4 pipe. fae tthe " i i) “4h eels EG aad Aneki te Hate Sh ‘ re fs > AnM SALE NUMBER 2055 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, APRIL FOURTH NINTH IMPORTANT SALE OF FINE EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE GATHERED BY JACOB MARGOLIS CABINET MAKER OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER FRIDAY & SATURDAY AFTERNOONS APRIL NINTH, TENTH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 Balin’ Ae be Pan Ab ed ie " a! f & 1 ~ 4 ie : ‘ f f ro, “’ 7 peek, cf es rg 6a 7 oF Petre VERY IMPORTANT CARVED MAHOGANY BLOCK-FRONT DESK WITH CABINET TOP RHODE ISLAND, ABOUT 1750 [NUMBER 229] SALE NUMBER 2055 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, APRIL FOURTH s NINTH is IMPORTANT SALE OF oe FINE EARLY ee: AMERICAN FURNITURE CHAU GMS GDI DE laine JACOB MARGOLIS CABINET MAKER OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER FRIDAY & SATURDAY AFTERNOONS APRIL NINTH, TENTH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK ea NOE RSON. GALLERIES [EMITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- - tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it 1s, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE INTRODUCTION S it has become a custom with me to add a few lines of intro- duction to the catalogue, I wish to say that this, my ninth sale of early American furniture held at the Anderson Galleries, is the equal in quality and variety to any of my previous sales, and the pieces that required repairing have been attended to with the same eare as I have taken with my former sales. Some of the outstand- ing items of this collection are a mahogany block-front desk with cabinet top, generally attributed to the Newport, Rhode Island school; an inlaid curly maple secretary-cabinet with tambour front, originating from Vermont; a mahogany lyre sofa table attributed to Duncan Phyfe; a fine pie-crust table; and a curly maple Shera- ton small sideboard which is rarely found in this wood. There is also a plentiful variety of hooded and straight top highboys, low- boys, bureaus in maple, cherry and mahogany, Chippendale, Hepple- white and Sheraton chairs, dining and occasional tables, cabinets and desks, and a choice group of pine dressers, cupboards and tav- ern tables. Three interesting items are the iron firebacks of the type that Baron Steigel is known to have had cast at his works in Philadelphia; they illustrate scenes from the Bible and elsewhere and bear inscriptions in Pennsylvania German, and are typical pro- ductions of the Quaker city of the eighteenth century. To conclude I wish to state, as I have done in all my previous sales, that I guar- antee the attributions which I have given to each item to be correct. Also I shall be glad to execute minor repairs for my New York customers. JACOB MARGOLIS Cabinet Maker ws . = SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL NINTH, AT TWO-THIRTY FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-124 1 CHERRY OCCASIONAL TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Stands on four tapered legs with ring turned tops and cuff feet. Fitted with drawer. Width, 16 inches 2 MAPLE CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Pleasing Sheraton model with vase-turned centre pillar, spade foot, tripod legs and oval top. Width of top, 18 inches 8 SMALL MAPLE JOINT STOOL EARLY 18TH CENTURY Club turned legs, plain stretchers and overlapping top. Width, 21 inches 4 MAHOGANY BUREAU IN LATE SHERATON STYLE AMERICAN, 1800-1810 Four swell-front and figured drawers. Spirally fluted and ringed pilasters at the corners extending into tapered and turned supports. Height, 34 inches; width, 39 inches 5 PAIR OF STENCIL DECORATED HITCHCOCK CHAIRS AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Black with stencilling of fruit and leaves; rush seats; turned front legs. (2) 6 CARVED MAHOGANY SMALL MIRROR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Sheraton type with carved and turned pilasters at the sides and moulded top. Glass in two sections. Height, 33 inches; width, 14 inches 7 OVAL MAPLE TEA TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY The plain oval top supported by eraceful tapered legs ending in pad feet. Width, 32 inches 10 ia 12 13 14 SMALL PINE CORNER CABINET AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has fluted canted sides and a diamond pattern glass door enclosing scrolled shelves. Shaped moulding borders at top and the base. Height, 42 inches; width, 25 inches SHERATON MAHOGANY SWELL-FRONT BUREAU AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800. Four drawers with beaded borders. Reel turned corner pilasters extending into tapered and turned legs. Height, 40 inches; width, 41 inches QUEEN ANNE MAPLE TEA TABLE Stands on dainty tapered legs with pad feet and turned tops. The overlapping top is finished with a thumb-nail moulded edge. The frame arched at either end. | Size of top, 31 3 2c. MAPLE LOWBOY OF QUEEN ANNE TYPE Contains a long drawer panelled to simulate three small draw- ers, the centre with attractive carved sunburst. Triple-arch skirt ornamented with pendent finials. Cabriole supports with pad feet. Width, 40 inches PINE AND MAPLE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Rectangular pine top, baluster turned maple legs braced by plain stretchers. Drawer at one side. Size of top, 38 x 18 inches THREE STENCILLED LACQUER SHERATON CHAIRS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810-20 Hitchcock type. The open backs decorated with leaves and flowers in gold stencilling on black lacquer. Rush seats. (3) STENCILLED LACQUER SHERATON CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810-20 Nearly similar to the preceding. Original rush seat. 2 15 16 17 18 1) 20 21 STENCILLED LACQUER SHERATON CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810-20 Nearly similar to the preceding. Rush seat restored. EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY MIRROR Rectangular moulded frame of figured mahogany. S726, aD xa co MILCIICS MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A handsome high chest containing six large and three smail drawers in the upper and lower parts. The centre drawer of the base embellished with a carved sunburst. Attractive serolled skirt and cabriole supports. Height, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 2 inches PINE AND MAPLE SPLAY LEG TEA TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Pleasing shape tea or coffee table with attractive baluster turned splayed legs braced by plain stretchers in early eight- eenth century style. Wide overlapping framed pine top. Size of top, 34 x 19 inches MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Sturdily built infant’s writing desk with slant flap enclosing small drawers and shaped pigeonholes. Three drawers in the body. High bracket feet. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches MAPLE CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY Of golden maple. Four long drawers framed by narrow bead- ing on the stiles. Overlapping top and high scroll-cut bracket supports which are partly restored. Height, 33 inches; width, 37 wches HOOP-BACK WINDSOR ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Very fine early type. Seven long and four short spindles in the hoop back. Finely shaped straddle seat, turned straddle legs and stretchers. vo 22 23 24 25 26 21 HOOP-BACK WINDSOR ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. PAIR OF COLONIAL MIRRORED WALL SCONCES Circular concave shape formed with small radiating sections of mirrored glass on metal back. Each with a single candle cup. (2) Height, 12 inches SMALL PANELLED PINE HANGING CUPBOARD AMERICAN, ABOUT 1720 This charming small wall cupboard has chamferred two- panelled sides, arched and moulded cornice and is enclosed by a door with four small square glass panes and early rat-tail hinges. Height, 29 inches; width, 21 inches CURLY MAPLE QUEEN ANNE DROP-LEAF TABLE AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Graceful piece with circular drop-leaf top, supported on four tapered and partly turned legs with pad feet. Diameter of top, 42 inches EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE LOW POST BED With partly turned corner posts, shaped low head and foot panels. Width, 49 inches CHERRY TIP-TOP CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has tilt top and tripod turned support. Diameter of top, 15 inches 28 29 30 dL FINE MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Queen Anne type. Of pale golden sugar maple with faint satinwood texture on the drawer fronts. ‘wo small and three long drawers in the upper chest and a secret drawer in the cornice. The base, which is partly restored, contains three different side drawers. The scrolled skirt ornamented with pendent finials. Stands on graceful slender cabriole legs with pad feet. Channel mouldings frame the drawers. