Pech s ee “ese ene & Xs wey 183) A, a piper f P=TALOGUE * | ‘Miniatures and Oil Paintings | COLLECTION OF MINIATURES OE THE LATE PRINCE ALEXIS GALITZINE, AND THE FORMER COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS . OF THE LATE THOS. F. WARNER, TOGETHER WITH OTHER PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE , ESTATE OF Mey) , SMITH. THESE COLLECTIONS TO BE ABSOLUTELY SOLD BY AUCTION AT THE Pith Ave. Auction Rooms, 238 FIFTH AVENUE. THE SALE OF THE MINIATURES WILL TAKE PLACE n WEDNESDAY, Jan. 25th, at Two o'clock Be RAVE TINGS EDNESDAY an RSDAY., 3 Pee teeiGH? O'CLOCK P.M. SHA WILLIAM B. NORMAN ARtionee IN? £5 "es , Se, j H. N. ATKINSON, Printer, 82 Wall Street, N. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Alma-Tadema, 82 Atalaya, 51 Ancillotti, 12 Barbera, 41 Barbudo, 15, 9I Ballester, 4 Baugniet, 66 Bergamini, 23, 36, 69, 101 Benvenuti, 57 Brandt, 8 Besson, 56 Berthelon, 67 Brion, 48 Cecconi, 54 Compte-Calix, 49 Corot, 79 Corcos, 21, 106 Courbet, 50, 74 Charpin, 59 Daubigny, 94 De Grossi, 7 Delacroix, 34, 75 Detaille, 70 Diaz, 19, 99 Domingo, 81 Fortuny, 35, 80, 93 Frappa, 88 i Flogny, 2 Fossier, 71 | Gallait, 103 _ Gerome, 102 Geoffroy. 14 Gioja, 31 Galosci, 58 Galofre, 64 Grison, 84 Guinea, 99 Henner, 42, 96 Hubert, 6 Huet, 20 Isabey, 104 Kotarbinski, 9, 38 Lamonaca, 61 Lessi, 18 Michel, 25 Madrazo, 46 Meissonier, 32, 40, 87, 95 Paredes, 24, 92, 97 Pradella, 11 Palmaroli, 22 Polidori, 29, 65 Postiglioni, 107 Raminesi, 63 Rigos, I Rivas, 3, 60 Reyna, 10, 68 Richter, 27, 73 Rihsalle, 28 Rousseau, 33, 72 Rico, 52 Ricciardi, 55 Ribot, 75 Robie, 76 Riedel, 83 Ruggieri, 85 Rossi, 86 Rodier, 105 Saporetti, 13 Simoni, 16 Saerez, 30 Stevens, 45 Saintin, 47, 98 Schryver, 100 Troyon, 89 Torres, 62 Van-Marcke, 43 Valles, 39 Vollon, 44 Weiss, 17. Zamacois, 37, 77 Ziem, 26 Zoffoli, 5 53 ~CONDITIONS OF SALE. The purchasers shall give their names and addresses, and shall also, if required, pay down a cash deposit or the whole of the purchase money; in default of which payment, the lot or lots purchased by them shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Allarticles purchased shall be removed from these premises immediately upon the conclusiun of the sale. All goods left upon the premises after the conclusion of the sale will be solely at the risk of the purchaser, and The Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms shall not be held responsible for any loss thereof or for any damage thereto. Should a purchaser desire any goods bought by him to be re- sold, such goods must first be paid for in full. A commission (to be agreed upon) will be charged by the Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms upon such resale. but any loss or gain resulting there- from will be for the account of the person ordering such resale. Any complaint respecting this sale, or any of the goods pur- chased thereat, must be made in writing to the undersigned, within twenty-four hours after the close of this sale or it cannot be entertained. The sale of any article will not be set aside on account of any error it the description of such article contained in this Cata- logue ; nor shall the Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms be deemed a warrantor of the correctness of any such description, or in and respect responsible therefor, unless it shall give an express war- ranty thereof in writing in addition to such description, All articles are exposed for public inspection, for one or more days preceding the sale, and are sold as they are, without recourse. Should the purchaser fail or refuse to pay the purchase money in full, or to remove the goods purchased within twenty-four hours after the clove of this sale, the money deposited in part payment shall, at the optiou of the lifth Avenue Auction Rooms, be forfeited. Ali goods not so removed within twenty- four hours shall be resold at public or private sale, without further nutice, andif the amount realized at such resale—after deducting the charges and expenses attending the same—shall note ual the amount for which said goods sell at this present sale, the purchaser at this present sale shall make good the de- ficiency. This condition, however, is without prejunice to the right of The Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms, at its option, to en- . force the contract made at this present sale, without reselling the goods. The Auctioneers will not be held liable for non-delivery of any article above the amount paid by the purchaser for such article, WM. B. NORMAN, Auctioneer, SPECIAL -N-Ocisito es THE MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC SALES OF IMPORTANT ART COLLECTIONS. Mr. Wm. B. Norman begs respectfully to an- nounce that he is prepared to undertake the management of the Exhibition and Sale of, Collections of Paintings and other Art property of special importance. His experience in such matters, and the central location of the Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms, is a sufficient guarantee that all business en- trusted to him will be carried through with entire satisfaction. FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE. CATALOGUE OF THE Miniatures on Ivory anp Opsyjecrs oF Art, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25th, FATE