7, (soyout %z6x gb ‘seaAuvd Jo 9azIC) ; 4 «SAATOM AQ payoe}}y sosio}7,, VSI ‘ON owen CATALOGUE OF Paintings, Statuary, etc. The Collection of the Late JOSEPH HARRISON, Jr. (of 221 S. 18th St., Rittenhouse Square) and belonging to the Estate of Mrs. Sarah Harrison, Deceased To be Sold Without Reserve By Order of Mr. THEODORE L. HARRISON and MR. WILLIAM T. ELLIOTT Executors On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday February 23, 24 and 25, 1940 at three o’clock each afternoon at The Philadelphia Art Galleries S. E. Corner {5th and Chestnut Sts.. 2d Floor Philadelphia Entrance J03 S. 15th St. (Elevator) SAM’L S. ELLIS HARRY BARE Auctioneer Manager g M. THOMAS & SONS On Exhibition Thursday, February 17, until days of Sale Terms and Conditions of Sale All bills payable in CASH before delivery. In case of disputes between bid- ders the lot in dispute shall immedi- ately be put up again and resold. The sale of any Article will not be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. To prevent errors in delivery, goods cannot be removed without presentation of the bill, and nothing will be delivered during the sale. We will not be responsible for goods damaged in delivering. Goods’ carefully packed and shipped. Ladies and gentlemen unable to attend the sale can have their buy- ing orders executed by us without extra charge. PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERIES SAM’L S. ELLIS Auctioneer Index of Artists Represented Ames, 162 Bierstadt, 57 Bingham, 85, 86 Blauvet, 161 Boddington, 146 Bonfield, G. R., 129 Borgognone, 58 Braekeleer, 142 Brown, J. G., 56 Carlin, 87, 131 Cawse, 118 Chuilly, 54, 212 Comegys, 69, 108 Cooper, Sidney, 122 Cunliff, 116; 172 Davis, 171-175 DeBeul, 74 DeHaas, M. F. H., 24 Delattre; 28, 50; 130, 133, 217 DeVos, 163 Doughty, 61 Dorner, 127 Duvaux, 123 Duverger, 31 Dupray, 152 Eddis, 215 Poieyert 74, 177 Everson, 140 Farmer, 199 Fauvelet, 136 Furness, 78 Gifford, 38 Gignoux, 34 Gryef, 164, 216 Harrison, 184, 187 Flatt..332 Halden, 47 Helmbold, 79 Herbsthoffer, 151 Hetzel, 3, Io! Hiddemann, 21 Hildebrandt, 111 Hintz, 102 Julliard, 25 Kauffman, 176 Kneller (attributed to), 181 Knell, 169 Koekkoek, 71 Kreighoff, 10, 11 Kuwasseg, fils, 2 Kuwasseg, pere, 158 Lambinet, 109 Lambdin, 185 Lang, 44, 156,.206, 207, 208, 209 Lea, I41 Levy, 148 Lewis, 84, 104, 159, 201 Lindlar, 49 Loubon, 114 Magoon, 73 Malherbe, 8 Marchant, 228 Marshall, 180 Mason, 66, 186 May, 33 Merius, 83 Mohrmans, 53 Monginot, 135 Montelant, 13 Moran, Edward, 35, 121 Moran, Thos., 12 Moritz, 144 Muller, 153 Nasmyth, 55 Nehlig, 106 Nicoli, 182 Noel;:-75, 170 ~ Nordenburg, 42 Ooms, 145 Otter, 70 Peale, Chas. Wilson, 50 Springer, 137 Peale, Rembrandt, 120, 128, 134,Stephoroff, 178 157, 220 Sully; ThoOs., -10,20)) 20,525) 04, Poole, 76 77, 107;/ 112,107 lee Pumige, 48 Tait, 117, 138, £30) 21gmet0 Ramsey, -1,.16,. 30.637, Tenier (after), 14 Ranney, 103 Van der Waarden, 15 Read, 27, 204, 205 Van Marcke, By taz Reyntjens, 29, 30, 113 Verboeckhoven, 22 Richards, PY desoi62 Von Thoren;s14a6 RichardsaW. eet Vranken, I10 Ropes, 23 Warren, 6, 7 Roszczewski, 67 Waugh) Hayes Rothermel, 4; 32, 51, 108, 202 - Waugh S.5.eea Schermer, 40 Weber, Otto, 155 Schmolze, 5 Weber, Paul, A5mbiseer Schreyer, A., 154 Wehnert, 43 Schussele, 150 Weissenberg, 188, 189 Shayer, 143 West, 168 Smith, Mary, 65, 82 Wilkie, 47 Smith, Russel, 60, 160 Williams, 18 Smith, T. Henry, 68 Wilson, 105 Smith, Xanthus, 9, 17, 119, 126, Woodside, A., 173 SI1, 2r2 Woodside, John, 88 Yung, 63 CATALOGUE First Session Sale Wednesday Afternoon, February 23, at 3 o’clock RAMSEY (Milne) Paris o — 1 Still Life KUWASSEG FILS (Charles) Born at Draveil (Seine-et-Oise). Pupil of his father and M. Durand Brager. ef 2 View in Holland PETZEL (George) Deceased 4G — 3 Dead Game Petre L, (PP. F.) Philadelphia Ir 4 Sharpshooters at Round Top—Battle of Gettys- burg SemmOLZE (C. HH.) Deceased yy, 5 The Hunter of the Alps ow 8 WARREN (H.) Deceased 2°) C6) «Upper Ferry Bridge, Schuylkill ere. 7 Permanent Bridge on the River Schuylkill MALHERBE Deceased 8 