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet PINE AND MAPLE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has framed pine top and turned and tapered maple legs with plain stretchers. Size of top, 30 x 20 wches HANDSOME MAPLE QUEEN ANNE LOWBOY Charming piece equipped with a long drawer above three smaller drawers, the centre one enriched with a carved sun- burst; the skirting below triple arched and ornamented with pendent finials. On slender cabriole supports with pad feet; the top slightly overlaps and is bordered by a cove moulding. Height, 30 inches; width, 29 mches CURLY MAPLE OCCASIONAL TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Charming small table in curled maple. Fitted with one drawer; standing on tapered square legs; the square top shaped. Width, 18 inches PENNSYLVANIA EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MAPLE SLANT-TOP DESK [NUMBER 32] 82 MAPLE SLANT-TOP DESK PENNSYLVANIA, 18TH CENTURY Attractive interior of shaped pigeonholes and small drawers enclosed by a slant writing flap embellished with an unusually large carved sunburst centred by conventional tri-flower motif. — Four graduated drawers in the body. High bracket feet. Height, 43 inches; width, 36 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 6 oo o4 ID) 36 ov 38 39 APPLEWOOD CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Four drawers with plain fronts and brass bail handles. Scroll- cut bracket feet and cove moulded top. Height, 36 inches; width, 40 inches MAPLE SIDE CHAIR IN DUTCH STYLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 Has yoke shape crest; vase splat; turned front legs with Dutch feet. Rush seat. MAPLE BUREAU | AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Hard maple. Four graduated drawers framed by beading. Overlapping bevelled top and high bracket feet. Height, 33 inches; width, 38 inches MAPLE CHEST ON STAND AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY In Queen Anne style. Has five graduated long drawers and stands on a low frame with scroll cut skirt and short sturdy cabriole legs. In the moulded cornice is a swell-front secret drawer. | Height, 55 inches; width, 38 inches MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 The interior of interesting, unusual type having arched pigeonholes above various size small drawers, while at either end are square drawers, the fronts embellished with carved sunburst medallions. The main body is fitted with four grad- uated drawers. Stands on bracket feet. Height, 41 inches; width, 36 inches SMALL CHERRY OCCASIONAL TABLE AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Square, with tapered supports, a drawer in the front. Width, 16 inches SET OF SIX QUEEN ANNE MAPLE SIDE CHAIRS With attractive vase splatted open backs, yoke tops and tapered and turned front legs ending in pad feet, the front stretchers finely turned in club and ring pattern. Rush seats. (6) AO Al A2 43 44 WALNUT CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Hepplewhite model. Circular top supported by graceful vase- shaped pillar which stands on tripod legs with snake feet. Diameter of top, 12 inches PENNSYLVANIA SMALL PINE BENCH | AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Fireside seat with shaped end supports braced by undershelf. Height, 30 inches; width, 40 inches — MAPLE HIGH CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Five graduated long drawers with moulded edges; deep moulded cornice and scroll cut bracket supports. Height, 49 inches; width, 39 inches PINE KITCHEN DRESSER AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A simply proportioned New England piece. In the base are drawers and cupboards with chamferred panelled fronts and wrought iron “H’ hinges. Surmounting this is a frame of open shelves edged with quarter round mouldings. Height, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch PINE AND MAPLE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY — Has wide overlapping top of framed pine. Slender ring and club turned maple legs braced by plain stretchers. With drawer. Size of top, 39 x 2614 inches 45 RARE SHERATON CURLY MAPLE SMALL SIDEBOARD [NUMBER 45] RARE SHERATON CURLY MAPLE SMALL SIDEBOARD AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 A Ree acly proportioned piece with five drawers in the swell front flanking and above a knee-hole centre. Shaped rec- tangular top and six tapered square legs. Height, 34 inches; width, 40 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 9 46 AT 48 A9 50 51 52 MAPLE CHEST ON FRAME AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY A high chest of six graduated drawers with overlapping fronts. Has deep moulded cornice and stands on the low frame with short sturdy cabriole supports. Height, 54 inches; width, 38% inches INLAID SATINWOOD AND MAPLE CONSOLE TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 Semicircular shape, with four tapered square legs. The frame finely panelled with feathered satinwood banded in mahogany and tulipwood. Width, 411% inches QUEEN ANNE SMALL DROP-LEAF TEA TABLE AMERICAN EARLY 18TH CENTURY Circular walnut top supported by four tapered cabriole legs of maple with pad feet, two of which are pivoted. Frame cut in curves at either end. Diameter, 35 inches HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 Fluted oval back with pierced splat. Slip-in seat. Grooved square legs braced by plain stretchers. SET OF SIX HITCHCOCK STENCILLED CHAIRS AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Painted green and stencilled with fruit and flowers in gold. Shaped open backs; rolled solid seats and tapered legs. (6) MAPLE CHEST ON STAND AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has two small and four long drawers and stands on a frame with scroll-cut skirt and short graceful cabriole supports. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 37 inches CURLY MAPLE TWO DRAWER CHEST AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY Hinged top with thumbnail moulded edge. Two drawers in the lower part. Shaped bracket feet. Finely figured hard maple. Height, 37 inches; width, 36 inches 10 53 54 5D 56 57 58 59 EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE LOW POST BED With partly turned corner posts, shaped low head and foot panels. Width, 38 inches MAPLE TEA TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular overlapping top supported by four tapered round lees with pad feet. A desirable piece for tea or card table. Size of top, 33 x 25 inches HANDSOME WALNUT INLAID QUEEN ANNE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Graceful piece, standing on dainty cabriole legs. The upper part contains two small and three long drawers with herring- bone borders. The base contains three drawers and has triple arch skirt ornamented with pendent finials. Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 35 inches CHERRY ROUNDABOUT CHAIR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Pierced vase shape splat in the roundabout arms; three tapered button foot legs and one square cabriole front leg. Slip seat. MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Two small and three long drawers in the upper chest; three drawers in the stand. Scrolled skirt and graceful cabriole supports. A fine early piece. The cornice is finished with a moulding of unusual pattern. Height, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches QUEEN ANNE WALNUT CORNER CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1730 Roundabout arms with two vase splats; shaped seat; tapered legs braced by turned X stretcher. EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY MIRROR Frame of figured mahogany bordered with delicate cyma moulding. Size, 82 x 21 inches 11 EARLY AMERICAN CURLY MAPLE SCRUTOIRE ON STAND [ NUMBER 60 ] 60 FINE CURLY MAPLE SCRUTOIRE ON STAND AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Graceful piece in Queen Anne style. Has slant top enclosing shaped pigeonholes above three drawers; in the apron is a single long drawer with pulls at either side to support the flap. Set into a stand with tapered pad foot legs and scroll cut skirt on three sides. Height, 35 inches; width, 27 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 12 61 62 63 64 65 MAPLE SLANT-TOP DESK AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Very attractive interior with shaped pigeonholes and small drawers. Four long drawers in the body. High bracket feet. Constructed in golden maple. Height, 43 inches; width, 36 inches EARLY PENNSYLVANIA PINE PIPE RACK AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Unusual piece in the shape of a moulded pediment, tapering downward. Fitted with two drawers, below which is an arched opening for pipes. Turned pilasters ornament the corners. Height, 19 inches; width, 32 inches PINE AND MAPLE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has plain pine top, slightly overlapping the frame, baluster turned maple legs braced by plain stretchers. A drawer at one side. Size of top, 52 x 30 inches SMALL MAPLE NEW ENGLAND BLOCK-FRONT BUREAU Very attractive piece in the style of Goddard of Rhode Island. Contains four block-front drawers furnished with Chippendale pattern brass handles and keyplates. The base is cut in curves which run into the bracket supports. Height, 29 inches; width, 32 inches FINE MAPLE TURNED GATELEG TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Very handsome vase and ring turned legs with pear-shaped feet, gates at either side support the drop leaves of the oval top. Stretchers also turned in similar pattern. A drawer at one end. The top of fine hard maple shows a faint curl. Width of top, 48 inches FINE MARTHA WASHINGTON ARMCHAIR AMERICAN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 66] 66 MARTHA WASHINGTON ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Fine specimen, with voluted and grooved mahogany arms, tapered square legs braced by stretchers. The shaped end, slightly canted back and seat covered in tapestry. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 14 67 68 69 70 71 MAPLE CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Well shaped vase turned centre pillar; outscrolled tripod legs; square top. Width, 21 inches PINE AND MAPLE SMALL SIDE TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Shaped pine top; square tapered legs; one drawer in the front. Width, 28 inches CURLY MAPLE CHEST OF DRAWERS ON STAND AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY High chest of five drawers, the top one panelled to imitate two drawers, an unusual feature. On stand with scroll-cut apron and short cabriole supports. Height, 61 inches; width, 3814 inches WALNUT INLAID BALL-FOOT CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 In the style of William and Mary. Constructed of pine, fitted with two small and four long drawers faced with panels of erotched walnut with herringbone borders. The drawers are framed by quarter round mouldings on the stiles. The chest stands on turned ball feet. A rare piece. Height, 4314 inches; width, 37 inches NEW ENGLAND PINE CORNER CUPBOARD AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 In two parts, the upper with scrolled shelves enclosed by a glass door with small square panes. The cupboard base enclosed by a pair of panel doors. Moulded cornice and scrolled skirt. Height, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 3 inches 15 RARE EARLY APPLEWOOD LOWBOY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 [NUMBER 72] 72 RARE EARLY APPLEWOOD LOWBOY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 An unusual piece combining the features of the lowboy of later origin, the turned legs of the type found on the late seventeenth century pieces. Contains three drawers in the arched apron. The legs braced by heavy grooved stretchers. Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 16 7A “75 76 717 78 PAIR OF SHERATON TYPE INLAID MAHOGANY CON- SOLE TABLES AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Solid mahogany with inlay of holly and satinwood lines, pan- elling the aprons, bordering the top and cuffing the tapered square legs. (2) Width, 36 inches PENNSYLVANIA MAPLE SLAT-BACK ARM ROCKER AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Sturdy back posts with turned ball finials; four arched slats. Baluster turned front posts supporting the slightly curved arms. Original splint seat. Spindle bracing and rockers. Rare. FINE HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 Shield shape open back with finely grooved rails, fluted and pierced beaker splat. Voluted and grooved arms and square legs braced by stretchers. Seat with the original covering. MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 Three small and three long drawers in the upper part, the centre top drawer enriched with a carved sunburst. A single long drawer in the stand; scrolled skirt below. On graceful ecabriole supports. Height, 61 inches; width, 39 inches WALNUT TRAY-TOP QUEEN ANNE TEA TABLE AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY Dainty piece for use as tea or card table. The oblong top has raised edge. Stands on slender cabriole legs with pad feet, and has attractive frame cut in lunette pattern. Size of top, 28 x 18 inches EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE TURNED LOW POST BED Ball finials to the sturdy corner posts. Slightly curved head and foot panels. Width, 51 inches 17 {hs 80 81 82 83 HEPPLEWHITE INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARY- BOOKCASE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 In matched mahogany panelled with inlaid oval and circular bandings of satinwood and holly. Upper part has shelves enclosed by a pair of lattice pattern glass doors. Lower part contains a fall-front fitted secretary drawer; cupboards below. Serolled skirting and slender bracket feet. Height, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches NEW ENGLAND CURLY MAPLE SLANT-TOP DESK AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Interior of sturdily constructed arched pigeonholes above ~ small drawers. Three long drawers in the body. Bracket feet. Fine hard maple with delicate curl. Height, 40 inches; width, 35 inches RARE MAPLE OVAL DROP-LEAF TABLE WITH SPAN- ISH FEET AMERICAN, 1720-30 A table of this type with Spanish feet is a rarity. The legs are square cabriole shape and terminate in carved and col- lared scroll feet of the type named above. Two of the legs are pivoted to support the drop leaves of the oval top. Width of top, 49 inches FINE CURLY MAPLE SWELL-FRONT BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A most attractive chest of four swell-front drawers bordered with delicate beading. Slightly overlapping and cove moulded top. Scroll cut bracket supports. Fine quality hard maple showing rich curl. Height, 34 inches; width, 42 inches WALNUT AND CHERRY LOWBOY AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Body of walnut with cabriole supports of cherry. A long drawer above three small drawers, the centre one embellished ° with a handsome concave sunburst. The skirt ornamented with pendent finials. Slightly overlapping moulded top. Width, 42 inches 18 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 UPHOLSTERED MAHOGANY WING CHAIR AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY Back, winged sides and seat covered in green silk fabric. Mahogany square tapered legs braced by stretchers. FINE WALNUT LOWBOY WITH SPANISH FEET AMERICAN, ABOUT 1730 Overlapping thumbnail moulded top. Three drawers in the triple arched apron; square cabriole legs ending in collared Spanish feet. Extremely graceful and very rare piece. size oF top, 30 x 22 inches PINE CORNER CUPBOARD AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 Attractive specimen. In two parts, the upper has scrolled shelves enclosed by a glass door. The cupboard base is enclosed by a pair of handsome chamferred panel doors. The base is cut out in graceful curves. Fluted and dentiled cornice and canted corners. Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 33 inches PINE CORNER CABINET AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 Attractive specimen of similar type to the preceding, but slightly smaller. Height, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 33 inches PINE LONG-CASE CLOCK HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, ABOUT 1770 Handsome case with chamferred and fluted corners; the lower part ornamented with a carved scroll panel. Arched and scrolled hood encloses the flower painted dial which is inscribed ‘‘S. Hill, Harrisbure”’. Height, 7 feet 6 inches PAIR OF INLAID MAHOGANY DUNCAN PHYFE SIDE CHAIRS AMERICAN, 1800 Directoire style open backs, inlaid with panelling of satin- wood. Upholstered seats, tapered square legs with cuffed feet. CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SMALL MIRROR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Decorated at the top with a carved and gilt phoenix bird. The frame is outlined with attractive cut scrolls and curves. Height, 30 inches; width, 17 wnches Ie, 91 MAPLE HIGHBOY OF QUEEN ANNE TYPE 92 93 94 AMERICAN, ABOUT 1730 Finely proportioned piece in hard maple. Three small and four long drawers in the upper part; three drawers in the base. Triple arch skirt with pendent finials; cabriole supports and cove moulded top. The top small drawer enriched with a earved sunburst. Height, 69 inches; width, 37 inches WALNUT SLANT-TOP DESK AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY The slant top encloses a fitted interior of small drawers and pigeonholes in handsome formation. In the body are four eraduated long drawers with grooved edges. Stands on high bracket feet. A sturdy well built desk, probably of Pennsyl- vania origin. Height, 40 inches; width, 3414 inches SMALL OVAL QUEEN ANNE DROP-LEAF TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A delightful tea or card table with oval top supported by four cabriole legs with pad feet. Folding leaves at either side. Width of top, 39 inches FINE CURLY MAPLE SHERATON SEWING TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 A lady’s work table of exquisite shape. Of hard maple with | fiddle-back figure. Octagonal shape, with delicate turned and reeded Sheraton legs. Two drawers in the front. Width, 17 inches 20 DUNCAN PHYFE STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE [NUMBER 95] 95 INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE IN THE STYLE OF DUNCAN PHYFE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Finely shaped fold-over top, tapered and reeded turned Shera- ton legs; shaped frame finely panelled in figured maple inlaid with delicate diaper lines and banded in rosewood. | Width, 35 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 21 96 97 98 99 100 101 PINE AND MAPLE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Unusually