= bee -7> ‘: cs Ss Say 25, Mae y =a EPs 4p. <¥ aw 2 pe Ne ere en ee men rt Ot I EE a ee ee : Sarat SETI i ae ee | ' | | View from Nov. 30 No. 382 Sale Thursday, Dec. 3, 1925 ARMS AND ARMOR EDGED WEAPONS AND POLE ARMS (Which are guaranteed as catalogued ) including the BALTZER AND LESTER GROUPS of North Carolina and New York Philippine and American Indian Material, Etc. Rare Pieces from the Dutch East Indies No. 390 TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Thursday morning and afternoon, Dec. 3, 1925 AT 10:30 AND 2 O’CLOCK First Session Morning Nos. 1—204 Second Session Afternoon 205—441 THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 WALTER S. SCOTT, Auctioneer ‘STST 3 ynoqe “Sumy W ti Fe matt ele o~ OSslig 1oowjIeq Ul » ies ape Bes “-guoqayey pue pjo8 ‘A10a] “06€ ‘ON wr View from Nov. 30 No. 382 Sale Dec. 3, 1925 — ARMS AND ARMOR | EDGED WEAPONS AND POLE ARMS (Which are guaranteed as catalogued) including the )BALTZER) AND /LESTER/GROUPS of North Carolina and New York Philippine and American Indian Material, Etc. | Rare Pieces from the Dutch East Indies Rare Sun-Cannon; Cannon Models and Cross-Bows; Three Suits of European Armor; Three Suits of Japanese Armor; a Trophy after the Mediaeval; Helmets, Shoulder Pieces, Gaunt- lets, Boots, Spurs; Fine Japanese Guns, Swords, Pistols, Arrow- Heads and Bands; Shields; Japanese War Masques; Noel 12- shot Disc Revolver; Italian and Dutch Snap-haunce Pistols; Revolving Flintlock Pistol; Four-Barrel Flintlock Pistol; Span- ish Sword-Cane and Basque Combined Knife and Stiletto; Cinquedea from two famous collections; Ankus or Elephant Goad; Hunting Horn; Water and Johnson Martial Pistols; Wheelock and Lindsay Guns; Rare Javanese pieces from the Dutch West Indies including Sarongs, fine silver Kris, brass; carved and gilded wood Chests, etc., Head-Hunter’s Weapons; Borneo Tom-Tom; Sioux, Piute, Crow and Chippewa Beads, Bridles, Leggins, Bowls, Bags, Clubs, Pipes, Knives, etc. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Thursday morning and afternoon, Dec. 3, 1925 AT 10:30 and 2 O’CLOCK | 9389 eS ny LSS Sed eS ra THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 WALTER S. SCOTT, Auctioneer Ww CONDITIONS OF SALE All Bids to be by Lot. They are executed free of charge by the Walpole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injuriously affect the sale. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Delivery. Goods bought to be removed after 9:30 o’clock the day following the close of the sale. If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the purchaser and these Galleries will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliveries will be made during or tmmediately after the sale, but all bills and goods will be ready at 9:30 o'clock on the day following the sale. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the close of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, these Galleries reserve the right to dispose of the goods without notice to the defaulting buyer and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. This catalogue has been compiled by a competent cataloguer, the various lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. The Walpole Galleries, if requested, will forward purchases at the buyer’s risk and expense. Priced copies of this catalogue at $3.00 each after the sale. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES LENORE YOUNG TURNBULL (Mrs. Edward Turnbull) 12 WEST FORTY-EIGHTH STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by Mr. WAtterR S. Scott ARMS AND ARMOR EDGED WEAPONS AND POLE ARMS Including the Baltzer and Lester Groups from NC and NY 13 Philippine, Javanese and American Indian Material FIRST SESSION. Nos. 1--204 Colt’s Revolver. L. 11 ins. Brass Barrel Pistol. L. 13 ins. Percussion, ramrod. Mark: Lane & Rea, Boston. Bone Handled Dagger. L. 10 ins. Damascenéd blade. “T. Richardson, 32d L. I.” Handle carved. Short Sword: Revolutionary Period. L. 20 ins. Etched blade; grip as bald-headed Eagle, metal tipped sheath. Java Kes) 4. 16 ins, Double-edged tip; watered blade; silver scabbard and grip. Celebes Curved Kris. L. 24 ins. Watered blade, carved demon handle, silver bound scabbard. Kris with Beautifully Watered Blade. L. 25 ins. Finely carved wood handle, dull gilding, lacquered scabbard. Old Revolutionary Brass Powder Horn. L. 10 ins. Buffalo hunt in relief, crossed guns, etc. Old Revolutionary Round Canteen: Rare. L. 9 ins. Old Revolutionary Bugle. L. 13 ins. Very rare piece, wrapped and bound in red cord and tassel. Pair Old Revolutionary Stirrups. Of bronze. Eagle on sides. Old Filipino Dagger. L. 12 ins. Leaf blade; and ivory handled short sword. (2 pes.) Tip missing. Old Spanish Folding Dagger and “Robin Hood” Revolver. L. 13 ins. Horn handle. (2 pcs.) 14 i) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Zo 24 25 26 Pay A Long and a Short Japanese Sword. Lacquer scabbard, bronze mounts. L. 40 and 14 ins. (2 pes.) Two Old Swords. L. 38 and 39 ins. One marked: N. F. Ames, Cabotville, 1845. Old Japanese Blunderbus. L. 35 ins. Silver inlaid barrel; fine piece. (Trigger missing.) With crest of the owner and swallows. Two Japanese War-half Masks and Neck-Guards. Lacquer and iron, one fourteenth, one fifteenth century. (2 pes.) Two Japanese War-half Masks: Fifteenth Century. Tree pes) Rare Old Nempo Brown Lacquer Mask. Showing teeth; very unusual. Sixteenth century, and rare shoul- der guard. (2 pcs.) Very Rare Iron Japanese War Mask. Thirteenth century. Unusual Japanese Helmet. High, egg plant shape. Very odd neck protector. Finely Carved Wood Japanese Mask. Grotesque, painted. Finely Carved Wood Japanese Mask. Grotesque, painted white. Finely Carved Wood Japanese Mask. Wrinkled old face, decorated with hair. Pair Old Japanese Sleeves. Iron and chain work in squares; fourteenth century, by the great “Michin”’,. Tobiguchi (Kind of Tomahawk). L. 14 ins. Iron with lacquered handle. Date about 10th century. Tobiguchi (Kind of Tomahawk). L. 14 ins. Fifteenth century. 6 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 a7 38 39 40 41 42 Long Japanese Bow. Twelve arrows in quiver. Two Japanese Arrow Stands. L. 24 ins. One 14th century; other with four arrows. Armor: Japanese Breast and Back Plate (Iron). Bearing Japanese characters of Dai (great); 17th century. Breast Plate. Bearing Japanese characters of Dai (great); 17th century. Japanese Iron War Mask. Very fine example; 14th century. Lined with red lacquer. Japanese Helmet. Tolsupoi shape; iron ornamented with Daimio crest in gold; 15th century. Japanese Iron War Mask: Fine Specimen. 14th century. Pair Old Japanese Sleeves. L. 28 ins. Chain armor over old silver brocade. Fine condition. Japanese Skirt. L. 19 ins. To match preceding. Old Japanese Breast Plate. Lacquered and cord. Back plate and helmet to match. Pair Old Japanese Leg Protectors. L. 12 ins. Lacquered. Pair Fine Old Japanese Sleeves. L. 28 ins. Chain armor in the elaborate metal work. Old U. S. Cartridge Box. Fine eagle buckle and unique cartridge belt. (2 pcs.) Two Old American Military Belts. Fine brass buckles. (2 pcs.) Old Alaskan Iron Drill and Scraper. L. 6 ins. and 10 ins. Two pieces. 7 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Sy 52 oo 54 at 56 Old Carved Bark Beater. L. 11 ins. Mushroom carved head. Diam. 5 ins. Two Old Revolutionary 2-inch Cannonballs. And old mailed wristlet. (3 pcs.) Antique Egyptian Bronze Mirror. Diam. 9 ins. Pair Old Japanese Metal and Lacquer Stirrups. L. 10 ins. Elaborate inlay of silver with crests. Superb pair. Old Cross Hilt Rapier. L. blade 3 ins. Relief figures on brass hilt, signed L. S. Hannis. Old U. S. Navy Cutlass. L. blade 32 ins. Marked: “Honour and my Country”, on-one side, and Eagle; E. Pluribus Unum on other. War of 1812. Filipino Kris. Engraved blade, hilt made of captured gun butt. Upstanding guard of carved brass. Rare piece, “Colman collection. | One and a Half Handsword of the Spanish Invasion. L. 36 ins. Hilt and quillons (lyre shaped ends) 12 ins. Inscription on blade; “Do not unsheath me without reason. Do not return me dishonored.” Old Campaign Powder Horn. L. 14 ins. “Polk & Dallas”. Finely carved ends. Four etchings showing Fagle and flag, N. Y, State Coat of Arms; a \cannomecmos ea guarding shield and grouped flags. Old Blubber Knife; Sheffield Blade. Blade 18 ins. long and 3 ins. wide. Old North Borneo Kris. L. 10 ins. Flame like blade, hooked handle; scabbard of brass. Double Pointed African Short Spear. L. 30 ins. The plaited silver leather grip 1s very interesting native work. Japanese Sword Cane. Native spoon (2). Spear from the Upper Congo Africa. With leaf shape blade. 8 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 . 69 70 71 ie Moro Spear from the Philippines. L. Fine piece with flame blade. Pair Sioux Moccasins. Beaded and fringed. Pair Sioux Moccasins. Elaborately beaded. Beaded Pouch and Papoose’s Moccasiris (2). Fine Old Sioux Stone Head Club. Beaded and fringed. Pair of Silver Bracelets. Crude engraving, Iroquois. Pair Sioux Leggins. Fully beaded. Pair Sioux Leggins. Fully beaded, larger. Woven Root Bag. Wery fine. 13x10 ‘ins. Woven Root Bag. Very fine. 19x13 ins. Sioux War Bonnet. Beaded band with white eagle feathers. Sioux War Bonnet. Beaded band with white eagle feathers, large and elaborate. Pair of Buffalo Horns. Finely beaded and quilled. Old Knife. Horn handle with carved bear’s head and beaded sheath. Scalping Knife. In leather sheath. Sioux Vest. Fully beaded on buck-skin. 9 73 74 le 76 Lh 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Tomahawk Pipe. Bronze blade. Catlinite Pipe. Carved bowl a Old Blackstone Head Pipe. Faint etching and stone canoe gouge (2). Fine. nd sterile arae, Flint Spear Head. Fine and perfect. 