Sheep Grazing SMITH (Xanthus) Philadelphia Nar g U.S. Machine Shop at Port Royal During the Rebellion KREIGHOFF (C.) Canada 10 Russian Wolf Hunt Iz Traveling in Russia MORAN (Thomas) New York 12 Autumn Landscape MONT BEANS Oo Deceased 13 Ruins of a Carthaginian Aqueduct near the City of Tunis TENIERS (After) 14 A Game of Dice ai # no ll No. 42 “The Twins” (Size of canvas, 30% x 43 inches) Ue By B. Nordenberg (sayoul 9€ x Y%Sz2 ‘seaued jo 9ZIG) uoostyy Ag _ ,s}uesesg ueI[e}y],, tL. JON Il VAN DER WAARDEN /(J.) Deceased 9) 4% 15 Still Life and Flowers RAMSEY (Milne) Paris @>J~ © 16 The Monk SMITH (Xanthus) Philadelphia 3 See 17 United States Post Office, Port Royal, During the Rebellion WILLIAMS, (Isaac L.) Deceased /2~ 18 View in Vermont SUE Yet hos.) Deceased jy -. 19 Portrait of Charles Kemble in Fazio fe (Repliqua of the original painted in 1833.) Si eae b0S..) Deceased Jip 20 Portrait of Frances Ann Kemble (as Bianca in as the Italian Wife) (Repliqua of the original painted in 1833.) HIDDEMANN Deceased Ji~ 21 The Dying Stag = 12 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene Joseph) Deceased Born at Warneton, Belgium, 1799. Died 1880. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Chevalier of the Order of Michael of Bavaria. Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross. Member of the Academies, Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg. Medals, 1824, and First Class, 1841. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. 22 Head of a Sheep ROPES (Joseph) 23. Shrine at Subiasco, Italy DE HAAS (M. F. H.) New York erry, we WY 24 Marine, Sunset at Sea JULLIARD {Cen} Deceased 25 First Snow Sey (ios) Deceased 26 Isabella—‘‘Measure for Measure” 13 READ (T. Buchanan) Deceased fi— an “Excelsior” “Oh, stay,” the maiden said, “and rest Thy weary head upon this breast!” “A tear stood in his bright blue eye, But still he answered with a sigh— “Excelsior!” DELATTRE (H.) J{~ 28 Dog’s Head REYNTJENS (H. E.) Holland Ahi = 29 Musical Party REY |ENS (H.-E.) Holland 30 Reading the Letter DUVERGER (Theophile Emanuel) Deceased Born at Bordeaux, France, September 17, 1821. Medals, 1861, 1863 and 1865. Medal, 1889, Exposition Universaille. Hors Concours. Societaire. AJ) 31 The Pet Bird 14 ROTHERMEL (P. F.) ~ 32 Bacchus a Little Overcome MAY (Edward H.) 33 The Toilet GIGNOUX (R.) 34 Winter Landscape MORAN (Edward) 35 New Castle on the Delaware RAMSEY (Milne) 36 «Still Life 37. Companion Painting GIFFORD (S. R.) Philadelphia Boston New York Deceased Paris New icek 38 Landscape—Mansfield Mountain, Vermont WAUGH (S. B.) Philadelphia 39 Lost Jewels Discovered in an Old Curiosity Shop INO&.1A 3" 3 “Harvest Scene in England” ; By Wm. Shayer , (Size of canvas, 31 x 46% inches) ET gen pom > 4 —_— = (sayour €V x EE ‘seaued jo azIS) QUIIg [BAIUIED,, PI ‘ON 17 Ber RMER (C.) Meee aris bo _ 40 The Horse Market RICHARDS (Wm. T.) Deceased 20> 41 View on the Arno, Italy a NORDENBERG (Bengt) Born at Kompinkulla, Beckings, April 22, 1822. Genre painter Pupil of Stockholm Academy; 1851 of Dusseldorf Academy under Th. Hildebrandt. Visited Delecarlia in 1853; Paris in 1857-8; Italy, 18s0. Settled in Dusseldorf in 1860. Ab 42 “The Twins” (Two kids and their dead dam are brought into a peasant’s hut.) VEEN PE. 1.) Deceased 2/5 —43 The First Ragged School (A New Pupil for John Pounds) John Pounds, the cobbler, and the founder of Ragged Schools, was born in Portsmouth in 1766. The adopting of a little nephew seems to have been the beginning of the noble career for which he has been celebrated; for, thinking the boy would learn better with a companion, he took the son of a very poor woman to join him in his studies, and, becoming fascinated by the occupation of teaching, he gradually increased the number of his pupils. The little workshop in St. Mary’s Street, Portsmouth, measuring only 18 feet by 6, where John Pounds made and mended boots and shoes, and which had hitherto been 18 filled only with singing birds and small animals, now became crowded with children of the lowest and poorest classes, sometimes