REE SEA SBS IT & Rea UE REALE OT , AT TWO O’CLOCK P. M. 1 L. Barbier—Madame de Drai 2 J. Zuccarelli—Landscape painted in oil 3. Ch. Salvin—Mr Guizot 4 K. Marner—Duchesse de Chevreuse SL. Rollin—Fanchon de Veilleur 6 De Nerson—Louis XVII. 7 Campier—Me. de Monsigny 8 A. Vinot—Me. Desjazet 9 =H. Ellon—Mlles. Desclanzas 6 H. Leust—Me. Fontaux Verviers— Marat Klein—Mozart C, Vernet—Le Marechal de Saxe L. Nall—Lady Harton Bordois —Duchesse de Maillé G. Martin—Prince of Constant N. Michot—Countess de Barsan A. Bors—Napoleon I. H. Glensen—Me. de Verstan B. Roger—Prince Moucalieri Meleudez—Rita Luna R. Serint—Jean Brontel Miniature on porcelain—Boy Madame Richard—Porcelain Miniature Watteau Scene—Sevres sie T. A. Oudin—Me. de Pompadour Cherer—-Cupid and Venus 44 49 7 S. Thuret—Princess of St. Simons A. Verze—Duchess of Caylus Tiltar Fral—Madame Amelot F. Capuann—Madame Roland S. Dumoutel—Duchess of Provence A. Aleazar—Marie Christine Suture Conté—Madame de la Verriere Verze— Madame Lafarge Marais—Francois I. and Marie Caroline Salomoni—Alexandre Canova Drouais—Ferdinand II. of Naples Joseph Sens—Dominique Cirillo Vinot—Prince Colonna D. Blois—Madame Bellini Molinari—Ferdinand IV. of Naples M. Rouzé—The Good Mother, after Boucher F. Drouart—Me. Elisabeth ea Gioroy—Abbondance and Bacchus 8 J. Clouet—Diane de Poitiers B. Serin—Mlle. Favart B. Serin—Mlle. de la Tude A. Grosten—Comtesse Spera L. Merlier—Princesse Darstan Ch. Vaulier—Le Roi and Reine des Belges J. Pinchart—General Lasalle V. Boiseau—Prince of Gravines C. de Simone, 1853—Ferdinand IV. of Naples C. de Simone, 1853 —Marie Caroline J. Oudin—Madame de Pompadour Amerot—Mlle. Brohan O. Vernois—Napoleon I., Marie Louise, and King of Rome L. Marot—Mlle. de Seulins M. Denier—Adelaide de France | De Lohrne— Marie Antoniette and children Aubry— The Dauphin and Dauphine 9 G, Carners—Dutchess Fitzjames Delibes, 1793—Mlle. Desnoyers O. Sarpi—Marco Visconti Boucher—Love Pee ani View of Naples Alarez del Sarto—Queen Elizabeth R. Dourlens—Comte of Cayla E. Perrier—Princess of Bergue D. Liebert—Marquise de Pons Baril, Be Nikdame Damoreau Van Grift—Returning from the Market N. Franco-—Fruits and Flowers C. Verdel—Comtesse de Silva Hervieux—Comtesse de Guiche F. Ruffini—The Titian Belle Jacques Bruner—Orfila H. Tussier— Mlle. Gorgés L. Dumont—Duchess of Montpensier 10 8: La Cour—Prince Alvejas Juarez 82 do Princess do 83 do Their Children 84 C. Gisniai—Me, Loutamont 85 Masson—Marquise Dreux Braisé 86 T. Fontaine—Massandier 87 B. Sens—Countess of Tavannes 88 Campron— Manuel the Orator 89 Rulli—Pope Alexander VII. 90 Dun—Princess de Portales 904 F, Beaudoin— Marie Antoinette and Children in the Trianon F. Beaudoin born in Paris, 1723; died in 1782. Pupil of Boucher. His works are very scarce, as the greatest number have been bought by the museums. Framed in the original frame of carved wood, gilt, with the coat of arms of the Royal house of France. 91 A. Berinot—Duchess of Alezan o2 L. Picart—Madame de Beaumont 93 L. Dumon—Duc of Grillon 94 J. Max—Cupid her II 95 Louis XV. Tortoise-shell Box, silver piqué - 96 Grenadine Box—Louis XVI. 97. La Croix—Louis XV. Costume (Enamel) 98 Sapin—View of Versailles (Enamel) 99 do do do do 100 do do re He 7AEG 101. Daudin—Lady of the Court Louis XV. (Enamel) 102 do do do i CLO 103 Mythological Subjects do 104 do do do 105 do do do ° 106 Daniel in ais Lions’ Den do 107 Me. Lubin pict: 108 C. Fritz—Mlle, De la Tour 109 F. Caran—Mlle. Lubinska 110 O. Lemartin—Mlle, Legué 111 Louis Philippe—Ormolu Statue 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Se ee oi ee 12 Miniature Ort Parntines. G. Andres—Venetian Page do Girl B. Nufiez—At the Fountain do Home Returned Garcia® Hale Woman Mendez—Saluting the Cross . Coutells—Torreador Pons = borne Corio— Waiting . Panatta—Roman Costumes Vitalin: Pateant Penas—Fruit Seller . Zoffoli—In the Harem F.. Coleman—In the Garden S. Janire—The Bride G. Micali—The Mousquetaire VES Mola Road to Tivoli (Rome) 3 129 C. Ramos—In the Wood | 130 A. Rosa—Going at the Fountain 131 Albertez—At the Market 132 Falco—Recreation 133 Montalvez—Orange Seller 134 G. Rosati—A Venetian Bride 135 Rauch—lItalian Pifferaris 136 A. De Grossi—Wood Carriers 137. KR. Cabini—Venetian Street 138 O. Brant—Country 139 ©6—.B. Goe—Guache, View of Amalfi 140 do Out do Posillipo, near Naples 14! do do do Vesuvius ala 2 do do do Posillipo 143 do do do Blue Grotto 144 do do do Vesuvius 149 1. Guerin—Aquarelle, Boccaccio’s | Decameron 146 147 148. 149 150 152 153 14 BIBELOTsS: Ivory Alto-Relief, in black ebony carved frame ; at the four corners four alto-relief medallions in ivory From the collection of Cardinal A. Teodoli, of Rome. The coat of arms is on the frame. Extremely beautiful and valuable. Small Silk Tapestry, Italian manufacture, of the XVIII. Century, signed E. Elma. - Mounted in ebony frame A Magnificent Oil Painting, on iron, repre- senting a view of Constantinople. Pain- ted by the celebrated painter, Calot Another, as above Oil Painting on copper—The Magdalene. Magnificent example, painted by Martine de Vos. Very valuable | St. Giacomo of Galicie, painted by F. Florio. Very rare Miniature, on vellum, of the celebrated Raf-_ faelo’s Madonna, by Mariani, 1771 Louis XV. Casket, ormolu and Sevres plac- ques, elaborately enameled 155 156 15 Bronze Reproduction of the Trajanne Column in Rome re Bronze Reproduction of the Antonio . Pio Column in Rome St. Peter’s Great Bell Model, made under Pio VII. Saxe Table, porcelain, beautifully decorated Louis XV. Portrait, on a Saxe porcelain fleur de lys Ebony and Ivory Casket, work of the XVI. Century A Collection of fifteen Cameos Paper Weight, Glass, with miniature by Citale Eight French and Italian Decorations, silver and gold Ivory Snuff Box, miniature by Burgingnon Lacquered Snuff Box, miniature by Louis Seno © Original Tortoise Snuff Box, silver mounted Inkstand, Ormolu, Empire 167 168 169 170. 