3x4 ins. Pair Old Beaded Moccasins. Plains Indians Pair Old Beaded Moccasins. Very unusual. Pair Old Chippewa Cloth Leggins. Finely beaded. Pair Old Chippewa Cloth Leggins. Finely beaded. Old Sioux Pipe Bag. Finely beaded and fringed. Old Sioux Pipe Bag. Finely beaded and fringed, with porcupine quills. Pair Medicine Man’s Fetishes. Rare. Pair Sioux Death Moccasins. Beautiful. Soles beaded. Rare. Raw Hide Sewing Bag. Painted and beaded. Sewing Bag. Quill-work and horsehair pendants. Piute Papoose Rare. Beaded, with root basket hood, also beaded. Carrier. Woven Root Bag. V ery choice 23x16 ins. 89 Woven Root Bag. Wetry-choice. 20x15 ins. 90 Sioux Saddle Strap. L. 70 ins. Elaborate bead work on hide. 91 Man’s Belt, Crow. Beautifully beaded on hide. 92 Meat Beater and Hide Bowl. Beater has enormous stone head, almost entirely covered with hide. Very rare. Two pieces. 93 Pair Old Crow Beaded Moccasins. Very fine. 94 Pair Chippewa Moccasins. Beautiful quill work and beads. 95 Sioux Chief’s War Bonnet. Beaded band, white eagle feathers. 96 Old Crow Saddle Bag. Beautiful bead work on buffalo hide. 97 Another Old Crow Saddle Bag. Beautiful bead work on buffalo hide. 98 Sioux Pipe Bag. Very beautiful, almost entirely beaded and quilled. Sioux. 99 Squaw’s Head Dress. Finely quilled and beaded on buckskin. 100 Squaw’s Head Dress. Finely quilled and beaded on buckskin, with skirt of fabric attached. 101 Pair Crow Moccasins. Choice, fully beaded. 102 Pair Crow Moccasins. Beaded. 103 Old Stone Head War Club. Finely beaded handle. 11 104 Chippewa Rest Mat. Beaded tripod loop support. 105 Pair Boy’s Buckskin Leggins. Sinew sewn, fine fringe. 106 Squaw’s Shoulder Dress. Buckskin, elaborate fringe with metal pendants. Rare and old. 107 Saddle Bag. ' Finely beaded with metal pendants, etc. 108 Saddle Bag. Small, quill work. 109 Old Leather Leash. Decorated with 34 silver buttons. 110 Leather Bridle and Bit. Old, very interesting. 111 Bridle and Bit. Horsehair and leather. 112 Two Old Dance Rattles. One hide-covered, the other painted. (2). 113 Feather War Dance Staff Decoration. 114 Medicine Man’s Root Bag. Beaded with hanging pendants. 115 Sewing Bag. Beaded edges and flap in color. Unusual. 116<,.Glub: Curious old carved cane club. bi7-s.Poucn, Finely beaded, changed to pipe bag. 118 Pair Sioux Moccasins. Old, fully beaded. 119 Moccasins. Odd decoration; Plains Indians. 12 120 Basket. Fine birch bark; star and vine decoration. 121 Hunting Knife. Leather scabbard; rare, old. 122 Horn Spoon and Two Needle Cases. (2). 123 Pair Dance Ornaments. Quilled with hair pendants. (2). 124 Saddle Bag. Beaded, quilled and fringed, with feathers, etc., on buffalo hide. Rare, old. 125 Saddle Bag. Beaded, quilled and fringed, with feathers, on buckskin. Rare, old. 126 Old Knife and Beaded Case. Made of captured sword. Handle missing. 127 Old Head Dress. Rare bird feathers and bead work. 128 Two Looms. With sample weavings. (2). 129 Old Buffalo Skin. Large size. 130 Pouch and Medicine Bottle. Both beaded. (2). 131 Stone Club Head. And drilled piece of catlinité; square, 22 ins. long. (2). 1325, O10 Tom.Tom. Painted with horse, etc. 133. Old Water Carrier. Made of gourd; two pairs Crow Moccasins; old; beaded. (2). 133a Work Bag. Square. Beaded. Leaves and flowers; mountain decoration. Fine, old. (2). 13 133b Bow and Arrows. 134 (RS 136 aS 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 Old Apache bow and four steel tipped arrows. Demi-Suit of Japanese Armour. On stand. Helmet, mask, breast plate, back plate, skirt and shoulder pieces. Gold and silver decorations. Valuable demi- suit. Elk Skin. : Very fine, unusually fine and heavy. Moro War Spear. | | Very long blade, bamboo handle. Filipino. Moro War Spear. Remarkable metal work on handle. Choice Filipino Kris. Flame blade, carved ivory parrot head handle. Very rare specimen. Filipino Kris. Silver handle. Rare. Filipino Campilan. Beheading knife. Finely carved handle. Filipino Campilan. Beheading knife. Carved handle. Rare Filipino Dagger. Handle carved in form of two demons’ heads of horn, guard also carved of horn. Filipino Dagger. Horn handle and flame blade. Filipino Head Hunter’s Spear. Leaf shaped heavy blade. This and the three following are the complete set of the Head Hunter, and are very difficult to procure. Filipino Head Hunter’s Spear. Two spreading prongs at the end of the blade. 14 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Filipino Double Pronged Spear. Fine cane bands at ends. Filipino Head Hunter’s Spear. Ten pronged blade, cane bands. Filipino Barong In carved scabbard, large silver ferrule, beautifully carved and inlaid handle. Superb piece. Filipino Barong. Carved scabbard and handle, large silver ferrule. Filipino Tray. Beautifully cut border, diam. 19 ins. Filipino Shirt of Mail. Carabao horn and brass chain work. The rarest curio from the Filipine Islands. Filipino Bronze Helmet. Rare. Demon Headed Kris. Superbly carved horn, inlaid eyes, ivory and horn decorated scabbard. Java. Rare. Kris. Demon head; scabbard with horn handle. Filipino Fish Spear. Double pronged, bamboo handle. Moro War Spear. | Deeply cut blade, bamboo handle. Moro War Spear. Deeply cut blade. Blade secured by cane work. African Chief’s Knife. Entirely copper (African money). Very rare. Filipino Bronze Paint Box. Three compartments, elaborately inlaid with silver. piece. Filipino Bronze Box. Large, oblong, with inlaid cover. Rare. 15 Very fine 161 Bronze Bowl. Beautifully inlaid. From the Philippine Islands. 162 Alaskan Hide Scraper. Ivory, old. 163 Malay Fire Box. Very rare 164 African Matchlock Gun. Fetish attached to stock. Collector’s piece. 165 Filipino Campilan. | Handle of carved shark’s head with native bells. 166 Filipino Campilan. Carved, 167 Borneo Kris. Flame blade, cane bound handle. 168 Borneo Kris. Straight blade, cane bound handle. 169 Ceremonial Wand and Bark Beater. Carved, from the South Sea. 170 Silver Hair Ornament. Pendants of animals, fish, etc., attached to embossed circle set with stones. Fine piece, unique. 171 Javanese Kris. Carved horn handle, scabbard bound with silver bands and ivory, (Kave piece, s ouel De 172 Javanese Kris. Smaller. 173 African Spear. Brass and copper. Used by Nsubi chiefs as currency, Rare. 174 African Musical Instrument. Carved of one piece. 175 South Sea Bow and Three Arrows. One palm leaf tip painted. 16 176 Fiji Paddle Club. Bound with native cloth. Rare. 177 ‘Two South Sea Bowls. Woven grass supports. (2). 178 South Sea Spear and Box with Two Locks. Spear wonderfully carved with rattle near point, also at base. heunable: (2). 179 Philippine Kris. Straight blade, handle carved in form of head. 180 Philippine Kris. Flame blade, grooved, carved handle. 181 Philippine Kris. Flame blade, carved handle. 182 Toggle Iron. One of the earliest type. 183. Turkish Scimitar. Bound with brass. 184 Filipino Beheading Knife. Finely bound and carved handle. 185 Filipino Pira. Curious carved horn handle. 186 Moro War Spear. Bamboo handle, woven cane bands. From the Philippines. 187 Borneo Campilan. Carved shark head handle. 188 Borneo Kris. Short, flame blade. 189 Borneo Kris. Short, slight flame blade. 190 Two Native Bead Necklaces. (2). iy 191 Two Native Necklaces. Seeds and shells. (2). 192 Two Native Necklaces. Interesting e524, 193 Pair Cowboy’s Leggings. Plated. buttonsre ld: 194 Pair Cowboy’s Leggings. Fringe decorations. 195 South Sea Woven Grass Mat. Striped design. 196 Sword. Short, with “Pandur” engraved on both sides of the blade. Fine and old. 197 Two Branding Irons, Club, Bayonet and Spear. (5). 198 Spear and Arrow Points. Etc. Box of miscellaneous pieces. 199 Powder Horn. Carved and etched, signed John Loft, 1élje are 200 Powder Horns. Old-Horna, (4): 201 Colt Revolver. Good working order. 202 Colt Revolver. Very heavy, stage coach etched on cylinder. 203 Colonial Horse Shoer’s Tool. Alaskan Thong Cutter. (2). 204 Old Hand Carved Locomotive Model. L. 20 ins. A passenger locomotive of remarkable hand workmanship, mounted on a turnbridge, made by E. W. Bliss. Valuable piece and perfect in miniature, light colored wood (pine?). 18 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 Ze 213 214 219 216 SECOND SESSION: Lots 205-441 Burnside Breech Loading Carbine. L. 39 ins. Model of 1864. Good condition. Lamson Breech Loading Carbine. L. 37 ins. Marked E. G. Lamson & Co, Winsor Vt. Ball’s Pat. Rare. Poultney & Trimble Carbine. L. 39 ins. Smith’s Patent. Good condition with most of original blueing. Remington Breech Loading Carbine. L. 42 ins. With ramrod, and in good condition. Sharps Hammerless Carbine. L. 40 ins. Marked “Old Reliable” on barrel. Pat. 1876. Sharps Breech Loading Carbine. L. 38 ins. Patch box in stock, C. Sharps patent 1848. Good. Spanish Remington Rifle. L. 46 ins. Cal. Remington breech mechanism, with eBariok or marks on the barrel. Steel ramrod, sling swivel. Unusual Percussion Rifle. L. 43 ins. Half octagon barrel, swelling to half circle at the breach, safety. Stock damaged at lock plate. U. S. Springfield Horse Pistol. Cal. .50. L. 29 ins. Model 1855. Maynard tape lock. Ring butt, swivel ramrod, detach- able shoulder stock with sling swivels. Three-leaf rear sight. Matchlock Japanese Gun. L. 47 ins. Octagon barrel inlaid with War Dragon, the crest of the owner and a monogram in silver; bronze mounts. Long Arabian Matchlock Wall Gun. L. 66 ins. Flat stock with deep natural (knot) hole for cord; ribbed flat top and long barrel with belled mouth; stock wormed and three-finger guard. ivare Olde piece. Old Weighted Arquebuse. L. 45 ins. Octagon barrel with belled mouth; old stock with ivory inlay. Per- cussion; the end weighted with lead shaped to the stock, for two inches. Bronze finger guard and ivory tipped ramrod. 