* : ay “Sat CANE Ree Hox Be kO IN Prom) January 23 Until Dime of Sale Weekdays g to 6 p.m.» Sunday from 2 to 5 JUNG SS ROMO SPIO IDY Jeu swine] NyeG bye ian 2 nan de? Oyu O20sdt) 2.1 os pam: Exhibition and Sale at the AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 7 56th TO 57¢h STREET New York Lee oe 2 |'% — a Fe Ps ENE See ee mene Oe ats On Oe Py a ‘ ; ‘a * ° ; Wight x. a SS OW LLLLA aommnem * ANCIENT CHINESE AJUR'T JETEOB, AGU Rd (ECON IL AE TE IKON) eeroereV el el) BY Re © onto YALU meno lL DENI of TON-YING © CoO. MMSE UDING FAMILY TREASURES OF EID ele iRaE RonA eee RIE NIG: ES MPERIAL CARVED AMBERS AND IVORY CARVINGS” » CORAL FIG- URES | BRONZESSAND SEALS 7” FINE PORCELAINS AND MORTUARY POTTERIES’7 WHITEAND FEI-TS’ UI JADES 7 AMETHYST ” AGATE AND ROSE QUARTZ CARVINGS 7 SNUFF BOUSLLES VANDSeCELADONS (2 <2 eyales Conducted by Mr. O. Bernet and Mr. Hl. H. Parke AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : INC. MANAGERS CONDITIONS OF SALE I. REJECTION OF BIDS: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. THE BUYER: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. IDENTIFICATION AND DEPOSIT BY BUYER: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. 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Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clear- “ness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot num- ber be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. PRICED CATALOGUES: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Ine. OTTO BERNET MAanaceERs HIRAM H. PARKE AUCTIONEERS Mee! ONY UNG, COMCEC ETION, OF reigloNe bss bala Le CVI ON-YING & COMPANY offer at unrestricted public sale a diversified collection of art objects of Chinese production which it is a joy to survey. In it are comprised smaller groups of objects that would dignify the cabinets of a private collector. Not least among them both in interest and importance are some of the latest exportations of treasures from the imperial palaces and homes, glyptic productions in jade, amber, ivory and other substances that were prized by their imperial owners and apportioned among members of the family upon the Republican overturn, as well as objects of the fictile arts of which the Chinese are past masters, dressed in glowing and mystic glazes of entrancing color. Like some Occidental potentates, scions of Celestial imperialism have had recourse to the banks and have deposited glittering collateral of intrinsic value, upon which banks in their turn have been obliged to realize. ‘he collection was assembled by Mr. C. F. Yau, president of Ton-Ying & Company, on a personal visit to China. The unusually large ivory carving illustrated in color bears the imperial seal of Ch’ien-lung, amber vases and ornaments come from the halls of the same illustrious collector, ceramic productions bear the seals of earlier rulers, and among a few paintings by Sung artists is one bearing two seals of the Emperor Hui Tsung, one his personal seal and the other that of his reign, the monarch who established the Im- perial Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. ‘The artist was a mem- ber of the Academy. Early imperial seals of jade, more carvings in pure white and fei-ts’ui jade of high artistic beauty — including rare fei-ts’ui jade of blue and mauve tones—large amber globes borne on the backs of elephants which are fine examples of the silversmith’s art, and inlaid bronzes add to the diversity of the collection, which includes a consider- able number of remarkably fine snuff bottles. The porcelains include a bowl bearing the Hstian Té mark, which experts believe actually to date from that early Ming reign, as well as the more often seen monochromes and pieces in many colors, besides a group of Yin Ching or “Shadow Blue” porcelains, a glaze not familiar in American collections, having been found in a Sung city not long ago excavated. Unlike the names of some glazes commonly applied to cer- amics, this name was not given by foreigners, but is the name by which the glaze was called in the Sung period, when it was first achieved— thereafter trace of it having vanished. Ancient potteries also appear. A few enamels, corals, malachite carvings and lacquers are also included, among them an interesting commemorative vase in lacquer dating from the twenty-fifth year of K’ang-hsi. Dana H. CARROL New York, December, 1925 FIRST SESSION Piven Yr ANUARY 29, 1926, Al a:158P M. yr Catalogue Numbers 1 to 193 inclusive 3: 4. a. Snuff Bottles of Jade, Ivory, Crystal, Enamel, Porcelain and Various Hard Stones 1. TURQUOISE SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, in the natural turquoise of slightly greenish-blue tone, carved in un- dercut relief in the classical design of squirrels among the grapes. (Illustrated ) 2. TuRQUOISE SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, in the natural turquoise of delicate and typical fair blue tone, with relief ornamentation of squirrels among the grapes. (Illustrated ) Pair FEr-rs’ur JADE SNUFF BOTTLES Flattened flask shape. With broad strata of pure emerald green crossing a ground of rich white, the whole brilliantly polished. (Illustrated ) AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLE Small flask shape. Rich and brilliant purple amethyst, above a crystal-white base, with relief carving of a lizard-dragon and fungus branches. Brilliant polish. (Illustrated ) Rep LAcQuER SNUFF BOTTLE Ch’ien-lung Inverted pear shape, flattened. Cavo-rilievo carving of boys at play, a demon among them. (Illustrated ) 14 No. 2. “TURQUOISE SNUFF BOTTLE No. 3. Pair FEr-Ts’ur JADE SNUFF BOTTLES No. 4. AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLE No. 5. Rep Lacquer SNUFF BOTTLE Oz He dhe PEKING ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE Clv’ien-lung Ovoidal, enameled with waterside landscapes, a sampan included on one face, in oval panels within a flowery ground. Four-char- acter mark. (Illustrated ) CoRAL SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened flask shape, carved in relief with the figure of a female immortal, and a phoenix among peonies. Pink coral brightly polished. (Illustrated ) CoRAL SNUFF BOTTLE In the form of an ovoidal vase, flattened, borne upon the back of a squatting rooster. Deep pink coral brightly polished. Height, 3 inches. (Illustrated ) Rep JADEITE SNUFF BOTTLE Clv’ien-lung Sometimes called red fei-ts’ui jade. Globular jar shape, flat- tened; the bulk of the substance colored by ferrous infiltration a rich reddish-russet hue, a small area remaining in the original white. (Illustrated ) AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, in crystal-white, with two boys mounting ae sides, carved in the purple amethyst. (Illustrated ) PEKING ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE Yung Chéng Pear shape, enameled in rich polychrome with imperial dragons among conventional clouds, on a brilliant yellow ground. Four- character mark of the reign. (Illustrated ) 16 fo) 9 II PEKING ENAMEL, CORAL, RED JADEITE, AND AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLES " PZ. 14. ae 16. 17. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ ien-lung In the form of a Dog Fu on its haunches, clutching a cub to its breast. Glazed in brilliant blue, white, red, green and brown. (Illustrated ) MALACHITE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened flask shape, with finely carved relief decoration of squir- rels among the grapes. Richly colored malachite, brilliantly pol- ished. (Illustrated ) Rost TOURMALINE SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal, with decoration carved in high relief and undercut pic- turing on one side the spotted stag, on the other the phoenix and the tree peony, and on the shoulders two small birds. Beautiful and delicate purple-rose hue, and brilliant polish. (Illustrated ) PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Cl ien-lung In form of a standing figure, the costume glazed in deep red, yellowish-green, pale blue and aubergine. (Illustrated ) GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE ‘ Ovoidal with full body and neck. Spinach-green jade boldly carved in relief with a traveler mounted on a led ass, a sage and attendant in the mountains, and a man propelling a boat through waves. (Illustrated ) AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, in yellowish translucent agate, with a grasshopper carved in relief in a layer of green on one face, the reverse ex- hibiting an inscription finely executed in palpable relief. (Illustrated ) 18 PoRCELAIN, MALACHITE, ROSE ‘TOURMALINE, GREEN JADE AND AGATE SNUFF BOTTLES Gas 19. 19 18 20 TWIN SNUFF BOTTLES Red coral brightly polished, and carved in the form of twin fig- ures standing on the back of the three-legged toad. (Illustrated ) CARNELIAN AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Tapering flask shape, carved in relief with figures under trees. in carnelian on an opaque white ground. (J]lustrated ) BLAcK CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Seated figure, with hands clasped about some object held before the breast. The face and head partly in black crystal and partly in white. : ([1lustrated ) 20 Pa ihe 24. 26. ae 28. ‘TTOURMALINE SNUFF BOTTLE Brilliant stone, of vague hue and bright polish, carved in bold relief with figures of archaic lizard dragons. Two AGATE SNUFF BOTTLES One of opalescent agate, carved in relief with figures, plants and plum trees. One of translucent grayish agate, with a grass- hopper carved in an adjacent vein of rich green on the obverse. MALACHITE SNUFF BOTTLE Carved in form of a cicada, in finely colored malachite with rich dark mottling and smooth polish. AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal and flattened, of grayish-brown agate, with decoration of sages and attendants carved in relief in encompassing layers of bluish or opalescent agate. At one side the spotted stag. AGATE Iwin SNUFF BOTTLES Carved as the twin-fish emblem of good augury, in rich green agate brightly polished, the scales incised, the eyes inlaid. Height, 3 inches. Two FEI-Ts’u1 JADE SNUFF BOTTLES One ovoidal, one globular, both flattened; fei-ts’ui jade with del- icate green mottling, carved in light relief, one with a lotus pond in blossom, the other with the spotted stag, the phoenix, the sacred fungus and pine trees. Two FEI-Ts’ul JADE SNUFF BOTTLES One inverted pear shape, flattened, the other ovoidal; both broadly mottled in greenish tones and very brightly polished. Two SNUFF BOTTLES One of amethyst, carved as a pomegranate, resting within branches on which birds are perched. One of carnelian agate, carved in relief with graceful female figures. 21 30. oye 33: 34. 35: 36. TOURMALINE SNUFF BOTTLE Brilliant stone of greenish hue and iridescent, carved in relief with chrysanthemums and pomegranates. CrysTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Hexagonal, carved in light relief in lotus design, the leaves on one face of greenish tone. BLUE AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE WITH CARVED Woop STAND An oviform jar, flattened, resting within the shelter of pine trees carved in undercut relief, the cover or stopper in similar motive. On one side a fisherman carrying his basket and followed by an attendant, carved in relief. CARNELIAN AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE An ovoidal jar within the embrace of pine trees, carved in under- cut relief, the stone highly polished and exhibiting brilliant areas of rich carnelian hue. Two AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLES Ovoid, boldly carved in relief, one with birds and blossoms, one with birds and fruits. MALACHITE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened flask shape with high shoulder. Beautifully marked malachite, with a large area of rich black, and highly polished. Finely carved in relief in the motive of squirrels and grapes. PEKING ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE witH CARVED Woop STAND Cl’ ien-lung Pilgrim-bottle form; on each face a medallion with European figures in delicate polychrome on a cream-white ground, set within a floral diaper in red and black on light blue. Ivory SNUFF BOTTLE Carved in the form of a most naturalistic ear of corn; ‘“‘autumnal” patina. 22 Wi 38. ao: 40. 41. AD. 43.- 44. AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal jar form; carved in high relief with the figure of a lady standing in a floral bower and surrounded by birds. TOURMALINE SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal expanding toward the high shoulder; brilliant stone and clear, carved in relief with the forms of archaic dragons. Two AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLES Ovoid, carved in bold relief one with the New Year motive of plum and bamboo, the other with a gourd vine in bearing. FEI-Ts’uI JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened globular-jar form, of finely marked opaque fei-ts’ui jade, brightly polished, covered on all sides with bas-relief carv- ings of Taoist lore. GREEN AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Oval, flattened; carved in low relief with an aged figure under a pine tree where girls gather. Grayish translucent agate with areas of soft green. Two AMBER SNUFF BOTTLES One of generous oviform; rich brown agate with a dull golden translucence and brightly polished. One of flattened globular- jar form, of dark brown agate variously clouded. YELLOW QuarTz SNUFF BOTTLE Inverted pear shape, flattened, with high shoulder. High relief carving of pine trees and birds on all sides. YELLOW CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Clear crystal of pale yellow tone, with a spot of brilliant iri- descence, the bottle proper of inverted pear shape, enclosed within pine trees carved in undercut relief, and sheltering two figures. 23 45. 46. 47: 48. 49. 50. na 53. AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLE Miniature jar form, of rich purple amethyst brilliantly polished, carved in relief with birds and the wild plum tree. AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLE Chunky jar form, carved in bold relief with fruit trees in blos- som. PuRPLE AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoid, carved in bold relief with a bird and a blossoming plum tree. PuRPLE AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Similar to the preceding. CARNELIAN AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened inverted pear shape, carved in fine relief with boys at play and birds in peach trees in fruit. Rich color and brilliant polish. BLruE AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Full bodied flask shape, of bluish opalescent agate, carved in high relief in lotus motive highly conventionalized. AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Elliptical and flattened; foggy agate with russet and black mot- tling, carved in bas-relief with a traveler and attendant under pine trees. Bright polish. CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE High-shouldered flattened-flask shape. ‘Translucent clouded crys- tal of amethystine tone and brilliant polish. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Tao Kuang In the form of a male figure, standing, with head inclined and bearing on his shoulders a vase. Glazed in black, green, pink and white. | 7 24 54. 55: “Wie 58. 59: 60. AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLE Inverted pear shape, finely carved in designs of the phoenix and peony and the sacred fungus, in bas-relief. Translucence of delicate violet-purple tint. RARE Topaz SNUFF BOTTLE Clear hard stone of delicate yellowish tint and most brilliant pol- ish, fashioned as a flattened bamboo trunk of irregular curvature, and carved in bold relief with leaves of the bamboo, plum blos- soms, and lotus blossoms, and with the figure of an aquatic bird. Pink tourmaline bamboo stopper. YELLOW QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal and flattened, expanding gently from the base, with mounded stopper of the same stone. Bold relief carving of birds, rocks and pine trees, with details variously incised. AMETHYST SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal and flattened, expanding from a delicate foot; dome stopper of same material. Delicate translucent purple amethyst, with bright polish, carved in relief with crested birds and shrub- bery, above rocks. Topaz SNUFF BOTTLE Smoky topaz of brilliant polish and quality, fashioned in shape of a melon, with carved relief ornamentation of leaves and ten- drils, and areas of iridescence. TURQUOISE SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal with short foot. Delicate turquoise of pure light bleu- de-ciel hue, carved in relief with squirrels among bearing grape- vines. AMBER SNUFF BOTTLE Oval, slender and elongated, with molded foot and well modeled neck. Clear translucent brown amber, carved in effective relief with a composition of somnolent sages and a boy attendant in a pine grove. 25 61. 62. Fer-Ts’u1 JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal urn-shape, with two shoulder-handles in relief, and an expanding perforated foot. Brilliantly polished white jade with fine emerald-green mottling, a rare piece. PEKING ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ ien-lung Elongated ovoidal form, flattened, enameled in a fine and soft canary-yellow and ornamented in delicate colors with phoenixes and peonies, mandarin ducks and other birds and flowers. Ornaments, Vases, Statuettes, Incense Burners, in Rose Quartz, Lapis-Lazuh, Amber, Aquamarine, 63. 64. 65. 66. 677. Jade and Malachite and Carnelian AMETHYST STATUETTE A squat female figure bearing a large conventionalized lotus branch over her left shoulder, the head in brilliant blackish-pur- ple, the remainder of the figure shading off to water-white. Has stand. FEI-Ts’ul JADE ORNAMENT Carved figure of a frog, in bland tones of brightly polished fe7- ts’ui jade. TOPAZ STATUETTE A Taoist figure reclining at ease in a rustic boat, holding a pome- granate in his hands, branches of the peach tree of immortality rising from the prow and bending over his head. Has stand. Length, 4 inches. Fer-tTs’ur JADE STATUETTE Standing figure, left hand raised to support a branch or streamer crossing the shoulders. In translucent fei-ts’ui jade of delicate ereenish tint. Has stand. Height, 3% inches AMETHYST VASE WITH COVER An ovoidal vase with bulging sides, issuing from rocks and waves and enclosed within the undercut limbs of pine trees. On the sides a fisherman and other figures carved in relief. Dome cover surmounted by birds in the tops of branches. Height, 4% inches. 26 68. 70. Te 72. 73: 74- AMETHYST BrrD GROUP A squatting quail with a young one beside it, in richly colored amethyst brightly polished. Has stand. Height, 3% inches. AMETHYST STATUETTE Seated figure of Ho-shang, with arms embracing his protuberant belly, in amethyst of delicate coloring and brightly polished. Has stand. Height, 3 inches. AMETHYST STATUARY GROUP Standing figure of the hermit Liu Han, riding on the back of his familiar the three-legged toad. Carved in amethyst and matrix of rich hues, and brightly polished. Has stand. Height, 5% inches. Pair ANIMAL STATUETTES IN ROSE QUARTZ Standing elephants, one with trunk curled to its left, the other with trunk curling to its right, in translucent rose quartz of del- icate tones. Have stands. Length, 3% inches. AMETHYST ORNAMENT ON CARVED Woop STAND A group of pomegranates, peaches and birds, carved in amethyst ranging from the white to rich color, and brilliantly polished. Height, 4 inches. BATRACHIAN STATUETTE IN AMETHYST ON CARVED Woop STAND An ample figure of the three-legged toad, with all its warts care- fully modeled, in deep-toned amethyst and matrix, smoothly polished. Length, 5% inches. LaPIS-LAZULI QUADRILATERAL VASE WITH COVER Rising with a slight expansion from a pedestal-foot to an abrupt shoulder, with contracting and incurvate neck; dome cover with knob finial. Ornamentation incised and in relief, after the mo- tives of ancient bronzes, including archaic dragons, the ogre features and palmettes. Two scrolled handles. Has carved and pierced stand. Height, 5% inches. 27 75: VerY FINE LAPIs-LAZULI STATUETTE WITH Carved Woop STAND Standing figure of Kuan-yin with high headdress and cowl, the phoenix standing at her back and a boy attendant in front of her. In lapis-lazuli of fine coloring and smooth polish. Height, 734 inches. 28 70. TOURMALINE AND AMETHYST STATUARY GROUP WITH WoopEN STAND A fascinating and unusual sculpture, in natural stone, or crystal, comprising a female immortal, doubtless one of the infinitely varied forms of Kuan-yin, carved in green tourmaline or aqua- marine, standing in a swaying attitude beside a tree bearing the peaches of immortality, which is carved in an adjacent mass of amethyst. The figure may represent Hsi Wang Mu, the fairy mother of the West, in whose realms the fabled peaches grew. Ileight, 8 inches. 29 77: Vi. Wot Mypligiis Rose. QUARTZ STATUETTE Standing figure of Kuan-yin in graceful robes, wearing a massive topknot but without cowl, supporting a lotus bud at her left shoulder. Delicate tone and brilliant polish. Has stand. Height, 10% inches. 30 . oe wie 79: So. ole 2. BLuE AGATE STATUARY GROUP Graceful figure of a female immortal posed upon the back of a lion, an attendant with a fly whisk at her feet. In bluish opal- escent agate bright polished. Has stand. Height, 634 inches. Rose Quartz INCENSE BURNER WITH COVER Cauldron shape on three monster-head feet; two dragon loop and loose-ring handles. Bell shaped cover with peony blossom finial and three fungus loop and loose-ring handles. Relief orna- mentation in the ancient gluttonous-ogre motives. Fine rose tone and brilliant polish. Has stand. 534 inches. Rost Quartz INCENSE BURNER WITH COVER Similar to the preceding. Has stand. Height, 6 inches. AMETHYST VASE WITH COVER A colorful and spectacular ornament with an elaborate and de- tailed decoration. The vase, of ovoidal form, flattened, with broad shoulder and incurvate neck, issues from a base of rocks and waves; for handles it has three-legged toads carved in high relief, and a third toad surmounts the dome cover. In undercut relief on one face of the vase is a phoenix facing a peony flower, and on the opposite face two mandarin ducks appear among lotus plants. Richly colored amethyst, with matrix of varying tones, including areas of carnelian. Has finely carved wood stand. Height, 734 inches. BLUE AGATE VASE WITH COVER Large pear shape with dome cover surmounted by a bird holding in its bill a pine branch carved in undercut relief. [he vase rests on rockery on which stand a stork and spotted stags, and is embraced by the branches of pine trees carved in high relief and undercut. Brilliant bluish opalescent agate, with grayish, brown and white areas. Has elaborately carved and perforated wooden stand, on four ju-i feet. Height, 8% inches. 8 3. 84: BLUE JADEITE VASE WITH COVER Cl’ien-lung Stone of the same consistency as fe7-ts’ui jade and sometimes called “blue fei-ts’ui.”’ A rich and varied mottled slate blue. Ovoidal and flattened, rising from a pedestal-foot, with two fun- gus loop and loose-ring handles, and a dome cover surmounted by an aggressive Fu. On the cover a ju-i border in relief, and surrounding the body of the vase a relief band carved with the ancient ogre features. Has carved stand inlaid with silver wire. Height, 1134 inches (Illustrated ) ParR AMETHYST PHOENIXES WITH STANDS Perched on rocks, one with its left foot raised to a prominence of the rock, the other with its right foot similarly elevated. Both have turned their heads toward their backs. The amethyst exhibits rich, deep tones, and the lhghter ones, under a mirror polish. Plumage carved in relief and incised. (I]lustrated ) Height, 9% inches. SONVLI§ HLIM SAXINAOHG ISAHLAWY AVG ‘v8 ‘ON (4unj-uaty)) ATAOD HLIM ASVA ALIAGVE AnIg ‘fg ‘on 85. 86. Parr AMBER ANIMAL STATUETTES CW’ien-lung Figures of kylins on their haunches, finely carved in clear com- pressed amber of brilliant golden translucence and highly pol- ished. The head of one turned to left, that-of the other to right. Height, 7% inches. (Illustrated above) PatR AMBER ANIMAL STATUETTES Cl’ien-lung Dogs Fu, guardians of the threshold, one headed toward its left and with its left forepaw placed upon a frolicsome cub, the other with head turned to its right and right forepaw resting on the traditional brocaded ball. Seated on quadrilateral pedestals whose four sides are carved in low relief with birds and symbols. The whole carved in brilliant and clear compressed amber of rich golden translucence. The fronts of the pedestals incised with the mark of the reign in seal characters. (Illustrated ) Height, 12 inches. 34 No. 86. Parr AMBER ANIMAL STATETTES (Cl’ien-lung ) 87. AMBER VASE WITH COVER CW’ien-lung Inverted pear shape with spreading foot, and four animalistic hoop and loose-ring handles. Bell shaped dome cover with four similar loop and loose-ring handles, and surmounted by a kylin. Rims of both vase and cover incised with borders of angular scroll, a motive repeated twice on the body of the vase, which is further carved in relief with the ancient ogre features and with a deep leaf-and-tongue border. Fine and clear compressed amber with brilliant golden translucence and highly polished. Seal mark of the reign. Has stand. Height, 11% inches. 36 88. CoMPRESSED AMBER PAGODA-LIKE TRIPOD INCENSE BURNER WITH COVER Cl’ ien-lung Four sections, including cover. Rich amber with golden trans- lucence. ‘The first section cylindrical, on three monster-head feet; flat, expanding rim with two animalistic loop and loose-ring han- dles. The second section with four animal-head loop and loose- ring handles, and carved and pierced with quatrefoils decorated with animal motives. ‘The third section has floral-loop and loose- ring handles, and the quatrefoils are decorated with birds. The cover has similar handles and is similarly adorned, and is sur- mounted by a coiled dragon. Seal mark of the reign. Finely carved wood stand, inlaid with silver wire. Height, 1034 inches. 37 89. go. ape 92. MALACHITE VASE WITH COVER Flattened oviform with broad scrolled handles; dome cover with bird finial. The vase rests on a base of rockery and in the em- brace of prunus trees carved in undercut relief. On the trees are perched five pheasants. Malachite of rich coloring and finely marked. Has stand. Height, 534 inches. CARNELIAN FLOWER HOLDER Carved as a hollowed tree trunk, with branches of the tree peony and abundant blossoms carved in high relief and undercut sur- rounding it. At one side a phoenix is perched, and on the oppo- site side is a large peony flower, hollowed. Rich and varied carnelian coloring and a brilliant polish. Has stand. Height, 6% inches. AGATE BOAT Grayish opalescent agate with bluish tones, carved as a boat with lee-boards. and Chinese sail and a cabin. Manned by four men, one at the tiller, the others at sheets and halyards. Has stand. : Length, 9 inches. MALACHITE VASE WITH COVER Ovoid with high and broad shoulder and oval lip; dome cover sur- mounted by a standing kylin. The vase of nine kylins. Besides the one on the cover eight others are carved in bold relief with undercutting about the sides. The vase has two broad scrolled handles, and on a ledge at the shoulder is a bundle of books. Rich malachite with fine markings. Has stand. Height, 9% inches 38 93- CARNELIAN FLOWER HOLDER A hollowed and leaning tree trunk is surrounded by twisted branches carved in high relief and deeply undercut, and by blos- soms of the peony and magnolia. ‘The sacred fungus also ap- pears. Phoenixes perch at either side. Translucent carnelian of fine and varied coloring and brilliantly polished. Has stand. Height, 7%4 inches. 39 94. CARNELIAN FLOWER HOLDER Carved as an ancient tree trunk, hollowed, and sprouting at its base are the tree peony and a peach tree, the peony in blossom and the peach tree bearing nearly a score of peaches. The carv- ing in high relief and undercutting. Beautifully marked carnelian with rich color and brilliant polish. Has stand. Height, 7% inches. 40 95. MALACHITE ORNAMENT Rich malachite of fine color and markings and brilliantly pol- ished, carved with a figure of Liu Han the hermit standing on rocks whose base is washed by the waves. He is smiling and his familiar the three-legged toad is at his feet. At his back is a pine tree in undercut relief, a pair of storks and two stags. In- cised mark, gilded: Ch’ien-lung nien chih. Has stand. Height, 1034 inches. 41 96. 97: 98. 99. 