LIBRARY M Knoedler& Coa 14 East 57th St. ml JOU FOR COROT ATART OALE THAT PETOHES STGdg7 Ag = Another Painting Catalogued as Corot Sold by Mr. Kirby as “Attributed.” ol Ce ete ae Much interést was shown in the final Sale of the collection of old and modern paintings under the auspices of the Ameri- can Art Galleries in the ballroom of the Plaza Hotel last night. The bidding was more spirited than at| the first sale and as a result better prices prevailed for the eighty-four pictures sold. The leading price of the night was $6,900, which was paid by the Ralston Galleries for Corot’s ‘Les Jeux du Ber- ger.”’ The second best price was ‘$4,900 for Van Marcke’s “The White Cow and | the Herd.”’ | John Levy bought a second picture by Van Marcke entitled “‘Landsc ape and Cattle’” for $4,200. The Kraushaar Gal- leries save $4,100 for Adolphe Monticelli’s “Woodland Landscape.” Messrs. Scott & Fowles paid $3,500 for George Innes’ ‘Golder’ Sunset.” . M; Knoedler purchased Josef Israels* “Fhe New Born” for $3,200. Messrs. Clapp & Graham paid $3,750 for Bouguereau’s “Young Mother and Child.” A. Reiman re Daubigny’s Gal-| scape” for ‘$3,000. The Kraushaar Gal- leries ph Vibert’s “Le Mepris du Trone” for 32,600, Cc lapp & Graham paid $2,300 for Ridgway Knight’s “Harv esting the Potatoes,” and the Holland Galleries | 41,850 for Henner’s “Tete de Femme.” (n putting up No. 107, which was Corot’s | “Au Bord du Lac,” which was knocked | down to Dr. F, Frank for $700, Thomas B,! Kirby said that he wished all those pres-| ent to correct their catalogues and make this picture appear .as ‘attributed to Corot.” Mr. Kirby added that when, the| catalogue was made ‘he had no doubt as| to the authenticity of this painting which was one of the most admired of all in the exhibition, but in spite of the seem- ingly perfect pedigree of the canvas he had decided to take no risks in the mat- ter on account of some information that! had reached him. He said -that he had| been always so careful with Corots that | only one out of 250 sold by the American Art Galleries had been challenged, The total for the night was $66,557 and the grand total for the two nights is} $115,397, Other pictures sold, the artists, the ‘buyers and prices being given in that order, | were:— “Cows at the Brook,’? William Hart; Clapp & Graham) .-.-.+ +. sine MU eaaeidie ie odie wich «-- $210 emyening,” ae TAibsineas H. Wyant; Scott & Fowles...... *In the Low Countries, ” Willem Maris; Holland Galleries. , .. ‘Dunkerque Harbor,’* Eugene Boudin; Scott & Fowles wee) SIO ‘ 160 Tea aly Henri paspiwaies: O,. Bernet. 870 “Interior with Figures,’’ Johan §. Kever; Holland Galleries......... **Aux Bords du Lac,’? Jean B. , “Corot: Dr. ¥. Frank. “Tn the English Channel, ’’ Harry Chase; A. Bernet **Afternoon Shadows, ” William M. Oss, Ww. Macheth .4.2.c ic, e5uh “Near Annisquam, ”? Frank K, Me ‘Rehn; Ww. Ww. *‘Connecticnt Landscape,”’ William H. Gib- son; J. C, Wilberer “‘Keene Valley,’? Roswell M. Shurtleff; W. H. Wheelock “‘Head,”’ F. A. Kaulbach; Dr. FP, Frank... “Paysage,’’ Emile Van Marcke; W. W. Sea- man, “Fete Champetre,’? Scott & Fowler “At Low Tide,’’ Gustave Courbet; Avenue Antique Shop "*4 Gray Day,’’ Cesar de Cock; L. T. Parker “In the Cathedral,'’’ Johannes Bosboom; Holland Gallerieys cstid. sods Ve vo ak nee a “Phe Lock Bridge,’’ F, J. Vs du Chattel; Seaman (agent) “The White Bireh,’? Theophile de Bock ¥. Henderson “The River,’’ Jose Weiss; 2. H, M. Gallery. ‘Waiting,’’ Gabriel C. Von Max; Le Roy.. ‘On the Shores,'’ Henry P. Smith; Seaman “Clouds and Sunshine,’? Thomas Moran; Bernet (agent) ... *“Landseape,’? Elliott Daingerfield; Levy “Old Oaks,’? Henry Pember Smith; Dr. > Bois in Winter,’ Fritz Thanlow; “Woodland Worship,’’ Kraushaar *‘Landscape,"’ Theophile de Bock; Holland Gallery “Luandscape,’’ Henri Harpignies; E. Reiman. 2 ‘Beildal Party,’* Francois A. Grison: Dr, FY) Prenk. 3 .4.. “Landscape and Sheep,’’ Hugene boeckhoren; Clapp & Graham *Ceremony in the Wocds,’’ Adelphe Monti celli; Mirs. B. T. Huntington “The Old Bridge,’’ Frits Thaulew; Knoed- ler & Co.... “By the Brimming River,’’ Knight; Holland Gallery ey, oe ™Ameterdam,’’ Theophile de Sock; Scott & Fowles ‘ “Called to Account,’’ Ww. Dendy Sadler; C, W. Kraushaar...... “Sheep, and Cattle,’ George Vicat a, OP, "The Storm’,’ Henry P, Smith; aren am... Sen; Holland Gallery. “Hoppily Seite"? Karl Raupp; Mac rs 57,000 PAID FOR AY JOSHUA REYNOLDS, | JT S00 SUE € #7 American and Foreign Pictures I —Van Gelder Portrait ; for $4,000. ————_—__+¢—_____ masters of the foreign and American Schools displayed interest in the first ses- Sion of two sales of a collection of 176 paintings under the auspices of the Amer- ican Art Galleries, held in the Plaza Hotel, | j last night. The leading price was $7,000 paid ‘by Messrs. Lewis and Simmons for | Sir Joshua Reynolds’ portrait of Anthony j mms Ane Lovers of old and modern paintings | ! i “006 4jJoedeD “uedo shuaye ‘ UOEAQ] [S4ZUES “Je [904g : pue Pvsg 0} osojo “say tiuvajAsuueg | “TALOH LSMAHWTOHT SNWig NV3d0UNg GY NYOINaINy All | I7) JUAN LL 203} 3HLNIINOUJ NV390 “SNGW’ Pe NVGdOUNA PUe NVOINANY VOSBIRS) _ *S}190U00 SUUVAe pu So] ROIS ALOT; WOOWI9I TH: SUlMIeYD . *‘peyreq Alysno010y4 siopteg Ung Peysiaimy ATM TNReqG Pue serqqo] SHOLINXxDy. .-sudsvteg Supidg A[1B® PUB IOI AA Sunnp 91}083338 Atpensnuy *‘JUOL,T uURadG “PIOH jooadaay ysamMey S$ At) Wwuepy. SIDYVOIGL’ UD LLBSI : "MOY 191d ‘009 Atanas SINSWSASNWY ONVSUIid TIY HV: SONINIAT*’SNOONYILAY S1UI9ONOD “N’ALID OLLNVILY VW “Plog ey} oe > SIOVLLO}"" LOH AIVAVd TV08 woswessuTyy jen SNOS 9 ALIN HVISOF pus paste Speen 100p MO 2B"IQe2UINUU] “VIG ON ‘sng eM WINS UszspD pus swuy]d epprung yw AQNBIDidas Si HatwaH o@OHS MLIVSH S.NOILVN GHL.. “PN ‘°ALID DILNVIALY GTUOM IML 10 ZENON ALOSAY ONIGYIT IML ~ WITH MODERN ART Murillo, Reynolds, Van Dyck, Corot and Inness Paint- ings Shown. ft: cnn geal Mae | ‘BXHIBITION AT PLAZA, ‘Rare Arms and Armor Make © Up Notable Collection. | me): for Sale. - joe ! ‘ I ) & col y lection of paintings, both classic gnd modern, together with an important ection of arms and armor, fill the jes of the American Art Associa-~ t and will remain on public view. a -days unt{] the sales, The paintings be sold in the Hotel Plaza on two ; February 10 and 11, and the 1 of the armor will take place 1 and 8 at the galleries. paintings are ranged sharply in divisions, and in the hanging the ‘tion has been followed, so that entrance galleries one finds the old s, and in the inner rooms, works . favorites. It has been some many old masters have market, and on the list | ry as to which of these/| are greatest, the connois-' bly find his attention first ; ‘the Murillo, which, in fact, given the place of honor, It is) that is different from the) Murillo that has much of the ‘race quality of a nation that dark as well as bright pages in| Picture Within a Picture. . 