8. S.%. ‘MITRASACME. 282. Mrrrasacme. Tetrandria Digynia. 3 serpyllifolia. B.p. creeping. N.S. W. 1826. «++. G.%. SESAME. p. 285. ~MARTYNIA. 285. MARTYNIA. 4 lutea. B.R. yellow. S. America. 1824. 7.9. H.©. CONVOLVULACES. p. 286. JPOMGA. 287. Irpoma@a. pudibunda. blush-flowered. W. Indies. 1825. 7.10.8.©. CALYSTEGIA. B.P. CALYSTEGIA. p. 287. 9 marginata. B.P. margined, N.S.W. 1824. 7.8. H.2. SOLANER. p. 295. DATURA. 297. THORN-APPLE. : 11 guayaquilensis. K.s, Guayaquil. S.America. «+--+ 8.10. H.©. SOLANDRA. 302. SOLANDRA. _ oppositifolia. opposite-leav’d. W. Indies. 1824. ++-: S.h. ? CODON. W. Copon. Decandria Monogynia. W. Royeni. w. prickly. C.B.S. 1801. 9. G.3 SCROPHULARINZ. p. 302. RHINANTHUS. 307. YELLOw-RATTLE. 3 major. E.F. larger. England. +++ 6.8. H.y. VERONICA. 308. SPEEDWELL. 101 falcata. mart. falcate-leaved, --++---- 1820. 6.7. H.%. 102 melancholica. pf. melancholy. <--+-+: oo —— —- Ht. 103 Stephaniana. R.s. Stephan’s. Persia. 1821. ~— H.». 104 prealta. R.s. lofty. oo ss hee 1817. —— H.»%. 105 grandis. F. large white. Siberia 1826. —— H.2. 106 confusa. R.S. contused. «+r «> 1819. —— H.2. 107 corymbosa. R.s. | corymbose. soeoreos 1817, —-— HY. 108 incarnata. G.D. flesh-coloured, c+sssses sess) ——— ” 4. waite Bake ot: 489 Venten. malm. t. 87. Botan. regist. 106. Pluk.mant,.t.446.f.6., Mart. n. pl. bras. t. 30. Aub. gui, 1. t. 83. f. li, Botan. regist. 934. Botan. regist. 999. Andr. reposit, 325. 490 109 carnea. Reu. 110 leucantha. F. 111 Wormskioldii. r,s. 112 cretica. R.s. 113 microphylla. w.K. 114 caroliniana. Poir. 115 tenuifolia. stev. 116 Tournefortii. vil. 117 pilosa. w. 118 acutiflora. Lap. 119 petrzea. Stev. 120 lamiifolia. Hayn. 121 maxima. Stev. 122 pinnatifida. w. 123 amocna. Stev. 124 biloba. Vahl. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. pale red. ee a a H. white-flowered. Siberia. 1824.. —~— H.2. Wormskiold’s. Greenland, 1819. ~— H.2%. Cretan. Crete. —— 5.6. H.%. small-leaved. Hungary. 1824. 4.5. H. Carolina. Carolina, 1821. 6.7. H.% fine-leaved. Iberia. 1821.26. 5 aie Tournefort’s. France. —— 5.6. H.%. pilose. Bohemia. 1819. —— H.2%. acute-flowered. France. 1821. —— H.y. Caucasean rock Caucasus. -—— ~—— H.2. Lamium-leav’d. «+-+--« » 1825. —— H.2. large. Caucasus. 1824. -——- H.%. pinnatifid, == +++ +s+6 1817... —— H.2%. fine blue. Iberia. 1824, 4.5. H.©. two-lobed. 1819. —— H.©. LABIATZ. p. 310. PROSTANTHERA. 315. PROSTANTHERA. 5 incisa. B.P. PETRA. p. 323. 3 erecta. L.C. * OPLOTHECA. N. 1 floridana. N. 2 interrupta. N. Gomphrena interrupta. p. 337. - PETROPHILA. 346. 4 teretifolia. B.P. 5 filifolia. B.P. G6 acicularis. B.P. 7 pedunculata. B.p. ISOPOGON. 346. 8 propinquus. wd. 9 polycephalus. B.P. 10 axillaris. B.P. ADENANTHOS. B.P. 1 obovata. B.P. 2 cuneata. B.P. 3 sericea. B.P. CONOSPERMUM.B.P. ConosPERMUM, 4 taxifolium. B.P. PERSOONIA. 348. 10 chamepitys. F.T. 11 scabra. B.P. 12 nutans. B.P. 13 pruinosa. wp. GREVILLEA, 348. 22 Flindersii. 1). 23 podocarpifolia. 24 concinna. B.P. 25 montana. B.P. 26 Baueri, B.P. 27 pubescens. H.E.F. HAKEA. 349. $0 flexilis. B.T. cut-leaved. “1825. N.S. W. AN SP VERBENACEA. p. 322. PETRAA. upright. S. America. 1824. +--+. S.h. AMARANTHACES. p. 335. OpLoTHECcA. Pentandria Monogynia. B.M. Florida. Arkansa. 1823, 8.10. H. 2. trailing. W. Indies. 1733. 7.10. 8. fg. PROTEACEZ. p. 345. PETROPHILA. round-leaved. N. Holland. 1824. -«-» G.h. thread-leaved. —+——-~ -—— «+... Gh. needle-leaved. —— +-+» Gib. pedunclied. eS SRS IsopoGon. related. N. Holland. 1824. «+++ G.h. many-headed. — ——— 1 se a ee axillary. Sanne i,t ADENANTHOS. Tetrandria Monogynia. . obovate-leaved. N, Holland, 1824. - Gh. wedge-leaved. ———--—_ +=) sens Gif. silky-leaved. sa, REL ahs ste p. 348. Yew-leaved. N, Holland. 1823. +--+ G.b. PERSOONIA. ground pine. N.S. W. 1824, se. Gh. rough. N. Holland. —— «+++ G.h. nodding-fld. N.S. W. Sas! pees ene frosted. N. Holland. —— +:++ G.h. GREVILLEA. Flinders’s. N. Holland. 1823, +++ S.p. Podocarpus-l4,°) ——-——" =... +# sw pretty. ea R824. _ «ee mountain. N.S. W. ——— <*> GR Bauer's. ————— a ora pubescent. 1822, 4.8. G.h. HAKEA, ‘ bending, N. Holland. 1824, «+++ G.h. a Gy Buxb. cent, 1. t. 36. — Botan. magaz. 2603. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 51. | ¢ Labil. n. hol. 1. t. 37.’ Stik 1. t. 36. __o 1. t. 38. Hook. ex. flor. 216, a 31 subulata. »b. —s _ 88 echinata. w. 34 angustifolia. Wy. 35 repanda. +). 36 cucullata.. SOMATTA. 349. | 6 ilicifolia, p.p. odorata. B.p. )>IMELEA. 351. 10 filamentosa. 1.7. i, | 11 ineana. B.P. |TROPHIS. W. 1 americana. w. 2 aspera. w. 3ARCOCOCCA. B.R. 32 petrophiloides. ). \GASTACHYS. B.P. ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA, awl-leaved. N.Holland. 1824, ees: Goh. Petrophila-like, —__—— 1825, ...- G.h. bristly-podded. -— «--- Gh. narrow-leaved., 1824. - Gh. repand. —— +s Gh. hollow-leaved. —— se. Gh. LOMATIA. Holly-leaved. N. Holland. 1824. «+++ G.h AGASTACHYs. sweet-scented. V.Diem.Isl.-——- «+.» G.h. THY MELE. p. 350. PIMELEA. filamentose. N. Holland. 1826. ---. G.h. hoary. V.Diem. Isl. 4.8. G.h. RAMOON-TREE. Dicecia Tetrandria. W. American. W.Indies. 1789. 4.5. S.b. rough-leaved. E. Indies. 1802, «+-- S.h. EU PHORBIACEZ. p. 355. Monecia Tetrandria. SARCOCOCCA. coriacea. leathery. Nepaul. 1820. 4.6. G.h. _ -~pruniformis. B.R. Pachysandra coriacea. H.E.F. 148. ACIDOTON. W. Acipoton. Monecia Polyandria. W. __urens. w. stinging. Jamaica. 1793. - S.b. /TYANANCHE. H.K. Hy 4na-poison. Dicecia Dodecandria. : globosa. H.K. Cape. C.B.S. 1783. 4.9. G.h. Toxicodendron capense. w. EUCLEA. W. 1 racemosa. w. 3 | 2 undulata. w. 7ELONIUM. W. | bifarium. w. ROTTLERA. W. tinctoria. w. TREWIA: W. | nudiflora. w. 3ROSIMUM. Ww. 1 Alicastrum. w. 2 spurium., w. ‘ JALISBURIA. L.T. ‘| adiantifolia. LT. yw i e SERATIOLA. M. -—sericoides. m. IMPETRUM. W. ey | album. w. 2 nigrum. w. . ?ANDANUS. 377. sessilis. Boj. EucLeEA. round-leaved. Dirccia Dodecahdria. Ww? 1722. 11.12. G.h. C. B.S. wave-leaved. ————_ 1794. +: Gh. GELONIUM. Dicecia Icosandria. W. oval-leaved. E., Indies. 1793. 6.8. S.h. RorrLera. Dicecia Icosandria. W. dyer’s. E. Indies. 1810. «++. S.b. Trewia. Diccia Polyandria. W. naked-flower’d. E. Indies. 1796. - Sk. URTICEZ. p. 361. BREAD-NUT. Polygamia Dicecia. W. Jamaica. Jamaica. 1776. - S.hb. Milkwood. — —— 1789. : Sh. CONIFER &. p. 371. SauispuriA. Misplaced at p. 370. maiden-hair-l4. Japan, 1754. 4.5. H.h. Subordo lV. EMPETREZ. Nuttall. CERATIOLA. Heath-like. EMPETRUM. white-berried. Portugal. black-berried. PANDANEA. p. 377. PANDANUS, sessile. Moneecia Diandria. N. N America. 1820, ++.» Diecia Triandria. L. 1774. Britain. . Pembu. 1825, meee H.h. 4.6. G.h. 4,5. H.b. S.h 3R2 491 Linn. trans.10. t.14.f.1. Brown. jam. t.37. f. 1. Botan. regist. 358. Sloan, j.1. t.83. f.1. Lamb. cinch. 52. t. 10. Jacq. frag. 3. t.1. £5. Roxb. corom. 2. t. 168. Rheed. mal. I. t. 42. Sw.fl.ind.oc. 1. t.1. f.1. Wats. dend. brit. 168. Pursh. amer. I, t. 13. Eng. bot, 526. ‘ty GERANIUM. 43, CRANE’S-BILL. 492 ADDENDA et CORRIGENDA. ‘ORCHIDEZ. BLETIA. 385. BLETIA. guineensis. G.D. Guinea. Guinea. 1822. -«-- 8.x, ONCIDIUM. 386. ONcIDIUM. pubes. B.R. pubescent. Brazil. 1824. 3.4. S.%. Botan. regist. 1007. EULOPHIA. 388. EULOPHIA. : | Me 7 streptopetala. B.R, twisted-petal’d. S. America, 1822. 12.6. 8.4%. Botan. regist.1002. — MELANTHACES. p. 428. PELIOSANTHES.A.R. PELIOSANTHES. Hexandria Monogynia. 1 humilis. a.R. small. E. Indies. 1809. 5.6. $.%. Botan. magaz. 1532. 2 Teta. A.R. large. —— 1807, 4. Sy. ——— +1302. JUNCEZ. XEROTES. XEROTES. ; | echinata. wb. bristly. N. Holland. 1824. ---- G.%. GRAMINEZ.. p. 439. POA. p. 452. MEADOW-GRASS. - mucronata. Beau. mucronated. Africa. 1822. 7.9. S.4%. Beauv. fi. ow. pl. 4. Omitted in their proper places. STACKHOUSE. Brown. — - §TACKHOUSIA.S.S. Srackuousta. Pentandria Trigynia. : linariifolia. F.T. Linaria-leaved. N.S.W. 1823. +--+: G.h. BREXIA. p. 65. Brexia. Pentandria Monogynia. SS. , et ‘1 spinosa. BR. | spiny. Madagascar. 1815. 7.8. 8.h. Botan. regist. 872. 2 madagascariensis. Madagascar. ——_ —_-_ — Sh. ——— 730. - Venana madagascariensis. Lam. gate 8 chrysophylla. =~. golden-leaved. —————-_ 1820. -+-+s S.h. LAUROPHYLLUS.W.Lavrornyitus. Polygamia Diecia. W. Sa capensis. w. Cape. C.B.S8. 1801. --+. Gib. | . SCHEFFERIA. 472. ScCHAFFERIA. Dicecia Tetrandria. W. Sead: white-flowered, W. Indies. 1793. --+- S.h. Lamuill. t, 809. g i PORANTHERA. p.89. PoranTHeRA. Pentandria Trigynia. ee er tt | ericifolia. L.T. Heath-leaved. N.S. W. 1825. 5.8. G.h. Linn.trans.10. ¢.22.f.! RULINGIA. 55. RULINGIA. 4 corylifolia. 1. Nut-leaved.. N. Holland. 1824. sees Gh. . 51 Lamberti. s.G. Mr. Lambert’s. Nepaul. 1825. 8.10. H.%. Swt. ger. 4. t. 338. . « MIRBELIA. p.475. MursBeria, va 5 Baxteri. . Baxter’s. . N. Holland. 1826. «+++ Gh. ~ wrk rae - a b SCHELHAMMERA. 428. ScHELHAMMERA. | multiflora, B.P. many-flowered. N. Holland. 1824. 7.8. H.b. NE INDEX GENERUM to PART It. 8 Page. Page. Page. Page. ABIETINE +--+ 372|Aitonia ++++--+- 476] Anchusa 292, 293, 294 Argania «...++. 269 Abildgaardia: +++ 438|Ajax —-- +--+ 407| Andersonia ---- 266] Argyreia ++2- 289 Abronia -----+- 335| Ajuga seoeee 315|/Andira — -..-... 484 | Aristea coreoe 395 Acacia «++----- 483|Ajuga «se ee oe $16|Andrachne ---+ 360|Aristida -»++-. 444 Acacia »++~ 482, 483; Albuca -+«<+++- 417] Androcera -+---+ 301} Aristida «+--+. 444 Acalypha +--+ 358|Aldea ..--+-++++ 295] Androcymbium -+ 428} Aristolochia -++.» 353 ACANTHACEE 326 | Aletris »e+e « 409} Andromeda ---- 254] Aristotelia «++. 473 ~ _Acanthus -+++ 326|Aletris -++-++++ 409| Andromeda --- 254) Aronia -++-s0s6 485 Acer seoesse+ 470| Aleurites «----- 359| Andropogon -+-- 446]AROIDEZE «- 377 © . Aceras sseeee 382) Aleurites .---+-++ 359] Andropogon 446, 447|Arrhenatherum 447 Acerates -----: 279}Alhagi +-++++-- 480} Androsace ---- 330/Artemisia --.... 242 Achillea -- -+- 244) Alisma seeeee 375| Androsace +----: 330|Arthropodium -- 417 Achillea -+++ 241,242) Alisma «++++++-.375| Aneilema ---..- 430} Artocarpus --+-+ 362 Achimenes -+++ 303) ALISMACEZ:.--+ 375;Anemia-~-.+--- 460} Arum ae tas tao) Achnodonton -+ 44]}Allamanda ----+ 274)Angelonia ------ 306| Arum tecess 879 Achras sseees 269) Allantodia +--+ 462; Angrecum ---:- 388/Arundinaria - -» 457 Achyranthes -- 337|Allionia --.--+ 335/Anguillaria ----. 428}Arundo- ..---.- A457 Achyranthes 336,337|Allionia ----«+ 334} Anguloa” -:::-- 386 | Arundo 442, a A51, Acianthus :+---+ 384| Allium sse+e- 421) Anigosanthos---- 400 453, 457 Acidoton see: 491/Alnus -----++- 368} Anisanthus --+- 396}ASARINA .-- 353 Acinos saeees 315| Alnus seeee-e 368) Anisodus +----- 298/Asarum ....-. 353 Acnida -----+++ 340} Aloe +-eee+e+ 410} Anisomeles --+-- 316 ASCLEPIADEE 276 Aconitum ---+++ 465 | Aloe 411, 412, als, 423|Anisopetalum -- 386]Asclepias ---..- 279 Acorus «ecseccee 378|Alonsoa---e-- 306} Anodontea_ ---++ 467] Asclepias «+ 279, 280° Acrocomia ---+++ 432) Alopecurus ---- 441| Anomatheca «--- 396|Asparagus ---. 423 Acrostichum --:-+ 460| Aloysia | ---++- 324)/Anona .---:. 466| Asperugo ...... 292 Acrostichum --+- 460|Alpinia ------ 390} Anredera ------ 338| ASPHODELEZ 416 Acrotriche «++: 488|Alpinia +-+-++ 390] ANTHEMIDEZ 24} | Asphodelus «-+- 416 Actinocarpus -++ 375|Alsophila ------ 464| Anthemis .----- 243|Asphodelus --+-- 416 | -Actinochloa «+++ 455|Alstonia -++++++ 275| Anthemis 243, 244, 245| Aspidistra .--.-+- 378 _ Adelia sss see. 361| Alstroemeria --+» 408] Anthephora ---- 448|Aspidium e+e+ 461 Adelia eeee-+ 361|Alternanthera -- 337} Anthericum --+-+ 416|Aspidium ++ 462, 464 Adenanthos --+- 490|Alysicarpus ---- 480] Anthericum416,417,418|Asplenium ---- 462 - Adenocarpus --- 476) Alyssum = -+-++: 467| Anthistiria +--+ 447} Asprella +: «+++ 451 Adenophora +--+ 249} Alyxia --++++ 273) Anthocercis ---- 295|Astephanus ---- 280 — Adesmia_ --.-++- 478; AMARANTHACE|Antholyza = ---+ 396|Asterolinon «e+e 331 cite, Adiantum -+-- 464 sseecere--+e« 335 | Antholyza 396, $97,398 | Astranthus +++» 473 — Adyseton --+---- 467; Amaranthus --+ 335|/Anthoxanthum ++ 440 Astrocaryum - rene 432 Hgilops ------ 450} AMARYLLIDE/E Antidesma --- 361|Astrolobium --. + 478 ; FEgiphila «eesee 922) ------ eveeeeoe 401}, ANTIDESMEZ 361) Astroloma -- 267, 448 HEgopogon .«-.-..444|Amaryllis ------ 402|Antirrhinum ---- 303] Athanasia ...--. 241 Aeranthes --+--+ 388} Amaryllis 401, 403,404,| Antirrhinum 303, 304} Atheropogon:--. 447 Aerides «-+++++ 388 405, 406,422} Aotus --++++++ 474] Atheropogon +++» 455 Aerides »++--- 388)Amasonia --+- 324/Aphelandra -+-+- 327|Atraphaxis -+-- 342 — ferua 9s «++ +-« ++ 337{Ambrosinia ---- 379|Aphyllanthes -+ 422)Atriplex -----. pee = #Eschynomene -- 478}|AMENTACE/ 365|Apicra ~ +-++++ 413|Atropa +--+ ++ 298 AEschynomene --++ 478|Amerimnum +--+ 477) Apluda___-----: A46|Atropa «+++++5. 298 ZStheilema +++- 327) Amethystea -°++ 310; APOCINEZE -> 273|Attalea --++++ 433 Afzelia -+++-+++ 307|Ammocharis +--+ 404|Apocynum’ -:-- 276} Aulax seers B45 Agapanthus ---- 409|Ammyrsine ++-+ 266] Apocynum --«++- 280|Aurinia tors 467 Agapanthus ---- 421|Amomum -»++ 390} Aponogeton ++ 876/Avena seeees 45Q Agastachys +++- 491|Amomum + +-++ 390/Arabis — +++-+: 466|Avena 443,451,452 Agathis ---+-++- 372}Amphilophium -- 284| Araucaria ---+-- 372|Avicennia ---- 326 Agati .---++-:--+ 478|Amphipogon ---- 442|/ Arbutus ------ 253|Axonopus <-++. 449 Agave -seeee 424) Amsonia sere 275 | Arbutus -sones 253) Axyris e300 340 Agave »soeee 424|Anabasis ------ 338} Arctostaphylos -- 253 | Axyris seoeres B40 Agrostis" ---->- 443|Anacyclus) <---> 243) Ardisia -ee+ 268|Azalea -+--- $9 2 Agrostis 442, 443, 445| Anagallis «----- 331)Arduina” ---:-- 273 |Azalea ++ ses 266 — Agyneja +-+--+ 360|Anantherix ---- 280) Areca sesees 432| Azima ssesee 87, > Aira ---+++-+++ 445|Anarrhinum -+-+ 303} Arethusa -«++ 385|Babiana -.---. 396 i Aira seo» 445, 451|Anatherum «+++ 447} Arethusa +++ 384|Bactris ++++++++ 433 Airopsis ++++++ 445|}Anchusa ---:°+ 292 Aretia s-ceoe 330) Baeckia --.---- 486 > Page. Baobotrys «+++ 268 Ballota = - -+++. 321 Ballota teoess 32] Balsamita «+++. 