100. LOL. 102. PaiR AMBER SPHERES ON SILVER ELEPHANT STANDS Balls of clear amber with golden translucence and brilliant pol- ish. On ivory mounts on the backs of walking elephants molded in silver and naturalistically chased. Ornaments of magnificent halls. Diameter of spheres, 4% inches; height with stands, 1034 inches. (Illustrated ) Pair CRYSTAL PRICKET CANDLESTICKS Shallow basin on three short juw-i feet and in it a tortoise on whose back stands upright a bird with spread wings. On the bird’s head is poised the tall pricket with circular bobéche. Bird and tortoise carved in relief and incised, the exterior of the basin with a petal border in relief and the interior incised with water lines and scrolls. (Repaired. ) Height, 10% inches. Cups, Boxes, Bowls, Birds and Other Ornaments in Green fade SET OF SIX GREEN JADE WINE Cups Ch’ien-lung Ovoid on low foot. Jade of the deep dark mottled green of woodland mosses; brightly polished. Four-character mark of the reign. incised and gilded, under the foot. ParR GREEN JADE WINE Cups Cl’ien-lung Similar to the preceding but of smaller size. Same mark. GREEN JADE TEABOWL WITH COVER CW ien-lung Inverted bell shape; the cover an ovoidal saucer reversed, with bold foot which forms the handle. Richly colored dark moss- green jade, brightly polished. Both bowl and cover incised with four-character seal mark, gilded. Diameter, 3%4 inches. SeT or THREE GREEN JADE TEABOWLS WITH COVERS . Cl’ ien-lung Similar to the preceding and with the same mark on all pieces. Diameter, 3% inches. SET OF THREE GREEN JADE TEABOWLS WITH COVERS Cl’ien-lung Similar to the preceding and with the same mark on all pieces. Diameter, 334 inches. 42 SANVIS INVHdaTi] AAATIG NO SAYAHdG WAMNY YIVd “96 ‘oN 103. 104. 10S. 106. LO7s 109. PaiR SPINACH-GREEN JADE BIBLE Boxes Oblong and shallow, with sliding cover which may be locked by a gilt set-screw. Cover paneled, and carved in low relief with a figure of Liu Han riding his three-legged toad. Length, 4% inches. PatR SPINACH-GREEN JADE BIBLE Boxes Similar to the preceding but with the cover ornamentation in bas-relief floral forms surrounding a cruciform design. Length, 4% inches. Pair SPINACH-GREEN JADE BIBLE Boxes Similar to the preceding. Length, 5 inches. PAIR GREEN JADE Bow Ls Ch’ ien-lung Inverted bell shape with bold foot. Translucent sage-green jade with smooth dull polish. Have stands. Diameter, 5% inches. PAIR GREEN JADE PRICKET CANDLESTICKS On the back of a turtle carved in high relief, which is astride two archaic dragons in the bottom of a shallow basin, stands a bird of primitive modeling. Its wings are spread, and on its head, which is held very erect, is poised the pricket with expanding bobéche. ‘The bird’s plumage is carved in relief and incised. The basin rests on three low feet. Rich dark green mottled jade with soft polish. Height, to inches. GREEN JADE SACRIFICIAL BowL Cl’ien-lung A shallow body expands broadly from a deep foot, is then fluted, and above a narrow shoulder rises to an expanding lip. ‘wo animalistic loop handles with scroll drops. Under the lip carved with archaic dragons between monster-heads and protruding ridges. Similar ornamentation on the deep foot. Has stand. Diameter, 4 inches; across the handles, 634 inches. (Illustrated ) GREEN JADE INCENSE BURNER WITH COVER Cl’ien-lung Ovoidal with fluted sides, on low expanding foot. Two broad and flat ribbon-scroll handles. Dome cover, also fluted, with ex- panding circular finial. Translucent light green jade with soft polish. Has stand. Diameter, 5 inches. (Illustrated ) 44 No. 108. GREEN JADE SACRIFICIAL BowL No. 109. GREEN JADE INCENSE BURNER WITH COVER Tike PaIR GREEN JADE BirD STATUETTES Finely carved figures of pies standing on rocks, their wings raised and their attitude one of alertness. Plumage carved in relief and incised. Fine spinach-green jade with bright polish. Have stands. Length, 12 inches. (Illustrated above) Parr IMPERIAL GREEN JADE TABLE SCREENS Cl’ ien-lung Large discs of rarely beautiful lightly mottled moss-green jade, the obverse covered with relief carvings of temple landscapes, birds in flight, and sages and attendants. On the reverse are rocks and shrubbery in light relief. In wood stands carved with dragons rising from the sea. Diameter, 7% inches; height in stands, 14 inches. (Illustrated ) 46 (Gunj-ual yy) SNAINOG ATAV], AAVE NAAXH ‘IvIMadW] AlVq ‘III ‘ON Taz ME Ze, GREEN JADE PI-T’UNG Cl’ien-lung A tall cylindrical brush holder of light spinach-green jade with soft polish, the entire exterior surface carved in cavo-rilievo with the celebrated eight horses of the Chou Emperor Mu Wang, whose charioteer is said to have driven them wherever hoofs trod and wheel ruts ran, throughout the realm. The landscape is varied by rocks, pines and other trees, and a pavilion, and two figures appear. Has stand. (Illustrated ) Height, 534 inches. PatR GILDED GREEN JADE VASES WITH COVERS Deep inverted pear shape, flattened, on expanding pedestal-foot, the high and narrow shoulder contracting to a broad neck with flanged lip. Two dragon-head loop and loose-ring handles. Dome cover surmounted by a Fu lion. The entire surface pen- ciled in gold with five-clawed dragons among clouds above the sea. Carved wood stands. Height, 13 inches. 48 Vid, GREEN JADE INCENSE BURNER WITH COVER Cl’ien-lung Cauldron shape on three short feet with monster-head knees: two monster-head loop and loose-ring handles. Cover dome shape with large floral-knob finial. Lightly mottled moss-green jade with bright polish. Ornamentation after the designs of the ancient bronzes, with animalistic features in light relief on an incised thunder-scroll ground. Was stand. Diameter, 9 inches. White Jade and Fei-Ts'ui Jade Bowls, Cups, Screens, ric, EO. m7 118. 11g. Vases and Statuettes Parr WHITE JADE BirD STATUETTES Pheasants finely carved of purest white jade brilliantly polished. Have stands. Height, 3% inches. Pair WHITE JADE Birp STATUETTES Peacocks squatting with tails spread, finely carved and incised; purest white jade with brilliant polish. Have stands. Length, 4% inches. Parr WHITE JADE Cups Cl’ien-lung Ovoid with short foot. Pure white jade, both interior and ex- terior surfaces brightly polished. Have stands. Diameter, 3% inches. Parr WHITE JADE TEABOWLS WITH COVERS Cl’ien-lung Inverted bell shape, the covers inverted saucer shape. ‘Trans- lucent white jade with bright polish; one cover with restricted mottling. Have stands. Diameter, 4% inches. Pair FEr-Ts’ur JADE TEABOWLS WITH COVERS Cl’ien-lung Flaring inverted bell shape on delicate foot, the saucers inverted saucer shape, with delicate foot serving as handle. Thin, trans- lucent, finely marked fei-ts’ui jade—one cover with an area of unusual color, soft brown intensifying to deeper brown hues, with a spot of dull red—all brightly polished. Have stands. Diameter, 434 inches. 49 120. WuHiITe JADE VASE WITH CHAINED COVER Cl’ ien-lung Ovoidal and flattened, on pedestal-foot, with two dragon-loop and loose-ring handles. Dome shaped cover with knob finial, which is arched by pine branches in undercut relief. Obverse exquisitely carved in relief with a pine tree and an alighting bird. The cover is attached to one of the handles by a chain of twenty links. The whole carved of a single block of white jade and bril- liantly polished. Height, 7 inches. 50 2s Fer-Ts’ur JADE STATUETTE Standing figure of a female deity, slender and in gracefully cling- ing and flowing robes, holding a ju-i sceptre engraved with a Shou medallion at her breast. Beside her a stand of rockery support- ing a tripod incense burner above whose curling fumes a rabbit appears. In white jade with delicate emerald markings and bril- liantly polished. Has carved stand inlaid with silver wire. Height, 5% inches. 51 E22. rae Tz 45 ParR WHITE JADE TEABOWLS WITH COVERS Cl’ien-lung Flat bottom on bold foot, with flaring sides; saucer covers. Bevel edges. Grayish-white translucent jade with soft polish. Have stands. Diameter, 434 inches. REMARKABLE SET OF NINE WHITE JADE STATUETTES Shou-lao, god of longevity; and the eight immortal genii of the Taoists: Chung-li Ch’tan with the fan with which he revives the souls of the dead, Li Tung-pin and his sword of supernatural power (accompanied by an attendant), Li T’ieh-kuai and his magic pilgrim’s-gourd, Ts’ao Kuo-ch’iu with his castanets, Chang Kuo with his bamboo tube and rods, Han Hsiang Tzu and his flute, Ho Hsien Ku with the lotus flower, and Lan [s’ai-ho carry- ing the basket of flowers (with a movable tassel pendant). All of pure white jade with brilliant polish. All have stands. Heights, 5% to 7 inches. (Illustrated ) WHITE JADE Box WITH COVER Pure white jade, carved in the form of the fabled three-legged toad, with features in relief, a figure mounted on its back. Body hollowed, the back as cover. High polish. Has stand. Length, 434 inches. 52 STATUETTES 125. Pair WuiTe JADE PLATES Ch’ien-lung With recurving sides, flaring from a low foot. Delicate trans- lucent white jade with a dull polish. Incised with the seal mark of Ch’ien-lung. Have stands. Diameter, 634 inches. (Illustrated ) 120. PaAtR WHITE JADE BowLs Cl’ ien-lung Thin, musical white jade, with a soft polish. Sides recurving from a short foot. No ornamentation save the glistening polish. Have stands. : Diameter, 634 inches. 127—WHiITE JADE BrusH HOLDER Cl’ien-lung A cylinder of white jade beautifully carved in varied relief with a stork flying over a mountainside where grows the sacred fungus, a pine tree also appearing and a spotted stag which turns to regard the stork. Brilliantly polished. Diameter, 4 inches. 54 128—WHITE JADE BowL Cl’ ien-lung Ovoidal, broad and shallow, with flat rim having an inward ex- tension; two perforate lotus flower handles with loose-rings, the flowers being in the seedpod stage. Six short ju-i feet. Exterior carved in relief with various lotus motives from the bud to the seedpod. Underneath, incised seal mark of Ch’ien-lung. Has stand. Diameter, 7%4 inches. (Illustrated ) 129—WHiITE JADE BowL Cl’ien-lung Ovoid sides and slightly expanded lip; on four short jw-7 feet. External sides finely carved in delicate relief with scrolling lotus plants. Soft polish. Has stand. Diameter, 6% inches. 5a 130—FEI-Ts’uI JADE LiBATION Cup wiTH WooDEN STAND Inverted bell shape on three boldly carved quadrilateral legs. One dragon loop and loose-ring handle. Rising from the rim two posts capped with blossom finials. Around the body a band of low relief carvings of ancient monster features. (Illustrated ) Height, 5 inches. 131—WHITE JADE TripoD INCENSE BURNER WITH COVER Cl’ien-lung Ovoid with upright rim, on three scrolling legs; two monster- head and loose-ring handles. Dome cover surmounted by a Fu and a filletted ball. Pure white jade with a very brilliant polish. Has stand. Height, 6% inches. 56 E52) EE 134. 135. Fer-Ts’'ur JADE VASE WITH COVER Cl’ ien-lung Deep cup-shape, flattened, rising from a spreading foot; contract- ing neck with two elephant-head loop and loose-ring handles; dome cover with knob finial. On both faces formal carvings in delicate relief adapted from the animalistic ornamentation of ancient bronzes. Jade with broad vertical bands of white, paral- leled by bands of rich emerald-green. Has stand. Height, 8 inches. FEI-Ts’ul JADE VASE WITH COVER Cl’ien-lung In form of a flattened quadrilateral ewer after a beaker design, with a lizard-dragon in undercut relief mounting one narrow side and serving as handle. Carved in delicate relief with the ogre features and plantain leaf borders. ‘The cover presents varia- tions of the ogre features. Nearly the whole of vase and cover suffused with delicate emerald green. Has stand. Height, 5 inches. FEI-Ts’ UI JADE VASE WITH COVER Ch’ien-lung Flattened globular form on short oblong foot; short incurvate neck with oblong lip; two perforate dragon scroll handles. Dome cover bordered by plantain leaves and having an oblong knob finial. Decorated with highly conventionalized features of the gluttonous ogre in low relief. Jade mottled in light and darker emerald tones and highly polished. Has stand. Height, 5%4 inches. FEI-Ts’uUl JADE STATUETTE WITH WOODEN STAND Standing figure of a female deity carrying a blossoming peony branch. Peculiarly interesting jade, exhibiting intense notes of the kingfisher green, the areas usually white suffused with a del- icate lavender hue, and at the base ferrous staining. _ Brilliantly polished. Has stand. Height, 5% inches. 57 jeg 137: 138. Parr WHITE JADE Brrp STATUETTES Figures of the phoenix standing upon rocks, to which its lone scrolling tail feathers reach, its head turned over its back and below its bill a fungus scroll. The plumage carved in relief and delicately incised. [he whole brightly polished. Have stands. Height, 8% inches. (Illustrated ) WuitrE Jape BorrLe wiTH JADE STOPPER CW’ien-lung In the form of a double-gourd, on a low and lightly spreading foot, the stopper capped by an undercut cluster of overhanging leaves. The gourd is slightly flattened, and at the sides of the upper section are bats carved in relief, while beneath them on the lower section are discs in bold relief incised with ideographic characters. Obverse and reverse of lower section carved with the gourd vine in bearing in delicate and interesting relief, the upper section with gourds and bats. Has stand. Height, 734 inches. (I1lustrated ) WuitEe JADE BowL Cl’ien-lung Ovoidal, expanding from a bold foot. Grayish-white jade with dull, soft polish. Has stand. Diameter, 7 inches. 58 WdddOLlg AdV({ HLIM AILLOG dav({ aL A, ‘LEr ‘on SALLANLVIS Gilg ALIHAA YIVg ‘9L1 ‘ON 139. Parr WHITE JADE TABLE SCREENS IN CARVED Woop STANDS Cl’ien-lung Upright oblong plinths of pure white jade, brightly polished, the obverse displaying relief carvings of the eight Taoist im- mortals in wooded mountain retreats, and on the reverse appear- ing the longevity emblems, the stork and the spotted stag. In carved and pierced wooden stands. Height, 534 inches; with stands, 9¥% niches. 60 140. ParR WHITE JADE TaBLeE SCREENS IN CARVED Woop STANDS Clv’ien-lung Thick upright oblong slabs of white jade with arched tops and brilliantly polished, exhibiting landscape ornamentation incised and in varied relief, with sages and attendants near pavilions and a man toiling up a mountain path. In carved and perforated wooden stands. Height, 634 inches; in stands, 11% inches. 61 I41. 142, Parr Waite JADE CouPES WITH COVERS CW ien-lung Carved of pure and brilliant white jade, translucent and bril- liantly polished, in the form of the three-legged toad, the body hollowed, with a circular orifice in the top of the back, where is seated the hermit Liu Han forming the cover. Incised Ch’ien- lung mark. Have stands. Height, 6 inches. (Illustrated ) Parr WHITE JADE COUPES WITH COVERS Cl’ ien-lung Similar to the preceding, except that the figure is in a more playful posture. Have stands. Height, 5% inches. 62 143. 144. FEI-Ts’u1 JADE MouNTAIN wiITH WHITE JADE STAND Ch’ ien-lung A mountain of fei-ts’ui jade with large areas of the prized king- fisher-green and almost equal areas of a delicate mauve, exhibit- ing grottos, trees and small fungus growths carved in relief. In- cised inscription in four characters. Carved and perforated white jade stand in the form of rockery, blossoms and the bush bamboo, the jade stand resting in a carved wood stand of the same motives. Length, 6% inches; height with jade stand, 534 inches. (Illustrated ) Fei-Ts’ur JADE Flower HoLpeR witH WooDEN STAND In the form of a hollowed tree trunk springing from among rocks, with smaller trees of the wild prunus, in blossom, embracing it in bold and freely undercut relief, and ten songbirds perched among the branches. Brilliant polish and engaging emerald green mark- ings. Has stand. Height, 834 inches. 