1 it is a portrayal of a saint, | saint at that, there is some-: ‘and sinister in the visage in -the picture within the e, and bearing aloft the 1 used go effectively Net ee of the queen Charlotte inthe portrait by Sir | William Beechey also has a ttle dog, a spaniel, which she-carries in her arms. Another of Beechey’s portraits is of an English nobleman in his peer's robes, very resplendent. ‘Anthony Chamier.” in the portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, |has all the suave composure that Sir | Joshua, who loved calmness, could put into it. The coat and breeches are of a most attractive snuff color. | “The Duchess of Portsmouth,” by Sir eee Lely, has the heavy voluptuous- ness characteristic not only of Lely but | also of the court of Charles Il., where oth flourished. Not quite so alluring, physically, perhaps, is the lady in the | portrait by Jan van Ravesteyn, but she has mere artistic elegances. The ruff) is surely the finest ever seen, and the} laca cuffs, the embroidered vest, and | even the hands, have a sure value in the decorative scheme. Mierevelt’s man is an excuse for much | study of textiles, Raeburn’s has charac- { ter study, and the pair of portraits la- | belled “Dutch School” are eminently | | decorative. The “Family of the Artist,” iby Jan Steen, is an interesting composi- \tion, and the ‘Musical Party,’ by Dirk | Hals, is highly amusing. | Several Modern Works Shown. ° Among the modern works is a sunset by George Inness, which is rich and mellow;. the “Shepherds at Play,” by Corot, which is pearly and atmospheric; a Daubdigny River scene and two vigor- ous, direct landscapes by Harpignies. A. watercolor by William Mares is | thoroughly charming, and Boudens’s |“Dunkerque’ and Theophile de Bock’s “Amsterdam” are excellently painted. | Lovers of Monticelli will rejoice to find }no lees than seven of his works, They are molten in color, suggestive, as one admirer was overheard saying yester- day, of the richness of old glass. Other notable canvases are by W. M. Chase, Homer Martin and Alexander Wyant. Sir Joshua’s “Portrait of An- __thony Chamier” Brings _ $7,000 at the Plaza. PTA Oe ne Te NT (81 PICTURES FOR $48,840 Van Gelder’s “David and Bath- _ sheba” Fetches $4,000, and Mu- fi ‘rillo’s “San Fernando” $3,500. Wighty-one pictures of Engiish, Dutch, y ek nd other old masters, sold by executors _ Plaza last evening, under the auspices or ‘the _ American Art Association, brought $48,840. Sir Joshua Reynolds's “Portrait ~of Anthony Chamier ” brought the highest price, _ Lewis & Simmons for $7,000. To the | game buyers went Aert Van Gelder’s | ** David and Bathsheba,”’ which brought ' the second highest price of the sale, $4,000. *"San Fernando,”’ by. Murillo, which brought the third highest price ef the sale, $3,500, went to A. Reiman. A large and attractive portrait,’ ‘‘ Miss Broughton Holding a Mask," by Fran- eis Cotes, sold for a private collector, went to Mrs. George Leary for $1,000, ' the gross returns to go to the Red Cross. This was purchased by the owner as & gift for her son, who was not able to “ise it in his house. The seller offered the net returns to the Red Cross and and trustees of different estates and for humber of private owners, at the going to) 4 the American Art Association made the > contribution of the selling cost. The Pictures and Prices. Following is a Mst of the pictures bringing $150 and over: : @—Portrait of a Boy, Laughing—Frans | { i | Hals; Kileinberger Galleried.....+++.- $950 a Wiew—Willem Van de Velde; Beott & Fowles......:c.seeesesveceves 450 &—The Fishermen’s Departure—Fran- cis Wheatley; Scott & Fowles.......-. 310 @—Landscape—fnglish School; M. Ash, y ent Bud Ube wrap e © 6 6 a deere ep aw ee Lia SOP | 175, | Portrait of a Young Lady—English School; R. Ecerheimer ..eeesesseees 180 16—Portrait of a Man—Attributed to P. ' _®. Rubens; A. Strolen......... aL ouea 210 “Wi—The Family of the Artist-—Jan Steen; Scott & Wowles.........++5.- 3,000 42—Portrait a Cardinal Ricci—Sciptio “Pulzone, (ca led Gaetano;) Seamen, Welty Sere Nate sale Clete Ci, Sew Ae 425 14—Portrait of Jerome, (Weston,) Sec- ond arl of Portland—Sir A. Van Dyck; Seaman, agent......-...se0++: 475 35—Landscape: Moonlight—Manner of Aert Van der Neer; Scott & Fowles.. 210 56—A Peasant—Dutch School; Property |. of a Private Collector... ......+.++-4+ 7S | 47—The ~ Mountebanks—Jakob Duck; Bhrich Galleries........ Fae casos ieee 1,050 The Legend or St... Christopher— Jerome Bosch; R. Ederheimer........ 425 4@—A Dutch Canal with Fishermen— { \ Stes oy SET OVO. edi 4) cote bb ae nee we a ae Pa a Marquise—French ot ol; ron G. Uae Dorthait of Comtéese, de Bougain- Jan Van Coyen; Klemberger Galleries 21-—Seascape—Attributed to Jan Van THOMA. i bias ales es | ! rtr y of the Duc de ortema. ; Bernet, agent.. 1,225 ‘Port! a Warrior—French { WH e AS Burnett... .ceerevecee 160.) &4—Portrait of a Man—Cornelis Jans- | ‘ me; Seott & FPowles.......+cseseees _ 525 ortrait of a Lady-—Louis Tocqus; EE. Ay oman 0 ete 6 Hie we 8 Bem We ep see 4 480 68A Musical Party--Dirk Hals; Klein- berger Galleries ...c+-eeeseorsenss .. 2,800 $7<-The Interior of an Artist's Stud! - @imon Kick; G. F. Muller......++-++: 190 38—Sheep and Lambs—Verboesckhoven 5 i W, PioFrank.....cessereee ul gal yia ke shoe Cole Ree | 80—Portrait of a Lady—Cornelis Jana — gens; H. Chester 2.2.66. e bese ere at 280 | '40—Portrait of a Lady with Her Daugh- / ter—English school; F. Baumeister... 170 | 42—Portrait of an Englishman—Attrib- ; uted to Sir Joshua Reynolds; G. Mullery ou... See MEL Src bye ary tre bs Sree 350 — | 48—Portrait of ea Young Lady—Sir \ Willfam Beechey; W..A. Burnett.... LH0 | #4—Portrait of 4 Woman—Michiel Jans | Miereveit; Seaman, agent....+.-+-+:> 525 | 46—Portrait of a Lady—Jan Van Rave- / | gteyn; Satinover Galleries..........-. 400 | 4—Portrait of a Seigneur de Ripperda | —Dutch School; F. Baumeister...... 275 | 47—Portrait of Aysma Van Lauta— | | Dutch School; F. Baumeister.......- 425 | 48&—David and Bathsheba—Aert Van Gelder; Lewis & Simmons.......--+. 4,000 | 60—Tne Duchesse de Chevreuse—At- } tributed to Pierre Mignard; A. Ol- | VOTES ss es bed ew bees glee Mair Ce ae 220 . Si—Portrait of a Lady of the Court —Henri Gascard ...seseesecrserece rie. 160 | {2—Portrait of a Lady—Van Loo; Ww. ‘An Burnett.