241 Bambusa «---+- 457 Bambusa «+++» 457 F Banksia .---+- 349 _ Baphia- .----+- 482 Barbarea ++<+++ 466 Barleria -+-++: 326 Bartholina++--+++ 382 Bartsia erreee 306 7 Bartsia reese 307 Basella vecces 338 Basella «-+-«+-+++ $38 Bassia «+--+ +se+ 269 Batschia -----+ 291 275 449 Beaumontia ---- ~Beckmannia ---> Befaria covers 266 Begonia --+:-: 341 BEGONIACE 341 Bejaria ssecee 266 Belamcanda ---- 395 Belis «<2 acscee 373 Bellevalia ----+- 419 «~Bellinia s+ +2+5 298 Berchemia ...--- 472 _ Bernhardia .-+-+- 459. = Besleria ------ 252 Beta” -----. ee 340 - Betonica --.... 321 - Betula -eeesees 368 BETULINA -«++ 368 Beurreria «+++ 294 Ae Bignonia <-+---- 283 Big nonia 273, 283, 284 Ee - 486 255 255 - 409 263 463 463 327 - 326 492 3 340 J 486 2 Bobartia tesees 395 _ Bocconia ++:- 466 - Boehmeria ------ 363 _ Boerhaavia --+- 335 Boerhaavia -+++++ 335 - Boldoa seveee 335 - Bonapartea «+++ 425 Bonatea -+++++ 382 _ Bonnaya ---- - 308 _ Bonplandia -+-- 286 Bontia seaees 326 BORAGINEH 290 , Borago +--«+-- 294 Borago seeeee 294 Borassus +-++-- 433 Borbonia <«--+++ 475 Borkhausenia «+++ 303 Boronia <-++-+: 471 }Callicarpa -- INDEX GENERUM. Page. Borya seeeee 361 Bosea seoeee 340 Bossiwa +eees+ A475 Botryceras +--+ 349 Botrychium «+--+ 459 Bouteloua --++-- 455 Bowiea severe All Brabejum ------ 348 Brachypodium -- 456 Brachypodium ++ 455 Brachystelma -+ 278 Bradleja_ ------ 360 Brassavola -+--- 387 Brassia seeoes 386 Brexia seaese 492 Briedelia --++-+ 360 Briza seen eee 454 Brodizwa -+e++-. 410 Bromelia ---+++ 424 BROMELIACEZ: Sar Sait meee aod Bromus vreces 456 Bromus «+++ 456, 457 Brosimum ---- 491 Brossea .----- 254 Brotera seeees 320 Broughtonia -+-+- 387 Broussonetia -+-+ 363 Broussonetia ++++ 362 Browallia ------ 306 Brownea »------ 484 Brucea secees ATA Brugmansia +--+ 297 Brunfelsia ------ 302 Brunnichia «++. 341 Brunsvigia +--+ 404 Brya seeees 482 Buchnera «---+++ 306 Buchnera --++ * 306 Buddlea --++-- 302 Bulbine -++ee. 416 Bulbocodium -+-- 428 Bumelia «----- 269 Buonapartea -**+ 424 Buphane -++++- 404 Burchardia: ----- 428 Burmannia:----- 434 Burtonia -+-+--+ 474 BUTOMEZ..+++ 375 Butomus --++++ 375 Buxus s+ -=+- 358 Bystropogon +- 318 CHSALPIN EE 484 Ceesia ...++++202 417 Caladium «+++++ 379 Caladenia -+++++ 384 Calamagrostis -+ 442 Calamintha -++- 314 Calamus os aye oe A32 Calanthe --++++ 388 Calathea wees 992 Calceolaria:----- 207 Caldasia wees 286 Caleana = ++**-+ 385 Caleya sie 000k SBD Calla soe tee O78 Calla on pth ES S78 see 323 oy Page. Calligonum -+--. 344 Callisia = +- «+++ 430 Callistachys -++- 474 Callistemon 486 Callitriche ....-. 376 Calluna 255 Calochilus --.... 383 Calopogon 385 Calostemma ---- 406 Calothamnus +--+ 486 Calotropis ----.. 280 Calymenia +--->+ 334 Calypso 385 Calystegia -- 287, 489 Calytrix --e.+e« 486 Camaridium --.- 387 Camellia 469 Cameraria ---+«+ 275 Cameraria -+ 274, 275 Campanula --+-+ 249 Campanula 249,251,331 CAMPANULACE/: 249 Camphorosma ++ 340 eeee sr et oe eo eee ene °., @eee - Bececeooeseore7 ee an Canarina --.--- 249 Canavalia --+-+- 481 Candollea ---+++ 465 Canina’ -«..--5. §Q} Cannabis -.++-- 364 CANNEZ ~-s-> 391 Cantua eeeees 286 Capparis +----- 468 Capparis +-+«++. 468 Capraria -+-++-. 302 Capraria +++2++ 302 Capsella----++ 467 Capsicum ----+-- 298 Caragana +++++: 478 Caralluma -+++ 278 Carapa seer e+ 470 Carapichea ++++ 487 Cardamine +++ 466 Carex -ccceres 435 Carex ++++ 487, 439 Careya «+--+. 486 Cargillia +--+... 270 Carissa +++ + 273 Carissa eee 273 Carludovica ---. 378 Carpinus +-++++ 368 Carpopogon. ++++ 482 Cartonema ---- 4380 Carancularia ++ 278 Caryota .+.+++ 432 Casearia ++--+- 473 Cassia cece ee ASA CASSIE «++. 484 Cassine = ++++-+ 473 Cassytha ----.. 344 Castanea «+--+». 870 Castilleja +++++. 307 Castilleja ++++++ 307 Casuarina ++-+-+. 37] Catabrosa +e++ 445 Catalpa + ++-+- 283 Catasetum -+++ 386 Cattleya -++++- $87 Cecropia ++++-+- 364 P age. Celastrus ++.++- 472 Celosia oreore 336 Celosia ceceee 336 Celsia seen 296 Celsia rereee 306 Celtis ceeene 364 , Celtis vecose 364 Cenchrus +-+++- 440 Cenchrus 440, 444, 452 Cenia =; _ «=>: 243 Centotheca «---- 452 Centrospermum 246 Centunculus -- 331. Cephelis sees A487 Cephalophora «+ 247 Ceranthera ++.-- 469 Cerasus «+e ++ 485- Ceratiola ---+++ 491 Ceratocarpus ++ 340 Ceratochloa +--+ 454 Ceratophyllum -- 376 Ceratospermum 340 Cerbera «+-++- 274 Cerbera decune Q74 Ceresia covees 441 Cerinthe ----+-- 291 Ceropegia --+-++ 278 Cestrum --+ «- $01 Ceterach +s ++ 461 Cheetaria ++++++ 444 Cheetocalyx «+++ 477 Chetospora -++- 437 Cheturus -++---- 442 Chailletia eres 473 CHAILLETIACEZ: 5, Whee ea seceee ATZ Chamedorea «+++ 431 Chameledon «+++ 266 Chamelirium ++ 429 Chamerops +++- 431 Chamerops +++- 431 Chamissoa «++» 336 Chamissoa cove 336 Chara seeeee 458 CHARACE 458 Cheilanthes -+++ 464 Chelone «+--+: 305 Chenolea -+++++ 338 CHENOPODEZE338 Chenopodium -* 338 Chenopodium 336, 338, oF sate he SN BO Chilochloa --+< 441 Chiloglottis --+- 384 Chilopsis ree~ 283 Chimaphila ---- 263 Chionanthus «+++ 271 ‘Chironia 9 .«--+- 282 Chlidanthus ++++ 496 Chloanthes «+++ 323 Chlora soveee 28] — Chloraster . +++ 408 Chloris cesees 447 | Chloris s++ssee8 447 Chlorophytum ++ 417 Chondrosium «++ 455 Chorizema --+- 474 Chrysanthemum 245, een @eee 487 ef erece Me Page, 6 areneicigpmene 216 _ Chrysiphiala 406 ‘Chrysophyllum 269 Chrysopogon ++ 446 Chrysurus) ---- 447 Cicca coreee 358 Cicendia ----- - 282 Ciconium :----> 471 Cinna soccer 443 Cinna + see 443 Cinnamomum -+ 344 Cipura sereee 304 Cirrhea = -+++-+ 386 Cistus veeees 468 Citharexylum -- 323 Cladanthus +--+ 244 Cladium.--.--- 437 Cladostachys -+ 336 Clematis «-.--- 465 Cleome ~— ----++ 468 Cleonia seoves 814 Clerodendrum -- 322 Clethra ceceee 254 Cliftonia «e+e. 254 Clinopodium -- 315 Clitoria seseee 477 Clitoria vecees ATT Cluytia + - +++. 360 Cobcea ssesne 284 COBCQ:ACEZ 284 Cochlearia +++» 467 Cocos resees 432 Codarium +-.--. 484 Codon ereeee 489 Celogyne :--+++ 386 Coix svevee ADT Colbertia «see. 465 Colchicum .---.. 428 Coleanthus = +++» 441 Colebrookia +--+ 324 Colletia -...+. 472 Collinsonia -++. 312 Colobachne -++.+ 444 Colpodium «+++ 443 Columnea- =» ++» 303 Colutea = «s+ e0s A778 Comandra’ -«-+- 352 Combretum «+++. 485 Comesperma --++ 469 Commelina +++: 430 Commelina -+-+ 430 COMMELINE® 430 Comptonia --~- 370 Conanthera «+++ 423 Conchium see 349 CONIFER .- 371 Connarus ------ 473 Conospermum 348, 490 Conostylis .-..-- 400 Conostylis ------ 400 Convallaria +++. 415 Convallaria «++5 415 CONVOLVULA- Cr. vehi: 286 Convolvulus -+-- 286 Convolvulus 287, 289 Corallorrhiza -+ 385 Corbularia. +--+ 407 INDEX GENERUM. Page. Cordia toeees 294 Cordia se - wwe » 295 Cordyline -+-. 424 Coreopsis +-+++- 487 Coris seenes 331 Corispermum .-- $40 Cornucopie +--+ 440 Cornutia «++++- 323 Cornutia «+++: 323 COROLLIFLORZ, mM cletatets « 6 smlelece 267 Coronilla ....-+ 478 Cortusa = sree 829 Corybas = s+ «# e+e 385 Corycarpus ---- 455 Corycium -+++++ 383 Corydalis ---++. 466 Corylus = -+-++« 368 Corynephorus +--+ 445 Corypha) -+++-+ 481 Corypha —-++*++ 431 Corysanthes «+++ 385 Cosmelia ---+-+ 488 Costus seers 390 Cotoneaster «+++ 485 Cotula ss -- -s-- 243 Cotula cescee 243 Coulteria +--+. 484 Craniolaria -«<- 285 Crateva «+++. 468 Crateva | +++04+ 468 Crepidaria ++e+++ 355 Crescentia --++++ 302 Crescentia --++-- 302 | Cressa teeeces 290 Crinum = ++++++ 404 Crinum — ss eees 406 Crocus coesse 399 Crossandra -+-++ 327 ‘Crotalaria -*++ 474 Crotalaria ++» 474, 476 Croton = «s 4 Dolichos ++ 481, 4 Dombeya ++ 285, Doodia Ore) @.e@7° Doryanthes:e+e+e. Dorycnium «... EBENACEE:- Ebenus: - oes. Eccremocarpus ++ % Echinaria «.---. Echinochloa’ Echinopogon ~» Echinospermum é | Echites «+--+: cf Echites a om eredd i Echium se «« ss f Ehretia «+-++. 2 Ehrharta «-:--- : Ehrharta «+++>+- t ELHAGNEE -:: th Eleagnus coeees * Eleodendron --- 2 El@odendron -+<«-- j _ Elais oie e's iain ! : ‘Elate eevete } , Elegia Boe tenets 5 . Eleiotis +--+. : a Eleocharis «++++« Elettaria ---+-:- Eleusine -<-+:: Ellisia. -+++++ _ Elsholtzia «--+-- Elymus = «+++: _ Epacris - Epipactis Eriocaulon - 5 tel A ee byte Mees Elytraria +++... -Embelia -----: -Emblica = +++-+> Embothrium -Embryopteris. ++ 2 - Empetrum ----++.° _ Enkianthus:----- Enodium <«e¢ee- Entada eevee EPACRIDEE ++ Epacris +--- 266, 488 eeocee 266 _ Epaltes coeee 24] -— Bbidend © ess - Epidendrum ---+ 387 - + Epidendrum 386, os papeeee 3 Epigewa a atansl 5 Epipactis -.--.- 384 sajna BBA EQUISETACE 458 Equisetum ------ Eragrostis -+++-+ 453 Eranthemum .- 328} Eranthemum «> 326 - Eremurus ------ Erianthus +++«++ 446 Erica - ide wie le Erica = +++«"255, 263 - -ERICEZ ..---.. 253 _. Erinus Sekine MOE. ; soos 435 4 , Eriocephalus vans 243 me le ace Coen A beutoved INDEX GENERUM. Farsetia «+++++ 467 | Gingko tesa Ferraria --+--- 396| Gisekia Ferraria +-++++ 396| Gladiolus 8| Ferreola +-+++++ 270} Gladiolus 396, 397,398, Festuca -*-+«=- 455 Festuca 454, 455, 456,|}Glaux ee+-+++- 331. Har eseee ee-e2- 457) Glechoma Feuillea ---++. 486|GLEICHENEZ 460 ibigi «-eee+s 467|Gleichenia ---- y access S61}Globba ----- cosees 284] Globba cece FILICES .----.- 459 | Globularia : Fimbristylis «--- 438}GLOBULARIZ 331 Flagellaria :--++-- 434|Gloriosa- +++; FLUVIALES .-- 376] Glossodia ----- Fontanesia -+++- 271/Glossula +--+... Forskohlea -++++ 364} Glottidium -- --- Fothergilla +--+ 371} Gloxinia ---. Frasera «eeres Fraxinus «-++++ 270|Glycine ------ Fraxinus «.++++ 271] Glyeine +++ 481, 482 to [e2) it Pec ereeronseveas 83 Glyceria +-+«-- Page, ; cont aa Eriochilus .-.... "aa Fritillaria .--... 426 Eriogonum:.---- 343| Fuchsia ++-++- 485 | Eriophorum --++ 439|Fuirena” .--. 439 Eriophorum +++. 439|Fumaria -.+-++ 466 }|Eriospermum «+ 421|Funkia~ .-..--. 409 Eriostemon ---- 471|Furcrea -.-..- 424 Eriostemon +++» 320|Fusanus” --++-. 352 Erodendrum ++ $46|Gagea. +++ 418 Erpetion§ ...... 469 | Gagnebina 482 fade 480| Galanthus — 408 Erysimum Woes 468 | Galarheus 357 Erythrea ------ 281 |Galax corres 268 Erythrina «+--+. 482|Galaxia---.. 396 Erythronium ---. 427|Galaxvia +--+. 396 awh Soar -« 482|Galega coves 477 rf Ree st 357|Galenia -«+.-. 340 Ethulia +++ -+s 241 | Galeobdolon ---- 319 Euchroma --++-+ 307|Galeopsis --+- 319 eeoees 491 | Ganymedes + 407 Eucomis «sess. 420)Gardenia «..+... 487 Eucrosia «+++++ 406|Gasteria -+.--.. 411 Eudesmia -----++ 486|Gastronema - 406 Eulophia -- 388, 492|Gastridium +--+. 441 EUONYMEZ:.. 472|Gaudinia_ ----- 452 Euonymus --++-: 472| Geissorhiza «+++ 399 sees « 282}Gelonium~ «---- 491 Euphorbia «-+--- 355|Gelsemium ~---+ 273 Euphorbia ++++++ 355|Genista-+--- 484 EUPHORBIACEE | Genista <---- AT6 eer seeee 355|Gentiana ---+++. 280 ekphiasia cooses 306| Gentiana --++«+ 282 | Eurycles «+--+. 406}GENTIANEZ 280 Euryspermum -++- 846} Geodorum ----- 385 Eustachys ----- » 447| GEOFFREE®.-. 484 Eustegia -.+-++ 280] Geoffroya -..-. 484 Eustoma --«+-+ 282| Geoffroya «.-»++ 484 Eustrephus:+---+ 423|Geonoma ---... 432 Euterpe’ ---+-« 432] Geranium ----. 492 Euthales -----: 248} Gerardia «+-.«. 307 Evolvulus -+++++ 289} Gerardia - «++++« 307 Exacum)-+++++ 282 GESNEREE - e+ 252 }| Exacum +--->- 282 | Gesneria - 252 Exceecaria +--+: 361 | Gethyllis --+..- 408 Exocarpos +-++++ 352|Gethyra --++++. 390 bees veeees 481 | Ghinia teeess O24 avidsenie 370 | Gilia nye be A268 ++eess 290] Gilliesia eee 3870 Seeeee 8337 seaese O97 sees SID 460 389 427 478 252, 488 45 47. 9 Baiedonan | - 400 Glycosmis -+++-. 47(} Gmelina -+.+--- 329 Gnetum = ++++-- 364) Gnidia terees SOIL Gomeza) ss sesee- 385. Gomeza s+ ++ +s. 386 Gomphocarpus ++ 280 Gomphocarpus ++ 279 Gompholobium -- 474 Gomphrena ---++ 337 Gomphrena ++++ 337 Gomutus ------ 433 |} Gongora eecees 387 Gonolobus ----+- 279 Gonostemon -+-- 278 Goodenia 248, 488 Goodenia ++ 248, 249 GOODENOVIER pa eiete ot once= 248 ponders sesees 383 Goodyera +++++, 383 Gouania <++--- 472 Gremia eeees+ 241 GRAMINEZ -- 439 Grammitis -+-- 461 Grangea ----«- 243 | Grangeria :---- 485 _— Gratiola -----. 308 Gratiola --++-. 308 Grevillea ++ 345, 490 Griffinia ---..: 404 Gualtheria «--. s+ 253 Gualtheria +++4;- 253 Gunnera -+-+-+-: 364 Guzmannia:----- 425 Gymnadenia +--+ 382 Gymnema -+--++ 279 Gymnogramma -- 461 Gymnostachys «+ 378 Gymnostyles .-+++ 243 Gynandropsis. «- 468 Gyrocarpus «+++ 345 Gyromia .--++> + 415 Gyrotheca --+-.- 400. Habenaria --+--- 382 Habranthus ---~ 402 oe *- 275 Hemanthus «--- 404 Hemanthus-+-+>- 404 , HEMODORACER, Bay ee eeecoes 490 Hakea .-- - 349, 490° Halesia +++-+- 268. Halimodendron:- 478 Halleria ii ¢ 803 HAMAMELIDEZ#, teerercesres STL Hamamelis--+--- 371 Hamiltonia-++--- 352 Hardwickia +++ 484 Haronga <---+-- 470 Harrachia «+-++- 327 Hartogia «---+- 473 . Hastingia .«+++++ 323 Haworthia ---+-- 411 | Hebenstreitia -+ 325 Hedeoma ++«e+* 310 a a> SBS SSS = Se 488 29 iy i) 383 383 4 ul Hg 19) 104 seepeee 'Teleochloa 9 Lelianthemum -- 468 Teliconia Teliopsis ,; Leliotropium Teliotropium 290, Felleboring - +++ dellenia Temerocallis .... Hemerocallis -... Temidesmus --.. demimeris Hemimerig +eeecs- Aemionitis ---... deritiera g Teremisiin , Telonias Telonias fie cokesee +. desperantha +--+. Heteranthera --- Page. oe -+s> 390 \LEDYSAREZ 478 dedysarum ---+ 480 Tedysarum 477, 478, + 479, 480 4s4 eeeene eer eee 392 eseore 487 e+ 290 294 382 390 429 429 eeeaeve 409 409 416 276 we ne eeese e@eere8@ 4 Heteranthera «++. 429 4 deteropogon ---. 446 4 Hexaglottis .... 398 { Tibbertia ...... 465 5 Tibiseus cosese 469 ) Tierochloe +-++. 445 10 |i il dippia casess 243 8 Hippia Sellen 248 : Hippion @eecee 282 8 Hippocrepis seve 478 5 Hippomane «++. 359 5 Hippophae cao, 353 "| Hippophae eoeee- 353 )\HIPPURIDER 376 be Aippuris ieee 376 \Hirtella seeeece 485 ! Hoarea seccees AZO 1\oitzia e+ + ++ 286 | see teeeee 447 ) *Folcus: e@eaeene 447 !folmskioldia .. 323 ) Fomeria +-+++- 395 | | Topea seeeee 267 /}iordeum +----. 444 ]sorminum----.- 314 Hornemannia «+++ 306 (testa veseee 323 jtottonia e+-+-+ 331 ioustonia +--+... 282 j ‘outtuynia+++++. 378 d.ovea aooeces A775 aba verses 472 gq .eya eseee. 278 d tudsonia e@oecece 469 inernia eres 278 INDEX GENERUM. Page. Page Humulus «+--+. 