63 iy Bee 146. Tay Parr WHITE JADE ELEPHANT Vases Cl’ien-lung Carved in the form of richly caparisoned elephants, their trap- ings in relief and finely ornamented, bearing on their backs pear shaped vases guarded by boys. Bright polish. Have carved wood stands. Length, 8 inches. (Illustrated ) Ancient Jade Seals and Carved Ornaments BLACK JADE SEAL Han Square, of black and white jade, the handle in the form of a tiger, recumbent, with a smaller animal beside it. IMPERIAL WHITE JADE SEAL Ming Two and one-eighth inches square, incised with the hundred char- acters of longevity. Handle in the form of an archaic dragon, crouching. Grayish-white jade with soft polish. 148—JADE SEAL Sung Incised characters, of imperial dimensions; handle in the form of a lion, crouching. White jade, largely stained a rich brown through long inhumation. Soft patina. 64 149. 150. 1ST: 5 2c (ge Toa. iS IMPERIAL JADE SEAL Ming A square block of grayish jade, surmounted by two dragons, pierced, which form the handle. Smooth polish. 37% inches square. IMPERIAL JADE SEAL Ming Huge square block of grayish jade, overspread by a dragon carved in high relief and forming the handle. Soft polish. 534 inches square. JADE ANIMAL STATUETTE Ming Figure of a dog lying down, his tail curled about his hip and his forepaws crossed; his head raised. Grayish-white jade with soft polish. Has stand. Length, 334 inches. CARVED STONE LION T’ang Figure of a lion lying down, somewhat curled with head toward its right and resting on its forepaws. In form of a paperweight. Grayish stone with soft patina and light grayish earth incrusta- tions. Length, 5% inches. SOAPSTONE CARVING Cl’ ien-lung Recumbent figure of the bibulous poet Li Po, with his head on his hands, which grasp his wine jar. In chicken’s-blood soap- stone of fine quality. Has stand. Length, 6 inches. SOAPSTONE STATUETTE ON SOAPSTONE BASE Ch’? en-lung Standing figure of a bowman, his robes engraved and retaining vestiges of original lacquering and gilding. Height on base, 8% inches. Rurnoceros Horn STATUETTE ON WOODEN STAND Cl’ ien-lung Figure of Kuan-yin, in full robes, carved seated on a rock throne, with her left arm resting on a large projection at the side. Deft workmanship. Soft blackish patina. Height, 534 inches. 65 Four Rare Carved Figures in Coral and Ivory 156. PINK CORAL STATUETTE Tall and sinuous, graceful and slender figure of a female divinity standing on rockery. In her left hand she holds a cup at her breast, while in her right hand she holds a fly whisk carved in relief against her skirt. Beside her the tree peony grows and blossoms. Has brocade stand. (Illustrated ) Height, 8 inches. 157. PInK CorAL STATUARY GROUP Standing figure of Kuan-yin on a rock base, wearing the high headdress and cowl and carrying a fly whisk and the vase of magic water. On a ledge at her right side is a kylin guardian, supporting a loose-ring at its throat. Has brocade stand. Height, 7%2 inches. (Illustrated ) 158. PINK CORAL FIGURE Kuan-yin, slender and graceful, in flowing robes and holding a long ju-i sceptre, her head poised over her right shoulder. A large blossom of the rock peony springs from the rocks at her feet, at one side, while on a ledge at the opposite side a guardian tiger crouches. Has brocade stand. (Illustrated ) Height, 9 inches. 66 dNOUD INV IANO ALLANLVIG Ivxo) ANI 159. 160. Ode 162. RARE CARVED Ivory STATUETTE TINTED IN LACQUER WITH GILDING Cl’ien-lung Tall standing figure of a female immortal, holding at her breast a basket brimming with pomegranates and the Buddha’s-hand citron. She wears flowing robes, with borders of floral-scroll and hatch, incised and carved in relief, tinted and gilded. Streamers and ornaments carved in bold relief and undercut. High top- knot, held by a band ornamented with a peony blossom. Under- neath, the imperial seal of Ch’ien-lung. Smooth polish and mel- low patina. Has carved and perforate wooden stand, designed as a tangle of the polyporus lucidus or sacred fungus. Height, 19 inches. (Illustrated as Frontispiece) Some Ancient and Fine Lacquers Two Lacauer Boxes wirH Covers Ming Oblong, the sides and ends containing quatrefoils of basketry, the tops in openwork lattice designs with applied blossoms in relief. In black, green and dull vermilion lacquer, with gilt orna- mentation. Length, 8% inches. PatR LACQUER BOXES WITH COVERS Ming Oblong, on four ju-i feet. Sides and ends in panels of basketry, tops in panels of lattice-work semé with flowerets in relief; all panels in dull vermilion framed in gold, with black boundaries. Length, 13 inches. Pair Rep LacQueER PLATES Ming Carved as lotus blossoms spread open, with smooth disc centre and shaped foot. Coated with lustrous lacquer of soft red. (Slight nick at rim of one.) Diameter, 7 inches. 68 163. Rep LACQUER SEAL CASE Ming Square, with convex foot, hinged cover with beveled edges, and gilt bronze hinges and clasp. Elaborately carved on the top and all sides with imperial dragons among clouds above waves. Incised mark, gilded: Ta Ming Chia Ching nien chih. Height, 8% inches; 8 inches square. 69 164. QUADRILATERAL LACQUER VASE K’ang-hsi An expanding beveled foot rests on a square base, and above it the sides of the vase expand in pear shape, contracting lightly to a square and flanged lip. “Iwo animalistic loop handles. Rim incised with a keyfret scroll, bevel of the foot with fabulous quad- rupeds galloping over waves, and the base with a floral and meander border. [Each of the four sides displays a different com- position in intaglio carving and a poem incised. On one side is symbolized the meeting of two stars, the Star of the Spinning Maid and the Star of the Cowherd, which takes place once a year on the evening of the seventh day of the seventh month. On another side the convivial poet Li Po, with friends and attend- ants, partakes freely of wine and in a state of enivrement is adorning his hat with garlands. A third side pictures the Sung heroine Mu-lan in her masculine warrior attire, a trumpeter sounding his bugle over her tethered horse; hers is one of the Twenty-four Stories of Filial Piety of China. On the fourth side are figures at refreshment in a garden under lantern light, cele- brating the eightieth birthday of Yen Ting, who faces the spec- tator, the compliment being tendered by his friend Huang Jan. Incised seal mark, reading: Made in the twenty-fifth year of K’ang-hsi (1687). Height, 12% inches. (Illustrated ) No. 164. QUADRILATERAL LacqueR VASE (K’ang-hsi) 166. 168. 170: Chinese Miniature Paintings A collection of ten Ming portraits of early emperors and distinguished states- men. Painted in ink and colors on silk, and framed uniformly in simple narrow wood frames, the exterior measurement of the frames being approximately, height 1534 inches, width 114 to 12 inches. On the back of each painting is its record and description in Chinese. All the portraits are head-and-shoulders, the sitters facing slightly toward the right. PoRTRAIT OF Kao YANG SHIH Dark vermilion coat; blue cap. Kao Yang Shih belongs to the legendary period of Chinese history. He was the second of the Wu Ti, or Five Rulers, and was depicted as early as the Han dynasty at least, the Wu Ti appearing in a bas-relief of that dynasty dug up in the seventeenth century. PORTRAIT OF SHUN CHUAN In dark coat embroidered with mountains and constellations and trimmed with blue; jeweled headdress. Shun Chuan was em- peror of Wu, one of the “Three Kingdoms.” PorTRAIT OF I YEN In emerald coat with black trimming; a tripod incense burner be- fore his right breast. I Yen was prime minister to the first emperor of the Hsia dynasty, the first of the ““Three Dynasties” (B:C.02 768-1769. )0 PorRTRAIT OF Yu SHIH Nan In dark vermilion coat with white at the neck and black cap. He was a noted paragrapher and one of the Eighteen Famous Scholars of the first emperor of the T’ang dynasty. Portrait oF Tu Ju Hut In emerald coat and black cap and holding a blue book. He was one of the Eighteen Famous Scholars at the court of the first emperor of the ‘I’ang dynasty. PORTRAIT OF CHENG Le Hsu In vermilion coat with blue and white trimming, and white scep- tre; elaborate headdress. He was a scholar and statesman of the Sung dynasty and a great admirer of Confucius. ime LA. 72 173. 74: ES 176. PorTRAIT OF SZE Ma YIn In white with azure trimming and an inner coat of emerald- green; black headdress which hangs over his shoulders. Sze Ma Yih was a great general of the Han dynasty, and the father of the first emperor of the Wei dynasty (Wei of the “Three Kingdoms’’). FPORERAIT OF CHING Ty] In a coat of creamy tone trimmed with white and black; blue cap. Ching Ti was an emperor of the Han dynasty. PORTRAIT OF Wu Ti oF LIANG Gray coat with white and black trimming; blue cap. Wu Ti was an emperor of the Liang dynasty, one of the ‘Six Dynasties.” PoRTRAIT OF Wu Ti or HAN Vermilion coat embroidered with mountains and constellations and trimmed with blue; white inner garment; jeweled headdress. Wu Ti was an emperor of the Han dynasty. Chinese Paintings of Sentiment THE SONG oF A BirpD In colors on silk. A bird filled with song speaks joyously from the swaying branch of a tree in blossom time. By Chien Shun Chiu of the Sung dynasty. With signature and seals. Height, 9% inches; width, 9% inches. A Brrp oN A BouGH In ink and tint on silk. On a branch springing from the lower left corner of the picture, and bearing leaves and berries, a bird has perched and turns its head over its back, a berry in its beak. By Chao Chang of the Sung dynasty, a member of the Imperial Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, which was established by the Emperor Hui Tsung in the first year of his reign, A.D. 1101. The painting bears the seal of the emperor and also the seal of his reign, Hstian Ho. Height, 934 inches; width, 9 inches. 73 Leh 178. Tee I8l. THE CLEANLY GRASSHOPPER In ink on paper. Ona plant of the Chinese cabbage a lone grass- hopper appears. By Shu Ku-Yen of the Sung dynasty, a member of the Imperial Academy; painted in the first year of Ching Ting. In the upper left corner of the picture is a poem inscribed by some owner in the Ming period, who found in the lone grass- hopper on the plant the inspiration to liken this particular insect to cleanly and aloof people, who keep apart from the rabble, the musty superfluity. Height, 7 inches; length, 11% inches. THE STorRK’s NEST In colors on a fan-shaped panel of silk. The uppermost branches of a tree and high projecting rocks come into the composition, and monkeys seek to rob a nest of the stork’s young. ‘The stork comes sailing to the rescue. Attributed to Li Ti of the Sung dynasty. Height, 9 inches; width, 634 inches. Ancient Bronzes: Ornaments, Bowls, Incense Burners and Statuettes: Old Pewters BRONZE ORNAMENT Sung Figure of a kylin, seated on its haunches and looking straight ahead. Incised and relief details, with vestiges of ancient gild- ing. Brownish and blackish patina. BRONZE ORNAMENT Sung Statuette of the fabulous dragon horse, recumbent. Relief and incised details. Brown and blackish patina. Length, 3% inches. BRONZE TRipop INCENSE BURNER WITH GILDING Ming Cylindrical, on three animalistic feet; lip extended lightly in- ward. At top and bottom incised Je? wén borders, and between them a deep band of floral diaper ground on which appear the lotus, peony and other flowers in relief and gilded. Incised six character mark. Diameter, 334 inches. 74 182. 186. BRONZE STATUETTE Ming Standing figure carrying a basket which may contain fish or flow- ers, and strapped to his shoulder a gourd-shaped vase which serves to hold incense-stick or flower. On square spreading base. Black patina. Height, 9% inches. BRONZE STATUETTE Ming Seated figure of Kuan-yin, right knee raised and hands resting on it, in the left hand a scroll. Voluminous robes, high head- dress without cowl; necklace in relief; in forehead the “third eye.” Rich black patina. Height, 10% inches. BRONZE STATUETTE Ming Vigorous male figure kneeling on left knee, beside which is a small vase, his right knee upright and supporting a tall beaker which he steadies with his hands. Both vases ready to hold in- cense-stick or flower. On quadrilateral base of openwork. Black patina. Height, 13% inches. ParR BRONZE ANIMAL STATUETTES Ming Dogs Fu, one with a playful cub and parted jaws, the other with jaws brought together and its right forepaw raised, and on its back a small Fu. Details finely modeled and incised. Greenish- gray patina and grayish earth incrustations. Have stands. Height, 6 inches. BRONZE QUADRILATERAL INCENSE BURNER Ming On four tall scrolled and serrated legs; projecting ridges at the corners and at the centres of the sides; two upright loop handles rising from the rim. Relief decoration of the ancient ogre fea- tures on an incised thunder-scroll ground. Dark patina. Height, 834 inches. PEWTER GALLERIED TRAY Ming Oblong of irregularly foliated outline and surrounded by a gal- lery of swastika scroll design, pierced. The upper surface of the bottom decorated with the tree peony and flying phoenixes, with incised outlines, reserved in a punched ground. Grayish and black patina. Length, 9% inches. i> 188. 190. IgI. 192. 193. PEWTER BOWL WITH COVER Ming Oviform on spreading foot, with expanded rim; dome cover with expanding circular handle. The bowl decorated with Shou medal- lions and a highly conventionalized archaic dragon scroll reserved plain in a stippled ground, the cover decoration being bats among clouds. Dense dark patina. Diameter, 6% inches. BRONZE BowL Han Ovoidal and shallow with thick round lip. Both surfaces coy- ered with a thick aerugo of malachite green and dull dark green. Diameter, 11 inches. BRONZE STATUETTE Ming Standing female figure in traditional flowing robes, her hair parted and tied in two loops at her shoulders, holding in both hands before her breast a lotus flower. On pierced quatrefoil base. Dark brownish patina. Height, 6% inches. BRONZE STATUARY GROUP Ming Standing figure of Kuan-yin, her robes modeled in relief and with finely incised embroideries, holding in her right hand a scroll, her left hand resting on the head of a boy at her side who holds up an offering bowl. Her face retains portions of its ancient gild- ing. Has stand. Height, 8% inches. BRONZE STATUETTE Ming Tall and slender female figure, in clinging gown with flowing sleeves and streamers, standing on a square base with four spread- ing feet. Right hand extended and clasping something. Face of fine and unusual type. Dull black patina. Height, 10 inches. BRONZE STATUETTE Ming Tall figure of Kuan-yin, standing, in full robes, from which her bare toes protrude, her hands free in front of her, the left above the right. Embroideries of her robes inlaid, as is the “third eye,” a silvery gleam in the centre of her forehead. Finely modeled face of benignantly serene expression, the glance directed down- ward. She wears a high headdress and cowl, and in her tiara is a small Buddhist image. Black patina of dull surface. Height, 22% inches. ~#>] END OF FIRST SESSION fee 76 - SECOND AND LAST SESSION | a SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1926 AT 2:15 P. M. : if Sete sp Catalogue Numbers 194 to 405 inclusive aes 194. 