“ ., <0 ce0ce seales Wes seen esta 206 538—Portrait of Two Young Girls-—- Gornelis de Vos; G. F. Muller...-..- 290 | S4—rortrait of a Lady—Spanish School; \ Bhrich Galleries ..... 1.6 ree secs seers 1,750 | &—Portrait of Eleonora of Toledo and Her Son-—-Angelo Bronzino; Schnorer GBIOTIGS bs cece ok sys 84 ohne ein lenieie lays ie ae 750 &6—Portrait of a Man—Jans Mierevelt; . | - Yyouis & Simmons... .- eee ee eres ecese 1,500 S7—Portrait of a Man—Itaifan School; Park Avenue Antiaue Shop..-«ss.+-> 220 ®8—Portrait of a Young Man—Ferdi- nand Bol; Kleinberger Galleries..... 2,300 §9—Arne, Countess of Worthumberland —Sir Peter Lely; E. F. Mulle.....-.-- 3TS | 62—His First Pair; | William Beechey; Scott & Fowles.... 925 | T0—Portrait of a Man-Sir Henry Rae~- | burn; Mrs. George Leavy...+-.-+.+++ 300 "1Portrait of Lucy, Countess of Car- lisile—Sir A. Van Dyck; Olirott! & Co. 278 94—San Fernando—Murillo; A. Rie- PUTA Se hws ei © 5 Reena ee ie ee ard 8,50 %@—Portrait of a Lady—Flemish School; w. A. Burnett...,..00:.+. Pais Aes - 190 *7__Portrait of a Lord Mayor of Lon- don—Gainsborough Dupont; W. A. Burnett i... ss oa dials eles tee eas vias 2iG.- 78-—-Cupid Disarmed—-Eugene Antoine Guillon; Holland Galleries......+.++, 160 ¥@—Portrait of an English Nobleman Sir William Beechey; W. A. Burnett. 200 &0>—Landscape, with Cattle and Goats ~Hugene Joseph Verboeckhoven; Clapp & Graham,......+.+-sesereees . TES ()—Portrait of Isabella, Lady De La ‘ Warr-Sir A. Van Dyck; Knoedler & | Bias Task chive Se we AAs AA ay: aie Gheat . 1,300 | The paintings were sold by Thomas B. | yids The sale will be concluded this) | even $1—Miss Broughton, Holding a Mask— Frantis Cotes, R. A.; Mrs. G. Leary. 1,€C0 William Redmore Bigg; George B. Wheeler....-.--++-- 350 68—Portrait of a Lady—English Schooi; ¥. Baumeister ....-0+eeecses T3 caves 176 64— Portrait of Queen Catharine of Bra- ganza—Attributed to Sir Peter Lely; F, Baumeister ...--ceecvse scenes sete 180 @5—The Duchess of Portsmouth—Sir Peter Lely; Mrs. George Leavy...... 3800 66—Portrait of a Lady—Jean Baptiste Van Loo; F. Baumeister.......+.++-- 150 8@7—Portrait of a Spanish Lady—Aionso Sanchez Coello; Baron G. Thaumitz.. 266 68—Portrait of Anthony Chamier—Sir Joshua Reynolds; Frank F. Simmons. 7,000 68—Portrait of Queen Charlotte — Sir ng. when the modern paintings will be sold. nc atignate stab ie esate : _-Graham for only $57 large to be salable. k i re A Ark 4 Se © hin ahh Aner: American Art ART AND BOOK SALES Combination Picture Sale! ads 7 Some 80 oils out of a total of 175, the first part of a collection assembled by the Association from~- several private owners, executors of estates and which included presumably some works from dealers’ stocks, were sold by Mr Thomas E. Kirby at the first session of a sale on Mon. eve. last, Feb. 10, in the Plaza ballroom, for a total of $48,840. There was a fair attendance but the bidding was not. spirited, save in the case of the good ex- ample of Sir Joshua Reynolds’ “Portrait of Anthony Chaumier,’’ which, while not a great, was a pleasing canvas in the master’s quieter manner and which, after lively com-. was secured by Lewis and Sim- 000. The curious Murillo, “Sam brought only $3,500, and the petition, mons for $7, Fernando,” large standing full-length “Portrait of Lady Delawarr,”’ attributed to Van Dyck, only $1,300 from Knoedler & Co., the only pur- chase made by that firm. The large nee the | boeckhoven, “Landscape and Cattle,” finest example that ever came on_the auc-— tion market in this city, went to Clapp and. 5 as the canvas was too That a work attributed to Raeburn brought only $300, and others given to great names sold in the hundreds, tells the story of the sale which was largely | made up of attributed pictures, frankly so labelled in the catalog. The pictures sold, with artists’ names titles, sizes, buyers’ names and prices follow: | No. S PO ut ee y oN Artist Title Buyer Dutch School, ‘Portrait of a Man,” Panel, 814x634. W. Neustadt........ Hals, Frans (After), “Portrait of Boy, Laughing,’ Panel, 13x13. Kleinberger CENTRES a) 2 SR eee ee cee Dutch School, “The Smoker,” 1234x934. OU Se RENT ee Ae Se a ee Van De Velde, “Sea View,’ 12x18. RUPEE! OE OMICS, dele) ba etka Ca eee Wheatley, Francis, ‘“The Fisherman‘s De- parture,” 18x22%4. Scott and Fowles. aes ae School, “Landscape,” 12x17%. . Ash, Agt Ribera, J. (A oS dais Ribs Be Uwe CRO HHO Ks ttributed), ‘‘Portrait of a Man,” 15x18%. Seaman, Agt. Cotman, John S., “‘At the Pier,” 24x18. Mrs. H. A. Goman English School, “Portrait of a Young Lady,” 29%4x24Y%. R. Ederheimer.... Rubens (Attributed), “Portrait of a Man,” _ Panel, 25x19. Strolen Steen, Jan, “Family of the Artist,’ Panel, 251%4x19. Scott and Fowles Pulzone (Called Gaetano), ‘‘Portrait of Cardinal Ricci, 26%x20. Seaman, Agt. English School, “Portrait of a Lady,” 1s ONE bin ot nes ar Van Dyck, ‘Portrait of Jerome (Weston), Second Earl of Portland,” 25x2334. Seaman, Agt. Van der Neer (Manner of), “Landscape: Moonlight,” Panel, 25x19!%4. Scott and Fowles Dutch School, ‘‘A Peasant,’ 20x26. A. Strohlen Duck, Jakob, “The Mountebanks,” Panel, 1834 x27 | > Ehrich: ‘Galleries........- Oe sa meer, woes -& 6 ors: 618 6 a ae So Oe ee = lee io a a) Set, « eo ys aie ¢ ¢ bs Bue sea 6 © 946 6) 8g aed) Fe ot 6 2 8 4 Re 6 Se 6.8 Ble 6 84) 8H ht 8 + oO} Oe Hee 2h ee 8 8 ee Bosch, Jerome, ‘Legend of St. Christo- pher,” Panel, 1934x13%. RR. Eder- Le Gt eS es Gee ee Oe Pee aan eae Goyen, J. Van. “‘Dutch Canal with Fisher- men,” Panel, 14x17. Kleinberger Gal- PENT IOS cae ee Te vi aah kd nis 8 lane rotehs Van der Neer, “A Landscape by Moon-- light,” 22x28. Satinover Galleries..... Van Goyen (Attributed), ‘‘Seascape,” Adve Strohten 5.3% ohne Panel, 20x29. chool. “Portrait of a Marquise Price $30 950 50 450 310 173 146 75 | | | 36. Desoria, J. ©. &; “The Princesse Lamballe,”’ 30x25. L.-L. Gillespie.... English School, “Portrait of a Lady,” 30x25. Harrison Becker ...;......-- Lawrence (Attributed), ‘‘Louisa, Duchess of St. Albans,” 30x25. Seaman, Agt. 230 English School, “A Wreck Off Dover,” 96x36. R. Glendenning .....+...5+.+- 120 French School, “Portrait of Princess Pala- tine,’ 3214x26. A. Olivotti .......-.. 140 Nattier, J. M. (Attributed), “Portrait (Supposed) of the Duc De Monte- ~ mattre,” 32x26. Bernet, Agt.....-... 1,225 French School, “Portrait of a Warrior,” 32x25%%. W. A. Burnett ......-+-.-. 160 De Troy, N. (Attributed), ‘Portrait of a Lady,” 32%x25%. A. Olivotti..... 120 Campi, G., ‘“‘Portrait of a Gentleman,” 2914x23. A. Olivotti ......++..-- eeu 100 Janssens, C., Portrait of 2 Man,” 31x25: | Scott’ and. FowleS ...