364{Ixia sss - es. 398 Hura escces 360) Ixia -+++ 395 to 399 Hyacinthus ---- 419| Jacaranda .--... 284 Hyacinthus 418, 419,| Jacaranda «--++.-° 283 ive SBN eve 420,421) Jacksonia .---.. 474 Hyenanche ---- 491|Jacquinia «+.+-. 268 HY DROCHARI- Janipha ++ 359 DEH ..eese 374|Jasione = --..6, 251 Hydrecharis --.. 374) JASMINEAZ® «- 272 Hydrochloa +--+. 453| Jasminum .-.... 272 Hydroglossum-+++ 460| Jatropha -+---- 359 Hydrolea ..... - 286 |Jatropha «+esee 359 AEN erga? Jonesia os ssee8, 484 ee 6 | JUNCAGINESR, 375 HYDROPHYLLEE JUNCEE ...--. 433 OES or ahiterecatere eos 295 Juncus ele tae Hydrophyllum ++ 295 | Juncus coos 434 Hydrophyllum «+ 295| Juniperus +++. 372 Hygrophila...... 326| Justicia evs+ 327 Hymenocallis -++» 406| Justicia 326,327, 328 Hymenophyllum 464|Kempferia «-.+ 389 Hymenophyllum 464} Kalmia eos. 264 Hyoscyamus -.-+ 297|Kennedia «+--+ 481 Hyoscyamus: «+~- 297} Kernera coes 467 Hyperanthera ++ 484! Kirganelia +--+ 360 Hypericum--+---+ 470} Knappia cree 443 Hyphene ..... + 432| Kobresia cove 437 Hypocalyptus -+ 476| Kochia was» 338 Hypoestes --.--. $28 | Kochia -* 338, 339 Hypolena ------ 435| Keeleria evee 451 Hypopithys +--- 263] Keenigia eos 344 HYPOXIDEZ 401] Koniga eres 467 Hypoxis <+--.. 401| Kyllinga coos 439 Hyptis e@exsees 320 LABIATAE eee8 310 Hyssopus -----. 318 | Lablab coos 481 Hyssopus ++-+- - 320} Lachenalia --.. 419 Tantha eeeee- 388] Lachenalia 419,420,421 Iberis = + - +s 468 | Lachnanthes «+ 400 Ichnocarpus ---+ 275} Lachnea sess 351 Ilex seosees 473] Lagetta sees 350 Ilex seeeee 473| Lagonychium:--- 483 Illecebrum ++ $36, 337 | Lagurus veoe 445 Imbricaria ------ 269} Lamarckia +--+ 447 Imperata --+--> 446|Lambertia -+-- 349 Incarvillea ++ —) 284} Lamium coe SIO Indigofera -----+ 477] Lanaria vere 400 Inga o vases 483! Lancisia eees 240 Inga +-oee+ 483] Lantana core 324 Inocarpus -.-+++ 269| Lapeyrousia +--+. 396 Ionopsis -+--+- 888|Lapeyrousia +++- 396 Ipomea_ «+ bil 489| Lappago cree 444 Ipomea +++ +». 289} Larrea veee 471 Ipomopsis ++++++ 286 | Latania coos 431 Tresine seeee- 337] Lathrea sees 328 IRIDEZ .---+-- 393|Lathyrus seer 480 Tris te wees 393] LAURIN .-- 344 Tris -e« 394, 395} Laurophyllus -- 492 Isachne ------ 449|Laurus «+++ 344 Isanthus «+--+. 317] Zaurus reseee 344 Ischeemum +---++ 447|Lavandula ---+- 316 Ismene +-++++ 407{/Laxmannia +++. 422 Isochilus ++++++ 387 | Lebeckia seee ATT Iscetes eeeees 458] Lechenaultia ++ 248 Isolepis +--++- 438 | Lecythis cree 486 Isopogon:+++ 346, 490} Ledum cose 266 Isotoma -++++-++ 248} Ledum vee 266 Itea coseoe 266] Leersia wove 44] Ttea seoree 254] Leimanthium -+ 429 , Page. Teiophy tage aoe eh Lemna eevee. LENTIBULARIEAS ee a | oeeerace 399 Leonotis seee 322 Leonurus veee 32E Lepechinia --+- 315— Lepidagathis ++ 327 — Lepidium °° 468 _ Lepidosperma «+ 437 — Leptandra +--+ 308 Leptanthus ++++ 429 Leptocarpus «+++ 435 Leptochloa ++. 454 Leptomeria +++ 352 ‘Leptospermum »- 486 Lepturus) «+++» 447 Lepyrodia «+++ 435 Lessertia seer 478 Lestibudesia «+++ 336 Lettsomia * siss 289 - Leucadendron +. 345 Leucadendron: ++ 347 Leucas soseee 321 Leucojum ---+-+- 408 Leucopogon 267, 488 Leucospermum -+ 347 Licuala ooo. 432 Lidbeckia -----. 243 Lidbeckia sees 243 Lightfootia --+« 249 Ligustrum -+-- 272 Lilium sees 4297 Lilium eves 497 Limnetis sees 440 Limnocharis ++++ $75 Limodorum 885, 388 Limosella eoe- 306 Linaria vee 303 Lindernia +++*+ 306 Lindernia ++++++ 306 Lindsea -.++«s 464 Linociera + +++ 271 Liparia: «+seeees 475 Liparis +++e-++- 384 — Lippia cances S25. Lippia 6- te eeGOe- Liquidambar +--+ 370 Lisianthus -- 282 Lissanthe -- 267,488 Lissochilus Listera eeoon sovees 384 Lithospermum ++ 290_ oe ae e+ 291 . Lithospermum Littea Pr Pay. | Littorella 334 Livistona 431 Lobelia eeeena 246 Lobelia sree-+ 248 LOBELIACE 246 Logania” ++++++ 282 Loiseleuria 266 Lolium vevees 450 Lomandra 433 Lomaria +++»s. 463 Lomatia veoe AOL Lomatophyllum ++ 423 Lonchitis ‘eos ee see eenese eoee 386 ceoe 464 i * Re eee at ee INDEX GENERUM. ‘¢ ‘Page. Page. Page Matricaria -+++ 244|Moluccella «++. 322)Nolana «+++» 29 Mattia +e+eee 293}Monachne -+-++ 449|Nolina = «+++ 42) Maurandia ~---» 303] Monarda --+ecc. 310} Nonea seamen BH Mauritia ----++ 432} Monerma veee 448] Notelwa -ceees 27 Maxillaria «+++ 387} Monerma -*+~ 448] Notholena -«+s+ 46 Maximiliana «+++ 432} MONOCHLAMY- |Notylia . -*«+ 38 Maytenus e-*+ 472) DEE eee+ 332] Nuttallia -++- 46 Mazus eesoee 306] MONOCOTYLE- NYCTAGINEA, 33 Medeola «seee0 423} DONE cons 374 Nyctanthes coos 27 Medeola --+-+-+ 415|Monopsis +++ 248) Nycterisition---+ 26 Medicago ++++++ 476} Monotoca ++ 267, 488|Nycterium <-++«- 30 Medusea «-++:+ 356|Monotropa +++: 264) Nyssa wove 35 Megaclinium ++ 386] Monotropa +++ 263} Obesia oaieie BB Megastachya ++ 454|MonoTROPES ++ 263} Ochrosia acoe 27 Melaleuca ++ 486|Morea -+-++*** 394) Octomeria s+ 3 Melampyrum ++ 307 | Morawa 393,394,395,396| Ocymum «++ 3! MELANTHACEZ {Moringa ses2 484] Ocymum sees 3) eseecccsesecess 428) Morisonia ++ 468|Cinocarpus +¢-> 4 Melanthium +--+ 428) Morus +«s+e¢+ 363/Olea -«++ 271, 4 Melanthium 428, 429 Morus eecoanceas 3f2 Olea f isis By Melaspherula -+ 399} Mozinna «-+++> 861}Q0LEINA «+++ 2% Melastoma --+:> 486} Mucuna sees 482) Olyra ine edt . Page. Lonshdetpias oe ATT Lophiola --+++++ 400 Lophira ++++++ 487 LOPHIRE «+ 487 | LOTEH «esses 475 ‘ Lotus eaeere 476 Lotus reeves A76 Lourea seve ees 478 Loureira «eses+ 361 Lubinia s+e++> 331 ~ Lucuma-) -eeens 269 a Ludolfia = seee0 457 Re: Ludovia saceee $78 ! Lumnitzera eons 313 Luzula weeoee 434 Luzuriaga +--+» 423 Lycium = -++++> 301 | Lycopersicum ++ 299 Lycopodium +«-+ 459 a Lycopodium ++*« 459 ; Lycopsis eveene 292 Lycopsis «2 292, 293 es Lycopus «eeeee 310} Melica -++-e+e++ 445|Muhlenbergia ++ 444/Omphalea +--+ 3! : Ly coris eneageosn 403 Melichrus anes 488 Murucuia eanve $55 Omphalobium ute 4 . LYCO PODIACEE Melinis POPES O@ 444 Musa eceneans 892 Omphalodes osee 2 Melilotus -«-+-- 476 Melilotugs cow». 476 Melissa eeesee 313 Melissa covace 315 Melittis -+-se- 315 Melocanna ««e-« 457 Melodinus e+e 276 Meniscium e-- 461 Mentha = eeeeee 318 Menyanthes «+++ 282 Menyanthes +++» 282 Menziesia «¢+«cas 263 Mercurialis +-+>-+ 335 Mertensia «+... 364 Mertensia .-+-++ 460 Mesembryanthemuin esxevetveao@Pepeveaseea sé 486 Mespilus «+«:+» 485 Messerschmidia-+ 294 Messerschmidia «+ 294 Metionica «--+++ 427 Metrosideros.++s» 486 Michauxia--+++- 249 Microcale oeen 282 @eevsecaqaneaneerevee? 459 3 Lygeum esenpgrecsa 440 Lygodium --++++ 460 Lyonia paeacece 254 Lyonsia -+++++ 276 _ Lyperanthus ++«2 385 Lysimachia -++- 331 ___ Lysinema -« 266, 488 y - Maba owen. ces 270 - Macleaya ««++++ 466 ~Maclura9 -see++ 362 Macradenia --.- 386 _ Macrolobium +--+ 484 -Macrotropis «+++ 474 Mesa sseeee 268 Mairania esaene 253 _Malaxis ecee 395 — Malaxis - «++++0 334 - Malpighia «++. 470 - Mandragora ++<+ 298 Manglilla «+++» 269 Manicaria «+--+» 433 ~Manisurus «+--+ 448 - Manna oenens 480 MUSACEZ «+ 392 Muscari sees 419 Mygalurus «++: 456 Myginda cove ATZ Mylocaryum «+++ 254 MYOPORINEZ 325 Myoporum +++ $25 Myosotis eres 293 Myosotis 290, 292, 293 Myvrica reoe 370 MYRICEH® +++ 370 Myristica s+s+ 345 MYRISTICEZ 345 Myrospermum +s 474 Myrsine sone 268 Myrsine eres 268 MYRSINEJE -+ 268 Myrsiphyllum -+ 423 Najas _-:+--+ee4 376 Nama -++se«e*+ 286 Narcissus «+s» 407 Narcissus cece 407 Nardus eoee 439 Nardus voce 448 Oncidium -- 386, A Onobrychis -+++ 4! Onoclea — sse2 4 Onoclea cere Al Ononis seer A’ Onosma - caer Qi Onosmodium »-« «+ 52. OPHIOGLOSSEA coeoveceersececce G Ophioglossum::++ 4 Ophiopogon ese+ 4 Ophioxylon ++ 2 Ophioxylon sea» 2 Ophrys io opr eiate 3 Ophrys 382, 383, 3 Ophyostachys «+++ 4 Oplismenus »++-+- A Oplotheca +++++* 4 Orbea . «revere 2 ORCHIDE -- 3 Orchis = ss #99 3 Orchis = se #808 & Origanum «+s 9 Ormocarpumeses> 4 - Mantisia. «-+--- 359|Microchloa «+++» 444}Nartheclum «+++ 434/Ornithidium +*=++ ¢ - Manulea ----.- 806|Microlena -+++ 457) Nemesia -+»« 803] Ornithocephalus — ‘ -‘Maranta «--++« 392|Microloma ++++ 280}Nemopanthus ++ 473|Ornithogalum-+a+ 4: - Maranta ----++ 392|Microstylis. -=+- 385|Nemophila -+-+ 295 | Ornithogalum +++ < -Marattia. «-:--- 460|Microtea ----++ 333} Neottia ese» 383} Ornithoglossum = + Marica oereee 394] Microtis eacose 384] Neottia e*ee 383) Ornus eceeee | Marica seacee 395 | Micgia saeces 457|Nepenthes +--+ 381|QOrobanche +++ ¢ Marisens «+--+. 439} Milium receee 442) Neneta seceee $19 OROS ANGE: Mariscus eocese 437 Marrubium -<-- 321 Marsdenia -«++*« 279 Marsilea «-+++-+ 459 MARSILEACE 2 werrecsece. eee 458 Martynia ... 285, 489 Milium = + 442, 449 Millingtonia -+-+ 283 Mimetes «+--+. 347 MIMOSEZE ++ 482 Mimulus eees 306 Mimusops ++++++ 269 Mirabilis ecee 335 Nepeta cove 314 Nephrodium +--+ 462 Nerine eoes 403 Nerium woos 274 Nerium eocose 274 Nicandra +++-++ 298 Nicotiana «++ 297 Orobus~" iiapagnes ORONTIACEE ¢* 4 Orontium --se%+ | Orontium «++e«+ Orthoceras:+++«+ Orthopogon eos¢- Martynia araene 285 Mirbelia tit 475, 492 Nipa anee 433 Oryza os ger aca oe Massonia --+++* 420] Mirobolanus -+-~>+ 485 } Nissolia sees AT7|Oryzopsis -se* | me: Massonia.»-++++ 418|Mitrasacme 282,489] Nivenia +++-++ 348¢Osmunda »2.6-e.,| + Mathiola «+++++ 466} Modecca sone 355 ij apeeg ene 469 1 ae > i Bs Saacr 459, 460, INDEX GENERUM. Page. Paze. Page. Page. ‘ Ht OSMUNDACEZE,460}{ Persea seeee- 344] Plectranthus --»- 813] Prismatocarpus:+ 251 ‘4 Ostrya eves 368) Persea = sw ww es 344 Plectranthus seve 317] Priva eews 324 ‘MOSYRIDER -- 352] Persoonia -- 348, 490! Plectronia »--.++ 472 Priva ose» 324 ‘ WN Osyris veeees 3521 Petiveria wees 338| Pleea —s eww ene 433 | Proiphys «ete * di O tanthus -+-~ 241} Petrea +» 323, 490} Pleopeltis «----- 461] Prosopis «ves 483 “Outea . c«++ 484] Petrophila-- 346, 490] Pleurandra ~----+ 465} Prostanthera 315, 490 \}Oviede +--+ 322,396; Petunia -+++s- 297} Pleurothallis ---. 386{ Protea » stats BAG ; 3|Oxybaphus- -eee. $34} Phacelia eee- 295| Pleurothaliis +++- 386| Protea 345,346,347,348 » MOxycoccus «+--+ 253) Phalangium -«+- 416 Plukenetia --++ 358{|PROTEACEM 345 * ‘MOxypetalum ---- 489} Phalaris «++. 445} PLUMBAGINE®, {Prunella ++ +8313 » }Oxyria s+++s 342} Phalaris +++« 441, 445 recccesecvoese 332) Prunus +++ee+ 485 _ Oxystelma «++» 280} Pharus _ sees 457] Plumbago «-+-++ 333 Psamma «ao ABT “/Pachidendron -- 410}Phaseolus -+++ 481 Plumeria «+ 275, 489] Psilotum seve 459 q)/Pachyrhizus ---- 481} Phaylopsis ----+ 327| Poa om 452, 491} Psilurus tees “448 r D diphondras +s 358} Phebalinm ---~ 471| Poa _ *¢ 451, 453] Psophocarpus -- 48L j|Pederia ---++. 487] PHILADELPHES, | Pocockia «---++ 476} Psoralea i sore ET «§iPederota -«««.. 308} <---> seoey- vee 486| Podalyria +--+. 474|Ptelidium -cvees 473 Phillyrea -» 272, 492| Podanthes .---+~+ 278) Pteris --veseos 463 Philoxerus -«--++. 337|Podocarpus ---. 371|Pterostylis «++. 385 Philydrum «-+- 434|Podolobium «++. 474] Pterygodium -~e+ 385 Phleum = e«we+-- 441|Podopterus «+--+ 343] Pueraria oven ATT Phieum eveese 441 | Podostigma :«++e+ 280| Pulmonaria «+e. 291 Phlomis «++e». 321|Pogonia «--«++ 384] Pulmonaria «+«« 291 Phlomig es wees 322|Pogonia --+v~e 825|Pultenwa --e.0s 474 1 NP ALM AE 6euese A431 ¢Pancratium --+- 406 sPancratium 406, 407 "WPANDANEZ -- 377 (jPandanus =» 377,491 Panicum <-++-- 448 : «ere 466} Phlox veeeve 985} Pogostemon «+++ 318 Pupalia. i eGaae 6 HPAPILIONAGEE : Phenix = eveess 431 POLEMONIACEE, Puschkinia «e+. 4i7 i beeeccene desee ATA Pholidota w-+ee+ 388] steerer sseses* 285} Pycnanthemum-+ 317 Pholiurus +e++«- 448 Bolg onium -ves 285|Pycnostachys ++ 322. Phormium -++-+-+ 424|Polianthes +-++- 409] Pyrethrum --+-+ 246 Phragmites +++. 457 Pollinia evve 446} Pyrola ceseee 263 Phryma ---+++ 314|Polybotrya «+++ 464| Pyrola — e+eees 263 Phrynium ------ 391| Polycnemum:--+ 340{ Pyrularia «++-«» 352 Phycella --+«++ 404|Polygala -+-++. 469/ Pyrus epee Phyllanthus «+++ 360 Polygonatum ++ 415|Pyxidanthera .., 263 Phyllanthus +++: 360] POLYGONE/ 3841) Queltia = +e «++» 407 Phyllolobium -+++ 482 Polygonum -» 341] Quercus «csess 369 jPappophorum +» 451 (Papyrus -+-e+. 439 .(fPardanthus «vrs 395 gjPariana’ «++. 458 arietaria ++. 364 sy) Paris vee wrees ALS: «fiParivoa —— eee+ 484 jParkia ecewrs 483 uff/Parsonsia = «+. 275 _ Pas wees A41| Phylloma «+--+» 423] Polygonum -- 338, 342 Rafnia reve 475 Y peel nates es Pkoloryne -» 407, 408; POLYPODIACE® |Rajania — -veees 418 ,Passerina e++- 351) Physalis ~ ee 298] vceercereveees 460; Ramonda —++++ 296 3, #Passerina --+. 351) Phytalephas «++. 877|Polypodium ~— +» 461] RANUNCULACE Passiflora ewes 354 Phyteuma Geese Qi] Polypogon evesee AGI} —s an we woe *ternve 465 Phytolacca -+++ 337|Polypogon +++ 444|/Ranunculus «+e 465 PHYTOLACE,337 Polystachya ++ 387|Rauwolfia «+++. 273 Piaranthus »eee 278|Pomaderris +++ 472| Rauwolfia sees. 273 Picotia eves 293|Ponceletia «+++ 488} Ravenalia «esse. 392 Picramnia e+ 473| PONTEDEREZ 429| Renealmia -+.-+- 395 Pictetia <«+«+e+. 478|Pontederia -+++ 429} Renealmia +-+«++ 390 Pilea eeeeee 364| Ponthieva ee 383} Reseda resvese 468 ae Pilularia ----++ 458|Populus -++-+++ 867; RESEDACEH 468 a Pimelea ++ 851, 491 Porana vevece 289 RESTIACER ee 435 Le Pinguicula wves 329 Porana ev» 289 Restio eveves 435— kt ce. Pinus eovers 373 2 opie ee pet ee hlea eee ey i wee i sore nie 373 | Porliera cove Ai abdochloa -«ws 454 ‘ titers Sa ree Pines »e+++- $80] Potamogeton +» 376 Rhagodia . +++ 340 »IPENAEACE/ZE... 488| Piper ---: 380, 381 Potamophila ve 457 Rhamnus hende e 864 a . ¥Penicillaria --.. 440| PIPERACE-> 380] Pothos ree 877/Rhapis se eeee oh anes ‘4 Pennisetum ---. 440|Piptatherum ---- 442] Pothos — -++¢ 878] Rheum " tecree a : Pennisetum +++» 440|Piscidia --++-+ 478 Pourretia evce 425 Rhinant US~+++«+ 307 Penstemon «++» 305 | Pisonia covvee 335| Prasium e+e 314) Rhipidodendron Alt jPentzia weve 241 | Pitcairnia -+++++ 425] Prasophyllum -+ 383| Rhododendron 264 Peperomia sees 380} Planera -++-++ 364/Premna «+++ 323] Rhodora oe 264 {Pergularia. ---. 279| PLANTAGINEX, Prescotia -+++ 384; RHODORACE #264 ‘fPassifiora evel B55 ‘ #Patagonula ence 295 /#Patersonia-++.-- 395 »$Pectinaria +... 