19 217 218 219 220 Za eee 220 224 220 226 Zep 228 U. S. Cavalry Sword. L. 43 ins. Brass guard and pommel; leather on grip missing; black steel scab- bard slightly rust-pitted. Three Spears. L. about 5 feet. Pike from Liege, and two Head-hunters’ spears, one with painted pole, one with fishtail head. (3). Spear. L. 81 ins. EKight-inch thick spear head for piercing armor, inlaid with silver wire at the shaft. Japanese Spear. L. 80 ins. Mother of pearl inlay on the shaft for a depth of 21 inches, and short thick 5-inch head for piercing armor. Japanese War Spear. L. 85 ins. Lacquered shaft, bronze mounts. Wave Blade Spear. L. 88 ins. Double points on the 12-inch head. Double Headed Iron War Spear. L. 74 ins. Head 12 inches with serrated blades. Native Wood Spear. L. 81 ins. The point (of wood) is damaged; four others with bone and iron heads. (5). Pair of Small Colt Pistols. Cal. .45. L. 5 ins. Percussion; bronze and nickel (wearing). (2). (Illustrated Plate 1) Small Silver Mounted Deringer. L. 5 ins. Shows rust pittings. — (Illustrated Plate 1) Pepper-Box, 6-Shot. L. 8 ins. Rusted; short Cuban knife and sheath; trench-knife; sword-heads (blades gone or broken), etc. A parcel. Florentine Arquebuse. L. 57 ins. Used during the Reformation. Flint lock, heavy cannon barrel carved in relief and inlaid; the full length stock having cheek piece and ivory inlays. 20 229 230 232 ZOO 234 235 236 PA is 238 239 240 241 242 Old Rifle. L. 60 ins. Good octagon barrel; shows rust, and otherwise poor; Flintlock Carbine (poor condition), L. 38 ins. (2). Pair of Bronze Plaques. Diam. 13 ins. : Etched with the heads of warriors on bright brass; border in relief of Amorini, shields and flowers after the antique. (2). Morning Star (Iron). | With 8-in. chain. (Illustrated Plate 1) Bowie Knife. L. 13 ins. Leather sheath. Dagger. L. 16 ins. Filigree sheath of cast iron (late), crown pommel. (lllustrated Plate 1) Martel-De-Fer. L. 7 ins. (late). No shaft, decorative head with masque. » Cuban Machete. L. 22 ins. Leather sheath. Cavalry Sabre. L. 37 ins. Used in the Battle of Waterloo. Inlaid in gold bronze, bronze mounts, crowned lion pommel. (Sheath imperfect.) Navy Cutlass. L. 30 ins. Leather sheath, worn. Trophy After Medieval Design. Maces (39), two Swords (35), two Shaped Shields){ 16x23); 6 pieces (including stand). (Illustrated Plate 1) Helmet: Mediaeval Style (14 ins.) and Oval Shield (17x23). Comb top, visor, highly wrought after an ancient mediaeval Italian pattern. “(2 pieces): (Illustrated Plate 1) Large Plaque. Diam. 23 ins. ; After the early Italian, decorated with battle scene in relief, border of griffins and masques. Small Dark Bronze Plaque. Diam. 6 ins. The Arming of Minerva in relief. (Late.) (Illustrated Plate 1) Halberd. 8 ft. shaft. Crescent blade; skull cracker point and long thick head. 22 243 244 245 Halberd. 8 ft. shaft. Crescent blade; skull cracker point and flat spear-head. Parker Double Barrel Shot Gun. 12-Gauge. Take-down, model in good condition and clean, in shaped heavy leather case (small end “of case needs replacing). English Sporting Rifle. L. 50 ins. Percussion; full stock of light weight, prettily marked and polished wood, with patch box in the stock; ramrod: Mark P P B. LOTS 246-343 ARE SOLD UNDER A GUARANTY TO BE AS 246 24h 248 anes) 250 CATALOGUED Swiss Repeating Rifle, c. 1880. Cal. .41. Vetterli military repeater, rim fire. Tubular magazine holds 13 cart- ridges. Bolt action, elevating rear sight, cleaning rod in forestock. A serviceable weapon, in good working order. Cartridges readily obtainable. Made at Berne arsenal. Stock for Luger Pistol. Hardwood, with metal fitting and clamp. Fits any Luger (Parabel- lum) military automatic pistol, .30 or .35 cal. With slots for attach- ~ ing holster. Flintlock Pistol; English; XVIII Century. Walnut stock: Brass barrel with a spring bayonet attached to the right side which, being released by a latch, springs into position. On one side of lock plate is inscribed Bennett London and on the Dente) Royl. Exchange. (Illustrated Plate 2) Flintlock Pistol; Italian; XVII Century. Barrel partly inlaid with brass and silver and mounted in hard black wood; the stock is hollow from the butt towards the muzzle end, thus making a sheath for a stiletto. (Illustrated Plate 2) Noel 12 Shot Disc Revolver; French; First Half XIX Century. One of the rare detonator weapons, especially interesting in this practical double-action revolver form. Steel disc with diameter just below axis of barrel contains twelve radial chambers. Touch holes tapered for fulminate pills drilled to right side of disc, and corre- spond with horizontally acting hammer on right of pistol. A mov- able safety can be interposed between nose of hammer and opening to disc. Side plate on left opens on hinge to permit removal of disc for loading. Folding trigger, pressure on which automatically revolves disc and operates hammer. Octagon barrel with high top ridge, steel frame completely covered with fine floral engraving, carved and checquered ebony grips. Hinge of left side plate broken, pistol otherwise in perfect condition. Bears low serial number 22. (Illustrated Plate 2) Tope 251 ae 253 254 Zao Percussion Pistol; XIX Century. Stock of light tinted hard wood; brass mounted butt with hinged lid which covers a chamber for carrying caps; barrel and socket brass; oblong hammer is liberated by pressing a button on the upper side of stock and is nicked so as to be used as a sight in connection with a long pointed sight at the muzzle end of barrel. (Illustrated Plate 2) Double-bbl. Flintlock Pistols (pair); English, XVII Century. Superimposed barrels of blued steel screwed to frame and removable by wrench fitting into short muzzle-rifling. Flat stocks, bright frames; revolving cylinder forms base of pan and directs flame to upper or lower barrel as it is turned by thumb-latch on left side. Adjustable frizzen-spring, central cock with sliding safety which locks both cock and frizzen in half-cock position. Blued triggers and trigger-guards. (Illustrated Plate 2) Flintlock; Turco-Balkan; XVIII Century. Flintlock of Miquelet type, with external mainspring. Of large size, with very large cock and frizzen. In place of the usual half-cock sear a hinged dog is present, which, normally held out of the way by a spring, is pushed into engagement with the cock when it is desired to carry the weapon in safe condition. Face of frizzen deeply ribbed. Cock jaw screw with perforated bead and spreading finger loops. Top of upper cock jaw carved with plant motive in low relief; edge of lock plate engraved with meander pattern. (Illustrated Plate 2) Percussion Pocket Pistols (pair); English, Early XIX Century. Handsome pair of early percussion pistols. Octagonal barrels, blued, screwed to frame; smooth bore; slight engraving at muzzle and breech. Brass frames; central hammers; folding triggers; top safe- ties. Frames engraved with scrolls, safeties with chevron design, hammers as dolphins. Rounded grips finely inlaid with silver wire and engraved silver plates in motifs of vases of growing flowers. Blank silver name escutcheons. Silver butt-plates as lion masks. One hammer slightly chipped. (JIlustrated Plate 2) Snaphaunce Pistol; Italian, Early XVII Century. Pistol of rare type and high quality. Barrel half octagon, with slight carving. Stock of light wood with mountings of russet steel chiseled in low relief, with female busts, monsters and _ foliage. Lock of excellent quality, completely covered with carved work of skillful execution. Hammer and frizzen shafts carved as dolphins, hammer and frizzen screws and lockplate finial as faces. Pan cover knob as lion’s head. Below pan a somewhat unusual addition in form of stop against which cock rests when in discharged position. Interior of lock finely finished, edges of springs carved. (Illustrated Plate 2) 25 256 257 258 259 260 Snaphaunce Pistol; Dutch (?), Early XVII Century. A CHARMING SPECIMEN OF ONE OF THE RAREST FIREARM TYPES. Brass barrel, half octagon, elaborately carved with conventional motives. Steel top strap. Walnut stock with fittings of carved brass. Ramrod with ebony tip. Good lock, with cock, lockplate, and frizzen shaft neatly engraved with scroll motives. Lock is complete with flint and entire pistol is in perfect working order. (Illustrated Plate 2) Three-Barreled Flintlock Pistol; Italian, XVIII Century. Stock of wood covered with ivory, once decorated with arabesques in gold. Barrels and lockplate richly decorated with gold inlay in floral designs and arabesques; the three barrels are discharged simultaneously by the single flint and steel. 7 VERY RARE FORM. (Illustrated Plate 2) Flintlock Tinder Box; Spanish (?), XVII Century. Entirely of russet steel, the hollow handle inlaid with silver azzimina in scroll design. Tinder carried in rear portion projects into pan where it is ignited; a door in the side gives access to the tinder com- partment. (Illustrated Plate 2) Flintlock Pistol, Four-Barrel; English, Middle XVIII Century. Barrels in superimposed pairs; numbered 20-23, round, muzzle rifling for wrench for unscrewing for loading. Steel frame; revolvy- ing cylinder operated by latch on left side permits firing of upper two barrels alone, lower pair after the upper have been fired, or all four simultaneously. Adjustable frizzen-spring; central cock with sliding safety. Plain black wood grip slightly enlarged at butt, with silver butt-plate bearing hall marks, and blank silver name shield. Frame bears traces of engraving and name Whitney; proof marks on under frame behind barrels. (Illustrated Plate 2) Flintlock Revolving Pistol; German, XVIII Century. Mahogany stock with pierced metal cap decorated with engraved scrolls at butt; the four barrels are bound at the muzzle by a quatre- feuille band and revolve on a small shaft at the breach; at the under side near the trigger is a small latch which liberates the barrels when necessary to revolve them, which is done by hand. AN EXCEEDINGLY INTERESTING EXAMPLE OF AN EARLY REVOLVER. (Illustrated Plate 2) 26 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 Double-barrel Flintlock Pistol; Italian, Late XVII Century. Superimposed half-octagon barrels separated by wooden forestock. Brass mounts carved and engraved. Butt-plate with bust in low relief. Lock with sliding false pan bottom permitting first