fine turned baluster legs braced by plain stretchers. Plain pine top overlaps the frame, which contains a drawer at one side. Size of top, 46 x 25 inches SMALL MAHOGANY BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Charming small chest of four graduated drawers framed by beading on the stiles. Slightly overlapping top and bracket supports. Height, 30 inches; width, 341% imches EARLY AMERICAN CURLY MAPLE SPINDLE BED AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 Head, foot and sides filled with baluster turned spindles. Short corner posts with turned tops and feet. Width, 44 inches MAPLE QUEEN ANNE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY An ample high chest of two small and four long drawers, a secret drawer in the cornice, three small drawers in the base which has an attractive scroll skirt and cabriole supports. Height, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 8 inches CURLY MAPLE SERPENTINE FRONT CARD TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Fold-over top with serpentine edge. A drawer in the front. Tapered square legs, one pivoted to support the leaf. Width, 321% inches SCROLLED PINE DRESSER AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 The upper part has the much prized framing of cut cyma curves surrounding the handsome scrolled shelves. The lower part is a cupboard enclosed by a single chamferred panel door with “H” iron hinges. A charming specimen. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 22 102 QUEEN ANNE MAPLE CORNER CHAIR 103 104 105 PHILADELPHIA, EARLY 18TH CENTURY A well made chair of unusual design. Wide sweeping round- about shaped arms and back with double vase splat. Swell- front apron; three sturdy cabriole supports with snake-head feet at the front; a tapered button foot leg at the back. Slip seat. HANDSOME BALL FOOT WALNUT WILLIAM AND MARY CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Two small drawers above three long drawers faced with panels of crotched walnut banded with tulipwood and herringbone borders. Stands on four turned ball feet. The framing around the drawers is edged with channel mouldings, a typical feature of the late seventeenth century. Height, 34 inches; width, 331% inches FINE NEW ENGLAND MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1750 Comprises a chest of four drawers, the top one panelled to imitate three small drawers and with a very fine carved sun- burst at the centre. The base has three small drawers, with a long one above, one with a similar sunburst to match the top one. Graceful cut scrolls ornament the skirt, stands on sturdy cabriole legs with pad feet. One of the drawers is lined with New England newspapers of 1852. The proportions of this piece are very fine. Height, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 3 wmches MAPLE TILT-TOP CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Sheraton type. Has turned supporting pillar, tapered tripod legs and shaped oval tilt top. Width of top, 22 inches 25 106 107 108 109 110 111 MAPLE SLANT-TOP NEW ENGLAND DESK AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY Has attractive interior of block-front small drawers with shaped pigeonholes above, a sunburst carved locker at the centre. Four drawers in the body. Stands on ogee bracket feet. A handsome desk in the style of the Rhode Island school. Height, 43 inches; width, 34% inches SHERATON INLAID CHERRY CARD TABLE AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Attractive piece with shaped fold-over top and tapered square lees. The frame and edge of the top with fine inlay of medal- lions and diaper borders in different woods. Width, 35 inches DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY DRESSING GLASS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 In fine figured mahogany. Rectangular swing mirror with lyre shape and reeded supports. On base containing four small drawers and standing on ball feet. Height, 14 inches; width, 30 inches HEPPLEWHITE CARVED MAHOGANY SMALL MIRROR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 The frame with a string inlay of holly; outlined by cut scrolls and curves. Height, 36 inches; width, 18 wmches SET OF SEVEN MAHOGANY CHAIRS OF DUNCAN PHYFE TYPE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 With Directoire style open square backs containing curved X splats, rails carved with reeding and fluting. Upholstered seats. Tapered and turned front legs. Six side chairs and one armchair. Rare. (7) HANDSOME SYCAMORE HIGHBOY OF QUEEN ANNE TYPE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Of fine hard sycamore with cherry wood texture. A chest ors five long drawers, standing on a base containing one long and three small drawers. Has well proportioned cabriole supports and moulded cornice. Pendent finials ornament the triple arch skirt. Height, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 38 1/3 inch 24 112 MAHOGANY SECRETARY-BOOKCASE NEW ENGLAND, ABOUT 1790 The upper body has three shelves enclosed by a pair of lattice patterned glass doors. The lower part with fitted interior of drawers and pigeonholes enclosed by a slant flap. Four long drawers below. Moulded base and bracket supports. Original brass bail handles. Height, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches 118 FINE WALNUT INLAID QUEEN ANNE CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Contains two small and three long drawers faced with panels of crotch walnut with borders of herringbone pattern. Stands on high bracket feet and has quarter round mouldings fram- ing the drawers. A very decorative piece. Height, 374 inches; width, 3514 - inehes 25 114 115 116 117 118 VERY FINE MAPLE HOODED HIGHBOY | AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 A handsome double scrolled hood with three carved flame finials, crowns the upper chest which contains three long drawers with three small drawers above. ‘The centre one embellished with a fine carved sunburst. The stiles decorated with reeding. The lower part contains a long drawer above three small drawers, the centre showing a similar carved sunburst matching the top one. Pendent turned finials orna- ment the triple arch skirt. The piece stands on well propor- tioned cabriole supports with pad feet. A dignified piece furnished with the original Chippendale pattern brass handles and keyplates; the finials are also original. : Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SHERATON CURLY MAPLE HIGH POST BED AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Handsome turned and tapered posts capped by acorn finials. Shaped head panel. Fine hard maple with rich curl. SHERATON CURLY MAPLE SECRETARY-BUREAU AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 A very decorative fall front secretary with fitted interior of drawers and pigeonholes and ledger compartments; three drawers below and short tapered and turned legs. Fine figured maple. Height, 55 inches; width, 411% inches HANDSOME PINE AND MAPLE REFECTORY TABLE Fine heavy pine top with thumbnail moulded border; mas- sive undercleat. Vase and collar turned end supports with heavy medial stretcher. Very decorative table reconstructed of fine old maple and pine. Length, 12 feet; width, 2 feet 6 imches CHERRY TIP-TOP CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Graceful Sheraton model. Clover-leaf-shaped top. Vase turned centre support and outcurved tripod legs. Width of top, 13 inches 26 VERY FINE EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE HOODED HIGHBOY [NUMBER 114] 119 120 121 i227 123 124 MAPLE SEMICIRCULAR CONSOLE TABLE AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Has four grooved and tapered square legs; the apron with moulded edge. Width, 42 inches MAPLE RUSH BOTTOM CHAIR ~~ AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Framed rush seat; curved ladder back and turned legs. PAIR OF BRASS ANDIRONS — AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Brass ball and baluster pillars, splayed supports. (2) Height, 15 inches — PAIR OF BRASS ANDIRONS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Similar type to the preceding. (2) Height, 14 inches PAIR OF CURLY MAPLE RUSH BOTTOM CHAIRS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Ladder backs, turned spindle legs and rush seats. (2) TWO MAPLE RUSH BOTTOM CHAIRS ; AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Similar type to the preceding. (2) 28 SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL TENTH, AT TWO-THIRTY 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 125-249 PAIR OF STENCILLED BACK HITCHCOCK CHAIRS AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Lacquered old ivory colored stencil with gold centre decoration of grape vine. Rush seat and turned legs. (2) CURLY MAPLE OCCASIONAL TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Square, with one drawer and tapered square legs. Width, 17 inches TWO STENCILLED LACQUER SHERATON CHAIRS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Hitchcock type. Attractive open backs with decoration of cornucopia in gold stencilling on black lacquer. Rush seat. (2) STENCILLED LACQUER SHERATON CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Similar to the preceding. PINE AND MAPLE TURNED TAVERN TABLE Has