276 SMPEDALINE -+ 284 » § Pedalium weoe Q84 »4/Pedicularis -+«. 307 .§Pedilanthus s+. 355 ; {Pelargonium «+«- 470 wf Pelexia vrewe 383 ; "3 ; i sees 275| Rhopala ---+++ 349 ay woe O75 seccessevesses 939 | Prestonia SS coarc ees 445|Plantago +++ 333 Priestleya oee*e A74| Rhus tresses ATB ft tlie sees 318| PLATANEE «+++ 370{ Primula ++++ 329| Rhynchosia ++++ 48) aPern whit Platanthera «+++ 382] Primula --++ 330|Rhynchospora ++ 437 . te eave eo 276 te Titi aniek toveeee 370 PRIMULACE.£ 329 Richardia ewseee 378 60,'Perotis were 441} Platylobium -+*+< 474 Prinos 04 ‘s 473} Ricinus = -eee+s 359 i ® _ Salicornia :- Page. Rindera +eeee* 293 Ripidium ---+++* 446 Ripogonum:eseee 414 Ritchiea --++++ 468 Rivina ses ee 338 Robinia +e++ 477, 478 Rochelia saree 293 Rodriguezia ++++ 385 Roella eeoe 251 Roella soos 250 Rohdea veoow 378 Roscoea seee 389 Rosmarinus ««+« 310 Rostraria cooe 457 Rothia coos 480 Rottboellia +--+» 447 Rottboellia ++++ 447 Royena cooe 270 Rudolphia = e+++ 482 Ruellia eces 326 Ruellia eves 327 Rulingia seee AZ Rumex eese 342 Rumex ee 342, 343 Ruppia veve 376 Ruscus eoeses 415 Russelia ++*+*+ 303 Sabal cooeee 431 Sabbatia -seccsee 48] esee 446 eose 446 ecoe 375 Reh amaeh 9 eves 360 ecoe 340 Saccharum -- Saccharum +« Sagittaria «° Sagus SALicEz se - Salisburia «+ 370, 491 Salix ese2ooe@ 365 — Salmia veee 378 - Salpianthus «++ 335 Salsola -ereee 338 Salsola e¢ 338, 339 Salvia. sere + 810 Salvinia reese 459 - Samara ~ eeeoe 268 ~ Samolus reece 331 _ Sanseviera +--+ 409) SANTALACES, 352 Santalum coee 352 -. Santolina «+++ 241 Santolina «+e 241 - Sapium eeaeoeoet 359 SAPOTEZ ---> 269 - Saracha covers 298 ~ Sarcanthus-+++++ 388 Sarcochilus «+++ 387 - Sarcococca:+++s+ 491 Sarcolobus --«++:* 279 Sarcostemma :++» 280 Sarracenia >:::+:+ 466 SARRACENIZA 466 Satureja -seee* 317 ‘Satyrium -*+e++ 383 ' Satyrium ++ 382, 383 Saururus °-++««+ 380 Scevola «eeee+ 248 Schefferia ++++++ 492 Schelhammera 428,492 Schenodorus eevee 455 INDEX GENERUM. Seaforthia »---++ 433 7 STAPHYLEACE: Tasmannia -+<-« 466 Page. — pes ‘ Page. Scheuchzeria -+ 375,Soldanella ----+- 329} Swertia seees 281 Schinus = «++ +++ 473] Soliva evcvee 243|Swertia ++ee+« 282 Shisanthes «+++++ 407|Sophora +++++* 474)Syagrus ++++se 432 Schismus -+++- ¢« 445| Sophora _++++++ 474|Symphytum «++-« 291 Shizea seeeee 460| SOPHORESX ++ 474|Sympieza --+-+«+ 255 Shizanthus -+++++ 308|Sorghum .---++-+ 447|Symplocarpus ++ 378 Schmidtia -++-++ 441|Sorocephalus +--+ 348} SYMPLOCINEZ: Scheenus -++*++ 437|Sowerbea --++* 422] --->- tseeces 267 Schenus ++ 437, 438|Sparaxis ++-+++ 398}Symplocos +-++ 267 Schollera ++ 253, 429} Sparaxis --++ ++ 398|Synnotia -+«-++ 398 — Schotia seoees 484) Sparganium -+++ 377} Syntherisma +»++ 444- Schwenckia --++ 308|Spartina. --++++ 440|Syringa ---+++- 272 Scilla vereee 418} Spatalla eeev 348| Tabernemontana 274 Scilla -++e+ 416, 419|Spathodea ++++ 284} 'Tacca resin TONE Scirpus + +++++ 438|Spherospora +» 398| TACCACE «+ 379 Scirpus ++++e* 438| Spielmannia «+++ 324|Tacsonia -++ess 355 — SCITAMINE. $89|Spigelia +-+++-+ 282) Tzmites ++e+++ 464 © Scleria seovee 437) Spinacia «+--+. 340) Tagetes s+eeee 487 — Sclerochloa -++++ 453|Sporobolus ++++ 443) Taliera = +«e+e+ 43h Scleroxylum ++++ 269|Stachys <---> + 320] Tamarindus ++++ 484 © Scolopendrium +- 463] Stachytarpheta-+ 324] Tamonea +*++ss 324 Scolopendrium:+++ 461|STACKHOUSEA. |TAMEAE +++ees 414 © Scoparia «-+«++ 302 soeee sens 492| Tamus vecoss ALA — Scopolia -+sve+ 297 Stackhonsta sese 492| Tamus cscees AIS © Scrophularia -»-+ 304] Stanleya ssee 468|Tanacetum <+s++ 241 — SCROPHULARI- |Stapelia --++++ 277} Tanacetum ++++ 241 — N/E -oeeseeeee 302] Siapelia 276,277,278|Tanecium +--+ 302 ) Scutellaria -++++.315|Staphylea ------ 2| Tarchonanthus «- 241 Sebea soesee 282 sesorccesees 472) Taxanthema «+++ 332 5 Secale = «+++ : 449] Statice sveeee 332) TAXINZE «eee 371 Secale ~->++ 449, 450| Statice +++ 332,333) Taxodium «ees 372 Secamone -: +++: 276} Steganiu +<¢e 463) Taxus sooose O71 4 Securinega «+++ 361|Stelis seeeee 385| Taxus sovees S71 | Selago ceoe 325 |Stellera seee 351) Tecoma -+eees 284 — Serapias sve 382|Stemodia eeee 303|Tectona «-eees 324 Serapias «eee 384|Stenanthera +«++ 267|Teedia soscee 303 — Serruria -+++++s 347|Stenocarpus «+++ 349|Telopea --+ee* 349 © Sersalisia «-+-++ 269|Stenochilus +++«+ 326|/Tephrosia ++:+*+* 477 © SESAMEZE «+++ 285.) Stenomesson -+-e 406|Terminalia «++» 485 — Sesamum -+++e+ 285|Sternbergia «++» 401| Testudinaria «+++ 413 © Sesbania -+++++ 477|Stilago eoes 361| Tetracera .+eee 465 _— Sesbania +-++++ 478|Stillingia eres 360| Tetranthera +++. 344 Sesleria +-++-- 451 | Stipa eeeeee 442) Tetrapogon «+++ 449° Sesleria seeces 451) Stizolobium ..--es 483|'Tetratheca ++++ 469 Setaria -+-+++- 440|Stratiotes ..---- $74] Teucrium +++ee+ 316 Seymeria -+-++++ 307 |Strelitzia ++++-+ 392|Thalia +» ++++ 391 Shepherdia----+«+ 353|Streptium «+--+ 324| Thalictrum +++ 465 — Sibthorpia --++++ 306/Streptopus ---+-+ 415) Thamnochortus | 435 — Sideritis -++++++ 317/Strophanthus -+» 274) Thelygonum -e+e 364 Sideroxylon +--+ 269/Strumaria --++++ 404|Thelymitra «+e» 384 Sideroxylon. 268, 269)Struthiola ---+-- 351|Thenardia -+-e+ 275 Simapis --++-> 468 | Struthiopteris »-++ 463} Theophrasta «+++ 273 Sinningia ++++++ 488/Strychnos --+++. 273|Thermopsis --++ 474. Siphonanthus -+++ 322|Stylandra -:-++++ 280} Thesium -+++++ 352 Siphonia - ---- 359|/STYLIDE:.--. 248] Thesium +e+e+ 352, Sisymbrium -++++ 468}Stylidium ---+++ 248}Thrinax +++ 432. Sisyrinchium -+++ 395 |Stypandra ++++ 417) Thuja reece 372 Smeathmannia ++ 355|Styphelia -+ 267, 488. Thunbergia sere 326° SMILACE ++ 414) Styphelia +se+ 267} Thymbra -++++*+ 315 Smilacina »-ee+e 415|STYPHELIZE 267|THYMELAS «+ 350 Smilax seosee ALA|STYRACINEZE 267|Thymus «----+ 314 Smithia -++++e* 478/Styrax -«ee 267| Thymus +--+. 314, 315 Soja -secesseee 481) Suardia z++e 444| Thysanotus «+++ 423 Solandra «++ 302,489} Sutherlandia «+++ 478) Tiaridiuam «+--+«+ 290 SOLANEZE +++ 295|Swartzia --++++ 482) Tigridia ++++++ 396 Solanum «-++++ 299}/SWARTZIEZE--+ 482] Tigridia +--+» 394 Solanum +++« 299, 301}Sweetia -+-+-s 480) Tillandsia ++-+++« 425 INDEX GENERUM. Page. Tithymalus eevers 356 Tittmannia ++++++ 306 Todea oscere A460 Tofieldia eenees 498 Torenia «+++ 306 Tortula ecoeeose 334 Tournefortia «+++ 294 Tournefortia 290, 294 Tourrettia ecoveee J2S5 Trachelium e+e 25) Trachynotia e+e+ 440 Tradescantia ++ 430 Tradescantia +--+ 430 Tragia oe esas SER Tragopyrum eevee 342 Tragus eoeceeoe 444 -Treisia aeoeve 356 Trevirania ¢+++++ 303 Trewia -ee+-+ 491 Tribrachia ++++++ 386 Tricheta «e+r+++ 456 Trichochloa «+... 443 Trichodesma coon 294 Trichodium +++. 442 Tricholena «ee 446 Trichomanes «+--+. 464 Trichonema «++: 399 Trichophorum ++ 439 Trichorhiza --+- 388 Trichostemma ++ 314 Trichostemma_ ++ 317 Tricoryne --+++- 417 Tridens -«++«-- 451 Tridentea -+++-+ 277 Trientalis ««+--- 331 Trifolium ++++++ 476 Triglochin -+-++- 375 Trigonella «-+++- 476 Trigonia ++«+++ 470 Trillium e+eees 415 - Trimezia +s a's 394 Triodia eeooees 451 Triodia aniaen 45 Y Triphora woccee 384 Page: re Pages Page. Tripinnaria -+--+-+ 302 | Vanda eoccee 388| Watsonia «+++. 397 Triplaris -++--- 343] Vanda eeeees 388! Westringia «+++ 316 Tripsacum ..--++ 448| Vandellia ----+- 306|Whitleya «++. 298 Tripsacum .--+++ 448| Vanilla --+---- 388] Willdenovia +--+ 435 Tristania ++++++ 486| Varronia ++++++ 295| Willughbeia «+++ 276 Tristegis +-++++ 444] Vascoa eerees 475 | Windsoria eevee 451 Triticum ++++++ 449| Velleia secees 248)WINTEREZE -+ 466 Triticum 449, 450, 456| Veltheimia-++--- 409| Witheringia «+++ 301 Tritoma --+-++ 409| Ventenatia -+-+++ 248|Witsenia «+e+++ 395 | wi! Tritonia -++-++ 398] Veratrum --+-++ 429| Woodsia --+++- 461 Trizeuxis +-++++ 386| Verbascum -<+++ 296| Woodsia -+++++ 464 — Trochocarpa -+++ 267| Verbascum -+++-+ 296|Woodwardia ++ 463 4 Trollius -+-++- 465} Verbena -+++++ 325|Wrightia -++++: 274 Tromotriche «+++ 277| Verbena +++--+ 324|Wulfenia -++++- 308 Trophis --+++- 491] VERBENACEZ 322| Wurmbea «+++-+ 428 Tulbagia »-+-+- 409] Verbesina ------ 487|Xanthochymus «+ 470 Tulipa sseee* 426) Veronica 308, 489 | Xanthorrhea-++- 424 TULIPACEE -+ 426| Veronica -+-~+ 308, 310| Xerophyllum +++ 429 Tupistra +-++++ 378| Vesicaria »-++-- 467| Xerotes +--+ 433, 492 Turpinia «+-++++ 472| Vestia eooees 297) Xiphidium -++--+ 400 Tylophora »-+++> 278| Viborgia ++-e++ 476|Xylobium «+++ 387 Typha sees 377 | Vicia seeeee 480|Xylomelum «eve 349 TYPHINE ---++ 377| Vieusseuxia +++» 394|Xylophylla +--+ 360 Ugena seeees 460/ Vigna sewes: ABL| Xyris so++--eeee 435 Ulmus eossos 364| Villarsia +--++- 282 | Xysmalobium:+~+ 280 Ulmus eesees 364} Vilmorinia -+---- 477| Yucca veeeve 426. Uniola e+eees++ 454] Vinca severe 274) Zamia seeses 374 Urania eoeess 392] Viola eeeees 469| Zannichellia ---+ 376 Uraria seeees 479| Visnea seeses 485|Zapania +seeeee 324 Uropetalum +-+«- 419] Vitex cerees 323 | Zea soosee A457 Urtica coses+ 363 | Vitex »eeeese 323| Zephyranthes «+ 481 Urtica seeee-> 363] Vittaria +-++-- 463|Zieria = -- +--+: (ATED URTICEZ -+++ 361] Vochisia -+++++ 470|Zietenia +-++++ 320° Utricularia +--+ 329} VOCHISI/E -» 470/ Zigadenus *+---- 429° Uvaria = -++*++ 466/ Vohiria +--++- 489|Zingiber *++++- 389 | Uvularia’ ----+- 428| Volkameria ++-+ 322) Zizania <-+e*+s 458 Uvularia ++ 415, 428| Volkameria ++*~+ 322|Ziziphora «+-+++ 310 VACCINIEH 252}Vonapa” -+--++ 484| Zizyphus +s*++- 472 © Vaccinium -++- 252|Wachendorfia ++ 400| Zizyphus <«¢++++ 364 ~ Vaccinium ++++++ 253| Wahlenbergia +» 249) Zornia seoees ATR Vallaris +++-++ 275| Walkera «+++++ 472/ Zornia sesees 480 Vallesia ++«++++ 273| Wallichia +-+-+- 432/ Zostera ++++-+ 380. Vallisneria °+++ 374| Wallrothia «++» 323/ Zoysia socsee AA4L Vallota + +++++ 406} Wangenheimia -+ 446| Zuccagnia +++ 419° yt) ele 5 Basil ENGLISH INDEX to PART Il. Arrow-grass Arrow-head Arrow-root Asarabacca Ash-tree Aspen weeves _ Asphodel +--es> * Auricula _ Badger-bane ---~ Balm _ Balsam-herb «+--+ eeve eevee epee ewvwvee ewoe Seevwves -@eces _ Balsam of Tolu -- - Bamboo-cane -«- i Banana-tree even _ Banyan-tree «+--+ _ Barbadoes Lily-- Hf Barley @veevse eveeecr Bastard Balm .-- Page. ABELE-TREE ++ 367 Adam’s-needle «+ 426 _. Adder’s-tongue-+ 459 _ African Almond 348 African fleabane 241 African Lily ---. 409 oo eeuves 388 Alder se eeew- 868 Alligator-pear -- 344 All-seed = +++++- 339 Amaranth --+--- 335 Amboyna-pitch-tree TR AS RN i, American Cowslip 329 Arbor-vites-+-+-- 372 Archangel --++++ 319 375 375 392 353 270 367 416 330 465 313 327 474 457 392 362 403 444 313 315 Bastard Cabbage-tree BastardMangeneel 275. Bastard Orpine-« - Bastard Pimpernell Bastard Vervain Bay-tree ovve@weo _ Bear-berry--+~-- - Bear-bind ---»-- _ Bear’s-breech 484 360 331 324 344 253 287 326 - Bear’s-ear Sanicle 329 Beast-bane:-----. Beech Bee Ophrys ae eevee Beet = —s_ ow ee ee Belladonna Lily Benjamin-tree-< Bent-grass «--+-- Bergamot -+---. Bermudas Cedar Betony Bilberry Bindweed -.--+-- Birch Bird’s-eye peescee eee eae vereane 465 370 382 + 340 402 344 443 318 372 321 252 286 368 330 Bird’s-foot Trefoil 476 Page. Bird’s-head ---. 386 Bird’s-nest -+-++- 384 Bird’s-tongue--~- 428 Birthwort -+++«++« 353 Bitter Vetch .«.+ 480 Black Bryony ++ 414 Black Saltwort -» 331 Bladder-nut -»-- 472 Bladder-Senna «+ 478 Blea-berry ----- » 252 Blood-fiower «++. 404 Bog-rush «evees 437 Bonace-bark «++- 351 Box-thorn «-+-ees 301 Box-tree eeerse- 358 Brake eecees 463 Brazil-Pine «»+«~ 372 Bread-fruit «++~ 362 Bread-nut «cece. A491 Brome-grass -=+~ 456 Brook-weed -+++~ 331 Broom-rape «+s Buckbean Buckwheat--«+-. Buckwheat-tree Bugle Bugloss Bulbous Iris «=. Bur-reed Butcher’s-broom Butterwort- «oe. Cabbage-tree Calabash-tree Calamint Calathian Violet Calf’s-snout «+. Camphire-tree «» Canada-Rice +++ eeevesu eeeevdees ae 328 282 342 254 315 292 394 377 A415 329 A432 302 314 281 303 344 459 Canary-grass «+ 445 Candleberry-Myrtle PPG. TVOteovoves 370 Candy-tuft --+«= 468 Cane-brake +-~~ 457 Canterbury-bells 250 Caper-spurge--+- Caper-tree--+n+s Cardamon ++eere Cardinal-flower Carrion-flower ++ Cascarilla «.«e<.« Cassava Castor-oil-plant- « Catalpa-tree «+++ Catmint Cat’s-tail Cat’s-tail-grass -- Cat-Thyme ---- Cedar of Goa: --- Cedar of Lebanon Chamomile ----. Chaste-tree Chestaut e@erkews -eeeen- eonrereeo nee eoe¢seeor 357 468 390 247 277 399 359 359 283 319 377 441 316 372 373 - 243 323 370 Page. Chili Pine ---«.. 372 Chives vowel 407 Cinnamon ---«+: $44 Clary aeocews $12 Clearing-nut ---- 273 Club-moss «+++e+ 459 Club-Rush -+++++ 438 Cock’s-comb Cock’s-foot-grass Cocoa-nut-tree «+ Cogwood-tree Colic-root +e+es- Comfrey Contrajerva-root Coral-tree --«--- Cork-tree «+---+ 369 Cornflag 397 Cornish moneywort, 306 241 439 reese 336 454 432 344 409 291 364 482 ve eewewe?s Costmary -eeee. Cotton-grass ---- Couch-grass ++ Cowberry Cowitch Cowrie-tree +++ Cowslip Cow-wheat-++«e- + 253 482 372 329 307 dpeowdee eevee Cranberry -+++-- 253 Crane’s-bill +--+ 492 Crow-foot -+++++ 465 Custard-Apple «+ 466 Cypress) +-+e++ 372 Darnel = ‘veeees 450 Date-Palm--+-++ 43] Date-Plum «+e 270 Day-Lily ----+-- 409 Deadly-nightshade 298 Dead-nettle --+- 319 Dittany of Crete 317 Dock sreeee 342 Dodder = »~ +++ 290 Dog’s-bane-++e-+ 276 Dog’s-cabbage ++ 364 Dog’s-tail-grass ++ 440 Dog’s-tooth Violet 427 Dragon | sees 378,379 Dragon’s-head «+ $14 Dragon-tree 424 Duck-weed:+<+«++ 376 Dumb-cane +++ 379 Egg-plant -++«+++ 300 Elastic-gum-tree 359 Elephant’s-foot +- 413 Elm-tree 364 English Mercury 338 Evening-flower -« 399 Eye-bright - 306 Fan-Palm » 431 Feather-grass «+ 442 Felwort = -+-+-- 281 Fenugreek +-+--++ 476 Fescue-grass «+++ 455 449 | Page. 246 323 486 Feverfew cee. Fiddle-wood --.« Fig Marygold +» Fig-tree + ee+e* 361 Figwort eor-s+s 304 Filbert ‘seceee 368 Filmy-leaf --.-+- 464 Fir-tree eevess Flat-pea Flax-Lily +--+++- Flower de luce »- Flowering Ash «+ Flowering Rush — Fly Ophrys «+++ Foxglove Foxtail-grass-++~ Friar’s-cowl -+-~ Fringe-tree Fritillary -+++++s Frog-bit Fumitory Fustick-wood Garden Balsam: « Garland-flower «+ Garlic sees: Germander 309, German Madwort 292 Gentian 280 Ginger Glasswort -+---+ 340 Globe Amaranth 337 Globe-flower «+++ 465 Goatweed ---+-- 302 Golden-rod-tree 340 Goose-corn--++-++ 434 Goose-foot -+++++ 338 Grains of Paradise 390 Grape Hyacinth 419 Green-man -«+- 382 Greek Valerian 285 Gromwell «.