171 172 173 174 Ly 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 16 Basso-Relief in Silver, XVI. Century Saxe Porcelain Cup, finely decorated Seven Terra Cotta Angels, XVIII. Century _Statuette—Marcolini porcelain Pio IX. Bronze Medal, very fine work Louis XVI. Agate Box Cameo of Queen Victoria Lady's Brooch, gold and lapislazuli T'wo Scarabes, gold mounted Empire Silver Box Cane Handle—Iron, with silver inlaid do Ormolu, Henry IV. Napoleon I. Bronze Statue Six Louis XVI. Teaspoons Silver Notebook, with miniature Crystal, Chiseled—Venus and Love Silver Cross with Stonees Louis XVI. Watch, gold 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 104 195 196 107 198 199 200 201 17 Louis XV. Brooch, with Enamel and Forty Diamonds, very beautiful and valuable - Louis XVI. Earrings, silver mounted A eGaue Ring, gold and diamonds Gentleman’s Scarf Pin, gold mounted Antique Silver Bracelet, Moorish Goldoni’s Original Watch Silver and Diamond Earrings Mosaic Brooch, in silver | Mosaic Brooch, gold mounted Gentleman's Cameo Scarf Pin Venetian Gold Earrings, with pearls Lady’s Gold Chain, Empire period Gold Brooch, with cameo and enamel Antique Scarf Pin, emerald and diamond Silver and Gold Scarf Pin—Bacchus Enameled Gold Brooch Louis XVI. Earrings, silver mounted 202 203 18 Gold Pin with Engraved Corniole do do do Gold Pin, enamel and diamonds Curious XVI. Century Wood Work Ormolu Cupidon Two Empire Ivory Fans Ivory and Wood Box, with miniatnre MATA L OG -E. Peor EVENINGS SALE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1898, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. Telos: (ft ) Paris Born in Madrid as Medal in Barcelona, 1881 1. Ideal Head. FLOGNY (F.) Paris Studied with J. Dupre. Medals, 1863, ’67,’78 Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 13878. 2. Sunset. RIVAS (A. Antonio) Rome Born in‘South America, 1845. Came to Rome and studied under Professos Villegas Wonderful Colorist. Received a Medal in the Exhibition at Rome, 1885, for the “ Dream of Mohammed,” 3. The Favorite. 20 et |, 5. BALLESTER (F,) Rome Born at Rome, 1860. Pupil of the Academy of St. Luca; also Member of the Academia Artistica of Rome Received a Medal at Florence in 1880 Prize at Nice, 1884 4. Flirtation. £-%, ZOFFOLI (A,), Rome ww ee Pupil of Muzzioli Member of fhe Academy of St. Luca Medals at Naples, 1879; Milan, 1881 5. The Sultana. 4+ Oh HUBERT (Henry) Paris Pupil of Volon Medals. in Paris, 1877, ’79, 82 6. Fruits. “9 “DE GROSSI (Prof. A.) Rome : ¢ yy ~ | Medals, 1879, 1880 | Gold Medals, Milan, 1881 Chevalier of the Order of Crown of Italy 7. View Near Tivoli, Rome. ( BRANDT (Otto) a Rome 4 f aa f Born in Berlin : } Gold Medal at Berlin, 1859 ; at Vienna, 187 8. Young Friends. KOTARBINSKI, Rome 4 of D Baer Pupil of Semirasky and Munkacsy we ei The works of this Artist are very rarely to be found in this country, owing to the fact that their popu- larity in Russia is such that as fast as they are produced they are purchased by the Russian col- lectors, the Czar himself being a purchaser and a great admirer of them. 9. The Nest. REYNA (A,) Rome * Born in Malaga, Spain, in 1861 A Received Medals at Malaga and Madrid, in 1887 // (/U\~ Pupil of Rico, and bids fair to surpass his Master 10. Venice. PRATELLA (A.) Naples Professor at the Academy of Naples Medals in Naples, ‘Turin and Rome II. Street Scene in Naples. ANCILLOTTI (Torello) Paris Born in Florence in 1849 Studied with Meissonier, and follows the style of his master successfully Is also a sculptor of great talent and reputation Received a Medal in Turin, 1884, and in Florence and Rome Paintings, Bronzes, and Marbles by this Artist can be found in the principal Collections in France Was a member of the Jury of the Paris Exposition in 1889, and received Medals for his Paintings and Marble Statuary 12, On the Beach, Pp™ } f - Rif SH wh ’ Xe z Cd \ x mn De ea W SG. th cat RO BAG DAD ) Paris _— Born in Naples Pupil of Favretto and Michetti Medals at Naples, 1882, and Venice, 1887 13. The Quay Voltaire, Paris. GEOFFROY (Jean) ) Paris Born at Marennes Pupil of Levasseur and Eugene Adan Medal, 1883 and 1886 Honorable Mention, 1883, 1886 Hors Concours 14. The School Lavabo. BARBUDO, Rome })* ~ Pupil of the Barcelona Academy and the Academy | of Chigi, at Rome Chevalier of the Order of Charles III Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858 Many Decorations from various countries 15. A Cardinal. _ SIMONI (S.) Rome Member of the Academy, St. Luca Medals at Rome, 1880; Turin, 1882 16, The Queen of the Harem. Water-Color | ee: f 23 WEISS (Georges) Peat fe a Born at Strassburg Pupil