-..ce2.s2+05. sas 525 Tocaué, L., ‘‘Portrait of a Dady} y a2% 25%. H. A. Goman-s........+.+-+2s 450 Hals, Dirk, ““A Musical Party,” 26x32. Kleinberger Galleries ....+.-..evecees 2,800 Kick, Simon, “Interior of an Artist’s Studio,” Panel, 3614x274. G. F. Wee lero see nu eee ee eign site's 190 Verboeckhoven, FE. J., ‘Sheep and Lambs,” 24x32%. Dr. F. Frank..... 525 Janssens, C., “‘Portrait of a Lady,” Panel, Gt Sa d feeed) Chestens cismacle = een wine 280 English School, ‘Portrait of_a Lady with Her Daughter,” 45x35. F. Baumeister 170 Lawrence (Period of), “Portrait _of_the Hon. Mrs. Wolff,’ 32%x27. F. Bau- FAP Het ee MR Oye See Sed Pvc eat a oa WOR ey ae 130 Reynolds (Attributed), ‘Portrait of an Englishman,” 36x28. G. F. Muller.... 350 Beechey, Sir W., ‘Portrait of a Young Lady,’’ 41x33. W. A. Burnett........ 190 Mierevelt, M. J., “Portrait of a Woman,” Panel, 4414x33. Seaman, Agt. ...... 525 Ravesteyn, J. Van, “Portrait of a Lady,” Panel, 41x30%. Satinover Galleries... 400 Dutch School, “Portrait of a Seigneur De Ripperda,” Panel, 451%4x33. F. Bau- SHLCLSECTS Pare cee elak ec as aay it leo % 275 Dutch School, “Portrait of Aysma Van Lanta,” Panel, 4514x33. F. Baumeister 425 Van Gelder, “David and Bathsheba,” 34x- 91%. Lewis and Simmons .......... > 4,900 | Dutch School, “Portrait of a Lady,’”’ 33x- 25. Weston Galleries... 686.0. esas 140 Pierre Mignard (Attributed), “The Du- I chesse De Chevreuse,” 42x33. AURA ECE Oe) ve mele tan a wikte ws 180 Lely, Sir Peter (Attributed), “The Du- chess of Portsmouth,” 50x40. Mrs. Geo. Bearer eth eh eat eee og Ae ge ee ramen 360 Van Loo, J. B., “Portrait of a Lady,” Sigsdeweal. Ratimietster Ol Jets wy es sco 150 Coelle; (Ay Ss, :,“Portratt. of" @— Spanish: Lady,” 51x41%. Baron G, Thomttz.. 260 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, “Portrait of An- thony Chamier,” 50x40. Lewis and SPERIESROUS. Jew! 5's ote eine vio we ges Ve ald 7,000 Weeeoyen, oir A. -(Attributed); “Por. trait of Lucy, Countess of Carlisle,” Breext0, = Olivattt @ Co. ........02.. Pa fs 72, Lawrence, Sir Thomas (Period), ‘‘Portrait of a Lady,” 50x40. W. A. Burnett.. 110 73. Lely, Sir Peter, ‘The Countess of Roches- ter UR aur els. Eeeeeespie ...... 2. 140 74, Murillo, “San Fernando,” 67x45. Jy. S.-H, ere Children’’ (Watercolor), 12%4x11%, C . W. Band Boudin, Henne Dunkerque Harbor in Win- ter,’ ” Panel, 11%4x16, Scott and Fowles Jacquet, ai ce “L’Eté,” 1234x954, Ber- TRE ian crs do's er 6 cdo o KE che eve Diaz, “In the Forest,” 1214x15%4, Hol- land Galleries 5, RET S EAN ears Cee LaES ovis ts ll 51 7. Boece Dea Do Rey Keser! ij S. H., “Interior with Figures,” 184x15%, Holland Galleries Corot, “Aux Bords du Lac’’ 16x103/, POE Es” Pearle. ods teks ele ah Weber, T. A., “On the Pier at Boulogne” (Watercolor), 10x16, R. E. Layman... Chase, Harry, “Tn the "English Channel, ” LO sao MeermMeta Notts 0b. fot eat NY Blashfield, Be Hi, Two Ladies’’ 1834 - x13, eg Henderson Chase, W. M., ee “Panel,” 14%4x16, Mac- Wel eatienee he oe ohn cad bo. Rehn, F. K. M., “Near Annisquam, Cape Ann,” 12x18, Seaman, Agt. Gibson, W. Hamilton, scape” (Watercolor), 13% x183,, J.C: MU MUISEE TS yok Gita sk yk Biles Cig fos, os Brown, W. Mason, “High Water in the River, fe eho, Andrew jo Bdear: Shurtleff, R. M., “Keene Vailey,"" 12x16, Wine: H. Wheelock “Connecticut Land- Coen ece ee ecenseve Beard: J. H., “Child. With a Cat, Aaa hee 14 Re Hyman Gore RE ie Seer cima shales Blashfield, iE An Interior,” “19%. x14, David EL. “Baylor tay Sieee Sete oe Sg ehek Israels, Josef, “The New-Born,”’ Panel, 12x18, Knoedler & Co, Dumini, A. C1S& we oles! few 26 “The Best Friend,” 17%4- x13¥, reine Guglielmetti Ac ot tk ee De Penne, C. O., “Dogs” (Watercolor), 20%4x15%, Bernet, Agt. De La Mar, David, “Sorting Wool,” 17x- 114%, F. W. Walker ABO e eww ee ew Wee 4 Fiot, | Was ets De Jeune Femme,’ 1934x12%, C Guglielmetti........ Portielje, ey ice ee News,” 18%4- w140e Bock. Layman: 2.2.4. Sen bk Schafer, F., “A Lady Sewing,” Panel A0x14 347 eRe Elenderson—. 2225 si et. Kaylbach, F,. A., “Head” (Pastel), 2034- x17, Dirarks Frank P.O Cw eee ere tos es Black, Olive P., “Spring Landscape,” 14x20, Seaman, ets Me Sg Poe, ook Boggs, "Frank M., “A Busy MHarbor,’’ 15x22, Holland Galleries Gruppe, €. Bea “The Dairy,” file eee elias ye Henner, J. J., “Tete De Femme,” 18x13, Holland Galleries PIEC0) oh 6 ema eels es Them, © Monticelli, A., “Lady and Swan,” Panel, Os 5, ‘Albert Goldman LEGS) eed ae Van Marcke, ees Seaman, A (2 it Ek eager Re ea Monticelli, a “Fete Champetre,” 18x- 25%, Scott Sar Bom lest Monee ciioe. Inness, Geor “Golden Sunset,’’ 18x24, Scott and glee SUES ws ois SNES Corot, “Jes Jeux Du Berger Et De la Bergére,” 2234x16%, Ralston Galleries Daubigny, C. F., “Landscape,” Panel, 13%4x24, A. Retnanh ies 23 eae, fs Courbet, G., “At Low Tide,” 18x23%, Dr. Riefstahl De Cock, César, ree Patients css « i'< hy Sarees ek Bosboom, J., “In the Cathedral,’ 2134- xl6¥%4, Holland (a llepiesve ances ipo Du Chattel, J. V., “The Lock Bridge,” 22x15%%, Seaman, DOV isles a kane Ca whe De Bock, “The White ince. ” 23Y4x17%, Nos Hohaetean= . . Yao eee en, Weiss, José, ‘The River,” 1714x300, Rehn Galleries hk + aA es br Abed t herr 4 naa Vibert, J. G., Le Mépris Du Trone,’’ Panel, 25%4x21%4, C. W. Kraushaar.. eee eer eestor ee ese sevens Michel, ce “Landscape,” 1914x24, L, T. (GALE AS Oy ait Vows RS pie ee ter at a Me Dated Doyen, G., “The Blue Fan,” 24x20, W. Ae ute it metees asite ls: eu mien. de oe Vion’ Max, G) GC “Waiting.” 23717, Le DEPOT fear A a ae | Pca Seay oa, ns ek eR Florian, Walter, ‘“‘Landscape, 22x18, Crean IOL AG tity 26 ser, cere a 2-4 ne & Smith, H. P., “On the Shores of Lake Como,” 20x28, seaman, Agi... .'.% Bogert, -Geo. H., “Winter Landscape in Moonlight,”’ 20x24, GG Comstock. . : E ; Eaton, C. Warren “Moonlight, Greetz e545 s wieh, Conn,” {8x31--Robr. Hymatt: 125 152. Bernéde “Still Life,” 3334x26%, C. FH: & Guglielmetti...-++-5 B.. . ces ae ee 105 153. Daingerfield, Elliott, “Tjandscape,”’ 20x- at 30, John Levy ....<+: venga a eeenes P 650 154, Smith, H. P., “Old Oaks in September,” 20x28, Dr. F. Frank ....-++.:- opel 350 155. Wiggins, Carleton, “A Stranger in the J Field,” 23x35, G. T. Parker .....--, ee 156. Thaulow, Fritz, “The Bois in Winter,” ‘i 20x28%, C. W. Band_..ams...-+---- 325 157. Médard, Eugéne, “In War 21%x32, | W. H. Burnett ......+-+-* ase We 80 158. Monticelli, A., “Woodland Worship,” 1734x29%, C. W. Kraushaar ......