attractive vase and ring turned legs and stretchers. Plain pine top. Stee OF tL0D O0RX eae ncles EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE LOW POST BED With partly turned corner posts, shaped low head and foot panels. Width, 53 inches FINE MAPLE CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Fine hard golden maple. Four long drawers framed by bead- ing. Slightly overlapping cove moulded top. Scroll cut bracket supports. Height, 33 inches; width, 39 inches MAPLE CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Circular top, tapered club-shaped centre support and out- eurved tripod legs. Diameter of top, 1514 inches 29 Pa —» 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 PAIR OF SEMICIRCULAR MAPLE CONSOLE TABLES AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Segmental tops, moulded frames and four tapered square legs on each. (2) Width, 34 inches EARLY NEW ENGLAND TWO-DRAWER CHEST AMERICAN, ABOUT 1710 Rectangular chest with two drawers in the lower part; hinged lid and turned ball feet. The front is panelled with delicate channel moulding simulating two small and four long drawers. A fine piece. Height, 45 inches; width, 39 inches DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY STATIONERY BOX AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 In form of miniature sideboard. Front inlaid with satinwood. Hinged top and carved paw feet. Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches CURLY MAPLE CHEST ON STAND AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY A charming Queen Anne type chest of five graduated drawers with faintly curled fronts; framed by narrow beading on the stiles. The stand has attractive arched skirt on three sides, and short cabriole supports with pad feet. Height, 52 inches; width, 387 inches CURLY MAPLE CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Contains five graduated long drawers with curled fronts; moulded top and bracket feet. A useable piece, of good quality. Height, 43 inches; width, 38 inches MAPLE AND PINE SMALL SIDE TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular top with serpentine front. Square tapered legs; small drawer. Width, 26 inches THREE STENCILLED LACQUER SHERATON CHAIRS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1815 Hitcheock type. Lacquered black with decoration of flowers and leaves in gold stencilling. Rush seats. (3) 30 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 STENCILLED LACQUER SHERATON CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1815 Similar to the preceding. PENNSYLVANIA PINE HANGING CORNER CUPBOARD AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Enclosed by a chamferred panel door of attractive type. Be- low the cupboard proper is a tapered bracket of open shelves. A moulding encompasses the body of the piece, similar to that seen on the early type corner cupboards. Height, 47 inches; width, 31 inches MAPLE BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Hard golden maple with faint figuring. Four drawers with ' grooved edges. High bracket feet and cove moulded top. Height, 33 inches; width, 37 inches CHERRY CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY -A pleasing chest of four drawers with narrow moulded bor- ders. Scroll-cut bracket supports and cove moulded top. A desirable piece with unusual proportions. Height, 36 inches; width, 28 imches MAPLE CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 Square top supported by graceful vase-turned centre pillar standing on outcurved and tapered tripod legs with snake- head feet. Width of top, 20 inches EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY MIRROR Cyma moulded frame of figured mahogany. Rectangular shape. size, 3314 x 22 twches EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY MIRROR Of similar type to the preceding. Sizemoce x Acericies MAPLE SIDE TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 Oblong, with tapered square legs cuffed at the feet. A drawer in the front, panelled with curly maple, banded in mahogany. The edge of the slightly overlapping top is reeded. A decora- tive small table. Width, 36 inches dL FINE INLAID MAHOGANY SLANT-TOP DESK AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 [NUMBER 148] 148 FINE INLAID MAHOGANY SLANT-TOP DESK AMERICAN, ABOUT 1780 An amply Drone One piece with four drawers in the body and slant top enclosing a handsome interior of drawers and pigeonholes. The centre locker door enriched with inlaid American eagle and shield in tinted holly. Has fine inlay of tulipwood lines panelling the large drawers in the body, the slant flap and the interior drawers. The graceful curved bracket base has an inlaid fan at the centre. Furnished with contemporary Sheffield plate bail handles. The style of the piece is distinctly of South Jersey character. Height, 43 inches; width, 39 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 32 149 150 151 152 153 CARVED MAHOGANY HIGH POST BED AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Four fine posts in Sheraton style; two reeded and vase turned, the other two chamferred. Low shaped head board. Full size. With testor. Height of posts, 6 feet 8 inches RARE EARLY AMERICAN IRON FIREBACK PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Wrought with a figural subject illustrating the story of Elijah and the ravens and with inscription in German, taken from the First book of Kings, describing the scene. It is known that Baron Stiegel, the first maker of American elass, had a number of these plates cast. It is quite probable that this and the following two specimens originated from his works at Philadelphia. RARE EARLY AMERICAN IRON FIREBACK PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Another of these interesting fire plates, illustrating the ‘Dance of Death”, resembling the episode of “Death and the Nobleman” from the series of the Little Basel and the Great Basel. A rude variation of the last two lines of ‘The Noble- man’s Answer to Death’, in German, is inscribed on the plate. RARE EARLY AMERICAN IRON FIREBACK PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Another, illustrating the story of ‘Samson and Delilah” and inscribed with two lines in German, from the Book of Judges, 16, referring to Delilah overcoming Samson’s strength. NEW ENGLAND SCROLL PINE DRESSER Attractive open dresser with three grooved shelves framed by cut scrolls in typical New England style. The cupboard base enclosed by a pair of chamferred panel doors with H iron hinges. Height, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches Do 154 155 156 157 158 159 MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE OF CHIPPENDALE TYPE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 Rectangular top with drop leaves supported by pivoted brack- ets. The frame edged with mouldings, contains a drawer at one side. On grooved and chamferred supports braced by X stretchers. Width, 2814 inches SHERATON MAPLE FOUR POST BED AMERICAN, CIRCA 1790 Two posts gracefully reeded and turned in vase pattern. The head posts: similarly turned but without reeding. Curved head panel. CURLY MAPLE AND CHERRY WORK TABLE AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Fitted with two drawers with curly maple fronts. Square top, reeded at the edge. On four tapered square legs. Size of top, 22 x 18 inches CURLY MAPLE BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has four drawers with overlapping fronts. Moulded top and shaped bracket supports. Height, 37 inches; width, 40 inches CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR IN THE STYLE OF CHIPPENDALE CONNECTICUT, ABOUT 1760 Pleasing design; the seat has swell front covered in old leather with brass studs. Grooved square legs and stretchers. Open back with pierced and interlaced splat, cupid’s bow top rail with carved shell at the centre. FINE MAHOGANY PIE-CRUST TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 Tripod form; with vase turned centre pillar standing on three bold outcurved and tapered legs which end in eagle claw and | ball feet, finely carved. The circular top has a raised and shaped edge in the so-called pie-crust style and tips upon the centre pillar. Diameter, 3114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] D4 FINE MAHOGANY PIE-CRUST TABLE [NUMBER 159] 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 MAPLE CHAIR IN DUTCH STYLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 Open vase splatted back with yoke crest. Rush seat; turned legs with baluster front stretcher and pad feet. WALNUT SIDE CHAIR IN DUTCH STYLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 Somewhat similar type to the preceding chair. The centre splat is pierced. CURLY MAPLE QUEEN ANNE SMALL LOWBOY Contains a long drawer above three small drawers, below which is an attractive scroll cut skirt ornamented with pend- ent finials. Stands on graceful cabriole legs with pad feet. Height, 29 inches; width, 31 inches CHIPPENDALE CARVED MAHOGANY SMALL MIRROR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Cut in scroll and foliage form and with a carved and gilt phoenix at the top. Decorative mirror. Height, 35 inches; width, 20 inches SHERATON MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, 1790-1800 Unusual type highboy or chest on frame. Four long drawers in the upper part, a single drawer in the lower part which has ring turned and tapered legs with button feet. Height, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches SMALL PINE NEW ENGLAND CORNER CUPBOARD AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Pleasing specimen. Has scrolled shelves in the upper part enclosed by a glass door. The cupboard base enclosed by a chamferred two-panel door. The skirt is cut in attractive curves. Height, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet | SMALL PINE NEW ENGLAND CORNER CUPBOARD AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Matching the preceding. 