of Bonnat and Grison 17. In the Wine Cellar. LESSI, Paris An Illustrious Painter 18. The Musicians. DIAZ (Narcisse de la Pena), deceased, Paris Born at Bordeaux, 1807 Medals, 1844, 1846, 1848 Legion of Honor, 1851 Died, 1876 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Ex- position Universelle), 1878 19. Landscape. HUET (Paul) Paris Born at Paris, 1804-1869 Pupil of Ecole des Beaux-Arts, of Guerin and Gros . e <4 j PA Chevalier of the Legion of Honor DY Works by this Artist in the Louvre in Paris 20. The Royal Oak—F ontainebleau. — }Y CORCOS (M. V,) * 24 Born at Levourne Pupil of Morelli Medals at Turin, 1880 ; Milan, 1881 Paris Chevalier of the Orders of St. Maurice and Lazare ‘at. Strain of Melodies from the Palace, Venice. PALMAROLI (Vicente) Born at Madrid Pupil of his father and Madrazo and the Academy of Fine Arts at Madrid Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours 22. Garden‘of the Tuilleries. Medals at Rome, Naples, Turin and Florence Grand Medal at Rome Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy 23. The Matines. PAREDES (Vicenté de) Born at Valencia, Spain, and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in that city, where at the Exposition in 1887, at the age of eighteen, he won the Gold Paris : BERGAMINI (F.) -~ ' Rome Paris Medal. Later while at Rome, he lived with ~ Fortuny, each contending without rivalry to reach the highest point in art. His picture appears yearlv at the Salon in Paris. He received a Medal at Madrid in 1879, and was made Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic and Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, we 24. Spring. 25 MICHEL (George) Paris Born at Paris, 1763 He never went further than the hills and plains of Montmarte till he died in 1843 There he daily worked, the Constable of France He never signed his pictures, nor made any effort to sell them He laughingly said there was but one Michel, and there would never be another A large number of his pictures were distributed at his death, and after nearly half a century the tardy immortality he expected has come 25. Landscape. ZIEM (Felix) Paris Studied at Paris Born at Beaume (Cote d’Or), 1822 Medals, 1851, and First Class, 1852 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours 26. The Sultan. $ RICHTER (Edouard) Paris Born at Paris Pupil of E. Hebert and Bonnat Honorable Mention, 1881 27. The Veil Dance. 26 4, RIHSALLE (Alex,) Paris Honorable Mention, 1880 Medal, 1882 28. The Odalisque. POLIDORI (C.) Paris Pupil of Vinea Medals in Milan, 1881 ; Rome, 1882 Member of the Academy at Rome 29. Flirtation. SAEREZ (B.) Paris Born in Madrid Pupil of Lamacrois Prize of Rome from Spain Medals, 1878 and 1880 30. At the Opera. GIOJA (B.) Rome Professor of the Academy at Rome This Artist is one of the oldest Professors of the Academy Received many Medals and Honors throughout Italy and Europe _ — 31. The Garden Party (Time of Louis XVI) (Water Color) This picture received the Gold Medal at the last National Exhibition at Florence, 1887. 27 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest) Paris Born at Lyons, 1813 Pupil of Leon Cogniet Medals, 1840 and 1841 Medals of the First Class, 1843 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846 Grand Medal of Honor, 1855, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856 ay ae oe Member of the Institute of France. 1861 : Grand Medal of Honor, 1867, Exposition Universelle’ Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 . Hors Concours Honorary Member of the R. A., London Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885 32. Officier d’Etat Majeur under Napoleon III. 3% 7 ROUSSEAU (T.), deceased, Paris ; Born in Paris, 1812 of Pupil of Guellon Letheiere First exhibited at the Salon in 1834 Medals, 1834, 1840, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1852 One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, E. U., Paris, 1867 Died, 1867 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists 33. Landscape—Early Summer. 28 DELACROIX (Ferdinand. Victor-Eugene), 2 deceased, (Paris Born at Charenton, 1798 -1863 Member of the Institute Commander of the Legion of Honor Pupil of Pierre Guérin, whose style he abandoned to become a “‘ Romanticist”’ 34. The Battle. FORTUNY (Mariano), deceased, Rome. Born in Reus, Catalonia, June 11, 1839 fl Coes Pupil of Barcelona Academy of hades Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858 Died in Rome, November 21, 1874 Diploma to the Memory of Doses Artists (Ex- position Universelle), 1878 35. The Battle of Wad-Ras, or Tetuan. This is one of the studies made during the battle in 1860 for his most famous painting, which is now in the Museum of Barcelona (See Deville’s “ Life of Fortuny’’) BERGAMINI (F.) Rome Pray hye Medals of Rome, Naples, Turin and Florence Grand Medal at Rome Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy 36. The Convent’s Choir, “2 ZAMACOIS (Edouard), deceased, etys. Harts Pupil of Meissonier / Born at Bilboa, 1840 Died, 1871 Medal, 1867 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle 37. Waiting. KOTARBINSKI, Rome Pupil of Semiradisky and Munkacsy The works of this Artist are very rarely to be found in this country, owing to the fact that their popu- larity in Russia is such, that as fast as they are produced they are bought up by the Russian Nobles, the Czar himself being a purchaser and a great admirer of them : 38. Roman Maids. VALLES (L.) Rome Professor Spanish Academy at Rome Medals and honors One of the illustrious Spanish Artists 39. A New Acquisition at the Louvre. 