amounting to nearly forty boys and girls. | inds used often to go down to the quays, and, by b.. + of roasted potatoes and such like, induced the ragged little children to come to his school. Besides reading and writing, etc., he taught them to cook their victuals, and to mend their clothes and shoes. He was often their playfellow, their doctor, or their nurse. As he would never take payment of any kind for his trouble, he selected his pupils from the most wretched, and some- times when he had learned that parents in a position to pay a schoolmaster had fraudulently gained admittance to his school for their children, he dismissed them to make room for others more needy. John Pounds died on New Year’s Day, 18309. LANG (Louis) Paris Born in Wurtemburg, 1814. Died in New York, 1897. Son of a celebrated historical painter. In 1834 went to Paris where he studied for some time, and afterwards in Stuttgart. Came to Amiericasin 1635 and lived in Philadelphia for several years. Subsequently he studied in Venice, Rome, Florence and Paris. In 1852 he was made a member of the National Academy of New York and of the Artists’ Fund Society. Exhibitor at the Centennial Exposition. His “Mary Stuart Distributing Gifts” and Maid of Saragossa are in the gallery of Robert L. Stuart. See Artists of the Nineteenth Century, Vol. II, page 28. 44 The Little Vagrants WEBER (Paul) Darmstadt Born in Darmstadt in 1823. Pupil of Lucas, and in Frankfort of the Stadel Institute, and in Antwerp under Deichman. Resided for a time in Philadelphia. Ss— 45 “Chiem Zee or Moon Lake, Tyrol” 19 UNKNOWN ry mg sa 46 Cupids and Nymph HALDEN (B. K.) and WILKIE (John) 47 The Lovers PUMIGE (Ernest) 2 J 48 Hagar and Ishmael LINDLAR (Wilhelm) Born at Bergesch, Gladbach, Rhenish Prussia, in 1816. Landscape painter. - Pupil of Ditsseldorf Academy under Schirmer. r ‘Member of Amsterdam Academy. { { >) > os 49 Chapel in the Waldenses PEALE (Charles Wilson) /2»— 50 Portrait of Wm. H. Hamilton ROTHERMEL (P. F.) Philadelphia a. 51 Figure Piece pee r.y (J hos.) Deceased 2Jt~ 52 Lady With Fan 20 MOHRMANS (Franz) Antwerp ee 53 The Philosopher CHUILEY fy.) , Paris yo oe 54 Landscape : NASMYTH (Jas.) (Engineer, Penshurst, England) 55 Bass Rock in the Firth of Forth, Scotland BROWN (J. G.) New York ors 56 A Winter Morning Walk BIERSTADT (A.) Deceased / #£a. 57. Scene in the Rocky Mountains BORGOGNONE (Ambrogio) Born in Milan about 1440-50. Flourished from 1485 to 1523. Died in Milan about 1523. Lombardo-Milanese School. Real name, Ambrogio Stefani da Fossano. Pupil of Vincenzo, Foppa and Bernandino Zenale. His second style of painting shows the influence of Leonaridi da Vinci. 58 Battle Piece, Cavalry Engagement Purchased by Mr. Harrison at sale of C. Graefft’s collection, October 17, 1856. By Karl Ooms 99 1a “Arcad f canvas, 31 x 43% inches) ize oO (S = ~ Po a On tee gg — (sayour Y%QSxgEe ‘seaued jo 9ZIG) uojysuIppog ‘( ‘HY Ag ,Ssomeyy, 394} uo Sululoy, sIewuins,, QVI ‘ON 23 DELATTRE (H.) i i 59 Dead Game SMITH (J. Russel) Philadelphia E . _.._ 60 View Near Rome—(Civita Castellana) (Showing the prison in which 700 of the Roman prisoners of the insurrection of 1848-1849 were confined and starving when the sketch was made.) ae OMG PY¥sCrhos.) ; London \ ) hyo. 109 Flowers of May VRANKEN AS6— 9° View of the City of Baku on the Caspian Sea HILDEBRANDT (Theodor) Berlin Born in Stettin, July 2, 1804. Died in Dusseldorf, September 29, 1874. History, Genre and portrait painter. Pupil from 1820 of the Berlin Academy and from 1823 under Schadow, whom in 1826 he accompanied to Ditssel- dorf, where he soon became celebrated and was made in 1832 assistant and in 1836 professor at the Academy. Sie 11x ‘Murder of the Princes in the Tower of Lon- ‘ don, by Order of Richard III” 32 SULLY (Thomasy Deceased 112 Portrait of Philip II of Spain (After Vandyke.) REYNTJENS (H. C.) Holland ee 113. Card Party LOUBON 114 Arabs Crossing the Desert WEBER (Paul) Darmstadt 115 An American Sunset Cl NIGER at 2) , Deceased 116 Still Life TAIT (ARTS) New York 117. Partridge and Young CAWSE (J.) England 118 Falstaff and His Ragged Regiment 33 SMITH (Xanthus) Philadelphia > _ 119 “Confederate Iron Clad “Tennessee’ attacking yap the U. S. Ships ‘Richmond’ and ‘Lacka- wanna, Mobile Bay, Alabama, on August 4, 1864” PEALE (Rembrandt) Pocmanebucks County, Pa., February 22, 1787. Died in Philadelphia, October 3, 1860. Portrait painter. Pupil of Benjamin West. Son of Charles Wilson Peale, for whose museum in Philadelphia he spent some time in Paris painting portraits of European celebrities. His most noted picture is a portrait of Washington, pur- chased by the United States Senate in 1832 for $2000. Exhibited four pictures at the Royal Academy, London, -in 1883. Jj. Go -~ 120 Portrait of Mrs. Oliver MORAN (Edward) Deceased + 121 Engagement Between the “Merrimac” and “Cumberland” COOPER (Sidney) yD 122 Sheep and Fowls DUVAUX (Jules Antoine) Born in Bordeaux in 1818. Died in Paris in July, 1884. Military, Genre and battle painter. Pupil of Charlet. Medal, second class, 1848. 123 Interior—Grandmother’s Asleep 34 UNKNOWN /Do-~ 124 Russian Religious Picture (5 es \ j /Do- 125 Russian Religious Picture ~ a SMITH (Xanthus) Philadelphia 9 126 View in Chester County is DORNER (Johann Jakob, theeidenm Pupil of) Charlier, Born at Ehrenstetten, Breisgan, in 1741. Died in Munich, May 22, 1813. German School. History and Genre painter. Pupil in Freiburg of Rosch and from 1759 in Aires burg of Ignaz Bauer. Visited North Italy and went to Munich, where in 1762 he became Court Painter, and after a visit to the Netherlands and Paris in 1766-8, Inspector, and in 1777 Director of the Gallery. fo 127 Landscape | (Dorner’s paintings equal the works of John Ruysdael and are frequently taken for his productions.) PEALE (Rembrandt) Deceased 128 Portrait of the Wife of the Artist Snyder (After an original by Rubens.) No. 149 “Out of the Way” By Otto Von Thoren (Size of canvas, 32% x40 inches) (seyour zgx bb ‘seaued jo azic) «JOYIOM UOIT IL, ay BONFIELD (George R.) Deceased 2 Pons 129 Peak of Teneriffe DELATTRE (H.) f7- > 130° Dog CARLIN (John) “teem 131 Girl at the Well 9 HART (Wm. M.) New York 2) 132 View of Loch Katrine DELATTRE (H.) pry SP OOLL Dogs /rXz 133 Dog PEALE (Rembrandt) Deceased ><> — 134. Portrait of Thos. Sully MONGINOT (Charles) Born in Brienne (Aube), September 24, 1825. Fruit, flower and animal painter. Pupil of Couture. Medals, 1864, 1869. Works: “Still Life,’ 1853, Luxembourg Museum; “Still Life,” Chartres Museum; “Landlord’s Impost,” 1863, Troyes Museum. 135 Nature Mort 38 FAU VELET /) 136 Violincello Player SPRINGER (C.) />) 137 Street in Antwerp TATE New York 138 Chickens » «139 Chickens EVERSON (33) aoe Antwerp ae 140 Street Scene in Amsterdam LEA. .(Anna M-) IV.G 141 Catharine BRAEKELEER (Ferdinandus de) Born in Antwerp, February I9, 1792. Died in Antwerp, May 16, 1883. History and Genre painter. Pupil of the Antwerp Academy and of M. I. Van oe Obtained the great prize in 1819. Studied three years in Rome. He has educated many pupils who have attained fame. Order of Leopold. Member of Antwerp Academy. Director of Antwerp Museum. Me 142 “John Dryden Reading One of His Poems Before the Court” 39 SHAYER (Wm.) Deceased Resided in London, England. This artist’s works forty years ago were amongst the most important paintings brought to America, and are now esteemed and much sought for in England. SLO 143 Harvest Scene in England MORITZ (Louis) : Born at the Hague, October 20, 1773. | Died in Amsterdam, November 22, 1850. | History and portrait painter. i Pupil of Dirk Van der Aa. | Member of Hague, Brussels and Ghent Academies. - 144 Carnival Scene Passing the town hall at Arras in France in the early part of the 19th century (a striking picture or coloring very much in the tone of Hogarth.) OOMS (Karl) Antwerp FU 145 Arcadia BODDINGTON {H. J.) * England //¢\ — 146 Summer Morning on the Thames VAN MARCKE (Emile) Deceased Born at Serves (Seine-et-Oise). Pupil and son-in-law of Troyon. Medals, 1867, 1869 and 1870. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1872. Medal of the First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours. 147 “Cattle and Sheep at the Pool’ 40 LEVY (Emile) Born in Paris, August 29, 1826. Genre and portrait painter. Pupil of Abel de Pujol, Picot and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Won the Grand Prix de Rome, 1854. Since 1877 he has chiefly devoted himself to portrait painting. Medal, Third Class, 1859, 1864, 1866, 1867; First Class, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1867. 148 “Spring Flowers” VON THOREN (Otto) Born in Vienna, 1828. Animal and landscape painter. Studied in Brussels and Paris, taking up painting in 1857 after serving in the Austrian Army in the campaigns of 1848-9. Returned to Vienna in 1865 and afterward set- tled in Paris. One of the best living animal painters. Member of Vienna and St. Petersburg Academies. Medals, Paris, 1865; Munich, 1869; Vienna, 1882. Order of Francis Joseph. Russian Order of Vladimir. ] f _ 149 Out of the Way io SCHUSSELE (Christian) Born in Alsace about 1824. Died at Merchantville, N. J., August 21, 1879. | History painter. Pupil of Yvon in Paris. Settled in the United States in 1847. For eleven years director of the schools connected with the Pennsylvania Academy. S Lr; 150 “The Iron Worker” 4! _ “When King Solomon had finished the Temple, he set apart a day for its consecration. All the great dignitaries of the Kingdom were invited to the ceremony, together with the architect, the surveyor, the chief mason, the chief carpenter, and others who had been engaged in planning and directing the work. The vast edifice rested with closed doors, awaiting the arrival of the King. He came at length; the doors were opened, and to the sound of tabret, harp, psaltery and trumpet, the solemn and imposing procession entered the house then to be dedi- cated to the worship of the living God. As the King moved toward the seat prepared for him, to the amaze- ment of all, a stalwart smith was seen sitting on the right- hand seat nearest the throne, hammer in hand, bare armed, and head erect, with reeking sweat on his brow, showing him fresh from the forge, he sat, nothing daunted at the near approach of his Majesty. A movement was made to remove the bold intruder. ‘Hold!’ cried the King. and thus he spake to the smith: ‘Friend, why art thou here filling a place intended for the betters?’ ‘Mighty King,’ replied the smith, ‘I own no’:superior here except your Royal Majesty; I fill this place as by right it is mine, as I will presently show. Your Majesty hath invited here this day the chief architect, the surveyor, the chief mason, the chief carpenter, and many others, but hath over- looked the so-thought humble smith, to whom all these who have been honored with a place at this ceremony are indebted. Without the instruments that I had prepared for them could the architect make his plans, the surveyor his lines, the mason carve his stone, or the carpenter fashion his wood? The very first stroke in the construc- tion of this great edifice was made by the smith, and from beginning to end he has been by the side of all who have wrought in this work, making by his art the instruments with which this Temple could not have been reared.’ Solomon mused for a moment, and then said: ‘Friend, thou speakest too truly! Much is, indeed, due to thee; thou shouldst not have been neglected; stay where. thou art, and let those who would have spurned thee from thy place feel with me the rebuke thou hast bestowed upon us.” 42 HERBSTHOFFER (Karl) Born at Pressburg, Hungary, April 17, 1821. Died in Paris, 1876. Genre painter; pupil of Vienna Academy under Amer- ling; went to Paris and became naturalized, and adopted Isabey’s style. 151 The Trial by Weight (Paris Exhibition, 1867, No. 742.) “A judicial test instituted in Holland by Charles V with the view to deprive the inquisition of some of its victims. It consisted of weighing persons accused of witchcraft on a large town scale, in order to see if they possessed the requisite weight of a good and true Christian.” DUPRAY (Henri Louis) Born at Sedan (Ardennes), November 3, 1841. History painter. Pupil of Pils and Léon Cogniet. Ranks with Detaille and de Neuville as a leader of the new school of military painters. Medals, Second Class, 1872; Third Class, 1874. Legion of Honor, 1878. 