-+- 4,100 159.. De Bock, T., “Landscape in Sunshine and Shadow,” 221%4x31%4, Holland Galleries «see. seo > ee Fo, Sec ava 750 160. Harpignies, H., “Landscape,” 2534x324, AS Reiwbanhs oo aw okey - et te oie 2,900 | 161. Grison, F. A., “Bridal Party Returning i from the Mountains,” 2534x382, Drak BReatiks 2 Secor eect t tm bia 475 | 162. Verboeckhoven, E, J., ‘Landscape and Sheep,” Panel, 23x33%4, Clapp and } Coraham oac:.dcw Ses soe cen heh Os 650 | 163. Van Marcke, E., ‘The White Cow and the Herd, 2234x37%4, John Levy 4,900 164. Monticelli, A., ‘‘Ceremony in the Woods,” 1914x314, Mrs. E. T. Huntington... 925 165. Bougereau, W. A., “Young Mother and Child,” 39x29, Clapp and Graham... 3,750 166. Van Marcke, ‘‘Landscape and Cattle,” 2234x37%4, John Levy ...-.--.-+--s 4,200 167. Thaulow, Fritz, “The Old Bridge,” 32%- x40, Knoedler & Co. ..e- essence ees 13325 168. Knight, D. Ridgway, “By the Brimming River,” 46x35, Holland Galleries.... 625 169.. De Bock, T., “Amsterdam,” 254x47%, Scott and Fowles ..:-..0...ss00eee: 375 170. Sadler, W. Dendy, ‘‘Called to Account,” 40x60, C. W. Kraushaar .........-. 250 171. Cole, G. Vicat, “Sheep, Cattle, and Land- scape,” 4614x72, G. T. Parker ...... 260 172. Smith, H. P., “The Storm,” 3644x544, Clapp and Graham .....---essesee 300 173. Salmson, Hugo F., “The Return at Even- ing,” 39x53. Holland Galleries ...... 220 174. Knight, D. Ridgway, “Harvesting the Potatoes,” 65x99, Clapp and Graham 2,300 175. Raupp, Karl, “Happily Sailing,” 31%- x514%, C. J. McDonough ........... 200 176. De Schampheleer, “In Holland,” 33x- 5514, Wm. A, Burnett .....-..ceee- 160 URE Wie ia og Ree ROE OR So, 5 he eM a 66,557.50 Total first session, |. ae less $230 three pictures resold...... 48,610.00 ce ee: eae $115,167.50 ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3rp, 1919 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9 a.m. UNTIL 6 pe. M. VERY VALUABLE OLD AND MODERN PAINTINGS BY CELEBRATED FOREIGN AND AMERICAN MASTERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES OF SEVERAL ESTATES AND A NUMBER OF PRIVATE OWNERS ON THE EVENINGS OF MONDAY AND TUESDAY FEBRUARY 10TH AND 11TH BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58TH TO 59TH STREET U nits ; Ning, Intend 8. bork dye. Gg thera darttew hubong pe vag one Fam'd 4 . Su ln An. MOPS IE Seaman Lan tdhet b. Mee. ne. Kebn/ Neres, nt te ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF VERY VALUABLE /J G7 OLD AND MODERN PAINTINGS BY CELEBRATED MASTERS OF THE FOREIGN AND AMERICAN SCHOOLS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED. PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES OF SEVERAL ESTATES AND FOR ACCOUNT OF A NUMBER OF PRIVATE OWNERS ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE HOTEL PLAZA THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases 1s a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. ”. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on. account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. F 4 . % bas . we J * ‘- « ' > + > = ? ihe ; * A i Z ~ Z * - "A + ot ; ¥ ° ‘ : , = * 7 rd ~ n : H : ‘ ; } = 7 . x $ > ; a ‘ FIRST EVENING’S SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1919 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL FIFTH AVENUE, FIFTY-EIGHTH TO FIFTY-NINTH STREET BEGINNING AT 8.15 OCLOCK DUTCH SCHOOL XVITI Century ” = © 1I—PORTRAIT OF A MAN a a MW Nenstaolt Panel: Height, 814 inches; width, 6°4 inches Ha tr length to the front. In black doublet, and flat white collar. In his gloved left hand, which is raised, he holds his other glove. Neutral background. Formerly in the Chateau de Heeswijk. By order of an Executor. AFTER FRANS HALS DutcH ScHOOL Af O “ 9 PORTRAIT OF A BOY, LAUGHING ( J \ Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches Mei boge tars SMALL, bust-length portrait of a little boy, with mouth open and toothless; his body slightly to the left, the face in full front. Long hair, rosy cheeks. In a brown coat. Reminiscent of several such pictures painted by Frans Hals early in his career. Perhaps nearest, in spite of the blue dress, to that of a boy, with a mischievous smile, “listed” by Hofstede de Groot (No. 20), and reproduced in Bode, Plate 14. By order of an Executor. Uk. Clfene boll Vol I - K 106 4 DUTCH SCHOOL AO" 3 THE SMOKER (}. Keimvon Height, 1234 inches; width, 934 inches Ix a tavern or cottage cellar a smooth-faced man of rugged features, in baggy small-clothes and steeple hat, is seated before an upturned barrel which serves as a table. Elbow on knee, he puffs meditatively upon a long- stemmed clay pipe, and a large wine pitcher stands on the floor beside him. A companion has left the table. The property of a Private Collector. WILLEM VAN DE VELDE DutcH: 1610—16938 oe we 4—SHA VIEW x Fp 7 Canvas: Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches A Busy scene, with old Dutch galleons flying the national tri-color flag. Small sailing vessels in the right fore- ground. Formerly in the H. Casimir-Périer Collection. Later im the Wyatt Collection at Oxford. Mentioned in Smith’s “Catalogue Raisonné,” Vol. VI, p. 364, No. 154. By order of an Executor. 4K Cnr boll Vo Tf. - REZ + FRANCIS WHEATLEY, R.A. \\e" Encutsu: 1747—1801 5—THE FISHERMAN’S DEPARTURE Canvas: Height, 18 inches; length, 2244, inches Ture fisherman is bidding farewell on the shore, on the right, to his wife and three children who are accompanied by the dog. In the right background is their cottage. On the left is a sailing vessel. | W. Roberts, “F. Wheatley, R.A.,” 1910, p. 46, lists an undated engraving of the “Fisherman Going Out” by J. Barney. It is described as “a group of six figures, in front of a rustic cottage overhung with trees and by the side of the river or sea, a boat anchored, a boy hoisting a sail. 1714 inches x 214% inches.” f 76 : By order of an Executor. a hee We ENGLISH SCHOOL Earty XIX Century 6—LANDSCAPE / I¢- Wood: Height, 12 inches; length, 1714 inches Own high ground is a plough near a fallen tree; farther back is a shepherd with two cows. On the right, on rising ground, is a cottage near trees. Across the valley is seen a distant church tower. Windy weather. Rain-swept sky. Apparently painted in imitation of the manner of Constable, but not (as once claimed) in the neighborhood of Salisbury Plain. The church faintly recalls that of Dedham, and the foreground that of Hampstead Heath. The property of a Private Collector. ATTRIBUTED TO JUSEPE RIBERA SpanisH: 1588—1656 2) re H 7—PORTRAIT OF A MAN nM. Se anna aus Canvas: Height, 15 inches; length, 1814 inches Bust; three quarters to the right; small mustache; long hair. In a brown doublet with yellow turned-back collar. Neutral background. Formerly in the collection of Henry Doetsch, and sold in