upper, then lower barrel to be fired. Frizzen-spring and ramrod missing. (Illustrated Plate 2) Leg-handled Percussion Pistols (pair). Browned barrels of fine twist screwed to frame, rifled entire length with many fine grooves. Hammers at right side of top of frame; folding triggers. Frames and triggers engraved with floral scrolls; carved and fluted leg handles of fine Circassian walnut; steel butt- plates. (Illustrated Plate 2) Flintlock Tinder Box, XVIII Century. Slightly carved wooden grip, ball butt. (Illustrated Plate 2) Double-barrel Percussion Pistols (pair); English, Early XIX Century. Superimposed barrels of fine Damascus twist, rifled at muzzle for insertion of wrench to unscrew from frame. Two hammers; single folding triggers. Frames engraved with flowers and scrolls; carved ebony grips; steel butt-plates. Proof marks on under frame behind barrels, and number 938. (Illustrated Plate 2) Calthrops (three) ; Swiss, XV Century. Four pointed, so arranged that one is always up when the calthrop is placed on the ground. (Two Illustrated Plate 3) Spurs (three) ; Spanish, XVIII Century. Grooved spirally, pierced and ornamented with brass inlay; blunt rowel rays. (Illustrated Plate 3) Spurs (pair) ; Spanish, XVII Century. Of white metal : decorated with feather design; ean shell pattern on hasps for the straps. (Illustrated Plate 3) Dagger; German, XIX Century. Grip of bone panels divided by gilded steel strips running longitudin- ally; gilded faceted pommel; straight guard, with expanded tips; double-edged blade grooved on both sides, blunt point. (Illustrated Plate 3) “28 269 270 aaa 212 273 Knife and Stiletto Combined. Probably Basque or from the Pyrenees, About 1840. Bone or ivory grip, with brass ferrules at the ends and brass strips running longitudinally. Covering the blade is a steel sheath, the shape of a table knife, and when the sheath is in place it can be used as a table knife. By pressing on the top of the sheath near the grip a concealed spring is depressed and the sheath can be drawn from the inner blade or stiletto proper, which is 514 inches long, 34 inch wide at the grip, and runs rapidly to an acute point. One side of the blade is inscribed: SOI / DFENSOR / DMIDUENO (Be thou defender of me Dueno). Both ends of blade and sheath are orna- mented with delicate punched work. From the Wright Collection. (Illustrated Plate 3) Left-Handed Dagger; Italian, XVII Century. With single-edged blade 14% ins. long, notched at the back and with an oval depression on the ricasso; quillons straight, ringed, and ending in flattened button-shaped ends. Guard triangular, pierced, and decorated with sun, mask and figures. Grip wire-bound; pom- mel a flattened sphere chiseled with floral design. From the collection of the Deputy Conti of Milan. (Illustrated Plate 3) Bayonet; Spanish or Sicilian, XVII Century. Blade of steel, 834x1% ins., tapers to a point; channeled with three converging grooves, and at the upper end chiseled with a grotesque figure of a lion on one side and two grotesque human figures on the other; hilt, of brass, is ornamented at the point where it joins the blade with an archaic human face in relief, and on the cylindrical part, pierced with floral designs and two grotesque human figures, and engraved with floral scrolls. (Illustrated Plate 3) Dirk; Scottish, XVIII Century. Brass hilt decorated with braid ornamentation; blade 15 ins. long, ornamented with engraving, is double-edged near point. (Illustrated Plate 3) Cinquedea; Italian, in style of XV Century. Hilt ornamented with acanthus design and inlaid with ivory carved with dolphins and foliation; drooping quillons decorated with foliage in relief ; blade, 1812x334 ins, with two shallow grooves at the lower part ornamented with arabesques; the upper part of blade engraved, —on one side, the Three Graces, on the reverse, the Judgment of Paris. From the Panciatichi-Ximenes Collection (Florence, 1902; Lot 363. Illus.) (Illustrated Plate 3) 29 274 215 276 ZL 278 279 280 281 282 Dagger; Italian, 1580. Wire-wrapped grip capped with iron pommel ; quillons curve in oppo- site directions; flamboyant blade, 61% ins. long. (Illustrated Plate 3) Large Plug Bayonet and Sheath; Spanish, XVII Century. Horn grip mounted with silver; blade, single-edged and backed, and with the words RocuateGu and To tosa; sheath of tortoise shell with silver mounts. (Illustrated Plate 3) Dagger. Blade 6 ins. long. Stiletto form; hilt ornamented with bosses; blade mounted in punched work. (Illustrated Plate 3) Dagger and Sheath; German, XVI Century. Hilt and mountings of sheath decorated with figures of mounted men and floral designs, and with traces of gilding; blade of triangu- lar section. (Illustrated Plate 3) Hunting Knife, or Dagger. Antennae pommel. Made by an Alaskan Indian by rubbing down a broad file on a stone; grip bound with a deerskin thong. (lllustrated Plate 3) Sword Pommels (five). Italian, XIII Century. German, XVI Century. (Four Illustrated, Plate 3) Powder Flask; German, 1600. Of wood painted black; bound at corners with steel bands and deco- rated with steel rosette; original cord and tassels. (Illustrated Plate 4) Powder Flask; Italian, About 1575. Bone; of unusual size; entire surface engraved; on the sides are hunting scenes and on the rest of the surface, geometrical and floral and foliage designs; on one side is an iron plate to which are attached rings, with a broad band of linen and silk for slinging the flask over the shoulder; on the two other sides are small metal staples having attached to them a cord with tassels. This flask was probably carried by the chief huntsman to supply powder io a hunting party. (Illustrated Plate 4) WHEELLOCK SPANNERS OF GREAT RARITY AND EXCEPTIONALLY FINE QUALITY Primer and Spanner Combined; Italian, XVII Century. Of steel, engraved with foliate design. From the Baron de Cosson collection. (Illustrated Plate 4) 31 283 284 285 286 288 289 290 Spanner; Italian, XVII Century. Near the end of the grip is a pierced rosace which merges into a screw driver. (Illustrated Plate 4) Spanner; Italian, XVII Century. Near the end of the grip is a pierced rosace which merges into a screw driver. (Illustrated Plate 4) Powder Horn; Swiss, XVI Century. Of bone ornamented with concentric circles on one side, on the other a hunting scene done in sgraffito work. (Illustrated Plate 4) Primer and Spanner of Horn. The primer spout in form of a cock’s head, and cap with screw driver of gilt copper. XVII century. (Illustrated Plate 4) Primer and Spanner with faceted sides. Spanner and Screw Driver. (2). (Illustrated Plate 4) Grenade Mortar; Swiss (Bernese), XVII Century. Flintlock. Stock of walnut, mounted with brass, engraved in two places with the monogram TMR and has the arsenal number (261) indented on it; brass barrel 9 ins. long, with 2-in. bore; at the breech the bore is narrow to form a chamber for the charge of powder. From the arsenal at Berne. (Illustrated Plate 4) Small Sporting Rifle; German, About 1610. Stock of mahogany. On left side of butt, carved in relief, figure of stag feeding from a tree; also ornamented with arabesques and brass plates. Octagonal rifled barrel. Lock originally a wheellock, but changed to a percussion lock, probably early in the last century. Part of the spring of the former hammer and part of the pan also, remain, and the percussion hammer has been placed so that it falls towards the face when the rifle is at the shoulder, or in the reverse direction from the usual position. Bought in Nuremberg; when box was opened for the spanner, a brittle and faded yellow paper was found with an inscription in German, which translated, read: “This gun was used by John Willnen at the battle of Seidlung, 1705. A youth's — for the last time.” (Illustrated Plate 4) Prodd and Hunting Crossbow; Swiss, XVIII Century. Walnut, carved with scroll ornamentation. Gun stock and trigger have been repaired; front and rear sights. (Illustrated Plate 4) 32 291 Windlass Crossbow; Flemish, XVII Century, in style of XV Century. An excellent specimen of the most popular form of military cross- bow, that wound for firing by a detachable cord-and-pulley windlass. Developed in Gothic times, this form of crossbow remained para- mount for military purposes until the late X VII Century, the present specimen being a rather late example of the type. Great steel bow, 33 ins. long, 2% ins. wide, is attached to the stock by a bridle and stirrup russetted like the bow. Arrow track of brass, nut of horn. Large brass lockplates, and inlays. Lock of improved form with two triggers within long straight trigger-guard which imitates the single trigger of the Gothic crossbows. Stock of dark wood, with rear hand ridge and notch for thumb; when thumb is placed therein the projecting knuckle serves as the rear sight. Small inlay of bone; on brass at rear of nut the inscription: ANTONY VAN DER HEy- DEN. String modern, windlass also a restoration, but is an accurate copy. (Illustrated Plate 5) a 292 293 294 295 296 297 Bayonets, pair; French, XIX Century. For the Gras rifle. Long T-section blades, grips of wood, brass pommels which form part of grip. Forward drooping quillons, rear quillons as loops for rifle barrel. Blued steel scabbards. This weapon is remarkable for its excellent grip and balance; a finger under the tip of the quillon supports the bayonet in horizontal posi- tion. Both present specimens inscribed on backs of blades as made at St. Etienne arsenal in 1877 and 1878 respectively. Sapper’s Sword; French, XVIII Century. Bronze hilt and quillons; grip and pommel in form of an eagle's neck and head; straight quillons with enlarged ends. Blade, 29 ins. long, 1s two-edged, except for about 4 ins. down one edge near the quillons, where it 1s saw-edged; shallow channels on either side; the point curves to form a hook. Small Processional Axe; Italian, style of XVI Century. Crescent-shaped blade with semi-circular cutting face (edge and point broken); strong, slightly curved, rectangular beak; between beak and blade a rectangular part with opening for the haft, on it appear in relief two heads, probably Homer and Pindar. Blade and beak richly etched with floral designs and classical groups. Blade of Battle Axe. Blade, with curving face, is decorated with indented lines; the beak is four-sided and curved. Archer’s Shield; Bavarian, XV Century. Of wood covered with black leather; broad semi-circular median ridge; on the right side appear the heraldic arms of the city of Nuremberg. From the Meyer de Meyerfels Collection. (Illustrated Plate 6) Complete Suit of Armor; German. Representing type of about 1540. The BREASTPLATE, TACES AND BACKPLATE ARE AUTHENTIC and date about 1540. (Illustrated Plate 7) The suit consists of : 1. Helmet. Rounded bowl with roped median ridge at the base of which is riveted a plume-holder; visor with two slits for ocularia; below these on each side six rectangular spiracula; visor and chin piece are pivoted at the sides and held closed by spring pin. 2. Colletin. Collar of two hinged plates and gorget and nape de- fenses of two plates each. 3. Breastplate. German, 1540. Of globose form, with heavily cabled border and gussets; lance rest bolted to right side; placate riveted to lower part of breastplate; taces of four lames and tassets each of four lames. 