195. 196. Toy: 198. 199. PAO Snuff Bottles of Porcelain, Glass, “fade and Other Hard Stones PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Clvien-lung Modeled in the form of a squirrel and glazed in a soft and bril- liant white. FAMILLE-ROSE SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Rectilinear with two broad and two narrow sides. On the broad sides figure decoration in famille-rose enamels, and elsewhere scrolls in underglaze blue with gilding. CORAL-RED SNUFF BOTTLE Ch’ ien-lung Rectilinear with arched top. Glazed in lustrous coral-red, with two oblong panels reserved and glazed in brilliant white on the broad sides. CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Pilgrim-bottle shape, in opaque turquoise blue with two fishes in dark purple-blue relief. CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Ovoid, of translucent opalescent glass, adorned in cameo relief with the fruits of the abundances in ruby, emerald and light yel- low. Two SNurr BOTTLES Cl’ ien-lung One ovoid and bulbous in mottled red glass of dull lustre. One of flattened ovoidal form, of porcelain, with decorations in re- lief of the dragon and phoenix, in green and pink on a yellow ground. Two SNUFF BOTTLES Cl’ien-lung One ovoid, of cameo-glass, with peony sprays in dark blue relief on a light ground. One in flattened ovoidal flask shape in dark red mottled glass. Two CrysTAL SNUFF BOTTLES Ovoidal, one flattened and plain with high polish, one with orna- mental carvings in relief and incised. 78 202. 203. 204. 205; 206. 207. Two PorcELaIn SNUFF BorrTLes CW ien-lung One double-gourd shape, flattened, with floral decorations in famille-rose enamels. One flattened oviform, with animalistic handles in relief on a blue ground, and reserved white panels pen- ciled with flowers in famille-rose colors. Two PorcELAIN SNUFF BoTTLEs Cl’ ien-lung One quadrilateral and flat with indented corners, and raised panels penciled with landscape within a diapered ground: One in form of a cicada in pale aubergine, brown and white. Two SNurr BorTrLes One of white jade, in form of an egg-plant, with leaves in relief; CWien-lung. One of grayish-brown agate with a marble mottling in light colors. Two CAMEo-GLass SNUFF BOTTLES Cl’ ien-lung One pilgrim-bottle shape with lotus plants in ruby relief on a snowy ground; one elongated and slender with archaic dragons in similar relief on similar ground. Two PorcELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES Ch’ien-lung One in flattened globular-jar form, with Shou-lao and a peach of longevity pictured on a mountain side in rose-verte colors. One in flattened inverted-pearshape decorated with domestic scenes in underglaze and overglaze colors, and gilding. Two Grass SNUFF BOTTLES Cl’ ien-lung Ovoid, in yellow glass, one a light yellow with little mottling, its companion a richer yellow with mottling and striations in deeper tones, verging upon brown. Two SNurr BoTTLEs Cl’ ien-lung One of turquoise blue glass of rich tone and brilliant surface. One of porcelain, in slender elongated pear shape, carrying white panels enameled with flowers within an embossed green-blue ground. Two PorcELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES Cl’ ien-lung One painted with flowers and landscape on white panels within a green-blue ground. One quadrilateral, raised on a short foot, and painted with figures in famille-rose colors, with gilding. 72 ZO: PAW IEE 218: 20a) Dic 216. PD inap. WHITE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Advantage of the natural formation of the stone has been taken to give a suggestion of irregular melon shape, with soft polish and ferrous shadings. AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Double-gourd shape with vine and smaller fruit in relief; brown and sugary agate with high polish. CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Pear shape, flattened, of brilliant white glass, with reliefs of birds, flowers and the spotted stag in ruby, azure, seal brown and pale green. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE CW’ien-lung Flattened globular-jar form, glazed in cobalt blue, with archaic dragons carved in relief on both faces and glazed in black. SorT PASTE SNUFF BoTTLe wirH Meta. Lip AND Foot Cl’ien-lung Ovoid and flattened. Relief decoration of dra- gons amid turbulent waves. Cream white glaze of light lustre. RosE QuarRTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, carved in low relief with figures and and trees. Rose quartz of light hue, brightly polished. (Illustrated ) RosE QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, carved in relief with vines and fruits. Light rose quartz with bright polish. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ ien-lung Modeled as a curled lotus leaf glazed in pale fresh green, with buds and seedpod in relief and glazed in pale aubergine. 80 218. 219. 220. Ppa) 222. a0) S24. 227; PoRCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Modeled as a squirrel, glazed in greenish-white with fur pen- ciled in brownish-black, with a bunch of grapes glazed in delicate polychrome; the bottle neck in coral-pink. RosE Quartz SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape, of pale rose quartz brightly polished, carved in re- lief with figures, flowers and rockery. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Clv’ien-lung Ovoid and full-bodied, with panels of wave motive on obverse and reverse modeled on a reticulated ground, the panels bear- ing in relief the three star gods of Happiness, Rank and Longevity, Fu, Lu and Shou. Glazed in cobalt blue. RosE QuarTz SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape with brilliant polish. Carved in low relief with a tree of the peaches of longevity, a bat and a spotted stag. FEI-Ts’UI JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Slender inverted pear shape, flattened. Lower corner with a flush of the fe7-ts’ui green, the greater area a translucent white, and the whole with a fine polish. Fer-Ts’ur JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Globular-jar form, flattened. Grayish-white jade of semi-liquid translucency, suffused with the fei-ts’ui greenish tones. PEKING ENAMEL SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Vesica shape, with two minute rings on shoulder for the attach- ment of a chain. Light cream ground ornamented in black with dogs Fu in a foliar entanglement. RosE QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Flask shape with bas-relief ornamentation of pine trees, plan- tains, birds, animals and figures. RosE Quartz SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened ovoidal form, carved on one face with a dog Fu and the brocaded ball, and on the opposite face with a dragon, in relief. CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Ch’ ien-lung Ovoid and flattened, carved in relief with vegetables and shrub- bery in ruby red on a semi-transparent light ground. 81 228. 229. 230. 221% 222, 233. an 226, RosE QuARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Full-bodied flask shape, one side flat and the other rounded, carved in relief with flower and fruit motives and brightly pol- ished. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ ien-lung Inverted pear shape, flattened. Decoration, scrolls in underglaze blue and figures in underglaze and overglaze colors of the rose family. Ch’ien-lung mark. RosE QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE . Flattened oval form with delicate foot. Carved in relief with a phoenix under a bamboo tree and an immortal holding a lotus. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE CWien-lung Ovo-cylindrical, decorated with figures in a garden in famille- rose colors and borders in dark underglaze blue. FEI-Ts’UI JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Oviform slightly flattened. Delicate emerald green markings over a considerable area of the surface, which is engraved with the sacred fungus, the blossoming mei and other floral forms. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ ien-lung Ovoidal jar form in globular expansion. Decorated in high re- lief on an incised fret ground with the eight Buddhistic emblems of happy augury. Brilliant glaze in coral red. RosE QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE In form of a slender and flattened jar resting on rockery and surrounded by flowers and shrubbery; on one side the figure of a horse. Brilliant polish. Rusy G Lass SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Elongated ovoidal form with two animalistic handles. Clear and brilliant ruby glass, lightly incised on both obverse and re- verse with long poems. Height, 3 inches. RosE QUARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Carved and pierced in the form of fishes rising from waves, the scales incised and the fins in relief; bright polish. 82 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Chia Ch’ing Of foliated outline on a quadrilateral base, the obverse and reverse modeled in the form of coins, five to each face, the coins glazed in light blue and gilded and the remaining ground glazed in coral red and pencilled in gold. (Illustrated ) RosE QuARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Irregular form resembling a leaning tree stump, carved on all sides with flowers in relief and a standing phoe- nix. CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Chi en-lung Elongated pear shape, of semi-transparent glass with ruby animalistic handles and ruby horses and monkeys under trees, carved in relief; brilliant surface. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE CW’ ien-lung Flattened flask shape of quadrilateral form and decorated on all sides with flowers and floral scrolls in black and green (Illustrated ) PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Chia Cl’ing Inverted pear shape, flattened. Decoration, Taoist immortals in polychrome enamels on a white ground. (Illustrated ) 237 240 FA, 243. 244. 2a 246. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Chia Ch’ing Full-bodied ovoid form slightly flat- tened, with the eighteen Lohan modeled in relief and glazed in polychrome on an incised ground glazed in dark green. RosE QuarRTz SNUFF BOTTLE Oviform vase shape with circular lip and foot. Encircled by a band of conventionalized lotus flowers in relief and a petal border. Brightly polished. PORCELAIN RETICULATED SNUFF BoTTLE Cl’ien-lung Ovoidal, decorated with the dragon and phoenix in famille-rose enamels in high-relief on a reticulate ground. Sort Paste SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Large ovoidal jar shape slightly flat- tened. Decoration, the nine dogs Fu in high relief, at sport with the filleted ball, over a _ reticulate ground. Cream glaze of moist brilliancy. (Illustrated ) AMETHYST DouBLE SNUFF BOTTLE WITH ORIGINAL BIRDCRESTED STOPPERS Two ovoidal jars resting on rockery and in the embrace of peony trees, with a phoenix perched on one side, carved from a single piece of ame- thyst of rich color and highly pol- ished. Has brocade stand. (Illustrated ) 84. 245 247. At. 249. 250. a6. 253. Se 255. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Ovoidal and flattened, modeled in high relief with the nine dogs Fu, and glazed in polychrome with gilding. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ ien-lung Flat flask shape with arching top and flat foot. Coated with a brilliant rose-soufflé glaze. RosE QuaRTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal flask shape, carved with flowers in relief and brightly polished. RosE QuARTZ SNUFF BOTTLE Slender flattened flask shape, in a rockery base; carved with trees in blossom and a horse standing with lowered head under one of them. Bright polish. PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ ien-lung Ovate and bulbous, with floral forms in relief and incised mark- ing the entire surface under a pure white glaze. AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Ovoidal and flattened, with two animal-mask and ring handles in relief. Translucent grayish-brown agate with mirror polish. CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Pilgrim-bottle shape with foot. Transparent glass with goldfish in attitude of swimming and nibbling at leaves carved in ruby relief all about it. CAMEO-GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Cl’ ien-lung Ovo-cylindrical with broad sloping shoulder. Transparent color- less glass with archaic dragon designs carved in ruby relief be- tween a ruby shoulder border and ruby foot. Decorated Porcelains of Various Periods, and a Few Fine Enamels PEKING ENAMEL Box WITH COVER Cl’ ien-lung On copper, retaining portions of gilding. Trees, water and moun- tains, a bird, blossoms and a finger-citron in delicate colors on a white ground. Length, 3 inches. 85 256. Oe 204. 259- 260. 261. PaiR IMPERIAL YELLOW PEKING ENAMEL BowLs Cl’ ien-lung Ovoid with short foot. On the exterior four-clawed dragons dis- porting among conventional clouds, in pink, green and white within a ground of rich imperial yellow. Ju-i border in deep blue; diapered floral border in a lighter blue. On the interior, bats flying among conventional clouds, about a cluster of the peaches of longevity, in pink, green and blue on a white ground. Under- neath foot a phoenix medallion in blue and green on a ground of imperial yellow. Diameter, 6 inches. (Illustrated ) Parr IMPERIAL YELLOW PEKING ENAMEL Bowls Cl’ ien-lung Similar to the preceding. STATUETTE OF H0o-SHANG K’ang-hsi Seated figure of the happy god of wealth, in a bright glaze of pale bleu-de-ciel. Has stand. Height, 4 inches. Group OF FAMILLE-ROSE FIGURES MODELED ON A SINGLE STAND Ch’ ien-lung Nine small figures, standing in three tiers, one above another, and glazed in rose, emerald, yellow, black, blue and white. Height, 5% inches. THREE-COLOR FIGURE GROUP FK’ang-hsi Twin immortals standing on a quatrefoil base, smiling at each other. Semi-nude, with clothing in colors. Known as Ho-Ho. Has stand. Height, 6% inches. PatR PORCELAIN STATUARY GROUPS Clvien-lung Smiling figures seated sidewise on kylins. Glazed in rose and yel- low, red, green, blue and white, the bodies of the beasts in greenish-blue and coral, their scales penciled in black. _ Height, 7% inches. 