-.+- 290 Ground Ivy «+++ 319 Ground-Pine ~++ 316 Guinea-grass +» 448 Gum-treg «+++. 424 Hair-grass «++-++ 445 Hard-grass 447,450 Harebell’s Hare’s-foot-fern Hare’s-tail-grass Hart’s-tongue ++ 463 Hassagay-tree «+ 473 Heath Hedge-hyssop ++ 308 Hedge-nettle ++ 320 Hemp: *eewesees 364 Hemp-nettle «+++ 319 Henbane -+-++-: 297 Henbit -«+e++- 319 Herbarota «+++. 244 Herb-Paris +++ 416 Hogweed = vee 335 eee e-re 475 424 393 271 375 covers 305 441 379 271 426 374 466 362 ewvnw @enoove eveves 390 373. 382 328, 421 316 a covess 389 4 445 eeoereeee 255 7 Ae ENGLISH INDEX. Page. Page. Holly -+++---- 4734 Malabar-nut ---- 328 Honeywort «++» 291) Male-fern™-. 462, 463 Hooded Milfoil 329|Mammee ...... 269 Hop s+eeeeee 364) Manchineel-tree 359 Hop-Hornbeam 368] Mandrake’ --«. 298 Horehound -+++ 321|Mangle wurzel 340 Hornbeam ------ 368) Mango-ginger .-- 389 Horn of plenty «+ 440| Manicot .-..«- 432 Hornwort ------+ 376) Maple veeeee 470 Horse-radish-tree 484} Mare’s-tail..-.++ 376 Horse-shoe-Vetch 478} Marjoram ..-.-«. 317 Horsetail ...-.. 459] Marvelof Peru 335 Horsetail-tree ++ 371} Mat-grass ...... 439 Hound’s-tongue 294) Meadow-grass, 452, 492 Hyacinth «.-+-+- 419{Meadow-Rue -- "465 Hycena-poison «+ 491|Meadow-Saffron 428 ‘Hyssop seneece 318 Medick eeocues 476 457 415 Indian corn Indian Cucumber wR oe 356 445 Medusa’s-head «« Melic-grass. CP oes Indian Millet. o> 447 Melilot eoecae 476 Indian Shot -+++ 391|Mercury «+«««. 355 ‘Indigo -+-++++++ 477| Mexican Lily---- 402 Ipecacuanha-spurge, |Mezerion ---«-- 350 eoecceceesecse 3574 Milfoil Seneon 244 Irish Heath ---- 263} Milk-tree «+--+ 274 Tron-wood «+++ 269} Milkwood secess 491 Tronwort +-«++. 317|Milkwort «+:-+++» 469 Jaca-tree «--++- 362) Millet-grass +-«- 442 Jack ina box «+ 345|/Mint ~— ..««.. 318 Jacobea Lily ---+ 403} Molucca-balm «+ 322 Jamaica Ebony 482|Moneywort <--- 331 Jasmine 272 306 Monkey-flower - « Jerusalem Sage 321| Monk’s Basil ++ 313 Job’s-tears. .-.. 457} Monkshood:-+«++ 465 Juniper .«-..-..- 372|Moonwort --++++ 459 Kidney-bean ean, 481 Motherwort ecoe 321 Knot-grass +++. 342] Mousetail-grass 456 Lace-bark --.-.. 350} Mudwort -.-.«--. 306 Ladies’-slipper -- 388; Mugwort ----+- 242 Ladies’-traces ++ 383) Mulberry -+-++. 362 Lady-fern «+--+. 462|Mullein +--+. 296 Lady’s-smock -- 466} Naseberry-tree 269 Lamp-wick ---. 321) NepaulButter-tree 269 Larkspur ..-.-. - 465] Nettle------- eos 363 Lavender -----. 316 | Nettle-tree-~---- 364 Lavender cotton., 241| New Zealand Spruce we? Rice Leadwort --.-..2. peat ies wiles wees 0, acole Leatherwood «- 350! Norfolk Island Pine eek SAIS He VAR See ole waes wee 27S Lilac sceeee 272;Nutmeg seeeee 345 Lily coecae 427} Nut-tree eo+-++e 368 Lily Pink Vaeece tee Oak eacerss $69 Lion’s-ear ++++«- 322|Oat-grass ees++- 452 Lizard’s-tail ---- 380} Oil-nut orceee $52 Loose-strife »~.. 331] Oily-grain »-+++- 285 Lousewort ---.2+ 307 | Oily-Palm -+++-- 432 Love-Apple «a«. 299|Oleander +++«-+ 274 Love-grass eeae 454|/Oleaster -+---+ 353 Love lies bleeding 336} Olive -+-- 271, 489 Lungwort ---++++ 291} Olive-wood +++ 472 Lychnidea ----+- 285} One-berry --+++- 416 Lyme-grass «eer 450/Onion ~— ---+-- 421 Macaw-tree +++- 432 Maidenhair --++ 464 Maidenhair-tree 370, Malabar Nightshade, eerraeooveogrnes 338 Opera-girls +--+ 389 Orache 339 Osage Apple-+++ 362 Otaheite Chestnut 269 Otaheite Myrtle 361 Oxeye aensare eevene 244 Oxeye Daisy -+-- Oxlip Painted cup ---- Palma Christi -- Panic-grass aseaes aeese Page. 245 ‘330 307 359 448 Paper Mulberry 362 Paper-Rush -+-+ 439 Passion-flower «+ 354 Patience -++-+++ 343 Pear eaeese 485 Pellitory .--+++ 364 Pellitory of Spain 243 “rina esee 319 Pepper oe2eee $80 Perriwinkle -+-- 274 Persicaria ++++++ 341 Phillyrea ae 272, 489 Physic-nut «+++:» 359 Pillwort --+--- 458 Pimpernel]... +++» 331 Pine Apple +++. 424 Pine-tree Pipewort Pitcher-plant Plane-tree Plantain Plantain-tree-+.- Plum Poet’s Cassia::«> Poison-nut <«seas Polyanthus .-+«. Polypody Pond-weed .. Poplar Poppy Potatoe Potatoe Onion es Primrose Prince’s-feather Privet Quaking-grass «+ Quillwort Ramoon-tree Rampion «--+r-+ Red Cedar----- ° Redtop-grass «++» eaeaeer aeeoRsd eneee cern eon eeeaneno @eaoeon era eee e@e2aeson eeoeoeee "eon on aane 2 Redwater-tree eo Reed Reed-grass.+--+. Rhubarb ee eeeces east @ BOG 2 2< a8 acres Rocambole Rocket Rock-rose Rope-grass. +--+: Rosemary ++*+s- Rush Rush-nut +--+ Rye Rye-grass +++++> Sage Sago-Palm Saintfoin Salep Salt-tree Saltwort Sandal-wood ----+ Sandbox-tree «+. @a-82e68 re eaeee seae2ne? eevee eseea¢e aeoensaen ePeee oe esa ne esee28 © esenease omeene 373 435 38) $70 333 393 + 485 352 273 330 461 376 367 466 299 421 329 336 272 454 458 491 249 372 451 482 457 457 343 457 421 468 468 435 311 434 “438 449 450 311 432 480 379 478 338 352 360 Page. Sapota ecoeone 269 Sassafras-tree -+ 344 Savanna-flower -» 275 Savory 317 Savoy Spiderwort 416 Scammony ---+++ 286 Scorpion-grass ++ 293 Screw-pine -ee. 377 Scrubby Oak-+s» 487 Scunkweed -+«+ 378 Scurvy-grass +++ 467 Sea Buckthorn «+ 353 Sea Lavender ++ 332 Sea Matweed 380, 457 Sea-sideGrape «+ 341 Sea-side Laurel-+ 360 Sedge serves A35 Self-heal .«sae» 313 Serpent-wood -+ 273 Shallot scoees M2] Shave-grass +=. 458 Sheep’s Scabious 251 Shepherd’s-club 296 Shepherd’s-purse 467 Shield-fern s..- 461 Shoreweed sane 334 Side-saddle-flower 466 Silver-tree cso. 345 Skull-cap ossea- 315 Slipper-spurge «+ 355 Slipper-wort -+++ 307 Snakeroot ++++++ $53 Snake’s-beard «+ 415 Snake’s-tongue e* 460 Snake-wood «s.+ 364 Snap-dragon 303 Sneezewort 244 Snowdrop ems-« 408 Snowdrop-tree -- 268 Snowflake se-se. 408 Solomon’s-seal «+ 416 Sorrel 343 Sorrel-tree ++++02 254 Southernwood +. 242 Spanish Elm -++« 295 Spanish nut e+- 894 Sparrow-wort ++ 351 Speedwell 308, 489 Spider Ophrys.... 382 Spiderwort — 430 Spinage Spindle- -tree sees Spring-grass -«-+ 440 Spurge Spurge Laure] .... 351 Spurless Violet... 469 Squill 418 Staff-tree +++-«- 472 Star-Apple 269 Star of Bethlehem 417 Star of the earth 334 ee eeanae SeSQnre eames cen eaee _s@fen ecsnevee 355. 340 — 472 St. Bruno’s Lily 416 — Stinking Horehound | 321 St. John’s-wort ... 470 Stock e-eer: A466 Storax covese 267 Strawberry-blite 340 * ate Page. Strawberry-tree 253 Sugar-cane ---++. 446 Sumach~ .-..-..-. 473 Summer Cypress 338 Sun Rose «..-. + 468 Swallow-wort -+-. 279 Sweet-Bay ---++. $44 Sweet-flag «+++». 378 Sweet-grass «+++ 453 Sweet gum-tree... 371 - Sweet Maudilin..., 244 Sweet Potatoe..... 288 Tacamahac-+---- 367 Tallow-tree-.+++- 360 Tamarind «...+- 484 Tansy soeves 24] Tare teceee 480 Tarragon «+... 242 Teak-wood ---- 324 Thorn-Apple 297, 489 Thrift ..-++s++ 332 ENGLISH INDEX. Page. Throat-wort -+++ 251 Tiger-flower ---. 396 Tile-root «-+++. 399 Toad-flax e+ 303 Tobacco eves 297 Tomato 299 Tongue Aloe ++ 411 Toothwort ++ 328, 467 True-love reese 416 Trumpet-flower 283 Tulip e@reevacee 426 Tupelo sesseree 352 Turmeric «+++++ 389 Turnsole -+++++ 290 Tway-blade --++ 384 Umbrella-wort -+ 334 Venus’-looking-glass, Stinks’: ion aime S Venus’ Navelwort 293 Vervain eoeee 325 Viper’s. Bugloss «+ 291 ee eee noe Page. Virginian Hemp 340 Virginian Silk-tree 276 Virgin’s-bower ++ 465 Wall-cress -«-.++ 466 Wall-rue «---e+. 462 Waratah” +«+-+. 349 Water Horehound 310 Water-leaf +-+sse-e 295 Water-pepper ... 342 Water-Plantain .. 375 Waiter-soldier ... 375 Water Starwort 376 Water-Violet++-+ 331 Water-weed -+<«- 376 Wax Dammar .... 371 W ax-tree 275 Welsh Onion «+++ 421 Wheat ceeees 449 White Cedar-=-+ 372 White Hellebore 429 Whitlow-grass .... 467 eeoeeen Page. Whortle-berry .... 252 Wild Basil ..--«+- 315 Wild Bugloss ..... 292 Wild Rosemary .. 254 Willow -««-- + 365 Winter-berry++++ 473 Winter-cherry 298,299 Winter-cress +--+ 466 Winter-green 263, 331 Winter-green-grass442 Witch-hazel --+- 371 Wooden-pear ++ 349 Woodrush --+++- 434 Woolhead ----+. 243 Wormwood:-++<+ 242 Yam 413 Yellow Bird’s-nest 263 Yellow-rattle 307, 489 Yellow-wort ..... 281 Yew-tree «+--+ 371 Zedoary +++++- 389 INDEX GENERUM. : Page. Pave. Page. Alsodeia = --+-+s 37 | Anthyllis «+--+ 111,123|Atragene «ese Abrus sese 121) ALSODINEH «ese 37] Antiphylla .....+ 182] Aubletia seeeee 59 | Abuta se+- 13} Althea veeeee 49] Anychia e-e+e 176] Aubrietia «-«-+-. 20 - Abutilon sees 53) ALYSSINEE --+¢ 20/Aotus = -----. 108 | Aucuba trees OF Acacia veces 101] Alyssum sees 21] Apargia seeeee 208] Aulaxis swesee 181 AURANTIACEZ 62 | Acacia +» 100,101) Alyssum +++ 20,21|Apeiba...... 59 | Acana seeses 148| Ambrosia «--... 240 | Aphanes pitirren IS Averrhoa secese 85 _ Acarna seeeee 216/ AMBROSIACEE Aphelexis --+..- 223 | Ayenia teemee 55 | Acer eee tNER TINS ses 240 | Apios seeeee 121] Baccharis -.--.,+ 220 | Acer sseeee 68} Amelanchier -+++ 135 | Apios »eeeee 121 | Baccharis eves 220 Aceratium .--. 60! Amellus ¢ee'ee 9971 Apium & 9 seve 187 | Bactyrilobium ++ 104 Aquilegia .-.--. 6| Beckia seovee 156 ARABIDEH «se 17 Arabis esse. 19 Arabis ooae 20 Arachis whee CELA Arachis seoeese 129 Aralia seve 193 Aralig «1s eiwe 193 ARALIACEE -- 193 Arctium e+es 213 Arctium veee Q15 Arctotheca +++... 238 Amellus seaeee 297 Amerimnum -:+-+ 131 Amerimnum «+++ 132 Ammannia soos 151 Ammi severe 190 Ammi seeses 189 Ammobium) «ee. 221 Amorpha eves 121 AMPELIDE® 72 Ampelopsis «+.+ 72 Ampherephis ---- 219 Amphicarpa ++-- 121 _ACERINEE ..- 68 _ Achania ~ ald 5O _ Achyrophorus +-++ 212 | Acicarpha «+. +... 205 _ Aciotis dees 3/260 | Acisanthera «++. 151 | ‘Acmella- ...+.. 234 |) Aconitum: ...s..° 7 Actea woee 9 | Actea Wee. 9 _ Actinomeris «... 236 Balanites -++++- $8. Balbisia crcwee 235 BALSAMINEZ — 85 Balsamina ---+++ 85 Baltimora »+++e+. 240 Banisteria -----. 68 BANISTERIEM:++* 67 Baptisia.. gs4i- 159 ‘Adansonia... 54] tree eee 133 |Arctotis «+++ 238, 239| Barringtonia +++» 159 Bartonia -+++-- 154 | Baryosma . ++++4+ 132 — Bastardia -ceee.. 53 : Bauera cecees As3 & Bauhinia +++e+. -106 2 {Aremonia «.++.. 147 Arenaria cose 46 Argemone e-+>-- 16 Argemone +ees+s 16 Armeniaca® «+e» 133 Amygdalus --++++ 133 AMYRIDEE -- 98 Amyris +--++- 98 Anacampseros ++ 170 Adenandra -++. 88 _ Adenanthera ++ 105 _ Adenocarpus +--+. 112 _ Adenostyles «+++ 230 | Adina veeees 199| Anacampseros -+++ 179 : _‘Adlumia = ..-... +16)Anacardium +++. 97|Armoracia ++++++ 22} Beaufortia ---+++ 156 — Adonis sense 4|Anacardium +++» 97| Arnica eeeees 228] Bellidiastrum -+-+ 228 ig Bellis se 228 Bellium eecces 228 Berardia. -+++++« PRG Arnica treeee 228 Arnopogon ++++++ 206 Arnoseris «+++: 21} Anagyris ss++- 106 Adoxa. «++... 183 Anastatica +-s«.e. 23 Adysetum «+005. Q) /Egle ceseee 62| ANASTATICEH ++ 23 : JEgopodium. .... 186|ANCHONIEH -++- 27/ Aronia sees 135] BERBERIDEA: © Ancistrum teoever 148 Aronia eaosresee 185 Berberis one on o- rer fischynomene ++ 129 _ &Mischynomene «2 129 | (sewing _...2s.. 69 fEsculus o<#amn'e? GO fEthionema ««.. 26 FEANUSA 6 + <0 - Hew 188 | eisthusa -.. vecede 187 fe Aakzeliais 4-04.40» nerf Agathea ~...-. 232 Agathosma = -+.. 89 | Ageratum .-.... 229 Ageratum ++«++~. 229 Aglaia seteee 62 Agrimonia - veecee 147 Agrimonia ++++.0« 147 Ber ckheya vesees 238 Bergenia . ««s+0- 180 — Bergera. ses es0e 62 © Berrya eeoen o i eee | Berteroa.. s+e+e. 20 Bidens - ..nee« 93 a Baer coer Biforis teccee 187 Bigelovia ++e+e0. oe Billardiera «+++. 4 Biophytum ee oe eo oe A Biscutella «+eees 23 is Biserrula | «+++9+ 123 Bivonea 54 Cseece oh 26 Artabotrys +-+<+. 12 Artedia --+-++-++ 193 Ascaricida ++++++ 219 Asimina ceonee 12 Aspalathus «+++ 109 Asperula ceee 200 Asperula -evers 201 Assonia socoes 57 Astelma secees 222 Astelma seecee 222 Aster eeeees 224 Aster «+=» 224, 226 Asterocephalus ++ 204 Astilbe seee 183 Andreoskia «+++. 24 Andromachia «+++ 227 Androsemum -+:- 63 Andryala) -+++++ 211 Andryala --++++ 210 Anemone ----++ 3 ANEMONEH «+++ 9 2 Anethum | -«++-- 187 Anethum eoeese 187 Angelica ++++++ 192 Angelica 186,191, 192 Angianthus ..---- 219 Anguria MavielLOol Micedin + os++ 186 Agrostemma ++. 44| Anneslea sess 14| Astragalus --++-+ 122/ Bixa "9 AS rey, : Berostomme +¢ 44, 45| Anneslia reeeee 102} Astragalus 107,123,130 BIXINER-+ «rns 3 Ailanthus ssee 100; Anoda = «--++++- 52) Astrantia ++e* 184 | Blackwellia »+++++ 132 — Aizoon « ++++++ 163) Anoda ssseesreee 52| Astrantia +-++++ 184 Blakea vee 159 Alangium +s+e+. 155|/Anona -+ee++ 11/Astrapwa -ecees 58 Blighia rere 70) ANONACEZ ~-+ 11{|Atalantia +-++++ 62|Bocconia | «r++ 16 Alchimilla veee 148 . Alcina rstoavse 259 Alhagi coocne, 129 Alliaria Seer 25 Alomia seeaee 229) Anthospermum -+ 201 Alsine seeete 46] Anthriscus oeeese 190 ALSINE eee 45 Anthyllis eooereon 114 Beebera ++eee+ 233 | Boltonia — s++see 227 BOMBACEZ «++ 54° Bombax Welt eleeN4 (54° Bombax soee 54, 60— Borbonia + eeee. ‘109 Athamanta «+++: 189 Athamanta ++ 189, 190 Athrixia «+ +5>- 235 Atractylis «+++++ 216 Atractylis »+++«+ 216 Atragene +++. 2 A Antennaria <---.« 221 Anthodon «-s+++ 66 Antholoma «-+«-«+- 66 INDEX GENERUM. Page. Page. Page, Page, Borbonia =. 00062 111 Calcitrapa ...... 217| Carthamus .. 215, 216 Chondrocarpus °° 185 Borkhausia ---+-. 210|Calea sis“ a se ... 34] Carum seeeee 186] Chondrosea 181, 182 | Boronia seeeee 89} Calea 220, 233, 234 | Carum seee-e 186 Chorispora tereee 23 Boscia soseoe 32/Caleacte ...... 234} Carya coecce OF} Chorigama conga) 108. Bossiva eeeees 110{Calendula ...... 239} Caryocar .-.... 69} Chorizema .. see 108 Boswellia -.«ee+s 99 Calepina ...... 929 CARYOPHYLLEE Chrysanthellum «+ 235 Bouvardia +HeSTE0 OMNNEAL V3). n'Sache 10] --.-s0.. _ 40|\CHRYSOBALANER Brachylena +++» 220] Callicoma +++ 183} Caryophyllus +.» 1571 *,..,.., 133 | Brachysema -+++ 108|Callisace ...... 188| Casearia ss... * 96|Chrysobalanus «+ 133 Brasenia ceeees \14/Callistachys -.+ 107 Cassia "r++ 104) Chrysocoma .... 927 Brassica «+++. 27 | Callistema s++* 226] Cassia *-s*-* 104) Chrysocoma -+ 221 > 227 Brassica «+++ 25,29|Callistemon .... 