36 167 168 169 170 LA 172 CURLY MAPLE SLANT-TOP DESK AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Constructed of fine quality hard maple showing a rippled tex- ture. The slant flap encloses small drawers, pigeonholes and locker. In the body are four graduated long drawers. On bracket feet, partly restored. Height, 41 inches; width, 3514 inches SMALL MAPLE SPLAY-LEG TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Makes a charming tea table. Stands on four baluster turned slender legs slightly raked and braced by plain stretchers. Plain top finished with a quarter round moulding. Size of top, 25 x 2114 inches SET OF SIX HITCHCOCK STENCILLED CHAIRS AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Unusual spoon-shape backs with spindles. Solid shaped seats and turned legs. Painted with sprays of flowers in colors. (6) CARVED WALNUT BUREAU PENNSYLVANIA, MID-1I8TH CENTURY A sturdy chest of two small and three long drawers sur- mounted by a dentile carved and moulded cornice of unusual type. The corners chamferred and fluted; stands on ogee bracket feet. Height, 42 inches; width, 41 inches SMALL MAPLE TEA TABLE = AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Dainty piece, with slender turned and tapered supports ending in pad feet. Oval overlapping top. Width, 25 inches MAHOGANY CORNER CHAIR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Shaped roundabout arms braced by two pierced vase shape splats. Slip seat; grooved square legs with X stretcher. o7 ONE OF A SET OF SIX FINE HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY CHAIRS [NUMBER 173] 173 SET OF SIX HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY CHAIRS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1785. Two armchairs and four side chairs. The shield backs pierced and carved in Gothic triple-arch style. Upholstered seats. Square legs braced by stretchers. Original condition. (6) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 38 174 175 176 it 178 179 MAPLE CHEST ON FRAME AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Probably a Philadelphia piece. The stand has handsomely earved S scrolls flanked by sunbursts. The chest contains five graduated long drawers with moulded edges. Deep moulded top and short cabriole supports. Height, 48 inches; width, 39 inches HANDSOME PINE AND MAPLE REFECTORY TABLE Fine heavy pine top with thumbnail moulded border and mas- sive undercleat. On vase and collar turned end supports braced by heavy medial stretcher. A very decorative table reconstructed of fine old maple and pine. Length, 9 feet; width, 2 feet 6 inches PAIR OF CURLY MAPLE LADDER-BACK ARMCHAIRS Very decorative pair in richly curly golden maple. Sala- mander style ladder backs. Vase-turned posts, legs and stretchers and voluted arms. Rush seats. (2) FINE MINIATURE MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK PENNSYLVANIA, ABOUT 1770 A charming slant-top desk in miniature, with every detail of a full size piece faithfully reproduced. Has fitted interior of shaped pigeonholes and small drawers enclosed by the slant flap; in the body are three long drawers. Stands on bracket feet. Rare. Height, 22 inches; width, 20 inches MAPLE CHEST ON FRAME AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 Contains three small and four long drawers; the low base which is partly restored, has an attractive scroll cut skirt and short graceful cabriole supports. Height, 50 inches; width, 38 inches RARE EARLY PINE SMALL ONE-DRAWER CHEST ON TURNED BALL FEET AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 Rectangular, with hinged lid and a drawer in the lower part. Front panelled with two half-round mouldings. On four oak turned ball feet. Height, 231% inches; width, 25 inches og 180 181 182 183 184 185 MAPLE BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Of hard blond maple showing a faint curl on the drawer fronts. Four drawers with narrow moulded edges. Standing on well proportioned ogee bracket feet. A cove mould borders the overlapping top. Height, 36 inches; width, 38 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE MIRROR - AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 Frame attractively carved in scroll pattern with a gilt and carved phoenix at the top. Height, 41 inches; width, 22 inches PANELLED PINE CORNER CUPBOARD AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY In two parts, the sides splayed, the top and base moulded. Contains three scrolled shelves in the upper part; plain shelves in the base, enclosed by a chamferred three-panel and single panel door. The proportions of this cupboard are very neat and attractive. Height, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE TURNED LOW POST BED - Unusually fine scrolled head panel and turned post with vase- shape finials. Width, 49 inches CURLY MAPLE SLANT-TOP DESK AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Pleasing specimen in finely figured hard maple. Fitted interior of numerous small drawers and shaped pigeonholes. Four drawers in the body with moulded borders. Height, 42 inches; width, 36 inches MAPLE TEA TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Graceful piece with tapered legs ending in button feet. Over- lapping oblong top finished with a cove mould. Arched frame on all sides. Size of top, 35 x 24 1ches A0) 186 187 188 189 190 THREE HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Fine proportioned chairs with shield backs containing reeded splats which radiate from a carved sunflower ornament at the bottom. Wide upholstered saddle seats. Reeded and tapered square legs with cuffed feet. Rare. (3) See Lockwood, figure 587. RARE EARLY AMERICAN BANJO CLOCK BY SIMON WILLARD Mahogany banjo-shape case decorated with gilding, the pendu- lum box mounted with the original painted glass panel depict- ing an allegorical group of a female in a sea chariot, the Amer- ican flag above, entitled ‘““Commerce”’. Also mounted with the Monitor, below which is inscribed ‘‘Willard’s patent’’. Height, 40 inches MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1730 Queen Anne type high chest of drawers, in the original con- dition. Two small and three long drawers in the upper body; five in the lower part, of different sizes. Triple arch skirt and slender cabriole supports with pad feet. The top is bor- dered with a concave moulding. Original engraved brass handles and escutcheons. Height, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 37 inches PAIR OF MAPLE SEMICIRCULAR CONSOLE TABLES AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Each with segmental top and four tapered square legs. (2) Width, 35 inches PINE AND MAPLE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1720 The plain pine top overlaps the frame which contains a drawer at one side. Stands on slender baluster turned maple legs with plain stretchers. Size of top, 38 x 2714 inches 41 191 DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY LYRE SOFA TABLE [NUMBER 191] FINE MAHOGANY LYRE SOFA TABLE BY DUNCAN PHYFE Has fall flaps at either end supported by pivoted brackets. Two drawers at one side, blind drawers on the opposite side. The supports are lyre shape and stand on leaf carved and reeded splayed legs braced by a similarly carved and reeded stretcher. Brass paw and castored feet. A handsome table of the Duncan Phyfe period. Height, 29 inches; length with flaps down, 37 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | A2 192 193 194 195 196 Loe MAPLE CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Five graduated drawers with narrow moulded _ borders. Moulded top and shaped bracket feet. Height, 47 inches; width, 40 inches SET OF SIX STENCIL DECORATED HITCHCOCK CHAIRS AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Old ivory color with pleasing decoration of fruit and flowers in stencilwork. Open shaped backs, saddle seats and tapered braced legs. (6). CURLY MAPLE NEW ENGLAND CHEST ON FRAME AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 Fine ripple maple. Comprises a chest of two small and four long drawers standing on a low frame with scroll cut skirt and short cabriole legs, this is partly restored. An unusually attractive moulding finishes the top. Height, 53 inches; width, 38 inches FINE CHERRY HOODED CHEST ON CHEST PHILADELPHIA, MID-18TH CENTURY A well made piece, in two parts; the upper part contains three small and four long drawers, the top one embellished with a carved concave sunburst; crowned by a moulded scroll pedi- ment, with centre finial. Lower chest contains three drawers. On ogee bracket feet. Height, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 40 ches WILLIAM AND MARY CARVED MAPLE AND BEECH CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1690 High back and front stretcher carved with Flemish scrolls. Turned posts and legs. Seat and back covered in leather. MAPLE SLANT-TOP SCRUTOIRE VERMONT, ABOUT 1760 Finely fitted interior of sunburst carved small drawers and arched pigeonholes enclosed by a slant flap. Long drawer in the apron, with scroll cut skirt below. Stands on slightly tapered square legs. Height, 37 inches; width, 38 inches 43 198 DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY SEWING TABLE 199 200 201 AMERICAN, 1790-1800 Martha Washington type. Hinged top encloses fitted interior of small compartments, silk sewing bag below. On finely reeded and tapered legs, the tops of which are carved in acan- thus pattern. Height, 28'% inches; width, 24 inches FINE DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY DRESSING GLASS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 In matched and finely figured mahogany with lyre and reeded supports, between a rectangular swing mirror. The oblong base contains four small drawers and stands on ball feet. Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches MAHOGANY TILT-TOP CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Has oval tip-up top, turned club-shaped supporting centre pillar and tripod tapered legs with spade feet. Width of top, 23 inches VERY FINE INLAID CURLY MAPLE SECRETARY- CABINET WITH TAMBOUR FRONT VERMONT, ABOUT 1790 Of fine hard maple with rippled texture resembling satinwood, banded in mahogany and tulipwood. The upper part enclosed by a pair of panel doors each centred by a shell medallion in tinted holly, a similar medallion centres the shaped cornice. The centre has drawers, pigeonholes and sliding writing flap, enclosed by tambour shutter. In the lower body are three long drawers with finely panelled fronts, and skirting below, enriched with an inlaid sunburst medallion. Stands on short reeded and tapered legs. An example of early American inlaid furniture of the finest quality. Height, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] A4 ces “ENE eX INLAID CURLY MAPLE SECRETARY-CABINET OF THE FINEST QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP [NUMBER 201] 202 203 204 205 206 MAPLE QUEEN ANNE LOWBOY Supported on graceful cabriole legs which terminate in pad feet. In the scrolled apron are three drawers, at the centre a carved sunburst. Cove moulded overlapping top. Height, 29 inches; width, 42 inches RARE MAPLE BANNISTER-BACK ARMCHAIR PENNSYLVANIA, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Unusually large proportions. Square open back with four arrow-shape vertical splats and shaped top rail. Very hand- some ball and collar turned front stretcher; vase turned front posts with ball feet. Rush seat. FINE CHERRY NEW ENGLAND HOODED HIGHBOY AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Possibly a Connecticut piece. The upper part contains four long and three small drawers and is crowned by a handsome double scroll pediment forming a hood and ornamented with three carved urn and flame finials. A long drawer above three small drawers in the lower part. Cabriole supports; pendent finials on the triple arch skirt. Finely carved circular sun- bursts embellish the top and bottom small drawers. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch INLAID MAHOGANY SWELL-FRONT BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Hepplewhite type. Four swell-front long drawers with beaded borders. Delicate diaper inlay around the edge of the top; narrow banding of satinwood around the gracefully curved skirt. Bracket feet. Height, 40 inches; width, 41 inches NEW ENGLAND MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIR IN THE STYLE OF CHIPPENDALE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 Transition style; graceful interlaced pierced and carved back, swell-front upholstered seat; square legs braced by plain stretchers. 46 QUEEN ANNE INLAID WALNUT LOWBOY AMERICAN, EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 207 | 207 QUEEN ANNE INLAID WALNUT LOWBOY AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Has extremely graceful proportions. Contains five drawers in different sizes with herringbone borders, above the hand- somely arched skirt which is ornamented with pendent finials. ‘Cove moulded and slightly overlapping top; slender cabriole ‘supports ending in snake-head feet. Height, 32 inches; width, 33 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | AT 208 209 210 2UL 212 213 MAPLE NEW ENGLAND SLANT-FRONT DESK AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY The interior with small drawers and pigeonholes in the attrac- tive block formation, in the manner of the Rhode Island school, the centre locker has a carved sunburst embellish- ing the arched door. Body contains four graduated long drawers. Stands on ogee bracket feet. Height, 38 inches; width, 35 inches MAPLE LOWBOY AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Fine figured hard maple. Contains a long drawer above three small drawers. Pendent finials ornament the triple arch skirt. Stands on four graceful slender cabriole sup- ports. Height, 3514 inches; width, 394% inches MAPLE TIP-TOP CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Unusual well-shaped turned centre pillar supporting the oval tilt top and standing on outcurved tripod legs with spade feet. Width of top, 1514 inches MAHOGANY DROP-LEAF TABLE OF DUNCAN PHYFE TYPE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Fine medium size table with shaped drop leaves supported by pivoted brackets. On bold vase-turned centre support and four outscrolled and grooved legs ending in brass paws and castors. Size of top, 57 x 42nches PINE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 Has the grooved heavy rail stretchers and turned club and ring legs found on the early tables. Thick overlapping pine top, a drawer in the front. Size of top, 88 x 24 inches MAPLE HIGHBOY OF QUEEN ANNE TYPE AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Attractive piece standing on four graceful cabriole sup- ports with pad feet. Two small and three long drawers in the upper part; a single drawer in the scrolled apron. Height, 57 inches; width, 36 inches 48 214 216 2G 218 219 RARE NEW ENGLAND SMALL SCROLLED PINE DRESSER AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 A delightful small dresser of open type with pleasing propor- tions and of great rarity. Two scrolled shelves above framed by cut cyma curves and scrolls on the stiles. A chamferred single panel door with H hinges encloses the lower part. Moulded base and bracket supports. Height, 65 inches; width, 34 inches MAPLE TEA TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Tea or card table, with outcurved corners and graceful tapered round legs with pad feet. Width, 34 inches SET OF FIVE MAHOGANY PHILADELPHIA CHAIRS IN THE STYLE OF CHIPPENDALE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 The backs have interlaced beaker shape splats; cupid bow erest pierced with a waterleaf motif at the centre. Wide slip-in seats; grooved square legs braced by stretchers. (5) FINE INLAID MAHOGANY HEPPLEWHITE SIDEBOARD AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 The shaped front fitted with drawers and cupboards at either side of the kneehole centre, above which is a drawer panelled with an oval medallion of cross cut inlay. Four tapered front lees, doors and drawer fronts also finely panelled with inlay. Height, 40 inches; length, T1 inches; depth, 27 inches MAPLE DROP-LEAF TABLE OF QUEEN ANNE TYPE AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Oval narrow folding top supported by four tapered round legs ending in pad feet, two of these are pivoted. Size, 61 x 58 inches MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A high chest with four long drawers in the upper Wiha, the the base a long drawer panelled to imitate three small draw- ers, the centre ornamented by a carved sunburst. The front and sides skirted by attractive cut scroll work. Stands on graceful tapered cabriole legs. Height, 62 inches; width, 39 inches Ad 220 Doe 222 223 SMALL CURLY MAPLE BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A delightful small chest of four drawers, in fine rippled golden maple. Stands on high scroll cut bracket feet, and has a slightly overlapping top, edged with a cove moulding. Height, 31 inches; width, 33 inches PHILADELPHIA MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR IN CHIPPEN- DALE STYLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 © Generously proportioned chair with open back containing pierced and entwined splat and yoke top. Voluted arms and grooved square legs braced by stretchers. CHERRY HIGHBOY OF QUEEN ANN TYPE CONNECTICUT, ABOUT 1760 A dignified piece with five long drawers in the upper chest, a long drawer and three small ones in the lower part which has a three-arch skirt ornamented with pendent finials. Stands on graceful restrained cabriole supports. The top is finished with a deep moulded cornice. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 38 inches MAPLE HIGH CHEST OF DRAWERS AMERICAN, MID 18TH CENTURY A decorative chest of six graduated drawers, in golden maple. Has moulded and scroll cut base and stands on short cabriole _ supports. The top is finished with a deep moulding. Height, 55 inches; width, 39 inches 50 224 RARE EARLY AMERICAN APPLEWOOD SLANT-FRONT DESK [NUMBER 224] RARE EARLY APPLEWOOD SLANT-FRONT DESK WITH BALL FEET JERSEY, ABOUT 1700 A slant-front desk of this early period is rarely found. The sides of the body are decorated with chamferred panels; the slant front encloses a fitted interior of drawers and pigeon- holes with curved fronts. In the body are three small, two medium and two long drawers. The base is bordered by a deep concave mould and has turned ball feet. The drawers furnished with old brass bail-handles and keyplates. A rare piece. Height, 391% inches; width, 36 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ‘5l 225 226 RARE TURNED SMALL CARVER CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1680 A charming small specimen of fine proportions. The posts enriched with ring turnings, the back contains three vertical and three horizontal spindles with similar turnings. Hand- some baluster finials, and ball knobs to the front posts. The seat panelled. VERY FINE CHERRY HOODED HIGHBOY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1750 Probably of Philadelphia origin. The upper chest is crowned by a double scrolled pediment ornamented with three carved flame and urn finials, the centre one with unusual carved sun- burst plinth. Four long drawers with three small ones above, the centre one enriched with a carved sunburst of unusual pattern. The chamferred corners of the body simulate carved quarter-round fluted columns. The lower part has a long drawer above three small drawers, one centred by a similar carved sunburst. Pendent finials on the triple arch skirt. Handsome cabriole supports with pad feet. Old brasses. A> most attractive and rare highboy. Height, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] o2 VERY FINE AND RARE CHERRY HOODED HIGHBOY [NUMBER 226] 227 228 229 FINE CURLY MAPLE CHEST ON CHEST AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A handsome piece in hard maple. Comprises a chest of two small and three long drawers, which stands upon a slightly larger chest of three drawers. Crowned by a deep moulded cornice and stands on bracket supports. DUNCAN PHYFE MAHOGANY DINING TABLE AMERICAN 1790-1800 A set of three tip tables supported by sturdy base and urn ~ shaped pillars, each with four out-curved tapering legs ending in brass cups and casters. Top of solid blond mahogany in the original finish. Fitted with two extra leaves. Seats about 14 people. Length, 11 feet; width, 4 feet 4 inches IMPORTANT CARVED MAHOGANY BLOCK-FRONT DESK WITH CABINET TOP RHODE ISLAND, MID-18TH CENTURY Finest piece in the collection and with all the features of the examples of cabinet work usually attributed to the eighteenth century Rhode Island school. Made in two parts, the upper with doors formed of three panels finely carved with concave and convex shells at the tops, these enclose shelves with moulded fronts. At either side are reeded pilasters with Ionic capitals. The fine pediment is in the form of two bold scrolls ending in carved rosaces and flanked by three urn and flame finials on square plinths. The lower body contains four finely blocked long drawers above which is a slant writing flap carved with three shells to match those above and enclos- ing an interior of shaped pigeonholes, locker and small draw- ers. The blocking of the drawers is continued into the fine ogee bracket supports. The piece has the original magnificent | brass handles and keyplates. Height, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 43 inches [SEE FRONTISPIECE] 54 230 201 232 233 234 235 UPHOLSTERED MAHOGANY WING CHAIR AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY Back, winged sides and seat upholstered in green silk fabric. Sturdy mahogany tapered legs braced by stretchers. SMALL MAPLE TRAY-TOP TEA TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular tray shape top, graceful square cabriole supports ending in pad feet. The frame cut in arched pattern all around. A delightful piece. Size of top, 22 x 18 inches RARE OAK SMALL LOWBOY ENGLAND, ABOUT 1700 In the William and Mary style. Has club and vase turned legs braced by scrolled X stretchers and turned ball feet. Seroll skirt on three sides, a drawer above framed by quarter round mouldings. Slightly overlapping top. Height, 27 inches; width, 311% inches MAPLE GATELEG TABLE AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Medium size oval table with handsome vase and ring turned legs and gates. The low stretchers also finely turned in sim- ilar pattern. A decorative centre table. A drawer at one end. Width of top, 48 inches INLAID WALNUT CHEST OF DRAWERS IN THE STYLE OF WILLIAM AND MARY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 Three small and three long drawers with inlaid fronts and herringbone borders; framed by quarter round mouldings. Moulded top and base. Ball feet. A most decorative piece. Height, 37 inches; width, 38 inches PINE AND MAPLE TURNED TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 Legs and stretchers finely turned in vase and ring pattern of early type. Frame bordered with grooving all around. The feet are restored. Overlapping pine top with bevelled edge. A drawer at one side. Size of top, 35 x 25 wches 5D 236 237 238 239 240 PINE ONE DRAWER CHEST ON STAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 The front faced with quarter-round mouldings simulating three drawers with small turned knobs. A drawer in the lower part. The stand has ring and club turned legs and spool turned H stretchers. A rare early chest of charming proportions. See Wallace Nutting, Pilgrim Furniture. Height with stand, 48 inches; width, 27% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] WALNUT SLANT-TOP DESK AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760. Probably by a Philadelphia cabinet maker. Constructed in hard walnut, the interior is fitted with a handsome set of shaped pigeonholes and small drawers flanking a sunburst carved small locker with pencil drawers at either side. The body contains four long drawers and has fluted pilasters on the chamferred corners. Some restorations to the bracket feet, and interior. Height, 42 inches; width, 38 inches FINE MAPLE AND MAHOGANY NEW ENGLAND SLANT- TOP DESK AMERICAN, MID-18TH CENTURY The body of hard maple showing faint curl. Four drawers with moulded edges. Sturdy ogee bracket supports at the front and back. Fine mahogany interior of block front small drawers and arched pigeonholes and sunburst-carved centre locker. A mahogany block front interior in a maple desk is rarely found. Height, 42 inches; width, 37 inches FINE CURLY MAPLE LOWBOY AMERICAN, ABOUT 1740 Three drawers in the scrolled apron. Graceful cabriole sup- ports ending in eagle claw and ball feet. Slightly overlapping and thumbnail moulded top. Width, 381% inches SET OF SIX SHERATON MAHOGANY CHAIRS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 One armchair and five side chairs. Open ladder backs with handsome pierced and carved slats, deep top rails with fine inlay. Upholstered seats; curved and tapered legs. (6) 56 RARE EARLY PINE ONE DRAWER CHEST ON STAND [NUMBER 236 | 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 RARE SMALL MAHOGANY BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A Taine small size desk of four drawers with crotch mahog- any fronts; cove moulded top and high bracket supports. Height, 29 inches; width, 29 inches EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE TURNED LOW POST BED Corner posts with turned ball finials. Curved head and foot boards. Width, 39 inches EARLY AMERICAN MAHOGANY MIRROR Moulded frame of figured mahogany bordered by narrow cyma moulds. Size, 35 x 24 inches BIRCH OCCASIONAL TABLE AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Has square tapered legs. A drawer in the square top. Width, 181% inches MAPLE BEDSIDE TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Has tapered legs connected by undershelf with carved gallery. A drawer in the top. Width, 17 inches STENCIL DECORATED HITCHCOCK CHAIR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Black with foliage decoration in gold stencilling. Rush seat. PAIR OF ANDIRONS AND TWO IMPLEMENTS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Andirons with ball and baluster pillars and splayed supports. Shovel and tongs with brass handles. (4) MAPLE CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Has graceful tripod base with snake-head feet. Club-shaped centre pillar and square top. Width of top, 1614 inches PAIR OF EARLY AMERICAN SMALL THREE-LEGGED STOOLS Heavy circular maple top on three chamferred ash sup- DOLLS wate.) Height, 12 inches; diameter, 11 inches 58 TLAP So Ps Prk te Oe a a OME pire Aor 8 NeAnM o cuir eg: ella early American fur WT [TELAPS87-D\8336 soo ro ere ee ee ~~ ete reece SES aS EE. See Stree Se ioe oes Serer ee soz ~ - eat en Se ge = Sen hee xs es Eada z ape 3 = peas 2 Sete orate Poaren Beater rae ere Stent eat sot ae eet ear pape kim is 2 aes Seen ee eS ibs bere 2 a mney ay toss Spare A Ene oe roe ee