152 French Cavalry MULLER (Gustav Adolf) Born at Hildburghhausen, August 9, 1828 Portrait and Genre painter. Twin brother of the sculptor, Johannes Eduard Muller. Pupil of Munich and Antwerp Academies; at the latter under Wappers. In 1850 studied in Paris under Gleyre. Then painted in Coburg, Gotha and Vienna. Called in 1857 to Portugal, where he became court painter. After painting in London in 1857-9, he settled with his brother in Rome, and is a member of and professor at the Academia di S Luca. 153 Jupiter and Antiope ; Uy Gj tj? “French Cavalry” By Henri (Size of canvas, 48x64 inches) Louis Dupray “Jupiter and Antiope” No. 153 By Gustav Adolph Muller (Size of canvas, 48x64 inches) 45 SCHREYER (Ad.) Deceased Pupil Stadel Institute, Frankfort. Medals, 1864, 1865 and 1867. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenberg. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Medal at Vienna. Medal at Munich. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. ccs »~ 154 “Horses Attacked by Wolves” a: WEBER (Otto) Born in Berlin. Killed in the war, 1870. Genre, landscape and animal painter. Pupil in Berlin of Steffeck; pupil in Paris of Couture. Settled in Milan. Medals, Paris, 1864, 1869; Medal, Utrecht, 1866. /Oty — 155 “The Last Load” LANG (Louis) (N. A.) Deceased Born in Wurtenburg, 1814. Died in New York, 1897. Son of a celebrated historical painter. In 1834 went to Paris where he studied for some time, and, afterwards in Stuttgart. Came to America in 1838 and lived in Philadelphia for several years. Subsequently he studied in Venice, Rome, Florence and Paris. In 1852 he was made a member of the National Academy of New York and of the Artists’ Fund Society. Exhibitor at the Centennial Exposition. His “Mary Stuart Distributing Gifts” and Maid of Saragossa are in the gallery of Robert L. Stuart. See Artists of the Nineteenth Century, Vol. II, page 28. > 156 Queen Elizabeth and Margaret Lanbrun ~/ (After the death of Mary Stuart, Margaret Lanbrun (whose husband was a follower of the Queen of Scots, had also been executed) attempted the life of Queen Eliza- beth in the garden of Hampton Court.) 46 PEALE (Rembrandt) Deceased 157. Portrait of Martha Washington KUWASSEG (Karl) Born in Trieste, March 16, 1802. Died in Paris, January, 1877. Landscape painter. Pupil of Gratz Academy under Stark; painted in water colors in Vienna, and after traveling with Count Schomburg in Southern Europe and in America went to Paris, where he became a naturalized Frenchman. About 1835 Louis Philippe and Baron Rothschild bought some of his pictures and opened the road to success. Medals, Third Class, 1841, 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1863. 158 Cliffs Near Dover LEWIS (E. D.) Philadelphia 159 Landscape—Mt. Washington SMITH (Russell) | Deceased / GY 160 Landscape BLAUV EI (Charlesek>) Born in New York in 1824. Genre painter. Pupil of National Academy and Charles L. Elliott. Professional life passed in New York and Philadelphia. Elected H. A. in 1859. Member of Pennsylvania Academy in 1864. Made assistant professor of drawing at the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, in 1878. 161 “War News, Reading the ‘Extra’ ” 47 AMES (Jos.) Boston Zo 162 Portrait of Marietta Gazzaniga Pie Os. Ci.) : Antwerp G y 163 A Race for Life 7 | GRYEF (A.) fewi64 Rabbit and Fowl UNKNOWN 3 9: 165 Illuminated Leather Painting—“Egyptian Girl” UNKNOWN Cd 166 Summer Traveling in Russia Ky SOCK SULLY (Thos.) Deceased /£4. . 167 Portrait of Frances Ann Kemble WEST (Benj.) (Attributed to) yy .) 168 Portrait of Gevartius (After the original by Vandyke in the National Gal- lery, London. 