155| Cassine ..... * 95)Chrysosplenium -- 183- BRAsstcem -sss 27 | Callitriche «a's GO Cassind’\ > seek 95 | Chuquiraga ceee 212 | Braya seee 19]Calodendron .-.. 88 Cassinia sos es es 221/ Cicer eoccee 128 | Brotera eeseee 219) Calophaca ceoe LIB] Cassinia’ ......: 219 | Cicer eeceee Brotera ++ ++ 57, 218 | CALOPHYLLER -- 65 128 | CICHORACEZ 206 | Brownea -+.+++ 106|Calophyllum -++-. 65 Cichorium sees 212 | CASSUVIE -... 97 Cassuvium +--+ 97 Brownlowia ---- 59|Calothamnus --.. 156] Castalia “sree 15/Cicovium +..+.. g4 | Brucea ss. + 100 | Calotis *++* 224] Catananche ...... 212 | Cicuta sreeee 188 | Brunelia eace-100/Caltha . ....6. 6|Catesbea -..... 198 | Ciliaria seereeoK8t | Brunia seeees 96/CALYCANTHA- Cathartocarpus -- 104 Cimicifuga -..... 9 Brunia... > 95) CEE +e 821 Canealis’). vss eek 188 | Cimicifuga ..+-.4. 2 BRUNIACER -- 95 Calycanthus «+.» 132] Caucalis *seees 189) Cinchona «..-. 197, 198 | Bryonia -s+* 161 | Calycanthus .... 132 Caulophyllum -.-. 14 Citeraria «> vas + 232 Bryophyllum ---- 179| CAL YCIFLORZ 91| Ceanothus ..-:.. 92) Cineraria ...... 239 | Bubon *+ee 189/Calycotome «-+- 1121 Ceanothus «s+« 92,93 |/CIncHONEE +--+. 198 Bubon sseeee 192) Calyptranthes ~- 158 Cedrela creree 72) Circea sereee DS | Bubroma —s ««++ -55|CALYCERER .. 205/CEDRELEM +++. 79 Cirsium severe: QH4 | Bucida seeeee 153/Calyptrion .--. 36 Celastrus .-.... | 94/Cissampelos .+.. 13 ~Buffonia...... 45 Calytrix *er* 157/CELASTRINAE 94 | Cissus concen Ze | -Bulliarda...... 176 | Camelina sere 25) Centaurea -.-.«. 216 Cissus sesees TZ | Bumalda..evee 96 | CAMELINER °° 25) Centaurea 213, 214, 215,| CISTINEAE «eee 34 | Bunchosia -..... 67 | Camellia -«+.+. 6] sree 216, 217, 218] Cistus seeses BH | a: UNIADER .- reese - 30! Camellia sees 61] Centranthus ees :203/Cistus .... 34, 35, 36 uni: vese 30 /CAMFLLIEM e+e 6] Cephelis — .-.. 990 Citrus tease : 63 seeeee 23,29|Campylia .... ** 75 | Cephalanthus +--+. 199 Clausenia -ssecee 62 eee 189] Canarium ‘e+e 991CEPHALANTHER 199 Claytonia -..... 169 -+ee-e 189, 190] Canella *seres 65 Cephalotus ...... 148 CLEMATIDEZ 1 +eeeee 185] Canthium *er> 197} Cerastium -..... 47 Clematis: . - «een ith M seve 236] Capnophyllum «. 189 Cerastium «s+» 45, 46| Clematis — Le | m sees 235| CAPPARER *¢ 32] Cerasus **eee+ 134/Cleome — esee 32) -++es 197/CAPPARIDER © 3} Ceratocephalus «. 4 Cleome —vesees 31,32 — eseeee 40} Capparis sees 32] Ceratonia --..s. 104/CLEOMER = «+e. 3] seeees (99) Capparis -** 32,38 Ceratopetalum .~« 183 Cleyera cere 60 | *seeee 108 | CAPRIFOLIACEE Ceratosanthes . .. 162 Clidemia coee 160 Oe 6 EPR | Ele cans . 194 | Cercis serees 106) Cliffortia see+ 148 ~ seeeee 159 Caprifolium +-++ 195 | Cercodia . .. >+- 169| Clitoria seccee 120 | Buttneria -..... 55 Capsella ** e702 | OHereus >. . Sea 171 | Clasia creeee 65 | BUTTNERIACE55 Caragana 9 «++... 195 Cestrinus +++... 915 Clusia oeee 65 | Byatt bao 8g Carapa | + eee 72| Cherophyllum .. 190 CLUsIER sees 65 Byxsoni sees 67 |Cardamine ---.+. 49 Cherophyllum «s+. 189 Chamenerium ~+.+ 153 Chaptalia ...... 979 Cheiranthus ..--. 438 Chetranthus 19, 20, 24, Clypeola ee..e, | 21 Cneorum e««-+. 99 Cnestis teeees 99 Cnidium — seeees 186 Cnicus eese 217 se0c0 55 Cardamine = ees 19, 20 _seeeee 14] Cardiospermum .. 69 ++eee%,187 | CARDUACER «+5. 213 Carduncellus .... 216 seeeee 25, 27| Coccocypselum «+ 198 ‘ tecees 153] Carduus «..... 213 | Cheirinia -...05 24, 25 | Coccocypselum +++ 19s — eveee 170] Carduus veers 214, 215|Cheirostemon .. 54/Coceulus ....26 12 $ seceeee 171,172/ Carica ...... 162} Chelidonium .... 16 | Cocculus soe IS @ — ceeeee 106) Carling «..... ong Cherleria -..... 47 Cochlearia -..++. 99: H CASALPINEX seve 103 | Carlina ++ 213, 214, Cesalpinia -: +++. 1054 izia cP. O16 Cesalpinia oseeees 105|)Carmichelia +... 19] Cesulia +--+ ++ 219 Carolinea,......= 54 Cajanus seeees 113} Carpesium = «++. 29) Cakile sree 23/1 Carpodontos ++s. 64 Cakile — +*+*+e 30! Carpopogon «++. 119 Cakilinee «++«+s 23] Carrichtera ....«« 29 Caleitrapa = «++. 218 imonanthus «+. 132 Chiococca -..... 200 Chiranthodendron ~54 Ciiitonia sees 159 CHLENACEE 60 Chioroxylon oe 72 Chomelia_ ...... 199 Chondrilla ....-- 998 Carthamus «+--+. 215 ' Chondrilla _ %#es 208 Cochlearia -++--. 96 Celestina _---+.. 999 Coffea eres 200 Coffea Seeoes 200 COFFEACER «s+. 199 | Colbertia -nnoD. il Colletia eeoees GQ Columellia «e+.» 235 Colutea cooses 124 8 a —— “Colutea vee 124 | Conium eseeee 190 'Connarus ---+++ 99 Conyza 219, 220, 224 Copaifera «+--+ 106 | Cordylocarpus --~- 30 | Goriandrum-:---+ 187 -Coriaria eee Sl - Corion eeoeee 187 4 Cornus seeees 194 , Correa veveee 89 Corrigiola +--+<+ 170 | Cossignia -++++. 70 . Cotyledon --++ 178, 179 | Coumarouna <«++ 132 | Coutarea ---+++ 198 . Crassula - ain ETE | Crassula 176, 177, 178, Crepis eoeeeae 211 ; Crotalaria eneeeg 110 _ Crowea sseoes 89 _ Cryptospermum -+ 203 INDEX GENERUM. Page. | Cucumis . «+++ 161 Cucurbita. --=: 162 /CUCURBITACE, eeoeerere 161 Page. |. Page. Diplopappus- weee 224 | Eruca + caubreni tO) Diplotaxis a ad 29 Erucaria eeesee 80 Diptera weeees 181| ERUCARIFE +er+ 30 Dipterix ++++++ 132| Ervilia Spapenatet, Page.{ Comaropsis -+-+-+ 147 Comarum -++--+« 145 Comarum -eeee* 147 COMBRETACEZ153| Callumia e+es 2381 Dodonwa --°*-: 70 Ervum eecoes 128 | Combretum ----++ 153| Cuminum «+s+ 199| DODONEHACEH ++ 70 Eryngium coeces 184 Commersonia «+*» 55|Cunonia «««« 183] Dolichos cove 119 Erysimum cross 25 Erysimum ++ 9, 24, 25 Erythrina ++++++ 120 Erythrolena e++- 215 BESTE G sree ince Erythroxylon esee - Eucalyptus »+++:- 156 Euchilus -e-+++ 107 EUCLIDIEX eeveee 23 Euclidium «+e+*. 23 Eugenia wil vue Eugenia 157, 158, 159 Euvonymus -++--++ 95 EUPATORES +-«+ 228 Eupatorium +++ 223° Euputorium ++ 223, 229 Euphoria «ses+- 70 Eurya vecesse, GO Euryale eserees 14 Eutaxia nine oie Euthamia «+++» 227 Euzomum seeee 29 Evax coors. 223 Evodia sense ae Exostemma----++ 198 Faba essere 128 Fabricia. -+-+++- 155 Fabricia coecee 155 Fagara oven sa GOee o Fagonia coos 87 Farsetia cove 20 © Farsetia oosei2on Fedia wie hed Fernelia eoee 198 Feronia reee 62) Ferula sees I 2 % } ‘Ficaria » bos opines Ficoidez coor Filago ooveee. Flacourtia coves PLACOURTIANE Flaveria Flemingia Florestina Foeniculum Fothergilla ++": 159 Fragaria coos 147 Fragaria cee 147 a Frankenia eres 40 FRAN KENIACE 40 Franseria esee 240 — Freziera coos 60 FREZIEREH *+°: 60 Friesia coor 60. Dolichos edad ht Dombeya --+++* 57 DOMBEYACE °° 57 Dondia coveee 184 Donia pietarrel nis i DOT Doronicum <«*---- 228 Doronicum: +» + 227, 228 Dorycnium -->-++ 118 Draba tense cit Draba «oe (24,22 Drepania = e*e** 211 Drosera ee BE OSERACIEE 38 Dryas asane bas Dryas i pupthlae 145 Drymaria cess 45 Drypis éiiipen stds Duchesnea +++++* 147. Duroia see e+ 197 Dyssodia +++ "+> 233 Ebenus sm oti FEA Ecastaphyllum «+ 132 Echinophora ++++ 184 Echinops) ++++++ 218 ECHINOPSIDE% ++ 218 Eclipta satiate 235 Edwardsia «++--+ 106 Ekebergia -*-+:+ 71 ELEOCARPEH 59 Eleocarpus ++--++ 59 Elgocarpus, ++++++ 60 Eleodendron -:++ 95 El@odendrum «+«++ 95 Elaphrinm -+-+-> 90 Elaterium ‘ese 161 Elatine = alaraeaes Elephantopus ---+ 219 Elichrysum 222, 223 Elodea iasieul 6B Emilea sesens 230 Empleurum.------ 89 Encelia JARI Entada’ + «+--+ 100 Entelea A rier: Ephielis » ceee TO Epilobium---+++-+ 153 Epimedium ------ 14 Epiphyllum «-++-+ 172 Epyphyllum +++ +++ 172 Eranthis -«**-: 6 Erigeron ++++++ 224 Erigeron «+++ 221, 224 Eriobotrya +-++-- 135 Eriocalia = + **++¢> 184 Eriodendron -+++ 54 CUNONIACEZ 183 Cupania «he tO Cuphea aeoe 15] Curatella ---«+. 10 Curtogyne «+++ 177 CusPARIBZ <*+* 90 Cussonia sees 193 Cyamus aeoe 14 Cyanus eoee 217 Cyclopia sees 107 Cydonia seer 136 Cylista esos 121 Cyminosma --+-+- 90 Cynara vecsee 215 Cynara PCOS Cynometra ---+ 106 Cysticapnos:++-+- 16 Cytisus seve 112 Cytisus,107 ,112,113,126 Dahlia -eee 237 Dalbergia = -- ++ 131 Dalbergia coos 131 Dalea seoe 114 Dalea cree 114 Dalibarda = e*«* 145 Dalibarda veay 147 Dalrymplea -+++ 93 Daucus weee 188 Daucus ‘asdiete, 389 Daviesia +++-+- 108 Decumaria :-*>+ 148 Delima Ft N te DELIMACEH ~ree 10 Delphinium -**+ 7 Dentaria «++++- 20 Dentella -+-«-+ 199 Dermasea coee 181 Desmanthus <-*++ 100 Dianthus ceoee Al Dicera vee~ 60 Diclytra veacoe 16 Dictamnus +++**- 88 Didelta reese 238 Diervilla ee-e 195 Dietrichia ++ 177,178 Dillenia bihigjovss EO Crepis 208, 209, 210 | Dillenia e+-- 10 Cristaria. «+--+. 62|DILLENIACEZ 10 Crithmum. ---+-+ 187 | Dillwynia ---- 168 Crithmum «++<*+ 185 | Dillwynia sees 108 Critonia «+--+ +- 228|Dimacria «+--+: - 76 Crocodilium:-+--- 217| Dimocarpus-++** 70 Diodia sovees 200 Diomedea --*+++ 235 Dionea coeees 38 Comocladia - e0cee 99 COMPOSITE --+ 206 Conium +++ 187, 189 CONNARACEE 99 Conocarpus --+++ 154 Conringia ---s-* 25 Conyza ----++ 220 Cookia --++-+-+ 62 Corchorus -+--++ 58 Coreopsis --+*+* 237 Coreopsis 234, 236, 238 Coriandrum +++>+« 187 CORIARIEE -- 91 Coronilla «+++++ 128 Coronilla seve 228 Coronopus isisa’ 26 Corydalis ---+++ 17 Coscinium *s+*++ 12 Cosmea vecees 237 ‘Cosmea core 237 Cotoneaster ---+ 135 Cotyledon ---+++ 178 Couroupita -+++++ 158 Crambe «sees 30 2 179 CRASSULACEZ 176 Crategus +++-134, 135 Crateva— ---+-. 32 CRUCIFERE -- 17 Crucianella SAE a 901 Diosma eae 88, 89 Eriolena a re 58 Fuchsia ee eee 153 Crupina eeoeeeen 216 Diosma woeses 89 Eriostemon Re 89 Fumaria ns AB Fumaria ++>- 16,17 | Erithalis ----*- 196 Ernodea «+«++- 200 Erodium o vivleiew 6 4 Erophila 2 eee suenieiaee DIPSACEE +--+ 204 Dipsacus +++" 204 Cucubalus .--»-- 42,Diphylleia ------ 14 Cucubalus «««+ 42, 44 DIPLECOLOBEE 29 Cryptandra ---+ 92 FUMARIACEE:« 16 Gertnera ove Gee Galactia cose ASE Sa OE Oe ee INDEX GENERUM. | Page. | . (Page, [i Page. Galactites soos 216|Guarea | eoee TL HIPPOCASTANEE heattrs eeee 199 Galardia sees 236] Guatteria coere ID) sacceces : 69 | Ixora eeee 199 GALEE seee 201) Guazuma cone 55 Hippocratea -s++ 66]|Jacksonia «+++ 108 Galedupa ees 131|Guettarda +--+ 196) HLPPOCRATEA- J ACOBEA sees 230° Galega’ e+ ++ 124) GUETTARDEZ -+ 196) CEM sreess 66|Jambolifera seee — Galega eee 124| Guilandina ++ 106| Hippocrepis +--+ 128|Jasonia == +++s Galinsogea -+++ 235| Guilandina ~—-+++ 104| Hippomarathrum 187 )J effersonia +++ Galipea -eee 90| Gundelia eve» 219} Hippuris seers 169 Fenvinioulas eee 84 Galium eoee 201] Gustavia eree 1599] Hirzea eeseice 67 | Johnia. “Ties eet Gem Garcinia esos 65|GUTTIFERE -- 65.| Hirculus eoeees 181 | Jonidium eee GARCINIES® <-+++ 65|Gymnocladus ---- 104| Hirtella -.++++ 133|Jonidium ~ ++++ 36, 37 ‘ Gardenia +++» 197|Gymnoloma_ ---+ 236| Hoarea seeces 75|JUGLANDEA «+ 96. Gardenia «e+s 197 | Gynandropsis -+-- 31} Hofimanseggia -+- 106| Juglans coos 96 GARDENIEZ ++++ 197|Gypsophila --++ 40|Holosteum -+--+-++ 45|Juglans cose OF Garidella -++++s » 6|Gyrostemon --»+ 59} Holosteum --++++ 45 | Jussiva seeces 152 Garuga** ‘4+++ 99 Hematoxylon:--» 105| HOMALINEA 132| Kalanchoe’ -+++ 178 Gastonia ~ »++- 193] Hagea -»sees 176| Homalium .-++-+ 132|Kalmia «+++. 264 Gastrolobium ++++ 107 Hallia +-+eces 129| Houstonia +----++ 198| Kalosanthes -+++ 177 - - Gaura ‘eevee 152| Haloragis -+++++ 169) Hovea eeeeee 111] Kaulfussia «+++ 233 Gaya «seees 53|Hamelia -+-++++ 196|Hovenia -+++++ 91} Kennedia soee U2) Gazania seeees 238| HAMELIACES**ee 196| Hndsonia ----+- 36] Kerria seceee 149 Genipa seeeee 197 | Hamiltonia ----+- 199} Hugonia ---+++ 60|Kiggelaria «se. 33 Genista +eee 111] Hapalostephium 210) Humea seveee 221 | KIGGELARIES ++ 33. Geoffroya : eeee 132] Hasselquistia --++ 188| Hutchinsia ++---+- 22| Kitaibelia «-++-+ 49 Geophila eese 200| Havetia veeees 65 | Hydrangea ----+» 183|Kleinhovia +++ 56 Geranium eee 73| Hedera seceee 193 | Hydrastis <«++e*+ 3] Kleinia o ete 836 Geranium -°+* 73, 1 Hedera ssseee 72) Hydrocotyle +++- 184| Kleinia roves F GERANIACEE: HEDYOTIDEZ -* 198| Hydrocotyle -+++++ 185|Knautia «e++*+ 205 Dwerberia- «asin 298 Hedyotis rv«* 198| HYDROPELTIDEZ 14| Knautia soos 205 Geropogon -+-+ 206|Hedynois -. »+++ 211| Hydropeltis ----+» 14) Knowltonia «+++ 3 — Getonia «eee 154] Hedypnois ~ees 208; HYGROBIZ «+ 169} Knoxia cesees 201 eee 145|Hedysarum +--+ 129} Hymenza sees 106 | Keelpinia ‘eee 212 cove 145 | Hedysarun 129, 131 | Hymenocarpos ++ 117|Keelreuteria +--+: 70 eooeoe 149| Helenium -eee 234) Hymenodictyon ++ 198|Krigia © »*es++ 211 vee 45}Helianthemum -- 34|}Hymenogyne +++» 169 | Kuhnia teeoes 226 eeevss 16|Helianthus +++» 236| Hymenopappus «+ 233 | Kydia - sees 68 Glaucium eses 16| Helianthus © «+++ 235|Hyoseris ---+++ 211 | LABIATIFLOR& ©* 212 Gleditschia -+++ 103| Helichrysum -+++ 222| Hyoseris ++++ 208,211 |Lactuca +ee+eee 207 ‘Glinus e+++ 163|Helicteres. +e++ 54|Hypecoum ---«+s 16] Letia © «ese. 34 - Globulea --+e 176|Heliocarpus ++++ 58|Hyperanthera ++ 105 |Lagasca ree> 219 Glyceria aace 185 Heliophila ssee 31 HY PERICINEA 63 Lagascea ones 219 Glycine -ees 121| HELIOPHILEEH +++ 31/|Hypericum ---+-- 63 |Lagerstreemia «+++ 150 Glycine 120, 121| Heliopsis .+-+++ 235 | Hypocheris ----. 212|Lagecia ------ 193 | Glycirrhiza +++» 124|Helleborus +--+ 6) Hyptage --++++ 67 | Lagoseris +*++s- 210 Glycosmis ~s+e 62|HELLEBOREH® +e 6|HYPTAGE® -++++ 67 | Lagoseris +<«+e++ 211 Gnaphalium -o+- 222|Helminthia -+e+» 211 | Tbbetsonia -+++e++ 107 Lagunea sesteee | 64 — Gnaphalium 221,222,235 | Hepatica see 31 Iberis reeeee 921 Lahaya ot veo? ~ -Goldbachia ------ 27|Heracantha «+++ 215 | Iberis seeesse 22 | Lamarckia cose 95 Gomphia »ses Q91|Heracleum +--+ 191| Ilex seseee QA/LAPLACEH ers 61 ty Gompholobium -« 109| Heracleum ++ 189,191] Illecebrum ----+«+ 175 | Lappa tei Veer — Gompholobium —- + 107 | Heritiera come 55|Illecebrum +++++e 175 | Lapsana ++++++ 212 Gonocarpus ++++ 151|Hermannia -+++ 56 Llicium seeeee LL|Lapsana +--+ 211,212 Goodia - «eee 110| Hermannia -eee 57|Impatiens +--+» 85] Larbrea cose eas Gordonia © «+++ 61|/HERMANNIES® +* 56|Impatiens +--+. 85)Larochea eeeccece 178 - Gorvonrem ~+++ 61 | Hermas. .seees 185 | Imperatoria.-.... 192] Laserpitium ++++ 192 Gorteria aveaw232 Herniaria corn 176 Imperatoria carece 19] Laserpitium 188,190,192 Gossypium «+++ 42| Hesperis -+e- 24/Indigofera ---+ 124) LAstopeTALEH .. 