34 297—Continued. 4. Backplate. German, XVI Century. Inward turned borders; bullet perforation. 5. Arm Defenses (pair). Shoulders of seven plates; rerebrace of two plates grooved so that they may turn about each other; elbows of three plates ; hinged vambrace. 6. Finger Gauntlets with pointed cuffs. 7. Thigh, Knee and Leg Defenses with blunt-toed sollerets. SE 298 299 300 301 Halberd; German; Dated 1402 (?). The cutting edge is straight for four inches when it inclines at an angle to form with the back edge an obtuse spike; straight back edge with triangular beak near its base; blade perforated by three circu- lar openings and at its lower corner stamped with a square mark in which are the words Marta Hitrr—“Mary Help’—and the date, 1402 (?). From the Zschille and Lord Archibald Campbell Collection. (Illustrated Plate 8) Halberd of Ferdinand, King of Hungary and Bohemia; Aus- trian, in the style of Coronation Halberds. Blade with convex cutting edge cusped on top and the lower side; opposite is a recurved beak; apical blade 14% ins. long, 2 ins. wide, tapering to a point, and strongly ribbed; on each side of blade is etched the ragged staff of Burgundy, above and below it links of the chain of the insignia of the Order of the Golden Fleece, on one side of the ragged staff the monogram F, and on the other, R, 2.e., FERNANDUS Rex. On each side of the beak the date 1558. Blade, spike, beak and straps richly etched with foliage. Shaft covered for about one-third of its length with velvet. From the Zschille Collection. (Illustrated Plate 8) Gothic War Hammer; German, in the style of XV Century. Hammer of diamond section, the lower ends cusped so that four points are formed, opposite which a slightly curved beak of diamond section of type known as bec de faucon; hammer and beak forged of one piece with the straps along the haft. Above is a short, strong spike, diamond section, which bifurcates and clasps middle of the hammer. The parts are secured to haft by a rivet which has a pyra- midal head on one side, and an eyed peg on the other which is per- forated for the purpose of fastening the arm to the belt of the knight. Haft shod with steel spike at base. From the von Berthold Collection, Dresden. (Illustrated Plate 8) Double-Bladed Besieging Axe; Probably Swiss, XV Century. Blades forged from one piece of steel, the edges slightly curved. On either side of blade is indented an armorer’s mark, shield shaped, with indecipherable letters or marks; over one of the marks appear the figures 1572, being, probably, the arsenal number. One side of blade decorated with punched work. Haft cylindrical, ringed at its upper end. (Illustrated Plate 8) Ad 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 Battle Axe; Swiss. Blade, with crescentic cutting edge, cusped on lower side and merg- ing at the back into a square-faced hammer. Short spike of four- sided section. Blade, hammer and haft socket engraved with scrolls and St. George and the dragon on one side, and an unknown coat of arms on the reverse. (Illustrated Plate 8) Pole Axe; In the style of the XV Century. Blade has straight cutting edge; on opposite side a hammer with quadrangular face with five rows of dentated projections; lateral spikes and apical spike of diamond section; side straps forged in a single piece with apical spike. (Illustrated Plate 8) Morgenstern or “Morning Star’; Swiss, XV Century. An iron sphere, with twelve pyramidal projecting points, which «is attached by a chain 18 ins. long to a short wooden shaft. (Illustrated Plate 8) Tilting Shoulder; German, in the style of 1550. For left shoulder; perforated with a circular opening for stud bolt. . (Illustrated Plate 9) Colletin and Tassets; Italian, in Style of XVI Century. Collar of one plate each hinged at the side; gorget and nape defense of three plates each; shoulder defenses of two plates each; etched with medallions and trophies of arms. Pair of tassets etched with similar designs. (Illustrated Plate 9) Gauntlets (pair) ; German, in style of XVI Century. Pointed cuff with roped border; knuckle and metacarpal plates piv- oted at sides; hinged thumb; fingers of overlapping scales. (Illustrated Plate 9) Colletin; Nuremberg, XVII Century. Russeted steel; of two plates, with mark of Nuremberg. (Illustrated Plate 9) Backplate; Italian, XVII Century. Shaped to fit the shoulder blades; sunken bands follow the borders which are roped. (Illustrated Plate 9) Colletin; German, in Style of XVI Century. Gorget and nape defenses of one plate each with roped upper border. (Illustrated Plate 9) 39 311 312 aio 314 O15 316 Sb Half Bowl of Helmet; English, XVII Century. Fluted. (Illustrated Plate 9) Holder for Rushlight; English, XVII-X VIII Century. (Illustrated Plate 9) Lantern; Swiss, XVII Century. Cylindrical, with conical fluted top, revolving front, and an opening in the bottom for holding the lantern on the point of a halberd. The handle covered with leather thong. Such lanterns were used at the escalade of Geneva in 1602 (cf. Emile Demole, Souvenirs de lescalade de 1602). (Illustrated Plate 9) Suit of Armor (Composed); German, XVI Century; in Maxi- milian style. Consists of : Helmet: Rounded bowl, with twisted comb, on each side of which rows of fluting, and at base of bowl a plume-holder; visor and men- tonniere pivoted at sides; base of bowl and mentonniere grooved so that helmet could turn about the gorget. Colletin of four plates held together with straps and sliding rivets; collar with roped border, the gorget and nape plates decorated with rows of fluting. Breastplate: Of globose form, with heavily roped turnover and gussets; stamped with mark of Nuremberg and_ semi-circular armorer’s mark. Backplate: Shaped to fit the shoulder blades; garde-reins of one plate. Arm Defenses (Pair): Shoulders of six plates and upright shoul- der guard; rerebrace of two plates grooved so that they may turn about each other; elbow of three plates; hinged vambrace. Miton Gauntlets (Pair): Decorated with rows of fluting and roped knuckle defense. Thigh and Knee Defenses and Blunt-toed Sollerets are fluted ; hinged leg defenses. (Illustrated Plate 10) Right-hand Brass Knuckles; American, Early XIX Century. Unusual pair of early brass knuckles, not cast of soft brass in the usual way, but carved by hand from a solid piece of bar iron. Care- fully made to fit the right hand of a man whose fingers must have been unusually delicate. Russet patina. Brass Knuckles. Of cast iron, for either right or left hand. Boots (pair); in style of XVII Century. Of soft leather. 41 318 319 320 fe onl oes 323 324 325 326 S27 328 329 Lock and Six Keys; English, XV-XVI Century. Of different types. Two of the handles ornamented with pierced design. Spurs (five); French, XVII Century. Foliate and star-shaped rowels. Spurs (ten); XVII Century. Including three hinged spurs and a pair of box spurs. Spurs (pair); Arabian (?), XVII Century. Straight sides and long points. Stirrups (two); Persian, XVII Century. One of steel and one of brass; attached to each at the side is a small rowel spur. | Bit, Stirrup and Two Horseshoes. Found in the year 1840 while excavating for the foundation of the docks at Cherbourg. From the M. Eugene Boban and John Clements Collections. Basket Stirrups (pair); German, XVII Century. Stirrups (two); French, 1520. Steel; decorated with grooves and channels. Barbute; in Style of XV Century. Russet surface; rounded bowl with median ridge; inverted U-shaped face opening. (Illustrated Plate 11) Morion: German, in the style of XVI Century. Rounded bowl with high comb; drooping and upturned brim; entire surface is etched with St. George and St. Martin, and the comb is etched on each side with jousting scenes. (Illustrated Plate 11) Helmet (Armet-a-Rondelle): German, in the style of KV Century. Ovoid bowl with median ridge extending down the back to a wide band; reinforcing plate fits over forepart of bowl; hinged cheek pieces ; pivoted visor; mentonniere with bib plate. (Illustrated Plate 11) Bascinet: In Style of XV Century. Conical bowl; inverted U-shaped face opening; stud in forehead region intended to secure visor hinge; row of staples for securing camail follows side and lower borders. (Illustrated Plate 11) 43 330 331 332 ape 334 335 Bascinet: Italian, 1575. Pear-shaped bowl, terminating in small stem, is forged in one piece; embossed with battle scenes partly inlaid with silver, on each side. This is an authentic specimen, but the ornamentation is of a later date. (Illustrated Plate 11) Complete Suit of Armor (Composed): German, in the Style of 1550. Consisting of : Helmet: Bowl, with