48 KNEDES GWG) 3/7 169 Portsmouth Harbor from Spithead NOEL (Jules) > g 170 View on the Coast of France DAVIS (Wm.) Liverpool y pe T7t Landscape and Cattle CUNLIFF (D.) > ) 172 Dead Game WOODSIDE (Abraham) % dy 173. Bacchante EE YAW) BGR ase) - London | / 4 174 Head of an Old Man DAVIS (Wm.) Liverpool f- 175 Wide Awake 49 KAUFFMAN (Angelica) L2 176 Portrait of Angelica Kauffman eee TrY. (Wm) (R.A) SN? 177 Mary Anointing the Feet of Christ eer, - STEPHOROFF (A.) (Water Color) (2) pwr > 178 Iconoclast UNKNOWN € (oo 179 Still Life, Flowers, etc. MARSHALL (W. E.) / ~, 180 General U. S. Grant Ww (f KNELLER (Sir Godfrey) (Attributed to) 7) 181 Portrait of the Duchess of Sutherland NICOLIO (J. H.) fg 182 Portrait SO SULLY (Thos.) | Deceased ee x 183 Portrait of Abraham Lincoln (From a photograph.) HARRISON SG eri) 184 The Hermit LAMBDIN (Geo. C.) ! Deceased > 185 In the Happy Morning of Life and May | MASON (W. Sanford) ; Deceased 7 186 The Birds’ Nest HARRISON (WW fter Ro Al ne Sees 7371 Portrait of a We WEISSENBERG (K.) Munich /2=— 188 Winter in Holland—Skating 189 Landscape—Evening * # Ned HERTS (A) 190 Cattle in the Stream sipzniedi Cs. We _ 191 Evening Landscape 51 UNKNOWN 192 Marine aga TENIER (After) Jy? 193 Interior Scene i — | fr %? 194 Interior Scene : i | UNKNOWN ort «195 Weighing the Fruit MURILLO (After) - 196 The Gamesters Pp 197. The Lunch ROWHERMEL (P. F.) \ “4 n Z 198 The Bride of Lammermoor ee ‘ FARMER (Emily) 14, 199 Gathering Wild Flowers (Water-color.) Signed H. J. 1850 % 200 Wild Flowers (Water-color.) UNKNOWN - MC ~ co ge - 200a Portrait 200b Portrait 20oc Portrait 200d Portrait 200e Portrait BOO Portrait 200g Portrait 200h Portrait 2001 Portrait 200} Portrait 200k Portrait 2001 Portrait 200m Portrait 200on Portrait 2000 Japanese Brocade Picture 52 of a Cardinal of “Frederick theac@neane of a Lady of a Lady of Madonna and Child Third Session Sale Friday Afternoon, February 25, at 3 o’clock EEWis (CE. D.) Philadelphia lo jy 201 Landscape —Fairmount Park Rea ERM EL (P. F.) Philadelphia Pe OV 202 Cupid Reposing Sey Ch hos.) Deceased br / 203 Child With Book READ (T. Buchanan) Deceased 46 J 204 Portrait of Longfellow. ‘ j ‘4 f) a rf. ys KW a) t g é it K Oe { ‘ 8 x XL ) ‘ hae) Buchanan ) Deceased x “24 205 Portrait of Oliver Wendell Holmes LANG (Louis) : Paris -y 206 Spring 2. 207 Summer 208 Autumn /J~ 209 Winter 54 KRUGER (After) 20 - 210 Portrait of Nicholas I SMITH (Xanthus) pe ae /2 a 211 Attack of the “Merrimac” on the U. s. Ships" “Congress” and CHD ” the latter sinking | CHUILLY (V.) ar 212 Landscape 4 SMITH (Xanthus) ‘ee 213 A Blockade Runner Beached WEBER (Paul) | Darmstadt 9 fo 214 Grotto of Possillipo and Tomb of Virgil, near Naples EDDIS LV? 215 The Nut Brown Maid GRYEESAS y>S0 216 Fox and Chickens No. 155 “The Last:Load” By Otto Weber (Size of canvas, 46x79 inches) rod suey stino7T Ag (saysut 29x bb ‘seaued Jo 9aZzIG) Unique] jolesieyy pue yyeqeziyA usend,, ee ES OSI ‘ON 57 DELATTRE (H.) | y@ 217 Dead Game | doses 7 BAIT (A. -F9 New York we) ¢ 918 Game firs /2/° 219 Companion i PEALE (Rembrandt) Decersed i 2g yw. 220 Baron A. Humboldt | ; (Painted in Paris, 1812.) RUBENS (After) 34 = 221 Rape of Europa signed it. C. a 222 A Circassian Soldier UNKNOWN | /( 223 Sleeping Nymph UNKNOWN 9 NY 224 A Russian Courier we ae 58 INMAN (After) TA a 226 Portrait of Bishop White UNKNOWN LD 227 John Sobieski, King of Poland (After Rembrandt in the Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg.) MARCHANT (E. D.) saree 228 Portrait of Emperor Nicholas (From a miniature.) PEALE (Rembrandt) (Attributed to) Yo J 229 Peale Brothers UNKNOWN ‘Sg 230 Portrait of J. Bonaparte UNKNOWN /) f% 231 Christ Rejected » a Copy. Original in Uffizzi Gallery, Florence UNKNOWN (2 232 Portrait of Henry Clay “J 59 UNKNOWN ((~ 233 Grand Duke Constantine UNKNOWN VV y 234 Writing a Letter (Copy from old master.) UNKNOWN Nae Yo 235 Portrait of Geo. W. Whistler (Consulting Engineer of the St. Petersburg and Mos- cow Railway. Died in St. Petersburg, 1849.) UNKNOWN ~° 2936 Cupid PAINTINGS ON PORCELAIN //— 237 Guarding the Fugitives />~2© 238 Companion to Above Bee 230) Madonna and Child ey 240 Madonna of the Chair “~ 241 Madonna (After Raphael) } _ _ 242 Madonna (After Murillo) ¢ 242a Cattle and Landscape = 242b Nuremberg 242c Neapolitan Boy 242d Neapolitan Girl va Lo MARBLE STATUARY, ETC. 