30 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest) Paris Born at Lyons, 1813 Pupil of Leon Cogniet Medals, 1840 and 1841 Medals of the First Class, 1843 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846 . Grand Medal of Honor, 1855, Exposition Universelle ee Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856 Member of the Institute of France, 1861 Grand Medal of Honor, 1867, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Ezposition Universelle Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours Honorary Member of the R. A., London Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885 40. Napoleon at the Battle of Solferino. 47x66 BARBERA (Gioja C.) Rome as Born in Rome, 1860. Pupil of the Academy of St. Lucca and of Prof. B. Gioja, his uncle Received a Medal of Honor at Florence, 1881 ; also a Medal in Venice, 1887 AI. Interior of the Church of St. Peter, Rome, 31 HENNER (Jean Jacques) Paris Born in Alsace Pupil of Drolling, of Picot, and of l’Ecole des Beaux- Arts, Prix de Rome, 1858 “4 Medals, Paris, 1863, 1865, 1886, 1878, Exposition Universelle Legion of Honor, 1373 | Officers of the same, 1878 42. Vanda. VAN MARCKE (Emile), deceased, Paris Born at Sevres (Seine-et-Oise) ¥ Died at Paris, December 25, 1890 Pupil and son-in-law of ‘Troyon 7 20 Medals, 1867, 1869 and 1870 Pj Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1872 | Medal of the First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle — Hors Concours Societaire 43, The Farm—Near the Coast. VOLLON (Antoine) Paris Born at Lyons, 1838 Pupil of the Academy at Lyons Medals, 1865, 1868 and 1869 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 44. Honfleur. 42 STEVENS (Alfred) Paris and Brussels Born at Brussels, 1828 Pupil of Navez in Belgium and Roqueplan in Paris Medal, 1853 ed Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863 Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Grand Prize, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Chevalier and Commander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Ferdi- nand of Austria The Great Gold Medal of Honor at the Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885 45. The Garden Stroll. MADRAZO (Raimundo de) Paris Born at Rome, of Spanish parents Pupil of his father Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Cross of Legion of Honor, 1878 First Class Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal Chevalier of the Order of the Rose of Brazil Chevalier of the Order of Charles III of Spain 46. Carlotta. 133 SAINTIN (J. E.) 43) (Paris § Born at Leme Pupil of Drolling, Picot and Leboucher Medals 1866-1870 Chevalier of the Legion of Honor 47. The Flowers. BRION (Gustave), deceased, Born at Rothau, Vosges 1824, died 1877 Medals, 1853, 1859, 1861 and 1863 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863 Medal 1867, Exposition Universelle Grand Medal of Honor, 1868 Hors Concours 48. Summer. COMPTE-CALIX (Francois-Claudius) Paris Born at Lyons, 1813-1880 Medals in 1844, 1857, 1859, 1863 Pupil of the School of Fine Arts at Lyons 49. The Bird’s Nest. COURBET (Gustave), deceased, Paris Born at Ornana (Doubs), 1819 Died, 1877 - Pupil of Stuben and Hesse Medals, 1849, 1857 and 1861 Hors Concours He refused the Cross of the Legion of Honor after accepting the Cross of St. Michael of Bavaria 50. Marine—Coast on the Mediterranean. - | 34 E ATALAYA (E) | » Paris + rec Born at Madrid 7 Pupil of Boldini Medals, Madrid and Cadiz 51. A Game at the Tavern. RICO (José) Rome oo Born at Seville, Spain ,” Studied at the Academy in Seville, under Prof. Don ae E. Bejarno and under the celebrated Artist ‘ Garcia Tramos Received Medal at the Exposition at Madrid in 1888 and Prize of Rome from Spain 52. Sunset on the Roman Campagna. . ZOFFOLI (A.) Rome EAs? Pupil of Muzzioli Member of the Academy of St. Lucca Medals at Naples, 1879; Milan, 1881 53. Maidens of Pompeii. f nm, » CECCONIT (S.) Rome p Member of the Academy of Art, Rome Honorable Mention, Rome, 1876 Medal in Venice, 1887 54. Harvesting Corn. RICCARDI (O.) Naples Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Art Honorable Mention at the National Exhibition of 7») ow» Palermo, 1878 Medal of Honor, 1879, Naples Medal of First-Class at Rome, 1880 55. The Antiquarium—Venice. Broo {M.) Paris Born at Paris Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebre Many Medals and Honors 56. A Future Star. Salon Painting, 1890 A very characteristic Parisian subject. It represents the daughter of a janitress receiving an engage- ment from a director of the theatre where she will make her debut. ‘The pleased expression of the mother, the envy of the young sister and the proud pose of “‘’The Future Star” is masterly painted by this famous artist. | ANhiy SECOND EVENING’ SALE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th, 18938, AT EIGHT O’CLOCK SHARP. BENVENUTI (R.) Rome Member of the Academy of Fine Arts at Rome Medals at Turin and Rome 57. Floretta. GALOSCI (A.) Florence Born in Florence Professor at the Academy of Florence Medals, 1878, 180, 1882 Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy 58. A Toast. CHARPIN (Albert) Paris Born at Grasse Pupil of Daubigny Honorable Mention, 1885 59. Sheep in Pasture. ~ RIVAS (A. Antonio) Rome Born in South America, 1845 Came to Rome and studied under Professor Villegas Wonderful Colorist Received a Medalinthe Exhibition at Rome, 1885, for the “ Dream of Mohammed ” 60. The Sultana. LA MONACA (A. Maria) Rome Born at Rome in 1860 Pupil of the Academy of St. Lucca; also Member of the Academia Artistica of Rome Received a Diploma of Honor at Florence in 1878 Prize at Nice in 1883 61. The Honored Guest. TORRES (R. Romero de) Rome Pupil of the School of Fine Arts, Rome Medal at Barcelona and Madrid in 1882 Is considered one of the best living Spanish Artists Pictures by this Artist are in the Royal Palace at Madrid 62. Return irom the Bull Fight. RARMINES] (R. A.) Paris Born at Rome | Member of the Academy of St. Lucca ; also Member of the Academy Artistica of Rome Medal in the Exposition Universelle, 1889 Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy 63. Scared by a Pet Friend, Pa Le 38 GALOFRE (Baldomero) Rome Born at Reus, Spain Professor of the Academy at Barcelona Medals at Naples, 1876; Rome, 1877; Venice, 1879 Medals at Melbourne in 1881 64. The Rug Merchant. PALIDORI (C.) Paris Pupil of Vinea Medals in Milan, 1881 ; Rome, 1882 Member of the Academy at Rome 65. Speak! BAUGNET (Charles) ' Sevres Born at Brussels, 1814 In 1841, appointed Draughtsman to the King of the Belgians Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1843, and many other honors 66. The Pearl Necklace. BERTHELON (Eugene) Paris Born at Paris Pupil of E. Lavielle and Berne-Bellecour Honorable Mention and Medals, 1886 and 1889 Silver Medal, E. U. Hors Concours 67. A Storm on the Mediterranean. 39 REYNA (A,) | Rome Born in Malaga, Spain, in 1861 - Received Medals at Malaga and Madrid, in 1887 Pupil of Rico, and bids fair to surpass his master 68. Venice. BERGAMINI (F.) Rome Medals at Rome, Naples, Turin, Florence Grand Medal at Rome Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy 69. An Improvised Concert. DETAILLE (Edouard Jean Baptiste) Paris Born at Paris, 1848 Pupil of Meissonier Medals, 1869, 1870 and 1872 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1873 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881 Grand Medal of Honor, 1888 Grand Prize, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 70. The Vidette, 40 FOSSIER (Charles) | coca ) Saas Born at Fixin (Cote d’Or) Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts at Dijon Went to Paris, where he studied at the Academy He studied with Jules Breton and Gerome He received all the prizes in the concours while study- at Dijon, as well as honorable mention in 1885, and the first prize in 1888 He received also three honorable mentions in 1888, and three medals in 1889 71. Mary Stuart and Rizzio. ROUSSEAU (T.), deceased, - Paris Born in Paris, 1812 Pupil of Guellon Letheiere. First Exhibited, Salon, 1834 Medals, 1834, 740, 755 Legion of Honor, 1852 One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, E. U., Paris, 1867 Died, 1867 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists 72. Inthe Woods of Fontainebleau. RICHTER (Edouard) : Paris Born in Paris Pupil of E. Herbert and Bonnat Honorable Mention, 1881 73. The Serenade. 41 COURBET (Gustave), deceased. Paris Born at Arnans, 1819 | Died, 1877 Pupil of Steuben and Hesse Medals 1849, 1857 and 1861 He refused the Cross of the Legion of Honor, after accepting the Cross of St. Michael of Bavaria Hors Concours 4 74. Landscape. RIBOT (Theodule), deceased, Paris Born at Breteuil (Eure.) Medals, 1864, 1865 and 1878, Exposition Universelle Legion of Honor, 1878 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1887 Hors Concours 75. A Hunter. ROBIE (J. B.) Paris Born at Brussels, 1821 Gold Medal at Brussels Medals at Paris, 1851-1863 Gold Medal, Hague, 1861 Officer of the Order of Leopold 76. Flowers and Strawberries, 42 .ZAMACOIS (Ed.), deceased), os Paris Pupil of Meissonier Born at Bilboa, 1840 Died, 1871 Medal, 1867 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, E.U, 77, The Ornithologist. DELACROIX (Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene), deceased, Paris Born at Charenton, 1798-1863 Member of the Institute Commander of the Legion of Honor Pupil of Pierre Guerin, whose style he abandoned to become a ‘‘ romanticist ”’ 78. Eagle. COROT (Jean-Baptiste-Camille), deceased, Paris Born at Paris, 1796 Studied art against the wishes of his family Instructed first by Michallon, afterward by Victor Bertin, and then spent several years in Italy, where he studied views on the Tiber and bridges, etc. At first unsuccessful in obtaining recognition Corot’s works afterwards became so popular that his income for several years averaged over two hundred thousand francs from his profession alone Medals, Paris, 1838, ’48, ’55.’67 (Exposition Univer- selle) ; Legion of Honor, 1846 ; Officer of the same, 1867 Died, 1875 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Ex- position Universelle), 1878 as 79. Chemin du Vesinet (Vesinet’s Road). a 43 FORTUNY (Mariano), deceased, Rome Born in Reus, Catalonia, June 11, 1839 Pupil of Barcelona Academy Chevalier of the Order of Charles III Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858 Died in Rome, November 21, 1874 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Exposition Universelle), 1878 80. The Battle of Wad-Ras, or Tetuan. This is one of the studies made during the battle in 1860 for his most famous painting, which is now in the Museum of Barcelona. (See Deville’s ‘‘ Life of Fortuny ”’) Paris DOMINGO (J.) Born in Spain Pupil of Meissonier, and friend of the late F ortuny, who greatly admired his works and criticised and encouraged him in his student days Domingo’s works are now in great demand, and ' are found in the best collections Medals and Honors all through Europe 81. The Callers at the Tuilleries. ALMA-TADEMA.-Laurenz (A. R.) London Born at Dronryn, Holland, 1836 Great many Medals and Honors from all parts of Europe 82. Pan Playing the Flute. A study made at La Riccia, near Rome, during his stay in Rome, and presented to his friend W. Coloney, afterward passed in the possession of Signor Bellisario of Rome, from whom it was purchased 44 RIEDEL (August), deceased, Rome Born at Bayreuth, 1800 Professor of St. Luke’s Academy at Rome, Member of the Academies of Berlin. Munich, Vienna and St. Petersburg 83. A Belle of Albano. GRISON (A.) | Paris Born at Bordeau, France Pupil of Lequien | Honorable Mention at Lyons, also Medals in 1876 and 1880 84. La Toilette. RUGGIERI (F.) Paras Born at Milan, 1836-1876 Pupil of Hayez and a Pensioner at Rome Honorary Member of Academy of Milan Medals at Florence, 1870 85. Paganini Dreaming. ROSSI (Lucius) Paris The Great Italian Artist Pupil of Fortuny Medals in Parma, Turin, Rome Milan, Bologna ial and Naples Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy 86, Curiosity. (“Les femme curieuses”’) mk 45 METSSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest) - Paris Born at Lyons, 1813 Pupil of Leon Cogniet Medals, 1840 and 1841 Medals of the First Class, 1843 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846 Grand Medal of Honor, 1855, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856 Member of the Institute of France, 1863 Grand Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours Honorary Member of the R. A., London Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885 87. Marechz! de Canrobert. 334X794 FRAPPA (Jose) | Paris Born at Saint Etienne Honorable Mention, 1888 ~ Medal, 1889 Honorable Mention, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concour 88. The Cardinal’s Banquet. 46 TROYON (Constantine), deceased, Paris - Born at Sévres, 1810 His parents wished him to be a painter of porcelain, but after a time spent in the manufactory at Sévres, he studied under Riocreux and became a painter of landscape and animals Medals, Paris, 1838, ’40, 46, ’48, 755 Legion of Honor, 1849 Member of the Amsterdam Academy Died, 1865 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Ex- position Universelle, 1878 89. The Bull. DIAZ (Narcisse de la Pena), deceased, Paris Born at Bordeaux, 1807 Medals, 1844, ’46, 748. Legion of Honor, 1851 Died, 1876 ‘Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Ex- position Universelle, 1878 90. In the Woods—Fontainebleau. BARBUDO, Rome Pupil of the Barcelona Academy and the Academy of Chigi, at Rome Chevalier of the Order of Charles III Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858 -Many decorations from various countries 91. A Marriage Contract at the Court. eer, 47 PAREDES (Vicenté de), : Paris Born at Valencia, Spain, and studied at the Acad- emy of Fine Arts in that city, where, at the Ex. position in 1877, at the age of 18, he won the Gold Medal Later, while at Rome, he lived with F ortuny, each contending, without rivalry to reach the highest point in art His picture appears yearly at the Salon in Paris He received a Medal at Madrid in 1879, and was made Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, and Chevalier of the Order of Charles ITI. of Spain 92. La Balladora, Madrid—Spanish Dancing Girl. FORTUNY (Mariano), deceased, Rome Born in Reus, Catalonia, June 11, 18 39 Pupil of Barcelona Academy Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858 Died in Rome, November 21, 1874 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Ex- position Universelle), 1878 93. Arabian Musicians. DAUBIGN Y (Charles-Francois), dec’d, Paris Born at Paris, 1817 Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in Italy Medals, 1848, ’53, ’55, ’57, "59, '67 Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer of the same, 1874 ; died, 1878 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Ex- position Universelle), 1878 : 94. Landscape—Mid-Summer. 48. MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest), | Paris Born at Lyons, 1813 Pupil of Leon Cogniet Medals, 1840 and 1841 Medals of the First Class, 1843 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846 Grand Medal of Honor, 1855, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856 Member of the Institute of France, 1861 Grand Medal of Honor, 1867, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours Honorary Member of the R. A., London Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885 95. The Staff of Napoleon III. 3BX7R HENNER (Jean Jacques), Paris Pupil of Drolling, of Picot and of I’Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Prix de Rome, 1858 Medals, Paris, 1863, ’65, ’66, ’78, Exposition Universelle Legion of Honor, 1873 Office of the same, 1878 96. Messalina. 