56 -.Gouania -se+ 92|Hesperis ++ 19, 24, 25 | Inga -eveee 101 | Lasiopetalam -++- 56 Grenvillea -+++ 75|Heteropteris --++ 68)|Inula severe 221 | Lasiopetulum e+e 56 Grewia: -+++ 58|Heterospermum 233 |ISATIDER ++e++e 26) Lathyrus eves 126 Griete@® «+++ 75|Heuchera ---+++ 183] Isatis seceee 26) Lathyrus wees 126 Grielum: woes 75| Heynea esse F1| Isertia coeese 197 | Laugeria eroees 196. Grindelia -.-++- 227] Hibbertia eeee 10] Isnardia veceee 152 | Lavatera cad eogty | Grindelia wee 225|Hibiscus +++» 50]Isocarpha +--+. 234| Lavenia vee 234 Grislea eeee 150) Hibiscus vse* 52|Isopetalum --+++ee 85 | Lawsonia esee 150 Gronovia +-ss 161 | Hieracium sree 209|Tsopyrum -«+++-- 6} Lebeckia eoee VID % GROSSULARIEEI73 Hieracium ++ 208,210)Iva covcee 240} Lebeckia owe 194! Guaiacum sewawe 87 | Hillia eeee 198 | Ixodia ereoxe QI] 50) Lebretonia = s+++ Page Page. "WWEuechea sees) 86 “IQS LECYTHIDEZ —-158 li Lecythis vove 158 "Q0BLedeburia +--+ 186 Si beea teabebi TS ' MELEEACE.E coos 73 * WELEGUMINOSZE 100 ” “ii Lens ceeree 128 ' (}Leontice <-++r+- 3 )Leontodon e~+- 208 Leontopodium---- 222 LeEPIDINEZ <+-+ 26 Lepidium cere 26 Lepidium sace 26 Leptasea core 181 |) Leptocarpea «+++ 18 Leptospermum 155 Leria woovee 212 Lespedeza --+++ 129 Lessertia seve 124 Lettsomia cree 60 Leucostemma -++- 223 Leuzea eecees 216 Leysera soeeee 230 - Liatris esecsee QLD | Lngularia sees 181 Ligusticum -++° 190 Ligusticum 186, 188 Limeum seccee 170 Limonia sees 62 Limonia acer 62 Linconia soee 95 LINE eres 47 Linnea eeee 195 Linaom teeeee AT Linum. eo5ecce AS Liparia ssee-4 109 Liriodendron +--+ 11 Toasa _—s._ -:-e#ee+ 154 LOASEA eoose J54 Lobadium sees 98 i Lobaria e@ev50e 18] _ Loddigesia --+--+ 110 Leeflingia ---++++ 175 Longchampia +--+ 235 Lonicera ve~e 195 Lonicera srceeee 195 Lopezia veoe 151 Lopimia — ceee 52 LORANTHEZ 196 Loranthus sees 196 Lotus os ge LAS Lotus eoee 118,121 Luculia 2605197 Ludia views B4 edit. no ended aigier sy O4 Ludwigia ape -L52 Luffa seesee 161 Lunaria sese 20 Lupinaster -e-- 115 Lupinus sooe 113 Lychnis vees 44 Lychnis ses 43, 44 Lythrum seee 150 Lythrum vecees 151 ' Macrocnemum --+ 198 Macrolobium +--+ 106 Macropodium +« +» 19 INDEX GENERUM. : Page. Page. | Page. Macrotys sees 9] Mespilus vees 134] Negundo | eee 68 Madia — saes 2341 Mespilus esse 135|NELUMBONA ++ 14 Magnolia reese 11) Metalasia «eee 222) Nelumbium «+s. 14 MAGNOLIACE 11| Metrosideros «++. 156} Nephelium §--++ 240 Mahernia -s+s 57 | Metrosideros +++. 155 | Nephelium coos 70 Mahonia sees 13| Meum seve 187 | Nesea esce 151 Malachodendron- 61) Meum esecee 187] Neslia ooss 126 Malachra eee2 5§0)| Michelia ecce 11 | Nestlera crease 235 Malcomia esee 24] Miconia ecoe 159|Neurolena «+. 234 Mallococca eeee 58|/Micranthera +++. 65} Neuroloma ee 20 Malope esse A8| Micranthes see 181] Niebuhria esee 32 Malpighia = ++++ +67 | Microcos sees 59] Nigella cove §66 Malpighia ese 67) Micropus ¢++++s 223 | Nissolia coves 132 MALPIGHIACE67 | Mikania eees 229| Nitraria cree 162 Malva = se+s+eee6 48} Milleria vecees 240) Nocca eevess 219 Malvu sss* 52) Mimosa »+ 100} Noisettia s* 636 MALVACEE «++ 48} Mimosa 100,101 ‘102, 103 | Norantea eves 66 Maivaviscus -+++ 650|MimosEx% ey 100 NORANTEE eee 66 Mammillaria +«+++ 171|Minuartia «+++ 175| Nothria sree 40 Mammea >+-+-++++ 65| Miscopetalum ++ 181] Notoceras sooe 18 Manettia +eee 198/ Mitchella e++- 199} NOTORHIZEZ 24 Mangifera sess 97] Mitella eeeeee 183] Nuphar woos 15 Manna veeses a Mniarum «+++ 175 | Nymphea sees 15 Marcgravia +--+ 66|Mcehringia -+-- 45] Nymphea sere 15 MARCGRAVIACEE Meenchia «-+++. 45|NYMPHAEACEZE 14 eee 66 | Molinza sees 70) Ochna ae) | Marshallia «++» 234| Mollia seeese 176 | Ochna teseee OL Matayba seee 70/ Mollugo vses 45/OCHNACEZR «+ 91 Mathiola +++-«+ 17/ Mollugo ceeees 45/Ochroma ceeees 54 Matthiola e+e» 196) Momordica = +++» 161 | Ochrus veseee 126 Meconopsis +++» 16|Monanthes +++» 180} Ochthodium oe 23 Medicago «e+e 117| Monniera sees 90} Odontites e+ 185 Medicago esos 117|Monodora -++eee 12) dera seeees 219 Megacarpea -+-+ 23) Monsonia -e+e 73|(:nanthe +--+. 186 Megasea — + 180, 181 | Monsonia sees 73|Ocenoplia «+--+. 94 Melaleuca -*+~- 155] Montia sees 170} (Enothera --+.-.. 152 Meluleuca qees 156 Montinia eeos 15] OLACINEX ee 62 Melampedium ++ 239|Moricandia «+++ 28}/Olax cooees 62 — Melananthera_ ++ 233|Morina eee 204) Oldenlandia +--+ 198 — Melanoselinum +--+ 190} Morinda «+++ 199] Oliveria eree 189 Melastoma -++*« 159| Moringa «eee 105 |Omphalobium «ee 104 Melastoma ++ 159,160| Mougeotia -++e-+ 56}0ONAGRARIZAE «+ 151 MELASTOMACES, | Mullera s++* 109| Onobroma «sees- 216 tenes 159 | Mundia eses 39] Onobroma «es+ss 216 Melhania vere 57|Muntingia e+s* 59|Onobrychis -++-+« 131 Melia svecsese 71) Muraltia esse 39] Ononis encore 113 Melia vceeeeee T1|Murraya +++-+> 62!}/Onopordum++++++ 215 — MELIACE/E -- 71| Muscaria eev~e 182| Onopordum ++++«+ 215 Melianthus +++- 88] Mussenda «e+ 197] Opercularia-++--- 203 Melicocca «eee 70! Mussenda --++-- 197) OPERCULARIES, | Melicope «+-+++ 90/Myagrum cose QT] seecee 203 Melicytus . ¢+++ 33] Myagrum~ 22, 26, 30| Opuntia coeeee 172 7 Melilotus see 115|Myginda -.-+-- 94)OPUNTIACE 170 — Melilotus -+*+e++ 115 | Myoseris «eee 2111 Orchidocarpum «+ 12 Melochia ese 56] Myosurus +» 4/Oreoselinum «++. 191 — Melochia _++++++* 56|Myriophyllum ++ 169} Ormosia esee 107 | Melothria see 161] Myrodia rse+ 54] Ornithopus +++. 328 Memecylon +++») 159|Myrrhis +++» 189] Ornitrophe eo «tT Meniocus seve 2LIMYRTACE ~~ 155| Orobus any ti MENISPERMACE | Myrtus -ee« 158|Orostachys +++ ~ vaeeae 12 | Myrtus «+++++++ 157} Ortegia cee Menispermum --* 13/| Nandina soos 13 ORTHOPLOCE Er Menispermum -¢ 13|Napwa +--+e+ee% 53) Osbeckia eese 160, Mentzelia sees 154] Naravelia re+- 2] Osmites sees 238 © Meriania +++» 160| Nasturtium +--+ 18] Osteospermum «+ 240 — Mesembryanthemum: | Nauclea’ *eee 199] Othonna eee 233 cs eeeae 163 | Nauenburgia +++* 219) Otidia — sseees RAS. 4 Mesembryanthemum 169 | Nectris cose 14 OXALIDEE is: 7 Page. Oxalis Sees 86 Oxalis arpa sree 196 Oxyanthus «+++ 197 Oxylobium |= +-++ 107 Oxytropis «+«.++- 193 Ozothamnus ee 221 Pachira se gteae Pederia «-+++- 200 Peonia aploarey yD PHEONIACER ++ 9 Palafoxia .. +6. 329 Palavia. cosses 52 Paliurus --->- . 94 Pallasia os gear heh Panax ... -+«+ + 493 Papaver cesses 15 Papaver. ++s+6 16 PAPAVERACEZ 15 PAPILIONACE £106 Parinarium = «++ 133 Parkinsonia -++- 104 Parnassia «eco. 38 Paronychia -++++- 175 PARONYCHIE175 Parthenium ---- 240 Pascalia er eoes 235 Pastinaca «+--s:; 191 Pastinaca ++ 187,192 _ Patrinia cece 203 Patrisia. - ---+e+ 33 PATRISIEB ++eee+ 33 Paullinia --«s++ 69 Paullinia . +--+ - 69 _PAULLINIE:-+ 69 eveeeost 199 oa deuce BO 5 of RALESD . «51 A acyniein 233 eee ° 88 peccee 88 PELARGONIEE ++ 75 ee wees 97 vee 75, 85 eee 57 seve 115 Je%55480 Perdicium Petaloma -----: 159 - Petalostemon -+-- 114 -Petrobium -----:; 234 - Petrocallis +---+- 21 _ Peucedanum «+--+ 191 - Peucedanun +--+ 192 x 3 ‘Phaca seesene 123 Pinca ie) + 005s 123 Pharnaceum «++: 45 J Phebalium Phyllolobium ---- Phymatanthus Physospermum => PLEURORHIZEE17 Pleurospermum ++ 188 200 eseseee 107 Podospermum:«-+ Polycarpon +++--- POLYGALE POM ACER o 6 Ox . Pereskia --++++ 172): - Periptera ------ 52): -Peritoma «+++++ 31] Persoonia <--++°: 234|Portenschlagia -- PORTULACE 4 POTENTILLE -->> ' -Phaseolus --+-++ 119} Poterium »e-+ 89| Prenanthes | Phellandrium +++» 187} Philotheca +++ 89 Pri 92 200 131 73 188 207 208 » 211 185 , 186 198 230 159 154 122 99 - 126 PITTOSPOREE 107 PODOPHYLLEZ: 14 | Podophyllum ---- 14 14 206 INDEX GENERUM. Page. ise 223 «© 135 Prinos eveeon Prockia wale a Ste Proserpinaca +++- Prosopis eeeone Prunus sua Prunus eeeane Psiadia el iahalate Psidium vidas Psoralea = ++ wo Psoralea oa ree Psychine ---«e. PSYCHINEH «¢¢+e Psychotria «+++«+ 2 Psychotria +++es. Ptelea se o0 Re Pterocarpus ++-s Pterocarpus eeeeoe. Pterocephalus: «+ -« Pteroneurum °+e-« Pteronia --++-«. Pterospermum «+ Ptilostephium «++ Pulicaria ---<>+« Pulsatilla «+++. Pultenza -+-+-+- Pultenea vices wan Punica elebi nite Pyrus Sera | Pyrus eoceee 135, Quassia > sie Quassia _ eeeeve Queria oe See Queria ase |Rhododendron ++ 264 |Royena = «+= «+» 270 1] RHIZOBOLER " y Rhizophora’ --++ 19% RHIZOPHOREE 191 Rhodiola eee 178 : Rhodora LS 6 -OG4 RHODORACEE 264 9 Rhus wheel Rhus +--+ 70,97, 98 Ribes «ses 178 Richardsonia --<- 200 Ricotia j esas 20 Riedleia feeees BOP Rindera ove 6 OOS Robertia | +++ 212 Robertsonia +«+. 181 Robinia: = +++» 125 Robinia . -++- 125, 1314 Rechea woe wot TR! Rochelia eee 298 Roella esccns 251! Roella sees 250 Rolandra ceee 218. Rosa oove 136. ROSACEZE +++- 136. Rosmarinus - -*+-+ 311) Rothia — #s.++. 211 Rubentia. e+eees 95 Rubia ++ eee 201 RUBIACEE -+++ 196 — Rubus eves 144 Rudbeckia -----. 236 Quisqnalis:§ +++ Ruellia sees 396 Quivisia ccceee Rueilia cows 397 Radiola eeeeoe Ruizia: «°° seco 57. Remeria ++++s- Ruizia sees 70 Rafnia tee Rulingia tse 55 Rafnia A Rulingia sees 170 Ramonda core Rumia vove 187 Randia 197| Rumia veose 189 RANUNCULACEE 1| Russelia coos 303 RANUNCULEZ Ruta eee 88_ Ranunculus eeee |RUTACEZ <«+-- 88 Ranunculus +<+«++ RAPHANEA °+-e+e Raphanus ----+-- Raphiolepis ++++ 135. Rapistrum eevave Rapistrum «+++ 23, 26 Rauwolfia. +--+. Rauwolfia omiekae Reaumuria «+--+. Redoutea --«-+- Relhania <«««-+«- Reseda > el isda RESEDACEE -- Retzia my ger Rhagadiolus +++. Rhagadiolus +++. RHAMNEACE: Rhamnus atesehe Rhamnus om Rhaponticum «+++ 217 Rhexia -++.0e+e++ 160 Rhexia «+++ 159, 160 Rhinanthus «+++ 307 Rhipsalis eeee 172. Ruyschia cess 66 Ryanea aeee 33 Sagina eese AB: Sagina: cece 45 SALICARIZ -+ 150 Salmea eces 234 Sambucus «+---++- 194 Samyda eees 96 Sandoricum -+--+- 71 Sanguinaria «+++ 16 Sanguisorba +++- 148 |SANGUISONBE® «+ 148 Sanicula cone 184 Sanvitalia sess 2356 SAPINDACEZ — 69 Sapindus coos 70 Sapindus «eeex- 90 Saponaria ++es+- 42 Sarcocapnos «+++ 17 Sarcocaulon ee++ 73 Sarcocephalus «+ 199 Sarcophyllum ++++ 109 Saurauja reese 60. INDEX GENERUM. \URAUJER +ves+ 60 issued ie ogee 213 WAUVAGEA see 38 fauvagesia -es> 38 Maxifraga o--s 180 Sida seeees 521 Stellaria reeees 46 Sida +~s+++ 52,53,54| Stellaria »--045 45 Sideranthus --+-+ 227|Stephania ...++. 33 Siderodendron ++ 199!Sterculia ----+- 655 Siegesbeckia ++ 235|STERCULIEM -+ 55 Sieversia --+-+- 145|Sterigma --++-++ 27 Silene eevers A42|Stevenia «esses 19 SILENEZ *-ee*-+ 40/Stevia tere 229 Siler ++++ 188) Stevia +--+ >- 229,233 Silphium ~~ +--++- 240|Stizolobium +----- 119 Silybum receee 214 | Stobeea veneers 215 Simaba ee~~. OL] Steebe seeeer 219 ‘Simaruba -- -:> 91 | Stokesia covess 216 SIMARUBEZ -+ 90|Stravadium +--+. 159 | Simsia seer 234 | Stuartia scocee 61 cabiosa «+++ 204,205 calea ser- 227 Wichivereckia --+- 21 iechizandra -+*- 13 chizopetalum -- 31) Sinapis coe ++ 28 | Stuartia een. | jichkuhria ----+-+ 233 | Sinapis sseee- 29)Stylosanthes «+++ 129 ‘chmaltzia sees 98/|Sison es*+ 186|Subularia ----++ 31 michmidelia -+---- 70| Sison 185,186,188,189,|SuBULARIE® ++ 31 ji} chotia cooee: IDA] ereee- © 190 | Succisa « s\n «0: BGA iiichotia «eee 104 ‘chousheca eovees 153 ihrankia -+-+++- 100 SISYMBREA «ere %4/Succowia «eee 29 Sisymbrium -+-- 24/Sutherlandia «+--+ 124 Sisymbrium 18, 24, 29 Swainsona --++<++ 124 Sium e-cees 190/Swietenia --++++ 72 Sium eee 192] Swietenia ++++++ 72 Sloanea_ ss e***e** 59/SYMPHONIEE +: 65 Smithia eveeee 128|/Symphoria «+--+» 195 Smyrnium <----- 187|Synedrella .---++ 235 Smyrnium +* 186,192) Syrenia PE i, Sobolewskia +--+ 27|Tagetes --++- + 233 Solea eseose 37] Tagetes eeeoes 233 jpsclerothamnus ++ 108 ypscolymus --+++* 212 : gopelia eeeoee 99 y)Scorzonera ++ 206, 207 Solidago eoes+s 296|Talinum «----+-- 170 4 cottia eosese 110] Solidago e» 227, 234| Talinum esoeee 170 1} Scytalia seseee 70|Sonchus ceeees 207|Tamarindus -e+~ 104 Sonchus eocees 207| TAMARISCINES 160 Sophora eee>++ 106|Tamarix -+--+-- 160 Sophora -+++ 106, 107) Taraxacum ++++++ 208 ypsechium = esse 161 p)Securidaca seeee+ 39 ;)Securigera --++++ 128 Sedum eseeee 179 1 Southwellia -+-++-- 55|Teesdalia -+--+++ 22 ;|Selinum s-eses 191] Spallanzania +--+ 147)Telephium +--+++ 170 )|Selinum 186, 188, 191, Spananthe reese 185|/Templetonia «+++ 110/ A Lopeime tier essss 192 Sparmannia esecee §8] Tenoria : ecssee 185 3 | Selloa eoevee 230|Spartianthus --<+ 111|Tephrosia --++-+- 124 Spartium ----++ 111|/Teramnus --++-- 120 Spartium «+++ 111,112) TEREBINTHACE Spathelia seooee 99 e@ersevese 99 Senacia ceeess 40|Spatularia -++++++ 181] Terminalia Pe Pg it Senebiera ------ 26|Spergula ----+- 45/Ternstremia ++-- 60 Senecio eeeeee 231|Spermacoce -+++++ 200] TERNSTREEMIA- Septas | ++-+-- 178) Spermacoce -+ 200,201) CE — --++-s 60 Seriana esesse 69/SPERMACOCE® ++ 200|Terpnanthus +--+ 90 Seridia §._- ---«-- 218|Spermadictyon -+ 199)Tetracera --++-- 10 Seringia esses 66|Spermaxyrum -* 62|Tetracera +++++- 10 Seriola «+--+. 211|Spheranthus «+++ 219|Tetragonia --++ 169 | Seriola eeee-- 212|Spherolobium +--+ 108|Tetragonolobus -- 118 Seriphium ------ 219|Sphenogyne ++++ 238|Tetragonotheca -+ 234 Serissa eoee+» 200|Spilanthes ++++++ 234)Tetramerium +--+ 199 'Serpicula «-+--+ 169/Spilanthes ++++++ 234) Tetrapteris ------ 68 Semecarpus +--+ 97 | | Serratula e+ 213 | Spirea «e+e+s 149/Tetratheca ----+- 39 ‘| Serratula 213,214, 215 | Spirea --++++ 149|Thalictrum +++ 2 ‘|Sesbania .----- 128 SPIREACEE - 149) Thapsia seeeee 192 | \Seseli —----- -» 186|Spiralepis --++++ 222) Thaspium —+++++s 186 | Seseli ------ 186, 189|Spiranthera -+-- 90/Theobroma +-++ 55 ‘|Sesuvium -----. 162|Spondias ------ 99|Thermopsis -+-- 107 Sethia cosees 66 Seymouria --+--- 77 Sherardia -+-++- 201 | Sibbaldia ----«- 147 Sicyos eorverves 161 Staavia esecee 95| Thespesia ---+++ 52 Stehelina +---+++ 216| Thliaspi seceee 22 Staphylea +-+--+ 95|Thlaspt -++++++ 22,26 Starkea eveees 227|THLASPIDEZ + 22 Stauracanthus ++ 109|Thomasia «+--+. 