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 255 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 60 ART OBJECTS Bas Relief by Justin Bas Relief by Justin Bronee Placque—Framed Two Plaster Bas Reliefs Marble Bust—Framed Carrara Marble Group—“Child and Swan” Marble Pedestal | Carrara Marble Figure—“Innocence” Ebony Pedestal Carrara Marble Swan—‘The Swan of the Vatican” Carrara Marble Reclining Figure Carrara Marble Bust—‘‘Napoleon I” (By R. Trentamove-fece, Rome, 1829) Stone Pedestal Carrara Marble Group—‘Sleeping Child and Dog” Carrara Marble Bust—“Apollo” Italian Marble Pedestal 9 t of Martha Washington i “Portra By Rembrandt Peale f canvas, 24 x 30 inches) (Size o No: 157 63 | > 259 Carrara Marble Bust—“Young Augustus” )~ 260 Pedestal (Damaged) Yt 261 Carrara Marble Figure—“Sleeping Bacchus” + 262 Scagliola Marble Pedestal ™,, 263 Carrara Marble Figure—“Sleeping Cupid” -~ - 264 Bust of Washington (After Houdon) 265 Marble Pedestal 266 Bust of Ophelia 267 Porcelain Pedestal 268 Bust of Daphne iss 268a Porcelain Pedestal -) 268b Marble Medallion “Head of a Girl” 268c Plaster Placque “Charlotte Corday” — ENGRAVINGS re 269 Christ Rejected 270 Hannibal C 271 George Washington—After the Battle Trenton ira 272 Benjamin West 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 SSA 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 64 Lucerne Zurich Catharine of Russia Lincoln (Artist Proof by W. E. Marshall) Washington (After Stuare) The Departure (Vernet H ) Catharine of Russia Wm. Penn Sir Thomas Lawrence (Sartain) The Iron Worker (Colored Engraving) “Parting” Ruth and Boaz Peter the Great Washington Crossing the Delaware © Alexander of Russia Rev. William Suddard Mercy’s Dream Patrick Henry Delivering His Celebrated Speech Heart of the Andes Roman Scene =—_ “sf 293 Washington Crossing the Delaware (Colored 65 Engraving) Christ Rejected (Colored Engraving) | Nicholas I (Colored Engraving) Empress of Russia (Colored Engraving) The Last Supper (Colored Engraving) “Ecce Homo” Water Water Water Water Water Water Water - Water Water Water Color—Mouth of the Thames Colbr—Enelish Channel Color—On Guard Color—Taking in the Nets Color—Coast Scene, Evening Color—Gale at Sea Color—Moonlight Color—Moonlight in the Harbor Color—After the Gale Color—Outward Bound Lithograph—Imperial Russian Guard Lithograph—Imperial Russian Guard Colored Print—Penn’s Treaty With the Indians B12 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 327 n22 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 Gon 66 ee Print—(After J. F. Herring) —“Farm Scene” 3 Photograph—“Every Inch a King” | Photograph—P. T. Klohoff Photograph—Count Kleinmichel Chromo—Coast Scene Lithograph—Design for Public Buildings, Phila. Sepia Drawing—Fishermen on the Coast Sepia Drawing—Shore Scene Photograph—Marie Antoinette Photograph—Entombment of Christ 5 Photosranh’ “Cece etc: Photograph—Garfield Colored Photograph—The Kiss Colored Photograph—Russian Scene Colored Photograph—Russian Scene Colored Photograph—lItalian Girls Colored Photograph—Italian Peasants Colored Photograph—Italian Girls Colored Lithograph—Story of the Hunt Colored Lithograph—In the Cabaret OR Ls e, rs eT aa’ ? *. bard ar et as mee a 3 Te neat + Perm 7 ie ONS a ee ee a gan ) oe GC Ce Em Noam Ge a oe pee x ; i 2 Oe eit re ws Ly “3.3125 01662 8808, warble tesa ly Ra HF SUR Moped twee WN SE wp boas erent big. nd oe wie EWI Re EA ei hey ee 1S sine cat eterna er Peery PH Oe Cae aaa SIA Pak Sev ediat APSO She sey hl ey Y Sty bate ot hee a ee ey eed GALS aD (NHS Lew : % AN) idee ee * ys Heung 5 % i a « r z WORN Sansa BRA Kee . “ : baton taity Re Tonka Quo ed A ES Nee Wht Se ay ihe ecke Y Lod 4 Lil tits is ihdes A il 7 Wa Gatis ORVEAE s use Beeb fie ry eared FU RNRSa eA yee . * oe TUS Ter Rea Deh teh mY haa 1 hea Satinnt eae ARS FL ARS RRA Cl eis BR 8 4 hy ty SANE Pe eS) PU ema daa toy ay Wis oAR ‘I ve Ww he” § Pea ean shee of oe iarAl a ‘ As! 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