86 (bunj-uar yy) STMOg TANVNGY ONINAG MOTTAX IWIXAdWT YIVG—Isz ‘ON 262. SET OF FoUR SEMI-EGGSHELL WINE Cups Yung Chéng Broad inverted bell shape. Delicate musical porcelain, with a verte-rose decoration, the designs landscape medallions reserved in a flowered ground. Mark, the six characters of Yung Chéng. Have stands. 88 263. SET OF SIX CAFE-AU-LAIT CUPS Tao Kuang Inverted bell shape on bold foot. Decoration, blossoming shrub- bery in enamels of the green family on a ground of delicate café- au-lait. Seal mark of the reign. 264. SET oF TEN Rice Bow Ls : Cl’ ien-lung Thin musical porcelain. Ovoidal on short foot and with del- icate lightly everted rim. (a) Two Rice Bowts One with a brilliant mirror glaze of rich azure, penciled in gold with imperial dragon pursuing the whirling jewel among clouds. One with a robin’s-egg glaze marbled in dark lines, and exhibit- ing chrysanthemums in rose-verte enamels. (b) Two Rice Bowts White glaze, one clouded in coral and carrying characters in black, one carrying seals and inscriptions in coral and black. (c) Two Rice Bowts One glazed in coral red, the other in chocolate brown, both pen- ciled with scrolls in gold, and both exhibiting medallions reserved in white and decorated in enamel colors. (d) Two Rice Bow ts One glazed a delicate rose with peau-d’orange surface, and pen- ciled with formal scrolls in a deeper note. One with a slate blue enamel glaze diapered with incised scrolls, with floral medal- lions reserved and decorated in colors. (e) Two Rice Bowts One glazed in lime yellow of naturalistic surface, and penciled in delicate green and coral with scrolls and floral medallions. One with an enamel glaze of lime green, incised with a diaper of scrolls, and decorated with a spray of roses. Diameter (of all), 3%4-334 inches. 265. FAMILLE-ROSE PI-T’UNG CW’ ien-lung Decorated in delicate enamel colors with many children at play in a terraced garden. Seal mark of the reign. Has stand. 266. FIvE-coLOR INCENSE BURNER Ming Cylindrical on a short withdrawn foot. Conventional landscape decoration with certain naturalistic features, and a cross-hatched border interrupted by floral reserves, in the old Ming five-color on white ground. Diameter, 3% inches. 89 267. 268. 269. 270. Pair Fu anp FisH Bow 1s K’ang-hsi Ovoid with short foot. Thin musical white porcelain, coated with a lustrous cream white glaze, decorated on the exterior with four dogs Fu in enamel colors and on the interior with four fishes in coral red. Have stands. Diameter, 3¥ inches. DecorATeD BowL wiTH COVER Chia Ch’ing Ovoidal with short foot and festooned edge; dome cover with “foot” handle. Rose-verte decoration of goats in green fields, and in the interior of bowl and cover medallions of bat and peaches. Seal mark of the reign. (Repair at foot of bowl.) Diameter, 5 inches. Pair Dracon Bowls wiTH STANDS K’ang-hsi Ovoid on bold foot. Glazed in imperial yellow, with four-clawed dragons reserved, etched in the paste, and glazed in emerald green. (Slight kiln defect at rim of one.) Six-character mark of the reign. Diameter, 434 inches. SET OF TEN Rice BowLs Cl’ien-lung Oviform, the rim lightly curving outward, on short foot. (a) Two Rice Bow s One enameled with a lime-yellow glaze of naturalistic surface, and painted in emerald green and peach red with blossoms, scrolls, and conventional medallions. ‘The other glazed in lime- green, etched with a diaper scroll, and painted with a rose spray in overglaze colors. (b) Two Rice Bowts Exterior glazed in a wild rose hue of peau-d’orange surface and penciled in a deeper note of purplish-rose, one with a band of conventional floral scroll and two borders, the other with de- tached floral medallions and floral scrolls. (c) Two Rice Bowts One with a robin’s-egg glaze marbled in grayish black, with re- served medallions in white painted in rose. One glazed in soft white and painted with waterside landscapes in green family. (d) ‘Two Rice Bow ts Exterior in white, clouded in ashes-of-rose hues, and penciled with calligraphic characters in black, (e) Two Rice Bow rs One glazed in rich and brilliant bleu-de-ciel, penciled in gold with imperial dragons in pursuit of the coveted jewel. One glazed in dead-leaf brown, penciled with golden scrolls, interrupted by medallions in white reserve painted with flowers in enamel colors. - Diameter (of all), 4% inches. 90 a7 1; 292) 273: 274. BLUE AND WHITE BowL Ming Inverted bell shape with bold foot. Painted in deep blue and a lighter wash with the seated figures of four Bodhisattvas and as many Chinese characters, translations from the Sanskrit. They betoken prayers. In the interior an ideograph in a medallion. Mark: Made in the reign of Chia Ching of the Great Ming dynasty. Has stand. Diameter, 5% inches. (Illustrated ) Pair TEA Bowls wiTH COVERS CW’ien-lung Ovoid with short foot; dome cover with expanding circular han- dle. Painted with figures in boats, and rural landscapes, in rose- verte enamels, and penciled with long poems in black. Diameter, 4% inches. Two RosrE-vERTE Bow Ls Yung Cheng Recurving sides, expanding from a short foot. Fine white glaze, painted respectively in rose-verte colors with sprays of the lotus and of peonies and chrysanthemums. Six-character mark of the reign. (Slight glaze defect at foot.) Diameter, 434 inches. FAMILLE-VERTE SWEETMEAT DISH IN NINETEEN SEPARATE Com- PARTMENTS Kang-hsi Circular, the parts, or small sweetmeat dishes, angular. Brilliant famille-verte decoration, the interior of the dishes picturing the dragon horse galloping over a flower-strewn sea, the exterior sides bearing Buddhistic symbols. Diameter, 19% inches. gI ON ig 276. 27 Bs FIVE-coLOR BowL Ming Inverted bell shape with lightly expanding rim. Decorated in underglaze and overglaze colors with the figures of four Lohan seated on mats near rocks and shrubbery and a garden table. Underneath foot a four-character hall mark within a double ring, reading “Made for the Hall of Absolute Charity.” (Slight nick at rim.) Has stand. Diameter, 5 inches. PatrR OvoipAL Bow Ls R’ang-hsi Thin musical white porcelain with a brilliant white glaze, with a restricted decoration of three fishes in swimming postures in rouge-de-cuivre, and sprays of grasses in green enamel. (Minute nick at rim.) Have stands. Diameter, 6% inches. Lotus Bow. Chia Ch’ing Ovoidal, modeled as an open lotus flower, the petals in successive tiers, appearing in relief on the outside and depressed in the in- terior, where at the bottom is a medallion representing the lotus seedpod. ‘The rim is festooned, following the petal motive. In- terior glazed in pistache green, the exterior in pink and white in suggestion of the lotus. Seal mark of the reign. Has stand. Diameter, 7% inches. PaiR FAMILLE-ROSE OvoIpDAL BOwLs Yung Chéng Brilliant glaze of soft white, decorated with flowers and butter- flies in famille-rose colors. Four-character mark in black under the foot: “Made at the Hall for the Cultivation of Harmony.” Have stands. Diameter, 6% inches. Pair FAMILLE-ROSE OvorpaL Bowls Similar to the preceding and bearing the same mark. Same size. Pair SEMI-EGGSHELL PLATES wITH UPRIGHT STANDS R’ang-hsi Thin porcelain of clear tone, glazed in a brilliant and fine soft white, carrying on both exterior and interior surfaces a vigorously drawn and graceful decoration. of peach branches and a perched bird, executed in famille-verte enamels, aubergine, and under- glaze rouge-de-cuivre. Mark: Ta Cl’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih. Stand carved in openwork in lotus motives. (Illustrated ) Diameter, 8% inches. 92 (isy-buvy,) SANVIS LHOd s) HLIM SALVIG TIAHSODA-INAS YIVq—Osz “ON Does 282. MILLE-FLEURS TRIPOD JARDINIERE — CW ien-lung Circular with broad channeled lip, on three ju-i feet. The lip and feet glazed in coral red. The body with a mille-fleurs decoration in underglaze rouge-de-cuivre and overglaze polychrome enamels on a ground of brilliant soft green. Has stand. Diameter, 7% inches. (Illustrated ) Pair FAMILLE-ROSE BOWLS WITH STANDS Cl’ ien-lung Large and expanding inverted bell shape, the rims foliated. Bril- liant glaze of pure white, with finely executed decoration of three immortal characters seated in placid conviviality in a garden. Seal mark of the reign. Have stands. Diameter, 734 inches. POWDER-BLUE VASE R’ang-hsi Pear shape on a deep spreading foot, the contracting neck ex- panding again to a flaring and upright lip. Brilliant glaze of powder-blue penciled boldly in gold with a complex floral decora- tion. Height, 10 inches. 94 264. 2 oe. Pair DECORATED JARS WITH COVERS Chia Cl’ing Ovoidal with short neck and expanding lip; hat-shaped covers with blossom finial. Brilliant pale green ground, decorated in polychrome and gilding with conventional lotus scrolls, bats and symbols. Seal mark of the reign. Have stands. Height, 8% inches. (Illustrated ) Pair DECORATED WALL VASES Cl’ien-lung Elongated inverted pear shape, with spreading foot, high shoul- der and short incurvate neck. On the shoulder three sheep’s- heads in high relief. Lustrous white glaze over a rumpled ground, with decoration in enamels of the famille-verte picturing a gentleman on a garden slope pointing upward at the animal heads. Height, 7% inches. 95 286. 207). 288. 289. 290. 201. PAS), DECORATED GINGER JAR WITH WOODEN COVER AND STAND FK’ang-hsi Overglaze and underglaze decoration of a figure with a ju-i scep- tre riding a mang or land dragon, attended by boys. In rouge-de- cuivre and famille-verte enamels on a soft white ground. Height, 7% inches. FAMILLE-ROSE GINGER JAR WITH WooDEN COVER Cl’ ien-lung Decorated with butterflies and flower: sprays, including the car- nation, peony, chrysanthemum, iris, lotus, magnolia and other blossoms, in polychrome enamels on a lustrous soft white ground. Height, 7% inches. FAMILLE-ROSE GINGER JAR WITH WOODEN COVER AND STAND Cl’ien-lung Decorated with boys playing hobbyhorse and other games in a garden, in colors of the famille-rose. Height, 7 inches. FAMILLE-ROSE GINGER JAR Cl’ien-lung Decorated with the phoenix, the tree peony and the magnolia, and butterflies, in famille-rose enamels on a ground of grayish- white. Has teakwood cover and stand. Height, 7% inches. FAMILLE-ROSE GINGER JAR WITH WOODEN COVER | Cl’ien-lung Decoration similar to that of the preceding. Height, 734 inches. PatR FAMILLE-ROSE GINGER JARS WITH WOODEN COVERS AND STANDS Ch’ien-lung Decorated in rich enamel colors and rouge-de-fer with a sceptred figure borne on a mang, preceded and followed by bearers of banners and a canopy. Height, 8 inches. ParR FAMILLE-ROSE TEA JARS WITH THEIR OWN ORIGINAL COVERS Cl’ ien-lung Globular-ovoidal, with in-setting covers having bud finial. Rich decoration enhanced by gilding, picturing women and children variously engaged in a garden. MHave stands. Height, 9 inches. 96 203; 294. MILLE-FLEURS TRAY Ch’ien-lung Oval, set in a molded wooden frame which rests on four short ju-i feet. Resplendent display of blossoms, including the peony, chrysanthemum, magnolia, and numerous others, in polychrome with a background of greenery. (Illustrated ) Diameter, 15 inches. PaiR FAMILLE-ROSE TEA JARS WITH COVERS AND STANDS Cl’ ien-lung Spherical; in-setting covers with conical finials. Decorated in enamel colors with a band of lozenges of pistache ground on a ground of rose-pink dotted with blossoms; the blossoms white, the decoration of the lozenges in various soft colors. On the shoulder a ju-i border, around the base a formal rectilinear border. Height, 834 inches. 97 295. 296. 299. 300. PatR FAMILLE-ROSE QUADRILATERAL JARDINIERES CW’ ien-lung Flat lips projecting inward; ju-i feet. White glaze, decorated in famille-rose colors with standing three-quarters length figures of women holding small branches of blossoms, and figures of boys at play. Have carved acajou stands. Height. 996 inchél. (Illustrated ) Single Color Pieces Including Blanc-ae-Chine, Clair-de-lune, Peachbloom, Apple-green and Sang-de-beuf Pairk ANIMAL STATUETTES Ming Dogs Fu on their haunches on oblong bases with rounded cor- ners. Each guards the brocaded ball, one with his right forefoot and the other with his left forefoot. Features and trappings modeled in relief, and the whole coated with a brilliant cream glaze. Height, 5% inches. Parr BLANC-DE-CHINE STATUETTES Ming Taoist figures of smiling dignity, seated with folded hands on semi-circular thrones. Bearded men wearing flat caps. Brilliant glaze of pure white. Height CA es Pair BLANC-DE-CHINE CUPS Ming Modeled in cupped lotus motive, resting on three short stump feet, with a stem bent from underneath the centre and extending up the outer side, forming a short handle. Inside, a crab in re- lief. Brilliant glaze of soft white. (One stem nicked.) Diameter, 334 inches. BLANC-DE-CHINE STATUARY GROUP Ming Kuan-yin mounted on a tall throne of rockery, a bowl at her right and a bundle of books at her left posed upon upstanding ledges, and on a ledge below at her left the vase for the magic water. On her upraised right knee she clasps an infant who holds a lotus flower. Characteristically brilliant glaze of soft white. Has stand. Height, 1034 inches. BLANC-DE-CHINE STATUETTE Ming Standing figure of Kuan-yin, wearing topknot, cowl, tiara and necklace, her hands crossed before her. Brilliant glaze of soft white (partial on the left hand). She stands on a base molded in scrolls. Height, 13 inches. 98 (bunj-uat yy) SAXaINIGUv{ «€ TVAALVIIYAVNG ASOU-ATTINVY AlVq—s6z ‘oN 301A. Z0TB: B02 304. 301A 301 301B CIRCULAR OvoIpDAL RouGE Box R’ang-hsi With cover, invested with a softly brilliant peachbloom glaze, bearing the six-character mark of the reign and having a carved wood lotus seedpod stand. (Illustrated ) INVERTED BELL-SHAPED CuP K’ang-hsi Glazed in peachbloom and bearing the (apocryphal) mark of Hsuan Te. (Illustrated ) INVERTED BELL-SHAPED CUP K’ang-hsi Glazed within and without in rose Du Barry and bearing the (apocryphal) mark of Ch’éng Hua. (Illustrated ) Tinc-yAo PILGRIM BOTTLE Sung Expanded ovoid form, with short contracting truncate neck. Decoration of fungus and flowers modeled in low relief under the brilliant cream crackled glaze. Was stand. Height, 8¥% inches. SET OF S1Ix SEMI-EGGSHELL MINIATURE WINE Cups K’ang-hsi Ovoid on a short foot, the rim lightly expanding. Encircled by a narrow band of two pair of archaic dragons carved in low re- lief, between knife-edge encircling rings. Exteriors clothed in a brilliant glaze of pale straw-yellow, interiors glazed in white. Six-character mark of the reign. Slight kiln marks in the ex- terior glaze.) BLANC-DE-CHINE GROUP” Ming Kuan-yin seated, above a pierced rock mass, holding on her right knee a nude infant who carries symbols in his hands. On an upright-ledge at her left a bundle of books. She wears the breast necklace, tiara, tokpnot and cowl. Soft white glaze of lustrous brilliancy. Height, 12% inches. 