roped comb, visor and mentonniere pivoted at sides; to base of bowl is riveted hollow heavily cabled border. Colletin of three plates each front and back; the Nuremberg guild mark stamped on lower front plate and on inside of this plate the letter N (Nuremberg) encircled with pearled border. Breastplate: German, 1580. With pointed tapul and laminated gus- sets, the right one of which does not belong; upper border and gus- sets have roped: turnovers; on each side of breastplate an ornamented peg for securing shoulder straps of backplate; waist defense of three lames modern. Backplate: Slight median ridge down the lower half and ridge on each side; corded borders; waist defense of one lame riveted to base. Arm Defenses: Shoulders of five plates with upright guard; rere- brace of two plates; elbows of three plates; hinged vambrace; miton gauntlets with bell-shaped cuffs, the upper one embossed for the ulna, roped knuckle defense, metacarpal defense of six pivoted plates, finger defense of five plates, thumb of overlapping scales. Rondelle strapped to right shoulder. Tassets of eight plates; the lower four plates are detachable so that half or full tassets could be worn. Thigh, Knee and Leg Defenses with blunt-toed Gace these are extremely well made. The flexibility of the knees and sollerets is noteworthy. Note: THE BREASTPLATE, BACKPLATE, HELMET BOWL AND FRONTAL PLATES OF COLLETIN ARE GENUINE. (Illustrated Plate 12) Chin Defense (Mentonniére): XV Century Type. Face defense of one plate and gorget of one plate pivoted at the sides. Gauntlets (five): German, in Style of XVI Century. Two pairs and one odd gauntlet. Shield. Oval; of iron, etched with a floral scroll design; in the center a brass bosset ornamented with fleur-de-lys. Barred Visor of Helmet: Italian, XVII Century. With traces of gilding. 45 336 So 338 339 340 341 342 Top Plate of Chamfron [Tetiére]: German, 1550. It retains the shank of hinge by means of which it was secured to horse’s face defense. Archer’s Salade: XV Century Type. Forged in two pieces soldered together in the center. With lining. Cabasset: Late XVI Century. An authentic specimen. Unusually tall pear-shaped bowl terminat- ing ina curved stem; drooping and upward curved brim. The helmet has been rusted through in many places. Processional Pole Arm Head: Venetian, in style of XVI Cen- tury. Of hee socket with a relief of serpent crawling spirally around it; above it are, on one side the head of a lion, on the other the head of a ram; apical blade, beak and crescent-shaped blade entirely cov- ered with reliefs of eagles, floral designs, masks, etc., and on one side is the Doge’s cap, on the other the winged lion of St. Mark and the figure of St. John (or St. Theodore). Short Sword: Japanese, XIX Century. Wakizashi, (the shorter of the Japanese pair of swords, reserved for self-protection indoors, and for ceremonial suicide). Blade rusted and cleaned, showing laminated structure. Scabbard of black lacquer, with plain fittings (no kozuka). Hilt of same with wrapping of blue cord; gilt karashishi menuki. Fuchi-kashira also gilt with conven- tional engraving. Guard of shakudo, mokko shape; inlaid in gold and silver are the lucky ship with four of the shicht fukujin (the seven Gods of good luck) and the tortoise and crane (7) (symbols of longevity), against a nanako background. Thigh, Knee and Leg Defenses; Sollerets and Gauntlets. German, in style of about 1500. The knees ornamented with a sunken six-pointed star. Sollerets of Gothic form. Fingered gauntlets. (6). (Leg Portion Illustrated Plate 13) Neck and Chin Defense; Thigh, Knee and Leg Defenses; Gauntlets. German, in style of about 1540. Fingered gauntlets; thigh of two plates with heavily cabled upper borders; knee defense of four plates, the main one with fanplate; leg defenses of two hinged plates; sollerets of eight plates. These pieces are well made and their flexi- bility is worthy of note. (Leg Portion Illustrated Plate 14) 46 Ive “ON cvs “ON 343 344 345 Suit of Armor: Japanese, Mid XVIII Century. Good specimen of war armor as worn by Samurai for actual service; not to be confused with the armor often found made of lacquered leather and cloth, intended for parade. All parts authentic. Helmet (kabuto) of steel, lacquered black, dome shaped. Neck defense (shikoro) of four lames of steel, lacquered gold, and laced with cords of indigo blue. Rudimentary fukagayeshi. Lacquer of helmet and shikoro chipped. Mask (Ho ate) of steel, lacquered black on outside and red inside. Protects chin, cheeks and ears. Cheeks embossed with naturalistic wrinkles. Two pins for attachment cord (shinobi no 0), sweat tube (tsuyu otosht no kuda), and additional ventilation hole in chin. Flowing beard of grey horsehair. Cuirass (Do maru) of vertically riveted steel plates, in four sec- tions hinged together with opening at right-hand side. Breastplate with upper horizontal panel attached by laces. Surface of cuirass lacquered to imitate rusted iron, with designs as though in flush inlay of other metals. On breastplate an Arhat (Rakan) riding a dragon, in lacquer inlay of gold, silver, and copper. On backplate Sanscrit invocations to Fudo, the god of War. To upper sides of cuirass are attached five separate plates, covered with stamped leather and with gilded rim. Backplate has holders for banner. Shoulder guards (Sode) of seven lames, each with two hinges, mak- ing a very flexible defense. Lacquer and lacing en suite, one with original brocade lining. Sleeves (Kote) of chain mail, over cloth, with forearm guards, gauntlets, and ornaments of plate. Thigh guards (kusazguri) in six sections of five lames each, brown lacquered and laced with blue cord. The outermost cord on each section of white, black, brown, and blue. Leg guards (Tsune ate) in three splints hinged vertically, with knee protection of quilted leather. Stand not included. (Illustrated Plate 15) Suit of Japanese Armor, Helmet and Masque. Bronze helmet, red lacquered masque and gorget, adjustable breast and back plates of black lacquered wood tied with brown and white cords; arm and leg guards chain and thin plates sewed to soft white leather, and thigh guards similar to the breast plate. There are two sockets in the middle of the back plate to hold the short flag with the watrior’s mon or crest. Suit of Japanese Armor. Similar to the preceding, but the breast plate and thigh guards are of red lacquer. Lacking the arm guards, and with short gyves instead of the long leg guards. The neck plates are of gold lacquer, and the ridges of the helmet are gilded also. A fine decorative suit of armor. 48 346 4] 348 349 350 ao8 352 303 Japanese Sword and Sheath. L. 25 ins. Sharkskin hilt, wrapped with green cord, the menuki of gold bronze. The sheath of black lacquer dusted with pearl, and complete with Kogai or short knives. Iron quatrefoil guard touched with gold, showing two men under pine trees. A fine blade in good condition. Japanese Sword and Sheath. L. 30 ins. A very fine blade, though unsigned. The wavy line where the hard cutting edge is welded to the softer steel back being very noticeable. Sharkskin grip, the menuki of gold bronze. Two short grooves near the hilt, lacquered scarlet. Quatrefoil shibuichi guard, with orange- peel background and gold bronze rim, obverse and reverse co-ordi- nating of birds and workmen. Maroon lacquer sheath having an ‘iron shoe inlaid with gold and silver wire inscriptions. Japanese Sword and Sheath: Signed. L. 35 ins. Sharkskin grip, a beautifully watered signed blade. Very old iron guard, observe and reverse co-ordinating, with a shibuichi tree and a silver bird. Ribbed black lacquer sheath. Gold bronze menuki in the shape of dragons. *A HANDSOME AND IMPORTANT SIGNED JAPANESE LONG SWORD. Japanese Sword and Scabbard. L. 23%, ins. Complete with Kogai, or short knife. Sharkskin hilt, the menuki (lit- tle ornaments stuck in the cord to keep it taut) of gold bronze; the blade needs cleaning; pierced iron guard, obverse and reverse co- ordinating, of open fans; the sheath of dull lacquer with orange peel gold bronze shoe and band. Two Handed Japanese Ivory Sword. L. 42 ins. Hilt and scabbard of ivory, carved in high relief with hunters, ladies, animals, children, etc., etc. (needs slight repair). Thin blade with a pronounced scimitar-like curve. Ivory Short Sword or Dagger. L. 15% ins. Ivory hilt and sheath carved in low relief with bearded priests by a waterfall. Interesting short blade apparently ground down from an old sword blade. Pair Japanese Fencing Masks. Wicker work, with padded head band, cheek and chin pieces, for use in exhibitions of sword play. Three Japanese Spears or Pikes. L. 6 ft., 7 ins. Old sword blades, 1. 25 and 18 ins., mounted on long wooden shafts complete with their original guards, and bound with red lacquered parent) ). *Sold one with the privilege of all three at the same price, if desired. 49 354 Soo 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 Very Ancient Japanese Helmet. An iron helmet with a curious high crown, studded with bosses and coated with black lacquer (cracked and missing in places), with a lobster-plate neckpiece held together with green cords. Chinese Twin Swords, Leather Sheath. L. 20 ins. Short blades, two inches wide at the hilt. Teakwood grips, with European style steel guards. Blades need cleaning. Pair of Japanese Wrought Iron Sleeve Armor. Mounted on a panel, showing inlay in gold bronze of the kiri crest with scrolls. Japanese War Mask. Wrought iron, with nose guard and red lacquer lining. Japanese War Mask. Wrought iron, with nose guard. Throat guard of lacquer and bro- cade. Japanese War Mask. Wrought iron with nose guard. Lined with red lacquer. Japanese War Mask. Wrought iron, with nose guard and moustache. Throat guard. Lined with red lacquer. Japanese War Mask. Wrought iron, with separate nose guard with moustache. No throat guard. Lined with red lacquer. Japanese War Mask. Red lacquer, with nose guard and moustache. No throat guard. Japanese War Mask. Black lacquer lined with red. Japanese War Mask. Wrought iron, with separate nose guard with moustache. Gilded wrought iron throat guard. Whole mask lined with red lacquer. Sword Cap Bands Sentoku bronze shakudo and shibuichi with gold and silver inlay in relief designs of a carp, birds on cherry boughs, dragons, inn and pliim tree, eters): VERY FINE, two are signed. Sword Cap Bands. Shakudo and shibuichi with gold and silver decoration in relief of a falcon, warriors, etc. (5). VERY FINE and one signed. 