56|Uvaria Page. Thrincia ++ + +++ 208. Thysselinum »+-+++ 188 Thysselinum +*** 188 Tiarella soosee 193 Tiarella veeeoe 183 Tilia eosere 59 TILIACE «+++ 58 Tiliacora ss eeeene 13 Tillea cecese 176 Tithonia = +--+ ++» 238 Tococa cseees 160 Toddalia «sere» 99 Tolpis eseece 911 Tordylium ++++++ 188 Tordylium 187, 188, 191 Torilis = = +-+++s 189 Tormentilla +++ 145 Trachymene *+++ 185 Trachyspermum 189 Tragium a seo ESS Tragium sesoee 196 Tragopogon «+++ 206 Trapa aels.c'e0 JESS Truttenickia «+++ 234 TREMANDREZ 39 Trianthema -++- 170 Tribulus. «++e+. 87 Trichera soncne 204 Trichilia +---- Pa | TRICHILIEE «++ TI Trichosanthes ++ 162 Trichosanthes ee 162 Tridactylites +e++ 182 Tridax coves 234 Trifolium -eee-++ 115 Trifolium covovs AI5 Trigonella «++-+. 117 3 Trigonella ++++-+ 115 Trigonis ancvese FO 5 uae Trinia cosviee: Sao Triopteris +-+++++ 68 Triosteum +--+... 195 Triphasia” -+---- 62 Triptilion ++see. 212 — Tristania «esse. 156 Triumfetta ««+--. 58 Trixis wescee 212 | Trollius coseee 6 Tropeolum ---+ 85 © Troximon 9 seeess 206. Troximon s+eee- QUE ~*~ Turgosea + 3:0 «eee Turnera evae 154 ' Turnera coos 154 TURNERACE® +: 154 © Turrea wei eee Turritis Sanka Turritis ++ 18,19, 29 Tussilago ovev 280053 Tussilago oes, SIRs Ulex eoee 109 Ulospermum «+--+ 187 UMBELLIFER 184 Unona res ak Urena reer Urvillea «cea 69° cose 12 4 ‘ue -. A ade es sda Page. Uvaria .; siaeieals Valantia = ++++++ 201 Valantia ++++ 201, 202 Valeriana wee- 203 Valeriana ++ 203, 204 VALERIANEE = 203 Valerianella -+-+ 203 Vangueria --.. 196 Vauanthes +++. 176 Velezia oo sewonds Vella «= sabpiey 29 Vella erosee 29 VELLER = eeeres 29 Ventilago. esses 91 Verbesina ++++++ 235 Verbesina ++ 235, 236 Verea eoacee 179 Vernonia °+++-+ 219 “Vernonia = ++++++ 219 VERNONIACEZ =: 219 INDEX GENERUM. Page. Vesicaria ++ ++-- Viburnum ---+-+ 194 Vicia eens 127] Vicia sseese 128 Vigniera .+++++ 236 Viminaria --+-++ 108 VINIFERE «+oses 72 Viola 2+ 00 NG Viola seecee 136 VIOLARIEE «- 36 Virgilia = see wee 107 Viscaria «+ 44 Viscum seeeee 196 Vismia (oew 2 GS VISMIEH ++ees+ 68 Visnaga + «eae 490 Vitis ib vatiavi YTD Vitis © did oie HTD Waldsteinia+++++-: 147 WALLICHIEZ -+ rigs 58 20 Waltheria | Webera. eooees Wedelia staid ee Weinmannia «++. Wendlandia ««++ce Wiborgia «+++ Wiborgia --s+%s WINTEREZ +e Wisteria eg 5 Woodfordia »+++=« Wormia «oun Xanthium oot Xanthochymus += Xeranthemum «« Xeranthemum ve Ximenesia’ --++e- Ximenia = «ee eee Ximenia te tewe Xylopia «verre Xylosteum +-eess eeeven. Page. (56 197 236 183 13 110 235 11 121 150 10 240 65 228 223 234 62 88 qa} 195 : , : Zacintha wseclc. Zaluzania cesses. Zanthorhiza. seee ee Zanthoxylon++.«-« Zieria o alaleae Filla bate tta te ZILLES teoeee Zinnia “as Dee Zizyphus ones Zizyphus eels alee Zoegea eee Zornia onelate Zornia — teeves Zosimia aie hae Zwingera tailed | ZYGOPHYLLEE Zygophyllum «+++ et ea vee a : | | + ‘ ’ q > 4 | | - na ole { ol ] | Page. ‘hania - veeeee 50 rican Marygoid 233 srimony e+se 147 vee-tree --+++- 70 aternus aeceo 93 exander’s ---- 187 l-seed = ++ 48,175 mond ee eeee 133 nber-tree -+-+ 201 igelica ++++ 192 igelica-tree --+- 193 tiseed-tree ++ 11 iotta ceeeee 33 »ple eeweereece 135 yple-berry -°-+ 40 ricot) - seseee 133 racacha -e++ 190 tichoke coe. 215 afeetida +-+--++ 192 ‘ens eeeeese 145 plwort eeeces Bl warole 2 ecse 1394 isam - ecesee 85 Isam Apple ++ 161 \lsamof Capevi 106 lsam-tree +++. 65 ine-berries --+- 9 _ rbadoesGooseberry see dxeas 172 urberry o-++e+- 13 irenwort <-*--+ 14 istard Cabbage-tree ye 132 istard Cedar. 55, 72 istard Cress -+ 22 istard Hare’s-ear 200 istard Indigo -+ 12] istard Quince -+ 135 istard Saffron -+ 215 istard Vetch -+ 123 iwd-money -++- 187 aad-tree --+-++. 71 pan - eta 6 128 yan-Caper +++ 87 oan Trefoil -+++ 106 sars-foot <«-+«-... 6 xdstraw ©----> 201 angal Quince «+ 62 ilimbi-tree --+-. 85 rd’s-foot +--+ 128 td’s-foot Trefoil 118 shop’s-weed ---+ 190 itter Vetch ---. 126 adder Ketmia+- 51 ENGLISH INDEX. Page. eaapr. nut 95 Bladder-Senna -+ 124 @een Black Parsley -+ 190 Blue bottle ---- 217 Borecole -+*+++ 27 Bramble i aqua Rad Brasiletto. -+-+--- 105 Bread-root --++++ 115 Broccoli. ++++++ 28 Broom ee ns We i | Bryony veceee 161 Buckier-mustard-+ 23 Buckthorn --++++. 93 Bugwort «s~++-. 9 Bullace-tree +++» 133 Burdock = -+++++ 213 Burnet «+*ee+++ 148 Bur-Parsley +++ 188 Butter-bur +++-++ 231 Butter-tree +++: 65 Button-tree. +se+ 154 Button-weed +++*+ 200 Button-wood «-+- 199 Cabbage =—s_ - «+ +¥ +> 27 Cajuputi-tree ---- 155 Caltrops -+++++<- Campion A2 Candy-carrot +--+ 189 Candy-tuft 22 Cape Aster ----++ 232 Cape-Jasmine -+«- 197 Cape Phillyrea -+ 95 Caper-iree -- 32 Carambola-tree 85 Caraway _---::: 186 Cardoon = - +++" 215 Carline-thistle---+ 215 Carnation Al Carob-tree 104 _ eee Carolina Allspice 132 Carrot --++++-- 188 Cashew-nut +++: 97 Cassioberry-bush 194 Catchfly ----:: 42 Caterpillar --+- 128 Cats-ear -sseee 212 Cauliflower -->-- 28 Celandine --:--. 16 Celery seeeve, 187 Centaury --++: 216 Cheese Rennet +--+ 202 Cherimolli «-:++- II Cherry sesees 134 Chervil ceoeen 390 Page. Chick-Pea .:++s++ 128 Chickweed -- 46 China Aster --+. 226 Chinese varnish -- 97 Chocolate-nut - 55 Choko 161 Christmas Rose -- Christ’s-thorn .93, 94 Cicely seeeee 189 Cinqnefoil -++++++ 145 Clevers sence 202 Cloud-berry -++«+ 145 Clove Al Clove-tree » 157 Cockspur-thorn 135 Cocoa-Plum --++« 133 Codlins & Cream 153 Coffee-tree +++ 200 Coleseed 28 Colewort 30 Colpoon-tree ++++ 95 Coltsfoot © ~ - «sss. 230 Columbine 6 Common-Aecacia ... 125 Common Broom --+ 112 Coral-tree on Coriander Corn Cockle ---- 45 Cornelian Cherry 194 Cotton Rose «<++- 223 wees ~-2eeeeerene Cotton-thistle ---+ 215 Cotton-tree «+++ 52 Cowbane -e++-- 188 Cowitch severe 119 5 Cow Parsnep «+++ 191 Crane’s-bill Cress 73 26 eeow eeeeee Cress-Rocket «o++- 29 Crosswort -- 200, 201 Crowfoot +s«-+5 4 P Page. Drumstick-tree 104 Duck’s-foot ---- 14 Dyer’s-green-weed 112 Earth-nut --- 114, 189 Earth Pea --+« 126 Elder seneve 194 Elecampane ---+« 221 Elephant Apple -- 62 Elephant’s-foot ++ 219 Enchanter’s nightshade see ee “a 151 Endive -+-+--++ 212. Eryngo seeese 184 Evening Primrose 152 Everlasting +--+ 222 Everlasting Pea -+ 126 Fennel -----> -- 187 Fennel-flower +--+- 6 Fenugreek = +eee 117. Feverwort --+- 195 Fig Marygold .--- 163 Flat Pea --«-++ 110 Flax -seeeseses 47 Fleabane -++-++ 220 Fleawort ever 221 Flix-weed reve 24 Flower-fence «+++ 105 Fool’s Parsley-.++ 188 Fox-grape --:++ss 7% Fraxinella ----++ 88 Sich oncyen ae Sa els 131 French Marygéld 233 Fumitory sooe 17 Furze eeoereey LO9: Genip-tree «+--+ 197 Giant Fennel ---+ 192 © Gingerbread Plum 133 Ginseng --+«++-- 193 Glastonbur y-thorn a Cuckold-tree -+++ 103|Globe-flower -.-- Cuckoo-flower ++ 20/Globe-thistle ---- big Cucumber ----++ 161]Goat’s-beard 149, 206 Cumin -++e-+ 190] Goat’s-rue -++-++ 124 Currant --+++++ 173|Goat’s-horn -++++ 122 Custard Apple ++ 11]Goat’s-thorn +--+ 123 Daisy -+-+--++++ 228|/Golden-rod -++++ 226 Dandelion « + 208} Golden Saxifrage 97 Deadly Carrot -- 192|Golden-thistle ++ 212 Devil’s-bit -+++++ 204 Goldiods. 2+ 25 Dewberry SHC 145 | ¢ ilock’s e+e 65 Dill —:2:- ov+a- 180M S +++. 297 Dogwood -2e+¢ 194/Go coos 173 Dropwort seseee 149 GOUT joyce ¢ 162 B * _ Honseleek ~ Ice-plant Goutweed Ware Grape-vine Great Burnet Groundsel Groundsel-tree -- Guava Guelder-Rose Gum Succory ---- Hare’s-ear Hartwort 72x. @e ‘@eews ares -eeererenea Page. 186 72 148 see 231 220 158 194 208 185 188 Hatchet Vetch, 123,128 Hawkweed Hawthorn Heart’s-ease Heart-seed «+-+e- Hedge-mustard -- Hellebore eeee Hemlock @eoe e89 Hemp Agrimony Herb Robert --+-- Heron’s-bill - - + = - Hickory-tree +++. Hog-Plum Holly eeacscce Hollyhock Honesty Honey-berry +--+ Honey-flower ++~. Honeysuckle Horn Gourd Horn Poppy -+-+ Horse Chestnut «> Beeaee eaeeorerene Horse Radish ---- _ _Horse-radish-tree _ Horseshoe Vetch ~ Horse-thistle -++« Hottentot Cherry Humble-plant ---- Indian Cress -++-- Indian Fig - Indian Lotus +... 4 | : Ivy Ladies’ Man ile - Bance-wood - Larkspur _ Indian Madder -- Indigo Tron-tree eeeecere Jamaica Dogwood Jamaica Ebony -- - Jambolana-tree -- Jersey-thistle --.’ Judas-tree _ Jupiter’s-beard: -- Kanguru Vine--+« Kidney-Bean ---- . _. Kidney Vetch---- . _ Knapweed Knawel Knot-grass -+-+-++ Laburnum Ladies’s Bedstraw feeene Laserwort evnese ., ae esee er0evree. e¢ee@ete . 209 ee Ff 4 4 ‘| London Rocket -- | Mignonette | Mysore-thorn ENGLISH Page. | Laurestine ++.--. 195 Lee-Chee «..-+s. 70 Lemon ee eseke He Lentil + eeve 128 Leopard’s-bane -- 228 Lettuce secese 207 Licea-tree ++-+> ~ 90 Lignum-Vite -++- 87 Lime Beet ede 4 Lime-tree -++++++ 59 Lion’s-foot -+ 208, 222 124 106, 125 105 181 24 Looking-glass-plant 55 Loquat 135 Lord Anson’s Pea Liquorice «-+--+ Locust-tree Logwood London pride ee ~e etree 126 Lovage seeeee 190 Lupine oe eeee 113 Madder voccee 201 Madwort <-+--54. 21 Mahogany-tree ++ 72 Malay Apple --+- 157 Mallow ocssove) 48 Mammee-tree +++: 65 Mangosteen «--- 65 Mango-tree -e+s 97 Maple cecceee 68 Mare’s-tail ------ 169 Marsh cinquefoil 145 Marsh Mallow --+- 49 Marsh Marygold-» 6 3; Marsh Pennywort 184 Marygold 239 Masterwort ----e+ 192 Mastick-tree ++ 98, 99 May Apple ---- 14 Meadow Rue «ees 2 186 149 117 134 115 - 162 170 150 191 Meadow Saxifrage Meadow-sweet -- Medick Medlar Melilot Melon Melon Thistle ---- eoeeree eoareove eevee Milk Parsley ---- Milk Vetch ------ 122 Milkwort 9 +--++. 38 Misseltoe -+---+ 196 Monkshood ------ 7 Moonseed ----++ 13 Moschatel ------ 183 Mountain Ash --+- 136 Mountain Ebony 106 Mountain Rose ++ 160 Mouse-e tg sles « 209 Mouse-ear r-chickweed Sp agate Vepewuxenecn Ue Mouse-tail ------ 4 Moving-plant ---- 130 Musk Okro «eess+ 51 Viustard 28 cape aioe eee sags = si ae 105 — Page. Navelwort «ecce. Nectarine Necklace-tree New Jersey Tea:- ewrecene 178 133 107 92 NewZealand Cork-tree New Zealand Tea Nicker-tree Nipplewort Old man’s beard Olibanum-tree -- Olive-bark-tree -- Olive-wood Orange-tree Orpine Ox-eye Ox-tongue Peony Papaw-tree ++ +++. Paraguay Tea Parsley Parsley piert -+e-+ Parsnep Pasque-flower Pea Peach Pear Pearlwort Penny-cress Pennywort Peppermint-tree -« Pepper-Vine ---- Pepperwort Petty Whin Pheasant’s-eye «+ Pigeon-pea e@e2ees8 oeee eeee eoenes eeoeoeceure * eore eesepe ee@enesd ee eeevenoe eoeeeoee @aeeeeorn eaeeeede eeer- euwose @eee 155 106 212 206 99 153 95 63 170 236 208 9 162 94 187 148 191 3 126 133 135 Pilewort ceecsce 5 Pink soccee Al Pin-pillow ++++++ 172 Pistachia-tree+++- 99 Plank-plant sescee 110 Plowman’s Spikenard vescserveseocvces O90 Plum-tree ++see+ 133 Poison Oak >--+++ 97 Pomegranate ++. 158 Poppy -+-+e*> coe J5 Puccoon erccese 16 Pumpkin +--+ -+- 162 Purslane <-+-+++ 170 Purslane-tree --++ 170 Pyracantha -+---+ 135 Quince coesee 136 Radish seeeee 30 Ragged Robin -+++ 44 Ragwort 231, 232, 233 Rambootan Rape Raspberry Rattlesnake-root: = Red Lac Rest-harrow Rocket Rock-Rose -+++e«s Rose Rose Acacia Rose Campion ++<+ Rose of Jericho +« v-eew @eae Sear eeeooe ee. 70 28 145 39 97 113 24 34 136 126 44 23 | Stork’s-bill '|Sensitive plant «+ Silk-cotton-tree | ee Page Rose-root +ceses 17 Rough Chervil--++ 19 Rough skin’d Plum 13) Rue eesee 8 Ruptare-wort veee 47) Sacred Bean +--+ 1 St. Andrew’s cross. 6 St. Barnaby’s- thistle 21 Saintfoin | St. John’s-bread | St. John’s-wort. -« St. Peter’s-wort -- Salt-tree Samphire Sandwort Sanicle _ Sappan-fruit +++. Satin-wood --.-.. Savoy - Sassen axifrage serena Scorpion Senna «+ Screw-tree --.++. Scurvy-grass +++ Sea Chickweed ee Sea Heath Sea Holly Sea Kale : Sea Rocket -+--+++- seeeee eeoerveses eeverve Septfoil — Service-tree: «+++ Shaddock Sheep’s-beard ++++ Shepherd’s-cress + Shepherd’s-purse-* Shrubby Trefoil ++ Siberian Crab «++ Skirrett Sloe-tree Smooth Chestnut-+ Snake-Gourd Snakeroot Snowball-tree Snowberry Soap-berry Soapwort Soldier-wood +++¢ Sour Gourd Soursop Sow-thistle Spanish Broon Spanish Cress Spignell Spindle-tree Sponge-tree Spurrey Squash Squirting Cucumber Staff-tree Star Thistle Starwort Stitchwort Stock Stonecrop eeeeaoe + ee . eevee? ee aeee @oed eeve _ eeee eesorese eves ee oe we eere ee es eooeee _ @ee8 eoece eeese eaesoceeee weve eeeoyu ENGLISH INDEX. ‘ i ° Page. Page. ‘Strapwort eevee 170] Teasel orn. neis, 204 'Wstrawberry -+-+- 147|Tea-tree «-+-+. 61 | uccory seeeee 212| Thistle venexe 213 * SSulphurwort -°+- 191|/Tonquin Bean ++ 132 ‘INSumach v+eeee 97|Toothpick «----+- 190 * ‘Sundew seeeee 38/Toothwort --+--- 20 ’ HSunflower ------ 236|Touch me not «+++ 85 leay Sun-Rose «+-+ 34|Tower Mustard -- 19 ‘iSupple-jack ----.. 69|Traveller’s-joy -+- 1 10 ‘Sweet-briar ------ 138|Treacle Mustard-+ 21 'OSweet-Pea <+-- 126|Tree Celandine -- 16 ‘Sweetsop --++-- 11/Tree Mallow ----- 50 ‘13 Sweet Sultan ---- 216|Trefoil “RE ee Y, ‘ISweet William- -- 41 /Tulip-tree rooe HI ' #Swine’s Succory -- 211 | Turnep cesses 28 ‘Syrian Rue .---- 88|Valerian ------+ 203 ‘il! Syringa +eee++ 155| Venus’s-comb ---- 189 ‘i Tamarind-tree -- 104| Venus’ Flytrap .. 38 : | Tamarisk pot TP oi I 160 Vetch eeevreod 127 ‘gant eeorees 128 ie flower 09S 2 ae 176 Filling, Printer, Chelsea. | Page, Vine cocces 72 Violet sasnan 26 Viper’s Grass «+++ 206 Virginian Creeper Virgin’s-bower Wall-Cress --«ee- Wallflower -.-+-- Wall-Rocket Walnut-tree --+-- Wampee-tree Wart-flower -- 75 Water Caltrops -- 153 Water Chickweed 170 Watercress -> 18 Water Dropwort 186 Water Hemlock:+ 187 Water-Lily --++++ 15 Water Melon -+-- 162 Water Milfoil --++ 169 72 1 -~*@ ete ee ene eeee ‘ “ Page. Water Parsnep .. 190 Water Purslane... 151 Water Starwort... 169 Waterwort -- 45 Wayfaring-tree... 194 Whitlow-grass, 21, 26 Widow-wail.----- 99 Wild Cumin+--+++ 193 Wild Liquorice -+ 121 Willow-herb 153 Winter Aconite... Winter-berry Winter-cress :-+-+- Woad Wolf’s-bane:----- Woodbine -+++-+ 195 Woodruff -+---+ 201 Wood-Sorrel:---+-+ 86 Yellow-root:+++++ 3,9 ,ereee 2e woeeeere 26 8 ‘ seal Na) Sa acas cae cag tes sg Py Si Senge a oaoh ces 18 iy pa shendin® +; tsih ia 7 Se auataon ) wste fein. x "ie" ral Me 118; an i vy ye at “soa! yoke FE. 5 eee a re * er sd : Lanta aR am ‘aie ghee fopwiisos W Laat ¢ bp ov batt BT 4 2 Bist igi) te" ¥ rood oecee! EE laihi Magan 4 : ay ¥ a | ae Y rs Caoala-BuU? SES Sel age To) i = Sanat RAPA hs ff yer P eae ig ese Seriege