100 305—SET OF SIx CoraL WINE Cups Yung Chéng 306. 397: 308. 308A. 308B. Delicate musical white porcelain, modeled in inverted bell shape on a small foot. The interiors white, the exteriors in a fine and uniform glaze of soft coral red of dull lustre. Six-character mark of the reign. PAIR QUADRILATERAL CUPS WITH STANDS Cl’ien-lung Hopper shape, coated with a brilliant straw yellow glaze disclos- ing a metallic lustre. An incised maker’s mark or dedicatory mark in four characters is discernible under the glaze of the foot. PaiR CORAL-RED Bow Ls Cl’ien-lung Ovoidal flaring from a low foot. Exterior modeled with a band of floral diaper in relief, a foot border of petal design in relief, and a lip border of incised keyfret. Interior glazed in pistache green. Diameter, 4% inches. SANG-DE-BG:UF BEAKER K’ang-hsi With globular lower section. Rich sang-de-beuf glaze. Has stand. (Illustrated ) OvoIpAL COUPE R’ang-hsi With embryonic lip. Rich sang-de-beuf glaze, exhibiting watery areas. Has stand. (Illustrated ) SANGDE-BCEUF COUPE K’ang-hsi Squat. Has carved wood stand. (Illustrated ) 308 308B 309- 310. Ras 313: Zu, PAIR SANG-DE-B@UF BOowLs WITH STANDS K’ang-hsi Bold foot supporting recurving sides. Both interior and exterior coated with a glaze of ox-blood red, that of one bowl being of a more dense tone than that of the other. (Slight nicks at rim.) Diameter, 434 inches. Pair IMPERIAL YELLOW Bow Ls F’ang-hsi Ovoidal with short foot and lightly expanding rim. Musical porcelain of clear tone invested with a brilliant and uniform glaze of imperial yellow. Mark: Ta Ch’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih. Diameter, 6 inches. Two ImPerIAL YELLOW PLATES FK’ang-hsi Ovoidal, coated with monochrome glazes of imperial yellow. Both have Ming marks, one that of Hung Chih, the other that of Chia Ching, both apocryphal. Diameter, 8% inches. CLAIR-DE-LUNE VASE wiTH TEAKWoopD COVER AND STAND R’ang-hsi Inverted pear shape with small mouth and flowing foot, both metal capped. Two horizontal C-scroll ornamental handles be- low the shoulder, in low relief. Coated with a uniform and lus- trous glaze of soft clair-de-lune. Six-character mark of the reign. | Height, 5¥% inches. APPLE-GREEN JAR WITH STAND K’ang-hsi Ovoidal with short constricted neck and slightly spreading lip. Apple-green glaze of soft lustre carrying a bold cafe-au-lait crackle. (Slight repair at lip.) Height, 4% inches. Ko-yAo COUPE WITH STAND Yung Chéng Globular with short contracting foot and small circular mouth with embryonic lip. Coated with a marble gray glaze boldly crackled in dark lines. Diameter, 4 inches. 102 315. APPLE-GREEN VASE WITH STAND K’ang-hsi Ovoid with lightly defined foot and short straight truncate neck. Invested with a fine apple-green glaze of dull lustre, lightly crackled in pale café-au-lait lines. Height, 434 inches. ie Seeman il WSO ame a e * % aN | & a a : j Ps 316. CLAIR-DE-LUNE COUPE WITH STAND K’ang-hsi Squat ovoidal form with low foot and large mouth. Coated in- side and out with a lustrous clair-de-lune glaze. Underneath the foot a white glaze, with the mark: Ta Cl’ing K’ang-hsi nien chih. Diameter, 434 inches. (Illustrated ) 103 317. APPLE-GREEN BOTTLE-SHAPE VASE WITH STAND R’ang-hsi Swelling ovoidal body above a deep foot and contracting gently to a slender neck with expanding lip. Brilliant glaze of rich apple-green, with café-au-lait crackle. Interior of lip and under- neath foot a rice white glaze crackled in café -m-lait. (Two slight nicks in lip.) Height, 8% inches 104 S008 RING-NECKED PEACHBLOOM BOTTLE K’ang-hsi Ovoidal, expanding lightly from the foot to the high shoulder, from which the neck issues with a slight molding at the root, that is succeeded by two relief rings. The short neck is slender and topped by a lightly expanding lip. Coated with a fine peachbloom glaze—resembling as the Chinese see it “‘the face of a beautiful woman flushed with wine.”’ Mark under foot: Ta Ch’ing K’angq- hsi nien chih. (Neck repaired.) Has ivory stand. Height, 734 inches. 3dD: 220: APPLE-GREEN JAR WITH STAND K’ang-hsi Ovoidal with short neck and rounded lip. Bright apple-green glaze with pale café-au-lait crackle. (Illustrated ) Height, 4% inches. TURQUOISE-BLUE BOTTLE WITH STAND Ch’ien-lung Pear shape tapering to a tall straight neck; short foot. Coated with a brilliant glaze of lightly mottled turquoise blue, truitee. Height, 934 inches. 106 321. BLUE AND WHITE HAWTHORN GINGER JAR wiTH CARVED Woop CovER AND STAND K’ang-hsi A glowing piece of color and in excellent condition. Conven- tional ovoidal shape, with perfect foot, this so-called ‘‘ginger jar’’—they were really designed for conveying gifts of fine tea at New Year—is of finer quality than most of those that have come along of late years. Sonorous hard paste white porcelain, coated with a brilliant glaze of cobalt blue checked with dark lines in representation of ice that has started to break up, and exhibiting in cream white reserve both ascending and descending branches of the mei or winter-blooming wild prunus tree. At the shoulder a crenellated border. Height, 834 inches. 107 228% B24. Ww ie) Gn seri 322A SANG-DE-BG@UF BOTTLE R’ang-hsi Glazed in deep hues of the ox-blood red. Has stand. (Illustrated ) . [wo SANG-DE-BG@UF BEAKERS K’ang-hsi Glazed in deep hues of the ox-blood red. Have stands. (Illustrated ) SANG-DE-BGiUF COUPE K’ang-hsi Globular on a bold and spreading foot, the shoulder molded with two broad bands. Rich sang-de-beuf glaze revealing the dense brown clottings, the glaze interrupted by two animal-mask han- dles in relief which are coated only with a thin brown wash. Has stand. Diameter, 4% inches. SANG-DE-BGUF BOWL K’ang-hsi With recurving and flaring sides. Coated on exterior and in- terior with a dense sang-de-beuf glaze in the hue of the hardening blood. Diameter, 6% inches. SANG-DE-BC@2UF BOTTLE WITH STAND R’ang-hsi Globular with slender neck and spreading lip. Invested with a mirror glaze of rich sang-de-beuf red. Height, 7% inches. 108 326. 327: 228. ie) 3 330. 331. S33: 334° 9. SANG-DE-BG:UF BEAKER WITH STAND FK’ang-hst A yase intact, in its original condition. Invested with a sang-de- beuf glaze in the hue of the congealing blood, covering both in- terior and exterior, with the rim reserved in white. Height, 7% inches. SANG-DE-BG@:UF BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Kang-hsi Globular with bold foot, tall full neck and expanding lip. Bril- liant ox-blood glaze in the hue of congelation. (Crack in body and small repair at lip.) Has stand. Height, 9 inches. SANG-DE-BG:UF PEAR-SHAPED BOTTLE K’ang-hsi Perfect foot, the lip capped by a metal border in ju-i pattern. Fine sang-de-beuf glaze in rich deep tones. Height, 10 inches. SANG-DE-BGUF JAR K’ang-hsi Globular on a tall bell shaped foot. Rich and brilliant finely mottled glaze in warm tones of the ox-blood red. Height, 9 inches. SANG-DE-BG:UF BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE RK’ ang-hsi Globular tapering to a short truncated neck. Brilliant glaze showing all the tones from those thin and watery through the rich warm red of the flowing blood to the brownish clots of coagulation. Height, 12% inches. SANG-DE-BGUF DOUBLE-GOURD SHAPED VASE K’ang-hsi Invested with a lustrous glaze of rich sang-de-beuf, a fluid red marked by brownish clottings. Ficight, 14 inches: SANG-DE-BCEUF VASE R’ang-hsi Ovoidal with spreading foot and high shoulder, and wide slightly incurvate neck. Sang-de-beuf glaze mainly in the dull red and brownish tones of the cooling blood. AVN tee ae FLAMBE BOTTLE Cl’ien-lung Pear shape with bold foot and short straight neck. Mirror glaze of ox-blood red with the flambé features appearing about the lip. Height, 14 inches. FLAMBE JAR Ch’ien-lung Oviform, with flowing foot, high shoulder and short straight lip. Brilliant flambé glaze of deep red with mottling. (Slight nick at lip. ) Height, 13% inches. 109 eee 336. 37: Bn 340. 341. POLYCHROME FLAMBE BOTTLE Ch’ ien-lung Globular with straight full neck. Brilliant polychrome glaze of the transmutation furnace, reds and blues predominating on its varicolored surface. Height, 15% inches. FLAMBE RING-NECKED BOTTLE Cl’ ien-lung Globular on bold spreading foot, with full neck and expanding and molded lip. A double-molding encircles the body equatorially and two similar moldings surround the neck. Brilliant rich dark red glaze of the flambe type. Height, 1434 inches. FLAME BOTTLE CW ien-lung Globular with wide straight neck. Coated with a brilliantly lus- trous glaze of the transmutation furnace, in a tone of rich red marked by deeper and slightly purplish notes; the lip grayish and displaying a close crackle. Height, 15% inches. Dark BLuE BOTTLE CW ien-lung Globular with short straight and wide neck. Monochrome glaze of mirror quality in rich deep and dark-blue. Height, 11% inches. LAPIS-BLUE CYLINDRICAL CLUB-SHAPED VASE R’ang-hsi Invested with a fine monochrome glaze of deep lapis-blue, softly lustrous. Height, 15% inches. MAZARIN-BLUE VASE Ch’ien-lung Ovoidal with narrow and steep shoulder, and short wide neck with expanding lip. Clothed in a brilliant monochrome glaze of rich and deep mazarin-blue. Height, 12% inches. AUBERGINE VASE Cl’ ien-lung Inverted pear shape, somewhat flattened, the broad sloping shoul- der retreating to a short wide neck with expanding lip. From the shoulder down modeled in ten prominent lobes. The whole invested with a monochrome glaze of rich and very brilliant aw- bergine. (Small chip at foot.) Height, 1234 inches. 342. 343: SANG-DE-BG:UF TEMPLE JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER K’ang-hsi Inverted pear shape with a mandarin or hat shaped cover having a conical knob finial. Both cover and body coated with a bril- liant glaze of rich sang-de-beuf, which ceases in even flow at the perfect foot. Height, 12 inches. (Illustrated ) FLAMBE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung Globular with full neck lightly expanding. Clothed in a bril- liant glaze of the transmutation furnace, basically a rich red, with purplish tones about the shoulder and underbody and a light café-au-lait lip. Height, 14% inches. 44. SANG-DE-BG@UF OVvIFORM VASE K’ang-hsi High and narrow shoulder and flowing foot, with short neck and spreading lip. Grayish sang-de-beuf glaze, exhibiting watery areas about the lip, a denser flow with brownish spots of coagu- lation over the shoulder, thence dropping in sluggish but plen- teous rills to the foot. (Slight restoration at the foot.) Height, 17% inches. 112 345. SANG-DE-BG@UF OVIFORM VASE K’ang-hsi A superb example of color. High full shoulder, the lines of the body contracting and recurving in a spreading foot, the neck wide and full with expanding lip. Rich red glaze of great bril- liancy, in the varying hues of the sang-de-bauf, the tone of the fluent blood of much depth, and growing darker as areas of congelation are reached, passing on to a wavering welter around the foot. (Restoration at lip.) Height, 17% inches. A Small Group of Chun Yao Pieces of the Sung Dynasty 346. CHUN Yao DisH Sung Circular and ovoidal with a well defined foot. Exterior and interior coated with a rich and luminous reddish-purple glaze. (Repaired.) Has stand. Diameter, 6% inches. 114 347- CuHtn Yao Bowr witH Carved Woop STaNnp Sung Ovoidal, the exterior sides encircled by successive moldings, the rounded rim upright. Exterior glazed in a brilliant and beau- tiful purple, with notes ranging to a grayish-violet, the interior coated with a grayish glaze approaching the Sung clair-de-lune. (Gold lacquer repair.) Diameter, 7 inches. Ces 348. Cutn Yao VASE wITH CARVED Woop UPPER SECTION Sung Ovo-cylindrical with flat shoulder and flat underbody, resting upon a deep and spreading bell shaped base. Marked by four vertical quadrilateral ridges, prominently modeled. Rich and characteristic transmutation fambeé glaze, passing through inter- mediate shades of purple to pale blue. Supplied with an upper section of polished wood. (Slight restoration at foot.) Has carved acajou stand. Height, 5% inches; with the top, 9 inches. 116 349: 350. ayes Porcelain “Fardin eres ParR YELLOW JARDINIERES WITH STANDS Cl’ ien-lung Cylindrical with flaring and rising rim. Coated with a mono- chrome glaze of canary yellow over a rumpled surface. Diameter, 11 inches. ParR BLUE AND WHITE HEXAGONAL JARDINIERES WITH STANDS Cl’ ien-lung Sides very slightly expanding from the ju-i feet to the flattened and molded rim. Decoration, six kylins in varying attitudes among conventional cloud and flame scrolls, in soft grayish blues on the pure white ground. Conventional borders under lip and at base. On upper surface of rim a border of half-blossoms re- served in white in a dark blue ground. — Height, 1334 inches. Pair TURQUOISE-BLUE JARDINIERES Ch’ien-lung Inverted bell shape, with flaring rim having a festooned edge. The sides are foliated by scrolled indentions. Exterior clothed in a bright glaze of turquoise-blue. Rims glazed in white and penciled in colors with floral sprays and with landscapes in quatrefoil panels. Diameter, 21 inches. Celadon and Other Pieces of the Sung, Ming and 352. Bo: Other Periods GARNITURE OF THREE PIECES Sung Consisting of a tripod incense burner on a circular and spreading base, and one pair of quadrilateral inverted pear shape vases. The vases have a neck molded at the root, quadrilateral lip and pedestal-foot, and two outstanding crescent handles. All glazed in a soft bronze brown of dull lustre. Height of vases, 5% inches. Parr LuNG-cH’UAN VASES Sung Quadrilateral with flattened or rounded corners, oblong Jips and S-scroll handles. Coated with a lustrous celadon glaze which the Chinese call onion green. (Slight nick in lip of one.) ‘ Height, 8% inches. 117 354: Parr LUNG-cH’UAN VASES WITH COVERS Sung Inverted pear shape, the broad and rounded shoulders support- ing straight cylindrical necks with expanding cupped lips. Broadly incised ornamentation, on the bodies, on one a tiger and on the other a dragon. On the underbodies tall spear-head borders and on the necks borders of plantain leaves. Circular covers with flat tops and slightly varying decoration. Luminous gray-green cela- don glaze. (On side of one vase, kiln adhesions. ) Height, 10 inches. 