50 367 368 369 370 371 372 i 374 SES 376 377 Arrow Heads (Japanese). L. 7 ins. Steel, with points carved in Cherry Blossom, Maple Seed design, etc. (3). Long Arrow Heads (Japanese). L. 22 ins. Steel, with points having carved inserts as warriors, obverse co-ordi- nating (3). Two Canes: Japanese. One silver mounted lettered “City of Tokio, 1885’; and one of bamboo, the head as the God Hotei (2). Gold Mounted Bohemian Cavalry Sabre. Metal sheath; four blood-channels either side and a scroll inlay in gold from six inches from the hilt; pierced leaf guard and sharkskin wrapped grip. Ornate Japanese Pistol. L. 15 ins. Match lock. Barrel damascened with dragon in clouds in all over design. Clean and beautiful. (Illustrated Plate 16) Two Handed Japanese Sword. L. 39 ins. Scabbard in black egg-shell lacquer with the arms of the Ashikaga family. Blade of fine quality signed—Tsuba of the “Goto” type. Clean and in perfect order. (Illustrated Plate 16) Wakizashi—Japan. Tsuba in iron gilded at edge. Kodzuka of tempered steel with figure of a Yogi. Grip of white ray skin covered with braided leather. Fine. Complete. 3 Wakizashi—Japan. About 1750. Blade of fine quality. Signed. Grip of white ray skin covered with brown silk braid. Tsuba of iron, engraved. Kodzuka. Scabbard in black egg-shell lacquer, some of it chipped. A good blade. Japanese Lances. 18th Century. L. 6 ft., 7 ins. No two heads alike. Fine and complete, with rest points on butts. From the Imperial Arsenal, Tokio. Some tags still attached. (5). - Japanese Lances. 18th Century. L. 6 ft., 7 ins. No two heads alike. Fine and complete, with rest points on butts. From the Imperial Arsenal, Tokio. Some tags still attached. (5). Japanese Lances. 18th Century. L. 6 ft., 7 ins. No two heads alike. Fine and Complete, with rest points on butts. From the Imperial Arsenal, Tokio. Some tags still attached. (5). 51 378 Japanese Lances. 18th Century. L. 6 ft., 7 ins. No two heads alike. Fine and Complete, with rest points on butts. From the Imperial Arsenal, Tokio. Some tags still attached. (5). 379 Japanese Lances. 18th Century. L. 6 ft., 7 ins. No two heads alike. Fine and complete, with rest points on butts. From the Imperial Arsenal, Tokio. Some tags still attached. (5). 37! Phi IG 380 Maratta Shield. Diam. 15 ins. Early 19th Century. | Thick hardened leather lacquered in process so that leather is trans- lucent. Four bosses. Very fine. : (Illustrated Plate 16) Vane 381 382 383 384 385 386 Shield. Cashmere. Diam. 14 ins. 18th Century. In hardened leather covered with black lacquer, on which is a metallic lacquer all over leaf design, four bosses. Fine and in good order. Burmah Shield. Diam. 15 ins. 18th Century. Hardened leather covered with black lacquer. Four iron bosses and crescent eased with silver burrs. In good order. Italian Flint Lock Pistol. About 1715. L. 21 ins. Cal. .50. Long graceful pistol of high quality. Wonderfully preserved, work- ing order. Ramrod, fine. Ball butt. (Illustrated Plate 16) German Flint Lock Pistol. L. 21 ins. Cal. .69. About 1720. Huge ball butt. Steel mounted, high quality pistol in faultless col- lector’s condition. (Illustrated Plate 16) Ankus. L. 15 ins. 18th Century. Elephant goad with caribou horn grip. Beautifully forged and pierced. Perfect order and condition. (Illustrated Plate 16) Persian Battle Ax. L. 23 ins. 18th Century. Damascus steel head with forced and ornamented shaft in iron. _ Spike protruding above blade. Clean and fine. 387 388 388a 389 (Illustrated Plate 16) Persian Sabre. 18th Century. L. 37 ins. Damascus blade with Arabic inscriptions in gold. Scabbard encrusted with silver for five-sixths of its length. Grip of horn relieved with silver. Clean and fine. A high grade sword. (Illustrated Plate 16) Philippine Hunting Knife, and Scabbard. L. 15 ins. Marked “Tji K. B. 1901.’ Horn grip and german silver mounted. Clean and fine. Philippine Hunting Knife and Scabbard. L. 15 ins. Marked “Tji P. Tji 1905”. Brass mounted, engraved blade. Clean and fine. Five Old Flint Lock Pistols. Two American lock plates. North 1821 and North 1827. Two single shot cartridge pistols. Good for repair parts. a3 390 Ship Model: Frigate, 1812. L. 14, H. 10, W. 3. Ivory, Whalebone and Gold. Genuine original Model, purchased by Capt. Elias, Liverpool (the Great-Grandfather of the Owner), to help American Prisoners of the War of 1812 in Dartmoor Prison, England. RARE GENUINE MODEL IN PERFECT CONDITION, over a hundred years old which has remained under one roof in this country for the four generations; the masts, bow-sprit, yard-arms, flying jib, jib-top, the countless threads (black) as rope, the small boats of ivory hanging in the rigging; the cannon of bronze perfectly fashioned in miniature (29 large and 8 small to a side) ; capstan, etc., all executed with marvelous precision and efficiency. The joints in the masts and in the rudder or steering gear are of gold, the soft old green or “guinea gold” of the time. ONE OF THE FINEST GENUINE OLD SHIP MODELS EVER OFFERED FOR PUBLIC SALE. (See Frontispiece) 54 391 392 393 394 | 395 396 397 398 399 English Bronze Sun Cannon. Sun dial mounted on a beautifully chiseled and marked marble base with a finely modeled bronze cannon. At noon the cannon is fired by the direct rays of the sun through the burning glass. During the 18th Century these Sun Cannons were used in the gardens of the nobility and considered wonderful. Base 16 inches square. Length of cannon 7 inches. Very rare. (Illustrated Plate 17) Small Bronze Cannon and Carriage. Carriage and wheels are of bronze. Length of cannon 5 ins. Beauti- fully modeled piece. (Illustrated Plate 17) Hunting Horn. L. 20 ins. Metal tip; carved decoration surmounted by deer’s head in the same, beautifully marked in “moire” brown, grey and ivory. (Illustrated Plate 17) U. S. Gov. Flint Pistol. L. 14 ins. Cal. .50. Marked R. Johnson Middn. Conn. 1837. Model 1836. Fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 17) U.S. Gov. Flint Pistol. L. 14 ins. Cal. .50. Marked A. Waters Milbury Ms. 1840. Model 1836. Good condition. (Illustrated Plate 17) German Hunting Sword. Hilt finely engraved with lion’s head and semi-precious stones for eyes. Leather scabbard with hunting scene in gilt. FINE CONDITION. (Illustrated Plate 17) Very Fine Spanish Sword Cane. The cane of yellow wood has a silver band. Very slender highly tempered blade handsomely engraved and marked Toledo. In per- fect condition. (Illustrated Plate 17) Wheelock Gun. Period 1600. Finely engraved lock showing deer. Wood stock inlaid from butt to muzzle with ivory figures of men hunting and in combat with bears, 5 Om THE IVORY FIGURES ARE VERY FINE. (Illustrated Plate 17) American Percussion Sharpshooter’s Rifle. L. 48 ins. Weight 30 Ibs. | Telescope full length of barrel. German silver mountings with patch box. Used in the Civil War and in fine condition. (Illustrated Plate 17) 55 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 Lindsay Two Shot Single Barrel Percussion Musket. Two hammers side by side with one trigger. The first pull on the trigg er fired the first shot, the second pull. fired the other. .Rare and in good condition. (Illustrated Plate 17) Japanese Matchlock Gun, finely inlaid. L. 50 ins. VERY HANDSOME. With owner’s bronze mon or crest. The full length stock of finely polished and marked wood, each screw and cord hole mounted in carved brass as bamboo, cherry blossoms, or War-Drum; the octagon barrel with cup shaped end is inlaid in gold bronze and color with flaming War-Dragons and bursts of flaming smoke. No ramrod. (Illustrated Plate 18) Handsome Japanese Matchlock Gun. L. 50 ins. Similar to the preceding, but inlaid with stork in the reeds and rip- pling water and plum branches of victory on the octagon barrel; owner’s bronze “mon” or crest; also has a monogram cut under the grip. (Illustrated Plate 18) Japanese Matchlock Pistol. L. 24 ins. Polished dark red wood of fine grain; octagon barrel bronze mounts, one barrel sleeve missing supplied with threads; with “mon” or crest of the owner. (Illustrated Plate 18) Old Bronze Wall Cannon. L. 18 ins. Nicely modeled with iron pointed support for resting on the wall or ground. (Illustrated Plate 18) Javanese Silvered Kris with Silvered Sheath. L. 24 ins. Curved blade with a hammered soft silver and metal sheath in a native design but showing European influence (a thin sheet of silver and some base metal) ; silvered grip; very effective. (Illustrated Plate 18) Short Kris with Silvered Sheath. L. 18 ins. The grip in remarkable pierced native ivory carving; the guard of “tiger”? wood and the sheath a thin sheet of virgin silver. The blade is the usual ‘‘waved effect.” (Lllustrated Plate 18) Short Javanese Kris. L. 19 ins. Carved ivory grip as sharkskin (tip missing) and thin silvered sheath with belt hook. Bf 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 Short Javanese Kris. L. 20 ins. Carved redwood grip, burl guard, and thin silvered sheath. (Illustrated Plate 18) Two Javanese Daggers. L. 11 ins. Carved bone grip, pierced blade as flame; one dug up in Java about 500 years old, with native iron grip as a man and burl wood sheath. (2). Javanese Kris and Native Wood Sheath. L. 30 ins. Plain saw handle grip and curved blade. Javanese Kris. Native Wood Sheath. L. 23 ins. Shaped grip for grasping with flattened ball pommel of wood; the blade quite wickedly roughened at the edge. Borneo Sword. L. 25 ins. Hard wood grip shaped as a duck’s head with open mouth, brass mount and blade 3 inches wide at the end then sloping to a point. Tom-Tom from the Head-Hunters of Borneo. L. 35 ins. Hour glass shape, diam. at ends 8 ins., of very light weight wood painted and with carved design in white. Bold long handle to match. (Illustrated Plate 18) Native Inlaid Shield, from the Papo in New Guinea. L. 30 ins. Narrow at the centre with flaring ends, inlaid in a geometric pattern with mother of pearl, and 6 bold oval shells set at the centre. (Illustrated Plate 18) Javanese Bow. L. 56 ins. Hard black wood, inserted tip painted as claws, arrow rest wrapped in native cloth. Javanese Bow. L. 68 ins. Hard black wood, and wood sinew bow-string. Six Javanese Arrows or Spears. 