London, June 24, 1895, No. 255, as by Ribera, when the cata- logue stated that “this picture has also been ascribed to Velaz- quez, with whose style it has much in common.” The rather greater knowledge that we now possess of Spanish painting en- ables us to dismiss the ascription to Velazquez without, however, making any definite attribution. The property of a Prwate Collector. Ms Tir by oy 1 & JOHN SELL COTMAN bn EncuisH: 1782—1842 s—_AT THE PIER Canvas: Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches Fresu-caucur fish are on the seashore near two boys who are seated in the left foreground near a ship’s windlass. More to the right are other figures, a man on a white horse, a cart, and farther back a number of fishing vessels which are beached and stretch out in a row toward the headland in the center distance. Cloudy sky. The property of a Private Collector. ENGLISH SCHOOL K POI Late XVIII Century (/ aa 4 9—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Canvas: Height, 291 inches; width, 2414 inches. Ix a white dress with pink sash, and a cap with pink rib- bons, she reclines in an armchair supported by cushions. Seen in the foreground, her body is turned toward the right. A candle burns on a table on the right. By order of an Eaecutor. ATTRIBUTED TO P. P. RUBENS FLEMIsSH SCHOOL 10—PORTRAIT OF A MAN Panel: Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches Bust; slightly turned to the left. Middle-aged man, in black doublet and high ruff, with gray goatee and mus- tache. Dark background. By order of an E«ecutor. ¢. Lllunrs bok Vol I K /214 + JAN STEEN o DutcH shal ben 11—THE FAMILY OF THE ARTIST [I YP VY Vi ower Panel: Height, 254% inches; width, 19 inches Srx small figures. he artist, in brown doublet and flat collar, is seated to the left of the table; a parrot perched near his left arm; an architectural setting and a green curtain behind him. In the right foreground his wife is seated, accompanied by three young children; one of them is sitting on the tiled floor and playing with the cat. At the top of a flight of stairs on the right a serving maid approaches through a glazed gallery with refreshments. Sedelmeyer, “Illustrated Catalogue of Paintings,” 5th Series, 1899, No. 53. C. H. de Groot: “Smith’s Catalogue Raisonné,” Vol. I, 1908, No. 870, p. 288. Signed on the left. By order of an Executor. UWA Cline bol Vi a IFA) x s SCIPIO PULZONE (cattep GAETANO) UM ‘F pa Traian: 1550(?)—1600(?) 12—PORTRAIT OF CARDINAL RICCI Canvas : Height, 2614 inches; width, 20 inches MippLE-AGED man with gray beard; bust length; three quarters to the left. In cardinal’s robes and cap. Inscribed on the feigned parapet: Io Riccivs Carp. POLITIANUS. | Signed, and dated, on the right: “Scipio FACIEBAT AN Da 1569.” By order of an Eaecutor. O UT, V eamaw , dof Wi f ae WM. Sea aw, Dog Pd fr = ENGLISH SCHOOL Late XVIII Century 13—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Canvas: Height, 29 inches; width, 25 mches THREE quarters to the left. In a white dress, with brown mantle. The right arm rests against the table. By order of an Executor. SIR A. VAN DYCK EncusH: 1599—1641 14—PORTRAIT OF JEROME (WESTON), SECOND EARL OF PORTLAND Canvas: Height, 25 inches; width, 2234 inches Bust length, turned slightly to the right, looking through a sculptured oval. A middle-aged man, with a short gray beard and mustache. Wearing a flat ruff, and the blue ribbon of the Order of the Garter. Jerome (1605-1663), styled Lord Weston from 1633 until he succeeded as 2nd Earl of Portland in 1635, was ‘ta man of abilities, various learning and genteel accomplishments; a good statesman, and well-skilled in naval affairs.” Thane: “Historical Portraits,” II, 21, reproduces a medal- lion-shaped engraving “from an original by Van Dyck.” Smith, “Catalogue Raisonné,” Vol. III, p. 165, No. 576, describes such a portrait as here identified, as “engraved by W. Hollar, 1645,” and with “the countenance denoting the Earl to have been fifty years of age.” In point of fact, he would not then be as old. The signature in the right bottom corner and the style of painting indicate the English period of Van Dyck. Formerly in the T. Humphry Ward Collection. © cv % By order of an Executor. bi bbenc boll Vol 1- ®F/+ Qh, Sfirlue MANNER OF AERT VAN DER NEER Durcu Scuoou: XVII Century 15—LANDSCAPE: MOONLIGHT Panel: Height, 25 inches; width, 191% inches A SPORTSMAN with a gun, accompanied by a man, walks toward the right along the bank of a Dutch canal. Houses under the trees in the left middle distance. Other build- ings and a church in the distance to the right, on the far bank of the canal. By order of an Executor. Ud. Clune bole. Vol TL K/L 7 DUTCH SCHOOL 16—A PHEASANT Wood: Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches A MAN in tattered attire seated at the roadside, in front of a cottage, with the branches of a tree spreading above him. The stocking of his left leg is down. He is ex- amining the top of his undershirt, which he holds with the fingers of both hands. In the right foreground is his basket, through the handle of which is his staff, on the top of which he has placed his large black hat. At the end of the road, beyond other cottages in the left background, is a church with a tall steeple. The property of a Private Collector. ee JAKOB DUCK : ae Dutcu: 1600—1660 17—_THE MOUNTEBANKS 40 Panel: Height, 1814, inches; length, 2714 inches THe three mountebanks are grouped round barrels, before the door of a house. Men and women in the left fore- ground. In the right foreground people of quality stand, or lean, against a grind stone wheelbarrow. In the right background is a street, the houses having stepped gables. Blue sky. A composition of seventeen figures. Said to have been in the collections of Boucher Cleeve (No. 78) and Thomas Cooke. Signed in the right bottom corner. By order of an Executor. UK bb fusca tool vol X_¥84_, JEROME BOSCH Friemiso: 1460—1518 Fa Ray 18—THE LEGEND OF ST. CHRISTOPHER / A 4 dt. We, Lim Panel: Height, 19°4 inches; width, 1814 inches Unper the branch-thatched penthouse reclines the giant Offero, with his palm-tree staff on the ground by his side. From the right, across the ford, approaches the Infant Christ, who calls to Offero (afterwards to become St. Christopher) to carry Him across. From among the many incidents in the background we discern the guardian of the ford, who holds his lantern for the enlightenment of travelers; a procession of men on horseback, and others, seen near houses outside the walls of a medieval city. Be- yond is a wide-spreading landscape, with a windmill and distant hills. Blue sky, with birds. From the collection of L. Gordon-Stables, Esq., London. Purchased from the F. Kleinberger Galleries Sale, 1914 Reha 6.0, Vlatt The property of a Private Collector. q sh £ JAN VAN GOYEN . 