118 355: os0—— seve 358. 359. 360. 2bT. CELADON VASE Yung Chéng Swelling sides, contracting toward a wide mouth and broad foot. Modeled in relief and by incision in vertical lobes traversing the entire length of the vase. Feigitt/ 16, inches. CELADON Tripop JARDINIERE Yung Chéng Cylindrical with rounded lip. Bas-relief ornamentation of floral scrolls in Indian lotus motive, between incised borders of leaf scroll and keyfret. Brilliant celadon glaze of pale seagreen hue. Diameter, 8% inches. ParR CELADON JARs witH Woop Covers AND STANDS Cl’ ien-lung Ovoid with embryonic lip and wide mouth. One modeled with crescent handles in low relief. Brilliant celadon glaze, on one a pale bluish seagreen, on the other a soft grayish seagreen. Mark, the Ch’ien-lung seal. HAph ra inher Parr LuNG-cH’UAN GALLIPOTS Sung Primitive and highly conventional decoration of floral forms, exe- cuted by incision and in relief. Celadon glazes in bluish and greenish tones. (Kiln adhesions on side of one.) Height, 9% inches. Pair DECORATED CELADON VASES Ch’ien-lung Quadrilateral with oblong lip and foot, the sides contracting slightly from the broad shoulder both to lip and foot. Two elephant-head loop and ring handles in relief. Bright glaze of pale celadon hue, decorated with plum blossoms, peonies and chrysanthemums in rich sapphire blue and peach red. (Corner of one foot chipped. ) Height, 1034 inches. LuNc-cH’UAN TRIPOD JARDINIERE WITH STAND ~ Ming Ovoidal and shallow on grotesque squat monster-head feet, slightly contracting and channeled rim, punctuated by floral bosses. Incised below the bosses with an encircling ring of cursive scroll and horizontal hatchings, and below this with a deep band of floral scroll. Light grayish celadon glaze of much brilliancy. Diameter, 11% inches. CELADON PLATE Ming Flaring ovoidal fluted body and flat festooned rim. Stoneweight porcelain with an incised floral medallion in the cavetto and the whole covered with a dense and brilliant celadon glaze of deep grayish seagreen. Diameter, 1234 inches. 119 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. CELADON PLATE Ming Circular, the ovoidal cavetto fluted, and surrounded by a narrow upturning rim. Heavy porcelain with a brilliant celadon glaze of grayish seagreen. Diameter, 1234 inches. CELADON PLATE Ming Narrow festooned rim, the sides of the cavetto fluted, modeled in relief and incised, the decoration floral; at the centre a broadly incised and finely modeled floral design within a foliated medal- lion. Dense heavy porcelain with a celadon glaze of grayish sea- green of dull lustre. Diameter, 12% inches. CELADON TRIPOD JARDINIERE WITH Woop STAND Ming Circular and ovoidal on short animal-mask feet. Molded and flattened lip slightly contracting. Incised rings encircle the ex- terior near lip and base. Pale seagreen glaze of soft lustre. Diameter, 1134 inches. LARGE CELADON PLATE Ming Ovoidal cavetto and narrow expanding marly and low foot. In- cised foliar and liliform decoration in conventional designs, in the large medallion at the bottom and around the sides of the cavetto. Brilliant celadon glaze of fine seagreen tone, boldly crackled. Diameter, 17% inches. CELADON BEAKER-SHAPED VASE Ming Ovoid with spreading foot, and wide neck molded at the root, with expanding and down-turning lip. Decoration incised and modeled in the paste representing the dragon among conventional clouds pursuing the jewel presented in floral form. On the neck a plantain border deeply incised in herringbone effect. Brilliant grayish-green celadon glaze. Has stand. Height, 18 inches. LuNnc-cH’UAN VASE Sung Lower section in inverted pear shape, the high shoulder support- ing a wide and tall neck with trumpet lip. Stoneweight porcelain coated with a fine and lustrous celadon glaze of pure grayish sea- green with large crackle, over a relief decoration of peony scroll and long leaves. ‘The neck is encircled by broad rings and the base is modeled with a fluted border. (Kiln crack in one side.) Has stand. Height, 17% inches. 120 A Group of Yin Ching or “Shadowy-blue?? Porcelain ( From an Excavated Sung City in the Magistracy of Ju Lu 368. 369. 370. Lye 57 2 373: Shiang in Chihli—Research disclosed the ancient name of the glaze, of which the translation ts literal ) Yinc Cuinc Disu Sung Circular saucer with flat bottom and flaring sides on a low foot. Thin musical porcelain with incised conventional decoration under a “‘shadowy-blue” glaze that is mainly cream white. Diameter, 4 inches. Yin CHING GLOBULAR JAR Sung Ovoidal sides modeled in melon lobes, with short neck and equiva- lent foot. Coated with a “‘shadowy-blue” glaze which the Sung potters invented and in which they seem to have taken much pride. YIN CHING CouPE wiTH Woop STAND Sung Inverted pear shape with contracting lip and large mouth. ‘“Shadowy-blue”’ glaze in which the color is almost entirely want- ing, a trace remaining around the lip in the midst of cream white. (Slight repair at lip.) Diameter, 3% inches. YIN CHING COUPE WITH STAND Sung Ovoidal with thin lip and large mouth; short foot. The sides modeled in petal form, with a ring of minute bosses circling the shoulder. ‘“Shadowy-blue” glaze, which ceases well above the foot, exposing the biscuit of the underbody which is modeled in a conventional lotus design. Diameicranninches YIN CHING JAR Sung Ovoid with bold foot, narrow sloping shoulder, short neck and wide mouth. On the shoulder four bosses. Coated with a thin ‘“shadowy-blue” glaze, nearly a tinted cream glaze with crackle. Height, 5%4 inches. YIN CHING BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE Sung Ovoidal on short foot, with broadly tapering and short straight neck. ‘Two mask-and-ring handles in relief. Encircled by incised and molded rings, and on the taper of the neck with a down- pointing petal molding in relief. Cream glaze with crackle and traces of a greenish-blue tone. Height, 5% inches. 121 374: 375: Shs: Sai: uae YIN CuHInG Jar witn Woop Cover AND STAND Sung Octagonal, with ovoidal contour. Coated with a Yin Ching glaze of cream and pale greenish-blue tones, with crackle, the glaze ceasing well above the foot. Height, 5%4 inches. YIN CHING VASE Sung Short and squat globular-ovoidal body contracting to a deep and expanding bell shaped foot, and above to a full tubular neck with expanding lip. “Two animal-mask and ring handles in relief. Coated with a closely crackled thin glaze of “shadowy-blue,”’ with thin grayish earth incrustations on one side. Height, 8 inches. Pair YIN CHING JARS WITH ORIGINAL COVERS Sung Ovoidal with bold and spreading unglazed foot and steeply slop- ing shoulder. Coniform, witches’ or sugar-loafed-hat shaped coy- ers. Cream glaze minutely crackled, under a soft greenish-blue spray—apparently an accident of the kiln in a “shadowy-blue”’ experiment. Height, 7% inches. YIN CHING JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER Sung Ovoid on short foot, with high narrow shoulder and short neck and wide mouth. Four looped shoulder handles (one missing). Circular cover (chipped). Pale cream glaze of Yin Ching char- acter. Height, 6% inches. Parr YIN CHING VASES Sung Ovoidal or pear shaped, somewhat flattened, and expanding over a spreading foot, with short incurvate neck with trumpet lip. Modeled in relief on the two broad sides, two peach shaped panels. Coated with a cream glaze of Yin Ching character and dull lustre. Height, 734 inches. (Illustrated ) I22 123 Pair YIN CHING Vases (Sung) INOws3 78. 379. Parr Yin Cuinc GALiipors : ae Sung The sides molded in concentric relief rings from the foot to the high flat and narrow shoulder. Coated with a Yin Ching glaze of soft greenish-gray tone resembling a pale gray celadon. Height, 9 inches. 124 Pair YIN CHING VASES Sung Pear shape with deep and spreading foot, full neck expanding to an upright lip, and two open-scroll and ring handles in high re- lief. Lustrous cream glaze suggesting bluish-moonlight shadows. (Small nick in one lip.) Height, 10% inches. 125 Sy eie w Byaed: 385. 386. Parr YIN CHING BowLs Sung Ovoidal flaring from a low foot, with short expanding lip. In- definite lightly incised conventional primitive decoration, under a vague bluish-white glaze which on one bowl shows a longitu- dinal crackle. Diameter, 7% inches. Sung Ting Yao and Sung Pottery Parr Tinc Yao Bow ts Sung Ovoidal and flaring from a delicate foot and modeled in hexafoil form by indentions. Interior incised with gracefully scrolling floral designs. Soft cream glaze with dull lustre, having some yellowish earth incrustations. Diameter, 7% inches. PoTTERY PITCHER Sung Globular with expanding neck, short straight spout and loop han- dle extending from neck to shoulder. Cream glaze of soft lumi- nosity. Height, 4% inches. PoTTERY WINE EWER Sung Globular with short constricted neck and expanding cupped lip, curved spout and recurving loop handle; two small loops on the shoulder. Cream glaze with close crackle and trickling “tears” of bluish note. Height, 5% inches. PoTTERY EWER Sung Ovoid with short foot, the body molded by slight indentions into six melon lobes; expanding neck, curved spout and loop handle which is crudely fluted vertically. Rich cream glaze of soft lustre. Height, 6% inches. Pair Porrery BOTTLE-FORM VASES Sung Low ovoidal body on short foot, with long slender neck and ex- panding lip. Soft grass green glaze, iridescent in silvery tones, with yellowish earth incrustations. (Necks rejoined.) Height, 7% inches. 126 Potteries of the Wet and IP ies Dynasties 387. Pair PoTTery Birp-sHAPED JARS WITH COVERS Wet 388. Molded in the form of standing owls, with the heads detachable as covers, the short feet aided in furnishing stability by the tail. Painted in vermilion, black and gray-white, and partly covered with grayish earth attach- ments. Height, 8 inches. Pottery Ewer T’ang Tall pear shape on deep spreading foot, the short neck expanding into a phoenix head, the circular lip above it slightly spreading; loop handle with scrolls. On each side of the body depressed panels of oval outline, adorned in relief,- the one with a galloping horseman armed with a bow, the other with a _ phoenix standing upon a vase of flowers, and both with fungus or other floral forms. The ground of the panels is glazed ina rich and dark greenish- blue, the relief ornamentation is in yellows, browns and burnt orange. Similar colors elsewhere. (Slight repair.) (Illustrated ) 127 Height, 13% inches. 389. 390. 391. 392. 598: 394- 395: 396. PoTTreRY JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND STAND Wei Inverted pear shape with embryonic neck and rounded lip lightly expanding; poised upon a (detachable) capstan base with broad foot expansion; dome cover with pointed knob fintal. Painted in black and white with a deep and formal border covering the broad shoulder, and in red, black and white with a deep band of detached leaf forms. Height, 17% inches. Parr PoTrery THREE-COLOR VASES Ming Quadrilateral, the bodies with recurving oviform sides, on ped- estal-bases, the shoulders supporting beaker-shaped necks, with dragon-loop handles. Engraved ornamentation of flower and fungus branches. Decayed glazes of yellow, green and aubergine. Height, 8% inches. SET OF Four TERRA-COTTA FIGURES T’ ang Mortuary figures of warriors, found in a royal tomb of the T’ang dynasty. Vestiges of glaze, and yellowish earth attachments. Height, 7% inches. Note: These and the figures in the following fourteen lots were all excavated from a royal tomb of the T’ang, and are effigies of warriors, Court officers and ladies, and other attendants upon royalty. Nowadays it is a fashion to mount them as lamps. Two TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ang ortuar ures oO warriors, rom a an omb. Moruserire f f T’ang tomb Height, 8 inches. Two TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ ang Figures of ladies, taken from a T’ang tomb. Heights, 8 and 8% inches. Two TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ang Figures of ladies, smiling; from a T’ang tomb. 3 Heiaht, 834 inches. Two TERRA-cOTTA STATUETTES T’ang Figures of ladies, similar to the preceding. From a T’ang tomb. Height, 8 inches. Two TErRRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ang Figures of ladies, similar to the preceding. From a T’ang tomb. Height, 8 inches. 128 329. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. Two TEerra-coTra STATUETTES T’ang Figures of Court officers. From a T’ang tomb. Height, 8 inches. Two Terra-coTta STATUETTES T’ang Figures of Court officers, similar to the preceding. From a ‘T’ang tomb. Heights, 8 and 8% inches. Two TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ang Figures of warriors; from a T’ang tomb. Heights, 834 and 9 inches. Two TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ang Figures of warriors, similar to the preceding. From a T’ang tomb. Heights, 834 and 9 inches. Two TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ang Figures of two handsome ladies of the Court, each holding a small jar. Cream and pale green glaze. From a T’ang tomb. Height, 10 inches. Two TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ang Figures of ladies, similar to the preceding, with a slightly dif- ferent headdress. Cream and pale green glaze. From a [’ang tomb. Hegiht, 1034 inches. Two TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ang Figures of attendants, one in a brilliant cream glaze. From a T’ang tomb. Height, 11% inches. Two TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ang Figures of warriors, from a T’ang tomb. Heights, 1334 and 14% inches. THREE TERRA-COTTA STATUETTES T’ ang Figures of a lady and two warriors, from a T’ang tomb. Heights, 8, 9 and 14 inches. -¢ END OF SECOND AND LAST SESSION Fee 129 AULETIEC ING 2) USN) fs) mete NITED STATES AND STATE TAX Memes NCH AND OTHER PURPOSES ete eOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS 0 APPRAISALS. The American Art Association, Inc., will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. CATALOGUES. The Association is prepared to supple- ment this appraisal work by making catalogues of private libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced Sales catalogues of the Association. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Admin- istrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax Commission and others in interest. feeb RICAN ART ASSOCIATION 7 INC, MADISON AVENUE» 56rx to 577TH STREET New York (ity oe wed THe cAMERICAN ART cAssoclati . Designs Its Catalogues and Directs All Details sth Text and Typography — lo 4 - COMPOSITION * PRESSWORK BY THE LENT & GRAFF CO., * F é =~ - ? 1@ we We J a * ey = ~~ ud sae sw < ’ . 7 - “ r se « * Ne * Ly * . ’ “ ' + i: 5 . - *