5-ft. poles, leaf shaped native thin iron heads, long and short; bam- boo poles. (6). Short Spear from Bali. In a six-foot octagonal pole. Very interesting as the spear has octa- gonal sheath metal mounted to match the pole. Snake Skin, Cured and Flattened. L. 120 ins.; w., 7 ins. 59 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 Sacred War Masque from the Head-Hunters. Thin piece of wood carved and painted to represent a dragon, and mounted on a stick. Madura Wicker Fruit Jar. H. 6 ins.; diam. 10 ins. Urn shape, set in carved and gilded wood support. Wood Basin or Tray Inlaid with Pearl. 16x7x6. New Guinea dark wood thickly inlaid in a mosaic of pearl in geo- metric design. Javanese Carved Howo Bird and Stand. Stand 14x7; height entire, 20 ins. A carved and painted double headed Mythological bird with dolphin tail and scales, carved of wood and barbarically painted and gilded on a finely wrought wood stand to match. ba? Madura Toilet Table and Native Mirror. “A carved and painted wood base supports a mirror (very crude) with winged supports and flaring carved, pierced and painted nim- bus. Height (entire) 24 inches. The stand has a small drawer with curious little wrought iron pull. Javanese Carved and Painted Wood Chest. 22x14x14. Contains three drawers divided into compartments, each with dif- ferent carved and gilded wood front. Javanese Carved and Painted Wood Chest from Madura. L. 36-ins.: -w. 18: ins); Hh 24 "ins: Wide lower drawer and two drawers above, with carved and painted wood front incised and gilded. The scroll feet and side drops are nicely carved and painted. Chinese Embroidered Squares. 12x16 ins. we Terra cotta brocade background, embroidered with figures and {TeCS. a eae Chinese Altar Frontal. 2 ft. 8 ins. by 14 ft. Heavy crimson silk, embroidered with flowers, trees and fantastic animals in gold and all color. Many colored silk fringe, studded with small metal disks. Large Piece of Chinese Brocade. 95 ins. by 41 ins. Dark crimson silk, heavily brocaded in silver. Charming design of stars and flowers. 60 430 431 432 493 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 Soemba Sarong of Embroidery. 20x77 ins. Tan ground embroidered in brown and blue butterflies. Embroid- ered border. Large Sumatra Silk Shawl. 39x92 ins. Red silk, with small plaid designs, and cream colored embroidery. Small ink stain. Sarong of Javanese Embroidery. 12x109 ins. Two shades of fuschia silk embroidered in an all-over design of silver thread. Silk fringes at each end. Javanese Hand Woven Sarong. 58x124 ins. in henna, brown, tan and blue. Design of camels. Fringe at each end. Bronze Figure of a Native Hindu Deity. H. 14 ins. Thin, ascetic; four arms wound with snakes, crown and flat nimbus bordered with snake forms. An ancient bronze dug up in Java. (Illustrated Plate 18) Pair Small Brass Jars or Bowls. H. 5 ins., diam. 7 ins. Round foot, serrated rims, desirable for small plant holders, 4 small holes in the base. Small Javanese Brass Tray with Pierced Gallery. D. 6 ins. Three low scroll feet. Small Bright Yellow Brass Bowl. D. 6 ins. Flat edge, slight etched design. French Carved Bronze Knocker. L. 9 ins. Shield for name, from which depend twisted Dolphins supporting a bearded Masque; mounted on a polished French Walnut panel. Sulternal French Telephone. In five pieces: Maker Fahnstock & Co. Costume. Military Costume of Turkey: 28 (should be 30) superb aquatint plates in colors, with text, unbound. Folio. Lond. M’Lean, 1818; original edition (lacks one page of text). Shooting. Weston (A. H.). The Rifle Club and Range. Jllustrated. Small 8vo. New York, 1879. 61 442 443 444 445 446 Sword. Italian, in Style of XIII Century. Wheel pommel with conical projections on each side; quillons are short, flattened, slightly drooping and cusped. Blade, 30%x2¥Y% in- ches, tapering abruptly to a slightly rounded point, is two-edged, of flattened section and channelled with shallow groove nearly its entire length; short tang. Sabre. American, 1810-1812. Pommel shaped to resemble eagle’s head, knuckle guard terminating in quillon with flat disk at end. Grip of wood. Blade 33 inches long, curved sabre type, single edge, broad, channel on either side nearly entire length; for about a foot from the hilt the blade is russeted and on the russeting in gilt, on one side, a trophy of arms, the American eagle bearing a shield, on its front, a bunch of arrows in one foot and an olive branch in the other, above it a cluster of seven- teen stars indicating the number of States in the Union at that date (about 1812); over these the national motto E PLurinus Unum, over this a wealth of laurel and a star. On the reverse the inscrip- tion: Honour anp My Country. Original Sheath of leather with brass mountings. Sword. French, in Style of XV Century. Flattened circular pommel, grooved around the edges; tapering grip, cord-wrapped ; quillons cusped, grooved, expanding at the center and slightly drooping; blade, 38x2 inches, tapering rapidly to a point, is strongly ridged. Dress Sword. French. End XVII Century. Pommel globular, decorated with gold piqué in nautilus pattern against russeted ground, the whole upon a background of gold damascene. Plain wooden grip; ecusson and pas dane en suite with pommel. Quillons broken, knuckle and hand guards lacking. Short double-edged blade of good quality, 29.9 in. long, .815 in. wide, grooved for six inches. At the end of grooves cross and double crescent mark, and in them the inscription To Epo. Sword. North Italian, End XV Century. Globular pommel en torsade; grip bound with twisted wire; droop- ing quillons twisted en suite with pommel; entire bronze hilt gilded. Blade lozenge-shaped in sections, 27.2 in. long and 2.48 in. wide; ornamented on both sides with punched design of -tooth semi-circles and dots; below these ornaments a deeply stamped star. Note: The blade is an object of the period; the hilt is of questionable au- thenticity. From the Zschille Collection (Christie’s, 1897, Lot 407). 62 447 448 449 450 Rapier. German, 1575. Hilt of highly developed swept form, of plain russeted steel, bars all of hexagonal section; pommel a tapered, faceted cylinder. Grip of braided, silvered wire over roped form; straight quillons. Ecusson ornamented with longitudinal grooves. Double-edged blade 44 in. long, 1.06 in. wide; of flattened hexagonal section with groove on each side in ricasso as well as blade proper for eight inches; in each of these grooves are drilled thirteen corresponding holes. L. (over 400/108. From the Dresden Collection. Sword. German (?), End XVIII Century. Bronze wheel pommel and grip of silver wire associated. Straight quillons of round section, knob ends. Blade 30.7 in. long, about 1.83 in. wide at hilt, double-edged, widening slightly, then tapering to sharp point; two broad shallow grooves on each side to 9% in. from point; armorer’s mark in brass on each side. Blade has been much rusted, but now in good cleaned condition. L. (over all) 36.6 ieee ted lbs.°3 OZ. From the de Cosson and Clements Collections. Sword with Scabbard. African, XIX Century. This sword was bought from the Tauregs in the Desert of Sahara; it is the type of sword still in use by that people, and is interesting because it is similar to the type of sword used in Europe in the ninth and tenth centuries; both grip and hilt, as well as the blade being like the early weapon. Bastard Sword. Spanish, XVI Century. Flattened ovoid pommel; grip wound with twisted wire and finished at the ends with braids of the same. Drcooping quillons twisted and terminating in flattened lobes, with punched ornamentation. Blade 43.9 in. long, 1.86 in. wide; two narrow deep grooves on each side for 18 in., terminating within engraved lines; within these grooves are opposed semi-circular marks and crosses, and in one appears the word Tortepo. Blade original, lengthened; hilt restored. 63 Season 1925-26 The Well-Chosen Library of Mr. George French of Montclair, N. J. Firearms, Edged Weapons and Books on Arms of Mr. John H. Meeks, of New Haven, Conn. Period Furniture, Paintings by Chase, Fine Bronzes, etc., of Mrs. Hilda Doederlein of the Chelsea Hotel, New York. ‘Collection of Books and Prints of the late John Davis | of Hannibal, Mo. ; A Fine Selection of Handsomely Bound Books, Hebraica, Etc. 7 ~~ o The Residue of the Stock of Prints of the late F. Meder, well-known Dealer and Expert. Early American Furnishings, Glass, Deuter Pine and Maple, Currier and Ives Prints, Bottles, Etc. The Sixth Part of the Dramatic Collection of the late Wm. Winter. Japanese Color Prints and Books from Private Col- lections, including those of Mr. Charles Weldon. — ‘Japanese Netsuke, Armor and Weapons. | Part III. Old Colored et ai Staffordshire, Brass and Bronze. Part IV. Etchings and Engravings of the Countess von Holstein-Rathlou, of Copenhagen. Part V. Water Colors and Drawings of the Same Lady, ie THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street, New York Holding Weekly Sales of Literary and Artistic Material THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 1925 Dec.3 NeWaB c.1 Walpole G/Arms and armor, edged w THNINMNUR 3 3125 01184 4179