2 Bi Doren [hobs beG . AM, « Mei [ee J 19—A DUTCH CANAL WITH FISHERMEN | Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 17 mches Own the bank of a canal two rowboats containing figures are putting in to a landing stage. On the left the steps rise precipitately to the level above, where are fishermen near a hut, standing out against the sky. On the right is a wide view of the waters of the canal with sailing vessels in the distance. Cloudy sky. Signed, on the boat on the left, with the monogram, J.V.G. Charles T. Yerkes Collection, New York. From the collection of W. M. Chase, Catalogue No. 34s, 84/0 Mlenbag From the F. Kleinberger Galleries Sale, 1918. #X5-$ X00 v b.4 blate The property of a Private Collector. AERT VAN DER NEER Dutcnu: 1604—1677 20—A LANDSCAPE BY MOONLIGHT Canvas: Height, 22 inches; length, 28 inches A SCENE on the banks of a canal which runs across the com- position. In the left foreground is a man on a horse on the canal bank; two men in a boat near by. Sailing ves- sels, a rowboat and a ferry with cattle are moving on the waters toward the town in the distance. A church and other buildings beyond the high bank on the right. The moon 1s shining. By order of an Executor. WX. Elfune toll - Vot IT - ie ATTRIBUTED TO JAN VAN GOYEN REE 2d Dutrcu: 1596—1666 21_SHASCAPE Panel: Height, 20 inches; length, 29 inches A SAILING vessel, running before the wind toward the left. A rowboat in the left foreground, with a jetty farther away. Other vessels in the distance, and buildings seen against the sky line. Cloudy sky. Formerly in the Van Noppen Collection. By order of an Eaecutor. Wk. Glue Clk Vol I~ X G44 PRENCHSESCHOOE XVIII Century 22—PORTRAIT OF A MARQUISE f C Canvas: Height, 271% inches; width, 23 inches { f A LADY in scanty white attire represented as Diana, her parva breast half-bare, a quiver slung across her shoulders, and - Show te a bow in her right hand. A silver crescent, red and blue flowers in her hair. Landscape background, with lowering sky. By order of an Executor. ROBERT TOURNIERES : } Af O- Frencn: 1668—1752 / 23—-PORTRAIT OF THE You, Vt. Necro? COMTESSE DE BOUGAINVILLE Canvas: Height, 29 inches; width, 234% mches Har length; to the front. In a green, patterned dress, cut low. Jewels and a blue ribbon in her hair. Her right hand grasps the end of her red mantle. A column and curtain in the right background. By order of an Executor. JEAN BAPTISTE FRANCOIS DESORIA Frencu: 1758—1832 24 THE PRINCESSE DE LAMBALLE VAG v- lletpie- Canvas—oval: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 wches TuHREE-QUARTER length; three quarters to the right. In white, low-cut dress, with blue sash. A purplish blue rib- bon in her fair hair. She holds a porte-crayon in her right hand with which she is sketching a head on a canvas placed on an easel. ) The well-known appearance of Marie Thérése Louise de Savoie Carignan (1749-1792), who married the Prince de Lam- balle, who was “dainty, small, fascinating and always of the same opinion as other people,” seems hardly to fit the lady here represented. Yet this portrait has passed traditionally as that of the Princesse de Lamballe, the friend of Marie Antoinette. By order of an Eaecutor. Aoyriwn (he ENGLISH SCHOOL . lp | / Earty XIX CENTURY 25—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches THREE-QUARTER length; turned three quarters to the right. In a white dress, with a green sash. A ribbon in her hair. Seated, the arms falling by the side. _ By order of an Executor. pag af ATTRIBUTED TO SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE Enceuisu: 1769—1830 ~ 96—LOUISA, DUCHESS OF ST. ALBANS oe Seawian, Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Har length; three quarters to the right. In a low-cut, red brown dress, short sleeves; a yellow mantle over the left arm; a yellow band in the hair. Architectural back- ground to the left; landscape to the right. Louisa Grace (1777-1816), third daughter of Louisa, suo jure Countess of Dysart, married Aug. 15, 1802, as his second wife, Aubrey, 6th Duke of St. Albans (1765-1815). By order of an Executor. ENGLISH SCHOOL Late XVIII Century 27—_LANDSCAPE Canvas: Height, 83014 inches; width, 2514 inches A MAN, seated in the front of a cart that contains sheep, drives toward the right along a sandy road above which, on the right, is a high, wooded bank. In the left fore- ground is a young woman, with a pail on her head, walking toward the carter. In the left distance are cattle, and a range of hills farther back. Painted in a style which indicates a study of the looser and more spontaneous manner of Gainsborough, to whom it is tra- ditionally attributed. The property of a Private Collector. ENGLISH SCHOOL UN (CEN TORS: 283-4 WRECK OFF DOVER Canvas: Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches VessELs are in distress on the left; figures, broken wreck- age and lifeboats are floating in the wind-lashed waves. Groups of people are assembled, but powerless, on the cliffs on the right. Forked lightning. By order of an Executor. FRENCH SCHOOL XVID? Gentury 299—-PORTRAIT OF A PRINCESS PALATINE Canvas: Height, 321 inches; width, 26 inches THREE-QUARTER length; in full front. In a low-cut brown dress edged with lace, and full sleeves turned back and caught with jewels. Blue ribbon and jewels in her high dressed hair. Jer right hand clasps the edge of her fur- lined, blue mantle. A column and curtain in the right background. By order of an Executor. JEAN MARC NATTIER Frencu: 1685—1766 ss y} b 30—PORTRAIT (supposed) p OF THE DUC DE MORTEMART Ue lbaraet, Sigh Canvas: Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches Har length, turned three quarters to the left. Seated in a chair and looking to the right, he holds his helmet in his hands, which rest on the table in the left foreground. He wears a red coat, lined and trimmed with fur; an order on his left breast; powdered hair. Said to have been in the Beurnonville Collection, but un- identifiable in the catalogue of the sale of May, 1881. By order of an Executor. FRENCH SCHOOL XVII CrenruRY aes | : [, O31 PORTRAIT OF A WARRIOR ae h. ee 3 Canvas—oval: Height, 32 inches; width, 251, inches WEaARING a cuirass over his red-sleeved tunic. The body three quarters to the right; the face looking to the front. In full wig. By order of an Executor. at . \ ( A. Meret x ATTRIBUTED