49 PAREDES (Vicente de), nine Paris Born at Valencia, Spain, and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in that city, where, at the Exposi- tion in 1877, at the age of eighteen, he won the gold medal | ! | i Later, while at Rome, he lived with Fortuny, each contending without rivalry to reach the highest _ point in Art ¥ His picture appears yearly at the Salon in Paris He received a Medal at Madrid in 1879, and was made Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic and Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain 97. A Marriage Under the Regency—Louis 5G ee SAINTIN (Jules Emile), Paris Born at Leme Pupil of Drolling, Picot and Leboucher Medals 1886-70 Chevalier of the Legion of Honor | 98. Evangeline. . ee (Pastel) “Sat by some nameless grave and thought that per- haps on its bosom he was already at rest, and she longed to slumber beside: him” —Zongfellow SO GUINEA (Anselmo), Born at Bilboa, Spain, 1855 Pupil of the School of Fine Arts, Rome Medals at Biscay and Madrid, 1884 He is one of the best living Spanish Artists This work was illustrated in Harper’s Magazine in the March number of 1888 99. The Pompeiian Musicians—Gastella Mare. This picture received a Gold Medal at the Madrid Exposition of 1884 GEROME (Jean Leon) Paris Born at Vesoul, 1824 Pupil of Paul Delaroche Professor in the French Academy of Fine Arts Medals, 1847 and 1848 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1855 Member of the Institute, 1865 Medal of Honor, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Grand Medal of Honor, 1874 Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle Medal, First Class, 1881 Hors Concours Societaire Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London Chevalier of the Order of the Red Eagle 102. The Mandolin Player. fm ~ ite gD SE et le ty pst. Wepre Ronse aig ie = Mean a SCHRYVER (Louis: de) Brussels Medals, 1875 and 1876 Exposition Universelle, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours 100. Rue de 1’ Opera, Paris. ome | ve) BERGAMINI (F.) Medals at Rome, Naples, Turin, Florence Grand Medal at Rome Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy tor. The Troubadour. Exhibition picture, Rome, 1889 aa GALLAIT (Louis), deceased, Paris Born at Tournay, Belgium, March 10, 1810 Pupil of the Academies of Tournay and Antwerp Pupil of Hennequin First Prize at Ghent, 1831 Medals, 1835 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1841 Grand Medal of Honor, 1855, Exposition Universelle Member of the Institute of France Hors Concours The City of Brussels struck a Special Medal in his honor, in 1841 Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Oak of Holland Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Commander of the Order of St. Etienne of Austria Chevalier of the Order of the Lion, Héerlandzs Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Belgium Member of the Academy of Antwerp Member of the Royal Academy, London Member of Academies of Munich, Berlin and Paris Great Gold Medal of Austria, at Vienna, 1882 Received the Prussian Order of Merit His works are mostly owned by European govern- ments and crowned heads. The Belgian govern- ment offered him for “‘ The Plague of Tournay,”’ before it was finished, £5,000 This example of the master is in his best manner, and is one of his celebrated works 103. Watching on the Shore. ISABEY (Louis Gabriel Eugene), deceaed, Born at Paris, July 22, 1804 Died April 26, 1886 Pupil of his father, Jean Baptiste Isabey Royal Marine Painter, 1830 Medals, 1824 and 1827 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852 Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours 104. Smugglers Approaching the Coast. 52 RODIER (V.) ‘Paris Pupil of Daubigny Medals, 1878, 79-80 105. Landscape Near Paris. CORCOS (M. V.) Paris Born at Levourne Pupil of Morelli Medals at Turin, 1880; Milan, 1881 Chevalier of the Orders of St. Maurice and. Lazare 106. Follette. POSTIGLIONE (L.) _ Naples Pupil of the Academy of Nobles Pupil of Brandon, Jerome and Meissonier Medal, Paris, 1876 Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy Many other Decorations and Medals 107. The Tambourine Girl. 108 Carrara Marble Figure—Flora, by F. M. Hendley, of Rome, with marble base 109 Carrara Marble Figure—Rebecca, original by A. Temperoni, of Rome 110 Carved Wood Gilt Stand © wens st ES SOA eS oe et. s J 7 Ld ~ at wy cies _ ee Oe ee eee art Fe Pata Arg ‘ aati Relereitaraltiiogsth ts twcl i tsiasateidies bitte SOLERO TET ay Te hcar ee eh hh Ba AL L} { f H " UA My q 7{ i, Ne lie : piite ‘ ere are ; i Let 4 75 ; ait htt 4 ay i iat a ji at —s re - ~ = “e aanaes ie. to rante ee ee ee er ——s er e-em ~ Ses . Hi aoiet +t berate te 1 tity Tah Hey 205 e FI mF, \ sf ie ee tee ee StAn . i ial gif tanacesdyey < RATS Dec rare oie itecee, west ta SCN a Nt Maly Meleatg cs it ith ‘ Hifee Regs ceed PO Urge! WEAK Hea SE ACFE EZR a cy iat? 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