TO NICOLAS DE TROY Frencu Scuoot: XVII Century 32—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Canvas—oval: Height, 321% inches; width, 251% mches THREE-QUARTER length. In low-cut, yellow brocaded robe with blue mantle. The hair powdered, and a pink ribbon in it. A column in the right background. By order of an Executor. GIULIO CAMPI Iratran: 1502—1572 383—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Height, 291% inches; width, 23 inches AGAINST a neutral background of rich green hue is painted the portrait of a man, appearing at less than half length, in black apparel. “He is bearded and is portrayed with figure nearly full front and face three quarters front, turned slightly to his left, and his gaze is directed at the spectator. He wears a dark cap from which feathery plumes droop, and his black apparel is relieved by the touches of red and white presented by the inner fluted collar of his coat. This picture was purchased by the owner as by Paris Bor- done, but since it has been in his possession and while in course of being cleaned it was seen by Dr. Oswald Sirén, the expert, who declared that in his opinion the painting was the work of Giulio Campi. The property of a Private Collector. a CORNELIS JANSSENS aw % DutrcH-Encusu: 15983—1664 34—PORTRAIT OF A MAN cof x Vautes Canvas: Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches Har length; turned three quarters to the right. In : black doublet, sleeves slashed with white. Flat lace collar with tassels. Small beard. Neutral background. By order of an Eaecutor. Ni Leia boll Vt IE _ K/03 Ji. Kou . Vomaw LOUIS TOCQUE Frencu: 1696—1772 35—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Canvas: Height, 32 inches; width, 251 inches THREE-QUARTER length; three quarters to the left. In a white dress with blue sleeves. Flowers in her powdered hair. Her left arm rests against a table with a parrot on her left wrist. In her right she holds a piece of wood. The parrot’s perch is in the left background. By order of an Executor. DIRK HALS Dutrcu: 1591—1656 36—A MUSICAL PARTY Canvas: Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches Six small, full-length figures. A musician, leaning against a table, plays the violin; behind him stands a man with a charcoal pan in his hands. On the right a young man and woman are seated on the far side of the table. More to the left, in the foreground, is a young gallant in yellow silk costume. A serving maid on the right. A landscape picture hangs on the wall in the center. By order of an Eaecutor. BA Whi: Goll VAT.- 79, «* ' 4 / e SIMON KICK Durcu: 1608—1652 37 THE INTERIOR OF AN ARTIST’ S STUDIO Panel: Height, 3614 inches; width, 2714 mches Ow the left the artist stands before his easel, on which is the portrait that he is painting of a man who 1s seated by a table beneath a green curtain on the right. The latter ‘s dressed in black with slashed sleeves and holds up a glass in his left hand. A representative, although unsigned, work. By order of an Executor. Ki Bleu boll VATE -# 108, > De ‘ Ar. f ; 2 fs ¥ - EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Beitcian: 1799—1881 38—SHEEP AND LAMBS gM Height, 24 inches; length, 821% inches T'wo full-fleeced ewes and two lambs, in a comfortable stable with a window. on the left giving a view of land-— scape. One of the ewes is standing in the middle of the picture and facing the spectator; the other is lving down on the right of her companion, with two lambs nestling near her head. On her left a black hen is picking her way across the straw which lies on the ground and bunches of straw are seen piled up on the right. Signed at the right, and dated 1858. From the Matthew Addy Sale, New York, 1911 hhh her telaiye, Sold for account of the former purchaser. sain Sliala silat | £ SS: BOD F- Shulfiers CORNELIS JANSSENS Dutcu-Eneusu: 1593—1664 39—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Panel: Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches THREE-QUARTER length; turned three quarters to the right. In a black dress with slashed sleeves and white lace collar. Small black cap; gold chain, set with enamels, across the breast. Her arms by her side. Light hair. Neutral back- ground. — By order of an Executor. ayy WX Eb bin bool Vol IL 1 Hiok+ ENGLISH SCHOOL Earty XIX Century ye 50 40—PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH HER DAUGHTER Poe t doencitey Canvas: Height, 45 inches; width, 35 imches THREE-QUARTER length, three quarters to the left. The lady wears a green dress and a red headdress. Before her, in the left foreground, stands the little girl, who wears a white dress with a red sash and holds up a yellow drapery. A chair in the right foreground. By order of an Executor. PERIOD OF SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE ENGLISH 41—PORTRAIT OF THE HON. MRS. WOLFF ie Flbaumeistor Canvas: Height, 824% inches; width, 27 mches THREE-QUARTER length; three quarters to the right. Ina white dress, seated in a red upholstered chair, with orna- ments in her hair; gold necklace and bracelet. It is not easy to identify the lady, of whom we here have the portrait. Nor is Lawrence known to have painted a portrait of the Hon. Mrs. Wolff. He did, of course, paint three pictures of Mrs. Wolff, wife of the Danish Consul; she died 1829. This canvas is not to be identified with that of her engraved by S. Cousins after Lawrence, for she there is represented in a turban. In the other two portraits, engraved by J. Bromley after Law- rence, she is seen together with her son. By order of an Executor. ATTRIBUTED TO SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS 42-PORTRAIT OF AN ENGLISHMAN Canvas: Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches wt r Har length, turned three quarters to the left. In dark pe , yYed coat and vest. His right hand is on the head of a dog; a gun on the left arm. Landscape background. By order of an Executor. WK Cllrs tell Vol 1K b8-K tna Catan) SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY EncusH: 175383—1839 48—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY i A 4 Be Canvas: Height, 41 inches; width, 38 inches ld) _— ‘THREE-QUARTER length; in full face; seated, with a spaniel i by her side, and wearing a low-cut, black dress with short sleeves, and a white pink-lined mantle across her lap. Coral necklace and bangles. Landscape background on the left; column on the right. By order of an Executor. MICHIEL JANS MIEREVELT fs Dutcu: 1567—1641 44—PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN Panel: Height, 4414 inches; width, 33 inches